stringlengths 39
Mischel, W., 165, 415
Mitchell, R. E., 129
Mitchison, G., 75
Mitte, K., 368Mizuno, H., 80Moehler, E., 233
Moergen, S., 195
Moerk, K. C., 297Moffitt, T. E., 206
Moilanen, D. L., 447
Molix, L., 407
Moller, A. C., 191Moller, I., 395Monahan, D., 213
Mondal, A. C., 400
Monroe, S. M., 449Montgomery, R. L., 203Moore, L., 408
Moos, R. H., 129
More, T. A., 338Moretti, M. M., 448Morfei, M. Z., 422
Morgan, K. L., 202
Morris, M. L., 444Morrison, R., 62Morton, T. L., 312
Mosher, M. E., 316
Moss, H. A., 232Mostofsky, E., 197
Mount, M. K., 171 β172
Moustakas, C. E., 318Mouton, G. J., 175Mowad, L., 407Mowrer, O. H., 131
Mroczek, D., 150
Mueser, K. T., 195Mugny, G., 193Muirhead, J., 212
Mullally, P. R.,
Mummery, K., 320Mundorf, N., 83Murayama, K., 193
Murphy, S., 408
Murray, B., 390Murray, C., 253Murray, E. J., 316
Murray, H. A., 155 β156, 184
Murray, J. A., 130
Muten, E. O., 78Myers, D. G., 138, 333
Nachshon, O., 145
Nadon, R., 91Napolitano, J. M., 78
Naragon, K., 206
Nasby, W., 29, 419Nash, M., 87, 89, 92
Nash, S. G., 216
Nathan, J. S., 62, 173
Nathan, K. T., 179Nauman, L. P., 159Naumann, E., 246
Neale, M. C., 230, 259Neale, J. M., 209 β211
Neely, T. L., 379
Neiderhiser, J. M., 231
Neimeyer, R. A., 429Neisser, U., 253Nelligan, J. S., 146
Nelson, N. M., 377
Nelson, N. W., 175Nes, L. S., 213
Nestoriuc, W., 362
Nevid, J. S., 370
Nevo, B., 82, 85Nevo, O., 82, 85Newby-Clark, I. R., 326
Nezworski, M. J., 62 β63
Ng, M. T., 406
Ng., T. W. H., 403 β406
Niaura, R., 196
Nicholls, G., 316
Nicholson, I. A. M., 152Nicholson, R. A., 175Nickens, S. D., 423
Nicolson, N. A., 449
Nieberding, R., 62, 175Niedenthal, P. M., 217Nieto, F. J., 196
Niiya, Y., 328
Niles, S., 188Nisbett, R. E., 253
Nitkin-Kaner, Y., 89
Noe, R. A., 171
Noguchi, K., 264Nolen-Hoeksema, S., 401, 442Noller, P., 142, 145, 212
Norcliffe, H., 384
Norcross, J. C., 58, 296Nordstrom, C. R., 405Norem, J. K., 216 β217, 219
Norman, P., 407 β408
Norman, W. H., 449Norris, J. E., 118Norton, L. W., 203
Northey, W. F., 368
Novaco, R. W., 132Nowicki, S., 404Nurius, P., 422
Oakley, D. A., 91
Ochse, R., 110OβBrien, M., 377
OβBrien, S. A., 73
OβConnor, B. P., 165
OβConnor, M. C., 193
OβConnor, S. C., 334
OβDonnell, K., 206
Oehlberg, K., 26Oetting, E., 197
Ofosu, H. B., 319
Ogunfowora, B., 163
OβHea, E. L., 406
OβHeeron, R. C., 315
OβHeron, C. A., 381
S., 10 β11, 332 β333Okazaki, S., 203Olatunji, B. O., 209
Oliver, P. V., 201
OβLoughlin, C., 269
Omarzu, J., 312
Ones, D. S., 263
Orcutt, H. K., 130
Orgler, H., 97Orina, M. M., 146Orlofsky, J. L., 381
Orzeck, L., 391
Osterman, L. 80Ostlund, N. M., 270Ostrov, B. F., 33
Otake, K., 332
Otto, M. W., 450Ouellette, J. A., 423Ovcharchyn, C. A., 195
Overall, N., 269
Overmier, J. B., 395, 398Overskeid, G., 344Owens, J. F., 197
Owens, P., 404
Oyserman, D., 423Ozer, D. J., 170
Page, R. A., 88
Paget, S. A., 386Paik, H., 389, 391Palkas, O., 71
Palker-Corell, A., 450
Pals, J. L., 4Panzarella, C., 450
Papsdorf, M., 201
Parish, E. A., 324
Park, L. E., 129, 328, 330Park, N., 301Parker, D. R., 387
Parker, K. C. H., 62
Parker, W. D., 100Parton, D. A., 387Pastorelli, C., 364
Pasupathi, M., 118
Patrick, B., 320Patrick, B. C., 310Patten, A. H., 118
Patterson, D. R., 86
Patterson, M. L., 201Patty, J., 145Paty, J. A., 364
Paulhus, D. L., 178 β179, 202 β203, 402
Pauls, C. A., 246
Paunonen, S. V., 164Pavot, W., 263
Payappagoudar, G. V., 400
Payne, S. C., 192Pbert, L. A., 216Peacock, E, J., 214
Pearl, L., 320
Pearlman, C., 74
Pedersen, D. M., 337Pedersen, N., 259 β260
Pedersen, P. B, 11NAME INDEX 511 |
Pedersen, W. C., 135 β137
Pedhazer, E. J., 382
Pence, K., 242
Pennebaker, J. W., 206, 313, 315 β316
Peplau, L. A., 319, 324Perez-Edgar, K., 233
Perrig, W. G., 406
Perrig-Chiello, P., 406Perry, D. G., 389
Perry, L. C., 389
Perry, R. P., 399
Peterson, C., 215 β216, 301, 398, 450
Peterson, S. A., 175Petrie, K. J., 316
Petrocelli, J. V., 424
Petty, F., 400Petzel, T. P., 195Phares, E. J., 351, 403
Phillips, A. G., 424
Phillips, C. M., 138Phillips, S. D., 201Piccione, C., 91
Pickering, A. D., 227
Piedmont, R.L., 164, 176Pierce, G. R., 127Pietromonaco, P. R., 145 β146, 310
Pilkonis, P. A., 201, 203, 450Pillard, R., 74Pilon, D. A., 187
Pinderhughes, E. E., 82
Pinquart, M., 319
Pintrich, P. R., 193Piotrowski, N. A., 175Pistole, M. C., 144 β145
Pivik, R. T., 229Pizarro, J., 407Pizzagalli, D. A., 246Plomin, R., 230, 252, 255 β256, 258 β260
Plug, C., 110Polivy, J., 325Pollard, J., 89Pollock, V. E., 136
Polman, H., 394
Pomerleau, A., 377Poropat, A. E., 172Powch, , I. G., 197
Powell, S., 60
Powers, S. I., 145Pozo, C., 201Prager, K. J., 312
Pratt, M. W., 118
Prentice-Dunn, S., 322Pressman, S. D., 206, 320Prince, L. M., 210
Prkachin, K. M., 84
Provenzano, F. J., 377Ptacek, J. T., 127, 129
Puca, R. M., 185
Puente, A. E., 62, 173
Punamaki, R-L., 71
Quanty, M. B., 137
Quiamzade, A. 193Quigley, K. S., 407
Quinlan, S. L., 423
Quinn, D. M., 330
Raag, T., 377
Rabin, B. S., 320
Rabung, S., 58
Rackliff, C. L., 377Radtke, H. L., 89
Raikkonen, K., 197, 216
Rajab, M. H., 320
Ramsey, S. L., 202Rasekhy, R., 88Rasmuson, I., 213, 259
Rasmussen, H. N., 215
Rathus, S. A., 370Rauch, S. L., 233Raveh, A., 133
Rawsthorne, L. J., 193
Rayner, R., 358Raz. A., 89Read, N. W., 29
Read, S. J., 144
Realo, E., 332Reardon, J. M., 86Reardon, L. F., 209
Rector, N. A., 175
Redd, W. H., 360Reddon, J. R., 175
Redersdorff, S., 444
Regalado, A., 253
Regalia, C., 422Register, P. A., 91Reich, J. W., 406
Reilly, R. K., 171
Reilly-Harrington, N., 450Reis, H. T., 145, 310, 324Reis-Bergan, M., 423
Reise, S. P., 169
Reiss, D., 231Reivich, M., 246Renaud, J. M., 424
Renneberg, B., 58
Resch, F., 233Rescorla, R. A., 346Revelle, W., 26
Revenson, T. A., 130, 386
Revonsuo, A., 71, 89Reynolds, C. A., 205Reynolds, J., 118
Reynolds, S. K., 165
Reznick, J. S., 234Rhee, S. H., 252Rhodewalt, F., 195
Rholes, W. S., 145 β146
Richards, J. C., 196
Richards, M. H., 334
Richardson, D. R., 319
Richardson, J. L., 404
Rief, Y., 362Riemann, R., 150, 176, 255Riggio, R. E., 210
Riggs, D. S., 129Rimer, S., 177
Rimm-Kaufman, S. E., 234, 242
Riordan, C. A., 346
Risinger, R. T., 263Riso, L. P., 450Ritter, J., 449
Ritts, V., 201
Rizavi, H. S., 400Robbins, P. R., 73
Roberts, B. W., 150, 170 β171
Roberts, J. E., 201Roberts, T. A., 329Robertson, E., 201Robertson, S., 83
Robins, R. W., 15, 206
Robinson, B. S., 423Robinson, M. D., 436Robinson, M. S., 450
Robles, T. F., 206
Roche, S. M., 91Rodeheffer, C., 394Rodgers, J. L., 101
Rodin, J., 215, 398 β399
S., 58
Rogers, C. R., 276, 279, 295, 299,
308, 318
Rogers, M. E., 129
Rogers, R., 175Rogers, R. W., 387Rogers, T. B., 421
Rohde, P., 449
Rokach, A., 319Ronan, P. J., 400Roney, C. J. R., 193
Rook, K. S., 324
Roos, P. E., 381Rose, D. T., 450
Rose, H., 377
Rose, R. J., 259
Rosenberg, A., 233Rosenblood, L. K., 334Rosenman, R. H., 193, 195
Rosenthal, R., 27, 170
Ross, M., 326, 444Rosse, J. G., 175Rotenberg, K. J., 320
Roth, S., 449
Rothbart, M. K., 230 β232
Rothman, A. J., 364Rothstein, M., 171
Rotter, J. B., 351 β353
Rowe, D. C., 101, 256
Rozek, M. K., 78Rubenstein, C. M., 319
Rubin, J. A., 377
Rubin, K., 233Rubins, J. L., 112Rubinstein, G., 161
Rudasill, K. M., 240, 242
Rudd, M. D., 320Rude, S. S., 449Ruiz, J. M., 196
Rushton, J. P., 259512 NAME INDEX |
Russell, D., 319 β320
Russell, J. A., 205
Russo, J., 130
Rusting, C. L., 264, 446Rutledge, T., 320Ruvolo, A. P., 422
Rychlak, J. F., 387
Sachett, P. R., 177
Sadalla, E. K., 270
Sadler, P., 88
Sadler, W. A., 318Saeed, L., 264Sagrati, S., 449
Salgado, J. F., 171
Salili, F., 11, 188Salovey, P., 272, 407Saltz, E., 423
Salvatore, N., 197
Samuels, C. A., 381Sandstrom, M. J., 78Sandvik, E., 441
Sanford, C. P., 196
Sanford, S., 81Sangster, J. I., 214Sanna, L. J., 217
Sansone, C., 371
Santos, J. F., 321Saragovi, C., 384
Sarbin, T. R., 88 β89, 91
Sargent, R. T., 330Sarkar, U., 364Sarna, S., 259Saron, C. D., 244
Savarese, V. W., 129
Savickas, M. L., 429Saucier, G., 163 β164
Saudino, K. J., 231
Sawalani, G. M., 439
Sayer, A., 145Sayers, S. L., 381Sayette, M. A., 58, 296
Scabini, E., 422
Scarr, S., 256 β257, 259
Schatten-Jones, E. C., 319Scheier, M. F., 201, 212 β215
Schermer, B., 383Schimmack, U., 209Schlegel, R., 407Schlenker, B. R., 203, 327
Schmalt, H-D., 184 β185
Schmidt, J. A., 293
Schmidt, L. A., 233Schmidt, N., 171, 319, 324
Schmitt, C. H., 185
Schmitt, J. P., 383Schmukle, S. C., 205
Schneider, T. R., 407
Schreer, G. E., 197
Schuler, J., 316Schulman, P., 213Schultheiss, O. C., 185
Shulz, R., 399Schumacher, J. A., 7
Schuyler, B. A., 89
Schwartz, C. E., 233, 235
Schwartz, G. E., 431Schwartz, R. D., 406Schwarzwald, J., 364
Sears, R. R., 131 β132
Seburn, M., 338
Sechrest, L., 441
Seebauer, E., 391
Seeman, J., 296, 301, 307
Seeman, M. V., 175Segal, D. L., 80, 316Segal, Z. V., 449
Segerstrom, S. C., 212 β213, 215
Segrin, C., 319, 322
Segrist, D. J., 405Segura, S. L., 205
Seidlitz, L., 440
Seifert, J., 246Seligman, M. E. P., 213, 215 β216, 301,
333, 371, 395 β401, 449 β450
Senko, C., 193Sentis, K., 419Senulis, J. A., 244Sermat, V., 319, 324
Sestir, M. A., 394
Seyle, C., 165, 183Shack, J. R., 205
Shackelford, T. K., 100, 236,
266, 269
Shadish, W. R., 368Shah, J., 420Shankster, L. J., 171
Shao, L., 227
Sharp, L. K., 315Shaver, P. R., 141 β142, 144 β146,
319, 331
Shaw, J. S., 381Shea, C. A., 203Shedler, J., 175Sheese, B. E., 161
Sheldon, K. M., 210
Sheldon, W. H., 149Shell, M. M., 193Shepperd, J. A., 168, 203, 216
Sherman, J. W., 15
Sherman, M. F., 384Shernoff, D. J., 293Sherwood, H., 128
Sherwood, R. J., 246
Shiffman, S., 364Shifren, K., 213Shimai, S., 332
Shin, L. M., 233
Shiner, R. L., 230Shoda, Y., 415
Shope, G. L., 137
Short, P., 316
Showers, C., 219Shurcliff, A., 84Siegel, B., 177
Siegler, I. C., 196Siegman, A. W., 196
Siem, F. M., 169
Sigelman, J., 246
Sikkema, K. J., 129
Silva, P. J., 424
L., 386
Simms, L. J., 163Simoni, J. M., 406Simpson, T. L., 130Simpson, J. A., 144 β146
Singer, D. G., 391Singer, J. A., 117Singer, J. L., 74, 391
Sipley, C. G., 142
Skinner, B. F., 343 β345
Skinner, E. A., 128
Skoner, D. P., 320Slater, J., 404
Slavkin, M., 382
Slife, B. D., 387Sloan, W. W., 322, 324Sloman, L., 238
Slotter, E. B., 145
Smailes, E. M., 391Small, E. M., 217Smart, S. A., 327
Smillie, L. D., 227
Smith, A., 408Smith, C., 408Smith, C. E., 196
Smith, C. A., 207
Smith, D., 63Smith, D. A., 209 β211
Smith, E. R., 424
Smith, J., 419
Smith, K., 405Smith, M. S., 407 β408
Smith, R. E., 129, 364
Smith, S. L., 389 β391
Smith, T. W., 196
Smith-Lovin, L., 317Smyth, J., 316
Sneed, J., 379
Snidman, N., 232 β233, 235
Snyder, C. R., 126, 405Sohl, L., 262
Sohn, A. E., 312
Solano, C. H., 320, 322, 324Soldz, S., 163Solomon, Z., 364, 405
Sommers, S. R., 330
Sorensen, K. L., 403Sorensen, S., 319Soto, C. J., 159
South, S., 258
Souto, J., 316Sowerby, D., 92Spangler, W. D., 187
Spanos, N. P., 88 β89, 91 β92
Sparrow, D., 196
Spector, P. E., 405
Spence, J. T., 184, 378 β379
Spencer, J., 429NAME INDEX 513 |
Spencer, S. A., 370
Spencer, S. M., 219
Spett, M. C., 63
Spiegel, D., 87Spinath, F. M., 255Spiro, A., 196
Sprecher, S., 266, 312
Spinath, F. M., 150Springer, C., 215
Srivastava, S., 263
Staats, A. W., 351
Stack, A. D., 137Staehelin, H. B., 406Stajkovic, A. D., 364
Stake, J. E., 325, 381, 423
Stanton, A. L., 128, 130Stapp, J., 380Stecher, M. D., 175
Steciuk, M. L., 400
Steel, P., 263Steele, R. G., 176Steen, T. A., 301
Steeno, J., 383
Stegner, M. F., 332Stein, G., 292Stejskal, W. J., 62
Stelmack, R. M., 226, 229
Stemmler, G., 246Stenberg, C., 142
Stephenson, W., 297
Steptoe, A., 206, 406
Sternberg, R. J., 253Stevenson, J., 230Stewart, A. J., 117, 184
Stewart, M. O., 425
Stinson, L., 202Stokes, J. P., 321Stollak, G. E., 377
Stonner, D., 137
Stoppelbein, L., 450Storr, A., 335 β337
Story, A. L., 326
Strahan, E. J., 329
Strahan, R. F., 382Strassberg, D. S., 310, 313Strauman, T., 424
Strauss, J. P., 171 β172
Strelau, J., 255, 264
Strentz, T., 130Strickland, B. R., 403, 405 β406
Stright, A. D., 240, 382Strong, D. R., 450Stroud, L., 196Strough, J., 379
Strube, M. G., 194 β195
Strul, S., 161
Strunk, D., 425
Stucky, B. D., 439
Sturmer, T., 406
Sue, S., 331Suedfeld, P., 337Suh, E., 11, 227, 333
Suinn, R. M., 197Sullivan, E. A., 137
Sullivan, Q., 266
Sullivan-Logan, G. M., 231
Sulloway, F. J., 101Suls, J., 129, 196Sultan, F. E., 324
Surwit, R. S., 207
Surtees, P. G., 399Suvak, M. K., 129
Swaim, G. W., 201
Swann, W. B., 165, 183, 448
Sweeney, P. D., 404Sweet, J. J., 175Swickert, R. J., 226, 229, 263
Tafarodi, R. W., 325, 327,
331, 444
Talley, A. E., 7, 195, 407
Tamir, T., 264
Tamres, L. K., 126Tanck, R. H., 73Tarabulsky, G. M., 297
Tarlow, E. M., 206
Tataryn, D. J., 91Tate, D. C., 129Taubes, G., 33
Tavecchio, L. W. C., 242
Taylor, D. A., 310 β311
Taylor, M. C., 380 β38
Taylor, S. E., 212, 214, 331, 446
Teasdale, J. D., 447, 449
Tedeschi, J. T., 346Tellegen, A., 91, 163, 204 β205
Teng, G., 201
Tennen, H., 15
Terracciano, A., 163, 205, 270Terry, D. J., 130Teta, P., 163
Tetenbaum, T. J., 382
Tett, R. P., 171 β172
Thayer, C. A., 206Thibodeau, R., 246
Thisted, R. A., 320
Thomas, A., 239 β242
Thomas, S. L., 392Thomas, V., 187
Thompson, E. L., 127
Thoresen, C. J., 172Thorndike, E. L., 346Thornhill, R., 248
Thrash, T. M., 185, 193
Tice, D. M., 169, 237Tidwell, M-C. O., 145Tiernan, S. L., 415
Tierney, A. M., 381
Tiet, Q., 364Timmers, M., 210
Tinsley, B. J., 163
Tither, J. M., 269
Tobias, B. A., 91Tobin, R. M., 161Todaro, J. F., 196
Todd, M., 270Todorov, A., 438
Tolan, P. H., 132
Tomarken, A. J., 244 β245
Tooke, W., 201
Torgas, C. M. 117Torres, J., 74
Tracy, J. L., 15
Tran, S., 144Treanor, J. J., 320
Triandis, H. C., 11, 331, 333
Tripathi, R., 188
Trivers, R. L., 265
Troisi, A., 237
K. J., 197, 386
True, N., 316
Truesdell, S. E., 312Trull, T. J., 165Tucker, J. S., 144
Tuerlinckx, F., 184
Turner, R., 320Twenge, J. M., 124
Tyroler, H. A., 196
Uchino, B. N., 196, 320
Ulbricht, J., 231Ungerer, J. A., 80
Vaidya, J. G., 163
Vaillant, G. E., 78 β80, 163, 215
Valentine, J., 7, 195
Valentine, J. C., 394
Valentiner, D. P., 129Vallereax, S. R., 263Valli, K., 71
Van Acker, R., 132
van Aken, M. A. G., 394van den Oord, E., 101Van Hulle, C. A., 231
Van Ijzendoorn, M. H., 242
Van Yperen, N. W., 191Van Zeijl, J., 242Vasquez, E. A., 136 β137
Vaughn, L. A., 448
Vernon, P. A., 255Veroff, J., 187Verona, E., 137
Vershure, B., 270
Vickers, R. R., 165Viechtbauer, W., 150Viglione, D. J., 62
Vignoles, V. L., 422
Villacorta, M., 328Villanova, P., 450Vitaliano, P. P., 130
Vitkus, J., 322
Vittengl, J. R., 425Vo, K., 33Voelz, C. J., 384
Vogel, D. A., 74, 377
Vogt, D. S., 129Vokonas, P., 196von Weiss, R. T., 316
Vu, C., 325, 327514 NAME INDEX |
Wachs, J. D., 248
Wacker, J., 246
Wainwright, N. W. J., 399
Walder, L. O., 391Waldman, I. D., 252Waldrip, A. M., 419
Walker, L., 429
Wall, S., 140Wallander, J. L., 203
Waller, N. G., 163, 169
Wallston, B. S., 407
Wallston, K. A., 207,
406 β408
Walsh, D. A., 395
Walton, K. E., 150
Ward, C. H., 195Ward, K. D., 196Wardle, J., 206, 406
Ware, J. E., 408
Warren, L. Z., 212Waters, B., 80Waters, E., 140
Waters, S. D., 177
Watkins, C. E., 62, 175Watkins, L. R., 400Watson, C., 381
Watson, D., 162 β163, 197,
204 β206, 230
Watson, J. B., 342 β343, 358
Wearing, A., 263
Weary, G., 448
Webb, S. D., 335Webb, W., 201Webber, P. L., 256
Weeks, D. G., 319
Weeks, T., 118Wegner, D. M., 74Wei, M., 320
Weigold, M. F., 327
Weinberg, R. A., 256Weinberger, D. A.,Weiner, B., 189
Weiner, I. B., 62
Weinstein, R. S., 404Weinstein, S. E., 407Weintraub, J. K., 214
Weisenberg, M., 364
Weiss, S. M., 195Weiss, S. T., 196Weisz, A. E., 404
Welker, T. A., 450
Wellens, A. R., 201Wellman, J. A., 213Wenslaff, R. M., 74
Wentura, D., 327
Wenze, S. J., 450
Wenzel, A., 201West, S. G., 270Westen, D., 43, 163
Westgate, S. J., 407
Wheeler, R. E., 244White, M. A., 406
Whitehouse, W. G., 450
Whiting, R., 332
Whitley, B. E., 380 β381
Whitley, D., 317Whittington, E. S., 326
Whooley, M. A., 364
Whyte, L. L., 64Wichman, A. L., 101Wicker, F. W., 83
Widiger, T. A., 165
Wiebel, A., 233Wiese, D., 162Wilkowski, B. M., 436
Willerman, L., 256
Williams, C. L., 324Williams, J. E., 196Williams, J. G., 320
Williams, L. M., 246
Williams, M. H., 309Williams, P. G., 206
Williams, S., 449
Williams, S. L., 364
Williams-Piehota, P., 407Willingham, J. K., 206Willis, A. C., 83
Wills, T. A., 263
Wilpers, S., 161Wilson, G., 132Wilson, K. S., 92
Wilson, M., 311
Wilson, T. D., 190Windle, M., 130Windle, R. C., 130
Winstead, B. A., 310
Winter, D. A., 429Wittenberg, M. T., 324Wittig, M. A., 256
Woike, B. A., 118
Wolfe, R. N., 164Wolfe, C. T., 328Wolke, D., 450
Won-Doornink, M. J., 311
Wong, F. Y., 391Wong, M. M., 293Wong, P. T. P., 214
Wong, W. S., 214
Wood, J. M., 62 β63
Wood, J. V., 326 β327
Wood, P. K., 130
Wood, W., 270, 391
Woodhill, B. M., 381
Woods, K., 82Woodward, S. A., 233
Woody, E. Z., 80, 88, 92
Work, W. C., 240
Worsham, N. L., 129Wortman, C. B., 165Wright, C. I., 233
Wright, R. J., 197
Wrosch, C., 213, 248, 399Wu, K. D., 168Wyatt, E., 50
Wyman, P. A., 240
Yarmel, P. W., 7
Yarnold, P. R., 195
Yeracaris, C. A., 187
Yi, J., 368Yik, M. S. M., 203Young, J. E., 324
Youngcourt, S. S., 192
Yung, Y., 319Yurko, K. M., 216
Zadra, A. L., 73
Zajonc, R. B., 101Zakalik, R. A., 320Zalewski, C., 175
Zammicheili, M. E., 384
Zand, D., 325Zanelati, T., 400Zautra, A. J., 406
Zeidner, M., 130, 213
Zeigler-Hill, V. 80Zeldow, P. B., 381Zernike, K., 253
Zezima, K., 50
Zhou, X., 163
Zigler, E., 82
D., 83
Zimbardo, P. G., 91, 199
Zinbarg, R., 359Zitman, F. G., 216Zuckerman, M., 163
Zur, O., 309
Zuzanek, J., 334Zyzanski, S. G., 195NAME INDEX 515 |
Absorption, 91
Academic performance
(see Achievement)
Accidents, 55
Achievement, 11, 183 β193, 195,
212β213, 216 β219, 239 β242, 293,
325β328, 404 β405 (see also Work)
Achievement Goal Questionnaire, 190
Achievement goals, 190 β193
Achievement motivation, 183 β193
Acquiescence response (agreement
response), 179
Active coping strategies, 127 β130
Adler, Alfred, 96 β101
Adoption, 255 β257
Affect intensity, 207 β210
Aggregating data, 167 β168
Aggression, 6β 8, 83 β84, 131 β138, 375,
404β412, 436 β440
Agreeableness, 161
Allport, Gordon, 152 β155
Analogue behavioral observation, 366Anal stage of development, 51
Androgyny, 379 β384
Anger (see Hostility)
Anima and animus, 102βAnna O., βcase of, 41
Anxiety, 124 β131, 233, 236 β238,
281β282 (see also Social anxiety)
Anxiety to novelty, 233
Anxious-ambivalent attachment style,
Archetypes, 102 β106
Assessment, 15, 33 β37, 59 β63,
117β119, 172 β179, 297 β301,
364β368, 428 β431Behavior observation, 364 β368
narratives, 117 β119
Projective tests, 59 β63
Q-Sort, 297 β301
Repertory grid technique, 428 β431
Self-report inventories, 172 β179
Attachment style, 138 β146
Attachment theory, 140 β141
Attributions, 188 β190
Autonomy versus shame and doubt,
Aversion therapy, 361
Avoidance coping strategies, 128 β130
Avoidant attachment style, 141 β146
Bandura, Albert, 353 β357, 362 β364,
Basic trust versus mistrust, 106 β107
Behavioral approach system (BAS),
Behavioral inhibition system (BIS),
Behavioral validation, 37
Behaviorism, 222, 341 β350
Behavior modification, 360 β362
Behavior observation methods,
Behavior potential, 351 β352
Belongingness and love needs, 286
Big Five Factor Markers for
Conscientiousness, 162
Big Five personality factors, 159 β165,
170β172, 255
Biofeedback, 380
Birth order, 99 β101
B-love, 286Brain electrical activity, 243 β246
Breuer, Joseph, 41 β42
Cardinal trait, 153
Case study method, 28 β30
Castration anxiety, 52Catharsis, 81, 83 β84, 132, 137 β138
Cattell, Raymond, 158 β160
Central traits, 153
Cerebral asymmetry, 244 β246
conditioning, 345 β346,
Client-centered therapy (see Person-
centered therapy)
Cognitive-affective units, 415 β416
Cognitive personality variables,
Cognitive psychotherapy, 424 β428
Collective unconscious, 101 β105
Collectivist cultures, 11Conditional/unconditional positive
regard, 282 β283, 294
Conditioning principles (see Classical
conditioning, Operant conditioning)
Conditions of worth (see Conditional/
unconditional positive regard)
Congruent (convergent) validity, 36
Conscientiousness, 162, 171 β172
Conscious versus unconscious
determinants of behavior, 13 β14
Construct validity, 35Contingencies of self-worth, 328 β330
Coping flexibility, 130 β131
Coping strategies, 126 β131
Coronary-prone behavior pattern
(see Type A)
516 |
Correlation coefficient, 31 β32
Countertransference, 58
Culture and personality, 10 β11
Death instinct (Thanatos), 46, 131
Defense (Rogers βtheory), 281 β282
Defense mechanisms, 46 β49, 75 β80
Defensive style, 78 β80
Defensive pessimism, 216 β219
Deficiency motive, 284
Denial, 48, 76 β80
Dependent variable, 23 β24
Depression, 8 β10, 246, 399 β401,
403β404, 445 β451
Depressive cognitive triad, 446
Depressive schema, 446 β449
Differential Loneliness Scale, 323 β324
Disclosure reciprocity, 309 β310
Discriminant validity, 36Discrimination, 350Disorganization, 282Displaced aggression, 135 β137
Displacement, 47Dispositional optimism (see Optimism)Distress Disclosure Index, 314D-love, 286
βDora, βcase of, 57 β58
Dreams, 53 β54, 57 β58, 70 β75
Effect size, 31
Efficacy expectation, 362 β364
Ego (Freudian), 44 β46
Ego integrity versus despair, 111
Elderly, 398 β399
Ellis, Albert, 425 β428
Emotions, 204 β212 (see also Anxiety,
Emotional affectivity, 204 β207
Emotional expressiveness, 210 β212
Emotional Expressivity Scale, 211Emotional intensity (see Affect
Emotional memories, 441 β442
Emotion-focused coping strategies,
mastery experiences, 363
Erikson, Erik, 105 β111, 118 β119
Esteem needs, 287
Evaluation apprehension, 202 β203
Evolutionary personality theory,
236β238, 247 β248, 264 β272
Existential psychologists, 276Externals (see Locus of control)
Extinction, 346, 348
Extraversion (Big Five factor), 160 β161
Extraversion-Introversion (Eysenck βs
theory), 224 β225, 258 β264
Eysenck, Hans, 223 β229
Face validity, 35 β36
Factor analysis, 158 β159
Faking, 175 β176
Feelings of self-worth, 325Feminine psychology (Horney βs theory),
Five-factor model (see Big Five
personality factors)
Fixation, 49
Flow (see Optimal experience)
Free association, 41, 54
Free will, 14Freud, Sigmund, 40 β43 (see also
Freudian theory of personality)
Freudian slips, 55Freudian theory of personality,
43β65, 115
Fromm, Erich, 117
Frustration 131 β135
Frustration-aggression hypothesis,
Fully functioning person, 279 β281
Gao kao , 177
Gemeinschaftsgefuhl (see Social interest)
Gender roles, 375 β378
General Aggression Model, 436 β438
Generalization, 350, 396
Generalized expectancies (see Locus
of control)
Generativity, 109, 118 β119
Generativity versus stagnation, 109,
Genetic influences on personality
(see Heritability)
Genital stage of development, 53
Goodness of Fit Model, 241 β242
Growth needs, 284
Guided mastery, 363 β364
Happiness (see Well-being)
193β198, 206 β207, 215 β216,
313β316, 320 β321, 406 β408
βHere and now, β278
Heritability, 13, 251 β261
βHidden observer, β88β89
Hierarchy of needs, 284 β290, 296 β297
Horney, Karen, 111 β115
Hostility, 195 β198
Human Figure Drawing test, 60 β61
Humor, 80 β85
Hypnosis, 51, 55, 85 β92
Hypothesis, 20 β22
Hypothesis-testing approach, 20 β27
Id, 44 β45
Ideal self, 299 β301, 423 β424
Identification, 77
Identity versus Identity Diffusion
Scale, 110
Identity versus role confusion, 108
Idiographic approach, 153
Impression Management Scale, 178
Independent variable, 22 β26
Index of Self-Actualization, 288Individualistic cultures, 11
Industry versus inferiority, 108Inferiority complex, 98
Inhibited and uninhibited children,
Initiative versus guilt, 108Instincts (Freudβ s theory), 46
Intellectualization, 49
Intelligence, 253
Interaction (statistical), 24
Internal consistency, 35Internals (see Locus of control)
Intimacy versus isolation, 109
Intrasexual selection, 266Introversion (see Extraversion-
Jung, Carl, 101 β105, 115 β117
Kelly, George, 411 β415, 428 β431
Latency stage of development, 53Law of parsimony, 20 β21
Learned helplessness, 395 β401,
(life or sexual instincts), 46
βLittle Albert, βcase of, 358 β359
Locus of control, 352, 401 β408
Loneliness, 317 β324
Manipulated independent variable,
Masculinity-femininity, 396
Maslow, Abraham, 283 β290,
296β297, 334
Mass media, 389 β393
Mastery goals, 191 β193
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality
Inventory (MMPI), 173 β175, 396
Moving against people, 114
Moving away from people, 114
Moving toward people, 113 β114
Murray, Henry, 60, 155 β157, 184
Natural selection, 236 β237
βNature-nurture βdebate
(see Heritability)
Need for Achievement, 184 β188
Need for privacy (see Solitude)Negative affect, 204 β207
Negative cognitive style, 449 β451
Negative reinforcement, 348
Neodissociation theory, 88
Neurosis (Horney βs theory), 111 β114
Neurotic anxiety, 46, 126Neuroticism (Big Five factor), 159 β160
Neuroticism (Eysenck βs theory), 225
Nomothetic approach, 153Nonadditive effects, 258Nonmanipulated independent variable,
Object relations theory, 139 β140
Observational learning, 356 β357,
377β378, 386 β395, 398SUBJECT INDEX 517 |
Oedipus complex, 52 β53, 71 β73
Openness, 161
Operant conditioning, 346 β350,
358β362, 376 β377
Optimal experience (flow), 290 β293
Optimism and pessimism, 212 β219
Oral stage of development, 49, 51
Outcome expectations, 362
Parental investment, 265
Peak experience, 290
Penis envy, 52, 114Performance goals, 191 β193
Personal constructs, 412 β415, 428
Personal Efficacy Scale, 402
Personal narratives, 117 β119
Person-by-situation approach, 166Person-centered therapy, 294 β296
Pessimism (see Optimism and
Phallic stage of development, 52 β53
Pleasure principle, 44
Positive affect, 204 β206
Positive reinforcement, 348
Possible selves, 422 β423
Posthypnotic amnesia, 89 β90
Preconscious, 43Prediction versus hindsight, 26 β27
Preferred arousal level, 261 β262
Preference for solitude, 337 β338
Press, 156
Problem-focused coping strategies,
Projection, 49, 76, 78
Projective tests, 54, 59 β63
Psychic energy, 46, 51
Psychoanalysis, 56 β58
Psychological adjustment
(see Well-being)
Psychological mechanisms, 237Psychosexual stages of development,
Psychotherapy, 56 β58, 294 β296, 316,
332, 360 β364, 405 β406, 424 β428
Behavior modification, 360 β362
Cognitive, 424 β428
Humanistic, 294 β296
Psychoanalysis, 56 β58
Psychoticism, 225
Punishment, 348 β349
Q-Sort, 297 β301
Radical behaviorism, 343
Rathus Assertiveness Inventory,
369β370Rational emotive therapy, 425 β428
Reaction formation, 48 β49, 58
Reactive aggression, 439 β440
Reality principle, 44
Reciprocal determinism, 353 β355
Reflection, 295
Relational-Interdependent Self-
Construal Scale, 443 β444
Relationships (interpersonal), 138 β146,
206, 212, 263, 311 β312, 382 β384,
Reliability, 34 β35, 62
Religion, 115 β117
REM sleep, 74Replication, 27
Repressed memories, 50Repression, 47Repression-sensitization, 128
Repertory grid technique, 428 β431
Rep Test, 428
Resistance, 58Response tendencies, 176 β179
Rogers, Carl, 279 β283, 294 β301
Role Construct Repertory Test
(see Rep Test)
Role play, 366
Romantic relationships (see Relationships)
Rorschach inkblot test, 60, 62 β63
Rotter, Julian, 351 β353
Safety needs, 285 β286
Schemas, 416 β417 (see also Depressive
schemas, Self-schemas)
Secondary traits, 160
Second-order conditioning, 346
Secure attachment style, 141 β146
Self-actualization, 287 β290
Self-construals, 442 β445
Self-disclosure, 307 β317, 324
Self-discrepancy theory, 423 β424
Self-efficacy, 362 β364
Self-monitoring, 366 β367
Self-regulation, 355 β356
Self-schemas, 418 β422
Shadow, 102
Shaping, 349 β350
Shyness (see Social anxiety)
Shyness Scale, 200
Situation versus trait controversy,
Skinner, B. F., 14, 343 β345
Social anxiety, 198 β203, 235
Social-cognitive theory, 353 β357
Social desirability, 176 β179
Social exclusion, 237 β238
Social interest, 98Social learning theory, 350 β352
Social skills, 322, 324
Solitude, 333 β338
Statistical analysis of data, 30 β32
Statistical significance, 31
Striving for superiority, 97 β99
Structural model, 44 β46
Structure of personality, 158 β165,
Subception, 281
Subjective well-being (see Well-being)
Sublimation, 47, 132
Superego, 45 β46, 52
Symbolic behavior, 55 β56
Systematic desensitization, 360 β361
Television (see Mass media)Temperament, 230 β236, 239 β242
Test-retest reliability, 34 β35
Thanatos (see Death instinct)Thematic Apperception Test (TAT),
62, 79, 161, 184 β185
Theory, 12 β14, 20 β21
Token economy, 361Topographic model, 43 β44
Trait continuum, 150
Traited and untraited individuals,
Transference, 58
Trauma, 313 β317
Triebe (see Instincts)
displaced aggression,
Twin-study method, 253 β260
Type A, 193 β195
Typology systems, 149
Unconditional positive regard
(see Conditional/unconditional
positive regard)
Unconscious, 40 β43, 64
Uninhibited children (see Inhibited and
uninhibited children)
Unmitigated communion, 384 β386
Unmitigated Communion Scale, 385
Validity, 35 β37, 62
Video games, 393 β395
Vienna Psychoanalytic Society, 41 β42, 95
Watson, John B., 341 β343, 358
Well-being, 262 β264, 290 β293,
335β337, 380 β382, 402 β406
Wish fulfillment, 44, 53
Womb envy, 114
Work, 177 β179, 292 β293, 296 β297,
404β405518 SUBJECT INDEX |
Subsets and Splits