DevAlienTool DEFINITION DevAlienTool; PROCEDURE Analyze; END DevAlienTool. Alien views are views which, for some reason, cannot be loaded correctly. The reason may be a programming error, e.g. a different number of bytes is read than was written, or it may be a version problem (an unknown version was detected). Usually however, the problem is that some code for the view cannot be loaded, because it is missing or inconsistent. The alien tool helps to analyze such problems. PROCEDURE Analyze Guard: StdCmds.SingletonGuard This command analyzes the singleton alien view, and opens a window with the textual analysis.
DevAnalyzer Overview DevAnalyzer can be applied just like the normal Component Pascal compiler for checking a program's syntactic and semantic correctness (it even uses the base modules of the Component Pascal compiler). In the examples below you can, for instance, remove a semicolon somewhere and DevAnalyzer will report the resulting syntax error. Click on any of the underlined blue warning messages to jump directly to the corresponding tutorial section. Warning message Number Explanation: item is ... Option neverused 900 never referenced in program default neverset 901 never assigned to default usedbeforeset 902 accessed before assigned to default setbutneverused 903 assigned to but never accessed default usedasvarpar,possiblynotset 904 passed as a varpar before assigned to VAR Par alsodeclaredinouterscope 905 also declared in outer scope Levels access/assignmenttointermediate 906 referenced in different scope Intermed. statementafterRETURN/EXIT 909 superfluous statement default forloopvariableset 910 changed, although being a loop variable default evaluationsequenceofparams 913 function call inside procedure call Side Effects superfluoussemicolon 930 semicolon before END, etc. Semicolons Introduction During the development of a program, many design iterations are made. The source text is changed repeatedly and enhanced, errors are corrected, output statements are inserted and removed again later. The programmer changes procedure bodies and thereby inserts variables that are later not needed anymore. Modules are imported for temporary purposes but later never used. To clean up such modules, which have evolved over time, DevAnalyzer has been developed. It is a "normal" Component Pascal compiler, which does a full syntactic and semantic analysis with error checking of the program at hand, but does not generate a symbol file or object code. Instead, it examines the program and reports problems in the code. The analysis takes place per module. Inter-module dependencies are not taken into account. Tutorial In the following sections, the different warnings generated by DevAnalyzer are explained in detail. A short source code example is given for illustration. To try out an example, simply click inside the embedded text view containing the example and select Analyze Module from the Info menu. You may also use the Analyzer Options... dialog. The Analyze button in the dialog has the same effect as Info->Analyze Module, i.e., both operate on the focus view. Definitions A program item (or item for short) denotes a construct of Component Pascal occurring in a declaration sequence. These are in particular: constants, types, variables, receivers, parameters, procedures, and modules. The terms variable, field, and parameter are used with their normal meaning. Default Warnings, Always Enabled Never Used An item declared in the source code but never referenced again is flagged as never used. Frequent examples of such items are variables in declarations that were copied over from other declarations, or modules. Except for modules, the occurrence of such an item can be deleted. Caution: Some modules in BlackBox Component Builder are imported because of a side effect in the module body, but are never used in the code. Be careful when removing module names from an import list. Typical examples are modules installing a new directory object in some base module. When analyzing the next example, you will see that the following items are marked as never used: StdLog, Size, the y field of record Rec, SameRec, Dont, and j in procedure Dont. MODULE NeverUsed; IMPORT StdLog; CONST N = 16; Size = 2*N; TYPE Rec = RECORD x, y: INTEGER END; SameRec = Rec; PROCEDURE Do; VAR r: Rec; BEGIN r.x := N; r.x := 2*r.x END Do; PROCEDURE Dont; VAR i, j, k: INTEGER; BEGIN k := 0; FOR i := 0 TO N-1 DO k := k+i END END Dont; BEGIN Do END NeverUsed. Set But Never Used An item that is initialized but never used again is marked as set but never used. Examples of such items are parameters of a procedure, which are set by definition but may never be used in the body of the procedure, because the programmer changed its implementation. Other examples are variables that were meant to be used in a loop or dummy variables to which a return value is assigned. Sometimes, these items are superfluous and can be deleted. In the following example, the y field of Rec, the k parameter, and the val variable of Proc are set but never used. MODULE SetButNeverUsed; TYPE Rec = RECORD x, y: INTEGER END; PROCEDURE Log2(u: INTEGER): INTEGER; VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN ASSERT(u > 0, 20); i := 0; WHILE u > 0 DO u := u DIV 2; INC(i) END; RETURN i END Log2; PROCEDURE Proc(i, j, k: INTEGER); VAR r: Rec; val: INTEGER; BEGIN r.x := i; r.y := j; val := Log2(r.x) END Proc; BEGIN Proc(5, 5, 5) END SetButNeverUsed. Used Before Set Variables and record fields, which are used before they are set denote possible errors in the program and are marked as used before set. Furthermore, the first usage of such a variable is marked (except for records and arrays). Not all warnings are errors, though: A variable, which is set in one branch of an IF statement inside a loop and used before this assignment is marked by DevAnalyzer, although the code might be correct. In the following example, variables r, i, and k and the first use of i and k are marked used before set. The usage and initialization of k might be correct, depending on the initial value of j. DevAnalyzer is not capable of tracking these dependencies, but flags dubious program parts so that the programmer takes a closer look at it. MODULE UsedBeforeSet; TYPE Rec = RECORD x, y: INTEGER END; PROCEDURE Proc; VAR r: Rec; i, j, k: INTEGER; BEGIN r.x := r.y; j := i+1; r.y := i*r.x; LOOP IF j > 10 THEN i := 2*k; DEC(j) ELSIF j > 5 THEN i := 3*k; DEC(j) ELSIF j = 0 THEN k := 1 ELSE EXIT END END END Proc; BEGIN Proc END UsedBeforeSet. Never Set A variable or a field of a record that never occurs on the left side of an assignment operator is marked as never set. This warning signals a real error in the program. It means that the variable or field is read but never gets a value assigned to. In the following example, the y field of Rec and the variable i of Proc are never set. Furthermore, the first use of i is flagged as used before set. MODULE NeverSet; TYPE Rec = RECORD x, y: INTEGER END; PROCEDURE Proc; VAR r: Rec; i, j: INTEGER; BEGIN r.x := i; j := r.x+r.y; j := 2*j END Proc; BEGIN Proc END NeverSet. For Loop Variable Set In a FOR loop, the loop variable should be read only, but never set. When a loop variable is set or passed to a procedure treating it as a VAR parameter (which might change the value of the parameter), the warning for loop variable set is issued. The first case usually is a programming error, whereas the second case needs to be looked at more closely. In the following example, the local variable i is changed by the INC statement, while the local variable j is passed to a procedure treating it as a VAR parameter. MODULE LoopVariables; IMPORT StdLog; PROCEDURE Init(VAR k: INTEGER); BEGIN k := 0 END Init; PROCEDURE Do; VAR i, j: INTEGER; BEGIN FOR i := 0 TO 9 DO StdLog.Int(i); INC(i) END; StdLog.Ln; FOR j := 0 TO 9 DO Init(j) END END Do; BEGIN Do END LoopVariables. Statement After RETURN/EXIT Statements following an EXIT or a RETURN statement are never executed and may therefore be removed. This is an obvious error, but sometimes such code can be the result of various design iterations, where many changes were made. The superfluous statements are marked as statement after RETURN/EXIT. In the following example, x := 0 in Sgn and i := i DIV 2 in Do are superfluous. MODULE ReturnExit; PROCEDURE Sgn(x: INTEGER): INTEGER; BEGIN IF x < 0 THEN RETURN -1; x := 0 ELSIF x = 0 THEN RETURN 0 ELSE RETURN 1 END END Sgn; PROCEDURE Do; VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN i := 15; LOOP IF Sgn(i) = -1 THEN EXIT; i := i DIV 2 ELSIF ODD(i) THEN i := 3*i+1 ELSE i := 2*i; EXIT END END END Do; BEGIN Do END ReturnExit. Warnings Enabled Using The Analyze... Dialog The following warnings are only generated, if the corresponding option in the Analyze... dialog is enabled. These options may be saved, reset to the default, or loaded with the various buttons in the dialog. When starting up, DevAnalyzer initializes itself with the last saved options. Additionally, DevAnalyzer counts the number of statements in a module and displays it in the dialog. This gives a very good measure for the complexity of a module, as it is independent of the formatting style. One statement is counted for one of the possible alternatives in the Statement production of the Component Pascal report. Used as Varpar, Possibly Not Set (VAR Parameter Option) An item that before being initialized is passed as an actual variable parameter to a procedure, might never be initialized. I.e., it cannot be guaranteed from outside the procedure that the item is set before used inside the procedure. Since this is not always an error but merely a fact of insufficient analysis, this warning is only issued when enabled through the VAR parameter option in the Analyze... dialog. The generated warning is used as varpar, possibly not set. In the following example, j is marked as used as varpar, possibly not set, while i is not marked since it is initialized in Do. MODULE VarPar; PROCEDURE Varpars(VAR i: INTEGER; VAR j: INTEGER; k: INTEGER); BEGIN i := 5; j := 6; k := 7*k END Varpars; PROCEDURE Do; VAR i, j, k: INTEGER; BEGIN i := 1; k := 2; Varpars(i, j, k) END Do; BEGIN Do END VarPar. Analysis of Exported and Intermediate Items (Exported Items and Levels Option) Items, which are exported are not subjected to analysis (used before set, never used etc.). If these items should be included in the analysis, enable the Exported items option. Local items, which are declared in a different scope are excluded from the analysis as well. It cannot be determined efficiently, if an item is initialized in a local procedure, for instance. Enable the Levels option in the Analyze... dialog to include such items in the analysis. In the following example, analyzing without these options enabled will give no warnings. When you enable the options, however, the exported procedure Do is marked as never used, the local variable k is marked as never set, and its use in Local is marked as used before set. MODULE ExportLevel; CONST Local = 5; VAR i: LONGINT; PROCEDURE Do*; VAR i, j, k: INTEGER; PROCEDURE Local(i: INTEGER); BEGIN j := i+k END Local; BEGIN j := 0; FOR i := 0 TO 7 DO j := j+i END; Local(j) END Do; BEGIN i := 0; i := i+Local END ExportLevel. Also Declared in Outer Scope, Access/Assignment to Intermediate (Intermediate Items Option) Reusing names of items declared outside the current scope can lead to confusion, especially when looking at the code after some time. To mark these items, the warning also declared in outer scope is issued when encountering such an item. Also, assigning to or using an item from a different scope can be erroneous, as one might think that a global item is changed or accessed. Therefore, such assignments or uses are marked as access/assignment to intermediate. The Intermediate items option in the Analyze... dialog controls this feature. In the following example, the local variable i, the local procedure Local, and the parameter i of Local are marked as also declared in outer scope. The assignment to j and the use of k in Local are marked as access/assignment to intermediate. MODULE Intermediates; CONST Local = 5; VAR i: LONGINT; PROCEDURE Do; VAR i, j, k: INTEGER; PROCEDURE Local(i: INTEGER); BEGIN j := i+k END Local; BEGIN j := 0; FOR i := 0 TO 7 DO j := j+i END; Local(j) END Do; BEGIN i := 0; i := i+Local; Do END Intermediates. Evaluation Sequence of Params. (Side Effects Option) As the evaluation sequence of parameters in a procedure call is not defined in Component Pascal, function calls in parameter lists are problematic, if the functions have side effects on the global state. Therefore (and for other reasons), functions with side effects should be avoided (at least calling them in parameter lists). E.g., a function call returning a value, which in turn is passed as a parameter to a procedure, and which might change the global state of which some variable is used again in the parameter list, depends heavily on the evaluation sequence. DevAnalyzer marks this problematic code with evaluation sequence of params.. Enable the Side Effects option in the Analyze Options... dialog for this analysis. In the example, function F changes the global variable x. The result of F and x are used in the procedure call writing out the values. Try this code on two different machine architectures or using two different Component Pascal compilers, and compare the results. MODULE Evaluation; IMPORT StdLog; VAR x: INTEGER; PROCEDURE F(): INTEGER; BEGIN INC(x); RETURN x END F; PROCEDURE Write(a, b: INTEGER); BEGIN StdLog.Int(a); StdLog.Int(b); StdLog.Ln END Write; BEGIN x := 5; Write(x, F()) END Evaluation. Superfluous Semicolon (Semicolons Option) This warning is for the programmer with aesthetic ambitions (or simply for picky people). It marks superfluous semicolons in the code, i.e. semicolons before END or other statement-ending symbols. These semicolons are marked with superfluous semicolon. Enable it with the Semicolons option in the Analyze Options... dialog. Try it out and see for yourself. MODULE Semicolons; TYPE R = RECORD x: INTEGER; END; PROCEDURE Do(i: INTEGER); VAR j: INTEGER; r: R; BEGIN IF i < 0 THEN j := -1; ELSIF i = 0 THEN j := 0; ELSE j := 1; END; REPEAT DEC(i); UNTIL i = 0; CASE j OF | -1: r.x := 17; | 0: r.x := 3; r.x := 2*r.x; ELSE i := 0 END; END Do; BEGIN Do(28); END Semicolons. Stefan H.-M. Ludwig 24 March 1998
DevBrowser DEFINITION DevBrowser; PROCEDURE ImportSymFile (f: Files.File; OUT s: Stores.Store); PROCEDURE ShowInterface (opts: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE ImportCodeFile (f: Files.File; OUT s: Stores.Store); PROCEDURE ShowCodeFile; END DevBrowser. The browser shows the interface of a module or of an item in a module. It extract the necessary interface information out of the module's symbol file. A symbol file contains only minimal information, it doesn't contain comments nor does it retain information about the textual order in which a module's item have been defined (their display is sorted alphabetically). For records, the browser only shows newly introduced fields and procedures (or procedures redefined with covariant function results). You can follow the record type hiearchy to the base type by applying the browser command again on the base type name in the record declaration. The browser is also able to decode a code file and to display important information about the code file. In particular, the imported items (types, procedures, etc.) are shown to indicate on which features provided by other modules a given module depends (sometimes called the "required interface" of a module, in contrast to the "provided interface", i.e., the exported functionality of the module). Both browser functions are available also as importers (-> Converters), which can be installed with the following statements for example in StdConfig.Startup: Converters.Register("DevBrowser.ImportSymFile", "", "TextViews.View", "OSF", {}); Converters.Register("DevBrowser.ImportCodeFile", "", "TextViews.View", "OCF", {}); Possible menu: MENU "&Interface" "" "DevBrowser.ShowInterface('')" "TextCmds.SelectionGuard" "&Flat Interface" "" "DevBrowser.ShowInterface('!')" "TextCmds.SelectionGuard" "Import Interface" "" "DevBrowser.ShowCodeFile" "TextCmds.SelectionGuard" END PROCEDURE ImportSymFile (f: Files.File; OUT s: Stores.Store) This procedure is installed upon startup of BlackBox as an importer for symbol files (-> Converters). The importer converts the symbol file into a textual browser output. PROCEDURE ShowInterface (opts: ARRAY OF CHAR) Guard: TextCmds.SelectionGuard If a module name is selected, this command shows the complete definition of the module. If a qualident is selected, only the definition of the corresponding item is shown. opts = "" creates an output which only shows the newly introduced extensions in the case of record types. opts = "!" creates an output which also shows the inherited base type features of record types ("flat interface"). opts = "+" creates an output which shows some additional low-level information useful for a compiler developer (not further documented). opts = "/" creates an output which is formatted in a special way. Inofficially known as the "Dijkstra option". opts = "&" creates an output which also shows hooks in the interface. opts = "@" creates an output using the settings from the interface browser dialog. opts = "c" creates an output which shows only the items being usable in client modules. opts = "e" creates an output which shows only the items being extensible. Several options may be combined. PROCEDURE ImportCodeFile (f: Files.File; OUT s: Stores.Store) This procedure is installed upon startup of BlackBox as an importer for code files (-> Converters). The importer converts the code file into a textual browser output in the same way as the command ShowCodeFile. PROCEDURE ShowCodeFile Guard: TextCmds.SelectionGuard If a module name is selected, this command opens a text view in browser mode that shows information about the code file of the compiled module. This includes the code file's header information and the generated code both in hex form and in the form of symbolic instruction codes. In order to simplify reading of the generated code it is possible to merge the code of a procedure with its source code, if available, by clicking on the link at the beginning of a procedure. In the generated detail view, the source code pieces are links that navigate to the corresponding source code. Note that absolute addresses in the code are resolved only at load time and are simply displayed as generated by the compiler. The fixup-chains used by the loader for resolving absolute addresses and the meta-information about program entities are (currently) not included in the output.
DevCmds DEFINITION DevCmds; IMPORT Dialog; PROCEDURE FlushResources; PROCEDURE OpenModuleList; PROCEDURE OpenFileList; PROCEDURE RevalidateViewGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE RevalidateView; PROCEDURE SetCancelButton; PROCEDURE SetDefaultButton; PROCEDURE ShowControlList; END DevCmds. Possible menu: MENU "&Open Module List" "" "DevCmds.OpenModuleList" "TextCmds.SelectionGuard" "Open &File List" "" "DevCmds.OpenFileList" "TextCmds.SelectionGuard" "Flus&h Resources" "" "DevCmds.FlushResources" "" "Re&validate View" "" "DevCmds.RevalidateView" "DevCmds.RevalidateViewGuard" SEPARATOR "&Control List" "" "DevCmds.ShowControlList" "StdCmds.ContainerGuard" "Set &Default Button" "" "DevCmds.SetDefaultButton" "StdCmds.ContainerGuard" "Set Canc&el Button" "" "DevCmds.SetCancelButton" "StdCmds.ContainerGuard" END PROCEDURE FlushResources Flush menu guard and string translation resources. This command is needed when a menu item is disabled because its code could not be executed, but since then the code has become executable (e.g., due to a recompilation of a module, and possibly unloading an old module version). It is also needed if the string resource texts have been edited and saved, if the changes should become effective immediately, rather than only when BlackBox is started the next time. PROCEDURE OpenModuleList Guard: TextCmds.SelectionGuard Opens the modules whose names are selected, e.g., "FormModels FormViews". PROCEDURE OpenFileList Guard: TextCmds.SelectionGuard Opens the files whose names are selected. The names must use the portable path name syntax, e.g., "Form/Mod/Models Form/Mod/Views". PROCEDURE RevalidateViewGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) Menu guard for Revalidate View. PROCEDURE RevalidateView Guard: RevalidateViewGuard A view may have become invalid after a trap occurred. As a result, the view is greyed out and made passive (so that the same trap cannot occur anymore, thus preventing trap avalanches). However, sometimes it can be useful to revalidate the view and continue to work with it. PROCEDURE SetCancelButton Guard: StdCmds.ContainerGuard Makes the selected view in the focus container a "cancel" button, i.e., in mask mode (-> Containers) it is considered pressed when the user enters the escape character. PROCEDURE SetDefaultButton Guard: StdCmds.ContainerGuard Makes the selected view in the focus container a "default" button, i.e., in mask mode (-> Containers) it is considered pressed when the user enters a carriage return character. PROCEDURE ShowControlList Guard: StdCmds.ContainerGuard Lists the properties of all views in the focus container which return control properties (-> Controls).
DevCommanders DEFINITION DevCommanders; TYPE Par = POINTER TO RECORD text: TextModels.Model; beg, end: INTEGER END; VAR par: Par; PROCEDURE Deposit; PROCEDURE DepositEnd; ... plus some private items ... END DevCommanders. A commander is a view which interprets and executes the command or command sequence written behind the commander. It only operates when embedded in a text. Commanders can be useful during development; e.g., they may be embedded directly in the source code of a program. They are not intended for use in end-user applications, due to their non-standard user interface experience. Typical menu: "Insert Commander" "" "DevCommanders.Deposit; StdCmds.PasteView" "StdCmds.PasteViewGuard" "Insert End Commander" "" "DevCommanders.DepositEnd; StdCmds.PasteView" "StdCmds.PasteViewGuard" TYPE Par Parameter context of a command's execution. This is used with commands such as DevCompiler.CompileThis ObxViews1 ObxViews2 text: TextModels.Model The text containing the activated commander and command. beg: INTEGER Begin of the parameters to the command, that is, the text position immediately behind the last character of the command itself. end: INTEGER End of the parameters to the command. This is either the end of the text or the position of the next commander or EndView in the text. VAR par-: Par par # NIL exactly during the currently executed command A command can get access to the text, and thus to its context, via this variable during the execution of the command. PROCEDURE Deposit Deposit command for commanders. PROCEDURE DepositEnd Deposit command for a DevCommanders.EndView. Marks the end of the command for the preceding commander. If no end view is present the commander reads until another commander is found or until the text ends. This module contains several other items which are used internally.
DevCompiler DEFINITION DevCompiler; PROCEDURE Compile; PROCEDURE CompileAndUnload; PROCEDURE CompileModuleList; PROCEDURE CompileSelection; PROCEDURE CompileThis; PROCEDURE CompileSubs; PROCEDURE MakeList; ... plus some private commands ... END DevCompiler. Command package for the Component Pascal compiler. The compiler provides several options for exceptional situations. The options are defined after the name of the module to which they apply in the command DevCompiler.CompileModuleList. See Platform-SpecificIssues for details. Safety-critical runtime checks are always performed (type guards, array range checks, etc.), while non-critical runtime checks may not be generated (SHORT, integer overflows, testing of set membership). "Critical" means that non-local memory may be destroyed, with unknown global effects. Typical menu: MENU "&Compile" "" "DevCompiler.Compile" "TextCmds.FocusGuard" "Compile and Unload" "" "DevCompiler.CompileAndUnload" "TextCmds.FocusGuard" "Compile &Selection" "" "DevCompiler.CompileSelection" "TextCmds.SelectionGuard" "Com&pile Module List" "" "DevCompiler.CompileModuleList" "TextCmds.SelectionGuard" END PROCEDURE Compile Guard: TextCmds.FocusGuard Compile the Component Pascal module whose source is in the focus view. PROCEDURE CompileAndUnload Guard: TextCmds.FocusGuard Compile the module whose source is in the focus view. If compilation is successful, it is attempted to unload the old version of this module. CompileAndUnload is convenient when developing top-level modules, i.e., modules which are not imported by any other modules, and thus can be unloaded individually. PROCEDURE CompileModuleList Guard: TextCmds.SelectionGuard Compile the list of modules whose names are selected. When the first error is detected, the offending source is opened to show the error and the remaining uncompiled modules are selected. For generating a compile list for a set of subsystems see MakeList. PROCEDURE CompileSelection Guard: TextCmds.SelectionGuard Compile the module, whose beginning is selected. PROCEDURE CompileThis Used in a text with a DevCommanders.View. This command takes the text following it and interprets it as a list of modules that should be compiled. Similar to CompileModuleList except that no selection is necessary. Examples are: DevCompiler.CompileThis ObxHello0 DevCompiler.CompileThis ObxViews1 ObxViews2 PROCEDURE CompileSubs Used in a text with a DevCommanders.View. This command takes the text following it and interprets it as a list of subsystems that should be compiled. The special symbol '*' refers to all subsystems, '+' refers to all subsystems except the standard subsystems. Directories and file names are expected to be capitalized according to the related module names. When the first error is detected, the offending source is opened to show the error and compilation is terminated. Examples are: DevCompiler.CompileSubs + DevCompiler.CompileSubs Obx DevCompiler.CompileSubs Obx Text System (Attention: this recompiles a part of your BlackBox system.) PROCEDURE MakeList Used in a text with a DevCommanders.View. This command takes the text following it and interprets it as a list of subsystems that should be compiled. The special symbol '*' refers to all subsystems, '+' refers to all subsystems except the standard subsystems. Directories and file names are expected to be capitalized according to the related module names. The command generates and opens a text view that contains a properly ordered list of modules to be compiled with CompileModuleList. When a syntax error is detected while analyzing the import dependencies, the offending source is opened to show the error. Examples are: DevCompiler.MakeList + DevCompiler.MakeList Obx DevCompiler.MakeList Obx Text System ... plus some private commands ...
DevCPB This module has a private interface, it is only used internally.
DevCPC486 This module has a private interface, it is only used internally.
DevCPE This module has a private interface, it is only used internally.
DevCPH This module has a private interface, it is only used internally.
DevCPL486 This module has a private interface, it is only used internally.
DevCPM This module has a private interface, it is only used internally.
DevCPP This module has a private interface, it is only used internally.
DevCPS This module has a private interface, it is only used internally.
DevCPT This module has a private interface, it is only used internally.
DevCPV486 This module has a private interface, it is only used internally.
DevDebug DEFINITION DevDebug; IMPORT Views, Kernel; PROCEDURE Execute; PROCEDURE ShowGlobalVariables; PROCEDURE ShowLoadedModules; PROCEDURE ShowViewState; PROCEDURE Unload; PROCEDURE UnloadModuleList; PROCEDURE UnloadThis; PROCEDURE HeapRefView (adr: INTEGER; name: ARRAY OF CHAR): Views.View; PROCEDURE ShowHeapObject (adr: INTEGER; title: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE SourcePos (mod: Kernel.Module; codePos: INTEGER): INTEGER; PROCEDURE UpdateGlobals (name: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE UpdateModules; END DevDebug. When a run-time error occurs, e.g., a division by zero, a "trap text" is opened which displays the procedure call chain. It is possible to use this text to navigate through data structures. Several other commands are useful when analyzing the state of the system. Note that this kind of debugging is done completely within BlackBox; there is no separate debugger environment. Debugging occurs "post mortem" with respect to commands, i.e., a command produces a run-time error, is aborted, and then debugged. However, the run-time error usually does not affect the loaded modules and the data structures which are anchored there, nor the open documents. For situations where a post-mortem analysis is not sufficient, the module DevDebugCmds provides an interface for attaching a run-time debugger to the running BlackBox process. A run-time debugger allows for example to single-step through code or to set breakpoints. A possible menu: MENU "&Loaded Modules" "" "DevDebug.ShowLoadedModules" "" "&Global Variables" "" "DevDebug.ShowGlobalVariables" "TextCmds.SelectionGuard" "&View State" "" "DevDebug.ShowViewState" "StdCmds.SingletonGuard" "E&xecute" "" "DevDebug.Execute" "TextCmds.SelectionGuard" "&Unload" "" "DevDebug.Unload" "TextCmds.FocusGuard" "Unloa&d Module List" "" "DevDebug.UnloadModuleList" "TextCmds.SelectionGuard" END PROCEDURE Execute Guard: TextCmds.SelectionGuard Execute the string (between quotation marks), which must have the form of a Component Pascal command sequence, e.g., "Dialog.Beep; Dialog.Beep". For simple commands, the string delimiters may be omitted, e.g., Dialog.Beep (-> StdInterpreter). PROCEDURE ShowGlobalVariables Guard: TextCmds.SelectionGuard Show the global variables of the module whose name is selected. The module name may be either given in full, or by alias if an alias has been defined in the enclosing module's IMPORT statement. PROCEDURE ShowLoadedModules Show the list of all loaded modules. This command can be convenient to determine the modules which should be linked together when building an application. PROCEDURE ShowViewState Guard: TextCmds.FocusGuard Show the state of the current focus view. PROCEDURE Unload Guard: TextCmds.FocusGuard Tries to unload the module whose source is in the focus view. Unloading fails if the specified module is not loaded yet, or if it is not a top module. PROCEDURE UnloadModuleList Guard: TextCmds.SelectionGuard Tries to unload a list of modules whose names are selected. Unloading may partially or completely fail if one of the specified modules is not loaded yet, or if it is still being imported by at least one client module. Modules must be unloaded from top to bottom. PROCEDURE UnloadThis Used in a text with a DevCommanders.View. This command takes the text following it and interprets it as a list of modules that should be unloaded. Similar to UnloadModuleList except that no selection is necessary. PROCEDURE HeapRefView (adr: INTEGER; name: ARRAY OF CHAR): Views.View PROCEDURE ShowHeapObject (adr: INTEGER; title: ARRAY OF CHAR) PROCEDURE SourcePos (mod: Kernel.Module; codePos: INTEGER): INTEGER PROCEDURE UpdateGlobals (name: ARRAY OF CHAR) PROCEDURE UpdateModules These procedures are used internally.
DevDecoder386 Module DevDecoder386 contains a decoder for Intel i386/387 code. This module has a private interface, it is only used internally.
DevDependencies DEFINITION DevDependencies; IMPORT Dialog; PROCEDURE ArrangeClick; PROCEDURE CollapseAllClick; PROCEDURE CollapseClick; PROCEDURE CreateTool; PROCEDURE CreateToolClick; PROCEDURE Deposit; PROCEDURE ExpandAllClick; PROCEDURE ExpandClick; PROCEDURE HideClick; PROCEDURE ModsGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE NewAnalysisClick; PROCEDURE SelGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE ShowAllClick; PROCEDURE ShowBasicGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE SubsGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE ToggleBasicSystemsClick; END DevDependencies. This tool analyzes the code files of a given list of modules. The dependencies from the given modules to other modules are displayed in a graph. By default all selected modules are displayed, but all other modules are only displayed as subsystems. Clicking with the right mouse button displays a context menu. This menu contains several commands to manipulate the view of the graph. A subsystem can be expanded by double-clicking on it. In the same way, all modules belonging to a particular subsystem can be collapsed into a subsystem by double-clicking on any of the modules in the subsystem. By clicking on a node in the graph this node gets selected. It is possible to select more than one node by Ctrl‑clicking on other nodes or by "drawing" a selection square around some nodes. After nodes have been selected they can be rearranged using drag and drop with the mouse or using the arrow keys on the keyboard. Ctrl-A can be used to select all nodes. To avoid cluttering of the graph, the basic BlackBox subsystems are hidden by default. It is however possible to toggle an option to show these modules. There are several implicit dependencies in the system (e.g., via Dialog.Call). These dependencies cannot be found using the code files. To be able to incorporate these dependencies, at least in a static way, they can be specified in the string resources for the Dev subsystem. The syntax for specifying implicit dependencies is: Implicit.<modName> <modname>{, <modname>} DevDependencies reads this resource and adds these dependencies to the graph. Such dependencies are displayed as gray arrows in the graph. It is also possible to create a tool document using the command CreateTool. This creates a tool document which contains compiling, unloading, linking and packing commands for the given modules. The compiling and unloading commands are only created for the currently expanded subsystems. The linking command includes the standard BlackBox icons, and the packing command always includes all modules independent of which modules are currently expanded or hidden. In the created tool document all the modules, which are only included due to implicit dependencies are written with gray color. At the end of the tool document there is a list of all the root modules. These are the modules, which are not imported from any other modules, i.e. the top level modules. Typical menu: MENU "&Dependencies" "" "DevDependencies.Deposit;StdCmds.Open" "TextCmds.SelectionGuard" "&Create Tool" "" "DevDependencies.CreateTool" "TextCmds.SelectionGuard" END By clicking on the right mouse button a context menu is displayed. Typically it has the following entries: MENU "*" ("DevDependencies.View") "Expand" "" "DevDependencies.ExpandClick" "DevDependencies.SubsGuard" "Collapse" "" "DevDependencies.CollapseClick" "DevDependencies.ModsGuard" "New Analysis" "" "DevDependencies.NewAnalysisClick" "DevDependencies.ModsGuard" "Hide" "" "DevDependencies.HideClick" "DevDependencies.SelGuard" SEPARATOR "Show All Items" "" "DevDependencies.ShowAllClick" "" "Show Basic System" "" "DevDependencies.ToggleBasicSystemsClick" "DevDependencies.ShowBasicGuard" "Expand All" "" "DevDependencies.ExpandAllClick" "" "Collapse All" "" "DevDependencies.CollapseAllClick" "" "Arrange Items" "" "DevDependencies.ArrangeClick" "" SEPARATOR "Create tool..." "" "DevDependencies.CreateToolClick" "" SEPARATOR "P&roperties..." "" "StdCmds.ShowProp" "StdCmds.ShowPropGuard" END The item called Properties in this menu opens the standard font dialog and lets the user select a font for the view. The typeface and style of the chosen font effects the text displaying the names of the modules.The size of the font effects the text and the width of the lines and the arrows. PROCEDURE Deposit Analyzes the dependencies for each module in the selected list of modules. Then a view, displaying a graph of the dependencies, is created and deposited. The base module name may be either given in full, or by alias if an alias has been defined in the enclosing module's IMPORT statement. PROCEDURE CreateTool Analyzes the dependencies for each module in the selected list of modules. Then a tool document is created for the given modules. The tool document contains compiling, unloading, linking and packing commands. The compiling and unloading commands are only created for the currently expanded modules. The linking command includes the standard BlackBox icons and the packing command always includes all modules independent of which modules are currently expanded or hidden. The base module name may be either given in full, or by alias if an alias has been defined in the enclosing module's IMPORT statement. The following commands are only used for manipulating the view (ordered the way they appear in the menu above): PROCEDURE CollapseClick Called when Collapse is chosen from the menu. This procedure collapses the the selected modules in the graph. PROCEDURE ExpandClick Called when Expand is chosen from the menu. This procedure expands the the selected subsystems in the graph. PROCEDURE NewAnalysisClick Called when New Analysis is chosen from the menu. Starts a new analysis with the selected node as root, i.e. it creates a subgraph of the original graph. PROCEDURE HideClick Called when Hide is chosen from the menu. This procedure hides the selected nodes in the graph. PROCEDURE ShowAllClick Called when Show All Items is chosen from the menu. This procedure makes sure that all nodes in the graph are visible. PROCEDURE ToggleBasicSystemsClick Called when Show Basic System is chosen from the menu. This procedure shows or hides modules belonging to the basic BlackBox system. PROCEDURE ExpandAllClick Called when Expand All is chosen from the menu. This procedure expands all subsystems to modules. PROCEDURE CollapseAllClick Called when Collapse All is chosen from the menu. This procedure collapses all modules into subsystems. PROCEDURE ArrangeClick Called when Arrange Items is chosen from the menu. This procedure arranges the nodes in the graph in a structured way, with the modules from the original module list at the top. PROCEDURE CreateToolClick Called when Create tool is chosen from the menu. Calls CreateTool. PROCEDURE SelGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) Guard that checks if any nodes in the graph are selected. PROCEDURE ModsGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) Guard that checks if any modules in the graph are selected. PROCEDURE SubsGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) Guard that checks if any subsystems in the graph are selected. PROCEDURE ShowBasicGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) Guard for the Show Basic System menu item.
DevHeapSpy DEFINITION DevHeapSpy; VAR par-: RECORD allocated-, clusters-, heapsize-: INTEGER END; PROCEDURE GetAnchor (adr: INTEGER; OUT anchor: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE ShowAnchor (adr: INTEGER); PROCEDURE ShowHeap; END DevHeapSpy. DevHeapSpy is a tool that visualizes the contents of heap memory. The dynamically allocated memory blocks are shown in an "interactive memory map" that is updated periodically. DevHeapSpy displays symbolic information about every memory block you point to with the mouse. This allows you to inspect the values of record fields in objects and browse through complex data structures. The BlackBox heap is partitioned into clusters. Clusters are contiguous blocks of memory. Each cluster contains a number of heap objects. DevHeapSpy visualizes clusters with large grey blocks. The heap objects within a cluster are visualized by red and blue areas. The red areas represent portions of memory allocated to variables of some record type. The blue areas represent portions of memory allocated to dynamic arrays. To display heap information, choose Heap Spy... from menu Info. This openes a small dialog box showing summary information about the heap. To open a DevHeapSpy window, click on button Show Heap in the dialog box opened with Heap Spy.... This opens a window similar to the one shown in Figure 1. When you press the left mouse button within the area of a cluster, DevHeapSpy gives information about the object the mouse points to. If the mouse points to a heap object, i.e., to a red or blue area, the object is highlighted. If you release the mouse button while a heap object is highlighted, a debugger window will be opened that shows detailed symbolic information about the object. The following command can be used: "Heap Spy..." "" "StdCmds.OpenAuxDialog('Dev/Rsrc/HeapSpy', 'Heap Spy')" "" VAR par-: RECORD Interactor for the heap spy dialog. allocated-: INTEGER The number of currently allocated bytes. clusters-: INTEGER The number of currently allocated clusters. heapsize-: INTEGER The number of currently used bytes (the number of clusters times the size of one cluster). PROCEDURE GetAnchor (adr: INTEGER; OUT anchor: ARRAY OF CHAR) PROCEDURE ShowAnchor (adr: INTEGER) PROCEDURE ShowHeap Various procedures used in the heap spy dialog.
DevInspector DEFINITION DevInspector; IMPORT Dialog; VAR inspect: RECORD control-: Dialog.String; label: ARRAY 40 OF CHAR; link, guard, notifier: Dialog.String; level: INTEGER; opt0, opt1, opt2, opt3, opt4: BOOLEAN END; PROCEDURE GetNext; PROCEDURE Set; PROCEDURE InitDialog; PROCEDURE ControlGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE GuardGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE LabelGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE LevelGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE LinkGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE OptGuard (opt: INTEGER; VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE NotifierGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE Notifier (idx, op, from, to: INTEGER); END DevInspector. The inspector makes it possible to inspect and modify properties of a control. Currently, various types of controls are supported: command buttons, check boxes, radio buttons, edit fields, date fields, time fields, color fields, up/down-fields list boxes, selection boxes, combo boxes, and groups. The inspector is opened with the Edit->ObjectProperties... command. It takes a singleton control as input (-> Controls). Starting the inspector is done indirectly by the framework, using the StdCmds.ShowProp command. VAR inspect: RECORD Interactor for a control view property dialog. control-: Dialog.String The control's name. This is the (possibly mapped) name of the control type. label: ARRAY 40 OF CHAR Label string of the control. link: Dialog.String Link to the interactor field, in the form module.variable.field. guard: Dialog.String Name of the control's guard command. notifier: Dialog.String Name of the control's notifier command. level: INTEGER Iff the value of a radio button is equal to level, the radio button is "on". opt0, opt1, opt2, opt3, opt3: BOOLEAN Various options which depend on the currently selected control. For example, a command button uses opt0 and opt1 to indicate the "default" or "cancel" properties. PROCEDURE GetNext Show the next control in this container. After the last control, GetNext wraps around to the first control. PROCEDURE Set Set the control's properties to the currently displayed values. PROCEDURE InitDialog Sets up the interactor according to the currently selected control. PROCEDURE ControlGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) PROCEDURE GuardGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) PROCEDURE LabelGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) PROCEDURE LevelGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) PROCEDURE LinkGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) PROCEDURE OptGuard (opt: INTEGER; VAR par: Dialog.Par) PROCEDURE NotifierGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) PROCEDURE Notifier (idx, op, from, to: INTEGER) Various guards and notifiers used in the inspector dialog.
DevLinkChk DEFINITION DevLinkChk; IMPORT Dialog; CONST oneSubsystem = 0; globalSubsystem = 1; allSubsystems = 2; VAR par: RECORD scope: INTEGER; subsystem: ARRAY 9 OF CHAR END; PROCEDURE Check (subsystem: ARRAY OF CHAR; scope: INTEGER; check: BOOLEAN); PROCEDURE CheckLinks; PROCEDURE ListLinks; PROCEDURE Open (path, file: ARRAY OF CHAR; pos: INTEGER); PROCEDURE SubsystemGuard (VAR p: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE CommandGuard (VAR p: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE SubsystemNotifier (op, from, to: INTEGER); END DevLinkChk. This tool module allows to check whether a hyperlink (-> StdLinks) points to an existing BlackBox document. this allows to find most "stale" links, i.e., links to non-existing files. Menu command: "Check Links..." "" "StdCmds.OpenAuxDialog('Dev/Rsrc/LinkChk', 'Check Links')" "" CONST oneSubsystem , globalSubsystem, allSubsystems Checking can occur in one specific subsystem (more exactly, in the files contained in the subsystem's Docu and Mod subdirectories); in the global Docu and Mod directories, or in these directories plus the Docu and Mod directories of all subsystems. VAR par: RECORD Interactor for CheckLinks and ListLinks. It defines what documents these commands operate on. scope: INTEGER scope IN {oneSubsystem, globalSubsyste, allSubsystems} The scope in which checking will occur, i.e., the directory or directories whose Docu and Mod subdirectories will be searched for files with links. subsystem: ARRAY 9 OF CHAR valid iff scope = oneSubsystem Subsystem name. Only legal if scope = oneSubsystem. PROCEDURE Check (subsystem: ARRAY OF CHAR; scope: INTEGER; check: BOOLEAN) Used internally. PROCEDURE CheckLinks Guard: CommandGuard Check all links in the scope defined by the par interactor. Checking means that it is tested whether the target file of the following link-commands exists: StdCmds.OpenMask StdCmds.OpenBrowser StdCmds.OpenDoc StdCmds.OpenAuxDialog Links that are stale are listed in a report text. For every stale link, the report contains one link that directly opens the culpable text and scrolls to the offending link view (using the Open command below). PROCEDURE ListLinks Guard: CommandGuard Lists all links in the scope defined by the par interactor. Links are listed in a report text. For every link, the report contains one link that directly opens the relevant text and scrolls to the link view (using the Open command below). PROCEDURE Open (path, file: ARRAY OF CHAR; pos: INTEGER) Used internally. The procedure opens a file at location path and name file; scrolls to position pos; and selects the range [pos .. pos+1[. PROCEDURE SubsystemGuard (VAR p: Dialog.Par) PROCEDURE CommandGuard (VAR p: Dialog.Par) PROCEDURE SubsystemNotifier (op, from, to: INTEGER) Various guards and notifiers used for dialog Dev/Rsrc/LinkChk.
DevLinker DevLinker is the BlackBox linker. It is used to pack several BlackBox code files together into one executable file (.dll or .exe). It can be used to make independent versions of applications based on the BlackBox Component Framework. It can also be used to produce executables written in Component Pascal which don't relate to the BlackBox framework or use only a few BlackBox modules like the Kernel. The linker can be started with one of the commands described below. Each of the commands needs a parameter text with the syntax: <destFile> := {<module> {option}} {idNumber <resourceFile>}. destFile is the name of the executable file to be created. module is a Component Pascal module, the code file is loaded from the corresponding directory. option is one of the following characters: $ main module: the body of this module is called when the program starts. + identifies the kernel. A kernel must be present if the standard function NEW is used in some module. The kernel must export the procedures NewRec and NewArr. # interface module: the exported procedures of this module are added to the export list. See the description of the individual commands for a list of the legal options. resourceFile is the name of a resource file. Currently icons (.ico), cursors (.cur), bitmaps (.bmp), windows resource files (.res), and type libraries (.tlb) are supported. The resource files are loaded from the Rsrc or Win/Rsrc directory. idNumber is an integer used to reference the corresponding resource from the program. The module list must be sorted such that an imported module textually precedes the module importing it. This rule also applies to the implicit kernel import when using NEW. DevLinker.Link Links a module set containing a dynamic module loader to an exe file. At startup, the body of the main module is called. Initialization and termination of the other modules is not done by the loader, it must be done by the runtime system (typically the loader). BlackBox itself is linked with this command. Legal options: $ + DevLinker.LinkExe Links an unextensible module set to an exe file (i.e., no loader is included). At startup, the bodies of all modules are called in the correct order. When the last body terminates, the terminators (CLOSE sections) of all modules are called in reverse order. No runtime system is needed for initialization and termination. Legal options: + DevLinker.LinkDll Links an unextensible module set to a dll file. When the dll is attached to a process, the bodies of all modules are called in the correct order. When the dll is released from the process, the terminators (CLOSE sections) of all modules are called in reverse order. No runtime system is needed for initialization and termination. Legal options: + # DevLinker.LinkDynDll (rarely used, present for completeness) Links a module set containing a dynamic module loader to a dll file. When the dll is attached to a process, the body of the main module is called. When the dll is released from the process, the terminator (CLOSE section) of the main module is called. Initialization and termination of the other modules must be done by the runtime system. Legal options: $ + # The reason for the different commands for static and dynamic systems is that there is no statically defined initialization sequence in a system that includes a dynamic loader. In BlackBox the Kernel (which is the lowest module in the module hierarchy) is specified as the main module. The body of the kernel then calls the bodies of all linked modules dynamically in the correct sequence. If there are no calls to the dynamic loader (via Dialog.Call) in the module bodies, the modules are initialized in the order in which they appear in the parameter text. Examples Standard BlackBox: DevLinker.Link BlackBox2.exe := Kernel$+ Utf WinKernel Files WinEnv WinFiles WinGui StdLoader WinLoader 1 BlackBox.res 1 Applogo.ico 2 Doclogo.ico 3 SFLogo.ico 4 CFLogo.ico 5 DtyLogo.ico 6 folderimg.ico 7 openimg.ico 8 leafimg.ico 1 Move.cur 2 Copy.cur 3 Link.cur 4 Pick.cur 5 Stop.cur 6 Hand.cur 7 Table.cur Fully linked redistributable part of BlackBox: DevLinker.Link MyBlackBox.exe := Kernel$+ Utf WinKernel Files WinEnv WinFiles WinPackedFiles WinGui StdLoader Math Strings Dates Meta Fonts Log Librarian Dialog Services Ports Stores Converters Sequencers Models Printers Views Controllers Properties Printing Mechanisms Containers Documents Windows StdCFrames Controls StdRegistry StdInterpreter WinRegistry WinFonts WinDates TextModels TextRulers TextSetters TextViews StdScrollers StdDialog StdApi StdCmds WinPorts OleData WinMechanisms WinPrinters WinDialog WinClipboard WinCFrames WinCmds TextControllers TextMappers TextCmds StdLinks StdMenuTool StdScrollbars StdRasters StdDocuments StdWindows StdMenus StdGrids StdLog StdTiles StdInflate StdRastersPng FormModels FormViews FormControllers FormGen FormCmds StdFolds StdDebug StdTextConv StdClocks StdStamps StdCoder StdStdCFrames OleWindows OleStorage Loop Console In Out WinConsole WinBackends WinShowHook WinRasters WinConfig WinInit StdConfig 1 Applogo.ico 2 Doclogo.ico 3 SFLogo.ico 4 CFLogo.ico 5 DtyLogo.ico 1 Move.cur 2 Copy.cur 3 Link.cur 4 Pick.cur 5 Stop.cur 6 Hand.cur 7 Table.cur MyBlackBox.exe will need System/Rsrc/Menus.odc to be destributed with it or to be packed (see DevPacker documentation) DevPacker.PackThis MyBlackBox.exe := System/Rsrc/Menus.odc Simple independent application: DevLinker.LinkExe Simple.exe := Simple 1 Applogo.ico ~ Simple DLL: DevLinker.LinkDll Mydll.dll := Mydll# ~ MODULE Simple; (* simple windows application *) IMPORT S := SYSTEM, WinApi; CONST message = "Hello World"; iconId = 1; VAR instance: WinApi.HINSTANCE; mainWnd: WinApi.HWND; PROCEDURE WndHandler (wnd, msg, wParam, lParam: INTEGER): INTEGER; VAR res: INTEGER; ps: WinApi.PAINTSTRUCT; dc: WinApi.HDC; BEGIN IF msg = WinApi.WM_DESTROY THEN WinApi.PostQuitMessage(0) ELSIF msg = WinApi.WM_PAINT THEN dc := WinApi.BeginPaint(wnd, ps); res := WinApi.TextOut(dc, 50, 50, message, LEN(message)); res := WinApi.EndPaint(wnd, ps) ELSIF msg = WinApi.WM_CHAR THEN res := WinApi.Beep(800, 200) ELSE RETURN WinApi.DefWindowProc(wnd, msg, wParam, lParam) END; RETURN 0 END WndHandler; PROCEDURE OpenWindow; VAR class: WinApi.WNDCLASS; res: INTEGER; BEGIN class.hCursor := WinApi.LoadCursor(0, S.VAL(WinApi.PtrSTR, WinApi.IDC_ARROW)); class.hIcon := WinApi.LoadIcon(instance, S.VAL(WinApi.PtrSTR, iconId)); class.lpszMenuName := NIL; class.lpszClassName := "Simple"; class.hbrBackground := WinApi.GetStockObject(WinApi.WHITE_BRUSH); class.style := WinApi.CS_VREDRAW + WinApi.CS_HREDRAW (* + WinApi.CS_OWNDC + WinApi.CS_PARENTDC *); class.hInstance := instance; class.lpfnWndProc := WndHandler; class.cbClsExtra := 0; class.cbWndExtra := 0; res := WinApi.RegisterClass(class); mainWnd := WinApi.CreateWindowEx({}, "Simple", "Simple Application", WinApi.WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, WinApi.CW_USEDEFAULT, WinApi.CW_USEDEFAULT, WinApi.CW_USEDEFAULT, WinApi.CW_USEDEFAULT, 0, 0, instance, 0); res := WinApi.ShowWindow(mainWnd, WinApi.SW_SHOWDEFAULT); res := WinApi.UpdateWindow(mainWnd); END OpenWindow; PROCEDURE MainLoop; VAR msg: WinApi.MSG; res: INTEGER; BEGIN WHILE WinApi.GetMessage(msg, 0, 0, 0) # 0 DO res := WinApi.TranslateMessage(msg); res := WinApi.DispatchMessage(msg); END; WinApi.ExitProcess(msg.wParam) END MainLoop; BEGIN instance := WinApi.GetModuleHandle(NIL); OpenWindow; MainLoop END Simple. MODULE Mydll; (* sample module to be linked into a dll *) PROCEDURE Gcd* (a, b: INTEGER): INTEGER; BEGIN WHILE a # b DO IF a > b THEN a := a - b ELSE b := b - a END END; RETURN a END Gcd; PROCEDURE Lcm* (a, b: INTEGER): INTEGER; BEGIN RETURN a * b DIV Gcd(a, b) END Lcm; END Mydll.
DevMarkers DEFINITION DevMarkers; PROCEDURE NextError; PROCEDURE ToggleCurrent; PROCEDURE UnmarkErrors; ... plus some private items ... END DevMarkers. Error markers indicate compiler errors in-place in the compiled text. This module contains several other items which are used internally. Possible menu: MENU "Unmar&k Errors" "" "DevMarkers.UnmarkErrors" "TextCmds.FocusGuard" "Next E&rror" "" "DevMarkers.NextError" "TextCmds.FocusGuard" "To&ggle Error Mark" "" "DevMarkers.ToggleCurrent" "TextCmds.FocusGuard" END PROCEDURE NextError Guard: TextCmds.FocusGuard Move caret forward after the next error marker. If there is none, the text is scrolled to the beginning. PROCEDURE ToggleCurrent Guard: TextCmds.FocusGuard Toggle the state of the marker before the caret. PROCEDURE UnmarkErrors Guard: TextCmds.FocusGuard Removes all error markers.
DevMsgSpy A tool that allows to inspect the messages which are sent to a view. About the message spy Message Spy is a tool that logs the messages which are sent to a view through one of the methods HandleCtrlMsg, HandleModelMsg, HandlePropMsg, or HandleViewMsg. The message spy displays the type of all messages which are sent to the view and, upon request, also the complete message records. This tool can help you if your view does not behave as you expect. With the message spy you can learn which messages the frameworks sends to your view and thus which messages you should answer. How to inspect a view To open the Message Spy, choose Message Spy... from menu Info. This opens a dialog box similar to the one shown in Figure 1. If you want to inspect a view with the message spy, select it as a singleton and press the Add View button. If you want to remove a view from the message spy, select it as a singleton and press the same button, which is now labeled Remove View. Figure 1: The tool window of Message Spy The tool dialog box of the message spy is divided into two parts. In the upper part, all recognized message types are displayed. This list grows over time. Whenever the message spy meets a message of a new type through any of its inspected views, this type is added to the list of recognized types. Since you might loose the overview over the message types soon, the Mark New Messages in List option causes all newly added message types to be selected. In this way you easily learn about messages involved in a particular action. The list of message types can be cleared with the Clear List button. If the option Show Messages in Log is selected, then all messages sent to all inspected views whose types are selected in the type selection box are displayed in the lower part of the message spy dialog box. For each message, the type name is displayed followed by a diamond. If this diamond is clicked, then all instance variables of the message record are displayed in a separate window. The log is a regular text which can be scrolled and edited. More information As message records are static (stack-allocated) variables they have to be copied in order to make them accessible beyond the call of the message handler. The consequence thereof is that only the contents of the message upon message call can be inspected, not how the message is answered by a particular view. Note that the message spy displays messages of any type sent to an intercepted view, this also includes messages of types which are not exported. In order to intercept a view, the message spy adds a wrapper around the original view. This wrapper displays the messages and then forwards them to the wrapped view. By replacing a view by its wrapper, the type of the view changes, and thus some tools which depend on a view's type no longer work with inspected views. Menu command: "Message Spy..." "" "StdCmds.OpenToolDialog('Dev/Rsrc/MsgSpy', 'Message Spy')" ""
DevPacker DEFINITION DevPacker; PROCEDURE ListFromSub (sdir: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE ListLoadedModules; PROCEDURE PackThis; END DevPacker. Module DevPacker is used to pack any kind of files into an existing exe-file. These files can be read with the help of HostPackedFiles. There is no explicit dependency between DevPacker and HostPackedFiles, but since one writes to the exe-file and the other reads from it, there is an implicit dependency, with the file format of the exe-file as interface. DevDependencies.CreateTool can be used to create a pack command for a set of modules. PROCEDURE PackThis; Used together with a DevCommander. It reads a list of file names and packs the given files into an exe-file. The exe-file appears first in the list followed by the symbol ":=". It is also possible to pack a file under a different name than it appears in the current filesystem. To specify another name for a file the special symbol "=>" is used. Thus, the syntax in EBNF is as follows: <exeFileName> := <filename> [=> <filename>] {<filename> [=> <filename>]} Both the exeFileName and the fileName can be specified using absolute paths (including drive name) or using relative paths to the BlackBox directory. If any file contains special characters in their name, such as space or dash, then the file name should be embedded in quotation marks ("filename") to be parsed correctly. The parsing stops as soon as it encounters any unrecognized character such as a comma or a tilde. Before the packing starts the list of files are validated. If some files are not found, then the package command is discontinued and the exe-file is left untouched. If a file name appears more than once in the list, a message that the file appears more than once is presented but the package command is continued and the file is packed just once into the exe-file. It is important that the exe-file does not appear in the list of files to be packed. This would cause the exe-file to be packed into itself with undefined result. Therefore the packing is cacelled if the exe-file appears in the list. Example: DevPacker.PackThis exefilename.exe := Docu/Tour.odc "C:\Program files\BlackBox\License.txt" Test/Code/MyConfig.ocf => Code/Config.ocf PROCEDURE ListFromSub (sdir: ARRAY OF CHAR); Examines the directory sdir and all its subdirectories. If it finds any files it opens a new document and writes a packing command for the files found. sdir can be an absolute path, including a drive name, or a relative path to the BlackBox directory. It can also be an empty string, in which case the entire BlackBox directory will be listed. Example: "DevPacker.ListFromSub('Text')" PROCEDURE ListLoadedModules; Examines the currently loaded modules and creates a text with a packing command for them. This can be used to quickly find out which modules are needed for a running application. The problem is that too many modules may be packed and that files such as resources and documentaion are not included. Example: DevPacker.ListLoadedModules Absolute vs. Relative paths in filenames Imagine that BlackBox is installed in directory D:\BlackBox. Then the file name D:\BlackBox\Std\Code\Log.ocf (absolute path) denotes the same file as Std\Code\Log.ocf (relative path) as far as the packer is concerned. But the packer packs the file into the exe-file with the path given in the command. This makes a crucial difference for HostPackedFiles which reads the exe-file. If the exe-file for example is started in directory C:\temp, and the program makes a call to StdLog, then this command will work if the file was packed using a relative path, but not if it was packed using an absolute path. On the other hand, if the file was packed using an absolute path, a call to open file D:\BlackBox\Std\Code\Log.ocf will work even if no physical drive called D: is present on the machine. Regarding exe-files The packer cannot create an exe-file, it can only pack files into an existing exe-file. This means that the linker has to be used to create a minimum exe-file for the packer to use. This minimum exe-file must have HostPackedFiles linked in since this is the module that allows for extraction of the files. The minimum linker command is as follows: DevLinker.Link exefilename.exe := Kernel$+ Files Utf HostEnv HostFiles HostPackedFiles StdLoader For HostPackedFiles to be able to find files in the exe-file, it must have the same format as when the packer packed the files into it. This means that it is not possible to add resource, like icons and cursors, after files have been packed to an exe-file. Any such operations should be done before the packing starts. (See the DevLinker‑documentation for details about how to add icons already when linking.) It is however possible to change the name of the exe-file after the packing is done. Another limitation is that the packer is not able to append files. It packs the whole list of files and writes a table of these files. If PackThis is called again it destroys the information about the former files in the exe-file.
Platform-Specific Issues 1: Cross-plarform 1 ModuleSYSTEM 2 StartupofBlackBox 3 Using NEW and garbage collection in your applications 4 Component Pascal compiler options 5 Runtime range checks 6 Stack Size 10: Windows 10 Command line parametersofBlackBox 11 UsingDLLsinBlackBoxmodules 12 UsingCOMwithoutDirect-To-COMcompiler 13 Windows-specificinformationinBlackBox 14 Runtime type system 15 LinkingBlackBoxapplications Windowsprogramminginterfaces OLEAutomation TheBlackBoxlinker 20: Linux 21 Linux Environment parameters of BlackBox 22 Endless loop 25 LinkingBlackBoxapplications 30: OpenBSD 40: FreeBSD 1 Module SYSTEM Module SYSTEM contains certain procedures that are necessary to implement low-level operations. It is strongly recommended to restrict the use of these features to specific low-level modules, as such modules are inherently non-portable and usually unsafe. SYSTEM is not considered as part of the language Component Pascal proper. The procedures contained in module SYSTEM are listed in the following table. v stands for a variable. x, y, and n stands for expressions. T stands for a type. P stands for a procedure. M[a] stands for memory value at address a. Function procedures Name Argument types Result type Description ADR(v) any INTEGER address of variable v ADR(P) P: PROCEDURE INTEGER address of Procedure P ADR(T) T: a record type INTEGER address of Descriptor of T LSH(x, n) x, n: integer type* type of x logical shift (n > 0: left, n < 0: right) ROT(x, n) x, n: integer type* type of x rotation (n > 0: left, n < 0: right) TYP(v) record type INTEGER type tag of record variable v VAL(T, x) T, x: any type T x interpreted as of type T * integer types without LONGINT Proper procedures Name Argument types Description GET(a, v) a: INTEGER; v: any basic type, v := M[a] pointer type, procedure type PUT(a, x) a: INTEGER; x: any basic type, M[a] := x pointer type, procedure type GETREG(n, v) n: integer constant, v: any basic type, v := Register n pointer type, procedure type PUTREG(n, x) n: integer constant, x: any basic type, Register n := x pointer type, procedure type MOVE(a0, a1, n) a0, a1: INTEGER; n: integer type M[a1..a1+n-1] := M[a0..a0+n-1] The register numbers for PUTREG and GETREG are: 0: EAX, 1: ECX, 2: EDX, 3: EBX, 4: ESP, 5: EBP, 6: ESI, 7: EDI. Warning VAL, PUT, PUTREG, and MOVE may crash BlackBox and/or Windows when not used properly. Never use VAL (or PUT or MOVE) to assign a value to a BlackBox pointer. Doing this would corrupt the garbage collector, with fatal consequences. System Flags The import of module SYSTEM allows to override some default behavior of the compiler by the usage of system flags. System flags are used to configure type- and procedure declarations. The extended syntax is given below. Type = Qualident | ARRAY ["[" SysFlag "]"] [ConstExpr {"," ConstExpr}] OF Type | RECORD ["[" SysFlag "]"] ["("Qualident")"] FieldList {";" FieldList} END | POINTER ["[" SysFlag "]"] TO Type | PROCEDURE [FormalPars]. ProcDecl = PROCEDURE ["[" SysFlag "]"] [Receiver] IdentDef [FormalPars] ";" DeclSeq [BEGIN StatementSeq] END ident. FPSection = [VAR ["[" SysFlag "]"]] ident {"," ident} ":" Type. SysFlag = ConstExpr | ident. For SysFlags either the name of the flag or the corresponding numeric value can be used. System flags for record types Name Value Description untagged 1 No type tag and no type descriptor is allocated. The garbage collector ignores untagged variables. NEW is not allowed on pointers to untagged variables. No type-bound procedures are allowed for the record. Pointers to untagged record type or extensions of this record type inherit the attribute of being untagged. The offsets of the fields are aligned to MIN(4-byte, size), where size is the size of the field. The size of the record and the offsets of the fields are aligned to 32-bit boundaries. noalign 3 Same as untagged but without alignment. align2 4 Same as untagged but with MIN(2-byte, size) alignment. align8 6 Same as untagged but with MIN(8-byte, size) alignment. union 7 Untagged record with all fields allocated at offset 0. The size of the record is equal to the size of the largest field. Used to emulate C union types. System flags for array types Name Value Description untagged 1 No typetag and no type descriptor is allocated. The garbage collector ignores untagged variables. NEW is not allowed on pointers to untagged variables. Pointers to this array type inherit the attribute of being untagged. Only one-dimensional untagged open arrays are allowed. For open untagged arrays, index bounds are not checked. System flags for pointer types Name Value Description untagged 1 Not traced by the garbage collector. No type-bound procedures are allowed for the pointer. Must point to an untagged record. System flags for VAR parameters Name Value Description nil 1 NIL is accepted as formal parameter. Used in interfaces to C functions with pointer type parameters. System flags for procedures Name Value Description code 1 Definition of a Code procedure (see below). callback 2 WinApi callback function; uses __stdcall calling conventions. ccall -10 Procedure uses CCall calling convention. Code procedures Code procedures make it possible to use special code sequences not generated by the compiler. They are declared using the following special syntax: ProcDecl = PROCEDURE "[" SysFlag "]" IdentDef [FormalPars] [ConstExpr {"," ConstExpr}] ";". The list of constants declared with the procedure is interpreted as a byte string and directly inserted in the code ("in-line") whenever the procedure is called. If a parameter list is supplied, the actual parameters are pushed on the stack from right to left. The first parameter however is kept in a register. If the type of the first parameter is REAL or SHORTREAL, it is stored in the top floating-point register. Otherwise the parameter (or in the case of a VAR/IN/OUT parameter its address) is loaded into EAX. For function procedures the result is also expected to be either in the top floating-point register or in EAX, depending on its type. Be careful when using registers in code procedures. In general, the registers ECX, EDX, ESI, and EDI may be used. Parameters on the stack must be removed by the procedure. Examples PROCEDURE [code] Sqrt (x: REAL): REAL (* Math.Sqrt *) 0D9H, 0FAH; (* FSQRT *) PROCEDURE [code] Erase (adr, words: INTEGER) (* erase memory area *) 089H, 0C7H, (* MOV EDI, EAX *) 031H, 0C0H, (* XOR EAX, EAX *) 059H, (* POP ECX *) 0F2H, 0ABH; (* REP STOS *) 2 Startup of BlackBox The startup of BlackBox happens in several steps. Step 1: The operating system starts the application BlackBox consists of a small linked application and many unlinked code files (one per module). The linked application consists of at least the BlackBox Kernel module. When the operating system starts up BlackBox, it gives control to the module body of Kernel. Step 2: The kernel loads all prelinked modules The kernel initializes its data structures, in particular for memory management and exception handling. Then it executes the module bodies of the other modules which are linked in the application, in the correct order. Usually, the module StdLoader is among the prelinked modules, along with several modules that it needs, in particular Files and LinFiles/WinFiles. Module StdLoader implements the linking loader which can dynamically link and load a module's code file. LinLoader/WinLoader loads LinInit/WinInit accordinly. Step 3: LinLoader or WinLoader loads the BlackBox library and core framework The standard implementation of Init imports all core framework modules and their standard implementations, but not extension subsystems such as the Text or Form subsystem. These modules are loaded before the body of Init performs the following actions: • It tries to call Startup.Setup. Usually, module Startup does not exist. It could be used to install some services before the main window is opened and before the text subsystem or other subsystems are loaded. • It tries to load module DevDebug. DevDebug is expected to replace the kernel's rudimentary exception handling facilities by a more convenient tool. Note that the standard implementation of DevDebug uses the text subsystem, which thus is loaded also. If loading of DevDebug is not successful, it is attempted to load module StdDebug. This is a reduced version of DevDebug which can be distributed along with an application. • It registers the document file converter (importer/exporter). This enables BlackBox to open and save standard BlackBox documents. • It tries to call StdMenuTool.UpdateAllMenus. This command reads and interprets the System/Rsrc/Menus text, and builds up the menus accordingly. Note that the standard implementation of StdMenuTool uses the text subsystem. • It tries to call StdConfig.Setup. This is the usual way to configure BlackBox. The standard implementation of StdConfig.Setup installs the standard file converters, calls StdMenuTool.UpdateAllMenus to read and interpret the System/Rsrc/Menus text, and builds up the menus accordingly, then it creates workspace and opens the log text. • It calls the main event loop (Loop.Start). After the event loop is left (because the user wants to quit the application), the kernel is called to clean up, before the application is left entirely. 3 Using NEW and garbage collection in your applications If you are calling NEW in your application and thereby implicitly use the garbage collector, you must link the Kernel into the application. The NEW-procedure is implemented in the kernel, the compiler just generates the code to call this procedure. So every module using NEW has a hidden import of the kernel. Don't call WinApi.ExitProcess directly when "importing" the kernel, call Kernel.Quit with parameter 0 instead to assure that occupied system resources get properly released before the application is terminated. Programs don't need to call the garbage collector explicitly. If the NEW-procedure cannot satisfy a request for heap space, it calls the garbage collector internally before allocating a new heap block from the Windows Memory Manager. The garbage collector marks pointers in stack frames and is able to run anytime. The garbage collector reclaims all heap objects (dynamic record or array variables) that are not used anymore. "Unused" means that the object isn't directly reachable from some "root" pointer, or indirectly via a pointer chain starting from a root pointer. Any global variable which contains a pointer is such a root. If a root pointer isn't NIL, then it "anchors" a data structure. A heap object that isn't anchored anymore will eventually be collected by the garbage collector. To allow the collector to follow pointer chains, there must be some information about the heap objects that are being traversed. In particular, it must be known where there are pointers in the object, if any. All objects of the same type share a common type descriptor, which is created when its defining module is loaded. All dynamically allocated Component Pascal records contain a hidden field, which is called the type tag. The type tag points to the type descriptor that contains all type information needed at run-time. Method calls, type tests and the garbage collector all use the information which is stored in the type descriptor. The type descriptor is allocated only once for every record type in the system. Dynamically allocated arrays use a size descriptor to check the bounds of indexes. The size descriptor also contains the type tag of the element type. For every single dynamic array a size descriptor is needed. The additional storage required to "tag" objects makes their memory layout different from untagged records provided by the operating system or some procedural shared library. Type tags are critical; they must not be damaged, otherwise the garbage collector will crash the system at some point in time. 4 Component Pascal compiler options The Component Pascal compiler supports the following options for compiling a module. Generally, it is recommended to use the default settings (no options) but there may be exceptions. + Switch on all runtime range checks. This generates slightly larger code files and increases the runtime. In most situations the difference is small. For the default behavior see Runtime range checks below. - Switch off emitting the source code position. This generates slightly more compact code files but removes the link to the terminated procedure's source code position in the trap viewer. -- In addition to "-" switch off emitting symbolic information for structured global variables. --- In addition to "--" switch off emitting symbolic information for all global variables. ---- In addition to "---" switch off code file generation. ! Switch off runtime checking of ASSERT statements. Use this option only for very time critical code. !! In addition to "!" switch off array index checks and pointer initialization. Use this option at your own risk. ? Switch on emitting of (COM related) warnings or hints even if there are no errors. @ Switch on trapping on first error. $ Switch on syntax extensions for compatibility with Oberon. (...) DevSelector options. 5 Runtime range checks The Component Pascal Language Report does not specify the out-of-range behaviour of the built in arithmetic and set functions, but deliberately allows the compiler writer freedom to make implementation decisions. Some of the current default decisions with this compiler are documented below, primarily because they can lead to unexpected behaviour. These behaviours are not considered to be bugs, and are considered to be within the freedom permitted by the Language Report. Developers are advised to exploit these behaviours with care as: - other compilers may behave differently - this compiler may behave differently in the future - code that uses them may be hard for another reader to understand. INTEGER arithmetic (+, -, *, DIV, INC, DEC) is not range checked, and the low order 32 bits of the result are returned. This is equivalent to reducing the result MOD 2^32, to a number in the range [-2^31 : 2^31). LONGINT arithmetic (+, -, *, DIV) is range checked, and overflows lead to a run-time "undefined real result" exception. The explanation for this behaviour is that INTEGER arithmetic uses integer instructions on the main CPU, whereas LONGINT arithmetic uses floating point instructions on the co-processor. INC and DEC are not range-checked, and the low order 64 bits of the result are returned. This is equivalent to reducing the result MOD 2^64, to a number in the range [-2^63 : 2^63). SHORT(x) is without range checking. In case of x: REAL an overflow leads to infinity. In case of x being any integer type, it returns the low order half of the argument. ENTIER(x) is range checked. Overflows lead to a run-time "undefined real result" exception. SHORT(ENTIER(x)) and SHORT(SHORT(ENTIER(x))) are range checked with respect to the outermost integer type. Overflows lead to a run-time "undefined real result" exception. A third SHORT leading to BYTE is range checked with respect to INTEGER. Note carefully that using a compound expression in case of out-of-range values is not functionally equivalent to assigning the intermediate LONGINT value to a variable. Explanation: Using the floating point unit to perform the compound type transfer in one operation is more efficient than performing the two operations sequentially. The SHORT function is defined as the identity operation, which is clearly only possible for in-range values. It is not defined for out-of-range values. REAL arithmetic (+, -, *, /) is not range checked but overflows lead to infinity (INF) and underflows lead to zero (0). Internally, all REAL operations are done using the extended 80 bits precision format of the IA32 floating point unit, then converted to 64 bit precision when assigned to a REAL variable or when floating point registers are saved on the stack prior to a function call. This design choice generally reduces arithmetic rounding errors. It does mean that breaking a compound expression into parts may not lead to exactly equivalent results. Constant expression evaluation in the compiler uses 64 bits only because it needs to store intermediate values to memory. Example: x := Math.Pi(); ASSERT(x = Math.Pi(), 30) leads to a TRAP, and so does ASSERT(Math.Pi() = Math.Pi(), 30). In this case the first call is rounded to 64 bits, the second is left at 80. The SET expression e IN s does not check if e is within {0..31}. The resulting behavior depends on s being in a register or in memory. In case of a register e MOD 32 IN s is returned. In case of memory, s is treated as an ARRAY of SET and e MOD 32 IN s[e DIV 32] is returned, so out-of-range values for e attempt to read memory outside the actual memory allocated for s. This leads to an "illegal memory read" exception if the resulting address is not mapped. If the resulting address is mapped, it leads to a result which is very random. INCL(s, e) and EXCL(s, e) use e MOD 32 in order not to violate memory integrity. 6 Stack Size The reserved stack size of a linked executable is 2MB of which 64KB are committed immediately. The uncommitted stack space grows on demand up to 2MB where a stack overflow trap would be reported. These settings are hard-coded in the module DevLinker and are also used for the BlackBox.exe file in the standard BlackBox distribution. They are a good choice for most applications and it is best not to change them. For rare cases, however, it might be necessary to configure a larger stack size. This can be accomplished by adapting the source code of DevLinker. The value marked as stack reserve size in DevLinker.WriteHeader defines the reserved stack size when linking a new exe file but there is a subtle dependency on the heap size reserved in WinKernel.AllocClusterMem (see constant monoClusterSize). The total size of the reserved heap plus the committed stack must not exceed some limit or otherwise Windows API functions may run out of memory. A good test for a working setup is to commit all the stack (i.e. set the value marked as stack commit size to the same value as stack reserve size), link a new exe file, start it, open a file dialog box with the menu item File->Open..., and see if it shows any anomalies. Examples are black squares instead of icons, missing tree view, or a TRAP 100 in Dialog.GetIntSpec with res = 2 indicating an out-of-memory error. The File->Open test should be repeated at least ten times. Experiments showed that for a stack reserve/commit size of 32MB the heap must be reduced to 150MB. Windows Specific 10 Command line parameters of BlackBox The command line parameters of BlackBox start with the letter '/' or alternatively the letter '-' immediately followed by a case insensitive parameter name. Depending on the parameter, further parameter values may be required. Each parameter value is separated by white space. If a parameter value contains spaces, it must be enclosed in single or double quotes. The parameters are: /USE path Use path for lookup of relative file paths prior to looking them up in the startup or custom directory. If path is relative it refers to the current directory. /CUSTOM path Use path for lookup of relative file paths prior to looking them up in the startup directory. /PAR parameters Specify parameters available via Dialog.commandLinePars. /INIFILE iniFile Do not use the Windows registry but use the specified Windows .ini file instead. The path to the iniFile may be relative or absolute. /PORTABLE Short form of /INIFILE where the relative path Dialog.appName followed by ".ini" is used for the .ini file. /O file Open the specified file upon startup. Any parameter value not belonging to a parameter name will also be opened, i.e. /O can be omitted. /P file Open and print the specified file. /LOAD module Load the specified module upon startup. /EMBEDDING Start as server. /NOAPPWIN Start without an application window. /NOSCROLL Do not show scroll bars in the application window. /FULLSIZE Start in fullscreen mode. /LTRB left top right bottom Specify the window position of the next window to be opened with /O. /LANG language Run BlackBox localized to the specified two letter language code. 11 Using DLLs in BlackBox modules Any 32-bit DLL can be imported in Component Pascal like a normal Component Pascal module. This holds for Windows system modules (kernel, user, gdi, ...) as well as for any custom DLL written in any programming language. Be aware that the safety qualities of Component Pascal (no dangling pointers, strict type-checking, etc.) are lost if you interface to a DLL written in another programming language. Interface modules Type information about objects imported from a DLL must be present in a symbol file for the compiler to work properly. Such special symbol files can be generated through so-called interface modules. An interface module is a Component Pascal module marked by a system flag after the module name. The system flag consists of the name of the corresponding DLL enclosed in square brackets. An interface module can only contain declarations of constants, types, and procedures headings. No code file is generated when an interface module is compiled. Name aliasing The Component Pascal name of an object imported from a DLL can be different from the corresponding name in the export table of the DLL. To achieve this the DLL name is appended to the Component Pascal name as a system flag. In addition, the system flag may specify a different DLL than the one declared in the module header. This allows to use a single interface module for a whole set of related DLLs. It is also possible to have multiple interface modules referring to the same DLL. Interface procedures cannot have a body, nor an "END identifier" part, they are only signatures. The extend syntax for interface modules is given below: Module = MODULE ident ["[" SysString "]"] ";" [ImportList] DeclSeq [BEGIN StatementSeq] END ident ".". ProcDecl = PROCEDURE ["[" SysFlag "]"] [Receiver] IdentDef ["[" [SysString ","] SysString "]"] [FormalPars] ";" DeclSeq [[BEGIN StatementSeq] END ident]. SysString = string. There is no aliasing for types and constants, because they are not present in export lists and thus may have arbitrary names. The following example summarizes the aliasing capabilities: MODULE MyInterface ["MyDll"]; PROCEDURE Proc1*; (* Proc1 from MyDll *) PROCEDURE Proc2* ["BlaBla"]; (* BlaBla from MyDll *) PROCEDURE Proc3* ["OtherDll", ""]; (* Proc3 from OtherDll *) PROCEDURE Proc4* ["OtherDll", "DoIt"]; (* DoIt from OtherDll *) END MyInterface. A SysString for a DLL may not contain an entire path name. It should be just the name of the DLL, without the ".dll" suffix. The following search strategy is used: - BlackBox directory - Windows\System directory - Windows directory Data types in interface modules Always use untagged records as replacements for C structures, in order to avoid the allocation of a type tag for the garbage collector. The system flag [untagged] marks a type as untagged (no type information is available at run-time) with standard alignment rules for record fields (2-byte fields are aligned to 2-byte boundaries, 4-byte or larger fields to 4-byte boundaries). The system flags [noalign], [align2], and [align8] also identify untagged types but with different alignments for record fields. Like all system flags, "untagged" can only be used if module SYSTEM is imported. Example: RECORD [noalign] (* untagged, size = 7 bytes *) c: SHORTCHAR; (* offset 0, size = 1 byte *) x: INTEGER; (* offset 1 , size = 4 bytes *) i: SHORTINT (* offset 5, size = 2 bytes *) END Procedures Component Pascal procedure calls conform to the StdCall calling convention (parameters pushed from right to left, removed by called procedure). If the CCall convention (parameters removed by caller) is needed for some DLL procedures, the corresponding procedure declaration in the interface module must be decorated with the [ccall] system flag. No special handling is required for callback procedures. For parameters of type POINTER TO T it is often better to use a variable parameter of type T rather than to declare a corresponding pointer type. Declare the VAR parameter with system flag [nil] if NIL must be accepted as legal actual parameter. Example: C: BOOL MoveToEx(HDC hdc, int X, int Y, LPPOINT lpPoint) Component Pascal: PROCEDURE MoveToEx* (dc: Handle; x, y: INTEGER; VAR [nil] old: Point): Bool Correspondence between Component Pascal and C data types unsigned char = SHORTCHAR (1 byte) WCHAR = CHAR (2 bytes) signed char = BYTE (1 byte) short = SHORTINT (2 bytes) int = INTEGER (4 bytes) long = INTEGER (4 bytes) LARGE_INTEGER = LONGINT (8 bytes) float = SHORTREAL (4 bytes) double = REAL (8 bytes) Note that Bool is not a data type in C but is defined as int (= INTEGER). 0 and 1 must be used for assignments of FALSE and TRUE and comparisons with 0 have to be used in conditional statements (IF b # 0 THEN ... END instead of IF b THEN ... END). Note that it is not possible to unload a DLL from within BlackBox. To avoid having to exit and restart your development environment repeatedly, it is a good idea to test the DLL that you are developing from within another instance of the BlackBox application. 12 Using COM without Direct-To-COM compiler Microsoft's Component Object Model (COM) is supported by a Direct-To-COM compiler. This compiler makes using COM safer and more convenient. However, for casual use of COM, the approach described in this chapter can be used. It uses normal untagged records and procedure variables to create COM-style method tables ("vtbl") for objects. The following example shows how it works: MODULE Ddraw ["DDRAW.DLL"]; TYPE GUID = ARRAY 4 OF INTEGER; PtrIUnknown = POINTER TO RECORD [untagged] vtbl: POINTER TO RECORD [untagged] QueryInterface: PROCEDURE (this: PtrIUnknown; IN iid: GUID; OUT obj: PtrIUnknown): INTEGER; AddRef: PROCEDURE (this: PtrIUnknown): INTEGER; Release: PROCEDURE (this: PtrIUnknown): INTEGER; END END; PtrDirectDraw = POINTER TO RECORD [untagged] vtbl: POINTER TO RECORD [untagged] QueryInterface: PROCEDURE (this: PtrDirectDraw; IN iid: GUID; OUT obj: PtrIUnknown): INTEGER; AddRef: PROCEDURE (this: PtrDirectDraw): INTEGER; Release: PROCEDURE (this: PtrDirectDraw): INTEGER; Compact: PROCEDURE (this: PtrDirectDraw): INTEGER; ... SetCooperativeLevel: PROCEDURE (this: PtrDirectDraw; w, x: INTEGER): INTEGER; ... END END; PROCEDURE DirectDrawCreate* (IN guid: GUID; OUT PDD: PtrDirectDraw; outer: PtrIUnknown) : INTEGER; END Ddraw. MODULE Directone; IMPORT Out, Ddraw, SYSTEM; CONST DDSCL_EXCLUSIVE = 00000010H; DDSCL_FULLSCREEN = 00000001H; PROCEDURE Initialize; VAR Handle, Addr, Res: INTEGER; PDD: Ddraw.PtrDirectDraw; nul: Ddraw.GUID; BEGIN PDD := NIL; nul[0] := 0; nul[1] := 0; nul[2] := 0; nul[3] := 0; Res := Ddraw.DirectDrawCreate(nul, PDD, NIL); Out.String("Res"); Out.Int(Res, 8); Out.Ln(); Res := SYSTEM.VAL(INTEGER, PDD); Out.String("Res"); Out.Int(Res, 8); Out.Ln(); Res := PDD.vtbl.SetCooperativeLevel(PDD, 0, DDSCL_EXCLUSIVE + DDSCL_FULLSCREEN); Out.String("Res"); Out.Int(Res, 8); Out.Ln(); Res := PDD.vtbl.Release(PDD) END Initialize; BEGIN Initialize END Directone. Some important points: • COM GUIDs are 128 bit entities, not integers. • DO NOT use ANYPTR or other BlackBox pointers for COM interface pointers. (BlackBox pointers are garbage collected, COM pointers are reference counted.) • Use pointers to [untagged] records or integers instead. Be careful to declare all methods in the method table in the correct order with the correct parameter list. 13 Windows-specific information in BlackBox Windows -specific cursors The module WinPorts exports constants for Windows-specific cursors which can be used like the standard cursors defined in module Ports: CONST resizeHCursor = 16; (* cursors used for window resizing *) resizeVCursor = 17; resizeLCursor = 18; resizeRCursor = 19; resizeCursor = 20; busyCursor = 21; (* busy cursor *) stopCursor = 22; (* drag and drop cursors *) moveCursor = 23; copyCursor = 24; linkCursor = 25; pickCursor = 26; (* drag and pick cursor *) Specific mouse and keyboard modifiers Modifier sets are used in Controllers.TrackMsg, Controllers.EditMsg, and Ports.Frame.Input. The BlackBox platform independant modifier elements doubleClick, extend, modify, popup, and pick are defined in module Controllers. Additional Windows platform-specific modifier elements are defined in module WinPorts. The correspondence between these elements is shown in the table below. If the WinPorts element is included it implies that the corresponding Controllers element will also be included. WinPorts WinPorts Controllers Controllers Mouse button element value element value or key -- -- doubleClick 0 double click left 16 -- -- left mouse button middle 17 pick 4 middle mouse button right 18 popup 3 right mouse button shift 24 extend 1 Shift key ctrl 25 modify 2 Ctrl key alt 28 pick 4 Alt key Window and device context handles Many of the functions in the Windows API refer either to a window or to a device context handle. In the Windows BlackBox implementation, both of them are stored in the WinPorts.Port record: TYPE Port = POINTER TO RECORD (Ports.PortDesc) dc: WinApi.Handle; wnd: WinApi.Handle END; In the usual case where a frame (Ports.Frame or Views.Frame) is given, the handles can be obtained through one of the following selectors: frame.rider(WinPorts.Rider).port.dc or frame.rider(WinPorts.Rider).port.wnd If the window handle is null, the port is a printer port. Examples The following simple DLL definition is a subset of the Windows standard library GDI32: MODULE GDI ["GDI32"]; CONST WhiteBrush* = 0; BlackBrush* = 4; NullBrush* = 5; WhitePen* = 6; BlackPen* = 7; NullPen* = 8; PSSolid* = 0; PSDash* = 1; PSDot* = 2; TYPE Bool* = INTEGER; Handle* = INTEGER; ColorRef* = INTEGER; Point* = RECORD [untagged] x*, y*: INTEGER END; Rect* = RECORD [untagged] left*, top*, right*, bottom*: INTEGER END; PROCEDURE CreatePen* (style, width: INTEGER; color: ColorRef): Handle; PROCEDURE CreateSolidBrush* (color: ColorRef): Handle; PROCEDURE GetStockObject* (object: INTEGER): Handle; PROCEDURE SelectObject* (dc, obj: Handle): Handle; PROCEDURE DeleteObject* (obj: Handle): Bool; PROCEDURE Rectangle* (dc: Handle; left, top, right, bottom: INTEGER): Bool; PROCEDURE SelectClipRgn* (dc, rgn: Handle): INTEGER; PROCEDURE IntersectClipRect* (dc: Handle; left, top, right, bottom: INTEGER): INTEGER; PROCEDURE SaveDC* (dc: Handle): INTEGER; PROCEDURE RestoreDC* (dc: Handle; saved: INTEGER): Bool; END GDI. The following example is a simplified version of the BlackBox standard DrawRect routines implemented in Ports and WinPorts. It uses the GDI interface presented above. MODULE Ex; IMPORT Ports, WinPorts, GDI; PROCEDURE DrawRect (f: Ports.Frame; l, t, r, b, s: INTEGER; col: Ports.Color); VAR res, h, rl, rt, rr, rb: INTEGER; p: WinPorts.Port; dc, oldb, oldp: GDI.Handle; BEGIN (* change local universal coordinates to window pixel coordinates *) l := (f.gx + l) DIV f.unit; t := (f.gy + t) DIV f.unit; r := (f.gx + r) DIV f.unit; b := (f.gy + b) DIV f.unit; s := s DIV f.unit; (* get device context *) p := f.rider(WinPorts.Rider).port; dc := p.dc; (* set clip region *) IF p.wnd = 0 THEN res := GDI.SaveDC(dc) ELSE res := GDI.SelectClipRgn(dc, 0) END; f.rider.GetRect(rl, rt, rr, rb); res := GDI.IntersectClipRect(dc, rl, rt, rr, rb); (* use black as default color *) IF col = Ports.defaultColor THEN col := Ports.black END; IF s = 0 THEN s := 1 END; IF (s < 0) OR (r-l < 2*s) OR (b-t < 2*s) THEN (* filled rectangle *) INC(r); INC(b); oldb := GDI.SelectObject(dc, GDI.CreateSolidBrush(col)); oldp := GDI.SelectObject(dc, GDI.GetStockObject(GDI.NullPen)); res := GDI.Rectangle(dc, l, t, r, b); res := GDI.DeleteObject(GDI.SelectObject(dc, oldb)); res := GDI.SelectObject(dc, oldp) ELSE (* outline rectangle *) h := s DIV 2; INC(l, h); INC(t, h); h := (s-1) DIV 2; DEC(r, h); DEC(b, h); oldb := GDI.SelectObject(dc, GDI.GetStockObject(GDI.NullBrush)); oldp := GDI.SelectObject(dc, GDI.CreatePen(GDI.PSSolid, s, col)); res := GDI.Rectangle(dc, l, t, r, b); res := GDI.SelectObject(dc, oldb); res := GDI.DeleteObject(GDI.SelectObject(dc, oldp)) END; IF p.wnd = 0 THEN res := GDI.RestoreDC(dc, -1) END END DrawRect; END Ex. 14 Runtime type system All dynamically allocated Component Pascal records contain a hidden field, which is called the type tag. The type tag points to the type descriptor that contains all type information needed at runtime. Calls of type-bound procedures, type tests and the garbage collector all use the information which is stored in the type descriptor. The type descriptor is allocated only once for every record type in the system. Dynamically allocated arrays use a size descriptor to check the bounds of indexes. The size descriptor also contains the type tag of the element type. For every single dynamic array a size descriptor is needed. 15 Linking BlackBox applications If you want to distribute an application you have written in BlackBox, you may want to link all modules into a single file for distribution. In this case you need to link the framework to your application. To illustrate the necessary actions we will give an example. Adapt the module StdConfig to your needs: MODULE StdConfig; IMPORT StdCmds, StdWindows, StdDocuments, Converters; PROCEDURE Setup*; VAR res: INTEGER; BEGIN StdWindows.Init; StdDocuments.Install; Converters.Register( "StdDocuments.ImportDocument", "StdDocuments.ExportDocument", "", "odc", {}); StdCmds.OpenAuxDialog('Obx/Rsrc/BlackBox', 'BlackBox Game Dialog') END Setup; END StdConfig. DevCompiler.Compile Then link the framework with your modules into the new application file. Blue modules are platform-specific realizations for the set of abstract interfaces. WinPackedFiles module should be linked if you packing some resoureces to the executable file after linking of application. DevLinker.Link BlackBoxGameDemo.exe := Kernel$+ Utf WinKernel Files WinEnv WinFiles WinPackedFiles WinGui StdLoader Math Strings Dates Meta Fonts Log Librarian Dialog Services Ports Stores Converters Sequencers Models Printers Views Controllers Properties Printing Mechanisms Containers Documents Windows StdCFrames Controls StdRegistry StdInterpreter WinRegistry WinFonts WinDates TextModels TextRulers TextSetters TextViews StdScrollers StdDialog StdApi StdCmds WinPorts OleData WinMechanisms WinPrinters WinDialog WinClipboard WinCFrames WinCmds TextControllers TextMappers TextCmds StdLinks StdMenuTool StdScrollbars StdRasters StdDocuments StdWindows StdMenus StdGrids StdLog StdTiles FormModels FormViews FormControllers FormGen FormCmds StdFolds StdDebug StdTextConv StdClocks StdStamps StdCoder StdStdCFrames OleWindows OleStorage Loop Console In Out StdInflate StdRastersPng WinConsole WinBackends WinShowHook WinRasters WinConfig WinInit StdConfig ObxBlackBox 1 Applogo.ico 2 Doclogo.ico 3 SFLogo.ico 4 CFLogo.ico 5 DtyLogo.ico 1 Move.cur 2 Copy.cur 3 Link.cur 4 Pick.cur 5 Stop.cur 6 Hand.cur 7 Table.cur You may need to distribute some additional files such as forms and documetation with application or they can be packed into executable file. DevPacker.PackThis BlackBoxGameDemo.exe := Obx/Rsrc/BlackBox.odc Obx/Docu/BB-Rules.odc System/Rsrc/Strings.odc Do not forget to restore code file for regular StdConfig DevCompiler.CompileThis StdConfig (* the second commander here to terminate reading *) Linux Specific Information 21 Linux Environment parameters of BlackBox The command line parameters of BlackBox start with the letter '/' or alternatively the letter '-' immediately followed by a case insensitive parameter name. Depending on the parameter, further parameter values may be required. Each parameter value is separated by white space. If a parameter value contains spaces, it must be enclosed in single or double quotes. The parameters are: BB_STANDARD_DIR=path Use pat for "bottom" directory to lookup for files. BB_USE_DIR=path Use path for lookup of relative file paths prior to looking them up in the startup or custom directory. If path is relative it refers to the current directory. BB_CUSTOM_DIR=path Use path for lookup of relative file paths prior to looking them up in the startup directory. PAR parameters Specify parameters available via Dialog.commandLinePars. BB_PACKED_NAME Name of file for LinPackedFiles module to read packed files from it. BB_PACKED_FIRST Set priority for reading files first from the packed file. LANG language Run BlackBox localized to the specified two letter language code. 22 Endless loop Endless loop Send SIGILL signal to BlackBox to terminate endless loop. SS 25 Linking BlackBox applications If you want to distribute an application you have written in BlackBox, you may want to link all modules into a single file for distribution. In this case you need to link the framework to your application. To illustrate the necessary actions we will give an example. Adapt the module StdConfig to your needs: MODULE StdConfig; IMPORT StdCmds, StdWindows, StdDocuments, Converters; PROCEDURE Setup*; VAR res: INTEGER; BEGIN StdWindows.Init; StdDocuments.Install; Converters.Register( "StdDocuments.ImportDocument", "StdDocuments.ExportDocument", "", "odc", {}); StdCmds.OpenAuxDialog('Obx/Rsrc/BlackBox', 'BlackBox Game Dialog') END Setup; END StdConfig. DevCompiler.Compile Then link the framework with your modules into the new application file. Blue modules are platform-specific realizations for the set of abstract interfaces. LinPackedFiles module should be linked if you packing some resoureces to the executable file after linking of application. DevLinker1.LinkElf Linux BlackBoxGameDemo := Kernel$+ Utf LinKernel Files LinEnv LinFiles LinPackedFiles LinGui StdLoader Math Strings Dates Meta Fonts Log Librarian Dialog Services Ports Stores Converters Sequencers Models Printers Views Controllers Properties Printing Mechanisms Containers Documents Windows StdCFrames Controls StdRegistry StdInterpreter LinRegistry LinFonts LinDates TextModels TextRulers TextSetters TextViews StdScrollers StdDialog StdApi StdCmds LinPorts LinMechanisms LinDialog LinClipboard TextControllers TextMappers TextCmds StdLinks StdMenuTool StdScrollbars StdRasters StdDocuments StdWindows StdMenus StdGrids StdLog StdTiles FormModels FormViews FormControllers FormGen FormCmds StdFolds StdDebug StdTextConv StdClocks StdStamps StdCoder StdStdCFrames Loop Console In Out LinConsole LinBackends LinRastersPng LinConfig LinInit StdFilesBrowser StdConfig ObxBlackBox You may need to distribute some additional files such as forms and documetation with application or they can be packed into executable file. DevPacker.PackThis BlackBoxGameDemo := Obx/Rsrc/BlackBox.odc Obx/Docu/BB-Rules.odc System/Rsrc/Strings.odc Do not forget to restore code file for regular StdConfig DevCompiler.CompileThis StdConfig (* the second commander here to terminate reading *)
DevProfiler DEFINITION DevProfiler; PROCEDURE SetProfileList; PROCEDURE SetModuleList (list: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE Start; PROCEDURE Stop; PROCEDURE ShowProfile; PROCEDURE Reset; PROCEDURE Execute; PROCEDURE StartGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE StopGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); END DevProfiler. DevProfiler is a statistical profiler for Component Pascal programs. A profiler measures how much processing time is spent in the individual procedures of a program. A statistical profiler determines at regular time intervals (interrupt-driven) in which procedure of which module the program currently executes. These measurements are stored, and can later be used to display the profile. Profiles can be taken over all modules, or over a selected list of particularly interesting modules. Profiling can be started and stopped interactively, or via a programming interface. The latter often allows a more precise measurement. Possible menus: MENUS "Set Profile List" "" "DevProfiler.SetProfileList" "DevProfiler.StartGuard" "Start Profiler" "" "DevProfiler.Start" "DevProfiler.StartGuard" "Stop Profiler" "" "DevProfiler.Stop; DevProfiler.ShowProfile" "DevProfiler.StopGuard" "Execute" "" "DevProfiler.Execute" "TextCmds.SelectionGuard" END Programming Example The following example shows how the programming interface of the profiler can be used. It profiles the compilation of a module, i.e., of command DevCompiler.Compile. PROCEDURE ProfiledCompile*; VAR res: INTEGER; BEGIN DevProfiler.SetModuleList("DevCPM DevCPS DevCPT DevCPB DevCPP"); DevProfiler.Start; Dialog.Call("DevCompiler.Compile", "", res); DevProfiler.Stop; DevProfiler.ShowProfile; DevProfiler.Reset END ProfiledCompile; The above procedure produces something like the following output: Module % per module Procedure % per procedure DevCPT 37 InsertImport 7 Find 4 InName 4 InStruct 4 FPrintName 3 FPrintSign 1 IdFPrint 1 FPrintObj 1 DevCPM 16 ReadNum 4 Get 3 FPrint 2 SymRCh 2 SymRInt 2 DevCPS 7 Identifier 4 Get 1 DevCPB 6 DevCPP 6 selector 1 samples: 782 100% in profiled modules 306 39% other 476 61% In this example, about 37% of the measured time period has been spent in some procedures of module DevCPT. Procedure InsertImport alone has taken about 7% of the time. Note that procedures which used less than 1% of the time are not displayed, thus the sum over all DevCPT procedures doesn't add up to 37%. Some time may be spent in modules not measured, or not in Component Pascal modules at all, e.g., in the host operating system's file system implementation. For this reason, and because modules which used less than 1% of the time are not shown, the sum over all modules doesn't add up to 100%. PROCEDURE SetProfileList This procedure takes the list of selected module names and registers it. This list of modules will be profiled when Start is called. If there is no selection, all listed modules will be profiled. PROCEDURE SetModuleList (list: ARRAY OF CHAR) Same as SetProfileList but with an explicit parameter instead of the selection as implicit parameter. This procedure is useful when the profiler is called from a program rather than interactively. PROCEDURE Start Starts profiling. PROCEDURE Stop Stops profiling. PROCEDURE ShowProfile Displays the most recently measured profile in a new window. PROCEDURE Reset Releases memory used for the profiler, including the most recently measured profile and the module list. PROCEDURE Execute Same as DevDebug.Execute. The execution time (in milliseconds) is written to the log.
DevRBrowser DEFINITION DevRBrowser; PROCEDURE ShowRepository; PROCEDURE Update; PROCEDURE OpenFile (path, name: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE ShowFiles (path: ARRAY OF CHAR); END DevRBrowser. This tool module allows to list all subsystems as folds (-> StdFolds). A fold contains links to its subsystem's symbol, code, source, and documentation files. It makes it easier to get an overview over the elements of a large BlackBox application, or over BlackBox itself. For the resources of a subsystem, a Rsrc link is generated. Clicking this link creates a list of all documents in the Rsrc subdirectory. For the documentation files, those which contain one or several dashes ("-") in their names are not treated as module documentations, but rather as auxiliary documentation files which are listed at the beginning. In particular, files with name Sys-Map, User-Man, and Dev-Man are extracted this way. They are the standard names for a map document which contains hyperlinks to the relevant files of the subsystems; the user manual for the subsystem (user in this context means a programmer); and the programmer's reference. Menu command: "Repository" "" "DevRBrowser.ShowRepository" "" PROCEDURE ShowRepository Create a report which lists all subsystems. PROCEDURE Update Update the report (used as command in the update link that is on top of the generated report). PROCEDURE OpenFile (path, name: ARRAY OF CHAR) Used internally. Opens the file at location path and with name name. PROCEDURE ShowFiles (path: ARRAY OF CHAR) Used internally. Lists all resource documents at location path.
DevReferences DEFINITION DevReferences; IMPORT TextMappers, Files; PROCEDURE ResolveImportAlias (VAR mod: TextMappers.String; t: TextModels.Model); PROCEDURE ShowDocu; PROCEDURE ShowSource; PROCEDURE ShowText (module, ident: TextMappers.String; category: Files.Name); END DevReferences. This module provides two commands which, given the name of a module or of a qualified identifier, look up the corresponding documentation or source text. Typical menu: MENU "&Source" "" "DevReferences.ShowSource" "TextCmds.SelectionGuard" "&Documentation" "" "DevReferences.ShowDocu" "TextCmds.SelectionGuard" END PROCEDURE ResolveImportAlias (VAR mod: TextMappers.String; t: TextModels.Model) On input mod is assumed to contain either the name of a Module, or a Qualident, where the Module referenced in mod is imported by another Module whose source code is in t. For example, if t contains the line "IMPORT Ref := DevReferences;" mod may be "Ref" or "DevReferences". On output, in this example, mod would be set to "DevReferences". PROCEDURE ShowDocu Guard: TextCmds.SelectionGuard Looks up the documentation text of the module whose name is selected. If a qualified identifier is selected, i.e., "module.ident", the corresponding item is searched. It must be written in boldface and in a smaller than 14 point type. The document must be located in the Docu directory of the module's subsystem. The selected module name or qualident may be either given in full, or by alias if an alias has been defined in the enclosing module's IMPORT statement. PROCEDURE ShowSource Guard: TextCmds.SelectionGuard Looks up the source text of the module whose name is selected. If a qualified identifier is selected, i.e., "module.ident", the corresponding item is searched. It must be written in boldface and in a smaller than 14 point type. The document must be located in the Mod directory of the module's subsystem. The selected module name or qualident may be either given in full, or by alias if an alias has been defined in the enclosing module's IMPORT statement. PROCEDURE ShowText (module, ident: TextMappers.String; category: Files.Name) Used internally.
DevSearch DEFINITION DevSearch; PROCEDURE Compare; PROCEDURE SearchInDocu (opts: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE SearchInSources; PROCEDURE SelectCaseInSens (pat: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE SelectCaseSens (pat: ARRAY OF CHAR); END DevSearch. This tool provides global search facilities (in all subsystems' Docu or Mod directories) and a text comparison feature. The search engine cooperates with module TextCmds, in that it uses the latter's find & replace interactor. This means that after having found a string using one of the search commands, the text command "Find Again" can be used to conveniently find further occurrences of the same string in the same text. Typical menu: MENU "Search In Sources" "" "TextCmds.InitFindDialog; DevSearch.SearchInSources" "TextCmds.SelectionGuard" "Search In Docu (Case Sensitive)" "" "TextCmds.InitFindDialog; DevSearch.SearchInDocu('s')" "TextCmds.SelectionGuard" "Search In Docu (Case Insensitive)" "" "TextCmds.InitFindDialog; DevSearch.SearchInDocu('i')" "TextCmds.SelectionGuard" "Compare Texts" "" "DevSearch.Compare" "TextCmds.FocusGuard" END PROCEDURE Compare Guard: top two windows are document windows Perform a textual comparison of the two topmost windows' contents. The comparison starts at each window's current caret position, or alternatively, at the end of its selection. The next difference which is found is indicated by advancing the caret or selection to the found difference. White space (spaces, tabs, carriage returns) are ignored during comparison. PROCEDURE SearchInSources Guard: TextCmds.SelectionGuard Search all available sources (in all subsystems) for the occurrence of the selected text pattern. Search is case-sensitive. PROCEDURE SearchInDocu (opts: ARRAY OF CHAR) Guard: TextCmds.SelectionGuard Search all available documentation texts (in all subsystems and in the Docu directory) for the occurrence of the selected text pattern. If the string opts starts with an 's' or 'S' then the search is case sensitive, if it starts with an 'i' or 'I' the search is case-insensitive and in all other cases the value from the Find /Replace... dialog is used. Searching for docu is language aware. If a language other than the base language en is selected in Edit->Preferences..., the related language subdirectory is used for searching. Otherwise only the english version is searched. Note that in any case only files that exist for the base language en are considered. PROCEDURE SelectCaseInSens (pat: ARRAY OF CHAR) Sets up TextCmds.find.find with pat, calls TextCmds.FindFirst and opens the find dialog. This procedure is used by link views created with the above procedure SearchInDocu when the search was performed case-insensitive. PROCEDURE SelectCaseSens (pat: ARRAY OF CHAR) Sets up TextCmds.find.find with pat and calls TextCmds.FindFirst. This procedure is used by link views created with the above procedures SearchInSource and SearchInDocu when the search was performed case-sensitive.
DevSelectors DEFINITION DevSelectors; IMPORT TextModels, Models, Stores, Views; CONST left = 1; middle = 2; right = 3; TYPE Directory = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (d: Directory) New (position: INTEGER): Selector, NEW, ABSTRACT END; Selector = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) position-: INTEGER; END; VAR dir-: Directory; stdDir-: Directory; PROCEDURE Change (text: TextModels.Model; title: ARRAY OF CHAR; selection: INTEGER); PROCEDURE ChangeTo (text: TextModels.Model; title, entry: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE DepositLeft; PROCEDURE DepositMiddle; PROCEDURE DepositRight; PROCEDURE SetDir (d: Directory); END DevSelectors. Introduction Selector Views serve to specify conditional parts of a text document. The idea is that the document can be configured into one of two, or more, variants, and each variant may involve several changes spread throughout the document. A simple example is to change the language of comments in a source file. When any of the changes is selected anywhere in the Document, all the related changes are automatically made consistently. Selector Views should be inserted into a Text in sets comprising a left View "", 0 or more middle Views "", and a right View "". These Views then identify short stretches of text. The first stretch is called the selector title and the subsequent stretches are called its selections. For example: MyTitleSelection 1Selection 2Selection 3 MyTitleValue 1Value 2Value 3 If you click on either the "" or "" Views the selector opens to display all its fields. If you click on one of the "" Views it collapses to show only the immediately following selection. Normally one would have a group (or groups) of several selectors, each selector would have two or more middle Views, and all the selectors in the same group would have the same number of middle Views. Different selectors are in the same group if they have the same (case-sensitive) title. When you open or collapse any selector, all the selectors in the same group (ie with the same title) open or collapse together. (An exception is when you click on the n'th middle View in a selector, other selectors in that group with less than n middle Views do not respond.) Changes to selections are recorded on the Edit -> Undo/Redo stack, but do not make the Text dirty. Selectors in the source code Some suggested uses for Selectors are: → During development when there is a desire to experiment with different options → To insert comments in source code in different languages → To translate 'c' header files by simulating conditional compilation. It can then be convenient to have control selectors in comments in the module header such as: (* FeatureOnOff *) (* Commentenrufr *) (* Macro Idvalue 1 value 2value 3 *) and corresponding selectors in each group to implement the selected functionality. The Compiler also responds directly to selectors so, for example, one can call at the command line DevCompiler.CompileThis MyModule ("Feature A": "On", "Feature B": "Off") and the source file is configured appropriately if it includes selectors with matching titles and selections. Installation It may be convenient to include the Menu items: SEPARATOR "Insert Left" "*F5" "DevSelectors.DepositLeft; StdCmds.PasteView" "StdCmds.PasteViewGuard" "Insert Middle" "*F6" "DevSelectors.DepositMiddle; StdCmds.PasteView" "StdCmds.PasteViewGuard" "Insert Right" "*F7" "DevSelectors.DepositRight; StdCmds.PasteView" "StdCmds.PasteViewGuard" A suitable location would be after the "Fold" Menu items in the Tools section of (Dev)Menus.odc. Reference Manual CONST left, middle, right Constants used by the Directory New procedure position parameter to define which kind of Selector will be returned. TYPE Directory ABSTRACT Directory for selector Views. PROCEDURE (d: Directory) New (position: INTEGER): Selector NEW, ABSTRACT Returns a new selector View. position should be one of left, middle, or right (not explicitly checked). TYPE Selector (Views.View) View type of a selector. position-: INTEGER Indicates if the selector is a left, middle, or right selector. VAR dir-, stdDir-: Directory Directory and standard directory for selectors. PROCEDURE Change (text: TextModels.Model; title: ARRAY OF CHAR; selection: INTEGER) Collapses the selectors in text with title title to show the specified selection. The first selection corresponds to number selection = 1. (If the selector has less than selection selections it is unchanged.) If selection = 0 all the selectors in this group opened. PROCEDURE ChangeTo (text: TextModels.Model; title, entry: ARRAY OF CHAR) If any selector in text has title = text, and a selection = entry then all the selectors with title text are collapsed to show only the corresponding selection. Both comparisons are case sensitive. PROCEDURE DepositLeft Creates a new left selector and deposits it in the Views queue. PROCEDURE DepositMiddle Creates a new middle selector and deposits it in the Views queue. PROCEDURE DepositRight Creates a new right selector and deposits it in the Views queue. PROCEDURE SetDir (d: Directory) Sets the selector directory. Pre d # NIL 20
DevSubTool DEFINITION DevSubTool; CONST textCmds = 0; formCmds = 1; otherCmds = 2; simpleView = 3; standardView = 4; complexView = 5; wrapper = 6; specialContainer = 7; generalContainer = 8; VAR create: RECORD subsystem: ARRAY 9 OF CHAR; kind: INTEGER; Create: PROCEDURE END; END DevSubTool. Module DevSubTool provides a code generator (sometimes such a tool is called a "wizard" or "expert") which creates source code skeletons for typical view implementations. Theses skeletons are extended with your own code pieces and then compiled. DevSubTool supports several kinds of projects, from simple text commands to general containers. The source document(s) are always created in the form of a new subsystem, i.e., as a subdirectory with the generic subsystem structure (Sym, Code, Docu, Mod subdirectories). Note that the tool uses template texts which are stored in the Dev/Rsrc/New directory. Studying these texts, in particular the more complex model/view/commands templates, can be worthwile to learn more about typical BlackBox design and code patterns. Typical command: "Create Subsystem..." "" "StdCmds.OpenToolDialog('Dev/Rsrc/SubTool', 'Create Subsystem')" "" CONST textCmds This value can be assigned to create.kind, to create a command package for text commands, i.e., a module which imports the standard Text subsystem and enhances it with its own exported commands or interactors. CONST formCmds This value can be assigned to create.kind, to create a command package for form commands, i.e., a module which imports the standard Form subsystem and enhances it with its own exported commands or interactors. CONST otherCmds This value can be assigned to create.kind, to create a command package for arbitrary commands, i.e., a module which enhances BlackBox with its own exported commands or interactors. CONST simpleView This value can be assigned to create.kind, to create a view implementation for a simple view which has no model. The view and its commands are packaged into one module. The view is not exported. CONST standardView This value can be assigned to create.kind, to create a view implementation for a view with a model. The model, view, and its commands are packaged into one module. Model and view are not exported. CONST complexView This value can be assigned to trans.kind, to create a view implementation for a view with a model. The model, view, and its commands are packaged into one module each. Model and view are exported as definition types, concrete implementations are created via directory objects. This category is currently not supported. CONST wrapper This value can be assigned to trans.kind, to create a wrapper implementation for wrapping an arbitrary view. The wrapper view and its commands are packaged into one module. The wrapper view is not exported. This category is currently not supported. CONST specialContainer Creates a container with a static layout and no intrinsic contents, possibly for containing only views of a particular type. The container view and its commands are packaged into one module. The container view is not exported. CONST generalContainer Creates a container view with dynamic layout, possibly some intrinsic contents, and able to contain any view type. The model, view, controller, and its commands are packaged into one module each. Model and view are exported as definition types, concrete implementations are created via directory objects. Model, view, and controller are extensions of their base types in module Containers. This category is currently not supported. VAR trans Interactor for the translation dialog. subsystem: ARRAY 9 OF CHAR Name of the subsystem to be translated. The name must be a legal subsystem name, between 3 to 8 characters in length, and start with a capital letter. kind: INTEGER kind IN {textCmds..generalContainer} Kind of program to generate. Create: PROCEDURE Creation command. As input, a legal subsystem name must be entered. As a result, a new subsystem directory is created. The Dev/Rsrc/New directory contains a number of template documents. Create translates some of these documents (depending on kind) by replacing all strings with the strikeout attribute (like here: strikeout) by the subsystem name. The template files are then deleted.
Map to the Dev Subsystem UserManual DevAlienTool display infos on aliens DevAnalyzer source code analyzer DevBrowser symbol file browser DevCmds miscellaneous commands DevCommanders command interpreters DevCompiler Component Pascal compiler DevDebug symbolic post mortem debugger DevDebugCmds attaching a run-time debugger DevDependencies display module graph DevHeapSpy visual heap display DevInspector control property inspector DevLinkChk check hyperlinks DevLinker linker DevMarkers error markers DevMsgSpy log messages to a view DevPacker pack files into an EXE file DevProfiler statistical profiler DevRBrowser repository browser DevReferences source/docu symbol lookup DevRTDebug symbolic run-time debugger DevSearch global search tool DevSubTool template generator
Dev Subsystem User Manual Contents 1 CompilingComponentPascalmodules 2 Browsingtools 3 Loadingandunloadingmodules 4 Executingcommands 5 Debugging 6 Deployment 1 Compiling ComponentPascal modules Besides consuming stored text documents, the Component Pascal compiler can compile modules from anywhere in any displayed text document. If the beginning of a displayed text is also the beginning of a module, the command Dev->Compile is used to compile the module. If the module begins somewhere in the middle of a displayed text, its beginning can be selected, e.g., by doubleclicking on the keyword MODULE, and then the command Dev->CompileSelection is used. To compile a list of modules at once, a list of module names needs to appear in some displayed text, e.g., FormModels FormViews FormControllers FormCmds By selecting the part of the list that should be considered by the compiler, and by invoking the command Dev->CompileModuleList, the list of modules is compiled consecutively. The process stops as soon as an erroneous module has been encountered. The compiler reports on the success or failure of compilations by writing into the system log. The log is a special text displayed in an auxiliary window. It can be opened using Info->OpenLog and cleared using Info->ClearLog. The log is a development tool, i.e., it is mainly used for debugging purposes and for development tools. End-user applications are not expected to display a log. Whether or not a log window is opened upon startup of BlackBox is determined by the configuration's StdConfig module (in directory Std/Mod). This module can be changed by the programmer as desired; by default its Setup procedure only contains a statement which opens the log. Dev->OpenModuleList is a convenient command which opens the module sources of one or several modules: select a module name, e.g., FormCmds, and then execute Dev->OpenModuleList. This command can save you much time when you work with multiple subsystems (cf. Modules and Subsystems) at the same time. When compiling a newly created or a modified module, direct compilation of the displayed program text with Dev->Compile is recommended. In addition to writing to the system log, the compiler then also inserts error markers into the source text and places the caret after the first marker, if some syntax error was encountered. Each marker represents an error flagged by the compiler in the source text. Normally, a marker is displayed as a crossedout box. However, simply by clicking into it, a marker expands to display the corresponding error message. If the insertion point is directly behind a marker, it can be expanded via the command Dev->ToggleErrorMark (or more likely via its keyboard shortcut). At the bottom of a window there is a status bar. If the user clicks into an error marker, the error message is written into the status bar instead of expanding the error marker. The error marker can be forced to expand by a ctrl-click or a double-click on the marker. The command Dev->NextError can be used to skip forward to the next marker. Dev->UnmarkErrors removes all remaining markers from a text. However, this command is rarely required: The compiler automatically removes all old markers when recompiling a text; and when storing a text, contained markers are filtered out, i.e., do not appear anymore when the text is opened again. If a compiled module contains one or several errors, the text is scrolled to the first one. If this doesn't happen, the module was successfully compiled. In addition to this feedback, the compiler writes the number of errors found to the log, if there are errors. If the module interface has changed compared to a previous version, the changes are listed in the log as well. The successful compilation of a module yields two files: a symbol file and a code file. A symbol file contains the information about a module's interface, and is used by the compiler to check imported modules for consistency. The code file represents the generated code (Intel 386 code on Windows, Motorola 68020 code on Macintosh). The contents of a code file is linked and loaded dynamically when needed, thus there is no need for a separate linker. Symbol files are only needed during development (used by the compiler and the interface browser), they are not needed to run modules. A symbol file is a special encoding of a module's interface, i.e. of its exported constants, variables, types, and procedures. If the interface of a module is changed and the module recompiled, a new symbol file is written to disk. When compiling a module, the compiler reads the symbol files of all imported modules. This information is used to generate code, but also to type-check the correct use of imported identifiers. After the interface of a module has been modified, all modules importing it (i.e., all its clients) must be recompiled. Only those modules need to be recompiled which actually use a feature that has been changed. A mere addition of features does not invalidate the clients of a module: if you export a further procedure, for example, no clients need to be recompiled. This also holds for constants, variables, and types, but not for methods. Addition of a method is not considered an extension, but rather a modification of an interface, and thus may invalidate clients. Code files are produced, but never read during compilation. They are necessary to run modules, i.e. the dynamic (linking) loader must be able to read them. They can be regarded as special very light-weight DLLs (dynamic link libraries). See also modules DevCompiler, DevCmds, and DevMarkers. 2 Browsing tools A common cause of compiletime errors is the wrong use of interfaces. To quickly retrieve the actual definitions of items exported by modules, the browser may be used. The interface of a whole module is displayed when selecting the name of a module and executing Info->Client Interface. To display the definition of an individual item, e.g., a type or procedure, the qualified name of that item, i.e., module.item should be selected with the same command. The browser displays its output in a form that can directly be used as input for further browsing actions. Command Info->Client Interface only shows the part of a module's interface which is relevant for clients, i.e., it leaves out implement-only methods and similar items that are only relevant for implementers of object types. For implementers, the command Info->Extension Interface shows the full interface. Two related commands, Info->Source and Info->Documentation, allow to look up an item's definition in a source file, or in an on-line documentation, respectively. They both work on selected module names as well as on names in the form module.item, just as the Info->Interface command. The general text search commands Info->SearchinSources and Info->SearchinDocu search a selected string in the available source files, respectively documentation files. For source files, this means in the global Mod directory and in each subsystems' Mod directory. For documentation files, this means in the global Docu directory and in each subsystem's Docu directory. As a result of these commands, a new text is opened which contains a hyperlink for each file where the string occurs, and the count of how many times it occurs there. When the user clicks on the hyperlink, the corresponding file is opened and first instance of the string is selected. With Text->FindAgain, the next instance can be found. Note that these commands may take up to several minutes to complete. See also modules DevBrowser, DevReferences, DevSearch, and DevDependencies. 3 Loading and unloading modules Once a module successfully passes the compiler it can be loaded to the system and used. The BlackBox loader can dynamically link and load a module at run-time. A code file basically is a language-specific light-weight DLL (dynamic link library). The loader can be invoked from within a program by calling the procedure Dialog.Call. This procedure takes a command name as parameter. It loads the command's module, if it isn't loaded yet. Afterwards, it executes the command's procedure. For example, Dialog.Call("DevDebug.ShowLoadedModules", "", res) causes the loading of module DevDebug (if necessary) and the execution of its ShowLoadedModules procedure. A loading attempt may cause the following errors: Code file not found The code file of a module has not been found. For example, loading of module FormCmds requires the code file Form/Code/Cmds. Corrupted code file The module's code file exists, but its internal format is not correct. Object not found The module imports some object (constant, type, variable, procedure) from another module, where this object is not exported. Object inconsistently imported The module imports some object (constant, type, variable, procedure) from another module, where this object is exported, but with a different signature. Such inconsistencies typically occur if a module's interface was changed (e.g., a procedure got an additional parameter), but not all client modules were recompiled afterwards. Another possibility is that the module whose interface was changed has not been reloaded after compilation. In this case, everything will work fine after it has been unloaded (e.g., after a restart of BlackBox). Cyclic import Modules may not import each other cyclically. For example, it is not alllowed that module A imports module B, and module B imports module C, and module C imports module A. Not enough memory There is not enough memory left for loading the module. Once loaded, a module remains loaded if it isn't unloaded explicitly. The list of all currently loaded modules is displayed by Info->LoadedModules. In order to use a new version of a module that is already loaded, the module needs to be unloaded first. Command Dev->Unload takes a focused module source as input and tries to unload the corresponding module. Dev->Unload fails if the module is still in use, i.e., if it is imported by at least one other module that is still loaded. (In general, modules can only be released top down.) The command Dev->UnloadModuleList takes a selection as input, which must consist of a sequence of module names. You may directly use a selection in the text produced by Info->LoadedModules as input. See also module DevDebug. 4 Executing commands There are several ways to execute commands (i.e., procedures exported by Component Pascal modules, intended for direct invocation by the user) within BlackBox. A command name can be written to a text, as a string of the form "module.procedure", selected, and executed using Dev->Execute. An easier way is to insert a commander in front of the command name, using Tools->InsertCommander. Clicking on a commander interprets the string following it as a sequence of commands, e.g. "Dialog.Beep; DevDebug.ShowLoadedModules" If the string consists of only one parameterless command, the string delimiters may be omitted, e.g., Dialog.Beep With such simple commands, it is possible to combine the unloading of an old version with the execution of a new version of a command (resp. of its module): ctrl-click on the commander causes the command's module to be unloaded, and then the new module version is loaded and the procedure executed. Note that this "unload shortcut" only works for top-level modules, i.e. for modules which are not imported by any other modules. The allowed parameter lists for commands are documented with module StdInterpreter. The BlackBox Component Framework tries to call the command StdConfig.Setup when it is starting up. You can change StdConfig in order to customize your configuration upon startup. See also modules DevDebug and StdConfig. 5 Debugging Post-mortem Debugging When a run-time error occurs, e.g., a division by zero or some assertion trap, a trap window is opened. Such a window contains a text which shows the stack contents at the time when the trap occurred. An extract of such a trap text is shown below: index out of range ObxTrap.Do [00000049H] i INTEGER 777 str Dialog.String "String" v Views.View [85D29730H] StdInterpreter.CallProc [00000BC1H] i Meta.Item .obj SHORTINT 4 .typ SHORTINT 20 .vis SHORTINT 4 .adr LONGINT -2034827097 .mod undefined: 86B60000H .desc undefined: 00000004H .ptr Meta.ArrayPtr [85CDF4B0H] mn Meta.Name "ObxTrap" mod StdInterpreter.Ident "ObxTrap" ok BOOLEAN TRUE parType INTEGER 0 pn Meta.Name "Do" proc StdInterpreter.Ident "Do" StdInterpreter.Command [0000187EH] left StdInterpreter.Ident "ObxTrap" ptype INTEGER 0 right StdInterpreter.Ident "Do" In the first line, the exception or trap number is given, e.g., "Index out of range" or "TRAP 0". Further below, a sequence of procedure activations is given, e.g., the last active procedure (where the trap occurred) was ObxTrap.Do, which had been called by StdInterpreter.CallProc, which had been called by StdInterpreter.Command, etc. Each procedure is marked with a small diamond mark to the left of its name. Clicking on this diamond mark produces a new window which shows the global variables of the module in which this procedure is defined, e.g., ObxTrap global INTEGER 13 The diamond mark to the right of a procedure opens the source of the module in which this procedure is defined, selects the statement which has been interrupted, and scrolls to this selection. Of course, this is only possible for modules whose source code is available. But now let us go back to the stack display. The lines below a procedure's name show the parameters and local variables of the procedure, sorted alphabetically. The following example str Dialog.String "String" means that a local variable str of type Dialog.String had the value "String" when the trap occurred. If the variable name is displayed in italics, this means that it is a variable parameter (i.e., representing another variable). After a pointer variable, a diamond mark allows to follow the pointer to the record to which it points, e.g. the pointer v v Views.View [85D29730H] can be followed (by clicking on the diamond mark) to the record ObxTrap.Do:v^ [85D29730H] TextViews.StdViewDesc .context Models.Context [85D29CC0H] .era LONGINT 3 .guard LONGINT 0 .bad SET {} .model Containers.Model [85D29780H] .controller Containers.Controller [85D29A20H] .alienCtrl Stores.Store NIL .text TextModels.Model [85D29780H] .org LONGINT 0 .dy LONGINT 0 .defRuler TextRulers.Ruler [85D29AD0H] .defAttr TextModels.Attributes [85D29BD0H] .hideMarks BOOLEAN TRUE .cachedRd TextSetters.Reader [85D1A470H] .trailer TextViews.Line [85D20390H] .bot LONGINT 2339975 .setter TextSetters.Setter [85D29BF0H] .setter0 TextSetters.Setter [85D29BF0H] Such a display is opened in another window. The fields of a record are indicated by the preceding ".". On the first line, the path you have followed is indicated. If you have followed more than one dereferencing step, a diamond mark at the right end of this line lets you trace back again step by step. Array elements and record fields are wrapped into folds (-> StdFolds), which can be opened or closed by clicking on the fold views. Folding of structured data types makes it easier to get an overview in complex situations. Note that the debugger only finds source text files if they are located at their correct places and under their correct names, according to their subsystems. For example, for module "FormViews", the debugger looks for file Form/Mod/Views. If the file is stored somewhere else, or under another name, the debugger will look for an open window with the appropriate module source in it. It this also fails, it opens a dialog box so that the user can show the debugger where to find the correct file. When a trap occurs in a view implementation, e.g., in the view's Restore procedure, the error which caused it might later lead to another trap again, e.g., when the view becomes uncovered, its Restore procedure is called again. In the worst case, this may lead to a never-ending sequence of traps. BlackBox prevents this by partially disabling a trapped view. Such a view is overlaid with a light grey pattern; its contents won't be restored again. However, the view's remaining behavior is still intact, i.e., it may be saved to a file. If saving leads to a trap, the view is turned into an alien; this is indicated by a cross overlaid over the view. The rest of the container document could still be saved, however. BlackBox distinguishes three categories of view traps: • refresh: a trap in the view's Restore or RestoreMarks procedures • save: a trap in the view's Internalize or Externalize procedures • other: a trap in any other of the view procedures If a trap in one of those categories occurs, this behavior will be disabled (i.e., the system won't call the procedures in this category anymore), behavior of the other categories remains intact. In the worst case, a view can lead to three traps, one for each category. This means that erroneous views "degrade gracefully", by freezing only those behaviors that already have led to traps. If for some reason a view should be "unfrozen" again, the command Dev->RevalidateView can be used. An endless loop can be interrupted by pressing ctrl-break. The following standard traps may occur at run-time (depending on the platform, some of these errors don't occur): invalid WITH invalid CASE function without return type guard value out of range index out of range string too long stack overflow integer overflow division by zero infinite real result real underflow real overflow undefined real result not a number keyboard interrupt NIL dereference illegal instruction NIL dereference (read) illegal memory read NIL dereference (write) illegal memory write NIL procedure call illegal execution out of memory bus error address error fpu error exception Besides these standard traps, there are custom traps. Each custom trap has a trap number associated with it. The following conventions are used: Free 0 .. 19 Preconditions 20 .. 59 Postconditions 60 .. 99 Invariants 100 .. 120 Reserved 121 .. 125 Not Yet Implemented 126 Reserved 127 Silent Trap 128 Silent Trap is a special case. It terminates the execution of the current command without generating a trap window. You can use trap codes 0..19 freely in your programs, typically as temporary breakpoints during debugging. By convention, the other trap codes are generated by various assertions, i.e., statements which check a certain condition, and terminate the command if the condition is violated. Conditions which must be fulfilled upon entry of a procedure are called preconditions, conditions which must be fulfilled upon exit of a procedure are called postconditions, and conditions which must be fulfilled in between are called invariants. Most procedures in the BlackBox Component Framework check some preconditions. Typically, trap numbers are kept unique inside of a procedure. Thus, if a trap occurs, consult the documentation (or source, if available) of the trapped procedure. There you should get more information about the cause of the trap. The developer may even provide a plain-text description of the trap's cause, by providing suitable resources in the subsystem's string resource file: module name without subsystem prefix, followed by ".", followed by the procedure name, followed by ".", followed by the trap number. The following are examples: Math.Power.23 Pre: x # 1.0 OR ABS(y) # INF Views.View.CopyFrom.20 Views.CopyFrom and Views.CopyFromModelView must not both be overwritten If such a resource exists, the corresponding text is shown in the trap display. It should be noted that at no time during debugging the normal BlackBox Component Builder environment is left, there is no special "debugging mode" or "debugging environment"; everything is integrated instead! Example: ObxTrapdocu The BlackBox debugger is a cross between a "post-mortem" debugger and a "run-time" debugger. It is invoked after a command has trapped (post-mortem), but it doesn't cause a termination of the BlackBox environment (run-time). Some features, such as the Info->ViewState command, which makes it possible to follow data structures starting from a selected view, are usually associated with run-time debuggers only. It is typical for object-oriented programs that their control flows can become extremely convoluted and hard to follow. Thus following a program statement for statement (single step), by message sends, or by procedure calls in practice turns out to be unpractical for debugging large systems. Instead, BlackBox uses a more effective debugging strategy: Let errors become manifest as soon as possible. Instead of waiting for some error to occur, and then trying to find one's way backward to the cause of the error, it was attempted to flag errors as closely to their cause as possible. This is the only way to truly save debugging time. The language implementation follows the same strategy, by checking index overflows when accessing arrays, by checking NIL accesses when dereferencing a pointer, etc. In addition to these built-in checks, Component Pascal provides the standard procedure ASSERT, which allows to test for an arbitrary condition. If the condition is violated, a trap window is opened. Procedures of the BlackBox Component Framework consequently use assertions e.g. at the beginning of a procedure to check whether its input is valid. This prevents that a procedure with illegal input may perform any damage to the rest of the system. This defensive programming strategy has proven itself again and again during the development of BlackBox, and is strongly recommended for serious development work. See also module DevDebug. Run-time Debugging (not yet implemented in BlackBox 2.0) Since BlackBox version 1.7.2 there is also a run-time debugger included for exceptional situations where the post-mortem analysis is not sufficient. In addition to the features provided by the post-mortem debugger, the run-time debugger provides for stopping execution, single-step execution, and setting of code and data breakpoints. The run-time debugger can be activated with the commands Dev->Debug Command and Dev->Debug Module after selecting a command or module name in a text document. For operating the debugger please see the help text of the Debug tool opened in the attached debugger. Note that the run-time debugger is another BlackBox instance that is started automatically when requested. Source code must be saved in order to be visible consistently in the debugger. If a debugger is attached, a trap in the running BlackBox instance will switch to the debugger instead of opening a trap window immediately. The debugger can be used to inspect the program state similar to using BlackBox's post-mortem debugging facility. Continuing with trap handling (command Handle Trap) in the Debug tool continues the debugged process and opens the trap window. Warning: Copying text or other contents from the debugged application to another application via the Windows clipboard is not possible when the debugged application has been stopped by the debugger. Moreover, copying to the debugger leads to a deadlock. See also module DevDebugCmds. 6 Deployment If you develop add-on components (i.e., new subsystems) for BlackBox, deployment simply means to distribute copies of your subsystem directory. You may not want to distribute the source texts, in order to protect your intellectual property rights. In this case you should not put them into the distribution copies. You may not want to make one or several of your module interfaces public, or none at all if your application is not meant to be extensible. In this case, you should not put the corresponding symbol files into the distribution copies. However, for each public module you should put a documentation file into the subsystem's Docu directory. For example, for module FormCmds there is a docu file Form/Docu/Cmds. It is customary to put a Sys-Map file in the Docu directory. This map text contains a list of all public modules; the elements of the list are hyperlinks. If the subsystem implements user interface elements such as views or commands, a user manual should be made available. This document is called User-Man and also resides in the Docu directory. If the subsystem is meant for use by programmers, and if the individual modules' documentation files are not sufficient, the Docu directory should contain an overview text called Dev-Man. The previous paragraph has shown everything you need to do to distribute an add-on component, i.e., an extension in the form of a subystem. On the other hand, if you want to distribute a stand-alone application for some reason, you have three possibilities: 1) This approach is suited for applications where updates and extensions are frequent: you provide the unlinked code files of your application and of BlackBox, together with a minimal linked application to boot the whole software system. To make an unpacked and unlinked stand-alone version you need to copy some files and directories from the BlackBox directory to a new directory. BlackBox.exe may be renamed to the name of your new application. 2) This approach is suitable for applications that are closed or where incremental updates and extensions are relatively rare: you pack the BlackBox directory's contents into one large executable file. In contrast to the linker (see below), the packer is not limited to code files; it can also pack resources and documentation and any other kind of files into the application. In contrast to approach 1), the end user cannot easily destroy the applications just by deleting some code or resource file. See the packerdocumentation for details. 3) This approach is most relevant for native applications (i.e., Component Pascal applications which don't use the BlackBox framework) and for linked libraries (DLLs under Windows): you use the linker tool to combine several code files into one application file. For a linked version you need to use the linker to pack your code files together with the BlackBox code files into a single application. See the linkerdocumentation for details. After linking, you need to copy the new application to a new directory. You also need to copy the Rsrc subdirectories of the Form, Std, System, Text, and of your own subsystems. If the resource files are missing, the application would still operate (kind of), but lose all string mappings, all dialog box layouts, and all custom menus. All approaches: In addition, you need to create your own versions of the menu definition file and of the About... dialog box (System/Rsrc/Menus and System/Rsrc/About). If your application is meant to be extensible, you also need to copy the symbol files (Sym/Xyz) of all modules whose interfaces should be public. This may or may not encompass the standard BlackBox modules. Make sure the structure of your new directories matches the subdirectory structure in the original BlackBox directory! Adapt the Help menu command, and the corresponding help text in an appropriate way. To distribute software electronically over a medium which doesn't support binary distribution, e.g., over e-mail, a standardASCIIencoder is available.
MODULE DevAlienTool; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - YYYYMMDD, nn, ... " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Services, Ports, Stores, Models, Views, Controllers, Properties, Dialog, Containers, Documents, TextModels, TextMappers, TextViews, StdFolds; PROCEDURE Indent (VAR f: TextMappers.Formatter; level: INTEGER); BEGIN WHILE level > 0 DO f.WriteTab; DEC(level) END END Indent; PROCEDURE WriteCause (VAR f: TextMappers.Formatter; cause: INTEGER); BEGIN f.rider.SetAttr(TextModels.NewColor(f.rider.attr, Ports.red)); CASE cause OF | Stores.typeNotFound: f.WriteString("type in module not found") | Stores.inconsModuleVersion: f.WriteString("inconsistent module version") | Stores.invalidModuleFile: f.WriteString("invalid module file") | Stores.moduleFileNotFound: f.WriteString("module not found") | Stores.inconsistentType: f.WriteString("type path in module inconsistent with stored version") | Stores.inconsistentVersion: f.WriteString("inconsistent version / program error") | Stores.alienVersion: f.WriteString("alien version - outdated program") | Stores.alienComponent: f.WriteString("alien component - required sub-part failed to internalize") ELSE f.WriteString("unknown (code"); f.WriteInt(cause); f.WriteChar(")") END; f.rider.SetAttr(TextModels.NewColor(f.rider.attr, Ports.black)); END WriteCause; PROCEDURE Out (VAR f: TextMappers.Formatter; level: INTEGER; st: Stores.Store); VAR t: Stores.TypeName; PROCEDURE OutAlien (VAR f: TextMappers.Formatter; path: Stores.TypePath; cause: INTEGER; c: Stores.AlienComp); VAR i: INTEGER; t: TextModels.Model; form: TextMappers.Formatter; BEGIN f.WriteString(" "); t := TextModels.dir.New(); form.ConnectTo(t); form.rider.SetAttr(TextModels.NewColor(form.rider.attr, Ports.blue)); form.WriteString(path[0]); form.rider.SetAttr(TextModels.NewColor(form.rider.attr, Ports.black)); form.WriteLn; INC(level); IF path[1] # "" THEN Indent(form, level); form.WriteString("path: ("); i := 1; WHILE path[i] # "" DO form.WriteString(path[i]); INC(i); IF path[i] # "" THEN form.WriteString(", ") END END; form.WriteChar(")"); form.WriteLn END; Indent(form, level); form.WriteString("cause: "); WriteCause(form, cause); form.WriteLn; Indent(form, level); form.WriteString("comps: "); form.WriteLn; INC(level); WHILE c # NIL DO WITH c: Stores.AlienPiece DO Indent(form, level); form.WriteInt(c.len); form.WriteString(" bytes data"); form.WriteLn | c: Stores.AlienPart DO IF c.store # NIL THEN Out(form, level, c.store) ELSE Indent(form, level); form.WriteString("NIL reference"); form.WriteLn END END; c := c.next END; DEC(level, 2); Indent(form, level); f.WriteView(StdFolds.dir.New(StdFolds.collapsed, "", t)); f.rider.SetAttr(TextModels.NewColor(f.rider.attr, Ports.blue)); f.WriteString(path[0]); f.rider.SetAttr(TextModels.NewColor(f.rider.attr, Ports.black)); f.WriteView(StdFolds.dir.New(StdFolds.collapsed, "", NIL)); f.WriteLn; END OutAlien; BEGIN Indent(f, level); WITH st: Stores.Alien DO f.WriteString("Alien Store"); OutAlien(f, st.path, st.cause, st.comps) ELSE Services.GetTypeName(st, t); WITH st: Documents.Document DO f.WriteString("Document") | st: Containers.Controller DO f.WriteString("Container Controller") | st: Containers.View DO f.WriteString("Container View") | st: Containers.Model DO f.WriteString("Container Model") | st: Controllers.Controller DO f.WriteString("Controller") | st: Views.View DO f.WriteString("View") | st: Models.Model DO f.WriteString("Model") ELSE f.WriteString("Store") END; f.WriteString(' "'); f.WriteString(t); f.WriteChar('"'); f.WriteLn END END Out; PROCEDURE Analyze*; VAR v: Views.View; f: TextMappers.Formatter; d: Documents.Document; ops: Controllers.PollOpsMsg; bp: Properties.BoundsPref; t: TextModels.Model; BEGIN Controllers.PollOps(ops); v := ops.singleton; IF v # NIL THEN IF v IS Views.Alien THEN t := TextModels.dir.New(); f.ConnectTo(t); Out(f, 0, v(Views.Alien).store); StdFolds.ExpandFolds(t, FALSE, ""); v := TextViews.dir.New(t); Views.OpenAux(v, "Alien Info"); (* bp.w := Views.undefined; bp.h := Views.undefined; Views.HandlePropMsg(v, bp); d := Documents.dir.New(v, bp.w, bp.h); Views.OpenAux(d, "Alien Info") *) ELSE Dialog.ShowMsg("#Dev:NoAlienView") END ELSE Dialog.ShowMsg("#Dev:NoSingletonFound") END END Analyze; END DevAlienTool. Strings NoAlienView no alien view NoSingletonFound no singleton found Info SEPARATOR "&Aliens" "" "DevAlienTool.Analyze" "DevAlienTool.SingletonGuard" END C
MODULE DevAnalyzer; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - 20070123, bh, NewString call changed (Unicode support) - 20140929, center #16, bug fix in SetObj/UseObj when reusing FOR-loop variables in nested FOR-loops - 20141027, center #19, full Unicode support for Component Pascal identifiers added - 20150513, center #43, extending the size of code procedures - 20160324, center #111, code cleanups - 20210929, adimetrius, treat underscore vars as anonymous: don't report Used before set, Never used etc. " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT TextMappers, TextModels, TextViews, DevMarkers, Stores, Models, Dialog, StdLog, CPT := DevCPT, CPS := DevCPS, CPM := DevCPM, CPB := DevCPB, StdRegistry, Utf; CONST (* numtyp values *) char = 1; integer = 2; real = 4; int64 = 5; real32 = 6; real64 = 7; (*symbol values*) null = 0; times = 1; and = 5; plus = 6; minus = 7; or = 8; eql = 9; leq = 12; geq = 14; in = 15; is = 16; arrow = 17; dollar = 18; period = 19; comma = 20; colon = 21; upto = 22; rparen = 23; rbrak = 24; rbrace = 25; of = 26; then = 27; do = 28; to = 29; by = 30; not = 33; lparen = 40; lbrak = 41; lbrace = 42; becomes = 44; number = 45; nil = 46; string = 47; ident = 48; semicolon = 49; bar = 50; end = 51; else = 52; elsif = 53; until = 54; if = 55; case = 56; while = 57; repeat = 58; for = 59; loop = 60; with = 61; exit = 62; return = 63; array = 64; record = 65; pointer = 66; begin = 67; const = 68; type = 69; var = 70; out = 71; procedure = 72; close = 73; import = 74; module = 75; eof = 76; (* object modes *) Var = 1; VarPar = 2; Con = 3; Fld = 4; Typ = 5; LProc = 6; XProc = 7; SProc = 8; CProc = 9; IProc = 10; Mod = 11; TProc = 13; Attr = 20; (* Structure forms *) Undef = 0; Byte = 1; Bool = 2; Char8 = 3; Int8 = 4; Int16 = 5; Int32 = 6; Set = 9; Pointer = 13; ProcTyp = 14; Comp = 15; Char16 = 16; Int64 = 18; intSet = {Int8..Int32, Int64}; charSet = {Char8, Char16}; (* composite structure forms *) Basic = 1; Array = 2; DynArr = 3; Record = 4; (*function number*) newfn = 1; incfn = 13; sysnewfn = 30; (*<< function number*) ordfn = 4; minfn = 7; maxfn = 8; chrfn = 9; sizefn = 12; decfn = 14; inclfn = 15; exclfn = 16; lenfn = 17; bitsfn = 37; (*<< SYSTEM function number*) adrfn = 20; getfn = 24; getrfn = 26; valfn = 29; (* nodes classes *) Nvar = 0; Nvarpar = 1; Nfield = 2; Nderef = 3; Nindex = 4; Nconst = 7; Ntype = 8; Nproc = 9; Ncall = 13; Nif = 15; Ncaselse = 16; Ncasedo = 17; Nifelse = 20; Ncase = 21; Nwhile = 22; Nrepeat = 23; Nloop = 24; Nexit = 25; Nwith = 27; Ncomp = 30; (* node subclasses *) super = 1; (* module visibility of objects *) internal = 0; external = 1; externalR = 2; inPar = 3; outPar = 4; (* procedure flags (conval.setval) *) hasBody = 1; isRedef = 2; (* attribute flags (attr.adr, struct.attribute, proc.conval.setval)*) newAttr = 16; absAttr = 17; limAttr = 18; empAttr = 19; extAttr = 20; (* case statement flags (conval.setval) *) useTable = 1; useTree = 2; (* sysflags *) inBit = 2; outBit = 4; newBit = 8; iidBit = 16; interface = 10; clean = CPM.ConstNotAlloc; (*<< values for obj.linkadr: untouched *) used = clean+1; usedSet = clean+2; set = clean+3; (*<< used, used then set, set *) setUsed = clean+4; setUsedP = clean+5; (*<< set then used, possibly set and used (var par) *) noChange = (setUsedP+15) DIV 16 * 16; (*<< for loop variables shouldn't be changed *) (*<< error messages *) neverUsed = 900; neverSet = 901; usedBSet = 902; setBNUsed = 903; usedVarPar = 904; outerScope = 905; interAcc = 906; (*redefinition = 907; newdefinition = 908;*) statAfterRetEx = 909; loopVarSet = 910; (*impliedTypeGuard = 911;*) superfluousTypeGuard = 912; evaluationSeq = 913; superfluousShort = 914; semicolons = 930; (*<< special stuff *) (*<< selector flags for Selector *) SelAssign = TRUE; SelNoAssign = FALSE; SelVarPar = TRUE; SelNoVarPar = FALSE; SelUseBSet = TRUE; SelNoUseBSet = FALSE; regKey = "Dev\Analyzer\"; TYPE Elem = POINTER TO RECORD next: Elem; struct: CPT.Struct; obj, base: CPT.Object; pos: INTEGER; name: CPT.String END; Warning = POINTER TO RECORD (*<< list of warning positions *) next: Warning; n: SHORTINT; pos: INTEGER END; VAR options*: RECORD (*<<O/F*) varpar*, exported*, intermediate*, levels*, tbProcs*, sideEffects*, semicolons*: BOOLEAN; statements-: INTEGER; fileName-: TextMappers.String END; errHead: Warning; (*<< root for warning position list *) nofStats: INTEGER; (*<< number of statements in module *) sourceR: TextModels.Reader; str: Dialog.String; sym, level: BYTE; LoopLevel: SHORTINT; TDinit, lastTDinit: CPT.Node; userList: Elem; recList: Elem; hasReturn: BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE^ Type(VAR typ: CPT.Struct; VAR name: CPT.String); PROCEDURE^ Expression(VAR x: CPT.Node); PROCEDURE^ Block(VAR procdec, statseq: CPT.Node); (* forward type handling *) PROCEDURE IncompleteType (typ: CPT.Struct): BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF typ.form = Pointer THEN typ := typ.BaseTyp END; RETURN (typ = CPT.undftyp) OR (typ.comp = Record) & (typ.BaseTyp = CPT.undftyp) END IncompleteType; PROCEDURE SetType (struct: CPT.Struct; obj: CPT.Object; typ: CPT.Struct; name: CPT.String); VAR u: Elem; BEGIN IF obj # NIL THEN obj.typ := typ ELSE struct.BaseTyp := typ END; IF name # NIL THEN NEW(u); u.struct := struct; u.obj := obj; u.pos := CPM.errpos; u.name := name; u.next := userList; userList := u END END SetType; PROCEDURE CheckAlloc (VAR typ: CPT.Struct; dynAllowed: BOOLEAN; pos: INTEGER); BEGIN typ.pvused := TRUE; IF typ.comp = DynArr THEN IF ~dynAllowed THEN CPM.Mark(88, pos); typ := CPT.undftyp END ELSIF typ.comp = Record THEN IF (typ.attribute = absAttr) OR (typ.attribute = limAttr) & (typ.mno # 0) THEN CPM.Mark(193, pos); typ := CPT.undftyp END END END CheckAlloc; PROCEDURE CheckRecursiveType (outer, inner: CPT.Struct; pos: INTEGER); VAR fld: CPT.Object; BEGIN IF outer = inner THEN CPM.Mark(58, pos) ELSIF inner.comp IN {Array, DynArr} THEN CheckRecursiveType(outer, inner.BaseTyp, pos) ELSIF inner.comp = Record THEN fld := inner.link; WHILE (fld # NIL) & (fld.mode = Fld) DO CheckRecursiveType(outer, fld.typ, pos); fld := fld.link END; IF inner.BaseTyp # NIL THEN CheckRecursiveType(outer, inner.BaseTyp, pos) END END END CheckRecursiveType; PROCEDURE FixType (struct: CPT.Struct; obj: CPT.Object; typ: CPT.Struct; pos: INTEGER); (* fix forward reference *) VAR t: CPT.Struct; f, bf: CPT.Object; i: SHORTINT; BEGIN IF obj # NIL THEN IF obj.mode = Var THEN (* variable type *) IF struct # NIL THEN (* receiver type *) IF (typ.form # Pointer) OR (typ.BaseTyp # struct) THEN CPM.Mark(180, pos) END ELSE CheckAlloc(typ, obj.mnolev > level, pos) (* TRUE for parameters *) END ELSIF obj.mode = VarPar THEN (* varpar type *) IF struct # NIL THEN (* varpar receiver type *) IF typ # struct THEN CPM.Mark(180, pos) END END ELSIF obj.mode = Fld THEN (* field type *) CheckAlloc(typ, FALSE, pos); CheckRecursiveType(struct, typ, pos) ELSIF obj.mode = TProc THEN (* proc return type *) IF typ.form = Comp THEN typ := CPT.undftyp; CPM.Mark(54, pos) END ELSIF obj.mode = Typ THEN (* alias type *) IF typ.form IN {Byte..Set, Char16, Int64} THEN (* make alias structure *) t := CPT.NewStr(typ.form, Basic); i := t.ref; t^ := typ^; t.ref := i; t.strobj := obj; t.mno := 0; t.BaseTyp := typ; typ := t END; IF obj.vis # internal THEN IF typ.comp = Record THEN typ.exp := TRUE ELSIF typ.form = Pointer THEN typ.BaseTyp.exp := TRUE END END ELSE HALT(100) END; obj.typ := typ ELSE IF struct.form = Pointer THEN (* pointer base type *) IF typ.comp = Record THEN CPM.PropagateRecPtrSysFlag(typ.sysflag, struct.sysflag) ELSIF typ.comp IN {Array, DynArr} THEN CPM.PropagateArrPtrSysFlag(typ.sysflag, struct.sysflag) ELSE typ := CPT.undftyp; CPM.Mark(57, pos) END; struct.untagged := struct.sysflag # 0; IF (struct.strobj # NIL) & (struct.strobj.vis # internal) THEN typ.exp := TRUE END ELSIF struct.comp = Array THEN (* array base type *) CheckAlloc(typ, FALSE, pos); CheckRecursiveType(struct, typ, pos) ELSIF struct.comp = DynArr THEN (* array base type *) CheckAlloc(typ, TRUE, pos); CheckRecursiveType(struct, typ, pos) ELSIF struct.comp = Record THEN (* record base type *) IF typ.form = Pointer THEN typ := typ.BaseTyp END; typ.pvused := TRUE; struct.extlev := SHORT(SHORT(typ.extlev + 1)); CPM.PropagateRecordSysFlag(typ.sysflag, struct.sysflag); IF (typ.attribute = 0) OR (typ.attribute = limAttr) & (typ.mno # 0) THEN CPM.Mark(181, pos) ELSIF (struct.attribute = absAttr) & (typ.attribute # absAttr) THEN CPM.Mark(191, pos) ELSIF (typ.attribute = limAttr) & (struct.attribute # limAttr) THEN CPM.Mark(197, pos) END; f := struct.link; WHILE f # NIL DO (* check for field name conflicts *) CPT.FindField(f.name, typ, bf); IF bf # NIL THEN CPM.Mark(1, pos) END; f := f.link END; CheckRecursiveType(struct, typ, pos); struct.untagged := struct.sysflag # 0 ELSIF struct.form = ProcTyp THEN (* proc type return type *) IF typ.form = Comp THEN typ := CPT.undftyp; CPM.Mark(54, pos) END; ELSE HALT(100) END; struct.BaseTyp := typ END END FixType; PROCEDURE CheckForwardTypes; VAR u, next: Elem; progress: BOOLEAN; BEGIN u := userList; userList := NIL; WHILE u # NIL DO next := u.next; CPS.name := u.name$; CPT.Find(CPS.name, u.base); IF u.base = NIL THEN CPM.Mark(0, u.pos) ELSIF u.base.mode # Typ THEN CPM.Mark(72, u.pos) ELSE u.next := userList; userList := u; (* reinsert *) IF u.base.num < set THEN (* BJ: If already also used, don't reset *) u.base.num := set (*<< forward types are set by default *) END END; u := next END; REPEAT (* iteration for multy level alias *) u := userList; userList := NIL; progress := FALSE; WHILE u # NIL DO next := u.next; IF IncompleteType(u.base.typ) THEN u.next := userList; userList := u (* reinsert *) ELSE progress := TRUE; FixType(u.struct, u.obj, u.base.typ, u.pos) END; u := next END UNTIL (userList = NIL) OR ~progress; u := userList; (* remaining type relations are cyclic *) WHILE u # NIL DO IF (u.obj = NIL) OR (u.obj.mode = Typ) THEN CPM.Mark(58, u.pos) END; u := u.next END END CheckForwardTypes; PROCEDURE CheckUnimpl (m: CPT.Object; typ: CPT.Struct; pos: INTEGER); VAR obj: CPT.Object; res: INTEGER; n: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; BEGIN IF m # NIL THEN IF (m.mode = TProc) & (absAttr IN m.conval.setval) THEN CPT.FindField(m.name^, typ, obj); IF (obj = NIL) OR (obj.mode # TProc) OR (absAttr IN obj.conval.setval) THEN CPM.Mark(192, pos); CPM.LogWLn; CPM.LogWStr(" "); Utf.Utf8ToString(m.name, n, res); CPM.LogWStr(n); CPM.LogWStr(" not implemented in "); Utf.Utf8ToString(typ.strobj.name^, n, res); CPM.LogWStr(n) END END; CheckUnimpl(m.left, typ, pos); CheckUnimpl(m.right, typ, pos) END END CheckUnimpl; PROCEDURE CheckRecords (rec: Elem); VAR b: CPT.Struct; BEGIN WHILE rec # NIL DO (* check for unimplemented methods in base type *) b := rec.struct.BaseTyp; WHILE (b # NIL) & (b # CPT.undftyp) DO CheckUnimpl(b.link, rec.struct, rec.pos); b := b.BaseTyp END; rec := rec.next END END CheckRecords; PROCEDURE err(n: SHORTINT); BEGIN CPM.err(n) END err; PROCEDURE CheckSym(s: SHORTINT); BEGIN IF sym = s THEN CPS.Get(sym) ELSE CPM.err(s) END END CheckSym; PROCEDURE err2(n: SHORTINT; pos: INTEGER); (*<<*) VAR e, h: Warning; BEGIN e := errHead; WHILE (e.next # NIL) & (e.next.pos < pos) DO e := e.next END; IF e.next = NIL THEN NEW(e.next); h := e.next (* end of list *) ELSIF (e.next.pos = pos) & (e.next.n = n) THEN RETURN (* don't allow duplicates *) ELSE NEW(h); h.next := e.next; e.next := h END; h.n := n; h.pos := pos END err2; PROCEDURE DumpObj(obj: CPT.Object); (* BEGIN CPM.LogWStr("message for object: "); CPM.LogWStr(obj.name); CPM.LogWLn *) END DumpObj; PROCEDURE CheckScope(scope: CPT.Object); (*<<*) PROCEDURE^ Check(obj: CPT.Object); PROCEDURE CheckTyp(typ: CPT.Struct); BEGIN IF (typ.form = Pointer) & (typ.BaseTyp.strobj = NIL) THEN (* only if PTR TO RECORD END *) typ := typ.BaseTyp END; IF (typ.form = Comp) & (typ.comp = Record) THEN Check(typ.link) END END CheckTyp; PROCEDURE IsAnon (name: CPT.String): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN (name[0] = "_") OR (name[LEN(name$)-1] = "_") END IsAnon; PROCEDURE Check(obj: CPT.Object); BEGIN IF obj # NIL THEN Check(obj.left); IF (obj.num # setUsed) & (options.exported OR (obj.vis = internal) OR (obj.mode = Mod)) THEN CASE obj.mode OF | (*Var, VarPar,*) Fld: CASE obj.num OF | clean: DumpObj(obj); err2(neverUsed, obj.adr) | used: IF obj.name[0] # "@" THEN DumpObj(obj); err2(neverSet, obj.adr) END | usedSet: IF obj.mode # Fld THEN DumpObj(obj); err2(usedBSet, obj.adr) END | set: DumpObj(obj); err2(setBNUsed, obj.adr); | setUsedP: IF options.varpar & (obj.mode # Fld) THEN DumpObj(obj); err2(usedVarPar, obj.adr); END END; IF obj.typ.strobj = NIL THEN CheckTyp(obj.typ) END (*x: RECORD ... END*) | Var, VarPar(*, Fld*): CASE obj.num OF | clean: DumpObj(obj); err2(neverUsed, obj.adr) | used: IF (obj.name[0] # "@") & ~IsAnon(obj.name) THEN DumpObj(obj); err2(neverSet, obj.adr) END | usedSet: IF (*obj.mode # Fld*) ~IsAnon(obj.name) THEN DumpObj(obj); err2(usedBSet, obj.adr) END | set: IF ~IsAnon(obj.name) THEN DumpObj(obj); err2(setBNUsed, obj.adr) END | setUsedP: IF options.varpar & (obj.mode # Fld) & ~IsAnon(obj.name) THEN DumpObj(obj); err2(usedVarPar, obj.adr); END END; IF obj.typ.strobj = NIL THEN CheckTyp(obj.typ) END (*x: RECORD ... END*) | Con, Typ: CASE obj.num OF set: DumpObj(obj); err2(neverUsed, obj.adr) END | LProc, XProc, CProc, IProc: CASE obj.num OF set: DumpObj(obj); err2(neverUsed, obj.adr) END | TProc: (* neverUsed not determinable for redefined methods because of dynamic binding *) (* IF ((obj.link.typ.form = Pointer) & (obj.link.typ.BaseTyp.BaseTyp = NIL) OR (* (obj.link.typ.comp = Record) & *) (obj.link.typ.BaseTyp = NIL)) & (obj.num = set) THEN*) (* BJ: Changed this IF to correct ABSTRACT and EMPTY procedures*) IF ~(absAttr IN obj.conval.setval) & ~(empAttr IN obj.conval.setval) & ((obj.link.typ.form = Pointer) & (obj.link.typ.BaseTyp.BaseTyp = NIL) OR (obj.link.typ.BaseTyp = NIL)) & (obj.num = set) THEN DumpObj(obj); err2(neverUsed, obj.adr) END | Mod: DumpObj(obj); err2(neverUsed, obj.adr) ELSE END END; (*IF*) CASE obj.mode OF | LProc, XProc, IProc, TProc: CheckScope(obj.scope) | Typ: IF obj.typ.mno = 0 THEN CheckTyp(obj.typ) (* checking of fields and type bound procedures, only if not imported type! *) END ELSE END; Check(obj.right) END END Check; BEGIN Check(scope.right) END CheckScope; PROCEDURE CheckOuter; (*<< check outer scopes for obj with OPS.name*) VAR o: CPT.Object; BEGIN IF options.intermediate THEN CPT.Find(CPS.name, o); IF o # NIL THEN DumpObj(o); err2(outerScope, CPM.curpos) END END END CheckOuter; PROCEDURE UseType(obj: CPT.Object; pos: INTEGER); (*<< type obj gets used*) BEGIN IF (obj # NIL) & ((obj.vis = internal) OR options.exported) THEN IF options.intermediate & (obj.mnolev # level) & (obj.mnolev > 0) THEN (*mnolev > 0 -> intermediate*) DumpObj(obj); err2(interAcc, pos) END; CASE obj.num OF clean, set: obj.num := setUsed | used, setUsed: (* used only for non-declarded type *) END END END UseType; PROCEDURE UseObj(obj: CPT.Object; markUseBSet: BOOLEAN; pos: INTEGER); (*<< obj gets used *) BEGIN IF (obj # NIL) & (obj.mnolev >= 0) THEN IF options.intermediate & (obj.mnolev # level) & (obj.mnolev > 0) & (obj.mode < LProc) THEN DumpObj(obj); err2(interAcc, pos) END; CASE obj.num OF | clean: IF (obj.mode = Con) OR (obj.mode # Fld) & (obj.mnolev # level) & ~options.levels THEN obj.num := setUsed ELSE obj.num := used; IF markUseBSet & (obj.mode # SProc) & (obj.mode # Fld) & (obj.typ.form # Comp) THEN DumpObj(obj); err2(usedBSet, pos) END END | set: obj.num := setUsed ELSE (* already marked as being used *) END END END UseObj; PROCEDURE SetObj(obj: CPT.Object; varPar: BOOLEAN; pos: INTEGER); (*<< var/proc/const/field obj gets set*) BEGIN IF (obj # NIL) & (obj.mnolev >= 0) THEN CASE obj.num OF | clean: IF varPar THEN obj.num := setUsedP ELSE obj.num := set END | used: IF varPar THEN obj.num := setUsedP ELSIF (obj.mnolev = level) OR options.levels THEN obj.num := usedSet ELSIF ~options.levels THEN obj.num := setUsed END | usedSet, setUsed, setUsedP: | set: IF varPar THEN obj.num := setUsed END ELSE DumpObj(obj); err2(loopVarSet, pos) (* for loop variable gets set!*) END END END SetObj; PROCEDURE Selector(x: CPT.Node; assignment, varPar, markUseBSet: BOOLEAN; pos: INTEGER); (*<<*) BEGIN IF assignment THEN CASE x.class OF | Nvar, Nvarpar, Nfield: IF (x.class # Nfield) & options.intermediate & (x.obj.mnolev # level) & (x.obj.mnolev > 0) THEN DumpObj(x.obj); err2(interAcc, pos) (* assignment to intermediate *) END; SetObj(x.obj, varPar, pos); x := x.left; (* assignment to b in {a.}b := ... *) | Nindex: (* assignment to b in {a.}b{[i]} := ... *) REPEAT x := x.left UNTIL x.class # Nindex; IF x.class IN {Nvar, Nvarpar, Nfield} THEN SetObj(x.obj, varPar, pos); x := x.left END ELSE END; WHILE (x # NIL) & (x.class IN {Nvar, Nvarpar, Nfield}) DO SetObj(x.obj, varPar, pos); x := x.left END END; WHILE x # NIL DO IF x.class IN {Nvar, Nvarpar, Nfield, Nconst, Nproc} THEN UseObj(x.obj, markUseBSet, pos); END; x := x.left END END Selector; PROCEDURE qualident(VAR id: CPT.Object); VAR obj: CPT.Object; lev: BYTE; m: BOOLEAN; BEGIN (*sym = ident*) CPT.Find(CPS.name, obj); CPS.Get(sym); m := FALSE; (*<<*) IF (sym = period) & (obj # NIL) & (obj.mode = Mod) THEN obj.num := setUsed; (*<< module gets used (set by default) *) m := TRUE; (*<< it's a module! *) CPS.Get(sym); IF sym = ident THEN CPT.FindImport(CPS.name, obj, obj); CPS.Get(sym) ELSE err(ident); obj := NIL END END ; IF obj = NIL THEN err(0); obj := CPT.NewObj(); obj.mode := Var; obj.typ := CPT.undftyp; obj.adr := 0 ELSE lev := obj.mnolev; IF (obj.mode IN {Var, VarPar}) & (lev # level) THEN obj.leaf := FALSE; IF lev > 0 THEN CPB.StaticLink(SHORT(SHORT(level-lev)), TRUE) END (* !!! *) END END ; IF m & (obj # NIL) THEN obj.num := setUsed END; (*<< imported obj get used always! *) id := obj END qualident; PROCEDURE ConstExpression(VAR x: CPT.Node); BEGIN Expression(x); IF x.class # Nconst THEN err(50); x := CPB.NewIntConst(1) END END ConstExpression; PROCEDURE CheckMark(obj: CPT.Object); (* !!! *) BEGIN CPS.Get(sym); IF (sym = times) OR (sym = minus) THEN IF (level > 0) OR ~(obj.mode IN {Var, Fld, TProc}) & (sym = minus) THEN err(41) END ; IF sym = times THEN obj.vis := external ELSE obj.vis := externalR END ; CPS.Get(sym) ELSE obj.vis := internal END; IF (obj.mode IN {LProc, XProc, Var, Typ}) & (sym = lbrak) THEN CPS.Get(sym); IF sym = string THEN IF obj.conval = NIL THEN obj.conval := CPT.NewConst() END; IF CPS.str^ # "" THEN obj.conval.ext := CPS.str END; CPS.Get(sym); IF sym = comma THEN CPS.Get(sym); IF sym = string THEN IF obj.conval.ext # NIL THEN obj.conval.link := CPT.NewConst(); obj.conval.link.ext := obj.conval.ext END; obj.conval.ext := NIL; IF CPS.str^ # "" THEN obj.conval.ext := CPS.str END; CPS.Get(sym) ELSE err(string) END END ELSE err(string) END; CheckSym(rbrak); IF ~(CPM.interface IN CPM.options) THEN err(225) END END END CheckMark; PROCEDURE CheckSysFlag (VAR sysflag: SHORTINT; GetSF: PROCEDURE(IN id: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR; num: SHORTINT; VAR flag: SHORTINT)); VAR x: CPT.Object; i: SHORTINT; BEGIN sysflag := 0; IF sym = lbrak THEN CPS.Get(sym); WHILE (sym = number) OR (sym = ident) OR (sym = string) DO IF sym = number THEN IF CPS.numtyp = integer THEN i := SHORT(CPS.intval); GetSF("", i, sysflag) ELSE err(225) END ELSIF sym = ident THEN CPT.Find(CPS.name, x); IF (x # NIL) & (x.mode = Con) & (x.typ.form IN {Int8, Int16, Int32}) THEN i := SHORT(x.conval.intval); GetSF("", i, sysflag) ELSE GetSF(CPS.name, 0, sysflag) END ELSE GetSF(CPS.str, 0, sysflag) END; CPS.Get(sym); IF (sym = comma) OR (sym = plus) THEN CPS.Get(sym) END END; CheckSym(rbrak) END END CheckSysFlag; PROCEDURE Receiver(VAR mode, vis: BYTE; VAR name: CPT.Name; VAR typ, rec: CPT.Struct); VAR tname: CPT.String; BEGIN typ := CPT.undftyp; rec := NIL; vis := 0; IF sym = var THEN CPS.Get(sym); mode := VarPar ELSIF sym = in THEN CPS.Get(sym); mode := VarPar; vis := inPar (* ??? *) ELSE mode := Var END ; name := CPS.name; CheckSym(ident); CheckSym(colon); IF sym # ident THEN err(ident) END; Type(typ, tname); IF tname = NIL THEN IF typ.form = Pointer THEN rec := typ.BaseTyp ELSE rec := typ END; IF ~((mode = Var) & (typ.form = Pointer) & (rec.comp = Record) OR (mode = VarPar) & (typ.comp = Record)) THEN err(70); rec := NIL END; IF (rec # NIL) & (rec.mno # level) THEN err(72); rec := NIL END ELSE err(0) END; CheckSym(rparen); IF rec = NIL THEN rec := CPT.NewStr(Comp, Record); rec.BaseTyp := NIL END END Receiver; PROCEDURE FormalParameters(VAR firstPar: CPT.Object; VAR resTyp: CPT.Struct; VAR name: CPT.String); VAR mode, vis: BYTE; sys: SHORTINT; par, first, last, newPar, iidPar: CPT.Object; typ: CPT.Struct; BEGIN first := NIL; last := firstPar; newPar := NIL; iidPar := NIL; IF (sym = ident) OR (sym = var) OR (sym = in) OR (sym = out) THEN LOOP sys := 0; vis := 0; IF sym = var THEN CPS.Get(sym); mode := VarPar ELSIF sym = in THEN CPS.Get(sym); mode := VarPar; vis := inPar ELSIF sym = out THEN CPS.Get(sym); mode := VarPar; vis := outPar ELSE mode := Var END ; IF mode = VarPar THEN CheckSysFlag(sys, CPM.GetVarParSysFlag) END; IF ODD(sys DIV inBit) THEN vis := inPar ELSIF ODD(sys DIV outBit) THEN vis := outPar END; IF ODD(sys DIV newBit) & (vis # outPar) THEN err(225) ELSIF ODD(sys DIV iidBit) & (vis # inPar) THEN err(225) END; LOOP IF sym = ident THEN CheckOuter; (*<<*) CPT.Insert(CPS.name, par); CPS.Get(sym); par.adr := CPM.errpos; (*<<*) par.mode := mode; par.link := NIL; par.vis := vis; par.sysflag := SHORT(sys); IF mode = VarPar THEN (*<< parameters are set, except for out parameters *) IF vis = inPar THEN par.num := setUsedP ELSIF vis = outPar THEN (* out parameters are not initialized, except for pointers and procedure variables *) par.num := clean ELSE par.num := setUsed END ELSE par.num := set END; IF first = NIL THEN first := par END ; IF firstPar = NIL THEN firstPar := par ELSE last.link := par END ; last := par; ELSE err(ident) END; IF sym = comma THEN CPS.Get(sym) ELSIF sym = ident THEN err(comma) ELSIF sym = var THEN err(comma); CPS.Get(sym) ELSE EXIT END END ; CheckSym(colon); Type(typ, name); IF mode # VarPar THEN CheckAlloc(typ, TRUE, CPM.errpos) END; IF (mode = VarPar) & (vis = inPar) & (typ.form # Undef) & (typ.form # Comp) & (typ.sysflag = 0) THEN err(177) END; (* typ.pbused is set when parameter type name is parsed *) WHILE first # NIL DO SetType (NIL, first, typ, name); IF ODD(sys DIV newBit) THEN IF (newPar # NIL) OR (typ.form # Pointer) OR (typ.sysflag # interface) THEN err(168) END; newPar := first ELSIF ODD(sys DIV iidBit) THEN IF (iidPar # NIL) OR (typ # CPT.guidtyp) THEN err(168) END; iidPar := first END; first := first.link END; IF sym = semicolon THEN CPS.Get(sym) ELSIF sym = ident THEN err(semicolon) ELSE EXIT END END END; CheckSym(rparen); IF (newPar = NIL) # (iidPar = NIL) THEN err(168) END; name := NIL; IF sym = colon THEN CPS.Get(sym); Type(resTyp, name); IF resTyp.form = Comp THEN resTyp := CPT.undftyp; err(54) END ELSE resTyp := CPT.notyp END END FormalParameters; PROCEDURE CheckOverwrite (proc, base: CPT.Object; rec: CPT.Struct); VAR o, bo: CPT.Object; BEGIN IF base # NIL THEN IF base.conval.setval * {absAttr, empAttr, extAttr} = {} THEN err(182) END; IF (proc.link.mode # base.link.mode) OR (proc.link.vis # base.link.vis) OR ~CPT.Extends(proc.link.typ, base.link.typ) THEN err(115) END; o := proc.link; bo := base.link; WHILE (o # NIL) & (bo # NIL) DO IF (bo.sysflag # 0) & (o.sysflag = 0) THEN (* propagate sysflags *) o.sysflag := bo.sysflag END; o := o.link; bo := bo.link END; CPB.CheckParameters(proc.link.link, base.link.link, FALSE); IF ~CPT.Extends(proc.typ, base.typ) THEN err(117) END; IF (base.vis # proc.vis) & ((proc.vis # internal) OR rec.exp) THEN err(183) END; INCL(proc.conval.setval, isRedef) END END CheckOverwrite; PROCEDURE GetAttributes (proc, base: CPT.Object; owner: CPT.Struct); (* read method attributes *) VAR attr, battr: SET; o: CPT.Object; BEGIN attr := {}; IF sym = comma THEN (* read attributes *) CPS.Get(sym); IF sym = ident THEN CPT.Find(CPS.name, o); IF (o # NIL) & (o.mode = SProc) & (o.adr = newfn) THEN IF ~(CPM.oberon IN CPM.options) THEN INCL(attr, newAttr) ELSE err(178) END; CPS.Get(sym); IF sym = comma THEN CPS.Get(sym); IF sym = ident THEN CPT.Find(CPS.name, o) ELSE o := NIL; err(ident) END ELSE o := NIL END END; IF o # NIL THEN IF (o.mode # Attr) OR (o.adr = limAttr) OR (CPM.oberon IN CPM.options) THEN err(178) ELSE INCL(attr, o.adr) END; CPS.Get(sym) END ELSE err(ident) END END; IF (base = NIL) & ~(newAttr IN attr) THEN err(185); INCL(attr, newAttr) ELSIF (base # NIL) & (newAttr IN attr) THEN err(186) END; IF (owner.attribute # absAttr) & (absAttr IN attr) THEN err(190) END; IF (owner.attribute = 0) OR (owner.attribute = limAttr) THEN IF (empAttr IN attr) & (newAttr IN attr) THEN err(187) ELSIF extAttr IN attr THEN err(188) END END; IF base # NIL THEN battr := base.conval.setval; IF empAttr IN battr THEN IF absAttr IN attr THEN err(189) END ELSIF ~(absAttr IN battr) THEN IF (absAttr IN attr) OR (empAttr IN attr) THEN err(189) END END END; IF empAttr IN attr THEN IF proc.typ # CPT.notyp THEN err(195) ELSE o := proc.link; WHILE (o # NIL) & (o.vis # outPar) DO o := o.link END; IF o # NIL THEN err(195) END END END; IF (owner.sysflag = interface) & ~(absAttr IN attr) THEN err(162) END; proc.conval.setval := attr END GetAttributes; PROCEDURE RecordType(VAR typ: CPT.Struct; attr: CPT.Object); VAR fld, first, last: CPT.Object; r: Elem; ftyp: CPT.Struct; name: CPT.String; BEGIN typ := CPT.NewStr(Comp, Record); typ.BaseTyp := NIL; CheckSysFlag(typ.sysflag, CPM.GetRecordSysFlag); IF attr # NIL THEN IF ~(CPM.oberon IN CPM.options) & (attr.adr # empAttr) THEN typ.attribute := SHORT(SHORT(attr.adr)) ELSE err(178) END END; IF typ.sysflag = interface THEN IF (CPS.str # NIL) & (CPS.str[0] = "{") THEN typ.ext := CPS.str END; IF typ.attribute # absAttr THEN err(163) END; IF sym # lparen THEN err(160) END END; IF sym = lparen THEN CPS.Get(sym); (*record extension*) IF sym = ident THEN Type(ftyp, name); IF ftyp.form = Pointer THEN ftyp := ftyp.BaseTyp END; SetType(typ, NIL, ftyp, name); IF (ftyp.comp = Record) & (ftyp # CPT.anytyp) THEN ftyp.pvused := TRUE; typ.extlev := SHORT(SHORT(ftyp.extlev + 1)); CPM.PropagateRecordSysFlag(ftyp.sysflag, typ.sysflag); IF (ftyp.attribute = 0) OR (ftyp.attribute = limAttr) & (ftyp.mno # 0) THEN err(181) ELSIF (typ.attribute = absAttr) & (ftyp.attribute # absAttr) THEN err(191) ELSIF (ftyp.attribute = limAttr) & (typ.attribute # limAttr) THEN err(197) END ELSIF ftyp # CPT.undftyp THEN err(53) END ELSE err(ident) END ; IF typ.attribute # absAttr THEN (* save typ for unimplemented method check *) NEW(r); r.struct := typ; r.pos := CPM.errpos; r.next := recList; recList := r END; CheckSym(rparen) END; (* CPT.OpenScope(0, NIL); *) first := NIL; last := NIL; LOOP IF sym = ident THEN LOOP IF sym = ident THEN IF (typ.BaseTyp # NIL) & (typ.BaseTyp # CPT.undftyp) THEN CPT.FindBaseField(CPS.name, typ, fld); IF fld # NIL THEN err(1) END END ; CPT.FindField(CPS.name, typ, fld); (* not needed with actual CPT *) IF fld # NIL THEN err(1) END; CPT.InsertField(CPS.name, typ, fld); fld.mode := Fld; fld.link := NIL; fld.typ := CPT.undftyp; CheckMark(fld); fld.adr := CPM.errpos; fld.num := clean; (*<<*) IF first = NIL THEN first := fld END ; IF last = NIL THEN typ.link := fld ELSE last.link := fld END ; last := fld ELSE err(ident) END ; IF sym = comma THEN CPS.Get(sym) ELSIF sym = ident THEN err(comma) ELSE EXIT END END ; CheckSym(colon); Type(ftyp, name); CheckAlloc(ftyp, FALSE, CPM.errpos); WHILE first # NIL DO SetType(typ, first, ftyp, name); first := first.link END; IF typ.sysflag = interface THEN err(161) END END; IF sym = semicolon THEN CPS.Get(sym); IF ((sym = end) OR (sym = semicolon)) & options.semicolons THEN (*<< superfluous semicolon *) err2(semicolons, CPM.errpos) END ELSIF sym = ident THEN err(semicolon) ELSE EXIT END END; (* IF typ.link # NIL THEN ASSERT(typ.link = CPT.topScope.right) END; typ.link := CPT.topScope.right; CPT.CloseScope; *) typ.untagged := typ.sysflag # 0; CPB.Inittd(TDinit, lastTDinit, typ); CheckSym(end) END RecordType; PROCEDURE ArrayType(VAR typ: CPT.Struct); VAR x: CPT.Node; n: INTEGER; sysflag: SHORTINT; name: CPT.String; BEGIN CheckSysFlag(sysflag, CPM.GetArraySysFlag); IF sym = of THEN (*dynamic array*) typ := CPT.NewStr(Comp, DynArr); typ.mno := 0; typ.sysflag := sysflag; CPS.Get(sym); Type(typ.BaseTyp, name); SetType(typ, NIL, typ.BaseTyp, name); CheckAlloc(typ.BaseTyp, TRUE, CPM.errpos); IF typ.BaseTyp.comp = DynArr THEN typ.n := typ.BaseTyp.n + 1 ELSE typ.n := 0 END ELSE typ := CPT.NewStr(Comp, Array); typ.sysflag := sysflag; ConstExpression(x); IF x.typ.form IN {Int8, Int16, Int32} THEN n := x.conval.intval; IF (n <= 0) OR (n > CPM.MaxIndex) THEN err(63); n := 1 END ELSE err(42); n := 1 END ; typ.n := n; IF sym = of THEN CPS.Get(sym); Type(typ.BaseTyp, name); SetType(typ, NIL, typ.BaseTyp, name); CheckAlloc(typ.BaseTyp, FALSE, CPM.errpos) ELSIF sym = comma THEN CPS.Get(sym); IF sym # of THEN ArrayType(typ.BaseTyp) END ELSE err(35) END END; typ.untagged := typ.sysflag # 0 END ArrayType; PROCEDURE PointerType(VAR typ: CPT.Struct); VAR name: CPT.String; BEGIN typ := CPT.NewStr(Pointer, Basic); CheckSysFlag(typ.sysflag, CPM.GetPointerSysFlag); CheckSym(to); Type(typ.BaseTyp, name); SetType(typ, NIL, typ.BaseTyp, name); IF (typ.BaseTyp # CPT.undftyp) & (typ.BaseTyp.comp = Basic) THEN typ.BaseTyp := CPT.undftyp; err(57) END; IF typ.BaseTyp.comp = Record THEN CPM.PropagateRecPtrSysFlag(typ.BaseTyp.sysflag, typ.sysflag) ELSIF typ.BaseTyp.comp IN {Array, DynArr} THEN CPM.PropagateArrPtrSysFlag(typ.BaseTyp.sysflag, typ.sysflag) END; typ.untagged := typ.sysflag # 0 END PointerType; PROCEDURE Type (VAR typ: CPT.Struct; VAR name: CPT.String); (* name # NIL => forward reference *) VAR id: CPT.Object; tname: CPT.String; BEGIN typ := CPT.undftyp; name := NIL; IF sym < lparen THEN err(12); REPEAT CPS.Get(sym) UNTIL sym >= lparen END ; IF sym = ident THEN CPT.Find(CPS.name, id); IF (id = NIL) OR (id.mode = -1) OR (id.mode = Typ) & IncompleteType(id.typ) THEN (* forward type definition *) name := CPT.NewName(CPS.name); CPS.Get(sym); IF (id = NIL) & (sym = period) THEN (* missing module *) err(0); CPS.Get(sym); name := NIL; IF sym = ident THEN CPS.Get(sym) END ELSIF sym = record THEN (* wrong attribute *) err(178); CPS.Get(sym); name := NIL; RecordType(typ, NIL) END ELSE qualident(id); UseType(id, CPM.errpos); (*<< type gets used*) IF id.mode = Typ THEN IF ~(CPM.oberon IN CPM.options) & ((id.typ = CPT.lreal64typ) OR (id.typ = CPT.lint64typ) OR (id.typ = CPT.lchar16typ)) THEN err(198) END; typ := id.typ ELSIF id.mode = Attr THEN IF sym = record THEN CPS.Get(sym); RecordType(typ, id) ELSE err(12) END ELSE err(52) END END ELSIF sym = array THEN CPS.Get(sym); ArrayType(typ) ELSIF sym = record THEN CPS.Get(sym); RecordType(typ, NIL) ELSIF sym = pointer THEN CPS.Get(sym); PointerType(typ) ELSIF sym = procedure THEN CPS.Get(sym); typ := CPT.NewStr(ProcTyp, Basic); (* CheckSysFlag(typ.sysflag, CPM.GetProcTypSysFlag); typ.untagged := typ.sysflag # 0; *) IF sym = lparen THEN CPS.Get(sym); CPT.OpenScope(level, NIL); FormalParameters(typ.link, typ.BaseTyp, tname); SetType(typ, NIL, typ.BaseTyp, tname); CPT.CloseScope ELSE typ.BaseTyp := CPT.notyp; typ.link := NIL END ELSE err(12) END ; LOOP IF (sym >= semicolon) & (sym <= else) OR (sym = rparen) OR (sym = eof) OR (sym = number) OR (sym = comma) THEN EXIT END; err(15); IF sym = ident THEN EXIT END; CPS.Get(sym) END END Type; PROCEDURE ^ selector(VAR x: CPT.Node); PROCEDURE ^ StandProcCall(VAR x: CPT.Node); PROCEDURE ActualParameters(VAR aparlist: CPT.Node; fpar: CPT.Object; VAR pre, lastp: CPT.Node); VAR apar, last, newPar, iidPar: CPT.Node; id: CPT.Object; moreThan1: BOOLEAN; (*<< id, moreThan1 *) BEGIN aparlist := NIL; last := NIL; IF sym # rparen THEN moreThan1 := (fpar # NIL) & (fpar.link # NIL); (*<<*) newPar := NIL; iidPar := NIL; LOOP (*<< Expression(apar) old code *) IF sym # nil THEN IF (fpar # NIL) & (fpar.mode = VarPar) & (fpar.vis # inPar) THEN (*<<*) qualident(id); apar := CPB.NewLeaf(id); selector(apar); IF (apar.class = Nproc) & (apar.obj.mode = SProc) & (apar.obj.adr = valfn) THEN StandProcCall(apar) END; Selector(apar, SelAssign, SelVarPar, SelUseBSet, CPM.errpos) ELSE (*<<*) Expression(apar); IF options.sideEffects & moreThan1 & (apar.class = Ncall) THEN (*<< proc-calls in param-list: code might depend on evaluation sequence (if more than one param.) *) err2(evaluationSeq, CPM.errpos) END END; IF fpar # NIL THEN IF (apar.typ.form = Pointer) & (fpar.typ.form = Comp) THEN CPB.DeRef(apar) END; CPB.Param(apar, fpar); IF fpar.mode = Var THEN CPB.CheckBuffering(apar, NIL, fpar, pre, lastp) END; CPB.Link(aparlist, last, apar); IF ODD(fpar.sysflag DIV newBit) THEN newPar := apar ELSIF ODD(fpar.sysflag DIV iidBit) THEN iidPar := apar END; IF (newPar # NIL) & (iidPar # NIL) THEN CPB.CheckNewParamPair(newPar, iidPar) END; fpar := fpar.link ELSE err(64) END; ELSE fpar := fpar.link; CPS.Get(sym) END; IF sym = comma THEN CPS.Get(sym) ELSIF (lparen <= sym) & (sym <= ident) THEN err(comma) ELSE EXIT END END END; IF fpar # NIL THEN err(65) END END ActualParameters; PROCEDURE selector(VAR x: CPT.Node); VAR obj, proc, fpar: CPT.Object; y, apar, pre, lastp: CPT.Node; typ: CPT.Struct; name: CPT.Name; BEGIN LOOP IF sym = lbrak THEN CPS.Get(sym); LOOP IF (x.typ # NIL) & (x.typ.form = Pointer) THEN CPB.DeRef(x) END ; Expression(y); CPB.Index(x, y); IF sym = comma THEN CPS.Get(sym) ELSE EXIT END END ; CheckSym(rbrak) ELSIF sym = period THEN CPS.Get(sym); IF sym = ident THEN name := CPS.name; CPS.Get(sym); IF x.typ # NIL THEN IF x.typ.form = Pointer THEN IF x.obj # NIL THEN UseObj(x.obj, TRUE, x.obj.adr) END; CPB.DeRef(x) END ; IF x.typ.comp = Record THEN typ := x.typ; CPT.FindField(name, typ, obj); CPB.Field(x, obj); IF (obj # NIL) & (obj.mode = TProc) THEN IF sym = arrow THEN (* super call *) CPS.Get(sym); y := x.left; IF y.class = Nderef THEN y := y.left END ; (* y = record variable *) IF y.obj # NIL THEN proc := CPT.topScope; (* find innermost scope which owner is a TProc *) WHILE (proc.link # NIL) & (proc.link.mode # TProc) DO proc := proc.left END ; IF (proc.link = NIL) OR (proc.link.link # y.obj) THEN err(75) END ; typ := y.obj.typ; IF typ.form = Pointer THEN typ := typ.BaseTyp END ; CPT.FindBaseField(x.obj.name^, typ, proc); IF proc # NIL THEN x.subcl := super; UseObj(proc, TRUE, proc.adr); (*<< touch super proc*) IF proc.conval.setval * {absAttr, empAttr} # {} THEN err(194) END ELSE err(74) END ELSE err(75) END ELSE UseObj(obj, TRUE, obj.adr); (*<< touch obj only if not super call! *) proc := obj; WHILE (proc.mnolev >= 0) & ~(newAttr IN proc.conval.setval) & (typ.BaseTyp # NIL) DO (* find base method *) typ := typ.BaseTyp; CPT.FindField(name, typ, proc); END; IF (proc.vis = externalR) & (proc.mnolev < 0) THEN err(196) END; END ; IF (obj.typ # CPT.notyp) & (sym # lparen) THEN err(lparen) END END ELSE err(53) END ELSE err(52) END ELSE err(ident) END ELSIF sym = arrow THEN CPS.Get(sym); CPB.DeRef(x) ELSIF sym = dollar THEN IF x.typ.form = Pointer THEN CPB.DeRef(x) END; CPS.Get(sym); CPB.StrDeref(x) ELSIF sym = lparen THEN IF (x.obj # NIL) & (x.obj.mode IN {XProc, LProc, CProc, TProc}) THEN typ := x.obj.typ ELSIF x.typ.form = ProcTyp THEN typ := x.typ.BaseTyp ELSIF x.class = Nproc THEN EXIT (* standard procedure *) ELSE typ := NIL END; IF typ # CPT.notyp THEN CPS.Get(sym); IF typ = NIL THEN (* type guard *) IF sym = ident THEN qualident(obj); IF obj.mode = Typ THEN CPB.TypTest(x, obj, TRUE); UseType(obj, CPM.errpos) (*<< type gets used*) ELSE err(52) END ELSE err(ident) END ELSE (* function call *) pre := NIL; lastp := NIL; CPB.PrepCall(x, fpar); IF (x.obj # NIL) & (x.obj.mode = TProc) THEN CPB.CheckBuffering(x.left, NIL, x.obj.link, pre, lastp) END; ActualParameters(apar, fpar, pre, lastp); CPB.Call(x, apar, fpar); IF pre # NIL THEN CPB.Construct(Ncomp, pre, x); pre.typ := x.typ; x := pre END; IF level > 0 THEN CPT.topScope.link.leaf := FALSE END END; CheckSym(rparen) ELSE EXIT END (* ELSIF (sym = lparen) & (x.class # Nproc) & (x.typ.form # ProcTyp) & ((x.obj = NIL) OR (x.obj.mode # TProc)) THEN CPS.Get(sym); IF sym = ident THEN qualident(obj); IF obj.mode = Typ THEN CPB.TypTest(x, obj, TRUE) ELSE err(52) END ELSE err(ident) END ; CheckSym(rparen) *) ELSE EXIT END END END selector; PROCEDURE StandProcCall(VAR x: CPT.Node); VAR y: CPT.Node; m: BYTE; n: SHORTINT; id: CPT.Object; (*<< id *) BEGIN m := SHORT(SHORT(x.obj.adr)); n := 0; IF sym = lparen THEN CPS.Get(sym); IF sym # rparen THEN LOOP IF n = 0 THEN (*<< Expression(x); old code *) CASE m OF (*<<*) | newfn, sysnewfn: (* id will be set by NEW => varPar = FALSE *) qualident(id); x := CPB.NewLeaf(id); selector(x); IF (x.class = Nproc) & (x.obj.mode = SProc) & (x.obj.adr = valfn) THEN StandProcCall(x) END; Selector(x, SelAssign, SelNoVarPar, SelUseBSet, CPM.errpos) | incfn, decfn, inclfn, exclfn: (* id will be used and then set *) qualident(id); x := CPB.NewLeaf(id); selector(x); IF (x.class = Nproc) & (x.obj.mode = SProc) & (x.obj.adr = valfn) THEN StandProcCall(x) END; Selector(x, SelNoAssign, SelNoVarPar, SelUseBSet, CPM.errpos); (* use *) Selector(x, SelAssign, SelNoVarPar, SelUseBSet, CPM.errpos) (* set *) | adrfn: IF sym = ident THEN (* no usedBSet message if ADR(id) *) qualident(id); x := CPB.NewLeaf(id); selector(x); Selector(x, SelNoAssign, SelNoVarPar, SelNoUseBSet, CPM.errpos) ELSE Expression(x); END | lenfn: qualident(id); x := CPB.NewLeaf(id); selector(x); (* no usedBSet message if LEN(id) *) Selector(x, SelNoAssign, SelNoVarPar, SelNoUseBSet, CPM.errpos) ELSE Expression(x) END; CPB.StPar0(x, m); n := 1 ELSIF n = 1 THEN (*<< Expression(y); old code *) IF m IN {getfn, getrfn} THEN (*<< id will be set by GET, GETREG => varPar = FALSE *) qualident(id); y := CPB.NewLeaf(id); selector(y); IF (y.class = Nproc) & (y.obj.mode = SProc) & (y.obj.adr = valfn) THEN StandProcCall(y) END; Selector(y, SelAssign, SelNoVarPar, SelUseBSet, CPM.errpos) ELSE Expression(y) END; CPB.StPar1(x, y, m); n := 2 ELSE Expression(y); CPB.StParN(x, y, m, n); INC(n) END ; IF sym = comma THEN CPS.Get(sym) ELSIF (lparen <= sym) & (sym <= ident) THEN err(comma) ELSE EXIT END END ; CheckSym(rparen) ELSE CPS.Get(sym) END ; CPB.StFct(x, m, n) ELSE err(lparen) END ; IF (level > 0) & ((m = newfn) OR (m = sysnewfn)) THEN CPT.topScope.link.leaf := FALSE END END StandProcCall; PROCEDURE Element(VAR x: CPT.Node); VAR y: CPT.Node; BEGIN Expression(x); IF sym = upto THEN CPS.Get(sym); Expression(y); CPB.SetRange(x, y) ELSE CPB.SetElem(x) END END Element; PROCEDURE Sets(VAR x: CPT.Node); VAR y: CPT.Node; BEGIN IF sym # rbrace THEN Element(x); LOOP IF sym = comma THEN CPS.Get(sym) ELSIF (lparen <= sym) & (sym <= ident) THEN err(comma) ELSE EXIT END ; Element(y); CPB.Op(plus, x, y) END ELSE x := CPB.EmptySet() END ; CheckSym(rbrace) END Sets; PROCEDURE Factor(VAR x: CPT.Node); VAR id: CPT.Object; pos: INTEGER; (*<< pos *) BEGIN IF sym < not THEN err(13); REPEAT CPS.Get(sym) UNTIL sym >= lparen END ; IF sym = ident THEN qualident(id); pos := CPM.curpos; (*<<*) x := CPB.NewLeaf(id); UseObj(x.obj, SelUseBSet, pos); selector(x); IF (x.class = Nfield) & (x.obj.mode = TProc) & (x.obj.link.mode = VarPar) & (x.obj.link.typ.comp = Record) THEN (*<< receiver is var parameter and record *) Selector(x.left, SelAssign, SelVarPar, SelUseBSet, pos) END; Selector(x, SelNoAssign, SelNoVarPar, SelUseBSet, pos); (*<<*) IF (x.class = Nproc) & (x.obj.mode = SProc) THEN IF ~((x.obj.adr IN {ordfn, minfn, maxfn, chrfn, sizefn, adrfn, valfn}) OR (x.obj.adr = bitsfn)) THEN INC(nofStats) (*<<*) END; StandProcCall(x) (* x may be NIL *) (* ELSIF sym = lparen THEN CPS.Get(sym); CPB.PrepCall(x, fpar); ActualParameters(apar, fpar); INC(nofStats); (*<<*) CPB.Call(x, apar, fpar); CheckSym(rparen); IF level > 0 THEN CPT.topScope.link.leaf := FALSE END ELSIF id.mode = Typ THEN UseType(id, CPM.errpos) (*<< type gets used, e.g. SIZE(Node) *) *) END; ELSIF sym = number THEN CASE CPS.numtyp OF char: x := CPB.NewIntConst(CPS.intval); x.typ := CPT.char8typ; IF CPS.intval > 255 THEN x.typ := CPT.char16typ END | integer: x := CPB.NewIntConst(CPS.intval) | int64: x := CPB.NewLargeIntConst(CPS.intval, CPS.realval) | real: x := CPB.NewRealConst(CPS.realval, NIL) | real32: x := CPB.NewRealConst(CPS.realval, CPT.real32typ) | real64: x := CPB.NewRealConst(CPS.realval, CPT.real64typ) END ; CPS.Get(sym) ELSIF sym = string THEN x := CPB.NewString(CPS.str, CPS.lstr, CPS.intval); CPS.Get(sym) ELSIF sym = nil THEN x := CPB.Nil(); CPS.Get(sym) ELSIF sym = lparen THEN CPS.Get(sym); Expression(x); CheckSym(rparen) ELSIF sym = lbrak THEN CPS.Get(sym); err(lparen); Expression(x); CheckSym(rparen) ELSIF sym = lbrace THEN CPS.Get(sym); Sets(x) ELSIF sym = not THEN CPS.Get(sym); Factor(x); CPB.MOp(not, x) ELSE err(13); CPS.Get(sym); x := NIL END ; IF x = NIL THEN x := CPB.NewIntConst(1); x.typ := CPT.undftyp END END Factor; PROCEDURE Term(VAR x: CPT.Node); VAR y: CPT.Node; mulop: BYTE; BEGIN Factor(x); WHILE (times <= sym) & (sym <= and) DO mulop := sym; CPS.Get(sym); Factor(y); CPB.Op(mulop, x, y) END END Term; PROCEDURE SimpleExpression(VAR x: CPT.Node); VAR y: CPT.Node; addop: BYTE; BEGIN IF sym = minus THEN CPS.Get(sym); Term(x); CPB.MOp(minus, x) ELSIF sym = plus THEN CPS.Get(sym); Term(x); CPB.MOp(plus, x) ELSE Term(x) END ; WHILE (plus <= sym) & (sym <= or) DO addop := sym; CPS.Get(sym); Term(y); IF x.typ.form = Pointer THEN CPB.DeRef(x) END; IF (x.typ.comp IN {Array, DynArr}) & (x.typ.BaseTyp.form IN charSet) THEN CPB.StrDeref(x) END; IF y.typ.form = Pointer THEN CPB.DeRef(y) END; IF (y.typ.comp IN {Array, DynArr}) & (y.typ.BaseTyp.form IN charSet) THEN CPB.StrDeref(y) END; CPB.Op(addop, x, y) END END SimpleExpression; PROCEDURE Expression(VAR x: CPT.Node); VAR y, pre, last: CPT.Node; obj: CPT.Object; relation: BYTE; BEGIN SimpleExpression(x); IF (eql <= sym) & (sym <= geq) THEN relation := sym; CPS.Get(sym); SimpleExpression(y); pre := NIL; last := NIL; IF (x.typ.comp IN {Array, DynArr}) & (x.typ.BaseTyp.form IN charSet) THEN CPB.StrDeref(x) END; IF (y.typ.comp IN {Array, DynArr}) & (y.typ.BaseTyp.form IN charSet) THEN CPB.StrDeref(y) END; CPB.CheckBuffering(x, NIL, NIL, pre, last); CPB.CheckBuffering(y, NIL, NIL, pre, last); CPB.Op(relation, x, y); IF pre # NIL THEN CPB.Construct(Ncomp, pre, x); pre.typ := x.typ; x := pre END; ELSIF sym = in THEN CPS.Get(sym); SimpleExpression(y); CPB.In(x, y) ELSIF sym = is THEN CPS.Get(sym); IF sym = ident THEN qualident(obj); UseType(obj, CPM.errpos); (*<< type gets used*) IF obj.mode = Typ THEN CPB.TypTest(x, obj, FALSE) ELSE err(52) END ELSE err(ident) END END END Expression; PROCEDURE ProcedureDeclaration(VAR x: CPT.Node); VAR proc, fwd: CPT.Object; name: CPT.Name; mode: BYTE; forward: BOOLEAN; sys: SHORTINT; pos: INTEGER; (*<< *) PROCEDURE GetCode; VAR ext: CPT.ConstExt; i, n, c: INTEGER; s, s2: POINTER TO ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR; BEGIN n := 0; NEW(s, 256); LOOP IF sym = number THEN c := CPS.intval; INC(n); i := LEN(s^); IF n > i THEN (* if overflow then increase size of array s *) NEW(s2, i * 2); WHILE i > 0 DO DEC(i); s2[i] := s[i] END; s := s2; s2 := NIL; END; IF (c < 0) OR (c > 255) OR (n = MAX(INTEGER)) THEN err(63); c := 1; n := 1 END ; CPS.Get(sym); s[n - 1] := SHORT(CHR(c)) END ; IF sym = comma THEN CPS.Get(sym) ELSIF sym = number THEN err(comma) ELSE EXIT END END; IF n # 0 THEN NEW(ext, n); i := 0; WHILE i < n DO ext[i] := s[i]; INC(i) END ELSE ext := NIL END; proc.conval.ext := ext; INCL(proc.conval.setval, hasBody) END GetCode; PROCEDURE GetParams; VAR name: CPT.String; BEGIN proc.mode := mode; proc.typ := CPT.notyp; proc.sysflag := SHORT(sys); proc.conval.setval := {}; IF sym = lparen THEN CPS.Get(sym); FormalParameters(proc.link, proc.typ, name); IF name # NIL THEN err(0) END END; CheckForwardTypes; userList := NIL; IF fwd # NIL THEN CPB.CheckParameters(proc.link, fwd.link, TRUE); IF ~CPT.EqualType(proc.typ, fwd.typ) THEN err(117) END ; proc := fwd; CPT.topScope := proc.scope; IF mode = IProc THEN proc.mode := IProc END END END GetParams; PROCEDURE Body; VAR procdec, statseq: CPT.Node; c: INTEGER; BEGIN c := CPM.errpos; INCL(proc.conval.setval, hasBody); CheckSym(semicolon); Block(procdec, statseq); CPB.Enter(procdec, statseq, proc); x := procdec; x.conval := CPT.NewConst(); x.conval.intval := c; x.conval.intval2 := CPM.startpos; CheckSym(end); IF sym = ident THEN IF CPS.name # proc.name^ THEN err(4) END ; CPS.Get(sym) ELSE err(ident) END END Body; PROCEDURE TProcDecl; VAR baseProc, o: CPT.Object; objTyp, recTyp: CPT.Struct; objMode, objVis: BYTE; objName: CPT.Name; pnode: CPT.Node; pos1, pos2: INTEGER; (*<<*) BEGIN CPS.Get(sym); mode := TProc; IF level > 0 THEN err(73) END; pos1 := CPM.errpos; (*<<*) Receiver(objMode, objVis, objName, objTyp, recTyp); IF sym = ident THEN name := CPS.name; CPT.FindField(name, recTyp, fwd); CPT.FindBaseField(name, recTyp, baseProc); IF (baseProc # NIL) & (baseProc.mode # TProc) THEN baseProc := NIL END ; IF fwd = baseProc THEN fwd := NIL END ; IF (fwd # NIL) & (fwd.mnolev # level) THEN fwd := NIL END ; IF (fwd # NIL) & (fwd.mode = TProc) & (fwd.conval.setval * {hasBody, absAttr, empAttr} = {}) THEN (* there exists a corresponding forward declaration *) proc := CPT.NewObj(); proc.leaf := TRUE; proc.mode := TProc; proc.conval := CPT.NewConst(); CheckMark(proc); IF fwd.vis # proc.vis THEN err(118) END ELSE IF fwd # NIL THEN err(1); fwd := NIL END ; CPT.InsertField(name, recTyp, proc); proc.mode := TProc; proc.conval := CPT.NewConst(); CheckMark(proc); IF recTyp.strobj # NIL THEN (* preserve declaration order *) o := recTyp.strobj.link; IF o = NIL THEN recTyp.strobj.link := proc ELSE WHILE o.nlink # NIL DO o := o.nlink END; o.nlink := proc END END END; pos2 := CPM.errpos; proc.num := set; (*<< methods are set*) INC(level); CPT.OpenScope(level, proc); CPT.Insert(objName, proc.link); proc.link.mode := objMode; proc.link.vis := objVis; proc.link.typ := objTyp; proc^.link.adr := pos1; (*<< *) (* (*<< receiver is set/setUsed *) IF objMode = VarPar THEN proc^.link.num := setUsed ELSE proc^.link.num := set END; *) proc.link.num := setUsed; (* BJ: No point in warning about recievers. (commented out the line above...)*) ASSERT(CPT.topScope # NIL); GetParams; ASSERT(CPT.topScope # NIL); GetAttributes(proc, baseProc, recTyp); IF ((absAttr IN proc.conval.setval) OR (empAttr IN proc.conval.setval)) & (proc.link.link # NIL) THEN o := proc.link.link; WHILE o # NIL DO o.num := setUsed; o := o.link END; END; IF (fwd # NIL) & (fwd.conval.setval / proc.conval.setval * {absAttr, empAttr, extAttr} # {}) THEN err(184) END; CheckOverwrite(proc, baseProc, recTyp); IF ~forward THEN IF empAttr IN proc.conval.setval THEN (* insert empty procedure *) pnode := NIL; CPB.Enter(pnode, NIL, proc); pnode.conval := CPT.NewConst(); pnode.conval.intval := CPM.errpos; pnode.conval.intval2 := CPM.errpos; x := pnode ELSIF ~(absAttr IN proc.conval.setval) THEN Body END; proc.adr := 0 ELSE proc.adr := CPM.errpos END; proc.adr := pos2; (*<< *) DEC(level); CPT.CloseScope ELSE err(ident) END END TProcDecl; BEGIN proc := NIL; forward := FALSE; x := NIL; mode := LProc; sys := 0; IF (sym # ident) & (sym # lparen) THEN CheckSysFlag(sys, CPM.GetProcSysFlag); IF sys # 0 THEN (* IF ~CPT.SYSimported THEN err(135) END; *) IF sys = CPM.CProcFlag THEN mode := CProc END ELSE IF sym = times THEN (* mode set later in CPB.CheckAssign *) ELSIF sym = arrow THEN forward := TRUE ELSE err(ident) END; CPS.Get(sym) END END ; IF sym = lparen THEN TProcDecl ELSIF sym = ident THEN CPT.Find(CPS.name, fwd); name := CPS.name; IF (fwd # NIL) & ((fwd.mnolev # level) OR (fwd.mode = SProc)) THEN fwd := NIL END ; IF (fwd # NIL) & (fwd.mode IN {LProc, XProc}) & ~(hasBody IN fwd.conval.setval) THEN (* there exists a corresponding forward declaration *) proc := CPT.NewObj(); proc.leaf := TRUE; proc.mode := mode; proc.conval := CPT.NewConst(); CheckMark(proc); IF fwd.vis # proc.vis THEN err(118) END ELSE IF fwd # NIL THEN err(1); fwd := NIL END ; CheckOuter; (*<<*) CPT.Insert(name, proc); proc.mode := mode; proc.conval := CPT.NewConst(); CheckMark(proc) END ; pos := CPM.errpos; proc.num := set; (*<< procedures are set *) IF (proc.vis # internal) & (mode = LProc) THEN mode := XProc END ; IF (mode # LProc) & (level > 0) THEN err(73) END ; INC(level); CPT.OpenScope(level, proc); proc.link := NIL; GetParams; IF mode = CProc THEN GetCode ELSIF CPM.interface IN CPM.options THEN INCL(proc.conval.setval, hasBody) ELSIF ~forward THEN Body; proc.adr := 0 ELSE proc.adr := CPM.errpos END ; proc.adr := pos; (*<< *) DEC(level); CPT.CloseScope ELSE err(ident) END END ProcedureDeclaration; PROCEDURE CaseLabelList(VAR lab, root: CPT.Node; LabelForm: SHORTINT; VAR min, max: INTEGER); VAR x, y: CPT.Node; f: SHORTINT; xval, yval: INTEGER; PROCEDURE Insert(VAR n: CPT.Node); (* build binary tree of label ranges *) (* !!! *) BEGIN IF n = NIL THEN IF x.hint # 1 THEN n := x END ELSIF yval < n.conval.intval THEN Insert(n.left) ELSIF xval > n.conval.intval2 THEN Insert(n.right) ELSE err(63) END END Insert; BEGIN lab := NIL; LOOP ConstExpression(x); f := x.typ.form; IF f IN intSet + charSet THEN xval := x.conval.intval ELSE err(61); xval := 1 END ; IF (f IN intSet) # (LabelForm IN intSet) THEN err(60) END; IF sym = upto THEN CPS.Get(sym); ConstExpression(y); yval := y.conval.intval; IF (y.typ.form IN intSet) # (LabelForm IN intSet) THEN err(60) END; IF yval < xval THEN err(63); yval := xval END ELSE yval := xval END ; x.conval.intval2 := yval; IF xval < min THEN min := xval END; IF yval > max THEN max := yval END; IF lab = NIL THEN lab := x; Insert(root) ELSIF yval < lab.conval.intval - 1 THEN x.link := lab; lab := x; Insert(root) ELSIF yval = lab.conval.intval - 1 THEN x.hint := 1; Insert(root); lab.conval.intval := xval ELSIF xval = lab.conval.intval2 + 1 THEN x.hint := 1; Insert(root); lab.conval.intval2 := yval ELSE y := lab; WHILE (y.link # NIL) & (xval > y.link.conval.intval2 + 1) DO y := y.link END; IF y.link = NIL THEN y.link := x; Insert(root) ELSIF yval < y.link.conval.intval - 1 THEN x.link := y.link; y.link := x; Insert(root) ELSIF yval = y.link.conval.intval - 1 THEN x.hint := 1; Insert(root); y.link.conval.intval := xval ELSIF xval = y.link.conval.intval2 + 1 THEN x.hint := 1; Insert(root); y.link.conval.intval2 := yval END END; IF sym = comma THEN CPS.Get(sym) ELSIF (sym = number) OR (sym = ident) THEN err(comma) ELSE EXIT END END END CaseLabelList; PROCEDURE Evaluate (n: CPT.Node; VAR min, max, num, dist: INTEGER; VAR head: CPT.Node); VAR a: INTEGER; BEGIN a := MIN(INTEGER); IF n.left # NIL THEN a := MIN(INTEGER); Evaluate(n.left, min, a, num, dist, head); IF n.conval.intval - a > dist THEN dist := n.conval.intval - a; head := n END ELSIF n.conval.intval < min THEN min := n.conval.intval END; IF n.right # NIL THEN a := MAX(INTEGER); Evaluate(n.right, a, max, num, dist, head); IF a - n.conval.intval2 > dist THEN dist := a - n.conval.intval2; head := n END ELSIF n.conval.intval2 > max THEN max := n.conval.intval2 END; INC(num); IF n.conval.intval < n.conval.intval2 THEN INC(num); IF n.conval.intval2 - n.conval.intval > dist THEN dist := n.conval.intval2 - n.conval.intval; head := n END END END Evaluate; PROCEDURE Rebuild (VAR root: CPT.Node; head: CPT.Node); VAR n: CPT.Node; BEGIN IF root # head THEN IF head.conval.intval2 < root.conval.intval THEN Rebuild(root.left, head); n := head; WHILE n.right # NIL DO n := n.right END; n.right := root; root.left := NIL; root := head ELSE Rebuild(root.right, head); n := head; WHILE n.left # NIL DO n := n.left END; n.left := root; root.right := NIL; root := head END END END Rebuild; PROCEDURE Optimize (VAR n: CPT.Node); VAR min, max, num, dist, limit: INTEGER; head: CPT.Node; BEGIN IF n # NIL THEN min := MAX(INTEGER); max := MIN(INTEGER); num := 0; dist := 0; head := n; Evaluate(n, min, max, num, dist, head); limit := 6 * num; IF limit < 100 THEN limit := 100 END; IF (num > 4) & ((min > MAX(INTEGER) - limit) OR (max < min + limit)) THEN INCL(n.conval.setval, useTable) ELSE IF num > 4 THEN Rebuild(n, head) END; INCL(n.conval.setval, useTree); Optimize(n.left); Optimize(n.right) END END END Optimize; (* PROCEDURE ShowTree (n: CPT.Node; opts: SET); BEGIN IF n # NIL THEN IF opts = {} THEN opts := n.conval.setval END; IF useTable IN opts THEN IF n.left # NIL THEN ShowTree(n.left, opts); CPM.LogW(",") END; CPM.LogWNum(n.conval.intval, 1); IF n.conval.intval2 > n.conval.intval THEN CPM.LogW("-"); CPM.LogWNum(n.conval.intval2, 1) END; IF n.right # NIL THEN CPM.LogW(","); ShowTree(n.right, opts) END ELSIF useTree IN opts THEN CPM.LogW("("); ShowTree(n.left, {}); CPM.LogW("|"); CPM.LogWNum(n.conval.intval, 1); IF n.conval.intval2 > n.conval.intval THEN CPM.LogW("-"); CPM.LogWNum(n.conval.intval2, 1) END; CPM.LogW("|"); ShowTree(n.right, {}); CPM.LogW(")") ELSE ShowTree(n.left, opts); CPM.LogW(" "); CPM.LogWNum(n.conval.intval, 1); IF n.conval.intval2 > n.conval.intval THEN CPM.LogW("-"); CPM.LogWNum(n.conval.intval2, 1) END; CPM.LogW(" "); ShowTree(n.right, opts) END END END ShowTree; *) PROCEDURE StatSeq(VAR stat: CPT.Node); VAR fpar, id, t: CPT.Object; idtyp: CPT.Struct; e: BOOLEAN; oldSym: BYTE; (*<< oldSym*) s, x, y, z, apar, last, lastif, pre, lastp: CPT.Node; pos, p: INTEGER; pos1, lastSemiPos: INTEGER; (*<< pos1, pos2, oldPos *) lastSemi: BOOLEAN; (*<<*) PROCEDURE CasePart(VAR x: CPT.Node); VAR low, high: INTEGER; e: BOOLEAN; cases, lab, y, lastcase, root: CPT.Node; BEGIN Expression(x); IF (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(126) ELSIF x.typ.form = Int64 THEN err(260) ELSIF ~(x.typ.form IN intSet + charSet) THEN err(125) END ; CheckSym(of); cases := NIL; lastcase := NIL; root := NIL; low := MAX(INTEGER); high := MIN(INTEGER); LOOP IF sym < bar THEN CaseLabelList(lab, root, x.typ.form, low, high); CheckSym(colon); StatSeq(y); CPB.Construct(Ncasedo, lab, y); CPB.Link(cases, lastcase, lab) END ; IF sym = bar THEN CPS.Get(sym) ELSE EXIT END END; e := sym = else; IF e THEN CPS.Get(sym); StatSeq(y) ELSE y := NIL END ; CPB.Construct(Ncaselse, cases, y); CPB.Construct(Ncase, x, cases); cases.conval := CPT.NewConst(); cases.conval.intval := low; cases.conval.intval2 := high; IF e THEN cases.conval.setval := {1} ELSE cases.conval.setval := {} END; Optimize(root); cases.link := root (* !!! *) END CasePart; PROCEDURE SetPos(x: CPT.Node); BEGIN x.conval := CPT.NewConst(); x.conval.intval := pos END SetPos; PROCEDURE CheckBool(VAR x: CPT.Node); BEGIN IF (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(126); x := CPB.NewBoolConst(FALSE) ELSIF x.typ.form # Bool THEN err(120); x := CPB.NewBoolConst(FALSE) END END CheckBool; BEGIN stat := NIL; last := NIL; lastSemi := FALSE; lastSemiPos := 0; (*<<*) LOOP x := NIL; IF sym < ident THEN err(14); REPEAT CPS.Get(sym) UNTIL sym >= ident END ; INC(nofStats); oldSym := null; (*<<*) pos := CPM.startpos; IF sym = ident THEN pos1 := CPM.curpos; (*<<*) qualident(id); x := CPB.NewLeaf(id); selector(x); IF sym = becomes THEN (*<< pos2 := CPM.curpos; (*<<*) *) CPS.Get(sym); Expression(y); Selector(x, SelAssign, SelNoVarPar, SelUseBSet, pos1); (*<< id gets set for the first time *) IF (y.typ.form = Pointer) & (x.typ.form = Comp) THEN CPB.DeRef(y) END; pre := NIL; lastp := NIL; CPB.CheckBuffering(y, x, NIL, pre, lastp); CPB.Assign(x, y); (*<< fixed in CP IF (x.left.class = Neguard) & (x.right.typ.comp = Record) THEN (*<< record assignment to varpar *) err2(impliedTypeGuard, pos2) END; *) IF pre # NIL THEN SetPos(x); CPB.Construct(Ncomp, pre, x); x := pre END ELSIF sym = eql THEN err(becomes); CPS.Get(sym); Expression(y); CPB.Assign(x, y) ELSIF (x.class = Nproc) & (x.obj.mode = SProc) THEN StandProcCall(x); IF (x # NIL) & (x.typ # CPT.notyp) THEN err(55) END; IF (x # NIL) & (x.class = Nifelse) THEN (* error pos for ASSERT *) SetPos(x.left); SetPos(x.left.right) END; ELSIF x.class = Ncall THEN err(55) ELSE pre := NIL; lastp := NIL; IF (x.class = Nfield) & (x.obj.mode = TProc) & (x.obj.link.mode = VarPar) & (x.obj.link.typ.comp = Record) THEN Selector(x.left, SelAssign, SelVarPar, SelUseBSet, pos1) (*<< receiver is var parameter and record *) END; Selector(x, SelNoAssign, SelNoVarPar, SelUseBSet, pos1); (*<< proc in node x gets called *) CPB.PrepCall(x, fpar); IF (x.obj # NIL) & (x.obj.mode = TProc) THEN CPB.CheckBuffering(x.left, NIL, x.obj.link, pre, lastp) END; IF sym = lparen THEN CPS.Get(sym); ActualParameters(apar, fpar, pre, lastp); CheckSym(rparen) ELSE apar := NIL; IF fpar # NIL THEN err(65) END END ; CPB.Call(x, apar, fpar); IF x.typ # CPT.notyp THEN err(55) END; IF pre # NIL THEN SetPos(x); CPB.Construct(Ncomp, pre, x); x := pre END; IF level > 0 THEN CPT.topScope.link.leaf := FALSE END END ELSIF sym = if THEN CPS.Get(sym); pos := CPM.startpos; Expression(x); CheckBool(x); CheckSym(then); StatSeq(y); CPB.Construct(Nif, x, y); SetPos(x); lastif := x; WHILE sym = elsif DO CPS.Get(sym); pos := CPM.startpos; Expression(y); CheckBool(y); CheckSym(then); StatSeq(z); CPB.Construct(Nif, y, z); SetPos(y); CPB.Link(x, lastif, y) END ; pos := CPM.startpos; IF sym = else THEN CPS.Get(sym); StatSeq(y) ELSE y := NIL END ; CPB.Construct(Nifelse, x, y); CheckSym(end); CPB.OptIf(x) ELSIF sym = case THEN CPS.Get(sym); pos := CPM.startpos; CasePart(x); CheckSym(end) ELSIF sym = while THEN CPS.Get(sym); pos := CPM.startpos; Expression(x); CheckBool(x); CheckSym(do); StatSeq(y); CPB.Construct(Nwhile, x, y); CheckSym(end) ELSIF sym = repeat THEN CPS.Get(sym); StatSeq(x); IF sym = until THEN CPS.Get(sym); pos := CPM.startpos; Expression(y); CheckBool(y) ELSE err(43) END ; CPB.Construct(Nrepeat, x, y) ELSIF sym = for THEN CPS.Get(sym); pos := CPM.startpos; IF sym = ident THEN qualident(id); SetObj(id, FALSE, CPM.errpos); UseObj(id, TRUE, CPM.errpos); (*<< for variable gets set & used*) INC(id.num, noChange); (*<< loop variable shouldn't be changed!*) IF ~(id.typ.form IN intSet) THEN err(68) END ; CheckSym(becomes); Expression(y); x := CPB.NewLeaf(id); CPB.Assign(x, y); SetPos(x); CheckSym(to); pos := CPM.startpos; Expression(y); IF y.class # Nconst THEN CPB.GetTempVar("@for", x.left.typ, t); t.num := setUsed; (*<< temporary var gets set and used*) z := CPB.NewLeaf(t); CPB.Assign(z, y); SetPos(z); CPB.Link(stat, last, z); y := CPB.NewLeaf(t) ELSE CPB.CheckAssign(x.left.typ, y) END ; CPB.Link(stat, last, x); p := CPM.startpos; IF sym = by THEN CPS.Get(sym); ConstExpression(z) ELSE z := CPB.NewIntConst(1) END ; x := CPB.NewLeaf(id); IF z.conval.intval > 0 THEN CPB.Op(leq, x, y) ELSIF z.conval.intval < 0 THEN CPB.Op(geq, x, y) ELSE err(63); CPB.Op(geq, x, y) END ; CheckSym(do); StatSeq(s); y := CPB.NewLeaf(id); CPB.StPar1(y, z, incfn); pos := CPM.startpos; SetPos(y); IF s = NIL THEN s := y ELSE z := s; WHILE z.link # NIL DO z := z.link END ; z.link := y END ; CheckSym(end); CPB.Construct(Nwhile, x, s); pos := p; DEC(id.num, noChange) (*<< reset noChange attribute for loopvariable*) ELSE err(ident) END ELSIF sym = loop THEN CPS.Get(sym); INC(LoopLevel); StatSeq(x); DEC(LoopLevel); CPB.Construct(Nloop, x, NIL); CheckSym(end) ELSIF sym = with THEN CPS.Get(sym); idtyp := NIL; x := NIL; LOOP IF sym < bar THEN (* bj: added to be compliant with DevCPP.StatSeq *) pos := CPM.startpos; IF sym = ident THEN qualident(id); UseObj(id, TRUE, CPM.errpos); (*<<*) y := CPB.NewLeaf(id); IF (id # NIL) & (id.typ.form = Pointer) & ((id.mode = VarPar) OR ~id.leaf) THEN err(-302) (* warning 302 *) END ; CheckSym(colon); IF sym = ident THEN qualident(t); UseType(t, CPM.errpos); (*<< type gets used*) IF t.mode = Typ THEN IF id # NIL THEN idtyp := id.typ; CPB.TypTest(y, t, FALSE); id.typ := t.typ; IF id.ptyp = NIL THEN id.ptyp := idtyp END ELSE err(130) END ELSE err(52) END ELSE err(ident) END ELSE err(ident) END ; pos1 := CPM.errpos; (* << *) CheckSym(do); StatSeq(s); CPB.Construct(Nif, y, s); SetPos(y); IF idtyp # NIL THEN IF id.ptyp = idtyp THEN id.ptyp := NIL END; id.typ := idtyp; idtyp := NIL END ; IF x = NIL THEN x := y; lastif := x ELSE CPB.Link(x, lastif, y) END END; IF sym = bar THEN CPS.Get(sym) ELSE EXIT END END; e := sym = else; pos := CPM.startpos; IF e THEN CPS.Get(sym); StatSeq(s) ELSE s := NIL END ; CPB.Construct(Nwith, x, s); CheckSym(end); IF e THEN x.subcl := 1 END ELSIF sym = exit THEN CPS.Get(sym); IF LoopLevel = 0 THEN err(46) END ; CPB.Construct(Nexit, x, NIL); oldSym := exit (*<<*) ELSIF sym = return THEN CPS.Get(sym); IF sym < semicolon THEN Expression(x) END ; IF level > 0 THEN CPB.Return(x, CPT.topScope.link) ELSE (* not standard Oberon *) CPB.Return(x, NIL) END; hasReturn := TRUE; oldSym := return (*<<*) ELSE (*<< empty statement*) IF options.semicolons THEN IF sym = semicolon THEN err2(semicolons, CPM.errpos) ELSIF lastSemi THEN err2(semicolons, lastSemiPos) END END; DEC(nofStats) END ; IF x # NIL THEN SetPos(x); CPB.Link(stat, last, x) END ; IF sym = semicolon THEN (*<<*) lastSemi := TRUE; lastSemiPos := CPM.errpos ELSE lastSemi := FALSE (*<<*) END; IF sym = semicolon THEN CPS.Get(sym) ELSIF (sym <= ident) OR (if <= sym) & (sym <= return) THEN err(semicolon) ELSE EXIT END; IF (exit <= oldSym) & (oldSym <= return) & ((sym < bar) OR (until < sym)) THEN (*<< statement after return/exit*) err2(statAfterRetEx, CPM.errpos) END END END StatSeq; PROCEDURE Block(VAR procdec, statseq: CPT.Node); VAR typ: CPT.Struct; obj, first, last, o: CPT.Object; x, lastdec: CPT.Node; i: SHORTINT; rname: CPT.Name; name: CPT.String; rec: Elem; pos, save: INTEGER; (*<<*) BEGIN first := NIL; last := NIL; userList := NIL; recList := NIL; save := nofStats; (*<<*) LOOP IF sym = const THEN CPS.Get(sym); WHILE sym = ident DO CheckOuter; (*<<*) CPT.Insert(CPS.name, obj); obj.mode := Con; CheckMark(obj); obj.typ := CPT.int8typ; obj.mode := Var; (* Var to avoid recursive definition *) pos := CPM.errpos; (*<<*) IF sym = eql THEN CPS.Get(sym); ConstExpression(x) ELSIF sym = becomes THEN err(eql); CPS.Get(sym); ConstExpression(x) ELSE err(eql); x := CPB.NewIntConst(1) END ; obj.mode := Con; obj.typ := x.typ; obj.conval := x.conval; (* ConstDesc ist not copied *) obj.adr := pos; obj.num := set; (*<< constants are set by default*) CheckSym(semicolon) END END ; IF sym = type THEN CPS.Get(sym); WHILE sym = ident DO CheckOuter; (*<<*) CPT.Find(CPS.name, obj); (* could have been used as a forward type definition *) IF obj = NIL THEN CPT.Insert(CPS.name, obj) END; obj.mode := -1; obj.typ := CPT.undftyp; CheckMark(obj); obj.adr := CPM.errpos; IF obj.num > clean THEN obj.num := setUsed ELSE obj.num := set END; (*<< types are set by default*) IF sym # eql THEN err(eql) END; IF (sym = eql) OR (sym = becomes) OR (sym = colon) THEN CPS.Get(sym); Type(obj.typ, name); SetType(NIL, obj, obj.typ, name) END; obj.mode := Typ; IF obj.typ.form IN {Byte..Set, Char16, Int64} THEN (* make alias structure *) typ := CPT.NewStr(obj.typ.form, Basic); i := typ.ref; typ^ := obj.typ^; typ.ref := i; typ.strobj := NIL; typ.mno := 0; typ.BaseTyp := obj.typ; obj.typ := typ END; IF obj.typ.strobj = NIL THEN obj.typ.strobj := obj END ; IF obj.typ.form = Pointer THEN (* !!! *) typ := obj.typ.BaseTyp; IF (typ # NIL) & (typ.comp = Record) & (typ.strobj = NIL) THEN (* pointer to unnamed record: name record as "pointerName^" *) rname := obj.name$; i := 0; WHILE rname[i] # 0X DO INC(i) END; rname[i] := "^"; rname[i+1] := 0X; CPT.Insert(rname, o); o.mode := Typ; o.typ := typ; typ.strobj := o; o.adr := CPM.errpos; o.num := setUsed (*<< anonymous record types are set and used by default*) END END; IF obj.vis # internal THEN typ := obj.typ; IF typ.form = Pointer THEN typ := typ.BaseTyp END; IF typ.comp = Record THEN typ.exp := TRUE END END; CheckSym(semicolon) END END ; IF sym = var THEN CPS.Get(sym); WHILE sym = ident DO LOOP IF sym = ident THEN CheckOuter; (*<<*) CPT.Insert(CPS.name, obj); obj.mode := Var; obj.link := NIL; obj.leaf := obj.vis = internal; obj.typ := CPT.undftyp; CheckMark(obj); obj.adr := CPM.errpos; obj.num := clean; (*<<*) IF first = NIL THEN first := obj END ; IF last = NIL THEN CPT.topScope.scope := obj ELSE last.link := obj END; last := obj ELSE err(ident) END; IF sym = comma THEN CPS.Get(sym) ELSIF sym = ident THEN err(comma); ELSE EXIT END END ; CheckSym(colon); Type(typ, name); CheckAlloc(typ, FALSE, CPM.errpos); WHILE first # NIL DO SetType(NIL, first, typ, name); first := first.link END ; CheckSym(semicolon) END END ; IF (sym < const) OR (sym > var) THEN EXIT END END ; nofStats := save; (*<<*) CheckForwardTypes; userList := NIL; rec := recList; recList := NIL; CPT.topScope.adr := CPM.errpos; procdec := NIL; lastdec := NIL; WHILE sym = procedure DO CPS.Get(sym); ProcedureDeclaration(x); IF x # NIL THEN IF lastdec = NIL THEN procdec := x ELSE lastdec.link := x END ; lastdec := x END ; CheckSym(semicolon) END ; IF CPM.noerr & ~(CPM.oberon IN CPM.options) THEN CheckRecords(rec) END; hasReturn := FALSE; IF sym = begin THEN CPS.Get(sym); StatSeq(statseq) ELSE statseq := NIL END ; IF (CPT.topScope.link # NIL) & (CPT.topScope.link.typ # CPT.notyp) & ~hasReturn & (CPT.topScope.link.sysflag = 0) THEN err(133) END; IF (level = 0) & (TDinit # NIL) THEN lastTDinit.link := statseq; statseq := TDinit END END Block; PROCEDURE Module*(VAR prog: CPT.Node); VAR impName, aliasName: CPT.Name; obj: CPT.Object; (*<< obj *) procdec, statseq: CPT.Node; c: INTEGER; done: BOOLEAN; BEGIN CPS.Init; LoopLevel := 0; level := 0; CPS.Get(sym); NEW(errHead); nofStats := 0; (*<<*) IF sym = module THEN CPS.Get(sym) ELSE err(16) END ; IF sym = ident THEN CPT.Open(CPS.name); CPS.Get(sym); CPT.libName := ""; IF sym = lbrak THEN INCL(CPM.options, CPM.interface); CPS.Get(sym); IF sym = string THEN CPT.libName := CPS.str$; CPS.Get(sym) ELSE err(string) END; CheckSym(rbrak) END; CheckSym(semicolon); IF sym = import THEN CPS.Get(sym); INCL(CPM.options, CPM.comAware); (* BJ: to avoid error when importing COM *) LOOP IF sym = ident THEN aliasName := CPS.name$; impName := aliasName$; CPS.Get(sym); IF sym = becomes THEN CPS.Get(sym); IF sym = ident THEN impName := CPS.name$; CPS.Get(sym) ELSE err(ident) END END ; CPT.Import(aliasName, impName, done); CPS.name := aliasName$; (*<<*) CPT.Find(CPS.name, obj); IF obj # NIL THEN obj.adr := CPM.errpos; obj.num := set END (*<< modules are set by default *) ELSE err(ident) END ; IF sym = comma THEN CPS.Get(sym) ELSIF sym = ident THEN err(comma) ELSE EXIT END END ; CheckSym(semicolon) END ; IF CPM.noerr THEN TDinit := NIL; lastTDinit := NIL; c := CPM.errpos; Block(procdec, statseq); CPB.Enter(procdec, statseq, NIL); prog := procdec; prog.conval := CPT.NewConst(); prog.conval.intval := c; prog.conval.intval2 := CPM.startpos; IF sym = close THEN CPS.Get(sym); StatSeq(prog.link) END; prog.conval.realval := CPM.startpos; CheckSym(end); IF sym = ident THEN IF CPS.name # CPT.SelfName THEN err(4) END ; CPS.Get(sym) ELSE err(ident) END; IF sym # period THEN err(period) END; CheckScope(CPT.topScope) (*<<*) END ELSE err(ident) END ; TDinit := NIL; lastTDinit := NIL END Module; PROCEDURE WriteWarnings(text: TextModels.Model; VAR warning: BOOLEAN); (*<<O/F*) VAR e: Warning; inserted: SHORTINT; BEGIN IF errHead.next = NIL THEN warning := FALSE; CPM.LogWStr(" done") ELSE warning := TRUE; e := errHead.next; inserted := 0; WHILE e # NIL DO DevMarkers.Insert(text, e.pos+inserted, DevMarkers.dir.New(e.n)); (*<<*) e := e.next; INC(inserted) END END; errHead := NIL END WriteWarnings; (*<<OP2 procedures *) PROCEDURE TypeSize(typ: CPT.Struct); END TypeSize; PROCEDURE ProcessModule (source: TextModels.Reader; log: TextModels.Model; VAR error, warning: BOOLEAN); VAR p: CPT.Node; script: Stores.Operation; text: TextModels.Model; BEGIN (* similar to DevCompiler.Module *) text := source.Base(); Models.BeginModification(Models.clean, text); Models.BeginScript(text, "#Dev:InsertMarkers", script); CPM.Init(source, log); CPT.Init({}); CPB.typSize := TypeSize; (*CPT.processor := CPV.processor;*) Module(p); CPT.Close; error := ~CPM.noerr; CPM.Close; p := NIL; IF error THEN CPM.InsertMarks(source.Base()); CPM.LogWLn; CPM.LogWStr(" "); IF CPM.errors = 1 THEN Dialog.MapString("#Dev:OneErrorDetected", str) ELSE CPM.LogWNum(CPM.errors, 0); Dialog.MapString("#Dev:ErrorsDetected", str) END; CPM.LogWStr(str) ELSE options.statements := nofStats; WriteWarnings(text, warning); CPM.LogWLn; CPM.LogWNum(nofStats, 0); CPM.LogWStr(" statements") END; CPM.LogWLn; CPM.Close; Models.EndScript(source.Base(), script); Models.EndModification(Models.clean, text) END ProcessModule; PROCEDURE Do (source, log: TextModels.Model; beg: INTEGER; VAR error, warning: BOOLEAN); VAR r: TextMappers.Scanner; BEGIN Dialog.MapString("#Dev:Analyzing", str); StdLog.String(str); StdLog.Char(" "); options.fileName := ""; r.ConnectTo(source); r.SetPos(beg); r.Scan; IF (r.type = TextMappers.string) & (r.string = "MODULE") THEN r.Scan; IF r.type = TextMappers.string THEN StdLog.Char('"'); StdLog.String(r.string); StdLog.Char('"'); options.fileName := r.string END END; sourceR := source.NewReader(NIL); sourceR.SetPos(beg); ProcessModule(sourceR, log, error, warning); Dialog.Update(options) END Do; PROCEDURE Open; BEGIN Dialog.ShowStatus("#Dev:Analyzing"); StdLog.buf.Delete(0, StdLog.buf.Length()) END Open; PROCEDURE Close (noerr: BOOLEAN); BEGIN StdLog.text.Append(StdLog.buf); IF noerr & CPM.noerr THEN Dialog.ShowStatus("#Dev:Ok") END; sourceR := NIL; END Close; PROCEDURE Analyze*; VAR t: TextModels.Model; error, warning: BOOLEAN; BEGIN Open; t := TextViews.FocusText(); IF t # NIL THEN Do(t, StdLog.text, 0, error, warning); IF error OR warning THEN DevMarkers.ShowFirstError(t, TextViews.focusOnly) END ELSE Dialog.ShowMsg("#Dev:NoTextViewFound") END; Close(~error & ~warning) END Analyze; PROCEDURE ResetOptions*; BEGIN options.varpar := FALSE; options.exported := FALSE; options.intermediate := FALSE; options.levels := FALSE; options.tbProcs := FALSE; options.semicolons := FALSE; options.sideEffects := FALSE; options.statements := 0; options.fileName := ""; Dialog.Update(options) END ResetOptions; PROCEDURE SaveOptions*; BEGIN StdRegistry.WriteBool(regKey + 'varPar', options.varpar); StdRegistry.WriteBool(regKey + 'exported', options.exported); StdRegistry.WriteBool(regKey + 'intermediate', options.intermediate); StdRegistry.WriteBool(regKey + 'levels', options.levels); StdRegistry.WriteBool(regKey + 'tbProcs', options.tbProcs); StdRegistry.WriteBool(regKey + 'semicolons', options.semicolons); StdRegistry.WriteBool(regKey + 'sideEffects', options.sideEffects); END SaveOptions; PROCEDURE LoadOptions*; VAR res: INTEGER; BEGIN StdRegistry.ReadBool(regKey + 'varPar', options.varpar, res); IF res # 0 THEN options.varpar := FALSE END; StdRegistry.ReadBool(regKey + 'exported', options.exported, res); IF res # 0 THEN options.exported := FALSE END; StdRegistry.ReadBool(regKey + 'intermediate', options.intermediate,res); IF res # 0 THEN options.intermediate := FALSE END; StdRegistry.ReadBool(regKey + 'levels', options.levels, res); IF res # 0 THEN options.levels := FALSE END; StdRegistry.ReadBool(regKey + 'tbProcs', options.tbProcs, res); IF res # 0 THEN options.tbProcs := FALSE END; StdRegistry.ReadBool(regKey + 'semicolons', options.semicolons, res); IF res # 0 THEN options.semicolons := FALSE END; StdRegistry.ReadBool(regKey + 'sideEffects', options.sideEffects, res); IF res # 0 THEN options.sideEffects := FALSE END; Dialog.Update(options) END LoadOptions; BEGIN ResetOptions; LoadOptions END DevAnalyzer. Warnings: 900 never used 901 never set 902 used before set 903 set but never used 904 used as varpar, possibly not set 905 also declared in outer scope 906 access/assignment to intermediate 907 redefinition 908 new definition 909 statement after RETURN/EXIT 910 for loop variable set 911 implied type guard 912 superfluous type guard 913 call might depend on evaluation sequence of params. 930 superfluous semicolon Menu entry: SEPARATOR "Analyze" "=" "DevAnalyzer.Analyze" "TextCmds.FocusGuard" "Analyze Selection" "" "DevAnalyzer.AnalyzeSelection" "TextCmds.SelectionGuard" "Analyze..." "" "StdCmds.OpenToolDialog('Dev/Rsrc/Analyzer', 'Analyze')" ""
MODULE DevBrowser; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - 20070123, bh, StringConst changed to show Unicode strings - 20070123, bh, ProcSysFlag call in Structure (sysflags for procedure types) - 20141027, center #19, full Unicode support for Component Pascal identifiers added - 20150513, center #43, extending the size of code procedures - 20150530, center #19, missing Utf-8 conversions added - 20160324, center #111, code cleanups - 20160803, center #19, missing Utf-8 conversion added in CheckModName - 20160820, center #123, Show Extension Interface is not showing *Hook procedures - 20161002, center #132, bug in ProperString fixed - 20161103, center #140, unwrapping import aliasses - 20161104, center #142, adding a disassembler to the ocf importer - 20170724, center #167, endless loop in DevBrowser for cyclic pointer type - 20170811, center #170, DevBrowser.ImportSymFile should return TextViews.View " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Kernel, Files, Fonts, Dates, Ports, Stores, Views, Properties, Dialog, Documents, TextModels, TextMappers, TextRulers, TextViews, TextControllers, StdDialog, StdFolds, DevReferences, DevCPM, DevCPT, DevDecoder386, StdRegistry, Utf; CONST width = 170 * Ports.mm; (* view width *) height = 300 * Ports.mm; (* visibility *) internal = 0; external = 1; externalR = 2; inPar = 3; outPar = 4; (* object modes *) var = 1; varPar = 2; const = 3; field = 4; type = 5; lProc = 6; xProc = 7; cProc = 9; iProc = 10; mod = 11; head = 12; tProc = 13; ptrType = 31; (* structure forms *) undef = 0; bool = 2; sChar = 3; byte = 4; sInt = 5; int = 6; sReal = 7; real = 8; set = 9; sString = 10; nilTyp = 11; noTyp = 12; pointer = 13; procTyp = 14; comp = 15; char = 16; string = 17; lInt = 18; (* composite structure forms *) basic = 1; array = 2; dynArray = 3; record = 4; (* attribute flags (attr.adr, struct.attribute, proc.conval.setval) *) newAttr = 16; absAttr = 17; limAttr = 18; empAttr = 19; extAttr = 20; modNotFoundKey = "#Dev:ModuleNotFound"; noSuchItemExportedKey = "#Dev:NoSuchItemExported"; noSuchExtItemExportedKey = "#Dev:NoSuchExtItemExported"; noModuleNameSelectedKey = "#Dev:NoModuleNameSelected"; regKey = "Dev\Browser\"; TYPE TProcList = POINTER TO RECORD fld: DevCPT.Object; attr: SET; (* newAttr *) next: TProcList END; VAR global: RECORD hints: BOOLEAN; (* display low-level hints such as field offsets *) flatten: BOOLEAN; (* include fields/bound procs of base types as well *) hideHooks: BOOLEAN; (* hide hook procedures and interfaces *) clientinterface, extensioninterface: BOOLEAN; sectAttr, keyAttr: TextModels.Attributes; (* formatting of section and other keywords *) level: INTEGER; (* current indentation level *) gap: BOOLEAN; (* request for lazy Ln, issued with next Indent *) singleton: BOOLEAN; (* selectively display one object's definition *) thisObj: DevCPT.Name; (* singleton => selected object *) out: TextMappers.Formatter; (* formatter used to produce definition text *) systemUsed: BOOLEAN; comUsed: BOOLEAN; modUsed: ARRAY 127 OF BOOLEAN; pos: INTEGER END; inp: Files.Reader; imp: ARRAY 256 OF Kernel.Utf8Name; num, lev, max: INTEGER; options*: RECORD hints*: BOOLEAN; (* display low-level hints such as field offsets *) flatten*: BOOLEAN; (* include fields/bound procs of base types as well *) formatted*: BOOLEAN; shints, sflatten, sformatted: BOOLEAN (* saved values *) END; PROCEDURE IsHook(typ: DevCPT.Struct): BOOLEAN; VAR cnt: INTEGER; (* for breaking cycles in exotic cases such as T = POINTER TO ARRAY ... OF T *) BEGIN cnt := 0; WHILE ((typ.form = pointer) OR (typ.form = comp)) & (typ.BaseTyp # NIL) & (cnt < 100) DO typ := typ.BaseTyp; INC(cnt) END; RETURN (DevCPT.GlbMod[typ.mno].name^ = "Kernel") & (typ.strobj.name^ = "Hook^") END IsHook; (* auxilliary *) PROCEDURE GetSelection (VAR text: TextModels.Model; VAR beg, end: INTEGER); VAR c: TextControllers.Controller; BEGIN c := TextControllers.Focus(); IF (c # NIL) & c.HasSelection() THEN text := c.text; c.GetSelection(beg, end) ELSE text := NIL END END GetSelection; PROCEDURE GetQualIdent (VAR mod, ident: DevCPT.Name; VAR t: TextModels.Model); VAR s: TextMappers.Scanner; beg, end, res: INTEGER; BEGIN GetSelection(t, beg, end); IF t # NIL THEN s.ConnectTo(t); s.SetOpts({7}); (* acceptUnderscores *) s.SetPos(beg); s.Scan; IF (s.type = TextMappers.string) & (s.len < LEN(mod)) THEN DevReferences.ResolveImportAlias(s.string, t); Utf.StringToUtf8(s.string, mod, res); s.Scan; IF (s.type = TextMappers.char) & (s.char = ".") & (s.Pos() <= end) THEN s.Scan; IF (s.type = TextMappers.string) & (s.len < LEN(ident)) THEN Utf.StringToUtf8(s.string, ident, res); ELSE mod[0] := 0X; ident[0] := 0X END ELSE ident[0] := 0X END ELSE mod[0] := 0X; ident[0] := 0X END ELSE mod[0] := 0X; ident[0] := 0X END END GetQualIdent; PROCEDURE NewRuler (): TextRulers.Ruler; VAR ra: TextRulers.Attributes; p: TextRulers.Prop; BEGIN NEW(p); p.valid := {TextRulers.right, TextRulers.opts}; p.opts.val := {(*TextRulers.rightFixed*)}; p.opts.mask := p.opts.val; p.right := width; NEW(ra); ra.InitFromProp(p); RETURN TextRulers.dir.New(TextRulers.dir.NewStyle(ra)) END NewRuler; PROCEDURE Append (VAR d: ARRAY OF CHAR; s: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR); VAR l, ld, ls: INTEGER; BEGIN l := LEN(d); ld := LEN(d$); ls := LEN(s$); IF ld + ls >= l THEN s[l - ld - 1] := 0X; d := d + s; d[l - 2] := "."; d[l - 3] := "."; d[l - 4] := "." ELSE d := d + s END END Append; PROCEDURE IsLegal (name: POINTER TO ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR): BOOLEAN; VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN IF name^ = "" THEN RETURN FALSE END; IF name[0] = "@" THEN RETURN global.hints END; i := 0; WHILE name[i] # 0X DO INC(i) END; RETURN name[i-1] # "^" END IsLegal; (* output formatting *) PROCEDURE Char (ch: CHAR); BEGIN global.out.WriteChar(ch) END Char; PROCEDURE String (IN s: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR); VAR res: INTEGER; n: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; BEGIN Utf.Utf8ToString(s, n, res); global.out.WriteString(n) END String; PROCEDURE StringConst (s: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR; long: BOOLEAN); VAR i, x, y: INTEGER; quoted, first: BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF long THEN i := 0; REPEAT DevCPM.GetUtf8(s, y, i) UNTIL (y = 0) OR (y >= 100H); IF y = 0 THEN global.out.WriteString("LONG(") END END; i := 0; quoted := FALSE; first := TRUE; IF long THEN DevCPM.GetUtf8(s, x, i) ELSE x := ORD(s[i]); INC(i) END; WHILE x # 0 DO IF (x < ORD(" ")) OR (x >= 7FH) & (x <= 9FH) OR (x >= 0D800H) & (x <= 0F8FFH) OR (x >= 0FFF0H) THEN (* nonprintable character *) IF quoted THEN global.out.WriteChar('"') END; IF ~first THEN global.out.WriteString(" + ") END; IF x >= 0A00H THEN global.out.WriteIntForm(x, TextMappers.hexadecimal, 4, "0", FALSE) ELSIF x >= 0A0H THEN global.out.WriteIntForm(x, TextMappers.hexadecimal, 3, "0", FALSE) ELSE global.out.WriteIntForm(x, TextMappers.hexadecimal, 2, "0", FALSE) END; global.out.WriteChar("X"); quoted := FALSE ELSE (* printable character *) IF ~quoted THEN IF ~first THEN global.out.WriteString(" + ") END; global.out.WriteChar('"') END; global.out.WriteChar(CHR(x)); quoted := TRUE END; IF long THEN DevCPM.GetUtf8(s, x, i) ELSE x := ORD(s[i]); INC(i) END; first := FALSE END; IF first THEN global.out.WriteString('""') END; IF quoted THEN global.out.WriteChar('"') END; IF long & (y = 0) THEN global.out.WriteChar(")") END END StringConst; PROCEDURE ProperString (s: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR); VAR i, res: INTEGER; str: ARRAY LEN(DevCPT.Name) OF CHAR; BEGIN IF s # "" THEN Utf.Utf8ToString(s, str, res); i := 0; WHILE (str[i] # 0X) & (str[i] # "^") DO global.out.WriteChar(str[i]); INC(i) END END END ProperString; PROCEDURE Keyword (s: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR a: TextModels.Attributes; BEGIN IF global.keyAttr # NIL THEN a := global.out.rider.attr; global.out.rider.SetAttr(global.keyAttr) END; global.out.WriteString(s); IF global.keyAttr # NIL THEN global.out.rider.SetAttr(a) END END Keyword; PROCEDURE Section (VAR out: TextMappers.Formatter; s: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR a: TextModels.Attributes; BEGIN IF global.sectAttr # NIL THEN a := out.rider.attr; out.rider.SetAttr(global.sectAttr) END; out.WriteString(s); IF global.sectAttr # NIL THEN out.rider.SetAttr(a) END END Section; PROCEDURE Int (i: INTEGER); BEGIN global.out.WriteInt(i) END Int; PROCEDURE Hex (x, n: INTEGER); BEGIN IF n > 1 THEN Hex(x DIV 16, n - 1) END; x := x MOD 16; IF x >= 10 THEN global.out.WriteChar(CHR(x + ORD("A") - 10)) ELSE global.out.WriteChar(CHR(x + ORD("0"))) END END Hex; PROCEDURE Ln; BEGIN global.out.WriteLn END Ln; PROCEDURE Indent; VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN IF global.gap THEN global.gap := FALSE; Ln END; i := global.level; WHILE i > 0 DO global.out.WriteTab; DEC(i) END END Indent; PROCEDURE Guid (ext: DevCPT.ConstExt); BEGIN Char("{"); Hex(ORD(ext[2]) + 256 * ORD(ext[3]), 4); Hex(ORD(ext[0]) + 256 * ORD(ext[1]), 4); Char("-"); Hex(ORD(ext[4]) + 256 * ORD(ext[5]), 4); Char("-"); Hex(ORD(ext[6]) + 256 * ORD(ext[7]), 4); Char("-"); Hex(ORD(ext[8]), 2); Hex(ORD(ext[9]), 2); Char("-"); Hex(ORD(ext[10]), 2); Hex(ORD(ext[11]), 2); Hex(ORD(ext[12]), 2); Hex(ORD(ext[13]), 2); Hex(ORD(ext[14]), 2); Hex(ORD(ext[15]), 2); Char("}") END Guid; (* special marks *) PROCEDURE Hint (label: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR; i: INTEGER; adj: BOOLEAN); BEGIN IF global.hints THEN Char("["); String(label); IF adj & (0 <= i) & (i < 10) THEN Char(TextModels.digitspace) END; Int(i); String("] ") END END Hint; PROCEDURE Hint3 (label1, label2, label3: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR; i1, i2, i3: INTEGER); BEGIN IF global.hints THEN Char("["); String(label1); Int(i1); String(label2); Int(i2); String(label3); Int(i3); String("] ") END END Hint3; PROCEDURE Vis (i: INTEGER); BEGIN IF i # external THEN Char("-") END END Vis; PROCEDURE ProcSysFlag (flag: INTEGER); BEGIN IF flag # 0 THEN String(" ["); IF flag = -10 THEN String("ccall") ELSE Int(flag) END; Char("]") END END ProcSysFlag; PROCEDURE ParSysFlag (flag: INTEGER); VAR pos: INTEGER; BEGIN IF flag # 0 THEN String(" ["); pos := global.out.Pos(); IF ODD(flag) THEN String("nil") END; (* IF ODD(flag DIV 2) & (flag # 18) THEN IF global.out.Pos() # pos THEN String(", ") END; String("in") END; IF ODD(flag DIV 4) & (flag # 12) THEN IF global.out.Pos() # pos THEN String(", ") END; String("out") END; *) IF flag DIV 8 = 1 THEN IF global.out.Pos() # pos THEN String(", ") END; String("new") ELSIF flag DIV 8 = 2 THEN IF global.out.Pos() # pos THEN String(", ") END; String("iid") ELSIF flag DIV 8 # 0 THEN IF global.out.Pos() # pos THEN String(", ") END; Int(flag DIV 8 * 8) END; Char("]") END END ParSysFlag; PROCEDURE StructSysFlag (typ: DevCPT.Struct); VAR flag: INTEGER; BEGIN flag := typ.sysflag; IF (flag # 0) & ((typ.form # pointer) OR (flag = 2)) THEN String(" ["); IF flag = 1 THEN String("untagged") ELSIF flag = 2 THEN String("handle") ELSIF flag = 3 THEN String("noalign") ELSIF flag = 4 THEN String("align2") ELSIF flag = 5 THEN String("align4") ELSIF flag = 6 THEN String("align8") ELSIF flag = 7 THEN String("union") ELSIF flag = 10 THEN IF typ.ext # NIL THEN Char('"'); String(typ.ext^); Char('"') ELSE String("interface") END ELSIF flag = 20 THEN String("som") ELSE Int(flag) END; Char("]") END END StructSysFlag; PROCEDURE SysStrings (obj: DevCPT.Object); BEGIN IF global.hints & ((obj.entry # NIL) OR (obj.library # NIL)) THEN String(' ["'); IF obj.library # NIL THEN String(obj.library^); String('", "') END; IF obj.entry # NIL THEN String(obj.entry^) END; String('"]') END END SysStrings; (* non-terminals *) PROCEDURE ^ Structure (typ: DevCPT.Struct); PROCEDURE Qualifier (mno: INTEGER); BEGIN IF (mno > 1) OR (mno = 1) & global.singleton THEN global.modUsed[mno] := TRUE; String(DevCPT.GlbMod[mno].name^); Char(".") END END Qualifier; PROCEDURE LocalName (obj: DevCPT.Object); BEGIN Qualifier(0); String(obj.name^) END LocalName; PROCEDURE TypName (typ: DevCPT.Struct; force: BOOLEAN); BEGIN IF force OR IsLegal(typ.strobj.name) THEN IF (typ.mno > 1) OR (typ.mno = 1) & ((typ.form >= pointer) OR (typ.BaseTyp # DevCPT.undftyp)) & global.singleton THEN Qualifier(typ.mno) ELSIF typ = DevCPT.sysptrtyp THEN (* PTR is in SYSTEM *) String("SYSTEM."); global.systemUsed := TRUE ELSIF (typ = DevCPT.guidtyp) OR (typ = DevCPT.restyp) OR (typ = DevCPT.iunktyp) OR (typ = DevCPT.punktyp) THEN String("COM."); global.comUsed := TRUE END; IF force THEN ProperString(typ.strobj.name^) ELSE String(typ.strobj.name^) END ELSE Structure(typ) END END TypName; PROCEDURE ParList (VAR par: DevCPT.Object); BEGIN IF par.mode = varPar THEN IF par.vis = inPar THEN Keyword("IN") ELSIF par.vis = outPar THEN Keyword("OUT") ELSE Keyword("VAR") END; ParSysFlag(par.sysflag); Char(" ") END; String(par.name^); WHILE (par.link # NIL) & (par.link.typ = par.typ) & (par.link.mode = par.mode) & (par.link.vis = par.vis) & (par.link.sysflag = par.sysflag) DO par := par.link; String(", "); String(par.name^) END; String(": "); TypName(par.typ, FALSE) END ParList; PROCEDURE Signature (result: DevCPT.Struct; par: DevCPT.Object); VAR paren, res: BOOLEAN; BEGIN res := result # DevCPT.notyp; paren := res OR (par # NIL); IF paren THEN String(" (") END; IF par # NIL THEN ParList(par); par := par.link; WHILE par # NIL DO String("; "); ParList(par); par := par.link END END; IF paren THEN Char(")") END; IF res THEN String(": "); TypName(result, FALSE) END END Signature; PROCEDURE TProcs (rec: DevCPT.Struct; fld: DevCPT.Object; oldProcs: TProcList; VAR newProcs: TProcList); VAR old: DevCPT.Object; p, elem: TProcList; BEGIN IF fld # NIL THEN TProcs(rec, fld.left, oldProcs, newProcs); IF (fld.mode = tProc) & IsLegal(fld.name) THEN DevCPT.FindBaseField(fld.name^, rec, old); IF (old = NIL) OR (fld.typ # old.typ) OR (* (rec.attribute # 0) & *) (fld.conval.setval # old.conval.setval) THEN IF global.extensioninterface OR global.clientinterface THEN (* do not show methods with equal name *) p := oldProcs; WHILE (p # NIL) & (p.fld.name^ # fld.name^) DO p := p.next END END; IF p = NIL THEN NEW(elem); elem.next := newProcs; newProcs := elem; elem.fld := fld; IF old = NIL THEN INCL(elem.attr, newAttr) END; IF absAttr IN fld.conval.setval THEN INCL(elem.attr, absAttr) ELSIF empAttr IN fld.conval.setval THEN INCL(elem.attr, empAttr) ELSIF extAttr IN fld.conval.setval THEN INCL(elem.attr, extAttr) END END END END; TProcs(rec, fld.right, oldProcs, newProcs) END END TProcs; (* PROCEDURE AdjustTProcs (typ: DevCPT.Struct; fld: DevCPT.Object); VAR receiver, old: DevCPT.Object; base: DevCPT.Struct; BEGIN IF fld # NIL THEN AdjustTProcs(typ, fld.left); IF (fld.mode = tProc) & IsLegal(fld.name) THEN DevCPT.FindBaseField(fld.name^, typ, old); IF old # NIL THEN IF fld.conval.setval * {absAttr, empAttr, extAttr} = {} THEN old.conval.setval := old.conval.setval - {absAttr, empAttr, extAttr} ELSIF (extAttr IN fld.conval.setval) & (empAttr IN old.conval.setval) THEN (* do not list methods which only change attribute from empty to extensible *) old.conval.setval := old.conval.setval + {extAttr} - {empAttr} END; IF fld.typ # old.typ THEN (* do not show base methods of covariant overwritten methods *) old.typ := fld.typ; old.conval.setval := {} END; END END; AdjustTProcs(typ, fld.right) END; IF (typ.BaseTyp # NIL) & (typ.BaseTyp # DevCPT.iunktyp) THEN AdjustTProcs(typ.BaseTyp, typ.BaseTyp.link) END END AdjustTProcs; *) PROCEDURE TypeboundProcs (typ: DevCPT.Struct; VAR cont: BOOLEAN; top: BOOLEAN; VAR list: TProcList; recAttr: INTEGER); VAR receiver: DevCPT.Object; new, p, q: TProcList; BEGIN IF (typ # NIL) & (typ # DevCPT.iunktyp) THEN TProcs(typ, typ.link, list, new); p := list; WHILE new # NIL DO q := new.next; new.next := p; p := new; new := q END; list := p; IF global.flatten THEN TypeboundProcs(typ.BaseTyp, cont, FALSE, list, recAttr); IF (typ.BaseTyp = NIL) OR (typ.BaseTyp = DevCPT.iunktyp) THEN (* IF global.extensioninterface & (recAttr IN {absAttr, extAttr}) THEN IF cont THEN Char(";") END; Ln; Indent; String("(a: ANYPTR) FINALIZE-, "); Keyword("NEW"); String(", "); Keyword("EMPTY"); cont := TRUE END *) END END; IF top THEN (* writeList *) WHILE list # NIL DO IF ~global.clientinterface & ~global.extensioninterface (* default *) OR global.clientinterface & (list.fld.vis = external) OR global.extensioninterface & (recAttr IN {absAttr, extAttr}) & (list.attr * {absAttr, empAttr, extAttr} # {}) THEN IF cont THEN Char(";") END; Ln; receiver := list.fld.link; Indent; Hint("entry ", list.fld.num, TRUE); (* Keyword("PROCEDURE"); String(" ("); *) Char("("); IF receiver.mode = varPar THEN IF receiver.vis = inPar THEN Keyword("IN") ELSE Keyword("VAR") END; Char(" ") END; String(receiver.name^); String(": "); IF IsLegal(receiver.typ.strobj.name) & (receiver.typ.mno = 1) THEN String(receiver.typ.strobj.name^) ELSE TypName(receiver.typ, FALSE) END; String(") "); String(list.fld.name^); Vis(list.fld.vis); SysStrings(list.fld); Signature(list.fld.typ, receiver.link); IF newAttr IN list.attr THEN String(", "); Keyword("NEW") END; IF absAttr IN list.attr THEN String(", "); Keyword("ABSTRACT") ELSIF empAttr IN list.attr THEN String(", "); Keyword("EMPTY") ELSIF extAttr IN list.attr THEN String(", "); Keyword("EXTENSIBLE") END; cont := TRUE END; list := list.next END END END END TypeboundProcs; PROCEDURE Flds (typ: DevCPT.Struct; VAR cont: BOOLEAN); VAR fld: DevCPT.Object; BEGIN fld := typ.link; WHILE (fld # NIL) & (fld.mode = field) DO IF IsLegal(fld.name) THEN IF cont THEN Char(";") END; Ln; Indent; Hint("offset ", fld.adr, TRUE); IF typ.mno > 1 THEN String("(* "); TypName(typ, TRUE); String(" *) ") END; String(fld.name^); WHILE (fld.link # NIL) & (fld.link.typ = fld.typ) & (fld.link.name # NIL) DO Vis(fld.vis); fld := fld.link; String(", "); String(fld.name^) END; Vis(fld.vis); String(": "); TypName(fld.typ, FALSE); cont := TRUE END; fld := fld.link END END Flds; PROCEDURE Fields (typ: DevCPT.Struct; VAR cont: BOOLEAN); BEGIN IF typ # NIL THEN IF global.flatten THEN Fields(typ.BaseTyp, cont) END; Flds(typ, cont) END END Fields; PROCEDURE BaseTypes (typ: DevCPT.Struct); BEGIN IF typ.BaseTyp # NIL THEN Char("("); TypName(typ.BaseTyp, TRUE); IF global.flatten THEN BaseTypes(typ.BaseTyp) END; Char(")") END END BaseTypes; PROCEDURE Structure (typ: DevCPT.Struct); VAR cont: BOOLEAN; p: TProcList; BEGIN INC(global.level); CASE typ.form OF pointer: Keyword("POINTER"); StructSysFlag(typ); Char(" "); Keyword("TO"); Char(" "); DEC(global.level); TypName(typ.BaseTyp, FALSE); INC(global.level) | procTyp: Keyword("PROCEDURE"); ProcSysFlag(typ.sysflag); Signature(typ.BaseTyp, typ.link) | comp: CASE typ.comp OF array: Keyword("ARRAY"); StructSysFlag(typ); Char(" "); Int(typ.n); Char(" "); Keyword("OF"); Char(" "); TypName(typ.BaseTyp, FALSE) | dynArray: Keyword("ARRAY"); StructSysFlag(typ); Char(" "); Keyword("OF"); Char(" "); TypName(typ.BaseTyp, FALSE) | record: IF typ.attribute = absAttr THEN Keyword("ABSTRACT ") ELSIF typ.attribute = limAttr THEN Keyword("LIMITED ") ELSIF typ.attribute = extAttr THEN Keyword("EXTENSIBLE ") END; Keyword("RECORD"); StructSysFlag(typ); Char(" "); Hint3("tprocs ", ", size ", ", align ", typ.n, typ.size, typ.align); cont := FALSE; BaseTypes(typ); Fields(typ, cont); TypeboundProcs(typ, cont, TRUE, p, typ.attribute); IF cont THEN Ln; DEC(global.level); Indent; INC(global.level) ELSE Char (" ") END; Keyword("END") END ELSE IF (typ.BaseTyp # DevCPT.undftyp) THEN TypName(typ.BaseTyp, FALSE) END (* alias structures *) END; DEC(global.level) END Structure; PROCEDURE Const (obj: DevCPT.Object); VAR con: DevCPT.Const; s: SET; i, x, y: INTEGER; r: REAL; BEGIN Indent; LocalName(obj); SysStrings(obj); String(" = "); con := obj.conval; CASE obj.typ.form OF bool: IF con.intval = 1 THEN String("TRUE") ELSE String("FALSE") END | sChar, char: IF con.intval >= 0A000H THEN Hex(con.intval, 5); Char("X") ELSIF con.intval >= 0100H THEN Hex(con.intval, 4); Char("X") ELSIF con.intval >= 0A0H THEN Hex(con.intval, 3); Char("X") ELSIF (con.intval >= 32) & (con.intval <= 126) THEN Char(22X); Char(CHR(con.intval)); Char(22X) ELSE Hex(con.intval, 2); Char("X") END | byte, sInt, int: Int(con.intval) | lInt: y := SHORT(ENTIER((con.realval + con.intval) / 4294967296.0)); r := con.realval + con.intval - y * 4294967296.0; IF r > MAX(INTEGER) THEN r := r - 4294967296.0 END; x := SHORT(ENTIER(r)); Hex(y, 8); Hex(x, 8); Char("L") | set: Char("{"); i := 0; s := con.setval; WHILE i <= MAX(SET) DO IF i IN s THEN Int(i); EXCL(s, i); IF s # {} THEN String(", ") END END; INC(i) END; Char("}") | sReal, real: global.out.WriteReal(con.realval) | sString: StringConst(con.ext, FALSE) | string: StringConst(con.ext, TRUE) | nilTyp: Keyword("NIL") | comp: (* guid *) Char("{"); Guid(con.ext); Char("}") END; Char(";"); Ln END Const; PROCEDURE AliasType (typ: DevCPT.Struct); BEGIN IF global.singleton & IsLegal(typ.strobj.name) THEN WHILE typ.BaseTyp # DevCPT.undftyp DO Char(";"); Ln; Indent; String(typ.strobj.name^); SysStrings(typ.strobj); String(" = "); IF typ.form >= pointer THEN Structure(typ); typ := DevCPT.int16typ ELSE typ := typ.BaseTyp; TypName(typ, FALSE) END END END END AliasType; PROCEDURE NotExtRec(typ: DevCPT.Struct): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN (typ.form = comp) & ((typ.comp # record) OR ~(typ.attribute IN {absAttr, extAttr})) OR (typ.form = procTyp) END NotExtRec; PROCEDURE Type (obj: DevCPT.Object); BEGIN IF global.hideHooks & IsHook(obj.typ) THEN RETURN END; IF global.extensioninterface & (NotExtRec(obj.typ) OR (obj.typ.form = pointer) & ~IsLegal(obj.typ.BaseTyp.strobj.name) & NotExtRec(obj.typ.BaseTyp) ) THEN IF global.singleton THEN RETURN END; global.out.rider.SetAttr(TextModels.NewColor(global.out.rider.attr, Ports.grey50)); IF global.pos < global.out.rider.Pos() THEN global.out.rider.Base().SetAttr(global.pos, global.out.rider.Pos()-1, global.out.rider.attr) END END; Indent; LocalName(obj); SysStrings(obj); String(" = "); IF obj.typ.strobj # obj THEN TypName(obj.typ, FALSE); AliasType(obj.typ) ELSIF (obj.typ.form < pointer) & (obj.typ.BaseTyp # DevCPT.undftyp) THEN TypName(obj.typ.BaseTyp, FALSE); AliasType(obj.typ.BaseTyp) ELSE Structure(obj.typ) END; Char(";"); Ln; global.gap := TRUE END Type; PROCEDURE PtrType (obj: DevCPT.Object); VAR base: DevCPT.Object; BEGIN Type(obj); base := obj.typ.BaseTyp.strobj; IF (base # NIL) & (base # DevCPT.anytyp.strobj) & (base # DevCPT.iunktyp.strobj) & (base.vis # internal) & (base.typ.strobj # NIL) & ~(global.hideHooks & IsHook(base.typ)) THEN (* show named record with pointer; avoid repetition *) IF global.extensioninterface & (base.typ.strobj = base) & ~((obj.typ.form < pointer) & (obj.typ.BaseTyp # DevCPT.undftyp)) & (NotExtRec(base.typ) OR (base.typ.form = pointer) & ~IsLegal(base.typ.BaseTyp.strobj.name) & NotExtRec(base.typ.BaseTyp) ) THEN IF global.singleton THEN IF global.pos < global.out.rider.Pos() THEN global.out.rider.Base().Delete(global.pos, global.out.rider.Pos()); global.out.rider.SetPos(global.pos) END; RETURN END; global.out.rider.SetAttr(TextModels.NewColor(global.out.rider.attr, Ports.grey50)); IF global.pos < global.out.rider.Pos() THEN global.out.rider.Base().SetAttr(global.pos, global.out.rider.Pos()-1, global.out.rider.attr) END END; global.gap := FALSE; Indent; String(base.name^); SysStrings(base); String(" = "); IF base.typ.strobj # base THEN TypName(base.typ, FALSE); AliasType(obj.typ) ELSIF (obj.typ.form < pointer) & (obj.typ.BaseTyp # DevCPT.undftyp) THEN TypName(obj.typ.BaseTyp, FALSE); AliasType(obj.typ.BaseTyp) ELSE Structure(base.typ) END; Char(";"); Ln; base.vis := internal; global.gap := TRUE END END PtrType; PROCEDURE Var (obj: DevCPT.Object); BEGIN IF global.hideHooks & IsHook(obj.typ) THEN RETURN END; Indent; LocalName(obj); Vis(obj.vis); SysStrings(obj); String(": "); TypName(obj.typ, FALSE); Char(";"); Ln END Var; PROCEDURE Proc (obj: DevCPT.Object); VAR ext: DevCPT.ConstExt; i, m: INTEGER; BEGIN IF global.hideHooks & (obj.link # NIL) & (obj.link.link = NIL) & IsHook(obj.link.typ) THEN RETURN END; IF global.extensioninterface & ~((obj.link # NIL) & (obj.link.link = NIL) & IsHook(obj.link.typ)) THEN RETURN END; Indent; Keyword("PROCEDURE"); (* Char(" "); *) IF obj.mode = cProc THEN String(" [code]") ELSIF obj.mode = iProc THEN String(" [callback]") ELSE ProcSysFlag(obj.sysflag) END; Char(" "); LocalName(obj); (*IF obj.mode # cProc THEN SysStrings(obj) END;*) SysStrings(obj); Signature(obj.typ, obj.link); IF (obj.mode = cProc) & global.hints THEN Ln; INC(global.level); Indent; ext := obj.conval.ext; IF ext # NIL THEN m := LEN(ext^); i := 0; WHILE i < m DO global.out.WriteIntForm(ORD(ext^[i]), TextMappers.hexadecimal, 3, "0", TextMappers.showBase); INC(i); IF i < m THEN String(", ") END; END; END; DEC(global.level) END; Char(";"); Ln END Proc; (* tree traversal *) PROCEDURE Objects (obj: DevCPT.Object; mode: SET); VAR m: BYTE; a: TextModels.Attributes; BEGIN IF obj # NIL THEN INC(lev); INC(num); max := MAX(max, lev); Objects(obj.left, mode); m := obj.mode; IF (m = type) & (obj.typ.form = pointer) THEN m := ptrType END; IF (m IN mode) & (obj.vis # internal) & (obj.name # NIL) & (~global.singleton OR (obj.name^ = global.thisObj)) THEN global.pos := global.out.rider.Pos(); a := global.out.rider.attr; CASE m OF const: Const(obj) | type: Type(obj) | ptrType: PtrType(obj) | var: Var(obj) | xProc, cProc, iProc: Proc(obj) END; global.out.rider.SetAttr(a) END; Objects(obj.right, mode); DEC(lev) END END Objects; (* definition formatting *) PROCEDURE PutSection (VAR out: TextMappers.Formatter; s: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR buf, def: TextModels.Model; i: INTEGER; BEGIN buf := global.out.rider.Base(); IF buf.Length() > 0 THEN IF ~global.singleton THEN Ln END; def := out.rider.Base(); out.SetPos(def.Length()); IF s # "" THEN (* prepend section keyword *) i := global.level - 1; WHILE i > 0 DO out.WriteTab; DEC(i) END; Section(out, s); out.WriteLn END; def.Append(buf); global.pos := 0; global.out.rider.SetPos(0) END; global.gap := FALSE END PutSection; PROCEDURE Scope (def: TextModels.Model; this: DevCPT.Name); VAR out: TextMappers.Formatter; i: INTEGER; a: TextModels.Attributes; BEGIN global.gap := FALSE; global.thisObj := this; global.singleton := (this # ""); global.systemUsed := FALSE; global.comUsed := FALSE; i := 1; WHILE i < LEN(global.modUsed) DO global.modUsed[i] := FALSE; INC(i) END; out.ConnectTo(def); INC(global.level); IF ~(global.extensioninterface & global.singleton) THEN IF global.extensioninterface THEN a := global.out.rider.attr; global.out.rider.SetAttr(TextModels.NewColor(a, Ports.grey50)) END; Objects(DevCPT.GlbMod[1].right, {const}); IF global.extensioninterface THEN global.out.rider.SetAttr(a) END; PutSection(out, "CONST") END; Objects(DevCPT.GlbMod[1].right, {ptrType}); Objects(DevCPT.GlbMod[1].right, {type}); PutSection(out, "TYPE"); IF ~global.extensioninterface THEN Objects(DevCPT.GlbMod[1].right, {var}); PutSection(out, "VAR") END; DEC(global.level); num := 0; lev := 0; max := 0; Objects(DevCPT.GlbMod[1].right, {xProc, cProc}); PutSection(out, "") END Scope; PROCEDURE Modules; VAR i, j, n: INTEGER; BEGIN n := 0; j := 2; IF global.systemUsed THEN INC(n) END; IF global.comUsed THEN INC(n) END; WHILE j < DevCPT.nofGmod DO IF global.modUsed[j] THEN INC(n) END; INC(j) END; IF n > 0 THEN Indent; Section(global.out, "IMPORT"); INC(global.level); IF n < 10 THEN Char(" ") ELSE Ln; Indent END; i := 0; j := 2; IF global.systemUsed THEN String("SYSTEM"); INC(i); IF i < n THEN String(", ") END END; IF global.comUsed THEN String("COM"); INC(i); IF i < n THEN String(", ") END END; WHILE i < n DO IF global.modUsed[j] THEN String(DevCPT.GlbMod[j].name^); INC(i); (* IF (DevCPT.GlbMod[j].strings # NIL) & (DevCPT.GlbMod[j].strings.ext # NIL) THEN String(' ["'); String(DevCPT.GlbMod[j].strings.ext^); String('"]') END; *) IF i < n THEN Char(","); IF i MOD 10 = 0 THEN Ln; Indent ELSE Char(" ") END END END; INC(j) END; Char(";"); Ln; Ln END END Modules; (* compiler interfacing *) PROCEDURE OpenCompiler (mod: DevCPT.Name; VAR noerr: BOOLEAN); VAR null: TextModels.Model; main: DevCPT.Name; BEGIN null := TextModels.dir.New(); DevCPM.Init(null.NewReader(NIL), null); DevCPT.Init({}); main := "@mainMod"; DevCPT.Open(main); DevCPT.processor := 0; (* accept all sym files *) DevCPT.Import("@notself", mod, noerr); IF ~DevCPM.noerr THEN noerr := FALSE END END OpenCompiler; PROCEDURE CloseCompiler; BEGIN DevCPT.Close; DevCPM.Close END CloseCompiler; PROCEDURE Browse ( ident: DevCPT.Name; opts: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR view: Views.View; VAR title: Views.Title ); VAR def, buf: TextModels.Model; v: TextViews.View; h: BOOLEAN; p: Properties.BoundsPref; mod: DevCPT.Name; i: INTEGER; str, str1: ARRAY LEN(DevCPT.Name) OF CHAR; res: INTEGER; n: DevCPT.Name; BEGIN mod := DevCPT.GlbMod[1].name$; i := 0; global.hints := FALSE; global.flatten := FALSE; global.hideHooks := TRUE; global.clientinterface := FALSE; global.extensioninterface := FALSE; global.keyAttr := NIL; global.sectAttr := NIL; IF opts[0] = '@' THEN IF options.hints THEN opts := opts + "+" END; IF options.flatten THEN opts := opts + "!" END; IF options.formatted THEN opts := opts + "/" END END; WHILE opts[i] # 0X DO CASE opts[i] OF | '+': global.hints := TRUE | '!': global.flatten := TRUE | '&': global.hideHooks := FALSE | '/': (* global.keyAttr := TextModels.NewStyle(TextModels.dir.attr, {Fonts.underline}); *) global.keyAttr := TextModels.NewWeight(TextModels.dir.attr, Fonts.bold); global.sectAttr := TextModels.NewWeight(TextModels.dir.attr, Fonts.bold) | 'c': global.clientinterface := TRUE | 'e' : global.extensioninterface := TRUE ELSE END; INC(i) END; IF global.clientinterface & global.extensioninterface THEN global.clientinterface := FALSE; global.extensioninterface := FALSE END; IF global.extensioninterface THEN global.hideHooks := FALSE END; def := TextModels.dir.New(); buf := TextModels.dir.New(); global.out.ConnectTo(buf); IF ident # "" THEN h := global.hideHooks; global.hideHooks := FALSE; global.level := 0; Scope(def, ident); global.hideHooks := h; def.Append(buf); IF def.Length() > 0 THEN v := TextViews.dir.New(def); v.SetDefaults(NewRuler(), TextViews.dir.defAttr); p.w := Views.undefined; p.h := Views.undefined; Views.HandlePropMsg(v, p); n := mod$ + "." + ident; Utf.Utf8ToString(n, title, res); view := Documents.dir.New(v, p.w, p.h) ELSE Utf.Utf8ToString(mod$, str, res); Utf.Utf8ToString(ident$, str1, res); title := ""; IF global.extensioninterface THEN Dialog.ShowParamMsg(noSuchExtItemExportedKey, str, str1, "") ELSE Dialog.ShowParamMsg(noSuchItemExportedKey, str, str1, "") END END ELSE global.level := 1; Scope(def, ""); Section(global.out, "END"); Char(" "); String(mod); Char("."); Ln; def.Append(buf); Section(global.out, "DEFINITION"); Char(" "); String(mod); IF (DevCPT.GlbMod[1].library # NIL) THEN String(' ["'); String(DevCPT.GlbMod[1].library^); String('"]') ELSIF DevCPT.impProc # 0 THEN global.out.WriteTab; String("(* nonportable"); IF DevCPT.impProc = 10 THEN String(" (i386)") ELSIF DevCPT.impProc = 20 THEN String(" (68k)") END; String(" *)") END; Char(";"); Ln; Ln; Modules; buf.Append(def); v := TextViews.dir.New(buf); v.SetDefaults(NewRuler(), TextViews.dir.defAttr); Utf.Utf8ToString(mod, title, res); view := Documents.dir.New(v, width, height) END; global.out.ConnectTo(NIL); global.keyAttr := NIL; global.sectAttr := NIL END Browse; PROCEDURE ShowInterface* (opts: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR noerr: BOOLEAN; mod, ident: DevCPT.Name; v: Views.View; title: Views.Title; t: TextModels.Model; str: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; res: INTEGER; BEGIN GetQualIdent(mod, ident, t); IF mod # "" THEN OpenCompiler(mod, noerr); IF noerr & (DevCPT.GlbMod[1] # NIL) & (DevCPT.GlbMod[1].name^ = mod) THEN Browse(ident, opts, v, title); IF v # NIL THEN IF global.clientinterface THEN Append(title, " (client interface)") ELSIF global.extensioninterface THEN Append(title, " (extension interface)") END; Views.OpenAux(v, title) END ELSE Utf.Utf8ToString(mod$, str, res); Dialog.ShowParamMsg(modNotFoundKey, str, "", "") END; CloseCompiler ELSE Dialog.ShowMsg(noModuleNameSelectedKey) END; Kernel.Cleanup END ShowInterface; PROCEDURE ImportSymFile* (f: Files.File; OUT s: Stores.Store); VAR v: Views.View; title: Views.Title; noerr: BOOLEAN; BEGIN ASSERT(f # NIL, 20); DevCPM.file := f; OpenCompiler("@file", noerr); IF noerr THEN Browse("", "", v, title); IF v IS Documents.Document THEN v := v(Documents.Document).ThisView() END; s := v END; CloseCompiler; DevCPM.file := NIL; Kernel.Cleanup END ImportSymFile; (* codefile browser *) PROCEDURE RWord (VAR x: INTEGER); VAR b: BYTE; y: INTEGER; BEGIN inp.ReadByte(b); y := b MOD 256; inp.ReadByte(b); y := y + 100H * (b MOD 256); inp.ReadByte(b); y := y + 10000H * (b MOD 256); inp.ReadByte(b); x := y + 1000000H * b END RWord; PROCEDURE RNum (VAR x: INTEGER); VAR b: BYTE; s, y: INTEGER; BEGIN s := 0; y := 0; inp.ReadByte(b); WHILE b < 0 DO INC(y, ASH(b + 128, s)); INC(s, 7); inp.ReadByte(b) END; x := ASH((b + 64) MOD 128 - 64, s) + y END RNum; PROCEDURE RName (VAR name: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR); VAR b: BYTE; i, n: INTEGER; BEGIN i := 0; n := LEN(name) - 1; inp.ReadByte(b); WHILE (i < n) & (b # 0) DO name[i] := SHORT(CHR(b)); INC(i); inp.ReadByte(b) END; WHILE b # 0 DO inp.ReadByte(b) END; name[i] := 0X END RName; PROCEDURE RLink; VAR x: INTEGER; BEGIN RNum(x); WHILE x # 0 DO RNum(x); RNum(x) END END RLink; PROCEDURE RShort (p: INTEGER; OUT x: INTEGER); VAR b0, b1: BYTE; BEGIN inp.ReadByte(b0); inp.ReadByte(b1); IF p = 10 THEN x := b0 MOD 256 + b1 * 256 (* little endian *) ELSE x := b1 MOD 256 + b0 * 256 (* big endian *) END END RShort; PROCEDURE Decode (file: Files.File; VAR view: Views.View; VAR title: Views.Title); VAR n, i, p, q, fp, hs, ms, ds, cs, vs, m, res: INTEGER; name: Kernel.Utf8Name; first: BOOLEAN; text: TextModels.Model; v: TextViews.View; fold: StdFolds.Fold; d: Dates.Date; t: Dates.Time; str: ARRAY 64 OF CHAR; BEGIN text := TextModels.dir.New(); global.out.ConnectTo(text); inp := file.NewReader(NIL); inp.SetPos(0); RWord(n); IF n = 6F4F4346H THEN RWord(p); RWord(hs); RWord(ms); RWord(ds); RWord(cs); RWord(vs); RNum(n); RName(name); Utf.Utf8ToString(name, title, res); i := 0; WHILE i < n DO RName(imp[i]); INC(i) END; String("MODULE "); String(name); Ln; String("processor: "); IF p = 10 THEN String("80x86") ELSIF p = 20 THEN String("68000") ELSIF p = 30 THEN String("PPC") ELSIF p = 40 THEN String("SH3") ELSE Int(p) END; Ln; String("meta size: "); Int(ms); Ln; String("desc size: "); Int(ds); Ln; String("code size: "); Int(cs); Ln; String("data size: "); Int(vs); Ln; inp.SetPos(hs + ms + 12); RShort(p, d.year); RShort(p, d.month); RShort(p, d.day); RShort(p, t.hour); RShort(p, t.minute); RShort(p, t.second); String("compiled: "); Dates.DateToString(d, Dates.short, str); global.out.WriteString(str); String(" "); Dates.TimeToString(t, str); global.out.WriteString(str); Ln; Int(n); String(" imports:"); Ln; inp.SetPos(hs + ms + ds + cs); RLink; RLink; RLink; RLink; RLink; RLink; i := 0; WHILE i < n DO global.out.WriteTab; String(imp[i]); global.out.WriteTab; RNum(q); IF q # 0 THEN fold := StdFolds.dir.New(StdFolds.expanded, "", TextModels.dir.New()); global.out.WriteView(fold); Char(" "); first := TRUE; WHILE q # 0 DO RName(name); RNum(fp); IF q = 2 THEN RNum(m) END; IF q # 1 THEN RLink END; IF name # "" THEN IF ~first THEN String(", ") END; first := FALSE; String(name) END; RNum(q) END; Char(" "); fold := StdFolds.dir.New(StdFolds.expanded, "", NIL); global.out.WriteView(fold); fold.Flip(); global.out.SetPos(text.Length()) END; INC(i); Ln END; IF p = 10 THEN DevDecoder386.Decode(title, inp, hs, ms, ds, cs, vs, -1, global.out) END ELSE String("wrong file tag: "); Hex(n, 8) END; v := TextViews.dir.New(text); v.SetDefaults(NewRuler(), TextViews.dir.defAttr); view := Documents.dir.New(v, width, height); global.out.ConnectTo(NIL); inp := NIL END Decode; PROCEDURE ShowCodeFile*; VAR t: TextModels.Model; f: Files.File; v: Views.View; title: Views.Title; mod, ident: DevCPT.Name; name: Files.Name; loc: Files.Locator; str: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; res: INTEGER; BEGIN GetQualIdent(mod, ident, t); IF mod # "" THEN Utf.Utf8ToString(mod$, str, res); StdDialog.GetSubLoc(str, "Code", loc, name); f := Files.dir.Old(loc, name, Files.shared); IF f # NIL THEN Decode(f, v, title); IF v # NIL THEN Views.OpenAux(v, title) END ELSE Dialog.ShowParamMsg(modNotFoundKey, str, "", "") END ELSE Dialog.ShowMsg(noModuleNameSelectedKey) END END ShowCodeFile; PROCEDURE ImportCodeFile* (f: Files.File; OUT s: Stores.Store); VAR v: Views.View; title: Views.Title; BEGIN ASSERT(f # NIL, 20); Decode(f, v, title); IF v IS Documents.Document THEN v := v(Documents.Document).ThisView() END; s := v END ImportCodeFile; PROCEDURE SaveOptions*; BEGIN StdRegistry.WriteBool(regKey + 'hints', options.hints); StdRegistry.WriteBool(regKey + 'flatten', options.flatten); StdRegistry.WriteBool(regKey + 'formatted', options.formatted); END SaveOptions; PROCEDURE SaveGuard*(VAR par: Dialog.Par); BEGIN par.disabled := (options.sflatten = options.flatten) & (options.shints = options.hints) & (options.sformatted = options.formatted) END SaveGuard; PROCEDURE Init*; VAR res: INTEGER; BEGIN StdRegistry.ReadBool(regKey + 'hints', options.hints, res); IF res # 0 THEN options.hints := FALSE END; StdRegistry.ReadBool(regKey + 'flatten', options.flatten, res); IF res # 0 THEN options.flatten := TRUE END; StdRegistry.ReadBool(regKey + 'formatted', options.formatted, res); IF res # 0 THEN options.formatted := FALSE END; Dialog.Update(options); options.sflatten := options.flatten; options.shints := options.hints; options.sformatted := options.formatted END Init; BEGIN Init END DevBrowser.
MODULE DevChmod__Fbsd; IMPORT Libc := FbsdLibc, Files, DevLnkBase, Utf; TYPE ChmodHook = POINTER TO RECORD (DevLnkBase.ChmodHook) END; VAR hook: ChmodHook; PROCEDURE (hook: ChmodHook) Chmod* (name0: Files.Name; mode: SET); VAR name: ARRAY LEN(Files.Name) OF SHORTCHAR; res_: INTEGER; BEGIN IF DevLnkBase.outputType # "" THEN Files.dir.GetFileName(name0, DevLnkBase.outputType, name0) END; Utf.StringToUtf8(name0, name, res_); res_ := Libc.chmod(name, SHORT(ORD(mode))) (* rwxrwxr-x *) END Chmod; BEGIN NEW(hook); DevLnkBase.SetChmodHook(hook) END DevChmod__Fbsd.
MODULE DevChmod__Lin; IMPORT Libc := LinLibc, Files, DevLnkBase, Utf; TYPE ChmodHook = POINTER TO RECORD (DevLnkBase.ChmodHook) END; VAR hook: ChmodHook; PROCEDURE (hook: ChmodHook) Chmod* (name0: Files.Name; mode: SET); VAR name: ARRAY LEN(Files.Name) OF SHORTCHAR; res_: INTEGER; BEGIN IF DevLnkBase.outputType # "" THEN Files.dir.GetFileName(name0, DevLnkBase.outputType, name0) END; Utf.StringToUtf8(name0, name, res_); res_ := Libc.chmod(name, mode) (* rwxrwxr-x *) END Chmod; BEGIN NEW(hook); DevLnkBase.SetChmodHook(hook) END DevChmod__Lin.
MODULE DevChmod__Obsd; IMPORT Libc := ObsdLibc, Files, DevLnkBase, Utf; TYPE ChmodHook = POINTER TO RECORD (DevLnkBase.ChmodHook) END; VAR hook: ChmodHook; PROCEDURE (hook: ChmodHook) Chmod* (name0: Files.Name; mode: SET); VAR name: ARRAY LEN(Files.Name) OF SHORTCHAR; res_: INTEGER; BEGIN IF DevLnkBase.outputType # "" THEN Files.dir.GetFileName(name0, DevLnkBase.outputType, name0) END; Utf.StringToUtf8(name0, name, res_); res_ := Libc.chmod(name, mode) (* rwxrwxr-x *) END Chmod; BEGIN NEW(hook); DevLnkBase.SetChmodHook(hook) END DevChmod__Obsd.
MODULE DevCmds; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - 20161216, center #144, inconsistent docu and usage of Files.Locator error codes " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Services, Files, Fonts, Ports, Stores, Models, Views, Controllers, Dialog, Containers, Controls, Properties, Documents, TextModels, TextMappers, TextRulers, TextViews, TextControllers, StdDialog, StdCmds, StdMenuTool; PROCEDURE OpenModuleList*; VAR v: Views.View; c: TextControllers.Controller; s: TextMappers.Scanner; loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name; beg, end: INTEGER; error, one: BOOLEAN; BEGIN c := TextControllers.Focus(); IF c # NIL THEN s.ConnectTo(c.text); IF c.HasSelection() THEN c.GetSelection(beg, end) ELSE beg := 0; end := c.text.Length() END; s.SetPos(beg); s.Scan; one := FALSE; WHILE (s.start < end) & (s.type = TextMappers.string) & (s.len < LEN(name)) DO s.Scan; one := TRUE END; IF one & ((s.start >= end) OR (s.type = TextMappers.eot)) THEN s.SetPos(beg); s.Scan; error := FALSE; WHILE (s.start < end) & (s.type = TextMappers.string) & ~error DO StdDialog.GetSubLoc(s.string, "Mod", loc, name); IF loc.res = 0 THEN v := Views.OldView(loc, name); IF v # NIL THEN Views.Open(v, loc, name, NIL) ELSE Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#System:CannotOpenFile", name, "", ""); error := TRUE END ELSE Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#Dev:ModuleNotFound", s.string, "", ""); error := TRUE END; s.Scan END ELSE Dialog.ShowMsg("#Dev:NotOnlyModNames") END; s.ConnectTo(NIL) ELSE Dialog.ShowMsg("#Text:FocusShouldBeText") END END OpenModuleList; PROCEDURE Scan (VAR s: TextMappers.Scanner); VAR ch: CHAR; i, max: INTEGER; BEGIN s.Skip(ch); IF s.type # TextMappers.eot THEN IF ch = '"' THEN s.Scan; ELSE i := 0; max := LEN(s.string)-1; WHILE (i < max) & ~s.rider.eot & (ch > " ") DO s.string[i] := ch; s.rider.ReadChar(ch); INC(i); END; s.string[i] := 0X; s.len := SHORT(i); IF s.len > 0 THEN s.type := TextMappers.string ELSE s.type := TextMappers.invalid END END END END Scan; PROCEDURE OpenFileList*; (* Pre: focus is text and has a selection *) VAR c: TextControllers.Controller; s: TextMappers.Scanner; beg, end: INTEGER; BEGIN c := TextControllers.Focus(); IF (c # NIL) & c.HasSelection() THEN c.GetSelection(beg, end); s.ConnectTo(c.text); s.SetPos(beg); Scan(s); WHILE (s.type # TextMappers.eot) & (s.start < end) DO IF s.type = TextMappers.string THEN StdCmds.OpenDoc(s.string) END; Scan(s); END ELSE Dialog.ShowMsg("#Text:FocusShouldBeText") END END OpenFileList; PROCEDURE FlushResources*; BEGIN (* flush menu guards *) StdMenuTool.dir.RevalidateGuards; (* flush string cache *) Dialog.FlushMappings END FlushResources; PROCEDURE RevalidateView*; VAR ops: Controllers.PollOpsMsg; v: Views.View; BEGIN Controllers.PollOps(ops); IF ops.singleton # NIL THEN v := ops.singleton ELSE v := Controllers.FocusView(); END; IF v # NIL THEN Views.RevalidateView(v) END END RevalidateView; PROCEDURE RevalidateViewGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR ops: Controllers.PollOpsMsg; v: Views.View; BEGIN Controllers.PollOps(ops); IF ops.singleton # NIL THEN v := ops.singleton ELSE v := Controllers.FocusView(); END; IF (v = NIL) OR ~Views.IsInvalid(v) THEN par.disabled := TRUE END END RevalidateViewGuard; PROCEDURE SetDefault (c: Views.View; default: BOOLEAN); VAR p: Controls.Prop; msg: Properties.SetMsg; BEGIN NEW(p); p.valid := {Controls.opt0}; p.opt[Controls.default] := default; msg.prop := p; Views.HandlePropMsg(c, msg) END SetDefault; PROCEDURE SetDefaultButton*; VAR s, v: Views.View; c: Containers.Controller; script: Stores.Operation; BEGIN c := Containers.Focus(); IF c # NIL THEN s := c.Singleton(); c.SelectAll(FALSE); Views.BeginScript(c.ThisView(), "#Dev:SetDefault", script); c.GetFirstView(Containers.any, v); WHILE v # NIL DO SetDefault(v, FALSE); c.GetNextView(Containers.any, v) END; IF s # NIL THEN SetDefault(s, TRUE); c.SetSingleton(s) END; Views.EndScript(c.ThisView(), script) ELSE Dialog.Beep END END SetDefaultButton; PROCEDURE SetCancel (c: Views.View; cancel: BOOLEAN); VAR p: Controls.Prop; msg: Properties.SetMsg; BEGIN NEW(p); p.valid := {Controls.opt1}; p.opt[Controls.cancel] := cancel; msg.prop := p; Views.HandlePropMsg(c, msg) END SetCancel; PROCEDURE SetCancelButton*; VAR s, v: Views.View; c: Containers.Controller; script: Stores.Operation; BEGIN c := Containers.Focus(); IF c # NIL THEN s := c.Singleton(); c.SelectAll(FALSE); Views.BeginScript(c.ThisView(), "#Dev:SetCancel", script); c.GetFirstView(Containers.any, v); WHILE v # NIL DO SetCancel(v, FALSE); c.GetNextView(Containers.any, v) END; IF s # NIL THEN SetCancel(s, TRUE); c.SetSingleton(s) END; Views.EndScript(c.ThisView(), script) ELSE Dialog.Beep END END SetCancelButton; PROCEDURE NewRuler (): TextRulers.Ruler; CONST mm = Ports.mm; pt = Ports.point; VAR p: TextRulers.Prop; BEGIN NEW(p); p.valid := {TextRulers.right, TextRulers.tabs, TextRulers.opts}; p.opts.val := {TextRulers.rightFixed}; p.opts.mask := p.opts.val; p.tabs.len := 7; p.right := 200 * mm; p.tabs.tab[0].stop := 40 * mm; p.tabs.tab[0].type := {TextRulers.rightTab}; p.tabs.tab[1].stop := 50 * mm; p.tabs.tab[1].type := {TextRulers.rightTab}; p.tabs.tab[2].stop := 55 * mm; p.tabs.tab[3].stop := 90 * mm; p.tabs.tab[4].stop := 100 * mm; p.tabs.tab[5].stop := 140 * mm; p.tabs.tab[6].stop := 180 * mm; p.tabs.tab[6].type := {TextRulers.rightTab}; RETURN TextRulers.dir.NewFromProp(p) END NewRuler; PROCEDURE ShowControlList*; (** Guard: StdCmds.ContainerGuard **) VAR c: Containers.Controller; v: Views.View; s, t: Stores.TypeName; msg: Properties.PollMsg; p: Properties.Property; out: TextMappers.Formatter; str: Dialog.String; w, h: INTEGER; PROCEDURE WriteEntry(name, value: Dialog.String); BEGIN out.WriteTab; out.WriteString(name); out.WriteTab; out.WriteString(value); out.WriteLn END WriteEntry; BEGIN c := Containers.Focus(); IF c # NIL THEN out.ConnectTo(TextModels.dir.New());out.WriteView(NewRuler()); out.rider.SetAttr(TextModels.NewStyle(out.rider.attr, {Fonts.italic})); out.WriteString("type"); out.WriteTab; out.WriteString("width"); out.WriteTab; out.WriteString("height"); out.WriteTab; out.WriteString("label"); out.WriteTab; out.WriteString("link"); out.WriteTab; out.WriteString("guard"); out.WriteTab; out.WriteString("notifier"); out.WriteTab; out.WriteString("level"); out.WriteTab; out.WriteLn; out.WriteLn; out.rider.SetAttr(TextModels.NewStyle(out.rider.attr, {})); c.GetFirstView(Containers.any, v); WHILE v # NIL DO Services.GetTypeName(v, t); s := "#Dev:"; s := s + t; Dialog.MapString(s, s); out.WriteString(s); out.WriteTab; v.context.GetSize(w, h); out.WriteInt(w DIV Ports.point); out.WriteTab; out.WriteInt(h DIV Ports.point); out.WriteTab; msg.prop := NIL; Views.HandlePropMsg(v, msg); p := msg.prop; WHILE (p # NIL) & ~(p IS Controls.Prop) DO p := p.next END; IF p # NIL THEN WITH p: Controls.Prop DO IF Controls.label IN p.valid THEN out.WriteString(p.label) END; out.WriteTab; IF Controls.link IN p.valid THEN out.WriteString(p.link) END; out.WriteTab; IF Controls.level IN p.valid THEN out.WriteTab; out.WriteTab; out.WriteInt(p.level) END; IF (Controls.guard IN p.valid) & (p.guard # "") OR (Controls.notifier IN p.valid) & (p.notifier # "") THEN out.WriteLn; out.WriteTab; out.WriteTab; out.WriteTab; out.WriteTab; out.WriteTab; IF Controls.guard IN p.valid THEN out.WriteString(p.guard) END; out.WriteTab; IF Controls.notifier IN p.valid THEN out.WriteString(p.notifier) END END END END; out.WriteLn; c.GetNextView(Containers.any, v) END; Views.OpenAux(Documents.dir.New(TextViews.dir.New(out.rider.Base()), 200*Ports.mm, -1), "Controls"); END END ShowControlList; END DevCmds.
MODULE DevCommanders; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems, Alexander Iljin" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - 20061112, ai, fixed EndView.Restore for partial updates - 20141027, center #19, full Unicode support for Component Pascal identifiers added - 20150524, center #52, fixing wrong DevCommanders.par.beg/end - 20160721, center #118, commander does not show error message - 20170214, center #145, adding scanner option 'maskViews' in DevCommanders " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Kernel, Strings, Fonts, Ports, Stores, Models, Views, Controllers, Properties, Dialog, Controls, TextModels, TextSetters, TextMappers, Services, StdLog; CONST (* additional Scan types *) ident = 19; qualident = 20; execMark = 21; point = Ports.point; minVersion = 0; maxVersion = 0; maxStdVersion = 0; TYPE View* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Views.View) END; EndView* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Views.View) END; Par* = POINTER TO RECORD text*: TextModels.Model; beg*, end*: INTEGER END; Directory* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD END; StdView = POINTER TO RECORD (View) END; StdEndView = POINTER TO RECORD (EndView) END; StdDirectory = POINTER TO RECORD (Directory) END; Scanner = RECORD s: TextMappers.Scanner; ident: ARRAY LEN(Kernel.Name) OF CHAR; qualident: ARRAY LEN(Kernel.Name) * 2 - 1 OF CHAR END; TrapCleaner = POINTER TO RECORD (Kernel.TrapCleaner) END; VAR par*: Par; dir-, stdDir-: Directory; cleaner: TrapCleaner; cleanerInstalled: BOOLEAN; (** Cleaner **) PROCEDURE (c: TrapCleaner) Cleanup; BEGIN par := NIL; cleanerInstalled := FALSE; END Cleanup; (** View **) PROCEDURE (v: View) Externalize- (VAR wr: Stores.Writer), EXTENSIBLE; BEGIN v.Externalize^(wr); wr.WriteVersion(maxVersion); wr.WriteXInt(execMark) END Externalize; PROCEDURE (v: View) Internalize- (VAR rd: Stores.Reader), EXTENSIBLE; VAR thisVersion, type: INTEGER; BEGIN v.Internalize^(rd); IF rd.cancelled THEN RETURN END; rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, maxVersion, thisVersion); IF rd.cancelled THEN RETURN END; rd.ReadXInt(type) END Internalize; (** Directory **) PROCEDURE (d: Directory) New* (): View, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewEnd* (): EndView, NEW, ABSTRACT; (* auxilliary procedures *) PROCEDURE IsIdent (IN s: ARRAY OF CHAR): BOOLEAN; VAR i: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; BEGIN ch := s[0]; i := 1; IF Strings.IsIdentStart(ch) THEN REPEAT ch := s[i]; INC(i) UNTIL ~Strings.IsIdent(ch); RETURN (ch = 0X) & (i <= LEN(Kernel.Name)) ELSE RETURN FALSE END END IsIdent; PROCEDURE Scan (VAR s: Scanner); VAR done: BOOLEAN; BEGIN s.s.Scan; IF (s.s.type = TextMappers.view) THEN IF Properties.ThisType(s.s.view, "DevCommanders.View") # NIL THEN s.s.type := execMark END ELSIF (s.s.type = TextMappers.string) & TextMappers.IsQualIdent(s.s.string) THEN s.s.type := qualident; s.qualident := s.s.string$ ELSIF (s.s.type = TextMappers.string) & IsIdent(s.s.string) THEN s.ident := s.s.string$; TextMappers.ScanQualIdent(s.s, s.qualident, done); IF done THEN s.s.type := qualident ELSE s.s.type := ident END END END Scan; PROCEDURE ScanLongString(rd: TextModels.Reader; OUT cmd: POINTER TO ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR ch: CHAR; first, last, i: INTEGER; BEGIN rd.ReadChar(ch); WHILE ~rd.eot & (ch <= " ") DO rd.ReadChar(ch) END; IF ~rd.eot & (ch = '"') THEN (* starts with a double quote *) first := rd.Pos(); rd.ReadChar(ch); WHILE ~rd.eot & (ch # '"') DO rd.ReadChar(ch) END; IF ~rd.eot THEN (* ends with a double quote *) last := rd.Pos(); NEW(cmd, last - first); rd.SetPos(first); rd.ReadChar(ch); i := 0; WHILE ch # '"' DO cmd[i] := ch; INC(i); rd.ReadChar(ch) END; cmd[i] := 0X; rd.Read END END END ScanLongString; PROCEDURE GetParExtend (rd: TextModels.Reader; OUT end: INTEGER); VAR v: Views.View; BEGIN IF rd.view # NIL THEN v := rd.view ELSE rd.ReadView(v) END; WHILE ~rd.eot & (Properties.ThisType(v, "DevCommanders.View") = NIL) & (Properties.ThisType(v, "DevCommanders.EndView") = NIL) DO rd.ReadView(v) END; end := rd.Pos(); IF ~rd.eot THEN DEC(end) END END GetParExtend; PROCEDURE Unload (IN cmd: Dialog.String); VAR modname: Kernel.Name; str: Dialog.String; i: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; mod: Kernel.Module; BEGIN i := 0; ch := cmd[0]; WHILE (ch # 0X) & (ch # ".") DO modname[i] := ch; INC(i); ch := cmd[i] END; modname[i] := 0X; mod := Kernel.ThisLoadedMod(modname); IF mod # NIL THEN Kernel.UnloadMod(mod); IF mod.refcnt < 0 THEN Dialog.MapParamString("#Dev:Unloaded", modname, "", "", str); StdLog.String(str); StdLog.Ln; Controls.Relink ELSE Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#Dev:UnloadingFailed", modname, "", "") END END END Unload; PROCEDURE Execute (t: TextModels.Model; pos: INTEGER; VAR end: INTEGER; unload: BOOLEAN); VAR s: Scanner; beg, res: INTEGER; cmd: POINTER TO ARRAY OF CHAR; BEGIN cmd := NIL; s.s.ConnectTo(t); s.s.SetPos(pos); s.s.SetOpts({TextMappers.returnViews, TextMappers.maskViews}); Scan(s); ASSERT(s.s.type = execMark, 100); Scan(s); IF s.s.type = qualident THEN NEW(cmd, LEN(s.qualident$) + 1); cmd^ := s.qualident$ ELSIF s.s.type = TextMappers.string THEN NEW(cmd, LEN(s.s.string$) + 1); cmd^ := s.s.string$ ELSIF s.s.type = TextMappers.invalid THEN s.s.SetPos(pos + 1); ScanLongString(s.s.rider, cmd); END; IF cmd # NIL THEN beg := s.s.Pos(); IF ~s.s.rider.eot THEN DEC(beg) END; GetParExtend(s.s.rider, end); ASSERT(~cleanerInstalled, 101); Kernel.PushTrapCleaner(cleaner); cleanerInstalled := TRUE; NEW(par); par.text := t; par.beg := beg; par.end := end; IF unload THEN Unload(cmd$) END; Dialog.Call(cmd, " ", res); par := NIL; Kernel.PopTrapCleaner(cleaner); cleanerInstalled := FALSE; ELSE Dialog.ShowStatus("#System:SyntaxError") END END Execute; PROCEDURE Track (v: View; f: Views.Frame; x, y: INTEGER; buttons: SET); VAR c: Models.Context; w, h, end: INTEGER; isDown, in, in0: BOOLEAN; m: SET; BEGIN c := v.context; c.GetSize(w, h); in0 := FALSE; in := TRUE; REPEAT IF in # in0 THEN f.MarkRect(0, 0, w, h, Ports.fill, Ports.invert, Ports.show); in0 := in END; f.Input(x, y, m, isDown); in := (0 <= x) & (x < w) & (0 <= y) & (y < h) UNTIL ~isDown; IF in0 THEN f.MarkRect(0, 0, w, h, Ports.fill, Ports.invert, Ports.hide); WITH c:TextModels.Context DO Execute(c.ThisModel(), c.Pos(), end,Controllers.modify IN buttons) ELSE Dialog.Beep END END END Track; (* StdView *) PROCEDURE (v: StdView) Externalize (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN v.Externalize^(wr); wr.WriteVersion(maxStdVersion) END Externalize; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) Internalize (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR thisVersion: INTEGER; BEGIN v.Internalize^(rd); IF rd.cancelled THEN RETURN END; rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, maxStdVersion, thisVersion) END Internalize; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); CONST u = point; VAR c: Models.Context; a: TextModels.Attributes; font: Fonts.Font; color: Ports.Color; size, d, w, asc, dsc, fw: INTEGER; s: ARRAY 2 OF CHAR; BEGIN ASSERT(v.context # NIL, 20); c := v.context; WITH c: TextModels.Context DO a := c.Attr(); font := a.font; color := a.color ELSE font := Fonts.dir.Default(); color := Ports.defaultColor END; font.GetBounds(asc, dsc, fw); size := asc + dsc; d := size DIV 2; f.DrawOval(u, 0, u + size, size, Ports.fill, color); s := "!"; w := font.StringWidth(s); f.DrawString(u + d - w DIV 2, size - dsc, Ports.background, s, font) END Restore; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) HandleCtrlMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View); BEGIN WITH msg: Controllers.TrackMsg DO Track(v, f, msg.x, msg.y, msg.modifiers) | msg: Controllers.PollCursorMsg DO msg.cursor := Ports.refCursor ELSE END END HandleCtrlMsg; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) HandlePropMsg (VAR msg: Properties.Message); VAR c: Models.Context; a: TextModels.Attributes; font: Fonts.Font; asc, dsc, fw: INTEGER; BEGIN WITH msg: Properties.Preference DO WITH msg: Properties.SizePref DO c := v.context; IF (c # NIL) & (c IS TextModels.Context) THEN a := c(TextModels.Context).Attr(); font := a.font ELSE font := Fonts.dir.Default() END; font.GetBounds(asc, dsc, fw); msg.h := asc + dsc; msg.w := msg.h + 2 * point | msg: Properties.ResizePref DO msg.fixed := TRUE | msg: Properties.FocusPref DO msg.hotFocus := TRUE | msg: TextSetters.Pref DO c := v.context; IF (c # NIL) & (c IS TextModels.Context) THEN a := c(TextModels.Context).Attr(); font := a.font ELSE font := Fonts.dir.Default() END; font.GetBounds(asc, msg.dsc, fw) | msg: Properties.TypePref DO IF Services.Is(v, msg.type) THEN msg.view := v END ELSE END ELSE END END HandlePropMsg; (* StdEndView *) PROCEDURE (v: StdEndView) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); CONST u = point; VAR c: Models.Context; a: TextModels.Attributes; font: Fonts.Font; color: Ports.Color; size, asc, dsc, fw: INTEGER; points: ARRAY 3 OF Ports.Point; BEGIN ASSERT(v.context # NIL, 20); c := v.context; WITH c: TextModels.Context DO a := c.Attr(); font := a.font; color := a.color ELSE font := Fonts.dir.Default(); color := Ports.defaultColor END; font.GetBounds(asc, dsc, fw); size := asc + dsc; points[0].x := 0; points[0].y := size; points[1].x := u + (size DIV 2); points[1].y := size DIV 2; points[2].x := u + (size DIV 2); points[2].y := size; f.DrawPath(points, 3, Ports.fill, color, Ports.closedPoly) END Restore; PROCEDURE (v: StdEndView) HandlePropMsg (VAR msg: Properties.Message); VAR c: Models.Context; a: TextModels.Attributes; font: Fonts.Font; asc, dsc, fw: INTEGER; BEGIN WITH msg: Properties.Preference DO WITH msg: Properties.SizePref DO c := v.context; IF (c # NIL) & (c IS TextModels.Context) THEN a := c(TextModels.Context).Attr(); font := a.font ELSE font := Fonts.dir.Default() END; font.GetBounds(asc, dsc, fw); msg.h := asc + dsc; msg.w := (msg.h + 2 * point) DIV 2 | msg: Properties.ResizePref DO msg.fixed := TRUE | msg: Properties.FocusPref DO msg.hotFocus := TRUE | msg: TextSetters.Pref DO c := v.context; IF (c # NIL) & (c IS TextModels.Context) THEN a := c(TextModels.Context).Attr(); font := a.font ELSE font := Fonts.dir.Default() END; font.GetBounds(asc, msg.dsc, fw) | msg: Properties.TypePref DO IF Services.Is(v, msg.type) THEN msg.view := v END ELSE END ELSE END END HandlePropMsg; (* StdDirectory *) PROCEDURE (d: StdDirectory) New (): View; VAR v: StdView; BEGIN NEW(v); RETURN v END New; PROCEDURE (d: StdDirectory) NewEnd (): EndView; VAR v: StdEndView; BEGIN NEW(v); RETURN v END NewEnd; PROCEDURE Deposit*; BEGIN Views.Deposit(dir.New()) END Deposit; PROCEDURE DepositEnd*; BEGIN Views.Deposit(dir.NewEnd()) END DepositEnd; PROCEDURE SetDir* (d: Directory); BEGIN dir := d END SetDir; PROCEDURE Init; VAR d: StdDirectory; BEGIN NEW(d); dir := d; stdDir := d; NEW(cleaner); cleanerInstalled := FALSE; END Init; BEGIN Init END DevCommanders.
MODULE DevCompiler; (** project = "BlackBox 2.0, diffs vs 1.7.2 are marked by green" organizations = "Oberon microsystems, BBWFC, OberonCore, BBCP Team" contributors = "Oberon microsystems, A.A. Dmitriev, I.A. Denisov" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "The 2-Clause BSD License" references = "http://e-collection.library.ethz.ch/eserv/eth:39386/eth-39386-02.pdf" changes = " - 20070123, bh, signatures added to defopt - 20141027, center #19, full Unicode support for Component Pascal identifiers added - 20150527, center #53, support for empty text in CompileText - 20160907, center #129, command for generating a compile list for a set of subsystems - 20161216, center #144, inconsistent docu and usage of Files.Locator error codes - 20170612, center #160, outdated link to OP2.Paper.ps - 20210709, dia, comAware always true - 20210720, ad, use StdLibrarian " issues = " - " **) IMPORT Kernel, Files, Strings, Views, Dialog, Controls, Utf, Librarian, Converters, TextModels, TextMappers, TextViews, TextControllers, StdLog, DevMarkers, DevCommanders, DevSelectors, DevCPM, DevCPT, DevCPB, DevCPP, DevCPE, DevCPV := DevCPV486, DevCPS; CONST (* compiler options: *) checks = 0; allchecks = 1; assert = 2; obj = 3; ref = 4; allref = 5; srcpos = 6; reallib = 7; signatures = 8; hint = 29; oberon = 30; errorTrap = 31; defopt = {checks, assert, obj, ref, allref, srcpos, signatures}; (* additional scanner types *) module = 101; comEnd = 104; (* symbol values *) comma = 20; rbrak = 24; lbrak = 41; becomes = 44; ident = 48; semicolon = 49; import = 74; moduleSym = 75; eof = 76; TYPE String = POINTER TO ARRAY OF CHAR; NameNode = POINTER TO RECORD next: NameNode; name: String END; VAR sourceR: TextModels.Reader; s: TextMappers.Scanner; str: Dialog.String; found: BOOLEAN; (* DevComDebug was found -> DTC *) select: ARRAY 16 OF CHAR; (* filter for filenames in subsystems *) PROCEDURE Module (source: TextModels.Reader; opt: SET; log: TextModels.Model; VAR error: BOOLEAN); VAR ext, new: BOOLEAN; p: DevCPT.Node; BEGIN DevCPM.Init(source, log); (* IF found THEN *) INCL(DevCPM.options, DevCPM.comAware); (* END; *) IF errorTrap IN opt THEN INCL(DevCPM.options, DevCPM.trap) END; IF oberon IN opt THEN INCL(DevCPM.options, DevCPM.oberon) END; DevCPT.Init(opt); DevCPB.typSize := DevCPV.TypeSize; DevCPT.processor := DevCPV.processor; DevCPP.Module(p); IF DevCPM.noerr THEN IF DevCPT.libName # "" THEN EXCL(opt, obj) END; (* IF errorTrap IN opt THEN DevCPDump.DumpTree(p) END; *) DevCPV.Init(opt); DevCPV.Allocate; DevCPT.Export(ext, new); IF DevCPM.noerr & (obj IN opt) THEN DevCPV.Module(p) END; DevCPV.Close END; IF DevCPM.noerr & (new OR ext) THEN DevCPM.RegisterNewSym ELSE DevCPM.DeleteNewSym END; DevCPT.Close; error := ~DevCPM.noerr; DevCPM.Close; p := NIL; Kernel.FastCollect; IF error THEN DevCPM.InsertMarks(source.Base()); DevCPM.LogWLn; DevCPM.LogWStr(" "); IF DevCPM.errors = 1 THEN Dialog.MapString("#Dev:OneErrorDetected", str) ELSE DevCPM.LogWNum(DevCPM.errors, 0); Dialog.MapString("#Dev:ErrorsDetected", str) END; StdLog.String(str) ELSE IF hint IN opt THEN DevCPM.InsertMarks(source.Base()) END; DevCPM.LogWStr(" "); DevCPM.LogWNum(DevCPE.pc, 8); DevCPM.LogWStr(" "); DevCPM.LogWNum(DevCPE.dsize, 8) END; DevCPM.LogWLn END Module; PROCEDURE Scan (VAR s: TextMappers.Scanner); BEGIN s.Scan; IF s.type = TextMappers.string THEN IF s.string = "MODULE" THEN s.type := module END ELSIF s.type = TextMappers.char THEN IF s.char = "(" THEN IF s.rider.char = "*" THEN s.rider.Read; REPEAT Scan(s) UNTIL (s.type = TextMappers.eot) OR (s.type = comEnd); Scan(s) END ELSIF s.char = "*" THEN IF s.rider.char = ")" THEN s.rider.Read; s.type := comEnd END END END END Scan; PROCEDURE Do (source, log: TextModels.Model; beg: INTEGER; opt: SET; VAR error: BOOLEAN); VAR s: TextMappers.Scanner; BEGIN Dialog.MapString("#Dev:Compiling", str); StdLog.String(str); StdLog.Char(" "); s.ConnectTo(source); s.SetPos(beg); Scan(s); WHILE (s.type # TextMappers.eot) & (s.type # module) DO Scan(s) END; IF s.type = module THEN Scan(s); IF s.type = TextMappers.string THEN StdLog.Char('"'); StdLog.String(s.string); StdLog.Char('"') END END; sourceR := source.NewReader(NIL); sourceR.SetPos(beg); Module(sourceR, opt, log, error) END Do; PROCEDURE Open; BEGIN Dialog.ShowStatus("#Dev:Compiling"); StdLog.buf.Delete(0, StdLog.buf.Length()) END Open; PROCEDURE Close; BEGIN StdLog.text.Append(StdLog.buf); IF DevCPM.noerr THEN Dialog.ShowStatus("#Dev:Ok") END; sourceR := NIL; Kernel.Cleanup END Close; PROCEDURE Compile*; VAR t: TextModels.Model; error: BOOLEAN; BEGIN Open; t := TextViews.FocusText(); IF t # NIL THEN Do(t, StdLog.text, 0, defopt, error); IF error THEN DevMarkers.ShowFirstError(t, TextViews.focusOnly) END ELSE Dialog.ShowMsg("#Dev:NoTextViewFound") END; Close END Compile; PROCEDURE CompileOpt* (opt: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR t: TextModels.Model; error: BOOLEAN; i: INTEGER; opts: SET; BEGIN i := 0; opts := defopt; WHILE opt[i] # 0X DO IF opt[i] = "-" THEN IF srcpos IN opts THEN EXCL(opts, srcpos) ELSIF allref IN opts THEN EXCL(opts, allref) ELSIF ref IN opts THEN EXCL(opts, ref) ELSE EXCL(opts, obj) END ELSIF opt[i] = "!" THEN IF assert IN opts THEN EXCL(opts, assert) ELSE EXCL(opts, checks) END ELSIF opt[i] = "+" THEN INCL(opts, allchecks) ELSIF opt[i] = "?" THEN INCL(opts, hint) ELSIF opt[i] = "@" THEN INCL(opts, errorTrap) ELSIF opt[i] = "$" THEN INCL(opts, oberon) END; INC(i) END; Open; t := TextViews.FocusText(); IF t # NIL THEN Do(t, StdLog.text, 0, opts, error); IF error THEN DevMarkers.ShowFirstError(t, TextViews.focusOnly) END ELSE Dialog.ShowMsg("#Dev:NoTextViewFound") END; Close END CompileOpt; PROCEDURE CompileText* (text: TextModels.Model; beg: INTEGER; OUT error: BOOLEAN); BEGIN ASSERT(text # NIL, 20); ASSERT((beg >= 0) & (beg <= text.Length()), 21); Open; Do(text, StdLog.text, beg, defopt, error); IF error THEN DevMarkers.ShowFirstError(text, TextViews.focusOnly) END; Close END CompileText; PROCEDURE CompileAndUnload*; VAR t: TextModels.Model; error: BOOLEAN; mod: Kernel.Module; n: ARRAY LEN(DevCPT.Name) OF CHAR; res: INTEGER; BEGIN Open; t := TextViews.FocusText(); IF t # NIL THEN Do(t, StdLog.text, 0, defopt, error); IF error THEN DevMarkers.ShowFirstError(t, TextViews.focusOnly) ELSE Utf.Utf8ToString(DevCPT.SelfName, n, res); mod := Kernel.ThisLoadedMod(n); IF mod # NIL THEN Kernel.UnloadMod(mod); Utf.Utf8ToString(DevCPT.SelfName, n, res); IF mod.refcnt < 0 THEN Dialog.MapParamString("#Dev:Unloaded", n, "", "", str); StdLog.String(str); StdLog.Ln; Controls.Relink ELSE Dialog.MapParamString("#Dev:UnloadingFailed", n, "", "", str); StdLog.String(str); StdLog.Ln END END END ELSE Dialog.ShowMsg("#Dev:NoTextViewFound") END; Close END CompileAndUnload; PROCEDURE CompileSelection*; VAR c: TextControllers.Controller; t: TextModels.Model; beg, end: INTEGER; error: BOOLEAN; BEGIN Open; c := TextControllers.Focus(); IF c # NIL THEN t := c.text; IF c.HasSelection() THEN c.GetSelection(beg, end); Do(t, StdLog.text, beg, defopt, error); IF error THEN DevMarkers.ShowFirstError(t, TextViews.focusOnly) END ELSE Dialog.ShowMsg("#Dev:NoSelectionFound") END ELSE Dialog.ShowMsg("#Dev:NoTextViewFound") END; Close END CompileSelection; PROCEDURE GetSource (IN mod: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT v: Views.View; OUT loc: Files.Locator; OUT fname: Files.Name; OUT conv: Converters.Converter); BEGIN Librarian.lib.GetSpec(mod, "Mod", loc, fname); IF loc # NIL THEN v := Views.Old(Views.dontAsk, loc, fname, conv) END END GetSource; PROCEDURE CompileList (beg, end: INTEGER; c: TextControllers.Controller); VAR v: Views.View; i: INTEGER; error, one: BOOLEAN; name: Files.Name; conv: Converters.Converter; loc: Files.Locator; t: TextModels.Model; opts: SET; title, entry: ARRAY 64 OF CHAR; BEGIN s.SetPos(beg); s.Scan; one := FALSE; WHILE (s.start < end) & (s.type = TextMappers.string) & (s.len < LEN(name)) DO s.Scan; one := TRUE; WHILE (s.start < end) & (s.type = TextMappers.char) & ((s.char = "-") OR (s.char = "+") OR (s.char = "!") OR (s.char = "*") OR (s.char = "?") OR (s.char = "^") OR (s.char = "(")) DO IF s.char = "(" THEN WHILE (s.start < end) & ((s.type # TextMappers.char) OR (s.char # ")")) DO s.Scan END END; s.Scan END END; IF one & (s.start >= end) THEN s.SetPos(beg); s.Scan; error := FALSE; WHILE (s.start < end) & (s.type = TextMappers.string) & ~error DO i := 0; WHILE i < LEN(name) DO name[i] := 0X; INC(i) END; t := NIL; GetSource(s.string, v, loc, name, conv); IF (loc # NIL) & (loc.res = 0) THEN IF v # NIL THEN WITH v: TextViews.View DO t := v.ThisModel() ELSE Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#Dev:NoTextFileFound", name, "", ""); error := TRUE END ELSE Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#Dev:CannotOpenFile", name, "", ""); error := TRUE END ELSE Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#System:FileNotFound", name, "", ""); error := TRUE; v := NIL; END; s.Scan; opts := defopt; WHILE (s.start < end) & (s.type = TextMappers.char) DO IF s.char = "-" THEN IF srcpos IN opts THEN EXCL(opts, srcpos) ELSIF allref IN opts THEN EXCL(opts, allref) ELSIF ref IN opts THEN EXCL(opts, ref) ELSE EXCL(opts, obj) END ELSIF s.char = "!" THEN IF assert IN opts THEN EXCL(opts, assert) ELSE EXCL(opts, checks) END ELSIF s.char = "+" THEN INCL(opts, allchecks) ELSIF s.char = "?" THEN INCL(opts, hint) ELSIF s.char = "@" THEN INCL(opts, errorTrap) ELSIF s.char = "$" THEN INCL(opts, oberon) ELSIF s.char = "(" THEN s.Scan; WHILE (s.start < end) & (s.type = TextMappers.string) DO title := s.string$; s.Scan; IF (s.start < end) & (s.type = TextMappers.char) & (s.char = ":") THEN s.Scan; IF (s.start < end) & (s.type = TextMappers.string) THEN entry := s.string$; s.Scan; IF t # NIL THEN DevSelectors.ChangeTo(t, title, entry) END END END; IF (s.start < end) & (s.type = TextMappers.char) & (s.char = ",") THEN s.Scan END END END; s.Scan END; IF t # NIL THEN Do(t, StdLog.text, 0, opts, error) END END ELSE Dialog.ShowMsg("#Dev:NotOnlyFileNames") END; s.ConnectTo(NIL); IF error & (c # NIL) & c.HasSelection() & (s.start < end) THEN c.SetSelection(s.start, end) END; IF error & (v # NIL) THEN Views.Open(v, loc, name, conv); DevMarkers.ShowFirstError(t, TextViews.any) END END CompileList; PROCEDURE CompileModuleList*; VAR c: TextControllers.Controller; beg, end: INTEGER; BEGIN Open; c := TextControllers.Focus(); IF c # NIL THEN s.ConnectTo(c.text); IF c.HasSelection() THEN c.GetSelection(beg, end) ELSE beg := 0; end := c.text.Length() END; CompileList(beg, end, c) ELSE Dialog.ShowMsg("#Dev:NoTextViewFound") END; Close END CompileModuleList; PROCEDURE CompileThis*; VAR p: DevCommanders.Par; beg, end: INTEGER; BEGIN Open; p := DevCommanders.par; IF p # NIL THEN DevCommanders.par := NIL; s.ConnectTo(p.text); beg := p.beg; end := p.end; CompileList(beg, end, NIL) ELSE Dialog.ShowMsg("#Dev:NoTextViewFound") END; Close END CompileThis; PROCEDURE ContainsName(list: NameNode; IN name: ARRAY OF CHAR): BOOLEAN; BEGIN WHILE (list # NIL) & (list.name^ # name) DO list := list.next END; RETURN list # NIL END ContainsName; PROCEDURE NewName(IN name: ARRAY OF CHAR): NameNode; VAR n: NameNode; BEGIN NEW(n); NEW(n.name, LEN(name$) + 1); n.name^ := name$; RETURN n END NewName; PROCEDURE AppendName(VAR list: NameNode; IN name: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR n, last: NameNode; BEGIN n := NewName(name); IF list = NIL THEN list := n ELSE last := list; WHILE last.next # NIL DO last := last.next END; last.next := n END END AppendName; PROCEDURE CheckSym(VAR sym: BYTE; expected: SHORTINT); BEGIN IF sym = expected THEN DevCPS.Get(sym) ELSE DevCPM.err(expected) END END CheckSym; PROCEDURE MakeFile (subList, importPath: NameNode; VAR fileList: NameNode; loc: Files.Locator; IN sub, file: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR v: Views.View; source: TextModels.Model; sym: BYTE; fileName, impName, fname_: Files.Name; importList: NameNode; impNameUtf8: DevCPT.Name; res: INTEGER; p: NameNode; conv: Converters.Converter; PROCEDURE ProcessFile; VAR import: NameNode; impSub, impFile: Files.Name; BEGIN p := NewName(fileName); p.next := importPath; importPath := p; (* push *) import := importList; WHILE import # NIL DO Librarian.lib.SplitName(import.name, impSub, impFile); IF ContainsName(subList, impSub) & ~ContainsName(fileList, import.name) THEN MakeFile(subList, importPath, fileList, Files.dir.This(impSub + "/Mod"), impSub, impFile) END; import := import.next END; IF ~ContainsName(fileList, fileName) THEN AppendName(fileList, fileName) END; END ProcessFile; PROCEDURE Terminate; BEGIN DevCPM.InsertMarks(source); Views.Open(v, loc, file$, NIL); DevMarkers.ShowFirstError(source, TextViews.any); DevCPM.Close; HALT(128) (* silent halt *) END Terminate; BEGIN IF sub # "System" THEN fileName := sub + file ELSE fileName := file$ END; GetSource(fileName, v, loc, fname_, conv); IF v # NIL THEN WITH v: TextViews.View DO source := v.ThisModel(); DevCPM.Init(source.NewReader(NIL), StdLog.text); DevCPS.Init; DevCPS.Get(sym); IF sym = moduleSym THEN DevCPS.Get(sym); IF sym = ident THEN DevCPS.Get(sym); IF sym = lbrak THEN REPEAT DevCPS.Get(sym) UNTIL (sym = rbrak) OR (sym = eof); CheckSym(sym, rbrak) END; CheckSym(sym, semicolon); p := NewName(fileName); p.next := importPath; importPath := p; (* push *) importList := NIL; (* compiler cannot be invoked recursively; therefore we use an auxiliary list *) IF sym = import THEN DevCPS.Get(sym); LOOP IF sym = ident THEN impNameUtf8 := DevCPS.name$; DevCPS.Get(sym); IF sym = becomes THEN DevCPS.Get(sym); IF sym = ident THEN impNameUtf8 := DevCPS.name$; DevCPS.Get(sym); ELSE DevCPM.err(ident) END END; Utf.Utf8ToString(impNameUtf8, impName, res); ASSERT(res = 0); IF ContainsName(importPath, impName) THEN DevCPM.err(154) ELSIF (impName # "SYSTEM") & (impName # "COM") THEN AppendName(importList, impName) END ELSE DevCPM.err(ident) END; IF sym = comma THEN DevCPS.Get(sym) ELSIF sym = ident THEN DevCPM.err(comma) ELSE EXIT END END; (* LOOP *) CheckSym(sym, semicolon) END ELSE DevCPM.err(ident) END; IF DevCPM.noerr THEN ProcessFile; importPath := importPath.next (* pop *) ELSE Terminate END (* ELSE ignore non module texts *) END (* ELSE ignore non text files *) END ELSE Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#Dev:SourcefileNotFound", fileName, "", ""); AppendName(fileList, fileName); (* report missing module only once *) END END MakeFile; PROCEDURE MakeSubsystem(subList: NameNode; VAR fileList: NameNode; IN sub: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR loc: Files.Locator; files: Files.FileInfo; importPath: NameNode; pos1, pos2: INTEGER; BEGIN loc := Files.dir.This(sub + "/Mod"); files := Files.dir.FileList(loc); WHILE files # NIL DO IF (files.type = Files.docType) OR (files.type = "cp") THEN (* strip off extension, note: file name may differ from module name *) files.name[LEN(files.name$) - LEN(files.type$) - 1] := 0X; importPath := NIL; IF select = "" THEN MakeFile(subList, importPath, fileList, loc, sub, files.name) ELSE Strings.Find(files.name, "__", 1, pos1); IF pos1 > 0 THEN Strings.Find(files.name, select, pos1 + 2, pos2); IF pos2 = pos1 + 2 THEN MakeFile(subList, importPath, fileList, loc, sub, files.name) END ELSE MakeFile(subList, importPath, fileList, loc, sub, files.name) END END; (* ELSE ignore e.g. temporary files *) END; files := files.next END END MakeSubsystem; PROCEDURE AppendSubs(VAR subList: NameNode; IN excl: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR dirs: Files.LocInfo; i, pos: INTEGER; BEGIN dirs := Files.dir.LocList(Files.dir.This("")); WHILE dirs # NIL DO (* check first if this directory name is a possible subsystem *) IF Strings.IsIdentStart(dirs.name[0]) THEN i := 1; WHILE Strings.IsIdent(dirs.name[i]) DO INC(i) END; IF dirs.name[i] = 0X THEN Strings.Find(excl, ":" + dirs.name + ":", 0, pos); IF pos < 0 THEN AppendName(subList, dirs.name) END END END; dirs := dirs.next END END AppendSubs; (* uses the compiler for analyzing module headers; terminates command in case of syntax error *) PROCEDURE MakeSubsystems (OUT subList: NameNode; OUT fileList: NameNode); CONST noneSubs = ":Code:Docu:Sym:"; baseSubs = ":Com:Comm:Ctl:Dev:Form:Host:Obx:Ole:Sql:Std:System:Text:Win:Xhtml:"; VAR par: DevCommanders.Par; beg, end: INTEGER; s: TextMappers.Scanner; sub: NameNode; BEGIN par := DevCommanders.par; subList := NIL; fileList := NIL; select := ""; IF par # NIL THEN DevCommanders.par := NIL; s.ConnectTo(par.text); beg := par.beg; end := par.end; s.SetPos(beg); s.Scan; WHILE (s.start < end) & ((s.type = TextMappers.string) OR (s.type = TextMappers.char) & ((s.char = "+") OR (s.char = "*") OR (s.char = "@"))) DO IF s.type = TextMappers.string THEN AppendName(subList, s.string) ELSIF (s.char = "@") & (select = "") THEN s.Scan; IF s.type = TextMappers.string THEN select := s.string$ END ELSIF s.char = "+" THEN AppendSubs(subList, baseSubs + noneSubs) ELSIF s.char = "*" THEN AppendSubs(subList, noneSubs) END; s.Scan; END; sub := subList; WHILE sub # NIL DO MakeSubsystem(subList, fileList, sub.name); sub := sub.next END; DevCPM.Close ELSE Dialog.ShowMsg("#Dev:NoTextViewFound") END END MakeSubsystems; PROCEDURE MakeList*; VAR subList: NameNode (* in textual order *); fileList: NameNode; (* in compile order *) t: TextModels.Model; f: TextMappers.Formatter; v: TextViews.View; file: NameNode; title: Views.Title; sub: NameNode; pos: INTEGER; BEGIN MakeSubsystems(subList, fileList); t := TextModels.dir.New(); f.ConnectTo(t); file := fileList; WHILE file # NIL DO f.WriteString(file.name); f.WriteLn; file := file.next END; v := TextViews.dir.New(t); Dialog.MapString("#Dev:MakeList", title); sub := subList; WHILE (sub # NIL) & (LEN(title + " " + sub.name) < LEN(title)) DO title := title + " " + sub.name; sub := sub.next END; IF sub # NIL THEN pos := MIN(LEN(Views.Title) - 4, LEN(title$)); title[pos] := "."; title[pos + 1] := "."; title[pos + 2] := "."; title[pos + 3] := 0X END; Views.OpenAux(v, title$) END MakeList; PROCEDURE CompileSubs*; VAR subList: NameNode (* in textual order *); fileList: NameNode; (* in compile order *) file: NameNode; loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name; v: Views.View; t: TextModels.Model; error: BOOLEAN; conv: Converters.Converter; BEGIN MakeSubsystems(subList, fileList); file := fileList; WHILE file # NIL DO GetSource(file.name, v, loc, name, conv); IF (v # NIL) & (v IS TextViews.View) THEN t := v(TextViews.View).ThisModel(); Do(t, StdLog.text, 0, defopt, error); IF error THEN Views.Open(v, loc, name, conv); DevMarkers.ShowFirstError(t, TextViews.any); RETURN END END; file := file.next END END CompileSubs; END DevCompiler.
MODULE DevCPB; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems, Robert Campbell" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" references = "http://e-collection.library.ethz.ch/eserv/eth:39386/eth-39386-02.pdf" changes = " - 20070123, bh, NewString changed (Unicode support) - 20070123, bh, CheckAssign changed to check procedure type sysflags - 20070307, bh, added char to string conversion in LEN handling - 20070300, bh, x.obj := NIL in ConstOp - 20080202, bh, Real constant operations corrected (proposed by Robert Campbell) - 20150422, center #39, checking illegal use of SYSTEM.ADR function - 20150422, center #40, fixing concatenation of Unicode character constants - 20160324, center #111, code cleanups - 20160907, center #128, Assignment of named empty string to ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR does not work - 20161220, center #141, Comparison of named empty string with array of SHORTCHAR does not work - 20170612, center #160, outdated link to OP2.Paper.ps - 20170712, center #165, adding a check for passing guarded function result as VAR parameter - 20181111, center #191, Compiler trap by erroneous program - 20190622, center #199, compiler trap with SYSTEM.ADR(BasicType) - 20200623, center #208, ASSERT(FALSE) rejected by compiler " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT DevCPT, DevCPM; CONST (* symbol values or ops *) times = 1; slash = 2; div = 3; mod = 4; and = 5; plus = 6; minus = 7; or = 8; eql = 9; neq = 10; lss = 11; leq = 12; gtr = 13; geq = 14; in = 15; is = 16; ash = 17; msk = 18; len = 19; conv = 20; abs = 21; cap = 22; odd = 23; not = 33; (*SYSTEM*) adr = 24; cc = 25; bit = 26; lsh = 27; rot = 28; val = 29; min = 34; max = 35; typfn = 36; size = 37; (* object modes *) Var = 1; VarPar = 2; Con = 3; Fld = 4; Typ = 5; LProc = 6; XProc = 7; SProc = 8; CProc = 9; IProc = 10; Mod = 11; Head = 12; TProc = 13; (* Structure forms *) Undef = 0; Byte = 1; Bool = 2; Char8 = 3; Int8 = 4; Int16 = 5; Int32 = 6; Real32 = 7; Real64 = 8; Set = 9; String8 = 10; NilTyp = 11; NoTyp = 12; Pointer = 13; ProcTyp = 14; Comp = 15; Char16 = 16; String16 = 17; Int64 = 18; intSet = {Int8..Int32, Int64}; realSet = {Real32, Real64}; charSet = {Char8, Char16}; (* composite structure forms *) Basic = 1; Array = 2; DynArr = 3; Record = 4; (* nodes classes *) Nvar = 0; Nvarpar = 1; Nfield = 2; Nderef = 3; Nindex = 4; Nguard = 5; Neguard = 6; Nconst = 7; Ntype = 8; Nproc = 9; Nupto = 10; Nmop = 11; Ndop = 12; Ncall = 13; Ninittd = 14; Nif = 15; Ncaselse = 16; Ncasedo = 17; Nenter = 18; Nassign = 19; Nifelse = 20; Ncase = 21; Nwhile = 22; Nrepeat = 23; Nloop = 24; Nexit = 25; Nreturn = 26; Nwith = 27; Ntrap = 28; (*function number*) assign = 0; haltfn = 0; newfn = 1; absfn = 2; capfn = 3; ordfn = 4; entierfn = 5; oddfn = 6; minfn = 7; maxfn = 8; chrfn = 9; shortfn = 10; longfn = 11; sizefn = 12; incfn = 13; decfn = 14; inclfn = 15; exclfn = 16; lenfn = 17; copyfn = 18; ashfn = 19; assertfn = 32; lchrfn = 33; lentierfcn = 34; bitsfn = 37; bytesfn = 38; (*SYSTEM function number*) adrfn = 20; ccfn = 21; lshfn = 22; rotfn = 23; getfn = 24; putfn = 25; getrfn = 26; putrfn = 27; bitfn = 28; valfn = 29; sysnewfn = 30; movefn = 31; thisrecfn = 45; thisarrfn = 46; (* COM function number *) validfn = 40; iidfn = 41; queryfn = 42; (* module visibility of objects *) internal = 0; external = 1; externalR = 2; inPar = 3; outPar = 4; (* procedure flags (conval.setval) *) hasBody = 1; isRedef = 2; slNeeded = 3; imVar = 4; (* attribute flags (attr.adr, struct.attribute, proc.conval.setval)*) newAttr = 16; absAttr = 17; limAttr = 18; empAttr = 19; extAttr = 20; (* case statement flags (conval.setval) *) useTable = 1; useTree = 2; (* sysflags *) nilBit = 1; inBit = 2; outBit = 4; newBit = 8; iidBit = 16; interface = 10; jint = -11; jstr = -13; AssertTrap = 0; (* default trap number *) covarOut = FALSE; VAR typSize*: PROCEDURE(typ: DevCPT.Struct); zero, one, two, dummy, quot: DevCPT.Const; PROCEDURE err(n: SHORTINT); BEGIN DevCPM.err(n) END err; PROCEDURE NewLeaf*(obj: DevCPT.Object): DevCPT.Node; VAR node: DevCPT.Node; typ: DevCPT.Struct; BEGIN typ := obj.typ; CASE obj.mode OF Var: node := DevCPT.NewNode(Nvar); node.readonly := (obj.vis = externalR) & (obj.mnolev < 0) | VarPar: node := DevCPT.NewNode(Nvarpar); node.readonly := obj.vis = inPar; | Con: node := DevCPT.NewNode(Nconst); node.conval := DevCPT.NewConst(); node.conval^ := obj.conval^ (* string is not copied, only its ref *) | Typ: node := DevCPT.NewNode(Ntype) | LProc..IProc, TProc: node := DevCPT.NewNode(Nproc) ELSE err(127); node := DevCPT.NewNode(Nvar); typ := DevCPT.notyp END ; node.obj := obj; node.typ := typ; RETURN node END NewLeaf; PROCEDURE Construct*(class: BYTE; VAR x: DevCPT.Node; y: DevCPT.Node); VAR node: DevCPT.Node; BEGIN node := DevCPT.NewNode(class); node.typ := DevCPT.notyp; node.left := x; node.right := y; x := node END Construct; PROCEDURE Link*(VAR x, last: DevCPT.Node; y: DevCPT.Node); BEGIN IF x = NIL THEN x := y ELSE last.link := y END ; WHILE y.link # NIL DO y := y.link END ; last := y END Link; PROCEDURE BoolToInt(b: BOOLEAN): INTEGER; BEGIN IF b THEN RETURN 1 ELSE RETURN 0 END END BoolToInt; PROCEDURE IntToBool(i: INTEGER): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN i # 0 END IntToBool; PROCEDURE NewBoolConst*(boolval: BOOLEAN): DevCPT.Node; VAR x: DevCPT.Node; BEGIN x := DevCPT.NewNode(Nconst); x.typ := DevCPT.booltyp; x.conval := DevCPT.NewConst(); x.conval.intval := BoolToInt(boolval); RETURN x END NewBoolConst; PROCEDURE OptIf*(VAR x: DevCPT.Node); (* x.link = NIL *) VAR if, pred: DevCPT.Node; BEGIN if := x.left; WHILE if.left.class = Nconst DO IF IntToBool(if.left.conval.intval) THEN x := if.right; RETURN ELSIF if.link = NIL THEN x := x.right; RETURN ELSE if := if.link; x.left := if END END ; pred := if; if := if.link; WHILE if # NIL DO IF if.left.class = Nconst THEN IF IntToBool(if.left.conval.intval) THEN pred.link := NIL; x.right := if.right; RETURN ELSE if := if.link; pred.link := if END ELSE pred := if; if := if.link END END END OptIf; PROCEDURE Nil*(): DevCPT.Node; VAR x: DevCPT.Node; BEGIN x := DevCPT.NewNode(Nconst); x.typ := DevCPT.niltyp; x.conval := DevCPT.NewConst(); x.conval.intval := 0; RETURN x END Nil; PROCEDURE EmptySet*(): DevCPT.Node; VAR x: DevCPT.Node; BEGIN x := DevCPT.NewNode(Nconst); x.typ := DevCPT.settyp; x.conval := DevCPT.NewConst(); x.conval.setval := {}; RETURN x END EmptySet; PROCEDURE MarkAsUsed (node: DevCPT.Node); VAR c: BYTE; BEGIN c := node.class; WHILE (c = Nfield) OR (c = Nindex) OR (c = Nguard) OR (c = Neguard) DO node := node.left; c := node.class END; IF (c = Nvar) & (node.obj.mnolev > 0) THEN node.obj.used := TRUE END END MarkAsUsed; PROCEDURE GetTempVar* (IN name: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR; typ: DevCPT.Struct; VAR obj: DevCPT.Object); VAR n: DevCPT.Name; o: DevCPT.Object; BEGIN n := "@@ "; DevCPT.Insert(n, obj); obj.name^ := name$; (* avoid err 1 *) obj.mode := Var; obj.typ := typ; o := DevCPT.topScope.scope; IF o = NIL THEN DevCPT.topScope.scope := obj ELSE WHILE o.link # NIL DO o := o.link END; o.link := obj END END GetTempVar; (* ---------- constant operations ---------- *) PROCEDURE Log (x: DevCPT.Node): INTEGER; VAR val, exp: INTEGER; BEGIN exp := 0; IF x.typ.form = Int64 THEN RETURN -1 ELSE val := x.conval.intval; IF val > 0 THEN WHILE ~ODD(val) DO val := val DIV 2; INC(exp) END END; IF val # 1 THEN exp := -1 END END; RETURN exp END Log; PROCEDURE Floor (x: REAL): REAL; VAR y: REAL; BEGIN IF ABS(x) > 9007199254740992.0 (* 2^53 *) THEN RETURN x ELSIF (x >= MAX(INTEGER) + 1.0) OR (x < MIN(INTEGER)) THEN y := Floor(x / (MAX(INTEGER) + 1.0)) * (MAX(INTEGER) + 1.0); RETURN SHORT(ENTIER(x - y)) + y ELSE RETURN SHORT(ENTIER(x)) END END Floor; PROCEDURE SetToInt (s: SET): INTEGER; VAR x, i: INTEGER; BEGIN i := 31; x := 0; IF 31 IN s THEN x := -1 END; WHILE i > 0 DO x := x * 2; DEC(i); IF i IN s THEN INC(x) END END; RETURN x END SetToInt; PROCEDURE IntToSet (x: INTEGER): SET; VAR i: INTEGER; s: SET; BEGIN i := 0; s := {}; WHILE i < 32 DO IF ODD(x) THEN INCL(s, i) END; x := x DIV 2; INC(i) END; RETURN s END IntToSet; PROCEDURE GetConstType (x: DevCPT.Const; form: INTEGER; errno: SHORTINT; VAR typ: DevCPT.Struct); CONST MAXL = 9223372036854775808.0; (* 2^63 *) BEGIN IF (form IN intSet + charSet) & (x.realval + x.intval >= MIN(INTEGER)) & (x.realval + x.intval <= MAX(INTEGER)) THEN x.intval := SHORT(ENTIER(x.realval + x.intval)); x.realval := 0 END; IF form IN intSet THEN IF x.realval = 0 THEN typ := DevCPT.int32typ ELSIF (x.intval >= -MAXL - x.realval) & (x.intval < MAXL - x.realval) THEN typ := DevCPT.int64typ ELSE err(errno); x.intval := 1; x.realval := 0; typ := DevCPT.int32typ END ELSIF form IN realSet THEN (* SR *) typ := DevCPT.real64typ ELSIF form IN charSet THEN IF x.intval <= 255 THEN typ := DevCPT.char8typ ELSE typ := DevCPT.char16typ END ELSE typ := DevCPT.undftyp END END GetConstType; PROCEDURE CheckConstType (x: DevCPT.Const; form: INTEGER; errno: SHORTINT); VAR type: DevCPT.Struct; BEGIN GetConstType(x, form, errno, type); IF ~DevCPT.Includes(form, type.form) & ((form # Int8) OR (x.realval # 0) OR (x.intval < -128) OR (x.intval > 127)) & ((form # Int16) OR (x.realval # 0) OR (x.intval < -32768) OR (x.intval > 32767)) & ((form # Real32) OR (ABS(x.realval) > DevCPM.MaxReal32) & (ABS(x.realval) # DevCPM.InfReal)) THEN err(errno); x.intval := 1; x.realval := 0 END END CheckConstType; PROCEDURE ConvConst (x: DevCPT.Const; from, to: INTEGER); VAR sr: SHORTREAL; BEGIN IF from = Set THEN x.intval := SetToInt(x.setval); x.realval := 0; x.setval := {}; ELSIF from IN intSet + charSet THEN IF to = Set THEN CheckConstType(x, Int32, 203); x.setval := IntToSet(x.intval) ELSIF to IN intSet THEN CheckConstType(x, to, 203) ELSIF to IN realSet THEN x.realval := x.realval + x.intval; x.intval := DevCPM.ConstNotAlloc ELSE (*to IN charSet*) CheckConstType(x, to, 220) END ELSIF from IN realSet THEN IF to IN realSet THEN CheckConstType(x, to, 203); IF to = Real32 THEN sr := SHORT(x.realval); x.realval := sr END (* reduce precision *) ELSE x.realval := Floor(x.realval); x.intval := 0; CheckConstType(x, to, 203) END END END ConvConst; PROCEDURE Prepare (x: DevCPT.Const); VAR r: REAL; BEGIN x.realval := x.realval + x.intval DIV 32768 * 32768; x.intval := x.intval MOD 32768; r := Floor(x.realval / 4096) * 4096; x.intval := x.intval + SHORT(ENTIER(x.realval - r)); x.realval := r (* ABS(x.intval) < 2^15 & ABS(x.realval) MOD 2^12 = 0 *) END Prepare; PROCEDURE AddConst (x, y, z: DevCPT.Const; VAR type: DevCPT.Struct); (* z := x + y *) BEGIN IF type.form IN intSet THEN Prepare(x); Prepare(y); z.intval := x.intval + y.intval; z.realval := x.realval + y.realval ELSIF type.form IN realSet THEN IF (ABS(x.realval) = DevCPM.InfReal) & (x.realval = - y.realval) THEN err(212) ELSE z.realval := x.realval + y.realval END ELSE HALT(100) END; GetConstType(z, type.form, 206, type) END AddConst; PROCEDURE NegateConst (y, z: DevCPT.Const; VAR type: DevCPT.Struct); (* z := - y *) BEGIN IF type.form IN intSet THEN Prepare(y); z.intval := -y.intval; z.realval := -y.realval ELSIF type.form IN realSet THEN z.realval := -y.realval ELSE HALT(100) END; GetConstType(z, type.form, 207, type) END NegateConst; PROCEDURE SubConst (x, y, z: DevCPT.Const; VAR type: DevCPT.Struct); (* z := x - y *) BEGIN IF type.form IN intSet THEN Prepare(x); Prepare(y); z.intval := x.intval - y.intval; z.realval := x.realval - y.realval ELSIF type.form IN realSet THEN IF (ABS(x.realval) = DevCPM.InfReal) & (x.realval = y.realval) THEN err(212) ELSE z.realval := x.realval - y.realval END ELSE HALT(100) END; GetConstType(z, type.form, 207, type) END SubConst; PROCEDURE MulConst (x, y, z: DevCPT.Const; VAR type: DevCPT.Struct); (* z := x * y *) BEGIN IF type.form IN intSet THEN Prepare(x); Prepare(y); z.realval := x.realval * y.realval + x.intval * y.realval + x.realval * y.intval; z.intval := x.intval * y.intval ELSIF type.form IN realSet THEN IF (ABS(x.realval) = DevCPM.InfReal) & ( y.realval = 0.0) THEN err(212) ELSIF (ABS(y.realval) = DevCPM.InfReal) & (x.realval = 0.0) THEN err(212) ELSE z.realval := x.realval * y.realval END ELSE HALT(100) END; GetConstType(z, type.form, 204, type) END MulConst; PROCEDURE DivConst (x, y, z: DevCPT.Const; VAR type: DevCPT.Struct); (* z := x / y *) BEGIN IF type.form IN realSet THEN IF (x.realval = 0.0) & (y.realval = 0.0) THEN err(212) ELSIF (ABS(x.realval) = DevCPM.InfReal) & (ABS(y.realval) = DevCPM.InfReal) THEN err(212) ELSE z.realval := x.realval / y.realval END ELSE HALT(100) END; GetConstType(z, type.form, 204, type) END DivConst; PROCEDURE DivModConst (x, y: DevCPT.Const; div: BOOLEAN; VAR type: DevCPT.Struct); (* x := x DIV y | x MOD y *) BEGIN IF type.form IN intSet THEN IF y.realval + y.intval # 0 THEN Prepare(x); Prepare(y); quot.realval := Floor((x.realval + x.intval) / (y.realval + y.intval)); quot.intval := 0; Prepare(quot); x.realval := x.realval - quot.realval * y.realval - quot.realval * y.intval - quot.intval * y.realval; x.intval := x.intval - quot.intval * y.intval; IF y.realval + y.intval > 0 THEN WHILE x.realval + x.intval > 0 DO SubConst(x, y, x, type); INC(quot.intval) END; WHILE x.realval + x.intval < 0 DO AddConst(x, y, x, type); DEC(quot.intval) END ELSE WHILE x.realval + x.intval < 0 DO SubConst(x, y, x, type); INC(quot.intval) END; WHILE x.realval + x.intval > 0 DO AddConst(x, y, x, type); DEC(quot.intval) END END; IF div THEN x.realval := quot.realval; x.intval := quot.intval END; GetConstType(x, type.form, 204, type) ELSE err(205) END ELSE HALT(100) END END DivModConst; PROCEDURE EqualConst (x, y: DevCPT.Const; form: INTEGER): BOOLEAN; (* x = y *) VAR res: BOOLEAN; BEGIN CASE form OF | Undef: res := TRUE | Bool, Byte, Char8..Int32, Char16: res := x.intval = y.intval | Int64: Prepare(x); Prepare(y); res := (x.realval - y.realval) + (x.intval - y.intval) = 0 | Real32, Real64: res := x.realval = y.realval | Set: res := x.setval = y.setval | String8, String16, Comp (* guid *): res := x.ext^ = y.ext^ | NilTyp, Pointer, ProcTyp: res := x.intval = y.intval END; RETURN res END EqualConst; PROCEDURE LessConst (x, y: DevCPT.Const; form: INTEGER): BOOLEAN; (* x < y *) VAR res: BOOLEAN; BEGIN CASE form OF | Undef: res := TRUE | Byte, Char8..Int32, Char16: res := x.intval < y.intval | Int64: Prepare(x); Prepare(y); res := (x.realval - y.realval) + (x.intval - y.intval) < 0 | Real32, Real64: res := x.realval < y.realval | String8, String16: res := x.ext^ < y.ext^ | Bool, Set, NilTyp, Pointer, ProcTyp, Comp: err(108) END; RETURN res END LessConst; PROCEDURE IsNegConst (x: DevCPT.Const; form: INTEGER): BOOLEAN; (* x < 0 OR x = (-0.0) *) VAR res: BOOLEAN; BEGIN CASE form OF | Int8..Int32: res := x.intval < 0 | Int64: Prepare(x); res := x.realval + x.intval < 0 | Real32, Real64: res := (x.realval <= 0.) & (1. / x.realval <= 0.) END; RETURN res END IsNegConst; PROCEDURE NewIntConst*(intval: INTEGER): DevCPT.Node; VAR x: DevCPT.Node; BEGIN x := DevCPT.NewNode(Nconst); x.conval := DevCPT.NewConst(); x.conval.intval := intval; x.conval.realval := 0; x.typ := DevCPT.int32typ; RETURN x END NewIntConst; PROCEDURE NewLargeIntConst* (intval: INTEGER; realval: REAL): DevCPT.Node; VAR x: DevCPT.Node; BEGIN x := DevCPT.NewNode(Nconst); x.conval := DevCPT.NewConst(); x.conval.intval := intval; x.conval.realval := realval; x.typ := DevCPT.int64typ; RETURN x END NewLargeIntConst; PROCEDURE NewRealConst*(realval: REAL; typ: DevCPT.Struct): DevCPT.Node; VAR x: DevCPT.Node; BEGIN x := DevCPT.NewNode(Nconst); x.conval := DevCPT.NewConst(); x.conval.realval := realval; x.conval.intval := DevCPM.ConstNotAlloc; IF typ = NIL THEN typ := DevCPT.real64typ END; x.typ := typ; RETURN x END NewRealConst; PROCEDURE NewString*(str: DevCPT.String; lstr: POINTER TO ARRAY OF CHAR; len: INTEGER): DevCPT.Node; VAR i, j, c: INTEGER; x: DevCPT.Node; ext: DevCPT.ConstExt; BEGIN x := DevCPT.NewNode(Nconst); x.conval := DevCPT.NewConst(); IF lstr # NIL THEN x.typ := DevCPT.string16typ; NEW(ext, 3 * len); i := 0; j := 0; REPEAT c := ORD(lstr[i]); INC(i); DevCPM.PutUtf8(ext^, c, j) UNTIL c = 0; x.conval.ext := ext ELSE x.typ := DevCPT.string8typ; x.conval.ext := str END; x.conval.intval := DevCPM.ConstNotAlloc; x.conval.intval2 := len; RETURN x END NewString; PROCEDURE CharToString8(n: DevCPT.Node); VAR ch: SHORTCHAR; BEGIN n.typ := DevCPT.string8typ; ch := SHORT(CHR(n.conval.intval)); NEW(n.conval.ext, 2); IF ch = 0X THEN n.conval.intval2 := 1 ELSE n.conval.intval2 := 2; n.conval.ext[1] := 0X END ; n.conval.ext[0] := ch; n.conval.intval := DevCPM.ConstNotAlloc; n.obj := NIL END CharToString8; PROCEDURE CharToString16 (n: DevCPT.Node); VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN n.typ := DevCPT.string16typ; NEW(n.conval.ext, 4); IF n.conval.intval = 0 THEN n.conval.ext[0] := 0X; n.conval.intval2 := 1 ELSE i := 0; DevCPM.PutUtf8(n.conval.ext^, n.conval.intval, i); n.conval.ext[i] := 0X; n.conval.intval2 := 2 END; n.conval.intval := DevCPM.ConstNotAlloc; n.obj := NIL END CharToString16; PROCEDURE String8ToString16 (n: DevCPT.Node); VAR i, j, x: INTEGER; ext, new: DevCPT.ConstExt; BEGIN n.typ := DevCPT.string16typ; ext := n.conval.ext; NEW(new, 2 * n.conval.intval2); i := 0; j := 0; REPEAT x := ORD(ext[i]); INC(i); DevCPM.PutUtf8(new^, x, j) UNTIL x = 0; n.conval.ext := new; n.obj := NIL END String8ToString16; PROCEDURE String16ToString8 (n: DevCPT.Node); VAR i, j, x: INTEGER; ext, new: DevCPT.ConstExt; BEGIN n.typ := DevCPT.string8typ; ext := n.conval.ext; NEW(new, n.conval.intval2); i := 0; j := 0; REPEAT DevCPM.GetUtf8(ext^, x, i); new[j] := SHORT(CHR(x MOD 256)); INC(j) UNTIL x = 0; n.conval.ext := new; n.obj := NIL END String16ToString8; PROCEDURE StringToGuid (VAR n: DevCPT.Node); BEGIN ASSERT((n.class = Nconst) & (n.typ.form = String8)); IF ~DevCPM.ValidGuid(n.conval.ext^) THEN err(165) END; n.typ := DevCPT.guidtyp END StringToGuid; PROCEDURE CheckString (n: DevCPT.Node; typ: DevCPT.Struct; e: SHORTINT); VAR ntyp: DevCPT.Struct; BEGIN ntyp := n.typ; IF (typ = DevCPT.guidtyp) & (n.class = Nconst) & (ntyp.form = String8) THEN StringToGuid(n) ELSIF (typ.comp IN {Array, DynArr}) & (typ.BaseTyp.form = Char8) OR (typ.form = String8) THEN IF (n.class = Nconst) & (ntyp.form = Char8) THEN CharToString8(n) ELSIF (ntyp.comp IN {Array, DynArr}) & (ntyp.BaseTyp.form = Char8) OR (ntyp.form = String8) THEN (* ok *) ELSE err(e) END ELSIF (typ.comp IN {Array, DynArr}) & (typ.BaseTyp.form = Char16) OR (typ.form = String16) THEN IF (n.class = Nconst) & (ntyp.form IN charSet) THEN CharToString16(n) ELSIF (n.class = Nconst) & (ntyp.form = String8) THEN String8ToString16(n) ELSIF (ntyp.comp IN {Array, DynArr}) & (ntyp.BaseTyp.form = Char16) OR (ntyp.form = String16) THEN (* ok *) ELSE err(e) END ELSE err(e) END END CheckString; PROCEDURE BindNodes(class: BYTE; typ: DevCPT.Struct; VAR x: DevCPT.Node; y: DevCPT.Node); VAR node: DevCPT.Node; BEGIN node := DevCPT.NewNode(class); node.typ := typ; node.left := x; node.right := y; x := node END BindNodes; PROCEDURE NotVar(x: DevCPT.Node): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN (x.class >= Nconst) & ((x.class # Nmop) OR (x.subcl # val) OR NotVar(x.left)) OR (x.typ.form IN {String8, String16}) OR (x.class = Nguard) & NotVar(x.left) END NotVar; PROCEDURE Convert(VAR x: DevCPT.Node; typ: DevCPT.Struct); VAR node: DevCPT.Node; f, g: SHORTINT; BEGIN f := x.typ.form; g := typ.form; IF x.class = Nconst THEN IF g = String8 THEN IF f = String16 THEN String16ToString8(x) ELSIF f IN charSet THEN CharToString8(x) ELSE typ := DevCPT.undftyp END ELSIF g = String16 THEN IF f = String8 THEN String8ToString16(x) ELSIF f IN charSet THEN CharToString16(x) ELSE typ := DevCPT.undftyp END ELSE ConvConst(x.conval, f, g) END; x.obj := NIL ELSIF (x.class = Nmop) & (x.subcl = conv) & (DevCPT.Includes(f, x.left.typ.form) OR DevCPT.Includes(f, g)) THEN (* don't create new node *) IF x.left.typ.form = typ.form THEN (* and suppress existing node *) x := x.left END ELSE IF (x.class = Ndop) & (x.typ.form IN {String8, String16}) THEN (* propagate to leaf nodes *) Convert(x.left, typ); Convert(x.right, typ) ELSE node := DevCPT.NewNode(Nmop); node.subcl := conv; node.left := x; x := node; END END; x.typ := typ END Convert; PROCEDURE Promote (VAR left, right: DevCPT.Node; op: INTEGER); (* check expression compatibility *) VAR f, g: INTEGER; new: DevCPT.Struct; BEGIN f := left.typ.form; g := right.typ.form; new := left.typ; IF f IN intSet + realSet THEN IF g IN intSet + realSet THEN IF (f = Real32) & (right.class = Nconst) & (g IN realSet) & (left.class # Nconst) (* & ((ABS(right.conval.realval) <= DevCPM.MaxReal32) OR (ABS(right.conval.realval) = DevCPM.InfReal)) *) OR (g = Real32) & (left.class = Nconst) & (f IN realSet) & (right.class # Nconst) (* & ((ABS(left.conval.realval) <= DevCPM.MaxReal32) OR (ABS(left.conval.realval) = DevCPM.InfReal)) *) THEN new := DevCPT.real32typ (* SR *) ELSIF (f = Real64) OR (g = Real64) THEN new := DevCPT.real64typ ELSIF (f = Real32) OR (g = Real32) THEN new := DevCPT.real32typ (* SR *) ELSIF op = slash THEN new := DevCPT.real64typ ELSIF (f = Int64) OR (g = Int64) THEN new := DevCPT.int64typ ELSE new := DevCPT.int32typ END ELSE err(100) END ELSIF (left.typ = DevCPT.guidtyp) OR (right.typ = DevCPT.guidtyp) THEN IF f = String8 THEN StringToGuid(left) END; IF g = String8 THEN StringToGuid(right) END; IF left.typ # right.typ THEN err(100) END; f := Comp ELSIF f IN charSet + {String8, String16} THEN IF g IN charSet + {String8, String16} THEN IF (f = String16) OR (g = String16) OR (f = Char16) & (g = String8) OR (f = String8) & (g = Char16) THEN new := DevCPT.string16typ ELSIF ((f = Char16) OR (g = Char16)) & (op # plus) THEN new := DevCPT.char16typ ELSIF (f = String8) OR (g = String8) THEN new := DevCPT.string8typ ELSIF op = plus THEN IF (f = Char16) OR (g = Char16) THEN new := DevCPT.string16typ ELSE new := DevCPT.string8typ END END; IF (new.form IN {String8, String16}) & ((f IN charSet) & (left.class # Nconst) OR (g IN charSet) & (right.class # Nconst)) THEN err(100) END ELSE err(100) END ELSIF (f IN {NilTyp, Pointer, ProcTyp}) & (g IN {NilTyp, Pointer, ProcTyp}) THEN IF ~DevCPT.SameType(left.typ, right.typ) & (f # NilTyp) & (g # NilTyp) & ~((f = Pointer) & (g = Pointer) & (DevCPT.Extends(left.typ, right.typ) OR DevCPT.Extends(right.typ, left.typ))) THEN err(100) END ELSIF f # g THEN err(100) END; IF ~(f IN {NilTyp, Pointer, ProcTyp, Comp}) THEN IF g # new.form THEN Convert(right, new) END; IF f # new.form THEN Convert(left, new) END END END Promote; PROCEDURE CheckParameters* (fp, ap: DevCPT.Object; checkNames: BOOLEAN); (* checks par list match *) VAR ft, at: DevCPT.Struct; BEGIN WHILE fp # NIL DO IF ap # NIL THEN ft := fp.typ; at := ap.typ; IF fp.ptyp # NIL THEN ft := fp.ptyp END; (* get original formal type *) IF ap.ptyp # NIL THEN at := ap.ptyp END; (* get original formal type *) IF ~DevCPT.EqualType(ft, at) OR (fp.mode # ap.mode) OR (fp.sysflag # ap.sysflag) OR (fp.vis # ap.vis) OR checkNames & (fp.name^ # ap.name^) THEN err(115) END ; ap := ap.link ELSE err(116) END; fp := fp.link END; IF ap # NIL THEN err(116) END END CheckParameters; PROCEDURE CheckNewParamPair* (newPar, iidPar: DevCPT.Node); VAR ntyp: DevCPT.Struct; BEGIN ntyp := newPar.typ.BaseTyp; IF (newPar.class = Nvarpar) & ODD(newPar.obj.sysflag DIV newBit) THEN IF (iidPar.class = Nvarpar) & ODD(iidPar.obj.sysflag DIV iidBit) & (iidPar.obj.mnolev = newPar.obj.mnolev) THEN (* ok *) ELSE err(168) END ELSIF ntyp.extlev = 0 THEN (* ok *) ELSIF (iidPar.class = Nconst) & (iidPar.obj # NIL) & (iidPar.obj.mode = Typ) THEN IF ~DevCPT.Extends(iidPar.obj.typ, ntyp) THEN err(168) END ELSE err(168) END END CheckNewParamPair; PROCEDURE DeRef*(VAR x: DevCPT.Node); VAR strobj, bstrobj: DevCPT.Object; typ, btyp: DevCPT.Struct; BEGIN typ := x.typ; IF (x.class = Nconst) OR (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(78) ELSIF typ.form = Pointer THEN btyp := typ.BaseTyp; strobj := typ.strobj; bstrobj := btyp.strobj; IF (strobj # NIL) & (strobj.name # DevCPT.null) & (bstrobj # NIL) & (bstrobj.name # DevCPT.null) THEN btyp.pbused := TRUE END ; BindNodes(Nderef, btyp, x, NIL); x.subcl := 0 ELSE err(84) END END DeRef; PROCEDURE StrDeref*(VAR x: DevCPT.Node); VAR typ, btyp: DevCPT.Struct; BEGIN typ := x.typ; IF (x.class = Nconst) OR (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(78) ELSIF ((typ.comp IN {Array, DynArr}) & (typ.BaseTyp.form IN charSet)) OR (typ.sysflag = jstr) THEN IF (typ.BaseTyp # NIL) & (typ.BaseTyp.form = Char8) THEN btyp := DevCPT.string8typ ELSE btyp := DevCPT.string16typ END; BindNodes(Nderef, btyp, x, NIL); x.subcl := 1 ELSE err(90) END END StrDeref; PROCEDURE Index*(VAR x: DevCPT.Node; y: DevCPT.Node); VAR f: SHORTINT; typ: DevCPT.Struct; BEGIN f := y.typ.form; IF (x.class = Nconst) OR (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(79) ELSIF ~(f IN intSet) OR (y.class IN {Nproc, Ntype}) THEN err(80); y.typ := DevCPT.int32typ END ; IF f = Int64 THEN Convert(y, DevCPT.int32typ) END; IF x.typ.comp = Array THEN typ := x.typ.BaseTyp; IF (y.class = Nconst) & ((y.conval.intval < 0) OR (y.conval.intval >= x.typ.n)) THEN err(81) END ELSIF x.typ.comp = DynArr THEN typ := x.typ.BaseTyp; IF (y.class = Nconst) & (y.conval.intval < 0) THEN err(81) END ELSE err(82); typ := DevCPT.undftyp END ; BindNodes(Nindex, typ, x, y); x.readonly := x.left.readonly END Index; PROCEDURE Field*(VAR x: DevCPT.Node; y: DevCPT.Object); BEGIN (*x.typ.comp = Record*) IF (x.class = Nconst) OR (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(77) END ; IF (y # NIL) & (y.mode IN {Fld, TProc}) THEN BindNodes(Nfield, y.typ, x, NIL); x.obj := y; x.readonly := x.left.readonly OR ((y.vis = externalR) & (y.mnolev < 0)) ELSE err(83); x.typ := DevCPT.undftyp END END Field; PROCEDURE TypTest*(VAR x: DevCPT.Node; obj: DevCPT.Object; guard: BOOLEAN); PROCEDURE GTT(t0, t1: DevCPT.Struct); VAR node: DevCPT.Node; BEGIN IF (t0 # NIL) & DevCPT.SameType(t0, t1) & (guard OR (x.class # Nguard)) THEN IF ~guard THEN x := NewBoolConst(TRUE) END ELSIF (t0 = NIL) OR DevCPT.Extends(t1, t0) OR (t0.sysflag = jint) OR (t1.sysflag = jint) OR (t1.comp = DynArr) & (DevCPM.java IN DevCPM.options) THEN IF guard THEN BindNodes(Nguard, NIL, x, NIL); x.readonly := x.left.readonly ELSE node := DevCPT.NewNode(Nmop); node.subcl := is; node.left := x; node.obj := obj; x := node END ELSE err(85) END END GTT; BEGIN IF (x.class = Nconst) OR (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(112) ELSIF x.typ.form = Pointer THEN IF x.typ = DevCPT.sysptrtyp THEN IF obj.typ.form = Pointer THEN GTT(NIL, obj.typ.BaseTyp) ELSE err(86) END ELSIF x.typ.BaseTyp.comp # Record THEN err(85) ELSIF obj.typ.form = Pointer THEN GTT(x.typ.BaseTyp, obj.typ.BaseTyp) ELSE err(86) END ELSIF (x.typ.comp = Record) & (x.class = Nvarpar) & (x.obj.vis # outPar) & (obj.typ.comp = Record) THEN GTT(x.typ, obj.typ) ELSE err(87) END ; IF guard THEN x.typ := obj.typ ELSE x.typ := DevCPT.booltyp END END TypTest; PROCEDURE In*(VAR x: DevCPT.Node; y: DevCPT.Node); VAR f: SHORTINT; k: INTEGER; BEGIN f := x.typ.form; IF (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) OR (y.class = Ntype) OR (y.class = Nproc) THEN err(126) ELSIF (f IN intSet) & (y.typ.form = Set) THEN IF f = Int64 THEN Convert(x, DevCPT.int32typ) END; IF x.class = Nconst THEN k := x.conval.intval; IF (k < 0) OR (k > DevCPM.MaxSet) THEN err(202) ELSIF y.class = Nconst THEN x.conval.intval := BoolToInt(k IN y.conval.setval); x.obj := NIL ELSE BindNodes(Ndop, DevCPT.booltyp, x, y); x.subcl := in END ELSE BindNodes(Ndop, DevCPT.booltyp, x, y); x.subcl := in END ELSE err(92) END ; x.typ := DevCPT.booltyp END In; PROCEDURE MOp*(op: BYTE; VAR x: DevCPT.Node); VAR f: SHORTINT; typ: DevCPT.Struct; z: DevCPT.Node; PROCEDURE NewOp(op: BYTE; typ: DevCPT.Struct; z: DevCPT.Node): DevCPT.Node; VAR node: DevCPT.Node; BEGIN node := DevCPT.NewNode(Nmop); node.subcl := op; node.typ := typ; node.left := z; RETURN node END NewOp; BEGIN z := x; IF ((z.class = Ntype) OR (z.class = Nproc)) & (op # adr) & (op # typfn) & (op # size) THEN err(126) (* !!! *) ELSE typ := z.typ; f := typ.form; CASE op OF | not: IF f = Bool THEN IF z.class = Nconst THEN z.conval.intval := BoolToInt(~IntToBool(z.conval.intval)); z.obj := NIL ELSE z := NewOp(op, typ, z) END ELSE err(98) END | plus: IF ~(f IN intSet + realSet) THEN err(96) END | minus: IF f IN intSet + realSet + {Set} THEN IF z.class = Nconst THEN IF f = Set THEN z.conval.setval := -z.conval.setval ELSE NegateConst(z.conval, z.conval, z.typ) END; z.obj := NIL ELSE IF f < Int32 THEN Convert(z, DevCPT.int32typ) END; z := NewOp(op, z.typ, z) END ELSE err(97) END | abs: IF f IN intSet + realSet THEN IF z.class = Nconst THEN IF IsNegConst(z.conval, f) THEN NegateConst(z.conval, z.conval, z.typ) END; z.obj := NIL ELSE IF f < Int32 THEN Convert(z, DevCPT.int32typ) END; z := NewOp(op, z.typ, z) END ELSE err(111) END | cap: IF f IN charSet THEN IF z.class = Nconst THEN IF ODD(z.conval.intval DIV 32) THEN DEC(z.conval.intval, 32) END; z.obj := NIL ELSE z := NewOp(op, typ, z) END ELSE err(111); z.typ := DevCPT.char8typ END | odd: IF f IN intSet THEN IF z.class = Nconst THEN DivModConst(z.conval, two, FALSE, z.typ); (* z MOD 2 *) z.obj := NIL ELSE z := NewOp(op, typ, z) END ELSE err(111) END ; z.typ := DevCPT.booltyp | adr: (*ADR*) IF (z.class = Nproc) & (z.obj.mode # CProc) THEN IF z.obj.mnolev > 0 THEN err(73) ELSIF z.obj.mode = LProc THEN z.obj.mode := XProc END; z := NewOp(op, typ, z) ELSIF z.class = Ntype THEN IF z.obj.typ.untagged THEN err(111) ELSE (* https://forum.blackboxframework.org/viewtopic.php?f=40&t=755 *) CASE z.obj.typ.form OF |Byte..Set, Char16,Int64: err(111) ELSE END END; z := NewOp(op, typ, z) ELSIF (z.class < Nconst) OR (z.class = Nconst) & (f IN {String8, String16}) THEN z := NewOp(op, typ, z) ELSE err(127) END ; z.typ := DevCPT.int32typ | typfn, size: (*TYP, SIZE*) z := NewOp(op, typ, z); z.typ := DevCPT.int32typ | cc: (*SYSTEM.CC*) IF (f IN intSet) & (z.class = Nconst) THEN IF (0 <= z.conval.intval) & (z.conval.intval <= DevCPM.MaxCC) & (z.conval.realval = 0) THEN z := NewOp(op, typ, z) ELSE err(219) END ELSE err(69) END; z.typ := DevCPT.booltyp END END; x := z END MOp; PROCEDURE ConstOp(op: SHORTINT; x, y: DevCPT.Node); VAR f: SHORTINT; i, j: INTEGER; xval, yval: DevCPT.Const; ext: DevCPT.ConstExt; BEGIN f := x.typ.form; IF f = y.typ.form THEN xval := x.conval; yval := y.conval; CASE op OF | times: IF f IN intSet + realSet THEN MulConst(xval, yval, xval, x.typ) ELSIF f = Set THEN xval.setval := xval.setval * yval.setval ELSIF f # Undef THEN err(101) END | slash: IF f IN realSet THEN DivConst(xval, yval, xval, x.typ) ELSIF f = Set THEN xval.setval := xval.setval / yval.setval ELSIF f # Undef THEN err(102) END | div: IF f IN intSet THEN DivModConst(xval, yval, TRUE, x.typ) ELSIF f # Undef THEN err(103) END | mod: IF f IN intSet THEN DivModConst(xval, yval, FALSE, x.typ) ELSIF f # Undef THEN err(104) END | and: IF f = Bool THEN xval.intval := BoolToInt(IntToBool(xval.intval) & IntToBool(yval.intval)) ELSE err(94) END | plus: IF f IN intSet + realSet THEN AddConst(xval, yval, xval, x.typ) ELSIF f = Set THEN xval.setval := xval.setval + yval.setval ELSIF (f IN {String8, String16}) & (xval.ext # NIL) & (yval.ext # NIL) THEN NEW(ext, LEN(xval.ext^) + LEN(yval.ext^)); i := 0; WHILE xval.ext[i] # 0X DO ext[i] := xval.ext[i]; INC(i) END; j := 0; WHILE yval.ext[j] # 0X DO ext[i] := yval.ext[j]; INC(i); INC(j) END; ext[i] := 0X; xval.ext := ext; INC(xval.intval2, yval.intval2 - 1) ELSIF f # Undef THEN err(105) END | minus: IF f IN intSet + realSet THEN SubConst(xval, yval, xval, x.typ) ELSIF f = Set THEN xval.setval := xval.setval - yval.setval ELSIF f # Undef THEN err(106) END | min: IF f IN intSet + realSet THEN IF LessConst(yval, xval, f) THEN xval^ := yval^ END ELSIF f # Undef THEN err(111) END | max: IF f IN intSet + realSet THEN IF LessConst(xval, yval, f) THEN xval^ := yval^ END ELSIF f # Undef THEN err(111) END | or: IF f = Bool THEN xval.intval := BoolToInt(IntToBool(xval.intval) OR IntToBool(yval.intval)) ELSE err(95) END | eql: xval.intval := BoolToInt(EqualConst(xval, yval, f)); x.typ := DevCPT.booltyp | neq: xval.intval := BoolToInt(~EqualConst(xval, yval, f)); x.typ := DevCPT.booltyp | lss: xval.intval := BoolToInt(LessConst(xval, yval, f)); x.typ := DevCPT.booltyp | leq: xval.intval := BoolToInt(~LessConst(yval, xval, f)); x.typ := DevCPT.booltyp | gtr: xval.intval := BoolToInt(LessConst(yval, xval, f)); x.typ := DevCPT.booltyp | geq: xval.intval := BoolToInt(~LessConst(xval, yval, f)); x.typ := DevCPT.booltyp END ELSE err(100) END; x.obj := NIL END ConstOp; PROCEDURE Op*(op: BYTE; VAR x: DevCPT.Node; y: DevCPT.Node); VAR f, g: SHORTINT; t, z: DevCPT.Node; typ: DevCPT.Struct; do: BOOLEAN; val: INTEGER; PROCEDURE NewOp(op: BYTE; typ: DevCPT.Struct; VAR x: DevCPT.Node; y: DevCPT.Node); VAR node: DevCPT.Node; BEGIN node := DevCPT.NewNode(Ndop); node.subcl := op; node.typ := typ; node.left := x; node.right := y; x := node END NewOp; BEGIN z := x; IF (z.class = Ntype) OR (z.class = Nproc) OR (y.class = Ntype) OR (y.class = Nproc) THEN err(126) ELSE Promote(z, y, op); IF (z.class = Nconst) & (y.class = Nconst) THEN ConstOp(op, z, y) ELSE typ := z.typ; f := typ.form; g := y.typ.form; CASE op OF | times: do := TRUE; IF f IN intSet THEN IF z.class = Nconst THEN IF EqualConst(z.conval, one, f) THEN do := FALSE; z := y ELSIF EqualConst(z.conval, zero, f) THEN do := FALSE ELSE val := Log(z); IF val >= 0 THEN t := y; y := z; z := t; op := ash; y.typ := DevCPT.int32typ; y.conval.intval := val; y.obj := NIL END END ELSIF y.class = Nconst THEN IF EqualConst(y.conval, one, f) THEN do := FALSE ELSIF EqualConst(y.conval, zero, f) THEN do := FALSE; z := y ELSE val := Log(y); IF val >= 0 THEN op := ash; y.typ := DevCPT.int32typ; y.conval.intval := val; y.obj := NIL END END END ELSIF ~(f IN {Undef, Real32..Set}) THEN err(105); typ := DevCPT.undftyp END ; IF do THEN NewOp(op, typ, z, y) END; | slash: IF f IN realSet THEN (* OK *) ELSIF (f # Set) & (f # Undef) THEN err(102); typ := DevCPT.undftyp END ; NewOp(op, typ, z, y) | div: do := TRUE; IF f IN intSet THEN IF y.class = Nconst THEN IF EqualConst(y.conval, zero, f) THEN err(205) ELSIF EqualConst(y.conval, one, f) THEN do := FALSE ELSE val := Log(y); IF val >= 0 THEN op := ash; y.typ := DevCPT.int32typ; y.conval.intval := -val; y.obj := NIL END END END ELSIF f # Undef THEN err(103); typ := DevCPT.undftyp END ; IF do THEN NewOp(op, typ, z, y) END; | mod: IF f IN intSet THEN IF y.class = Nconst THEN IF EqualConst(y.conval, zero, f) THEN err(205) ELSE val := Log(y); IF val >= 0 THEN op := msk; y.conval.intval := ASH(-1, val); y.obj := NIL END END END ELSIF f # Undef THEN err(104); typ := DevCPT.undftyp END ; NewOp(op, typ, z, y); | and: IF f = Bool THEN IF z.class = Nconst THEN IF IntToBool(z.conval.intval) THEN z := y END ELSIF (y.class = Nconst) & IntToBool(y.conval.intval) THEN (* optimize z & TRUE -> z *) ELSE NewOp(op, typ, z, y) END ELSIF f # Undef THEN err(94); z.typ := DevCPT.undftyp END | plus: IF ~(f IN {Undef, Int8..Set, Int64, String8, String16}) THEN err(105); typ := DevCPT.undftyp END; do := TRUE; IF f IN intSet THEN IF (z.class = Nconst) & EqualConst(z.conval, zero, f) THEN do := FALSE; z := y END ; IF (y.class = Nconst) & EqualConst(y.conval, zero, f) THEN do := FALSE END ELSIF f IN {String8, String16} THEN IF (z.class = Nconst) & (z.conval.intval2 = 1) THEN do := FALSE; z := y END ; IF (y.class = Nconst) & (y.conval.intval2 = 1) THEN do := FALSE END; IF do THEN IF z.class = Ndop THEN t := z; WHILE t.right.class = Ndop DO t := t.right END; IF (t.right.class = Nconst) & (y.class = Nconst) THEN ConstOp(op, t.right, y); do := FALSE ELSIF (t.right.class = Nconst) & (y.class = Ndop) & (y.left.class = Nconst) THEN ConstOp(op, t.right, y.left); y.left := t.right; t.right := y; do := FALSE ELSE NewOp(op, typ, t.right, y); do := FALSE END ELSE IF (z.class = Nconst) & (y.class = Ndop) & (y.left.class = Nconst) THEN ConstOp(op, z, y.left); y.left := z; z := y; do := FALSE END END END END ; IF do THEN NewOp(op, typ, z, y) END; | minus: IF ~(f IN {Undef, Int8..Set, Int64}) THEN err(106); typ := DevCPT.undftyp END; IF ~(f IN intSet) OR (y.class # Nconst) OR ~EqualConst(y.conval, zero, f) THEN NewOp(op, typ, z, y) END; | min, max: IF ~(f IN {Undef} + intSet + realSet + charSet) THEN err(111); typ := DevCPT.undftyp END; NewOp(op, typ, z, y); | or: IF f = Bool THEN IF z.class = Nconst THEN IF ~IntToBool(z.conval.intval) THEN z := y END ELSIF (y.class = Nconst) & ~IntToBool(y.conval.intval) THEN (* optimize z OR FALSE -> z *) ELSE NewOp(op, typ, z, y) END ELSIF f # Undef THEN err(95); z.typ := DevCPT.undftyp END | eql, neq, lss, leq, gtr, geq: IF f IN {String8, String16} THEN IF (f = String16) & (z.class = Nmop) & (z.subcl = conv) & (y.class = Nmop) & (y.subcl = conv) THEN z := z.left; y := y.left (* remove LONG on both sides *) ELSIF (z.class = Nconst) & (z.conval.intval2 = 1) & (y.class = Nderef) THEN (* y$ = "" -> y[0] = 0X *) y := y.left; Index(y, NewIntConst(0)); z.typ := y.typ; z.conval.intval := 0; z.obj := NIL ELSIF (y.class = Nconst) & (y.conval.intval2 = 1) & (z.class = Nderef) THEN (* z$ = "" -> z[0] = 0X *) z := z.left; Index(z, NewIntConst(0)); y.typ := z.typ; y.conval.intval := 0; y.obj := NIL END; typ := DevCPT.booltyp ELSIF (f IN {Undef, Char8..Real64, Char16, Int64}) OR (op <= neq) & ((f IN {Bool, Set, NilTyp, Pointer, ProcTyp}) OR (typ = DevCPT.guidtyp)) THEN typ := DevCPT.booltyp ELSE err(107); typ := DevCPT.undftyp END; NewOp(op, typ, z, y) END END END; x := z END Op; PROCEDURE SetRange*(VAR x: DevCPT.Node; y: DevCPT.Node); VAR k, l: INTEGER; BEGIN IF (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) OR (y.class = Ntype) OR (y.class = Nproc) THEN err(126) ELSIF (x.typ.form IN intSet) & (y.typ.form IN intSet) THEN IF x.typ.form = Int64 THEN Convert(x, DevCPT.int32typ) END; IF y.typ.form = Int64 THEN Convert(y, DevCPT.int32typ) END; IF x.class = Nconst THEN k := x.conval.intval; IF (0 > k) OR (k > DevCPM.MaxSet) OR (x.conval.realval # 0) THEN err(202) END END ; IF y.class = Nconst THEN l := y.conval.intval; IF (0 > l) OR (l > DevCPM.MaxSet) OR (y.conval.realval # 0) THEN err(202) END END ; IF (x.class = Nconst) & (y.class = Nconst) THEN IF k <= l THEN x.conval.setval := {k..l} ELSE err(201); x.conval.setval := {l..k} END ; x.obj := NIL ELSE BindNodes(Nupto, DevCPT.settyp, x, y) END ELSE err(93) END ; x.typ := DevCPT.settyp END SetRange; PROCEDURE SetElem*(VAR x: DevCPT.Node); VAR k: INTEGER; BEGIN IF (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(126) END; IF x.typ.form IN intSet THEN IF x.typ.form = Int64 THEN Convert(x, DevCPT.int32typ) END; IF x.class = Nconst THEN k := x.conval.intval; IF (0 <= k) & (k <= DevCPM.MaxSet) & (x.conval.realval = 0) THEN x.conval.setval := {k} ELSE err(202) END ; x.obj := NIL ELSE BindNodes(Nmop, DevCPT.settyp, x, NIL); x.subcl := bit END ; ELSE err(93) END; x.typ := DevCPT.settyp END SetElem; PROCEDURE CheckAssign* (x: DevCPT.Struct; VAR ynode: DevCPT.Node); (* x := y, checks assignment compatibility *) VAR f, g: SHORTINT; y, b: DevCPT.Struct; BEGIN y := ynode.typ; f := x.form; g := y.form; IF (ynode.class = Ntype) OR (ynode.class = Nproc) & (f # ProcTyp) THEN err(126) END ; CASE f OF | Undef, String8, String16, Byte: | Bool, Set: IF g # f THEN err(113) END | Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64, Real32, Real64: (* SR *) IF (g IN intSet) OR (g IN realSet) & (f IN realSet) THEN IF ynode.class = Nconst THEN Convert(ynode, x) ELSIF ~DevCPT.Includes(f, g) THEN err(113) END ELSE err(113) END (* IF ~(g IN intSet + realSet) OR ~DevCPT.Includes(f, g) & (~(g IN intSet) OR (ynode.class # Nconst)) THEN err(113) ELSIF ynode.class = Nconst THEN Convert(ynode, x) END *) | Char8, Char16: IF ~(g IN charSet) OR ~DevCPT.Includes(f, g) THEN err(113) ELSIF ynode.class = Nconst THEN Convert(ynode, x) END | Pointer: b := x.BaseTyp; IF DevCPT.Extends(y, x) OR (g = NilTyp) OR (g = Pointer) & ((x = DevCPT.sysptrtyp) OR (DevCPM.java IN DevCPM.options) & (x = DevCPT.anyptrtyp)) THEN (* ok *) ELSIF (b.comp = DynArr) & b.untagged THEN (* pointer to untagged open array *) IF ynode.class = Nconst THEN CheckString(ynode, b, 113) ELSIF ~(y.comp IN {Array, DynArr}) OR ~DevCPT.EqualType(b.BaseTyp, y.BaseTyp) THEN err(113) END ELSIF b.untagged & (ynode.class = Nmop) & (ynode.subcl = adr) THEN (* p := ADR(r) *) IF (b.comp = DynArr) & (ynode.left.class = Nconst) THEN CheckString(ynode.left, b, 113) ELSIF ~DevCPT.Extends(ynode.left.typ, b) THEN err(113) END ELSIF (b.sysflag = jstr) & ((g = String16) OR (ynode.class = Nconst) & (g IN {Char8, Char16, String8})) THEN IF g # String16 THEN Convert(ynode, DevCPT.string16typ) END ELSE err(113) END | ProcTyp: IF DevCPT.EqualType(x, y) OR (g = NilTyp) THEN (* ok *) ELSIF (ynode.class = Nproc) & (ynode.obj.mode IN {XProc, IProc, LProc}) THEN IF ynode.obj.mode = LProc THEN IF ynode.obj.mnolev = 0 THEN ynode.obj.mode := XProc ELSE err(73) END END; IF (x.sysflag = 0) & (ynode.obj.sysflag >= 0) OR (x.sysflag = ynode.obj.sysflag) THEN IF DevCPT.EqualType(x.BaseTyp, ynode.obj.typ) THEN CheckParameters(x.link, ynode.obj.link, FALSE) ELSE err(117) END ELSE err(113) END ELSE err(113) END | NoTyp, NilTyp: err(113) | Comp: x.pvused := TRUE; (* idfp of y guarantees assignment compatibility with x *) IF x.comp = Record THEN IF ~DevCPT.EqualType(x, y) OR (x.attribute # 0) THEN err(113) END ELSIF g IN {Char8, Char16, String8, String16} THEN IF (x.BaseTyp.form = Char16) & (g = String8) THEN Convert(ynode, DevCPT.string16typ) ELSE CheckString(ynode, x, 113); END; IF (x # DevCPT.guidtyp) & (x.comp = Array) & (ynode.class = Nconst) & (ynode.conval.intval2 > x.n) THEN err(114) END ELSIF (x.comp = Array) & DevCPT.EqualType(x, y) THEN (* ok *) ELSE err(113) END END END CheckAssign; PROCEDURE AssignString (VAR x: DevCPT.Node; str: DevCPT.Node); (* x := str or x[0] := 0X *) BEGIN ASSERT((str.class = Nconst) & (str.typ.form IN {String8, String16})); IF (x.typ.comp IN {Array, DynArr}) & (str.conval.intval2 = 1) THEN (* x := "" -> x[0] := 0X *) Index(x, NewIntConst(0)); str.typ := x.typ; str.conval.intval := 0; str.obj := NIL END; BindNodes(Nassign, DevCPT.notyp, x, str); x.subcl := assign END AssignString; PROCEDURE CheckLeaf(x: DevCPT.Node; dynArrToo: BOOLEAN); BEGIN IF (x.class = Nmop) & (x.subcl = val) THEN x := x.left END ; IF x.class = Nguard THEN x := x.left END ; (* skip last (and unique) guard *) IF (x.class = Nvar) & (dynArrToo OR (x.typ.comp # DynArr)) THEN x.obj.leaf := FALSE END END CheckLeaf; PROCEDURE CheckOldType (x: DevCPT.Node); BEGIN IF ~(DevCPM.oberon IN DevCPM.options) & ((x.typ = DevCPT.lreal64typ) OR (x.typ = DevCPT.lint64typ) OR (x.typ = DevCPT.lchar16typ)) THEN err(198) END END CheckOldType; PROCEDURE StPar0*(VAR par0: DevCPT.Node; fctno: SHORTINT); (* par0: first param of standard proc *) VAR f: SHORTINT; typ: DevCPT.Struct; x: DevCPT.Node; BEGIN x := par0; f := x.typ.form; CASE fctno OF haltfn: (*HALT*) IF (f IN intSet - {Int64}) & (x.class = Nconst) THEN IF (DevCPM.MinHaltNr <= x.conval.intval) & (x.conval.intval <= DevCPM.MaxHaltNr) THEN BindNodes(Ntrap, DevCPT.notyp, x, x) ELSE err(218) END ELSIF (DevCPM.java IN DevCPM.options) & ((x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nvar)) & (x.typ.form = Pointer) THEN BindNodes(Ntrap, DevCPT.notyp, x, x) ELSE err(69) END ; x.typ := DevCPT.notyp | newfn: (*NEW*) typ := DevCPT.notyp; IF NotVar(x) THEN err(112) ELSIF f = Pointer THEN IF DevCPM.NEWusingAdr THEN CheckLeaf(x, TRUE) END ; IF x.readonly THEN err(76) ELSIF (x.typ.BaseTyp.attribute = absAttr) OR (x.typ.BaseTyp.attribute = limAttr) & (x.typ.BaseTyp.mno # 0) THEN err(193) ELSIF (x.obj # NIL) & ODD(x.obj.sysflag DIV newBit) THEN err(167) END ; MarkAsUsed(x); f := x.typ.BaseTyp.comp; IF f IN {Record, DynArr, Array} THEN IF f = DynArr THEN typ := x.typ.BaseTyp END ; BindNodes(Nassign, DevCPT.notyp, x, NIL); x.subcl := newfn ELSE err(111) END ELSE err(111) END ; x.typ := typ | absfn: (*ABS*) MOp(abs, x) | capfn: (*CAP*) MOp(cap, x) | ordfn: (*ORD*) IF (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(126) ELSIF f = Char8 THEN Convert(x, DevCPT.int16typ) ELSIF f = Char16 THEN Convert(x, DevCPT.int32typ) ELSIF f = Set THEN Convert(x, DevCPT.int32typ) ELSE err(111) END | bitsfn: (*BITS*) IF (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(126) ELSIF f IN {Int8, Int16, Int32} THEN Convert(x, DevCPT.settyp) ELSE err(111) END | entierfn: (*ENTIER*) IF (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(126) ELSIF f IN realSet THEN Convert(x, DevCPT.int64typ) ELSE err(111) END ; x.typ := DevCPT.int64typ | lentierfcn: (* LENTIER *) IF ~(DevCPM.oberon IN DevCPM.options) THEN err(199) END; IF (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(126) ELSIF f IN realSet THEN Convert(x, DevCPT.int64typ) ELSE err(111) END ; x.typ := DevCPT.int64typ | oddfn: (*ODD*) MOp(odd, x) | minfn: (*MIN*) IF x.class = Ntype THEN CheckOldType(x); CASE f OF Bool: x := NewBoolConst(FALSE) | Char8: x := NewIntConst(0); x.typ := DevCPT.char8typ | Char16: x := NewIntConst(0); x.typ := DevCPT.char8typ | Int8: x := NewIntConst(-128) | Int16: x := NewIntConst(-32768) | Int32: x := NewIntConst(-2147483648) | Int64: x := NewLargeIntConst(0, -9223372036854775808.0E0) (* -2^63 *) | Set: x := NewIntConst(0) (*; x.typ := DevCPT.int16typ *) | Real32: x := NewRealConst(DevCPM.MinReal32, DevCPT.real64typ) | Real64: x := NewRealConst(DevCPM.MinReal64, DevCPT.real64typ) ELSE err(111) END; x.hint := 1 ELSIF ~(f IN intSet + realSet + charSet) THEN err(111) END | maxfn: (*MAX*) IF x.class = Ntype THEN CheckOldType(x); CASE f OF Bool: x := NewBoolConst(TRUE) | Char8: x := NewIntConst(0FFH); x.typ := DevCPT.char8typ | Char16: x := NewIntConst(0FFFFH); x.typ := DevCPT.char16typ | Int8: x := NewIntConst(127) | Int16: x := NewIntConst(32767) | Int32: x := NewIntConst(2147483647) | Int64: x := NewLargeIntConst(-1, 9223372036854775808.0E0) (* 2^63 - 1 *) | Set: x := NewIntConst(31) (*; x.typ := DevCPT.int16typ *) | Real32: x := NewRealConst(DevCPM.MaxReal32, DevCPT.real64typ) | Real64: x := NewRealConst(DevCPM.MaxReal64, DevCPT.real64typ) ELSE err(111) END; x.hint := 1 ELSIF ~(f IN intSet + realSet + charSet) THEN err(111) END | chrfn: (*CHR*) IF (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(126) ELSIF f IN {Undef, Int8..Int32, Int64} THEN Convert(x, DevCPT.char16typ) ELSE err(111); x.typ := DevCPT.char16typ END | lchrfn: (* LCHR *) IF ~(DevCPM.oberon IN DevCPM.options) THEN err(199) END; IF (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(126) ELSIF f IN {Undef, Int8..Int32, Int64} THEN Convert(x, DevCPT.char16typ) ELSE err(111); x.typ := DevCPT.char16typ END | shortfn: (*SHORT*) IF (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(126) ELSE IF (x.typ.comp IN {Array, DynArr}) & (x.typ.BaseTyp.form IN charSet) THEN StrDeref(x); f := x.typ.form END; IF f = Int16 THEN Convert(x, DevCPT.int8typ) ELSIF f = Int32 THEN Convert(x, DevCPT.int16typ) ELSIF f = Int64 THEN Convert(x, DevCPT.int32typ) ELSIF f = Real64 THEN Convert(x, DevCPT.real32typ) ELSIF f = Char16 THEN Convert(x, DevCPT.char8typ) ELSIF f = String16 THEN Convert(x, DevCPT.string8typ) ELSE err(111) END END | longfn: (*LONG*) IF (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(126) ELSE IF (x.typ.comp IN {Array, DynArr}) & (x.typ.BaseTyp.form IN charSet) THEN StrDeref(x); f := x.typ.form END; IF f = Int8 THEN Convert(x, DevCPT.int16typ) ELSIF f = Int16 THEN Convert(x, DevCPT.int32typ) ELSIF f = Int32 THEN Convert(x, DevCPT.int64typ) ELSIF f = Real32 THEN Convert(x, DevCPT.real64typ) ELSIF f = Char8 THEN Convert(x, DevCPT.char16typ) ELSIF f = String8 THEN Convert(x, DevCPT.string16typ) ELSE err(111) END END | incfn, decfn: (*INC, DEC*) IF NotVar(x) THEN err(112) ELSIF ~(f IN intSet) THEN err(111) ELSIF x.readonly THEN err(76) END; MarkAsUsed(x) | inclfn, exclfn: (*INCL, EXCL*) IF NotVar(x) THEN err(112) ELSIF f # Set THEN err(111); x.typ := DevCPT.settyp ELSIF x.readonly THEN err(76) END; MarkAsUsed(x) | lenfn: (*LEN*) IF (* (x.class = Ntype) OR *) (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(126) (* !!! *) (* ELSIF x.typ.sysflag = jstr THEN StrDeref(x) *) ELSE IF x.typ.form = Pointer THEN DeRef(x) END; IF x.class = Nconst THEN IF x.typ.form = Char8 THEN CharToString8(x) ELSIF x.typ.form = Char16 THEN CharToString16(x) END END; IF ~(x.typ.comp IN {DynArr, Array}) & ~(x.typ.form IN {String8, String16}) THEN err(131) END END | copyfn: (*COPY*) IF ~(DevCPM.oberon IN DevCPM.options) THEN err(199) END; IF (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(126) END | ashfn: (*ASH*) IF (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(126) ELSIF f IN intSet THEN IF f < Int32 THEN Convert(x, DevCPT.int32typ) END ELSE err(111); x.typ := DevCPT.int32typ END | adrfn: (*ADR*) IF x.class = Ntype THEN CheckOldType(x) END; CheckLeaf(x, FALSE); MOp(adr, x) | typfn: (*TYP*) CheckLeaf(x, FALSE); IF x.class = Ntype THEN CheckOldType(x); IF x.typ.form = Pointer THEN x := NewLeaf(x.typ.BaseTyp.strobj) END; IF x.typ.comp # Record THEN err(111) END; MOp(adr, x) ELSE IF x.typ.form = Pointer THEN DeRef(x) END; IF x.typ.comp # Record THEN err(111) END; MOp(typfn, x) END | sizefn: (*SIZE*) IF x.class # Ntype THEN err(110); x := NewIntConst(1) ELSIF (f IN {Byte..Set, Pointer, ProcTyp, Char16, Int64}) OR (x.typ.comp IN {Array, Record}) THEN CheckOldType(x); x.typ.pvused := TRUE; IF typSize # NIL THEN typSize(x.typ); x := NewIntConst(x.typ.size) ELSE MOp(size, x) END ELSE err(111); x := NewIntConst(1) END | thisrecfn, (*THISRECORD*) thisarrfn: (*THISARRAY*) IF (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(126) ELSIF f IN {Int8, Int16} THEN Convert(x, DevCPT.int32typ) ELSIF f # Int32 THEN err(111) END | ccfn: (*SYSTEM.CC*) MOp(cc, x) | lshfn, rotfn: (*SYSTEM.LSH, SYSTEM.ROT*) IF (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(126) ELSIF ~(f IN intSet + charSet + {Byte, Set}) THEN err(111) END | getfn, putfn, bitfn, movefn: (*SYSTEM.GET, SYSTEM.PUT, SYSTEM.BIT, SYSTEM.MOVE*) IF (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(126) ELSIF (x.class = Nconst) & (f IN {Int8, Int16}) THEN Convert(x, DevCPT.int32typ) ELSIF ~(f IN {Int32, Pointer}) THEN err(111); x.typ := DevCPT.int32typ END | getrfn, putrfn: (*SYSTEM.GETREG, SYSTEM.PUTREG*) IF (f IN intSet) & (x.class = Nconst) THEN IF (x.conval.intval < DevCPM.MinRegNr) OR (x.conval.intval > DevCPM.MaxRegNr) THEN err(220) END ELSE err(69) END | valfn: (*SYSTEM.VAL*) IF x.class # Ntype THEN err(110) ELSIF (f IN {Undef, String8, String16, NoTyp, NilTyp}) (* OR (x.typ.comp = DynArr) *) THEN err(111) ELSE CheckOldType(x) END | assertfn: (*ASSERT*) IF (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(126); x := NewBoolConst(FALSE) ELSIF f # Bool THEN err(120); x := NewBoolConst(FALSE) ELSE MOp(not, x) END | validfn: (* VALID *) IF (x.class = Nvarpar) & ODD(x.obj.sysflag DIV nilBit) THEN MOp(adr, x); x.typ := DevCPT.sysptrtyp; Op(neq, x, Nil()) ELSE err(111) END; x.typ := DevCPT.booltyp | iidfn: (* COM.IID *) IF (x.class = Nconst) & (f = String8) THEN StringToGuid(x) ELSE typ := x.typ; IF typ.form = Pointer THEN typ := typ.BaseTyp END; IF (typ.sysflag = interface) & (typ.ext # NIL) & (typ.strobj # NIL) THEN IF x.obj # typ.strobj THEN x := NewLeaf(typ.strobj) END ELSE err(111) END; x.class := Nconst; x.typ := DevCPT.guidtyp END | queryfn: (* COM.QUERY *) IF (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(126) ELSIF f # Pointer THEN err(111) END END ; par0 := x END StPar0; PROCEDURE StPar1*(VAR par0: DevCPT.Node; x: DevCPT.Node; fctno: BYTE); (* x: second parameter of standard proc *) VAR f, n, L, i: INTEGER; typ, tp1: DevCPT.Struct; p, t: DevCPT.Node; PROCEDURE NewOp(class, subcl: BYTE; left, right: DevCPT.Node): DevCPT.Node; VAR node: DevCPT.Node; BEGIN node := DevCPT.NewNode(class); node.subcl := subcl; node.left := left; node.right := right; RETURN node END NewOp; BEGIN p := par0; f := x.typ.form; CASE fctno OF incfn, decfn: (*INC DEC*) IF (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(126); p.typ := DevCPT.notyp ELSE IF f # p.typ.form THEN IF f IN intSet THEN Convert(x, p.typ) ELSE err(111) END END ; p := NewOp(Nassign, fctno, p, x); p.typ := DevCPT.notyp END | inclfn, exclfn: (*INCL, EXCL*) IF (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(126) ELSIF f IN intSet THEN IF f = Int64 THEN Convert(x, DevCPT.int32typ) END; IF (x.class = Nconst) & ((0 > x.conval.intval) OR (x.conval.intval > DevCPM.MaxSet)) THEN err(202) END ; p := NewOp(Nassign, fctno, p, x) ELSE err(111) END ; p.typ := DevCPT.notyp | lenfn: (*LEN*) IF ~(f IN intSet) OR (x.class # Nconst) THEN err(69) ELSE IF f = Int64 THEN Convert(x, DevCPT.int32typ) END; L := SHORT(x.conval.intval); typ := p.typ; WHILE (L > 0) & (typ.comp IN {DynArr, Array}) DO typ := typ.BaseTyp; DEC(L) END ; IF (L # 0) OR ~(typ.comp IN {DynArr, Array}) THEN err(132) ELSE x.obj := NIL; IF typ.comp = DynArr THEN WHILE p.class = Nindex DO p := p.left; INC(x.conval.intval) (* possible side effect ignored *) END; p := NewOp(Ndop, len, p, x); p.typ := DevCPT.int32typ ELSE p := x; p.conval.intval := typ.n; p.typ := DevCPT.int32typ END END END | copyfn: (*COPY*) IF NotVar(x) THEN err(112) ELSIF x.readonly THEN err(76) ELSE CheckString(p, x.typ, 111); t := x; x := p; p := t; IF (x.class = Nconst) & (x.typ.form IN {String8, String16}) THEN AssignString(p, x) ELSE p := NewOp(Nassign, copyfn, p, x) END END ; p.typ := DevCPT.notyp; MarkAsUsed(x) | ashfn: (*ASH*) IF (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(126) ELSIF f IN intSet THEN IF (x.class = Nconst) & ((x.conval.intval > 64) OR (x.conval.intval < -64)) THEN err(208) ELSIF (p.class = Nconst) & (x.class = Nconst) THEN n := x.conval.intval; IF n > 0 THEN WHILE n > 0 DO MulConst(p.conval, two, p.conval, p.typ); DEC(n) END ELSE WHILE n < 0 DO DivModConst(p.conval, two, TRUE, p.typ); INC(n) END END; p.obj := NIL ELSE IF f = Int64 THEN Convert(x, DevCPT.int32typ) END; typ := p.typ; p := NewOp(Ndop, ash, p, x); p.typ := typ END ELSE err(111) END | minfn: (*MIN*) IF p.class # Ntype THEN Op(min, p, x) ELSE err(64) END | maxfn: (*MAX*) IF p.class # Ntype THEN Op(max, p, x) ELSE err(64) END | newfn: (*NEW(p, x...)*) IF (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(126) ELSIF p.typ.comp = DynArr THEN IF f IN intSet THEN IF f = Int64 THEN Convert(x, DevCPT.int32typ) END; IF (x.class = Nconst) & (x.conval.intval <= 0) & (~(DevCPM.java IN DevCPM.options) OR (x.conval.intval < 0))THEN err(63) END ELSE err(111) END ; p.right := x; p.typ := p.typ.BaseTyp ELSIF (p.left # NIL) & (p.left.typ.form = Pointer) THEN typ := p.left.typ; WHILE (typ # DevCPT.undftyp) & (typ.BaseTyp # NIL) DO typ := typ.BaseTyp END; IF typ.sysflag = interface THEN typ := x.typ; WHILE (typ # DevCPT.undftyp) & (typ.BaseTyp # NIL) DO typ := typ.BaseTyp END; IF (f = Pointer) & (typ.sysflag = interface) THEN p.right := x ELSE err(169) END ELSE err(64) END ELSE err(111) END | thisrecfn, (*THISRECORD*) thisarrfn: (*THISARRAY*) IF (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(126) ELSIF f IN {Int8, Int16, Int32} THEN IF f < Int32 THEN Convert(x, DevCPT.int32typ) END; p := NewOp(Ndop, fctno, p, x); p.typ := DevCPT.undftyp ELSE err(111) END | lshfn, rotfn: (*SYSTEM.LSH, SYSTEM.ROT*) IF (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(126) ELSIF ~(f IN intSet) THEN err(111) ELSE IF fctno = lshfn THEN p := NewOp(Ndop, lsh, p, x) ELSE p := NewOp(Ndop, rot, p, x) END ; p.typ := p.left.typ END | getfn, putfn, getrfn, putrfn: (*SYSTEM.GET, SYSTEM.PUT, SYSTEM.GETREG, SYSTEM.PUTREG*) IF (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(126) ELSIF f IN {Undef..Set, NilTyp, Pointer, ProcTyp, Char16, Int64} THEN IF (fctno = getfn) OR (fctno = getrfn) THEN IF NotVar(x) THEN err(112) END ; t := x; x := p; p := t END ; p := NewOp(Nassign, fctno, p, x) ELSE err(111) END ; p.typ := DevCPT.notyp | bitfn: (*SYSTEM.BIT*) IF (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(126) ELSIF f IN intSet THEN p := NewOp(Ndop, bit, p, x) ELSE err(111) END ; p.typ := DevCPT.booltyp | valfn: (*SYSTEM.VAL*) (* type is changed without considering the byte ordering on the target machine *) IF (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(126) ELSIF x.typ.comp = DynArr THEN IF x.typ.untagged & ((p.typ.comp # DynArr) OR p.typ.untagged) THEN (* ok *) ELSIF (p.typ.comp = DynArr) & (x.typ.n = p.typ.n) THEN typ := x.typ; WHILE typ.comp = DynArr DO typ := typ.BaseTyp END; tp1 := p.typ; WHILE tp1.comp = DynArr DO tp1 := tp1.BaseTyp END; IF typ.size # tp1.size THEN err(115) END ELSE err(115) END ELSIF p.typ.comp = DynArr THEN err(115) ELSIF (x.class = Nconst) & (f = String8) & (p.typ.form = Int32) & (x.conval.intval2 <= 5) THEN i := 0; n := 0; WHILE i < x.conval.intval2 - 1 DO n := 256 * n + ORD(x.conval.ext[i]); INC(i) END; x := NewIntConst(n) ELSIF (f IN {Undef, NoTyp, NilTyp}) OR (f IN {String8, String16}) & ~(DevCPM.java IN DevCPM.options) THEN err(111) END ; IF (x.class = Nconst) & (x.typ = p.typ) THEN (* ok *) ELSIF (x.class >= Nconst) OR ((f IN realSet) # (p.typ.form IN realSet)) OR (DevCPM.options * {DevCPM.java, DevCPM.allSysVal} # {}) THEN t := DevCPT.NewNode(Nmop); t.subcl := val; t.left := x; x := t ELSE x.readonly := FALSE END ; x.typ := p.typ; p := x | movefn: (*SYSTEM.MOVE*) IF (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(126) ELSIF (x.class = Nconst) & (f IN {Int8, Int16}) THEN Convert(x, DevCPT.int32typ) ELSIF ~(f IN {Int32, Pointer}) THEN err(111); x.typ := DevCPT.int32typ END ; p.link := x | assertfn: (*ASSERT*) IF (f IN intSet - {Int64}) & (x.class = Nconst) THEN IF (DevCPM.MinHaltNr <= x.conval.intval) & (x.conval.intval <= DevCPM.MaxHaltNr) THEN BindNodes(Ntrap, DevCPT.notyp, x, x); Construct(Nif, p, x); Construct(Nifelse, p, NIL); OptIf(p); ELSE err(218) END ELSIF (DevCPM.java IN DevCPM.options) & ((x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nvar)) & (x.typ.form = Pointer) THEN BindNodes(Ntrap, DevCPT.notyp, x, x); Construct(Nif, p, x); Construct(Nifelse, p, NIL); OptIf(p); ELSE err(69) END; IF p = NIL THEN (* ASSERT(TRUE, num) *) ELSIF p.class = Ntrap THEN (* ASSERT(FALSE, num) *) ELSE p.subcl := assertfn END | queryfn: (* COM.QUERY *) IF (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(126) ELSIF x.typ # DevCPT.guidtyp THEN err(111); x.typ := DevCPT.guidtyp END; p.link := x ELSE err(64) END ; par0 := p END StPar1; PROCEDURE StParN*(VAR par0: DevCPT.Node; x: DevCPT.Node; fctno, n: SHORTINT); (* x: n+1-th param of standard proc *) VAR node: DevCPT.Node; f: SHORTINT; p: DevCPT.Node; BEGIN p := par0; f := x.typ.form; IF fctno = newfn THEN (*NEW(p, ..., x...*) IF (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(126) ELSIF p.typ.comp # DynArr THEN err(64) ELSIF f IN intSet THEN IF f = Int64 THEN Convert(x, DevCPT.int32typ) END; IF (x.class = Nconst) & (x.conval.intval <= 0) THEN err(63) END; node := p.right; IF node # NIL THEN (* append x to param list *) WHILE node.link # NIL DO node := node.link END; node.link := x ELSE p.right := x (* error recovery *) END; p.typ := p.typ.BaseTyp ELSE err(111) END ELSIF (fctno = movefn) & (n = 2) THEN (*SYSTEM.MOVE*) IF (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(126) ELSIF f IN intSet THEN node := DevCPT.NewNode(Nassign); node.subcl := movefn; node.right := p; node.left := p.link; p.link := x; p := node ELSE err(111) END ; p.typ := DevCPT.notyp ELSIF (fctno = queryfn) & (n = 2) THEN (* COM.QUERY *) IF (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(126) ELSIF (x.class < Nconst) & (f = Pointer) & (x.typ.sysflag = interface) THEN IF ~DevCPT.Extends(p.typ, x.typ) THEN err(164) END; IF x.readonly THEN err(76) END; CheckNewParamPair(x, p.link); MarkAsUsed(x); node := DevCPT.NewNode(Ndop); node.subcl := queryfn; node.left := p; node.right := p.link; p.link := NIL; node.right.link := x; p := node ELSE err(111) END; p.typ := DevCPT.booltyp ELSE err(64) END ; par0 := p END StParN; PROCEDURE StFct*(VAR par0: DevCPT.Node; fctno: BYTE; parno: SHORTINT); VAR dim: SHORTINT; x, p: DevCPT.Node; BEGIN p := par0; IF fctno <= ashfn THEN IF (fctno = newfn) & (p.typ # DevCPT.notyp) THEN IF p.typ.comp = DynArr THEN err(65) END ; p.typ := DevCPT.notyp ELSIF (fctno = minfn) OR (fctno = maxfn) THEN IF (parno < 1) OR (parno = 1) & (p.hint # 1) THEN err(65) END; p.hint := 0 ELSIF fctno <= sizefn THEN (* 1 param *) IF parno < 1 THEN err(65) END ELSE (* more than 1 param *) IF ((fctno = incfn) OR (fctno = decfn)) & (parno = 1) THEN (*INC, DEC*) BindNodes(Nassign, DevCPT.notyp, p, NewIntConst(1)); p.subcl := fctno; p.right.typ := p.left.typ ELSIF (fctno = lenfn) & (parno = 1) THEN (*LEN*) IF p.typ.form IN {String8, String16} THEN IF p.class = Nconst THEN p := NewIntConst(p.conval.intval2 - 1) ELSIF (p.class = Ndop) & (p.subcl = plus) THEN (* propagate to leaf nodes *) StFct(p.left, lenfn, 1); StFct(p.right, lenfn, 1); p.typ := DevCPT.int32typ ELSE WHILE (p.class = Nmop) & (p.subcl = conv) DO p := p.left END; IF DevCPM.errors = 0 THEN ASSERT(p.class = Nderef) END; BindNodes(Ndop, DevCPT.int32typ, p, NewIntConst(0)); p.subcl := len END ELSIF p.typ.comp = DynArr THEN dim := 0; WHILE p.class = Nindex DO p := p.left; INC(dim) END ; (* possible side effect ignored *) BindNodes(Ndop, DevCPT.int32typ, p, NewIntConst(dim)); p.subcl := len ELSE p := NewIntConst(p.typ.n) END ELSIF parno < 2 THEN err(65) END END ELSIF fctno = assertfn THEN IF parno = 1 THEN x := NIL; BindNodes(Ntrap, DevCPT.notyp, x, NewIntConst(AssertTrap)); Construct(Nif, p, x); Construct(Nifelse, p, NIL); OptIf(p); IF p = NIL THEN (* ASSERT(TRUE) *) ELSIF p.class = Ntrap THEN (* ASSERT(FALSE) *) ELSE p.subcl := assertfn END ELSIF parno < 1 THEN err(65) END ELSIF (fctno >= lchrfn) & (fctno <= bytesfn) THEN IF parno < 1 THEN err(65) END ELSIF fctno < validfn THEN (*SYSTEM*) IF (parno < 1) OR (fctno > ccfn) & (parno < 2) OR (fctno = movefn) & (parno < 3) THEN err(65) END ELSIF (fctno = thisrecfn) OR (fctno = thisarrfn) THEN IF parno < 2 THEN err(65) END ELSE (* COM *) IF fctno = queryfn THEN IF parno < 3 THEN err(65) END ELSE IF parno < 1 THEN err(65) END END END ; par0 := p END StFct; PROCEDURE DynArrParCheck (ftyp: DevCPT.Struct; VAR ap: DevCPT.Node; fvarpar: BOOLEAN); (* check array compatibility *) VAR atyp: DevCPT.Struct; BEGIN (* ftyp.comp = DynArr *) atyp := ap.typ; IF atyp.form IN {Char8, Char16, String8, String16} THEN IF ~fvarpar & (ftyp.BaseTyp.form = Char16) & (atyp.form = String8) THEN Convert(ap, DevCPT.string16typ) ELSE CheckString(ap, ftyp, 67) END ELSE WHILE (ftyp.comp = DynArr) & ((atyp.comp IN {Array, DynArr}) OR (atyp.form IN {String8, String16})) DO ftyp := ftyp.BaseTyp; atyp := atyp.BaseTyp END; IF ftyp.comp = DynArr THEN err(67) ELSIF ~fvarpar & (ftyp.form = Pointer) & DevCPT.Extends(atyp, ftyp) THEN (* ok *) ELSIF ~DevCPT.EqualType(ftyp, atyp) THEN err(66) END END END DynArrParCheck; PROCEDURE PrepCall*(VAR x: DevCPT.Node; VAR fpar: DevCPT.Object); BEGIN IF (x.obj # NIL) & (x.obj.mode IN {LProc, XProc, TProc, CProc}) THEN fpar := x.obj.link; IF x.obj.mode = TProc THEN IF fpar.typ.form = Pointer THEN IF x.left.class = Nderef THEN x.left := x.left.left (*undo DeRef*) ELSE err(71) END END; fpar := fpar.link END ELSIF (x.class # Ntype) & (x.typ # NIL) & (x.typ.form = ProcTyp) THEN fpar := x.typ.link ELSE err(121); fpar := NIL; x.typ := DevCPT.undftyp END END PrepCall; PROCEDURE Param* (VAR ap: DevCPT.Node; fp: DevCPT.Object); (* checks parameter compatibilty *) VAR at, ft: DevCPT.Struct; BEGIN at := ap.typ; ft := fp.typ; IF fp.ptyp # NIL THEN ft := fp.ptyp END; (* get original formal type *) IF ft.form # Undef THEN IF (ap.class = Ntype) OR (ap.class = Nproc) & (ft.form # ProcTyp) THEN err(126) END; IF fp.mode = VarPar THEN IF ODD(fp.sysflag DIV nilBit) & (at = DevCPT.niltyp) THEN (* ok *) ELSIF (ft.comp = Record) & ~ft.untagged & (ap.class = Ndop) & (ap.subcl = thisrecfn) THEN (* ok *) ELSIF (ft.comp = DynArr) & ~ft.untagged & (ft.n = 0) & (ap.class = Ndop) & (ap.subcl = thisarrfn) THEN (* ok *) ELSE IF fp.vis = inPar THEN IF (ft = DevCPT.guidtyp) & (ap.class = Nconst) & (at.form = String8) THEN StringToGuid(ap); at := ap.typ END; IF ~NotVar(ap) THEN CheckLeaf(ap, FALSE) END ELSE IF NotVar(ap) THEN err(122) ELSIF ap.readonly THEN err(76) ELSIF (ap.obj # NIL) & ODD(ap.obj.sysflag DIV newBit) & ~ODD(fp.sysflag DIV newBit) THEN err(167) ELSE MarkAsUsed(ap); CheckLeaf(ap, FALSE) END END; IF ft.comp = DynArr THEN DynArrParCheck(ft, ap, fp.vis # inPar) ELSIF ODD(fp.sysflag DIV newBit) THEN IF ~DevCPT.Extends(at, ft) THEN err(123) END ELSIF (ft = DevCPT.sysptrtyp) & (at.form = Pointer) THEN (* ok *) ELSIF (fp.vis # outPar) & (ft.comp = Record) & DevCPT.Extends(at, ft) THEN (* ok *) ELSIF covarOut & (fp.vis = outPar) & (ft.form = Pointer) & DevCPT.Extends(ft, at) THEN (* ok *) ELSIF fp.vis = inPar THEN CheckAssign(ft, ap) ELSIF ~DevCPT.EqualType(ft, at) THEN err(123) END END ELSIF ft.comp = DynArr THEN DynArrParCheck(ft, ap, FALSE) ELSE CheckAssign(ft, ap) END END END Param; PROCEDURE StaticLink*(dlev: BYTE; var: BOOLEAN); VAR scope: DevCPT.Object; BEGIN scope := DevCPT.topScope; WHILE dlev > 0 DO DEC(dlev); INCL(scope.link.conval.setval, slNeeded); scope := scope.left END; IF var THEN INCL(scope.link.conval.setval, imVar) END (* !!! *) END StaticLink; PROCEDURE Call*(VAR x: DevCPT.Node; apar: DevCPT.Node; fp: DevCPT.Object); VAR typ: DevCPT.Struct; p: DevCPT.Node; lev: BYTE; BEGIN IF x.class = Nproc THEN typ := x.typ; lev := x.obj.mnolev; IF lev > 0 THEN StaticLink(SHORT(SHORT(DevCPT.topScope.mnolev-lev)), FALSE) END ; (* !!! *) IF x.obj.mode = IProc THEN err(121) END ELSIF (x.class = Nfield) & (x.obj.mode = TProc) THEN typ := x.typ; x.class := Nproc; p := x.left; x.left := NIL; p.link := apar; apar := p; fp := x.obj.link ELSE typ := x.typ.BaseTyp END ; BindNodes(Ncall, typ, x, apar); x.obj := fp END Call; PROCEDURE Enter*(VAR procdec: DevCPT.Node; stat: DevCPT.Node; proc: DevCPT.Object); VAR x: DevCPT.Node; BEGIN x := DevCPT.NewNode(Nenter); x.typ := DevCPT.notyp; x.obj := proc; x.left := procdec; x.right := stat; procdec := x END Enter; PROCEDURE Return*(VAR x: DevCPT.Node; proc: DevCPT.Object); VAR node: DevCPT.Node; BEGIN IF proc = NIL THEN (* return from module *) IF x # NIL THEN err(124) END ELSE IF x # NIL THEN CheckAssign(proc.typ, x) ELSIF proc.typ # DevCPT.notyp THEN err(124) END END ; node := DevCPT.NewNode(Nreturn); node.typ := DevCPT.notyp; node.obj := proc; node.left := x; x := node END Return; PROCEDURE Assign*(VAR x: DevCPT.Node; y: DevCPT.Node); BEGIN IF (x.class >= Nconst) OR (x.typ.form IN {String8, String16}) THEN err(56) END ; CheckAssign(x.typ, y); IF x.readonly THEN err(76) ELSIF (x.obj # NIL) & ODD(x.obj.sysflag DIV newBit) THEN err(167) END ; MarkAsUsed(x); IF (y.class = Nconst) & (y.typ.form IN {String8, String16}) & (x.typ.form # Pointer) THEN AssignString(x, y) ELSE BindNodes(Nassign, DevCPT.notyp, x, y); x.subcl := assign END END Assign; PROCEDURE Inittd*(VAR inittd, last: DevCPT.Node; typ: DevCPT.Struct); VAR node: DevCPT.Node; BEGIN node := DevCPT.NewNode(Ninittd); node.typ := typ; node.conval := DevCPT.NewConst(); node.conval.intval := typ.txtpos; IF inittd = NIL THEN inittd := node ELSE last.link := node END ; last := node END Inittd; (* handling of temporary variables for string operations *) PROCEDURE Overlap (left, right: DevCPT.Node): BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF right.class = Nconst THEN RETURN FALSE ELSIF (right.class = Ndop) & (right.subcl = plus) THEN RETURN Overlap(left, right.left) OR Overlap(left, right.right) ELSE WHILE right.class = Nmop DO right := right.left END; IF right.class = Nderef THEN right := right.left END; IF left.typ.BaseTyp # right.typ.BaseTyp THEN RETURN FALSE END; LOOP IF left.class = Nvarpar THEN WHILE (right.class = Nindex) OR (right.class = Nfield) OR (right.class = Nguard) DO right := right.left END; RETURN (right.class # Nvar) OR (right.obj.mnolev < left.obj.mnolev) ELSIF right.class = Nvarpar THEN WHILE (left.class = Nindex) OR (left.class = Nfield) OR (left.class = Nguard) DO left := left.left END; RETURN (left.class # Nvar) OR (left.obj.mnolev < right.obj.mnolev) ELSIF (left.class = Nvar) & (right.class = Nvar) THEN RETURN left.obj = right.obj ELSIF (left.class = Nderef) & (right.class = Nderef) THEN RETURN TRUE ELSIF (left.class = Nindex) & (right.class = Nindex) THEN IF (left.right.class = Nconst) & (right.right.class = Nconst) & (left.right.conval.intval # right.right.conval.intval) THEN RETURN FALSE END; left := left.left; right := right.left ELSIF (left.class = Nfield) & (right.class = Nfield) THEN IF left.obj # right.obj THEN RETURN FALSE END; left := left.left; right := right.left; WHILE left.class = Nguard DO left := left.left END; WHILE right.class = Nguard DO right := right.left END ELSE RETURN FALSE END END END END Overlap; PROCEDURE GetStaticLength (n: DevCPT.Node; OUT length: INTEGER); VAR x: INTEGER; BEGIN IF n.class = Nconst THEN length := n.conval.intval2 - 1 ELSIF (n.class = Ndop) & (n.subcl = plus) THEN GetStaticLength(n.left, length); GetStaticLength(n.right, x); IF (length >= 0) & (x >= 0) THEN length := length + x ELSE length := -1 END ELSE WHILE (n.class = Nmop) & (n.subcl = conv) DO n := n.left END; IF (n.class = Nderef) & (n.subcl = 1) THEN n := n.left END; IF n.typ.comp = Array THEN length := n.typ.n - 1 ELSIF n.typ.comp = DynArr THEN length := -1 ELSE (* error case *) length := 4 END END END GetStaticLength; PROCEDURE GetMaxLength (n: DevCPT.Node; VAR stat, last: DevCPT.Node; OUT length: DevCPT.Node); VAR x: DevCPT.Node; d: INTEGER; obj: DevCPT.Object; BEGIN IF n.class = Nconst THEN length := NewIntConst(n.conval.intval2 - 1) ELSIF (n.class = Ndop) & (n.subcl = plus) THEN GetMaxLength(n.left, stat, last, length); GetMaxLength(n.right, stat, last, x); IF (length.class = Nconst) & (x.class = Nconst) THEN ConstOp(plus, length, x) ELSE BindNodes(Ndop, length.typ, length, x); length.subcl := plus END ELSE WHILE (n.class = Nmop) & (n.subcl = conv) DO n := n.left END; IF (n.class = Nderef) & (n.subcl = 1) THEN n := n.left END; IF n.typ.comp = Array THEN length := NewIntConst(n.typ.n - 1) ELSIF n.typ.comp = DynArr THEN d := 0; WHILE n.class = Nindex DO n := n.left; INC(d) END; ASSERT((n.class = Nderef) OR (n.class = Nvar) OR (n.class = Nvarpar)); IF (n.class = Nderef) & (n.left.class # Nvar) & (n.left.class # Nvarpar) THEN GetTempVar("@tmp", n.left.typ, obj); x := NewLeaf(obj); Assign(x, n.left); Link(stat, last, x); n.left := NewLeaf(obj); (* tree is manipulated here *) n := NewLeaf(obj); DeRef(n) END; IF n.typ.untagged & (n.typ.comp = DynArr) & (n.typ.BaseTyp.form IN {Char8, Char16}) THEN StrDeref(n); BindNodes(Ndop, DevCPT.int32typ, n, NewIntConst(d)); n.subcl := len; BindNodes(Ndop, DevCPT.int32typ, n, NewIntConst(1)); n.subcl := plus ELSE BindNodes(Ndop, DevCPT.int32typ, n, NewIntConst(d)); n.subcl := len; END; length := n ELSE (* error case *) length := NewIntConst(4) END END END GetMaxLength; PROCEDURE CheckBuffering* ( VAR n: DevCPT.Node; left: DevCPT.Node; par: DevCPT.Object; VAR stat, last: DevCPT.Node ); VAR length, x: DevCPT.Node; obj: DevCPT.Object; typ: DevCPT.Struct; len, xlen: INTEGER; BEGIN IF (n.typ.form IN {String8, String16}) & ~(DevCPM.java IN DevCPM.options) & ((n.class = Ndop) & (n.subcl = plus) & ((left = NIL) OR Overlap(left, n.right)) OR (n.class = Nmop) & (n.subcl = conv) & (left = NIL) OR (par # NIL) & (par.vis = inPar) & (par.typ.comp = Array)) THEN IF (par # NIL) & (par.typ.comp = Array) THEN len := par.typ.n - 1 ELSE IF left # NIL THEN GetStaticLength(left, len) ELSE len := -1 END; GetStaticLength(n, xlen); IF (len = -1) OR (xlen # -1) & (xlen < len) THEN len := xlen END END; IF len # -1 THEN typ := DevCPT.NewStr(Comp, Array); typ.n := len + 1; typ.BaseTyp := n.typ.BaseTyp; GetTempVar("@str", typ, obj); x := NewLeaf(obj); Assign(x, n); Link(stat, last, x); n := NewLeaf(obj) ELSE IF left # NIL THEN GetMaxLength(left, stat, last, length) ELSE GetMaxLength(n, stat, last, length) END; typ := DevCPT.NewStr(Pointer, Basic); typ.BaseTyp := DevCPT.NewStr(Comp, DynArr); typ.BaseTyp.BaseTyp := n.typ.BaseTyp; GetTempVar("@ptr", typ, obj); x := NewLeaf(obj); Construct(Nassign, x, length); x.subcl := newfn; Link(stat, last, x); x := NewLeaf(obj); DeRef(x); Assign(x, n); Link(stat, last, x); n := NewLeaf(obj); DeRef(n) END; StrDeref(n) ELSIF (n.typ.form = Pointer) & (n.typ.sysflag = interface) & (left = NIL) & ((par # NIL) OR (n.class = Ncall)) & ((n.class # Nvar) OR (n.obj.mnolev <= 0)) THEN GetTempVar("@cip", DevCPT.punktyp, obj); x := NewLeaf(obj); Assign(x, n); Link(stat, last, x); n := NewLeaf(obj) END END CheckBuffering; PROCEDURE CheckVarParBuffering* (VAR n: DevCPT.Node; VAR stat, last: DevCPT.Node); VAR x: DevCPT.Node; obj: DevCPT.Object; BEGIN IF (n.class # Nvar) OR (n.obj.mnolev <= 0) THEN GetTempVar("@ptr", n.typ, obj); x := NewLeaf(obj); Assign(x, n); Link(stat, last, x); n := NewLeaf(obj) END END CheckVarParBuffering; (* case optimization *) PROCEDURE Evaluate (n: DevCPT.Node; VAR min, max, num, dist: INTEGER; VAR head: DevCPT.Node); VAR a: INTEGER; BEGIN IF n.left # NIL THEN a := MIN(INTEGER); Evaluate(n.left, min, a, num, dist, head); IF n.conval.intval - a > dist THEN dist := n.conval.intval - a; head := n END ELSIF n.conval.intval < min THEN min := n.conval.intval END; IF n.right # NIL THEN a := MAX(INTEGER); Evaluate(n.right, a, max, num, dist, head); IF a - n.conval.intval2 > dist THEN dist := a - n.conval.intval2; head := n END ELSIF n.conval.intval2 > max THEN max := n.conval.intval2 END; INC(num); IF n.conval.intval < n.conval.intval2 THEN INC(num); IF n.conval.intval2 - n.conval.intval > dist THEN dist := n.conval.intval2 - n.conval.intval; head := n END END END Evaluate; PROCEDURE Rebuild (VAR root: DevCPT.Node; head: DevCPT.Node); BEGIN IF root # head THEN IF head.conval.intval2 < root.conval.intval THEN Rebuild(root.left, head); root.left := head.right; head.right := root; root := head ELSE Rebuild(root.right, head); root.right := head.left; head.left := root; root := head END END END Rebuild; PROCEDURE OptimizeCase* (VAR n: DevCPT.Node); VAR min, max, num, dist, limit: INTEGER; head: DevCPT.Node; BEGIN IF n # NIL THEN min := MAX(INTEGER); max := MIN(INTEGER); num := 0; dist := 0; head := n; Evaluate(n, min, max, num, dist, head); limit := 6 * num; IF limit < 100 THEN limit := 100 END; IF (num > 4) & ((min > MAX(INTEGER) - limit) OR (max < min + limit)) THEN INCL(n.conval.setval, useTable) ELSE IF num > 4 THEN Rebuild(n, head) END; INCL(n.conval.setval, useTree); OptimizeCase(n.left); OptimizeCase(n.right) END END END OptimizeCase; (* PROCEDURE ShowTree (n: DevCPT.Node; opts: SET); BEGIN IF n # NIL THEN IF opts = {} THEN opts := n.conval.setval END; IF useTable IN opts THEN IF n.left # NIL THEN ShowTree(n.left, opts); DevCPM.LogW(",") END; DevCPM.LogWNum(n.conval.intval, 1); IF n.conval.intval2 > n.conval.intval THEN DevCPM.LogW("-"); DevCPM.LogWNum(n.conval.intval2, 1) END; IF n.right # NIL THEN DevCPM.LogW(","); ShowTree(n.right, opts) END ELSIF useTree IN opts THEN DevCPM.LogW("("); ShowTree(n.left, {}); DevCPM.LogW("|"); DevCPM.LogWNum(n.conval.intval, 1); IF n.conval.intval2 > n.conval.intval THEN DevCPM.LogW("-"); DevCPM.LogWNum(n.conval.intval2, 1) END; DevCPM.LogW("|"); ShowTree(n.right, {}); DevCPM.LogW(")") ELSE ShowTree(n.left, opts); DevCPM.LogW(" "); DevCPM.LogWNum(n.conval.intval, 1); IF n.conval.intval2 > n.conval.intval THEN DevCPM.LogW("-"); DevCPM.LogWNum(n.conval.intval2, 1) END; DevCPM.LogW(" "); ShowTree(n.right, opts) END END END ShowTree; *) BEGIN zero := DevCPT.NewConst(); zero.intval := 0; zero.realval := 0; one := DevCPT.NewConst(); one.intval := 1; one.realval := 0; two := DevCPT.NewConst(); two.intval := 2; two.realval := 0; dummy := DevCPT.NewConst(); quot := DevCPT.NewConst() END DevCPB.
MODULE DevCPC486; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" references = "http://e-collection.library.ethz.ch/eserv/eth:39386/eth-39386-02.pdf" changes = " - 20070123, bh, ccall support for procedure variable calls - 20070409, bh, OUT pointer initialization in empty procedures - 20091228, bh, corrections for S.VAL(LONGINT, real) in Convert & ConvMove - 20150422, center #41, fixing a register allocation problem - 20150422, center #42, fixing LONGINT division TRAP - 20150513, center #43, extending the size of code procedures - 20160324, center #111, code cleanups - 20160809, center #121, compiler warning regarding unreleased register - 20160826, center #126, Compiler TRAP for SYSTEM.VAL(LONGINT, intreg) - 20170612, center #160, outdated link to OP2.Paper.ps - 20170811, luowy, support for 16 bit aligment "ccall16" (includes center #169) - 20180614, center #188, compiler trap with SYSTEM.VAL - 20200608, center #207, fixed compiler trap with constant boolean expression " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT SYSTEM, DevCPM, DevCPT, DevCPE, DevCPL486; CONST initializeAll = FALSE; (* initialize all local variable to zero *) initializeOut = FALSE; (* initialize all OUT parameters to zero *) initializeDyn = FALSE; (* initialize all open array OUT parameters to zero *) initializeStr = FALSE; (* initialize rest of string value parameters to zero *) FpuControlRegister = 33EH; (* value for fpu control register initialization *) (* structure forms *) Undef = 0; Byte = 1; Bool = 2; Char8 = 3; Int8 = 4; Int16 = 5; Int32 = 6; Real32 = 7; Real64 = 8; Set = 9; String8 = 10; NilTyp = 11; NoTyp = 12; Pointer = 13; ProcTyp = 14; Comp = 15; Char16 = 16; String16 = 17; Int64 = 18; Guid = 23; VString16to8 = 29; VString8 = 30; VString16 = 31; intSet = {Int8..Int32, Int64}; realSet = {Real32, Real64}; (* composite structure forms *) Basic = 1; Array = 2; DynArr = 3; Record = 4; (* item base modes (=object modes) *) Var = 1; VarPar = 2; Con = 3; Fld = 4; Typ = 5; LProc = 6; XProc = 7; CProc = 9; IProc = 10; TProc = 13; (* item modes for i386 *) Ind = 14; Abs = 15; Stk = 16; Cond = 17; Reg = 18; DInd = 19; (* symbol values and ops *) times = 1; slash = 2; div = 3; mod = 4; and = 5; plus = 6; minus = 7; or = 8; eql = 9; neq = 10; lss = 11; leq = 12; gtr = 13; geq = 14; in = 15; is = 16; ash = 17; msk = 18; len = 19; conv = 20; abs = 21; cap = 22; odd = 23; not = 33; adr = 24; cc = 25; bit = 26; lsh = 27; rot = 28; val = 29; getrfn = 26; putrfn = 27; min = 34; max = 35; typ = 36; (* procedure flags (conval.setval) *) hasBody = 1; isRedef = 2; slNeeded = 3; imVar = 4; isGuarded = 30; isCallback = 31; (* attribute flags (attr.adr, struct.attribute, proc.conval.setval) *) newAttr = 16; absAttr = 17; limAttr = 18; empAttr = 19; extAttr = 20; false = 0; true = 1; nil = 0; (* registers *) AX = 0; CX = 1; DX = 2; BX = 3; SP = 4; BP = 5; SI = 6; DI = 7; AH = 4; CH = 5; DH = 6; BH = 7; stk = 31; mem = 30; con = 29; float = 28; high = 27; short = 26; deref = 25; wreg = {AX, BX, CX, DX, SI, DI}; (* GenShiftOp *) ROL = 0; ROR = 8H; SHL = 20H; SHR = 28H; SAR = 38H; (* GenBitOp *) BT = 20H; BTS = 28H; BTR = 30H; (* GenFDOp *) FADD = 0; FMUL = 8H; FCOM = 10H; FCOMP = 18H; FSUB = 20H; FSUBR = 28H; FDIV = 30H; FDIVR = 38H; (* GenFMOp *) FABS = 1E1H; FCHS = 1E0H; FTST = 1E4H; FSTSW = 7E0H; FUCOM = 2E9H; (* GenCode *) SAHF = 9EH; WAIT = 9BH; (* condition codes *) ccB = 2; ccAE = 3; ccBE = 6; ccA = 7; (* unsigned *) ccL = 12; ccGE = 13; ccLE = 14; ccG = 15; (* signed *) ccE = 4; ccNE = 5; ccS = 8; ccNS = 9; ccO = 0; ccNO = 1; ccAlways = -1; ccNever = -2; ccCall = -3; (* sysflag *) untagged = 1; callback = 2; noAlign = 3; union = 7; interface = 10; ccall = -10; guarded = 10; noframe = 16; nilBit = 1; enumBits = 8; new = 1; iid = 2; stackArray = 120; (* system trap numbers *) withTrap = -1; caseTrap = -2; funcTrap = -3; typTrap = -4; recTrap = -5; ranTrap = -6; inxTrap = -7; copyTrap = -8; (* module visibility of objects *) internal = 0; external = 1; externalR = 2; inPar = 3; outPar = 4; (* pointer init limits *) MaxPtrs = 10; MaxPush = 4; Tag0Offset = 12; Mth0Offset = -4; ArrDOffs = 8; numPreIntProc = 2; stackAllocLimit = 2048; VAR imLevel*: ARRAY 64 OF BYTE; intHandler*: DevCPT.Object; inxchk, ovflchk, ranchk, typchk, ptrinit, hints: BOOLEAN; WReg, BReg, AllReg: SET; FReg: INTEGER; ptrTab: ARRAY MaxPtrs OF INTEGER; stkAllocLbl: DevCPL486.Label; procedureUsesFpu: BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE Init* (opt: SET); CONST chk = 0; achk = 1; hint = 29; BEGIN inxchk := chk IN opt; ovflchk := achk IN opt; ranchk := achk IN opt; typchk := chk IN opt; ptrinit := chk IN opt; hints := hint IN opt; stkAllocLbl := DevCPL486.NewLbl END Init; PROCEDURE Reversed (cond: BYTE): BYTE; (* reversed condition *) BEGIN IF cond = lss THEN RETURN gtr ELSIF cond = gtr THEN RETURN lss ELSIF cond = leq THEN RETURN geq ELSIF cond = geq THEN RETURN leq ELSE RETURN cond END END Reversed; PROCEDURE Inverted (cc: INTEGER): INTEGER; (* inverted sense of condition code *) BEGIN IF ODD(cc) THEN RETURN cc-1 ELSE RETURN cc+1 END END Inverted; PROCEDURE setCC* (VAR x: DevCPL486.Item; rel: BYTE; reversed, signed: BOOLEAN); BEGIN IF reversed THEN rel := Reversed(rel) END; CASE rel OF false: x.offset := ccNever | true: x.offset := ccAlways | eql: x.offset := ccE | neq: x.offset := ccNE | lss: IF signed THEN x.offset := ccL ELSE x.offset := ccB END | leq: IF signed THEN x.offset := ccLE ELSE x.offset := ccBE END | gtr: IF signed THEN x.offset := ccG ELSE x.offset := ccA END | geq: IF signed THEN x.offset := ccGE ELSE x.offset := ccAE END END; x.mode := Cond; x.form := Bool; x.reg := 0; IF reversed THEN x.reg := 1 END; IF signed THEN INC(x.reg, 2) END END setCC; PROCEDURE StackAlloc*; (* pre: len = CX bytes; post: len = CX words *) BEGIN DevCPL486.GenJump(ccCall, stkAllocLbl, FALSE) END StackAlloc; PROCEDURE^ CheckAv* (reg: INTEGER); PROCEDURE AdjustStack (val: INTEGER); VAR c, sp: DevCPL486.Item; BEGIN IF val < -stackAllocLimit THEN CheckAv(CX); DevCPL486.MakeConst(c, -val, Int32); DevCPL486.MakeReg(sp, CX, Int32); DevCPL486.GenMove(c, sp); StackAlloc ELSIF val # 0 THEN DevCPL486.MakeConst(c, val, Int32); DevCPL486.MakeReg(sp, SP, Int32); DevCPL486.GenAdd(c, sp, FALSE) END END AdjustStack; PROCEDURE DecStack (form: INTEGER); BEGIN IF form IN {Real64, Int64} THEN AdjustStack(-8) ELSE AdjustStack(-4) END END DecStack; PROCEDURE IncStack (form: INTEGER); BEGIN IF form IN {Real64, Int64} THEN AdjustStack(8) ELSE AdjustStack(4) END END IncStack; (*-----------------register handling------------------*) PROCEDURE SetReg* (reg: SET); BEGIN AllReg := reg; WReg := reg; BReg := reg * {0..3} + SYSTEM.LSH(reg * {0..3}, 4); FReg := 8 END SetReg; PROCEDURE CheckReg*; VAR reg: SET; BEGIN reg := AllReg - WReg; IF reg # {} THEN DevCPM.err(-777); (* register not released *) IF AX IN reg THEN DevCPM.LogWStr(" AX") END; IF BX IN reg THEN DevCPM.LogWStr(" BX") END; IF CX IN reg THEN DevCPM.LogWStr(" CX") END; IF DX IN reg THEN DevCPM.LogWStr(" DX") END; IF SI IN reg THEN DevCPM.LogWStr(" SI") END; IF DI IN reg THEN DevCPM.LogWStr(" DI") END; WReg := AllReg; BReg := AllReg * {0..3} + SYSTEM.LSH(AllReg * {0..3}, 4) END; IF FReg < 8 THEN DevCPM.err(-778); FReg := 8 (* float register not released *) ELSIF FReg > 8 THEN DevCPM.err(-779); FReg := 8 END END CheckReg; PROCEDURE CheckAv* (reg: INTEGER); BEGIN ASSERT(reg IN WReg) END CheckAv; PROCEDURE GetReg (VAR x: DevCPL486.Item; f: BYTE; hint, stop: SET); VAR n: INTEGER; s, s1: SET; BEGIN CASE f OF | Byte, Bool, Char8, Int8: s := BReg * {0..3} - stop; IF (high IN stop) OR (high IN hint) & (s - hint # {}) THEN n := 0; IF s = {} THEN DevCPM.err(215); WReg := wreg; BReg := {0..7}; s := {0..7} END; IF s - hint # {} THEN s := s - hint END; WHILE ~(n IN s) DO INC(n) END ELSE s := BReg - (stop * {0..3}) - SYSTEM.LSH(stop * {0..3}, 4); n := 0; IF s = {} THEN DevCPM.err(215); WReg := wreg; BReg := {0..7}; s := {0..7} END; s1 := s - (hint * {0..3}) - SYSTEM.LSH(hint * {0..3}, 4); IF s1 # {} THEN s := s1 END; WHILE ~(n IN s) & ~(n + 4 IN s) DO INC(n) END; IF ~(n IN s) THEN n := n + 4 END END; EXCL(BReg, n); EXCL(WReg, n MOD 4) | Int16, Int32, Set, String8, NilTyp, Pointer, ProcTyp, Comp, Char16, String16: s := WReg - stop; IF high IN stop THEN s := s * {0..3} END; IF s = {} THEN DevCPM.err(215); WReg := wreg; BReg := {0..7}; s := wreg END; s1 := s - hint; IF high IN hint THEN s1 := s1 * {0..3} END; IF s1 # {} THEN s := s1 END; IF AX IN s THEN n := AX ELSIF DX IN s THEN n := DX ELSIF CX IN s THEN n := CX ELSIF SI IN s THEN n := SI ELSIF DI IN s THEN n := DI ELSE n := BX (* not used *) END; EXCL(WReg, n); IF n < 4 THEN EXCL(BReg, n); EXCL(BReg, n + 4) END | Real32, Real64: IF (FReg = 0) OR (float IN stop) THEN DevCPM.err(216); FReg := 99 END; DEC(FReg); n := 0 END; DevCPL486.MakeReg(x, n, f); END GetReg; PROCEDURE FreeReg (n, f: INTEGER); BEGIN IF f <= Int8 THEN INCL(BReg, n); IF (n + 4) MOD 8 IN BReg THEN INCL(WReg, n MOD 4) END ELSIF f IN realSet THEN INC(FReg) ELSIF n IN AllReg THEN INCL(WReg, n); IF n < 4 THEN INCL(BReg, n); INCL(BReg, n + 4) END END END FreeReg; PROCEDURE FreeWReg (n: INTEGER); BEGIN IF n IN AllReg THEN INCL(WReg, n); IF n < 4 THEN INCL(BReg, n); INCL(BReg, n + 4) END END END FreeWReg; PROCEDURE Free* (VAR x: DevCPL486.Item); BEGIN CASE x.mode OF | Var, VarPar, Abs: IF x.scale # 0 THEN FreeWReg(x.index) END | Ind: FreeWReg(x.reg); IF x.scale # 0 THEN FreeWReg(x.index) END | Reg: FreeReg(x.reg, x.form); IF x.form = Int64 THEN FreeWReg(x.index) END ELSE END END Free; PROCEDURE FreeHi (VAR x: DevCPL486.Item); (* free hi byte of word reg *) BEGIN IF x.mode = Reg THEN IF x.form = Int64 THEN FreeWReg(x.index) ELSIF x.reg < 4 THEN INCL(BReg, x.reg + 4) END END END FreeHi; PROCEDURE Fits* (VAR x: DevCPL486.Item; stop: SET): BOOLEAN; (* x.mode = Reg *) BEGIN IF (short IN stop) & (x.form <= Int8) THEN RETURN FALSE END; IF x.form <= Int8 THEN RETURN ~(x.reg MOD 4 IN stop) & ((x.reg < 4) OR ~(high IN stop)) ELSIF x.form IN realSet THEN RETURN ~(float IN stop) ELSIF x.form = Int64 THEN RETURN ~(x.reg IN stop) & ~(x.index IN stop) ELSE RETURN ~(x.reg IN stop) & ((x.reg < 4) OR ~(high IN stop)) END END Fits; PROCEDURE Pop* (VAR r: DevCPL486.Item; f: BYTE; hint, stop: SET); VAR rh: DevCPL486.Item; BEGIN IF f = Int64 THEN GetReg(r, Int32, hint, stop); DevCPL486.GenPop(r); GetReg(rh, Int32, hint, stop); DevCPL486.GenPop(rh); r.form := Int64; r.index := rh.reg ELSE IF f < Int16 THEN INCL(stop, high) END; GetReg(r, f, hint, stop); DevCPL486.GenPop(r) END END Pop; PROCEDURE^ LoadLong (VAR x: DevCPL486.Item; hint, stop: SET); PROCEDURE Load* (VAR x: DevCPL486.Item; hint, stop: SET); (* = Assert(x, hint, stop + {mem, stk}) *) VAR r: DevCPL486.Item; f: BYTE; BEGIN f := x.typ.form; IF x.mode = Con THEN IF (short IN stop) & (x.form IN {Int8, Int16, Bool, Char8, Char16}) THEN f := Int32; x.form := Int32 END; IF con IN stop THEN IF f = Int64 THEN LoadLong(x, hint, stop) ELSE GetReg(r, f, hint, stop); DevCPL486.GenMove(x, r); x.mode := Reg; x.reg := r.reg; x.form := f END END ELSIF x.mode = Stk THEN IF f IN realSet THEN GetReg(r, f, hint, stop); DevCPL486.GenFLoad(x); IncStack(x.form) ELSE Pop(r, f, hint, stop) END; x.mode := Reg; x.reg := r.reg; x.index := r.index; x.form := f ELSIF (short IN stop) & (x.form IN {Int8, Int16, Bool, Char8, Char16}) THEN Free(x); GetReg(r, Int32, hint, stop); DevCPL486.GenExtMove(x, r); x.mode := Reg; x.reg := r.reg; x.form := Int32 ELSIF (x.mode # Reg) OR ~Fits(x, stop) THEN IF f = Int64 THEN LoadLong(x, hint, stop) ELSE Free(x); GetReg(r, f, hint, stop); IF f IN realSet THEN DevCPL486.GenFLoad(x) ELSE DevCPL486.GenMove(x, r) END; x.mode := Reg; x.reg := r.reg; x.form := f END END END Load; PROCEDURE Push* (VAR x: DevCPL486.Item); VAR y: DevCPL486.Item; BEGIN IF x.form IN realSet THEN Load(x, {}, {}); DecStack(x.form); Free(x); x.mode := Stk; IF x.typ = DevCPT.intrealtyp THEN x.form := Int64 END; DevCPL486.GenFStore(x, TRUE) ELSIF x.form = Int64 THEN Free(x); x.form := Int32; y := x; IF x.mode = Reg THEN y.reg := x.index ELSE INC(y.offset, 4) END; DevCPL486.GenPush(y); DevCPL486.GenPush(x); x.mode := Stk; x.form := Int64 ELSE IF x.form < Int16 THEN Load(x, {}, {high}) ELSIF x.form = Int16 THEN Load(x, {}, {}) END; Free(x); DevCPL486.GenPush(x); x.mode := Stk END END Push; PROCEDURE Assert* (VAR x: DevCPL486.Item; hint, stop: SET); BEGIN IF (short IN stop) & (x.form IN {Int8, Int16, Bool, Char8, Char16}) & (x.mode # Con) THEN IF (wreg - stop = {}) & ~(stk IN stop) THEN Load(x, {}, {short}); Push(x) ELSE Load(x, hint, stop); END ELSE CASE x.mode OF | Var, VarPar: IF ~(mem IN stop) THEN RETURN END | Con: IF ~(con IN stop) THEN RETURN END | Ind: IF ~(mem IN stop) & ~(x.reg IN stop) & ((x.scale = 0) OR ~(x.index IN stop)) THEN RETURN END | Abs: IF ~(mem IN stop) & ((x.scale = 0) OR ~(x.index IN stop)) THEN RETURN END | Stk: IF ~(stk IN stop) THEN RETURN END | Reg: IF Fits(x, stop) THEN RETURN END ELSE RETURN END; IF ((float IN stop) OR ~(x.typ.form IN realSet) & (wreg - stop = {})) & ~(stk IN stop) THEN Push(x) ELSE Load(x, hint, stop) END END END Assert; (*------------------------------------------------*) PROCEDURE LoadR (VAR x: DevCPL486.Item); BEGIN IF x.mode # Reg THEN Free(x); DevCPL486.GenFLoad(x); IF x.mode = Stk THEN IncStack(x.form) END; GetReg(x, Real32, {}, {}) END END LoadR; PROCEDURE PushR (VAR x: DevCPL486.Item); BEGIN IF x.mode # Reg THEN LoadR(x) END; DecStack(x.form); Free(x); x.mode := Stk; DevCPL486.GenFStore(x, TRUE) END PushR; PROCEDURE LoadW (VAR x: DevCPL486.Item; hint, stop: SET); VAR r: DevCPL486.Item; BEGIN IF x.mode = Stk THEN Pop(x, x.form, hint, stop) ELSE Free(x); GetReg(r, x.form, hint, stop); DevCPL486.GenMove(x, r); x.mode := Reg; x.reg := r.reg END END LoadW; PROCEDURE LoadL (VAR x: DevCPL486.Item; hint, stop: SET); VAR r: DevCPL486.Item; BEGIN IF x.mode = Stk THEN Pop(x, x.form, hint, stop); IF (x.form < Int32) OR (x.form = Char16) THEN r := x; x.form := Int32; DevCPL486.GenExtMove(r, x) END ELSE Free(x); IF (x.form < Int32) OR (x.form = Char16) THEN GetReg(r, Int32, hint, stop) ELSE GetReg(r, x.form, hint, stop) END; IF x.mode = Con THEN x.form := r.form END; IF x.form # r.form THEN DevCPL486.GenExtMove(x, r) ELSE DevCPL486.GenMove(x, r) END; x.mode := Reg; x.reg := r.reg; x.form := r.form END END LoadL; PROCEDURE LoadLong (VAR x: DevCPL486.Item; hint, stop: SET); VAR r, rh: DevCPL486.Item; offs: INTEGER; BEGIN IF x.form = Int64 THEN IF x.mode = Stk THEN Pop(x, x.form, hint, stop) ELSIF x.mode = Reg THEN FreeReg(x.reg, Int32); GetReg(r, Int32, hint, stop); FreeReg(x.index, Int32); GetReg(rh, Int32, hint, stop); x.form := Int32; DevCPL486.GenMove(x, r); x.reg := x.index; DevCPL486.GenMove(x, rh); x.reg := r.reg; x.index := rh.reg ELSE GetReg(rh, Int32, hint, stop + {AX}); Free(x); GetReg(r, Int32, hint, stop); x.form := Int32; offs := x.offset; IF x.mode = Con THEN x.offset := x.scale ELSE INC(x.offset, 4) END; DevCPL486.GenMove(x, rh); x.offset := offs; DevCPL486.GenMove(x, r); x.mode := Reg; x.reg := r.reg; x.index := rh.reg END ELSE LoadL(x, hint, stop); GetReg(rh, Int32, hint, stop); DevCPL486.GenSignExt(x, rh); x.index := rh.reg END; x.form := Int64 END LoadLong; (*------------------------------------------------*) PROCEDURE CopyReg* (VAR x, y: DevCPL486.Item; hint, stop: SET); BEGIN ASSERT(x.mode = Reg); GetReg(y, x.form, hint, stop); DevCPL486.GenMove(x, y) END CopyReg; PROCEDURE GetAdr* (VAR x: DevCPL486.Item; hint, stop: SET); VAR r: DevCPL486.Item; BEGIN IF x.mode = DInd THEN x.mode := Ind ELSIF (x.mode = Ind) & (x.offset = 0) & (x.scale = 0) & (x.reg IN wreg) THEN x.mode := Reg ELSE Free(x); GetReg(r, Pointer, hint, stop); IF x.mode = Con THEN DevCPL486.GenMove(x, r) ELSE DevCPL486.GenLoadAdr(x, r) END; x.mode := Reg; x.reg := r.reg; x.form := Pointer END; x.form := Pointer; x.typ := DevCPT.anyptrtyp; Assert(x, hint, stop) END GetAdr; PROCEDURE PushAdr (VAR x: DevCPL486.Item; niltest: BOOLEAN); VAR r, v: DevCPL486.Item; BEGIN IF (x.mode = Abs) & (x.scale = 0) THEN x.mode := Con; x.form := Pointer ELSIF niltest THEN GetAdr(x, {}, {mem, stk}); DevCPL486.MakeReg(r, AX, Int32); v.mode := Ind; v.form := Int32; v.offset := 0; v.scale := 0; v.reg := x.reg; DevCPL486.GenTest(r, v) ELSIF x.mode = DInd THEN x.mode := Ind; x.form := Pointer ELSE GetAdr(x, {}, {}) END; Free(x); DevCPL486.GenPush(x) END PushAdr; PROCEDURE LevelBase (VAR a: DevCPL486.Item; lev: INTEGER; hint, stop: SET); VAR n: BYTE; BEGIN a.mode := Ind; a.scale := 0; a.form := Int32; a.typ := DevCPT.int32typ; IF lev = DevCPL486.level THEN a.reg := BP ELSE a.reg := BX; n := SHORT(SHORT(imLevel[DevCPL486.level] - imLevel[lev])); WHILE n > 0 DO a.offset := -4; LoadL(a, hint, stop); a.mode := Ind; DEC(n) END END END LevelBase; PROCEDURE LenDesc (VAR x, len: DevCPL486.Item; typ: DevCPT.Struct); (* set len to LEN(x, -typ.n) *) BEGIN IF x.tmode = VarPar THEN LevelBase(len, x.obj.mnolev, {}, {}); len.offset := x.obj.adr; ELSE ASSERT((x.tmode = Ind) & (x.mode = Ind)); len := x; len.offset := ArrDOffs; len.scale := 0; len.form := Int32 END; INC(len.offset, typ.n * 4 + 4); IF typ.sysflag = stackArray THEN len.offset := -4 END END LenDesc; PROCEDURE Tag* (VAR x, tag: DevCPL486.Item); VAR typ: DevCPT.Struct; BEGIN typ := x.typ; IF typ.form = Pointer THEN typ := typ.BaseTyp END; IF (x.typ # DevCPT.sysptrtyp) & (typ.attribute = 0) & ~(DevCPM.oberon IN DevCPM.options) THEN (* final type *) DevCPL486.MakeConst(tag, 0, Pointer); tag.obj := DevCPE.TypeObj(typ) ELSIF x.typ.form = Pointer THEN ASSERT(x.mode = Reg); tag.mode := Ind; tag.reg := x.reg; tag.offset := -4; IF x.typ.sysflag = interface THEN tag.offset := 0 END ELSIF x.tmode = VarPar THEN LevelBase(tag, x.obj.mnolev, {}, {}); tag.offset := x.obj.adr + 4; Free(tag) (* ??? *) ELSIF x.tmode = Ind THEN ASSERT(x.mode = Ind); tag := x; tag.offset := -4 ELSE DevCPL486.MakeConst(tag, 0, Pointer); tag.obj := DevCPE.TypeObj(x.typ) END; tag.scale := 0; tag.form := Pointer; tag.typ := DevCPT.sysptrtyp END Tag; PROCEDURE NumOfIntProc (typ: DevCPT.Struct): INTEGER; BEGIN WHILE (typ # NIL) & (typ.sysflag # interface) DO typ := typ.BaseTyp END; IF typ # NIL THEN RETURN typ.n ELSE RETURN 0 END END NumOfIntProc; PROCEDURE ContainsIPtrs* (typ: DevCPT.Struct): BOOLEAN; VAR fld: DevCPT.Object; BEGIN WHILE typ.comp IN {DynArr, Array} DO typ := typ.BaseTyp END; IF (typ.form = Pointer) & (typ.sysflag = interface) THEN RETURN TRUE ELSIF (typ.comp = Record) & (typ.sysflag # union) THEN REPEAT fld := typ.link; WHILE (fld # NIL) & (fld.mode = Fld) DO IF (fld.sysflag = interface) & (fld.name^ = DevCPM.HdUtPtrName) OR ContainsIPtrs(fld.typ) THEN RETURN TRUE END; fld := fld.link END; typ := typ.BaseTyp UNTIL typ = NIL END; RETURN FALSE END ContainsIPtrs; PROCEDURE GuidFromString* (str: DevCPT.ConstExt; VAR x: DevCPL486.Item); VAR cv: DevCPT.Const; BEGIN IF ~DevCPM.ValidGuid(str) THEN DevCPM.err(165) END; cv := DevCPT.NewConst(); cv.intval := DevCPM.ConstNotAlloc; cv.intval2 := 16; cv.ext := str; DevCPL486.AllocConst(x, cv, Guid); x.typ := DevCPT.guidtyp END GuidFromString; PROCEDURE IPAddRef* (VAR x: DevCPL486.Item; offset: INTEGER; nilTest: BOOLEAN); VAR r, p, c: DevCPL486.Item; lbl: DevCPL486.Label; BEGIN ASSERT(x.mode IN {Reg, Ind, Abs}); ASSERT({AX, CX, DX} - WReg = {}); IF hints THEN IF nilTest THEN DevCPM.err(-701) ELSE DevCPM.err(-700) END END; IF x.mode # Reg THEN GetReg(r, Pointer, {}, {}); p := x; INC(p.offset, offset); p.form := Pointer; DevCPL486.GenMove(p, r); ELSE r := x END; IF nilTest THEN DevCPL486.MakeConst(c, 0, Pointer); DevCPL486.GenComp(c, r); lbl := DevCPL486.NewLbl; DevCPL486.GenJump(ccE, lbl, TRUE) END; DevCPL486.GenPush(r); p := r; IF x.mode # Reg THEN Free(r) END; GetReg(r, Pointer, {}, {}); p.mode := Ind; p.offset := 0; p.scale := 0; p.form := Pointer; DevCPL486.GenMove(p, r); p.offset := 4; p.reg := r.reg; Free(r); DevCPL486.GenCall(p); IF nilTest THEN DevCPL486.SetLabel(lbl) END; END IPAddRef; PROCEDURE IPRelease* (VAR x: DevCPL486.Item; offset: INTEGER; nilTest, nilSet: BOOLEAN); VAR r, p, c: DevCPL486.Item; lbl: DevCPL486.Label; BEGIN ASSERT(x.mode IN {Ind, Abs}); ASSERT({AX, CX, DX} - WReg = {}); IF hints THEN IF nilTest THEN DevCPM.err(-703) ELSE DevCPM.err(-702) END END; GetReg(r, Pointer, {}, {}); p := x; INC(p.offset, offset); p.form := Pointer; DevCPL486.GenMove(p, r); DevCPL486.MakeConst(c, 0, Pointer); IF nilTest THEN DevCPL486.GenComp(c, r); lbl := DevCPL486.NewLbl; DevCPL486.GenJump(ccE, lbl, TRUE) END; IF nilSet THEN DevCPL486.GenMove(c, p) END; DevCPL486.GenPush(r); p.mode := Ind; p.reg := r.reg; p.offset := 0; p.scale := 0; DevCPL486.GenMove(p, r); p.offset := 8; Free(r); DevCPL486.GenCall(p); IF nilTest THEN DevCPL486.SetLabel(lbl) END; END IPRelease; PROCEDURE Prepare* (VAR x: DevCPL486.Item; hint, stop: SET); VAR n, i, lev: INTEGER; len, y: DevCPL486.Item; typ: DevCPT.Struct; BEGIN IF (x.mode IN {Var, VarPar, Ind, Abs}) & (x.scale # 0) THEN DevCPL486.MakeReg(y, x.index, Int32); typ := x.typ; WHILE typ.comp = DynArr DO (* complete dynamic array iterations *) LenDesc(x, len, typ); DevCPL486.GenMul(len, y, FALSE); typ := typ.BaseTyp; IF x.tmode = VarPar THEN Free(len) END; (* ??? *) END; n := x.scale; i := 0; WHILE (n MOD 2 = 0) & (i < 3) DO n := n DIV 2; INC(i) END; IF n > 1 THEN (* assure scale factor in {1, 2, 4, 8} *) DevCPL486.MakeConst(len, n, Int32); DevCPL486.GenMul(len, y, FALSE); x.scale := x.scale DIV n END END; CASE x.mode OF Var, VarPar: lev := x.obj.mnolev; IF lev <= 0 THEN x.mode := Abs ELSE LevelBase(y, lev, hint, stop); IF x.mode # VarPar THEN x.mode := Ind ELSIF (deref IN hint) & (x.offset = 0) & (x.scale = 0) THEN x.mode := DInd; x.offset := x.obj.adr ELSE y.offset := x.obj.adr; Load(y, hint, stop); x.mode := Ind END; x.reg := y.reg END; x.form := x.typ.form | LProc, XProc, IProc: x.mode := Con; x.offset := 0; x.form := ProcTyp | TProc, CProc: x.form := ProcTyp | Ind, Abs, Stk, Reg: IF ~(x.typ.form IN {String8, String16}) THEN x.form := x.typ.form END END END Prepare; PROCEDURE Field* (VAR x: DevCPL486.Item; field: DevCPT.Object); BEGIN INC(x.offset, field.adr); x.tmode := Con END Field; PROCEDURE DeRef* (VAR x: DevCPL486.Item); VAR btyp: DevCPT.Struct; BEGIN x.mode := Ind; x.tmode := Ind; x.scale := 0; btyp := x.typ.BaseTyp; IF btyp.untagged OR (btyp.sysflag = stackArray) THEN x.offset := 0 ELSIF btyp.comp = DynArr THEN x.offset := ArrDOffs + btyp.size ELSIF btyp.comp = Array THEN x.offset := ArrDOffs + 4 ELSE x.offset := 0 END END DeRef; PROCEDURE Index* (VAR x, y: DevCPL486.Item; hint, stop: SET); (* x[y] *) VAR idx, len: DevCPL486.Item; btyp: DevCPT.Struct; elsize: INTEGER; BEGIN btyp := x.typ.BaseTyp; elsize := btyp.size; IF elsize = 0 THEN Free(y) ELSIF x.typ.comp = Array THEN len.mode := Con; len.obj := NIL; IF y.mode = Con THEN INC(x.offset, y.offset * elsize) ELSE Load(y, hint, stop + {mem, stk, short}); IF inxchk THEN DevCPL486.MakeConst(len, x.typ.n, Int32); DevCPL486.GenComp(len, y); DevCPL486.GenAssert(ccB, inxTrap) END; IF x.scale = 0 THEN x.index := y.reg ELSE IF x.scale MOD elsize # 0 THEN IF (x.scale MOD 4 = 0) & (elsize MOD 4 = 0) THEN elsize := 4 ELSIF (x.scale MOD 2 = 0) & (elsize MOD 2 = 0) THEN elsize := 2 ELSE elsize := 1 END; DevCPL486.MakeConst(len, btyp.size DIV elsize, Int32); DevCPL486.GenMul(len, y, FALSE) END; DevCPL486.MakeConst(len, x.scale DIV elsize, Int32); DevCPL486.MakeReg(idx, x.index, Int32); DevCPL486.GenMul(len, idx, FALSE); DevCPL486.GenAdd(y, idx, FALSE); Free(y) END; x.scale := elsize END; x.tmode := Con ELSE (* x.typ.comp = DynArr *) IF (btyp.comp = DynArr) & x.typ.untagged THEN DevCPM.err(137) END; LenDesc(x, len, x.typ); IF x.scale # 0 THEN DevCPL486.MakeReg(idx, x.index, Int32); DevCPL486.GenMul(len, idx, FALSE) END; IF (y.mode # Con) OR (y.offset # 0) THEN IF (y.mode # Con) OR (btyp.comp = DynArr) & (x.scale = 0) THEN Load(y, hint, stop + {mem, stk, con, short}) ELSE y.form := Int32 END; IF inxchk & ~x.typ.untagged THEN DevCPL486.GenComp(y, len); DevCPL486.GenAssert(ccA, inxTrap) END; IF (y.mode = Con) & (btyp.comp # DynArr) THEN INC(x.offset, y.offset * elsize) ELSIF x.scale = 0 THEN WHILE btyp.comp = DynArr DO btyp := btyp.BaseTyp END; x.index := y.reg; x.scale := btyp.size ELSE DevCPL486.GenAdd(y, idx, FALSE); Free(y) END END; IF x.tmode = VarPar THEN Free(len) END; (* ??? *) IF x.typ.BaseTyp.comp # DynArr THEN x.tmode := Con END END END Index; PROCEDURE TypTest* (VAR x: DevCPL486.Item; testtyp: DevCPT.Struct; guard, equal: BOOLEAN); VAR tag, tdes, r: DevCPL486.Item; typ: DevCPT.Struct; BEGIN typ := x.typ; IF typ.form = Pointer THEN testtyp := testtyp.BaseTyp; typ := typ.BaseTyp END; IF ~guard & typ.untagged THEN DevCPM.err(139) ELSIF ~guard OR typchk & ~typ.untagged THEN IF testtyp.untagged THEN DevCPM.err(139) ELSE IF (x.typ.form = Pointer) & (x.mode # Reg) THEN GetReg(r, Pointer, {}, {}); DevCPL486.GenMove(x, r); Free(r); r.typ := x.typ; Tag(r, tag) ELSE Tag(x, tag) END; IF ~guard THEN Free(x) END; IF ~equal THEN GetReg(r, Pointer, {}, {}); DevCPL486.GenMove(tag, r); Free(r); tag.mode := Ind; tag.reg := r.reg; tag.scale := 0; tag.offset := Tag0Offset + 4 * testtyp.extlev END; DevCPL486.MakeConst(tdes, 0, Pointer); tdes.obj := DevCPE.TypeObj(testtyp); DevCPL486.GenComp(tdes, tag); IF guard THEN IF equal THEN DevCPL486.GenAssert(ccE, recTrap) ELSE DevCPL486.GenAssert(ccE, typTrap) END ELSE setCC(x, eql, FALSE, FALSE) END END END END TypTest; PROCEDURE ShortTypTest* (VAR x: DevCPL486.Item; testtyp: DevCPT.Struct); VAR tag, tdes: DevCPL486.Item; BEGIN (* tag must be in AX ! *) IF testtyp.form = Pointer THEN testtyp := testtyp.BaseTyp END; IF testtyp.untagged THEN DevCPM.err(139) ELSE tag.mode := Ind; tag.reg := AX; tag.scale := 0; tag.offset := Tag0Offset + 4 * testtyp.extlev; tag.form := Pointer; DevCPL486.MakeConst(tdes, 0, Pointer); tdes.obj := DevCPE.TypeObj(testtyp); DevCPL486.GenComp(tdes, tag); setCC(x, eql, FALSE, FALSE) END END ShortTypTest; PROCEDURE Check (VAR x: DevCPL486.Item; min, max: INTEGER); VAR c: DevCPL486.Item; BEGIN ASSERT((x.mode # Reg) OR (max > 255) OR (max = 31) OR (x.reg < 4)); IF ranchk & (x.mode # Con) THEN DevCPL486.MakeConst(c, max, x.form); DevCPL486.GenComp(c, x); IF min # 0 THEN DevCPL486.GenAssert(ccLE, ranTrap); c.offset := min; DevCPL486.GenComp(c, x); DevCPL486.GenAssert(ccGE, ranTrap) ELSIF max # 0 THEN DevCPL486.GenAssert(ccBE, ranTrap) ELSE DevCPL486.GenAssert(ccNS, ranTrap) END END END Check; PROCEDURE Floor (VAR x: DevCPL486.Item; useSt1: BOOLEAN); VAR c: DevCPL486.Item; local: DevCPL486.Label; BEGIN IF useSt1 THEN DevCPL486.GenFMOp(5D1H); (* FST ST1 *) ELSE DevCPL486.GenFMOp(1C0H); (* FLD ST0 *) END; DevCPL486.GenFMOp(1FCH); (* FRNDINT *) DevCPL486.GenFMOp(0D1H); (* FCOM *) CheckAv(AX); DevCPL486.GenFMOp(FSTSW); DevCPL486.GenFMOp(5D9H); (* FSTP ST1 *) (* DevCPL486.GenCode(WAIT); *) DevCPL486.GenCode(SAHF); local := DevCPL486.NewLbl; DevCPL486.GenJump(ccBE, local, TRUE); DevCPL486.AllocConst(c, DevCPL486.one, Real32); DevCPL486.GenFDOp(FSUB, c); DevCPL486.SetLabel(local); END Floor; PROCEDURE Entier(VAR x: DevCPL486.Item; typ: DevCPT.Struct; hint, stop: SET); BEGIN IF typ # DevCPT.intrealtyp THEN Floor(x, FALSE) END; DevCPL486.GenFStore(x, TRUE); IF (x.mode = Stk) & (stk IN stop) THEN Pop(x, x.form, hint, stop) END END Entier; PROCEDURE ConvMove (VAR x, y: DevCPL486.Item; sysval: BOOLEAN; hint, stop: SET); (* x := y *) (* scalar values only, y.mode # Con, all kinds of conversions, x.mode = Undef => convert y only *) VAR f, m: BYTE; s: INTEGER; z: DevCPL486.Item; BEGIN f := x.form; m := x.mode; ASSERT(m IN {Undef, Reg, Abs, Ind, Stk}); IF y.form IN {Real32, Real64} THEN IF f IN {Real32, Real64} THEN IF m = Undef THEN IF (y.form = Real64) & (f = Real32) THEN IF y.mode # Reg THEN LoadR(y) END; Free(y); DecStack(Real32); y.mode := Stk; y.form := Real32; DevCPL486.GenFStore(y, TRUE) END ELSE IF y.mode # Reg THEN LoadR(y) END; IF m = Stk THEN DecStack(f) END; IF m # Reg THEN Free(y); DevCPL486.GenFStore(x, TRUE) END; END ELSE (* x not real *) IF sysval THEN IF y.mode = Reg THEN Free(y); IF (m # Stk) & (m # Undef) & (m # Reg) & (f >= Int32) THEN x.form := y.form; DevCPL486.GenFStore(x, TRUE); x.form := f ELSIF y.form = Real64 THEN (* S.VAL(LONGINT, real) *) ASSERT((m = Undef) & (f = Int64)); DecStack(y.form); y.mode := Stk; DevCPL486.GenFStore(y, TRUE); y.form := Int64; Pop(y, y.form, hint, stop) ELSE ASSERT(y.form # Real64); DecStack(y.form); y.mode := Stk; DevCPL486.GenFStore(y, TRUE); y.form := Int32; IF m # Stk THEN Pop(y, y.form, hint, stop); IF f < Int16 THEN ASSERT(y.reg < 4) END; y.form := f; IF m # Undef THEN Free(y); DevCPL486.GenMove(y, x) END END END ELSE (* y.mode # Reg *) y.form := f; IF m # Undef THEN LoadW(y, hint, stop); Free(y); IF m = Stk THEN DevCPL486.GenPush(y) ELSE DevCPL486.GenMove(y, x) END END END ELSE (* not sysval *) IF y.mode # Reg THEN LoadR(y) END; Free(y); IF (m # Stk) & (m # Undef) & (m # Reg) & (f >= Int16) & (f # Char16) THEN Entier(x, y.typ, hint, stop); ELSE DecStack(f); y.mode := Stk; IF (f < Int16) OR (f = Char16) THEN y.form := Int32 ELSE y.form := f END; IF m = Stk THEN Entier(y, y.typ, {}, {}) ELSIF m = Undef THEN Entier(y, y.typ, hint, stop) ELSE Entier(y, y.typ, hint, stop + {stk}) END; IF f = Int8 THEN Check(y, -128, 127); FreeHi(y) ELSIF f = Char8 THEN Check(y, 0, 255); FreeHi(y) ELSIF f = Char16 THEN Check(y, 0, 65536); FreeHi(y) END; y.form := f; IF (m # Undef) & (m # Stk) THEN IF f = Int64 THEN Free(y); y.form := Int32; z := x; z.form := Int32; DevCPL486.GenMove(y, z); IF z.mode = Reg THEN z.reg := z.index ELSE INC(z.offset, 4) END; y.reg := y.index; DevCPL486.GenMove(y, z); ELSE Free(y); DevCPL486.GenMove(y, x); END END END END END ELSE (* y not real *) IF sysval THEN IF (y.form < Int16) & (f >= Int16) OR (y.form IN {Int16, Char16}) & (f >= Int32) & (f < Char16) THEN LoadL(y, hint, stop) END; IF (y.form >= Int16) & (f < Int16) THEN FreeHi(y) END ELSE CASE y.form OF | Byte, Bool: IF f = Int64 THEN LoadLong(y, hint, stop) ELSIF f >= Int16 THEN LoadL(y, hint, stop) END | Char8: IF f = Int8 THEN Check(y, 0, 0) ELSIF f = Int64 THEN LoadLong(y, hint, stop) ELSIF f >= Int16 THEN LoadL(y, hint, stop) END | Char16: IF f = Char8 THEN Check(y, 0, 255); FreeHi(y) ELSIF f = Int8 THEN Check(y, -128, 127); FreeHi(y) ELSIF f = Int16 THEN Check(y, 0, 0) ELSIF f = Char16 THEN (* ok *) ELSIF f = Int64 THEN LoadLong(y, hint, stop) ELSIF f >= Int32 THEN LoadL(y, hint, stop) END | Int8: IF f = Char8 THEN Check(y, 0, 0) ELSIF f = Int64 THEN LoadLong(y, hint, stop) ELSIF f >= Int16 THEN LoadL(y, hint, stop) END | Int16: IF f = Char8 THEN Check(y, 0, 255); FreeHi(y) ELSIF f = Char16 THEN Check(y, 0, 0) ELSIF f = Int8 THEN Check(y, -128, 127); FreeHi(y) ELSIF f = Int64 THEN LoadLong(y, hint, stop) ELSIF (f = Int32) OR (f = Set) THEN LoadL(y, hint, stop) END | Int32, Set, Pointer, ProcTyp: IF f = Char8 THEN Check(y, 0, 255); FreeHi(y) ELSIF f = Char16 THEN Check(y, 0, 65536) ELSIF f = Int8 THEN Check(y, -128, 127); FreeHi(y) ELSIF f = Int16 THEN Check(y, -32768, 32767) ELSIF f = Int64 THEN LoadLong(y, hint, stop) END | Int64: IF f IN {Bool..Int32, Char16} THEN (* make range checks !!! *) FreeHi(y); IF f IN {Bool..Int8} THEN y.form := Int32; FreeHi(y) END END END END; IF f IN {Real32, Real64} THEN IF sysval THEN IF (m # Undef) & (m # Reg) THEN IF y.mode # Reg THEN LoadW(y, hint, stop) END; Free(y); IF m = Stk THEN DevCPL486.GenPush(y) ELSE x.form := Int32; DevCPL486.GenMove(y, x); x.form := f END ELSE IF y.mode = Reg THEN Push(y) END; y.form := f; IF m = Reg THEN LoadR(y) END END ELSE (* not sysval *) (* int -> float *) IF y.mode = Reg THEN Push(y) END; IF m = Stk THEN Free(y); DevCPL486.GenFLoad(y); s := -4; IF f = Real64 THEN DEC(s, 4) END; IF y.mode = Stk THEN IF y.form = Int64 THEN INC(s, 8) ELSE INC(s, 4) END END; IF s # 0 THEN AdjustStack(s) END; GetReg(y, Real32, {}, {}); Free(y); DevCPL486.GenFStore(x, TRUE) ELSIF m = Reg THEN LoadR(y) ELSIF m # Undef THEN LoadR(y); Free(y); DevCPL486.GenFStore(x, TRUE) END END ELSE y.form := f; IF m = Stk THEN IF ((f < Int32) OR (f = Char16)) & (y.mode # Reg) THEN LoadW(y, hint, stop) END; Push(y) ELSIF m # Undef THEN IF f = Int64 THEN IF y.mode # Reg THEN LoadLong(y, hint, stop) END; Free(y); y.form := Int32; z := x; z.form := Int32; DevCPL486.GenMove(y, z); IF z.mode = Reg THEN ASSERT(z.reg # y.index); z.reg := z.index ELSE INC(z.offset, 4) END; y.reg := y.index; DevCPL486.GenMove(y, z); ELSE IF y.mode # Reg THEN LoadW(y, hint, stop) END; Free(y); DevCPL486.GenMove(y, x) END END END END END ConvMove; PROCEDURE Convert* (VAR x: DevCPL486.Item; f: BYTE; size: INTEGER; hint, stop: SET); (* size >= 0: sysval *) VAR y: DevCPL486.Item; BEGIN ASSERT(x.mode # Con); IF (size >= 0) & ((size # x.typ.size) & ((size > 4) OR (x.typ.size > 4)) OR (f IN {Comp, Real64}) & (x.mode IN {Reg, Stk}) OR (f = Int64) & (x.mode = Stk)) THEN DevCPM.err(261); Free(x); x.mode := Stk; x.form := f ELSE y.mode := Undef; y.form := f; ConvMove(y, x, size >= 0, hint, stop) END END Convert; PROCEDURE LoadCond* (VAR x, y: DevCPL486.Item; F, T: DevCPL486.Label; hint, stop: SET); VAR end, T1: DevCPL486.Label; c, r: DevCPL486.Item; BEGIN IF mem IN stop THEN GetReg(x, Bool, hint, stop) END; IF (F = DevCPL486.NewLbl) & (T = DevCPL486.NewLbl) THEN (* no label used *) IF y.offset >= 0 THEN DevCPL486.GenSetCC(y.offset, x) ELSIF y.offset = ccAlways THEN Free(x); DevCPL486.MakeConst(x, 1, Bool) ELSIF y.offset = ccNever THEN Free(x); DevCPL486.MakeConst(x, 0, Bool) ELSE HALT(100) (* internal error *) END ELSE end := DevCPL486.NewLbl; T1 := DevCPL486.NewLbl; DevCPL486.GenJump(y.offset, T1, TRUE); (* T1 to enable short jump *) DevCPL486.SetLabel(F); DevCPL486.MakeConst(c, 0, Bool); DevCPL486.GenMove(c, x); DevCPL486.GenJump(ccAlways, end, TRUE); DevCPL486.SetLabel(T); DevCPL486.SetLabel(T1); DevCPL486.MakeConst(c, 1, Bool); DevCPL486.GenMove(c, x); DevCPL486.SetLabel(end) END; IF x.mode # Reg THEN Free(x) END END LoadCond; PROCEDURE IntDOp* (VAR x, y: DevCPL486.Item; subcl: BYTE; rev: BOOLEAN); VAR local: DevCPL486.Label; BEGIN ASSERT((x.mode = Reg) OR (y.mode = Reg) OR (y.mode = Con)); CASE subcl OF | eql..geq: DevCPL486.GenComp(y, x); Free(x); setCC(x, subcl, rev, x.typ.form IN {Int8..Int32}) | times: IF x.form = Set THEN DevCPL486.GenAnd(y, x) ELSE DevCPL486.GenMul(y, x, ovflchk) END | slash: DevCPL486.GenXor(y, x) | plus: IF x.form = Set THEN DevCPL486.GenOr(y, x) ELSE DevCPL486.GenAdd(y, x, ovflchk) END | minus, msk: IF (x.form = Set) OR (subcl = msk) THEN (* and not *) IF rev THEN DevCPL486.GenNot(x); DevCPL486.GenAnd(y, x) (* y and not x *) ELSIF y.mode = Con THEN y.offset := -1 - y.offset; DevCPL486.GenAnd(y, x) (* x and y' *) ELSIF y.mode = Reg THEN DevCPL486.GenNot(y); DevCPL486.GenAnd(y, x) (* x and not y *) ELSE DevCPL486.GenNot(x); DevCPL486.GenOr(y, x); DevCPL486.GenNot(x) (* not (not x or y) *) END ELSE (* minus *) IF rev THEN (* y - x *) IF (y.mode = Con) & (y.offset = -1) THEN DevCPL486.GenNot(x) ELSE DevCPL486.GenNeg(x, ovflchk); DevCPL486.GenAdd(y, x, ovflchk) (* ??? *) END ELSE (* x - y *) DevCPL486.GenSub(y, x, ovflchk) END END | min, max: local := DevCPL486.NewLbl; DevCPL486.GenComp(y, x); IF subcl = min THEN IF x.typ.form IN {Char8, Char16} THEN DevCPL486.GenJump(ccBE, local, TRUE) ELSE DevCPL486.GenJump(ccLE, local, TRUE) END ELSE IF x.typ.form IN {Char8, Char16} THEN DevCPL486.GenJump(ccAE, local, TRUE) ELSE DevCPL486.GenJump(ccGE, local, TRUE) END END; DevCPL486.GenMove(y, x); DevCPL486.SetLabel(local) END; Free(y); IF x.mode # Reg THEN Free(x) END END IntDOp; PROCEDURE LargeInc* (VAR x, y: DevCPL486.Item; dec: BOOLEAN); (* INC(x, y) or DEC(x, y) *) BEGIN ASSERT(x.form = Int64); IF ~(y.mode IN {Reg, Con}) THEN LoadLong(y, {}, {}) END; Free(x); Free(y); x.form := Int32; y.form := Int32; IF dec THEN DevCPL486.GenSubC(y, x, TRUE, FALSE) ELSE DevCPL486.GenAddC(y, x, TRUE, FALSE) END; INC(x.offset, 4); IF y.mode = Reg THEN y.reg := y.index ELSE y.offset := y.scale END; IF dec THEN DevCPL486.GenSubC(y, x, FALSE, ovflchk) ELSE DevCPL486.GenAddC(y, x, FALSE, ovflchk) END; END LargeInc; PROCEDURE FloatDOp* (VAR x, y: DevCPL486.Item; subcl: BYTE; rev: BOOLEAN); VAR local: DevCPL486.Label; a, b: DevCPL486.Item; BEGIN ASSERT(x.mode = Reg); IF y.form = Int64 THEN LoadR(y) END; IF y.mode = Reg THEN rev := ~rev END; CASE subcl OF | eql..geq: DevCPL486.GenFDOp(FCOMP, y) | times: DevCPL486.GenFDOp(FMUL, y) | slash: IF rev THEN DevCPL486.GenFDOp(FDIVR, y) ELSE DevCPL486.GenFDOp(FDIV, y) END | plus: DevCPL486.GenFDOp(FADD, y) | minus: IF rev THEN DevCPL486.GenFDOp(FSUBR, y) ELSE DevCPL486.GenFDOp(FSUB, y) END | min, max: IF y.mode = Reg THEN DevCPL486.GenFMOp(0D1H); (* FCOM ST1 *) CheckAv(AX); DevCPL486.GenFMOp(FSTSW); (* DevCPL486.GenCode(WAIT); *) DevCPL486.GenCode(SAHF); local := DevCPL486.NewLbl; IF subcl = min THEN DevCPL486.GenJump(ccAE, local, TRUE) ELSE DevCPL486.GenJump(ccBE, local, TRUE) END; DevCPL486.GenFMOp(5D1H); (* FST ST1 *) DevCPL486.SetLabel(local); DevCPL486.GenFMOp(5D8H) (* FSTP ST0 *) ELSE DevCPL486.GenFDOp(FCOM, y); CheckAv(AX); DevCPL486.GenFMOp(FSTSW); (* DevCPL486.GenCode(WAIT); *) DevCPL486.GenCode(SAHF); local := DevCPL486.NewLbl; IF subcl = min THEN DevCPL486.GenJump(ccBE, local, TRUE) ELSE DevCPL486.GenJump(ccAE, local, TRUE) END; DevCPL486.GenFMOp(5D8H); (* FSTP ST0 *) DevCPL486.GenFLoad(y); DevCPL486.SetLabel(local) END (* largeint support *) | div: IF y.mode # Reg THEN LoadR(y); rev := ~rev END; IF rev THEN DevCPL486.GenFDOp(FDIVR, y) ELSE DevCPL486.GenFDOp(FDIV, y) END; Floor(y, FALSE) | mod: IF y.mode # Reg THEN LoadR(y); rev := ~rev END; IF rev THEN DevCPL486.GenFMOp(1C9H); (* FXCH ST1 *) END; DevCPL486.GenFMOp(1F8H); (* FPREM *) DevCPL486.GenFMOp(1E4H); (* FTST *) CheckAv(AX); DevCPL486.GenFMOp(FSTSW); DevCPL486.MakeReg(a, AX, Int32); GetReg(b, Int32, {}, {AX}); DevCPL486.GenMove(a, b); DevCPL486.GenFMOp(0D1H); (* FCOM *) DevCPL486.GenFMOp(FSTSW); DevCPL486.GenXor(b, a); Free(b); (* DevCPL486.GenCode(WAIT); *) DevCPL486.GenCode(SAHF); local := DevCPL486.NewLbl; DevCPL486.GenJump(ccBE, local, TRUE); DevCPL486.GenFMOp(0C1H); (* FADD ST1 *) DevCPL486.SetLabel(local); DevCPL486.GenFMOp(5D9H); (* FSTP ST1 *) | ash: IF y.mode # Reg THEN LoadR(y); rev := ~rev END; IF rev THEN DevCPL486.GenFMOp(1C9H); (* FXCH ST1 *) END; DevCPL486.GenFMOp(1FDH); (* FSCALE *) Floor(y, TRUE) END; IF y.mode = Stk THEN IncStack(y.form) END; Free(y); IF (subcl >= eql) & (subcl <= geq) THEN Free(x); CheckAv(AX); DevCPL486.GenFMOp(FSTSW); (* DevCPL486.GenCode(WAIT); *) DevCPL486.GenCode(SAHF); setCC(x, subcl, rev, FALSE) END END FloatDOp; PROCEDURE IntMOp* (VAR x: DevCPL486.Item; subcl: BYTE); VAR L: DevCPL486.Label; c: DevCPL486.Item; BEGIN CASE subcl OF | minus: IF x.form = Set THEN DevCPL486.GenNot(x) ELSE DevCPL486.GenNeg(x, ovflchk) END | abs: L := DevCPL486.NewLbl; DevCPL486.MakeConst(c, 0, x.form); DevCPL486.GenComp(c, x); DevCPL486.GenJump(ccNS, L, TRUE); DevCPL486.GenNeg(x, ovflchk); DevCPL486.SetLabel(L) | cap: DevCPL486.MakeConst(c, -1 - 20H, x.form); DevCPL486.GenAnd(c, x) | not: DevCPL486.MakeConst(c, 1, x.form); DevCPL486.GenXor(c, x) END; IF x.mode # Reg THEN Free(x) END END IntMOp; PROCEDURE FloatMOp* (VAR x: DevCPL486.Item; subcl: BYTE); BEGIN ASSERT(x.mode = Reg); IF subcl = minus THEN DevCPL486.GenFMOp(FCHS) ELSE ASSERT(subcl = abs); DevCPL486.GenFMOp(FABS) END END FloatMOp; PROCEDURE MakeSet* (VAR x: DevCPL486.Item; range, neg: BOOLEAN; hint, stop: SET); (* range neg result F F {x} F T -{x} T F {x..31} T T -{0..x} *) VAR c, r: DevCPL486.Item; val: INTEGER; BEGIN IF x.mode = Con THEN IF range THEN IF neg THEN val := -2 ELSE val := -1 END; x.offset := SYSTEM.LSH(val, x.offset) ELSE val := 1; x.offset := SYSTEM.LSH(val, x.offset); IF neg THEN x.offset := -1 - x.offset END END ELSE Check(x, 0, 31); IF neg THEN val := -2 ELSIF range THEN val := -1 ELSE val := 1 END; DevCPL486.MakeConst(c, val, Set); GetReg(r, Set, hint, stop); DevCPL486.GenMove(c, r); IF range THEN DevCPL486.GenShiftOp(SHL, x, r) ELSE DevCPL486.GenShiftOp(ROL, x, r) END; Free(x); x.reg := r.reg END; x.typ := DevCPT.settyp; x.form := Set END MakeSet; PROCEDURE MakeCond* (VAR x: DevCPL486.Item); VAR c: DevCPL486.Item; BEGIN IF x.mode = Con THEN setCC(x, SHORT(SHORT(x.offset)), FALSE, FALSE) ELSE DevCPL486.MakeConst(c, 0, x.form); DevCPL486.GenComp(c, x); Free(x); setCC(x, neq, FALSE, FALSE) END END MakeCond; PROCEDURE Not* (VAR x: DevCPL486.Item); BEGIN x.offset := Inverted(x.offset); (* invert cc *) END Not; PROCEDURE Odd* (VAR x: DevCPL486.Item); VAR c: DevCPL486.Item; BEGIN IF x.mode = Stk THEN Pop(x, x.form, {}, {}) END; Free(x); DevCPL486.MakeConst(c, 1, x.form); IF x.mode = Reg THEN IF x.form IN {Int16, Int64} THEN x.form := Int32; c.form := Int32 END; DevCPL486.GenAnd(c, x) ELSE c.form := Int8; x.form := Int8; DevCPL486.GenTest(c, x) END; setCC(x, neq, FALSE, FALSE) END Odd; PROCEDURE In* (VAR x, y: DevCPL486.Item); BEGIN IF y.form = Set THEN Check(x, 0, 31) END; DevCPL486.GenBitOp(BT, x, y); Free(x); Free(y); setCC(x, lss, FALSE, FALSE); (* carry set *) END In; PROCEDURE Shift* (VAR x, y: DevCPL486.Item; subcl: BYTE); (* ASH, LSH, ROT *) VAR L1, L2: DevCPL486.Label; c: DevCPL486.Item; opl, opr: INTEGER; BEGIN IF subcl = ash THEN opl := SHL; opr := SAR ELSIF subcl = lsh THEN opl := SHL; opr := SHR ELSE opl := ROL; opr := ROR END; IF y.mode = Con THEN IF y.offset > 0 THEN DevCPL486.GenShiftOp(opl, y, x) ELSIF y.offset < 0 THEN y.offset := -y.offset; DevCPL486.GenShiftOp(opr, y, x) END ELSE ASSERT(y.mode = Reg); Check(y, -31, 31); L1 := DevCPL486.NewLbl; L2 := DevCPL486.NewLbl; DevCPL486.MakeConst(c, 0, y.form); DevCPL486.GenComp(c, y); DevCPL486.GenJump(ccNS, L1, TRUE); DevCPL486.GenNeg(y, FALSE); DevCPL486.GenShiftOp(opr, y, x); DevCPL486.GenJump(ccAlways, L2, TRUE); DevCPL486.SetLabel(L1); DevCPL486.GenShiftOp(opl, y, x); DevCPL486.SetLabel(L2); Free(y) END; IF x.mode # Reg THEN Free(x) END END Shift; PROCEDURE DivMod* (VAR x, y: DevCPL486.Item; mod: BOOLEAN); VAR r: DevCPL486.Item; pos: BOOLEAN; BEGIN ASSERT((x.mode = Reg) & (x.reg = AX)); pos := FALSE; IF y.mode = Con THEN pos := (y.offset > 0) & (y.obj = NIL); Load(y, {}, {AX, DX, con}) END; DevCPL486.GenDiv(y, mod, pos); Free(y); IF mod THEN r := x; GetReg(x, x.form, {}, wreg - {AX, DX}); Free(r) (* ax -> dx; al -> ah *) (* ??? *) END END DivMod; PROCEDURE Mem* (VAR x: DevCPL486.Item; offset: INTEGER; typ: DevCPT.Struct); (* x := Mem[x+offset] *) BEGIN IF x.mode = Con THEN x.mode := Abs; x.obj := NIL; INC(x.offset, offset) ELSE ASSERT(x.mode = Reg); x.mode := Ind; x.offset := offset END; x.scale := 0; x.typ := typ; x.form := typ.form END Mem; PROCEDURE SysMove* (VAR len: DevCPL486.Item); (* implementation of SYSTEM.MOVE *) BEGIN IF len.mode = Con THEN IF len.offset > 0 THEN DevCPL486.GenBlockMove(1, len.offset) END ELSE Load(len, {}, wreg - {CX} + {short, mem, stk}); DevCPL486.GenBlockMove(1, 0); Free(len) END; FreeWReg(SI); FreeWReg(DI) END SysMove; PROCEDURE Len* (VAR x, y: DevCPL486.Item); VAR typ: DevCPT.Struct; dim: INTEGER; BEGIN dim := y.offset; typ := x.typ; IF typ.untagged THEN DevCPM.err(136) END; WHILE dim > 0 DO typ := typ.BaseTyp; DEC(dim) END; LenDesc(x, x, typ); END Len; PROCEDURE StringWSize (VAR x: DevCPL486.Item): INTEGER; BEGIN CASE x.form OF | String8, VString8: RETURN 1 | String16, VString16: RETURN 2 | VString16to8: RETURN 0 | Comp: RETURN x.typ.BaseTyp.size END END StringWSize; PROCEDURE CmpString* (VAR x, y: DevCPL486.Item; rel: BYTE; rev: BOOLEAN); BEGIN CheckAv(CX); IF (x.typ = DevCPT.guidtyp) OR (y.typ = DevCPT.guidtyp) THEN DevCPL486.GenBlockComp(4, 4) ELSIF x.form = String8 THEN DevCPL486.GenBlockComp(1, x.index) ELSIF y.form = String8 THEN DevCPL486.GenBlockComp(1, y.index) ELSIF x.form = String16 THEN DevCPL486.GenBlockComp(2, x.index) ELSIF y.form = String16 THEN DevCPL486.GenBlockComp(2, y.index) ELSE DevCPL486.GenStringComp(StringWSize(y), StringWSize(x)) END; FreeWReg(SI); FreeWReg(DI); setCC(x, rel, ~rev, FALSE); END CmpString; PROCEDURE VarParDynArr (ftyp: DevCPT.Struct; VAR y: DevCPL486.Item); VAR len, z: DevCPL486.Item; atyp: DevCPT.Struct; BEGIN atyp := y.typ; WHILE ftyp.comp = DynArr DO IF ftyp.BaseTyp = DevCPT.bytetyp THEN IF atyp.comp = DynArr THEN IF atyp.untagged THEN DevCPM.err(137) END; LenDesc(y, len, atyp); IF y.tmode = VarPar THEN Free(len) END; (* ??? *) GetReg(z, Int32, {}, {}); DevCPL486.GenMove(len, z); len.mode := Reg; len.reg := z.reg; atyp := atyp.BaseTyp; WHILE atyp.comp = DynArr DO LenDesc(y, z, atyp); DevCPL486.GenMul(z, len, FALSE); IF y.tmode = VarPar THEN Free(z) END; (* ??? *) atyp := atyp.BaseTyp END; DevCPL486.MakeConst(z, atyp.size, Int32); DevCPL486.GenMul(z, len, FALSE); Free(len) ELSE DevCPL486.MakeConst(len, atyp.size, Int32) END ELSE IF atyp.comp = DynArr THEN LenDesc(y, len, atyp); IF atyp.untagged THEN DevCPM.err(137) END; IF y.tmode = VarPar THEN Free(len) END; (* ??? *) ELSE DevCPL486.MakeConst(len, atyp.n, Int32) END END; DevCPL486.GenPush(len); ftyp := ftyp.BaseTyp; atyp := atyp.BaseTyp END END VarParDynArr; PROCEDURE Assign* (VAR x, y: DevCPL486.Item); (* x := y *) BEGIN IF y.mode = Con THEN IF y.form IN {Real32, Real64} THEN DevCPL486.GenFLoad(y); GetReg(y, Real32, {}, {}); IF x.mode # Reg THEN Free(y); DevCPL486.GenFStore(x, TRUE) END (* ??? move const *) ELSIF x.form = Int64 THEN ASSERT(x.mode IN {Ind, Abs}); y.form := Int32; x.form := Int32; DevCPL486.GenMove(y, x); y.offset := y.scale; INC(x.offset, 4); DevCPL486.GenMove(y, x); DEC(x.offset, 4); x.form := Int64 ELSE DevCPL486.GenMove(y, x) END ELSE IF y.form IN {Comp, String8, String16, VString8, VString16} THEN (* convert to pointer *) ASSERT(x.form = Pointer); GetAdr(y, {}, {}); y.typ := x.typ; y.form := Pointer END; IF ~(x.form IN realSet) OR ~(y.form IN intSet) THEN Assert(y, {}, {stk}) END; ConvMove(x, y, FALSE, {}, {}) END; Free(x) END Assign; PROCEDURE ArrayLen* (VAR x, len: DevCPL486.Item; hint, stop: SET); VAR c: DevCPL486.Item; BEGIN IF x.typ.comp = Array THEN DevCPL486.MakeConst(c, x.typ.n, Int32); GetReg(len, Int32, hint, stop); DevCPL486.GenMove(c, len) ELSIF ~x.typ.untagged THEN LenDesc(x, c, x.typ); GetReg(len, Int32, hint, stop); DevCPL486.GenMove(c, len) ELSE len.mode := Con END; len.typ := DevCPT.int32typ END ArrayLen; (* src dest zero sx = sy x b y b SHORT(lx) = sy x b+ x w y b SHORT(lx) = SHORT(ly) x b+ x w y b+ lx = ly x w y w LONG(sx) = ly x b y w * LONG(SHORT(lx)) = ly x b+ x w* y w * sx := sy y b x b sx := SHORT(ly) y b+ y w x b lx := ly y w x w lx := LONG(sy) y b x w * lx := LONG(SHORT(ly)) y b+ y w* x w * *) PROCEDURE AddCopy* (VAR x, y: DevCPL486.Item; last: BOOLEAN); (* x := .. + y + .. *) BEGIN IF (x.typ.comp = DynArr) & x.typ.untagged THEN DevCPL486.GenStringMove(~last, StringWSize(y), StringWSize(x), -1) ELSE DevCPL486.GenStringMove(~last, StringWSize(y), StringWSize(x), 0) END; FreeWReg(SI); FreeWReg(DI) END AddCopy; PROCEDURE Copy* (VAR x, y: DevCPL486.Item; short: BOOLEAN); (* x := y *) VAR sx, sy, sy2, sy4: INTEGER; c, r: DevCPL486.Item; BEGIN sx := x.typ.size; CheckAv(CX); IF y.form IN {String8, String16} THEN sy := y.index * y.typ.BaseTyp.size; IF x.typ.comp = Array THEN (* adjust size for optimal performance *) sy2 := sy + sy MOD 2; sy4 := sy2 + sy2 MOD 4; IF sy4 <= sx THEN sy := sy4 ELSIF sy2 <= sx THEN sy := sy2 ELSIF sy > sx THEN DevCPM.err(114); sy := 1 END ELSIF inxchk & ~x.typ.untagged THEN (* check array length *) Free(x); LenDesc(x, c, x.typ); DevCPL486.MakeConst(y, y.index, Int32); DevCPL486.GenComp(y, c); DevCPL486.GenAssert(ccAE, copyTrap); Free(c) END; DevCPL486.GenBlockMove(1, sy) ELSIF x.typ.comp = DynArr THEN IF x.typ.untagged THEN DevCPL486.GenStringMove(FALSE, StringWSize(y), StringWSize(x), -1) ELSE Free(x); LenDesc(x, c, x.typ); DevCPL486.MakeReg(r, CX, Int32); DevCPL486.GenMove(c, r); Free(c); DevCPL486.GenStringMove(FALSE, StringWSize(y), StringWSize(x), 0) END ELSIF y.form IN {VString16to8, VString8, VString16} THEN DevCPL486.GenStringMove(FALSE, StringWSize(y), StringWSize(x), x.typ.n); ASSERT(y.mode # Stk) ELSIF short THEN (* COPY *) sy := y.typ.size; IF (y.typ.comp # DynArr) & (sy < sx) THEN sx := sy END; DevCPL486.GenStringMove(FALSE, StringWSize(y), StringWSize(x), x.typ.n); IF y.mode = Stk THEN AdjustStack(sy) END ELSE (* := *) IF sx > 0 THEN DevCPL486.GenBlockMove(1, sx) END; IF y.mode = Stk THEN AdjustStack(sy) END END; FreeWReg(SI); FreeWReg(DI) END Copy; PROCEDURE StrLen* (VAR x: DevCPL486.Item; typ: DevCPT.Struct; incl0x: BOOLEAN); VAR c: DevCPL486.Item; BEGIN CheckAv(AX); CheckAv(CX); DevCPL486.GenStringLength(typ.BaseTyp.size, -1); Free(x); GetReg(x, Int32, {}, wreg - {CX}); DevCPL486.GenNot(x); IF ~incl0x THEN DevCPL486.MakeConst(c, 1, Int32); DevCPL486.GenSub(c, x, FALSE) END; FreeWReg(DI) END StrLen; PROCEDURE MulDim* (VAR y, z: DevCPL486.Item; VAR fact: INTEGER; dimtyp: DevCPT.Struct); (* z := z * y *) VAR c: DevCPL486.Item; BEGIN IF y.mode = Con THEN IF y.offset <= MAX(INTEGER) DIV fact THEN fact := fact * y.offset ELSE fact := 1; DevCPM.err(214) END ELSE IF ranchk OR inxchk THEN DevCPL486.MakeConst(c, 0, Int32); DevCPL486.GenComp(c, y); DevCPL486.GenAssert(ccG, ranTrap) END; DevCPL486.GenPush(y); IF z.mode = Con THEN z := y ELSE DevCPL486.GenMul(y, z, ovflchk OR inxchk); Free(y) END END END MulDim; PROCEDURE SetDim* (VAR x, y: DevCPL486.Item; dimtyp: DevCPT.Struct); (* set LEN(x^, -dimtyp.n) *) (* y const or on stack *) VAR z: DevCPL486.Item; end: DevCPL486.Label; BEGIN ASSERT((x.mode = Reg) & (x.form = Pointer)); z.mode := Ind; z.reg := x.reg; z.offset := ArrDOffs + 4 + dimtyp.n * 4; z.scale := 0; z.form := Int32; IF y.mode = Con THEN y.form := Int32 ELSE Pop(y, Int32, {}, {}) END; end := DevCPL486.NewLbl; DevCPL486.GenJump(ccE, end, TRUE); (* flags set in New *) DevCPL486.GenMove(y, z); DevCPL486.SetLabel(end); IF y.mode = Reg THEN Free(y) END END SetDim; PROCEDURE SysNew* (VAR x: DevCPL486.Item); BEGIN DevCPM.err(141) END SysNew; PROCEDURE New* (VAR x, nofel: DevCPL486.Item; fact: INTEGER); (* x.typ.BaseTyp.comp IN {Record, Array, DynArr} *) VAR p, tag, c: DevCPL486.Item; nofdim, dlen, n: INTEGER; typ, eltyp: DevCPT.Struct; lbl: DevCPL486.Label; BEGIN typ := x.typ.BaseTyp; IF typ.untagged THEN DevCPM.err(138) END; IF typ.comp = Record THEN (* call to Kernel.NewRec(tag: Tag): ADDRESS *) DevCPL486.MakeConst(tag, 0, Pointer); tag.obj := DevCPE.TypeObj(typ); IF ContainsIPtrs(typ) THEN INC(tag.offset) END; DevCPL486.GenPush(tag); p.mode := XProc; p.obj := DevCPE.KNewRec; ELSE eltyp := typ.BaseTyp; IF typ.comp = Array THEN nofdim := 0; nofel.mode := Con; nofel.form := Int32; fact := typ.n ELSE (* DynArr *) nofdim := typ.n+1; WHILE eltyp.comp = DynArr DO eltyp := eltyp.BaseTyp END END ; WHILE eltyp.comp = Array DO fact := fact * eltyp.n; eltyp := eltyp.BaseTyp END; IF eltyp.comp = Record THEN IF eltyp.untagged THEN DevCPM.err(138) END; DevCPL486.MakeConst(tag, 0, Pointer); tag.obj := DevCPE.TypeObj(eltyp); IF ContainsIPtrs(eltyp) THEN INC(tag.offset) END; ELSIF eltyp.form = Pointer THEN IF ~eltyp.untagged THEN DevCPL486.MakeConst(tag, 0, Pointer) (* special TDesc in Kernel for ARRAY OF pointer *) ELSIF eltyp.sysflag = interface THEN DevCPL486.MakeConst(tag, -1, Pointer) (* special TDesc in Kernel for ARRAY OF interface pointer *) ELSE DevCPL486.MakeConst(tag, 12, Pointer) END ELSE (* eltyp is pointerless basic type *) CASE eltyp.form OF | Undef, Byte, Char8: n := 1; | Int16: n := 2; | Int8: n := 3; | Int32: n := 4; | Bool: n := 5; | Set: n := 6; | Real32: n := 7; | Real64: n := 8; | Char16: n := 9; | Int64: n := 10; | ProcTyp: n := 11; END; DevCPL486.MakeConst(tag, n, Pointer) (* DevCPL486.MakeConst(tag, eltyp.size, Pointer) *) END; IF nofel.mode = Con THEN nofel.offset := fact; nofel.obj := NIL ELSE DevCPL486.MakeConst(p, fact, Int32); DevCPL486.GenMul(p, nofel, ovflchk OR inxchk) END; DevCPL486.MakeConst(p, nofdim, Int32); DevCPL486.GenPush(p); DevCPL486.GenPush(nofel); Free(nofel); DevCPL486.GenPush(tag); p.mode := XProc; p.obj := DevCPE.KNewArr; END; DevCPL486.GenCall(p); GetReg(x, Pointer, {}, wreg - {AX}); IF typ.comp = DynArr THEN (* set flags for nil test *) DevCPL486.MakeConst(c, 0, Pointer); DevCPL486.GenComp(c, x) ELSIF typ.comp = Record THEN n := NumOfIntProc(typ); IF n > 0 THEN (* interface method table pointer setup *) DevCPL486.MakeConst(c, 0, Pointer); DevCPL486.GenComp(c, x); lbl := DevCPL486.NewLbl; DevCPL486.GenJump(ccE, lbl, TRUE); tag.offset := - 4 * (n + numPreIntProc); p.mode := Ind; p.reg := AX; p.offset := 0; p.scale := 0; p.form := Pointer; DevCPL486.GenMove(tag, p); IF nofel.mode # Con THEN (* unk pointer setup *) p.offset := 8; DevCPL486.GenMove(nofel, p); Free(nofel) END; DevCPL486.SetLabel(lbl); END END END New; PROCEDURE Param* (fp: DevCPT.Object; rec, niltest: BOOLEAN; VAR ap, tag: DevCPL486.Item); (* returns tag if rec *) VAR f: BYTE; s, ss: INTEGER; par, a, c: DevCPL486.Item; recTyp: DevCPT.Struct; BEGIN par.mode := Stk; par.typ := fp.typ; par.form := par.typ.form; IF ODD(fp.sysflag DIV nilBit) THEN niltest := FALSE END; IF ap.typ = DevCPT.niltyp THEN IF ((par.typ.comp = Record) OR (par.typ.comp = DynArr)) & ~par.typ.untagged THEN DevCPM.err(142) END; DevCPL486.GenPush(ap) ELSIF par.typ.comp = DynArr THEN IF ap.form IN {String8, String16} THEN IF ~par.typ.untagged THEN DevCPL486.MakeConst(c, ap.index (* * ap.typ.BaseTyp.size *), Int32); DevCPL486.GenPush(c) END; ap.mode := Con; DevCPL486.GenPush(ap); ELSIF ap.form IN {VString8, VString16} THEN DevCPL486.MakeReg(a, DX, Pointer); DevCPL486.GenLoadAdr(ap, a); IF ~par.typ.untagged THEN DevCPL486.MakeReg(c, DI, Pointer); DevCPL486.GenMove(a, c); Free(ap); StrLen(c, ap.typ, TRUE); DevCPL486.GenPush(c); Free(c) END; DevCPL486.GenPush(a) ELSE IF ~par.typ.untagged THEN IF ap.typ.comp = DynArr THEN niltest := FALSE END; (* ap dereferenced for length descriptor *) VarParDynArr(par.typ, ap) END; PushAdr(ap, niltest) END ELSIF fp.mode = VarPar THEN recTyp := ap.typ; IF recTyp.form = Pointer THEN recTyp := recTyp.BaseTyp END; IF (par.typ.comp = Record) & (~fp.typ.untagged) THEN Tag(ap, tag); IF rec & (tag.mode # Con) THEN GetReg(c, Pointer, {}, {}); DevCPL486.GenMove(tag, c); tag := c END; DevCPL486.GenPush(tag); IF tag.mode # Con THEN niltest := FALSE END; PushAdr(ap, niltest); IF rec THEN Free(tag) END ELSE PushAdr(ap, niltest) END; tag.typ := recTyp ELSIF par.form = Comp THEN s := par.typ.size; IF initializeStr & (ap.form IN {String8, String16, VString8, VString16, VString16to8}) THEN s := (s + 3) DIV 4 * 4; AdjustStack(-s); IF ap.form IN {String8, String16} THEN IF ap.index > 1 THEN (* nonempty string *) ss := (ap.index * ap.typ.BaseTyp.size + 3) DIV 4 * 4; DevCPL486.MakeReg(c, SI, Pointer); DevCPL486.GenLoadAdr(ap, c); Free(ap); DevCPL486.MakeReg(c, DI, Pointer); DevCPL486.GenLoadAdr(par, c); DevCPL486.GenBlockMove(1, ss); ELSE ss := 0; DevCPL486.MakeReg(c, DI, Pointer); DevCPL486.GenLoadAdr(par, c) END; IF s > ss THEN DevCPL486.MakeReg(a, AX, Int32); DevCPL486.MakeConst(c, 0, Int32); DevCPL486.GenMove(c, a); DevCPL486.GenBlockStore(1, s - ss) END; ELSE DevCPL486.MakeReg(c, SI, Pointer); DevCPL486.GenLoadAdr(ap, c); Free(ap); DevCPL486.MakeReg(c, DI, Pointer); DevCPL486.GenLoadAdr(par, c); DevCPL486.GenStringMove(TRUE, StringWSize(ap), StringWSize(par), par.typ.n); DevCPL486.MakeReg(a, AX, Int32); DevCPL486.MakeConst(c, 0, Int32); DevCPL486.GenMove(c, a); DevCPL486.GenBlockStore(StringWSize(par), 0) END ELSE IF (ap.form IN {String8, String16}) & (ap.index = 1) THEN (* empty string *) AdjustStack((4 - s) DIV 4 * 4); DevCPL486.MakeConst(c, 0, Int32); DevCPL486.GenPush(c) ELSE AdjustStack((-s) DIV 4 * 4); DevCPL486.MakeReg(c, SI, Pointer); DevCPL486.GenLoadAdr(ap, c); Free(ap); DevCPL486.MakeReg(c, DI, Pointer); DevCPL486.GenLoadAdr(par, c); IF ap.form IN {String8, String16} THEN DevCPL486.GenBlockMove(1, (ap.index * ap.typ.BaseTyp.size + 3) DIV 4 * 4) ELSIF ap.form IN {VString8, VString16, VString16to8} THEN DevCPL486.GenStringMove(FALSE, StringWSize(ap), StringWSize(par), par.typ.n) ELSE DevCPL486.GenBlockMove(1, (s + 3) DIV 4 * 4) END END END ELSIF ap.mode = Con THEN IF ap.form IN {Real32, Real64} THEN (* ??? push const *) DevCPL486.GenFLoad(ap); DecStack(par.typ.form); DevCPL486.GenFStore(par, TRUE) ELSE ap.form := Int32; IF par.form = Int64 THEN DevCPL486.MakeConst(c, ap.scale, Int32); DevCPL486.GenPush(c) END; DevCPL486.GenPush(ap) END ELSIF ap.typ.form = Pointer THEN recTyp := ap.typ.BaseTyp; IF rec THEN Load(ap, {}, {}); Tag(ap, tag); IF tag.mode = Con THEN (* explicit nil test needed *) DevCPL486.MakeReg(a, AX, Int32); c.mode := Ind; c.form := Int32; c.offset := 0; c.scale := 0; c.reg := ap.reg; DevCPL486.GenTest(a, c) END END; DevCPL486.GenPush(ap); Free(ap); tag.typ := recTyp ELSIF ap.form IN {Comp, String8, String16, VString8, VString16} THEN (* convert to pointer *) ASSERT(par.form = Pointer); PushAdr(ap, FALSE) ELSE ConvMove(par, ap, FALSE, {}, {high}); END END Param; PROCEDURE Result* (proc: DevCPT.Object; VAR res: DevCPL486.Item); VAR r: DevCPL486.Item; BEGIN DevCPL486.MakeReg(r, AX, proc.typ.form); (* don't allocate AX ! *) IF res.mode = Con THEN IF r.form IN {Real32, Real64} THEN DevCPL486.GenFLoad(res); ELSIF r.form = Int64 THEN r.form := Int32; res.form := Int32; DevCPL486.GenMove(res, r); r.reg := DX; res.offset := res.scale; DevCPL486.GenMove(res, r) ELSE DevCPL486.GenMove(res, r); END ELSIF res.form IN {Comp, String8, String16, VString8, VString16} THEN (* convert to pointer *) ASSERT(r.form = Pointer); GetAdr(res, {}, wreg - {AX}) ELSE r.index := DX; (* for int64 *) ConvMove(r, res, FALSE, wreg - {AX} + {high}, {}); END; Free(res) END Result; PROCEDURE InitFpu; VAR x: DevCPL486.Item; BEGIN DevCPL486.MakeConst(x, FpuControlRegister, Int32); DevCPL486.GenPush(x); DevCPL486.GenFMOp(12CH); DevCPL486.GenCode(24H); (* FLDCW 0(SP) *) DevCPL486.MakeReg(x, CX, Int32); DevCPL486.GenPop(x); (* reset stack *) END InitFpu; PROCEDURE PrepCall* (proc: DevCPT.Object); VAR lev: BYTE; r: DevCPL486.Item; BEGIN lev := proc.mnolev; IF (slNeeded IN proc.conval.setval) & (imLevel[lev] > 0) & (imLevel[DevCPL486.level] > imLevel[lev]) THEN DevCPL486.MakeReg(r, BX, Pointer); DevCPL486.GenPush(r) END END PrepCall; (* ccall16: Prologue / epilogue *) PROCEDURE PreCcall16* (val: INTEGER); VAR c, sp,cx: DevCPL486.Item; BEGIN CheckAv(CX); DevCPL486.MakeReg(cx, CX, Int32); DevCPL486.MakeReg(sp, SP, Int32); DevCPL486.GenMove(sp, cx); (* MOVE ECX, ESP *) DevCPL486.MakeConst(c, -16, Int32); DevCPL486.GenAnd(c, sp); (* AND ESP,-16*) DevCPL486.GenPush(cx); (* push ecx *) val:= (-4 - val) MOD 16; IF val # 0 THEN DevCPL486.MakeConst(c, val, Int32); DevCPL486.GenSub(c, sp, FALSE) (* sub ESP, val *) END END PreCcall16; PROCEDURE PostCcall16* (val: INTEGER); VAR c, sp: DevCPL486.Item; BEGIN val := (-4 - val) MOD 16 + val; DevCPL486.MakeConst(c, val, Int32); DevCPL486.MakeReg(sp, SP, Int32); DevCPL486.GenAdd(c, sp, FALSE); (* ADD ESP, val *) DevCPL486.GenPop(sp) (* POP ESP*) END PostCcall16; PROCEDURE CCallParSize* (proc: DevCPT.Object; typ: DevCPT.Struct): INTEGER; VAR p: DevCPT.Object; n: INTEGER; t: DevCPT.Struct; BEGIN n := 0; IF proc # NIL THEN p := proc.link; ELSE p := typ.link; END; WHILE p # NIL DO IF p.mode = VarPar THEN IF (p.typ.comp = DynArr) & ~p.typ.untagged THEN INC(n, p.typ.size) ELSIF (p.typ.comp = Record) & ~p.typ.untagged THEN INC(n, 4 + 4) ELSE INC(n, 4) END ELSE INC(n, (p.typ.size + 3) DIV 4 * 4) END; p := p.link END; RETURN n END CCallParSize; PROCEDURE Call* (VAR x, tag: DevCPL486.Item); (* TProc: tag.typ = actual receiver type *) CONST ccall16 = -12; VAR i, n: INTEGER; r, y: DevCPL486.Item; typ: DevCPT.Struct; lev: BYTE; saved: BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF x.mode IN {LProc, XProc, IProc} THEN lev := x.obj.mnolev; saved := FALSE; IF (slNeeded IN x.obj.conval.setval) & (imLevel[lev] > 0) THEN (* pass static link *) n := imLevel[DevCPL486.level] - imLevel[lev]; IF n > 0 THEN saved := TRUE; y.mode := Ind; y.scale := 0; y.form := Pointer; y.reg := BX; y.offset := -4; DevCPL486.MakeReg(r, BX, Pointer); WHILE n > 0 DO DevCPL486.GenMove(y, r); DEC(n) END END END; DevCPL486.GenCall(x); IF (x.obj.sysflag = ccall) OR (x.obj.sysflag = ccall16) THEN n:=CCallParSize(x.obj, NIL); IF (x.obj.sysflag = ccall) THEN AdjustStack(n) ELSE (* ccall16*) PostCcall16(n) END; END; IF saved THEN DevCPL486.GenPop(r) END; ELSIF x.mode = TProc THEN IF x.scale = 1 THEN (* super *) DevCPL486.MakeConst(tag, 0, Pointer); tag.obj := DevCPE.TypeObj(tag.typ.BaseTyp) ELSIF x.scale = 2 THEN (* static call *) DevCPL486.MakeConst(tag, 0, Pointer); typ := x.obj.link.typ; IF typ.form = Pointer THEN typ := typ.BaseTyp END; tag.obj := DevCPE.TypeObj(typ) ELSIF x.scale = 3 THEN (* interface method call *) DevCPM.err(200) END; IF tag.mode = Con THEN y.mode := Abs; y.offset := tag.offset; y.obj := tag.obj; y.scale := 0 ELSIF (x.obj.conval.setval * {absAttr, empAttr, extAttr} = {}) & ~(DevCPM.oberon IN DevCPM.options) THEN (* final method *) y.mode := Abs; y.offset := 0; y.obj := DevCPE.TypeObj(tag.typ); y.scale := 0; IF tag.mode = Ind THEN (* nil test *) DevCPL486.MakeReg(r, AX, Int32); tag.offset := 0; DevCPL486.GenTest(r, tag) END ELSE IF tag.mode = Reg THEN y.reg := tag.reg ELSE GetReg(y, Pointer, {}, {}); DevCPL486.GenMove(tag, y) END; y.mode := Ind; y.offset := 0; y.scale := 0 END; IF (tag.typ.sysflag = interface) & (y.mode = Ind) THEN y.offset := 4 * x.offset ELSIF tag.typ.untagged THEN DevCPM.err(140) ELSE IF x.obj.link.typ.sysflag = interface THEN (* correct method number *) x.offset := numPreIntProc + NumOfIntProc(tag.typ) - 1 - x.offset END; INC(y.offset, Mth0Offset - 4 * x.offset) END; DevCPL486.GenCall(y); Free(y) ELSIF x.mode = CProc THEN IF x.obj.link # NIL THEN (* tag = first param *) IF x.obj.link.mode = VarPar THEN GetAdr(tag, {}, wreg - {AX} + {stk, mem, con}); Free(tag) ELSE (* Load(tag, {}, wreg - {AX} + {con}); Free(tag) *) Result(x.obj.link, tag) (* use result load for first parameter *) END END; IF x.obj.conval.ext # NIL THEN i := 0; n := LEN(x.obj.conval.ext^); WHILE i < n DO DevCPL486.GenCode(ORD(x.obj.conval.ext^[i])); INC(i) END END ELSE (* proc var *) DevCPL486.GenCall(x); Free(x); IF (x.typ.sysflag = ccall) OR (x.typ.sysflag = ccall16) THEN n:=CCallParSize(NIL, x.typ); IF x.typ.sysflag = ccall THEN AdjustStack(n) ELSE (* ccall16*) PostCcall16(n) END END; x.typ := x.typ.BaseTyp END; IF procedureUsesFpu & (x.mode = XProc) & (x.obj.mnolev < 0) & (x.obj.mnolev > -128) & ((x.obj.library # NIL) OR (DevCPT.GlbMod[-x.obj.mnolev].library # NIL)) THEN (* restore fpu *) InitFpu END; CheckReg; IF x.typ.form = Int64 THEN GetReg(x, Int32, {}, wreg - {AX}); GetReg(y, Int32, {}, wreg - {DX}); x.index := y.reg; x.form := Int64 ELSIF x.typ.form # NoTyp THEN GetReg(x, x.typ.form, {}, wreg - {AX} + {high}) END END Call; PROCEDURE CopyDynArray* (adr: INTEGER; typ: DevCPT.Struct); (* needs CX, SI, DI *) VAR len, ptr, c, sp, src, dst: DevCPL486.Item; bt: DevCPT.Struct; BEGIN IF typ.untagged THEN DevCPM.err(-137) END; ptr.mode := Ind; ptr.reg := BP; ptr.offset := adr+4; ptr.scale := 0; ptr.form := Pointer; DevCPL486.MakeReg(len, CX, Int32); DevCPL486.MakeReg(sp, SP, Int32); DevCPL486.MakeReg(src, SI, Int32); DevCPL486.MakeReg(dst, DI, Int32); DevCPL486.GenMove(ptr, len); bt := typ.BaseTyp; WHILE bt.comp = DynArr DO INC(ptr.offset, 4); DevCPL486.GenMul(ptr, len, FALSE); bt := bt.BaseTyp END; ptr.offset := adr; DevCPL486.GenMove(ptr, src); DevCPL486.MakeConst(c, bt.size, Int32); DevCPL486.GenMul(c, len, FALSE); (* CX = length in bytes *) StackAlloc; (* CX = length in 32bit words *) DevCPL486.GenMove(sp, dst); DevCPL486.GenMove(dst, ptr); DevCPL486.GenBlockMove(4, 0) (* 32bit moves *) END CopyDynArray; PROCEDURE Sort (VAR tab: ARRAY OF INTEGER; VAR n: INTEGER); VAR i, j, x: INTEGER; BEGIN (* align *) i := 1; WHILE i < n DO x := tab[i]; j := i-1; WHILE (j >= 0) & (tab[j] < x) DO tab[j+1] := tab[j]; DEC(j) END; tab[j+1] := x; INC(i) END; (* eliminate equals *) i := 1; j := 1; WHILE i < n DO IF tab[i] # tab[i-1] THEN tab[j] := tab[i]; INC(j) END; INC(i) END; n := j END Sort; PROCEDURE FindPtrs (typ: DevCPT.Struct; adr: INTEGER; VAR num: INTEGER); VAR fld: DevCPT.Object; btyp: DevCPT.Struct; i, n: INTEGER; BEGIN IF typ.form IN {Pointer, ProcTyp} THEN IF num < MaxPtrs THEN ptrTab[num] := adr DIV 4 * 4 END; INC(num); IF adr MOD 4 # 0 THEN IF num < MaxPtrs THEN ptrTab[num] := adr DIV 4 * 4 + 4 END; INC(num) END ELSIF typ.comp = Record THEN btyp := typ.BaseTyp; IF btyp # NIL THEN FindPtrs(btyp, adr, num) END ; fld := typ.link; WHILE (fld # NIL) & (fld.mode = Fld) DO IF (fld.name^ = DevCPM.HdPtrName) OR (fld.name^ = DevCPM.HdUtPtrName) OR (fld.name^ = DevCPM.HdProcName) THEN FindPtrs(DevCPT.sysptrtyp, fld.adr + adr, num) ELSE FindPtrs(fld.typ, fld.adr + adr, num) END; fld := fld.link END ELSIF typ.comp = Array THEN btyp := typ.BaseTyp; n := typ.n; WHILE btyp.comp = Array DO n := btyp.n * n; btyp := btyp.BaseTyp END ; IF (btyp.form = Pointer) OR (btyp.comp = Record) THEN i := num; FindPtrs(btyp, adr, num); IF num # i THEN i := 1; WHILE (i < n) & (num <= MaxPtrs) DO INC(adr, btyp.size); FindPtrs(btyp, adr, num); INC(i) END END END END END FindPtrs; PROCEDURE InitOutPar (par: DevCPT.Object; VAR zreg: DevCPL486.Item); VAR x, y, c, len: DevCPL486.Item; lbl: DevCPL486.Label; size, s: INTEGER; bt: DevCPT.Struct; BEGIN x.mode := Ind; x.reg := BP; x.scale := 0; x.form := Pointer; x.offset := par.adr; DevCPL486.MakeReg(y, DI, Int32); IF par.typ.comp # DynArr THEN DevCPL486.GenMove(x, y); lbl := DevCPL486.NewLbl; IF ODD(par.sysflag DIV nilBit) THEN DevCPL486.GenComp(zreg, y); DevCPL486.GenJump(ccE, lbl, TRUE) END; size := par.typ.size; IF size <= 16 THEN x.mode := Ind; x.reg := DI; x.form := Int32; x.offset := 0; WHILE size > 0 DO IF size = 1 THEN x.form := Int8; s := 1 ELSIF size = 2 THEN x.form := Int16; s := 2 ELSE x.form := Int32; s := 4 END; zreg.form := x.form; DevCPL486.GenMove(zreg, x); INC(x.offset, s); DEC(size, s) END; zreg.form := Int32 ELSE DevCPL486.GenBlockStore(1, size) END; DevCPL486.SetLabel(lbl) ELSIF initializeDyn & ~par.typ.untagged THEN (* untagged open arrays not initialized !!! *) DevCPL486.GenMove(x, y); DevCPL486.MakeReg(len, CX, Int32); INC(x.offset, 4); DevCPL486.GenMove(x, len); (* first len *) bt := par.typ.BaseTyp; WHILE bt.comp = DynArr DO INC(x.offset, 4); DevCPL486.GenMul(x, len, FALSE); bt := bt.BaseTyp END; size := bt.size; IF size MOD 4 = 0 THEN size := size DIV 4; s := 4 ELSIF size MOD 2 = 0 THEN size := size DIV 2; s := 2 ELSE s := 1 END; DevCPL486.MakeConst(c, size, Int32); DevCPL486.GenMul(c, len, FALSE); DevCPL486.GenBlockStore(s, 0) END END InitOutPar; PROCEDURE AllocAndInitAll (proc: DevCPT.Object; adr, size: INTEGER; VAR nofptrs: INTEGER); VAR x, y, z, zero: DevCPL486.Item; par: DevCPT.Object; op: INTEGER; BEGIN op := 0; par := proc.link; WHILE par # NIL DO (* count out parameters [with COM pointers] *) IF (par.mode = VarPar) & (par.vis = outPar) & (initializeOut OR ContainsIPtrs(par.typ)) THEN INC(op) END; par := par.link END; DevCPL486.MakeConst(zero, 0, Int32); IF (op = 0) & (size <= 8) THEN (* use PUSH 0 *) WHILE size > 0 DO DevCPL486.GenPush(zero); DEC(size, 4) END ELSE DevCPL486.MakeReg(z, AX, Int32); DevCPL486.GenMove(zero, z); IF size <= 32 THEN (* use PUSH reg *) WHILE size > 0 DO DevCPL486.GenPush(z); DEC(size, 4) END ELSE (* use string store *) AdjustStack(-size); DevCPL486.MakeReg(x, SP, Int32); DevCPL486.MakeReg(y, DI, Int32); DevCPL486.GenMove(x, y); DevCPL486.GenBlockStore(1, size) END; IF op > 0 THEN par := proc.link; WHILE par # NIL DO (* init out parameters [with COM pointers] *) IF (par.mode = VarPar) & (par.vis = outPar) & (initializeOut OR ContainsIPtrs(par.typ)) THEN InitOutPar(par, z) END; par := par.link END END END END AllocAndInitAll; PROCEDURE AllocAndInitPtrs1 (proc: DevCPT.Object; adr, size: INTEGER; VAR nofptrs: INTEGER); (* needs AX *) VAR i, base, a, gaps: INTEGER; x, z: DevCPL486.Item; obj: DevCPT.Object; BEGIN IF ptrinit & (proc.scope # NIL) THEN nofptrs := 0; obj := proc.scope.scope; (* local variables *) WHILE (obj # NIL) & (nofptrs <= MaxPtrs) DO FindPtrs(obj.typ, obj.adr, nofptrs); obj := obj.link END; IF (nofptrs > 0) & (nofptrs <= MaxPtrs) THEN base := proc.conval.intval2; Sort(ptrTab, nofptrs); i := 0; a := size + base; gaps := 0; WHILE i < nofptrs DO DEC(a, 4); IF a # ptrTab[i] THEN a := ptrTab[i]; INC(gaps) END; INC(i) END; IF a # base THEN INC(gaps) END; IF (gaps <= (nofptrs + 1) DIV 2) & (size < stackAllocLimit) THEN DevCPL486.MakeConst(z, 0, Pointer); IF (nofptrs > 4) THEN x := z; DevCPL486.MakeReg(z, AX, Int32); DevCPL486.GenMove(x, z) END; i := 0; a := size + base; WHILE i < nofptrs DO DEC(a, 4); IF a # ptrTab[i] THEN AdjustStack(ptrTab[i] - a); a := ptrTab[i] END; DevCPL486.GenPush(z); INC(i) END; IF a # base THEN AdjustStack(base - a) END ELSE AdjustStack(-size); DevCPL486.MakeConst(x, 0, Pointer); DevCPL486.MakeReg(z, AX, Int32); DevCPL486.GenMove(x, z); x.mode := Ind; x.reg := BP; x.scale := 0; x.form := Pointer; i := 0; WHILE i < nofptrs DO x.offset := ptrTab[i]; DevCPL486.GenMove(z, x); INC(i) END END ELSE AdjustStack(-size) END ELSE nofptrs := 0; AdjustStack(-size) END END AllocAndInitPtrs1; PROCEDURE InitPtrs2 (proc: DevCPT.Object; adr, size, nofptrs: INTEGER); (* needs AX, CX, DI *) VAR x, y, z, zero: DevCPL486.Item; obj: DevCPT.Object; zeroed: BOOLEAN; i: INTEGER; lbl: DevCPL486.Label; BEGIN IF ptrinit THEN zeroed := FALSE; DevCPL486.MakeConst(zero, 0, Pointer); IF nofptrs > MaxPtrs THEN DevCPL486.MakeReg(z, AX, Int32); DevCPL486.GenMove(zero, z); zeroed := TRUE; x.mode := Ind; x.reg := BP; x.scale := 0; x.form := Pointer; x.offset := adr; DevCPL486.MakeReg(y, DI, Int32); DevCPL486.GenLoadAdr(x, y); DevCPL486.GenStrStore(size) END; obj := proc.link; (* parameters *) WHILE obj # NIL DO IF (obj.mode = VarPar) & (obj.vis = outPar) THEN nofptrs := 0; IF obj.typ.comp = DynArr THEN (* currently not initialized *) ELSE FindPtrs(obj.typ, 0, nofptrs) END; IF nofptrs > 0 THEN IF ~zeroed THEN DevCPL486.MakeReg(z, AX, Int32); DevCPL486.GenMove(zero, z); zeroed := TRUE END; x.mode := Ind; x.reg := BP; x.scale := 0; x.form := Pointer; x.offset := obj.adr; DevCPL486.MakeReg(y, DI, Int32); DevCPL486.GenMove(x, y); IF ODD(obj.sysflag DIV nilBit) THEN DevCPL486.GenComp(zero, y); lbl := DevCPL486.NewLbl; DevCPL486.GenJump(ccE, lbl, TRUE) END; IF nofptrs > MaxPtrs THEN DevCPL486.GenStrStore(obj.typ.size) ELSE Sort(ptrTab, nofptrs); x.reg := DI; i := 0; WHILE i < nofptrs DO x.offset := ptrTab[i]; DevCPL486.GenMove(z, x); INC(i) END END; IF ODD(obj.sysflag DIV nilBit) THEN DevCPL486.SetLabel(lbl) END END END; obj := obj.link END END END InitPtrs2; PROCEDURE NeedOutPtrInit (proc: DevCPT.Object): BOOLEAN; VAR obj: DevCPT.Object; nofptrs: INTEGER; BEGIN IF ptrinit THEN obj := proc.link; WHILE obj # NIL DO IF (obj.mode = VarPar) & (obj.vis = outPar) THEN nofptrs := 0; IF obj.typ.comp = DynArr THEN (* currently not initialized *) ELSE FindPtrs(obj.typ, 0, nofptrs) END; IF nofptrs > 0 THEN RETURN TRUE END END; obj := obj.link END END; RETURN FALSE END NeedOutPtrInit; PROCEDURE Enter* (proc: DevCPT.Object; empty, useFpu: BOOLEAN); VAR sp, fp, r, r1: DevCPL486.Item; par: DevCPT.Object; adr, size, np: INTEGER; BEGIN procedureUsesFpu := useFpu; SetReg({AX, CX, DX, SI, DI}); DevCPL486.MakeReg(fp, BP, Pointer); DevCPL486.MakeReg(sp, SP, Pointer); IF proc # NIL THEN (* enter proc *) DevCPL486.SetLabel(proc.adr); IF (~empty OR NeedOutPtrInit(proc)) & (proc.sysflag # noframe) THEN DevCPL486.GenPush(fp); DevCPL486.GenMove(sp, fp); adr := proc.conval.intval2; size := -adr; IF size < 0 THEN DevCPM.err(214); size := 256 END; IF isGuarded IN proc.conval.setval THEN DevCPL486.MakeReg(r, BX, Pointer); DevCPL486.GenPush(r); DevCPL486.MakeReg(r, DI, Pointer); DevCPL486.GenPush(r); DevCPL486.MakeReg(r, SI, Pointer); DevCPL486.GenPush(r); r1.mode := Con; r1.form := Int32; r1.offset := proc.conval.intval - 8; r1.obj := NIL; DevCPL486.GenPush(r1); intHandler.used := TRUE; r1.mode := Con; r1.form := Int32; r1.offset := 0; r1.obj := intHandler; DevCPL486.GenPush(r1); r1.mode := Abs; r1.form := Int32; r1.offset := 0; r1.scale := 0; r1.obj := NIL; DevCPL486.GenCode(64H); DevCPL486.GenPush(r1); DevCPL486.GenCode(64H); DevCPL486.GenMove(sp, r1); DEC(size, 24) ELSE IF imVar IN proc.conval.setval THEN (* set down pointer *) DevCPL486.MakeReg(r, BX, Pointer); DevCPL486.GenPush(r); DEC(size, 4) END; IF isCallback IN proc.conval.setval THEN DevCPL486.MakeReg(r, DI, Pointer); DevCPL486.GenPush(r); DevCPL486.MakeReg(r, SI, Pointer); DevCPL486.GenPush(r); DEC(size, 8) END END; ASSERT(size >= 0); IF initializeAll THEN AllocAndInitAll(proc, adr, size, np) ELSE AllocAndInitPtrs1(proc, adr, size, np); (* needs AX *) InitPtrs2(proc, adr, size, np); (* needs AX, CX, DI *) END; par := proc.link; (* parameters *) WHILE par # NIL DO IF (par.mode = Var) & (par.typ.comp = DynArr) THEN CopyDynArray(par.adr, par.typ) END; par := par.link END; IF imVar IN proc.conval.setval THEN DevCPL486.MakeReg(r, BX, Pointer); DevCPL486.GenMove(fp, r) END END ELSIF ~empty THEN (* enter module *) DevCPL486.GenPush(fp); DevCPL486.GenMove(sp, fp); DevCPL486.MakeReg(r, DI, Int32); DevCPL486.GenPush(r); DevCPL486.MakeReg(r, SI, Int32); DevCPL486.GenPush(r) END; IF useFpu THEN InitFpu END END Enter; PROCEDURE Exit* (proc: DevCPT.Object; empty: BOOLEAN); VAR sp, fp, r, x: DevCPL486.Item; size: INTEGER; BEGIN DevCPL486.MakeReg(sp, SP, Pointer); DevCPL486.MakeReg(fp, BP, Pointer); IF proc # NIL THEN (* exit proc *) IF proc.sysflag # noframe THEN IF ~empty OR NeedOutPtrInit(proc) THEN IF isGuarded IN proc.conval.setval THEN (* remove exception frame *) x.mode := Ind; x.reg := BP; x.offset := -24; x.scale := 0; x.form := Int32; DevCPL486.MakeReg(r, CX, Int32); DevCPL486.GenMove(x, r); x.mode := Abs; x.offset := 0; x.scale := 0; x.form := Int32; x.obj := NIL; DevCPL486.GenCode(64H); DevCPL486.GenMove(r, x); size := 12 ELSE size := 0; IF imVar IN proc.conval.setval THEN INC(size, 4) END; IF isCallback IN proc.conval.setval THEN INC(size, 8) END END; IF size > 0 THEN x.mode := Ind; x.reg := BP; x.offset := -size; x.scale := 0; x.form := Int32; DevCPL486.GenLoadAdr(x, sp); IF size > 4 THEN DevCPL486.MakeReg(r, SI, Int32); DevCPL486.GenPop(r); DevCPL486.MakeReg(r, DI, Int32); DevCPL486.GenPop(r) END; IF size # 8 THEN DevCPL486.MakeReg(r, BX, Int32); DevCPL486.GenPop(r) END ELSE DevCPL486.GenMove(fp, sp) END; DevCPL486.GenPop(fp) END; IF proc.sysflag = ccall THEN DevCPL486.GenReturn(0) ELSE DevCPL486.GenReturn(proc.conval.intval - 8) END END ELSE (* exit module *) IF ~empty THEN DevCPL486.MakeReg(r, SI, Int32); DevCPL486.GenPop(r); DevCPL486.MakeReg(r, DI, Int32); DevCPL486.GenPop(r); DevCPL486.GenMove(fp, sp); DevCPL486.GenPop(fp) END; DevCPL486.GenReturn(0) END END Exit; PROCEDURE InstallStackAlloc*; VAR name: ARRAY 32 OF SHORTCHAR; ax, cx, sp, c, x: DevCPL486.Item; l1, l2: DevCPL486.Label; BEGIN IF stkAllocLbl # DevCPL486.NewLbl THEN DevCPL486.SetLabel(stkAllocLbl); DevCPL486.MakeReg(ax, AX, Int32); DevCPL486.MakeReg(cx, CX, Int32); DevCPL486.MakeReg(sp, SP, Int32); DevCPL486.GenPush(ax); DevCPL486.MakeConst(c, -5, Int32); DevCPL486.GenAdd(c, cx, FALSE); l1 := DevCPL486.NewLbl; DevCPL486.GenJump(ccNS, l1, TRUE); DevCPL486.MakeConst(c, 0, Int32); DevCPL486.GenMove(c, cx); DevCPL486.SetLabel(l1); DevCPL486.MakeConst(c, -4, Int32); DevCPL486.GenAnd(c, cx); DevCPL486.GenMove(cx, ax); DevCPL486.MakeConst(c, 4095, Int32); DevCPL486.GenAnd(c, ax); DevCPL486.GenSub(ax, sp, FALSE); DevCPL486.GenMove(cx, ax); DevCPL486.MakeConst(c, 12, Int32); DevCPL486.GenShiftOp(SHR, c, ax); l2 := DevCPL486.NewLbl; DevCPL486.GenJump(ccE, l2, TRUE); l1 := DevCPL486.NewLbl; DevCPL486.SetLabel(l1); DevCPL486.MakeConst(c, 0, Int32); DevCPL486.GenPush(c); DevCPL486.MakeConst(c, 4092, Int32); DevCPL486.GenSub(c, sp, FALSE); DevCPL486.MakeConst(c, -1, Int32); DevCPL486.GenAdd(c, ax, FALSE); DevCPL486.GenJump(ccNE, l1, TRUE); DevCPL486.SetLabel(l2); DevCPL486.MakeConst(c, 8, Int32); DevCPL486.GenAdd(c, cx, FALSE); x.mode := Ind; x.form := Int32; x.offset := -4; x.index := CX; x.reg := SP; x.scale := 1; DevCPL486.GenMove(x, ax); DevCPL486.GenPush(ax); DevCPL486.GenMove(x, ax); DevCPL486.MakeConst(c, 2, Int32); DevCPL486.GenShiftOp(SHR, c, cx); DevCPL486.GenReturn(0); name := "$StackAlloc"; DevCPE.OutRefName(name); END END InstallStackAlloc; PROCEDURE Trap* (n: INTEGER); BEGIN DevCPL486.GenAssert(ccNever, n) END Trap; PROCEDURE Jump* (VAR L: DevCPL486.Label); BEGIN DevCPL486.GenJump(ccAlways, L, FALSE) END Jump; PROCEDURE JumpT* (VAR x: DevCPL486.Item; VAR L: DevCPL486.Label); BEGIN DevCPL486.GenJump(x.offset, L, FALSE); END JumpT; PROCEDURE JumpF* (VAR x: DevCPL486.Item; VAR L: DevCPL486.Label); BEGIN DevCPL486.GenJump(Inverted(x.offset), L, FALSE); END JumpF; PROCEDURE CaseTableJump* (VAR x: DevCPL486.Item; low, high: INTEGER; VAR else: DevCPL486.Label); VAR c: DevCPL486.Item; n: INTEGER; BEGIN n := high - low + 1; DevCPL486.MakeConst(c, low, Int32); DevCPL486.GenSub(c, x, FALSE); DevCPL486.MakeConst(c, n, Int32); DevCPL486.GenComp(c, x); DevCPL486.GenJump(ccAE, else, FALSE); DevCPL486.GenCaseJump(x) END CaseTableJump; PROCEDURE CaseJump* (VAR x: DevCPL486.Item; low, high: INTEGER; VAR this, else: DevCPL486.Label; tree, first: BOOLEAN); VAR c: DevCPL486.Item; BEGIN IF high = low THEN DevCPL486.MakeConst(c, low, Int32); DevCPL486.GenComp(c, x); IF tree THEN DevCPL486.GenJump(ccG, else, FALSE) END; DevCPL486.GenJump(ccE, this, FALSE) ELSIF first THEN DevCPL486.MakeConst(c, low, Int32); DevCPL486.GenComp(c, x); DevCPL486.GenJump(ccL, else, FALSE); DevCPL486.MakeConst(c, high, Int32); DevCPL486.GenComp(c, x); DevCPL486.GenJump(ccLE, this, FALSE); ELSE DevCPL486.MakeConst(c, high, Int32); DevCPL486.GenComp(c, x); DevCPL486.GenJump(ccG, else, FALSE); DevCPL486.MakeConst(c, low, Int32); DevCPL486.GenComp(c, x); DevCPL486.GenJump(ccGE, this, FALSE); END END CaseJump; BEGIN imLevel[0] := 0 END DevCPC486.
MODULE DevCPE; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems, Robert Campbell" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" references = "http://e-collection.library.ethz.ch/eserv/eth:39386/eth-39386-02.pdf" changes = " - 20070123, bh, support for signatures added - 20070816, bh, ProcTyp inserted in base type handling in PrepDesc - 20080202, bh, Real comparison corrected in AllocConst (proposed by Robert Campbell) - 20160324, center #111, code cleanups - 20170612, center #160, outdated link to OP2.Paper.ps " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT SYSTEM, Dates, DevCPM, DevCPT; CONST (* item base modes (=object modes) *) Var = 1; VarPar = 2; Con = 3; LProc = 6; XProc = 7; CProc = 9; IProc = 10; TProc = 13; (* structure forms *) Undef = 0; Byte = 1; Bool = 2; Char8 = 3; Int8 = 4; Int16 = 5; Int32 = 6; Real32 = 7; Real64 = 8; Set = 9; String8 = 10; NilTyp = 11; NoTyp = 12; Pointer = 13; ProcTyp = 14; Comp = 15; Char16 = 16; String16 = 17; Int64 = 18; Guid = 23; (* composite structure forms *) Basic = 1; Array = 2; DynArr = 3; Record = 4; (* object modes *) Fld = 4; Typ = 5; Head = 12; (* module visibility of objects *) internal = 0; external = 1; externalR = 2; inPar = 3; outPar = 4; (* history of imported objects *) inserted = 0; same = 1; pbmodified = 2; pvmodified = 3; removed = 4; inconsistent = 5; (* attribute flags (attr.adr, struct.attribute, proc.conval.setval)*) newAttr = 16; absAttr = 17; limAttr = 18; empAttr = 19; extAttr = 20; (* meta interface consts *) mConst = 1; mTyp = 2; mVar = 3; mProc = 4; mField = 5; mBool = 1; mChar8 = 2; mChar16 = 3; mInt8 = 4; mInt16 = 5; mInt32 = 6; mReal32 = 7; mReal64 = 8; mSet = 9; mInt64 = 10; mAnyRec = 11; mAnyPtr = 12; mSysPtr = 13; mProctyp = 0; mRecord = 1; mArray = 2; mPointer = 3; mInternal = 1; mReadonly = 2; mPrivate = 3; mExported = 4; mValue = 10; mInPar = 11; mOutPar = 12; mVarPar = 13; mInterface = 32; mGuid = 33; mResult = 34; (* sysflag *) untagged = 1; noAlign = 3; union = 7; interface = 10; (* fixup types *) absolute = 100; relative = 101; copy = 102; table = 103; tableend = 104; short = 105; (* kernel flags *) iptrs = 30; expAllFields = TRUE; (* implementation restrictions *) CodeBlocks = 512; CodeLength = 16384; MaxNameTab = 800000H; useAllRef = FALSE; outSignatures = TRUE; TYPE CodeBlock = POINTER TO ARRAY CodeLength OF SHORTCHAR; VAR pc*: INTEGER; dsize*: INTEGER; (* global data size *) KNewRec*, KNewArr*: DevCPT.Object; closeLbl*: INTEGER; CaseLinks*: DevCPT.LinkList; processor: INTEGER; bigEndian: BOOLEAN; procVarIndirect: BOOLEAN; idx8, idx16, idx32, idx64, namex, nofptrs, headSize: INTEGER; Const8, Const16, Const32, Const64, Code, Data, Meta, Mod, Proc, nameList, descList, untgd: DevCPT.Object; outRef, outAllRef, outURef, outSrc, outObj: BOOLEAN; codePos, srcPos: INTEGER; options: SET; code: ARRAY CodeBlocks OF CodeBlock; actual: CodeBlock; actIdx, blkIdx: INTEGER; CodeOvF: BOOLEAN; zero: ARRAY 16 OF SHORTCHAR; (* all 0X *) imports: INTEGER; dllList, dllLast: DevCPT.Object; PROCEDURE GetLongWords* (con: DevCPT.Const; OUT hi, low: INTEGER); CONST N = 4294967296.0; (* 2^32 *) VAR rh, rl: REAL; BEGIN rl := con.intval; rh := con.realval / N; IF rh >= MAX(INTEGER) + 1.0 THEN rh := rh - 1; rl := rl + N ELSIF rh < MIN(INTEGER) THEN rh := rh + 1; rl := rl - N END; hi := SHORT(ENTIER(rh)); rl := rl + (rh - hi) * N; IF rl < 0 THEN hi := hi - 1; rl := rl + N ELSIF rl >= N THEN hi := hi + 1; rl := rl - N END; IF rl >= MAX(INTEGER) + 1.0 THEN rl := rl - N END; low := SHORT(ENTIER(rl)) (* hi := SHORT(ENTIER((con.realval + con.intval) / 4294967296.0)); r := con.realval + con.intval - hi * 4294967296.0; IF r > MAX(INTEGER) THEN r := r - 4294967296.0 END; low := SHORT(ENTIER(r)) *) END GetLongWords; PROCEDURE GetRealWord* (con: DevCPT.Const; OUT x: INTEGER); VAR r: SHORTREAL; BEGIN r := SHORT(con.realval); x := SYSTEM.VAL(INTEGER, r) END GetRealWord; PROCEDURE GetRealWords* (con: DevCPT.Const; OUT hi, low: INTEGER); TYPE A = ARRAY 2 OF INTEGER; VAR a: A; BEGIN a := SYSTEM.VAL(A, con.realval); IF DevCPM.LEHost THEN hi := a[1]; low := a[0] ELSE hi := a[0]; low := a[1] END END GetRealWords; PROCEDURE IsSame (x, y: REAL): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN (x = y) & ((x # 0.) OR (1. / x = 1. / y)) END IsSame; PROCEDURE AllocConst* (con: DevCPT.Const; form: BYTE; VAR obj: DevCPT.Object; VAR adr: INTEGER); VAR c: DevCPT.Const; BEGIN INCL(con.setval, form); CASE form OF | String8: obj := Const8; c := obj.conval; WHILE (c # NIL) & ((con.setval # c.setval) OR (con.intval2 # c.intval2) OR (con.ext^ # c.ext^)) DO c := c.link END; IF c = NIL THEN adr := idx8; INC(idx8, (con.intval2 + 3) DIV 4 * 4) END | String16: obj := Const16; c := obj.conval; WHILE (c # NIL) & ((con.setval # c.setval) OR (con.intval2 # c.intval2) OR (con.ext^ # c.ext^)) DO c := c.link END; IF c = NIL THEN adr := idx16; INC(idx16, (con.intval2 + 1) DIV 2 * 4) END | Int64: obj := Const64; c := obj.conval; WHILE (c # NIL) & ((con.setval # c.setval) OR (con.intval # c.intval2) OR (con.realval # c.realval)) DO c := c.link END; IF c = NIL THEN con.intval2 := con.intval; adr := idx64; INC(idx64, 8) END | Real32: obj := Const32; c := obj.conval; WHILE (c # NIL) & ((con.setval # c.setval) OR ~IsSame(con.realval, c.realval)) DO c := c.link END; IF c = NIL THEN adr := idx32; INC(idx32, 4) END | Real64: obj := Const64; c := obj.conval; WHILE (c # NIL) & ((con.setval # c.setval) OR ~IsSame(con.realval, c.realval)) DO c := c.link END; IF c = NIL THEN adr := idx64; INC(idx64, 8) END | Guid: obj := Const32; c := obj.conval; WHILE (c # NIL) & ((con.setval # c.setval) OR (con.intval2 # c.intval2) OR (con.ext^ # c.ext^)) DO c := c.link END; IF c = NIL THEN adr := idx32; INC(idx32, 16) END END; IF c = NIL THEN con.link := obj.conval; obj.conval := con ELSE adr := c.intval END; con.intval := adr END AllocConst; PROCEDURE AllocTypDesc* (typ: DevCPT.Struct); (* typ.comp = Record *) VAR obj: DevCPT.Object; name: DevCPT.Name; BEGIN IF typ.strobj = NIL THEN name := "@"; DevCPT.Insert(name, obj); obj.name := DevCPT.null; (* avoid err 1 *) obj.mode := Typ; obj.typ := typ; typ.strobj := obj END END AllocTypDesc; PROCEDURE PutByte* (a, x: INTEGER); BEGIN code[a DIV CodeLength]^[a MOD CodeLength] := SHORT(CHR(x MOD 256)) END PutByte; PROCEDURE PutShort* (a, x: INTEGER); BEGIN IF bigEndian THEN PutByte(a, x DIV 256); PutByte(a + 1, x) ELSE PutByte(a, x); PutByte(a + 1, x DIV 256) END END PutShort; PROCEDURE PutWord* (a, x: INTEGER); BEGIN IF bigEndian THEN PutByte(a, x DIV 1000000H); PutByte(a + 1, x DIV 10000H); PutByte(a + 2, x DIV 256); PutByte(a + 3, x) ELSE PutByte(a, x); PutByte(a + 1, x DIV 256); PutByte(a + 2, x DIV 10000H); PutByte(a + 3, x DIV 1000000H) END END PutWord; PROCEDURE ThisByte* (a: INTEGER): INTEGER; BEGIN RETURN ORD(code[a DIV CodeLength]^[a MOD CodeLength]) END ThisByte; PROCEDURE ThisShort* (a: INTEGER): INTEGER; BEGIN IF bigEndian THEN RETURN ThisByte(a) * 256 + ThisByte(a+1) ELSE RETURN ThisByte(a+1) * 256 + ThisByte(a) END END ThisShort; PROCEDURE ThisWord* (a: INTEGER): INTEGER; BEGIN IF bigEndian THEN RETURN ((ThisByte(a) * 256 + ThisByte(a+1)) * 256 + ThisByte(a+2)) * 256 + ThisByte(a+3) ELSE RETURN ((ThisByte(a+3) * 256 + ThisByte(a+2)) * 256 + ThisByte(a+1)) * 256 + ThisByte(a) END END ThisWord; PROCEDURE GenByte* (x: INTEGER); BEGIN IF actIdx >= CodeLength THEN IF blkIdx < CodeBlocks THEN NEW(actual); code[blkIdx] := actual; INC(blkIdx); actIdx := 0 ELSE IF ~CodeOvF THEN DevCPM.err(210); CodeOvF := TRUE END; actIdx := 0; pc := 0 END END; actual[actIdx] := SHORT(CHR(x MOD 256)); INC(actIdx); INC(pc) END GenByte; PROCEDURE GenShort* (x: INTEGER); BEGIN IF bigEndian THEN GenByte(x DIV 256); GenByte(x) ELSE GenByte(x); GenByte(x DIV 256) END END GenShort; PROCEDURE GenWord* (x: INTEGER); BEGIN IF bigEndian THEN GenByte(x DIV 1000000H); GenByte(x DIV 10000H); GenByte(x DIV 256); GenByte(x) ELSE GenByte(x); GenByte(x DIV 256); GenByte(x DIV 10000H); GenByte(x DIV 1000000H) END END GenWord; PROCEDURE WriteCode; VAR i, j, k, n: INTEGER; b: CodeBlock; BEGIN j := 0; k := 0; WHILE j < pc DO n := pc - j; i := 0; b := code[k]; IF n > CodeLength THEN n := CodeLength END; WHILE i < n DO DevCPM.ObjW(b^[i]); INC(i) END; INC(j, n); INC(k) END END WriteCode; PROCEDURE OffsetLink* (obj: DevCPT.Object; offs: INTEGER): DevCPT.LinkList; VAR link: DevCPT.LinkList; m: DevCPT.Object; BEGIN ASSERT((obj.mode # Typ) OR (obj.typ # DevCPT.int32typ)); ASSERT((obj.mode # Typ) OR (obj.typ # DevCPT.iunktyp) & (obj.typ # DevCPT.guidtyp)); IF obj.mnolev >= 0 THEN (* not imported *) CASE obj.mode OF | Typ: IF obj.links = NIL THEN obj.link := descList; descList := obj END | TProc: IF obj.adr = -1 THEN obj := obj.nlink ELSE offs := offs + obj.adr; obj := Code END | Var: offs := offs + dsize; obj := Data | Con, IProc, XProc, LProc: END ELSIF obj.mode = Typ THEN IF obj.typ.untagged THEN (* add desc for imported untagged types *) IF obj.links = NIL THEN obj.link := descList; descList := obj END ELSE m := DevCPT.GlbMod[-obj.mnolev]; IF m.library # NIL THEN RETURN NIL END (* type import from dll *) END END; link := obj.links; WHILE (link # NIL) & (link.offset # offs) DO link := link.next END; IF link = NIL THEN NEW(link); link.offset := offs; link.linkadr := 0; link.next := obj.links; obj.links := link END; RETURN link END OffsetLink; PROCEDURE TypeObj* (typ: DevCPT.Struct): DevCPT.Object; VAR obj: DevCPT.Object; BEGIN obj := typ.strobj; IF obj = NIL THEN obj := DevCPT.NewObj(); obj.leaf := TRUE; obj.mnolev := 0; obj.name := DevCPT.null; obj.mode := Typ; obj.typ := typ; typ.strobj := obj END; RETURN obj END TypeObj; PROCEDURE Align (n: INTEGER); VAR p: INTEGER; BEGIN p := DevCPM.ObjLen(); DevCPM.ObjWBytes(zero, (-p) MOD n) END Align; PROCEDURE OutName (IN name: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR); VAR ch: SHORTCHAR; i: SHORTINT; BEGIN i := 0; REPEAT ch := name[i]; DevCPM.ObjW(ch); INC(i) UNTIL ch = 0X END OutName; PROCEDURE Out2 (x: INTEGER); (* byte ordering must correspond to target machine *) BEGIN IF bigEndian THEN DevCPM.ObjW(SHORT(CHR(x DIV 256))); DevCPM.ObjW(SHORT(CHR(x))) ELSE DevCPM.ObjW(SHORT(CHR(x))); DevCPM.ObjW(SHORT(CHR(x DIV 256))) END END Out2; PROCEDURE Out4 (x: INTEGER); (* byte ordering must correspond to target machine *) BEGIN IF bigEndian THEN DevCPM.ObjW(SHORT(CHR(x DIV 1000000H))); DevCPM.ObjW(SHORT(CHR(x DIV 10000H))); DevCPM.ObjW(SHORT(CHR(x DIV 256))); DevCPM.ObjW(SHORT(CHR(x))) ELSE DevCPM.ObjWLInt(x) END END Out4; PROCEDURE OutReference (obj: DevCPT.Object; offs, typ: INTEGER); VAR link: DevCPT.LinkList; BEGIN link := OffsetLink(obj, offs); IF link # NIL THEN Out4(typ * 1000000H + link.linkadr MOD 1000000H); link.linkadr := -(DevCPM.ObjLen() - headSize - 4) ELSE Out4(0) END END OutReference; PROCEDURE FindPtrs (typ: DevCPT.Struct; adr: INTEGER; ip: BOOLEAN; VAR num: INTEGER); VAR fld: DevCPT.Object; btyp: DevCPT.Struct; i, n: INTEGER; BEGIN IF typ.form = Pointer THEN IF ip & (typ.sysflag = interface) OR ~ip & ~typ.untagged THEN Out4(adr); INC(num) END ELSIF (typ.comp = Record) & (typ.sysflag # union) THEN btyp := typ.BaseTyp; IF btyp # NIL THEN FindPtrs(btyp, adr, ip, num) END ; fld := typ.link; WHILE (fld # NIL) & (fld.mode = Fld) DO IF ip & (fld.name^ = DevCPM.HdUtPtrName) & (fld.sysflag = interface) OR ~ip & (fld.name^ = DevCPM.HdPtrName) THEN Out4(fld.adr + adr); INC(num) ELSE FindPtrs(fld.typ, fld.adr + adr, ip, num) END; fld := fld.link END ELSIF typ.comp = Array THEN btyp := typ.BaseTyp; n := typ.n; WHILE btyp.comp = Array DO n := btyp.n * n; btyp := btyp.BaseTyp END ; IF (btyp.form = Pointer) OR (btyp.comp = Record) THEN i := num; FindPtrs(btyp, adr, ip, num); IF num # i THEN i := 1; WHILE i < n DO INC(adr, btyp.size); FindPtrs(btyp, adr, ip, num); INC(i) END END END END END FindPtrs; PROCEDURE OutRefName* (IN name: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR); BEGIN DevCPM.ObjW(0FCX); DevCPM.ObjWNum(pc); OutName(name) END OutRefName; PROCEDURE OutRefs* (obj: DevCPT.Object); VAR f: BYTE; BEGIN IF outRef & (obj # NIL) THEN OutRefs(obj.left); IF ((obj.mode = Var) OR (obj.mode = VarPar)) & (obj.history # removed) & (obj.name[0] # "@") THEN f := obj.typ.form; IF (f IN {Byte .. Set, Pointer, ProcTyp, Char16, Int64}) OR outURef & (obj.typ.comp # DynArr) OR outAllRef & ~obj.typ.untagged OR (obj.typ.comp = Array) & (obj.typ.BaseTyp.form = Char8) THEN IF obj.mode = Var THEN DevCPM.ObjW(0FDX) ELSE DevCPM.ObjW(0FFX) END; IF obj.typ = DevCPT.anyptrtyp THEN DevCPM.ObjW(SHORT(CHR(mAnyPtr))) ELSIF obj.typ = DevCPT.anytyp THEN DevCPM.ObjW(SHORT(CHR(mAnyRec))) ELSIF obj.typ = DevCPT.sysptrtyp THEN DevCPM.ObjW(SHORT(CHR(mSysPtr))) ELSIF f = Char16 THEN DevCPM.ObjW(SHORT(CHR(mChar16))) ELSIF f = Int64 THEN DevCPM.ObjW(SHORT(CHR(mInt64))) ELSIF obj.typ = DevCPT.guidtyp THEN DevCPM.ObjW(SHORT(CHR(mGuid))) ELSIF obj.typ = DevCPT.restyp THEN DevCPM.ObjW(SHORT(CHR(mResult))) ELSIF f = Pointer THEN IF obj.typ.sysflag = interface THEN DevCPM.ObjW(SHORT(CHR(mInterface))) ELSIF obj.typ.untagged THEN DevCPM.ObjW(SHORT(CHR(mSysPtr))) ELSE DevCPM.ObjW(10X); OutReference(TypeObj(obj.typ), 0, absolute) END ELSIF (f = Comp) & outAllRef & (~obj.typ.untagged OR outURef & (obj.typ.comp # DynArr)) THEN DevCPM.ObjW(10X); OutReference(TypeObj(obj.typ), 0, absolute) ELSIF f < Int8 THEN DevCPM.ObjW(SHORT(CHR(f - 1))) ELSE DevCPM.ObjW(SHORT(CHR(f))) END; IF obj.mnolev = 0 THEN DevCPM.ObjWNum(obj.adr + dsize) ELSE DevCPM.ObjWNum(obj.adr) END; OutName(obj.name) END END ; OutRefs(obj.right) END END OutRefs; PROCEDURE OutSourceRef* (pos: INTEGER); BEGIN IF outSrc & (pos # 0) & (pos # srcPos) & (pc > codePos) THEN WHILE pc > codePos + 250 DO DevCPM.ObjW(SHORT(CHR(250))); INC(codePos, 250); DevCPM.ObjWNum(0) END; DevCPM.ObjW(SHORT(CHR(pc - codePos))); codePos := pc; DevCPM.ObjWNum(pos - srcPos); srcPos := pos END END OutSourceRef; PROCEDURE OutPLink (link: DevCPT.LinkList; adr: INTEGER); BEGIN WHILE link # NIL DO ASSERT(link.linkadr # 0); DevCPM.ObjWNum(link.linkadr); DevCPM.ObjWNum(adr + link.offset); link := link.next END END OutPLink; PROCEDURE OutLink (link: DevCPT.LinkList); BEGIN OutPLink(link, 0); DevCPM.ObjW(0X) END OutLink; PROCEDURE OutNames; VAR a, b, c: DevCPT.Object; BEGIN a := nameList; b := NIL; WHILE a # NIL DO c := a; a := c.nlink; c.nlink := b; b := c END; DevCPM.ObjW(0X); (* names[0] = 0X *) WHILE b # NIL DO OutName(b.name); b := b.nlink END; END OutNames; PROCEDURE OutGuid* (VAR str: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR); PROCEDURE Copy (n: INTEGER); VAR x, y: INTEGER; BEGIN x := ORD(str[n]); y := ORD(str[n + 1]); IF x >= ORD("a") THEN DEC(x, ORD("a") - 10) ELSIF x >= ORD("A") THEN DEC(x, ORD("A") - 10) ELSE DEC(x, ORD("0")) END; IF y >= ORD("a") THEN DEC(y, ORD("a") - 10) ELSIF y >= ORD("A") THEN DEC(y, ORD("A") - 10) ELSE DEC(y, ORD("0")) END; DevCPM.ObjW(SHORT(CHR(x * 16 + y))) END Copy; BEGIN IF bigEndian THEN Copy(1); Copy(3); Copy(5); Copy(7); Copy(10); Copy(12); Copy(15); Copy(17) ELSE Copy(7); Copy(5); Copy(3); Copy(1); Copy(12); Copy(10); Copy(17); Copy(15) END; Copy(20); Copy(22); Copy(25); Copy(27); Copy(29); Copy(31); Copy(33); Copy(35) END OutGuid; PROCEDURE OutConst (obj: DevCPT.Object); TYPE A4 = ARRAY 4 OF SHORTCHAR; A8 = ARRAY 8 OF SHORTCHAR; VAR a, b, c: DevCPT.Const; r: SHORTREAL; lr: REAL; a4: A4; a8: A8; ch: SHORTCHAR; i, x, hi, low: INTEGER; BEGIN a := obj.conval; b := NIL; WHILE a # NIL DO c := a; a := c.link; c.link := b; b := c END; WHILE b # NIL DO IF String8 IN b.setval THEN DevCPM.ObjWBytes(b.ext^, b.intval2); Align(4) ELSIF String16 IN b.setval THEN i := 0; REPEAT DevCPM.GetUtf8(b.ext^, x, i); Out2(x) UNTIL x = 0; Align(4) ELSIF Real32 IN b.setval THEN r := SHORT(b.realval); a4 := SYSTEM.VAL(A4, r); IF DevCPM.LEHost = bigEndian THEN ch := a4[0]; a4[0] := a4[3]; a4[3] := ch; ch := a4[1]; a4[1] := a4[2]; a4[2] := ch END; DevCPM.ObjWBytes(a4, 4) ELSIF Real64 IN b.setval THEN a8 := SYSTEM.VAL(A8, b.realval); IF DevCPM.LEHost = bigEndian THEN ch := a8[0]; a8[0] := a8[7]; a8[7] := ch; ch := a8[1]; a8[1] := a8[6]; a8[6] := ch; ch := a8[2]; a8[2] := a8[5]; a8[5] := ch; ch := a8[3]; a8[3] := a8[4]; a8[4] := ch END; DevCPM.ObjWBytes(a8, 8) ELSIF Int64 IN b.setval THEN (* intval moved to intval2 by AllocConst *) x := b.intval; b.intval := b.intval2; GetLongWords(b, hi, low); b.intval := x; IF bigEndian THEN Out4(hi); Out4(low) ELSE Out4(low); Out4(hi) END ELSIF Guid IN b.setval THEN OutGuid(b.ext) END; b := b.link END END OutConst; PROCEDURE OutStruct (typ: DevCPT.Struct; unt: BOOLEAN); BEGIN IF typ = NIL THEN Out4(0) ELSIF typ = DevCPT.sysptrtyp THEN Out4(mSysPtr) ELSIF typ = DevCPT.anytyp THEN Out4(mAnyRec) ELSIF typ = DevCPT.anyptrtyp THEN Out4(mAnyPtr) ELSIF typ = DevCPT.guidtyp THEN Out4(mGuid) ELSIF typ = DevCPT.restyp THEN Out4(mResult) ELSE CASE typ.form OF | Undef, Byte, String8, NilTyp, NoTyp, String16: Out4(0) | Bool, Char8: Out4(typ.form - 1) | Int8..Set: Out4(typ.form) | Char16: Out4(mChar16) | Int64: Out4(mInt64) | ProcTyp: OutReference(TypeObj(typ), 0, absolute) | Pointer: IF typ.sysflag = interface THEN Out4(mInterface) ELSIF typ.untagged THEN Out4(mSysPtr) ELSE OutReference(TypeObj(typ), 0, absolute) END | Comp: IF ~typ.untagged OR (outURef & unt) THEN OutReference(TypeObj(typ), 0, absolute) ELSE Out4(0) END END END END OutStruct; PROCEDURE NameIdx (obj: DevCPT.Object): INTEGER; VAR n: INTEGER; BEGIN n := 0; IF obj.name # DevCPT.null THEN IF obj.num = 0 THEN obj.num := namex; WHILE obj.name[n] # 0X DO INC(n) END; INC(namex, n + 1); obj.nlink := nameList; nameList := obj END; n := obj.num; END; RETURN n END NameIdx; PROCEDURE OutSignature (par: DevCPT.Object; retTyp: DevCPT.Struct; OUT pos: INTEGER); VAR p: DevCPT.Object; n, m: INTEGER; BEGIN pos := DevCPM.ObjLen() - headSize; OutStruct(retTyp, TRUE); p := par; n := 0; WHILE p # NIL DO INC(n); p := p.link END; Out4(n); p := par; WHILE p # NIL DO IF p.mode # VarPar THEN m := mValue ELSIF p.vis = inPar THEN m := mInPar ELSIF p.vis = outPar THEN m := mOutPar ELSE m := mVarPar END; Out4(NameIdx(p) * 256 + m); OutStruct(p.typ, TRUE); p := p.link END END OutSignature; PROCEDURE PrepObject (obj: DevCPT.Object); BEGIN IF (obj.mode IN {LProc, XProc, IProc}) & outSignatures THEN (* write param list *) OutSignature(obj.link, obj.typ, obj.conval.intval) END END PrepObject; PROCEDURE OutObject (mode, fprint, offs: INTEGER; typ: DevCPT.Struct; obj: DevCPT.Object); VAR vis: INTEGER; BEGIN Out4(fprint); Out4(offs); IF obj.vis = internal THEN vis := mInternal ELSIF obj.vis = externalR THEN vis := mReadonly ELSIF obj.vis = external THEN vis := mExported END; Out4(mode + vis * 16 + NameIdx(obj) * 256); IF (mode = mProc) & outSignatures THEN OutReference(Meta, obj.conval.intval, absolute) (* ref to par list *) ELSE OutStruct(typ, mode = mField) END END OutObject; PROCEDURE PrepDesc (desc: DevCPT.Struct); VAR fld: DevCPT.Object; n: INTEGER; l: DevCPT.LinkList; b: DevCPT.Struct; BEGIN IF desc.comp = Record THEN (* write field list *) desc.strobj.adr := DevCPM.ObjLen() - headSize; n := 0; fld := desc.link; WHILE (fld # NIL) & (fld.mode = Fld) DO IF expAllFields OR (fld.vis # internal) THEN INC(n) END; fld := fld.link END; Out4(n); fld := desc.link; WHILE (fld # NIL) & (fld.mode = Fld) DO IF expAllFields OR (fld.vis # internal) THEN OutObject(mField, 0, fld.adr, fld.typ, fld) END; fld := fld.link END ELSIF (desc.form = ProcTyp) & outSignatures THEN (* write param list *) OutSignature(desc.link, desc.BaseTyp, desc.n) END; (* assert name and base type are included *) IF desc.untagged THEN n := NameIdx(untgd) ELSE n := NameIdx(desc.strobj) END; IF desc.form # ProcTyp THEN b := desc.BaseTyp; IF (b # NIL) & (b # DevCPT.anytyp) & (b # DevCPT.anyptrtyp) & (b.form IN {Pointer, Comp, ProcTyp}) & (b.sysflag # interface) & (b # DevCPT.guidtyp) & (~b.untagged OR outURef & (b.form = Comp)) THEN l := OffsetLink(TypeObj(b), 0) END END END PrepDesc; PROCEDURE NumMeth (root: DevCPT.Object; num: INTEGER): DevCPT.Object; VAR obj: DevCPT.Object; BEGIN IF (root = NIL) OR (root.mode = TProc) & (root.num = num) THEN RETURN root END; obj := NumMeth(root.left, num); IF obj = NIL THEN obj := NumMeth(root.right, num) END; RETURN obj END NumMeth; PROCEDURE OutDesc (desc: DevCPT.Struct); VAR m: DevCPT.Object; i, nofptr, flddir, size: INTEGER; t, xb: DevCPT.Struct; form, lev, attr: BYTE; BEGIN ASSERT(~desc.untagged); IF desc.comp = Record THEN xb := desc; flddir := desc.strobj.adr; REPEAT xb := xb.BaseTyp UNTIL (xb = NIL) OR (xb.mno # 0) OR xb.untagged; Out4(-1); i := desc.n; WHILE i > 0 DO DEC(i); t := desc; REPEAT m := NumMeth(t.link, i); t := t.BaseTyp UNTIL (m # NIL) OR (t = xb); IF m # NIL THEN IF absAttr IN m.conval.setval THEN Out4(0) ELSE OutReference(m, 0, absolute) END ELSIF (xb = NIL) OR xb.untagged THEN Out4(0) (* unimplemented ANYREC method *) ELSE OutReference(xb.strobj, -4 - 4 * i, copy) END END; desc.strobj.adr := DevCPM.ObjLen() - headSize; (* desc adr *) Out4(desc.size); OutReference(Mod, 0, absolute); IF desc.untagged THEN m := untgd ELSE m := desc.strobj END; IF desc.attribute = extAttr THEN attr := 1 ELSIF desc.attribute = limAttr THEN attr := 2 ELSIF desc.attribute = absAttr THEN attr := 3 ELSE attr := 0 END; Out4(mRecord + attr * 4 + desc.extlev * 16 + NameIdx(m) * 256); i := 0; WHILE i <= desc.extlev DO t := desc; WHILE t.extlev > i DO t := t.BaseTyp END; IF t.sysflag = interface THEN Out4(0) ELSIF t.untagged THEN OutReference(TypeObj(t), 0, absolute) ELSIF (t.mno = 0) THEN OutReference(t.strobj, 0, absolute) ELSIF t = xb THEN OutReference(xb.strobj, 0, absolute) ELSE OutReference(xb.strobj, 12 + 4 * i, copy) END; INC(i) END; WHILE i <= DevCPM.MaxExts DO Out4(0); INC(i) END; OutReference(Meta, flddir, absolute); (* ref to field list *) nofptr := 0; FindPtrs(desc, 0, FALSE, nofptr); Out4(-(4 * nofptr + 4)); nofptr := 0; FindPtrs(desc, 0, TRUE, nofptr); Out4(-1) ELSE desc.strobj.adr := DevCPM.ObjLen() - headSize; lev := 0; size := 0; IF desc.comp = Array THEN size := desc.n; form := mArray ELSIF desc.comp = DynArr THEN form := mArray; lev := SHORT(SHORT(desc.n + 1)) ELSIF desc.form = Pointer THEN form := mPointer ELSE ASSERT(desc.form = ProcTyp); DevCPM.FPrint(size, XProc); DevCPT.FPrintSign(size, desc.BaseTyp, desc.link); form := mProctyp; END; Out4(size); OutReference(Mod, 0, absolute); IF desc.untagged THEN m := untgd ELSE m := desc.strobj END; Out4(form + lev * 16 + NameIdx(m) * 256); IF desc.form # ProcTyp THEN OutStruct(desc.BaseTyp, TRUE) ELSIF outSignatures THEN OutReference(Meta, desc.n, absolute) (* ref to par list *) END END END OutDesc; PROCEDURE OutModDesc (nofptr, refSize, namePos, ptrPos, expPos, impPos: INTEGER); VAR i: INTEGER; t: Dates.Time; d: Dates.Date; BEGIN Out4(0); (* link *) Out4(ORD(options)); (* opts *) Out4(0); (* refcnt *) Dates.GetDate(d); Dates.GetTime(t); (* compile time *) Out2(d.year); Out2(d.month); Out2(d.day); Out2(t.hour); Out2(t.minute); Out2(t.second); Out4(0); Out4(0); Out4(0); (* load time *) Out4(0); (* ext *) IF closeLbl # 0 THEN OutReference(Code, closeLbl, absolute); (* terminator *) ELSE Out4(0) END; Out4(imports); (* nofimps *) Out4(nofptr); (* nofptrs *) Out4(pc); (* csize *) Out4(dsize); (* dsize *) Out4(refSize); (* rsize *) OutReference(Code, 0, absolute); (* code *) OutReference(Data, 0, absolute); (* data *) OutReference(Meta, 0, absolute); (* refs *) IF procVarIndirect THEN OutReference(Proc, 0, absolute); (* procBase *) ELSE OutReference(Code, 0, absolute); (* procBase *) END; OutReference(Data, 0, absolute); (* varBase *) OutReference(Meta, namePos, absolute); (* names *) OutReference(Meta, ptrPos, absolute); (* ptrs *) OutReference(Meta, impPos, absolute); (* imports *) OutReference(Meta, expPos, absolute); (* export *) i := 0; (* name *) WHILE DevCPT.SelfName[i] # 0X DO DevCPM.ObjW(DevCPT.SelfName[i]); INC(i) END; DevCPM.ObjW(0X); Align(4) END OutModDesc; PROCEDURE OutProcTable (obj: DevCPT.Object); (* 68000 *) BEGIN IF obj # NIL THEN OutProcTable(obj.left); IF obj.mode IN {XProc, IProc} THEN Out2(4EF9H); OutReference(Code, obj.adr, absolute); Out2(0); END; OutProcTable(obj.right); END; END OutProcTable; PROCEDURE PrepExport (obj: DevCPT.Object); BEGIN IF obj # NIL THEN PrepExport(obj.left); IF (obj.mode IN {LProc, XProc, IProc}) & (obj.history # removed) & (obj.vis # internal) THEN PrepObject(obj) END; PrepExport(obj.right) END END PrepExport; PROCEDURE OutExport (obj: DevCPT.Object); VAR num: INTEGER; BEGIN IF obj # NIL THEN OutExport(obj.left); IF (obj.history # removed) & ((obj.vis # internal) OR (obj.mode = Typ) & (obj.typ.strobj = obj) & (obj.typ.form = Comp)) THEN DevCPT.FPrintObj(obj); IF obj.mode IN {LProc, XProc, IProc} THEN IF procVarIndirect THEN ASSERT(obj.nlink = NIL); num := obj.num; obj.num := 0; OutObject(mProc, obj.fprint, num, NIL, obj); obj.num := num ELSE OutObject(mProc, obj.fprint, obj.adr, NIL, obj) END ELSIF obj.mode = Var THEN OutObject(mVar, obj.fprint, dsize + obj.adr, obj.typ, obj) ELSIF obj.mode = Typ THEN OutObject(mTyp, obj.typ.pbfp, obj.typ.pvfp, obj.typ, obj) ELSE ASSERT(obj.mode IN {Con, CProc}); OutObject(mConst, obj.fprint, 0, NIL, obj) END END; OutExport(obj.right) END END OutExport; PROCEDURE OutCLinks (obj: DevCPT.Object); BEGIN IF obj # NIL THEN OutCLinks(obj.left); IF obj.mode IN {LProc, XProc, IProc} THEN OutPLink(obj.links, obj.adr) END; OutCLinks(obj.right) END END OutCLinks; PROCEDURE OutCPLinks (obj: DevCPT.Object; base: INTEGER); BEGIN IF obj # NIL THEN OutCPLinks(obj.left, base); IF obj.mode IN {LProc, XProc, IProc} THEN OutPLink(obj.links, obj.num + base) END; OutCPLinks(obj.right, base) END END OutCPLinks; PROCEDURE OutImport (obj: DevCPT.Object); VAR typ: DevCPT.Struct; strobj: DevCPT.Object; opt: INTEGER; BEGIN IF obj # NIL THEN OutImport(obj.left); IF obj.mode = Typ THEN typ := obj.typ; IF obj.used OR (typ.form IN {Pointer, Comp}) & (typ.strobj = obj) & ((obj.links # NIL) OR (obj.name # DevCPT.null) & (typ.pvused OR typ.pbused)) THEN DevCPT.FPrintStr(typ); DevCPM.ObjW(SHORT(CHR(mTyp))); OutName(obj.name^); IF obj.used THEN opt := 2 ELSE opt := 0 END; IF (typ.form = Comp) & ((typ.pvused) OR (obj.name = DevCPT.null)) THEN DevCPM.ObjWNum(typ.pvfp); DevCPM.ObjW(SHORT(CHR(opt + 1))); IF obj.history = inconsistent THEN DevCPT.FPrintErr(obj, 249) END ELSE DevCPM.ObjWNum(typ.pbfp); DevCPM.ObjW(SHORT(CHR(opt))) END; OutLink(obj.links) END ELSIF obj.used THEN DevCPT.FPrintObj(obj); IF obj.mode = Var THEN DevCPM.ObjW(SHORT(CHR(mVar))); OutName(obj.name^); DevCPM.ObjWNum(obj.fprint); OutLink(obj.links) ELSIF obj.mode IN {XProc, IProc} THEN DevCPM.ObjW(SHORT(CHR(mProc))); OutName(obj.name^); DevCPM.ObjWNum(obj.fprint); OutLink(obj.links) ELSE ASSERT(obj.mode IN {Con, CProc}); DevCPM.ObjW(SHORT(CHR(mConst))); OutName(obj.name^); DevCPM.ObjWNum(obj.fprint) END END; OutImport(obj.right) END END OutImport; PROCEDURE OutUseBlock; VAR m, obj: DevCPT.Object; i: INTEGER; BEGIN m := dllList; WHILE m # NIL DO obj := m.nlink; WHILE obj # NIL DO IF obj.mode = Var THEN DevCPM.ObjW(SHORT(CHR(mVar))) ELSE DevCPM.ObjW(SHORT(CHR(mProc))) END; IF obj.entry # NIL THEN OutName(obj.entry) ELSE OutName(obj.name); END; DevCPT.FPrintObj(obj); DevCPM.ObjWNum(obj.fprint); OutLink(obj.links); obj := obj.nlink END; DevCPM.ObjW(0X); m := m.link END; i := 1; WHILE i < DevCPT.nofGmod DO obj := DevCPT.GlbMod[i]; IF obj.library = NIL THEN OutImport(obj.right); DevCPM.ObjW(0X) END; INC(i) END; END OutUseBlock; PROCEDURE CollectDll (obj: DevCPT.Object; mod: DevCPT.String); VAR name: DevCPT.String; dll: DevCPT.Object; BEGIN IF obj # NIL THEN CollectDll(obj.left, mod); IF obj.used & (obj.mode IN {Var, XProc, IProc}) THEN IF obj.library # NIL THEN name := obj.library ELSE name := mod END; dll := dllList; WHILE (dll # NIL) & (dll.library^ # name^) DO dll := dll.link END; IF dll = NIL THEN NEW(dll); dll.library := name; INC(imports); IF dllList = NIL THEN dllList := dll ELSE dllLast.link := dll END; dllLast := dll; dll.left := dll; END; dll.left.nlink := obj; dll.left := obj END; CollectDll(obj.right, mod) END END CollectDll; PROCEDURE EnumXProc(obj: DevCPT.Object; VAR num: INTEGER); BEGIN IF obj # NIL THEN EnumXProc(obj.left, num); IF obj.mode IN {XProc, IProc} THEN obj.num := num; INC(num, 8); END; EnumXProc(obj.right, num) END; END EnumXProc; PROCEDURE OutHeader*; VAR i: INTEGER; m: DevCPT.Object; BEGIN DevCPM.ObjWLInt(processor); (* processor type *) DevCPM.ObjWLInt(0); DevCPM.ObjWLInt(0); DevCPM.ObjWLInt(0); DevCPM.ObjWLInt(0); DevCPM.ObjWLInt(0); (* sizes *) imports := 0; i := 1; WHILE i < DevCPT.nofGmod DO m := DevCPT.GlbMod[i]; IF m.library # NIL THEN (* dll import *) CollectDll(m.right, m.library); ELSE INC(imports) (* module import *) END; INC(i) END; DevCPM.ObjWNum(imports); (* num of import *) OutName(DevCPT.SelfName); m := dllList; WHILE m # NIL DO DevCPM.ObjW("$"); OutName(m.library^); m := m.link END; i := 1; WHILE i < DevCPT.nofGmod DO m := DevCPT.GlbMod[i]; IF m.library = NIL THEN OutName(m.name) END; INC(i) END; Align(16); headSize := DevCPM.ObjLen(); IF procVarIndirect THEN i := 0; EnumXProc(DevCPT.topScope.right, i) END END OutHeader; PROCEDURE OutCode*; VAR i, refSize, expPos, ptrPos, impPos, namePos, procPos, con8Pos, con16Pos, con32Pos, con64Pos, modPos, codePos: INTEGER; obj, dlist: DevCPT.Object; BEGIN (* Ref *) DevCPM.ObjW(0X); (* end mark *) refSize := DevCPM.ObjLen() - headSize; (* Export *) Align(4); IF outSignatures THEN PrepExport(DevCPT.topScope.right) END; (* procedure signatures *) Align(8); expPos := DevCPM.ObjLen(); Out4(0); OutExport(DevCPT.topScope.right); (* export objects *) i := DevCPM.ObjLen(); DevCPM.ObjSet(expPos); Out4((i - expPos - 4) DIV 16); DevCPM.ObjSet(i); (* Pointers *) ptrPos := DevCPM.ObjLen(); obj := DevCPT.topScope.scope; nofptrs := 0; WHILE obj # NIL DO FindPtrs(obj.typ, dsize + obj.adr, FALSE, nofptrs); obj := obj.link END; obj := DevCPT.topScope.scope; i := 0; WHILE obj # NIL DO FindPtrs(obj.typ, dsize + obj.adr, TRUE, i); obj := obj.link END; IF i > 0 THEN Out4(-1); INCL(options, iptrs) END; (* Prepare Type Descriptors *) dlist := NIL; WHILE descList # NIL DO obj := descList; descList := descList.link; PrepDesc(obj.typ); obj.link := dlist; dlist := obj END; (* Import List *) impPos := DevCPM.ObjLen(); i := 0; WHILE i < imports DO Out4(0); INC(i) END; (* Names *) namePos := DevCPM.ObjLen(); OutNames; (* Const *) Align(4); con8Pos := DevCPM.ObjLen(); OutConst(Const8); con16Pos := DevCPM.ObjLen(); ASSERT(con16Pos MOD 4 = 0); ASSERT(con16Pos - con8Pos = idx8); OutConst(Const16); con32Pos := DevCPM.ObjLen(); ASSERT(con32Pos MOD 4 = 0); ASSERT(con32Pos - con16Pos = idx16); OutConst(Const32); con64Pos := DevCPM.ObjLen(); ASSERT(con64Pos MOD 4 = 0); ASSERT(con64Pos - con32Pos = idx32); IF ODD(con64Pos DIV 4) THEN Out4(0); INC(con64Pos, 4) END; OutConst(Const64); ASSERT(DevCPM.ObjLen() - con64Pos = idx64); (* Module Descriptor *) Align(16); modPos := DevCPM.ObjLen(); OutModDesc(nofptrs, refSize, namePos - headSize, ptrPos - headSize, expPos - headSize, impPos - headSize); (* Procedure Table *) procPos := DevCPM.ObjLen(); OutProcTable(DevCPT.topScope.right); Out4(0); Out4(0); (* at least one entry in ProcTable *) Out4(0); (* sentinel *) (* Type Descriptors *) obj := dlist; WHILE obj # NIL DO OutDesc(obj.typ); obj := obj.link END; (* Code *) codePos := DevCPM.ObjLen(); WriteCode; WHILE pc MOD 4 # 0 DO DevCPM.ObjW(90X); INC(pc) END; (* Fixups *) OutLink(KNewRec.links); OutLink(KNewArr.links); (* metalink *) OutPLink(Const8.links, con8Pos - headSize); OutPLink(Const16.links, con16Pos - headSize); OutPLink(Const32.links, con32Pos - headSize); OutPLink(Const64.links, con64Pos - headSize); OutLink(Meta.links); (* desclink *) obj := dlist; i := modPos - headSize; WHILE obj # NIL DO OutPLink(obj.links, obj.adr - i); obj.links := NIL; obj := obj.link END; IF procVarIndirect THEN OutPLink(Proc.links, procPos - modPos); OutCPLinks(DevCPT.topScope.right, procPos - modPos) END; OutLink(Mod.links); (* codelink *) IF ~procVarIndirect THEN OutCLinks(DevCPT.topScope.right) END; OutPLink(CaseLinks, 0); OutLink(Code.links); (* datalink *) OutLink(Data.links); (* Use *) OutUseBlock; (* Header Fixups *) DevCPM.ObjSet(8); DevCPM.ObjWLInt(headSize); DevCPM.ObjWLInt(modPos - headSize); DevCPM.ObjWLInt(codePos - modPos); DevCPM.ObjWLInt(pc); DevCPM.ObjWLInt(dsize); IF namex > MaxNameTab THEN DevCPM.err(242) END; IF DevCPM.noerr & outObj THEN DevCPM.RegisterObj END END OutCode; PROCEDURE Init* (proc: INTEGER; opt: SET); CONST obj = 3; ref = 4; allref = 5; srcpos = 6; bigEnd = 15; pVarInd = 14; BEGIN processor := proc; bigEndian := bigEnd IN opt; procVarIndirect := pVarInd IN opt; outRef := ref IN opt; outAllRef := allref IN opt; outObj := obj IN opt; outURef := useAllRef & outAllRef & (DevCPM.comAware IN DevCPM.options); outSrc := srcpos IN opt; pc := 0; actIdx := CodeLength; blkIdx := 0; idx8 := 0; idx16 := 0; idx32 := 0; idx64 := 0; namex := 1; options := opt * {0..15}; CodeOvF := FALSE; KNewRec.links := NIL; KNewArr.links := NIL; CaseLinks := NIL; Const8.links := NIL; Const8.conval := NIL; Const16.links := NIL; Const16.conval := NIL; Const32.links := NIL; Const32.conval := NIL; Const64.links := NIL; Const64.conval := NIL; Code.links := NIL; Data.links := NIL; Mod.links := NIL; Proc.links := NIL; Meta.links := NIL; nameList := NIL; descList := NIL; dllList := NIL; dllLast := NIL; codePos := 0; srcPos := 0; NEW(untgd); untgd.name := DevCPT.NewName("!"); closeLbl := 0 END Init; PROCEDURE Close*; BEGIN KNewRec.links := NIL; KNewArr.links := NIL; CaseLinks := NIL; Const8.links := NIL; Const8.conval := NIL; Const16.links := NIL; Const16.conval := NIL; Const32.links := NIL; Const32.conval := NIL; Const64.links := NIL; Const64.conval := NIL; Code.links := NIL; Data.links := NIL; Mod.links := NIL; Proc.links := NIL; Meta.links := NIL; nameList := NIL; descList := NIL; dllList := NIL; dllLast := NIL; WHILE blkIdx > 0 DO DEC(blkIdx); code[blkIdx] := NIL END; actual := NIL; untgd := NIL; END Close; BEGIN NEW(KNewRec); KNewRec.mnolev := -128; NEW(KNewArr); KNewArr.mnolev := -128; NEW(Const8); Const8.mode := Con; Const8.mnolev := 0; NEW(Const16); Const16.mode := Con; Const16.mnolev := 0; NEW(Const32); Const32.mode := Con; Const32.mnolev := 0; NEW(Const64); Const64.mode := Con; Const64.mnolev := 0; NEW(Code); Code.mode := Con; Code.mnolev := 0; NEW(Data); Data.mode := Con; Data.mnolev := 0; NEW(Mod); Mod.mode := Con; Mod.mnolev := 0; NEW(Proc); Proc.mode := Con; Proc.mnolev := 0; NEW(Meta); Meta.mode := Con; Mod.mnolev := 0; END DevCPE.
MODULE DevCPH; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" references = "http://e-collection.library.ethz.ch/eserv/eth:39386/eth-39386-02.pdf" changes = " - 20170612, center #160, outdated link to OP2.Paper.ps " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT DevCPT; CONST (* UseCalls options *) longMop* = 0; longDop* = 1; longConv* = 2; longOdd* = 3; realMop* = 8; realDop* = 9; realConv* = 10; intMulDiv* = 11; force = 16; hide = 17; (* nodes classes *) Nvar = 0; Nvarpar = 1; Nfield = 2; Nderef = 3; Nindex = 4; Nguard = 5; Neguard = 6; Nconst = 7; Ntype = 8; Nproc = 9; Nupto = 10; Nmop = 11; Ndop = 12; Ncall = 13; Ninittd = 14; Nif = 15; Ncaselse = 16; Ncasedo = 17; Nenter = 18; Nassign = 19; Nifelse =20; Ncase = 21; Nwhile = 22; Nrepeat = 23; Nloop = 24; Nexit = 25; Nreturn = 26; Nwith = 27; Ntrap = 28; Ncomp = 30; Ndrop = 50; Nlabel = 51; Ngoto = 52; Njsr = 53; Nret = 54; Ncmp = 55; (*function number*) assign = 0; newfn = 1; incfn = 13; decfn = 14; inclfn = 15; exclfn = 16; copyfn = 18; assertfn = 32; getfn = 24; putfn = 25; getrfn = 26; putrfn = 27; sysnewfn = 30; movefn = 31; (* symbol values and ops *) times = 1; slash = 2; div = 3; mod = 4; and = 5; plus = 6; minus = 7; or = 8; eql = 9; neq = 10; lss = 11; leq = 12; gtr = 13; geq = 14; in = 15; is = 16; ash = 17; msk = 18; len = 19; conv = 20; abs = 21; cap = 22; odd = 23; not = 33; adr = 24; cc = 25; bit = 26; lsh = 27; rot = 28; val = 29; min = 34; max = 35; typfn = 36; thisrecfn = 45; thisarrfn = 46; shl = 50; shr = 51; lshr = 52; xor = 53; (* structure forms *) Undef = 0; Byte = 1; Bool = 2; Char8 = 3; Int8 = 4; Int16 = 5; Int32 = 6; Real32 = 7; Real64 = 8; Set = 9; String8 = 10; NilTyp = 11; NoTyp = 12; Pointer = 13; ProcTyp = 14; Comp = 15; Char16 = 16; String16 = 17; Int64 = 18; VString16to8 = 29; VString8 = 30; VString16 = 31; realSet = {Real32, Real64}; Basic = 1; Array = 2; DynArr = 3; Record = 4; PROCEDURE UseThisCall (n: DevCPT.Node; IN name: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR); VAR mod, nm, moda: DevCPT.Name; mobj, obj: DevCPT.Object; done: BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF (n.typ.form = Real64) OR (n.left.typ.form = Real64) THEN mod := "Real" ELSIF (n.typ.form = Real32) OR (n.left.typ.form = Real32) THEN mod := "SReal" ELSIF (n.typ.form = Int64) OR (n.left.typ.form = Int64) THEN mod := "Long" ELSE mod := "Int" END; moda := mod + "%"; DevCPT.Find(moda, mobj); IF mobj = NIL THEN DevCPT.Import(moda, mod, done); IF done THEN DevCPT.Find(moda, mobj) END END; nm := name$; DevCPT.FindImport(nm, mobj, obj); n.class := Ncall; n.subcl := 0; n.obj := obj.link; n.left.link := n.right; n.right := n.left; n.left := DevCPT.NewNode(Nproc); n.left.obj := obj; n.left.typ := obj.typ; ASSERT(n.typ.form = obj.typ.form) END UseThisCall; PROCEDURE Convert (n: DevCPT.Node; typ: DevCPT.Struct); VAR new: DevCPT.Node; r: REAL; BEGIN IF n.class = Nconst THEN ASSERT((n.typ.form IN {Int32, Int64}) & (typ = DevCPT.intrealtyp)); r := n.conval.realval + n.conval.intval; IF r = n.conval.realval + n.conval.intval THEN n.conval.realval := r; n.conval.intval := -1; n.typ := typ; n.obj := NIL END END; IF (n.typ # typ) & ((n.class # Nmop) OR (n.subcl # conv) OR ~DevCPT.Includes(n.typ.form, n.left.typ.form) & ~DevCPT.Includes(n.typ.form, typ.form)) THEN new := DevCPT.NewNode(0); new^ := n^; n.class := Nmop; n.subcl := conv; n.left := new; n.right := NIL; n.obj := NIL END; n.typ := typ END Convert; PROCEDURE UseCallForComp (n: DevCPT.Node); VAR new: DevCPT.Node; BEGIN new := DevCPT.NewNode(0); new.left := n.left; new.right := n.right; new.typ := DevCPT.int32typ; UseThisCall(new, "Comp"); n.left := new; n.right := DevCPT.NewNode(Nconst); n.right.conval := DevCPT.NewConst(); n.right.conval.intval := 0; n.right.conval.realval := 0; n.right.typ := DevCPT.int32typ; END UseCallForComp; PROCEDURE UseCallForConv (n: DevCPT.Node; opts: SET); VAR f, g: INTEGER; typ: DevCPT.Struct; BEGIN typ := n.typ; f := typ.form; g := n.left.typ.form; IF realConv IN opts THEN IF f IN realSet THEN IF g = Real32 THEN UseThisCall(n, "Long") ELSIF g = Real64 THEN UseThisCall(n, "Short") ELSIF g = Int64 THEN UseThisCall(n, "LFloat") ELSIF g = Int32 THEN UseThisCall(n, "Float") ELSE Convert(n.left, DevCPT.int32typ); UseThisCall(n, "Float") END ELSIF g IN realSet THEN IF f = Int64 THEN UseThisCall(n, "LFloor") ELSIF f = Int32 THEN UseThisCall(n, "Floor") ELSE n.typ := DevCPT.int32typ; UseThisCall(n, "Floor"); Convert(n, typ) END END END; IF longConv IN opts THEN IF f = Int64 THEN IF g = Int32 THEN UseThisCall(n, "Long") ELSIF ~(g IN realSet) THEN Convert(n.left, DevCPT.int32typ); UseThisCall(n, "IntToLong") END ELSIF g = Int64 THEN IF f = Int32 THEN UseThisCall(n, "Short") ELSIF ~(f IN realSet) THEN n.typ := DevCPT.int32typ; UseThisCall(n, "LongToInt"); Convert(n, typ) END END END END UseCallForConv; PROCEDURE UseCallForMop (n: DevCPT.Node; opts: SET); BEGIN CASE n.subcl OF | minus: IF (realMop IN opts) & (n.typ.form IN realSet) OR (longMop IN opts) & (n.typ.form = Int64) THEN UseThisCall(n, "Neg") END | abs: IF (realMop IN opts) & (n.typ.form IN realSet) OR (longMop IN opts) & (n.typ.form = Int64) THEN UseThisCall(n, "Abs") END | odd: IF (longOdd IN opts) & (n.left.typ.form = Int64) THEN UseThisCall(n, "Odd") END | conv: UseCallForConv(n, opts) ELSE END END UseCallForMop; PROCEDURE UseCallForDop (n: DevCPT.Node; opts: SET); BEGIN IF (realDop IN opts) & (n.left.typ.form IN realSet) OR (longDop IN opts) & (n.left.typ.form = Int64) OR (intMulDiv IN opts) & (n.subcl IN {times, div, mod}) & (n.typ.form = Int32) THEN CASE n.subcl OF | times: UseThisCall(n, "Mul") | slash: UseThisCall(n, "Div") | div: UseThisCall(n, "Div") | mod: UseThisCall(n, "Mod") | plus: UseThisCall(n, "Add") | minus: UseThisCall(n, "Sub") | ash: UseThisCall(n, "Ash") | min: UseThisCall(n, "Min") | max: UseThisCall(n, "Max") | eql..geq: UseCallForComp(n) ELSE END END END UseCallForDop; PROCEDURE UseCallForMove (n: DevCPT.Node; typ: DevCPT.Struct; opts: SET); VAR f, g: INTEGER; BEGIN f := n.typ.form; g := typ.form; IF f # g THEN IF (realConv IN opts) & ((f IN realSet) OR (g IN realSet)) OR (longConv IN opts) & ((f = Int64) OR (g = Int64)) THEN Convert(n, typ); UseCallForConv(n, opts) END END END UseCallForMove; PROCEDURE UseCallForAssign (n: DevCPT.Node; opts: SET); BEGIN IF n.subcl = assign THEN UseCallForMove(n.right, n.left.typ, opts) END END UseCallForAssign; PROCEDURE UseCallForReturn (n: DevCPT.Node; opts: SET); BEGIN IF (n.left # NIL) & (n.obj # NIL) THEN UseCallForMove(n.left, n.obj.typ, opts) END END UseCallForReturn; PROCEDURE UseCallForParam (n: DevCPT.Node; fp: DevCPT.Object; opts: SET); BEGIN WHILE n # NIL DO UseCallForMove(n, fp.typ, opts); n := n.link; fp := fp.link END END UseCallForParam; PROCEDURE UseCalls* (n: DevCPT.Node; opts: SET); BEGIN WHILE n # NIL DO CASE n.class OF | Nmop: UseCalls(n.left, opts); UseCallForMop(n, opts) | Ndop: UseCalls(n.left, opts); UseCalls(n.right, opts); UseCallForDop(n, opts) | Ncase: UseCalls(n.left, opts); UseCalls(n.right.left, opts); UseCalls(n.right.right, opts) | Nassign: UseCalls(n.left, opts); UseCalls(n.right, opts); UseCallForAssign(n, opts) | Ncall: UseCalls(n.left, opts); UseCalls(n.right, opts); UseCallForParam(n.right, n.obj, opts) | Nreturn: UseCalls(n.left, opts); UseCallForReturn(n, opts) | Ncasedo: UseCalls(n.right, opts) | Ngoto, Ndrop, Nloop, Nfield, Nderef, Nguard: UseCalls(n.left, opts) | Nenter, Nifelse, Nif, Nwhile, Nrepeat, Nwith, Ncomp, Nupto, Nindex: UseCalls(n.left, opts); UseCalls(n.right, opts) | Njsr, Nret, Nlabel, Ntrap, Nexit, Ninittd, Ntype, Nproc, Nconst, Nvar, Nvarpar: END; n := n.link END END UseCalls; PROCEDURE UseReals* (n: DevCPT.Node; opts: SET); BEGIN WHILE n # NIL DO CASE n.class OF | Nmop: IF (longMop IN opts) & (n.typ.form = Int64) & ((n.subcl = abs) OR (n.subcl = minus)) THEN UseReals(n.left, opts - {hide} + {force}); n.typ := DevCPT.intrealtyp ELSIF n.subcl = conv THEN UseReals(n.left, opts - {force} + {hide}) ELSE UseReals(n.left, opts - {force, hide}) END | Ndop: IF (longDop IN opts) & (n.left.typ.form = Int64) THEN UseReals(n.left, opts - {hide} + {force}); UseReals(n.right, opts - {hide} + {force}); IF n.typ.form = Int64 THEN n.typ := DevCPT.intrealtyp END ELSE UseReals(n.left, opts - {force, hide}); UseReals(n.right, opts - {force, hide}) END | Ncase: UseReals(n.left, opts - {force, hide}); UseReals(n.right.left, opts - {force, hide}); UseReals(n.right.right, opts - {force, hide}) | Ncasedo: UseReals(n.right, opts - {force, hide}) | Ngoto, Ndrop, Nloop, Nreturn, Nfield, Nderef, Nguard: UseReals(n.left, opts - {force, hide}) | Nenter, Nassign, Ncall, Nifelse, Nif, Nwhile, Nrepeat, Nwith, Ncomp, Nupto, Nindex: UseReals(n.left, opts - {force, hide}); UseReals(n.right, opts - {force, hide}) | Njsr, Nret, Nlabel, Ntrap, Nexit, Ninittd, Ntype, Nproc, Nconst, Nvar, Nvarpar: END; IF force IN opts THEN Convert(n, DevCPT.intrealtyp) ELSIF ~(hide IN opts) & (n.typ = DevCPT.intrealtyp) THEN Convert(n, DevCPT.int64typ) END; n := n.link END END UseReals; END DevCPH. PROCEDURE Traverse (n: DevCPT.Node; opts: SET); BEGIN WHILE n # NIL DO CASE n.class OF | Ncase: Traverse(n.left, opts); Traverse(n.right.left, opts); Traverse(n.right.right, opts) | Ncasedo: Traverse(n.right, opts) | Ngoto, Ndrop, Nloop, Nreturn, Nmop, Nfield, Nderef, Nguard: Traverse(n.left, opts) | Nenter, Nassign, Ncall, Nifelse, Nif, Nwhile, Nrepeat, Nwith, Ncomp, Ndop, Nupto, Nindex: Traverse(n.left, opts); Traverse(n.right, opts) | Njsr, Nret, Nlabel, Ntrap, Nexit, Ninittd, Ntype, Nproc, Nconst, Nvar, Nvarpar: END; n := n.link END END Traverse;
MODULE DevCPL486; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" references = "http://e-collection.library.ethz.ch/eserv/eth:39386/eth-39386-02.pdf" changes = " - 20160324, center #111, code cleanups - 20170612, center #160, outdated link to OP2.Paper.ps " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT DevCPM, DevCPT, DevCPE; TYPE Item* = RECORD mode*, tmode*, form*: BYTE; offset*, index*, reg*, scale*: INTEGER; (* adr = offset + index * scale *) typ*: DevCPT.Struct; obj*: DevCPT.Object END ; (* Items: mode | offset index scale reg obj ------------------------------------------------ 1 Var | adr xreg scale obj (ea = FP + adr + xreg * scale) 2 VarPar| off xreg scale obj (ea = [FP + obj.adr] + off + xreg * scale) 3 Con | val (val2) NIL Con | off obj (val = adr(obj) + off) Con | id NIL (for predefined reals) 6 LProc | obj 7 XProc | obj 9 CProc | obj 10 IProc | obj 13 TProc | mthno 0/1 obj (0 = normal / 1 = super call) 14 Ind | off xreg scale Reg (ea = Reg + off + xreg * scale) 15 Abs | adr xreg scale NIL (ea = adr + xreg * scale) Abs | off xreg scale obj (ea = adr(obj) + off + xreg * scale) Abs | off len 0 obj (for constant strings and reals) 16 Stk | (ea = ESP) 17 Cond | CC 18 Reg | (Reg2) Reg 19 DInd | off xreg scale Reg (ea = [Reg + off + xreg * scale]) tmode | record tag array desc ------------------------------------- VarPar | [FP + obj.adr + 4] [FP + obj.adr] Ind | [Reg - 4] [Reg + 8] Con | Adr(typ.strobj) *) CONST processor* = 10; (* for i386 *) NewLbl* = 0; TYPE Label* = INTEGER; (* 0: unassigned, > 0: address, < 0: - (linkadr + linktype * 2^24) *) VAR level*: BYTE; one*: DevCPT.Const; CONST (* item base modes (=object modes) *) Var = 1; VarPar = 2; Con = 3; LProc = 6; XProc = 7; CProc = 9; IProc = 10; TProc = 13; (* item modes for i386 (must not overlap item basemodes, > 13) *) Ind = 14; Abs = 15; Stk = 16; Cond = 17; Reg = 18; DInd = 19; (* structure forms *) Undef = 0; Byte = 1; Bool = 2; Char8 = 3; Int8 = 4; Int16 = 5; Int32 = 6; Real32 = 7; Real64 = 8; Set = 9; String8 = 10; NilTyp = 11; NoTyp = 12; Pointer = 13; ProcTyp = 14; Comp = 15; Char16 = 16; String16 = 17; Int64 = 18; Guid = 23; (* composite structure forms *) Basic = 1; Array = 2; DynArr = 3; Record = 4; (* condition codes *) ccB = 2; ccAE = 3; ccBE = 6; ccA = 7; (* unsigned *) ccL = 12; ccGE = 13; ccLE = 14; ccG = 15; (* signed *) ccE = 4; ccNE = 5; ccS = 8; ccNS = 9; ccO = 0; ccNO = 1; ccAlways = -1; ccNever = -2; ccCall = -3; (* registers *) AX = 0; CX = 1; DX = 2; BX = 3; SP = 4; BP = 5; SI = 6; DI = 7; AH = 4; CH = 5; DH = 6; BH = 7; (* fixup types *) absolute = 100; relative = 101; copy = 102; table = 103; tableend = 104; short = 105; (* system trap numbers *) withTrap = -1; caseTrap = -2; funcTrap = -3; typTrap = -4; recTrap = -5; ranTrap = -6; inxTrap = -7; copyTrap = -8; VAR Size: ARRAY 32 OF INTEGER; (* Size[typ.form] == +/- typ.size *) a1, a2: Item; PROCEDURE MakeReg* (VAR x: Item; reg: INTEGER; form: BYTE); BEGIN ASSERT((reg >= 0) & (reg < 8)); x.mode := Reg; x.reg := reg; x.form := form END MakeReg; PROCEDURE MakeConst* (VAR x: Item; val: INTEGER; form: BYTE); BEGIN x.mode := Con; x.offset := val; x.form := form; x.obj := NIL; END MakeConst; PROCEDURE AllocConst* (VAR x: Item; con: DevCPT.Const; form: BYTE); VAR r: REAL; short: SHORTREAL; BEGIN IF form IN {Real32, Real64} THEN r := con.realval; IF ABS(r) <= MAX(SHORTREAL) THEN short := SHORT(r); IF short = r THEN form := Real32 (* a shortreal can represent the exact value *) ELSE form := Real64 (* use a real *) END ELSE form := Real64 (* use a real *) END ELSIF form IN {String8, String16, Guid} THEN x.index := con.intval2 (* string length *) END; DevCPE.AllocConst(con, form, x.obj, x.offset); x.form := form; x.mode := Abs; x.scale := 0 END AllocConst; (*******************************************************) PROCEDURE BegStat*; (* general-purpose procedure which is called before each statement *) BEGIN END BegStat; PROCEDURE EndStat*; (* general-purpose procedure which is called after each statement *) BEGIN END EndStat; (*******************************************************) PROCEDURE SetLabel* (VAR L: Label); VAR link, typ, disp, x: INTEGER; BEGIN ASSERT(L <= 0); link := -L; WHILE link # 0 DO typ := link DIV 1000000H; link := link MOD 1000000H; IF typ = short THEN disp := DevCPE.pc - link - 1; ASSERT(disp < 128); DevCPE.PutByte(link, disp); link := 0 ELSIF typ = relative THEN x := DevCPE.ThisWord(link); DevCPE.PutWord(link, DevCPE.pc - link - 4); link := x ELSE x := DevCPE.ThisWord(link); DevCPE.PutWord(link, DevCPE.pc + typ * 1000000H); link := x END END; L := DevCPE.pc; a1.mode := 0; a2.mode := 0 END SetLabel; (*******************************************************) PROCEDURE GenWord (x: INTEGER); BEGIN DevCPE.GenByte(x); DevCPE.GenByte(x DIV 256) END GenWord; PROCEDURE GenDbl (x: INTEGER); BEGIN DevCPE.GenByte(x); DevCPE.GenByte(x DIV 256); DevCPE.GenByte(x DIV 10000H); DevCPE.GenByte(x DIV 1000000H) END GenDbl; PROCEDURE CaseEntry* (tab, from, to: INTEGER); VAR a, e: INTEGER; BEGIN a := tab + 4 * from; e := tab + 4 * to; WHILE a <= e DO DevCPE.PutByte(a, DevCPE.pc); DevCPE.PutByte(a + 1, DevCPE.pc DIV 256); DevCPE.PutByte(a + 2, DevCPE.pc DIV 65536); INC(a, 4) END; a1.mode := 0; a2.mode := 0 END CaseEntry; PROCEDURE GenLinked (VAR x: Item; type: BYTE); VAR link: DevCPT.LinkList; BEGIN IF x.obj = NIL THEN GenDbl(x.offset) ELSE link := DevCPE.OffsetLink(x.obj, x.offset); IF link # NIL THEN GenDbl(type * 1000000H + link.linkadr MOD 1000000H); link.linkadr := DevCPE.pc - 4 ELSE GenDbl(0) END END END GenLinked; PROCEDURE CheckSize (form: BYTE; VAR w: INTEGER); BEGIN IF form IN {Int16, Char16} THEN DevCPE.GenByte(66H); w := 1 ELSIF form >= Int32 THEN ASSERT(form IN {Int32, Set, NilTyp, Pointer, ProcTyp}); w := 1 ELSE w := 0 END END CheckSize; PROCEDURE CheckForm (form: BYTE; VAR mf: INTEGER); BEGIN IF form = Real32 THEN mf := 0 ELSIF form = Real64 THEN mf := 4 ELSIF form = Int32 THEN mf := 2 ELSE ASSERT(form = Int16); mf := 6 END END CheckForm; PROCEDURE CheckConst (VAR x: Item; VAR s: INTEGER); BEGIN IF (x.form > Int8) & (x.offset >= -128) & (x.offset < 128) & (x.obj = NIL) THEN s := 2 ELSE s := 0 END END CheckConst; PROCEDURE GenConst (VAR x: Item; short: BOOLEAN); BEGIN IF x.obj # NIL THEN GenLinked(x, absolute) ELSIF x.form <= Int8 THEN DevCPE.GenByte(x.offset) ELSIF short & (x.offset >= -128) & (x.offset < 128) THEN DevCPE.GenByte(x.offset) ELSIF x.form IN {Int16, Char16} THEN GenWord(x.offset) ELSE GenDbl(x.offset) END END GenConst; PROCEDURE GenCExt (code: INTEGER; VAR x: Item); VAR disp, mod, base, scale: INTEGER; BEGIN ASSERT(x.mode IN {Reg, Ind, Abs, Stk}); ASSERT((code MOD 8 = 0) & (code < 64)); disp := x.offset; base := x.reg; scale := x.scale; IF x.mode = Reg THEN mod := 0C0H; scale := 0 ELSIF x.mode = Stk THEN base := SP; mod := 0; disp := 0; scale := 0 ELSIF x.mode = Abs THEN IF scale = 1 THEN base := x.index; mod := 80H; scale := 0 ELSE base := BP; mod := 0 END ELSIF (disp = 0) & (base # BP) THEN mod := 0 ELSIF (disp >= -128) & (disp < 128) THEN mod := 40H ELSE mod := 80H END; IF scale # 0 THEN DevCPE.GenByte(mod + code + 4); base := base + x.index * 8; IF scale = 8 THEN DevCPE.GenByte(0C0H + base); ELSIF scale = 4 THEN DevCPE.GenByte(80H + base); ELSIF scale = 2 THEN DevCPE.GenByte(40H + base); ELSE ASSERT(scale = 1); DevCPE.GenByte(base); END; ELSE DevCPE.GenByte(mod + code + base); IF (base = SP) & (mod <= 80H) THEN DevCPE.GenByte(24H) END END; IF x.mode = Abs THEN GenLinked(x, absolute) ELSIF mod = 80H THEN GenDbl(disp) ELSIF mod = 40H THEN DevCPE.GenByte(disp) END END GenCExt; PROCEDURE GenDExt (VAR r, x: Item); BEGIN ASSERT(r.mode = Reg); GenCExt(r.reg * 8, x) END GenDExt; (*******************************************************) PROCEDURE GenMove* (VAR from, to: Item); VAR w: INTEGER; BEGIN ASSERT(Size[from.form] = Size[to.form]); IF to.mode = Reg THEN IF from.mode = Con THEN IF to.reg = AX THEN IF (a1.mode = Con) & (from.offset = a1.offset) & (from.obj = a1.obj) & (from.form = a1.form) THEN RETURN END; a1 := from; a2.mode := 0 END; CheckSize(from.form, w); IF (from.offset = 0) & (from.obj = NIL) THEN DevCPE.GenByte(30H + w); DevCPE.GenByte(0C0H + 9 * to.reg) (* XOR r,r *) ELSE DevCPE.GenByte(0B0H + w * 8 + to.reg); GenConst(from, FALSE) END; ELSIF (to.reg = AX) & (from.mode = Abs) & (from.scale = 0) THEN IF (a1.mode = Abs) & (from.offset = a1.offset) & (from.obj = a1.obj) & (from.form = a1.form) OR (a2.mode = Abs) & (from.offset = a2.offset) & (from.obj = a2.obj) & (from.form = a2.form) THEN RETURN END; a1 := from; a2.mode := 0; CheckSize(from.form, w); DevCPE.GenByte(0A0H + w); GenLinked(from, absolute); ELSIF (from.mode # Reg) OR (from.reg # to.reg) THEN IF to.reg = AX THEN IF (from.mode = Ind) & (from.scale = 0) & ((from.reg = BP) OR (from.reg = BX)) THEN IF (a1.mode = Ind) & (from.offset = a1.offset) & (from.reg = a1.reg) & (from.form = a1.form) OR (a2.mode = Ind) & (from.offset = a2.offset) & (from.reg = a2.reg) & (from.form = a2.form) THEN RETURN END; a1 := from ELSE a1.mode := 0 END; a2.mode := 0 END; CheckSize(from.form, w); DevCPE.GenByte(8AH + w); GenDExt(to, from) END ELSE CheckSize(from.form, w); IF from.mode = Con THEN DevCPE.GenByte(0C6H + w); GenCExt(0, to); GenConst(from, FALSE); a1.mode := 0; a2.mode := 0 ELSIF (from.reg = AX) & (to.mode = Abs) & (to.scale = 0) THEN DevCPE.GenByte(0A2H + w); GenLinked(to, absolute); a2 := to ELSE DevCPE.GenByte(88H + w); GenDExt(from, to); IF from.reg = AX THEN IF (to.mode = Ind) & (to.scale = 0) & ((to.reg = BP) OR (to.reg = BX)) THEN a2 := to END ELSE a1.mode := 0; a2.mode := 0 END END END END GenMove; PROCEDURE GenExtMove* (VAR from, to: Item); VAR op: INTEGER; BEGIN ASSERT(from.mode # Con); IF from.form IN {Byte, Char8, Char16} THEN op := 0B6H (* MOVZX *) ELSE op := 0BEH (* MOVSX *) END; IF from.form IN {Int16, Char16} THEN INC(op) END; DevCPE.GenByte(0FH); DevCPE.GenByte(op); GenDExt(to, from); IF to.reg = AX THEN a1.mode := 0; a2.mode := 0 END END GenExtMove; PROCEDURE GenSignExt* (VAR from, to: Item); BEGIN ASSERT(to.mode = Reg); IF (from.mode = Reg) & (from.reg = AX) & (to.reg = DX) THEN DevCPE.GenByte(99H) (* cdq *) ELSE GenMove(from, to); (* mov to, from *) DevCPE.GenByte(0C1H); GenCExt(38H, to); DevCPE.GenByte(31) (* sar to, 31 *) END END GenSignExt; PROCEDURE GenLoadAdr* (VAR from, to: Item); BEGIN ASSERT(to.form IN {Int32, Pointer, ProcTyp}); IF (from.mode = Abs) & (from.scale = 0) THEN DevCPE.GenByte(0B8H + to.reg); GenLinked(from, absolute) ELSIF from.mode = Stk THEN DevCPE.GenByte(89H); GenCExt(SP * 8, to) ELSIF (from.mode # Ind) OR (from.offset # 0) OR (from.scale # 0) THEN DevCPE.GenByte(8DH); GenDExt(to, from) ELSIF from.reg # to.reg THEN DevCPE.GenByte(89H); GenCExt(from.reg * 8, to) ELSE RETURN END; IF to.reg = AX THEN a1.mode := 0; a2.mode := 0 END END GenLoadAdr; PROCEDURE GenPush* (VAR src: Item); VAR s: INTEGER; BEGIN IF src.mode = Con THEN ASSERT(src.form >= Int32); CheckConst(src, s); DevCPE.GenByte(68H + s); GenConst(src, TRUE) ELSIF src.mode = Reg THEN ASSERT((src.form >= Int16) OR (src.reg < 4)); DevCPE.GenByte(50H + src.reg) ELSE ASSERT(src.form >= Int32); DevCPE.GenByte(0FFH); GenCExt(30H, src) END END GenPush; PROCEDURE GenPop* (VAR dst: Item); BEGIN IF dst.mode = Reg THEN ASSERT((dst.form >= Int16) OR (dst.reg < 4)); DevCPE.GenByte(58H + dst.reg); IF dst.reg = AX THEN a1.mode := 0; a2.mode := 0 END ELSE DevCPE.GenByte(08FH); GenCExt(0, dst) END END GenPop; PROCEDURE GenConOp (op: INTEGER; VAR src, dst: Item); VAR w, s: INTEGER; BEGIN ASSERT(Size[src.form] = Size[dst.form]); CheckSize(src.form, w); CheckConst(src, s); IF (dst.mode = Reg) & (dst.reg = AX) & (s = 0) THEN DevCPE.GenByte(op + 4 + w); GenConst(src, FALSE) ELSE DevCPE.GenByte(80H + s + w); GenCExt(op, dst); GenConst(src, TRUE) END END GenConOp; PROCEDURE GenDirOp (op: INTEGER; VAR src, dst: Item); VAR w: INTEGER; BEGIN ASSERT(Size[src.form] = Size[dst.form]); CheckSize(src.form, w); IF dst.mode = Reg THEN DevCPE.GenByte(op + 2 + w); GenDExt(dst, src) ELSE DevCPE.GenByte(op + w); GenDExt(src, dst) END END GenDirOp; PROCEDURE GenAdd* (VAR src, dst: Item; ovflchk: BOOLEAN); VAR w: INTEGER; BEGIN ASSERT(Size[src.form] = Size[dst.form]); IF src.mode = Con THEN IF src.obj = NIL THEN IF src.offset = 1 THEN IF (dst.mode = Reg) & (dst.form >= Int32) THEN DevCPE.GenByte(40H + dst.reg) (* inc *) ELSE CheckSize(dst.form, w); DevCPE.GenByte(0FEH + w); GenCExt(0, dst) END ELSIF src.offset = -1 THEN IF (dst.mode = Reg) & (dst.form >= Int32) THEN DevCPE.GenByte(48H + dst.reg) (* dec *) ELSE CheckSize(dst.form, w); DevCPE.GenByte(0FEH + w); GenCExt(8, dst) END ELSIF src.offset # 0 THEN GenConOp(0, src, dst) ELSE RETURN END ELSE GenConOp(0, src, dst) END ELSE GenDirOp(0, src, dst) END; IF ovflchk THEN DevCPE.GenByte(0CEH) END; IF (dst.mode # Reg) OR (dst.reg = AX) THEN a1.mode := 0; a2.mode := 0 END END GenAdd; PROCEDURE GenAddC* (VAR src, dst: Item; first, ovflchk: BOOLEAN); VAR op: INTEGER; BEGIN ASSERT(Size[src.form] = Size[dst.form]); IF first THEN op := 0 ELSE op := 10H END; IF src.mode = Con THEN GenConOp(op, src, dst) ELSE GenDirOp(op, src, dst) END; IF ovflchk THEN DevCPE.GenByte(0CEH) END; IF (dst.mode # Reg) OR (dst.reg = AX) THEN a1.mode := 0; a2.mode := 0 END END GenAddC; PROCEDURE GenSub* (VAR src, dst: Item; ovflchk: BOOLEAN); VAR w: INTEGER; BEGIN ASSERT(Size[src.form] = Size[dst.form]); IF src.mode = Con THEN IF src.obj = NIL THEN IF src.offset = 1 THEN IF (dst.mode = Reg) & (dst.form >= Int32) THEN DevCPE.GenByte(48H + dst.reg) (* dec *) ELSE CheckSize(dst.form, w); DevCPE.GenByte(0FEH + w); GenCExt(8, dst) END ELSIF src.offset = -1 THEN IF (dst.mode = Reg) & (dst.form >= Int32) THEN DevCPE.GenByte(40H + dst.reg) (* inc *) ELSE CheckSize(dst.form, w); DevCPE.GenByte(0FEH + w); GenCExt(0, dst) END ELSIF src.offset # 0 THEN GenConOp(28H, src, dst) ELSE RETURN END ELSE GenConOp(28H, src, dst) END ELSE GenDirOp(28H, src, dst) END; IF ovflchk THEN DevCPE.GenByte(0CEH) END; IF (dst.mode # Reg) OR (dst.reg = AX) THEN a1.mode := 0; a2.mode := 0 END END GenSub; PROCEDURE GenSubC* (VAR src, dst: Item; first, ovflchk: BOOLEAN); VAR op: INTEGER; BEGIN ASSERT(Size[src.form] = Size[dst.form]); IF first THEN op := 28H ELSE op := 18H END; IF src.mode = Con THEN GenConOp(op, src, dst) ELSE GenDirOp(op, src, dst) END; IF ovflchk THEN DevCPE.GenByte(0CEH) END; IF (dst.mode # Reg) OR (dst.reg = AX) THEN a1.mode := 0; a2.mode := 0 END END GenSubC; PROCEDURE GenComp* (VAR src, dst: Item); VAR w: INTEGER; BEGIN IF src.mode = Con THEN IF (src.offset = 0) & (src.obj = NIL) & (dst.mode = Reg) THEN CheckSize(dst.form, w); DevCPE.GenByte(8 + w); DevCPE.GenByte(0C0H + 9 * dst.reg) (* or r,r *) ELSE GenConOp(38H, src, dst) END ELSE GenDirOp(38H, src, dst) END END GenComp; PROCEDURE GenAnd* (VAR src, dst: Item); BEGIN IF src.mode = Con THEN IF (src.obj # NIL) OR (src.offset # -1) THEN GenConOp(20H, src, dst) END ELSE GenDirOp(20H, src, dst) END; IF (dst.mode # Reg) OR (dst.reg = AX) THEN a1.mode := 0; a2.mode := 0 END END GenAnd; PROCEDURE GenOr* (VAR src, dst: Item); BEGIN IF src.mode = Con THEN IF (src.obj # NIL) OR (src.offset # 0) THEN GenConOp(8H, src, dst) END ELSE GenDirOp(8H, src, dst) END; IF (dst.mode # Reg) OR (dst.reg = AX) THEN a1.mode := 0; a2.mode := 0 END END GenOr; PROCEDURE GenXor* (VAR src, dst: Item); BEGIN IF src.mode = Con THEN IF (src.obj # NIL) OR (src.offset # 0) THEN GenConOp(30H, src, dst) END ELSE GenDirOp(30H, src, dst) END; IF (dst.mode # Reg) OR (dst.reg = AX) THEN a1.mode := 0; a2.mode := 0 END END GenXor; PROCEDURE GenTest* (VAR x, y: Item); VAR w: INTEGER; BEGIN ASSERT(Size[x.form] = Size[y.form]); CheckSize(x.form, w); IF x.mode = Con THEN IF (x.mode = Reg) & (x.reg = AX) THEN DevCPE.GenByte(0A8H + w); GenConst(x, FALSE) ELSE DevCPE.GenByte(0F6H + w); GenCExt(0, y); GenConst(x, FALSE) END ELSE DevCPE.GenByte(84H + w); IF y.mode = Reg THEN GenDExt(y, x) ELSE GenDExt(x, y) END END END GenTest; PROCEDURE GenNeg* (VAR dst: Item; ovflchk: BOOLEAN); VAR w: INTEGER; BEGIN CheckSize(dst.form, w); DevCPE.GenByte(0F6H + w); GenCExt(18H, dst); IF ovflchk THEN DevCPE.GenByte(0CEH) END; IF (dst.mode # Reg) OR (dst.reg = AX) THEN a1.mode := 0; a2.mode := 0 END END GenNeg; PROCEDURE GenNot* (VAR dst: Item); VAR w: INTEGER; BEGIN CheckSize(dst.form, w); DevCPE.GenByte(0F6H + w); GenCExt(10H, dst); IF (dst.mode # Reg) OR (dst.reg = AX) THEN a1.mode := 0; a2.mode := 0 END END GenNot; PROCEDURE GenMul* (VAR src, dst: Item; ovflchk: BOOLEAN); VAR w, s, val, f2, f5, f9: INTEGER; BEGIN ASSERT((dst.mode = Reg) & (Size[src.form] = Size[dst.form])); IF (src.mode = Con) & (src.offset = 1) THEN RETURN END; IF src.form <= Int8 THEN ASSERT(dst.reg = 0); DevCPE.GenByte(0F6H); GenCExt(28H, src) ELSIF src.mode = Con THEN val := src.offset; IF (src.obj = NIL) & (val # 0) & ~ovflchk THEN f2 := 0; f5 := 0; f9 := 0; WHILE ~ODD(val) DO val := val DIV 2; INC(f2) END; WHILE val MOD 9 = 0 DO val := val DIV 9; INC(f9) END; WHILE val MOD 5 = 0 DO val := val DIV 5; INC(f5) END; IF ABS(val) <= 3 THEN WHILE f9 > 0 DO DevCPE.GenByte(8DH); DevCPE.GenByte(dst.reg * 8 + 4); DevCPE.GenByte(0C0H + dst.reg * 9); DEC(f9) END; WHILE f5 > 0 DO DevCPE.GenByte(8DH); DevCPE.GenByte(dst.reg * 8 + 4); DevCPE.GenByte(80H + dst.reg * 9); DEC(f5) END; IF ABS(val) = 3 THEN DevCPE.GenByte(8DH); DevCPE.GenByte(dst.reg * 8 + 4); DevCPE.GenByte(40H + dst.reg * 9) END; IF f2 > 1 THEN DevCPE.GenByte(0C1H); DevCPE.GenByte(0E0H + dst.reg); DevCPE.GenByte(f2) ELSIF f2 = 1 THEN DevCPE.GenByte(1); DevCPE.GenByte(0C0H + dst.reg * 9) END; IF val < 0 THEN DevCPE.GenByte(0F7H); GenCExt(18H, dst) END; IF dst.reg = AX THEN a1.mode := 0; a2.mode := 0 END; RETURN END END; CheckSize(src.form, w); CheckConst(src, s); DevCPE.GenByte(69H + s); GenDExt(dst, dst); GenConst(src, TRUE) ELSE CheckSize(src.form, w); DevCPE.GenByte(0FH); DevCPE.GenByte(0AFH); GenDExt(dst, src) END; IF ovflchk THEN DevCPE.GenByte(0CEH) END; IF dst.reg = AX THEN a1.mode := 0; a2.mode := 0 END END GenMul; PROCEDURE GenDiv* (VAR src: Item; mod, pos: BOOLEAN); VAR w, rem: INTEGER; BEGIN ASSERT(src.mode = Reg); IF src.form >= Int32 THEN DevCPE.GenByte(99H) (* cdq *) ELSIF src.form = Int16 THEN DevCPE.GenByte(66H); DevCPE.GenByte(99H) (* cwd *) ELSE DevCPE.GenByte(66H); DevCPE.GenByte(98H) (* cbw *) END; CheckSize(src.form, w); DevCPE.GenByte(0F6H + w); GenCExt(38H, src); (* idiv src *) IF src.form > Int8 THEN rem := 2 (* edx *) ELSE rem := 4 (* ah *) END; IF pos THEN (* src > 0 *) CheckSize(src.form, w); DevCPE.GenByte(8 + w); DevCPE.GenByte(0C0H + 9 * rem); (* or rem,rem *) IF mod THEN DevCPE.GenByte(79H); DevCPE.GenByte(2); (* jns end *) DevCPE.GenByte(2 + w); GenCExt(8 * rem, src); (* add rem,src *) ELSE DevCPE.GenByte(79H); DevCPE.GenByte(1); (* jns end *) DevCPE.GenByte(48H); (* dec eax *) END ELSE CheckSize(src.form, w); DevCPE.GenByte(30H + w); GenCExt(8 * rem, src); (* xor src,rem *) IF mod THEN DevCPE.GenByte(79H); (* jns end *) IF src.form = Int16 THEN DevCPE.GenByte(9); DevCPE.GenByte(66H) ELSE DevCPE.GenByte(8) END; DevCPE.GenByte(8 + w); DevCPE.GenByte(0C0H + 9 * rem); (* or rem,rem *) DevCPE.GenByte(74H); DevCPE.GenByte(4); (* je end *) DevCPE.GenByte(30H + w); GenCExt(8 * rem, src); (* xor src,rem *) DevCPE.GenByte(2 + w); GenCExt(8 * rem, src); (* add rem,src *) ELSE DevCPE.GenByte(79H); (* jns end *) IF src.form = Int16 THEN DevCPE.GenByte(6); DevCPE.GenByte(66H) ELSE DevCPE.GenByte(5) END; DevCPE.GenByte(8 + w); DevCPE.GenByte(0C0H + 9 * rem); (* or rem,rem *) DevCPE.GenByte(74H); DevCPE.GenByte(1); (* je end *) DevCPE.GenByte(48H); (* dec eax *) END (* CheckSize(src.form, w); DevCPE.GenByte(3AH + w); GenCExt(8 * rem, src); (* cmp rem,src *) IF mod THEN DevCPE.GenByte(72H); DevCPE.GenByte(4); (* jb end *) DevCPE.GenByte(7FH); DevCPE.GenByte(2); (* jg end *) DevCPE.GenByte(2 + w); GenCExt(8 * rem, src); (* add rem,src *) ELSE DevCPE.GenByte(72H); DevCPE.GenByte(3); (* jb end *) DevCPE.GenByte(7FH); DevCPE.GenByte(1); (* jg end *) DevCPE.GenByte(48H); (* dec eax *) END *) END; a1.mode := 0; a2.mode := 0 END GenDiv; PROCEDURE GenShiftOp* (op: INTEGER; VAR cnt, dst: Item); VAR w: INTEGER; BEGIN CheckSize(dst.form, w); IF cnt.mode = Con THEN ASSERT(cnt.offset >= 0); ASSERT(cnt.obj = NIL); IF cnt.offset = 1 THEN IF (op = 10H) & (dst.mode = Reg) THEN (* shl r *) DevCPE.GenByte(w); GenDExt(dst, dst) (* add r, r *) ELSE DevCPE.GenByte(0D0H + w); GenCExt(op, dst) END ELSIF cnt.offset > 1 THEN DevCPE.GenByte(0C0H + w); GenCExt(op, dst); DevCPE.GenByte(cnt.offset) END ELSE ASSERT((cnt.mode = Reg) & (cnt.reg = CX)); DevCPE.GenByte(0D2H + w); GenCExt(op, dst) END; IF (dst.mode # Reg) OR (dst.reg = AX) THEN a1.mode := 0; a2.mode := 0 END END GenShiftOp; PROCEDURE GenBitOp* (op: INTEGER; VAR num, dst: Item); BEGIN DevCPE.GenByte(0FH); IF num.mode = Con THEN ASSERT(num.obj = NIL); DevCPE.GenByte(0BAH); GenCExt(op, dst); DevCPE.GenByte(num.offset) ELSE ASSERT((num.mode = Reg) & (num.form = Int32)); DevCPE.GenByte(83H + op); GenDExt(num, dst) END; IF (dst.mode # Reg) OR (dst.reg = AX) THEN a1.mode := 0; a2.mode := 0 END END GenBitOp; PROCEDURE GenSetCC* (cc: INTEGER; VAR dst: Item); BEGIN ASSERT((dst.form = Bool) & (cc >= 0)); DevCPE.GenByte(0FH); DevCPE.GenByte(90H + cc); GenCExt(0, dst); IF (dst.mode # Reg) OR (dst.reg = AX) THEN a1.mode := 0; a2.mode := 0 END END GenSetCC; PROCEDURE GenFLoad* (VAR src: Item); VAR mf: INTEGER; BEGIN IF src.mode = Con THEN (* predefined constants *) DevCPE.GenByte(0D9H); DevCPE.GenByte(0E8H + src.offset) ELSIF src.form = Int64 THEN DevCPE.GenByte(0DFH); GenCExt(28H, src) ELSE CheckForm(src.form, mf); DevCPE.GenByte(0D9H + mf); GenCExt(0, src) END END GenFLoad; PROCEDURE GenFStore* (VAR dst: Item; pop: BOOLEAN); VAR mf: INTEGER; BEGIN IF dst.form = Int64 THEN ASSERT(pop); DevCPE.GenByte(0DFH); GenCExt(38H, dst); DevCPE.GenByte(9BH) (* wait *) ELSE CheckForm(dst.form, mf); DevCPE.GenByte(0D9H + mf); IF pop THEN GenCExt(18H, dst); DevCPE.GenByte(9BH) (* wait *) ELSE GenCExt(10H, dst) END END; a1.mode := 0; a2.mode := 0 END GenFStore; PROCEDURE GenFDOp* (op: INTEGER; VAR src: Item); VAR mf: INTEGER; BEGIN IF src.mode = Reg THEN DevCPE.GenByte(0DEH); DevCPE.GenByte(0C1H + op) ELSE CheckForm(src.form, mf); DevCPE.GenByte(0D8H + mf); GenCExt(op, src) END END GenFDOp; PROCEDURE GenFMOp* (op: INTEGER); BEGIN DevCPE.GenByte(0D8H + op DIV 256); DevCPE.GenByte(op MOD 256); IF op = 07E0H THEN a1.mode := 0; a2.mode := 0 END (* FSTSW AX *) END GenFMOp; PROCEDURE GenJump* (cc: INTEGER; VAR L: Label; shortjmp: BOOLEAN); BEGIN IF cc # ccNever THEN IF shortjmp OR (L > 0) & (DevCPE.pc + 2 - L <= 128) & (cc # ccCall) THEN IF cc = ccAlways THEN DevCPE.GenByte(0EBH) ELSE DevCPE.GenByte(70H + cc) END; IF L > 0 THEN DevCPE.GenByte(L - DevCPE.pc - 1) ELSE ASSERT(L = 0); L := -(DevCPE.pc + short * 1000000H); DevCPE.GenByte(0) END ELSE IF cc = ccAlways THEN DevCPE.GenByte(0E9H) ELSIF cc = ccCall THEN DevCPE.GenByte(0E8H) ELSE DevCPE.GenByte(0FH); DevCPE.GenByte(80H + cc) END; IF L > 0 THEN GenDbl(L - DevCPE.pc - 4) ELSE GenDbl(-L); L := -(DevCPE.pc - 4 + relative * 1000000H) END END END END GenJump; PROCEDURE GenExtJump* (cc: INTEGER; VAR dst: Item); BEGIN IF cc = ccAlways THEN DevCPE.GenByte(0E9H) ELSE DevCPE.GenByte(0FH); DevCPE.GenByte(80H + cc) END; dst.offset := 0; GenLinked(dst, relative) END GenExtJump; PROCEDURE GenIndJump* (VAR dst: Item); BEGIN DevCPE.GenByte(0FFH); GenCExt(20H, dst) END GenIndJump; PROCEDURE GenCaseJump* (VAR src: Item); VAR link: DevCPT.LinkList; tab: INTEGER; BEGIN ASSERT((src.form = Int32) & (src.mode = Reg)); DevCPE.GenByte(0FFH); DevCPE.GenByte(24H); DevCPE.GenByte(85H + 8 * src.reg); tab := (DevCPE.pc + 7) DIV 4 * 4; NEW(link); link.offset := tab; link.linkadr := DevCPE.pc; link.next := DevCPE.CaseLinks; DevCPE.CaseLinks := link; GenDbl(absolute * 1000000H + tab); WHILE DevCPE.pc < tab DO DevCPE.GenByte(90H) END; END GenCaseJump; (* PROCEDURE GenCaseJump* (VAR src: Item; num: LONGINT; VAR tab: LONGINT); VAR link: DevCPT.LinkList; else, last: LONGINT; BEGIN ASSERT((src.form = Int32) & (src.mode = Reg)); DevCPE.GenByte(0FFH); DevCPE.GenByte(24H); DevCPE.GenByte(85H + 8 * src.reg); tab := (DevCPE.pc + 7) DIV 4 * 4; else := tab + num * 4; last := else - 4; NEW(link); link.offset := tab; link.linkadr := DevCPE.pc; link.next := CaseLinks; CaseLinks := link; GenDbl(absolute * 1000000H + tab); WHILE DevCPE.pc < tab DO DevCPE.GenByte(90H) END; WHILE DevCPE.pc < last DO GenDbl(table * 1000000H + else) END; GenDbl(tableend * 1000000H + else) END GenCaseJump; *) PROCEDURE GenCaseEntry* (VAR L: Label; last: BOOLEAN); VAR typ: INTEGER; BEGIN IF last THEN typ := tableend * 1000000H ELSE typ := table * 1000000H END; IF L > 0 THEN GenDbl(L + typ) ELSE GenDbl(-L); L := -(DevCPE.pc - 4 + typ) END END GenCaseEntry; PROCEDURE GenCall* (VAR dst: Item); BEGIN IF dst.mode IN {LProc, XProc, IProc} THEN DevCPE.GenByte(0E8H); IF dst.obj.mnolev >= 0 THEN (* local *) IF dst.obj.adr > 0 THEN GenDbl(dst.obj.adr - DevCPE.pc - 4) ELSE GenDbl(-dst.obj.adr); dst.obj.adr := -(DevCPE.pc - 4 + relative * 1000000H) END ELSE (* imported *) dst.offset := 0; GenLinked(dst, relative) END ELSE DevCPE.GenByte(0FFH); GenCExt(10H, dst) END; a1.mode := 0; a2.mode := 0 END GenCall; PROCEDURE GenAssert* (cc, no: INTEGER); BEGIN IF cc # ccAlways THEN IF cc >= 0 THEN DevCPE.GenByte(70H + cc); (* jcc end *) IF no < 0 THEN DevCPE.GenByte(2) ELSE DevCPE.GenByte(3) END END; IF no < 0 THEN DevCPE.GenByte(8DH); DevCPE.GenByte(0E0H - no) ELSE DevCPE.GenByte(8DH); DevCPE.GenByte(0F0H); DevCPE.GenByte(no) END END END GenAssert; PROCEDURE GenReturn* (val: INTEGER); BEGIN IF val = 0 THEN DevCPE.GenByte(0C3H) ELSE DevCPE.GenByte(0C2H); GenWord(val) END; a1.mode := 0; a2.mode := 0 END GenReturn; PROCEDURE LoadStr (size: INTEGER); BEGIN IF size = 2 THEN DevCPE.GenByte(66H) END; IF size <= 1 THEN DevCPE.GenByte(0ACH) ELSE DevCPE.GenByte(0ADH) END (* lods *) END LoadStr; PROCEDURE StoreStr (size: INTEGER); BEGIN IF size = 2 THEN DevCPE.GenByte(66H) END; IF size <= 1 THEN DevCPE.GenByte(0AAH) ELSE DevCPE.GenByte(0ABH) END (* stos *) END StoreStr; PROCEDURE ScanStr (size: INTEGER; rep: BOOLEAN); BEGIN IF size = 2 THEN DevCPE.GenByte(66H) END; IF rep THEN DevCPE.GenByte(0F2H) END; IF size <= 1 THEN DevCPE.GenByte(0AEH) ELSE DevCPE.GenByte(0AFH) END (* scas *) END ScanStr; PROCEDURE TestNull (size: INTEGER); BEGIN IF size = 2 THEN DevCPE.GenByte(66H) END; IF size <= 1 THEN DevCPE.GenByte(8); DevCPE.GenByte(0C0H); (* or al,al *) ELSE DevCPE.GenByte(9); DevCPE.GenByte(0C0H); (* or ax,ax *) END END TestNull; PROCEDURE GenBlockMove* (wsize, len: INTEGER); (* len = 0: len in ECX *) VAR w: INTEGER; BEGIN IF len = 0 THEN (* variable size move *) IF wsize = 4 THEN w := 1 ELSIF wsize = 2 THEN w := 1; DevCPE.GenByte(66H) ELSE w := 0 END; DevCPE.GenByte(0F3H); DevCPE.GenByte(0A4H + w); (* rep:movs *) ELSE (* fixed size move *) len := len * wsize; IF len >= 16 THEN DevCPE.GenByte(0B9H); GenDbl(len DIV 4); (* ld ecx,len/4 *) DevCPE.GenByte(0F3H); DevCPE.GenByte(0A5H); (* rep:movs long*) len := len MOD 4 END; WHILE len >= 4 DO DevCPE.GenByte(0A5H); DEC(len, 4) END; (* movs long *); IF len >= 2 THEN DevCPE.GenByte(66H); DevCPE.GenByte(0A5H) END; (* movs word *); IF ODD(len) THEN DevCPE.GenByte(0A4H) END; (* movs byte *) END END GenBlockMove; PROCEDURE GenBlockStore* (wsize, len: INTEGER); (* len = 0: len in ECX *) VAR w: INTEGER; BEGIN IF len = 0 THEN (* variable size move *) IF wsize = 4 THEN w := 1 ELSIF wsize = 2 THEN w := 1; DevCPE.GenByte(66H) ELSE w := 0 END; DevCPE.GenByte(0F3H); DevCPE.GenByte(0AAH + w); (* rep:stos *) ELSE (* fixed size move *) len := len * wsize; IF len >= 16 THEN DevCPE.GenByte(0B9H); GenDbl(len DIV 4); (* ld ecx,len/4 *) DevCPE.GenByte(0F3H); DevCPE.GenByte(0ABH); (* rep:stos long*) len := len MOD 4 END; WHILE len >= 4 DO DevCPE.GenByte(0ABH); DEC(len, 4) END; (* stos long *); IF len >= 2 THEN DevCPE.GenByte(66H); DevCPE.GenByte(0ABH) END; (* stos word *); IF ODD(len) THEN DevCPE.GenByte(0ABH) END; (* stos byte *) END END GenBlockStore; PROCEDURE GenBlockComp* (wsize, len: INTEGER); (* len = 0: len in ECX *) VAR w: INTEGER; BEGIN ASSERT(len >= 0); IF len > 0 THEN DevCPE.GenByte(0B9H); GenDbl(len) END; (* ld ecx,len *) IF wsize = 4 THEN w := 1 ELSIF wsize = 2 THEN w := 1; DevCPE.GenByte(66H) ELSE w := 0 END; DevCPE.GenByte(0F3H); DevCPE.GenByte(0A6H + w) (* repe:cmps *) END GenBlockComp; PROCEDURE GenStringMove* (excl: BOOLEAN; wsize, dsize, len: INTEGER); (* len = 0: len in ECX, len = -1: len undefined; wsize # dsize -> convert; size = 0: opsize = 1, incsize = 2; excl: don't move 0X *) VAR loop, end: Label; BEGIN IF len > 0 THEN DevCPE.GenByte(0B9H); GenDbl(len) END; (* ld ecx,len *) (* len >= 0: len IN ECX *) IF (dsize = 2) & (wsize < 2) THEN DevCPE.GenByte(31H); DevCPE.GenByte(0C0H) END; (* xor eax,eax *) loop := NewLbl; end := NewLbl; SetLabel(loop); LoadStr(wsize); IF wsize = 0 THEN DevCPE.GenByte(46H) END; (* inc esi *) IF len < 0 THEN (* no limit *) StoreStr(dsize); TestNull(wsize); GenJump(ccNE, loop, TRUE); IF excl THEN (* dec edi *) DevCPE.GenByte(4FH); IF dsize # 1 THEN DevCPE.GenByte(4FH) END END; ELSE (* cx limit *) IF excl THEN TestNull(wsize); GenJump(ccE, end, TRUE); StoreStr(dsize) ELSE StoreStr(dsize); TestNull(wsize); GenJump(ccE, end, TRUE) END; DevCPE.GenByte(49H); (* dec ecx *) GenJump(ccNE, loop, TRUE); GenAssert(ccNever, copyTrap); (* trap *) SetLabel(end) END; a1.mode := 0; a2.mode := 0 END GenStringMove; PROCEDURE GenStringComp* (wsize, dsize: INTEGER); (* wsize # dsize -> convert; size = 0: opsize = 1, incsize = 2; *) VAR loop, end: Label; BEGIN IF (dsize = 2) & (wsize < 2) THEN DevCPE.GenByte(31H); DevCPE.GenByte(0C0H); (* xor eax,eax *) END; loop := NewLbl; end := NewLbl; SetLabel(loop); LoadStr(wsize); IF wsize = 0 THEN DevCPE.GenByte(46H) END; (* inc esi *) ScanStr(dsize, FALSE); GenJump(ccNE, end, TRUE); IF dsize = 0 THEN DevCPE.GenByte(47H) END; (* inc edi *) TestNull(wsize); GenJump(ccNE, loop, TRUE); SetLabel(end); a1.mode := 0; a2.mode := 0 END GenStringComp; PROCEDURE GenStringLength* (wsize, len: INTEGER); (* len = 0: len in ECX, len = -1: len undefined *) BEGIN DevCPE.GenByte(31H); DevCPE.GenByte(0C0H); (* xor eax,eax *) IF len # 0 THEN DevCPE.GenByte(0B9H); GenDbl(len) END; (* ld ecx,len *) ScanStr(wsize, TRUE); a1.mode := 0; a2.mode := 0 END GenStringLength; PROCEDURE GenStrStore* (size: INTEGER); VAR w: INTEGER; BEGIN IF size # 0 THEN IF size MOD 4 = 0 THEN w := 1; size := size DIV 4 ELSIF size MOD 2 = 0 THEN w := 2; size := size DIV 2 ELSE w := 0 END; DevCPE.GenByte(0B9H); GenDbl(size); (* ld ecx,size *) IF w = 2 THEN DevCPE.GenByte(66H); w := 1 END ELSE w := 0 END; DevCPE.GenByte(0F3H); DevCPE.GenByte(0AAH + w); (* rep:stos *) a1.mode := 0; a2.mode := 0 END GenStrStore; PROCEDURE GenCode* (op: INTEGER); BEGIN DevCPE.GenByte(op); a1.mode := 0; a2.mode := 0 END GenCode; PROCEDURE Init*(opt: SET); BEGIN DevCPE.Init(processor, opt); level := 0; NEW(one); one.realval := 1.0; one.intval := DevCPM.ConstNotAlloc; END Init; PROCEDURE Close*; BEGIN a1.obj := NIL; a1.typ := NIL; a2.obj := NIL; a2.typ := NIL; one := NIL; DevCPE.Close END Close; BEGIN Size[Undef] := 0; Size[Byte] := 1; Size[Bool] := 1; Size[Char8] := 1; Size[Int8] := 1; Size[Int16] := 2; Size[Int32] := 4; Size[Real32] := -4; Size[Real64] := -8; Size[Set] := 4; Size[String8] := 0; Size[NilTyp] := 4; Size[NoTyp] := 0; Size[Pointer] := 4; Size[ProcTyp] := 4; Size[Comp] := 0; Size[Char16] := 2; Size[Int64] := 8; Size[String16] := 0 END DevCPL486.
MODULE DevCPM; (** project = "BlackBox 2.0, diffs vs 1.7.2 are marked by green" organizations = "Oberon microsystems, BBWFC, OberonCore, BBCP Team" contributors = "Oberon microsystems, A.A. Dmitriev, I.A. Denisov" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "The 2-Clause BSD License" references = "http://e-collection.library.ethz.ch/eserv/eth:39386/eth-39386-02.pdf" changes = " - 20070123, bh, GetL added (Unicode support) - 20070123, bh, MaxStruct increased - 20070123, bh, support for procedure type sysflags - 20070224, bh, fingerprints changed to CRC32 - 20080208, bh, file checksum for symbol files - 20141027, center #19, full Unicode support for Component Pascal identifiers added - 20160324, center #111, code cleanups - 20170215, center #139, localization support for error messages - 20170612, center #160, outdated link to OP2.Paper.ps - 20170811, luowy, support for 16 bit aligment "ccall16" - 2021, ad, use of StdLibrarian - 20230103, dia, remove code, sym and system dirs " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT SYSTEM, Files, Stores, Models, TextModels, StdLog, DevMarkers, Dialog, Utf, Librarian; CONST ProcSize* = 4; (* PROCEDURE type *) PointerSize* = 4; (* POINTER type *) DArrSizeA* = 8; (* dyn array descriptor *) DArrSizeB* = 4; (* size = A + B * typ.n *) MaxSet* = 31; MaxIndex* = 7FFFFFFFH; (* maximal index value for array declaration *) MinReal32Pat = 0FF7FFFFFH; (* most positive, 32-bit pattern *) MinReal64PatL = 0FFFFFFFFH; (* most negative, lower 32-bit pattern *) MinReal64PatH = 0FFEFFFFFH; (* most negative, higher 32-bit pattern *) MaxReal32Pat = 07F7FFFFFH; (* most positive, 32-bit pattern *) MaxReal64PatL = 0FFFFFFFFH; (* most positive, lower 32-bit pattern *) MaxReal64PatH = 07FEFFFFFH; (* most positive, higher 32-bit pattern *) InfRealPat = 07F800000H; (* real infinity pattern *) (* inclusive range of parameter of standard procedure HALT *) MinHaltNr* = 0; MaxHaltNr* = 128; (* inclusive range of register number of procedures SYSTEM.GETREG and SYSTEM.PUTREG *) MinRegNr* = 0; MaxRegNr* = 31; (* maximal value of flag used to mark interface structures *) MaxSysFlag* = 127; (* shortint *) CProcFlag* = 1; (* code procedures *) (* maximal condition value of parameter of SYSTEM.CC *) MaxCC* = 15; (* initialization of constant address, must be different from any valid constant address *) ConstNotAlloc* = -1; (* whether hidden pointer fields have to be nevertheless exported *) ExpHdPtrFld* = TRUE; HdPtrName* = "@ptr"; (* whether hidden untagged pointer fields have to be nevertheless exported *) ExpHdUtPtrFld* = TRUE; HdUtPtrName* = "@utptr"; (* whether hidden procedure fields have to be nevertheless exported (may be used for System.Free) *) ExpHdProcFld* = TRUE; HdProcName* = "@proc"; (* whether hidden bound procedures have to be nevertheless exported *) ExpHdTProc* = FALSE; HdTProcName* = "@tproc"; (* maximal number of exported stuctures: *) MaxStruct* = 16000; (* must be < MAX(INTEGER) DIV 2 in object model *) (* maximal number of record extensions: *) MaxExts* = 15; (* defined by type descriptor layout *) (* whether field leaf of pointer variable p has to be set to FALSE, when NEW(p) or SYSTEM.NEW(p, n) is used *) NEWusingAdr* = FALSE; (* special character (< " ") returned by procedure Get, if end of text reached *) Eot* = 0X; (* warnings *) longreal* = 0; largeint* = 1; realConst* = 2; copy* = 3; lchr* = 4; lentier* = 5; invar* = 6; outvar* = 7; (* language options *) interface* = 1; com* = 2; comAware* = 3; som* = 4; somAware* = 5; oberon* = 6; java* = 7; javaAware* = 8; noCode* = 9; allSysVal* = 14; sysImp* = 15; trap* = 31; sys386 = 10; sys68k = 20; (* processor type in options if system imported *) cacheLineSize* = 64; CONST SFtag = 6F4F5346H; (* symbol file tag *) OFtag = 6F4F4346H; (* object file tag *) maxErrors = 64; VAR LEHost*: BOOLEAN; (* little or big endian host *) MinReal32*, MaxReal32*, InfReal*, MinReal64*, MaxReal64*: REAL; noerr*: BOOLEAN; (* no error found until now *) curpos*, startpos*, errpos*: INTEGER; (* character, start, and error position in source file *) searchpos*: INTEGER; (* search position in source file *) errors*: INTEGER; breakpc*: INTEGER; (* set by OPV.Init *) options*: SET; (* language options *) file*: Files.File; (* used for sym file import *) checksum*: INTEGER; (* symbol file checksum *) lastpos: INTEGER; ObjFName: Files.Name; SymFName: Files.Name; in: TextModels.Reader; oldSymFile, symFile, objFile: Files.File; inSym: Files.Reader; outSym, outObj: Files.Writer; errNo, errPos: ARRAY maxErrors OF INTEGER; lineReader: TextModels.Reader; lineNum: INTEGER; crc32tab: ARRAY 256 OF INTEGER; ask*: BOOLEAN; (* ask create folders for symbol and code files *) PROCEDURE^ err* (n: INTEGER); PROCEDURE Init* (source: TextModels.Reader; logtext_: TextModels.Model); BEGIN in := source; DevMarkers.Unmark(in.Base()); noerr := TRUE; options := {}; curpos := in.Pos(); errpos := curpos; lastpos := curpos - 11; errors := 0; END Init; PROCEDURE Close*; BEGIN oldSymFile := NIL; inSym := NIL; symFile := NIL; outSym := NIL; objFile := NIL; outObj := NIL; in := NIL; lineReader := NIL END Close; PROCEDURE Get* (VAR ch: CHAR); BEGIN REPEAT in.ReadChar(ch); INC(curpos) UNTIL ch # TextModels.viewcode; END Get; PROCEDURE LineOf* (pos: INTEGER): INTEGER; VAR ch: CHAR; BEGIN IF lineReader = NIL THEN lineReader := in.Base().NewReader(NIL); lineReader.SetPos(0); lineNum := 0 END; IF lineReader.Pos() > pos THEN lineReader.SetPos(0); lineNum := 0 END; WHILE lineReader.Pos() < pos DO lineReader.ReadChar(ch); IF ch = 0DX THEN INC(lineNum) END END; RETURN lineNum END LineOf; PROCEDURE LoWord (r: REAL): INTEGER; VAR x: INTEGER; BEGIN x := SYSTEM.ADR(r); IF ~LEHost THEN INC(x, 4) END; SYSTEM.GET(x, x); RETURN x END LoWord; PROCEDURE HiWord (r: REAL): INTEGER; VAR x: INTEGER; BEGIN x := SYSTEM.ADR(r); IF LEHost THEN INC(x, 4) END; SYSTEM.GET(x, x); RETURN x END HiWord; PROCEDURE Compound (lo, hi: INTEGER): REAL; VAR r: REAL; BEGIN IF LEHost THEN SYSTEM.PUT(SYSTEM.ADR(r), lo); SYSTEM.PUT(SYSTEM.ADR(r) + 4, hi) ELSE SYSTEM.PUT(SYSTEM.ADR(r) + 4, lo); SYSTEM.PUT(SYSTEM.ADR(r), hi) END; RETURN r END Compound; (* sysflag control *) PROCEDURE ValidGuid* (IN str: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR): BOOLEAN; VAR i: INTEGER; ch: SHORTCHAR; BEGIN IF (LEN(str$) # 38) OR (str[0] # "{") & (str[37] # "}") THEN RETURN FALSE END; i := 1; WHILE i < 37 DO ch := str[i]; IF (i = 9) OR (i = 14) OR (i = 19) OR (i = 24) THEN IF ch # "-" THEN RETURN FALSE END ELSE IF (ch < "0") OR (ch > "9") & (CAP(ch) < "A") OR (CAP(ch) > "Z") THEN RETURN FALSE END END; INC(i) END; RETURN TRUE END ValidGuid; PROCEDURE GetProcSysFlag* (IN id: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR; num: SHORTINT; VAR flag: SHORTINT); BEGIN IF id # "" THEN IF id = "code" THEN num := 1 ELSIF id = "callback" THEN num := 2 ELSIF id = "nostkchk" THEN num := 4 ELSIF id = "ccall" THEN num := -10 ELSIF id = "ccall16" THEN num := -12 ELSIF id = "guarded" THEN num := 8 ELSIF id = "noframe" THEN num := 16 ELSIF id = "native" THEN num := -33 ELSIF id = "bytecode" THEN num := -35 END END; IF (options * {sysImp, sys386, sys68k} # {}) & ((num = 1) OR (num = 2)) THEN INC(flag, num) ELSIF (sys68k IN options) & (num = 4) THEN INC(flag, num) ELSIF (options * {sys386, interface} # {}) & (num = -10) & (flag = 0) THEN flag := -10 ELSIF (options * {sys386, interface} # {}) & (num = -12) & (flag = 0) THEN flag := -12 ELSIF (options * {sys386, com} # {}) & (num = 8) & (flag = 0) THEN flag := 8 ELSIF (options * {sysImp, sys386} # {}) & (num = 16) & (flag = 0) THEN flag := 16 ELSIF ({sysImp, java} - options = {}) & ((num= -33) OR (num = -35)) & (flag = 0) THEN flag := num ELSE err(225); flag := 0 END END GetProcSysFlag; PROCEDURE GetVarParSysFlag* (IN id: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR; num: SHORTINT; VAR flag: SHORTINT); VAR old: SHORTINT; BEGIN old := flag; flag := 0; IF (options * {sys386, sys68k, interface, com} # {}) THEN IF (num = 1) OR (id = "nil") THEN IF ~ODD(old) THEN flag := SHORT(old + 1) END ELSIF ((num = 2) OR (id = "in")) & (oberon IN options) THEN IF old <= 1 THEN flag := SHORT(old + 2) END ELSIF ((num = 4) OR (id = "out")) & (oberon IN options) THEN IF old <= 1 THEN flag := SHORT(old + 4) END ELSIF ((num = 8) OR (id = "new")) & (options * {com, interface} # {}) THEN IF old <= 1 THEN flag := SHORT(old + 8) END ELSIF ((num = 16) OR (id = "iid")) & (com IN options) THEN IF old <= 1 THEN flag := SHORT(old + 16) END END END; IF flag = 0 THEN err(225) END END GetVarParSysFlag; PROCEDURE GetRecordSysFlag* (IN id: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR; num: SHORTINT; VAR flag: SHORTINT); VAR old: SHORTINT; BEGIN old := flag; flag := 0; IF (num = 1) OR (id = "untagged") THEN IF (options * {sysImp, sys386, sys68k, interface, com, som} # {}) & (old = 0) THEN flag := 1 END ELSIF (num = 3) OR (id = "noalign") THEN IF (options * {sys386, sys68k, interface, com, som} # {}) & (old = 0) THEN flag := 3 END ELSIF (num = 4) OR (id = "align2") THEN IF (options * {sys386, interface, com} # {}) & (old = 0) THEN flag := 4 END ELSIF (num = 5) OR (id = "align4") THEN IF (options * {sys386, interface, com} # {}) & (old = 0) THEN flag := 5 END ELSIF (num = 6) OR (id = "align8") THEN IF (options * {sys386, interface, com} # {}) & (old = 0) THEN flag := 6 END ELSIF (num = 7) OR (id = "union") THEN IF (options * {sys386, sys68k, interface, com} # {}) & (old = 0) THEN flag := 7 END ELSIF (num = 10) OR (id = "interface") OR ValidGuid(id) THEN IF (com IN options) & (old = 0) THEN flag := 10 END ELSIF (num = -11) OR (id = "jint") THEN IF (java IN options) & (old = 0) THEN flag := -11 END ELSIF (num = -13) OR (id = "jstr") THEN IF (java IN options) & (old = 0) THEN flag := -13 END ELSIF (num = 20) OR (id = "som") THEN IF (som IN options) & (old = 0) THEN flag := 20 END END; IF flag = 0 THEN err(225) END END GetRecordSysFlag; PROCEDURE GetArraySysFlag* (IN id: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR; num: SHORTINT; VAR flag: SHORTINT); VAR old: SHORTINT; BEGIN old := flag; flag := 0; IF (num = 1) OR (id = "untagged") THEN IF (options * {sysImp, sys386, sys68k, interface, com, som} # {}) & (old = 0) THEN flag := 1 END ELSIF (num = 8) OR (id = "align16") THEN IF (options * {sysImp, sys386, sys68k, interface, com, som} # {}) & (old = 0) THEN flag := 8 END ELSIF (num = -12) OR (id = "jarr") THEN IF (java IN options) & (old = 0) THEN flag := -12 END ELSIF (num = -13) OR (id = "jstr") THEN IF (java IN options) & (old = 0) THEN flag := -13 END END; IF flag = 0 THEN err(225) END END GetArraySysFlag; PROCEDURE GetPointerSysFlag* (IN id: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR; num: SHORTINT; VAR flag: SHORTINT); VAR old: SHORTINT; BEGIN old := flag; flag := 0; IF (num = 1) OR (id = "untagged") THEN IF (options * {sys386, sys68k, interface, com, som} # {}) & (old = 0) THEN flag := 1 END ELSIF (num = 2) OR (id = "handle") THEN IF (sys68k IN options) & (old = 0) THEN flag := 2 END ELSIF (num = 10) OR (id = "interface") THEN IF (com IN options) & (old = 0) THEN flag := 10 END ELSIF (num = 20) OR (id = "som") THEN IF (som IN options) & (old = 0) THEN flag := 20 END END; IF flag = 0 THEN err(225) END END GetPointerSysFlag; PROCEDURE GetProcTypSysFlag* (IN id: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR; num: SHORTINT; VAR flag: SHORTINT); BEGIN IF ((num = -10) OR (id = "ccall")) & (options * {sys386, interface} # {}) THEN flag := -10 ELSIF ((num = -12) OR (id = "ccall16")) & (options * {sys386, interface} # {}) THEN flag := -12 ELSE err(225); flag := 0 END END GetProcTypSysFlag; PROCEDURE PropagateRecordSysFlag* (baseFlag: SHORTINT; VAR flag: SHORTINT); BEGIN IF (baseFlag = 1) OR (baseFlag >= 3) & (baseFlag <= 7) THEN (* propagate untagged .. union *) IF flag = 0 THEN flag := baseFlag ELSIF (flag = 6) & (baseFlag < 6) THEN (* OK *) (* special case for 8 byte aligned records *) ELSIF flag # baseFlag THEN err(225); flag := 0 END ELSIF (baseFlag # 10) & (flag = 10) THEN err(225) END END PropagateRecordSysFlag; PROCEDURE PropagateRecPtrSysFlag* (baseFlag: SHORTINT; VAR flag: SHORTINT); BEGIN IF (baseFlag = 1) OR (baseFlag >= 3) & (baseFlag <= 7) THEN (* pointer to untagged .. union is untagged *) IF flag = 0 THEN flag := 1 ELSIF (flag # 1) & (flag # 2) THEN err(225); flag := 0 END ELSIF baseFlag = 10 THEN (* pointer to interface is interface *) IF flag = 0 THEN flag := 10 ELSIF flag # 10 THEN err(225); flag := 0 END ELSIF baseFlag = -11 THEN (* pointer to java interface is java interface *) IF flag # 0 THEN err(225) END; flag := -11 ELSIF baseFlag = -13 THEN (* pointer to java string is java string *) IF flag # 0 THEN err(225) END; flag := -13 END END PropagateRecPtrSysFlag; PROCEDURE PropagateArrPtrSysFlag* (baseFlag: SHORTINT; VAR flag: SHORTINT); BEGIN IF baseFlag = 1 THEN (* pointer to untagged or guid is untagged *) IF flag = 0 THEN flag := 1 ELSIF (flag # 1) & (flag # 2) THEN err(225); flag := 0 END ELSIF baseFlag = -12 THEN (* pointer to java array is java array *) IF flag # 0 THEN err(225) END; flag := -12 ELSIF baseFlag = -13 THEN (* pointer to java string is java string *) IF flag # 0 THEN err(225) END; flag := -13 END END PropagateArrPtrSysFlag; (* utf8 strings *) PROCEDURE PutUtf8* (VAR str: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR; val: INTEGER; VAR idx: INTEGER); BEGIN ASSERT((val >= 0) & (val < 65536)); IF val < 128 THEN str[idx] := SHORT(CHR(val)); INC(idx) ELSIF val < 2048 THEN str[idx] := SHORT(CHR(val DIV 64 + 192)); INC(idx); str[idx] := SHORT(CHR(val MOD 64 + 128)); INC(idx) ELSE str[idx] := SHORT(CHR(val DIV 4096 + 224)); INC(idx); str[idx] := SHORT(CHR(val DIV 64 MOD 64 + 128)); INC(idx); str[idx] := SHORT(CHR(val MOD 64 + 128)); INC(idx) END END PutUtf8; PROCEDURE GetUtf8* (IN str: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR; VAR val, idx: INTEGER); VAR ch: SHORTCHAR; BEGIN ch := str[idx]; INC(idx); IF ch < 80X THEN val := ORD(ch) ELSIF ch < 0E0X THEN val := ORD(ch) - 192; ch := str[idx]; INC(idx); val := val * 64 + ORD(ch) - 128 ELSE val := ORD(ch) - 224; ch := str[idx]; INC(idx); val := val * 64 + ORD(ch) - 128; ch := str[idx]; INC(idx); val := val * 64 + ORD(ch) - 128 END END GetUtf8; (* log output *) PROCEDURE LogW* (ch: CHAR); BEGIN StdLog.Char(ch) END LogW; PROCEDURE LogWStr* (IN s: ARRAY OF CHAR); BEGIN StdLog.String(s) END LogWStr; PROCEDURE LogWPar* (IN key: ARRAY OF CHAR; IN p0, p1: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR); VAR s0, s1, s: Dialog.String; res: INTEGER; BEGIN Utf.Utf8ToString(p0, s0, res); Utf.Utf8ToString(p1, s1, res); Dialog.MapParamString(key, s0, s1, "", s); StdLog.String(s) END LogWPar; PROCEDURE LogWNum* (i, len: INTEGER); BEGIN StdLog.Int(i) END LogWNum; PROCEDURE LogWLn*; BEGIN StdLog.Ln END LogWLn; (* PROCEDURE LogW* (ch: CHAR); BEGIN out.WriteChar(ch); END LogW; PROCEDURE LogWStr* (s: ARRAY OF CHAR); BEGIN out.WriteString(s); END LogWStr; PROCEDURE LogWNum* (i, len: LONGINT); BEGIN out.WriteChar(" "); out.WriteInt(i); END LogWNum; PROCEDURE LogWLn*; BEGIN out.WriteLn; Views.RestoreDomain(logbuf.Domain()) END LogWLn; *) PROCEDURE Mark* (n, pos: INTEGER); BEGIN IF (n >= 0) & ~((oberon IN options) & (n >= 181) & (n <= 190)) THEN noerr := FALSE; IF pos < 0 THEN pos := 0 END; IF (pos < lastpos) OR (lastpos + 9 < pos) THEN lastpos := pos; IF errors < maxErrors THEN errNo[errors] := n; errPos[errors] := pos END; INC(errors) END; IF trap IN options THEN HALT(100) END; ELSIF (n <= -700) & (errors < maxErrors) THEN errNo[errors] := -n; errPos[errors] := pos; INC(errors) END END Mark; PROCEDURE err* (n: INTEGER); BEGIN Mark(n, errpos) END err; PROCEDURE InsertMarks* (text: TextModels.Model); VAR i, j, x, y, n: INTEGER; script: Stores.Operation; BEGIN n := errors; IF n > maxErrors THEN n := maxErrors END; (* sort *) i := 1; WHILE i < n DO x := errPos[i]; y := errNo[i]; j := i-1; WHILE (j >= 0) & (errPos[j] > x) DO errPos[j+1] := errPos[j]; errNo[j+1] := errNo[j]; DEC(j) END; errPos[j+1] := x; errNo[j+1] := y; INC(i) END; (* insert *) Models.BeginModification(Models.clean, text); Models.BeginScript(text, "#Dev:InsertMarkers", script); WHILE n > 0 DO DEC(n); DevMarkers.Insert(text, errPos[n], DevMarkers.dir.New(errNo[n])) END; Models.EndScript(text, script); Models.EndModification(Models.clean, text); END InsertMarks; (* fingerprinting *) PROCEDURE InitCrcTab; (* CRC32, high bit first, pre & post inverted *) CONST poly = {0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 16, 22, 23, 26}; (* CRC32 polynom *) VAR x, c, i: INTEGER; BEGIN x := 0; WHILE x < 256 DO c := x * 1000000H; i := 0; WHILE i < 8 DO IF c < 0 THEN c := ORD(BITS(c * 2) / poly) ELSE c := c * 2 END; INC(i) END; crc32tab[ORD(BITS(x) / BITS(255))] := ORD(BITS(c) / BITS(255)); INC(x) END END InitCrcTab; PROCEDURE FPrint* (VAR fp: INTEGER; val: INTEGER); VAR c: INTEGER; BEGIN (* fp := SYSTEM.ROT(ORD(BITS(fp) / BITS(val)), 1) (* bad collision detection *) *) (* CRC32, high bit first, pre & post inverted *) c := ORD(BITS(fp * 256) / BITS(crc32tab[ORD(BITS(fp DIV 1000000H) / BITS(val DIV 1000000H)) MOD 256])); c := ORD(BITS(c * 256) / BITS(crc32tab[ORD(BITS(c DIV 1000000H) / BITS(val DIV 10000H)) MOD 256])); c := ORD(BITS(c * 256) / BITS(crc32tab[ORD(BITS(c DIV 1000000H) / BITS(val DIV 100H)) MOD 256])); fp := ORD(BITS(c * 256) / BITS(crc32tab[ORD(BITS(c DIV 1000000H) / BITS(val)) MOD 256])); END FPrint; PROCEDURE FPrintSet* (VAR fp: INTEGER; set: SET); BEGIN FPrint(fp, ORD(set)) END FPrintSet; PROCEDURE FPrintReal* (VAR fp: INTEGER; real: SHORTREAL); BEGIN FPrint(fp, SYSTEM.VAL(INTEGER, real)) END FPrintReal; PROCEDURE FPrintLReal* (VAR fp: INTEGER; lr: REAL); BEGIN FPrint(fp, LoWord(lr)); FPrint(fp, HiWord(lr)) END FPrintLReal; PROCEDURE ChkSum (VAR fp: INTEGER; val: INTEGER); (* symbolfile checksum *) BEGIN (* same as FPrint, 8 bit only *) fp := ORD(BITS(fp * 256) / BITS(crc32tab[ORD(BITS(fp DIV 1000000H) / BITS(val)) MOD 256])) END ChkSum; (* compact format *) PROCEDURE WriteLInt (w: Files.Writer; i: INTEGER); BEGIN ChkSum(checksum, i); w.WriteByte(SHORT(SHORT(i MOD 256))); i := i DIV 256; ChkSum(checksum, i); w.WriteByte(SHORT(SHORT(i MOD 256))); i := i DIV 256; ChkSum(checksum, i); w.WriteByte(SHORT(SHORT(i MOD 256))); i := i DIV 256; ChkSum(checksum, i); w.WriteByte(SHORT(SHORT(i MOD 256))) END WriteLInt; PROCEDURE ReadLInt (r: Files.Reader; VAR i: INTEGER); VAR b: BYTE; x: INTEGER; BEGIN r.ReadByte(b); x := b MOD 256; ChkSum(checksum, b); r.ReadByte(b); x := x + 100H * (b MOD 256); ChkSum(checksum, b); r.ReadByte(b); x := x + 10000H * (b MOD 256); ChkSum(checksum, b); r.ReadByte(b); i := x + 1000000H * b; ChkSum(checksum, b) END ReadLInt; PROCEDURE WriteNum (w: Files.Writer; i: INTEGER); BEGIN (* old format of Oberon *) WHILE (i < -64) OR (i > 63) DO ChkSum(checksum, i MOD 128 - 128); w.WriteByte(SHORT(SHORT(i MOD 128 - 128))); i := i DIV 128 END; ChkSum(checksum, i MOD 128); w.WriteByte(SHORT(SHORT(i MOD 128))) END WriteNum; PROCEDURE ReadNum (r: Files.Reader; VAR i: INTEGER); VAR b: BYTE; s, y: INTEGER; BEGIN s := 0; y := 0; r.ReadByte(b); IF ~r.eof THEN ChkSum(checksum, b) END; WHILE b < 0 DO INC(y, ASH(b + 128, s)); INC(s, 7); r.ReadByte(b); ChkSum(checksum, b) END; i := ASH((b + 64) MOD 128 - 64, s) + y; END ReadNum; PROCEDURE WriteNumSet (w: Files.Writer; x: SET); BEGIN WriteNum(w, ORD(x)) END WriteNumSet; PROCEDURE ReadNumSet (r: Files.Reader; VAR x: SET); VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN ReadNum(r, i); x := BITS(i) END ReadNumSet; PROCEDURE WriteReal (w: Files.Writer; x: SHORTREAL); BEGIN WriteLInt(w, SYSTEM.VAL(INTEGER, x)) END WriteReal; PROCEDURE ReadReal (r: Files.Reader; VAR x: SHORTREAL); VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN ReadLInt(r, i); x := SYSTEM.VAL(SHORTREAL, i) END ReadReal; PROCEDURE WriteLReal (w: Files.Writer; x: REAL); BEGIN WriteLInt(w, LoWord(x)); WriteLInt(w, HiWord(x)) END WriteLReal; PROCEDURE ReadLReal (r: Files.Reader; VAR x: REAL); VAR h, l: INTEGER; BEGIN ReadLInt(r, l); ReadLInt(r, h); x := Compound(l, h) END ReadLReal; (* read symbol file *) PROCEDURE SymRCh* (VAR ch: SHORTCHAR); VAR b: BYTE; BEGIN inSym.ReadByte(b); ch := SHORT(CHR(b)); ChkSum(checksum, b) END SymRCh; PROCEDURE SymRInt* (): INTEGER; VAR k: INTEGER; BEGIN ReadNum(inSym, k); RETURN k END SymRInt; PROCEDURE SymRSet* (VAR s: SET); BEGIN ReadNumSet(inSym, s) END SymRSet; PROCEDURE SymRReal* (VAR r: SHORTREAL); BEGIN ReadReal(inSym, r) END SymRReal; PROCEDURE SymRLReal* (VAR lr: REAL); BEGIN ReadLReal(inSym, lr) END SymRLReal; PROCEDURE eofSF* (): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN inSym.eof END eofSF; PROCEDURE OldSym* (IN modName: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR; VAR done: BOOLEAN); VAR tag, res: INTEGER; loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name; BEGIN done := FALSE; IF modName = "@file" THEN oldSymFile := file ELSE Utf.Utf8ToString(modName, name, res); Librarian.lib.GetSpec(name, "Sym", loc, name); oldSymFile := Files.dir.Old(loc, name, Files.shared); END; IF oldSymFile # NIL THEN inSym := oldSymFile.NewReader(inSym); IF inSym # NIL THEN ReadLInt(inSym, tag); IF tag = SFtag THEN done := TRUE ELSE err(151) END END END END OldSym; PROCEDURE CloseOldSym*; BEGIN IF oldSymFile # NIL THEN oldSymFile.Close; oldSymFile := NIL END END CloseOldSym; (* write symbol file *) PROCEDURE SymWCh* (ch: SHORTCHAR); BEGIN ChkSum(checksum, ORD(ch)); outSym.WriteByte(SHORT(ORD(ch))) END SymWCh; PROCEDURE SymWInt* (i: INTEGER); BEGIN WriteNum(outSym, i) END SymWInt; PROCEDURE SymWSet* (s: SET); BEGIN WriteNumSet(outSym, s) END SymWSet; PROCEDURE SymWReal* (r: SHORTREAL); BEGIN WriteReal(outSym, r) END SymWReal; PROCEDURE SymWLReal* (r: REAL); BEGIN WriteLReal(outSym, r) END SymWLReal; PROCEDURE SymReset*; BEGIN outSym.SetPos(4) END SymReset; PROCEDURE NewSym* (IN modName: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR); VAR res: INTEGER; loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name; BEGIN Utf.Utf8ToString(modName, name, res); Librarian.lib.GetSpec(name, "Sym", loc, SymFName); symFile := Files.dir.New(loc, ask); IF symFile # NIL THEN outSym := symFile.NewWriter(NIL); WriteLInt(outSym, SFtag) ELSE err(153) END END NewSym; PROCEDURE RegisterNewSym*; VAR res: INTEGER; BEGIN IF symFile # NIL THEN symFile.Register(SymFName, "", Files.ask, res); symFile := NIL END END RegisterNewSym; PROCEDURE DeleteNewSym*; BEGIN IF symFile # NIL THEN symFile.Close; symFile := NIL END END DeleteNewSym; (* write object file *) PROCEDURE ObjW* (ch: SHORTCHAR); BEGIN outObj.WriteByte(SHORT(ORD(ch))) END ObjW; PROCEDURE ObjWNum* (i: INTEGER); BEGIN WriteNum(outObj, i) END ObjWNum; PROCEDURE ObjWInt (i: SHORTINT); BEGIN outObj.WriteByte(SHORT(SHORT(i MOD 256))); outObj.WriteByte(SHORT(SHORT(i DIV 256))) END ObjWInt; PROCEDURE ObjWLInt* (i: INTEGER); BEGIN ObjWInt(SHORT(i MOD 65536)); ObjWInt(SHORT(i DIV 65536)) END ObjWLInt; PROCEDURE ObjWBytes* (IN bytes: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR; n: INTEGER); TYPE P = POINTER TO ARRAY [untagged] 100000H OF BYTE; VAR p: P; BEGIN p := SYSTEM.VAL(P, SYSTEM.ADR(bytes)); outObj.WriteBytes(p^, 0, n) END ObjWBytes; PROCEDURE ObjLen* (): INTEGER; BEGIN RETURN outObj.Pos() END ObjLen; PROCEDURE ObjSet* (pos: INTEGER); BEGIN outObj.SetPos(pos) END ObjSet; PROCEDURE NewObj* (IN modName: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR); VAR res: INTEGER; loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name; BEGIN errpos := 0; Utf.Utf8ToString(modName, name, res); Librarian.lib.GetSpec(name, "Code", loc, ObjFName); objFile := Files.dir.New(loc, ask); IF objFile # NIL THEN outObj := objFile.NewWriter(NIL); WriteLInt(outObj, OFtag) ELSE err(153) END END NewObj; PROCEDURE RegisterObj*; VAR res: INTEGER; BEGIN IF objFile # NIL THEN objFile.Register(ObjFName, "", Files.ask, res); objFile := NIL; outObj := NIL END END RegisterObj; PROCEDURE DeleteObj*; BEGIN IF objFile # NIL THEN objFile.Close; objFile := NIL END END DeleteObj; PROCEDURE Ask*; BEGIN ask := TRUE END Ask; PROCEDURE InitHost; VAR test: SHORTINT; lo: SHORTCHAR; BEGIN test := 1; SYSTEM.GET(SYSTEM.ADR(test), lo); LEHost := lo = 1X; InfReal := SYSTEM.VAL(SHORTREAL, InfRealPat); MinReal32 := SYSTEM.VAL(SHORTREAL, MinReal32Pat); MaxReal32 := SYSTEM.VAL(SHORTREAL, MaxReal32Pat); MinReal64 := Compound(MinReal64PatL, MinReal64PatH); MaxReal64 := Compound(MaxReal64PatL, MaxReal64PatH) END InitHost; BEGIN InitCrcTab; InitHost; ask := FALSE END DevCPM.
MODULE DevCPP; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" references = "http://e-collection.library.ethz.ch/eserv/eth:39386/eth-39386-02.pdf" changes = " - 20070123, bh, NewString call changed (Unicode support) - 20070123, bh, support for procedure type sysflags - 20070308, bh, longint excluded as case labels - 20141027, center #19, full Unicode support for Component Pascal identifiers added - 20150415, center #38, report passing receiver parameter IN to VAR - 20150513, center #43, extending the size of code procedures - 20150514, center #47, avoid a compiler TRAP with SYSTEM.PTR - 20160324, center #111, code cleanups - 20170215, center #139, localization support for error messages - 20170612, center #160, outdated link to OP2.Paper.ps - 20180509, center #186, aligning code procedure syntax with docu " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT DevCPM, DevCPT, DevCPB, DevCPS; CONST anchorVarPar = TRUE; (* numtyp values *) char = 1; integer = 2; real = 4; int64 = 5; real32 = 6; real64 = 7; (*symbol values*) null = 0; times = 1; slash = 2; div = 3; mod = 4; and = 5; plus = 6; minus = 7; or = 8; eql = 9; neq = 10; lss = 11; leq = 12; gtr = 13; geq = 14; in = 15; is = 16; arrow = 17; dollar = 18; period = 19; comma = 20; colon = 21; upto = 22; rparen = 23; rbrak = 24; rbrace = 25; of = 26; then = 27; do = 28; to = 29; by = 30; not = 33; lparen = 40; lbrak = 41; lbrace = 42; becomes = 44; number = 45; nil = 46; string = 47; ident = 48; semicolon = 49; bar = 50; end = 51; else = 52; elsif = 53; until = 54; if = 55; case = 56; while = 57; repeat = 58; for = 59; loop = 60; with = 61; exit = 62; return = 63; array = 64; record = 65; pointer = 66; begin = 67; const = 68; type = 69; var = 70; out = 71; procedure = 72; close = 73; import = 74; module = 75; eof = 76; (* object modes *) Var = 1; VarPar = 2; Con = 3; Fld = 4; Typ = 5; LProc = 6; XProc = 7; SProc = 8; CProc = 9; IProc = 10; Mod = 11; Head = 12; TProc = 13; Attr = 20; (* Structure forms *) Undef = 0; Byte = 1; Bool = 2; Char8 = 3; Int8 = 4; Int16 = 5; Int32 = 6; Real32 = 7; Real64 = 8; Set = 9; String8 = 10; NilTyp = 11; NoTyp = 12; Pointer = 13; ProcTyp = 14; Comp = 15; Char16 = 16; String16 = 17; Int64 = 18; intSet = {Int8..Int32, Int64}; charSet = {Char8, Char16}; (* composite structure forms *) Basic = 1; Array = 2; DynArr = 3; Record = 4; (*function number*) haltfn = 0; newfn = 1; incfn = 13; sysnewfn = 30; (* nodes classes *) Nvar = 0; Nvarpar = 1; Nfield = 2; Nderef = 3; Nindex = 4; Nguard = 5; Neguard = 6; Nconst = 7; Ntype = 8; Nproc = 9; Nupto = 10; Nmop = 11; Ndop = 12; Ncall = 13; Ninittd = 14; Nif = 15; Ncaselse = 16; Ncasedo = 17; Nenter = 18; Nassign = 19; Nifelse = 20; Ncase = 21; Nwhile = 22; Nrepeat = 23; Nloop = 24; Nexit = 25; Nreturn = 26; Nwith = 27; Ntrap = 28; Ncomp = 30; (* node subclasses *) super = 1; (* module visibility of objects *) internal = 0; external = 1; externalR = 2; inPar = 3; outPar = 4; (* procedure flags (conval.setval) *) hasBody = 1; isRedef = 2; slNeeded = 3; imVar = 4; (* attribute flags (attr.adr, struct.attribute, proc.conval.setval)*) newAttr = 16; absAttr = 17; limAttr = 18; empAttr = 19; extAttr = 20; (* case statement flags (conval.setval) *) useTable = 1; useTree = 2; (* sysflags *) nilBit = 1; inBit = 2; outBit = 4; newBit = 8; iidBit = 16; interface = 10; som = 20; jstr = -13; TYPE Elem = POINTER TO RECORD next: Elem; struct: DevCPT.Struct; obj, base: DevCPT.Object; pos: INTEGER; name: DevCPT.String END; VAR sym, level: BYTE; LoopLevel: SHORTINT; TDinit, lastTDinit: DevCPT.Node; userList: Elem; recList: Elem; hasReturn: BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE^ Type(VAR typ: DevCPT.Struct; VAR name: DevCPT.String); PROCEDURE^ Expression(VAR x: DevCPT.Node); PROCEDURE^ Block(VAR procdec, statseq: DevCPT.Node); (* forward type handling *) PROCEDURE IncompleteType (typ: DevCPT.Struct): BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF typ.form = Pointer THEN IF typ = DevCPT.sysptrtyp THEN RETURN FALSE END; typ := typ.BaseTyp END; RETURN (typ = DevCPT.undftyp) OR (typ.comp = Record) & (typ.BaseTyp = DevCPT.undftyp) END IncompleteType; PROCEDURE SetType (struct: DevCPT.Struct; obj: DevCPT.Object; typ: DevCPT.Struct; name: DevCPT.String); VAR u: Elem; BEGIN IF obj # NIL THEN obj.typ := typ ELSE struct.BaseTyp := typ END; IF name # NIL THEN NEW(u); u.struct := struct; u.obj := obj; u.pos := DevCPM.errpos; u.name := name; u.next := userList; userList := u END END SetType; PROCEDURE CheckAlloc (VAR typ: DevCPT.Struct; dynAllowed: BOOLEAN; pos: INTEGER); BEGIN typ.pvused := TRUE; IF typ.comp = DynArr THEN IF ~dynAllowed THEN DevCPM.Mark(88, pos); typ := DevCPT.undftyp END ELSIF typ.comp = Record THEN IF (typ.attribute = absAttr) OR (typ.attribute = limAttr) & (typ.mno # 0) THEN DevCPM.Mark(193, pos); typ := DevCPT.undftyp END END END CheckAlloc; PROCEDURE CheckRecursiveType (outer, inner: DevCPT.Struct; pos: INTEGER); VAR fld: DevCPT.Object; BEGIN IF outer = inner THEN DevCPM.Mark(58, pos) ELSIF inner.comp IN {Array, DynArr} THEN CheckRecursiveType(outer, inner.BaseTyp, pos) ELSIF inner.comp = Record THEN fld := inner.link; WHILE (fld # NIL) & (fld.mode = Fld) DO CheckRecursiveType(outer, fld.typ, pos); fld := fld.link END; IF inner.BaseTyp # NIL THEN CheckRecursiveType(outer, inner.BaseTyp, pos) END END END CheckRecursiveType; PROCEDURE FixType (struct: DevCPT.Struct; obj: DevCPT.Object; typ: DevCPT.Struct; pos: INTEGER); (* fix forward reference *) VAR t: DevCPT.Struct; f, bf: DevCPT.Object; i: SHORTINT; BEGIN IF obj # NIL THEN IF obj.mode = Var THEN (* variable type *) IF struct # NIL THEN (* receiver type *) IF (typ.form # Pointer) OR (typ.BaseTyp # struct) THEN DevCPM.Mark(180, pos) END; ELSE CheckAlloc(typ, obj.mnolev > level, pos) (* TRUE for parameters *) END ELSIF obj.mode = VarPar THEN (* varpar type *) IF struct # NIL THEN (* varpar receiver type *) IF typ # struct THEN DevCPM.Mark(180, pos) END END ELSIF obj.mode = Fld THEN (* field type *) CheckAlloc(typ, FALSE, pos); CheckRecursiveType(struct, typ, pos) ELSIF obj.mode = TProc THEN (* proc return type *) IF typ.form = Comp THEN typ := DevCPT.undftyp; DevCPM.Mark(54, pos) END ELSIF obj.mode = Typ THEN (* alias type *) IF typ.form IN {Byte..Set, Char16, Int64} THEN (* make alias structure *) t := DevCPT.NewStr(typ.form, Basic); i := t.ref; t^ := typ^; t.ref := i; t.strobj := obj; t.mno := 0; t.BaseTyp := typ; typ := t END; IF obj.vis # internal THEN IF typ.comp = Record THEN typ.exp := TRUE ELSIF typ.form = Pointer THEN typ.BaseTyp.exp := TRUE END END ELSE HALT(100) END; obj.typ := typ ELSE IF struct.form = Pointer THEN (* pointer base type *) IF typ.comp = Record THEN DevCPM.PropagateRecPtrSysFlag(typ.sysflag, struct.sysflag) ELSIF typ.comp IN {Array, DynArr} THEN DevCPM.PropagateArrPtrSysFlag(typ.sysflag, struct.sysflag) ELSE typ := DevCPT.undftyp; DevCPM.Mark(57, pos) END; struct.untagged := struct.sysflag > 0; IF (struct.strobj # NIL) & (struct.strobj.vis # internal) THEN typ.exp := TRUE END; ELSIF struct.comp = Array THEN (* array base type *) CheckAlloc(typ, FALSE, pos); CheckRecursiveType(struct, typ, pos) ELSIF struct.comp = DynArr THEN (* array base type *) CheckAlloc(typ, TRUE, pos); CheckRecursiveType(struct, typ, pos) ELSIF struct.comp = Record THEN (* record base type *) IF typ.form = Pointer THEN typ := typ.BaseTyp END; typ.pvused := TRUE; struct.extlev := SHORT(SHORT(typ.extlev + 1)); DevCPM.PropagateRecordSysFlag(typ.sysflag, struct.sysflag); IF (typ.attribute = 0) OR (typ.attribute = limAttr) & (typ.mno # 0) THEN DevCPM.Mark(181, pos) ELSIF (struct.attribute = absAttr) & (typ.attribute # absAttr) THEN DevCPM.Mark(191, pos) ELSIF (typ.attribute = limAttr) & (struct.attribute # limAttr) THEN DevCPM.Mark(197, pos) END; f := struct.link; WHILE f # NIL DO (* check for field name conflicts *) DevCPT.FindField(f.name, typ, bf); IF bf # NIL THEN DevCPM.Mark(1, pos) END; f := f.link END; CheckRecursiveType(struct, typ, pos); struct.untagged := struct.sysflag > 0; ELSIF struct.form = ProcTyp THEN (* proc type return type *) IF typ.form = Comp THEN typ := DevCPT.undftyp; DevCPM.Mark(54, pos) END; ELSE HALT(100) END; struct.BaseTyp := typ END END FixType; PROCEDURE CheckForwardTypes; VAR u, next: Elem; progress: BOOLEAN; BEGIN u := userList; userList := NIL; WHILE u # NIL DO next := u.next; DevCPS.name := u.name$; DevCPT.Find(DevCPS.name, u.base); IF u.base = NIL THEN DevCPM.Mark(0, u.pos) ELSIF u.base.mode # Typ THEN DevCPM.Mark(72, u.pos) ELSE u.next := userList; userList := u (* reinsert *) END; u := next END; REPEAT (* iteration for multy level alias *) u := userList; userList := NIL; progress := FALSE; WHILE u # NIL DO next := u.next; IF IncompleteType(u.base.typ) THEN u.next := userList; userList := u (* reinsert *) ELSE progress := TRUE; FixType(u.struct, u.obj, u.base.typ, u.pos) END; u := next END UNTIL (userList = NIL) OR ~progress; u := userList; (* remaining type relations are cyclic *) WHILE u # NIL DO IF (u.obj = NIL) OR (u.obj.mode = Typ) THEN DevCPM.Mark(58, u.pos) END; u := u.next END; END CheckForwardTypes; PROCEDURE CheckUnimpl (m: DevCPT.Object; typ: DevCPT.Struct; pos: INTEGER); VAR obj: DevCPT.Object; BEGIN IF m # NIL THEN IF (m.mode = TProc) & (absAttr IN m.conval.setval) THEN DevCPT.FindField(m.name^, typ, obj); IF (obj = NIL) OR (obj.mode # TProc) OR (absAttr IN obj.conval.setval) THEN DevCPM.Mark(192, pos); DevCPM.LogWLn; DevCPM.LogWStr(" "); IF typ.strobj # NIL THEN DevCPM.LogWPar("#Dev:NotImplementedIn", m.name, typ.strobj.name) ELSE DevCPM.LogWPar("#Dev:NotImplemented", m.name, "") END END END; CheckUnimpl(m.left, typ, pos); CheckUnimpl(m.right, typ, pos) END END CheckUnimpl; PROCEDURE CheckRecords (rec: Elem); VAR b: DevCPT.Struct; BEGIN WHILE rec # NIL DO (* check for unimplemented methods in base type *) b := rec.struct.BaseTyp; WHILE (b # NIL) & (b # DevCPT.undftyp) DO CheckUnimpl(b.link, rec.struct, rec.pos); b := b.BaseTyp END; rec := rec.next END END CheckRecords; PROCEDURE err(n: SHORTINT); BEGIN DevCPM.err(n) END err; PROCEDURE CheckSym(s: SHORTINT); BEGIN IF sym = s THEN DevCPS.Get(sym) ELSE DevCPM.err(s) END END CheckSym; PROCEDURE qualident(VAR id: DevCPT.Object); VAR obj: DevCPT.Object; lev: BYTE; BEGIN (*sym = ident*) DevCPT.Find(DevCPS.name, obj); DevCPS.Get(sym); IF (sym = period) & (obj # NIL) & (obj.mode = Mod) THEN DevCPS.Get(sym); IF sym = ident THEN DevCPT.FindImport(DevCPS.name, obj, obj); DevCPS.Get(sym) ELSE err(ident); obj := NIL END END ; IF obj = NIL THEN err(0); obj := DevCPT.NewObj(); obj.mode := Var; obj.typ := DevCPT.undftyp; obj.adr := 0 ELSE lev := obj.mnolev; IF (obj.mode IN {Var, VarPar}) & (lev # level) THEN obj.leaf := FALSE; IF lev > 0 THEN DevCPB.StaticLink(SHORT(SHORT(level-lev)), TRUE) END (* !!! *) END END ; id := obj END qualident; PROCEDURE ConstExpression(VAR x: DevCPT.Node); BEGIN Expression(x); IF x.class # Nconst THEN err(50); x := DevCPB.NewIntConst(1) END END ConstExpression; PROCEDURE CheckMark(obj: DevCPT.Object); (* !!! *) VAR n: INTEGER; mod: ARRAY 256 OF DevCPT.String; BEGIN DevCPS.Get(sym); IF (sym = times) OR (sym = minus) THEN IF (level > 0) OR ~(obj.mode IN {Var, Fld, TProc}) & (sym = minus) THEN err(41) END ; IF sym = times THEN obj.vis := external ELSE obj.vis := externalR END ; DevCPS.Get(sym) ELSE obj.vis := internal END; IF (obj.mode IN {TProc, LProc, XProc, CProc, Var, Typ, Con, Fld}) & (sym = lbrak) THEN DevCPS.Get(sym); IF (sym = number) & (DevCPS.numtyp = char) THEN NEW(DevCPS.str, 2); DevCPS.str[0] := SHORT(CHR(DevCPS.intval)); DevCPS.str[1] := 0X; sym := string END; IF sym = string THEN IF DevCPS.str^ # "" THEN obj.entry := DevCPS.str END; DevCPS.Get(sym); n := 0; IF (sym = comma) & (obj.mode IN {LProc, XProc, CProc, Var, Con}) THEN DevCPS.Get(sym); IF (sym = number) & (DevCPS.numtyp = char) THEN NEW(DevCPS.str, 2); DevCPS.str[0] := SHORT(CHR(DevCPS.intval)); DevCPS.str[1] := 0X; sym := string END; IF sym = string THEN obj.library := obj.entry; obj.entry := NIL; IF DevCPS.str^ # "" THEN obj.entry := DevCPS.str END; DevCPS.Get(sym); ELSE err(string) END END; WHILE sym = comma DO DevCPS.Get(sym); IF (sym = number) & (DevCPS.numtyp = char) THEN NEW(DevCPS.str, 2); DevCPS.str[0] := SHORT(CHR(DevCPS.intval)); DevCPS.str[1] := 0X; sym := string END; IF sym = string THEN IF n < LEN(mod) THEN mod[n] := DevCPS.str; INC(n) ELSE err(235) END; DevCPS.Get(sym) ELSE err(string) END END; IF n > 0 THEN NEW(obj.modifiers, n); WHILE n > 0 DO DEC(n); obj.modifiers[n] := mod[n] END END ELSE err(string) END; CheckSym(rbrak); IF DevCPM.options * {DevCPM.interface, DevCPM.java} = {} THEN err(225) END END END CheckMark; PROCEDURE CheckSysFlag (VAR sysflag: SHORTINT; GetSF: PROCEDURE(IN id: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR; num: SHORTINT; VAR flag: SHORTINT)); VAR x: DevCPT.Object; i: SHORTINT; BEGIN sysflag := 0; IF sym = lbrak THEN DevCPS.Get(sym); WHILE (sym = number) OR (sym = ident) OR (sym = string) DO IF sym = number THEN IF DevCPS.numtyp = integer THEN i := SHORT(DevCPS.intval); GetSF("", i, sysflag) ELSE err(225) END ELSIF sym = ident THEN DevCPT.Find(DevCPS.name, x); IF (x # NIL) & (x.mode = Con) & (x.typ.form IN {Int8, Int16, Int32}) THEN i := SHORT(x.conval.intval); GetSF("", i, sysflag) ELSE GetSF(DevCPS.name, 0, sysflag) END ELSE GetSF(DevCPS.str, 0, sysflag) END; DevCPS.Get(sym); IF (sym = comma) OR (sym = plus) THEN DevCPS.Get(sym) END END; CheckSym(rbrak) END END CheckSysFlag; PROCEDURE Receiver(VAR mode, vis: BYTE; VAR name: DevCPT.Name; VAR typ, rec: DevCPT.Struct); VAR tname: DevCPT.String; BEGIN typ := DevCPT.undftyp; rec := NIL; vis := 0; IF sym = var THEN DevCPS.Get(sym); mode := VarPar; ELSIF sym = in THEN DevCPS.Get(sym); mode := VarPar; vis := inPar (* ??? *) ELSE mode := Var END ; name := DevCPS.name; CheckSym(ident); CheckSym(colon); IF sym # ident THEN err(ident) END; Type(typ, tname); IF tname = NIL THEN IF typ.form = Pointer THEN rec := typ.BaseTyp ELSE rec := typ END; IF ~((mode = Var) & (typ.form = Pointer) & (rec.comp = Record) OR (mode = VarPar) & (typ.comp = Record)) THEN err(70); rec := NIL END; IF (rec # NIL) & (rec.mno # level) THEN err(72); rec := NIL END ELSE err(0) END; CheckSym(rparen); IF rec = NIL THEN rec := DevCPT.NewStr(Comp, Record); rec.BaseTyp := NIL END END Receiver; PROCEDURE FormalParameters( VAR firstPar: DevCPT.Object; VAR resTyp: DevCPT.Struct; VAR name: DevCPT.String ); VAR mode, vis: BYTE; sys: SHORTINT; par, first, last, newPar, iidPar: DevCPT.Object; typ: DevCPT.Struct; BEGIN first := NIL; last := firstPar; newPar := NIL; iidPar := NIL; IF (sym = ident) OR (sym = var) OR (sym = in) OR (sym = out) THEN LOOP sys := 0; vis := 0; IF sym = var THEN DevCPS.Get(sym); mode := VarPar ELSIF sym = in THEN DevCPS.Get(sym); mode := VarPar; vis := inPar ELSIF sym = out THEN DevCPS.Get(sym); mode := VarPar; vis := outPar ELSE mode := Var END ; IF mode = VarPar THEN CheckSysFlag(sys, DevCPM.GetVarParSysFlag) END; IF ODD(sys DIV inBit) THEN vis := inPar ELSIF ODD(sys DIV outBit) THEN vis := outPar END; IF ODD(sys DIV newBit) & (vis # outPar) THEN err(225) ELSIF ODD(sys DIV iidBit) & (vis # inPar) THEN err(225) END; LOOP IF sym = ident THEN DevCPT.Insert(DevCPS.name, par); DevCPS.Get(sym); par.mode := mode; par.link := NIL; par.vis := vis; par.sysflag := SHORT(sys); IF first = NIL THEN first := par END ; IF firstPar = NIL THEN firstPar := par ELSE last.link := par END ; last := par ELSE err(ident) END; IF sym = comma THEN DevCPS.Get(sym) ELSIF sym = ident THEN err(comma) ELSIF sym = var THEN err(comma); DevCPS.Get(sym) ELSE EXIT END END ; CheckSym(colon); Type(typ, name); IF mode # VarPar THEN CheckAlloc(typ, TRUE, DevCPM.errpos) END; (* IN only allowed for records and arrays *) IF (mode = VarPar) & (vis = inPar) & (typ.form # Undef) & (typ.form # Comp) & (typ.sysflag = 0) THEN err(177) END; (* typ.pbused is set when parameter type name is parsed *) WHILE first # NIL DO SetType (NIL, first, typ, name); IF DevCPM.com IN DevCPM.options THEN IF ODD(sys DIV newBit) THEN IF (newPar # NIL) OR (typ.form # Pointer) OR (typ.sysflag # interface) THEN err(168) END; newPar := first ELSIF ODD(sys DIV iidBit) THEN IF (iidPar # NIL) OR (typ # DevCPT.guidtyp) THEN err(168) END; iidPar := first END END; first := first.link END; IF sym = semicolon THEN DevCPS.Get(sym) ELSIF sym = ident THEN err(semicolon) ELSE EXIT END END END; CheckSym(rparen); IF (newPar = NIL) # (iidPar = NIL) THEN err(168) END; name := NIL; IF sym = colon THEN DevCPS.Get(sym); Type(resTyp, name); IF resTyp.form = Comp THEN resTyp := DevCPT.undftyp; err(54) END ELSE resTyp := DevCPT.notyp END END FormalParameters; PROCEDURE CheckOverwrite (proc, base: DevCPT.Object; rec: DevCPT.Struct); VAR o, bo: DevCPT.Object; BEGIN IF base # NIL THEN IF base.conval.setval * {absAttr, empAttr, extAttr} = {} THEN err(182) END; IF (proc.link.mode # base.link.mode) OR (proc.link.vis # base.link.vis) OR ~DevCPT.Extends(proc.link.typ, base.link.typ) THEN err(115) END; o := proc.link; bo := base.link; WHILE (o # NIL) & (bo # NIL) DO IF (bo.sysflag # 0) & (o.sysflag = 0) THEN (* propagate sysflags *) o.sysflag := bo.sysflag END; o := o.link; bo := bo.link END; DevCPB.CheckParameters(proc.link.link, base.link.link, FALSE); IF ~DevCPT.Extends(proc.typ, base.typ) THEN err(117) END; IF (base.vis # proc.vis) & ((proc.vis # internal) OR rec.exp) THEN err(183) END; INCL(proc.conval.setval, isRedef) END; END CheckOverwrite; PROCEDURE GetAttributes (proc, base: DevCPT.Object; owner: DevCPT.Struct); (* read method attributes *) VAR attr, battr: SET; o: DevCPT.Object; BEGIN attr := {}; IF sym = comma THEN (* read attributes *) DevCPS.Get(sym); IF sym = ident THEN DevCPT.Find(DevCPS.name, o); IF (o # NIL) & (o.mode = SProc) & (o.adr = newfn) THEN IF ~(DevCPM.oberon IN DevCPM.options) THEN INCL(attr, newAttr) ELSE err(178) END; DevCPS.Get(sym); IF sym = comma THEN DevCPS.Get(sym); IF sym = ident THEN DevCPT.Find(DevCPS.name, o) ELSE o := NIL; err(ident) END ELSE o := NIL END END; IF o # NIL THEN IF (o.mode # Attr) OR (o.adr = limAttr) OR (DevCPM.oberon IN DevCPM.options) THEN err(178) ELSE INCL(attr, o.adr) END; DevCPS.Get(sym) END ELSE err(ident) END END; IF (base = NIL) & ~(newAttr IN attr) THEN err(185); INCL(attr, newAttr) ELSIF (base # NIL) & (newAttr IN attr) THEN err(186) END; IF absAttr IN attr THEN IF owner.attribute # absAttr THEN err(190) END; IF (proc.vis = internal) & owner.exp THEN err(179) END END; IF (owner.attribute = 0) OR (owner.attribute = limAttr) THEN IF (empAttr IN attr) & (newAttr IN attr) THEN err(187) (* ELSIF extAttr IN attr THEN err(188) *) END END; IF base # NIL THEN battr := base.conval.setval; IF empAttr IN battr THEN IF absAttr IN attr THEN err(189) END ELSIF ~(absAttr IN battr) THEN IF (absAttr IN attr) OR (empAttr IN attr) THEN err(189) END END END; IF empAttr IN attr THEN IF proc.typ # DevCPT.notyp THEN err(195) ELSE o := proc.link; WHILE (o # NIL) & (o.vis # outPar) DO o := o.link END; IF o # NIL THEN err(195) END END END; IF (owner.sysflag = interface) & ~(absAttr IN attr) THEN err(162) END; proc.conval.setval := attr END GetAttributes; PROCEDURE RecordType(VAR typ: DevCPT.Struct; attr: DevCPT.Object); VAR fld, first, last: DevCPT.Object; r: Elem; ftyp: DevCPT.Struct; name: DevCPT.String; BEGIN typ := DevCPT.NewStr(Comp, Record); typ.BaseTyp := NIL; CheckSysFlag(typ.sysflag, DevCPM.GetRecordSysFlag); IF attr # NIL THEN IF ~(DevCPM.oberon IN DevCPM.options) & (attr.adr # empAttr) THEN typ.attribute := SHORT(SHORT(attr.adr)) ELSE err(178) END END; IF typ.sysflag = interface THEN IF (DevCPS.str # NIL) & (DevCPS.str[0] = "{") THEN typ.ext := DevCPS.str END; IF typ.attribute # absAttr THEN err(163) END; IF sym # lparen THEN err(160) END END; IF sym = lparen THEN DevCPS.Get(sym); (*record extension*) IF sym = ident THEN Type(ftyp, name); IF ftyp.form = Pointer THEN ftyp := ftyp.BaseTyp END; SetType(typ, NIL, ftyp, name); IF (ftyp.comp = Record) & (ftyp # DevCPT.anytyp) THEN ftyp.pvused := TRUE; typ.extlev := SHORT(SHORT(ftyp.extlev + 1)); DevCPM.PropagateRecordSysFlag(ftyp.sysflag, typ.sysflag); IF (ftyp.attribute = 0) OR (ftyp.attribute = limAttr) & (ftyp.mno # 0) THEN err(181) ELSIF (typ.attribute = absAttr) & (ftyp.attribute # absAttr) & ~(DevCPM.java IN DevCPM.options) THEN err(191) ELSIF (ftyp.attribute = limAttr) & (typ.attribute # limAttr) THEN err(197) END ELSIF ftyp # DevCPT.undftyp THEN err(53) END ELSE err(ident) END ; IF typ.attribute # absAttr THEN (* save typ for unimplemented method check *) NEW(r); r.struct := typ; r.pos := DevCPM.errpos; r.next := recList; recList := r END; CheckSym(rparen) END; (* DevCPT.OpenScope(0, NIL); *) first := NIL; last := NIL; LOOP IF sym = ident THEN LOOP IF sym = ident THEN IF (typ.BaseTyp # NIL) & (typ.BaseTyp # DevCPT.undftyp) THEN DevCPT.FindBaseField(DevCPS.name, typ, fld); IF fld # NIL THEN err(1) END END ; DevCPT.InsertField(DevCPS.name, typ, fld); fld.mode := Fld; fld.link := NIL; fld.typ := DevCPT.undftyp; CheckMark(fld); IF first = NIL THEN first := fld END ; IF last = NIL THEN typ.link := fld ELSE last.link := fld END ; last := fld ELSE err(ident) END ; IF sym = comma THEN DevCPS.Get(sym) ELSIF sym = ident THEN err(comma) ELSE EXIT END END ; CheckSym(colon); Type(ftyp, name); CheckAlloc(ftyp, FALSE, DevCPM.errpos); WHILE first # NIL DO SetType(typ, first, ftyp, name); first := first.link END; IF typ.sysflag = interface THEN err(161) END END; IF sym = semicolon THEN DevCPS.Get(sym) ELSIF sym = ident THEN err(semicolon) ELSE EXIT END END; (* IF typ.link # NIL THEN ASSERT(typ.link = DevCPT.topScope.right) END; typ.link := DevCPT.topScope.right; DevCPT.CloseScope; *) typ.untagged := typ.sysflag > 0; DevCPB.Inittd(TDinit, lastTDinit, typ); CheckSym(end) END RecordType; PROCEDURE ArrayType(VAR typ: DevCPT.Struct); VAR x: DevCPT.Node; n: INTEGER; sysflag: SHORTINT; name: DevCPT.String; BEGIN CheckSysFlag(sysflag, DevCPM.GetArraySysFlag); IF sym = of THEN (*dynamic array*) typ := DevCPT.NewStr(Comp, DynArr); typ.mno := 0; typ.sysflag := sysflag; DevCPS.Get(sym); Type(typ.BaseTyp, name); SetType(typ, NIL, typ.BaseTyp, name); CheckAlloc(typ.BaseTyp, TRUE, DevCPM.errpos); IF typ.BaseTyp.comp = DynArr THEN typ.n := typ.BaseTyp.n + 1 ELSE typ.n := 0 END ELSE typ := DevCPT.NewStr(Comp, Array); typ.sysflag := sysflag; ConstExpression(x); IF x.typ.form IN {Int8, Int16, Int32} THEN n := x.conval.intval; IF (n <= 0) OR (n > DevCPM.MaxIndex) THEN err(63); n := 1 END ELSE err(42); n := 1 END ; typ.n := n; IF sym = of THEN DevCPS.Get(sym); Type(typ.BaseTyp, name); SetType(typ, NIL, typ.BaseTyp, name); CheckAlloc(typ.BaseTyp, FALSE, DevCPM.errpos) ELSIF sym = comma THEN DevCPS.Get(sym); IF sym # of THEN ArrayType(typ.BaseTyp) END ELSE err(35) END END; typ.untagged := typ.sysflag > 0 END ArrayType; PROCEDURE PointerType(VAR typ: DevCPT.Struct); VAR name: DevCPT.String; BEGIN typ := DevCPT.NewStr(Pointer, Basic); CheckSysFlag(typ.sysflag, DevCPM.GetPointerSysFlag); CheckSym(to); Type(typ.BaseTyp, name); SetType(typ, NIL, typ.BaseTyp, name); IF (typ.BaseTyp # DevCPT.undftyp) & (typ.BaseTyp.comp = Basic) THEN typ.BaseTyp := DevCPT.undftyp; err(57) END; IF typ.BaseTyp.comp = Record THEN DevCPM.PropagateRecPtrSysFlag(typ.BaseTyp.sysflag, typ.sysflag) ELSIF typ.BaseTyp.comp IN {Array, DynArr} THEN DevCPM.PropagateArrPtrSysFlag(typ.BaseTyp.sysflag, typ.sysflag) END; typ.untagged := typ.sysflag > 0 END PointerType; PROCEDURE Type (VAR typ: DevCPT.Struct; VAR name: DevCPT.String); (* name # NIL => forward reference *) VAR id: DevCPT.Object; tname: DevCPT.String; BEGIN typ := DevCPT.undftyp; name := NIL; IF sym < lparen THEN err(12); REPEAT DevCPS.Get(sym) UNTIL sym >= lparen END ; IF sym = ident THEN DevCPT.Find(DevCPS.name, id); IF (id = NIL) OR (id.mode = -1) OR (id.mode = Typ) & IncompleteType(id.typ) THEN (* forward type definition *) name := DevCPT.NewName(DevCPS.name); DevCPS.Get(sym); IF (id = NIL) & (sym = period) THEN (* missing module *) err(0); DevCPS.Get(sym); name := NIL; IF sym = ident THEN DevCPS.Get(sym) END ELSIF sym = record THEN (* wrong attribute *) err(178); DevCPS.Get(sym); name := NIL; RecordType(typ, NIL) END ELSE qualident(id); IF id.mode = Typ THEN IF ~(DevCPM.oberon IN DevCPM.options) & ((id.typ = DevCPT.lreal64typ) OR (id.typ = DevCPT.lint64typ) OR (id.typ = DevCPT.lchar16typ)) THEN err(198) END; typ := id.typ ELSIF id.mode = Attr THEN IF sym = record THEN DevCPS.Get(sym); RecordType(typ, id) ELSE err(12) END ELSE err(52) END END ELSIF sym = array THEN DevCPS.Get(sym); ArrayType(typ) ELSIF sym = record THEN DevCPS.Get(sym); RecordType(typ, NIL) ELSIF sym = pointer THEN DevCPS.Get(sym); PointerType(typ) ELSIF sym = procedure THEN DevCPS.Get(sym); typ := DevCPT.NewStr(ProcTyp, Basic); CheckSysFlag(typ.sysflag, DevCPM.GetProcTypSysFlag); typ.untagged := typ.sysflag > 0; IF sym = lparen THEN DevCPS.Get(sym); DevCPT.OpenScope(level, NIL); FormalParameters(typ.link, typ.BaseTyp, tname); SetType(typ, NIL, typ.BaseTyp, tname); DevCPT.CloseScope ELSE typ.BaseTyp := DevCPT.notyp; typ.link := NIL END ELSE err(12) END ; LOOP IF (sym >= semicolon) & (sym <= else) OR (sym = rparen) OR (sym = eof) OR (sym = number) OR (sym = comma) OR (sym = string) THEN EXIT END; err(15); IF sym = ident THEN EXIT END; DevCPS.Get(sym) END END Type; PROCEDURE ActualParameters(VAR aparlist: DevCPT.Node; fpar: DevCPT.Object; VAR pre, lastp: DevCPT.Node); VAR apar, last, newPar, iidPar, n: DevCPT.Node; BEGIN aparlist := NIL; last := NIL; IF sym # rparen THEN newPar := NIL; iidPar := NIL; LOOP Expression(apar); IF fpar # NIL THEN IF (apar.typ.form = Pointer) & (fpar.typ.form = Comp) THEN DevCPB.DeRef(apar) END; DevCPB.Param(apar, fpar); IF (fpar.mode = Var) OR (fpar.vis = inPar) THEN DevCPB.CheckBuffering(apar, NIL, fpar, pre, lastp) END; DevCPB.Link(aparlist, last, apar); IF ODD(fpar.sysflag DIV newBit) THEN newPar := apar ELSIF ODD(fpar.sysflag DIV iidBit) THEN iidPar := apar END; IF (newPar # NIL) & (iidPar # NIL) THEN DevCPB.CheckNewParamPair(newPar, iidPar) END; IF anchorVarPar & (fpar.mode = VarPar) & ~(DevCPM.java IN DevCPM.options) OR (DevCPM.allSysVal IN DevCPM.options) (* source output: avoid double evaluation *) & ((fpar.mode = VarPar) & (fpar.typ.comp = Record) & ~fpar.typ.untagged OR (fpar.typ.comp = DynArr) & ~fpar.typ.untagged) THEN n := apar; WHILE n.class IN {Nfield, Nindex, Nguard} DO n := n.left END; IF (n.class = Nderef) & (n.subcl = 0) THEN IF n.left.class = Nguard THEN n := n.left END; DevCPB.CheckVarParBuffering(n.left, pre, lastp) END END; fpar := fpar.link ELSE err(64) END; IF sym = comma THEN DevCPS.Get(sym) ELSIF (lparen <= sym) & (sym <= ident) THEN err(comma) ELSE EXIT END END END; IF fpar # NIL THEN err(65) END END ActualParameters; PROCEDURE selector(VAR x: DevCPT.Node); VAR obj, proc, p, fpar: DevCPT.Object; y, apar, pre, lastp: DevCPT.Node; typ: DevCPT.Struct; name: DevCPT.Name; BEGIN LOOP IF sym = lbrak THEN DevCPS.Get(sym); LOOP IF (x.typ # NIL) & (x.typ.form = Pointer) THEN DevCPB.DeRef(x) END ; Expression(y); DevCPB.Index(x, y); IF sym = comma THEN DevCPS.Get(sym) ELSE EXIT END END ; CheckSym(rbrak) ELSIF sym = period THEN DevCPS.Get(sym); IF sym = ident THEN name := DevCPS.name; DevCPS.Get(sym); IF x.typ # NIL THEN IF x.typ.form = Pointer THEN DevCPB.DeRef(x) END ; IF x.typ.comp = Record THEN typ := x.typ; DevCPT.FindField(name, typ, obj); DevCPB.Field(x, obj); IF (obj # NIL) & (obj.mode = TProc) THEN IF sym = arrow THEN (* super call *) DevCPS.Get(sym); y := x.left; IF y.class = Nderef THEN y := y.left END ; (* y = record variable *) IF y.obj # NIL THEN proc := DevCPT.topScope; (* find innermost scope which owner is a TProc *) WHILE (proc.link # NIL) & (proc.link.mode # TProc) DO proc := proc.left END ; IF (proc.link = NIL) OR (proc.link.link # y.obj) (* OR (proc.link.name^ # name) *) THEN err(75) END ; typ := y.obj.typ; IF typ.form = Pointer THEN typ := typ.BaseTyp END ; DevCPT.FindBaseField(x.obj.name^, typ, p); IF p # NIL THEN x.subcl := super; x.typ := p.typ; (* correct result type *) IF p.conval.setval * {absAttr, empAttr} # {} THEN err(194) END; IF (p.vis = externalR) & (p.mnolev < 0) & (proc.link.name^ # name) THEN err(196) END; ELSE err(74) END ELSE err(75) END ELSE proc := obj; IF (x.left.readonly) & (proc.link.mode = VarPar) & (proc.link.vis = 0) THEN err(76) END; WHILE (proc.mnolev >= 0) & ~(newAttr IN proc.conval.setval) & (typ.BaseTyp # NIL) DO (* find base method *) typ := typ.BaseTyp; DevCPT.FindField(name, typ, proc); END; IF (proc.vis = externalR) & (proc.mnolev < 0) THEN err(196) END; END ; IF (obj.typ # DevCPT.notyp) & (sym # lparen) THEN err(lparen) END END ELSE err(53) END ELSE err(52) END ELSE err(ident) END ELSIF sym = arrow THEN DevCPS.Get(sym); DevCPB.DeRef(x) ELSIF sym = dollar THEN IF x.typ.form = Pointer THEN DevCPB.DeRef(x) END; DevCPS.Get(sym); DevCPB.StrDeref(x) ELSIF sym = lparen THEN IF (x.obj # NIL) & (x.obj.mode IN {XProc, LProc, CProc, TProc}) THEN typ := x.obj.typ ELSIF x.typ.form = ProcTyp THEN typ := x.typ.BaseTyp ELSIF x.class = Nproc THEN EXIT (* standard procedure *) ELSE typ := NIL END; IF typ # DevCPT.notyp THEN DevCPS.Get(sym); IF typ = NIL THEN (* type guard *) IF sym = ident THEN qualident(obj); IF obj.mode = Typ THEN DevCPB.TypTest(x, obj, TRUE) ELSE err(52) END ELSE err(ident) END ELSE (* function call *) pre := NIL; lastp := NIL; DevCPB.PrepCall(x, fpar); IF (x.obj # NIL) & (x.obj.mode = TProc) THEN DevCPB.CheckBuffering(x.left, NIL, x.obj.link, pre, lastp) END; ActualParameters(apar, fpar, pre, lastp); DevCPB.Call(x, apar, fpar); IF pre # NIL THEN DevCPB.Construct(Ncomp, pre, x); pre.typ := x.typ; x := pre END; IF level > 0 THEN DevCPT.topScope.link.leaf := FALSE END END; CheckSym(rparen) ELSE EXIT END (* ELSIF (sym = lparen) & (x.class # Nproc) & (x.typ.form # ProcTyp) & ((x.obj = NIL) OR (x.obj.mode # TProc)) THEN DevCPS.Get(sym); IF sym = ident THEN qualident(obj); IF obj.mode = Typ THEN DevCPB.TypTest(x, obj, TRUE) ELSE err(52) END ELSE err(ident) END ; CheckSym(rparen) *) ELSE EXIT END END END selector; PROCEDURE StandProcCall(VAR x: DevCPT.Node); VAR y: DevCPT.Node; m: BYTE; n: SHORTINT; BEGIN m := SHORT(SHORT(x.obj.adr)); n := 0; IF sym = lparen THEN DevCPS.Get(sym); IF sym # rparen THEN LOOP IF n = 0 THEN Expression(x); DevCPB.StPar0(x, m); n := 1 ELSIF n = 1 THEN Expression(y); DevCPB.StPar1(x, y, m); n := 2 ELSE Expression(y); DevCPB.StParN(x, y, m, n); INC(n) END ; IF sym = comma THEN DevCPS.Get(sym) ELSIF (lparen <= sym) & (sym <= ident) THEN err(comma) ELSE EXIT END END ; CheckSym(rparen) ELSE DevCPS.Get(sym) END ; DevCPB.StFct(x, m, n) ELSE err(lparen) END ; IF (level > 0) & ((m = newfn) OR (m = sysnewfn)) THEN DevCPT.topScope.link.leaf := FALSE END END StandProcCall; PROCEDURE Element(VAR x: DevCPT.Node); VAR y: DevCPT.Node; BEGIN Expression(x); IF sym = upto THEN DevCPS.Get(sym); Expression(y); DevCPB.SetRange(x, y) ELSE DevCPB.SetElem(x) END END Element; PROCEDURE Sets(VAR x: DevCPT.Node); VAR y: DevCPT.Node; BEGIN IF sym # rbrace THEN Element(x); LOOP IF sym = comma THEN DevCPS.Get(sym) ELSIF (lparen <= sym) & (sym <= ident) THEN err(comma) ELSE EXIT END ; Element(y); DevCPB.Op(plus, x, y) END ELSE x := DevCPB.EmptySet() END ; CheckSym(rbrace) END Sets; PROCEDURE Factor(VAR x: DevCPT.Node); VAR id: DevCPT.Object; BEGIN IF sym < not THEN err(13); REPEAT DevCPS.Get(sym) UNTIL sym >= lparen END ; IF sym = ident THEN qualident(id); x := DevCPB.NewLeaf(id); selector(x); IF (x.class = Nproc) & (x.obj.mode = SProc) THEN StandProcCall(x) (* x may be NIL *) (* ELSIF sym = lparen THEN DevCPS.Get(sym); DevCPB.PrepCall(x, fpar); ActualParameters(apar, fpar); DevCPB.Call(x, apar, fpar); CheckSym(rparen); IF level > 0 THEN DevCPT.topScope.link.leaf := FALSE END *) END ELSIF sym = number THEN CASE DevCPS.numtyp OF char: x := DevCPB.NewIntConst(DevCPS.intval); x.typ := DevCPT.char8typ; IF DevCPS.intval > 255 THEN x.typ := DevCPT.char16typ END | integer: x := DevCPB.NewIntConst(DevCPS.intval) | int64: x := DevCPB.NewLargeIntConst(DevCPS.intval, DevCPS.realval) | real: x := DevCPB.NewRealConst(DevCPS.realval, NIL) | real32: x := DevCPB.NewRealConst(DevCPS.realval, DevCPT.real32typ) | real64: x := DevCPB.NewRealConst(DevCPS.realval, DevCPT.real64typ) END ; DevCPS.Get(sym) ELSIF sym = string THEN x := DevCPB.NewString(DevCPS.str, DevCPS.lstr, DevCPS.intval); DevCPS.Get(sym) ELSIF sym = nil THEN x := DevCPB.Nil(); DevCPS.Get(sym) ELSIF sym = lparen THEN DevCPS.Get(sym); Expression(x); CheckSym(rparen) ELSIF sym = lbrak THEN DevCPS.Get(sym); err(lparen); Expression(x); CheckSym(rparen) ELSIF sym = lbrace THEN DevCPS.Get(sym); Sets(x) ELSIF sym = not THEN DevCPS.Get(sym); Factor(x); DevCPB.MOp(not, x) ELSE err(13); DevCPS.Get(sym); x := NIL END ; IF x = NIL THEN x := DevCPB.NewIntConst(1); x.typ := DevCPT.undftyp END END Factor; PROCEDURE Term(VAR x: DevCPT.Node); VAR y: DevCPT.Node; mulop: BYTE; BEGIN Factor(x); WHILE (times <= sym) & (sym <= and) DO mulop := sym; DevCPS.Get(sym); Factor(y); DevCPB.Op(mulop, x, y) END END Term; PROCEDURE SimpleExpression(VAR x: DevCPT.Node); VAR y: DevCPT.Node; addop: BYTE; BEGIN IF sym = minus THEN DevCPS.Get(sym); Term(x); DevCPB.MOp(minus, x) ELSIF sym = plus THEN DevCPS.Get(sym); Term(x); DevCPB.MOp(plus, x) ELSE Term(x) END ; WHILE (plus <= sym) & (sym <= or) DO addop := sym; DevCPS.Get(sym); Term(y); IF x.typ.form = Pointer THEN DevCPB.DeRef(x) END; IF (x.typ.comp IN {Array, DynArr}) & (x.typ.BaseTyp.form IN charSet) (* OR (x.typ.sysflag = jstr) *) THEN DevCPB.StrDeref(x) END; IF y.typ.form = Pointer THEN DevCPB.DeRef(y) END; IF (y.typ.comp IN {Array, DynArr}) & (y.typ.BaseTyp.form IN charSet) (* OR (y.typ.sysflag = jstr) *) THEN DevCPB.StrDeref(y) END; DevCPB.Op(addop, x, y) END END SimpleExpression; PROCEDURE Expression(VAR x: DevCPT.Node); VAR y, pre, last: DevCPT.Node; obj: DevCPT.Object; relation: BYTE; BEGIN SimpleExpression(x); IF (eql <= sym) & (sym <= geq) THEN relation := sym; DevCPS.Get(sym); SimpleExpression(y); pre := NIL; last := NIL; IF (x.typ.comp IN {Array, DynArr}) & (x.typ.BaseTyp.form IN charSet) THEN DevCPB.StrDeref(x) END; IF (y.typ.comp IN {Array, DynArr}) & (y.typ.BaseTyp.form IN charSet) THEN DevCPB.StrDeref(y) END; DevCPB.CheckBuffering(x, NIL, NIL, pre, last); DevCPB.CheckBuffering(y, NIL, NIL, pre, last); DevCPB.Op(relation, x, y); IF pre # NIL THEN DevCPB.Construct(Ncomp, pre, x); pre.typ := x.typ; x := pre END ELSIF sym = in THEN DevCPS.Get(sym); SimpleExpression(y); DevCPB.In(x, y) ELSIF sym = is THEN DevCPS.Get(sym); IF sym = ident THEN qualident(obj); IF obj.mode = Typ THEN DevCPB.TypTest(x, obj, FALSE) ELSE err(52) END ELSE err(ident) END END END Expression; PROCEDURE ProcedureDeclaration(VAR x: DevCPT.Node); VAR proc, fwd: DevCPT.Object; name: DevCPT.Name; mode: BYTE; forward: BOOLEAN; sys: SHORTINT; PROCEDURE GetCode; VAR ext: DevCPT.ConstExt; n, c, i: INTEGER; s: POINTER TO ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR; cx: DevCPT.Node; PROCEDURE EnsureLen(len: INTEGER); VAR j: INTEGER; s2: POINTER TO ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR; BEGIN IF len > LEN(s) THEN (* if overflow then increase size of array s *) NEW(s2, LEN(s) * 2); FOR j := 0 TO n - 1 DO s2[j] := s[j] END; s := s2 END END EnsureLen; BEGIN n := 0; NEW(s, 64); WHILE (sym # semicolon) & (sym # eof) DO ConstExpression(cx); IF cx.typ.form IN {Int8, Int16, Int32, Char8, Char16} THEN c :=cx.conval.intval; EnsureLen(n + 1); IF (0 <= c) & (c <= 255) THEN s[n] := SHORT(CHR(c)); INC(n) ELSE err(63) END ELSIF cx.typ.form = String8 THEN c := cx.conval.intval2 - 1 (*exclude 0X*); EnsureLen(n + c); FOR i := 0 TO c - 1 DO s[n + i] := cx.conval.ext[i] END; INC(n, c) ELSE (* Int64, Real32, Real64, String16, Bool, etc. *) err(63) END ; IF sym = comma THEN DevCPS.Get(sym); IF sym = semicolon THEN err(13) END ELSIF sym # semicolon THEN err(comma) END END; IF n # 0 THEN NEW(ext, n); i := 0; WHILE i < n DO ext[i] := s[i]; INC(i) END; ELSE ext := NIL END; proc.conval.ext := ext; INCL(proc.conval.setval, hasBody) END GetCode; PROCEDURE GetParams; VAR name: DevCPT.String; BEGIN proc.mode := mode; proc.typ := DevCPT.notyp; proc.sysflag := SHORT(sys); proc.conval.setval := {}; IF sym = lparen THEN DevCPS.Get(sym); FormalParameters(proc.link, proc.typ, name); IF name # NIL THEN err(0) END END; CheckForwardTypes; userList := NIL; IF fwd # NIL THEN DevCPB.CheckParameters(proc.link, fwd.link, TRUE); IF ~DevCPT.EqualType(proc.typ, fwd.typ) THEN err(117) END ; proc := fwd; DevCPT.topScope := proc.scope; IF mode = IProc THEN proc.mode := IProc END END END GetParams; PROCEDURE Body; VAR procdec, statseq: DevCPT.Node; c: INTEGER; BEGIN c := DevCPM.errpos; INCL(proc.conval.setval, hasBody); CheckSym(semicolon); Block(procdec, statseq); DevCPB.Enter(procdec, statseq, proc); x := procdec; x.conval := DevCPT.NewConst(); x.conval.intval := c; x.conval.intval2 := DevCPM.startpos; CheckSym(end); IF sym = ident THEN IF DevCPS.name # proc.name^ THEN err(4) END ; DevCPS.Get(sym) ELSE err(ident) END END Body; PROCEDURE TProcDecl; VAR baseProc, o: DevCPT.Object; objTyp, recTyp: DevCPT.Struct; objMode, objVis: BYTE; objName: DevCPT.Name; pnode: DevCPT.Node; fwdAttr: SET; BEGIN DevCPS.Get(sym); mode := TProc; IF level > 0 THEN err(73) END; Receiver(objMode, objVis, objName, objTyp, recTyp); IF sym = ident THEN name := DevCPS.name; DevCPT.FindField(name, recTyp, fwd); DevCPT.FindBaseField(name, recTyp, baseProc); IF (baseProc # NIL) & (baseProc.mode # TProc) THEN baseProc := NIL; err(1) END ; IF fwd = baseProc THEN fwd := NIL END ; IF (fwd # NIL) & (fwd.mnolev # level) THEN fwd := NIL END ; IF (fwd # NIL) & (fwd.mode = TProc) & (fwd.conval.setval * {hasBody, absAttr, empAttr} = {}) THEN (* there exists a corresponding forward declaration *) proc := DevCPT.NewObj(); proc.leaf := TRUE; proc.mode := TProc; proc.conval := DevCPT.NewConst(); CheckMark(proc); IF fwd.vis # proc.vis THEN err(118) END; fwdAttr := fwd.conval.setval ELSE IF fwd # NIL THEN err(1); fwd := NIL END ; DevCPT.InsertField(name, recTyp, proc); proc.mode := TProc; proc.conval := DevCPT.NewConst(); CheckMark(proc); IF recTyp.strobj # NIL THEN (* preserve declaration order *) o := recTyp.strobj.link; IF o = NIL THEN recTyp.strobj.link := proc ELSE WHILE o.nlink # NIL DO o := o.nlink END; o.nlink := proc END END END; INC(level); DevCPT.OpenScope(level, proc); DevCPT.Insert(objName, proc.link); proc.link.mode := objMode; proc.link.vis := objVis; proc.link.typ := objTyp; ASSERT(DevCPT.topScope # NIL); GetParams; (* may change proc := fwd !!! *) ASSERT(DevCPT.topScope # NIL); GetAttributes(proc, baseProc, recTyp); IF (fwd # NIL) & (fwdAttr / proc.conval.setval * {absAttr, empAttr, extAttr} # {}) THEN err(184) END; CheckOverwrite(proc, baseProc, recTyp); IF ~forward THEN IF empAttr IN proc.conval.setval THEN (* insert empty procedure *) pnode := NIL; DevCPB.Enter(pnode, NIL, proc); pnode.conval := DevCPT.NewConst(); pnode.conval.intval := DevCPM.errpos; pnode.conval.intval2 := DevCPM.errpos; x := pnode; ELSIF DevCPM.noCode IN DevCPM.options THEN INCL(proc.conval.setval, hasBody) ELSIF ~(absAttr IN proc.conval.setval) THEN Body END; proc.adr := 0 ELSE proc.adr := DevCPM.errpos; IF proc.conval.setval * {empAttr, absAttr} # {} THEN err(184) END END; DEC(level); DevCPT.CloseScope; ELSE err(ident) END; END TProcDecl; BEGIN proc := NIL; forward := FALSE; x := NIL; mode := LProc; sys := 0; IF (sym # ident) & (sym # lparen) THEN CheckSysFlag(sys, DevCPM.GetProcSysFlag); IF sys # 0 THEN IF ODD(sys DIV DevCPM.CProcFlag) THEN mode := CProc END ELSE IF sym = times THEN (* mode set later in DevCPB.CheckAssign *) ELSIF sym = arrow THEN forward := TRUE ELSE err(ident) END; DevCPS.Get(sym) END END ; IF sym = lparen THEN TProcDecl ELSIF sym = ident THEN DevCPT.Find(DevCPS.name, fwd); name := DevCPS.name; IF (fwd # NIL) & ((fwd.mnolev # level) OR (fwd.mode = SProc)) THEN fwd := NIL END ; IF (fwd # NIL) & (fwd.mode IN {LProc, XProc}) & ~(hasBody IN fwd.conval.setval) THEN (* there exists a corresponding forward declaration *) proc := DevCPT.NewObj(); proc.leaf := TRUE; proc.mode := mode; proc.conval := DevCPT.NewConst(); CheckMark(proc); IF fwd.vis # proc.vis THEN err(118) END ELSE IF fwd # NIL THEN err(1); fwd := NIL END ; DevCPT.Insert(name, proc); proc.mode := mode; proc.conval := DevCPT.NewConst(); CheckMark(proc); END ; IF (proc.vis # internal) & (mode = LProc) THEN mode := XProc END ; IF (mode # LProc) & (level > 0) THEN err(73) END ; INC(level); DevCPT.OpenScope(level, proc); proc.link := NIL; GetParams; (* may change proc := fwd !!! *) IF mode = CProc THEN GetCode ELSIF DevCPM.noCode IN DevCPM.options THEN INCL(proc.conval.setval, hasBody) ELSIF ~forward THEN Body; proc.adr := 0 ELSE proc.adr := DevCPM.errpos END ; DEC(level); DevCPT.CloseScope ELSE err(ident) END END ProcedureDeclaration; PROCEDURE CaseLabelList(VAR lab, root: DevCPT.Node; LabelForm: SHORTINT; VAR min, max: INTEGER); VAR x, y: DevCPT.Node; f: SHORTINT; xval, yval: INTEGER; PROCEDURE Insert(VAR n: DevCPT.Node); (* build binary tree of label ranges *) (* !!! *) BEGIN IF n = NIL THEN IF x.hint # 1 THEN n := x END ELSIF yval < n.conval.intval THEN Insert(n.left) ELSIF xval > n.conval.intval2 THEN Insert(n.right) ELSE err(63) END END Insert; BEGIN lab := NIL; LOOP ConstExpression(x); f := x.typ.form; IF f IN {Int8..Int32} + charSet THEN xval := x.conval.intval ELSE err(61); xval := 1 END ; IF (f IN {Int8..Int32}) # (LabelForm IN {Int8..Int32}) THEN err(60) END; IF sym = upto THEN DevCPS.Get(sym); ConstExpression(y); yval := y.conval.intval; IF (y.typ.form IN {Int8..Int32}) # (LabelForm IN {Int8..Int32}) THEN err(60) END; IF yval < xval THEN err(63); yval := xval END ELSE yval := xval END ; x.conval.intval2 := yval; IF xval < min THEN min := xval END; IF yval > max THEN max := yval END; IF lab = NIL THEN lab := x; Insert(root) ELSIF yval < lab.conval.intval - 1 THEN x.link := lab; lab := x; Insert(root) ELSIF yval = lab.conval.intval - 1 THEN x.hint := 1; Insert(root); lab.conval.intval := xval ELSIF xval = lab.conval.intval2 + 1 THEN x.hint := 1; Insert(root); lab.conval.intval2 := yval ELSE y := lab; WHILE (y.link # NIL) & (xval > y.link.conval.intval2 + 1) DO y := y.link END; IF y.link = NIL THEN y.link := x; Insert(root) ELSIF yval < y.link.conval.intval - 1 THEN x.link := y.link; y.link := x; Insert(root) ELSIF yval = y.link.conval.intval - 1 THEN x.hint := 1; Insert(root); y.link.conval.intval := xval ELSIF xval = y.link.conval.intval2 + 1 THEN x.hint := 1; Insert(root); y.link.conval.intval2 := yval END END; IF sym = comma THEN DevCPS.Get(sym) ELSIF (sym = number) OR (sym = ident) THEN err(comma) ELSE EXIT END END END CaseLabelList; PROCEDURE StatSeq(VAR stat: DevCPT.Node); VAR fpar, id, t: DevCPT.Object; idtyp: DevCPT.Struct; e: BOOLEAN; s, x, y, z, apar, last, lastif, pre, lastp: DevCPT.Node; pos, p: INTEGER; PROCEDURE CasePart(VAR x: DevCPT.Node); VAR low, high: INTEGER; e: BOOLEAN; cases, lab, y, lastcase, root: DevCPT.Node; BEGIN Expression(x); IF (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(126) ELSIF x.typ.form = Int64 THEN err(260) ELSIF ~(x.typ.form IN {Int8..Int32} + charSet) THEN err(125) END ; CheckSym(of); cases := NIL; lastcase := NIL; root := NIL; low := MAX(INTEGER); high := MIN(INTEGER); LOOP IF sym < bar THEN CaseLabelList(lab, root, x.typ.form, low, high); CheckSym(colon); StatSeq(y); DevCPB.Construct(Ncasedo, lab, y); DevCPB.Link(cases, lastcase, lab) END ; IF sym = bar THEN DevCPS.Get(sym) ELSE EXIT END END; e := sym = else; IF e THEN DevCPS.Get(sym); StatSeq(y) ELSE y := NIL END ; DevCPB.Construct(Ncaselse, cases, y); DevCPB.Construct(Ncase, x, cases); cases.conval := DevCPT.NewConst(); cases.conval.intval := low; cases.conval.intval2 := high; IF e THEN cases.conval.setval := {1} ELSE cases.conval.setval := {} END; DevCPB.OptimizeCase(root); cases.link := root (* !!! *) END CasePart; PROCEDURE SetPos(x: DevCPT.Node); BEGIN x.conval := DevCPT.NewConst(); x.conval.intval := pos END SetPos; PROCEDURE CheckBool(VAR x: DevCPT.Node); BEGIN IF (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(126); x := DevCPB.NewBoolConst(FALSE) ELSIF x.typ.form # Bool THEN err(120); x := DevCPB.NewBoolConst(FALSE) END END CheckBool; BEGIN stat := NIL; last := NIL; LOOP x := NIL; IF sym < ident THEN err(14); REPEAT DevCPS.Get(sym) UNTIL sym >= ident END ; pos := DevCPM.startpos; IF sym = ident THEN qualident(id); x := DevCPB.NewLeaf(id); selector(x); IF sym = becomes THEN DevCPS.Get(sym); Expression(y); IF (y.typ.form = Pointer) & (x.typ.form = Comp) THEN DevCPB.DeRef(y) END; pre := NIL; lastp := NIL; DevCPB.CheckBuffering(y, x, NIL, pre, lastp); DevCPB.Assign(x, y); IF pre # NIL THEN SetPos(x); DevCPB.Construct(Ncomp, pre, x); x := pre END; ELSIF sym = eql THEN err(becomes); DevCPS.Get(sym); Expression(y); DevCPB.Assign(x, y) ELSIF (x.class = Nproc) & (x.obj.mode = SProc) THEN StandProcCall(x); IF (x # NIL) & (x.typ # DevCPT.notyp) THEN err(55) END; IF (x # NIL) & (x.class = Nifelse) THEN (* error pos for ASSERT *) SetPos(x.left); SetPos(x.left.right) END ELSIF x.class = Ncall THEN err(55) ELSE pre := NIL; lastp := NIL; DevCPB.PrepCall(x, fpar); IF (x.obj # NIL) & (x.obj.mode = TProc) THEN DevCPB.CheckBuffering(x.left, NIL, x.obj.link, pre, lastp) END; IF sym = lparen THEN DevCPS.Get(sym); ActualParameters(apar, fpar, pre, lastp); CheckSym(rparen) ELSE apar := NIL; IF fpar # NIL THEN err(65) END END ; DevCPB.Call(x, apar, fpar); IF x.typ # DevCPT.notyp THEN err(55) END; IF pre # NIL THEN SetPos(x); DevCPB.Construct(Ncomp, pre, x); x := pre END; IF level > 0 THEN DevCPT.topScope.link.leaf := FALSE END END ELSIF sym = if THEN DevCPS.Get(sym); pos := DevCPM.startpos; Expression(x); CheckBool(x); CheckSym(then); StatSeq(y); DevCPB.Construct(Nif, x, y); SetPos(x); lastif := x; WHILE sym = elsif DO DevCPS.Get(sym); pos := DevCPM.startpos; Expression(y); CheckBool(y); CheckSym(then); StatSeq(z); DevCPB.Construct(Nif, y, z); SetPos(y); DevCPB.Link(x, lastif, y) END ; pos := DevCPM.startpos; IF sym = else THEN DevCPS.Get(sym); StatSeq(y) ELSE y := NIL END ; DevCPB.Construct(Nifelse, x, y); CheckSym(end); DevCPB.OptIf(x); ELSIF sym = case THEN DevCPS.Get(sym); pos := DevCPM.startpos; CasePart(x); CheckSym(end) ELSIF sym = while THEN DevCPS.Get(sym); pos := DevCPM.startpos; Expression(x); CheckBool(x); CheckSym(do); StatSeq(y); DevCPB.Construct(Nwhile, x, y); CheckSym(end) ELSIF sym = repeat THEN DevCPS.Get(sym); StatSeq(x); IF sym = until THEN DevCPS.Get(sym); pos := DevCPM.startpos; Expression(y); CheckBool(y) ELSE err(43) END ; DevCPB.Construct(Nrepeat, x, y) ELSIF sym = for THEN DevCPS.Get(sym); pos := DevCPM.startpos; IF sym = ident THEN qualident(id); IF ~(id.typ.form IN intSet) THEN err(68) END ; CheckSym(becomes); Expression(y); x := DevCPB.NewLeaf(id); DevCPB.Assign(x, y); SetPos(x); CheckSym(to); pos := DevCPM.startpos; Expression(y); IF y.class # Nconst THEN DevCPB.GetTempVar("@for", x.left.typ, t); z := DevCPB.NewLeaf(t); DevCPB.Assign(z, y); SetPos(z); DevCPB.Link(stat, last, z); y := DevCPB.NewLeaf(t) ELSE DevCPB.CheckAssign(x.left.typ, y) END ; DevCPB.Link(stat, last, x); p := DevCPM.startpos; IF sym = by THEN DevCPS.Get(sym); ConstExpression(z) ELSE z := DevCPB.NewIntConst(1) END ; x := DevCPB.NewLeaf(id); IF z.conval.intval > 0 THEN DevCPB.Op(leq, x, y) ELSIF z.conval.intval < 0 THEN DevCPB.Op(geq, x, y) ELSE err(63); DevCPB.Op(geq, x, y) END ; CheckSym(do); StatSeq(s); y := DevCPB.NewLeaf(id); DevCPB.StPar1(y, z, incfn); pos := DevCPM.startpos; SetPos(y); IF s = NIL THEN s := y ELSE z := s; WHILE z.link # NIL DO z := z.link END ; z.link := y END ; CheckSym(end); DevCPB.Construct(Nwhile, x, s); pos := p ELSE err(ident) END ELSIF sym = loop THEN DevCPS.Get(sym); INC(LoopLevel); StatSeq(x); DEC(LoopLevel); DevCPB.Construct(Nloop, x, NIL); CheckSym(end) ELSIF sym = with THEN DevCPS.Get(sym); idtyp := NIL; x := NIL; LOOP IF sym < bar THEN pos := DevCPM.startpos; IF sym = ident THEN qualident(id); y := DevCPB.NewLeaf(id); IF (id # NIL) & (id.typ.form = Pointer) & ((id.mode = VarPar) OR ~id.leaf) THEN err(-302) (* warning 302 *) END ; CheckSym(colon); IF sym = ident THEN qualident(t); IF t.mode = Typ THEN IF id # NIL THEN idtyp := id.typ; DevCPB.TypTest(y, t, FALSE); id.typ := t.typ; IF id.ptyp = NIL THEN id.ptyp := idtyp END ELSE err(130) END ELSE err(52) END ELSE err(ident) END ELSE err(ident) END ; CheckSym(do); StatSeq(s); DevCPB.Construct(Nif, y, s); SetPos(y); IF idtyp # NIL THEN IF id.ptyp = idtyp THEN id.ptyp := NIL END; id.typ := idtyp; idtyp := NIL END ; IF x = NIL THEN x := y; lastif := x ELSE DevCPB.Link(x, lastif, y) END END; IF sym = bar THEN DevCPS.Get(sym) ELSE EXIT END END; e := sym = else; pos := DevCPM.startpos; IF e THEN DevCPS.Get(sym); StatSeq(s) ELSE s := NIL END ; DevCPB.Construct(Nwith, x, s); CheckSym(end); IF e THEN x.subcl := 1 END ELSIF sym = exit THEN DevCPS.Get(sym); IF LoopLevel = 0 THEN err(46) END ; DevCPB.Construct(Nexit, x, NIL) ELSIF sym = return THEN DevCPS.Get(sym); IF sym < semicolon THEN Expression(x) END ; IF level > 0 THEN DevCPB.Return(x, DevCPT.topScope.link) ELSE (* not standard Oberon *) DevCPB.Return(x, NIL) END; hasReturn := TRUE END ; IF x # NIL THEN SetPos(x); DevCPB.Link(stat, last, x) END ; IF sym = semicolon THEN DevCPS.Get(sym) ELSIF (sym <= ident) OR (if <= sym) & (sym <= return) THEN err(semicolon) ELSE EXIT END END END StatSeq; PROCEDURE Block(VAR procdec, statseq: DevCPT.Node); VAR typ: DevCPT.Struct; obj, first, last, o: DevCPT.Object; x, lastdec: DevCPT.Node; i: SHORTINT; rname: DevCPT.Name; name: DevCPT.String; rec: Elem; BEGIN IF ((sym < begin) OR (sym > var)) & (sym # procedure) & (sym # end) & (sym # close) THEN err(36) END; first := NIL; last := NIL; userList := NIL; recList := NIL; LOOP IF sym = const THEN DevCPS.Get(sym); WHILE sym = ident DO DevCPT.Insert(DevCPS.name, obj); obj.mode := Con; CheckMark(obj); obj.typ := DevCPT.int8typ; obj.mode := Var; (* Var to avoid recursive definition *) IF sym = eql THEN DevCPS.Get(sym); ConstExpression(x) ELSIF sym = becomes THEN err(eql); DevCPS.Get(sym); ConstExpression(x) ELSE err(eql); x := DevCPB.NewIntConst(1) END ; obj.mode := Con; obj.typ := x.typ; obj.conval := x.conval; (* ConstDesc is not copied *) CheckSym(semicolon) END END ; IF sym = type THEN DevCPS.Get(sym); WHILE sym = ident DO DevCPT.Insert(DevCPS.name, obj); obj.mode := Typ; obj.typ := DevCPT.undftyp; CheckMark(obj); obj.mode := -1; IF sym # eql THEN err(eql) END; IF (sym = eql) OR (sym = becomes) OR (sym = colon) THEN DevCPS.Get(sym); Type(obj.typ, name); SetType(NIL, obj, obj.typ, name); END; obj.mode := Typ; IF obj.typ.form IN {Byte..Set, Char16, Int64} THEN (* make alias structure *) typ := DevCPT.NewStr(obj.typ.form, Basic); i := typ.ref; typ^ := obj.typ^; typ.ref := i; typ.strobj := NIL; typ.mno := 0; typ.txtpos := DevCPM.errpos; typ.BaseTyp := obj.typ; obj.typ := typ; END; IF obj.typ.strobj = NIL THEN obj.typ.strobj := obj END ; IF obj.typ.form = Pointer THEN (* !!! *) typ := obj.typ.BaseTyp; IF (typ # NIL) & (typ.comp = Record) & (typ.strobj = NIL) THEN (* pointer to unnamed record: name record as "pointerName^" *) rname := obj.name$; i := 0; WHILE rname[i] # 0X DO INC(i) END; rname[i] := "^"; rname[i+1] := 0X; DevCPT.Insert(rname, o); o.mode := Typ; o.typ := typ; typ.strobj := o END END; IF obj.vis # internal THEN typ := obj.typ; IF typ.form = Pointer THEN typ := typ.BaseTyp END; IF typ.comp = Record THEN typ.exp := TRUE END END; CheckSym(semicolon) END END ; IF sym = var THEN DevCPS.Get(sym); WHILE sym = ident DO LOOP IF sym = ident THEN DevCPT.Insert(DevCPS.name, obj); obj.mode := Var; obj.link := NIL; obj.leaf := obj.vis = internal; obj.typ := DevCPT.undftyp; CheckMark(obj); IF first = NIL THEN first := obj END ; IF last = NIL THEN DevCPT.topScope.scope := obj ELSE last.link := obj END ; last := obj ELSE err(ident) END ; IF sym = comma THEN DevCPS.Get(sym) ELSIF sym = ident THEN err(comma) ELSE EXIT END END ; CheckSym(colon); Type(typ, name); CheckAlloc(typ, FALSE, DevCPM.errpos); WHILE first # NIL DO SetType(NIL, first, typ, name); first := first.link END ; CheckSym(semicolon) END END ; IF (sym < const) OR (sym > var) THEN EXIT END ; END ; CheckForwardTypes; userList := NIL; rec := recList; recList := NIL; DevCPT.topScope.adr := DevCPM.errpos; procdec := NIL; lastdec := NIL; IF (sym # procedure) & (sym # begin) & (sym # end) & (sym # close) THEN err(37) END; WHILE sym = procedure DO DevCPS.Get(sym); ProcedureDeclaration(x); IF x # NIL THEN IF lastdec = NIL THEN procdec := x ELSE lastdec.link := x END ; lastdec := x END ; CheckSym(semicolon) END ; IF DevCPM.noerr & ~(DevCPM.oberon IN DevCPM.options) THEN CheckRecords(rec) END; hasReturn := FALSE; IF (sym # begin) & (sym # end) & (sym # close) THEN err(38) END; IF sym = begin THEN DevCPS.Get(sym); StatSeq(statseq) ELSE statseq := NIL END ; IF (DevCPT.topScope.link # NIL) & (DevCPT.topScope.link.typ # DevCPT.notyp) & ~hasReturn & (DevCPT.topScope.link.sysflag = 0) THEN err(133) END; IF (level = 0) & (TDinit # NIL) THEN lastTDinit.link := statseq; statseq := TDinit END END Block; PROCEDURE Module*(VAR prog: DevCPT.Node); VAR impName, aliasName: DevCPT.Name; procdec, statseq: DevCPT.Node; c: INTEGER; done: BOOLEAN; BEGIN DevCPS.Init; LoopLevel := 0; level := 0; DevCPS.Get(sym); IF sym = module THEN DevCPS.Get(sym) ELSE err(16) END ; IF sym = ident THEN DevCPT.Open(DevCPS.name); DevCPS.Get(sym); DevCPT.libName := ""; IF sym = lbrak THEN INCL(DevCPM.options, DevCPM.interface); DevCPS.Get(sym); IF sym = eql THEN DevCPS.Get(sym) ELSE INCL(DevCPM.options, DevCPM.noCode) END; IF sym = string THEN DevCPT.libName := DevCPS.str$; DevCPS.Get(sym) ELSE err(string) END; CheckSym(rbrak) END; CheckSym(semicolon); IF sym = import THEN DevCPS.Get(sym); LOOP IF sym = ident THEN aliasName := DevCPS.name$; impName := aliasName$; DevCPS.Get(sym); IF sym = becomes THEN DevCPS.Get(sym); IF sym = ident THEN impName := DevCPS.name$; DevCPS.Get(sym) ELSE err(ident) END END ; DevCPT.Import(aliasName, impName, done) ELSE err(ident) END ; IF sym = comma THEN DevCPS.Get(sym) ELSIF sym = ident THEN err(comma) ELSE EXIT END END ; CheckSym(semicolon) END ; IF DevCPM.noerr THEN TDinit := NIL; lastTDinit := NIL; c := DevCPM.errpos; Block(procdec, statseq); DevCPB.Enter(procdec, statseq, NIL); prog := procdec; prog.conval := DevCPT.NewConst(); prog.conval.intval := c; prog.conval.intval2 := DevCPM.startpos; IF sym = close THEN DevCPS.Get(sym); StatSeq(prog.link) END; prog.conval.realval := DevCPM.startpos; CheckSym(end); IF sym = ident THEN IF DevCPS.name # DevCPT.SelfName THEN err(4) END ; DevCPS.Get(sym) ELSE err(ident) END; IF sym # period THEN err(period) END END ELSE err(ident) END ; TDinit := NIL; lastTDinit := NIL; DevCPS.str := NIL END Module; END DevCPP.
MODULE DevCPS; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" references = "http://e-collection.library.ethz.ch/eserv/eth:39386/eth-39386-02.pdf" changes = " - 20070123, bh, lstr added & Str changed (Unicode support) - 20141027, center #19, full Unicode support for Component Pascal identifiers added - 20160324, center #111, code cleanups - 20170612, center #160, outdated link to OP2.Paper.ps " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT SYSTEM, Math, Strings, Utf, DevCPM, DevCPT; CONST MaxIdLen = LEN(DevCPT.Name); (* name, str, numtyp, intval, realval, realval are implicit results of Get *) VAR name*: DevCPT.Name; str*: DevCPT.String; lstr*: POINTER TO ARRAY OF CHAR; numtyp*: SHORTINT; (* 1 = char, 2 = integer, 4 = real, 5 = int64, 6 = real32, 7 = real64 *) intval*: INTEGER; (* integer value or string length (incl. 0X) *) realval*: REAL; CONST (* numtyp values *) char = 1; integer = 2; real = 4; int64 = 5; real32 = 6; real64 = 7; (*symbol values*) null = 0; times = 1; slash = 2; div = 3; mod = 4; and = 5; plus = 6; minus = 7; or = 8; eql = 9; neq = 10; lss = 11; leq = 12; gtr = 13; geq = 14; in = 15; is = 16; arrow = 17; dollar = 18; period = 19; comma = 20; colon = 21; upto = 22; rparen = 23; rbrak = 24; rbrace = 25; of = 26; then = 27; do = 28; to = 29; by = 30; not = 33; lparen = 40; lbrak = 41; lbrace = 42; becomes = 44; number = 45; nil = 46; string = 47; ident = 48; semicolon = 49; bar = 50; end = 51; else = 52; elsif = 53; until = 54; if = 55; case = 56; while = 57; repeat = 58; for = 59; loop = 60; with = 61; exit = 62; return = 63; array = 64; record = 65; pointer = 66; begin = 67; const = 68; type = 69; var = 70; out = 71; procedure = 72; close = 73; import = 74; module = 75; eof = 76; VAR ch: CHAR; (*current character*) PROCEDURE err(n: SHORTINT); BEGIN DevCPM.err(n) END err; PROCEDURE Str(VAR sym: BYTE); VAR i: INTEGER; och: CHAR; lch: CHAR; long: BOOLEAN; s: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; t: POINTER TO ARRAY OF CHAR; BEGIN i := 0; och := ch; long := FALSE; LOOP DevCPM.Get(lch); IF lch = och THEN EXIT END ; IF (lch < " ") & (lch # 9X) THEN err(3); EXIT END; IF lch > 0FFX THEN long := TRUE END; IF i < LEN(s) - 1 THEN s[i] := lch ELSIF i = LEN(s) - 1 THEN s[i] := 0X; NEW(lstr, 2 * LEN(s)); lstr^ := s$; lstr[i] := lch ELSIF i < LEN(lstr^) - 1 THEN lstr[i] := lch ELSE t := lstr; t[i] := 0X; NEW(lstr, 2 * LEN(t^)); lstr^ := t^$; lstr[i] := lch END; INC(i) END ; IF i = 1 THEN sym := number; numtyp := 1; intval := ORD(s[0]) ELSE sym := string; numtyp := 0; intval := i + 1; NEW(str, intval); IF long THEN IF i < LEN(s) THEN s[i] := 0X; NEW(lstr, intval); lstr^ := s$ ELSE lstr[i] := 0X END; str^ := SHORT(lstr$) ELSE IF i < LEN(s) THEN s[i] := 0X; str^ := SHORT(s$); ELSE lstr[i] := 0X; str^ := SHORT(lstr$) END; lstr := NIL END END; DevCPM.Get(ch) END Str; PROCEDURE Identifier(VAR sym: BYTE); VAR i, res: INTEGER; n: ARRAY MaxIdLen OF CHAR; BEGIN i := 0; REPEAT n[i] := ch; INC(i); DevCPM.Get(ch) UNTIL ~Strings.IsIdent(ch) OR (i = MaxIdLen); IF i = MaxIdLen THEN err(240); DEC(i) END ; n[i] := 0X; Utf.StringToUtf8(n, name, res); sym := ident; IF res = 1 (*truncated*) THEN err(240) END END Identifier; PROCEDURE Number; VAR i, j, m, n, d, e, a: INTEGER; f, g: REAL; tch: CHAR; neg: BOOLEAN; r: SHORTREAL; dig: ARRAY 30 OF CHAR; arr: ARRAY 2 OF INTEGER; PROCEDURE Ord(ch: CHAR; hex: BOOLEAN): INTEGER; BEGIN (* ("0" <= ch) & (ch <= "9") OR ("A" <= ch) & (ch <= "F") *) IF ch <= "9" THEN RETURN ORD(ch) - ORD("0") ELSIF hex THEN RETURN ORD(ch) - ORD("A") + 10 ELSE err(2); RETURN 0 END END Ord; BEGIN (* ("0" <= ch) & (ch <= "9") *) i := 0; m := 0; n := 0; d := 0; LOOP (* read mantissa *) IF ("0" <= ch) & (ch <= "9") OR (d = 0) & ("A" <= ch) & (ch <= "F") THEN IF (m > 0) OR (ch # "0") THEN (* ignore leading zeros *) IF n < LEN(dig) THEN dig[n] := ch; INC(n) END; INC(m) END; DevCPM.Get(ch); INC(i) ELSIF ch = "." THEN DevCPM.Get(ch); IF ch = "." THEN (* ellipsis *) ch := 7FX; EXIT ELSIF d = 0 THEN (* i > 0 *) d := i ELSE err(2) END ELSE EXIT END END; (* 0 <= n <= m <= i, 0 <= d <= i *) IF d = 0 THEN (* integer *) realval := 0; numtyp := integer; IF n = m THEN intval := 0; i := 0; IF ch = "X" THEN (* character *) DevCPM.Get(ch); numtyp := char; IF n <= 4 THEN WHILE i < n DO intval := intval*10H + Ord(dig[i], TRUE); INC(i) END ELSE err(203) END ELSIF (ch = "H") OR (ch = "S") THEN (* hex 32bit *) tch := ch; DevCPM.Get(ch); IF (ch = "L") & (DevCPM.oberon IN DevCPM.options) THEN (* old syntax: hex 64bit *) DevCPM.searchpos := DevCPM.curpos - 2; DevCPM.Get(ch); IF n <= 16 THEN IF (n = 16) & (dig[0] > "7") THEN realval := -1 END; WHILE (i < n) & (i < 10) DO realval := realval * 10H + Ord(dig[i], TRUE); INC(i) END; WHILE i < n DO realval := realval * 10H; intval := intval * 10H + Ord(dig[i], TRUE); INC(i) END; numtyp := int64 ELSE err(203) END ELSIF n <= 8 THEN IF (n = 8) & (dig[0] > "7") THEN (* prevent overflow *) intval := -1 END; WHILE i < n DO intval := intval*10H + Ord(dig[i], TRUE); INC(i) END; IF tch = "S" THEN (* 32 bit hex float *) r := SYSTEM.VAL(SHORTREAL, intval); realval := r; intval := 0; numtyp := real32 END ELSE err(203) END ELSIF ch = "L" THEN (* hex 64bit *) DevCPM.searchpos := DevCPM.curpos - 1; DevCPM.Get(ch); IF n <= 16 THEN IF (n = 16) & (dig[0] > "7") THEN realval := -1 END; WHILE (i < n) & (i < 10) DO realval := realval * 10H + Ord(dig[i], TRUE); INC(i) END; WHILE i < n DO realval := realval * 10H; intval := intval * 10H + Ord(dig[i], TRUE); INC(i) END; numtyp := int64 ELSE err(203) END ELSIF ch = "R" THEN (* hex float 64bit *) DevCPM.searchpos := DevCPM.curpos - 1; DevCPM.Get(ch); IF n <= 16 THEN a := 0; IF (n = 16) & (dig[0] > "7") THEN (* prevent overflow *) a := -1 END; WHILE i < n-8 DO a := a*10H + Ord(dig[i], TRUE); INC(i) END; IF DevCPM.LEHost THEN arr[1] := a ELSE arr[0] := a END; a := 0; IF (n >= 8) & (dig[i] > "7") THEN (* prevent overflow *) a := -1 END; WHILE i < n DO a := a*10H + Ord(dig[i], TRUE); INC(i) END; IF DevCPM.LEHost THEN arr[0] := a ELSE arr[1] := a END; realval := SYSTEM.VAL(REAL, arr); intval := 0; numtyp := real64 ELSE err(203) END ELSE (* decimal *) WHILE i < n DO d := Ord(dig[i], FALSE); INC(i); a := (MAX(INTEGER) - d) DIV 10; IF intval > a THEN a := (intval - a + 65535) DIV 65536 * 65536; realval := realval + a; intval := intval - a END; realval := realval * 10; intval := intval * 10 + d END; IF realval = 0 THEN numtyp := integer ELSIF intval < 9223372036854775808.0E0 - realval THEN numtyp := int64 (* 2^63 *) ELSE intval := 0; err(203) END END ELSE err(203) END ELSE (* fraction *) f := 0; g := 0; e := 0; j := 0; WHILE (j < 15) & (j < n) DO g := g * 10 + Ord(dig[j], FALSE); INC(j) END; (* !!! *) WHILE n > j DO (* 0 <= f < 1 *) DEC(n); f := (Ord(dig[n], FALSE) + f)/10 END; IF (ch = "E") OR (ch = "D") & (DevCPM.oberon IN DevCPM.options) THEN DevCPM.searchpos := DevCPM.curpos - 1; DevCPM.Get(ch); neg := FALSE; IF ch = "-" THEN neg := TRUE; DevCPM.Get(ch) ELSIF ch = "+" THEN DevCPM.Get(ch) END; IF ("0" <= ch) & (ch <= "9") THEN REPEAT n := Ord(ch, FALSE); DevCPM.Get(ch); IF e <= (MAX(SHORTINT) - n) DIV 10 THEN e := SHORT(e*10 + n) ELSE err(203) END UNTIL (ch < "0") OR ("9" < ch); IF neg THEN e := -e END ELSE err(2) END END; DEC(e, i-d-m); (* decimal point shift *) IF e < -308 - 16 THEN realval := 0.0 ELSIF e < -308 + 14 THEN realval := (f + g) / Math.IntPower(10, j-e-30) / 1.0E15 / 1.0E15 ELSIF e < j THEN realval := (f + g) / Math.IntPower(10, j-e) (* Ten(j-e) *) ELSIF e <= 308 THEN realval := (f + g) * Math.IntPower(10, e-j) (* Ten(e-j) *) ELSIF e = 308 + 1 THEN realval := (f + g) * (Math.IntPower(10, e-j) / 16); IF realval <= DevCPM.MaxReal64 / 16 THEN realval := realval * 16 ELSE err(203) END ELSE err(203) END; numtyp := real END END Number; PROCEDURE Get*(VAR sym: BYTE); VAR s: BYTE; old: INTEGER; PROCEDURE Comment; (* do not read after end of file *) BEGIN DevCPM.Get(ch); LOOP LOOP WHILE ch = "(" DO DevCPM.Get(ch); IF ch = "*" THEN Comment END END ; IF ch = "*" THEN DevCPM.Get(ch); EXIT END ; IF ch = DevCPM.Eot THEN EXIT END ; DevCPM.Get(ch) END ; IF ch = ")" THEN DevCPM.Get(ch); EXIT END ; IF ch = DevCPM.Eot THEN err(5); EXIT END END END Comment; BEGIN DevCPM.errpos := DevCPM.curpos-1; WHILE (ch <= " ") OR (ch = 0A0X) DO (*ignore control characters*) IF ch = DevCPM.Eot THEN sym := eof; RETURN ELSE DevCPM.Get(ch) END END ; DevCPM.startpos := DevCPM.curpos - 1; CASE ch OF (* ch > " " *) | 22X, 27X : Str(s) | "#" : s := neq; DevCPM.Get(ch) | "&" : s := and; DevCPM.Get(ch) | "(" : DevCPM.Get(ch); IF ch = "*" THEN Comment; old := DevCPM.errpos; Get(s); DevCPM.errpos := old; ELSE s := lparen END | ")" : s := rparen; DevCPM.Get(ch) | "*" : s := times; DevCPM.Get(ch) | "+" : s := plus; DevCPM.Get(ch) | "," : s := comma; DevCPM.Get(ch) | "-" : s := minus; DevCPM.Get(ch) | "." : DevCPM.Get(ch); IF ch = "." THEN DevCPM.Get(ch); s := upto ELSE s := period END | "/" : s := slash; DevCPM.Get(ch) | "0".."9": Number; s := number | ":" : DevCPM.Get(ch); IF ch = "=" THEN DevCPM.Get(ch); s := becomes ELSE s := colon END | ";" : s := semicolon; DevCPM.Get(ch) | "<" : DevCPM.Get(ch); IF ch = "=" THEN DevCPM.Get(ch); s := leq ELSE s := lss END | "=" : s := eql; DevCPM.Get(ch) | ">" : DevCPM.Get(ch); IF ch = "=" THEN DevCPM.Get(ch); s := geq ELSE s := gtr END | "A": Identifier(s); IF name = "ARRAY" THEN s := array END | "B": Identifier(s); IF name = "BEGIN" THEN s := begin ELSIF name = "BY" THEN s := by END | "C": Identifier(s); IF name = "CASE" THEN s := case ELSIF name = "CONST" THEN s := const ELSIF name = "CLOSE" THEN s := close END | "D": Identifier(s); IF name = "DO" THEN s := do ELSIF name = "DIV" THEN s := div END | "E": Identifier(s); IF name = "END" THEN s := end ELSIF name = "ELSE" THEN s := else ELSIF name = "ELSIF" THEN s := elsif ELSIF name = "EXIT" THEN s := exit END | "F": Identifier(s); IF name = "FOR" THEN s := for END | "I": Identifier(s); IF name = "IF" THEN s := if ELSIF name = "IN" THEN s := in ELSIF name = "IS" THEN s := is ELSIF name = "IMPORT" THEN s := import END | "L": Identifier(s); IF name = "LOOP" THEN s := loop END | "M": Identifier(s); IF name = "MOD" THEN s := mod ELSIF name = "MODULE" THEN s := module END | "N": Identifier(s); IF name = "NIL" THEN s := nil END | "O": Identifier(s); IF name = "OR" THEN s := or ELSIF name = "OF" THEN s := of ELSIF name = "OUT" THEN s := out END | "P": Identifier(s); IF name = "PROCEDURE" THEN s := procedure ELSIF name = "POINTER" THEN s := pointer END | "R": Identifier(s); IF name = "RECORD" THEN s := record ELSIF name = "REPEAT" THEN s := repeat ELSIF name = "RETURN" THEN s := return END | "T": Identifier(s); IF name = "THEN" THEN s := then ELSIF name = "TO" THEN s := to ELSIF name = "TYPE" THEN s := type END | "U": Identifier(s); IF name = "UNTIL" THEN s := until END | "V": Identifier(s); IF name = "VAR" THEN s := var END | "W": Identifier(s); IF name = "WHILE" THEN s := while ELSIF name = "WITH" THEN s := with END | "G".."H", "J", "K", "Q", "S", "X".."Z", "a".."z", "_": Identifier(s) | "[" : s := lbrak; DevCPM.Get(ch) | "]" : s := rbrak; DevCPM.Get(ch) | "^" : s := arrow; DevCPM.Get(ch) | "$" : s := dollar; DevCPM.Get(ch) | "{" : s := lbrace; DevCPM.Get(ch); | "|" : s := bar; DevCPM.Get(ch) | "}" : s := rbrace; DevCPM.Get(ch) | "~" : s := not; DevCPM.Get(ch) | 7FX : s := upto; DevCPM.Get(ch) ELSE IF Strings.IsIdent(ch) THEN Identifier(s) ELSE s := null; DevCPM.Get(ch) END END ; sym := s END Get; PROCEDURE Init*; BEGIN ch := " " END Init; END DevCPS.
MODULE DevCPT; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" references = "http://e-collection.library.ethz.ch/eserv/eth:39386/eth-39386-02.pdf" changes = " - 20070123, bh, support for preocedure type sysflags - 20070307, bh, Extends corrected for untagged records - 20080208, bh, file checksum for symbol files - 20080213, bh, pvfp and pbfp calculation in FPrintStr corrected - 20140914, center #13, bug fix in FPrintHdFld and OutHdFld - 20141027, center #19, full Unicode support for Component Pascal identifiers added - 20150511, center #46, fixing undetected interface change - 20150513, center #43, extending the size of code procedures - 20151012, center #77, InSign uses outBit insteadd of inBit for outPar - 20160324, center #111, code cleanups - 20170107, center #134, interface change not detected - 20170215, center #139, localization support for error messages - 20170612, center #160, outdated link to OP2.Paper.ps - 20200623, center #208, assertfn added to Nifelse in Nodes section of documentation " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT DevCPM; CONST MaxIdLen = 256; TYPE Name* = ARRAY MaxIdLen OF SHORTCHAR; String* = POINTER TO ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR; Const* = POINTER TO ConstDesc; Object* = POINTER TO ObjDesc; Struct* = POINTER TO StrDesc; Node* = POINTER TO NodeDesc; ConstExt* = String; LinkList* = POINTER TO LinkDesc; ConstDesc* = RECORD ext*: ConstExt; (* string or code for code proc (longstring in utf8) *) intval*: INTEGER; (* constant value or adr, proc par size, text position or least case label *) intval2*: INTEGER; (* string length (#char, incl 0X), proc var size or larger case label *) setval*: SET; (* constant value, procedure body present or "ELSE" present in case *) realval*: REAL; (* real or longreal constant value *) link*: Const (* chain of constants present in obj file *) END ; LinkDesc* = RECORD offset*, linkadr*: INTEGER; next*: LinkList; END; ObjDesc* = RECORD left*, right*, link*, scope*: Object; name*: String; (* name = null OR name^ # "" *) leaf*: BOOLEAN; sysflag*: BYTE; mode*, mnolev*: BYTE; (* mnolev < 0 -> mno = -mnolev *) vis*: BYTE; (* internal, external, externalR, inPar, outPar *) history*: BYTE; (* relevant if name # "" *) used*, fpdone*: BOOLEAN; fprint*: INTEGER; typ*: Struct; (* actual type, changed in with statements *) ptyp*: Struct; (* original type if typ is changed *) conval*: Const; adr*, num*: INTEGER; (* mthno *) links*: LinkList; nlink*: Object; (* link for name list, declaration order for methods, library link for imp obj *) library*, entry*: String; (* library name, entry name *) modifiers*: POINTER TO ARRAY OF String; (* additional interface strings *) linkadr*: INTEGER; (* used in ofront *) red: BOOLEAN; END ; StrDesc* = RECORD form*, comp*, mno*, extlev*: BYTE; ref*, sysflag*: SHORTINT; n*, size*, align*, txtpos*: INTEGER; (* align is alignment for records and len offset for dynarrs *) untagged*, allocated*, pbused*, pvused*, exp*, fpdone, idfpdone: BOOLEAN; attribute*: BYTE; idfp, pbfp*, pvfp*:INTEGER; BaseTyp*: Struct; link*, strobj*: Object; ext*: ConstExt (* id string for interface records *) END ; NodeDesc* = RECORD left*, right*, link*: Node; class*, subcl*, hint*: BYTE; readonly*: BOOLEAN; typ*: Struct; obj*: Object; conval*: Const END ; CONST maxImps = 127; (* must be <= MAX(SHORTINT) *) maxStruct = DevCPM.MaxStruct; (* must be < MAX(INTEGER) DIV 2 *) FirstRef = 32; FirstRef0 = 16; (* correction for version 0 *) actVersion = 1; VAR topScope*: Object; undftyp*, bytetyp*, booltyp*, char8typ*, int8typ*, int16typ*, int32typ*, real32typ*, real64typ*, settyp*, string8typ*, niltyp*, notyp*, sysptrtyp*, anytyp*, anyptrtyp*, char16typ*, string16typ*, int64typ*, restyp*, iunktyp*, punktyp*, guidtyp*, intrealtyp*, lreal64typ*, lint64typ*, lchar16typ*: Struct; nofGmod*: BYTE; (*nof imports*) GlbMod*: ARRAY maxImps OF Object; (* .right = first object, .name = module import name (not alias) *) SelfName*: Name; (* name of module being compiled *) SYSimported*: BOOLEAN; processor*, impProc*: SHORTINT; libName*: Name; (* library alias of module being compiled *) null*: String; (* "" *) CONST (* object modes *) Var = 1; VarPar = 2; Con = 3; Fld = 4; Typ = 5; LProc = 6; XProc = 7; SProc = 8; CProc = 9; IProc = 10; Mod = 11; Head = 12; TProc = 13; Attr = 20; (* structure forms *) Undef = 0; Byte = 1; Bool = 2; Char8 = 3; Int8 = 4; Int16 = 5; Int32 = 6; Real32 = 7; Real64 = 8; Set = 9; String8 = 10; NilTyp = 11; NoTyp = 12; Pointer = 13; ProcTyp = 14; Comp = 15; AnyPtr = 14; AnyRec = 15; (* sym file only *) Char16 = 16; String16 = 17; Int64 = 18; Res = 20; IUnk = 21; PUnk = 22; Guid = 23; (* composite structure forms *) Basic = 1; Array = 2; DynArr = 3; Record = 4; (*function number*) assign = 0; haltfn = 0; newfn = 1; absfn = 2; capfn = 3; ordfn = 4; entierfn = 5; oddfn = 6; minfn = 7; maxfn = 8; chrfn = 9; shortfn = 10; longfn = 11; sizefn = 12; incfn = 13; decfn = 14; inclfn = 15; exclfn = 16; lenfn = 17; copyfn = 18; ashfn = 19; assertfn = 32; lchrfn = 33; lentierfcn = 34; typfn = 36; bitsfn = 37; bytesfn = 38; (*SYSTEM function number*) adrfn = 20; ccfn = 21; lshfn = 22; rotfn = 23; getfn = 24; putfn = 25; getrfn = 26; putrfn = 27; bitfn = 28; valfn = 29; sysnewfn = 30; movefn = 31; thisrecfn = 45; thisarrfn = 46; (* COM function number *) validfn = 40; iidfn = 41; queryfn = 42; (* attribute flags (attr.adr, struct.attribute, proc.conval.setval) *) newAttr = 16; absAttr = 17; limAttr = 18; empAttr = 19; extAttr = 20; (* procedure flags (conval.setval) *) isHidden = 29; (* module visibility of objects *) internal = 0; external = 1; externalR = 2; inPar = 3; outPar = 4; (* history of imported objects *) inserted = 0; same = 1; pbmodified = 2; pvmodified = 3; removed = 4; inconsistent = 5; (* sysflags *) inBit = 2; outBit = 4; interface = 10; (* symbol file items *) Smname = 16; Send = 18; Stype = 19; Salias = 20; Svar = 21; Srvar = 22; Svalpar = 23; Svarpar = 24; Sfld = 25; Srfld = 26; Shdptr = 27; Shdpro = 28; Stpro = 29; Shdtpro = 30; Sxpro = 31; Sipro = 32; Scpro = 33; Sstruct = 34; Ssys = 35; Sptr = 36; Sarr = 37; Sdarr = 38; Srec = 39; Spro = 40; Shdutptr = 41; Slib = 42; Sentry = 43; Sinpar = 25; Soutpar = 26; Slimrec = 25; Sabsrec = 26; Sextrec = 27; Slimpro = 31; Sabspro = 32; Semppro = 33; Sextpro = 34; Simpo = 22; TYPE ImpCtxt = RECORD nextTag, reffp: INTEGER; nofr, minr, nofm: SHORTINT; self: BOOLEAN; ref: ARRAY maxStruct OF Struct; old: ARRAY maxStruct OF Object; pvfp: ARRAY maxStruct OF INTEGER; (* set only if old # NIL *) glbmno: ARRAY maxImps OF BYTE (* index is local mno *) END ; ExpCtxt = RECORD reffp: INTEGER; ref: SHORTINT; nofm: BYTE; locmno: ARRAY maxImps OF BYTE (* index is global mno *) END ; VAR universe, syslink, comlink, infinity: Object; impCtxt: ImpCtxt; expCtxt: ExpCtxt; nofhdfld: INTEGER; sfpresent, symExtended, symNew: BOOLEAN; version: INTEGER; symChanges: INTEGER; portable: BOOLEAN; depth: INTEGER; PROCEDURE err(n: SHORTINT); BEGIN DevCPM.err(n) END err; PROCEDURE NewConst*(): Const; VAR const: Const; BEGIN NEW(const); RETURN const END NewConst; PROCEDURE NewObj*(): Object; VAR obj: Object; BEGIN NEW(obj); obj.name := null; RETURN obj END NewObj; PROCEDURE NewStr*(form, comp: BYTE): Struct; VAR typ: Struct; BEGIN NEW(typ); typ.form := form; typ.comp := comp; typ.ref := maxStruct; (* ref >= maxStruct: not exported yet *) typ.txtpos := DevCPM.errpos; typ.size := -1; typ.BaseTyp := undftyp; RETURN typ END NewStr; PROCEDURE NewNode*(class: BYTE): Node; VAR node: Node; BEGIN NEW(node); node.class := class; RETURN node END NewNode; PROCEDURE NewName* (IN name: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR): String; VAR i: INTEGER; p: String; BEGIN i := LEN(name$); IF i > 0 THEN NEW(p, i + 1); p^ := name$; RETURN p ELSE RETURN null END END NewName; PROCEDURE OpenScope*(level: BYTE; owner: Object); VAR head: Object; BEGIN head := NewObj(); head.mode := Head; head.mnolev := level; head.link := owner; IF owner # NIL THEN owner.scope := head END ; head.left := topScope; head.right := NIL; head.scope := NIL; topScope := head END OpenScope; PROCEDURE CloseScope*; BEGIN topScope := topScope.left END CloseScope; PROCEDURE Init*(opt: SET); BEGIN topScope := universe; OpenScope(0, NIL); SYSimported := FALSE; GlbMod[0] := topScope; nofGmod := 1; sfpresent := TRUE; (* !!! *) symChanges := 0; infinity.conval.intval := DevCPM.ConstNotAlloc; depth := 0 END Init; PROCEDURE Open* (IN name: Name); BEGIN SelfName := name$; topScope.name := NewName(name); END Open; PROCEDURE Close*; VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN (* garbage collection *) CloseScope; i := 0; WHILE i < maxImps DO GlbMod[i] := NIL; INC(i) END ; i := FirstRef; WHILE i < maxStruct DO impCtxt.ref[i] := NIL; impCtxt.old[i] := NIL; INC(i) END END Close; PROCEDURE SameType* (x, y: Struct): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN (x = y) OR (x.form = y.form) & ~(x.form IN {Pointer, ProcTyp, Comp}) OR (x = undftyp) OR (y = undftyp) END SameType; PROCEDURE EqualType* (x, y: Struct): BOOLEAN; VAR xp, yp: Object; n: INTEGER; BEGIN n := 0; WHILE (n < 100) & (x # y) & (((x.comp = DynArr) & (y.comp = DynArr) & (x.sysflag = y.sysflag)) OR ((x.form = Pointer) & (y.form = Pointer)) OR ((x.form = ProcTyp) & (y.form = ProcTyp))) DO IF x.form = ProcTyp THEN IF x.sysflag # y.sysflag THEN RETURN FALSE END; xp := x.link; yp := y.link; INC(depth); WHILE (xp # NIL) & (yp # NIL) & (xp.mode = yp.mode) & (xp.sysflag = yp.sysflag) & (xp.vis = yp.vis) & (depth < 100) & EqualType(xp.typ, yp.typ) DO xp := xp.link; yp := yp.link END; DEC(depth); IF (xp # NIL) OR (yp # NIL) THEN RETURN FALSE END END; x := x.BaseTyp; y := y.BaseTyp; INC(n) END; RETURN SameType(x, y) END EqualType; PROCEDURE Extends* (x, y: Struct): BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF (x.form = Pointer) & (y.form = Pointer) THEN x := x.BaseTyp; y := y.BaseTyp END; IF (x.comp = Record) & (y.comp = Record) THEN IF (y = anytyp) & ~x.untagged THEN RETURN TRUE END; WHILE (x # NIL) & (x # undftyp) & (x # y) DO x := x.BaseTyp END END; RETURN (x # NIL) & EqualType(x, y) END Extends; PROCEDURE Includes* (xform, yform: INTEGER): BOOLEAN; BEGIN CASE xform OF | Char16: RETURN yform IN {Char8, Char16, Int8} | Int16: RETURN yform IN {Char8, Int8, Int16} | Int32: RETURN yform IN {Char8, Char16, Int8, Int16, Int32} | Int64: RETURN yform IN {Char8, Char16, Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64} | Real32: RETURN yform IN {Char8, Char16, Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64, Real32} | Real64: RETURN yform IN {Char8, Char16, Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64, Real32, Real64} | String16: RETURN yform IN {String8, String16} ELSE RETURN xform = yform END END Includes; PROCEDURE FindImport*(IN name: Name; mod: Object; VAR res: Object); VAR obj: Object; (* i: INTEGER; n: Name; *) BEGIN obj := mod.scope.right; LOOP IF obj = NIL THEN EXIT END ; IF name < obj.name^ THEN obj := obj.left ELSIF name > obj.name^ THEN obj := obj.right ELSE (*found*) IF (obj.mode = Typ) & (obj.vis = internal) THEN obj := NIL ELSE obj.used := TRUE END ; EXIT END END ; res := obj; (* bh: checks usage of non Unicode WinApi functions and types IF (res # NIL) & (mod.scope.library # NIL) & ~(DevCPM.interface IN DevCPM.options) & (SelfName # "Kernel") & (SelfName # "HostPorts") THEN n := name + "W"; FindImport(n, mod, obj); IF obj # NIL THEN DevCPM.err(733) ELSE i := LEN(name$); IF name[i - 1] = "A" THEN n[i - 1] := "W"; n[i] := 0X; FindImport(n, mod, obj); IF obj # NIL THEN DevCPM.err(734) END END END END; *) END FindImport; PROCEDURE Find*(IN name: Name; VAR res: Object); VAR obj, head: Object; BEGIN head := topScope; LOOP obj := head.right; LOOP IF obj = NIL THEN EXIT END ; IF name < obj.name^ THEN obj := obj.left ELSIF name > obj.name^ THEN obj := obj.right ELSE (* found, obj.used not set for local objects *) EXIT END END ; IF obj # NIL THEN EXIT END ; head := head.left; IF head = NIL THEN EXIT END END ; res := obj END Find; PROCEDURE FindFld (IN name: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR; typ: Struct; VAR res: Object); VAR obj: Object; BEGIN WHILE (typ # NIL) & (typ # undftyp) DO obj := typ.link; WHILE obj # NIL DO IF name < obj.name^ THEN obj := obj.left ELSIF name > obj.name^ THEN obj := obj.right ELSE (*found*) res := obj; RETURN END END ; typ := typ.BaseTyp END; res := NIL END FindFld; PROCEDURE FindField* (IN name: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR; typ: Struct; VAR res: Object); BEGIN FindFld(name, typ, res); IF (res = NIL) & ~typ.untagged THEN FindFld(name, anytyp, res) END END FindField; PROCEDURE FindBaseField* (IN name: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR; typ: Struct; VAR res: Object); BEGIN FindFld(name, typ.BaseTyp, res); IF (res = NIL) & ~typ.untagged THEN FindFld(name, anytyp, res) END END FindBaseField; (* PROCEDURE Rotated (y: Object; name: String): Object; VAR c, gc: Object; BEGIN IF name^ < y.name^ THEN c := y.left; IF name^ < c.name^ THEN gc := c.left; c.left := gc.right; gc.right := c ELSE gc := c.right; c.right := gc.left; gc.left := c END; y.left := gc ELSE c := y.right; IF name^ < c.name^ THEN gc := c.left; c.left := gc.right; gc.right := c ELSE gc := c.right; c.right := gc.left; gc.left := c END; y.right := gc END; RETURN gc END Rotated; PROCEDURE InsertIn (obj, scope: Object; VAR old: Object); VAR gg, g, p, x: Object; name, sname: String; BEGIN sname := scope.name; scope.name := null; gg := scope; g := gg; p := g; x := p.right; name := obj.name; WHILE x # NIL DO IF (x.left # NIL) & (x.right # NIL) & x.left.red & x.right.red THEN x.red := TRUE; x.left.red := FALSE; x.right.red := FALSE; IF p.red THEN g.red := TRUE; IF (name^ < g.name^) # (name^ < p.name^) THEN p := Rotated(g, name) END; x := Rotated(gg, name); x.red := FALSE END END; gg := g; g := p; p := x; IF name^ < x.name^ THEN x := x.left ELSIF name^ > x.name^ THEN x := x.right ELSE old := x; scope.right.red := FALSE; scope.name := sname; RETURN END END; x := obj; old := NIL; IF name^ < p.name^ THEN p.left := x ELSE p.right := x END; x.red := TRUE; IF p.red THEN g.red := TRUE; IF (name^ < g.name^) # (name^ < p.name^) THEN p := Rotated(g, name) END; x := Rotated(gg, name); x.red := FALSE END; scope.right.red := FALSE; scope.name := sname END InsertIn; *) PROCEDURE InsertIn (obj, scope: Object; VAR old: Object); VAR ob0, ob1: Object; left: BOOLEAN; name: String; BEGIN ASSERT((scope # NIL) & (scope.mode = Head), 100); ob0 := scope; ob1 := scope.right; left := FALSE; name := obj.name; WHILE ob1 # NIL DO IF name^ < ob1.name^ THEN ob0 := ob1; ob1 := ob1.left; left := TRUE ELSIF name^ > ob1.name^ THEN ob0 := ob1; ob1 := ob1.right; left := FALSE ELSE old := ob1; RETURN END END; IF left THEN ob0.left := obj ELSE ob0.right := obj END ; obj.left := NIL; obj.right := NIL; old := NIL END InsertIn; PROCEDURE Insert* (IN name: Name; VAR obj: Object); VAR old: Object; BEGIN obj := NewObj(); obj.leaf := TRUE; obj.name := NewName(name); obj.mnolev := topScope.mnolev; InsertIn(obj, topScope, old); IF old # NIL THEN err(1) END (*double def*) END Insert; PROCEDURE InsertThisField (obj: Object; typ: Struct; VAR old: Object); VAR ob0, ob1: Object; left: BOOLEAN; name: String; BEGIN IF typ.link = NIL THEN typ.link := obj ELSE ob1 := typ.link; name := obj.name; REPEAT IF name^ < ob1.name^ THEN ob0 := ob1; ob1 := ob1.left; left := TRUE ELSIF name^ > ob1.name^ THEN ob0 := ob1; ob1 := ob1.right; left := FALSE ELSE old := ob1; RETURN END UNTIL ob1 = NIL; IF left THEN ob0.left := obj ELSE ob0.right := obj END END END InsertThisField; PROCEDURE InsertField* (IN name: Name; typ: Struct; VAR obj: Object); VAR old: Object; BEGIN obj := NewObj(); obj.leaf := TRUE; obj.name := NewName(name); InsertThisField(obj, typ, old); IF old # NIL THEN err(1) END (*double def*) END InsertField; (*-------------------------- Fingerprinting --------------------------*) PROCEDURE FPrintName(VAR fp: INTEGER; IN name: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR); VAR i: INTEGER; ch: SHORTCHAR; BEGIN i := 0; REPEAT ch := name[i]; DevCPM.FPrint(fp, ORD(ch)); INC(i) UNTIL ch = 0X END FPrintName; PROCEDURE ^IdFPrint*(typ: Struct); PROCEDURE FPrintSign*(VAR fp: INTEGER; result: Struct; par: Object); (* depends on assignment compatibility of params only *) BEGIN IdFPrint(result); DevCPM.FPrint(fp, result.idfp); WHILE par # NIL DO DevCPM.FPrint(fp, par.mode); IdFPrint(par.typ); DevCPM.FPrint(fp, par.typ.idfp); IF (par.mode = VarPar) & (par.vis # 0) THEN DevCPM.FPrint(fp, par.vis) END; (* IN / OUT *) IF par.sysflag # 0 THEN DevCPM.FPrint(fp, par.sysflag) END; (* par.name and par.adr not considered *) par := par.link END END FPrintSign; PROCEDURE IdFPrint*(typ: Struct); (* idfp codifies assignment compatibility *) VAR btyp: Struct; strobj: Object; idfp: INTEGER; f, c: SHORTINT; BEGIN IF ~typ.idfpdone THEN typ.idfpdone := TRUE; (* may be recursive, temporary idfp is 0 in that case *) idfp := 0; f := typ.form; c := typ.comp; DevCPM.FPrint(idfp, f); DevCPM.FPrint(idfp, c); btyp := typ.BaseTyp; strobj := typ.strobj; IF (strobj # NIL) & (strobj.name # null) THEN FPrintName(idfp, GlbMod[typ.mno].name^); FPrintName(idfp, strobj.name^) END ; IF (f = Pointer) OR (c = Record) & (btyp # NIL) OR (c = DynArr) THEN IdFPrint(btyp); DevCPM.FPrint(idfp, btyp.idfp) ELSIF c = Array THEN IdFPrint(btyp); DevCPM.FPrint(idfp, btyp.idfp); DevCPM.FPrint(idfp, typ.n) ELSIF f = ProcTyp THEN FPrintSign(idfp, btyp, typ.link) END ; IF typ.sysflag # 0 THEN DevCPM.FPrint(idfp, typ.sysflag) END; typ.idfp := idfp END END IdFPrint; PROCEDURE FPrintStr*(typ: Struct); VAR f, c: SHORTINT; btyp: Struct; strobj, bstrobj: Object; pbfp, pvfp: INTEGER; PROCEDURE ^FPrintFlds(fld: Object; adr: INTEGER; visible: BOOLEAN); PROCEDURE FPrintHdFld(typ: Struct; fld: Object; adr: INTEGER); (* modifies pvfp only *) VAR i, j, n: INTEGER; btyp: Struct; BEGIN IF typ.comp = Record THEN IF typ.BaseTyp # NIL THEN FPrintHdFld(typ.BaseTyp, fld, adr) END ; FPrintFlds(typ.link, adr, FALSE) ELSIF typ.comp = Array THEN btyp := typ.BaseTyp; n := typ.n; WHILE btyp.comp = Array DO n := btyp.n * n; btyp := btyp.BaseTyp END ; IF (btyp.form = Pointer) OR (btyp.comp = Record) THEN j := nofhdfld; FPrintHdFld(btyp, fld, adr); IF j # nofhdfld THEN i := 1; WHILE (i < n) (* & (nofhdfld <= DevCPM.MaxHdFld) *) DO (* !!! *) INC(adr, btyp.size); FPrintHdFld(btyp, fld, adr); INC(i) END END END ELSIF DevCPM.ExpHdPtrFld & ((typ.form = Pointer) & ~typ.untagged OR (fld.name^ = DevCPM.HdPtrName)) THEN (* !!! *) DevCPM.FPrint(pvfp, Pointer); DevCPM.FPrint(pvfp, adr); INC(nofhdfld) ELSIF DevCPM.ExpHdUtPtrFld & ((typ.form = Pointer) & typ.untagged OR (fld.name^ = DevCPM.HdUtPtrName)) THEN (* !!! *) DevCPM.FPrint(pvfp, Pointer); DevCPM.FPrint(pvfp, adr); INC(nofhdfld); IF typ.form = Pointer THEN DevCPM.FPrint(pvfp, typ.sysflag) ELSE DevCPM.FPrint(pvfp, fld.sysflag) END ELSIF DevCPM.ExpHdProcFld & ((typ.form = ProcTyp) OR (fld.name^ = DevCPM.HdProcName)) THEN DevCPM.FPrint(pvfp, ProcTyp); DevCPM.FPrint(pvfp, adr); INC(nofhdfld) END END FPrintHdFld; PROCEDURE FPrintFlds(fld: Object; adr: INTEGER; visible: BOOLEAN); (* modifies pbfp and pvfp *) BEGIN WHILE (fld # NIL) & (fld.mode = Fld) DO IF (fld.vis # internal) & visible THEN DevCPM.FPrint(pvfp, fld.vis); FPrintName(pvfp, fld.name); DevCPM.FPrint(pvfp, fld.adr); DevCPM.FPrint(pbfp, fld.vis); FPrintName(pbfp, fld.name); DevCPM.FPrint(pbfp, fld.adr); FPrintStr(fld.typ); DevCPM.FPrint(pbfp, fld.typ.pbfp); DevCPM.FPrint(pvfp, fld.typ.pvfp) ELSE FPrintHdFld(fld.typ, fld, fld.adr + adr) END ; fld := fld.link END END FPrintFlds; PROCEDURE FPrintTProcs(obj: Object); (* modifies pbfp and pvfp *) VAR fp: INTEGER; BEGIN IF obj # NIL THEN FPrintTProcs(obj.left); IF obj.mode = TProc THEN IF obj.vis # internal THEN fp := 0; IF obj.vis = externalR THEN DevCPM.FPrint(fp, externalR) END; IF limAttr IN obj.conval.setval THEN DevCPM.FPrint(fp, limAttr) ELSIF absAttr IN obj.conval.setval THEN DevCPM.FPrint(fp, absAttr) ELSIF empAttr IN obj.conval.setval THEN DevCPM.FPrint(fp, empAttr) ELSIF extAttr IN obj.conval.setval THEN DevCPM.FPrint(fp, extAttr) END; DevCPM.FPrint(fp, TProc); DevCPM.FPrint(fp, obj.num); FPrintSign(fp, obj.typ, obj.link); FPrintName(fp, obj.name); IF obj.entry # NIL THEN FPrintName(fp, obj.entry) END; DevCPM.FPrint(pvfp, fp); DevCPM.FPrint(pbfp, fp) ELSIF DevCPM.ExpHdTProc THEN DevCPM.FPrint(pvfp, TProc); DevCPM.FPrint(pvfp, obj.num) END END; FPrintTProcs(obj.right) END END FPrintTProcs; BEGIN IF ~typ.fpdone THEN IdFPrint(typ); pbfp := typ.idfp; IF typ.ext # NIL THEN FPrintName(pbfp, typ.ext^) END; IF typ.attribute # 0 THEN DevCPM.FPrint(pbfp, typ.attribute) END; pvfp := pbfp; typ.pbfp := pbfp; typ.pvfp := pvfp; (* initial fprints may be used recursively *) typ.fpdone := TRUE; f := typ.form; c := typ.comp; btyp := typ.BaseTyp; IF f = Pointer THEN strobj := typ.strobj; bstrobj := btyp.strobj; IF (strobj = NIL) OR (strobj.name = null) OR (bstrobj = NIL) OR (bstrobj.name = null) THEN FPrintStr(btyp); IF (btyp.comp = Array) & ((bstrobj = NIL) OR (bstrobj.name = null)) THEN DevCPM.FPrint(pbfp, btyp.pbfp + 12345(*disturb fingerprint collision pattern*)) ELSE DevCPM.FPrint(pbfp, btyp.pbfp) END; pvfp := pbfp (* else use idfp as pbfp and as pvfp, do not call FPrintStr(btyp) here, else cycle not broken *) END ELSIF f = ProcTyp THEN (* use idfp as pbfp and as pvfp *) ELSIF c IN {Array, DynArr} THEN FPrintStr(btyp); DevCPM.FPrint(pbfp, btyp.pvfp); pvfp := pbfp ELSE (* c = Record *) IF btyp # NIL THEN FPrintStr(btyp); DevCPM.FPrint(pbfp, btyp.pbfp); DevCPM.FPrint(pvfp, btyp.pvfp) END ; DevCPM.FPrint(pvfp, typ.size); DevCPM.FPrint(pvfp, typ.align); DevCPM.FPrint(pvfp, typ.n); nofhdfld := 0; FPrintFlds(typ.link, 0, TRUE); FPrintTProcs(typ.link); (* DevCPM.FPrint(pvfp, pbfp); *) strobj := typ.strobj; IF (strobj = NIL) OR (strobj.name = null) THEN pbfp := pvfp END END ; typ.pbfp := pbfp; typ.pvfp := pvfp END END FPrintStr; PROCEDURE FPrintObj*(obj: Object); VAR fprint, f, m: INTEGER; rval: SHORTREAL; ext: ConstExt; mod: Object; r: REAL; x: INTEGER; BEGIN IF ~obj.fpdone THEN fprint := 0; obj.fpdone := TRUE; DevCPM.FPrint(fprint, obj.mode); IF obj.mode = Con THEN f := obj.typ.form; DevCPM.FPrint(fprint, f); CASE f OF | Bool, Char8, Char16, Int8, Int16, Int32: DevCPM.FPrint(fprint, obj.conval.intval) | Int64: x := SHORT(ENTIER((obj.conval.realval + obj.conval.intval) / 4294967296.0)); r := obj.conval.realval + obj.conval.intval - x * 4294967296.0; IF r > MAX(INTEGER) THEN r := r - 4294967296.0 END; DevCPM.FPrint(fprint, SHORT(ENTIER(r))); DevCPM.FPrint(fprint, x) | Set: DevCPM.FPrintSet(fprint, obj.conval.setval) | Real32: rval := SHORT(obj.conval.realval); DevCPM.FPrintReal(fprint, rval) | Real64: DevCPM.FPrintLReal(fprint, obj.conval.realval) | String8, String16: FPrintName(fprint, obj.conval.ext^) | NilTyp: ELSE err(127) END ELSIF obj.mode = Var THEN DevCPM.FPrint(fprint, obj.vis); FPrintStr(obj.typ); DevCPM.FPrint(fprint, obj.typ.pbfp) ELSIF obj.mode IN {XProc, IProc} THEN FPrintSign(fprint, obj.typ, obj.link) ELSIF obj.mode = CProc THEN FPrintSign(fprint, obj.typ, obj.link); ext := obj.conval.ext; IF ext # NIL THEN m := LEN(ext^); x := 0; DevCPM.FPrint(fprint, m); WHILE x < m DO DevCPM.FPrint(fprint, ORD(ext^[x])); INC(x) END ELSE DevCPM.FPrint(fprint, 0); END ELSIF obj.mode = Typ THEN FPrintStr(obj.typ); DevCPM.FPrint(fprint, obj.typ.pbfp) END ; IF obj.sysflag < 0 THEN DevCPM.FPrint(fprint, obj.sysflag) END; IF obj.mode IN {LProc, XProc, CProc, Var, Typ, Con} THEN IF obj.library # NIL THEN FPrintName(fprint, obj.library) ELSIF obj.mnolev < 0 THEN mod := GlbMod[-obj.mnolev]; IF (mod.library # NIL) THEN FPrintName(fprint, mod.library) END ELSIF obj.mnolev = 0 THEN IF libName # "" THEN FPrintName(fprint, libName) END END; IF obj.entry # NIL THEN FPrintName(fprint, obj.entry) END END; obj.fprint := fprint END END FPrintObj; PROCEDURE FPrintErr* (obj: Object; errno: SHORTINT); (* !!! *) BEGIN IF errno = 249 THEN DevCPM.LogWLn; DevCPM.LogWStr(" "); DevCPM.LogWPar("#Dev:InconsistentImport", GlbMod[-obj.mnolev].name, obj.name); err(249) ELSIF obj = NIL THEN (* changed module sys flags *) IF ~symNew & sfpresent THEN DevCPM.LogWLn; DevCPM.LogWStr(" "); DevCPM.LogWPar("#Dev:ChangedLibFlag", "", "") END ELSIF obj.mnolev = 0 THEN (* don't report changes in imported modules *) IF sfpresent THEN IF symChanges < 20 THEN DevCPM.LogWLn; DevCPM.LogWStr(" "); CASE errno OF | 250: DevCPM.LogWPar("#Dev:IsNoLongerInSymFile", obj.name, "") | 251: DevCPM.LogWPar("#Dev:IsRedefinedInternally", obj.name, "") | 252: DevCPM.LogWPar("#Dev:IsRedefined", obj.name, "") | 253: DevCPM.LogWPar("#Dev:IsNewInSymFile", obj.name, "") END ELSIF symChanges = 20 THEN DevCPM.LogWLn; DevCPM.LogWStr(" ...") END; INC(symChanges) ELSIF (errno = 253) & ~symExtended THEN DevCPM.LogWLn; DevCPM.LogWStr(" "); DevCPM.LogWPar("#Dev:NewSymFile", "", "") END END; IF errno = 253 THEN symExtended := TRUE ELSE symNew := TRUE END END FPrintErr; (*-------------------------- Import --------------------------*) PROCEDURE InName(OUT name: String); VAR i: INTEGER; ch: SHORTCHAR; n: Name; BEGIN i := 0; REPEAT DevCPM.SymRCh(ch); n[i] := ch; INC(i) UNTIL ch = 0X; IF i > 1 THEN NEW(name, i); name^ := n$ ELSE name := null END END InName; PROCEDURE InMod(tag: INTEGER; OUT mno: BYTE); (* mno is global *) VAR head: Object; name: String; i: BYTE; lib: String; BEGIN IF tag = 0 THEN mno := impCtxt.glbmno[0] ELSIF tag > 0 THEN lib := NIL; IF tag = Slib THEN InName(lib); tag := DevCPM.SymRInt() END; ASSERT(tag = Smname); InName(name); IF (name^ = SelfName) & ~impCtxt.self & ~(DevCPM.interface IN DevCPM.options) THEN err(154) END ; i := 0; WHILE (i < nofGmod) & (name^ # GlbMod[i].name^) DO INC(i) END ; IF i < nofGmod THEN mno := i (*module already present*) ELSE head := NewObj(); head.mode := Head; head.name := name; mno := nofGmod; head.mnolev := SHORT(SHORT(-mno)); head.library := lib; IF nofGmod < maxImps THEN GlbMod[mno] := head; INC(nofGmod) ELSE err(227) END END ; impCtxt.glbmno[impCtxt.nofm] := mno; INC(impCtxt.nofm) ELSE mno := impCtxt.glbmno[-tag] END END InMod; PROCEDURE InConstant(f: INTEGER; conval: Const); VAR ch: SHORTCHAR; ext, t: ConstExt; rval: SHORTREAL; r, s: REAL; i, x, y: INTEGER; str: Name; BEGIN CASE f OF | Byte, Char8, Bool: DevCPM.SymRCh(ch); conval.intval := ORD(ch) | Char16: DevCPM.SymRCh(ch); conval.intval := ORD(ch); DevCPM.SymRCh(ch); conval.intval := conval.intval + ORD(ch) * 256 | Int8, Int16, Int32: conval.intval := DevCPM.SymRInt() | Int64: DevCPM.SymRCh(ch); x := 0; y := 1; r := 0; s := 268435456 (*2^28*); WHILE (y < 268435456 (*2^28*)) & (ch >= 80X) DO x := x + (ORD(ch) - 128) * y; y := y * 128; DevCPM.SymRCh(ch) END; WHILE ch >= 80X DO r := r + (ORD(ch) - 128) * s; s := s * 128; DevCPM.SymRCh(ch) END; conval.realval := r + x + ((LONG(ORD(ch)) + 64) MOD 128 - 64) * s; conval.intval := SHORT(ENTIER(r + x + ((LONG(ORD(ch)) + 64) MOD 128 - 64) * s - conval.realval)) | Set: DevCPM.SymRSet(conval.setval) | Real32: DevCPM.SymRReal(rval); conval.realval := rval; conval.intval := DevCPM.ConstNotAlloc | Real64: DevCPM.SymRLReal(conval.realval); conval.intval := DevCPM.ConstNotAlloc | String8, String16: i := 0; REPEAT DevCPM.SymRCh(ch); IF i < LEN(str) - 1 THEN str[i] := ch ELSIF i = LEN(str) - 1 THEN str[i] := 0X; NEW(ext, 2 * LEN(str)); ext^ := str$; ext[i] := ch ELSIF i < LEN(ext^) - 1 THEN ext[i] := ch ELSE t := ext; t[i] := 0X; NEW(ext, 2 * LEN(t^)); ext^ := t^$; ext[i] := ch END; INC(i) UNTIL ch = 0X; IF i < LEN(str) THEN NEW(ext, i); ext^ := str$ END; conval.ext := ext; conval.intval := DevCPM.ConstNotAlloc; IF f = String8 THEN conval.intval2 := i ELSE i := 0; y := 0; REPEAT DevCPM.GetUtf8(ext^, x, i); INC(y) UNTIL x = 0; conval.intval2 := y END | NilTyp: conval.intval := 0 (* | Guid: ext := NewExt(); conval.ext := ext; i := 0; WHILE i < 16 DO DevCPM.SymRCh(ch); ext^[i] := ch; INC(i) END; ext[16] := 0X; conval.intval2 := 16; conval.intval := DevCPM.ConstNotAlloc; *) END END InConstant; PROCEDURE ^InStruct(VAR typ: Struct); PROCEDURE InSign(mno: BYTE; VAR res: Struct; VAR par: Object); VAR last, new: Object; tag: INTEGER; BEGIN InStruct(res); tag := DevCPM.SymRInt(); last := NIL; WHILE tag # Send DO new := NewObj(); new.mnolev := SHORT(SHORT(-mno)); IF last = NIL THEN par := new ELSE last.link := new END ; IF tag = Ssys THEN new.sysflag := SHORT(SHORT(DevCPM.SymRInt())); tag := DevCPM.SymRInt(); IF ODD(new.sysflag DIV inBit) THEN new.vis := inPar ELSIF ODD(new.sysflag DIV outBit) THEN new.vis := outPar END END; IF tag = Svalpar THEN new.mode := Var ELSE new.mode := VarPar; IF tag = Sinpar THEN new.vis := inPar ELSIF tag = Soutpar THEN new.vis := outPar END END ; InStruct(new.typ); new.adr := DevCPM.SymRInt(); InName(new.name); last := new; tag := DevCPM.SymRInt() END END InSign; PROCEDURE InFld(): Object; (* first number in impCtxt.nextTag, mno set outside *) VAR tag: INTEGER; obj: Object; BEGIN tag := impCtxt.nextTag; obj := NewObj(); IF tag <= Srfld THEN obj.mode := Fld; IF tag = Srfld THEN obj.vis := externalR ELSE obj.vis := external END ; InStruct(obj.typ); InName(obj.name); obj.adr := DevCPM.SymRInt() ELSE obj.mode := Fld; IF tag = Shdptr THEN obj.name := NewName(DevCPM.HdPtrName) ELSIF tag = Shdutptr THEN obj.name := NewName(DevCPM.HdUtPtrName); (* !!! *) obj.sysflag := 1 ELSIF tag = Ssys THEN obj.name := NewName(DevCPM.HdUtPtrName); obj.sysflag := SHORT(SHORT(DevCPM.SymRInt())) ELSE obj.name := NewName(DevCPM.HdProcName) END; obj.typ := undftyp; obj.vis := internal; obj.adr := DevCPM.SymRInt() END; RETURN obj END InFld; PROCEDURE InTProc(mno: BYTE): Object; (* first number in impCtxt.nextTag *) VAR tag: INTEGER; obj: Object; BEGIN tag := impCtxt.nextTag; obj := NewObj(); obj.mnolev := SHORT(SHORT(-mno)); IF tag = Shdtpro THEN obj.mode := TProc; obj.name := NewName(DevCPM.HdTProcName); obj.link := NewObj(); (* dummy, easier in Browser *) obj.typ := undftyp; obj.vis := internal; obj.num := DevCPM.SymRInt() ELSE obj.vis := external; IF tag = Simpo THEN obj.vis := externalR; tag := DevCPM.SymRInt() END; obj.mode := TProc; obj.conval := NewConst(); obj.conval.intval := -1; IF tag = Sentry THEN InName(obj.entry); tag := DevCPM.SymRInt() END; InSign(mno, obj.typ, obj.link); InName(obj.name); obj.num := DevCPM.SymRInt(); IF tag = Slimpro THEN INCL(obj.conval.setval, limAttr) ELSIF tag = Sabspro THEN INCL(obj.conval.setval, absAttr) ELSIF tag = Semppro THEN INCL(obj.conval.setval, empAttr) ELSIF tag = Sextpro THEN INCL(obj.conval.setval, extAttr) END END ; RETURN obj END InTProc; PROCEDURE InStruct(VAR typ: Struct); VAR mno: BYTE; ref: SHORTINT; tag: INTEGER; name: String; t: Struct; obj, last, fld, old, dummy: Object; BEGIN tag := DevCPM.SymRInt(); IF tag # Sstruct THEN tag := -tag; IF (version = 0) & (tag >= FirstRef0) THEN tag := tag + FirstRef - FirstRef0 END; (* correction for new FirstRef *) typ := impCtxt.ref[tag] ELSE ref := impCtxt.nofr; INC(impCtxt.nofr); IF ref < impCtxt.minr THEN impCtxt.minr := ref END ; tag := DevCPM.SymRInt(); InMod(tag, mno); InName(name); obj := NewObj(); IF name = null THEN IF impCtxt.self THEN old := NIL (* do not insert type desc anchor here, but in OPL *) ELSE obj.name := NewName("@"); InsertIn(obj, GlbMod[mno], old(*=NIL*)); obj.name := null END ; typ := NewStr(Undef, Basic) ELSE obj.name := name; InsertIn(obj, GlbMod[mno], old); IF old # NIL THEN (* recalculate fprints to compare with old fprints *) FPrintObj(old); impCtxt.pvfp[ref] := old.typ.pvfp; IF impCtxt.self THEN (* do not overwrite old typ *) typ := NewStr(Undef, Basic) ELSE (* overwrite old typ for compatibility reason *) typ := old.typ; typ.link := NIL; typ.sysflag := 0; typ.ext := NIL; typ.fpdone := FALSE; typ.idfpdone := FALSE END ELSE typ := NewStr(Undef, Basic) END END ; impCtxt.ref[ref] := typ; impCtxt.old[ref] := old; typ.ref := SHORT(ref + maxStruct); (* ref >= maxStruct: not exported yet, ref used for err 155 *) typ.mno := mno; typ.allocated := TRUE; typ.strobj := obj; obj.mode := Typ; obj.typ := typ; obj.mnolev := SHORT(SHORT(-mno)); obj.vis := internal; (* name not visible here *) tag := DevCPM.SymRInt(); IF tag = Ssys THEN typ.sysflag := SHORT(DevCPM.SymRInt()); tag := DevCPM.SymRInt() END; typ.untagged := typ.sysflag > 0; IF tag = Slib THEN InName(obj.library); tag := DevCPM.SymRInt() END; IF tag = Sentry THEN InName(obj.entry); tag := DevCPM.SymRInt() END; IF tag = String8 THEN InName(typ.ext); tag := DevCPM.SymRInt() END; CASE tag OF | Sptr: typ.form := Pointer; typ.size := DevCPM.PointerSize; typ.n := 0; InStruct(typ.BaseTyp) | Sarr: typ.form := Comp; typ.comp := Array; InStruct(typ.BaseTyp); typ.n := DevCPM.SymRInt(); typ.size := typ.n * typ.BaseTyp.size (* !!! *) | Sdarr: typ.form := Comp; typ.comp := DynArr; InStruct(typ.BaseTyp); IF typ.BaseTyp.comp = DynArr THEN typ.n := typ.BaseTyp.n + 1 ELSE typ.n := 0 END ; typ.size := DevCPM.DArrSizeA + DevCPM.DArrSizeB * typ.n; (* !!! *) IF typ.untagged THEN typ.size := DevCPM.PointerSize END | Srec, Sabsrec, Slimrec, Sextrec: typ.form := Comp; typ.comp := Record; InStruct(typ.BaseTyp); (* correction by ETH 18.1.96 *) IF typ.BaseTyp = notyp THEN typ.BaseTyp := NIL END; typ.extlev := 0; t := typ.BaseTyp; WHILE (t # NIL) & (t.comp = Record) DO INC(typ.extlev); t := t.BaseTyp END; typ.size := DevCPM.SymRInt(); typ.align := DevCPM.SymRInt(); typ.n := DevCPM.SymRInt(); IF tag = Sabsrec THEN typ.attribute := absAttr ELSIF tag = Slimrec THEN typ.attribute := limAttr ELSIF tag = Sextrec THEN typ.attribute := extAttr END; impCtxt.nextTag := DevCPM.SymRInt(); last := NIL; WHILE (impCtxt.nextTag >= Sfld) & (impCtxt.nextTag <= Shdpro) OR (impCtxt.nextTag = Shdutptr) OR (impCtxt.nextTag = Ssys) DO fld := InFld(); fld.mnolev := SHORT(SHORT(-mno)); IF last # NIL THEN last.link := fld END ; last := fld; InsertThisField(fld, typ, dummy); impCtxt.nextTag := DevCPM.SymRInt() END ; WHILE impCtxt.nextTag # Send DO fld := InTProc(mno); InsertThisField(fld, typ, dummy); impCtxt.nextTag := DevCPM.SymRInt() END | Spro: typ.form := ProcTyp; typ.size := DevCPM.ProcSize; InSign(mno, typ.BaseTyp, typ.link) | Salias: InStruct(t); typ.form := t.form; typ.comp := Basic; typ.size := t.size; typ.pbfp := t.pbfp; typ.pvfp := t.pvfp; typ.fpdone := TRUE; typ.idfp := t.idfp; typ.idfpdone := TRUE; typ.BaseTyp := t END ; IF ref = impCtxt.minr THEN WHILE ref < impCtxt.nofr DO t := impCtxt.ref[ref]; FPrintStr(t); obj := t.strobj; (* obj.typ.strobj = obj, else obj.fprint differs (alias) *) IF obj.name # null THEN FPrintObj(obj) END ; old := impCtxt.old[ref]; IF old # NIL THEN t.strobj := old; (* restore strobj *) IF impCtxt.self THEN IF old.mnolev < 0 THEN IF old.history # inconsistent THEN IF old.fprint # obj.fprint THEN old.history := pbmodified ELSIF impCtxt.pvfp[ref] # t.pvfp THEN old.history := pvmodified END (* ELSE remain inconsistent *) END ELSIF old.fprint # obj.fprint THEN old.history := pbmodified ELSIF impCtxt.pvfp[ref] # t.pvfp THEN old.history := pvmodified ELSIF old.vis = internal THEN old.history := same (* may be changed to "removed" in InObj *) ELSE old.history := inserted (* may be changed to "same" in InObj *) END ELSE (* check private part, delay error message until really used *) IF impCtxt.pvfp[ref] # t.pvfp THEN old.history := inconsistent END ; IF old.fprint # obj.fprint THEN FPrintErr(old, 249) END END ELSIF impCtxt.self THEN obj.history := removed ELSE obj.history := same END ; INC(ref) END ; impCtxt.minr := maxStruct END END END InStruct; PROCEDURE InObj(mno: BYTE): Object; (* first number in impCtxt.nextTag *) VAR obj, old: Object; typ: Struct; tag, i, s: INTEGER; ext: ConstExt; BEGIN tag := impCtxt.nextTag; IF tag = Stype THEN InStruct(typ); obj := typ.strobj; IF ~impCtxt.self THEN obj.vis := external END (* type name visible now, obj.fprint already done *) ELSE obj := NewObj(); obj.mnolev := SHORT(SHORT(-mno)); obj.vis := external; IF tag = Ssys THEN obj.sysflag := SHORT(SHORT(DevCPM.SymRInt())); tag := DevCPM.SymRInt() END; IF tag = Slib THEN InName(obj.library); tag := DevCPM.SymRInt() END; IF tag = Sentry THEN InName(obj.entry); tag := DevCPM.SymRInt() END; IF tag >= Sxpro THEN IF obj.conval = NIL THEN obj.conval := NewConst() END; obj.conval.intval := -1; InSign(mno, obj.typ, obj.link); CASE tag OF | Sxpro: obj.mode := XProc | Sipro: obj.mode := IProc | Scpro: obj.mode := CProc; s := DevCPM.SymRInt(); IF s # 0 THEN NEW(ext, s); i := 0; WHILE i < s DO DevCPM.SymRCh(ext^[i]); INC(i) END ELSE ext := NIL END; obj.conval.ext := ext; END ELSIF tag = Salias THEN obj.mode := Typ; InStruct(obj.typ) ELSIF (tag = Svar) OR (tag = Srvar) THEN obj.mode := Var; IF tag = Srvar THEN obj.vis := externalR END ; InStruct(obj.typ) ELSE (* Constant *) obj.conval := NewConst(); InConstant(tag, obj.conval); IF (tag = Int8) OR (tag = Int16) THEN tag := Int32 END; obj.mode := Con; obj.typ := impCtxt.ref[tag]; END ; InName(obj.name) END ; FPrintObj(obj); IF (obj.mode = Var) & ((obj.typ.strobj = NIL) OR (obj.typ.strobj.name = null)) THEN (* compute a global fingerprint to avoid structural type equivalence for anonymous types *) DevCPM.FPrint(impCtxt.reffp, obj.typ.ref - maxStruct) END ; IF tag # Stype THEN InsertIn(obj, GlbMod[mno], old); IF impCtxt.self THEN IF old # NIL THEN (* obj is from old symbol file, old is new declaration *) IF old.vis = internal THEN old.history := removed ELSE FPrintObj(old); FPrintStr(old.typ); (* FPrint(obj) already called *) IF obj.fprint # old.fprint THEN old.history := pbmodified ELSIF obj.typ.pvfp # old.typ.pvfp THEN old.history := pvmodified ELSE old.history := same END END ELSE obj.history := removed (* OutObj not called if mnolev < 0 *) END (* ELSE old = NIL, or file read twice, consistent, OutObj not called *) END ELSE (* obj already inserted in InStruct *) IF impCtxt.self THEN (* obj.mnolev = 0 *) IF obj.vis = internal THEN obj.history := removed ELSIF obj.history = inserted THEN obj.history := same END (* ELSE OutObj not called for obj with mnolev < 0 *) END END ; RETURN obj END InObj; PROCEDURE Import*(IN aliasName, name: Name; VAR done: BOOLEAN); VAR obj, h: Object; mno: BYTE; tag, p: INTEGER; lib: String; (* done used in Browser *) BEGIN IF name = "SYSTEM" THEN SYSimported := TRUE; p := processor; IF (p < 10) OR (p > 30) THEN p := DevCPM.sysImp END; INCL(DevCPM.options, p); (* for sysflag handling *) Insert(aliasName, obj); obj.mode := Mod; obj.mnolev := 0; obj.scope := syslink; obj.typ := notyp; h := NewObj(); h.mode := Head; h.right := syslink; obj.scope := h ELSIF name = "COM" THEN IF DevCPM.comAware IN DevCPM.options THEN INCL(DevCPM.options, DevCPM.com); (* for sysflag handling *) Insert(aliasName, obj); obj.mode := Mod; obj.mnolev := 0; obj.scope := comlink; obj.typ := notyp; h := NewObj(); h.mode := Head; h.right := comlink; obj.scope := h; ELSE err(151) END; ELSIF name = "JAVA" THEN INCL(DevCPM.options, DevCPM.java) ELSE impCtxt.nofr := FirstRef; impCtxt.minr := maxStruct; impCtxt.nofm := 0; impCtxt.self := aliasName = "@self"; impCtxt.reffp := 0; DevCPM.OldSym(name, done); IF done THEN lib := NIL; impProc := SHORT(DevCPM.SymRInt()); IF (impProc # 0) & (processor # 0) & (impProc # processor) THEN err(151) END; DevCPM.checksum := 0; (* start checksum here to avoid problems with proc id fixup *) tag := DevCPM.SymRInt(); IF tag < Smname THEN version := tag; tag := DevCPM.SymRInt() ELSE version := 0 END; IF tag = Slib THEN InName(lib); tag := DevCPM.SymRInt() END; InMod(tag, mno); IF (name[0] # "@") & (GlbMod[mno].name^ # name) THEN (* symbol file name conflict *) GlbMod[mno] := NIL; nofGmod := mno; DEC(impCtxt.nofm); DevCPM.CloseOldSym; done := FALSE END; END; IF done THEN GlbMod[mno].library := lib; impCtxt.nextTag := DevCPM.SymRInt(); WHILE ~DevCPM.eofSF() DO obj := InObj(mno); impCtxt.nextTag := DevCPM.SymRInt() END ; Insert(aliasName, obj); obj.mode := Mod; obj.scope := GlbMod[mno](*.right*); GlbMod[mno].link := obj; obj.mnolev := SHORT(SHORT(-mno)); obj.typ := notyp; DevCPM.CloseOldSym ELSIF impCtxt.self THEN sfpresent := FALSE ELSE err(152) (*sym file not found*) END END END Import; (*-------------------------- Export --------------------------*) PROCEDURE OutName(IN name: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR); VAR i: INTEGER; ch: SHORTCHAR; BEGIN i := 0; REPEAT ch := name[i]; DevCPM.SymWCh(ch); INC(i) UNTIL ch = 0X END OutName; PROCEDURE OutMod(mno: SHORTINT); VAR mod: Object; BEGIN IF expCtxt.locmno[mno] < 0 THEN (* new mod *) mod := GlbMod[mno]; IF mod.library # NIL THEN DevCPM.SymWInt(Slib); OutName(mod.library) END; DevCPM.SymWInt(Smname); expCtxt.locmno[mno] := expCtxt.nofm; INC(expCtxt.nofm); OutName(mod.name) ELSE DevCPM.SymWInt(-expCtxt.locmno[mno]) END END OutMod; PROCEDURE ^OutStr(typ: Struct); PROCEDURE ^OutFlds(fld: Object; adr: INTEGER; visible: BOOLEAN); PROCEDURE OutHdFld(typ: Struct; fld: Object; adr: INTEGER); VAR i, j, n: INTEGER; btyp: Struct; BEGIN IF typ.comp = Record THEN IF typ.BaseTyp # NIL THEN OutHdFld(typ.BaseTyp, fld, adr) END ; OutFlds(typ.link, adr, FALSE) ELSIF typ.comp = Array THEN btyp := typ.BaseTyp; n := typ.n; WHILE btyp.comp = Array DO n := btyp.n * n; btyp := btyp.BaseTyp END ; IF (btyp.form = Pointer) OR (btyp.comp = Record) THEN j := nofhdfld; OutHdFld(btyp, fld, adr); IF j # nofhdfld THEN i := 1; WHILE (i < n) (* & (nofhdfld <= DevCPM.MaxHdFld) *) DO (* !!! *) INC(adr, btyp.size); OutHdFld(btyp, fld, adr); INC(i) END END END ELSIF DevCPM.ExpHdPtrFld & ((typ.form = Pointer) & ~typ.untagged OR (fld.name^ = DevCPM.HdPtrName)) THEN (* !!! *) DevCPM.SymWInt(Shdptr); DevCPM.SymWInt(adr); INC(nofhdfld) ELSIF DevCPM.ExpHdUtPtrFld & ((typ.form = Pointer) & typ.untagged OR (fld.name^ = DevCPM.HdUtPtrName)) THEN (* !!! *) DevCPM.SymWInt(Ssys); (* DevCPM.SymWInt(Shdutptr); *) IF typ.form = Pointer THEN n := typ.sysflag ELSE n := fld.sysflag END; DevCPM.SymWInt(n); DevCPM.SymWInt(adr); INC(nofhdfld); IF n > 1 THEN portable := FALSE END (* hidden untagged pointer are portable *) ELSIF DevCPM.ExpHdProcFld & ((typ.form = ProcTyp) OR (fld.name^ = DevCPM.HdProcName)) THEN DevCPM.SymWInt(Shdpro); DevCPM.SymWInt(adr); INC(nofhdfld) END END OutHdFld; PROCEDURE OutFlds(fld: Object; adr: INTEGER; visible: BOOLEAN); BEGIN WHILE (fld # NIL) & (fld.mode = Fld) DO IF (fld.vis # internal) & visible THEN IF fld.vis = externalR THEN DevCPM.SymWInt(Srfld) ELSE DevCPM.SymWInt(Sfld) END ; OutStr(fld.typ); OutName(fld.name); DevCPM.SymWInt(fld.adr) ELSE OutHdFld(fld.typ, fld, fld.adr + adr) END ; fld := fld.link END END OutFlds; PROCEDURE OutSign(result: Struct; par: Object); BEGIN OutStr(result); WHILE par # NIL DO IF par.sysflag # 0 THEN DevCPM.SymWInt(Ssys); DevCPM.SymWInt(par.sysflag) END; IF par.mode = Var THEN DevCPM.SymWInt(Svalpar) ELSIF par.vis = inPar THEN DevCPM.SymWInt(Sinpar) ELSIF par.vis = outPar THEN DevCPM.SymWInt(Soutpar) ELSE DevCPM.SymWInt(Svarpar) END ; OutStr(par.typ); DevCPM.SymWInt(par.adr); OutName(par.name); par := par.link END ; DevCPM.SymWInt(Send) END OutSign; PROCEDURE OutTProcs(typ: Struct; obj: Object); VAR bObj: Object; BEGIN IF obj # NIL THEN IF obj.mode = TProc THEN (* IF (typ.BaseTyp # NIL) & (obj.num < typ.BaseTyp.n) & (obj.vis = internal) & (obj.scope # NIL) THEN FindBaseField(obj.name^, typ, bObj); ASSERT((bObj # NIL) & (bObj.num = obj.num)); IF bObj.vis # internal THEN DevCPM.Mark(109, typ.txtpos) END (* hidden and overriding, not detected in OPP because record exported indirectly or via aliasing *) END; *) IF obj.vis # internal THEN IF obj.vis = externalR THEN DevCPM.SymWInt(Simpo) END; IF obj.entry # NIL THEN DevCPM.SymWInt(Sentry); OutName(obj.entry); portable := FALSE END; IF limAttr IN obj.conval.setval THEN DevCPM.SymWInt(Slimpro) ELSIF absAttr IN obj.conval.setval THEN DevCPM.SymWInt(Sabspro) ELSIF empAttr IN obj.conval.setval THEN DevCPM.SymWInt(Semppro) ELSIF extAttr IN obj.conval.setval THEN DevCPM.SymWInt(Sextpro) ELSE DevCPM.SymWInt(Stpro) END; OutSign(obj.typ, obj.link); OutName(obj.name); DevCPM.SymWInt(obj.num) ELSIF DevCPM.ExpHdTProc THEN DevCPM.SymWInt(Shdtpro); DevCPM.SymWInt(obj.num) END END; OutTProcs(typ, obj.left); OutTProcs(typ, obj.right) END END OutTProcs; PROCEDURE OutStr(typ: Struct); (* OPV.TypeAlloc already applied *) VAR strobj: Object; BEGIN IF typ.ref < expCtxt.ref THEN DevCPM.SymWInt(-typ.ref) ELSE DevCPM.SymWInt(Sstruct); typ.ref := expCtxt.ref; INC(expCtxt.ref); IF expCtxt.ref >= maxStruct THEN err(228) END ; OutMod(typ.mno); strobj := typ.strobj; IF (strobj # NIL) & (strobj.name # null) THEN OutName(strobj.name); CASE strobj.history OF | pbmodified: FPrintErr(strobj, 252) | pvmodified: FPrintErr(strobj, 251) | inconsistent: FPrintErr(strobj, 249) ELSE (* checked in OutObj or correct indirect export *) END ELSE DevCPM.SymWCh(0X) (* anonymous => never inconsistent, pvfp influences the client fp *) END; IF typ.sysflag # 0 THEN (* !!! *) DevCPM.SymWInt(Ssys); DevCPM.SymWInt(typ.sysflag); IF typ.sysflag > 0 THEN portable := FALSE END END; IF strobj # NIL THEN IF strobj.library # NIL THEN DevCPM.SymWInt(Slib); OutName(strobj.library); portable := FALSE END; IF strobj.entry # NIL THEN DevCPM.SymWInt(Sentry); OutName(strobj.entry); portable := FALSE END END; IF typ.ext # NIL THEN DevCPM.SymWInt(String8); OutName(typ.ext); portable := FALSE END; CASE typ.form OF | Pointer: DevCPM.SymWInt(Sptr); OutStr(typ.BaseTyp) | ProcTyp: DevCPM.SymWInt(Spro); OutSign(typ.BaseTyp, typ.link) | Comp: CASE typ.comp OF | Array: DevCPM.SymWInt(Sarr); OutStr(typ.BaseTyp); DevCPM.SymWInt(typ.n) | DynArr: DevCPM.SymWInt(Sdarr); OutStr(typ.BaseTyp) | Record: IF typ.attribute = limAttr THEN DevCPM.SymWInt(Slimrec) ELSIF typ.attribute = absAttr THEN DevCPM.SymWInt(Sabsrec) ELSIF typ.attribute = extAttr THEN DevCPM.SymWInt(Sextrec) ELSE DevCPM.SymWInt(Srec) END; IF typ.BaseTyp = NIL THEN OutStr(notyp) ELSE OutStr(typ.BaseTyp) END ; (* BaseTyp should be Notyp, too late to change *) DevCPM.SymWInt(typ.size); DevCPM.SymWInt(typ.align); DevCPM.SymWInt(typ.n); nofhdfld := 0; OutFlds(typ.link, 0, TRUE); (* IF nofhdfld > DevCPM.MaxHdFld THEN DevCPM.Mark(223, typ.txtpos) END ; (* !!! *) *) OutTProcs(typ, typ.link); DevCPM.SymWInt(Send) END ELSE (* alias structure *) DevCPM.SymWInt(Salias); OutStr(typ.BaseTyp) END END END OutStr; PROCEDURE OutConstant(obj: Object); VAR f: SHORTINT; rval: SHORTREAL; a, b, c: INTEGER; r: REAL; BEGIN f := obj.typ.form; (* IF obj.typ = guidtyp THEN f := Guid END; *) IF f = Int32 THEN IF (obj.conval.intval >= -128) & (obj.conval.intval <= -127) THEN f := Int8 ELSIF (obj.conval.intval >= -32768) & (obj.conval.intval <= -32767) THEN f := Int16 END END; DevCPM.SymWInt(f); CASE f OF | Bool, Char8: DevCPM.SymWCh(SHORT(CHR(obj.conval.intval))) | Char16: DevCPM.SymWCh(SHORT(CHR(obj.conval.intval MOD 256))); DevCPM.SymWCh(SHORT(CHR(obj.conval.intval DIV 256))) | Int8, Int16, Int32: DevCPM.SymWInt(obj.conval.intval) | Int64: IF ABS(obj.conval.realval + obj.conval.intval) <= MAX(INTEGER) THEN a := SHORT(ENTIER(obj.conval.realval + obj.conval.intval)); b := -1; c := -1 ELSIF ABS(obj.conval.realval + obj.conval.intval) <= 1125899906842624.0 (*2^50*) THEN a := SHORT(ENTIER((obj.conval.realval + obj.conval.intval) / 2097152.0 (*2^21*))); b := SHORT(ENTIER(obj.conval.realval + obj.conval.intval - a * 2097152.0 (*2^21*))); c := -1 ELSE a := SHORT(ENTIER((obj.conval.realval + obj.conval.intval) / 4398046511104.0 (*2^42*))); r := obj.conval.realval + obj.conval.intval - a * 4398046511104.0 (*2^42*); b := SHORT(ENTIER(r / 2097152.0 (*2^21*))); c := SHORT(ENTIER(r - b * 2097152.0 (*2^21*))) END; IF c >= 0 THEN DevCPM.SymWCh(SHORT(CHR(c MOD 128 + 128))); c := c DIV 128; DevCPM.SymWCh(SHORT(CHR(c MOD 128 + 128))); c := c DIV 128; DevCPM.SymWCh(SHORT(CHR(c MOD 128 + 128))) END; IF b >= 0 THEN DevCPM.SymWCh(SHORT(CHR(b MOD 128 + 128))); b := b DIV 128; DevCPM.SymWCh(SHORT(CHR(b MOD 128 + 128))); b := b DIV 128; DevCPM.SymWCh(SHORT(CHR(b MOD 128 + 128))) END; DevCPM.SymWInt(a) | Set: DevCPM.SymWSet(obj.conval.setval) | Real32: rval := SHORT(obj.conval.realval); DevCPM.SymWReal(rval) | Real64: DevCPM.SymWLReal(obj.conval.realval) | String8, String16: OutName(obj.conval.ext^) | NilTyp: (* | Guid: i := 0; WHILE i < 16 DO DevCPM.SymWCh(obj.conval.ext[i]); INC(i) END *) ELSE err(127) END END OutConstant; PROCEDURE OutObj(obj: Object); VAR i, j: INTEGER; ext: ConstExt; BEGIN IF obj # NIL THEN OutObj(obj.left); IF obj.mode IN {Con, Typ, Var, LProc, XProc, CProc, IProc} THEN IF obj.history = removed THEN FPrintErr(obj, 250) ELSIF obj.vis # internal THEN CASE obj.history OF | inserted: FPrintErr(obj, 253) | same: (* ok *) | pbmodified: IF (obj.mode # Typ) OR (obj.typ.strobj # obj) THEN FPrintErr(obj, 252) END | pvmodified: IF (obj.mode # Typ) OR (obj.typ.strobj # obj) THEN FPrintErr(obj, 251) END END ; IF obj.sysflag < 0 THEN DevCPM.SymWInt(Ssys); DevCPM.SymWInt(obj.sysflag); portable := FALSE END; IF obj.mode IN {LProc, XProc, CProc, Var, Con} THEN (* name alias for types handled in OutStr *) IF obj.library # NIL THEN DevCPM.SymWInt(Slib); OutName(obj.library); portable := FALSE END; IF obj.entry # NIL THEN DevCPM.SymWInt(Sentry); OutName(obj.entry); portable := FALSE END END; CASE obj.mode OF | Con: OutConstant(obj); OutName(obj.name) | Typ: IF obj.typ.strobj = obj THEN DevCPM.SymWInt(Stype); OutStr(obj.typ) ELSE DevCPM.SymWInt(Salias); OutStr(obj.typ); OutName(obj.name) END | Var: IF obj.vis = externalR THEN DevCPM.SymWInt(Srvar) ELSE DevCPM.SymWInt(Svar) END ; OutStr(obj.typ); OutName(obj.name); IF (obj.typ.strobj = NIL) OR (obj.typ.strobj.name = null) THEN (* compute fingerprint to avoid structural type equivalence *) DevCPM.FPrint(expCtxt.reffp, obj.typ.ref) END | XProc: DevCPM.SymWInt(Sxpro); OutSign(obj.typ, obj.link); OutName(obj.name) | IProc: DevCPM.SymWInt(Sipro); OutSign(obj.typ, obj.link); OutName(obj.name) | CProc: DevCPM.SymWInt(Scpro); OutSign(obj.typ, obj.link); ext := obj.conval.ext; IF ext # NIL THEN j := LEN(ext^); i := 0; DevCPM.SymWInt(j); WHILE i < j DO DevCPM.SymWCh(ext[i]); INC(i) END ELSE DevCPM.SymWInt(0) END; OutName(obj.name); portable := FALSE END END END ; OutObj(obj.right) END END OutObj; PROCEDURE Export*(VAR ext, new: BOOLEAN); VAR i: INTEGER; nofmod: BYTE; done: BOOLEAN; old: Object; oldCSum: INTEGER; BEGIN symExtended := FALSE; symNew := FALSE; nofmod := nofGmod; Import("@self", SelfName, done); nofGmod := nofmod; oldCSum := DevCPM.checksum; ASSERT(GlbMod[0].name^ = SelfName); IF DevCPM.noerr THEN (* ~DevCPM.noerr => ~done *) DevCPM.NewSym(SelfName); IF DevCPM.noerr THEN DevCPM.SymWInt(0); (* portable symfile *) DevCPM.checksum := 0; (* start checksum here to avoid problems with proc id fixup *) DevCPM.SymWInt(actVersion); old := GlbMod[0]; portable := TRUE; IF libName # "" THEN DevCPM.SymWInt(Slib); OutName(libName); portable := FALSE; IF done & ((old.library = NIL) OR (old.library^ # libName)) THEN FPrintErr(NIL, 252) END ELSIF done & (old.library # NIL) THEN FPrintErr(NIL, 252) END; DevCPM.SymWInt(Smname); OutName(SelfName); expCtxt.reffp := 0; expCtxt.ref := FirstRef; expCtxt.nofm := 1; expCtxt.locmno[0] := 0; i := 1; WHILE i < maxImps DO expCtxt.locmno[i] := -1; INC(i) END ; OutObj(topScope.right); ext := sfpresent & symExtended; new := ~sfpresent OR symNew OR (DevCPM.checksum # oldCSum); IF DevCPM.noerr & ~portable THEN DevCPM.SymReset; DevCPM.SymWInt(processor) (* nonportable symfile *) END; IF DevCPM.noerr & sfpresent & (impCtxt.reffp # expCtxt.reffp) THEN new := TRUE END ; IF ~DevCPM.noerr THEN DevCPM.DeleteNewSym END (* DevCPM.RegisterNewSym is called in OP2 after writing the object file *) END END END Export; (* no new symbol file if ~DevCPM.noerr *) PROCEDURE InitStruct(VAR typ: Struct; form: BYTE); BEGIN typ := NewStr(form, Basic); typ.ref := form; typ.size := 1; typ.allocated := TRUE; typ.strobj := NewObj(); typ.pbfp := form; typ.pvfp := form; typ.fpdone := TRUE; typ.idfp := form; typ.idfpdone := TRUE END InitStruct; PROCEDURE EnterBoolConst(IN name: Name; val: INTEGER); VAR obj: Object; BEGIN Insert(name, obj); obj.conval := NewConst(); obj.mode := Con; obj.typ := booltyp; obj.conval.intval := val END EnterBoolConst; PROCEDURE EnterRealConst(IN name: Name; val: REAL; VAR obj: Object); BEGIN Insert(name, obj); obj.conval := NewConst(); obj.mode := Con; obj.typ := real32typ; obj.conval.realval := val END EnterRealConst; PROCEDURE EnterTyp(IN name: Name; form: BYTE; size: SHORTINT; VAR res: Struct); VAR obj: Object; typ: Struct; BEGIN Insert(name, obj); typ := NewStr(form, Basic); obj.mode := Typ; obj.typ := typ; obj.vis := external; typ.strobj := obj; typ.size := size; typ.ref := form; typ.allocated := TRUE; typ.pbfp := form; typ.pvfp := form; typ.fpdone := TRUE; typ.idfp := form; typ.idfpdone := TRUE; res := typ END EnterTyp; PROCEDURE EnterProc(IN name: Name; num: SHORTINT); VAR obj: Object; BEGIN Insert(name, obj); obj.mode := SProc; obj.typ := notyp; obj.adr := num END EnterProc; PROCEDURE EnterAttr(IN name: Name; num: SHORTINT); VAR obj: Object; BEGIN Insert(name, obj); obj.mode := Attr; obj.adr := num END EnterAttr; PROCEDURE EnterTProc(ptr, rec: Struct; IN name: Name; num, typ: SHORTINT); VAR obj, par: Object; BEGIN InsertField(name, rec, obj); obj.mnolev := -128; (* for correct implement only behaviour *) obj.mode := TProc; obj.num := num; obj.conval := NewConst(); obj.conval.setval := obj.conval.setval + {newAttr}; IF typ = 0 THEN (* FINALIZE, RELEASE *) obj.typ := notyp; obj.vis := externalR; INCL(obj.conval.setval, empAttr) ELSIF typ = 1 THEN (* QueryInterface *) par := NewObj(); par.name := NewName("int"); par.mode := VarPar; par.vis := outPar; par.sysflag := 8; par.adr := 16; par.typ := punktyp; par.link := obj.link; obj.link := par; par := NewObj(); par.name := NewName("iid"); par.mode := VarPar; par.vis := inPar; par.sysflag := 16; par.adr := 12; par.typ := guidtyp; par.link := obj.link; obj.link := par; obj.typ := restyp; obj.vis := external; INCL(obj.conval.setval, extAttr) ELSIF typ = 2 THEN (* AddRef, Release *) obj.typ := notyp; obj.vis := externalR; INCL(obj.conval.setval, isHidden); INCL(obj.conval.setval, extAttr) END; par := NewObj(); par.name := NewName("this"); par.mode := Var; par.adr := 8; par.typ := ptr; par.link := obj.link; obj.link := par; END EnterTProc; (* PROCEDURE EnterHdField(VAR root: Object; offs: SHORTINT); VAR obj: Object; BEGIN obj := NewObj(); obj.mode := Fld; obj.name := NewName(DevCPM.HdPtrName); obj.typ := undftyp; obj.adr := offs; obj.link := root; root := obj END EnterHdField; *) BEGIN NEW(null, 1); null^ := ""; topScope := NIL; OpenScope(0, NIL); DevCPM.errpos := 0; InitStruct(undftyp, Undef); InitStruct(notyp, NoTyp); InitStruct(string8typ, String8); InitStruct(niltyp, NilTyp); niltyp.size := DevCPM.PointerSize; InitStruct(string16typ, String16); undftyp.BaseTyp := undftyp; (*initialization of module SYSTEM*) (* EnterTyp("BYTE", Byte, 1, bytetyp); EnterProc("NEW", sysnewfn); *) EnterTyp("PTR", Pointer, DevCPM.PointerSize, sysptrtyp); EnterProc("ADR", adrfn); EnterProc("TYP", typfn); EnterProc("CC", ccfn); EnterProc("LSH", lshfn); EnterProc("ROT", rotfn); EnterProc("GET", getfn); EnterProc("PUT", putfn); EnterProc("GETREG", getrfn); EnterProc("PUTREG", putrfn); EnterProc("BIT", bitfn); EnterProc("VAL", valfn); EnterProc("MOVE", movefn); EnterProc("THISRECORD", thisrecfn); EnterProc("THISARRAY", thisarrfn); syslink := topScope.right; topScope.right := NIL; (* initialization of module COM *) EnterProc("ID", iidfn); EnterProc("QUERY", queryfn); EnterTyp("RESULT", Int32, 4, restyp); restyp.ref := Res; EnterTyp("GUID", Guid, 16, guidtyp); guidtyp.form := Comp; guidtyp.comp := Array; guidtyp.n := 16; EnterTyp("IUnknown^", IUnk, 12, iunktyp); iunktyp.form := Comp; iunktyp.comp := Record; iunktyp.n := 3; iunktyp.attribute := absAttr; (* EnterHdField(iunktyp.link, 12); *) iunktyp.BaseTyp := NIL; iunktyp.align := 4; iunktyp.sysflag := interface; iunktyp.untagged := TRUE; NEW(iunktyp.ext, 40); iunktyp.ext^ := "{00000000-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"; EnterTyp("IUnknown", PUnk, DevCPM.PointerSize, punktyp); punktyp.form := Pointer; punktyp.BaseTyp := iunktyp; punktyp.sysflag := interface; punktyp.untagged := TRUE; EnterTProc(punktyp, iunktyp, "QueryInterface", 0, 1); EnterTProc(punktyp, iunktyp, "AddRef", 1, 2); EnterTProc(punktyp, iunktyp, "Release", 2, 2); comlink := topScope.right; topScope.right := NIL; universe := topScope; EnterProc("LCHR", lchrfn); EnterProc("LENTIER", lentierfcn); EnterTyp("ANYREC", AnyRec, 0, anytyp); anytyp.form := Comp; anytyp.comp := Record; anytyp.n := 1; anytyp.BaseTyp := NIL; anytyp.extlev := -1; (* !!! *) anytyp.attribute := absAttr; EnterTyp("ANYPTR", AnyPtr, DevCPM.PointerSize, anyptrtyp); anyptrtyp.form := Pointer; anyptrtyp.BaseTyp := anytyp; EnterTProc(anyptrtyp, anytyp, "FINALIZE", 0, 0); EnterTProc(anyptrtyp, iunktyp, "RELEASE", 1, 0); EnterProc("VALID", validfn); EnterTyp("SHORTCHAR", Char8, 1, char8typ); string8typ.BaseTyp := char8typ; EnterTyp("CHAR", Char16, 2, char16typ); EnterTyp("LONGCHAR", Char16, 2, lchar16typ); string16typ.BaseTyp := char16typ; EnterTyp("SET", Set, 4, settyp); EnterTyp("BYTE", Int8, 1, int8typ); guidtyp.BaseTyp := int8typ; EnterTyp("SHORTINT", Int16, 2, int16typ); EnterTyp("INTEGER", Int32, 4, int32typ); EnterTyp("LONGINT", Int64, 8, int64typ); EnterTyp("LARGEINT", Int64, 8, lint64typ); EnterTyp("SHORTREAL", Real32, 4, real32typ); EnterTyp("REAL", Real64, 8, real64typ); EnterTyp("LONGREAL", Real64, 8, lreal64typ); EnterTyp("BOOLEAN", Bool, 1, booltyp); EnterBoolConst("FALSE", 0); (* 0 and 1 are compiler internal representation only *) EnterBoolConst("TRUE", 1); EnterRealConst("INF", DevCPM.InfReal, infinity); EnterProc("HALT", haltfn); EnterProc("NEW", newfn); EnterProc("ABS", absfn); EnterProc("CAP", capfn); EnterProc("ORD", ordfn); EnterProc("ENTIER", entierfn); EnterProc("ODD", oddfn); EnterProc("MIN", minfn); EnterProc("MAX", maxfn); EnterProc("CHR", chrfn); EnterProc("SHORT", shortfn); EnterProc("LONG", longfn); EnterProc("SIZE", sizefn); EnterProc("INC", incfn); EnterProc("DEC", decfn); EnterProc("INCL", inclfn); EnterProc("EXCL", exclfn); EnterProc("LEN", lenfn); EnterProc("COPY", copyfn); EnterProc("ASH", ashfn); EnterProc("ASSERT", assertfn); (* EnterProc("ADR", adrfn); EnterProc("TYP", typfn); *) EnterProc("BITS", bitsfn); EnterAttr("ABSTRACT", absAttr); EnterAttr("LIMITED", limAttr); EnterAttr("EMPTY", empAttr); EnterAttr("EXTENSIBLE", extAttr); NEW(intrealtyp); intrealtyp^ := real64typ^; impCtxt.ref[Undef] := undftyp; impCtxt.ref[Byte] := bytetyp; impCtxt.ref[Bool] := booltyp; impCtxt.ref[Char8] := char8typ; impCtxt.ref[Int8] := int8typ; impCtxt.ref[Int16] := int16typ; impCtxt.ref[Int32] := int32typ; impCtxt.ref[Real32] := real32typ; impCtxt.ref[Real64] := real64typ; impCtxt.ref[Set] := settyp; impCtxt.ref[String8] := string8typ; impCtxt.ref[NilTyp] := niltyp; impCtxt.ref[NoTyp] := notyp; impCtxt.ref[Pointer] := sysptrtyp; impCtxt.ref[AnyPtr] := anyptrtyp; impCtxt.ref[AnyRec] := anytyp; impCtxt.ref[Char16] := char16typ; impCtxt.ref[String16] := string16typ; impCtxt.ref[Int64] := int64typ; impCtxt.ref[IUnk] := iunktyp; impCtxt.ref[PUnk] := punktyp; impCtxt.ref[Guid] := guidtyp; impCtxt.ref[Res] := restyp; END DevCPT. Objects: mode | adr conval link scope leaf ------------------------------------------------ Undef | Not used Var | vadr next regopt Glob or loc var or proc value parameter VarPar| vadr next regopt Var parameter (vis = 0 | inPar | outPar) Con | val Constant Fld | off next Record field Typ | Named type LProc | entry sizes firstpar scope leaf Local procedure, entry adr set in back-end XProc | entry sizes firstpar scope leaf External procedure, entry adr set in back-end SProc | fno sizes Standard procedure CProc | code firstpar scope Code procedure IProc | entry sizes scope leaf Interrupt procedure, entry adr set in back-end Mod | scope Module Head | txtpos owner firstvar Scope anchor TProc | entry sizes firstpar scope leaf Bound procedure, mthno = obj.num Structures: form comp | n BaseTyp link mno txtpos sysflag ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Undef Basic | Byte Basic | Bool Basic | Char8 Basic | Int8 Basic | Int16 Basic | Int32 Basic | Real32 Basic | Real64 Basic | Set Basic | String8 Basic | NilTyp Basic | NoTyp Basic | Pointer Basic | PBaseTyp mno txtpos sysflag ProcTyp Basic | ResTyp params mno txtpos sysflag Comp Array | nofel ElemTyp mno txtpos sysflag Comp DynArr| dim ElemTyp mno txtpos sysflag Comp Record| nofmth RBaseTyp fields mno txtpos sysflag Char16 Basic | String16Basic | Int64 Basic | Nodes: design = Nvar|Nvarpar|Nfield|Nderef|Nindex|Nguard|Neguard|Ntype|Nproc. expr = design|Nconst|Nupto|Nmop|Ndop|Ncall. nextexpr = NIL|expr. ifstat = NIL|Nif. casestat = Ncaselse. sglcase = NIL|Ncasedo. stat = NIL|Ninittd|Nenter|Nassign|Ncall|Nifelse|Ncase|Nwhile|Nrepeat| Nloop|Nexit|Nreturn|Nwith|Ntrap. class subcl obj left right link --------------------------------------------------------- design Nvar var nextexpr Nvarpar varpar nextexpr Nfield field design nextexpr Nderef ptr/str design nextexpr Nindex design expr nextexpr Nguard design nextexpr (typ = guard type) Neguard design nextexpr (typ = guard type) Ntype type nextexpr Nproc normal proc nextexpr super proc nextexpr expr design Nconst const (val = node.conval) Nupto expr expr nextexpr Nmop not expr nextexpr minus expr nextexpr is tsttype expr nextexpr conv expr nextexpr abs expr nextexpr cap expr nextexpr odd expr nextexpr bit expr nextexpr {x} adr expr nextexpr SYSTEM.ADR typ expr nextexpr SYSTEM.TYP cc Nconst nextexpr SYSTEM.CC val expr nextexpr SYSTEM.VAL Ndop times expr expr nextexpr slash expr expr nextexpr div expr expr nextexpr mod expr expr nextexpr and expr expr nextexpr plus expr expr nextexpr minus expr expr nextexpr or expr expr nextexpr eql expr expr nextexpr neq expr expr nextexpr lss expr expr nextexpr leq expr expr nextexpr grt expr expr nextexpr geq expr expr nextexpr in expr expr nextexpr ash expr expr nextexpr msk expr Nconst nextexpr len design Nconst nextexpr min expr expr nextexpr MIN max expr expr nextexpr MAX bit expr expr nextexpr SYSTEM.BIT lsh expr expr nextexpr SYSTEM.LSH rot expr expr nextexpr SYSTEM.ROT Ncall fpar design nextexpr nextexpr Ncomp stat expr nextexpr nextexpr NIL expr ifstat NIL Nif expr stat ifstat casestat Ncaselse sglcase stat (minmax = node.conval) sglcase NIL Ncasedo Nconst stat sglcase stat NIL Ninittd stat (of node.typ) Nenter proc stat stat stat (proc=NIL for mod) Nassign assign design expr stat newfn design nextexp stat incfn design expr stat decfn design expr stat inclfn design expr stat exclfn design expr stat copyfn design expr stat getfn design expr stat SYSTEM.GET putfn expr expr stat SYSTEM.PUT getrfn design Nconst stat SYSTEM.GETREG putrfn Nconst expr stat SYSTEM.PUTREG sysnewfn design expr stat SYSTEM.NEW movefn expr expr stat SYSTEM.MOVE (right.link = 3rd par) Ncall fpar design nextexpr stat Nifelse ifstat stat stat assertfn ifstat stat Ncase expr casestat stat Nwhile expr stat stat Nrepeat stat expr stat Nloop stat stat Nexit stat Nreturn proc nextexpr stat (proc = NIL for mod) Nwith ifstat stat stat Ntrap expr stat Ncomp stat stat stat
MODULE DevCPV486; (** project = "BlackBox 2.0, diffs vs 1.7.2 are marked by green" organizations = "Oberon microsystems, BBWFC, OberonCore, BBCP Team" contributors = "Oberon microsystems, luowy" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" references = "http://e-collection.library.ethz.ch/eserv/eth:39386/eth-39386-02.pdf" changes = " - 20070216, bh, expr call in CaseStat corrected - 20070307, bh, pop in Dim corrected - 20160324, center #111, code cleanups - 20160825, center #125, compiler TRAP for WITH statement was fixed - 20170612, center #160, outdated link to OP2.Paper.ps - 20170811, luowy, support for 16 bit aligment "ccall16" " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT SYSTEM, DevCPM, DevCPT, DevCPE, DevCPH, DevCPL486, DevCPC486; CONST processor* = 10; (* for i386 *) (* object modes *) Var = 1; VarPar = 2; Con = 3; Fld = 4; Typ = 5; LProc = 6; XProc = 7; SProc = 8; CProc = 9; IProc = 10; Mod = 11; Head = 12; TProc = 13; (* item modes for i386 *) Ind = 14; Abs = 15; Stk = 16; Cond = 17; Reg = 18; DInd = 19; (* symbol values and ops *) times = 1; slash = 2; div = 3; mod = 4; and = 5; plus = 6; minus = 7; or = 8; eql = 9; neq = 10; lss = 11; leq = 12; gtr = 13; geq = 14; in = 15; is = 16; ash = 17; msk = 18; len = 19; conv = 20; abs = 21; cap = 22; odd = 23; not = 33; (*SYSTEM*) adr = 24; cc = 25; bit = 26; lsh = 27; rot = 28; val = 29; min = 34; max = 35; typfn = 36; thisrecfn = 45; thisarrfn = 46; shl = 50; shr = 51; lshr = 52; xor = 53; (* structure forms *) Undef = 0; Byte = 1; Bool = 2; Char8 = 3; Int8 = 4; Int16 = 5; Int32 = 6; Real32 = 7; Real64 = 8; Set = 9; String8 = 10; NilTyp = 11; NoTyp = 12; Pointer = 13; ProcTyp = 14; Comp = 15; Char16 = 16; String16 = 17; Int64 = 18; VString16to8 = 29; VString8 = 30; VString16 = 31; realSet = {Real32, Real64}; (* composite structure forms *) Basic = 1; Array = 2; DynArr = 3; Record = 4; (* nodes classes *) Nvar = 0; Nvarpar = 1; Nfield = 2; Nderef = 3; Nindex = 4; Nguard = 5; Neguard = 6; Nconst = 7; Ntype = 8; Nproc = 9; Nupto = 10; Nmop = 11; Ndop = 12; Ncall = 13; Ninittd = 14; Nif = 15; Ncaselse = 16; Ncasedo = 17; Nenter = 18; Nassign = 19; Nifelse =20; Ncase = 21; Nwhile = 22; Nrepeat = 23; Nloop = 24; Nexit = 25; Nreturn = 26; Nwith = 27; Ntrap = 28; Ncomp = 30; Ndrop = 50; Nlabel = 51; Ngoto = 52; Njsr = 53; Nret = 54; Ncmp = 55; (*function number*) assign = 0; newfn = 1; incfn = 13; decfn = 14; inclfn = 15; exclfn = 16; copyfn = 18; assertfn = 32; (*SYSTEM function number*) getfn = 24; putfn = 25; getrfn = 26; putrfn = 27; sysnewfn = 30; movefn = 31; (* COM function number *) validfn = 40; queryfn = 42; (* procedure flags (conval.setval) *) hasBody = 1; isRedef = 2; slNeeded = 3; imVar = 4; isHidden = 29; isGuarded = 30; isCallback = 31; (* attribute flags (attr.adr, struct.attribute, proc.conval.setval) *) newAttr = 16; absAttr = 17; limAttr = 18; empAttr = 19; extAttr = 20; (* case statement flags (conval.setval) *) useTable = 1; useTree = 2; (* registers *) AX = 0; CX = 1; DX = 2; BX = 3; SP = 4; BP = 5; SI = 6; DI = 7; AH = 4; CH = 5; DH = 6; BH = 7; stk = 31; mem = 30; con = 29; float = 28; high = 27; short = 26; deref = 25; loaded = 24; wreg = {AX, BX, CX, DX, SI, DI}; (* module visibility of objects *) internal = 0; external = 1; externalR = 2; inPar = 3; outPar = 4; (* sysflag *) untagged = 1; noAlign = 3; align2 = 4; align8 = 6; union = 7; align16=8; interface = 10; guarded = 8; noframe = 16; nilBit = 1; enumBits = 8; new = 1; iid = 2; stackArray = 120; (* system trap numbers *) withTrap = -1; caseTrap = -2; funcTrap = -3; typTrap = -4; recTrap = -5; ranTrap = -6; inxTrap = -7; copyTrap = -8; ParOff = 8; interfaceSize = 16; (* SIZE(Kernel.Interface) *) addRefFP = 4E27A847H; (* fingerprint of AddRef and Release procedures *) intHandlerFP = 24B0EAE3H; (* fingerprint of InterfaceTrapHandler *) numPreIntProc = 2; VAR Exit, Return: DevCPL486.Label; assert, sequential: BOOLEAN; nesting, actual: INTEGER; query, addRef, release, release2: DevCPT.Object; PROCEDURE Init*(opt: SET); CONST ass = 2; BEGIN DevCPL486.Init(opt); DevCPC486.Init(opt); assert := ass IN opt; DevCPM.breakpc := MAX(INTEGER); query := NIL; addRef := NIL; release := NIL; release2 := NIL; DevCPC486.intHandler := NIL; END Init; PROCEDURE Close*; BEGIN DevCPL486.Close END Close; PROCEDURE Align(VAR offset: INTEGER; align: INTEGER); BEGIN CASE align OF 1: (* ok *) | 2: INC(offset, offset MOD 2) | 4: INC(offset, (-offset) MOD 4) | 8: INC(offset, (-offset) MOD 8) END END Align; PROCEDURE NegAlign(VAR offset: INTEGER; align: INTEGER); BEGIN CASE align OF 1: (* ok *) | 2: DEC(offset, offset MOD 2) | 4: DEC(offset, offset MOD 4) | 8: DEC(offset, offset MOD 8) | 16: DEC(offset, offset MOD 16) END END NegAlign; PROCEDURE Base(typ: DevCPT.Struct; limit: INTEGER): INTEGER; (* typ.comp # DynArr *) VAR align: INTEGER; BEGIN WHILE typ.comp = Array DO typ := typ.BaseTyp END ; IF typ.comp = Record THEN align := typ.align ELSE align := typ.size; END; IF align > limit THEN RETURN limit ELSE RETURN align END END Base; (* ----------------------------------------------------- reference implementation of TypeSize for portable symbol files mandatory for all non-system structures PROCEDURE TypeSize (typ: DevCPT.Struct); VAR f, c: SHORTINT; offset: LONGINT; fld: DevCPT.Object; btyp: DevCPT.Struct; BEGIN IF typ.size = -1 THEN f := typ.form; c := typ.comp; btyp := typ.BaseTyp; IF c = Record THEN IF btyp = NIL THEN offset := 0 ELSE TypeSize(btyp); offset := btyp.size END; fld := typ.link; WHILE (fld # NIL) & (fld.mode = Fld) DO btyp := fld.typ; TypeSize(btyp); IF btyp.size >= 4 THEN INC(offset, (-offset) MOD 4) ELSIF btyp.size >= 2 THEN INC(offset, offset MOD 2) END; fld.adr := offset; INC(offset, btyp.size); fld := fld.link END; IF offset > 2 THEN INC(offset, (-offset) MOD 4) END; typ.size := offset; typ.align := 4; typ.n := -1 (* methods not counted yet *) ELSIF c = Array THEN TypeSize(btyp); typ.size := typ.n * btyp.size ELSIF f = Pointer THEN typ.size := DevCPM.PointerSize ELSIF f = ProcTyp THEN typ.size := DevCPM.ProcSize ELSE (* c = DynArr *) TypeSize(btyp); IF btyp.comp = DynArr THEN typ.size := btyp.size + 4 ELSE typ.size := 8 END END END END TypeSize; ----------------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE GTypeSize (typ: DevCPT.Struct; guarded: BOOLEAN); VAR f, c: BYTE; offset, align, falign, alignLimit: INTEGER; fld: DevCPT.Object; btyp: DevCPT.Struct; BEGIN IF typ.untagged THEN guarded := TRUE END; IF typ = DevCPT.undftyp THEN DevCPM.err(58) ELSIF typ.size = -1 THEN f := typ.form; c := typ.comp; btyp := typ.BaseTyp; IF c = Record THEN IF btyp = NIL THEN offset := 0; align := 1; ELSE GTypeSize(btyp, guarded); offset := btyp.size; align := btyp.align END ; IF typ.sysflag = noAlign THEN alignLimit := 1 ELSIF typ.sysflag = align2 THEN alignLimit := 2 ELSIF typ.sysflag = align8 THEN alignLimit := 8 ELSIF typ.sysflag = align16 THEN alignLimit := 16 ELSE alignLimit := 4 END; fld := typ.link; WHILE (fld # NIL) & (fld.mode = Fld) DO btyp := fld.typ; GTypeSize(btyp, guarded); IF typ.sysflag > 0 THEN falign := Base(btyp, alignLimit) ELSIF btyp.size >= 4 THEN falign := 4 ELSIF btyp.size >= 2 THEN falign := 2 ELSE falign := 1 END; IF typ.sysflag = union THEN fld.adr := 0; IF btyp.size > offset THEN offset := btyp.size END; ELSE Align(offset, falign); fld.adr := offset; IF offset <= MAX(INTEGER) - 4 - btyp.size THEN INC(offset, btyp.size) ELSE offset := 4; DevCPM.Mark(214, typ.txtpos) END END; IF falign > align THEN align := falign END ; fld := fld.link END; (* IF (typ.sysflag = interface) & (typ.BaseTyp = NIL) THEN fld := DevCPT.NewObj(); fld.name^ := DevCPM.HdPtrName; fld.mode := Fld; fld.typ := DevCPT.undftyp; fld.adr := 8; fld.right := typ.link; typ.link := fld; fld := DevCPT.NewObj(); fld.name^ := DevCPM.HdPtrName; fld.mode := Fld; fld.typ := DevCPT.undftyp; fld.adr := 12; typ.link.link := fld; typ.link.left := fld; offset := interfaceSize; align := 4 END; *) IF typ.sysflag <= 0 THEN align := 4 END; typ.align := align; IF (typ.sysflag > 0) OR (offset > 2) THEN Align(offset, align) END; typ.size := offset; typ.n := -1 (* methods not counted yet *) ELSIF c = Array THEN GTypeSize(btyp, guarded); IF (btyp.size = 0) OR (typ.n <= MAX(INTEGER) DIV btyp.size) THEN typ.size := typ.n * btyp.size ELSE typ.size := 4; DevCPM.Mark(214, typ.txtpos) END ELSIF f = Pointer THEN typ.size := DevCPM.PointerSize; IF guarded & ~typ.untagged THEN DevCPM.Mark(143, typ.txtpos) END ELSIF f = ProcTyp THEN typ.size := DevCPM.ProcSize ELSE (* c = DynArr *) GTypeSize(btyp, guarded); IF (typ.sysflag = untagged) OR typ.untagged THEN typ.size := 4 ELSE IF btyp.comp = DynArr THEN typ.size := btyp.size + 4 ELSE typ.size := 8 END END END END END GTypeSize; PROCEDURE TypeSize*(typ: DevCPT.Struct); (* also called from DevCPT.InStruct for arrays *) BEGIN GTypeSize(typ, FALSE) END TypeSize; PROCEDURE GetComKernel; BEGIN IF addRef = NIL THEN DevCPT.OpenScope(SHORT(SHORT(-DevCPT.nofGmod)), NIL); DevCPT.topScope.name := DevCPT.NewName("$$"); DevCPT.Insert("AddRef", addRef); addRef.mode := XProc; addRef.fprint := addRefFP; addRef.fpdone := TRUE; DevCPT.Insert("Release", release); release.mode := XProc; release.fprint := addRefFP; release.fpdone := TRUE; DevCPT.Insert("Release2", release2); release2.mode := XProc; release2.fprint := addRefFP; release2.fpdone := TRUE; DevCPT.Insert("InterfaceTrapHandler", DevCPC486.intHandler); DevCPC486.intHandler.mode := XProc; DevCPC486.intHandler.fprint := intHandlerFP; DevCPC486.intHandler.fpdone := TRUE; DevCPT.GlbMod[DevCPT.nofGmod] := DevCPT.topScope; INC(DevCPT.nofGmod); DevCPT.CloseScope; END END GetComKernel; PROCEDURE EnumTProcs(rec: DevCPT.Struct); (* method numbers in declaration order *) VAR btyp: DevCPT.Struct; obj, redef: DevCPT.Object; BEGIN IF rec.n = -1 THEN rec.n := 0; btyp := rec.BaseTyp; IF btyp # NIL THEN EnumTProcs(btyp); rec.n := btyp.n; END; obj := rec.strobj.link; WHILE obj # NIL DO DevCPT.FindBaseField(obj.name^, rec, redef); IF redef # NIL THEN obj.num := redef.num (*mthno*); IF ~(isRedef IN obj.conval.setval) OR (redef.conval.setval * {extAttr, absAttr, empAttr} = {}) THEN DevCPM.Mark(119, rec.txtpos) END ELSE obj.num := rec.n; INC(rec.n) END ; IF obj.conval.setval * {hasBody, absAttr, empAttr} = {} THEN DevCPM.Mark(129, obj.adr) END; obj := obj.nlink END END END EnumTProcs; PROCEDURE CountTProcs(rec: DevCPT.Struct); VAR btyp: DevCPT.Struct; comProc: INTEGER; m, rel: DevCPT.Object; name: DevCPT.Name; PROCEDURE TProcs(obj: DevCPT.Object); (* obj.mnolev = 0, TProcs of base type already counted *) VAR redef: DevCPT.Object; BEGIN IF obj # NIL THEN TProcs(obj.left); IF obj.mode = TProc THEN DevCPT.FindBaseField(obj.name^, rec, redef); (* obj.adr := 0 *) IF redef # NIL THEN obj.num := redef.num (*mthno*); IF (redef.link # NIL) & (redef.link.typ.sysflag = interface) THEN obj.num := numPreIntProc + comProc - 1 - obj.num END; IF ~(isRedef IN obj.conval.setval) OR (redef.conval.setval * {extAttr, absAttr, empAttr} = {}) THEN DevCPM.Mark(119, rec.txtpos) END ELSE obj.num := rec.n; INC(rec.n) END ; IF obj.conval.setval * {hasBody, absAttr, empAttr} = {} THEN DevCPM.Mark(129, obj.adr) END END ; TProcs(obj.right) END END TProcs; BEGIN IF rec.n = -1 THEN comProc := 0; IF rec.untagged THEN rec.n := 0 ELSE rec.n := DevCPT.anytyp.n END; btyp := rec.BaseTyp; IF btyp # NIL THEN IF btyp.sysflag = interface THEN EnumTProcs(btyp); rec.n := btyp.n + numPreIntProc; comProc := btyp.n; ELSE CountTProcs(btyp); rec.n := btyp.n END END; WHILE (btyp # NIL) & (btyp # DevCPT.undftyp) & (btyp.sysflag # interface) DO btyp := btyp.BaseTyp END; IF (btyp # NIL) & (btyp.sysflag = interface) THEN IF comProc > 0 THEN name := "QueryInterface"; DevCPT.FindField(name, rec, m); IF m.link.typ.sysflag = interface THEN DevCPT.InsertField(name, rec, m); m.mode := TProc; m.typ := rec; m.conval := DevCPT.NewConst(); m.conval.setval := {isRedef, hasBody, isCallback, extAttr}; m.nlink := query; query := m END; name := "AddRef"; DevCPT.InsertField(name, rec, m); m.mode := TProc; m.mnolev := 0; m.conval := DevCPT.NewConst(); m.conval.setval := {isRedef, hasBody, isCallback, isHidden, extAttr}; GetComKernel; addRef.used := TRUE; m.adr := -1; m.nlink := addRef; END; name := "RELEASE"; DevCPT.FindField(name, rec, rel); IF (rel # NIL) & (rel.link.typ = DevCPT.anyptrtyp) THEN rel := NIL END; IF (comProc > 0) OR (rel # NIL) THEN name := "Release"; DevCPT.InsertField(name, rec, m); m.mode := TProc; m.mnolev := 0; m.conval := DevCPT.NewConst(); m.conval.setval := {isRedef, hasBody, isCallback, isHidden, extAttr}; GetComKernel; m.adr := -1; IF rel # NIL THEN release2.used := TRUE; m.nlink := release2 ELSE release.used := TRUE; m.nlink := release END END END; TProcs(rec.link); END END CountTProcs; PROCEDURE ^Parameters(firstPar, proc: DevCPT.Object); PROCEDURE ^TProcedures(obj: DevCPT.Object); PROCEDURE TypeAlloc(typ: DevCPT.Struct); VAR f, c: SHORTINT; fld: DevCPT.Object; btyp: DevCPT.Struct; BEGIN IF ~typ.allocated THEN (* not imported, not predefined, not allocated yet *) typ.allocated := TRUE; TypeSize(typ); f := typ.form; c := typ.comp; btyp := typ.BaseTyp; IF c = Record THEN IF typ.sysflag = interface THEN EnumTProcs(typ); ELSE CountTProcs(typ) END; IF typ.extlev > 14 THEN DevCPM.Mark(233, typ.txtpos) END; IF btyp # NIL THEN TypeAlloc(btyp) END; IF ~typ.untagged THEN DevCPE.AllocTypDesc(typ) END; fld := typ.link; WHILE (fld # NIL) & (fld.mode = Fld) DO TypeAlloc(fld.typ); fld := fld.link END; TProcedures(typ.link) ELSIF f = Pointer THEN IF btyp = DevCPT.undftyp THEN DevCPM.Mark(128, typ.txtpos) ELSE TypeAlloc(btyp); END ELSIF f = ProcTyp THEN TypeAlloc(btyp); Parameters(typ.link, NIL) ELSE (* c IN {Array, DynArr} *) TypeAlloc(btyp); IF (btyp.comp = DynArr) & btyp.untagged & ~typ.untagged THEN DevCPM.Mark(225, typ.txtpos) END; END END END TypeAlloc; PROCEDURE NumOfIntProc (typ: DevCPT.Struct): INTEGER; BEGIN WHILE (typ # NIL) & (typ.sysflag # interface) DO typ := typ.BaseTyp END; IF typ # NIL THEN RETURN typ.n ELSE RETURN 0 END END NumOfIntProc; PROCEDURE Parameters(firstPar, proc: DevCPT.Object); (* firstPar.mnolev = 0 *) VAR par: DevCPT.Object; typ: DevCPT.Struct; padr, vadr: INTEGER; BEGIN padr := ParOff; par := firstPar; WHILE par # NIL DO typ := par.typ; TypeAlloc(typ); par.adr := padr; IF (par.mode = VarPar) & (typ.comp # DynArr) THEN IF (typ.comp = Record) & ~typ.untagged THEN INC(padr, 8) ELSE INC(padr, 4) END ELSE IF (par.mode = Var) & (typ.comp = DynArr) & typ.untagged THEN DevCPM.err(145) END; INC(padr, typ.size); Align(padr, 4) END; par := par.link END; IF proc # NIL THEN IF proc.mode = XProc THEN INCL(proc.conval.setval, isCallback) ELSIF (proc.mode = TProc) & (proc.num >= numPreIntProc) & (proc.num < numPreIntProc + NumOfIntProc(proc.link.typ)) THEN INCL(proc.conval.setval, isCallback); INCL(proc.conval.setval, isGuarded) END; IF proc.sysflag = guarded THEN INCL(proc.conval.setval, isGuarded) END; IF isGuarded IN proc.conval.setval THEN GetComKernel; vadr := -24 ELSE vadr := 0; IF imVar IN proc.conval.setval THEN DEC(vadr, 4) END; IF isCallback IN proc.conval.setval THEN DEC(vadr, 8) END END; proc.conval.intval := padr; proc.conval.intval2 := vadr; END END Parameters; PROCEDURE Variables(var: DevCPT.Object; VAR varSize: INTEGER); (* allocates only offsets, regs allocated in DevCPC486.Enter *) VAR adr: INTEGER; typ: DevCPT.Struct; BEGIN adr := varSize; WHILE var # NIL DO typ := var.typ; TypeAlloc(typ); DEC(adr, typ.size); IF typ.sysflag = align16 THEN NegAlign(adr, 16) ELSE NegAlign(adr, Base(typ, 4)); END; var.adr := adr; var := var.link END; NegAlign(adr, 4); varSize := adr END Variables; PROCEDURE ^Objects(obj: DevCPT.Object); PROCEDURE Procedure(obj: DevCPT.Object); (* obj.mnolev = 0 *) VAR oldPos: INTEGER; BEGIN oldPos := DevCPM.errpos; DevCPM.errpos := obj.scope.adr; TypeAlloc(obj.typ); Parameters(obj.link, obj); IF ~(hasBody IN obj.conval.setval) THEN DevCPM.Mark(129, obj.adr) END ; Variables(obj.scope.scope, obj.conval.intval2); (* local variables *) Objects(obj.scope.right); DevCPM.errpos := oldPos END Procedure; PROCEDURE TProcedures(obj: DevCPT.Object); (* obj.mnolev = 0 *) BEGIN IF obj # NIL THEN TProcedures(obj.left); IF (obj.mode = TProc) & (obj.scope # NIL) THEN TypeAlloc(obj.typ); Parameters(obj.link, obj); Variables(obj.scope.scope, obj.conval.intval2); (* local variables *) Objects(obj.scope.right); END ; TProcedures(obj.right) END END TProcedures; PROCEDURE Objects(obj: DevCPT.Object); BEGIN IF obj # NIL THEN Objects(obj.left); IF obj.mode IN {Con, Typ, LProc, XProc, CProc, IProc} THEN IF (obj.mode IN {Con, Typ}) THEN TypeAlloc(obj.typ); ELSE Procedure(obj) END END ; Objects(obj.right) END END Objects; PROCEDURE Allocate*; VAR gvarSize: INTEGER; BEGIN DevCPM.errpos := DevCPT.topScope.adr; (* text position of scope used if error *) gvarSize := 0; Variables(DevCPT.topScope.scope, gvarSize); DevCPE.dsize := -gvarSize; INC(DevCPE.dsize, DevCPM.cacheLineSize);(* gap to prevent cache line share between code and data*) Objects(DevCPT.topScope.right) END Allocate; (************************) PROCEDURE SameExp (n1, n2: DevCPT.Node): BOOLEAN; BEGIN WHILE (n1.class = n2.class) & (n1.typ = n2.typ) DO CASE n1.class OF | Nvar, Nvarpar, Nproc: RETURN n1.obj = n2.obj | Nconst: RETURN (n1.typ.form IN {Int8..Int32}) & (n1.conval.intval = n2.conval.intval) | Nfield: IF n1.obj # n2.obj THEN RETURN FALSE END | Nderef, Nguard: | Nindex: IF ~SameExp(n1.right, n2.right) THEN RETURN FALSE END | Nmop: IF (n1.subcl # n2.subcl) OR (n1.subcl = is) THEN RETURN FALSE END | Ndop: IF (n1.subcl # n2.subcl) OR ~SameExp(n1.right, n2.right) THEN RETURN FALSE END ELSE RETURN FALSE END ; n1 := n1.left; n2 := n2.left END; RETURN FALSE END SameExp; PROCEDURE Check (n: DevCPT.Node; VAR used: SET; VAR size: INTEGER); VAR ux, uy: SET; sx, sy, sf: INTEGER; f: BYTE; BEGIN used := {}; size := 0; WHILE n # NIL DO IF n.class # Ncomp THEN Check(n.left, ux, sx); Check(n.right, uy, sy) END; ux := ux + uy; sf := 0; CASE n.class OF | Nvar, Nvarpar: IF (n.class = Nvarpar) OR (n.typ.comp = DynArr) OR (n.obj.mnolev > 0) & (DevCPC486.imLevel[n.obj.mnolev] < DevCPC486.imLevel[DevCPL486.level]) THEN sf := 1 END | Nguard: sf := 2 | Neguard, Nderef: sf := 1 | Nindex: IF (n.right.class # Nconst) OR (n.left.typ.comp = DynArr) THEN sf := 1 END; IF sx > 0 THEN INC(sy) END | Nmop: CASE n.subcl OF | is, adr, typfn, minus, abs, cap, val: sf := 1 | bit: sf := 2; INCL(ux, CX) | conv: IF n.typ.form = Int64 THEN sf := 2 ELSIF ~(n.typ.form IN realSet) THEN sf := 1; IF n.left.typ.form IN realSet THEN INCL(ux, AX) END END | odd, cc, not: END | Ndop: f := n.left.typ.form; IF f # Bool THEN CASE n.subcl OF | times: sf := 1; IF f = Int8 THEN INCL(ux, AX) END | div, mod: sf := 3; INCL(ux, AX); IF f > Int8 THEN INCL(ux, DX) END | eql..geq: IF f IN {String8, String16, Comp} THEN ux := ux + {AX, CX, SI, DI}; sf := 4 ELSIF f IN realSet THEN INCL(ux, AX); sf := 1 ELSE sf := 1 END | ash, lsh, rot: IF n.right.class = Nconst THEN sf := 1 ELSE sf := 2; INCL(ux, CX) END | slash, plus, minus, msk, in, bit: sf := 1 | len: IF f IN {String8, String16} THEN ux := ux + {AX, CX, DI}; sf := 3 ELSE sf := 1 END | min, max: sf := 1; IF f IN realSet THEN INCL(ux, AX) END | queryfn: ux := ux + {CX, SI, DI}; sf := 4 END; IF sy > sx THEN INC(sx) ELSE INC(sy) END END | Nupto: IF (n.right.class = Nconst) OR (n.left.class = Nconst) THEN sf := 2 ELSE sf := 3 END; INCL(ux, CX); INC(sx) | Ncall, Ncomp: sf := 10; ux := wreg + {float} | Nfield, Nconst, Nproc, Ntype: END; used := used + ux; IF sx > size THEN size := sx END; IF sy > size THEN size := sy END; IF sf > size THEN size := sf END; n := n.link END; IF size > 10 THEN size := 10 END END Check; PROCEDURE^ expr (n: DevCPT.Node; VAR x: DevCPL486.Item; hint, stop: SET); PROCEDURE DualExp (left, right: DevCPT.Node; VAR x, y: DevCPL486.Item; hx, hy, stpx, stpy: SET); VAR ux, uy: SET; sx, sy: INTEGER; BEGIN Check(left, ux, sx); Check(right, uy, sy); IF sy > sx THEN expr(right, y, hy + stpy, ux + stpy * {AX, CX}); expr(left, x, hx, stpx); DevCPC486.Assert(y, hy, stpy) ELSE expr(left, x, hx + stpx, uy); expr(right, y, hy, stpy); DevCPC486.Assert(x, hx, stpx) END; END DualExp; PROCEDURE IntDOp (n: DevCPT.Node; VAR x: DevCPL486.Item; hint: SET); VAR y: DevCPL486.Item; BEGIN DualExp(n.left, n.right, x, y, hint, hint, {stk}, {stk}); IF (x.mode = Reg) & DevCPC486.Fits(x, hint) THEN DevCPC486.IntDOp(x, y, n.subcl, FALSE) ELSIF (y.mode = Reg) & DevCPC486.Fits(y, hint) THEN DevCPC486.IntDOp(y, x, n.subcl, TRUE); x := y ELSIF x.mode # Reg THEN DevCPC486.Load(x, hint, {con}); DevCPC486.IntDOp(x, y, n.subcl, FALSE) ELSIF y.mode # Reg THEN DevCPC486.Load(y, hint, {con}); DevCPC486.IntDOp(y, x, n.subcl, TRUE); x := y ELSE DevCPC486.IntDOp(x, y, n.subcl, FALSE) END END IntDOp; PROCEDURE FloatDOp (n: DevCPT.Node; VAR x: DevCPL486.Item); VAR y: DevCPL486.Item; ux, uy, uf: SET; sx, sy: INTEGER; BEGIN Check(n.left, ux, sx); Check(n.right, uy, sy); IF (n.subcl = min) OR (n.subcl = max) THEN uf := {AX} ELSE uf := {} END; IF (sy > sx) OR (sy = sx) & ((n.subcl = mod) OR (n.subcl = ash)) THEN expr(n.right, x, {}, ux + {mem, stk}); expr(n.left, y, {}, uf); DevCPC486.FloatDOp(x, y, n.subcl, TRUE) ELSIF float IN uy THEN (* function calls in both operands *) expr(n.left, y, {}, uy + {mem}); expr(n.right, x, {}, {mem, stk}); DevCPC486.FloatDOp(x, y, n.subcl, TRUE) ELSE expr(n.left, x, {}, uy + {mem, stk}); expr(n.right, y, {}, uf); DevCPC486.FloatDOp(x, y, n.subcl, FALSE) END END FloatDOp; PROCEDURE design (n: DevCPT.Node; VAR x: DevCPL486.Item; hint, stop: SET); VAR obj: DevCPT.Object; y: DevCPL486.Item; ux, uy: SET; sx, sy: INTEGER; BEGIN CASE n.class OF Nvar, Nvarpar: obj := n.obj; x.mode := obj.mode; x.obj := obj; x.scale := 0; IF obj.typ.comp = DynArr THEN x.mode := VarPar END; IF obj.mnolev < 0 THEN x.offset := 0; x.tmode := Con ELSIF x.mode = Var THEN x.offset := obj.adr; x.tmode := Con ELSE x.offset := 0; x.tmode := VarPar END | Nfield: design(n.left, x, hint, stop); DevCPC486.Field(x, n.obj) | Nderef: IF n.subcl # 0 THEN expr(n.left, x, hint, stop); IF n.typ.form = String8 THEN x.form := VString8 ELSE x.form := VString16 END ELSE expr(n.left, x, hint, stop + {mem} - {loaded}); DevCPC486.DeRef(x) END | Nindex: Check(n.left, ux, sx); Check(n.right, uy, sy); IF wreg - uy = {} THEN expr(n.right, y, hint + stop, ux); design(n.left, x, hint, stop); IF x.scale # 0 THEN DevCPC486.Index(x, y, {}, {}) ELSE DevCPC486.Index(x, y, hint, stop) END ELSE design(n.left, x, hint, stop + uy); IF x.scale # 0 THEN expr(n.right, y, {}, {}); DevCPC486.Index(x, y, {}, {}) ELSE expr(n.right, y, hint, stop); DevCPC486.Index(x, y, hint, stop) END END | Nguard, Neguard: IF n.typ.form = Pointer THEN IF loaded IN stop THEN expr(n.left, x, hint, stop) ELSE expr(n.left, x, hint, stop + {mem}) END ELSE design(n.left, x, hint, stop) END; DevCPC486.TypTest(x, n.typ, TRUE, n.class = Neguard) | Nproc: obj := n.obj; x.mode := obj.mode; x.obj := obj; IF x.mode = TProc THEN x.offset := obj.num; (*mthno*) x.scale := n.subcl (* super *) END END; x.typ := n.typ END design; PROCEDURE IsAllocDynArr (x: DevCPT.Node): BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF (x.typ.comp = DynArr) & ~x.typ.untagged THEN WHILE x.class = Nindex DO x := x.left END; IF x.class = Nderef THEN RETURN TRUE END END; RETURN FALSE END IsAllocDynArr; PROCEDURE StringOp (left, right: DevCPT.Node; VAR x, y: DevCPL486.Item; useLen: BOOLEAN); VAR ax, ay: DevCPL486.Item; ux: SET; sx: INTEGER; BEGIN Check(left, ux, sx); expr(right, y, wreg - {SI} + ux, {}); ay := y; DevCPC486.GetAdr(ay, wreg - {SI} + ux, {}); DevCPC486.Assert(ay, wreg - {SI}, ux); IF useLen & IsAllocDynArr(left) THEN (* keep len descriptor *) design(left, x, wreg - {CX}, {loaded}); DevCPC486.Prepare(x, wreg - {CX} + {deref}, {DI}) ELSE expr(left, x, wreg - {DI}, {}) END; ax := x; DevCPC486.GetAdr(ax, {}, wreg - {DI} + {stk, con}); DevCPC486.Load(ay, {}, wreg - {SI} + {con}); DevCPC486.Free(ax); DevCPC486.Free(ay) END StringOp; PROCEDURE AdrExpr (n: DevCPT.Node; VAR x: DevCPL486.Item; hint, stop: SET); BEGIN IF n.class < Nconst THEN design(n, x, hint + stop, {loaded}); DevCPC486.Prepare(x, hint + {deref}, stop) ELSE expr(n, x, hint, stop) END END AdrExpr; (* ---------- interface pointer reference counting ---------- *) PROCEDURE HandleIPtrs (typ: DevCPT.Struct; VAR x, y: DevCPL486.Item; add, rel, init: BOOLEAN); PROCEDURE FindPtrs (typ: DevCPT.Struct; adr: INTEGER); VAR fld: DevCPT.Object; btyp: DevCPT.Struct; i, n: INTEGER; BEGIN IF (typ.form = Pointer) & (typ.sysflag = interface) THEN IF add THEN DevCPC486.IPAddRef(y, adr, TRUE) END; IF rel THEN DevCPC486.IPRelease(x, adr, TRUE, init) END ELSIF (typ.comp = Record) & (typ.sysflag # union) THEN btyp := typ.BaseTyp; IF btyp # NIL THEN FindPtrs(btyp, adr) END ; fld := typ.link; WHILE (fld # NIL) & (fld.mode = Fld) DO IF (fld.sysflag = interface) & (fld.name^ = DevCPM.HdUtPtrName) THEN IF add THEN DevCPC486.IPAddRef(y, fld.adr + adr, TRUE) END; IF rel THEN DevCPC486.IPRelease(x, fld.adr + adr, TRUE, init) END ELSE FindPtrs(fld.typ, fld.adr + adr) END; fld := fld.link END ELSIF typ.comp = Array THEN btyp := typ.BaseTyp; n := typ.n; WHILE btyp.comp = Array DO n := btyp.n * n; btyp := btyp.BaseTyp END ; IF DevCPC486.ContainsIPtrs(btyp) THEN i := 0; WHILE i < n DO FindPtrs(btyp, adr); INC(adr, btyp.size); INC(i) END END ELSIF typ.comp = DynArr THEN IF DevCPC486.ContainsIPtrs(typ) THEN DevCPM.err(221) END END END FindPtrs; BEGIN FindPtrs(typ, 0) END HandleIPtrs; PROCEDURE CountedPtr (n: DevCPT.Node): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN (n.typ.form = Pointer) & (n.typ.sysflag = interface) & ((n.class = Ncall) OR (n.class = Ncomp) & (n.right.class = Ncall)) END CountedPtr; PROCEDURE IPAssign (nx, ny: DevCPT.Node; VAR x, y: DevCPL486.Item; ux: SET); (* nx.typ.form = Pointer & nx.typ.sysflag = interface *) BEGIN expr(ny, y, {}, wreg - {SI} + {mem, stk}); IF (ny.class # Nconst) & ~CountedPtr(ny) THEN DevCPC486.IPAddRef(y, 0, TRUE) END; IF nx # NIL THEN DevCPC486.Assert(y, {}, wreg - {SI} + ux); expr(nx, x, wreg - {DI}, {loaded}); IF (x.mode = Ind) & (x.reg IN wreg - {SI, DI}) OR (x.scale # 0) THEN DevCPC486.GetAdr(x, {}, wreg - {DI} + {con}); x.mode := Ind; x.offset := 0; x.scale := 0 END; DevCPC486.IPRelease(x, 0, TRUE, FALSE); END END IPAssign; PROCEDURE IPStructAssign (typ: DevCPT.Struct); VAR x, y: DevCPL486.Item; BEGIN IF typ.comp = DynArr THEN DevCPM.err(270) END; (* addresses in SI and DI *) x.mode := Ind; x.reg := DI; x.offset := 0; x.scale := 0; y.mode := Ind; y.reg := SI; y.offset := 0; y.scale := 0; HandleIPtrs(typ, x, y, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE) END IPStructAssign; PROCEDURE IPFree (nx: DevCPT.Node; VAR x: DevCPL486.Item); BEGIN expr(nx, x, wreg - {DI}, {loaded}); DevCPC486.GetAdr(x, {}, wreg - {DI} + {con}); x.mode := Ind; x.offset := 0; x.scale := 0; IF nx.typ.form = Comp THEN HandleIPtrs(nx.typ, x, x, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE) ELSE (* nx.typ.form = Pointer & nx.typ.sysflag = interface *) DevCPC486.IPRelease(x, 0, TRUE, TRUE); END END IPFree; (* unchanged val parameters allways counted because of aliasing problems REMOVED! *) PROCEDURE InitializeIPVars (proc: DevCPT.Object); VAR x: DevCPL486.Item; obj: DevCPT.Object; BEGIN x.mode := Ind; x.reg := BP; x.scale := 0; x.form := Pointer; obj := proc.link; WHILE obj # NIL DO IF (obj.mode = Var) & obj.used THEN (* changed value parameters *) x.offset := obj.adr; HandleIPtrs(obj.typ, x, x, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE) END; obj := obj.link END END InitializeIPVars; PROCEDURE ReleaseIPVars (proc: DevCPT.Object); VAR x, ax, dx, si, di: DevCPL486.Item; obj: DevCPT.Object; BEGIN obj := proc.link; WHILE (obj # NIL) & ((obj.mode # Var) OR ~obj.used OR ~DevCPC486.ContainsIPtrs(obj.typ)) DO obj := obj.link END; IF obj = NIL THEN obj := proc.scope.scope; WHILE (obj # NIL) & ~DevCPC486.ContainsIPtrs(obj.typ) DO obj := obj.link END; IF obj = NIL THEN RETURN END END; DevCPL486.MakeReg(ax, AX, Int32); DevCPL486.MakeReg(si, SI, Int32); DevCPL486.MakeReg(dx, DX, Int32); DevCPL486.MakeReg(di, DI, Int32); IF ~(proc.typ.form IN {Real32, Real64, NoTyp}) THEN DevCPL486.GenMove(ax, si) END; IF proc.typ.form = Int64 THEN DevCPL486.GenMove(dx, di) END; x.mode := Ind; x.reg := BP; x.scale := 0; x.form := Pointer; obj := proc.link; WHILE obj # NIL DO IF (obj.mode = Var) & obj.used THEN (* value parameters *) x.offset := obj.adr; HandleIPtrs(obj.typ, x, x, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE) END; obj := obj.link END; obj := proc.scope.scope; WHILE obj # NIL DO (* local variables *) IF obj.used THEN x.offset := obj.adr; HandleIPtrs(obj.typ, x, x, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE); END; obj := obj.link END; IF ~(proc.typ.form IN {Real32, Real64, NoTyp}) THEN DevCPL486.GenMove(si, ax) END; IF proc.typ.form = Int64 THEN DevCPL486.GenMove(di, dx) END END ReleaseIPVars; PROCEDURE CompareIntTypes ( typ: DevCPT.Struct; VAR id: DevCPL486.Item; VAR exit: DevCPL486.Label; VAR num: INTEGER ); VAR x, y: DevCPL486.Item; local: DevCPL486.Label; BEGIN local := DevCPL486.NewLbl; typ := typ.BaseTyp; num := 0; WHILE (typ # NIL) & (typ # DevCPT.undftyp) DO IF (typ.sysflag = interface) & (typ.ext # NIL) THEN IF num > 0 THEN DevCPC486.JumpT(x, local) END; DevCPC486.GuidFromString(typ.ext, y); x := id; DevCPC486.GetAdr(x, wreg - {SI}, {mem}); x := y; DevCPC486.GetAdr(x, wreg - {DI}, {}); x := id; DevCPC486.CmpString(x, y, eql, FALSE); INC(num) END; typ := typ.BaseTyp END; IF num > 0 THEN DevCPC486.JumpF(x, exit) END; IF num > 1 THEN DevCPL486.SetLabel(local) END END CompareIntTypes; PROCEDURE InstallQueryInterface (typ: DevCPT.Struct; proc: DevCPT.Object); VAR this, id, int, unk, c: DevCPL486.Item; nil, end: DevCPL486.Label; num: INTEGER; BEGIN nil := DevCPL486.NewLbl; end := DevCPL486.NewLbl; this.mode := Ind; this.reg := BP; this.offset := 8; this.scale := 0; this.form := Pointer; this.typ := DevCPT.anyptrtyp; id.mode := DInd; id.reg := BP; id.offset := 12; id.scale := 0; id.form := Pointer; int.mode := DInd; int.reg := BP; int.offset := 16; int.scale := 0; int.form := Pointer; DevCPC486.GetAdr(int, {}, {AX, CX, SI, DI, mem}); int.mode := Ind; int.offset := 0; DevCPL486.MakeConst(c, 0, Pointer); DevCPC486.Assign(int, c); unk.mode := Ind; unk.reg := BP; unk.offset := 8; unk.scale := 0; unk.form := Pointer; unk.typ := DevCPT.punktyp; DevCPC486.Load(unk, {}, {}); unk.mode := Ind; unk.offset := 8; DevCPC486.Load(unk, {}, {}); DevCPL486.GenComp(c, unk); DevCPL486.GenJump(4, nil, TRUE); DevCPL486.MakeReg(c, int.reg, Pointer); DevCPL486.GenPush(c); c.mode := Ind; c.reg := BP; c.offset := 12; c.scale := 0; c.form := Pointer; DevCPL486.GenPush(c); DevCPL486.GenPush(unk); c.mode := Ind; c.reg := unk.reg; c.offset := 0; c.scale := 0; c.form := Pointer; DevCPL486.GenMove(c, unk); unk.mode := Ind; unk.offset := 0; unk.scale := 0; unk.form := Pointer; DevCPL486.GenCall(unk); DevCPC486.Free(unk); DevCPL486.GenJump(-1, end, FALSE); DevCPL486.SetLabel(nil); DevCPL486.MakeConst(c, 80004002H, Int32); (* E_NOINTERFACE *) DevCPC486.Result(proc, c); CompareIntTypes(typ, id, end, num); IF num > 0 THEN DevCPC486.Load(this, {}, {}); DevCPC486.Assign(int, this); DevCPC486.IPAddRef(this, 0, FALSE); DevCPL486.MakeConst(c, 0, Int32); (* S_OK *) DevCPC486.Result(proc, c); END; DevCPL486.SetLabel(end) END InstallQueryInterface; (* -------------------- *) PROCEDURE ActualPar (n: DevCPT.Node; fp: DevCPT.Object; rec: BOOLEAN; VAR tag: DevCPL486.Item); VAR ap: DevCPL486.Item; x: DevCPT.Node; niltest: BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF n # NIL THEN ActualPar(n.link, fp.link, FALSE, ap); niltest := FALSE; IF fp.mode = VarPar THEN IF (n.class = Ndop) & ((n.subcl = thisarrfn) OR (n.subcl = thisrecfn)) THEN expr(n.right, ap, {}, {}); DevCPC486.Push(ap); (* push type/length *) expr(n.left, ap, {}, {}); DevCPC486.Push(ap); (* push adr *) RETURN ELSIF (fp.vis = outPar) & DevCPC486.ContainsIPtrs(fp.typ) & (ap.typ # DevCPT.niltyp) THEN IPFree(n, ap) ELSE x := n; WHILE (x.class = Nfield) OR (x.class = Nindex) DO x := x.left END; niltest := x.class = Nderef; (* explicit nil test needed *) AdrExpr(n, ap, {}, {}) END ELSIF (n.class = Nmop) & (n.subcl = conv) THEN IF n.typ.form IN {String8, String16} THEN expr(n, ap, {}, {}); DevCPM.err(265) ELSIF (DevCPT.Includes(n.typ.form, n.left.typ.form) OR DevCPT.Includes(n.typ.form, fp.typ.form)) & (n.typ.form # Set) & (fp.typ # DevCPT.bytetyp) THEN expr(n.left, ap, {}, {high}); ELSE expr(n, ap, {}, {high}); END ELSE expr(n, ap, {}, {high}); IF CountedPtr(n) THEN DevCPM.err(270) END END; DevCPC486.Param(fp, rec, niltest, ap, tag) END END ActualPar; PROCEDURE Call (n: DevCPT.Node; VAR x: DevCPL486.Item); CONST ccall16 = -12; VAR tag: DevCPL486.Item; proc: DevCPT.Object; m: BYTE; p: DevCPT.Object; val :INTEGER; c16: BOOLEAN; BEGIN c16 := FALSE; val := 0; IF n.left.class = Nproc THEN proc := n.left.obj; m := proc.mode; IF proc.sysflag = ccall16 THEN val:=DevCPC486.CCallParSize(proc,NIL); c16:=TRUE END; ELSE proc := NIL; m := 0; IF n.left.typ.sysflag = ccall16 THEN val:=DevCPC486.CCallParSize(NIL,n.left.typ); c16:=TRUE END END; IF (m = CProc) & (n.right # NIL) THEN ActualPar(n.right.link, n.obj.link, FALSE, tag); expr(n.right, tag, wreg - {AX}, {}); (* tag = first param *) ELSE IF proc # NIL THEN DevCPC486.PrepCall(proc) END; IF c16 THEN DevCPC486.PreCcall16(val) END; ActualPar(n.right, n.obj, (m = TProc) & (n.left.subcl = 0), tag); END; IF proc # NIL THEN design(n.left, x, {}, {}) ELSE expr(n.left, x, {}, {}) END; DevCPC486.Call(x, tag) END Call; PROCEDURE Mem (n: DevCPT.Node; VAR x: DevCPL486.Item; typ: DevCPT.Struct; hint, stop: SET); VAR offset: INTEGER; BEGIN IF (n.class = Ndop) & (n.subcl IN {plus, minus}) & (n.right.class = Nconst) THEN expr(n.left, x, hint, stop + {mem}); offset := n.right.conval.intval; IF n.subcl = minus THEN offset := -offset END ELSE expr(n, x, hint, stop + {mem}); offset := 0 END; DevCPC486.Mem(x, offset, typ) END Mem; PROCEDURE^ CompStat (n: DevCPT.Node); PROCEDURE^ CompRelease (n: DevCPT.Node; VAR res: DevCPL486.Item); PROCEDURE condition (n: DevCPT.Node; VAR x: DevCPL486.Item; VAR false, true: DevCPL486.Label); VAR local: DevCPL486.Label; y: DevCPL486.Item; ux: SET; sx, num: INTEGER; f: BYTE; BEGIN IF n.class = Nmop THEN CASE n.subcl OF not: condition(n.left, x, true, false); DevCPC486.Not(x) | is: IF n.left.typ.form = Pointer THEN expr(n.left, x, {}, {mem}) ELSE design(n.left, x, {}, {}) END; DevCPC486.TypTest(x, n.obj.typ, FALSE, FALSE) | odd: expr(n.left, x, {}, {}); DevCPC486.Odd(x) | cc: expr(n.left, x, {}, {}); x.mode := Cond; x.form := Bool | val: DevCPM.err(220) END ELSIF n.class = Ndop THEN CASE n.subcl OF and: local := DevCPL486.NewLbl; condition(n.left, y, false, local); DevCPC486.JumpF(y, false); IF local # DevCPL486.NewLbl THEN DevCPL486.SetLabel(local) END; condition(n.right, x, false, true) | or: local := DevCPL486.NewLbl; condition(n.left, y, local, true); DevCPC486.JumpT(y, true); IF local # DevCPL486.NewLbl THEN DevCPL486.SetLabel(local) END; condition(n.right, x, false, true) | eql..geq: f := n.left.typ.form; IF f = Int64 THEN DevCPM.err(260) ELSIF f IN {String8, String16, Comp} THEN IF (n.left.class = Nmop) & (n.left.subcl = conv) THEN (* converted must be source *) StringOp(n.right, n.left, x, y, FALSE); DevCPC486.CmpString(x, y, n.subcl, TRUE) ELSE StringOp(n.left, n.right, x, y, FALSE); DevCPC486.CmpString(x, y, n.subcl, FALSE) END ELSIF f IN {Real32, Real64} THEN FloatDOp(n, x) ELSE IF CountedPtr(n.left) OR CountedPtr(n.right) THEN DevCPM.err(270) END; DualExp(n.left, n.right, x, y, {}, {}, {stk}, {stk}); IF (x.mode = Reg) OR (y.mode = Con) THEN DevCPC486.IntDOp(x, y, n.subcl, FALSE) ELSIF (y.mode = Reg) OR (x.mode = Con) THEN DevCPC486.IntDOp(y, x, n.subcl, TRUE); x := y ELSE DevCPC486.Load(x, {}, {}); DevCPC486.IntDOp(x, y, n.subcl, FALSE) END END | in: DualExp(n.left, n.right, x, y, {}, {}, {short, mem, stk}, {con, stk}); DevCPC486.In(x, y) | bit: Check(n.left, ux, sx); expr(n.right, x, {}, ux + {short}); Mem(n.left, y, DevCPT.notyp, {}, {}); DevCPC486.Load(x, {}, {short}); DevCPC486.In(x, y) | queryfn: AdrExpr(n.right, x, {}, {CX, SI, DI}); CompareIntTypes(n.left.typ, x, false, num); IF num > 0 THEN Check(n.right.link, ux, sx); IPAssign(n.right.link, n.left, x, y, ux); DevCPC486.Assign(x, y); x.offset := 1 (* true *) ELSE x.offset := 0 (* false *) END; x.mode := Con; DevCPC486.MakeCond(x) END ELSIF n.class = Ncomp THEN CompStat(n.left); condition(n.right, x, false, true); CompRelease(n.left, x); IF x.mode = Stk THEN DevCPL486.GenCode(9DH); (* pop flags *) x.mode := Cond END ELSE expr(n, x, {}, {}); DevCPC486.MakeCond(x) (* const, var, or call *) END END condition; PROCEDURE expr(n: DevCPT.Node; VAR x: DevCPL486.Item; hint, stop: SET); VAR y, z: DevCPL486.Item; f, g: BYTE; cval: DevCPT.Const; false, true: DevCPL486.Label; uy: SET; sy: INTEGER; BEGIN f := n.typ.form; IF (f = Bool) & (n.class IN {Ndop, Nmop}) THEN false := DevCPL486.NewLbl; true := DevCPL486.NewLbl; condition(n, y, false, true); DevCPC486.LoadCond(x, y, false, true, hint, stop + {mem}) ELSE CASE n.class OF Nconst: IF n.obj = NIL THEN cval := n.conval ELSE cval := n.obj.conval END; CASE f OF Byte..Int32, NilTyp, Pointer, Char16: DevCPL486.MakeConst(x, cval.intval, f) | Int64: DevCPL486.MakeConst(x, cval.intval, f); DevCPE.GetLongWords(cval, x.scale, x.offset) | Set: DevCPL486.MakeConst(x, SYSTEM.VAL(INTEGER, cval.setval), Set) | String8, String16, Real32, Real64: DevCPL486.AllocConst(x, cval, f) | Comp: ASSERT(n.typ = DevCPT.guidtyp); IF n.conval # NIL THEN DevCPC486.GuidFromString(n.conval.ext, x) ELSE DevCPC486.GuidFromString(n.obj.typ.ext, x) END END | Nupto: (* n.typ = DevCPT.settyp *) Check(n.right, uy, sy); expr(n.left, x, {}, wreg - {CX} + {high, mem, stk}); DevCPC486.MakeSet(x, TRUE, FALSE, hint + stop + uy, {}); DevCPC486.Assert(x, {}, uy); expr(n.right, y, {}, wreg - {CX} + {high, mem, stk}); DevCPC486.MakeSet(y, TRUE, TRUE, hint + stop, {}); DevCPC486.Load(x, hint + stop, {}); IF x.mode = Con THEN DevCPC486.IntDOp(y, x, msk, TRUE); x := y ELSE DevCPC486.IntDOp(x, y, msk, FALSE) END | Nmop: CASE n.subcl OF | bit: expr(n.left, x, {}, wreg - {CX} + {high, mem, stk}); DevCPC486.MakeSet(x, FALSE, FALSE, hint + stop, {}) | conv: IF f IN {String8, String16} THEN expr(n.left, x, hint, stop); IF f = String8 THEN x.form := VString16to8 END (* SHORT *) ELSE IF n.left.class = Nconst THEN (* largeint -> longreal *) ASSERT((n.left.typ.form = Int64) & (f = Real64)); DevCPL486.AllocConst(x, n.left.conval, n.left.typ.form); ELSE expr(n.left, x, hint + stop, {high}); END; DevCPC486.Convert(x, f, -1, hint + stop, {}) (* ??? *) END | val: expr(n.left, x, hint + stop, {high, con}); DevCPC486.Convert(x, f, n.typ.size, hint, stop) (* ??? *) | adr: IF n.left.class = Ntype THEN x.mode := Con; x.offset := 0; x.obj := n.left.obj; x.form := Int32; x.typ := n.left.typ; ELSE AdrExpr(n.left, x, hint + stop, {}); END; DevCPC486.GetAdr(x, hint + stop, {}) | typfn: IF n.left.class = Ntype THEN x.mode := Con; x.offset := 0; x.obj := n.left.obj; x.form := Int32; x.typ := n.left.typ; IF x.obj.typ.untagged THEN DevCPM.err(111) END ELSE expr(n.left, x, hint + stop, {}); DevCPC486.Tag(x, y); DevCPC486.Free(x); x := y END; DevCPC486.Load(x, hint + stop, {}) | minus, abs, cap: expr(n.left, x, hint + stop, {mem, stk}); IF f = Int64 THEN DevCPM.err(260) ELSIF f IN realSet THEN DevCPC486.FloatMOp(x, n.subcl) ELSE DevCPC486.IntMOp(x, n.subcl) END END | Ndop: IF (f IN realSet) & (n.subcl # lsh) & (n.subcl # rot) THEN IF (n.subcl = ash) & (n.right.class = Nconst) & (n.right.conval.realval >= 0) THEN expr(n.left, x, {}, {mem, stk}); cval := n.right.conval; sy := SHORT(ENTIER(cval.realval)); cval.realval := 1; WHILE sy > 0 DO cval.realval := cval.realval * 2; DEC(sy) END; DevCPL486.AllocConst(y, cval, Real32); DevCPC486.FloatDOp(x, y, times, FALSE) ELSE FloatDOp(n, x) END ELSIF (f = Int64) OR (n.typ = DevCPT.intrealtyp) THEN DevCPM.err(260); expr(n.left, x, {}, {}) ELSE CASE n.subcl OF times: IF f = Int8 THEN DualExp(n.left, n.right, x, y, {}, {}, wreg - {AX} + {high, mem, stk, con}, {AX, con, stk}); DevCPC486.IntDOp(x, y, times, FALSE) ELSE IntDOp(n, x, hint + stop) END | div, mod: DualExp(n.left, n.right, x, y, {}, {}, wreg - {AX} + {high, mem, stk, con}, {AX, DX, mem, stk}); DevCPC486.DivMod(x, y, n.subcl = mod) | plus: IF n.typ.form IN {String8, String16} THEN DevCPM.err(265); expr(n.left, x, {}, {}) ELSE IntDOp(n, x, hint + stop) END | slash, minus, msk, min, max: IntDOp(n, x, hint + stop) | ash, lsh, rot: uy := {}; IF n.right.class # Nconst THEN uy := {CX} END; DualExp(n^.right, n^.left, y, x, {}, hint + stop, wreg - {CX} + {high, mem, stk}, uy + {con, mem, stk}); DevCPC486.Shift(x, y, n^.subcl) | len: IF n.left.typ.form IN {String8, String16} THEN expr(n.left, x, wreg - {DI} , {}); DevCPC486.GetAdr(x, {}, wreg - {DI} + {con}); DevCPC486.StrLen(x, n.left.typ, FALSE) ELSE design(n.left, x, hint + stop, {}); expr(n.right, y, {}, {}); DevCPC486.Len(x, y) END END END | Ncall: Call(n, x) | Ncomp: CompStat(n.left); expr(n.right, x, hint, stop); CompRelease(n.left, x); IF x.mode = Stk THEN DevCPC486.Pop(x, x.form, hint, stop) END ELSE design(n, x, hint + stop, stop * {loaded}); DevCPC486.Prepare(x, hint + stop, {}) (* ??? *) END END; x.typ := n.typ; DevCPC486.Assert(x, hint, stop) END expr; PROCEDURE AddCopy (n: DevCPT.Node; VAR dest, dadr, len: DevCPL486.Item; last: BOOLEAN); VAR adr, src: DevCPL486.Item; u: SET; s: INTEGER; BEGIN Check(n, u, s); DevCPC486.Assert(dadr, wreg - {DI}, u + {SI, CX}); IF len.mode # Con THEN DevCPC486.Assert(len, wreg - {CX}, u + {SI, DI}) END; expr(n, src, wreg - {SI}, {}); adr := src; DevCPC486.GetAdr(adr, {}, wreg - {SI} + {con}); IF len.mode # Con THEN DevCPC486.Load(len, {}, wreg - {CX} + {con}) END; DevCPC486.Load(dadr, {}, wreg - {DI} + {con}); DevCPC486.AddCopy(dest, src, last) END AddCopy; PROCEDURE StringCopy (left, right: DevCPT.Node); VAR x, y, ax, ay, len: DevCPL486.Item; BEGIN IF IsAllocDynArr(left) THEN expr(left, x, wreg - {CX}, {DI}) (* keep len descriptor *) ELSE expr(left, x, wreg - {DI}, {}) END; ax := x; DevCPC486.GetAdr(ax, {}, wreg - {DI}); DevCPC486.Free(x); DevCPC486.ArrayLen(x, len, wreg - {CX}, {}); WHILE right.class = Ndop DO ASSERT(right.subcl = plus); AddCopy(right.left, x, ax, len, FALSE); right := right.right END; AddCopy(right, x, ax, len, TRUE); DevCPC486.Free(len) END StringCopy; PROCEDURE Checkpc; BEGIN DevCPE.OutSourceRef(DevCPM.errpos) END Checkpc; PROCEDURE^ stat (n: DevCPT.Node; VAR end: DevCPL486.Label); PROCEDURE CondStat (if, last: DevCPT.Node; VAR hint: INTEGER; VAR else, end: DevCPL486.Label); VAR local: DevCPL486.Label; x: DevCPL486.Item; cond, lcond: DevCPT.Node; BEGIN local := DevCPL486.NewLbl; DevCPM.errpos := if.conval.intval; Checkpc; cond := if.left; IF (last # NIL) & (cond.class = Ndop) & (cond.subcl >= eql) & (cond.subcl <= geq) & (last.class = Ndop) & (last.subcl >= eql) & (last.subcl <= geq) & SameExp(cond.left, last.left) & SameExp(cond.right, last.right) THEN (* reuse comparison *) DevCPC486.setCC(x, cond.subcl, ODD(hint), hint >= 2) ELSIF (last # NIL) & (cond.class = Nmop) & (cond.subcl = is) & (last.class = Nmop) & (last.subcl = is) & SameExp(cond.left, last.left) THEN DevCPC486.ShortTypTest(x, cond.obj.typ) (* !!! *) ELSE condition(cond, x, else, local) END; hint := x.reg; DevCPC486.JumpF(x, else); IF local # DevCPL486.NewLbl THEN DevCPL486.SetLabel(local) END; stat(if.right, end); END CondStat; PROCEDURE IfStat (n: DevCPT.Node; withtrap: BOOLEAN; VAR end: DevCPL486.Label); VAR else: DevCPL486.Label; if, last: DevCPT.Node; hint: INTEGER; BEGIN (* n.class = Nifelse *) if := n.left; last := NIL; WHILE (if # NIL) & ((if.link # NIL) OR (n.right # NIL) OR withtrap) DO else := DevCPL486.NewLbl; CondStat(if, last, hint, else, end); IF sequential THEN DevCPC486.Jump(end) END; DevCPL486.SetLabel(else); last := if.left; if := if.link END; IF n.right # NIL THEN stat(n.right, end) ELSIF withtrap THEN DevCPM.errpos := n.conval.intval; Checkpc; DevCPC486.Trap(withTrap); sequential := FALSE ELSE CondStat(if, last, hint, end, end) END END IfStat; PROCEDURE CasePart (n: DevCPT.Node; VAR x: DevCPL486.Item; VAR else: DevCPL486.Label; last: BOOLEAN); VAR this, higher: DevCPL486.Label; m: DevCPT.Node; low, high: INTEGER; BEGIN IF n # NIL THEN this := SHORT(ENTIER(n.conval.realval)); IF useTree IN n.conval.setval THEN IF n.left # NIL THEN IF n.right # NIL THEN higher := DevCPL486.NewLbl; DevCPC486.CaseJump(x, n.conval.intval, n.conval.intval2, this, higher, TRUE, FALSE); CasePart(n.left, x, else, FALSE); DevCPL486.SetLabel(higher); CasePart(n.right, x, else, last) ELSE DevCPC486.CaseJump(x, n.conval.intval, n.conval.intval2, this, else, FALSE, FALSE); CasePart(n.left, x, else, last); END ELSE DevCPC486.CaseJump(x, n.conval.intval, n.conval.intval2, this, else, FALSE, TRUE); IF n.right # NIL THEN CasePart(n.right, x, else, last) ELSIF ~last THEN DevCPC486.Jump(else) END END ELSE IF useTable IN n.conval.setval THEN m := n; WHILE m.left # NIL DO m := m.left END; low := m.conval.intval; m := n; WHILE m.right # NIL DO m := m.right END; high := m.conval.intval2; DevCPC486.CaseTableJump(x, low, high, else); actual := low; last := TRUE END; CasePart(n.left, x, else, FALSE); WHILE actual < n.conval.intval DO DevCPL486.GenCaseEntry(else, FALSE); INC(actual) END; WHILE actual < n.conval.intval2 DO DevCPL486.GenCaseEntry(this, FALSE); INC(actual) END; DevCPL486.GenCaseEntry(this, last & (n.right = NIL)); INC(actual); CasePart(n.right, x, else, last) END; n.conval.realval := this END END CasePart; PROCEDURE CaseStat (n: DevCPT.Node; VAR end: DevCPL486.Label); VAR x: DevCPL486.Item; case, lab: DevCPT.Node; low, high, tab: INTEGER; else, this: DevCPL486.Label; BEGIN expr(n.left, x, {}, {mem, con, short, float, stk}); else := DevCPL486.NewLbl; IF (n.right.right # NIL) & (n.right.right.class = Ngoto) THEN (* jump to goto optimization *) CasePart(n.right.link, x, else, FALSE); DevCPC486.Free(x); n.right.right.right.conval.intval2 := else; sequential := FALSE ELSE CasePart(n.right.link, x, else, TRUE); DevCPC486.Free(x); DevCPL486.SetLabel(else); IF n.right.conval.setval # {} THEN stat(n.right.right, end) ELSE DevCPC486.Trap(caseTrap); sequential := FALSE END END; case := n.right.left; WHILE case # NIL DO (* case.class = Ncasedo *) IF sequential THEN DevCPC486.Jump(end) END; lab := case.left; IF (case.right # NIL) & (case.right.class = Ngoto) THEN (* jump to goto optimization *) case.right.right.conval.intval2 := SHORT(ENTIER(lab.conval.realval)); ASSERT(lab.link = NIL); sequential := FALSE ELSE WHILE lab # NIL DO this := SHORT(ENTIER(lab.conval.realval)); DevCPL486.SetLabel(this); lab := lab.link END; stat(case.right, end) END; case := case.link END END CaseStat; PROCEDURE Dim(n: DevCPT.Node; VAR x, nofel: DevCPL486.Item; VAR fact: INTEGER; dimtyp: DevCPT.Struct); VAR len: DevCPL486.Item; u: SET; s: INTEGER; BEGIN Check(n, u, s); IF (nofel.mode = Reg) & (nofel.reg IN u) THEN DevCPC486.Push(nofel) END; expr(n, len, {}, {mem, short}); IF nofel.mode = Stk THEN DevCPC486.Pop(nofel, Int32, {}, {}) END; IF len.mode = Stk THEN DevCPC486.Pop(len, Int32, {}, {}) END; DevCPC486.MulDim(len, nofel, fact, dimtyp); IF n.link # NIL THEN Dim(n.link, x, nofel, fact, dimtyp.BaseTyp); ELSE DevCPC486.New(x, nofel, fact) END; DevCPC486.SetDim(x, len, dimtyp) END Dim; PROCEDURE CompStat (n: DevCPT.Node); VAR x, y, sp, old, len: DevCPL486.Item; typ: DevCPT.Struct; BEGIN Checkpc; WHILE (n # NIL) & DevCPM.noerr DO ASSERT(n.class = Nassign); IF n.subcl = assign THEN IF n.right.typ.form IN {String8, String16} THEN StringCopy(n.left, n.right) ELSE IF (n.left.typ.sysflag = interface) & ~CountedPtr(n.right) THEN IPAssign(NIL, n.right, x, y, {}); (* no Release *) ELSE expr(n.right, y, {}, {}) END; expr(n.left, x, {}, {}); DevCPC486.Assign(x, y) END ELSE ASSERT(n.subcl = newfn); typ := n.left.typ.BaseTyp; ASSERT(typ.comp = DynArr); ASSERT(n.right.link = NIL); expr(n.right, y, {}, wreg - {CX} + {mem, stk}); DevCPL486.MakeReg(sp, SP, Int32); DevCPC486.CopyReg(sp, old, {}, {CX}); DevCPC486.CopyReg(y, len, {}, {CX}); IF typ.BaseTyp.form = Char16 THEN DevCPL486.MakeConst(x, 2, Int32); DevCPL486.GenMul(x, y, FALSE) END; DevCPC486.StackAlloc; DevCPC486.Free(y); expr(n.left, x, {}, {}); DevCPC486.Assign(x, sp); DevCPC486.Push(len); DevCPC486.Push(old); typ.sysflag := stackArray END; n := n.link END END CompStat; PROCEDURE CompRelease (n: DevCPT.Node; VAR res: DevCPL486.Item); VAR x, y, sp: DevCPL486.Item; BEGIN IF n.link # NIL THEN CompRelease(n.link, res) END; ASSERT(n.class = Nassign); IF n.subcl = assign THEN IF (n.left.typ.form = Pointer) & (n.left.typ.sysflag = interface) THEN IF res.mode = Cond THEN DevCPL486.GenCode(9CH); (* push flags *) res.mode := Stk ELSIF res.mode = Reg THEN IF res.form < Int16 THEN DevCPC486.Push(res) ELSE DevCPC486.Assert(res, {}, {AX, CX, DX}) END END; expr(n.left, x, wreg - {DI}, {loaded}); DevCPC486.IPRelease(x, 0, TRUE, TRUE); n.left.obj.used := FALSE END ELSE ASSERT(n.subcl = newfn); DevCPL486.MakeReg(sp, SP, Int32); DevCPL486.GenPop(sp); DevCPL486.MakeConst(y, 0, Pointer); expr(n.left, x, {}, {}); DevCPC486.Assign(x, y) END END CompRelease; PROCEDURE Assign(n: DevCPT.Node; ux: SET); VAR r: DevCPT.Node; f: BYTE; false, true: DevCPL486.Label; x, y, z: DevCPL486.Item; uf, uy: SET; BEGIN r := n.right; f := r.typ.form; uf := {}; IF (r.class IN {Nmop, Ndop}) THEN IF (r.subcl = conv) & (f # Set) & (* (DevCPT.Includes(f, r.left.typ.form) OR DevCPT.Includes(f, n.left.typ.form)) THEN r := r.left; IF ~(f IN realSet) & (r.typ.form IN realSet) & (r.typ # DevCPT.intrealtyp) THEN uf := {AX} END (* entier *) *) (DevCPT.Includes(f, r.left.typ.form) OR DevCPT.Includes(f, n.left.typ.form)) & ((f IN realSet) OR ~(r.left.typ.form IN realSet)) THEN r := r.left ELSIF (f IN {Char8..Int32, Set, Char16, String8, String16}) & SameExp(n.left, r.left) THEN IF r.class = Ndop THEN IF (r.subcl IN {slash, plus, minus, msk}) OR (r.subcl = times) & (f = Set) THEN expr(r.right, y, {}, ux); expr(n.left, x, {}, {}); DevCPC486.Load(y, {}, {}); DevCPC486.IntDOp(x, y, r.subcl, FALSE); RETURN ELSIF r.subcl IN {ash, lsh, rot} THEN expr(r.right, y, wreg - {CX} + {high, mem}, ux); expr(n.left, x, {}, {}); DevCPC486.Load(y, {}, wreg - {CX} + {high}); DevCPC486.Shift(x, y, r.subcl); RETURN END ELSE IF r.subcl IN {minus, abs, cap} THEN expr(n.left, x, {}, {}); DevCPC486.IntMOp(x, r.subcl); RETURN END END ELSIF f = Bool THEN IF (r.subcl = not) & SameExp(n.left, r.left) THEN expr(n.left, x, {}, {}); DevCPC486.IntMOp(x, not); RETURN END END END; IF (n.left.typ.sysflag = interface) & (n.left.typ.form = Pointer) THEN IPAssign(n.left, r, x, y, ux) ELSE expr(r, y, {high}, ux); expr(n.left, x, {}, uf + {loaded}); (* high ??? *) END; DevCPC486.Assign(x, y) END Assign; PROCEDURE stat (n: DevCPT.Node; VAR end: DevCPL486.Label); VAR x, y, nofel: DevCPL486.Item; local, next, loop, prevExit: DevCPL486.Label; fact, sx, sz: INTEGER; ux, uz: SET; BEGIN sequential := TRUE; INC(nesting); WHILE (n # NIL) & DevCPM.noerr DO IF n.link = NIL THEN next := end ELSE next := DevCPL486.NewLbl END; DevCPM.errpos := n.conval.intval; DevCPL486.BegStat; CASE n.class OF | Ninittd: (* done at load-time *) | Nassign: Checkpc; Check(n.left, ux, sx); CASE n.subcl OF assign: IF n.left.typ.form = Comp THEN IF (n.right.class = Ndop) & (n.right.typ.form IN {String8, String16}) THEN StringCopy(n.left, n.right) ELSE StringOp(n.left, n.right, x, y, TRUE); IF DevCPC486.ContainsIPtrs(n.left.typ) THEN IPStructAssign(n.left.typ) END; DevCPC486.Copy(x, y, FALSE) END ELSE Assign(n, ux) END | getfn: Mem(n.right, y, n.left.typ, {}, ux); expr(n.left, x, {}, {loaded}); DevCPC486.Assign(x, y) | putfn: expr(n.right, y, {}, ux); Mem(n.left, x, n.right.typ, {}, {}); DevCPC486.Assign(x, y) | incfn, decfn: expr(n.right, y, {}, ux); expr(n.left, x, {}, {}); IF n.left.typ.form = Int64 THEN DevCPC486.LargeInc(x, y, n.subcl = decfn) ELSE DevCPC486.Load(y, {}, {}); DevCPC486.IntDOp(x, y, SHORT(SHORT(plus - incfn + n.subcl)), FALSE) END | inclfn: expr(n.right, y, {}, wreg - {CX} + {high, mem, stk}); DevCPC486.MakeSet(y, FALSE, FALSE, ux, {}); DevCPC486.Assert(y, {}, ux); expr(n.left, x, {}, {}); DevCPC486.Load(y, {}, {}); DevCPC486.IntDOp(x, y, plus, FALSE) | exclfn: expr(n.right, y, {}, wreg - {CX} + {high, mem, stk}); DevCPC486.MakeSet(y, FALSE, TRUE, ux, {}); DevCPC486.Assert(y, {}, ux); expr(n.left, x, {}, {}); DevCPC486.Load(y, {}, {}); DevCPC486.IntDOp(x, y, times, FALSE) | getrfn: expr(n.right, y, {}, {}); IF y.offset < 8 THEN DevCPL486.MakeReg(y, y.offset, n.left.typ.form); (* ??? *) expr(n.left, x, {}, {loaded}); DevCPC486.Assign(x, y) ELSE DevCPM.err(220) END | putrfn: expr(n.left, x, {}, {}); IF x.offset < 8 THEN DevCPL486.MakeReg(x, x.offset, n.right.typ.form); (* ??? *) expr(n.right, y, wreg - {x.reg}, {}); DevCPC486.Assign(x, y) ELSE DevCPM.err(220) END | newfn: y.typ := n.left.typ; IF n.right # NIL THEN IF y.typ.BaseTyp.comp = Record THEN expr(n.right, nofel, {}, {AX, CX, DX, mem, stk}); DevCPC486.New(y, nofel, 1); ELSE (*open array*) nofel.mode := Con; nofel.form := Int32; fact := 1; Dim(n.right, y, nofel, fact, y.typ.BaseTyp) END ELSE DevCPL486.MakeConst(nofel, 0, Int32); DevCPC486.New(y, nofel, 1); END; DevCPC486.Assert(y, {}, ux); expr(n.left, x, {}, {loaded}); DevCPC486.Assign(x, y) | sysnewfn: expr(n.right, y, {}, {mem, short}); DevCPC486.SysNew(y); DevCPC486.Assert(y, {}, ux); expr(n.left, x, {}, {}); DevCPC486.Assign(x, y) | copyfn: StringOp(n.left, n.right, x, y, TRUE); DevCPC486.Copy(x, y, TRUE) | movefn: Check(n.right.link, uz, sz); expr(n.right, y, {}, wreg - {SI} + {short} + ux + uz); expr(n.left, x, {}, wreg - {DI} + {short} + uz); expr(n.right.link, nofel, {}, wreg - {CX} + {mem, stk, short}); DevCPC486.Load(x, {}, wreg - {DI} + {con}); DevCPC486.Load(y, {}, wreg - {SI} + {con}); DevCPC486.SysMove(nofel) END; sequential := TRUE | Ncall: Checkpc; Call(n, x); sequential := TRUE | Nifelse: IF (n.subcl # assertfn) OR assert THEN IfStat(n, FALSE, next) END | Ncase: Checkpc; CaseStat(n, next) | Nwhile: local := DevCPL486.NewLbl; IF n.right # NIL THEN DevCPC486.Jump(local) END; loop := DevCPL486.NewLbl; DevCPL486.SetLabel(loop); stat(n.right, local); DevCPL486.SetLabel(local); DevCPM.errpos := n.conval.intval; Checkpc; condition(n.left, x, next, loop); DevCPC486.JumpT(x, loop); sequential := TRUE | Nrepeat: loop := DevCPL486.NewLbl; DevCPL486.SetLabel(loop); local := DevCPL486.NewLbl; stat(n.left, local); DevCPL486.SetLabel(local); DevCPM.errpos := n.conval.intval; Checkpc; condition(n.right, x, loop, next); DevCPC486.JumpF(x, loop); sequential := TRUE | Nloop: prevExit := Exit; Exit := next; loop := DevCPL486.NewLbl; DevCPL486.SetLabel(loop); stat(n.left, loop); IF sequential THEN DevCPC486.Jump(loop) END; next := Exit; Exit := prevExit; sequential := FALSE | Nexit: Checkpc; DevCPC486.Jump(Exit); sequential := FALSE | Nreturn: IF n.left # NIL THEN Checkpc; IF (n.obj.typ.sysflag = interface) & (n.obj.typ.form = Pointer) & (n.left.class # Nconst) & ~CountedPtr(n.left) THEN IPAssign(NIL, n.left, y, x, {}) ELSE expr(n.left, x, wreg - {AX}, {}) END; DevCPC486.Result(n.obj, x) END; IF (nesting > 1) OR (n.link # NIL) THEN DevCPC486.Jump(Return) END; sequential := FALSE | Nwith: IF (n.left # NIL) OR (n.right # NIL) OR (n.subcl = 0) THEN IfStat(n, n.subcl = 0, next) END | Ntrap: Checkpc; DevCPC486.Trap(n.right.conval.intval); sequential := TRUE | Ncomp: CompStat(n.left); stat(n.right, next); x.mode := 0; CompRelease(n.left, x) | Ndrop: Checkpc; expr(n.left, x, {}, {}); DevCPC486.Free(x) | Ngoto: IF n.left # NIL THEN Checkpc; condition(n.left, x, next, n.right.conval.intval2); DevCPC486.JumpT(x, n.right.conval.intval2) ELSE DevCPC486.Jump(n.right.conval.intval2); sequential := FALSE END | Njsr: DevCPL486.GenJump(-3, n.right.conval.intval2, FALSE) (* call n.right *) | Nret: DevCPL486.GenReturn(0); sequential := FALSE (* ret 0 *) | Nlabel: DevCPL486.SetLabel(n.conval.intval2) END; DevCPC486.CheckReg; DevCPL486.EndStat; n := n.link; IF n = NIL THEN end := next ELSIF next # DevCPL486.NewLbl THEN DevCPL486.SetLabel(next) END END; DEC(nesting) END stat; PROCEDURE CheckFpu (n: DevCPT.Node; VAR useFpu: BOOLEAN); BEGIN WHILE n # NIL DO IF n.typ.form IN {Real32, Real64} THEN useFpu := TRUE END; CASE n.class OF | Ncase: CheckFpu(n.left, useFpu); CheckFpu(n.right.left, useFpu); CheckFpu(n.right.right, useFpu) | Ncasedo: CheckFpu(n.right, useFpu) | Ngoto, Ndrop, Nloop, Nreturn, Nmop, Nfield, Nderef, Nguard: CheckFpu(n.left, useFpu) | Nassign, Ncall, Nifelse, Nif, Nwhile, Nrepeat, Nwith, Ncomp, Ndop, Nupto, Nindex: CheckFpu(n.left, useFpu); CheckFpu(n.right, useFpu) | Njsr, Nret, Nlabel, Ntrap, Nexit, Ninittd, Ntype, Nproc, Nconst, Nvar, Nvarpar: END; n := n.link END END CheckFpu; PROCEDURE procs(n: DevCPT.Node); VAR proc, obj: DevCPT.Object; i, j: INTEGER; end: DevCPL486.Label; ch: SHORTCHAR; name: DevCPT.Name; useFpu: BOOLEAN; BEGIN INC(DevCPL486.level); nesting := 0; WHILE (n # NIL) & DevCPM.noerr DO DevCPC486.imLevel[DevCPL486.level] := DevCPC486.imLevel[DevCPL486.level - 1]; proc := n.obj; IF imVar IN proc.conval.setval THEN INC(DevCPC486.imLevel[DevCPL486.level]) END; procs(n.left); DevCPM.errpos := n.conval.intval; useFpu := FALSE; CheckFpu(n.right, useFpu); DevCPC486.Enter(proc, n.right = NIL, useFpu); InitializeIPVars(proc); end := DevCPL486.NewLbl; Return := DevCPL486.NewLbl; stat(n.right, end); DevCPM.errpos := n.conval.intval2; Checkpc; IF sequential OR (end # DevCPL486.NewLbl) THEN DevCPL486.SetLabel(end); IF (proc.typ # DevCPT.notyp) & (proc.sysflag # noframe) THEN DevCPC486.Trap(funcTrap) END END; DevCPL486.SetLabel(Return); ReleaseIPVars(proc); DevCPC486.Exit(proc, n.right = NIL); IF proc.mode = TProc THEN name := proc.link.typ.strobj.name^$; i := 0; WHILE name[i] # 0X DO INC(i) END; name[i] := "."; INC(i); j := 0; ch := proc.name[0]; WHILE (ch # 0X) & (i < LEN(name)-1) DO name[i] := ch; INC(i); INC(j); ch := proc.name[j] END ; name[i] := 0X; ELSE name := proc.name^$ END; DevCPE.OutRefName(name); DevCPE.OutRefs(proc.scope.right); n := n.link END; DEC(DevCPL486.level) END procs; PROCEDURE Module*(prog: DevCPT.Node); VAR end: DevCPL486.Label; name: DevCPT.Name; obj, p: DevCPT.Object; n: DevCPT.Node; aAd, rAd: INTEGER; typ: DevCPT.Struct; useFpu: BOOLEAN; BEGIN DevCPH.UseReals(prog, {DevCPH.longDop, DevCPH.longMop}); DevCPM.NewObj(DevCPT.SelfName); IF DevCPM.noerr THEN DevCPE.OutHeader; n := prog.right; WHILE (n # NIL) & (n.class = Ninittd) DO n := n.link END; useFpu := FALSE; CheckFpu(n, useFpu); DevCPC486.Enter(NIL, n = NIL, useFpu); end := DevCPL486.NewLbl; stat(n, end); DevCPL486.SetLabel(end); DevCPM.errpos := prog.conval.intval2; Checkpc; DevCPC486.Exit(NIL, n = NIL); IF prog.link # NIL THEN (* close section *) DevCPL486.SetLabel(DevCPE.closeLbl); useFpu := FALSE; CheckFpu(prog.link, useFpu); DevCPC486.Enter(NIL, FALSE, useFpu); end := DevCPL486.NewLbl; stat(prog.link, end); DevCPL486.SetLabel(end); DevCPM.errpos := SHORT(ENTIER(prog.conval.realval)); Checkpc; DevCPC486.Exit(NIL, FALSE) END; name := "$$"; DevCPE.OutRefName(name); DevCPE.OutRefs(DevCPT.topScope.right); DevCPM.errpos := prog.conval.intval; WHILE query # NIL DO typ := query.typ; query.typ := DevCPT.int32typ; query.conval.intval := 20; (* parameters *) query.conval.intval2 := -8; (* saved registers *) DevCPC486.Enter(query, FALSE, FALSE); InstallQueryInterface(typ, query); DevCPC486.Exit(query, FALSE); name := "QueryInterface"; DevCPE.OutRefName(name); query := query.nlink END; procs(prog.left); DevCPC486.InstallStackAlloc; addRef := NIL; release := NIL; release2 := NIL; DevCPC486.intHandler := NIL; IF DevCPM.noerr THEN DevCPE.OutCode END; IF ~DevCPM.noerr THEN DevCPM.DeleteObj END END END Module; END DevCPV486.
MODULE DevDebug; (** project = "BlackBox 2.0, new module" organizations = "Oberon microsystems, BBWFC, OberonCore, BBCP Team" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - 20070123, bh, WriteString, ShowArray, & ShowVar changed (Unicode support) - 20141027, center #19, full Unicode support for Component Pascal identifiers added - 20150326, center #33, adding platform detection for wine, Windows 7, and Windows 8 - 20150527, center #54, UnloadThis must use DevCommanders.par.text - 20150929, center #72, speeding up the dump of large data structures by avoiding fold.Flip - 20151106, center #84, unloading DevDebug produces a sequence of Traps - 20160324, center #111, code cleanups - 20161103, center #140, unwrapping import aliasses - 20170215, center #139, localization support for error messages - 20170623, Nikita Plynskii, remove digitspaces from loaded modules - 20180515, center #187, fixing the type of vi in ShowArray - 20181207, center #195, support for long identifiers in trap handlers - 20210123, bbcp #23, per module string resources " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT SYSTEM, Kernel, Strings, Utf, Librarian, Dates, Files, Fonts, Services, Ports, Stores, Converters, Models, Views, Controllers, Properties, Dialog, Containers, Controls, Windows, StdDialog, StdFolds, StdLinks, TextModels, TextMappers, TextControllers, TextViews, TextRulers, StdLog, DevReferences, DevCommanders; CONST refViewSize = 9 * Ports.point; heap = 1; source = 2; module = 3; modules = 4; (* RefView types *) open = 1; undo = 2; update = 3; (* RefView commands *) (* additional scanner types *) import = 100; smodule = 101; semicolon = 102; becomes = 103; stop = 104; comEnd = 105; TYPE ArrayPtr = POINTER TO EXTENSIBLE RECORD last, t, first: INTEGER; (* gc header *) len: ARRAY 16 OF INTEGER (* dynamic array length table *) END; RefView = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) type: SHORTINT; command: SHORTINT; back: RefView; adr: INTEGER; desc: Kernel.Type; ptr: ArrayPtr; name: Kernel.Utf8Name END; Action = POINTER TO RECORD (Services.Action) text: TextModels.Model END; Cluster = POINTER TO RECORD [untagged] (* must correspond to Kernel.Cluster *) size: INTEGER; next: Cluster END; FoldContext = RECORD prevText: TextModels.Model; prevPos: INTEGER END; VAR out: TextMappers.Formatter; path: ARRAY 4 OF Ports.Point; empty: Kernel.Name; PROCEDURE NewRuler (): TextRulers.Ruler; CONST mm = Ports.mm; VAR r: TextRulers.Ruler; BEGIN r := TextRulers.dir.New(NIL); TextRulers.SetRight(r, 140 * mm); TextRulers.AddTab(r, 4 * mm); TextRulers.AddTab(r, 34 * mm); TextRulers.AddTab(r, 80 * mm); RETURN r END NewRuler; PROCEDURE NewModRuler (): TextRulers.Ruler; CONST mm = Ports.mm; VAR r: TextRulers.Ruler; BEGIN r := TextRulers.dir.New(NIL); TextRulers.SetRight(r, 144 * mm); TextRulers.AddTab(r, 48 * mm); TextRulers.MakeRightTab(r); TextRulers.AddTab(r, 64 * mm); TextRulers.MakeRightTab(r); TextRulers.AddTab(r, 76 * mm); TextRulers.AddTab(r, 110 * mm); RETURN r END NewModRuler; PROCEDURE OpenViewer (t: TextModels.Model; title: Views.Title; ruler:TextRulers.Ruler); VAR v: TextViews.View; c: Containers.Controller; BEGIN Dialog.MapString(title, title); v := TextViews.dir.New(t); v.SetDefaults(ruler, TextViews.dir.defAttr); c := v.ThisController(); IF c # NIL THEN c.SetOpts(c.opts - {Containers.noFocus, Containers.noSelection} + {Containers.noCaret}) END; Views.OpenAux(v, title) END OpenViewer; PROCEDURE OpenFold (OUT fc: FoldContext); BEGIN fc.prevText := out.rider.Base(); fc.prevPos := out.Pos(); out.ConnectTo(TextModels.CloneOf(StdLog.buf)) END OpenFold; PROCEDURE CloseFold (IN fc: FoldContext; collapsed: BOOLEAN; IN hidden: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR fold: StdFolds.Fold; t: TextModels.Model; w: TextMappers.Formatter; hiddenx: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR; BEGIN Dialog.MapString(hidden, hiddenx); (* avoid expensive fold.Flip operation *) IF collapsed THEN fold := StdFolds.dir.New(StdFolds.collapsed, "", out.rider.Base()); out.ConnectTo(fc.prevText); out.WriteView(fold); out.WriteString(hiddenx) ELSE t := TextModels.CloneOf(StdLog.buf); w.ConnectTo(t); w.WriteString(hiddenx); fold := StdFolds.dir.New(StdFolds.expanded, "", t); t := out.rider.Base(); out.ConnectTo(fc.prevText); out.WriteView(fold); fc.prevText.Insert(out.Pos(), t, 0, t.Length()); out.SetPos(out.rider.Base().Length()) END; fold := StdFolds.dir.New(collapsed, "", NIL); out.WriteView(fold) END CloseFold; PROCEDURE WriteHex (n: INTEGER); BEGIN out.WriteIntForm(n, TextMappers.hexadecimal, 9, "0", TextMappers.showBase) END WriteHex; PROCEDURE WriteString (adr, len, base: INTEGER; zterm, unicode: BOOLEAN); CONST beg = 0; char = 1; code = 2; VAR ch: CHAR; sc: SHORTCHAR; val, mode: INTEGER; str: ARRAY 16 OF CHAR; BEGIN mode := beg; IF base = 2 THEN SYSTEM.GET(adr, ch); val := ORD(ch) ELSE SYSTEM.GET(adr, sc); val := ORD(sc) END; IF zterm & (val = 0) THEN out.WriteString('""') ELSE REPEAT IF (val >= ORD(" ")) & (val < 7FH) OR (val > 0A0H) & (val < 100H) OR unicode & (val >= 100H) THEN IF mode # char THEN IF mode = code THEN out.WriteString(", ") END; out.WriteChar(22X); mode := char END; out.WriteChar(CHR(val)) ELSE IF mode = char THEN out.WriteChar(22X) END; IF mode # beg THEN out.WriteString(", ") END; mode := code; Strings.IntToStringForm(val, Strings.hexadecimal, 1, "0", FALSE, str); IF str[0] > "9" THEN out.WriteChar("0") END; out.WriteString(str); out.WriteChar("X") END; INC(adr, base); DEC(len); IF base = 2 THEN SYSTEM.GET(adr, ch); val := ORD(ch) ELSE SYSTEM.GET(adr, sc); val := ORD(sc) END UNTIL (len = 0) OR zterm & (val = 0) END; IF mode = char THEN out.WriteChar(22X) END END WriteString; PROCEDURE IsIdent (s: ARRAY OF CHAR): BOOLEAN; VAR i: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; BEGIN ch := s[0]; IF Strings.IsIdentStart(ch) THEN i := 1; ch := s[1]; WHILE Strings.IsIdent(ch) DO INC(i); ch := s[i] END; RETURN (s[i] = 0X) & (i < 256) ELSE RETURN FALSE END END IsIdent; PROCEDURE OutString (s: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR str: Dialog.String; BEGIN Dialog.MapString(s, str); out.WriteString(str); END OutString; (* ------------------- variable display ------------------- *) PROCEDURE FormOf (t: Kernel.Type): SHORTCHAR; BEGIN IF SYSTEM.VAL(INTEGER, t) DIV 256 = 0 THEN RETURN SHORT(CHR(SYSTEM.VAL(INTEGER, t))) ELSE RETURN SHORT(CHR(16 + t.id MOD 4)) END END FormOf; PROCEDURE LenOf (t: Kernel.Type; ptr: ArrayPtr): INTEGER; BEGIN IF t.size # 0 THEN RETURN t.size ELSIF ptr # NIL THEN RETURN ptr.len[t.id DIV 16 MOD 16 - 1] ELSE RETURN 0 END END LenOf; PROCEDURE SizeOf (t: Kernel.Type; ptr: ArrayPtr): INTEGER; BEGIN CASE FormOf(t) OF | 0BX: RETURN 0 | 1X, 2X, 4X: RETURN 1 | 3X, 5X: RETURN 2 | 8X, 0AX: RETURN 8 | 11X: RETURN t.size | 12X: RETURN LenOf(t, ptr) * SizeOf(t.base[0], ptr) ELSE RETURN 4 END END SizeOf; PROCEDURE WriteName (t: Kernel.Type; ptr: ArrayPtr); VAR modName, name: Kernel.Name; f: SHORTCHAR; BEGIN f := FormOf(t); CASE f OF | 0X: OutString("#Dev:Unknown") | 1X: out.WriteString("BOOLEAN") | 2X: out.WriteString("SHORTCHAR") | 3X: out.WriteString("CHAR") | 4X: out.WriteString("BYTE") | 5X: out.WriteString("SHORTINT") | 6X: out.WriteString("INTEGER") | 7X: out.WriteString("SHORTREAL") | 8X: out.WriteString("REAL") | 9X: out.WriteString("SET") | 0AX: out.WriteString("LONGINT") | 0BX: out.WriteString("ANYREC") | 0CX: out.WriteString("ANYPTR") | 0DX: out.WriteString("POINTER") | 0EX: out.WriteString("PROCEDURE") | 0FX: out.WriteString("STRING") | 10X..13X: IF (t.mod # NIL) & (t.id DIV 256 # 0) & (t.mod.refcnt >= 0) THEN Kernel.GetTypeName(t, name); IF name = "!" THEN IF f = 11X THEN out.WriteString("RECORD") ELSIF f = 12X THEN out.WriteString("ARRAY") ELSE OutString("#Dev:Unknown") END ELSE Kernel.GetModName(t.mod, modName); out.WriteString(modName); out.WriteChar("."); out.WriteString(name) END ELSIF f = 11X THEN IF t.mod # NIL THEN Kernel.GetModName(t.mod, modName); out.WriteString(modName); out.WriteChar(".") END; out.WriteString("RECORD"); ELSIF f = 12X THEN out.WriteString("ARRAY "); out.WriteInt(LenOf(t, ptr)); t := t.base[0]; WHILE (FormOf(t) = 12X) & ((t.id DIV 256 = 0) OR (t.mod = NIL) OR (t.mod.refcnt < 0)) DO out.WriteString(", "); out.WriteInt(LenOf(t, ptr)); t := t.base[0] END; out.WriteString(" OF "); WriteName(t, ptr) ELSIF f = 13X THEN out.WriteString("POINTER") ELSE out.WriteString("PROCEDURE") END | 20X: out.WriteString("COM.IUnknown") | 21X: out.WriteString("COM.GUID") | 22X: out.WriteString("COM.RESULT") ELSE OutString("#Dev:UnknownFormat"); out.WriteInt(ORD(f)) END END WriteName; PROCEDURE WriteGuid (a: INTEGER); PROCEDURE Hex (a: INTEGER); VAR x: SHORTCHAR; BEGIN SYSTEM.GET(a, x); out.WriteIntForm(ORD(x), TextMappers.hexadecimal, 2, "0", FALSE) END Hex; BEGIN out.WriteChar("{"); Hex(a + 3); Hex(a + 2); Hex(a + 1); Hex(a); out.WriteChar("-"); Hex(a + 5); Hex(a + 4); out.WriteChar("-"); Hex(a + 7); Hex(a + 6); out.WriteChar("-"); Hex(a + 8); Hex(a + 9); out.WriteChar("-"); Hex(a + 10); Hex(a + 11); Hex(a + 12); Hex(a + 13); Hex(a + 14); Hex(a + 15); out.WriteChar("}") END WriteGuid; PROCEDURE^ ShowVar ( ad, ind: INTEGER; f, c: SHORTCHAR; desc: Kernel.Type; ptr: ArrayPtr; back: RefView; VAR name, sel: Kernel.Name); PROCEDURE^ NewRefView (type, command: SHORTINT; adr: INTEGER; back: RefView; desc: Kernel.Type; ptr: ArrayPtr; name: Kernel.Name): RefView; PROCEDURE^ InsertRefView (type, command: SHORTINT; adr: INTEGER; back: RefView; desc: Kernel.Type; ptr: ArrayPtr; name: Kernel.Name); PROCEDURE ShowRecord (a, ind: INTEGER; desc: Kernel.Type; back: RefView; VAR sel: Kernel.Name); VAR dir: Kernel.Directory; obj: Kernel.Object; name: Kernel.Name; i, j, n: INTEGER; base: Kernel.Type; fc: FoldContext; BEGIN WriteName(desc, NIL); out.WriteTab; IF desc.mod.refcnt >= 0 THEN OpenFold(fc); n := desc.id DIV 16 MOD 16; j := 0; WHILE j <= n DO base := desc.base[j]; IF base # NIL THEN dir := base.fields; i := 0; WHILE i < dir.num DO obj := SYSTEM.VAL(Kernel.Object, SYSTEM.ADR(dir.obj[i])); Kernel.GetObjName(base.mod, obj, name); ShowVar(a + obj.offs, ind, FormOf(obj.struct), 1X, obj.struct, NIL, back, name, sel); INC(i) END END; INC(j) END; out.WriteString(" "); CloseFold(fc, (ind > 1) OR (sel # ""), "#Dev:Fields") ELSE OutString("#Dev:Unloaded") END END ShowRecord; PROCEDURE ShowArray (a, ind: INTEGER; desc: Kernel.Type; ptr: ArrayPtr; back: RefView; VAR sel: Kernel.Name); VAR f: SHORTCHAR; i, n, m, size, len: INTEGER; name: Kernel.Name; eltyp, t: Kernel.Type; vi: SHORTINT; vs: BYTE; str: Dialog.String; high: BOOLEAN; fc: FoldContext; BEGIN WriteName(desc, ptr); out.WriteTab; len := LenOf(desc, ptr); eltyp := desc.base[0]; f := FormOf(eltyp); size := SizeOf(eltyp, ptr); IF (f = 2X) OR (f = 3X) THEN (* string *) n := 0; m := len; high := FALSE; IF f = 2X THEN REPEAT SYSTEM.GET(a + n, vs); INC(n) UNTIL (n = 32) OR (n = len) OR (vs = 0); REPEAT DEC(m); SYSTEM.GET(a + m, vs) UNTIL (m = 0) OR (vs # 0) ELSE REPEAT SYSTEM.GET(a + n * 2, vi); INC(n); IF vi DIV 256 # 0 THEN high := TRUE END UNTIL (n = len) OR (vi = 0); n := MIN(n, 32); REPEAT DEC(m); SYSTEM.GET(a + m * 2, vi) UNTIL (m = 0) OR (vi # 0) END; WriteString(a, n, size, TRUE, TRUE); INC(m, 2); IF m > len THEN m := len END; IF high OR (m > n) THEN out.WriteString(" "); OpenFold(fc); out.WriteLn; IF high & (n = 32) THEN WriteString(a, m, size, TRUE, TRUE); out.WriteLn; out.WriteLn END; WriteString(a, m, size, FALSE, FALSE); IF m < len THEN out.WriteString(", ..., 0X") END; out.WriteString(" "); CloseFold(fc, TRUE, "...") END ELSE t := eltyp; WHILE FormOf(t) = 12X DO t := t.base[0] END; IF FormOf(t) # 0X THEN OpenFold(fc); i := 0; WHILE i < len DO Strings.IntToString(i, str); name := "[" + SHORT(str$) + "]"; ShowVar(a, ind, f, 1X, eltyp, ptr, back, name, sel); INC(i); INC(a, size) END; out.WriteString(" "); CloseFold(fc, StdFolds.collapsed, "#Dev:Elements") END END END ShowArray; PROCEDURE ShowProcVar (a: INTEGER); VAR vli, n, ref: INTEGER; m: Kernel.Module; modName, name: Kernel.Name; res: INTEGER; nn: Kernel.Utf8Name; BEGIN SYSTEM.GET(a, vli); Kernel.SearchProcVar(vli, m, vli); IF m = NIL THEN IF vli = 0 THEN out.WriteString("NIL") ELSE WriteHex(vli) END ELSE IF m.refcnt >= 0 THEN Kernel.GetModName(m, modName); out.WriteString(modName); ref := m.refs; REPEAT Kernel.GetRefProc(ref, n, nn) UNTIL (n = 0) OR (vli < n); IF vli < n THEN out.WriteChar("."); Utf.Utf8ToString(nn, name, res); out.WriteString(name) END ELSE OutString("#Dev:ProcInUnloadedMod"); Kernel.GetModName(m, modName); out.WriteString( modName); out.WriteString(" !!!") END END END ShowProcVar; PROCEDURE ShowPointer (a: INTEGER; f: SHORTCHAR; desc: Kernel.Type; back: RefView; VAR sel: Kernel.Name); VAR adr, x: INTEGER; ptr: ArrayPtr; c: Cluster; btyp: Kernel.Type; BEGIN SYSTEM.GET(a, adr); IF f = 13X THEN btyp := desc.base[0] ELSE btyp := NIL END; IF adr = 0 THEN out.WriteString("NIL") ELSIF f = 20X THEN out.WriteChar("["); WriteHex(adr); out.WriteChar("]"); out.WriteChar(" "); c := SYSTEM.VAL(Cluster, Kernel.Root()); WHILE (c # NIL) & ((adr < SYSTEM.VAL(INTEGER, c)) OR (adr >= SYSTEM.VAL(INTEGER, c) + c.size)) DO c := c.next END; IF c # NIL THEN ptr := SYSTEM.VAL(ArrayPtr, adr); InsertRefView(heap, open, adr, back, btyp, ptr, sel) END ELSE IF (f = 13X) OR (f = 0CX) THEN x := adr - 4 ELSE x := adr END; IF ((adr < -4) OR (adr >= 65536)) & Kernel.IsReadable(x, adr + 16) THEN out.WriteChar("["); WriteHex(adr); out.WriteChar("]"); IF (f = 13X) OR (f = 0CX) THEN out.WriteChar(" "); c := SYSTEM.VAL(Cluster, Kernel.Root()); WHILE (c # NIL) & ((adr < SYSTEM.VAL(INTEGER, c)) OR (adr >= SYSTEM.VAL(INTEGER, c) + c.size)) DO c := c.next END; IF c # NIL THEN ptr := SYSTEM.VAL(ArrayPtr, adr); IF (f = 13X) & (FormOf(btyp) = 12X) THEN (* array *) adr := SYSTEM.ADR(ptr.len[btyp.id DIV 16 MOD 16]) END; InsertRefView(heap, open, adr, back, btyp, ptr, sel) ELSE OutString("#Dev:IllegalPointer"); END END ELSE OutString("#Dev:IllegalAddress"); WriteHex(adr) END END END ShowPointer; PROCEDURE ShowSelector (ref: RefView); VAR b: RefView; n: INTEGER; a, a0: TextModels.Attributes; res: INTEGER; nn: Kernel.Name; BEGIN b := ref.back; n := 1; IF b # NIL THEN WHILE (b.name = ref.name) & (b.back # NIL) DO INC(n); b := b.back END; ShowSelector(b); IF n > 1 THEN out.WriteChar("(") END; out.WriteChar(".") END; Utf.Utf8ToString(ref.name, nn, res); out.WriteString(nn); IF ref.type = heap THEN out.WriteChar("^") END; IF n > 1 THEN out.WriteChar(")"); a0 := out.rider.attr; a := TextModels.NewOffset(a0, 2 * Ports.point); out.rider.SetAttr(a); out.WriteInt(n); out.rider.SetAttr(a0) END; END ShowSelector; PROCEDURE ShowVar ( ad, ind: INTEGER; f, c: SHORTCHAR; desc: Kernel.Type; ptr: ArrayPtr; back: RefView; VAR name, sel: Kernel.Name ); VAR i, j, vli, a: INTEGER; tsel: Kernel.Name; a0: TextModels.Attributes; vc: SHORTCHAR; vsi: BYTE; vi: SHORTINT; vr: SHORTREAL; vlr: REAL; vs: SET; BEGIN out.WriteLn; out.WriteTab; i := 0; WHILE i < ind DO out.WriteString(" "); INC(i) END; a := ad; i := 0; j := 0; IF sel # "" THEN WHILE sel[i] # 0X DO tsel[i] := sel[i]; INC(i) END; IF (tsel[i-1] # ":") & (name[0] # "[") THEN tsel[i] := "."; INC(i) END END; WHILE name[j] # 0X DO tsel[i] := name[j]; INC(i); INC(j) END; tsel[i] := 0X; a0 := out.rider.attr; IF c = 3X THEN (* varpar *) SYSTEM.GET(ad, a); out.rider.SetAttr(TextModels.NewStyle(a0, {Fonts.italic})) END; IF name[0] # "[" THEN out.WriteChar(".") END; out.WriteString(name); out.rider.SetAttr(a0); out.WriteTab; IF (c = 3X) & (a >= 0) & (a < 65536) THEN out.WriteTab; out.WriteString("NIL VARPAR"); ELSIF f = 11X THEN Kernel.GetTypeName(desc, name); IF (c = 3X) & (name[0] # "!") THEN SYSTEM.GET(ad + 4, desc) END; (* dynamic type *) ShowRecord(a, ind + 1, desc, back, tsel) ELSIF (c = 3X) & (f = 0BX) THEN (* VAR anyrecord *) SYSTEM.GET(ad + 4, desc); ShowRecord(a, ind + 1, desc, back, tsel) ELSIF f = 12X THEN IF (desc.size = 0) & (ptr = NIL) THEN SYSTEM.GET(ad, a) END; (* dyn array val par *) IF ptr = NIL THEN ptr := SYSTEM.VAL(ArrayPtr, ad - 8) END; ShowArray(a, ind + 1, desc, ptr, back, tsel) ELSE IF desc = NIL THEN desc := SYSTEM.VAL(Kernel.Type, ORD(f)) END; WriteName(desc, NIL); out.WriteTab; CASE f OF | 0X: (* SYSTEM.GET(a, vli); WriteHex(vli) *) | 1X: SYSTEM.GET(a, vc); IF vc = 0X THEN out.WriteString("FALSE") ELSIF vc = 1X THEN out.WriteString("TRUE") ELSE OutString("#Dev:Undefined"); out.WriteInt(ORD(vc)) END | 2X: WriteString(a, 1, 1, FALSE, FALSE) | 3X: WriteString(a, 1, 2, FALSE, TRUE); SYSTEM.GET(a, vi); IF vi DIV 256 # 0 THEN out.WriteString(" "); WriteString(a, 1, 2, FALSE, FALSE) END | 4X: SYSTEM.GET(a, vsi); out.WriteInt(vsi) | 5X: SYSTEM.GET(a, vi); out.WriteInt(vi) | 6X: SYSTEM.GET(a, vli); out.WriteInt(vli) | 7X: SYSTEM.GET(a, vli); IF BITS(vli) * {23..30} = {23..30} THEN IF BITS(vli) = {23..30} THEN out.WriteString("inf") ELSIF BITS(vli) = {23..31} THEN out.WriteString("-inf") ELSE out.WriteString("nan ("); WriteHex(vli); out.WriteString(")") END ELSE SYSTEM.GET(a, vr); out.WriteReal(vr) END | 8X: IF Kernel.littleEndian THEN SYSTEM.GET(a, vli); SYSTEM.GET(a + 4, i) ELSE SYSTEM.GET(a + 4, vli); SYSTEM.GET(a, i) END; IF BITS(i) * {20..30} = {20..30} THEN IF (BITS(i) = {20..30}) & (vli = 0) THEN out.WriteString("inf") ELSIF (BITS(i) = {20..31}) & (vli = 0) THEN out.WriteString("-inf") ELSE out.WriteString("nan ("); out.WriteIntForm(i, TextMappers.hexadecimal, 8, "0", TextMappers.hideBase); WriteHex(vli); out.WriteString(")") END ELSE SYSTEM.GET(a, vlr); out.WriteReal(vlr) END | 9X: SYSTEM.GET(a, vs); out.WriteSet(vs) | 0AX: IF Kernel.littleEndian THEN SYSTEM.GET(a, vli); SYSTEM.GET(a + 4, i) ELSE SYSTEM.GET(a + 4, vli); SYSTEM.GET(a, i) END; IF (vli >= 0) & (i = 0) OR (vli < 0) & (i = -1) THEN out.WriteInt(vli) ELSE out.WriteIntForm(i, TextMappers.hexadecimal, 8, "0", TextMappers.hideBase); WriteHex(vli) END | 0CX, 0DX, 13X, 20X: ShowPointer(a, f, desc, back, tsel) | 0EX, 10X: ShowProcVar(a) | 0FX: WriteString(a, 256, 1, TRUE, FALSE) | 21X: WriteGuid(a) | 22X: SYSTEM.GET(a, vli); WriteHex(vli) ELSE END END END ShowVar; PROCEDURE WriteTimeStamp (ts: ARRAY OF SHORTINT); VAR d: Dates.Date; t: Dates.Time; str: ARRAY 64 OF CHAR; BEGIN IF ts[0] = 0 THEN out.WriteString(" "); OutString("#Dev:Linked") ELSE d.year := ts[0]; d.month := ts[1]; d.day := ts[2]; t.hour := ts[3]; t.minute := ts[4]; t.second := ts[5]; Dates.DateToString(d, Dates.short, str); out.WriteString(str); out.WriteString(" "); Dates.TimeToString(t, str); out.WriteString(str); END END WriteTimeStamp; PROCEDURE ShowModules; VAR m, m1: Kernel.Module; a0: TextModels.Attributes; n, h, t, h1: Kernel.Name; res: INTEGER; BEGIN a0 := out.rider.attr; out.rider.SetAttr(TextModels.NewStyle(a0, {Fonts.italic})); OutString("#Dev:ModuleName"); out.WriteTab; OutString("#Dev:BytesUsed"); out.WriteTab; OutString("#Dev:Clients"); out.WriteTab; OutString("#Dev:Compiled"); out.WriteTab; OutString("#Dev:Loaded"); out.rider.SetAttr(a0); out.WriteTab; out.WriteTab; out.rider.SetAttr(TextModels.NewStyle(out.rider.attr, {Fonts.underline})); out.rider.SetAttr(TextModels.NewColor(out.rider.attr, Ports.blue)); out.WriteView(StdLinks.dir.NewLink("DevDebug.UpdateModules")); OutString("#Dev:Update"); out.WriteView(StdLinks.dir.NewLink("")); out.rider.SetAttr(a0); out.WriteLn; m := Kernel.modList; WHILE m # NIL DO IF m.refcnt >= 0 THEN Utf.Utf8ToString(m.name, n, res); Librarian.lib.SplitName(n, h, t); m1 := Kernel.modList; h1 := "*"; WHILE (m1 # m) & (h1 # h) DO IF m1.refcnt >= 0 THEN Utf.Utf8ToString(m1.name, n, res); Librarian.lib.SplitName(n, h1, t) END; m1 := m1.next END; IF h1 # h THEN out.WriteLn; m1 := m; WHILE m1 # NIL DO Utf.Utf8ToString(m1.name, n, res); Librarian.lib.SplitName(n, h1, t); IF (h1 = h) & (m1.refcnt >= 0) THEN out.WriteString(n); out.WriteTab; out.WriteInt(m1.csize + m1.dsize + m1.rsize); out.WriteTab; out.WriteInt(m1.refcnt); out.WriteTab; WriteTimeStamp(m1.compTime); out.WriteTab; WriteTimeStamp(m1.loadTime); out.WriteLn END; m1 := m1.next END END END; m := m.next END END ShowModules; PROCEDURE ShowGlobals (mod: Kernel.Module); VAR ref, x: INTEGER; m, f: SHORTCHAR; name: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; modName, mname: Kernel.Name; d: Kernel.Type; v: RefView; a0: TextModels.Attributes; res: INTEGER; nn: Kernel.Utf8Name; BEGIN IF mod # NIL THEN Kernel.GetModName(mod, modName); out.WriteString(modName); out.WriteTab; out.WriteTab; out.WriteTab; a0 := out.rider.attr; out.rider.SetAttr(TextModels.NewStyle(out.rider.attr, {Fonts.underline})); out.rider.SetAttr(TextModels.NewColor(out.rider.attr, Ports.blue)); Kernel.GetModName(mod, modName); name := "DevDebug.UpdateGlobals('" + modName + "')"; out.WriteView(StdLinks.dir.NewLink(name)); OutString("#Dev:Update"); out.WriteView(StdLinks.dir.NewLink("")); out.rider.SetAttr(a0); out.WriteLn; ref := mod.refs; Kernel.GetRefProc(ref, x, nn); Utf.Utf8ToString(nn, mname, res); (* get body *) IF x # 0 THEN Kernel.GetModName(mod, modName); v := NewRefView (module, open, 0, NIL, NIL, NIL, modName); Kernel.GetRefVar(ref, m, f, d, x, nn); Utf.Utf8ToString(nn, mname, res); WHILE m = 1X DO ShowVar(mod.data + x, 0, f, m, d, NIL, v, mname, empty); Kernel.GetRefVar(ref, m, f, d, x, nn); Utf.Utf8ToString(nn, mname, res); END END; out.WriteLn END END ShowGlobals; PROCEDURE ShowObject (adr: INTEGER); VAR eltyp: Kernel.Type; ptr: ArrayPtr; desc: ARRAY 64 OF INTEGER; i, n, lev, elsize: INTEGER; BEGIN SYSTEM.GET(adr - 4, eltyp); IF ODD(SYSTEM.VAL(INTEGER, eltyp) DIV 2) THEN DEC(SYSTEM.VAL(INTEGER, eltyp), 2); ptr := SYSTEM.VAL(ArrayPtr, adr); elsize := eltyp.size; IF (eltyp.mod.name = "Kernel") & (eltyp.fields.num = 1) THEN eltyp := eltyp.fields.obj[0].struct END; n := (ptr.last - ptr.first) DIV elsize + 1; lev := (ptr.first - adr - 12) DIV 4; i := 0; WHILE lev > 0 DO (* dynamic levels *) DEC(lev); desc[i] := ptr.len[lev]; n := n DIV desc[i]; INC(i); (* size *) desc[i] := 0; INC(i); (* module *) desc[i] := 2; INC(i); (* id *) desc[i] := SYSTEM.ADR(desc[i+1]); INC(i) (* desc *) END; IF n > 1 THEN (* static level *) desc[i] := n; INC(i); (* size *) desc[i] := 0; INC(i); (* module *) desc[i] := 2; INC(i); (* id *) ELSE DEC(i) END; desc[i] := SYSTEM.VAL(INTEGER, eltyp); (* desc *) ShowArray(ptr.first, 1, SYSTEM.VAL(Kernel.Type, SYSTEM.ADR(desc)), ptr, NIL, empty); out.WriteLn ELSE ShowRecord(adr, 1, eltyp, NIL, empty) END; END ShowObject; PROCEDURE ShowPtrDeref (ref: RefView); VAR b: RefView; res: INTEGER; name: Kernel.Name; BEGIN ShowSelector(ref); b := ref.back; IF b # NIL THEN out.WriteChar(" "); Utf.Utf8ToString(b.name, name, res); InsertRefView(b.type, undo, b.adr, b.back, b.desc, b.ptr, name) END; out.WriteLn; out.WriteLn; out.WriteChar("["); WriteHex(ref.adr); out.WriteChar("]"); out.WriteTab; IF ref.desc = NIL THEN ShowObject(ref.adr) ELSIF FormOf(ref.desc) = 12X THEN ShowArray(ref.adr, 1, ref.desc, ref.ptr, ref, empty) ELSE ShowRecord(ref.adr, 1, Kernel.TypeOf(SYSTEM.VAL(ANYPTR, ref.ptr)), ref, empty) END; out.WriteLn END ShowPtrDeref; PROCEDURE Scan (VAR s: TextMappers.Scanner); BEGIN s.Scan; IF s.type = TextMappers.string THEN IF s.string = "IMPORT" THEN s.type := import ELSIF s.string = "MODULE" THEN s.type := smodule ELSIF s.string = "THEN" THEN s.type := stop ELSIF s.string = "OF" THEN s.type := stop ELSIF s.string = "DO" THEN s.type := stop ELSIF s.string = "END" THEN s.type := stop ELSIF s.string = "ELSE" THEN s.type := stop ELSIF s.string = "ELSIF" THEN s.type := stop ELSIF s.string = "UNTIL" THEN s.type := stop ELSIF s.string = "TO" THEN s.type := stop ELSIF s.string = "BY" THEN s.type := stop END ELSIF s.type = TextMappers.char THEN IF s.char = ";" THEN s.type := semicolon ELSIF s.char = "|" THEN s.type := stop ELSIF s.char = ":" THEN IF s.rider.char = "=" THEN s.rider.Read; s.type := becomes END ELSIF s.char = "(" THEN IF s.rider.char = "*" THEN s.rider.Read; REPEAT Scan(s) UNTIL (s.type = TextMappers.eot) OR (s.type = comEnd); Scan(s) END ELSIF s.char = "*" THEN IF s.rider.char = ")" THEN s.rider.Read; s.type := comEnd END END END END Scan; PROCEDURE ShowSourcePos (name: Kernel.Utf8Name; adr: INTEGER); VAR loc: Files.Locator; fname: Files.Name; v: Views.View; m: Models.Model; conv: Converters.Converter; c: Containers.Controller; beg, end: INTEGER; s: TextMappers.Scanner; w: Windows.Window; res: INTEGER; n: Kernel.Name; BEGIN (* search source by name heuristic *) Utf.Utf8ToString(name, n, res); StdDialog.GetSubLoc(n, "Mod", loc, fname); Librarian.lib.GetSpec(n, "Mod", loc, fname); v := Views.OldView(loc, fname); m := NIL; IF v # NIL THEN Views.Open(v, loc, fname, NIL); m := v.ThisModel(); IF ~(m IS TextModels.Model) THEN m := NIL END END; IF m = NIL THEN (* search in open windows *) w := Windows.dir.First(); WHILE (w # NIL) & (m = NIL) DO v := w.doc.ThisView(); m := v.ThisModel(); IF m # NIL THEN WITH m: TextModels.Model DO s.ConnectTo(m); s.SetPos(0); REPEAT REPEAT s.Scan UNTIL s.rider.eot OR (s.type = TextMappers.string) & (s.string = "MODULE"); s.Scan; UNTIL s.rider.eot OR (s.type = TextMappers.string) & (s.string = n); IF ~s.rider.eot THEN Windows.dir.Select(w, Windows.eager) ELSE m := NIL END ELSE m := NIL END END; w := Windows.dir.Next(w) END END; IF m = NIL THEN (* ask user for source file *) conv := NIL; v := Views.Old(Views.ask, loc, fname, conv); IF v # NIL THEN Views.Open(v, loc, fname, conv); m := v.ThisModel(); IF ~(m IS TextModels.Model) THEN m := NIL END END END; IF m # NIL THEN (* mark error position in text *) WITH m: TextModels.Model DO beg := Kernel.SourcePos(Kernel.ThisMod(n), adr); IF beg >= 0 THEN IF beg > m.Length() THEN beg := m.Length() - 10 END; s.ConnectTo(m); s.SetPos(beg); Scan(s); beg := s.start; end := beg + 3; IF s.type = stop THEN end := s.Pos() - 1 ELSE WHILE (s.type # TextMappers.eot) & (s.type # stop) & (s.type # semicolon) DO end := s.Pos() - 1; Scan(s) END END; c := v(TextViews.View).ThisController(); v(TextViews.View).ShowRange(beg, end, TextViews.any); c(TextControllers.Controller).SetSelection(beg, end) END END ELSE Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#Dev:SourcefileNotFound", n, "", "") END END ShowSourcePos; (* ------------------- RefView ------------------- *) PROCEDURE (v: RefView) Internalize (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR thisVersion: INTEGER; BEGIN v.Internalize^(rd); IF rd.cancelled THEN RETURN END; rd.ReadVersion(0, 0, thisVersion); IF rd.cancelled THEN RETURN END; v.command := open; rd.ReadSInt(v.type); IF v.type = source THEN rd.ReadInt(v.adr); rd.ReadSString(v.name) ELSIF v.type = module THEN rd.ReadSString(v.name) ELSIF v.type # modules THEN v.type := 0 END END Internalize; PROCEDURE (v: RefView) Externalize (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); VAR t: SHORTINT; BEGIN v.Externalize^(wr); wr.WriteVersion(0); t := v.type; IF v.command # open THEN t := 0 END; wr.WriteSInt(t); IF t = source THEN wr.WriteInt(v.adr); wr.WriteSString(v.name) ELSIF t = module THEN wr.WriteSString(v.name) END END Externalize; PROCEDURE (v: RefView) CopyFromSimpleView (source: Views.View); BEGIN (* v.CopyFrom^(source); *) WITH source: RefView DO v.type := source.type; v.command := source.command; v.adr := source.adr; v.back := source.back; v.desc := source.desc; v.ptr := source.ptr; v.name := source.name$; END END CopyFromSimpleView; PROCEDURE (v: RefView) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); BEGIN f.DrawPath(path, 4, Ports.fill, Ports.blue, Ports.closedPoly) END Restore; PROCEDURE (v: RefView) GetBackground (VAR color: Ports.Color); BEGIN color := Ports.background END GetBackground; PROCEDURE (v: RefView) HandleCtrlMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View); VAR t, t0: TextModels.Model; m: Models.Model; x, y: INTEGER; isDown, new: BOOLEAN; mo: SET; script: Stores.Operation; res: INTEGER; n: Kernel.Name; BEGIN WITH msg: Controllers.TrackMsg DO IF v.type > 0 THEN REPEAT f.MarkRect(0, 0, refViewSize, refViewSize, Ports.fill, Ports.hilite, Ports.show); IF v.command = undo THEN Dialog.ShowStatus("#Dev:ShowPrecedingObject") ELSIF v.command = update THEN Dialog.ShowStatus("#Dev:UpdateWindow") ELSIF v.type = module THEN Dialog.ShowStatus("#Dev:ShowGlobalVariables") ELSIF v.type = source THEN Dialog.ShowStatus("#Dev:ShowSourcePosition") ELSIF v.type = heap THEN Dialog.ShowStatus("#Dev:ShowReferencedObject") END; REPEAT f.Input(x, y, mo, isDown) UNTIL (x < 0) OR (x > refViewSize) OR (y < 0) OR (y > refViewSize) OR ~isDown; f.MarkRect(0, 0, refViewSize, refViewSize, Ports.fill, Ports.hilite, Ports.hide); Dialog.ShowStatus(""); WHILE isDown & ((x < 0) OR (x > refViewSize) OR (y < 0) OR (y > refViewSize)) DO f.Input(x, y, mo, isDown) END UNTIL ~isDown; IF (x >= 0) & (x <= refViewSize) & (y >= 0) & (y <= refViewSize) THEN IF v.type = source THEN ShowSourcePos(v.name, v.adr) ELSE m := v.context.ThisModel(); new := (v.command = open) & (v.back = NIL) OR (Controllers.modify IN msg.modifiers) & (v.command # update) OR ~(m IS TextModels.Model) ; IF new THEN t := TextModels.CloneOf(StdLog.buf); t0 := NIL ELSE t0 := m(TextModels.Model); t := TextModels.CloneOf(t0); END; out.ConnectTo(t); IF v.type = heap THEN ShowPtrDeref(v) ELSIF v.type = module THEN Utf.Utf8ToString(v.name, n, res); ShowGlobals(Kernel.ThisLoadedMod(n)) ELSIF v.type = modules THEN ShowModules END; out.ConnectTo(NIL); IF new THEN OpenViewer(t, "#Dev:Variables", NewRuler()) ELSE Models.BeginScript(t0, "#Dev:Change", script); t0.Delete(0, t0.Length()); t0.Insert(0, t, 0, t.Length()); Models.EndScript(t0, script) END END END END | msg: Controllers.PollCursorMsg DO msg.cursor := Ports.refCursor ELSE END END HandleCtrlMsg; PROCEDURE (v: RefView) HandlePropMsg (VAR msg: Properties.Message); BEGIN WITH msg: Properties.Preference DO WITH msg: Properties.ResizePref DO msg.fixed := TRUE | msg: Properties.SizePref DO msg.w := refViewSize; msg.h := refViewSize | msg: Properties.FocusPref DO msg.hotFocus := TRUE ELSE END ELSE END END HandlePropMsg; PROCEDURE NewRefView (type, command: SHORTINT; adr: INTEGER; back: RefView; desc: Kernel.Type; ptr: ArrayPtr; name: Kernel.Name): RefView; VAR v: RefView; res: INTEGER; BEGIN NEW(v); v.type := type; v.command := command; v.adr := adr; v.back := back; v.desc := desc; v.ptr := ptr; Utf.StringToUtf8(name, v.name, res); RETURN v END NewRefView; PROCEDURE InsertRefView (type, command: SHORTINT; adr: INTEGER; back: RefView; desc: Kernel.Type; ptr: ArrayPtr; name: Kernel.Name); VAR v: RefView; a0: TextModels.Attributes; BEGIN v := NewRefView(type, command, adr, back, desc, ptr, name); a0 := out.rider.attr; out.rider.SetAttr(TextModels.NewOffset(a0, Ports.point)); out.WriteView(v); out.rider.SetAttr(a0) END InsertRefView; PROCEDURE HeapRefView* (adr: INTEGER; name: ARRAY OF CHAR): Views.View; VAR ptr: ArrayPtr; BEGIN ptr := SYSTEM.VAL(ArrayPtr, adr); RETURN NewRefView(heap, open, adr, NIL, NIL, ptr, name$) END HeapRefView; (* ----------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE GetMod (VAR mod: Kernel.Module); VAR c: TextControllers.Controller; s: TextMappers.Scanner; beg, end: INTEGER; BEGIN mod := NIL; c := TextControllers.Focus(); IF (c # NIL) & c.HasSelection() THEN c.GetSelection(beg, end); s.ConnectTo(c.text); s.SetPos(beg); s.Scan; IF s.type = TextMappers.string THEN DevReferences.ResolveImportAlias(s.string, c.text); mod := Kernel.ThisMod(s.string); IF mod = NIL THEN Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#Dev:ModuleNotFound", s.string, "", "") END ELSE Dialog.ShowMsg("#Dev:NoModuleNameSelected") END ELSE Dialog.ShowMsg("#Dev:NoSelectionFound") END END GetMod; PROCEDURE ShowLoadedModules*; BEGIN out.ConnectTo(TextModels.CloneOf(StdLog.buf)); ShowModules; OpenViewer(out.rider.Base(), "#Dev:LoadedModules", NewModRuler()); out.ConnectTo(NIL) END ShowLoadedModules; PROCEDURE UpdateModules*; VAR t, t0: TextModels.Model; script: Stores.Operation; BEGIN t0 := TextViews.FocusText(); Models.BeginScript(t0, "#Dev:Change", script); t := TextModels.CloneOf(t0); out.ConnectTo(t); ShowModules; (*Stores.InitDomain(t, t0.domain);*) Stores.Join(t, t0); (* not efficient to init domain before writing *) t0.Delete(0, t0.Length()); t0.Insert(0, t, 0, t.Length()); Models.EndScript(t0, script); out.ConnectTo(NIL) END UpdateModules; PROCEDURE ShowGlobalVariables*; VAR mod: Kernel.Module; BEGIN GetMod(mod); IF mod # NIL THEN out.ConnectTo(TextModels.CloneOf(StdLog.buf)); ShowGlobals(mod); OpenViewer(out.rider.Base(), "#Dev:Variables", NewRuler()); out.ConnectTo(NIL) END END ShowGlobalVariables; PROCEDURE UpdateGlobals* (name: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR t, t0: TextModels.Model; script: Stores.Operation; mod: Kernel.Module; BEGIN mod := Kernel.ThisLoadedMod(name); IF mod # NIL THEN t0 := TextViews.FocusText(); Models.BeginScript(t0, "#Dev:Change", script); t := TextModels.CloneOf(t0); out.ConnectTo(t); ShowGlobals(mod); (*Stores.InitDomain(t, t0.domain);*) Stores.Join(t, t0); (* not efficient to init domain before writing *) t0.Delete(0, t0.Length()); t0.Insert(0, t, 0, t.Length()); Models.EndScript(t0, script); out.ConnectTo(NIL) END END UpdateGlobals; PROCEDURE ShowHeapObject* (adr: INTEGER; title: ARRAY OF CHAR); BEGIN out.ConnectTo(TextModels.CloneOf(StdLog.buf)); IF title # "" THEN out.WriteString(title); out.WriteLn; out.WriteLn END; out.WriteChar("["); WriteHex(adr); out.WriteChar("]"); out.WriteTab; ShowObject(adr); out.WriteLn; OpenViewer(out.rider.Base(), "#Dev:HeapObject", NewRuler()); out.ConnectTo(NIL) END ShowHeapObject; PROCEDURE ShowViewState*; VAR ops: Controllers.PollOpsMsg; BEGIN Controllers.PollOps(ops); IF ops.singleton # NIL THEN ShowHeapObject(SYSTEM.VAL(INTEGER, ops.singleton), "") END END ShowViewState; PROCEDURE LogClients (m: Kernel.Module); VAR n: Kernel.Module; name: Kernel.Name; i, j, res: INTEGER; BEGIN IF m # NIL THEN n := Kernel.modList; WHILE n # NIL DO IF n.refcnt >= 0 THEN j := n.nofimps; i := 0; WHILE (i < j) & (n.imports[i] # m) DO INC(i) END; IF i < j THEN Utf.Utf8ToString(n.name, name, res); StdLog.String(name); StdLog.Char(' ') END END; n := n.next END END END LogClients; PROCEDURE UnloadMod (name: TextMappers.String; VAR ok: BOOLEAN); VAR mod: Kernel.Module; str: Dialog.String; BEGIN mod := Kernel.ThisLoadedMod(name); IF mod # NIL THEN IF name # "DevDebug" THEN Dialog.ShowParamStatus("#Dev:Unloading", name, "", ""); Kernel.UnloadMod(mod) END; IF mod.refcnt < 0 THEN Dialog.MapParamString("#Dev:Unloaded", name, "", "", str); StdLog.String(str); StdLog.Ln ELSE Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#Dev:UnloadingFailed", name, "", ""); IF mod.refcnt > 0 THEN StdLog.ParamMsg("#Dev:ReferencedBy", name, '', ''); LogClients(mod); StdLog.Ln END; ok := FALSE END ELSE Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#Dev:NotFound", name, "", ""); ok := FALSE; END END UnloadMod; PROCEDURE Unload*; VAR t: TextModels.Model; s: TextMappers.Scanner; ok: BOOLEAN; BEGIN t := TextViews.FocusText(); IF t # NIL THEN s.ConnectTo(t); s.SetPos(0); REPEAT Scan(s) UNTIL (s.type = smodule) OR s.rider.eot; IF (s.type = smodule) THEN Scan(s); IF (s.type = TextMappers.string) & IsIdent(s.string) THEN ok := TRUE; UnloadMod(s.string, ok); IF ok THEN Dialog.ShowStatus("#Dev:Ok") END; Controls.Relink ELSE Dialog.ShowMsg("#Dev:NoModNameFound"); END ELSE Dialog.ShowMsg("#Dev:NoModNameFound"); END END END Unload; PROCEDURE UnloadList(beg, end: INTEGER; text: TextModels.Model); VAR s: TextMappers.Scanner; ok, num: BOOLEAN; linked: ARRAY 16 OF CHAR; BEGIN s.ConnectTo(text); s.SetPos(beg); s.Scan; ok := TRUE; num := FALSE; WHILE (s.start < end) & (s.type # TextMappers.invalid) DO Dialog.MapString("#Dev:Linked", linked); IF (s.type = TextMappers.string) & (s.string # linked) THEN IF num & ((s.string = "AM") OR (s.string = "PM")) THEN s.Scan (* skip am & pm *) ELSIF IsIdent(s.string) THEN UnloadMod(s.string, ok); s.Scan ELSE s.type := TextMappers.invalid END ELSE (* skip numbers to allow selection of list of loaded modules *) num := TRUE; s.Scan END END; IF ok THEN Dialog.ShowStatus("#Dev:Ok") END; Controls.Relink END UnloadList; PROCEDURE UnloadModuleList*; VAR c: TextControllers.Controller; beg, end: INTEGER; BEGIN c := TextControllers.Focus(); IF (c # NIL) & c.HasSelection() THEN c.GetSelection(beg, end); UnloadList(beg, end, c.text) END END UnloadModuleList; PROCEDURE UnloadThis*; VAR p: DevCommanders.Par; beg, end: INTEGER; BEGIN p := DevCommanders.par; IF p # NIL THEN DevCommanders.par := NIL; beg := p.beg; end := p.end; UnloadList(beg, end, p.text) ELSE Dialog.ShowMsg("#Dev:NoTextViewFound") END END UnloadThis; PROCEDURE Execute*; VAR beg, end, res: INTEGER; done: BOOLEAN; c: TextControllers.Controller; s: TextMappers.Scanner; cmd: Dialog.String; BEGIN c := TextControllers.Focus(); IF (c # NIL) & c.HasSelection() THEN c.GetSelection(beg, end); s.ConnectTo(c.text); s.SetPos(beg); s.Scan; TextMappers.ScanQualIdent(s, cmd, done); IF done THEN Dialog.Call(cmd, " ", res) ELSIF s.type = TextMappers.string THEN Dialog.Call(s.string, " ", res) ELSE Dialog.ShowMsg("#Dev:StringExpected") END ELSE Dialog.ShowMsg("#Dev:NoSelectionFound") END END Execute; PROCEDURE ShowStack; VAR ref, end, i, j, x, a, b, c: INTEGER; m, f: SHORTCHAR; mod: Kernel.Module; modName, name, sel: Kernel.Name; d: Kernel.Type; res: INTEGER; nn: Kernel.Utf8Name; BEGIN a := Kernel.pc; b := Kernel.fp; c := 100; REPEAT mod := Kernel.modList; WHILE (mod # NIL) & ((a < mod.code) OR (a >= mod.code + mod.csize)) DO mod := mod.next END; IF mod # NIL THEN DEC(a, mod.code); IF mod.refcnt >= 0 THEN Kernel.GetModName(mod, modName); InsertRefView(module, open, 0, NIL, NIL, NIL, modName); out.WriteChar(" "); out.WriteString(modName); ref := mod.refs; REPEAT Kernel.GetRefProc(ref, end, nn) UNTIL (end = 0) OR (a < end); Utf.Utf8ToString(nn, name, res); IF a < end THEN out.WriteChar("."); out.WriteString(name); sel := mod.name$; i := 0; WHILE sel[i] # 0X DO INC(i) END; sel[i] := "."; INC(i); j := 0; WHILE name[j] # 0X DO sel[i] := name[j]; INC(i); INC(j) END; sel[i] := ":"; sel[i+1] := 0X; out.WriteString(" ["); WriteHex(a); out.WriteString("] "); i := Kernel.SourcePos(mod, 0); IF i >= 0 THEN Kernel.GetModName(mod, modName); InsertRefView(source, open, a, NIL, NIL, NIL, modName); END; IF name # "$$" THEN Kernel.GetRefVar(ref, m, f, d, x, nn); Utf.Utf8ToString(nn, name, res); WHILE m # 0X DO ShowVar(b + x, 0, f, m, d, NIL, NIL, name, sel); Kernel.GetRefVar(ref, m, f, d, x, nn); Utf.Utf8ToString(nn, name, res); END END; out.WriteLn ELSE out.WriteString(".???"); out.WriteLn END ELSE out.WriteChar("("); Kernel.GetModName(mod, modName); out.WriteString(modName); out.WriteString(") (pc="); WriteHex(a); out.WriteString(", fp="); WriteHex(b); out.WriteChar(")"); out.WriteLn END ELSE out.WriteString("<system> (pc="); WriteHex(a); out.WriteString(", fp="); WriteHex(b); out.WriteChar(")"); out.WriteLn END; IF (b >= Kernel.fp) & (b < Kernel.stack) THEN SYSTEM.GET(b+4, a); (* stacked pc *) SYSTEM.GET(b, b); (* dynamic link *) DEC(a); DEC(c) ELSE c := 0 END UNTIL c = 0 END ShowStack; PROCEDURE (a: Action) Do; (* delayed trap window open *) BEGIN Kernel.SetTrapGuard(TRUE); OpenViewer(a.text, "#Dev:Trap", NewRuler()); Kernel.SetTrapGuard(FALSE); END Do; PROCEDURE GetTrapMsg(OUT msg: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR ref, end, a, res: INTEGER; mod: Kernel.Module; nn: Kernel.Utf8Name; name, head, tail: Kernel.Name; errstr: ARRAY 12 OF CHAR; key: ARRAY Kernel.nameLen * 3 + LEN(errstr) OF CHAR; BEGIN a := Kernel.pc; mod := Kernel.modList; msg := ""; WHILE (mod # NIL) & ((a < mod.code) OR (a >= mod.code + mod.csize)) DO mod := mod.next END; IF mod # NIL THEN DEC(a, mod.code); ref := mod.refs; REPEAT Kernel.GetRefProc(ref, end, nn) UNTIL (end = 0) OR (a < end); Utf.Utf8ToString(nn, name, res); IF a < end THEN Kernel.GetModName(mod, head); Librarian.lib.SplitName (head, head, tail); Strings.IntToString(Kernel.err, errstr); key := "#" + head + tail + ":" + name + "." + errstr; Dialog.MapString(key, msg); IF Dialog.mapRes IN {4, 5} THEN key := "#" + head + ":" + tail + "." + name + "." + errstr; Dialog.MapString(key, msg) END; IF ~(Dialog.mapRes IN {0, 6}) THEN msg := "" END END END END GetTrapMsg; PROCEDURE OutAdr (adr: INTEGER); BEGIN out.WriteString(" ("); OutString("#System:adr"); out.WriteString(" = "); WriteHex(adr); out.WriteChar(")") END OutAdr; PROCEDURE Trap; VAR a0: TextModels.Attributes; action: Action; msg: ARRAY 512 OF CHAR; BEGIN out.ConnectTo(TextModels.CloneOf(StdLog.buf)); a0 := out.rider.attr; out.rider.SetAttr(TextModels.NewWeight(a0, Fonts.bold)); IF Kernel.err = 129 THEN OutString("#System:invalid WITH") ELSIF Kernel.err = 130 THEN OutString("#System:invalid CASE") ELSIF Kernel.err = 131 THEN OutString("#System:function without RETURN") ELSIF Kernel.err = 132 THEN OutString("#System:type guard") ELSIF Kernel.err = 133 THEN OutString("#System:implied type guard") ELSIF Kernel.err = 134 THEN OutString("#System:value out of range") ELSIF Kernel.err = 135 THEN OutString("#System:index out of range") ELSIF Kernel.err = 136 THEN OutString("#System:string too long") ELSIF Kernel.err = 137 THEN OutString("#System:stack overflow") ELSIF Kernel.err = 138 THEN OutString("#System:integer overflow") ELSIF Kernel.err = 139 THEN OutString("#System:division by zero") ELSIF Kernel.err = 140 THEN OutString("#System:infinite real result") ELSIF Kernel.err = 141 THEN OutString("#System:real underflow") ELSIF Kernel.err = 142 THEN OutString("#System:real overflow") ELSIF Kernel.err = 143 THEN OutString("#System:undefined real result"); out.WriteString(" ("); out.WriteIntForm(Kernel.val MOD 10000H, TextMappers.hexadecimal, 4, "0", TextMappers.hideBase); out.WriteString(", "); out.WriteIntForm(Kernel.val DIV 10000H, TextMappers.hexadecimal, 3, "0", TextMappers.hideBase); out.WriteChar(")") ELSIF Kernel.err = 144 THEN OutString("#System:not a number") ELSIF Kernel.err = 200 THEN OutString("#System:keyboard interrupt") ELSIF Kernel.err = 201 THEN OutString("#System:NIL dereference") ELSIF Kernel.err = 202 THEN OutString("#System:illegal instruction"); out.WriteString(": "); out.WriteIntForm(Kernel.val, TextMappers.hexadecimal, 5, "0", TextMappers.showBase) ELSIF Kernel.err = 203 THEN IF (Kernel.val >= -4) & (Kernel.val < 65536) THEN OutString("#System:NIL dereference (read)") ELSE OutString("#System:illegal memory read"); OutAdr(Kernel.val) END ELSIF Kernel.err = 204 THEN IF (Kernel.val >= -4) & (Kernel.val < 65536) THEN OutString("#System:NIL dereference (write)") ELSE OutString("#System:illegal memory write"); OutAdr(Kernel.val) END ELSIF Kernel.err = 205 THEN IF (Kernel.val >= -4) & (Kernel.val < 65536) THEN OutString("#System:NIL procedure call") ELSE OutString("#System:illegal execution"); OutAdr(Kernel.val) END ELSIF Kernel.err = 257 THEN OutString("#System:out of memory") ELSIF Kernel.err = 10001H THEN OutString("#System:bus error") ELSIF Kernel.err = 10002H THEN OutString("#System:address error") ELSIF Kernel.err = 10007H THEN OutString("#System:fpu error") ELSIF Kernel.err < 0 THEN OutString("#System:Exception"); out.WriteChar(" "); out.WriteIntForm(-Kernel.err, TextMappers.hexadecimal, 3, "0", TextMappers.showBase) ELSE OutString("#System:TRAP"); out.WriteChar(" "); out.WriteInt(Kernel.err); IF Kernel.err = 126 THEN out.WriteString(" ("); OutString("#System:not yet implemented"); out.WriteChar(")") ELSIF Kernel.err = 125 THEN out.WriteString(" ("); OutString("#System:call of obsolete procedure"); out.WriteChar(")") ELSIF Kernel.err >= 100 THEN out.WriteString(" ("); OutString("#System:invariant violated"); out.WriteChar(")") ELSIF Kernel.err >= 60 THEN out.WriteString(" ("); OutString("#System:postcondition violated"); out.WriteChar(")") ELSIF Kernel.err >= 20 THEN out.WriteString(" ("); OutString("#System:precondition violated"); out.WriteChar(")") END END; GetTrapMsg(msg); IF msg # "" THEN out.WriteLn; out.WriteString(msg) END; out.WriteLn; out.rider.SetAttr(a0); out.WriteLn; ShowStack; NEW(action); action.text := out.rider.Base(); Services.DoLater(action, Services.now); out.ConnectTo(NIL) END Trap; BEGIN Kernel.InstallTrapViewer(Trap); empty := ""; path[0].x := refViewSize DIV 2; path[0].y := 0; path[1].x := refViewSize; path[1].y := refViewSize DIV 2; path[2].x := refViewSize DIV 2; path[2].y := refViewSize; path[3].x := 0; path[3].y := refViewSize DIV 2 END DevDebug.
MODULE DevDecoder386; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "BlackBox Framework Center" contributors = "Niklaus Mannhart, ETH Zurich, 1992/93" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" references = "" changes = " - 20161104, center #142, adding a disassembler to the ocf importer " issues = " - ... " Intel i386, i387 Decoder Derived from a diploma thesis at ETH-Zurich by Niklaus Mannhart, 87-913-117I. Downloaded as file Decoder.Mod from ftp://ftp.ssw.uni-linz.ac.at/pub/Oberon/. Main changes: support for inlined TRAPs and CASE jump tables added. Bug fix in Lods. **) IMPORT SYSTEM, Kernel, Utf, Files, TextMappers, TextRulers, Ports, Strings, Views, TextModels, StdDialog, Dialog, TextViews, StdLinks, TextControllers; CONST (* prefix *) pCS = 2EH; pDS = 3EH; pES = 26H; pFS = 64H; pGS = 65H; pSS = 36H; AdrSize = 67H; OpSize = 66H; none = -1; (* addressing modes *) Reg = 0; (* Register *) Mem1 = 1; (* addressing mode 1 *) Mem2 = 2; (* addressing mode 2 *) RegImm = 3; (* immediate to register *) MemImm = 4; (* memory to register *) MemFull = 5; (* full 32 bit adr *) (* i386 Register *) EAX = 0; ECX = 1; EDX = 2; EBX = 3; ESP = 4; EBP = 5; ESI = 6; EDI = 7; (* 32 bit register *) AX = 0; CX = 1; DX = 2; BX = 3; SP = 4; BP = 5; SI = 6; DI = 7; (* 16 bit register *) AL = 0; CL = 1; DL = 2; BL = 3; AH = 4; CH = 5; DH = 6; BH = 7; (* 8 bit register *) ES = 20; CS = 21; SS = 22; DS = 23; FS = 24; GS = 25; (* 6, 7 reserved *) (* Segment register *) CR = 0; DR = 8; TR = 16; (* i387 *) SReal = 0; (* single real 32 bit*) LReal = 1; (* long real 64 bit *) EReal = 2; (* extended real 80 bit *) WInt = 3; (* word integer 16 bit *) SInt = 4; (* single integer 32 bit *) LInt = 5; (* long integer 64 bit *) Byte14 = 6; Byte28 = 7; Byte94 = 8; Byte108 = 9; Decimal = 10; (* BCD *) nothing = 11; PROCEDURE NewRuler (): TextRulers.Ruler; VAR r: TextRulers.Ruler; BEGIN r := TextRulers.dir.New(NIL); TextRulers.AddTab(r, 22 * Ports.mm); TextRulers.AddTab(r, 75 * Ports.mm); RETURN r END NewRuler; PROCEDURE Decode* (IN modName: ARRAY OF CHAR; inp: Files.Reader; hs, ms, ds, cs, vs, selectProc: INTEGER; VAR out: TextMappers.Formatter); VAR pc, op, column, prefix, w: INTEGER; adrPrefix, opPrefix: BOOLEAN; procRef, procAdr, res: INTEGER; procName: Kernel.Utf8Name; jmpTabEnd: INTEGER; meta: POINTER TO ARRAY OF BYTE; srcRd: TextModels.Reader; from, to, lastFrom: INTEGER; PROCEDURE Error; BEGIN out.WriteLn; out.WriteString("*** decode error ***") END Error; PROCEDURE Next (VAR b: BYTE); BEGIN INC(pc); inp.ReadByte(b) END Next; PROCEDURE GetByte (VAR byte: INTEGER); VAR b0: BYTE; BEGIN Next(b0); byte:= b0 MOD 100H END GetByte; PROCEDURE GetWord (VAR word: INTEGER); VAR b0, b1: BYTE; BEGIN Next(b0); Next(b1); word := b0 MOD 100H + b1 * 100H; END GetWord; PROCEDURE GetDWord (VAR dword: INTEGER); VAR b0, b1, b2, b3: BYTE; BEGIN Next(b0); Next(b1); Next(b2); Next(b3); dword := b0 MOD 100H + b1 MOD 100H * 100H + b2 MOD 100H * 10000H + b3 * (1000000H) END GetDWord; PROCEDURE WriteLn; BEGIN out.WriteLn; column:= 0 END WriteLn; PROCEDURE WriteString (str: ARRAY OF CHAR); BEGIN out.WriteString(str) END WriteString; PROCEDURE Write (ch: CHAR); BEGIN out.WriteChar(ch) END Write; PROCEDURE WriteComma; BEGIN out.WriteString(", ") END WriteComma; PROCEDURE WriteTab; BEGIN out.WriteTab(); INC(column) END WriteTab; (* write byte in hexadecimal form *) PROCEDURE WriteByte (byte: INTEGER); VAR str: ARRAY 20 OF CHAR; showBase: BOOLEAN; width: INTEGER; BEGIN showBase := column >= 2; IF showBase THEN width := 3 ELSE width := 2 END; Strings.IntToStringForm(byte MOD 256, Strings.hexadecimal, width, "0", showBase, str); out.WriteString(str) END WriteByte; (* write word in byte form, little endian notation *) PROCEDURE WriteWord (word: LONGINT); BEGIN WriteByte(SHORT(word MOD 100H)); Write(" "); WriteByte(SHORT(word DIV 100H) MOD 100H) END WriteWord; (* write dword in byte form, little endian notation *) PROCEDURE WriteDWord (dword: LONGINT); BEGIN WriteWord(dword MOD 10000H); Write(" "); WriteWord((dword DIV 10000H) MOD 10000H) END WriteDWord; (* write dword hexadecimal, with showBase = TRUE *) PROCEDURE WriteDWHex (dword: LONGINT); VAR str: ARRAY 20 OF CHAR; BEGIN Strings.IntToStringForm(dword, Strings.hexadecimal, 9, "0", TRUE, str); out.WriteString(str) END WriteDWHex; PROCEDURE WriteDisp (disp: LONGINT); BEGIN out.WriteInt(disp); END WriteDisp; PROCEDURE WriteOp (opStr: ARRAY OF CHAR); BEGIN WriteTab; out.WriteString(opStr); out.WriteString(" ") END WriteOp; PROCEDURE WriteReg (reg: INTEGER); (* w = 0: 8 bit; w = 1: 16/32 bit *) BEGIN IF reg >= ES (*DS*) THEN (* <<<< MH 15.3.1994 *) IF reg = CS THEN WriteString("cs") ELSIF reg = DS THEN WriteString("ds") ELSIF reg = ES THEN WriteString("es") ELSIF reg = SS THEN WriteString("ss") ELSIF reg = FS THEN WriteString("fs") ELSIF reg = GS THEN WriteString("gs") ELSE Error END ELSIF w = 0 THEN IF reg = 0 THEN WriteString("al") ELSIF reg = 1 THEN WriteString("cl") ELSIF reg = 2 THEN WriteString("dl") ELSIF reg = 3 THEN WriteString("bl") ELSIF reg = 4 THEN WriteString("ah") ELSIF reg = 5 THEN WriteString("ch") ELSIF reg = 6 THEN WriteString("dh") ELSIF reg = 7 THEN WriteString("bh") ELSE Error END ELSIF opPrefix THEN IF reg = 0 THEN WriteString("ax") ELSIF reg = 1 THEN WriteString("cx") ELSIF reg = 2 THEN WriteString("dx") ELSIF reg = 3 THEN WriteString("bx") ELSIF reg = 4 THEN WriteString("sp") ELSIF reg = 5 THEN WriteString("bp") ELSIF reg = 6 THEN WriteString("si") ELSIF reg = 7 THEN WriteString("di") ELSE Error END ELSE IF reg = 0 THEN WriteString("eax") ELSIF reg = 1 THEN WriteString("ecx") ELSIF reg = 2 THEN WriteString("edx") ELSIF reg = 3 THEN WriteString("ebx") ELSIF reg = 4 THEN WriteString("esp") ELSIF reg = 5 THEN WriteString("ebp") ELSIF reg = 6 THEN WriteString("esi") ELSIF reg = 7 THEN WriteString("edi") ELSE Error END END END WriteReg; PROCEDURE WriteAdrReg(reg: INTEGER); BEGIN IF adrPrefix THEN IF reg = 0 THEN WriteString("ax") ELSIF reg = 1 THEN WriteString("cx") ELSIF reg = 2 THEN WriteString("dx") ELSIF reg = 3 THEN WriteString("bx") ELSIF reg = 4 THEN WriteString("sp") ELSIF reg = 5 THEN WriteString("bp") ELSIF reg = 6 THEN WriteString("si") ELSIF reg = 7 THEN WriteString("di") ELSE Error END ELSE IF reg = 0 THEN WriteString("eax") ELSIF reg = 1 THEN WriteString("ecx") ELSIF reg = 2 THEN WriteString("edx") ELSIF reg = 3 THEN WriteString("ebx") ELSIF reg = 4 THEN WriteString("esp") ELSIF reg = 5 THEN WriteString("ebp") ELSIF reg = 6 THEN WriteString("esi") ELSIF reg = 7 THEN WriteString("edi") ELSE Error END END END WriteAdrReg; PROCEDURE WriteSpecialReg(reg: INTEGER); BEGIN IF reg >= TR THEN WriteString("tr"); Write(CHR( reg-TR + ORD("0"))) ELSIF reg >= DR THEN WriteString("dr"); Write(CHR( reg-DR + ORD("0"))) ELSE WriteString("cr"); Write(CHR( reg-CR + ORD("0"))) END END WriteSpecialReg; PROCEDURE WritePrefix (prefix: INTEGER); BEGIN IF prefix = pCS THEN WriteString("CS:") ELSIF prefix = pDS THEN WriteString("DS: ") ELSIF prefix = pES THEN WriteString("ES: ") ELSIF prefix = pFS THEN WriteString("FS: ") ELSIF prefix = pGS THEN WriteString("GS: ") ELSIF prefix = pSS THEN WriteString("SS: ") ELSE END END WritePrefix; PROCEDURE WriteRegReg (d, reg1, reg2: INTEGER); BEGIN IF d = 1 THEN WriteReg(reg1); WriteComma; WriteReg(reg2) ELSE WriteReg(reg2); WriteComma; WriteReg(reg1) END END WriteRegReg; PROCEDURE WriteMem (base, inx, scale: INTEGER; disp: LONGINT); BEGIN WritePrefix(prefix); IF base # none THEN(* register relative *) WriteDisp(disp); Write("["); WriteAdrReg(base) ELSE (* absolute *) Write("["); WriteDisp(disp) END ; IF (inx # none) & ~((inx = ESP) & (base = ESP))(* !! 15.4.93 Bug? & (base # ESP) *) THEN (* indexed *) IF scale = 0 THEN WriteString(" + 1 * ") ELSIF scale = 1 THEN WriteString(" + 2 * ") ELSIF scale = 2 THEN WriteString(" + 4 * ") ELSE WriteString(" + 8* ") END ; WriteAdrReg(inx) END ; Write("]") END WriteMem; PROCEDURE WriteMem1 (d, reg, base: INTEGER; disp: LONGINT); (* d = TRUE: reg, mem ; d = FALSE: mem, reg *) BEGIN IF d = 1 THEN WriteReg(reg); WriteComma END ; WriteMem(base, none, 0, disp); IF d = 0 THEN WriteComma; WriteReg(reg) END END WriteMem1; PROCEDURE WriteMem2 (d, reg, base, inx: INTEGER; scale: SHORTINT; disp: LONGINT); (* d = TRUE: reg, mem; d= FALSE: mem, reg *) BEGIN IF d = 1 THEN WriteReg(reg); WriteComma END ; WriteMem(base, inx, scale, disp); IF d = 0 THEN WriteComma; WriteReg(reg) END END WriteMem2; PROCEDURE WriteRegImm (reg: INTEGER; imm: LONGINT; hex: BOOLEAN); BEGIN WriteReg(reg); WriteComma; IF hex THEN WriteDWHex(imm) ELSE WriteDisp(imm) END END WriteRegImm; PROCEDURE WriteMemImm (base, inx: INTEGER; scale: SHORTINT; disp, imm: LONGINT; hex: BOOLEAN); BEGIN WritePrefix(prefix); WriteMem(base, inx, scale, disp); WriteComma; IF hex THEN WriteDWHex(imm) ELSE WriteDisp(imm) END END WriteMemImm; PROCEDURE WriteRM (mode: SHORTINT; d, reg, base, inx, scale: INTEGER; disp, imm: LONGINT; hex: BOOLEAN); BEGIN CASE mode OF RegImm: WriteRegImm(reg, imm, hex) | MemImm: WriteMemImm(base, inx, SHORT(scale), disp, imm, hex) | Reg: WriteRegReg(d, reg, base) | Mem1: WriteMem1(d, reg, base, disp) | Mem2: WriteMem2(d, reg, base, inx, SHORT(scale), disp) | MemFull: IF d = 1 THEN WriteReg(reg); WriteComma END ; WritePrefix(prefix); Write("["); WriteDisp(disp); Write("]"); IF d = 0 THEN WriteComma; WriteReg(reg) END ELSE Error END END WriteRM; (* writes the jump table as undecoded block even if it contains instructions for complex CASEs *) PROCEDURE WriteJmpTab; VAR align, dw: INTEGER; BEGIN IF pc MOD 4 # 0 THEN WriteLn; WriteDWHex(pc); Write(":"); WriteTab; WHILE pc MOD 4 # 0 DO GetByte(align); WriteByte(align); Write(" ") END END; WHILE pc < jmpTabEnd - 4 DO WriteLn; WriteDWHex(pc); Write(":"); WriteTab; GetDWord(dw); WriteDWord(dw) END; IF pc < jmpTabEnd THEN WriteLn; WriteDWHex(pc); Write(":"); WriteTab; WHILE pc < jmpTabEnd DO GetByte(align); WriteByte(align); Write(" ") END END; END WriteJmpTab; PROCEDURE GetImm (w: INTEGER; VAR imm: INTEGER); VAR byte: INTEGER; BEGIN IF w = 0 THEN (* 8 bit *) GetByte(byte); WriteByte(byte); Write(" "); IF byte >= 128 THEN byte:= byte - 256 END ; imm:= byte ELSIF opPrefix THEN (* 16 bit *) GetWord(imm); WriteWord(imm); Write(" "); IF imm >= 32768 THEN imm:= imm - 65536 END ELSE (* 32 bit *) GetDWord(imm); WriteDWord(imm); Write(" ") END END GetImm; PROCEDURE ModRm (VAR mode: SHORTINT; VAR reg, base, inx: INTEGER; VAR scale: SHORTINT; VAR disp: INTEGER); VAR mod, byte: INTEGER; BEGIN GetByte(byte); WriteByte(byte); Write(" "); mod:= byte DIV 40H; reg:=(byte DIV 8) MOD 8; base:= byte MOD 8; IF mod = 3 THEN (* reg *) mode:= Reg; inx:= none ELSE IF base = 4 THEN (* escape to two bytes *) mode:= Mem2; GetByte(byte); WriteByte(byte); Write(" "); scale:= SHORT(byte DIV 40H); inx:= (byte DIV 8) MOD 8; base:= byte MOD 8 ELSE (* one byte addressing mode *) mode:= Mem1; inx:= none END ; IF mod = 0 THEN (* no displ, or 32 bit address *) IF base = 5 THEN (* disp32 *) base:= none; GetDWord(disp); WriteDWord(disp); Write(" ") ELSE disp:= 0 END ELSIF mod = 1 THEN (* 8 bit displ *) GetImm(0, disp) ELSE (* 32 bit displacement *) GetDWord(disp); WriteDWord(disp); Write(" ") END END END ModRm; PROCEDURE Type1 (op: INTEGER; VAR mode: SHORTINT; VAR d, reg, base, inx: INTEGER; VAR scale: SHORTINT; VAR disp, imm: INTEGER); (* type 1: add, or, adc, sbb, and, sub, xor, cmp *) BEGIN IF op = 4 THEN mode:= RegImm; w:= 0; reg:= AL; GetImm(0, imm) ELSIF op = 5 THEN mode:= RegImm; w:= 1; reg:= AX; GetImm(1, imm) ELSE CASE op OF 0: w:= 0; d:= 0 | 1: w:= 1; d:= 0 | 2: w:= 0; d:= 1 | 3: w:= 1; d:= 1 ELSE Error END ; ModRm(mode, reg, base, inx, scale, disp) END END Type1; PROCEDURE Add (op: INTEGER); VAR reg, base, inx, d: INTEGER; scale, mode: SHORTINT; disp, imm: INTEGER; BEGIN Type1(op, mode, d, reg, base, inx, scale, disp, imm); WriteOp("add"); WriteRM(mode, d, reg, base, inx, scale, disp, imm, FALSE) END Add; PROCEDURE Push (op: INTEGER); VAR imm: INTEGER; BEGIN w:= 1; IF op = 60H THEN IF opPrefix THEN WriteOp("pusha") ELSE WriteOp("pushad") END ; ELSIF op = 68H THEN IF adrPrefix THEN GetWord(imm); WriteWord(imm) ELSE GetDWord(imm); WriteDWord(imm) END ; WriteOp("push"); WriteDisp(imm) ELSIF op = 6AH THEN GetImm(0, imm); WriteOp("push"); WriteDisp(imm) ELSIF op = 9CH THEN IF opPrefix THEN WriteOp("pushf") ELSE WriteOp("pushfd") END ; ELSE WriteOp("push"); CASE op OF 6: WriteReg(ES) | 0EH: WriteReg(CS) | 16H: WriteReg(SS) | 1EH: WriteReg(DS) | 50H..57H: WriteReg(op - 50H) ELSE Error END END END Push; PROCEDURE Push2 (op: INTEGER); BEGIN Error (* not yet implemented *) END Push2; PROCEDURE Pop(op: INTEGER); VAR reg, base, inx: INTEGER; scale, mode: SHORTINT; disp: INTEGER; BEGIN IF op = 61H THEN IF opPrefix THEN WriteOp("popa") ELSE WriteOp("popad") END ; ELSIF op = 8FH THEN ModRm(mode, reg, base, inx, scale, disp); WriteOp("pop"); IF opPrefix THEN WriteString("word ptr ") ELSE WriteString("dword ptr ") END ; WriteMem(base, inx, scale, disp) ELSIF op = 9DH THEN IF opPrefix THEN WriteOp("popf") ELSE WriteOp("popfd") END ; ELSE WriteOp("pop"); w := 1; (* pop takes only 16 or 32 bit ops *) CASE op OF 7: WriteReg(ES) | 17H: WriteReg(SS) | 1FH: WriteReg(DS) | 58H..5FH: WriteReg(op - 58H) ELSE Error END END END Pop; PROCEDURE Pop2 (op: INTEGER); BEGIN Error (* not yet implemented *) END Pop2; PROCEDURE Or (op: INTEGER); VAR reg, base, inx, d: INTEGER; scale, mode: SHORTINT; disp, imm: INTEGER; BEGIN Type1(op - 08H, mode, d, reg, base, inx, scale, disp, imm); WriteOp("or"); WriteRM(mode, d, reg, base, inx, scale, disp, imm, TRUE) END Or; PROCEDURE Adc (op: INTEGER); VAR reg, base, inx, d: INTEGER; scale, mode: SHORTINT; disp, imm: INTEGER; BEGIN Type1(op -10H, mode, d, reg, base, inx, scale, disp, imm); WriteOp("adc"); WriteRM(mode, d, reg, base, inx, scale, disp, imm, FALSE) END Adc; PROCEDURE Sbb (op: INTEGER); VAR reg, base, inx, d: INTEGER; scale, mode: SHORTINT; disp, imm: INTEGER; BEGIN Type1(op - 18H, mode, d, reg, base, inx, scale, disp, imm); WriteOp("sbb"); WriteRM(mode, d, reg, base, inx, scale, disp, imm, FALSE) END Sbb; PROCEDURE And (op: INTEGER); VAR reg, base, inx, d: INTEGER; scale, mode: SHORTINT; disp, imm: INTEGER; BEGIN Type1(op - 20H, mode, d, reg, base, inx, scale, disp, imm); WriteOp("and"); WriteRM(mode, d, reg, base, inx, scale, disp, imm, TRUE) END And; PROCEDURE Sub (op: INTEGER); VAR reg, base, inx, d: INTEGER; scale, mode: SHORTINT; disp, imm: INTEGER; BEGIN Type1(op - 28H, mode, d, reg, base, inx, scale, disp, imm); WriteOp("sub"); WriteRM(mode, d, reg, base, inx, scale, disp, imm, FALSE) END Sub; PROCEDURE Xor (op: INTEGER); VAR reg, base, inx, d: INTEGER; scale, mode: SHORTINT; disp, imm: INTEGER; BEGIN Type1(op - 30H, mode, d, reg, base, inx, scale, disp, imm); WriteOp("xor"); WriteRM(mode, d, reg, base, inx, scale, disp, imm, TRUE) END Xor; PROCEDURE Cmp (op: INTEGER); VAR reg, base, inx, d: INTEGER; scale, mode: SHORTINT; disp, imm: INTEGER; BEGIN Type1(op - 38H, mode, d, reg, base, inx, scale, disp, imm); WriteOp("cmp"); WriteRM(mode, d, reg, base, inx, scale, disp, imm, FALSE) END Cmp ; PROCEDURE Inc (op: INTEGER); BEGIN WriteOp("inc"); w := 1; (* set width to 16/32 bits, bug2 *) WriteReg(op - 40H) END Inc; PROCEDURE Dec (op: INTEGER); BEGIN WriteOp("dec"); WriteReg(op - 48H) END Dec; PROCEDURE Bound (op: INTEGER); VAR reg, base, inx: INTEGER; scale, mode: SHORTINT; disp: INTEGER; BEGIN w:= 1; ModRm(mode, reg, base, inx, scale, disp); WriteOp("bound"); WriteRM(mode, 1, reg, base, inx, scale, disp, 0, FALSE) END Bound; PROCEDURE Imul (op: INTEGER); VAR reg, base, inx: INTEGER; scale, mode: SHORTINT; disp, imm: INTEGER; BEGIN ModRm(mode, reg, base, inx, scale, disp); w:= 1; IF op = 69H THEN GetImm(1, imm) ELSIF op = 6BH THEN GetImm(0, imm) (* sign extended *) END ; WriteOp("imul"); WriteRM(mode, 1, reg, base, inx, scale, disp, 0, FALSE); WriteComma; WriteDisp(imm) END Imul; PROCEDURE Imul2 (op: INTEGER); VAR reg, base, inx: INTEGER; scale, mode: SHORTINT; disp: INTEGER; BEGIN w:= 1; ModRm(mode, reg, base, inx, scale, disp); WriteOp("imul"); WriteRM(mode, 1, reg, base, inx, scale, disp, 0, FALSE) END Imul2; PROCEDURE Ins (op: INTEGER); BEGIN IF op = 6CH THEN WriteOp("insb") ELSIF opPrefix THEN WriteOp("insw") ELSE WriteOp("insd") END END Ins; PROCEDURE Outs (op: INTEGER); BEGIN IF op = 6EH THEN WriteOp("outsb") ELSIF opPrefix THEN WriteOp("outsw") ELSE WriteOp("outsd") END END Outs; PROCEDURE Jcc (op: INTEGER); VAR disp: INTEGER; BEGIN GetByte(disp); WriteByte(disp); IF disp >= 128 THEN disp:= disp - 256 END ; CASE op OF 70H: WriteOp("jo") | 71H: WriteOp("jno") | 72H: WriteOp("jb") | 73H: WriteOp("jnb") | 74H: WriteOp("jz") | 75H: WriteOp("jnz") | 76H: WriteOp("jbe") | 77H: WriteOp("jnbe") | 78H: WriteOp("js") | 79H: WriteOp("jns") | 7AH: WriteOp("jp") | 7BH: WriteOp("jnp") | 7CH: WriteOp("jl") | 7DH: WriteOp("jnl") | 7EH: WriteOp("jle") | 7FH: WriteOp("jnle") ELSE Error END ; WriteDisp(disp); WriteString(" ("); WriteDWHex(pc + disp); Write(")") END Jcc; PROCEDURE Jcc2 (op: INTEGER); VAR disp: INTEGER; BEGIN IF adrPrefix THEN GetWord(disp); WriteWord(disp) ELSE GetDWord(disp); WriteDWord(disp) END ; CASE op OF 80H: WriteOp("jo") | 81H: WriteOp("jno") | 82H: WriteOp("jb") | 83H: WriteOp("jnb"); jmpTabEnd := pc + disp | 84H: WriteOp("jz") | 85H: WriteOp("jnz") | 86H: WriteOp("jbe") | 87H: WriteOp("jnbe") | 88H: WriteOp("js") | 89H: WriteOp("jns") | 8AH: WriteOp("jp") | 8BH: WriteOp("jnp") | 8CH: WriteOp("jl") | 8DH: WriteOp("jnl") | 8EH: WriteOp("jle") | 8FH: WriteOp("jnle") ELSE Error END ; WriteDisp(disp); WriteString(" ("); WriteDWHex(pc + disp); Write(")") END Jcc2; PROCEDURE Test (op: INTEGER); VAR reg, base, inx: INTEGER; scale, mode: SHORTINT; disp, imm: INTEGER; BEGIN IF (op = 0A8H) OR (op = 0A9H) THEN IF op = 0A8H THEN w:= 0; reg:= AL ELSE w:= 1; reg:= AX END ; GetImm(w, imm); mode:= RegImm ELSE ModRm(mode, reg, base, inx, scale, disp); IF op = 84H THEN w:= 0 ELSE w:= 1 END END ; WriteOp("test"); WriteRM(mode, 0, reg, base, inx, scale, disp, imm, FALSE) (* bug1 *) END Test; PROCEDURE Xchg (op: INTEGER); VAR reg, base, inx: INTEGER; scale, mode: SHORTINT; disp: INTEGER; BEGIN IF (op >= 91H) & (op <= 97H) THEN (* xchg .ax, reg *) w:= 1; reg:= AX; base:= op MOD 8; mode:= Reg ELSE ModRm(mode, reg, base, inx, scale, disp); IF op = 86H THEN w:= 0 ELSE w:= 1 END END ; WriteOp("xchg"); WriteRM(mode, 1, reg, base, inx, scale, disp, 0, FALSE) END Xchg; PROCEDURE Mov (op: INTEGER); VAR reg, base, inx, d: INTEGER; scale, mode: SHORTINT; disp, imm: INTEGER; BEGIN IF (op >= 88H) & (op <= 8BH) THEN Type1(op - 88H, mode, d, reg, base, inx, scale, disp, imm) ELSIF (op >= 0B0H) & (op <= 0B7H) THEN mode:= RegImm; w:= 0; reg:= op - 0B0H; GetImm(w, imm) ELSIF (op >= 0B8H) & (op <= 0BFH) THEN mode:= RegImm; w:= 1; reg:= op - 0B8H; GetImm(w, imm) ELSIF (op >= 0A0H) & (op <= 0A3H) THEN CASE op OF 0A0H: w:= 0; d:= 1; reg:= AL | 0A1H: w:= 1; d:= 1; reg:= AX | 0A2H: w:= 0; d:= 0; reg:= AL | 0A3H: w:= 1; d:= 0; reg:= AX END ; mode:= MemFull; IF adrPrefix THEN GetWord(disp); WriteWord(disp) ELSE GetDWord(disp); WriteDWord(disp) END ELSIF op = 8CH THEN (* mov mem, seg *) w:= 1; d:= 0; opPrefix:= TRUE; ModRm(mode, reg, base, inx, scale, disp); reg:= reg + ES (* reg is a segment register *) ELSIF op = 8EH THEN (* mov seg, mem *) w:= 1; d:= 1; opPrefix:= TRUE; ModRm(mode, reg, base, inx, scale, disp); reg:= reg + ES (* reg is segment register *) ELSIF (op = 0C6H) OR (op = 0C7H) THEN d:= 1; IF op = 0C6H THEN w:= 0 ELSE w:= 1 END ; ModRm(mode, reg, base, inx, scale, disp); IF mode = Reg THEN reg:= base; mode:= RegImm ELSE mode:= MemImm END ; GetImm(w, imm) END ; WriteOp("mov"); WriteRM(mode, d, reg, base, inx, scale, disp, imm, FALSE) END Mov; PROCEDURE Mov2 (op: INTEGER); VAR reg, base, inx: INTEGER; scale, mode: SHORTINT; disp: INTEGER; BEGIN (* reg, base only used, because Mov2 op codes contains special registers (debug/test/controll) *) ModRm(mode, reg, base, inx, scale, disp); WriteOp("mov"); CASE op OF 20H: WriteReg(base); WriteComma; WriteSpecialReg(CR+reg) | 21H: WriteReg(base); WriteComma; WriteSpecialReg(DR+reg) | 22H: WriteSpecialReg(CR+reg); WriteComma; WriteReg(base) | 23H: WriteSpecialReg(DR+reg); WriteComma; WriteReg(base) | 24H: WriteReg(base); WriteComma; WriteSpecialReg(TR+reg) | 26H: WriteSpecialReg(TR+reg); WriteComma; WriteReg(base) ELSE Error END END Mov2; PROCEDURE Movzx (op: INTEGER); VAR VAR reg, base, inx: INTEGER; scale, mode: SHORTINT; disp: INTEGER; BEGIN ModRm(mode, reg, base, inx, scale, disp); WriteOp("movzx"); WriteReg(reg); WriteComma; IF mode = Reg THEN WriteReg(base) ELSE IF op = 0B6H THEN WriteString("byte ptr ") ELSE WriteString("word ptr ") END ; WriteMem(base, inx, scale, disp) END END Movzx; PROCEDURE Movsx (op: INTEGER); VAR VAR reg, base, inx: INTEGER; scale, mode: SHORTINT; disp: INTEGER; BEGIN ModRm(mode, reg, base, inx, scale, disp); WriteOp("movsx"); w:= 1; WriteReg(reg); WriteComma; IF mode = Reg THEN IF op = 0BEH THEN w:= 0; WriteReg(base) ELSE w:= 1; opPrefix:= TRUE; WriteReg(base) END ; ELSE IF op = 0BEH THEN WriteString("byte ptr ") ELSE WriteString("word ptr ") END ; WriteMem(base, inx, scale, disp) END END Movsx; PROCEDURE Lea (op: INTEGER); VAR reg, base, inx, byte, trap: INTEGER; scale, mode: SHORTINT; disp: INTEGER; BEGIN ModRm(mode, reg, base, inx, scale, disp); IF mode = Reg THEN byte := 3 * 40H + reg * 8 + base; (* reconstruct 2nd byte *) IF byte = 0F0H THEN GetByte(trap); WriteByte(trap); WriteOp("illegal"); WriteString("(TRAP "); out.WriteInt(trap); WriteString(")"); RETURN ELSIF (byte > 0E0H) & (byte <= 0EFH) THEN WriteOp("illegal"); WriteString("(TRAP "); out.WriteInt(0E0H - byte); WriteString(")"); RETURN END END; w:= 1; WriteOp("lea"); WriteRM(mode, 1, reg, base, inx, scale, disp, 0, TRUE) END Lea; PROCEDURE Call (op: INTEGER); VAR imm, sel: INTEGER; BEGIN IF op = 0E8H THEN IF adrPrefix THEN GetWord(imm); WriteWord(imm) ELSE GetDWord(imm); WriteDWord(imm) END ELSE (* intrasegment *) (* Update Start -- 7.08.96 prk *) IF adrPrefix THEN (* GetWord(sel); GetWord(imm); WriteWord(sel); Write(" "); WriteWord(imm) *) GetWord(imm); WriteWord(imm) ELSE (* GetWord(sel); GetDWord(imm); WriteWord(sel); Write(" "); WriteDWord(imm) *) GetDWord(imm); WriteDWord(imm) END ; GetWord(sel); Write(" "); WriteWord(sel); (* Update End -- 7.08.96 prk *) END ; WriteOp("call"); IF op = 09AH THEN WriteDisp(sel); Write(":") END ; WriteDisp(imm); WriteString(" ("); WriteDWHex(pc + imm); Write(")") END Call; PROCEDURE Movs (op: INTEGER); BEGIN IF op = 0A4H THEN WriteOp("movsb") ELSIF (op = 0A5H) & opPrefix THEN WriteOp("movsw") ELSIF op = 0A5H THEN WriteOp("movsd") ELSE Error END END Movs; PROCEDURE Cmps (op: INTEGER); BEGIN IF op = 0A6H THEN WriteOp("cmpsb") ELSIF (op = 0A7H) & opPrefix THEN WriteOp("cmpsb") ELSIF op = 0A7H THEN WriteOp("cmpsw") ELSE Error END END Cmps; PROCEDURE Stos (op: INTEGER); BEGIN IF op = 0AAH THEN WriteOp("stosb") ELSIF (op = 0ABH) & opPrefix THEN WriteOp("stosw") ELSIF op = 0ABH THEN WriteOp("stosd") ELSE Error END END Stos; PROCEDURE Lods (op: INTEGER); BEGIN IF op = 0ACH THEN WriteOp("lodsb") ELSIF (op = 0ADH) & opPrefix THEN WriteOp("lodsw") ELSIF op = 0ADH THEN WriteOp("lodsd") ELSE Error END END Lods; PROCEDURE Scas (op: INTEGER); BEGIN IF op = 0AEH THEN WriteOp("scasb") ELSIF (op = 0AFH) & opPrefix THEN WriteOp("scasw") ELSIF op = 0AFH THEN WriteOp("scasd") ELSE Error END END Scas; PROCEDURE Ret (op: INTEGER); VAR imm: INTEGER; BEGIN IF (op = 0C2H) OR (op = 0CAH) THEN GetWord(imm); WriteWord(imm) END ; IF (op = 0CAH) OR (op = 0CBH) THEN WriteOp("ret far") ELSE WriteOp("ret") END ; IF (op = 0C2H) OR (op = 0CAH) THEN WriteDisp(imm) END END Ret; PROCEDURE Enter (op: INTEGER); VAR l: INTEGER; b: INTEGER; BEGIN GetWord(l); WriteWord(l); Write(" "); GetByte(b); WriteByte(b); Write(" "); WriteOp("enter"); WriteDisp(l); WriteComma; WriteDisp(b) END Enter; PROCEDURE Les (op: INTEGER); VAR reg, base, inx: INTEGER; scale, mode: SHORTINT; disp: INTEGER; BEGIN ModRm(mode, reg, base, inx, scale, disp); WriteOp("les"); WriteRM(mode, 1, reg, base, inx, scale, disp, 0, FALSE) END Les; PROCEDURE Lds (op: INTEGER); VAR reg, base, inx: INTEGER; scale, mode: SHORTINT; disp: INTEGER; BEGIN ModRm(mode, reg, base, inx, scale, disp); WriteOp("lds"); WriteRM(mode, 1, reg, base, inx, scale, disp, 0, FALSE) END Lds; PROCEDURE Ldseg (op: INTEGER); VAR reg, base, inx: INTEGER; scale, mode: SHORTINT; disp: INTEGER; BEGIN ModRm(mode, reg, base, inx, scale, disp); IF op = 0B2H THEN WriteOp("lss") ELSIF op = 0B4H THEN WriteOp("lfs") ELSE WriteOp("lgs") END ; WriteRM(mode, 1, reg, base, inx, scale, disp, 0, FALSE) END Ldseg; PROCEDURE Int (op: INTEGER); VAR imm: INTEGER; BEGIN IF op = 0CDH THEN GetByte(imm); WriteByte(imm) ELSE imm := 3 END ; WriteOp("int"); WriteDisp(imm) END Int; PROCEDURE Loop (op: INTEGER); VAR imm: INTEGER; BEGIN GetImm(0, imm); CASE op OF 0E0H: WriteOp("loopne") | 0E1H: WriteOp("loope") | 0E2H: WriteOp("loop") | 0E3H: WriteOp("jcxz") ELSE Error END ; WriteDisp(imm) END Loop; PROCEDURE InOut (op: INTEGER); VAR port: INTEGER; in, dx: BOOLEAN; BEGIN in := op MOD 4 < 2; dx := op MOD 16 >= 8; IF ~dx THEN GetByte(port); WriteByte(port) END ; IF in THEN WriteOp("in") ELSE WriteOp("out") END ; IF ~in & dx THEN WriteString("dx,") ELSIF ~in THEN WriteDisp(port); WriteComma END ; IF ODD(op) THEN IF opPrefix THEN WriteString("ax") ELSE WriteString("eax") END ELSE WriteString("al") END ; IF in THEN IF dx THEN WriteString(",dx") ELSE WriteString(","); WriteDisp(port) END END END InOut; PROCEDURE Jmp (op: INTEGER); VAR imm: INTEGER; byte: INTEGER; BEGIN IF (op = 0E9H) OR (op = 0EAH) THEN GetDWord(imm); WriteDWord(imm) ELSE GetByte(byte); WriteByte(byte); IF byte >= 128 THEN imm:= byte - 256 ELSE imm:= byte END ; END ; IF op = 0EAH THEN WriteOp("jmp far") ELSE WriteOp("jmp") END ; WriteDisp(imm); WriteString (" ("); WriteDWHex(pc + imm); Write(")") END Jmp; PROCEDURE Lar (op: INTEGER); VAR reg, base, inx: INTEGER; scale, mode: SHORTINT; disp: INTEGER; BEGIN ModRm(mode, reg, base, inx, scale, disp); WriteOp("lar"); WriteRM(mode, 1, reg, base, inx, scale, disp, 0, FALSE) END Lar; PROCEDURE Lsl (op: INTEGER); VAR reg, base, inx: INTEGER; scale, mode: SHORTINT; disp: INTEGER; BEGIN ModRm(mode, reg, base, inx, scale, disp); WriteOp("lsl"); WriteRM(mode, 1, reg, base, inx, scale, disp, 0, FALSE) END Lsl; PROCEDURE Setcc (op: INTEGER); VAR reg, base, inx: INTEGER; scale, mode: SHORTINT; disp: INTEGER; BEGIN w:= 0; (* always 8 bit wide *) ModRm(mode, reg, base, inx, scale, disp); (* not nice but necessary -> no more constant memory for case table *) IF op = 90H THEN WriteOp("seto") ELSIF op = 91H THEN WriteOp("setno") ELSIF op = 92H THEN WriteOp("setb/setc/setnae") ELSIF op = 93H THEN WriteOp("setnb/setae/setnc") ELSIF op = 94H THEN WriteOp("setz/sete") ELSIF op = 95H THEN WriteOp("setnz/setne") ELSIF op = 96H THEN WriteOp("setbe/setna") ELSIF op = 97H THEN WriteOp("setnbe/seta") ELSIF op = 98H THEN WriteOp("sets") ELSIF op = 99H THEN WriteOp("setns") ELSIF op = 9AH THEN WriteOp("setp/setpe") ELSIF op = 9BH THEN WriteOp("setnp/setnp") ELSIF op = 9CH THEN WriteOp("setl/setnge") ELSIF op = 9DH THEN WriteOp("setnl/setge") ELSIF op = 9EH THEN WriteOp("setle/setng") ELSIF op = 9FH THEN WriteOp("setnle/setg") ELSE Error END ; IF mode = Reg THEN WriteReg(base) ELSE WriteMem(base, inx, scale, disp) END END Setcc; PROCEDURE Bit (op: INTEGER); VAR reg, base, inx, d: INTEGER; scale, mode: SHORTINT; disp: INTEGER; BEGIN w:= 1; ModRm(mode, reg, base, inx, scale, disp); IF op = 0A3H THEN WriteOp("bt"); d:= 1 ELSIF op = 0ABH THEN WriteOp("bts"); d:= 1 ELSIF op = 0B3H THEN WriteOp("btr"); d:= 1 ELSIF op = 0BBH THEN WriteOp("btc"); d:= 1 ELSIF op = 0BCH THEN WriteOp("bsf"); d:= 1 ELSE WriteOp("bsr"); d:= 1 END ; IF mode = Reg THEN WriteRM(Reg, d, base, reg, none, 0, 0, 0, FALSE) ELSE WriteRM(mode, d, reg, base, inx, scale, disp, 0, FALSE) END END Bit; PROCEDURE Shift (op: INTEGER); VAR reg, base, inx: INTEGER; scale, mode: SHORTINT; disp, imm: INTEGER; BEGIN ModRm(mode, reg, base, inx, scale, disp); IF (op = 0A4H) OR (op = 0ACH) THEN (* immediate byte *) w:= 0; GetImm(0, imm) ELSE imm := -1 END ; IF (op = 0A4H) OR (op = 0A5H) THEN WriteOp("shld") ELSIF (op = 0ACH) OR (op = 0ADH) THEN WriteOp("shrd") ELSE Error END ; w := 1; WriteRM(mode, 0, reg, base, inx, scale, disp, imm, FALSE); WriteComma; IF imm = -1 THEN WriteString("cl") ELSE WriteDisp(imm) END END Shift; PROCEDURE Grp1 (op: INTEGER); VAR reg, base, inx: INTEGER; scale, mode: SHORTINT; disp, imm: INTEGER; BEGIN ModRm(mode, reg, base, inx, scale, disp); IF op = 80H THEN (* byte *) w:= 0; GetImm(0, imm) ELSIF op = 81H THEN (* full immediate *) w:= 1; GetImm(w, imm) ELSE (* op = 83H, signed extendes *) w:= 1; GetImm(0, imm) END ; CASE reg OF 0: WriteOp("add") | 1: WriteOp("or") | 2: WriteOp("adc") | 3: WriteOp("sbb") | 4: WriteOp("and") | 5: WriteOp("sub") | 6: WriteOp("xor") | 7: WriteOp("cmp") ELSE Error END ; IF mode = Reg THEN WriteReg(base) ELSE WriteMem(base, inx, scale, disp) END ; WriteComma; IF (reg = 0) OR (reg = 2) OR (reg = 3) OR (reg = 5) OR (reg = 7) THEN WriteDisp(imm) ELSE WriteDWHex(imm) END END Grp1; PROCEDURE Grp2 (op: INTEGER); VAR reg, base, inx: INTEGER; scale, mode: SHORTINT; disp, imm: INTEGER; BEGIN ModRm(mode, reg, base, inx, scale, disp); IF (op >= 0D0H) & (op <= 0D3H) THEN IF (op = 0D0H) OR (op = 0D2H) THEN w:= 0 ELSE w:= 1 END ELSE IF op = 0C0H THEN w:= 0 ELSE w:= 1 END ; GetImm(0, imm); (* only 8 bit possible *) END ; CASE reg OF 0: WriteOp("rol") | 1: WriteOp("ror") | 2: WriteOp("rcl") | 3: WriteOp("rcr") | 4: WriteOp("shl/sal") | 5: WriteOp("shr") | 7: WriteOp("sar") ELSE Error END ; IF mode = Reg THEN WriteReg(base) ELSE WriteMem(base, inx, scale, disp) END ; WriteComma; IF (op = 0D0H) OR (op = 0D1H) THEN Write("1") ELSIF (op = 0D2H) OR (op = 0D3H) THEN WriteString("cl") ELSE WriteDisp(imm) END END Grp2; PROCEDURE Grp3 (op: INTEGER); VAR reg, base, inx: INTEGER; scale, mode: SHORTINT; disp, imm: INTEGER; BEGIN ModRm(mode, reg, base, inx, scale, disp); IF op = 0F6H THEN w:= 0 ELSE w:= 1 END ; IF reg = 0 (* test *) THEN GetImm(w, imm) END ; CASE reg OF 0: WriteOp("test") | 2: WriteOp("not") | 3: WriteOp("neg") | 4: WriteOp("mul") | 5: WriteOp("imul") | 6: WriteOp("div") | 7: WriteOp("idiv") ELSE Error END ; IF mode = Reg THEN WriteReg(base) ELSE WriteMem(base, inx, scale, disp) END ; IF reg = 0 THEN WriteComma; WriteDisp(imm) END END Grp3; PROCEDURE Grp4 (op: INTEGER); VAR reg, base, inx: INTEGER; scale, mode: SHORTINT; disp: INTEGER; BEGIN w:= 0; ModRm(mode, reg, base, inx, scale, disp); IF reg = 0 THEN WriteOp("inc") ELSE WriteOp("dec") END ; IF mode # Reg THEN WriteString("byte ptr "); WriteMem(base, inx, scale, disp) ELSE WriteReg(base) END END Grp4; PROCEDURE Grp5 (op: INTEGER); VAR reg, base, inx: INTEGER; scale, mode: SHORTINT; disp: INTEGER; BEGIN w:= 1; ModRm(mode, reg, base, inx, scale, disp); IF reg = 0 THEN WriteOp("inc") ELSIF reg = 1 THEN WriteOp("dec") ELSIF reg = 2 THEN WriteOp("call") ELSIF reg = 3 THEN WriteOp("call far") ELSIF reg = 4 THEN WriteOp("jmp") ELSIF reg = 5 THEN WriteOp("jmp far") ELSIF reg = 6 THEN WriteOp("push") ELSE Error END ; IF mode = Reg THEN WriteReg(base) ELSE WriteMem(base, inx, scale, disp); IF (pc < jmpTabEnd) & (mode = Mem2) THEN WriteJmpTab END END END Grp5; PROCEDURE Grp6 (op: INTEGER); VAR reg, base, inx: INTEGER; scale, mode: SHORTINT; disp: INTEGER; BEGIN w := 1; ModRm(mode, reg, base, inx, scale, disp); CASE reg OF | 0: WriteOp("sldt") | 1: WriteOp("str") | 2: WriteOp("lldt") | 3: WriteOp("ltr") | 4: WriteOp("verr") | 6: WriteOp("verw") ELSE Error END ; IF mode = Reg THEN WriteReg(base) ELSE WriteMem(base, inx, scale, disp) END ; END Grp6; PROCEDURE Grp7 (op: INTEGER); VAR reg, base, inx: INTEGER; scale, mode: SHORTINT; disp: INTEGER; BEGIN w := 1; ModRm(mode, reg, base, inx, scale, disp); CASE reg OF | 0: WriteOp("sgdt") | 1: WriteOp("sidt") | 2: WriteOp("lgdt") | 3: WriteOp("lidt") | 4: WriteOp("smsw") | 6: WriteOp("lmsw") | 7: WriteOp("invlpg") ELSE Error END ; IF mode = Reg THEN WriteReg(base) ELSE WriteMem(base, inx, scale, disp) END ; END Grp7; PROCEDURE Grp8 (op: INTEGER); VAR reg, base, inx: INTEGER; scale, mode: SHORTINT; disp, imm: INTEGER; BEGIN w:= 1; ModRm(mode, reg, base, inx, scale, disp); GetImm(0, imm); (* always 8 bit wide *) CASE reg OF 4: WriteOp("bt") | 5: WriteOp("bts") | 6: WriteOp("btr") | 7: WriteOp("btc") ELSE Error END ; IF mode = Reg THEN WriteReg(base) ELSE WriteMem(base, inx, scale, disp) END ; WriteComma; WriteDisp(imm) END Grp8; PROCEDURE Escape (op: INTEGER); BEGIN GetByte(op); WriteByte(op); Write(" "); IF op < 40H THEN (* because of DOSOberon *) CASE op OF 0: Grp6(op) | 1: Grp7(op) | 2: Lar(op) | 3: Lsl(op) | 6: WriteOp("clts") | 20H..24H, 26H: Mov2(op) ELSE Error END ELSIF op < 0C0H THEN CASE op OF | 80H..8FH: Jcc2(op) | 90H..9FH: Setcc(op) | 0A0H, 0A8H: Push2(op) | 0A1H, 0A9H: Pop2(op) | 0A2H: WriteOp ("cpuid") | 0A3H, 0ABH, 0B3H, 0BBH..0BDH: Bit(op) | 0A4H, 0A5H, 0ACH, 0ADH: Shift(op) | 0AFH: Imul2(op) | 0B2H, 0B4H, 0B5H: Ldseg(op) | 0B6H, 0B7H: Movzx(op) | 0BEH, 0BFH: Movsx(op) | 0BAH: Grp8(op) ELSE Error END ELSE Error END END Escape; (* floating point i387 instruction set *) PROCEDURE WriteFReg (freg: INTEGER); BEGIN IF freg = 0 THEN WriteString("st") ELSE WriteString("st("); WriteDisp(freg); Write(")") END END WriteFReg; PROCEDURE WriteFloat (form: SHORTINT; base, inx: INTEGER; scale: SHORTINT; disp: LONGINT); BEGIN (* not nice but necessary -> no more constant memory for case table *) IF form = SReal THEN WriteString("single ") ELSIF form = LReal THEN WriteString("double ") ELSIF form = EReal THEN WriteString("extended ") ELSIF form = WInt THEN WriteString("word ") ELSIF form = SInt THEN WriteString("short ") ELSIF form = LInt THEN WriteString("long ") ELSIF (form = Byte14) OR (form = Byte94) THEN WriteString("small ") ELSIF (form = Byte28) OR (form = Byte108) THEN WriteString("big ") ELSIF form = Decimal THEN WriteString("bcd ") END ; WriteMem(base, inx, scale, disp) END WriteFloat; PROCEDURE Float0 (op: INTEGER); (* op is 0D8H *) VAR stat, base, inx: INTEGER; scale, mode: SHORTINT; disp: INTEGER; BEGIN ModRm(mode, stat, base, inx, scale, disp); IF mode # Reg THEN (* memory *) CASE stat OF 0: WriteOp("fadd") | 1: WriteOp("fmul") | 2: WriteOp("fcom") | 3: WriteOp("fcomp") | 4: WriteOp("fsub") | 5: WriteOp("fsubr") | 6: WriteOp("fdiv") | 7: WriteOp("fdivr") ELSE Error END ; WriteFloat(SReal, base, inx, scale, disp) ELSE CASE stat OF 0: WriteOp("fadd"); WriteFReg(0); WriteComma | 1: WriteOp("fmul"); WriteFReg(0); WriteComma | 2: WriteOp("fcom") | 3: WriteOp("fcomp") | 4: WriteOp("fsub"); WriteFReg(0); WriteComma | 5: WriteOp("fsubr"); WriteFReg(0); WriteComma | 6: WriteOp("fdiv"); WriteFReg(0); WriteComma | 7: WriteOp("fdivr"); WriteFReg(0); WriteComma ELSE Error END ; WriteFReg(base) END END Float0; PROCEDURE Float1 (op: INTEGER); (* op is 0D9H *) VAR stat, base, inx: INTEGER; scale, mode: SHORTINT; disp: INTEGER; BEGIN ModRm(mode, stat, base, inx, scale, disp); IF mode # Reg THEN CASE stat OF 0: WriteOp("fld") | 2: WriteOp("fst") | 3: WriteOp("fstp") | 4: WriteOp("fldenv") | 5: WriteOp("fldcw") | 6: WriteOp("fstenv") | 7: WriteOp("fstcw") ELSE Error END ; IF (stat = 4) OR (stat = 6) THEN IF opPrefix THEN WriteFloat(Byte14, base, inx, scale, disp) ELSE WriteFloat(Byte28, base, inx, scale, disp) END ELSIF (stat = 2) OR (stat = 3) THEN WriteFloat(SReal, base, inx, scale, disp) ELSE WriteFloat(nothing, base, inx, scale, disp) END ELSIF stat = 0 THEN WriteOp("fld"); WriteFReg(base) ELSIF stat = 1 THEN WriteOp("fxch"); WriteFReg(base) ELSE stat:= stat * 8 + base; IF stat = 10H THEN WriteOp("fnop") ELSE CASE stat OF 20H: WriteOp("fchs") | 21H: WriteOp("fabs") | 24H: WriteOp("ftst") | 25H: WriteOp("fxam") | 28H: WriteOp("fld1") | 29H: WriteOp("fldl2t") | 2AH: WriteOp("fldl2e") | 2BH: WriteOp("fldpi") | 2CH: WriteOp("fldlg2") | 2DH: WriteOp("fldln2") | 2EH: WriteOp("fldz") | 30H: WriteOp("f2xm1") | 31H: WriteOp("fyl2x") | 32H: WriteOp("fptan") | 33H: WriteOp("fpatan") | 34H: WriteOp("fxtract") | 35H: WriteOp("fprem1") | 36H: WriteOp("fdecstp") | 37H: WriteOp("fincstp") | 38H: WriteOp("fprem") | 39H: WriteOp("fyl2xp1") | 3AH: WriteOp("fsqrt") | 3BH: WriteOp("fsincos") | 3CH: WriteOp("frndint") | 3DH: WriteOp("fscale") | 3EH: WriteOp("fsin") | 3FH: WriteOp("fcos") ELSE Error END END END END Float1; PROCEDURE Float2 (op: INTEGER); (* op is 0DAH *) VAR stat, base, inx: INTEGER; scale, mode: SHORTINT; disp: INTEGER; BEGIN ModRm(mode, stat, base, inx, scale, disp); IF mode # Reg THEN CASE stat OF 0: WriteOp("fiadd") | 1: WriteOp("fimul") | 2: WriteOp("ficom") | 3: WriteOp("ficomp") | 4: WriteOp("fisub") | 5: WriteOp("fisubr") | 6: WriteOp("fidiv") | 7: WriteOp("fidivr") ELSE Error END ; WriteFloat(SInt, base, inx, scale, disp) ELSIF stat = 5 THEN WriteOp("fucompp") ELSE Error END END Float2; PROCEDURE Float3 (op: INTEGER); (* op is 0DBH *) VAR stat, base, inx: INTEGER; scale, mode: SHORTINT; disp: INTEGER; BEGIN ModRm(mode, stat, base, inx, scale, disp); IF mode # Reg THEN CASE stat OF 0: WriteOp("fild") | 2: WriteOp("fist") | 3: WriteOp("fistp") | 5: WriteOp("fld") | 7: WriteOp("fstp") ELSE Error END ; IF (stat = 5) OR (stat = 7) THEN WriteFloat(EReal, base, inx, scale, disp) ELSE WriteFloat(SInt, base, inx, scale, disp) END ELSIF base = 2 THEN WriteOp("fclex") ELSIF base = 3 THEN WriteOp("finit") ELSE Error END END Float3; PROCEDURE Float4 (op: INTEGER); (* op is 0DCH *) VAR stat, base, inx: INTEGER; scale, mode: SHORTINT; disp: INTEGER; BEGIN ModRm(mode, stat, base, inx, scale, disp); IF mode # Reg THEN CASE stat OF 0: WriteOp("fadd") | 1: WriteOp("fmul") | 2: WriteOp("fcom") | 3: WriteOp("fcomp") | 4: WriteOp("fsub") | 5: WriteOp("fsubr") | 6: WriteOp("fdiv") | 7: WriteOp("fdivr") ELSE Error END ; WriteFloat(LReal, base, inx, scale, disp) ELSE CASE stat OF 0: WriteOp("fadd") | 1: WriteOp("fmul") | 4: WriteOp("fsubr") | 5: WriteOp("fsub") | 6: WriteOp("fdivr") | 7: WriteOp("fdiv") ELSE Error END ; WriteFReg(base); WriteComma; WriteFReg(0) END END Float4; PROCEDURE Float5 (op: INTEGER); (* op is 0DDH *) VAR stat, base, inx: INTEGER; scale, mode: SHORTINT; disp: INTEGER; BEGIN ModRm(mode, stat, base, inx, scale, disp); IF mode # Reg THEN (* memory *) CASE stat OF 0: WriteOp("fld") | 2: WriteOp("fst") | 3: WriteOp("fstp") | 4: WriteOp("frstor") | 6: WriteOp("fsave") | 7: WriteOp("fstsw") ELSE Error END ; IF (stat = 4) OR (stat = 6) THEN IF opPrefix THEN WriteFloat(Byte94, base, inx, scale, disp) ELSE WriteFloat(Byte108, base, inx, scale, disp) END ELSIF stat = 7 THEN WriteFloat(nothing, base, inx, scale, disp) ELSE WriteFloat(LReal, base, inx, scale, disp) END ELSE CASE stat OF 0: WriteOp("ffree") | 2: WriteOp("fst") | 3: WriteOp("fstp") | 4: WriteOp("fucom") | 5: WriteOp("fucomp") ELSE Error END ; WriteFReg(base) END END Float5; PROCEDURE Float6(op: INTEGER); (* op is 0DEH *) VAR stat, base, inx: INTEGER; scale, mode: SHORTINT; disp: INTEGER; BEGIN ModRm(mode, stat, base, inx, scale, disp); IF mode # Reg THEN (* memory *) CASE stat OF 0: WriteOp("fiadd") | 1: WriteOp("fimul") | 2: WriteOp("ficom") | 3: WriteOp("ficomp") | 4: WriteOp("fisub") | 5: WriteOp("fisubr") | 6: WriteOp("fidiv") | 7: WriteOp("fidivr") ELSE Error END ; WriteFloat(WInt, base, inx, scale, disp) ELSE CASE stat OF 0: WriteOp("faddp") | 1: WriteOp("fmulp") | 3: WriteOp("fcompp") | 4: WriteOp("fsubrp") | 5: WriteOp("fsubp") | 6: WriteOp("fdivrp") | 7: WriteOp("fdivp") ELSE Error END ; IF stat # 3 THEN WriteFReg(base); WriteComma; WriteFReg(0) END END END Float6; PROCEDURE Float7(op: INTEGER); (* op is 0DFH *) VAR stat, base, inx: INTEGER; scale, mode: SHORTINT; disp: INTEGER; BEGIN ModRm(mode, stat, base, inx, scale, disp); IF mode # Reg THEN (* memory *) CASE stat OF 0, 5: WriteOp("fild") | 2: WriteOp("fist") | 3, 7: WriteOp("fistp") | 4: WriteOp("fbld") | 6: WriteOp("fbstp") ELSE Error END ; IF (stat = 4) OR (stat = 6) THEN WriteFloat(Decimal, base, inx, scale, disp) ELSIF (stat = 5) OR (stat = 7) THEN WriteFloat(LInt, base, inx, scale, disp) ELSE WriteFloat(WInt, base, inx, scale, disp) END ELSIF stat = 4 THEN WriteOp("fstsw"); WriteString("ax") ELSE Error END END Float7; PROCEDURE Prefix (VAR op: INTEGER); BEGIN IF (op = pCS) OR (op = pDS) OR (op = pES) OR (op = pFS) OR (op = pGS) OR (op = pSS) THEN prefix:= op; WriteByte(op); Write("|"); GetByte(op); Prefix(op) ELSIF op = AdrSize THEN adrPrefix:= TRUE; WriteByte(op); Write("|"); GetByte(op); Prefix(op) ELSIF op = OpSize THEN opPrefix:= TRUE; WriteByte(op); Write("|"); GetByte(op); Prefix(op) END END Prefix; PROCEDURE DecodeInstruction; BEGIN GetByte(op); Prefix(op); WriteByte(op); Write(" "); IF op < 40H THEN (* because of DOSOberon *) CASE op OF 0..5: Add(op) | 6, 0EH, 16H, 1EH: Push(op) | 7, 17H, 1FH: Pop(op) | 8..0DH: Or(op) | 0FH: Escape(op) | 10H..15H: Adc(op) | 18H..1DH: Sbb(op) | 20H..25H: And(op) | 27H: WriteOp("daa") | 28H..2DH: Sub(op) | 2FH: WriteOp("das") | 30H..35H: Xor(op) | 37H: WriteOp("aaa") | 38H..3DH: Cmp(op) | 3FH: WriteOp("aas") ELSE Error END ELSIF op < 80H THEN CASE op OF 40H..47H: Inc(op) | 48H..4FH: Dec(op) | 50H..57H, 60H, 68H, 6AH: Push(op) | 58H..5FH, 61H: Pop(op) | 62H: Bound(op) | 69H, 6BH: Imul(op) | 6CH, 6DH: Ins(op) | 6EH, 06FH: Outs(op) | 70H..7FH: Jcc(op) ELSE Error END ELSIF op < 0C0H THEN CASE op OF 80H..81H, 83H: Grp1(op) | 84H..85H: Test(op) | 86H..87H, 91H..97H: Xchg(op) | 88H..8CH, 8EH, 0A0H..0A3H, 0B0H..0BFH: Mov(op) | 8DH: Lea(op) | 8FH, 9DH: Pop(op) | 90H: WriteOp("nop") | 98H: WriteOp("cbw") | 99H: WriteOp("cwd") | 9AH: Call(op) | 9BH: WriteOp("wait") | 9CH: Push(op) | 9EH: WriteOp("sahf") | 9FH: WriteOp("lahf") | 0A4H..0A5H: Movs(op) | 0A6H..0A7H: Cmps(op) | 0A8H..0A9H: Test(op) | 0AAH..0ABH: Stos(op) | 0ACH..0ADH: Lods(op) | 0AEH..0AFH: Scas(op) ELSE Error END ELSIF op <= 0FFH THEN CASE op OF 0C0H..0C1H: Grp2(op) | 0C2H..0C3H, 0CAH, 0CBH: Ret(op) | 0C4H: Les(op) | 0C5H: Lds(op) | 0C6H..0C7H: Mov(op) | 0C8H: Enter(op) | 0C9H: WriteOp("leave") | 0CCH..0CDH: Int(op) | 0CEH: WriteOp("into") | 0CFH: WriteOp("iret") | 0D0H..0D3H: Grp2(op) | 0D4H: WriteOp("aam") | 0D5H: WriteOp("aad") | 0D7H: WriteOp("xlat") | 0D8H: Float0(op) | 0D9H, 0D6H: Float1(op) | 0DAH: Float2(op) | 0DBH: Float3(op) | 0DCH: Float4(op) | 0DDH: Float5(op) | 0DEH: Float6(op) | 0DFH: Float7(op) | 0E0H..0E3H: Loop(op) (* and jcxz *) | 0E4H..0E7H, 0ECH..0EFH: InOut(op) | 0E8H: Call(op) | 0E9H..0EBH: Jmp(op) | 0F0H: WriteOp("Lock") | 0F2H: WriteOp("repne") | 0F3H: WriteOp("rep") | 0F4H: WriteOp("hlt") | 0F5H: WriteOp("cmc") | 0F6H..0F7H: Grp3(op) | 0F8H: WriteOp("clc") | 0F9H: WriteOp("stc") | 0FAH: WriteOp("cli") | 0FBH: WriteOp("sti") | 0FCH: WriteOp("cld") | 0FDH: WriteOp("std") | 0FEH: Grp4(op) | 0FFH: Grp5(op) ELSE Error END ELSE Error END; WriteLn END DecodeInstruction; PROCEDURE OpenSourceReader(): TextModels.Reader; VAR v: Views.View; loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name; BEGIN StdDialog.GetSubLoc(modName, "Mod", loc, name); v := Views.OldView(loc, name); IF (v # NIL) & (v.ThisModel() # NIL) & (v.ThisModel() IS TextModels.Model) THEN RETURN v.ThisModel()(TextModels.Model).NewReader(NIL) ELSE RETURN NIL END END OpenSourceReader; PROCEDURE WriteSrc; VAR ref, pos, ad, d: INTEGER; ch: SHORTCHAR; name: Kernel.Utf8Name; PROCEDURE RefCh (VAR ref: INTEGER; OUT ch: SHORTCHAR); BEGIN SYSTEM.GET(ref, ch); INC(ref) END RefCh; PROCEDURE RefNum (VAR ref: INTEGER; OUT x: INTEGER); VAR s, n: INTEGER; ch: SHORTCHAR; BEGIN s := 0; n := 0; RefCh(ref, ch); WHILE ORD(ch) >= 128 DO INC(n, ASH(ORD(ch) - 128, s) ); INC(s, 7); RefCh(ref, ch) END; x := n + ASH(ORD(ch) MOD 64 - ORD(ch) DIV 64 * 64, s) END RefNum; PROCEDURE RefName (VAR ref: INTEGER; OUT n: Kernel.Utf8Name); VAR i: INTEGER; ch: SHORTCHAR; BEGIN i := 0; RefCh(ref, ch); WHILE ch # 0X DO n[i] := ch; INC(i); RefCh(ref, ch) END; n[i] := 0X END RefName; PROCEDURE WriteSrcLink; VAR ch: CHAR; attr: TextModels.Attributes; left, right: StdLinks.Link; fromStr, toStr: ARRAY 20 OF CHAR; BEGIN Strings.IntToString(from, fromStr); Strings.IntToString(to, toStr); left := StdLinks.dir.NewLink("DevDecoder386.ShowSrc('" + modName + "', " + fromStr + ", " + toStr + ")"); right := StdLinks.dir.NewLink(""); attr := out.rider.attr; out.rider.SetAttr(TextModels.NewColor(attr, Ports.blue)); out.WriteView(left); srcRd.SetPos(from); WHILE srcRd.Pos() < to DO srcRd.ReadChar(ch); IF ch = 09X THEN WriteString(" ") (* a TAB would use the ruler's tab positions *) ELSIF ch = 0DX THEN WHILE (ch <= " ") & (srcRd.Pos() < to) DO srcRd.ReadChar(ch) END; (* trim left *) IF ch > " " THEN WriteLn; Write(ch) END ELSIF ch >= " " THEN Write(ch) END END; out.WriteView(right); out.rider.SetAttr(attr); WriteLn END WriteSrcLink; PROCEDURE FindEnd(): INTEGER; (* search for nearest statement following from *) VAR end: INTEGER; BEGIN end := MAX(INTEGER); ref := SYSTEM.ADR(meta[0]); pos := 0; ad := 0; SYSTEM.GET(ref, ch); WHILE ch # 0X DO WHILE (ch > 0X) & (ch < 0FCX) DO (* srcref: {dAdr,dPos} *) INC(ad, ORD(ch)); INC(ref); RefNum(ref, d); INC(pos, d); SYSTEM.GET(ref, ch); IF (pos > from) & (pos < end) THEN end := pos END END; IF ch = 0FCX THEN (* proc: 0FCX,Adr,Name *) INC(ref); RefNum(ref, d); RefName(ref, name); SYSTEM.GET(ref, ch) END; WHILE ch >= 0FDX DO (* skip variables: Mode, Form, adr, Name *) INC(ref); RefCh(ref, ch); IF ch = 10X THEN INC(ref, 4) END; RefNum(ref, d); RefName(ref, name); SYSTEM.GET(ref, ch) END END; RETURN end END FindEnd; BEGIN (* not tuned for speed because used only when decoding a single procedure *) from := 0; to := 0; ref := SYSTEM.ADR(meta[0]); pos := 0; ad := 0; SYSTEM.GET(ref, ch); WHILE ch # 0X DO WHILE (ch > 0X) & (ch < 0FCX) DO (* srcref: {dAdr,dPos} *) INC(ad, ORD(ch)); INC(ref); RefNum(ref, d); INC(pos, d); SYSTEM.GET(ref, ch); (* statement starting at source position 'pos' starts at instruction 'ad' *) IF (pc = ad) & (ch > 0X) & (ch < 0FCX) THEN (* start of statement found *) from := pos; IF (from # lastFrom) & (from # 0) THEN to := FindEnd(); lastFrom := from; WriteSrcLink; RETURN; END END END; IF ch = 0FCX THEN (* proc: 0FCX,Adr,Name *) INC(ref); RefNum(ref, d); RefName(ref, name); SYSTEM.GET(ref, ch) END; WHILE ch >= 0FDX DO (* skip variables: Mode, Form, adr, Name *) INC(ref); RefCh(ref, ch); IF ch = 10X THEN INC(ref, 4) END; RefNum(ref, d); RefName(ref, name); SYSTEM.GET(ref, ch) END END END WriteSrc; PROCEDURE WriteProcLink; VAR pname: Kernel.Name; adrStr: ARRAY 20 OF CHAR; left, right: StdLinks.Link; attr: TextModels.Attributes; BEGIN Utf.Utf8ToString(procName, pname, res); IF (pname[0] # "$") OR (pname = "$$") THEN attr := out.rider.attr; out.rider.SetAttr(TextModels.NewColor(attr, Ports.blue)); Strings.IntToString(pc, adrStr); left := StdLinks.dir.NewLink("DevDecoder386.DecodeProc('" + modName + "', '" + pname + "', " + adrStr + ")"); right := StdLinks.dir.NewLink(""); out.WriteView(left); out.WriteString("PROCEDURE " + pname); out.WriteView(right); out.rider.SetAttr(attr) ELSE out.WriteString("PROCEDURE " + pname) END END WriteProcLink; BEGIN inp.SetPos(hs); NEW(meta, ms); inp.ReadBytes(meta, 0, ms); inp.SetPos(hs + ms + ds); procRef := SYSTEM.ADR(meta[0]); IF selectProc >= 0 THEN srcRd := OpenSourceReader(); pc := selectProc; procAdr := 0; inp.SetPos(inp.Pos() + selectProc); REPEAT Kernel.GetRefProc(procRef, procAdr, procName) UNTIL (procAdr > selectProc) OR (procAdr = 0); cs := procAdr ELSE srcRd := NIL; pc := 0; procAdr := 0 END; column := 0; jmpTabEnd := 0; out.WriteView(NewRuler()); WHILE pc < cs DO IF pc >= jmpTabEnd THEN jmpTabEnd := 0 END; (* clear CASE jump table *) IF pc >= procAdr THEN Kernel.GetRefProc(procRef, procAdr, procName); IF procAdr = 0 THEN RETURN END; WriteLn; WriteProcLink; WriteLn; END; IF srcRd # NIL THEN WriteSrc END; adrPrefix:= FALSE; opPrefix:= FALSE; prefix:= none; WriteDWHex(pc); Write(":"); WriteTab; DecodeInstruction END END Decode; PROCEDURE DecodeProc*(modName, procName: ARRAY OF CHAR; adr: INTEGER); VAR loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name; f: Files.File; text: TextModels.Model; v: TextViews.View; inp: Files.Reader; out: TextMappers.Formatter; n, p, hs, ms, ds, cs, vs: INTEGER; PROCEDURE RWord (VAR x: INTEGER); VAR b: BYTE; y: INTEGER; BEGIN inp.ReadByte(b); y := b MOD 256; inp.ReadByte(b); y := y + 100H * (b MOD 256); inp.ReadByte(b); y := y + 10000H * (b MOD 256); inp.ReadByte(b); x := y + 1000000H * b END RWord; BEGIN StdDialog.GetSubLoc(modName, "Code", loc, name); f := Files.dir.Old(loc, name, Files.shared); IF f # NIL THEN text := TextModels.dir.New(); out.ConnectTo(text); inp := f.NewReader(NIL); inp.SetPos(0); RWord(n); RWord(p); v := TextViews.dir.New(text); IF (n = 6F4F4346H) & (p = 10) THEN RWord(hs); RWord(ms); RWord(ds); RWord(cs); RWord(vs); Decode(modName, inp, hs, ms, ds, cs, vs, adr, out); v.SetDefaults(NewRuler(), TextViews.dir.defAttr); ELSE out.WriteString("wrong file or processor tag") END; Views.OpenAux(v, "PROCEDURE " + modName + "." + procName) ELSE Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#Dev:ModuleNotFound", modName, "", "") END END DecodeProc; PROCEDURE ShowSrc*(modName: ARRAY OF CHAR; from, to: INTEGER); VAR loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name; v: Views.View; tv: TextViews.View; tc: TextControllers.Controller; BEGIN StdDialog.GetSubLoc(modName, "Mod", loc, name); v := Views.OldView(loc, name); IF (v # NIL) & (v IS TextViews.View) THEN Views.Open(v, loc, name, NIL); tv := v(TextViews.View); tc := tv.ThisController()(TextControllers.Controller); tc.SetSelection(from, to); tv.ShowRange(from, to, TextViews.focusOnly); ELSE Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#Dev:ModuleNotFound", modName, "", "") END END ShowSrc; END DevDecoder386.
MODULE DevDependencies; (* Eliminate HostMenus import *) (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - 20141027, center #19, full Unicode support for Component Pascal identifiers added - 20151106, center #85, Trap in DevDependencies with long module names - 20161103, center #140, unwrapping import aliasses - 20170905, center #173, adding new modifiers to Controllers - 20210425, ad, Eliminated HostMenus import, replaced with StdMenyTool import " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Kernel, Files, Utf, Dialog, TextMappers, TextControllers, StdMenuTool, StdDialog, StdFolds, Strings, Views, Ports, Librarian, Fonts, Properties, Controllers, Stores, (*HostMenus, *)StdCmds, Math, TextModels, TextViews, Dates, DevReferences, DevCommanders; CONST bold = 0; italic = 1; (* used with SetStyle *) full = TRUE; (* used with DependencyList *) implicit = TRUE; (* used with GetNode *) TYPE String = ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; (** Data structure types **) Subgraph = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Store) node: List; isImplicit: BOOLEAN; next: Subgraph END; SubsystemList = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Store) name: String; isExpanded, isLayedout, isHidden, isBasic, isStart, isSelected: BOOLEAN; l, b, w, h, level: INTEGER; next: SubsystemList END; List = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Store) name: String; imports: Subgraph; subsystem: SubsystemList; l, b, w, h: INTEGER; isLayedout, isHidden, isStart, isSelected, isImported, onlyImplicit: BOOLEAN; next: List END; NameList = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Store) name: String; next: NameList END; (** View type **) View = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) list: List; startList: NameList; subsystems: SubsystemList; maxLevel, nofMods: INTEGER; selfont, normfont: Fonts.Font; showBasic: BOOLEAN END; (** Meta types **) MetaList = POINTER TO RECORD list: List; next: MetaList END; MetaSSList = POINTER TO RECORD sslist: SubsystemList; next: MetaSSList END; (** Operation types **) DepOp = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Stores.Operation) view: View; mods: MetaList; subs: MetaSSList END; ExpandOp = POINTER TO RECORD (DepOp) expand: BOOLEAN END; MoveOp = POINTER TO RECORD (DepOp) dx, dy, l, t, r, b: INTEGER END; HideOp = POINTER TO RECORD (DepOp) END; HideBasicOp = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation) view: View END; ShowAllOp = POINTER TO RECORD (DepOp) END; ExpandAllOp = POINTER TO RECORD (DepOp) expand: BOOLEAN END; (** Forward declaragions **) PROCEDURE^ StartAnalysis (startList: NameList; font: Fonts.Font; incImpl: BOOLEAN; OUT v: View); (** Auxiliary procedures **) PROCEDURE RWord (reader: Files.Reader; OUT x: INTEGER); VAR b: BYTE; y: INTEGER; BEGIN reader.ReadByte(b); y := b MOD 256; reader.ReadByte(b); y := y + 100H * (b MOD 256); reader.ReadByte(b); y := y + 10000H * (b MOD 256); reader.ReadByte(b); x := y + 1000000H * b END RWord; PROCEDURE RNum (reader: Files.Reader; OUT x: INTEGER); VAR b: BYTE; s, y: INTEGER; BEGIN s := 0; y := 0; reader.ReadByte(b); WHILE b < 0 DO INC(y, ASH(b + 128, s)); INC(s, 7); reader.ReadByte(b) END; x := ASH((b + 64) MOD 128 - 64, s) + y END RNum; PROCEDURE RName (reader: Files.Reader; OUT name: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR b: BYTE; i, n, res: INTEGER; s: ARRAY 256 OF SHORTCHAR; BEGIN i := 0; n := LEN(name) - 1; reader.ReadByte(b); WHILE (i < n) & (b # 0) DO s[i] := SHORT(CHR(b)); INC(i); reader.ReadByte(b) END; WHILE b # 0 DO reader.ReadByte(b) END; s[i] := 0X; Utf.Utf8ToString(s, name, res); ASSERT(res = 0) END RName; PROCEDURE GetImports(IN name: String; OUT imps: POINTER TO ARRAY OF String; OUT nofImps: INTEGER; OUT found: BOOLEAN); VAR file: Files.File; loc: Files.Locator; fileName: Files.Name; reader: Files.Reader; n, i, j, tmpWord: INTEGER; impName, dollarStr: String; tmpImps: POINTER TO ARRAY OF String; BEGIN found := TRUE; StdDialog.GetSubLoc(name, "Code", loc, fileName); file := Files.dir.Old(loc, fileName, Files.shared); IF file # NIL THEN reader := file.NewReader(NIL); reader.SetPos(0); RWord(reader, n); IF n = 6F4F4346H THEN RWord(reader, tmpWord); RWord(reader, tmpWord); RWord(reader, tmpWord); RWord(reader, tmpWord); RWord(reader, tmpWord); RWord(reader, tmpWord); RNum(reader, n); RName(reader, impName); i := 0; nofImps := n; IF nofImps > 0 THEN NEW(imps, nofImps) END; FOR i :=0 TO n - 1 DO RName(reader, impName); Strings.Extract(impName$, 0, 1, dollarStr); IF dollarStr = "$" THEN (* To avoid analysis of windows platform imports *) imps[i] := ""; DEC(nofImps) ELSE imps[i] := impName$ END END; IF nofImps # n THEN (* some names are empty, delete them *) IF nofImps = 0 THEN imps := NIL ELSE NEW(tmpImps, nofImps); j := 0; FOR i := 0 TO n-1 DO IF imps[i] # "" THEN tmpImps[j] := imps[i]; INC(j) END END; imps := tmpImps END END END ELSE found := FALSE END END GetImports; PROCEDURE GetImplicitDependencies( IN name: String; OUT imps: POINTER TO ARRAY OF String; OUT nofImps: INTEGER ); VAR deps: String; t: TextModels.Model; s: TextMappers.Scanner; i: INTEGER; BEGIN Dialog.MapString("#Dev:Implicit." + name, deps); IF deps # "Implicit." + name THEN t := TextModels.dir.NewFromString(deps); s.ConnectTo(t); s.SetPos(0); s.Scan; i := 0; WHILE s.type # TextMappers.eot DO IF s.type = TextMappers.string THEN INC(i) END; s.Scan END; nofImps := i; NEW(imps, nofImps); s.SetPos(0); s.Scan; i := 0; WHILE s.type # TextMappers.eot DO IF s.type = TextMappers.string THEN imps[i] := s.string$; INC(i) END; s.Scan END ELSE imps := NIL; nofImps := 0 END END GetImplicitDependencies; PROCEDURE GetModuleList (OUT modList: NameList); VAR c: TextControllers.Controller; s: TextMappers.Scanner; beg, end: INTEGER; l: NameList; BEGIN modList := NIL; c := TextControllers.Focus(); IF (c # NIL) & c.HasSelection() THEN c.GetSelection(beg, end); s.ConnectTo(c.text); s.SetPos(beg); s.Scan; WHILE (s.start < end) & (s.type # TextMappers.invalid) DO IF (s.type = TextMappers.string) THEN NEW(l); IF modList # NIL THEN Stores.Join(modList, l) END; l.next := modList; DevReferences.ResolveImportAlias(s.string, c.text); l.name := s.string$; modList := l; s.Scan ELSE s.Scan END END END END GetModuleList; (** List **) PROCEDURE (l: List) GetExtent(OUT w, h: INTEGER), NEW; BEGIN IF l.subsystem.isExpanded THEN w := l.w; h:= l.h ELSE w := l.subsystem.w; h := l.subsystem.h END END GetExtent; PROCEDURE (l: List) GetPosition(OUT x, y: INTEGER), NEW; BEGIN IF l.subsystem.isExpanded THEN x := l.l; y:= l.b ELSE x := l.subsystem.l; y := l.subsystem.b END END GetPosition; PROCEDURE (l: List) SetPosition(x, y: INTEGER), NEW; BEGIN IF x < 1 THEN x := 1 END; IF y < 1 THEN y := 1 END; (* To keep objects in the second quadrant *) IF l.subsystem.isExpanded THEN l.l := x; l.b:= y ELSE l.subsystem.l := x; l.subsystem.b := y END END SetPosition; PROCEDURE (l: List) Selected(): BOOLEAN, NEW; BEGIN RETURN l.subsystem.isExpanded & l.isSelected END Selected; PROCEDURE (l: List) Visible(showBasic: BOOLEAN): BOOLEAN, NEW; BEGIN RETURN l.subsystem.isExpanded & ~l.isHidden & ~l.subsystem.isHidden & (~l.subsystem.isBasic OR showBasic) END Visible; (** SubsystemList **) PROCEDURE (s: SubsystemList) Selected(): BOOLEAN, NEW; BEGIN RETURN ~s.isExpanded & s.isSelected END Selected; PROCEDURE (s: SubsystemList) Visible(showBasic: BOOLEAN): BOOLEAN, NEW; BEGIN RETURN ~s.isExpanded & ~s.isHidden & (~s.isBasic OR showBasic) END Visible; (** View **) PROCEDURE (v: View) GetNode (name: String; incImpl: BOOLEAN; VAR node: List), NEW; VAR tmpList, tmpNode: List; sl: NameList; tmpGraph, prevGraph: Subgraph; nofImps, i: INTEGER; found: BOOLEAN; head, tail: String; sslist: SubsystemList; imps: POINTER TO ARRAY OF String; BEGIN (* First check if a node with the sought name exists in the nodeList. Otherwise build a new subgraph from objectfiles. *) tmpList := v.list; WHILE (tmpList # NIL) & (tmpList.name # name) DO tmpList := tmpList.next END; IF tmpList # NIL THEN node := tmpList ELSE (* Create a new node from an objectfile. *) GetImports(name, imps, nofImps, found); IF found THEN NEW(tmpList); Stores.Join(v, tmpList); INC(v.nofMods); tmpList.name := name; (* if subsystem exists then use it otherwise create a new one *) Librarian.lib.SplitName(name, head, tail); sslist := v.subsystems; WHILE (sslist # NIL) & (sslist.name # head) DO sslist := sslist.next END; IF sslist = NIL THEN NEW (sslist); Stores.Join(v, sslist); sslist.name := head; sslist.next := v.subsystems; sslist.level := v.maxLevel; sslist.isExpanded := FALSE; v.subsystems := sslist END; sl := v.startList; (* If it is one of the start modules it should be expanded *) WHILE (sl # NIL) & (sl.name # name) DO sl := sl.next END; IF sl # NIL THEN sslist.isExpanded := TRUE; sslist.level := 1; sslist.isStart := TRUE; tmpList.isStart := TRUE END; tmpList.subsystem := sslist; tmpList.imports := NIL; tmpList.next := v.list; v.list := tmpList; tmpGraph := NIL; FOR i := 0 TO nofImps - 1 DO prevGraph := tmpGraph; NEW(tmpGraph); tmpGraph.isImplicit := FALSE; Stores.Join(v, tmpGraph); v.GetNode(imps[i], incImpl, tmpNode); tmpNode.isImported := TRUE; (* to be able to identify root modules *) tmpGraph.node := tmpNode; tmpGraph.next := prevGraph END; IF incImpl THEN GetImplicitDependencies(name, imps, nofImps); FOR i := 0 TO nofImps - 1 DO prevGraph := tmpGraph; NEW(tmpGraph); tmpGraph.isImplicit := TRUE; Stores.Join(v, tmpGraph); v.GetNode(imps[i], incImpl, tmpNode); tmpGraph.node := tmpNode; tmpGraph.next := prevGraph END END; tmpList.imports := tmpGraph; node := tmpList ELSE Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#Dev:ModuleNotFound", name, "", "") END END END GetNode; PROCEDURE (v: View) OnSelectedObject(x, y: INTEGER): BOOLEAN, NEW; VAR l: List; s: SubsystemList; BEGIN l := v.list; WHILE l # NIL DO IF l.Visible(v.showBasic) & l.Selected() & (x > l.l) & (x < l.l + l.w) & (y < l.b) & (y > l.b - l.h) THEN RETURN TRUE END; l := l.next END; s := v.subsystems; WHILE s # NIL DO IF s.Visible(v.showBasic) & s.Selected() & (x > s.l) & (x < s.l + s.w) & (y < s.b) & (y > s.b - s.h) THEN RETURN TRUE END; s := s.next END; RETURN FALSE END OnSelectedObject; PROCEDURE (v: View) OnObject(x, y: INTEGER): BOOLEAN, NEW; VAR l: List; s: SubsystemList; BEGIN l := v.list; WHILE l # NIL DO IF l.Visible(v.showBasic) & (x > l.l) & (x < l.l + l.w) & (y < l.b) & (y > l.b - l.h) THEN RETURN TRUE END; l := l.next END; s := v.subsystems; WHILE s # NIL DO IF s.Visible(v.showBasic) & (x > s.l) & (x < s.l + s.w) & (y < s.b) & (y > s.b - s.h) THEN RETURN TRUE END; s := s.next END; RETURN FALSE END OnObject; PROCEDURE OverLap(l1, t1, r1, b1, l2, t2, r2, b2: INTEGER): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN ~((l1 > r2) OR (l2 > r1) OR (t1 > b2) OR (t2 > b1)) END OverLap; PROCEDURE (v: View) Select(x1, y1, x2, y2: INTEGER; modifiers: SET), NEW; VAR l: List; s: SubsystemList; BEGIN l := v.list; WHILE l # NIL DO IF l.Visible(v.showBasic) & OverLap(l.l, l.b - l.h, l.l + l.w, l.b, x1, y1, x2, y2) THEN IF (Controllers.extend IN modifiers) OR (Controllers.modify IN modifiers) THEN l.isSelected := ~l.isSelected ELSE l.isSelected := TRUE END ELSE IF ~(Controllers.extend IN modifiers) & ~(Controllers.modify IN modifiers) THEN l.isSelected := FALSE END END; l := l.next END; s := v.subsystems; WHILE s # NIL DO IF s.Visible(v.showBasic) & OverLap(s.l, s.b - s.h, s.l + s.w, s.b, x1, y1, x2, y2) THEN IF (Controllers.extend IN modifiers) OR (Controllers.modify IN modifiers) THEN s.isSelected := ~s.isSelected ELSE s.isSelected := TRUE END ELSE IF ~(Controllers.extend IN modifiers) & ~(Controllers.modify IN modifiers) THEN s.isSelected := FALSE END END; s := s.next END END Select; PROCEDURE (v: View) SelectAll(set: BOOLEAN), NEW; VAR l: List; s: SubsystemList; BEGIN l := v.list; WHILE l # NIL DO l.isSelected := set & l.Visible(v.showBasic); l := l.next END; s := v.subsystems; WHILE s # NIL DO s.isSelected := set & s.Visible(v.showBasic); s := s.next END; Views.Update(v, Views.keepFrames) END SelectAll; (** Operations on the View **) PROCEDURE (dop: DepOp) AddSelection(), NEW; VAR ml: MetaList; ms: MetaSSList; l: List; s: SubsystemList; BEGIN ASSERT(dop.view # NIL, 20); l := dop.view.list; WHILE l # NIL DO IF l.Selected() THEN NEW(ml); ml.list := l; ml.next := dop.mods; dop.mods := ml END; l := l.next END; s := dop.view.subsystems; WHILE s # NIL DO IF s.Selected() THEN NEW(ms); ms.sslist := s; ms.next := dop.subs; dop.subs := ms END; s := s.next END END AddSelection; PROCEDURE (e: ExpandOp) Do; VAR l: MetaList; s: MetaSSList; BEGIN l := e.mods; WHILE l # NIL DO l.list.subsystem.isExpanded := e.expand; l := l.next END; s := e.subs; WHILE s # NIL DO s.sslist.isExpanded := e.expand; s := s.next END; e.expand := ~e.expand; Views.Update(e.view, Views.keepFrames) END Do; PROCEDURE (m: MoveOp) BoundingBox, NEW; VAR l: MetaList; s: MetaSSList; h, d, w: INTEGER; BEGIN m.l := MAX(INTEGER); m.t := m.l; m.b := 0; m.r := 0; l := m.mods; WHILE l # NIL DO IF (l.list.l < m.l) THEN m.l := l.list.l END; IF (l.list.b - l.list.h < m.t) THEN m.t := l.list.b - l.list.h END; IF (l.list.l + l.list.w > m.r) THEN m.r := l.list.l + l.list.w END; IF (l.list.b > m.b) THEN m.b := l.list.b END; l := l.next END; s := m.subs; WHILE s # NIL DO IF (s.sslist.l < m.l) THEN m.l := s.sslist.l END; IF (s.sslist.b - s.sslist.h < m.t) THEN m.t := s.sslist.b - s.sslist.h END; IF (s.sslist.l + s.sslist.w > m.r) THEN m.r := s.sslist.l + s.sslist.w END; IF (s.sslist.b > m.b) THEN m.b := s.sslist.b END; s := s.next END; m.view.selfont.GetBounds(h, d, w); m.b := m.b + d; (* correction for descent *) m.r := m.r + w; m.l := m.l - w (* correction for incorrect values by italic fonts *) END BoundingBox; PROCEDURE (m: MoveOp) Do; VAR l: MetaList; s: MetaSSList; BEGIN l := m.mods; WHILE l # NIL DO l.list.l := l.list.l + m.dx; l.list.b := l.list.b + m.dy; l := l.next END; s := m.subs; WHILE s # NIL DO s.sslist.l := s.sslist.l + m.dx; s.sslist.b := s.sslist.b + m.dy; s := s.next END; m.dx := -m.dx; m.dy := -m.dy; Views.Update(m.view, Views.keepFrames) END Do; PROCEDURE (h: HideOp) Do; VAR l: MetaList; s: MetaSSList; BEGIN l := h.mods; WHILE l # NIL DO l.list.isHidden := ~l.list.isHidden; l := l.next END; s := h.subs; WHILE s # NIL DO s.sslist.isHidden := ~s.sslist.isHidden; s := s.next END; Views.Update(h.view, Views.keepFrames) END Do; PROCEDURE (h: HideBasicOp) Do; BEGIN h.view.showBasic := ~h.view.showBasic; Views.Update(h.view, Views.keepFrames) END Do; PROCEDURE (s: ShowAllOp) Do; VAR ml: MetaList; mssl: MetaSSList; BEGIN ml := s.mods; mssl := s.subs; WHILE ml # NIL DO ml.list.isHidden := ~ml.list.isHidden; ml := ml.next END; WHILE mssl # NIL DO mssl.sslist.isHidden := ~mssl.sslist.isHidden; mssl := mssl.next END; Views.Update(s.view, Views.keepFrames) END Do; PROCEDURE (e: ExpandAllOp) Do; VAR mssl: MetaSSList; BEGIN mssl := e.subs; WHILE mssl # NIL DO mssl.sslist.isExpanded := e.expand; mssl := mssl.next END; e.expand := ~e.expand; Views.Update(e.view, Views.keepFrames) END Do; PROCEDURE (v: View) ExpandCollapse(expand: BOOLEAN), NEW; VAR e: ExpandOp; BEGIN NEW(e); e.view := v; e.AddSelection; e.expand := expand; IF e.expand THEN e.mods := NIL ELSE e.subs := NIL END; Views.Do(v, "Toggle Expand/Collapse", e) END ExpandCollapse; (** Redrawing the view **) PROCEDURE (v: View) SetExtents, NEW; VAR tmpList: List; ssList: SubsystemList; h, d, w: INTEGER; BEGIN tmpList := v.list; v.selfont.GetBounds(h, d, w); WHILE tmpList # NIL DO tmpList.w := v.selfont.StringWidth(tmpList.name); tmpList.h := h; tmpList := tmpList.next END; ssList := v.subsystems; WHILE ssList # NIL DO ssList.w := v.selfont.StringWidth("[" + ssList.name + "]"); ssList.h := h; ssList := ssList.next END END SetExtents; PROCEDURE (v: View) Layout, NEW; CONST space = 5 * Ports.mm; VAR width, height, xindent, yindent, level: INTEGER; levelIndent: POINTER TO ARRAY OF INTEGER; tmpList: List; BEGIN NEW(levelIndent, v.maxLevel + 1); v.context.GetSize(width, height); tmpList := v.list; WHILE tmpList # NIL DO IF tmpList.isStart THEN yindent := space; level := 0 ELSE level := tmpList.subsystem.level; yindent := space + (15 * Ports.mm * level) END; xindent := space + levelIndent[level]; WHILE xindent + v.normfont.StringWidth(tmpList.name) > width DO xindent := xindent - width; yindent := yindent + (4 * Ports.mm) END; IF ~tmpList.subsystem.isBasic OR v.showBasic THEN IF tmpList.subsystem.isExpanded THEN IF ~tmpList.isHidden & ~tmpList.isLayedout THEN levelIndent[level] := levelIndent[level] + tmpList.w + space; tmpList.SetPosition(xindent, yindent); tmpList.isLayedout := TRUE END ELSIF ~ tmpList.subsystem.isHidden & ~tmpList.subsystem.isLayedout THEN levelIndent[level] := levelIndent[level] + tmpList.subsystem.w + space; tmpList.SetPosition(xindent, yindent); tmpList.subsystem.isLayedout := TRUE END END; tmpList := tmpList.next END END Layout; PROCEDURE (v: View) DrawArrow(f: Views.Frame; ax, ay, bx, by, s: INTEGER), NEW; CONST ArrowLen = 1 * Ports.mm; TYPE Vector = RECORD x, y: REAL END; VAR a, b, c, d, e, v1, v2: Vector; lenc, m, x, y: REAL; p: ARRAY 3 OF Ports.Point; BEGIN a.x := ax; a.y := ay; b.x := bx; b.y := by; c.x := b.x - a.x; c.y := b.y - a.y; m := MAX(ABS(c.x), ABS(c.y)); x := c.x / m; y := c.y / m; lenc := m * Math.Sqrt(x * x + y * y); s := MAX(1, SHORT(ENTIER(1.5 * s)) DIV Ports.point); (* scaling factor *) e.x := c.x * s / lenc; e.y := c.y * s / lenc; d.x := e.y; d.y := - e.x; (* first orthogonal vector *) v1.x := (e.x + d.x) * ArrowLen; v1.y := (e.y + d.y) * ArrowLen; v1.x := -v1.x; v1.y := -v1.y; (* mirror vector *) d.x := -d.x; d.y := -d.y; (* second orthogonal vector *) v2.x := (e.x + d.x) * ArrowLen; v2.y := (e.y + d.y) * ArrowLen; v2.x := -v2.x; v2.y := -v2.y; (* mirror vector *) p[0].x := SHORT(ENTIER(b.x));p[0].y := SHORT(ENTIER(b.y)); p[1].x := SHORT(ENTIER(b.x + v1.x)); p[1].y := SHORT(ENTIER(b.y + v1.y)); p[2].x := SHORT(ENTIER(b.x + v2.x)); p[2].y := SHORT(ENTIER(b.y + v2.y)); f.DrawPath(p, 3, Ports.fill, Ports.black, Ports.closedPoly) END DrawArrow; PROCEDURE (v: View) DrawDependencies (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER), NEW; VAR xindent, yindent, startx, starty, middlex, middley, sx, sy, thickness: INTEGER; subgraph: Subgraph; tmpList: List; s: SubsystemList; BEGIN thickness := MAX(2, (v.normfont.size DIV 8)); f.DrawRect(l, t, r, b, Ports.fill, Ports.white); tmpList := v.list; WHILE tmpList # NIL DO IF tmpList.Visible(v.showBasic) OR tmpList.subsystem.Visible(v.showBasic) THEN subgraph := tmpList.imports; tmpList.GetPosition(startx, starty); WHILE subgraph # NIL DO IF subgraph.node.Visible(v.showBasic) OR subgraph.node.subsystem.Visible(v.showBasic) THEN subgraph.node.GetPosition(sx, sy); middlex := ABS(startx - ((startx - sx) DIV 2)); middley := ABS(starty - ((starty - sy) DIV 2)); IF ~subgraph.isImplicit THEN f.DrawLine(startx, starty, middlex, middley, thickness, Ports.red); f.DrawLine(middlex, middley, sx, sy, thickness, Ports.blue) ELSE f.DrawLine(startx, starty, middlex, middley, thickness, Ports.grey25); f.DrawLine(middlex, middley, sx, sy, thickness, Ports.grey25) END; IF (middlex # startx) OR (middley # starty) THEN v.DrawArrow(f, startx, starty, middlex, middley, thickness) END END; subgraph := subgraph.next END END; tmpList := tmpList.next END; (* Draw the names of the modules last, so they end up on top *) tmpList := v.list; WHILE tmpList # NIL DO IF tmpList.Visible(v.showBasic) THEN tmpList.GetPosition(xindent, yindent); IF tmpList.Selected() THEN f.DrawString(xindent, yindent, Ports.black, tmpList.name, v.selfont) ELSE f.DrawString(xindent, yindent, Ports.black, tmpList.name, v.normfont) END; f.DrawOval(xindent - (Ports.mm DIV 2), yindent - (Ports.mm DIV 2), xindent + (Ports.mm DIV 2), yindent + (Ports.mm DIV 2), Ports.fill, Ports.black) END; tmpList := tmpList.next END; s := v.subsystems; WHILE s # NIL DO IF s.Visible(v.showBasic) THEN xindent := s.l; yindent := s.b; IF s.Selected() THEN f.DrawString(xindent, yindent, Ports.black, "[" + s.name + "]", v.selfont) ELSE f.DrawString(xindent, yindent, Ports.black, "[" + s.name + "]", v.normfont) END; f.DrawOval(xindent - (Ports.mm DIV 2), yindent - (Ports.mm DIV 2), xindent + (Ports.mm DIV 2), yindent + (Ports.mm DIV 2), Ports.fill, Ports.black) END; s := s.next END END DrawDependencies; PROCEDURE (v: View) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); BEGIN v.Layout(); v.DrawDependencies(f, l, t, r, b) END Restore; (** Handle view messages **) PROCEDURE (v: View) SetProps(p: Properties.Property), NEW; VAR size: INTEGER; typeface: Fonts.Typeface; prop: Properties.StdProp; style: SET; BEGIN WHILE (p # NIL) & ~(p IS Properties.StdProp) DO p := p.next END; IF p # NIL THEN prop := p(Properties.StdProp); size := v.normfont.size; typeface := v.normfont.typeface; style := v.normfont.style; IF Properties.size IN prop.valid THEN size := prop.size END; IF Properties.typeface IN prop.valid THEN typeface := prop.typeface END; IF Properties.style IN prop.valid THEN IF Fonts.underline IN prop.style.mask THEN IF Fonts.underline IN prop.style.val THEN style := style + {Fonts.underline} ELSE style := style - {Fonts.underline} END END; IF Fonts.italic IN prop.style.mask THEN IF Fonts.italic IN prop.style.val THEN style := style + {Fonts.italic} ELSE style := style - {Fonts.italic} END END; IF Fonts.strikeout IN prop.style.mask THEN IF Fonts.strikeout IN prop.style.val THEN style := style + {Fonts.strikeout} ELSE style := style - {Fonts.strikeout} END END END; v.normfont := Fonts.dir.This(typeface, size, style, Fonts.normal); v.selfont := Fonts.dir.This(typeface, size, style, Fonts.bold); v.SetExtents(); Views.Update(v, Views.keepFrames) END END SetProps; PROCEDURE (v: View) GetProps(OUT p: Properties.Property), NEW; VAR prop: Properties.StdProp; BEGIN NEW(prop); prop.known := {Properties.weight, Properties.size, Properties.typeface, Properties.style}; prop.valid := {Properties.weight, Properties.size, Properties.typeface, Properties.style}; prop.typeface := v.normfont.typeface; prop.size := v.normfont.size; prop.weight := v.normfont.weight; prop.style.val := v.normfont.style; prop.style.mask := v.normfont.style; p := prop END GetProps; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandlePropMsg (VAR msg: Properties.Message); CONST min = 50 * Ports.mm; max = 500 * Ports.mm; BEGIN WITH msg: Properties.SizePref DO IF (msg.w = Views.undefined) OR (msg.h = Views.undefined) THEN msg.w := 200 * Ports.mm; msg.h := 100 * Ports.mm ELSE Properties.ProportionalConstraint(2, 1, msg.fixedW, msg.fixedH, msg.w, msg.h); IF msg.h < min THEN msg.h := min; msg.w := 2 * min ELSIF msg.h > max THEN msg.h := max; msg.w := 2 * max END END | msg: Properties.ResizePref DO msg.horFitToWin := TRUE; msg.verFitToWin := TRUE | msg: Properties.FocusPref DO msg.setFocus := TRUE | msg: Properties.PollMsg DO v.GetProps(msg.prop) | msg: Properties.SetMsg DO v.SetProps(msg.prop) ELSE (* ignore other messages *) END END HandlePropMsg; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandleMultiSelect (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.TrackMsg), NEW; VAR x, y, x1, y1: INTEGER; isDown, first: BOOLEAN; m: SET; BEGIN first := TRUE; x1 := -1; y1 := -1; REPEAT f.Input(x, y, m, isDown); IF (x1 # x) OR (y1 # y) THEN IF first THEN first := FALSE ELSE f.MarkRect(MIN(x1, msg.x), MIN(y1, msg.y), MAX(x1, msg.x), MAX(y1, msg.y), 0, Ports.dim50, FALSE) END; x1 := x; y1 := y; f.MarkRect(MIN(x1, msg.x), MIN(y1, msg.y), MAX(x1, msg.x), MAX(y1, msg.y), 0, Ports.dim50, TRUE) END UNTIL ~isDown; f.MarkRect(MIN(x1, msg.x), MIN(y1, msg.y), MAX(x1, msg.x), MAX(y1, msg.y), 0, Ports.dim50, FALSE); v.Select(MIN(x1, msg.x), MIN(y1, msg.y), MAX(x1, msg.x), MAX(y1, msg.y), msg.modifiers); Views.Update(v, Views.keepFrames) END HandleMultiSelect; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandleMove (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.TrackMsg), NEW; VAR x1, y1, x, y, res: INTEGER; mo: MoveOp; m: SET; isDown: BOOLEAN; ml: MetaList; ms: MetaSSList; BEGIN NEW(mo); mo.view := v; mo.AddSelection; mo.BoundingBox; x1 := msg.x; y1 := msg.y; f.SaveRect(f.l, f.t, f.r, f.b, res); REPEAT f.Input(x, y, m, isDown); IF (res = 0) & ((x # x1) OR (y # y1)) THEN x1 := x; y1 := y; f.RestoreRect(mo.l + mo.dx, mo.t + mo.dy, mo.r + mo.dx, mo.b + mo.dy, Ports.keepBuffer); mo.dx := x - msg.x; mo.dy := y - msg.y; IF mo.l + mo.dx < f.l THEN mo.dx := f.l - mo.l END; IF mo.r + mo.dx > f.r THEN mo.dx := f.r - mo.r END; IF mo.t + mo.dy < f.t THEN mo.dy := f.t - mo.t END; IF mo.b + mo.dy > f.b THEN mo.dy := f.b - mo.b END; ml := mo.mods; WHILE ml # NIL DO f.DrawString(ml.list.l + mo.dx, ml.list.b + mo.dy, Ports.grey50, ml.list.name, v.selfont); ml := ml.next END; ms := mo.subs; WHILE ms # NIL DO f.DrawString(ms.sslist.l + mo.dx, ms.sslist.b + mo.dy, Ports.grey50, '[' + ms.sslist.name + ']', v.selfont); ms := ms.next END END UNTIL ~isDown; f.RestoreRect(f.l, f.t, f.r, f.b, Ports.disposeBuffer); Views.Do(v, "Move", mo) END HandleMove; PROCEDURE OpName(op, arg: ARRAY OF CHAR): POINTER TO ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR len: INTEGER; s: POINTER TO ARRAY OF CHAR; BEGIN len := LEN(op$) + 1(*space*) + LEN(arg$) + 2(*quotes*) + 1(*0X*); NEW(s, len); s^ := op$ + ' "' + arg$ + '"'; IF len > LEN(Stores.OpName) THEN Strings.Replace(s, LEN(Stores.OpName) - 5, len - LEN(Stores.OpName) + 3, "..."); END; RETURN s END OpName; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandleCtrlMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View); CONST movedist = Ports.mm * Ports.mm; arrowdist = Ports.mm; VAR w, h, x, y, delta: INTEGER; m: SET; isDown, isMove: BOOLEAN; mo: MoveOp; e: ExpandOp; BEGIN WITH msg: Controllers.TrackMsg DO IF Controllers.popup IN msg.modifiers THEN StdMenuTool.PopupMenu ELSIF (Controllers.doubleClick IN msg.modifiers) THEN IF v.OnSelectedObject(msg.x, msg.y) THEN NEW(e); e.view := v; e.AddSelection; IF (e.mods # NIL) & (e.subs = NIL) & (e.mods.next = NIL) THEN e.expand := FALSE; Views.Do(v, OpName("Collapse", e.mods.list.name)$, e) ELSIF (e.mods = NIL) & (e.subs # NIL) & (e.subs.next = NIL) THEN e.expand := TRUE; Views.Do(v, OpName("Expand", e.subs.sslist.name)$, e) END END ELSE isMove := FALSE; REPEAT f.Input(x, y, m, isDown); IF ~isMove & ((ABS(x - msg.x) * ABS(x - msg.x) + ABS(y - msg.y) * ABS(y - msg.y)) > movedist) THEN isMove := TRUE END UNTIL ~isDown OR isMove; IF isMove THEN IF v.OnSelectedObject(msg.x, msg.y) THEN v.HandleMove(f, msg) ELSIF v.OnObject(msg.x, msg.y) THEN v.Select(msg.x, msg.y, msg.x, msg.y, {}); v.HandleMove(f, msg) ELSE v.HandleMultiSelect(f, msg) END ELSE v.Select(msg.x, msg.y, msg.x, msg.y, msg.modifiers); Views.Update(v, Views.keepFrames) END END | msg: Controllers.PollOpsMsg DO msg.valid := {Controllers.copy}; msg.selectable := TRUE; msg.type := "DevDependencies.View" | msg: Properties.CollectMsg DO v.GetProps(msg.poll.prop) | msg: Properties.EmitMsg DO v.SetProps(msg.set.prop); v.context.GetSize(w, h); v.Restore(f, 0, 0, w, h) | msg: Controllers.SelectMsg DO v.SelectAll(msg.set) | msg: Controllers.EditMsg DO IF (msg.op = Controllers.pasteChar) & (ORD(msg.char) >= 28) & (ORD(msg.char) <= 31) THEN NEW(mo); mo.view := v; mo.AddSelection; mo.BoundingBox; mo.dx := 0; mo.dy := 0; IF Controllers.modify IN msg.modifiers THEN delta := f.unit ELSE delta := arrowdist END; CASE msg.char OF | CHR(28): mo.dx := -delta | CHR(29): mo.dx := delta | CHR(30): mo.dy := -delta | CHR(31): mo.dy := delta END; IF mo.l + mo.dx < f.l THEN mo.dx := f.l - mo.l END; IF mo.r + mo.dx > f.r THEN mo.dx := f.r - mo.r END; IF mo.t + mo.dy < f.t THEN mo.dy := f.t - mo.t END; IF mo.b + mo.dy > f.b THEN mo.dy := f.b - mo.b END; IF (mo.dy # 0) OR (mo.dx # 0) THEN Views.Do(v, "Move", mo) END END ELSE (* Ignore other messages *) END END HandleCtrlMsg; (** Internalize/Externalize and Copy **) PROCEDURE (s: SubsystemList) Internalize (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR store: Stores.Store; BEGIN rd.ReadString(s.name); rd.ReadBool(s.isExpanded); rd.ReadBool(s.isLayedout); rd.ReadBool(s.isHidden); rd.ReadBool(s.isBasic); rd.ReadBool(s.isStart); rd.ReadInt(s.l); rd.ReadInt(s.b); rd.ReadInt(s.w); rd.ReadInt(s.h); rd.ReadInt(s.level); rd.ReadStore(store); IF store # NIL THEN s.next := store(SubsystemList) ELSE s.next := NIL END END Internalize; PROCEDURE (s: SubsystemList) Externalize (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN wr.WriteString(s.name); wr.WriteBool(s.isExpanded); wr.WriteBool(s.isLayedout);wr.WriteBool(s.isHidden); wr.WriteBool(s.isBasic); wr.WriteBool(s.isStart); wr.WriteInt(s.l); wr.WriteInt(s.b); wr.WriteInt(s.w); wr.WriteInt(s.h); wr.WriteInt(s.level); wr.WriteStore(s.next) END Externalize; PROCEDURE (l: List) Internalize (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR store: Stores.Store; BEGIN rd.ReadString(l.name); rd.ReadInt(l.l); rd.ReadInt(l.b); rd.ReadInt(l.w); rd.ReadInt(l.h); rd.ReadBool(l.isLayedout); rd.ReadBool(l.isHidden); rd.ReadBool(l.isStart); rd.ReadStore(store); l.subsystem := store(SubsystemList); rd.ReadStore(store); IF store # NIL THEN l.imports := store(Subgraph) ELSE l.imports := NIL END; rd.ReadStore(store); IF store # NIL THEN l.next := store(List) ELSE l.next := NIL END END Internalize; PROCEDURE (l: List) Externalize (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN wr.WriteString(l.name); wr.WriteInt(l.l); wr.WriteInt(l.b); wr.WriteInt(l.w); wr.WriteInt(l.h); wr.WriteBool(l.isLayedout);wr.WriteBool(l.isHidden); wr.WriteBool(l.isStart); wr.WriteStore(l.subsystem); wr.WriteStore(l.imports); wr.WriteStore(l.next) END Externalize; PROCEDURE (l: NameList) Internalize (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR store: Stores.Store; BEGIN rd.ReadString(l.name); rd.ReadStore(store); IF store # NIL THEN l.next := store(NameList) ELSE l.next := NIL END END Internalize; PROCEDURE (l: NameList) Externalize (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN wr.WriteString(l.name); wr.WriteStore(l.next) END Externalize; PROCEDURE (g: Subgraph) Internalize (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR store: Stores.Store; BEGIN rd.ReadBool(g.isImplicit); rd.ReadStore(store); g.node := store(List); rd.ReadStore(store); IF store # NIL THEN g.next := store(Subgraph) ELSE g.next := NIL END END Internalize; PROCEDURE (g: Subgraph) Externalize (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN wr.WriteBool(g.isImplicit); wr.WriteStore(g.node); wr.WriteStore(g.next) END Externalize; PROCEDURE (v: View) Internalize (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR version, size: INTEGER; store: Stores.Store; typeface: Fonts.Typeface; style: SET; BEGIN rd.ReadVersion(0, 0, version); IF ~rd.cancelled THEN rd.ReadInt(v.maxLevel); rd.ReadBool(v.showBasic); rd.ReadString(typeface); rd.ReadInt(size); rd.ReadSet(style); v.normfont := Fonts.dir.This(typeface, size, style, Fonts.normal); v.selfont := Fonts.dir.This(typeface, size, style, Fonts.bold); rd.ReadStore(store); v.startList := store(NameList); rd.ReadStore(store); v.subsystems := store(SubsystemList); rd.ReadStore(store); v.list := store(List) END END Internalize; PROCEDURE (v: View) Externalize (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN wr.WriteVersion(0); wr.WriteInt(v.maxLevel); wr.WriteBool(v.showBasic); wr.WriteString(v.normfont.typeface); wr.WriteInt(v.normfont.size); wr.WriteSet(v.normfont.style); wr.WriteStore(v.startList); wr.WriteStore(v.subsystems); wr.WriteStore(v.list) END Externalize; PROCEDURE (s: SubsystemList) CopyFrom(source: Stores.Store); BEGIN WITH source: SubsystemList DO s.name := source.name; s.isExpanded := source.isExpanded; s.isLayedout := source.isLayedout; s.isHidden := source.isHidden; s.isBasic := source.isBasic; s.isStart := source.isStart; s.l := source.l; s.b := source.b; s.w := source.w; s.h := source.h; s.level := source.level; IF source.next # NIL THEN s.next := Stores.CopyOf(source.next)(SubsystemList) END END END CopyFrom; PROCEDURE (l: List) CopyFrom(source: Stores.Store); BEGIN WITH source: List DO l.name := source.name; l.l := source.l; l.b := source.b; l.w := source.w; l.h := source.h; l.isLayedout := source.isLayedout; l.isHidden := source.isHidden; l.isStart := source.isStart; IF source.imports # NIL THEN l.imports := Stores.CopyOf(source.imports)(Subgraph) END; IF source.subsystem # NIL THEN l.subsystem := Stores.CopyOf(source.subsystem)(SubsystemList) END; IF source.next # NIL THEN l.next := Stores.CopyOf(source.next)(List) END END END CopyFrom; PROCEDURE (l: NameList) CopyFrom(source: Stores.Store); BEGIN WITH source: NameList DO l.name := source.name; IF source.next # NIL THEN l.next := Stores.CopyOf(source.next)(NameList) END END END CopyFrom; PROCEDURE (g: Subgraph) CopyFrom(source: Stores.Store); BEGIN WITH source: Subgraph DO g.isImplicit := source.isImplicit; IF source.node # NIL THEN g.node := Stores.CopyOf(source.node)(List) END; IF source.next # NIL THEN g.next := Stores.CopyOf(source.next)(Subgraph) END END END CopyFrom; PROCEDURE (v: View) CopyFromSimpleView (source: Views.View); BEGIN WITH source: View DO v.maxLevel := source.maxLevel; v.normfont := source.normfont; v.selfont := source.selfont; v.showBasic := source.showBasic; v.startList := Stores.CopyOf(source.startList)(NameList); v.subsystems := Stores.CopyOf(source.subsystems)(SubsystemList); v.list := Stores.CopyOf(source.list)(List) END END CopyFromSimpleView; (** Guards and Interactors **) PROCEDURE ExpandClick*; VAR v: View; BEGIN v := Controllers.FocusView()(View); IF v # NIL THEN v.ExpandCollapse(TRUE) END END ExpandClick; PROCEDURE CollapseClick*; VAR v: View; BEGIN v := Controllers.FocusView()(View); IF v # NIL THEN v.ExpandCollapse(FALSE) END END CollapseClick; PROCEDURE HideClick*; VAR v: View; hop: HideOp; BEGIN v := Controllers.FocusView()(View); IF v # NIL THEN NEW(hop); hop.view := v; hop.AddSelection; Views.Do(v, "Hide Item", hop) END END HideClick; PROCEDURE ToggleBasicSystemsClick*; VAR v: View; hbop: HideBasicOp; BEGIN v := Controllers.FocusView()(View); IF v # NIL THEN NEW(hbop); hbop.view := v; IF v.showBasic THEN Views.Do(v, "Hide Basic Systems", hbop) ELSE Views.Do(v, "Show Basic Systems", hbop) END END END ToggleBasicSystemsClick; PROCEDURE ShowAllClick*; VAR v: View; l: List; sl: SubsystemList; so: ShowAllOp; ml: MetaList; ssl: MetaSSList; BEGIN v := Controllers.FocusView()(View); IF v # NIL THEN NEW(so); l := v.list; WHILE l # NIL DO IF l.isHidden THEN NEW(ml); ml.list := l; ml.next := so.mods; so.mods := ml END; l := l.next END; sl := v.subsystems; WHILE sl # NIL DO IF sl.isHidden THEN NEW(ssl); ssl.sslist := sl; ssl.next := so.subs; so.subs := ssl END; sl := sl.next END; IF (so.mods # NIL) OR (so.subs # NIL) THEN so.view := v; Views.Do(v, "Show All", so) END END END ShowAllClick; PROCEDURE ECAll(eo: ExpandAllOp); VAR v: View; sl: SubsystemList; ssl: MetaSSList; BEGIN v := Controllers.FocusView()(View); IF v # NIL THEN sl := v.subsystems; WHILE sl # NIL DO IF (sl.isExpanded # eo.expand) & ~sl.isHidden & (~sl.isBasic OR v.showBasic) THEN NEW(ssl); ssl.sslist := sl; ssl.next := eo.subs; eo.subs := ssl END; sl := sl.next END; IF eo.subs # NIL THEN eo.view := v; Views.Do(v, "Show All", eo) END END END ECAll; PROCEDURE ExpandAllClick*; VAR eo: ExpandAllOp; BEGIN NEW(eo); eo.expand := TRUE; ECAll(eo) END ExpandAllClick; PROCEDURE CollapseAllClick*; VAR eo: ExpandAllOp; BEGIN NEW(eo); eo.expand := FALSE; ECAll(eo) END CollapseAllClick; PROCEDURE ArrangeClick*; (* Not undoable *) VAR v: View; l: List; sl: SubsystemList; BEGIN v := Controllers.FocusView()(View); IF v # NIL THEN Views.BeginModification(Views.notUndoable, v); l := v.list; WHILE l # NIL DO l.isLayedout := FALSE; l := l.next END; sl := v.subsystems; WHILE sl # NIL DO sl.isLayedout := FALSE; sl := sl.next END; Views.Update(v, Views.keepFrames); Views.EndModification(Views.notUndoable, v) END END ArrangeClick; PROCEDURE DependencyList(v: View; full: BOOLEAN; VAR clist: MetaList); VAR l: List; PROCEDURE RecursiveList(node: List; VAR clist: MetaList); VAR imports: Subgraph; ml, prev: MetaList; BEGIN IF full OR node.subsystem.isExpanded THEN ml := clist; WHILE (ml # NIL) & (ml.list # node) DO ml := ml.next END; IF ml = NIL THEN imports := node.imports; WHILE imports # NIL DO IF ~imports.isImplicit THEN RecursiveList(imports.node, clist) END; imports := imports.next END; ml := clist; prev := ml; WHILE (ml # NIL) & (ml.list # node) DO (* could have been implicitly imported *) prev := ml; ml := ml.next END; IF ml = NIL THEN NEW(ml); ml.list := node; IF prev # NIL THEN prev.next := ml END END; IF clist = NIL THEN clist := ml END; imports := node.imports; WHILE imports # NIL DO IF imports.isImplicit THEN RecursiveList(imports.node, clist) END; imports := imports.next END END END END RecursiveList; BEGIN l := v.list; WHILE l # NIL DO RecursiveList(l, clist); l := l.next END END DependencyList; PROCEDURE SortMetaList(VAR ml: MetaList); VAR l, p, cur, pcur: MetaList; BEGIN ASSERT(ml # NIL, 20); cur := ml.next; pcur := ml; WHILE cur # NIL DO p := NIL; l := ml; WHILE (l # cur) & (cur.list.name$ > l.list.name$) DO p := l; l := l.next END; IF l = cur THEN pcur := cur; cur := cur.next ELSE pcur.next := cur.next; cur.next := l; IF p = NIL THEN ml := cur ELSE p.next := cur END; cur := pcur.next END END END SortMetaList; PROCEDURE MarkImplicitModules(v: View); VAR fullList, nonImplList: MetaList; v2: View; BEGIN IF v.nofMods <= 0 THEN RETURN END; DependencyList(v, full, fullList); SortMetaList(fullList); StartAnalysis(v.startList, NIL, ~implicit, v2); DependencyList(v2, full, nonImplList); SortMetaList(nonImplList); WHILE nonImplList # NIL DO IF nonImplList.list.name$ = fullList.list.name$ THEN fullList.list.onlyImplicit := FALSE ELSE WHILE nonImplList.list.name$ # fullList.list.name$ DO fullList.list.onlyImplicit := TRUE; fullList := fullList.next END END; fullList := fullList.next; nonImplList := nonImplList.next END; WHILE fullList # NIL DO fullList.list.onlyImplicit := TRUE; fullList := fullList.next END END MarkImplicitModules; PROCEDURE SetStyle(f: TextMappers.Formatter; style: SET); VAR prop: Properties.StdProp; BEGIN prop := f.rider.attr.Prop()(Properties.StdProp); IF bold IN style THEN prop.weight := Fonts.bold ELSE prop.weight := Fonts.normal END; IF italic IN style THEN INCL(prop.style.val, Fonts.italic); prop.style.mask := prop.style.val ELSE EXCL(prop.style.val, Fonts.italic) END; f.rider.SetAttr(TextModels.ModifiedAttr(f.rider.attr, prop)) END SetStyle; PROCEDURE SetGray(f: TextMappers.Formatter); VAR prop: Properties.StdProp; BEGIN prop := f.rider.attr.Prop()(Properties.StdProp); prop.color.val := Ports.grey25; f.rider.SetAttr(TextModels.ModifiedAttr(f.rider.attr, prop)) END SetGray; PROCEDURE SetDefColor(f: TextMappers.Formatter); VAR prop: Properties.StdProp; BEGIN prop := f.rider.attr.Prop()(Properties.StdProp); prop.color.val := Ports.defaultColor; f.rider.SetAttr(TextModels.ModifiedAttr(f.rider.attr, prop)) END SetDefColor; PROCEDURE WritePackList(f: TextMappers.Formatter; v: View); CONST colsPerRow = 3; VAR head, tail: Files.Name; l: List; col: INTEGER; BEGIN l := v.list; col := 0; WHILE l # NIL DO IF l.onlyImplicit THEN SetGray(f) ELSE SetDefColor(f) END; Librarian.lib.SplitName(l.name, head, tail); f.WriteString(head + "/Code/" + tail + ".ocf "); INC(col); IF col >= colsPerRow THEN f.WriteLn; col := 0 END; l := l.next END; SetGray(f); f.WriteString("System/Rsrc/Menus.odc") END WritePackList; PROCEDURE WriteCommand (IN f: TextMappers.Formatter; title: Dialog.String; cmd: TextModels.Model); BEGIN SetStyle(f, {bold}); f.WriteString(title); f.WriteLn; SetStyle(f, {}); f.WriteView(StdFolds.dir.New(StdFolds.collapsed, "", cmd)); f.WriteString('command'); f.WriteView(StdFolds.dir.New(StdFolds.collapsed, "", NIL)); f.WriteLn; f.WriteLn END WriteCommand; PROCEDURE AddHeader (IN f: TextMappers.Formatter; v: View); VAR sl: NameList; date: Dates.Date; time: Dates.Time; ds, ts: String; BEGIN Dates.GetDate(date); Dates.DateToString(date, Dates.plainLong, ds); Dates.GetTime(time); Dates.TimeToString(time, ts); SetStyle(f, {bold}); f.WriteString('Tool for: '); sl := v.startList; WHILE sl # NIL DO f.WriteString(sl.name + ' '); sl := sl.next END; f.WriteLn; SetStyle(f, {italic});f.WriteString('Created: ' + ds + ', ' + ts); f.WriteLn; f.WriteLn END AddHeader; PROCEDURE AddCompileList (IN f: TextMappers.Formatter; v: View); VAR l: MetaList; m: TextModels.Model; hf:TextMappers.Formatter; BEGIN m := TextModels.dir.New(); hf.ConnectTo(m); SetStyle(hf, {}); hf.WriteLn; hf.WriteView(DevCommanders.dir.New()); hf.WriteString(' DevCompiler.CompileThis '); hf.WriteLn; DependencyList(v, ~full, l); WHILE l # NIL DO IF l.list.onlyImplicit THEN SetGray(hf) ELSE SetDefColor(hf) END; hf.WriteString(l.list.name + ' '); l := l.next END; hf.WriteView(DevCommanders.dir.NewEnd()); hf.WriteLn; WriteCommand(f, 'To compile:', m) END AddCompileList; PROCEDURE WriteUnloadList(f: TextMappers.Formatter; l: MetaList); BEGIN IF l # NIL THEN WriteUnloadList(f, l.next); IF l.list.onlyImplicit THEN SetGray(f) ELSE SetDefColor(f) END; f.WriteString(l.list.name + ' ') END END WriteUnloadList; PROCEDURE AddUnloadList (IN f: TextMappers.Formatter; v: View); VAR l: MetaList; m: TextModels.Model; hf:TextMappers.Formatter; BEGIN m := TextModels.dir.New(); hf.ConnectTo(m); SetStyle(hf, {}); hf.WriteLn; hf.WriteView(DevCommanders.dir.New()); hf.WriteString(' DevDebug.UnloadThis '); hf.WriteLn; DependencyList(v, ~full, l); WriteUnloadList(hf, l); hf.WriteView(DevCommanders.dir.NewEnd()); hf.WriteLn; WriteCommand(f, 'To unload:', m) END AddUnloadList; PROCEDURE AddLinkList (IN f: TextMappers.Formatter); VAR m: TextModels.Model; hf:TextMappers.Formatter; BEGIN m := TextModels.dir.New(); hf.ConnectTo(m); SetStyle(hf, {}); hf.WriteLn; hf.WriteView(DevCommanders.dir.New()); hf.WriteString(' DevLinker.Link exefilename.exe := '); hf.WriteLn; hf.WriteString('Kernel$+ Files HostFiles HostPackedFiles StdLoader'); hf.WriteLn; hf.WriteString('1 Applogo.ico 2 Doclogo.ico 3 SFLogo.ico 4 CFLogo.ico 5 DtyLogo.ico'); hf.WriteLn; hf.WriteString('6 folderimg.ico 7 openimg.ico 8 leafimg.ico'); hf.WriteLn; hf.WriteString('1 Move.cur 2 Copy.cur 3 Link.cur 4 Pick.cur 5 Stop.cur 6 Hand.cur 7 Table.cur'); hf.WriteView(DevCommanders.dir.NewEnd()); hf.WriteLn; WriteCommand(f, 'To link (executable to which files can be packed):', m) END AddLinkList; PROCEDURE AddPackList (IN f: TextMappers.Formatter; v: View); VAR m: TextModels.Model; hf:TextMappers.Formatter; BEGIN m := TextModels.dir.New(); hf.ConnectTo(m); SetStyle(hf, {}); hf.WriteLn; hf.WriteView(DevCommanders.dir.New()); hf.WriteString(' DevPacker.PackThis exefilename.exe :='); hf.WriteLn; WritePackList(hf, v); hf.WriteView(DevCommanders.dir.NewEnd()); hf.WriteLn; WriteCommand(f, 'To pack:', m) END AddPackList; PROCEDURE AddRootList (IN f: TextMappers.Formatter; v: View); VAR m: TextModels.Model; hf:TextMappers.Formatter; l: List; BEGIN m := TextModels.dir.New(); hf.ConnectTo(m); SetStyle(hf, {italic}); hf.WriteLn; hf.WriteString('(modules which are not imported from any other modules)'); hf.WriteLn; SetStyle(hf, {}); l := v.list; WHILE l # NIL DO IF ~l.isImported THEN IF l.onlyImplicit THEN SetGray(hf) ELSE SetDefColor(hf) END; hf.WriteString(l.name + ' ') END; l := l.next END; hf.WriteLn; WriteCommand(f, 'Root modules:', m) END AddRootList; PROCEDURE (v: View) CreateTool, NEW; VAR t: TextModels.Model; f: TextMappers.Formatter; tv: TextViews.View; BEGIN MarkImplicitModules(v); t := TextModels.dir.New(); f.ConnectTo(t); f.SetPos(0); SetStyle(f, {bold}); AddHeader(f, v); AddCompileList(f, v); AddUnloadList(f, v); AddLinkList(f); AddPackList(f, v); AddRootList(f, v); tv := TextViews.dir.New(t); Views.OpenView(tv) END CreateTool; PROCEDURE CreateToolClick*; VAR v: View; BEGIN v := Controllers.FocusView()(View); IF v # NIL THEN v.CreateTool END END CreateToolClick; PROCEDURE SelGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR e: ExpandOp; v: View; BEGIN v := Controllers.FocusView()(View); IF v = NIL THEN par.disabled := TRUE ELSE NEW(e); e.view := v; e.AddSelection; par.disabled := (e.mods = NIL) & (e.subs = NIL) END END SelGuard; PROCEDURE ModsGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR e: ExpandOp; v: View; BEGIN v := Controllers.FocusView()(View); IF v = NIL THEN par.disabled := TRUE ELSE NEW(e); e.view := v; e.AddSelection; par.disabled := e.mods = NIL END END ModsGuard; PROCEDURE SubsGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR e: ExpandOp; v: View; BEGIN v := Controllers.FocusView()(View); IF v = NIL THEN par.disabled := TRUE ELSE NEW(e); e.view := v; e.AddSelection; par.disabled := e.subs = NIL END END SubsGuard; PROCEDURE ShowBasicGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR v: View; BEGIN v := Controllers.FocusView()(View); IF v # NIL THEN par.checked := v.showBasic ELSE par.disabled := TRUE END END ShowBasicGuard; (** Initialization **) PROCEDURE SetBasic(v: View); VAR str: String; t: TextModels.Model; s: TextMappers.Scanner; l, n, sl: NameList; sslist: SubsystemList; sub, mod: String; BEGIN Dialog.MapString("#Dev:BasicSystems", str); l := NIL; IF str # "BasicSystems" THEN t := TextModels.dir.NewFromString(str); s.ConnectTo(t); s.SetPos(0); s.Scan; WHILE s.type # TextMappers.eot DO IF s.type = TextMappers.string THEN sl := v.startList; Librarian.lib.SplitName(sl.name, sub, mod); WHILE (sl # NIL) & (sub # s.string) DO Librarian.lib.SplitName(sl.name, sub, mod); sl := sl.next END; IF sl = NIL THEN NEW(n); n.name := s.string$; n.next := l; l := n END END; s.Scan END; sslist := v.subsystems; INC(v.maxLevel); WHILE sslist # NIL DO n := l; WHILE (n # NIL) & (sslist.name # n.name) DO n := n.next END; IF n # NIL THEN sslist.isBasic := TRUE; INC(sslist.level) END; sslist := sslist.next END END END SetBasic; PROCEDURE StartAnalysis(startList: NameList; font: Fonts.Font; incImpl: BOOLEAN; OUT v: View); VAR rootNode: List; sl: NameList; BEGIN NEW(v); Stores.Join(v, startList); v.showBasic := FALSE; IF font = NIL THEN font := Fonts.dir.Default() END; v.normfont := Fonts.dir.This(font.typeface, font.size, font.style, Fonts.normal); v.selfont := Fonts.dir.This(font.typeface, font.size, font.style, Fonts.bold); v.startList := startList; v.subsystems := NIL; v.list := NIL; v.maxLevel := 2; v.nofMods := 0; sl := startList; WHILE sl # NIL DO v.GetNode(sl.name, incImpl, rootNode); sl := sl.next END; SetBasic(v); v.SetExtents() END StartAnalysis; PROCEDURE NewAnalysisClick*; VAR v, nv: View; l: List; nl, start: NameList; BEGIN v := Controllers.FocusView()(View); IF v # NIL THEN l := v.list; start := NIL; WHILE l # NIL DO IF l.Selected() THEN NEW(nl); nl.name := l.name; nl.next := start; start := nl END; l := l.next END; IF start # NIL THEN StartAnalysis(start, v.normfont, implicit, nv); IF nv.list # NIL THEN Views.Deposit(nv); StdCmds.Open END END END END NewAnalysisClick; PROCEDURE Analyze (OUT v: View); VAR startList: NameList; BEGIN GetModuleList(startList); IF startList # NIL THEN StartAnalysis(startList, NIL, implicit, v) ELSE Dialog.ShowMsg("#Dev:NoModuleNameSelected") END END Analyze; PROCEDURE Deposit*; VAR v: View; BEGIN Analyze(v); Views.Deposit(v) END Deposit; PROCEDURE CreateTool*; VAR v: View; BEGIN Analyze(v); IF v.list # NIL THEN v.CreateTool END END CreateTool; END DevDependencies. "DevDependencies.Deposit;StdCmds.Open" DevDependencies.CreateTool
MODULE DevHeapSpy; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - 20141027, center #19, full Unicode support for Component Pascal identifiers added - 20160324, center #111, code cleanups " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT S := SYSTEM, Kernel, Utf, Strings, Ports, Models, Views, Services, Stores, Properties, Dialog, Controllers, Documents, DevDebug; CONST resolution = 8; (* one pixel represents resolution bytes *) lineW = 512; (* one line is 512 pixels long, i.e. represents 512 * resolution bytes *) lineH = 5; (* one line is lineH pixels high *) lineVertM = 3; (* margin between two lines *) lineHorM = 2; (* margin between vertical cluster edge and lines *) cluW = lineW + 2*lineHorM; cluHorM = 4; (* cluHorM pixels between left view edge and vertical cluster edge *) cluTopM = 8; (* cluTopM pixels between clusters *) W = (2*cluHorM + cluW) * Ports.point; TYPE Block = POINTER TO RECORD [untagged] tag: Kernel.Type; size: INTEGER; (* size of free blocks *) actual: INTEGER; first: INTEGER END; Cluster = POINTER TO RECORD [untagged] size: INTEGER; (* total size *) next: Cluster; END; View = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) height: INTEGER END; Model = POINTER TO RECORD (Models.Model) alloc: INTEGER END; Action = POINTER TO RECORD (Services.Action) END; Msg = RECORD (Models.Message) END; VAR mem: Model; par-: RECORD allocated-: INTEGER; (* number of bytes currently allocated *) clusters-: INTEGER; (* number of clusters currently allocated *) heapsize-: INTEGER (* total bytes currently allocated for heap *) END; PROCEDURE Append (VAR s: ARRAY OF CHAR; t: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR len, i, j: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; BEGIN len := LEN(s); i := 0; WHILE s[i] # 0X DO INC(i) END; j := 0; REPEAT ch := t[j]; s[i] := ch; INC(j); INC(i) UNTIL (ch = 0X) OR (i = len); s[len - 1] := 0X END Append; PROCEDURE SizeOf (f: SHORTCHAR; t: Kernel.Type): INTEGER; VAR x: INTEGER; BEGIN CASE f OF | 0BX: RETURN 0 | 1X, 2X, 4X: RETURN 1 | 3X, 5X: RETURN 2 | 8X, 0AX: RETURN 8 | 11X: RETURN t.size | 12X: x := S.VAL(INTEGER, t.base[0]); IF x DIV 256 # 0 THEN x := t.base[0].id MOD 4 + 16 END; RETURN t.size * SizeOf(SHORT(CHR(x)), t.base[0]) ELSE RETURN 4 END END SizeOf; PROCEDURE FormOf (t: Kernel.Type): SHORTCHAR; BEGIN IF S.VAL(INTEGER, t) DIV 256 = 0 THEN RETURN SHORT(CHR(S.VAL(INTEGER, t))) ELSE RETURN SHORT(CHR(16 + t.id MOD 4)) END END FormOf; PROCEDURE WriteName (t: Kernel.Type; OUT s: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR modName, name: Kernel.Name; f: SHORTCHAR; BEGIN f := FormOf(t); CASE f OF | 0X: Dialog.MapString("#Dev:Undefined", s) | 1X: s := "BOOLEAN" | 2X: s := "SHORTCHAR" | 3X: s := "CHAR" | 4X: s := "BYTE" | 5X: s := "SHORTINT" | 6X: s := "INTEGER" | 7X: s := "SHORTREAL" | 8X: s := "REAL" | 9X: s := "SET" | 0AX: s := "LONGINT" | 0BX: s := "ANYREC" | 0CX: s := "ANYPTR" | 0DX: s := "POINTER" | 0EX: s := "PROCEDURE" | 0FX: s := "STRING" | 10X, 11X, 13X: IF (t.id DIV 256 # 0) & (t.mod.refcnt >= 0) THEN Kernel.GetModName(t.mod, modName); s := modName$; Append(s, "."); Kernel.GetTypeName(t, name); Append(s, name) (* s := modName + "." + name; *) ELSIF f = 11X THEN Kernel.GetModName(t.mod, modName); s := modName$; Append(s, ".RECORD"); (* s := modName + ".RECORD"; *) ELSIF f = 13X THEN s := "POINTER" ELSE s := "PROCEDURE" END | 20X: s := "COM.IUnknown" | 21X: s := "COM.GUID" | 22X: s := "COM.RESULT" ELSE Dialog.MapString("#Dev:UnknownFormat", s) END END WriteName; PROCEDURE Next (b: Block): Block; (* next block in same cluster *) VAR size: INTEGER; tag: Kernel.Type; BEGIN tag := S.VAL(Kernel.Type, S.VAL(INTEGER, b.tag) DIV 4 * 4); size := tag.size + 4; IF ODD(S.VAL(INTEGER, b.tag) DIV 2) THEN size := b.size - S.ADR(b.size) + size END; size := (size + 15) DIV 16 * 16; RETURN S.VAL(Block, S.VAL(INTEGER, b) + size) END Next; PROCEDURE ClusterHeight (size: INTEGER): INTEGER; (* height of a cluster in pixels *) VAR noflines: INTEGER; BEGIN noflines := ((size DIV resolution) + (lineW-1)) DIV lineW; RETURN noflines * (lineH + lineVertM) + lineVertM; END ClusterHeight; PROCEDURE ViewHeight(): INTEGER; (* height of view in universal units *) VAR cluster: Cluster; h: INTEGER; BEGIN cluster := S.VAL(Cluster, Kernel.Root()); h := 0; WHILE cluster # NIL DO INC(h, (cluTopM + ClusterHeight(cluster.size)) * Ports.point); cluster := cluster.next; END; INC(h, cluTopM * Ports.point); RETURN h; END ViewHeight; PROCEDURE PaintMem (f: Views.Frame; top, bottom: INTEGER); VAR cluster: Cluster; b0, blk, next: Block; end: INTEGER; clusterTop, clusterH, x, x1, y: INTEGER; (* units *) dot, painted, runlen: INTEGER; c, c0: INTEGER; BEGIN dot := (Ports.point DIV f.dot) * f.dot; IF dot = 0 THEN dot := f.dot END; clusterTop := 0; cluster := S.VAL(Cluster, Kernel.Root()); WHILE cluster # NIL DO INC(clusterTop, cluTopM*dot); clusterH := ClusterHeight(cluster.size) * dot; IF (clusterTop - cluTopM < bottom) OR (clusterTop + clusterH > top) THEN f.DrawRect(cluHorM*dot, clusterTop, (cluHorM+cluW)*dot, clusterTop + clusterH, Ports.fill, Ports.grey25); (* scan cluster and draw blocks *) blk := S.VAL(Block, S.VAL(INTEGER, cluster) + 12); end := S.VAL(INTEGER, blk) + (cluster.size - 12) DIV 16 * 16; b0 := blk; c0 := -1; y := clusterTop + lineVertM*dot; painted := 16 DIV resolution; (* nof pixels already painted on current line *) x := (cluHorM+lineHorM+painted)*dot; WHILE S.VAL(INTEGER, blk) < end DO IF S.VAL(INTEGER, blk.tag) = S.ADR(blk.size) THEN (* free block *) c := -1; next := S.VAL(Block, S.VAL(INTEGER, blk) + blk.size + 4) ELSIF 1 IN S.VAL(SET, blk.tag) THEN (* array *) c := Ports.blue; next := Next(blk) ELSE (* record *) c := Ports.red; next := S.VAL(Block, S.VAL(INTEGER, blk) + (blk.tag.size + 19) DIV 16 * 16) END; IF c # c0 THEN runlen := (S.VAL(INTEGER, blk) - S.VAL(INTEGER, b0)) DIV resolution; WHILE runlen > lineW-painted DO x1 := (cluHorM+lineHorM+lineW)*dot; IF (c0 # -1) & (x < x1) THEN f.DrawRect(x, y, x1, y + lineH * dot, Ports.fill, c0) END; DEC(runlen, lineW-painted); painted := 0; x := (cluHorM+lineHorM)*dot; INC(y, (lineH+lineVertM) * dot); END; IF runlen > 0 THEN IF c0 # -1 THEN f.DrawRect(x, y, x + runlen*dot, y + lineH * dot, Ports.fill, c0) END; INC(painted, runlen); INC(x, runlen*dot); END; b0 := blk; c0 := c END; blk := next END; IF c0 # -1 THEN runlen := (S.VAL(INTEGER, end) - S.VAL(INTEGER, b0)) DIV resolution; WHILE runlen > lineW-painted DO f.DrawRect(x, y, (cluHorM+lineHorM+lineW)*dot, y + lineH * dot, Ports.fill, c0); DEC(runlen, lineW-painted); painted := 0; x := (cluHorM+lineHorM)*dot; INC(y, (lineH+lineVertM) * dot); END; IF runlen > 0 THEN f.DrawRect(x, y, x + runlen*dot, y + lineH * dot, Ports.fill, c0) END; END END; cluster := cluster.next; INC(clusterTop, clusterH); END END PaintMem; PROCEDURE MarkBlock (f: Views.Frame; sel: Block; on: BOOLEAN); VAR cluster: Cluster; next: Block; end, offs, dot, col: INTEGER; found: BOOLEAN; clusterTop, x, y, r, e: INTEGER; (* units *) BEGIN dot := (Ports.point DIV f.dot) * f.dot; IF dot = 0 THEN dot := f.dot END; clusterTop := 0; cluster := S.VAL(Cluster, Kernel.Root()); found := FALSE; WHILE (cluster # NIL) & ~found DO end := S.VAL(INTEGER, cluster) + 12 + (cluster.size - 12) DIV 16 * 16; INC(clusterTop, cluTopM * dot); IF (S.VAL(INTEGER, cluster) <= S.VAL(INTEGER, sel)) & (S.VAL(INTEGER, sel) < end) THEN found := TRUE; ELSE INC(clusterTop, ClusterHeight(cluster.size) * dot); cluster := cluster.next; END END; IF found THEN (* sel is contained in cluster *) IF on THEN col := Ports.green ELSIF 1 IN S.VAL(SET, sel.tag) THEN col := Ports.blue ELSE col := Ports.red END; next := Next(sel); r := (cluHorM + lineHorM + lineW) * dot; offs := (S.VAL(INTEGER, sel) + 4 (* tag *) - S.VAL(INTEGER, cluster)) DIV resolution; y := clusterTop + ((offs DIV lineW) * (lineH+lineVertM) + lineVertM) * dot; x := (cluHorM + lineHorM + (offs MOD lineW)) * dot; e := x + (S.VAL(INTEGER, next) - S.VAL(INTEGER, sel)) DIV resolution * dot; WHILE e >= r DO f.DrawRect(x, y, r, y + lineH * dot, Ports.fill, col); INC(y, (lineH + lineVertM) * dot); x := (cluHorM + lineHorM) * dot; e := x + e - r; END; IF e > x THEN f.DrawRect(x, y, e, y + lineH * dot, Ports.fill, col) END; END END MarkBlock; PROCEDURE ThisCluster (f: Views.Frame; sx, sy: INTEGER): Cluster; VAR cluster: Cluster; dot, clusterTop, clusterH: INTEGER; BEGIN dot := (Ports.point DIV f.dot) * f.dot; IF dot = 0 THEN dot := f.dot END; cluster := NIL; IF (cluHorM * dot <= sx) & (sx < (cluHorM + 2*lineHorM + lineW) * dot) THEN cluster := S.VAL(Cluster, Kernel.Root()); clusterTop := 0; WHILE cluster # NIL DO INC(clusterTop, cluTopM * dot); clusterH := ClusterHeight(cluster.size) * dot; IF (clusterTop <= sy) & (sy < clusterTop + clusterH) THEN RETURN cluster ELSE INC(clusterTop, clusterH); cluster := cluster.next; END END END; RETURN cluster; END ThisCluster; PROCEDURE ThisBlock (f: Views.Frame; sx, sy: INTEGER): Block; VAR cluster: Cluster; blk, next: Block; found: BOOLEAN; dot, lineno, offs, end, adr: INTEGER; clusterTop, clusterH: INTEGER; BEGIN dot := (Ports.point DIV f.dot) * f.dot; IF dot = 0 THEN dot := f.dot END; IF (sx < (cluHorM + lineHorM) * dot) OR ((cluHorM + lineHorM + lineW) * dot <= sx) THEN RETURN NIL END; cluster := S.VAL(Cluster, Kernel.Root()); clusterTop :=0; found := FALSE; WHILE (cluster # NIL) & ~found DO INC(clusterTop, cluTopM * dot); clusterH := ClusterHeight(cluster.size) * dot; IF (clusterTop <= sy) & (sy < clusterTop + clusterH) THEN found := TRUE ELSE INC(clusterTop, clusterH); cluster := cluster.next; END END; IF found THEN (* (sx, sy) points into cluster *) lineno := ((sy - clusterTop) DIV dot) DIV (lineH + lineVertM); offs := ((sy - clusterTop) DIV dot) MOD (lineH + lineVertM); (* vertical offset in line *) IF (lineVertM <= offs) & (offs < lineH + lineVertM) THEN offs := (sx DIV dot) - cluHorM - lineHorM; (* hor offset from left into line *) adr := S.VAL(INTEGER, cluster) + (lineno * lineW + offs) * resolution; (* we're looking for the block that contains address adr *) blk := S.VAL(Block, S.VAL(INTEGER, cluster) + 12); end := S.VAL(INTEGER, blk) + (cluster.size - 12) DIV 16 * 16; WHILE S.VAL(INTEGER, blk) < end DO next := Next(blk); IF adr < S.VAL(INTEGER, next) THEN IF S.VAL(INTEGER, blk.tag) # S.ADR(blk.size) THEN RETURN blk ELSE RETURN NIL (* blk is a free block *) END ELSE blk := next END END; RETURN NIL ELSE (* (sx, sy) points between two lines *) RETURN NIL END ELSE RETURN NIL END END ThisBlock; PROCEDURE SearchPath (this, that: Block; VAR path: ARRAY OF INTEGER; VAR len: INTEGER); VAR father, son: Block; tag: Kernel.Type; flag, offset, actual, i: INTEGER; found: BOOLEAN; BEGIN i := 1; len := 0; found := FALSE; IF ~ODD(S.VAL(INTEGER, this.tag)) THEN father := NIL; LOOP INC(S.VAL(INTEGER, this.tag)); flag := S.VAL(INTEGER, this.tag) MOD 4; tag := S.VAL(Kernel.Type, S.VAL(INTEGER, this.tag) - flag); IF flag >= 2 THEN actual := this.first; this.actual := actual ELSE actual := S.ADR(this.size) END; LOOP IF (this = that) & ~found THEN len := i; found := TRUE END; offset := tag.ptroffs[0]; IF offset < 0 THEN INC(S.VAL(INTEGER, tag), offset + 4); (* restore tag *) IF (flag >= 2) & (actual < this.size) & (offset < -4) THEN (* next array element *) INC(actual, tag.size); this.actual := actual ELSE (* up *) this.tag := S.VAL(Kernel.Type, S.VAL(INTEGER, tag) + flag); IF father = NIL THEN RETURN END; son := this; this := father; DEC(i); flag := S.VAL(INTEGER, this.tag) MOD 4; tag := S.VAL(Kernel.Type, S.VAL(INTEGER, this.tag) - flag); offset := tag.ptroffs[0]; IF flag >= 2 THEN actual := this.actual ELSE actual := S.ADR(this.size) END; S.GET(actual + offset, father); S.PUT(actual + offset, S.ADR(son.size)); INC(S.VAL(INTEGER, tag), 4) END ELSE S.GET(actual + offset, son); IF (son # NIL) & ~found THEN DEC(S.VAL(INTEGER, son), 4); IF ~ODD(S.VAL(INTEGER, son.tag)) THEN (* down *) IF i < LEN(path) THEN IF flag < 2 THEN path[i] := offset ELSE path[i] := actual - S.ADR(this.size) + offset END END; INC(i); this.tag := S.VAL(Kernel.Type, S.VAL(INTEGER, tag) + flag); S.PUT(actual + offset, father); father := this; this := son; EXIT END END; INC(S.VAL(INTEGER, tag), 4) END END END END END SearchPath; PROCEDURE ResetMarks; VAR cluster: Cluster; blk: Block; end: INTEGER; BEGIN cluster := S.VAL(Cluster, Kernel.Root()); WHILE cluster # NIL DO blk := S.VAL(Block, S.VAL(INTEGER, cluster) + 12); end := S.VAL(INTEGER, blk) + (cluster.size - 12) DIV 16 * 16; WHILE S.VAL(INTEGER, blk) < end DO EXCL(S.VAL(SET, blk.tag), 0); blk := Next(blk) END; cluster := cluster.next END END ResetMarks; PROCEDURE SearchAnchor (blk: Block; VAR path: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR m, mod: Kernel.Module; ref, offs, i, j, k, p, x, a, n: INTEGER; offsets: ARRAY 1 OF INTEGER; t, f: SHORTCHAR; desc: Kernel.Type; modName, name: Kernel.Name; tag, typ: Kernel.Type; res: INTEGER; nn: Kernel.Utf8Name; BEGIN mod := NIL; offs := 0; m := Kernel.ThisLoadedMod("HostWindows"); IF m # NIL THEN ref := m.refs; Kernel.GetRefProc(ref, x, nn); Utf.Utf8ToString(nn, name, res); IF x # 0 THEN REPEAT Kernel.GetRefVar(ref, t, f, desc, a, nn); Utf.Utf8ToString(nn, name, res); UNTIL (t # 1X) OR (name = "winAnchor"); IF t = 1X THEN S.GET(m.data + a, p); IF p # 0 THEN SearchPath(S.VAL(Block, p - 4), blk, offsets, n); IF n > 0 THEN offs := 1 END END END END END; m := Kernel.modList; WHILE (mod = NIL) & (offs = 0) & (m # NIL) DO IF m.refcnt >= 0 THEN i := 0; WHILE (mod = NIL) & (i < m.nofptrs) DO S.GET(m.data + m.ptrs[i], p); IF p # 0 THEN SearchPath(S.VAL(Block, p - 4), blk, offsets, n); IF n > 0 THEN mod := m; offs := m.ptrs[i] END END; INC(i) END END; m := m.next END; ResetMarks; IF offs # 0 THEN IF mod # NIL THEN Kernel.GetModName(mod, modName); path := modName$; Append(path, "."); ref := mod.refs; Kernel.GetRefProc(ref, x, nn); Utf.Utf8ToString(nn, name, res); IF x # 0 THEN REPEAT Kernel.GetRefVar(ref, t, f, desc, a, nn); Utf.Utf8ToString(nn, name, res); UNTIL (t # 1X) OR (offs >= a) & (offs < a + SizeOf(f, desc)); IF t = 1X THEN Utf.Utf8ToString(nn, name, res); Append(path, name); ELSE Append(path, "???") END END ELSE path := "window list" END; i := 1; WHILE (i < n) & (i < LEN(offsets)) DO S.GET(p - 4, tag); IF 1 IN S.VAL(SET, tag) THEN Append(path, "[]") ELSE k := 0; REPEAT typ := tag.base[k]; INC(k); j := 0; WHILE (j < typ.fields.num) & (typ.fields.obj[j].offs # offsets[i]) DO INC(j) END; UNTIL (j < typ.fields.num) OR (k > tag.id DIV 16 MOD 16); IF j < typ.fields.num THEN Kernel.GetObjName(typ.mod, S.ADR(typ.fields.obj[j]), name); Append(path, "."); Utf.Utf8ToString(nn, name, res); Append(path, name); ELSE Append(path, ".?") END END; S.GET(p + offsets[i], p); INC(i) END ELSE path := "" END END SearchAnchor; PROCEDURE ShowBlock (blk: Block); VAR title: ARRAY 1024 OF CHAR; path: ARRAY 1024 OF CHAR; BEGIN SearchAnchor(blk, path); IF path # "" THEN title := "Object anchored in "; Append(title, path); ELSE title := "Object not globally anchored" END; DevDebug.ShowHeapObject(S.ADR(blk.size), title) END ShowBlock; PROCEDURE BlockInfo (blk: Block; VAR s: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR tag: Kernel.Type; str: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; BEGIN tag := blk.tag; IF ODD(S.VAL(INTEGER, tag) DIV 2) THEN (* array *) DEC(S.VAL(INTEGER, tag), 2); IF (tag.mod.name = "Kernel") & (tag.fields.num = 1) THEN tag := tag.fields.obj[0].struct END; WriteName(tag, str); s := "ARRAY OF "; Append(s, str) ELSE (* record *) WriteName(tag, s) END END BlockInfo; PROCEDURE HeapInfo (VAR size, nofclusters: INTEGER); VAR cluster: Cluster; BEGIN nofclusters := 0; size := 0; cluster := S.VAL(Cluster, Kernel.Root()); WHILE cluster # NIL DO INC(nofclusters); INC(size, cluster.size); cluster := cluster.next END; END HeapInfo; PROCEDURE (v: View) ThisModel (): Models.Model; BEGIN RETURN mem END ThisModel; PROCEDURE (v: View) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); VAR h: INTEGER; BEGIN PaintMem(f, t, b); h := ViewHeight(); IF h # v.height THEN v.context.SetSize(W, h) END; END Restore; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandleCtrlMsg ( f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View ); VAR x, y: INTEGER; isDown: BOOLEAN; blk, b: Block; m: SET; c, lastC: Cluster; s: ARRAY 100 OF CHAR; num: ARRAY 16 OF CHAR; BEGIN WITH msg: Controllers.TrackMsg DO blk := NIL; lastC := NIL; REPEAT f.Input(x, y, m, isDown); c := ThisCluster(f, x, y); b := ThisBlock(f, x, y); IF (b # blk) OR (c # lastC) THEN IF b # NIL THEN BlockInfo(b, s); ELSIF c # NIL THEN s := "cluster of length "; IF c.size MOD 1024 = 0 THEN Strings.IntToString(c.size DIV 1024, num); Append(s, num); Append(s, " KB") ELSE Strings.IntToString(c.size, num); Append(s, num); Append(s, " bytes") END; Append(s, " at address "); Strings.IntToStringForm(S.VAL(INTEGER, c), Strings.hexadecimal, 9, "0", TRUE, num); Append(s, num) ELSE s := "" END; Dialog.ShowStatus(s) END; lastC := c; IF b # blk THEN IF blk # NIL THEN MarkBlock(f, blk, FALSE) END; blk := b; IF blk # NIL THEN MarkBlock(f, blk, TRUE) END END UNTIL ~isDown; (* IF ~Dialog.showsStatus & (s # "") THEN Dialog.ShowMsg(s) END; *) IF blk # NIL THEN MarkBlock(f, blk, FALSE); ShowBlock(blk) END; Dialog.ShowStatus(""); ELSE END END HandleCtrlMsg; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandleModelMsg (VAR msg: Models.Message); BEGIN WITH msg: Msg DO Views.Update(v, Views.keepFrames) ELSE END END HandleModelMsg; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandlePropMsg (VAR msg: Properties.Message); BEGIN WITH msg: Properties.Preference DO WITH msg: Properties.ResizePref DO msg.fixed := TRUE | msg: Properties.FocusPref DO msg.hotFocus := TRUE | msg: Properties.SizePref DO msg.w := W; msg.h := ViewHeight(); ELSE END ELSE END END HandlePropMsg; PROCEDURE (m: Model) CopyFrom (source: Stores.Store), EMPTY; PROCEDURE (a: Action) Do; VAR alloc, size, nofclusters: INTEGER; msg: Msg; BEGIN alloc := Kernel.Allocated(); IF mem.alloc # alloc THEN mem.alloc := alloc; Models.Broadcast(mem, msg); par.allocated := alloc; HeapInfo(size, nofclusters); IF nofclusters # par.clusters THEN par.clusters := nofclusters END; IF size # par.heapsize THEN par.heapsize := size END; Dialog.Update(par) END; Services.DoLater(a, Services.Ticks() + Services.resolution) END Do; PROCEDURE ShowHeap*; VAR v: View; d: Documents.Document; BEGIN NEW(v); v.height := ViewHeight(); d := Documents.dir.New(v, W, v.height); Views.OpenAux(d, "Heap Layout") END ShowHeap; PROCEDURE GetAnchor* (adr: INTEGER; OUT anchor: ARRAY OF CHAR); BEGIN SearchAnchor(S.VAL(Block, adr - 4), anchor); END GetAnchor; PROCEDURE ShowAnchor* (adr: INTEGER); BEGIN ShowBlock(S.VAL(Block, adr - 4)) END ShowAnchor; PROCEDURE Init; VAR action: Action; BEGIN NEW(mem); mem.alloc := 0; Stores.InitDomain(mem); NEW(action); Services.DoLater(action, Services.now) END Init; BEGIN Init END DevHeapSpy.
MODULE DevInspector; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - 20151027, center #80, bug fix in GetTypeName/MapLabel for System resources - 20160129, center #101, source link buttons added " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Kernel, Services, Stores, Views, Controllers, Properties, Containers, Dialog, Controls, Librarian, TextModels, Files, Models, StdDialog, TextViews, TextControllers, Strings; CONST multiView = TRUE; TYPE Action = POINTER TO RECORD (Services.Action) END; VAR inspect*: RECORD control-: Dialog.String; label*: Dialog.String; (* ARRAY 40 OF CHAR; *) link*, guard*, notifier*: Dialog.String; level*: INTEGER; opt0*, opt1*, opt2*, opt3*, opt4*: BOOLEAN; known, valid: SET; type: Stores.TypeName END; fingerprint: INTEGER; action: Action; PROCEDURE GetTypeName (v: Views.View; VAR t, s: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR c: Containers.Controller; w: Views.View; subs, cntr: Dialog.String; BEGIN s := ""; t := ""; IF multiView THEN c := Containers.Focus(); IF c # NIL THEN c.GetFirstView(Containers.selection, v); w := v; WHILE (w # NIL) & Services.SameType(w, v) DO c.GetNextView(Containers.selection, w) END; IF w # NIL THEN v := NIL END END END; IF v # NIL THEN Services.GetTypeName(v, t); Librarian.lib.SplitName(t, subs, cntr); Dialog.MapString("#" + subs + ":" + cntr, s); IF s = cntr THEN Dialog.MapString("#Dev:" + t, s) END END END GetTypeName; PROCEDURE PollProp (v: Views.View); VAR msg: Properties.PollMsg; q: Properties.Property; p: Controls.Prop; BEGIN inspect.control := ""; inspect.link := ""; inspect.label := ''; inspect.guard := ""; inspect.notifier := ""; inspect.level := 0; inspect.opt0 := FALSE; inspect.opt1 := FALSE; inspect.opt2 := FALSE; inspect.opt3 := FALSE; inspect.opt4 := FALSE; inspect.known := {}; inspect.valid := {}; IF multiView OR (v # NIL) THEN GetTypeName(v, inspect.type, inspect.control); IF multiView THEN Properties.CollectProp(q) ELSE msg.prop := NIL; Views.HandlePropMsg(v, msg); q := msg.prop END; WHILE (q # NIL) & ~(q IS Controls.Prop) DO q := q.next END; IF q # NIL THEN p := q(Controls.Prop); inspect.known := p.known; inspect.valid := p.valid; IF Controls.link IN p.valid THEN inspect.link := p.link$ END; IF Controls.label IN p.valid THEN inspect.label := p.label$ END; IF Controls.guard IN p.valid THEN inspect.guard := p.guard$ END; IF Controls.notifier IN p.valid THEN inspect.notifier := p.notifier$ END; IF Controls.level IN p.valid THEN inspect.level := p.level END; IF Controls.opt0 IN p.valid THEN inspect.opt0 := p.opt[0] END; IF Controls.opt1 IN p.valid THEN inspect.opt1 := p.opt[1] END; IF Controls.opt2 IN p.valid THEN inspect.opt2 := p.opt[2] END; IF Controls.opt3 IN p.valid THEN inspect.opt3 := p.opt[3] END; IF Controls.opt4 IN p.valid THEN inspect.opt4 := p.opt[4] END END END; Dialog.Update(inspect) END PollProp; PROCEDURE SetProp (v: Views.View); VAR p: Controls.Prop; msg: Properties.SetMsg; BEGIN IF multiView OR (v # NIL) THEN NEW(p); p.valid := inspect.valid; p.link := inspect.link$; p.label := inspect.label$; p.guard := inspect.guard$; p.notifier := inspect.notifier$; p.level := inspect.level; p.opt[0] := inspect.opt0; p.opt[1] := inspect.opt1; p.opt[2] := inspect.opt2; p.opt[3] := inspect.opt3; p.opt[4] := inspect.opt4; IF multiView THEN Properties.EmitProp(NIL, p) ELSE msg.old := NIL; msg.prop := p; Views.HandlePropMsg(v, msg) END END END SetProp; PROCEDURE Singleton (): Views.View; VAR v: Views.View; BEGIN v := Containers.FocusSingleton(); RETURN v END Singleton; PROCEDURE (a: Action) Do; VAR c: Containers.Controller; v: Views.View; fp: INTEGER; BEGIN Controllers.SetCurrentPath(Controllers.targetPath); IF multiView THEN c := Containers.Focus(); fp := 0; IF c # NIL THEN c.GetFirstView(TRUE, v); WHILE v # NIL DO fp := fp + Services.AdrOf(v); c.GetNextView(TRUE, v) END END ELSE v := Singleton(); IF v = NIL THEN fp := 0 ELSE fp := Services.AdrOf(v) END END; IF fp # fingerprint THEN PollProp(v); fingerprint := fp END; Controllers.ResetCurrentPath(); Services.DoLater(action, Services.Ticks() + Services.resolution DIV 2) END Do; PROCEDURE InitDialog*; BEGIN Controllers.SetCurrentPath(Controllers.targetPath); PollProp(Singleton()); Controllers.ResetCurrentPath() END InitDialog; PROCEDURE GetNext*; VAR c: Containers.Controller; v: Views.View; BEGIN Controllers.SetCurrentPath(Controllers.targetPath); c := Containers.Focus(); IF c # NIL THEN IF c.HasSelection() THEN v := c.Singleton() ELSE v := NIL END; IF v = NIL THEN c.GetFirstView(Containers.any, v) ELSE c.GetNextView(Containers.any, v); IF v = NIL THEN c.GetFirstView(Containers.any, v) END END; c.SelectAll(FALSE); IF v # NIL THEN c.SetSingleton(v); c.MakeViewVisible(v) END; PollProp(v) ELSE Dialog.ShowMsg("#Dev:NoTargetFocusFound") END; Controllers.ResetCurrentPath() END GetNext; PROCEDURE Set*; VAR v: Views.View; BEGIN Controllers.SetCurrentPath(Controllers.targetPath); v := Singleton(); IF multiView OR (v # NIL) THEN SetProp(v); PollProp(v) END; Controllers.ResetCurrentPath() END Set; PROCEDURE MapLabel ( IN control: Stores.TypeName; IN type: Dialog.String; i: INTEGER; VAR label: Dialog.String ); VAR l, k, subs, cntr: Dialog.String; si: ARRAY 2 OF CHAR; BEGIN Librarian.lib.SplitName(control, subs, cntr); si[0] := CHR(i + ORD("0")); si[1] := 0X; k := cntr + "." + type + si; Dialog.MapString("#" + subs + ":" + k, l); IF l$ # k$ THEN label := l$ END END MapLabel; PROCEDURE OptGuard* (opt: INTEGER; VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR name: ARRAY 64 OF CHAR; num: ARRAY 2 OF CHAR; BEGIN ASSERT((opt >= 0) & (opt <= 9), 20); IF ~(opt IN inspect.known) OR (inspect.type = "") THEN par.disabled := TRUE ELSE num[0] := CHR(opt + ORD("0")); num[1] := 0X; name := inspect.type + ".Opt" + num; par.label := "#Dev:" + name; Dialog.MapString(par.label, par.label); IF par.label = name THEN par.label := "" END; IF ~(opt IN inspect.valid) THEN par.undef := TRUE END; MapLabel(inspect.type, "Opt", opt, par.label) END END OptGuard; PROCEDURE LevelGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); BEGIN IF ~(Controls.level IN inspect.known) THEN par.disabled := TRUE ELSIF ~(Controls.level IN inspect.valid) THEN par.undef := TRUE END; IF inspect.type # "" THEN MapLabel(inspect.type, "Field", 5, par.label) END END LevelGuard; PROCEDURE NotifierGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); BEGIN IF ~(Controls.notifier IN inspect.known) THEN par.disabled := TRUE ELSIF ~(Controls.notifier IN inspect.valid) THEN par.undef := TRUE END; IF inspect.type # "" THEN MapLabel(inspect.type, "Field", 4, par.label) END END NotifierGuard; PROCEDURE GuardGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); BEGIN IF ~(Controls.guard IN inspect.known) THEN par.disabled := TRUE ELSIF ~(Controls.guard IN inspect.valid) THEN par.undef := TRUE END; IF inspect.type # "" THEN MapLabel(inspect.type, "Field", 3, par.label) END END GuardGuard; PROCEDURE LabelGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); BEGIN IF ~(Controls.label IN inspect.known) THEN par.disabled := TRUE ELSIF ~(Controls.label IN inspect.valid) THEN par.undef := TRUE END; IF inspect.type # "" THEN MapLabel(inspect.type, "Field", 2, par.label) END END LabelGuard; PROCEDURE LinkGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); BEGIN IF ~(Controls.link IN inspect.known) THEN par.disabled := TRUE ELSIF ~(Controls.link IN inspect.valid) THEN par.undef := TRUE END; IF inspect.type # "" THEN MapLabel(inspect.type, "Field", 1, par.label) END END LinkGuard; PROCEDURE ControlGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); BEGIN IF inspect.known = {} THEN par.disabled := TRUE END END ControlGuard; PROCEDURE Notifier* (idx, op, from, to: INTEGER); BEGIN IF op = Dialog.changed THEN INCL(inspect.valid, idx) END END Notifier; PROCEDURE SearchIdent(t: TextModels.Model; startPos: INTEGER; ident: ARRAY OF CHAR; exp: BOOLEAN; VAR beg, end: INTEGER); VAR r: TextModels.Reader; found: BOOLEAN; ch: CHAR; len, i: INTEGER; BEGIN end := 0; IF ident # "" THEN r := t.NewReader(NIL); found := FALSE; beg := startPos; r.SetPos(startPos); r.ReadChar(ch); WHILE ~r.eot & ~found DO (* search legal start symbol *) WHILE ~r.eot & ~Strings.IsIdentStart(ch) DO INC(beg); r.ReadChar(ch) END; i := 0; len := LEN(ident$); WHILE ~r.eot & (i # len) & (ch = ident[i]) DO r.ReadChar(ch); INC(i) END; found := (i = len) & ~Strings.IsIdent(ch); IF ~r.eot & ~found THEN (* skip rest of identifier *) beg := r.Pos() - 1; WHILE ~r.eot & Strings.IsIdent(ch) DO INC(beg); r.ReadChar(ch) END END; IF found THEN end := r.Pos() - 1; IF exp THEN (* check for export mark *) WHILE ~r.eot & (ch <= ' ') DO r.ReadChar(ch); END; IF r.eot OR ((ch # '*') & (ch # '-')) THEN found := FALSE; beg := r.Pos() - 1; end := 0 END END ELSE end := 0 END END END END SearchIdent; PROCEDURE OpenModule(module: ARRAY OF CHAR): TextModels.Model; VAR loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name; v: Views.View; m: Models.Model; BEGIN StdDialog.GetSubLoc(module, "Mod", loc, name); Files.dir.GetFileName(name, Files.docType, name); v := Views.OldView(loc, name); IF v # NIL THEN Views.Open(v, loc, name, NIL); m := v.ThisModel(); IF (m # NIL) & (m IS TextModels.Model) THEN RETURN m(TextModels.Model); ELSE Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#Dev:NoTextFileFound", "'" + name + "'", "", "") END ELSIF module = "" THEN Dialog.ShowMsg("#Dev:NoModNameFound") ELSE Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#Dev:SourcefileNotFound", "'" + module + "'", "", "") END; RETURN NIL END OpenModule; PROCEDURE StartPos(t: TextModels.Model): INTEGER; VAR varPos, procPos, beg, end: INTEGER; BEGIN SearchIdent(t, 0, "VAR", FALSE, beg, end); IF end > 0 THEN varPos :=beg ELSE varPos := t.Length() END; SearchIdent(t, 0, "PROCEDURE", FALSE, beg, end); IF end > 0 THEN procPos :=beg ELSE procPos := t.Length() END; (* note that guards and notifiers can also be procedure variables *) RETURN MIN(varPos, procPos) END StartPos; PROCEDURE SearchSource(qualident: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR i, j, pos, beg, end, lastBeg, lastEnd: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; module, ident: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; t: TextModels.Model; found: BOOLEAN; BEGIN i := 0; ch := qualident[0]; WHILE (ch # 0X) & (ch # '.') DO module[i] := ch; INC(i); ch := qualident[i] END; module[i] := 0X; t := OpenModule(module$); IF t # NIL THEN found := TRUE; pos := StartPos(t); lastEnd := 0; ident := ""; WHILE found & (ch = '.') DO j := 0; INC(i); ch := qualident[i]; WHILE Strings.IsIdent(ch) DO ident[j] := ch; INC(i); INC(j); ch := qualident[i] END; ident[j] := 0X; SearchIdent(t, pos, ident$, TRUE, beg, end); found := end > 0; IF found THEN lastBeg := beg; lastEnd := end; pos := end + 1 ELSIF ident # "" THEN Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#Dev:NotFound", "'" + ident + "'", "", "") END END; IF lastEnd > 0 THEN TextViews.ShowRange(t, lastBeg, lastEnd, TextViews.any); TextControllers.SetSelection(t, lastBeg, lastEnd) END END END SearchSource; PROCEDURE SearchKey(v: Views.View; loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name; key: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT found: BOOLEAN); VAR m: Models.Model; t: TextModels.Model; R: TextModels.Reader; ch: CHAR; i, len, beg: INTEGER; BEGIN found := FALSE; m := v.ThisModel(); len := LEN(key$); IF (m # NIL) & (m IS TextModels.Model) THEN t := m(TextModels.Model); R := t.NewReader(NIL); R.ReadChar(ch); WHILE ~R.eot & ~found DO i := 0; beg := R.Pos() - 1; WHILE (~R.eot) & (i < len) & (ch = key[i]) DO INC(i); R.ReadChar(ch) END; IF ~R.eot & (i = len) & (ch = TextModels.tab) THEN (* found *) Views.Open(v, loc, name, NIL); TextViews.ShowRange(t, beg, R.Pos() - 1, TextViews.any); (* works only if v is open *) TextControllers.SetSelection(t, beg, R.Pos() - 1); (* works only if v is open *) found := TRUE ELSE (* skip rest of line *) WHILE ~R.eot & (ch # TextModels.line) DO R.ReadChar(ch) END; R.ReadChar(ch) END END END END SearchKey; PROCEDURE OpenStrings(subsys: Files.Name; key, language: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT v: Views.View; OUT loc: Files.Locator; OUT name: Files.Name; OUT found: BOOLEAN); BEGIN name := "Strings"; v := NIL; found := FALSE; loc := Files.dir.This(subsys).This("Rsrc"); IF language # "" THEN loc := loc.This(language) END ; v := Views.OldView(loc, name); IF v # NIL THEN IF key # "" THEN SearchKey(v, loc, name, key, found) ELSE found := TRUE; Views.Open(v, loc, name, NIL) END END END OpenStrings; PROCEDURE SearchStrings(key: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR subsys: Files.Name; i: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; v: Views.View; loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name; found: BOOLEAN; BEGIN ASSERT(key[0] = "#", 20); ASSERT(key[1] # 0X, 21); ASSERT(key[1] # ":", 22); i := 0; ch := key[1]; WHILE (ch # 0X) & (ch # ":") DO subsys[i] := ch; INC(i); ch := key[i + 1] END; subsys[i] := 0X; IF ch = ":" THEN Strings.Extract(key, i + 2, LEN(key$), key) ELSE key := "" END; IF (Dialog.language # Dialog.defaultLanguage) & (Dialog.language # "") THEN OpenStrings(subsys, key, Dialog.language, v, loc, name, found); IF ~found THEN OpenStrings(subsys, key, "", v, loc, name, found) END ELSE OpenStrings(subsys, key, "", v, loc, name, found) END ; IF v = NIL THEN Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#Dev:ResourceNotFound", "'" + name + "'", "'" + subsys + "'", "") ELSIF ~found THEN Views.Open(v, loc, name, NIL); Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#Dev:NotFound", "'" + key + "'", "", "") END END SearchStrings; PROCEDURE LinkSourceGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); BEGIN IF inspect.link = "" THEN par.disabled := TRUE END END LinkSourceGuard; PROCEDURE LinkSource*; BEGIN SearchSource(inspect.link) END LinkSource; PROCEDURE LabelSourceGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); BEGIN IF (inspect.label[0] # "#") OR (inspect.label[1] = 0X) OR (inspect.label[1] = ":") THEN par.disabled := TRUE END END LabelSourceGuard; PROCEDURE LabelSource*; BEGIN SearchStrings(inspect.label) END LabelSource; PROCEDURE GuardSourceGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); BEGIN IF inspect.guard = "" THEN par.disabled := TRUE END END GuardSourceGuard; PROCEDURE GuardSource*; BEGIN SearchSource(inspect.guard) END GuardSource; PROCEDURE NotifierSourceGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); BEGIN IF inspect.notifier = "" THEN par.disabled := TRUE END END NotifierSourceGuard; PROCEDURE NotifierSource*; BEGIN SearchSource(inspect.notifier) END NotifierSource; BEGIN NEW(action); Services.DoLater(action, Services.now) END DevInspector. DevCompiler.Compile " DevInspector.InitDialog; StdCmds.OpenAuxDialog('Dev/Rsrc/Inspect', '#Dev:Inspect') " " DevDebug.Unload; DevInspector.InitDialog; StdCmds.OpenAuxDialog('Dev/Rsrc/Inspect', '#Dev:Inspect') "
MODULE DevLinkChk; (** project = "BlackBox 2.0" organization = "Oberon microsystems, BBWFC, OberonCore, BBCP Team" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "The 2-Clause BSD License" changes = " - 20150226, center #29, inconsistent checks for valid subsystem names - 20161216, center #144, inconsistent docu and usage of Files.Locator error codes - 20170811, center #168, improvements in DevLinkChk - 20170819, center #172, adding BOOLEAN parameters to StdInterpreter " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Strings, Dialog, Files, Fonts, Ports, Converters, Views, Containers, TextModels, TextMappers, TextViews, TextControllers, StdLinks, StdCmds; CONST oneSubsystem* = 0; globalSubsystem* = 1; allSubsystems* = 2; linkCommand = "DevLinkChk.Open('"; TYPE Iterator = POINTER TO IteratorDesc; IteratorDesc = RECORD root: Files.Locator; locs: Files.LocInfo; files: Files.FileInfo END; VAR par*: RECORD scope*: INTEGER; (* IN {oneSubsystem, globalSubsystem, allSubsystems} *) subsystem*: ARRAY 16 OF CHAR; legal: BOOLEAN (* legal => correct syntax for a subsystem name # "" *) END; default, link: TextModels.Attributes; PROCEDURE MakeDocName (VAR name: Files.Name); BEGIN Files.dir.GetFileName(name, Files.docType, name); END MakeDocName; PROCEDURE New (root: Files.Locator): Iterator; VAR i: Iterator; BEGIN NEW(i); i.root := root; i.locs := Files.dir.LocList(root); i.files := Files.dir.FileList(root); (* could sort by name *) RETURN i END New; PROCEDURE ReadLoc (i: Iterator; VAR loc: Files.Locator; VAR name: Files.Name); BEGIN IF i.locs # NIL THEN loc := i.root.This(i.locs.name); ASSERT(loc.res = 0, 60); name := i.locs.name$; i.locs := i.locs.next ELSE loc := NIL; name := "" END END ReadLoc; PROCEDURE ReadFile (i: Iterator; OUT name: Files.Name); BEGIN IF i.files # NIL THEN name := i.files.name$; i.files := i.files.next ELSE name := "" END END ReadFile; (* similar to StdInterpreter.CallHook.Call but without calling the commands*) PROCEDURE Stale (IN proc: ARRAY OF CHAR; text: TextModels.Model): BOOLEAN; TYPE Ident = Dialog.String; CONST ident = 0; dot = 1; semicolon = 2; eot = 3; lparen = 4; rparen = 5; quote = 6; comma = 7; int = 8; VAR i, type, res: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; id: Ident; x: INTEGER; par0: POINTER TO Dialog.String; numPar: INTEGER; focusLoc: Files.Locator; focusFile: Files.Name; PROCEDURE Error; BEGIN res := 1 END Error; PROCEDURE Init (VAR s: ARRAY OF CHAR); BEGIN s := "" END Init; PROCEDURE GetCh; BEGIN IF i < LEN(proc) THEN ch := proc[i]; INC(i) ELSE ch := 0X END END GetCh; PROCEDURE Scan; VAR j: INTEGER; num: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR; r: INTEGER; BEGIN IF res = 0 THEN WHILE (ch # 0X) & (ch <= " ") DO GetCh END; IF ch = 0X THEN type := eot ELSIF ch = "." THEN type := dot; GetCh ELSIF ch = ";" THEN type := semicolon; GetCh ELSIF ch = "(" THEN type := lparen; GetCh ELSIF ch = ")" THEN type := rparen; GetCh ELSIF ch = "'" THEN type := quote; GetCh ELSIF ch = "," THEN type := comma; GetCh ELSIF (ch >= "0") & (ch <= "9") OR (ch = "-") THEN type := int; j := 0; REPEAT num[j] := ch; INC(j); GetCh UNTIL (ch < "0") OR (ch > "9") & (ch < "A") OR (ch > "H"); num[j] := 0X; Strings.StringToInt(num, x, r) ELSIF Strings.IsIdentStart(ch) THEN type := ident; id[0] := ch; j := 1; GetCh; WHILE (ch # 0X) & (i < LEN(proc)) & Strings.IsIdent(ch) DO id[j] := ch; INC(j); GetCh END; id[j] := 0X ELSE Error END END END Scan; PROCEDURE String (VAR s: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR j: INTEGER; BEGIN IF type = quote THEN j := 0; WHILE (ch # 0X) & (ch # "'") & (j < LEN(s) - 1) DO s[j] := ch; INC(j); GetCh END; s[j] := 0X; IF ch = "'" THEN GetCh; Scan ELSE Error END ELSE Error END END String; PROCEDURE ParamList (); VAR sv: Ident; BEGIN numPar := 0; par0 := NIL; IF type = lparen THEN Scan; WHILE (type # rparen) & (res = 0) DO IF type = quote THEN String(sv); IF numPar = 0 THEN NEW(par0); par0^ := sv$ END; INC(numPar) ELSIF type IN {int, ident} THEN (* non string params can be ignored here *) Scan ELSE Error END; IF type = comma THEN Scan ELSIF type # rparen THEN Error END END; Scan END END ParamList; PROCEDURE CheckLink (IN m, p: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR loc: Files.Locator; i, j: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; fn: Files.Name; rd: TextModels.Reader; v: Views.View; ident: Ident; lnk: StdLinks.Target; BEGIN IF m = "StdCmds" THEN IF (p = "OpenBrowser") OR (p = "OpenDoc") OR (p = "OpenAuxDialog") OR (p = "OpenToolDialog") OR (p = "OpenAux") THEN IF (p = "OpenDoc") & (numPar = 1) OR (p # "OpenDoc") & (numPar = 2) THEN loc := Files.dir.This(""); i := 0; REPEAT j := 0; ch := par0[i]; WHILE (ch # "/") & (ch # "\") & (ch # 0X) DO fn[j] := ch; INC(j); INC(i); ch := par0[i] END; fn[j] := 0X; IF ch # 0X THEN loc := loc.This(fn); INC(i) END UNTIL ch = 0X; MakeDocName(fn); focusLoc := loc; focusFile := fn; IF Files.dir.Old(loc, fn, Files.shared) = NIL THEN Error (* file not found *) END ELSE Error END END ELSIF m = "StdLinks" THEN IF p = "ShowTarget" THEN IF numPar = 1 THEN IF focusLoc # NIL THEN v := Views.OldView(focusLoc, focusFile); IF (v # NIL) & (v IS TextViews.View) THEN rd := v(TextViews.View).ThisModel().NewReader(NIL) ELSE Error; RETURN END ELSE rd := text.NewReader(NIL) END; rd.ReadView(v); WHILE ~rd.eot DO IF v IS StdLinks.Target THEN lnk := v(StdLinks.Target); IF lnk.leftSide THEN lnk.GetIdent(ident); IF ident = par0$ THEN RETURN (* target found *) END END END; rd.ReadView(v) END END; Error END END END CheckLink; PROCEDURE Command; VAR left, right: Ident; BEGIN Init(left); Init(right); left := id; Scan; IF type = dot THEN (* Oberon command *) Scan; IF type = ident THEN right := id; Scan; ParamList(); IF res = 0 THEN CheckLink(left, right) END ELSE Error END ELSE Error END END Command; BEGIN res := 0; i := 0; type := 0; GetCh; Init(id); x := 0; focusLoc := NIL; focusFile := ""; Scan; IF type = ident THEN Command; WHILE (type = semicolon) & (res = 0) DO Scan; Command END; IF type # eot THEN Error END ELSE Error END; RETURN res # 0 END Stale; PROCEDURE GetCmd (IN path, file: Files.Name; pos: INTEGER; OUT cmd: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR p, bug0, bug1, bug2: ARRAY 128 OF CHAR; BEGIN Strings.IntToString(pos, p); bug0 := linkCommand + path + "', '"; bug1 := bug0 + file + "', "; bug2 := bug1 + p + ")"; cmd := bug2$ END GetCmd; PROCEDURE CheckDoc (IN path, file: Files.Name; t: TextModels.Model; VAR f: TextMappers.Formatter; tabs: INTEGER; check: BOOLEAN; VAR hit: BOOLEAN); VAR r: TextModels.Reader; v: Views.View; cmd, cmd0: ARRAY 1024 OF CHAR; i: INTEGER; BEGIN r := t.NewReader(NIL); r.ReadView(v); WHILE v # NIL DO WITH v: StdLinks.Link DO IF v.leftSide THEN v.GetCmd(cmd); IF (cmd # "") & (~check OR Stale(cmd, t)) THEN hit := TRUE; i := 0; WHILE i # tabs DO f.WriteTab; INC(i) END; GetCmd(path, file, r.Pos() - 1, cmd0); f.WriteView(StdLinks.dir.NewLink(cmd0)); f.rider.SetAttr(link); f.WriteString(cmd); f.rider.SetAttr(default); f.WriteView(StdLinks.dir.NewLink("")); f.WriteLn END END ELSE END; r.ReadView(v) END END CheckDoc; PROCEDURE CheckLoc ( IN path: Files.Name; loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name; VAR f: TextMappers.Formatter; check: BOOLEAN; OUT hit: BOOLEAN ); VAR i: Iterator; fname: Files.Name; v: Views.View; conv: Converters.Converter; label, label0: INTEGER; hit0: BOOLEAN; BEGIN label := f.Pos(); hit := FALSE; loc := loc.This(name); i := New(loc); ReadFile(i, fname); IF fname # "" THEN f.WriteTab; f.WriteString(name); f.WriteLn END; hit := FALSE; WHILE fname # "" DO label0 := f.Pos(); hit0 := FALSE; MakeDocName(fname); v := Views.Old(Views.dontAsk, loc, fname, conv); IF (v # NIL) & (v IS TextViews.View) THEN f.WriteTab; f.WriteTab; f.WriteString(fname); f.WriteLn; CheckDoc(path, fname, v(TextViews.View).ThisModel(), f, 3, check, hit0); IF ~hit0 THEN f.SetPos(label0) END; hit := hit OR hit0 END; ReadFile(i, fname) END; IF ~hit THEN f.SetPos(label) END END CheckLoc; PROCEDURE Equal (IN a, b: ARRAY OF CHAR): BOOLEAN; VAR al, bl: Files.Name; BEGIN IF a = b THEN RETURN TRUE ELSE Strings.ToLower(a, al); Strings.ToLower(b, bl); RETURN al = bl END END Equal; PROCEDURE Check* (subsystem: ARRAY OF CHAR; scope: INTEGER; check: BOOLEAN); VAR i: Iterator; root, loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name; hit0, hit1: BOOLEAN; out: TextModels.Model; f: TextMappers.Formatter; label: INTEGER; title: Views.Title; v: TextViews.View; c: Containers.Controller; path: Files.Name; BEGIN out := TextModels.dir.New(); f.ConnectTo(out); IF check THEN Dialog.MapString("#Dev:InconsistentLinks", title) ELSE Dialog.MapString("#Dev:Links", title) END; v := TextViews.dir.New(out); (* set Browser mode: *) c := v.ThisController(); c.SetOpts(c.opts + {Containers.noCaret} - {Containers.noSelection, Containers.noFocus}); Views.OpenAux(v, title); default := TextModels.dir.attr; link := TextModels.NewColor(default, Ports.blue); link := TextModels.NewStyle(link, {Fonts.underline}); root := Files.dir.This(""); IF scope IN {globalSubsystem, allSubsystems} THEN label := f.Pos(); Dialog.ShowStatus("."); f.WriteString("."); f.WriteLn; path := "Docu"; CheckLoc(path, root, "Docu", f, check, hit0); path := "Mod"; CheckLoc(path, root, "Mod", f, check, hit1); IF ~hit0 & ~hit1 THEN f.SetPos(label) END END; i := New(root); ReadLoc(i, loc, name); WHILE loc # NIL DO IF (scope = allSubsystems) OR (scope = oneSubsystem) & Equal(name, subsystem) THEN label := f.Pos(); Dialog.ShowStatus(name); f.WriteString(name); f.WriteLn; path := name + "/" + "Docu"; CheckLoc(path, loc, "Docu", f, check, hit0); path := name + "/" + "Mod"; CheckLoc(path, loc, "Mod", f, check, hit1); IF ~hit0 & ~hit1 THEN f.SetPos(label) END END; ReadLoc(i, loc, name) END; out.Delete(f.Pos(), out.Length()); Dialog.ShowStatus(""); default := NIL; link := NIL END Check; PROCEDURE PathToLoc (IN path: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT loc: Files.Locator); VAR i, j: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; name: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; BEGIN loc := Files.dir.This(""); IF path # "" THEN i := 0; j := 0; REPEAT ch := path[i]; INC(i); IF (ch = "/") OR (ch = 0X) THEN name[j] := 0X; j := 0; loc := loc.This(name) ELSE name[j] := ch; INC(j) END UNTIL (ch = 0X) OR (loc.res # 0) END END PathToLoc; PROCEDURE Open* (path, file: ARRAY OF CHAR; pos: INTEGER); VAR loc: Files.Locator; v: Views.View; bug: Files.Name; c: TextControllers.Controller; BEGIN ASSERT(file # "", 20); ASSERT(pos >= 0, 21); PathToLoc(path, loc); ASSERT(loc # NIL, 22); bug := file$; v := Views.OldView(loc, bug); IF v # NIL THEN WITH v: TextViews.View DO (* v.DisplayMarks(TextViews.show); *) Views.Open(v, loc, bug, NIL); c := v.ThisController()(TextControllers.Controller); c.SetCaret(pos); v.ShowRange(pos, pos + 1, TextViews.focusOnly); ELSE HALT(23) END END END Open; PROCEDURE ListLinks*; (** Guard: CommandGuard **) BEGIN StdCmds.CloseDialog; Check(par.subsystem, par.scope, FALSE) END ListLinks; PROCEDURE CheckLinks*; (** Guard: CommandGuard **) BEGIN StdCmds.CloseDialog; Check(par.subsystem, par.scope, TRUE) END CheckLinks; PROCEDURE SubsystemGuard* (VAR p: Dialog.Par); BEGIN p.readOnly := par.scope # oneSubsystem END SubsystemGuard; PROCEDURE CommandGuard* (VAR p: Dialog.Par); BEGIN p.disabled := (par.scope = oneSubsystem) & ~par.legal END CommandGuard; PROCEDURE SyntaxOK(IN s: ARRAY OF CHAR): BOOLEAN; VAR i: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; BEGIN i := 0; ch := s[0]; IF ~Strings.IsIdentStart(ch) THEN RETURN FALSE END ; WHILE Strings.IsUpper(ch) DO INC(i); ch := s[i] END ; IF ch = 0X THEN RETURN FALSE END ; WHILE Strings.IsIdent(ch) & ~Strings.IsUpper(ch) DO INC(i); ch := s[i] END ; RETURN ch = 0X END SyntaxOK; PROCEDURE SubsystemNotifier* (op, from, to: INTEGER); BEGIN IF par.scope = oneSubsystem THEN par.legal := SyntaxOK(par.subsystem) ELSE par.subsystem := ""; par.legal := FALSE END END SubsystemNotifier; END DevLinkChk.
MODULE DevLinker; (** project = "BlackBox 2.0, diffs vs 1.7.2 are marked by green" organizations = "Oberon microsystems, BBWFC, OberonCore, BBCP Team" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "The 2-Clause BSD License" changes = " - 20070123, bh, support for more general resource files - 20120531, BdT, changes for correction of Microsoft AppLocker problem - 20141027, center #19, full Unicode support for Component Pascal identifiers added - 20141027, center #24, fixing the name table handling in DevLinker - 20160324, center #111, code cleanups - 20181111, center #190, add comment about stack and heap memory configuration - 20210405, Riga, error variable now exported as read-only, being set in LinkIt " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Kernel, Files, Dates, Dialog, Strings, TextMappers, StdLog, DevCommanders, Utf, Librarian; CONST NewRecFP = 4E27A847H; NewArrFP = 76068C78H; ImageBase = 00400000H; ObjAlign = 1000H; FileAlign = 200H; HeaderSize = 400H; FixLen = 30000; RsrcDir = "Rsrc"; WinDir = "Win"; (* meta interface consts *) mConst = 1; mTyp = 2; mVar = 3; mProc = 4; mField = 5; mInternal = 1; mReadonly = 2; mExported = 4; (* fixup types *) absolute = 100; relative = 101; copy = 102; table = 103; tableend = 104; (* mod desc fields *) modOpts = 4; modRefcnt = 8; modTerm = 40; modNames = 84; modImports = 92; modExports = 96; TYPE Name = Kernel.Utf8Name; Export = POINTER TO RECORD next: Export; name: Name; adr: INTEGER END; Resource = POINTER TO RECORD next, local: Resource; typ, id, lid, size, pos, x, y: INTEGER; opts: SET; file: Files.File; name: Files.Name END; Module = POINTER TO RECORD next: Module; name: Files.Name; file: Files.File; hs, ms, ds, cs, vs, ni, ma, ca, va: INTEGER; dll, intf: BOOLEAN; exp: Export; imp: POINTER TO ARRAY OF Module; data: POINTER TO ARRAY OF BYTE; END; VAR W: TextMappers.Formatter; Out: Files.File; R: Files.Reader; Ro: Files.Writer; error-, (* TRUE if a command has been successful, see LinkIt *) isDll, isStatic, comLine: BOOLEAN; modList, kernel, main, last, impg, impd: Module; numMod, lastTerm: INTEGER; resList: Resource; numType, resHSize: INTEGER; numId: ARRAY 32 OF INTEGER; rsrcName: ARRAY 16 OF CHAR; (* name of resource file *) firstExp, lastExp: Export; entryPos, isPos, fixPos, himpPos, hexpPos, hrsrcPos, termPos: INTEGER; codePos, dataPos, conPos, rsrcPos, impPos, expPos, relPos: INTEGER; CodeSize, DataSize, ConSize, RsrcSize, ImpSize, ImpHSize, ExpSize, RelocSize, DllSize: INTEGER; CodeRva, DataRva, ConRva, RsrcRva, ImpRva, ExpRva, RelocRva, ImagesSize: INTEGER; CodeBase, DataBase, ConBase, maxCode, numImp, numExp, noffixup, timeStamp: INTEGER; newRec, newArr: Name; fixups: POINTER TO ARRAY OF INTEGER; code: POINTER TO ARRAY OF BYTE; atab: POINTER TO ARRAY OF INTEGER; ntab: POINTER TO ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR; PROCEDURE TimeStamp (): INTEGER; (* seconds since 1.1.1970 00:00:00 *) VAR a: INTEGER; t: Dates.Time; d, epoch: Dates.Date; BEGIN Dates.GetUTCTime(t); Dates.GetUTCDate(d); epoch.year := 1970; epoch.month := 1; epoch.day := 1; a := Dates.Day(d) - Dates.Day(epoch); RETURN ((a * 24 + t.hour) * 60 + t.minute) * 60 + t.second; END TimeStamp; PROCEDURE ThisFile (modname: ARRAY OF CHAR): Files.File; VAR name: Files.Name; loc: Files.Locator; BEGIN Librarian.lib.GetSpec(modname, "CodeInt", loc, name); RETURN Files.dir.Old(loc, name, TRUE) END ThisFile; PROCEDURE ThisResFile (VAR name: Files.Name): Files.File; VAR loc: Files.Locator; f: Files.File; BEGIN f := Files.dir.Old(Files.dir.This(RsrcDir), name, TRUE); IF f = NIL THEN loc := Files.dir.This(WinDir); loc := loc.This(RsrcDir); f := Files.dir.Old(loc, name, TRUE); IF f = NIL THEN f := Files.dir.Old(Files.dir.This(""), name, TRUE) END END; RETURN f END ThisResFile; PROCEDURE Read2 (VAR x: INTEGER); VAR b: BYTE; BEGIN R.ReadByte(b); x := b MOD 256; R.ReadByte(b); x := x + 100H * (b MOD 256) END Read2; PROCEDURE Read4 (VAR x: INTEGER); VAR b: BYTE; BEGIN R.ReadByte(b); x := b MOD 256; R.ReadByte(b); x := x + 100H * (b MOD 256); R.ReadByte(b); x := x + 10000H * (b MOD 256); R.ReadByte(b); x := x + 1000000H * b END Read4; PROCEDURE ReadName (VAR name: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR); VAR i: INTEGER; b: BYTE; BEGIN i := 0; REPEAT R.ReadByte(b); name[i] := SHORT(CHR(b)); INC(i) UNTIL b = 0 END ReadName; PROCEDURE RNum (VAR i: INTEGER); VAR b: BYTE; s, y: INTEGER; BEGIN s := 0; y := 0; R.ReadByte(b); WHILE b < 0 DO INC(y, ASH(b + 128, s)); INC(s, 7); R.ReadByte(b) END; i := ASH((b + 64) MOD 128 - 64, s) + y END RNum; PROCEDURE WriteCh (ch: SHORTCHAR); BEGIN Ro.WriteByte(SHORT(ORD(ch))) END WriteCh; PROCEDURE Write2 (x: INTEGER); BEGIN Ro.WriteByte(SHORT(SHORT(x MOD 256))); x := x DIV 256; Ro.WriteByte(SHORT(SHORT(x MOD 256))) END Write2; PROCEDURE Write4 (x: INTEGER); BEGIN Ro.WriteByte(SHORT(SHORT(x MOD 256))); x := x DIV 256; Ro.WriteByte(SHORT(SHORT(x MOD 256))); x := x DIV 256; Ro.WriteByte(SHORT(SHORT(x MOD 256))); x := x DIV 256; Ro.WriteByte(SHORT(SHORT(x MOD 256))) END Write4; PROCEDURE WriteName (s: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR; len: SHORTINT); VAR i: SHORTINT; BEGIN i := 0; WHILE s[i] # 0X DO Ro.WriteByte(SHORT(ORD(s[i]))); INC(i) END; WHILE i < len DO Ro.WriteByte(0); INC(i) END END WriteName; PROCEDURE WriteUtf8 (name: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR); VAR res: INTEGER; s: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; BEGIN Utf.Utf8ToString(name, s, res); ASSERT(res = 0); W.WriteString(s) END WriteUtf8; PROCEDURE Reloc (a: INTEGER); VAR p: POINTER TO ARRAY OF INTEGER; i: INTEGER; BEGIN IF noffixup >= LEN(fixups) THEN NEW(p, 2 * LEN(fixups)); i := 0; WHILE i < LEN(fixups) DO p[i] := fixups[i]; INC(i) END; fixups := p END; fixups[noffixup] := a; INC(noffixup) (* ELSE IF ~error THEN W.WriteString(" too many fixups") END; error := TRUE END *) END Reloc; PROCEDURE Put (mod: Module; a, x: INTEGER); BEGIN mod.data[a] := SHORT(SHORT(x)); INC(a); x := x DIV 256; mod.data[a] := SHORT(SHORT(x)); INC(a); x := x DIV 256; mod.data[a] := SHORT(SHORT(x)); INC(a); x := x DIV 256; mod.data[a] := SHORT(SHORT(x)) END Put; PROCEDURE Get (mod: Module; a: INTEGER; VAR x: INTEGER); BEGIN x := ((mod.data[a + 3] * 256 + (mod.data[a + 2] MOD 256)) * 256 + (mod.data[a + 1] MOD 256)) * 256 + (mod.data[a] MOD 256) END Get; PROCEDURE Fixup0 (link, adr: INTEGER); VAR offset, linkadr, t, n, x: INTEGER; BEGIN WHILE link # 0 DO RNum(offset); WHILE link # 0 DO IF link > 0 THEN n := (code[link] MOD 256) + (code[link+1] MOD 256) * 256 + code[link+2] * 65536; t := code[link+3]; linkadr := CodeBase + impg.ca + link ELSE n := (impg.data[-link] MOD 256) + (impg.data[-link+1] MOD 256) * 256 + impg.data[-link+2] * 65536; t := impg.data[-link+3]; linkadr := ConBase + impg.ma - link END; IF t = absolute THEN x := adr + offset ELSIF t = relative THEN x := adr + offset - linkadr - 4 ELSIF t = copy THEN Get(impd, adr + offset - ConBase - impd.ma, x) ELSIF t = table THEN x := adr + n; n := link + 4 ELSIF t = tableend THEN x := adr + n; n := 0 ELSE HALT(99) END; IF link > 0 THEN code[link] := SHORT(SHORT(x)); code[link+1] := SHORT(SHORT(x DIV 100H)); code[link+2] := SHORT(SHORT(x DIV 10000H)); code[link+3] := SHORT(SHORT(x DIV 1000000H)) ELSE link := -link; impg.data[link] := SHORT(SHORT(x)); impg.data[link+1] := SHORT(SHORT(x DIV 100H)); impg.data[link+2] := SHORT(SHORT(x DIV 10000H)); impg.data[link+3] := SHORT(SHORT(x DIV 1000000H)) END; IF (t # relative) & ((t # copy) OR (x DIV 65536 # 0)) THEN Reloc(linkadr) END; link := n END; RNum(link) END END Fixup0; PROCEDURE Fixup (adr: INTEGER); VAR link: INTEGER; BEGIN RNum(link); Fixup0(link, adr) END Fixup; PROCEDURE CheckDllImports (mod: Module); VAR i, x, y: INTEGER; name: Name; imp: Module; exp: Export; PROCEDURE SkipLink; VAR a: INTEGER; BEGIN RNum(a); WHILE a # 0 DO RNum(a); RNum(a) END END SkipLink; BEGIN R := mod.file.NewReader(R); R.SetPos(mod.hs + mod.ms + mod.ds + mod.cs); SkipLink; SkipLink; SkipLink; SkipLink; SkipLink; SkipLink; i := 0; WHILE i < mod.ni DO imp := mod.imp[i]; IF imp # NIL THEN RNum(x); WHILE x # 0 DO ReadName(name); RNum(y); IF x = mVar THEN SkipLink; IF imp.dll THEN W.WriteString("variable ("); W.WriteString(imp.name); W.WriteChar("."); WriteUtf8(name); W.WriteString(") imported from DLL in "); W.WriteString(mod.name); W.WriteLn; StdLog.text.Append(StdLog.buf); error := TRUE; RETURN END ELSIF x = mTyp THEN RNum(y); IF imp.dll THEN RNum(y); IF y # 0 THEN W.WriteString("type descriptor ("); W.WriteString(imp.name); W.WriteChar("."); WriteUtf8(name); W.WriteString(") imported from DLL in "); W.WriteString(mod.name); W.WriteLn; StdLog.text.Append(StdLog.buf); error := TRUE; RETURN END ELSE SkipLink END ELSIF x = mProc THEN IF imp.dll THEN SkipLink; exp := imp.exp; WHILE (exp # NIL) & (exp.name # name) DO exp := exp.next END; IF exp = NIL THEN NEW(exp); exp.name := name$; exp.next := imp.exp; imp.exp := exp; INC(DllSize, 6) END END END; RNum(x) END END; INC(i) END END CheckDllImports; PROCEDURE ReadHeaders; VAR mod, im, t: Module; x, i: INTEGER; impdll: BOOLEAN; exp: Export; name: Name; BEGIN mod := modList; modList := NIL; numMod := 0; WHILE mod # NIL DO (* reverse mod list & count modules *) IF ~mod.dll THEN INC(numMod) END; t := mod; mod := t.next; t.next := modList; modList := t END; IF isStatic THEN IF isDll THEN (* push ebx; cmp [12, esp], 1; jne L1; mov ebx, modlist; { call body; } jp L2 *) (* L1: cmp [12, esp], 0; jne L2; { call term; } *) (* L2: pop ebx; mov aex,1; ret 12 *) CodeSize := 42 + 10 * numMod ELSE (* push ebx; push ebx; push ebx; mov ebx, modlist; { call body; } { call term; } *) (* pop ebx; pop ebx; pop ebx; ret *) CodeSize := 12 + 10 * numMod END ELSE IF isDll THEN (* push ebx; cmp [12, esp], 1; jne L1; mov ebx, modlist; call main; jp L2 *) (* L1: cmp [12, esp], 0; jne L2; call mainTerm; *) (* L2: pop ebx; mov aex,1; ret 12 *) CodeSize := 41 ELSE (* mov ebx, modlist; jmp main *) CodeSize := 10 END END; (* IF isDll THEN CodeSize := 24 (* push ebx, esi, edi; mov bx, modlist; call main; pop edi, esi, ebx; mov aex,1; ret 12 *) ELSE CodeSize := 10 (* mov bx, modlist; jmp main *) END *) DataSize := 0; ConSize := 0; ImpSize := 0; ImpHSize := 0; ExpSize := 0; RelocSize := 0; DllSize := 0; noffixup := 0; maxCode := 0; numImp := 0; numExp := 0; mod := modList; WHILE mod # NIL DO IF ~mod.dll THEN mod.file := ThisFile(mod.name); IF mod.file # NIL THEN R := mod.file.NewReader(R); R.SetPos(0); Read4(x); IF x = 6F4F4346H THEN Read4(x); Read4(mod.hs); Read4(mod.ms); Read4(mod.ds); Read4(mod.cs); Read4(mod.vs); RNum(mod.ni); ReadName(name); impdll := FALSE; IF mod.ni > 0 THEN NEW(mod.imp, mod.ni); x := 0; WHILE x < mod.ni DO ReadName(name); IF name = "$$" THEN IF (mod # kernel) & (kernel # NIL) THEN mod.imp[x] := kernel ELSE W.WriteString("no kernel"); W.WriteLn; StdLog.text.Append(StdLog.buf); error := TRUE END ELSIF name[0] = "$" THEN i := 1; WHILE name[i] # 0X DO name[i-1] := name[i]; INC(i) END; name[i-1] := 0X; impdll := TRUE; im := modList; WHILE (im # mod) & (im.name # name) DO im := im.next END; IF (im = NIL) OR ~im.dll THEN NEW(im); im.next := modList; modList := im; im.name := name$; im.dll := TRUE END; mod.imp[x] := im; ELSE im := modList; WHILE (im # mod) & (im.name # name) DO im := im.next END; IF im # mod THEN mod.imp[x] := im; ELSE WriteUtf8(name); W.WriteString(" not present (imported in "); W.WriteString(mod.name); W.WriteChar(")"); W.WriteLn; StdLog.text.Append(StdLog.buf); error := TRUE END END; INC(x) END END; IF impdll & ~error THEN CheckDllImports(mod) END; mod.ma := ConSize; INC(ConSize, mod.ms + mod.ds); mod.va := DataSize; INC(DataSize, mod.vs); mod.ca := CodeSize; INC(CodeSize, mod.cs); IF mod.cs > maxCode THEN maxCode := mod.cs END ELSE W.WriteString(mod.name); W.WriteString(": wrong file type"); W.WriteLn; StdLog.text.Append(StdLog.buf); error := TRUE END; mod.file.Close; mod.file := NIL ELSE W.WriteString(mod.name); W.WriteString(" not found"); W.WriteLn; StdLog.text.Append(StdLog.buf); error := TRUE END; last := mod END; mod := mod.next END; IF ~isStatic & (main = NIL) THEN W.WriteString("no main module specified"); W.WriteLn; StdLog.text.Append(StdLog.buf); error := TRUE END; (* calculate rva's *) IF DataSize = 0 THEN DataSize := 1 END; CodeRva := ObjAlign; DataRva := CodeRva + (CodeSize + DllSize + (ObjAlign - 1)) DIV ObjAlign * ObjAlign; ConRva := DataRva + (DataSize + (ObjAlign - 1)) DIV ObjAlign * ObjAlign; RsrcRva := ConRva + (ConSize + (ObjAlign - 1)) DIV ObjAlign * ObjAlign; CodeBase := ImageBase + CodeRva; DataBase := ImageBase + DataRva; ConBase := ImageBase + ConRva; (* write dll export adresses *) mod := modList; x := 0; WHILE mod # NIL DO IF mod.dll THEN exp := mod.exp; INC(ImpSize, 20); WHILE exp # NIL DO exp.adr := x; INC(x, 6); exp := exp.next END END; mod := mod.next END; ASSERT(x = DllSize); INC(ImpSize, 20); (* sentinel *) END ReadHeaders; PROCEDURE MenuSize (r: Resource): INTEGER; VAR s, i: INTEGER; BEGIN s := 0; WHILE r # NIL DO INC(s, 2); IF r.local = NIL THEN INC(s, 2) END; i := 0; WHILE r.name[i] # 0X DO INC(s, 2); INC(i) END; INC(s, 2); s := s + MenuSize(r.local); r := r.next END; RETURN s END MenuSize; PROCEDURE PrepResources; VAR res, r, s: Resource; n, i, j, t, x: INTEGER; BEGIN r := resList; WHILE r # NIL DO IF r.lid = 0 THEN r.lid := 1033 END; IF r.name = "MENU" THEN r.typ := 4; r.size := 4 + MenuSize(r.local); ELSIF r.name = "ACCELERATOR" THEN r.typ := 9; r.size := 0; s := r.local; WHILE s # NIL DO INC(r.size, 8); s := s.next END; ELSIF r.name = "MANIFEST" THEN IF r.local # NIL THEN r.file := ThisResFile(r.local.name); IF r.file # NIL THEN r.typ := 24; r.size := r.file.Length() END END ELSE r.file := ThisResFile(r.name); IF r.file # NIL THEN IF r.typ = -1 THEN (* typelib *) r.typ := 0; r.size := r.file.Length(); r.pos := 0; rsrcName := "TYPELIB" ELSE R := r.file.NewReader(R); R.SetPos(0); Read2(n); IF n = 4D42H THEN (* bitmap *) Read4(n); r.typ := 2; r.size := n - 14; r.pos := 14; ELSE Read2(x); IF x = 1 THEN (* icon *) Read2(n); r.typ := 14; r.size := 6 + 14 * n; r.pos := 0; i := 0; WHILE i < n DO NEW(s); s.typ := 3; s.id := 10 * r.id + i; s.lid := r.lid; s.name := r.name$; Read4(x); Read4(x); Read4(s.size); Read2(s.pos); Read2(x); s.next := resList; resList := s; INC(i) END ELSIF x = 2 THEN (* cursor *) Read2(n); r.typ := 12; r.size := 6 + 14 * n; r.pos := 0; i := 0; WHILE i < n DO NEW(s); s.typ := 1; s.id := 10 * r.id + i; s.lid := r.lid; s.name := r.name$; Read4(x); Read2(s.x); Read2(s.y); Read4(s.size); INC(s.size, 4); Read2(s.pos); Read2(x); s.next := resList; resList := s; INC(i) END ELSE Read4(n); IF (x = 0) & (n = 20H) THEN (* resource file *) Read4(n); Read4(n); Read4(n); Read4(n); Read4(n); Read4(n); (* 32 bit marker *) Read4(r.size); Read4(n); Read2(i); IF i = 0FFFFH THEN Read2(j); IF (j >= 4) & ((j <= 11) OR (j = 16)) THEN r.typ := j; r.pos := n + 32; ELSE W.WriteString(r.name); W.WriteString(": invalid type"); W.WriteLn; StdLog.text.Append(StdLog.buf); error := TRUE END ELSE j := 0; WHILE i # 0 DO rsrcName[j] := CHR(i); INC(j); Read2(i) END; rsrcName[j] := 0X; r.typ := 0; r.pos := n + 32 END ELSE W.WriteString(r.name); W.WriteString(": unknown type"); W.WriteLn; StdLog.text.Append(StdLog.buf); error := TRUE END END END END; r.file.Close; r.file := NIL ELSE W.WriteString(r.name); W.WriteString(" not found"); W.WriteLn; StdLog.text.Append(StdLog.buf); error := TRUE END END; r := r.next END; res := resList; resList := NIL; (* sort resources *) WHILE res # NIL DO r := res; res := res.next; IF (resList = NIL) OR (r.typ < resList.typ) OR (r.typ = resList.typ) & ((r.id < resList.id) OR (r.id = resList.id) & (r.lid < resList.lid)) THEN r.next := resList; resList := r ELSE s := resList; WHILE (s.next # NIL) & (r.typ >= s.next.typ) & ((r.typ # s.next.typ) OR (r.id >= s.next.id) & ((r.id # s.next.id) OR (r.lid >= s.next.lid))) DO s := s.next END; r.next := s.next; s.next := r END END; r := resList; numType := 0; resHSize := 16; t := 0; n := 0; (* get resource size *) WHILE t < LEN(numId) DO numId[t] := 0; INC(t) END; WHILE r # NIL DO INC(numType); INC(resHSize, 24); t := r.typ; WHILE (r # NIL) & (r.typ = t) DO INC(numId[t]); INC(resHSize, 24); i := r.id; WHILE (r # NIL) & (r.typ = t) & (r.id = i) DO INC(resHSize, 24); INC(n, (r.size + 3) DIV 4 * 4); r := r.next END END END; IF numId[0] > 0 THEN INC(n, (LEN(rsrcName$) + 1) * 2) END; RsrcSize := resHSize + n; ImpRva := RsrcRva + (RsrcSize + (ObjAlign - 1)) DIV ObjAlign * ObjAlign END PrepResources; PROCEDURE WriteHeader(VAR name: Files.Name); BEGIN Out := Files.dir.New(Files.dir.This(""), Files.ask); Ro := Out.NewWriter(Ro); Ro.SetPos(0); (* DOS header *) Write4(905A4DH); Write4(3); Write4(4); Write4(0FFFFH); Write4(0B8H); Write4(0); Write4(40H); Write4(0); Write4(0); Write4(0); Write4(0); Write4(0); Write4(0); Write4(0); Write4(0); Write4(80H); Write4(0EBA1F0EH); Write4(0CD09B400H); Write4(4C01B821H); Write2(21CDH); WriteName("This program cannot be run in DOS mode.", 39); WriteCh(0DX); WriteCh(0DX); WriteCh(0AX); Write4(24H); Write4(0); (* Win32 header *) WriteName("PE", 4); (* signature bytes *) Write2(014CH); (* cpu type (386) *) IF isDll THEN Write2(7); (* 7 objects *) ELSE Write2(6); (* 6 objects *) END; Write4(timeStamp); (* time/date *) Write4(0); Write4(0); Write2(0E0H); (* NT header size *) IF isDll THEN Write2(0A38EH); (* library image flags *) ELSE Write2(838EH); (* program image flags *) END; Write2(10BH); (* magic (normal ececutable file) *) Write2(0502H); (* linker version !!! *) (* BdT: if value < 2.5, Microsoft AppLocker may report "not a valid Win32 application" *) Write4(CodeSize); (* code size *) Write4(ConSize); (* initialized data size *) Write4(DataSize); (* uninitialized data size *) entryPos := Ro.Pos(); Write4(0); (* entry point *) (* !!! *) Write4(CodeRva); (* base of code *) Write4(ConRva); (* base of data *) Write4(400000H); (* image base *) Write4(ObjAlign); (* object align *) Write4(FileAlign); (* file align *) Write4(3); (* OS version *) Write4(4); (* user version *) Write4(4); (* subsys version *) (* mf 14.3.04: value changed from 0A0003H to 4. Corrects menubar pixel bug on Windows XP *) Write4(0); isPos := Ro.Pos(); Write4(0); (* image size *) (* !!! *) Write4(HeaderSize); (* header size !!! *) Write4(0); (* checksum *) IF comLine THEN Write2(3) (* dos subsystem *) ELSE Write2(2) (* gui subsystem *) END; Write2(0); (* dll flags *) Write4(200000H); (* stack reserve size *) (* WARNING: see note on Stack Size when changing this value *) Write4(10000H); (* stack commit size *) IF isDll THEN Write4(00100000H); (* heap reserve size *) ELSE Write4(00400000H); (* heap reserve size *) END; Write4(10000H); (* heap commit size *) Write4(0); Write4(16); (* num of rva/sizes *) hexpPos := Ro.Pos(); Write4(0); Write4(0); (* export table *) himpPos := Ro.Pos(); Write4(0); Write4(0); (* import table *) (* !!! *) hrsrcPos := Ro.Pos(); Write4(0); Write4(0); (* resource table *) (* !!! *) Write4(0); Write4(0); (* exception table *) Write4(0); Write4(0); (* security table *) fixPos := Ro.Pos(); Write4(0); Write4(0); (* fixup table *) (* !!! *) Write4(0); Write4(0); (* debug table *) Write4(0); Write4(0); (* image description *) Write4(0); Write4(0); (* machine specific *) Write4(0); Write4(0); (* thread local storage *) Write4(0); Write4(0); (* ??? *) Write4(0); Write4(0); (* ??? *) Write4(0); Write4(0); (* ??? *) Write4(0); Write4(0); (* ??? *) Write4(0); Write4(0); (* ??? *) Write4(0); Write4(0); (* ??? *) (* object directory *) WriteName(".text", 8); (* code object *) Write4(0); (* object size (always 0) *) codePos := Ro.Pos(); Write4(0); (* object rva *) Write4(0); (* physical size *) Write4(0); (* physical offset *) Write4(0); Write4(0); Write4(0); Write4(60000020H); (* flags: code, exec, read *) WriteName(".var", 8); (* variable object *) Write4(0); (* object size (always 0) *) dataPos := Ro.Pos(); Write4(0); (* object rva *) Write4(0); (* physical size *) Write4(0); (* physical offset *) (* zero! (noinit) *) Write4(0); Write4(0); Write4(0); Write4(0C0000080H); (* flags: noinit, read, write *) WriteName(".data", 8); (* constant object *) Write4(0); (* object size (always 0) *) conPos := Ro.Pos(); Write4(0); (* object rva *) Write4(0); (* physical size *) Write4(0); (* physical offset *) Write4(0); Write4(0); Write4(0); Write4(0C0000040H); (* flags: data, read, write *) WriteName(".rsrc", 8); (* resource object *) Write4(0); (* object size (always 0) *) rsrcPos := Ro.Pos(); Write4(0); (* object rva *) Write4(0); (* physical size *) Write4(0); (* physical offset *) Write4(0); Write4(0); Write4(0); Write4(0C0000040H); (* flags: data, read, write *) WriteName(".idata", 8); (* import object *) Write4(0); (* object size (always 0) *) impPos := Ro.Pos(); Write4(0); (* object rva *) Write4(0); (* physical size *) Write4(0); (* physical offset *) Write4(0); Write4(0); Write4(0); Write4(0C0000040H); (* flags: data, read, write *) IF isDll THEN WriteName(".edata", 8); (* export object *) Write4(0); (* object size (always 0) *) expPos := Ro.Pos(); Write4(0); (* object rva *) Write4(0); (* physical size *) Write4(0); (* physical offset *) Write4(0); Write4(0); Write4(0); Write4(0C0000040H); (* flags: data, read, write *) END; WriteName(".reloc", 8); (* relocation object *) Write4(0); (* object size (always 0) *) relPos := Ro.Pos(); Write4(0); (* object rva *) Write4(0); (* physical size *) Write4(0); (* physical offset *) Write4(0); Write4(0); Write4(0); Write4(42000040H); (* flags: data, read, ? *) END WriteHeader; PROCEDURE SearchObj (mod: Module; VAR name: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR; m, fp, opt: INTEGER; VAR adr: INTEGER); VAR dir, len, ntab, f, id, l, r, p, n, i, j: INTEGER; nch, och: SHORTCHAR; BEGIN Get(mod, mod.ms + modExports, dir); DEC(dir, ConBase + mod.ma); Get(mod, dir, len); INC(dir, 4); Get(mod, mod.ms + modNames, ntab); DEC(ntab, ConBase + mod.ma); IF name # "" THEN l := 0; r := len; WHILE l < r DO (* binary search *) n := (l + r) DIV 2; p := dir + n * 16; Get(mod, p + 8, id); i := 0; j := ntab + id DIV 256; nch := name[0]; och := SHORT(CHR(mod.data[j])); WHILE (nch = och) & (nch # 0X) DO INC(i); INC(j); nch := name[i]; och := SHORT(CHR(mod.data[j])) END; IF och = nch THEN IF id MOD 16 = m THEN Get(mod, p, f); IF m = mTyp THEN IF ODD(opt) THEN Get(mod, p + 4, f) END; IF (opt > 1) & (id DIV 16 MOD 16 # mExported) THEN W.WriteString(mod.name); W.WriteChar("."); WriteUtf8(name); W.WriteString(" imported from "); W.WriteString(impg.name); W.WriteString(" has wrong visibility"); W.WriteLn; error := TRUE END; Get(mod, p + 12, adr) ELSIF m = mVar THEN Get(mod, p + 4, adr); INC(adr, DataBase + mod.va) ELSIF m = mProc THEN Get(mod, p + 4, adr); INC(adr, CodeBase + mod.ca) END; IF f # fp THEN W.WriteString(mod.name); W.WriteChar("."); WriteUtf8(name); W.WriteString(" imported from "); W.WriteString(impg.name); W.WriteString(" has wrong fprint"); W.WriteLn; error := TRUE END ELSE W.WriteString(mod.name); W.WriteChar("."); WriteUtf8(name); W.WriteString(" imported from "); W.WriteString(impg.name); W.WriteString(" has wrong class"); W.WriteLn; error := TRUE END; RETURN END; IF och < nch THEN l := n + 1 ELSE r := n END END; W.WriteString(mod.name); W.WriteChar("."); WriteUtf8(name); W.WriteString(" not found (imported from "); W.WriteString(impg.name); W.WriteChar(")"); W.WriteLn; error := TRUE ELSE (* anonymous type *) WHILE len > 0 DO Get(mod, dir + 4, f); Get(mod, dir + 8, id); IF (f = fp) & (id MOD 16 = mTyp) & (id DIV 256 = 0) THEN Get(mod, dir + 12, adr); RETURN END; DEC(len); INC(dir, 16) END; W.WriteString("anonymous type in "); W.WriteString(mod.name); W.WriteString(" not found"); W.WriteLn; error := TRUE END END SearchObj; PROCEDURE CollectExports (mod: Module); VAR dir, len, ntab, id, i, j, n: INTEGER; e, exp: Export; BEGIN Get(mod, mod.ms + modExports, dir); DEC(dir, ConBase + mod.ma); Get(mod, dir, len); INC(dir, 4); Get(mod, mod.ms + modNames, ntab); DEC(ntab, ConBase + mod.ma); n := 0; WHILE n < len DO Get(mod, dir + 8, id); IF (id DIV 16 MOD 16 # mInternal) & ((id MOD 16 = mProc) OR (id MOD 16 = mVar))THEN (* exported procedure & var *) NEW(exp); i := 0; j := ntab + id DIV 256; WHILE mod.data[j] # 0 DO exp.name[i] := SHORT(CHR(mod.data[j])); INC(i); INC(j) END; exp.name[i] := 0X; Get(mod, dir + 4, exp.adr); IF id MOD 16 = mProc THEN INC(exp.adr, CodeRva + mod.ca) ELSE ASSERT(id MOD 16 = mVar); INC(exp.adr, DataRva + mod.va) END; IF (firstExp = NIL) OR (exp.name < firstExp.name) THEN exp.next := firstExp; firstExp := exp; IF lastExp = NIL THEN lastExp := exp END ELSE e := firstExp; WHILE (e.next # NIL) & (exp.name > e.next.name) DO e := e.next END; exp.next := e.next; e.next := exp; IF lastExp = e THEN lastExp := exp END END; INC(numExp); END; INC(n); INC(dir, 16) END END CollectExports; PROCEDURE WriteTermCode (m: Module; i: INTEGER); VAR x: INTEGER; BEGIN IF m # NIL THEN IF m.dll THEN WriteTermCode(m.next, i) ELSE IF isStatic THEN WriteTermCode(m.next, i + 1) END; Get(m, m.ms + modTerm, x); (* terminator address in mod desc*) IF x = 0 THEN WriteCh(005X); Write4(0) (* add EAX, 0 (nop) *) ELSE WriteCh(0E8X); Write4(x - lastTerm + 5 * i - CodeBase) (* call term *) END END END END WriteTermCode; PROCEDURE WriteCode; VAR mod, m: Module; i, x, a, fp, opt: INTEGER; exp: Export; name: Name; BEGIN IF isStatic THEN WriteCh(053X); (* push ebx *) a := 1; IF isDll THEN WriteCh(083X); WriteCh(07CX); WriteCh(024X); WriteCh(00CX); WriteCh(001X); (* cmp [12, esp], 1 *) WriteCh(00FX); WriteCh(085X); Write4(10 + 5 * numMod); (* jne L1 *) INC(a, 11) ELSE WriteCh(053X); WriteCh(053X); (* push ebx; push ebx *) INC(a, 2) END; WriteCh(0BBX); Write4(ConBase + last.ma + last.ms); Reloc(CodeBase + a + 1); (* mov bx, modlist *) INC(a, 5); m := modList; WHILE m # NIL DO IF ~m.dll THEN WriteCh(0E8X); INC(a, 5); Write4(m.ca - a) (* call body *) END; m := m.next END; IF isDll THEN WriteCh(0E9X); Write4(11 + 5 * numMod); (* jp L2 *) WriteCh(083X); WriteCh(07CX); WriteCh(024X); WriteCh(00CX); WriteCh(000X); (* L1: cmp [12, esp], 0 *) WriteCh(00FX); WriteCh(085X); Write4(5 * numMod); (* jne L2 *) INC(a, 16) END; termPos := Ro.Pos(); i := 0; WHILE i < numMod DO (* nop for call terminator *) WriteCh(02DX); Write4(0); (* sub EAX, 0 *) INC(i); INC(a, 5) END; lastTerm := a; WriteCh(05BX); (* L2: pop ebx *) IF isDll THEN WriteCh(0B8X); Write4(1); (* mov eax,1 *) WriteCh(0C2X); Write2(12) (* ret 12 *) ELSE WriteCh(05BX); WriteCh(05BX); (* pop ebx; pop ebx *) WriteCh(0C3X) (* ret *) END ELSIF isDll THEN WriteCh(053X); (* push ebx *) WriteCh(083X); WriteCh(07CX); WriteCh(024X); WriteCh(00CX); WriteCh(001X); (* cmp [12, esp], 1 *) WriteCh(075X); WriteCh(SHORT(CHR(12))); (* jne L1 *) WriteCh(0BBX); Write4(ConBase + last.ma + last.ms); Reloc(CodeBase + 9); (* mov bx, modlist *) WriteCh(0E8X); Write4(main.ca - 18); (* call main *) WriteCh(0EBX); WriteCh(SHORT(CHR(12))); (* jp L2 *) WriteCh(083X); WriteCh(07CX); WriteCh(024X); WriteCh(00CX); WriteCh(000X); (* L1: cmp [12, esp], 0 *) WriteCh(075X); WriteCh(SHORT(CHR(5))); (* jne L2 *) termPos := Ro.Pos(); WriteCh(02DX); Write4(0); (* sub EAX, 0 *) (* nop for call terminator *) lastTerm := 32; WriteCh(05BX); (* L2: pop ebx *) WriteCh(0B8X); Write4(1); (* mov eax,1 *) WriteCh(0C2X); Write2(12) (* ret 12 *) ELSE WriteCh(0BBX); Write4(ConBase + last.ma + last.ms); Reloc(CodeBase + 1); (* mov bx, modlist *) WriteCh(0E9X); Write4(main.ca - 10); (* jmp main *) END; NEW(code, maxCode); mod := modList; WHILE mod # NIL DO impg := mod; impd := mod; IF ~mod.dll THEN mod.file := ThisFile(mod.name); R := mod.file.NewReader(R); R.SetPos(mod.hs); NEW(mod.data, mod.ms + mod.ds); R.ReadBytes(mod.data^, 0, mod.ms + mod.ds); R.ReadBytes(code^, 0, mod.cs); RNum(x); IF x # 0 THEN IF (mod # kernel) & (kernel # NIL) THEN SearchObj(kernel, newRec, mProc, NewRecFP, -1, a); Fixup0(x, a) ELSE W.WriteString("no kernel"); W.WriteLn; StdLog.text.Append(StdLog.buf); error := TRUE; RETURN END END; RNum(x); IF x # 0 THEN IF (mod # kernel) & (kernel # NIL) THEN SearchObj(kernel, newArr, mProc, NewArrFP, -1, a); Fixup0(x, a) ELSE W.WriteString("no kernel"); W.WriteLn; StdLog.text.Append(StdLog.buf); error := TRUE; RETURN END END; Fixup(ConBase + mod.ma); Fixup(ConBase + mod.ma + mod.ms); Fixup(CodeBase + mod.ca); Fixup(DataBase + mod.va); i := 0; WHILE i < mod.ni DO m := mod.imp[i]; impd := m; RNum(x); WHILE x # 0 DO ReadName(name); RNum(fp); opt := 0; IF x = mTyp THEN RNum(opt) END; IF m.dll THEN IF x = mProc THEN exp := m.exp; WHILE exp.name # name DO exp := exp.next END; a := exp.adr + CodeBase + CodeSize END ELSE SearchObj(m, name, x, fp, opt, a) END; IF x # mConst THEN Fixup(a) END; RNum(x) END; IF ~m.dll THEN Get(mod, mod.ms + modImports, x); DEC(x, ConBase + mod.ma); INC(x, 4 * i); Put(mod, x, ConBase + m.ma + m.ms); (* imp ref *) Reloc(ConBase + mod.ma + x); Get(m, m.ms + modRefcnt, x); Put(m, m.ms + modRefcnt, x + 1) (* inc ref count *) END; INC(i) END; Ro.WriteBytes(code^, 0, mod.cs); IF mod.intf THEN CollectExports(mod) END; mod.file.Close; mod.file := NIL END; mod := mod.next END; (* dll links *) mod := modList; ImpHSize := ImpSize; WHILE mod # NIL DO IF mod.dll THEN exp := mod.exp; WHILE exp # NIL DO WriteCh(0FFX); WriteCh(25X); Write4(ImageBase + ImpRva + ImpSize); (* JMP indirect *) Reloc(CodeBase + CodeSize + exp.adr + 2); INC(ImpSize, 4); INC(numImp); exp := exp.next END; INC(ImpSize, 4); INC(numImp) (* sentinel *) END; mod := mod.next END END WriteCode; PROCEDURE WriteConst; VAR mod, last: Module; x: INTEGER; BEGIN mod := modList; last := NIL; WHILE mod # NIL DO IF ~mod.dll THEN IF last # NIL THEN Put(mod, mod.ms, ConBase + last.ma + last.ms); (* mod list *) Reloc(ConBase + mod.ma + mod.ms); END; Get(mod, mod.ms + modOpts, x); IF isStatic THEN INC(x, 10000H) END; (* set init bit (16) *) IF isDll THEN INC(x, 1000000H) END; (* set dll bit (24) *) Put(mod, mod.ms + modOpts, x); Ro.WriteBytes(mod.data^, 0, mod.ms + mod.ds); last := mod END; mod := mod.next END END WriteConst; PROCEDURE WriteResDir (n, i: INTEGER); BEGIN Write4(0); (* flags *) Write4(timeStamp); Write4(0); (* version *) Write2(n); (* name entries *) Write2(i); (* id entries *) END WriteResDir; PROCEDURE WriteResDirEntry (id, adr: INTEGER; dir: BOOLEAN); BEGIN IF id = 0 THEN id := resHSize + 80000000H END; (* name Rva *) Write4(id); IF dir THEN Write4(adr + 80000000H) ELSE Write4(adr) END END WriteResDirEntry; PROCEDURE WriteMenu (res: Resource); VAR f, i: INTEGER; BEGIN WHILE res # NIL DO IF res.next = NIL THEN f := 80H ELSE f := 0 END; IF 29 IN res.opts THEN INC(f, 1) END; (* = grayed *) IF 13 IN res.opts THEN INC(f, 2) END; (* - inctive *) IF 3 IN res.opts THEN INC(f, 4) END; (* # bitmap *) IF 10 IN res.opts THEN INC(f, 8) END; (* * checked *) IF 1 IN res.opts THEN INC(f, 20H) END; (* ! menubarbreak *) IF 15 IN res.opts THEN INC(f, 40H) END; (* / menubreak *) IF 31 IN res.opts THEN INC(f, 100H) END; (* ? ownerdraw *) IF res.local # NIL THEN Write2(f + 10H) ELSE Write2(f); Write2(res.id) END; i := 0; WHILE res.name[i] # 0X DO Write2(ORD(res.name[i])); INC(i) END; Write2(0); WriteMenu(res.local); res := res.next END END WriteMenu; PROCEDURE WriteResource; VAR r, s: Resource; i, t, a, x, n, nlen, nsize: INTEGER; b: BYTE; BEGIN IF numId[0] > 0 THEN WriteResDir(1, numType - 1); nlen := LEN(rsrcName$); nsize := (nlen + 1) * 2; ELSE WriteResDir(0, numType) END; a := 16 + 8 * numType; t := 0; WHILE t < LEN(numId) DO IF numId[t] > 0 THEN WriteResDirEntry(t, a, TRUE); INC(a, 16 + 8 * numId[t]) END; INC(t) END; r := resList; t := -1; WHILE r # NIL DO IF t # r.typ THEN t := r.typ; WriteResDir(0, numId[t]) END; WriteResDirEntry(r.id, a, TRUE); INC(a, 16); i := r.id; WHILE (r # NIL) & (r.typ = t) & (r.id = i) DO INC(a, 8); r := r.next END END; r := resList; WHILE r # NIL DO n := 0; s := r; WHILE (s # NIL) & (s.typ = r.typ) & (s.id = r.id) DO INC(n); s := s.next END; WriteResDir(0, n); WHILE r # s DO WriteResDirEntry(r.lid, a, FALSE); INC(a, 16); r := r.next END END; ASSERT(a = resHSize); IF numId[0] > 0 THEN INC(a, nsize) END; (* TYPELIB string *) r := resList; WHILE r # NIL DO Write4(a + RsrcRva); INC(a, (r.size + 3) DIV 4 * 4); Write4(r.size); Write4(0); Write4(0); r := r.next END; ASSERT(a = RsrcSize); IF numId[0] > 0 THEN Write2(nlen); i := 0; WHILE rsrcName[i] # 0X DO Write2(ORD(rsrcName[i])); INC(i) END END; r := resList; WHILE r # NIL DO IF r.typ = 4 THEN (* menu *) Write2(0); Write2(0); WriteMenu(r.local); WHILE Ro.Pos() MOD 4 # 0 DO WriteCh(0X) END ELSIF r.typ = 9 THEN (* accelerator *) s := r.local; WHILE s # NIL DO i := 0; a := 0; IF 10 IN s.opts THEN INC(a, 4) END; (* * shift *) IF 16 IN s.opts THEN INC(a, 8) END; (* ^ ctrl *) IF 0 IN s.opts THEN INC(a, 16) END; (* @ alt *) IF 13 IN s.opts THEN INC(a, 2) END; (* - noinv *) IF s.next = NIL THEN INC(a, 80H) END; IF (s.name[0] = "v") & (s.name[1] # 0X) THEN s.name[0] := " "; Strings.StringToInt(s.name, x, n); INC(a, 1) ELSE x := ORD(s.name[0]) END; Write2(a); Write2(x); Write2(s.id); Write2(0); s := s.next END ELSIF r.typ = 24 THEN (* manifest *) IF r.local # NIL THEN r.file := ThisResFile(r.local.name); r.size := r.file.Length(); IF r.file # NIL THEN R := r.file.NewReader(R); R.SetPos(0); i := 0; WHILE i < r.size DO R.ReadByte(b); Ro.WriteByte(b); INC(i) END; r.file.Close; r.file := NIL ELSE W.WriteString("can't open manifest file: " + r.local.name); W.WriteLn END; ELSE W.WriteString("manifest file isn't specified"); W.WriteLn END ELSE r.file := ThisResFile(r.name); IF r.file # NIL THEN R := r.file.NewReader(R); R.SetPos(r.pos); i := 0; IF r.typ = 12 THEN (* cursor group *) Read4(x); Write4(x); Read2(n); Write2(n); WHILE i < n DO Read4(x); Write2(x MOD 256); Write2(x DIV 256 MOD 256 * 2); Write2(1); Write2(1); Read4(x); (* ??? *) Read4(x); Write4(x + 4); Read4(x); Write2(r.id * 10 + i); INC(i) END; IF ~ODD(n) THEN Write2(0) END ELSIF r.typ = 14 THEN (* icon group *) Read4(x); Write4(x); Read2(n); Write2(n); WHILE i < n DO Read2(x); Write2(x); Read2(x); IF (13 IN r.opts) & (x = 16) THEN x := 4 END; Write2(x); a := x MOD 256; Read4(x); Write2(1); IF a <= 2 THEN Write2(1) ELSIF a <= 4 THEN Write2(2) ELSIF a <= 16 THEN Write2(4) ELSE Write2(8) END; Read4(x); IF (13 IN r.opts) & (x = 744) THEN x := 440 END; IF (13 IN r.opts) & (x = 296) THEN x := 184 END; Write4(x); Read4(x); Write2(r.id * 10 + i); INC(i) END; IF ~ODD(n) THEN Write2(0) END ELSE IF r.typ = 1 THEN Write2(r.x); Write2(r.y); i := 4 END; (* cursor hot spot *) WHILE i < r.size DO Read4(x); Write4(x); INC(i, 4) END END; r.file.Close; r.file := NIL END END; r := r.next END END WriteResource; PROCEDURE Insert(VAR name: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR; VAR idx: INTEGER; hint: INTEGER); VAR i: INTEGER; ntabx: POINTER TO ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR; BEGIN IF idx + LEN(name) + (2 + 4) >= LEN(ntab) THEN (* expand ntab *) NEW(ntabx, (idx + LEN(name) + (2 + 4)) * 2); FOR i := 0 TO LEN(ntab) - 1 DO ntabx[i] := ntab[i] END ; ntab := ntabx; END ; IF hint >= 0 THEN ntab[idx] := SHORT(CHR(hint)); INC(idx); ntab[idx] := SHORT(CHR(hint DIV 256)); INC(idx); END; i := 0; WHILE name[i] # 0X DO ntab[idx] := name[i]; INC(idx); INC(i) END; IF (hint = -1) & ((idx < 4) OR ((ntab[idx-4] # ".") OR (CAP(ntab[idx-3]) # "D") OR (CAP(ntab[idx-2]) # "L") OR (CAP(ntab[idx-1]) # "L"))) THEN ntab[idx] := "."; INC(idx); ntab[idx] := "d"; INC(idx); ntab[idx] := "l"; INC(idx); ntab[idx] := "l"; INC(idx); END; ntab[idx] := 0X; INC(idx); IF ODD(idx) THEN ntab[idx] := 0X; INC(idx) END END Insert; PROCEDURE WriteImport; VAR i, lt, at, nt, ai, ni: INTEGER; mod: Module; exp: Export; ss: ARRAY 256 OF SHORTCHAR; BEGIN IF numImp > 0 THEN NEW(atab, numImp) END; IF numExp > numImp THEN i := numExp ELSE i := numImp END; IF i > 0 THEN NEW(ntab, 40 * i) END; at := ImpRva + ImpHSize; ai := 0; ni := 0; lt := ImpRva + ImpSize; nt := lt + ImpSize - ImpHSize; mod := modList; WHILE mod # NIL DO IF mod.dll THEN Write4(lt); (* lookup table rva *) Write4(0); (* time/data (always 0) *) Write4(0); (* version (always 0) *) Write4(nt + ni); (* name rva *) ss := SHORT(mod.name$); Insert(ss, ni, -1); Write4(at); (* addr table rva *) exp := mod.exp; WHILE exp # NIL DO atab[ai] := nt + ni; (* hint/name rva *) Insert(exp.name, ni, 0); INC(lt, 4); INC(at, 4); INC(ai); exp := exp.next END; atab[ai] := 0; INC(lt, 4); INC(at, 4); INC(ai) END; mod := mod.next END; Write4(0); Write4(0); Write4(0); Write4(0); Write4(0); i := 0; WHILE i < ai DO Write4(atab[i]); INC(i) END; (* address table *) i := 0; WHILE i < ai DO Write4(atab[i]); INC(i) END; (* lookup table *) i := 0; WHILE i < ni DO WriteCh(ntab[i]); INC(i) END; ASSERT(ai * 4 = ImpSize - ImpHSize); INC(ImpSize, ai * 4 + ni); ExpRva := ImpRva + (ImpSize + (ObjAlign - 1)) DIV ObjAlign * ObjAlign; RelocRva := ExpRva; END WriteImport; PROCEDURE WriteExport (VAR name: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR i, ni: INTEGER; e: Export; ss: ARRAY 256 OF SHORTCHAR; BEGIN Write4(0); (* flags *) Write4(timeStamp); (* time stamp *) Write4(0); (* version *) Write4(ExpRva + 40 + 10 * numExp); (* name rva *) Write4(1); (* ordinal base *) Write4(numExp); (* # entries *) Write4(numExp); (* # name ptrs *) Write4(ExpRva + 40); (* address table rva *) Write4(ExpRva + 40 + 4 * numExp); (* name ptr table rva *) Write4(ExpRva + 40 + 8 * numExp); (* ordinal table rva *) ExpSize := 40 + 10 * numExp; (* adress table *) e := firstExp; WHILE e # NIL DO Write4(e.adr); e := e.next END; (* name ptr table *) ni := 0; e := firstExp; ss := SHORT(name$); Insert(ss, ni, -2); WHILE e # NIL DO Write4(ExpRva + ExpSize + ni); Insert(e.name, ni, -2); e := e.next END; (* ordinal table *) i := 0; WHILE i < numExp DO Write2(i); INC(i) END; (* name table *) i := 0; WHILE i < ni DO WriteCh(ntab[i]); INC(i) END; ExpSize := (ExpSize + ni + 15) DIV 16 * 16; RelocRva := ExpRva + (ExpSize + (ObjAlign - 1)) DIV ObjAlign * ObjAlign; END WriteExport; PROCEDURE Sort (l, r: INTEGER); VAR i, j, x, t: INTEGER; BEGIN i := l; j := r; x := fixups[(l + r) DIV 2]; REPEAT WHILE fixups[i] < x DO INC(i) END; WHILE fixups[j] > x DO DEC(j) END; IF i <= j THEN t := fixups[i]; fixups[i] := fixups[j]; fixups[j] := t; INC(i); DEC(j) END UNTIL i > j; IF l < j THEN Sort(l, j) END; IF i < r THEN Sort(i, r) END END Sort; PROCEDURE WriteReloc; VAR i, j, h, a, p: INTEGER; BEGIN Sort(0, noffixup - 1); i := 0; WHILE i < noffixup DO p := fixups[i] DIV 4096 * 4096; j := i; a := p + 4096; WHILE (j < noffixup) & (fixups[j] < a) DO INC(j) END; Write4(p - ImageBase); (* page rva *) h := 8 + 2 * (j - i); Write4(h + h MOD 4); (* block size *) INC(RelocSize, h); WHILE i < j DO Write2(fixups[i] - p + 3 * 4096); INC(i) END; (* long fix *) IF h MOD 4 # 0 THEN Write2(0); INC(RelocSize, 2) END END; Write4(0); Write4(0); INC(RelocSize, 8); ImagesSize := RelocRva + (RelocSize + (ObjAlign - 1)) DIV ObjAlign * ObjAlign; END WriteReloc; PROCEDURE Align(VAR pos: INTEGER); BEGIN WHILE Ro.Pos() MOD FileAlign # 0 DO WriteCh(0X) END; pos := Ro.Pos() END Align; PROCEDURE WriteOut (VAR name: Files.Name); VAR res, codepos, conpos, rsrcpos, imppos, exppos, relpos, relend, end: INTEGER; BEGIN IF ~error THEN Align(codepos); WriteCode END; IF ~error THEN Align(conpos); WriteConst END; IF ~error THEN Align(rsrcpos); WriteResource END; IF ~error THEN Align(imppos); WriteImport END; IF ~error & isDll THEN Align(exppos); WriteExport(name) END; IF ~error THEN Align(relpos); WriteReloc END; relend := Ro.Pos() - 8; Align(end); IF ~error THEN Ro.SetPos(entryPos); Write4(CodeRva); Ro.SetPos(isPos); Write4(ImagesSize); IF isDll THEN Ro.SetPos(hexpPos); Write4(ExpRva); Write4(ExpSize); END; Ro.SetPos(himpPos); Write4(ImpRva); Write4(ImpHSize); Ro.SetPos(hrsrcPos); Write4(RsrcRva); Write4(RsrcSize); Ro.SetPos(fixPos); Write4(RelocRva); Write4(relend - relpos); Ro.SetPos(codePos); Write4(CodeRva); Write4(conpos - HeaderSize); Write4(HeaderSize); Ro.SetPos(dataPos); Write4(DataRva); Write4((DataSize + (FileAlign-1)) DIV FileAlign * FileAlign); Ro.SetPos(conPos); Write4(ConRva); Write4(rsrcpos - conpos); Write4(conpos); Ro.SetPos(rsrcPos); Write4(RsrcRva); Write4(imppos - rsrcpos); Write4(rsrcpos); IF isDll THEN Ro.SetPos(impPos); Write4(ImpRva); Write4(exppos - imppos); Write4(imppos); Ro.SetPos(expPos); Write4(ExpRva); Write4(relpos - exppos); Write4(exppos) ELSE Ro.SetPos(impPos); Write4(ImpRva); Write4(relpos - imppos); Write4(imppos); END; Ro.SetPos(relPos); Write4(RelocRva); Write4(end - relpos); Write4(relpos); IF isStatic THEN Ro.SetPos(termPos); WriteTermCode(modList, 0) ELSIF isDll THEN Ro.SetPos(termPos); WriteTermCode(main, 0) END END; IF ~error THEN Out.Register(name, "exe", Files.ask, res); IF res # 0 THEN error := TRUE END END END WriteOut; PROCEDURE ScanRes (VAR S: TextMappers.Scanner; end: INTEGER; VAR list: Resource); VAR res, tail: Resource; n: INTEGER; BEGIN tail := NIL; WHILE (S.start < end) & (S.type = TextMappers.int) DO NEW(res); res.id := S.int; S.Scan; IF (S.type = TextMappers.char) & (S.char = "[") THEN S.Scan; IF S.type = TextMappers.int THEN res.lid := S.int; S.Scan END; IF (S.type = TextMappers.char) & (S.char = "]") THEN S.Scan ELSE W.WriteString("missing ']'"); error := TRUE END END; WHILE S.type = TextMappers.char DO IF S.char = "@" THEN n := 0 ELSIF S.char = "^" THEN n := 16 ELSIF S.char = "~" THEN n := 17 ELSIF S.char <= "?" THEN n := ORD(S.char) - ORD(" ") END; INCL(res.opts, n); S.Scan END; IF S.type = TextMappers.string THEN res.name := S.string$; S.Scan; IF (S.type = TextMappers.char) & (S.char = ".") THEN S.Scan; IF S.type = TextMappers.string THEN IF (S.string = "tlb") OR (S.string = "TLB") THEN res.typ := -1 END; Files.dir.GetFileName(res.name, S.string$, res.name); S.Scan END END; IF (S.type = TextMappers.char) & (S.char = "(") THEN S.Scan; ScanRes(S, end, res.local); IF (S.type = TextMappers.char) & (S.char = ")") THEN S.Scan ELSE W.WriteString("missing ')'"); error := TRUE END END; IF tail = NIL THEN list := res ELSE tail.next := res END; tail := res ELSE W.WriteString("wrong resource name"); error := TRUE END END; END ScanRes; (* post: error = TRUE: linking failed error = FALSE: linking successful *) PROCEDURE LinkIt; VAR S: TextMappers.Scanner; name: Files.Name; mod: Module; end: INTEGER; BEGIN comLine := FALSE; modList := NIL; kernel := NIL; main := NIL; last := NIL; impg := NIL; impd := NIL; resList := NIL; firstExp := NIL; lastExp := NIL; NEW(fixups, FixLen); Dialog.ShowStatus("linking"); timeStamp := TimeStamp(); error := FALSE; modList := NIL; resList := NIL; IF DevCommanders.par = NIL THEN error := TRUE; RETURN END; S.ConnectTo(DevCommanders.par.text); S.SetPos(DevCommanders.par.beg); end := DevCommanders.par.end; DevCommanders.par := NIL; W.ConnectTo(StdLog.buf); S.Scan; IF S.type = TextMappers.string THEN IF S.string = "dos" THEN comLine := TRUE; S.Scan END; IF S.type = TextMappers.string THEN name := S.string$; S.Scan; IF (S.type = TextMappers.char) & (S.char = ".") THEN S.Scan; IF S.type = TextMappers.string THEN Files.dir.GetFileName(name, S.string$, name); S.Scan END ELSE Files.dir.GetFileName(name, "exe", name) END; IF (S.type = TextMappers.char) & (S.char = ":") THEN S.Scan; IF (S.type = TextMappers.char) & (S.char = "=") THEN S.Scan; WHILE (S.start < end) & (S.type = TextMappers.string) DO NEW(mod); mod.name := S.string$; mod.next := modList; modList := mod; S.Scan; WHILE (S.start < end) & (S.type = TextMappers.char) & ((S.char = "*") OR (S.char = "+") OR (S.char = "$") OR (S.char = "#")) DO IF S.char = "*" THEN mod.dll := TRUE ELSIF S.char = "+" THEN kernel := mod ELSIF S.char = "$" THEN main := mod ELSE mod.intf := TRUE; IF ~isDll THEN W.WriteString("Exports from Exe not possible. Use LinkDll or LinkDynDll."); W.WriteLn; StdLog.text.Append(StdLog.buf); error := TRUE END END; S.Scan END END; ScanRes(S, end, resList); ReadHeaders; PrepResources; IF ~error THEN WriteHeader(name) END; IF ~error THEN WriteOut(name) END; IF ~error THEN W.WriteString(name); W.WriteString(" written "); W.WriteInt(Out.Length()); W.WriteString(" "); W.WriteInt(CodeSize) END ELSE W.WriteString(" := missing"); error := TRUE END ELSE W.WriteString(" := missing"); error := TRUE END ELSE W.WriteString("name missing"); error := TRUE END; W.WriteLn; StdLog.text.Append(StdLog.buf) ELSE W.WriteString("name missing"); error := TRUE END; IF error THEN Dialog.ShowStatus("failed") ELSE Dialog.ShowStatus("ok") END; W.ConnectTo(NIL); S.ConnectTo(NIL); modList := NIL; kernel := NIL; main := NIL; firstExp := NIL; lastExp := NIL; last := NIL; impg := NIL; impd := NIL; resList := NIL; code := NIL; atab := NIL; ntab := NIL; fixups := NIL END LinkIt; PROCEDURE Link*; BEGIN isDll := FALSE; isStatic := FALSE; LinkIt END Link; PROCEDURE LinkExe*; BEGIN isDll := FALSE; isStatic := TRUE; LinkIt END LinkExe; PROCEDURE LinkDll*; BEGIN isDll := TRUE; isStatic := TRUE; LinkIt END LinkDll; PROCEDURE LinkDynDll*; BEGIN isDll := TRUE; isStatic := FALSE; LinkIt END LinkDynDll; (* PROCEDURE Show*; VAR S: TextMappers.Scanner; name: Name; mod: Module; t: TextModels.Model; BEGIN t := TextViews.FocusText(); IF t = NIL THEN RETURN END; W.ConnectTo(StdLog.buf); S.ConnectTo(t); S.Scan; IF S.type = TextMappers.string THEN mod := modList; WHILE (mod # NIL) & (mod.name # S.string) DO mod := mod.next END; IF mod # NIL THEN W.WriteString(S.string); W.WriteString(" ca = "); W.WriteIntForm(CodeBase + mod.ca, TextMappers.hexadecimal, 8, "0", TRUE); W.WriteLn; StdLog.text.Append(StdLog.buf) END END; W.ConnectTo(NIL); S.ConnectTo(NIL) END Show; *) BEGIN newRec := "NewRec"; newArr := "NewArr" END DevLinker. DevLinker.Link Usekrnl.exe := TestKernel$+ Usekrnl ~ "DevDecExe.Decode('', 'Usekrnl.exe')" DevLinker.LinkDynDll MYDLL.dll := TestKernel+ MYDLL$# ~ "DevDecExe.Decode('', 'MYDLL.dll')" DevLinker.LinkExe Usekrnl.exe := TestKernel+ Usekrnl ~ "DevDecExe.Decode('', 'Usekrnl.exe')" DevLinker.LinkDll MYDLL.dll := TestKernel+ MYDLL# ~ "DevDecExe.Decode('', 'MYDLL.dll')" MODULE TestKernel; IMPORT KERNEL32; PROCEDURE Beep*; BEGIN KERNEL32.Beep(500, 200) END Beep; BEGIN CLOSE KERNEL32.ExitProcess(0) END TestKernel. MODULE Usekrnl; (* empty windows application using BlackBox Kernel *) (* Ominc *) IMPORT KERNEL32, USER32, GDI32, S := SYSTEM, Kernel := TestKernel; VAR Instance, MainWnd: USER32.Handle; PROCEDURE WndHandler (wnd, message, wParam, lParam: INTEGER): INTEGER; VAR res: INTEGER; ps: USER32.PaintStruct; dc: GDI32.Handle; BEGIN IF message = USER32.WMDestroy THEN USER32.PostQuitMessage(0) ELSIF message = USER32.WMPaint THEN dc := USER32.BeginPaint(wnd, ps); res := GDI32.TextOutA(dc, 50, 50, "Hello World", 11); res := USER32.EndPaint(wnd, ps) ELSIF message = USER32.WMChar THEN Dialog.Beep ELSE RETURN USER32.DefWindowProcA(wnd, message, wParam, lParam) END; RETURN 0 END WndHandler; PROCEDURE OpenWindow; VAR class: USER32.WndClass; res: INTEGER; BEGIN class.cursor := USER32.LoadCursorA(0, USER32.MakeIntRsrc(USER32.IDCArrow)); class.icon := USER32.LoadIconA(Instance, USER32.MakeIntRsrc(1)); class.menuName := NIL; class.className := "Simple"; class.backgnd := GDI32.GetStockObject(GDI32.WhiteBrush); class.style := {0, 1, 5, 7}; class.instance := Instance; class.wndProc := WndHandler; class.clsExtra := 0; class.wndExtra := 0; USER32.RegisterClassA(class); MainWnd := USER32.CreateWindowExA({}, "Simple", "Empty Windows Application", {16..19, 22, 23, 25}, USER32.CWUseDefault, USER32.CWUseDefault, USER32.CWUseDefault, USER32.CWUseDefault, 0, 0, Instance, 0); res := USER32.ShowWindow(MainWnd, 10); res := USER32.UpdateWindow(MainWnd); END OpenWindow; PROCEDURE MainLoop; VAR msg: USER32.Message; res: INTEGER; BEGIN WHILE USER32.GetMessageA(msg, 0, 0, 0) # 0 DO res := USER32.TranslateMessage(msg); res := USER32.DispatchMessageA(msg); END; (* KERNEL32.ExitProcess(msg.wParam) *) END MainLoop; BEGIN Instance := KERNEL32.GetModuleHandleA(NIL); OpenWindow; MainLoop CLOSE Kernel.Beep END Usekrnl. MODULE MYDLL; (* sample module to be linked into a dll *) (* Ominc *) IMPORT SYSTEM, KERNEL32; VAR expVar*: INTEGER; PROCEDURE GCD* (a, b: INTEGER): INTEGER; BEGIN WHILE a # b DO IF a < b THEN b := b - a ELSE a := a - b END END; expVar := a; RETURN a END GCD; PROCEDURE Beep*; BEGIN KERNEL32.Beep(500, 200) END Beep; CLOSE Beep END MYDLL. Resource = Id [ "[" Language "]" ] Options name [ "." ext ] [ "(" { Resource } ")" ] Id = number Language = number Options = { "@" | "!" .. "?" | "^" | "~" } names MENU 1 MENU (0 File (11 New 12 Open 13 Save 0 "" 14 Exit) 0 Edit (21 Cut 22 Copy 23 Paste)) = grayed - inctive # bitmap * checked ! menuBarBreak / menuBreak ? ownerDraw ACCELERATOR 1 ACCELERATOR (11 ^N 12 ^O 13 ^S 21 ^X 22 ^C 23 ^V) * shift ^ ctrl @ alt - noInvert filename.ico filename.cur filname.bmp filename.res filename.tlb
MODULE DevLinker1; (** project = "BlackBox 2.0" organizations = "Oberon microsystems, BBWFC, OberonCore, BBCP Team" contributors = "Contributors, Igor Dehtyarenko, Alexander Shiryaev" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "The 2-Clause BSD License" changes = " - ... " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT LB := DevLnkBase, Load := DevLnkLoad, WrPe := DevLnkWritePe, WrElf := DevLnkWriteElf, WrElfS := DevLnkWriteElfStatic, Kernel, Files, Log := StdLog, Dialog, DevCommanders, TextMappers; CONST tgtElfStatic = 0; tgtElfExe = 1; tgtElfDll = 2; tgtPeExe = 3; tgtPeDll = 4; VAR W: TextMappers.Formatter; PROCEDURE LinkIt0; VAR codeBase, dataBase, varsBase : INTEGER; BEGIN LB.BeginLinking; IF LB.outPe THEN WrPe.Init; WrPe.GetBases(codeBase, dataBase, varsBase); LB.SetAddr(codeBase, dataBase, varsBase); LB.DoFixups; WrPe.WriteOut; ELSIF LB.outElf & LB.opt.elfStatic THEN WrElfS.Init; WrElfS.GetBases(codeBase, dataBase, varsBase); LB.SetAddr(codeBase, dataBase, varsBase); LB.DoFixups; WrElfS.WriteOut; ELSIF LB.outElf THEN WrElf.Init; WrElf.GetBases(codeBase, dataBase, varsBase); LB.SetAddr(codeBase, dataBase, varsBase); LB.DoFixups; WrElf.WriteOut; END; IF ~LB.error THEN W.WriteString(LB.outputName$); W.WriteString(" written") END END LinkIt0; PROCEDURE LinkIt; VAR S: TextMappers.Scanner; name: Files.Name; end: INTEGER; modName: TextMappers.String; error, isFreeBSD, flag0: BOOLEAN; BEGIN Dialog.ShowStatus("linking"); error := FALSE; IF DevCommanders.par = NIL THEN RETURN END; S.ConnectTo(DevCommanders.par.text); S.SetPos(DevCommanders.par.beg); end := DevCommanders.par.end; DevCommanders.par := NIL; isFreeBSD := FALSE; W.ConnectTo(Log.buf); S.Scan; IF S.type = TextMappers.string THEN IF LB.target = tgtElfExe THEN IF S.string = "Linux" THEN LB.opt.OSABI := WrElf.ELFOSABI_NONE; LB.opt.elfInterpreter := WrElf.linuxInterpreter ELSIF S.string = "FreeBSD" THEN LB.opt.OSABI := WrElf.ELFOSABI_FREEBSD; LB.opt.elfInterpreter := WrElf.freeBSDInterpreter; isFreeBSD := TRUE ELSIF S.string = "OpenBSD" THEN LB.opt.OSABI := WrElf.ELFOSABI_NONE; LB.opt.elfInterpreter := WrElf.openBSDInterpreter ELSE W.WriteString("unknown OS: "); W.WriteString(S.string); W.WriteLn; error := TRUE END; S.Scan END; name := S.string$; S.Scan; IF (S.type = TextMappers.char) & (S.char = ".") THEN S.Scan; IF S.type = TextMappers.string THEN Files.dir.GetFileName(name, S.string$, name); S.Scan END END; IF (S.type = TextMappers.char) & (S.char = ":") THEN S.Scan; IF (S.type = TextMappers.char) & (S.char = "=") THEN S.Scan; LB.outputName := name$; WHILE (S.start < end) & (S.type = TextMappers.string) DO modName := S.string$; S.Scan; flag0 := FALSE; WHILE (S.start < end) & (S.type = TextMappers.char) & ((S.char = "+") OR (S.char = "$")) DO IF S.char = "+" THEN LB.KernelName := SHORT(modName$); flag0 := TRUE ELSIF S.char = "$" THEN LB.mainName := SHORT(modName$); flag0 := TRUE ELSE END; S.Scan END; IF ~flag0 THEN IF LB.target = tgtElfStatic THEN Load.AddModule(modName$) ELSIF LB.target = tgtElfExe THEN Load.AddModule(modName$) ELSIF LB.target = tgtElfDll THEN Load.ExportModule(modName$) ELSIF LB.target = tgtPeExe THEN Load.AddModule(modName$) ELSIF LB.target = tgtPeDll THEN Load.ExportModule(modName$) ELSE HALT(102) END END END; IF LB.target = tgtElfStatic THEN ELSIF LB.target = tgtElfExe THEN IF isFreeBSD THEN Load.ExportVariable(LB.KernelName$, "__progname"); Load.ExportVariable(LB.KernelName$, "environ") END; Load.ExportAll ELSIF LB.target = tgtElfDll THEN ELSIF LB.target = tgtPeExe THEN Load.ExportAll ELSIF LB.target = tgtPeDll THEN ELSE HALT(101) END; IF ~error THEN LinkIt0 END ELSE W.WriteString(" := missing") END ELSE W.WriteString(" := missing") END; W.WriteLn; Log.text.Append(Log.buf) END; IF error THEN Dialog.ShowStatus("failed") ELSE Dialog.ShowStatus("ok") END; W.ConnectTo(NIL); S.ConnectTo(NIL) END LinkIt; PROCEDURE LinkPeExe*; BEGIN LB.Init(tgtPeExe); LB.dynaInit := FALSE; LinkIt END LinkPeExe; PROCEDURE LinkPe*; BEGIN LB.Init(tgtPeExe); LB.dynaInit := TRUE; LinkIt END LinkPe; PROCEDURE LinkPeDll*; BEGIN LB.Init(tgtPeDll); LinkIt END LinkPeDll; PROCEDURE LinkElfStatic*; BEGIN LB.Init(tgtElfStatic); LinkIt END LinkElfStatic; PROCEDURE LinkElfDll*; BEGIN LB.Init(tgtElfDll); LinkIt END LinkElfDll; PROCEDURE LinkElfExe*; BEGIN LB.Init(tgtElfExe); LB.dynaInit := FALSE; LinkIt END LinkElfExe; PROCEDURE LinkElf*; BEGIN LB.Init(tgtElfExe); LB.dynaInit := TRUE; LinkIt END LinkElf; END DevLinker1. DevCompiler.CompileThis Dev2LnkBase Dev2LnkLoad Dev2LnkWritePe Dev2LnkWriteElf Dev2LnkWriteElfStatic Dev2LnkChmod DevLinker1 DevDebug.UnloadThis DevLinker1 Dev2LnkLoad Dev2LnkWritePe Dev2LnkWriteElf Dev2LnkWriteElfStatic Dev2LnkChmod Dev2LnkBase DevLinker1.LinkPeExe BlackBox1 := Kernel$+ HostFiles StdLoader ~ DevLinker1.LinkElfExe Linux BlackBox1 := Kernel$+ HostFiles StdLoader ~ DevLinker1.LinkElfExe FreeBSD BlackBox1 := Kernel$+ HostFiles StdLoader ~ DevLinker1.LinkElfExe OpenBSD BlackBox1 := Kernel$+ HostFiles StdLoader ~ DevLinker1.LinkPe BlackBox1 := Kernel$+ HostFiles StdLoader ~ DevLinker1.LinkElf Linux BlackBox1 := Kernel$+ HostFiles StdLoader ~ DevLinker1.LinkElf FreeBSD BlackBox1 := Kernel$+ HostFiles StdLoader ~ DevLinker1.LinkElf OpenBSD BlackBox1 := Kernel$+ HostFiles StdLoader ~
MODULE DevLnkBase; (** project = "BlackBox 2.0, new module" organizations = "Oberon microsystems, BBWFC, OberonCore, BBCP Team" contributors = "Contributors, Igor Dehtyarenko" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "The 2-Clause BSD License" changes = " - 2016.11 initial version by Igor Dehtyarenko (Trurl) " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Files, Log, Dialog, Kernel, Librarian; TYPE ChmodHook* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD END; CONST (* targets *) tgtElfStatic = 0; tgtElfExe = 1; tgtElfDll = 2; tgtPeExe = 3; tgtPeDll = 4; (* fixup types *) fixAbs = 1; fixRel = 2; fixCopy = 5; (* Symbol type *) typProc* = 0; typObj* = 1; TYPE Name* = ARRAY 256 OF SHORTCHAR; SName = ARRAY 256 OF SHORTCHAR; STRING* = ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR; BYTES* = ARRAY OF BYTE; Section* = POINTER TO RECORD addr*:INTEGER; size*:INTEGER; bytes*: POINTER TO BYTES; END; Symbol* = POINTER TO RECORD next*: Symbol; sect*: Section; addr*: INTEGER; namIdx*: INTEGER; symIdx*: INTEGER; name*: SName; typ*: INTEGER; END; FixRec* = RECORD ftype* : INTEGER; offs*: INTEGER; sec*: Section; END; FixTable* = RECORD sec-: Section; tab-: POINTER TO ARRAY OF FixRec; len-: INTEGER END; StringTable* = RECORD tab-: POINTER TO ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR; len-: INTEGER END; Module* = POINTER TO RECORD next*: Module; name*: Name; data*: Section; code*: Section; vars*: Section; codeFix*: FixTable; dataFix*: FixTable; mDesc*: INTEGER; termadr*: INTEGER; isDll*: BOOLEAN; exported*: BOOLEAN; exp*: Symbol; END; VAR error-: BOOLEAN; target-: INTEGER; outPe-, outElf-, outDll- : BOOLEAN; dynaInit*: BOOLEAN; outputName*: Files.Name; outputType-: Files.Type; KernelName*, mainName*: Name; kernelMod*: Module; mainMod*: Module; modList-: Module; lastMod-: Module; initMod-:Module; dllList-: Module; modCount-:INTEGER; impCount-, impDllCount-: INTEGER; expCount- : INTEGER; expList-: Symbol; ImageBase*: INTEGER; codeSize-, dataSize-, varsSize-: INTEGER; initOffs-, finiOffs-: INTEGER; pltEntrySize, pltIniSize : INTEGER; relCount-: INTEGER; relTab-: POINTER TO ARRAY OF INTEGER; opt*: RECORD imageBase*: INTEGER; subsystem*: INTEGER; elfStatic*: BOOLEAN; elfInterpreter*: ARRAY 128 OF SHORTCHAR; rpath*: ARRAY 128 OF SHORTCHAR; OSABI*: SHORTCHAR; END; chmodHook: ChmodHook; PROCEDURE SetChmodHook* (hook: ChmodHook); BEGIN chmodHook := hook END SetChmodHook; PROCEDURE (hook: ChmodHook) Chmod* (name0: Files.Name; mode: SET), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE Chmod* (name0: Files.Name; mode: SET); BEGIN IF chmodHook # NIL THEN chmodHook.Chmod(name0, mode) END END Chmod; PROCEDURE Init* (tgt: INTEGER); BEGIN error := FALSE; outPe := FALSE; outElf := FALSE; outDll := FALSE; dynaInit := FALSE; opt.imageBase := 0; opt.subsystem := 0; opt.elfStatic := FALSE; opt.elfInterpreter := ''; opt.OSABI := 0X; opt.rpath := ''; modCount:= 0; modList:= NIL; lastMod:= NIL; kernelMod:= NIL; mainMod:= NIL; initMod:= NIL; dllList:= NIL; impCount:=0; impDllCount:=0; expList:= NIL; expCount :=0; relCount := 0; ImageBase:= 0; varsSize := 0; dataSize := 0; codeSize := 0; outputName := ""; mainName := ""; KernelName := "Kernel"; target := tgt; CASE tgt OF | tgtPeExe: outputType := "exe"; outPe := TRUE; | tgtPeDll: outputType := "dll"; outPe := TRUE; outDll := TRUE; | tgtElfExe: outputType := ""; outElf := TRUE; | tgtElfDll: outputType := "so" ; outElf := TRUE; outDll := TRUE; | tgtElfStatic: outputType := "out"; outElf := TRUE; opt.elfStatic := TRUE; END; pltIniSize := 0; pltEntrySize := 6; (* got: IF outElf THEN pltEntrySize := 16; pltIniSize := 16 END; *) END Init; PROCEDURE Error*(msg:ARRAY OF CHAR); BEGIN error := TRUE; Log.String(msg); Log.Ln; END Error; PROCEDURE NewSection*(size: INTEGER): Section; VAR sec: Section; BEGIN NEW(sec); sec.size := size; sec.addr := 0; RETURN sec END NewSection; PROCEDURE RegMod*(mod: Module); BEGIN IF mod.name$ = KernelName THEN kernelMod := mod END; IF mod.name$ = mainName THEN mainMod := mod END; IF lastMod = NIL THEN modList := mod; ELSE lastMod.next := mod; END; lastMod := mod; INC(modCount); INC(codeSize, mod.code.size); INC(varsSize, mod.vars.size); INC(dataSize, mod.data.size); END RegMod; PROCEDURE ThisDll*(IN name: STRING): Module; VAR i, j: INTEGER; lib: Module; BEGIN lib := dllList; WHILE (lib # NIL) & (lib.name$ # name) DO lib := lib.next END; IF lib = NIL THEN NEW(lib); lib.name := name$; lib.isDll := TRUE; lib.code := NewSection(0); NEW(lib.exp); (* name witout '$' *) i:=0; j:= 1; WHILE name[j] # 0X DO lib.exp.name[i] := name[j]; INC(i); INC(j) END; lib.exp.name[i] := 0X; lib.exp.addr := -1; lib.next := dllList; dllList := lib; INC(impDllCount); END; RETURN lib END ThisDll; PROCEDURE ImportProc*(mod: Module; IN name: STRING; OUT adr: INTEGER); VAR sym, prev: Symbol; BEGIN prev := mod.exp; sym := prev.next; WHILE (sym # NIL) & (sym.name # name) DO prev := sym; sym := prev.next END; IF (sym = NIL) THEN NEW(sym); sym.name := name$; sym.addr := mod.code.size; prev.next := sym; INC(mod.code.size, pltEntrySize); INC(impCount); END; adr := sym.addr; END ImportProc; PROCEDURE ExportProc*(mod: Module; IN name: STRING; addr: INTEGER); VAR sym: Symbol; BEGIN NEW(sym); sym.name := mod.name$ + '_' + name$; sym.sect := mod.code; sym.addr := addr; sym.next := expList; sym.typ := typProc; expList := sym; INC(expCount); END ExportProc; PROCEDURE ExportVar*(mod: Module; IN name: STRING; addr: INTEGER); VAR sym: Symbol; BEGIN NEW(sym); sym.name := name$; sym.sect := mod.data; sym.addr := addr; sym.next := expList; sym.typ := typObj; expList := sym; INC(expCount); END ExportVar; PROCEDURE InitFixTable*(VAR t: FixTable; sec: Section); BEGIN t.sec := sec; t.len := 0; END InitFixTable; PROCEDURE CheckFixSize(VAR t: FixTable); VAR newtab: POINTER TO ARRAY OF FixRec; i:INTEGER; BEGIN IF t.tab = NIL THEN NEW(t.tab, 256); ELSIF t.len >= LEN(t.tab) THEN (* enlarge *) NEW(newtab, 2 * LEN(t.tab)); i := 0; WHILE i < LEN(t.tab) DO newtab[i] := t.tab[i]; INC(i) END; t.tab := newtab END; END CheckFixSize; PROCEDURE AddFix(VAR t: FixTable; addr, fixtype: INTEGER; sec: Section); BEGIN ASSERT(sec#NIL); CheckFixSize(t); t.tab[t.len].offs := addr; t.tab[t.len].ftype := fixtype; t.tab[t.len].sec:= sec; INC(t.len) END AddFix; PROCEDURE FixCode*(mod: Module; addr: INTEGER; sec: Section); BEGIN AddFix(mod.codeFix, addr, fixAbs, sec); INC(relCount) END FixCode; PROCEDURE FixRel*(mod: Module; addr: INTEGER; sec: Section); BEGIN AddFix(mod.codeFix, addr, fixRel, sec); END FixRel; PROCEDURE FixData*(mod: Module; addr: INTEGER; sec: Section); BEGIN AddFix(mod.dataFix, addr, fixAbs, sec); INC(relCount) END FixData; PROCEDURE FixCopy*(mod: Module; addr: INTEGER; sec: Section); BEGIN AddFix(mod.dataFix, addr, fixCopy, sec); INC(relCount) END FixCopy; PROCEDURE Get4(VAR d:BYTES; a: INTEGER): INTEGER; BEGIN RETURN ((d[a+3] * 256 + d[a+2] MOD 256) * 256 + d[a+1] MOD 256) * 256 + d[a] MOD 256 END Get4; PROCEDURE Put4(VAR d:BYTES; a: INTEGER; x: INTEGER); BEGIN d[a] := SHORT(SHORT(x)); d[a+1] := SHORT(SHORT(x DIV 100H)); d[a+2] := SHORT(SHORT(x DIV 10000H)); d[a+3] := SHORT(SHORT(x DIV 1000000H)) END Put4; PROCEDURE AddReloc*(addr: INTEGER); BEGIN relTab[relCount] := addr; INC(relCount) END AddReloc; PROCEDURE DoFixups*; VAR mod: Module; PROCEDURE DoFix(t: FixTable); VAR i, offs, old, new: INTEGER; tsec, ssec: Section; BEGIN tsec := t.sec; FOR i := 0 TO t.len - 1 DO offs := t.tab[i].offs; ssec := t.tab[i].sec; old := Get4(tsec.bytes, offs); CASE t.tab[i].ftype OF |fixAbs: new := ssec.addr + old ; AddReloc(t.sec.addr + offs) |fixRel: new := ssec.addr - t.sec.addr + old; |fixCopy: new := Get4(ssec.bytes, old); IF new # 0 THEN AddReloc(t.sec.addr + offs) END; END; Put4(tsec.bytes, offs, new); END; END DoFix; BEGIN NEW(relTab, relCount + impCount); relCount := 0; DoFix(initMod.codeFix); mod := modList; WHILE (mod # NIL) DO DoFix(mod.dataFix); DoFix(mod.codeFix); mod := mod.next END; END DoFixups; PROCEDURE SortReloc*; PROCEDURE QuickSort(l, r: INTEGER); VAR i, j, x, t: INTEGER; BEGIN i := l; j := r; x := relTab[(l + r) DIV 2]; REPEAT WHILE relTab[i] < x DO INC(i) END; WHILE relTab[j] > x DO DEC(j) END; IF i <= j THEN t := relTab[i]; relTab[i] := relTab[j]; relTab[j] := t; INC(i); DEC(j) END UNTIL i > j; IF l < j THEN QuickSort(l, j) END; IF i < r THEN QuickSort(i, r) END END QuickSort; BEGIN QuickSort(0, relCount - 1); END SortReloc; PROCEDURE InitStringTable* (VAR t: StringTable; size:INTEGER); BEGIN IF (size > 0) & ((t.tab = NIL) OR (LEN(t.tab) < size)) THEN NEW(t.tab, size); END; t.len := 0; END InitStringTable; PROCEDURE CheckStrSize (VAR t: StringTable; len:INTEGER); VAR newtab: POINTER TO ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR; i:INTEGER; BEGIN IF t.tab = NIL THEN NEW(t.tab, 500); ELSIF t.len + len >= LEN(t.tab) THEN (* enlarge *) NEW(newtab, 2 * LEN(t.tab)); i := 0; WHILE i < LEN(t.tab) DO newtab[i] := t.tab[i]; INC(i) END; t.tab := newtab END; END CheckStrSize; PROCEDURE AddName* (VAR t: StringTable; IN name: STRING; OUT idx: INTEGER); VAR i,len : INTEGER; BEGIN len:= LEN(name$); CheckStrSize(t, len); idx := t.len; i := 0; WHILE name[i] # 0X DO t.tab[t.len] := name[i]; INC(t.len); INC(i) END; t.tab[t.len] := 0X; INC(t.len); IF ODD(t.len) THEN t.tab[t.len] := 0X; INC(t.len) END END AddName; PROCEDURE AddHintName* (VAR t: StringTable; hint: INTEGER; IN name: STRING; OUT idx: INTEGER); VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN CheckStrSize(t, 2); idx := t.len; t.tab[t.len] := SHORT(CHR(hint)); INC(t.len); t.tab[t.len] := SHORT(CHR(hint DIV 256)); INC(t.len); AddName(t, name, i); END AddHintName; PROCEDURE AddDllName* (VAR t: StringTable; IN name, ext: STRING; VAR idx: INTEGER); VAR i, dot: INTEGER; BEGIN i := 0; dot := 0; WHILE name[i] # 0X DO IF name[i] = "." THEN dot := i END; INC(i) END; IF dot > 0 THEN AddName(t, name, idx); ELSE AddName(t, name$ + ext$, idx); END; END AddDllName; PROCEDURE WriteStringTable* (out: Files.Writer; VAR t: StringTable); VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN i := 0; WHILE i # t.len DO out.WriteByte(SHORT(ORD(t.tab[i]))); INC(i) END END WriteStringTable; PROCEDURE Aligned* (pos, alignment: INTEGER): INTEGER; BEGIN RETURN (pos + (alignment - 1)) DIV alignment * alignment END Aligned; PROCEDURE ThisObjFile* (IN modname: ARRAY OF CHAR): Files.File; VAR loc: Files.Locator; fname: Files.Name; BEGIN Librarian.lib.GetSpec(modname, "Code", loc, fname); RETURN Files.stdDir.Old(loc, fname, TRUE) END ThisObjFile; PROCEDURE CountDllSizes; VAR lib: Module; BEGIN lib := dllList; INC(codeSize, pltIniSize); WHILE lib # NIL DO INC(codeSize, lib.code.size); lib := lib.next END; END CountDllSizes; PROCEDURE GenInitCode; VAR init, fini, dllmain : INTEGER; cp: INTEGER; bytes: POINTER TO BYTES; PROCEDURE Emit1(c: SHORTCHAR); BEGIN bytes[cp] := SHORT(ORD(c)); INC(cp); END Emit1; PROCEDURE Emit2(x0, x1: SHORTCHAR); BEGIN Emit1(x0); Emit1(x1); END Emit2; PROCEDURE Emit3(x0, x1, x2: SHORTCHAR); BEGIN Emit1(x0); Emit1(x1); Emit1(x2) END Emit3; PROCEDURE Emit1W(c: SHORTCHAR; x: INTEGER); BEGIN bytes[cp] := SHORT(ORD(c)); bytes[cp+1] := SHORT(SHORT(x)); bytes[cp+2] := SHORT(SHORT(x DIV 100H)); bytes[cp+3] := SHORT(SHORT(x DIV 10000H)); bytes[cp+4] := SHORT(SHORT(x DIV 1000000H)); INC(cp,5); END Emit1W; PROCEDURE InitDynamic; BEGIN Emit1W(0BBX, lastMod.mDesc); (* mov ebx, modlist *) FixCode(initMod, cp - 4, lastMod.data); Emit1W(0E8X, - cp - 5); (* call main *) FixRel(initMod, cp-4, mainMod.code); END InitDynamic; PROCEDURE InitStatic(mod: Module); BEGIN WHILE mod # NIL DO IF (mod = kernelMod) OR (mod = mainMod) THEN Emit1W(0BBX, lastMod.mDesc); (* mov ebx, modlist *) FixCode(initMod, cp-4, lastMod.data); END; Emit1W(0E8X, - cp - 5); (* call body *) FixRel(initMod, cp-4, mod.code); mod := mod.next END; END InitStatic; (* 10 + n*5 *) PROCEDURE FiniDynamic; BEGIN IF mainMod.termadr # 0 THEN Emit1W(0E8X, mainMod.termadr - cp - 5); (* call terminator *) FixRel(initMod, cp-4, mainMod.code); END; Emit1(0C3X); (* ret *) END FiniDynamic; PROCEDURE FiniStatic(mod: Module); BEGIN IF mod # NIL THEN FiniStatic(mod.next); IF mod.termadr # 0 THEN Emit1W(0E8X, mod.termadr- cp - 5); (* call terminator *) FixRel(initMod, cp-4, mod.code); END; END; END FiniStatic; (* 1 + n*5 *) PROCEDURE WinDllMain; BEGIN Emit1(055X); (* push ebp *) Emit2(089X, 0E5X); (* mov ebp, esp *) Emit3(08BX, 045X, 0CX); (* mov eax, [12, ebp] *) Emit3(083X, 0F8X, 01X); (* cmp eax, 1 *) Emit2(074X, 0BX); (* je L1 *) Emit2(085X, 0C0X); (* test eax,eax *) Emit2(075X, 0CX); (* jnz R *) (* L0: *) Emit1W(0E8X, fini - cp - 5); (* call fini *) Emit2(0EBX, 05X); (* jmp R *) (* L1: *) Emit1W(0E8X, init - cp - 5); (* call init *) (* R: *) Emit1W(0B8X, 1); (* mov eax,1 *) Emit1(0C9X); (* leave *) Emit3(0C2X, 0CX, 0X); (* ret 12 *) END WinDllMain; (* 24 *) BEGIN NEW(initMod); initMod.code := NewSection(50 + 10 * modCount); NEW(initMod.code.bytes, initMod.code.size); InitFixTable(initMod.codeFix, initMod.code); bytes := initMod.code.bytes; cp := 0; init := cp; IF dynaInit THEN InitDynamic ELSE InitStatic(modList) END; IF outDll THEN Emit1(0C3X) END; (* ret *) fini := cp; IF dynaInit THEN FiniDynamic ELSE FiniStatic(modList) END; Emit1(0C3X); (* ret *) initOffs:= init; finiOffs:= fini; IF outDll & outPe THEN dllmain := cp; WinDllMain; initOffs:= dllmain; END; initMod.code.size := cp; INC(codeSize, initMod.code.size); END GenInitCode; PROCEDURE BeginLinking*; BEGIN IF mainMod = NIL THEN mainMod := lastMod END; IF outputName = "" THEN outputName := mainMod.name$; Files.stdDir.GetFileName(outputName, outputType, outputName); END; GenInitCode; CountDllSizes; END BeginLinking; PROCEDURE SetAddr* (codeBase, dataBase, varsBase: INTEGER); VAR mod: Module; sym: Symbol; BEGIN mod := initMod; mod.code.addr := codeBase; INC(codeBase, mod.code.size); mod := modList; WHILE (mod # NIL) DO mod.code.addr := codeBase; INC(codeBase, mod.code.size); mod.data.addr := dataBase; INC(dataBase, mod.data.size); mod.vars.addr := varsBase; INC(varsBase, mod.vars.size); mod := mod.next END; INC(codeBase, pltIniSize); mod := dllList; WHILE (mod # NIL) DO mod.code.addr := codeBase; INC(codeBase, mod.code.size); sym := mod.exp.next; WHILE sym # NIL DO INC(sym.addr, mod.code.addr); sym := sym.next END; mod := mod.next END; sym := expList; WHILE sym # NIL DO INC(sym.addr, sym.sect.addr); sym := sym.next END; END SetAddr; BEGIN IF Dialog.platform = Dialog.linux THEN Kernel.LoadMod("DevChmod__Lin") ELSIF Dialog.platform = Dialog.openbsd THEN Kernel.LoadMod("DevChmod__Obsd") ELSIF Dialog.platform = Dialog.freebsd THEN Kernel.LoadMod("DevChmod__Fbsd") END END DevLnkBase.
MODULE DevLnkLoad; (** project = "BlackBox 2.0" organizations = "Oberon microsystems, BBWFC, OberonCore, BBCP Team" contributors = "Contributors, Igor Dehtyarenko" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "The 2-Clause BSD License" changes = " - 2016.11 initial version by Igor Dehtyarenko (Trurl) " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT LB := DevLnkBase, SYSTEM, Files; CONST newRecName = "NewRec"; NewRecFP = 4E27A847H; newArrName = "NewArr"; NewArrFP = 76068C78H; (* meta interface consts *) mConst = 1; mTyp = 2; mVar = 3; mProc = 4; mInternal = 1; mExported = 4; (* Module descriptor fields *) mdf_next = 0; mdf_opts = 4; mdf_refcnt = 8; mdf_term = 40; mdf_names = 84; mdf_imports = 92; mdf_export= 96; TYPE Module = LB.Module; Section = LB.Section; STRING = LB.STRING; StrPtr = POINTER TO ARRAY [untagged] OF SHORTCHAR; PROCEDURE^ LoadModule(IN modName: STRING):Module; PROCEDURE ThisMod*(IN name: STRING): Module; VAR mod: Module; BEGIN IF name[0] = "$" THEN mod := LB.ThisDll(name) ELSE mod := LB.modList; WHILE (mod # NIL) & (mod.name$ # name) DO mod := mod.next END; IF mod = NIL THEN mod := LoadModule(name); IF mod # NIL THEN LB.RegMod(mod) END; END; END; RETURN mod END ThisMod; PROCEDURE Read4(inp: Files.Reader; VAR x: INTEGER); VAR b: BYTE; y: INTEGER; BEGIN inp.ReadByte(b); y := b MOD 256; inp.ReadByte(b); y := y + 100H * (b MOD 256); inp.ReadByte(b); y := y + 10000H * (b MOD 256); inp.ReadByte(b); x := y + 1000000H * b END Read4; PROCEDURE ReadNum(inp: Files.Reader; VAR x: INTEGER); VAR b: BYTE; s, y: INTEGER; BEGIN s := 0; y := 0; inp.ReadByte(b); WHILE b < 0 DO INC(y, ASH(b + 128, s)); INC(s, 7); inp.ReadByte(b) END; x := ASH((b + 64) MOD 128 - 64, s) + y END ReadNum; PROCEDURE ReadName (inp: Files.Reader; VAR name: STRING); VAR i: INTEGER; b: BYTE; BEGIN i := 0; REPEAT inp.ReadByte(b); name[i] := SHORT(CHR(b)); INC(i) UNTIL b = 0 END ReadName; PROCEDURE Get3(VAR d:ARRAY OF BYTE; a: INTEGER): INTEGER; BEGIN RETURN d[a] MOD 256 + d[a+1] MOD 256 * 256 + d[a+2] * 10000H; END Get3; PROCEDURE Get4(VAR d:ARRAY OF BYTE; a: INTEGER): INTEGER; BEGIN RETURN ((d[a+3] * 256 + d[a+2] MOD 256) * 256 + d[a+1] MOD 256) * 256 + d[a] MOD 256 END Get4; PROCEDURE Put4(VAR d:ARRAY OF BYTE; a: INTEGER; x: INTEGER); BEGIN d[a] := SHORT(SHORT(x)); d[a+1] := SHORT(SHORT(x DIV 100H)); d[a+2] := SHORT(SHORT(x DIV 10000H)); d[a+3] := SHORT(SHORT(x DIV 1000000H)) END Put4; PROCEDURE DWord(mod: Module; a: INTEGER): INTEGER; BEGIN RETURN Get4(mod.data.bytes, a); END DWord; PROCEDURE MWord(mod: Module; offs: INTEGER): INTEGER; BEGIN RETURN Get4(mod.data.bytes, mod.mDesc + offs); END MWord; PROCEDURE PutMWord(mod: Module; offs: INTEGER; x: INTEGER); BEGIN Put4(mod.data.bytes, mod.mDesc + offs, x); END PutMWord; PROCEDURE GetPName(mod: Module; idx: INTEGER): StrPtr; VAR pNames: INTEGER; BEGIN pNames := MWord(mod, mdf_names); RETURN SYSTEM.VAL(StrPtr, SYSTEM.ADR(mod.data.bytes[pNames + idx])); END GetPName; PROCEDURE GetDir(mod: Module; VAR pDir, numobj: INTEGER); BEGIN pDir := MWord(mod, mdf_export); (* numobj:4 {Object} *) numobj := DWord(mod, pDir); pDir := pDir + 4; END GetDir; PROCEDURE SearchFprint(mod: Module; fprint: INTEGER): INTEGER; VAR p, numobj, fp: INTEGER; BEGIN GetDir(mod, p, numobj); fp := DWord(mod, p + 4); WHILE (fp # fprint) & (numobj > 0) DO INC(p, 16); DEC(numobj); fp := DWord(mod, p + 4); END; IF fp = fprint THEN RETURN p ELSE RETURN -1 END; END SearchFprint; PROCEDURE SearchName(mod: Module; IN name: STRING): INTEGER; VAR l, r, m, p, id: INTEGER; p0, numobj: INTEGER; s:StrPtr; BEGIN GetDir(mod, p0, numobj); l := 0; r := numobj-1; WHILE (l <= r) DO (* binary search *) m := (l + r) DIV 2; p := p0 + m * 16; id := DWord(mod, p + 8); s := GetPName(mod, id DIV 256); IF name = s$ THEN RETURN p ELSIF name > s$ THEN l := m + 1 ELSE r := m - 1 END END; RETURN -1 END SearchName; PROCEDURE SearchObj(mod: Module; IN name: STRING; mode, fprint, opt: INTEGER; OUT sec: Section; OUT adr: INTEGER); VAR pObj, id, md, fp: INTEGER; BEGIN sec:= NIL; adr := -1; IF mod.isDll THEN IF mode = mProc THEN sec := mod.code; LB.ImportProc(mod, name, adr); ELSIF mode = mTyp THEN LB.Error(name$ + " import type from DLL"); ELSIF mode = mVar THEN LB.Error(name$ + " import var from DLL"); END; ELSIF name = "" THEN pObj := SearchFprint(mod, fprint); IF pObj < 0 THEN LB.Error("anonymous type not found"); ELSE id := DWord(mod, pObj + 8); IF (id MOD 16 = mTyp) & (id DIV 256 = 0) THEN adr := DWord(mod, pObj + 12); sec := mod.data; ELSE LB.Error("anonymous type not found"); END; END ELSE pObj := SearchName(mod, name); IF pObj < 0 THEN LB.Error(mod.name$+ "."+ name$ + " not found "); ELSE fp := DWord(mod, pObj); id := DWord(mod, pObj + 8); md := id MOD 16; IF ODD(opt) & (mode = mTyp) THEN fp := DWord(mod, pObj + 4) END; IF md # mode THEN LB.Error(mod.name$+ "."+ name$ + " has wrong class"); ELSIF fp # fprint THEN LB.Error(mod.name$+ "."+ name$ + " has wrong fingerprint"); ELSIF mode = mTyp THEN IF (opt > 1) & (id DIV 16 MOD 16 # mExported) THEN LB.Error(mod.name$+ "."+ name$ + " has wrong visibility"); END; sec := mod.data; adr := DWord(mod, pObj + 12) ELSIF mode = mVar THEN sec := mod.vars; adr := DWord(mod, pObj + 4); ELSIF mode = mProc THEN sec := mod.code; adr := DWord(mod, pObj + 4) END; END; END; END SearchObj; PROCEDURE LoadModule(IN modName: STRING):Module; VAR mod: Module; file: Files.File; inp: Files.Reader; nofimp: INTEGER; import: ARRAY 128 OF Module; PROCEDURE ReadHeader; CONST OFtag = 6F4F4346H; (* "oOCF" *) VAR mtag, processor, i : INTEGER; iname: LB.Name; headSize, descSize, metaSize, codeSize, varsSize: INTEGER; dataSize: INTEGER; BEGIN Read4(inp, mtag); (* mtag = OFtag *); Read4(inp, processor); (* processor = proc386 *) Read4(inp, headSize); Read4(inp, metaSize); Read4(inp, descSize); Read4(inp, codeSize); Read4(inp, varsSize); dataSize := metaSize + descSize; mod.mDesc := metaSize; mod.data := LB.NewSection(dataSize); mod.code := LB.NewSection(codeSize); mod.vars := LB.NewSection(varsSize); ReadNum(inp, nofimp); ReadName(inp, iname); mod.name := modName$; FOR i := 1 TO nofimp DO ReadName(inp, iname); IF iname = "$$" THEN iname := LB.KernelName END; import[i] := ThisMod(iname); END; inp.SetPos(headSize); END ReadHeader; PROCEDURE ReadSection(sec: Section); BEGIN NEW(sec.bytes, sec.size); inp.ReadBytes(sec.bytes, 0, sec.size); END ReadSection; PROCEDURE WrongLink (fixt, link : INTEGER); BEGIN LB.Error(" Wrong link in " + modName$); END WrongLink; PROCEDURE FixChain(link, offset: INTEGER; sec: Section; val: INTEGER); CONST absolute = 100; relative = 101; copy = 102; table = 103; tableend = 104; VAR fixtype, fixdat: INTEGER; BEGIN WHILE link # 0 DO IF link > 0 THEN (* code *) fixdat := Get3(mod.code.bytes, link); fixtype := mod.code.bytes[link+3]; IF fixtype = absolute THEN Put4(mod.code.bytes, link, offset + val); LB.FixCode(mod, link, sec); link := fixdat; ELSIF fixtype = relative THEN Put4(mod.code.bytes, link, offset + val - link - 4); LB.FixRel(mod, link, sec); link := fixdat; ELSIF fixtype = table THEN Put4(mod.code.bytes, link, fixdat); LB.FixCode(mod, link, sec); link := link + 4; ELSIF fixtype = tableend THEN Put4(mod.code.bytes, link, fixdat); LB.FixCode(mod, link, sec); link := 0; ELSE WrongLink(fixtype, link); RETURN; END; ELSE (* data *) link := -link; fixdat := Get3(mod.data.bytes, link); fixtype := mod.data.bytes[link+3]; IF fixtype = absolute THEN Put4(mod.data.bytes, link, offset + val); LB.FixData(mod, link, sec); link := fixdat; ELSIF fixtype = copy THEN Put4(mod.data.bytes, link, offset + val); LB.FixCopy(mod, link, sec); link := fixdat; ELSE WrongLink(fixtype, link); RETURN; END; END; END; END FixChain; PROCEDURE FixLocal(sec: Section; val: INTEGER); VAR offset, link: INTEGER; BEGIN ReadNum(inp, link); WHILE link # 0 DO ReadNum(inp, offset); FixChain(link, offset, sec, val); ReadNum(inp, link) END END FixLocal; PROCEDURE FixExt(imod:Module; IN name: STRING; mode, fp, opt: INTEGER); VAR offset, link: INTEGER; sec: Section; adr: INTEGER; BEGIN SearchObj(imod, name, mode, fp, opt, sec, adr); ReadNum(inp, link); WHILE link # 0 DO ReadNum(inp, offset); FixChain(link, offset, sec, adr); ReadNum(inp,link) END END FixExt; PROCEDURE FixKernel(IN name: STRING; fp: INTEGER); VAR offset, link: INTEGER; sec: Section; oadr: INTEGER; BEGIN ReadNum(inp, link); IF link # 0 THEN IF (LB.kernelMod # NIL) & (mod # LB.kernelMod) THEN SearchObj(LB.kernelMod, name, mProc, fp, -1, sec, oadr); WHILE link # 0 DO ReadNum(inp, offset); FixChain(link, offset, sec, oadr); ReadNum(inp, link) END ELSE LB.Error("no kernel"); RETURN END END; END FixKernel; PROCEDURE ReadFixups; VAR mno : INTEGER; otag, fprint, opt: INTEGER; name: LB.Name; BEGIN (* FixBlk *) FixKernel(newRecName, NewRecFP); FixKernel(newArrName, NewArrFP); FixLocal(mod.data, 0); (* Const, Meta *); FixLocal(mod.data, mod.mDesc); (* Descriptors *) FixLocal(mod.code, 0); (* proc, CaseLinks, Code.links *) FixLocal(mod.vars, 0); (* UseBlk: dlls, modules *) FOR mno := 1 TO nofimp DO ReadNum(inp, otag); WHILE otag # 0 DO ReadName(inp, name); ReadNum(inp, fprint); IF otag = mTyp THEN ReadNum(inp, opt) ELSE opt := 0 END; IF otag # mConst THEN FixExt(import[mno], name, otag, fprint, opt); IF LB.error THEN RETURN END; END; ReadNum(inp, otag) END; END; END ReadFixups; PROCEDURE FixImpRef; VAR imod: Module; i, imptab, refcnt: INTEGER; BEGIN imptab := MWord(mod, mdf_imports); FOR i := 1 TO nofimp DO imod := import[i]; IF ~imod.isDll THEN (* import ref *) Put4(mod.data.bytes, imptab, imod.mDesc); (* ->DescBlk*) LB.FixData(mod, imptab, imod.data); (* inc ref count of imported module *) refcnt := MWord(imod, mdf_refcnt); PutMWord(imod, mdf_refcnt, refcnt + 1); END; INC(imptab, 4); END; END FixImpRef; PROCEDURE SetOpts; VAR opts: SET; BEGIN opts := BITS(MWord(mod, mdf_opts)); IF ~LB.dynaInit THEN INCL(opts, 16) END; (* init bit (16) *) IF LB.outDll THEN INCL(opts, 24) END; (* dll bit (24) *) PutMWord(mod, mdf_opts, ORD(opts)); END SetOpts; BEGIN file := LB.ThisObjFile(modName$); IF file = NIL THEN LB.Error(modName$ + " not found"); RETURN NIL; END; inp := file.NewReader(NIL); inp.SetPos(0); NEW(mod); mod.isDll := FALSE; ReadHeader; ReadSection(mod.data); ReadSection(mod.code); LB.InitFixTable(mod.dataFix, mod.data); LB.InitFixTable(mod.codeFix, mod.code); ReadFixups; mod.termadr := MWord(mod, mdf_term); FixImpRef; SetOpts; IF LB.lastMod # NIL THEN PutMWord(mod, mdf_next, LB.lastMod.mDesc); LB.FixData(mod, mod.mDesc, LB.lastMod.data); END; file.Close; RETURN mod; END LoadModule; PROCEDURE CollectExports(mod: Module); VAR p, numobj: INTEGER; id, vis, mode, addr: INTEGER; name: StrPtr; BEGIN IF ~mod.exported THEN GetDir(mod, p, numobj); WHILE numobj > 0 DO id := DWord(mod, p + 8); (* id = nameIdx*256 + vis*16 + mode *) mode := id MOD 16; vis := id DIV 16 MOD 16; IF (vis # mInternal) & (mode = mProc) THEN name := GetPName(mod, id DIV 256); addr := DWord(mod, p + 4); LB.ExportProc(mod, name$, addr); END; DEC(numobj); INC(p, 16) END; mod.exported := TRUE; END; END CollectExports; PROCEDURE ExportVariable*(IN modname: ARRAY OF CHAR; varname: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR); VAR p, numobj: INTEGER; id, vis, mode, addr: INTEGER; name: StrPtr; mod: Module; BEGIN mod := LB.modList; WHILE mod # NIL DO (* Log.String(mod.name$);Log.Ln; *) mod := mod.next END; (* Log.String("HIA: varname = " + varname$); Log.Ln; *) mod := ThisMod(SHORT(modname$)); GetDir(mod, p, numobj); WHILE numobj > 0 DO id := DWord(mod, p + 8); (* id = nameIdx*256 + vis*16 + mode *) mode := id MOD 16; vis := id DIV 16 MOD 16; IF (vis # mInternal) & (mode = mVar) THEN name := GetPName(mod, id DIV 256); (* Log.String("HIA: name = " + name$); Log.Ln; *) addr := DWord(mod, p + 4); IF varname$ = name$ THEN (* Log.String("Export var " + varname);Log.Ln; *) LB.ExportVar(mod, name$, addr); END; END; DEC(numobj); INC(p, 16) END; END ExportVariable; PROCEDURE AddModule*(IN modname: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR mod: Module; BEGIN mod := ThisMod(SHORT(modname$)); END AddModule; PROCEDURE MainModule*(IN modname: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR mod: Module; BEGIN mod := ThisMod(SHORT(modname$)); IF mod # NIL THEN LB.mainMod := mod END; END MainModule; PROCEDURE ExportModule*(IN modname: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR mod: Module; BEGIN mod := ThisMod(SHORT(modname$)); IF mod # NIL THEN CollectExports(mod) END; END ExportModule; PROCEDURE ExportAll*; VAR mod: Module; BEGIN mod := LB.modList; WHILE (mod # NIL) DO CollectExports(mod); mod := mod.next END; END ExportAll; END DevLnkLoad.
MODULE DevLnkWriteElf; (** project = "BlackBox 2.0" organizations = "Oberon microsystems, BBWFC, OberonCore, BBCP Team" contributors = "Contributors, Igor Dehtyarenko" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "The 2-Clause BSD License" changes = " - 2016.11 initial version by Igor Dehtyarenko (Trurl) - 2016.11 Dmitry Solomennikov, FreeBSD 11.0 - 2016.11 Alexander Shiryaev, OpenBSD 6.0 - 2016.11 Ivan Denisov, 2016.11: Chmod " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Dialog, LB := DevLnkBase, Files, SYSTEM(*LSH*); CONST exeBaseAddress = 8048000H; dllBaseAddress = 0; linuxInterpreter* = "/lib/ld-linux.so.2"; (* ELF32 x86 *) openBSDInterpreter* = "/usr/libexec/ld.so"; (* ELF32, ELF64 *) freeBSDInterpreter* = "/libexec/ld-elf.so.1"; (* OS ABI *) ELFOSABI_NONE* = 0X; ELFOSABI_NETBSD* = 2X; ELFOSABI_LINUX* = 3X; ELFOSABI_FREEBSD* = 9X; ELFOSABI_OPENBSD* = 0BX; ELFOSABI_ARM* = 61X; TYPE Module = LB.Module; Section = RECORD namIdx: INTEGER; type: INTEGER; flags: INTEGER; size: INTEGER; addr: INTEGER; offs: INTEGER; align: INTEGER; link: INTEGER; info: INTEGER; entrySize: INTEGER; END; Segment = RECORD type: INTEGER; addr: INTEGER; (* virtual address *) offs: INTEGER; msize: INTEGER; (* size in memory *) fsize: INTEGER; (* size in file image *) align: INTEGER; (* alignment in memory and in the file *) flags: INTEGER; END; CONST pageSize = 1000H; (* I386 page size *) elfHeaderSize = 52; (* ELF32 *) (* program header table *) phtOffset = elfHeaderSize; phtEntrySize = 32; (* ELF32 *) segmentCount = 8; phtSize = phtEntrySize * segmentCount; (* section header table *) shtEntrySize = 40; (* ELF32 *) VAR outFile: Files.File; out: Files.Writer; entry_addr, init_addr, fini_addr: INTEGER; interpreter: ARRAY 128 OF SHORTCHAR; elfType : INTEGER; sectionCount: INTEGER; shtOffset, shtSize: INTEGER; (* section header table offset&size *) idxSecNames: INTEGER; (* index of section names string table *) code, data, vars, dyna, dsym, dstr, hash, relo: Section; empty, intp, noteobsd, shstr: Section; phtseg, intseg, codeseg, dataseg, dynaseg, noteobsdseg, obsdwxneedseg, dsymseg: Segment; symNames, secNames: LB.StringTable; siOutName, siRPath: INTEGER; symCount, symIdx, symImp : INTEGER; hashtab: POINTER TO ARRAY OF INTEGER; (**********************************) PROCEDURE WriteCh (ch: SHORTCHAR); BEGIN out.WriteByte(SHORT(ORD(ch))) END WriteCh; PROCEDURE Write1(x: INTEGER); BEGIN out.WriteByte(SHORT(SHORT(x MOD 256))) END Write1; PROCEDURE Write2 (x: INTEGER); BEGIN out.WriteByte(SHORT(SHORT(x MOD 256))); x := x DIV 256; out.WriteByte(SHORT(SHORT(x MOD 256))) END Write2; PROCEDURE Write4 (x: INTEGER); BEGIN out.WriteByte(SHORT(SHORT(x MOD 256))); x := x DIV 256; out.WriteByte(SHORT(SHORT(x MOD 256))); x := x DIV 256; out.WriteByte(SHORT(SHORT(x MOD 256))); x := x DIV 256; out.WriteByte(SHORT(SHORT(x MOD 256))) END Write4; PROCEDURE WriteStr(IN s: LB.STRING; len: INTEGER); VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN i := 0; WHILE s[i] # 0X DO out.WriteByte(SHORT(ORD(s[i]))); INC(i) END; WHILE i < len DO out.WriteByte(0); INC(i) END END WriteStr; PROCEDURE PadTo(pos: INTEGER); BEGIN ASSERT(pos >= out.Pos(), 101); WHILE out.Pos() < pos DO out.WriteByte(0) END; END PadTo; (**********************************) PROCEDURE HashStr (IN name: LB.STRING): INTEGER; VAR i, h: INTEGER; g: SET; BEGIN h := 0; i := 0; WHILE name[i] # 0X DO h := h * 16 + ORD(name[i]); g := BITS(h) * {28..31}; h := ORD(BITS(h) / SYSTEM.LSH(g, -24) - g); INC(i) END; RETURN h END HashStr; PROCEDURE AddSymbol(IN name: LB.STRING; OUT idx, namIdx: INTEGER); BEGIN LB.AddName(symNames, name, namIdx); idx := symIdx; hashtab[idx] := HashStr(name$); INC(symIdx); END AddSymbol; (**********************************) PROCEDURE DefSegments; CONST PT_NULL = 0; PT_LOAD = 1; PT_DYNAMIC = 2; PT_INTERP = 3; PT_NOTE = 4; PT_PHDR = 6; PT_OPENBSD_WXNEEDED = 65A3DBE7H; (* types *) exec = 0; write = 1; read = 2; (* flags *) PROCEDURE DefSeg(VAR seg: Segment; type: INTEGER; flags:SET; align: INTEGER); BEGIN seg.type := type; seg.flags:= ORD(flags); seg.align := align; END DefSeg; BEGIN DefSeg(phtseg, PT_PHDR, {read, exec}, 4 ); DefSeg(intseg, PT_INTERP, {read}, 1 ); DefSeg(codeseg, PT_LOAD, {read, exec}, pageSize); DefSeg(dataseg, PT_LOAD, {read, write}, pageSize); DefSeg(dynaseg, PT_DYNAMIC, {read, write}, 4); (* required for OpenBSD, ignored in other OS *) DefSeg(noteobsdseg, PT_NOTE, {read}, 4); DefSeg(obsdwxneedseg, PT_OPENBSD_WXNEEDED, {exec}, 4); DefSeg(dsymseg, PT_LOAD, {read, write}, pageSize); END DefSegments; PROCEDURE DefSections; CONST (* section types *) SHT_NULL = 0; SHT_PROGBITS = 1; SHT_SYMTAB = 2; SHT_STRTAB = 3; SHT_DYNAMIC = 6; SHT_DYNSYM = 11; SHT_HASH = 5; SHT_REL = 9; SHT_NOBITS = 8; SHT_NOTE = 7; (* section flags : is writable (0), occupies memory(1), is executable(2) *) write = 0; alloc = 1; exec = 2; PROCEDURE DefSection(VAR scn: Section; IN name: LB.STRING; type, align: INTEGER; flags:SET); BEGIN LB.AddName(secNames, name, scn.namIdx); scn.type := type; scn.flags:= ORD(flags); scn.align := align; END DefSection; BEGIN (* 0 *) DefSection(empty, "", SHT_NULL,0, {}); (* 1 *) DefSection(code, ".text", SHT_PROGBITS, 4, {alloc, exec}); (* 2 *) DefSection(data, ".data", SHT_PROGBITS, 8, {alloc}); (* 3 *) DefSection(vars, ".bss", SHT_NOBITS, 4, {alloc, write}); (* 4 *) DefSection(dstr, ".dynstr", SHT_STRTAB, 1, {alloc}); (* 5 *) DefSection(dsym, ".dynsym", SHT_DYNSYM, 4, {alloc}); (* 6 *) DefSection(hash, ".hash", SHT_HASH, 4, {alloc}); (* 7 *) DefSection(relo, ".relo", SHT_REL, 4, {alloc}); (* 8 *) DefSection(dyna, ".dynamic", SHT_DYNAMIC, 4, {alloc}); (* 9 *) DefSection(shstr, ".shstrtab", SHT_STRTAB, 4, {}); (*10 *) DefSection(intp, ".interp", SHT_PROGBITS, 1, {alloc}); (*11 *) DefSection(noteobsd, ".note.openbsd.ident", SHT_NOTE, 4, {alloc}); (* for OpenBSD, ignored in other OS *) dsym.entrySize := 16 (* ELF32 *); dsym.link := 4; dsym.info := 1; relo.entrySize := 8 (* ELF32 *); relo.link := 5; relo.info := 1; dyna.entrySize := 8 (* ELF32 *); dyna.link := 4; hash.entrySize := 4; hash.link := 5; noteobsd.size := 18H; noteobsd.entrySize := 0; noteobsd.link := 0; noteobsd.info := 0; dstr.link := 5; idxSecNames := 9; sectionCount := 12; END DefSections; PROCEDURE Init*; CONST ET_REL = 1; ET_EXEC = 2; ET_DYN = 3; VAR si, symi: INTEGER; BEGIN LB.InitStringTable(symNames, 1000); LB.InitStringTable(secNames, 100); NEW(hashtab, LB.impCount + LB.expCount + 1); symIdx := 0; AddSymbol("", symi, si); siOutName :=0; siRPath := 0; IF LB.opt.rpath # "" THEN LB.AddName(symNames, LB.opt.rpath, siRPath); END; DefSections; DefSegments; IF LB.outDll THEN elfType := ET_DYN; LB.ImageBase := dllBaseAddress;; LB.AddName(symNames, SHORT(LB.outputName$), siOutName); intp.size := 0; ELSE elfType := ET_EXEC; LB.ImageBase := exeBaseAddress; ASSERT(LB.opt.elfInterpreter[0] # 0X); interpreter := LB.opt.elfInterpreter$; intp.size := LEN(interpreter$) + 1; END; intp.offs := elfHeaderSize + phtSize; intp.addr := intp.offs + LB.ImageBase; code.size := LB.codeSize; data.size := LB.dataSize; vars.size := LB.varsSize; noteobsd.offs := LB.Aligned(intp.offs + intp.size, noteobsd.align); noteobsd.addr := noteobsd.offs + LB.ImageBase; code.offs := LB.Aligned(noteobsd.offs + noteobsd.size, code.align); code.addr := code.offs + LB.ImageBase; data.offs := LB.Aligned(code.offs + code.size, pageSize); data.addr := LB.Aligned(code.addr + code.size, pageSize); vars.addr := LB.Aligned(data.addr + data.size, vars.align); entry_addr:= code.addr + LB.initOffs; init_addr := entry_addr; fini_addr := code.addr + LB.finiOffs; END Init; (**********************************) PROCEDURE GetBases*(OUT codeBase, dataBase, varsBase: INTEGER); BEGIN codeBase := code.addr; dataBase := data.addr; varsBase := vars.addr; END GetBases; (**********************************) PROCEDURE CollectImport; VAR lib: Module; sym: LB.Symbol; BEGIN symImp := symIdx; lib := LB.dllList; WHILE lib # NIL DO LB.AddDllName(symNames, lib.exp.name, ".so", lib.exp.namIdx); sym := lib.exp.next; WHILE sym # NIL DO AddSymbol(sym.name, sym.symIdx, sym.namIdx); sym := sym.next END; lib := lib.next END END CollectImport; PROCEDURE CollectExport; VAR sym: LB.Symbol; BEGIN IF LB.expCount > 0 THEN sym := LB.expList; WHILE sym # NIL DO AddSymbol(sym.name, sym.symIdx, sym.namIdx); sym := sym.next END ELSE END; END CollectExport; PROCEDURE CalculateLayout; PROCEDURE DefSeg(VAR seg: Segment; offs, addr, size: INTEGER); BEGIN seg.offs:= offs; seg.addr:= addr; seg.msize:= size; seg.fsize:= size; END DefSeg; BEGIN CollectImport; CollectExport; symCount := symIdx; dyna.size := (LB.impDllCount + 20) * dyna.entrySize; dsym.size := symCount * dsym.entrySize; dstr.size := symNames.len; hash.size := 8 + symCount * 4 * 2; relo.size := relo.entrySize * (LB.relCount + LB.impCount); dyna.offs := LB.Aligned(data.offs + data.size, pageSize); dyna.addr := LB.Aligned(vars.addr + vars.size, pageSize); dsym.offs := LB.Aligned(dyna.offs + dyna.size, dsym.align); dstr.offs := LB.Aligned(dsym.offs + dsym.size, dstr.align); hash.offs := LB.Aligned(dstr.offs + dstr.size, hash.align); relo.offs := LB.Aligned(hash.offs + hash.size, relo.align); dsym.addr := dsym.offs + dyna.addr - dyna.offs; dstr.addr := dstr.offs + dsym.addr - dsym.offs; hash.addr := hash.offs + dstr.addr - dstr.offs; relo.addr := relo.offs + hash.addr - hash.offs; shtOffset := LB.Aligned(relo.offs + relo.size, 4); shtSize := sectionCount * shtEntrySize; DefSeg(phtseg, phtOffset, LB.ImageBase + phtOffset, phtSize); DefSeg(intseg, intp.offs, LB.ImageBase + intp.offs, intp.size); DefSeg(codeseg, 0, LB.ImageBase, code.offs + code.size); DefSeg(dataseg, data.offs, data.addr, data.size); dataseg.msize := dataseg.fsize + vars.size; DefSeg(dynaseg, dyna.offs, dyna.addr, dyna.size); (* required for OpenBSD, ignored in other OS *) DefSeg(noteobsdseg, noteobsd.offs, noteobsd.addr, noteobsd.size); DefSeg(obsdwxneedseg, 0, 0, 0); DefSeg(dsymseg, dyna.offs, dyna.addr, shtOffset - dyna.offs); END CalculateLayout; (**********************************) PROCEDURE WriteElfHeader; (* ELF32 x86 *) CONST ELFCLASS32 = 1X; ELFDATA2LSB = 1X; EV_CURRENT = 1X; EM_386 = 3; VAR e_ident : ARRAY 16 OF SHORTCHAR; BEGIN e_ident := 7FX + 'ELF'+ ELFCLASS32 + ELFDATA2LSB + EV_CURRENT; e_ident[7] := LB.opt.OSABI; e_ident[8] := 0X; WriteStr(e_ident,16); Write2(elfType); Write2(EM_386); Write4(1); (* version *) Write4(entry_addr); Write4(phtOffset); Write4(shtOffset); Write4(0); (* flags *) Write2(elfHeaderSize); Write2(phtEntrySize); Write2(segmentCount); Write2(shtEntrySize); Write2(sectionCount); Write2(idxSecNames); ASSERT(out.Pos() = elfHeaderSize, 101) END WriteElfHeader; PROCEDURE WriteProgramHeaderTable; PROCEDURE WritePhtEntry(VAR seg: Segment); (* ELF32 *) BEGIN Write4(seg.type); Write4(seg.offs); Write4(seg.addr); Write4(seg.addr); (* physical address, ignored *) Write4(seg.fsize); Write4(seg.msize); Write4(seg.flags); Write4(seg.align) END WritePhtEntry; BEGIN WritePhtEntry(phtseg); WritePhtEntry(intseg); WritePhtEntry(codeseg); WritePhtEntry(dataseg); WritePhtEntry(dsymseg); WritePhtEntry(dynaseg); (* required for OpenBSD, ignored in other OS *) WritePhtEntry(noteobsdseg); WritePhtEntry(obsdwxneedseg) END WriteProgramHeaderTable; PROCEDURE WriteInterpreter; BEGIN IF intp.size > 0 THEN WriteStr(interpreter, 0); END; END WriteInterpreter; PROCEDURE WritePlt; VAR mod: Module; sym: LB.Symbol; BEGIN mod := LB.dllList; WHILE mod # NIL DO sym := mod.exp.next; WHILE sym # NIL DO WriteCh(0E9X); Write4(-4); (* jmp rel *) WriteCh(90X); (* nop *) sym := sym.next END; mod := mod.next END END WritePlt; PROCEDURE WriteCode; VAR mod: Module; BEGIN PadTo(code.offs); out.WriteBytes(LB.initMod.code.bytes, 0, LB.initMod.code.size); mod := LB.modList; WHILE mod # NIL DO out.WriteBytes(mod.code.bytes, 0, mod.code.size); mod := mod.next END; WritePlt; END WriteCode; PROCEDURE WriteData; VAR mod: Module; BEGIN PadTo(data.offs); mod := LB.modList; WHILE mod # NIL DO out.WriteBytes(mod.data.bytes, 0, mod.data.size); mod := mod.next END; END WriteData; PROCEDURE WriteSymbol(namIdx, val, si, typ: INTEGER); (* ELF32 *) CONST GLOBAL_FUNC = 18; GLOBAL_OBJECT = 17; GLOBAL_NOTYPE = 16; BEGIN Write4(namIdx); Write4(val); IF typ = LB.typObj THEN Write4(4); (*size*); Write1(GLOBAL_OBJECT) ELSIF typ = LB.typProc THEN Write4(0); (*size*); Write1(GLOBAL_FUNC) ELSE HALT(100) END; Write1(0); Write2(si); END WriteSymbol; PROCEDURE WriteSymbolTable; VAR sym: LB.Symbol; m: Module; BEGIN PadTo(dsym.offs); WriteSymbol(0, 0, 0, LB.typProc); (* import *) m := LB.dllList; WHILE m # NIL DO sym := m.exp.next; WHILE sym # NIL DO WriteSymbol(sym.namIdx, 0, 0, sym.typ); sym := sym.next END; m := m.next END; (* export *) sym := LB.expList; WHILE sym # NIL DO WriteSymbol(sym.namIdx, sym.addr, 1, sym.typ); sym := sym.next END; ASSERT(dsym.size = out.Pos() - dsym.offs, 101); PadTo(dstr.offs); LB.WriteStringTable(out, symNames); END WriteSymbolTable; PROCEDURE MakeHash(OUT bucket, chain: POINTER TO ARRAY OF INTEGER); VAR nbucket, symi, hi, k: INTEGER; BEGIN nbucket := symCount; NEW(bucket, nbucket); NEW(chain, symCount); FOR symi := 0 TO symCount - 1 DO chain[symi] := 0; hi := hashtab[symi] MOD nbucket; IF bucket[hi] # 0 THEN k := symi; WHILE chain[k] # 0 DO k := chain[k] END; chain[k] := bucket[hi] END; bucket[hi] := symi; END; END MakeHash; PROCEDURE WriteHash; VAR i: INTEGER; bucket, chain: POINTER TO ARRAY OF INTEGER; BEGIN MakeHash(bucket, chain); PadTo(hash.offs); Write4(LEN(bucket)); Write4(LEN(chain)); FOR i := 0 TO LEN(bucket)-1 DO Write4(bucket[i]) END; FOR i := 0 TO LEN(chain)-1 DO Write4(chain[i]) END; ASSERT(hash.size = out.Pos() - hash.offs, 101) END WriteHash; PROCEDURE WriteReloc; (* ELF32 x86 *) CONST R_386_RELATIVE = 8; R_386_JMP_SLOT = 7; R_386_PC32 = 2; R_386_32 = 1; VAR mod: Module; sym: LB.Symbol; i: INTEGER; BEGIN PadTo(relo.offs); (* Import *) mod := LB.dllList; WHILE mod # NIL DO sym := mod.exp.next; WHILE sym # NIL DO Write4(sym.addr + 1); Write4(R_386_PC32 + sym.symIdx * 256); sym := sym.next END; mod := mod.next END; (* Image *) LB.SortReloc; FOR i := 0 TO LB.relCount-1 DO Write4(LB.relTab[i]); Write4(R_386_RELATIVE); END; END WriteReloc; PROCEDURE WriteDynamic; CONST DT_NULL = 0; DT_NEEDED = 1; DT_PLTRELSZ = 2; DT_PLTGOT = 3; DT_HASH = 4; DT_STRTAB = 5; DT_SYMTAB = 6; DT_STRSZ = 10; DT_SYMENT = 11; DT_INIT = 12; DT_FINI = 13; DT_SONAME = 14; DT_RPATH = 15; DT_REL = 17; DT_RELSZ = 18; DT_RELENT = 19; DT_PLTREL = 20; DT_TEXTREL = 22; DT_JMPREL = 23; DT_BIND_NOW = 24; VAR lib: Module; PROCEDURE DynaEntry(tag, val: INTEGER); (* ELF32 *) BEGIN Write4(tag); Write4(val) END DynaEntry; BEGIN PadTo(dyna.offs); lib := LB.dllList; WHILE lib # NIL DO DynaEntry(DT_NEEDED, lib.exp.namIdx); lib := lib.next END; IF siRPath > 0 THEN DynaEntry(DT_RPATH, siRPath) END; DynaEntry(DT_SYMTAB, dsym.addr); DynaEntry(DT_SYMENT, dsym.entrySize); DynaEntry(DT_HASH, hash.addr); DynaEntry(DT_STRTAB, dstr.addr); DynaEntry(DT_STRSZ, dstr.size); DynaEntry(DT_TEXTREL, 0); DynaEntry(DT_REL, relo.addr); DynaEntry(DT_RELSZ, relo.size); DynaEntry(DT_RELENT, relo.entrySize); IF LB.outDll THEN DynaEntry(DT_SONAME, siOutName); DynaEntry(DT_INIT, init_addr); DynaEntry(DT_FINI, fini_addr); END; DynaEntry(DT_BIND_NOW, 1); DynaEntry(DT_NULL, 0); (* marks the end *) END WriteDynamic; PROCEDURE WriteObsdNote; CONST namesz = 8; descsz = 4; type = 1; BEGIN PadTo(noteobsd.offs); Write4(namesz); Write4(descsz); Write4(type); WriteStr("OpenBSD", 8); Write4(0) END WriteObsdNote; PROCEDURE WriteSectionTable; PROCEDURE WriteSHEntry(VAR scn: Section); (* ELF32 *) BEGIN Write4(scn.namIdx); Write4(scn.type); Write4(scn.flags); Write4(scn.addr); Write4(scn.offs); Write4(scn.size); Write4(scn.link); Write4(scn.info); Write4(scn.align); Write4(scn.entrySize); END WriteSHEntry; BEGIN PadTo(shtOffset); shstr.offs := shtOffset + shtSize; shstr.size := secNames.len; WriteSHEntry(empty); WriteSHEntry(code); WriteSHEntry(data); WriteSHEntry(vars); WriteSHEntry(dstr); WriteSHEntry(dsym); WriteSHEntry(hash); WriteSHEntry(relo); WriteSHEntry(dyna); WriteSHEntry(shstr); WriteSHEntry(intp); WriteSHEntry(noteobsd); (* for OpenBSD, ignored in other OS *) PadTo(shstr.offs); LB.WriteStringTable(out, secNames); END WriteSectionTable; PROCEDURE WriteOut*; VAR res: INTEGER; loc: Files.Locator; path: Dialog.String; BEGIN CalculateLayout; loc := Files.dir.This(""); outFile := Files.dir.New(loc, Files.ask); out := outFile.NewWriter(out); out.SetPos(0); WriteElfHeader; WriteProgramHeaderTable; WriteInterpreter; WriteObsdNote; WriteCode; WriteData; WriteDynamic; WriteSymbolTable; WriteHash; WriteReloc; WriteSectionTable; out.SetPos(0); WriteElfHeader; IF ~LB.error THEN outFile.Register(LB.outputName, LB.outputType, Files.ask, res); IF res # 0 THEN LB.Error('Register') ELSE Dialog.GetLocPath(loc, path); IF path # "" THEN path := path + "/" END; LB.Chmod(path + LB.outputName, {0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}) (* rwxrwxr-x *) END END END WriteOut; END DevLnkWriteElf. / Elf PHT interpreter obsdnote (* required for OpenBSD, ignored in other OS *) \ Code / Data \ Vars / Dynamic SymbolTable StringTable Hash; \ Reloc; SectionHeaderTable SectionNames
MODULE DevLnkWriteElfStatic; (** project = "BlackBox 2.0" organizations = "Oberon microsystems, BBWFC, OberonCore, BBCP Team" contributors = "Contributors, Igor Dehtyarenko" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "The 2-Clause BSD License" changes = " - 2016.11 initial version by Igor Dehtyarenko (Trurl) - 2016.11 Dmitry Solomennikov, FreeBSD 11.0 - 2016.11 Alexander Shiryaev, OpenBSD 6.0 - 2016.11 Ivan Denisov, 2016.11: Chmod " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Dialog, LB := DevLnkBase, Files; CONST defBaseAddress = 8048000H; TYPE Module = LB.Module; Section = RECORD size: INTEGER; addr: INTEGER; offs: INTEGER; END; Segment = RECORD type: INTEGER; addr: INTEGER; (* virtual address *) offs: INTEGER; msize: INTEGER; (* size in memory *) fsize: INTEGER; (* size in file image *) align: INTEGER; (* alignment in memory and in the file *) flags: INTEGER; END; CONST pageSize = 1000H; (* I386 page size *) elfHeaderSize = 52; (* program header table *) phtOffset = elfHeaderSize; phtEntrySize = 32; phtEntryCount = 3; phtSize = phtEntrySize * phtEntryCount; VAR outFile: Files.File; out: Files.Writer; entry_addr: INTEGER; elfType : INTEGER; code, data, vars: Section; phtseg, codeseg, dataseg: Segment; (**********************************) PROCEDURE WriteCh (ch: SHORTCHAR); BEGIN out.WriteByte(SHORT(ORD(ch))) END WriteCh; PROCEDURE Write2 (x: INTEGER); BEGIN out.WriteByte(SHORT(SHORT(x MOD 256))); x := x DIV 256; out.WriteByte(SHORT(SHORT(x MOD 256))) END Write2; PROCEDURE Write4 (x: INTEGER); BEGIN out.WriteByte(SHORT(SHORT(x MOD 256))); x := x DIV 256; out.WriteByte(SHORT(SHORT(x MOD 256))); x := x DIV 256; out.WriteByte(SHORT(SHORT(x MOD 256))); x := x DIV 256; out.WriteByte(SHORT(SHORT(x MOD 256))) END Write4; PROCEDURE WriteStr(IN s: LB.STRING); VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN i := 0; WHILE s[i] # 0X DO out.WriteByte(SHORT(ORD(s[i]))); INC(i) END; out.WriteByte(0); END WriteStr; PROCEDURE PadTo(pos: INTEGER); BEGIN WHILE out.Pos() < pos DO out.WriteByte(0) END; END PadTo; (**********************************) PROCEDURE AddReloc*(addr: INTEGER); BEGIN END AddReloc; (**********************************) PROCEDURE DefSegments; CONST PT_LOAD = 1; PT_PHDR = 6; (* types *) exec = 0; write = 1; read = 2; (* flags *) PROCEDURE DefSeg(VAR seg: Segment; type: INTEGER; flags:SET; align: INTEGER); BEGIN seg.type := type; seg.flags:= ORD(flags); seg.align := align; END DefSeg; BEGIN DefSeg(phtseg, PT_PHDR, {read, exec}, 4 ); DefSeg(codeseg, PT_LOAD, {read, exec}, pageSize); DefSeg(dataseg, PT_LOAD, {read, write}, pageSize); END DefSegments; PROCEDURE Init*; CONST ET_EXEC = 2; BEGIN IF LB.impCount >0 THEN LB.Error('Import ffrom dll') END; DefSegments; elfType := ET_EXEC; LB.ImageBase := defBaseAddress; code.size := LB.codeSize; data.size := LB.dataSize; vars.size := LB.varsSize; code.offs := LB.Aligned(elfHeaderSize + phtSize, 4); code.addr := code.offs + LB.ImageBase; data.offs := LB.Aligned(code.offs + code.size, pageSize); data.addr := LB.Aligned(code.addr + code.size, pageSize); vars.addr := LB.Aligned(data.addr + data.size, 4); entry_addr:= code.addr + LB.initOffs; END Init; (**********************************) PROCEDURE GetBases*(OUT codeBase, dataBase, varsBase: INTEGER); BEGIN codeBase := code.addr; dataBase := data.addr; varsBase := vars.addr; END GetBases; (**********************************) PROCEDURE CalculateLayout; PROCEDURE DefSeg(VAR seg: Segment; offs, addr, size: INTEGER); BEGIN seg.offs:= offs; seg.addr:= addr; seg.msize:= size; seg.fsize:= size; END DefSeg; BEGIN DefSeg(phtseg, phtOffset, LB.ImageBase + phtOffset, phtSize); DefSeg(codeseg, 0, LB.ImageBase, code.offs + code.size); DefSeg(dataseg, data.offs, data.addr, data.size); dataseg.msize := dataseg.fsize + vars.size; END CalculateLayout; (**********************************) PROCEDURE WriteElfHeader; CONST ELFCLASS32 = 1X; ELFDATA2LSB = 1X; EV_CURRENT = 1X; (* OS ABI *) ELFOSABI_NONE = 0X; ELFOSABI_LINUX = 3X; ELFOSABI_NETBSD = 2X; ELFOSABI_FREEBSD =9X; ELFOSABI_OPENBSD = 0BX; ELFOSABI_ARM = 61X; EM_386 = 3; VAR e_ident : ARRAY 16 OF SHORTCHAR; BEGIN e_ident := 7FX + 'ELF'+ ELFCLASS32 + ELFDATA2LSB + EV_CURRENT + ELFOSABI_NONE; WriteStr(e_ident); PadTo(16); Write2(elfType); Write2(EM_386); Write4(1); (* version *) Write4(entry_addr); Write4(phtOffset); Write4(0); Write4(0); (* flags *) Write2(elfHeaderSize); Write2(phtEntrySize); Write2(phtEntryCount); Write2(0); Write2(0); Write2(0); ASSERT(out.Pos() = elfHeaderSize, 101) END WriteElfHeader; PROCEDURE WriteProgramHeaderTable; PROCEDURE WritePhtEntry(VAR seg: Segment); BEGIN Write4(seg.type); Write4(seg.offs); Write4(seg.addr); Write4(seg.addr); (* physical address, ignored *) Write4(seg.fsize); Write4(seg.msize); Write4(seg.flags); Write4(seg.align) END WritePhtEntry; BEGIN WritePhtEntry(phtseg); WritePhtEntry(codeseg); WritePhtEntry(dataseg); END WriteProgramHeaderTable; PROCEDURE WriteCode; VAR mod: Module; BEGIN PadTo(code.offs); out.WriteBytes(LB.initMod.code.bytes, 0, LB.initMod.code.size); mod := LB.modList; WHILE mod # NIL DO out.WriteBytes(mod.code.bytes, 0, mod.code.size); mod := mod.next END; END WriteCode; PROCEDURE WriteData; VAR mod: Module; BEGIN PadTo(data.offs); mod := LB.modList; WHILE mod # NIL DO out.WriteBytes(mod.data.bytes, 0, mod.data.size); mod := mod.next END END WriteData; PROCEDURE WriteOut*; VAR res: INTEGER; loc: Files.Locator; path: Dialog.String; BEGIN CalculateLayout; loc := Files.dir.This(""); outFile := Files.dir.New(loc, Files.ask); out := outFile.NewWriter(out); out.SetPos(0); WriteElfHeader; WriteProgramHeaderTable; WriteCode; WriteData; out.SetPos(0); WriteElfHeader; IF ~LB.error THEN outFile.Register(LB.outputName, LB.outputType, Files.ask, res); IF res # 0 THEN LB.Error('Register') ELSE Dialog.GetLocPath(loc, path); IF path # "" THEN path := path + "/" END; LB.Chmod(path + LB.outputName, {0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}) (* rwxrwxr-x *) END END END WriteOut; END DevLnkWriteElfStatic. / Elf PHT \ Code; / Const \ Vars
MODULE DevLnkWritePe; (** project = "BlackBox 2.0" organizations = "Oberon microsystems, BBWFC, OberonCore, BBCP Team" contributors = "Contributors, Igor Dehtyarenko" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "The 2-Clause BSD License" changes = " - 2016.11 initial version by Igor Dehtyarenko (Trurl) " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT LB := DevLnkBase, Files; TYPE Module = LB.Module; Section = RECORD size: INTEGER; offs: INTEGER; addr: INTEGER; (* rva *) END; VAR outFile: Files.File; out: Files.Writer; CONST cui = 3; gui = 2; ExeImageBase = 400000H; DllImageBase = 10000000H; SizeOfHeapReserve = 400000H; (* primary heap *) SizeOfHeapCommit = 10000H; SizeOfStackReserve = 200000H; SizeOfStackCommit= 10000H; SectionAlignment = 1000H; FileAlignment = 512; SizeOfHeaders = 1024; expDirSize = 40; VAR subsystem: INTEGER; AddressOfEntryPoint: INTEGER; NumberOfSections: INTEGER; TimeDateStamp: INTEGER; SizeOfImage : INTEGER; code, data, vars, rsrc, impo, expo, relo: Section; impDirSize: INTEGER; expStrTable, impStrTable: LB.StringTable; outNameStrIndex: INTEGER; exeFlags: SET; PROCEDURE WriteCh (ch: SHORTCHAR); BEGIN out.WriteByte(SHORT(ORD(ch))) END WriteCh; PROCEDURE Write2 (x: INTEGER); BEGIN out.WriteByte(SHORT(SHORT(x MOD 256))); x := x DIV 256; out.WriteByte(SHORT(SHORT(x MOD 256))) END Write2; PROCEDURE Write4 (x: INTEGER); BEGIN out.WriteByte(SHORT(SHORT(x MOD 256))); x := x DIV 256; out.WriteByte(SHORT(SHORT(x MOD 256))); x := x DIV 256; out.WriteByte(SHORT(SHORT(x MOD 256))); x := x DIV 256; out.WriteByte(SHORT(SHORT(x MOD 256))) END Write4; PROCEDURE WriteStr(IN s: LB.STRING; len: INTEGER); VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN i := 0; WHILE s[i] # 0X DO out.WriteByte(SHORT(ORD(s[i]))); INC(i) END; WHILE i < len DO out.WriteByte(0); INC(i) END END WriteStr; PROCEDURE PadTo(pos: INTEGER); BEGIN WHILE out.Pos() < pos DO out.WriteByte(0) END; END PadTo; (**********************************) PROCEDURE Init*; CONST relocs_stripped = 0; executable_image = 1; line_nums_stripped = 2; local_syms_stripped = 3; machine_32bit = 8; debug_stripped = 9; removable_run_from_swap = 10; net_run_from_swap = 11; system = 12; dll = 13; up_system_only = 14; BEGIN LB.InitStringTable(impStrTable, 1000); LB.InitStringTable(expStrTable, 0); subsystem := gui; (* *) IF LB.opt.subsystem # 0 THEN subsystem := LB.opt.subsystem; END; exeFlags := {executable_image, line_nums_stripped, debug_stripped}; IF LB.outDll THEN INCL(exeFlags, dll); LB.ImageBase := DllImageBase; ELSE LB.ImageBase := ExeImageBase; END; IF LB.opt.imageBase > 0 THEN LB.ImageBase := LB.opt.imageBase; END; NumberOfSections := 0; code.size := LB.codeSize; data.size := LB.dataSize; vars.size := LB.varsSize; code.addr := SectionAlignment; data.addr := LB.Aligned(code.addr + code.size, SectionAlignment); vars.addr := LB.Aligned(data.addr + data.size, SectionAlignment); AddressOfEntryPoint := code.addr + LB.initOffs; END Init; (**********************************) PROCEDURE GetBases*(OUT codeBase, dataBase, varsBase: INTEGER); BEGIN codeBase := code.addr + LB.ImageBase; dataBase := data.addr + LB.ImageBase; varsBase := vars.addr + LB.ImageBase; END GetBases; (**********************************) PROCEDURE CollectImp; VAR lib: Module; sym: LB.Symbol; symIdx: INTEGER; BEGIN symIdx := 0; lib := LB.dllList; WHILE lib # NIL DO LB.AddDllName(impStrTable, lib.exp.name, ".dll", lib.exp.namIdx); lib.exp.symIdx := symIdx; sym := lib.exp.next; WHILE sym # NIL DO LB.AddHintName(impStrTable, 0, sym.name, sym.namIdx); sym.symIdx := symIdx; INC(symIdx); sym := sym.next END; INC(symIdx); lib := lib.next END; impDirSize := 20 * (LB.impDllCount + 1); impo.size := impDirSize + 8 * (LB.impCount + LB.impDllCount) + impStrTable.len; END CollectImp; PROCEDURE CollectExport; VAR sym: LB.Symbol; BEGIN IF LB.expCount > 0 THEN LB.AddName(expStrTable, SHORT(LB.outputName$), outNameStrIndex); sym := LB.expList; WHILE sym # NIL DO LB.AddName(expStrTable, sym.name, sym.namIdx); sym := sym.next END; expo.size := expDirSize + 10 * LB.expCount + expStrTable.len; ELSE expo.size := 0; END; END CollectExport; PROCEDURE CalculateLayout; VAR BEGIN CollectImp; CollectExport; (* rva's *) impo.addr := LB.Aligned(vars.addr + vars.size, SectionAlignment); expo.addr := LB.Aligned(impo.addr + impo.size, SectionAlignment); rsrc.addr := LB.Aligned(expo.addr + expo.size, SectionAlignment); relo.addr := LB.Aligned(rsrc.addr + rsrc.size, SectionAlignment); (* file pos's *) code.offs := LB.Aligned(SizeOfHeaders, FileAlignment); data.offs := LB.Aligned(code.offs + code.size, FileAlignment); vars.offs := 0; impo.offs := LB.Aligned(data.offs + data.size, FileAlignment); expo.offs := LB.Aligned(impo.offs + impo.size, FileAlignment); rsrc.offs := LB.Aligned(expo.offs + expo.size, FileAlignment); relo.offs := LB.Aligned(rsrc.offs + rsrc.size, FileAlignment); IF expo.size = 0 THEN expo.addr := 0; expo.offs := 0 END; rsrc.addr := 0; rsrc.size := 0; rsrc.offs := 0; END CalculateLayout; (**********************************) PROCEDURE WriteSectionHeaders; CONST cnt_code=5; cnt_data= 6; cnt_udata= 7; discard = 25; exec = 29; read = 30; write = 31; TYPE SectName = ARRAY 8 OF SHORTCHAR; PROCEDURE SectionHeader(IN scn: Section; name:SectName; flags:SET); BEGIN IF scn.addr # 0 THEN WriteStr(name, 8); Write4(0); (* Misc (always 0) *) Write4(scn.addr); (* VirtualAddress *) Write4(LB.Aligned(scn.size, FileAlignment)); (* SizeOfRawData *) Write4(scn.offs); (* PointerToRawData *) Write4(0); (* PointerToRelocations *) Write4(0); (* PointerToLinenumbers *) Write4(0); (* NumberOfRelocations, NumberOfLinenumbers *) Write4(ORD(flags)); INC(NumberOfSections) END END SectionHeader; BEGIN SectionHeader(code, ".text", {cnt_code, read, exec}); SectionHeader(data, ".data", {cnt_data, read, write}); SectionHeader(vars, ".var", {cnt_udata, read, write}); SectionHeader(rsrc, ".rsrc", {cnt_data, read, write}); SectionHeader(impo, ".idata", {cnt_data, read, write}); SectionHeader(expo, ".edata", {cnt_data, read, write}); SectionHeader(relo, ".reloc", {cnt_data, read, discard}); END WriteSectionHeaders; PROCEDURE WriteHeader; CONST SizeOfOptionalHeader = 224; PROCEDURE WriteDosStub; CONST sizeOfStub = 128; (* >= 64 *) BEGIN WriteStr('MZ',60); Write4(sizeOfStub); (* offset to the PE signature*) PadTo(sizeOfStub); END WriteDosStub; PROCEDURE WriteDirEntry(rva, Size: INTEGER); BEGIN Write4(rva); Write4(Size); END WriteDirEntry; BEGIN WriteDosStub; WriteStr("PE", 4); (* signature *) (* COFF header *) Write2(014CH); (* Machine (386) *) Write2(NumberOfSections); Write4(TimeDateStamp); Write4(0); Write4(0); Write2(SizeOfOptionalHeader); Write2(ORD(exeFlags)) ; (* 'Optional' header *) Write2(10BH); (* magic (normal ececutable file) *) WriteCh(2X); WriteCh(5X); (* linker version 2.5 *) Write4(code.size); (* SizeOfCode *) Write4(data.size); (* SizeOfInitializedData *) Write4(vars.size); (* SizeOfUninitializedData *) Write4(AddressOfEntryPoint); Write4(code.addr); (* BaseOfCode rva *) Write4(data.addr); (* BaseOfData rva *) Write4(LB.ImageBase); Write4(SectionAlignment); Write4(FileAlignment); Write2(5); Write2(0); (* OperatingSystemVersion (Major, Minor) *) Write2(4); Write2(0); (* ImageVersion *) Write2(5); Write2(0); (* SubsystemVersion: 5.0 - Windows 2000 *) Write4(0); (* reserved = 0*) Write4(SizeOfImage); Write4(SizeOfHeaders); Write4(0); (* CheckSum *) Write2(subsystem); Write2(0); (* DllCharacteristics *) Write4(SizeOfStackReserve); Write4(SizeOfStackCommit); Write4(SizeOfHeapReserve); Write4(SizeOfHeapCommit); Write4(0); (* LoaderFlags =0 *) Write4(16); (* NumberOfRvaAndSizes *) (* IMAGE_DIRECTORY: [16] *) WriteDirEntry(expo.addr, expo.size); (* Export Table *) WriteDirEntry(impo.addr, impo.size); (* Import Table *) WriteDirEntry(rsrc.addr, rsrc.size); (* Resource Table *) WriteDirEntry(0, 0); (* Exception Table *) WriteDirEntry(0, 0); (* Certificate Table *) WriteDirEntry(relo.addr, relo.size); (* Base Relocation Table *) WriteDirEntry(0, 0); (* Debug *) WriteDirEntry(0, 0); (* Architecture =0 *) WriteDirEntry(0, 0); (* Global Ptr, size=0 *) WriteDirEntry(0, 0); (* TLS Table *) WriteDirEntry(0, 0); (* Load Config Table *) WriteDirEntry(0, 0); (* Bound Import *) WriteDirEntry(0, 0); (* Import Address Table *) WriteDirEntry(0, 0); (* Delay Import Descriptor *) WriteDirEntry(0, 0); (* CLR Runtime Header *) WriteDirEntry(0, 0); (* Reserved *) WriteSectionHeaders; END WriteHeader; PROCEDURE WriteInitCode; BEGIN out.WriteBytes(LB.initMod.code.bytes, 0, LB.initMod.code.size); END WriteInitCode; PROCEDURE WritePlt; VAR lib: Module; sym: LB.Symbol; VAR thunk: INTEGER; BEGIN thunk := LB.ImageBase + impo.addr + impDirSize; (* absolute addr *) lib := LB.dllList; WHILE lib # NIL DO sym := lib.exp.next; WHILE sym # NIL DO WriteCh(0FFX); WriteCh(25X); Write4(thunk + sym.symIdx*4); (* jmp indirect *) LB.AddReloc(sym.addr + 2); sym := sym.next END; lib := lib.next END; END WritePlt; PROCEDURE WriteCode; VAR mod: Module; BEGIN PadTo(code.offs); WriteInitCode; mod := LB.modList; WHILE mod # NIL DO out.WriteBytes(mod.code.bytes, 0, mod.code.size); mod := mod.next END; WritePlt; END WriteCode; PROCEDURE WriteData; VAR mod: Module; BEGIN PadTo(data.offs); mod := LB.modList; WHILE mod # NIL DO out.WriteBytes(mod.data.bytes, 0, mod.data.size); mod := mod.next END END WriteData; PROCEDURE WriteImport; VAR i, lookup, thunk, names: INTEGER; VAR lib: Module; sym: LB.Symbol; BEGIN PadTo(impo.offs); thunk := impo.addr + impDirSize; (* Address Table *) lookup := thunk + 4 * (LB.impCount + LB.impDllCount); (* Lookup Table *) names := lookup + 4 * (LB.impCount + LB.impDllCount); (* Hint/Name Table *) (* Import Directory *) lib := LB.dllList; WHILE lib # NIL DO Write4(lookup + lib.exp.symIdx * 4); Write4(0); (* time/data = 0 *) Write4(0); (* ForwarderChain *) Write4(names + lib.exp.namIdx); Write4(thunk + lib.exp.symIdx * 4); lib := lib.next END; Write4(0); Write4(0); Write4(0); Write4(0); Write4(0); FOR i := 1 TO 2 DO (* lookup table, name table *) lib := LB.dllList; WHILE lib # NIL DO sym := lib.exp.next; WHILE sym # NIL DO Write4(names + sym.namIdx); sym := sym.next END; Write4(0); lib := lib.next END; END; LB.WriteStringTable(out, impStrTable); END WriteImport; PROCEDURE WriteExport; CONST OrdinalBase = 1; VAR sym: LB.Symbol; functions, names, ordinals, strings, i: INTEGER; BEGIN PadTo(expo.offs); functions := expo.addr + expDirSize; (* Address Table *) names := functions + 4 * LB.expCount; (* Name Pointer Table *) ordinals := names + 4 * LB.expCount; (* Ordinal Table *) strings := ordinals+ 2 * LB.expCount; (* Name Table *) (* EXPORT_DIRECTORY *) Write4(0); (* Characteristics *) Write4(TimeDateStamp); Write4(0); (* version *) Write4(strings + outNameStrIndex); (* Name of the DLL *) Write4(OrdinalBase); Write4(LB.expCount); (* NumberOfFunctions *) Write4(LB.expCount); (* NumberOfNames *) Write4(functions); Write4(names); Write4(ordinals); sym := LB.expList; WHILE sym # NIL DO Write4(sym.addr- LB.ImageBase); sym := sym.next END; (* rva *) sym := LB.expList; WHILE sym # NIL DO Write4(strings + sym.namIdx); sym := sym.next END; i := 0; WHILE i < LB.expCount DO Write2(i); INC(i) END; LB.WriteStringTable(out, expStrTable); END WriteExport; PROCEDURE WriteReloc; CONST pageSize = 4096; IMAGE_REL_BASED_HIGHLOW = 3; VAR i, hi, blockSize, page, limit, pad: INTEGER; BEGIN LB.SortReloc; PadTo(relo.offs); relo.size := 0; i := 0; WHILE i < LB.relCount DO page := LB.relTab[i] DIV pageSize * pageSize; limit := page + pageSize; hi := i; WHILE (hi < LB.relCount) & (LB.relTab[hi] < limit) DO INC(hi) END; blockSize := 8 + 2 * (hi - i); pad := blockSize MOD 4; INC(blockSize, pad); Write4(page - LB.ImageBase); (* rva *) Write4(blockSize); WHILE i < hi DO Write2(LB.relTab[i] - page + IMAGE_REL_BASED_HIGHLOW * pageSize); INC(i) END; IF pad # 0 THEN Write2(0) END; INC(relo.size, blockSize); END; Write4(0); Write4(0); INC(relo.size, 8); PadTo(LB.Aligned(relo.offs + relo.size, FileAlignment)); END WriteReloc; PROCEDURE WriteOut*; VAR res: INTEGER; BEGIN CalculateLayout; outFile := Files.dir.New(Files.dir.This(""), Files.ask); out := outFile.NewWriter(out); out.SetPos(0); WriteHeader; WriteCode; WriteData; WriteImport; IF LB.expCount > 0 THEN WriteExport END; WriteReloc; SizeOfImage := LB.Aligned(relo.addr + relo.size, SectionAlignment); out.SetPos(0); WriteHeader; IF ~LB.error THEN outFile.Register(LB.outputName, LB.outputType, Files.ask, res); IF res # 0 THEN LB.Error('Register') END END END WriteOut; END DevLnkWritePe.
MODULE DevMarkers; (** project = "BlackBox 2.0, diffs vs 1.7.2 are marked by green" organizations = "Oberon microsystems, BBWFC, OberonCore, BBCP Team" contributors = "Oberon microsystems, A.A. Dmitriev, I.A. Denisov, Ketmar Dark" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "The 2-Clause BSD License" changes = " - 20070301, bh, helper strings enlarged to 1024 characters - 20161216, center #144, inconsistent docu and usage of Files.Locator error codes - 20170215, center #139, localization support for error messages -20200605, adimetrius, introduce View.CopyFromSimpleView2 to really enable extensions https://forum.oberoncore.ru/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=6621 -20211123, dia, toggle first error & and unmark errors on right click -20230307, dia, make toogle does not mark document as dirty -20230324, k8, unmark with care to caret " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Kernel, Files, Stores, Fonts, Ports, Models, Views, Controllers, Properties, Dialog, TextModels, TextSetters, TextViews, TextControllers, TextMappers, Windows; CONST (** View.mode **) undefined* = 0; mark* = 1; message* = 2; firstMode = 1; lastMode = 2; (** View.err **) noCode* = 9999; errFile = "Errors"; point = Ports.point; TYPE View* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Views.View) mode-: INTEGER; err-: INTEGER; msg-: POINTER TO ARRAY OF CHAR; era: INTEGER END; Directory* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD END; StdView = POINTER TO RECORD (View) END; StdDirectory = POINTER TO RECORD (Directory) END; SetModeOp = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation) view: View; mode: INTEGER END; VAR dir-, stdDir-: Directory; globR: TextModels.Reader; globW: TextModels.Writer; (* recycling done in Load, Insert *) thisEra: INTEGER; (** View **) PROCEDURE (v: View) CopyFromSimpleView2- (source: View), NEW, EMPTY; PROCEDURE (v: View) CopyFromSimpleView- (source: Views.View), EXTENSIBLE; BEGIN (* v.CopyFrom^(source); *) WITH source: View DO v.err := source.err; v.mode := source.mode; IF source.msg # NIL THEN NEW(v.msg, LEN(source.msg^)); v.msg^ := source.msg^$ END; v.CopyFromSimpleView2(source) END END CopyFromSimpleView; (* PROCEDURE (v: View) InitContext* (context: Models.Context), EXTENSIBLE; BEGIN ASSERT(v.mode # undefined, 20); v.InitContext^(context) END InitContext; *) PROCEDURE (v: View) InitErr* (err: INTEGER), NEW, EXTENSIBLE; BEGIN ASSERT(v.msg = NIL, 20); IF v.err # err THEN v.err := err; v.mode := mark END; IF v.mode = undefined THEN v.mode := mark END END InitErr; PROCEDURE (v: View) InitMsg* (msg: ARRAY OF CHAR), NEW, EXTENSIBLE; VAR i: INTEGER; str: ARRAY 1024 OF CHAR; BEGIN ASSERT(v.msg = NIL, 20); Dialog.MapString(msg, str); i := 0; WHILE str[i] # 0X DO INC(i) END; NEW(v.msg, i + 1); v.msg^ := str$; v.mode := mark END InitMsg; PROCEDURE (v: View) SetMode* (mode: INTEGER), NEW, EXTENSIBLE; VAR op: SetModeOp; BEGIN ASSERT((firstMode <= mode) (*& (mode <= lastMode)*), 20); IF v.mode # mode THEN NEW(op); op.view := v; op.mode := mode; Views.Do(v, "#System:ViewSetting", op) END END SetMode; (** Directory **) PROCEDURE (d: Directory) New* (type: INTEGER): View, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewMsg* (msg: ARRAY OF CHAR): View, NEW, ABSTRACT; (* SetModeOp *) PROCEDURE (op: SetModeOp) Do; VAR v: View; mode: INTEGER; BEGIN v := op.view; mode := v.mode; v.mode := op.mode; op.mode := mode; Views.Update(v, Views.keepFrames); IF v.context # NIL THEN v.context.SetSize(Views.undefined, Views.undefined) END END Do; PROCEDURE ToggleMode (v: View); VAR mode: INTEGER; BEGIN IF ABS(v.err) # noCode THEN IF v.mode < lastMode THEN mode := v.mode + 1 ELSE mode := firstMode END ELSE IF v.mode < message THEN mode := v.mode + 1 ELSE mode := firstMode END END; v.SetMode(mode) END ToggleMode; (* primitives for StdView *) PROCEDURE NumToStr (x: INTEGER; VAR s: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR i: INTEGER); VAR j: INTEGER; m: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR; BEGIN ASSERT(x >= 0, 20); j := 0; REPEAT m[j] := CHR(x MOD 10 + ORD("0")); x := x DIV 10; INC(j) UNTIL x = 0; i := 0; REPEAT DEC(j); s[i] := m[j]; INC(i) UNTIL j = 0; s[i] := 0X END NumToStr; PROCEDURE Load (v: StdView); VAR view: Views.View; t: TextModels.Model; s: TextMappers.Scanner; err: INTEGER; i: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; loc, langLoc: Files.Locator; msg: ARRAY 1024 OF CHAR; BEGIN view := NIL; err := ABS(v.err); NumToStr(err, msg, i); loc := Files.dir.This("Dev"); IF loc.res # 0 THEN RETURN END; loc := loc.This("Rsrc"); IF loc.res # 0 THEN RETURN END; IF (Dialog.language # "") & (Dialog.language # Dialog.defaultLanguage) THEN langLoc := loc.This(Dialog.language); IF langLoc.res = 0 THEN view := Views.OldView(langLoc, errFile) END END; IF (view = NIL) OR ~ (view IS TextViews.View) THEN view := Views.OldView(loc, errFile) END; IF (view # NIL) & (view IS TextViews.View) THEN t := view(TextViews.View).ThisModel(); IF t # NIL THEN s.ConnectTo(t); REPEAT s.Scan UNTIL ((s.type = TextMappers.int) & (s.int = err)) OR (s.type = TextMappers.eot); IF s.type = TextMappers.int THEN s.Skip(ch); i := 0; WHILE (ch >= " ") & (i < LEN(msg) - 1) DO msg[i] := ch; INC(i); s.rider.ReadChar(ch) END; msg[i] := 0X END END END; NEW(v.msg, i + 1); v.msg^ := msg$ END Load; PROCEDURE DrawMsg (v: StdView; f: Views.Frame; font: Fonts.Font; color: Ports.Color); VAR w, h, asc, dsc: INTEGER; BEGIN CASE v.mode OF mark: v.context.GetSize(w, h); f.DrawLine(point, 0, w - f.dot, h, 0, color); f.DrawLine(0, h + f.dot, w, - 2 * f.dot, 0, color) | message: font.GetBounds(asc, dsc, w); f.DrawString(2 * point, asc, color, v.msg^, font) END END DrawMsg; PROCEDURE ShowMsg (v: StdView); BEGIN IF v.msg = NIL THEN Load(v) END; Dialog.ShowStatus(v.msg^) END ShowMsg; PROCEDURE Track (v: StdView; f: Views.Frame; x, y: INTEGER; buttons: SET); VAR c: Models.Context; t: TextModels.Model; u, w, h: INTEGER; isDown, in, in0: BOOLEAN; m: SET; BEGIN v.context.GetSize(w, h); u := f.dot; in0 := FALSE; in := (0 <= x) & (x < w) & (0 <= y) & (y < h); REPEAT IF in # in0 THEN f.MarkRect(u, 0, w - u, h, Ports.fill, Ports.invert, Ports.show); in0 := in END; f.Input(x, y, m, isDown); in := (0 <= x) & (x < w) & (0 <= y) & (y < h) UNTIL ~isDown; IF in0 THEN f.MarkRect(u, 0, w - u, h, Ports.fill, Ports.invert, Ports.hide); IF Dialog.showsStatus & ~(Controllers.modify IN buttons) & ~(Controllers.doubleClick IN buttons) THEN ShowMsg(v) ELSE ToggleMode(v) END; c := v.context; WITH c: TextModels.Context DO t := c.ThisModel(); TextControllers.SetCaret(t, c.Pos() + 1) ELSE END END END Track; PROCEDURE SizePref (v: StdView; VAR p: Properties.SizePref); VAR c: Models.Context; a: TextModels.Attributes; font: Fonts.Font; asc, dsc, w: INTEGER; BEGIN c := v.context; IF (c # NIL) & (c IS TextModels.Context) THEN a := c(TextModels.Context).Attr(); font := a.font ELSE font := Fonts.dir.Default() END; font.GetBounds(asc, dsc, w); p.h := asc + dsc; CASE v.mode OF mark: p.w := p.h + 2 * point | message: IF v.msg = NIL THEN Load(v) END; p.w := font.StringWidth(v.msg^) + 4 * point END END SizePref; (** miscellaneous **) PROCEDURE Insert* (text: TextModels.Model; pos: INTEGER; v: View); VAR w: TextModels.Writer; r: TextModels.Reader; BEGIN ASSERT(v.era = 0, 20); Models.BeginModification(Models.clean, text); v.era := thisEra; IF pos > text.Length() THEN pos := text.Length() END; globW := text.NewWriter(globW); w := globW; w.SetPos(pos); IF pos > 0 THEN DEC(pos) END; globR := text.NewReader(globR); r := globR; r.SetPos(pos); r.Read; IF r.attr # NIL THEN w.SetAttr(r.attr) END; w.WriteView(v, Views.undefined, Views.undefined); Models.EndModification(Models.clean, text); END Insert; PROCEDURE FindController (text: TextModels.Model): TextControllers.Controller; VAR w: Windows.Window; tc: TextControllers.Controller; c: Controllers.Controller; v: Views.View; BEGIN ASSERT(text # NIL, 20); tc := TextControllers.Focus(); IF (tc = NIL) OR (tc.text # text) THEN tc := NIL; w := Windows.dir.First(); WHILE (tc = NIL) & (w # NIL) DO IF w.doc # NIL THEN v := w.doc.OriginalView(); IF (v # NIL) & (v IS TextViews.View) THEN c := v(TextViews.View).ThisController(); IF (c # NIL) & (c IS TextControllers.Controller) THEN tc := c(TextControllers.Controller); IF tc.text # text THEN tc := NIL END END END END; w := Windows.dir.Next(w) END END; RETURN tc END FindController; PROCEDURE UnmarkWithCareToCaret (text: TextModels.Model; c: TextControllers.Controller); VAR r: TextModels.Reader; v: Views.View; pos: INTEGER; script: Stores.Operation; oldpos, obeg, oend: INTEGER; BEGIN IF c # NIL THEN oldpos := c.CaretPos(); c.GetSelection(obeg, oend); ELSE oldpos := 0; obeg := 0; oend := 0 END; Models.BeginModification(Models.clean, text); Models.BeginScript(text, "#Dev:DeleteMarkers", script); r := text.NewReader(NIL); r.ReadView(v); WHILE ~r.eot DO IF r.view IS View THEN pos := r.Pos() - 1; IF oldpos > pos THEN DEC(oldpos) END; IF obeg < oend THEN IF obeg > pos THEN DEC(obeg) END; IF oend > pos THEN DEC(oend) END; IF obeg >= oend THEN oldpos := obeg END END; text.Delete(pos, pos + 1); r.SetPos(pos) END; r.ReadView(v) END; IF c # NIL THEN IF obeg < oend THEN c.SetSelection(obeg, oend) ELSIF (oldpos >= 0) & (oldpos <= text.Length()) THEN c.SetCaret(oldpos) END END; INC(thisEra); Models.EndScript(text, script); Models.EndModification(Models.clean, text); END UnmarkWithCareToCaret; PROCEDURE Unmark* (text: TextModels.Model); BEGIN UnmarkWithCareToCaret(text, FindController(text)) END Unmark; (** command **) PROCEDURE ToggleCurrent*; VAR c: TextControllers.Controller; t: TextModels.Model; v: Views.View; pos: INTEGER; BEGIN c := TextControllers.Focus(); IF (c # NIL) & c.HasCaret() THEN t := c.text; pos := c.CaretPos(); Models.BeginModification(Models.clean, t); globR := t.NewReader(globR); globR.SetPos(pos); globR.ReadPrev; v := globR.view; IF (v # NIL) & (v IS View) THEN ToggleMode(v(View)) END; TextViews.ShowRange(t, pos, pos, TextViews.focusOnly); TextControllers.SetCaret(t, pos); Models.EndModification(Models.clean, t); globR := NIL END END ToggleCurrent; (** miscellaneous **) PROCEDURE ShowFirstError* (text: TextModels.Model; focusOnly: BOOLEAN); VAR v1: Views.View; pos: INTEGER; BEGIN globR := text.NewReader(globR); globR.SetPos(0); REPEAT globR.ReadView(v1) UNTIL globR.eot OR (v1 IS View); IF ~globR.eot THEN pos := globR.Pos(); TextViews.ShowRange(text, pos, pos, focusOnly); TextControllers.SetCaret(text, pos); v1(View).SetMode(v1(View).mode); ToggleCurrent END END ShowFirstError; (** commands **) PROCEDURE NextError*; VAR c: TextControllers.Controller; t: TextModels.Model; v1: Views.View; beg, pos: INTEGER; BEGIN c := TextControllers.Focus(); IF c # NIL THEN t := c.text; IF c.HasCaret() THEN pos := c.CaretPos() ELSIF c.HasSelection() THEN c.GetSelection(beg, pos) ELSE pos := 0 END; TextControllers.SetSelection(t, TextControllers.none, TextControllers.none); globR := t.NewReader(globR); globR.SetPos(pos); REPEAT globR.ReadView(v1) UNTIL globR.eot OR (v1 IS View); IF ~globR.eot THEN pos := globR.Pos(); v1(View).SetMode(v1(View).mode); TextViews.ShowRange(t, pos, pos, TextViews.focusOnly) ELSE pos := 0; Dialog.Beep END; TextControllers.SetCaret(t, pos); globR := NIL END END NextError; PROCEDURE UnmarkErrors*; VAR tv: TextViews.View; c: Controllers.Controller; tc: TextControllers.Controller; BEGIN tv := TextViews.Focus(); c := tv.ThisController(); IF (c # NIL) & (c IS TextControllers.Controller) THEN tc := c(TextControllers.Controller) END; IF tv # NIL THEN UnmarkWithCareToCaret(tv.ThisModel(), tc) END END UnmarkErrors; (* StdView *) PROCEDURE (v: StdView) ExternalizeAs (VAR s1: Stores.Store); BEGIN s1 := NIL END ExternalizeAs; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) SetMode(mode: INTEGER); BEGIN v.SetMode^(mode); ShowMsg(v) END SetMode; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); VAR c: Models.Context; a: TextModels.Attributes; font: Fonts.Font; color: Ports.Color; w, h: INTEGER; BEGIN c := v.context; c.GetSize(w, h); WITH c: TextModels.Context DO a := c.Attr(); font := a.font ELSE font := Fonts.dir.Default() END; IF TRUE (*f.colors >= 4*) THEN color := Ports.grey50 ELSE color := Ports.defaultColor END; IF v.err >= 0 THEN f.DrawRect(point, 0, w - point, h, Ports.fill, color); DrawMsg(v, f, font, Ports.background) ELSE f.DrawRect(point, 0, w - point, h, 0, color); DrawMsg(v, f, font, Ports.defaultColor) END END Restore; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) GetBackground (VAR color: Ports.Color); BEGIN color := Ports.background END GetBackground; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) HandleCtrlMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View); BEGIN WITH msg: Controllers.TrackMsg DO IF Controllers.popup IN msg.modifiers THEN UnmarkErrors ELSE Track(v, f, msg.x, msg.y, msg.modifiers) END ELSE END END HandleCtrlMsg; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) HandlePropMsg (VAR msg: Properties.Message); VAR c: Models.Context; a: TextModels.Attributes; font: Fonts.Font; asc, w: INTEGER; BEGIN WITH msg: Properties.Preference DO WITH msg: Properties.SizePref DO SizePref(v, msg) | msg: Properties.ResizePref DO msg.fixed := TRUE | msg: Properties.FocusPref DO msg.hotFocus := TRUE (* | msg: Properties.StorePref DO msg.view := NIL *) | msg: TextSetters.Pref DO c := v.context; IF (c # NIL) & (c IS TextModels.Context) THEN a := c(TextModels.Context).Attr(); font := a.font ELSE font := Fonts.dir.Default() END; font.GetBounds(asc, msg.dsc, w) ELSE END ELSE END END HandlePropMsg; (* StdDirectory *) PROCEDURE (d: StdDirectory) New (err: INTEGER): View; VAR v: StdView; BEGIN NEW(v); v.InitErr(err); RETURN v END New; PROCEDURE (d: StdDirectory) NewMsg (msg: ARRAY OF CHAR): View; VAR v: StdView; BEGIN NEW(v); v.InitErr(noCode); v.InitMsg(msg); RETURN v END NewMsg; (** Cleaner **) PROCEDURE Cleanup; BEGIN globR := NIL; globW := NIL END Cleanup; PROCEDURE SetDir* (d: Directory); BEGIN dir := d END SetDir; PROCEDURE Init; VAR d: StdDirectory; BEGIN thisEra := 1; NEW(d); dir := d; stdDir := d END Init; BEGIN Init; Kernel.InstallCleaner(Cleanup) CLOSE Kernel.RemoveCleaner(Cleanup) END DevMarkers.
MODULE DevMsgSpy; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - 20141027, center #19, full Unicode support for Component Pascal identifiers added " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT SYSTEM, Strings, DevDebug, Dialog, Stores, Models, Views, Controllers, Properties, Kernel, Ports, TextModels, TextViews, TextMappers, StdDialog, Files, Converters, FormViews, FormModels, Windows, Containers, Services; CONST refViewSize = 9 * Ports.point; TYPE View = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) inner: Views.View END; RefView = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) msg: ANYPTR END; Msgs = POINTER TO RECORD left, right: Msgs; mod, ident: Kernel.Name; index: INTEGER; END; VAR para* : RECORD sel*: Dialog.Selection; selectNewMessages*: BOOLEAN; showMessages*: BOOLEAN END; text*: TextModels.Model; msgs: Msgs; size: INTEGER; path: ARRAY 4 OF Ports.Point; (* ------------------- Selection ------------------- *) PROCEDURE Find(mod, ident: Kernel.Name): Msgs; VAR m: Msgs; BEGIN m := msgs; WHILE m # NIL DO IF mod < m.mod THEN m := m.left ELSIF mod > m.mod THEN m := m.right ELSIF ident < m.ident THEN m := m.left ELSIF ident > m.ident THEN m := m.right ELSE RETURN m END END; RETURN NIL END Find; PROCEDURE Insert(mod, ident: Kernel.Name); PROCEDURE InsertTree(VAR m: Msgs); VAR name: ARRAY 64 OF CHAR; BEGIN IF m = NIL THEN NEW(m); m.mod := mod; m.ident := ident; m.index := size-1; name := m.mod + "." + m.ident; para.sel.SetItem(m.index, name); IF para.selectNewMessages THEN para.sel.Incl(m.index, m.index) END ELSE IF mod < m.mod THEN InsertTree(m.left) ELSIF mod > m.mod THEN InsertTree(m.right) ELSIF ident < m.ident THEN InsertTree(m.left) ELSIF ident > m.ident THEN InsertTree(m.right) END END END InsertTree; BEGIN INC(size); para.sel.SetLen(size); (* increase size and reset all items *) InsertTree(msgs); (* insert the new item *) Dialog.UpdateList(para.sel) END Insert; (* ------------------- RefView ------------------- *) PROCEDURE (v: RefView) Internalize (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR thisVersion: INTEGER; BEGIN v.Internalize^(rd); IF rd.cancelled THEN RETURN END; rd.ReadVersion(0, 0, thisVersion); IF rd.cancelled THEN RETURN END; END Internalize; PROCEDURE (v: RefView) Externalize (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN v.Externalize^(wr); wr.WriteVersion(0); END Externalize; PROCEDURE (v: RefView) CopyFromSimpleView (source: Views.View); BEGIN (* v.CopyFrom^(source); *) v.msg := source(RefView).msg END CopyFromSimpleView; PROCEDURE (v: RefView) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); BEGIN f.DrawPath(path, 4, Ports.fill, Ports.blue, Ports.closedPoly) END Restore; PROCEDURE (v: RefView) HandleCtrlMsg ( f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View ); TYPE ControllersMessage = POINTER TO Controllers.Message; ViewsMessage = POINTER TO Views.Message; ModelsMessage = POINTER TO Models.Message; PropMessage = POINTER TO Properties.Message; VAR x, y: INTEGER; isDown: BOOLEAN; mo: SET;name: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR; BEGIN WITH msg: Controllers.TrackMsg DO IF v.msg # NIL THEN REPEAT f.MarkRect(0, 0, refViewSize, refViewSize, Ports.fill, Ports.hilite, Ports.show); REPEAT f.Input(x, y, mo, isDown) UNTIL (x < 0) OR (x > refViewSize) OR (y < 0) OR (y > refViewSize) OR ~isDown; f.MarkRect(0, 0, refViewSize, refViewSize, Ports.fill, Ports.hilite, Ports.hide); WHILE isDown & ((x < 0) OR (x > refViewSize) OR (y < 0) OR (y > refViewSize)) DO f.Input(x, y, mo, isDown) END UNTIL ~isDown; IF (x >= 0) & (x <= refViewSize) & (y >= 0) & (y <= refViewSize) THEN IF v.msg IS ControllersMessage THEN name := "Controllers.Message" ELSIF v.msg IS PropMessage THEN name := "Properties.Message" ELSIF v.msg IS ViewsMessage THEN name := "Views.Message" ELSIF v.msg IS ModelsMessage THEN name := "Models.Message" ELSE name := "Message Record" END; DevDebug.ShowHeapObject(SYSTEM.ADR(v.msg^), name) END END | msg: Controllers.PollCursorMsg DO msg.cursor := Ports.refCursor ELSE END END HandleCtrlMsg; PROCEDURE (v: RefView) HandlePropMsg (VAR msg: Properties.Message); BEGIN WITH msg: Properties.Preference DO WITH msg: Properties.ResizePref DO msg.fixed := TRUE | msg: Properties.SizePref DO msg.w := refViewSize; msg.h := refViewSize | msg: Properties.FocusPref DO msg.hotFocus := TRUE ELSE END ELSE END END HandlePropMsg; (* ------------------- Wrapper ------------------- *) PROCEDURE (v: View) CopyFromModelView (source: Views.View; model: Models.Model); BEGIN WITH source: View DO IF model = NIL THEN v.inner := Views.CopyOf(source.inner, Views.shallow) ELSE v.inner := Views.CopyWithNewModel(source.inner, model) END; Stores.Join(v, v.inner) END END CopyFromModelView; PROCEDURE (v: View) ThisModel (): Models.Model; BEGIN RETURN v.inner.ThisModel() END ThisModel; PROCEDURE (v: View) InitContext (context: Models.Context); BEGIN v.InitContext^(context); v.inner.InitContext(context) (* wrapper and wrapped view share the same context *) END InitContext; (* PROCEDURE (v: View) PropagateDomain; BEGIN Stores.InitDomain(v.inner, v.domain) END PropagateDomain; *) PROCEDURE (v: View) Neutralize; BEGIN v.inner.Neutralize END Neutralize; (* NewFrame: wrapper uses standard frame *) (* Background: wrapper has no intrinsic background color *) PROCEDURE (v: View) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); BEGIN Views.InstallFrame(f, v.inner, 0, 0, 0, TRUE) END Restore; (* RestoreMarks: wrapper has no intrinsic marks, wrapped view's RestoreMarks is called by framework *) PROCEDURE DescOfMsg (VAR x: ANYREC): Kernel.Type; VAR desc: Kernel.Type; BEGIN desc := SYSTEM.VAL(Kernel.Type, SYSTEM.TYP(x)); (* tdesc of x *) RETURN desc END DescOfMsg; PROCEDURE WriteLog(t: Kernel.Type; VAR msg: ANYREC; name: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR link: RefView; p: ANYPTR; modName, name2 : Kernel.Name; f: TextMappers.Formatter; BEGIN Kernel.NewObj(p, t); SYSTEM.MOVE(SYSTEM.ADR(msg), p, t.size); NEW(link); link.msg := p; Kernel.GetModName(t.mod, modName); name2 := modName$ + "." + name$; f.ConnectTo(text); f.WriteString(name2 + " "); f.WriteView(link); f.WriteLn; TextViews.ShowRange(text, text.Length(), text.Length(), ~TextViews.focusOnly) END WriteLog; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandleCtrlMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View); VAR modName, name: Kernel.Name; t: Kernel.Type; m: Msgs; BEGIN t := DescOfMsg(msg); Kernel.GetModName(t.mod, modName); Kernel.GetTypeName (t, name); m := Find(modName, name); IF m = NIL THEN Insert(modName, name) ELSIF para.sel.In(m.index) & para.showMessages THEN WriteLog(t, msg, name); END; focus := v.inner (* forward all controller messages to wrapped view *) END HandleCtrlMsg; PROCEDURE (v: View) ExternalizeAs (VAR s: Stores.Store); BEGIN s := v.inner END ExternalizeAs; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandlePropMsg (VAR msg: Properties.Message); VAR modName, name: Kernel.Name; t: Kernel.Type; m: Msgs; res: INTEGER; nn: Kernel.Utf8Name; BEGIN t := DescOfMsg(msg); Kernel.GetModName(t.mod, modName); Kernel.GetTypeName (t, name); m := Find(modName, name); IF m = NIL THEN Insert(modName, name) ELSIF para.sel.In(m.index) & para.showMessages THEN WriteLog(t, msg, name); END; Views.HandlePropMsg(v.inner, msg) END HandlePropMsg; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandleViewMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Views.Message); VAR modName, name: Kernel.Name; t: Kernel.Type; m: Msgs; BEGIN t := DescOfMsg(msg); Kernel.GetModName(t.mod, modName); Kernel.GetTypeName (t, name); m := Find(modName, name); IF m = NIL THEN Insert(modName, name) ELSIF para.sel.In(m.index) & para.showMessages THEN WriteLog(t, msg, name); END; WITH msg: Views.ScrollClassMsg DO msg.allowBitmapScrolling := TRUE ELSE END (* framework performs message propagation *) END HandleViewMsg; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandleModelMsg (VAR msg: Models.Message); VAR modName, name: Kernel.Name; t: Kernel.Type; m: Msgs; BEGIN t := DescOfMsg(msg); Kernel.GetModName(t.mod, modName); Kernel.GetTypeName (t, name); m := Find(modName, name); IF m = NIL THEN Insert(modName, name) ELSIF para.sel.In(m.index) & para.showMessages THEN WriteLog(t, msg, name); END; (* framework performs message propagation *) END HandleModelMsg; PROCEDURE Toggle*; VAR v: Views.View; w: View; replace: Controllers.ReplaceViewMsg; BEGIN Controllers.SetCurrentPath(Controllers.targetPath); v := Containers.FocusSingleton(); Controllers.ResetCurrentPath(); IF v # NIL THEN WITH v: View DO replace.old := v; replace.new := v.inner; ELSE NEW(w); w.inner := v; replace.old := v; replace.new := w; END; Controllers.Forward(replace) ELSE Dialog.Beep END END Toggle; PROCEDURE ToggleGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR v : Views.View; BEGIN Controllers.SetCurrentPath(Controllers.targetPath); v := Containers.FocusSingleton(); Controllers.ResetCurrentPath(); IF (v = NIL) OR ~(v IS View) THEN par.label := "#Dev:AddView"; par.disabled := v = NIL ELSE par.label := "#Dev:RemoveView" END END ToggleGuard; PROCEDURE Reset*; BEGIN msgs := NIL; size := 0; para.sel.SetLen(size); Dialog.UpdateList(para.sel) END Reset; PROCEDURE Clear*; BEGIN text.Delete(0, text.Length()) END Clear; PROCEDURE PathToSpec (VAR path: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR loc: Files.Locator; VAR name: Files.Name); VAR i, j: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; BEGIN i := 0; j := 0; loc := Files.dir.This(""); WHILE (loc.res = 0) & (i < LEN(path) - 1) & (j < LEN(name) - 1) & (path[i] # 0X) DO ch := path[i]; INC(i); IF (j > 0) & ((ch = "/") OR (ch = "\")) THEN name[j] := 0X; j := 0; loc := loc.This(name) ELSE name[j] := ch; INC(j) END END; IF path[i] = 0X THEN name[j] := 0X ELSE loc.res := 1; name := "" END END PathToSpec; PROCEDURE OpenDialog*(file, title: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR loc: Files.Locator; fname: Files.Name; conv: Converters.Converter; view, v, t: Views.View; r: FormModels.Reader; t0: Views.Title; done: BOOLEAN; c: Containers.Controller; BEGIN Dialog.MapString(title, t0); Windows.SelectByTitle(NIL, {Windows.isTool}, t0, done); IF ~ done THEN PathToSpec(file, loc, fname); IF loc.res = 0 THEN conv := NIL; view := Views.Old(Views.dontAsk, loc, fname, conv); IF view IS FormViews.View THEN t := NIL; r := view(FormViews.View).ThisModel().NewReader(NIL); r.ReadView(v); WHILE (v # NIL) & (t = NIL) DO t := Properties.ThisType(v, "TextViews.View"); r.ReadView(v) END; IF t # NIL THEN text := t(TextViews.View).ThisModel(); text.Delete(0, text.Length()) END; END; IF view # NIL THEN WITH view: Containers.View DO c := view.ThisController(); IF c # NIL THEN c.SetOpts(c.opts - {Containers.noFocus} + {Containers.noCaret, Containers.noSelection}) ELSE Dialog.ShowMsg("#System:NotEditable") END ELSE Dialog.ShowMsg("#System:ContainerExpected") END; IF text # NIL THEN StdDialog.Open(view, title, NIL, "", NIL, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE) ELSE Dialog.ShowMsg("#Dev:TextInDialogExpected") END END ELSE Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#System:FileNotFound", file, "", "") END; END END OpenDialog; BEGIN (* NEW(action); action.Do; *) para.showMessages := TRUE; size := 0; path[0].x := refViewSize DIV 2; path[0].y := 0; path[1].x := refViewSize; path[1].y := refViewSize DIV 2; path[2].x := refViewSize DIV 2; path[2].y := refViewSize; path[3].x := 0; path[3].y := refViewSize DIV 2; END DevMsgSpy. "DevMsgSpy.OpenDialog('Dev/Rsrc/MsgSpy', 'Message Spy')" Menu: "Message Spy..." "" "DevMsgSpy.OpenDialog('Dev/Rsrc/MsgSpy', 'Message Spy')" "" Strings: (Dev) AddView Add View RemoveView Remove View TextInDialogExpected Text in Dialog expected Dialog: StdCoder.Decode ..,, ..qX....3Qw7uP5PRPPNR9Rbf9b8R79FTvMf1uZlbcjRAktYcjRgp, xW1xhiZiVBhihgmRiioedhgrp9XjJHPNjvQRdJHXS7wb8RTfQ9vQRtIdvPZHjU..D.JA06.Css HorC4sQqorGqmmKjAST1.PuP.PuP7PNCLLq2o9ZD,6.ciDU7Umy.0E.0.3IXyKtqKfaqmQCb8R 7fJHPNjfL4TXyKt.bHfEjIy0.,.s,cMD.,6.5IXyKtgdjZACbHlayKmKaSNwB0UnNHEjIy4.,U uq.e.8P16.,6.cUCoruamxhgRiiQeZZhZRgoBhjph0xhsp9XzE.QcjphoVSdw5.0.Z00.p,0E0 GYZdRqYntNCZkNSuWkNM8bVd9CbZ7P6..k.E.0ke59,BXgevQ4,TCbE,5zV.C5FPN5vO3uPlfL 8z4U.EEF.E2F.Y....05.C5MNCaodHKarNHKantQ4abNNCb.MH4amtO0WC,0WBNNsQ.66aai76 mYdtQGb.6...YiVA.1hBFlSzs9gh6Z33gwRE.6.YF0E.Eu0.,E0Uq,S4.05MMsQWajtRq2sQ.6 .CZc,0WB,C5.0WddPUjtN0E.0E...2cNA.fCKNl2Ts9Aoe343Qw.6IfvQFfEf9RdvPRfL8z4U. 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MODULE DevPacker; (** project = "BlackBox 2.0, diffs vs 1.7.2 are marked by green" organizations = "Oberon microsystems, BBWFC, OberonCore, BBCP Team" contributors = "Oberon microsystems, I.A. Denisov" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "The 2-Clause BSD License" changes = " - 20070402, bh, SplitName corrected - 20141027, center #19, full Unicode support for Component Pascal identifiers added - 20150527, center #55, RemoveWhiteSpaces no longer loops at the end of the text - 20161216, center #144, inconsistent docu and usage of Files.Locator error codes - 20211028, ia, intruduce cross-platform GetModDate " issues = " - ... " **) (* WinPackedFiles and LinPackedFiles depend on the way files are packed here *) IMPORT Kernel, Services, Strings, Files, Dialog, Stores, Views, Librarian, TextModels, TextViews, TextMappers, StdLog, DevCommanders; CONST packTag = 12681268H; (* same as in HostPackedFiles *) chunksize = 65536; version = 1; (* same as in HostPackedFiles *) TYPE FileList = POINTER TO RECORD path, name: Files.Name; aliasPath, aliasName: Files.Name; adr, len: INTEGER; year, month, day, hour, minute, second: INTEGER; next: FileList END; PROCEDURE Diff (VAR a, b: ARRAY OF CHAR; caseSens: BOOLEAN): INTEGER; VAR i: INTEGER; cha, chb: CHAR; BEGIN i := 0; REPEAT cha := a[i]; chb := b[i]; INC(i); IF cha # chb THEN IF ~caseSens THEN cha := Strings.Upper(cha); chb := Strings.Upper(chb); END; IF cha = "\" THEN cha := "/" END; IF chb = "\" THEN chb := "/" END; IF cha # chb THEN RETURN ORD(cha) - ORD(chb) END END UNTIL cha = 0X; RETURN 0 END Diff; PROCEDURE SplitName (IN name: Files.Name; OUT path, fname: Files.Name); VAR i, l, sp: INTEGER; BEGIN path := ""; fname := ""; l := LEN(name$); i := 0; sp := -1; WHILE i < l DO path[i] := name[i]; IF (name[i] = "\") OR (name[i] = "/") THEN sp := i END; INC(i) END; IF sp < 0 THEN fname := name; path := "" ELSE path[sp] := 0X; i := 0; INC(sp); WHILE name[sp] # 0X DO fname[i] := name[sp]; INC(sp); INC(i) END; fname[i] := 0X END END SplitName; PROCEDURE PackExe(files: FileList; exe: Files.File); VAR tableadr, tot, err, ok, i, dl: INTEGER; l: FileList; wr: Files.Writer; sw: Stores.Writer; bytes: ARRAY chunksize OF BYTE; loc: Files.Locator; f: Files.File; r: Files.Reader; shared: BOOLEAN; num: ARRAY 7 OF CHAR; PROCEDURE GetModDate (loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name; VAR year, month, day, hour, minute, second: INTEGER); VAR res: INTEGER; list: Files.FileInfo; BEGIN list := Files.dir.FileList(loc); WHILE (list # NIL) & ~ Files.dir.SameFile(loc, name, loc, list.name) DO list := list.next END; IF list # NIL THEN year := list.modified.year; month := list.modified.month; day := list.modified.day; hour := list.modified.hour; minute := list.modified.minute; second := list.modified.second END END GetModDate; BEGIN tot := 0; err := 0; ok := 0; l := files; wr := exe.NewWriter(NIL); Dialog.ShowStatus('Packing...'); WHILE l # NIL DO StdLog.String("Packing file: " + l.path + '/' + l.name); StdLog.Ln; INC(tot); loc := Files.dir.This(l.path); shared := FALSE; f := Files.dir.Old(loc, l.name, shared); IF f = NIL THEN shared := TRUE; f := Files.dir.Old(loc, l.name, shared) END; IF f # NIL THEN l.len := f.Length(); l.adr := exe.Length(); GetModDate(loc, l.name, l.year, l.month, l.day, l.hour, l.minute, l.second); r := f.NewReader(NIL); r.SetPos(0); wr.SetPos(l.adr); i := 0; dl := MIN(chunksize, l.len); WHILE dl > 0 DO r.ReadBytes(bytes, 0, dl); wr.WriteBytes(bytes, 0, dl); exe.Flush; INC(i); dl := MIN(chunksize, l.len - i * chunksize) END; IF ~shared THEN f.Close END; INC(ok); Kernel.Collect ELSE StdLog.String("Could not read file: " + l.path + '/' + l.name); StdLog.Ln; INC(err) END; l := l.next END; l := files; tableadr := exe.Length(); sw.ConnectTo(exe); sw.SetPos(tableadr); sw.WriteInt(tot); WHILE l # NIL DO sw.WriteString(l.aliasPath); sw.WriteString(l.aliasName); sw.WriteInt(l.adr); sw.WriteInt(l.len); sw.WriteInt(l.year); sw.WriteInt(l.month); sw.WriteInt(l.day); sw.WriteInt(l.hour); sw.WriteInt(l.minute); sw.WriteInt(l.second); l := l.next END; sw.WriteInt(packTag); sw.WriteInt(version); sw.WriteInt(tableadr); IF err > 0 THEN Strings.IntToString(err, num); Dialog.ShowMsg("Pack failed for: " + num + " files."); Dialog.ShowStatus("failed") ELSE StdLog.String("Packed files: "); StdLog.Int(ok); StdLog.Ln; Dialog.ShowStatus("ok") END END PackExe; PROCEDURE RecAdd(path: Files.Name; VAR files: FileList; VAR tot: INTEGER); VAR loc: Files.Locator; fi: Files.FileInfo; li: Files.LocInfo; l: FileList; BEGIN loc := Files.dir.This(path); fi := Files.dir.FileList(loc); WHILE fi # NIL DO NEW(l); l.path := path$; l.name := fi.name; l.next := files; files := l; INC(tot); fi := fi.next END; li := Files.dir.LocList(loc); WHILE li # NIL DO IF path = "" THEN RecAdd(li.name, files, tot) ELSE RecAdd(path + '/' + li.name, files, tot) END; li := li.next END END RecAdd; PROCEDURE ListFromSub* (sdir: ARRAY OF CHAR); CONST colPerRow = 3; VAR tot, col: INTEGER; files: FileList; t: TextModels.Model; f: TextMappers.Formatter; tv: TextViews.View; name: Files.Name; BEGIN StdLog.String("Examining subdirectory: " + sdir); StdLog.Ln; files := NIL; tot := 0; RecAdd(sdir$, files, tot); IF files # NIL THEN t := TextModels.dir.New(); f.ConnectTo(t); f.SetPos(0); f.WriteView(DevCommanders.dir.New()); f.WriteString(' DevPacker.PackThis exefilename.exe :='); f.WriteLn; col := 0; WHILE files # NIL DO IF files.path # "" THEN name := '"' + files.path + '/' ELSE name := '"' END; name := name + files.name + '"'; IF files.next # NIL THEN name := name + ' ' END; f.WriteString(name); INC(col); IF col >= colPerRow THEN f.WriteLn; col := 0 END; (* To avoid long lines *) files := files.next END; f.WriteView(DevCommanders.dir.NewEnd()); f.WriteLn; tv := TextViews.dir.New(t); Views.OpenView(tv) END; StdLog.String("Found "); StdLog.Int(tot); StdLog.String(" files."); StdLog.Ln END ListFromSub; PROCEDURE ListLoadedModules*; VAR t: TextModels.Model; f: TextMappers.Formatter; tv: TextViews.View; path, name: Files.Name; m: Kernel.Module; modName: Kernel.Name; BEGIN t := TextModels.dir.New(); f.ConnectTo(t); f.SetPos(0); f.WriteView(DevCommanders.dir.New()); f.WriteString(' DevPacker.PackThis exefilename.exe :='); f.WriteLn; m := Kernel.modList; WHILE m # NIL DO Kernel.GetModName(m, modName); Librarian.lib.SplitName(modName, path, name); path := path + '/Code/'; f.WriteString(path + name + '.ocf '); m := m.next END; f.WriteView(DevCommanders.dir.NewEnd()); f.WriteLn; tv := TextViews.dir.New(t); Views.OpenView(tv) END ListLoadedModules; PROCEDURE FilesOk(files: FileList; exeloc: Files.Locator; IN exefile: Files.Name): BOOLEAN; VAR l: FileList; loc: Files.Locator; fi: Files.FileInfo; ret: BOOLEAN; err, tot: INTEGER; BEGIN StdLog.String("Validating files..."); StdLog.Ln; IF files = NIL THEN StdLog.String("No files to pack."); StdLog.Ln; RETURN FALSE END; l := files; ret := TRUE; err := 0; tot := 0; WHILE l # NIL DO loc := Files.dir.This(l.path); IF loc.res = 0 THEN fi := Files.dir.FileList(loc); WHILE (fi # NIL) & (Diff(l.name, fi.name, FALSE) # 0) DO fi := fi.next END END; IF (loc.res # 0) OR (fi = NIL) THEN IF l.path # "" THEN StdLog.String(l.path + "/") END; StdLog.String(l.name); StdLog.String(" ...not found"); ret := FALSE; INC(err); StdLog.Ln ELSIF Files.dir.SameFile(exeloc, exefile, loc, fi.name) THEN StdLog.String( 'Cannot pack a file into itself. (' + l.name + ' cannot be both the target exe and included in the list)'); StdLog.Ln; ret := FALSE; INC(err) END; INC(tot); l := l.next END; IF err > 0 THEN StdLog.Int(err); StdLog.String(" files of"); StdLog.Int(tot); StdLog.String(" not correct."); Dialog.ShowStatus("failed") ELSE StdLog.String("All"); StdLog.Int(tot); StdLog.String(" files found.") END; StdLog.Ln; RETURN ret END FilesOk; (* Parse the file list *) PROCEDURE GetCh (rd: TextModels.Reader); BEGIN REPEAT rd.Read UNTIL rd.char # TextModels.viewcode END GetCh; PROCEDURE RemoveWhiteSpaces (rd: TextModels.Reader; end: INTEGER); BEGIN WHILE ~rd.eot & (rd.Pos() <= end) & (rd.char <= 20X) DO GetCh(rd) END END RemoveWhiteSpaces; PROCEDURE FileName (rd: TextModels.Reader; end: INTEGER; OUT name: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT ok: BOOLEAN ); VAR i: INTEGER; dquote, squote: BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE ValidChar(ch: CHAR): BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF dquote THEN RETURN ch # '"' ELSIF squote THEN RETURN ch # "'" ELSE RETURN ch > 20X END END ValidChar; BEGIN ok := TRUE; RemoveWhiteSpaces(rd, end); i := 0; dquote := FALSE; squote := FALSE; IF rd.char = '"' THEN dquote := TRUE ELSIF rd.char = "'" THEN squote := TRUE END; IF dquote OR squote THEN GetCh(rd) END; WHILE (rd.Pos() <= end) & ValidChar(rd.char) DO name[i] := rd.char; INC(i); GetCh(rd) END; name[i] := 0X; IF dquote THEN ok := rd.char = '"'; rd.Read END; IF squote THEN ok := rd.char = "'"; rd.Read END END FileName; PROCEDURE GetNextFileName (rd: TextModels.Reader; end: INTEGER; VAR file: FileList; OUT ok: BOOLEAN); VAR name: Files.Name; BEGIN FileName(rd, end, name, ok); SplitName(name, file.path, file.name); RemoveWhiteSpaces(rd, end); IF ok & (rd.char = "=") THEN GetCh(rd); IF rd.char = ">" THEN GetCh(rd); FileName(rd, end, name, ok); IF name # "" THEN SplitName(name, file.aliasPath, file.aliasName) ELSE ok := FALSE END ELSE ok := FALSE END ELSE file.aliasPath := file.path; file.aliasName := file.name END END GetNextFileName; PROCEDURE ParseExe (rd: TextModels.Reader; end: INTEGER; OUT exepath, exefile: Files.Name; OUT ok: BOOLEAN ); VAR name: Files.Name; BEGIN ok := FALSE; GetCh(rd); FileName(rd, end, name, ok); IF ok THEN SplitName(name, exepath, exefile); RemoveWhiteSpaces(rd, end); IF ok & (rd.char = ":") THEN GetCh(rd); IF rd.char = "=" THEN GetCh(rd); ok := TRUE END END END END ParseExe; PROCEDURE AlreadyPacked (f: Files.File): BOOLEAN; VAR rd: Stores.Reader; int: INTEGER; BEGIN rd.ConnectTo(f); rd.SetPos(f.Length() - 12); rd.ReadInt(int); rd.ConnectTo(NIL); RETURN int = packTag END AlreadyPacked; PROCEDURE PackThis*; VAR rd: TextModels.Reader; end, diff: INTEGER; exepath, exefile: Files.Name; ok: BOOLEAN; files, l, tf, last: FileList; f: Files.File; loc: Files.Locator; BEGIN StdLog.String("Sorting file list..."); StdLog.Ln; rd := DevCommanders.par.text.NewReader(NIL); rd.SetPos(DevCommanders.par.beg); end := DevCommanders.par.end; ParseExe(rd, end, exepath, exefile, ok); IF ~ok THEN StdLog.String("exe file not correctly specified"); StdLog.Ln ELSE files := NIL; NEW(l); GetNextFileName(rd, end, l, ok); WHILE ok & (l.name # "") DO IF files = NIL THEN files := l ELSE tf := files; last := NIL; diff := Diff(l.aliasPath, tf.aliasPath, FALSE); WHILE (tf # NIL) & (diff < 0) DO last := tf; tf := tf.next; IF tf # NIL THEN diff := Diff(l.aliasPath, tf.aliasPath, FALSE) END END; IF (tf = NIL) OR (diff > 0) THEN IF last = NIL THEN l.next := files; files := l ELSE l.next := last.next; last.next := l END ELSE diff := Diff(l.aliasName, tf.aliasName, FALSE); WHILE (tf # NIL) & (diff < 0) & (Diff(l.aliasPath, tf.aliasPath, FALSE) = 0) DO last := tf; tf := tf.next; IF tf # NIL THEN diff := Diff(l.aliasName, tf.aliasName, FALSE) END END; IF (diff = 0) & (Diff(l.aliasPath, tf.aliasPath, FALSE) = 0) THEN StdLog.String("File " + l.path + "/" + l.name + " appears more than once in the list."); StdLog.Ln ELSE IF last = NIL THEN l.next := files; files := l ELSE l.next := last.next; last.next := l END END END END; NEW(l); GetNextFileName(rd, end, l, ok) END; loc := Files.dir.This(exepath$) END; IF ok & FilesOk(files, loc, exefile) THEN f := Files.dir.Old(loc, exefile$, Files.exclusive); IF f # NIL THEN IF ~AlreadyPacked(f) THEN StdLog.String("Packing files to exe..."); StdLog.Ln; PackExe(files, f); f.Flush; f.Close; StdLog.String("Done."); StdLog.Ln ELSE f.Flush; f.Close; IF exepath # "" THEN exepath := exepath + "/" END; StdLog.String( "Executable (" + exepath + exefile + ") already contains packed files. Link a new executable."); StdLog.Ln; Dialog.ShowMsg("failed") END ELSE IF exepath # "" THEN exepath := exepath + "/" END; StdLog.String("Could not open exe file: " + exepath + exefile); StdLog.Ln; Dialog.ShowStatus("failed") END ELSE StdLog.String("Packing canceled."); StdLog.Ln; Dialog.ShowStatus("failed") END END PackThis; END DevPacker. "DevPacker.ListFromSub('')" "DevPacker.ListLoadedModules" DevPacker.PackThis BlackBoxP.exe := Host/Mod/files.odc Host/Mod/cmds.odc Std\mod\log.odc Host/Sym\CFrames.osf host\Mod\CFrames.odc DevPacker.PackThis exefile.exe := Host/Mod/files.odc => Host/Mod/Hoi.odc "host\Mod\CFrames.odc" Std/Mod/Log.odc => 'Std/Mod/Logg.odc' DevLinker.Link BlackBoxP.exe := Kernel$+ Files HostFiles HostPackedFiles StdLoader 1 Applogo.ico 2 Doclogo.ico 3 SFLogo.ico 4 CFLogo.ico 5 DtyLogo.ico 6 folderimg.ico 7 openimg.ico 8 leafimg.ico 1 Move.cur 2 Copy.cur 3 Link.cur 4 Pick.cur 5 Stop.cur 6 Hand.cur 7 Table.cur
MODULE DevProfiler; (** project = "BlackBox 2.0" organizations = "Oberon microsystems, BBWFC, OberonCore, BBCP Team" contributors = "Contributors, Ilya E. Ermakov, Ivan Denisov" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "The 2-Clause BSD License" changes = " - 20070523, ie, ShowProfile: calculation of samples in profiled modules corrected - 20141027, center #19, full Unicode support for Component Pascal identifiers added - 20160324, center #111, code cleanups - 20170623, Nikita Plynskii, version for Linux with some reduced functions - 20230911, dia, moved platform specific part to hook " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Kernel, Strings, Dialog, Utf, Fonts, Ports, Views, TextModels, TextRulers, TextViews, TextControllers, TextMappers, StdLog; CONST maxMod = 256; TYPE Module = RECORD start, end: INTEGER; (* address range *) first, last: INTEGER; (* procedures *) mod: Kernel.Module; count: INTEGER; END; Proc = POINTER TO RECORD name: Kernel.Utf8Name; p: INTEGER; next: Proc END; ProfilerHook* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD END; VAR mod: ARRAY maxMod OF Module; pEnd, pCount: POINTER TO ARRAY OF INTEGER; numMod, numProc, listLen: INTEGER; otherCount, totalCount: INTEGER; out: TextMappers.Formatter; started: BOOLEAN; hook: ProfilerHook; PROCEDURE SetProfilerHook* (p: ProfilerHook); BEGIN hook := p END SetProfilerHook; PROCEDURE (p: ProfilerHook) Count* (pc: INTEGER), NEW; VAR l, r, m: INTEGER; BEGIN l := 0; r := numMod; WHILE l < r DO (* binary search on modules *) m := (l + r) DIV 2; IF pc >= mod[m].end THEN l := m + 1 ELSE r := m END END; IF (r < numMod) & (pc >= mod[r].start) & (pc < mod[r].end) THEN INC(mod[r].count); INC(totalCount); l := mod[r].first; r := mod[r].last + 1; WHILE l < r DO (* binary search on procedures *) m := (l + r) DIV 2; IF pc >= pEnd[m] THEN l := m + 1 ELSE r := m END END; INC(pCount[r]) ELSE INC(otherCount) END END Count; PROCEDURE (p: ProfilerHook) StartRecording*, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (p: ProfilerHook) StopRecording*, NEW, ABSTRACT; (* ---------- programming interface ---------- *) PROCEDURE InsertModule (m: Kernel.Module; VAR done: BOOLEAN); VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN IF (m # NIL) & (numMod < maxMod) THEN i := numMod; INC(numMod); WHILE (i > 0) & (m.code < mod[i-1].mod.code) DO mod[i] := mod[i-1]; DEC(i) END; mod[i].mod := m; done := TRUE ELSE done := FALSE END END InsertModule; PROCEDURE Start*; VAR ref, end, i, j: INTEGER; n: Kernel.Utf8Name; m: Kernel.Module; ok: BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF hook = NIL THEN StdLog.String("no profiler for platform"); StdLog.Ln; ELSE IF ~started THEN IF listLen = 0 THEN (* all modules *) m := Kernel.modList; WHILE m # NIL DO IF m.refcnt >= 0 THEN InsertModule(m, ok) END; m := m.next END END; otherCount := 0; totalCount := 0; numProc := 0; i := 0; WHILE i < numMod DO m := mod[i].mod; mod[i].start := m.code; mod[i].first := numProc; ref := m.refs; Kernel.GetRefProc(ref, end, n); WHILE end # 0 DO INC(numProc); Kernel.GetRefProc(ref, end, n) END; mod[i].last := numProc - 1; INC(i) END; NEW(pEnd, numProc); NEW(pCount, numProc); i := 0; j := 0; WHILE i < numMod DO m := mod[i].mod; ref := m.refs; Kernel.GetRefProc(ref, end, n); WHILE end # 0 DO pEnd[j] := m.code + end; pCount[j] := 0; INC(j); Kernel.GetRefProc(ref, end, n) END; mod[i].end := pEnd[mod[i].last]; mod[i].count := 0; INC(i) END; IF numMod > 0 THEN hook.StartRecording END; started := TRUE END END END Start; PROCEDURE Stop*; BEGIN IF hook = NIL THEN StdLog.String("no profiler for platform"); StdLog.Ln; ELSE IF started THEN hook.StopRecording; started := FALSE END END END Stop; PROCEDURE Reset*; BEGIN Stop; numMod := 0; numProc := 0; listLen := 0; pEnd := NIL; pCount := NIL END Reset; PROCEDURE SetModuleList* (list: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR i, j: INTEGER; name: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; ch: CHAR; done: BOOLEAN; BEGIN Stop; Reset; i := 0; ch := list[i]; WHILE (i < LEN(list)) & (ch # 0X) DO WHILE (ch # 0X) & ~Strings.IsIdentStart(ch) DO INC(i); ch := list[i] END; IF ch # 0X THEN j := 0; WHILE Strings.IsIdent(ch) DO name[j] := ch; INC(j); INC(i); ch := list[i] END; name[j] := 0X; InsertModule(Kernel.ThisMod(name), done); IF done THEN INC(listLen) END END END END SetModuleList; (* PROCEDURE GetModuleCount* (name: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR count: LONGINT); VAR i: LONGINT; BEGIN i := 0; WHILE (i < numMod) & (mod[i].mod.name # name) DO INC(i) END; IF i < numMod THEN count := mod[i].count ELSE count := -1 END END GetModuleCount; PROCEDURE GetProcedureCount* (modName, procName: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR count: LONGINT); VAR i, j, last, ref, end: LONGINT; name: Kernel.Utf8Name; BEGIN i := 0; WHILE (i < numMod) & (mod[i].mod.name # modName) DO INC(i) END; IF i < numMod THEN ref := mod[i].mod.refs; j := mod[i].first - 1; last := mod[i].last; REPEAT INC(j); Kernel.GetRefProc(ref, end, name); UNTIL (j > last) OR (name = procName); IF j <= last THEN count := pCount[j] ELSE count := -1 END ELSE count := -1 END END GetProcedureCount; PROCEDURE GetTotalCount* (VAR inModules, outside: LONGINT); BEGIN inModules := totalCount; outside := otherCount END GetTotalCount; *) (* ---------- menu commands ---------- *) PROCEDURE Execute*; VAR t0: LONGINT; res: INTEGER; str: Dialog.String; BEGIN t0 := Kernel.Time(); Dialog.Call("DevDebug.Execute", "", res); StdLog.Int(SHORT((Kernel.Time() - t0) * 1000 DIV Kernel.timeResolution)); Dialog.MapString("#Dev:msec", str); StdLog.Char(" "); StdLog.String(str); StdLog.Ln END Execute; PROCEDURE NewRuler (): TextRulers.Ruler; CONST mm = Ports.mm; VAR p: TextRulers.Prop; BEGIN NEW(p); p.valid := {TextRulers.right, TextRulers.tabs, TextRulers.opts}; p.opts.val := {TextRulers.rightFixed}; p.opts.mask := p.opts.val; p.right := 130 * mm; p.tabs.len := 5; p.tabs.tab[0].stop := 4 * mm; p.tabs.tab[1].stop := 50 * mm; p.tabs.tab[2].stop := 54 * mm; p.tabs.tab[3].stop := 70 * mm; p.tabs.tab[4].stop := 74 * mm; RETURN TextRulers.dir.NewFromProp(p) END NewRuler; PROCEDURE ShowModule (VAR m: Module); VAR i, p, ref, end: INTEGER; proc, list, a, b: Proc; modName, nn: Kernel.Name; res: INTEGER; BEGIN ASSERT(totalCount > 0, 20); p := m.count * 100 DIV totalCount; IF p > 0 THEN Kernel.GetModName(m.mod, modName); out.WriteString(modName); out.WriteTab; out.WriteTab; out.WriteIntForm(p, 10, 2, "", FALSE); out.WriteLn; NEW(proc); list := NIL; ref := m.mod.refs; i := m.first; WHILE i <= m.last DO Kernel.GetRefProc(ref, end, proc.name); proc.p := pCount[i] * 100 DIV totalCount; IF proc.p > 0 THEN proc.next := list; list := proc; NEW(proc) END; INC(i) END; (* sort list *) WHILE list # NIL DO a := proc; b := proc.next; WHILE (b # NIL) & (list.p < b.p) DO a := b; b := b.next END; a.next := list; a := list.next; list.next := b; list := a END; list := proc.next; WHILE list # NIL DO Utf.Utf8ToString(list.name, nn, res); out.WriteTab; out.WriteString(nn); out.WriteTab; out.WriteTab; out.WriteIntForm(list.p, 10, 2, "", FALSE); out.WriteLn; list := list.next END; out.WriteLn; END END ShowModule; PROCEDURE ShowProfile*; VAR max, limit, maxi, pos, c, n, i: INTEGER; v: TextViews.View; a0: TextModels.Attributes; str: Views.Title; BEGIN Stop; out.ConnectTo(TextModels.dir.New()); a0 := out.rider.attr; out.rider.SetAttr(TextModels.NewStyle(a0, {Fonts.italic})); Dialog.MapString("#Dev:Module", str); out.WriteString(str); out.WriteTab; out.WriteTab; Dialog.MapString("#Dev:PercentPerModule", str); out.WriteString(str); out.WriteLn; out.WriteTab; Dialog.MapString("#Dev:Procedure", str); out.WriteString(str); out.WriteTab; out.WriteTab; Dialog.MapString("#Dev:PercentPerProc", str); out.WriteString(str); out.WriteLn; out.WriteLn; out.rider.SetAttr(a0); IF totalCount > 0 THEN n := numMod; limit := MAX(INTEGER); pos := -1; WHILE n > 0 DO i := 0; max := -1; WHILE i < numMod DO c := mod[i].count; IF (c > max) & ((c < limit) OR (c = limit) & (i > pos)) THEN max := c; maxi := i END; INC(i) END; ShowModule(mod[maxi]); pos := maxi; limit := max; DEC(n) END END; Dialog.MapString("#Dev:Samples", str); out.WriteString(str); out.WriteTab; out.WriteTab; out.WriteInt(totalCount + otherCount); out.WriteTab; out.WriteTab; out.WriteString("100%"); out.WriteLn; out.WriteTab; Dialog.MapString("#Dev:InProfiledModules", str); out.WriteString(str); out.WriteTab; out.WriteTab; out.WriteInt(totalCount); out.WriteTab; out.WriteTab; IF totalCount + otherCount > 0 THEN n := totalCount * 100 DIV (totalCount + otherCount) ELSE n := 0 END; out.WriteInt(n); out.WriteChar("%"); out.WriteLn; out.WriteTab; Dialog.MapString("#Dev:Other", str); out.WriteString(str); out.WriteTab; out.WriteTab; out.WriteInt(otherCount); out.WriteTab; out.WriteTab; out.WriteInt(100 - n); out.WriteChar("%"); out.WriteLn; v := TextViews.dir.New(out.rider.Base()); v.SetDefaults(NewRuler(), TextViews.dir.defAttr); Dialog.MapString("#Dev:Profile", str); Views.OpenAux(v, str); out.ConnectTo(NIL) END ShowProfile; PROCEDURE SetProfileList*; VAR beg, end: INTEGER; s: TextMappers.Scanner; c: TextControllers.Controller; done: BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF ~started THEN Reset; c := TextControllers.Focus(); IF c # NIL THEN s.ConnectTo(c.text); IF c.HasSelection() THEN c.GetSelection(beg, end) ELSE beg := 0; end := c.text.Length() END; Reset; s.SetPos(beg); s.Scan; WHILE (s.start < end) & (s.type # TextMappers.eot) DO IF s.type = TextMappers.string THEN IF numMod < maxMod THEN InsertModule(Kernel.ThisMod(s.string), done); IF done THEN INC(listLen) ELSE Dialog.ShowParamMsg("module ^0 not found", s.string, "", "") END ELSE Dialog.ShowMsg("too many modules"); RETURN END END; s.Scan END END END END SetProfileList; PROCEDURE StartGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); BEGIN IF started THEN par.disabled := TRUE END END StartGuard; PROCEDURE StopGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); BEGIN IF ~started THEN par.disabled := TRUE END END StopGuard; PROCEDURE Init; BEGIN IF Dialog.platform = Dialog.windows THEN Kernel.LoadMod("DevProfiler__Win") END END Init; BEGIN Init END DevProfiler.
MODULE DevProfiler__Win; (** project = "BlackBox 2.0" organizations = "Oberon microsystems, BBWFC, OberonCore, BBCP Team" contributors = "Contributors, Ilya E. Ermakov, Ivan Denisov" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "The 2-Clause BSD License" changes = " - 20070523, ie, ShowProfile: calculation of samples in profiled modules corrected - 20141027, center #19, full Unicode support for Component Pascal identifiers added - 20160324, center #111, code cleanups - 20170623, Nikita Plynskii, version for Linux with some reduced functions - 20230911, dia, moved platform specific part to hook " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT WinApi, WinMM, DevProfiler; TYPE ProfilerHook = POINTER TO RECORD (DevProfiler.ProfilerHook) END; VAR id, periode: INTEGER; hook: ProfilerHook; PROCEDURE Recorder (id_, msg_, user, dw1_, dw2_: INTEGER); VAR res_: INTEGER; context: WinApi.CONTEXT; BEGIN context.ContextFlags := WinApi.CONTEXT_CONTROL; res_ := WinApi.GetThreadContext(user, context); hook.Count(context.Eip) (* current pc of main thread *) END Recorder; PROCEDURE (p: ProfilerHook) StartRecording; (* Start calling Count periodically by an interrupt handler *) VAR res_: INTEGER; main: WinApi.HANDLE; tc: WinMM.TIMECAPS; BEGIN res_ := WinApi.DuplicateHandle(WinApi.GetCurrentProcess(), WinApi.GetCurrentThread(), WinApi.GetCurrentProcess(), main, {1, 3, 4, 16..19}, 0, {}); res_ := WinMM.timeGetDevCaps(tc, SIZE(WinMM.TIMECAPS)); periode := tc.wPeriodMin * 3; res_ := WinMM.timeBeginPeriod(periode); id := WinMM.timeSetEvent(periode, 0, Recorder, main, WinMM.TIME_PERIODIC); ASSERT(id # 0, 100) END StartRecording; PROCEDURE (p: ProfilerHook) StopRecording; (* stop calling Count *) VAR res_: INTEGER; BEGIN res_ := WinMM.timeKillEvent(id); res_ := WinMM.timeEndPeriod(periode) END StopRecording; BEGIN NEW(hook); DevProfiler.SetProfilerHook(hook) END DevProfiler__Win.
MODULE DevRBrowser; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - 20070205, bh, Win32s handling removed - 20141027, center #19, full Unicode support for Component Pascal identifiers added - 20150326, center #33, adding platform detection for wine, Windows 7, and Windows 8 - 20150610, center #60, adaptations for underlined white space - 20160324, center #111, code cleanups - 20161216, center #144, inconsistent docu and usage of Files.Locator error codes " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Strings, Dialog, Files, Stores, Converters, Fonts, Ports, Views, Containers, TextModels, TextMappers, TextRulers, TextViews, StdLinks, StdFolds, Models; TYPE SubDesc = RECORD (* description of subsystem contents *) rsrc: BOOLEAN; (* does subsystem directory have a Rsrc subdirectory? *) sym, code, mod, docu: Files.FileInfo (* file lists of Sym/Code/Mod/Docu subdirectories *) END; PROCEDURE Eq (a, b: CHAR): BOOLEAN; BEGIN a := Strings.Upper(a); b := Strings.Upper(b); RETURN a = b END Eq; PROCEDURE Gt (a, b: CHAR): BOOLEAN; BEGIN a := Strings.Upper(a); b := Strings.Upper(b); RETURN a > b END Gt; PROCEDURE ClipName (VAR s: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR h, k: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; BEGIN (* strip file name suffix *) k := - 1; h := 0; ch := s[0]; WHILE ch # 0X DO IF ch = "." THEN k := h END; INC(h); ch := s[h] END; IF k # - 1 THEN s[k] := 0X END END ClipName; PROCEDURE Equal (IN a, b: ARRAY OF CHAR): BOOLEAN; VAR i: INTEGER; cha, chb: CHAR; BEGIN (* string comparison, not case sensitive *) i := 0; cha := a[0]; chb := b[0]; WHILE (cha # 0X) & (chb # 0X) & Eq(cha, chb) DO INC(i); cha := a[i]; chb := b[i] END; RETURN Eq(cha, chb) END Equal; PROCEDURE ClippedEqual (a, b: ARRAY OF CHAR): BOOLEAN; VAR i: INTEGER; cha, chb: CHAR; BEGIN (* string comparison, not case sensitive *) ClipName(a); ClipName(b); i := 0; cha := a[0]; chb := b[0]; WHILE (cha # 0X) & (chb # 0X) & Eq(cha, chb) DO INC(i); cha := a[i]; chb := b[i] END; RETURN Eq(cha, chb) END ClippedEqual; PROCEDURE ClippedGreater (a, b: ARRAY OF CHAR): BOOLEAN; VAR i: INTEGER; cha, chb: CHAR; BEGIN (* string comparison, not case sensitive *) ClipName(a); ClipName(b); i := 0; cha := a[0]; chb := b[0]; WHILE (cha # 0X) & (chb # 0X) & Eq(cha, chb) DO INC(i); cha := a[i]; chb := b[i] END; RETURN Gt(cha, chb) END ClippedGreater; PROCEDURE Ident (s: ARRAY OF CHAR): BOOLEAN; CONST MaxIdLen = 256; VAR i: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; BEGIN ClipName(s); i := 0; REPEAT ch := s[i]; INC(i) UNTIL ~Strings.IsIdent(ch) OR (i = MaxIdLen); RETURN ch = 0X END Ident; PROCEDURE WriteOpenFold (VAR f: TextMappers.Formatter; hidden: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR fold: StdFolds.Fold; t: TextModels.Model; w: TextMappers.Formatter; BEGIN t := TextModels.CloneOf(f.rider.Base()); w.ConnectTo(t); w.WriteString(hidden); fold := StdFolds.dir.New(StdFolds.expanded, "", t); f.WriteView(fold) END WriteOpenFold; PROCEDURE WriteCloseFold (VAR f: TextMappers.Formatter; collaps: BOOLEAN); VAR fold: StdFolds.Fold; m: TextModels.Model; BEGIN fold := StdFolds.dir.New(StdFolds.expanded, "", NIL); f.WriteView(fold); IF collaps THEN fold.Flip; m := f.rider.Base(); f.SetPos(m.Length()) END END WriteCloseFold; PROCEDURE WriteLink (VAR f: TextMappers.Formatter; subsystem, directory, file: ARRAY OF CHAR; attr: TextModels.Attributes); VAR v: Views.View; s: Files.Name; BEGIN IF directory = "" THEN s := "StdCmds.OpenBrowser('"; s := s + subsystem + "/Docu/"; s := s + file + "', '"; s := s + subsystem + "/Docu/"; s := s + file + "')" ELSIF Equal(directory , "Rsrc") THEN s := "DevRBrowser.ShowFiles('"; s := s + subsystem + "/Rsrc')" ELSE s := "StdCmds.OpenBrowser('"; s := s + subsystem + "/" + directory; s := s + "/" + file + "', '"; IF subsystem # "System" THEN s := s + subsystem END; s := s + file + "')" END; f.rider.SetAttr(attr); v := StdLinks.dir.NewLink(s); f.WriteView(v); (* insert left link view in text *) IF directory # "" THEN s := directory$ ELSE s := file$; ClipName(s) END; f.WriteString(s); v := StdLinks.dir.NewLink(""); f.WriteView(v) (* insert right link view in text *) END WriteLink; PROCEDURE WriteString (VAR f: TextMappers.Formatter; s: ARRAY OF CHAR; attr: TextModels.Attributes); BEGIN f.rider.SetAttr(attr); f.WriteString(s); END WriteString; PROCEDURE WriteTab (VAR f: TextMappers.Formatter; attr: TextModels.Attributes); BEGIN f.rider.SetAttr(attr); f.WriteTab; END WriteTab; PROCEDURE WriteLn (VAR f: TextMappers.Formatter; attr: TextModels.Attributes); BEGIN f.rider.SetAttr(attr); f.WriteLn; END WriteLn; PROCEDURE NewRuler (): TextRulers.Ruler; VAR p: TextRulers.Prop; BEGIN NEW(p); p.tabs.len := 5; p.tabs.tab[0].stop := 4 * Ports.mm; p.tabs.tab[1].stop := 50 * Ports.mm; p.tabs.tab[2].stop := 70 * Ports.mm; p.tabs.tab[3].stop := 90 * Ports.mm; p.tabs.tab[4].stop := 110 * Ports.mm; p.valid := {TextRulers.tabs}; RETURN TextRulers.dir.NewFromProp(p) END NewRuler; PROCEDURE MSort (l: Files.FileInfo; n: INTEGER): Files.FileInfo; VAR h, h0, r: Files.FileInfo; n2, i: INTEGER; BEGIN IF n > 2 THEN n2 := n DIV 2; h := l; i := n2; WHILE i # 1 DO DEC(i); h := h.next END; r := h.next; h.next := NIL; (* split list into two half-length lists*) l := MSort(l, n2); r := MSort(r, n - n2); (* sort both lists separately *) IF ClippedGreater(r.name, l.name) THEN h := l; l := l.next ELSE h := r; r := r.next END; h0 := h; (* h0 is back pointer of newly constructed list h *) WHILE (l # NIL) & (r # NIL) DO IF ClippedGreater(r.name, l.name) THEN h0.next := l; l := l.next ELSE h0.next := r; r := r.next END; h0 := h0.next END; IF l # NIL THEN h0.next := l ELSIF r # NIL THEN h0.next := r END; l := h ELSIF n = 2 THEN IF ClippedGreater(l.name, l.next.name) THEN l.next.next := l; l := l.next; l.next.next := NIL END END; RETURN l END MSort; PROCEDURE Sort (i: Files.FileInfo): Files.FileInfo; VAR n: INTEGER; h: Files.FileInfo; BEGIN (* merge sort *) n := 0; h := i; WHILE h # NIL DO INC(n); h := h.next END; (* count number of list elements *) RETURN MSort(i, n) END Sort; PROCEDURE GetThisSubsystem (loc: Files.Locator; VAR sub: SubDesc; VAR isSubsystem: BOOLEAN); VAR i: Files.LocInfo; BEGIN isSubsystem := FALSE; sub.rsrc := FALSE; i := Files.dir.LocList(loc); WHILE i # NIL DO IF Equal(i.name, "Rsrc") THEN isSubsystem := TRUE; sub.rsrc := TRUE ELSIF Equal(i.name, "Sym") OR Equal(i.name, "Code") OR Equal(i.name, "Mod") OR Equal(i.name, "Docu") THEN isSubsystem := TRUE END; i := i.next END; sub.sym := Files.dir.FileList(loc.This("Sym")); sub.code := Files.dir.FileList(loc.This("Code")); sub.mod := Files.dir.FileList(loc.This("Mod")); sub.docu := Files.dir.FileList(loc.This("Docu")); sub.sym := Sort(sub.sym); sub.code := Sort(sub.code); sub.mod := Sort(sub.mod); sub.docu := Sort(sub.docu) END GetThisSubsystem; PROCEDURE Convertible (l: Files.FileInfo): BOOLEAN; VAR c: Converters.Converter; BEGIN c := Converters.list; WHILE (c # NIL) & (c.fileType # l.type) DO c := c.next END; RETURN c # NIL END Convertible; PROCEDURE GetModule (VAR sub: SubDesc; OUT i: Files.FileInfo); BEGIN i := sub.sym; IF (sub.code # NIL) & ((i = NIL) OR ClippedGreater(i.name, sub.code.name)) THEN i := sub.code END; IF (sub.mod # NIL) & ((i = NIL) OR ClippedGreater(i.name, sub.mod.name)) THEN i := sub.mod END; IF (sub.docu # NIL) & ((i = NIL) OR ClippedGreater(i.name, sub.docu.name)) THEN i := sub.docu END END GetModule; PROCEDURE GetNonmodule (VAR l: Files.FileInfo; OUT i: Files.FileInfo); VAR h: Files.FileInfo; BEGIN h := l; IF (h # NIL) & ~Ident(h.name) THEN i := l; l := l.next ELSIF h # NIL THEN WHILE (h.next # NIL) & Ident(h.next.name) DO h := h.next END; IF h.next # NIL THEN i := h.next; h.next := i.next ELSE i := NIL END ELSE i := NIL END END GetNonmodule; PROCEDURE WriteSubsystem (VAR f: TextMappers.Formatter; old, new, bold: TextModels.Attributes; VAR sub: SubDesc; name: Files.Name); VAR i: Files.FileInfo; modname: Files.Name; BEGIN WriteString(f, name, bold); WriteString(f, " ", old); WriteOpenFold(f, ""); WriteLn(f, old); IF sub.rsrc THEN WriteTab(f, old); WriteLink(f, name, "Rsrc", "", new); WriteLn(f, old) END; GetNonmodule(sub.docu, i); IF i # NIL THEN WriteTab(f, old); REPEAT WriteLink(f, name, "", i.name, new); WriteString(f, " ", old); GetNonmodule(sub.docu, i) UNTIL i = NIL; WriteLn(f, old) END; GetModule(sub, i); WHILE i # NIL DO (* iterate over all modules for which there is a symbol file *) WriteTab(f, old); IF ~Equal(name, "System") THEN WriteString(f, name, old) END; (* subsystem name *) modname := i.name; ClipName(modname); (* file name => module name *) WriteString(f, modname, old); WriteTab(f, old); IF (sub.sym # NIL) & ClippedEqual(sub.sym.name, i.name) THEN IF Convertible(sub.sym) THEN WriteLink(f, name, "Sym", sub.sym.name, new) END; sub.sym := sub.sym.next END; WriteTab(f, old); IF (sub.code # NIL) & ClippedEqual(sub.code.name, i.name) THEN IF Convertible(sub.code) THEN WriteLink(f, name, "Code", sub.code.name, new) END; sub.code := sub.code.next END; WriteTab(f, old); IF (sub.mod # NIL) & ClippedEqual(sub.mod.name, i.name) THEN IF Convertible(sub.mod) THEN WriteLink(f, name, "Mod", sub.mod.name, new) END; sub.mod := sub.mod.next END; WriteTab(f, old); IF (sub.docu # NIL) & ClippedEqual(sub.docu.name, i.name) THEN IF Convertible(sub.docu) THEN WriteLink(f, name, "Docu", sub.docu.name, new) END; sub.docu := sub.docu.next END; WriteLn(f, old); GetModule(sub, i) END; WriteCloseFold(f, TRUE); WriteLn(f, old) END WriteSubsystem; PROCEDURE AddFiles(VAR t: TextModels.Model); VAR f: TextMappers.Formatter; old, new, bold: TextModels.Attributes; subinfo: Files.LocInfo; root, subloc: Files.Locator; subdesc: SubDesc; isSubsystem: BOOLEAN; v: Views.View; BEGIN f.ConnectTo(t); old := f.rider.attr; new := TextModels.NewStyle(old, old.font.style + {Fonts.underline}); (* use underline style *) new := TextModels.NewColor(new, Ports.blue); (* use blue color *) bold := TextModels.NewWeight(old, Fonts.bold); (* use bold outline *) f.WriteView(NewRuler()); v := StdLinks.dir.NewLink("DevRBrowser.Update"); f.rider.SetAttr(new); f.WriteView(v); (* insert left link view in text *) f.WriteString("Update"); f.WriteLn; v := StdLinks.dir.NewLink(""); f.WriteView(v); (* insert right link view in text *) f.WriteLn; root := Files.dir.This(""); subinfo := Files.dir.LocList(root); WHILE subinfo # NIL DO (* iterate over all locations; no particular sorting order is guaranteed *) subloc := root.This(subinfo.name); IF subloc.res = 0 THEN GetThisSubsystem(subloc, subdesc, isSubsystem); IF isSubsystem THEN WriteSubsystem(f, old, new, bold, subdesc, subinfo.name) END END; subinfo := subinfo.next END END AddFiles; PROCEDURE ShowRepository*; VAR t: TextModels.Model; tv: TextViews.View; c: Containers.Controller; BEGIN t := TextModels.dir.New(); AddFiles(t); tv := TextViews.dir.New(t); c := tv.ThisController(); (* set Browser mode: *) c.SetOpts(c.opts + {Containers.noCaret} - {Containers.noSelection, Containers.noFocus}); Views.OpenAux(tv, "Repository") END ShowRepository; PROCEDURE Update*; VAR t, t0: TextModels.Model; script: Stores.Operation; BEGIN t0 := TextViews.FocusText(); Models.BeginScript(t0, "Update repository", script); t := TextModels.CloneOf(t0); AddFiles(t); t0.Delete(0, t0.Length()); t0.Insert(0, t, 0, t.Length()); Models.EndScript(t0, script) END Update; PROCEDURE PathToLoc (path: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR loc: Files.Locator); VAR i, j: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; name: Files.Name; BEGIN loc := Files.dir.This(""); IF path # "" THEN i := 0; j := 0; REPEAT ch := path[i]; INC(i); IF (ch = "/") OR (ch = 0X) THEN name[j] := 0X; j := 0; loc := loc.This(name) ELSE name[j] := ch; INC(j) END UNTIL (ch = 0X) OR (loc.res # 0) END END PathToLoc; PROCEDURE ShowFiles* (path: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR t: TextModels.Model; f: TextMappers.Formatter; v: Views.View; tv: TextViews.View; c: Containers.Controller; old, new: TextModels.Attributes; conv: Converters.Converter; loc: Files.Locator; fi: Files.FileInfo; s: Files.Name; BEGIN t := TextModels.dir.New(); f.ConnectTo(t); old := f.rider.attr; (* save old text attributes for later use *) new := TextModels.NewStyle(old, old.font.style + {Fonts.underline}); (* use underline style *) new := TextModels.NewColor(new, Ports.blue); (* use blue color *) f.rider.SetAttr(new); (* change current attributes of formatter *) (* generate list of all locations *) PathToLoc(path, loc); fi := Files.dir.FileList(loc); fi := Sort(fi); WHILE fi # NIL DO (* no particular sorting order is guaranteed *) conv := Converters.list; WHILE (conv # NIL) & (conv.fileType # fi.type) DO conv := conv.next END; IF conv # NIL THEN (* there is a converter for this file type *) s := "DevRBrowser.OpenFile('"; s := s + path + "', '" + fi.name + "')"; v := StdLinks.dir.NewLink(s); f.WriteView(v); (* insert left link view in text *) s := fi.name$; ClipName(s); f.WriteString(fi.name); v := StdLinks.dir.NewLink(""); f.WriteView(v); (* insert right link view in text *) f.WriteLn END; fi := fi.next END; tv := TextViews.dir.New(t); c := tv.ThisController(); (* set Browser mode: *) c.SetOpts(c.opts + {Containers.noCaret} - {Containers.noSelection, Containers.noFocus}); Views.OpenAux(tv, path$) END ShowFiles; PROCEDURE OpenFile* (path, name: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR loc: Files.Locator; f: Files.File; c: Converters.Converter; n: Files.Name; s: Stores.Store; BEGIN PathToLoc(path, loc); n := name$; IF loc # NIL THEN f := Files.dir.Old(loc, n, Files.shared); IF f # NIL THEN c := Converters.list; WHILE (c # NIL) & (c.fileType # f.type) DO c := c.next END; IF c # NIL THEN Converters.Import(loc, n, c, s); WITH s: Views.View DO Views.Open(s, loc, n, c) ELSE END END END END END OpenFile; END DevRBrowser.
MODULE DevReferences; (** project = "BlackBox 2.0, diffs vs 1.7.2 are marked by green" organizations = "Oberon microsystems, BBWFC, OberonCore, BBCP Team" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "The 2-Clause BSD License" changes = " - 20141027, center #19, full Unicode support for Component Pascal identifiers added - 20151201, center #88, support for localizable documentation - 20161103, center #140, unwrapping import aliasses - 20211028, ia, export show for it can be possbile for seraching sources in over folders " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Strings, Files, Fonts, Models, Views, Dialog, StdDialog, StdApi, Converters, TextModels, TextMappers, TextViews, TextControllers, Librarian, Log; CONST (* additional scanner types *) import = 100; module = 101; semicolon = 102; becomes = 103; comEnd = 104; PROCEDURE SpecialFont (r: TextModels.Reader): BOOLEAN; CONST max = 14 * Fonts.point; BEGIN RETURN (r.attr.font.weight > Fonts.normal) & (r.attr.font.size <= max) END SpecialFont; PROCEDURE SearchIdent ( t: TextModels.Model; ident: TextMappers.String; VAR beg, end: INTEGER; bold: BOOLEAN ); VAR r: TextModels.Reader; found: BOOLEAN; ch: CHAR; len, i: INTEGER; BEGIN end := 0; IF ident # "" THEN len := 0; WHILE ident[len] # 0X DO INC(len) END; r := t.NewReader(NIL); found := FALSE; beg := 0; r.SetPos(0); r.ReadChar(ch); WHILE ~r.eot & ~found DO (* search legal start symbol *) WHILE ~r.eot & ~Strings.IsIdentStart(ch) DO INC(beg); r.ReadChar(ch) END; i := 0; WHILE ~r.eot & (~bold OR SpecialFont(r)) & (i # len) & (ch = ident[i]) DO r.ReadChar(ch); INC(i) END; found := (i = len) & ~Strings.IsIdent(ch); IF ~r.eot & ~found THEN (* skip rest of identifier *) beg := r.Pos() - 1; WHILE ~r.eot & Strings.IsIdent(ch) DO INC(beg); r.ReadChar(ch) END END END; IF found THEN end := r.Pos() - 1 END END END SearchIdent; PROCEDURE ShowText* (module, ident: TextMappers.String; category: Files.Name); VAR loc: Files.Locator; sub, name: Files.Name; conv: Converters.Converter; v: Views.View; m: Models.Model; t: TextModels.Model; beg, end: INTEGER; BEGIN IF category = "Docu" THEN Librarian.lib.SplitName(module, sub, name); Files.dir.GetFileName(name, Files.docType, name); StdApi.OpenBrowser(sub + "/Docu/" + name, module, v) ELSE StdDialog.GetSubLoc(module, category, loc, name); conv := NIL; v := Views.Old(Views.dontAsk, loc, name, conv); IF v # NIL THEN Views.Open(v, loc, name, conv) END END; IF v # NIL THEN m := v.ThisModel(); IF (m # NIL) & (m IS TextModels.Model) THEN t := m(TextModels.Model); SearchIdent(t, ident, beg, end, TRUE); IF end <= 0 THEN SearchIdent(t, ident, beg, end, FALSE) END; IF end > 0 THEN TextViews.ShowRange(t, beg, end, TextViews.any); TextControllers.SetSelection(t, beg, end) ELSIF ident # "" THEN Dialog.Beep END ELSE Dialog.ShowMsg("#System:WrongSelection") END ELSE Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#System:FileNotFound", name, "", "") END END ShowText; PROCEDURE Scan (VAR s: TextMappers.Scanner); BEGIN s.Scan; IF s.type = TextMappers.string THEN IF s.string = "IMPORT" THEN s.type := import ELSIF s.string = "MODULE" THEN s.type := module END ELSIF s.type = TextMappers.char THEN IF s.char = ";" THEN s.type := semicolon ELSIF s.char = ":" THEN IF s.rider.char = "=" THEN s.rider.Read; s.type := becomes END ELSIF s.char = "(" THEN IF s.rider.char = "*" THEN s.rider.Read; REPEAT Scan(s) UNTIL (s.type = TextMappers.eot) OR (s.type = comEnd); Scan(s) END ELSIF s.char = "*" THEN IF s.rider.char = ")" THEN s.rider.Read; s.type := comEnd END END END END Scan; PROCEDURE ResolveImportAlias* (VAR mod: TextMappers.String; t: TextModels.Model); VAR s: TextMappers.Scanner; BEGIN s.ConnectTo(t); s.SetPos(0); Scan(s); IF s.type = module THEN Scan(s); WHILE (s.type # TextMappers.eot) & (s.type # import) DO Scan(s) END; WHILE (s.type # TextMappers.eot) & (s.type # semicolon) & ((s.type # TextMappers.string) OR (s.string # mod)) DO Scan(s) END; IF s.type = TextMappers.string THEN Scan(s); IF s.type = becomes THEN Scan(s); IF s.type = TextMappers.string THEN mod := s.string$ END END END END END ResolveImportAlias; PROCEDURE Show* (category: Files.Name); VAR c: TextControllers.Controller; s: TextMappers.Scanner; beg, end: INTEGER; module, ident: TextMappers.String; BEGIN c := TextControllers.Focus(); IF c # NIL THEN IF c.HasSelection() THEN c.GetSelection(beg, end); s.ConnectTo(c.text); s.SetOpts({7}); (* acceptUnderscores *) s.SetPos(beg); s.Scan; IF s.type = TextMappers.string THEN module := s.string; ident := ""; ResolveImportAlias(module, c.text); s.Scan; IF (s.type = TextMappers.char) & (s.char = ".") THEN s.Scan; IF s.type = TextMappers.string THEN ident := s.string END END; ShowText(module, ident, category) ELSE Dialog.ShowMsg("#System:WrongSelection") END ELSE Dialog.ShowMsg("#System:NoSelection") END ELSE Dialog.ShowMsg("#System:NoFocus") END END Show; PROCEDURE ShowSource*; BEGIN Show("Mod") END ShowSource; PROCEDURE ShowDocu*; BEGIN Show("Docu") END ShowDocu; END DevReferences.
MODULE DevSearch; (** project = "BlackBox 2.0, diffs vs 1.7.2 are marked by green" organizations = "Oberon microsystems, BBWFC, OberonCore, BBCP Team" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "The 2-Clause BSD License" changes = " - 20070307, bh, caseSens handling in Find corrected - 20150403, center #37, fixing traps with long search patterns in DevSearch - 20151201, center #88, support for localizable documentation - 20170309, center #150, improvements in DevSearch " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Kernel, Files, Fonts, Ports, Models, Views, Containers, Dialog, Windows, Strings, TextModels, TextRulers, TextViews, TextControllers, TextMappers, TextCmds, StdLinks; CONST N = 32; T = 10; maxPat = LEN(TextCmds.find.find); noMatchFoundKey = "#Dev:NoMatchFound"; locationKey = "#Dev:Location"; countKey = "#Dev:Count"; searchingKey = "#Dev:Searching"; searchForKey = "#Dev:SearchFor"; TYPE Pattern = ARRAY maxPat OF CHAR; Text = POINTER TO RECORD next: Text; num: INTEGER; title: Files.Name END; VAR w: TextMappers.Formatter; ignoreCase*: BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE Find (t: TextModels.Model; pat: Pattern; title: Files.Name; VAR list: Text; caseSens: BOOLEAN); VAR r: TextModels.Reader; num: INTEGER; i, j, b, e, n: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; ref: Pattern; l: Text; BEGIN n := 0; num := 0; WHILE pat[n] # 0X DO IF ~caseSens THEN pat[n] := Strings.Upper(pat[n]) END ; INC(n) END; r := t.NewReader(NIL); r.SetPos(0); r.ReadChar(ch); IF ~caseSens THEN ch := Strings.Upper(ch) END ; WHILE ~r.eot DO ref[0] := ch; i := 0; j := 0; b := 0; e := 1; WHILE ~r.eot & (i < n) DO IF ch = pat[i] THEN INC(i); j := (j + 1) MOD maxPat ELSE i := 0; b := (b + 1) MOD maxPat; j := b END; IF j # e THEN ch := ref[j] ELSE r.ReadChar(ch); IF ~caseSens THEN ch := Strings.Upper(ch) END ; ref[j] := ch; e := (e + 1) MOD maxPat END END; IF i = n THEN INC(num) END END; IF num > 0 THEN NEW(l); l.num := num; l.title := title; l.next := list; list := l END END Find; PROCEDURE List (list: Text; pat: Pattern; source, caseSens: BOOLEAN); VAR a0: TextModels.Attributes; this, t: Text; max: INTEGER; cmd: ARRAY maxPat + LEN(t.title) + 50 OF CHAR; BEGIN IF list = NIL THEN Dialog.MapString(noMatchFoundKey, cmd); w.WriteString(cmd) ELSE a0 := w.rider.attr; w.rider.SetAttr(TextModels.NewStyle(w.rider.attr, {Fonts.italic})); Dialog.MapString(locationKey, cmd); w.WriteString(cmd); w.WriteTab; Dialog.MapString(countKey, cmd); w.WriteString(cmd); w.WriteLn; w.rider.SetAttr(a0); REPEAT t := list; max := 1; this := NIL; WHILE t # NIL DO IF t.num >= max THEN max := t.num; this := t END; t := t.next END; IF this # NIL THEN w.rider.SetAttr(TextModels.NewStyle(w.rider.attr, {Fonts.underline})); w.rider.SetAttr(TextModels.NewColor(w.rider.attr, Ports.blue)); IF source THEN cmd := "StdCmds.OpenDoc('" + this.title + "'); DevSearch.SelectCaseSens('" + pat + "')" ELSE IF caseSens THEN cmd := "StdCmds.OpenBrowser('" + this.title + "', '" + this.title + "'); " + "DevSearch.SelectCaseSens('" + pat + "')" ELSE cmd := "StdCmds.OpenBrowser('" + this.title + "', '" + this.title + "'); " + "DevSearch.SelectCaseInSens('" + pat + "')" END END; w.WriteView(StdLinks.dir.NewLink(cmd)); w.WriteString(this.title); w.WriteView(StdLinks.dir.NewLink("")); w.rider.SetAttr(a0); w.WriteTab; w.WriteInt(this.num); w.WriteLn; this.num := 0 END UNTIL this = NIL END END List; PROCEDURE NewRuler (): TextRulers.Ruler; CONST mm = Ports.mm; VAR p: TextRulers.Prop; BEGIN NEW(p); p.valid := {TextRulers.right, TextRulers.tabs, TextRulers.opts}; p.opts.val := {TextRulers.rightFixed}; p.opts.mask := p.opts.val; p.right := 100 * mm; p.tabs.len := 1; p.tabs.tab[0].stop := 70 * mm; RETURN TextRulers.dir.NewFromProp(p) END NewRuler; PROCEDURE ThisText (loc: Files.Locator; VAR name: Files.Name; useLang: BOOLEAN): TextModels.Model; VAR v: Views.View; m: Models.Model; BEGIN IF useLang & (Dialog.language # "") & (Dialog.language # Dialog.defaultLanguage) THEN v := Views.OldView(loc.This(Dialog.language), name) ELSE v := NIL END; IF v = NIL THEN v := Views.OldView(loc, name) END; IF v # NIL THEN m := v.ThisModel(); IF m # NIL THEN WITH m: TextModels.Model DO RETURN m ELSE END END END; RETURN NIL END ThisText; PROCEDURE GetTitle(IN pat: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT title: Views.Title); VAR pos: INTEGER; i, j: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; BEGIN Dialog.MapString(searchForKey, title); title := title + ' "'; i := LEN(title$); j := 0; ch := pat[0]; WHILE (ch # 0X) & (i < LEN(title) - 2) DO IF ch < " " THEN title[i] := " " ELSE title[i] := ch END ; (* replace tabs and line feeds by spaces *) INC(i); INC(j); ch := pat[j] END ; IF ch # 0X THEN title[i - 3] := "."; title[i - 2] := "."; title[i - 1] := "." END ; title[i] := '"'; title[i + 1] := 0X END GetTitle; PROCEDURE Search (source, caseSens: BOOLEAN); VAR pat: Pattern; t, log: TextModels.Model; v: Views.View; title: Views.Title; c: Containers.Controller; files: Files.FileInfo; dirs: Files.LocInfo; loc: Files.Locator; path, p: Files.Name; list: Text; BEGIN (*TextCmds.InitFindDialog; *) pat := TextCmds.find.find$; IF pat # "" THEN Dialog.ShowStatus(searchingKey); TextCmds.find.find := pat$; log := TextModels.dir.New(); w.ConnectTo(log); w.SetPos(0); IF source THEN loc := Files.dir.This("Mod"); path := "Mod" ELSE loc := Files.dir.This("Docu"); path := "Docu" END; files := Files.dir.FileList(loc); list := NIL; WHILE files # NIL DO IF files.type = Files.docType THEN p := path + "/" + files.name; Find(ThisText(loc, files.name, ~source), pat, p, list, caseSens) END; files := files.next END; loc := Files.dir.This(""); dirs := Files.dir.LocList(loc); WHILE dirs # NIL DO loc := Files.dir.This(dirs.name); path := dirs.name + "/"; IF source THEN loc := loc.This("Mod"); path := path + "Mod" ELSE loc := loc.This("Docu"); path := path +"Docu" END; files := Files.dir.FileList(loc); WHILE files # NIL DO IF files.type = Files.docType THEN p := path + "/" + files.name; t := ThisText(loc, files.name, ~source); IF t # NIL THEN Find(t, pat, p, list, caseSens) END END; files := files.next END; dirs := dirs.next END; List(list, pat, source, caseSens); v := TextViews.dir.New(log); GetTitle(pat, title); v(TextViews.View).SetDefaults(NewRuler(), TextViews.dir.defAttr); Views.OpenAux(v, title); c := v(Containers.View).ThisController(); c.SetOpts(c.opts + {Containers.noCaret}); w.ConnectTo(NIL); Dialog.ShowStatus("") END END Search; PROCEDURE SearchInSources*; BEGIN Search(TRUE, TRUE) END SearchInSources; PROCEDURE SearchInDocu* (opts: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR caseSens: BOOLEAN; BEGIN caseSens := ~ignoreCase; IF LEN(opts$) > 0 THEN IF CAP(opts[0]) = 'S' THEN caseSens := TRUE ELSIF CAP(opts[0]) = 'I' THEN caseSens := FALSE END END; Search(FALSE, caseSens) END SearchInDocu; PROCEDURE SelectFirst (IN pat: ARRAY OF CHAR; ignoreCase: BOOLEAN); BEGIN TextCmds.ResetFindDialog; TextCmds.find.find := pat$; TextCmds.find.ignoreCase := ignoreCase; Dialog.Update(TextCmds.find); TextCmds.FindFirst("") END SelectFirst; PROCEDURE SelectCaseSens* (pat: ARRAY OF CHAR); BEGIN SelectFirst(pat, FALSE); END SelectCaseSens; PROCEDURE SelectCaseInSens* (pat: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR res: INTEGER; cmd: Dialog.String; BEGIN SelectFirst(pat, TRUE); END SelectCaseInSens; PROCEDURE NextChar (r: TextModels.Reader): CHAR; VAR ch: CHAR; BEGIN REPEAT r.ReadChar(ch) UNTIL (ch > " ") OR r.eot; RETURN ch END NextChar; PROCEDURE CompTexts (ta, tb: TextModels.Model; VAR sa, sb, ea, eb: INTEGER); VAR da, db, d, i, j, p: INTEGER; t: LONGINT; ra, rb: TextModels.Reader; cha, chb: CHAR; s: ARRAY N OF CHAR; BEGIN ra := ta.NewReader(NIL); ra.SetPos(ea); rb := tb.NewReader(NIL); rb.SetPos(eb); REPEAT cha := NextChar(ra); chb := NextChar(rb) UNTIL (cha # chb) OR ra.eot OR rb.eot; IF ra.eot THEN sa := ra.Pos() ELSE sa := ra.Pos() - 1 END; IF rb.eot THEN sb := rb.Pos() ELSE sb := rb.Pos() - 1 END; t := Kernel.Time() + T * Kernel.timeResolution; da := sa + 1; db := sb + 1; d := 1; j := 0; REPEAT ea := da; IF ea < ta.Length() THEN ra.SetPos(ea); s[0] := NextChar(ra); da := ra.Pos(); i := 1; WHILE i < N DO s[i] := NextChar(ra); INC(i) END; i := 0; rb.SetPos(sb); REPEAT eb := rb.Pos(); chb := NextChar(rb); IF chb = s[0] THEN p := rb.Pos(); j := 0; WHILE (j < N) & (chb = s[j]) DO chb := NextChar(rb); INC(j) END; rb.SetPos(p) END; INC(i) UNTIL (j = N) OR (i = d) OR rb.eot END; INC(d); IF j < N THEN eb := db; IF eb < tb.Length() THEN rb.SetPos(eb); s[0] := NextChar(rb); db := rb.Pos(); i := 1; WHILE i < N DO s[i] := NextChar(rb); INC(i) END; i := 0; ra.SetPos(sa); REPEAT ea := ra.Pos(); cha := NextChar(ra); IF cha = s[0] THEN p := ra.Pos(); j := 0; WHILE (j < N) & (cha = s[j]) DO cha := NextChar(ra); INC(j) END; ra.SetPos(p) END; INC(i) UNTIL (j = N) OR (i = d) OR ra.eot END END UNTIL (j = N) OR (ea >= ta.Length()) & (eb >= tb.Length()) OR (Kernel.Time() > t); IF j < N THEN ea := ta.Length(); eb := tb.Length() END END CompTexts; PROCEDURE Compare*; VAR wa, wb: Windows.Window; va, vb: Views.View; ca, cb: Containers.Controller; sa, sb, ea, eb: INTEGER; BEGIN wa := Windows.dir.First(); IF wa # NIL THEN wb := Windows.dir.Next(wa); IF wb # NIL THEN va := wa.doc.ThisView(); WITH va: TextViews.View DO vb := wb.doc.ThisView(); WITH vb: TextViews.View DO ca := va.ThisController(); WITH ca: TextControllers.Controller DO cb := vb.ThisController(); WITH cb: TextControllers.Controller DO ca.GetSelection(sa, ea); IF (* ea = -1 *) sa = ea THEN ea := MAX(0, ca.CaretPos()) END; cb.GetSelection(sb, eb); IF (* eb = -1 *) sb = eb THEN eb := MAX(0, cb.CaretPos()) END; CompTexts(va.ThisModel(), vb.ThisModel(), sa, sb, ea, eb); IF ea > sa THEN ca.SetSelection(sa, ea) ELSE ca.SetCaret(sa) END; IF eb > sb THEN cb.SetSelection(sb, eb) ELSE cb.SetCaret(sb) END; va.ShowRangeIn(Views.ThisFrame(wa.frame, va), sa, ea); vb.ShowRangeIn(Views.ThisFrame(wb.frame, vb), sb, eb) END END ELSE END ELSE END END END END Compare; BEGIN ignoreCase := TRUE END DevSearch.
MODULE DevSelectors; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - 20120530, Oleg-N-Cher, Fixed error hat occurs when saving a document after copying of a selector. The error was found by Eugene Temirgaleev. " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Ports, Stores, Models, Views, Controllers, Fonts, Properties, TextModels, TextViews, TextSetters; CONST left* = 1; middle* = 2; right* = 3; minVersion = 0; currentVersion = 0; changeSelectorsKey = "#Dev:Change Selectors"; TYPE Selector* = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) position-: INTEGER; (* left, middle, right *) leftHidden: TextModels.Model; (* valid iff (position = left) *) rightHidden: TextModels.Model (* valid iff (position = left) *) END; Directory* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD END; StdDirectory = POINTER TO RECORD (Directory) END; VAR dir-, stdDir-: Directory; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) New* (position: INTEGER): Selector, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE GetFirst (selector: Selector; OUT first: Selector; OUT pos: INTEGER); VAR c: Models.Context; rd: TextModels.Reader; v: Views.View; nest: INTEGER; BEGIN c := selector.context; first := NIL; pos := 0; WITH c: TextModels.Context DO IF selector.position = left THEN first := selector ELSE rd := c.ThisModel().NewReader(NIL); rd.SetPos(c.Pos()); nest := 1; pos := 1; rd.ReadPrevView(v); WHILE (v # NIL) & (nest > 0) DO WITH v: Selector DO IF v.position = left THEN DEC(nest); IF nest = 0 THEN first := v END ELSIF v.position = right THEN INC(nest) ELSIF nest = 1 THEN INC(pos) END ELSE END; rd.ReadPrevView(v) END END ELSE (* selector not embedded in a text *) END; ASSERT((first = NIL) OR (first.position = left), 100) END GetFirst; PROCEDURE GetNext (rd: TextModels.Reader; OUT next: Selector); VAR nest: INTEGER; v: Views.View; BEGIN nest := 1; next := NIL; rd.ReadView(v); WHILE v # NIL DO WITH v: Selector DO IF v.position = left THEN INC(nest) ELSIF nest = 1 THEN next := v; RETURN ELSIF v.position = right THEN DEC(nest) END ELSE END; rd.ReadView(v) END END GetNext; PROCEDURE CalcSize (f: Selector; OUT w, h: INTEGER); VAR c: Models.Context; a: TextModels.Attributes; font: Fonts.Font; asc, dsc, fw: INTEGER; BEGIN c := f.context; IF (c # NIL) & (c IS TextModels.Context) THEN a := c(TextModels.Context).Attr(); font := a.font ELSE font := Fonts.dir.Default(); END; font.GetBounds(asc, dsc, fw); h := asc + dsc; w := 3 * h DIV 4 END CalcSize; PROCEDURE GetSection (first: Selector; rd: TextModels.Reader; n: INTEGER; OUT name: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR i, p0, p1: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; sel: Selector; BEGIN sel := first; IF first.leftHidden.Length() > 0 THEN rd := first.leftHidden.NewReader(rd); rd.SetPos(0); REPEAT p0 := rd.Pos(); GetNext(rd, sel); DEC(n) UNTIL (n < 0) OR (sel = NIL); IF sel = NIL THEN INC(n) END; p1 := rd.Pos() - 1 END; IF n >= 0 THEN rd := first.context(TextModels.Context).ThisModel().NewReader(rd); rd.SetPos(first.context(TextModels.Context).Pos() + 1); REPEAT p0 := rd.Pos(); GetNext(rd, sel); DEC(n) UNTIL (n < 0) OR (sel = NIL) OR (sel.position = right); p1 := rd.Pos() - 1 END; IF (n >= 0) & (first.rightHidden.Length() > 0) THEN rd := first.rightHidden.NewReader(rd); rd.SetPos(1); REPEAT p0 := rd.Pos(); GetNext(rd, sel); DEC(n) UNTIL (n < 0) OR (sel = NIL); p1 := rd.Pos() - 1; IF sel = NIL THEN p1 := first.rightHidden.Length() END END; IF n < 0 THEN rd.SetPos(p0); rd.ReadChar(ch); i := 0; WHILE (ch <= " ") & (rd.Pos() <= p1) DO rd.ReadChar(ch) END; WHILE (i < LEN(name) - 1) & (rd.Pos() <= p1) & (ch # 0X) DO IF ch >= " " THEN name[i] := ch; INC(i) END; rd.ReadChar(ch) END; WHILE (i > 0) & (name[i - 1] = " ") DO DEC(i) END; name[i] := 0X ELSE name := 7FX + "" END END GetSection; PROCEDURE ChangeSelector (first: Selector; rd: TextModels.Reader; selection: INTEGER); VAR pos, p0, len, s: INTEGER; text: TextModels.Model; sel: Selector; BEGIN text := rd.Base(); pos := first.context(TextModels.Context).Pos() + 1; (* expand *) rd.SetPos(pos); REPEAT GetNext(rd, sel) UNTIL (sel = NIL) OR (sel.position = right); IF sel # NIL THEN len := first.rightHidden.Length(); IF len > 0 THEN text.Insert(rd.Pos() - 1, first.rightHidden, 0, len) END; len := first.leftHidden.Length(); IF len > 0 THEN text.Insert(pos, first.leftHidden, 0, len) END; IF selection # 0 THEN (* collapse *) rd.SetPos(pos); s := 0; REPEAT GetNext(rd, sel); INC(s) UNTIL (s = selection) OR (sel = NIL) OR (sel.position = right); IF (sel # NIL) & (sel.position = middle) THEN first.leftHidden.Insert(0, text, pos, rd.Pos()); rd.SetPos(pos); GetNext(rd, sel); p0 := rd.Pos() - 1; WHILE (sel # NIL) & (sel.position # right) DO GetNext(rd, sel) END; IF sel # NIL THEN first.rightHidden.Insert(0, text, p0, rd.Pos() - 1) END END END END; rd.SetPos(pos) END ChangeSelector; PROCEDURE ChangeThis ( text: TextModels.Model; rd, rd1: TextModels.Reader; title: ARRAY OF CHAR; selection: INTEGER ); VAR v: Views.View; str: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; BEGIN rd := text.NewReader(rd); rd.SetPos(0); rd.ReadView(v); WHILE v # NIL DO WITH v: Selector DO IF v.position = left THEN GetSection(v, rd1, 0, str); IF str = title THEN ChangeSelector(v, rd, selection) END; IF v.leftHidden.Length() > 0 THEN ChangeThis(v.leftHidden, NIL, rd1, title, selection) END; IF v.rightHidden.Length() > 0 THEN ChangeThis(v.rightHidden, NIL, rd1, title, selection) END END ELSE END; rd.ReadView(v) END END ChangeThis; PROCEDURE Change* (text: TextModels.Model; title: ARRAY OF CHAR; selection: INTEGER); VAR rd, rd1: TextModels.Reader; script: Stores.Operation; BEGIN rd := text.NewReader(NIL); rd1 := text.NewReader(NIL); Models.BeginModification(Models.clean, text); Models.BeginScript(text, changeSelectorsKey, script); ChangeThis(text, rd, rd1, title, selection); Models.EndScript(text, script); Models.EndModification(Models.clean, text); END Change; PROCEDURE ChangeTo* (text: TextModels.Model; title, entry: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR rd, rd1: TextModels.Reader; str: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; v: Views.View; sel: INTEGER; BEGIN rd := text.NewReader(NIL); rd1 := text.NewReader(NIL); rd.SetPos(0); rd.ReadView(v); WHILE v # NIL DO WITH v: Selector DO IF v.position = left THEN GetSection(v, rd1, 0, str); IF title = str THEN sel := 0; REPEAT INC(sel); GetSection(v, rd1, sel, str) UNTIL (str[0] = 7FX) OR (str = entry); IF str[0] # 7FX THEN Change(text, title, sel); RETURN END END END ELSE END; rd.ReadView(v) END END ChangeTo; PROCEDURE (selector: Selector) HandlePropMsg- (VAR msg: Properties.Message); VAR c: Models.Context; a: TextModels.Attributes; asc, w: INTEGER; BEGIN WITH msg: Properties.SizePref DO CalcSize(selector, msg.w, msg.h) | msg: Properties.ResizePref DO msg.fixed := TRUE; | msg: Properties.FocusPref DO msg.hotFocus := TRUE; | msg: TextSetters.Pref DO c := selector.context; IF (c # NIL) & (c IS TextModels.Context) THEN a := c(TextModels.Context).Attr(); a.font.GetBounds(asc, msg.dsc, w) END ELSE (*selector.HandlePropMsg^(msg);*) END END HandlePropMsg; PROCEDURE Track (selector: Selector; f: Views.Frame; x, y: INTEGER; buttons: SET; VAR hit: BOOLEAN); VAR a: TextModels.Attributes; font: Fonts.Font; c: Models.Context; w, h, asc, dsc, fw: INTEGER; isDown, in, in0: BOOLEAN; modifiers: SET; BEGIN c := selector.context; hit := FALSE; WITH c: TextModels.Context DO a := c.Attr(); font := a.font; c.GetSize(w, h); in0 := FALSE; in := (0 <= x) & (x < w) & (0 <= y) & (y < h); REPEAT IF in # in0 THEN f.MarkRect(0, 0, w, h, Ports.fill, Ports.hilite, FALSE); in0 := in END; f.Input(x, y, modifiers, isDown); in := (0 <= x) & (x < w) & (0 <= y) & (y < h) UNTIL ~isDown; IF in0 THEN hit := TRUE; font.GetBounds(asc, dsc, fw); f.MarkRect(0, 0, w, asc + dsc, Ports.fill, Ports.hilite, FALSE); END ELSE END END Track; PROCEDURE (selector: Selector) HandleCtrlMsg* ( f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Views.CtrlMessage; VAR focus: Views.View ); VAR hit: BOOLEAN; sel, pos: INTEGER; text: TextModels.Model; title: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; first: Selector; BEGIN WITH msg: Controllers.TrackMsg DO IF selector.context IS TextModels.Context THEN Track(selector, f, msg.x, msg.y, msg.modifiers, hit); IF hit THEN text := selector.context(TextModels.Context).ThisModel(); GetFirst(selector, first, pos); IF first # NIL THEN GetSection(first, NIL, 0, title); IF selector.position = middle THEN sel := pos ELSE sel := 0 END; Change(text, title, sel); text := selector.context(TextModels.Context).ThisModel(); IF TextViews.FocusText() = text THEN pos := selector.context(TextModels.Context).Pos(); TextViews.ShowRange(text, pos, pos+1, TRUE) END END END END | msg: Controllers.PollCursorMsg DO msg.cursor := Ports.refCursor; ELSE END END HandleCtrlMsg; PROCEDURE (selector: Selector) Restore* (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); VAR w, h, d: INTEGER; BEGIN selector.context.GetSize(w, h); (* GetFirst(selector, first, pos); *) w := w - w MOD f.unit; d := 2 * f.dot; f.DrawLine(d, d, w - d, d, d, Ports.grey25); f.DrawLine(d, h - d, w - d, h - d, d, Ports.grey25); IF selector.position # right THEN f.DrawLine(d, d, d, h - d, d, Ports.grey25) END; IF selector.position # left THEN f.DrawLine(w - d, d, w - d, h - d, d, Ports.grey25) END END Restore; PROCEDURE (selector: Selector) CopyFromSimpleView- (source: Views.View); BEGIN (* selector.CopyFrom^(source); *) WITH source: Selector DO selector.position := source.position; IF source.leftHidden # NIL THEN selector.leftHidden := TextModels.CloneOf(source.leftHidden); selector.leftHidden.InsertCopy(0, source.leftHidden, 0, source.leftHidden.Length()); Stores.Join(selector, selector.leftHidden) END; IF source.rightHidden # NIL THEN selector.rightHidden := TextModels.CloneOf(source.rightHidden); selector.rightHidden.InsertCopy(0, source.rightHidden, 0, source.rightHidden.Length()); Stores.Join(selector, selector.rightHidden) END END END CopyFromSimpleView; PROCEDURE (selector: Selector) InitContext* (context: Models.Context); BEGIN selector.InitContext^(context); IF selector.position = left THEN WITH context: TextModels.Context DO IF selector.leftHidden = NIL THEN selector.leftHidden := TextModels.CloneOf(context.ThisModel()); Stores.Join(selector, selector.leftHidden); END; IF selector.rightHidden = NIL THEN selector.rightHidden := TextModels.CloneOf(context.ThisModel()); Stores.Join(selector, selector.rightHidden) END ELSE END END END InitContext; PROCEDURE (selector: Selector) Internalize- (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR version: INTEGER; store: Stores.Store; BEGIN selector.Internalize^(rd); IF rd.cancelled THEN RETURN END; rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, currentVersion, version); IF rd.cancelled THEN RETURN END; rd.ReadInt(selector.position); rd.ReadStore(store); IF store # NIL THEN selector.leftHidden := store(TextModels.Model) ELSE selector.leftHidden := NIL END; rd.ReadStore(store); IF store # NIL THEN selector.rightHidden := store(TextModels.Model) ELSE selector.rightHidden := NIL END END Internalize; PROCEDURE (selector: Selector) Externalize- (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN selector.Externalize^(wr); wr.WriteVersion(currentVersion); wr.WriteInt(selector.position); wr.WriteStore(selector.leftHidden); wr.WriteStore(selector.rightHidden) END Externalize; PROCEDURE (d: StdDirectory) New (position: INTEGER): Selector; VAR selector: Selector; BEGIN NEW(selector); selector.position := position; RETURN selector END New; PROCEDURE SetDir* (d: Directory); BEGIN ASSERT(d # NIL, 20); dir := d END SetDir; PROCEDURE DepositLeft*; BEGIN Views.Deposit(dir.New(left)) END DepositLeft; PROCEDURE DepositMiddle*; BEGIN Views.Deposit(dir.New(middle)) END DepositMiddle; PROCEDURE DepositRight*; BEGIN Views.Deposit(dir.New(right)) END DepositRight; PROCEDURE InitMod; VAR d: StdDirectory; BEGIN NEW(d); dir := d; stdDir := d; END InitMod; BEGIN InitMod END DevSelectors.
MODULE DevSubTool; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = " - 20141027, center #19, full Unicode support for Component Pascal identifiers added - 20150226, center #29, finconsistent checks for valid subsystem names " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Strings, Files, Fonts, Views, TextModels, TextMappers, TextViews, StdCmds, Dialog, DevCommanders; CONST textCmds* = 0; formCmds* = 1; otherCmds = 2; noModelView* = 3; modelView* = 4; complexView* = 5; wrapper = 6; specialContainer = 7; generalContainer = 8; VAR create*: RECORD subsystem*: ARRAY 16 OF CHAR; kind*: INTEGER; Create*: PROCEDURE END; PROCEDURE TranslateText (t: TextModels.Model; s: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR r: TextModels.Reader; w: TextModels.Writer; from, to: INTEGER; i: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; BEGIN r := t.NewReader(NIL); w := t.NewWriter(NIL); r.ReadChar(ch); WHILE ~r.eot DO WHILE ~r.eot & ~(Fonts.strikeout IN r.attr.font.style) DO r.ReadChar(ch); END; IF ~r.eot THEN from := r.Pos() - 1; WHILE ~r.eot & (Fonts.strikeout IN r.attr.font.style) DO r.ReadChar(ch); END; IF ~r.eot THEN to := r.Pos() - 1; t.Delete(from, to); w.SetPos(from); w.SetAttr(TextModels.NewStyle(r.attr, r.attr.font.style - {Fonts.strikeout})); i := 0; ch := s[0]; WHILE ch # 0X DO w.WriteChar(ch); INC(i); INC(from); ch := s[i] END; r.SetPos(from); r.ReadChar(ch); END END END END TranslateText; PROCEDURE TranslateFile (floc: Files.Locator; fname: Files.Name; tloc: Files.Locator; tname: Files.Name; string: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR res: INTEGER); VAR v: Views.View; BEGIN v := Views.OldView(floc, fname); IF v # NIL THEN IF v IS TextViews.View THEN TranslateText(v(TextViews.View).ThisModel(), string); tloc.res := 76; (* don't ask whether directory should be created *) Views.RegisterView(v, tloc, tname); res := tloc.res ELSE res := 101 END ELSE res := 100 END END TranslateFile; PROCEDURE TranslateSubsystem (kind: INTEGER; string: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR loc, new: Files.Locator; t: TextModels.Model; res: INTEGER; f: TextMappers.Formatter; v: Views.View; PROCEDURE Message (sub, dir, old: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR dummy: INTEGER; BEGIN IF res = 0 THEN f.WriteString(sub); f.WriteString(dir); f.WriteLn ELSE Dialog.GetOK("#Dev:CannotTranslate", old, "", "", {Dialog.ok}, dummy) END END Message; BEGIN t := TextModels.dir.New(); f.ConnectTo(t); loc := Files.dir.This("Dev"); loc := loc.This("Rsrc"); loc := loc.This("New"); new := Files.dir.This(string); new := new.This("Mod"); IF kind = textCmds THEN TranslateFile(loc, "Cmds0", new, "Cmds", string, res); Message(string, "Cmds", "Cmds0") ELSIF kind = formCmds THEN TranslateFile(loc, "Cmds1", new, "Cmds", string, res); Message(string, "Cmds", "Cmds1") ELSIF kind = otherCmds THEN TranslateFile(loc, "Cmds2", new, "Cmds", string, res); Message(string, "Cmds", "Cmds2") ELSIF kind = noModelView THEN TranslateFile(loc, "Views3", new, "Views", string, res); Message(string, "Views", "Views3"); f.WriteLn; f.WriteView(DevCommanders.dir.New()); f.WriteString(' "'); f.WriteString(string); f.WriteString('Views.Deposit; StdCmds.Open"'); f.WriteLn ELSIF kind = modelView THEN TranslateFile(loc, "Views4", new, "Views", string, res); Message(string, "Views", "Views4"); f.WriteLn; f.WriteView(DevCommanders.dir.New()); f.WriteString(' "'); f.WriteString(string); f.WriteString('Views.Deposit; StdCmds.Open"'); f.WriteLn ELSIF kind = complexView THEN TranslateFile(loc, "Models5", new, "Models", string, res); Message(string, "Models", "Models5"); TranslateFile(loc, "Views5", new, "Views", string, res); Message(string, "Views", "Views5"); TranslateFile(loc, "Cmds5", new, "Cmds", string, res); Message(string, "Cmds", "Cmds5"); f.WriteLn; f.WriteView(DevCommanders.dir.New()); f.WriteString(' "'); f.WriteString(string); f.WriteString('Views.Deposit; StdCmds.Open"'); f.WriteLn ELSIF kind = wrapper THEN TranslateFile(loc, "Views6", new, "Views", string, res); Message(string, "Views", "Views6"); f.WriteLn; f.WriteView(DevCommanders.dir.New()); f.WriteString(' "'); f.WriteString(string); f.WriteString('Views.Deposit; StdCmds.Open"'); f.WriteLn ELSIF kind = specialContainer THEN TranslateFile(loc, "Views7", new, "Views", string, res); Message(string, "Views", "Views7"); f.WriteLn; f.WriteView(DevCommanders.dir.New()); f.WriteString(' "'); f.WriteString(string); f.WriteString('Views.Deposit; StdCmds.Open"'); f.WriteLn ELSIF kind = generalContainer THEN TranslateFile(loc, "Models8", new, "Models", string, res); Message(string, "Models", "Models8"); TranslateFile(loc, "Views8", new, "Views", string, res); Message(string, "Views", "Views8"); TranslateFile(loc, "Controllers8", new, "Controllers", string, res); Message(string, "Controllers", "Controllers8"); TranslateFile(loc, "Cmds8", new, "Cmds", string, res); Message(string, "Cmds", "Cmds8"); f.WriteLn; f.WriteView(DevCommanders.dir.New()); f.WriteString(' "'); f.WriteString(string); f.WriteString('Views.Deposit; StdCmds.Open"'); f.WriteLn ELSE HALT(20) END; v := TextViews.dir.New(t); Views.Open(v, new, "List", NIL); IF t.Length() > 0 THEN Views.RegisterView(v, new, "List") END END TranslateSubsystem; PROCEDURE SyntaxOK(IN s: ARRAY OF CHAR): BOOLEAN; VAR i: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; BEGIN i := 0; ch := s[0]; IF ~Strings.IsIdentStart(ch) THEN RETURN FALSE END ; WHILE Strings.IsUpper(ch) DO INC(i); ch := s[i] END ; IF ch = 0X THEN RETURN FALSE END ; WHILE Strings.IsIdent(ch) & ~Strings.IsUpper(ch) DO INC(i); ch := s[i] END ; RETURN ch = 0X END SyntaxOK; PROCEDURE Create; VAR res: INTEGER; BEGIN IF (LEN(create.subsystem$) < 3) THEN Dialog.GetOK("#Dev:PrefixTooShort", "", "", "", {Dialog.ok, Dialog.cancel}, res); IF res = Dialog.cancel THEN RETURN END END ; IF ~Strings.IsUpper(create.subsystem[0]) THEN Dialog.GetOK("#Dev:NotUppercase", "", "", "", {Dialog.ok, Dialog.cancel}, res); IF res = Dialog.cancel THEN RETURN END END ; IF (create.kind >= textCmds) & (create.kind <= generalContainer) THEN IF SyntaxOK(create.subsystem) THEN StdCmds.CloseDialog; TranslateSubsystem(create.kind, create.subsystem); create.subsystem := "" ELSE Dialog.GetOK("#Dev:IllegalSyntax", "", "", "", {Dialog.ok}, res) END ELSE Dialog.GetOK("#Dev:IllegalKind", "", "", "", {Dialog.ok}, res) END END Create; BEGIN create.Create := Create; create.kind := textCmds END DevSubTool.
List of Oberon Error Numbers Oberon microsystems 28. 2. 2003 1. Incorrect use of language Oberon 0 undeclared identifier 1 multiply defined identifier 2 illegal character in number 3 illegal character in string 4 identifier does not match procedure name 5 comment not closed 6 7 8 9 "=" expected 10 11 12 type definition starts with incorrect symbol 13 factor starts with incorrect symbol 14 statement starts with incorrect symbol 15 declaration followed by incorrect symbol 16 MODULE expected 17 18 19 "." missing 20 "," missing 21 ":" missing 22 23 ")" missing 24 "]" missing 25 "}" missing 26 OF missing 27 THEN missing 28 DO missing 29 TO missing 30 31 32 33 34 35 "," or OF expected 36 CONST, TYPE, VAR, PROCEDURE, BEGIN, or END missing 37 PROCEDURE, BEGIN, or END missing 38 BEGIN or END missing 39 40 "(" missing 41 illegally marked identifier 42 constant not an integer 43 UNTIL missing 44 ":=" missing 45 46 EXIT not within loop statement 47 string expected 48 identifier expected 49 ";" missing 50 expression should be constant 51 END missing 52 identifier does not denote a type 53 identifier does not denote a record type 54 result type of procedure is not a basic type 55 procedure call of a function 56 assignment to non-variable 57 pointer not bound to record or array type 58 recursive type definition 59 illegal open array parameter 60 wrong type of case label 61 inadmissible type of case label 62 case label defined more than once 63 illegal value of constant 64 more actual than formal parameters 65 fewer actual than formal parameters 66 element types of actual array and formal open array differ 67 actual parameter corresponding to open array is not an array 68 control variable must be integer 69 parameter must be an integer constant 70 pointer or VAR / IN record required as formal receiver 71 pointer expected as actual receiver 72 procedure must be bound to a record of the same scope 73 procedure must have level 0 74 procedure unknown in base type 75 invalid call of base procedure 76 this variable (field) is read only 77 object is not a record 78 dereferenced object is not a variable 79 indexed object is not a variable 80 index expression is not an integer 81 index out of specified bounds 82 indexed variable is not an array 83 undefined record field 84 dereferenced variable is not a pointer 85 guard or test type is not an extension of variable type 86 guard or testtype is not a pointer 87 guarded or tested variable is neither a pointer nor a VAR- or IN-parameter record 88 open array not allowed as variable, record field or array element 89 ANYRECORD may not be allocated 90 dereferenced variable is not a character array 91 92 operand of IN not an integer, or not a set 93 set element type is not an integer 94 operand of & is not of type BOOLEAN 95 operand of OR is not of type BOOLEAN 96 operand not applicable to (unary) + 97 operand not applicable to (unary) - 98 operand of ~ is not of type BOOLEAN 99 ASSERT fault 100 incompatible operands of dyadic operator 101 operand type inapplicable to * 102 operand type inapplicable to / 103 operand type inapplicable to DIV 104 operand type inapplicable to MOD 105 operand type inapplicable to + 106 operand type inapplicable to - 107 operand type inapplicable to = or # 108 operand type inapplicable to relation 109 overriding method must be exported 110 operand is not a type 111 operand inapplicable to (this) function 112 operand is not a variable 113 incompatible assignment 114 string too long to be assigned 115 parameter does not match 116 number of parameters does not match 117 result type does not match 118 export mark does not match with forward declaration 119 redefinition textually precedes procedure bound to base type 120 type of expression following IF, WHILE, UNTIL or ASSERT is not BOOLEAN 121 called object is not a procedure 122 actual VAR-, IN-, or OUT-parameter is not a variable 123 type is not identical with that of formal VAR-, IN-, or OUT-parameter 124 type of result expression differs from that of procedure 125 type of case expression is neither INTEGER nor CHAR 126 this expression cannot be a type or a procedure 127 illegal use of object 128 unsatisfied forward reference 129 unsatisfied forward procedure 130 WITH clause does not specify a variable 131 LEN not applied to array 132 dimension in LEN too large or negative 133 function without RETURN 135 SYSTEM not imported 136 LEN applied to untagged array 137 unknown array length 138 NEW not allowed for untagged structures 139 Test applied to untagged record 140 untagged receiver 141 SYSTEM.NEW not implemented 142 tagged structures not allowed for NIL compatible var parameters 143 tagged pointer not allowed in untagged structure 144 no pointers allowed in BYTES argument 145 untagged open array not allowed as value parameter 150 key inconsistency of imported module 151 incorrect symbol file 152 symbol file of imported module not found 153 object or symbol file not opened (disk full?) 154 recursive import not allowed 155 generation of new symbol file not allowed 160 interfaces must be extensions of IUnknown 161 interfaces must not have fields 162 interface procedures must be abstract 163 interface records must be abstract 164 pointer must be extension of queried interface type 165 illegal guid constant 166 AddRef & Release may not be used 167 illegal assignment to [new] parameter 168 wrong [iid] - [new] pair 169 must be an interface pointer 177 IN only allowed for records and arrays 178 illegal attribute 179 abstract methods of exported records must be exported 180 illegal receiver type 181 base type is not extensible 182 base procedure is not extensible 183 non-matching export 184 Attribute does not match with forward declaration 185 missing NEW attribute 186 illegal NEW attribute 187 new empty procedure in non extensible record 188 extensible procedure in non extensible record 189 illegal attribute change 190 record must be abstract 191 base type must be abstract 192 unimplemented abstract procedures in base types 193 abstract or limited records may not be allocated 194 no supercall allowed to abstract or empty procedures 195 empty procedures may not have out parameters or return a value 196 procedure is implement-only exported 197 extension of limited type must be limited 198 obsolete oberon type 199 obsolete oberon function 2. Limitations of implementation 200 not yet implemented 201 lower bound of set range greater than higher bound 202 set element greater than MAX(SET) or less than 0 203 number too large 204 product too large 205 division by zero 206 sum too large 207 difference too large 208 overflow in arithmetic shift 209 case range too large 210 code too long 211 jump distance too large 212 illegal real operation 213 too many cases in case statement 214 structure too large 215 not enough registers: simplify expression 216 not enough floating-point registers: simplify expression 217 unimplemented SYSTEM function 218 illegal value of parameter (0 <= p < 128) 219 illegal value of parameter (0 <= p < 16) 220 illegal value of parameter 221 too many pointers in a record 222 too many global pointers 223 too many record types 224 too many pointer types 225 illegal sys flag 226 too many exported procedures 227 too many imported modules 228 too many exported structures 229 too many nested records for import 230 too many constants (strings) in module 231 too many link table entries (external procedures) 232 too many commands in module 233 record extension hierarchy too high 235 too many modifiers 240 identifier too long 241 string too long 242 too many meta names 243 too many imported variables 249 inconsistent import 250 code proc must not be exported 251 too many nested function calls 254 debug position not found 255 debug position 260 illegal LONGINT operation 261 unsupported mode or size of second argument of SYSTEM.VAL 265 unsupported string operation 270 interface pointer reference counting restriction violated 3. Warnings 301 implicit type cast 302 guarded variable can be side-effected 303 open array (or pointer to array) containing pointers 3.5 Analyzer Warnings 900 never used 901 never set 902 used before set 903 set but never used 904 used as varpar, possibly not set 905 also declared in outer scope 906 access/assignment to intermediate 907 redefinition 908 new definition 909 statement after RETURN/EXIT 910 for loop variable set 911 implied type guard 912 superfluous type guard 913 call might depend on evaluation sequence of params. 930 superfluous semicolon 4.0 Bytecode Errors 401 bytecode restriction: no structured assignment 402 bytecode restriction: no procedure types 403 bytecode restriction: no nested procedures 404 bytecode restriction: illegal SYSTEM function 410 variable may not have been assigned 411 no proofable return 412 illegal constructor call 413 missing constructor call
MENU "#Dev:&Info" "#Dev:&Open Log" "" "StdLog.Open" "" "#Dev:&Clear Log" "" "StdLog.Clear" "" SEPARATOR "#Dev:&Loaded Modules" "" "DevDebug.ShowLoadedModules" "" "#Dev:&Global Variables" "" "DevDebug.ShowGlobalVariables" "TextCmds.SelectionGuard" "#Dev:&View State" "" "DevDebug.ShowViewState" "StdCmds.SingletonGuard" "#Dev:&About Alien" "" "DevAlienTool.Analyze" "StdCmds.SingletonGuard" "#Dev:&Heap Spy..." "" "StdCmds.OpenToolDialog('Dev/Rsrc/HeapSpy', '#Dev:Heap Spy')" "" "#Dev:&Message Spy..." "" "DevMsgSpy.OpenDialog('Dev/Rsrc/MsgSpy', '#Dev:Message Spy')" "" "#Dev:&Control List" "" "DevCmds.ShowControlList" "StdCmds.ContainerGuard" SEPARATOR "#Dev:&Source" "" "DevReferences.ShowSource" "TextCmds.SelectionGuard" "#Dev:&Client Interface" "D" "DevBrowser.ShowInterface('@c')" "TextCmds.SelectionGuard" "#Dev:&Extension Interface" "*D" "DevBrowser.ShowInterface('@e')" "TextCmds.SelectionGuard" "#Dev:&Interface..." "" "StdCmds.OpenToolDialog('Dev/Rsrc/Browser', '#Dev:Browser')" "" "#Dev:&Documentation" "" "DevReferences.ShowDocu" "TextCmds.SelectionGuard" "#Dev:&Dependencies" "" "DevDependencies.Deposit;StdCmds.Open" "TextCmds.SelectionGuard" "#Dev:&Create Tool" "" "DevDependencies.CreateTool" "TextCmds.SelectionGuard" "#Dev:&Repository" "" "DevRBrowser.ShowRepository" "" SEPARATOR "#Dev:&Search In Sources" "" "TextCmds.InitFindDialog; DevSearch.SearchInSources" "TextCmds.SelectionGuard" "#Dev:&Search In Docu (Case Sensitive)" "" "TextCmds.InitFindDialog; DevSearch.SearchInDocu('s')" "TextCmds.SelectionGuard" "#Dev:&Search In Docu (Case Insensitive)" "" "TextCmds.InitFindDialog; DevSearch.SearchInDocu('i')" "TextCmds.SelectionGuard" "#Dev:&Compare Texts" "F9" "DevSearch.Compare" "TextCmds.FocusGuard" "#Dev:&Check Links..." "" "StdCmds.OpenToolDialog('Dev/Rsrc/LinkChk', '#Dev:Check Links')" "" "#Dev:&Analyzer Options..." "" "StdCmds.OpenToolDialog('Dev/Rsrc/Analyzer', '#Dev:Analyzer')" "" "#Dev:&Analyze Module" "" "DevAnalyzer.Analyze" "TextCmds.FocusGuard" SEPARATOR "#Dev:&Menus" "" "StdMenuTool.ListAllMenus" "" "#Dev:&Update Menus" "" "StdMenuTool.UpdateAllMenus" "" END MENU "#Dev:&Dev" "#Dev:&Edit Mode" "" "StdCmds.SetEditMode" "StdCmds.SetEditModeGuard" "#Dev:&Layout Mode" "" "StdCmds.SetLayoutMode" "StdCmds.SetLayoutModeGuard" "#Dev:&Browser Mode" "" "StdCmds.SetBrowserMode" "StdCmds.SetBrowserModeGuard" "#Dev:&Mask Mode" "" "StdCmds.SetMaskMode" "StdCmds.SetMaskModeGuard" SEPARATOR "#Dev:&Open Module List" "0" "DevCmds.OpenModuleList" "TextCmds.SelectionGuard" "#Dev:&Open File List" "" "DevCmds.OpenFileList" "TextCmds.SelectionGuard" SEPARATOR "#Dev:&Compile" "K" "DevCompiler.Compile" "TextCmds.FocusGuard" "#Dev:&Compile And Unload" "" "DevCompiler.CompileAndUnload" "TextCmds.FocusGuard" "#Dev:&Compile Selection" "" "DevCompiler.CompileSelection" "TextCmds.SelectionGuard" "#Dev:&Compile Module List" "" "DevCompiler.CompileModuleList" "TextCmds.SelectionGuard" SEPARATOR "#Dev:&Unmark Errors" "" "DevMarkers.UnmarkErrors" "TextCmds.FocusGuard" "#Dev:&Next Error" "E" "DevMarkers.NextError" "TextCmds.FocusGuard" "#Dev:&Toggle Error Mark" "T" "DevMarkers.ToggleCurrent" "TextCmds.FocusGuard" SEPARATOR "#Dev:&Execute" "" "DevDebug.Execute" "TextCmds.SelectionGuard" "#Dev:&Unload" "" "DevDebug.Unload" "TextCmds.FocusGuard" "#Dev:&Unload Module List" "" "DevDebug.UnloadModuleList" "TextCmds.SelectionGuard" "#Dev:&Flush Resources" "" "DevCmds.FlushResources" "" "#Dev:&Revalidate View" "" "DevCmds.RevalidateView" "DevCmds.RevalidateViewGuard" SEPARATOR "#Dev:&Set Profile List" "" "DevProfiler.SetProfileList" "DevProfiler.StartGuard" "#Dev:&Start Profiler" "" "DevProfiler.Start" "DevProfiler.StartGuard" "#Dev:&Stop Profiler" "" "DevProfiler.Stop; DevProfiler.ShowProfile" "DevProfiler.StopGuard" "#Dev:&Timed Execute" "" "DevProfiler.Execute" "TextCmds.SelectionGuard" SEPARATOR "#Dev:&Debug Command" "" "DevDebugCmds.DebugCommand" "TextCmds.SelectionGuard" "#Dev:&Debug Module" "" "DevDebugCmds.DebugModule" "TextCmds.SelectionGuard" END MENU "#Dev:&Tools" "#Dev:&Document Size..." "" "StdCmds.InitLayoutDialog; StdCmds.OpenToolDialog('Std/Rsrc/Cmds1', '#Dev:Document Size')" "StdCmds.WindowGuard" "#Dev:&View Size..." "" "StdViewSizer.InitDialog;StdCmds.OpenToolDialog('Std/Rsrc/ViewSizer', '#Dev:View Size')" "StdCmds.SingletonGuard" SEPARATOR "#Dev:&Insert Commander" "Q" "DevCommanders.Deposit; StdCmds.PasteView" "StdCmds.PasteViewGuard" "#Dev:&Insert Stamp" "" "StdStamps.Deposit; StdCmds.PasteView" "StdCmds.PasteViewGuard" "#Dev:&Insert Clock" "" "StdClocks.Deposit; StdCmds.PasteView" "StdCmds.PasteViewGuard" "#Dev:&Insert Header" "" "StdHeaders.Deposit; StdCmds.PasteView; TextCmds.ShowMarks" "TextCmds.FocusGuard" "#Dev:Insert &Figure" "" "FigCmds.Deposit; StdCmds.PasteView" "TextCmds.FocusGuard" SEPARATOR "#Dev:&Add Scroller" "" "StdScrollers.AddScroller" "StdCmds.SingletonGuard" "#Dev:&Remove Scroller" "" "StdScrollers.RemoveScroller" "StdCmds.SingletonGuard" SEPARATOR "#Dev:&Create Link" "L" "StdLinks.CreateLink" "StdLinks.CreateGuard" "#Dev:&Create Target" "" "StdLinks.CreateTarget" "StdLinks.CreateGuard" SEPARATOR "#Dev:&Create Fold" "" "StdFolds.Create(1)" "StdFolds.CreateGuard" "#Dev:&Expand All" "" "StdFolds.Expand" "TextCmds.FocusGuard" "#Dev:&Collapse All" "" "StdFolds.Collapse" "TextCmds.FocusGuard" "#Dev:&Fold..." "" "StdCmds.OpenToolDialog('Std/Rsrc/Folds', '#Dev:Zoom')" "" SEPARATOR "#Dev:&Encode Document" "" "StdCoder.EncodeDocument" "StdCmds.WindowGuard" "#Dev:&Encode Selection" "" "StdCoder.EncodeSelection" "TextCmds.SelectionGuard" "#Dev:&Encode File..." "" "StdCoder.EncodeFile" "" "#Dev:&Encode File List" "" "StdCoder.EncodeFileList" "TextCmds.SelectionGuard" "#Dev:&Decode" "" "StdCoder.Decode" "TextCmds.FocusGuard" "#Dev:&About Encoded Material" "" "StdCoder.ListEncodedMaterial" "TextCmds.FocusGuard" SEPARATOR "#Dev:&Create Subsystem..." "" "StdCmds.OpenToolDialog('Dev/Rsrc/Create', '#Dev:Create Subsystem')" "" END MENU "#Dev:&Controls" "#Dev:&New Form..." "" "StdCmds.OpenToolDialog('Form/Rsrc/Gen', '#Dev:New Form')" "" "#Dev:&Open As Tool Dialog" "" "StdCmds.OpenAsToolDialog" "StdCmds.ContainerGuard" "#Dev:&Open As Aux Dialog" "" "StdCmds.OpenAsAuxDialog" "StdCmds.ContainerGuard" SEPARATOR "#Dev:&Insert Tab View" "" "StdTabViews.Deposit; StdCmds.PasteView" "StdCmds.PasteViewGuard" SEPARATOR "#Dev:&Insert Command Button" "" "Controls.DepositPushButton; StdCmds.PasteView" "StdCmds.PasteViewGuard" "#Dev:&Insert Check Box" "" "Controls.DepositCheckBox; StdCmds.PasteView" "StdCmds.PasteViewGuard" "#Dev:&Insert Radio Button" "" "Controls.DepositRadioButton; StdCmds.PasteView" "StdCmds.PasteViewGuard" "#Dev:&Insert Edit Field" "" "Controls.DepositField; StdCmds.PasteView" "StdCmds.PasteViewGuard" "#Dev:&Insert List Box" "" "Controls.DepositListBox; StdCmds.PasteView" "StdCmds.PasteViewGuard" "#Dev:&Insert Selection Box" "" "Controls.DepositSelectionBox; StdCmds.PasteView" "StdCmds.PasteViewGuard" "#Dev:&Insert Combo Box" "" "Controls.DepositComboBox; StdCmds.PasteView" "StdCmds.PasteViewGuard" "#Dev:&Insert Up/Down Field" "" "Controls.DepositUpDownField; StdCmds.PasteView" "StdCmds.PasteViewGuard" "#Dev:&Insert Time Field" "" "Controls.DepositTimeField; StdCmds.PasteView" "StdCmds.PasteViewGuard" "#Dev:&Insert Date Field" "" "Controls.DepositDateField; StdCmds.PasteView" "StdCmds.PasteViewGuard" "#Dev:&Insert Color Field" "" "Controls.DepositColorField; StdCmds.PasteView" "StdCmds.PasteViewGuard" "#Dev:&Insert Tree Control" "" "Controls.DepositTreeControl; StdCmds.PasteView" "StdCmds.PasteViewGuard" "#Dev:&Insert Table Control" "" "StdTables.DepositControl; StdCmds.PasteView" "StdCmds.PasteViewGuard" SEPARATOR "#Dev:&Insert Cancel Button" "" "Controls.DepositCancelButton; StdCmds.PasteView" "StdCmds.PasteViewGuard" "#Dev:&Insert Caption" "" "Controls.DepositCaption; StdCmds.PasteView" "StdCmds.PasteViewGuard" "#Dev:&Insert Group Box" "" "Controls.DepositGroup; FormCmds.InsertAround; FormCmds.SetAsFirst" "StdCmds.PasteViewGuard" END MENU "*" ("DevDependencies.View") "#Dev:&Expand" "" "DevDependencies.ExpandClick" "DevDependencies.SubsGuard" "#Dev:&Collapse" "" "DevDependencies.CollapseClick" "DevDependencies.ModsGuard" "#Dev:&New Analysis" "" "DevDependencies.NewAnalysisClick" "DevDependencies.ModsGuard" "#Dev:&Hide" "" "DevDependencies.HideClick" "DevDependencies.SelGuard" SEPARATOR "#Dev:&Show All Items" "" "DevDependencies.ShowAllClick" "" "#Dev:&Show Basic System" "" "DevDependencies.ToggleBasicSystemsClick" "DevDependencies.ShowBasicGuard" "#Dev:&Expand All" "" "DevDependencies.ExpandAllClick" "" "#Dev:&Collapse All" "" "DevDependencies.CollapseAllClick" "" "#Dev:&Arrange Items" "" "DevDependencies.ArrangeClick" "" SEPARATOR "#Dev:&Create tool..." "" "DevDependencies.CreateToolClick" "" SEPARATOR "#Dev:&Properties..." "" "StdCmds.ShowProp" "StdCmds.ShowPropGuard" END
STRINGS &Info &Info &Open Log &Open Log &Clear Log &Clear Log &Loaded Modules &Loaded Modules &Global Variables &Global Variables &View State &View State &About Alien About &Alien &Heap Spy... &Heap Spy... &Message Spy... Message Spy... &Control List Control List &Source &Source &Client Interface Client Interface &Extension Interface Extension Interface &Interface... &Interface... &Documentation &Documentation &Dependencies De&pendencies &Create Tool Create Tool &Repository &Repository &Search In Sources Search In Sources &Search In Docu (Case Sensitive) Search In Docu (Case Sensitive) &Search In Docu (Case Insensitive) Search In Docu (Case Insensitive) &Compare Texts Compare Texts &Check Links... Check Links... &Analyzer Options... Analyzer Options... &Analyze Module Analyze Module &Menus &Menus &Update Menus &Update Menus &Dev &Dev &Edit Mode &Edit Mode &Layout Mode &Layout Mode &Browser Mode &Browser Mode &Mask Mode &Mask Mode &Open Module List &Open Module List &Open File List Open &File List &Compile &Compile &Compile And Unload Compile And Unload &Compile Selection Compile &Selection &Compile Module List Com&pile Module List &Unmark Errors Unmar&k Errors &Next Error Next E&rror &Toggle Error Mark To&ggle Error Mark &Execute E&xecute &Unload &Unload &Unload Module List Unloa&d Module List &Flush Resources Flus&h Resources &Revalidate View Re&validate View &Set Profile List Set Profile List &Start Profiler Start Profiler &Stop Profiler Stop Profiler &Timed Execute Timed Execute &Debug Command Debug Command &Debug Module Debug Module &Tools &Tools &Document Size... Document Size... &View Size... View Size... &Insert Commander Insert Co&mmander &Insert Stamp Insert &Stamp &Insert Clock Insert Cloc&k &Insert Header Insert &Header &Add Scroller &Add Scroller &Remove Scroller &Remove Scroller &Create Link Create &Link &Create Target Create &Target &Create Fold Create Fold &Expand All Expand All &Collapse All Collapse All &Fold... Fold... &Encode Document Encode Document &Encode Selection Encode Selection &Encode File... Encode File... &Encode File List Encode File List &Decode Decode &About Encoded Material About Encoded Material &Create Subsystem... Create Subsystem... &Controls &Controls &New Form... &New Form... &Open As Tool Dialog Open As &Tool Dialog &Open As Aux Dialog Open As &Aux Dialog &Insert Tab View Insert Tab &View &Insert Command Button Insert Co&mmand Button &Insert Check Box Insert Chec&k Box &Insert Radio Button Insert &Radio Button &Insert Edit Field Insert &Edit Field &Insert List Box Insert &List Box &Insert Selection Box Insert &Selection Box &Insert Combo Box Insert Com&bo Box &Insert Up/Down Field Insert &Up/Down Field &Insert Time Field Insert &Time Field &Insert Date Field Insert &Date Field &Insert Color Field Insert C&olor Field &Insert Tree Control Insert Tree Control &Insert Table Control Insert Table Control &Insert Cancel Button Insert &Cancel Button &Insert Caption Insert Captio&n &Insert Group Box Insert &Group Box &Expand Expand &Collapse Collapse &New Analysis New Analysis &Hide Hide &Show All Items Show All Items &Show Basic System Show Basic System &Arrange Items Arrange Items &Create tool... Create tool... &Properties... P&roperties... Add MsgSpy Add MsgSpy All subsystems &All subsystems Allocated: Allocated: Analyze Analyze Analyzer Analyzer Apply Appl&y Browse... Browse... Browse Type Library Browse Type Library Browser Browser Cancel Cancel Check Links Check Links Clear List Clear List Clear Log Clear Log Close &Close Clusters: Clusters: Command Package (Form) Command Package (Form) Command Package (Text) Command Package (Text) Control: Control: Create Create Create Subsystem Create Subsystem Document Size Document Size Exported Items Exported Items File Name: File Name: Flat Interface Flat Interface Font... &Font... Formatted Formatted Generate Automation Interface Generate Automation Interface Generate Custom Interface Generate Custom Interface Generate Interface Module Generate Interface Module Global Docu and Mod directories &Global Docu and Mod directories Guard: &Guard: Heap Information Heap Information Heap size: Heap size: Heap Spy Heap Spy Interface Hints Interface Hints Intermediate Items Intermediate Items Label: &Label: Level: Le&vel: Levels Levels Link: Lin&k: List Links &List Links Load Options Load Options Mark New Messages in List Mark New Messages in List Message Spy Message Spy Module Name: Module Name: New Form New Form Next Ne&xt Notifier: &Notifier: OK OK Option 0 Option 0 Option 1 Option 1 Option 2 Option 2 Option 3 Option 3 Option 4 Option 4 Reset Options Reset Options Save Options Save Options Semicolons Semicolons Show Client Interface Show Client Interface Show Complete Interface Show Complete Interface Show Extension Interface Show Extension Interface Show Heap Show Heap Show Messages in Log Show Messages in Log Side Effects Side Effects Statements in Statements in Subsystem: Subsystem: &Subsystem: &Subsystem: Type Library: Type Library: VAR Parameter VAR Parameter View + Model in one Module View + Model in one Module View + Model in three Modules View + Model in three Modules View without Model View without Model View Size View Size Zoom Zoom CannotOpenFile cannot open file ^0 InsertMarkers Insert Markers DeleteMarkers Delete Markers Log Log LogSettings Log Settings ModuleNotFound module ^0 not found NoAlienView no alien view NoItemNameSelected no item name selected NoModuleNameSelected no module name selected NoTargetFocusFound no target focus found NoTextFileFound no text file ^0 found NoTextViewFound no text view found NotOnlyModNames selection should only contain module names NoSelectionFound no selection found NoSingletonFound no singleton found NoSuchItemExported no item ^1 exported from ^0 NoSuchExtItemExported no item ^1 exported for extension from ^0 NotOnlyFileNames only file names expected in selection StringExpected string expected IllegalKind illegal value for kind PrefixTooShort Subsystem name should be at least 3 characters long NotUppercase Subsystem name should start with an uppercase letter IllegalSyntax Subsystem name must be a valid Component Pascal identifier with uppercase letters only at the beginning Change Change Unloading unloading ^0 Unknown unknown Analyzing Analyzing Ok ok Failed failed OneErrorDetected one error detected ErrorsDetected errors detected Compiling compiling Converting converting Conversion Conversion ModuleName module name BytesUsed bytes used Clients clients Compiled compiled Loaded loaded Linked linked FileAccessPathsInUse file access paths in use: FontsInUse fonts in use: HeapBytesAllocated heap bytes allocated: SourcefileNotFound sourcefile for ^0 not found Unloaded ^0 unloaded UnloadingFailed unloading ^0 failed ReferencedBy ^0 referenced by: NotFound ^0 not found NoModNameFound no module name found ResourceNotFound resource file ^0 not found for subsystem ^1 ProcInUnloadedMod procedure in unloaded module IllegalAddress illegal address: IllegalPointer illegal pointer !!! Undefined undefined: UnknownFormat unknown format: HeapObject Heap Object Variables Variables LoadedModules Loaded Modules LoadedTopModules Loaded Top-Level Modules Commands Commands Resources Resources Trap Trap Update Update Fields fields Elements elements RemoteState Remote State RemoteVariables Remote Variables RemoteModules Remote Modules RemoteSource Remote Source ShowPrecedingObject show preceding object ShowGlobalVariables show global variables ShowSourcePosition show source position ShowReferencedObject show referenced object UpdateWindow update window Option Option Controls.PushButton Command Button Controls.PushButton.Opt0 Default Controls.PushButton.Opt1 Cancel Controls.CheckBox Check Box Controls.RadioButton Radio Button Controls.Field Text Field Controls.Field.Opt0 Left Controls.Field.Opt1 Right Controls.Field.Opt2 Multi Line Controls.Field.Opt3 Password Controls.ListBox List Box Controls.ListBox.Opt0 Sorted Controls.SelectionBox Selection Box Controls.SelectionBox.Opt0 Sorted Controls.ComboBox Combo Box Controls.ComboBox.Opt0 Sorted Controls.Caption Caption Controls.Caption.Opt0 Left Controls.Caption.Opt1 Right Controls.Group Group Controls.TreeControl.Opt0 Sorted Controls.TreeControl.Opt1 Lines Controls.TreeControl.Opt2 Buttons Controls.TreeControl.Opt3 Lines/Buttons at root Controls.TreeControl.Opt4 Folder icons StdTables.Control StdTables.Table OleClient.View OLE Object DevBrowser.ImportSymFile Symbol File DevBrowser.ImportCodeFile Code File msec msec Module Module PercentPerModule % per module Procedure Procedure PercentPerProc % per procedure Samples samples: InProfiledModules in profiled modules Other other Profile Profile NoBasicType type of ^0 is not a basic type NoVariable ^0 is not a variable NoVarName no varaible name selected NoQualident no qualified name selected NoModule module ^0 not found NoModuleName no module name selected NoSourcePosInfoIn no source position info in ^0 NoSelectionOrCaret no selection or caret NoModuleSource not a module source text NoText no text AlreadyExists Cannot create subsystem, because directory already exists InconsistentLinks Inconsistent Links Links List of all Links CannotTranslate Cannot translate source code template ^0 AddView Add View RemoveView Remove View BasicSystems System, Text, Std, Ole Implicit.CommStreams CommTCP Implicit.Config StdLog Implicit.Containers StdCmds, HostMenus Implicit.Dates HostDialog Implicit.Dialog HostDialog, StdLog, StdInterpreter, Views Implicit.Files HostFiles Implicit.Fonts HostFonts Implicit.Init StdMenuTool, Config Implicit.Kernel StdLoader, Init, Config Implicit.Log StdLog Implicit.Mechanisms HostMechanisms Implicit.Printers HostPrinters Implicit.Printing Documents Implicit.Sequencers Windows Implicit.Views HostDialog, StdDialog, Windows Implicit.Windows HostWindows Implicit.DevProfiler DevDebug Implicit.FormViews FormControllers Implicit.HostDialog StdCmds, TextCmds Implicit.HostMenus StdMenuTool Implicit.HostPrinters StdCmds Implicit.MailerCmds MailerFolds Implicit.StdCFrames HostCFrames Implicit.StdCmds TextViews Implicit.StdMeters StdCmds Implicit.StdTabViews HostTabFrames Implicit.TextViews TextControllers Location Location Count Count Searching Searching NoMatchFound No match found. SearchFor Search for NewSymFile new symbol file ChangedLibFlag changed library flag InconsistentImport ^0.^1 is not consistently imported IsNoLongerInSymFile ^0 is no longer in symbol file IsRedefinedInternally ^0 is redefined internally IsRedefined ^0 is redefined IsNewInSymFile ^0 is new in symbol file NotImplementedIn ^0 not implemented in ^1 NotImplemented ^0 not implemented RTDebugApp BlackBox Debugger RTDebugTool Debug RTDebugDocu Debug Docu AttachDebuggerFailed Attaching a debugger failed. Debugging debugging process ID ^0 Detached debugger detached InvalidCmdSyntax invalid command syntax UnknownEvent unknown debugging event DataBreakpoint data breakpoint ^0: ^1 Locals locals StopFailed stop failed, please retry RemoteState: Remote State: ^0 StepOver Step &Over StepInto Step &Into Continue &Continue ContinueTo Continue &To HandleTrap &Handle Trap Stop &Stop LoadedModulesBtn Loaded &Modules GlobalVariables Global &Variables Terminate Terminate Breakpoint1 Breakpoint &1 Breakpoint2 Breakpoint &2 Breakpoint3 Breakpoint &3 RemoteStateBtn &Remote State RemoteSourceBtn Remote So&urce SingleSourceWindow Single source window ExpandAllStackFrames Expand all stack frames running running stopped stopped breakpoint breakpoint data breakpoint data breakpoint trapped trapped terminated terminated
BlackBox Object File Format bh 25.01.2007 procedure signatures added bj 19.04.2001 updated file header with correct file tag and added processor field. Added semantic part of this docu. bh 12.12.95 Syntax: ObjFile = HeaderBlk MetaBlk DescBlk CodeBlk FixBlk UseBlk. HeaderBlk = OFTag processor4 headsize4 metasize4 descsize4 codesize4 datasize4 nofimp modname {impname} Align. OFTag = 6FX 4FX 43X 46X. MetaBlk = RefBlk Align SigBlk ExpBlk PtrBlk FldBlk ImpBlk Names Consts Align. DescBlk = ModBlk Align TDescBlk. ExpBlk = Directory. Directory = numobj4 {Object}. Object = fprint4 offs4 id4 Struct. SigBlk = {Signature}. Signature = Struct numPar4 {id4 Struct}. Struct = form4 | strRef4 | sigRef4. PtrBlk = {offset4}. FldBlk = {Directory | Signature}. ImpBlk = {0.4}. Names = {char}. Consts = {byte}. Align = {0X}. ModBlk = 0.4 opts4 0.4 0.4 term4 nofimp4 nofptr4 csize4 dsize4 rsize4 codeRef4 dataRef4 refsRef4 namesRef4 ptrsRef4 impRef4 expRef4 name. TDescBlk = {RecDesc | ArrDesc | DArrDesc | PtrDesc | ProcDesc | FieldList}. RecDesc = 0.4 {methRef4} size4 modRef4 id4 {btypRef4} flistRef4 {ptrOffs4} sent4. ArrDesc = nofele4 modRef4 id4 btypRef4. PtrDesc = 0.4 modRef4 id4 btypRef4. ProcDesc = fprint4 modRef4 id4 sigRef4. FieldList = Directory. FixBlk = newreclink newarrlink metalink desclink codelink datalink. link = {fixupadr offset} 0X. UseBlk = {{UConst | UType | UVar | UProc} 0X}. UConst = 1X name fprint. UType = 2X name fprint opt link. UVar = 3X name fprint link. UProc = 4X name fprint link. RefBlk = {0F8X procend name {Mode Form adr name}}. Mode = Var | VarPar. Var = 0FDX. VarPar = 0FFX. Form = Bool | Char | LChar | SInt | Int | LInt | Real | LReal | Set | LargeInt | AnyRec | AnyPtr | Pointer | Proc | String | Struct. Bool = 1X. Char = 2X. LChar = 3X. SInt = 4X. Int = 5X. LInt = 6X. Real = 7X. LReal = 8X. Set = 9X. LargeInt = 0AX. AnyRec = 0BX. AnyPtr = 0CX. Pointer = 0DX. Proc = 0EX. String = 0FX. Struct = 10X descRef4. Semantics: Header Contains the sizes of the different blocks, the name of the module and a list of the names of the imported modules. Meta Meta information about the module. Only used by the modules Meta and DevDebug. Desc Meta information about the module which should stay in memory even when the module have been unloaded. Consists of two parts corresponding to the types Kernel.Module and Kernel.Type. The layout is made so the memory addresses can be directly mapped to variables of these types. Code Contains the code for the module. The address of the Code section is the entry point to the body of the module. Data Memory space for the variables. Variables are stored in reversed order, i.e. the last global variable starts at this address. Fixup The fixup bulk contains links into the different memory blocks where there is a need for updating the addresses. The following links exist: newreclink link to the memory location where the procedure pointer for allocating new records is stored newarrlink link to the memory location where the procedure pointer for allocating new arrays is stored metalink link to the start of the fixup links in the meta bulk desclink link to the start of the fixup links in the desc bulk codelink link to the start of the fixup links in the code bulk datalink link to the start of the fixup links in the data bulk For each memory block there is a list of fixup links. A link consists of two parts: fixupadr the start of the memory location in need of fixup offset the offset within the memory location to the first address which needs a fixup When fixupadr = 0X then the end of the list of fixups for the corresponding memory block has been reached. At the position given by fixupadr + offset there are four bytes which should be overwritten with the new fixed value. But before writning to this address the four bytes should be read and interpreted as follows: - The most significant byte indicates the type of fixup that should be done. - The other three bytes, interpreted as an INTEGER, x. The type and x are used as in the table. Fixup Types (mem[adr] = id * 2^24 + x, mem[adr] := value) id type value next adr 100 absolute objadr + offs x 101 relative objadr + offs - adr - 4 x 102 copy mem[objadr + offs] x 103 table objadr + x adr + 4 104 table end objadr + x - x = 0 indicates end of fixup for this address. Use For each imported module this section contains a list of imported constants, types, variabled and procedures. With exception for constants they all need to be fixed in the same way as other links.
HostPackedFiles DEFINITION HostPackedFiles; CONST magicnum = 4711; PROCEDURE IsInstalled; PROCEDURE RestoreFilesDir; PROCEDURE SetFilesDir; END HostPackedFiles. Module HostPackedFiles is an implementation of Files.Directory. The implementation is basically a wrapper around the HostFiles implementation with one major difference: when a file is not present in the file system HostPackedFiles searches the current executable for files packed in there by DevPacker. Since HostPackedFiles wraps HostFiles it cannot work unless HostFiles is installed first. For HostPackedFiles to work properly it is also important that the exe-file has the right format. This format is explained below. Whenever HostPackedFiles is loaded it tries to install itself as the Files.Directory. There are two preconditions for HostPackedFiles to be installed; first the current Files.Directory must be a HostFiles implementation and secondly there must be some files packed into the current directory. CONST magicnum Used as a magic number in the exe-file to mark the position of the address to the file table. This constant is only exported to make it possible for DevPacker to write the appropriate magic number into the exe-file. PROCEDURE SetFilesDir If no files are found in the current executable a call to this procedure does nothing. Otherwise it checks if HostFiles is the current directory of Files. In that case it holds a reference to this directory and calls Files.SetDir with the HostPackedFiles.Directory. This procedure is called the first time the module is loaded. PROCEDURE RestoreFilesDir Calls Files.SetDir with the original directory saved by SetFilesDir. Thus, uninstalling HostPackedFiles as the current Files directory. PROCEDURE IsInstalled Checks wether HostPackedFiles.Directory is the directory used by Files or not. This is not always a reliable test, since HostPackedFiles installs itself when it is loaded. A call to IsInstalled may cause HostPackedFiles to be installed. If, however, the result is that HostPackedFiles is not installed then this is a reliable result. Executable File Format Required by HostPackedFiles (* Should this really be here? *) When DevPacker is used to pack files into an executable file it simply appends its information at the end of the file. This means that the first part of such an executable is exactly the same as a normal Windows executable. This text therefore only explains the appended information that DevPacker adds to the file. The format of the exe-file can be separated into four parts: 1) A Windows executable part 2) Contents of files packed in by DevPacker 3) File table of the files packed in by DevPacker 4) Address of the file table The four parts appear in this order in the executable, which makes the executable look like Figure 1. Figure 1. Executable file structure. The first part contains the executable generated by the linker command and all Windows resources, such as icons and cursors. Since DevPacker only appends information to the file, it is important that all resources are added before files are packed into the executable. Otherwise the information about how to find the files within the executable will be destroyed. The second part is the content of all the files packed in by DevPacker. The contents are simply an array of bytes. To know where a file starts and how long it is the third part, the file table, is needed. The file table has the structure described in Figure 2. Figure 2. File table structure. To avoid sorting each time the HostPackedFiles is loaded, DevPacker does the sorting when files are packed. HostPackedFiles therefore assumes that the files are listed in reversed alphabetical order. The last eight bytes of the executable are interpreted as two integers, having the meaning shown in Figure 3. Figure 3. Address of the file table. If the first integer does not equal HostPackedFiles.magicnum it is assumed that no files are packed into the executable. Otherwise the next integer is interpreted as the address of the file table within the executable.
Stores File Format Stream = { Byte | Structure }. Structure = Nil | Link | Object. Nil = nil Comment Next. Link = (link | newlink) ObjectId Comment Next. (* newlink and link have same meaning in new format, but newlink causes assertion trap in old *) (* if Next = 0 & Comment = 0 indecates end of link chain, whereas Next = 0 & Comment = 1 indicates next store at Pos(Next) + 4 *) Object = (elem | store) TypePath Comment Next Down Length Stream. (* elem = Models.Model-derived type; for backward comp only *) Comment = 00000000. (* extension hook *) ObjectId = 32bits. (* index into object dictionary *) Next = 32bits. (* offset to next object on same nesting level; 00000000 if none *) Down = 32bits. (* offset to first object on next lower nesting level; 00000000 if none *) Length = 32bits. (* length of this object (including all subobjects) *) TypePath = OldType | NewType. (* sequence of type names from most precise to root base type *) OldType = oldType TypeId. NewType = { NewExtension } (NewBase | OldType). NewExtension = newExt TypeName. NewBase = newBase TypeName. TypeName = String. TypeId = 32bits. (* index into type dictionary *) nil = 80. (* nil store *) link = 81. (* link to another elem in same file *) store = 82. (* general store *) elem = 83. (* elem store *) newlink = 84. (* link to another non-elem store in same file *)
Oberon/F Symbol File Format bh 漜 SymFile = tag4 processor version Module { Object } . Module = 0 | negmno | [ LIB name ] MNAME name . Object = [ SYS value ] [ LIB name ] [ ENTRY name ] ( Constant name | TYPE Struct | ALIAS Struct name | (RVAR | VAR) Struct name | (XPRO | IPRO) Signature name | CPRO Signature len { code1 } name ). Constant = CHAR8 value1 | CHAR16 value2 | BOOL ( FALSE | TRUE ) | ( INT8 | INT16 | INT32 | INT64 | SET ) value | REAL32 value4 | REAL64 value8 | STRING8 name | STRING16 length utf8string | NIL . Struct = negref | STRUCT Module name [ SYS value ] [ LIB name ] [ ENTRY name ] [ STRING name ] ( PTR Struct | ARR Struct nofElem | DARR Struct | ( REC | ABSREC | EXTREC | FINREC ) Struct size align nofMeth { Field } { Method } END | PRO Signature | ALIAS Struct ) . Field = ( FLD | RFLD ) Struct name offset | ( HDPTR | SYS value | HDPRO ) offset . Method = [ IMPO ] [ ENTRY name ] ( TPRO | ABSPRO | EMPPRO | EXTPRO | FINPRO ) Signature name methno | HDTPRO methno . Signature = Struct { [ SYS value ] ( VALPAR | VARPAR | INPAR | OUTPAR ) Struct offset name } END . MNAME = 16 BYTE = 1 byte = 1 END = 18 BOOL = 2 boolean = 2 TYPE = 19 CHAR8 = 3 char8 = 3 ALIAS = 20 INT8 = 4 int8 = 4 VAR = 21 INT16 = 5 int16 = 5 RVAR = 22 INT32 = 6 int32 = 6 VALPAR = 23 REAL32 = 7 real32 = 7 VARPAR = 24 REAL64 = 8 real64 = 8 FLD = 25 SET = 9 set = 9 RFLD = 26 STRING8 = 10 HDPTR = 27 NIL = 11 HDPRO = 28 notyp = 12 TPRO = 29 sysptr = 13 HDTPRO = 30 anypointer = 14 XPRO = 31 anyrecord = 15 IPRO = 32 CHAR16 = 16 char16 = 16 CPRO = 33 STRING16 = 17 STRUCT = 34 INT64 = 18 int64 = 18 SYS = 35 result = 20 PTR = 36 iunknown = 21 ARR = 37 ptriunk = 22 DARR = 38 guid = 23 REC = 39 HDUTPTR = 41 PRO = 40 LIB = 42 INPAR = 25 ENTRY = 43 FALSE = 0 OUTPAR = 26 FINPRO = 31 TRUE = 1 FINREC = 25 ABSPRO = 32 ABSREC = 26 EMPPRO = 33 EXTREC = 27 EXTPRO = 34 IMPO = 22
Documentation Conventions Documentation has two major purposes: to communicate how a program's service can be used interactively (user manual) and how the program's service can be used programmatically (developer manual). In BlackBox, services are arranged in subsystems. A subsystem typically consists of several possibly cooperating modules. In the general case, we need three kinds of documentation texts: a user manual, one module interface description per module, and an overview over how the modules may interact with each other, i.e., an introduction to the overall architecture of the subsystem (developer manual). A subsystem is represented on the disk as a directory, e.g., directory Text. In this directory, there is a nested directory called Docu, e.g. Text/Docu. This documentation directory may contain the following text documents: • a user manual called User-Man • a hypertext map to the documentation, called Sys-Map • a programmer's introduction called Dev-Man • and one module interface description per module, having the module name without its subsystem prefix, e.g. Views for module TextViews. Note that all documentation texts which do not directly denote the programmer's reference for a particular module must have a dash ("-") in their names, so that the repository browser can distinguish between module documentations and other documentation files. The remainder of this text describes the format of a module interface description. Each module description begins with a module definition. The Component Pascal notation for module definitions is used, which lists all exported items of a module, and only those. A module begins with the keyword DEFINITION instead of MODULE, export marks are omitted (except read-only marks), and procedure bodies and the module body are left out as well. A method appears in the corresponding record declaration itself, without the PROCEDURE keyword. The hypothetical module "Dictionaries" serves as an example: DEFINITION Dictionaries; CONST maxElems = 32; TYPE Dictionary = POINTER TO LIMITED RECORD elems-: INTEGER; (d: Dictionary) Put (string: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT key: INTEGER), NEW; (d: Dictionary) Get (key: INTEGER; OUT string: ARRAY OF CHAR), NEW END; VAR someDict: Dictionary; PROCEDURE Init; END Dictionaries. In an extended record, the inherited procedures are not listed, only the new procedures, or the procedures which have changed signatures or where the semantics are specialized so that they need to be clarified. A changed signature may be caused by a covariant function result, i.e., the procedure returns a pointer that is an extension of the one returned by the base procedure. Or it may be caused by changed method attributes (final, ABSTRACT, EMPTY, EXTENSIBLE), e.g., an abstract method may have been implemented and made final. A module definition is followed by a brief description of the abstraction(s) provided by the module. This module provides a concrete type Dictionary for the manipulation of string dictionaries. Then the constants of the module are listed, without their values: CONST maxElems Maximum number of elements in a dictionary. This is followed by the module's types: TYPE Dictionary LIMITED Manages a dictionary of strings, with an integer number as key. Record attributes are given in the second line, as above. Record attributes are either none (final by default), EXTENSIBLE, ABSTRACT, or LIMITED. If the type is an extension of another type, this is marked, e.g., as Dictionary (OtherModule.Dictionary) Then the record fields are listed: elems-: INTEGER 0 <= elems <= maxElems The number of elements currently in the dictionary. As in the above example, an invariant over the record field's value may optionally be given. Then the procedures bound to this type are given: PROCEDURE (d: Dictionary) Put (string: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT key: INTEGER) NEW For each method, it is specified whether this procedure is final (default), extensible, abstract, or empty. An abstract procedure must not be called. An empty procedure must not be called by an extending procedure (i.e., through a super-call of an implementing procedure). In the second line, the method attributes are given, which are either none (final by default), EXTENSIBLE, ABSTRACT, or EMPTY. Before this attribute, NEW is written for newly introduced methods. An implement-only method can only be called in its defining module. This module can thus establish the method's preconditions before every call to it that occurs in the module implementation. If the implementation is correct, these preconditions can never be violated, since no other module may perform a call. Thus an implementor can assume that the preconditions hold, and need not test them. Preconditions of implement-only methods are thus not attributed with a trap number; instead, they are marked as "guaranteed", meaning that the defining module guarantees them. An explanation of the procedure's behavior follows: Put a string into dictionary d, and receive key in return. If the string is already in the dictionary, the same key is returned as when it was inserted first. If the string is not in the dictionary, it is inserted and a value which has not been used before is returned. After an explanation in plain English, some preconditions for this procedure may be specified. These preconditions are given in a semi-formal notation: Pre 20 string # "" This means that if the precondition is violated (i.e. if string = ""), the currently executing command is aborted with exception number 20. Instead of a number, the following exceptions may be specified as well: invalid index type guard check A second precondition may thus be the following: invalid index string in d OR d.elems < maxElems In older parts of the documentation, the precondition numbers may also be given after the expression, instead of in front of it. Over time, all documentation should be adapted to the new and better readable style. After the preconditions, some postconditions may be specified: Post string in d' old key returned ~(string in d') string in d d.elems = d.elems' + 1 new key returned This postcondition contains two cases, namely what happens if the string is already contained in d, and what happens if the string is not yet contained in d. The conditions are textually aligned to the left, while the respective conclusions are indented. Occasionally, conditions are nested by further indentations. To refer to values before the operation, an expression is followed by an apostrophe if this is necessary for clarity (i.e. if the value may be changed at all). Thus the expression d.elems = d.elems' + 1 means that the value of d.elems has been incremented by one. Component Pascal is generally used as syntax for such expressions, although some liberties are taken, e.g., simple auxiliary procedures that are not described further may be used. Function results are generically called "result". The amount of formalism is kept small. It is attempted to limit formal specifications to few and simple conditions, or to the explanation of particularly subtle situations. It is not intended to specify complete formal semantics of the library, thus the formalism does not replace plain text explanations, examples, or graphical illustrations completely. However, it is felt that checked preconditions in particular are often helpful even in this incomplete and semi-formal way, both for documentation and for debugging purposes. PROCEDURE (d: Dictionary) Get (key: INTEGER; OUT string: ARRAY OF CHAR) NEW Retrieve a string from the dictionary, by using key. If the value is not found, string is set to the empty string. Post key in d return corresponding string ~(key in d) return "" Procedures which are inherited through type extension are usually not listed here. Exceptions are procedures which have extended their semantics. Semantic extensions are restricted to having weaker preconditions or stronger postconditions. After all types, the global variables are listed: VAR someDict: Dictionary someDict # NIL This variable contains a dictionary. The optional invariant is established by the module body. Finally, the procedures exported by the module are listed: PROCEDURE Init (d: Dictionary) Initializes a dictionary. Any dictionary may be allocated once only. Pre 20 d not yet initialized In BlackBox, all procedures whose names start with "Init" may be called only once per object, i.e., they are "snappy".
Roadmap Contents 1 Twokindsofcomponents 2 Commands 3 Views 4 Overview 5 Tableofcontents 1 Two kinds of components BlackBox contains a component framework, which is a new concept for most programmers. This document gives a quick overview over which kinds of BlackBox components there are, when you need which, and where the documentation is. Generally, BlackBox distinguishes two major categories of components: commands and views. Commands are comparable to traditional scripts or macros, except that they are implemented in a "real" programming language, rather than in a limited or inefficient special purpose scripting language. This means that if a problem grows, its programmatic solution can grow along; you'll not suddenly need to switch to another language. Thus commands range from simple automation tasks to complex programs such as compilers. The main purpose of commands is to assemble visual objects, i.e., to make them work together. Views are the visual objects of the BlackBox Component Framework. 2 Commands Often, programs are built around data entry masks; these are forms in BlackBox. Module Controls and the form subsystem provide the necessary support to build form-based user interfaces. Often, you'll also want to generate texts, e.g., for reporting purposes. You can use all capabilities of the BlackBox text subsystem, including fonts, type sizes, color, embedded components such as stamp views or link views, and so on. An example command which uses both the form and text subsystems is ObxOrders. Before looking at this advanced example, you may want to have a look at simpler text and form sample programs. The Obx subsystem ("Overview by Example") provides a variety of such examples. BlackBox programs are document-centric. This means that you typically work with documents and document parts; and not directly with files or windows. Files are used only for simple databases or for manipulating legacy data. Sometimes it's possible to convert legacy data to a BlackBox data type by writing a new converter. Obx also contains an example of such a converter. 3 Views If the built-in subsystems are not sufficient for your purposes, you need to develop a new BlackBox component. Usually this is a document component, a so-called view implementation. In contrast to old-style programs, a view only owns a part of a document, and not the whole screen or even a whole window. If the view is the outermost view (root view), the result cannot be distinguished from a traditional application. However, a view is always able to be embedded in texts, forms, and so on. Examples of views are text views; form views; link views (hypertext); stamp views (time stamps); clock views; Oberon microsystems logo views; bitmap (picture) views; commander views (buttons which execute a command); fold views; error views generated by the compiler; various controls (command buttons, check boxes, edit fields, ...) and so on. Before implementing your own view type, take a look at these views to get an idea of the variety of ways in which views can be used. Sometimes it's not necessary to implement a whole new complex subsystem in order to solve a problem, but rather some additional view which extends the functionality of the existing text subsystem, for example. Views may or may not have a model. A model is the datastructure which is visually represented by the view. In simple cases where the view needs no editable persistent state, no model is needed. Examples are logo views, controls, etc. Full-fledged editors on the other hand should contain a separate model. Such more complex views are typically implemented in several modules, while simple views without separate modules are usually implemented in a single module. Advanced views may contain other views. Such advanced views are called containers. There are three useful categories of containers: • A Wrapper contains another view and modifies or extends its behavior. Typically, a wrapper has the same size as the wrapped view. For example, a terminal view may wrap a standard text view; it adds the communication facilities, while the text view provides the echoing of communicated text. • A Special Container contains one or several embedded views. The container knows about the types of the embedded views and their layout. Views cannot be inserted or deleted. For example, such a special container could have a query view at the top where database queries can be typed in, and a larger text view at the bottom where the results of the query appear. Another example is given in ObxTwins. • A General Container may contain an arbitrary number of embedded views, and they may change over time. This is the most general and most complex kind of view, e.g., the built-in text and form subsystems. The form subsystem is available in source form. Examples for the other kinds of view are available as Obx examples. Views may have no programming interface, a simple procedural interface (typically based on properties, see Controls), or a full-fledged extensible interface. For the latter, it is recommended that the exported interface is separated from the hidden default implementation; in order to achieve maximum extensibility. 4 Overview How should you start to get acquainted with BlackBox? We suggest that you start with the introduction texts A Brief History of Pascal and GuidedTour. The documentation consists of four major parts: •A user manual that describes the user interface and most important commands of the BlackBox Component Builder •A tutorial that first introduces the general BlackBox design patterns (chapters 1 to 3). Graphical user interfaces, forms, and controls are discussed in chapter4. The text subsystem is explained in chapter5. The remaining chapter6 deals with view programming. •Overview by Example is a rich source of examples, ordered by category and difficulty. •The programmer's reference consists of one documentation file per module. Each subsystem has a Sys-Map text which contains links to the individual texts. Apart from the Obx samples and the tutorial examples, another documentation for the most important kinds of BlackBox programs is available in Dev/Rsrc/New. These are template documents that you can use as basis for your own programs. The template documents' module names are renamed automatically by the Tools->CreateSubsystem... command. This command also creates a suitable new subsystem directory structure (see DevSubTool). Programmers who need to interface with non-BlackBox software should consult the text Platform-SpecificIssues. Note that you can reach the entire on-line documentation via the help menu, or from the table of contents below. 5 Table of contents Quick Start GuidedTour OverviewbyExample Tutorial Table of Contents 1 UserInteraction 2 CompoundDocuments 3 DesignPractices 4 Forms 5 Texts 6 ViewConstruction Appendix A: ABriefHistoryofPascal Appendix B: FromPascaltoComponentPascal User Manuals Framework TextSubsystem FormSubsystem DevSubsystem StdSubsystem Developer Manuals Framework TextSubsystem FormSubsystem DevSubsystem SqlSubsystem Component Pascal LanguageReport What'sNew? CharacterSet DocumentationConventions ProgrammingConventions Miscellaneous License Contributors Platform-SpecificIssues Ctl Subsystem
Programming Conventions Contents 1 Essentials 2 Oberon 3 Basictypes 4 Fontattributes 5 Comments 6 Semicolons 7 Dereferencing 8 Case 9 Names 10 Whitespace 11 Example 12 OpenSourceHeader This text describes the programming guidelines and source code formatting conventions which have been used for the BlackBox Component Framework. For the documentation there exist similar conventions. Some programming guidelines are more important than others. In the first section, the more important ones are described. The remaining sections contain more cosmetic rules which describe the look-and-feel of programs published by Oberon microsystems. If you like them, feel free to use them for your programs as well. It may make your programs easier to understand for someone who is used to the design, documentation, and coding patterns of the BlackBox Component Framework. 1 Essentials The most important programming conventions all center around the aspect of evolvability. It should be made as easy as possible to change existing programs in a reliable way, even if the program has been written a long time ago or by someone else. Evolvability can often be improved by increasing the locality of program pieces: if a piece of program may only have an effect on a clearly locatable stretch of program text, it is easier to know where a program modification may necessitate further changes. Basically, it's all a matter of keeping "ripple effects" under control. Preconditions are one of the most useful tools to detect unaccounted ripple effects. Precondition checks allow to pinpoint semantic errors as early as possible, i.e. as closely to their true source as possible. After larger design changes, properly used assertions can help to dramatically reduce debugging time. Whenever possible, use static means to express what you know about a program's design. In particular, use the type and module systems of Component Pascal for this purpose; so the compiler can help you to find inconsistencies, and thus can become an effective refactoring tool. • Precondition assertions should be used consequently. Don't allow client code to "enter" your module if it doesn't fulfill the preconditions of your module's entry points (procedures, methods). In this way, you avoid propagation of foreign errors into your own code. Use the following numbers to be consistent with the rest of the BlackBox Component Builder: Free 0 .. 19 use for temporary breakpoints Preconditions 20 .. 59 validate parameters at procedure entry Postconditions 60 .. 99 validate results at procedure end Invariants 100 .. 120 validate intermediate states (detect local error) Reserved 121 .. 125 reserved for future use Not Yet Implemented 126 procedure is not yet implemented Reserved 127 reserved for future use Silent Trap 128 termination without trap window • There should be as few global variables as possible. Global variables can be accessed from many places in a program, at different times. This makes it difficult to keep track of all possible interactions ("side effects") with such variables. This in turn increases the likelihood of introducing errors when changing the use of them. • Function procedures, i.e., procedures which return a result, should not modify global variables or VAR parameters as side effects. It is easier to deal with function procedures if they are true functions in the mathematical sense, i.e., if the don't have side effects. Returning function results and assigning OUT parameters is ok. • Only use ELSE in CASE or WITH if input data is extensible. ELSE clauses in CASE x OF or WITH x DO statements should only be used if x is genuinely extensible. If x is not extensible, all cases that can occur should be statically known, and can be listed in the statement. 2 Oberon For new software, don't use the special Oberon features that are not part of Component Pascal. In particular, this is the LONGREAL type and the COPY procedure. Try to avoid super calls (use composition instead of inheritance) and procedure types (use objects and methods instead). 3 Basictypes Use the types INTEGER, REAL and CHAR as defaults. BYTE, SHORTINT, LONGINT, SHORTREAL and SHORTCHAR should only be used if there is a strong particular reason to justify this choice. The auxiliary types are there mainly for interfacing purposes, for packing of very large structures, or for computation of extremely large integers. This rule is more important for exported interfaces than for hidden implementations, of course. 4 Font attributes Programs are written in plain text, in the default color, with the following exceptions: • Comments are written in italics, e.g. (* this is a comment *) • Exported items, except for record fields and method signatures in record declarations, are written in bold, e.g. PROCEDURE Do*; • Keywords which indicate non-local control flow are written in bold, i.e. RETURN, EXIT, and HALT • Text parts which are currently being changed and tested may temporarily be written in a different color 5 Comments Comments which are part of an interface description (rather than a mere implementation description) have additional asterisks, a kind of "export mark" for comments, e.g. (** guard for xyz command **) 6 Semicolons Semicolons are used to separate statements, not to terminate statements. This means that there should be no superfluous semicolons. Good IF done THEN Print(result) END Bad IF done THEN Print(result); END 7 Dereferencing The dereferencing operator ^ should be left out wherever possible. Good h.next := p.prev.next Bad h^.next := p^.prev^.next 8 Case In general, each identifier starts with a small letter, except • A module name always starts with a capital letter • A type name always starts with a capital letter • A procedure always starts with a capital letter, this is true for procedure constants, types, variables, parameters, and record fields. Good null = 0X; DrawDot = PROCEDURE (x, y: INTEGER); PROCEDURE Proc (i, j: INTEGER; Draw: DrawDot); Bad NULL = 0X; PROCEDURE isEmpty (q: Queue): BOOLEAN; R = RECORD draw: DrawDot END; Don't use all-caps identifiers with more than one character. They should be reserved for the language. 9 Names • A proper procedure has a verb as name, e.g. DrawDot • A function procedure has a noun or a predicate as name, e.g. NewObject(), IsEmpty(q) • Only declare a record type if necessary (FooDesc for each Foo are normally not needed anymore) • Procedure names which start with the prefix Init are snappy, i.e., they have an effect only when called for the first time. If called a second time, a snappy procedure either does nothing, or it halts. In contrast, a procedure which sets some state and may be called several times starts with the prefix Set. Examples PROCEDURE InitDir (dir: Directory); PROCEDURE (p: Port) Init (unit, colors: LONGINT); • Guard procedures have the same name as the guarded command, except that they have a Guard suffix appended. Example PROCEDURE PasteChar; PROCEDURE PasteCharGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); 10 White space • A new indentation level is realized by adding one further tabulator character • Between lists of symbols, between actual parameters, and between operators a single space is inserted Good VAR a, b, c: INTEGER; DrawRect(l, t, r, b); a := i * 8 + j - m[i, j]; Bad VAR a,b,c: INTEGER; DrawRect(l,t,r,b); a:=b; a := i*8 + j - m[i,j]; • There is a space between a procedure name (or its export mark) and the parameter list in a declaration, but not in a call Good PROCEDURE DrawDot* (x, y: INTEGER); DrawDot(3, 5); Bad PROCEDURE DrawDot*(x, y: INTEGER); DrawDot (3, 5); • Opening and closing keywords are either aligned or on the same line • IMPORT, CONST, TYPE, VAR, PROCEDURE sections are one level further indented than the outer level. • LOOP statements are never on one line • PROCEDURE X and END X are always aligned • If the whole construct does not fit on one line, there is never a statement or a type declaration after a keyword • The contents of IF, WHILE, REPEAT, LOOP, FOR, CASE constructs is one level further indented if it does not fit on one line. Good IF expr THEN S0 ELSE S1 END; REPEAT S0 UNTIL expr; WHILE expr DO S0 END; IF expr THEN S0 ELSE S1 END; REPEAT S0 UNTIL expr; LOOP S0; IF expr THEN EXIT END; S1 END; i := 0; WHILE i # 15 DO DrawDot(a, i); INC(i) END; TYPE View = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.ViewDesc) END; IMPORT Views, Containers, TextModels, TextViews; VAR a, b: INTEGER; s: TextMappers.Scanner; Bad IF expr THEN S0 ELSE S1 END; PROCEDURE P; BEGIN ... END P; BEGIN i := 0; j := a + 2; ... REPEAT i := 0; j := a + 2; ... 11 Example MODULE StdExample; IMPORT Models, Views, Controllers; CONST null = 0X; TYPE View* = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) a*, b*: INTEGER END; VAR view-: View; PROCEDURE Calculate* (x, y: INTEGER); VAR area: LONGINT; PROCEDURE IsOdd (x: INTEGER): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN ODD(x) END IsOdd; BEGIN area := x * y; IF IsOdd(area) THEN area := 1000 END END Calculate; BEGIN Calculate(7, 9) END StdExample. 12 Open Source Header Modules published under the The 2-Clause BSD License include a header text along the lines of the following template. (** project = "BlackBox 2.0" organization = "Oberon microsystems, ..." contributors = "Contributors, ..." version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "The 2-Clause BSD License" changes = " - YYYYMMDD, nn, ... " issues = " - ... " **)
BlackBox Contributors BlackBox is based on the foundation laid at ETH Zrich by the professors Niklaus Wirth and Jrg Gutknecht (Oberon language and system), Hanspeter Mssenbck (Oberon-2 extensions) and several former research assistants, e.g., Rgis Crelier, Josef Templ and Stefan Ludwig. At Oberon microsystems, the following (current or former) employees have contributed to BlackBox: - Beat Heeb - Cuno Pfister - Clemens Szyperski - Thomas Amberg - Daniel Diez - Christian Di Giorgio - Marc Frei - Dominik Gruntz - Matthias Hausner - Stephan Koch - Ivan Posva - Bengt Rutisson - Wolfgang Weck - Jrg Wullschleger The following members of the BlackBox community have contributed to BlackBox: - Werner Bossert - Werner Braun - Chris Burrows - Robert D. Campbell - Oleg N. Cher - Marco Ciot - Doug Danforth - Ivan Denisov - Koen Desaeger - Ilya Ermakov - Ivan Goryachev - Alexander Iljin - Boris Ilov - Ivan Kuzmitski - Wenying Luo (Luowy) - Gerhard Marent - Grard Meunier - Rainer Neubauer - Katarzyna Regent Nguyen - Roman Miro (Romiras) - Manuel Martn Snchez - Wojtek Skulski - Dmitry Solomennikov - Eugene Temirgaleev - Josef Templ - Andrew Thomas - Fyodor Tkachov - Bernhard Treutwein - Igor Dehtyarenko (Trurl) - Eric Wehrli - Mathieu Westerweele - Helmut Zinn - Anton Dmitriev - Peter Kushnir (We hope that this list is reasonably complete at least for the more recent releases of BlackBox, otherwise we apologize.)
Component Pascal Language Report Copyright 1994-2013 by Oberon microsystems, Inc., Switzerland. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, without prior written permission by Oberon microsystems except for the free electronic distribution of the unmodified document. Oberon microsystems, Inc. Technoparkstrasse 1 CH-8005 Zrich Switzerland Oberon is a trademark of Prof. Niklaus Wirth. Component Pascal is a trademark of Oberon microsystems, Inc. All other trademarks and registered trademarks belong to their respective owners. Authors Oberon microsystems, Inc. March 2001, last update October 2006 Authors of Oberon-2 report H. Mssenbck, N. Wirth Institut fr Computersysteme, ETH Zrich October 1993 Author of Oberon report N. Wirth Institut fr Computersysteme, ETH Zrich 1987 Contents 1. Introduction 2. Syntax 3. VocabularyandRepresentation 4. DeclarationsandScopeRules 5. ConstantDeclarations 6. TypeDeclarations 6.1 BasicTypes 6.2 ArrayTypes 6.3 RecordTypes 6.4 PointerTypes 6.5 ProcedureTypes 6.6 StringTypes 7. VariableDeclarations 8. Expressions 8.1 Operands 8.2 Operators 9. Statements 9.1 Assignments 9.2 ProcedureCalls 9.3 StatementSequences 9.4 IfStatements 9.5 CaseStatements 9.6 WhileStatements 9.7 RepeatStatements 9.8 ForStatements 9.9 LoopStatements 9.10 ReturnandExitStatements 9.11 WithStatements 10. ProcedureDeclarations 10.1 FormalParameters 10.2 Methods 10.3 PredeclaredProcedures 10.4 Finalization 11. Modules AppendixA: DefinitionofTerms AppendixB: SyntaxofComponentPascal AppendixC: DomainsofBasicTypes AppendixD: MandatoryRequirementsforEnvironment 1. Introduction Component Pascal is Oberon microsystems' refinement of the Oberon-2 language. Oberon microsystems thanks H. Mssenbck and N. Wirth for the friendly permission to use their Oberon-2 report as basis for this document. Component Pascal is a general-purpose language in the tradition of Pascal, Modula-2, and Oberon. Its most important features are block structure, modularity, separate compilation, static typing with strong type checking (also across module boundaries), type extension with methods, dynamic loading of modules, and garbage collection. Type extension makes Component Pascal an object-oriented language. An object is a variable of an abstract data type consisting of private data (its state) and procedures that operate on this data. Abstract data types are declared as extensible records. Component Pascal covers most terms of object-oriented languages by the established vocabulary of imperative languages in order to minimize the number of notions for similar concepts. Complete type safety and the requirement of a dynamic object model make Component Pascal a component-oriented language. This report is not intended as a programmer's tutorial. It is intentionally kept concise. Its function is to serve as a reference for programmers. What remains unsaid is mostly left so intentionally, either because it can be derived from stated rules of the language, or because it would require to commit the definition when a general commitment appears as unwise. Appendix A defines some terms that are used to express the type checking rules of Component Pascal. Where they appear in the text, they are written in italics to indicate their special meaning (e.g. the same type). It is recommended to minimize the use of procedure types and super calls, since they are considered obsolete. They are retained for the time being, in order to simplify the use of existing Oberon-2 code. Support for these features may be reduced in later product releases. 2. Syntax An extended Backus-Naur formalism (EBNF) is used to describe the syntax of Component Pascal: Alternatives are separated by |. Brackets [ and ] denote optionality of the enclosed expression, and braces { and } denote its repetition (possibly 0 times). Ordinary parentheses ( and ) are used to group symbols if necessary. Non-terminal symbols start with an upper-case letter (e.g., Statement). Terminal symbols either start with a lower-case letter (e.g., ident), or are written all in upper-case letters (e.g., BEGIN), or are denoted by strings (e.g., ":="). 3. Vocabulary and Representation The representation of (terminal) symbols in terms of characters is defined using the 16-bit Unicode character set, which includes ISO8859-1 (the Latin‑1extensionoftheASCIIcharacterset) as the first 256 characters. Symbols are identifiers, numbers, strings, operators, and delimiters. The following lexical rules must be observed: Blanks and line breaks must not occur within symbols (except in comments, and blanks in strings). They are ignored unless they are essential to separate two consecutive symbols. Capital and lower-case letters are considered as distinct. 1. Identifiers are sequences of letters, digits, and underscores. The first character must not be a digit. ident = (letter | "_") {letter | "_" | digit}. letter = "A" .. "Z" | "a" .. "z" | UnicodeLetter. digit = "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9". Examples: x Scan Oberon2 GetSymbol firstLetter π 2. Numbers are (unsigned) integer or real constants. The type of an integer constant is INTEGER if the constant value belongs to INTEGER, or LONGINT otherwise (see 6.1). If the constant is specified with the suffix 'H' or 'L', the representation is hexadecimal, otherwise the representation is decimal. The suffix 'H' is used to specify 32-bit constants in the range -2147483648 .. 2147483647. At most 8 significant hex digits are allowed. The suffix 'L' is used to specify 64-bit constants. A real number always contains a decimal point. Optionally it may also contain a decimal scale factor. The letter E means "times ten to the power of". A real number is always of type REAL. number = integer | real. integer = digit {digit} | digit {hexDigit} ( "H" | "L" ). real = digit {digit} "." {digit} [ScaleFactor]. ScaleFactor = "E" ["+" | "-"] digit {digit}. hexDigit = digit | "A" | "B" | "C" | "D" | "E" | "F". Examples: 1234567 INTEGER 1234567 0DH INTEGER 13 12.3 REAL 12.3 4.567E8 REAL 456700000 0FFFF0000H INTEGER -65536 0FFFF0000L LONGINT 4294901760 3. Character constants are denoted by the ordinal number of the character in hexadecimal notation followed by the letter X. character = digit {hexDigit} "X". 4. Strings are sequences of characters enclosed in single (') or double (") quote marks. The opening quote must be the same as the closing quote and must not occur within the string. The number of characters in a string is called its length. A string of length 1 can be used wherever a character constant is allowed and vice versa. Characters in string constants are allowed to be Unicode (16 bit) characters. string = ' " ' {char} ' " ' | " ' " {char} " ' ". Examples: "Component Pascal" "Don't worry!" "x" "αβ" 5. Operators and delimiters are the special characters, character pairs, or reserved words listed below. The reserved words consist exclusively of capital letters and cannot be used as identifiers. + := ABSTRACT EXTENSIBLE POINTER - ^ ARRAY FOR PROCEDURE * = BEGIN IF RECORD / # BY IMPORT REPEAT ~ < CASE IN RETURN & > CLOSE IS THEN . <= CONST LIMITED TO , >= DIV LOOP TYPE ; .. DO MOD UNTIL | : ELSE MODULE VAR $ ELSIF NIL WHILE ( ) EMPTY OF WITH [ ] END OR { } EXIT OUT 6. Comments may be inserted between any two symbols in a program. They are arbitrary character sequences opened by the bracket (* and closed by *). Comments may be nested. They do not affect the meaning of a program. 4. Declarations and Scope Rules Every identifier occurring in a program must be introduced by a declaration, unless it is a predeclared identifier. Declarations also specify certain permanent properties of an object, such as whether it is a constant, a type, a variable, or a procedure. The identifier is then used to refer to the associated object. The scope of an object x extends textually from the point of its declaration to the end of the block (module, procedure, or record) to which the declaration belongs and hence to which the object is local. It excludes the scopes of equally named objects which are declared in nested blocks. The scope rules are: 1. No identifier may denote more than one object within a given scope (i.e., no identifier may be declared twice in a block); 2. An object may only be referenced within its scope; 3. A declaration of a type T containing references to another type T1 may occur at a point where T1 is still unknown. The declaration of T1 must follow in the same block to which T is local; 4. Identifiers denoting record fields (see 6.3) or methods (see 10.2) are valid in record designators only. An identifier declared in a module block may be followed by an export mark (" * " or " - ") in its declaration to indicate that it is exported. An identifier x exported by a module M may be used in other modules, if they import M (see Ch.11). The identifier is then denoted as M.x in these modules and is called a qualified identifier. Variables and record fields marked with " - " in their declaration are read-only (variables and fields) or implement-only (methods) in importing modules. Qualident = [ident "."] ident. IdentDef = ident [" * " | " - "]. The following identifiers are predeclared; their meaning is defined in the indicated sections: ABS (10.3) INF (6.1) ANYPTR (6.4) INTEGER (6.1) ANYREC (6.3) LEN (10.3) ASH (10.3) LONG (10.3) ASSERT (10.3) LONGINT (6.1) BITS (10.3) MAX (10.3) BOOLEAN (6.1) MIN (10.3) BYTE (6.1) NEW (10.3) CAP (10.3) ODD (10.3) CHAR (6.1) ORD (10.3) CHR (10.3) REAL (6.1) DEC (10.3) SET (6.1) ENTIER (10.3) SHORT (10.3) EXCL (10.3) SHORTCHAR (6.1) FALSE (6.1) SHORTINT (6.1) HALT (10.3) SHORTREAL (6.1) INC (10.3) SIZE (10.3) INCL (10.3) TRUE (6.1) 5. Constant Declarations A constant declaration associates an identifier with a constant value. ConstantDeclaration = IdentDef "=" ConstExpression. ConstExpression = Expression. A constant expression is an expression that can be evaluated by a mere textual scan without actually executing the program. Its operands are constants (Ch.8) or predeclared functions (Ch.10.3) that can be evaluated at compile time. Examples of constant declarations are: N = 100 limit = 2*N - 1 fullSet = {MIN(SET) .. MAX(SET)} 6. Type Declarations A data type determines the set of values which variables of that type may assume, and the operators that are applicable. A type declaration associates an identifier with a type. In the case of structured types (arrays and records) it also defines the structure of variables of this type. A structured type cannot contain itself. TypeDeclaration = IdentDef "=" Type. Type = Qualident | ArrayType | RecordType | PointerType | ProcedureType. Examples: Table = ARRAY N OF REAL Tree = POINTER TO Node Node = EXTENSIBLE RECORD key : INTEGER; left, right: Tree END CenterTree = POINTER TO CenterNode CenterNode = RECORD (Node) width: INTEGER; subnode: Tree END Object = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD END; Function = PROCEDURE (x: INTEGER): INTEGER 6.1 Basic Types The basic types are denoted by predeclared identifiers. The associated operators are defined in 8.2 and the predeclared function procedures in 10.3. The values of the given basic types are the following: 1. BOOLEAN the truth values TRUE and FALSE 2. SHORTCHAR the characters of the Latin‑1character set (0X .. 0FFX) 3. CHAR the characters of the Unicode character set (0X .. 0FFFFX) 4. BYTE the integers between MIN(BYTE) and MAX(BYTE) 5. SHORTINT the integers between MIN(SHORTINT) and MAX(SHORTINT) 6. INTEGER the integers between MIN(INTEGER) and MAX(INTEGER) 7. LONGINT the integers between MIN(LONGINT) and MAX(LONGINT) 8. SHORTREAL the real numbers between MIN(SHORTREAL) and MAX(SHORTREAL), the value INF 9. REAL the real numbers between MIN(REAL) and MAX(REAL), the value INF 10. SET the sets of integers between 0 and MAX(SET) Types 4 to 7 are integer types, types 8 and 9 are real types, and together they are called numeric types. They form a hierarchy; the larger type includes (the values of) the smaller type: REAL >= SHORTREAL >= LONGINT >= INTEGER >= SHORTINT >= BYTE Types 2 and 3 are character types with the type hierarchy: CHAR >= SHORTCHAR 6.2 Array Types An array is a structure consisting of a number of elements which are all of the same type, called the element type. The number of elements of an array is called its length. The elements of the array are designated by indices, which are integers between 0 and the length minus 1. ArrayType = ARRAY [Length {"," Length}] OF Type. Length = ConstExpression. A type of the form ARRAY L0, L1, ..., Ln OF T is understood as an abbreviation of ARRAY L0 OF ARRAY L1 OF ... ARRAY Ln OF T Arrays declared without length are called open arrays. They are restricted to pointer base types (see 6.4), element types of open array types, and formal parameter types (see 10.1). Examples: ARRAY 10, N OF INTEGER ARRAY OF CHAR 6.3 Record Types A record type is a structure consisting of a fixed number of elements, called fields, with possibly different types. The record type declaration specifies the name and type of each field. The scope of the field identifiers extends from the point of their declaration to the end of the record type, but they are also visible within designators referring to elements of record variables (see 8.1). If a record type is exported, field identifiers that are to be visible outside the declaring module must be marked. They are called public fields; unmarked elements are called private fields. RecordType = RecAttributes RECORD ["("BaseType")"] FieldList {";" FieldList} END. RecAttributes = [ABSTRACT | EXTENSIBLE | LIMITED]. BaseType = Qualident. FieldList = [IdentList ":" Type]. IdentList = IdentDef {"," IdentDef}. The usage of a record type is restricted by the presence or absence of one of the following attributes: ABSTRACT, EXTENSIBLE, and LIMITED. A record type marked as ABSTRACT cannot be instantiated. No variables or fields of such a type can ever exist. Abstract types are only used as base types for other record types (see below). Variables of a LIMITED record type can only be allocated inside the module where the record type is defined. The restriction applies to static allocation by a variable declaration (Ch. 7) as well as to dynamic allocation by the standard procedure NEW (Ch. 10.3). Record types marked as ABSTRACT or EXTENSIBLE are extensible, i.e., a record type can be declared as an extension of such a record type. In the example T0 = EXTENSIBLE RECORD x: INTEGER END T1 = RECORD (T0) y: REAL END T1 is a (direct) extension of T0 and T0 is the (direct) base type of T1 (see App. A). An extended type T1 consists of the fields of its base type and of the fields which are declared in T1. All identifiers declared in the extended record must be different from the identifiers declared in its base type record(s). The base type of an abstract record must be abstract. Alternatively, a pointer type can be specified as the base type. The record base type of the pointer is used as the base type of the declared record in this case. A record which is an extension of a hidden (i.e., non-exported) record type may not be exported. Each record is implicitly an extension of the predeclared type ANYREC. ANYREC does not contain any fields and can only be used in pointer and variable parameter declarations. Summary of attributes: attribute extension allocate none no yes EXTENSIBLE yes yes ABSTRACT yes no LIMITED in defining module only Examples of record type declarations: RECORD day, month, year: INTEGER END LIMITED RECORD name, firstname: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR; age: INTEGER; salary: REAL END 6.4 Pointer Types Variables of a pointer type P assume as values pointers to variables of some type T. T is called the pointer base type of P and must be a record or array type. Pointer types adopt the extension relation of their pointer base types: if a type T1 is an extension of T, and P1 is of type POINTER TO T1, then P1 is also an extension of P. PointerType = POINTER TO Type. If p is a variable of type P = POINTER TO T, a call of the predeclared procedure NEW(p) (see 10.3) allocates a variable of type T in free storage. If T is a record type or an array type with fixed length, the allocation has to be done with NEW(p); if T is an n-dimensional open array type the allocation has to be done with NEW(p, e0, ..., en-1) where T is allocated with lengths given by the expressions e0, ..., en-1. In either case a pointer to the allocated variable is assigned to p. p is of type P. The referenced variable p^ (pronounced as p-referenced) is of type T. Any pointer variable may assume the value NIL, which points to no variable at all. All fields or elements of a newly allocated record or array are cleared, which implies that all embedded pointers and procedure variables are initialized to NIL. The predeclared type ANYPTR is defined as POINTER TO ANYREC. Any pointer to a record type is therefore an extension of ANYPTR. The procedure NEW cannot be used for variables of type ANYPTR. 6.5 Procedure Types Variables of a procedure type T have a procedure (or NIL) as value. If a procedure P is assigned to a variable of type T, the formal parameter lists (see Ch. 10.1) of P and T must match (see App. A). P must not be a predeclared procedure or a method nor may it be local to another procedure. ProcedureType = PROCEDURE [FormalParameters]. 6.6 String Types Values of a string type are sequences of characters terminated by a null character (0X). The length of a string is the number of characters it contains excluding the null character. Strings are either constants or stored in an array of character type. There are no predeclared identifiers for string types because there is no need to use them in a declaration. Constant strings which consist solely of characters in the range 0X..0FFX and strings stored in an array of SHORTCHAR are of type Shortstring, all others are of type String. 7. Variable Declarations Variable declarations introduce variables by defining an identifier and a data type for them. VariableDeclaration = IdentList ":" Type. Record and pointer variables have both a static type (the type with which they are declared — simply called their type) and a dynamic type (the type of their value at run-time). For pointers and variable parameters of record type the dynamic type may be an extension of their static type. The static type determines which fields of a record are accessible. The dynamic type is used to call methods (see 10.2). Examples of variable declarations (refer to examples in Ch. 6): i, j, k: INTEGER x, y: REAL p, q: BOOLEAN s: SET F: Function a: ARRAY 100 OF REAL w: ARRAY 16 OF RECORD name: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR; count: INTEGER END t, c: Tree 8. Expressions Expressions are constructs denoting rules of computation whereby constants and current values of variables are combined to compute other values by the application of operators and function procedures. Expressions consist of operands and operators. Parentheses may be used to express specific associations of operators and operands. 8.1 Operands With the exception of set constructors and literal constants (numbers, character constants, or strings), operands are denoted by designators. A designator consists of an identifier referring to a constant, variable, or procedure. This identifier may possibly be qualified by a module identifier (see Ch. 4 and 11) and may be followed by selectors if the designated object is an element of a structure. Designator = Qualident {"." ident | "[" ExpressionList "]" | "^" | "(" Qualident ")" | ActualParameters} [ "$" ]. ExpressionList = Expression {"," Expression}. ActualParameters = "(" [ExpressionList] ")". If a designates an array, then a[e] denotes that element of a whose index is the current value of the expression e. The type of e must be an integer type. A designator of the form a[e0, e1, ..., en] stands for a[e0][e1]...[en]. If r designates a record, then r.f denotes the field f of r or the method f of the dynamic type of r (Ch. 10.2). If a or r are read-only, then also a[e] and r.f are read-only. If p designates a pointer, p^ denotes the variable which is referenced by p. The designators p^.f, p^[e], and p^$ may be abbreviated as p.f, p[e], and p$, i.e., record, array, and string selectors imply dereferencing. Dereferencing is also implied if a pointer is assigned to a variable of a record or array type (Ch. 9.1), if a pointer is used as actual parameter for a formal parameter of a record or array type (Ch. 10.1), or if a pointer is used as argument of the standard procedure LEN (Ch. 10.3). A type guard v(T) asserts that the dynamic type of v is T (or an extension of T), i.e., program execution is aborted, if the dynamic type of v is not T (or an extension of T). Within the designator, v is then regarded as having the static type T. The guard is applicable, if 1. v is an IN or VAR parameter of record type or v is a pointer to a record type, and if 2. T is an extension of the static type of v If the designated object is a constant or a variable, then the designator refers to its current value. If it is a procedure, the designator refers to that procedure unless it is followed by a (possibly empty) parameter list in which case it implies an activation of that procedure and stands for the value resulting from its execution. The actual parameters must correspond to the formal parameters as in proper procedure calls (see 10.1). If a designates an array of character type, then a$ denotes the null terminated string contained in a. It leads to a run-time error if a does not contain a 0X character. The $ selector is applied implicitly if a is used as an operand of the concatenation operator (Ch. 8.2.4), a relational operator (Ch. 8.2.5), or one of the predeclared procedures LONG and SHORT (Ch. 10.3). Examples of designators (refer to examples in Ch.7): i (INTEGER) a[i] (REAL) w[3].name[i] (CHAR) t.left.right (Tree) t(CenterTree).subnode (Tree) w[i].name$ (String) 8.2 Operators Four classes of operators with different precedences (binding strengths) are syntactically distinguished in expressions. The operator ~ has the highest precedence, followed by multiplication operators, addition operators, and relations. Operators of the same precedence associate from left to right. For example, x-y-z stands for (x-y)-z. Expression = SimpleExpression [Relation SimpleExpression]. SimpleExpression = ["+" | "-"] Term {AddOperator Term}. Term = Factor {MulOperator Factor}. Factor = Designator | number | character | string | NIL | Set | "(" Expression ")" | "~" Factor. Set = "{" [Element {"," Element}] "}". Element = Expression [".." Expression]. Relation = "=" | "#" | "<" | "<=" | ">" | ">=" | IN | IS. AddOperator = "+" | "-" | OR. MulOperator = "*" | "/" | DIV | MOD | "&". The available operators are listed in the following tables. Some operators are applicable to operands of various types, denoting different operations. In these cases, the actual operation is identified by the type of the operands. The operands must be expression compatible with respect to the operator (see App. A). 8.2.1 Logical operators OR logical disjunction p OR q "if p then TRUE, else q" & logical conjunction p & q "if p then q, else FALSE" ~ negation ~ p "not p" These operators apply to BOOLEAN operands and yield a BOOLEAN result. The second operand of a disjunction is only evaluated if the result of the first is FALSE. The second oprand of a conjunction is only evaluated if the result of the first is TRUE. 8.2.2 Arithmetic operators + sum - difference * product / real quotient DIV integer quotient MOD modulus The operators +, -, *, and / apply to operands of numeric types. The type of the result is REAL if the operation is a division (/) or one of the operand types is a REAL. Otherwise the result type is SHORTREAL if one of the operand types is SHORTREAL, LONGINT if one of the operand types is LONGINT, or INTEGER in any other case. If the result of a real operation is too large to be represented as a real number, it is changed to the predeclared value INF with the same sign as the original result. Note that this also applies to 1.0/0.0, but not to 0.0/0.0 which has no defined result at all and leads to a run-time error. When used as monadic operators, the operator - denotes sign inversion and + denotes the identity operation. The operators DIV and MOD apply to integer operands only. They are related by the following formulas: x = (x DIV y) * y + (x MOD y) 0 <= (x MOD y) < y or0>=(xMODy)>y Note:xDIVy=ENTIER(x/y) Examples: x y x DIV y x MOD y 5 3 1 2 -5 3 -2 1 5 -3 -2 -1 -5 -3 1 -2 Note: (-5) DIV 3 = -2 but -5 DIV 3 = -(5 DIV 3) = -1 8.2.3 Set operators + union - difference (x - y = x * (-y)) * intersection / symmetric set difference (x / y = (x-y) + (y-x)) Set operators apply to operands of type SET and yield a result of type SET. The monadic minus sign denotes the complement of x, i.e., -x denotes the set of integers between 0 and MAX(SET) which are not elements of x. Set operators are not associative ((a+b)-c # a+(b-c)). A set constructor defines the value of a set by listing its elements between curly brackets. The elements must be integers in the range 0..MAX(SET). A range a..b denotes all integers iwith i>=aandi<=b. 8.2.4 String operators + string concatenation The concatenation operator applies to operands of string types. The resulting string consists of the characters of the first operand followed by the characters of the second operand. If both operands are of type Shortstring the result is of type Shortstring, otherwise the result is of type String. 8.2.5 Relations = equal # unequal < less <= less or equal > greater >= greater or equal IN set membership IS type test Relations yield a BOOLEAN result. The relations =, #, <, <=, >, and >= apply to the numeric types, character types, and string types. The relations = and # also apply to BOOLEAN and SET, as well as to pointer and procedure types (including the value NIL). x IN s stands for "x is an element of s". x must be an integer in the range 0..MAX(SET), and s of type SET. v IS T stands for "the dynamic type of v is T (or an extension of T)" and is called a type test. It is applicable if 1. v is an IN or VAR parameter of record type or v is a pointer to a record type, and if 2. T is an extension of the static type of v Examples of expressions (refer to examples in Ch.7): 1991 INTEGER i DIV 3 INTEGER ~p OR q BOOLEAN (i+j) * (i-j) INTEGER s - {8, 9, 13} SET i + x REAL a[i+j] * a[i-j] REAL (0<=i) & (i<100) BOOLEAN t.key = 0 BOOLEAN k IN {i..j-1} BOOLEAN w[i].name$ <= "John" BOOLEAN t IS CenterTree BOOLEAN 9. Statements Statements denote actions. There are elementary and structured statements. Elementary statements are not composed of any parts that are themselves statements. They are the assignment, the procedure call, the return, and the exit statement. Structured statements are composed of parts that are themselves statements. They are used to express sequencing and conditional, selective, and repetitive execution. A statement may also be empty, in which case it denotes no action. The empty statement is included in order to relax punctuation rules in statement sequences. Statement = [ Assignment | ProcedureCall | IfStatement | CaseStatement | WhileStatement | RepeatStatement | ForStatement | LoopStatement | WithStatement | EXIT | RETURN [Expression] ]. 9.1 Assignments Assignments replace the current value of a variable by a new value specified by an expression. The expression must be assignment compatible with the variable (see App. A). The assignment operator is written as ":=" and pronounced as becomes. Assignment = Designator ":=" Expression. If an expression e of type Te is assigned to a variable v of type Tv, the following happens: 1. if Tv and Te are record types, all fields of that type are assigned. 2. if Tv and Te are pointer types, the dynamic type of v becomes the dynamic type of e; 3. if Tv is an array of character type and e is a string of length m < LEN(v), v[i] becomes ei for i = 0..m-1 and v[m] becomes 0X. It leads to a run-time error if m >= LEN(v). Examples of assignments (refer to examples in Ch.7): i := 0 p := i = j x := i + 1 k := Log2(i+j) F := Log2 (* see 10.1 *) s := {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13} a[i] := (x+y) * (x-y) t.key := i w[i+1].name := "John" t := c 9.2 Procedure Calls A procedure call activates a procedure. It may contain a list of actual parameters which replace the corresponding formal parameters defined in the procedure declaration (see Ch. 10). The correspondence is established by the positions of the parameters in the actual and formal parameter lists. There are two kinds of parameters: variable and value parameters. If a formal parameter is a variable parameter, the corresponding actual parameter must be a designator denoting a variable. If it denotes an element of a structured variable, the component selectors are evaluated when the formal/actual parameter substitution takes place, i.e., before the execution of the procedure. If a formal parameter is a value parameter, the corresponding actual parameter must be an expression. This expression is evaluated before the procedure activation, and the resulting value is assigned to the formal parameter (see also 10.1). ProcedureCall = Designator [ActualParameters]. Examples: WriteInt(i*2+1) (* see 10.1 *) INC(w[k].count) t.Insert("John") (* see 11 *) 9.3 Statement Sequences Statement sequences denote the sequence of actions specified by the component statements which are separated by semicolons. StatementSequence = Statement {";" Statement}. 9.4 If Statements IfStatement = IF Expression THEN StatementSequence {ELSIF Expression THEN StatementSequence} [ELSE StatementSequence] END. If statements specify the conditional execution of guarded statement sequences. The Boolean expression preceding a statement sequence is called its guard. The guards are evaluated in sequence of occurrence, until one evaluates to TRUE, whereafter its associated statement sequence is executed. If no guard is satisfied, the statement sequence following the symbol ELSE is executed, if there is one. Example: IF (ch >= "A") & (ch <= "Z") THEN ReadIdentifier ELSIF (ch >= "0") & (ch <= "9") THEN ReadNumber ELSIF (ch = "'") OR (ch = '"') THEN ReadString ELSE SpecialCharacter END 9.5 Case Statements Case statements specify the selection and execution of a statement sequence according to the value of an expression. First the case expression is evaluated, then that statement sequence is executed whose case label list contains the obtained value. The case expression must be of an integer or character type that includes the values of all case labels. Case labels are constants, and no value must occur more than once. If the value of the expression does not occur as a label of any case, the statement sequence following the symbol ELSE is selected, if there is one, otherwise the program is aborted. CaseStatement = CASE Expression OF Case {"|" Case} [ELSE StatementSequence] END. Case = [CaseLabelList ":" StatementSequence]. CaseLabelList = CaseLabels {"," CaseLabels}. CaseLabels = ConstExpression [".." ConstExpression]. Example: CASE ch OF "A" .. "Z": ReadIdentifier | "0" .. "9": ReadNumber | "'", '"': ReadString ELSE SpecialCharacter END 9.6 While Statements While statements specify the repeated execution of a statement sequence while the Boolean expression (its guard) yields TRUE. The guard is checked before every execution of the statement sequence. WhileStatement = WHILE Expression DO StatementSequence END. Examples: WHILE i > 0 DO i := i DIV 2; k := k + 1 END WHILE (t # NIL) & (t.key # i) DO t := t.left END 9.7 Repeat Statements A repeat statement specifies the repeated execution of a statement sequence until a condition specified by a Boolean expression is satisfied. The statement sequence is executed at least once. RepeatStatement = REPEAT StatementSequence UNTIL Expression. 9.8 For Statements A for statement specifies the repeated execution of a statement sequence while a progression of values is assigned to an integer variable called the control variable of the for statement. ForStatement = FOR ident ":=" Expression TO Expression [BY ConstExpression] DO StatementSequence END. The statement FOR v := beg TO end BY step DO statements END is equivalent to temp := end; v := beg; IF step > 0 THEN WHILE v <= temp DO statements; INC(v, step) END ELSE WHILE v >= temp DO statements; INC(v, step) END END temp has the same type as v. step must be a nonzero constant expression. If step is not specified, it is assumed to be 1. Examples: FOR i := 0 TO 79 DO k := k + a[i] END FOR i := 79 TO 1 BY -1 DO a[i] := a[i-1] END 9.9 Loop Statements A loop statement specifies the repeated execution of a statement sequence. It is terminated upon execution of an exit statement within that sequence (see 9.10). LoopStatement = LOOP StatementSequence END. Example: LOOP ReadInt(i); IF i < 0 THEN EXIT END; WriteInt(i) END Loop statements are useful to express repetitions with several exit points or cases where the exit condition is in the middle of the repeated statement sequence. 9.10 Return and Exit Statements A return statement indicates the termination of a procedure. It is denoted by the symbol RETURN, followed by an expression if the procedure is a function procedure. The type of the expression must be assignment compatible (see App. A) with the result type specified in the procedure heading (see Ch.10). Function procedures require the presence of a return statement indicating the result value. In proper procedures, a return statement is implied by the end of the procedure body. Any explicit return statement therefore appears as an additional (probably exceptional) termination point. An exit statement is denoted by the symbol EXIT. It specifies termination of the enclosing loop statement and continuation with the statement following that loop statement. Exit statements are contextually, although not syntactically associated with the loop statement which contains them. 9.11 With Statements With statements execute a statement sequence depending on the result of a type test and apply a type guard to every occurrence of the tested variable within this statement sequence. WithStatement = WITH [ Guard DO StatementSequence ] {"|" [ Guard DO StatementSequence ] } [ELSE StatementSequence] END. Guard = Qualident ":" Qualident. If v is a variable parameter of record type or a pointer variable, and if it is of a static type T0, the statement WITH v: T1 DO S1 | v: T2 DO S2 ELSE S3 END has the following meaning: if the dynamic type of v is T1, then the statement sequence S1 is executed where v is regarded as if it had the static type T1; else if the dynamic type of v is T2, then S2 is executed where v is regarded as if it had the static type T2; else S3 is executed. T1 and T2 must be extensions of T0. If no type test is satisfied and if an else clause is missing the program is aborted. Example: WITH t: CenterTree DO i := t.width; c := t.subnode END 10. Procedure Declarations A procedure declaration consists of a procedure heading and a procedure body. The heading specifies the procedure identifier and the formal parameters. For methods it also specifies the receiver parameter and the attributes (see 10.2). The body contains declarations and statements. The procedure identifier is repeated at the end of the procedure declaration. There are two kinds of procedures: proper procedures and function procedures. The latter are activated by a function designator as a constituent of an expression and yield a result that is an operand of the expression. Proper procedures are activated by a procedure call. A procedure is a function procedure if its formal parameters specify a result type. The body of a function procedure must contain a return statement which defines its result. All constants, variables, types, and procedures declared within a procedure body are local to the procedure. Since procedures may be declared as local objects too, procedure declarations may be nested. The call of a procedure within its declaration implies recursive activation. Local variables whose types are pointer types or procedure types are initialized to NIL before the body of the procedure is executed. Objects declared in the environment of the procedure are also visible in those parts of the procedure in which they are not concealed by a locally declared object with the same name. ProcedureDeclaration = ProcedureHeading [";" ProcedureBody ident ]. ProcedureHeading = PROCEDURE [Receiver] IdentDef [FormalParameters] MethAttributes. ProcedureBody = DeclarationSequence [BEGIN StatementSequence] END. DeclarationSequence = {CONST {ConstantDeclaration ";"} | TYPE {TypeDeclaration ";"} | VAR {VariableDeclaration ";"} } {ProcedureDeclaration ";" | ForwardDeclaration ";"}. ForwardDeclaration = PROCEDURE " ^ " [Receiver] IdentDef [FormalParameters] MethAttributes. If a procedure declaration specifies a receiver parameter, the procedure is considered to be a method of the type of the receiver (see 10.2). A forward declaration serves to allow forward references to a procedure whose actual declaration appears later in the text. The formal parameter lists of the forward declaration and the actual declaration must match (see App. A) and the names of corresponding parameters must be equal. 10.1 Formal Parameters Formal parameters are identifiers declared in the formal parameter list of a procedure. They correspond to actual parameters specified in the procedure call. The correspondence between formal and actual parameters is established when the procedure is called. There are two kinds of parameters, value and variable parameters, the latter indicated in the formal parameter list by the presence of one of the keywords VAR, IN, or OUT. Value parameters are local variables to which the value of the corresponding actual parameter is assigned as an initial value. Variable parameters correspond to actual parameters that are variables, and they stand for these variables. Variable parameters can be used for input only (keyword IN), output only (keyword OUT), or input and output (keyword VAR). IN can only be used for array and record parameters. Inside the procedure, input parameters are read-only. Like local variables, output parameters of pointer types and procedure types are initialized to NIL. Other output parameters must be considered as undefined prior to the first assignment in the procedure. The scope of a formal parameter extends from its declaration to the end of the procedure block in which it is declared. A function procedure without parameters must have an empty parameter list. It must be called by a function designator whose actual parameter list is empty too. The result type of a procedure can be neither a record nor an array. FormalParameters = "(" [FPSection {";" FPSection}] ")" [":" Type]. FPSection = [VAR | IN | OUT] ident {"," ident} ":" Type. Let f be the formal parameter and a the corresponding actual parameter. If f is an open array, then a must be array compatible to f and the lengths of f are taken from a. Otherwise a must be parameter compatible to f (see App. A) Examples of procedure declarations: PROCEDURE ReadInt (OUT x: INTEGER); VAR i: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; BEGIN i := 0; Read(ch); WHILE ("0" <= ch) & (ch <= "9") DO i := 10 * i + (ORD(ch) - ORD("0")); Read(ch) END; x := i END ReadInt PROCEDURE WriteInt (x: INTEGER); (* 0 <= x < 100000 *) VAR i: INTEGER; buf: ARRAY 5 OF INTEGER; BEGIN i := 0; REPEAT buf[i] := x MOD 10; x := x DIV 10; INC(i) UNTIL x = 0; REPEAT DEC(i); Write(CHR(buf[i] + ORD("0"))) UNTIL i = 0 END WriteInt PROCEDURE WriteString (IN s: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN i := 0; WHILE (i < LEN(s)) & (s[i] # 0X) DO Write(s[i]); INC(i) END END WriteString PROCEDURE Log2 (x: INTEGER): INTEGER; VAR y: INTEGER; (* assume x > 0 *) BEGIN y := 0; WHILE x > 1 DO x := x DIV 2; INC(y) END; RETURN y END Log2 PROCEDURE Modify (VAR n: Node); BEGIN INC(n.key) END Modify 10.2 Methods Globally declared procedures may be associated with a record type declared in the same module. The procedures are said to be methods bound to the record type. The binding is expressed by the type of the receiver in the heading of a procedure declaration. The receiver may be either a VAR or IN parameter of record type T or a value parameter of type POINTER TO T (where T is a record type). The method is bound to the type T and is considered local to it. ProcedureHeading = PROCEDURE [Receiver] IdentDef [FormalParameters] MethAttributes. Receiver = "(" [VAR | IN] ident ":" ident ")". MethAttributes = ["," NEW] ["," (ABSTRACT | EMPTY | EXTENSIBLE)]. If a method M is bound to a type T0, it is implicitly also bound to any type T1 which is an extension of T0. However, if a method M' (with the same name as M) is declared to be bound to T1, this overrides the binding of M to T1. M' is considered a redefinition of M for T1. The formal parameters of M and M' must match,except if M is a function returning a pointer type. In the latter case, the function result type of M' must be an extension ofthefunctionresulttypeofM(covariance) (see App. A). If M and T1 are exported (see Chapter 4) M' must be exported too. If M is not exported, M' must not be exported either. If M and M' are exported, they must use the same export marks. The following attributes are used to restrict and document the desired usage of a method: NEW, ABSTRACT, EMPTY, and EXTENSIBLE. NEW must be used on all newly introduced methods and must not be used on redefining methods. The attribute helps to detect inconsistencies between a record and its extension when one of the two is changed without updating the other. Abstract and empty method declarations consist of a procedure header only. Abstract methods are never called. A record containing abstract methods must be abstract. A method redefined by an abstract method must be abstract. An abstract method of an exported record must be exported. Calling an empty method has no effect. Empty methods may not return function results and may not have OUT parameters. A record containing new empty methods must be extensible or abstract. A method redefined by an empty method must be empty or abstract. Abstract or empty methods are usually redefined (implemented) in a record extension. They may not be called via super calls. A concrete (nonabstract) record extending an abstract record must implement all abstract methods bound to the base record. Concrete methods (which contain a procedure body) are either extensible or final (no attribute). A final method cannot be redefined in a record extension. A record containing extensible methods must be extensible or abstract. If v is a designator and M is a method, then v.M denotes that method M which is bound to the dynamic type of v. Note, that this may be a different method than the one bound to the static type of v. v is passed to M's receiver according to the parameter passing rules specified in Chapter 10.1. If r is a receiver parameter declared with type T, r.M^ denotes the method M bound to the base type of T (super call). In a forward declaration of a method the receiver parameter must be of the same type as in the actual method declaration. The formal parameter lists of both declarations must match (App. A) and the names of corresponding parameters must be equal. Methods marked with " - " are "implement-only" exported. Such a method can be redefined in any importing module but can only be called within the module containing the method declaration. (Currently, the compiler also allows super calls to implement-only methods outside of their defining module. This is a temporary feature to make migration easier.) Examples: PROCEDURE (t: Tree) Insert (node: Tree), NEW, EXTENSIBLE; VAR p, father: Tree; BEGIN p := t; REPEAT father := p; IF node.key = p.key THEN RETURN END; IF node.key < p.key THEN p := p.left ELSE p := p.right END UNTIL p = NIL; IF node.key < father.key THEN father.left := node ELSE father.right := node END; node.left := NIL; node.right := NIL END Insert PROCEDURE (t: CenterTree) Insert (node: Tree); (* redefinition *) BEGIN WriteInt(node(CenterTree).width); t.Insert^ (node) (* calls the Insert method of Tree *) END Insert PROCEDURE (obj: Object) Draw (w: Window), NEW, ABSTRACT PROCEDURE (obj: Object) Notify (e: Event), NEW, EMPTY 10.3 Predeclared Procedures The following table lists the predeclared procedures. Some are generic procedures, i.e., they apply to several types of operands. v stands for a variable, x and y for expressions, and T for a type. The first matching line gives the correct result type. Function procedures Name Argument type Result type Function ABS(x) <= INTEGER INTEGER absolute value real type, LONGINT type of x ASH(x, y) x: <= INTEGER INTEGER arithmetic shift (x * 2^y) x: LONGINT LONGINT y: integer type BITS(x) INTEGER SET {i | ODD(x DIV 2^i)} CAP(x) character type type of x x is a Latin-1 letter: corresponding capital letter CHR(x) integer type CHAR character with ordinal number x ENTIER(x) real type LONGINT largest integer not greater than x LEN(v, x) v: array; x: integer INTEGER length of v in dimension x constant (first dimension = 0) LEN(v) array type INTEGER equivalent to LEN(v, 0) String INTEGER length of string (not counting 0X) LONG(x) BYTE SHORTINT identity SHORTINT INTEGER INTEGER LONGINT SHORTREAL REAL SHORTCHAR CHAR Shortstring String MAX(T) T = basic type T maximum value of type T T = SET INTEGER maximum element of a set MAX(x, y) <= INTEGER INTEGER the larger value of x and y integer type LONGINT <= SHORTREAL SHORTREAL numeric type REAL SHORTCHAR SHORTCHAR character type CHAR MIN(T) T = basic type T minimum value of type T T = SET INTEGER 0 MIN(x, y) <= INTEGER INTEGER the smaller of x and y integer type LONGINT <= SHORTREAL SHORTREAL numeric type REAL SHORTCHAR SHORTCHAR character type CHAR ODD(x) integer type BOOLEAN x MOD 2 = 1 ORD(x) CHAR INTEGER ordinal number of x SHORTCHAR SHORTINT ordinal number of x SET INTEGER (SUM i: i IN x: 2^i) SHORT(x) LONGINT INTEGER identity INTEGER SHORTINT identity SHORTINT BYTE identity REAL SHORTREAL identity (truncation possible) CHAR SHORTCHAR projection String Shortstring projection SIZE(T) any type INTEGER number of bytes required by T SIZE cannot be used in constant expressions because its value depends on the actual compiler implementation. Proper procedures Name Argument types Function ASSERT(x) x: Boolean expression terminate program execution if not x ASSERT(x, n) x: Boolean expression; terminate program execution n: integer constant if not x DEC(v) integer type v := v - 1 DEC(v, n) v, n: integer type v := v - n EXCL(v, x) v: SET; x: integer type, v := v - {x} 0 <= x <= MAX(SET) HALT(n) integer constant terminate program execution INC(v) integer type v := v + 1 INC(v, n) v, n: integer type v := v + n INCL(v, x) v: SET; x: integer type, v := v + {x} 0 <= x <= MAX(SET) NEW(v) pointer to record or allocate v ^ fixed array NEW(v, x0, ..., xn) v: pointer to open array; allocate v ^ with xi: integer type lengths x0.. xn In ASSERT(x, n) and HALT(n), the interpretation of n is left to the underlying system implementation. 10.4 Finalization A predeclared method named FINALIZE is associated with each record type as if it were declared to be bound to the type ANYREC: PROCEDURE (a: ANYPTR) FINALIZE-, NEW, EMPTY; The FINALIZE procedure can be implemented for any pointer type. The method is called at some unspecified time after an object of that type (or a base type of it) has become unreachable via other pointers (not globally anchored anymore) and before the object is deallocated. It is not recommended to re-anchor an object in its finalizer and the finalizer is not called again when the object repeatedly becomes unreachable. Multiple unreachable objects are finalized in an unspecified order. 11. Modules A module is a collection of declarations of constants, types, variables, and procedures, together with a sequence of statements for the purpose of assigning initial values to the variables. A module constitutes a text that is compilable as a unit. Module = MODULE ident ";" [ImportList] DeclarationSequence [BEGIN StatementSequence] [CLOSE StatementSequence] END ident ".". ImportList = IMPORT Import {"," Import} ";". Import = [ident ":="] ident. The import list specifies the names of the imported modules. If a module A is imported by a module M and A exports an identifier x, then x is referred to as A.x within M. If A is imported as B := A, the object x must be referenced as B.x. This allows short alias names in qualified identifiers. A module must not import itself. Identifiers that are to be exported (i.e., that are to be visible in client modules) must be marked by an export mark in their declaration (see Chapter 4). The statement sequence following the symbol BEGIN is executed when the module is added to a system (loaded), which is done after the imported modules have been loaded. It follows that cyclic import of modules is illegal. Individual exported procedures can be activated from the system, and these procedures serve as commands . Variables declared in a module are cleared prior to the execution of the module body. This implies that all pointer or procedure typed variables are initialized to NIL. The statement sequence following the symbol CLOSE is executed when the module is removed from the system. Example: MODULE Trees; (* exports: Tree, Node, Insert, Search, Write, Init *) IMPORT StdLog; TYPE Tree* = POINTER TO Node; Node* = RECORD (* exports read-only: Node.name *) name-: POINTER TO ARRAY OF CHAR; left, right: Tree END; PROCEDURE (t: Tree) Insert* (name: ARRAY OF CHAR), NEW; VAR p, father: Tree; BEGIN p := t; REPEAT father := p; IF name = p.name^ THEN RETURN END; IF name < p.name^ THEN p := p.left ELSE p := p.right END UNTIL p = NIL; NEW(p); p.left := NIL; p.right := NIL; NEW(p.name, LEN(name$) + 1); p.name^ := name$; IF name < father.name^ THEN father.left := p ELSE father.right := p END END Insert; PROCEDURE (t: Tree) Search* (name: ARRAY OF CHAR): Tree, NEW; VAR p: Tree; BEGIN p := t; WHILE (p # NIL) & (name # p.name^) DO IF name < p.name^ THEN p := p.left ELSE p := p.right END END; RETURN p END Search; PROCEDURE (t: Tree) Write*, NEW; BEGIN IF t.left # NIL THEN t.left.Write END; StdLog.String(t.name); StdLog.Ln; IF t.right # NIL THEN t.right.Write END END Write; PROCEDURE Init* (t: Tree); BEGIN NEW(t.name, 1); t.name[0] := 0X; t.left := NIL; t.right := NIL END Init; BEGIN StdLog.String("Trees loaded"); StdLog.Ln CLOSE StdLog.String("Trees removed"); StdLog.Ln END Trees. Appendix A: Definition of Terms Character types SHORTCHAR, CHAR Integer types BYTE, SHORTINT, INTEGER, LONGINT Real types SHORTREAL, REAL Numeric types integer types, real types String types Shortstring, String Basic types BOOLEAN, SET, character types, numeric types Same types Two variables a and b with types Ta and Tb are of the same type if 1. Ta and Tb are both denoted by the same type identifier, or 2. Ta is declared in a type declaration of the form Ta = Tb, or 3. a and b appear in the same identifier list in a variable, record field, or formal parameter declaration. Equal types Two types Ta and Tb are equal if 1. Ta and Tb are the same type, or 2. Ta and Tb are open array types with equal element types, or 3. Ta and Tb are procedure types whose formal parameter lists match, or 4. Ta and Tb are pointer types with equal base types. Matching formal parameter lists Two formal parameter lists match if 1. they have the same number of parameters, and 2. they have either equal function result types or none, and 3. parameters at corresponding positions have equal types, and 4. parameters at corresponding positions are both either value, IN, OUT, or VAR parameters. Type inclusion Numeric and character types include (the values of) smaller types of the same class according to the following hierarchies: REAL >= SHORTREAL >= LONGINT >= INTEGER >= SHORTINT >= BYTE CHAR >= SHORTCHAR Type extension (base type) Given a type declaration Tb = RECORD (Ta) ... END, Tb is a direct extension of Ta, and Ta is a direct base type of Tb. A type Tb is an extension of a type Ta (Ta is a base type of Tb) if 1. Ta and Tb are the same types, or 2. Tb is a direct extension of an extension of Ta, or 3. Ta is of type ANYREC. If Pa = POINTER TO Ta and Pb = POINTER TO Tb, Pb is an extension of Pa (Pa is a base type of Pb) if Tb is an extension of Ta. Assignment compatible An expression e of type Te is assignment compatible with a variable v of type Tv if one of the following conditions hold: 1. Te and Tv are equal and neither abstract, extensible, or limited record nor open array types; 2. Te and Tv are numeric or character types and Tv includes Te; 3. Te and Tv are pointer types and Te is an extension of Tv; 4. Tv is a pointer or a procedure type and e is NIL; 5. Tv is a numeric type and e is a constant expression whose value is contained in Tv; 6. Tv is an array of CHAR, Te is String or Shortstring, and LEN(e) < LEN(v); 7. Tv is an array of SHORTCHAR, Te is Shortstring, and LEN(e) < LEN(v); 8. Tv is a procedure type and e is the name of a procedure whose formal parameters match those of Tv. Array compatible An actual parameter a of type Ta is array compatible with a formal parameter f of type Tf if 1. Tf and Ta are equal types, or 2. Tf is an open array, Ta is any array, and their element types are array compatible, or 3. Tf is an open array of CHAR and Ta is String, or 4. Tf is an open array of SHORTCHAR and Ta is Shortstring. Parameter compatible An actual parameter a of type Ta is parameter compatible with a formal parameter f of type Tf if 1. Tf and Ta are equal types, or 2. f is a value parameter and Ta is assignment compatible with Tf, or 3. f is an IN or VAR parameter and Tf and Ta are record types and Ta is an extension of Tf. Expression compatible For a given operator, the types of its operands are expression compatible if they conform to the following table. The first matching line gives the correct result type. Type T1 must be an extension of type T0: operator first operand second operand result type + - * DIV MOD <= INTEGER <= INTEGER INTEGER integer type integer type LONGINT / integer type integer type REAL + - * / <= SHORTREAL <= SHORTREAL SHORTREAL numeric type numeric type REAL SET SET SET + Shortstring Shortstring Shortstring string type string type String OR & ~ BOOLEAN BOOLEAN BOOLEAN = # < <= > >= numeric type numeric type BOOLEAN character type character type BOOLEAN string type string type BOOLEAN = # BOOLEAN BOOLEAN BOOLEAN SET SET BOOLEAN NIL, pointer type T0 or T1 NIL, pointer type T0 or T1 BOOLEAN procedure type T, NIL procedure type T, NIL BOOLEAN IN integer type, 0..MAX(SET) SET BOOLEAN IS T0 type T1 BOOLEAN Constant expressions are calculated at compile time with maximum precision (LONGINT for integer types, REAL for real types) and the result is handled like a numeric literal of the same value. If a real constant x with |x| <= MAX(SHORTREAL) or x = INF is combined with a nonconstant operand of type SHORTREAL, the constant is considered a SHORTREAL and the result type is SHORTREAL. Appendix B: Syntax of Component Pascal Module = MODULE ident ";" [ImportList] DeclSeq [BEGIN StatementSeq] [CLOSE StatementSeq] END ident ".". ImportList = IMPORT [ident ":="] ident {"," [ident ":="] ident} ";". DeclSeq = { CONST {ConstDecl ";" } | TYPE {TypeDecl ";"} | VAR {VarDecl ";"}} {ProcDecl ";" | ForwardDecl ";"}. ConstDecl = IdentDef "=" ConstExpr. TypeDecl = IdentDef "=" Type. VarDecl = IdentList ":" Type. ProcDecl = PROCEDURE [Receiver] IdentDef [FormalPars] MethAttributes [";" DeclSeq [BEGIN StatementSeq] END ident]. MethAttributes = ["," NEW] ["," (ABSTRACT | EMPTY | EXTENSIBLE)]. ForwardDecl = PROCEDURE " ^ " [Receiver] IdentDef [FormalPars] MethAttributes. FormalPars = "(" [FPSection {";" FPSection}] ")" [":" Type]. FPSection = [VAR | IN | OUT] ident {"," ident} ":" Type. Receiver = "(" [VAR | IN] ident ":" ident ")". Type = Qualident | ARRAY [ConstExpr {"," ConstExpr}] OF Type | [ABSTRACT | EXTENSIBLE | LIMITED] RECORD ["("Qualident")"] FieldList {";" FieldList} END | POINTER TO Type | PROCEDURE [FormalPars]. FieldList = [IdentList ":" Type]. StatementSeq = Statement {";" Statement}. Statement = [ Designator ":=" Expr | Designator ["(" [ExprList] ")"] | IF Expr THEN StatementSeq {ELSIF Expr THEN StatementSeq} [ELSE StatementSeq] END | CASE Expr OF Case {"|" Case} [ELSE StatementSeq] END | WHILE Expr DO StatementSeq END | REPEAT StatementSeq UNTIL Expr | FOR ident ":=" Expr TO Expr [BY ConstExpr] DO StatementSeq END | LOOP StatementSeq END | WITH [ Guard DO StatementSeq ] {"|" [ Guard DO StatementSeq ] } [ELSE StatementSeq] END | EXIT | RETURN [Expr] ]. Case = [CaseLabels {"," CaseLabels} ":" StatementSeq]. CaseLabels = ConstExpr [".." ConstExpr]. Guard = Qualident ":" Qualident. ConstExpr = Expr. Expr = SimpleExpr [Relation SimpleExpr]. SimpleExpr = ["+" | "-"] Term {AddOp Term}. Term = Factor {MulOp Factor}. Factor = Designator | number | character | string | NIL | Set | "(" Expr ")" | " ~ " Factor. Set = "{" [Element {"," Element}] "}". Element = Expr [".." Expr]. Relation = "=" | "#" | "<" | "<=" | ">" | ">=" | IN | IS. AddOp = "+" | "-" | OR. MulOp = " * " | "/" | DIV | MOD | "&". Designator = Qualident {"." ident | "[" ExprList "]" | " ^ " | "(" Qualident ")" | "(" [ExprList] ")"} [ "$" ]. ExprList = Expr {"," Expr}. IdentList = IdentDef {"," IdentDef}. Qualident = [ident "."] ident. IdentDef = ident [" * " | "-"]. AppendixC:DomainsofBasicTypes Type Domain BOOLEAN FALSE, TRUE SHORTCHAR 0X .. 0FFX CHAR 0X .. 0FFFFX BYTE -128 .. 127 SHORTINT -32768 .. 32767 INTEGER -2147483648 .. 2147483647 LONGINT -9223372036854775808 .. 9223372036854775807 SHORTREAL -3.4E38 .. 3.4E38, INF (32-bit IEEE format) REAL -1.8E308 .. 1.8E308, INF (64-bit IEEE format) SET set of 0 .. 31 AppendixD: Mandatory Requirements for Environment The Component Pascal definition implicitly relies on four fundamental assumptions. 1) There exists some run-time type information that allows to check the dynamic type of an object. This is necessary to implement type tests and type guards. 2) There is no DISPOSE procedure. Memory cannot be deallocated manually, since this would introduce the safety problem of memory leaks and of dangling pointers, i.e., premature deallocation. Except for those embedded systems where no dynamic memory is used, or where it can be allocated once and never needs to be released, an automatic garbage collector is required. 3) Modules and at least their exported procedures (commands) and exported types must be retrievable dynamically. If necessary, this may cause modules to be loaded. The programming interface used to load modules or to access the mentioned meta information is not defined by the language, but the language compiler needs to preserve this information when generating code. Except for fully linked applications where no modules will ever be added at run-time, a linking loader for modules is required. Embedded systems are important examples of applications that can be fully linked. 4) The environment must provide the ability to display Unicode characters, except for "headless" embedded applications that need no display. An implementation that doesn't fulfill these compiler and environment requirements is not compliant with Component Pascal.
What's New iыыыn Coывыыыmponent Pascal? Except for some minor points, Componeыыnt Pascal is a superset of Oberon-2. Compared to Oberon-2, it provides several clarifications and improvements. This text summarizes the differences. The language revision was driven by the experience with the BlackBox Component Framework, and the desire to further improve support for the specification, documentation, development, maintenance, and refactoring of component frameworks. The goal was to give a framework architect the means to better control the overall integrity of large component-based software systems. Control over a system's integrity is key to increased reliability, reduced maintenance costs, and to higher confidence in the system's correctness when it evolves over time. Care was taken that the language remains small, easy to use, and easy to learn. The new features are most visible to framework designers, less visible to framework extenders, and least visible to mere framework clients. This ensures that these different categories of developers are burdened with the minimal amounts of complexity that their respective tasks require. More expressive type system Covariant pointer function results A type-bound function which returns a pointer may be redefined, such that it returns an extended type. For example, the function PROCEDURE (v: View) ThisModel (): Model could be extended in a subtype MyView, which is assumed to be a subtype of View, to the following function signature PROCEDURE (v: MyView) ThisModel (): MyModel where MyModel is assumed to be a subtype of Model. Note that covariant function results are type safe; they simply strengthen the postcondition of a function, which is always legal. They allow to make interface declarations more precise. Pointer compatibility The compatibility rules for pointers have been relaxed and simplified. Pointers are now compatible by structure; i.e., two pointer types that have the same base type are compatible. This can be useful mostly in procedure signatures, where it previously wasn't possible to use a function like the following: PROCEDURE P (p: POINTER TO ARRAY OF INTEGER) Pointer function results A function's return type is now Type not Ident; e.g., PROCEDURE Bla (): POINTER TO Rec is now legal, and due to simplified compatibility rules (see previous point) their use can actually make sense. IN and OUT These parameter modes are like the VAR mode, except that some restrictions apply. IN parameters cannot directly be modified inside a procedure, OUT parameters are considered undefined upon procedure entry (except for pointers and procedure variables, which are set to NIL upon procedure entry). OUT record parameters must have identical actual and formal parameter types. These parameter modes are important for procedure signatures of distributed objects, and they can increase convenience and efficiency. Most importantly, they allow to make interface declarations more precise and more self-documenting. In particular, where formerly VAR parameters have been used for efficiency reasons only, it is now possible to use IN parameters. IN parameters are only allowed for record and array types. Example: PROCEDURE ShowModes (value: INTEGER; VAR inout: INTEGER; (* value and VAR parameters *) IN in: ARRAY OF SET; (* IN for efficiency *) OUT res: INTEGER): INTEGER; (* OUT parameter and function result *) Since IN and OUT are specializations of VAR, it is not possible to pass constants to IN parameters. There is one convenient exception: string constants may be passed to open-array IN parameters, since they are implemented by the compiler as a kind of "read-only variable" anyway. NEW methods Component Pascal requires that the introduction of a new method is indicated explicitly. This is done by appending the identifier NEW to the method's signature. NEW may not be used for extending methods. In the following example, method SomeMethod is newly introduced in T and inherited in T1, which is assumed to be an extension of T: PROCEDURE (t: T) SomeMethod (x, y: INTEGER), NEW; BEGIN ... END SomeMethod; PROCEDURE (t: T1) SomeMethod (x, y: INTEGER); BEGIN ... END SomeMethod; NEW indicates that a method is new, not extending. The need to declare this fact explicitly is useful whenever changes to a framework are made, which often happens during the initial design iterations, and later when the software architecture undergoes refactoring. NEW makes it possible for the compiler to detect for example if a base method's name has been changed, but extending methods have not been renamed accordingly. Also, the compiler detects if a method is newly introduced, although it already exists in a base type or in a subtype. These checks make it easier to achieve consistency again after a change to a framework's interfaces. Default, EXTENSIBLE, ABSTRACT, and LIMITED record types Component Pascal uses a single construct to denote both interfaces of objects and their implementations: record types. This unification allows to freeze some implementation aspects of an interface while leaving others open. This flexibility is often desirable in complex frameworks. But it is important to communicate such architectural decisions as precisely as possible, since they may affect a large number of clients. For this reason, a Component Pascal record type can be attributed to allow an interface designer to formulate several fundamental architectural decisions explicitly. This has the advantage that the compiler can help to verify compliance with these decisions. The carefully chosen attributes are EXTENSIBLE, ABSTRACT, and LIMITED. They allow to distinguish four different combinations of extension and allocation possibilities: modifier extension allocation record assignment none ("final") no yes yes EXTENSIBLE yes yes no ABSTRACT yes no no LIMITED no* no* no *except in the defining module Record types may either be extensible or non-extensible ("final"). By default, a record type is final. Final types allow to "close" a type, such that an implementor can perform a complete analysis of the type's implementation, e.g., to find out how it could be improved without breaking clients. Record types may either be allocatable (as static or dynamic variables), or allocation may be prevented (ABSTRACT) or limited to the defining module (LIMITED). With limited types, allocation and extension is possible in the defining module only, never by an importing module. Final types typically are simple auxiliary data types, e.g.: Point = RECORD x, y: INTEGER END Variables of such types can be copied using the assignment operator, e.g. pt := pt2. The compiler never needs to generate the hidden type guard that is sometimes necessary for such an assignment in Oberon. On the other hand, extensible records can neither be copied, nor passed as value parameters (since value parameters imply a record assignment). Final types, like extensible types, may be extensions of other record types and they may have methods. Extensible types are declared in the following way: Frame = EXTENSIBLE RECORD l-, t-, r-, b-: INTEGER END Plain EXTENSIBLE types are rare, it is more typical to use ABSTRACT types instead, which are a special case of extensible types that cannot be instantiated. The following paragraph gives a more precise description of what this restriction means: Types of values can never be abstract, but types of variables may be abstract. The type of a value can be different from the type of its holding variable only if the variable is referential; i.e., a pointer; or a VAR, IN, or OUT parameter. Thus, only those variables may be declared to be of an abstract type. In all other cases; i.e., static variables, record fields, array base types, and value parameters, non-abstract types or pointers (possibly to abstract types) must be used. Since the allocation operation NEW produces a value of the argument's type, NEW can only be used with variables of non-abstract type. Example of an abstract type: TextView = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Views.View) END Abstract types are design tools, they denote interfaces of objects. They are the primary means of Component Pascal to model component interfaces. Denoting records as abstract allows to indicate more precisely the use of a record: as an interfacing construct rather than an implementation construct. Nevertheless, an abstract type may have all types of methods (see below), i.e., it is not forced to be fully abstract. LIMITED types are a special case of final types. They are special in that they can be instantiated only within the defining module, and they cannot be copied. For example, a client may not perform a NEW on variables of limited types. Since allocation is under complete control of the defining module, the programmer of this module can guarantee that all newly allocated variables are correctly initialized before they are made accessible to client modules. This means that clients can only see variables that respect the type's invariants (which are established during initialization). An implementor is free to change the type's internal representation with less risk of breaking client code; there is no need for lazy initialization schemes; there cannot be delayed run-time errors due to missing initializations; and invariants (e.g., invariants over hidden record fields) cannot be violated through copying. Typically, factory functions or factory objects are provided to create new instances of dynamic LIMITED types. Example: Semaphore = POINTER TO LIMITED RECORD END; PROCEDURE New (level: INTEGER): Semaphore; In the BlackBox Component Framework, most abstractions are represented as abstract types, which are implemented by (non-exported) final types. This is another approach that allows to guarantee correct initialization, but it is too inconvenient for simple non-extensible abstractions. Moreover, LIMITED types cannot be substituted by client-side extensions. This is important, because it allows to protect non-extensible services, such as a real-time kernel, from being used with illegal types. Record syntax The record syntax looks as follows: RecordType = [EXTENSIBLE | ABSTRACT | LIMITED] RECORD ["(" QualIdent ")"] FieldList {";" FieldList} END. Note that a pure client programmer never needs to write any of the above attributes. The same is true for an implementor of a framework extension. Even the framework designer may save some time using these attributes, because they are an important part of the documentation that can be extracted automatically from the source code. The goal for the introduction of these attributes was to increase the static expressiveness of interfaces, such that important architectural decisions can be written down explicitly, in a way that a compiler can check conformance of an implementation or a client with the interface contract. A pure implementation language wouldn't need the new attributes, only a component-oriented implementation and design language needs to be able to express such design constraints. Control over such constraints enables a framework designer to establish important invariants over a whole software system (= system architecture), thus improving safety, maintainability, and evolvability. Some of the new attributes also add convenience; e.g., abstract methods need no procedure body anymore. Such additional convenience is a welcome benefit, but it was by no means the reason for the introduction of the attributes. Default and EXTENSIBLE methods Like record types, methods of a record type can also be attributed. The attributes available are the default (no attribute), EXTENSIBLE, ABSTRACT and EMPTY. Like record types, methods are final by default: PROCEDURE (t: T) StaticProcedure (x, y: INTEGER), NEW; BEGIN ... END StaticProcedure; Methods that are both new and final can be treated by a compiler like normal procedures, since they don't require late binding. Nevertheless, their use can be appropriate if they clearly belong to a particular type. Extensible methods on the other hand are marked as such, e.g.: PROCEDURE (t: T) Method (x, y: INTEGER), NEW, EXTENSIBLE; BEGIN ... END Method; It is much more common to use abstract or empty methods, which are special cases of extensible methods (see below). Declaring a method as final is achieved by simply leaving away the EXTENSIBLE attribute: PROCEDURE (t: T) FinalInheritedMethod (x, y: INTEGER); BEGIN ... END FinalInheritedMethod; If a black-box design style is used, most methods that need to be implemented for a framework extension are of the above kind, which requires no special attributes in the method signature. This is reasonable, because there are more framework extension programmers than there are framework designers, thus extensions should be as convenient as possible to write down. Final methods may be bound to any record types. Extensible methods may only be bound to extensible types (i.e., EXTENSIBLE or ABSTRACT). Since final methods cannot be "overridden", the invariants that they guarantee and the postconditions that they establish cannot be violated. Note that correct "extension" of a method means that the extending method implements a refinement of the extended method. Semantically, this means that the extending method accepts a weaker precondition or establishes a stronger postcondition compared to the extended method. ABSTRACT methods An abstract method is declared in the following way: PROCEDURE (t: T) SomeMethod (s: SET), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (t: T) CovariantMethod2 (): NarrowedType, ABSTRACT; Abstract methods are extensible. The compiler checks that a concrete type implements all abstract methods that it inherits. A concrete extension of an abstract method (or type) can be regarded as its implementation. Abstract methods may only be bound to abstract types, and they may not be called via super calls. An abstract method has no corresponding procedure body, it only exists as a signature. There is no need anymore to write a procedure body with a HALT statement. EMPTY methods A method can be declared as empty. Empty methods are extensible. An empty method is very similar to an abstract method, in that it is a hook for functionality that can be provided in later extensions. However, empty methods are concrete and can be called. If they have not been extended (i.e., implemented), calling them has no effect. Empty methods represent optional interfaces. For example, a BlackBox Component Framework View provides an empty method for handling user events (HandleCtrlMsg). This method is implemented in interactive views, passive views ignore it. It is not possible to introduce code in an empty procedure. For this reason, an empty method has no corresponding procedure body, and may not be called via super calls. Empty procedures may not return function results and may not have OUT parameters. Example: PROCEDURE (t: T) Broadcast (msg: Message), NEW, EMPTY; Method syntax The method syntax looks as follows: TBProc = PROCEDURE Receiver IdentDef [FormalPars] [Attribution]. Attribution = ["," NEW] ["," (EXTENSIBLE | ABSTRACT | EMPTY)]. Note that a pure client programmer never needs to write any of these attributes. The same is true for an implementor of a framework extension. Even the framework designer may save some time using these attributes, because they are an important part of the documentation that can be extracted automatically from the source code. Implement-only export of methods A method may now also be exported as implement-only, using the "-" export mark instead of the "*". Implement-only export means that the method may be implemented outside the defining module, but may not be called from there. Whether a method is exported normally or implement-only is decided when the method is first introduced (NEW method). Later extensions must use the same export mode if exported. Implement-only exported methods are called from within the module where a method is newly introduced; they go "upwards" in the module hierarchy (upcalls). For frameworks, the existence of such upcalls is typical. Implement-only export allows to prevent framework clients from violating the framework's invariants, while still making it possible to provide new implementations of the framework's types. Every framework has two "faces": an interface for clients, and an interface for implementors, the so-called specialization interface. These two interfaces may overlap. Implement-only export allows to clearly label those parts of an interface that belong to the specialization interface only. Super calls Because of the so-called semantic fragile base class problem, it is recommended to avoid super calls whenever possible. It is possible to design new software such that they are not needed, by relying on composition rather than on implementation inheritance. Super calls are considered to be an obsolete feature. For the time being, they are retained for backward compatibility. In the long run, support for super calls may be reduced. Procedure types Procedure types are less flexible than objects with methods. Even standard examples for procedure types in numerical software can benefit from modeling them as objects. Objects are extensible, procedure types are not. Procedure types can pose considerable implementation difficulties concerning the safe unloading of code. For these reasons, procedure types are considered as obsolete. For the time being, they are retained for backward compatibility and for implementation low-level interfacing code (callbacks). In the long run, support for super calls may be reduced. ANYREC and ANYPTR Each base record is implicitly regarded as an extension of the new abstract standard type ANYREC, even if it is declared without explicit base type. ANYREC is an empty record that forms the root of all record type hierarchies. ANYPTR is a new standard type that corresponds to a POINTER TO ANYREC. These new types make it easier to achieve interoperability between independently developed frameworks, by allowing completely generic parameters. The following pseudo definitions can be assumed: ANYREC = ABSTRACT RECORD END; ANYPTR = POINTER TO ANYREC; PROCEDURE (a: ANYPTR) FINALIZE-, NEW, EMPTY; The FINALIZE procedure is empty. It can be implemented for a pointer type extension. The procedure is called at some unspecified time after the object has become unreachable via other pointers (not globally anchored anymore) and before the object is deallocated. Finalizers are needed to release resources that are not directly Component Pascal objects; e.g., file sectors, font handles, window pointers of the operating system, and so on. The finalization order is not defined. An object is only finalized once. String support Explicit string types We can distinguish a string value (the actual character values) from the variable in which it is contained (an array of character). Some operations in Component Pascal operate on the string value (e.g., comparison for equality), others operate on the container variable (e.g., assignment). A compiler can automatically derive which interpretation is needed in a given situation. Unfortunately, there are situations where both interpretations make sense. For example, passing an array of character to a value parameter (which is also an array of character) should be interpreted as an assignment. But often it is more efficient only to copy the string value in the actual parameter, rather than the whole array. Consider passing a Unix path name, declared as an array of character with 2048 elements, when it usually contains only a few dozen characters. In Component Pascal, it can be made explicit that the programmer wants to work with the string value, rather than the character array variable. Selecting the string value in a variable is denoted with the $ operator; for example OpenFile(pathname$) where OpenFile is declared as PROCEDURE OpenFile (name: ARRAY 2048 CHAR) Note an additional benefit: it is now more attractive to declare character array parameters with a fixed number of elements, like in the above example. In Oberon, this is inconvenient since often the type of the actual parameter is not compatible with the formal parameter. Since string values are always compatible with character arrays, this problem vanishes in Component Pascal. This is important because it is more precise to specify a fixed size array when the array is known to be limited. Note that declaring an open array would be a contract to accept arrays of any length whatsoever (without ever leading to an out-of-range error at run-time!). String concatenation The + operator now allows to concatenate strings. The target variable must be of sufficient length to hold the resulting string. Elimination of COPY The auxiliary procedure COPY is not necessary anymore, since the $ operator makes it superfluous. For example, COPY(a, varpar) is replaced by varpar := a$ Specified domains of types To achieve fully portable code, it is necessary to fully specify the domains of all base types. The Component Pascal base types are a superset of the Java base types. Type Size Domain SHORTCHAR 1 byte Latin-1 character set (first Unicode page and a superset of ASCII) CHAR 2 byte Unicode character set BYTE 1 byte signed integer SHORTINT 2 byte signed integer INTEGER 4 byte signed integer LONGINT 8 byte signed integer SHORTREAL 32 bit IEEE REAL 64 bit IEEE SET 4 byte bitset BOOLEAN 1 byte FALSE or TRUE Type LONGREAL has been eliminated. Longreal literals have been eliminated; i.e., use 1.0E2 instead of 1.0D2. The identifier LONGREAL is reserved for possible future use. Real constants are always REAL (64 bit) values. Hexadecimal integer constants now can be specified either as 4 byte (e.g., 0FFFFFFFFH) or 8 byte constants (e.g., 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL). This allows to distinguish negative INTEGER hex constants from positive LONGINT hex constants. For example, 0FFFFFFFF denotes -1 when interpreted as INTEGER, but 4294967295 when interpreted as a LONGINT. Integer constants are always INTEGER (4 byte) values. Assignment of an integer constant to a smaller type (e.g., BYTE) is legal if the constant lies within the range of the target type. Integer constants of other types can only be constructed using SHORT or LONG, except that sufficiently large constants automatically have type LONGINT. Integer arithmetic is now always performed with 32-bit precision, except for expressions that contain LONGINT values. In the latter case, 64-bit precision is used. This rule makes it less likely to produce hard-to-find overflows of intermediate results that are calculated at insufficient precision. Floating-point arithmetic is always perfomed at 64-bit precision. Miscellaneous The semantics of DIV is strengthened, by specifying the result of divisions by negative numbers. The new real value INF for infinity has been introduced. This value may be generated e.g. through floating-point division by zero. The meaning of infinity for floating-point numbers is defined by the IEEE standard for floating-point numbers. It has been specified more comprehensively where pointer dereferencing is implicit. For example, it is now also available when passing a pointer variable to a record type formal parameter. Record types can be declared as extensions of other record types by mentioning a pointer type as base type (instead of a record type). This makes the explicit naming of a record type superfluous, if the record variables are used via pointers only. Within a scope, type names can be considered as forward-declared. This means that any type name can be used before it is declared. Old-style pointer forward declarations like T = POINTER TO TDesc are still allowed, since they are simply a special case of the new rule, but they are not necessary anymore. BITS is a new standard function that converts an INTEGER value to a SET value, such that BITS(1) yields {0}. For example, this allows to write more portable device drivers, since it doesn't depend on the processor's bit ordering (which differs for 68k and PowerPC, for example). ORD can now also be applied to SET values (inverse operation of BITS). MIN and MAX now also accept two parameters; e.g. real0 := MAX(someInt, real1). They select the minimal/maximal values of the two inputs, which must be number types. LEN can also be used on string values. LEN(chararray) returns the length of the chararray variable, while LEN(chararray$) returns the length of the string value. Note that a character array must have at least one more element than the string value contains characters, to hold the terminating 0X character. Designators are generalized to allow dereferencing etc. on a function result. For example, the following is now legal: length := view.ThisModel()(TextModels.Model).Length() or view.Context().GetSize(w, h) The relaxation of the designator syntax makes it easier to use methods instead of record fields. Methods are more flexible and make it simpler to implement wrappers (forwarding of method calls) than record fields do. Global variables, including heap variables allocated with NEW, now have a defined initial value (FALSE, 0X, 0, 0.0, {}, NIL, ""). Local (i.e., stack) variables are not initialized, except for pointers and procedure variables which are set to NIL for safety reasons. An appendix of the language report specifies the minimal environment requirements that any Component Pascal implementation must fulfill. In particular, commands, dynamic loading, and garbage collection are fundamental requirements for component-oriented systems. Like for all dynamic languages, this appendix acknowledges that the language cannot be regarded completely independently from its environment. The object model, whether assumed in the language definition or accessed as an external service, is always part of the environment. To simplify interfacing of existing C libraries, underscores in identifiers are allowed. The rules for export marks have been simplified compared to Oberon: An extending method must have exactly the same export mark as the method that it extends. The only exception occurs if the method is part of a non-exported record; in this case it may not be exported. A module now has an optional CLOSE section, after the BEGIN section. The close section is called before a module is unloaded. A module's BEGIN section is called after all the imported modules' BEGIN sections have been called. A module's CLOSE section may only be called after all the importing modules' CLOSE sections have been called. In summary, you'll note that this revised language definition contains one major extension: a more expressive interface definition language (IDL) subset (NEW; EXTENSIBLE; ABSTRACT; LIMITED; EMPTY; implement-only export of methods) that makes it easier to specify architectural properties of a component framework. The other points are mostly detail improvements based on a decade of experience in using the language. Particularly noteworthy are the more general and systematic treatment of strings and the new specification of the base type sizes. Acknowledgements We would like to thank Beat Heeb, Dominik Gruntz, Matthias Hausner, and Daniel Diez of Oberon microsystems for their valuable input. In particular, without Beat's work this endeavour would have been impossible. The most important external contributions came from Clemens Szyperski (Queensland University of Technology, Australia) and Wolfgang Weck (bo Akademi, Finland). Last but not least, we would like to thank Prof. Niklaus Wirth for commenting an early revision of the Component Pascal language report, and for having created such a great foundation.
Map to the BlackBox Component Builder Documentation GuidedTour Roadmap OverviewbyExample Tutorial: Component-based Software Development with BlackBox Table of Contents Part I Part II Part III UserInteraction Forms ViewConstruction CompoundDocuments Texts DesignPractices Appendices A:BriefHistoryofPascal B: Differences between Pascal and Component Pascal User Manuals Developer Manuals Component Pascal Miscellaneous Framework Framework LanguageReport License TextSubsystem TextSubsystem What'sNew? Contributors FormSubsystem FormSubsystem CharacterSet Platform SpecificIssues DevSubsystem DevSubsystem DocumentationConventions Std Subsystem SqlSubsystem ProgrammingConventions