INSPECTOR CHAN SUPER CRIME FIGHTERS Anyone else? Such a beautiful woman... ...and you arrest her... ...just for spitting? Is there no justice? Is there no law? Commissioner is only your boss... ...because he paid his dues to the Crocodile Gang. And you don't fucking know me? Sorry, I didn't know she was your wife. Ugly coward! What are you looking at? Never seen such a handsome gang boss? Who'd be in the film business? It's Sunday, and the theater's deserted. Where's the car? Let's go back inside! Call for help! No need for that, Northerner. While you were messing with the cop, your men signed up with us. I'll kill all you Axe Gangsters! Stop! You forget the time I treated you to dinner. Brother Sum. Please... Please spare me. Don't worry. I don't kill women. You can go! Thank you, Big Brother. Cops! Come clean up the mess! THE AXE GANG In a time of social unrest and disorder... In a time of social unrest and disorder... ...the gangs have moved in to consolidate their power. The most feared of them all is the Axe Gang. Only in the poorest districts, which hold no interest for the gangs... ...can people live in peace. PIG STY ALLE Y One, two, three! - That okay, Coolie? - No problem! TAILOR NOODLES AND CONGEE My check, please, Donut. - How much? - It's on the house! Donut. - It's nothing. - I like you. I'll ask the wife about lowering your rent. Morning, Landlord! Landlord! Jill! How you've grown! Come let me examine you! Good to see you, Landlord! What's so good about it? Don't...! Can you make the skirt slit higher? Sure! Look, a comet! Jane! You naughty girl! Landlord! You're such a scoundrel! Don't go, Jane! Stay and chat! I'm only kidding. Jane! Landlady! Landlady! What happened to the water? Water ain't free! You talk a lot for someone who won't pay his rent. But I'm in the middle of a shampoo. You think that's a problem? From now on, no water on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Water ration Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. I just love hearing you fools complain. Assholes! Good morning, Landlady! Just pay your rent, or I'll burn your shop down. What's so funny? Rent's no laughing matter, fairy! Serves you right you're a coolie! Months overdue and not even a good morning. You'll be a coolie for life. There you go, handsome! What took you so long with the congee? I stopped to help an old lady cross the street. - What are you doing here? - Checking for Peeping Toms. Was someone just spying on you, Auntie Six? Don't shoot your mouth off without proof. She's crazy. Go away! Please can you teach us, sir? No more soccer! - Who wants the cut? - My boss. Take a seat. Done! Fifty cents, please. Isn't it great? It's too good! Why'd you make him look so good? Why? Don't get mad, boss. He's my old buddy. I'll handle this. He's boss of the Axe Gang. Don't you see the two axes? We're bad guys. Making him look good is really bad. Understand? - I didn't know. - You're a numskull! But I like you, so just pay me, and I'll take care of it. No way! Steady with the axe, boss. Let me talk to him. I really care for you. You saw it for yourself. Seriously. Why don't you pay up. Not much. Enough for a drink. Oh, so it's blackmail! Boss! Boss! Now you're dead! Looks like he's waking up! I'm not afraid. You can kill me. But there'll be thousands more of me! You want to play tough? The Axe Gang boss is napping in there. Whoever wants to die, step forward. So you want to fight? Great! We'll go one-on-one. Don't even think about cheating. That old woman with the onion! You look real tough. Want to try me? I'll let you hit me first. What do you do? I'm a farmer. Farmers don't fight. Piss off! He's crazy! Calling me names? You're lucky you're a woman. Hey, shorty! Yeah, you! If you're short, you don't retort. What did I say about cheating? Sit back down! You! The geezer with the glasses. You look mean. No, not you. I mean... You! Hey, kid, let's rumble! All right, all right! So no one-on-ones today. You're all such wimps! He blackmailed me. Fat woman, you're in charge here, right? Fat woman, my ass! I'm with the Axe Gang! Axe Gang, my ass! Boss! Boss, my ass! - You have to pay our medical bills! - Bills, my ass! - We're on the same side! - Same side, my ass! Think you're so tough? I'll call for backup! You nitwit! Let's see you call backup! You don't know the backup I have. I'm talking an army here. Don't you go away! Go put a down payment on your coffin! Who threw the firecracker? I'm one of you, other. Mind your own business! It's raining. Go ing in your laundry! Fat woman! You blackmailing me too? I ain't afraid. I... Did anyone see what happened? Don't! My back's oken! Call for help! Hold on, calm down. You hungry? Keep quiet. No. Who did this? I'll count to three. One... ...two... I did it! Are the goods okay, Brother Sum? Sorry! Look away, kid. Get rid of him! We're the bad guys! We're meant to do the ass-kicking... ...not the other way around. And it's all because these morons posed as Axes. Don't waste your time, Brother Sum. We'll handle this. You! Take care of it. - Boy, can this guy pick locks. - It's a living. Give me a eak. Pick that one too, if you're so good. Come. I'll count to three. Hurry! Ready? Three! That's quick! Brother Sum, we really want to be Axes. That's why we did what we did. Give us a chance. Ever killed anyone? I've always thought about it. Then go kill someone. I will! Go on! Thank you, Brother Sum. We can always find a use for that type. I told you before, you've got to look tough. Tougher! Tougher! Act the part. And try to stay awake. It's tiring being tough. Tiring? It's our living! The streets out there are filled with money and women. You only need the will and determination... ...to seize the opportunity to win. This is our big chance! We just kill someone, and we're in the gang. Then it'll be money and women all the way! Don't be like those beggars... ...with no ambition. Who are you looking at, four-eyes? I'll smash your glasses! Get lost! Come here and say that! - You're really gonna kill someone? - That's right! The four-eyes, the fat woman and all the residents of Pig Sty. But they're good at kung fu. - I can do kung fu! - Oh, yeah? Didn't I tell you I know Buddhist Palm kung fu? Hey there, handsome boy. Stop. Amazing! Do you know you have a special aura? You're so young, but you have the bone structure... and chi flow of a kung-fu genius. If your chi flow can be channeled, then you will be invincible! Like the old saying: You cannot escape your destiny. The duty of upholding world peace and punishing evil will be yours. Sure. This is the scroll of the Buddhist Palm. It's priceless. But as it's fate, I'll let you have it for $ 10. BUDDHIST PALM MANUAL - You gave him your life savings? - Yes. I was saving to study to be a doctor or lawyer... ...but this was world peace. Let go of the girl! Hey! It's the Buddhist Palm! The 20-Cent Kung Fu Manual. You must be loaded. Have you killed anyone lately? He's a fool, and she's mute. Losers! I realized then that good guys never win. I want to be bad. I want to be the killer! - Ice cream! - Where? Make mine a vanilla. Chocolate for me! What're you looking at? Never seen free ice cream before? Look at her run! You're such kung-fu masters, go take it on the road. You belong in the circus, not here! Don't say that, Landlady. There must be a reason they're here. Everyone has his reasons. We don't want to make trouble. I'm glad you get it. The mob's mad at us. We'll never hear the end of it. Why don't you get lost! Your wife shouldn't be so nasty. You okay? Masters. We have nothing precious to give you... ...but take this as a token of our appreciation. Thanks for saving us! Stop the crying. This isn't a show! - You're so cold-hearted. - Talking back to me, eh? You may know kung fu, but you're still a fairy. It's no crime to be good at kung fu! Once a fairy, always a fairy. Look at you. What's with the red underwear? Why not a diaper while you're at it. What's wrong with red underwear? Where were you when there was trouble? If it weren't for them, we'd be finished. Be reasonable! I'll reason with you. You owe me three months' rent. That's $90. Pay up or pack up! Don't you worry. I'll pay it. Think you're a smartass, Rabbit-Tooth Jane? What's it to you, tub of lard? Bitch! Calm down, Landlady. This is your fault. - Are you trying to kill us? - You're right. How could you do that? Shut the hell up! You think you can out-yell me? The fat lady can really sing. Watch this! What happened? What do you mean, what happened? You try it. - Me? - Quick! Sorry! You okay? I think you should get closer and take better aim. Okay? Okay! - Who's throwing the handles? - Handle? Where's the third knife? God knows where it went. Could it be the same one? Can't be... - Don't! - Sorry. What are you trying to say? I just remembered I have something to do. See you! Uh-oh. They've seen us! Stay back! Don't panic! Snakes like music. If I whistle, they won't bite. Please, no more ight ideas. Oh, what the hell! Not you again, asshole! Get back to your business! Split up! Split? What're you doing here? Looking for you. Weren't you hurt? I'm fine! How come you always recover so fast? I don't know. - Which hospital did you go to? - Don't remember. Maybe it's better that way. Memories can be painful. To forget may be a blessing! I never knew you were so deep. All the sadness one can bear... ...down the river everywhere. Hey, get out of the way! Move! I'll slap you to kingdom come! Look at those four-eyes carting around a coffin. What morons! Don't blame me for making you leave. We'll let Buddha decide... ...whether you stay... ...or go. HORRIFICALLY BAD FATE Have some tea. We're grateful for some professional help. We understand the problem. Twelve Kicks from the Tam School... ...Iron Fist from the Hung School and the Hexagon Staff... Those guys at Pig Sty are really good. Their warrior days are long over... ...but they're still top fighters. This job is a great challenge for us. Now, that's professionalism. Number One Killers. Expensive, yes, but worth every penny! No! Number one is the Beast, the world's top killer. He was so dedicated to kung fu, he went crazy. I heard he's now in an asylum. So you're the top killers now. Strictly speaking, we're just musicians. A song that wrenches the heart O where do I find a knowing ear? Great poem, isn't it? We'll be saying goodbye soon. Who knows when we'll see each other again. We're three of a kind. Wish we'd known before. Let's take this opportunity to spar a little. No. We still have a lot to pack. You're right. Twelve Kicks of the Tam School! Superb attack and defense! Iron powerful yet delicate. Topnotch! Hexagon Staff, with its thousand moves. Mystical! Till we meet again! More lipstick! Stay there, or I'll eak you in half. Sorry, we're closed. You can make a suit in no time. We're moving. This is good material! You know your stuff. This has high artistic value. How high? At least a few stories... Insulting the Axe Gang! We'll show them. Let's kill them all and make this place a othel. Don't block my view! What's going on? Good! Don't block my view! Damn! I told those nitwits to leave, but they're still here. - Really? - Yeah. What the hell is this fighting? Who'll pay for the damage? Sorry, sorry. It's nothing! You know what time it is? I have to sleep. Hey, fatso, eat shit and die! Die? In this racket? Sorry, sorry! Get out of my way! Hang in there, Tailor. Be quiet! Give us a eak! Why push us so far? There's another master? It's the Lion's Roar! I thought that was a myth. Who knew the Lion's Roar really exists? That's the last we'll see of them. It's bad, Brother Sum. Quick, start the car! Start the car! Boss! Keep it down! Have you no manners? Get lost. People are trying to sleep. They have to work tomorrow. Get out of here! Scumbags! I can't hang on much longer. But having seen real masters like you... ...I can now die in peace. Don't say that. We're ordinary folks. Ordinary's a blessing. Don't call us masters. But you're such great fighters! If only you'd helped earlier, they wouldn't have to die this way. Like Donut said, everyone has his reasons. Years ago... ...we saw our only son killed in a fight. Revenge can be devastating. Do you understand? Why don't you train us to be top fighters... ...and we'll avenge them! Becoming a top fighter takes time. Unless you're a natural-born kung-fu genius. And they're one in a million. It's obvious I'm the one! Don't think so. Everyone! We swore we'd never fight again. But we oke that promise today. For your own safety, please all leave! In great power lies great responsibility. There's no escaping from it. Donut, you're hurt bad. Rest now. We can't understand what you're saying. Donut! I know you, four-eyes! You seem prejudiced against the sight-challenged. That's right. Especially gold-framed four-eyes. Gold frames are perfect for clerks. I think I look good. So why keep picking on me? Help me! Help me! Help me! Want to play, punks? The Dragon Style? The Tiger Style? Come down here, and I'll smash your glasses. Come on! You know I'd do it, right? Swear to it! Swear! Have you no respect? Where were you when I needed you? You sound like a wimp! We always get beat! We haven't gotten anywhere. No killing, no arson, no robberies, no rapes... ...all because of you! You're a numb-nut! Follow me! It's a stickup! Where's the money? Where's the money? What're you looking at? I'm serious! I kill people for less! Give me the money. The money's in here. Let go of the girl! He's a fool, and she's mute. Losers! Go away! You're dragging me down! Go home and raise pigs. Go, before I kill you. You! Whatsyourname! Take this and get some new clothes. You're now an Axe! - For real? - Someone's waiting for you. Brother Sum! One look at you, and I knew you'd do anything. Right! You just needed your chance. Damn right! We've an assignment for you. Anything, Brother Sum! Research on abnormal people. What's that? A mental asylum. Soldiers! Boy Scouts! Tanks! No worries. When the Boy Scouts change shifts, you have exactly five minutes. Follow the arrows on the map. Go to the last cell... ...and get the man inside there out. Here's your tools. What about you guys? We're your lookouts. Five minutes. Hurry! The world's top killer indeed looks the part! It's only a title. Cut the bullshit. We want two people killed. Name your price. Name my what? I've killed so many trying to find a worthy adversary. So far, I've never found one. That's why I stayed inside. Had I met my match, I'd have been out long ago. If you find me a worthy opponent... ...I'll do it for free. No charge! Do you have someone? Yes. Brilliant fighters who are up to the challenge. But first, will you show us some moves? Not that we don't trust you. We want to see you in action. You numskulls aren't worthy! He doesn't look the part. The slippers are a little crappy. But he'll clean up well. You sure you got the right guy? Absolutely. I swear I did exactly what you told me. Please show us some moves, Mr. Beast. Don't make it hard for me! You dumb or what? You know what this is, old man? Ever seen a fist this big? Don't force me to fight. I scare myself when I fight! Really? Try me, then. Is he okay? So you say you can fight? Harder! Harder! Harder! You hit like that and call yourself a gangster? A foreign gun! In the world of kung fu, speed defines the winner. The Beast is the best of them all. The Axe Gang extends its respect! The real masters, together in one room! Only the world's top killer... ...has such an aura. Likewise. Could you two be the fated lovers...? Paris... ...and Helen of Troy! A pleasure, indeed. We're here to deal with the Axe Gang... ...and only the Axe Gang. You should've killed me before. Now you're committing suicide. You're living on borrowed time. You can't escape your fate! What's this? A funeral bell? With the Beast here, let's see whose funeral it is! So you're on their side? Don't get me wrong. I only want to kill you... ...or be killed by you. What do you think? The good cannot coexist with the bad. You can't escape your destiny. So be it. Let's do it. Okay. Let's do it! Piece of cake. I can handle this. Good try, but a little off target. The Lion's Roar? Wait! I didn't know the Lion's Roar could be done with a speaker! What a blow! - Looks like they're not up to it! - Let's get them while they're down. You do it! - I'm gonna puke! I need to see a doctor! - Go to hell! You! Come over here. - Hit him! - Yes! - The head! - Of course! - Hit him on the head! - Okay. - Here's your chance. - Got it! - Hit him! - Hit him! - Hit the shit out of him! - Right! - Hit him! - Hit him! Beat the shit out of him! What're you doing? You want me to hit him or beat the shit out of him? You're making me very confused! Wow, that's a big fist! Why did you hit me? Where are they? How could you let them escape? No one gets away from me! Why did he save us? Young people make mistakes. But at least he finally made good. Look at him! Beaten to a pulp. Do you have any last requests? Hey, wait! Why don't you write in Chinese? I don't understand. There's no one here! CHINESE MEDICINE It's a miracle he lasted this long. The herbs should help him. Herbal medicine can only partly help. The key is his own body structure. All his bones and tendons are oken. It's amazing he's recovering so fast. It can't be possible... Unless he's... What's that smell? You mustn't smoke while you're hurt. Let me handle this. This makes no sense. Who knew the Beast could clear the chi flow... ...and thus unleash the boy's true potential? We should've guessed. He is the one! Is this for real? You're still alive, you turncoat? Kill him, men! What kind of move is that? Kids' stuff! If our son were alive, he'd be his age now. If he studies hard, he could grow up to be a doctor or lawyer. A stuntman, more likely! Not bad. Let's go. I can even stop bullets... What? The Toad Style of the Kwan Lun School? Oh, no! Remember the Palm move that falls from heaven? That's the long lost Buddhist Palm. I surrender! What kind of move was that? If you want to learn, I'll teach you. Master! Hey! Tell him not to put snot on the glass. You two, put your pants on! No licking if you're not buying! Kid, you have the bone structure of a kung-fu genius. World peace is in your hands. Here's the scroll of the Buddhist Palm. Because it's fate, I'll let you have it for $ 10. Wait! You want more...?
INSPECTOR CHAN SUPER CRIME FIGHTERS Anyone else? Such a beautiful woman... ...and you arrest her... ...just for spitting? Is there no justice? Is there no law? Commissioner is only your boss... ...because he paid his dues to the Crocodile Gang. And you don't fucking know me? Sorry, I didn't know she was your wife. Ugly coward! What are you looking at? Never seen such a handsome gang boss? Who'd be in the film business? It's Sunday, and the theater's deserted. Where's the car? Let's go back inside! Call for help! No need for that, Northerner. While you were messing with the cop, your men signed up with us. I'll kill all you Axe Gangsters! Stop! You forget the time I treated you to dinner. Brother Sum. Please... Please spare me. Don't worry. I don't kill women. You can go! Thank you, Big Brother. Cops! Come clean up the mess! THE AXE GANG In a time of social unrest and disorder... In a time of social unrest and disorder... ...the gangs have moved in to consolidate their power. The most feared of them all is the Axe Gang. Only in the poorest districts, which hold no interest for the gangs... ...can people live in peace. PIG STY ALLE Y One, two, three! - That okay, Coolie? - No problem! TAILOR NOODLES AND CONGEE My check, please, Donut. - How much? - It's on the house! Donut. - It's nothing. - I like you. I'll ask the wife about lowering your rent. Morning, Landlord! Landlord! Jill! How you've grown! Come let me examine you! Good to see you, Landlord! What's so good about it? Don't! Can you make the skirt slit higher? Sure! Look, a comet! Jane! You naughty girl! Landlord! You're such a scoundrel! Don't go, Jane! Stay and chat! I'm only kidding. Jane! Landlady! Landlady! What happened to the water? Water ain't free! You talk a lot for someone who won't pay his rent. But I'm in the middle of a shampoo. You think that's a problem? From now on, no water on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Water ration Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. I just love hearing you fools complain. Assholes! Good morning, Landlady! Just pay your rent, or I'll burn your shop down. What's so funny? Rent's no laughing matter, fairy! Serves you right you're a coolie! Months overdue and not even a good morning. You'll be a coolie for life. There you go, handsome! What took you so long with the congee? I stopped to help an old lady cross the street. - What are you doing here? - Checking for Peeping Toms. Was someone just spying on you, Auntie Six? Don't shoot your mouth off without proof. She's crazy. Go away! Please can you teach us, sir? No more soccer! - Who wants the cut? - My boss. Take a seat. Done! Fifty cents, please. Isn't it great? It's too good! Why'd you make him look so good? Why? Don't get mad, boss. He's my old buddy. I'll handle this. He's boss of the Axe Gang. Don't you see the two axes? We're bad guys. Making him look good is really bad. Understand? - I didn't know. - You're a numskull! But I like you, so just pay me, and I'll take care of it. No way! Steady with the axe, boss. Let me talk to him. I really care for you. You saw it for yourself. Seriously. Why don't you pay up. Not much. Enough for a drink. Oh, so it's blackmail! Boss! Boss! Now you're dead! Looks like he's waking up! I'm not afraid. You can kill me. But there'll be thousands more of me! You want to play tough? The Axe Gang boss is napping in there. Whoever wants to die, step forward. So you want to fight? Great! We'll go one-on-one. Don't even think about cheating. That old woman with the onion! You look real tough. Want to try me? I'll let you hit me first. What do you do? I'm a farmer. Farmers don't fight. Piss off! He's crazy! Calling me names? You're lucky you're a woman. Hey, shorty! Yeah, you! If you're short, you don't retort. What did I say about cheating? Sit back down! You! The geezer with the glasses. You look mean. No, not you. I mean... You! Hey, kid, let's rumble! All right, all right! So no one-on-ones today. You're all such wimps! He blackmailed me. Fat woman, you're in charge here, right? Fat woman, my ass! I'm with the Axe Gang! Axe Gang, my ass! Boss! Boss, my ass! - You have to pay our medical bills! - Bills, my ass! - We're on the same side! - Same side, my ass! Think you're so tough? I'll call for backup! You nitwit! Let's see you call backup! You don't know the backup I have. I'm talking an army here. Don't you go away! Go put a down payment on your coffin! Who threw the firecracker? I'm one of you, other. Mind your own business! It's raining. Go ing in your laundry! Fat woman! You blackmailing me too? I ain't afraid. I... Did anyone see what happened? Don't! My back's oken! Call for help! Hold on, calm down. You hungry? Keep quiet. No. Who did this? I'll count to three. One... ...two... I did it! Are the goods okay, Brother Sum? Sorry! Look away, kid. Get rid of him! We're the bad guys! We're meant to do the ass-kicking... ...not the other way around. And it's all because these morons posed as Axes. Don't waste your time, Brother Sum. We'll handle this. You! Take care of it. - Boy, can this guy pick locks. - It's a living. Give me a eak. Pick that one too, if you're so good. Come. I'll count to three. Hurry! Ready? Three! That's quick! Brother Sum, we really want to be Axes. That's why we did what we did. Give us a chance. Ever killed anyone? I've always thought about it. Then go kill someone. I will! Go on! Thank you, Brother Sum. We can always find a use for that type. I told you before, you've got to look tough. Tougher! Tougher! Act the part. And try to stay awake. It's tiring being tough. Tiring? It's our living! The streets out there are filled with money and women. You only need the will and determination... ...to seize the opportunity to win. This is our big chance! We just kill someone, and we're in the gang. Then it'll be money and women all the way! Don't be like those beggars... ...with no ambition. Who are you looking at, four-eyes? I'll smash your glasses! Get lost! Come here and say that! - You're really gonna kill someone? - That's right! The four-eyes, the fat woman and all the residents of Pig Sty. But they're good at kung fu. - I can do kung fu! - Oh, yeah? Didn't I tell you I know Buddhist Palm kung fu? Hey there, handsome boy. Stop. Amazing! Do you know you have a special aura? You're so young, but you have the bone structure... and chi flow of a kung-fu genius. If your chi flow can be channeled, then you will be invincible! Like the old saying: You cannot escape your destiny. The duty of upholding world peace and punishing evil will be yours. Sure. This is the scroll of the Buddhist Palm. It's priceless. But as it's fate, I'll let you have it for $10. BUDDHIST PALM MANUAL - You gave him your life savings? - Yes. I was saving to study to be a doctor or lawyer... ...but this was world peace. Let go of the girl! Hey! It's the Buddhist Palm! The 20-Cent Kung Fu Manual. You must be loaded. Have you killed anyone lately? He's a fool, and she's mute. Losers! I realized then that good guys never win. I want to be bad. I want to be the killer! - Ice cream! - Where? Make mine a vanilla. Chocolate for me! What're you looking at? Never seen free ice cream before? Look at her run! You're such kung-fu masters, go take it on the road. You belong in the circus, not here! Don't say that, Landlady. There must be a reason they're here. Everyone has his reasons. We don't want to make trouble. I'm glad you get it. The mob's mad at us. We'll never hear the end of it. Why don't you get lost! Your wife shouldn't be so nasty. You okay? Masters. We have nothing precious to give you... ...but take this as a token of our appreciation. Thanks for saving us! Stop the crying. This isn't a show! - You're so cold-hearted. - Talking back to me, eh? You may know kung fu, but you're still a fairy. It's no crime to be good at kung fu! Once a fairy, always a fairy. Look at you. What's with the red underwear? Why not a diaper while you're at it. What's wrong with red underwear? Where were you when there was trouble? If it weren't for them, we'd be finished. Be reasonable! I'll reason with you. You owe me three months' rent. That's $90. Pay up or pack up! Don't you worry. I'll pay it. Think you're a smartass, Rabbit-Tooth Jane? What's it to you, tub of lard? Bitch! Calm down, Landlady. This is your fault. - Are you trying to kill us? - You're right. How could you do that? Shut the hell up! You think you can out-yell me? The fat lady can really sing. Watch this! What happened? What do you mean, what happened? You try it. - Me? - Quick! Sorry! You okay? I think you should get closer and take better aim. Okay? Okay! - Who's throwing the handles? - Handle? Where's the third knife? God knows where it went. Could it be the same one? Can't be... - Don't! - Sorry. What are you trying to say? I just remembered I have something to do. See you! Uh-oh. They've seen us! Stay back! Don't panic! Snakes like music. If I whistle, they won't bite. Please, no more ight ideas. Oh, what the hell! Not you again, asshole! Get back to your business! Split up! Split? What're you doing here? Looking for you. Weren't you hurt? I'm fine! How come you always recover so fast? I don't know. - Which hospital did you go to? - Don't remember. Maybe it's better that way. Memories can be painful. To forget may be a blessing! I never knew you were so deep. All the sadness one can bear... ...down the river everywhere. Hey, get out of the way! Move! I'll slap you to kingdom come! Look at those four-eyes carting around a coffin. What morons! Don't blame me for making you leave. We'll let Buddha decide... ...whether you stay... ...or go. HORRIFICALLY BAD FATE Have some tea. We're grateful for some professional help. We understand the problem. Twelve Kicks from the Tam School... ...Iron Fist from the Hung School and the Hexagon Staff... Those guys at Pig Sty are really good. Their warrior days are long over... ...but they're still top fighters. This job is a great challenge for us. Now, that's professionalism. Number One Killers. Expensive, yes, but worth every penny! No! Number one is the Beast, the world's top killer. He was so dedicated to kung fu, he went crazy. I heard he's now in an asylum. So you're the top killers now. Strictly speaking, we're just musicians. A song that wrenches the heart O where do I find a knowing ear? Great poem, isn't it? We'll be saying goodbye soon. Who knows when we'll see each other again. We're three of a kind. Wish we'd known before. Let's take this opportunity to spar a little. No. We still have a lot to pack. You're right. Twelve Kicks of the Tam School! Superb attack and defense! Iron Powerful yet delicate. Topnotch! Hexagon Staff, with its thousand moves. Mystical! Till we meet again! More lipstick! Stay there, or I'll eak you in half. Sorry, we're closed. You can make a suit in no time. We're moving. This is good material! You know your stuff. This has high artistic value. How high? At least a few stories... Insulting the Axe Gang! We'll show them. Let's kill them all and make this place a othel. Don't block my view! What's going on? Good! Don't block my view! Damn! I told those nitwits to leave, but they're still here. - Really? - Yeah. What the hell is this fighting? Who'll pay for the damage? Sorry, sorry. It's nothing! You know what time it is? I have to sleep. Hey, fatso, eat shit and die! Die? In this racket? Sorry, sorry! Get out of my way! Hang in there, Tailor. Be quiet! Give us a eak! Why push us so far? There's another master? It's the Lion's Roar! I thought that was a myth. Who knew the Lion's Roar really exists? That's the last we'll see of them. It's bad, Brother Sum. Quick, start the car! Start the car! Boss! Keep it down! Have you no manners? Get lost. People are trying to sleep. They have to work tomorrow. Get out of here! Scumbags! I can't hang on much longer. But having seen real masters like you... ...I can now die in peace. Don't say that. We're ordinary folks. Ordinary's a blessing. Don't call us masters. But you're such great fighters! If only you'd helped earlier, they wouldn't have to die this way. Like Donut said, everyone has his reasons. Years ago... ...we saw our only son killed in a fight. Revenge can be devastating. Do you understand? Why don't you train us to be top fighters... ...and we'll avenge them! Becoming a top fighter takes time. Unless you're a natural-born kung-fu genius. And they're one in a million. It's obvious I'm the one! Don't think so. Everyone! We swore we'd never fight again. But we oke that promise today. For your own safety, please all leave! In great power lies great responsibility. There's no escaping from it. Donut, you're hurt bad. Rest now. We can't understand what you're saying. Donut! I know you, four-eyes! You seem prejudiced against the sight-challenged. That's right. Especially gold-framed four-eyes. Gold frames are perfect for clerks. I think I look good. So why keep picking on me? Help me! Help me! Help me! Want to play, punks? The Dragon Style? The Tiger Style? Come down here, and I'll smash your glasses. Come on! You know I'd do it, right? Swear to it! Swear! Have you no respect? Where were you when I needed you? You sound like a wimp! We always get beat! We haven't gotten anywhere. No killing, no arson, no robberies, no rapes... ...all because of you! You're a numb-nut! Follow me! It's a stickup! Where's the money? Where's the money? What're you looking at? I'm serious! I kill people for less! Give me the money. The money's in here. Let go of the girl! He's a fool, and she's mute. Losers! Go away! You're dragging me down! Go home and raise pigs. Go, before I kill you. You! Whatsyourname! Take this and get some new clothes. You're now an Axe! - For real? - Someone's waiting for you. Brother Sum! One look at you, and I knew you'd do anything. Right! You just needed your chance. Damn right! We've an assignment for you. Anything, Brother Sum! Research on abnormal people. What's that? A mental asylum. Soldiers! Boy Scouts! Tanks! No worries. When the Boy Scouts change shifts, you have exactly five minutes. Follow the arrows on the map. Go to the last cell... ...and get the man inside there out. Here's your tools. What about you guys? We're your lookouts. Five minutes. Hurry! The world's top killer indeed looks the part! It's only a title. Cut the bullshit. We want two people killed. Name your price. Name my what? I've killed so many trying to find a worthy adversary. So far, I've never found one. That's why I stayed inside. Had I met my match, I'd have been out long ago. If you find me a worthy opponent... ...I'll do it for free. No charge! Do you have someone? Yes. Brilliant fighters who are up to the challenge. But first, will you show us some moves? Not that we don't trust you. We want to see you in action. You numskulls aren't worthy! He doesn't look the part. The slippers are a little crappy. But he'll clean up well. You sure you got the right guy? Absolutely. I swear I did exactly what you told me. Please show us some moves, Mr. Beast. Don't make it hard for me! You dumb or what? You know what this is, old man? Ever seen a fist this big? Don't force me to fight. I scare myself when I fight! Really? Try me, then. Is he okay? So you say you can fight? Harder! Harder! Harder! You hit like that and call yourself a gangster? A foreign gun! In the world of kung fu, speed defines the winner. The Beast is the best of them all. The Axe Gang extends its respect! The real masters, together in one room! Only the world's top killer... ...has such an aura. Likewise. Could you two be the fated lovers...? Paris... ...and Helen of Troy! A pleasure, indeed. We're here to deal with the Axe Gang... ...and only the Axe Gang. You should've killed me before. Now you're committing suicide. You're living on borrowed time. You can't escape your fate! What's this? A funeral bell? With the Beast here, let's see whose funeral it is! So you're on their side? Don't get me wrong. I only want to kill you... ...or be killed by you. What do you think? The good cannot coexist with the bad. You can't escape your destiny. So be it. Let's do it. Okay. Let's do it! Piece of cake. I can handle this. Good try, but a little off target. The Lion's Roar? Wait! I didn't know the Lion's Roar could be done with a speaker! What a blow! - Looks like they're not up to it! - Let's get them while they're down. You do it! - I'm gonna puke! I need to see a doctor! - Go to hell! You! Come over here. - Hit him! - Yes! - The head! - Of course! - Hit him on the head! - Okay. - Here's your chance. - Got it! - Hit him! - Hit him! - Hit the shit out of him! - Right! - Hit him! - Hit him! Beat the shit out of him! What're you doing? You want me to hit him or beat the shit out of him? You're making me very confused! Wow, that's a big fist! Why did you hit me? Where are they? How could you let them escape? No one gets away from me! Why did he save us? Young people make mistakes. But at least he finally made good. Look at him! Beaten to a pulp. Do you have any last requests? Hey, wait! Why don't you write in Chinese? I don't understand. There's no one here! CHINESE MEDICINE It's a miracle he lasted this long. The herbs should help him. Herbal medicine can only partly help. The key is his own body structure. All his bones and tendons are oken. It's amazing he's recovering so fast. It can't be possible... Unless he's... What's that smell? You mustn't smoke while you're hurt. Let me handle this. This makes no sense. Who knew the Beast could clear the chi flow... ...and thus unleash the boy's true potential? We should've guessed. He is the one! Is this for real? You're still alive, you turncoat? Kill him, men! What kind of move is that? Kids' stuff! If our son were alive, he'd be his age now. If he studies hard, he could grow up to be a doctor or lawyer. A stuntman, more likely! Not bad. Let's go. I can even stop bullets... What? The Toad Style of the Kwan Lun School? Oh, no! Remember the Palm move that falls from heaven? That's the long lost Buddhist Palm. I surrender! What kind of move was that? If you want to learn, I'll teach you. Master! Hey! Tell him not to put snot on the glass. You two, put your pants on! No licking if you're not buying! Kid, you have the bone structure of a kung-fu genius. World peace is in your hands. Here's the scroll of the Buddhist Palm. Because it's fate, I'll let you have it for $10. Wait! You want more...?
Grandpa! You're not supposed to be up here, looking at that. I just wanted to know. Well, you're old enough, I suppose. You should know the story. OK, here we go. It was 1832. On a night much like this. Charles Carroll was the last surviving signer of the Declaration of Independence. He was also a member of a secret society known as the Masons. And he knew he was dying. He woke up his stable boy in the middle of the night and ordered him to take him to the White House to see Andrew Jackson, because it was urgent that he speak to the president. Did he talk to him? No. He never got the chance. The president wasn't there that night. But Charles Carroll had a secret. So he took into his confidence the one person he could, my grandfather's grandfather, Thomas Gates. What was the secret? A treasure. A treasure beyond all imagining. A treasure that had been fought over for centuries by tyrants, pharaohs, emperors, warlords. And every time it changed hands it grew larger. And then suddenly... it vanished. It didn't reappear for more than a thousand years, when knights from the First Crusade discovered secret vaults beneath the Temple of Solomon. You see, the knights who found the vaults believed that the treasure was too great for any one man - not even a king. They ought the treasure back to Europe and took the name the Knights Templar. Over the next century they smuggled it out of Europe and they formed a new otherhood called the Freemasons, in honour of the builders of the great temple. War followed. By the time of the American Revolution the treasure had been hidden again. By then the Masons included George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Paul Revere. They knew they had to make sure the treasure would never fall into the hands of the British. So they devised a series of clues and maps to its location. Over time the clues were lost or forgotten, until only one remained - and that was the secret that Charles Carroll entrusted to young Thomas Gates. Charlotte. The secret lies with Charlotte. Who's Charlotte? Oh, not even Mr Carroll knew that. Now look here, Ben. The Freemasons among our Founding Fathers left us clues. Like these. The unfinished pyramid. The all-seeing eye. Symbols of the Knights Templar, guardians of the treasure. - They're speaking to us through these. - You mean laughing at us. You know what that dollar represents? The entire Gates family fortune. Six generations of fools... chasing after fool's gold. It's not about the money, Patrick. It's never been about the money. Come on, son. Time to go. You can... say your goodbyes. Grandpa? Are we knights? Do you want to be? All right. Um... kneel. Benjamin Franklin Gates, you take upon yourself the duty of the Templars, the Freemasons and the family Gates. Do you so swear? I so swear. I was thinking about Henson and Peary, crossing this kind of terrain with nothing more than dog sleds and on foot. - Can you imagine? - It's extraordinary. We getting closer? Assuming Ben's theory's correct and my tracking model's accurate, we should be getting very close. But don't go by me - I oke a shoelace this morning. - It's... it's a bad omen. - Shall we turn around and go home? Or we could pull over and just throw him out here. OK. Riley, you're not missing that little windowless cubicle we found you in? No, no. Absolutely not. Why are we stopping? I thought we were looking for a ship. - I don't see any ship. - She's out there. Look... this is a waste of time. How could a ship wind up way out here? Well, I'm no expert, but... it could be that the hydrothermic properties of this region produce hurricane-force ice storms that cause the ocean to freeze and then melt and then refreeze, resulting in a semisolid migrating land mass that would land a ship right around here. Hello, beautiful. Have Viktor check the fuel in the generators. Two years ago, if you hadn't shown up, hadn't believed the treasure was real, I don't know if I ever would have found Charlotte. You would have found it, I have no doubt. That's why I didn't think it was as crazy an investment as everyone said. I'm just relieved that I'm not as crazy as everyone says. Or said my dad was. Or my granddad. Or my great-granddad. OK! Let's go! - Let's go find some treasure. - Yeah, ing us back something. Oh, God! You handled that well. This is it. It's the cargo hold. Do you think it's in the barrels? Gunpowder. OK... Why would the captain be guarding this barrel? I found something! What is it? Do you guys know what this is? Is it a billion-dollar pipe? It's a meerschaum pipe. Ah, that is beautiful. Look at the intricacy of the scrollwork on the stem. - Is it a million-dollar pipe? - No, it's a clue. Let me see that. No, don't eak it! We are one step closer to the treasure, gentlemen. Ben, I thought you said that the treasure would be on the Charlotte. No, The secret lies with Charlotte. I said it could be here. It's Templar symbols. The legend writ. The stain effected. The key in Silence undetected. Fifty-five in iron pen. Mr Matlack can't offend. It's a riddle. I need to think. The legend writ. The stain effected. What legend? There's the legend of the Templar treasure, and the stain effects the legend. How? The key in Silence undetected. Wait. The legend and the key... Now there's something. A map. Maps have legends, maps have keys. It's a map, an invisible map. So now... Wait a minute. What do you mean, invisible - an invisible map? The stain effected could refer to a dye or a reagent used to ing about a certain result. Combined with The key in Silence undetected, the implication is that the effect is to make what was undetectable detectable. Unless... The key in Silence could be... Prison. Albuquerque. See, I can do it too. Snorkel. That's where the map is. Like he said, Fifty-five in iron pen. Iron pen is a prison. Or it could be, since the primary writing medium of the time was iron gall ink, the pen is... just a pen. But then why not say a pen? Why... why say iron pen? Cos it's a prison. Wait a minute. Iron pen - the iron does not describe the ink in the pen, it describes what was penned. It was iron - it was firm, it was mineral... No, no, no, that's stupid. It was... It was firm, it was adamant, it was resolved. It was resolved. Mr Matlack can't offend. Timothy Matlack was the official scribe of the Continental Congress. Calligrapher, not writer. And to make sure he could not offend the map, it was put on the back of a resolution that he transcribed, a resolution that 55 men signed. The Declaration of Independence. Come on, there's no invisible map on the back of the Declaration of Independence. That's clever, really. A document of that importance would ensure the map's survival. And you said there were several Masons signed it, yeah? Yeah. Nine, for sure. We'll have to arrange a way to examine it. This is one of the most important documents in history. They're not just gonna let us waltz in there and run chemical tests on it. - Then what do you propose we do? - I don't know! We could borrow it. Steal it? - I don't think so. - Ben... the treasure of the Knights Templar is the treasure of all treasures. Oh, I didn't know that. Really? Look, Ben... I understand your bitterness. I really do. You've spent your entire life searching for this treasure, only to have the respected historical community treat you and your family with mockery and contempt. You should be able to rub this treasure in their arrogant faces, and I want you to have the chance to do that. How? We all have our areas of expertise. You don't think mine are limited to writing cheques, do you? In another life... I arranged a number of operations of... questionable legality. I'd take his word for it, if I were you. So don't worry. I'll make all the arrangements. No. I'd really need your help here. Ian... I'm not gonna let you steal the Declaration of Independence. OK. From this point on all you're going to be is a hindrance. Hey! What are you gonna do? Are you gonna shoot me, Shaw? Well, you can't shoot me. There's more to the riddle. Information you don't have. I do. I'm the only one who can figure it out, and you know that. He's bluffing. We played poker together, Ian. You know I can't bluff. Tell me what I need to know, Ben, or I'll shoot your friend. Hey! Quiet, Riley! Your job's finished here. Look where you're standing. All that gunpowder. You shoot me, I drop this, we all go up. Ben... What happens when the flare burns down? Tell me what I need to know, Ben. You need to know... if Shaw can catch. Nice try, though. Get out, Shaw! Fool! Riley, get over here! - What is this? - Smuggler's hold. Get in! Move! Get out of here! - What? - Move! Get out! Follow me. Let's go, let's go! She's gonna blow! Get down. OK, let's go. Before someone sees the smoke. There's an Inuit village about nine miles east of here. - It's popular with bush pilots. - All right. - Then what are we gonna do? - Start making our way back home. No, I meant about Ian. He's gonna steal the Declaration of Independence, Ben. We stop him. Is it really so hard to believe that someone's gonna try to steal the Declaration of Independence? The FBI gets 10,000 tips a week. They're not gonna worry about something they're sure is safe. But anyone that can do anything is gonna think we're crazy. Anyone crazy enough to believe us isn't gonna want to help. We don't need someone crazy. But one step short of crazy, what do you get? Obsessed. Passionate. Excuse me. - Dr Chase can see you now, Mr Brown. - Thank you. Mr Brown? The family name doesn't get a lot of respect in the academic community. Huh. Being kept down by the man. A very cute man. Thank you. - Good afternoon, gentlemen. - Hi. - Abigail Chase. - Paul Brown. - Nice to meet you. - Bill. Nice to meet you, Bill. - How may I help you? - Your accent. Pennsylvania Dutch? Saxony German. - You're not American? - Oh, I am an American. I just wasn't born here. Please don't touch that! Sorry. A neat collection. George Washington's campaign buttons. You're missing the 1789 inaugural, though. - I found one once. - That's very fortunate for you. Now, you told my assistant that this was an urgent matter. Yes, ma'am. Well, I'm gonna get straight to the point. Someone's gonna steal the Declaration of Independence. It's true. I think I'd better put you gentlemen in touch with the FBI. - We've been to the FBI. - And? They assured us that the Declaration cannot possibly be stolen. - They're right. - My friend and I are less certain. However, if we were given the privilege of examining the document... we would be able to tell you for certain if it were actually in any danger. What do you think you're gonna find? We believe that there's an... encryption on the back. - An encryption, like a code? - Yes, ma'am. Of what? A... cartograph. - A map. - Yes, ma'am. A map of what? The location of... ...of hidden items of historic and intrinsic value. - A treasure map? - That's where we lost the FBI. You're treasure-hunters, aren't you? We're more like treasure-protectors. Mr Brown, I have personally seen the back of the Declaration of Independence, and I promise you, the only thing there is a notation that reads, Original Declaration of Independence, dated... Four of July, 1776. Yes, ma'am. But no map. It's invisible. Oh! Right. And that's where we lost the Department of Homeland Security. What led you to assume there's this invisible map? We found an engraving on the stem of a 200-year-old pipe. Owned by Freemasons. - May I see the pipe? - We don't have it. - Did Big Foot take it? - It was nice meeting you. Nice to meet you, too. And, you know, that really is a nice collection. Must have taken you a long time to hunt down all that history. If it's any consolation, you had me convinced. It's not. I was thinking, what if we go public, plaster the story all over the Internet? It's not like we have our reputations to worry about. Although I don't think that's exactly gonna scare Ian away. 180 years of searching, and I'm three feet away. Of all the words written here about freedom, there's a line here that's at the heart of all the others. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty to throw off such government and provide new guards for their future security. People don't talk that way any more. Beautiful, huh? - No idea what you said. - It means, if there's something wrong, those who have the ability to take action have the responsibility to take action. I'm gonna steal it. What? I'm gonna steal the Declaration of Independence. Ben? This is... huge. It's prison huge. You are gonna go to prison, you know that? Yeah, probably. So that would bother most people. Ian's gonna try and steal it. And if he succeeds, he'll destroy the Declaration. The fact is, the only way to protect the Declaration is to steal it. It's upside down. I don't think there's a choice. Ben, for God's sakes, it's like stealing a national monument. OK? It's like stealing him. It can't be done. Not shouldn't be done. It can't be done. Let me prove it to you. OK, Ben, pay attention. I've ought you to the Li ary of Congress. Why? Because it's the biggest li ary in the world. Over 20 million books. And they're all saying the same exact thing: Listen to Riley. What we have here, my friend, is an entire layout of the archives. Short of builders' blueprints. You've got construction orders, phone lines, water and sewage - it's all here. Now, when the Declaration is on display, OK, it is surrounded by guards and video monitors and a little family from Iowa and little kids on their eighth-grade field trip. And beneath an inch of bulletproof glass is an army of sensors and heat monitors that will go off if someone gets too close with a high fever. Now, when it's not on display, it is lowered into a four-foot-thick concrete, steel-plated vault... that happens to be equipped with an electronic combination lock and biometric access-denial systems. You know, Thomas Edison tried and failed nearly 2,000 times to develop the carbonised cotton-thread filament for the incandescent light bulb. Edison? When asked about it, he said, I didn't fail, I found out 2,000 ways how not to make a light bulb. But he only needed to find one way to make it work. The Preservation Room. Enjoy. Go ahead. Do you know what the Preservation Room is for? Delicious jams and jellies? No. That's where they clean, repair and maintain all the documents and the storage housings when they're not on display or in the vault. Now, when the case needs work they take it out of the vault, directly across the hall and into the Preservation Room. The best time for us, or Ian, to steal it would be during the gala this weekend when the guards are distracted by the VIPs upstairs. But we'll make our way to the Preservation Room, where there's much less security. Well, if Ian... Preservation... The gala, huh? This might be possible. It might. And we are in. There you are. Hello. The hallway. That's what I want. Game on. I'll buy that. Cool. This just came for you. I hope it's not from Stan. For the woman who has everything else... Thanks for listening. Paul Brown. Abigail Chase. Hey, Mike. - Let's do this by the book. - Hallway is secure. - Keep the document level. - No problem. What have you got? The heat sensor went off in the Declaration frame. Run full diagnostics, then I want them all changed out. Our evil plan is working. Ben, are you sure that we should...? Riley. - Can you hear me? - Unfortunately, yeah. We're all set in here. You want to go around to the front and present your invitation. You're gonna have to show ID. Go ahead, man. Howdy. I need your invitation and your ID, please. How do you look? - Not bad. - Mazel tov. This is it. For you. - Oh, Mr Brown. - Dr Chase. - What are you doing here? - Is that that hot girl? - How does she look? - I made a last-minute donation. A big one. Well, on that subject, thank you for your wonderful gift. - Oh, you did get it? Good. - Yes, thank you. You know, I really couldn't accept something like that normally, but... I really want it. - Well, you needed it. - Come on, Romeo, get outta there. I have been wondering, though, what the engraving indicated on the pipe that Big Foot took. Hi. - Here you go. - Oh, Dr Herbert, this is Mr Brown. - Hi. - Hi there. - Who's the stiff? - Here, why don't you let me take that? - So you can take that off his hands. - Thank you. A toast, yeah? To high treason. That's what these men were committing when they signed the Declaration. Had we lost the war, they would have been hanged, beheaded, drawn and quartered, and - Oh! Oh, my personal favourite - and had their entrails cut out and burned! So, here's to the men who did what was considered wrong in order to do what they knew was right. What they knew was right. Well, good night. - Good night. - Good night. Yeah! OK, go! Go! This better work. Clear! - On. - Door one. 30 seconds. How does it look? It's working. It's working... Unbelievable. Second door. 90 seconds. Well done, boys. Let's go. - We're in the elevator. - OK. I'm gonna turn off the surveillance cameras. Ready? In five, four, three... Now. Ben Gates, you are now the Invisible Man. - I'm here. - Give me the letters for her password. What do you got for me? Hit me with it. A-E-F-G... L-O-R-V-Y. Anagrams being listed. OK. Top results: A glove fry. A very golf. Fargo levy. Gravy floe. Valey frog. Also Ago fly rev. Grove fly a. Are fly gov. Era fly gov. - Elf gov ray. - It's Valley Forge. Valley For... I don't have that on my computer. It's Valley Forge - she pressed the E and L twice. Valley Forge was a turning point in the American Revolution. Can I marry your ain? We're in. Hello. Ben, you're doing great. Ben, pick it up. You got about one... We own video. - I lost my feed. - What? I lost my feed, Ben. I don't know where anyone is. I have nothing. Ben, I have no... Ben, I have nothing. Get out of there. Get out of there now. I'm taking the whole thing. I'll get it out in the elevator. What are you talking about? Is it heavy? Shaw. Door three, one minute. Gates. What was that? Who's shooting? - Damn. - He's got the bloody map! Are you still there? Ben? I'm in the elevator. - Ian's here. There was, uh, shooting. - I hate that guy. Hey, Rebecca. Do you have a Paul Brown on that list? Paul Brown? No. Not here. Have a good night. Are you trying to steal that? It's $35. - For this? - Yeah. - That's a lot. - Hey, I don't make the prices. It's... I have $32... 57 c. We take Visa. This is Mike. Sublevel three. I have an alert. Where are you, Ben? - Where are you? - Stop talking. Start the van. Ben, the... the mean Declaration lady's behind you. Hey. Oh, it's you. Hello. Mr Brown, what's going on? What's that? - It's a souvenir. - Really? Stop chatting and get in the van. Code red. Code red. We have a eak-in. Lock it down. Nobody leaves the building. Get the FBI on the phone. - Did you enjoy the party? - Yeah. - Oh, my God. - Oh, my God! You did not...? - No... - Security! Over here! - Give me that! - It's yours. Take it. Security! - Over here! Security! - Got you. Go. Viktor! Move! - We can't just let her go! - We can. Go! - Security, over here! - Wait. No, hold it. Hold it! - Wha...? - Oh, bad. - What do you want? - Give me the document. Bad, bad, bad! - Let me go! - Just ing her! No! No! - That's... - Go! Go! And just who might you be? - Once we catch them what do we do? - I'm working on it. Right turn, right turn. Why don't you just pass me that document? Then we can all go home. Oh, no. Skidding, skidding, skidding. - Oh, no! - Holy Lord! - Help! - No! If she falls, the document falls. Get me next to her. - Thank you. - No! Got it. Go on. Abigail! Come on. Jump. - We lost them. - That's all right. This... is what we need. Well done, Gates. Well done. - Are you all right? - No! Those lunatics... - You're not hurt, are you? - You are all lunatics! - Are you hungry? - What? Are you all right? Still a little on edge from being shot at, but I'll be OK. Thanks for asking. Yeah, well, I'm not all right. Those men have the Declaration of Independence! - She lost it? - They don't have it. See? OK? Now could you please stop shouting? - Give me that! - You're still shouting. It's starting to annoy. You'd do well, Dr Chase, to be a bit more civilised in this instance. If this is the real one, what did they get? A souvenir. I thought it'd be a good idea to have a duplicate. It turned out I was right. I actually had to pay for the souvenir and the real one, so you owe me $35, plus tax. - Genius. - Who were those men? Just the guys we warned you were gonna steal the Declaration. And you didn't believe us. We did the only thing we could do to keep it safe. Verdammt! Give me that! You know something? You're shouting again. I'm pretty sure she was swearing, too. Well, we probably deserve that. Ladies and gentlemen... Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Peter Sadusky. I'm the agent in charge. I wanna reassure you, you are not in danger in any way. If we all cooperate, we'll get through this with as little frustration as possible. Thank you. Get positive IDs. Search everyone, including the security staff. If they refuse, detain them and get warrants. Yes, Agent Hendricks? You have something? Um... - This isn't a day for Um... - We got a tip several days ago that someone was going to steal the Declaration of Independence. Do we have a name on the tipster? There was no file opened. We didn't find the information credible. How about now? There is not a treasure map on the back of the Declaration of Independence. And there's no chance anyone can steal this either. I levelled with you 100 per cent. Everything I told you was the truth. I want that document, Mr Brown. OK, my name's not Brown. It's Gates. I levelled with you 98 per cent. Wait a minute, did you just say Gates? Gates? You're that family with the conspiracy theory about the Founding Fathers? - It's not a conspiracy theory. - Per se. You know what? I take it back. You're not liars. You're insane. There's a copy of the Declaration on display now? - Yes, we decided to... - Leave it there. The guests know something happened, but they don't know what. They got him with a Taser at the service entrance. He doesn't remember a thing. Also, we found bullet casings. Did we get a description from the other guards? - Which guards? - The guards that were fired upon. There weren't any other guards on patrol down here. So... who was shooting, who were they shooting at, and why weren't they getting along? You can't seriously intend to run chemical tests on the Declaration of Independence in the back of a moving van. We have a clean-room environment all set up. EDS suits, a particulate air filtration system, the whole shebang. - Really? - We can't go back there. What? Why not? This is the guy. Dr Herbert said Dr Chase introduced him as Mr Brown. Not on the guestlist. Now, the gift-store clerk - she said he seemed... Well, she said flustered. He tried to walk out with a copy of the Declaration of Independence without paying. He paid with a Visa. Charge to Benjamin Gates. A credit-card slip? Dude, we're on the grid. They'll have your records from forever. They'll have my records from forever. I know. I know. It's only a matter of minutes before the FBI shows up at my front door. What do we do? - We need those letters. - What letters? You know, get off the road, take a right. What letters? You have the original Silence Dogood letters? Did you steal those, too? We have scans of the originals. - Quiet, please. - How'd you get scans? Oh, I know the person who has the originals. Now shush. - Why do you need them? - She really can't shut her mouth, can she? I'll tell you what, look. I will let you hold onto this if you'll promise to shut up, please. Thank you. - Ben, you know what you have to do. - I know what to do. I'm just trying to think of anything else we could do. Well, not to be a... nudge, but you do realise how many people we have after us. We probably have our own satellite by now. It took you all of two seconds to decide to steal the Declaration of Independence. Yeah, but I didn't think I was gonna personally have to tell my dad about it. Hey, not cool! Not cool! Let me go! OK. You're let go. Go, shoo. I'm not going. Not without the Declaration. You're not going with the Declaration. Yes, I am. I'm not letting it out of my sight, so I'm going. Wait. You're not going with us with the Declaration. - Yes, I am. - No, you're not. Look, if you wanted to leave me behind, you shouldn't have told me where you were going. Clear. What the... Now we're getting somewhere. They're digital scans of letters to the editor of The New England Courant. Written 1722. They're all from the same person. Your humble servant, Silence Dogood. Gentlemen... why is this word capitalised? Because it's important? Because it's a name. OK, I got it. When Ben Franklin was only 15 years old he secretly wrote 14 letters to his other's newspaper pretending to be a middle-aged widow named Silence Dogood. These letters were written by Benjamin Franklin. Looks OK. - Park a couple of blocks away. - Well, how long do you think we got? I'm gonna give them a couple of hours at least. I hope. What do we do about her? I've got some duct tape in the back. No, that won't be necessary. She won't be any trouble. - Promise you won't be any trouble. - I promise. See? She's curious. Here's what I got on Gates. A degree in American History from Georgetown, a degree in Mechanical Engineering at MIT, Navy ROTC and Naval Diving and Salvage Training Centre. What in the world did this guy want to be when he grew up? We keep our focus on Gates. Run him to ground. Compile a family-and-friends list. Closest relative first. I want to find out who this guy is. Dad. Where's the party? Well... I'm in a little trouble. - Is she pregnant? - Well, if she is, are you gonna leave the woman carrying your grandchild standing out in the cold? I look pregnant? This better not be about that dumb treasure. Well, have a seat. Make yourselves comfortable. There's some pizza. It's still warm, I think. Dad... I need the Silence Dogood letters. Yeah, it's about the treasure. And he dragged you two into this nonsense? - Literally. - I volunteered. Well, unvolunteer, before you waste your life. - Knock it off, Dad. - Sure, sure, I know, I'm the family kook. I have a job, a house, health insurance. At least I had your mother, for however ief a time. At least I had you. What do you have? Him? Look, if you just give us the letters, we're gone. You disappoint me, Ben. Well, maybe that's the real Gates-family legacy. Sons who disappoint their fathers. Get out. Take your troubles with you. I found the Charlotte. The Charlotte? - You mean she was a ship? - Yeah, she was beautiful. It was amazing, Dad. And the treasure? No, no. But we found another clue that led us here. Yeah, and that'll lead you to another clue. And that's all you'll ever find, is another clue. Don't you get it, Ben? I finally figured it out. The legend says that the treasure was buried to keep it from the British. But what really happened was the legend was invented, to keep the British occupied searching for buried treasure. The treasure is a myth. I refuse to believe that. Well, you can believe what you want. You're a grown person. What am I doing? Do what you want, Ben. Do what you want. He's probably right. You don't even know if there is another clue. Well, I can think of a way where we could find out. And we can find out right now. Looks like animal skin. - How old is it? - At least 200 years. - Really? You sure? - Pretty darn. Now if this thing's in invisible ink, how do we look at it? Throw it in the oven. - No. - Uh-uh. Ferrous sulphate inks can only be ought out with heat. - Yes, but this... - It's very old. This is very old, and we can't risk compromising the map. You need a reagent. Dad, it's really late. Why don't you get some rest? I'm fine. Lemons. - You can't do that. - But it has to be done. Then someone who is trained to handle antique documents is gonna do it. OK. OK. Now, if there is a secret message, it'll probably be marked by a symbol in the upper right-hand corner. That's right. I am so getting fired for this. I told you. You need heat. See? - We need more juice. - We need more heat. That's not a map. - Is it? - More clues. What a surprise. Are those latitudes and longitudes? That's why we need the Silence Dogood letters. - That's the key? - Yeah. The key in Silence undetected. Dad, can we have the letters now? Will somebody please explain to me what these magic numbers are? - It's an Ottendorf cipher. - That's right. Oh, OK. - What's an Ottendorf cipher? - They're just codes. Each of these three numbers corresponds to a word in a key. Usually a random book or a newspaper article. In this case, the Silence Dogood letters. So it's like the page number of the key text, the line on the page, and the letter in that line. So, Dad, where are the letters? You know, it's just by sheer happenstance that his grandfather... - Dad. ...even found them. They were in an antique desk from the press room... - Dad. ...of The New England Courant. - That's a newspaper. - Dad, where are the letters? I don't have them, son. - What? - I don't have them. Where are they? I donated them to the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia. Time to go. I still can't believe it. All this time no one knew what was on the back. The back of what? No! - Oh, my God. Oh, my God. - I know. Oh, my God. What have you done? This is... this is the... - I know! - This is the Declaration of Independence. Yes. And it's very delicate. You stole it? Dad, I can explain, but I don't have time. It was necessary. And you saw the cipher. And that will lead to another clue, and that will lead to another clue! There is no treasure. I wasted 20 years of my life. And now you've destroyed yours. And you pulled me into all this. Well, we can't have that. Come in! I'm in here. FBI, right? You gonna untie me? And you have no idea where he's going? - Well, wouldn't I have told you if I did? - Would you? He tied me to a chair. The garage is empty, but there's a Cadillac De Ville registered to Patrick Gates. And he stole my car. Don't worry, Mr Gates, we'll find your car. And your son. Your dad's got a sweet ride. I think we should change clothes. We look kind of conspicuous, don't you think? I'd love to go shopping, too, but we have no money. Here, I took this from his house. He usually tucks a few hundred dollars somewhere between those pages. - Common Sense. How appropriate. - When are we gonna get there? I'm hungry. This car smells weird. Excuse me. Excuse me. Oops, sorry, sir. Excuse me. That's OK. S-S-A-N-D. OK. You're sure this is right? OK. S-S-A... No, N. - That is an N. - It doesn't look like an N. You know what? Here. Last one. OK? - One more dollar. - Thank you. Go get the last four letters. Go get 'em, chief. Come on. OK. The vision to see the treasured past comes as the timely shadow crosses in front of the house of pass and... Pass and... what? Pass and... What's going on? - I'm not sure. - What's up? So you show up at your father's door and say you're in trouble and the first thing he assumes is I'm pregnant. Is there a question in there? I think there's an interesting story in there. Well, my father thinks I've been a little too cavalier in my personal life. - I see. - Let me ask you something. Have you ever told someone - not a relative - I love you? Yes. More than one someone? Yes. Oh. Well, then my father would say you've been a little too cavalier in your personal life, too. So you get your sense of absolute certainty from him, do you?
Well, I'm sure I don't know what you mean. Well, you're certain the treasure is real, despite what anyone else thinks. No, but I hope it's real. I mean, I've dreamt it's real since my grandfather told me about it. But I want to hold it. I feel like I'm so close, I can taste it. But I just... I just want to know it's not just something in my head or in my heart. People don't really talk that way, you know. I know. But they think that way. Hey. - Did you get it? Riley? - Oh, I got it. The vision to see the treasured past comes as the timely shadow crosses in front of the house of Pass and Stow. Now, Pass and Stow, of course, referring to... - The Liberty Bell. - Why do you have to do that? Well, John Pass and John Stow cast the bell. OK. Well, then, what does the rest of this mean? Wait...The vision to see the treasured past must refer to a way to read the map. Well, I thought the cipher was the map. No, the cipher was a way to find the way to read the map. And the way to read the map can be found where the timely shadow crosses in front of the Liberty Bell. Crosses in front of the house of the Liberty Bell. Independence Hall. Right, so timely shadow - it's a specific time. - Right. - What time? What time? What time? Wait a minute, wait. You're gonna love this. Excuse me, can I see one of those hundred-dollar bills I paid you with? No. Oh. Well, here, I have this diver's watch. It's called a Submariner. I dive with it. It's actually quite valuable. - You can use it as collateral. - Whatever. Thank you. On the back of a hundred-dollar bill is an etching of Independence Hall - based on a painting done in... - Hello. Thank you. ...in the 1780s, who... The artist was actually a friend of Benjamin Franklin's. It's wonderful. - Fascinating. - Hold this. OK. I'm not going anywhere. Now, I think that if we look at this clock tower... ...we may find the specific time. - What do you see? - 2:22. - What time is it now? - Almost three. - We missed it. - No, we didn't. We didn't miss it because... You don't know this? I-I know something about history that you don't know. I'd be very excited to learn about it, Riley. Well, hold on one second, let me just... let me just take in this moment. This is... this is cool. Is this how you feel all the time? Because, you know... Except for now, of course. - Riley! - All right. What I know is that daylight savings wasn't established until World War I. If it's 3pm now, OK, that means in 1776, it would be 2pm. - Let's go. - Riley, you're a genius. Yeah. Do you actually know who the first person to suggest daylight savings was? - Benjamin Franklin. - Benjamin Franklin. Is this real? Just tell me what you told my friend. Just a bunch of letters. I can't remember. Can you remember which ones you were gonna tell him next? Yeah, here. S-T-O-W. Top results: Liberty Bell and Independence Hall. Imagine its impact back in the 18th century. It could have been seen for miles around, which was exactly its purpose, because it served as a beacon, as it were, for people to collect and hear... Good stuff. It gained a place in history on July 8, 1776, when the Liberty Bell tolled for the first public reading of the Declaration of Independence. Eventually, it was moved from its place in Independence Hall steeple and given its own... - Idiot. - Who? - Me. - What? It's not here. It's there. Come on. - What bell is this? - It's the Centennial Bell. It replaced the Liberty Bell in 1876. There it is. All right. I'm gonna go down there, and you meet me in the signing room. - OK? All right. - OK. All right, let's go. 3:22. My idea. Hey. What'd you score? I found this. Some kind of ocular device. The vision to see the treasured past. Let me take this. Aw, they're like early American X-ray specs. Benjamin Franklin invented something like these. I think he invented these. So, what do we do with them? We look through it. Here, help me. - Careful. - You think? - What? - It's just that the last time this was here it was being signed. - Ben, there's another tour coming. - Turn it over. - Careful. - Spectacles. What do you see? What is it? Is it a treasure map? It says, Heere at the wall, spelled with two E's. Take a look. Wow. Why can't they just say, Go to this place, and here's the treasure, spend it wisely? Oh, no. - Oh, no. - Oh, no. How'd they find us? Well, Ian has nearly unlimited resources. And he's smart. I don't think we can get out of here without being spotted. Well, we don't want them to have the Declaration, or the glasses. But we especially don't want them to have them both together. - So what do we do? - We separate the lock from the key. - We're splitting up. - Good idea. Really? I'll take this. And those. You keep that. Meet me at the car and call me if you have any problems. Like if we get caught and killed? Yeah. That would be a big problem. Take care of her. - I will. - I will. We're on him. There he is. - Let's walk this way. - Wait up. - Shaw, look. There's the others. - I got it. Viktor, meet me at Fifth and Chestnut. Fifth and Chestnut. They're heading your way. - Look out! Look out! - Riley! - There they are! Move! - Move! - Time to run. - Keep up, Viktor! Move. Come on. In here. - Come on. - Follow me. That way. If you're not a steak, you don't belong here. I'm just trying to hide from my ex-husband. - Who, baldy? - Yes. Honey, stay as long as you like. Oh, thank you. Thank you. You want something? - Do you want something? - Shut up. I see why you left him. Go around. Go around. Gates! Aw, come on! - Where were you? - Hiding. Come on. Let's go, let's go. Ian. Ian, I've got 'em. They're heading toward City Hall. - OK, I'm on my way. - Out of the way! They're headed for the eezeway on the north side. I'll be right there. Hey, Gates! Enough, man! Give me the document. All right, Phil. Watch out! Get out of my way! Watch it! Leave them! Let 'em go. We've got it. - FBI. Have you seen this guy? - No. Nope, I haven't seen him. Ted. Philadelphia police found Gates's car. It's close. We got surveillance there now. Let's go. Tell the boss we got the car. - What? - We lost it. - What? - We lost the Declaration. Ian took it. Yeah, OK. You all right? You both all right? Yeah, yeah, we're all right. - Ben, I'm sorry. - We'll be fine. Meet me at the car. Suspect has arrived. Hello, Mr Gates. Mr Gates, face your father's car and put your hands behind your back, please. - We got one in custody. - Gates, you're a hard man to find. Could you please be careful? Riley, do you know how to get in touch with Ian? Excuse me? That's some story. Well, it's the same story I tried to tell you guys before the Declaration was stolen. - By you. - No, by Ian. I stole it to stop him. I did it alone. Dr Chase was not involved. And Ian still ended up with the Declaration of Independence. Because of you. So here's your options. Door number one, you go to prison for a very long time. Door number two, we are going to get back the Declaration of Independence, you help us find it, and you still go to prison for a very long time, but you feel better inside. Is there a door that doesn't lead to prison? - Someone's got to go to prison, Ben. - Yeah. So what are these for? It's a way to read the map. Right. Knights Templar. Freemasons. Invisible treasure map. - So what'd it say? - Heere at the wall. Nothing else. It's just another clue. It looks like Ian Howe could be a false identity. Follow up with ATF and INS. There's more to it. - Standard tap procedure. - Let's check the signal, folks. - Lock it in. - Are we set? - Checking source. - Unknown number. Yes. Hello, Ben. How are you? - Um, chained to a desk. - Sorry to hear that. I want you to meet me on the flight deck of the USS Intrepid. - You know where that is? - New York. Meet me there at ten o'clock tomorrow morning. And ing those glasses you found at Independence Hall. Yeah, I know about the glasses. We can take a look at the Declaration, and then you can be on your way. And I'm supposed to believe that. I told you from the start, I only wanted to borrow it. You can have it. And the glasses. I'll even throw in the pipe from the Charlotte. I'll be there. And tell the FBI agents listening in on this call if they want the Declaration back, and not just a box of confetti, then you'll come alone. - Take positions. - Perimeter looks normal. - Can I get a status report? - Crow's nest in position. Port side is quiet. Copy that. - Gates is on the flight deck. - Eyes on Gates. - Do not lose sight of primary mark. - Brian, you're clear with NYPD. - I have a visual. - Gates. Stay with the program. I hope your agents are all under four feet tall and wearing little scarves. Otherwise Ian's gonna know they're here. As soon as he shows you the Declaration, we'll move in. Don't try anything. Just let us handle it. You know, Agent Sadusky, something I've noticed about fishing: It never works out so well for the bait. Sir, we've got some traffic incoming. Looks like a sightseeing helicopter. Unit two, get an eyeball on that chopper. Agent Michaels, get FAA flight plans and authorization records on that craft. If that's not Mr Howe, I want to know who it is. - I got him. He's coming from the north. - Gates. Are you with me? Well, I'm sure not against you, if that's what you're asking. We've got some interference on Gates's mike, sir. This I know. Hello, Ben. Thomas Edison needed only one way to make a light bulb. Sound familiar? - Keep sightlines clear. - What's the devil's going on? There's a lot of commotion. We can't see Gates. Go to the starboard observation point behind the F-16 and here's what you do. Gates? Gates? Air Tour helicopter, you are in controlled airspace. Vacate immediately. Who's got Gates? - All agents, report in. - I can't see anything. - Did Gates speak to anybody? - Target is moving. - He's heading towards the stern. - I've got him. He's coming this way. Anyone got a view of our friend Ian Howe? Ian Howe is not at the stern, sir. Then why is he heading there? He's at the observation deck. Sadusky. I'm still not against you. But I found door number three. And I'm taking it. - What's he talking about? - Move in! Move in! Move in on Gates! Divers are a go. - Snipers, go to action ze a. - All teams, move in. Pursue at own risk. - I repeat, pursue at own risk. - You first. Holy mackerel. He set us up. Agent Dawes, do you have a visual? Can you see Gates in the water? Sir, it's the Hudson. Nothing is visible. Smart fish. Hello, Ben. Welcome to New Jersey. - What'd you do with Abigail and Riley? - Hope these fit. We had to guess your sizes. I said, what'd you do with Abigail and Riley? He's the only one who could've told you that line about Edison. Did you ing the glasses? I don't know. Tell me what's happening here. Ask your girlfriend. She's the one calling all the shots now. She won't shut up. Yeah, hello. It's for you. - Hello. - Hi, sweetie. How's your day going? Uh, interesting, dear. So, what, you working with Ian now? It turns out helping someone escape from FBI custody is a criminal act. And he's the only criminal we knew. - So we called him and made a deal. - Well, you're... You're... you're... you're all right, yeah? I mean you're safe? Yeah, we both are. Riley's right here, doing something clever with a computer. I'm tracking him through the... Hey! I'm tracking you through the GPS in Shaw's phone. They take a turn anywhere we don't want, we'll know it. So don't worry. If Ian tries to double-cross us, we can call the FBI and tell them right where you are. - And where to find Ian. - And where is that? Right across the street from where we're hiding, at the intersection of Wall Street and Broadway. Well, you figured out the clue. Simple. Heere at the wall. Wall Street and Broadway. Ben, there is a catch. We made Ian believe he could have the treasure. It was the only way we could get this far. He's here. Here we go. Ben. You all right? No oken bones? A jump like that could kill a man. Naw, it was cool. You should try it sometime. The Declaration of Independence. And the meerschaum pipe. All yours. - That's it? - That's it. I knew you'd keep your promise. Now, where is it? Where's my treasure? It's right here. The map said Heere at the wall, spelled with two E's. Wall Street follows the path of an actual wall that the original Dutch settlers built as a defence to keep the British out. The main gate was located at a street called De Heere, also two E's. Later De Heere Street was renamed Broadway after the British got in. So, Heere at the wall. Broadway, Wall Street. Cheerio. Just a moment, Ben. Ian, if you eak our deal, the FBI will be only a few minutes behind you. You might get away, you might not. Is that all the map said? Every word. Oh, Ben. You know the key to running a convincing bluff? Every once in a while you've got to be holding all the cards. Dad. Is there anything else you want to tell me? Trinity Church. We have to go inside Trinity Church. Good. Excellent. Well, why don't you ask Dr Chase and Riley to join us? I'm sure they're around here somewhere. Are you all right? What do you think? I'm a hostage. Sit. Sit down. - Let him go, Ian. - When we find the treasure. No, now. Or you can figure out the clues for yourself. Good luck. Ben. I don't think you fully appreciate the gravity of the situation. Let's have a look at that map. It's... It's... it's really quite something. It's... It really is remarkable. Take a look. - Parkington Lane. - Beneath Parkington Lane. But why would the map lead us here, then take us somewhere else? - What's the purpose? - Just another clue. Dad. No, you're right. Parkington Lane has to be here somewhere. A street inside the church? Not inside. Beneath. Beneath the church. - I'm so sorry, Ben. - None of this is your fault. - I co... - Come on. Look. Cooperation only lasts as long as the status quo is unchanged. As soon as this guy gets to wherever this thing ends, he won't need you any more. Or... or any of us. So we find a way to make sure the status quo changes in our favour. - How? - I'm still working on it. Well, I guess I better work on it too, then. Hey! Par... Hey, I found it! - Him! - Ben! It's a name. Parkington Lane. He was a third-degree master mason of the Blue Lo... Hey! Stop! Easy. Careful no one steps in him. All right, put it down. OK. Who wants to go down the creepy tunnel inside the tomb first? Right. McGregor, Viktor, you stay here. And if anyone should come out without me, well... use your imagination. Shall we? You got a light? Careful. Watch your step. Come here. Why does that never happen to me? What's this? It's a chandelier. Here. - Wow. - Look at the elevators. A dumbwaiter system. How do a bunch of guys with hand tools build all this? Same way they built the pyramids and the Great Wall of China. Yeah. The aliens helped them. Right, let's go. What are we waiting for? I'm not going out on that thing. 200 years of termite damage and rot. Dad, do what he says. Watch your step. We're right under the Trinity graveyard. That's probably why no one ever found this. What is that? Subway. Shaw! Oh, God, Shaw! Oh, my God. Hold on! Hold on! OK, get on the elevator. Jump! Ben! Grab my hand. - Come on. - Ian! Abigail! Get on! Jump! Here. Ben! Get down there. Get down there! The Declaration. - Do you trust me? - Yes. Oh, no! Ben! Hang on! Son! I'm sorry. I'm sorry I dropped you. I had to save the Declaration. No, don't be. I would have done exactly the same thing to you. Really? I would have dropped you both. Freaks. Get on. Ian... it's not worth it. Do you imagine any one of your lives is more valuable to me than Shaw's? We go on. The status quo. Keep the status quo. - Now what? - This is... This is where it all leads. OK, let's go. What is this? So where's the treasure? Well? This is it? We came all this way for a dead end? Yes. - There's gotta be something more. - Riley, there's nothing more. - Another clue, or... - No, there are no more clues! That's it, OK? It's over! End of the road. The treasure's gone. Moved. Taken somewhere else. You're not playing games with me, are you, Ben? Hm? You know where it is. No. OK, go. Hey, wait a minute. - Hey! Ian, wait! - Wait, wait, wait! - Ian... - We'll be trapped. - Don't do this. - You can't just leave us here. Yes, I can. Unless Ben tells me the next clue. There isn't another clue. Ian, why don't you come back down here and we can talk through this together? - Don't speak again. - OK. The clue. Where's the treasure? Ben? - The lantern. - Dad... The status quo has changed, son. Don't. It's part of freemason teachings. In King Solomon's temple there was a winding staircase. It signified the journey that had to be made to find the light of truth. - The lantern is the clue. - And what does it mean? Boston. It's Boston. The Old North Church in Boston, where Thomas Newton hung a lantern in the steeple, to signal Paul Revere that the British were coming. One if by land, two if by sea. One lantern. Under the winding staircase of the steeple, that's where we have to look. - Thank you. - Hey, you have to take us with you. Why? So you can escape in Boston? Besides, with you out of the picture there's less baggage to carry. What if we lied? Did you? What if there's another clue? Then I'll know right where to find you. See you, Ben. - No! - There's no other way out! - Come back! - You're gonna need us, Ian! We're all gonna die. It's gonna be OK, Riley. I'm sorry I yelled at you. It's OK, kiddo. OK, boys, what's going on? The British came by sea. It was two lanterns, not one. Ian needed another clue, so we gave it to him. It was a fake. It was a fake clue. The all-seeing eye. Through the all-seeing eye. That means... by the time Ian figures it out and comes back here, we'll still be trapped, and he'll shoot us then. Either way, we're gonna die. Nobody's gonna die. There's another way out. Where? Through the treasure room. Here. Riley. Looks like someone got here first. I'm sorry, Ben. It's gone. - Listen, Ben... - It may have even been gone before Charles Carroll told the story to Thomas Gates. It doesn't matter. I know. Cos you were right. No, I wasn't right. This room is real, Ben. And that means the treasure is real. We're in the company of some of the most illiant minds in history, because you found what they left behind for us to find and understood the meaning of it. You did it, Ben. For all of us. Your grandfather, and all of us. And I've never been so happy to be proven wrong. I just... really thought I was gonna find the treasure. OK. Then we just keep looking for it. I'm in. OK. Not to be Johnny Rain Cloud here, but that's not gonna happen. Because as far as I can see, we're still trapped down here. Yeah. Now, Ben, where is this other way out? Well, that's it. It doesn't make any sense, because the first thing the builders would have done after getting down here was cut a secondary shaft back out for air... - Right. ...and in case of cave-ins. Could it really be that simple? The secret lies with Charlotte. Scrolls from the li ary at Alexandria. Could this be possible? It's a big... bluish-green man, with a strange-looking goatee. I'm guessing that's significant. Yes! Riley, are you crying? Look. Stairs. Hi. Do you have a cell phone I could borrow? - Just like that? - Just like that. You do know you just handed me your biggest bargaining chip? The Declaration of Independence is not a bargaining chip. Not to me. Have a seat. So what's your offer? How about a ibe? Say... ten billion dollars? I take it you found the treasure? It's about five stories beneath your shoes. You know, the Templars and the Freemasons believed that the treasure was too great for any one man to have, not even a king. That's why they went to such lengths to keep it hidden. That's right. The Founding Fathers believed the same thing about government. I figure their solution will work for the treasure too. Give it to the people. Divide it amongst the Smithsonian, the Louvre, the Cairo museum... There's thousands of years of world history down there. And it belongs to the world, and everybody in it. You really don't understand the concept of a bargaining chip. OK, here's what I want. Dr Chase gets off completely clean, not even a little Post-it on her service record. OK. I want the credit for the find to go to the entire Gates family, with the assistance of Mr Riley Poole. And what about you? I'd really love not to go to prison. I can't even begin to describe how much I would love not to go to prison. Someone's got to go to prison, Ben. Well, if you've got a helicopter, I think I can help with that. Freeze! FBI! - Freeze! Don't move! - Show me your hands! - Put your hands up. - Move, move, move. You're under arrest, Mr Howe. We've got you on kidnapping, attempted murder... and trespassing on government property. Yeah. You got it, chief. Thank you. Bye. They want us in Cairo next week for the opening of the exhibit. They're sending a private jet. That's fun. Yeah, big whoop. We could have had a whole fleet of private jets. Ten per cent, Ben. They offered you ten per cent and you turned it down. Riley, we've been over this. It was too much. I couldn't accept it. I still have this splinter that's been festering for three months from an old piece of wood. OK, I'll tell you what. Next time we find a treasure that redefines history for all mankind, you make the call on the finder's fee. That's not as funny. What do you care? You got the girl. - It's true. - It's true. Rub it in. Enjoy your spoils... while I sit on one per cent. One stinkin' per cent. Half of one per cent, actually. One per cent. Unbelievable. I'm sorry for your suffering, Riley. For the record, Ben, I like the house. You know, I chose this estate because in 1812 Charles Carroll met... Yeah, someone that did something in history and had fun. Great. Wonderful. Could have had a bigger house. - I made something for you. - You did? What? - A map. - A map? Where does it lead to? You'll figure it out.
DOWNFALL I feel as if I should be angry with that child, that... naive young girl. Or that I must not forgive her... for not recognising the nature of that monster. For not being aware of what she was getting into. And especially that I went along without thinking. Because I wasn't a fanatical Nazi. I could have said, in 'No, I'm not doing it. I don't want to go to the F³hrer's headquarters.' But I didn't do that. I was too curious. I also didn't realise... that destiny would take me somewhere I didn't want to be. But, nevertheless, I find it hard to forgive myself. The ladies are here. It's confirmed. -They can pass. 'Wolfsschanze' headquarters of the F³hrer November 1942 Rastenburg, East-Prussia Sit down, ladies. One moment. The F³hrer is feeding his dog. He'll see you in a short while. Can you tell us... How are we supposed to address the F³hrer? The F³hrer first speaks to you and then you reply: Heil, mein F³hrer. And the Nazi salute? That won't be necessary... since the F³hrer isn't looking for a soldier, but for a secretary. Act as normal and relaxed as you can. I'll see if if he has time for you. Mein F³hrer, the ladies from Berlin are here. Thank you for coming in the middle of the night. Sometimes, during a war, one is not in control of time. Can I ask your name? -Margarethe Lorenz. Where are you from? -From Fulda. And what is your name? -Ursula Puttkammer. Heil, mein F³hrer. No need for that. Where are you from? Frankfurt am Main, mein F³h... Hannah Potrovsky, born and raised in Berlin. In Pankow, to be precise. Hedwig Brandt from Crailsheim, Schwaben. And you are? -Traudl Humps. I'm from Munich. A lady from Munich. Shall we start then, Frõulein Humps? My Blondi won't hurt you. She's very intelligent. She's much smarter than most people. First, sit down, please. Don't be nervous. I make many mistakes during dictation. You won't make nearly as many. You're very young. How old are you? -22, mein F³hrer. My German fellow-countrymen and women... ...fellow party members. It is, I think, rather special... that, after 20 years of service, a man still stands in front of his supporters... ...and that in all those 20 years, his program never needed to be modified. I suggest we try it again. I did it. He hired me. Berlin - 20 April 1945 Hitler's 56th birthday two and a half years later Take cover. Hurry. Continue. Get that off the street. Take cover. That's artillery fire. Don't be silly. Where would it be coming from? You're right. These are no planes, this is artillery. It's the Russians. What a birthday present. Where is that cannon fire coming from? Happy Birthday, mein F³hrer. The city centre of Berlin is under fire. Grenades have hit near the Brandenburger Tor and the Reichstag. Where did they come from? -We don't know yet. I have Koller on the line. -Give me Koller. Koller, do you know Berlin is under artillery fire? No. -Can't you hear the shooting? No, I'm in Wildpark-Werder. -Berlin is chaotic. Apparently, the Russians captured a railway idge over the Oder. The enemy has no railway artillery near the Oder. It's not long-range artillery. The anti-aircraft defence near the Zoo-Bunker reports they're 10 to 12... ... cm cali es. The Russians have positions near Marzahn. That's only 12 kilometres from the centre. Are the Russians that close? They should hang the entire Luftwaffe leadership. This is unheard-of. The Russians are at 12 kilometres from the city centre. Nobody told me anything. I had to ask. Maybe it's long-range artillery, after all. That railway idge over the Oder... -Nonsense. That Himmler, such a pompous buffoon. Party bosses, everywhere. They make me so sick. The F³hrer starts 'Clausewitz' today. Berlin as a front city. He won't be able to keep the city. If the F³hrer stays here, the Reich will go down with him. We have to talk him out of it. Talk to Hewel. He's the only diplomat with any influence on him. Hewel tried everything. It's useless. Talk to your sister-in-law, then. Why not? You're married to the sister of Eva Braun. We must try everything. Berlin is almost surrounded. You're still young. You'll be a father soon. Do you want to die here? -Absolutely not. Gentlemen, the F³hrer. Everything out. Quickly. We're leaving in two hours. What's going on? -We're leaving. 'Clausewitz' has started. All the ministries and departments are leaving Berlin. And who's going to look after the people and the soldiers? Don't ask me, professor. -This is insane. Professor. I won't allow the evacuation of my office. Is that so? -Food supply would collapse. A good soldier can always find food. And when there's fighting all over the city, where does he get it? The population. It's irresponsible. -It's an order from the F³hrer. As department head, I report to the SS and to Himmler. But as a doctor, I'm part of the Wehrmacht and they're not leaving yet. Keep that in mind. The professor stays in Berlin. Get him the proper papers. We're leaving. Everything for Germany. Heil, mein F³hrer. F³hrer, I... Heil, mein F³hrer. They're in such a hurry to get away from here. The own nosing is the worst. They say 'Sieg Heil'. but they think 'Lick my... you know what.' Mein F³hrer, I beg you: Leave Berlin. It is not too late yet. Too late? Hewel, come here for a moment. I'm sure you agree we should contact the Allies... ...and start conducting politics. -Certainly. We need politics. Politics? I don't do politics anymore. I'm fed up with it. When I'm dead, you'll have plenty of time for politics. It's good, dear Himmler. My loyal Heinrich. It's good. Just go. He has no strength left. What did you expect from a vegetarian teetotaller? Seriously, though, Fegelein. I'm taking control now. Berlin will fall in a couple of days. When the F³hrer's dead, who will the Allies negotiate with? Why do you think they'll negotiate with you? The Nazi state and my SS are needed to maintain order. One hour with Eisenhower and he'll feel the same way. The first contact has been made. -Careful, that's high treason. Fegelein, I have other concerns. Should I give Eisenhower the Nazi salute or shake his hand? Look at that. The best guests always arrive late. Leaving already, gentlemen? I wanted to talk to you. The scorched-earth order... -I really have to go now. Come and see me one day in Hohenlychen. I'm going north to help with the battle of Berlin there. You know, Speer... There's an advantage to those bombings. It's easier to clean up de is than to demolish everything ourselves. When the war will be over, reconstruction will be quick. We spent thousands of hours together with these replicas. You're a true genius, Speer. Yes, absolutely. Only you and I know that the Third Reich would be inconceivable... ...with only warehouses and factories. Skyscrapers and hotels. This Third Reich will be a treasury full of art and culture... ...that will survive thousands of years. We see, before us, the ancient cities, the Acropolis... We see the medieval cities... the cathedrals... ...and we know that the people need that. Indeed, Speer. That was my vision... ...and it still is. Mein F³hrer, if you want to realize these plans, you must leave Berlin. Eva, you say something. He's the F³hrer. He knows what's best. You must leave Berlin. The Russians almost have us isolated. I can't do that, my child. I would be like a lama priest with an empty prayer wheel. I have to solve the problem, here in Berlin, or perish. Speer... ...what do you think? You have to be on the stage when the curtain falls. Reload. Go away. Leave me alone. How old are you? Twelve? And you? Fourteen? Why are you here? To play at war? Go home. Who are you? What do you want? I want my son. Alive. You should be proud. He destroyed two tanks. The F³hrer will decorate him for it, today. You're still young. At which front did you fight? I haven't had the honour yet. Count yourself lucky. Send the children home. We'll defend this position to the last man. Which position? This is not a position, it's a trap. The Russians will come from two sides and you won't be able to get out. We'll shoot back. -What with? With the anti-aircraft guns. The Russians will arrive with several armies, tanks and heavy artillery. Do you really think you'll last even five minutes? We promised the F³hrer. Don't you understand? The war is lost. Coward. Go away. Right now. If you're still here when the Russians arrive, you'll all be dead. The 9th army had to retreat or they would have been decimated... We won't retreat the 9th army. Busse must fight where he stands. F³hrer, then the 9th army is lost. We'll push back the Soviet armies in the north and east... ...with a ruthless, mighty attack. Using which units? Steiner will attack from the north and join the 9th army. The 9th army is unable to move. The enemy outnumbers us ten times. Wenck's 12th army must support them. The 12th army is approaching the Elbe. -Then it must turn around. Then the western front would be open. -Do you doubt my orders? I think I've been clear enough. The Allies will see that only we can stop the Bolsheviks. We have to keep Berlin and make a deal with the Americans. Mohnke, you're here. -Mein F³hrer. Today, 'Clausewitz' started. Berlin will be a front city. You will be the commander of the defensive circle around the citadel. We'll fight until the last man, in Berlin. There are still three million civilians here. They have to be evacuated. I understand your concern, Mohnke. But we have to be cold as ice. We can't spend any energy on so-called civilians. With all due respect, what will happen to the women and children... ...and the thousands of wounded and elderly? In a war such as this one, there are no civilians. The F³hrer has lost all sense of reality. He's moving divisions around that no longer exist. Gruppe Steiner has been scattered, yet Steiner must attack. Madness. But why don't you tell him that? -He doesn't listen to reason. Something has to happen. -Are you crazy? He'll throw us out. We're soldiers. We took an oath. Does that mean we can't use our own ains anymore? And that's coming from you? A ruthless careerist? I beg your pardon? Where were you? -None of your business. The most successful tank hunters of the Berlin Hitler-Jugend stand before you. I'm proud of you. This boy took out two tanks using anti-tank shells. His name is Peter Kranz. -So you're Peter. I wish my generals were as ave as you. Very good. You've made history. And when Germania will rise from these ruins... ...you will be the heroes. Heil, to you. I don't know about you, but I prefer air raids. What will happen to us? -I could go if I wanted to. But everybody is deserting him. We can't all go, can we? I can't go either. I wouldn't know where to go. My parents and all my friends warned me. Don't get involved with the Nazis. What should I say: 'Hello, I made a mistake'? 'When things went wrong, I admitted my mistake.' Life will go on. What do you think, Herr Oberst? -We have to go. Go where? -I don't know. Wherever they need us. Let's go upstairs. We'll party. Come on. Come, children. We should have fun today. Wherever the enemy goes, all they find is destruction. That's the death sentence for the German people. No power, no gas, no drinking water, no coal, no traffic. If you destroy everything, our country will go back to the Middle Ages. This order denies the people any chance of survival. If the war is lost, what does it matter that the people are lost too? The primary necessities of life of the German people aren't relevant, right now. On the contrary. We'd best destroy them ourselves. Our people turned out weak... ...and according to the laws of nature, they should die out. They're your people. You're their F³hrer. What remains after this battle... ...is only the inferior. The superior will have fallen. Come along. You have to dance. Care to dance, Frõulein Braun? -I'd love to. May I? -Go ahead. What's wrong? We have to leave Berlin, Eva. You must convince him. Or else, come with me. You'll die. Can somebody play some music? I want to dance. Dance. Do you have a request? -As long as it swings. Traudl. It's all so unreal. It's like a dream you can't get out of. It keeps on going. Gerda, I don't feel well. Traudl, come. I did not move... I did not move my command post. To the west? How so? I'm at 1000 meters from the enemy. -General. And, general? I'll be executed. -What? Why? They think I moved my command post to the west. Be sensible, general. -Come along. Schenck. -Mohnke. I'm under the chancellery. I'm commander of the citadel now. I need help. -That will be difficult. Everything's gone. My assistant and I are the only ones here. You're a doctor, aren't you? -Yes, an internist. Commandeer a car and ing all the medication... ...you can find, to me. I'll do my best. -Thanks. Hurry. I need to talk to the F³hrer. What about? -I'm going to be executed. Wait here. Your weapon, please. Not here. Guard post 2. Understood. General... Not you. What's going on here? Why am I going to be executed? You know that any evasive manoeuvre towards the west is forbidden. Officers who don't obey, must be executed. What do you mean? My troops have been fighting for days. My command post is a kilometre away from the front line. Continue. Do you see this? I don't want you to use that tone with me. And now, do whatever you feel you must. It's best if you tell this to the F³hrer yourself. Come along. You can't pass, Oberst. -Orders from igade f³hrer I have to get into the hospital. We need medication. There's nobody left. They all took off. And the wounded? -How should I know? I'm going to have a look. You stay here. Be very careful. There are lots of Russians here. See that? That's where the Reich ends. Behind it, is Russkie land. May I? He's damned stubborn. Why doesn't he let me do that? I should have been back by now. Are you sure the F³hrer still needs me? Drink. -F³hrer's orders. You made a big impression on the F³hrer. But you don't think Steiner will attack, do you? I doubt whether Steiner is able to do anything... ...but you probably know that better than I do. If Steiner doesn't attack, Berlin is lost. The F³hrer was impressed with your report. He puts you in command of the defence of Berlin. I'd have preferred it if he executed me. Let them get closer. Tank alert. Take it easy. Wait, kid. They're still too far. Is it German artillery that I hear? -I'm afraid not. But hasn't Steiner's attack started? You have to go as fast as you can. Time is running out. But the F³hrer has the situation under control. Steiner will make all the difference. He says it will change military history. Everybody, but the F³hrer, knows that's a fantasy. I even wonder if he believes it himself. -Why would he be playing games? What does he have to lose? I don't believe a word of it. The enemy made a eakthrough. They took Zossen and are advancing towards Stahnsdorf. They're at the northern city border, between Frohnau and Pankow. In the east, they reached Lichtenberg, Mahlsdorf and Karlshorst. If Steiner attacks, everything will be alright. Mein F³hrer... Steiner... Steiner didn't have enough force. The attack didn't take place. The following stay here: Keitel, Jodl, Krebs and Burgdorf. That was an order. Steiner's attack was an order. How dare you ignore my orders? Is this what it came to? The military, everybody lied to me. Even the SS. The generals are no more than a bunch of disloyal cowards. I don't allow that... Cowards, traitors and incompetents. -F³hrer, this is outrageous. The generals are the scum of the German people. No sense of honour. You call yourself general because you spent years at the academy... ...where you only learnt to use knife and fork. For years, the military obstructed me. All you ever did is thwart me. I should have had... ...all the high officers executed. Like Stalin did. I never went to the academy. But I conquered all of Europe on my own. Traitors. I've been betrayed and deceived from the start. Such enormous betrayal of the German people. But all these traitors will pay. With their own blood. They will drown in their own blood. Relax, Gerda. All my orders have been ignored. How can I be a leader under these circumstances? It's over. The war is lost. But if you think this means I'll leave Berlin... ...you're wrong. I'd rather shoot a bullet through my head. Do what you want. The F³hrer wasn't serious about killing himself, was he? Frau Junge, Frau Christian. Get changed. In one hour, a plane will take you south. Everything is lost. Completely lost. You know I'll stay with you. You can't send me away. I'm staying too, mein F³hrer. Now what? Time to end this charade. Do you want us to stop fighting? That's inconceivable. The F³hrer doesn't want us to capitulate. No more November 1918. Ever. But he doesn't want to be in charge anymore. He said: 'Do what you want'. Nobody can replace him. He's the F³hrer. The F³hrer's confused. He'll recover. Great. And then what? No capitulation. That was never his intention. We owe it to him. -Hollow phrases. We have to act now. Or it will be too late. You're only looking after yourself. -Mind your words. Damn. We'll never get out of here alive. It's all over. We've got to wait. Even the F³hrer doesn't believe in it anymore. What will happen to us? G³nsche says there's a tunnel that goes under the Russian lines. Why did you say you wanted to stay with him? I don't know. Honestly. It stopped. Let's go for a walk. Traudl. Look here. I'm lighting another one. Let's go down again. Where do they come from? -Volkssturm. Drafted this afternoon. They have to get out of the field of fire. The Volkssturm is under the direct command of Dr. Goebbels. I want them to go away from there. This is insane. I'll take the responsibility. I think this is wrong. -Great. Stop. Lights out. Stop. Stay where you are. Stay where you are. -Alright, Germans. Help. They want to kill us. -What is all this? A Greifkommando. -You're kidding. Stop it. Let those men go. What's this? You have no authority here. These men are on the run. Traitors will be killed. They're old men. Civilians. You can't do this. Who's going to stop me? You maybe? Stop it. That's enough. Dismissed. This man's a doctor. Can you operate? -Not really. Don't let the children take too many toys. And not too much nightwear. That's no longer needed. Herr Minister... -Frau Junge, my family will arrive soon. Can you look after them for a moment? Thank you. Brigade f³hrer, what can I do for you? Your Volkssturm is an easy prey for the Russians. They have neither combat experience nor good weapons. Their unconditional belief in the final victory makes up for that. Herr Minister, without weapons these men can't fight. Their deaths will be pointless. I don't pity them. I repeat: I don't pity them. The people called this upon themselves. This may come as a surprise to you. Don't fool yourself. We didn't force the people. They gave us a mandate. And now they're paying for it. Eva, you have to leave the F³hrer. Don't be stupid. This is about life and death. How can you say that? Where are you? I decided not to die in Berlin. Does my sister know where you are? -Think about it. I'll call you back. Children, your room is to the right. Wait for me. Hello, Frau Goebbels. -Good to see you, Frau Junge. Line up, children. Helga, come. Line up. Let's make ourselves look good and then we go say hello to uncle Hitler. Do you remember the song? The best thing to do is to shoot yourself in the mouth. You won't feel a thing. You'll be dead right away. I want to be a beautiful corpse. I'll take poison. If I have to die, at least without any pain. That's definitely painless. It paralyses the nervous system and the respiratory system. A matter of seconds. Can I have one too? -Me too. Himmler provided me well. Thank you. I would have liked to give you a nicer present. Berlin, 23 April 1945. Dear sister. I'm sorry to write you this. But this is how it is. It could be over any moment. First of all: Hermann isn't with us. But I'm sure you'll see him again. He'll get through this and he'll fight from Bavaria. The F³hrer lost all hope of a good outcome. Dear son. I don't know if you'll receive this letter. Maybe someone will allow me to send you a last greeting. I stayed with daddy against his will. Last Sunday, the F³hrer wanted to help me escape. But you know your mother. We have the same blood. I won't even think about it. Our ideology's going down the drain... ...and with it, everything that made life beautiful and worthwhile. After the F³hrer and National Socialism, there's nothing left to live for. That's why I ought the children too. They're too good for the life that awaits them. God will have mercy on me if I ing them redemption myself. I'll wear my acelet with the green stone until the very end. After that, I want you to always wear it. Unfortunately, my diamond watch is with the watchmaker. I included the address below. I hope you're lucky enough to get it. I want you to get it. You'll also get the acelet with the topaz pendant. A birthday present from the F³hrer. I owe some money to the Heise company. There may be more debts, but no more than 1500 Reichsmarks. All correspondence with the F³hrer must be burnt. I'm sending you some food and tobacco. The coffee is also for Lindner and Kathl. The cigarettes are for Mandi, the tobacco for daddy, the chocolate for mummy. I can't think of anything else. That's it for today. Dear sister, I wish you lots of happiness. And remember, you will see Hermann again. The warmest regards and a kiss from... ...your sister. Inge. Listen, Keitel. I want you to leave this evening. Go to D÷nitz and help him with the organisation. Things have to be started up again. I don't understand you. We have no more oil fields. That's catastrophic. It makes any serious operation impossible. When everything has been solved here, we must get the oil fields back. Any questions? -No, mein F³hrer. Good. Have a good trip. ...do you agree that I take charge... ...with complete freedom of action? If I receive no reply by 2200 hours... ...I'll assume you have been incapacitated. I will then act on behalf of the country and the motherland. That's high treason. And betrayal of you. G÷ring's concerns are not entirely unjustified. If our communication system fails... ...we'll be cut off from the outside world. We won't be able to issue orders anymore. I think G÷ring wants to seize the power. I never trusted his clique on the Obersalzberg. This looks like a coup. The loser, the sponger. A parvenu, a lazy bastard. How dare he say I'm incapacitated? Hello. -How did you get into Berlin? It wasn't easy, but I must speak to the F³hrer. If I were you, I'd wait a bit. The Luftwaffe. What did he turn that into? For that alone, he should be executed. This morphine addict corrupted the country. And now this. He's betraying me. Me of all people. I want G÷ring stripped of his power, right away. And, in case I don't survive the war... ...he must be executed immediately. What's going to happen to us? Is there any hope left? Frau Junge, leave from here before it's too late. The F³hrer wants to stay. We can't leave him behind, can we? He doesn't need anybody for what awaits him. And least of all you. But Herr Goebbels and his wife stay here. And the children. But the children... I have always believed... ...that there was a way out. Come in. Albert. Hello. You have a fever. Albert, I can't stand it anymore. Why don't you leave with the children, Magda? Leave? And go where? I can arrange for you to be taken to Schwanenwerder by barge. You can hide until everything's over. It won't be long now anyway. I thought about it. My children cannot grow up in a world without National Socialism. Think about it. The children have a right to a future. If National Socialism dies, there will be no future. I can't believe you really want that. Go now. Come in. I knew you'd come. You wouldn't desert the F³hrer. I've come to say goodbye to the F³hrer. I'm going back to Hamburg tonight. Of course, you must go. Sit down. I took some furniture you designed. I couldn't leave it behind. Please, you must not have eaten all day. That's true. It's very important that you came. It shows him you're on his side. Did he ever doubt that? Lately, he often thought you were against him too. I always said you'd come and here you are. I think he liked it that you advised him to stay in Berlin. I also think it's best. And, you know... ...it may sound strange... ...but I'm really happy here. And I'm not afraid. You came. -Mein F³hrer, I... It's good. Let's sit down. I had great plans for the Germans and the world. Nobody understood me. Not even my old others in arms. The opportunities we had. The whole world was ours to grab. Too late. I can only be proud for openly fighting the Jews... ...and for cleansing the Lebensraum from the Jewish poison. I don't find it hard to continue. One ief moment... ...and then eternal peace. But please spare the people, mein F³hrer. If my people cannot endure this ordeal... ...I won't shed a tear. They get what they deserve. They called this fate upon themselves. For months... ...I have to tell you this... ...for months I have sabotaged your orders for destruction. I not only ignored your orders, but even acted against them. I had to tell you. This never compromised my personal loyalty to you. So you're leaving. Good. Goodbye. I wish you all the best. Eat well, gentlemen. Peter. It's alright, son. He has a fever. Yes, but he's alive. Loyalty and courage still exist in this world. Ritter von Greim and Frõulein Reitsch, how good... ...that the both of you arrived more or less unharmed. Sit down. We came under heavy fire, but still arrived in Gatow. From there, we couldn't continue. We flew in a Fieseler Storch, over the Russian lines... ...and landed on the East-West axis, close to here. Before landing, the Soviets had a go at us. General Von Greim, I appoint you supreme commander of the Luftwaffe. I hereby promote you to General-Feldmarschall. A big responsibility rests on your shoulders. You have to rebuild the Luftwaffe from scratch. Many mistakes have been made. Be ruthless. Life doesn't forgive weakness. This so-called humanity is religious drivel. Compassion is an eternal sin. To feel compassion for the weak... ...is a betrayal of nature. The strong can only triumph if the weak are exterminated. Being loyal to this law, I've never had compassion. I've always been ruthless when faced with internal... ...opposition from other races. And that's the only way. Apes, for instance,... ...kill all the odd ones. And what applies to apes, must definitely apply to humans. Himmler made an offer to surrender... ...to the allied powers. Via Count Bernadotte. A message from English radio.
A message from English radio. Himmler. Himmler of all people. The most loyal of my loyals. That's the worst betrayal. Göring, he was corrupt. Always has been. Speer, an absent-minded artist. All the others: yes. But Himmler? Has he gone insane? He must have told them I'm sick. Maybe even dead. Leave me alone with Ritter Von Greim and Fräulein Reitsch. And get Fegelein. -We don't know where he is. What? He's Himmler's assistant. He must be available. We haven't seen him for days. -I want a report immediately. Please stay here, Doctor. You and Greim must go as quickly as possible. Fly to Dönitz. Tell him to do anything it takes to punish Himmler. We've decided to die with you. Thank you for this proof of loyalty. But Himmler must die. He committed treason. He's no longer privvy to my plans. Mein Führer? Do you think I'll sit and wait until those Jewish swine slaughter me? This is part of a huge decoy manoeuvre. I've allowed the enemy... ...to invade the Reich and they think they've won. But mark my words: they have another thing coming. Dönitz is mobilising in the north. Kesselring in the south. We'll surround the enemy and crush them. From Prague, three armies will attack the Russians, simultaneously, from the back. I didn't know we still had so many reserve troops. I made sure you'll soon have a 1000 of the most modern... ...jets at your disposal. With those, you can make the Luftwaffe ready for battle again. I kneel to your genius, at the altar of the motherland. Heil, mein Führer. You also request to leave Berlin? Mein Führer, as you know, all medical departments... ...that fall under the SS and Himmler, have left Berlin. Himmler is a traitor. He won't escape punishment. Mein Führer, as Reichsarzt SS, I have no more work here. Your request to leave Berlin is unacceptable. My family... If the Russians... I must leave. You did nothing wrong. Future generations will thank you for you medical research. I take all the responsibility. We'll talk about it later. Gruppenführer Fegelein cannot be found. He's not in the bunker. What, you can't find Fegelein? Keep searching. I need to talk to him. Immediately. If he left just like that, that's desertion. Treason. Bring me Fegelein. Fegelein. Fegelein. Daddy, why are you wearing your Sunday uniform? Ernst, is something wrong? -No. Thank you. Brigitte is hungry too. Ilse, you should eat something as well. Thank you. -There you go. Thank you. What is it? -Gruppenführer, you're under arrest. What? -You're suspected of desertion. Get dressed. You'll come with us. Search the room. Let go of me. You can't give me orders. You can't have Hermann executed, can you? There's no doubt. He wanted to flee. What does it matter? Everything's over. Think of my poor sister. She's pregnant by Hermann. He collaborated with Himmler. He's a traitor. There's no mercy for traitors. No compassion for them. He'll be court-martialled and executed. What's the point of that? It is my wish. You're the Führer. Speak. The Russians are advancing more and more. There are no more reserves. Supplies from the air are impossible. There is no ammunition coming in anymore. In the north, the Russians are standing in front of the Weidendammer idge. In the east: Lustgarten. Potsdammer Platz. Tiergarten, about 400 metres away from the chancellery. How long can you hold out? -At most, two days. Including the government area? -Yes. As a soldier, I suggest we flee Berlin. It's surrounded. The battle of Berlin killed about 20,000 of our best officers. That's what young people are for. What you suggest is insane. Ridiculous. Think of the thousands of wounded. We can't help them. Mein Führer, the orders have been written. I give you my word... The Führer cannot make a honourless disappearance from world history. Even if an advance is successful... ...I'll end up in another troublesome situation. I'd have to stay in the open air or on a farm... ...and wait for the end. Wenck is advancing with the 12th army. He can join the 9th... ...and give the Russians the final blow. Wenck's an excellent fellow. Send a telegram to Immediately report to me the following: 1. Where are Wenck's vanguard located? 2. When will they attack again? 3. Where is the 9th army? 4. Where will the 9th make a eakthrough? You'll see, gentlemen. I'll be right. Wenck will come. Wenck will come. I want to know if Wenck can do anything at all. It's unlikely that Wenck's small amount of troops... What's unlikely about the offensive? -Wenck can't do anything anymore. Then why don't you tell the Führer that? Has everybody gone mad? Do you think the Führer doesn't know? He'll never surrender. And neither will we. I've been through that once. Never again. Come along. I have to go. Stop right there. Heil Hitler. Excuse me. I fell asleep. Did you get some rest, my child? In shorthand. My political will. More than 30 years have passed... ...since I made my contribution as a volunteer... ...during the first World War. During those 30 years, I learnt to think, act and live... ...out of love and loyalty for my people. Excuse me. The shooting. -Please sit down. Centuries will pass... ...but from the ruins of our cities and monuments... ...the hatred of the people... ...who did this to us, will continue to flare up. International Judaism and its allies. What is it, Herr Minister? Imagine this. The Führer wants me to leave Berlin. He ordered it. I've never ignored an order from the Führer. But I will ignore this order. I'll stay with the Führer. Please, Frau Junge... ...I want to dictate my will to you. I'm typing the Führer's will. Good. I understand. Some other time. Mein Führer, according to the racial law I'm obliged to ask you: Mein Führer, are you of Aryan descent? Can I see your identity card? You're talking to the Führer here. -Alright then. And you, Fräulein Braun, are you of Aryan descent? Then there's nothing to stop us. I'm asking you now: Do you, mein Führer, Adolf Hitler... ...take Eva Braun, present here, as your wife? Answer 'yes'. Do you, Eva Braun, take Führer Adolf Hitler, present here... ...as your husband? Answer 'yes'. Then I declare you man and wife. Two men here. Everything will be alright. You must go to the Führer right away. -Now? How long can we hold out? -Twenty hours, no more. The Russians are close. At the moment, we forced them to stop. You know, Mohnke. The western democracies are decadent. They'll succumb to the people from the east. All the best. Thank you. It wasn't just for Germany. A message from Keitel. 1. Wenck's vanguard are stuck south of Schwielowsee. 2. The 12th army can't continue the attack on Berlin. 3. The 9th army is completely surrounded. What do we do when the last ammunition reserves have been exhausted? I'll never surrender. Never. I forbid you, and the other commanders, to surrender. Listen, Günsche. My wife and I are going to commit suicide. I don't want my corpse exposed by the Russians. I don't want them to get me, dead or alive. I want to be burnt and never to be found. Günsche, I want you to promise me... ...that you will do all that it takes. Mein Führer... ...this is a terrible order, but I will execute it. Kempka. -Erich, I need 200 litres of petrol. Are you mad? Where should I find them? From the parked vehicles. What's all that petrol for? -I can't say. Come, please. The Führer wants to see us. Should I tell the Führer you're indisposed? It's only my collapsed lung. I'll die soon anyway. Excuse me. Over here, Herr Professor. One moment, please. Excuse me. I'm sorry to interrupt your important work. Mein Führer, keep faith in the final victory. Lead us and we shall follow. Come along. Join the gang. Come. Have a drink. Besides drinking, there's little we can do. -Do sit down. That's better. Yes, the situation is pretty shitty. Can we sit down? -Please do, Fräulein... Frau... -That's Frau Hitler. It's alright. A pity we can't go outside anymore. Only if you want to die a heroic death. Fritz, control yourself a bit. -Yes. Control. Take cover. What are you doing here? -I have to report to the Führer. You can't right now. Sit down. Sit. Drink. Let me introduce Frau Hitler. So young and so many decorations. You must be proud. Excuse me. I'm not used to drinking anymore. You can use our toilet. If your hand shakes, the bullet might only hit an optic nerve. That's why it's good to also take the poison. When you bite through the capsule, pull the trigger. Will I have enough time? The poison starts working after one or two seconds. Tornow, you too. Come Blondi. You know, Frau Junge, I've known... my husband for more than 15 years. But when I think about it, I know nothing about him. Even though he likes to talk. I longed for Berlin, but he's so different now. He only talks about dogs and vegetarian food now. I hate Blondi. I sometimes kick her and Adolf then wonders why she acts strange. I think he doesn't want anybody to really know him. ...he can be so caring in his private life. And then he uses that rude language again. When he's the Führer, you mean? Come, let's smoke another one. I'm sorry. You have so many worries and here I am, whining. Frau Junge, I'm giving you this coat as a goodbye present. I like fashionable ladies. I want you to enjoy it. What a surprise. Thank you. I just don't know where and when I can wear it. Please, try to get out of here. Promise me. Thank you. That was very good, Fräulein Manziarly. The time has come. It's finished. The Führer wants to say goodbye. Come with me. You're the avest mother of the Reich. Führer, you made me the happiest woman in Germany. Salute my beautiful Bavaria. Children, what are you doing here? We want to see aunt Eva and uncle Hitler. Have you eaten anything yet? -Only eakfast. Stay here, I'll get something to eat. I'll be right back. Comrades, this is the latest news from the outside. Berlin is full of warehouses: There were houses here, there were houses there. Herr Günsche, I want to speak to the Führer. Please, I have to. Frau Goebbels, the Führer doesn't want to be disturbed. Please, Günsche, just for a moment. Please. Mein Führer, Frau Goebbels is here. What is it? Mein Führer, I beg you: Leave Berlin. Don't leave us Führer. What will become of us? Tomorrow, I'll be cursed by millions, but that's how it is. Get up. Come. Come. Aunt Traudl, I like it when it thunders. Why? -Nothing can happen to us here. Can it? -No. Gotcha. Reichsleiter, it's over. The Führer is dead. There's daddy. Are you crazy? For that damned petrol of yours... Erich, shut up. Stand back. Come on, continue. Continue. No, don't. Let grandpa go. Order. Order. We must have order. Order has to return. This way. We know the way. You can trust us. Hurry. I was on the side of the Red Beasts. I supported the Bolsheviks. Let's hope the Russians got our message. We'll soon find out. -Or not. What news do you have, General? Adolf Hitler and his wife committed suicide in the bunker. The new government authorised me... ...to start peace talks... ...between our countries, that both suffered severe losses. General, if you were me, would you make peace with you? My government will never accept unconditional surrender. Given the situation, you have no other choice. Surrender? Never. That's shameful. Years ago, I conquered Berlin on the Reds... ...and I'll defend the city to my dying day. In the short time I have as Chancellor... ...I'll never sign a surrender treaty. It's for the sake of the people. -The Führer's orders are final. This is crazy. We have to start negotiations. I repeat, gentlemen: I do not surrender. Send a message to Marshal Zhukov. -Zhukov? What's happening? -We're surrendering. Then I must kill you. The Führer forbids any surrender. How long does it work? -Around four hours. Children, the doctor has the medication I told you about. It's a bit bitter, but it will work. A sip for everybody. Who wants to go first? Heide, you're always so ave? Have another sip. See? That wasn't so bad. Well done. Helmut. This medication makes sure you don't get ill in this humid bunker. But it's not humid in the bunker. Well done. Helga. I don't want to. What's that? Do you want to get sick? -Please, mama. I don't want to drink it. Don't cry, baby. That doesn't help. You have to drink the medicine. Helga. Come on, open your mouth. Goodnight, children. One day the lie will fall apart... ...and there will be light in the darkness. Please read that. One day the lie will fall apart and there will be light in the darkness. Let's do it differently. One day the lie will collapse... ...and truth will triumph once again. At that moment, we will stand above everybody... ...pure and... immaculate. We don't stand a chance. -So what? I want to get away. How do we get through the lines? Doesn't matter. I'm not staying another minute. We'll die. -It won't be that bad, surely. If we stay, the Russians will get us for sure. All the best. Come, let's go. On 30 April 1945, the Führer committed suicide... ...and in doing so, he deserted everybody who was loyal to him. You, German soldiers, were loyal to the Führer and were prepared... ...to continue the battle for Berlin, although ammunition was in short supply... ...and further resistance was pointless. I hereby declare an immediate cease-fire. Each hour you continue fighting... ...prolongs the suffering of the people of Berlin and of our wounded. In agreement with the supreme command of the Soviet troops... ...I order you to stop fighting immediately. Weidling, former commander of the Berlin defence area. A glass of water, please. I don't need you anymore. The game's over. It's time. -Don't you see what's going on here? I insist that you help us, as a doctor. Alright, then. Go. You did a lot. Thank you. Schädle, hurry. Come on. -I'm not going anywhere anymore. Come along. Are you alright? -Keep going. Sturmmann Krüger and his group defended the Wolf Bridge... ...and he receives the Iron Cross. Sturmmann Wagner took out two machine-gun nests... ...and therefore, receives the Iron Cross. Sturmmann Rauch has gotten messages through the lines... ...and receives the Iron Cross. The others are coming. Take cover, Müller. Who's that? A German. Herr Hewel? Thank God, you're alive. Where are the others? I don't know, Frau Junge. Somewhere. Maybe. Most people from my group must be dead. I should never have left that bunker. I should have shot myself, but I couldn't. Eat something first. There's always enough time to die. You stay with the women. Come along. The Russians have surrounded us. -What's going to happen to us? Maybe you can get through. You could try. I'm not taking another step. Think about it. The Russians are after us. As a woman, you might have a chance. Try it. Good luck. When you walk past the Russians, don't look them in the eyes. Remember that well. All the best. The Russians. Gerda, let's go. -You go. I'm exhausted. -Please. I have to give it a try. Don't be angry with me. I'll be alright. Herr Doktor. My comrades want to surrender. Can I join you? The Führer's dead. Do you want to continue the war on your own? I'm obliged by my oath. Then you'd better go to the Brigadeführer. The Russians are evacuating the square. -So? No opposition. No shooting. Then they'll be here within the hour. What shall we do? We can't surrender. -What exactly do you mean? When the Russians come, we'll empty our weapons on them. The last bullets are for ourselves. -That's radical. Is this prestigious murder and suicide our only option? We're SS officers. We can't survive the Führer. Who agrees with me? Come and sit down with me? -Please. Why do you want to continue living? -And you? Why do you want to die? See this? The Führer gave it to me personally. As a last decoration? -Maybe. A goodbye present from Hitler. I had to promise him something. If the Russians get me, I have to kill myself. Did he make you promise that? But why? Maybe he didn't want me to be forced... ...to say anything bad about him. But, as a diplomat, you're under international protection. Who will benefit if you stick to your deal? There they are. Don't shoot, comrades. We surrendered. The war is over. It's over. Complete surrender took place on 7 May 1945. Hostilities were suspended on 8 May. The war took the lives of more than 50 million people. 6 million Jews were killed in German concentration camps. Gerda Christian managed to escape and avoid imprisonment. She died in Düsseldorf on 14 April 1997. Dr. Schenck was released in 1953 by the Soviets. He died in Aachen on 21 December 1998. Wilhelm Mohnke was released by the Soviets in 1955. He died in Damp, near Eckernförde, on 6 August 2001. Helmut Weidling died in captivity, in 1955. Werner Haase was arrested in the bunker, by the Red Army. He died in captivity, in 1945. Otto Günsche was arrested by the Soviets. He was released in 1956 and died in Lohmar, in 2003. Hanna Reitsch survived the war and would eak many flying records. She died on 28 August 1979. Robert Ritter von Greim committed suicide on 24 May 1945. Linge and Hentschel were arrested by the Soviets. Linge was released in 1955 and died in 1980. Hentschel was released in 1949 and died in 1982. Constanze Manziarly disappeared without a trace, during her flight. Albert Speer was arrested in Flensburg, in 1945. He was sentenced to 20 years, in Nuremberg. He was released in 1966 and died in London, in 1981. Keitel and Jodl were sentenced to death in Nuremberg and executed. Hermann Göring was sentenced to death. He committed suicide in his cell, shortly before his execution. Heinrich Himmler tried to escape using a false name. After he was found out, he committed suicide. Martin Bormann and Ludwig Stumpfegger committed suicide... ...on 2 May 1945, near the Lehrter Bahnhof. Rochus Misch was released by the Soviets in 1955. He still lives in Berlin. Traudl Junge was classified as a 'young follower'. She worked as a secretary and lived in Munich, until her death in 2002. All the horror I heard about during the Nuremberg trial... ...the 6 million Jews, dissidents or people of another race... ...who died, shocked me deeply. But I hadn't made the connection with my own past yet. I reassured myself by thinking I wasn't personally guilty of it. And that I hadn't known about the sheer size of it. But one day, I walked past a commemorative plaque... ...for Sophie Scholl, here in the Franz-Joseph-Strasse. I saw that she was my age... ...and that she was executed in the year I joined Hitler. And only then did I realise... that youth is no excuse. And that it might have been possible to find out the truth. DOWNFALL
Love's a bitch What did you do? What did you...? - Nothing! - Nothing? Bullshit! Fuck, he's bleeding to death. They still coming? - They still behind us? - I can't see them. Shit, he's bleeding a lot. - Stop the bleeding. - I can't. - Use your finger. - There's too much. Here come those bastards. Faster! Fuck! Faster! Motherfuckers! - Fucking hell! - Watch out! - Shit, he fell. - Is he dead? Why did you fuck with those bastards? Is he dead? Answer me! No, but he keeps falling. He's bleeding even more! - I've covered his wound. - Get down! They've got a fucking gun! Motherfucker! Hurry! Let's go to Chilaquil's. Motherfucker! - Faster. - Get down, man. Step on it! The window! The window, that's it! Octavio and Susana Are you ready? What's your stake? 10,000. Okay for 10,000? Let's go. You're on for 10. 10's the stake, senores. 10 on Pancho, 10 on Turco. Heat 'em up! Marks! Let them go! Cofi! Cofi! Cofi, come here! Fucking dog! Hello, senora. How's he been? Better. The fever oke. Susana, I can't watch him tomorrow. Why? I have to help my sister move, and go to the market. Senora, give me a eak! I have a match final. I'll iron tonight. No. Leave the kid with your mother. My mother? Just this week. Then I'll work it out. No. I raised my children, now you raise yours. Go on, Turco! Do I stop it? He'll kill him. It's cool. He's back on top. Kill him! - What's up, Ma? - Sit down and eat. How's it going, little dude? - How's he doing? - Better. Thank you. Know what? A baby born in Guadalajara gets a finger up his ass. - Why? - To see what he'll be. If he kicks, he'll be a soccer player. If he screams, a mariachi. And if he laughs, he'll be a homo. What about girls? We finger them until they're 18. Stop bullshitting, Octavio. Susana? Susana? Did you bleach my uniform? Look at it! And Cofi? Where is that fucking dog? - No hello...? - Where? - I don't know. - Sit and eat. You let him out again, right, bitch? I always tell you to watch it when you go out! - Lay off! - Who asked you? You don't care about that dog. I feed it. This is between me and my wife. I'm the one who let him go, so lay off her. Keep out of it! Shut up, please. Here's your dough, less 500 for my cut. 10 victories in a row! - Just luck, fatso. - Cool. - See you Saturday. - Okay. What about your fucking dog? Barbecue it if you'd like, shithead! Champinon, move that dog! Fucking dog can't get enough! Give him to me. He won't budge. Sic him on those dogs. That will cool him off. Good idea. It's in the bag. - Hey, that's Octavio's dog. - Exactly. - Can I? - Yes. Thanks for earlier. What? That was cool, taking the blame. What happened here? It's nothing. Did Ramiro do this to you? Yes, but he didn't mean it. Didn't mean it? You know what he's like. Why do you put up with it? He treats you like shit. Not always. Are you stupid or just pretending? Someone's here for you. - Hang on. - Uh-huh. You know Ramiro doesn't want Susana in your room. We were watching TV! Your other doesn't like it, neither do I. It's the last time, you hear me? The last! - What's up? - You won't believe it. What? Your dog killed Jarocho's Pancho. What happened? Jarocho sicced Pancho on Cofi, but Cofi saw him coming. He snapped his neck and killed him. - Where's Cofi? - Here he comes. Cofi! Here! He's all right. The other dogs didn't touch him. What gives, Octavio? Know what your dog did? - Yeah. - So? It's okay, huh? It's cool. Cool? It's not cool at all. Bring Pancho. See what he did? This dog was worth at least 20,000 pesos. Have him stuffed for your mantel. Don't be a smartass, kiddo. You have two choices. Pay me, or pay me. Why should I pay you? Want to play with me? Okay. Wait! Why did you set Pancho on him? Listen, give me your dog, and I'll forget it. You're nuts. Start saving, 'cause you're gonna pay. Make Ramiro pay if you're so cool. Afraid he'll kick your ass again? No way, asshole. I'm not taking any more shit. Got it, Octavio? Let's go. What's up? Got a joint? Ramiro, I need money. Don't got any. Payday's Friday. So what do I do? The baby needs diapers and formula, and the eggs you eat aren't free. - Got no money. - Got no money. So you got no money? Are you deaf? Aren't drugstores good business? Keep your mouth shut, or else. Asshole! One word and you're dead. Being tough won't make you smart. - Jimena took my headband. - Give it back. It's my headband! No, it was a gift. Liar, I bought it at the store. Give it to her. You never wear it. I'll get it! Hello? Hello? - Who was it? - They hung up. That mute man again? Or that mute woman, maybe? I'll get it. Hello? Hello? Hung up again. Weird! Can I come in? What's up? You going out? Why? No reason. Something wrong? I... What happened? I'm in trouble. I don't know what to do. I'm pregnant again. Shit, Susana, you want another baby already? I didn't want it! Ramiro is going to kill me. No, he won't. He went nuts once, but he still married you, didn't he? Yes, but I don't know if I want to stay with him. I can't have this baby, Octavio. Are you thinking about an abortion? Do you have a better idea? What the fuck can I do? Come away with me. What? Let's go away. Far away. I'm being serious! So am I. Don't talk shit. Where would we go? - What are you doing, you jerk? - Come away with me. - How many are they? - Six bitches, three dicks. - Ready? - Wait. That fat bitch is going in. I smell cash. Ever fucked a fatso like her? - I have, it's hot. - You have? Who? Your mother, asshole. Someday we'll do that fucking bank, you'lI see. Keep cool, Tarzan. We're going big time, man. After that fucking bank, I'm out of here. It's not safe around here. We're on, she's in. Everyone down on the floor! BUSINESSMAN MURDERED MOTIVE UNKNOWN MR. EZQUERRA'S WIDOW, MRS. NORMA SAINZ, DIED FUNERAL AT 10:30 A.M. What's up? Want some dinner? Look what I ought you. Cool! No way! For me? Like it? Was a bitch to get it. Shh! Don't shout, you'll wake the baby. Hang on. Baldy? - Don't wake him. - Why not? It was hard to get him to sleep. I never see him, do I, Baldy? He's been puking all day. He's sick. Selfish bastard! Shut the fuck up. I gave you the Walkman! I'm cool to you, but you're always on my ass! The baby, shit! Shut up! Wow, dude... she's your other's woman. Yeah, but I always liked her, even before they met. But he got her first. My ass! Ramiro doesn't care about her. But Susana does. You're playing with fire, man. I can't stop thinking about her. There's thousands of bitches. Why do you want to fuck her? I don't want to fuck her! I want her to leave with me. Yeah? With what money? You're going to fight him? Where do we get the bet money? - I'll pimp your sister. - You asshole! Well? Phone call for Susana. Who is it? Her mother. Tell her to fuck off. She says it's urgent. Hello? Hello? Who was it? Me. You're nuts. What's wrong with you? Let go. Let go. No, Octavio. Not this way. Then how? This dog looks pretty sad to me. But it killed Jarocho's dog. You know this business? More or less. More or less? - Sargento? - Yes. Sarge, take this dog. Come with me. This is my business. Zero taxes, zero strikes, zero unions. Pure hard cash. I take a loss now and then. This is Mac, my best investment. He's old, but he can still fight. I got the van from his winnings. We can be partners, with your dog, and my stake money. We'll split the profits 50-50. What do you think? - Sounds good. - Good. Good for eight fights, then we'lI see. Fine. But first, your dog goes a round with Mac. Okay, it will cost you 5,000, win or lose. Don't bullshit me. What if your dog kills mine? And what if mine dies? But I don't have a van yet. I'll give you 2,500. Will that do? Done. Condom! Bring Mac. Here's your take. Release them on three. Count. One... two... three! That's enough. Take your fucking dog. Sarge! Come back on Saturday at 12:00. It's payback time for Jarocho. - 20 is your change. - Thank you. Did you find everything you needed? Except rubbers. You don't have my size. What the fuck are you doing here? Shopping. Where did you get the dough? You don't have money, but I do. Stick it up your ass. I'll buy my family's things. Ring me up, or I'll call the manager. Asshole, get out or you're dead. I'm not Susana, you know. You don't scare me. - What happened? - Nothing, nothing. Fucking hell! Good afternoon. - Take it. - What for? So you can take care of him. And him. Yes? Hey, other, how are you? I'm very well. No, not much. Hang on. I can't hear anything. Neither can I. Why don't you leave? What's up? I couldn't get away. Tomorrow, I promise. I miss you, too. Don't call here anymore, Julieta's suspicious. No, I'm not angry. Tomorrow at 11:00. I love you. What's the matter? Stop! Stop, man! Keep out of my business, asshole! Here, pal, take this. - What's up, fatso? - Just hanging, Jarocho. Why are you playing with girls? Because they got mean dogs. You're betting 15 on it? My dog beats all of yours. I'm talking to the ringmaster, princess. So... - 15? - Make it 10. Okay. Place your bets, senores. Waste him! Kill him! Ready? Let them go! I'll catch up. What are you doing here? Taking a stroll. Stroll elsewhere. Don't mess with us, and especially not her. It's a free country, isn't it? To her, you're dead. Don't forget that. You're hostile, sister-in-law! That's two you owe me. Don't be pissed, Jarochito. Win some, lose some. What's up? Here. It's yours. But hide it, or my other will take it. Don't worry. Got another place to stash it? Yes. I put that other money in a case in the closet. Shh! The baby's sleeping! This will be our bank, okay? Just yours and mine. Octavio, you stealing too? No. This money's clean, so you'll come away with me. Come away with you? You still don't get it, do you? No, you don't get it. Jorge has cousins in Juarez. We'll go there. We can open a store, we got cash. It'll be cool. No, I don't want any more trouble. Can't you understand? Understand? Come away with me. Golden and growing ripe in my land I'm ready to fly while my people await Twigs I go around sowing to see if they sprout Northern wind, thought and life I carry St. Peter in my eath and the saliva I spit Anytime I feel right And I do it complete and directly Yes, sir Yes, sir, Coming, coming, coming, coming Yes, sir Wind, caresses, levity and flavor Yes, sir Yes, sir, Coming, coming, coming, coming Yes, sir Fire, smiles, reality and pain The ground is present Waiting, representing, it comes down at night Singing me to sleep, I'm unconscious On my belly the seconds pass Charged, tattooed on my back, soaking wet Joined to spasms of crying and laughter I've been around, slowly but carefully Just as slow as the moment that doesn't end Just as slow, crossing through the thorns Tell me what it feels like, tell me what it feels like Tell me what it feels like, the sweat in your ow Tell me what it feels like, tell me what it feels like Tell me what it feels like, the sweat in your ow Yes, sir Yes, sir, Coming, coming, coming, coming Yes, sir Wind, caresses, levity and flavor Yes, sir Yes, sir, Coming, coming, coming, coming Yes, sir... I didn't say you could come in. What are you watching? None of your business. Change that shit. I don't like it. What do you want? I heard you're getting rich with my dog. Your car is nice. Your dog? He's mine. Don't talk shit, little other! He's as much mine as yours, so I get haIf of the winnings. Anyway, look at him. Doesn't look like you care about him much. I care more than you know. Give you money? I'm not giving you shit. It's simple... cough it up, or I'll blow your piggy bank away. Next time's for real, so you better get me my dough. The cock crows... What's up, Baldy? Look what I got you! Look at all this! Your mom's going to put it away. We're millionaires! There's enough to live on for two years. Come live them with me. What do you say, eh? - Why, Octavio? - Why what? Why do you want to live them with me? You still don't get it? No, I do get it. Give Jorge something to eat. I've got some business for you. Jarocho's got a class A dog. He wants to fight Cofi. Yeah, right! He'll bet 40,000. 40? You in? That's too much for me. You're on your own. What about our deal? The deal was for eight fights. We've done 15. That's enough. You won, I won, that's it. Okay. When does he want to fight? This Saturday. He wants it private, at Trujillo's. No outside bets, just you and him. All right. Do I confirm? Okay. Hey, fatso, I need you to do me a big favor. A giants' joust turns the air into natural gas A wild duel warns me How close I am of going into an outrageous world I feel my fragility Some nightmare running away With a beast after me Tell me everything's a lie Just a silly dream and nothing more I'm afraid of enormity Where nobody hears my voice Stop the deception Don't try to hide That you've never tripped while moving around Paper monster I don't know who I'm up against Or is there somebody else here? I believe in the terrible ghosts Of some strange place And in my foolishness to make you burst into laughter In an outrageous world I feel your fragility Stop the deception Don't try to hide That you've never tripped while moving around Paper monster I don't know who I'm up against... How's the baby? Good. Growing, I guess. Got a name yet? Umm... if it's a girl, Susana. And if it's a boy? Octavio? Everything's ready. We leave Sunday. But I'm going to need some of the money. Saturday's the big one. Don't fight him anymore. We've got enough. One last one? What time is the bus to Juarez? It leaves at 12:00. Ramiro will still be at work. Don't worry about Ramiro. He won't fuck with us anymore, I'm sure. Are you scared? It's heavy shit. Scared? Ma? Ma? Ma? So this is how you take care of the kid? Shh! What's wrong? Now you can stay drunk. What's up, Ma? Do you know what happened to your other? He didn't come home last night. No idea. You don't know? He got beat up bad. He must have pissed off a customer. They threatened to kill him. God knows what he's up to! He left with the baby and Susana. Where to? I don't know where. Or if they'll be back. What? Goddamn it! Motherfucker! And that bitch! People Today With us today, someone no man would want to miss... one of the most beautiful women in Iberian America, Valeria Amaya! Thank you so much. I have to find her, damn it! She tricked you. I warned you. It wasn't her. It was Ramiro, that asshole. This is your year. You represent Enchant in Latin America, loads of models envy you... I'll find her! How much you got? - 7,000, and you? - 10,000. I hope Jarocho will go with that. I've got 3,000 at home, I'll loan them to you. That woman's hot! Is it true you have a new love? Yes, it's notjust a rumor. In fact, he's here. My love! Andres Salgado, no less! Please, have a seat. What a lucky guy! Let's go. Cofi! Okay, one more personal question. Will you two get married? Not right away, but we have a son... and I ought him. Richie! Isn't he cute! He looks just like Andres! He's got my white hair. What's up? You didn't back out? - As you can see. - You get the 40,000? - I only got 20,000. - Will that do? You're on. Playing for candy! Sargento, put the dogs in the pool. Ready! On your marks! Release them! You crazy fucker! Fight's over! He was winning! Why did you shoot? - Itjust went off. - What's this shit? It's between you and him. Here's your money. And yours. This isn't fair, Mauricio! Work it out between you. Don't be crybabies. That's the business. You better scram, before things heat up. Complain to your other. I'll be waiting for him! - Where are you going? - Start the car, wait for me. Forget something,princess? What did you do? - What did you... - Nothing! Nothing? Bullshit! - Is he dead? - No! Why did you fuck with those bastards? Assholes! Thanks to Valeria Amaya and Andres Salgado for being on the show. Friends, stay with us for more surprises on People Today. Valeria, I thought you were with someone else. Well, now you know. So many rumors. People love gossip. - Laura, 20 seconds! - Right, goodbye. - What are you doing now? - Nothing, why? Have lunch with me. No thanks, Andres. You would say no to Andres Salgado? Listen, the show's over. The show is over. I have a surprise you'll love. Okay, let's go. - Where are you going? - To the restaurant. I said lunch, I didn't say where. - Come in. - Did you buy this place? - Not exactly. - It's lovely! - You like it? - Of course! This couch is just like mine. It's not like yours. It is yours. In the bedroom, you'll find your clothes, your perfumes... What are you playing at? That's not all. Look at the view! You like it? You've gone too far. I'm going. Wait! Take the keys to your apartment. What do you mean, my apartment? That's right, you're home! Idiots! Darling! What's this hole? I had enough to buy it, but not to fix it. Okay, enough! - You're jealous. - Thanks! I've never seen you acting so well. You liked it? - I love you, too. - Sorry. I was joking. Bye! Wow! Thanks. Thanks for the magazine cover. Good luck, matador. My love, is it really true? - Honey? - What? I spoke with Julieta. And? As of today, we're separated. You're not lying to me? Starting tonight, we can sleep together. Are you sure about this? I am. Have you changed your mind? I just can't believe it! - Darling? - Yes? What shall we toast with? Ah, I knew I forgot something. Please, keep an eye on the food. You know I can't fry an egg. You're my special guest! A guest in my own home? You are the guest. Stay here. Darling... Richie! - Come over here. - Hurry back. You bet I will. Corazon... Mi corazon Corazon... mi corazon Richie! Shut up! What's the matter? Corazon... Mi corazon... Daniel and Valeria Excuse us. So? It's hard to diagnose... massive blood loss, double fractured tibia and fibula, open fractured femur... the femoral biceps are almost completely severed. - It's a miracle she's alive. - Will she make it? I hope so. When can I see her? I don't know... in two days, depending on how she recovers. Is there a relative I should notify? Her family's in Spain. I don't know if I should tell them. Will you take the responsibility? - Thanks, Nacho. - No problem. My regards to Julieta. Sorry, it's habit. Kiss your girls for me. No problem. One, two, three. Don't tire her out. No. I'll never play soccer again. Shh! Take it easy. And Richie? He's fine, he's at home. Our home... Our home... - Daniel... - Huh? Don't tell my father. - Isn't it time you spoke to him? - I don't want to. He'd say I deserved it. Okay. Don't worry. Sleep... sleep. I'm here with you. - Daniel? - Huh? Are you awake? What is it? Daniel, I'm scared. Look at me! Don't worry, they'll take it off. You've been very ave. The truth is... I'm scared to death. You'll be fine, you'lI see. Richie, look! Look who's here! - Your mommy is back. - Richie! I missed you, my little one. What did you do without me? My love! Welcome home, my love! The first one to blink loses, eh? No! You lose, you lose! What are you doing? I'm examining you. - I can't. - Yes, you can. I can't. Yes, you can. Let's see how you do it. Sure you'll be all right? Sure. I'm an expert. Left... right... What if you need something? I've got Richie, don't I? Whatever you do, stay seated. - Even if the earth quakes? - Let it crumble. But you don't leave that chair! - I'll be back by 8:00. - I'll be here. - Good luck. - I'll miss you. Fetch, sweetheart. Good. Bring it back. Good, Richie. You're a good boy. Bring me the ball. Run, run! No, Richie! Shit! Richie! Richie, good boy! Richie? Richie! Mommy's here! Richie! It's me! I'm in the kitchen. How did it go? From the doctor, so I don't have to carry you. How's my princess? Richie went into the hole. How? He was running after the ball. He'll get out. That was five hours ago. What can we do? - I know! - What are you doing? Chocolates. He'll come right out. Wait, I'm coming with you. Here, try the crutches. Why won't he come out? He must be stuck down there. Don't worry about it, he'll come out. Richie? I tried that. I hear noises, but he won't come out. Don't worry, he'll come out. You want an omelet? I'm hungry. He's all right. A bit disoriented, but he's here, not stolen, not lost. He's here with us, okay? Daniel... - Daniel? - What? Listen, it's Richie. Yes, it's him. - So? - Wait. Richie? Richie? Richie? - Richie? - Daniel? - What? - Hurry, I think I heard him. - Where is he? - Help me. Careful. He's under the living room. Richie, darling... Richie? Oh, shit! That scared me! Hello? Hello?
(Avi Lewis): Welcome to the globalized ghost town. This is Argentina. It could be anywhere. Abandoned factories, cracked cement, rusting machines. But in the rubble, something's growing. Jobs are coming back. (Naomi Klein): Actually, jobs are being taken back. (chanting in Spanish) The new slogan: Occupy. Resist. Produce. THE TAKE How long has it been since you were in here? Oh, for me it's been 2 or 3 years. They fired me before the factory closed down. I just found my maté cup. What's strange is that there aren't any pigeons. Maybe on their last visit they took the pigeons too. This place used to be full of pigeons. (electroacoustic tango by Gotan Project) Argentina Buenos Aires (Naomi Klein): Seen from above, Buenos Aires still looks like Europe or North blinking logos entice you to buy, commanding bank towers urge you to save and invest. (Avi Lewis): But down below, the banks are encased in protective steel, tattooed with graffiti. The scavengers wear frayed designer clothing. The children, who used to eat American fast food, now sort through its garbage. This is not just another poor country, but a rich country made poor. Buenos Aires Vacations by the sea The Peron government delivers on its promises. Arriving at the Miramar resort are tourists of all ages and both sexes, who are going to have a happy vacation by the sea. (Naomi Klein): Fifty years ago, Argentina was climbing towards the First World, an up-and-coming country like Canada or Australia. Juan Peron, the military man who ruled Argentina in the golden years, built the country on the model used in Europe and North huge public works and a made-in-Argentina factory economy. The result was the most prosperous middle-class in Latin America. (Avi Lewis): Fast forward to the 1990s and the reign of President Carlos Menem. He also transformed Argentina, but this time, according to the rule book of the International Monetary Fund. Menem imposed every business-friendly policy in it, all at one time: downsizing, corporate handouts and selling off every public asset he could find. In Argentina, they just called itel modelo,the model. And Washington approved. - Argentina is truly in a way... Michel Camdessus Managing director, IMF ...to enter the new century in a very, very solid basis. (Avi Lewis): Wrong. Menem's miracle turned into a disaster. Half the country slid below the poverty line. He had created a capitalist Wild West. While people were trapped without work, money was free to travel. (sirens wailing) And when Argentina's currency started to drop, that's exactly what happened. Multinational banks whisked 40-billion dollars out of the country in cash, in the dead of night. There were no regulations left to stop them. The government panicked and froze all bank accounts in the country. So ordinary Argentines watched the wealthy get their money offshore, while they were locked out of their own life savings. That didn't go over well. (chanting) (Klein): Soon, millions were pouring into the streets, chanting, Que se vayan todos! All of them must go. And they very nearly got their wish. Argentina went through five presidents in only three weeks. And in the very same month that Enron declared bankruptcy, so did Argentina, the largest sovereign-debt default in world history. (Lewis): A country refusing to pay its debt, banks, locking people out of their own accounts... The basic rules of capitalism were being oken by the system itself. So the target of Argentina's uprising was not a particular politician or policy. People were rejecting the whole model. (chanting in Spanish) (Klein): Which is exactly what's been happening around the world, from Seattle to South Africa. These economic policies are global, and so is the resistance. (Lewis): As a couple of activist-journalists, we've been shuttling between the riot cops and the TV lights, eathing tear gas by day and hot air by night. There was the right to protest at the sight. - And 600 people were arrested in Washington. - Those people were arrested and were scooped up in one go! (all speaking at once) - Do people get caught in the crossfire? Of course they do. - My guest today is a leading figure in the antiglobalization movement. Apart from protests, what's she got to offer? - I think these economic policies have been disastrous and I challenge you to give me an example of a country-- - But you're not giving us any alternatives. For every evil that you cite, there are good things. - You ask me about alternatives and I think that the alternative is to allow people-- - You just cite me another evil. (Klein): He never did let me finish a sentence, but he had a good point. There's only so much protesting can accomplish. At a certain point, you have to talk about what you're fighting for. (Lewis): So we decided to shut up for a while. Our opponents wanted alternatives, so did we. We heard rumours of a new kind of economy emerging in Argentina. With hundreds of factories closing, waves of workers were locking themselves inside and running the workplaces on their own, with no bosses. Where we come from, a closed factory is just an inevitable effect of the model, the end of the story. In Argentina today, it's just the beginning. If you want to get your factory back, guys, get your asses in gear. You're owed 3.2 million pesos in unpaid wages. Let's pressure them with that. The factory is worth 3.6 million. They're offering half a million. This is ridiculous. Let's keep the factory and forget the money they owe us. We have to think about this, about the takeover. Because you've seen that they already want to sell the trucks, with the excuse of paying for the security. But that's just an excuse. We won't let them, we won't let it happen. They're taking the heart out of this factory so we can't start it up. I didn't work here. I'm from the National Movement of Recovered Companies. You were the workers at this factory. You're the ones who will get the jobs back. This may sound like a jingle to you, but it's not a jingle. The National Movement of Recovered Factories has a slogan: Occupy, Resist, and Produce. I worked for 15 years in this factory as a tool and die maker. My monthly salary was $1200, it was really good money. Today I don't have that. (Klein): It's been three years since Freddy Espinosa and his co-workers watched the closing of this auto-parts factory called Forja San Martin. Today, the plant is full of ghosts, the workers and their families are haunted. Thanks to Forja we have this house. For some people it may be nothing, but to us it's everything. It used to be that the money I made I could spend on myself. I used to buy perfume, creams, makeup and clothes. We had credit cards. Well, we both worked but we would enjoy what we earned. I think it's been a year since we've gone anywhere. It's been some time. They don't even remember what a McDonalds Happy Meal looks like. Before we weren't worried but now we are. And what I earn now doesn't cover it all. It covers food or the debts. If I pay the debts the girls don't eat. If the girls eat, I don't pay the debts. I prefer not to pay the debts, so they build up... (Lewis): It's a familiar story in factory towns around the world. But Freddy and his co-workers are determined to change the ending. They formed a cooperative and won permission from the bankruptcy court to inspect the factory. They're looking for evidence that the former owners have been secretly selling off the contents. If it's true, they have a case for taking over the plant and running it themselves. This is big, other. How could we be suffering and going hungry... when such a huge place is just sitting here, closed? Look, there's even cobwebs. You know which cable is missing? Remember the one that we put there for the crane? That's the one that's missing. This used to be completely full. Here you can see the outlines, and in the other warehouse as well, there were containers full of raw materials. Now there isn't one. Not a single one. They all disappeared. It's a disaster. You know what worries me? There aren't any pigeons. This place used to be filled with pigeons. - They must have died of sadness - Of hunger. But this is a sin. It's been 3 years since they fired me, and I haven't found another job. Now I come and I see the things in my locker, like the drawings that my son did. It makes me feel bad to see all of this shut down. I don't know what else to tell you, everything's dirty. In the cooperative, we'll all be administrators. I'll check on what he does, and he'll check on me. Of course we're going to have to be more conscientious, and not be too bourgeois, like before under the boss. When you would duck into a corner for a eak whenever you could. Now, no. If a light is on, turn it off if it's not necessary. The salaries will all be equal. There won't be exaggerated salaries like there were before, which was one of the things that caused all this. In the community of San Martin, on this day, March 7th. We have found a significant number of things missing. Which is why our assembly has decided, by a majority, that from this date, we will guard the factory permanently, in order to protect the premises, and stop the factory from being emptied out. Now everything depends on the judge. That's why we're staying here. From today until... Until they kick us out. Until they kick us out. (Klein): We stay with them for the first few days as the workers move into the factory and hope that they can convince the judge to let them start the machines. We don't know how to do this. We're just learning. Our goal is to get to where other recovered companies are today. Those who went through the same struggle that we are facing now. Like Zanon Ceramics. Zanon is our inspiration. I think we'll get there. Forja San Occupied Factory Zanon Belongs to the Workers (Lewis): Zanon Ceramics. After two years under worker control, it's the granddaddy of this new movement. Today, the factory's in production, with 300 workers. Decisions are made in assemblies; one worker, one vote. Everyone gets exactly the same salary. (Klein): It wasn't always like this. A couple of years ago, the owner claimed that the plant was no longer profitable, that it had to be shut down. The workers refused to accept that fate. They argued that the company owed so much to the community, in debts and public subsidies, that it now belonged to everyone. In the Menem years, the Zanon factory had received millions in corporate welfare and the owner still ran up huge debts. Now that his workers have restarted the machines, he's back. Are you gonna get your factory back? Luis Zanon Owner Zanon Ceramics I'm going to get it back. How are you gonna do it? The government will give it back to me. The government will give it back to me. (Lewis): That means the workers can never rest. They keep a 24-hour guard at the factory and everyone's equipped with a slingshot, in case the police show up. (Klein): Their struggle against authority has even won them fans in one of Argentina's biggest rock bands; Bersuit is in town, and the band is dedicating its show to the workers of Zanon. What the guys in Zanon did, fighting against the police, with just marbles, like when we were kids with slingshots, against real weapons, they took over the factory. (Lewis): But as we discovered walking down main street, Zanon's real weapon is the support of the community. A little question... What do you think of the Zanon plant under worker control? That it works better than under the former owners. Because at least people are working. The tiles are cheaper... and the future is ighter than it was under the owners. All they did was get subsidies from the state - nothing else. And they kept the money for themselves. All I know is that the community supports them 100 percent. Because they're not stealing, they're not killing anyone. On the contrary - they're working to feed their families. There are many companies that should be in the hands of the workers. But it seems that this is not politically convenient. That's the real problem. And now that we are in production... Mr. Zanon, you can kiss our asses! (Klein): What do you think of the slogan of the workers? Which is Zanon es del pueblo, Zanon is of the people. What can I say? It's not true, it's not of the people. The investment was mine, all the work was mine. I put in everything. It can't be of the people. (Lewis): You're standing in front of 90-million dollars' worth of factory, which you... Raul Godoy Zanon Union Leader ... and your companeros have taken over for your own benefit. We have a word for that. It's called stealing. - Uh-huh. There's another word: Expropriation. And that's what we're going for. (Klein): The Zanon workers have gathered thousands of signatures supporting their demand for definitive expropriation. They donate tiles to local hospitals and schools. (Lewis): And Zanon's community building has paid off. Since the worker's takeover, they've fought off six separate eviction orders. Each time, thousands of supporters have flocked to the factory, set up defences and been ready to put their bodies between the machines and the police. Each time, the judge's trustees have retreated, leaving the factory under worker control. For now, Zanon really is the property of the people. Here comes the explosion Here comes the explosion Of my guitar And your government As well. Zanon belongs to the people: Support the workers (electroacoustic tango by Gotan Project) (Klein): More than 15,000 people work in occupied businesses in Argentina and the number of takeovers is doubling every year. (Lewis): Expropriated businesses aren't new. Think Russia. Think Cuba. But what sets this model apart, is that it isn't being imposed from on higher by a socialist state, or run by bureaucrats. It's bubbling up from below - factory by factory, shop by shop. Workers, without ideology, without trying to prove anything, Luis Zamora Member of Parliament out of necessity, are putting factories back to work. It's exactly what Capitalism, every day, tries to prove is impossible. Bosses are supposed to be indispensable. (Klein): And it's not just factories. Instituto Comunicationes Private School Instituto Comunicationes Private School Under Worker Control Clinica Medrano Health Clinic Clinica Medrano Health Clinic Under Worker Control What we've learned is that in a business, participatory democracy is more efficient. Because if you vote often, you get used to winning, but you also get used to losing. Also you learn to accept the decision of the majority. Astillero Almirante Brown Shipbuilding - Under Worker Control Ghelco Ice Cream Factory - Under Worker Control Brukman Suit Factory - Under Worker Control We pay ourselves a fair salary. We discuss how much money we have, how much to save, and how much to take. For us as workers, accounting is easy. I don't know why it's so hard for the bosses... to pay salaries, buy materials, and pay the bills. For me it's easy - you add and subtract. (Klein): And now, there's a new addition to the movement: fresh from their takeover, the Forja workers go to their first meeting of recovered companies. How are you? How's it going? Are you inside already? Get him to tell you what happened here. He's one of the pioneers of this movement. He's complaining a lot about the attitude of some of the companeros. Here's what bothers me: You eak your back, 30 or 40 guys from the very beginning. Then the rest come and say okay, I'm part of the cooperative. I want a job. No no no. If there's not enough work for all, then the first 40 get priority. Who decides that? The assembly, the assembly. If you can do it, take a militant attitude, beyond just being a worker. That you are making history. My name's Freddy Espinosa, president of Forja San Martin, an auto parts plant. In the name of Forja, I'm grateful for all the help you can give. I think we are all in need in this process. I was quite naive - I kept giving dates to my family. I told them, hold on a month until December 14th. December 14 arrived: nothing. Hold on until January 14th. January 14th arrived: nothing. I have a daughter who is seven and she asks me every day, Papa, don't you work? And I don't know how to explain it to her. Sometimes it crosses my mind to just give up everything. Lalo tells me to hang in there, we're almost there. But it's hard. There were days when all we had was... eggplant and fried potatoes. I swear, on my children. Unfortunately, I thought that this process would be shorter. I know most of you went through this but... I just wanted to tell you my story. (cheering and applause) This movement of recovered companies... ...has become something serious. We're almost 200 companies, with thousands of jobs recovered. It's a dignified struggle, full of beautiful experiences. But we have a big obstacle. The same people who dragged us into misery and unemployment, those who took everything from us, are now trying to come back. And for us it's a major threat. I know some people are angry at me... ... because they feel I haven't given them all I could. And they are right. But I was also angry. God made me face pain. I confronted adversity. I was on my knees. Now I'm on my feet. So let's go! Menem, the third presidency. The historical one. (Klein): Yeah, Menem's back. He's had a rough time since he left power. At one point, he was under house arrest on corruption charges. But now, the interim government has called early elections and the man who sold the country has emerged from hiding to throw his hat in the ring. We will impose order. We will saturate the streets of the Republic. We will enforce respect for the State of Law. Among other things, the right to private property. If Menem wins, there's no way we'll get to run this factory ourselves. Menem is like the factory owner. They represent the same interests. Rich impresarios, poor factories and workers. Rich politicians, and the people dying of hunger. They're the same, the same interests. And they protect each other. - What is your relationship with Menem lately? I spoke to him, I visited him in prison. We saw each other after he got out. He told me: 'I will change everything. I'll give you back your factory.' We have an occupied business here - we're unemployed workers. We're not going to take propaganda... ...from a guy like Menem, who swindled the whole country. We're ripping these down so people don't have to read this shit. (Klein): But Menem has a powerful card to play: he ruled the country during an economic boom. That means he can sell nostalgia. Vote Menem and he'll ing back the good old days of '90s über-capitalism. Drinks all around. Come back Carlos, come back now! Come back Carlos, come back now! Come back Menem... ...to live in the new Argentina! (Lewis): Menem's main rival in the race is Nestor Kirchner, an obscure state governor from Patagonia. A win by Kirchner could save the occupied factories from the crackdown that Menem is promising. But many in the movement see the entire election circus as a distraction from the real work of building an alternative economy. This says: Our dreams don't fit on your ballots. And that's what I feel. That's what ought me to the decision not to vote. (Klein): Maty is new at Zanon Ceramics. Hers is one of the first jobs created under worker control. She was hired, along with several other young activists, from the local movement of the unemployed. They live in neighbourhoods where the jobless rate is 60. This is the porcelain workshop, one of the many our organization runs for the unemployed. Maty's part of a new impatience, one we've seen around the world. Not only to say no to eviction... But also to go to the legislature and say approve our bill now. It's been a year already. Let's go on the offensive. If we say, please, don't evict us, we're dead. Forget polite government lobbying. It's all about direct action and direct democracy. From the moment we got together, we were able to get this factory in production. And now it's a national movement. In our last national meeting, it was clear that a new politics is emerging. And more than just feeling part of it, we feel like pioneers. (heartbeat) My baby's not going to believe in a saviour. I don't know what he'll believe later, but what I'll try to teach him is that he can do it on his own. And that he doesn't have to follow anyone. No political boss, king, or saviour. (Lewis): Here's the true threat to the fragile new politics of the occupied-factory movement: behind the candidates, the bosses and the courts, is the culture of the old politics itself. The party machines in Argentina take the very same people who are the casualties of the economic model and pay them to help elect the same old politicians. With so much of the country facing starvation, the going price is a sandwich and a Coke. Maty knows all about this process. It has a way of showing up in her own backyard. (speaking Spanish) That son of a bitch Menem, I don't even want to see him. Of course we don't want to see him. Kirchner. Even less. What are you doing with that thing? Kirchner. There are lots like him. They have Kirchner stickers... ...because they're paid 15 pesos a day, to be politically active and round up votes. Today he has a Kirchner sticker, last week he was putting up Menem posters. I don't blame him: I blame the person who hires him. That's the jerk who's screwing him. But there's a... Ah... you noticed it. What about that in your house? en tu casa? What's this doing in my house? One of the jerks I criticize, who hires guys like him, is my mom. Hi boys, how are you? Canadians. A bunch of Canadians. Welcome guys, welcome. I'm a Peronist. We have a Peronist family. The one who presides over this house is Evita. What I want, what I need, I'm not going to get by voting. No, I don't understand it. I don't understand not voting. (Lewis): We can relate to the tension between Maty and Anna. For Maty, government has always been a force that tears things down and sells them off. But Anna, like our parents' generation, remembers a time when government was about building things. A national project, a strong public sphere. Girls, go with Pachi. And for Anna, that vision of social change hasn't changed. Well, that's it Pachi, you're in charge. Go straight there. Be alert on the bus: don't get lost! Making his entrance now... the candidate for president of all Argentines... Nestor Kirchner. The next president of Argentina. The time has come to produce. The time has come to work. The time has come for workers to be valued. The time for auctioning off our patrimony and our dignity is over. Thank you very much. (military marching song) Peron, Peron, how great you are! My general, how precious too! Peron, Peron, great leader! You are first among workers. (Klein): So much nostalgia for a time when everyone had a job, an education, a future. But Peron's golden age was a pyramid. All power and benefit flowed down from the saviour at the top. In the new politics of the occupied factories, the pyramid has been replaced with a network: occupied workplaces that help each other out. (Lewis): And Freddy and Lalo need some help. If they're going to convince the judge to let them run the factory, they need a business plan. They need customers. They go on a pilgrimage to a tractor factory run by its workers. Everything smells new! (Klein): Here at Zanello, the workers formed a partnership with a group of former managers as well as the dealers who sell the tractors. Unlike at Forja, they decided not to pay everyone the same salary. This is no one-size-fits-all model. Every occupied workplace writes its own rules. The truth is that for all of us, this factory is like Mecca. How do you see the possibility of us working with you? I don't think there will be a problem. We need forged pieces. Well, this is a big help. Freddy - could you guys make those? These? I can do these with my eyes closed. This is what we've achieved. We've agreed that they'll send us the raw material, we'll forge it, deliver it to them, and begin to do business like this, for 87 of the forged pieces that the tractors have. If the judge, Dr. Fernandez, understood this, she would understand that we can self-manage the factory. I hope that one day, if things turn around and we start producing, I'll be the first to help other cooperatives. You can bet on that. (siren wailing) Madame In your decision lies the future of our children. (Lewis): In Argentina, shuttered factories are silent battlegrounds. The workers' co-op is a direct threat to the creditors and bankruptcy courts, who see factories like Forja as so much scrap metal to be auctioned off. When Freddy and Lalo get back to their plant, they find they have a visitor. So what's happening here, who are these people? This man is the trustee. He's the middle man between the judge and buyers on one side, and the workers on the other. Is he the one who sold all the raw materials? Exactly. He's the guy who sold everything. Is he an enemy? Yes, yes... I don't think he's supposed to be on anyone's side, but for us he is an enemy. We were planning to start work on Monday. We were thinking that Monday we would start working. Really? OK... It's important for us to know... your opinion of this process we're in. We have no experience. All we want to do is fight for what's fair... I think it would be best if you got all your answers... ...in the audience with the judge. Who is the representative of the cooperative? Sir, that would be me. Pleased to meet you. Is there a union representative? Yes. Mr. Murua, from the movement. OK, please come in. Let us theorize. To manage anything with an occupied factory... ...is practically impossible. Nobody will make an offer for a plant which has been taken over. Now, what would you like to say? I'm listening. I'm grateful that you are listening, Your honour. For us it was important... ...that our assembly decided to take over the factory to save the premises... Excuse me, but they are guarded. As you have seen, there is nothing missing. No, that is not the case, Your honour. We have testified before that there were things missing. Judge (to Trustees): Gentlemen, is there anything missing? We know of absolutely no change... And we have a signed inventory... Your honour, this is the first I've heard of any of this. Nobody has ever said even a single word to us about anything missing. Excuse me, but I was present... And I can attest to this with absolute certainty, because it deals with the responsibility of the trustees. I'm sorry, perhaps I am not addressing you properly... No problem, you are addressing me perfectly. I am clearing things up because you're confused. I am fighting for you to get paid and get working, and you're getting in my way by taking over the factory! I am not interested in your proposals until you show good faith, and end the occupation. (Klein): Argentina's old guard is regaining some of the confidence it lost when the economy crashed and the people rebelled. Carlos Menem has gone from last place in the poles to first. It seems there are still plenty of people in Argentina looking for a saviour. And Menem is happy to play the part. The same thing happened... ...with our Lord, Jesus Christ, who provoked great hatred great love, and ended up crucified. Although I don't want to compare myself to him, I too... Menem's campaign is so successful that, to our surprise, we even discover a closet Menem supporter at the Forja factory. (Lewis): How can you vote for Menem? How? Why? Because we have to change... what's going on under the interim government. We need change. I think that with Menem there is going to be more stability, there's going to be work, and we're not going to have to beg for 150 pesos a month. How long are we going to keep lazing around? - Why does that cause you so much pain? First of all, let's start with an easy point. He says he wants to open factories, Menem closed factories. He privatized, and the debt went up. So Menem, no. Menem sold everything, he sold the country. The politicians want us to believe... ...that through elections we'll fix everything, and have justice for all. But today, the whole IMF team is at the Sheraton hotel, keeping an eye on the political situation in our country. And it's there where the decisions are being made, really. (Lewis): Anoop Singh, director of the IMF's Western Hemisphere Department, has arrived in Buenos Aires to set conditions for a new loan. A loan, that is, to pay interest on previous loans. The IMF is calling for more of the same. Cuts to public programs and huge increases in the price of water and electricity, demanded by privatized utility companies. (Klein): And just as the IMF is offering this advice, a Fund official is arrested in Buenos Aires on corruption charges. The IMF is not exactly popular in Argentina. With the election just weeks away, the Fund is also meeting with all the presidential candidates. These meetings are secret - the IMF doesn't do press conferences or interviews in-country. (Lewis): Hello, Mr. Singh. - Yeah? - How are you? - Exactly, exactly. - Is Argentina treating you well? - Aye! Yeah, it's nice. It's warm. How are you? - Very well. - Where are you from? - From Canada. - Which network? - From CBC. Can you tell me who you've been meeting with this week, while you've been here? - It's a routine visit. We're seeing the economic team, we're seeing others... - Presidential candidates? - We've seen a wide range of people, yes. Did you have dinner with Carlos Menem last night? - No. We did not have dinner. - What did you have? I would so much love to ask you a few more questions, but it's terribly difficult to get an interview with people from the IMF. - We'll do it soon. who's controlling them? (Lewis): Later, the IMF told us that it was meeting with the candidates during the election to insure macroeconomic stability in Argentina. In other words, no matter who wins the election, the country will be stuck with the same economic policies most people blame for creating the crisis in the first place. (Klein): The Forja workers are stuck. They can't get their factory running until they win the legal right to manage the plant. Since the judge has already slammed the door, they now have to appeal directly to the most discredited people in the politicians. (speaking Spanish) (dog barking) Hi. Is it so cold? She's frightened. We went to La Plata. And they gave us the runaround, as usual. We're going back on Thursday. Yes, I see that you all came back. No. This is going to take a long time. What a pity. He says it's only been three months. Three months? For me, it's been three years already. It's long, the struggle. You know, the virgin I pray to is deaf. I have a virgin back there, poor thing, she doesn't want to listen anymore. She can't take it any more. Yes, I'm tired. We've lost all the material things. Outings with the girls, vacations. But to share a maté, a plate of food, a game with the girls, this we've both tried not to lose. Even if he comes home tired, he always has five minutes to spend with our girls. No, there are things that they are not going to steal from us easily. They may have stolen our dignity, his above all. The saddest thing is a man without work. A humiliated man. But I think he's going to get it all back. We're here so that he can get it back. He, and his companeros behind him. (Lewis): Election day. (Klein): Menem is holding a slim lead. It seems his messianic marketing is working. But the hatred for him an what he did to the country is also deep. Kirchner is close behind. With five candidates on the ballot, the elections will almost certainly go to a second round. The country holds its eath. (Avi Lewis): At Maty and Anna's, election day is a well-rehearsed family ritual. The house becomes a Peronist headquarters. (speaking Spanish) Neighbours come to find out where to vote and who to vote for. Today, Maty isn't out protesting, but dutifully lending a hand. We're for Kirchner here, grandmother. What do you think of him? Do you think he's all right? Yes. I'm going to give you the ballot. This is the ballot. Kirchner - Scioli. Yes. I'm not going. I'm not going to vote. - But that's illegal, isn't it? - Yes. It is forbidden to distribute ballots within 80 metres of the polling station What's up? How are you Graciela? I'm just waiting for a companera that I came to pick up. Hey, who are you going to vote for? For Menem? I don't know. Take this, you idiot. Vote for Kirchner. According to the exit polls, Menem is winning. Lend me your spoon? I don't want to leave to get one. It's a blow. It's a blow because... ...the 19th and 20th was for Que Se Vayan Todos, every one of them should go. And there they all are. Those five candidates there are the ones that we wanted gone. Sad. Very sad. You can see that Argentines from 1976 up to now, have erased their memories. And they have erased such recent memories... ... of everything that's happened to us. And the one directly responsible is Menem, for this whole disaster. In first place, Menem - Romero. In second place, Kirchner - Scioli. Scioli being the first candidate to admit that there will be a runoff. The guys are cleaning the factory area by area. With hope, always thinking positively. But underneath there's the chance that they could evict us at any time. There's always that danger stalking us. We're really afraid: that's something we can't hide. Order, Security. With Menem, it's guaranteed (Lewis): We've heard that Menem's Mafia in the courts and police is actually creating conflicts to bolster its law-and-order campaign. We get a midnight phone call, but it's not from Freddy. Another factory has been evicted: the Brukman suit factory. (chanting in Spanish) The police have fenced in the entire block and they're welding shut the factory gate. Matilde Adorno Brukman Worker I got home from mass at midnight. I changed into pyjamas and turned on the TV. That's when the phone rang. I jumped up, knocking over everything in my path. My co-worker Elisa said: Matilde... And that was it. I knew it. This eviction notice probably comes from the National government, maybe with the help of Menem, with support from the bosses. - They are trying to put us... Silvia Delfino Political activist in the position of fighting back. And, actually, the forces are so uneven, that their oppression is going to be very hard. But for us, it's like the moment of truth, really. Because actually, what we are trying to defend is the main core of our democratic struggle at this very site. Brukman belongs to the workers! And those who don't like it... can screw themselves! can screw themselves! (Klein): If there's panic in the air tonight, it's because this isn't just any factory - it's the one that started it all. (Lewis): This is what the Brukman factory looked like when we first visited it a year earlier. (Klein): It left an indelible impression on me. Here was an old-school garment factory taken over by its 58 seamstresses. I've visited my share of garment factories in the developing world. What pervades them all is a sense of powerlessness. If workers demand better conditions, multinationals simply shut down and move. Before their occupation, the women of Brukman were in exactly that dilemma. The owners had slashed their salaries and were threatening to shut down. One day, the owners simply abandoned the factory. The workers decided to keep it running and the rest is history. History is history - there have always been bosses and workers. But we are fighting for worker control. And I think it's possible. I don't know if I'm getting ahead of myself here, but maybe we can run the country this way. (Lewis): The Brukman women became a beloved symbol of Argentina's new politics. They were adopted by the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo, the famous human-rights crusaders who lost their children in the last military dictatorship. And the factory became an activist beacon, with meetings by the sewing machines on weekends and concerts in the street at night. I can see it now! I can see it now! Brukman and Zanon, under worker control! Now Brukman and all it represents is on the line. (chanting in Spanish) Brukman belongs to the workers! And those who don't like it... can screw themselves! I'm going back to the front. You stay here and calm things: it's getting really hot. Yeah, the people are all angry. Companeros! Stay calm, because they're in there negotiating with the judge. Please, try not to get worked up... ... until we see what comes of that meeting. Our national constitution gives unrestricted protection... ...to property rights. Judge Jorge Rimondi Ordered Brukman eviction And we judges are here to ensure that people comply... with that constitution and those laws. (Klein): By day three of the standoff, word has gone out around the country and all the social movements send contingents to help get the factory back. (Lewis): Do you believe that you're gonna get back in that building right behind us? Yes, yes, we're going to return. We have no doubt. And I invite you to come inside to continue filming once we do. (Klein): The Brukman women are now flanked by a crowd of thousands, separated from their factory by just a few meters of street, but a whole army of police. Police Chief! We want to talk to you. We're asking the police to leave. We're not going to leave because there's a judicial order. We're staying here until the judge tells us to go. Are you thinking about shedding blood? No! You are! The City Government is contacting the Ministry of Labour. So you're going to have to wait for the results of that. No, Ma'am, you cannot come in. No. I'm telling you, you're not getting in. Companeros! Help us and give us your support. Please! We're staying here and keeping watch. And when the moment seems right... ...we're going to try to get in companeros! (Lewis): Far from the crowd, the Forja workers are feeling the heat from the Brukman eviction. If they don't win their law of expropriation, they could be next. OK guys, once again we have to go to La Plata to put some pressure on the politicians to pass our law. I know you're tired, and some think it's pointless to go back to the legislature. But we have to go and pressure. It's the only way to get our expropriation. Are we all in agreement? Yes. (Lewis): This is their last chance. Their bill is finally being put to a vote. We'll vote on the project: all in favour? Passed unanimously. Approved. The bill will be sent to the chamber of deputies. -Gracias, Senor Presidente. I'd like to thank everyone for your support. And Lalo... I trusted him when he came to my house and said, that this was possible. And it's true, it is possible. It happened. Hola, it's Miguel. Hi Dad, how's it going? Hang on. Yes, listen to me. I'm in La Plata. Two minutes ago they passed the expropriation law for us. Yes, and soon I think it will be approved by the deputies too. Look, I can't talk a lot. Don't worry Dad, tell Mom I'm fine. The law is practically ours. It all worked out. First in the senate, now to the deputies... ...who I believe will pass it tonight. Bye. I think we workers know how to do it, we've put our hearts into this, and god willing... this factory is going to start running, but run by the workers. This is a short song that fits with the time we're living in. Please, put your hands together! It's by Mercedes Sosa. And it goes like this... Who said that all is lost? More clapping! Did you like it or not? Who said that all is lost? I come to offer my heart So much blood washed away by the river I come to offer my heart It won't be easy But it will pass It won't be as simple as I thought at first Like opening one's chest and pulling out one's soul Like a stab of love Open up a path! We're going in - just us. No será tan fáci Ya sé qué pasa No será tan simple Como pensaba Como a ir el pecho Ysacar el alma Una cuchillada del amor Luna de los po es siempre abierta Yo vengo a ofrecer mi corazón Como un documento inalterable Yo vengo a ofrecer mi corazón Y uniré las puntas De un mismo lazo Yme iré tranquila Yme iré despacio Y te daré todo Yme darás algo Algo que me alivie un poco más Cuando no haya nadie cerca o lejos Yo vengo a ofrecer mi corazón Cuando los satélites no alcancen It's okay, it's okay. Be calm. Yo vengo a ofrecer mi corazón Let's go over there, where there's no police. Yhablo de países Yde esperanzas Hablo por la vida Hablo por la nada Hablo de cambiar ésta nuestra casa De cambiarla por cambiar nomás Quién dijo que todo está perdido Yo vengo a ofrecer mi corazón These workers have been helping my sister, who worked with them. She's sick with cancer. They've been helping her: my sister can't work. These are the supposed bad guys. Meanwhile, the Brukman bosses would deduct a day's pay... ...when my sister would go for chemotherapy and radiation. They would dock her a day's pay. These workers are the ones who are going to get the country going. These are the people we should support. The factory has never been run the way that they run it. Nobody is the owner. It's each one of them. And what's most beautiful is that they haven't forgotten... ...their sick companera. And what's beautiful is that they collect their own pesos to help her. Because otherwise we wouldn't be able to continue the treatments. These are the people that count. These are the people of Brukman. Thank you. (Klein): When we first arrived in Buenos Aires, something strange happened: out of the blue, a man handed me a letter; it read like a warning. - We are the mirror to look into. The mistake to avoid. Argentina is the waste that remains of a globalized country. We are where the rest of the world is going. (Klein): But what we saw in Argentina was a country trying to learn from its mistakes. As the election runoff draws near, anger at Menem and all he represents resurfaces. It's too strong for him to beat. The great majority of Argentines... ...understood that Menem's model was exhausted. Menem realized that he was going to lose the second round, because the people were saying no to him and the model. So he dropped out. Why did you quit? I won in the first round, now I'm leaving. You are history With this news we're going live to Nestor Kirchner. I will take on with courage and decisiveness... the responsibility of governing the republic. Now he's president, guys. I believe that the president will have to help us, that he'll help cooperatives. And not multinationals, because they put their money in, do what they want, then leave. And this president, I believe, will start like this - from below With respect to the IMF, we'll see if they like the idea that we are a cooperative. They might say, 'leave it to the market, and fuck the worker.' This is what we're doing here today, this cooperativism. is our way of making a new world. To sweep away the old one. It makes me sad that you're leaving now, and our story doesn't have a happy ending. It's going to be like the Matrix. To be continued... The Sequel. You know the sequel would be beautiful. With Forja working full time, with 100 or more employees, noise at night, during the day, Saturdays, Sundays. It would be nice when you film the sequel if you could see... everything that Forja was, and everything it will be. Why not? Six months later... Now, every time the machines stop, everyone comes to see what's going on. It's only been three days that we've been hearing the noise again. It's incredible what's happening to us. Because we missed this noise. The truth is we really missed it. Zanon Ceramics has increased production and hired new workers. Despite his fiery rhetoric, President Kirchner signed a new deal with the IMF. It looks a lot like the old deals. The city legislature of Buenos Aires gave the factory back to Brukman workers. (laughter) CNST, Montreal
How long has it been since you were in here? Oh, for me it's been 2 or 3 years. They fired me before the factory closed down. I just found my matť cup. What's strange is that there aren't any pigeons. Maybe on their last visit they took the pigeons too. This place used to be full of pigeons. Vacations by the sea The Peron government delivers on its promises. Arriving at the Miramar resort are tourists of all ages and both sexes, who are going to have a happy vacation by the sea. Michel Camdessus Managing director, IMF If you want to get your factory back, guys, get your asses in gear. You're owed 3.2 million pesos in unpaid wages. Let's pressure them with that. The factory is worth 3.6 million. They're offering half a million. This is ridiculous. Let's keep the factory and forget the money they owe us. We have to think about this, about the takeover. Because you've seen that they already want to sell the trucks, with the excuse of paying for the security. But that's just an excuse. We won't let them, we won't let it happen. They're taking the heart out of this factory so we can't start it up. I didn't work here. I'm from the National Movement of Recovered Companies. You were the workers at this factory. You're the ones who will get the jobs back. This may sound like a jingle to you, but it's not a jingle. The National Movement of Recovered Factories has a slogan: Occupy, Resist, and Produce. I worked for 15 years in this factory as a tool and die maker. My monthly salary was $1200, it was really good money. Today I don't have that. Thanks to Forja we have this house. For some people it may be nothing, but to us it's everything. It used to be that the money I made I could spend on myself. I used to buy perfume, creams, makeup and clothes. We had credit cards. Well, we both worked but we would enjoy what we earned. I think it's been a year since we've gone anywhere. It's been some time. They don't even remember what a McDonalds Happy Meal looks like. Before we weren't worried but now we are. And what I earn now doesn't cover it all. It covers food or the debts. If I pay the debts the girls don't eat. If the girls eat, I don't pay the debts. I prefer not to pay the debts, so they build up... This is big, other. How could we be suffering and going hungry... when such a huge place is just sitting here, closed? Look, there's even cobwebs. You know which cable is missing? Remember the one that we put there for the crane? That's the one that's missing. This used to be completely full. Here you can see the outlines, and in the other warehouse as well, there were containers full of raw materials. Now there isn't one. Not a single one. They all disappeared. It's a disaster. You know what worries me? There aren't any pigeons. This place used to be filled with pigeons. - They must have died of sadness - Of hunger. But this is a sin. It's been 3 years since they fired me, and I haven't found another job. Now I come and I see the things in my locker, like the drawings that my son did. It makes me feel bad to see all of this shut down. I don't know what else to tell you, everything's dirty. In the cooperative, we'll all be administrators. I'll check on what he does, and he'll check on me. Of course we're going to have to be more conscientious, and not be too bourgeois, like before under the boss. When you would duck into a corner for a eak whenever you could. Now, no. If a light is on, turn it off if it's not necessary. The salaries will all be equal. There won't be exaggerated salaries like there were before, which was one of the things that caused all this. In the community of San Martin, on this day, March 7th. We have found a significant number of things missing. Which is why our assembly has decided, by a majority, that from this date, we will guard the factory permanently, in order to protect the premises, and stop the factory from being emptied out. Now everything depends on the judge. That's why we're staying here. From today until... Until they kick us out. Until they kick us out. We don't know how to do this. We're just learning. Our goal is to get to where other recovered companies are today. Those who went through the same struggle that we are facing now. Like Zanon Ceramics. Zanon is our inspiration. I think we'll get there. Forja San Occupied Factory Zanon Belongs to the Workers Luis Zanon Owner Zanon Ceramics I'm going to get it back. The government will give it back to me. The government will give it back to me. What the guys in Zanon did, fighting against the police, with just marbles, like when we were kids with slingshots, against real weapons, they took over the factory. A little question... What do you think of the Zanon plant under worker control? That it works better than under the former owners. Because at least people are working. The tiles are cheaper... and the future is ighter than it was under the owners. All they did was get subsidies from the state - nothing else. And they kept the money for themselves. All I know is that the community supports them 100 percent. Because they're not stealing, they're not killing anyone. On the contrary - they're working to feed their families. There are many companies that should be in the hands of the workers. But it seems that this is not politically convenient. That's the real problem. And now that we are in production... Mr. Zanon, you can kiss our asses! What can I say? It's not true, it's not of the people. The investment was mine, all the work was mine. I put in everything. It can't be of the people. Raul Godoy Zanon Union Leader There's another word: Expropriation. And that's what we're going for. Here comes the explosion Here comes the explosion Of my guitar And your government As well. Zanon is of the people: Support the workers Workers, without ideology, without trying to prove anything, Luis Zamora Member of Parliament out of necessity, are putting factories back to work. It's exactly what Capitalism, every day, tries to prove is impossible. Bosses are supposed to be indispensable. Instituto Comunicationes Private School Instituto Comunicationes Private School Under Worker Control Clinica Medrano Health Clinic Clinica Medrano Health Clinic Under Worker Control What we've learned is that in a business, participatory democracy is more efficient. Because if you vote often, you get used to winning, but you also get used to losing. Also you learn to accept the decision of the majority. Astillero Almirante Brown Shipbuilding Under Worker Control Ghelco Ice Cream Factory Under Worker Control Brukman Suit Factory Under Worker Control We pay ourselves a fair salary. We discuss how much money we have, how much to save, and how much to take. For us as workers, accounting is easy. I don't know why it's so hard for the bosses... to pay salaries, buy materials, and pay the bills. For me it's easy - you add and subtract. How are you? How's it going? Are you inside already? Get him to tell you what happened here. He's one of the pioneers of this movement. He's complaining a lot about the attitude of some of the companeros. Here's what bothers me: You eak your back, 30 or 40 guys from the very beginning. Then the rest come and say okay, I'm part of the cooperative. I want a job. No no no. If there's not enough work for all, then the first 40 get priority. Who decides that? The assembly, the assembly. If you can do it, take a militant attitude, beyond just being a worker. That you are making history. My name's Freddy Espinosa, president of Forja San Martin, an auto parts plant. In the name of Forja, I'm grateful for all the help you can give. I think we are all in need in this process. I was quite naive - I kept giving dates to my family. I told them, hold on a month until December 14th. December 14 arrived: nothing. Hold on until January 14th. January 14th arrived: nothing. I have a daughter who is seven and she asks me every day, Papa, don't you work? And I don't know how to explain it to her. Sometimes it crosses my mind to just give up everything. Lalo tells me to hang in there, we're almost there. But it's hard. There were days when all we had was... eggplant and fried potatoes. I swear, on my children. Unfortunately, I thought that this process would be shorter. I know most of you went through this but... I just wanted to tell you my story. This movement of recovered companies... ...has become something serious. We're almost 200 companies, with thousands of jobs recovered. It's a dignified struggle, full of beautiful experiences. But we have a big obstacle. The same people who dragged us into misery and unemployment, those who took everything from us, are now trying to come back. And for us it's a major threat. I know some people are angry at me... ... because they feel I haven't given them all I could. And they are right. But I was also angry. God made me face pain. I confronted adversity. I was on my knees. Now I'm on my feet. So let's go! Menem, the third presidency. The historical one. We will impose order. We will saturate the streets of the Republic. We will enforce respect for the State of Law. Among other things, the right to private property. If Menem wins, there's no way we'll get to run this factory ourselves. Menem is like the factory owner. They represent the same interests. Rich impresarios, poor factories and workers. Rich politicians, and the people dying of hunger. They're the same, the same interests. And they protect each other. I spoke to him, I visited him in prison. We saw each other after he got out. He told me: 'I will change everything. I'll give you back your factory.' We have an occupied business here - we're unemployed workers. We're not going to take propaganda... ...from a guy like Menem, who swindled the whole country. We're ripping these down so people don't have to read this shit. Come back Carlos, come back now! Come back Carlos, come back now! Come back Menem... ...to live in the new Argentina! This says: Our dreams don't fit on your ballots. And that's what I feel. That's what ought me to the decision not to vote. This is the porcelain workshop, one of the many our organization runs for the unemployed. Not only to say no to eviction... But also to go to the legislature and say approve our bill now. It's been a year already. Let's go on the offensive. If we say, please, don't evict us, we're dead. Forget polite government lobbying. It's all about direct action and direct democracy. From the moment we got together, we were able to get this factory in production. And now it's a national movement. In our last national meeting, it was clear that a new politics is emerging. And more than just feeling part of it, we feel like pioneers. My baby's not going to believe in a saviour. I don't know what he'll believe later, but what I'll try to teach him is that he can do it on his own. And that he doesn't have to follow anyone. No political boss, king, or saviour. That son of a bitch Menem, I don't even want to see him. Of course we don't want to see him. Kirchner. Even less. What are you doing with that thing? Kirchner. There are lots like him. They have Kirchner stickers... ...because they're paid 15 pesos a day, to be politically active and round up votes. Today he has a Kirchner sticker, last week he was putting up Menem posters. I don't blame him: I blame the person who hires him. That's the jerk who's screwing him. Ah... you noticed it. What's this doing in my house? One of the jerks I criticize, who hires guys like him, is my mom. Hi boys, how are you? Canadians.A bunch of Canadians. Welcome guys, welcome. I'm a Peronist. We have a Peronist family. The one who presides over this house is Evita. What I want, what I need, I'm not going to get by voting. No, I don't understand it. I don't understand not voting. Girls, go with Pachi. Well, that's it Pachi, you're in charge. Go straight there. Be alert on the bus: don't get lost! Making his entrance now... the candidate for president of all Argentines... Nestor Kirchner. The next president of Argentina. The time has come to produce. The time has come to work. The time has come for workers to be valued. The time for auctioning off our patrimony and our dignity is over. Thank you very much. Peron, Peron, how great you are! My general, how precious too! Peron, Peron, great leader! You are first among workers. Everything smells new! The truth is that for all of us, this factory is like Mecca. How do you see the possibility of us working with you? I don't think there will be a problem. We need forged pieces. Well, this is a big help. Freddy - could you guys make those? These? I can do these with my eyes closed. This is what we've achieved. We've agreed that they'll send us the raw material, we'll forge it, deliver it to them, and begin to do business like this, for 87 of the forged pieces that the tractors have. If the judge, Dr. Fernandez, understood this, she would understand that we can self-manage the factory. I hope that one day, if things turn around and we start producing, I'll be the first to help other cooperatives. You can bet on that. Madame In your decision lies the future of our children. So what's happening here, who are these people? This man is the trustee. He's the middle man between the judge and buyers on one side, and the workers on the other. Is he the one who sold all the raw materials? Exactly. He's the guy who sold everything. Is he an enemy? Yes, yes... I don't think he's supposed to be on anyone's side, but for us he is an enemy. We were planning to start work on Monday. We were thinking that Monday we would start working. Really? OK... It's important for us to know... your opinion of this process we're in. We have no experience. All we want to do is fight for what's fair... I think it would be best if you got all your answers... ...in the audience with the judge. Who is the representative of the cooperative? Sir, that would be me. Pleased to meet you. Is there a union representative? Yes. Mr. Murua, from the movement. OK, please come in. Let us theorize. To manage anything with an occupied factory... ...is practically impossible. Nobody will make an offer for a plant which has been taken over. Now, what would you like to say? I'm listening. I'm grateful that you are listening, Your honour. For us it was important... ...that our assembly decided to take over the factory to save the premises... Excuse me, but they are guarded. As you have seen, there is nothing missing. No, that is not the case, Your honour. We have testified before that there were things missing. Judge (to Trustees): Gentlemen, is there anything missing? We know of absolutely no change... And we have a signed inventory... Your honour, this is the first I've heard of any of this. Nobody has ever said even a single word to us about anything missing. Excuse me, but I was present... And I can attest to this with absolute certainty, because it deals with the responsibility of the trustees. I'm sorry, perhaps I am not addressing you properly... No problem, you are addressing me perfectly. I am clearing things up because you're confused. I am fighting for you to get paid and get working, and you're getting in my way by taking over the factory! I am not interested in your proposals until you show good faith, and end the occupation. The same thing happened... ...with our Lord, Jesus Christ, who provoked great hatred great love, and ended up crucified. Although I don't want to compare myself to him, I too... Why? Because we have to change... what's going on under the interim government. We need change. I think that with Menem there is going to be more stability, there's going to be work, and we're not going to have to beg for 150 pesos a month. How long are we going to keep lazing around? First of all, let's start with an easy point. He says he wants to open factories, Menem closed factories. He privatized, and the debt went up. So Menem, no. Menem sold everything, he sold the country. The politicians want us to believe... ...that through elections we'll fix everything, and have justice for all. But today, the whole IMF team is at the Sheraton hotel, keeping an eye on the political situation in our country. And it's there where the decisions are being made, really. who's controlling them? Hi. Is it so cold? She's frightened. We went to La Plata. And they gave us the runaround, as usual. We're going back on Thursday. Yes, I see that you all came back. No. This is going to take a long time. What a pity. He says it's only been three months. Three months? For me, it's been three years already. It's long, the struggle. You know, the virgin I pray to is deaf. I have a virgin back there, poor thing, she doesn't want to listen anymore. She can't take it any more. Yes, I'm tired. We've lost all the material things. Outings with the girls, vacations. But to share a matť, a plate of food, a game with the girls, this we've both tried not to lose. Even if he comes home tired, he always has five minutes to spend with our girls. No, there are things that they are not going to steal from us easily. They may have stolen our dignity, his above all. The saddest thing is a man without work. A humiliated man. But I think he's going to get it all back. We're here so that he can get it back. He, and his companeros behind him. We're for Kirchner here, grandmother. What do you think of him? Do you think he's all right? Yes. I'm going to give you the ballot. This is the ballot. Kirchner - Scioli. Yes. I'm not going. I'm not going to vote. It is forbidden to distribute ballots within 80 metres of the polling station What's up? How are you Graciela? I'm just waiting for a companera that I came to pick up. Hey, who are you going to vote for? For Menem? I don't know. Take this, you idiot. Vote for Kirchner. According to the exit polls, Menem is winning. Lend me your spoon? I don't want to leave to get one. It's a blow. It's a blow because... ...the 19th and 20th was for Que Se Vayan Todos, every one of them should go. And there they all are. Those five candidates there are the ones that we wanted gone. Sad. Very sad. You can see that Argentines from 1976 up to now, have erased their memories. And they have erased such recent memories... ... of everything that's happened to us. And the one directly responsible is Menem, for this whole disaster. In first place, Menem - Romero. In second place, Kirchner - Scioli. Scioli being the first candidate to admit that there will be a runoff. The guys are cleaning the factory area by area. With hope, always thinking positively. But underneath there's the chance that they could evict us at any time. There's always that danger stalking us. We're really afraid: that's something we can't hide. Order, Security. With Menem, it's guaranteed Matilde Adorno Brukman Worker I got home from mass at midnight. I changed into pyjamas and turned on the TV. That's when the phone rang. I jumped up, knocking over everything in my path. My co-worker Elisa said: Matilde... And that was it. I knew it. This eviction notice probably comes from the National government, maybe with the help of Menem, with support from the bosses. Silvia Delfino Political activist Brukman belongs to the workers! And those who don't like it... can screw themselves! can screw themselves! History is history - there have always been bosses and workers. But we are fighting for worker control. And I think it's possible. I don't know if I'm getting ahead of myself here, but maybe we can run the country this way. I can see it now! I can see it now! Brukman and Zanon, under worker control! Brukman belongs to the workers! And those who don't like it... can screw themselves! I'm going back to the front. You stay here and calm things: it's getting really hot. Yeah, the people are all angry. Companeros! Stay calm, because they're in there negotiating with the judge. Please, try not to get worked up... ... until we see what comes of that meeting. Our national constitution gives unrestricted protection... ...to property rights. Judge Jorge Rimondi Ordered Brukman eviction And we judges are here to ensure that people comply... with that constitution and those laws. Yes, yes, we're going to return. We have no doubt. And I invite you to come inside to continue filming once we do. Police Chief! We want to talk to you. We're asking the police to leave. We're not going to leave because there's a judicial order. We're staying here until the judge tells us to go. Are you thinking about shedding blood? No! You are! The City Government is contacting the Ministry of Labour. So you're going to have to wait for the results of that. No, Ma'am, you cannot come in. No. I'm telling you, you're not getting in. Companeros! Help us and give us your support. Please! We're staying here and keeping watch. And when the moment seems right... ...we're going to try to get in companeros! OK guys, once again we have to go to La Plata to put some pressure on the politicians to pass our law. I know you're tired, and some think it's pointless to go back to the legislature. But we have to go and pressure. It's the only way to get our expropriation. Are we all in agreement? Yes. We'll vote on the project: all in favour? Passed unanimously. Approved. The bill will be sent to the chamber of deputies. I'd like to thank everyone for your support. And Lalo... I trusted him when he came to my house and said, that this was possible. And it's true, it is possible. It happened. Hola, it's Miguel. Hi Dad, how's it going? Hang on. Yes, listen to me. I'm in La Plata. Two minutes ago they passed the expropriation law for us. Yes, and soon I think it will be approved by the deputies too. Look, I can't talk a lot. Don't worry Dad, tell Mom I'm fine. The law is practically ours. It all worked out. First in the senate, now to the deputies... ...who I believe will pass it tonight. Bye. I think we workers know how to do it, we've put our hearts into this, and god willing... this factory is going to start running, but run by the workers. This is a short song that fits with the time we're living in. Please, put your hands together! It's by Mercedes Sosa. And it goes like this... Who said that all is lost? More clapping! Did you like it or not? Who said that all is lost? I come to offer my heart So much blood washed away by the river I come to offer my heart It won't be easy But it will pass It won't be as simple as I thought at first Like opening one's chest and pulling out one's soul Like a stab of love Open up a path! We're going in - just us. It's okay, it's okay. Be calm. Let's go over there, where there's no police. These workers have been helping my sister, who worked with them. She's sick with cancer. They've been helping her: my sister can't work. These are the supposed bad guys. Meanwhile, the Brukman bosses would deduct a day's pay... ...when my sister would go for chemotherapy and radiation. They would dock her a day's pay. These workers are the ones who are going to get the country going. These are the people we should support. The factory has never been run the way that they run it. Nobody is the owner. It's each one of them. And what's most beautiful is that they haven't forgotten... ...their sick companera. And what's beautiful is that they collect their own pesos to help her. Because otherwise we wouldn't be able to continue the treatments. These are the people that count. These are the people of Brukman. Thank you. The great majority of Argentines... ...understood that Menem's model was exhausted. Menem realized that he was going to lose the second round, because the people were saying no to him and the model. So he dropped out. Why did you quit? I won in the first round, now I'm leaving. You are history With this news we're going live to Nestor Kirchner. I will take on with courage and decisiveness... the responsibility of governing the republic. Now he's president, guys. I believe that the president will have to help us, that he'll help cooperatives. And not multinationals, because they put their money in, do what they want, then leave. And this president, I believe, will start like this - from below With respect to the IMF, we'll see if they like the idea that we are a cooperative. They might say, 'leave it to the market, and fuck the worker.' This is what we're doing here today, this cooperativism. is our way of making a new world. To sweep away the old one. It makes me sad that you're leaving now, and our story doesn't have a happy ending. It's going to be like the Matrix. To be continued... The Sequel. You know the sequel would be beautiful. With Forja working full time, with 100 or more employees, noise at night, during the day, Saturdays, Sundays. It would be nice when you film the sequel if you could see... everything that Forja was, and everything it will be. Why not? Six months later... Now, every time the machines stop, everyone comes to see what's going on. It's only been three days that we've been hearing the noise again. It's incredible what's happening to us. Because we missed this noise. The truth is we really missed it. Zanon Ceramics has increased production and hired new workers. Despite his fiery rhetoric, President Kirchner signed a new deal with the IMF. It looks a lot like the old deals. The city legislature of Buenos Aires gave the factory back to Brukman workers.
Top that off for you, honey? There you go. What's in the case? I'm sorry? You're always lugging that case around. I'm curious, what do you sell? I'm in restaurant supplies. I'm sorry, I didn't get your name. You must travel a lot, huh? Whole country or just hereabouts? - I don't mean to be rude, but... - How's your wife feel about it? - What? - She must get lonely... ...you gone all the time. - Look, I... - Do you get lonely? You miss fucking her, Harold? Look, I don't know who you are, but you can't just sit down... Did it myself. Kind of a hobby. Take a look at these pictures... ...and you tell me if you see anything you want. I've got lots more. Would you like to see them? Tell me, the jokes about the salesman and the farmer's daughter, they true? Here. This one's my favourite! Really says it all. Wouldn't you agree? You are sick. It's a matter of opinion. There's a rest stop next off-ramp. Pull into it. - I have money, it's not a lot... - Nobody wants your money. Just pull in. Why? Because I wouldn't wanna do this at 70 miles an hour. Could be dangerous. Agent Mackelway. Welcome to Albuquerque. Rick Charleton. Miss Payton's the nice girl at the front desk. She puts together a package for all the new agents. Everything you need to know about the area... ...help with finding apartments and such. - This one's yours. - Okay. - Gonna get it all set up for you. - All right. Not that different from Dallas, is it? No, sir. If you need anything, just yell. Thanks. I'm Tom, guys. - Nice to meet you, Tom. Don here. - Hello. - I'm Bill. - Hey, Bill. Tom. Tom, do you like Frito pies? I don't know, Bill. I don't know what they are. Welcome to the minors. Here, let me do that. - Thank you. - Sure. - Don't know how to make coffee. - That's okay. It takes some experience. Isn't there a Starbucks around here? - That's a joke, right? - Yeah. Yeah, that's a joke. So you're Mackelway? Yeah, Agent Mackelway. Katie Payton. A fax is coming in for you. It's the room next door. - Really? Fax for me? - Yeah. Okay. Thank you. - No problem. Nice meeting you. - Yep. Mackelway... ...you gonna stand around all day, or you wanna do something? No, sir. Afternoon, Rick. Looks like a robbery-homicide. - Body is back over there. - You run the plates? Fellow's name is Harold Speck, travelling salesman from T or C. T or C? Truth or Consequences. It's a town, slick. I'll write that down. Hey! - What the fuck are you doing? - What's it look like, bud? You ever heard of evidentiary procedure? Icarus case number 690. Physicians in charge, Dr. Galin J. Peterson... ...and Dr. Ferdinand Kovoskis. Theta-wave entrainment for RV subject O'Ryan... ...to be used with GPS for target management. Session to commence in... ...five, four... ...three, two... ...one. Target number, write it now. Focus. Stay objective. Smells like clove. Okay. Describe. Describe it. Short, one word. One word. Draw the environment. One target at a time. One target at a time. Draw the environment. Draw the environment now. Sir. Sort of a stickler for procedure. I imagine you would be. Christ. See it. See it, draw it now. Draw it now. Draw it now. Shoes are on the wrong feet. All American Diner, Gallup, New Mexico. - Passed that on the way here. - He had eakfast there this morning. Startling off the bottom of the inning, Barry Matthews. Got on base with a line-drive single his last at bat. And he takes the first pitch high and inside for ball one. Looked like Leonard was trying to get the eaking pitch inside... ...but it just didn’t have any eak on it that time. Agent Mackelway, we're over here. I was gonna introduce you two, but I understand that won't be necessary. Seems your former office decided we needed help... ...so they sent us Agent Kulok. - Hey, Tom. - Hi, Fran. I guess we're gonna skip the tearful reunion. Have a seat, Tom. How are things in Dallas? Wouldn't really know. I've been chained to a desk. Okay, what do we know? Picked up a footprint in the back seat. A size and a half bigger than Speck's. Okay. Wounds on Speck's throat indicate he was strangled from behind. I think our guy was waiting for him in the back seat... ...sprung this on him once the car was moving. Lab picked up talcum traces along the edges... ...consistent with powdered gloves. So he gets this dropped in his lap... ...it spooks him, car ends up in the ravine. That car was pushed to the state line. The depth of the tire tracks... ...footprints near the embankment. That car wasn't going more than 3 miles an hour... ...and it stopped literally on the state line. Guy must have used GPS. Why would he push it to the state line? Same reason he did everything else, to get the FBI's undivided attention. There's an association here. You have a circle... ...and a lidless eye that's always open. Seeing. Seeing. Or making sure that we're seeing. It's just a feeling. He was a normal guy. You know, kind of quiet. He liked to read fishing magazines, and he wasn't much of a tipper. - Is that a lousy thing to say? - No, it's fine. Could you tell us about the other man? Like I said, I never really saw him. Harold came up complaining about the guy... ...but by the time I turned around, he was gone. - Can you desc...? - Desc- - Can you describe him, ma'am? - Oh, sure. You could tell he wasn't from around here. Did you see what he was driving? You know, now that you mention it... ...there's a Torino out in the parking lot with a real crappy paint job. It's been here since last night. We need a protocol for interviewing witnesses. Fine. I'll handle it. Always in control. Tell you something, Tom... ...I want my life back, so I want this over quick. So, what happened? Your ring. It didn't work out... ...just like us. So why are you here? You vacationing in Albuquerque? Oh, Tom, you sure haven't changed in six whole months. Keys are in the car. I don't need a babysitter... ...so let's do it right this time. Then don't make things so unnecessarily complicated again. - Trunk's ajar. - You listening to me? You think I wanna be down here? I'm not interested in hanging out... ...and I'm not your babysitter. I'm your partner. I didn't put you here, remember. And I'm not going through this again with you. Holy shit. A circle with a slash. - Dispatch. - I need help down here. - What's your 20? - The All American Diner in Gallup. Hey, Tom, got an iD on our body. Barney Fulcher, age 50... ...sixth-grade teacher from Colorado. These plates aren't gonna help. Forget them. This guy started in Oklahoma, left these for us. Mrs. Speck... ...I just heard. I'm so sorry. I didn't know him well, but I think Harold was a more complex person... ...than people realize. He was, wasn't he? I'm really sorry for your loss, ma'am. Thank you. Thank you so much. So it wasn't Fulcher's car? Car was registered to a Daniel Dyson... ...runs a halfway house In Oklahoma City. Dyson? Daniel Dyson? Hello? Fucking freak! What a fucking freak. Can I help you? Why didn't you report it as stolen? The truth is, I always hated that car. Nobody but Benjamin could ever make it run right. Is that his name, Benjamin? It's hard to say. That's what he liked to be called. This bad wiring. I think we've got an obsessive-compulsive here. I'll call Grieves. Get him to work up a list of behaviourists for us to talk to. Give me that. Excuse me. These came from Benjamin? He used to spend hours down here. It was like... Like his office. What are these? With those numbers and pictures, he said he could find anybody. Benjamin O'Ryan? Special Agent Benjamin O'Ryan, FBI. It was his fantasy. Oh, fuck. Agent Mackelway, what the fuck were you thinking? He's got nine murders in his pocket, and he's gonna walk. Hey, Starkey. What made you think you could cross the border into Mexico... ...without an extradition order? I knew he was gonna disappear into Mexico. You knew? Agent Mackelway, you have shamed and vilified this bureau... ...with your methods. I have no choice but to recommend you be suspended... ...for a period of six months... ...during which you'll undergo a psychological evaluation. Let the record show that the case against Agent Fran Kulok is pending. Turn it off! I guess you guys are never unaccounted for, huh? This guy really likes you. This is O'Ryan's room. Tom. You got it? Yeah, I got it. It's Agent Kulok. Can you run this number and iD the subscriber for me? - You're eaking up, Fran. - Hold on. Let me get outside, hold on. Thank you. Ever see a 50-foot shark? I'm sorry? A 50-foot shark. You ever see one? No. Doesn't mean there aren't any. Excuse me, sir, did you know him? The guy with the Torino, O'Ryan, the guy who lived upstairs? Why? Is he dead? - I don't know. - You said did. - Is he dead? - Oh, no. I'm sorry. I misspoke. You ever seen this before? It's a circle with a slash through it. It's not a circle. It's a zero. It's a zero. And how do you know that? Did he tell you that? Why are you whistling? What does that mean? Have you seen this, sir? Circle with a slash through it. Have you seen that? A circle with a slash through it? Circle with a slash through it. Take a look. Have you seen a circle with a slash through it? Benjamin O'Ryan? Sir? A circle with a slash through it? Benjamin O'Ryan. He was here seven years. - Tom? - What? We got a trace. Faxes and Things, Sleeper, Missouri. Come on. Come on. I'll have a 7 &7 please. Got some iD? It's in the car. No one's asked me for it for a couple of years now. Nothing personal, honey. Excuse me... ...you forgot this. - Oh, I don't have... Kiss it! Hey. Hey, hey! Fuck you. You fuck. Hi. Turn around. Turn around! - Ma'am? - FBI. Excuse me. Do your parents know? Tom. You got an iD? - What? - Raymond Starkey. - Starkey did this? - Tom, Starkey's the guy on the ground. You son of a bitch... ...why are you baiting me? You want me to see what you see. You want me to see. I'm trying to see it. I'm trying to see it. - He opens up an old wound. - Yeah. - What does he want? - I don't know. Maybe he's got something against law enforcement... ...like the Zodiac. You're welcome, Tom. You're welcome, Tom. Not FBI. Tom. He's baiting me. He wants me. Why? What does he want? Okay. Tom, I want you to take me through this. Explain this to me. Okay. See if this makes sense to you, okay? Each of the 45 abduction dates on these faxes correspond... ...to one of the GPS coordinates on O'Ryan's map. - What about the two bodies we iD'd? - Okay. Well, let's find the faxes. Here we go. Male victim. Last seen, Trenton, New Jersey. Okay. Found in Dyersville, Iowa. Okay. Female. Last seen, Dayton, Ohio. Found in Brownsville, Texas. So we have two bodies... ...that were found 1000 miles from where they were last seen. What's this? - That's Tucumcari, New Mexico. - Why blue? That's the only city where the date on the fax and the map didn't correspond. Date of disappearance: Christmas. On O'Ryan's map, 8-27. The only thing we know is there never was a Benjamin O'Ryan, FBI. He would have made a hell of an agent. Autopsy reports just arrived for both the new positive iDs. - Bruises? - No, they're burn marks. We've got them here too on our female from Dayton. And these marks relate to the marks found on Fulcher and Speck how? They don't. There were no burn marks on Speck, Fulcher or Starkey. And we have no slash-circles here on these bodies. Right. My office, as soon as someone finds something useful. No luck on the behavioural specialists. I do have a couple other leads that I'm following up on. - I'm hopeful they're gonna pan out. - Great, thank you. A professor of criminal biology, Professor Daitz, just called. He says he's got time for you on Saturday. Thank you, Katie. I was operating under the assumption that O'Ryan was somebody's fantasy. Oh, no, he's real. He was a student of mine. That fax you sent me, this circle with the slash through it? That's his construct, his theory. He called it Suspect Zero. Suspect Zero? He posited a theory that a serial killer... ...could cross the entire country without ever getting caught. What makes a killer catchable? Patterns, repetition of behaviour. He imagined someone with no patterns... ...no telltale fetishes, no rituals... ...just a random killing machine that never leaves a clue. But a serial killer by definition is condemned to repetition. I mean, isn't that what he's all about? Well, he is until he isn't. And this Suspect Zero, is that something that you believe in, doctor? It's something O'Ryan believed in. He swore guys like that existed, only we couldn't see them... ...because they didn't obey the usual laws, like cancer doesn't... ...or the HIV virus that tricks your immune system... ...into thinking it isn't there. So you're saying a guy like that could exist? Do you know the definition of a black hole? Not precisely, no. It's a celestial body with a gravitational force so strong... ...that nothing escapes it. Not even light. Well, then how do you find something you can't see? Well, it was there and we found it. Why do you think O'Ryan is convinced a person like that is around? In this time and place. What about a split personality? Could you have a stone-cold killer on one hand... ...and a thoughtful man with a conscience on the other? I mean, could O'Ryan... ...possibly be this Suspect Zero? Yeah. It's a viable theory. I mean, the point is, I don't think you're gonna know until you find O'Ryan. Point is, I don't think you're gonna know until you find O'Ryan. Just a random killing machine that never leaves a clue. Yes, Lord. Yes, Lord. Sing it, Lord. Everybody inside. On the double, let's go. Come on. Keep moving. Storm's coming. Get inside! Come on in, right now! Girls! Come in, now. It's starting to rain, and I don't want you out there alone. Turn around! - Fran. - Hi. - Fran, I need some help. - You're so wet. Are you okay? Yeah, Fran, I need somebody to talk to. It's driving me crazy. Listen to me. There's Speck, a small-town New Mexico travelling salesman. Fulcher, a schoolteacher from Boulder and then Starkey. I got a lock on him. It's just there's something missing, and I can't... It's okay. Why don't you come in. No, come out. Get dressed. We're right on the edge of this thing, come on. Come here. Come here. It's okay. It's okay. It's okay. You gotta keep calm, okay? Fran... I've been having these dreams. I've been seeing things again... ...and I don't know what they mean. Come inside, Tom. Come in. No, I can't. I almost have it, Fran. I'm worried about you. I love you, Fran. I love you. Mrs. Speck, did your husband keep any chemicals? Did he have any unusual hobbies? Did he...? Was he an avid photographer? - Did he have an interest in sewing? - No, why? I'm taking your time. I'm sorry to ask you these questions. I'm sorry I don't have more time, Agent Mackelway, but it's my PTA day. I'm sorry. I should have called. I wish I could've helped you. I'm FBI. Yeah, I'll bet. What the hell is that? We managed to identify the remains of 10 of the 21 victims found... ...In the attic of Harold A. Speck... ...the travelling salesman from Truth or Consequences. They were mostly teenagers. More than half were runaways. The revelation that Speck was a serial killer... ...led us to examine Barney Fulcher... ...the victim that Agent Kulok and I found at the All American Diner. After an extensive search of his home, we found the remains of nine people... ...mostly boys between the ages of 9 and 14. The last victim, Raymond Starkey... ...who vanished after his acquittal six months ago, we all know about. For some reason, this man is Identifying and targeting serial killers. Not necessarily. We got two other bodies from Santa Fe... ...so killers aren't his only victims. We don't know those bodies had anything to do with O'Ryan. Stick to what we know. He's a transient with mental illness. He also happens to think he's a former agent of this bureau. I want this man apprehended now. Swung on and missed. Strike two. Here's the wind-up. Swung on and missed. Strike three. Even though he hit over .300 his previous three seasons... ...It wasn't until last year that he made the all-star team. Sergeant, copy that. Possible stolen vehicle. We are checking NCIC for warrants. Good afternoon. Afternoon, officer. See your driver's license, sir? Of course. Is there a problem? - Can I see your registration, please? - Sure. You mind stepping out of the car, please? I'm carrying something that could be construed as a weapon. I'd like to hand it over so you won't think I'm trying to conceal anything. What kind of weapon, sir? A hunting knife, right here on my hip. On my way to the woods. My gear's in the trunk. Would you like me to hand it to you? I don't know what the procedure is. Take the weapon off your hip, place it on the ground, kick it towards me. Happy to. What exactly were you planning on hunting? A 50-foot shark. - I used to be in law enforcement too. - Is that right? FBI. Of course, that was some years ago now. Psy ops, strictly classified. Are you on any type of medication, or have you been drinking today? - Sir? - I'm sorry. I just found myself wondering what was inside that truck. Sir, I'm gonna ask you to hand me the keys to your vehicle, please. - Fran? - Yeah? O'Ryan was here. Damn it, O'Ryan was here. He left that in my jacket. Don't do this again, Tom. Don't. Tom, don't do this. You're gonna help me. You're gonna help me turn it off. Nobody told me how to turn it off. - And you're gonna help me turn it off. - You're here. Help me turn it off. Icarus began as a means of gathering military intelligence. But its applications in the world of law enforcement are proving promising. The reason you men are sitting here is because you've all fit into the profile... ...that best suits a remote viewer. You've been selected and evaluated... ...based on recurrent symptoms of elevated dream activity... ...migraine headaches, tinnitus... ...and your psy test results. Target reference number. One- seven... ...four-six. Go. Don't close your eyes. Don't think. Focus on the target. Everyone is gonna wind up with severe psychological trauma. You're high or genius-level intelligence... ...unmarried, with no record of long or serious relationships. - The fear. - And you're all obsessive... ...In nature. - Describe the person. Don't stop the pen from moving. This girl’s afraid. She's afraid. Afraid. You're becoming emotionally entrained with the victim. Collection process. It is not meant to be an experience. You're gonna help me. You're gonna help me turn it off. Nobody's told us how to turn it off... ...and you're gonna help me turn it off. Help me turn it off. You're gonna help me. You're gonna help me. Turn it off. Icarus began as a means of gathering military intelligence... ...but its applications In the world of law enforcement... ...are proving promising In several different areas. These are areas which you will be involved in your studies... ...and, as you've been advised, they're classified top-secret and confidential. FBI profile 6765031. Icarus case number 754. Physicians in charge, Dr. Galin J. Peterson... ...and Dr. Ferdinand Kovoskis. Audio enhancer for remote viewer O'Ryan. Session to commence in... ...five, four... ...three, two... ...one. Focus. Target number, write it now. Focus. One target at a time. Stay objective. Do not identify with the victim. Do not identify with the victim. Charlie? Charlie? Charlie! Charlie?! Charlie! Charlie!! Charlie?! Charlie?! Charlie!! Charlie!! Here they are, Mackelway. Look. Look. No, I won't tell! No, please! Shut it off for me! You got one of those pins in Deming? O'Ryan was spotted there yesterday. He took a squad car and a sidearm off a highway patrolman. About an hour later a 5-year-old boy was abducted a mile up the interstate. We also found the bodies of two females in a Dumpster off the highway. Your boy's been busy. We're establishing a perimeter around the city. Was the patrolman hurt? - What's the difference? - He wasn't, was he? He was fine. The girls in the Dumpster had fatal injuries. O'Ryan's not the guy. He's chasing the guy or that patrolman would be dead. Can I ship this guy back to Dallas? O'Ryan was FBI, you ever heard of a project called Icarus? - No. - Have you? It's agents trained to see distant locations... ...using only the mind. They call it remote viewing. Bureau stole it from the Army. They use it to track down serial killers. What? You don't believe me? It's bullshit? It's voodoo? It worked. They made a science of it. That's how he drew this. He'd never been in this house... ...he just saw what was there. The bureau taught him... ...and he's using it to track Suspect Zero. You know what? I'm extremely tired of that term. Profile the guy. He's straight out of Quantico. He's working like we would. He's not kidnapping, he's chasing the guy... ...that's doing the kidnapping. Look at the map. Okay. What you're telling me is all these abductions are the work of one guy. Yes. Mac, do you realize how insane that is? Fran, please help me. He's not listening to me. Tom, I'm not sure that you're seeing things very clearly right now. Tom... ...let's just try something that actually makes sense. This guy sends in these faxes. He picks off three scumbags. Why? So that we'll think what you're thinking, that we got a friend. Somebody who's willing to take out the trash for us, and it's horseshit. What if it isn't? What if there is a Suspect Zero, and O'Ryan's the one guy who's got a shot? For fuck's sake, Mackelway. When did you start buying into this guy? Well, he's smarter than we are. Speak for yourself. I'm going to Deming. You can take the rest of the day off. I'll be damned. - Kulok here. - Hey. - Where are you? - I'm headed towards Tucumcari. Listen, those marks on the bodies, could they be freezer burns? Let me get into this. Yeah. There's crystallization because the blood never clotted. Freezer burn. He keeps the bodies in a freezer and buries them 1000 miles apart? - Hey, Tom, what's going on? - I got a possible suspect. That kid's been a at all morning. I turned around... See what you caused? Are you afraid? It'd be custom here at this point to start praying. I see a lot of that. Haven't heard too many answers though. You're alone. Come on. Are you afraid? - Where's the boy? - My, my! Must be extremely satisfying to hear yourself say something so heroic. I'm almost envious. The boy's in pieces under the bed. Now are you afraid? I know what you're thinking, Pain is coming. Will I take it like a man. Let me put you at ease, you won't. None of them do. Men, women, children, they all weep, they all beg. They pass out, piss themselves, attempt negotiations. You wouldn't believe how many men I've seen where you are. Grown men with wives and children at home... ...offering sexual gratification for a five-minute reprieve. It's pathetic. Are you afraid? When they realize there's nothing left to negotiate, and they're helpless... Well, the look in their eyes, the level of surrender... ...it's almost pornographic. I put that mirror here because I didn't want you to miss it. Are you afraid? - Look in the mirror. - Are you afraid? - Look in the mirror. - Are you afraid? Look in the mirror, O'Ryan. - Hey, you, fucking Mackelway. - Look at yourself, look in the mirror. - Are you afraid, Mackelway? - Look at yourself. - Are you afraid?! - No, I'm not afraid. Open your eyes! Open your eyes, goddamn it... ...or I'll cut the fucking lids off! - Then cut the fucking lids off! The initiation used to be more civil. I'm sorry about that. You're part of it now. There were five of us, you know. The most skilled... ...technical remote viewers on Project Icarus. You come in in the morning, have a cup of coffee, talk about the Yankees. You go to your room with your pen... ...and your pad of paper, always alone. You try and lock in, you crank out an ideogram. Son of Sam, John Wayne Gacy, Ted Bundy. He might be driving his car, having a beer, ushing his teeth... ...cutting someone's eyes out. If you did it right, you got it all. The way it sounded, the way it smelled. Those people were looking right up at you, begging you for mercy. It was like being God. But, of course, you're not God. Can't do a thing for them. They wired us into this current, the five of us... ...darkness, the pit itself. We were plugged right into it, and no one taught us how to turn it off. We saw things men shouldn't see. Agony... ...torture... ...evil. It never shut off. I checked once with all the guys that'd... ...been on the project when it was just used for intel. You know, finding gun-runners and drug lords, Soviet missile sites... ...even the iran hostages. Anyway, I checked with them, and they're all okay. But the five of us... ...plugged into the ains and nervous systems of human beings... ...that's when we lost it. We're all either dead or institutionalised. After a while, those conversations about the Yankees became impossible. O'Ryan. Those faxes... ...the missings... ...how many of them are his? All of them. You were the missing piece, Mac. Now everything is in place. All you have to do is finish it. This is Mackelway. I'm travelling north, approaching l-54 at Tucumcari, request backup. I'm pursuing a possible suspect in a refrigerated truck. Brake! Hey, Tom! - Tom! - Get the trailer open! There's a kid in the trailer. Hey, buddy. You okay? I got you, okay? Okay, come here. I got you. - Get an ambulance. - Yes, ma'am. I knew I was right about you. No. No, that wasn't me. Of course it was you. Wasn't me. Wasn't the wind. You beat him to death. Now all you have to do is finish it. Finish it! Understand, none of this was arbitrary. We were chosen, you and I. It's not a bad start, Mac. You made the world a little safer. We made justice. - This wasn't justice. - Yes, it was! And so is this. I'm not going to kill you, O'Ryan. You already have. I've seen it a thousand times. - No, you saw wrong. - That's impossible! I saw us here. I saw all of it! Me baiting you, testing you! Look at him! You've arrived! You're cursed, like me... ...only you keep running from it! You hear things, you see things... ...that's why you can't sleep. Why your head always aches. Get up. Get up. There is no Zero. You're confused, old man. Can't you see that? You think we did something mythical here today? You think we put an end to evil? We killed a deviant, that's all. There are thousands of them out there. O'Ryan, you're a guy with a skill. You're not God. You can't see everything. You don't decide what's justice. Freeze! Please, Mac. I can't sleep anymore. I keep seeing all those faces. The ones I couldn't save. All those missings. You know, they never blink. They're all in here. I want you to shut it off for me. Please, Mac, I'm so tired. I just want you to shut it off for me. Shut it off for me. I can't. I'm not you. Yet. So tired. So tired. Thank you. SDI Media Group
I'd grown bored with his penis swirling around inside me Then, I met him What ought us together was... something that can happen to anyone Kim Seo-hyung, Kim Sung-soo Directed by Bong Man-dae The Sweet Sex and Love It's like spiced fried chicken without bones You like it? Is this how you pick up girls? Do I deliberately bump into a girl spill coffee on her... Pretend I'm cleaning up then become sorry so asked her out to dinner at a Chinese restaurant to make up for it? I don't Does one's head drop to the side when one dies? What? That's what happens in films One's neck turns 360 degrees when dying Nah, not in reality That's no fun Fun? How could it be? You think dying is fun? I haven't seen anyone die yet I'm new on the job You've got dreamy eyes What's that? No, nothing No... not all the way in Talking to a new penis Hi, this is Seo Dong-ki Would you like to go out? Dong-ki here, wanna go out? Let's go out on a date Hello? Hello? Hi, this is Seo Dong-ki Who? Seo Dong-ki We met the other day Oh, okay What do you want? Calling to see if the number is right It is Do you have time? Why do you ask? Can I see you? I'm kind of busy Forjust a little bit What for? What for? - Who is it? - Someone I know Hello? Hello? - I'm sorry - Hello? It's okay Yeah? Hello? How about Sunday night? I don't know I love you That's all I have to say I love you Some say it without meaning it But I do love you Goodbye has already been said And you're long gone I know it's no use regretting But I'd do anything to have you back in my arms You like him or not? What do you think? I just met him I don't hate him, so I guess I do Nice garter belt It's very expensive Are you okay? Please, not too rough Keep him in Why'd you come inside? I thought you wanted me to Now you have to marry me Can't take a joke? Don't you have a boy friend? How about you? I don't I've got lots of them - How many? - Pick any number you like I see What if I don't? I dumped him I really like you What do you think of me? I don't dislike you Wanna go steady? You ask me that after we fucked? You're seeing someone new aren't you? - How's he? - I'll tell you later What does he do? Mind your own business See you tomorrow Take his picture with your cell and show me later! I'm so jealous Jesus Christ! What are you doing here? No, stop it Let's get out of here - See you later - Bye I'm already missing you Your penis is so cute and nice to my pussy - Boy, this is heavy - Cause it's full of books Thanks - Last box? - Yeah - This is better, huh? - Yeah - You smell good - I'm all sweaty I know Hold your horses Let me hit the shower first No, it's okay - I wanna eat him - Wait, wait Hey! - Stop it - Come on Did it hurt? That's a different hole You're so unromantic It's just... What are you doing? What? - Wait - No, you wait What were you gonna do? I bet you know Wait Not too hard It hurts You're heavy What are you doing? I'm touching what's mine Stop it Come on Feels good? Stop! - What? - Just a sec - Come here - Why? Come here I want nothing else in my pussy Here I come - You like it? - Yeah - I'm seeing things - I've no strength left in my legs Me neither What are you doing? I'll massage you to heaven You'll love it It easy! Stop! - Slow down - Hey, come on... Are you scary? - This is so much fun! - Let's head back I'm flying! - How's it? Good? - Very sweet Looks like a chocolate bar Hey, the color isn't right Oh, here! Use this The color doesn't matter No? I'd never seen a penis in the daylight So cute! Wait a minute! Tell me She's lovely So is yours Come on, stop looking Stop looking Aren't you hungry? Not really Why don't we eat out? Nah, I'll fix you something That sounds okay, too On the second thought let's eat out Where are the band aids? Do you like raw fish? Who doesn't? I absolutely love it So cold That's a Flatfish, right? Not every thin one is a Flatfish You could've been nice about it Look, it looks like one But it's not Shin-ah! Hey, Ki-hyun! What's going on? We had lunch here He's... Oh, he's a friend of mine Hi, I'm Gil Ki-hyun Seo Dong-ki You have to keep pace - I'm trying - Left, left, left... Look ahead - Coins? - In the left pocket Stoop down a bit This isn't easy - Let's get cider - Cider it is - Get it out - Bend over - Sit down - Pardon me, over here Did it hurt? Get up now So cold I can't see it So cold Jesus! - Sorry - Can't even do it right? - Let me do it - No, I will - Stop, now - I'll take it Stop right now Put it in your mouth Slowly, slowly... See? It's easy - Don't - It's your hand - Stop it - It's your hand doing it Take it out What if someone sees us? Nobody's here Wait Spread your legs Can't you hold it? Spread them - There's someone out there - He's gone Pease, don't Hey, wait up - What's the matter? - You don't know? - I'm sorry, okay? - Sorry for what? Beats meb But you're obviously upset Forget about it What are you so ashamed of? This is a public place I said I was sorry, didn't I? Apologize with a penis and forgiven with an orgasm Sir? Sir? Sir! I'm going home Bye Hello? No, he won't make it tonight That won't be necessary It's okay The funeral is for 3 days Well, he lived long enough Hello? Hello? Hello?
Boy Narrating Choose life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose a fucking big television. Choose washing machines, cars... compact disc players and electrical tin openers. - Brakes Screeching - Gangway! Run! - Laughing - Choose good health... Iow cholesterol and dental insurance. Choose fixed-interest mortgage payments. Choose a starter home. Choose your friends. Choose leisure wear and matching luggage. Choose a three-piece suite on hire purchase in a range of fucking fa ics. Chose D.I.Y. and wondering who the fuck you are on a Sunday morning. Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing, spirit-crushing game shows... stuffing fucking junk food into your mouth. Boys Shouting - Shouting Continues - Jammy goal! Renton Narrating Choose rotting away at the end of it all. Pissing your last in a miserable home; nothing more than an embarrassment... to the selfish, fucked-up ats that you've spawned to replace yourself. Choose your future. Choose life. Here comes Johnny Yeah, yeah - Continues - But why would I want to do a thing like that? He's gonna do another striptease - Continues - I chose not to choose life. I chose something else. And the reasons? There are no reasons. Who needs reasons when you've got heroin? Yeah, a song called love Well, dance like you're hypnotized chickens - Continues - Coos Goldfinger's better than Dr. No. Both of them are a lot better than Diamonds Are Forever. A judgment reflected in its relatively poor showing at the box office. And in which field, of course... Thunderball was a notable success. Renton Narrating People think it's all about misery and desperation... and death and all that shite, which is not to be ignored. Fuck off! Jealous cunt. Renton Narrating But what they forget is the pleasure of it. - They're all dead, right, mate? - Laughing Laughter Continues You prick! - Sighs - Renton Narrating Otherwise we wouldn't do it. - Do you want me to? - Yeah. Pure as the driven snow, that shit you done. Laughing Continues Laughing Renton After all, we're not fucking stupid. At least we're not that fucking stupid. Sighing Continues Sighing Renton Narrating Take the best orgasm you've ever had... multiply it by a thousand, and you're still nowhere near it. Sighs It beats any meat injection. That beats any fucking cock in the world. Renton Narrating When you're on junk, you have only one worry: scoring. And when you're off it, you're suddenly obliged to worry about all sorts of other shite. Got no money, can't get drunk. Got money, drinkin' too much. Can't get a girl, no chance of a ride. Got a girl, too much hassle. You have to worry about bills, about food... about some football team that never fucking wins. About human relationships and all the things that really don't matter... when you've got a sincere and truthful junk habit. I'd say, in those days, he was a muscular actor. With all the presence of someone like Cooper or Lancaster... but combined with a sly wit... - Slapping Arm -to make him a formidable romantic lead. And closer, in that respect, to Cary Grant. Ahh. Hey, man, where'd you get that illusion Continues - Laughing, Growling - Laughing Laughter Continues Renton Narrating The only drawback, or at least the principal drawback... is that you have to endure all manner of cunts telling you that-- No way would I poison my body with that shite. All them fucking chemicals. No fucking way. Inhales It's a waste of your life, man... poisoning your body with that shite. Every chance you've had, son, you've blown it. Stuffing your veins with that filth. Renton Narrating From time to time, even I have uttered the magic words. Never again, Swanney. I'm off the skag. - Are you serious? - Yeah, no more. - I'm finished with that shite. - Well, that's up to you, man. Gonna do it right this time. Gonna get it sorted out, get off it for good. - I'm sure I've heard that one before. - The Sick Boy method. Oh, well, it really worked for him, eh? Well, he's always been lacking in moral fiber. - He knows a lot about Sean Connery. - That's hardly a substitute. - You need one more hit? - No, I don't think so. - For the long night that lies ahead? - Baby Cooing Renton Narrating We called him Mother Superior... on account of the length of his habit. Of course, I'd have another shot. After all, I had work to do. Train Passing Door Being Unlocked Keys Jingling Closes Door Renton Narrating Relinquishing junk. Stage one: preparation. Tosses Keys For this, you will need one room which you will not leave. Soothing music. Tomato soup, ten tins of. Mushroom soup, eight tins of, for consumption cold. Ice cream, vanilla, one large tub of. Magnesia, milk of, one bottle. Paracetamol, mouthwash, vitamins. Mineral water, Lucozade, pornography. One mattress. One bucket for urine... one for feces and one for vomitus. One television and one bottle of Valium, which I've already procured from my mother... who is, in her own domestic and socially acceptable way, also a drug addict. Now I'm ready. All I need is one final hit to soothe the pain... while the Valium takes effect. Mikey? Aye, yeah, it's Mark Renton. Look, I wondered, could you help me out? Renton Narrating This was typical of Mikey Forrester. What the fuck are these? Continues Narrating Under the normal run of things... I would have nothing to do with the cunt, but this was not the normal run of things. Opium suppositories. Ideal for your purposes. Slow release, ing you down gradually. -Custom-fucking-designed for your needs. -I want a fucking hit. That's all I've got, man. Take it or leave it. - Are you feeling better now then, eh? - Oh, aye. For all the good they've done, I might as well have stuck them up my arse. Renton Narrating Heroin makes you constipated. The heroin from my last hit is fading away... and the suppositories have yet to melt. Groans I'm no longer constipated. Crowd Chattering Chattering Continues Renton Narrating I fantasize about a massive pristine convenience. Brilliant gold taps, virginal white marble, a seat carved from ebony... a cistern full of Chanel No. 5 and a flunky... handing me pieces of raw silk toilet roll. But under the circumstances, I'll settle for anywhere. Groans Groans, Shudders Pulls Chain Oh, fuck. Groaning Oh, my-- Farts, Sighs Laughing, Farting, Shitting Sighing, Farting, Shitting Gagging Continues Gagging Coughs, Spits Yes, a fucking dancer! Gasping Continues Gasping Tosses Keys And now, now I'm ready. The downside of coming off junk was I knew... I would need to mix with my friends again... in a state of full consciousness. It was awful. They reminded me so much of myself I could hardly bear to look at them. Take Sick Boy, for instance. He came off junk at the same time as me. Not because he wanted to, you understand, but just to annoy me. Just to show me how easily he could do it. Thereby, downgrading my own struggle. Sneaky fucker, don't you think? And when all I wanted to do was lie there and feel sorry for myself... he insisted on telling me once again about his unifying theory of life. It's certainly a phenomenon in all walks of life. What do you mean? Well, at one point, you've got it, then you lose it. And it's gone forever. All walks of life. Georgie Best, for example, had it, lost it. Or David Bowie or Lou Reed. Lou Reed. Some of his solo stuff's not bad. No, it's not bad, but it's not great either, is it? And in your heart you kind of know that although it sounds all right... it's actually just shite. So, who else? - Charlie Nicholas, David Niven, Malcolm McLaren, Elvis Presley-- - Okay, okay, okay. So what is the point you're trying to make? Sighs All I am trying to do, Mark... is to help you understand that The Name of the Rose is merely a blip... on an otherwise uninterrupted downward trajectory. What about The Untouchables? - I don't rate that at all. - Despite the Academy Award? That means fuck-all. It's a sympathy vote. So, we all get old. We can't hack it anymore and that's it? - Yeah. - That's your theory? Yeah. Beautifully fucking illustrated. Renton Give me the gun. Give me the gun. Sick Boy lmitating Sean Connery Do you see the beast? Have you got it in your sights? Imitating Sean Connery Clear enough, Miss Moneypenny. - This should present no significant problems. - Fires Gun - Dog Yelps, Barking - Boy Screaming Screaming, Barking Continue - Screaming Fucking hell! Get away-- - Growling - Screaming, Barking Continue - For a vegetarian, Rents, you're a fuckin' evil shot. - Screaming, Barking Continue No! Get off! - Renton Without heroin... I attempted to lead a useful and fulfilling life as a good citizen. Both Slurping, Loudly - Belches, Sighs Good luck, Spud. - Cheers, cowboy. Now remember, if they think you're not trying, you're in trouble, right? First hint of that, and they'll be onto the D.H.S.S., This cunt is not trying. And your giro's fuckin' finished, right? - Right. - But, then again, try too hard-- - You might get the fuckin' job. - Chuckles Exactly. - Nightmare. - It's a tightrope, Spud. It's a fuckin' tightrope. See, I just get pure shy with the interviewer cats. I get all nervous. I can't answer any of their questions, like I'm a footballer... and I get nerves on the big occasion, man. - Try some of this, Spud. - Yeah, a little dab of speed is just the ticket, mate. No, I went to Craignewton. I just put down Royal Edinburgh College to help get the job. There's too much discrimination in this town, man. They're both schools, right? We're all in this together. And I wanted to put across the general idea, rather than the details. Like people get all hung up on details. Like which school did I go to? How many grades did I get? Could be like six. Could be none. It's not important. What is important is that I am, yes? - Mr. Murphy, do you mean that you lied on your application? - No-- Well, yes. Only to get my foot in the door. Showing initiative and that like. But you were referred here by the Department of Employment. There was no need for you to get your foot in the door, as you put it. Yeah, cool. Whatever you say. Sorry. You're the man, the dude in the chair. I am merely here-- Like, well, obviously, I'm here like, but-- Mr. Murphy, what exactly attracts you to the leisure industry? In a word, pleasure. Like, my pleasure in other people's leisure. Do you see yourself as having any weaknesses? Oh, yes, 'cause, like, I'm a bit of a perfectionist, actually! Yes, I am. See, for me, it's got to be the best, or it's nothing at all. Like things get a bit dodgy, I just cannot be bothered. But, hey, I'm getting good vibes about this interview thing today, though, man. Seems to me like it's going pretty well, eh? Thank you, Mr. Murphy. - We'll let you know. - The pleasure was mine, man. Renton Narrating Spud had done well. I was proud of him. - Thanks. Ooh, sorry. - He fucked up good and proper. You had to hand it to Spud. Crowd Chattering Begbie Picture the scene. The other fuckin' week there... doin' the fuckin' Volley with Tommy playing pool. I'm playin' like Paul-fuckin'-Newman by the way... givin' the boy here the tannin' of a lifetime. So it comes to the last shot, the deciding ball of the whole tournament. I'm in the black, and he's sittin' in the corner looking all fucking biscuit-arsed. When this hard cunt comes in. Obviously fucking fancied himself like. Starts staring at me. Looking at me, right fucking at me, as if to say, Come ahead, square go. You know me. I'm not the type of cunt that goes looking for fucking bother... but at the end of the day, I'm the cunt with the pool cue... and he can get the fat end in his puss any time he fucking wanted, like. So I squares up, casual like. What does the hard cunt do? Or the so-called hard cunt? Shites it. Puts down his drink, turns and gets the fuck out of there. And after that, well, the game was mine. Renton Narrating And that was it. That was Begbie's story... or, at least, that was Begbie's version of the story. But a couple of days later, I got the truth from Tommy. You always got the truth from Tommy. That was one of his major weaknesses. He never told lies, he never took drugs, and he never cheated on anyone. It was Wednesday morning. We were in the Volley playing pool. That much is true. But Begbie is playing absolutely fucking gash. He's got a hangover so bad, he can hardly hold the fucking cue, never mind pot a ball. I'm doing my best to lose, you know. Trying to humor him, like, but it's not doing any good. Every time I touch a ball, I seemed to pot something. Every time Begbie goes near the table, he fucks it up. Oh, fuck's sake. So, he's got the hump, right. But, finally, I managed to set it up... so all he has to do is to pot the black... to win one game, to salvage a little bit of pride... and maybe not kick my head in, right. So, he's on the black. - Pressure shot. - Bag Crinkling - Crinkling Continues - And it all goes wrong big time. - Crunches Chip - Cloth Rips - Fuck! - Man Groans Tommy Narrating He picks on this specky, wee gadge at the bar... - and accuses him of putting him off by looking at him. - Man Continues Groaning Could you believe it? The poor wee cunt hasn't even glanced in our direction. - Fuck off! - He was gonna chib him, I tell you. Then I thought he was gonna do me. Sets Down Weight, Sighs The beggar's fucking psycho, man. Panting But... he's a mate. You know? So what can you do? Can I borrow this? Renton Narrating What, indeed, could one do? Just stand back and watch and try not to get involved? Glass Shatters, Woman Screaming Narrating Continues Begbie didn't do drugs either. He just did people. - Screaming Continues - That's what he got off on. His own sensory addiction. - Continues Screaming - Begbie Hey! Nobody move! - Screaming Continues - Begbie That lassie got glassed... and no cunt leaves here 'til we find out what cunt did it! - Who the fuck are you? - Begbie Shouts - Groans - Crowd Shouting Crowd Clamoring, Woman Screaming Glass Shatters Screaming, Clamoring, Shattering Continue Grunting, Moaning Grunting, Moaning Continue - Oh, Lizzy, you've been so good to me. - Oh, Tommy, come here. - Lovemaking Continues - Renton Narrating And as I sat watching... the intimate and highly personal video... stolen only hours earlier from one of my best friends... I realized that something important was missing from my life. Leave no track Don't look back - Only desire - Temptation - We're climbing higher and higher - Temptation - Adorable creature - Temptation - You've got acceptable features - Temptation - Trouble is coming - Temptation - It's just the high cost of loving - Temptation - You can take it or leave it - Temptation But you'd better believe it - I read it in Cosmopolitan. - It's an interesting theory. Actually, it's a nightmare. I've been desperate for a shag, but watching him suffer is just too much fun. Laughs You should try it with Tommy. What? And deny myself the only pleasure I get from him? - Did I tell you about my birthday? - No, what happened? He forgot. Useless motherfucker. Blaring Leave no trace Find your place - All I desire - Temptation - We're climbing higher and higher - Temptation - You can take it or leave it - Temptation But you'd better believe it - What are you two talking about? - Football. - What are you talking about? - Shopping. Renton Narrating The situation was becoming serious. Young Renton noticed... the haste with which the successful in the sexual sphere... as in all others, segregated themselves from the failures. - I can't eak away - Keep us from temptation Keep us from temptation Renton Narrating Heroin had robbed Renton of his sex drive... - but now it returned with a vengeance. - Lead us not into temptation And as the impotence of those days faded into memory... grim desperation took ahold in his sex-crazed mind. His post-junk libido, fueled by alcohol and amphetamine... taunted him remorselessly with his own unsatisfied desire. Dot, dot, dot. - You think that you're right now - Temptation - You've got to face up to fact now - Temptation - Ooh, give me a eakdown - Temptation - Because it's time for a showdown - Temptation Temptation, Temptation Temptation Oh, oh-oh-oh Make me tonight Tonight Renton Narrating And with that, Mark Renton had fallen in love. Continues Excuse me, excuse me. I don't mean to harass you, but I was very impressed... with the capable and stylish manner in which you dealt with that situation. I was thinking to myself, now this girl's special. Thanks. - What's your name? - Diane. - Where are you going, Diane? - I'm going home. - Where's that? - It's where I live. - Great. - What? I'll come back with you if you like, but I'm not promising anything. Do you find that this approach usually works? Or, let me guess, you've never tried it before. In fact, you don't normally approach girls. Am I right? The truth is that you're a quiet, sensitive type... but, if I'm prepared to take a chance... I might just get to know the inner you: witty, adventurous, passionate, loving, loyal-- Taxi! A little bit crazy, a little bit bad. But, hey, don't us girls just love that? Eh? Well... what's wrong, boy? Cat got your tongue? - I left something-- - Driver You getting in or not, pal? - Grunts - Do you understand? I expect you to be a considerate and thoughtful lover. Generous but firm. - What? - Failure on your part... to live up to these very reasonable expectations... will result in swift resumption of a non-sex situation. Right? Heavy Breathing - Door Closes - Renton Diane. - Shh. - What? Whispers Shut up! Gasping, Panting Moaning, Grunting Wake up, Spud. - Wake up. - Groans - Sex. - Groans Casual sex. Snoring Panting - Tommy, let's put the tape on. - Now? I want to watch ourselves while we're screwing. So let's see what I'm missing. Not much. Soccer Announcer, lndistinct And there's the captain, Archie Gemmill... picking it up from the outside. I think he wants to go himself. How far is he gonna go? He's going all the way, and he scores! - Oh, what a magnificent goal! - Crowd Cheering - Announcer Gemmill at his very best! - Renton Grunting What a penetrating goal that was! Sighs I haven't felt that good... since Archie Gemmill scored against Holland in 1978. Crowd Cheering - Sighs - Diane Renton... - you can't sleep here. - What? Out. - Come on. - No argument. You can sleep on the sofa in the hall or go home. It's up to you. And don't make any noise. Jesus. Removes Condom Lizzy What do you mean, it's gone? Where has it gone, Tommy? It'll be here somewhere! I might have returned it by mistake. Returned it? Where? The video shop, Tommy? The fucking video shop? So every punter in Edinburgh is jerking off to our video? Oh, God, Tommy, I feel sick! Airplane Passing Fly Buzzing Diane Singing, lndistinct Bicycle Bell Rings Singing Continues - Man Hi. - Hello. Singing Continues Groans Whimpering Groaning Yells Eh? Radio Come in and sit down. - Man Like some coffee? - Aye. - You must be Mark. - Aye, that's me. Buttering Toast - You're a friend of Diane's? - More a friend of a friend, no? Right. Continues Are you her flatmates? Laughs Flatmates? - I must remember that one. - Footsteps Approaching Diane 'Morning. Chattering Quietly - Good morning, Spud. - 'Morning, Gail. Mr. Houston. - Mrs. Houston. - 'Morning, Spud. Sit down and have some eakfast. Sorry about last night, by the way. That's all right. I slept fine on the sofa. I had a bit much to drink. I had a bit of an accident. Don't worry, son. These things happen. Does a man good to cut loose once in awhile. Only this one could do with being tied up once in a while. I'll put the sheets in the machine. - No, no, no. I'll-l'll wash them. - There's no need. - No, it's no problem. - It's no problem for me either. - I'd rather take care of it myself. - Honestly, it's no problem. - Really, no! - Spud, they're my sheets! - I don't see why not. - Because it's illegal, that's why not. - What, holding hands? - No, not holding hands. In that case, you can do it. You were quite happy to do a lot more last night. Yeah, that's what's illegal. Do you know what they do to people like me inside? They cut your balls off and flush 'em down the fucking toilet. Calm down. You're not going to jail. Oh, well, that's very easy for you to say, Diane. - Can I see you again? - Scoffs Certainly not. If you don't see me again, I'll tell the police. I'll see you around then. School Bell Ringing Horn Blares - Now what? - We go for a walk. - What? - A walk. - Where? - There. Are you serious? Well, what are you waiting for? Hey, Tommy... this is not natural, man. It's the great outdoors! It's fresh air! Look, Tommy, we know you're getting a hard time off Lizzy... but there's really no need to take it out on us. Doesn't it make you proud to be Scottish? It's shite being Scottish! We're the lowest of the low! The scum of the fucking Earth! The most wretched, miserable, servile, pathetic trash... that was ever shat into civilization! Some people hate English. I don't! They're just wankers! We, on the other hand, are colonized by wankers! Can't even find a decent culture to be colonized by! We're ruled by effete arseholes! It's a shite state of affairs to be in, Tommy! And all the fresh air in the world won't make any fucking difference! Sorry, man. Sorry. No, I'm sorry. Look, I appreciate it, Tommy-- Renton Narrating At or around this time, Spud, Sick Boy and l... made a healthy, informed, democratic decision... to get back on heroin as soon as possible. It took about 12 hours. Chattering, Baby Cooing Renton Narrating It looks easy this, but it's not. It looks like a doss, like a soft option. But living like this is a full-time business. Alarm Blaring Sick Boy Ursula Andress, the quintessential Bond girl. That's what everyone says. The embodiment, right, of his superiority to us. Beautiful, exotic, highly sexual. Yet totally unavailable to anyone apart from him. Shite. I mean, let's face it, mate. She'd shag one punter from Edinburgh, she'd shag the whole fucking lot of us. - TV Announcer Well done. - Yep, I knew he was gonna do that. Nightclubbing We're nightclubbing - Continues - Lizzy's gone, Mark. She's gone and fucking dumped me. It was that videotape... and that lggy Pop business and all other sorts of shite. She told me where to go and no fucking mistake. I said to her, I said, Look, is there any chance of getting back together? No way. No fucking way. Sick Boy Honor Blackman... a.k.a. Pussy Galore, right? What a total fucking misnomer. I mean I would not touch her with yours. I want to try it, Mark. You're always going on about how it's the ultimate hit and that. Better than sex. Come on, man, I'm a fucking adult. I can find out for myself. I've got the money. Personality. I mean, that's what counts, right? Personality. I mean that's what keeps a relationship going through the years. Like heroin. I mean, heroin's got great fucking personality. Nightclubbing We're nightclubbing We're walking through town Nightclubbing We're nightclubbing Renton Narrating Swanney taught us to adore and respect the National Health Service... for it was the source of much of our gear. We stole drugs. We stole prescriptions or bought them... sold them, swapped them, forged them, photocopied them. Or traded drugs with cancer victims... alcoholics, pensioners, AIDS patients, epileptics and bored housewives. We took morphine, diamorphine, cyclozine, codeine, temazepam... nitrazepam, phenobarbitone, and sodium amytal... dextropropoxyphene, methadone, nalbuphine, pethidine, pentazocine... buprenorphine, dextromoramide, chlormethiazole. The streets are awash with drugs you can have... for unhappiness and pain, and we took them all. Fuck it, we would've injected vitamin C if only they'd made it illegal. Winces Crying Pardon me, may I use your bathroom? Thank you. Groaning You're a psycho! Hey, Rent boy... no fucking smack. Renton Narrating But the good times couldn't last forever. Woman Screaming Screaming Continues No! My God, no! Renton Narrating I think Allison had been screaming all day... -but it hadn't really registered before. - Screaming - She might have been screaming for a week for all I knew. - Continues Screaming - It had been days since I'd heard anyone speak. - Help me! - Though surely someone must have said something in all that time. - Screaming Continues - Surely to fuck someone must have. - Allison. Allison! - Allison Screaming Help me, please! - Hey, calm down! - Screaming Continues - Spud Everything'll be just fine. Renton Narrating Nothing could have been further from the truth. - Both Screaming - In point of fact, nothing was gonna be just fine. - Screaming Continues - On the contrary, everything was gonna be bad. Bad. I mean, everything was gonna be even worse than it already was. No! My God! No! No! Screaming Continues No! My God! No! No! Screaming Continues Allison Wailing - Wailing Continues - Softly Fuck. Wailing, Screaming Continue Renton Narrating It wasn't my baby. She wasn't my baby. Baby Dawn, she wasn't mine. - Spud's, Swanney's, Sick Boy's? I don't know. - Continues Screaming Maybe Allison knew, maybe not. I wished I could think of something to say. Something sympathetic, something human. Sick Boy Say something, Mark. - Allison Crying - Loudly Fucking say something, huh? Crying Continues I'm cooking up. - Crying Continues - Crying Continues Crying Whimpering, Crying Cook us up a shot, Rent. I really need a hit. Renton Narrating And so she did. I could understand that. To take the pain away. So I cooked up, and she got a hit. But only after me. That went without saying. Well, at least we knew who the father was now. - Crying - It wasn't just the baby that died that day. Something inside Sick Boy was lost and never returned. It seemed he had no theory with which to explain a moment like this, nor did l. Our only response was to keep on going and fuck everything. Pile misery upon misery. Heap it up on a spoon and dissolve it with a drop of bile. Then squirt it into a stinking, purulent vein and do it all over again. Keep on going, getting up, going out, robbing, stealing, fucking people over. Propelling ourselves with longing towards the day it would all go wrong. Because no matter how much you stash... or how much you steal, you never have enough. No matter how often you go out and rob and fuck people over... you always need to get up and do it all over again. - Brakes Screech - Spud Gangway! Renton Narrating Sooner or later, this kind of thing was bound to happen. Laughing Man Because shoplifting is theft, which is a crime... and, despite what you may believe, there is no such entity as victimless crime. Heroin addiction may explain your actions, but it does not excuse them. Mr. Murphy, you are a habitual thief... devoid of regret and remorse. In sentencing you to six months imprisonment, my only worry is... that it will not be long before we meet again. Mr. Renton, I understand that you have entered into a program... of rehabilitation in an attempt to wean yourself away from heroin. The suspension of your sentence... is conditional on your continued cooperation with this program. Should you stand guilty before me again, I shall not hesitate... to impose a custodial sentence. Thank you, Your Honor. With God's help, I'll conquer this terrible affliction. Renton Narrating What can you say? Well, Begbie had a phrase for it. It was fucking obvious that that cunt was going to fuck some cunt. Well, I hope you learned your lesson, son. Oh, my son. I thought I was gonna lose you there. You're nothin' but trouble to me, but I still love you. You'd better clean up your fucking act, sunshine. Cut that shite out forever. You listen to Francis, Mark. He's talking sense, kid. You're fucking right I am. See, inside, you wouldn't last two fucking days. There's better things than the needle, Rents. Choose life. I remember when you were a wee baby. Oh, mama's little baby loves shortening, shortening Mama's little baby loves shortening ead Singers Laughing, Laughter Stops I'm sorry, Mrs. Murphy. It wasn't fair, Spud going down and not me. Well, it's not our fault! Your boy went down because he was a fucking smack-head! If that's not your fault, then I don't know what is! I was the fucking cunt that tried to get him off it. - I'll get the fucking drinks then, eh? - Aye. Renton Narrating I wished I'd gone down instead of Spud. Here I was surrounded by my family and my so-called mates... and I've never felt so alone. Never in all my puff. Since I was on remand, they've had me on this program. The state-sponsored addiction. Three sickly sweet doses of methadone a day instead of smack. But it's never enough. And, at the moment, it's nowhere near enough. I took all three this morning... and now I've got 18 hours to go 'til my next shot... and the sweat on my back like a layer of frost. I need to visit the Mother Superior, for one hit. One fucking hit... to get us over this long, hard day. What's on the menu this evening, sir? - Swanney Your favorite dish. - Excellent. - Usual table, sir? - Why, thank you. - Would sir care to pay for his bill in advance? - No, stick it on my tab. Ah, regret to inform, sir, credit limit was reached and eached some time ago. Oh, well, in that case-- Ah, hard currency. That'll do nicely. Can't be too careful... when we're dealing with your type, can we, sir? Would sir care for a starter? Some garlic ead, perhaps? No, thank you. I'll proceed directly to the intravenous injection... - of hard drugs, please. - As you wish, sir. As you wish. Sighs Just a perfect day Drink sangria in the park And then later Swanney Perhaps sir would like me to call for a taxi? Siren Wailing Siren Continues Just a perfect day - Siren Continues - Feed animals in the zoo Then later, a movie too - And then home - Siren Continues Oh, it's such a perfect day I'm glad I spent it with you - Car Approaching - Oh, such a perfect day - You just keep me hanging on - Brakes Squeak You just keep me hanging on Engine ldling Just a perfect day Problems are left alone Weekenders on our own It's such fun Just a perfect day You made me forget myself I thought I was someone else Someone good Oh, it's such a perfect day I'm glad I spent it with you Oh, such a perfect day - You just keep me hanging on - Car Door Closes - You just keep me hanging on - Car Departs Bell Ringing Ringing Continues - Open your eyes! Come on, wake up! - Continues You're going to reap just what you sow You're going to reap just what you sow - Gasps - You're going to reap - Panting - Just what you sow Continues Panting You're going to reap Just what you sow Renton Narrating I don't feel the sickness yet, but it's in the mail, that's for sure. I'm in the junkie limbo at the moment. Too ill to sleep, too tired to stay awake. But the sickness is on its way. Sweat, chills, nausea, pain and craving. Need, like nothing else I've ever known, will soon take hold of me. It's on its way. Diane You've got green eyes Ooh, you've got blue eyes Ooh, you've got gray eyes And I've never seen anyone quite like you Before No, I never met anyone quite like you before Door Unlocking We'll help you, son. You'll stay here with us 'til you get better. - Gonna beat this together. - Maybe l-- - Maybe I should go back to the clinic. - Mrs. Renton No. No clinics. No methadone. That only made you worse. You said so yourself. You lied to us, son. Your own mother... - and father. - You could ing us some jellies. No! You're worse coming off that than you are with the heroin. - Nothing at all! - It's a clean eak this time. You're staying here where we can keep an eye on you. I appreciate what you're trying to do, I really do, but I just need one more score. Just ing me one more hit, please. - I need one more fucking hit! - Door Locking - You fuck! - Second Lock Being Locked Muffled Bitch! Bitch! Sniffs Well, this is a good fucking laugh, isn't it? You sweat that shite out of your system. 'Cause if I come back and it's still here... I'll fucking kick it out. - Okay? - Groaning Continues Groaning Panting God. Dawn Cooing Continues Cooing - Cooing - Gasping, Groaning TV Host Question number one: The human immunodeficiency virus is a-- - Retrovirus. - Retrovirus is the right answer! Crowd Cheering, Applauding Sighs, Groans Sick Boy It's a mug's game, Mrs. Renton. I mean, I'm not saying I was blameless myself. Far from it. But there comes a time when you have to turn your back on all that nonsense... and just say no. Crunches Biscuit Screaming - Sick Boy Just say no. - Allison Oh, my God, she's dead! - Dawn Crying - Gasps No! - Dawn Crying - Gasping Crying Continues Banging Continues Continues Banging - Banging Continues - TV Host Question number two: H.I.V. binds to which receptor on the host lymphocyte? Which receptor is that? - Mr. Renton CD-4. - TV Host CD-4 is the right answer! Crowd Cheering, Applauding Better than sex, Rents. Better than sex. The ultimate hit. I'm a fucking adult. I can find out for myself. Well, I'm finding out, all right. Tommy. - Dawn Crying - No. Muttering Stop it. Dawn, stop it. Is he guilty or not guilty? Screaming - Continues Screaming - He's our son. Continues Screaming Screaming Continues No! Dawn! Dawn! Stop! No! Dawn! Oh, no! Dawn! No, not me! - Stop! - Banging Screaming - Screaming Continues - Mark. - Continues Screaming - Mark. Mark. There's something you need to do. Ow. Balls Rattling Emcee Over P.A. System Come alive, 35. Box of tricks, 66. Mrs. Renton Mark. Mark, you get the house! - House! House! - Crowd Applauding Laughing For goodness sake, Mark. Renton Narrating It seems, however, I am the luckiest guy in the world. Several years of addiction right in the middle of an epidemic... surrounded by the living dead. But not me. I'm negative. It's official. And once the pain goes away, that's when the real battle starts: depression, boredom. You feel so fucking low, you want to fucking top yourself. Knocking Tommy! Tommy! Continues Knocking Knocking Tommy, it's Mark, man. Opens Door All right, mate? Closes Door - Gettin' out much, Tommy? - No. Following the game at all? - No. - Renton Continues Kicking Ball Nah, me neither, really. You take the test? Aye. Clear? Aye. That's nice. I'm sorry, Tommy. - Got any gear on you? - No, I'm clean, man. Well... sub us then, mate. I'm expecting a rent check. - Laughs Quietly - Thanks, Mark. No bother. Renton Narrating No bother. None at all. Not for me, anyway. - Knocking -Still, it's easy to be philosophical... when it's some other poor cunt with shite for blood. - What do you want? - Are you clean? - Yes. - Is that a promise then? Yes, it is, as a matter of fact. Calm down. I'm only asking. - Is that hash I can smell? - No. - I wouldn't mind a bit if it is. - Well, it isn't. - It smells like it. - You're too young. I'm too young for what? Exhales You're not getting any younger, Mark. The world's changing. Music's changing. Even drugs are changing. You can't stay in here all day dreaming about heroin... - and Ziggy Pop. - It's lggy Pop. Whatever. I mean, the guy's dead anyway. Iggy Pop is not dead. He toured last year. Tommy went to see him. The point is, you've got to find something new. Renton Narrating She was right. I had to find something new. There was only one thing for it. So find the feelin' So find the feelin' So find the feelin' Bom Digi Digi Digi Bom Digi Bom Lifestyle Letting Agency. Oh, yes, it's a beautifully converted Victorian town house. Ideally located on a quiet road near to the local shops and transport. Um, this one's two bedrooms and a kitchen/diner. Fully fitted, in excellent decorative order. Lots of storage space and all mod cons. It's going at Ł320 a week. Renton Narrating I settled in not too badly and kept myself to myself. Sometimes, of course, I thought about the guys, but mainly I didn't miss them at all. After all, this was boomtown, where any fool could make cash from chaos, and plenty did. Agent Tell you what I've got. I've got a beautifully converted Victorian town house. Renton Narrating I quite enjoyed the sound of it all: profit, loss, margins... takeovers, lending, letting, subletting... subdividing, cheating, scamming, fragmenting, eaking away. Who's got the keys to Telegraph Road? There was no such thing as society, and even if there was... I most certainly had nothing to do with it. For the first time in my adult life, I was almost content. Diane's Voice Dear Mark, I'm glad you found a job and somewhere to live. School is fine at the moment. I'm not pregnant, but thanks for asking. Your friend, Sick Boy, asked me last week if I would like to work for him... but I told him where to go. I met Spud, who sends his regards. Or at least I think that's what he said. Spud Mumbling Diane Continues No one has seen Tommy for ages. And, finally, Francis Begbie has been on television a lot this week... as he is wanted by the police in connection... with an armed robbery in a jeweler's in Corstorphine. Take care. Yours with love, Diane. Doorbell Ringing Diane's Voice Francis Begbie. Ringing Doorbell Oh, no. Armed robbery? What, with a replica? - How the fuck can it be armed robbery with a fucking replica? - Trigger Clicking Fucking scandal. The gear. Look. Supposed to be fucking solid silver. It's fucking garbage. Those young couples investin' all their fucking hopes in that stuff and all. - It's a scandal, Franco. - Too fucking right it is. How about the wee pot noodles by the way? I'm fucking Lee Marvin. Sighs Door Opens Hey, Rents. Renton Narrating Begbie settled in in no time at all. Fucking find cigarettes. - Door Closes - We didn't have nowhere to live - Aye. - We didn't have nowhere to go 'Til someone said I know this place I've been before It was on the 15th floor - It had a bar across the door - Bottles Clatter It took an hour to cross it off and get inside It smelled as if someone had died The living room was full of flies - The kitchen sink was-- - Begs? - Ooh, it's a mess all right - Begs! - Yes, it's my house - Snoring Renton Narrating Yeah, the guy's a psycho. But it's true. He's a mate also. What can I do? I was living in the sky I never thought I'd live so high Just like heaven if it didn't look like hell The lift is always full of piss The fifth floor landing smells of fish Not just on Friday Every single other day - Continues - Hey, pop down to bookie's and put a line on for us. - Can you not go yourself? - I'm serious here. I'm a fugitive from the law, and I can't even walk the fuckin' streets. You go. Here. Doncaster. Four-forty. Five pound to win. Bad Boy. TV Track Announcer, lndistinct Gathering Coins TV Continues Fucking buy some fucking beer and all. TV Continues Begbie Come on, Bad Boy. Come on, son. Come on, son. Come on! Come on! Yeah! Yeah! Bad Boy! Renton Narrating Came in at 16 to 1. And with the winnings, we went out to cele ate. Dance Renton Narrating Diane was right. The world is changing. Music is changing. Drugs are changing. Even men and women are changing. One thousand years from now, there'll be no guys and no girls, just wankers. - Sounds great to me. - Man Blowing Whistle Whistling Continues Narrating Continues It's just a pity no one told Begbie. Continues, Muffled Kissing Fuck! Fuck! Renton Narrating lf you ask me, we're heterosexual by default not by decision. It's just a question of who you fancy. It's all about aesthetics. And it's fuck-all to do with morality. Fuck! Narrating Continues But you try telling Begbie that. Look, I'm not a fucking buftie, and that's the end of it. Let's face it, it could have been wonderful. Growling Fucking listen to me, you piece of junkie shit. A joke's a fucking joke. You mention that again, and I'll cut you up. You understand? Rings Doorbell - Snoring - Renton Narrating Since I last saw him... Sick Boy had reinvented himself as a pimp and a pusher... and was here, he said, to mix business and pleasure... setting up contacts, as he constantly informed me... for the great smack deal that was one day going to make him rich. Snoring Continues Good chips. I can't believe you did that. I got a good price for it. Rents, I need the money. It was my fucking telly! Christ, if I'd known you were gonna get so humpty about it... I wouldn't have bothered. Fucking rented anyway. Are you gonna eat that? Have you got a passport? Why? I met this bloke. Runs a hotel, othel. Loads of contacts. Does a nice sideline in punting British passports to foreigners. Get you a good price. And why would I want to sell my passport? It was just an idea. Renton Narrating I had to get rid of them. Sick Boy didn't do his drug deal, and he didn't get rich. Instead, he and Begbie just hung around my bedsit looking for things to steal. I decided to offer them one of London's most desirable properties. - But, of course, they weren't paying any rent. - Voices, lndistinct So when my boss found two desperate suckers who would... Sick Boy and Begbie were bound to feel threatened. Yep, lots of storage. All mod cons, 320 quid a week. - Both Shout - Renton Narrating And that was that. But by then we had another reason to go back: Tommy. Man Tommy knew he'd got the virus, but he never knew he's gone full blown. What was it, pneumonia or cancer? No, toxoplasmosis. It's like a stroke. How's that? He wanted to see Lizzy again. She wouldn't even let him near the house. So he bought her a present. He ought her this kitten. - Renton But Lizzy told him where to fucking stick it. - Man Exactly. l'm not wantin' that cat, she says. Get the fuck, right. So there's Tommy stuck with this kitten. - You can imagine what happened. - To those of us gathered here today... Thomas McKenzie filled a number of different roles in our lives. - Thomas was a son, a other and a friend. - The thing was neglected... pissing and shitting all over the place. - Vicar Continues - Tommy's lying about fucked out of his eyeballs... on smack or downers. He never knew you could get toxoplasmosis from cat shit. Vicar A loving man who had a great lust for life. - A keen musician-- - Neither did l. What is it? - Vicar Continues - Fucking horrible. - It's like an abscess on your ain. - Fucking hell. - Vicar Continues - Then what happened? Man He starts getting these headaches... - so he just uses more smack, you know, for the pain. - Right. And then he has a stroke. A fucking stroke, just like that. Gets home from the hospital and dies three weeks later. Man Sighs He'd been dead for ages before the neighbors... complained about the smell and got the police to eak down the door. - Meows - Tommy was lying facedown in a pool of vomit. Vicar He has gone from us, but we have many things to remember him by. - The kitten was fine. - Would you all please rise now for the committal? Spud Singing Do you think I would leave you crying When there's room on my horse for two Climb up here, Tommy Don't be dying I can go just as fast with two When we grow up we'll both be soldiers And our horses will not be toys And I wonder if we'll remember When we were two little boys Cans Opening - Tommy. - Tommy. Did you tell him yet? - On you go. - What? Sick Boy There's this mate of Swanney's. - You know the guy. Mikey Forrester. - Renton Aye. Well... he's come into some gear. - Coughs A lot of gear. - How much gear? About two kilos. So he tells me. He got drunk in a pub down by the docks last week... where he met two Russian sailors. They're fucking carrying the stuff. For sale there and then, like. So he wakes up next morning... realizes what he's done, gets very fucking nervous. He wants rid of this, right? - So? - Sick Boy So he met me. And I offered to take it off his hands at a very reasonable price... with the intention of punting it on myself to a guy I know in London. Laughs We've just come back from Tommy's funeral... and you're talking about a skag deal? Aye. What was your price? - Sick Boy Four grand. - You haven't got four grand. - We're 2,000 short. - Well, that's tough. Look, Mark, every cunt knows you've been saving up in London. - I'm sorry, boys. I do not have two grand. - Scoffs Begbie Aye, you fucking do. I've seen your bank statement. - For fuck's sake. - Two thousand... one hundred and thirty-three pound. Two kilos. What is that, ten years? Mikey Forrester. Russian sailors. What the fuck are you boys on? Eh? Spud, you've already been to jail. What's the deal? You like it so much you want to go back? I just want the money, Mark. If everybody keeps their fucking mouth shut, there'll be no cunt going to jail. Renton Narrating I hadn't told anyone everything that was running through my mind... about what might happen in London. There were a lot of possibilities I didn't want to talk to anyone about. Ideas best kept to myself. What no one told me was that when we bought the smack... some lucky punter would have to try it out. Begbie didn't trust Spud. Sick Boy was too careful these days. So I rolled up my sleeve, I spiked my vein... and I did what had to be done. Sighs, lnhales Slowly It's good. Oh, it's really fucking good. Renton Sighing Narrating Continues Yeah, that hit was good. I promised myself another one before we got to London. Just the one hit. Just for old time's sake. Just to piss Begbie off. This was his nightmare. The dodgiest scam in a lifetime of dodgy scams. Being perpetrated with three of the most useless and unreliable fuckups in town. I knew what was going on in his mind. Any trouble in London, and he would dump us immediately. One way or another, he had to. If he got caught with a bag full of smack... on top of that armed robbery shit, he was going down for 15 to 20. Begbie was hard, but not so hard that he didn't shite it off 20 years in prison. This was to be my final hit. But let's be clear about this. There's final hits and final hits. What kind was this to be? - Did you ing the cards? - What? The cards. The last thing I told you was to mind the cards. Well, I've not ought them. - Fucking boring after a while without the cards. - I'm sorry. - But fucking late, like. - Why didn't you ing them? 'Cause I fucking told you to ing them, you doss cunt! Christ. Man These are your friends, right? - Sick Boy These are the guys I told you about. - Okay. - Well, is he here? - Yeah, he's here. You didn't get followed or nothing, did you? - Scoffs Didn't get followed. - Okay. - All right. - Hi. Renton Narrating Straight away he clocked us for what we were: small-time wasters with an accidental big deal. - Dealer Sighs - Scale Beeps - Scale Beeps - Excuse me, gentlemen. Door Opening Sighs So... how much would you like for this? Twenty thousand. Chuckles Well, I don't think it's worth much more than 15. Renton Narrating This was a real drag to him. He didn't need to negotiate. I mean, what the fuck were we going to do with it if he didn't buy it? Sell it on the streets? Fuck that. Well, 19. Terribly sorry. I can't go to 19. Well, fucking 16 then. Chuckling Okay. Well, fucking 16 it is then. Sighs These, gentlemen, are Ł2,000 bundles. That's two. That's four. - Renton Narrating We settled on Ł16,000. - Dealer Now you have six. He had a lot more in the suitcase, like, but it was better than nothing. Dealer And two more make eight. Thank you very much, gentlemen. - I'd just like to say, it's been a pleasure haggling with you. - Fucking better be. Okay? All Laughing Yes! - Fucking-- - Continue Laughing Renton Narrating And just for a moment, it felt really great. Like we were all in it together, like friends. Like it meant something. - A moment like that can touch you deep inside. - All Laughing But it doesn't last long. Not like Ł16,000. So what about you, Spud? Any major investments on the horizon at all? - Gonna buy yourself a wee island in the sun? - Begbie For four grand? One palm tree, a couple of rocks and a fucking sewage outflow. All Laughing I don't know, man. I'm gonna get something for my ma, I think. Get some good speed. No bicarb. - Then get a girl, take her out, treat her right. - And shag her senseless. No, man! True love. True love. Eh, but I could really handle some hot sex... - with a Jewish princess! - You daft cunt! - Or a Catholic! - If you're gonna waste it on a bird... you might as well fucking leave it all to me. - Get our drinks. - I got a round already. - I got the last ones. - It's your round, Franco. Okay. Same again? Right. I'm off for a piss. See when I get back the money's still here, okay? The moment your back's turned, we're out the door. Yeah, I'll be right fucking after you. You'll never catch us, you flabby bastard. By the way, see you when I get back. Be halfway down the street with the money. - I'd fucking kill you. - Aye, I thought you might, Franco. Thought you might. Are you game for it? What? Well? Laughs Are you serious? Don't know. Don't know. What do you think? Still here, I see. - Aye. Well, we wouldn't run out on a mate, eh? - Why not? I know I would. Where's Franco? For fuck's sake! Sorry, mate. I'll buy you another one. You've ruined my fucking suit, you fucking idiot! Man Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. Sorry's not going to dry me off, you cunt. Cool down, Franco. The man says he's sorry. He's sorry enough for being a fat cunt. Fuck you. If you can't hold a pint, you shouldn't be in the pub, mate. Fuck off. Screaming Oh, no! Groaning Man Coughing, Gasping, Begbie Kicking No, Franco, don't do it, man. Groans - Screaming - For fuck's sake! - Sick Boy Fucking nice one, Franco! - Shut it. - Spud Yelling You cut me, man! - You were in my fucking way. - Spud Whimpers - Groaning Anybody else want to get in my fucking way? You? You? Hey, Rent boy... you ing me down a fucking smoke. - Sick Boy I think we'd better go, Franco! - I've got to go to the hospital! You're not going to any fucking hospital, and you're staying there! You ing me down a fucking cigarette. And the bag. Snoring Door Closes Renton Narrating Now I've justified this to myself in all sorts of ways. It wasn't a big deal, just a minor betrayal. Or we'd outgrown each other. You know, that sort of thing. But let's face it. I ripped them off. My so-called mates. But Begbie-- I couldn't give a shit about him. And Sick Boy. He'd have done the same to me, if he'd only thought of it first. And Spud-- Well, okay, I felt sorry for Spud. He never hurt anybody. Begbie Shouting Bastard! Begbie Shouting Bastard! Grunting Glass Shattering, Grunting, Shouting - Knocking - Open up. Open up now! Bastard! Bastard! Renton Narrating So why did I do it? I could offer a million answers, all false. The truth is that I'm a bad person. But that's gonna change. I'm going to change. This is the last of that sort of thing. Now I'm cleaning up, and I'm moving on. Going straight and choosing life. I'm looking forward to it already. I'm gonna be just like you. The job, the family, the fucking big television... the washing machine, the car, the compact disc and electrical tin opener... good health, low cholesterol, dental insurance... mortgage, starter home, leisure wear, luggage... three-piece suite, D.I.Y., game shows, junk food, children... walks in the park, nine-to-five, good at golf... washing the car, choice of sweaters, family Christmas... indexed pension, tax exemption, clearing gutters... getting by, looking ahead, the day you die. La La-la La-la-la-la La-la La, La-la-la La La-la La-la-la-la La-la La, La-la-la Sick Boy Dr. No. From Russia With Love. You Only Live Twice. Goldfinger. Diamonds Are Forever. Thunderball. Never Say Never Again.
They called it the car for Everyman. Henry Ford himself called it a car for the great multitude. It was functional and simple, like your sewing machine or your cast-iron stove. You could learn to drive it in less than a day, and you could get any color you wanted, so long as it was black. When Ford first conceived the Model T, it took 13 hours to assemble. Within five years, he was turning out a vehicle every 90 seconds. Of course, the real invention wasn't the car, it was the assembly line that built it. Pretty soon, other businesses had borrowed the same techniques. Seamstresses became button sewers. Furniture makers became knob turners. It was the beginning and the end of imagination... all at the same time. Howard? - Charles, I'm talking to you. - Hmm? They need spokes, same as the others. They oughta make a better spoke. Yeah? Then what would you do? It was a land of opportunity. The country was shrinking, and there was life to be made out West... for any man with drive and ambition. If your dream was big enough and you had the guts to follow it, there was truly a fortune to be made. How are you, sir? Damn thing blew on me. What? It's a Stanley Steamer. The boiler blew. - Oh? - Can you fix it? Uh... Sure. Sure, I can fix it. This is an amazing machine. It's got a two-stroke boiler system... that's heated by this huge fire grate. I mean, it's... Well, it's basically a very small locomotive. Thank you. Now, I made some improvements. It wasn't your boiler that was blowing; it was your bleed valve. So, with increased pressure, I can see you getting up to 40 miles an hour. Really? Oh, yeah. And if you superheat the excess, I can see you reaching... Fifty, maybe 60 miles an hour. Is that right? Easily. And the thing of it is, Mr. Coughlin, you don't feed it, you don't stable it, and unless you hit a lamppost, the thing's not gonna get sick and die on ya. - That's funny. - To tell you the truth, I wouldn't spend more than five dollars on the best horse in America. This is not the finish line, my friends. This is the start of the race. The future is the finish line! And the new Buick White Streak is just the car to take us there! Four in-line cylinders, 421/2 horsepower, - Wonderful. - This is the same car you can buy at any of our five showrooms across the Bay Area. - The age of the automobile is here, boasted Howard.The future has arrived. Oh, my. Read the part about the future again. - Oh, I'm kind of dealing with it right now. - Oh, sorry. Here. I'll take him. Come here, big guy. Come here. Come here. Oh, are you the future, huh? Are you the future? Are you gonna... Are you going to the moon? The moon! Whee! I'll take it. Do we really need all this? No. No. We don't need it... There's also a caretaker's house, a paddock, a barn, some very nice stables. How big are the stables? Got it. Settle down. Settle down. Quit. Quit. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Come on, Dad. Whoa. There you go. You're not getting him a horse. Why not? He's great at it. Because he's 16 years old. - So? So... he should earn it. All right. - All... All right. Quiet. - Everybody knows it. Nobody knows Longfellow. Dickinson. Ooh! We never know how high we are... Oh, I know that. Yeah. I know. I know it. Well? We never know how high we are till we are called to rise. - Good. - Very good, John. And then, if we are true to plan, our statures touch the skies. - Excellent. - Yes! - That's really good. Uh-oh. - The heroism... - Right. Right.The heroism... The heroism we recite... would be a daily thing, That's it. Did not ourselves the cubits warp, for fear to be a king. You should be riding it. You knew the poem. Yeah. But he looks so perfect out there, doesn't he? Yeah. He does. That's the poetry right there, Agnes. That's the poetry. Thank you. Thank you for coming. I came here 15 years ago with 21 cents in my pocket. I know a lot of us at the table have a story like that. And, you know, I can't help thinking... that if we can start out there and end up here, where can't we go in America? Hmm? So, as corny as it sounds, I'd like to propose a toast to the future. Because out here, my friends, the sky is literally the limit. To the future! To the future! To the future! There were no suicides on Wall Street that day. It was a myth that would grow over time. The real effect of October 29 took a little longer to sink in. By noon, all the gains of the previous year had been obliterated. By 4:00 p. M., nearly $10 billion of market value was gone. Over the next two weeks, the hemorrhage continued. And before long, 25 of the workforce was unemployed. A great national migration began. Displaced families took to the American highway... in the last possession that remained to them: Their automobile. And all at once, millions of Americans... had a new definition of home. I made two dollars today. - What? - I made two dollars. Here. Where did you get these? Yeah, your boy combed 'em out, changed all the tack. I didn't have to tell him a thing. - Hey, Red, Attaboy! Where'd a young fella like you learn so much about horses? His name's Johnny. You can call me Red. Whoo! Yeah! Whoo! Yeah! What's wrong? What's wrong? What's that? Everything. Dickens, Wordsworth. There's your Arabian Nights and Moby Dick, even your Milne, from when you were... Why? What's wrong? Mr. Blodget here, he has a house, a real house. Dad... Dad, what's wrong? - And his wife cooks. - She is a good cook. No. No. Shh. Dad. Shh. There's even a phone next door. We'll call you. Every couple of weeks, we'll call you, and we'll tell you where we are. No. No. We're just gonna go home, all right? Let's go. Listen to me. You have a gift. You have a gift. Don't... Don't do this. Dad, don't do this. We'll be back. Go on. Go with Mr. Blodget. No. He's gonna take care of you, sweetie. Go with him. Mom, don't do this. I don't know. You still look pretty tall to be a jockey. I've never been over 115. Where'd you learn to ride like that? Home. All right. Here's the way it works. I pay you $10 a week to ride. You owe nine dollars for your meals, six dollars to sleep in the stalls, three dollar tack fee. That's the deal. How do I pay all that back? You win. Ow! You son of a bitch! Get off of me! Yah! Get lost! Get off of me! Get off of me! Get off of me! A nose? You lose a race a nose, you'd better fall off tryin! Here. Muck these stalls down, every damn one of'em! A nose! For Christ's sake! No. No, Bill. I'm not gonna do it. No more layoffs. Well, it can't get any worse. Look, if it stays like this, we'll just... Bill, we'll be fine, really. We will. All right. I'll see you in town. Frankie, come on. It's a glorious day outside. - Why don't... Why don't you go fishing or something? - I'm reading. You can read when it's raining. Come on. I'll teach you to drive the truck. You already taught me to drive the truck. - Well, what are you reading? - Flash Gordon. Come on, Dad. It's about the future! We'll be in San Francisco till Wednesday. Yeah? What? Come inside. - I'm not done. Sam can do that. I don't want Sam to do it. I want to do it. - Annie. - Don... Don... No! Ma'am. Come on, Red! Come on! At a time when the world really needed a drink, you couldn't get one in the United States of America. Liquor was illegal. Diversions were scarce, and there's just so much a human being can do without. Soon, the border town was born, providing everything to the south that their neighbor to the north would not. You could find anything: Food, companionship, decent gin, and with gambling outlawed as well, - the chance to turn bad luck into good. Relax! You got it! You got it! You got it! Go! That jockey was ridin' like he's got an anvil in his pocket. I'm gonna bet with you no more. I no like it. Who's that? George Woolf, greatest jockey in the world. That's Charles Howard? Yeah. I thought he came down here for a... Quickie divorce? - Why? Look at him. Nothing quick about that. It was in the palace of the great sultan. Sultan of where? The Sultan of Araby. I'd been living there for almost a year, racing his Arabians across the desert by day... and finishing my personal history of the region by night. Then one day, the sultan summons me into his throne room. He looks at me and says, - John Pollard... - John Pollard, you are my greatest jockey. It is you I have chosen to ride my hundred-mile race from Kusmat to Tripoli. 200-mile. All right. 200-mile. Excuse me, sahib. - You didn't need to wreck it, Georgie. - When you started tellin' that story, it was only 50 miles. Yeah, well, everything gets longer in the retellin'. Just ask your friend Wanda over there. You know, if you start ridin' a little more and talkin' a little less, you might start winnin' some races. - I got two bucks says I beat you in this one. - I'm not sure if you do, but I got five says I beat you. Done. - Give me odds. You're the favorite. - Even money. - Nah! Forget it! Two-to-one! - Fine. You got it. Hey, Johnny. You're on a speed horse. What are you doin' back here with me? I like the conversation, and it's not a speed horse. Don't try to hook me. You goin' tonight? Nah. You? Nah. What time? I don't know. 8:00? Okeydoke. Oops. There's my hole! Gotta go! Yah! Goddamn it! Whoa! We got him! - I'll take him. - Get the hell out of here. - I said, I'll take him. - He's got a fractured foot. If you're gonna shoot him anyway, I'll save you the bullet. - Whoa. - Fine. Let him go. Hey. Let him have him. Mira. Now, bud. Yeah, boy. Okeydoke, Johnny. There's the hole! Gotta fly! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! There once was a princess from Siam... who was sitting here sort of like I am. I wined her and dined her, and then I reclined her. Ah, shit. What rhymes with Siam? That's great. You make that up? Pretty obvious, huh? - That's beautiful. - No. You're beautiful. Don't say that. You pay me. So, you wanna... you know... get going? Sure. Why not? - How do you miss a hole like that? - There's my hole! Gotta fly! Are you blind? Ngel, are you okay? OI! OI! You don't wanna watch? No. Not really. I don't either. OI! So, what? They ought you down here to make you feel better? Is that it? Yes. Sort of. Those guys, they think everything is fixed with a party. I'm sorry. Who are you? Oh. Marcela Zabala. My sister, Isabella, she's married... No. No, no. I know. Nice to meet you. Charles. Mucho gusto. So, do you feel better? No. No, not really. No. How could you? With something like that. Come on, buddy. Wake up. Come on. - Did I lose? - Oh, no. You clobbered him. Easy. Easy, easy. Nice and slow. I'm fine. I'm fine. Come on. Let me buy you some turtle soup. I'm fine, George. Go win yourself a race or something. Let's go down to Sloan's, and we'll just... I'm fine, George. I don't need your help, and I sure as shit don't need your charity. Leave me alone, all right? It's been 20 years since I've been on a horse. Don't worry. It's the kind of thing that comes right back. Let's go. Come on! What? She got you back up on a horse, and now you wanna buy 'em? Yeah. Maybe. Maybe a couple. You wanna win or just own 'em? I wanna win. What sort of question is that? Well, you're gonna need a trainer before you buy horses. No. You need two. So you can fire one, eh? Randy Thatcher's barn. Trains about 50 or 60 ponies. Good fella too. Real horse person. A real horse-shitter. Scusa. Now, now. I don't know. Maybe you want a smaller barn, somebody who can take the time to... Who's that? - Huh? Oh, he's a crackpot. Lives alone in the bushes. What's he do? I don't know. He used to be a trainer, farrier. Now he just looks after that horse. Come on. Let's look at another barn. - Howdy. - Hello. Wh... You hungry? No. No, thanks. I'm fine. Charles Howard. Tom... Smith. Nice to meet you, Tom. What's... What's in his bandage? Oh, that's hawthorn root. It increases circulation. You wanna sit down? Oh. All right. Thank you. Will he get better? Already is... a little. Will he race? No. Not that one. So why are you fixing him? 'Cause I can. Every horse is good for somethin'. He could be a cart horse or a lead pony. And he's still nice to look at. You know, you don't throw a whole life away... just 'cause he's banged up a little. Is that coffee? Yeah. It's bad, though. You always tell the truth? Well, I try to. It ain't just the speed. It's the heart. You want something that's not afraid to compete. Half these horses are just show ponies. You want something that's not gonna run from a fight. How do you find that? Look, I won the Robles Handicap. I was second in the Tijuana Derby. I won the Manzanita Oaks. You know, that used to be a stakes race. I know. I would've won T.J., but the piece of shit lugged out on me. - Sounds great. We'll let ya know. - Look. I can work 'em out in the morning. Or even hot-walk 'em if you need me to. Really? You'll hot-walk 'em? This is somethin' else. A dream come true, walkin' you around. Hook you up to a plow, pull me around for a little while. Come on. You ever run in the money? Huh? Hey. Hey. You ever run in the money? I don't think so. Couldn't beat a human being, let alone another horse. You goddamn sack-of-crap old plater. Probably the fastest you're gonna run in your entire life, you piece-of-shit old glue-pot. That's right. The first time he saw Seabiscuit, the colt was walking through the fog at 5:00 in the morning. Smith would say later that the horse looked right through him... as if to say, What the hell are you looking at? Who do you think you are? He was a small horse, barely 15 hands. He was hurting too. There was a limp in his walk, a wheezing when he eathed. Smith didn't pay attention to that. He was looking the horse in the eye. God... damn. He was the son of Hard Tack, sired by the mighty Man O' War. But the eeding did little to impress anyone at Claiborne Farms. Get rid of him. At six months, he was shipped off to train with the legendary trainer Sunny Fitzsimmons, who, over time, developed a similar opinion of the colt. Is that a racehorse or a lead pony? The judgment wasn't helped by his gentle nature. Where his sire had been a fierce, almost violent competitor, Seabiscuit took to sleeping for huge chunks of the day... and enjoyed lolling for hours under the boughs of the juniper trees. His other great talent was eating. Though half the size of other colts, Seabiscuit could frequently eat twice as much. Fitzsimmons decided the horse was lazy... and felt sure he could train the obstinance out of him. I want you to hit him as many times as you can over a quarter of a mile. When he didn't improve, they decided the colt was incorrigible. They made him a training partner to better horses, forcing him to lose head-to-head duels... to boost the confidence of the other animal. By the time he was three years old, Seabiscuit was struggling in two cheap claiming races a week. Soon he grew as bitter and angry as his sire Hard Tack had been. He was sold for the rock-bottom price of $2,000. And, of course, it all made sense. Champions were large, they were sleek, they were without imperfection. When they finally did race him, he did just what they had trained him to do. He lost. What exactly is it you like? He's got spirit. I'll say. Can... Can he be ridden? Oh, sure. Eventually. He can be a little touchy. Yeah, I got it. No. Really. I'm fine. Jesus Christ! That horse is nuts! Come on! Come on! Come on! Let's go! Come on, you sons of bitches! Let's go! Come on! Let's go! Come on, you sons of bitches! I'll take all of you! Come on! Come on! It's okay. I'm not afraid of you. Sure. I know. I know what you're all about. You hungry? Huh? Yeah. Bet you are. Huh? Come on. Come on, boy. Yeah. Why don't you just eeze him around one turn. Give the folks a look. Right. Red Pollard, Mr. And Mrs. Howard. Yeah. Hi. Hello. Well, we'll just be movin' on. Does he eeze? Well, we'll find out. Seems pretty fast. Yeah. In every direction. Hell, he's so beat up, it's hard to tell what he's like. I just can't help feelin' they got him... so screwed up runnin'in a circle, he's forgotten what he was born to do. He just needs to learn how to be a horse again. Well, how do you do that? How far do you want me to take him? Till he stops. Okay. That seems like a pretty good ride. Hope so. That's it, boy. You're all right. Let's see what you got, boy. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Whoo! That's it, boy. That's it! Yeah! Whoo! Whoo-hoo! Well, at least he wasn't expensive. No. That's true. Whoo! Goddamn it! You're an amazing animal! Whoo! You can come inside, you know. I'm fine. Thank you. Yeah, you look it. No, really, I'm fine. Okay. Suit yourself. Welcome. Thank you. You're welcome. It's okay. Oh, I'm not that hungry. Mmm. Sure you're not. It's just a lot of food. It's okay. Rather have you strong than thin. They called it relief, but it was a lot more than that. It had dozens of names: N.R.A., W.P.A., the C.C.C. But it really came down to just one thing. For the first time in a long time, someone cared. For the first time in a long time, you were no longer alone. Goat racing? Oh, no. Just trying to calm him down a little. Smart ones hate being alone all the time. Oh. And sometimes another animal, it just... just soothes them a bit. Pretty quiet in there. What'd you do? Go take a look. Oh. Rock of ages, cleft for me I am hid and safe in thee For the water and the blood From thy riven... Okay. You don't eak him or anything, but we gotta see what he's got. You take him to the 5 pole... and turn him loose. Turn him loose? Yeah, son. He's a racehorse. Ha! Ha! Come on! Come on! Ha! Come on! I know you got more than this! Let's show 'em, boy! How's he look? Asleep. Come on! Let's show 'em, Pops! Come on! Whoo! There it is! Yeah! Whoo! Oh, my. Yeah, you and me! Let's go! Whoo! Whoo-hoo! - Boy. Fast? - Oh. Yeah. How fast? Your horse just oke the track record at Tanforan. Sometimes they... they just, uh, hanker for a little competition. As long as we're talkin' long shots, I got a real doozy for you, folks. We got a horse that's going off at 70-to-1, and that's a short price, my friends. This horse couldn't win a church raffle, let alone a $2,000 allowance. Yeah, talk about a jump in class. This is the skunk of the garden party. Yes, he's the surprise in the punch bowl. As a matter of fact, I'll lay even money that this nag, Seabiscuit, couldn't even finish six furlongs. This is Tick-Tock McGlaughlin live at Clockers' Corner. Wow. I wanted maroon. They only had ight red. Oh, it looks great. You don't think the H is too big? You seen the size of our jockey? Come on. Okay. Favorite's that gray over there. He's got a big late charge, so lock in early with him and stay right off his flank. Okay. Once our boy sees who the competition is, he'll do most of the work. But don't move till that gray does. What if it's late? Let's go. Twelve minutes to post. I don't think it's gonna matter much. Honestly. - Come on in. Number 3, Pollard on Seabiscuit. Hey, sahib. Kinda small, isn't he? Gonna look a lot smaller in a second, Georgie. I got five bucks says he doesn't. Starter's poised. The flag is up. And there they go. Pirate's Gold eaks first, followed by Geronimo on the outside. Silver Treasure is third, followed by Seabiscuit. They're coming by the five-furlong pole. It's Pirate's Gold, Geronimo, Hill's Army and Agua Dulce. Whoa! Son of a bitch! Ha! Ha! Piece of shit bastard! What the hell is he doing? ...opening up a 3... a 4-length lead... - Let's go! - What are you doing? I'm gonna put you on the rail, you piece of shit! - Get off of me! - How do you like that, you son of a bitch? You're gonna drop me, man! The two horses are flying down... - You like the rail? - Here comes the cavalry charge! - Knock me off my horse! It's Silver Treasure on the inside. Silver Treasure on the inside. Silver Treasure and Pirate's Gold. And at the wire it's Silver Treasure. Aw, damn it. What the hell were you thinkin'? He fouled me. - What am I supposed to do, let him get away with that? - Well, yeah, when he's 40-to-1. - He almost put me in the rail! - Well, did he? Look, we had a plan. He fouled me, Tom! What am I supposed to do? He cut me off! He fouled me! Son? Son. What are you so mad at? There's a phone next door. We'll call you. Every couple of weeks, we'll call you and tell you where we are. No. We're just gonna go home. All right? You have a gift. You have a gift. I need to borrow some money. All right. I, uh, I haven't been to a dentist, and m... Well, l-I need to borrow some money. - That's fine. - I don't know when I can pay you back. I mean, when we win. When we win, I can pay you back. That is if you still want me to ride. Of course I want you to ride. How much do you need? Uh, ten dollars. Here. Than... Uh... It's fine. Thank you. I really appreciate it. That's it, Pops. We're okay now. It's all right, boy. Yeah, we're okay. Nothing to worry about. All the time in the world, boy. That's it, Pops. Nice lead. Just like that, boy. Just like that. What do you think, boy? You ready to go? You and me. Let's go, boy. Let's go. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Whoo! In the end, it wasn't the dams... or the roads or the idges or the parks. Or the tunnels or the thousands of other public projects... that were built in those years. It was more invisible than that. Men who were oken only a year before... suddenly felt restored. Men who'd been shattered suddenly found their voice. Well, I just think this horse has a lot of heart. He may have been down, but he wasn't out. He may have lost a few, but he didn't let it get to him. We could all learn a lick or two from this little guy. Oh, and by the way, he doesn't know he's little. He thinks he's the biggest horse out there. - So you got big plans for this little horse? Oh, yeah. See, sometimes when the little guy, he doesn't know he's a little guy, he can do great big things. Can we get a shot here? See, this isn't the finish line. The future is the finish line, and the Biscuit is just the horse to get us there. Just the horse to get us there. You certainly made a believer out of me, Mr. Howard. It's time for this old tout to eat some crow. Four and 20 blackbirds, to be exact, all baked up in some humble pie, and I'll take mine la mode. Oh. And one more thing, Mr. Howard. I just wanna say... Thanks for the champagne. Don't mention it. Did you see the infield? No, not yet. Take a look. Your little horse is sellin' out the cheap seats.
Oh, my gosh. Hey, what do you think about all those folks in the infield, Red? That's who we're ridin' for, folks with a quarter in their pocket. Red! Red! Red! That's an awful lot of hoopla for such a little horse! Though he be but little, he is fierce. What's that? What? That's Shakespeare, boys. That's Shakespeare. Oh, Shakespeare. Holy cow! Look at that, Biscuit. Look at that. There you go. Oh, my God. There he is! Seabiscuit! Yea! That's for you, Pops. That's for you. That makes six consecutive victories for this little colt from nowhere, one shy of the record. Why, he may be the biggest sensation on four legs since Hope and Crosby. Yes, it's standing room only every time this pint-size pony slips on a saddle, and if you can't afford the quarter, a comfy tree limb will catch you a glimpse. So what is the secret of this rags-to-riches story? I have it on good authority they feed Seabiscuit... two pints of ice-cold beer before every race. Reporting from trackside in an equine exclusive, Oh, my gosh! - this is Tick-Tock McGlaughlin, Movietone News. - Who was that? Ahh. Morning. What... What's this? It's beer. From an admiring public. It's pretty good too. There's more in there. Where's the horse? Signing autographs. He what? Here you go, Max. Let it dry for a minute before you sell it. Hey, Charles. You think you can eak the record? Oh, let's ask him. Hey, Biscuit. You gonna win one more? You gonna eak the record? Hey, Charles. What do you think finally turned this horse around? Well, I think we just gave him a chance. Sometimes all somebody needs is a second chance. I think there are a lot of people out there... know just what I'm talking about. You got that right. Here, boys. Take some horseshoes with you. Right here, Charles. Hey, thanks. These are special. - Never run out of luck. - Great. Sam! Where the hell are my horseshoes? You quit? I can't work like this. He's not a parade animal. He's a racehorse. Look, Tom, a little bit of public relations... I can't get him to be a great horse... if I can't get the time to work with him. What do you mean? He is a great horse. We don't know that yet. He's won six stakes in a row. Against who? This... This is a great horse. First he smashed them in the Kentucky Derby. Then he crushed them in the Preakness. Then he destroyed all comers in the Belmont to snatch the Triple Crown. At almost 18 hands, he's as big as he is fast. Eighteen hands? Can't be too fast a runner. Yeah, he's big. Born of perfect eeding, displaying perfect form, boasting a perfect record, the millionaire Mr. Riddle may have finally created the perfect horse. Until next time, this is Horace Halstedter for Metrotone News. What the hell does that mean anyway? Perfect. He's perfect. What the hell does perfect mean? What? You show me something that's perfect, I'll show you something that's not. Look, he's obviously the best horse in the East. We're obviously the best horse in the West. The country deserves to see which horse is better. Yo-ho-ho-ho! You may not be able to see it, folks, but the gauntlet just landed on my desk. Are we talking about a match race? Whatever Mr. Riddle wants. Match race, stakes race, potato sack race. Just 'cause we're littler doesn't mean we're scared. Right you are, and in the heartland of America, every little guy knows exactly what you mean. You hear that, Mr. Riddle? You have an appointment with destiny, a date with... Destiny. Destiny. Yes, exactly. So destiny, and his name is Seabiscuit. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Does Seabiscuit stand a chance... I'm glad they finally have racing in California. Do they use Western saddles out there? Look. Comparing these two horses is ridiculous. War Admiral is a real racehorse... who's won every prestigious race in America. This little colt of theirs is running out on some cow track. If we responded to every fledgling challenger... who wants to make a name for themselves, it wouldn't be fair to us. But it wouldn't be fair to them either. You wouldn't put Jack Dempsey in the ring with a middleweight. Huh? Would you? Middleweight? I'll kill him. I'll knock his goddamn block off! He's chicken! I know. I know. Middleweight? We just have to flush him out. How? Well, this is still America. Right? Yeah. Cash. - A hundred thousand dollars? - The biggest purse in American history. I sure hope so. You'd get every top Eastern thorough ed. All of'em. You'd put this place on the map. They might have all that blue blood crap. Our money is just as good as theirs. Charlie... Doc, this is our moment. Now, they're stuck in the past. This is the future. Great. Come here. What? Come on. Don't you wanna see 'em? Pilin' off of those train cars. Comin' out here to your track. Huh? That's victory in itself. Doc? That's... That's the finish line right there. You sell cars like this? Hundreds of'em. Hold your horses! Hold your horses! Just when you thought you'd seen it all, Doc Strub has raided the cookie jar. He has smashed the piggy bank and sold the family silver. $100,000 for one horse race? Makes me want to throw a saddle on my back. Will the Biscuit be the favorite? Not likely, folks. We're about to be invaded. We're talking Derby winners, Preakness winners, Belmont winners. Hold on, hold on. I guess that's all one horse. But at 100,000 bucks, how can the Admiral not want to dock his ship... in this friendly port? This is Tick-Tock McGlaughlin live from Clockers' Corner. They raised a hundred grand! Hey, how 'bout that hundred grander? No, thanks. Excuse me, boys. Shit! Charles! Shit. Yeah, I know what you mean. The hell with it. We'll run him anyway. There are still going to be the greatest horses in the world, and if we win this thing, they're gonna have to face us. He's gonna have to face us. Okay. Special Agent's pure speed. He's gonna go to the lead, but he can't handle the distance. So don't get sucked in. I won't. Indian Broom could be there too. We'll know they're holdin' him back if they use the ring bit. Now, the one to worry about is Rosemont. He closes like a freight train, and he'll fight you for it at the end. You gotta have some momentum built up... by the time he makes his move. It's still kind of soggy out there from the other day, so try to stay off the rail where it's deep. I figured I'd sit back about three wide. Yeah, that's fine. And other than that, just... just try to feel it. He'll tell you when he's ready. Yeah, boy! Come on, Red! Ha! Ha! Yeah, come on. Go! Go! - Whoo-hoo! - Watch him. Watch him. Come on! Come on! It's not my fault. Not this time. I told you look out for Rosemont. I thought I had it. You stopped ridin'! I couldn't see him! What are you talkin' about? He was flyin' up your tail! Yeah, well, I can't... What? See out there! He lied to us. What? He lied to us. You want a jockey who lies to us? What do you mean? He can't see. He's blind in one eye. It's fine, Tom. - It's fine? - Yeah, it's fine. You don't throw a whole life away... just 'cause it's banged up a little bit. Good night. All right, all right. Hold it. Well, I guess that little horse of theirs... turned out to be a glorified claimer after all. Huh? Well, at least we don't have to deal with this David and Goliath nonsense anymore. Huh? Huh? You can say that again. All right, boys. Let me through. Wait a minute. Mr. Riddle... The hell with it. Just a couple of announcements. First, Red Pollard will remain Seabiscuit's jockey, now and forever. Second, if they're too scared to come and race us, we're gonna go find them. We're gonna enter every race where War Admiral is on the card, and if he scratches, which he probably will, we'll enter the next race he's on the card. And we won't come home until we've faced him, win, lose or draw. You know, I'd rather have one horse like this than a hundred War Admirals. Thanks, fellas. Gotta see him.! Come on.! Look, I, uh... I really don't know what to say. Uh, we appreciate it. I'm sure the Biscuit appreciates it too. He's just a little shy about speaking in public. He'd thank you himself. I guess, uh, you all are here today... because this is a horse who won't give up. That's right. Even when life beats him by a nose. That's right.! Ain't that the truth. But, heck, everybody loses a couple. Yes, sir. And you either pack up and you go home, or you keep fighting! Isn't that right? Yeah! - That's right.! - That's right. Now, do you want to see a match race? Yeah.! Yeah! You do? Yeah.! You wanna see this young fella ridin' that horse? - Yeah! - Yes! Seabiscuit! Extra.! Extra.! Biscuit on the warpath.! Will there be a match race? It's all right here. Extra.! Extra.! Biscuit on the warpath.! I don't know what they're so worried about. I mean, look at us. Our horse is too small. Our jockey's too big. Our trainer is too old. Forgive me, Tom. And I'm too dumb to know the difference! - Yeah, Charlie! - You'd think they'd want to race us instead of running away! Yeah.! Ladies and gentlemen, I am staring at a swarm of humanity, a sea of hungry faces demanding the match of a lifetime. They have come here tonight in the cold, in the wind, In the chill of a late October night. Let me make my way over to one of them so you can hear it for yourself. Excuse me. Excuse me. I'm sorry. Excuse me. Ma'am, ma'am, if I may. What ings you out here tonight with your three small children, clamoring for a view of this little horse? Because we want to see a match race! I said, don't you think... Mr. Riddle owes this country a... Match race! Match race.! Match race.! Match race.! Match race.! Match race.! Fine, but it's on my terms. Any terms you want. Mile and 3/16ths. I won't accept anything else. All right. Want a walk-up start with a bell. We won't be using any contraptions. You mean a starting gate? - Fine. - And we run it here, at our home track. That's not negotiable. Mmm. Seems like a nice enough place. Oh, I'm sure you'll find it quite comfortable, Mr. Howard. Jesus Christ.! I wanna be a horse. Well, you're almost big enough. That's very funny. It doesn't even smell like a barn. Hmm. They probably deodorize it every morning. Well, they still crap. Well, they do. They do. Over here, pal. Right over here! There you go! This way. This way. Biscuit, here... Whoa.! What's that thing? They got us in the servants' quarters. Is that him? No. Bit too small. That's him. Oh, my God. Maybe he's the kind of horse that just looks good in the paddock. Wow. We gotta get to the lead. Biscuit never goes to the lead. I know, but... we gotta teach him to eak first. If that monster shakes loose, we'll never catch him. What, retrain him? We got two weeks. Excuse me. Uh, we'd like to buy your bell. They didn't tell me you were comin'. Oh, probably just an oversight. Do you want me to turn on some lights? No. No. No? Okay. It's a predatory response. If I just ush it past his flank, he'll bolt. - We want to teach him to do it with the bell. - How far you want me to take him? A hundred feet. Just so he learns to eak first. Okay. Got it. - You ready? - Ready. All right. Here we go. Oh, come on, Tom! When you gonna work that horse out? When he wakes up, I guess. Geez! For cryin'out loud.! The whole track? I just want him to do it once... with nothin' in front of him. - Yeah, but I can't see out there. - That's all right. He can. Aw, come on, Tom. Tom, please. Wha... Why do you always have to do this? Shit! Oh, great. Jesus Christ. Wow. Huh. Oh, my God. Tim. Hey. Pumpkin. Hey. How ya doin', Pumpkin? Ohhh. Are you shy? Hey, Red? Oh, my gosh. Yeah. Guess I should have used you as a jockey instead of a groom. No, no. It was... That was great. Look, I-I'm in a little trouble. I got this horse over in Annex, and I been tryin' to sell a share of him. Tough times and all? I was wonderin' if... if maybe you'd eeze him for me. If folks saw Red Pollard... Yeah. I'll eeze your horse for you. It's on. Good. Just take him for five furlongs at around a minute-one. Can he do that? Should. Try it now. Okay, try it again. Whoa! Whoa! Easy! Easy! Easy! Aaah! - Stop it! - Whoa.! Look, most of the damage was restricted to his leg. How bad is it? God, I don't know. It's, uh, shattered. Eleven, 12 eaks. Something like that. We're gonna have to operate. Just sit tight for me. Well, we're all done. He'll always limp, but, uh, it looks like he's gonna walk again. W-Will he ride? No, he's not gonna ride. Y-You're sure? He won't ride. He's gonna walk. You take care. Th... Thank you. Hey. Uh, you should see the other guy. You're gonna be fine. Couple of months, you're gonna be up and around like new. I'm the one who makes up the stories, remember? Well, yeah. Uh, maybe a little longer than that. Yeah. Look, I, uh... I think we're gonna have to scratch. No. No, don't scratch. Son, he's a great horse, but he can't run by himself. Don't scratch. Call Woolf. - Son, nobody's riding... - It's okay. Call him. Are you gonna scratch? No, we're not gonna scratch. Red Pollard wants Seabiscuit to win this race more than anything in the world. He wouldn't let us scratch. Thank you much. I appreciate it. You're welcome. The Iceman cometh.! What a pinch hitter. Why, it's like getting Babe Ruth off the bench. Nerves of steel, ice water in his veins. Why, George Woolf is... Irrelevant. They can get the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse as far as I'm concerned. Won't make any difference. War Admiral is a superior horse with superior eeding. Doesn't matter who the passenger is. He's got a strong left lead, Georgie. Banks like a friggin' airplane. He might need help switching to it, so ease him off the rail just before the turn. Like you did in the Gold Cup. Exactly. He needs a good warm-up, so take him out slow. When you do ask him, don't use the whip. Just flick it twice, show him it's there. He'll know it's time. Right. And, um, never on the left side. They hit him on the left side when he was a baby. I wish it was you, Johnny. Aw, come on. I'll be right there with you. Aaah! Ay, ya, ya, ya, ya! Great. Now, show him the stick at the quarter pole, and he'll give you a whole new gear. Okay, now, force him to that left lead a little earlier, and he'll give you even more. Great. Now, shut the door. Okay. You know how Smith wants you to fight for the lead by the first turn? Yeah. We were workin' with that bell. I was a little nervous about that. No, that's fine. But you gotta give it up on the backstretch. Give it up? Give him back the lead. He fights for it, Georgie. If you ing him head to head with that other horse, and he looks him in the eye, there's no way he loses that race. You just hold him through that final turn... and let him get a good look at the Admiral. Then let him go. It's not in his feet, Georgie. It's right here. By 10:00 a. m. The closest place to park... was 15 blocks away. The volume of refreshments alone was staggering. Seventeen thousand gallons of lemonade. Sixty thousand hot dogs. Two thousand kegs of beer. NBC oadcast the race, and businesses around America scheduled a half day of work... so their employees could hear the call, thanks, in part, to a missive fired by Mr. Howard only the day before. Look, I know this is a fancy track and all, but I think they oughta open up the infield... so normal folks can come see the race. You shouldn't have to be rich to enjoy something like this. Seabiscuit entered the race a two-to-one underdog, but you would never know it from the growing noise in the infield. Get your program.! By the time it was over, more than 40 million Americans... would hear the call. Okay, it's... it's still kinda soggy at the rail, so try to keep him out of there. There's a dry tractor tread about five feet out off the fence. I walked the track this morning. Good. Good. Now, he oughta eak just like we worked on. But, um, there's one more thing. What? Let him catch me on the backstretch? You're not the only one who knows this horse. Safe trip, George. And a short one. Let's go, Sam. Charley! George. Huh. The two jockeys have acknowledged each other. It's a quick hello, like boxers touching gloves. Come on, George. This is no time for small talk. Both the horses are now on the main track, and you can hear the roar from the crowd. There he is! It's Seabiscuit by a nose, now by a head. He's leading War Admiral, pressing on him a neck behind. They fly toward the clubhouse turn. Who will be into it first? It's Seabiscuit, and he was there first and driving for the backstretch.! Now, coming into the backstretch, it's Seabiscuit. Going down the backstretch. Now, back him off, son. Back him off. Back him off. Come on back, George. Come on, come on, come on. Now on the backstretch, Seabiscuit still with the lead. Come on, Georgie. Don't fool around. I sure hope you're right, Red. Here we go. Easy, Pops. Goddamn it, Johnny. It's now War Admiral.! It's War Admiral.! It's Seabiscuit and War Admiral, neck and neck as they go down the backstretch.! Close, Pops. Easy, Pops. That's it. Whoo. It's Seabiscuit. Now War Admiral.! Now Seabiscuit.! Now War Admiral.! Not going now, Pops. Do it. Do it now. Come on, George! - Turn him loose. Turn him loose. - Do it now, George! So long, Charley! Hyah! - Turn him loose! - Here comes Seabiscuit.! It's Seabiscuit going away.! Come on, Biscuit! Yes! Yes! Whoo! Yes! Congratulations. Amazing. Congratulations. Thank you. Iceman, you did it. How does it feel? Well, I just wish my good friend Red Pollard was up here today instead of me. He will be. This concludes our radio oadcast of the race of the century. Now a word from our sponsor, the American Oil Company. Money can't buy a finer motor oil... Easy does it. Watch it. Wa... Watch those wheels. All hail the conquering hero. Yes, folks, he's back. The little engine that could. No more match races for this little pony because, quite frankly, they're all outta matches. Who's he gonna race? Pegasus? I pity these other horses. Heh. When will they know? I don't know. Maybe an hour. I'm not sure. Charles is with the vet right now. Does it hurt when he bends it? 'Cause if it doesn't hurt when he bends it... We don't know anything yet. I'll call you as soon as we do. I promise. All right. He was runnin' easy on me. There was no warning. He's gotta be all right. He's gotta be all right. Mr. Howard. Well, he ruptured a whole ligament. I put a splint on him just to keep him immobilized, but right now he's totally lame. He's not gonna race again. Look, um... I know this is hard, but I'll put him down for you if you want me to. Oh, that's okay, Pops. I'll come to you. Hey. Mmm. See, first you gotta get a little flexibility. Yeah. Then you can put weight on it. Then once you start to put weight on it, the whole leg gets stronger. I know. I know. I'm in a hurry too, Pops. But you know what Hadrian said about Rome. Brick by ick, my citizens. Brick by ick. See, they're Arabians, so they don't need to drink. These horses can go five or six days... without a drop of water, like a camel. Oh. I'm not sayin' that's what you should do. I'm just saying that's what they do. Oh, good idea. Take a little rest. I don't know, Red. We're just gonna walk in a circle. You think the leg will hold you? Horse weighs 1,200 pounds, Sam. I'm an afterthought. No, I mean your leg. Here comes Seabiscuit charging down the lane, picking off competition one by one. He's third! Now second! Now first! And it's Seabiscuit at the wire... to win the Santa Anita Handicap with Red Pollard aboard! Yes! Nice. What? Whoa! Whoa, Pops. Easy. Whoa. Wow. Wow, Pops. You feel better, don't you, boy? It's okay, Sam. I'm just gonna mow the lawn a little bit. Fine with me, Red. Way to go! All right. Looking good. Yeah, you're great, man! Whoo! Is it even possible? Sure. Most folks don't give it a chance. Most folks just... The best thing to do is get him down there and let him gallop a little. - That's the only way we're really gonna know. - Can he handle that? Sure. I mean, I-I think so. He worked great. I couldn't feel a thing. Why don't we give him a full work on Friday morning. Maybe six furlongs. See what we got. Sure. I'll be here. Thanks, George. You're welcome. Comin' along. Could he be ready? For what? Come on. You know what. Top of the morning to you. That's, uh... That's a nice colt. Who is he? Just a two-year-old. He's not ready yet. Ah. I thought maybe you were getting a horse ready for the hundred grander. No. Just a two-year-old. Hair of the dog. You been here long? No. Just got here. Catching up on my reading. Well, I'm sure I'll see you soon. Okeydokey. - Stop the presses! Stop the presses! This isn't a scoop, folks. This is three scoops with hot fudge and a cherry on top. And throw in some nuts, 'cause this little horse drives me crazy! Guess who may be working six furlongs next Friday. Guess who may be shooting for the Big 'Cap. Oh, my! Saints alive! You guessed it. Man, oh, man! Did you ever guess it! A minute-12, minute-13. Something like that. He starts to labor, just slow it down. Try and see how he feels... Oh, oh. Whoa, whoa. Got you. That's all right, Pops. That's okay, boy. That's okay. Come here. It's okay. And this, the most unkindest cut of all. Red. Red, let me talk to you. Talk to me? You can't... Red! You can't do it! You could be crippled for the rest of your life. I was crippled for the rest of my life. I got better. He made me better. Hell, you made me better. Jesus Christ. Red... And that's as much my horse as it is yours. That's pretty quick. Goddamn it. It's up to him, Red. Yeah, but if he says that I can't... He's the doctor. It's up to him. You made this? Mm-hmm. Yeah. It... It wraps around my riding boot, fasten it all the way up the calf. Right. I barely feel anything in the stirrups. Look, it could shatter at any moment, even right now. Forget about racing. You see that right there? That's barely healed. There's no way to know how much weight it could hold under stress. If it gets reinjured, it's possible he could never walk again. Possible. He just said it was possible. Well, hell, anything's possible. We proved that already, didn't we? This is different. Yeah! This is really different. It's not just a race. It's the Santa Anita. I had that race. I was there. I know. If I had a million dollars What's going on? Well, even... even with the ace, it'll barely hold him. If he gets bumped, if he gets jostled... Do you want to know what I think? Of course. I think it's better to eak a man's leg than his heart. It's not just the leg. It's not! Okay. Mar, he could fall. He could get trampled. If he gets thrown from that horse... He could die? You know, I play with this thing all the time too. And no matter how hard I try, I can't get that damn ball to stay in the hole. It always rolls out again. Just let him ride, Charles. Just let him do it. Jumpin' Jehoshaphat, I could handle one comeback, but this is ridiculous. Who's next... Lazarus? Oh, the heroism, the madness, the excitement. The largest crowd ever to see a race at Santa Anita! Fifty-five thousand in the stands, 20,000 in the infield, and it's only 12:00! It's not bad. St. Christopher. For luck. A little late for that, don't you think? All right. Let's go win us a race. Ready? Yup. Whichcee's the speed. He's gonna be out on the lead, but... I don't think he'll handle the distance. Just stalk him like always. Right. Wedding Call could make a late run. Now, he's got some guts, so look out for him too. Won't make that mistake again. Relax, guys. It's gonna be fine. Okay. Charles, it's gonna be great. Thank you, Frank. Hope so. Bless you. Good luck, Mr. Howard. Thank you. Good luck. You're lookin' good. Well, I feel fine. Relax. Buy you a couple of drinks, huh? That's a good idea. Who you bettin'on? Hey, old man. What are you doing here? Got another mount. Just 'cause I'm not riding him doesn't mean I'm gonna sit it out. Don't worry. I don't stand a chance. I'll see you at the finish. Aaah. Aaah. Come on, boy. Come on. Come on! Hyah! Come on! Go! - How you doin', Red? - Georgie. You guys all right? There you go, boy. There it is. Have a nice ride, Johnny. Come on, Pops. Ha.! Ha.! Go on with it, Johnny! Go on! Come on, Red! Whoo-hoo! There it is, boy. Come on, Biscuit! You know, everybody thinks we found this oken-down horse and fixed him, but we didn't. He fixed us. Every one of us. And I guess, in a way, we kind of fixed each other too. Subtitle ripped By Grupo Utopia www. grupoutopia. cjb. net If I had a million dollars I know just what I would do I'd tie a string around the world And ing all of it to you Those little things you pray for Whatever they may be I'd have enough to pay for them all C.O.D. If I spent a million dollars I know I would never care Because as long as you were mine I'd still be a millionaire That's why I'm always dreaming Dreaming of what I would do If I had a million dollars For you
No, no! Stop, stop! Cut it out! Stop! - What's the matter? - Nothing. I just haven't seen you laugh like this in a long time. That's... it's nice. I miss it. I miss it, too. We're gonna work this out, right? Trevor, I hope it's everything you want it to be. It will be. It will be. Oh, shit! Calm down. Trevor! Trevor! Help me! Somebody! No! No! No! No! It's nice to see you again. It's okay, Trevor. You're safe now. Where's Kirsty? Where's my wife? This should help you relax. Just relax, okay? Trevor? Trevor! Trevor. Wake up, Trevor. - It's imperative that you stay calm. - As you can see... the thinnest layer of cortex separates the part of the ain... that feels pleasure from the part of the ain that feels pain. Over the course of this procedure... I will be triggering memories, disrupting the unconscious. So our patient may experience some distress. - What are you people doing to me? - Now just relax, Trevor. We're helping you. Helping you remember. Welcome back. How are those headaches? Any change in the intensity? Oh, man, what happened? - My name is Allison. - You a dream too, Allison? - Still hallucinating, huh? - No, I was there before. It looked like a dream, but it just felt so... Real? Yeah. It's probably the morphine, Trevor. We're going to run tests to pinpoint what's causing your headaches. With the kind of head trauma you suffered... you're lucky to be here at all. - I wanna see you through this. - I'm gonna take your word on it. Hello, Trevor, back again, huh? - What seems to be the trouble? - He's complaining of headaches... blackouts, hallucinations, acute memory loss. - I recommend that we admit him. - I don't see any abnormalities. Time to ween you off those painkillers. Wouldn't want you getting hooked. Start coming to the hospital for getting a fix. We can't have that. I'm going to release you. Save this bed for someone who needs it. Hey, Doc, where's Kirsty? Where's my wife? That's what I'd like to know. I knocked. What do you mean she's missing? Oh, it's not like we're going to stop looking, Mr. Gooden. - I don't give up that easy. - Well... what if I took you back there, you know, and walked you through it? We've done that already. Over a month ago. What? You sure you're okay to drive? Look, obviously I caught you at a bad time. Go home... get some rest. You look like hell warmed over. Thanks. Oh, one more thing. You said you tried to pull her out of the passenger side... but the door was locked, right? Well, that's strange. Because report says... the doors were open when the car was pulled from the river. I... Maybe she unlocked them, you know, swam out. Maybe. I'll double check, could be their bad. Anyway, gotta run. We'll talk soon. You sure I can't give you a lift? Suit yourself. Do you mind turning that down? Right, ah... the music, just mind turning that down? Why don't you come to bed? Hey, turn off the light. - I love you. - I love you too. Well, well, well, look who decided to show up today. Bankers hours. Must be nice, huh? Hey, what happened to you yesterday? Boss came by looking for you after you left. She didn't look happy. Hey, I got a... You got a piece of ass, didn't you? That's why you didn't come back from lunch. We'll call it a... personal day, okay? Right, look, forget I said anything, okay? Just... get some numbers going, any numbers at all will do. Hills have eyes, remember? We're all here for you, Trev. I can see into your soul. Hey! 65 of all headaches are due to low blood sugar levels, Trev. Yeah. Grab yourself a cookie. Come on! Now what? See anything you like? Well, do you? Come on, speak up. I'm trying to run a business here. Right, I'm sorry. I was just kind of spaced for a second. - Well, don't let it happen again. - Right. - I may have to get rough with you. - What? I know what you like. Come on, Trevor. - It's me, Gwen. - It's just moving a little too fast. Don't tell me Mr. Mario Andretti is giving me a speeding ticket. Hey, wait, my wife just died, you know. We can... I know. It's perfect. Oh, yeah. That's it, Trevor. - What the hell are we doing? - Nothing we haven't done before. We'll pick this up later. Now get some fucking work done. We're watching you. Oh, my God. Oh, yeah. That's it, Trevor. Oh, yeah. That's it, Trevor. - Oh, yeah. That's it, Trevor. - What the fuck? Hello? Trevor, this is Detective Lange. It's about your wife. Trevor, are you there? Hello? Trevor? Thank you for coming down, Trevor. - How's that head of yours feeling? - It's a lot better, thanks. We still haven't been able to locate your wife. Although Missing Persons turned up some evidences that suggest... ...foul play may have been involved. - Foul play, what? For one thing. There were no skid marks on the idge. The tires were all intact, and from what we can tell... there's nothing wrong. The car was driven off the idge intentionally. I just, I just lost control. And I swerved. We went off the idge. I tried to get her out, but I couldn't... Is there anything that might have happened... just before that accident that you haven't mentioned? Look, I've told you everything I could remember. I'm sorry... Don't take it the wrong way. I'm just a guy trying to do a job here. I mean, between your head injury and... and the fact that you're still on some strong pain medication... you may have forgot something that could help us and... everything you have told us could just be the medication talking. So, we'll be revisiting things a lot around here. No, no, no! Trevor, you still in there? - She was trapped inside. - Well, apparently, she got out. And therein lies a problem. I won't keep you. If we have any more questions... you'll get a call from myself or my partner, Detective Givens. You guys know something that I don't? All things considered, we probably know a lot less than you do. Have a good afternoon, Trevor. Yeah. What's the matter, boy? Shit! What's happening? I did it. Well, what do you think? I was going to get it on my ass, but I thought this was sexier. - Yeah, that's... - I knew you'd like it. You know, I'm sorry, I... I'm having a weird day. - Really weird. - Okay. It's definitely missing a woman's touch that it used to have. Yeah. Well... Well, if you feel like... talking or whatever, you know where I am. - Are you okay? - Not at all. Strange, strange, strange. - How do you feel? - What are you talking about? It's our anniversary, Trevor, it's been five years. - How do you feel? - I feel great. Why wouldn't I? I've got something planned for you. I've been planning it a long time. Planning what? Why don't you just come to bed, Trev? Please? First things first. I have a little gift for you. Something to remind you just how much you mean to me. I can't believe you got me a present. It's beautiful! - Where did you get this? - See if you can open it, Kirsty. I can't believe you got me a present. You wrapped this yourself? Hello? Hello? - Miss me? - You scared the shit out of me. What's this? This innocent bit is getting a little old. Don't you think? Sit. Don't make me beat you. Where is it? Where's what? You'd usually have it up and running by now. Oh, yeah. You're a bad boy, huh? Yeah, that's the Trevor I know. Get off me. Come on, get up, get up. - You're kidding me. - No, I'm not. You have definitely got a screw loose. You can say good-bye to that promotion. That's it, Trevor. That's a good boy. Oh, that's a good boy. I know what you like. Oh, Trevor! Oh, yeah. That's it. Yeah! Come on, Trevor. We're all here for you, Trevor. Hey, little boy, do you like what you see? That's it, Trevor. That's perfect, Trevor. Yeah. - Gwen! No! - Trevor! Trevor! Help! Help! Gwen! Gwen. Help me! Help me! No! No! Must be nice. - What? - Getting paid for doing shit. You don't understand. I've got some seriously weird shit going on. The accident fucked you more than I thought. Hey, you know what? I'm gonna hook you up, man. She'll take one look at you and know exactly... what you need. And look busy, all right? Anybody seen Gwen? Just relax. Let the needles connect to your soul. These headaches you've been getting. Do they happen in conjunction with the hallucinations? Sort of. My head's been in constant pain ever since the accident. And it seems to increase whenever I get those, you know... - Dreams? - No, more like nightmares, really. - It just seems so real. - That's your subconscious talking. It's trying to tell you something about your waking life. So, what's the mirror for? To help you look into your soul. I can see into your soul. You feel desperate. Trapped by a wife who suffocates you with forgiveness. You're looking for a way out. - Yeah. - Something final. Without remorse. Without regret. Wherever there is hate, violence, depravity... a door will always be found. This musical puzzle... created by a Frenchman, named Lemarchand. It is a means to eak the surface of the real. Which do you find more exhilarating, Trevor? The pain or the pleasure? Personally I prefer pain. Is there something wrong? No. No, I'm okay. Should I get that for you? - Hello? - Detective Givens, Lange's partner. I don't understand. How can this be a homicide when there's no murder? The last time anybody saw her, she was alive. You think she's dead. Hey, Detective. I saw my wife drown in our car. Yeah. Right. I've done my homework on you. You are smart with numbers, aren't you? - Where are you going with this? - How many zeros... was your wife's worth? - We had nothing. - No, you had nothing. She had a nice little inheritance stashed away for a rainy day. I'm sorry, what? Don't play fucking stupid with me. Kirsty's father and Uncle Frank... had several sizable financial holdings when they passed away... under some rather unusual circumstances. You know, I don't know. Kirsty never liked to talk about her past. Well, maybe that's because she didn't really trust you. It seems that she's the sole beneficiary, so if Kirsty's dead... like you seem so fucking certain... well, then I guess it all... it all goes to you, Trev. I swear to God, man. I don't know anything about that. My partner... Detective Lange, he's softer around the heart than I am. Me... I'm hard. When I get a feeling about something, I'm usually right. I get a bad feeling about you, Trev. Real bad. You're obsessed with that thing. God forbid you let one event go... unrecorded. Come to bed. Please? Please. It's our anniversary, Trevor, come on. First things first. Just like I thought. Nothing. Hey. - Hey. - Can I... borrow something? - Yeah, sure. What do you want? - You. You know, I'm feeling kind of weird here, you know? God! It's getting hot in here, you know? You are being kind of... weird. It's almost like... Almost somebody else. Tie me up. Come here. Come on. That's it. All problems solved. Oh, man, you're... I have some serious space issues. What did you want? Right. We need to talk, you know, about what we did last night. - What? - Who the fuck is it? - Who's in there with you? - Are you having a nervous eakdown? Hey. What can we do for you, chief? Who are you? If you know Tawny, you better know me, pal. I'm sorry. It's my mistake. Talk to you later. Let's make it much later. Get in. Hey, we're not in right now. Leave a message after the beep. Thanks. This is Detective Lange. We need to talk as soon as possible. There's been an interesting twist in the puzzle. I'm telling you right now. Sure as I am standing here. - No. I'm not concealing. Why? - It's done. What are you doing to find my wife? Well, I can assure you we're doing everything in our power to find her. This investigation is gonna take some time. I need your cooperation. What about that message you left on my answering machine? What's your relationship with Gwen Stevens? What? Yeah, thanks. So that's all for me? - She was my boss. - And that's it? Yeah, that's it. - What did he tell you? - Nothing. We leave no stone unturned around here, Trevor. - You think I did it. - Hey, I'm on your side here. Would you please tell me what the fuck is going on? I wish I knew. Yeah, I bet. Once you choose to open the box and unleash its power... there is no returning. Now, are you willing to pay the price? No, the price is far greater. But you'll learn that. They all do. Hey. - You okay? - Yeah. I was just, you know... Can I get you anything? No, no. I'm okay. You okay? I don't know, Allison, I think I really screwed everything up. Come on, Trevor, you can't blame yourself. I miss her. I miss my wife. Sounds like you're remembering more and more. That's a good thing, Trevor. Maybe you're not the angel that you thought you were. Come on, you're going to get through this, Trevor. Hey, Bret. Come here. - We need to talk. - Look, I'm really, really busy. I've got a stack of reports due by 3. The suits are all over my ass. - What did you tell the police? - Nothing they didn't already know. - What's that supposed to mean? - I didn't tell them anything new. Hey, Bret, why don't you help me out here, man? I think I did it. - Did what? - Killed Kirsty. I've got a report to do. - Let's make yourself at home. - Oh, I already have. Oh, yes. Why are you here, Detective? We found this curious object not too far from the site of the accident. No prints. Forensics scraped a little dark residue that was caked on it. Wanna take a guess what they found? Ah, no, but something tells me that you're gonna tell me. Blood, Trevor. Match the one we took from your car. Can you tell me anything about it? I... it... It looks familiar. Like most things. I think it was in the car. Gee, you think so? Think about it, Trevor. Give me something to go on here. I've got Givens ready to drag you in today on murder charges. Help me get him off my back. Off your back. It was an accident, Detective. Just like I've been saying all along. Somebody's got to believe me. - I believe you, Trevor. - Damn. But so far, I'm the only one who does. Hey. Look, I'm sorry, okay? We need to talk. - What's up? - It's getting weird around here. I quit, today's my last day. I figured it was the perfect time... to say fuck you to the morons around here, make a serious change. Oh, well, Bret, that's... Look, I know you got your golden egg all lined up and that's cool. But the rest of us got to make some hay for ourselves, 'cause frankly... this job ain't paying the bills anymore. We're not drinking from the cash cow like your wife was. What are you talking about? - What am I talking about? - Yeah. The money. Don't play stupid. Her inheritance. I'm talking about the plan. - Let's get out of here. - Wait. Bret. - What did you tell Lange? - Come on, Trev, what the hell's... No, no, no! Did you tell him about Gwen? About the inheritance? I didn't tell them anything. We're all here for you, Trev. I trusted you, goddamn it! How could you do this to us? God! Shit. Jesus, buddy, are you all right? - Shit, I got to go, man. - Well, let me give you... a ride. Yeah, hello. Hi. I'd like to speak to Doctor Allison Dormere. Hello. Yeah, hi. What do you mean she's not there? She's always there. She's a resident. All right. Can you please help me find her? Please. Hello? Damn it. There's no physical explanation for these headaches of yours, Trevor. Your body's completely healed. If there's any pain in your head... it's in your head. Your soul is locked up inside you. And you need to free it, Trevor. You blocked yourself from the healing process. We need to do that. Heal your soul. The only way to do that is to give in utterly. Do you know what I mean by giving in? No. It's about trust. Do you trust me implicitly? I don't know what's real... and what isn't real anymore. How can I trust anybody? You can trust me. Surrender yourself to your past. It's the only way you can become whole again. Are you willing to partake? Can you hear me? Just nod. You know where you are? Ambulance. - You remember what happened? - Some woman on top of me... ...naked, trying to kill me. - Ah, yeah, not quite that good. You were riding on a bus, and then you just collapsed on the floor. - You remember riding on a bus now? - No. Maybe. Hello, Trevor. Well, what did you do this time? Oh, yeah, a couple of stitches will fix that right up. Hey, where's Allison? Yeah, Allison Dormere. She's a resident here. We don't have any resident called Allison. My nurse will numb this up. I'll get right back to you. It's imperative that you stay calm. This might sting a little. - Just relax. Remember, we're all... - Here for you. Go ahead, say it. I'm tired of this shit. Tired of all you people. Okay, you caught me. At least let me finish. I got one puff left. Knock yourself out. Trevor, I heard you were looking for me. Is everything all right? Allison, hey. No. I'm not all right. Look, I think I've done some very... very bad things. Everybody does things they regret. It's part of life. Until now you couldn't remember parts of your past, and... now they're hitting you all at once. It's a shock to the system. You can't undo your past. You're going to have to confront it. And it frightens me to think that I can't be there for you when you do. - Hey, buddy? - I was thinking I was going insane. - Hey, buddy. - What? Who the hell are you talking to? - What have you done? - What's your relationship with Gwen? I know about Gwen and the others. What the fuck...? Where are you? What have you done to me? Fuck. What the fuck is happening to me? Where are you, goddamn it? Poor Trevor. Who are you? Still in the dark? - This game is over. Do you hear me? - Oh, I hear everything. And soon you will know everything. Much more than you want. I guarantee it. What is this? Why are you doing this to me? Is it so difficult to face your demons? No. None of this is real. - You're not real. - Oh, but I'm afraid I am. You can't run from your past. You killed them. You killed Kirsty. You killed Gwen... and the others. You killed them... and now you're trying to pin it on me. The killer is amongst us, yes. Fuck! God damn it! Where have you been, Trev? I've been looking all over for you. Jesus, what are you doing? Put that thing away. Tonight was supposed to be the night, Trev, remember? Right, you don't remember anything. Let me remind you about your plan. We kill Kirsty, make it look like a suicide, you get all her money... we split it 50/50. But none of that's gonna happen now, is it? You had to go solo with your car accident bit. You fucked it all up. What were you thinking, Trev? That I'd forget about our deal? - I don't know... - What you're talking about. I know. Got to tell you, the amnesia routine is starting to get a little old. Lange's on to you. It's a matter of time before he's on to me. I don't want to spend the rest of my life in prison. I'd rather spend it in hell. With you. Bret, what did you do? No, you're not real. Get out of my head! Sage. Sage. Trevor. - You don't understand. I didn't... - Save it. You don't need to say a thing. No, I say... You don't... You have the right to remain in silence. What's going on here, Detective? You can't believe that I did this. Detective, believe me, I didn't do what you think I did, please. Relax, Trevor. Let's get to the bottom of this once and for all. You want to tell me exactly what happened back there... or should we just play the head game a little longer? Okay, we'll do it your way. This is Lange. Really? Well, I got him sitting right in front of me now. Yes. Yes. I hear you. Thank you. Well, one thing's for sure. This ain't your lucky day. They found the body this morning in the river. They're inging it into the morgue now, so you can identify it. Is it my wife? Stay put. You know, I had you pegged for bad the minute I laid eyes on you. Now, I want you to tell me everything you remember happening. Exactly the way you told Lange. But I want you to make one... ...minor adjustment. - What's that? Don't fucking lie to me. I just want to see my wife. I just want to see my wife. I thought I asked you to stay put. Each killed with a single gunshot wound to the head. Tortured, then shot. We find the gun... we find the killer. This way. Sick motherfucker! Get off me! They're gonna fry your ass, motherfucker! I'm gonna strangle your fucking neck! - You've got quite the fan club. - Please, don't. I didn't do it. I swear, I didn't do it. Please! Here we go. Just about there. Thanks. What are you... what are you doing? I thought you believed me. Believe? Here's what I believe, Trevor. I believe you and me have a lot in common. I believe each of us are the sum of two... entirely different people. No. I know who I am. And I'm not a killer. Denial to the end. That's what I like about you, kid! Good and bad, Trevor. Honest, dishonest. Righteous and evil. That's how we're all made. A little of both. It's just a question of how much... of each. And we're made up of just the right parts of both. A little heavier on the evil, huh? It's all good, Trev. It's all good! Kirsty? It seems you've reached the end of your journey. I told you you couldn't run from your past forever. Eventually it catches up to you. And you must atone. And now... it is time for you to pay the price. You were willing to pay the price, weren't you? - I just want to see my wife. - In time. - Let me see my wife. - I said in time! All problems solved? Not so simple, I'm afraid. I needed first to open the door for you. You were an interesting study. Lust, greed, deception, fertile ground... but rather mundane. Let us take one final journey together. Let me help you remember. Once and for all. What have you done? It's just a puzzle. Open it up. I trusted you. I trusted you, goddamn it! How could you do this to us? - You told me you loved me! - Just open the fucking box. We were uninvited guests at your little cele ation. Is this what you want? Unseen by you. I hope it's everything you want it to be. I used you, Trevor. You were nothing more than bait. To lure a far more interesting creature. Kirsty. We meet again. - How did you find me? - You opened the door long ago. And it will not be closed until I get what I came for. My soul. No! You solved the puzzle. You unleashed the power. There is no turning back. I will not rest... until I get what I want. And what I want is you. You always knew this day was coming. Felt it deep within your soul. Wait! Wait. What if I make you a deal? Interesting. I will ing you five souls in exchange for mine. You would ing them to me yourself? You'll get your five. I was impressed with her handiwork. Three of your favorite companions most supple and delicious. And the man with whom you once conspired to kill Kirsty. They are all with me now. The balance is only four souls... and that, as you now know, was not our contract. You have seen many things that you'll wish you had not. All those women... in our home, in my bed. Many nightmares from which you will never awake. - Oh, Kirsty, come on... - Don't you lie to me! Don't! We can make it work and put the pieces back together. Believe me. I am done believing! I trusted you! I can't believe this shit is happening. I have a fucking deal. No, you had a deal. But I made a better offer. And guess what? - He took it. - Welcome... to the worst nightmare of all. Reality. Fuck. I'm the fifth soul. Yeah, that's him. Okay, people, that's it. He just shot himself. Next thing I knew, we were in the water, I couldn't see anything. - I lost him. - You did what you could. - I'm sorry. - It just doesn't make any sense. That he would be capable of murder. We found the gun in your car. It appears to be the same. If it matches, I think we may have found our killer. Wait a minute, guys, before you zip him up. Not your lucky day, was it? Check the oral cavity for blockages? What have we got here? And we have a winner. Okay, zip it up. We'll finish at the morgue. Wait, wait. Sorry I had to leave you like that for a minute, Trev. I'm back. Can you hear me, Trevor? Jesus, Allison. What possesses you to talk to cadavers? What if there's no afterlife? Wouldn't you want someone to talk to you like a normal human being? You're creeping me out. And I'm the coroner. I've arranged a ride home for you, so I guess you're free to go. Thank you, Detective. For everything. Ah, one more thing. I wonder if you know anything about this. We found it in the car. Yeah. It was my anniversary gift. You know, I was gonna turn it in as evidence. But I'll tell you what. Why don't you take it home? Something to remember him by. Of course. Thank you.
My mommy always said there were no monsters. No real ones. But there are. We've seen no additional defects. - She's perfect. - Mm-hmm. - Careful. - Two centimeters. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Ready with that amnio. - Oh. - And... there it is. Oh! No. Be careful. Jesus. Clamp it. What about her? Can we keep her alive? How's the host? Doing well. Sew her back up. Excellent work, everybody. And how is our Number Eight today? Appears to be in good health. - Hmm? How good? - Excellent... as in completely off our projected charts. Look at the scar tissue. - See the recession? - This is from three days ago? - Exactly. - Oh, this is good. This is very good. You're gonna make us all very proud. Don't! I'm all right. Now try this. - Hand. - Close. Glove. Number Eight? Fruit. - Good. Cherries. - It's unprecedented. Totally. She's operating... at a completely adult capacity. - What about her memories? - There are gaps. And some degree of synaptic dissonance. She's freaked. It has connective difficulties... caused by a biochemical imbalance, causing emotional autism. - Certain reactions... - All right, wait a second! Ithas memories. Why does ithave memories? Well, I'm guessing, but... inherited memories passed down generationally at a genetic level... by the aliens, like its strength. Plus a, uh, highly evolved form of instinct. An unexpected benefit from the genetic crossing. Oh, ho, ho, ho, ho. I see. Stupid me. Of course. An unexpected benefit of the genetic process. Oh! And I didn't even think of that! Let's try this one. Ripley? Ripley, what is it? Ripley? Ripley? You're not thinking termination? Oh, boy, am I thinking termination. General, we do not perceive this to be a problem. Ellen Ripley died trying to wipe this species out. For all intents and purposes, she succeeded. I'm not anxious to see her taking up her old hobbies. - That won't happen. - We won't tell her. Oh, I see. And that's supposed to comfort me? Identification, please. Please try again. Thank you, General Perez. Bottom line is, she looks at me funny one time... I'm putting her down. Okay, as far as I'm concerned, Number Eight... is a meat... by-product. Her Majesty here is the real payoff. When does she start producing? Days. Less, maybe. - We need the cargo. - I told you, it's on its way. Fork. - Fuck. - It's-It's fork. How did you... How did... we get you? Yes. Hard work. We used blood samples... from Fiori Sixteen on ice... where you died. We've remade you. We cloned you. Fiori Sixteen. Does that ring a bell? Are you remembering something? - Does it grow? - Yeah. Very rapidly. It's a queen. How did you know that? She'll eed. You'll die. Everyone in the company will die. In the... In the... In the company? Weyland Yutani. Ripley Eight's former employers. Terran growth conglomerate. They had... defense contracts under the military. They went under decades ago, Gediman. Way before your time. Bought out by Wal-Mart. Fortunes of war. I think you will find that, uh... things have changed a great deal since your time. I doubt that. We're not flying blind here, you know. It's United Systems Military, not some greedy corporation. Oh. Well, it won't make any difference. You're still gonna die. How do you feel about that? I wish you could understand what we're trying to do here. The potential for this species goes way beyond urban pacification. New alloys, new vaccines. Nothing like this we've ever seen on any world before. You should be very proud. Oh. I am. And the animal itself... wondrous. The potential, unbelievable, once we've tamed him. Roll over. Play dead. - Heel. - Mm-hmm. You can't teach it tricks. Why not? We're teaching you. Hey, son, I'll give you my authorization code. It's E-A-T-M-E. I'm sorry, sir. Could you repeat that? Little prick. You know... no matter how many times you see it... the sight of a woman all strapped up in a chair like that just... - What? - Just ing us in on a 3-0 descent, would you? - And ride the parallel. - Darlin', it is done. Good girl. You, uh, want anything there, Trigger? Mmm. Yeah. How 'bout a cup of coffee? Anything else, while your mouth's warm, I mean? Little milk. Hey, don't cut thrust till about 600 meters... and we'll give 'em a little scare. Vriess. Call. Lock down. We're gonna dock. - Hey, Call? - Yep? What has two thumbs, one eye... a pink tongue... and screws like a god? What? Two thumbs, one eye, a pink tongue... and screws like a god? What? Hey. Time to enjoy some of the general's hospitality, Christie. Great. Army food. Yeah. It'll do till we get the family wagon up to spec, I reckon. - Yeah. - That is if the natives are friendly. - How's that? - Good. We expecting any, uh, trouble? Nah. From Perez, I doubt it. But you never know. We've been there before. What is wrong with you? Just a little target practice. Vriess isn't complaining. Goddamn it! Johner, you son of a bitch! Come on, man. You didn't feel a thing. You are an in ed motherfucker, you know that? I'll take the knife back now. Whoa. Call, forget it. He's been sucking down too much home ew. The knife. Son of a bitch! Don't push me, little Call. If you hang with us for a while... you'll find out I am not the man with whom to fuck! It's about time we start associating with a better class of people. I am Father. Welcome to the U.S.M. Auriga. Step forward for contraband and weapons search. Please report any infectious diseases... to the medical officers. - Levels seven through twelve are off-limits to civilians. Thank you for your cooperation. Go. - Put your hands up, please, sir. - What? Could you get your hands up, please? There are no weapons allowed on board, sir. My own recipe. Way more dangerous. Nice welcome, Perez. What the hell is this? What, are you afraid the six of us are gonna hijack your damn ship or what? Just a minor concern that one of your asshole crew members... is gonna get drunk and put a bullet through the hull. We happen to be in space, Elgyn. No shit. How you been? Wanna check the chair? - Elgyn, these were very, very hard to come by. So was our cargo. You're, uh, not about to plead poverty on me, are you, General? Just saying very few people deal in cash nowadays. Just the ones don't like to keep business records. - Yourself, for example. - Drink, Elgyn? Constantly. Now, I'm gonna take a wild guess here, General... but I'm thinking whatever you got going on here... it ain't exactly approved by Congress. Who's the... new filly you got on board, Elgyn? Call. Little girl playing pirates. She makes an impression. She is severely fuckable, ain't she? Mighty handy with a monkey wrench too, I might add. I think Vriess's got a bit of a light in his eye for her. Fine little ass like that'd make a man walk. You know what I mean? Mind you, uh, I think she's just a tad curious... about, uh, this transaction of ours. I mean, I can't say as I blame her. It's awfully cloak-and-dagger stuff. It's a military operation. - Really? - Mm-hmm. Correct me if I'm wrong, but, uh... I was under the impression that, uh... most army medical labs don't have to operate outside of regulated space. - What do you want, Elgyn? What can I do for you? - Me? - Yeah. - Oh, two days bed and board. You know, Vriess might wanna snag a part here or there, whatever. I mean, uh, if it's not imposing. I don't see any problem. - Couple of conditions, though. - Ah. Conditions? Not you... nor any of your... formidable crew members... will go anywhere near restricted areas. Rule number two: No trouble. - Good behavior. - Good behavior. - No fights. - No fights. - No fights. - No fights. Mi casa es su casa. Please direct cargo to med lab center, area G. Follow the lit path. Do not deviate. Cargo status... stable. Life-forms intact. Stasis uninterrupted. Med lab center is off-limits to civilians. Thank you. - Oh. - Hey. Chill. - Oh, please. - You know I can't lay off the tall ones. How you doin'? How about a little one-on-one? What do you say? You got some moves on you, girl. Oh, man. Mm-hmm. Well, if you don't wanna play basketball, I know some other indoor sports. Come on, now. Give me the ball. Oh, God! Okay, I got a new game. Tag! Ripley? Ripley. You've had enough fun. What the hell are you? Something of a predator, isn't she? Yes, she continues to make us all very proud. We're coming up on just one minute and 30 seconds left... to order this one-of-a-kind collector's item. Jesus Christ, Johner, what do you put in this shit, battery acid? Just for color. So, we're a fast learner. This is a really good show, man. It's from the Gut Cutter's Cele ation Collection... makers of premier knives and edgeware. The knife features a stainless steel blade... perfect for any use in hunting or in the home. The pro handle is made from authentic antique plywood... and stained in illiant colors for an uncanny charm. Hey, man, that shit is not easy to come by! Why don't you take a walk outside? Great! - I'm so sorry. - Now I smell like this shit! Lfbitches can't handle this shit... bitches should stay away from this shit! Identification, please. Please try again. Please try again. Thank you, General Perez. Well? You gonna kill me, or what? There's no point, is there? They've taken it out of you. Where is it? Is it on the ship? You mean my baby? I don't get it. If they took it out... why are they keeping you alive? Well, they're curious. I'm the latest thing. Look... I can make it all stop. The pain, this nightmare. That's all I can offer you. What makes you think... I would let you do that? Who are you? Ripley, Ellen, Lieutenant First Class... number 3-6-7-0-6. Ellen Ripley died 200 years ago. You're not her. I'm not her. Who am I? You're a thing, a construct. They grew you in a fucking lab. And now they ought it out of you. Not all the way out. I can feel it... behind my eyes. I can hear it moving. You gotta help me stop this thing before it gets loose. It's too late. You can't stop it. It's inevitable. Not as long as I'm around. You'll never get out of here alive. I don't care. Really? I can make it stop. Go on. Get out of here. They're looking for you. I think you're gonna find that this was very ill-advised. - Where are her friends? - They're in the mess hall, sir. Well, you find them, now. Quietly. What the hell is going on here? Smells like a double-cross, boss. Where's the other one? With the chair? Don't ever touch me! Ever! You wanna tell us what this is? - You wanna tell me who you're workin' for? - What? - Wren, they got nothing to do with this. - To do with what? Do you know what the penalties for terrorist activity are? No goddamn terrorists on my crew. Call, there something you wanna tell me? I don't care whether you knew or not. You ought a terrorist on board a military vessel. And as far as I am concerned, you all die with her! Do you understand? Yeah. I understand. Christie. Freeze! Stop! Drop your weapons! And you! Drop that piece of shit, or I blow his head off! - Can't do that, man. - Drop it, now! - Can't do that. They're attached to me. - I'm not fucking with you! You're all under arrest for a code eight, which is concealed weapons... and a code twelve, which is murder! - Release Dr. Wren! - Kiss my ass. Put down your weapons and assume the fucking... Everybody okay? Real easy, soldier boy. - Security! - Get up! There is a serious problem in the mess hall. You lie to me now, little girl... I will cut your throat and leave you here to die, you understand me? - This is Security, section two. We do not read you. - Hello? Goddamn it! - We do not copy you. Please repeat. - Hello? Gediman! He's conducting illegal experiments. He is eeding some sort of... - Ice the goddamn mole! - Listen to me! He is eeding an alien species. More than dangerous. If those things get loose... it's gonna make the Lacerta Plague look like a fucking square dance! Shut up! Listen. Your attention, please. Security each, med lab, level fifteen. Go. Let's get back to the Betty. Doctor and soldier boy here can see us to the door. - What about Vriess? - Fuck Vriess. Your attention, please. Unauthorized opening of cage three. Unauthorized opening of cages five... seven, eight, ten... - Move it! - Evacuation. - Go! Go now! - Evacuation. This is not a drill. - Evacuation. - Go! Get on board! Your attention, please. Nonhuman presence detected... levels 21, 23... 27, 14... level 38, level 39. Evacuation. Proceed to lifeboats. This is not a drill. Thank you for your cooperation. I'll give you holes, you slimy bastard! Move it! Let's go! Final lifeboat ready for launch. - Get aboard! Go! Complete evacuation now. Grenade. Alert. Alert. Evacuation incomplete. Civilian presence detected in area H. Warning. Main vessel declared uninhabitable. Elgyn, come on. Let's move, man. Yeah. Elgyn? Elgyn, where are you? Elgyn, where are you? Elgyn? Elgyn! - God. Elgyn? - Elgyn? Elgyn! Elgyn! Easy, Hillard! Christie, give me a hand here! - Get him up! - Give me a hand here! - Come on! Let's get him up! - Move out of the way! - No! - Ah, shit. - What the fuck did this? - What's in this place? - Call, get down! - What the fuck is that? - Don't shoot! It's in front of the hull! What is that? - Come on, man. Time to go. Time to go! - Get back! Damn! Call, time to go! Come on, Call! Get the goddamn door open! We can't open it! We can't open the door! - We gotta go back! - I'm not going back! You go back! What the fuck? Was it everything you hoped for? Leave him alone! What do we do now, man? - Same thing we're doin'. We get the hell outta here! - What if there's more? I say we stay here, man. Let the army guys deal. Where the fuck are the army guys? They're dead! Well, then we don't need this asshole anymore. - Step back! - No, you step back! - Stop it! - You got no authority here! Doctor, that thing that killed my partner... - that's your pet science project? - Yes. - Let me do him right now, man! - I should let him do you right now! How many more are there? - How many more are there? - Twelve. - Twelve? - Twelve. Twelve. There'll be more. So... who do I have to fuck to get off this boat? I can get you off. Maybe not the boat, but... - Let's get out of here. - No, wait a second here. She was the host for these monsters. Wren cloned her because she had one inside her. She's not human. She was part ofhis experiment, and she will turn on us in a second. I don't give a shit what she is. She's too much of a risk. We have to leave her. - She comes. - We can't trust her! I don't trust anyone. If we're gonna survive this mess, we all stick together. Agreed? Hillard, we gotta go. It's not over. We gotta get to the Betty. Make a nice souvenir. I can't believe you did that. - Did what? - Killed one of'em. - It's like killing your own kind. - It was in my way. Oh, man! Oh, no. Who were you expecting, Santa Claus? - Thought you were toast for certain, man. Where's Elgyn? Oh, shit. Hey, man, what if we get to the Betty and they're all over it? All the activity's been in the aft sector by the barracks. Why would they move? They won't. If they send anyone out... it'll be, uh, here... where the meat is. Yeah. Well, I say if we wanna make any decent time, I say we ditch the cripple. - No offense, man. - None taken. Nobody is left behind. Not even you, Johner. - What's the quickest way out of here? - After the cooling tower... there's a freight elevator. It runs from the top of the ship down to engineering level one deck. - Take us straight to the dock. - Sounds reasonable. Let's do it. We're moving. - What? - The ship is moving. - I can feel it. - The ship has stealth-run. There's no way you can tell. She's right. The ship's been go since the attack. - That's a standard emergency procedure. - That's right. Any serious problem and the ship autopilots back to home base. And you were planning on letting us know this? Nobody asked. What's home base? Earth. Oh, great. - You bastard. - Earth? I'd rather stay here with the things, man. How long until we get to Earth? - Three hours almost. - We gotta blow the ship. Call, you're not blowing this ship. Not while we're on it, okay? We get out of this shit, you do as you please, all right? Earth, man. What a shithole. It's clear. Hey, Ripley... I heard you, like, ran into these things before. - That's right. - Wow, man. So, like, what did you do? I died. Not that way! Ripley? Ripley, come on. Ripley, we got no time for sightseeing here. Ripley, don't. Kill... me. Kill me.
Don't do what? What's the big deal, man? Fuckin' waste of ammo. Let's go. Must be a chick thing. Am I dreaming, or is this not the shit we ought with us? Yeah, it's the same shit. Stinks in here, man. Let's keep moving. Get away from me! Get away from me! - Get away from me! Get away from me! - Drop the rod, man. - Get away from me! - Do it! - Get away from me. Get away from me. Who are you people? - What's happening here? - Calm down. What's happening here is we're getting the fuck off this ghost ship, okay? Ship? What ship? Where am I? I was in cryo, right? On my way to Xarem, right? Work crew for the nickel refinery, right? I wake up. I know I don't understand. Oh, God, uh, I s... I saw... I saw horrible things. Look, you're coming with us. It's too dangerous for you here. - Leave him. - Fuck you. We're not leaving him here. He's got one inside of him. I can smell it. Inside me? - Inside me? What's inside me? - Hey, man... I don't want one of those things birthing anywhere near my ass. It's a bad risk. - What's inside me? - Look, we can't just leave him here. - I thought you came here to stop them from spreadin'. - What's inside me? - There's got to be a process. Can't you stop it? - Got no time for that. - We can't do it here. The lab is out of order. - What's inside me? I could do him. Back of the head. Painless. It might be the best way. - What's inside me? - No, there's got to be another way. - What if we freeze him? - What's in-fuckin'- side me? The parasite! Foreign element. There's a monster in your chest. These guys hijacked your ship... and they sold your cryo tube... to this human... and he put an alien inside of you. It's a really nasty one. And in a few hours, it's gonna burst its way through your rib cage... and you're gonna die. Any questions? Who are you? I'm the monster's mother. Look, he comes with us, we freeze him on the Betty... - Then the doctor can remove it later. - Fine with me. - Since when are you in charge? - Since you were born without balls! Ease off, people! All right, you come with us. You might even live. Get twitchy on me, and you'll be shot. Let's move out. It's a mess down there! Is this the only way? Vriess, we gotta lose the chair. I know. Kawlang maneuver, all right? - Yeah, just like old times. - Yeah. Must be the cooling tanks. Somebody must have opened the valves. The nasties couldn't have done this, could they? We're at the bottom of the ship. We have to go through the kitchen, maybe 90 feet... to the freight elevator on the other side. - I don't like it. - What's to like? This sucks! - Wren, are you sure about the distance? - Yes. - You ready to get wet, partner? - Yeah. Hey, uh, do your weapons fire underwater? - Yeah, they're disposables. They can take it. - Disposables? Hey, I heard about those. Yeah. - How many rounds? - Twenty. Split points give you a good hole, even at the smaller caliber. Oh. Hey, that's cool. Yeah. They're big with hitters 'cause you throw 'em away after the job. Nobody likes to throw away a weapon they're attached to. Yeah. Guess I don't have to tell everyone to take a deep eath. Hey, Christie, do me a favor. When we hit the surface on the other side... no backstroke, okay? Jesus Christ! They set a goddamn trap. It's a goddamn ambush! Distephano! It won't eak. Give me your weapon. - You really are way too trusting. - No! No! You killed her! You bastard! I'll get you! Father, lock the door! Christie! Climb! Climb! Come on! Come on! - It's jammed! - Move it! It's jammed! Get off my foot, bitch! Get off me! ! Johner! Get off me! Get off me! ! Johner! Die, motherfucker! Do it, man! ! Real nice party, ain't it? Christie! Christie! Christie! No! Christie! Christie! What are you doing? Don't do it! Don't! We can make it! - No! - ! Damn! This way. Come on! Baby, am I glad to see you. I was sure that asshole got you. Are you hurt? I'm fine. - You got body armor on? - Yeah. Come on. You took it in the chest. I saw it. You're a robot? Son of a bitch! Our little Call is just full of surprises. I should have known. No human being is that humane. I thought synthetics were supposed to be all logical and shit. You're just a big old psycho, girl. - You're a robot? - You're a Second Gen, aren't you? You're an Auton. Robots designed by robots, right? - Hah! - Oh, yeah, that's right. I remember! Now, they were supposed to revitalize the synthetic industry. Instead, they buried it. They didn't like being told what to do. Government ordered a recall. Now, I heard... I had, I had heard... that only a few, just a few, had gotten out intact. Man, I never, never thought that I would see one! Great. She's a toaster oven. Can we leave now? How long before we land? - Just under two hours. - Hey, Vriess. You got a socket wrench? Maybe she just needs an oil change. - I'm sorry. Access denied. - I can't believe I almost fucked it. Yeah, like you never fucked a robot! You know, if Wren gets in the computer, he could really screw us. - We gotta find a terminal. - No, there's no console on this level. - We'd have to go back. - Well, we can't go back. - And I don't know any of Wren's access codes. - Help me. - Call? - No. - I can't. - Right. You're the new model droid. - You can access the mainframe by remote. - No, I can't. I burned my modem. We all did. Call, you can still patch in manually. You know that. There's ports in the chapel, up there. Call. - You're programmed for that? - Don't make me do this. Don't make me make you. I don't want to go in there. It's like my insides are liquid. It's not real. Get over it. You can blow this ship before it reaches Earth... and kill them all. Just give us time to get out first. - Damn it. - Anything? Hold on. Breach in sector seven, sector three. Sector nine unstable. Engines operating at 41 percent. Eighty-six minutes until Earth-dock. We burned too much energy. I can't make critical mass. I can't blow it. Then crash it. I'm okay. I'm okay. Really. I feel good. Ground level recali ated. New destination: 7-6-0-4-0-3. Uninhabited quadrant. Braking systems off-lined. Acceleration increase. Time until impact now 43 minutes, 8 seconds. Try to clear us a path to the Betty... and start her up. Please wait. Emergency override in console 45V, level one. It's Wren. He's almost at the Betty. Father, locate the power drain. Report. Father? Father! Father's dead, asshole. Intruder on level one. All aliens... please proceed to level one. You got a mean streak. - Ahh! Damn it! - Let me see. - Don't touch me. - Come on. You must think this is pretty funny. I'm finding a lot of things funny lately... but I don't think they are. Why do you go on living? How can you stand being what you are? Not much choice. At least there's a part of you that's human. I'm just... Look at me. I'm disgusting. Why did you come here? To kill you, remember? Before the recall, I accessed the mainframe. Every dirty little covert op the government ever dreamed of is in there. And this... you, the aliens... even the crew from the Betty... I knew if they succeeded, it would be the end of them. Why do you care what happens to them? Because I'm programmed to. You're programmed to be an asshole? You're the new asshole model they're putting out? Come on. I couldn't watch 'em do it. I couldn't let 'em annihilate themselves. Do you understand that? I did once. I tried to save... people. It didn't work out. There was this girl. She had bad dreams. I tried to help her. She died. Now I can't even remember her name. I guess we're almost there. Right. Do you dream? L... Well, we have neuroprocessors that... Yes. When I sleep, I dream about them... it. Every night. All around me, in me. I used to be afraid to dream, but I'm not anymore. Why? Because no matter how bad the dreams get... when I wake up, it's always worse. - It's not so far now! - God, I'm so tired. Sleep when you die, man. Oh, no. This is bad, right? - I think we're near the nest. - Well, then we'll go another way. - We don't have time. - We've got nearly 90 minutes. - Not anymore. - What are you saying? - What did you do, robot? - Let's go. Come on. Hey! You want to die here with your little others and sisters, that's cool! But I plan to live past today! If this little hunk of plastic is pulling any shit, I'm gonna kill her! Kill you! Does that compute? Or do I have to draw you a schematic? Hey! You want another souvenir? - How far are the docks? - A h-hundred yards. Ripley? Ripley. Come on. Ripley, we have to go. I hear them. I hear them. They're so close. - Ripley. - It's the queen. She's in pain. - ! - Ripley! Ripley! Wait! Oh, my God. We gotta be moving. The best thing you can do is pray for a quick death. Come on. Come on. It's not right. I've been saying that all day. It's up to you now, Call. I need you to patch into the ship again and open the hatch. Johner, we should put Purvis in the freezer now. All right, little buddy. Nap time. ! ! Oh! Nobody moves or I put a cap... right where this little droid's ain is. - Distephano, take the weapons. - Begging your pardon, sir, but fuck you! Oh, fine. Then I kill her, and you kill me... and we all die, and nobody goes home! Now drop the weapon. Then this little synthetic bitch is gonna plug into the Auriga... and she is gonna take us right back to home base... according to the standard emergency procedures. - No, she's not. - Are you crazy? You still want to ing those things back to Earth? - Haven't you been paying any attention today? - Ah, the intellectual speaks. - Stay there! - Listen, if you don't... Don't you ever shut up? Why does nobody listen to me? I told you. At first, everything was normal. The queen laid her eggs. But then she started to change. She added a second cycle cell. So... this time there is no host. There are no eggs. There is only her womb... and the creature inside. That is Ripley's gift to her... a human reproductive system. She is giving birth for you, Ripley... and now she is perfect! You are... a beautiful... beautiful butterfly. No. No. No. Ah, look. Look. Beautiful, beautiful little baby. Look. It thinks you're its mother. Come on. Come on. Yeah. Yeah. Come on. Civilian vessel on-line. Emergency departure authorized. All right, she's hot. I'll open the Auriga's air locks. Pull the holding clamps on your mark. Right. L-I just need to find, uh, the, uh... th-the vertical thrust lock. - Are you sure you guys can fly this thing? - Yes! - Launch status is go. - No! Ripley. - Hey. - I thought you were dead. Yeah, I get that a lot. Why are we still here? Uh, I'm just, uh, finding the, uh, manual override. - For Christ's sake. - Hey, Ripley. - Good memory. - Excuse me. - Ripley's back, man. - Is that it? Nope. You can't fly one of these things too, can you? Are you kidding? This piece of shit is even older than I am. Goddamn it. We've still got each. The hatch. - I closed it. - I fixed the goddamn hatch a hundred times, man! I'll get it. I'll get it. Approaching Earth's atmosphere. Window of departure now 46 seconds. Call, we have to go. Call. We've got to get out ofhere. Window of departure now 20 seconds. Grab onto something, Call. We're outta here. Come on, baby. - ! - This thing is gonna fall apart. Pressure's unstable! Go help Call turn on the auxiliary pump! Distephano? Come on! Step on it! Hey, I'm not the mechanic here, Ironsides! I mostly just hurt people! Shit. Call! Call, get back up here! Call! Call! Ripley! Hey, Ripley! Johner, where are you, you son of a bitch? - Get on it, bastard! - What am I supposed to do? Grab the sticks. Put her down. Ripley! ! I'm sorry. U.S.M. Auriga will impact in five seconds. Four. Three. Two. One. Thank you. - What's burning? - Us! Shit! You're right! So this is Earth, huh? This is Earth. This is my first time here. Suppose the military will be sniffing around here pretty soon. Bet you're not too anxious to see them. Not really. You know, a person could get pretty lost around here if they wanted to. What do you think? What should we do? I don't know.
If I am fancy-free And love to wander It's just the gypsy in my soul 'Bye, Lenny. You look nice. Don't go near the barrow. Lenny, leave it. I'll do it. Your clothes. Put your coat on. See you whenever, lads. - See you, Dad. - Take it easy, Dad. Here, Vic, don't forget this. 'Bye, Kath. I'm sorry, Vince. Leave it out. I'm doing you a favor, Dad, ain't I? Don't work here anymore, remember? Won't be the same, will it? Won't be the same. You ain't seen the last of him yet, Bern. You what? I said, you ain't seen the last of Jack yet. 'Course, Ray. It's on me, Lenny. Pint? This is a turn-up. New timetable, is it? 'Morning, Bern. Retired now, are we, Lenny? No, I'm past the age for it, ain't I? Not like Raysy here, man of leisure. Fruit and veg trade needs me. But not today? You haven't told him? No. So, we're going to Tucker's, yeah? - No, Vic's coming here. - Eh? Vic's coming here. With Jack. Drink up. 'Morning. Fresh out. Is that it? Is that him? That's him. - What are we drinking? - What's inside? What do you think? Mine's a whisky. I think it's a whisky day. I mean, he's not just in a box, is he? No, Lenny, he's not just in a box. Here you go. Doesn't seem possible, does it? - It's heavy, isn't it? - Packed solid. Is this just him? I mean, is this all of him? Where's Bernie got to? Jesus, Lucky, and they reckoned you was pint-sized. Bern? What's that? It's Jack. Jack's ashes. - That's Jack? - Yeah. Jesus God, what's he doing here? Last orders, Bernie. - Not like the ones you're used to, eh? - Yeah, you know what they are. Didn't anyone tell you, Bern? Jack wanted to go to Margate. Be scattered in the sea. So we thought we should have a last look-in at the Coach. I see. Get me a large scotch, Bernie, and one for yourself. I will. Thanks, Vic. No, no. It's on the house. - On the house. - Cheers, cheers. - It ain't every day, is it? - No. Yeah, Jesus God. To think he was just sitting there, six weeks ago. Well, here's to him. Jack. Right, lads, whose shout? As if you didn't know. Just testing. You blokes would die of thirst without me, wouldn't you? Same again, Bernie. Here, look at the form on this one. Cheers, darling. Don't you go coming on to us. We're all married men here. - Some of us happily. - Speak for yourself. Come on, Gunner. Where would you be without your Joaney? Always pissed and always late. No, where would any of us be without our better halves? All right, darling? Listen, if you fancy little fellas like Lucky here... ...that is a different matter. There is no Mrs. Raysy. You'd be doing us all a favor. He's been on his own too long. Got set in his ways. All right, Raysy, all right. I think you could be in there with a show, Luck? Well... Point taken, Bernie. Not much good for business, is it? Not doing yours any favors either, Vic. Here's to you, Vic. You did a really good job on Thursday. Yeah, the funeral went a treat, Vic. - Don't mention it. - Yeah. How's Amy? Managing. - She ain't changed her mind about coming? - No. She'll be with June as usual. Her decision, ain't it? Oh, yeah. Hi. - I'm going upstairs. - Right. All we need now is our chauffeur. Well, they're playing his song. Wonder what he'll ing. Seems to drive... ...a different car every week, as far as I can see. Same again all round? That'll be him. That'll be Vincey. Ain't he coming in? No, I think young Master Dodds wants us out there. Jesus Christ. It's a Merc. Trust Big Boy. Jesus, it's a Merc. I just wanted to do Jack proud. You know, give him a treat. This has been stuck in my showroom for the past week, anyhow. I just thought the old man, Jack, should get the best. I mean, look at it. Goes along as sweet as a nut, doesn't it? About as sweet as your aftershave, Big Boy. Don't put a dent in it! - Don't want to lose you a sale, do we? - All right, relax, Lenny. What do you do when you're out in the hearse, Vic? When you're going on a motorway? - You step on it. - Don't encourage him, Vic. A hearse is different. Everyone makes way for a hearse, don't they? You mean they don't make way for Vince here? Busman's holiday, Vic? Oh, babe. Where's my kiss then? No, you got to throw a bucket of water over them first, Jack. It's young love. Mandy, how about a kiss for me, darling? 'Course, Jack. Come here then. Come on, let the dog see the rabbit here. And get out of here. Take this clown with you. I'm sorry, chaps. I've got to bail out. Because needs must. Well, you ain't 40 every day, are you, Jack? Only comes once, eh, Lenny? Come on then, birthday boy. - You want a promise. - Yeah, give us a minute. Happy birthday, Son. Good to see you. 'Night, chaps. 'Night, Jack. - Last orders. - Coach is leaving. You dropped some money. - Last orders. - But it ain't going anywhere as usual. Never does, does it? - What are you on about, Raysy? - Here. Come here. Well, I'm saying it's the Coach & Horses, but... ...it's never gone anywhere, has it? Still ain't a car built yet that can beat a jam, is there, Big Boy? Did Amy say why she ain't going and all? Makes no difference, does it? Jack's none the wiser. I told Amy, if she wanted to scatter the ashes in the cemetery garden... ...he'd be none the wiser, either. - You an undertaker! - You shouldn't judge. - Ashes is ashes. - And best to do things prompt. - And wishes is wishes. - How do we know he'll be none the wiser? Not that I would have been such a fool as to make such a wish myself. Well, it weren't that specific. What wasn't specific? What he wrote. About his wishes. He didn't say that Amy had to do it, he just said what he wanted done. Well, how do you know that? To whom it may concern. Last orders. ...and my ashes taken forthwith... This is all a bit formal for old Jack, ain't it? From the end of Margate pier? Margate? Suppose he thought he'd get there in the end. One way or the other. When did he write it? It was a couple of days before. Well, why didn't he just tell you? I suppose he thought that I'd think he was joking. I mean that way he makes it proper. Well, if you want to do it, Amy, I'll take you. - What, in the old camper? - Yeah, 'course. No. I can't do it, Ray. I mean, thank you, but... ...I don't want to. It's a dying man's request, Amy. Would you do it, Ray? That way it gets done, doesn't it? That way his last wish gets carried out. It only says, To whom it may concern anyway. All right, I'll do it. Yeah, 'course I'll do it. What about Vince? I haven't told Vincey. Not about this. Well, I mean, I will, but... ...maybe you and him could... I'll talk to Vince. And maybe Lenny and Vic will want to go as well. It's not even like his writing, is it? Moment's come, Ray. Time to sell up the shop. Well, there's more to life than bacon, ain't there? It's only fair on Amy. I never made my mind up till about, well, five minutes ago. I was swabbing down those trays. You know what today is? June's 50th birthday. June 1, 1939. And it's Amy's day for seeing her. She asked me to go, of course. Well, she never said nothing, but I knew what she was thinking. Fifty years is special or it ain't. So, you know, I said to her: I'll close up early and I'll see you down there. I mean, I wasn't saying anything definite... ...but it was still like a promise. But when the time came... ...a couple of hours ago... ...I couldn't change. - Yeah. Not like that. So, I thought I could change in another way. I can tell her something. Something to compensate. I can tell her I'm packing it in. Look who it ain't. - It's Mr. Rest In Peace. - At your disposal. - Business slow? - By no means lively. - No lodgers? - Just the one. We going down the Coach? I hope so. There's something to cele ate. - What's that? - Guess. No, you can't say that. I've got to tell Amy first. When he told me, he looked at me as if I'd be dead chuffed... ...as if he wasn't looking at the woman he'd been looking at for 50 years. See what I'm saying, girl? I'm jacking it in. You get it? Jacking it in? I thought maybe we'd get a bungalow by the seaside. Margate, maybe. Margate, where it all went wrong. Because he couldn't stand that his daughter, that our June, wasn't normal. - Margate. - Yeah, Margate. Yeah, well, what about June? That's my point. If I can give up being Jack Dodds, family butcher... ...you can give up going on this fool's errand every week. Fool's errand. That's what he called it, Fool's errand. So we were going to be- New people. Happy days. New people. In Margate? I don't think we could've done it. Not when you totted it all up. Not when you took away what he owed on the shop. We would've been a fair bit short. Don't know where that leaves me. - How much short, Amy? - It's about Ł20,000. Next stop, Fairfax Park. Fairfax Park. ... 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19. Stop, stop, stop. This is getting very silly. Hello, June. Well, it doesn't look like a serious sort of shoe to me. I'm sure there are lots of things one can use one's shoe for. I can think of one. Can you, Charlie? Amy's seeing June. It's her day for seeing June. She could leave one day off. I mean, it's not like it's a normal day, is it, really? Raysy here is a mine of information, isn't he? It's like the horses. Have to prise it out of him these days. Is that getting heavy, Vic? You want me to take it for a bit? - No, it's fine, Ray. - But even then he gives you duff tips. Here, last tip I gave came good. Well, it weren't for any of us. Who, Raysy? That'd be telling, wouldn't it? And the whole world thought that Jack Dodds... ...had finally seen the light... ...and decided to start a new life. What the world didn't know... ...was that I'd taken out a loan to save the shop, five years ago. And it comes up. In a month. That wouldn't be a problem. I sell the house, I sell the shop... ...I buy a small tin-pot bungalow in Margate and scrape by on the remainder. Except that's all off now, isn't it? All bets are off, aren't they? How much? Well, it was seven large when I took it on... ...but now they want Ł20,000. - You're joking? No, we're not talking bank managers, you know, here. It's a special loan. Private loan. Not Vince? No, no. Vince wouldn't lend me money if I was dying. Well, if you can't see what is right under your nose... There's a new supermarket just down the road... ...and they've offered you first refusal to be their new meat manager. - You've got no choice, have you? - Haven't I? Well, that's down to you, Dad. That's your funeral. Don't come running back to me. Don't expect me to lay out any money. At least I'd be my own man. Your own man? You never was your own man. You was your old man's man, weren't you? That cuts both ways, doesn't it? That should have been our shop. Dad, just don't expect me to bail you out. I ain't got it. Bit of a dry argument over here, Jack. Wouldn't be your shout, would it? There's a tenner. Buy your mates a drink, a couple of drinks. Buy yourself one. I'm going home. So who? Some of Vince's pals from the old days. Business pals. Rough stuff. Understand? You look like you're begging with that bowl there. Yeah. It's Amy I'm thinking about, Raysy. When I, you know... She might want to stay put or want to go through with the bungalow anyway. It ain't been kiboshed yet. She might have other plans. Either way... ...I don't want to see a debt collector knocking at her front door. Hello, Nurse. Do you know my friend Ray, Kelly? Yeah. Take his pulse, it's faster than mine. You'd be all right there. You don't change, do you? I need a winner, Raysy. I need a winner. I need it like I've never needed anything before. Here. Feel in there. Get that out. Yeah, in there. There, look. - What, this? - Yeah. It's got 1,000 smackers in it. Eight hundred in fifties, and the rest in twenties. You got Ł1,000 in readies in a place like this? What are you doing? Who's going to nick it in here? These poor bastards? - Well, where did you get it? - Well, that'd be telling, wouldn't it? Open it. Count it. - No, I trust you. - No, open it. Open it. It's a thick 'un, Jack. Ł1,000 to get Ł20,000. It's a thick 'un. What if I put it on the wrong nag? You can't, can you? Amy needs it. Think of it... ...as buying a camper. Ł1,000. Remember? You didn't want to sell it to me, did you? The camper. Can anyone tell me, why Margate? That's where we used to go on our Sunday outings. Here, Lenny, remember the old meat van? You think I don't remember, Big Boy? What with our Sally and all. Yeah, she used to love her Sunday outings to Margate, while they lasted. Hello, Sally. - See you tonight, Lenny. - Sal, don't forget your basket. Sally, behave yourself. Have a good time. - We'll have a beer, Len. - Ta-ta, Sally. They are getting like other and sister, aren't they? Yeah, one big happy family. Or so Amy would like to think. Sally, wave to Mummy. Wave. As if we wouldn't take her to the beach if we could. See you, Lenny. Joan. Poor Lenny. I know what it's like not to be able to take your daughter to the sea. Vincey. Sally. Sal, come on, come here. What is that? What is that? It's not the same as having your own daughter there, but it helped. - There's a swan. See it? - Yeah. It was good while it lasted. Little Sally got too big though. Too big for our little meat van. Vincey's little playmate was growing up fast. And don't think that Vincey wasn't noticing. Little beggar. No more front seat for Vincey. You got too big, lad. Then Vincey goes and throws up all over the picnic things. You all right, lad? Come on. And no more Margate for Sally Tate. It's a long way from a meat van to a Merc. And this ain't no Sunday outing. Do you think he was just trying it on? Just to see if we'd do it? So you think he knows. You think he can still see us, don't you? 'Course he can't see us. He can't see nothing. Mind you, Big Boy... ...if he can't see us, if he can't see nothing, why did you go and ing a Merc? It's the gesture, Lenny. It's a nice gesture. It's a beautiful car. It ain't no meat van. Margate. Uncle Bert hocked his grandfather clock so Jack and I could go to Margate. First time. Margate. For the weekend. No! Don't ask, all fixed. Just get your old man to give you the time off. Say it's your honeymoon. Steamer from Tower Bridge. What do you think? Well, it's easy to believe when you're 18 that you can make a fresh start. The world doesn't have to come to an end just because... I think I came as close as I ever did to ditching June then. I wanted to know that... ... if he didn't want her, at least he wanted me. It's where they had their honeymoon. Margate. That's why. I didn't think they had no honeymoon. I thought they were saving up for a pram at the time. Yeah, they had a honeymoon later, after June was born. Yeah, he's right. Summer of '39. Must have been some honeymoon. You can pick your chocolate, your china, or your teddy bear. You'd think they could do something these days. Think they could come up with something. It was the only time he ever talked about her. Couldn't face the fact that his daughter didn't have all her marbles... ... as he so bluntly put it. I had this idea once... ...this stupid idea of being a doctor. But I ain't, am I? No more than you is bloody Florence Nightingale. The best thing we can do, Amy... ...is forget all about her. Put her away. Out of sight, out of mind. It's what you did then. And that was where he wanted us to spend the rest of our days. Happy days. Well, June... ...your dad, Jack... ...they're scattering his ashes today. In the sea, off the pier, at Margate of all places. Your other Vince is going. Uncle Ray. Lenny. Vic, of course. Yeah, well... ...let them go, June. The whole bunch of them. Let them do it without me and without you. The living come first. Even the living who were as good as dead to him. There's no more. Here. Here you go. Jack in a box, eh, Vic? - Do you want to hand him over here, Vic? - Sorry, Raysy. I was forgetting. - Do you want to hold him for a bit? - Yeah. - Are you quite comfy there, Vic? - Sure am. Good, isn't it? All seats are power adjustable. Upholstery's all customized. - Yeah, but Vic ain't a customer, is he? - Who says? - How much you asking, Vince? - What? Bit of respect, please, Lenny. Well, it's a nice motor, Vic. I mean, it's a... ...bit heavy on the petrol, but 65K on the clock and it's genuine... Just testing. So when are you going to retire, Vic? No rush. There's a few customers... ...I shall hang around for yet. Why do you think my name's Vic? - Why is your name Vic? - Well, I'm halfway to a vicar, ain't I? You could swan it, Vic. Better than Margate. - Big Boy here is aiming for the Bahamas. - Being a grand a throw. Is that what Jack cost? Bloody hell, Joan had better start saving. That's what I heard. - Very comfy seats these. I could nod off. - Bloody hell. Jack. It's me, Vince. Jack. It's me. Jack. I ain't lost my marbles, Vince. I know it's you. I know it's me. - Want to swap? - Nah. Her name's Joy. I bet she can give you bundles of it and all by the way she looks. You fell right on your feet in here, ain't you, Jack? - Here. Come here. - What? - Sit down. - Why? Amy doesn't know what's happening, does she, Son? No. She doesn't know whether she's coming or going, eh? She's all right. She's managing. Oh, Mum. Come here, come here. Come here. Come here. It's all right. Come here. She'll manage. I got the easier part. It don't seem much of a doddle to me. People panic. What do you want to talk to me about, Jack? I want you to lend me some cash. - Cash? - Yeah, I need some cash, Son. - You need cash? - Yeah. - What, you need cash in here? - Yeah, in here. No, no. I need Ł1,000. - Ł1,000? - Yeah. You need Ł1,000? Yeah. By Friday, let's say. And not a dickey-bird. - Yeah, but- - Don't ask, Vince. Don't ask. It's a request, Son. Not an order. - Lend? - Yeah. Well... If Vincey's young Kath can retire, Vic, I reckon you can, too. I'll have to think about it. She didn't retire. She's still working for you at the garage, is she? It's called a showroom, Lenny. I'm sorry. Showroom. We all know what's on show, don't we? Nah, she packed it in, didn't she? Reckon you lost an asset there, Big Boy. I mean, I think one of her skirts was worth six of your ties for inging the punters in. What do you say we all stop somewhere for lunch? Have a eak? Good idea, Vic. Jack would've reckoned on us having a eak for lunch. Anyway, I hear she ain't out of a job. - You hungry, Lenny? - No, I'm thirsty. What I hear is that she's pulling in punters of her own now. Hark who's talking. I've heard your Sally is taking in paying lodgers, as it were. Is that why the two of you ain't talking? No, the blokes she picks ain't too handy. They like leaving her in the lurch. Like the one she's married to, who's in jail. Thanks to you, Big Boy. A hot car's a hot car. Two wrongs don't make a right. Yes, and her childhood sweetheart who buggered off to the Army. Vincey Dodds. I ain't no Dodds, and I ain't going to be no butcher's boy. It's easy for men. They can go and be soldiers. - Go off to sea. - Yeah, sure, Sally. So, what are you going to be, Vince? What do you want to be? Come on, you know, Sal. - Motors. - Motors. Yeah. See that '59 Mark IX? It's a start, ain't it? Ain't any old jam jar, it's a Jag. And I'll make it like new again. One of these days Jack will come crawling to me. You'll see. Five years. Vincey signed up for five years. Couldn't wait to get away. You can't say he ain't following in your footsteps. You was a soldier once as well as a butcher. I was a butcher by choice. Soldier? Bleeding defaulter, I'd call him. A bleeding deserter, that's what I'd call him. It's supposed to be Dodds & Son. That's what the sign over the shop says. Wasn't the only reason. What you think was his reason wasn't his only reason. You don't own him, Jack. - We don't own them, do we? - Make sense. We don't own them, do we? Even when we own them, we don't. You're talking bollocks. No, the other reason was our Sally. He left her a little leaving present. Sally? - I'd say she's going to have to get rid of it. - Vincey got her pregnant? So, I reckon I'm going to need one of your winners, Raysy. Real quick. Sally? I thought they'd finish up together, Vincey and Sally. They nearly had to, didn't they? Daughters, who'd have them, Raysy? I reckon you got the right idea, you know, Vic. You get yourself a couple of sons, put them into the firm... ...and then you can bow out easy. - Passing on the torch and all that. - Can't complain. Tucker & Sons. Sounds good, don't it, Vince? Tuckers, that's what we're called and what we do: We tuck them up. - Don't it, Vince? - I'm here! I came! Gents, just remember who's on board. Okay. Just like your kindness, Ray... ...letting me use the yard to mess around with motors. Your kindness to an ex-soldier boy. But I can't expect that to go on indef, can I? I ain't ungrateful, Uncle Ray. So what are you suggesting? That you pay rent? What with? I'm talking ownership. We're talking buying. It's the same question twice over. What with? I'm asking you to make an investment, Raysy, in Dodds Motors. It don't exist yet, but it will in five years. You don't have to fork out a penny. You sell me the yard as premises, you loan me out the asking for five years. Come five years, I pay your price plus a percentage. If I can't stump up, the yard's yours again. Plain and simple. You can't lose. Once I've another car on the go... ...and I have the margin, I'll give you a deposit. You can keep that and all. Another one? Before we go any further... ...there's one thing. - What's that? - It's called a butcher's shop. Yeah, Dodds and Son. He ain't still going on about that, is he? His old man put that sign up. I'd want to keep my camper here. I still need my own space for the camper. 'Course you can. No charge. I'll even give it a regular once-over for you. And if you ever want to trade it in, I'll see you get a good deal. How could you sell him the yard? Vince is supposed to be working for me. What does it say on the shop? You've seen the sign? Next generation. Like father, like son. Don't you think it's time to forget about that? He's got his own mind. You can't kid yourself no more. Motors ain't just his hobby. - He's not doing it for the love of it. - No thanks to Ray. I'm just returning the favor. Looking after him like you looked after me. He should be cutting up meat, not mucking about with motors. And in case you haven't noticed, Vince is your lad, Jack. Chip off the old block. Have a drink. Dodds & Son. That's all Jack ever wanted from Vince. I mean, even if he had to pretend. Fathers and sons. What did you want from June? Just a sign. Not once in 50 years did she give me a sign. Not even a flicker that she knew me, who I was. Fifty years. Every week. - Except for a few weeks, 20 years ago. - Yeah. We should've had our fights, June and me. You know, mothers and daughters. Where's the luck, Amy? It's all down to luck. You hear much from your Susie in Australia these days, Raysy? Not really. I mean, do you think she'd come if you was... Do you mean dead, Lenny? I mean, do you think she'd show up? - What a question. - It's a fair one. I've never thought about it. Australia's a long way. It's not as far as from here to the next world. What next world? It's a manner of speaking, Big Boy. Sydney is further than Sydenham. That's very clever. Raysy, we'll pop in to Sydenham on the way back. Slide round the South Circular, surprise your ex, Carol. Like we'd be welcome. You think she'd come? I mean, if it was your... Funeral, Lenny. The word's funeral. Only to make sure I was dead. Cup of tea? - Thanks, Dad. - Turn that down. Thanks. Nice having you back for a few days. - The trip was great. Andy was great. - Yeah? You know he found out where they lived. - Where who lived? - Andy's family. Back in the past. - Before they went to Australia. - Yeah. Nice for you. You going down to the Coach? Yeah. The Coach ain't coming to me, is it? Yeah. Are you sure about Australia? Ain't you got a home here? And what about college? And teaching? There's colleges in Australia. And teachers in Australia. But you don't know nothing about Australia. I'll find out, won't I? Andy will show me. Yeah, I bet he will. I could show him the back of my hand. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. There's your fare. And don't you eathe a word about that. Fifth at Chepstow. Silver Lord. Came in by half a length. Sue... I know, Dad. I know. Thank you. You're the best dad. And don't you worry, I'll look after Sue. I tell you, I'm feeling really in tune now that I've been here to England. You know, tapped into my roots. I'm feeling so much more together now because of... ...everything, you know, because of Sue. Cheers, Mr. Johnson. I can't thank you enough. That was some horse, eh? Good night, everyone. Carol, listen. If she goes, I don't want to see her ever again. Understand that? - Carol, you can't stop her. She's 18. - And I'm not. Come here. Come here. I've got something to show you. Out in the street. Rockabilly. Newmarket. 100-to-8. What is it? It's a Dormobile. It's a camper van. A traveling home for two. As we're a couple again. It's a deluxe model. That's the last straw. I guess she decided she wanted more out of life than trips in my little camper. But the sub-manager of a bleeding domestic appliance store... ...Barry bleeding Stokes. Yeah. She couldn't tell me to my face. No, it was over the phone. Goodbye, Ray. I never said, Goodbye, Carol. Nah. That was my one cheap comeback. I didn't say goodbye. I just hung up and sat there not moving... ...not budging till 6:00 in the morning. She got me thinking. I ought to go and see Sue. You know? While I'm still... Before... Mind you, I haven't spoken to Sue for... ...I can't think how many years. You can't blame her for that though. Not really. That was more me, I think. I just stopped writing one day. You know how it is. Things just stop. Then it seems too long to start them again. So, what... What do you think, Amy? About going to Australia? Seeing Sue? It's not too late, is it? I might have grandchildren. You never know. - You ain't said yet, Raysy? - Said what? If you think Sue would show up to see you off. Yeah, but Australia's a long way. Well, if not Sue, then who? I mean, if you had some special, daft request like Jack here. - I ain't going to have no daft request. - But who knows? There's you. You want to think twice about that? Unless you're thinking of, you know, planning something sooner. You'll be all right, Raysy. I'll be about. I reckon they should chuck you over the straight at Epsom. What about you, Lenny, where do you want to be chucked? I'm with Raysy. I'm not choosy. It ain't material. - Ashes is material. - Yeah, come on, Lenny. - But what about you, Vic? - That's all arranged. What's arranged? I bought a plot years ago for Pam and me when plots was cheap. Camberwell New Cemetery. - You can go there now, can't you, Raysy? - Camberwell? Australia. See Sue. See the grandchildren you are supposed to have. - What's stopping you? You're a free man. - He's right, Raysy. I mean, travel a little bit, see the world. Stop off at Bangkok, spend a few quid. Small matter of the fare, Vic. Put one of your bets on. I seem to recall it working before. Yeah. Should be a nice pub down here, Vic. You know, for that lunch you was talking about. It's just the gypsy in my soul If I am fancy-free Fancy-free Doncaster. 15:30. Fancy Free. 33-to-1. Trust me. I trust you, Luck. I've got no choice, have I? - Here. - Mr. Dodds, what have you done here? Remember that nurse Kelly I introduced you to? - She reckons she fancies you. - Mr. Dodds. - Would I lie to you, Lucky? - Come on, come on. - 'Bye, Luck. - 'Bye, Jack. - My mate Raysy fancies you. - Oh, yeah? Yeah. Got something running in this? No, as a matter of fact, I haven't. It's just, you know... ...doesn't seem right, what with... Must fancy one or two though. That'd be telling, wouldn't it? Make the next one a short. Long short. - Is that all right for you? - Thank you. Don't you get too excited, do you hear me? It's a special favor. ... into the barrier alongside number five, Fancy Free... ... the inside runner in the black and yellow colors. They're under... - Caning it a bit, ain't we, Raysy? - Yeah. And they're off. Out of the barriers together. An even start. Bunching up quickly over the rail. Saffron Street at the front by a neck from Katchum. Western Ocean close on their heels. My goodness, Fancy Free hard up against the back of the field... ... clips the heels of Rebellion, almost tripping. Fights for her footing. By no means out of the race. Still looking to make it smooth in a bunched field. Go on. There's no more than two lengths in it as they head for the last bend... ... with Saffron Street challenged... ... by Western Ocean, Katchum and Paco's Boy. Not far behind them Parting Moment, Victory Art and Rebellion... ... with the rest of the field dropping back slightly. Falling away at the rear, Fancy Free. That early stumble may have cost her dearly. It's a neck-and-neck battle between Katchum, Paco's Boy and Saffron Street... ... then Parting Moment, Victory Art and Western Ocean. Then it's Rebellion, followed by... Wait, what's this? Coming up with a late run, Fancy Free... ... from being out of contention, is flying into seventh place. Still a way from the leaders. Go on. Giving all she's got. Do it for Amy. Fancy Free is gathering in the leaders as Victory Art and... Come on, my son, go on. Fancy Free is pulling back the leaders now. It's a three-horse race with Fancy Free looking the stronger. Fancy Free finds the extra, kicks away. And clearly... Come on. Fancy Free, then Paco's Boy, by half a length from Saffron Street... ... a length from Katchum. What an incredible win for the outsider Fancy Free! Somebody's lucky day. Put the mortgage money on that, treat yourself to a nice long holiday. The official starting price for the winner, 33-to-1, a fitting reward... ... for the backers of Fancy Free for their faith in the long shot which... Yeah. ... came in impressively from nowhere... ... with a miracle run... It's Amy. ... to take out the Doncaster Rémy Martin... Ray? Jack's... Yeah. Yeah. Okay. It don't seem right somehow... ...just to leave him here. I mean... ...it don't seem right for us to go and just leave him here on his own. Alone while we have lunch. It's up to you, Vince. No, you're right, Ray. He should come with us, shouldn't he? Coffee. My Mandy said she needed some coffee. Mandy doesn't know what a lucky girl she is, having such a good husband. Mandy knows she's a lucky girl. That's Rochester Castle, yeah. Here you are, you take care of Jack, Raysy. Three pints of best, please, gorgeous, and... Want a drop of scotch, Vic? And a drop of scotch for him, please. Any grub on the go, babe? - It's a crying shame that Jack ain't here. - Yeah, he'd have appreciated it. - He shouldn't have rushed off like he did. - No, daft of him. Still, it's a crying shame. If he was here, we wouldn't be, would we? It's because he's not that we are. - Yeah, all the same. - Yeah. He'd have appreciated it. And it's because of him that we're here. I mean, we wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him. I'm going to take a leak. - Thanks, darling. - All right, love. This is Lucky and my fiancée Carol. My wife Amy. - Pam. - Vic. Lenny. My wife. - Joan. - Nice to meet you. If it wasn't for Lucky here, I wouldn't be here, would I, Lucky? We call him Lucky, but his real name's... Ray. Ray Johnson. Jack Dodds. Small fellows have the advantage. Small fellows have the luck. I hope you understand that. Less of a target for the enemy. Less weight to carry around in this fucking frying pan. Mind you... ...doesn't take away from my advantage. 'Cause I could knock your block off anytime I like. I hope you understand that. Hello, Ray. Hello, Lucky. How did you get to be so small, anyway? - Did someone shrink you in the wash? - Yeah, funny. Who'd have believed it? I meet Ray in Egypt, and he comes from 'round the corner. You never! - You know Valetta Street? - Yeah. You know the scrap merchants, Frank Johnson's? - Yeah. - My dad. - You know Dodds butcher's shop, Spring Road? - Of course. Bet your ma buys her meat there, eh? Best bangers in Bermondsey. Jack, get down! I owe him my life. Don't I, Lucky? Jack, get down! Oh, Jesus, Lucky... ...if you hadn't have pulled me down... ...I'd have copped that smack in the wife's best friend. So the wife must be thankful? I am, Ray. I am. Least I could do. Least he could do. Save my bollocks for me. Excuse my friend, won't you, Carol? What are the odds? Lucky here is the one to ask about that. He's got a head for figures. You shouldn't be going into insurance, Ray. You should've been a jockey. Too big for a jockey. Otherwise... So I've heard, Ray. So I've heard. Oh, yeah? To Jack. Jack. Can we have the same again? Not for me, Raysy. Unless you want to find yourself another driver. I'll have a nice cup of coffee, darling. And half a Corona. Oh, yeah, and I'll have a large cognac. Just as well Amy didn't come. She wouldn't have planned on a piss-up. Is that tea or whisky you're drinking there? Tea. He wouldn't begrudge us, would he? It's a long way to Margate. I thought: You ain't been nowhere, and you ain't going nowhere. Yeah, I saw his glove where his face had been. And I saw stars. I actually saw them like they say you do. Isn't it time to pack it in then? Hang up the gloves. I could've won 50 smackers. You're seven years older than when you last fought. Yeah, well. Gunner Tate, middleweight, always pissed... Always pissed and always late. - I was wondering, Vince... - What was you wondering, Vic? - I was wondering, Vince... - What was you wondering, Vic? I was wondering if we could pop over to Chatham. See the war memorial. Yeah, I don't see why not. Do you, Raysy? I'd have thought a man in your line of business... ...would've had enough of memorials. Nah, that's why we're here, ain't it? To remember the dead. Yeah. That's what we're doing, Vince. - Mean a detour? - We can do detours. It's my round, ain't it? Same again, chaps? Vince, want another coffee? Something to go with it? I don't know about you, Lenny... ...but I'm driving down to Margate to deliver something. That's why we're all here. Vic here wants a little stop on the way, which I ain't against. Considering we're here to remember the dead. It's just gone 14:15. If you want to sit here all day drinking... ...that's your business. I'm going to the car, then to Margate. So if you ain't coming, you'd better find a station. Tosshead. My old dad used to say, You don't dilly-dally with the deceased. Shit. Hey! Big Boy! You forgot something, didn't you? You forgot something. You forgot this, didn't you? You forgot your coffee. You may think you can do without us... ...but you'd look a bloody fool going to Margate without this. - He didn't say it was up no bleeding hill. - Nah. Hold up, Vic. Come on then! The old buggers. Exalted company, Vince. They used to think I was bad luck at first. Kept well away. It weren't long before they realized how much I was needed. How important what I did was. Helped me realize it, too. Accept it. Something to be proud of really. Pam. Vic. So what do you do then, Vic, when you're not mucking about in boats? Ships, not boats. I'm in the undertaking trade. Family business. Well, I never would have guessed, Vic. You'll never be out of a job then, will you? So you'll be used to handling bodies then. - You got yourself a winner here, Vic. - Yeah, spoils of war. She's a lively one. - Bleeding hill nearly finished me. - That's it, I'm packing up smoking. Heligoland, where the hell's that? Jutland, Doggerbank. Fucking Navy. Fucking Army. Get down! Fucking tourists. I fancy seeing the pyramids. I fancy seeing the inside of the nearest knocking shop. Pyramids are tombs, ain't they, Lucky? Pyramids are for dead people. Whereas, a tart's tackle... A mate gave me that. Personal recommendation. - Maybe I could just stay here and- - It's Be-kind-to-your-pecker Day. - Yeah, maybe it's best if l- - What's up? - Not so long since you seen the missus? - I don't have no missus. Well, so, then? I have. Different place, different rules, eh, Ray? Lucky man. No, that's you, remember? Please, come, come. Please, look at it. Look at the girls. Take your pick. Your first choice, Raysy. Just don't pick the one with the big istols on the right. They're laughing, Jack. What do you want them to do, cry? Good choice, Lucky. Your size. Take your pick. Come on, take your pick. No. No. Oh, no. Jesus. Oh, blimey. You lick me. Lick? Oh, like. Yeah. - Yeah, yeah. - You've got ten minutes. Look at clock. What your friend think you go now? Oh, right. Yeah. Ray. Ray Johnson. Ray. How was it? Madame Yashmak here was just about to come and prise you two apart. Very good. Very good. Little man, big cuck. Cuck? - Go on then. - You sure about this, Raysy? It's all right. I used to drive the old man's horse and cart. But this ain't a horse and cart. It's a camel. Trust me. I trust you, Raysy. I ain't got no choice. Second ride of the day, Raysy! I'll catch you up. You go on, I'll catch you up there. Go on. What's all that about? Vincey. Let's go, lad. Come on, Vincey. If a butcher can get cost on what he chucks in his wastage bin... ...and in his fat drawer, he'd be happy, wouldn't he? He'd be laughing. What you must understand is that... ...what comes into the shop ain't what goes out of the shop. - Is fat wastage? - Exactly. If you take away the weight of the wastage from what you buy... ...and you divide what's left into what you paid for it... ...that'll give you your real cost... ...which is set against your takings. Don't forget that... ...because bone will cost you, fat and shrinkage will cost you... ...and not keeping your knife sharp will cost you. You'll end up with measly scraps of meat that ain't fit to sell to no one. And that'll cost you more than anything. You got to keep a constant eye on wastage. Constant. - It's all about waste. - Yeah. You're a good boy, Vincey. Good boy. Vincey. Uncle Ray! This is Uncle Ray's favorite eakfast spot. Because he likes hanging 'round real men. My secret's out. And he also fancies the likes of that. It's a love from afar, eh, Lucky? - What are you looking at, you little rascal? - Stop him. I don't know what you want to be doing with all this in here. You're a good boy, Vince. What are you doing there? Keys. Sorry. - Raysy. - What? I was wondering. - Wondering? - Yeah. Jack never said nothing to you about no money, did he? When he was... Before... He didn't say nothing about no sum of money? - What sum of money? - No, it don't matter. Say about Ł1,000. No, he never mentioned no money. Only we got to see Amy right, ain't we? Yes. - We got to see Amy right. - Of course. Detour. Raysy, where's Jack? Jesus, what now? Search me. Wicks' Farm. That's where we first met, Jack and me. We weren't much more than kids scratching for a few shillings. Whatever we could get. Like picking flowers. He loves me. He loves me not. He loves me. He loves me not. So what did you come for? Need the shillings. Same as everyone. So what do you do when you're not picking hops? Well, that would be telling now, wouldn't it? Picking up girls is what I remember. It was our holiday, weren't it? Well, near as we could get. Felt like it. Well, something different, weren't it? Yeah. Music and singing every night. Uncles, aunts, cousins... Pickers from every which where. And the gypsies. The gypsies. You can put the spuds on here now. Cheryl... ...quickly, can you go and see if you can find the children? I got these from one of Wicks' hands. You want them? Yeah. If you want to help me top and tail and string them. Yeah, all right. - There's a chair in here if you want it. - No, I'll be all right on the grass. Chuck them in here. See if we can't fill it. Jack. Mummy. You're beautiful. Do you know that? You are beautiful. It's not what you expect from a butcher's boy. And to know from his smile that he means it. It turns you over. Yeah. Well, wait here then. You can take me for a walk. And that was our June. This ain't Margate. It ain't what Jack wanted. What's he doing? You toerag! Last orders have to be respected. Pillock! No respect for Jack's wishes ever. I mean, he doesn't have any prior claim, does he? I mean, he has no special rights. He's not kin, is he? He never was. Tosshead! You fucking toerag. Give me that. What are you doing? Get off! Always what Vincey wants, eh? Some son you were, Big Boy. Some son. There was no love lost, was there? Lenny... ...what are you doing? Come on. Too good for your old man? Too good for all of us? That's for Sally. And that's for Jack. Yeah, you... Lenny. Come on, Lenny. Come on. Fists. Come on, tosser. Fists, you pillock. Fists? Calm down, Lenny. Calm down. Just stop, Lenny. Come on. Got you, got you. - Let me back at him. - Leave it, Lenny, leave it! I wasn't going to throw it all. I was only going to throw a bit. It was only a bit. What are we going to do then? Was you going to stop every 10 minutes so you can chuck a bit? You know, handful here, handful there. What does scatter mean? What does the word scatter mean? What does it fucking mean? Should be ashamed of yourself. You pillock. This is where... This is where... See down there? That's where me and your mum first met. Hop picking. What's hop picking? It's what me and your mum did. What we used to do down there. They say Kent is the garden of England. But it's like you've got to have the country to have the town. See them orchards? Uncle Lenny couldn't have no apples to sell, could he? See them sheep? Come with me. You see... ...with hops, it's not the hops or how you pick them, it's... ...who picks them. What I'm meaning to say is... ...it wasn't your mum or me who picked your hops. We picked someone else's hops. Her name's June. She's your sister. You have a sister called June. I ain't got a sister. - I ain't got a sister. - Your sister's a loony! - Ain't got a sister. Ain't got a sister. - Sister's a loony! Sister's a loony! Where is she? In a nuthouse? No, she's in a home. But, well... ...actually, she's not really your sister... ...she's sort of your sister. Because, you see... ...during the war, the Jerries sent over these things... ... and when they ran out of fuel... ...they came down on the house. They was called doodlebugs. Doodlebug? Yeah. A flying bomb. A B1... ... and it flattened the Pritchett's house. Killed them all except you. It's a baby! Is it alive still? Amy rescued you. Otherwise... - Will you take it then? - Yeah. Thanks, love. Right, got it? You were born a Pritchett. Vincent Ian Pritchett. I came home from the war and there you were. The son I never knew I had. So you're not really my dad? I've got a cloth in the car, Lenny. And a ush. Here, hold Jack, Raysy. Now, we need the Canterbury road. Look for signs for Canterbury. - A28. - Yeah. Canterbury? We might as well call in there as well. Pop in to the bleeding cathedral. No, you're right, Lenny. Why shouldn't we take him 'round Canterbury Cathedral? Jack'd have loved that, wouldn't he? Yeah, good idea, Lenny. Nice gesture. He'd be honored. I've never been to Canterbury Cathedral. Not, you know, inside. Nah. Canterbury doesn't have a racecourse, does it? Fourteen centuries. I mean, I have a think about that, 14 centuries. They got kings and queens in here. Makes me feel humble. My line of work. Yeah. Got saints and cardinals. That's where Becket got done. Up there on them steps. ...full-length view from behind Saint Augustine's chair... ...from the thirteenth century, and a copy of Augustine's original Saxon cathedral... ...of sins completed behind the transepts by William the Englishman. Well, this is lovely, isn't it? - You all right, Lucky? - Yeah, give me a mo. What, was I rabbiting on, was I? No, it's not that. Here, take Jack for a bit. I'll catch you up. - All right. Sit there and take it easy. - Yeah. Come on. I think the Black Prince is here somewhere. Whatever you say, Big Boy. I mean, there's only me to consider now, ain't there? Yeah, now all your women have run off to places named Syd something or other. Well, with them gone, I don't need it, do I? So... ...when Henderson offered me the promotion, I told him: I don't need a leg up, thanks. I'd prefer two days less work for a quarter less wages. - Are you having a cup of tea or not? - Yeah. It's all right for some. Some of us have to make an honest living. All right, darling? So... ...I'll have many a free Thursday. If ever you want me to drive you. To see June. Well, that's a long old bus ride you have to do. The Horses can do without me for a day. And besides, it's right near Epsom. And maybe I could come in. And see June. Yeah, all right, Ray. Here you are, hold Jack. Fought at Cressi... He sounds like a proper soldier boy. Married to Joan, the Fair Maid of Kent. Here, Lenny, look, someone else got spliced to a Joan. Doesn't look like he smiled much, does it? Fought at Cressi... ...and Poitiers... Good afternoon, Vic Tucker, funeral director... ...for the late Mr. Adams. Oh, yes, Mr. Tucker. One moment. Do you have a June Dodds here by any chance? Been with us almost 30 years. Down there... ...out the door, third door on the left. Thank you. Right. I say we take a quick gander at the cloisters and make a move. - Eh, Lenny? - All right, Big Boy. Lead on. If I am fancy-free And love to wander It's just the gypsy in my soul I met you the same time as I met Jack. Did you know that? - What, in the desert? - Yeah, in the desert. Egypt. I saw your photo. I knew the first time we actually met. In the stationary Coach and Horses? - I could tell. - Yeah? Just by the way you looked at me. We're not going to see June today, Amy. I've packed a picnic in the back. Whatever you say, Ray. And it's Blackbird leading... Can't see which one's ahead. Oh, I can't see. Come on, Malfi. Come on, Malfi! Come on! Oh, my God! Come on, Malfi! Come on! Go on, Malfi! - Come on! - Oh, my God, I don't believe it! She's won! Ray! We won! Come on, picnic time. - When do we get the money? - Honest Harry's over there. That was so exciting. I've never won anything before, Ray. Oh, my God. Come on, get in the van. Quick. Come on, in you go. You took me places. I loved traveling about. Our picnics. It's just like home, isn't it? Home from home. Ray, you're such a lovely man. You're a lucky man. You're a little ray of sunshine. You're a little ray of hope. Here. I still cherish those weeks, Ray. Six, wasn't it? Yeah. Was a pity they had to stop, wasn't it? - Well, I couldn't not see June, could I? - No. Then with Vincey coming home from the Army and... Yeah. It meant a lot to you, Vincey coming home. And seeing June. And we couldn't do it to Jack. Could we? He loved me, Ray. No one else for him, I swear it. - So, how was it? - All right. Couldn't love June... ... but he did love me. You're beautiful, Amy. Still beautiful. Vince is bloody 40, and you're still beautiful. What do you say I take you dancing? - Dancing? - Yeah, I want to be the envy of one and all. Good luck. We haven't been dancing in a long while, have we? Well, I don't have enough fingers and toes to count the years. Thirty years. - Oh, Jack. - Come here. Come here. You all right? Butchery Lane? Now that's got to be worth a look, don't it? Be bloody rude not to. There you are. Thought we'd lost you. I think a pint wouldn't hurt, would it? Yeah, he's a lovely man, your Uncle Ray. Little ray of sunshine. Did you miss me, June? Did you even know I weren't here for those six weeks that summer? Out of how many in 50 years? If you tot up the hours we've actually spent together... ...probably only been about a year. It's not much for mother and daughter, is it? Maybe he was right, Jack. Your dad. I did choose you. He couldn't choose you. He couldn't choose his own. Not even at the end, did he want to know, How's June? Not even, Send June my love. You would have loved him though, June. You would have loved him. Still beautiful, Amy. Still. Journey's end. Hallelujah. Gasping for a pee. This is Marine Terrace. Marine Terrace, Margate. The Golden Mile. 'Course it's out of season. Dreamland's still there. Where's the pier? You're looking at it, Raysy. - What, that thing? Well, that ain't a pier. - Yeah, but they call it the Pier. - No, that's a harbor wall. - Yeah, but they call it the Pier. There used to be the jetty that looked like a pier. Where the steamboats came in. - Yeah. - Yeah. Well, it sounds reasonable. So where's the other thing, the jetty? Well, that got swept away in about... The storms, 1970, something, yeah. Yeah. I remember Amy saying, Did you hear about Margate Jetty? Yeah. - Not good scattering weather. - Well, that depends how you look at it. - Fair old wind. - Yeah. Vic, we don't need the bag now. Here, you hold him, Ray. Well, where's Lenny? Has he gone for a paddle and all? Oh, God, look at him. He ain't even done his trousers up. All right? Come on. He's off. Come on, you soppy sod. It ain't weather for the beach, I tell you. Mad Gunner Tate. Mad Jack Dodds. You think he whisked this up special, do you? - Well. - Well. Well, June... ...they must be there by now. Margate. Jack in the sea. Or about to be. Goodbye, Jack. Goodbye, June. Oh, June. We've got to make our own lives now, June... ...without each other. We've got to go our own separate ways. I've got to think of my own future. Now 50 years is beyond the call for inging up baby. Most I've ever wanted, the most I've ever hoped for... ...in those 50 years, I haven't asked for the earth, believe me... ...is that you should've looked at me just once and said: Mom. I couldn't have just stopped coming without saying this to your face. Goodbye, June. If there was anything other than... ...blind chance in the world... ...if we could see and choose in the first place... ...you'd be riding Derby winners... ...Lenny'd be the middleweight champion and I'd be Doctor Kildare. And Vic? Well, I reckon Vic's where he wants to be. I reckon Vic's got it sorted out. - Yeah. - Yeah. If you ever get the chance... ...Raysy. If you ever get the option... ...you go first. It's the carrying on that's hard. Ending... ...it ain't nothing. That ain't an option I've got, is it? I mean, if anyone has. Seeing as it's just me. You never know. Still, I reckon I'm lucky. Nah. I'm Lucky. It'll be harder for Amy. Yeah. She'll need looking after, Raysy. Yeah. We've got to see Amy right. It's all a gamble, isn't it? Yeah. Yeah, it is. Just a gamble. It's going to be all right, Amy. Jack's made sure you're going to be all right. That 20 grand. There's no problem. There's nothing hanging over you. You can have that bungalow in Margate if you wanted it. Or... Maybe... ...you might go on a little trip down under. Think you'd fancy that, down under? Australia's a long way, Ray. Oh, yeah. But then I do like traveling about. Well... Come here. - Here, Vince. Come here. - What? About your Ł1,000. I've got it. - Yeah? - Yeah. I'll explain when we get home. Yeah. See Amy all right, too. Yeah. I think Amy made the right decision after all, don't you? Yeah. God help us. - Not far. - Nearly there now, Jack. Here we are. Over here. Not too near the edge. The wind will take him. Let the wind take him. Here, keep your hands as dry as you can. Right. Come on then. Go on, Vince. Come on. Goodbye, Jack. Yeah. 'Bye, Jack. 'Bye, Jack. - 'Bye, Jack. - 'Bye, Dad. Bye-bye, Jack. Go on, Ray. Goodbye, Jack. 'Bye, Jack. Ta-ta, mate. Dry work, eh, lads? Yeah, a pint wouldn't be out of place, would it? Jack'd expect nothing less. Here. Drinks are on me. If that's all right with you, Lenny. Well done, Vic. If you're shouting, Big Boy, I'm there. Till the last bell rings. Be my pleasure, Gunner. Jack would expect nothing less. Yeah.
That's a nice boy. Go get 'em, Dulli. Get in there. We good? Oh, yeah. Are we good? We're beautiful. We're perfect. This is grade-A, 100 pure Colombian cocaine, ladies and gentlemen. Disco shit. Pure as the driven snow. My name is George Jung... federal inmate number 19225004. I was born in New England. Massachusetts, actually, in a town called Weymouth. That's me. - Come on! Yeah! - And that's my best friend Tuna. My dad ran a plumbing and heating company. He had three trucks, ten employees, and did big jobs. - Hey! Did you do it? - He was my hero. -Yeah, it was great. I didn't fall once. -Attaboy. See you tonight. - Can I come to work with you? - Let's go. Say good-bye to the kid. Clam it, Bill. I'll talk to my boy as long as I want to. You got a problem with that? Do you really want to come? Oh, what the heck. All right. - All right. Get your boots. - Thanks, Dad, thanks! Bill, what's your problem? Guess who's on cleanup today, and buying lunch. Money. M-O-N-E-Y. That's your job-- Dad was a hard worker, but he didn't make enough money to keep Mom happy. Why do you think I married you? She thought she'd married above her class... and he promised her the moon but didn't deliver. The truth was, business got slow and we were oke. Don't touch me! Look at your hands! You're disgusting! - Not in front of the boy. - The boy, the boy. What about me, Fred? - Mom, wait! Where are you going? - Go home, George! Mom, where are you going? No matter how many times my mother would leave... no matter how many times she embarrassed him... he always took her back. He loved her. God, he loved her. Ermine. Come here. - Are you okay? Are you all right? - Yeah. Yeah. Hiya, George. I'm home. Come on, give me a hug. Come on, Georgie. Come to Mommy. George. Come give your mother a hug. For ten years, my father worked his ass off 14 hours a day, 7 days a week. He didn't care as long as we were happy. Okay, what do I have to do? But in the end, he didn't make enough. Slowly but surely, he lost everything. We were bankrupt. -Let's get some ice cream. -I don't care about ice cream right now. What are we gonna do? It'll be all right, George. It'll work out. It always does. I'm gonna find another job. Look, George, this is the way it goes. Sometimes you're flush, and sometimes you're bust. When you're up, it's never as good as it seems... and when you're down, you never think you're gonna be up again. But life goes on. Remember that. Money isn't real, George. It doesn't matter. It only seems like it does. You gonna tell that to Mom? Yeah, that's gonna be a tricky one. - Hey, Dad. - What? Are we gonna be poor? 'Cause I don't ever want to be poor. Then you won't. I decided right then and there I wasn't gonna live like that. I needed to get as far away as possible. I moved to California in the summer of 1968... with the Tuna. We had $300 and a black TR-3. Sure was nothing like this back home. It was paradise. We got a small, one-bedroom apartment right on the beach. It wasn't much, but it had its perks. George. You need some help? California was like nothing I'd ever seen before. Hey, where's the beer? People were liberated, independent, full of new ideas. Hi. This is Tuna. They used words like right on, groovy, solid. The women were beautiful... and they all seemed to share the same occupation. - I'm a stewardess. - I'm a stewardess. Yeah. On the airplane. And everyone was getting stoned. - Hi. - Hello. Hi. - Hello. - Hey, Tuna. Oh, my God. I figured it out. Figured out what? You know how we were wonderin' what we were gonna do for money... bein' as we don't wanna get jobs and whatnot? - Yeah. - Check this out. Oregano? - Tuna, this is crap. - Look, we're selling it. We're gonna make up three-finger lids and sell 'em on the beach. If we move all that, we got, like, like, a hundred bucks. And if we don't, we can smoke it. - You got ripped off. - It's not a bad idea. I-I got the Baggies and everything. Look, if you really want to score some dope, I got the guy. The guy was Derek Foreal, a Manhattan Beach legend. He owned three restaurants, two nightclubs and a chain of Laundromats... but more importantly... he owned the first male hair salon in all of Southern California. Barbie! Maria Hey, Sandy. So this is the new man, huh? He's cute. George. Tuna. Hello, Tuna. Enchanté, George. Barbie, he is yummy. He looks just like a Ken doll. Ken and Barbie. Oh, my God. It is so perfect. Girls, give me about five minutes. I wanna talk alone to the boys. Have fun. Gentlemen. All right, everybody, shoo. Come on. Chop, chop. Give us a few minutes. Chop, chop, chop, chop. Go blond, Ron. Very nice, Heather. Now, what can I do for you guys? We'd like to buy some pot. I know what you want. But first, are you cops? No. If you are, you have to tell me. If not, it's entrapment. We're not cops. We're from Massachusetts. Does he look like a cop? Actually, no. You know, it's a good thing you're friends of Barbie's... 'cause if you weren't... I would never talk to you. What the fuck is that? It's your pot. Wow. That's more than we had in mind. I don't nickel-and-dime. Do you want it or not? We'll take it. Tuna and I became the kings of Manhattan Beach. If you bought grass, you bought it from us. The bills were paid, and I was making more money than I could at a real job. I built a reputation for myself. People even started calling me Boston George. It was perfect. This is it for me. What is it? Everything. You, California, the beach... this spot right here. Just finally feel like I belong somewhere, you know. I feel right. You're happy. Yeah, I am. You? Good. Look what the cat dragged in. Holy shit. Dulli! - Man. - What the fuck are you doing out here? Man, I'll tell ya. I was walking down the beach, minding my business. Who do I see? This fuckin' guy. I didn't know you guys were living out in California. - Yeah. What are you doing out here? - I'm on vacation, man. I'm on my way back to school. Oh. Well, this calls for a joint. You wanna do the honors? No, man. I'm too fucked up. That's nice weed, huh? Fuck, yeah. I've never seen anything like this. I'm fuckin' wasted. Right on. Man. I'm fuckin' stoned. I'm fuckin' stoned. I'm really stoned. I'm fuckin' stoned, man. I'm really-- Stoned? - Yeah! - Yeah. Man, I wish there was stuff like this back at home. - Yeah? - Fuck, yeah! You know how much money I could make with this stuff back east? - Yeah? - No shit, Kev? - That's right. - Yeah? When there's stuff to move, it's too easy not to. Do you know how many colleges there are within a 60-mile radius? - U. Mass, Amherst, B.U. - Smith, Hampshire. - Right. And Holyoke. - Holyoke. There's 100,000 rich kids with their parents' money to spend... and there's never anything around-- nothin' good, anyways. I'm spendin' 400 bucks on shit. Yeah? The way I figure it... Barbara flies back east twice a week... two bags per flight, 25 pounds in each bag. That's a hundred pounds a week. I know it's a lot of weight, but you can't get pot like this back home. I'm telling you, Derek, it'll sell. I don't know. The best part-- we can charge 500 a pound. Come on, George. No one's gonna pay that. It's already been negotiated. It's done. The money's there waitin'. Goodness. Goodness is right. Listen. I want you to be my partner on this thing, Derek, 50-50. If you do the math, that's over 30 grand a week profit. That's $ 15,000 a week for you, my friend... in your pocket, free and clear. And I just deal with you? Barbara and me. No one else. It's gonna work, Derek. I don't know. East coast, airplanes. I'm paranoid. It seems really risky. Derek, she's a stewardess. They don't check her bags. Bye. - Hey, Barbara! - Kevin. See this suit? Gabardine. - See you. - Okay. Bye. - Barbara! - Kevin. More. I need more. - Hey, Kevin. - I need more. - I need more. - What do you want me to do? I can only carry two bags, and I can't fly back here every day. I know, but I got a feeding frenzy on my hands. This is small potatoes. We're missing out on some serious cash. - Tell George. He'll think of something. - I will. - Ladies and gentlemen, Kevin Dulli! - We made it! 20, 40, 60, 80, nine. 20, 40, 60, 80, one thousand. A hundred and twenty-eight thousand dollars. Jesus Christ, I'm gettin' a boner just lookin' at it. Do you believe it, George? What's the matter, George? Is something wrong? Cheer up. Half of this is ours. We're fuckin' rich. - It's not enough. - What? - What the fuck are you talking about? - The setup is wrong. We're doing all the legwork, and we're still paying retail. - We're gettin' fuckin' middled. - So? So we need to get to the source. - The source? What about Derek? - He's gettin' middled too. Derek's our partner. What's good for him is good for us. So we need a source. Where do we start? Either one of you guys speak Spanish? Tuna! Get the fuck in here! Go on, play. Salut, then. Salut? - Salud. - Salud. Cheers. - Smokee? - Smoke-um? Do you have some pot? żDonde esta pot? - Do you know where we can get some pot? - No. No. El-- El weed. Do you know where we can find some marijuana? Take a little off the top. Marijuana? Smoke-- - So, you got anything? - I haven't asked yet. - What? - I didn't ask yet. Go ahead. Come on, are we-- I'll be back. Santiago. Ramon tells me you're looking for some mota. Yeah, I am. For instance, uh, something like this, eh? Oh, yeah. Yeah, that'll do it. I'll take it. You're funny. Really. How much will you be needing? All of it. Yeah, I'll come back in a week with a plane. Mi madre. Oye, Americano, maybe we're going too fast. You take a little, and then come back. Yeah, but I don't need a little. I need a lot. Hang on a minute. Listen. Senor. Tell you what, amigo. What about I come back... and I ing you, say... $50,000? That alleviate some of your concerns? Amigo, you ing me $50,000... and I have no more concerns. I can't believe we're stealing a plane. Don't be such a pussy. We're not fuckin' stealing it, we're borrowing it. Be cool, boys. Got a little company here. Let's go. Come on, let's go. Tuna, let's go. Tuna. - Good luck. I'll see you in the desert. - Right. - You sure you know what you're doing? - George, relax, all right? I've flown with my old man a million times. It's not the taking-off part you gotta worry about, it's the landing. Good to see you. You're a man of your word. Listen, you know the 50,000 I promised you? Couldn't get it. So I ought you 7 5 instead. Go! Merry Christmas, Derek. Merry Christmas! It's beautiful. You're a genius, George. - Merry Christmas. - Merry Christmas. This would make a fabulous Christmas card. Get my camera, Sven. George! Did you see the bedroom? I love it! It's so pretty! - Did you see it? - Yeah, I saw it. - Hi. My God! - Hi. - What do you think? - Are you kidding? - Yeah? You want it? - Mm-hmm. We'll take it. Cannonball! It was a great time in our lives. The seven of us were like a family. We worked hard, we played hard, didn't have a care in the world. It was perfect. I can't get over the size of that ring. I just love it. Look at it, Fred. Tell me you don't love that ring. I'm just happy that George here has found somebody he cares for. Yes, of course, but I'm talkin' about the ring. It's somethin' else. - George has exquisite taste. - What is it, two carats? - It's gotta be at least two carats. - I don't know. Yes, it's definitely two carats. Treasure it, darling. - You might wanna get that insured. - Okay, Mom. Hard to imagine being able to afford a ring like that on a construction salary. Oh, shut your big, fat mouth. You don't buy it all at once. It's called layaway. - Layaway, schmayaway-- - Yes, layaway. Something you wouldn't know anything about, you cheapskate. - Cheapskate, beapskate. - Yeah, you, you big tightwad. He still has his communion money. - Don't listen to her. Yap, yap, yap. - George, tell your father-- George, you tell your father about layaway. Layaway. The boy's happy, Fred. Don't be such a killjoy. - I'm not a killjoy. - Oh,Jesus, babe. Put your head up. Put your head back. My, Barbara. Here, take my napkin. - I'll be okay. - I'll get you some ice. - Irene, we need some ice. - Yeah, she's all right. - You wanna go? - Yeah, let's go. - Come on. You haven't had your entree. - No, it's okay. I'm gonna leave the tip. I hope you're feeling better. It was lovely to meet you. George, give your mother a call in the morning. What a lovely girl. Is that all hundreds? Yeah. - Are you sure you're all right? - Yeah, I'm fine. Honey, would you be bummed out if I didn't go to Chicago with you? No, not if you don't wanna. Listen, I gotta apologize about my parents. That was-- They weren't that bad. They were kinda cute. I'm not sure about that. I want you to promise me something. I want you to promise me that we're never gonna be like that. I don't wanna wind up like them. We're gonna wind up like us. Yeah? - I love you. - Get in the car. Hurry, before they come out. GeorgeJung, you stand accused... of possession of 660 pounds of marijuana... with intent to distribute. How do you plead? Your Honor, I'd like to say a few words to the court, if I may. You're going to have to stop slouching and stand up to address this court, sir. All right, fine. Well, in all honesty... I don't feel that what I've done is a crime... and it's illogical and irresponsible for you to sentence me to prison. Because, when you think about it, what did I really do? I crossed an imaginary line with a bunch of plants. I mean, you say I'm an outlaw, you say I'm a thief... but where's the Christmas dinner for the people on relief, huh? You say you're looking for someone who's never weak but always strong... to gather flowers constantly, whether you were right or wrong... someone to open each and every door, but it ain't me, babe. No, no, it ain't me, babe. It ain't me you're looking for, babe. - You follow ? - Yeah. Gosh, you know, your concepts are really interesting, Mr.Jung. Thank you. Unfortunately for you, the line you crossed was real... and the plants you ought with you were illegal. So your bail is $20,000. - I-- - Next case, Your Honor. Number 14173. - George. - Hey, babe. What are you doing here? Surprise. You didn't have to come all the way out here, babe. What, and miss all the fun? Not a chance. So... what's the verdict? The lawyer says he can plead it down to five years. I'll serve two. - Two years? - Yeah. Two years. George, I can't wait that long. Are you kiddin'? You're not gonna wait for me? What the fuck is that? I don't have two years. What? Losing Barbara to cancer changed everything. The old gang oke up. Tuna stayed in Mexico. God only knows what happened to him. The point is, we all lost touch. I'd skipped bail in Chicago to take care of Barbara... and was now a fugitive on the run. It'd been almost a year since I'd seen my parents... and believe it or not... I actually missed them. Hi, Mom. Surprised to see me? Take off your boots. You're tan. Mexico. Yeah. I heard about it. I want you to know I'm-- I'm deeply sorry about your girlfriend. - Barbara. - Yeah, Barbara. Nice girl. Thank you. You been getting the money I send you? What, you mean the drug money? Yeah, I got it. Oh, God. What are you doing? What are you doing, baby? It's okay, Mom. - George? - It's okay. - Georgie! - Hi, Pop. I thought I heard somethin'. How are ya? - Good. - Ah, son, come on in. Oh, yeah. You look good. May the wind always be at your back... and the sun upon your face. And may the winds of destiny carry you aloft... to dance with the stars. - Cheers, Georgie. - Cheers, Pop. Are you all right? Just low, you know. You really loved her. Yeah, Dad. I really did. Are you mad at me? - Yeah, you are. - No. -I can tell by how you're looking at me. -I'm not mad, George. I just don't understand what you're doing. I don't understand your choices. The goddamn cops are looking for you. I know. I'm great at what I do, Dad. I mean, I'm really great at what I do. Let me tell you somethin', George. You would've been great at anything. Anything. Goddamn! Fuck 'em! Fuck 'em! Fuck! I had no choice. Don't look at me like that. Let's go. - What was I supposed to do? -Jesus Christ, Ermine. - He was in our house! - Shut up! What, was I supposed to be an accomplice? You don't think people know you're a drug dealer? Everyone knows you're a drug dealer. It's no secret. How do you think that reflects on me? Every time I go out, I'm humiliated. So you go to jail. It's for your own good! You need to straighten your life out! What are you looking at, Mrs. Gracie? Your son's no prize. Stop. Open up cell number three! The prisoner is in! Close cell number three. Hello. My name is Diego Delgado. How do you do? - Hey, George. - What? If you don't mind me asking... what is the reason you are in this place? I don't want to talk about it. Oh, come on, George. If we are to be friends, we must trust each other. - I don't like a lot of conversation. - Me too. Too much blah-blah-blah. But we are roommates. We must talk to each other. I'm arrested for stealing cars... for the grand theft auto. Murder. Murder. What do you got down there, Diego? Nothing.Just a little project. What kind of little project? Never mind. Not for you to worry. Come on, I thought you said we're supposed to be roommates... tell each other everything, all that kind of shit. You have your intrigues, I have mine. Today is a happy day for me, George. Nine months from today, I'll be in Medellin sipping champagne. In nine months, I'm free. I'm happy for you. Yeah. How much time do you have? Oh, let's see. Twenty-six months. Twenty-six months? For murder. I must meet your lawyer. I gotta get out of here, Diego. Only two ways I know to leave here early. One is to escape. Okay, what's the other? Uh, all right, I guess we oughta open our books. Man, fuck you! - We ain't openin' shit. - That's right. You're just the warden's little bitch. We're hip to you. Doin' this shit to get some time cut off. What the fuck. Why not? I want to get out of this shit-hole as quickly as fuckin' possible. But for me to walk early... some of you has gotta graduate. You should forget it. You're hopeless. Go to sleep. - Fuck you. See ya in the shower. -Jive-ass turkey. The rest of you might be able to get diplomas and get jobs... when you get back on the outside. Shit, I'm in this bitch for life. I'm a criminal. Ain't nobody givin' me no fuckin' job. Well... then let's learn some criminal shit too. Tell you what. I'll make you a deal. About half the time, I teach you about this George Washington character. The other half, I teach youse how to smuggle drugs. You don't know dick about smugglin' no drugs. Oh, no? I was arrested in Chicago with 660 pounds of grass. I think that qualifies me. How the fuck you get 660 pounds of weed? Flew it in from Mexico on a single-engine Cessna. So, we got a deal or what? What? I listened to what you said to the class today about the smuggling. Never believed you were a murderer. I knew you were a magico. I'm tired, Diego. Go to bed. Do you know, in my country I'm a magico... a man with a dream... a man on the rise... to take nothing and make it something. Do you have a dream, George? Well, I would if I could get some fucking sleep. You have a dream. And maybe you will accomplish it. But yet you failed. Why? - Because I got caught. - No, manito. You failed... because you had the wrong dream. What do you know about cocaine? First of all, what type of planes do you have? They're four-passenger, single-engine Cessnas. Four passengers. So that means-- How many kilos we can fit on those planes? I don't know. Probably 100, 150. Danbury wasn't a prison... it was a crime school. I went in with a Bachelor of Marijuana. Came out with a doctorate of cocaine. And after 16 months... I was once again a free man. Well, not altogether free. The conditions of my parole were that I had to live at my parents'house... and find a job. - Hello. - Diego Delgado, please. Boston George. Today is the day. - Are you out? - Yeah, I'm out. Congratulations, my other. I've been waiting for you. - How are we doing? - Fine. Everything is perfect down here. Everything is all set up. Do we need a plane? How does this work? When do I see you? Slow down. You need to come down here. Everybody meets everybody. We do one for good faith... and then we talk about airplanes. - I can't go anywhere. - Georgie! Nice and cold. All right, Pop. One-- One minute. I'm on fuckin' parole. I can't leave the state. But, George, you'll be back before they know you're gone. I just got released five minutes ago. George, are we gonna do this, or not? My friend. - How are you? - Fine. Good to see you. Okay, 15 kilos it is then, okay? We receive $ 100,000 upon delivery. Not so fast. No, no, no. I would like to go over the details. What details? I put the coke in the false bottoms, and I take it through customs. That's it. Tell me about the suitcases. - Will there be clothes in the suitcase? - What? Clothes. In the suitcase. Yeah, okay. Okay, yeah, let's try it. Why not? Whose clothes? Your clothes? Okay, Diego, what the fuck is going on here? You pulled me all the way down here to talk about fuckin' clothes? I demand to know everything. I do not trust $600,000 worth of coca to someone I don't know. It's 15 fucking kilos. I piss 15 kilos. - Hey, hey, hey! Gentlemen, please. Hey. - You're an amateur. There's no need to be impolite, okay? George, Cesar is just being thorough. And that's all, okay? Okay, very well. But just remember, Mr.Jung... I will be with you the whole way, and I will be watching. When you're carrying drugs across the border... the idea is to remain calm. The way I do it is to think of something pleasant-- a fun party, a moment of triumph... a sexual encounter. I actually project myself to that place. A little Transcendental Meditation, if you will. The trick is to imagine every little detail. Anything to keep your mind off the fact... that you're going to jail for a very long time... if they find the 15 kilos of blow in your suitcase. Passport, please. - Nice flight? - Yeah, it was pretty good. Thanks. - On vacation? - Yes. On vacation for only one day? Oh, yeah. My other's wedding. It was a nice ceremony and everything. It was good. Open your bag, please. Sure. - Whose clothes are these? - Mine. And these? Old habits, you know. Hard to eak. Close it up. The trial period was over. It was time to start moving some serious weight. Commercial flights weren't gonna cut it anymore. What we needed was a pilot. I'll fly down on a Friday, refuel in the Bahamas, and then on to Medellin. Please continue. We make the pickup, refuel once more in the Bahamas... and then fly back on Sunday with the mom-and-pop traffic. Why are you speaking? - What? - You. Your responsibility is over. You're not a pilot, you're not a distributor. You simply introduced us to Mr. Stevens and the use of his plane, that is all. You make a percentage, and a generous one, and you're lucky to get that. I see. How much? Padrino will pay $ 10,000 per kilo for everyone-- you, you and you. Three million. That is all. - There is no negotiation. - I want two. A million each had such a nice ring to it. No way. I'm doing all the work, I'm taking all the risks, and it's my plane. You guys don't have to do shit. You just sit back and collect your money. You good with this? Yeah. That's enough. That's enough! - Do you have pictures of your kids? - What? I'll need to see them. I'll also need their names and the names of their schools. We are trusting you with millions of dollars worth of coca, Mr. Stevens. Without your children, there is no deal. Fine. Mr. Stevens. Don't forget the pictures. George, come here! I need to talk to you! Yeah! Yeah. George, come here. What's the matter? I mean, aside from the fact... that we're moving 300 fuckin' kilos and we're making dogshit... nothing, really. - A million dollars is not bad. - It's fuckin' chump change. We may as well be haulin' suitcases across the border. You know, George, this is a very small part of the business. Very small. Which reminds me, I need a favor from you. The favor was to pick up 50 kilos of cocaine. Fifty. That's 110 pounds. Not exactly a small favor. It's not like bumming a cigarette, for example. But what the hell. I didn't have anything better to do that day. It's not like I was on parole or anything. How you doin'? I'm George. Friend of Diego's. Where is Diego? I don't know. He sent me. I'm George. Well, that explains everything. Open your mouth, George. Get fucked. Open your fuckin' mouth. Now, you listen to me. You hearing me? Yes. I've been holding 50 keys for Diego for three weeks. Tell him I don't appreciate it. You tell him I want my money by Friday. Can you do that? I think so. I think so. - Hello. - Hello. May I speak to George, please? George, you have a phone call. Okay, Mom. Thank you. - Hello. - Hello? George? - Diego. - Hey, how are you? - How are you? - I'm fine. Where are you? Bad news, George. I'm in Colombia. Boy, I sure would like to see you. And so would some of your old friends. You know, George, it's a little bit hard to get away right now. I'm afraid you're on your own. I'm in jail. What? Yeah. What I'm doing here is measuring the purity. Pure coke, it melts away at about 185... 190 degrees. Cutting agents, they melt away at about 100. And quality product, well, that's melting at around 140. A hundred and thirty. Good. A hundred and forty. Yes. A hundred and fifty. Fuck me running! A hundred and sixty? Jesus Christ! A hundred and seventy! A hundred and eighty. A hundred-- A hundred and eighty-seven. Where did you get this stuff? Colombia. - Well, do you mind if I do a line? - Yeah, go ahead. Fuck it. Let's all do one. What'd I tell you, Derek? It's great. But what am I supposed to do with all this? - Sell it. -Jesus Christ, George. I don't see you in 2 years, and you show up at my door with 110 pounds of blow? Just fucking sell it, Derek. All right, but it's gonna take me a year. I can't feel my face. I mean, I can touch it, but I can't feel it inside. Thirty-six hours. Thirty-six hours. I don't believe we got rid of it in 36 hours. I think it's fair to say you underestimated the market, Derek. Right on. It's gonna take us longer to count it than it did to sell it. Greetings, Mr. George. Hola, amigos. Here you go. 1.35 million. Anyplace in particular you'd like to count it? On the plane. What fuckin' plane? Thanks. - What the fuck is goin' on here? - Good to see you. - I thought you were in jail. - Pablo used his influence. Now, watch what you say, okay? Everybody hears everything. A lot of things get said, and then-- Let's just say this isn't America. - All right. - Okay? Life is cheap here. No offense, but you know what I'm saying. Right, I'll just keep my fuckin' mouth shut. Now, who's this person in California? The connection? It's a friend. - Who? I need to know. - It's a friend. A fucking friend, okay? - Who? - A friend. I ain't tellin' you no more. We'll talk about it later. Look. That's Pablo. Oh, shit. El Padrino... was Senor Pablo Escobar. And for those of you living on the moon for the last 20 years... he was it-- the boss of it all. El Magico. He will see you now. - Okay, let's go. - Not you. What? - No, you go. - No. Fuck-- Wait. It's gonna be fine. What the fuck? I'm not going over there alone. You gotta do all the talking. Remember? Senor Escobar only wants to see you. Not me. You go. - This way, please. - Yeah, yeah. Right, right. Take it easy. It's gonna be fine. All right. Fuck it. So... you are the man who takes 50 kilos... and makes them disappear in one day? Actually, it was three days. El Magico. Greetings, Mr. George. Welcome to Colombia. Oh, this man. He was full of courage. Informant? He would have run, fled the country, gone to the policia. But then his wife, his children, his parents, his friends-- Many people would die. Well, let me take this opportunity... to thank you very much for inviting me to your beautiful country. Beautiful, yes, but poor. Coffee, bananas-- these are our main exports, along with mota. We've been overrun by the fucking comunistas, but that is another story. Our business here today is cocaine, yes? Si. Yes, it is. I need to find an americano... who I can trust... one with honor, intelligence-- You need an americano with balls, Senor Escobar. Yes, and balls, Mr. George. Well, look, I can do several things for you. I can transport the cocaine from your ranch here in Colombia... to the United States, starting with California. I got pilots, I got planes standing by. Good, good. But I need more details. What is the cost? Right off the top of my head-- I'd have to talk to Diego and everything, but let's just say... roughly 10,000 per kilo. How much can you transport? Again, this is a language that I would have to discuss with my partner... but 300 kilos-- So that's $3 million. This I understand, but-- - Please, to remove. - Yeah. These complications with Diego-- the stolen cars, getting him released from the carcel-- this causes me much inconvenience. The 50 kilos could have been a big problem. Huh? I don't like problems. With all due respect, el Padroni... Diego is my partner... so I won't negotiate without him. I won't do business without him. - I just won't. - You sure? I'm sure. Let us speak no more of this business. Let's go for a drive. We have many other things to talk about, yes? I've made a decision. We're going into business together, and I want to start right away. Cocaine exploded upon the American culture like an atomic bomb. It started in Hollywood and moved east in no time. Everyone was doing it. I mean everyone! We invented the marketplace. In fact, if you snorted cocaine in the late 1970s or early '80s... there was an 85 chance it came from us. All right. Three million I counted it twice. Two-point-five. Two-point-five. I'm sure. I'm calling it three. Then we are half a million off? Well, fuck it. I'm not counting it again. Weigh it. If it's 60 pounds, it's 3 million. Fifty is two-point-five. I don't give a shit. It's close enough. Where do I put it? Try the back bedroom. - No room. - Shit. Try the closet. We're gonna need a bigger boat. The Colombians recommended Noriega's bank in Panama City. It was either that or launder it in the States for a 60 surcharge. What? Keep only 40 of my money? No, thanks. Congratulations, gentlemen. - Even Pablo kept his money there. - I love it. - Who was gonna fuck with us? - I'm sorry? I give you $30 million, and you give me this little book. - I'm married. - Yeah, I know it. - Can you believe I'm married? - You're a very lucky man. - I love you. I love you. - I'm proud of you. I love you too, my other. I love you too. - Hello. - Hello. Do I know you? I don't think so. No? Why are you smiling? Why are you smiling? I don't know. I'm George. I know who you are. El americano. Mr.Jung, I see you've met my fiancée Mirtha. Oh, yeah? Yeah. Augusto would like to see you immediately. - Huh? - Augusto would like to see you. In a minute. - Okay. Excuse us, mi amor. - Go ahead. - Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you. - Please join us. Have a drink. - Sure. - How are you doing? - Remember Mr. George? Congratulations on your conquest of the West Coast. Thank you very much. - How much bigger can we get? - The sky's the limit. It's accepted by actors and musicians. Everybody else will follow. Actors and musicians? - Actors and musicians. - Actors and musicians. Very good. We were just discussing George's West Coast operations. Yeah, George's mystery man. Yes, what is this mystery man? When do we meet him? Well, you can't meet him. George keeps him a secret. Huh? He's here meeting everybody. He goes to Colombia, meets Pablo. But still he keeps his secret, even from his other, huh? - George, we're all in this together. - There's plenty for everybody. You know, I think that el Padroni is happy with the current situation. Don't you? I'll be back. Excuse me. You go. Breaking up a Colombian marriage was a serious thing. A lot of people were pissed off. Didn't matter. I was Escobar's guy. I was untouchable. Mirtha became my running partner. Beautiful, passionate, and as crazy as I was. She could party like a man and love like a woman. There was only one problem. I would always be a gringo to the cartel. Mirtha could change all that with two choice words. I do. So do I. We had the world by the short and curlies. We were young, rich and in love. Nothing could stop us. It was perfect. Holy Mother of God. Put that shit away. You're pregnant, for Christ's sakes. Don't be such a fucking hypocrite. I quit smoking, didn't I? Just put it away. My fucking parents are here. Oh, my! - It's beautiful, isn't it? - Oh, God, it's enormous! Like it? Look. Look at this credenza. Oh, yes. What, it's Spanish? How much is one of these? It's gotta cost a fortune. - It's a family heirloom, Ma. - I've seen these. They're not cheap. Mirtha comes from a very wealthy family. - Papi, do you like it? Nice, eh? - Very nice, yeah. - I'll show you the rest of the house. - Great. George mentioned a Jacuzzi. I've always wanted a Jacuzzi. - And one of those bidets. - Cocktail? Yeah. You know, business has been pretty good. I got this little import/ export thing going down in Miami. That's been very profitable for me. I got my investments. - I got, uh-- - Don't bullshit me, George. I don't want to waste the time. I don't see you that much. You come from my body, remember? You're my baby boy. Same kid who would jump off a mountain if someone told him he couldn't do it. You haven't changed that much, have you? Wow. I know what you're up to. Not everything, but I get the picture. And I don't care. I don't like it. It's not what I would have chosen for ya. But it's your life. It's got nothin' to do with me. I couldn't stop you if I wanted to, could I? - Probably not. - No. It's good. Got a family. It's good if it makes you happy. It's nice to have nice things, George. Are you happy? Yeah. Yeah, at the moment, I am happy, Dad. Three years? How long have we been in business? Three years? Does she get to meet your connection? Was she good enough? Shut up, Diego. Gonna be here any minute. I'm trying to concentrate. Carajo, okay? I'm very angry with you, George. Very angry. You don't take me to California, but you take your bitch wife! A woman! It was you and me who started this. You and me! What do you need my connection for? What are you gonna do with it? Nothing. It's for the principle. It's for peace of mind. Jesus fucking Christ! I ain't tellin' you. It's just business. You're driving me fucking crazy. I'm driving you fucking crazy? You're driving me fucking crazy. We had a dream. What happened to our dream? - Go inside. Go on. - Shit. I give you everything. I give you everybody. And what do you give me, George? What do you give me? No, no, amigo. No problema. El dinero esta todo aqui, right? No problem. We'll count this shit later. You embarrassed me, George. You made me look very bad. Nothing. Todo esta bien. No, everything is not right! I ing you in, and you slap my face. This is not the time, Diego. No, listen. Todo esta bien, okay? Take the keys and go. Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck. Everything's all right. There's no problem. Okay? Never happened. Nobody has to know anything about this. Diego, I want you to very calmly tell these nice gentlemen... where the fucking cocaine is. Do it now! Nice doing business with you, gentlemen. Good-bye. Derek Foreal! What? Derek Foreal. Derek fucking Foreal, all right? Answer to all your fucking dreams. Happy now? Derek. Derek Foreal, Diego Delgado. Thank you. Hey! I'm so happy to see you two! Look at you. You're beautiful! You're about to burst! I am. Tell her not to drink too much, please. - I'm so glad to see you. - Me too. - We have a lot to talk about. - Where's Diego? He's not here. Where is he? And who the fuck is this Norman Cay guy? Everybody's talking about Norman Cay. Norman Cay this. Norman Cay that. - Do you know him? - He's not a person. Norman's Cay is an island in the Bahamas. From what they say, it's very peaceful, and that's where Diego has his new home. As I understand it, he's bought 160 acres. A hotel, a marina and an airstrip. He's doing multiple runs right now, using the island as a jump-off point. - What? - Yes. And Jack Stevens is already a very busy man, along with many others. Oh, shit. Hello. Hello, Derek. George. Am I wearing lipstick? I said, am I wearing lipstick? While I'm getting fucked, I wanna make sure my face looks pretty. I don't wanna be in the middle of this. That's between you and Diego. - I ing you into th-- Hang on. - Happy New Year. Happy New Year, honey. I ing you in, this is how you pay me back? Look, George, it's nothing personal. I love you. This is business. - I gotta go, George. - Derek! Derek! What's wrong? - What? - Nothin'. Happy New Year. Welcome, my friend. It's been a long time. Don't touch me! Hey, happy to see you, George, my other. No more others, Diego. Why do you say that? You hurt me, George. Of course we are others. You fucked me. I did not. Yeah, you did. You went behind my back. You cut me out. You fucked me. Me? No. Never, George. Never. I talked to Derek. Well, maybe you're right. Maybe I did betray you a little bit. Yeah. Yeah, I stole your California connection. So what? Who introduced you to Pablo Escobar? Me. Me. Who introduced you to your fucking Colombian wife? Hmm? Me. Who protected you... when my friend Cesar Rosa wanted to slice your fucking throat out? Huh? Me. Who made you make millions and millions of dollars? Me. And what do I get in return? This. Accusations. I have always given you everything, George. Always. But... that is over now. Yeah, this is my operation, my dream. So go home. Go back home. Go home. Go back to your stupid little life. Go back and sell half grams to your relatives, for all I care, because-- Because you're out. And don't be so emotional, George. We're others. We are others. Yeah! Next time, it's fucking loaded. Bye. Bye. Bye. Say hello to your pretty wife for me. Sure. Hello. -Jesus Christ! - It's all right, honey. - Look at you. - It's okay. It's okay, baby. It's over. I quit the business. I'm out. It's all over, and I'm not going back. It's just you and me and the baby. And there's nothing else. There's just us. You know, fuck it. Fuck 'em. - Fuck them. - Fuck 'em. Come here. Come here. I did. I quit the business. Got out completely. I mean, what the fuck. Why not? I'd made $60 million, and I was out clean. Well, maybe I jumped the gun on clean. - Let's go. The baby's coming! - Right, right. I'm fucking coming! Jesus Christ! George, hurry up! Georgie, let's go! Right, right, right! What the fuck? I'll be right down. Watching my baby girl being born did something to me. - Motherfucker! - They talk about religious experiences. I didn't believe in religion. Hell, I didn't even particularly like kids. But when Kristina SunshineJung came into this world... something in me changed. I knew what I was put on the planet for. It was the greatest feeling I ever had... followed very a uptly by the worst feeling I ever had. Call the cardiologist. I think he's having a heart attack. The official toxicity limit for humans... is between one and one and a half grams of cocaine, depending on body weight. I was averaging five grams a day, maybe more. I snorted ten grams in ten minutes once. I guess I had a high tolerance. George, look, I'm not here to give you lectures. I have no moral interest in what you do or don't do. But take it easy, George. Stay with us a while. You have a daughter now. A daughter. I came home and cleaned up my act. I didn't do anything. No drink, no nothing. Sober as a judge. My life was all about Kristina. Being with her, taking care of her. I wanted to be a father, a good father... just like my old man was to me. After five years of laying low... still sober, Mirtha needed to have some fun. - Please excuse me for a minute. - So on my 38th birthday... she threw a little party and invited some old friends. Happy birthday, George. Mirtha invited me. Yeah, she told me. Look, I'm sorry about everything. You were right. I did fuck you. And Diego fucked me, cut me out too. Yeah, I heard about it. I lost sight of everything, George. Forgot who my friends were. Well, fuck it. It's in the past. Just forget about it. I'm out of the business, so we'll just move on. - Yeah. - Good to see you, Derek. You too. - Let's get a drink. - Who's cuttin' your hair? That's fucking funny, motherfuckers! Let's have some fucking fun! -Jesus, is that Mirtha? - Yeah. Christ Almighty, George. What does she weigh, 80 pounds? Yeah, give or take. Come on. Happy birthday to you Happy birthday, dear George Happy birthday to you - Freeze! - Freeze! Waiters. I'm the only guy on the planet gets busted by fucking waiters. Why the feds decided to bust me on that particular night, I'll never know. Maybe it was the Porsches and the Maseratis in the driveway... my Colombian guest list or the cocaine buffet. Whatever it was, they were just waiting for me to slip up. And I did. What's this? This is your statement, how it was all yours. The pound of cocaine was for personal use... and none of the other guests had any idea it was there. Yeah, right. I want my kid out of protective custody. Now. No fucking around. My wife and my daughter on a plane tonight. I sign this shit when I know that they're safe and sound. - No fucking way. - Well, fuck you. I sign nothing, then. Do it. Oh, you know what? One more thing. - Yeah, what? - Get me a six-pack. Yeah, right. There was no way in the world I was going back to prison. So I signed the deal, took the rap and posted bail. Once again, I would become a fugitive on the run. - Hi, Dad. - Hello, George. - Ermine, your son is here. - Tell him I don't want to see him. Tell him he's not welcome here. -Mom. -Don't you dare step foot in this house. You're not my son. You hear me? I don't have a son anymore. She's angry, George. It's been all over the news. Yeah. I just wanted to let you guys know... that I'm gonna be going away for a little while. You're not gonna go to trial? No. So this is it. I hope not, Pop. Me too. - I gotta go, Pop. I'll see you. - You take care of yourself. You too. - Senor Jung. - Yeah? I wish to present Senor Rodriguez. He's the president of our bank. I am afraid that there is a problem, Mr.Jung. The banks have gone through a change, a nationalization. I am afraid that your funds have been appropriated... by the Panamanian government. Please forgive me. Someone should have called you from the bank earlier. My apologies, please. What are we going to do? - What are we going to do for money? - Mirtha, please. I will talk to Augusto. I'll start working for him. Just tell me! Just answer the fucking question! What do we spend? What? How will we live? Not in front of the kid. Don't give me that shit. You just better do something. Everything's gonna be okay, sweetheart. Don't be upset. What's happening to us? I don't know. Are we gonna get split up? No.Jesus, God, don't even say that. Listen to me. I love your mother. But she's upset right now. And you're my heart, kid. Now, could I live without my heart? I hope not. Take it easy. There's a fucking cop back there. - Right behind us. -Just fucking drive. What is your fucking problem? We're oke. That's my fucking problem. And you're a fucking spy. What? That's right. Always spying, always judging. - Right. - Everyone's laughing at you. - You fucking pussy. - Thanks. You let Diego fuck you in the ass. - Right. - Maybe because you like it. Maybe because you are a fucking faggot. - Right. - That's what I think you are. I think you are really fucking him, because you're not fucking me. - You gotta be fucking somebody else. - Mirtha, come on. - Why is that? - Take it easy. - Why don't you fuck me anymore? - Mirtha, take it easy. - Why? Why don't you fuck me anymore? - Get over there, Mirtha! Don't you ever put your hands on me, motherfucker! Don't you ever touch me again, asshole! - Relax. - Get your hands off me! He's a fugitive and a fucking cocaine dealer! He has a kilo in his trunk right now! Look, look-- Take this sorry motherfucker to jail! I'm divorcing you, George. And I'm getting custody of Kristina. And when you get out next week, you're gonna pay support. And that's the end of it, okay? There is someone else. I don't think you care, but I wanted to tell you. Say something. What do you want me to say? I'm in prison. You should know. You put me in here. I knew you would say something like that. Always thinking about yourself. - Say hello to your father. - My God. - Go now. Say hello. - No! Hello, sweetheart. I thought you couldn't live without your heart. Every single day in thejoint I thought of one thing. One thing only. My baby girl. I needed to get my heart back. Bye, guys. Anna, sweetie, over here! Hi, honey. - Hi, honey. - What are you doing here? Well, I just wanted to let you know I was out, and I wanted to see you. How are you doing? George, you just can't show up like this. Why don't you try calling me Dad? I don't want to, all right? Now leave me alone. Wait. Honey, listen. Kristina, I'm sorry. I wanna make everything okay, you know? What do you want from me, huh? I want to be your dad again. I just wanna walk with you, if you don't mind. I want to make everything okay. Please, Kristina. If you could go anywhere in the world-- anywhere-- where would you want to go? I was making headway. Kristina and I walked to and from school every day. - Things were starting to look up. - Maybe California. California? Well, you can go anywhere in the world. You can go to India, Tibet, Israel, France, whatever. - You'd still choose California? - Yeah. - Yeah? - Hey, Mom. All right. Well, go-- go on inside. - Bye, Dad. See you in the morning. - Okay. I'll be here. Hi, Mom. I'm gonna go inside and do my homework. Okay, honey. I'll be there in a minute. What do you want? A truce. I don't wanna fight with you anymore, Mirtha. I just want to get along with you. You know, be civil. You know I've been seeing Kristina, right? Yeah, she told me. You walk her to school. Yeah. Anyway, I've been thinkin'... I love her. You know that. I-- I was thinking I'd kind of like to have her. I've been away for such a long time, you know. I just--just wanna be with her. I haven't seen one dollar from you. You haven't paid me one cent. Child support, alimony. You start helping us, we'll see what will happen. All right. That's it. That's all I wanted to say. - Take care. - You too. Are you okay? Yeah. Hello? Derek, hey. George. Look, I need to do something. I want to put together a crew, huh? Know anybody? It's a four-man operation. Two on the ground, two in the air. - Who's the copilot? - You're lookin' at him. We'll provide the plane, transportation costs, U.S. landing spot... and we'll take it wherever you want it to go. You provide a pickup point in South America... and you're responsible for payment. You also assume all bust risk. After that, we take 65 of all transportation fees... ten percent of the gross, plus our expenses. This is not a negotiation, so if it's okay with you, we can talk further. If not, forget we had this conversation. No, no. Everything sounds good. I'm gonna need to meet everybody involved, though. They're right there at the table. Come on. Gentlemen, this is George. - George. - What do you say? - Georgie! Oh, my God! - Oh, my God, Dulli! - Dulli.Jesus. - Oh, man, George. You look great. - Yeah, so do you. - I've known this guy for 30 years. - George, Ben. - Hey, Ben. - How are you doing? G.G. Have my seat. - Nice to see ya. Heard you got married. - Hey, honey, you know what? - What? I was thinking about getting out of town this week. Where are you goin'? I don't know. Maybe California. - Liar. - Yeah. Go out there, check it out, see what it's like. I got a few things I have to take care of first, but I was thinking Thursday. Thursday after school? You know I can't. Mom will never let me go. You let me take care of your mother. You just pack your bags, okay? - But I've got school. - I know. But a good friend of mine told me that they got schools in California too. - You swear? - Yeah. 3:00 Thursday, at your mother's. You and me, huh? - It's a date. - I don't believe you. I swear on my life, scout's honor. Swear on my life. I swear on your life. All right! That's a nice boy. Go get him, Dulli. Get in. Oh, yeah. - Are we good? - Are we good? Yeah, we're good. We're fucking beautiful. We're perfect. This is grade-A, 100 pure Colombian cocaine, ladies and gentlemen. Disco shit. Pure as the driven snow. - Nice. - Good fucking riddance. Yeah? - You saved my fucking life. - No, I didn't. No shit. You'll never know. Really. All you guys. - Really. - Yeah, yeah. And being as how I'm feelin' so fuckin' generous tonight... you just got a raise. - A raise? - Yeah. Instead of ten percent, you're gonna get fifteen. Jesus, George, 15 percent? That's an extra 200 grand. That's right. Fuck it. Do whatever you want with it. Have a nice life. I'm out. Finito. Last fuckin' party. I'm gonna go out to California, start a new life with my kid. Here's to it. - Cheers. - Here's to you, Georgie. - Cheers. - Here's to you, Georgie. Cheers. All right, fellas. - Dulli. - Yeah? How about another round? I'm gonna hit the head. I feel like a fuckin' kid today. What? I feel bad. Me too. I like him too, but what's done is done. So let's not get all sentimental about it, all right? Hey, Dulli, you know what I was thinking? I was remembering that-- that time we flew into Mexico. You remember that fucking landing strip? Right? - Yeah. - Fucking nuts. You're much better now. What's going on? What the fuck? What's with the long faces? Where's my fuckin' knife? No. Let's do it. I was busted. Set up by the FBI and the DEA-- that didn't bother me. Set up by Kevin Dulli and Derek Foreal to save their own asses-- that didn't bother me. Sentenced to 60 years at Otisville-- that didn't bother me. I'd oken a promise. Everything I love in my life goes away. - Hey, Arch. - What's goin' on? Well-- - You all right? - I'm good. Fuck. What do you got? Bad news. Tried to get you furloughed, but your mom squashed it. Said it would only upset him. So, doesn't look good. How's he doin'? Not good. He's out of the hospital. He's home. But I don't think there's anything anyone can do for him. I think it's just a matter of time. Got you a tape recorder. I thought, you know, he might want to hear your voice. If you want to say something to him. Right. I'll give you five. Hello, Dad. You know, I remember a lifetime ago... I was about three-and-a-half feet tall... weighing all of 60 pounds, but every inch your son. Those Saturday mornings going to work with my dad... and we'd climb into that big green truck. I thought that truck was the biggest truck in the universe, Pop. I remember how important thejob we did was. How, if it weren't for us, people would freeze to death. I thought you were the strongest man in the world. Remember those home movies when Mom would dress up like Loretta Young? Ice creams and football games? Waino, the Tuna? Day I left for California, only to come home with the FBI chasing me? That FBI agent, Trout... when he had to get on his knees to put my boots on, you said-- That's where you belong, you son of a bitch. Puttin' on Georgie's boots. That was a good one, Dad. That was really something. You remember that? And that time you told me that money wasn't real? Well, old man, I'm 42 years old... and I finally realize... what you were trying to tell me... so many years ago. I finally understand. You're the best, Dad. I just wish I could've done more for you. I wish we had more time. Anyway... May the wind always be at your back... and the sun always upon your face... and the winds of destiny to carry you aloft... - to dance with the stars. - Dance with the stars. I love you, Dad. Love, George. George. George, come on. You have a visitor. Hello, sweetheart. Hi, Daddy. God, you're so big. Daddy's a fuckup. No. Come here. You're the only thing in my life ever meant anything. - You swear? - I swear, baby. I swear. I love you, Kristina. You're the only good thing in my life. You're the only thing ever meant anything to me. I love you. Come on, let's go. So, tell me about your life. What do you want to know? Everything, I mean-- What do you do? - You go to school? Do you-- - Sometimes. - Yeah? - Yeah. -Just like the old man. - Yeah. George. Let's go. It's gettin' dark. Come on. It's gettin' late. Come on, let's go. Let's go. I got a visitor. Not today, George. Time to go back. Yeah, but I want to put her on the list for tomorrow. It's my daughter. She's gonna visit me. My daughter's gonna visit me tomorrow. So in the end, was it worth it? - It's lockdown time. - Jesus Christ. How irreparably changed my life has become. It's always the last day of summer... and I've been left out in the cold with no door to get back in. I'll grant you, I've had more than my share of poignant moments. Life passes most people by... while they're making grand plans for it. Throughout my lifetime... I've left pieces of my heart here and there... and now there's almost not enough to stay alive. But I force a smile... knowing that my ambition far exceeded my talent. There are no more white horses or pretty ladies at my door.
You've heard of the tunnel. The one we all go through sooner or later. At the end, there's a door. And waiting for you on the other side of that door... is either heaven... or hell. This is that door. Why is this patient in lockdown? They didn't tell you about Laurie Strode? No. You must have heard of her. Sister of Michael Myers? Michael Myers, the serial killer? Well, you'll hear all the gossip soon enough. For now, let's just get... No, no, no, wait. Tell me about her. She decapitated a man. ! Oh, my God. Why? Halloween. Three years ago. Twenty years after the first murders... her other finally found her. Tracked her down to the school where she was working. There were several murders. Lots of confusion. Guys, over here! Oh, my God. She killed the wrong person. Unh! Father of three. Why didn't the paramedic say something? His larynx had been crushed. Don't let on you know. Hello, Miss Strode. Did you enjoy your dinner? She hasn't said a word in years. Extreme disassociative disorder. The doctors think she's a suicide threat. They found her up on the roof more than once. Must be the guilt. Now all she does is stare out that window. God knows what she sees out there. Hello? Anyone out there? Boooo! - Holy shit! - Ha ha ha! Harold, are you trying to give me a heart attack? No. How the hell did you get out again? And who are you supposed to be today? Oh. John Wayne Gacy. Born in Chicago, Illinois, on March 17, 1942. Come on, big guy. Killed 33 people. Buried them under his house. I know, Harold. - He was executed on May 7... - I know, Harold. Willie, I'm not trying to criticize your work... but if you put Harold in his room... how come I see him in the basement? L... But just two seconds ago, he was... Come on. Let's go get him. How many times do I have to tell you? You gotta be sure what you're doing. Willie? What are you doing? I skipped dinner. - Hurry up. - OK. Harold? Harold, what are you doing down here? What's gotten into you? ! ! ! Unh! ! Hmm. Ted Bundy. Born November 24, 19... Hello, Michael. I knew you'd come for me sooner or later. What took you so long? You failed, Michael. You want to know why? Because I'm not afraid of you. But what about you? Are you afraid of me? Are you afraid to die, Michael? I just have to be sure. Unh! Unh! ! ! ! ! I'll see you in hell. Michael Myers. Born October 19, 1957. Killed his older sister, October 31, 1963. Killed 3 high school students, October 31, 1978. Also killed three nurses and a paramedic, same night. Was believed to be dead, then killed four students... Was believed to be dead, then killed four students... Hillcrest Academy, 1998. Has been missing, unheard of, last three years. Now he's back. Carl Jung tells us... that the human psyche contains... a figment of ourselves... that even the collective unconscious denies. Good morning, Paul. It's nice to see you in class. Am I keeping you up? What do I mean by all this, people? I mean that inside all of us... there lurks a dark, malevolent figure. A kind of boogeyman, if you will... that Jung called what? Stick with me, people. Take that Kierkegaardian leap of faith. Jung said we must face down our fears... and face up to the figure he called... what? - The shadow. - The shadow. Yes, Sara, very good. Thank you. I'm glad somebody was awake. Wow, what a class. Hey, Sara! Sara, wait up! I've been looking for you everywhere. Guess what? Uh-uh. What did you sign us up for this time? Eee, ha ha! We gotta find Rudy. Come on. Hey, Rudy. Don't distract me. I can't help myself. I am distracting. Have you checked your email? No. Why? Did you send me something? We're in! They picked all three of us! - What? Are you serious? - Uh-huh! Oh, God! Yes! All right. That is all good. This isn't one of your little jokes, is it? No, but Sara doesn't want to go. I might go. I just haven't decided yet. No, no, no. That is unacceptable. It is unacceptable. We're gonna be bigger than The Osbournes. We're gonna be large. Every time I let you two talk me into something... I live to regret it. Listen, without me, you would die of boredom. Us! Without us, you would die of boredom. Whatever. Are you sure they're not just putting us in some house... with hidden cameras in the shower? No. It's like we're investigative reporters... searching a crime scene. And look at the scholarship. Yeah. Besides that, thousands of people... are going to see my face... our face. Don't do it. That's the house where it all started. He walked its hallways, hid in its closets... dreamed in its bedrooms... helped his mother in the kitchen... watched TV in the living room with his dad... played in his sister's bedroom. Then one day, he picked up a knife... and he never put it down again. That guy's fucking weird. Don't pay attention to him. He's trying to scare us. I just need to send a quick email. Deckard... you'll never believe what I got myself into. Deckard? Who's Deckard? Oh, it's my screen name. Sara needed some tech support setting up her offline reader... so I, uh... You told her you're a graduate student? - Graduate of what, junior high? - Shut up, all right? We talk every day. It's kind of like we're dating. She's never even seen you... and Yahoo chat rooms do not count. Yes, they do count. Did you know in the old days... knights used to spend their entire lives... courting ladies that they would never even touch? They would just send each other sonnets and stuff. That's before internet porn, man. Whatever. Now what are you doing? Just give me a second, all right? I hope Sara shows up. And wearing something acceptable. She can't still be mad at us for the last time. Here she is. Hey! OK, everybody listen up! Sara, are you gonna wear this? I thought I told you we were gonna be on camera. I'd like to start this off by saying the search is over. You six have been selected... to explore America's worst nightmare... tomorrow night, Halloween... live, in front of the whole entire internet universe. You six will enter the birthplace of evil... in its purest form... the childhood home of our most utal mass murderer... Michael Myers. Thank you. Thank you. So, what do you hope to find in the house tomorrow night? My way into network oadcasting. Pfft! I just want to say that Michael Myers... is not just a man behind a mask... he's a legend. I'm interested in how Michael Myers... embodies the politics of violence... embedded in pop mythology. Never underestimate the effect of a poor diet. Too much protein, not enough zinc, next thing you know... you're cutting up bodies in your bathtub. Look at Hitler. He was a vegetarian. The other was seriously malnourished. You don't have to go far to find Michael Myers. He is the great white shark of our unconscious. He is the dark-eyed child of our spirits. He's every murderous impulse we've ever had. He's the little voice that whispers to us... to strangle the old lady... taking too long at the checkout counter. Get to know him, baby. He's you. Tell us, Sara, why do ordinary people turn to murder? Well, I, um... I think it has something to do with up inging. ! Damn! That girl can sing. That's what I'm looking for. Ooh. Ha! Hunh! Hyah! Get his ass! Get his ass! Get his ass! Who's better than Wat Chun Lee? Whoopin' everybody ass while he's smokin' a cigarette. Oh, shit. Who's knockin' on my door this late? Whoever this is is distracting me... from seeing Wat Chun Lee whoop some ass. Sara? Ooh. Sara, what are you doing here? It's late. I'm dropping out. What? I'm sorry. It's just I'm so freaked out I can't even sleep. Slow down, slow down. What's the problem? Can't you see I'm not like the others? I know you're not like the others. You know you're not like the others. The others ain't nothin' but a bunch... of smart-ass, wise-crackin', posin' wannabes. You are the real deal. Every existing element about you... is what the internet audience really wants. I don't want to be famous. What do you mean you don't want to be famous? That's the American dream. I think I'm just scared. It's OK to be scared. Being scared is good. Fear is good. Fear motivates. Fear gives you the feeling of being alive. Fear makes me want to throw up. Trust me, please. When it's all said and done, at the end of the day... you'd be surprised of how much you surprise yourself. I'm sorry to bother you. I just... It's OK. Do me a favor. Sleep on it. We'll talk about it tomorrow. You can sweat it tonight, man. Now take your tail on outta here and go to bed. Ol' Freddie boy, damn, you good. Shit you come up with off the top of your head, boy. Why don't you just pat yourself on your back? Oh, Wat Chun Lee! Oh! Now, are you coming out soon... or are you planning on subletting? Mmm! Sexy girl! Ha ha! Don't you think it's a bit too revealing? I think it's perfectly revealing. ! What? Are you OK? Did you see the boogeyman or something? The boogeyman? How very Jungian. Dr. Mixter's class? I'm taking that course, too. I hope they have this in black. - Thrift stores. - Oh, how marvelous, darling. Ahh, there she is. Oh, my God, you've been pussy-whipped. What's worse, you've been cyber-whipped. By the way, where's your costume? I can't go out tonight. I promised Sara I would watch her first episode. She's really nervous about it. No, Mickey Stern's party is tonight, and you know that. Oh, yeah. I'm sorry, man. I guess I forgot. Forgot? Do you have any idea... what it means for two freshmen to get invited? It's never happened before! Your sister invited us... so you wouldn't tell your mother about her tattoo. That's besides the point, Myles Barton. You can sit here in your little dream fantasy world... or you can come with me to this party... and learn to walk like a man. What's it gonna be? All right, let's go. Ahh, chat room romance? He's just a friend. He's probably fifty and bald, with a bad toupee. - Jen. - Probably collects human skin. Give me a eak, Jen. OK, everybody listen up. I'd like to start off by saying... the home that you will be entering tonight... has been rigged up with several cameras... but for the most part... the audience will see only what you see. See these cameras right here? I kinda like these cameras. They can pretty much be clipped on to anything. A hat, shirt collar, your coat collar. The viewers can pretty much control... what they want to watch... switch around from camera to camera... depending on what seems to be the most intriguing to them. So if you guys want to be stars for the night... I suggest you do something that is very interesting... so that it's worth the while of the viewers... to want to keep their cameras on you. Cameras are so phallic. Is that good or bad? Depends who's watching. Hey, Orson Welles, pick a placement and move on. Look, low angles... scary. High angles... scary. Medium angles... boring. I bet you learned that shooting... all those weddings and bar mitzvahs. Hey, hey! I went to Long Beach State. Same as Spielberg. Charley, we're on a schedule here. Tell Max to rig a camera in the sister's room. Max is back at the hotel helping Freddie. OK. Freddie! Baby, calm down. It's all good. Just relax. I got it all under control. There was this Firebird parked in front of the house. Totally about to ruin the establishing shot... but I called a tow truck. Yep, it's on its way. All righty. Bye. Look at you, Charley. That's a nice angle, boy. Look, there he is now. All right, here we go. Mr. Harris! Can we ask you a few questions, Mr. Harris? - Right over here. - I got one word for you. - What's that? - Product placement. - Oh, yeah? - Yeah. Product placement, I like the sound of that. While we're going around the house... discovering the secrets of Michael Myers... we could be drinking Pepsi or sporting The Gap, right? Nice sexy thinking. I kind of like that. How's everyone doing this evening? We'll get it started like this, see? In the next ten minutes... we are going to enter a mystery... wrapped up inside of a riddle inside of an enigma. Now, remember this. Everything you see... absolutely everything you see is real. There's no actors... none of the components or contents in the house... have been messed with, mixed up, diluted... or tampered with in any shape, form, or fashion whatsoever. Now, I'm not exactly sure what's gonna happen... but what I do know is that no one will be allowed... to leave until the show is over. Our state-of-the-art camera surveillance system... will pick up anyone who tries to sneak out. Let the Dangertainment begin out this motherfucker. Well, people, let's do it. Rudy! Way to go. This is gonna be fun. I read that after the murders... the family just sealed it up... and left without taking anything with them. It's not exactly a house you put on the market. Yeah, but I'll bet it has... one of those big nice old kitchens, you know? Where are you going? I'm gonna check it out. What are we gonna do? We don't have to do anything. Technically, we just have to be in the house. Aren't we supposed to be looking for answers? The devil made him do it. I'm done. We owe it to the people watching... to at least take a look around. Oh, that's cute. You're already worried about your fan base? You are this close to getting voted off the island. Hey, check this out. You want something tasty and delicious? You ever tasted forty-year-old fennel? Eww, don't. It's got to be rotten. - That's strange. - What? - It smells fresh. - Yeah, it does. You know, Donna, you got great legs. What time do they open? That'd be 1:00? God damn. Sara. You think this is the one that he used to do his thing? No. They'd keep that in an evidence locker somewhere. Whew. - Boo. - ! - What, are you scared? - No. What's in here? What is that? OK, so I admit... that this place is a little creepy, OK? No, no, no. You have no idea. - Look at this. - Wow, a chair. My God. Do you think they actually kept him in this? What is that? Looks like the medieval key to Sara's chastity belt. - Rudy! - OK, yeah. Maybe we should poke around a bit... see what else we can find. Ha! Aye-aye, captain. Why are you touching me? Don't. Go poke. Hey, what's going on? Sexy. Look at you! Scott, what are we doing here? Hey, come on, man, be cool, all right? Relax. Have fun. Shit. Hey, Myles, do you think anyone will know... we're supposed to be from Pulp Fiction? - Huhh! - Huhh! Today, you're scared of the boogeyman. Ha ha ha! He's gonna get you. He's coming behind you. Boogeyman! Ohh! Shit! Careful, Jen. Ahem. Hands off, bud. Bet this is Judith's room. You know, the older sister. The one he killed when he was six years old. Hey! Keep the camera on the money here. I think it happened when she was right there. Poor little Judith... helpless... ushing her hair... young... and naked. Yeah, because that's gonna happen, right? Come on, Jen. One flash, and you could light up... a thousand computer screens. Launch your whole career. You think? You crack me up. It's a good wardrobe for you, Jen. Wait! No! There was somebody else in the hall! Come on. Come on, lover boy. - Whoa! - ! What are you doing, you big perv? They're exploring the house of a mass murderer... live. You want to watch? - No way. - Sure. Oh, OK. Impulse control disorder. Huh? That's my theory. I think Michael Myers had fits of rage... that he could not control. Kind of like a klepto or a nympho or a pyro. So, instead of stealing silverware... he slashes the necks of teenage girls, huh? Oh, come on... haven't you ever had an impulse that you could not control? - Continuously. - You mean continually. Continuous means continuing uninterrupted... while continual means reoccurring periodically. Donna, when are you gonna get out of your head... and start thinking with your body? Please. Does that line ever actually work... on the chicks in the music department? Art history, too. Sometimes even poli sci. Well, it doesn't cut it with critical studies. Bummer. Besides, screwing a music major... would be tantamount to lesbianism. I could get into that. Sara, I'm telling you, it's in the food. Remember that guy who was on trial... for murder in San Francisco? All he ate was Twinkies. Rudy, do you ever think about anything other than food? Wouldn't you like to know? Jen? Jen? What's going on? - What happened? - I don't know. I turned my back for a second and she was gone. Jen! Jen? Jen? Jen. Jen? Jen? Jen? Turn it down! - Gotcha! - God, you bitch. Slut! That's not right, OK? You're foul. Uhh, so foul. This is to us, for successfully... let me give you a little more... puttin' together something collectively... so ingenious as a team and a duo... that we should definitely be able to secure... a lot of food on the table for ourselves... as long as everything goes as nicely... as it's goin' right now. I'm gonna get her back for that. Watch me. Oh, my God! Cheers. Oh, no! No! Mm. Mm. Wait, what just happened? - We just lost Bill's camera. - Oh, shit. He must've dropped it. Fucking idiot. Find another view quickly, please. Freddie, relax. I think this is going really well. - Really, baby? - Yes. We are doing our thing. OK. To Dangertainment. Salute. Heh heh heh. And this must be the bed where he was conceived. Stop showing off, Jen. Aaaah! Aaaah! Rudy! - Sara! - Jen, help me! Are you OK? Rudy, help. Sara! Ewww. - God. - What happened? What is that thing? Hey, is this that Michael Myers thing? Yeah. A'ight, cool. Yeah, OK. What is this? Oh. Sorry. Are you? You're such a Lothario. Um... I don't know what that means exactly, but... Just go with it. Hold on. I just thought of something. Hold on? You've got to be kidding me. What, are you looking for Playboys? This ain't right. Well, it's obvious that the boy was subject... to emotional and physical abuse. No, all of this. It's not right. It's too easy. Why is all this stuff still here? Answer that, Nancy Drew. Where's Bill? He's probably still mad at me. He's gonna jump out of somewhere and scare me. You watch. You watch. Jim? Uh. You know, if I'm keeping you from something... just let me know. Look. - Voilŕ. - Clever boy. See, they're looking for clues. Something that might explain why Michael Myers went bad. - Oh. - Jeez. Hey, Scott. What's up? God, nice costume. Whoa. Hey, you think they kept him down here? Maybe. Look at this. What? What is it? It's some sort of weird harness. This whole place looks like some sadistic playpen. Ah ha ha. And you know what that makes me think? What? There's definitely no cameras down here. I could be a camera. Say something smart. Existence precedes essence. God, you are sexy. Whoa! Oh, shit! That worked perfectly! Whoa! That is what I'm talking about. Oh, my God! Oh, my God! All his victims! It's a mass grave! Oh, my God! Oh, God. All of his victims. Oh! Shit. Look at this. I don't fucking believe this. What? Made in fucking Taiwan. Oh, shit, man! Charley, where the fuck you been? We've been lookin' all over this motherfucker for you! And why the hell are you dressed like me anyway? I ain't payin' you to be Michael Myers. I'm playin' Michael Myers! If them kids come around... and see us dressed up in the same shit... you'll ruin the whole effect, God damn it. What the hell is wrong with you? What you lookin' at me like that for? Huh? You don't get it? Your shit ain't workin' up there? Take your ass in the back of the garage with Nora. That's your job. Go back there with Nora and help her ass out. Go do your job. I left the back door unlocked for your ass... to go out the back into the garage. That's what I did. You need to get the hell outta here. Go on, scoot! Skedaddle! Get the fuck out of Dodge! God damn. What the hell's somebody gotta do... to get a little decent help up in this motherfucker? God damn it. Come on. Let's go find Freddie. This is bullshit. Hey, Jim? You gotta see this. Gross. Hey, Freddie. Is this all part of the setup? Laurie Strode, sister of Michael Myers... survives Halloween night massacre. Heh. Nice prop. ! Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Is anybody else seeing this? Jim? Aaah! Aaah! ! Oh, my God! No! Help! Somebody! Someone help! Oh, my God! This isn't funny anymore! Help me! Somebody help! This is not funny! Oh, my God! Stay away from me! ! ! ! ! ! That was so fake. No, no, wait. Wait, you guys. That really happened. She was just killed. Man, you're gullible. Get outta here. It's a good thing there's no cameras in here. We're wearing cameras. Whoosh. Aaaah! Michael's here! I saw him! He's in the house! He's here! Oh, my God. What's going on? What you talking about? Don't do this, girl. You're inging me down on this beautiful evening. There's nobody here. You're just bugging out. It's not funny, OK? - Stop it, OK? - He's down in that room. There is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 people in the house. There's no Michael Myers here. There's nobody. Listen, I saw him right over there. He's in here? Ooh. Michael Myers. Where's Michael Myers? Michael Myers! I don't see nothing. - He was in here. - You're inging me down. Rudy, I saw... Aaaah! Rudy! Uhh! Uhh! - Fucker! - Whoa, whoa! Turn off the cameras! - Get it back online. - What's wrong? Cut to a different camera angle. It's me. Freddie. Freddie. What the fuck are you doing? Damn, man, you hit me... like I murdered your fuckin' mother. Relax, man. I'm only tryin' to give America a good show. So none of this shit is real, right? Like the furniture... the photos, all the fucked up toys? It's all fake. We've been set up. You knew you didn't have a show anyone would watch... so you set us all up at our fucking expense, huh? What expense are you talkin' about? You ain't contributed a dime to settin' up this shit. Besides, don't nobody want to see any of y'all... runnin' around no empty house... possibly comin' up with nothing any-damn-way. America don't like reality, first of all. Second of all, they think the shit is boring. They want a little razzle-dazzle... a little pizazz, a little thrill in their life. And us being the ones that give it to 'em... I don't see nothin' wrong with that. I did not sign up for this. Y'all need to do me a favor, all right? Go along with this shit. Don't blow it. Not now. You really have no idea... of how nicely I worked things out... so that we all can receive... somewhat of a robust back end when this shit is all over. I don't know what you want to do about your share... but please don't fuck it up for me. I want my money, a'ight? Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to go... scare the shit out of some more of these motherfuckers... so, I'm gonna get it crackin'. Y'all do what the fuck y'all gotta do. See y'all. Ha ha ha ha! - All right. - We have it. - Turn up the sound. - Where'd everybody go? Ohh. There you are, Bill. So what do you guys want to do? I don't know. I could use the money. No. Fuck that. I'm out. Me too. I quit. Boo! She must be going for the first internet Emmy. You can't scare us, Jen. You're gonna have to do better than that. You too, Freddie. Aaaaaaah! - Eww! - How'd they do that? - Digital effects. - No, it isn't! Hello. 911? Oh, my God. - It's locked! - Fuck. Go in there! Go in there now! Jim, run! Run! Ah! Oh! ! Uhh. Hey, Michael! Yeah, I'm talking to you. You want a piece of me? You should try a little less protein in your diet. Control some of that aggression, huh? Want some of this, huh? I know what 911 is for! This is an emergency. It's not a hoax. Motherfucker, come on. Trying to fucking kill me? Come on! You like sushi, motherfucker?! You gonna fucking kill me? Oh, shit. Somebody... somebody out there, please help us. Somebody, please help us. She really is a very talented actress. Deckard. Deckard, if you're there, please let me know. Who's Deckard? Myles is Deckard. What do you mean? Deckard, he's killing all of us. He's killing us. There he is! Upper right! - Zoom in! - Go to the other camera. Tell her he's coming up the stairs. This isn't funny anymore! Do something! ! - He heard her! - Oh, my God. He's at the door! Get her out! Oh, my God. - No! - It's too high! No! Aaah! I can't see you! Deckard, where is he? Tell her to go! - Now's her chance. - Come on, go! My God. Everybody's dead. Where is he? I don't know. We got to get the fuck outta here now. Come on. Let's go. Oh, shit. Aaah! So, you want to be on Dangertainment? Let's see what you got. Waa... hyah! Hyah! ! Yo, Mike, come see me. Michael, come and see me! Look at me! You wanna fuck with me, huh? You motherfucker. Haaa-yah! Let's get outta here. Come on. You all right? I saw his room. He's been living underneath this fucking house... for who knows how long. Probably the last 20 years. Come on. I swear on my soul... I had no idea. I swear. Aw, shit. Come on. Let's go. Oh, my God. He cut the cable. Where the fuck is he? This is bad. Deckard, where is he? - No! - Run! Oh! ! No. Uhh. Oh, no. Aaaah! Uhh! ! ! Uhh. You bastard! This is for Jen! This is for Rudy! For all of them! Oh, shit. ! ! Trick or treat, motherfucker. Aaaah! No! No! ! Uhh! Aaah! Ohh! Burn, motherfucker! Burn! Sara! Come on, come on! Uhh! Hey, Mikey! Happy fucking Halloween! Sara? Sara Moyer? - Sara? - Can we get a statement? Hey, we can go live now. What happened with Michael Myers? Thank you, Deckard. You saved my life. What's it feel like to be a hero, Sara? How does it feel now that it's all over? What makes you so sure it's over? Excuse me. - Watch the camera! - No more cameras! Dangertainment is off the air. Why don't y'all show some respect? Mr. Harris, would you like to make a statement? What can you tell us about Michael Myers? Michael Myers is not a sound bite... a spin-off, a tie-in, some cele ity scandal. Michael Myers is a killer shark in baggy-ass overalls... that gets his kicks off of killing... everything and everyone that he comes across. That's all. We're done dancing for these cameras. Let's get outta here, Sara. But how are you feeling right now? Heh. How am I feelin' now? You wanna know how I'm feelin' right now? Feel this! My camera! That's him, isn't it? I want to see his face. I want to warn you, ma'am, it's not a pretty sight. All right. Come on, back it off. Let's go. Wow. You're lookin' a little crispy over there, Mikey. Like some chicken-fried motherfucker. Well, may he never, ever rest in peace. Hey, how's it going? You've gotta be kidding me. Another one? It's your lucky night. You got a cele ity. Ooh, let me get my autograph book. I'm not kidding. It's Michael Myers. What? Get me a copy of that autograph. - Yeah, sure. - Ha ha! It's cracking me up.
Check, please. Look, Daddy, a volcano. It's very pretty. Now drink up your volcano. All right. We're going. Mommy's waiting. Daddy, please. Just one more minute. No. We're going. No. - Yes. Yes. - No. No. Until I ended up flatlining at the hospital. But I survived. And instead of letting that scare me, I kept on going. Until... my first daughter was born. And now, I look at my girls... and my husband, who has been standing by me for so long. Think which one you're gonna pull out. I always think, man. No, you don't. They didn't lock you up this time 'cause you're not 18 yet. Next time, they're gonna lock you up, other. Come on. Well, you're not thinkin'. Stealing might get you money, you can tap some cheerleader's ass, you can show off riding in some pickle-colored Thunderbird, but tell me what's gonna happen if you shoot a pregnant woman or an old man, huh? You know what'll happen? The guilt will suck you down to the bone. Stealing ain't worth it. Going to church, reading the Bible... and believing in Jesus, other, that's your ticket. Snickers Yeah. You think it's a fantasy, right? Huh? Come here, man. Get up. Come here. Traffic Noises See that truck? Beauty, isn't it? Horn Honks I won it at a friend's raffle. No shit. No shit. You know what? It wasn't luck. It was Jesus who wanted me to have that truck. That's bullshit. I bet you stole it. Jesus gave me that truck. And as He who gives and He who takes away. Yeah, right. He doesn't give a shit about us. Come back. Come back. Take off the hat. Take off that hat. God even knows when a single hair moves on your head. You're wrong, Nick. Machines Beeping Man Thinking So, this is death's waiting room. These ridiculous tubes. These needles swelling my arms. What am I doing in this pre-corpse club? What do I have to do with them? I don't know when anything began anymore... or when it's gonna end. Who will be the first to lose his life? He, in the coma? Or me? All right. You can get dressed now. Your Fallopian tubes are severely damaged. It, uh, looks like you had some kind of an infection... that, uh, wasn't taken care of properly. We can try surgery, but I have to tell you, I think, uh, the probabilities are pretty slim. Look. Excuse me for asking this, but it's important that you tell me the truth. Have you ever had an abortion? Yes. Any reason? I had already separated from my husband when I got pregnant, and l... No. I meant a medical reason. My husband's dying. I'm sorry? Paul, my husband, he's dying, and I want to have his baby. We can operate then and hope you get pregnant within three or four months. Snickers He's got one month left, at most. How'd it go? Not good, Reverend. In one ear, out the other. Be patient. All it takes is one sheep in a thousand, Jack. Come on. Afternoon, Reverend. Hey, Wolf, you still having that birthday party Wednesday? My place, other. Cool. I may be late, Jack. I have Bible class on Wednesday. What the fuck is wrong with you, man? Arguing Continues - I will hurt you, boy. - Paul. Paul! Back off. Back off. I told you to think. Fuck you! - Hit me! Hit me! Hit me! Hit me! - Jack! Jack! Jack! Hey, hey, Jack! Come on! Come on! Leave it, Jack. He's a kid, Jack. - He's a punk, Reverend. - No, he's a kid. You think, Jack. You think. Man On Radio Those who are making decisions that affect our life, we must call out to God to give them His wisdom. Daddy's home. I'll see you tomorrow, Tam. I'll pick the boys up after school if you want me to. Door Opens, Warning Signal Beeping Girl Daddy! Hello. Hey, babe. How's my queen? Wife Chuckles And Hercules. Girl You don't have a queen. Freddy, help me out. I got the cooler from the religious center. Good. - Dad, are we gonna go buy a dog now? - Help me out. Freddy, we agreed no dogs. Grab the other handle. Lift it up. You said if I got good grades, you'd buy me one. Your sister has allergies, and dog hair is bad for her. Bad for her, not me. Get me a dog. Freddy, leave it alone. Well, at least get me a hamster. Well, we'll see. We'll see. You always say you promise. Chattering, Echoing Man Hey, Wolf. You back, motherfucker? Lock down six! Six down! Whoo! I win. Age before beauty. You're such a sore loser. Cell Phone Ringing Do you wanna go to theJacuzzi for a while? Shit. No, I can't. Michael and the girls are waiting for me already. Okay. Well, call me later. I'll call ya. Cristina? Reverend And you get away from leading your family like a man of God... ought to lead his family in prayer... and reading the word of God and the things of God... and inging them to the house of God, Man Amen. Then you're opening the door for the devil to come in and slay your family. Congregation Amen. Jesus is our light. Congregation Jesus is our light. Jesus is our hope. Congregation Jesus is our hope. Jesus is our forgiveness. Jesus is our forgiveness. Jesus is the water that quenches my thirst. Jesus is the water that quenches my thirst. If you're saved and you know it, say Amen. Congregation Amen. Everybody up on your feet. - Jesus is our light. - Jesus is our light. Hey, honey, I'm home. Hi. Jesus, you scared me. How are you feeling? I feel great. Have you been smoking again? Oh, for fuck's sake, Paul. You know if they find out you're smoking, they'll take you off the transplant list. If I don't smoke, I'll go fuckin'nuts. Better nuts than dead. Coughs Is that necessary? I don't know how the hell you get them. Wheezing Whimpering Baby! Baby! Baby! Baby! Baby! Oh, God! Call an ambulance! Sobbing Baby! Call a fucking ambulance! Goddamn it! Please, do something. Baby! Come on, please. Men Laughing Man Hey, Al, you want a Coke? Jack, boss wants to talk to you. He wants to see you now. Come on. We both know I'm not a caddie yet, but I'm working at it. And I'm learning, Brown. Man, I swear to God, I'm not going to let you down. No, Jack, that's not the problem. What's the problem? The problem is some members have started complaining about your tattoos. I got a long-sleeved shirt. No, man... No long-sleeved shirt... You can't see it. Is gonna cover that one on your neck right there. You're gonna start wearing a scarf. Look, Jack. This club is for people different from me and you. No. You know, I don't drink. I don't steal. I'm clean. Tell me, why me? Look, I know you're clean. That's why I hired you. But this decision comes from the administration. If I don't follow through, they're gonna fuck me too. Sighs Look, I cut you a hefty severance check, and you can pick it up on the way to the cashier's. Try to understand. Ice Cubes Rattling Okay. Good. So, is there any pain? My head hurts a little bit. That's normal. That's because of the blood pressure medicine. We'll get you something else to make you feel better. Thank you. I ought... - what you asked for. - Oh, my God. Oh. Is that my heart? The culprit. Which one is he? That's him with the own vest. He's putting the bag up on top right now. You okay? Breathing Heavily Come here. I wanna kill him. We have to kill him. Thank you, Lord, for keeping us together, for filling us with love and for giving us this meal. Amen. All Amen. I got fired from the club today. 'Cause of your good pal Brown, right? He had nothing to do with it. It's mine! - Believe that, Jack? - Yes, I do. - Children Arguing - Ow! - Freddy, stop it. Mommy, Freddy hit me in the arm. Which arm, baby? This one. Jack, don't start. Hold out your other arm and let your other hit you. - Give me it! - Jack, no! Hold it out. Whoever slaps you on the right cheek, turn the other to him also. Hit her. Don't be afraid. - Jack, no! - Pounds Table - Hit her! Isn't that great. Wonderful. Great parenting, Jack. Good job. It's okay. Shh. He didn't hurt her. There's no hitting in this house. Understand? Get in the corner! Do I put the chocolate chips in now, Mommy? That's right, honey, and then stir. Radio, Indistinct Stir really quick. Laura, put that back. Come on. When is Daddy coming? Soon. Now let's get this finished, honey. - Mmm! - None for you. Mmm! Chuckles - No, Laura, stop it now. - All Laughing Next Friday, ask Lupe to stay the night. I can't stay, 'cause I invited the company managers over for dinner. I fired her. What, you fired her? Why? She made me feel like a cripple. Oh, goddamn it, Paul. So, now who's going to cook for you? Who's going to clean up after you? Who's going to take care of you? Who? I can do it for myself. Oh, you can do it by yourself. I can't do it anymore, Paul. Really, I can't. Kissing What are you doing? I'm just... What? What does it feel like I'm doing? Don't. Don't. You might hurt yourself. I'm not gonna hurt myself. Besides, I need you to... Huh? I went to a fertility clinic. Oh good, more doctors. Mary, I can't have this discussion again. No, this is a... this is a specialist. He said that with surgery, I might get pregnant. You need to donate sperm and then... Mary, no. I could take care ofhim. But I can't. So what's the point? This is what I most want in the world. Do it for me, please. Machinery Whirring This'll be $58.95. Cash Register Beeping, Dings Cashier Thank you. Bottles Clang Together Find everything you need, sir? I'll have, uh... Oh, you know what? I left my wallet. Gonna be hot. Great. When does my other plan to show up? He said he'll be back by 6:00. One hundred percent pure golden lager. You outta your mind? Chuckles Pretty much. Oh, it's warm. Okay, well, hey, if you wanna drink lemonade all night... No, no, no, no. Just give it here. Give me... Katie? Laura? Where are you guys? Keys Clatter Cell Phone Beeps Answering Machine On Phone, Indistinct Hi, sweetheart, it's Dad. I was hoping we could have lunch one day next week. Give me a call. Phone Beeps Hi, honey. I'm on my way home. If you need me to pick up anything along the way... Girl Look, Daddy, a pigeon! Girls, no, don't touch. Laura, stop it. Cristina Chuckles Gimme a call on my cell. I'll see you in a bit. Bye. Woman's Voice To send a message, press... Chuckles Hello. Caller Inaudible Speaking. What? Where? Stay here. I'll be right back. Siren Wailing Door Slams Shut Now, Mary, you understand that even if the operation is successful, artificial insemination doesn't always work. It doesn't matter. We want to try. Paul? Yeah. Now, Paul, um, this is about having a child. And with your condition, you know you probably won't ever meet him. Mm-hmm. Well, life goes on, right? Yeah, right. I'd like you to put on one of these gloves to avoid contaminating the sample. And, uh, try to make it all land in the receptacle. When you're done, just leave it in here. In case you need a little inspiration. Woman On Video Hey, big boy, what are you doing? Oh, yeah, you ready to party? Man On Video Yeah, well, I'm here now. Video Continues, Indistinct Woman Yeah! Yeah! Oh, there you go! Moaning Good, come on. Come on! Woman On P.A. Dr. Swann, call the operator. Excuse me. My husband and daughters were in an accident, and I was told to come here. What were their names? Michael, Catherine and Laura Peck. Okay. Keyboard Clacking Excuse me for a minute. Cris. What happened, sweetheart? I don't know. They haven't told me anything yet. It's gonna be all right. Yeah, everything will be okay. Don't worry. Okay, what is the most important question for safe sex? What time does your husband get home? Man That's good, huh? Yeah. His Highness has arrived. Let's see what he comes up with. Serve up that chili. Uh-uh-uh-uh. Squirts Chuckles It's 7:00. What are you gonna make up this time... traffic? You preaching the word? The entire congregation has been waiting for you. It's your party, remember? What's wrong? Have you been drinking? No. You didn't drink again, did you? I just ran over a man and two girls. You're lying, right? I was driving home. Took a turn... a little too quickly. I didn't see them crossing. - Horn Honking - Can't you go any faster? Baby, hold on. I love you. Deep eath. Good. - Your lungs are clear. - I got a question for you. Yeah. Whose heart do I have? Uh, I can't tell you. It's hospital regulations. Just like the donor's family doesn't know your name either. - But you know. - Chuckles Yes. This is your heart now. That's all that should matter to you. - I wanna know who saved my life. - If you want, you can write... an anonymous letter to the family through the donor's association. Personally, I think it's better that you don't know. Mrs. Peck? I'm Dr. Jones. What happened to my family? Please, sit down. No, l-I'm okay. What happened? Well, your husband and your daughters were hit by a car, and we had to perform emergency surgery on your husband. Man Your husband suffered multiple skull fractures, and we had to remove blood clots from around the ain. He's in critical condition, and we're concerned that he's showing low ain activity. What? Is he gonna be all right? We're doing the best we can. And what about my daughters? Your youngest daughter was ought in with severe bleeding. She just wasn't able to get here in time. I'm very sorry. They... They both died in the accident. Shuddering Cristina Sobbing No. No. Oh, my... Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh, my God! No! Oh, my God! Do... Oh! Wh... Where are they? Where... Where are they? Mrs. Peck, your girls are here, and you can see them if you like, but... I wanna see them. Mrs. Peck, I wouldn't recommend it. Cristina Sobbing Oh, God, Daddy. Oh, Daddy! Doctor I'm very sorry. If you'll excuse us, we have to get back to Mr. Peck. Sobbing Uh, I'm very sorry. Sobbing Loudly Oh, God! Oh! Men Chanting We want dinner! Marianne, we'd like some dinner in here! Tell Reverend John to stay. Make sure no one notices and get everyone to leave. What happened? Trish, just do what I tell ya! Okay, baby. It's gonna be okay. It's gonna be okay. Yeah. Come on. Start the truck up. Start the truck up. Pull it in. Come on, baby. Vehicle Engine Starts Horn Honks Brown Hey, Jack. What are you doing here, man? Just came to pick up my things, Brown. Why don't you let me buy you a couple of beers? I don't drink, Brown. How about a Diet Coke? You know, I've been talking to a buddy of mine about hooking you up with a job. Been telling him all about you. So, what do you say, huh? I've been feeling shitty about what went down. Come on. I understand. So, what do you say? As you know, the doctors did everything they could to save your husband's life, but he has shown no ain activity. We're here to help you with some of the final decisions that need to be made. We have a patient... who is gravely ill. I'm here to give you some information on organ donation. Are you willing for your husband to donate his heart? - Can we discuss this another time? - I'm afraid not. I can give you time to discuss it, but this is a decision that needs to be made soon. Beeping Mary Paul? Paul, the beeper. Beeping Stops It's the hospital. I think they've got a heart. Hello? Yes, I'm calling on behalf of Mr. Paul Rivers. Yes. Okay. Yes, I understand. Where do I have to take him? Beeping Clippers Humming Good luck, my love. Chair Scrapes On Floor Hello. Hello. Does your shoulder bother you? Why? Because I was watching you swim before, and you have a wide stroke. If you ing it in tighter, you get a better glide. Thanks for the advice. Do you mind if I join you? - Actually, I was just leaving. - Here you go. Maybe just until you finish? No. Maybe next time. Did you know that eating alone can cause kidney damage? And that's bad. Chuckles Well... Okay, sorry. Ice Cubes Rattling Beeping Line Ringing @@ On Rock Man Hello? Hello, is Ana there? What? Is Ana there? Hang on a sec. Ana. Ana! Telephone. Hello. @@@@Continues Hello? Who was that? Whirring Hi, honey, I'm on my way home. If you need me to pick up anything along the way, let me know. Look, Daddy, a pigeon! Girls, no, don't touch! Laura, stop it. Gimme a call on my cell. I'll see you in a bit. Bye. Door Opens Did you go? Are they dead? I'm gonna turn myself in. John says nobody saw you. Nobody. They don't know the license plate or what kind of car. Some asshole even swears it was a cab. Marianne, what would you do if these were our children? Tell me. But they're not. It didn't happen to us. No, it didn't happen to us. It happened to me. Opens Door Licks Finger Wedding Ring Clatters What the fuck do you gain by turning yourself in? It's my duty, Marianne. No, Jack, your duty is here with us. With your family. Clattering My duty's to God. Please. Marianne, get outta my way. Jack. Chattering, Laughter Oh, buddy, right there! Yes! My turn. Laughter I think I better go back to the hospital. Hey, he deserves it. I thought your doctor said you're not supposed to eat that. I'm making up for lost time. Lost time, not lost pounds. We're gonna have to send you back for liposuction. Well, here's to all those who didn't think I was going to die. Man Hear! Hear! Hear! Hear! To the first day of my new life. Congratulations. Cheers. It's good to have you home, man. I knew you'd make it. I told you. Clanging I also have an announcement to make. I wanted to tell you that Paul and I are going to be parents. That's great. There's a scary thought... Paul being a parent. - You kept this real quiet. - Have you told your parents yet? We're going to be parents. We just don't know when yet. I'm going to have an operation, and then we're going to try artificial insemination. Terrific. Terrific. Artificial insemination, huh? Professor, do your female students know you no longer have lead in your pencil? Hey! Come on! Play nice! Let's have more cake. Let's pass the cake around. Overlapping Chattering Mr. Donneaud? Mr. Rivers? Yeah. Thanks for coming. Sorry I couldn't cancel this appointment, but the way I'm bowling today, probably should have. Have a seat here. Park it right there. Can I ing you something to eat? I'm not hungry. Honey, you need to eat something. I'm fine, Dad. When your mother died, I thought I wasn't going to make it. I felt the world was falling on me and that I was never going to get up. But, sweetie, life goes on. You know what I thought when Mom died? I couldn't understand how you could talk to people again. How you could laugh... again. I couldn't understand how you could play with us. And no... no, that's a lie. Life does not just go on. Louise is getting fat, don't you think? She's done nothing but eat since Robert left her. What? She looks okay to you? Why did you tell everybody we're having a baby? I wanted to share our plans with them. Oh. That's what I mean, they're our plans. Why does everyone have to know our private life? Why the fuss? They're our best friends. Yeah, but we haven't even talked about it. Oh, we haven't? I thought this was more than settled. Things change, Mary. Something we have to think about. I don't have anything to think about. I've already made my decision. Would you help me with the glasses? Murmuring Woman So young. You want me to stay with you tonight? I'm okay. Thanks. I just wanna be alone. Sniffles Cris, the police called. They said you need to go and press charges. I'll go with you if you want. I'm not going to do anything. Y... This guy was... was some ex-con. Are you really gonna let him just walk the streets? What do you want me to do? Well, he ran over Michael and your daughters. Nothing I can do is going to ing them back. Do you get that? Hey, how you doin'? You found it okay? Yeah, I did. The donor's name was Michael Peck. He was 37 years old. An architect and married. This is the authorization for transplant signed by his wife, Cristina Williams Peck. I have a copy of the medical report if you care to see it. And I also have the widow's phone number and address just in case you're interested. How did Michael Peck die? You might have seen it in the newspaper. This guy named JackJordan ran over Mr. Peck and his two little girls... October 10 at 6.;50 p.m. This JackJordan's a piece of work. He's been in and out of jail since he was 16. Car thief, small-time crook, drugs, bad checks, alcoholism. Last time he was in jail has only been a few years ago. Coughing You feeling okay, Mr. Rivers? This is what you wanted, isn't it? Okay, I just, um... You want some water? He was, uh, an architect. What's the point in getting involved? Mary, I wanna know who I am now. I don't think that's the way to do it. What is then? Look for it with me. Let's look ahead together, not behind. Damn it, Jack, it's your birthday and you didn't even have one drink with me. Why don't you come over to my place? I'm having a party. Yeah, I bet they're all as boring as you are. Laughs You'd be surprised. No, man, I'll pass. Listen, I'll call you later about that job, okay? All right, man. All right. Thank you. Horn Honks Hey, Brown, you should. I will. Wheezing Okay, now, we can schedule the surgery, um, I could get you in as early as Monday. Yeah. 9.;00 a.m.? What's the percentage chance that Mary will get pregnant? Well, I can't offer you a real number on that. Um, you know, there's the damage from the abortion... that wasn't handled properly... the blockage... Paul What abortion? What abortion, Mary? I can explain. Explain what? There is an explanation. Uh-huh. All that drama about artificial insemination. Kids' names. You got pictures of our friends' babies all over the place. Why? So you can flush it down the fuckin' toilet? We've been a fraud for a long time, Mary. Oh, yeah? Why didn't you tell me that when you were sick, huh? Or did you expect one of your girlfriends to come and take care of you? You came back because you wanted to. Don't blame me for that. I came back to take care of you because I love you. Or because you were feeling lonely. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I can't keep going like this. The insemination, the child. It's like we're trying to put a Band-Aid on something that's just been bled dry. It's finished. But it... it isn't finished if we give it a chance and have this baby. When we could have, you didn't want to. We were separated, goddamn it! It's different now! Yes, it's different. We gonna go? You only know how to think about yourself. Guard Close six! Well, thanks for finally seeing me. They tell me you don't want to eat. I'm not hungry. Jack, Jesus didn't come to free us from pain. He came to give us the strength to bear it. Maybe He wanted this pain for me. No, He had nothing to do with this. It was an accident. No, it wasn't an accident. Jesus chose me for this. Jack, ask for the mercy ofJesus Christ. If it was an accident, why do I have to ask for His mercy? I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy. I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion. - Don't be so prideful. That's a sin. - And the fearful and unbelieving. And the abominable, the murderers, the warmongers, Jack, listen to me. The sorcerers and the idolaters and all liars... Jesus came to save us, not to damn us. Shall have their part... in the lake which burneth with fire and imstone. Revelation 21:8. Jesus, loves you. But He also knows how to punish arrogant sinners like you. As many as I love, I rebuke and chaste. Revelation 3:19. - Jesus betrayed me. - Stop this shit, or you're going straight to hell! Hell? This is hell. Right here! You're damning your soul! You shut up now... and ask Christ to forgive you! Hey! Forgive me? I did everything He asked me to do! I changed! I gave Him my life, and He betrayed me. He put that fucking truck in my hand so I could carry out His will. Made me kill that man and those girls. But hey, He didn't give me the strength to stay and save them. Don't blaspheme, you bastard! Christ had nothing to do with this! God even knows when a single hair moves on your head. And you taught me that. We're gonna pray for you, Jack. Chattering Car Engine Starts Good evening, sir. Excuse me. @@@@Rock Continues, Indistinct @@ Using discrepancy, lyric weaponry lessens your chances of testing me @@ @@Stop and freeze M.C. 's I block atrocities @@ @@Philosophies from the lips ofblack Socrates @@ @@ The pocket-penciler in your peninsula @@ @@Killing Dracula M.C. 's who bit from my vernacular @@ @@I can back it The ill scene we occupy @@ @@No lullaby, got you high when I rock a fly @@ @@ Verse, for my people let me eathe slow @@ @@ Give a heave-ho and stimulate your cere al @@ @@System, cut chemist grip the fader Tuna the group debater @@ @@@@Continues, Indistinct Hey, just like old times, huh? How the hell have you been? Did you end up marrying that hunk you ought around here last time? Yep. Yeah? Is he a good lay? How they make us suffer, huh? It's all right. I got some great candy for you. I got Special K,angel dust. I got your all-time favorite. And I got the newest of the new... R- 2. This shit is all the rage. You take two of these, - you go straight to heaven. - I'm not into chemicals. Cristi, you're not a cuddly little kitty now, are you? Look, if you don't like 'em, you don't pay for 'em. That's my girl. It's busy. Knocking Hey, go easy on the booze tonight, right? - Neck Bones Cracking - Gasping Yells What the fuck? Yelling What the fuck are you doing? Would you get my car keys? Sure. - What do you care, asshole? - I can get you a cab. - I don't need a fuckin' taxi. - Just give me the glass, ma'am. Here's your fuckin' glass. - Crash - Man You okay? Stupid fucking asshole, move your car! I'm fine. Get away from my car! There's no damage. I'm fine. Get away from my car. There's no damage. Excuse me, I know her. I can drive her home. Is this any of your business? I'm your friend Paul from the sports club. Yeah, well... Remember? Yeah. Well, can you tell these assholes to get away from me? I'll drive her home. It's not a big deal, okay? Okay. All right? You can't drive like this. What do you care? You're gonna get arrested. Let me drive you. Please? Damn it.
I sold the truck to pay for the lawyer. I didn't ask for a lawyer. Marianne, I didn't ask for a lawyer. You want your children to spend another two years without you? Is that what you want? This is God's will. So be it. Two years ago, you didn't believe in anything. Now everything has to do with God. I think I preferred you the way you were before. I was a fucking pig before. Is that what you prefer? At least it was you. Now I don't have the slightest fucking idea who you are. Zips Jacket Life has to go on, Jack, with or without God. Hey, how you doin'? How are you? Fine. Were you able to find anything out? JackJordan's living in a cheap motel lost out in the middle of nowhere. Phone records. One of his prison fishy pals is from there. - That was quick. - Just a matter of checking the calls. Phone number and address for the motel he's living in. Here's a pretty recent photo ofJordan. It was taken the last time he was in jail. Were you able to get that other thing that I asked about? Mm-hmm. This is a clean gun, no record. They call this an orphan. It is loaded. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Careful there, Hoss. You don't have to cock it. Just pull the trigger to shoot it. This releases the cylinder. I think we're set to go. That's all I want to know. Thank you. Good luck to you. Ma'am, it's been an hour since I called. Forty-six St. Vincent Street. Thank you. Hello. Hello. Some rain. Do you not have your car? No, but my taxi will be here in a minute. I'm right over here. I'll give you a lift if you like. No. Thanks. I'm the guy who drove your car home last week. I'm sorry. I don't remember. I left my jacket with you. I'm sorry. I'll ing it by tomorrow. Sure I can't give you a ride? I'm right here. Or do you want to swim? Chuckles Okay. Hello. Thanks. You're very welcome. Let me just give you my cell phone number so you can have it. Would you have lunch with me tomorrow? What for? Uh, you're gonna have to eat at some point, and I'm very worried about those kidneys. Come on. Lawrence's, 2:00. It's very nearby. Please. Okay. I'll see you tomorrow. Great. Woman On Radio ... report we have construction on the ramp coming from southbound 240 at Summer. That ramp is closed until 6.;00 p.m. Use Arlington Pike as an alternate. Also... Forty at the new idge, they have the center lane closed. Use southbound l-20 as an alternate. Safe Driving believes so strongly in minimum coverage. They're easy, fast, affordable and reliable. They're serious about minimum coverage. 1- 800-SAFE-DRIVING. Minimum coverage is the best option... Both Look, Daddy, a pigeon! Daddy, look! Girls, no, don't. Don't touch it. Laura, stop it. Machine Whirring Gimme a call on my cell. I'll see you in a bit. Bye. Machine Stops Whirring Good night, Mr. Peck. Hey, Lucio, don't forget to do my garden on Saturday. No, sir, I won't forget. Son of a bitch. Leave it to me, Marianne. Sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn't. Everybody reacts differently. That's why you've been vomiting so much. So, what are you saying, I've got to change medication? Okay, I'm gonna be frank with you, Paul. The heart that you're carrying is gonna give out soon. I need you to stay in the hospital until I can find you another heart. You want me to wait for a new heart. We don't have another choice. I can't do that. I can't wait for someone else to die, locked up in a fucking room. I can't... I can't do it. Y-You're dangerously close to heart failure, Paul. You might die a lot sooner than you think. Let me ask you something, and I want you to be really honest with me, okay? Sighs If I stay... will I be saved? I can't guarantee it. But if you don't come back to the hospital, you're condemning yourself to a terrible death. Your heart won't work anymore. You'll die, asphyxiated. It's an awful death, Paul. You can't imagine it. At least here we could help you to... You can help me die better. That's what you're saying. You can help me die better. Well, I'm not gonna do that, okay? I'd rather die outside. I'm not gonna do it again. How much did the lawyer charge? Marianne, how much did the fucking lawyer charge? John Enough. How much is enough, Marianne? Enough so your children can remember your fucking face. You keep asking stupid questions, I'm getting out at the next corner. TVPlaying Growls Softly Marianne Hi, guys. We're home. Daddy! Daddy! What'd you ing us? I ought you a kiss. You didn't ing me a present, huh? No, just a kiss. We made you a cake. Thank you, sweetheart. Freddy put the icing on it. Freddy, are you gonna say hello to your father? Marianne Freddy drew those for you. I drew those ones. Mommy made the cake. Come here. Girl Come look at the cake, Daddy. Jack She did? Girl Come on, Daddy. There is a number hidden in every act of life, in every aspect of the universe. Fractals, matter... that there's a number screaming to tell us something. Am I boring you? No. No. L... I'm sorry. I guess I try to tell them that numbers are a door... to understanding a mystery that's bigger than us. How two people, strangers, come to meet. There's a poem by a Venezuelan writer that begins... The earth turned to ing us closer. It turned on itself and in us... until it finally ought us together in this dream. That's beautiful. There's so many things that have to happen for two people to meet and... Anyway, that's... that's what mathematics are. Paul How long have you been swimming? Cristina Oh, for years. It doesn't bore you? No. It's what makes me feel normal. If I didn't swim or walk or do something, I think I'd go crazy. Thanks for lunch. Yeah. Bye. Do you want to come in? No. Thanks... Yes, I do want to come in. Chuckles Hey, can I ask you... - Huh? - Okay, I have a gun. Okay? Don't look at me. Don't look at me. Don't look at me. I'll shoot... - I don't have any money. - Turn around. Turn around. I'll shoot you. Just turn around. Go. - I don't have any... - Walk. Walk. Walk! P- Put 'em up! P- Put your hands up! Why? - Wait. - Just walk. Go! We're gonna go down that path right there. Do what I say and then you won't get hurt. - I don't have any... - Go! I'm not looking. Come on. Keep walking. Go right down here. Just keep walking. Keep walk... I said don't look at me. I'll shoot you in the head. Keep your hands up! Walk! Over here. Over here. Hey! Come on, don't look at me. Okay, keep going! Stop! Stop! Right... Okay, uh... Stop! T-Turn around. But keep your hands on your head. Keep your hands on your head! G-Get-Get... Take your shoes off and get down on your knees. Uh, take off your shoes. No, not that... not that one. J-Just get down on your knees! Get down on your knees! Sir, please. You shouldn't have done it. Wheezing Done what? You shouldn't have done it! Close your goddamn eyes! She looked me in the eyes. What are you talking about? One of the girls that I killed, she looked me in the eye. She wanted to tell me something. I just... I left her there. Sobs I ran away. I ran away. I ran away. I ran away. I ran away. Shh. Shh. Shh. Shh. You sticking with red? Sure. Are you okay? Yeah. I, um... Sorry. I, uh... Dizzy. Can I get you a glass of water or something? I think I should go home. I'm sorry. I just, uh... I like you a lot, Cristina. It's been a long time since I liked someone so much. Can I see you again? I'm a married woman. I figured. Thanks. Good-bye. @ I've got peace like a river @ @@I've got peace like a river @@ - @@I've got peace like a river in my soul @@ - Everybody! @ I've got love like an ocean @ @ I've got love like an ocean @ @ I've got love like an ocean in my soul @ @ I've got joy like a fountain I've got joy like a fountain @ @ I've got joy like a fountain in my soul @@ - Look, Daddy. These are the ze as, these are the lions. - Very pretty, Gina. How could you draw a zoo if you've never been to one? I've seen them in... Stop fighting. The lawyer called to remind you you have to go sign on Monday. If you want, I'll go with you to the church again. Daddy, in school they said... you killed two girls and their daddy. Is that true? Yes. - No. - Yes. - He killed them. - Marianne It was an accident, sweetie. You understand? Oh, Jesus, every time I look at my children... Mumbling, Indistinct Hello? Hello? Cristina Paul? Wh-Who is this? Cristina. Did I wake you? Hang on a second. Hi. Did I wake you? No, that's okay. Um, c-could you come to my house? Is something wrong? No, I just... I just want you to come if you can. Or if you want to. Yeah. I'll be right there. Thanks. Okay. It's 2:00 in the morning. Who are you talking to? I won't be long. Where are you going? I said I won't be long. Exactly where and with who are you going? I thought you'd change after the transplants. And I thought you'd change if I did. Neither of us changed. Horn Honking, Tires Screeching What's wrong? He's been shot in the chest. - Cristina Come on. - Shot in the... in the chest. He's been shot in the chest. Cristina Come on. - Okay, how long's he been like that? - He's dying, okay? We need a... Okay, I'll go get a stretcher. - Man Ma'am, he'll... he'll be right back. - It's okay. Hang in there, baby. I shot him. - Man You did what? - I shot him. Patrol, I need you to call the police. It's an emergency, yes. I'm right out front. Doorbell Chimes Hi. Are you okay? Cristina? You kept me thinking all day. You see, I haven't spoken to anyone in months, and, uh, I barely know you... and I already need to talk to you. And... there's something the more I think about, the less I understand. Why the hell did you tell me that you liked me? Answer me, because I didn't like you saying that at all. You can't just walk up to a woman you barely know and tell her you like her. You-You can't. You can't do that. You don't know what she's going through. Or what she's feeling. I'm not married. L... Come here. Sighs It's okay. Sniffles I'm sorry. No. Sobs Cristina, wait. I have to tell you something. Okay. I have to tell you something. Please, kiss me. Wait. Cristina. L... Cristina. I have Michael's heart. What... I have Michael's heart. You understand what I'm saying? It was transplanted into me at St. Francis Hospital on October 11. No. No. I tried to tell you. I just didn't know how to tell you. How dare you. How dare you! Cristina... How fucking dare you! I'm here for a reason. Get out of my house! Cristina... Don't touch me! Get out of my house now! You make me sick! I had a reason. Can't you see that? You get out of my fucking... Get the fuck out of my house! Okay. You make me sick! Get out! Slams Door Sobbing Groans Good morning. Why did you look for me? Because I needed to. I don't want your fucking pity. That wasn't it. I was sick, Cristina. I was very sick. I was dying when Michael gave me his heart. He saved my life. I tried in every way that I knew how to find out... who had given me this heart. And that's how I found out how he and your daughters had died. And it's very painful for me to know how I got this heart. And I couldn't sleep. I just... I wanted to thank you. I wanted to help in some way. I just want to thank you for... But I couldn't find you. And then I saw you... that day. And now I can't be away from you. I can't. You don't have to be afraid. I've got a good heart. I'm scared too. Marianne Why did you leave us, Jack? Why? I am where I have to be. Gina got really sick because of the hamster. Jack, we need you... The past is like the Atlantic Ocean. Back when I was mean, about the decisions I make, that's my mirror. Just come back, please. That's my mirror. Jack, it doesn't matter. And I have to live with them alone. Alone. Just come back to us, Jack. And I can't erase it. No one can erase it. Your family needs you. Jack... Sobbing We need to stabilize him before we can get him to the hospital. But right now what we really need are units of B-positive blood. L-I'm O-positive. Will that work? Okay, open and close your fist several times. Woman On Radio Unit 35, go ahead. Okay, pal, you're free to go for lack of evidence. Your story doesn't check out and contradicts our investigation... and the statements made by Mrs. Peck and Mr. Rivers. I just need you to sign here. What if I really am guilty? Yeah, well, it happens. Won't be the first time, won't be the last. What are you doing? You've been lost for too many days, don't you think, you prick? Mary, I don't want to fight. I want this to end well. Oh, you think ending well means disappearing for a few days? You just waited till you got better to tell me to fuck off. I'm going back to London. We can't keep doing this. Really? I'll have surgery and I'll be inseminated with your child, with or without you. Mary, what for? Why? Because I want to. Well, I won't authorize that. No. Oh, no? Well, you already have. I have a signed copy of your authorization to use your semen. Would you excuse me? I get what I want. What do you gain? What do you gain? You decide if you come looking for me or not. No Audible Dialogue No Audible Dialogue Michael's Voice Hi, honey. I'm on my way home. If you need me to pick up anything along the way, let me... Girls, no! Don't touch! Laura, stop, it. Gimme a call on my cell. Sobbing I'll see you in a bit. Bye. Woman's Voice To repeat the message, press one. To delete, press two. Beeps Michael's Voice Hi, honey. I'm on my way home. If you need me to pick up anything along the way, let me... Girls, no! Don't touch! Laura, stop, it. Gimme a call on my cell. I'll see you in a bit. Bye. Sobbing Paul I'm grilling some chicken. You want anything to eat? No. Thanks. I can make you a sandwich if you... No. No, no, no! No! Cristina. Cristina. Listen to me. You don't need that shit. You don't need it. Don't tell me what I need. Katie could have lived. What? She'd be alive right now, but that bastard left her there... lying in the street. He left the three of them like animals. He didn't care. Sniffles At least she could be here with me. That son of a bitch is walking the streets, and I can't even go into their room. What do you mean he's walking the street? Sighs I want to kill him. You want to kill him? I'm gonna killJackJordan. I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch. Slow down. Wait. Just-Just slow down. Slow down? Slow down while I what? Huh? While I what? Take it easy. Take it easy? My husband and my little girls are dead and I'm supposed to take it fucking easy? I can't just go on with my life! I am paralyzed here! I am a fucking amputee, do you see that? Who are you? You owe it to Michael... No, you've got his heart. You're in his house fucking his wife and sitting in his chair! We have to kill him! No, we... Not like this. Not like this. Then how? Tell me how! Katie died with red shoelaces on. She hated red shoelaces. Sobbing And she kept asking me to get her some blue ones, and I never got her the blue ones. She was wearing those fucking red shoelaces when she was killed. Sobbing Continues Oh, God. You shouldn't have done it! Close your... Close your goddamn eyes! Oh. You... murderer. You just let them lie there on the street. Those two little girls, you just let them die like dogs. I should have killed you. Now you disappear. Don't even go back to the motel and get your things. Just disappear. Mrs. Peck. How is he? We weren't able to use your blood for his transfusion. We found very high levels of illegal substances in your blood. You're taking very high risks here. Well, that's my problem. In your state, I suggest you stop using these substances. What are you talking about? You're pregnant, Mrs. Peck. You sure? You really need to start taking care of yourself, Mrs. Peck. We'll let you know when Mr. Rivers is out of the O.R. Sighs Where were you? Did you kill him? Did you? Why didn't you wake me up? Where's the body? Nobody will ever find the body. Coughs I'm sorry. We're gonna go home now. Wheezes Let's just get out of here, okay? Yeah? Coughs You okay? It's okay, baby. Just lie down. Need rest. I need rest. I know. I know. I'm sorry. Wheezes I love you. I love you. Oh. Doorknob Rattles Wheezing Wake up. Coughs Footsteps Hmm? Hmm? There's somebody outside. Cristina Oh, my God! - Oh, my God! - You want to kill me? Cristina What's he doing here? Here I am. - Wheezing - Shoot me. Cristina Go ahead. Kill him. Paul. Oh, my God! Do something! No Audible Dialogue No Audible Dialogue Gunshot Panting Cristina Oh. Oh, baby. Oh, no. No. No. Oh, my God. Baby. Baby. Baby. Oh, my God. Oh. Baby. Oh, my God. Baby. Baby. Baby. Baby. Baby. Oh! Oh, God! Call an ambulance. Call a fucking ambulance! Wind Blowing - Paul Narrating How many lives do we live? - No Audible Dialogue How many times do we die? They say we all lose 21 grams... at the exact moment of our death. Everyone. And how much fits into 21 grams? How much is lost? When do we lose 21 grams? How much goes with them? How much is gained? How much is gained? Twenty-one grams. The weight of a stack of five nickels. The weight of a hummingbird. A chocolate bar. How much did 21 grams weigh?
Our world has gone now. Smashed by the wars. Now I am the keeper of his body, bound here in the egyptian ways, I followed him as pharaoh, and now ruled 40 years. I am the victor, but what does it all mean. When there is no one left to remember, The great cavalry charge of (...) or the mountains of the hindu kush, When we crossed the 100,000 man army into India. He was a God (...) or as close as anything i've ever seen. Tyrant they yelled so easily, i laugh. No tyrant ever gave back so much. And what do they know of the world,these school boys, it takes strong man to rule. Alexander was more,he was permitheous, a friend to man, He changed the world, before him, there were tribes, and after him, Always possible, There was sudden near sense the world, could be ruled by one king, be better for all. 18 Great Alexandrias he built, it was an empire not of land and gold, but of the mind, lennox civilization, oakland, tour, How can i say it? How can I tell you what it is like to be young? To dream, big dreams, to believe when Alexander looked you in the eye, You could do anything, anything. In his presence, by the light of Apollo, we were better than ourselves. Truly, i've known many great men in my life, but only one colossus, And only now in old do i understand who this force of nature really was. Or do I? Did such a man as Alexander exist? Of course not, they idolize him, make him better than he was. Men, all men reach in full, reach in full. The east, the fast persian empire, ruled almost all the known world. The west, once great greek city states, thieves, athens, sparta, had fallen from pride. For a hundred years now, the persian kings had ibed the greeks with their gold, To fight as mercenaries, it was Philip, the one eyed, that changed all this. United tribes of illiterate sheep herders, from the high and low lands, With his blood and guts, he built a professional army, Brought the devious greeks to their knees. He then turned his eye on persia, where to as said the new great king to arise himself, on his thrown in babylon, feared Philip. It was from these loins of war, that Alexander was born, in Pella. Pella Macedonia Some called his mother queen Olympius, or sorcerous, and said that Alexander was the child of Dienisious, others Zeus, but truly there was not a man in Macedonia who didn't look at father and son, side by side, and wonder. &Trust the ones who give you love& &life has just begun son.& Her skin is water, her tongue is fire. She's your friend Take it, If you hesitate she will strike, Remember that, never hesitate. Yes, they are like people, you can love them for years, feed them, nurture them, but still, they can turn on you. Come... (...) babarian, Philip makes a mockery of Dienisious every night. Women, are the only ones that know Dienisious. My little achilles. Stay Alexander down. What is it you.. 6 months to this day. No no, not here. Drop it to your king, King of what, sheepherders men. laughing I, am of achilles royal blood. Well achilles runs in my veins. Your are nothing but a drunkin whore. (...) curse the very name of you. You think people respect you, you think they dont know your bastards? Damn your sorcereous soul, keep him here like one of your snakes, I told you not, i told you not! It'll be me. I will not. You will be me or I'll kill you, with my own hands. Stop stop stop Your majesty no, in the name of god. He will never be yours, NEVER! in my womb i carried my avengin. 8 years later In the world he grew up to, I have come to believe it wasn't friendship, that Alexander found his hamity. Fight, (...) of a battle, taste, know the barbarian drive, courage wont be in the lining of your stomach, It's in the heart of a man, We dont need to eat everyday or until your full, we dont need to lie in bed in the morning when you can have some good bean soup to sander, Of your force night (...) come on Alexander, come on, Whatever expects you as a king, just because of your father, the first rule of war is to do what you ask your men to do, no more no less. That's it, well done my student, good wrestling, that's what i want, come come come...You did well but you lost, now both of you will congratulate the other, good. Would you want me to let you win Alexander? Your right, but I promise you I will beat you one day Hephaistion. It was said later that Alexander was never defeated except by Hephaistion's thighs. Although an inferior race, the persians control at least 4/5's of the known world, But is it possible, the source of Egypt's mighty river nile, could rise in these distance mountains of the outer earth? If so, an experience navigator could find his way, here, by this river east, down into the great plains of india, Out into the eastern ocean, and into the world, and by this route, up the nile, back to egypt, into the middle sea, and home, to Greece. Now if only these frogs could look outward and act on their favorite position of the center, Greece could rule the world. Why is it master, in myth these lands you speak of are known, India, where hericlees, and dienisious traveled. All these men who went east, thesious, Jason, Achilles, were victorious. From generation to generation there stories have been past on, why? Unless there was truth to them. Tales or amazons? no Alexander, only common people believe these tales. As they believe most anything. We are here precisly to educate ourselves against such foolish passions. But if we are superior to the persians as you say, why do we not rule them? It is, it has always been our greek dream to go east. The east has a way of swallowing men and their dreams. Master, master... Yes? Master? Out with it, out with it. Why are the persians so cool? That is not the subject for today neokus, but it is true, the oriental races are known for their barbarity, and their slavish devotion to their senses, Excess in all things, is the undoing of men, that is why we Greeks are superior, We practice control of our senses, moderation, we hope. And what of Achilles at Troy master? Was he not excessive? Achilles simply lacks restraint he dominates other men so completely, that even when he withdraws from battle crazed with grief, over his dead lover procutules, he seriously endangers his own army, He is a deeply selfish man. Then would you say that the local (...) Achilles and Procutules is a corrupting one? When men lie together in lust, it is a surrender to the passions, and does nothing for the excellence in us, nor does any other, excess kasander, jealousy among them, but when men lie together and knowledge and virtue are pass between them, that is pure, and excellent, when they compete to ing out the good, the best in each other, this is the love between men, that can build the city state and lift us from our frog bottom. Philip ought (...) Aristotle from Athens to educate our rough people, and growing more ambitious he now planned the invasion of persia. Is that the best you can do (...) back to the falinx with you, I'll ride him myself. No one can ride that beast your majesty. He's been eeding far too often. My noble king, he's a high spirit, (...) and worthy of philip of macedonia(...) Why would i want such a beast, i already have a wife. Do I seem so old? Broken neck comes free (...) he's too nervous for battle. Buy him for me father, I'll ride him. And if you dont? I'll pay for him myself. With what, your singing voice? I'll pay you. I tell you the horse can't be riden lad, he's mind is oken. He can be riden, by me. If you can rule that horse i'll make him yours, at half the price. That horse will kill him Philip, will eak the boy in two. Really? perhaps you'll make a musician out of him yet. The boy does not have the craft Philip, he could hurt himself. He will have to figure that out for himself, it's time. You do not like your shadow do ya? It is like a dark spirt coming up sketchy, See that's us, It's just a trick of Apollos, he's the god of, Sun. But i will show you how to out win him, you and me together. Osephilis, that is what i will call you, strong and stubborn, Osephilis and Alexander, come now, let us ride together. Ahhhh, he's got some tight in em yet, (name), (name) for Zeus's sake, he beat ya man. Now Osephilles, show them. My son, my son! You remember Achilles? He is my favorite? Why? Because he loved Procutules and avenged his death. And his fate? That he must die young, but with great glory. Did he have a choice? Oh yes, live a long life but there would be no glory. Dream of glory Alexander, your mother encourages you, There is no glory with out suffering, and this you will not allow. One day I will be on walls like these. Permitheous stole the secret of fire and gave it to man, Made Zeus so angry, chained permitheous to a rock in the great carcasses, and each day, his eagle pecked out the poor man's liver, each night it grew back again, so that it could be eaten the next day, miserable fate. Why? Who knows these things, anyway, edipus, tore out his eyes, He found out, murdered his father, married his mother, knowledge that came too late, The Deer, slaughtered her two children in vengence, And Jason left her for a younger wife. My mother would never hurt me. Never easy to escape our mothers Alexander, All your life be ware of women, by far more dangerous than men. Ariclees, even after he accomplished his 12 labors, He was punished for madness, slaughtered his 3 children Poor Ariclees,great Ariclees, all great must come from loss, Even you, the gods will one day judge partially. When I'm king like you one day father. Do not rush the day boy, you risk all, my father threw me into battle before i knew how to fight, When i killed my first man he said now you know i hated him then, But I understand why now, a king isn't born Alexander, He is made by stealing, by suffering, A king must know how to hurt those he loves. It is lonely, ask Ariclees, ask any of them fate is cruel, No man or woman could be too powerful or too beautiful, without disaster be falling, they laugh when you rise too high, Crush everything you built with the wind, The glory they give, in the ending they take away, They make of us slaves. 8 years later Pregnant so soon, the little whore, You will marry her in the spring, during the (...) festival, And when her first son is born, her sweet uncle atilus, Will convince philix to name the boy, his successor, With himself in regions. And you, you will be sent on some impossible mission, Against some monstrous northern tribe, to be mutilated, In one more meaningless battle over cattle, And I no longer queen, will be put to death with your sister, And the remaining members of our family. I wish, sometimes you could see the light mother, The truth is he has taken nothing from you that you have not been without. The only way is to strike, announce your marriage to a macedonian, Now with get the child of pure blood, he would be one of them not mine, And he would have no choice but to make you king, there is still king henni. (...) perfect, if your father that pig had not ravaged her. Say nothing more of my father, do you hear me say nothing. Your right, forgive me, a mother loves too much. Who shall I sing to at night anymore? I wish, I wish we could spend more time together, like we used to, when you were the sweetest boy. There's never been time mother, since I was a child, i have been groomed to be ever the best. Aaw my poor child, like Achilles, cursed by your greatness. Take my strength. You must never confuse your feelings with your duties Alexander. A king must make public gestures for the common people. I know, but you will be 19 this summer, and the girls already say you dont like them, You like Hephaistion more, I understand it is natural for a young man, But if you go to Asia with out leaving your successor you risk all. Hephaistion loves me, as I am, not who. Loves? Loves? In the name of dienisious, understand how philix thinks for your own sake, Your life hangs in the balance, he's spies are inside your closest... Stop! I am his only worthy son, you crazed woman, he would never hurt me, Even if (name) had a boy, he would be 20 before he would let him rule. Yes, and you would be 40, old and wise, like potterman and philix young son would be 20, Like you now, but raised by him, his blood, he will never give you the thrown now alexander, never. Ahhh, come Alexander drink this (...) as only thirst can quench sorrow. There is only one thing better than winning a battle son, And that's the taste of a new woman you will find it far sweeter than (...) Alexander, Alexander found you the right girl? What's your name? I'm chikini. Huh, what's your name? Chikini. I love you my limp. And I love you clopis. Would you prefer a seat cleitis? lot of drunken talk A toast, a toast! I drink to our great friends and to our new union, Macedonia and Greece equals in greatness, to Philip our king, without home this union could not be possible. Come (name) Leave some damn air in the hole? And last I drink to the king's marriage to my niece (name) a macedonian queen we can be proud of. To Philip and (name) and to their legitamate sons. You son of a dog, come then. This is my wedding not some public awl, apologize by Zeus before you dishoner me. He's afraid the man who called my mother a whore and me a bastard, and i dishoner you? You listen like your mother, Atlas is my family now the same as you. Then choose your relatives more carefully, don't expect me to sit here and watch you shame yourself. Shame? He insults me! I insult you? Am i not fit to ground my mother walks on? You dog, questioning your queen. Shame? I have nothing to be ashamed of you arrogant at, i'll marry the girl if i want, And i'll have as many sons as I want and there's nothing you or your harpy mother could do about it. Why drunken man must you think everything I do and say comes from my mother? Because I know her heart by Hera. And I see her in your eyes, you come with this thrown too much, now we all know that she will for the mother of yours, wants me dead, well you can both dream boy. Come Philip, this is the wine talking, leave the boy, wait til morning. No, I command you, apologize to your kinsmen. Apologize! NO kinsmen to me. Goodnight old man, and when my mother re-marries, i'll invite you to her wedding. You bastard. You will obey me, come here. And this is the man who is going to take you from Greece to Persia? He can't even make it from one couch to the next. Get out of my palace, your exiled you bastard, banished from the land, your not welcomed here, You're no son of mine. Everything, suddenly changed for him, His father King Philip was murdered, and Alexander 20 became the new ruler of macedonia. And eaking their treaties with us, dismissing alexander as an untried boy, Several Greek city states, rose up in revolk much to persia's delight, And have sponsored by their gold. And truly Alexander could love like no other, but to betray him was to rouse a vast and frightening anger, (...) several thousand of the men of their tragic city thieves and sold the survivors into slavery. This has intended stund and defeated the greeks, and though in the end they treated most populations with magnimity it is these exceptions, thieves (...) persia and others, That are always remembered by those who hate Alexander and all that he stood for. At 21, Alexander invaded Asia with an army of 40,000 trained men. And liberating one city state after the other, he conquered all of western asia, south to egypt, where he was declared Pharoah of egypt, worshiped as a god. It was in Egypt that the respected oracle siwah declared him the (...). He finally provoked (name) himself to battle in the heart of the persian empire near babylon. Gaugamela, Persia It was mad, 40,000 of us against 250,000 barbarians. It was the day Alexander had waited for all his life. Alexander son of a god, it was a myth of course, at least it started as a myth, I know, i was there, i saw his eyes. There at the crack of the persian line, we'll go for the head. Kill their eyes? The gods have ought him to us at last, If i die, it's one macedonian, but the persians they can not move with out authorized his command. Here, right here we cut the croak of the persian army. This is madness, you will never get withing 100 paces of him. Have you seen the sheer size of his force Alexander? Not IF you hold him on the left, my ave parmanion, with your son (name), for just 1, 2 hours tomorrow. And you un eakable antagonist the center falinx (name, name, name, name) if you pin them on the walls of (name) here in the center, their cavalry will follow me out to the right, and when bold cassander eaks, stretching their left, a hole will open, Then I and my cavalry, a revered cleitis, (name) and (name) will strike through that gap, and deal the death blow to the (...)head. Alexander even with luck, timing, the gods, we must route them tomorrow, destory their army completely, Or we be picked apart by bandit tribes on a long journey home. Right. You speak of home and retreat, but do you understand how many on, babylon is my new home. Alexander if we must fight, do so with stealth, use your numbers well, we should attack tonight when they least expect us. I didn't cross asia to steal this victory cassander. No, you are too honorable for that, no dad influence from sleeping with tales of troy under your pillow. But your father was no lover of homeless. The lands west of the (...) the hand of his daughter in marriage, since when has a greek ever been given such honors? This are not honors, are many of the ibes, the greeks have accepted too long, Do you forget that the man who murdered my father lies across the valley floor. Come Alexander, we are still not really sure if it was persian gold behind the assassination. Your father taught you never to surrender your reason, to your passion, now I urge you to regroup, Fall back to the coast, raise a larger force. I would if I were permanian, but I am Alexander, and no more than earth has 2 sons will asia bear two kings, these are my terms, and if arias isn't a coward who hides behind his men, then he will come to me tomorrow, And when he bows down to Greece, Alexander will be merciful. (...)and lads feast tonight, for tomorrow we will die in hades. To whom do you pray? Phobos. Fear (...). Or so for dorius. I have come to believe that fear of death drives all men Ephistian, This we didn't learn at school board, it is the cause of all (...) fortunes. So, mighty (name) Your majesty. Are you ready for tomorrow's dawn? Ah, it's been too long coming if you ask me, I mean (...) Good, fear makes men fight better. Post your centurions alert keep them rested well. Don't you worry General, i have been known to sleep with my eyes open as a baby's ass. Only cause someone might steal his loot sire. After tomorrow even the thrifty among you will shall be kings. God be with us your majesty. Will stay in the ground, with the persian blood of the king. I alwasy believed Alexander but this seems so much bigger than us. Did (petropolis) die before Achilles when they stood side by side at seed of Troy? Petropolis died first. If you do, if you were to fall Ephistian macedonia would lose a king, i will avenge you and follow you down to the house of death. I would do the same. On the eve of battle it is hardest to be alone. Then perhaps, perhaps this is farewell then, my Alexander. Fear not Ephistian, we are at the beginning. Blood makes the world crazed, blood makes the rain fall, blood makes the earth grow. In blood all man are born and died. Blood is the food of the gods below. Help me Osiphilis , today we ride to our destiny. (name) I remember you the day you took the seed tower at tire, you were a giant, and today how will you fight? (name) how far was it you threw your men resting at the last olympic games? Will you match it with your spear? And Tamander son of men under, a great soldier to my father, i still mourn your other odius, Who died so avely at helicarnusus, what an honor of family you descend from tamander, You fight for them today. You have all honored your country and your ancestors, And now we come to this most distant place in asia, Where across from us (name) has gathered a vast army... But ask yourselves, Who is this great king, who pays assassins in gold coins to murder my father, our king, in a most dispicable, and cowardly manner, and who is this great king dorius who enslaves his own men to fight? Who is this king, but a king of air? These men do not fight for their homes. They fight because this king tells them they must. We are here today, as Macedonian free men. Some of you, perhaps myself, Will not live to see the sun set over these mountains today, But I say to you, what every warrior has known since the beginning of time, Conquer your fear, and I promise you will conquer death. You will answer, i was here this day at Gagilaya, for the freedom and glory of Greece. ZUES be WITH US!! Where does he go? Don't know majesty. (...) He makes a mistake (name). Yes there king. Be ave men. Macedonian Left (leader giving instructions) Prepare to repult centurions. Alexander!! Go... (...) We must fall back to the gally. (...) Come (name) ride, ride!!! Break through the hole! instructions Go tell Alexander yourself, and if he wont listen then survive me, and avenge his betrayal. Pay attention lad, your father still watches over you! Dorius!!! Ride your horses! Dorius!!!! We can reach those (...) by sunset, Go (...) catch their eyes by dawn. Releases the horses. Alexander, Alexander my father is lost, they have overrun us (...) their into the baggage train. (name) is crumbling. Ah!!!! Alexander if you chase them, you risk losing your army here. And if we capture him we gain an empire. You can run to the ends of the earth you coward, But you will never run far enough. (...) You bleed free my lord, May i tend to your wound? No, atlas not now, it's far worse than me, go to them, help them. Your majesty, Your very ave, what should i call you? Gloucus my king. Gloucus and where is your home? Elyria. Let your body go lose, think about (...) be ave again Gloucus and you will live on in glory. Alexander. Persian empire, the greatest the world had yet known was destroyed. And Alexander at 25 was now King of all. Alexander once said to me, we are most alone when we are with the myths. Babylon, Persia And thus it came to pass in a dream as mythical to all greeks as Achilles defeating the trojans, That there is one glorious moment in time, Alexander was loved by all. But in the end i believed babylon was a far easier (...) to enter than she was to leave. Imagine the minds that can see this, with architects and engineers like these, We can build cities such as we only dreamed. Aristotle may have called them barbarians but he never saw babylon. We have enough gold here to support another 3 generations of macedonian armies. Macedonia will soon corrupt cassander, wealth in great quantities ings the crows. Not for the men who fought i trust? We will pay them well (name). But not as mercenaries for future services. You sound like Philip. Philip never saw babylon. Look, he didnt advise him. Alexander, i know you think me a stiff old sog, but whatever our differences, know this day, Your father would be very proud of you. Thank you (name), And i ask you to forgive me, my own anger my pride, They too blind me. Yes, the grandsons of goat herders we now rule 2 million square miles. Not like we are giving it all away. But, none of you fear that this straight fortune may drive us all to destruction. You over value us, for As long as Dorius eathes he is the legitamite king of asia, And I but the king of air. But he has no power alexander, he is lost in the mountains wit no (...) As long as he is lost (name) he can be believed in. Only when he is found will be decided. Seems you already made up your mind Alexander. We must finish what we failed to do at (...) Parmenium we must hunt dorius if it be to the ends of earth. That was not your father's mission. And I am not my father. Come on, have you so quickly forgotten, fortune favors the bold. By the gods what is this? No wonder Dorius fled, he had this to come back to. I venture one for every night of the year. Help me aphroditi, how will i ever go back to (name) after this? I advise you not to touch (...) here i'll take care of it for you. Aristotle was perhaps present, with these images foolish with their beauty and degrade our souls. Great king Alexander. The princess of 1000 troses. and ellis daughter of the formerly great king Dorius. (name presented) Noble Alexander. I come to beg for the lives of my sisters, my mother, my grandmother. You are not wrong princess (name), he too is alexander. Please, I plead for my families lives, sell me as a slave great king. Look now, into my eyes, princess, and tell me how would you like to be treated? As I am, a princess. Then so be it, you and your family shall be treated as my family, You shall live in this palace as long as you choose, Have you any other request? for me my noble princess? No, everything I wish, I have... Requested. You truly are a queen. Yes, she would be a perfect match for you but you do nothing. 3 months you have been in babylon, and leave me and (name) At the mercy of your enemies, of which you have many, And (name) accustom now to the part you have given him, I must watch him grow stronger. I am certain that he communicates secretly with Parmenian, Who is dangerous, but beware most of all of those closest to you, They are like snakes and can be turned. General (name) Cassander is and tibiders son, even cleitis your fathers favorite, Anton your friend yes, but beware of men who think too much, they blind themselves. Only Ephistian do i leave out, but all of them you may preach while your mother and yourself, You live in generous poverty, why wont you ever believe me? It is only a dark mind like mine that can know these secrets of the heart, For they are dark Alexander, so dark but in you, the son of Zeus lies the light of the world, Your companions will be shadows in the underworld, And you are a name living forever in history, As the most glorious shining light of youth, Forever young, forever inspiring, Never will there be an Alexander like you, Alexander the Great. Remember ing me to babylon as you promised, I can only help you for they know if they harm you, They will face my wrath, as queen of babylon. That is a high ransom she charges for 9 months lodging in the womb. Bring her Alexander, It will give her such joy. And on the cracked mirror of her dreams. Stay with me tonight Ephistian. I will take my own bath, thank you (name). The generals question your obsession with arias, They say it was never meant for you to be king of Asia. Naturally, they want only to return to their homes rich with gold. But I've seen the future Ephistian, i've seen it 1000 times, 1000 faces, These people want, need change. Aristotle was wrong about them. How so? Look at those we have conquered, They leave their dead unburied, They smash their enemies skulls and drink from it's dust, they mate in public, What can they think, or sing or write, when none can read, But as Alexander's army they can go, where they never thought possible, They can soldier work in the cities, the alexandrias egypt to the (...) ocean, We can connect these lands of (...) and the people, Some say these alexandrias are becoming extensions of alexander himself, They draw people into the cities so as to make slaves. But we freed them Ephistian from the persia where everyone lived as slaves, To free the people of the world, such would be beyond the glory of archilles, Beyond hericules, feet will rival pernithius, was always a friend to man. Remember the fates of these hereos, they suffered greatly. No we all suffer, your father, mine, They all came to the end of their time, And in the end when its over all that matters is what you have done. You once said the fear of death drives all men, Are there no other forces? Is there not love in your life? Alexander? I wonder sometimes, if it is not your mother you run from, So many years, so many miles between you, What is it you fear? Who knows these things, When I was a child my mother taught me to find my father weak, Which am I Ephistian? Weak or Divine? All I know is I trust only you in this world, I missed you, I need you, It is you I love Ephistian, no other. You still hold your head cocked, Like that, I have stopped that. No like a deer listening in the wind, You strike me still Alexander, You have eyes like no other, Ugh I sounded stupid as school boy, Your everything I care for, And by the sweet eathe of aphroditi, I am so jealous of losing you to this world. You want so badly. You will never lose me Ephistian, I will be with you always, until the end. Northeastern Persia The campaign in the northeastern persia turned into a hard gorilla war of almost 3 years. We chased Dorius toward (place) but missed taking him by hours. He was dying when we found him sire, He asked for water, he drank and died. The great king Dorius had been betrayed by his own commanders. Fully honoring his corpse, Alexander hunted down these commanders to unknown lands. Crossing even beyond the river oxes, into (place). We fought them as far as the unknown steps of (place), For only legend we hereos who once taught, The surveyors told us we were now in the borders of where Europe and asia meet, In fact we were totally lost, Here alexander founded his 10th alexandria, and settled it with veterans then women and any who would dare the frontier life, Unable to accept defeat in any form, Alexander persissted in eaking every tribe that resisted, Until the day he received the head of his last enemy in surrender. For alexander there could be no pretender to the thrown of asia, Which now (...) It was here that alexander made one of his most mysterious decisions.
Her eyes tell me, she cares for you Alexander, Perhaps too much. In the ways of my country, Those who love too much, lose everything, Those who love with irony, last. Your father must been turning in his grave Alexander, After all this time, (...) a sheeps daughter. But (...) justice, this girl has spirit. And what's the point Alexander, Just take her as your concubine. Because I want a son, Damn you (name). But then half your nobles have sisters you made fine macedonian mothers. To take an asian as my queen not a captive, Is a sign of deep respect for our subjects, It will more than anything real us together, unify us. Which is not to say I won't take a macedonian one day. As a second wife, and insult macedonia. Alexander!, This is about the other of our kingdom. Exactly, what can be won Alexander? We came here to asia to punish them for the crimes we have achieved at. Seven years from home, Now we drift from one far region to another, Chasing nomads and bandits, when macedonia bleeds its manpower, For what? to build roads in asia? to give these people cities? To found cities, and expand our reach is not to drift Parmenion. What benefit to macedon? It's far richer than before. What would you given them? With respect for your age Parmenion that you fought better, dug a metal when your flank was crumbling we could have had Dorius.. How dare you Nearcus! General Nearcus chief boy. Alexander spread our flag too thin, there was nothing my father any of you could have done... Sit down. Alexander I have known you since you were born, I supported you with your father's death, At the very least fall use this city, And in respect to the counselor chose you king, Give us a mecedonian aire, macedonian aire. You have been heard clearly. (...) And after the wedding you will take igades back to babylon, Where I look to you, and in tibider, greece, to maintain our empire and supply this expedition. I will way to the north, my advance army at merican. And I pray to apollo you soon realize (...) from your father's path. Ah damn you Parmenion by the gods and your apollo. What was in my fathers guts? Was it over ripe in reason like yours? He never lusted for war Alexander or enjoyed it so. He consulted his peers in counsel, among equals, the macedonian way. He didn't make decisions based on his personal desires. I have taken us further than my father ever dreamed. Old man, we are in new worlds. Alexander, be reasonable! Were they ever meant to be our equals? Share our rewards? You remember what Aristotle said, An Asian, What would a wedding vow ever mean to a race that has never kept their word to a greek? Aristotle be damned! By Zeus and all the gods, What makes you so much better than them Cassander? Better than you really are, in you and those like you is this. Alexander. what disturbs me most is not your lack of respect for my judgement, It is our content for a world far older than ours. And so 10 years, after his mother's incistence He marry a macedonian, Our union, greek and barbarian, The most powerful man in the world, took a girl of no political significance, why? Some say it was for alliance with the tribes, Others a desire for a successor, And yet others said Alexander truly fell in love, Who roxana rita really was, i doubt that any of us, ever saw further than the pools of those black eyes. Alexander, Special for you. On this glorious occasion, I toast this great army that has given so much, And in honor of them those of you who sought out with us 7 long years ago, I pronounce, all your debts paid fort with from the royal treasury. And in honor of my ide, My beautiful ide, we recognize the many women who shared the long hard road with us, I grant them darius be fitting a proper marriage. But what about our boys? And lastly, lastly the gods demand no less of us, That your children with these women be given a proper greek education, and military training, Under our protection, so is to be the new soldiers of our kingdom in Asia. I found it in Egypt, The man that sold it to me said, It came from a time when man worshipped sun and stars, I will always think of you as the sun Alexander, And I pray your dream will shine on all men. I wish you a son, you're a great man, You love him? He is Epheistian. There are many different ways to love Roxana, come. You have no fear, it's fitting, a man searches for a woman at birth stop, And finds her. The myth becomes real. Great man, scared now? You I kill now. Do it, end it, I would do the same. I will die a fool for this love. My life is now yours. You will have my son. Who is this woman you call your queen Alexander? A hill girl, You with your eeding, Already she makes enemies, with her strong clumsey nature, Do not confuse us, I was never a barbarian as philips said, We are of achilles royal blood, Zeus is your father. oh I understand she ings you some happiness, But hear me when i tell you act, and act soon, And after 7 years people wonder who is this king Alexander, I have given you ample proof, And tibider daily undermines your authority, Return to babylon and strengthen your center, Or come home to macedonia and reorganize, But do not chase your dream further east, Your life and mine depend on it, Remember my only thoughts are of you, As you too must face your glorious destiny, Think I'll leave your mother, provide for me, protect me from your enemies when you are gone, And remember always, it is I who loves you more than any. If only you were not a pale reflection from my mothers heart. Who did this? Tell me. (name) Never will you find a man as devoted as I... The conspiracy deeply upset Alexander, Not only because it involved the young pages,who shared his dream, But more intimately it implicated Filotus, His companion from boyhood, who is captain of Alexander's royal guards. Alexander, remember me for who I am. I do remember you Filotus, but not as you remember yourself, It appears to me and your peers here that true weather of your soul is ambition. NO... None of us defended Filotus, But then again none of us ever liked him, And of course his power was carved up by the rest of us. Before he died, we tortured him, To find out what his father Parmenion knew, But this we never learned, But what to do with Parmenion and his 20,000 troops guarding our supply line, was a far more delicate matter, Was he innnocent in this? or had he decided to act before age furthered with his power. We will be devied The men will follow their king. Alexander will not be there. Necessity required Alexander to act, They sealed the camp within the hour of the first accusation of Filotus. Then go Antiginous and Litus, and go quickly. 3 days hard riding Antiginous and litus to parmenion, His soldiers accepted the finding of guilt against parmenion, As they understood that the head of family was responsible for all. Litus, Antiginous. I remember a mark of the (...) once, That love eluded Alexander as much if not more, than finding the end of the world. In the spring, Alexander marched an army of 150,000, Across the passes of the hindu kush, Into the unknown, In his dream it was the promised (...) to the end of the wall, We were now a mobile empire stretching back thousands of miles to greece, Cooks and architects, doctors and somiers, money lenders and wives, children, lovers,whores. And forget not the slaves that (...) bent working spines a new beast, ravaged or expanded, For better or worst, No occupied territory remained the same again. Although devoted to Roxana, Alexander's visits to her tent diminished as a year, then two, went by with out a successor, wounding Alexander's great pride. The savarias are saying that Zeus chained permitheous up there, In one of those caves, They say there is a giant eagles nest just above it, Suppose he drops down each night to peck out poor permitheous' liver. You remember what Aristotle told us of these mountains? Yes I do, that when we reach these heights, We look back and see macedonia to the west, and the outer ocean to the east, But I fear this world is far larger than anyone dreamed, The world of titans. The scouts have been up every known trail Alexander, There is no way across, Except to the south, into India. Were we gods, we would each these walls into the eastern ocean. We will Alexander, in a few years time we will return. But first the men must seek homes. Have you found your home? Tell me. The More and more I think it will be Alexandria. Well at least it's hot, (name) she loved it there. Women ing men home, I have no such feeling. You have babylon Alexander, where your mother awaits your invitation. Yes, I have babylon, but each land, each boundary i cross, I strip away another illusion, I sense death will be the last, Yet still I push harder, and harder to reach this, home. Where has our eagle gone? We must go on tolomy, Til we find an end. India India, the land where the sun was born, Fabled to be even richer than persia, Had never been explorered or conquered. From the beginning Alexander struggled to unify a land without a (...) Kings who conspired against one another, A la ynth of tribes urged on by zelix and philosophers, To die by the 1000's for their strange gods. Craters advanced party fought against men with hairy skins, who were tiny, and lived in the (...) of trees. Until Ephistian convinced us these were animals who immitated man but wore their own skin, They called this tribe monkey. Monkey. And then there was the rain. Never before had we seen water that fell from the gods, For 60 days and nights. You know better (name), what's your son going to say, come on man, (...) I will be with you at your side. Claytis, ing the snake healers, (name),... What happened lad? It is to the neck. Oh no, hold on, hold on, eathe, eathe. Our quest for gold and glory evaporated as we realized there was none to be had, Tempest westled. ??? We massacred all indians who resisited, And with the local water putred, we drank the strong wine. As we moved southeast, Alexander often returned the lands we conquered to their defeated kings, so as to make of them allies, But this did not set well with the army, They began to wonder if Alexander was on some crazed quest, To imitate the glory of heiriclies. Tibigous. And to my mother's god Dienisus, Who were told by indian allies traveled here before heiriclies. Some 6 thousand years ago, To a hero. You lose face, these indians they are low evil people. You do not try to understand them. I try, But this I know Alexander. In Persia you are great king, Here they hate you. Let us go back to babylon, there you are strong. We will talk about this later. Yes, later, talk. I shall come, tonight. And I shall wait, to let my king. Your majesty, A toast to bigous, On the 30,000 beautiful persian boys we are training to fight in this great army. To the memory of Philip, had he lived, To see his macedonians transformed into such a pretty army, To philip, to a real hereo. Declitus, it is your appointment as set trap (...). A fancy way of putting it Tolomy. But we all know what a pension and an exile is after 30 years service. You call governing this major province, exile? Has your majesty given any of his closest companions a province so far from home? Then you will not make a very good set trap will ya cleitis? So be it, let me rot in macedonian rags, Rather than shine in eastern pomp, ??? I won't quake and bow down like the (...) you have around you, Epheistian, Neiarcus, Perticus. As governor of one of our most asian asatropies, cleitis does it not accur to you that if my persian subjects bow down before me it is important for them to do so. Do I insist on greeks doing the same? You accept greek offerings as a son of zeus do you not? Only when offered. Then why do you not refuse? these vain flatteries, What freedom is there to bow before you? You bow before heiriclies do you not, and he was mortal, But a son of Zeus How can you so young compare yourself to heiriclies? Why not? I have achieved more in my years, traveled as far, probably farther. Heiriclies did it by himself. Did you conquer asia by yourself Alexander? I mean who planned the asian invasion? Was it not your father? Or is his blood no longer good enough, zeus (...) You insult me cleitis, You mock my family becareful, Never But your father take barbarians as his friends. Ask us to fight with them as equals in war, Are we not good enough any longer, I remember a time when we could talk as men, straight to the eye, None of this scraping, groveling, Now your his then? ???? Take a barbarian, jealous wife, and dirt color queen. Go quickly Cleitis before you ruin your life. Does not your great pride fear the gold any longer? This army, this army is your blomp boy. Without it your nothing. You no longer serve the purpose of this march, Get him from my sight. I dont serve your purpose, what was i serving... Arrest him for treason. Who's with me, who's with him, I call for the Zeus to witness, I call you to travel for him, I will see this conspiracy cut, take him! (...) what about poor parmenion, (...) Have you no shame? A great deafspot falls king. You barbarian mother living shame. Let me pass, I am the queen. I want to see him, I have waited 3 days. He says none, not even you. He needs me. No, he does not. And he needs you? Ephistian you make a mistake. The army needs your re assurance. Alexander, Like an old lover they forgive but they will never forget. You know more than any crazed deeds are done by men who took and never regretted. You're Alexander, pitty and grief will only destroy you. Have I become so arrogant, that i'm going blind. Sometimes, to expect the best of everyone is arrogance. Then Cleitis spoke true, I have become a tryant. Immortal and they know it, And they forgive you because you make them proud of themselves. I have failed, look at me. Macedonia - 8 Years before Philip King of macedonia, and leader of the Greeks. All my life i have waited to see greeks travel with respect for macedonia, today's our day. They say already, philip was a great general, but alexander is simply Great. If you ever insult me again, I will kill you. Missed you, in the spring persia, command my horse from the right, I'm honored father, I would not miss it for all the gold in the world. Which one day you will have. Making himself a 13th ghost, He's run so much wild, my poor philip, he has lost his mind. Your majesty. Atilus. I hope the prince is enjoying the spectacle as much as our regent. He is very tired. (name) Bring the rest of the guard. Royal guard,to the arena march. No guard your majesty with all this crowd? Greeks all over the place. Cleitis, this man you can always trust Alexander, Treat him as you would me, he guard your back for you. Yes father. People are guarding today cleitis, That these greeks say for themselves where i can walk through my people, Then let them call me tyrant, in the main garden after my entry only, Cleitis make sure the wine flows steady all day, i want them to like me. What you told, I go in alone, follow with the main guard, go on, go on, Father it is best I go with you. You want the world to say your my successor? Is that what she wants? Ah do not look so hurt all the time Alexander, be a man, You cut yourself lucky you were here at all today after your public display, By hericlies, by zeus and by all the gods obey me this once. Have courage father, and go on your with with joice on each step, And I may recall your vow. And now our beloved king, Philip in whose honor this game begin. Xenus I told you... King lives, Alexander, son of philip, the most destined king. A king now,you're king. May the gods bless Alexander. Alexander!! Go. How can you pay so shamelessly in public? Because it was meant to be. This is not how I wanted to become king. No one blames you. They blame me already, behind my back, in secret. Slander is not power. Shame is? Who killed my father, tell me, tell me or shall I put you on trial for his murder. (name) He had help, Did you help him? No, never, why, why would I? so many wanted it, greeks, persian, men. Your mad, a curse, you have unleashed furies you dont even know their power, Ah now who is exagerating, even if it was the wish of your heart. That is a lie, he was my father, i loved him. He was not your father, you owe no blood debt to that man. You lie and lie and lie, so many lies you spundle like a sorcerous confusing me. Look at you, look at you, you are everything that he was not, He was coherced, you are fine, He was a general, you are a King, He could not rule himself, and you shall rule the world. You are so cursed by the gods when you speak like this, Such thick pride, and no mourning for your husband. Mourn, what do you know of (...) No Alexander, Zeus is your father, Act like it. But first I get to kill you, you murdered me in my cradle, you birthed me in a cycle of hate, hate you are for those stronger than you, Hate you have for men. I taught you my heart Alexander and by zeus and Einisis you grew beautiful, Damn your sorcerous soul. Your soul is mine Alexander. No, no! you have taken from me everything i have ever loved. Stop it, stop acting like a boy, your a king, act like one, Parmenion is with us for once, Execute atlas with out delay, Then confiscate their lands and root out that family forever. You really never can laugh you monster, you heart eaker. How will you live out the year like this? Have you learned nothing from Philip? No from you mother. The past. What have I done, to make you hate me so? One day, you will understand this, that I have only you in my heart, I know what you need, now is the time, The gods favor you, great wealth, power, conquest, All you desire, the world is yours, take it. Kiss/kids ??? He never saw his mother again. And while he was away fighting the northern tribes, Olympius had Philips new wife (name) and her infant son murdered, By necessity he had her uncle Atilus executed. India Of course you have fears, we all have fears, Because no one has ever gone this far before, And now we are weeks from the encircling ocean, our root home, we will build a fleet of ships and sail all the way back down the nile to egypt, And from Alexandria we shall be home within weeks, and to be reunited with our loved ones, to share our great treasures and tales of asia, And to enjoy our unperishable glory to the ends of time. Follow Alexander. What? Silence? We are with you Alexander. (name) a hereo, where are these great amazons of myth who dare to fight and kill men, Where have they gone? We will never leave you Alexander. (name) who are these tribes ahead compared to those we have vanquished? (name) Antigilus, you eak my heart, you men, afraid, crowd talking My king, (...) aint no belly aching, I wont tolerate an end to my units, I lost men, young ones never been with a woman, some died of disease, some were butchered and severed with the banks and ox's. Some died good, some just didn't get no luck, but they died. 40,000 I come over with 8 years ago, And we march after you over 10,000 miles, In the rain, and the sun, we fought for you, some of us 50 battles with an end, that killed many of our (...). And now when I look around, How many of them faces do I see? And now you want us to fight more of these crazy monkey tribes east of here, we here talk of thousands of these elephant monsters, there are a hundred more of us, Carus, good carus, who better than you to speak, Most noble of men, But you know there is no part of me without a scar or bone oken, By sword, knife, stone, catapult and club, I have shared every hardship with all of you. And you have my king, and we love you for it. But too many have died. You have no children Alexander, And we are just humble men we seek no disturbance with the gods, All we wish for, is to see our children, And our wives and our grandchildren one last time, Before we join our others in the dark house they call hades. Yes, you are right (name). I have be negligent. I should have sent you veterans home sooner, and I will, The first of you shall be the servant shields, And then every man who has served 7 years, With full pensions from our treasury, Respected, rich, loved, you will be treated by your wives and children as hereos for the rest of your lives. And a joy peaceful death, But you dream (name), your simplicity, long ended when you took persia (...) children. How you thickened your holdings with plunder and jewels. Because you have fallen in love with all the things in life that destroy men. Do you not see? And you as well as I know, that as the year decline and the memories stale, And all your great victories fade, It will always be rememberd, you left your king in asia, For I will go on with my agents. To the jackals with ya Alexander... crowd talking I came for your bastard children, I have taken nothing for myself, And all I am asking is for one more month. I have taken my father and your father... so go on,hand it to the barbarians for their courage. I go east. crowd Who said that? You will never make it back to macedonia. You dispicable coward, come forth, make your accusations public. Why, so you could have us killed, son of zeus. You desecrate your father's memory. Hide, hide in the smoke... alexander talking he called me murderer, I have no such blood on my hands. After all I have done for you, you swine,you cowards, traitors, Come on then, where are your daggers? He dove on, south to the outer ocean. In smashing the mutany and executing the ring leaders, He did nothing to my mind, that any general in war time would have not done. But clearly the army was divided, that alexander was no longer loved by all. They come, gather will strong as gods, come over with your left, eak hard with your right, The air is rot, a waste of time. Brook shields! Battle positions! (...) prepare your knives, follow me. Come macedonians why do you hang back hurry. alexander gives orders (...) Our lives are in jepeordy, Veniegar ride to Farnicus to tell him we will charge to the center at once, Alucis find a placing by the river so I can ing all cavalry to the center, We must reached Creterus before it is too late. To the center!! Hold macedonians, ride, ride!! (name)...NO!!!...(name)!! The horses will not go, on foot then. Come osiphilus. It is only sun and shadow, You and I together One last time Osiphilious, There is another leveling plain to live with great courage, And to die leaving another ever lasting failure, come macedonians, why do you retreat, do you want to live forever? In the name of Zeus attack!!! The king is down. To the king!! It was the bloodiest of his battles, Pure butchery, The end of all reason. We would never be men again. He lives!!! Men of macedon, we are going home. We are going home. His life should have ended in India but that's myth, In life, hericlies died of a poison shirt given in arab by his jealous wife, Making his devotions to the gods at the end of the great journey, Alexander bid the east farewell and marched his army directly west, Across the great cadroshen desert, seeking the shortest route home to bablyon, Til this day there is no accounting of how many died. It was the worst blunder of his life, And when he finally re-entered babylon after 6 years in the far east, Alexander again seized the imagination of the world by taking 2 more wives. Just last night, Its the water your majesty, he mixed it with the wine. But how can this be, Tiphis of india? Oh I wouldn't tax yourself your majesty, a few good nights rest will do it, but no wine, or... Come doctor. I feel better, soon I will be able. We leave for arabia in the spring and i can't leave with out you. Arabia, You used to trust me like a shiek, What if you wouldn't (...) You were the only one who would never let me win, The only one who has ever been honest with me, You saved me from myself, Please do not leave me Ephistian. My Alexander, I remember the old man who wants to be achilles and then out did him. And you Petroplis, and then what happened? Now is the myth only young men believe. But how beautiful the myth it was. Oh we reach we fall. Oh Ephistias. I worry for you with out me. I am nothing without you, Come fight Ephistian, we will die together, It is our destiny. We will have children with our wives, And our sons will play together as we once did, a 1000 ships will launch from here Ephistian, We will round arabia, and sail up the golf to egypt, From there we will build a channel through the desert, And add to the middle sea, And then we will move on carthage, and that great island sicily, They will pay large tribute, After that, the roman tribe, good fighters, we will beat them. And then explore the northern forests and add the pillars of hericlies to the western ocean, And then one day, not 10 years from now, babylon with its deep water harbor, Be the center of the world, Alexandrias will grow, Populations will mix and travel freely, asia and europe will come together, And we will grow old Ephistian, Looking at our balcony, At this new world. Ephistian, Ephistian. screams Where is this doctor? I can't explain this your majesty, it is not possible. I swear by apollo... Secure him, take him out now and execute him. come away, come away. Liars, liars, All of you, get out, get out now!! Be gone with you, get out, get out!! Are you drunk again? Get out. He's dead. Who? Many hated him, but I dont think any other would have dared. Ephistian is dead? Wait a minute. Are you mad? Taken from me all that I have ever known. The fury is too tight, damn your miserable heart, baby! Alexander I have your child. Alexander, my husband, my king, we have a son. My poor boiled fated son. Never touch me again. Noooooooo!!! One last charm! For the dog. To my old friends. And to the myths. To the next door, ??? Yes come, come to babylon, I await you, your only loving son. Wait, wait, vultures, wait, my son alexander... please crying my son. Alexander we beg you, tell us who, who will rule this great empire for you? whispers fear not.... Zeus is your father! Alexander the army will divide, satripus will revolt with out your orders, please tell us who. Babylon, Persia June 323 B.C. In the 10th of june, a month short of his 33rd year, Alexanders great heart finally gave out, And as he vowed he joined Ephistian. But in his short life he achieved with out doubt, the mythic glory of his ancestor hercules and more, His sacrifice was an early death, but in keeping to his side of the bargain, I can not help but feel he conquered death as well. Olympius's transgression in the murder of his father is to my mind a probability, He's a burden, Alexander was too in love with the glory for him to steal it, But by blood and blood alone he was guilty. Within hours we were fighting like jackals for his corpse, Wars of the world had begun, 40 years off and on they endured, Cassander in greece, crackelus and antigunus in western asia, solucus and perdicus in the east, myself in egypt, Until we divided his empire in 4 parts. Cassander certainly proved his will to power, And 7 years later he had olympius executed, And within 12 years he achieved the complete destruction of Alexanders bloodline, When he poisoned Roxana Alexandria and Alexander's 13 yr old son, the true aire to the empire. But the truth is never simple, and yet it is, The truth is, we did kill him, By silence we consented, because, because we couldn't go on, But by Aries did we had to look forward to, but did we discard it in the end, like fighters, After all this time to give away our wealth to asian sick offense we despised, Mixing the races, harmony, pah, How he talked of these things, Or wasn't it really about alexander another population ready to obey him, I never believed in his dream, none of us did. That's the truth of his life, The dream is exhaustis, they must die before they kill us with their blasted dreams. Carcas throw all that away, it is old fools rubbish, you shall write, He died of fever and weakend condition. Yes (name) How he could have stayed home in macedonia and married the eastern family, He would have died a cele ated man, But this was not Alexander, All his life he fought to free himself from fear, And By this, and this alone he was made free, The freest man i have ever known. His strategy was one of increasing loneliness and impatience with those who could not understand, And if his desire to reconcile greek in barbarian ended in failure, Huh, what failure? His failure towered over other men's successes. I have lived, I have lived long life (name) But the glory and memory of man will always belong to the one's who follow their (...) visions, With the greatest of ease is the one that I will call makus Alexandrus, The greatest Alexander of them all.
150 years ago the business corporation was a relatively insignificant institution. Today it is all pervasive. Like the church the monarchy and the communist party in other times and places the corporation is today's dominant institution. This documentary examines the nature evolution impacts and possible futures of the modern business corporation. Initially given a narrow legal mandate what has allowed today's corporation to achieve such extraordinary power and influence over our lives? We begin our inquiry as scandals threaten to trigger a wide debate about the lack of public control over big corporations. I think there is an overhang over the market of distrust. Listen 95 percent or some percent huge percentage of the business community are honest and unreveal all their assets got compensation programs that are balanced. But there are some bad apples... the media debate about the basic operating principles of the corporate world was quickly reduced to a game of follow the leader. I still happen to think the United States is the greatest place in the world to invest. We have some shake ups that are going on because of a few bad apples. Some people call me a bad apple but I may be uised but I still taste sweet. Some people call me a bad apple but I may be the sweetest apple on the tree. These are not just a bunch of bad apples. This is just a few bad apples. This is not just a few bad apples. You've gotta get rid of the bad apples You can start with Tyco Bad apples We know all about WorldCom. Bad apples Xerox Corporation. Bad apples Arthur Anderson. Bad apples Enron obviously bad apples. K- mart Corporation Bad apples the fruit cart is getting a little more full. I don't think it's just a few apples unfortunately. I think this is the worst crisis of confidence in business. What's wrong with this picture? Can we not pick a better metaphor to describe the dominant institution of our time? Through the voices of CEOs whistle blowers okers gurus and spies insiders and outsiders we present the corporation as a paradox an institution which creates great wealth but causes enormous and often hidden harms. I see the corporation as part of a jigsaw in society as a whole which if you remove it the picture's incomplete. But equally if it's the only part it's not going to work. A sports team. Some of us are blocking and tackling. Some of us are running the ball some of us are throwing the ball. But we all have a common purpose which is to succeed as an organization. A corporations like a family unit. People in a corporation work together for a common end Like the telephone system it reaches almost everywhere. It's extraordinarily powerful it's pretty hard to avoid. And it transforms the lives of people I think on balance for the better. The eagle soaring clear eyed competitive prepared to strike but not a vulture. Noble visionary majestic that people can believe in and be inspired by that creates such a lift that it soars. I can see that being a good logo for the principled company. Okay guys enough bullshit. Corporations are artificial creations. You might say they're monsters trying to devour as much profit as possible at anyone's expense. I think of a whale. A gentle big fish which could swallow you in an instant. Dr. Frankenstein's creation has overwhelmed and overpowered him. As the corporate form has done with us. The word corporate gets attached in almost you know in a pejorative sense to and gets married with the word agenda. And one hears a lot about the corporate agenda as though it is evil as though it is an agenda which is trying to take over the world. Personally I don't use the word corporation I use the word business. I will use the word use the word company. I will use the words business community cause I think that is a much fairer representation than zeroing in on just this word corporation. It's funny that I've taught in a business school for as long as I have without ever having been asked so pointedly to say what I think a corporation is. ...it is one form of business ownership...? It's a group of individuals working together to serve a variety of objectives. The principal one of which is earning large growing sustained legal returns for the people who own the business. The modern corporation has grown out of the industrial age. The industrial age began in 1712 with an Englishman named Thomas Newcomen invented a steam driven pump to pump water out of the English coalmine so the English coalminers could get more coal to mine rather than hauling buckets of water out of the mine It was all about productivity more coal per man hour. That was the dawn of the industrial age. And then it became more steel per man hour more textiles per man hour more automobiles per man hour and today it's more chips per man hour more gizmos per man hour. The system is basically the same system producing more sophisticated products today. The dominant role of corporations in our lives is essentially a product of roughly the past century. Corporations were originally associations of people who were chartered by a state to perform some particular function. Like a group of people want to build a idge over the Charles River or something like that. There were very few chartered corporations in early United States history. And the ones that existed had clear stipulations in their state issued charters how long they could operate the amount of capitalization what they made or did or maintained a turnpike whatever was in their charter and they didn't do anything else. They didn't own or couldn't own another corporation. Their shareholders were liable. And so on. In both law and the culture the corporation was considered a subordinate entity that was a gift from the people in order to serve the public good. So you have that history and we shouldn't be misled by it it's not as if these were the halcyon days when all corporations served the public trust but there's a lot to learn from that. The Civil War and the Industrial Revolution created enormous growth in corporations. And so there was an explosion of railroads who got large federal subsidies of land. Banking heavily manufacturing And corporate lawyers a century and a half ago realized that they needed more power to operate And wanted to remove some of the constraints that had historically been placed on the corporate form. The 14th amendment was passed at the end of the Civil War to give equal rights to black people. And therefore it said No state can deprive any person of life liberty or property without due process of law. And that was intended to prevent the states from taking away life liberty or property from black people as they had done for so much of our history. And what happens is the corporations come into court and corporation lawyers are very clever. And they say Oh you cant deprive a person of life liberty or property. We are a person. A corporation is a person. And so supreme court goes along with that. And what was particularly grotesque about this was that the 14th amendment was passed to protect newly freed slaves. So for instance between 1890 and 1910 there were 307 cases ought before the court under the 14th amendment. 288 of these ought by corporations 19 by African Americans. 600000 people were killed to get rights for people and then with strokes of the pen over the next 30 years judges applied those rights to capital and property while stripping them from people. Everybody makes a mistake once in a while but I just cant be personally responsible. That's one of the weaknesses of a partnership isn't it Sid? Well maybe you'd better incorporate the store. Incorporate?! Yes Incorporating would give you the big advantage of what you want right now limited liability. You start with a group of people who wanna invest their money in accompany. Then these people apply for a charter as a corporation. This government issues a charter to that corporation. Now that corporation operates legally as an individual person it is not a group of people it is under the law a legal person. Imperial Steel Incorporated has many of the legal rights of a person. It can buy and sell property... It can borrow money. It can sue in court and be sued. It can carry on a business. Imperial Steel along with thousands of other legal persons is a part of our daily living. It is a member of our society. Having acquired the legal rights and protections of a person the question arises What kind of person is the corporation? Corporations were given the rights of immortal persons. But then special kinds of persons persons who had no moral conscience. These are a special kind of persons which are designed by law to be concerned only for their stockholders. And not say what are sometimes called their stakeholders like the community or the work force or whatever. The great problems of having corporate citizens is that they aren't like the rest of us. As Baron Thurlow in England is supposed to have said They have no soul to save and they have no body to incarcerate. I believe the mistake that a lot of people make when they think about corporations is they think you know corporations are like us. General Electric is a kind old man with lots of stories. Nike young energetic. Microsoft aggressive McDonald's young outgoing enthusiastic Monsanto immaculately dressed Disney goofy. The Body Shop um deceptive very lovely. Do you know what the body shop is? Nope. They have feelings they have politics they have belief systems they really only have one thing the bottom line How to make as much money as they can in any given quarter. That's it. Of course they make a profit and it's a good thing. That's the incentive that makes capitalism work. To give us more of the things that wanted. That's the incentive that other economic systems lack. People accuse us of only paying attention to the economic leg because they think that's what a business persons mind set is it's just money. And it's not so because we as business people know that wanted to certainly address the environment but also wanted to be seen as constructive members of society. There are companies that do good for the communities. They produce services and goods that are of value to all of us that make our lives better and that's a good thing. The problem comes in in the profit motivation here because these people there's no such thing as enough. And I always counterpoint out there's no organization on this planet that can neglect its economic foundation. Even someone living under a banyan tree is dependent on support from someone. Economic leg has to be addressed by everyone. It's not just a business issue. But unlike someone under a banyan tree all publicly traded corporations has been structured through a series of legal decisions to have a peculiar and disturbing characteristic. They are required by law to place the financial interests of their owners above competing interests. In fact the corporation is legally bound to put its bottom line ahead of everything else even the public good. That's not a law of nature that's a very specific decision. In fact a judicial decision. So they're concerned only for the short term profit of their stockholders who are very highly concentrated. To whom do these companies owe loyalty? What does loyalty mean? Well it turns out that that was a rather naive concept anyways as corporations are always owed obligation to themselves to get large and to get profitable. In doing this it tends to be more profitable to the extent it can make other people pay for the bills for its impact on society. There's a terrible word that economists use for this called externalities. An externality is the effect of a transaction between two individuals. Third party who has not consented to or played any role in the carrying out of that transaction And there are real problems in that area. There's no doubt about it. Running a business is a tough proposition. There are costs to be minimized at every turn and at some point the corporation says you know let somebody else deal with that. Let's let somebody else supply the military power to the middle east to protect the oil at its source. Let's let somebody else build the roads that we can drive these automobiles on. Let's let somebody else have those problems And that is where externalities come from that notion of let somebody else deal with that. I got all I can handle myself. A corporation is an externalizing machine in the same way that a shark is a killing machine. Each one is designed in a very efficient way to accomplish particular objectives. In the achievement of those objectives there isn't any question of malevolence or of will. The enterprise has within it and the shark has within it those characteristics that enable it to do that for which it was designed. The pressure is on the corporation to deliver results now and to externalize any cost that this unwary or uncaring public will allow it to eternalize. To determine the kind of personality that drives the corporation to behave like an externalizing machine we can analyze it like a psychiatrist would a patient. We can even formulate a diagnosis on the basis of typical case histories of harm that is inflicted on others selected from a universe of corporate activity. Well this is the office of the national labour committee here in the garment area of New York City. It's a little bit dishevelled. These are all from different campaigns. To make this stuff concrete as possible we purchased all of the products from the factories that we're talking about. This shirt sells for $14.99. And the women who made this shirt got paid $0.03. Liz Claiborne jackets made in El Salvador The jackets are $178 and the workers were paid $0.74 for every jacket they made. Alpine car stereos $0.31 an hour. It's not just sneakers. It's not just apparel. It's everything. We were in Honduras and some workers they knew what kind of work we did and they approached us and said conditions in our factory are horrible. Will you please meet with us. And we said we would. But you cant meet in the developing world you cant walk up in a factory with your notebook and workers come up and interview them. I mean there's goons there's spies the military police so you do everything in a clandestine manner. We are about to start the meeting and in walk three guys very tough looking guys. The company had found out about our meeting and sent these spies. Obviously we didn't have the meeting. But these young girls were really ight And as they were leaving away from the eyesight of the spies they started to put their hands underneath the table. And I put my hand under there and they put into my hand their pay stubs. So wed know who they were what they were paid and the labels that they made in the factory so wed know who they worked for. So I took my hand after everyone had left. And in the palm of my hand was the face was of Kathy Lee Gifford And on the bottom of it was A portion of the proceeds from the sale of this garment would be donated to various children's charities. Very touching gets you right here. Wal-Mart is telling you if you purchase these pants and Kathy Lee is telling you if you purchase these pants you will be helping children. The problem was the people that handed us this label were 13 years of age. Do many people in your family work here? Just me. How many people do you support? Eight people? And how do you do it with that salary is it enough? No. Let's look at it from a different point of view Let's look at it from a point of view of the people in Bangladesh who are starving to death. The people in China who are starving to death and the only thing that they have to offer to anybody that is worth anything is their low cost labour. And in effect what they're saying to the world is they have this big flag that says Come over and hire us. We will work for $0.10 an hour. Because $0.10 an hour will buy us the rice that's wanted not to starve. And come and rescue us from our circumstance. And so when Nike comes in they are regarded by everybody in the community as an enormous godsend. Hey wait! You are not permitted to be here! The door was wide open. No no no no no. That's my clothes. Those are my clothes. This is not your clothes. Why your camera!? Don't touch the woman. Why!? This is a private company. Without permission how can you come here? Yes well the door was wide open The doors for employees not for you. We went through the garbage dump in the Dominican Republic. We always do this kind of stuff we dig around. One day we found a big pile of Nikes internal pricing documents. Nike assigns a time frame to each operation. They don't talk about minutes. They eak the timeframe into ten thousandths of a second. You get to the bottom of all 22 operations; they give the workers 6.6 minutes to make the shirt. It's $0.70 an hour in the Dominican Republic. That's 6.6 minutes equals $0.08. These are Nikes documents. That means the wages come to three tenths of one percent of the retail price. This is the reality. It's the science of exploitation. What happens in the areas where these corporations go in and are successful? They soon find that they cant do anymore in that country because the wages are too high now. And what's that another way of saying well the people are no longer desperate. So okay we've used up all the desperate people there they're all plump and healthy and wealthy. Let's move on to the next desperate lot and employ them and raise their level up. Well the whole idea of the export processing zone is that it will be the first step towards this wonderful new development through the investment that's attracted to these countries there will be a trickle down effect into the communities. But because so many countries are now in the game of creating these free trade enclaves they have to keep providing more and more incentives for companies to come to their little denationalized pocket. And the tax holidays get longer. So the workers rarely make enough money to buy three meals a days let alone feed their local economy. Something happened in 1940 which marked the beginning of a new era. The era of the ability to synthesize and create. On an unlimited scale new chemicals that had never existed before in the world. And using the magic of research oil companies compete with each other in taking the petroleum molecule apart and rearranging it into well you name it... So suddenly it became possible to produce any new chemical synthetic chemicals the likes of which had never existed before in the world for any purpose and at virtually no cost. Fa ics toot ushes tires insecticides cosmetics weed killers. A whole galaxy of things to make a better life on earth. For instance if you wanted to go to a chemist and say look I want to have a chemical say a pesticide which will persist throughout the food chain and I don't want to have to renew it very very often Id like it to be relatively non-destructible and then he'd put two benzene molecules on the blackboard and add a chlorine here and a chlorine there that was DDT! When the eighth army needed Jap civilians to help them out in our occupation they called on native doctors to administer DDT under the supervision of our men to stand a potential typhus epidemic. Dusting like this goes a long way in checking disease and the laughs on them. Pardon our dust As the petrochemical era grew and grew warning signs emerged that some of these chemicals could pose hazards. The data initially were trivial anecdotal but gradually a body of data started accumulating to the extent that we now know that the synthetic chemicals which have permeated our workplace our consumer products our air our water produced cancer and also birth defects and some other toxic effects. Furthermore industry has known about this at least most industries have known about this and have attempted to trivialize these risks. If I take a gun and shoot you that's criminal. If I expose you to some chemicals which knowingly are going to kill you what difference is there? The difference is that it takes longer to kill you. We are now in the midst of a major cancer epidemic and I have no doubt and I have documented the basis for this that industry is largely responsible for this overwhelming epidemic of cancer in which one in every two men get cancer in their lifetimes and one in every three women get cancer. Towards the end of 1989 a great box of documents arrived at my office without any indication where they came from. And I opened them and found in it a complete set of Monsanto files dealing with toxicological testing of cows who'd been given RBGH. BST trade name Posilac is being used in more than a quarter of the dairy herds in the United States according to Monsanto. The milk is being drunk by a large portion of the American population since the food and drug administration declared it safe for both cows and humans... And at that the Monsanto was saying There's no evidence whatsoever of any adverse affects We don't use antibiotics. And this clearly showed that they had lied through their teeth. The files described areas of chronic inflammation in the heart lungs kidneys spleen also reproductive effects also a whole series of other problems. ...the most comprehensive independent assessment of the drug concludes that bust results in un necessary pain suffering and distress for the cows. This is not acceptable for a drug designed simply to increase milk production... It is a silly product. We have the industrial world is a wash in milk. We're over producing milk. We actually have governments around the world who pay farmers not to produce milk. So the first product Monsanto comes up with is a product that produces more of what we don't need. Of course you'll want to inject Posilac in every eligible cow as each cow is not treated is a lost income opportunity. But the problem was that use of the artificial hormone caused all sorts of problems for the cows. It caused something called mastitis which is a very painful infection of the udders. When you milk the cow if the cow has bad mastitis some of the and I don't know how to say this in a you know I hope people aren't watching at dinnertime but the pus from the infection of the udders ends up in the milk. And the somatic cell count they call it the bacteria count inside your milk goes up. There's accost to the cows. The cows get sicker when they're injected with RBGH. They're injected with antibiotics. We know that people are consuming antibiotics through their food and we know that that's contributing to antibiotic resistant bacteria and diseases. And we know we're at a crisis when somebody can go into a hospital and get a staff infection and it cant be cured and they die. That's a crisis. Bad for the cow Bad for the farmer Bad potentially for the consumer The jury is out we see a lot of conflicting evidence about potential health risk. And of course as a consumer my belief is why should I take any risk? Factory farm cows have not been the only victims of Monsanto products. Large areas of Vietnam were deforested by the us military using Monsanto's agent orange. The toxic herbicide reportedly caused over 50000 birth defects and hundreds of thousands of cancers in Vietnamese civilians and soldiers and in former American troops serving in South East Asia. Unlike the Vietnamese victims U.S. Vietnam war veterans exposed to Agent Orange were able to sue Monsanto for causing their illnesses. Monsanto settled out of court paying $80 million in damages. But it never admitted guilt Sleeping in a motel in Brewer Maine one night I woke up with terrible hay fever and my eyes were burning. And I looked out at the river and there were great mounds of white foam going right down the river. And the next morning I got up and I said My God what was that happening last night He said Oh that's just the river. And I said what do you mean? He said Well look every night the paper company sends the stuff down the river. And I said What are you talking about? And he said Don't you understand? That show we get rid of the effluent from the paper mills. Well I knew at that time I had been in the business. I had sold oil to the paper mills. I knew all the owners. I had been in politics. I knew the people in the towns. I knew not one constituent of the paper mills wanted to have the river polluted. And yet here the river was being polluted. And it was more or less as if we created a doom machine. In our search for wealth and for prosperity we created something that's going to destroy us. The traders who are involved in the market are not guys who are whose moral fi e when it comes to environmental conditions are going to be rattled at all They're seeing dollars and they're making money. Brokers don't stay away from copper because it violates their religious beliefs or your environmental policies. No. There are times when you think about it but it's fleeting. It really is a fleeting moment. It's like yeah oh yeah yeah well a town is being polluted down there in Peru but hey this guy needs to buy some copper. L'm getting paid a commission too. Our information that we receive does not include anything about the environmental conditions because until the environmental conditions become a commodity themselves or are being traded then obviously we will not have anything to do with that. It doesn't come into our psyche at all. It's so far away and it's you hardly hear anything about it. I mean keep in mind there are things going on right in our backyards for god sake. We trade live hogs. I mean there are so many pigs in the state of Carolina and they're polluting the rivers but how often do you find out about that? At Multinational Monitor we've put together a list of the top corporate criminals of the 1990s. We went back and looked at all the criminal fines that corporations had paid in the decade. Exxon pled guilty in connection to federal criminal charges with the Valdez spill and paid $125 million in criminal fines. General Electric was guilty of defrauding the federal government and paid $9.5 million in criminal fines. Chevron was guilty of environmental violations and paid $6.5 million in fines. Mitsubishi was guilty of anti-trust violations and paid $1.8 million in fines. IBM was guilty of illegal exports and paid. Eastman Kodak was guilty of environmental violations. Pfizer the drug manufacturer was guilty of antitrust violations. Odwalla was guilty of food and drug regulatory violations. Sears was guilty of... Damon Clinical Laboratories was guilty of... Blue Cross Blue Shield was guilty of Again and again we have the problem that whether you obey the law or not is a matter whether its cost effective. If the chance of getting caught and the penalties are less than it costs to comply people think of it as just a business decision. Drawing the metaphor of the early attempts to fly. Theban going off of a very high cliff in his airplane with the wings flapping and the guys flapping the wings and the wind is in his face and this poor fool think she's flying but in fact he's in freefall and he just doesn't know it yet because the ground is so far away but of course the craft is doomed to crash. That's the way our civilization is the very high cliff represents the virtually united resources we seem to have when we began this journey. The craft isn't flying because it's not built according to the laws of aerodynamics and is subject to the law of gravity. Civilization is not flying because it's not built according to the laws of aerodynamics for civilizations that would fly. And of course the ground is still a long way away but some people have seen that ground rushing up sooner than the rest of us have. The visionaries have seen it and have told us its coming. There's not a single scientific peer reviewed paper published in the last 25 years that would contradict this scenario Every living system of earth is in decline every life support system of earth is in decline and these together constitute the biosphere the biosphere that supports and nurtures all of life not just our life but perhaps 30 million other species that share this planet with us. The typical company of the 20th century extractive wasteful abusive linear in all of its processes taking from the earth making wasting sending its products back to the biosphere waste to a landfill... I myself was amazed to learn just how much stuff the earth has to produce through our extraction process to produce a dollar of revenue for our company. When I learnt I was flabbergasted. We are leaving a terrible legacy of poison and diminishment of the environment for our grandchildren's grandchildren generations not yet born. Some people have called that intergeneration tyranny a form of taxation without representation levied by us on generations yet to be. It's the wrong thing to do. One of the questions that comes up periodically is to what extent could corporation be considered to be psychopathic. And if we look at a corporation as a legal person that it may not be that difficult to actually draw the transition between psychopathy in the individual to psychopathy in a corporation. We could go through the characteristics that define this particular disorder one by one and see how they might apply to corporations. They would have all the characteristics and in fact in many respects the corporation of that sort is the proto typical of a psychopath. If the dominant institution of our time has been created in the image of a psychopath who bears moral responsibility for its actions? Can a building have moral opinions? Can a building have social responsibility? If a building cant have social responsibility what does it mean to say a corporation can? A corporation is simply an artificial legal structure but the people who are engaged in it whether the stockholder whether the executives in it whether the employees they all have moral responsibilities. It's a fair assumption that every human being real human beings flesh and blood ones not corporations but every flesh and blood human being is a moral person. You know we've got the same genes we're more or less the same but our nature the nature of humans allows all kinds of behaviour. I mean everyone of us under some circumstances could be a gas chamber attendant and a saint. No job in my experience with Goodyear has been as frustrating as the CEO job. Because even though the perception is that you have absolute power to do whatever you want the reality is you don't have that power and so metes if you had really free hand if you really did what you wanted to do that suits your personal thoughts and your personal priorities you'd act differently. But as a CEOm you cannot do that Layoff shave become so wide-spread that people tend to believe that CEOs make these decisions without any consideration to the human implications of their decisions It is never a decision that any CEO makes lightly. It is a tough decision. But it is the consequence of modern capitalism When you look at a corporation just like when you look at a slave owner you want to distinguish between the institution and the individual. So slavery for example or other forms of tyranny are inherently monstrous but the individuals participating in them may be the nicest guys you could imagine benevolent friendly nice to their children even nice to their slaves caring about other people. I mean as individuals they may be anything. In their institutional role they're monsters because the institution is monstrous. Then the same is true here. My wife and I some years ago had a tour home a demonstration. 25 people arrived they hung a big banner on the top of our house saying murderers they danced around outside with gasmasks and so on. As a public demonstration it wasn't very effective due to the fact that this is a very rural area two people and a dog and it's not a very big house which I think rather surprised them but then we sat down and talked to them for a couple of hours and we gave them tea and coffee and they had lunch on our lawn. After about 20 minutes they said Well the problem is not you. It's Shell. And I said now wait a minute lets talk about what is Shell? It's made up of people like me. In the end what we found in that discussion were all the things they we're worried about I was worried about as well climate oppressive regimes human rights the big difference between us was I feel that I can actually make a contributions to this these people were frustrated because they felt that they had no nothing to do. So an individual CEO lets say may really care about the environment and in fact since they have such extraordinary resources they can even devote some of their resources to that without violating their responsibility to be totally inhuman which is why as the Moody Starts serve tea to protestors Shell Nigeria can flare unrivalled amounts of gas making it of the worlds single worst sources of pollution. And all the professed concerns about the environment do not spare Ken Saro Wiwa and eight other activists from being hung for opposing Shells environment practices in the Niger Delta. The corporation is not a person it doesn't think. People in it think and for them it is legitimate to create terminator technology. So that farmers are not able to save their seeds. Seeds that will destroy themselves through a suicide gene. Seeds that are designed to only produce crop in one season. You really need to have a utal mind. It's a war against evolution to even think in those terms. But quite clearly profits are so much higher in their minds The profit motive which drove Klutzy to accomplish so much may ing out the evil as well as the good... Hellooo? My work spans all industry sectors I mean I virtually have worked for like Id say 25 percent of the fortune 500. L've posed as an investment banker. L've posed as a venture capitalist. L've set up front companies that are executive recruiting firms. Essentially I'm a spy. I'll locate your employees and I will tell them that I'm calling from Acme Recruiting Agency and that I've got a job that pays them considerably more than what they're paying. Would they mind meeting me for an interview? And when the executive shows up what he doesn't realize is I'm actually de iefing him on behalf of a competitor. That there is no job and that the office that he's at has been rented and the picture on my desk of my family is a phoney and it's all just a big elaborate ruse to glean competitive information from him. I don't feel any guilt. It's you know what I mean you have to expect that guys like me are out there. We're predators. It's about competition it's about market share it's about being aggressive and it's about shareholder value. What is your stock at today? If you're a CEO I mean do you think your shareholders really care whether you're Billie Buttercup or not? Do you think that they really they would prefer you to be a nice guy? Over having money in their pocket? I don't think so. I think people want money. That's the bottom line. The fact that most of these companies are run by white men white rich men means that they are out of touch with what the majority of the world is. Because the majority of this planet are not a bunch of rich white guys. They are people of other colours they are the majority. Women are the majority the poor and working poor make up the majority of this planet. So the decisions they make come from not the reality that exists in the world. How much is enough? How much is enough? If you are a billionaire would it be okay just to be a half a billionaire? Wouldn't it be okay for your company to make a little less money... When I bought those two airplane tickets for Phil Knight and myself to fly to Indonesia I was prepared for him to say okay lets go. Oh no not a chance Not a chance. No? They're transferable. I can change it to another day. And call me on it. Call my bluff. He's a smart guy. I mean he's not he's not stupid. And so I thought okay get ready for this. Especially because you know I bought first-class tickets. So you know it would be a comfortable ride at least you know and of course he tells me then on camera. L've never been to Indonesia. And I'm like taken aback by this. I cant believe it. The guys the head of the company he's never walked through his own factories. Oh you've got to go. I cant go right now and the rest of this year. When we were done filming he calls me up a couple of weeks later and he goes I may have a chance to go there with you to the factories. L'm going to the Australian Open to watch some tennis. And uh you know maybe I can get up there or at least you can go there. Would you like to go to the Australian open? For 21 years I never gave a thought to what we were taking from the earth or doing to the earth in the making of our products. And then in the summer of 1994 we began to hear questions from our customers we had never heard before What's your company doing for the environment? And we didn't have answers. The real answer was not very much. And it really disturbed many of our people not me so much as them and a group in our research department decided to convene a taskforce and ing people from our businesses around the world to come together to assess our company's world wide environment position to begin to frame answers for those customers. They asked me if I would come and speak to that group and give them a kick off speech and launch this new task force with an environmental vision and I didn't have an environmental vision and I did not want to make that speech. And at sort of the propitious moment this book landed on my desk. It was Paul Hawkins book The Ecology of Commerce and I began to read The Ecology of Commerce, really desperate for inspiration and very quickly into that book I found the phrase The death of birth. It was E.O. Wilson's expression for species extinction The death of birth and it was a point of a spear into my chest and I read on and the spear went deeper and it became an epiphanal experience a total change of mindset for myself and a change of paradigm. Can any product be made sustainably? Well not any and every product. Can you make landmines sustainably? Well I don't think so. There's a more fundamental question than that about landmines. Some products ought not to be made at all. Unless we can make carpets sustainably you know perhaps we don't have a place in a sustainable world but neither does anybody else making products unsustainably. One day early in this journey it dawned on me that the way Id been running interface is the way of the plunderer plundering something that's not mine something that belongs to every creature on earth and I said to myself my goodness the day must come when this is illegal when plundering is not allowed it must come. So I said to myself my goodness some day people like me will end up in jail. L've got to be honest with you. When the September 11th situation happened I didn't know that the and I must say and I want to say this because its I don't want to take it lightly it's not a light situation. It's a devastating act. It was really a bad thing it's one of the worse things I've seen in my lifetime you know. But I will tell you and every trader will tell you who was not in that building and who was buying gold and who owned gold and silver that when it happened the first thing you thought about was well how much is gold up? The first thing that came to mind was my god gold must be exploding. Fortunately for us all our clients were in gold. So when it went up they all doubled their money. They've all doubled their money. It was a blessing in disguise. Devastating you know crushing heart shattering but on the financial sense for my clients that were in the market they all made money. Now I wasn't looking for this type of help but it happened. When the us bombed Iraq back in 1991 the price of oil went from $13 to $40 a barrel for Christ sake! Now we couldn't wait for the bombs to start raining down on Saddam Hussein. We were all excited. We wanted Saddam to really create problems Do whatever you have to do set fire to some more oil wells because the price is going to go higher. Every oker was chanting that there was not a oker that I know of that wasn't excited about that. This was a disaster. This was something that was you know catastrophe happening. Bombing wars In devastation there is opportunity. The pursuit of profit is an old story but there was a time when many things were regarded either as too sacred or too essential for the public good to be considered business opportunities. They were protected by tradition and public regulation. We can really begin to take a look at the emergence of the modern age with the enclosure movements of the great European commons in the fourteenth fifteenth and sixteenth century. Medieval life uh was a collectively lived life It was a utish nasty affair. But there was a collective responsibility People belonged to the land; the land did not belong to the people. And in this European world people farmed the land in a collective way because they saw it as a commons. It belonged to God. And then it was administered by the church the aristocracy and then the local manors as stewards of gods creation. Beginning with Tudor England we began to see a phenomenon emerge and that is the enclosure of the great commons by Parliamentary Acts in England and then in Europe. And so first we began to take the great landmasses of the world which were commons and shared and we reduced those to private property. Then we went after the oceans the great oceanic commons and we created laws and regulations that would allow countries to claim a certain amount of water outside their coastal limits for exploitation. In this century we went after the air and we divided it into air corridors that could be bought and sold for commercial traffic for airplanes. And then of course the rest is history. With deregulation privatization free trade what we're seeing is yet another enclosure and if you like private taking of the commons. One of the things I find very interesting in our current debates is this concept of who creates wealth. That wealth is only created when it's owned privately. What would you call clean water fresh air a safe environment? Are they not a form of wealth? And why does it only become wealth when some entity puts a fence around it and declares it private property? Well you know that's not wealth creation. That's wealth usurpation. Over the centuries we have put more and more things in that public realm and lately just lately in the last lets say in the last three or four decades started pulling them out again. So fire-fighters for instance. Fire-fighters started as private companies and if you didn't have the medallion of a given fire-fighter igade on your house and it was on fire those fire-fighters would just ride on by because you didn't have a deal. Well it gradually evolved a public trust for the provision of safety on that very specific level. This is important. We should not go back from that and start saying well you know why don't we put that back in the market and see what that does? Maybe it will make it more efficient Privatization does not mean you take a public institution and give it to some nice person. It means you take a public institution and give it to an unaccountable tyranny. Public institutions have many side benefits For one thing they may purposely run at a loss. They're not out for profit. They may purposely run at a loss because of the side benefits. So for example if a public steel industry runs at a loss it's providing cheap steel to other industries maybe that's a good thing. Public institutions can have a counter cyclic property So that means that they can maintain employment in periods of recession which increases demand which helps you get out of recession. Private companies cant do that in a recession throw out the work force cause that's the way you make money. There are those who intend that one day everything will be owned by somebody and we're not just talking goods here. We're talking human rights human services essential services for life. Education public health social assistance pensions housing. We're also talking about the survival of the planet. The areas that we believe must be maintained in the commons or under common control or we will collectively die Water and air. Even in the case of air there's been some progress and that is the trading of pollution permits. And here the idea is to say look we cant avoid the dumping of carbon dioxide. We cant avoid the dumping of sulphur oxides at least we cant at the moment afford to stopping it so we're dumping a certain amount of stuff into the environment. So we're going to say with the current tonnage of sulphur oxides for example we will say that is the limit. And well create permits for that amount and give them to the people who've been doing the polluting and now we will permit them to be traded. And so now there's a price attached to polluting the environment. Now wouldn't it be marvellous if we have one of those prices for everything? It sounds like you're advocating private ownership of every square inch of the planet. Absolutely. Every cubic foot of air water. It sounds outlandish to say we want to have the whole universe the whole of the earth owned. That doesn't mean I want to have Joe Bloggs owning this square foot. But it means the interests that are involved in that stream are owned by some group or by some people who have an interest in maintaining it. And that you know that is not such a loony idea. It's in fact the solution to a lot of these problems. Imagine a world in which one of the things owned by a corporation was the song happy birthday. In fact an Aol/Time Warner subsidiary holds the copyright. In the past it has demanded over $10000 to allow you to hear anyone sing this popular song in a film. We didn't pay. We preferred to use the money to fly our crew to Boston and Los Angeles to ing you the following story Comparing the marketing of yesteryear to the marketing of today is like comparing a B.B. Gun to a smart bomb. It's not the same as when I was a kid or even when the people who are young adults today were kids. It's much more sophisticated and it's much more pervasive. It's not that products themselves are bad or good. It's the notion of manipulating children into buying the products. In 1998 Western International Media Century City and Lieberman Research Worldwide conducted a study on nagging. We asked parents to keep a diary for three weeks and to record every time you could imagine every time their child nagged them for a product we asked them to record when where and why. This study was not to help parents cope with nagging. It was to help corporations help children nag for their products more effectively. Anywhere form 20 percent to 40 percent of purchases would not have occurred unless the child had nagged their parents. That is we found for example a quarter of all visits to theme parks wouldn't have occurred unless a child nagged their parents. Four out of ten visits to places like Chuck E. Cheese would not have occurred. And any parent would understand that you know when I think of Chuck E. Cheese oh my goodness its noise. And there's so many kids. Why would I want to spend two hours there? But if the child nags enough you 're going to go We saw the same thing with movies with home video with fast food... We do have to eak through this barrier where they do tell us or they say they don't like it when their kid snag. Well that's just a general attitude that they possess. It doesn't mean that they necessarily act upon it a 100 percent of the time. You can manipulate consumers into wanting and therefore buying your products. It's a game. Children are not little adults; their minds aren't developed. And what's happening is that the marketers are playing to their developmental vulnerabilities. The advertising that children are exposed to today is honed by psychologists; it's enhanced by media technology that nobody ever thought was possible. The more insight you have about the consumer the more creative you'll be in your communication strategies. So if that takes a psychologist yeah we want one of those on staff. L'm not saying it's wrong to make things for children. I also think its important to distinguish between psychologists who work on products for children to help you know toy corporations make toys that are developmentally appropriate. I think that's great that's different from selling the toys directly to the children. Initiative is huge. I think in the U.S. We place about $12 billion of media time. So well put it on TV well put it in print well put it up in outdoor well buy radio time; so we're the biggest buyers of advertising time and space in the U.S. And in the world. One family cannot combat an industry that spends $12 billion a year trying to get their children. They cant do it. They are tomorrows adult consumers To start talking with them now build that relationship when they're younger... And you've got them as an adult. Somebody asked me you know Lucy is that ethical? You know you're essentially manipulating these children. Well yeah is it ethical? I don't know. But our role at initiative is to move products And if we know you move products with a certain creative execution placed in a certain type of media vehicle then we've done our job. Every institution provides the people who are members of it with asocial role to occupy And typically institutions that are vi ant and have a lot of power will specify that role in some sense as a list of virtues. It's true for churches for schools for any institution that has power over people and shapes them. The corporation likewise. It provides us with a list of virtues a kind of social role which is the good consumer. Like the waters of the mighty ocean people also represent tremendous force the understanding of which is the greatest importance to the American way of life. This force is known as consumer power. The goal for the corporations is to maximize profit and market share. And they also have a goal for their target namely the population. They have to be turned into completely mindless consumers of goods that they do not want. You have to develop what are called created wants So you have to create wants. You have to pose on people what's called a philosophy of futility. You have to focus them on the insignificant things of life like fashionable consumption. L'm just basically quoting business literature. And it makes perfect sense. The ideal is to have individuals who are totally disassociated from one another. Who's conception of themselves the sense of value is just how many created wants can I satisfy? These people are customers because they are willing to trade money for widgets. And all the customers take the widgets home to all parts of the country. Look at all the money the widget builder has taken in from the sale of his widgets. We have huge industries public relations industry monstrous industry advertising and so on which are designed from infancy to try to mould people into this desired pattern. We saw Tiger Woods on TV with a hat with a Nike logo on it and we figured you know he probably gets like millions of dollars just to wear the hat on a press conference. And therefore we figured we can do that for someone else. And hopefully get money in time so we can go to school. And that show we came up with being corporately sponsored. We made our sponsor announcement on the Today Show on June 18 ...were thrilled to be sponsored by First U.S.A... We're thrilled to be working with first U.S.A as our corporate sponsor and they're covering our college tuition... ...we found First U.S.A as our sponsor and we're proud to be working with them... ...our sponsor if First U.S. A we're really thrilled to announce First U.S. A as our sponsor... ...we're thrilled to be working with First U.S. A... and so we give First U.S. A a good name in the media and include them in our news stories and through there they get as much advertising as we can give them. They'll be conforming not to the wishes of demanding parents but to the wishes of an image conscious corporation... They're not just out there for the money and they're just... I mean they want to work with us and be our friends and let us help them help us and vice versa. And we became walking billboards to pay for our college tuition. Cool Site of the day picked us as a cool site and Yahoo picked us and we were in U.S.A Today. When we did our photo shoot for people magazine
When we did our photo shoot for people magazine This is where we stood up on top. We stood up here and we smiled. We smiled and took the picture. Our parents had war stories and stuff to tell us. We have our corporate sponsor story. Exactly. I have a lot of faith in the corporate world because it's always going to be there so you may as well have faith in it because if you don't then it's just not good. Some of the best creative minds are employed to assure our faith in the corporate worldview. They seduce us with corporate beguiling illusions. Designed to divert our minds and manufacture our consent. Corporations don't advertise products particularly; they're advertising a way of life. A way of thinking. A story of who we are as people and how we got here and you know what's the source of our so called liberty and so called freedom. You know so you have decades and decades and decades of propaganda and education teaching us to think in a certain way. When applied to the large corporation it's that the corporation is was inevitable that it's indispensable that it is somehow remarkably efficient and that it is responsible for the sort of for progress and the good life. Perception management is a very interesting concept It's basically a methodology which helps us when we work with our clients to go through a very systematic thoughtful process in order to be able to help our clients identify what the resources are that they have. What the barriers to their success are and how we can use communications to help them accomplish their objectives. If Michael or Angelica came tome and said Dad what do you do and why is it important? My answer to that question is basically that I help corporations have a voice. And I help corporations share the point of view about how they feel about things. They're selling themselves they're selling their domination they're selling their rule and they're creating an image for themselves as just regular folks down the block. Hi how y'all doing today? Good to see you. How are you doing today? Hi how you doing today? We're from Pfizer. We're your neighbours. You're in the new houses? Are you in the new houses? Ohhhhhh! These are some neighbours. Can we say hello? Can we say hello just for a minute? So what do you think of the neighbourhood now? It's all right it's good. Yeah I think it's been getting better over the last 20 years that I've been coming here. Yeah So I think together you know working with you and Pfizer and our other partnership well make this a better place. Okay. Okay nice to see you Miss Fraser bye. There used to be a lot of crime at this subway. One night as I was going home I got caught and was almost mugged. So we decided to make a change to make this community better. We're looking at turnstiles that prevent fare beating. It used to be you could just hop right over. So Pfizer in collaboration with the transit authority actually purchased these machines. This is a talkback box that allows us to speak to the Pfizer guard which is approximately 500 yards from here. Now I haven't seen the Pfizer guard today but I'm going to see if I can call him. If he's not I'll have to go wake him up. Hello. Hello. Tom Kline speaking. So I'm sure before we're through hell call back. But particularly on the off-hours this allows a passenger to call directly to the Pfizer desk for assistance. And then the Pfizer guard calls the transit police and the transit police respond to any crime situation. As a result of all this crime is down in that station. It's much safer for our community partners. Thank you. I'll press the other button just to be sure... Well go over and talk to him personally. It's tough you know they're putting some taxpayer shareholder money into helping and who can say? But that money should be going to the taxpayers to decide what to do. And while they're doing those sorts of nice things they're also playing a role in lowering taxes for corporations and lowering taxes for wealthy people and reconfiguring public policy. And what we don't see is all that reconfiguring going on; we don't see all that vacuuming up of money vacuuming out the insides of public processes but we do see the nice façade. When I was researching the takeover of public space when I started off I thought okay this is just advertising. We've always had advertising. It's just more advertising. But what I started to understand and what I understand now is that anding if not advertising its production. The very successful corporations the corporations of the future do not produce products. They produced and meaning. The dissemination of the idea of themselves is their act of production. And the dissemination of the idea of themselves is an enormously invasive project so how do you make a and idea? Well a good place to start is by building a three dimensional manifestation of your and. For accompany like Disney it goes even further where it's actually building a town Cele ation Florida. Currently there are about 5000 residents who call Cele ation home. And there are about 1300 single-family homes a town centre that's a place where people gather. It has about four or five restaurants and about a dozen other shops. Their inspiration their and image is the all American family. And the sort of by gone American town. Their and driver is family magic and everything that the company does is in and around those two words. If you take that a anded environment such as a Disney World or a Disneyland is a logical extension of that and. Film animated film family oriented film; it's a very logical extension of that. As a business though they also know that if they want to get into other forms of entertainment that does not fit family magic they do not and it Disney. If they want to get into adult more serious type fare when it comes to film they and it Touchstone. Disney and speaks of reassurance it speaks of tradition it speaks of quality. And you can see that here in this community that we've built. And that's where you see the truly imperialist aspirations of anding which is about building these privatized anded cocoons. Which maybe you start by shopping in and then you continue by holidaying in but eventually why not just move in. What happens if we wake up one day and we find out that virtually all of our relationships that are mediated between us and our fellow human beings are commercial? We find out that virtually every relationship we have is a commercially arbitrated relationship with our fellow human being? Can civilization survive on that narrow a definition of how we interact with each other? Wow what a dream... I can give you the day in the life of a person who might be the target of undercover marketing. And I will tell you this that some of these things are happening right now around you. So you walk out of your building in the morning in some city and you walk by the doorman and say hey good morning! And you notice there's a bunch of boxes at his feet from some on line or mail order retailer. And there's a bunch of boxes there with of course big and message on it. You walk out and wonder a lot of people must be ordering from that company. Well what you don't know is that we paid the doorman to keep those empty boxes there. You walk out into the street and you hear some people having kind of a loud conversation about a musical act and they are passing headphones back and forth and going this is great! Hey do you know that I heard this CD is really hard to find but I heard they sell it at store X. You hear that and you register it and you might kind of pick up on that and may be later on you'll think hey I wonder what the hot act is bang that might be in your head. Now you get into your office and there's a certain and of water in the refrigerator. What is that? You take it out you drink you slug it down it's there not really thinking about it. Wow! That's pretty good water. Who knows? Maybe someone placed the water there You kind of go out for your lunch eak you're sitting in the park and people are kind of out there talking in the park and bang all of a sudden you hear another message. By the time you go to bed you've probably received eight or nine different undercover messages. People are always thinking well oh I know product placement. That's when they put stuff in movies! Well yes kind of. I mean that's definitely traditional product placement. But real life product placement is just that: Placing stuff in movies but the movie's actually your life Well take a group of attainable but still inspirational people they are not supermodels they are kind of people just like you they're doing something for us whether they are having a certain kind of drink or they are using a certain laundry detergent whatever it may be. They are kind of the roach motel if you will People are going to come over to them and they are going to give them this little piece of and bait. It could be a sound bite of knowledge or a ritual. Consumers will get that piece of roach bait then they would take it. Oh pretty cool! Then they go out and spread it to their friends. If you want to be critical if you want to go through your life like that sure be critical of every single person that walks up to you. But if they are showing you something that fits and something that works and something that makes your life better in some way well then who cares. We again just say thanks! Today the job of building this nation geographically is completed. There are no new frontiers within or borders. So to what new horizons can we look now? Where are tomorrows opportunities? What's ahead for you for your children? The frontiers of the future are not on any map. They're in the test tubes and laboratories of the great industries. The Chakrabarty case is one of the great judicial moments in world history. And the public was totally unaware it was actually happening as a process was being engaged. General Electric and Professor Chakrabarty went to the patent office with a little microbe that eats up oil spills. They said they had modified this microbe in the laboratory and therefore it was an invention. The patent office and the U.S. Government took a look at this quote invention; they said no way. The patent statures don't cover living things. This is not an invention. Turned down. Then General Electric and Doctor Chakrabarty appealed to the U.S. Customs Court of Appeal. And to everyone's surprise by a three to two decision they overrode the patent office. They said this microbe looks more like a detergent or a reagent than a horse or a honeybee. I laugh because they didn't understand basic biology; it looked like a chemical to them. Had it had an antenna or eyes or wings or legs it would never have crossed their table and been patented. Then the patent office appealed. And what the public should realize now is the patent office was very clear that you cant patent life. My organization provided the main amicus curiae ief if you allow the patent on this microbe we argued it means that without any congressional guidance or public discussion corporations will own the blueprints of life. When they made the decision we lost by five to four and Chief Justice Warren said sure some of these are big issues but we think this is a small decision. Seven years later the U.S. Patent office issued a one sentence decree you can patent anything in the world that's alive except a full birth human being. We've all been hearing about the announcement that we have mapped the human genome. But what the public doesn't know is now there's this great race by genomic companies and biotech companies and life science companies to find the treasure in the map. The treasure are the individual genes that make up the blueprint of the human race. Every time they capture agene and isolate it these biotech companies they claim it as intellectual property. The east cancer gene the cystic fi osis gene it goes on and on and on. If this goes unchallenged in the world community within less than 10 years a handful of global companies will own directly or through license the actual genes that make up the evolution of our species. And they're now beginning to patent the genomes of every other creature on this planet. In the age of biology the politics is going to sort out between those who believe life first has intrinsic value and therefore we should choose technologies and commercial venues that honour the intrinsic value... And then we're going to have people who believe look life is a simple utility. It's commercial fare and they will line up with the idea to let the marketplace be the ultimate arbiter of all of the age of biology. In a world economy where information is filtered by global media corporations keenly attuned to their powerful advertisers who will defend the publics right to know? And what price must be paid to preserve our ability to make informed choices? What Fox Television told us was that we were just the people to be the investigators. Do any stories you want ask tough questions and get answers. So we thought this is great this is a dream job. Fantastic. The very first thing they had us do was not to research stories but to shoot this promo which was... The Investigators. Uncovering the truth getting results protecting you. And they had a film crew a smoke machine were silhouetted... One of the first stories that Jane came up with was the revelation that most of the milk in the state of Florida and throughout much of the country was adulterated with the effects of bovine growth hormone with Monsanto I didn't realize how effectively a corporation could work to get something on the marketplace. The levels of coordination they had to have. They had to get university professors into the fold. They had to get experts into the fold. They had to get reporters into the fold They had to get the public into the fold and of course the FDA lets not leave them out. They had to get the federal regulators convinced that this was a fine and safe product to get it onto the marketplace. And they did that; they did that very very well. Posilac is a single most tested product in history and is now available to you specifically. So you can increase your profit potential. The federal government basically rubber stamped it before they put it on the marketplace. The longest test they did for human toxicity was 90 days on thirty rats. And then either Monsanto misreported the results to the FDA or the FDA didn't bother to look in depth at Monsanto's own studies. The scientists within Health Canada looked very carefully at bovine growth hormone and came to very different conclusions than the Food and Drug Administration in the U.S. Did Monsanto's engineered growth hormone did not comply with safety requirements. It could be absorbed by the body and therefore did have implications for human health. Mysteriously that conclusion was deleted from the final published version of their report... I personally was very concerned that there's a very serious problem of secrecy conspiracy and things of that nature. We have been pressured and coerced to pass drugs of questionable safety including RB ST. We wrote the story. We had it ready a week beforehand. They bought ads ...farmers in the milk industry say it's safe but studies suggest a link to cancer. Don't miss this special report from The Investigators... That Friday night before the Monday the series was to begin the fax machine spit out a letter from this very high priced lawyer in New York that Monsanto had hired. It contained a lot of things that were just off-the-wall false Just demonstrably false but if you didn't know the story and you didn't know how wed gone about producing it would have scared you as a oadcaster or as a manager. And they decided that they would pull the story and they would just check it one more time. But the bottom line was that there was no factual errors in that story. Both sides had been heard from both sides had had an opportunity to speak. One week later Monsanto sent the second letter and this was even more strongly worded. And it said there will be dire consequences for Fox News if the story airs in Florida. And this time they freaked. They were afraid of being sued and losing advertising dollars. And all of the stations owned by Rupert Murdoch. And he owned more television stations than any other group in America. That's 22 television stations. That's a lot of advertising dollars. For Round Up Aspartame Nutra Sweet and other products. So we got into a battle. And uh the first deal was the new general manager his name's Dave and Dave is a salesman. And you know he'd pump your hand how ya doin how ya doin? Called us upstairs to his office and he said what would you say if I killed this piece? What if it never ran? And we said well you know we wouldn't be very happy about that. And he said well I could kill it you know and we said yes of course you're the manager you could kill it it would never air. And he hemming and he showing. He's back and he's forth. And we couldn't figure out what is this all about and finally he blurted out look would you tell anybody? You know I said I'm not going to lie for you. And about a week later he calls us back to the office and says okay wed like you to make these changes. In fact you will make these changes. We said well look let us show you the research that we have that shows that this information you want us to oadcast isn't true. To which he replies. I don't care about that. I said pardon me? And he said well that's what I have lawyers for just write it the way the lawyers want it written. I said you know this is news this is important. This is stuff people wanted to know. And I'll never forget he didn't pause a beat and he said we just paid three billion dollars for these television stations Well tell you what the news is. The news is what we say it is. I said I'm not doing that. And and he said Well he said if you refuse to present this story the way we think it should be presented you'll be fired for insubordination. I said I will go to the Federal Communications Commissions and I will report that I was fired from my job by you the licensee of these public airwaves because I refused to lie to people on the air. And it's thank you very much you'll hear from us right away. Well 24 hours came and went and we didn't hear a thing. And about a week later he calls us back and now we've changed strategies. How about if we pay you some money and you just go away? And I said how much money? Because when somebody offers to ibe you like that I always want to know if it might be worth it. He was going to offer us the rest of our years salary if we agreed not to talk about what Monsanto had done To not talk about the Fox corporate response in suppressing the story. And to not talk about the story. Not talk about BGH again anywhere. Not take this story to another new organization. Zip up. I said you mean if I want to go to my daughter's PTA meetings and explain what's in the school milk at the school lunch program I cant? No you can never speak about this anywhere. Steve says okay write it up. And I'm like what are you talking about write it up? And I didn't say anything. And Dave he wrote it up and he FedEx it to us a couple of days later. And he said are you going to sign? And we said nah Dave we're not going to sign that. And he said well send it back okay? We said no Dave were not going to send that back. It was okay we cant buy you out we cant shut you up lets get the story on the air in a way that we can all agree it will go on the air. And we started rewriting and editing with their lawyers. During this eight month re-review process I say jokingly they did things like for example they wanted to take out the word cancer. You don't have to identify what the potential problem is just say human health implications. Any criticism of Monsanto or its product they either removed it or minimized it. And it was very very clear I would say almost every edit they made to the piece that was the aim. And we changed this and this and this. And then that wasn't good enough okay now change this and this. Now change this and this. Version after version after version. 83 times. 83 times is unheard of it doesn't happen you shouldn't have to rewrite something 83 times Obviously they didn't want to put the thing on the air and they were trying to drive us crazy and get us to quit or wait until the first window in our contract so that they could fire us. They in effect announced that they were going to fire us for no cause. Well this was a little much. And Steve wrote a letter to the lawyer in Atlanta whose name is Caroline Forest the Fox corporate lawyer. And I said you know this isn't about being fired for no cause. You're firing us because we refused to put on the air something that we knew and demonstrated to be false and misleading. That's what this is about. And because we put up a fight because we stood up to this big corporation and we stood up to your editors and we stood up to your lawyers. And we said to you look there ought to be a principle higher than just making money. And she wrote a letter back and said you are right that's exactly what it was. You stood up to us on this story and that's why we're letting you go. Big mistake That says retaliation. You cant retaliate against employees if they're standing up for something that they believe is illegal that they don't want to participate in. So that gave us the whistleblower stats that wanted in the state of Florida to file a whistleblower claim against our employer. Two or three years later we got the trial. Five weeks of testimony led to a jury verdict of $425000 in which the jury determined that the story they pressured us to oadcast the story we resisted telling was in fact false distorted or slanted. Fox News appealed the verdict. Five major news media corporations filed iefs with the court in support of Fox appeal. You may recall that Jane Akre a former reporter here sued Fox 13 in a whistleblower lawsuit claiming that she was fired for refusing to distort her report; the Appeals Court today threw that case out saying Ms. Akre had no whistleblower claim against the station based on news distortion. Fox 13 vice president and general manager Bob Linger says the station has been completely vindicated by the ruling... What Fox neglected to report is this Jane sued Fox under Florida's whistleblower statute which protects those who try to prevent others from eaking the law. Buther Appeal Court judges found that falsifying news isn't actually against the law. So they denied Jane her whistleblower stats overturned the case and withdrew her $425000 award. Canada and Europe have upheld the ban on RBGH. But it remains hidden in the milk supply of the United States The prospect that two thirds of the worlds population will have no access to fresh drinking water by 2025 has provoked the initial confrontations in a world wide battle for control over the planets most basic resource. When Bolivia sought to refinance the public water services of its third largest city the World Bank required privatization which is how the Bechtel Corporation of San Francisco gained control over all of Cochabamba's water even that which fell from the sky. The price this beleaguered country paid for World Bank loans was the privatization of the state oil industry and its airline railroad electric and phone companies. But the government failed to convince Bolivians that water is a commodity like any other. Bolivia was determined to defend the corporations right to charge families living on $2 a day as much as one quarter of their income for water. The greater the popular resistance to the water privatization scheme the more violent became the standoff. Translational corporations have a long and dark history of condoning tyrannical governments. I s it narcissism that compels them to seek their reflection in the regimented structures of fascist regimes? There was an interesting connection between the rise of fascism in Europe and the consciousness of politically radical people about corporate power. Because there was are cognition that fascism rose in Europe with the help of enormous corporations. Mussolini was greatly admired all across the spectrum business loved him investment shot up. Incidentally when Hitler came in in Germany the same thing happened there investment shot up in Germany. He had the work force under control. He was getting rid of dangerous left wing elements. Investment opportunities were improving. There was no problems. These are wonderful countries. I think one of the greatest untold stories of the twentieth century is the collusion between corporations especially in America and Nazi Germany. First in terms of how the corporations from America helped to essentially rebuild Germany and support the early Nazi regime. And then when the war oke out figured out a way to keep everything going. So General Motors was able to keep Opal going Ford was able to keep their thing going and companies like Coca Cola they couldn't keep the Coca Cola going so what they did was they invented Fanta Orange for the Germans and that show Coke was able to keep their profits coming in to Coca Cola. So when you drink Fanta Orange that's the Nazi drink that was created so that Coke could continue making money while millions of people died. When Hitler came to power in 1933 his goal was to dismantle and destroy the Jewish community. This was an enterprise so vast that it required the resources of a computer. But in 1933 there was no computer What there was was the IBM punch card system which controlled and stored information based upon the holes that were punched in various rows and columns. Naturally there was no off the shelf software as there is today. Each applicant was custom designed and an engineer had to personally configure it. Millions of people of all religions nationalities and characteristics went through the concentration camp system. That's an extraordinary traffic management program that required an IBM system in every railroad direction and an IBM system in every concentration camp. Now this is a typical prisoner card. There are little boxes where all the information is to be punched in. We compare this information to the code sheet for concentration camps. And here you see Auschwitz is one Buchenwald is two and Dachau is three. Now what kinds of prisoners were they? They could be a Jehovah's witness for two a homosexual for three a communist for six or a Jew for eight. Now what was their stats? One was released two was transferred four was executed five was suicide and six. Code six Sonderbahandlung special treatment meant the gas chamber or sometimes a bullet. They would punch that number in the material was tabulated and the machines were set. And of course the punch cards by the millions had to be printed. And they were printed exclusively by IBM and the profits were recovered just after the war I really do believe that particular accusation has been fairly discredited as a serious accusation. They used equipment that is a fact but how they got it how much co operation they got and any kind of collusion trying to connect dots that are not connected I think that's the part that is discredited. Generally you sell computers and they are used in a variety of ways and you always hope they are using the more positive ways possible. If you ever found out they're used in ways that are not positive then you would hope you would stop supporting that but you know do you always know? Can you always tell? Can you always find out? IBM would of course say they had no control over its German subsidiaries. But here on October 9th 1941 a letter is being written directly to Thomas J. Watson with all sorts of detail of the activity of the German subsidiary none of these machines were sold they were all leased by IBM. They had to be serviced on site once a month even if that was at a concentration camp. This is a typical contract with IBM and the Third Reich. Which was instituted in 1942. It's not with the Dutch subsidiary it's not with the German subsidiary. It is with IBM corporation in New York. You know as it happens I know that story. I discussed it more than once with old Mr. Watson and I was around at the time. L'm not saying that Watson didn't know that the German government used punch cards. He probably did know after all he had very few customers. Watson didn't want to do it. It was not because he thought it was immoral or not but because Watson with a very keen sense of public relations thought it was risky. It should not surprise us that corporate allegiance to profits will trump their allegiance to any flag. A recent U.S. Treasury Department report revealed in one week alone 57 U.S. Corporations were fined for trading with official enemies of the United States including terrorists tyrants and despotic regimes. ...you can roughly locate any community somewhere along a scale running all the way from democracy to despotism. This man makes it his job to study these things... Well for one thing avoid the comfortable idea that the mere form of government can of itself safeguard a nation against despotism. For big business despotism was often a useful tool for securing foreign markets and pursuing profits. One of the U.S. Marine corps most highly decorated generals Smedley Darlington Butler by his own account helped pacify Mexico for American oil companies Haiti and Cuba for National City Bank Nicaragua for the Brown Brothers okerage the Dominican Republic for sugar interests Honduras for U.S. Fruit companies and China for standard oil. General Butlers services were also in demand in the United States in the 1930s as president Franklin Delano Roosevelt sought to relieve the misery of the depression through public enterprise and to offer regulation on corporate exploitation and misdeeds. More power to you President Roosevelt The entire country's behind you. Thrilled with hope and patriotism... But the country was not entirely behind the populist president. Large parts of the corporate elite despised what Roosevelt's new deal stood for. And so in 1934 a group of conspirators sought to involve General Butler in a treasonous plan. ...The plan as outlined tome was to form an organization of veterans to use as a bluff or as a club at least to intimidate the government... but the corporate cabal had picked the wrong man. Butler was fed up being what he called a gangster for capitalism. ...I appeared before the Congressional Committee the highest representation of the American people under subpoena to tell what I knew of activities which I believed might lead to an attempt to set up a fascist dictatorship. The upshot of the whole thing was that I was supposed to lead an organization of 500000 men which would be able to take over the functions of government... A Congressional Committee ultimately found evidence of a plot to overthrow Roosevelt. According to Butler the conspiracy included representatives of some of Americas top corporations including J.P. Morgan Dupont and Goodyear tire. As today's chairman of Goodyear knows for corporations to dominate government a coup is no longer necessary. Corporations have gone global and by going global the governments have lost some control over corporations regardless of whether the corporation can be trusted or can not be trusted governments today do not have over the corporations the power that they had and the leverage they had 50 or 60 years ago. And that's a major change. So governments have become powerless compared to what they were before. Capitalism today commands the towering heights and has displaced politics and politicians as the new high priests and reigning oligarchs of our system. So capitalism and its principle protagonists and players corporate CEOs have been accorded unusual power and access. This is not to deny the significance of government and politicians but these are the new high priests. I was invited to Washington D.C. To attend this meeting that was being put together by the National Security Agency called the Critical Thinking Consortium. I remember standing there in this room and looking over on one side of the room and we had the CIA NSA DIA FBI Customs Secret Service and then on the other side of the room we had Coca Cola Mobile Oil GTE and Kodak. And I remember thinking I am in the epicentre of the intelligence industry right now. I mean the line is not just blurring it just not there any more. And tome it it spoke volumes as to how industry and government were consulting with each other and working with each other. As 34 nations of the western hemisphere gathered to draft a far reaching trade agreement one that would lay the groundwork to privatize every resource and service imaginable thousands of people from hundreds of grassroots organizations joined to oppose it. Canada's top business lobbyists and its chief trade representative discount the dissent in the streets. For them the Americas 800 million citizens speak with one voice. L'm inside and this is all outside. That's the way it is. What do you think when you look at this? Well I mean I think that it's too bad that this has this has erupted. Does the ranted to be some measure of accountability? Yes And I think the business community recognizes that. But that accountability is in the marketplace it's with their shareholders. It's with the public perception and the public image that they are projecting. If companies don't do what they should be doing they're going to be punished in the marketplace and that's not what any company wants. There's a new market. These guys and gals aren't out there because governments putting gun to their head. Or because they've suddenly read a book about transcendental meditation and global morality. My inner voice says honour my inner child Mine says love everyone My inner voice says Id like a Wendy's Bacon mushroom melt They're there because they understand. The market requires them to be there. That's their competitive advantage to be there. L'm listening to your concerns. I worry about climate. I worry about pollution. I do not have all the answers to this but we are prepared to work with you with society with NGOs with governments to address it. So you're build the trust so that you come back to a new kind of trust and then the ultimate goal is then to become the corporation of choice. He believes that almost half our energy can one day come from renewable sources. He's been called a dreamer and a crank. And I've been called a hippie. And more recently a project manager for Shell. I ask myself often times why so many companies subscribe to corporate social responsibility. L'm not sure it's because they necessarily want to be responsible in an ultimate way but because they want to be identified and seen to be responsible. But who am I to judge? Who am I to judge? It's better that they belong than they not belong. It's better that they make some public profession than the opposite. Social responsibility isn't a deep shift because its a voluntary tactic. A tactic a reaction to a certain market at this point. And as the corporation reads the market differently it can go back. One day you see Bambi next day you see Godzilla. How do you define socially responsible? What business is it of the corporation to decide what's socially responsible. That isn't their expertise that isn't what their stockholders ask them to do. So I think they're going out of their range and its certainly is not democratic. I don't really care what the chairman of General Motors thinks is an appropriate level of emissions to come out the tailpipe of General Motors automobiles. He may have a lot of scientists he may be a very good person but I didn't elect him to do anything. He doesn't have any power to speak for me. These are decisions that must be made by government and not by corporations. You take this to its logical conclusion. One would have an image that we are in fact at this the end of the world this nigh. And we are all completely ainwashed and there is no space left. And I don't believe we're there yet. And I think it's really important that we don't overstate the case and that we admit that there are cracks and fissures in all of these corporate structures. And sometimes when a corporation is concentrating on one particular project they look the other way and all kinds of interesting things happen in the corner. It is the case in every period of history where injustice based on falsehoods based on taking away the right and freedoms of people to live and survive with dignity that eventually when you call a bluff the tables turn. Ultimately capital puts its foot down somewhere. And anywhere it puts its foot down it can be held accountable. Originally Wal-Mart and Kathy Lee Gifford had said why should we believe you that children work in this factory? What we didn't tell them was that Wendy Dias in the centre of the picture was on a plane to the United States. This is Wendy Dias. She comes to the United States. She's unstoppable. Congress heard testimony today from children who testified they were exploited by sweatshops overseas. Kathy Lee Gifford apologized to Wendy Dias It was the most amazing thing Id seen. This powerful cele ity leans over and says Wendy please believe me I didn't know these conditions existed. And now that I do I'm going to work with you. L'm going to work with these other people and it'll never happen again. And that night we signed an agreement with Kathy Lee Gifford. I thought it would be a relatively easy process and it isn't. As for every question I have there seem to be five questions that come back tome. As far as Wal-Mart goes and Kathy Lee pretty much everything returned to sweatshop conditions but because this was fought out on television for weeks this incident with Kathy Lee Gifford actually took the sweatshop issue took every single part of the country. And so frankly after that there's hardly a single person in this country who doesn't know about child labour or sweatshops or starvation wages. So what wanted to do is to look at the very roots of the legal form that created this beast and wanted to think who can hold them accountable. They're not graven in stone. They can be dismantled. And in fact most states have laws which require that they be dismantled. For too long now giant corporations have been allowed to undermine democracy here in the United States and all over the world. But today the Inn National Lawyer's Guild and 29 other groups and individuals are fighting back. We are calling upon State Attorney General Dan Lungren to comply with California law and to revoke the corporate charter of the Union Oil Company of California for its repeated and grievous offences. This is the statute that is well-known. It has been used. It can be used. What this will mean is the dissolution of the Union Oil Company of California the sale of its assets under careful court orders to others who will carry on in the public interest. This is nothing more than a smear campaign. This company has been part of California's economy for over 100 years thousands of jobs. Doesn't mean it's never made any mistakes paid for those mistakes but this demonizing of accompany I think I am in a time warp or something that I fell asleep and woke up 50 years ago and we heard that kind of rhetoric. Well we have a very very oad set of people angry very angry at this corporation well people from the left of the spectrum who don't produce anything except hot air. From its complicity in unspeakable human rights violations overseas against women gays labourers and indigenous peoples to its efforts to subvert U.S. Foreign policy and deceive the courts the public and its own stockholders Unocal is emblematic of corporate abuse and corporate power run amok ...is immoral. Unocal cannot do business in Burma without supporting that hopeless regime... The curse for me has been the fact that in making these you know documentary films I've seen that they actually can impact change so I'm just compelled to just keep making them. Yep that's me doing what I do All year long I give big companies a hard time but at Christmas time I like to set aside my differences and reach out to big business like cigarette companies. Deck the Halls with boughs of holly... fa la la la la la la la I went to Littleton Colorado where the Columbine shooting took place and I didn't know this but when I arrived I learned what the primary job is of the parents of the kids who go to Columbine High School. The number one job in Littleton Colorado They work for Lockheed Martin building weapons of mass destruction. But they don't see the connect between what they do for a living and what their kids do at school or did at school And so I'm kind of you know up on my high horse thinking about this and I thought you know I said to my wife we both are sons and daughters of auto workers in Flint Michigan. There isn't a single one of us back in Flint any of us including us who ever stopped to think this thing we do for a living the building of automobiles is probably the single biggest reason why the polar ice caps are going to melt and end civilization as we know it. There's no connect between I'm just an assembler on an assembly line building a car which is good for people and society and it moves them around. But never stop to think about the larger picture and the larger responsibility of what were doing. Ultimately we have to as individuals accept responsibility for our collective action and the larger harm that it causes you know in our world. Today the first of two historic town hall meetings will get underway in Arcata California 61 percent of Arcatans voted in favour of publicly discussing whether democracy is even possible with large corporations ...so much wealth and power under law. They also voted to form a committee to ensure democratic control over corporations in Arcata. Corporations are not accountable to the democratic process. That is what this is about. I don't want to make decisions about everything that goes on in their corporation. But I do have a strong belief that they don't need to be held accountable to us. If we don't like certain products if we don't like Pepsi-Cola Bank of America well if you don't like what they do don't use them. That's the way I see the peoples power is. You have a lot more money than me You have more votes than I do If we use the model of boycott and voting with your dollars that's an undemocratic situation. What are we afraid of? I mean are all the businesses going to leave Arcata? I don't think so. And if they did wed deal with it or wed figure it out or wed do something different. We're creative people. I just don't see why we are afraid. If you think it's tough making a decision where to buy your stuff today how tough do you think it is when there's only one provider and it's the state. And by the way you don't get to have this little democracy forum in those communities either. People that say that they fear their govern meant I really hope that they understand that they're allowed to participate in their government they're not allowed to participate in anything the corporations do. So don't fear the government. Help it be the government that you wont fear. If this many people around the country would do this instead of watching Super bowl Sunday our nation would be controlled by the people not by the corporations. ...no more chain restaurants in Arcata after a long awaited decision... Over the past decade we have been gaining ground. And when I say we I mean ordinary people committed to the welfare of all humanity. All people irrespective of gender and class and race and religion. All species on the planet. We managed to take the biggest government and one of the largest chemical companies to court on the case of Neemand win a case against them. W.R. Grace and the U.S. Governments patent on Neem was revoked by a case we ought along with the greens of European parliament and the international organic agriculture movement. We won because we worked together. We have overturned nearly 99 percent of the basmati patent of Ricetek. Again because we worked as a world wide coalition old women in Texas scientists in India activists sitting in Vancouver a little basmati action group. We stopped the third world being viewed as the pirate and we showed the corporations were the pirate. Look how little it took for Gandhi to work against the salt laws of the British where the British decided the way they would make their armies and police forces bigger is just tax the salt. And all that Gandhi did was walk to the beach pick up the salt and say nature gives it for free. Wanted it. We've always made it. We will violate your laws. We will continue to make salt. We've had a similar commitment for the last decade in India. That any law that makes it illegal to save seed is a law not worth following. We will violate it because saving seed is a duty to the earth and to future generations. We thought it would really be symbolic It is more than symbolic. It is becoming a survival option. Farmers who grow their own seeds save their own seeds don't buy pesticides have threefold more incomes than farmers who are locked into the chemical treadmill depending on Monsanto and Cargill We have managed to create alternatives that work for people. There are many tools for inging back community. But the importance is not the tools I mean there's litigation there's legislation there's direct action there's education boycotts social investment... There's many many ways to address issues of corporate power. But in the final analysis what's really important is the vision. You have to have abetter story Do I know you well enough to call you fellow plunderers? There is not an industrial company on earth not an institution of any kind not mine not yours not anyone's that is sustainable. I stand convicted by me myself alone not by anyone else as a plunderer of the earth but not by our civilizations definition. By our civilization's definition I'm a captain of industry. In the eyes of many a kind of modern-day hero. But really really the first industrial revolution is flawed it is not working. It is unsustainable. It is the mistake and we must move on to another and better industrial revolution and get it right this time. When I think of what could be I visualize an organization of people committed to a purpose and the purpose is doing no harm. I see accompany that has severed the umbilical cord to earth for its raw materials taking raw materials that have already been extracted and using them over and over again driving that process with renewable energy. It is our plan it remains our plan to climb Mount Sustainability that mountain that is higher than Everest infinitely higher than Everest far more difficult to scale. That point at the top symbolizing zero footprint... So we've got to undo a lot of things in order to be smart enough to do this really dangerous and risky and difficult work you know the best way that we possibly can. And that means people coming together and learning a whole lot of stuff that we just don't know that has been driven out of the culture driven out of the society driven out of our minds. That tome is the most exciting thing. That is happening it's happening all over the world now. Sometimes it surprises me how effective you can actually be. After we beat the Gap I walked past these Gap stores and I looked at them and I think my God there's like 2000 of these stores across the country. Look at all that concrete look at the glass look at all the staff people look at all the clothing. Look at that power You can still reach these companies. You can still have an effect. We can change the government. That's the only way were going tore design re think re-constitute what capital and property can do Fifteen corporations would like to control the conditions of our life and millions of people are saying not only do we not need you we can do it better. We are going to create systems that nourish the earth and nourish human beings. And these are not marginal experiments they are the mainstay of large numbers of communities across the world. That is where the future lies. You know I've always thought it's very ironic that I'm able to do all this and yet what am I on? L'm on networks. L'm distributed by studios that are owned by large corporate entities. Now why would they put me out there when I am opposed to everything that they stand for? And I spend my time on their dime opposing what they believe in. Okay? Well it's because they don't believe in anything. They put me on there because they know that there's millions of people that want to see my film or watch the TV show and so they're going to make money. And I've been able to get my stuff out there because I'm driving my truck through this incredible flaw in capitalism the greed flaw. The thing that says the rich man will sell you the rope to hand himself with if he think she can make a buck off it well I'm the rope. I hope. L'm part of the rope. And they also believe that when people watch my stuff or maybe watch this film or whatever they think that you know well you know well you know what they'll watch this and they wont do anything because we've done such a good job of numbing their minds and dumbing them down you know they'll never affect... People aren't going to leave the church and go and do something political. They're convinced of that. L'm convinced of the opposite. L'm convinced that a few people are going to leave this movie theatre or get up off the couch and go and do something anything and get this world back in our hands.
Since time began... a war has been waged in the shadows... between the armies of Good and Evil. It may be fought on a grand scale... or within the heart of a single individual... or even a child. The Evil has taken many forms... and used the darkest of arts. In our time, they call themselves simply... the Hand. The Good follow the way of kimagure. Its masters can see the future... and perhaps even ing back the dead. Legend tells of a unique warrior... a lost soul. This warrior is a woman... a motherless daughter. And it is her destiny to tip the balance between Good and Evil. She is a treasure, and both sides seek her out... as a final weapon in an ancient war. - Perimeter, what's your status? - Delta team, clear. - Alpha, clear. - Bravo, secure. It doesn't matter. You can't stop her. - Nobody can stop her. - Her? I was afraid if I told you, you wouldn't take the job. I never should've hired you. Who do you think's coming for you? You may have heard of her. Her name... is Elektra. - You find that funny? - She's an urban legend, sir. That woman died years ago. Really? Well, then somebody must have ought her back from the dead. You know, Bauer, when you've done the things I've done... you make a lot of enemies. My private security detail... the best money could buy. This nonexistent woman killed 14 of them in half an hour. I barely got away. Spent the next two days in Monte Carlo wondering why she let me go. Then she came for me. I was under the protection of the Hand itself, who sent their best. Although they seemed more interested in killing Elektra than in protecting me. She cut 'em down like wheat. Took maybe 10, 15 minutes max. Didn't really think why I kept gettin' away. So here I am. And now I understand her. She wanted me to feel this... what it's like to have nowhere to go... nowhere to turn. How's your perimeter doing now? Delta, what's your status? There's no signal. Son of a bitch. - You know, the better the assassin... - Alpha, Bravo, report! The closer they can get to you before you know they're there. Alpha! Bravo! Report! Ah, Christ. They say Elektra whispers in your ear before she kills you. - Alpha! Bravo! Report! - It's too late for your boss, Bauer. - But you still have a chance. - Jesus Christ! You can't fight a ghost, Bauer. Here we are at last. Guess it's all true. The red outfit and the knives and... So, what happens now? You just kill me, straight out? Just cold? Don't worry. Death's not that bad. Yeah? How do you know? I died once. So am I to understand that with all the power of the Hand... that the Treasure continues to elude us? Yes. Perhaps if we had pursued it sooner... and more aggressively... You dare to blame Master Roshi? Seems our methods are too mild for Kirigi. Not at all, sensei. But if we cannot have the weapon ourselves... allow me to make sure it does not fall into the hands of those who may use it against us. Master, allow me. Things like this must be handled smoothly, quietly. Then work smoothly, Meizumi, but quickly. Kirigi? Yes, Father. Patience. You think that's safe, leaving the door unlocked like that? Geez, Elektra, you're gonna end up with a bullet in your head. I ought you a little something. No, stop, McCabe. Don't put it down. I already cleaned there. - Why do you always do this? - Get rid of my D.N.A. Ah, D.N.A., of course. Right. Silly of me. Listen, I just picked this up. I know you like to look. - It's all there? - Less my 10. - Half to Barbados? - And half to the bank on the Isle of Man. You can do better in mutual funds. I know a guy. I could put you in touch... - No, thanks. - Or not. But... Look, I don't want to tell you how to do your thing... but quite a body count on this one, E. We were only getting paid for DeMarco. Was it necessary? Had to be done. Did it? Elektra. Did it? Okay. Anyway, it spreads the legend. Besides, they were gonna kill me. Of course they were. Absolutely. And, speaking of which, as your agent... I am obligated to tell you we just got an absolutely fantastic new offer... - but that last job... - Let's skip this one. I need a eather. - Great idea. I'm just sayin' it's a lot of coin. - I'm tired. You're tired? Well, then you better get yourself some sleep... 'cause you are gonna crash, baby, you know that. I mean, you even get laid? It's a lot of money, this new offer. - McCabe. - All right, fine. You know what? Look, you want to take time off, take time off. Call me when you wanna work. How much? And just tell me. Two. Ah, they'll give it to somebody else. They wouldn't pay that to somebody else. You got that right. They asked specifically for you. Location's in there. I'll call you when I get the target. Get some sleep. You might wanna reflect a bit. - Again! - Clear! Do you know the way, Elektra? Kimagure, the ability to control time... the future... even life and death. I know I'm the best student here. Not the best. The most powerful. You understand violence and pain. But you do not know the way. - Teach me then. - That's my point. I can't teach you. I want you to go. Is this a test, sensei? No, not a test. Just go. I don't have anywhere to go. The client says he needs you there a couple days early... says that's part of the deal. - Why? - No idea. - He just wants you to wait. - I just want to get this over with. Hey, me too. Listen, why don't you tell me about the view? I hear it's gorgeous out there. You know, you got the... One, two, three, four, five. Come on, Elektra. Keep pedaling. Five more minutes. Don't use your hands. Don't be lazy. Only use your feet. Let's go! Let's push, push, push, push! Nikolas. Honey, please. She's just a kid. Keep going, Elektra. Keep going. Jesus! What's the matter with you? You could have killed me! What are you doing here? Nothing. I'm friends with the Wheelwrights. Damn it. You cut my friggin' jacket. - How did you get in? - The front door was unlocked. - No, it wasn't. - Yeah, it was. Look, the people who live here let me come in all the time. Ask anybody. Hmm. It's oken. - So, who are you anyways? My name's Abby. - What'd you steal? Nothing. What do you think I am? Ow! Please don't call the cops. My dad will kill me. In some parts of the world, they just cut your hands off. Whoa. How did you do that? Get out of here. Mom? Oh, shit. You know I can't sit still, McCabe. Call me with the name. Client says he needs you there a couple days early. Wants you to wait. - To have nowhere to go... - Death's not that bad. - Nowhere to turn. - He wants you to wait. - You just kill me, straight out? - He wants you to wait. Are you looking for me? Hi. Are you the new, uh, tenant? Eddie Ferris, the Realtor... he said, uh, a young woman had taken it for the month. What do you want? Sorry. This is kind of awkward, but, uh... have you seen a girl... 13-year-old, uh, blondish hair to about here? My daughter, Abby. - We had a fight yesterday... - I saw her late afternoon. - Oh, you did? - She oke into my house. Shit. Really? Uh, she knows the Wheelwrights, who, uh... She, uh, didn't take anything, did she? - No. - Good. Look, if she oke something, I'm... I'm happy to pay for it. I'm Mark Miller. We're in the little cabin two houses down. Okay, thanks. Hi, you've reached McCabe. But please leave just your name. - Do not leave a message. - McCabe... I'm sick of sitting here. We don't get a name soon, I'm walking. Hey. How long have you been standing there? Like, a minute. What did you tell my dad? Did you tell him I oke into your house? - Yeah, because you did eak in. - Well, you didn't have to tell him. I thought you were cool. - I'm not. - Yeah, no kidding. Now he's on my case. He made me come ask you to have Christmas dinner with us. - Have what? - Christmas? Dinner? December 25? Did you know today's Christmas? Thank you. I can't. I have something to do. What? Everything's closed. You're on an island. Come on. Please? It's just the two of us every night... and I'm bored out of my skull. What are you doing? Nothing. Why? - Were you counting? - No. So, will you come? Please? Because if you don't, I'll just keep eaking into your house. Hmm? Hmm. I have to change my clothes. Great! I'm Abby. Elektra. Elektra. Cool. I told you not to leave the house. - You didn't even know I was gone. - Abby. Chill, Dad. We have a guest. I'm sorry. She told me that you'd invited me. I don't want to... - I'll just... - Hmm. Uh-uh. No. Please, stay. I'm... I'm glad you're here. Uh, can I get you a beer? Wine? Water. Her name's Elektra, Dad. Elektra. Like the tragedy. Your parents must have had a sense of humor. Not really. So when she sees all the cute guys who like me... just as friends, Dad... she accidentally spills poster paint all over my model of the Taj Mahal. So I put glue on her shoes. I got suspended for that, and then I got expelled for fighting. But that was way back in the day in... in, um... Baltimore. So, I was a little surprised to see you take the Wheelwright place. Not many renters this time of year. It's just for the month, for work. What do you do anyway? Oh, layoffs, payroll reduction. - That sort of thing. - Hmm. - Sounds boring. - Abby. No, it is boring. I like your acelet, by the way. Do you know what those are? Here. They're warrior beads. They're from Indonesia. Centuries ago, you had to be the best fighter in your village to earn them. Wow. I bought 'em off eBay. Is there a school here on the island? Uh, we're trying homeschooling for a while. I read at college level. And I'm doing alge a one on my own. She's a good student. It's the, uh, behavioral stuff that's been a problem. I have authority issues, and I don't take bullshit well. - Don't speak in that... - Hey, Abby! It's okay. Suddenly I got a teenager on my hands. - She's hard on herself. - You can tell, huh? - Most people think she's a slacker. - No, I shouldn't. Merry Christmas? Where's her mother? She died... a couple of years ago. Back in Baltimore? Yeah. Drunk driver. My mother died when I was young. I should go. - I have work. - Come on, it's early. Thanks for dinner. Hmm. What? Good morning. You just got a delivery. - It's a double. - Which makes double the money. Yeah, that's why the big bucks. - What's the matter? - Nothing. Good. Then there'll be no problems. I'll call you when it's done. How's math going? How do you think it's going? What do you mean, you're not doing it? Not now or not ever? - Too many variables. Not enough background. - Background? E, they'll just send somebody else. The storm we've been waiting... all... finally here. - It's moved into the Seattle-Tacoma area. - I'll get sandbags from the shed. You know, this is such a joke. They make it sound all exciting, but you know it's just rain. If you're not too busy, young lady, feel free to tape the windows. Now! Mark! Can I talk to you? Can we talk inside? Yeah, sure. Hey, what's up? Can you go to your bedroom for a minute, Abby? I need to talk to your dad. Now! Go, Abby. - Who are you? Don't lie to me. - What? They won't just kill you. They'll kill Abby. - Damn it! - Dad! Go! Run, Abby! Bathroom! Go! Go! Go! - Stay with Abby! - Okay. - Elektra! - Abby! No! Ohh! Damn it. Get back! Get back! Go! Go. There'll be more coming. What's coming next will be worse. I believe Kirigi wishes to address the Council of the Hand. Venerable master... despite your delicacy and subtlety... you have failed to solve the problem of the Treasure. Huh! Master Roshi gave that task to me. - Yes, exactly. - And my men are taking care of it. Your men are dead! Killed by the female, Elektra, the gaijin. Bu... Your forces are an abomination! Master Roshi... the Hand cannot afford to lose the Treasure for another generation. So I humbly request you allow me this task. Perhaps with a little less delicacy... my forces will not be defeated by a mere woman. The task is yours. Complete it, and you will have proven yourself worthy of leading this council. I will step aside. Oh, that's just great. The Hand. Of all people. So who's gonna help you out on this one, E? - Stick? - Just give me his location. Sure, no problem. I got it handled. Goddamn it. You're up, blind man. Double combo: Triple carom on the four-three-two-one-six with a bank massé. Uh, you don't need to call all your shots, pops. Just the first one. That is the first one. Whoa, whoa. Aw, you gotta be kidding me. Eight ball in the corner. - Blind, my ass. - Leave your money on the table. Here's a dollar, Abs. Go play some pinball. - Why do I always have to miss the good stuff? - Just go. Elektra. Same walk. Same perfume. They need your help. Over here. This is Mark Miller. Mark and his daughter, Abby, are being chased by the Hand... and they need your protection. I'm leaving them with you. The Hand is your business, not mine. And yet you saved their lives. Why? What did you imagine would happen next? I didn't really have time to think about it. Blind instinct. Then you and I are back where we started, Elektra. Did you ever ask why the Hand was after them? - They don't know. - Really? Mr. Miller doesn't know? I do know. The Hand wanted something he couldn't give. He tried to run. And what? They killed my wife, Abby's mom. There was no drunk driver. I lied. You're on your own. Why did you really save them, Elektra? Some kind of penance? A down payment on your sins? Has she told you what she actually does for a living, Mr. Miller? She saved my life and my daughter's. That's enough for me. Then you landed on the lucky side of the street. - Damn, you son of a bitch! - Because with most people... Well, Elektra... you haven't changed. What are we gonna do? Elektra? What are we gonna do? You gotta run. As far as you can, as fast as you can. South America. Africa. Change your name. Change your appearance. - You're not coming with us? - No. - I can't. - Why not? Isn't that part of your code or something? I don't have a code, Abby. - How are we supposed to defend ourselves? - We'll be okay, Abby. No, we won't. Wake up, Dad. We won't! They're gonna hunt us down. Just like Mom. Get in the car. Get in the car! What's wrong? She's down the street. Three blocks over in the parking lot. We need to kill the gaijin assassin first. Should we go now? Not here. Keep track of them. I'm a soccer mom. So, you, um... you really kill people for a living? Yeah. Why? It's what I'm good at. That's messed up. Yeah. Well, well, the reluctant assassin. Sorry to drag you into this, McCabe. Me too. Hi. I'm Abby. Hello, Abby. I'm wondering what you're doing here. There's plenty of room in the house. Go ahead and help yourselves to whatever you need. - Thank you. - You're welcome. You want to pull the trigger, or should I do it? Oh, E. You're crashin' on me, baby. I said you'd crash, and you are crashing. I just want to get 'em someplace safe, give 'em a chance. They're already dead, E. They got no chance. Don't go down with them. I'll need passports. I'll need plane tickets. Sure. Throw in some season tickets to the Lakers. Go. I don't want you to tell her anything. I hate lying. Why can't we tell her? - We don't know anything about her. - She saved us. Because she doesn't really know who you are. If she knew... - She's my friend. - Your friend? She's the only one I have. - And I do not want to die with... - You're not gonna die! Don't you ever say that again... ever. - Okay? - Yes. Elektra? What's the matter? Is something wrong? They told me to change my appearance, so... No, it's... You look great. Thanks. Can you show me how to use those things, the, uh, salad tongs? - Sais. - Sais. They're not for you. I want to learn how to defend myself. They're offensive weapons. They're for killing. You use them. I don't want you to be like me. I do. Do you wanna learn something really, really difficult? Yeah. What? Come on. Now sit down. - Close your eyes. - What is this, yoga? - No, it's called kimagure. - Kimagure. It's more valuable than learning to use a weapon... because it allows you to see what's gonna happen before it happens. - That's intense. How do you do it? - Concentrate. Meditate. Let go of yourself and see everything around you. It's not easy. How long did it take you to master? I never actually finished my training. I only know enough to keep myself alive. But there are true masters like Stick who can use kimagure to ing back the dead. - Wow. - Close your eyes and eathe. Just sit quietly. Shh! How are you doing? We're still alive. Thank you. Oh, don't thank me, Mark. Please, you don't really know what I was doing. What you were doing there? Sure I do. You were there to kill us. I knew it as soon as you took the Wheelwright place. I'm not a good person to get involved with. I'm not asking for anything. I'm sorry. Yeah, I hated that. E, get back. Get back now! What happened? That bird's been hanging around here since late yesterday. They're here. - They're here. - Let's use the truck. - We won't make it. - But that's the best way. Trust me. There isn't time. Use the cellar. There's a tunnel. Take you out past the orchard to the trees. Head north. What about you? Shit. Let's go. - Be careful. - Keep 'em safe. Holy... Don't tell me, the circus is in town, huh? I'll tell you what. You might as well kill me now, 'cause I ain't talking. Talking is not necessary. But I accept the first half of your proposal. They're in the woods. Typhoid, Stone, Tattoo. Get Kinkou, head there now. Hurry. Hold up. Just follow me. Just keep running. Get in there. Mark, come on. Go. Go. Elektra. - Elektra! - Shh. Go! Run, Abby! Run! Go! Why didn't you tell me? - Elektra! - Abby, no! Let me go! Ah, you are the little treasure, aren't you? The war is over. The war has just begun. Move back, Abby. She is safe. Another day, old man. You'll be fine. Rest now. Don't look for your opponent. Know where he is. I'm blind, and I see more than any of you, because I don't look. You had no right to drag me into this, Stick. This whole war with the Hand, everything, it's all about her, isn't it? They call her the Treasure. She was a prodigy from four or five years old. Word got around fast. The Hand wanted her for themselves. They tried to steal her. - Her father spirited her away. - And you set this up... the contract, McCabe, all of this... you hired me to kill them. You're entitled to your opinion. A father and his daughter, Stick. You manipulated me. Did I? Was all this a test? Everything from the day you threw me out, has it all been a test? What if I had failed? Some lessons can't be taught, Elektra. They must be lived to be understood. When you came here, you were filled with anger. All the decency you once had, poisoned by violence and tragedy. This is not the way. This is not our way. You talk in riddles, old man. It keeps my students alert. I always knew your heart was pure. You simply needed to see it for yourself. What about Abby? As long as Kirigi is alive, she's only safe here. She has no choice. Two, three, four, five. One, two, three, four. Two, three, four. One... Still eaking and entering I see. Sorry. You'll need it. Keep practicing. I'm sorry I lied to you. Don't apologize. You did what you needed to do. I didn't wanna lie to you. Neither did my dad. It made me sick not telling you. Everybody lies, Abby. Nobody tells the truth about themselves. Including you. Especially me. - The layoffs and payroll reductions. - Like that. And the, uh, the counting. - Sorry? - O.C.D. I don't have O.C.D. I had it when I was a kid, but I haven't done that in years. You were just doing it. When you walk slow like that. What are you doing? Are you counting? Don't mock me. I'm still your superior. Maybe. Wanna find out? I'm gonna go find my dad. Don't force it. You're forcing it. You'll be better than I am very soon. I'm just a kid. I don't wanna stay here. What do you want? To finish it, you and me. No help from Stick, no help from your father. Winner take all. And when I kill you, the little one is ours. And when you don't, she is free forever. - Agreed? - Agreed. We will meet where it all began. And it will end where it all began. For you, at least. Clever girl. We meet again. Now you'll remember. There's nothing you can do. So the balance tips to me. Let her go! Brave girl. You taught her well. But it's time for a new master. Is that what the blind man's been teaching you? Not good enough. But you'll learn to anticipate your opponent. - Abby... - I'm not leaving you. - You're a pain in the ass. - Just like you. One, two, three. Tattoo, the Treasure's here. Stay right behind me. Stay close, Abby. Elektra! Nice trick. I've seen it before. Abby, where are you? - Elektra? - Not exactly. You know, I used to be the Treasure... and I don't like being replaced. So let's keep your death between you and me. Abby! Enough. It ends now. I told you, there's nothing you can do. You're slipping, Elektra. Come on, let's go. Push, push, push. Let's go. Let's push, push, push, push! Keep going, Elektra. Keep going. I'm just a kid. I don't wanna stay here. Elektra. Don't worry, Elektra. I'll take good care of her. Abby. Damn it. Come on. Abby. Abby, listen to me. Listen to me. I always knew your heart was pure. You simply needed to see it for yourself. Hey, warrior girl. Come here. Come here, Abby. I just found you. Hi. Thank you. Take good care of her. Sorry. Yeah, I hated that. So, what's next? Kirigi's gone. No one's after you. Back to school? - Go to the beach and get a tan. - And get ice cream. Oh. You gave me my life back. You gave me mine. Will I see you again? We'll find each other. Please don't let her be like me. Why not? You didn't turn out so bad. I don't want it to be so hard for her. That's up to her. Anyway, your second life's never really like your first, is it? Sometimes... it's even better.
With only hours left until the new year, Shibuya is packed with people welcoming the new Millennium. Excitement builds as the countdown approaches its peak. Just four songs remain from our review of the year's top hits... Hoping the new year will be a happy one here is the latest song from... Come on! I'll go check. In 2 hours and 28 minutes... the 21st Century will be with us. Let's look back on this last century and make a wish for the new one. I think we're safe. You sure? Did you get enough? I had to stop half way through. Are you in pain? Not for long. I'm giving up. How can you say that? I saw everything I wanted to see... What will I do without you? Find another friend. That's easy for you to say. I'd love to see the ocean again... Let's go then. And so we reach the start of a new year full of hopes and dreams. Resistance to new anti-immigration laws turned violent today in Mallepa's southern district. This area is mostly inhabited by poor Japanese immigrants who have been worst hit by the recent economic downturn. Such frustrations are thought to play a part in today's demonstrations. Casualties run into the thousands but confirmation is still pending. According to police reports stability has been restored tonight. As a Special Economic Zone, discrimination doesn't exist. Mallepa's founding principle is tax- free growth for people of all races. Sho! It hurts! Help me! What're you doing? Clear off! You go that way. Are you okay? Go away. What's wrong? Leave me alone. It won t open. You can't use wire. Watch out. Don't be dumb. Open up. Come on... Shit. Careful. I did it. Toshi, look. Fantastic! Sho, look. Wow. We did it. We're rich! Can we buy a house? Yes, of course. Let's leave this place. I wanna see the snow... Little Jap bastards... Hand it over. Put it all back. This too, yeah? RUN!! Sho, run! Don't move. Shinji! Go get the other kid... or I kill this one. Now! Filthy punks. Toshi. Toshi. Get out of here. What's going on? Your friend... he's a monster. Stay here. Come back. Sho. Sho, don't go. Aren't you afraid? To your right! Okay, I got it! Here he comes. Left. Right. Left. Sho, are you concentrating? Next, watch your left. This gun's no good... Ouch. There's a hole in your jacket. That cost me a lot, assholes! Here we go again. Stay out of this. What about some gratitude? Bullets can't kill you, so stay still. They still sting, though. Okay, okay. You can do it if you try. It's easy to say... when you can't be killed. That s Toshi's pizza... Kei. Kei. Let's go. Not as much as I thought... You checked all the bodies? Of course. I didn't waste time with toy cars. Very fishy. Get lost. Most suspicious... See. Piss off. I'll make it up to you. Got a big job lined up. You're all talk. And you didn t put enough drugs in the pizza. The guards were still awake! We all make mistakes... Cigarette. What are you doing? It should work. Trust me, Sho. I do. What are you two doing? I'm going back to work. Watch. I'll get it. Toshi, take care. Pretty cool, huh? This is what it looks like... It's been so long, I'd forgotten... It'd be beautiful in the sunlight. The waves sparkling.... Let's go. Sun's coming out. You go. I've had enough. Let's go. Come on! Go... by yourself... We watched the setting sun. A perfect orange glow. Both about to cry. For our final farewell. What's up? Are you okay? That same dream? I'm fine. You should get out more. It's fine. I don't want a tan. Let's spend time apart. What do you mean? Don't adjust your life to mine. Enjoy yourself while you can... ...before you get old. Remember, I won't age. Not this again! Mallepa is full of immigrants... different races, all coming and going, minding their own business. And that's how we get along... I've fed on some many evil men... I'm becoming like them. I might turn on you. As if you'd dare. Jerk. What are you doing? What's with him? Poor fish. He's ill. He'll die. Chuck him then. It might be contagious. Your other's on the roof. No need to get upset. Shinji. What's up? What the hell are you doing? Nothing much. Were you doing drugs? Get lost. Stay still. Pardon me. Where's the cash? Today's takings... It's been kind of slow... How dare you! What's this? Take it and go. Speak Cantonese to us. Take it and fuck off. Shut your mouth! Watch yourself. Did he say what I think he said? He thinks he's got balls. Let's go. Let go. Don't pity me.... Which restaurant? 'Happy Pizza' on the Westside. An older gentleman called said you guys were probably hungry. Really. Hey, it's a present from the bosses. Please enjoy your meal. How come I'm always the errand boy? Why me? Toshi did okay after all... What's going on? No idea. Heads up. They're early... He s blown our cover... Who are you? My question, too. It's none of your business. What's going on? More of'em than I thought... A lot more... Join forces? Not much choice. Put the cash in here! What a mess. Hello, Happy Pizza? We're kind of busy right now... What's wrong? Help me. Here he comes... Hello? One anchovy and cheese... Quiet, please! And the other one? Get out of here! Who are you? Son Tin-Chen, The other of Son Yi-Che. Who's that? A girl you bastards raped... Oh, her. Boy, did she moan. She seemed to enjoy it. You're a dead man! You reckon? Don't... Don't... That looks painful. He's toughing it out. It must hurt. Don't be ave. You can cry if you want. Mom, it hurts... it hurts... Ouch! Thanks, Yi-Che. That's good. The slow ones get hit. He's right. We'll see next time. She'll look at you now. Me? I'm fine. Don't! Have her take a look. I can smell the blood from here. Don't risk an infection. I can still walk. Quickly. Shut up. Yi-Che, look after him. What's wrong? I'm getting some fresh air. The slow ones get hit... Get lost. It hurts... He's gonna cry... Clear off. That stings. Be careful... Kei, what are you doing? Look at that moon! I've never seen it so big. Can't keep quiet, can he? It's so beautiful. Yi-Che suddenly stopped talking when she was a kid. Don't you dare fall in love. Touch her and I'll kill you. Of course I won't. You fell for it. I did not! You sure? Of course. Really? Really. You're going too fast. That's what cars are for. You got a licence? Of course not. Then let me drive. Piss off. Then let me out! What's going on?\\\\Don't speak Japanese! Sho's never driven before... so Toshi wants to get out... Our lives are in the hands of an idiot! But we're idiots for trusting him! It's pitch black! You can't see a thing! What are we doing here? It's nice at night. Enjoy it for what it is. It's so beautiful. It's what they call,'romantic'. 'Romantic' We re taking a picture. Come on. Line up. What's that piece of junk? 20th Century, top of the line. A collector's item. I hate people who can't appreciate value... Here we go... Smile. Isn't it too dark? Just shut up. Let's come back in daylight. Good idea. A proper day out. Smile then. It's okay to smile sometimes... You're all full of shit. I know more about chickens than you ever will! You've got more complaints? Oh, it's you. What's up? How come you re here? None of your business. I thought you were the butcher grumbling about my birds. I see. They look healthy to me... Join us for lunch. Yi-Che is a great cook. That's nice. Don't just stand there... Domestic bliss. The taste of home-cooking. Not something we know, huh? I'm having more. This is lovely. What's up? Here she is. That s disgusting! Gross. Look who's talking! Didn t your parents teach you manners? I have no parents. Me neither. I know that. They're pretty. Very. Wipe your mouth. Wow, that s amazing! She's going to be a famous artist. It'll be finished tomorrow. We're having a small ceremony. Will you guys come? Wow... Proper invitations. Cool. I'll ing pizzas. Not drugged ones. Are you sure? Yes, I'm sure. Will Kei come? Is he okay? He looks terrible. He's fine, He's fine. I'll do my best to make it. Don't worry. How is it? Lovely weather. Really... Perfect for Yi-Che's big day. You don't drink blood these days. It's none of your business. But you're so weak... Should I drink yours? I live by draining the lives of others. You know what that's like? That's my entire life. Sometimes I can't bear it. So I go without. A starvation diet. Now I'm having fun with you all... ...but it's not real. You're all growing up. I'll be left behind. One day, you'll die. But I'll keep living. You think that's fun!? You cry baby... Just like when you were a kid. So... Go have a good time. They'll be worried. Toshi, you got a call. Hello, this is Toshi. Really? Is it really true? Thank you very much. How may I help? Is this where we get drugged pizza? Why did it have to rain... You think Kei will turn up? For this, yes. What about Toshi and his pizza? He must've overslept. Who's that? Thanks for the invitation. Run! Stop! Stop!! Let me go! They'll kill you. You kids pushed your luck too far. Now you're gonna learn a lesson. No punk kids mess with us. You're the ones pushing your luck. Fuck you. You bastard. Where's Kei? Wake up! Don't you dare die! I was slowest after all... I'm sorry. Don't be stupid. I got a call from the orphanage. Mom's come back for me... Mom... I'm meeting her here tomorrow... What're you doing... Wake up. Toshi, we'll take you home. Let's go home... Kei, stop it, Please stop. Please, Kei! Toshi's dead! Stop it, please... Please stop... Shinji... It's all changed so much. And it'll just get worse. All our childhood memories... ...gone for ever. Get out of the way! Long time, no see. What awful clothes. Hello there. How are you? Don't ignore me. As wild as ever, I see. Wish I had your energy. Mr. Chan, Thank you for the invitation. What's the occasion? Your district has prospered beyond all dreams. But don't forget, it's not your town. Then whose town is it? Our town! Foreigners cause nothing but harm. These mainlanders have been smart. They joined us. We want you to do the same. We're nothing like those jerks. Watch your mouth. We haven't forgotten. You had our buddy killed. Stop acting like kids. You've got to grow up. It's all an act, asshole... Welcome back... Let's get to work. Sorry, it's so noisy. Hello, Sho. What're you doing? Kitchen Tell him what it really means. There are no ninjas in... Really? Really. You added it up wrong again. Sorry, sorry. I've got to re-do it. What a day. One thing after another... Hurry up with my drink. It's coming. Your name and age? Your name and age? Will I be put to death? I just want to die... It's very easy. Just put me outside in the sun. Then I'll die... Although murder's a serious charge it's not for me to judge you. Keep calm! Nobody move! What's this? Bingo! Sorry about that. Are you two cheating? Don't talk in Cantonese. I guess he's pissed to be losing... Your jabbering pisses me off. Let's win one for Chrissakes. Should we call it a day? I'm going to get some cash. Be quick. You don't look too bad. It's been nine years. I counted on the way here. How do I look? Look. It s my kid. She s called'Hana'. She's six. Kei, I married Yi-Che. She wasn't sure at first. I reckon it's because... she really liked you. Then you left us... I kept asking. Wouldn't give up. I tired myself out. She wasn't happy at first, but now things are good. Look, Kei. Please look. It's our kid. I know all Dad's are proud but... I always hoped you'd get to see her. You, above all. How is everyone? Good. My other's got a bar. We're big shots... Men about town. What about Son? Son... He joined the local mafia... ...to be with his own people. But we'll work things out between us. It was tough, though. I'm glad you're still alive. You were reckless. I figured... you'd already be dead. But... I'm glad you're not. So, you grew up together? He showed up one day, then left another... We never knew who he was... You're the only one he really talked to. Human life now means very little in this country. Neighbors one day... ... Mortal enemies the next. But we can't give up. I've always done my duty, and I'll continue... 'til the day I die. My duty now is to solve his case. Please tell me whatever you know. There's nothing to tell. Japanese. Mallepa. 001540-591074 Shinji, it's me. Find a lawyer. The best there is. If you were here it wouldn't have happened. You were busy helping that monster... It's my fault? You're so useless on your own. I got you the bar... I got you off drugs... I did everything! Don't you dare talk to me like that! Do something yourself for once! Spoiled at. I'll do it. I'll do it on my own. You'll see. You here again? Leave me alone. Sho. Is that you, Sho? Hey kids, here you go. Thank you. I can't thank you enough. If there's anything let us know. Smile... Say it's not true... My other... How come you're alive... and my other is dead? He pulled a gun on Chan... I'm going to kill you. Then all your friends. Then all your family. I'll kill them all! Stop it. Why can't you all get along? Why don't we laugh any more? Like before? Mom, watch me. I'll draw a flower. A real pretty one. Father. Father. You're alive after all. I'm happy to see you well. It's the first time you've met. Say hello to your Grandpa. Hello, Grandpa. Good girl. Hello there. Kei, say hello to my father. What's the real story? None of your business. I'm still her other. They say there's no hope. The tumor's deep in her ain. Her memory's started to go. It'll spread to her nervous system. Then throughout her body. It won't be very long. I had no idea. I'm sorry. You walked out on us, on your friends... your family. Taking the easiest way out. How else to put it? I was just like them. Chan said, we Taiwanese have to rely on ourselves. I joined him to protect my people. The group that killed Toshi. You went your way. I went mine. That's all it was. It would've been easier... if one of us disappeared. Next time we meet, will be at gun point. I regret to say you got your wish. You're moving to death row. Thank you. I hoped to hear the truth. Next time, we'll be friends. Next time? If you're reborn. Shall we go? It's been a while. I'll allow it, just this once. It's a friend of yours. Hello? I wanted to see you. I missed you so. A lot's happened. I can't go on alone. I need your help. Help me, Kei... I can't go on alone... The execution is tomorrow. Please pray for his soul. Let's go. Thank you very much. Kei's here... Hold her hand. You once told me... how that guy drank your blood. He stopped just before you died... and turned you into a vampire. I want... you to turn Yi-Che into a vampire. What the hell are you saying? Make her like you. So she won't die. So we can save her. You're just being selfish. Why!? I curse my life. I curse this person who feeds on others. I can't condemn her to that. At least she'd live. She wouldn't die. That's blessing enough, for me. I'm a monster! A monster, you understand? There's no way I'm doing that to her. Hey, Kei. Remember... the day Toshi died... it rained like this. We watched the setting sun. A perfect orange glow. Both about to cry. That song Luka taught you? You remembered. I'm going to kill Chan. You're coming too. Let's have fun like before. Symbolic of the new Mallepa, we're building subsidized homes. Tidying away this mess, to help our poor people. If I'm killed... will you look after Yi-Che? Without me, Hana'll be an orphan. Just like me. Am I pushy? I'll think about it. Take cover! Your friends, perhaps. Yes. Look right! Watch your right! Do you want to die? Spot me... like the old days. Accurate directions! Listen. Only we can protect our community. He was just like you two. Never knew his father and mother. I raised you all. And now we're free... Free to live our own lives... This slaughter can't be much fun... Let's fight man to man. Gladly. What are you doing? What's going on? We're strongest of all. I haven't had so much fun for years. Isn't it a thrill? Let's keep going'til the end of our ammo. Are you still alive? Of course I am! Let me go! I've got one left. Same here. Let's draw... The survivor looks after the families. On the count of three? So simple... I think it suits us. You didn't fire. Of course I did. How could you...? This is our destiny. What happened? Everyone's gone... What do you mean? Don't forget our promise. Sho, don't die! Stay with me! Don't leave! Hope. Thank you for all you've done, Kei. Skip the speech. What's wrong? It felt like someone was watching me. Leaving early tomorrow? I can't see you off but... I know that. Study hard. Paint great pictures. Take care. Hana... You forgot this. Thanks. See you. Kei, thank you. I really mean it. It's a good painting. She's her mother's girl. You still mad at me? You cared for Hana all these years. I'm not mad. It's just... I couldn't do it. I couldn't take what I'd become. Didn't want her to see me like that. That's why you didn't come back? You've always been so selfish. Look who's talking. What about you... Can I ask you something? That day, if we'd made it, would we have done the same to Yi-Che? I don't know. But I'm glad we didn't. Now. Want to go to the beach? I'm so tired. Let me sleep a little. We watched the setting sun. A perfect orange glow. Both about to cry. For our final farewell. Here comes the sun. Get closer, quick! Here we go! Directed by Takahisa Zeze
CHINA 859 A.D. After 241 years of prosperity, the Tang Dynasty is in decline. The Emperor is weak and incompetent. His government, crippled by corruption, no longer controls the land. Unrest sweeps the country. Village by village, an underground alliance forms... 'The House of Flying Daggers'. Based in Feng Tian County, near the Imperial Capital, The House Of Flying Daggers moves in the shadows, Stealing From the rich to give to the poor, they earn the support and admiration of the people. At the same time, they are feared and hated by their bitter rivals... the local deputies, Captain Leo, Captain Jin. We're heading out on patrol. We're going to be busy again. The Provincial Office has given us ten days to catch the new leader of the 'Flying Daggers'. What? It took us three months to assassinate their old leader. Ten days? Impossible. Have you heard of the new Peony Pavilion? Yes. Does anyone know you there? No, I haven't been there yet. Good, now's your chance. Any information? We suspect one of the showgirls is a member of the 'Flying Daggers'. OK, I'll check it out. Pull. Pull harder. Pull harder. That's it. I'm done. Madam! I'm coming. Madam. Here I am. What can I do for you, sir? I heard you have a new girl. You're well informed. Is she pretty? She's quite a beauty. Bring her to me. There is one thing you need to know. What's that? The girl is blind. Blind? Then she must be special. I'm curious. How did you lose your sight? I was born blind. Why would a blind girl work here? Why can't a blind girl work here? You're right. What's your name? Mei. Mei? Every girl here is named after a flower. Why is yours so plain? I don't want to compete with those girls. What do you mean? The flowers here can hardly be called flowers. Real flowers bloom in the wilderness. Well said. If you impress me I'll take you to where the real flowers grow. What's your talent as the top showgirl? Dancing. Come closer. Don't you know the rules? A rare beauty in the North. She's the finest lady on earth. A glance from her, the whole city goes down. A second glance leaves the nation in ruins. There exists no city or nation that has been more cherished than a beauty like this. A rare beauty in the North. She's the finest lady on earth. A glance from her, the whole city goes down. A second glance leaves the nation in ruins. There exists no city or nation that has been more cherished than a beauty like this. Please calm down, sir. Go away. What's the matter? Please let me explain. This girl is young and inexperienced. Please forgive her. Take her away. Go away. Take her away. Stop! Captain. This is the Captain of the County. To hell with the captain! Outrageous! Arrest him. Let me go. Who are you? How dare you! I'm the captain. You're drunk and indecently dressed. Arrest both of them. Get your hands off me. Let me go. Please spare the girl, Captain. That man was drunk. It was not her fault. Please don't arrest her. Our business is new. I rely on her to ing in guests. How can a blind girl be a top showgirl? Move! She's a dancer with rare skills. Please see for yourself. Do you know the 'Echo Game'? I played it once... All right. Perform well and I'll let you go. Thank you, Captain. Go and change quickly. Fantastic. Excellent! Who are you, really? Why do you want to kill me? Government running dogs... I wish to kill all of you! I do enjoy fighting a blind girl. We found this in her room. You're a member of the 'Flying Daggers'. Who's the new leader? Where's the new leader? I'll show you what we'll do if you don't answer. Show her! In front of you is a torture device. Your head will be put here. Your shoulder, here. Your back, here. Your legs, here. You'll never dance again after this. Do you understand? You have one day to think it over. This girl reminds me of someone. Who? Rumor has it, the old leader's blind daughter disappeared after his death. It was a heavy blow to the 'Flying Daggers'. They vowed revenge for their loss, while searching for the girl. Why would the old leader's daughter end up in a othel? Who owns the Peony Pavilion? Perhaps the 'Flying Daggers' has realized we were responsible for their old leader's death. Forget it. Let's turn her over for a reward, and then go out for a drink. I have a better idea. Since we have some clues, let's follow them through for a bigger reward. Do you want me to do it? Of course, who else? All right. This girl is a rare beauty. You know I love flirting with girls. Don't let beauty blind your judgment. If I die under a skirt, I can still flirt as a ghost. Who are you? I undressed you only yesterday. Have you forgotten me already? Why did you rescue me? Why do you think? You're an exquisite flower. I'll do anything to help you. Control yourself. Don't worry. I'm no longer a guest of the Peony Pavilion. You're not a showgirl anymore. You're the daughter of the old leader. What did you say? How many blind girls know martial arts and carry daggers like these? I've rescued you, and your daggers as well. Why did you take such a risk? I hate the corrupt government and admire the 'Flying Daggers'. Much obliged. Why did we abandon the horses? Hoof prints can be easily tracked. I have two new horses hidden ahead. You've planned well. What's your name, Master? Just call me Wind. Wind? I wander around all alone, come and go without a trace. Like a carefree wind? No, a playful wind. You like to tease. I wonder what you look like? That's easy to find out. Here. Please let go. This isn't the Peony Pavilion. No rules here. You'll know what I look like if you touch my face. Come on. It's not respectful to touch your face first. You prefer to start at the bottom. That's fine with me. You've mastered the flying technique. Your right hand is skilled with a machete. Your left hand is powerful with a bow and arrow. Your heart beats steadily, you seem sincere. You can read me like a book. You're a ave man. I'm never shy around women. You're young, indeed. You know how to hold your drink. The soldiers are approaching. I've lost my dagger pouch. I'm sorry I was late. The 'Flying Daggers' are always moving. Where should we go? We just keep heading north. Just head north? They will come to us. The 'Flying Daggers' has many masters. Why did they send you as an assassin? No one sent me. I came alone. As the old leader's daughter, you should be more cautious. Have you considered the consequences? I'll do anything to avenge my father. Come here. These are men's clothes. Put them on for now. I won't take advantage of you. Have you seen enough? Please hand me the clothes. You knew I was here? Master Wind wanders like the wind. I'd expect you to be anywhere. You look different in men's clothes. Do I look awful? I will tell all the girls to wear men's clothes the next time I visit the Peony Pavilion. Now I know you're not shy around women. You're not shy either. How do you know? You knew I was watching you bathe, yet you said nothing. You saved my life. You can look all you please. I thought you were hot as fire. In fact, you're cool as water. I don't know you well enough. I really care for you. A playboy like you, are you ever for real? What if I am this time? Are our men close by? I'm sure today's fighting has fooled Mei. Our men will ease off from now on. Good. That'll save me some arrows. Any clues? Not yet. Don't let her see through you. Don't worry. I never fail at seducing a woman. She trusts me. I warn you, don't fall for her. What do you mean fall? Fall into bed? Like her father, she must be very cunning. Don't let her fool you. Don't be absurd. I'm in control. I have to get back now. Don't turn a game into reality and ruin our plan. Who cares, as long as the plan works. Shall we rest for a while? I smell flowers. You told me you'd ing me to where real flowers grow. Which is the most beautiful? How do I look? Pretty as a flower. Soldiers are approaching. I'm on your side. You? I am a Captain of the County. A captain? Nonsense. You are the bastard who oke the jail. You're wounded. Is it serious? No. Was it someone from the 'Flying Daggers'? It's not likely. Then who? I don't know. He's gone. I guess he doesn't want to reveal himself. This time, I believe that you're for real. You have done enough for me Please Go Dont worry about me. We've come this far. Can't leave you now.
Our world has gone now. Smashed by the wars. Now I am the keeper of his body, bound here in the egyptian ways, I followed him as pharaoh, and now ruled 40 years. I am the victor, but what does it all mean. When there is no one left to remember, The great cavalry charge of (...) or the mountains of the hindu kush, When we crossed the 100,000 man army into India. He was a God (...) or as close as anything i've ever seen. Tyrant they yelled so easily, i laugh. No tyrant ever gave back so much. And what do they know of the world,these school boys, it takes strong man to rule. Alexander was more,he was permitheous, a friend to man, He changed the world, before him, there were tribes, and after him, Always possible, There was sudden near sense the world, could be ruled by one king, be better for all. 18 Great Alexandrias he built, it was an empire not of land and gold, but of the mind, lennox civilization, oakland, tour, How can i say it? How can I tell you what it is like to be young? To dream, big dreams, to believe when Alexander looked you in the eye, You could do anything, anything. In his presence, by the light of Apollo, we were better than ourselves. Truly, i've known many great men in my life, but only one colossus, And only now in old do i understand who this force of nature really was. Or do I? Did such a man as Alexander exist? Of course not, they idolize him, make him better than he was. Men, all men reach in full, reach in full. The east, the fast persian empire, ruled almost all the known world. The west, once great greek city states, thieves, athens, sparta, had fallen from pride. For a hundred years now, the persian kings had ibed the greeks with their gold, To fight as mercenaries, it was Philip, the one eyed, that changed all this. United tribes of illiterate sheep herders, from the high and low lands, With his blood and guts, he built a professional army, Brought the devious greeks to their knees. He then turned his eye on persia, where to as said the new great king to arise himself, on his thrown in babylon, feared Philip. It was from these loins of war, that Alexander was born, in Pella. Pella Macedonia Some called his mother queen Olympius, or sorcerous, and said that Alexander was the child of Dienisious, others Zeus, but truly there was not a man in Macedonia who didn't look at father and son, side by side, and wonder. &Trust the ones who give you love& &life has just begun son.& Her skin is water, her tongue is fire. She's your friend Take it, If you hesitate she will strike, Remember that, never hesitate. Yes, they are like people, you can love them for years, feed them, nurture them, but still, they can turn on you. Come... (...) babarian, Philip makes a mockery of Dienisious every night. Women, are the only ones that know Dienisious. My little achilles. Stay Alexander down. What is it you.. 6 months to this day. No no, not here. Drop it to your king, King of what, sheepherders men. laughing I, am of achilles royal blood. Well achilles runs in my veins. Your are nothing but a drunkin whore. (...) curse the very name of you. You think people respect you, you think they dont know your bastards? Damn your sorcereous soul, keep him here like one of your snakes, I told you not, i told you not! It'll be me. I will not. You will be me or I'll kill you, with my own hands. Stop stop stop Your majesty no, in the name of god. He will never be yours, NEVER! in my womb i carried my avengin. 8 years later In the world he grew up to, I have come to believe it wasn't friendship, that Alexander found his hamity. Fight, (...) of a battle, taste, know the barbarian drive, courage wont be in the lining of your stomach, It's in the heart of a man, We dont need to eat everyday or until your full, we dont need to lie in bed in the morning when you can have some good bean soup to sander, Of your force night (...) come on Alexander, come on, Whatever expects you as a king, just because of your father, the first rule of war is to do what you ask your men to do, no more no less. That's it, well done my student, good wrestling, that's what i want, come come come...You did well but you lost, now both of you will congratulate the other, good. Would you want me to let you win Alexander? Your right, but I promise you I will beat you one day Hephaistion. It was said later that Alexander was never defeated except by Hephaistion's thighs. Although an inferior race, the persians control at least 4/5's of the known world, But is it possible, the source of Egypt's mighty river nile, could rise in these distance mountains of the outer earth? If so, an experience navigator could find his way, here, by this river east, down into the great plains of india, Out into the eastern ocean, and into the world, and by this route, up the nile, back to egypt, into the middle sea, and home, to Greece. Now if only these frogs could look outward and act on their favorite position of the center, Greece could rule the world. Why is it master, in myth these lands you speak of are known, India, where hericlees, and dienisious traveled. All these men who went east, thesious, Jason, Achilles, were victorious. From generation to generation there stories have been past on, why? Unless there was truth to them. Tales or amazons? no Alexander, only common people believe these tales. As they believe most anything. We are here precisly to educate ourselves against such foolish passions. But if we are superior to the persians as you say, why do we not rule them? It is, it has always been our greek dream to go east. The east has a way of swallowing men and their dreams. Master, master... Yes? Master? Out with it, out with it. Why are the persians so cool? That is not the subject for today neokus, but it is true, the oriental races are known for their barbarity, and their slavish devotion to their senses, Excess in all things, is the undoing of men, that is why we Greeks are superior, We practice control of our senses, moderation, we hope. And what of Achilles at Troy master? Was he not excessive? Achilles simply lacks restraint he dominates other men so completely, that even when he withdraws from battle crazed with grief, over his dead lover procutules, he seriously endangers his own army, He is a deeply selfish man. Then would you say that the local (...) Achilles and Procutules is a corrupting one? When men lie together in lust, it is a surrender to the passions, and does nothing for the excellence in us, nor does any other, excess kasander, jealousy among them, but when men lie together and knowledge and virtue are pass between them, that is pure, and excellent, when they compete to ing out the good, the best in each other, this is the love between men, that can build the city state and lift us from our frog bottom. Philip ought (...) Aristotle from Athens to educate our rough people, and growing more ambitious he now planned the invasion of persia. Is that the best you can do (...) back to the falinx with you, I'll ride him myself. No one can ride that beast your majesty. He's been eeding far too often. My noble king, he's a high spirit, (...) and worthy of philip of macedonia(...) Why would i want such a beast, i already have a wife. Do I seem so old? Broken neck comes free (...) he's too nervous for battle. Buy him for me father, I'll ride him. And if you dont? I'll pay for him myself. With what, your singing voice? I'll pay you. I tell you the horse can't be riden lad, he's mind is oken. He can be riden, by me. If you can rule that horse i'll make him yours, at half the price. That horse will kill him Philip, will eak the boy in two. Really? perhaps you'll make a musician out of him yet. The boy does not have the craft Philip, he could hurt himself. He will have to figure that out for himself, it's time. You do not like your shadow do ya? It is like a dark spirt coming up sketchy, See that's us, It's just a trick of Apollos, he's the god of, Sun. But i will show you how to out win him, you and me together. Osephilis, that is what i will call you, strong and stubborn, Osephilis and Alexander, come now, let us ride together. Ahhhh, he's got some tight in em yet, (name), (name) for Zeus's sake, he beat ya man. Now Osephilles, show them. My son, my son! You remember Achilles? He is my favorite? Why? Because he loved Procutules and avenged his death. And his fate? That he must die young, but with great glory. Did he have a choice? Oh yes, live a long life but there would be no glory. Dream of glory Alexander, your mother encourages you, There is no glory with out suffering, and this you will not allow. One day I will be on walls like these. Permitheous stole the secret of fire and gave it to man, Made Zeus so angry, chained permitheous to a rock in the great carcasses, and each day, his eagle pecked out the poor man's liver, each night it grew back again, so that it could be eaten the next day, miserable fate. Why? Who knows these things, anyway, edipus, tore out his eyes, He found out, murdered his father, married his mother, knowledge that came too late, The Deer, slaughtered her two children in vengence, And Jason left her for a younger wife. My mother would never hurt me. Never easy to escape our mothers Alexander, All your life be ware of women, by far more dangerous than men. Ariclees, even after he accomplished his 12 labors, He was punished for madness, slaughtered his 3 children Poor Ariclees,great Ariclees, all great must come from loss, Even you, the gods will one day judge partially. When I'm king like you one day father. Do not rush the day boy, you risk all, my father threw me into battle before i knew how to fight, When i killed my first man he said now you know i hated him then, But I understand why now, a king isn't born Alexander, He is made by stealing, by suffering, A king must know how to hurt those he loves. It is lonely, ask Ariclees, ask any of them fate is cruel, No man or woman could be too powerful or too beautiful, without disaster be falling, they laugh when you rise too high, Crush everything you built with the wind, The glory they give, in the ending they take away, They make of us slaves. 8 years later Pregnant so soon, the little whore, You will marry her in the spring, during the (...) festival, And when her first son is born, her sweet uncle atilus, Will convince philix to name the boy, his successor, With himself in regions. And you, you will be sent on some impossible mission, Against some monstrous northern tribe, to be mutilated, In one more meaningless battle over cattle, And I no longer queen, will be put to death with your sister, And the remaining members of our family. I wish, sometimes you could see the light mother, The truth is he has taken nothing from you that you have not been without. The only way is to strike, announce your marriage to a macedonian, Now with get the child of pure blood, he would be one of them not mine, And he would have no choice but to make you king, there is still king henni. (...) perfect, if your father that pig had not ravaged her. Say nothing more of my father, do you hear me say nothing. Your right, forgive me, a mother loves too much. Who shall I sing to at night anymore? I wish, I wish we could spend more time together, like we used to, when you were the sweetest boy. There's never been time mother, since I was a child, i have been groomed to be ever the best. Aaw my poor child, like Achilles, cursed by your greatness. Take my strength. You must never confuse your feelings with your duties Alexander. A king must make public gestures for the common people. I know, but you will be 19 this summer, and the girls already say you dont like them, You like Hephaistion more, I understand it is natural for a young man, But if you go to Asia with out leaving your successor you risk all. Hephaistion loves me, as I am, not who. Loves? Loves? In the name of dienisious, understand how philix thinks for your own sake, Your life hangs in the balance, he's spies are inside your closest... Stop! I am his only worthy son, you crazed woman, he would never hurt me, Even if (name) had a boy, he would be 20 before he would let him rule. Yes, and you would be 40, old and wise, like potterman and philix young son would be 20, Like you now, but raised by him, his blood, he will never give you the thrown now alexander, never. Ahhh, come Alexander drink this (...) as only thirst can quench sorrow. There is only one thing better than winning a battle son, And that's the taste of a new woman you will find it far sweeter than (...) Alexander, Alexander found you the right girl? What's your name? I'm chikini. Huh, what's your name? Chikini. I love you my limp. And I love you clopis. Would you prefer a seat cleitis? lot of drunken talk A toast, a toast! I drink to our great friends and to our new union, Macedonia and Greece equals in greatness, to Philip our king, without home this union could not be possible. Come (name) Leave some damn air in the hole? And last I drink to the king's marriage to my niece (name) a macedonian queen we can be proud of. To Philip and (name) and to their legitamate sons. You son of a dog, come then. This is my wedding not some public awl, apologize by Zeus before you dishoner me. He's afraid the man who called my mother a whore and me a bastard, and i dishoner you? You listen like your mother, Atlas is my family now the same as you. Then choose your relatives more carefully, don't expect me to sit here and watch you shame yourself. Shame? He insults me! I insult you? Am i not fit to ground my mother walks on? You dog, questioning your queen. Shame? I have nothing to be ashamed of you arrogant at, i'll marry the girl if i want, And i'll have as many sons as I want and there's nothing you or your harpy mother could do about it. Why drunken man must you think everything I do and say comes from my mother? Because I know her heart by Hera. And I see her in your eyes, you come with this thrown too much, now we all know that she will for the mother of yours, wants me dead, well you can both dream boy. Come Philip, this is the wine talking, leave the boy, wait til morning. No, I command you, apologize to your kinsmen. Apologize! NO kinsmen to me. Goodnight old man, and when my mother re-marries, i'll invite you to her wedding. You bastard. You will obey me, come here. And this is the man who is going to take you from Greece to Persia? He can't even make it from one couch to the next. Get out of my palace, your exiled you bastard, banished from the land, your not welcomed here, You're no son of mine. Everything, suddenly changed for him, His father King Philip was murdered, and Alexander 20 became the new ruler of macedonia. And eaking their treaties with us, dismissing alexander as an untried boy, Several Greek city states, rose up in revolk much to persia's delight, And have sponsored by their gold. And truly Alexander could love like no other, but to betray him was to rouse a vast and frightening anger, (...) several thousand of the men of their tragic city thieves and sold the survivors into slavery. This has intended stund and defeated the greeks, and though in the end they treated most populations with magnimity it is these exceptions, thieves (...) persia and others, That are always remembered by those who hate Alexander and all that he stood for. At 21, Alexander invaded Asia with an army of 40,000 trained men. And liberating one city state after the other, he conquered all of western asia, south to egypt, where he was declared Pharoah of egypt, worshiped as a god. It was in Egypt that the respected oracle siwah declared him the (...). He finally provoked (name) himself to battle in the heart of the persian empire near babylon. Gaugamela, Persia It was mad, 40,000 of us against 250,000 barbarians. It was the day Alexander had waited for all his life. Alexander son of a god, it was a myth of course, at least it started as a myth, I know, i was there, i saw his eyes. There at the crack of the persian line, we'll go for the head. Kill their eyes? The gods have ought him to us at last, If i die, it's one macedonian, but the persians they can not move with out authorized his command. Here, right here we cut the croak of the persian army. This is madness, you will never get withing 100 paces of him. Have you seen the sheer size of his force Alexander? Not IF you hold him on the left, my ave parmanion, with your son (name), for just 1, 2 hours tomorrow. And you un eakable antagonist the center falinx (name, name, name, name) if you pin them on the walls of (name) here in the center, their cavalry will follow me out to the right, and when bold cassander eaks, stretching their left, a hole will open, Then I and my cavalry, a revered cleitis, (name) and (name) will strike through that gap, and deal the death blow to the (...)head. Alexander even with luck, timing, the gods, we must route them tomorrow, destory their army completely, Or we be picked apart by bandit tribes on a long journey home. Right. You speak of home and retreat, but do you understand how many on, babylon is my new home. Alexander if we must fight, do so with stealth, use your numbers well, we should attack tonight when they least expect us. I didn't cross asia to steal this victory cassander. No, you are too honorable for that, no dad influence from sleeping with tales of troy under your pillow. But your father was no lover of homeless. The lands west of the (...) the hand of his daughter in marriage, since when has a greek ever been given such honors? This are not honors, are many of the ibes, the greeks have accepted too long, Do you forget that the man who murdered my father lies across the valley floor. Come Alexander, we are still not really sure if it was persian gold behind the assassination. Your father taught you never to surrender your reason, to your passion, now I urge you to regroup, Fall back to the coast, raise a larger force. I would if I were permanian, but I am Alexander, and no more than earth has 2 sons will asia bear two kings, these are my terms, and if arias isn't a coward who hides behind his men, then he will come to me tomorrow, And when he bows down to Greece, Alexander will be merciful. (...)and lads feast tonight, for tomorrow we will die in hades. To whom do you pray? Phobos. Fear (...). Or so for dorius. I have come to believe that fear of death drives all men Ephistian, This we didn't learn at school board, it is the cause of all (...) fortunes. So, mighty (name) Your majesty. Are you ready for tomorrow's dawn? Ah, it's been too long coming if you ask me, I mean (...) Good, fear makes men fight better. Post your centurions alert keep them rested well. Don't you worry General, i have been known to sleep with my eyes open as a baby's ass. Only cause someone might steal his loot sire. After tomorrow even the thrifty among you will shall be kings. God be with us your majesty. Will stay in the ground, with the persian blood of the king. I alwasy believed Alexander but this seems so much bigger than us. Did (petropolis) die before Achilles when they stood side by side at seed of Troy? Petropolis died first. If you do, if you were to fall Ephistian macedonia would lose a king, i will avenge you and follow you down to the house of death. I would do the same. On the eve of battle it is hardest to be alone. Then perhaps, perhaps this is farewell then, my Alexander. Fear not Ephistian, we are at the beginning. Blood makes the world crazed, blood makes the rain fall, blood makes the earth grow. In blood all man are born and died. Blood is the food of the gods below. Help me Osiphilis , today we ride to our destiny. (name) I remember you the day you took the seed tower at tire, you were a giant, and today how will you fight? (name) how far was it you threw your men resting at the last olympic games? Will you match it with your spear? And Tamander son of men under, a great soldier to my father, i still mourn your other odius, Who died so avely at helicarnusus, what an honor of family you descend from tamander, You fight for them today. You have all honored your country and your ancestors, And now we come to this most distant place in asia, Where across from us (name) has gathered a vast army... But ask yourselves, Who is this great king, who pays assassins in gold coins to murder my father, our king, in a most dispicable, and cowardly manner, and who is this great king dorius who enslaves his own men to fight? Who is this king, but a king of air? These men do not fight for their homes. They fight because this king tells them they must. We are here today, as Macedonian free men. Some of you, perhaps myself, Will not live to see the sun set over these mountains today, But I say to you, what every warrior has known since the beginning of time, Conquer your fear, and I promise you will conquer death. You will answer, i was here this day at Gagilaya, for the freedom and glory of Greece. ZUES be WITH US!! Where does he go? Don't know majesty. (...) He makes a mistake (name). Yes there king. Be ave men. Macedonian Left (leader giving instructions) Prepare to repult centurions. Alexander!! Go... (...) We must fall back to the gally. (...) Come (name) ride, ride!!! Break through the hole! instructions Go tell Alexander yourself, and if he wont listen then survive me, and avenge his betrayal. Pay attention lad, your father still watches over you! Dorius!!! Ride your horses! Dorius!!!! We can reach those (...) by sunset, Go (...) catch their eyes by dawn. Releases the horses. Alexander, Alexander my father is lost, they have overrun us (...) their into the baggage train. (name) is crumbling. Ah!!!! Alexander if you chase them, you risk losing your army here. And if we capture him we gain an empire. You can run to the ends of the earth you coward, But you will never run far enough. (...) You bleed free my lord, May i tend to your wound? No, atlas not now, it's far worse than me, go to them, help them. Your majesty, Your very ave, what should i call you? Gloucus my king. Gloucus and where is your home? Elyria. Let your body go lose, think about (...) be ave again Gloucus and you will live on in glory. Alexander. Persian empire, the greatest the world had yet known was destroyed. And Alexander at 25 was now King of all. Alexander once said to me, we are most alone when we are with the myths. Babylon, Persia And thus it came to pass in a dream as mythical to all greeks as Achilles defeating the trojans, That there is one glorious moment in time, Alexander was loved by all. But in the end i believed babylon was a far easier (...) to enter than she was to leave. Imagine the minds that can see this, with architects and engineers like these, We can build cities such as we only dreamed. Aristotle may have called them barbarians but he never saw babylon. We have enough gold here to support another 3 generations of macedonian armies. Macedonia will soon corrupt cassander, wealth in great quantities ings the crows. Not for the men who fought i trust? We will pay them well (name). But not as mercenaries for future services. You sound like Philip. Philip never saw babylon. Look, he didnt advise him. Alexander, i know you think me a stiff old sog, but whatever our differences, know this day, Your father would be very proud of you. Thank you (name), And i ask you to forgive me, my own anger my pride, They too blind me. Yes, the grandsons of goat herders we now rule 2 million square miles. Not like we are giving it all away. But, none of you fear that this straight fortune may drive us all to destruction. You over value us, for As long as Dorius eathes he is the legitamite king of asia, And I but the king of air. But he has no power alexander, he is lost in the mountains wit no (...) As long as he is lost (name) he can be believed in. Only when he is found will be decided. Seems you already made up your mind Alexander. We must finish what we failed to do at (...) Parmenium we must hunt dorius if it be to the ends of earth. That was not your father's mission. And I am not my father. Come on, have you so quickly forgotten, fortune favors the bold. By the gods what is this? No wonder Dorius fled, he had this to come back to. I venture one for every night of the year. Help me aphroditi, how will i ever go back to (name) after this? I advise you not to touch (...) here i'll take care of it for you. Aristotle was perhaps present, with these images foolish with their beauty and degrade our souls. Great king Alexander. The princess of 1000 troses. and ellis daughter of the formerly great king Dorius. (name presented) Noble Alexander. I come to beg for the lives of my sisters, my mother, my grandmother. You are not wrong princess (name), he too is alexander. Please, I plead for my families lives, sell me as a slave great king. Look now, into my eyes, princess, and tell me how would you like to be treated? As I am, a princess. Then so be it, you and your family shall be treated as my family, You shall live in this palace as long as you choose, Have you any other request? for me my noble princess? No, everything I wish, I have... Requested. You truly are a queen. Yes, she would be a perfect match for you but you do nothing. 3 months you have been in babylon, and leave me and (name) At the mercy of your enemies, of which you have many, And (name) accustom now to the part you have given him, I must watch him grow stronger. I am certain that he communicates secretly with Parmenian, Who is dangerous, but beware most of all of those closest to you, They are like snakes and can be turned. General (name) Cassander is and tibiders son, even cleitis your fathers favorite, Anton your friend yes, but beware of men who think too much, they blind themselves. Only Ephistian do i leave out, but all of them you may preach while your mother and yourself, You live in generous poverty, why wont you ever believe me? It is only a dark mind like mine that can know these secrets of the heart, For they are dark Alexander, so dark but in you, the son of Zeus lies the light of the world, Your companions will be shadows in the underworld, And you are a name living forever in history, As the most glorious shining light of youth, Forever young, forever inspiring, Never will there be an Alexander like you, Alexander the Great. Remember ing me to babylon as you promised, I can only help you for they know if they harm you, They will face my wrath, as queen of babylon. That is a high ransom she charges for 9 months lodging in the womb. Bring her Alexander, It will give her such joy. And on the cracked mirror of her dreams. Stay with me tonight Ephistian. I will take my own bath, thank you (name). The generals question your obsession with arias, They say it was never meant for you to be king of Asia. Naturally, they want only to return to their homes rich with gold. But I've seen the future Ephistian, i've seen it 1000 times, 1000 faces, These people want, need change. Aristotle was wrong about them. How so? Look at those we have conquered, They leave their dead unburied, They smash their enemies skulls and drink from it's dust, they mate in public, What can they think, or sing or write, when none can read, But as Alexander's army they can go, where they never thought possible, They can soldier work in the cities, the alexandrias egypt to the (...) ocean, We can connect these lands of (...) and the people, Some say these alexandrias are becoming extensions of alexander himself, They draw people into the cities so as to make slaves. But we freed them Ephistian from the persia where everyone lived as slaves, To free the people of the world, such would be beyond the glory of archilles, Beyond hericules, feet will rival pernithius, was always a friend to man. Remember the fates of these hereos, they suffered greatly. No we all suffer, your father, mine, They all came to the end of their time, And in the end when its over all that matters is what you have done. You once said the fear of death drives all men, Are there no other forces? Is there not love in your life? Alexander? I wonder sometimes, if it is not your mother you run from, So many years, so many miles between you, What is it you fear? Who knows these things, When I was a child my mother taught me to find my father weak, Which am I Ephistian? Weak or Divine? All I know is I trust only you in this world, I missed you, I need you, It is you I love Ephistian, no other. You still hold your head cocked, Like that, I have stopped that. No like a deer listening in the wind, You strike me still Alexander, You have eyes like no other, Ugh I sounded stupid as school boy, Your everything I care for, And by the sweet eathe of aphroditi, I am so jealous of losing you to this world. You want so badly. You will never lose me Ephistian, I will be with you always, until the end. Northeastern Persia The campaign in the northeastern persia turned into a hard gorilla war of almost 3 years. We chased Dorius toward (place) but missed taking him by hours. He was dying when we found him sire, He asked for water, he drank and died. The great king Dorius had been betrayed by his own commanders. Fully honoring his corpse, Alexander hunted down these commanders to unknown lands. Crossing even beyond the river oxes, into (place). We fought them as far as the unknown steps of (place), For only legend we hereos who once taught, The surveyors told us we were now in the borders of where Europe and asia meet, In fact we were totally lost, Here alexander founded his 10th alexandria, and settled it with veterans then women and any who would dare the frontier life, Unable to accept defeat in any form, Alexander persissted in eaking every tribe that resisted, Until the day he received the head of his last enemy in surrender. For alexander there could be no pretender to the thrown of asia, Which now (...) It was here that alexander made one of his most mysterious decisions. Her eyes tell me, she cares for you Alexander, Perhaps too much. In the ways of my country, Those who love too much, lose everything, Those who love with irony, last. Your father must been turning in his grave Alexander, After all this time, (...) a sheeps daughter. But (...) justice, this girl has spirit. And what's the point Alexander, Just take her as your concubine. Because I want a son, Damn you (name). But then half your nobles have sisters you made fine macedonian mothers. To take an asian as my queen not a captive, Is a sign of deep respect for our subjects, It will more than anything real us together, unify us. Which is not to say I won't take a macedonian one day. As a second wife, and insult macedonia. Alexander!, This is about the other of our kingdom. Exactly, what can be won Alexander? We came here to asia to punish them for the crimes we have achieved at. Seven years from home, Now we drift from one far region to another, Chasing nomads and bandits, when macedonia bleeds its manpower, For what? to build roads in asia? to give these people cities? To found cities, and expand our reach is not to drift Parmenion. What benefit to macedon? It's far richer than before. What would you given them? With respect for your age Parmenion that you fought better, dug a metal when your flank was crumbling we could have had Dorius.. How dare you Nearcus! General Nearcus chief boy. Alexander spread our flag too thin, there was nothing my father any of you could have done... Sit down. Alexander I have known you since you were born, I supported you with your father's death, At the very least fall use this city, And in respect to the counselor chose you king, Give us a mecedonian aire, macedonian aire. You have been heard clearly. (...) And after the wedding you will take igades back to babylon, Where I look to you, and in tibider, greece, to maintain our empire and supply this expedition. I will way to the north, my advance army at merican. And I pray to apollo you soon realize (...) from your father's path. Ah damn you Parmenion by the gods and your apollo. What was in my fathers guts? Was it over ripe in reason like yours? He never lusted for war Alexander or enjoyed it so. He consulted his peers in counsel, among equals, the macedonian way. He didn't make decisions based on his personal desires. I have taken us further than my father ever dreamed. Old man, we are in new worlds. Alexander, be reasonable! Were they ever meant to be our equals? Share our rewards? You remember what Aristotle said, An Asian, What would a wedding vow ever mean to a race that has never kept their word to a greek? Aristotle be damned! By Zeus and all the gods, What makes you so much better than them Cassander? Better than you really are, in you and those like you is this. Alexander. what disturbs me most is not your lack of respect for my judgement, It is our content for a world far older than ours. And so 10 years, after his mother's incistence He marry a macedonian, Our union, greek and barbarian, The most powerful man in the world, took a girl of no political significance, why? Some say it was for alliance with the tribes, Others a desire for a successor, And yet others said Alexander truly fell in love, Who roxana rita really was, i doubt that any of us, ever saw further than the pools of those black eyes. Alexander, Special for you. On this glorious occasion, I toast this great army that has given so much, And in honor of them those of you who sought out with us 7 long years ago, I pronounce, all your debts paid fort with from the royal treasury. And in honor of my ide, My beautiful ide, we recognize the many women who shared the long hard road with us, I grant them darius be fitting a proper marriage. But what about our boys? And lastly, lastly the gods demand no less of us, That your children with these women be given a proper greek education, and military training, Under our protection, so is to be the new soldiers of our kingdom in Asia. I found it in Egypt, The man that sold it to me said, It came from a time when man worshipped sun and stars, I will always think of you as the sun Alexander, And I pray your dream will shine on all men. I wish you a son, you're a great man, You love him? He is Epheistian. There are many different ways to love Roxana, come. You have no fear, it's fitting, a man searches for a woman at birth stop, And finds her. The myth becomes real. Great man, scared now? You I kill now. Do it, end it, I would do the same. I will die a fool for this love. My life is now yours. You will have my son. Who is this woman you call your queen Alexander? A hill girl, You with your eeding, Already she makes enemies, with her strong clumsey nature, Do not confuse us, I was never a barbarian as philips said, We are of achilles royal blood, Zeus is your father. oh I understand she ings you some happiness, But hear me when i tell you act, and act soon, And after 7 years people wonder who is this king Alexander, I have given you ample proof, And tibider daily undermines your authority, Return to babylon and strengthen your center, Or come home to macedonia and reorganize, But do not chase your dream further east, Your life and mine depend on it, Remember my only thoughts are of you, As you too must face your glorious destiny, Think I'll leave your mother, provide for me, protect me from your enemies when you are gone, And remember always, it is I who loves you more than any. If only you were not a pale reflection from my mothers heart. Who did this? Tell me. (name) Never will you find a man as devoted as I... The conspiracy deeply upset Alexander, Not only because it involved the young pages,who shared his dream, But more intimately it implicated Filotus, His companion from boyhood, who is captain of Alexander's royal guards. Alexander, remember me for who I am. I do remember you Filotus, but not as you remember yourself, It appears to me and your peers here that true weather of your soul is ambition. NO... None of us defended Filotus, But then again none of us ever liked him, And of course his power was carved up by the rest of us. Before he died, we tortured him, To find out what his father Parmenion knew, But this we never learned, But what to do with Parmenion and his 20,000 troops guarding our supply line, was a far more delicate matter, Was he innnocent in this? or had he decided to act before age furthered with his power. We will be devied The men will follow their king. Alexander will not be there. Necessity required Alexander to act, They sealed the camp within the hour of the first accusation of Filotus. Then go Antiginous and Litus, and go quickly. 3 days hard riding Antiginous and litus to parmenion, His soldiers accepted the finding of guilt against parmenion, As they understood that the head of family was responsible for all. Litus, Antiginous. I remember a mark of the (...) once, That love eluded Alexander as much if not more, than finding the end of the world. In the spring, Alexander marched an army of 150,000, Across the passes of the hindu kush, Into the unknown, In his dream it was the promised (...) to the end of the wall,
We were now a mobile empire stretching back thousands of miles to greece, Cooks and architects, doctors and somiers, money lenders and wives, children, lovers,whores. And forget not the slaves that (...) bent working spines a new beast, ravaged or expanded, For better or worst, No occupied territory remained the same again. Although devoted to Roxana, Alexander's visits to her tent diminished as a year, then two, went by with out a successor, wounding Alexander's great pride. The savarias are saying that Zeus chained permitheous up there, In one of those caves, They say there is a giant eagles nest just above it, Suppose he drops down each night to peck out poor permitheous' liver. You remember what Aristotle told us of these mountains? Yes I do, that when we reach these heights, We look back and see macedonia to the west, and the outer ocean to the east, But I fear this world is far larger than anyone dreamed, The world of titans. The scouts have been up every known trail Alexander, There is no way across, Except to the south, into India. Were we gods, we would each these walls into the eastern ocean. We will Alexander, in a few years time we will return. But first the men must seek homes. Have you found your home? Tell me. The More and more I think it will be Alexandria. Well at least it's hot, (name) she loved it there. Women ing men home, I have no such feeling. You have babylon Alexander, where your mother awaits your invitation. Yes, I have babylon, but each land, each boundary i cross, I strip away another illusion, I sense death will be the last, Yet still I push harder, and harder to reach this, home. Where has our eagle gone? We must go on tolomy, Til we find an end. India India, the land where the sun was born, Fabled to be even richer than persia, Had never been explorered or conquered. From the beginning Alexander struggled to unify a land without a (...) Kings who conspired against one another, A la ynth of tribes urged on by zelix and philosophers, To die by the 1000's for their strange gods. Craters advanced party fought against men with hairy skins, who were tiny, and lived in the (...) of trees. Until Ephistian convinced us these were animals who immitated man but wore their own skin, They called this tribe monkey. Monkey. And then there was the rain. Never before had we seen water that fell from the gods, For 60 days and nights. You know better (name), what's your son going to say, come on man, (...) I will be with you at your side. Claytis, ing the snake healers, (name),... What happened lad? It is to the neck. Oh no, hold on, hold on, eathe, eathe. Our quest for gold and glory evaporated as we realized there was none to be had, Tempest westled. ??? We massacred all indians who resisited, And with the local water putred, we drank the strong wine. As we moved southeast, Alexander often returned the lands we conquered to their defeated kings, so as to make of them allies, But this did not set well with the army, They began to wonder if Alexander was on some crazed quest, To imitate the glory of heiriclies. Tibigous. And to my mother's god Dienisus, Who were told by indian allies traveled here before heiriclies. Some 6 thousand years ago, To a hero. You lose face, these indians they are low evil people. You do not try to understand them. I try, But this I know Alexander. In Persia you are great king, Here they hate you. Let us go back to babylon, there you are strong. We will talk about this later. Yes, later, talk. I shall come, tonight. And I shall wait, to let my king. Your majesty, A toast to bigous, On the 30,000 beautiful persian boys we are training to fight in this great army. To the memory of Philip, had he lived, To see his macedonians transformed into such a pretty army, To philip, to a real hereo. Declitus, it is your appointment as set trap (...). A fancy way of putting it Tolomy. But we all know what a pension and an exile is after 30 years service. You call governing this major province, exile? Has your majesty given any of his closest companions a province so far from home? Then you will not make a very good set trap will ya cleitis? So be it, let me rot in macedonian rags, Rather than shine in eastern pomp, ??? I won't quake and bow down like the (...) you have around you, Epheistian, Neiarcus, Perticus. As governor of one of our most asian asatropies, cleitis does it not accur to you that if my persian subjects bow down before me it is important for them to do so. Do I insist on greeks doing the same? You accept greek offerings as a son of zeus do you not? Only when offered. Then why do you not refuse? these vain flatteries, What freedom is there to bow before you? You bow before heiriclies do you not, and he was mortal, But a son of Zeus How can you so young compare yourself to heiriclies? Why not? I have achieved more in my years, traveled as far, probably farther. Heiriclies did it by himself. Did you conquer asia by yourself Alexander? I mean who planned the asian invasion? Was it not your father? Or is his blood no longer good enough, zeus (...) You insult me cleitis, You mock my family becareful, Never But your father take barbarians as his friends. Ask us to fight with them as equals in war, Are we not good enough any longer, I remember a time when we could talk as men, straight to the eye, None of this scraping, groveling, Now your his then? ???? Take a barbarian, jealous wife, and dirt color queen. Go quickly Cleitis before you ruin your life. Does not your great pride fear the gold any longer? This army, this army is your blomp boy. Without it your nothing. You no longer serve the purpose of this march, Get him from my sight. I dont serve your purpose, what was i serving... Arrest him for treason. Who's with me, who's with him, I call for the Zeus to witness, I call you to travel for him, I will see this conspiracy cut, take him! (...) what about poor parmenion, (...) Have you no shame? A great deafspot falls king. You barbarian mother living shame. Let me pass, I am the queen. I want to see him, I have waited 3 days. He says none, not even you. He needs me. No, he does not. And he needs you? Ephistian you make a mistake. The army needs your re assurance. Alexander, Like an old lover they forgive but they will never forget. You know more than any crazed deeds are done by men who took and never regretted. You're Alexander, pitty and grief will only destroy you. Have I become so arrogant, that i'm going blind. Sometimes, to expect the best of everyone is arrogance. Then Cleitis spoke true, I have become a tryant. Immortal and they know it, And they forgive you because you make them proud of themselves. I have failed, look at me. Macedonia - 8 Years before Philip King of macedonia, and leader of the Greeks. All my life i have waited to see greeks travel with respect for macedonia, today's our day. They say already, philip was a great general, but alexander is simply Great. If you ever insult me again, I will kill you. Missed you, in the spring persia, command my horse from the right, I'm honored father, I would not miss it for all the gold in the world. Which one day you will have. Making himself a 13th ghost, He's run so much wild, my poor philip, he has lost his mind. Your majesty. Atilus. I hope the prince is enjoying the spectacle as much as our regent. He is very tired. (name) Bring the rest of the guard. Royal guard,to the arena march. No guard your majesty with all this crowd? Greeks all over the place. Cleitis, this man you can always trust Alexander, Treat him as you would me, he guard your back for you. Yes father. People are guarding today cleitis, That these greeks say for themselves where i can walk through my people, Then let them call me tyrant, in the main garden after my entry only, Cleitis make sure the wine flows steady all day, i want them to like me. What you told, I go in alone, follow with the main guard, go on, go on, Father it is best I go with you. You want the world to say your my successor? Is that what she wants? Ah do not look so hurt all the time Alexander, be a man, You cut yourself lucky you were here at all today after your public display, By hericlies, by zeus and by all the gods obey me this once. Have courage father, and go on your with with joice on each step, And I may recall your vow. And now our beloved king, Philip in whose honor this game begin. Xenus I told you... King lives, Alexander, son of philip, the most destined king. A king now,you're king. May the gods bless Alexander. Alexander!! Go. How can you pay so shamelessly in public? Because it was meant to be. This is not how I wanted to become king. No one blames you. They blame me already, behind my back, in secret. Slander is not power. Shame is? Who killed my father, tell me, tell me or shall I put you on trial for his murder. (name) He had help, Did you help him? No, never, why, why would I? so many wanted it, greeks, persian, men. Your mad, a curse, you have unleashed furies you dont even know their power, Ah now who is exagerating, even if it was the wish of your heart. That is a lie, he was my father, i loved him. He was not your father, you owe no blood debt to that man. You lie and lie and lie, so many lies you spundle like a sorcerous confusing me. Look at you, look at you, you are everything that he was not, He was coherced, you are fine, He was a general, you are a King, He could not rule himself, and you shall rule the world. You are so cursed by the gods when you speak like this, Such thick pride, and no mourning for your husband. Mourn, what do you know of (...) No Alexander, Zeus is your father, Act like it. But first I get to kill you, you murdered me in my cradle, you birthed me in a cycle of hate, hate you are for those stronger than you, Hate you have for men. I taught you my heart Alexander and by zeus and Einisis you grew beautiful, Damn your sorcerous soul. Your soul is mine Alexander. No, no! you have taken from me everything i have ever loved. Stop it, stop acting like a boy, your a king, act like one, Parmenion is with us for once, Execute atlas with out delay, Then confiscate their lands and root out that family forever. You really never can laugh you monster, you heart eaker. How will you live out the year like this? Have you learned nothing from Philip? No from you mother. The past. What have I done, to make you hate me so? One day, you will understand this, that I have only you in my heart, I know what you need, now is the time, The gods favor you, great wealth, power, conquest, All you desire, the world is yours, take it. Kiss/kids ??? He never saw his mother again. And while he was away fighting the northern tribes, Olympius had Philips new wife (name) and her infant son murdered, By necessity he had her uncle Atilus executed. India Of course you have fears, we all have fears, Because no one has ever gone this far before, And now we are weeks from the encircling ocean, our root home, we will build a fleet of ships and sail all the way back down the nile to egypt, And from Alexandria we shall be home within weeks, and to be reunited with our loved ones, to share our great treasures and tales of asia, And to enjoy our unperishable glory to the ends of time. Follow Alexander. What? Silence? We are with you Alexander. (name) a hereo, where are these great amazons of myth who dare to fight and kill men, Where have they gone? We will never leave you Alexander. (name) who are these tribes ahead compared to those we have vanquished? (name) Antigilus, you eak my heart, you men, afraid, crowd talking My king, (...) aint no belly aching, I wont tolerate an end to my units, I lost men, young ones never been with a woman, some died of disease, some were butchered and severed with the banks and ox's. Some died good, some just didn't get no luck, but they died. 40,000 I come over with 8 years ago, And we march after you over 10,000 miles, In the rain, and the sun, we fought for you, some of us 50 battles with an end, that killed many of our (...). And now when I look around, How many of them faces do I see? And now you want us to fight more of these crazy monkey tribes east of here, we here talk of thousands of these elephant monsters, there are a hundred more of us, Carus, good carus, who better than you to speak, Most noble of men, But you know there is no part of me without a scar or bone oken, By sword, knife, stone, catapult and club, I have shared every hardship with all of you. And you have my king, and we love you for it. But too many have died. You have no children Alexander, And we are just humble men we seek no disturbance with the gods, All we wish for, is to see our children, And our wives and our grandchildren one last time, Before we join our others in the dark house they call hades. Yes, you are right (name). I have be negligent. I should have sent you veterans home sooner, and I will, The first of you shall be the servant shields, And then every man who has served 7 years, With full pensions from our treasury, Respected, rich, loved, you will be treated by your wives and children as hereos for the rest of your lives. And a joy peaceful death, But you dream (name), your simplicity, long ended when you took persia (...) children. How you thickened your holdings with plunder and jewels. Because you have fallen in love with all the things in life that destroy men. Do you not see? And you as well as I know, that as the year decline and the memories stale, And all your great victories fade, It will always be rememberd, you left your king in asia, For I will go on with my agents. To the jackals with ya Alexander... crowd talking I came for your bastard children, I have taken nothing for myself, And all I am asking is for one more month. I have taken my father and your father... so go on,hand it to the barbarians for their courage. I go east. crowd Who said that? You will never make it back to macedonia. You dispicable coward, come forth, make your accusations public. Why, so you could have us killed, son of zeus. You desecrate your father's memory. Hide, hide in the smoke... alexander talking he called me murderer, I have no such blood on my hands. After all I have done for you, you swine,you cowards, traitors, Come on then, where are your daggers? He dove on, south to the outer ocean. In smashing the mutany and executing the ring leaders, He did nothing to my mind, that any general in war time would have not done. But clearly the army was divided, that alexander was no longer loved by all. They come, gather will strong as gods, come over with your left, eak hard with your right, The air is rot, a waste of time. Brook shields! Battle positions! (...) prepare your knives, follow me. Come macedonians why do you hang back hurry. alexander gives orders (...) Our lives are in jepeordy, Veniegar ride to Farnicus to tell him we will charge to the center at once, Alucis find a placing by the river so I can ing all cavalry to the center, We must reached Creterus before it is too late. To the center!! Hold macedonians, ride, ride!! (name)...NO!!!...(name)!! The horses will not go, on foot then. Come osiphilus. It is only sun and shadow, You and I together One last time Osiphilious, There is another leveling plain to live with great courage, And to die leaving another ever lasting failure, come macedonians, why do you retreat, do you want to live forever? In the name of Zeus attack!!! The king is down. To the king!! It was the bloodiest of his battles, Pure butchery, The end of all reason. We would never be men again. He lives!!! Men of macedon, we are going home. We are going home. His life should have ended in India but that's myth, In life, hericlies died of a poison shirt given in arab by his jealous wife, Making his devotions to the gods at the end of the great journey, Alexander bid the east farewell and marched his army directly west, Across the great cadroshen desert, seeking the shortest route home to bablyon, Til this day there is no accounting of how many died. It was the worst blunder of his life, And when he finally re-entered babylon after 6 years in the far east, Alexander again seized the imagination of the world by taking 2 more wives. Just last night, Its the water your majesty, he mixed it with the wine. But how can this be, Tiphis of india? Oh I wouldn't tax yourself your majesty, a few good nights rest will do it, but no wine, or... Come doctor. I feel better, soon I will be able. We leave for arabia in the spring and i can't leave with out you. Arabia, You used to trust me like a shiek, What if you wouldn't (...) You were the only one who would never let me win, The only one who has ever been honest with me, You saved me from myself, Please do not leave me Ephistian. My Alexander, I remember the old man who wants to be achilles and then out did him. And you Petroplis, and then what happened? Now is the myth only young men believe. But how beautiful the myth it was. Oh we reach we fall. Oh Ephistias. I worry for you with out me. I am nothing without you, Come fight Ephistian, we will die together, It is our destiny. We will have children with our wives, And our sons will play together as we once did, a 1000 ships will launch from here Ephistian, We will round arabia, and sail up the golf to egypt, From there we will build a channel through the desert, And add to the middle sea, And then we will move on carthage, and that great island sicily, They will pay large tribute, After that, the roman tribe, good fighters, we will beat them. And then explore the northern forests and add the pillars of hericlies to the western ocean, And then one day, not 10 years from now, babylon with its deep water harbor, Be the center of the world, Alexandrias will grow, Populations will mix and travel freely, asia and europe will come together, And we will grow old Ephistian, Looking at our balcony, At this new world. Ephistian, Ephistian. screams Where is this doctor? I can't explain this your majesty, it is not possible. I swear by apollo... Secure him, take him out now and execute him. come away, come away. Liars, liars, All of you, get out, get out now!! Be gone with you, get out, get out!! Are you drunk again? Get out. He's dead. Who? Many hated him, but I dont think any other would have dared. Ephistian is dead? Wait a minute. Are you mad? Taken from me all that I have ever known. The fury is too tight, damn your miserable heart, baby! Alexander I have your child. Alexander, my husband, my king, we have a son. My poor boiled fated son. Never touch me again. Noooooooo!!! One last charm! For the dog. To my old friends. And to the myths. To the next door, ??? Yes come, come to babylon, I await you, your only loving son. Wait, wait, vultures, wait, my son alexander... please crying my son. Alexander we beg you, tell us who, who will rule this great empire for you? whispers fear not.... Zeus is your father! Alexander the army will divide, satripus will revolt with out your orders, please tell us who. Babylon, Persia June 323 B.C. In the 10th of june, a month short of his 33rd year, Alexanders great heart finally gave out, And as he vowed he joined Ephistian. But in his short life he achieved with out doubt, the mythic glory of his ancestor hercules and more, His sacrifice was an early death, but in keeping to his side of the bargain, I can not help but feel he conquered death as well. Olympius's transgression in the murder of his father is to my mind a probability, He's a burden, Alexander was too in love with the glory for him to steal it, But by blood and blood alone he was guilty. Within hours we were fighting like jackals for his corpse, Wars of the world had begun, 40 years off and on they endured, Cassander in greece, crackelus and antigunus in western asia, solucus and perdicus in the east, myself in egypt, Until we divided his empire in 4 parts. Cassander certainly proved his will to power, And 7 years later he had olympius executed, And within 12 years he achieved the complete destruction of Alexanders bloodline, When he poisoned Roxana Alexandria and Alexander's 13 yr old son, the true aire to the empire. But the truth is never simple, and yet it is, The truth is, we did kill him, By silence we consented, because, because we couldn't go on, But by Aries did we had to look forward to, but did we discard it in the end, like fighters, After all this time to give away our wealth to asian sick offense we despised, Mixing the races, harmony, pah, How he talked of these things, Or wasn't it really about alexander another population ready to obey him, I never believed in his dream, none of us did. That's the truth of his life, The dream is exhaustis, they must die before they kill us with their blasted dreams. Carcas throw all that away, it is old fools rubbish, you shall write, He died of fever and weakend condition. Yes (name) How he could have stayed home in macedonia and married the eastern family, He would have died a cele ated man, But this was not Alexander, All his life he fought to free himself from fear, And By this, and this alone he was made free, The freest man i have ever known. His strategy was one of increasing loneliness and impatience with those who could not understand, And if his desire to reconcile greek in barbarian ended in failure, Huh, what failure? His failure towered over other men's successes. I have lived, I have lived long life (name) But the glory and memory of man will always belong to the one's who follow their (...) visions, With the greatest of ease is the one that I will call makus Alexandrus, The greatest Alexander of them all.
INSPECTOR CHAN SUPER CRIME FIGHTERS Anyone else? Such a beautiful woman... ...and you arrest her... ...just for spitting? Is there no justice? Is there no law? Commissioner is only your boss... ...because he paid his dues to the Crocodile Gang. And you don't fucking know me? Sorry, I didn't know she was your wife. Ugly coward! What are you looking at? Never seen such a handsome gang boss? Who'd be in the film business? It's Sunday, and the theater's deserted. Where's the car? Let's go back inside! Call for help! No need for that, Northerner. While you were messing with the cop, your men signed up with us. I'll kill all you Axe Gangsters! Stop! You forget the time I treated you to dinner. Brother Sum. Please... Please spare me. Don't worry. I don't kill women. You can go! Thank you, Big Brother. Cops! Come clean up the mess! THE AXE GANG In a time of social unrest and disorder... In a time of social unrest and disorder... ...the gangs have moved in to consolidate their power. The most feared of them all is the Axe Gang. Only in the poorest districts, which hold no interest for the gangs... ...can people live in peace. PIG STY ALLEY One, two, three! - That okay, Coolie? - No problem! TAILOR NOODLES AND CONGEE My check, please, Donut. - How much? - It's on the house! Donut. - It's nothing. - I like you. I'll ask the wife about lowering your rent. Morning, Landlord! Landlord! Jill! How you've grown! Come let me examine you! Good to see you, Landlord! What's so good about it? Don't...! Can you make the skirt slit higher? Sure! Look, a comet! Jane! You naughty girl! Landlord! You're such a scoundrel! Don't go, Jane! Stay and chat! I'm only kidding. Jane! Landlady! Landlady! What happened to the water? Water ain't free! You talk a lot for someone who won't pay his rent. But I'm in the middle of a shampoo. You think that's a problem? From now on, no water on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Water ration Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. I just love hearing you fools complain. Assholes! Good morning, Landlady! Just pay your rent, or I'll burn your shop down. What's so funny? Rent's no laughing matter, fairy! Serves you right you're a coolie! Months overdue and not even a good morning. You'll be a coolie for life. There you go, handsome! What took you so long with the congee? I stopped to help an old lady cross the street. - What are you doing here? - Checking for Peeping Toms. Was someone just spying on you, Auntie Six? Don't shoot your mouth off without proof. She's crazy. Go away! Please can you teach us, sir? No more soccer! - Who wants the cut? - My boss. Take a seat. Done! Fifty cents, please. Isn't it great? It's too good! Why'd you make him look so good? Why? Don't get mad, boss. He's my old buddy. I'll handle this. He's boss of the Axe Gang. Don't you see the two axes? We're bad guys. Making him look good is really bad. Understand? - I didn't know. - You're a numskull! But I like you, so just pay me, and I'll take care of it. No way! Steady with the axe, boss. Let me talk to him. I really care for you. You saw it for yourself. Seriously. Why don't you pay up. Not much. Enough for a drink. Oh, so it's blackmail! Boss! Boss! Now you're dead! Looks like he's waking up! I'm not afraid. You can kill me. But there'll be thousands more of me! You want to play tough? The Axe Gang boss is napping in there. Whoever wants to die, step forward. So you want to fight? Great! We'll go one-on-one. Don't even think about cheating. That old woman with the onion! You look real tough. Want to try me? I'll let you hit me first. What do you do? I'm a farmer. Farmers don't fight. Piss off! He's crazy! Calling me names? You're lucky you're a woman. Hey, shorty! Yeah, you! If you're short, you don't retort. What did I say about cheating? Sit back down! You! The geezer with the glasses. You look mean. No, not you. I mean... You! Hey, kid, let's rumble! All right, all right! So no one-on-ones today. You're all such wimps! He blackmailed me. Fat woman, you're in charge here, right? Fat woman, my ass! I'm with the Axe Gang! Axe Gang, my ass! Boss! Boss, my ass! - You have to pay our medical bills! - Bills, my ass! - We're on the same side! - Same side, my ass! Think you're so tough? I'll call for backup! You nitwit! Let's see you call backup! You don't know the backup I have. I'm talking an army here. Don't you go away! Go put a down payment on your coffin! Who threw the firecracker? I'm one of you, other. Mind your own business! It's raining. Go ing in your laundry! Fat woman! You blackmailing me too? I ain't afraid. I... Did anyone see what happened? Don't! My back's oken! Call for help! Hold on, calm down. You hungry? Keep quiet. No. Who did this? I'll count to three. One... ...two... I did it! Are the goods okay, Brother Sum? Sorry! Look away, kid. Get rid of him! We're the bad guys! We're meant to do the ass-kicking... ...not the other way around. And it's all because these morons posed as Axes. Don't waste your time, Brother Sum. We'll handle this. You! Take care of it. - Boy, can this guy pick locks. - It's a living. Give me a eak. Pick that one too, if you're so good. Come. I'll count to three. Hurry! Ready? Three! That's quick! Brother Sum, we really want to be Axes. That's why we did what we did. Give us a chance. Ever killed anyone? I've always thought about it. Then go kill someone. I will! Go on! Thank you, Brother Sum. We can always find a use for that type. I told you before, you've got to look tough. Tougher! Tougher! Act the part. And try to stay awake. It's tiring being tough. Tiring? It's our living! The streets out there are filled with money and women. You only need the will and determination... ...to seize the opportunity to win. This is our big chance! We just kill someone, and we're in the gang. Then it'll be money and women all the way! Don't be like those beggars... ...with no ambition. Who are you looking at, four-eyes? I'll smash your glasses! Get lost! Come here and say that! - You're really gonna kill someone? - That's right! The four-eyes, the fat woman and all the residents of Pig Sty. But they're good at kung fu. - I can do kung fu! - Oh, yeah? Didn't I tell you I know Buddhist Palm kung fu? Hey there, handsome boy. Stop. Amazing! Do you know you have a special aura? You're so young, but you have the bone structure... and chi flow of a kung-fu genius. If your chi flow can be channeled, then you will be invincible! Like the old saying: You cannot escape your destiny. The duty of upholding world peace and punishing evil will be yours. Sure. This is the scroll of the Buddhist Palm. It's priceless. But as it's fate, I'll let you have it for $ 10. BUDDHIST PALM MANUAL - You gave him your life savings? - Yes. I was saving to study to be a doctor or lawyer... ...but this was world peace. Let go of the girl! Hey! It's the Buddhist Palm! The 20-Cent Kung Fu Manual. You must be loaded. Have you killed anyone lately? He's a fool, and she's mute. Losers! I realized then that good guys never win. I want to be bad. I want to be the killer! - Ice cream! - Where? Make mine a vanilla. Chocolate for me! What're you looking at? Never seen free ice cream before? Look at her run! You're such kung-fu masters, go take it on the road. You belong in the circus, not here! Don't say that, Landlady. There must be a reason they're here. Everyone has his reasons. We don't want to make trouble. I'm glad you get it. The mob's mad at us. We'll never hear the end of it. Why don't you get lost! Your wife shouldn't be so nasty. You okay? Masters. We have nothing precious to give you... ...but take this as a token of our appreciation. Thanks for saving us! Stop the crying. This isn't a show! - You're so cold-hearted. - Talking back to me, eh? You may know kung fu, but you're still a fairy. It's no crime to be good at kung fu! Once a fairy, always a fairy. Look at you. What's with the red underwear? Why not a diaper while you're at it. What's wrong with red underwear? Where were you when there was trouble? If it weren't for them, we'd be finished. Be reasonable! I'll reason with you. You owe me three months' rent. That's $90. Pay up or pack up! Don't you worry. I'll pay it. Think you're a smartass, Rabbit-Tooth Jane? What's it to you, tub of lard? Bitch! Calm down, Landlady. This is your fault. - Are you trying to kill us? - You're right. How could you do that? Shut the hell up! You think you can out-yell me? The fat lady can really sing. Watch this! What happened? What do you mean, what happened? You try it. - Me? - Quick! Sorry! You okay? I think you should get closer and take better aim. Okay? Okay! - Who's throwing the handles? - Handle? Where's the third knife? God knows where it went. Could it be the same one? Can't be... - Don't! - Sorry. What are you trying to say? I just remembered I have something to do. See you! Uh-oh. They've seen us! Stay back! Don't panic! Snakes like music. If I whistle, they won't bite. Please, no more ight ideas. Oh, what the hell! Not you again, asshole! Get back to your business! Split up! Split? What're you doing here? Looking for you. Weren't you hurt? I'm fine! How come you always recover so fast? I don't know. - Which hospital did you go to? - Don't remember. Maybe it's better that way. Memories can be painful. To forget may be a blessing! I never knew you were so deep. All the sadness one can bear... ...down the river everywhere. Hey, get out of the way! Move! I'll slap you to kingdom come! Look at those four-eyes carting around a coffin. What morons! Don't blame me for making you leave. We'll let Buddha decide... ...whether you stay... ...or go. HORRIFICALLY BAD FATE Have some tea. We're grateful for some professional help. We understand the problem. Twelve Kicks from the Tam School... ...lron Fist from the Hung School and the Hexagon Staff... Those guys at Pig Sty are really good. Their warrior days are long over... ...but they're still top fighters. This job is a great challenge for us. Now, that's professionalism. Number One Killers. Expensive, yes, but worth every penny! No! Number one is the Beast, the world's top killer. He was so dedicated to kung fu, he went crazy. I heard he's now in an asylum. So you're the top killers now. Strictly speaking, we're just musicians. A song that wrenches the heart O where do I find a knowing ear? Great poem, isn't it? We'll be saying goodbye soon. Who knows when we'll see each other again. We're three of a kind. Wish we'd known before. Let's take this opportunity to spar a little. No. We still have a lot to pack. You're right. Twelve Kicks of the Tam School! Superb attack and defense! Iron powerful yet delicate. Topnotch! Hexagon Staff, with its thousand moves. Mystical! Till we meet again! More lipstick! Stay there, or I'll eak you in half. Sorry, we're closed. You can make a suit in no time. We're moving. This is good material! You know your stuff. This has high artistic value. How high? At least a few stories... Insulting the Axe Gang! We'll show them. Let's kill them all and make this place a othel. Don't block my view! What's going on? Good! Don't block my view! Damn! I told those nitwits to leave, but they're still here. - Really? - Yeah. What the hell is this fighting? Who'll pay for the damage? Sorry, sorry. It's nothing! You know what time it is? I have to sleep. Hey, fatso, eat shit and die! Die? In this racket? Sorry, sorry! Get out of my way! Hang in there, Tailor. Be quiet! Give us a eak! Why push us so far? There's another master? It's the Lion's Roar! I thought that was a myth. Who knew the Lion's Roar really exists? That's the last we'll see of them. It's bad, Brother Sum. Quick, start the car! Start the car! Boss! Keep it down! Have you no manners? Get lost. People are trying to sleep. They have to work tomorrow. Get out of here! Scumbags! I can't hang on much longer. But having seen real masters like you... ...I can now die in peace. Don't say that. We're ordinary folks. Ordinary's a blessing. Don't call us masters. But you're such great fighters! If only you'd helped earlier, they wouldn't have to die this way. Like Donut said, everyone has his reasons. Years ago... ...we saw our only son killed in a fight. Revenge can be devastating. Do you understand? Why don't you train us to be top fighters... ...and we'll avenge them! Becoming a top fighter takes time. Unless you're a natural-born kung-fu genius. And they're one in a million. It's obvious I'm the one! Don't think so. Everyone! We swore we'd never fight again. But we oke that promise today. For your own safety, please all leave! In great power lies great responsibility. There's no escaping from it. Donut, you're hurt bad. Rest now. We can't understand what you're saying. Donut! I know you, four-eyes! You seem prejudiced against the sight-challenged. That's right. Especially gold-framed four-eyes. Gold frames are perfect for clerks. I think I look good. So why keep picking on me? Help me! Help me! Help me! Want to play, punks? The Dragon Style? The Tiger Style? Come down here, and I'll smash your glasses. Come on! You know I'd do it, right? Swear to it! Swear! Have you no respect? Where were you when I needed you? You sound like a wimp! We always get beat! We haven't gotten anywhere. No killing, no arson, no robberies, no rapes... ...all because of you! You're a numb-nut! Follow me! It's a stickup! Where's the money? Where's the money? What're you looking at? I'm serious! I kill people for less! Give me the money. The money's in here. Let go of the girl! He's a fool, and she's mute. Losers! Go away! You're dragging me down! Go home and raise pigs. Go, before I kill you. You! Whatsyourname! Take this and get some new clothes. You're now an Axe! - For real? - Someone's waiting for you. Brother Sum! One look at you, and I knew you'd do anything. Right! You just needed your chance. Damn right! We've an assignment for you. Anything, Brother Sum! Research on abnormal people. What's that? A mental asylum. Soldiers! Boy Scouts! Tanks! No worries. When the Boy Scouts change shifts, you have exactly five minutes. Follow the arrows on the map. Go to the last cell... ...and get the man inside there out. Here's your tools. What about you guys? We're your lookouts. Five minutes. Hurry! The world's top killer indeed looks the part! It's only a title. Cut the bullshit. We want two people killed. Name your price. Name my what? I've killed so many trying to find a worthy adversary. So far, I've never found one. That's why I stayed inside. Had I met my match, I'd have been out long ago. If you find me a worthy opponent... ...l'll do it for free. No charge! Do you have someone? Yes. Brilliant fighters who are up to the challenge. But first, will you show us some moves? Not that we don't trust you. We want to see you in action. You numskulls aren't worthy! He doesn't look the part. The slippers are a little crappy. But he'll clean up well. You sure you got the right guy? Absolutely. I swear I did exactly what you told me. Please show us some moves, Mr. Beast. Don't make it hard for me! You dumb or what? You know what this is, old man? Ever seen a fist this big? Don't force me to fight. I scare myself when I fight! Really? Try me, then. Is he okay? So you say you can fight? Harder! Harder! Harder! You hit like that and call yourself a gangster? A foreign gun! In the world of kung fu, speed defines the winner. The Beast is the best of them all. The Axe Gang extends its respect! The real masters, together in one room! Only the world's top killer... ...has such an aura. Likewise. Could you two be the fated lovers...? Paris... ...and Helen of Troy! A pleasure, indeed. We're here to deal with the Axe Gang... ...and only the Axe Gang. You should've killed me before. Now you're committing suicide. You're living on borrowed time. You can't escape your fate! What's this? A funeral bell? With the Beast here, let's see whose funeral it is! So you're on their side? Don't get me wrong. I only want to kill you... ...or be killed by you. What do you think? The good cannot coexist with the bad. You can't escape your destiny. So be it. Let's do it. Okay. Let's do it! Piece of cake. I can handle this. Good try, but a little off target. The Lion's Roar? Wait! I didn't know the Lion's Roar could be done with a speaker! What a blow! - Looks like they're not up to it! - Let's get them while they're down. You do it! - I'm gonna puke! I need to see a doctor! - Go to hell! You! Come over here. - Hit him! - Yes! - The head! - Of course! - Hit him on the head! - Okay. - Here's your chance. - Got it! - Hit him! - Hit him! - Hit the shit out of him! - Right! - Hit him! - Hit him! Beat the shit out of him! What're you doing? You want me to hit him or beat the shit out of him? You're making me very confused! Wow, that's a big fist! Why did you hit me? Where are they? How could you let them escape? No one gets away from me! Why did he save us? Young people make mistakes. But at least he finally made good. Look at him! Beaten to a pulp. Do you have any last requests? Hey, wait! Why don't you write in Chinese? I don't understand. There's no one here! CHINESE MEDICINE It's a miracle he lasted this long. The herbs should help him. Herbal medicine can only partly help. The key is his own body structure. All his bones and tendons are oken. It's amazing he's recovering so fast. It can't be possible... Unless he's... What's that smell? You mustn't smoke while you're hurt. Let me handle this. This makes no sense. Who knew the Beast could clear the chi flow... ...and thus unleash the boy's true potential? We should've guessed. He is the one! Is this for real? You're still alive, you turncoat? Kill him, men! What kind of move is that? Kids' stuff! If our son were alive, he'd be his age now. If he studies hard, he could grow up to be a doctor or lawyer. A stuntman, more likely! Not bad. Let's go. I can even stop bullets... What? The Toad Style of the Kwan Lun School? Oh, no! Remember the Palm move that falls from heaven? That's the long lost Buddhist Palm. I surrender! What kind of move was that? If you want to learn, I'll teach you. Master! Hey! Tell him not to put snot on the glass. You two, put your pants on! No licking if you're not buying! Kid, you have the bone structure of a kung-fu genius. World peace is in your hands. Here's the scroll of the Buddhist Palm. Because it's fate, I'll let you have it for $ 10. Wait! You want more...?
English SRT OCR BY WiSA They say Japan was made by a sword. They say the old gods dipped a coral blade into the ocean... ...and when they pulled it out, four perfect drops fell back into the sea... ...and those drops became the islands of Japan. I say Japan was made by a handful of ave men... ... warriors willing to give their lives... ...for what seems to have become a forgotten word:. Honor. Ladies and gentlemen : Winchester. America' s leader in all forms of armament used by the United States Army... ...cele ates our nation's centennial by inging you a true American hero. One of the most decorated warriors this country has ever known. Winner of the Medal of Honor... ...for his gallantry on the hallowed ground of Gettysburg. He is late of the 7th Cavalry... ...and their triumphant campaign against the most savage of the lndian nations. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you: Captain Nathan Algren! Captain Nathan Algren! Yes! Yes! One moment, ladies and gentlemen. Goddamn you, Algren, get out there! This is your last performance! You're fired! Now get out there! Come on! I'm sick of this! Come on! Yes! My thanks, Mr. McCabe, you are too kind. This, ladies and gents... ...is the gun that's winning the West. Why, many's the time I've found myself... ...surrounded by a swarm of... ...angry hostiles... ...with nothing but this rifle... ...between me and a certain and gruesome death. And let me tell you, folks, the red man... ...is a fearsome enemy. And if he'd had his way... ...why, this scalp of mine would be long gone... ...and there'd be a balder man standing before you today. Like those poor bastards out there... ...on the Little Bighorn. Bodies stripped bare... ...mutilated. Left to rot in the sun. This, ladies and gentlemen, the 73 lever-action... ...Trapper. It's got a seven-shot capacity. Accurate 400 yards, one round per second. Son, have you ever seen what this could do to a man?. This would blow a hole in your daddy six inches wide. That's right, missy. This beauty. You could kill yourself five, six, seven aves without ever having to reload. Note the patented loading port and the smooth cocking action. My thanks on behalf of those who died... ...in the name of better mechanical amusements... ...and commercial opportunities. Mr. McCabe here will take your orders. God bless you all. I must say, captain, you have a flair for the old melodrama. -You're alive. -I am, indeed. Your man Custer says to me, We're going to the Little Bighorn. Says l, What's this 'we' stuff?. It's the walking ticket for me. Nine lives I have. But I'll tell you what else I have. I have a good job for the both of us. God knows it looks as if you'll need one real soon. What kind of a job?. The only job you're fit for, boyo. A man's job. Unless, of course, you got your heart set on a career in the theater. Nathan! Just listen to what your man has to say. Been a while. It's good to see you. I'd like you to meet Mr. Omura from Japan... ...and his associate, whose name I've given up trying to pronounce. Sit down, please. Whiskey. Now, Japan's got it in mind to become a civilized country. And Mr. Omura here is willing to spend what it takes... ...to hire white experts to train their army. And if we play our cards right... ...the Emperor grants the U.S. exclusive rights to supply arms. Well, I have an agreement with Winchester Company. I'm certain Mr. Omura has some concept of what an agreement is. Your performances for the Winchester Company ing you $25 a week. We will pay you $400 a month. Five. For each. And another 500 when we get the job done. How many other genuine heroes you got lined up?. Whiskey. So who will we be training your boys to fight?. His name is Katsumoto Moritsugu. He was once the Emperor's teacher. -He's Samurai. -Samurai?. The word you might use is warrior. Mr. Omura is familiar with our experiences dealing with renegades. Is he?. He's even read your book. Captain Algren's study of the tribes... ...was a crucial factor in our defeat of the Cheyenne. Please excuse. What is funny?. The corps back together again. It's just so... ...inspiring! Excuse me. I need to use the necessities. This isn't a problem. I'll just talk to him for a minute. Colonel Bagley. We contacted you because you are Captain Algren's superior officer... ...and you assured us of his participation. He'll do it. I just need a minute. Nathan. I did what I was ordered to do out there. And I have no remorse. So, what do you say we put the past behind us?. -You want me to kill Jappos, I'll kill them. -I'm not asking you to kill anybody. You want me to kill the enemies of Jappos, I'll kill their enemies. Rebs or Sioux or Cheyenne.... For 500 bucks a month, I'll kill whoever you want. But keep one thing in mind... ...I'd happily kill you for free. July 12th, 1876. There is some comfort in the emptiness of the sea. No past, no future. And then at once, I am confronted by the hard truth of present circumstances. I have been hired to help suppress the rebellion of yet another tribal leader. Apparently, this is the only job for which I am suited. I am beset by the ironies of my life. -Captain Algren, I presume?. -Yes. Jolly good. How do you do?. Simon Graham. Twenty years ago, this was a sleepy little town. Now look at it. You see, the Emperor is mad for all things Western... ...and the Samurai believe it's changing too fast. The ancient and the modern are at war for the soul of Japan. So your new employer, Mr. Omura, is inging in... ...every Western expert he can get. Lawyers from France, engineers from Germany, architects from Holland... ...and now, of course, warriors from America. I came over with the British trade mission, oh, years ago. I was soon relieved of my position. I had an unfortunate tendency to tell the truth... ...in a country where no one ever says what they mean. So now, I very accurately translate other people's lies. For 2000 years, no emperor was even seen by a commoner. You have to realize what an honor this is. It's all highly ritualized, of course. You may look at him, but do not speak unless spoken to. If he stands, you must bow. If he bows, you must bow lower. Do I look presentable?. I haven't worn this in a decade. Rather snug around the midriff. And bow. The divine Emperor Meiji bids you welcome. He is grateful for the assistance your country offers. We hope to accomplish the same national harmony you enjoy in your homeland. The Emperor is most interested in your American lndians... ...if you have fought against them in battle. We have, Your Highness. The red man is a utal adversary. The Emperor wishes to ask Captain Algren... ...if it is true they wear eagle feathers... ...and paint their faces before going into battle... ...and that they have no fear. They are very ave. Bow. Thank you very much. And step back. Step back, step back and turn. Right, you little bastards! You will stand up straight or I will personally shit-kick... ...every Far Eastern buttock that appears before my eyes! Well done, sergeant. When you understand the language, everything falls into place. The first rank will kneel, rifles at the ready. The second rank.... July 22nd, 1876. For six months ' work, I am to receive three years of captain 's pay... ...teaching Orientals to soldier. They are an army of conscripts. Most of them are peasants who have never even seen a gun. Fire! They are led by General Hasegawa, a man of small stature... ... who nonetheless commands enormous respect. What can the general tell me about this man, this Samurai, Katsumoto?. He seems to have great knowledge of Katsumoto and his rebellion. I will count on his help when facing the Samurai. Who supplies their weapons?. Katsumoto no longer dishonors himself by using firearms, you see. He uses no firearms?. To those who honor the old ways, Katsumoto is a hero. How well does he know him?. The general and Katsumoto fought together for the Emperor. He fought with the Samurai?. He is Samurai. You must understand. Katsumoto pledged his sword to defend the Emperor. They say that a Samurai's sword is his soul. Samurai are paradoxical. I've tried to write about them, but they keep to themselves. The bastards are still wearing armor. When the lrish were comporting themselves in loincloths... ...these chaps were the most sophisticated warriors on Earth. I need information on their battle tactics. I have several more books just waiting to be translated. He'll be speaking the lingo in no time. You should hear him blather on in Blackfoot. Really?. A fellow linguist?. Oh, capital! Come on, sir. A word or two in the savage tongue. Just hello or goodbye or-- No, no, no! Cut his tongue out and boil him in oil. Early day tomorrow, captain. -It's about bedtime, isn't it?. -I always had a fascination with scalping. I never quite understood its technique. Imagine someone who hates you with the utmost intensity... ...grabbing a handful of your hair while you're lying prostrate and helpless... ...and scraping a dull blade of a rusty knife around your scalp... ...with a saw-like motion. And let your imagination grasp, if you can, the effect of a strong, quick jerk... ...on the turf of your hair to release any clinging particles... ...would have on your nervous system. And you'll have some idea of how it feels to be scalped... ...Mr. Graham. How soon can you translate those books?. Right away. I'm just delighted you're taking such an interest in Samurai. I don't give a damn about the Samurai. I want to know my enemy. I shall not sleep until it is done. Sake. I bid you good night. Can I get you anything?. This is a punitive expedition, captain. Col. Bagley, these people had nothing to do with the raids! -Good night, sir. -Quietly now, boys. Fire! We should be grateful they're all firing in the same direction. Couldn't have put it better myself, sir. Rifle butt, against the shoulder. Eye, down the sight. Now, slowly.... Well done. Nathan! Katsumoto's attacked a railroad at the border of his province. We cannot govern a country in which we cannot travel freely. He must be stopped now. My railroad is a priority for this country. They're not ready. The rebels don't have any rifles. They're savages with bows and arrows. Whose sole occupation for the last thousand years has been war. You have superior firepower and a larger force. I am ordering the regiment to move against Katsumoto. You will track him down and engage him. Load. Mr. Graham! Tell this man to fire at me! -I beg your pardon?. -Tell this man... ...if he does not shoot me, I will kill him! -Captain, if I might have a word. -Tell him! Tell him! Load! Load! Faster! Faster! Shoot me, damn it. Fire! Fire! They're not ready. The regiment leaves at 6 a.m.! A thousand miles of rail track laid in less than two years. It's astonishing. And Omura owns all of it?. As soon as he can get rid of the Samurai, he will, yes. How do you intend to find Katsumoto?. Don't worry, Mr. Graham. I assure you, he'll find us. Move into position! 1 st Company, form a battle line on me! Pay attention, it will save your life! 2nd Company, form on 1 st Company. 3rd and 4th Company, form up behind. Fill in on command! -Where's Hasegawa?. -He refuses to fight against Katsumoto. -Cover down! -Captain Algren. We are not here as combatants. -Then who's gonna lead them?. -Their own officers. -Let's move to the rear. -We'll be there presently. Fix bayonets! -Mr. Graham, accompany me to the rear. -Yes, of course. Sergeant Gant, report to the rear and see to the disposition of the supply trains. -Did you hear my order?. -I did indeed, sir! Then you will obey it. Now! No disrespect intended, sir, but shove it up your ass. -Load! -Load! Samurai come. You'll be fine, son. -Assume firing positions! -Assume firing positions! Fire on my order only! Hold your fire! Hold your fire! Reload! Hold the line! Fire at will! Lieutenant, fall back! Zeb! What is your name?. This is my son's village. We are deep in the mountains and winter is coming. You cannot escape. Jolly good. Sake. Sake?. Sake. Sake. Sake. Sake. Sake! Please. Sake. Sake! No! No! I told you! No! Morning. Go. You, go. What's your name?. You got a name, don't you?. You don't know what I'm saying, do you?. I know why you don't talk. You're angry. You're angry because they make you wear a dress. Son of a bitch. This temple was built by my family a thousand years ago. My name is Katsumoto. What is your name?. Are my words not correct?. I will practice my English with you... ...if you would honor me. You kept me alive just to speak English?. Then what do you want?. To know my enemy. I've seen what you do to your enemies. Warriors in your country do not kill?. They don't cut the heads off defeated, kneeling men. General Hasegawa asked me to help him end his life. A Samurai cannot stand the shame of defeat. I was honored to cut off his head. Many of our customs seem strange to you. The same is true of yours. For example... ...not to introduce yourself is considered extremely rude, even among enemies. Nathan Algren. I am honored to meet you. -I have enjoyed this conversation in English. -I have questions. I have introduced myself. You have introduced yourself. This is a very good conversation. -I have questions. -They come later. Who was the warrior in the red armor?. -My other-in-law, Hirotaro. -And the woman who cares for me?. My sister, Hirotaro's wife. Her name is Taka. I killed her husband?. It was a good death. You! Thank you. Nicely done. You try. Try. I just realized, I've been remiss. Forgive me. I have yet to thank you for looking out for me yesterday. That is your job, correct?. Protecting me?. Well done, Bob. You don't mind if I call you Bob, do you?. I knew a Bob once. God, he was ugly as a mule. You a ladies' man, Bob?. Ujio is teaching you the way of the Japanese sword. Yes, indeed. You fought against your Red lndians?. Yes. Tell me of your part in this war. -Why?. -I wish to learn. -Read a book. -I would rather have a good conversation. -Why?. -Because... ...we are both students of war. So... ...you were the general of your army?. No. I was a captain. This is a low rank?. A middle rank. And who was your general?. Don't you have a rebellion to lead?. People in your country do not like conversation?. He was a lieutenant colonel. His name was Custer. I know this name. He killed many warriors. Oh, yes. Many warriors. So he was a good general. No. No, he wasn't a good general. He was arrogant and foolhardy. He got massacred because he took a single battalion against 2000 angry lndians. Two thousand lndians?. How many men for Custer?. Two hundred and eleven. I like this General Custer. He was a murderer who fell in love with his own legend. And his troopers died for it. I think this is a very good death. Maybe you can have one like it someday. If it is in my destiny. -What do you want from me?. -What do you want for yourself?. What are you doing?. Why are we having these conversations?. What the hell am I doing here?. In spring... ...the snows will melt and the passes will open. Until that time, you are here. Good day, captain. 1876. Day unknown. Month unknown. I continue to live among these unusual people. I am their captive, in that I cannot escape. Mostly, I'm treated with a kind of a mild neglect... ...as if I were a stray dog or an unwelcome guest. Everyone is polite. Everyone smiles and bows. But beneath their courtesy, I detect a deep reservoir of feeling. They are an intriguing people. From the moment they wake... ...they devote themselves to the perfection of whatever they pursue. I have never seen such discipline. I am surprised to learn that the word Samurai means to serve ... ...and that Katsumoto believes his rebellion to be in the service of the Emperor. Please forgive. T oo many mind. Too many mind?. Mind sword, mind people watch, mind enemy. Too many mind. No mind. No mind. Not so fast. What are these?. No, no. Not so fast. I'm Algren. -Nobutada. -Nobutada. -Magojiro. -Magojiro. Higen. Higen. Taka. She's been very kind to me. She's honored to have my guest in her house. Winter, 1877. What does it mean to be Samurai? To devote yourself utterly to a set of moral principles... ... to seek a stillness of your mind... ...and to master the way of the sword. Cold?. Also. Also cold. Fire. T o burn. I ' m sorry. For your husband, Hirotaro. Spring, 1 877. This marks the longest I have stayed in one place since I left the farm at 1 7. There is so much here that I'll never understand. I have never been a church-going man... ...and what I've seen on the field of battle has led me to question God's purpose. But there is, indeed, something... ...spiritual in this place. And though it may forever be obscure to me... ...I cannot but be aware of its power. I do know it is here that I have known my first untroubled sleep in many years. No, you gotta get the ball! Go and get it. No, not me! You gotta get the ball! The ball! No mind. Katsumoto! The perfect blossom is a rare thing. You could spend your life looking for one, and it would not be a wasted life. Who sent those men to kill you?. I'm writing a poem about a dream I had. The tiger's eyes are like my own But he comes from across A deep and troubled sea Was it the Emperor?. Omura?. If the Emperor wishes my death, he has but to ask. So it was Omura. I'm having trouble finishing the poem. -Can you suggest a last line?. -I'm not a writer. Yet you have written many pages since you came here. What else has she told you?. You have nightmares. Every soldier has nightmares. Only one who is ashamed of what he has done. You have no idea what I have done. You have seen many things. I have. And you do not fear death, but sometimes you wish for it. Is this not so?. -Yes. -l, also. It happens to men who have seen what we have seen. And then I come to this place of my ancestors... ...and I remember. Like these blossoms... ...we are all dying. To know life in every eath... ...every cup of tea... ...every life we take. The way of the warrior. Life in every eath. That is Bushido. The Emperor has granted a safe passage to Tokyo. We leave tomorrow. Good. Good. When I took these, you were... ...my enemy. Algren-san! Algren-san. Algren?. Algren, my God, you are alive. Well, you never cease to astonish. -Howitzers. -Yes, indeed. As soon as the Emperor signs the trade agreement... ...he gets the whole package. Including this particular item. Two hundred rounds a minute. And the new cartridges cut down on jamming. I need a bath. After living with those savages, I can only imagine. Welcome back, captain. Gentlemen, come in. Captain Algren, it seems you have endured your captivity with little ill effect. I was not ill-treated, sir. Mr. Omura, I have here a draft of the arms agreement. I'm eager to know how many Samurai have joined Katsumoto. I'm afraid I don't know. -You spent the winter at his encampment. -As his prisoner. Has he fortified his position?. Acquired firearms?. Tell us what you saw. As you said, colonel, they're savages with bows and arrows. -Sir, about the-- -I'm sure your documents are in order. Thank you. Leave them on my desk. I'll address them at the appropriate time. With all due respect, sir, our president's patience is wearing thin. Perhaps there is someone else we should speak to. With all due respect, ambassador... ...perhaps there is someone else we should speak to. For instance, the French or the English. Or any of the legations waiting in the next room. We should be looking forward to hearing from you. Good afternoon, gentlemen. Captain Algren. Perhaps you and I might have a word in private. Please, sit down. -May I offer you whiskey?. -No, thank you. Katsumoto is an extraordinary man, is he not?. He's a tribal leader. I've known many of them. But none who are Samurai. Their ways have great appeal. -I don't see how this concerns me. -But it does. You see, you were right. Last year, we were not prepared to go to battle. You were right, and Colonel Bagley was wrong. But now, we are ready. If Katsumoto is allowed to attract other Samurai to his cause... ...we will have 1 0 years of rebellion. This is something I will not allow. Either I'll stop him at the council today, or you'll lead my army against him. And with these new weapons, you will crush him. -I appreciate the offer. -lt is not an offer. Mr. Omura, my contract with you was to train your army. Then we will make a new contract... ...one that will recognize the extraordinary contribution you've made to the Emperor. Do we understand each other?. -Yes, we understand each other perfectly. -Then I am pleased. Captain Algren! What in heaven's name is going on?. The diplomatic community is abuzz. Omura has passed laws against the Samurai. I need a drink. Is your friend Katsumoto really planning to go up against the council this afternoon?. My God, it's started. Captain Algren!
They say Japan was made by a sword. They say the old gods dipped a coral blade into the ocean... ...and when they pulled it out, four perfect drops fell back into the sea... ...and those drops became the islands of Japan. I say Japan was made by a handful of ave men... ...warriors willing to give their lives... ...for what seems to have become a forgotten word: Honor. Ladies and gentlemen: Winchester. America's leader in all forms of armament used by the United States Army... ...cele ates our nation's centennial by inging you a true American hero. One of the most decorated warriors this country has ever known. Winner of the Medal of Honor for his gallantry... ...on the hallowed ground of Gettysburg. San Francisco, 1876 He is late of the 7th Cavalry... ...and their triumphant campaign against the most savage of the Indian nations. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you: Captain Nathan Algren! Captain Nathan Algren! Yes! Yes! One moment, ladies and gentlemen. Goddamn you, Algren, get out there! This is your last performance! You're fired! Now get out there! Come on! I'm sick of this! Come on! Yes! My thanks, Mr. McCabe, you are too kind. This, ladies and gents... ...is the gun that's winning the West. Why, many's the time I've found myself... ...surrounded by a swarm of... ...angry hostiles... ...with nothing but this rifle... ...between me and a certain and gruesome death. And let me tell you, folks, the red man... ...is a fearsome enemy. And if he'd had his way... ...why, this scalp of mine would be long gone... ...and there'd be a balder man standing before you today. Like those poor bastards out there... ...on the Little Bighorn. Bodies stripped bare... ...mutilated. Left to rot in the sun. This, ladies and gentlemen, the 73 lever action... ...Trapper. It's got a seven shot capacity. Accurate 400 yards, one round per second. Son, have you ever seen what this could do to a man? This would blow a hole in your daddy six inches wide. That's right, missy. This beauty. You could kill yourself five, six, seven aves without ever having to reload. Note the patented loading port and the smooth cocking action. My thanks on behalf of those who died... ...in the name of better mechanical amusements... ...and commercial opportunities. Mr. McCabe here will take your orders. God bless you all. I must say, captain, you have a flair for the old melodrama. You're alive. I am, indeed. Your man Custer says to me, We're going to the Little Bighorn. Says I, What's this 'we' stuff? It's the walking ticket for me. Nine lives I have. But I'll tell you what else I have. I have a good job for the both of us. God knows it looks as if you'll need one real soon. What kind of a job? The only job you're fit for, boyo. A man's job. Unless, of course, you got your heart set on a career in the theater. Nathan! Just listen to what your man has to say. Been a while. It's good to see you. I'd like you to meet Mr. Omura from Japan... ...and his associate, whose name I've given up trying to pronounce. Sit down, please. Whiskey. Now, Japan's got it in mind to become a civilized country. And Mr. Omura here is willing to spend what it takes... ...to hire white experts to train their army. And if we play our cards right... ...the Emperor grants the U.S. exclusive rights to supply arms. Well, I have an agreement with Winchester Company. I'm certain Mr. Omura has some concept of what an agreement is. Your performances for the Winchester Company ing you $25 a week. We will pay you $400 a month. Five. For each. And another 500 when we get the job done. How many other genuine heroes you got lined up? He's rude. That's how it is here. A land of cheap traders. Whiskey. So who will we be training your boys to fight? His name is Katsumoto Moritsugu. He was once the Emperor's teacher. He's Samurai. Samurai? The word you might use is warrior. Mr. Omura is familiar with our experiences dealing with renegades. Is he? He's even read your book. Captain Algren's study of the tribes... ...was a crucial factor in our defeat of the Cheyenne. Please excuse. What is funny? The corps back together again. It's just so... ...inspiring! Excuse me. I need to use the necessities. This isn't a problem. I'll just talk to him for a minute. Colonel Bagley. We contacted you because you are Captain Algren's superior officer... ...and you assured us of his participation. He'll do it. I just need a minute. Nathan. I did what I was ordered to do out there. And I have no remorse. So, what do you say we put the past behind us? You want me to kill Jappos, I'll kill them. I'm not asking you to kill anybody. You want me to kill the enemies of Jappos, I'll kill their enemies. Rebs or Sioux or Cheyenne.... For 500 bucks a month, I'll kill whoever you want. But keep one thing in mind... ...l'd happily kill you for free. July 12th, 1876. There is some comfort in the emptiness of the sea. No past, no future. And then at once, I am confronted by the hard truth of present circumstances. I have been hired to help suppress the rebellion of yet another tribal leader. Apparently, this is the only job for which I am suited. I am beset by the ironies of my life. Yokohama Harbor, 1876 Captain Algren, I presume? Yes. Jolly good. How do you do? Simon Graham. Twenty years ago, this was a sleepy little town. Now look at it. You see, the Emperor is mad for all things Western... ...and the Samurai believe it's changing too fast. The ancient and the modern are at war for the soul of Japan. So your new employer, Mr. Omura, is inging in... ...every Western expert he can get. Lawyers from France, engineers from Germany, architects from Holland... ...and now, of course, warriors from America. I came over with the British trade mission, oh, years ago. I was soon relieved of my position. I had an unfortunate tendency to tell the truth... ...in a country where no one ever says what they mean. So now, I very accurately translate other people's lies. For 2000 years, no emperor was even seen by a commoner. You have to realize what an honor this is. It's all highly ritualized, of course. You may look at him, but do not speak unless spoken to. If he stands, you must bow. If he bows, you must bow lower. Do I look presentable? I haven't worn this in a decade. Rather snug around the midriff. And bow. The divine Emperor Meiji bids you welcome. He is grateful for the assistance your country offers. We hope to accomplish the same national harmony you enjoy in your homeland. The Emperor is most interested in your American Indians... ...if you have fought against them in battle. We have, Your Highness. The red man is a utal adversary. The Emperor wishes to ask Captain Algren... ...if it is true they wear eagle feathers... ...and paint their faces before going into battle... ...and that they have no fear. They are very ave. Bow. Thank you very much. And step back. Step back, step back and turn. Right, you little bastards! You will stand up straight or I will personally shit kick... ...every Far Eastern buttock that appears before my eyes! Well done, sergeant. When you understand the language, everything falls into place. The first rank will kneel, rifles at the ready. The second rank.... July 22nd, 1876. For six months' work, I am to receive three years of captain's pay... ...teaching Orientals to soldier. They are an army of conscripts. Most of them are peasants who have never even seen a gun. Fire! They are led by General Hasegawa, a man of small stature... ...who nonetheless commands enormous respect. What can the general tell me about this man, this Samurai, Katsumoto? He seems to have great knowledge of Katsumoto and his rebellion. I will count on his help when facing the Samurai. Who supplies their weapons? Katsumoto no longer dishonors himself by using firearms, you see. He uses no firearms? To those who honor the old ways, Katsumoto is a hero. How well does he know him? The general and Katsumoto fought together for the Emperor. He fought with the Samurai? He is Samurai. You must understand. Katsumoto pledged his sword to defend the Emperor. They say that a Samurai's sword is his soul. Samurai are paradoxical. I've tried to write about them, but they keep to themselves. The bastards are still wearing armor. When the Irish were comporting themselves in loincloths... ...these chaps were the most sophisticated warriors on Earth. I need information on their battle tactics. I have several more books just waiting to be translated. He'll be speaking the lingo in no time. You should hear him blather on in Blackfoot. Really? A fellow linguist? Oh, capital! Come on, sir. A word or two in the savage tongue. Just hello or goodbye or No, no, no! Cut his tongue out and boil him in oil. Early day tomorrow, captain. It's about bedtime, isn't it? I always had a fascination with scalping. I never quite understood its technique. Imagine someone who hates you with the utmost intensity... ...grabbing a handful of your hair while you're lying prostrate and helpless... ...and scraping a dull blade of a rusty knife around your scalp... ...with a saw like motion. And let your imagination grasp, if you can, the effect of a strong, quick jerk... ...on the turf of your hair to release any clinging particles... ...would have on your nervous system. And you'll have some idea of how it feels to be scalped... ...Mr. Graham. How soon can you translate those books? Right away. I'm just delighted you're taking such an interest in Samurai. I don't give a damn about the Samurai. I want to know my enemy. I shall not sleep until it is done. Sake. I bid you good night. Can I get you anything? This is a punitive expedition, captain. Col. Bagley, these people had nothing to do with the raids! Good night, sir. Quietly now, boys. Fire! We should be grateful they're all firing in the same direction. Couldn't have put it better myself, sir. Rifle butt, against the shoulder. Eye, down the sight. Now, slowly.... Well done. Nathan! Katsumoto's attacked a railroad at the border of his province. We cannot govern a country in which we cannot travel freely. He must be stopped now. My railroad is a priority for this country. They're not ready. The rebels don't have any rifles. They're savages with bows and arrows. Whose sole occupation for the last thousand years has been war. You have superior firepower and a larger force. I am ordering the regiment to move against Katsumoto. You will track him down and engage him. Load. Mr. Graham! Tell this man to fire at me! I beg your pardon? Tell this man... ...if he does not shoot me, I will kill him! Captain, if I might have a word. Tell him! Tell him! Load! Load! Faster! Faster! Shoot me, damn it. Fire! Fire! They're not ready. The regiment leaves at 6 a.m.! A thousand miles of rail track laid in less than two years. It's astonishing. And Omura owns all of it? As soon as he can get rid of the Samurai, he will, yes. How do you intend to find Katsumoto? Don't worry, Mr. Graham. I assure you, he'll find us. Move into position! Yoshino Province, 1876 1 st Company, form a battle line on me! Pay attention, it will save your life! 2nd Company, form on 1 st Company. 3rd and 4th Company, form up behind. Fill in on command! Where's Hasegawa? He refuses to fight against Katsumoto. Cover down! Captain Algren. We are not here as combatants. Then who's gonna lead them? Their own officers. Let's move to the rear. We'll be there presently. Fix bayonets! Mr. Graham, accompany me to the rear. Yes, of course. Sergeant Gant, report to the rear and see to the disposition of the supply trains. Did you hear my order? I did indeed, sir! Then you will obey it. Now! No disrespect intended, sir, but shove it up your ass. Load! Load! Samurai come. You'll be fine, son. Assume firing positions! Assume firing positions! Fire on my order only! Hold your fire! Hold your fire! Reload! Hold the line! Fire at will! Lieutenant, fall back! Zeb! He's mine. Stop! Take him away! What is your name? Insolent swine! Answer! Leave him be. This is my son's village. We are deep in the mountains and winter is coming. You cannot escape. Jolly good. My Lord, why do you spare the barbarian? He is shamed in defeat. He should kill himself. That is not their custom. Then... ...I will kill him. Father... I don't think... Ujio... ...there will be plenty of killing to come. For now... ...we will learn about our new enemy. Keep him alive. He's in bad shape. Sake. Sake? Sake. Sake. Taka will take care of you. Sake. Sake. Sake! Let him drink, Aunt. No. That will not do. This is my village. This is my house. Please. Sake. Sake! No! No! I told you! No! Morning. Over there! Go. You, go. What's your name? You got a name, don't you? You don't know what I'm saying, do you? I know why you don't talk. You're angry. You're angry because they make you wear a dress. Son of a bitch. This temple was built by my family a thousand years ago. My name is Katsumoto. What is your name? Are my words not correct? I will practice my English with you... ...if you would honor me. You kept me alive just to speak English? Then what do you want? To know my enemy. I've seen what you do to your enemies. Warriors in your country do not kill? They don't cut the heads off defeated, kneeling men. General Hasegawa asked me to help him end his life. A Samurai cannot stand the shame of defeat. I was honored to cut off his head. Many of our customs seem strange to you. The same is true of yours. For example... ...not to introduce yourself is considered extremely rude, even among enemies. Nathan Algren. I am honored to meet you. I have enjoyed this conversation in English. I have questions. I have introduced myself. You have introduced yourself. This is a very good conversation. I have questions. They come later. Who was the warrior in the red armor? My other in law, Hirotaro. And the woman who cares for me? My sister, Hirotaro's wife. Her name is Taka. I killed her husband? It was a good death. You! You! Come.... Please.... Thank you. He smells like the pigs. Tell my other I cannot stand this. Why don't you tell him? At least make him take a bath. Nicely done. They may be children, but they are strong. You try. Try. Put down the sword. I just realized, I've been remiss. Forgive me. I have yet to thank you for looking out for me yesterday. That is your job, correct? Protecting me? Well done, Bob. You don't mind if I call you Bob, do you? I knew a Bob once. God, he was ugly as a mule. You a ladies' man, Bob? Ujio is teaching you the way of the Japanese sword. Yes, indeed. You fought against your Red Indians? Yes. Tell me of your part in this war. Why? I wish to learn. Read a book. I would rather have a good conversation. Why? Because... ...we are both students of war. So... ...you were the general of your army? No. I was a captain. This is a low rank? A middle rank. And who was your general? Don't you have a rebellion to lead? People in your country do not like conversation? He was a lieutenant colonel. His name was Custer. I know this name. He killed many warriors. Oh, yes. Many warriors. So he was a good general. No. No, he wasn't a good general. He was arrogant and foolhardy. He got massacred because he took a single battalion against 2000 angry Indians. Two thousand Indians? How many men for Custer? Two hundred and eleven. I like this General Custer. He was a murderer who fell in love with his own legend. And his troopers died for it. I think this is a very good death. Maybe you can have one like it someday. If it is in my destiny. What do you want from me? What do you want for yourself? What are you doing? Why are we having these conversations? What the hell am I doing here? In spring... ...the snows will melt and the passes will open. Until that time, you are here. Good day, captain. 1876. Day unknown. Month unknown. I continue to live among these unusual people. I am their captive, in that I cannot escape. Mostly, I'm treated with a kind of a mild neglect... ...as if I were a stray dog or an unwelcome guest. Everyone is polite. Everyone smiles and bows. But beneath their courtesy, I detect a deep reservoir of feeling. They are an intriguing people. From the moment they wake... ...they devote themselves to the perfection of whatever they pursue. I have never seen such discipline. I am surprised to learn that the word Samurai means to serve... ...and that Katsumoto believes his rebellion to be in the service of the Emperor. Please forgive. Too many mind. Too many mind? Mind sword, mind people watch, mind enemy. Too many mind. No mind. No mind. Thank you. More rice? Taka. He spoke Japanese! Eat a lot. Don't be polite. Not so fast. What are these? How can he understand? Top knot. No, no. Not so fast. I'm Algren. Nobutada. Nobutada. Magojiro. Magojiro. Higen. Higen. Taka. Brother, please make him leave. I cannot stand it. Is he so repulsive? The shame is unbearable. I ask permission to end my life. You will do as you are told! You'd rather I kill him to avenge your husband? Yes. Hirotaro tried to kill the American. It was karma. I know. Forgive my weakness. There must be some reason why he is here. It is beyond my understanding. She's been very kind to me. She's honored to have my guest in her house. Winter, 1877. What does it mean to be Samurai? To devote yourself utterly to a set of moral principles... ...to seek a stillness of your mind... ...and to master the way of the sword. He's getting better, no? But still so ugly. Cold? Also. Also cold. Fire. To burn. No, please. Japanese men do not help with this. I am not Japanese. I'm sorry. For your husband, Hirotaro. He did his duty. You did your duty. I accept your apology.... Spring, 1877. This marks the longest I have stayed in one place since I left the farm at 17. There is so much here that I'll never understand. I have never been a church going man... ...and what I've seen on the field of battle has led me to question God's purpose. But there is, indeed, something... ...spiritual in this place. And though it may forever be obscure to me... ...I cannot but be aware of its power. I do know it is here that I have known my first untroubled sleep in many years. No, you gotta get the ball! Go and get it. No, not me! You gotta get the ball! The ball! Ujio will win in three moves. In five! Next in five moves. In six. No mind. A draw! Who is this amateur? Katsumoto! Protect Katsumoto! Protect our Lord! Lord, please go inside! The perfect blossom is a rare thing. You could spend your life looking for one, and it would not be a wasted life. Who sent those men to kill you? I'm writing a poem about a dream I had. The tiger's eyes are like my own But he comes from across A deep and troubled sea Was it the Emperor? Omura? If the Emperor wishes my death, he has but to ask. So it was Omura. I'm having trouble finishing the poem. Can you suggest a last line? I'm not a writer. Yet you have written many pages since you came here. What else has she told you? You have nightmares. Every soldier has nightmares. Only one who is ashamed of what he has done. You have no idea what I have done. You have seen many things. I have. And you do not fear death, but sometimes you wish for it. Is this not so? Yes. I, also. It happens to men who have seen what we have seen. And then I come to this place of my ancestors... ...and I remember. Like these blossoms... ...we are all dying. To know life in every eath... ...every cup of tea... ...every life we take. The way of the warrior. Life in every eath. That is Bushido. The Emperor has granted a safe passage to Tokyo. We leave tomorrow. Good. Good. When I took these, you were... ...my enemy. Excuse me. No, so sorry, I am finishing. I must go away. You have been kind to me. I won't forget.... Algren san! Algren san.
Jolly good. I heard you were leaving. Omura offers you my job, and you run away. I suppose I should thank you. $500 a month, including back pay for time spent... ...in captivity. Enough to climb back inside a bottle for the rest of your life. You're welcome. Well, it is pretty much over. Katsumoto's under arrest. Omura won't let him last the night. With him dead, we should have little trouble handling the rebellion... ...even without you. Especially without you. Just tell me one thing. What is it about your own people that you hate so much?. Don't stop. Whatever you do, don't stop. -President of the United States?. -Sorry. I think I'm going to be sick. How's your poem coming?. The end is proving difficult. This is Mr. Simon Graham. He'd like very much to take your photograph. I thought you returned to America. I decided to stay. See if I could convince you to escape. How do you plan to do that?. Mr. Graham, perhaps you would care to take pictures of my village. I would be greatly honored. The Emperor could not hear my words. His army will come. It is the end. For 900 years, my ancestors have protected our people. Now... ...I have failed them. So you will take your own life... ...in shame?. Shame for a life of service?. Discipline?. Compassion?. The way of the Samurai is not necessary anymore. Necessary?. What could be more necessary?. I will die by the sword. My own... ...or my enemy's. Then let it be your enemy's. Together, we will make the Emperor hear you. Algren. I'd say two full regiments. They'll come in waves of a thousand. And they have the howitzers. It makes no difference. They will come, and we will make our stand. -How many men will we have?. -Maybe 500. Like General Custer, huh?. There was once a battle at a place called Thermopylae. Three hundred ave Greeks held off a Persian army of a million men. A million. You understand this number?. I understand this number. For two days the Greeks made them pay so dearly... ...the Persian army lost all taste for battle and were defeated soon after. -What do you have in mind?. -Take away the advantage of their guns. They're overconfident. We'll use that. Lure them close. Close enough for a sword. You believe... ...a man can change his destiny?. I think a man does what he can... ...until his destiny is revealed to him. May 25th, 1877. This will be the last entry in this journal. I've tried to give a true accounting of what I have seen, what I have done. I do not presume to understand the course of my life. I know I am grateful to have partaken of all this... ...even if for a moment. You will need this. What does it say?. I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new. Good God. Sir, the lmperial Army of Japan demands your surrender. If you lay down your arms, you will not be harmed. This is not possible, as Mr. Omura knows. Captain Algren. We will show you no quarter. You ride against us, and you are the same as them. I'll look for you on the field. Captain Algren. Mr. Graham. Perhaps you can use these for your book. Yes, I will. Captain. Godspeed. Mr. Graham. Commence firing! -They're covering their retreat. -You see?. Even the mighty Samurai cannot stand up to the howitzers. -Signal the attack. -I advise sending in skirmishers first. Nonsense! Full attack! They're coming. Wait for the volley. Second volley. -What on earth?. -What is happening?. -The attack has been stopped. -Send in the rest of the regiment. What happened to the warriors at Thermopylae?. Dead to the last man. Algren-san! Son of a bitch thinks he can win. They'll ing two more regiments up here soon. We won't be able to stop them again. You do not have to die here. I should have died so many times before. Now, you live again. Yes. It was not your time. It's not over. What is this?. -This is madness. He's going to attack?. -Yes. He's defeated! He must accept his shame! Kill him. All of them. Now! My horse! Fire! Ready! Aim! Fire! Fire at will! Backward! No. You have your honor again. Let me die with mine. Help me up. Are you ready?. I will miss our conversations. Perfect. They are all... ...perfect. On behalf of the United States of America... ...the signing of this treaty will usher in an era of unprecedented prosperity... ...and cooperation between our two great nations. On behalf of the Emperor... ...we are pleased to have successfully concluded this... ...negotiation. This is Katsumoto's sword. He would have wanted you to have it... ...that the strength of the Samurai be with you always. He hoped... ...with his last eath... ...that you would remember the ancestors who held this sword... ...and what they died for. You were with him... ...at the end?. Emperor, this man fought against you! Your Highness... ...if you believe me to be your enemy, command me... ...and I will gladly take my life. I have dreamed of a unified Japan... ...of a country strong and independent and modern. And now we have railroads and cannon, Western clothing. But... ...we cannot forget who we are... ...or where we come from. Ambassador Swanbeck... ...I have concluded that your treaty... ...is not in the best interest of my people. -Sir, if I may-- -So sorry... ...but you may not. This is an outrage! Tell me how he died. I will tell you how he lived. And so the days of the Samurai had ended. Nations, like men, it is sometimes said, have their own destiny. As for the American captain... ...no one knows what became of him. Some say that he died of his wounds... ...others, that he returned to his own country. But I like to think... ...he may have at last found some small measure of peace... ... that we all seek... ...and few of us ever find. ENGLlSH
Algren? Algren, my God, you are alive. Well, you never cease to astonish. Howitzers. Yes, indeed. As soon as the Emperor signs the trade agreement... ...he gets the whole package. Including this particular item. Two hundred rounds a minute. And the new cartridges cut down on jamming. I need a bath. After living with those savages, I can only imagine. Welcome back, captain. You rise against me, my teacher. No, Highness. I rise against your enemies. They are my advisors, like you. They advise in their own interest. I need advisors who know the modern world. If I am no use, I will happily end my life. No... I need your voice in the council. It is your voice we need, Highness. You are a living god. Do what you think is right. I am a living god... ...as long as I do what they think is right. What sad words you speak. Forgive me for saying what a teacher must. Have you forgotten your people? Tell me what to do... ...my teacher. You are Emperor, my Lord, not me. You must find the wisdom for all of us. Gentlemen, come in. Captain Algren, it seems you have endured your captivity with little ill effect. I was not ill treated, sir. Mr. Omura, I have here a draft of the arms agreement. I'm eager to know how many Samurai have joined Katsumoto. I'm afraid I don't know. You spent the winter at his encampment. As his prisoner. Has he fortified his position? Acquired firearms? Tell us what you saw. As you said, colonel, they're savages with bows and arrows. Sir, about the I'm sure your documents are in order. Thank you. Leave them on my desk. I'll address them at the appropriate time. With all due respect, sir, our president's patience is wearing thin. Perhaps there is someone else we should speak to. With all due respect, ambassador... ...perhaps there is someone else we should speak to. For instance, the French or the English. Or any of the legations waiting in the next room. We should be looking forward to hearing from you. Good afternoon, gentlemen. Captain Algren. Perhaps you and I might have a word in private. Please, sit down. May I offer you whiskey? No, thank you. Katsumoto is an extraordinary man, is he not? He's a tribal leader. I've known many of them. But none who are Samurai. Their ways have great appeal. I don't see how this concerns me. But it does. You see, you were right. Last year, we were not prepared to go to battle. You were right, and Colonel Bagley was wrong. But now, we are ready. If Katsumoto is allowed to attract other Samurai to his cause... ...we will have 10 years of rebellion. This is something I will not allow. Either I'll stop him at the council today, or you'll lead my army against him. And with these new weapons, you will crush him. I appreciate the offer. It is not an offer. Mr. Omura, my contract with you was to train your army. Then we will make a new contract... ...one that will recognize the extraordinary contribution you've made to the Emperor. Do we understand each other? Yes, we understand each other perfectly. Then I am pleased. Follow him. If he goes anywhere near Katsumoto, kill him. Captain Algren! What in heaven's name is going on? The diplomatic community is abuzz. Omura has passed laws against the Samurai. I need a drink. Is your friend Katsumoto really planning to go up against the council this afternoon? You, Samurai! Don't you know about the order? My God, it's started. Hey boy, are you listening? No wonder the foreigners mock you. Let's give this Samurai a haircut. Cut off his top knot. Get down! Kneel! Captain Algren! Lower your weapons! Lower your weapons! Who are you? I am Captain Algren. Stop! Get down! Let's go. I'll take you home. Jolly good. We must resist the Western powers... ...by becoming powerful ourselves. Our army, our economy, must be strong. Minister, you honor us. It is my honor to rejoin this council. Perhaps you are unaware of the law against wearing swords? I read every law carefully. Yet you ing weapons into this chamber? This chamber was protected by my sword when We need no protection. We are a nation of laws. We are a nation of whores, selling ourselves. If we are whores, the Samurai made us this way. I have not seen the Omura family giving gold to the masses. Minister Katsumoto, it is with great regret... ...but I must ask you to remove your sword. This sword serves the Emperor. Only he can command me to remove it. The Emperor's voice is too pure to be heard in this council. Then, I must refuse to give up my sword. Then regretfully, my guards will accompany you to your home in Tokyo. There you will await our summons. I heard you were leaving. Omura offers you my job, and you run away. I suppose I should thank you. $500 a month, including back pay for time spent... ...in captivity. Enough to climb back inside a bottle for the rest of your life. You're welcome. Well, it is pretty much over. Katsumoto's under arrest. Omura won't let him last the night. With him dead, we should have little trouble handling the rebellion... ...even without you. Especially without you. Just tell me one thing. What is it about your own people that you hate so much? Save us the trouble.... The Samurai are finished! Stop! Don't come any closer! Don't stop. Whatever you do, don't stop. Minister Omura has commanded us to photograph the traitor Stop! Somebody! Bring that equipment here now! lmmediately! You stop! You insolent, useless son of a peasant dog! How dare you show your sword in his presence! Do you know who this is? This is the President of the United States of America! He is here to lead our armies in victorious battle against the rebels! It's not my responsibility.... Now get over there and help those men with their equipment! Carry the equipment. President of the United States? Sorry. I think I'm going to be sick. How's your poem coming? The end is proving difficult. This is Mr. Simon Graham. He'd like very much to take your photograph. I thought you returned to America. I decided to stay. See if I could convince you to escape. How do you plan to do that? Mr. Graham, perhaps you would care to take pictures of my village. I would be greatly honored. My Lord, no! Nobutada! Father, let me stay. It is my time. My Lord... ...we must go. The Emperor could not hear my words. His army will come. It is the end. For 900 years, my ancestors have protected our people. Now... ...I have failed them. So you will take your own life... ...in shame? Shame for a life of service? Discipline? Compassion? The way of the Samurai is not necessary anymore. Necessary? What could be more necessary? I will die by the sword. My own... ...or my enemy's. Then let it be your enemy's. Together, we will make the Emperor hear you. He was a good man. Will you fight the white men, too? If they come here, yes. Why? Because they come to destroy what I have come to love. The way of Samurai is difficult for children. He misses his father. And he is angry because I am the cause of that. No. He is angry because he fears you will die as well. My father taught me it is glorious to die in battle. That is what he believed. I would be afraid to die in battle. So would I. But you have been in many battles. And I was always afraid. I don't want you to go. Algren. They are coming. I'd say two full regiments. They'll come in waves of a thousand. And they have the howitzers. It makes no difference. They will come, and we will make our stand. How many men will we have? Maybe 500. Like General Custer, huh? There was once a battle at a place called Thermopylae. Three hundred ave Greeks held off a Persian army of a million men. A million. You understand this number? I understand this number. For two days the Greeks made them pay so dearly... ...the Persian army lost all taste for battle and were defeated soon after. What do you have in mind? Take away the advantage of their guns. They're overconfident. We'll use that. Lure them close. Close enough for a sword. You believe... ...a man can change his destiny? I think a man does what he can... ...until his destiny is revealed to him. May 25th, 1877. This will be the last entry in this journal. I've tried to give a true accounting of what I have seen, what I have done. I do not presume to understand the course of my life. I know I am grateful to have partaken of all this... ...even if for a moment. Algren san, will you come with me? If you wear this armor, it will honor us. You will need this. What does it say? I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new. Good God. Sir, the lmperial Army of Japan demands your surrender. If you lay down your arms, you will not be harmed. This is not possible, as Mr. Omura knows. Captain Algren. We will show you no quarter. You ride against us, and you are the same as them. I'll look for you on the field. Captain Algren. Mr. Graham. Perhaps you can use these for your book. Yes, I will. Captain. Godspeed. Mr. Graham. Well they won't surrender. Are we ready? Get into your positions! Commence firing! They're covering their retreat. You see? Even the mighty Samurai cannot stand up to the howitzers. Signal the attack. I advise sending in skirmishers first. Nonsense! Full attack! They're coming. Wait for the volley. Second volley. What on earth? What is happening? The attack has been stopped. Send in the rest of the regiment. What happened to the warriors at Thermopylae? Dead to the last man. Algren san! Son of a bitch thinks he can win. They'll ing two more regiments up here soon. We won't be able to stop them again. You do not have to die here. I should have died so many times before. Now, you live again. Yes. It was not your time. It's not over. What is this? Cannon, prepare to fire! Prepare to fire! This is madness. He's going to attack? Yes. He's defeated! He must accept his shame! Kill him. All of them. Now! My horse! Fire! Ready! Aim! Fire! Fire at will! Bring up the new guns! Prepare the new guns! Fire! Backward! Quickly! Quickly! Fire! Stop firing! Idiots, keep on firing! Stop firing! Stop! No. Shoot! Kill Katsumoto! Kill the American! You have your honor again. Let me die with mine. Help me up. Are you ready? I will miss our conversations. Perfect. They are all... ...perfect. On behalf of the United States of America... ...the signing of this treaty will usher in an era of unprecedented prosperity... ...and cooperation between our two great nations. On behalf of the Emperor... ...we are pleased to have successfully concluded this... ...negotiation. He is here? Highness, if we could just conclude the matter at hand.... This is Katsumoto's sword. He would have wanted you to have it... ...that the strength of the Samurai be with you always. Enlightened One, we all weep for Katsumoto, but He hoped... ...with his last eath... ...that you would remember the ancestors who held this sword... ...and what they died for. Your Highness.... You were with him... ...at the end? Emperor, this man fought against you! Your Highness... ...if you believe me to be your enemy, command me... ...and I will gladly take my life. I have dreamed of a unified Japan... ...of a country strong and independent and modern. And now we have railroads and cannon, Western clothing. But... ...we cannot forget who we are... ...or where we come from. Ambassador Swanbeck... ...I have concluded that your treaty... ...is not in the best interest of my people. Sir, if I may So sorry... ...but you may not. This is an outrage! Enlightened One, we should discuss this Omura... ...you have done quite enough. Everything I have done, I have done for my country. Then you will not mind when I seize your family's assets... ...and present them as my gift to the people. You disgrace me. If your shame is too unbearable... ...I offer you this sword. Tell me how he died. I will tell you how he lived. And so the days of the Samurai had ended. Nations, like men, it is sometimes said, have their own destiny. As for the American captain... ...no one knows what became of him. Some say that he died of his wounds... ...others, that he returned to his own country. But I like to think... ...he may have at last found some small measure of peace... ...that we all seek... ...and few of us ever find. ENGLISH
- Lights up! - Beginners, please! - Your five-minute call, sir. - Places. Places. Everyone to their places. Sh. Quiet, everyone. Opening nights? I love opening nights. - How are you? Good to see you. - Good evening, Charles. - Sir Herbert, how are you? - This is my wife. - Oh, Lady Herbert. - How do you do? May I give you a peck? One of Mr Barrie's finest? Oh, that genius Scotsman has done it again. It's the best thing I've produced in 25 years. I already have investors interested back home in New York. See you on Broadway! First positions, people. Standing by, please, ladies and gentlemen. If you could take your opening positions, please. Beginners, please take your opening positions. Audience are coming in. Standing by. - Good audience. - Sorry? Good audience tonight. OK. That's great, thank you. How much longer? Um, ten minutes, sir. I love opening nights. I want to dance with your wife at the after-party. - Oh, my goodness. - Good evening, Mr Frohman. - How are you, John? - Very well. It's the best thing that I've produced in 25 years. - Hello, George. How are you? - Healthy and wealthy, I see. You've rearranged a holiday for me and I won't forget it. - For you, Charles, anything. - You won't regret it. I'm sure. - Have you got the tickets? - They're in my pocket. - There's Mrs Barrie. - Oh, Mr and Mrs Snow. We were so hoping to speak with your husband before the show. - Have you seen him? - I'm not sure where he is, actually. We do miss seeing you on stage. You were so wonderful. Yes, well, it's been some time now. Are you right to find your seat? Oh, yes, yes. See you at the party, then. Excuse me. Could you find Mr Barrie and remind him that they're doing his play this evening. - Yes, ma'am. - Thank you. Let's close the doors. Really, I mustn't inconvenience you in this way. I can wait quite well in the shop. 'Tis no inconvenience. The shop is chilly. And there is a fire here. Really, you are uncommonly good. Sorry, sir. Mrs Barrie wanted me to remind you that the play's begun. - Though I imagine you know that. - They hate it. - Sir? - It's like a dentist's office out there. Why? - I wouldn't say they hate it, sir. - What do you think? Do you like it? - I've just been hired here, sir. - Yes or no? I'm not bothered. - I'm not really qualified to... - Do you like it? Is it crap? - Crap, sir? - Go on, say it. Just say it. It's shite, isn't it? Go on. Say it. - Don't know if I'm... - It's bull's pizzle, Mr Barrie. Go on, say it. - It's bull's pizzle, Mr Barrie. - I knew it. - No, I haven't even seen it. - I knew it. Thank you. Thank you very much. Might I knock a tune, milord, for a moment? I'm an old man... ...and I've seen few of the sights. Absolute rubbish from start to finish. Yes, I found it fearfully dull. Say goodbye to your investment, old boy. Good to see you. My apologies. We'll get them with the next one, Charles, I promise. - Of course we will, James. - I know you put a lot into this one. A fortune, James, but I am fortunate because I can afford to lose a fortune. - Can you? - No, I can't. How are you? - Arthur. - James. You were sorely missed at the last club meeting. Was I? We were beginning to wonder which is your hobby, writing or cricket. You wanted to speak with Mr Barrie, didn't you? Oh, yes, but we shouldn't interrupt them, should we? I don't see why not. If you ask me, the problem lies in our batting order. - James. - Hello, darling. You remember Mr and Mrs Snow, don't you? - Mrs Snow. - Mr Barrie. Mr Snow. The Snows have been waiting to meet with you all evening. - Oh, yes. - Is that right? Your play this evening, it was remarkable, wasn't it? Was it? Well, thank you. That's very kind of you. I'm glad you liked it. How did you feel it went? - I think I can do better. - Really? - Mary? Hello? - Yes, James? I'm headed off for the park if you'd like to join me. It's a beautiful morning. You'll be working, won't you? Perhaps, yes. I'll let you to your work then. - Morning, Mr Barrie. - Morning, Emma. - Have a good day, sir. - And you. That's it. Go on, boy. Go get it, boy. That's right. Good boy. Grab it. Good. Who do you belong to? Come on, boy. Come on. Excuse me, sir, you're standing on my sleeve. Am I? So sorry. I might point out you're lying under my bench. I have to, I'm afraid. I've been put in a dungeon by the evil Prince George. I'm sorry if it bothers you. Well, if you're trapped in the dungeon, there isn't much to be done now, is there? Perhaps I could slide a key to you through the bars. I wouldn't risk it, sir. The evil Prince George has tortured many men. I'm sorry. Is he bothering you, sir? My other can be an extremely irritating sort of person. Aha, Prince George, I gather. I understand you are the horrible tyrant who imprisoned this unfortunate wretch. I'm not horrible really, but a firm ruler, yes. Kind and tolerant. And what precisely is... What did you say your name was? - Michael. - What precisely is Michael's crime? - He's my younger other. - Ah. - Fair enough. Sorry, lad. Cannot free you. - That's all right. - Do you mind us playing with your dog? - No. Go on. This is Jack, second in line to the throne and that one's Michael. He's only five. And I'm in prison for it. - I'm so sorry. Are my boys bothering you? - We're not bothering him, Mum. Michael, darling, come out from under there. I can't. I'm in prison. Oh, I see. JM Barrie. Pleased to meet you. JM Barrie, the author? A pleasure. Sylvia Llewelyn Davies. - Are you a writer? - I am. He's a playwright, Jack. Quite a famous one, at that. - I apologize. I imagine you're writing. - No. Not at all. - Where's Peter? - What have you written, Mr Barrie? Well, currently, I make my living entertaining princes and their courts with my trained bear, Porthos. If you command your other, Peter, to join us, I am willing, Prince George, to give you just such a performance in exchange for the freedom of this prisoner, of course. - Very well. - Very well. Now... I want you to pay particular attention to the teeth. Some unscrupulous trainers will show you a bear whose teeth have all been pulled, while other cowards will force the ute into a muzzle. Only the true master would attempt these tricks without either measure of safety. - What did you ing me over here for? - Peter. This is absurd. It's just a dog. Come on, darling. Just a dog? Just? Porthos, don't listen to him. Porthos dreams of being a bear and you want to dash those dreams by saying he's just a dog? What a horrible, candle-snuffing word. That's like saying, He can't climb that mountain, he's just a man. Or, That's not a diamond, it's just a rock. Just. Fine then. Turn him into a bear. If you can. Peter, where are your manners? With those eyes, my bonny lad, I'm afraid you'd never see it. However, with just a wee bit of imagination, I can turn around right now and see... the great bear, Porthos. Dance with me. Thank you. I don't think I've ever seen a performance quite like it. We're here every day, and the bear is always more than happy to perform. Well, perhaps we'll see you here tomorrow then. Perhaps. - Peter, jump up please, darling. Quick. - Bye. Bye. - Peter, didn't you enjoy that? - I've seen better. Well, Michael wanted the bear kept prisoner with him, and Peter insisted that Michael was hardly a prisoner and Porthos simply wasn't a bear at all. I do very much hope to see them tomorrow. - What's her name? - Sylvia. Um... Mrs... something Davies. Llewelyn Davies? - You know her? - I know who she is, of course. Why, she's a du Maurier, for heaven's sake. Her father was the artist. Her other's the actor. And there was something... tragic that happened with her husband. Oh, yes. He died. Cancer of the jaw, I believe. That's horrible. Yes. Apparently, he left her with four boys and no income to speak of. If it wasn't for her mother's help... James. - We should have them to dinner. - Should we? Absolutely. I've always wanted to meet Madam du Maurier. Why, she knows practically everyone there is worth knowing. - What are you writing about? - Oh. Nothing of any great consequence. I can't write. Have you ever kept a journal? Ever tried your hand at writing a play? Well, then how do you know? I know. That's all. I see. Where's your mother today and the rest of the boys? Home. Mother's got a bit of a chest cold. I'm sure everyone would be happy to see you though. One afternoon. I should leave you to your writing. Peter. I'll see you later then. Why didn't you tell me, Charles? You knew it wasn't any good. Why didn't you tell me, James? You knew it wasn't any good. Hm? I took an extended lease on the theatre, keeping the actors on. - I don't have another play. - I'm sure you will. - Won't you? - We'll see. I need you to sign for the storage, Mr Frohman. - Lower. - Easy does it. Take your time. It was never meant to be taken seriously. You know what happened, James? They changed it. - They changed what? - The critics. They made it important. Hm? What's it called? What's it called? - Play. - Play. Bang, bang, bang! Bang! Return the boy to us, you nasty Injun. Our people teach boy Indian ways, make him great warrior. Our chief, Running Nose, never let him go. Bang, bang, bang! Me wounded, Peter. Time's short. You go. Spread wings and soar like eagle above enemy. Fly back to our chief. Tell her of my ave defeat. That's crazy. Indians can't fly. Of course they can. Go on, go on, go on. Listen to us, boy. This Injun kidnapped you. Not true. We kidnap no one. You lost boy. I teach you ways of the ave. I take you as my own son. You are not my father. Bang, bang, bang, bang! - I've got him! - Let me go! - Stop it, you two. - Ooh, we are awful, aren't we? - I'm warning you. - Oh, I'm scared. Of course, you had a bit of fun for a change. - Stop it, you two. Get off! - Don't. - Jack! - Stop it! - Get off, George! - Peter. - I'm terribly sorry. - No, it wasn't your fault. I'm afraid it might have been. To be honest, I'm just happy you got him to join in the game. Oh, yes, I was a tremendous success. Mr Barrie, it's more than I've been able to achieve. Peter's a different boy since his father died. You know, I don't think he's even had a good cry about it. Well, grief affects us all in different ways, doesn't it? Yes, it does. Oh, by the way, my wife would like to invite you and the boys over to dinner. Your mother as well. Oh. How kind. That would be lovely. Well... Don't you all look lovely in your little suits? And, Mrs du Maurier, what a shame it is that we've not met until this evening. How kind of you to say so. Not at all. I can't tell you how many times I've been to a charity or a social event and seen your name listed among the organizers. It's the very thing I would love to do myself if I could just find the time. My problem is in finding the time to do everything else. At the moment I am running two households. Sylvia believes she can get by without a housekeeper. Mother. My house is quite large enough for us all, - but the idea of living with me seems... - Not now, please, mother. - We help her keep the house in order. - Don't interrupt, George. - Where did you get your manners? - Sorry, Grandmother. Mr Barrie, I understand you've become playmates of my grandchildren. - Oh, they indulge me, really. - On the contrary. The other day we took to an exploration of darkest Africa in our garden. But Mr Barrie was taken ill by the bite of a... What was it? Tsetse fly. Quite horrible. Yes, and he swelled to the size of a hippopotamus. Fingers like sausages. And we had to float in him down the river like he was a great bloated raft. But the fishing was good, wasn't it? James. Please. - Bye. - Thank you so much. - Lovely evening. - Thank you. Bye. - Good night. - Good night. Well, that was a disaster. Painful. Utterly painful to see. I don't know what you mean. I had a lovely time. Oh, James, please. My problem is in finding the time to do everything else. - I never felt so judged in my life. - Judged? How do you mean? A grown man, for heaven's sake, playing all day long with children? In any case, I hardly think they'll be the social contact we'd hoped for. I hadn't really thought of them that way. I just enjoy their company. He's been a good friend to us, Mother. Yes. But what does that mean? Hm? Surely you don't intend... ...to keep spending your afternoons with those children, do you? And so today, ladies and gentlemen, using only the wind and his own physical strength, George Llewelyn Davies shall test the very limits of the atmosphere using his tethered craft. Go on, boy. - Go on, George. - You're going to eak it, George. - George, stop! - I just need a bit more speed. I want to do it. Hold off a bit, George. I think it's in need of a tail. Oh, wait. - Here. James, this will do. - That's a good idea. - No, it's not heavy enough. - I want to do it. - You coming, Peter? - Porthos! It'll work this time. Porthos, give us your bell. That's good. - Michael? - Yeah? - Now, would you like to give it a go? - Yes, please. - Oh, he can't run fast enough. - Of course he can. - Let him try, Jack. - Now, George, you hold the kite. George. Come on, boys, let's go back up to the top. Come on, Peter. Right, George, hold it up. Darling, you've got to run now. Ready? Ready? - Run! Run, Michael! - Run! Oh. - Oh, I told you this wasn't going to work. - I don't think he's fast enough. It's not going to work if no one believes in him. - Now, give him a chance. - Michael, go back to your starting position. - Come on, darling, try again. - George, you take the kite. Now this time, I don't want a flea's eath of doubt. We must get that kite in the air. Right. Look, I think I feel a bit more eeze. Are you ready, Michael? - You can do it, Michael. - You've got to run. Run, Michael, run. - Run! - That's it! Yes! He did it! Keep running! Keep running! What are you writing about now? Oh, just making notes. I'm never really certain what they're about until I've read them over later. Something about the kite? Now, why do you ask that? I don't know. If I were a writer I think I could tell a whole story about flying the kite today. Perhaps you should then. That's a fantastic idea. Why not give it a try? I hope you haven't been talking about anything too serious with this one. No. Talking a bit of silliness really. Can we have him for supper? Have him to stay for supper, Michael. We're not cannibals. You are welcome, you know. Sylvia. Mr Barrie. Where have you been? Flying a kite, Mother, and having a wonderful time. I'm sorry. I didn't know you were coming this evening. No? Well, apparently you forgot then. - I ought some supper along for us all. - You didn't need to do that. Well, there's no food in the house, is there? Really. You don't need to wait till the cupboard is bare. Please, Mother. Come on, darlings. Wipe feet. There's been enough tracking round here. George, I thought you said you were going to help your mother take care of the house. Coat, Michael, please. Yes. - And... coat hanger. Good. - Will we see you tomorrow? No. You're going to be helping round the house tomorrow. Mother, there is absolutely no need for this. You can't do everything yourself. Look at you. You're horribly flush. You're wearing yourself out. Thank you for a lovely day, James. Excuse me, Mother. So from tomorrow, we're going to have some discipline around here. And not one of you will escape. - Good evening, Mr Barrie. - Good evening, Sarah. - Good evening, Mr Barrie. - Good evening, Emma. You missed supper. Perhaps I'll have something later. I have a bit of writing I wanted to do. Are you sure? It was a lovely meal. Duck. Sarah let Emma cook this evening. Is that right? Listen, what would you think of loaning Emma out to the Davies for the occasional evening? They don't actually have a cook. I take it Mrs Davies enjoyed the meal that she had here? I imagine she could use an extra hand now and again. That's all. That's very charitable of you. Perhaps we can send over some of the silver as well. And what about linen? I wouldn't be surprised if some of hers was looking a bit shabby. Please, Mary, stop. Maybe she can send over some of the things we've run short on. My husband, for example. We rarely see him in this house. That hasn't seemed to bother you for some time now. Lords and ladies, His Royal Highness, King Michael the Benevolent, protector of the realm. That sceptre’s made of wood. Yes, well, we dream on a budget here, don't we? No, I mean, everyone thinks it's made of gold, but it's just an old hunk of wood. The means to an end, Peter. What we've done is taken an old hunk of wood and transformed it for all the world to see into the most magnificent gold. - There you go. - What's this? All great writers begin with a good leather binding and a respectable title. Open it. The Boy Castaways. Being a record of the terrible adventures of the others Davies, faithfully set forth by... Peter Llewelyn Davies. Kipling would swallow his own ear for a title like that. Stab him, George. You can do it. I still have no idea what to write. Write about anything. Write about your family. - Write about the talking whale. - What whale? The one that's trapped in your imagination and desperate to get out. Come sit down. I have actually begun writing about the adventures of the Davies others myself. - A play? - A play indeed, yes. And I would be extremely honoured if you would allow me the use of your name for one of the characters. I don't know what to say. Say yes. Good man. Porthos! That's mine. Let go. I won't go to bed. I won't, I won't. You should have been in bed half an hour ago, young man. I'm afraid I've grown hopelessly lax in my discipline. Nonsense. Young boys should never be sent to bed. They always wake up a day older. And then, before you know it, they're grown. Their father would have been horrified. Of course, he never would have allowed a dog in the house either. He'd have tied him up in the yard. Right! Last one in bed's a hairy toad. You mean a lot to my boys, you know. Especially Peter. It seems to me that Peter's trying to grow up too fast. I imagine he thinks that grown-ups don't hurt as deeply as children do when they... when they lose someone. I lost my elder other, David, when I was just Peter's age. And it nearly destroyed my mother. James, I'm so sorry. Your poor mother. I can't imagine losing a child. Aye. She didn't get out of bed for months. She wouldn't eat. I tried everything to make her happy, but... she only wanted David. So... one day... I dressed myself in David's clothing and I went to her. You must have frightened her to death. I think it was the first time she ever actually... looked at me. And that was the end of the boy James. I used to say to myself he'd gone to Neverland. Where? Neverland. It's a wonderful place. I've not spoken about this before to anyone. Ever. What's it like... Neverland? One day I'll take you there. Wait a minute, James. He's a fairy? Er, no. He's the irrepressible spirit of youth. Tinker Bell is the fairy. - Tinker Bell is a woman? - She's not a woman. She's a fairy. He is a boy who stays young forever. James, how does anyone stay young forever? It doesn't work. He just believes, Charles. He imagines life the way he wants it to be, and he believes in it long enough and hard enough that it all appears before him, see? James, I'm your friend. You're coming off a flop. - You have a man who is a fairy. - No, a boy who has a fairy. And this girl calls herself Tinker. And you have a pirate ship on stage surrounded by tons and tons of water. - That's a lot of water. - It's a lot of water. - Yes, and that's a lot of money. - It is, but we can fake the water. Oh, well, if we can fake the water then I'm sure your play will be a hit. You know what I think I'll do? I think I'll imagine life the way I want it to be... Long enough and hard enough? Yes, and then the money for the play will appear magically before me. - That's right. That's it. - Yes. How does the clock wind up inside the crocodile? - He swallows it. - Ah, of course he does. Out! How was he? - Well done. - Good show! I finally get the courage to invite the boys to a game and we have to suffer this grave humiliation. It's perfect actually. Spend a good deal of time with them, don't you? Every moment I can spare, in fact. I'm glad for you. And Mrs Davies seems to be having a good time of it as well. You should be aware though, James, what some people have been saying. Mind you, I wouldn't ing it up if I thought the rumours would pass. I'm not surprised. What are they saying? Very well. That you spend much more time with Mrs Davies than you do with your own wife. She's a widow. And... And a friend. That's it. Nothing more. There have also been questions about how you spend your time with those boys. And why. That's outrageous. How could anyone think something so evil? They're children. They're innocent children. You find a glimmer of happiness in this world, there's always someone who wants to destroy it. No. Thank you, Arthur, but I don't think many will give credence to such nonsense. Then why is no one sitting with them? Once you get a bit of notoriety, James, people watch you and they will look for ways to drag you down. Are you sure your wife doesn't object to us taking over your cottage for the summer, James? - She doesn't go there anymore. - Really? It's such a relief to get away. You'll come and visit, I hope? - Of course. Are we in? - Everyone in? - Can I drive, Uncle Jim? - Er, no. Out of the way or I'll make haggis out of you. Get the sheep out the way. - Are we there yet? - Almost. Almost there. I can see the cottage! - Shall we explore, Michael? - Don't tear your clothes, please. - Come on. Follow me. - Be careful of stinging nettles. Hurry up, everyone. - Would you like to see the rest of it? - Mm. Yes. 'Ello! Thought you could escape from Captain Swarthy, eh? Off to the ship with you, then. Off to the ship, son! So now you can either choose to become a pirate with the rest of us, or we'll toss you to the sharks. - How marvellous. - Well, maybe the crocodiles, eh? - No one's escaped, Captain. - Excellent work, matey. Now then. Now is your only chance to speak. Who amongst you is ready to tie your hopes and dreams to the sea? - I am! - Not finished yet. To enter upon the most dangerous chapter in your young and soon-to-be-wasted lives? What did you say? What are doing, son? Are you giggling? On my ship? Giggling? What did you say? - I said I'm ready, Captain. - What's your name, boy? I'm Curly, the oldest and wisest of the crew. Cut him loose, matey. Welcome aboard, Curly. Your job will be to mop the deck. And who be you, young squire? My name be Nibs the Cut-throat. Feared by men and greatly desired by the ladies. Jack! Welcome aboard, Nibs. You shall polish all wood surfaces. Grab a hold of that rigging. - And you, lad? - I'm Peter. That's not a pirate name. What about Dastardly Jim, eh? No. Just Peter. I like my name. Very well. In punishment for lack of an interesting pirate name, Peter shall walk the plank. Cut him loose. - What are you playing again? - The boy. What have you got...? Excuse me. Mr Barrie, sir? There's been a mistake here, sir. It says here I'm to play the nanny. - I don't imagine I quite fit that part, eh? - You're not actually the nanny. You're a dog. - What? - A Newfoundland. We'll put you in a great big fluffy dog suit. Rrr. Oh, right. Actually, we don't have a Tinker Bell cast, do we? He could play Tinker Bell. Heavens, no. Tinker Bell's a light. It moves around the stage. Just a wee light that moves around the stage. Bit worried about this. Let's see. We've got John Darling, Michael Darling, Tiger Lily, Smee, Skylights. It's a play for puppets. Tootles, Nibs, Curly. All these names are absurd when you see them all together. Captain Hook, S... Oh, hello, James. You're out of your mind. How were rehearsals? Fine. Great. They're going... quite well. - Good. - Yes. Thank you. - Hello. - Hello. - How was your journey? - It was quite long. I'm exhausted. - Let's get you some tea. - That'd be nice. Thanks. - Can you come to the playhouse? - In a moment, Michael. He's just arrived. But I said I'd get him. They always send Peter to do things. I said I'll do it. - It will spoil the surprise. - What surprise, darling? It's a great surprise. We've taken most of the day preparing for it. - Everybody's waiting for you. - Then we mustn't keep them waiting. Please don't tell them that I told you the surprise. I said I wouldn't. Oh, well, you didn't really tell us anything about it, did you? - Yes I did. It's a play. - It's a play? The Lamentable Tale of Lady Ursula. A play in one act by Peter Llewelyn Davies. - This is just a bit of silliness, really. - I should hope so. Go on. I just wanted to take a stab at writing, you know. Well, the others do a good job with it anyway. Well, let's see it then. The Lamentable Tale of Lady Ursula. One morning, just after sunrise, Lady Ursula, the most beautiful daughter of Lord and Lady Dubon, made her way up the steps of the great cathedral to pray to her blessed saint. Suddenly, as she reached the cathedral doors, the gargoyle that guarded the sacred structure came to life and swooped down upon her. The people of the village all ran to safety, but Lady Ursula slipped on the cathedral steps and the gargoyle descended upon her, wrapping her in its huge wings and taking her high up into the spires of the cathedral. - Go on, Peter. - Not long after this sorrowful event, a young knight named JM Barnaby came into the city. Sylvia. - Do you want some water? - Mother? - No, James. - Let's get her back to the house. Go on. She won't discuss it with me at all. She claims it was nothing. I tell you, Doctor, she couldn't eathe. You can't very well treat a patient who won't admit there's anything wrong. Well, you'll have to make her understand that something is. - I'll try and do my best. - Great. Just there. Get your hand flat like that. Ow. Then... Like that. Come in. The good doctor didn't feel up to the challenge on this one. He thinks you need to go to hospital for further tests. Nonsense. When would I have time for that? Besides, this family's had enough of hospitals. - Perhaps they can help you. - I know what they can do for me. I saw what they did for my husband. No, James. I've no interest in hospitals. I'm keenly interested in having some supper. What did you and Mother decide to tell us this time? It's only a chest cold? - We hadn't decided anything. - Stop lying to me! I'm sick of grown-ups lying to me. I'm not lying to you. I don't know what's wrong. Father might take us fishing, that's what she said. In just a few weeks. And he died the next morning. That wasn't a lie, Peter. That was your mother's hope. He barely moved for a week, but I started planning our fishing trip. I will never lie to you. I promise you that. No, all you'll do is teach me to make up stupid stories and pretend that things aren't happening until... I won't! I'm not blind. I won't be made a fool. What's this? Peter. The play. Darling, I wanted to see the rest of it. Magic's gone out of it a bit now, hasn't it? All because of a silly chest cold. James. Well, you remember Gilbert Cannan, don't you? Good evening. Mr Cannan has been working on the committee to fight government censorship. I know how involved you've been as well. He wanted to speak to you. I did think you'd be home so much sooner. It's been a long evening, Mary. Yes. Well, if I'd realized how late it was, of course. I should perhaps talk to you at another time? Not so late? That will be fine. We'll talk then. Thank you for your patience, Mrs Barrie. Mr Barrie. - Good night. - Night. Well, aren't you going to speak? What would you like me to say? Curious how late Mr Cannan stayed, I suppose. And then, let's see. What comes next? No later than you were out, James. And how is Mrs Davies this evening? Oh, yes, I would have a great answer for that one, wouldn't I? How dare you. This isn't one of your plays. I know that, Mary. It's quite serious. But I'm not ready for this conversation, wherever it may lead. Perhaps we can talk in the morning, yes? Good night then. Mr Barrie. Don't you agree this is a little bit tight? - No. No, in fact I think it's quite... baggy. - Baggy? Quite frumpy. I'd ing it right in just there. That's very tight. And put maybe a plank of wood there to straighten him up. - Oh, aye. Yes, Mr Barrie. - Plank of wood? Some wood there on the shoulders as well. - Otherwise, it's marvellous. - Right, sir. - You'll be sick tomorrow. - I'll be sick tonight. James. We're just having some tea. You remember my mother, of course. Yes. Of course. How do you do? - May I take your hat? - That's enough, boys. Boys, please don't run in the house. You'll eak something. Come away from that door. Come on, come on. I'd like a word with you, Mr Barrie, before you go. We'll only be a few minutes. Boys, why don't you go and play in the garden? Go on. - Is he in trouble? - Sh. Because I've been alone with Grandmother and I know what it's like. - Should we retire into the study? - Why don't you join them, dear? Very well. - I do apologize for interrupting. - Would you close the door, please? Certainly. Sylvia has told me you have offered her the services of your household staff. - Well, not exactly. - That won't be necessary. I'll leave that to Sylvia, of course. You'll leave that to me, Mr Barrie. You see, I'm moving in here from now on. - You're moving in? - I'm going where I'm most needed. And I can certainly see to it that this house is managed without resorting to your charity. It isn't charity, Mrs du Maurier. I was only trying to help, as a friend. Have you no idea how much your friendship has already cost my daughter? Or are you really that selfish? I beg your pardon? Don't you see what a visit to the summer cottage of a married man does for a widow's future prospects? Sylvia needs to find someone. The boys need a father. And you are destroying any hope this family has of pulling itself together again. I have only wanted good things for this family, Mrs du Maurier. I'll look after them. You have your own family to concern yourself with. What are you suggesting? I'm suggesting that you protect what you have, Mr Barrie. That is precisely what I am doing. I was so certain what I would find in this. Some little confession would leak out onto the page. I don't write love notes in my journal. No. Still, you knew who I meant, didn't you? That's some comfort, actually. It means I know you just a little after all. You needn't steal my journal to get to know me, Mary. No. I suppose I could just go see the plays. I was hopelessly naive when I married you. I imagined that illiant people disappeared to some secret place where good ideas floated around like leaves in autumn. And I hoped, at least once... you would take me there with you. There is no such place. Yes, there is. Neverland. It's the best you've written, James. And I'm sure the Davies will adore the world you've created for them. I only wish I were part of it. I've wanted you to be. I've tried. Mary. I always imagined us going off on great adventures once we were together. But we moved into this house and you started, I don't know, - you started rearranging the furniture. - What was I supposed to do, James? You were always gone. I was right here. Sitting in your parlour, staring off into other worlds as though I didn't exist. Look. Just give me bit more time to finish up the play. To spend with your muse? No, I'm tired of waiting, James. I'm tired of looking like a fool. Well, I can't very well give up the play. Of course not. Just come home to me at the end of the day. Rehearse and be home for dinner. No more trips to the country, no more long afternoons in the park. If you can't give us that much of a chance, then we must end this. And I will. Pitiful display. Nanny. Nanny. What? First you get the pyjamas, then you make the bed. With my paws? You make the bed with your paws. The pyjamas you get with your teeth. Because in fact, being a dog, you haven't any proper digits, have you? Well, I don't have any teeth, either. I mean, I can't see. I can't eathe. All I've got is this rubbery snout. - Can we get him some teeth? - He can have mine. We'll get you teeth. - Let's have a wee eak, shall we? - Right. - I thought you were wonderful. - You were marvellous. I think you're better on four legs than you are on two. - Oh, give it a rest. - I do. - Just say it, Charles, go on. - Well, you picture it, James. Opening night, doctors, lawyers, businessmen and their wives, all dressed to the nines. They've paid good money, they're expecting theatre, what we call theatre. The curtain opens and it's crocodiles and fairies and pirates and Indians. I don't even know what it is. But you did know, Charles. You're an absolute genius, Charles. That's it. Oh, don't patronize me, James. You know how much money I put into this show that I haven't even found yet? Listen, listen. Opening night, I want 25 seats set aside. - Set aside? 25? - 25 seats. Scattered throughout the theatre. Two here, two there, three up there. - Are they paying for it? - They're filled. - No, no, no. I'm asking... - The seats are filled. - Uncle Jim? - Hello, boys. Could I speak to you for a moment, please? Certainly. 25 seats, Charles. It'll be great. It'll be fantastic. 25 scattered seats? Who's paying for them? Throughout the theatre. - Who's paying for these 25 seats? - They're filled-up seats, Charles. Whoa. Look. This is great. I'm flying. We don't need to use much pull at all, see? As long as we've got the balance down. Mother asked me to take the boys out for the afternoon. She said she only wanted a bit of quiet, but she was trembling so badly she couldn't even finish her tea. I'm not a fool, Uncle James. I deserve to know the truth. I don't know the truth. She won't talk about it. But you think it's serious? It could be. The doctor felt she should go and have some tests. Then you'll have to convince her to go then. I've tried. She won't listen to me. And lately, to be quite honest, it seems that all my best intentions for your family have come to nothing but harm. Apparently I've made quite a mess of things. It's Grandmother, isn't it? She's run you off, hasn't she? Oh, she's absolutely tried with great effort. And perhaps with good reason. It isn't you, Uncle Jim. She just... She just doesn't want to see Mother hurt anymore. Look at that. How magnificent. The boy's gone. Somewhere during the last 30 seconds, you've become a grown-up. Right then. I think you should be the one to talk to her, George. - But I wouldn't know what to say. - You'll do fine. You'll do just fine. Mr Barrie, sir. Sorry to interrupt. - It's Nana, he's expired backstage. - What's happened? I think his costume is too tight. It's not possible, too tight. George, give me a minute, I'll be back. Pull that one tight. Here, last one. OK. Flap those wings. - There you go. - Whoa! - Can I have a go? - Yeah, you can have a little go if you want. Give that a tug. Go on. - Just give it a little pull. - Can I have a go? - In a minute. In a minute. - Can I have a go? - Jack. Pull me higher. - I have to concentrate. - Stop it now, boys. - No, Michael. Stop mucking about, boys. Come on now. - I want to do it now. - No, don't go down there. What are you...? Ow! Oh, no. Oh, no, I'm sorry. - I'm so sorry. - George? Mr Barrie? Mrs Davies would like a word with you. No, just Mr Barrie. - Did you encourage this? - Encourage what? Oh, James, please. You know perfectly well what. George won't allow them to set his arm unless I submit to an examination. I see. Well, I suppose you'll have to then, because he's quite a stubborn young man when he sets his mind to it. This is absurd. They won't tell me anything different. Different? So you've already spoken to a doctor then? That is not your concern. My understanding is that my condition may be quite serious. However... my wish is that life should go on as normal. So, I'll have the examination, and I'll take whatever medications they advise. But I don't want to know what they're for. And I don't want you inquiring into it any further. Wouldn't dream of it. Mary? Mary? Peter, could you help George to fold a pocket handkerchief, please? - They're in the linen cupboard. Darling? - Yes, Mother. Jack, how do you manage to always come untucked? Would you check your shirt-tails in the intermission, please? Yes, Mother. You're not planning on attending any after-theatre events, are you? Only for a short time if we do. The tickets! - With the children? - George! Um, possibly. Would you see if George has the tickets, please? - I'll just check the dressing table. - Sylvia, there's a... Mother, please see if George has the tickets. Michael, where are your socks? Wait here, don't move. Take her feet, George. We'll need some more blankets. Oh, take Michael with you, would you? She looks much worse than when we were at the cottage. Sh, Michael. - Those 25 seats, has anyone shown up? - No, sir. Not yet. Precisely. Have there been many people asking for seats? - Yes, sir. - Charles. I suggest you start selling them. Yes, James? Have you seen any of the Davies family yet this evening? The 25 seats, are they filled? - It's taken care of. - Yes. Yes. Who did you invite? Because obviously whoever you invited decided not to come. - The seats will be filled, I promise. - Yes. You've been promising me all... - Charles? - Hello, Mr Stanley. Have you seen the Davies family this evening? No, sir. - Jack has gone to get Dr Brighton. - Oh, no, Mother. I don't need a doctor. Yes, you do, dear. I think I'll get some chamomile to help you relax. Peter will be here if you need anything. Peter. Peter. Can I do anything, Mother? No, darling. You must go to the play. - I can't do that. - Yes, you can. I need you to. I need you to come back tonight and tell me every bit of it. Please. It's only a play, Mother. It doesn't matter. What do you want? Take it out. Open it. I've never been so proud of you. Last call, please, ladies and gentlemen. Last call. Yes, yes, yes. It's all right. They know. We had time to sell those 25 seats. The play's starting. - Charles. - What? - They're here. - Who's here? Do forgive them being a bit late - short legs, long walk from the orphanage. I'm not clear what they're doing here. - They've come to see the play. - Mm-hm. - That's the 25 seats. - Mm. 25 seats given to orphans. Right. Now my nightmare is complete. You can start your play now. Your play. Get them in the scattered seats. Just there, boys. Excuse me, sir. This way. Thank you. Looks like we got one of the better-dressed ones. I just want you to know, I think you're a wonderful dog. Thanks. I won't go to bed. I won't. I won't. Nana, it isn't six o'clock yet. Two minutes more. Please. One minute more. Nana, I will not be bathed. I tell you, I will not be bathed. Who are you? No one there. Yet I feel sure I saw a face. My children. - How is she? - She's resting. - May I see her? - No, Mr Barrie. I don't think we need to include you in everything that goes on in this household. - But she'd want to see him. - Be quiet, George. And since, as I've discovered, you've seen fit to conceal certain facts about my daughter's condition from me, I feel no remorse at excluding you from my home. But you can't... - Go upstairs, George, now. - Stop ordering me about. This isn't your home. It's our home. Just cos Mother's needed your help recently doesn't give you the right to rule over her existence. She's not a child anymore, and neither am I. If she wants to see Uncle Jim, she can see Uncle Jim. There's nothing you can do about it. - Mother? - Yes, darling? James. No. Your play. Look at all this. I'd have come tonight, it's just... - Mother, you need to rest. ... I still have things to do here. See? This needs mending. Four boys, no end of patches. Can't seem to keep up. I haven't the time for all this. Don't look at me like that, James. You make me feel so utterly exposed. Boys, would you give me a moment with your mother, please? Thank you. They can see it, you know. You can't go on just pretending. Just pretending? You ought pretending into this family, James. You showed us we can change things by simply believing them to be different. A lot of things, Sylvia, not everything. But the things that matter. We've pretended for some time now that you're a part of this family, haven't we? You've come to mean so much to us all that now it doesn't matter if it's true. And even if it isn't true, even if that can never be... I need to go on pretending. Until the end. With you. - Oh, I am sweet. - How do you do it? You just think lovely, wonderful thoughts and they lift you up in the air. You are so nippy at it. Couldn't you do it very slowly once? Yes, I've got it now, Wendy. I must blow fairy dust on you first. Now try. Try it from the beds. Just wriggle your shoulders like this and then let go. - I flew! - How ripping! Now join hands. - Look at me! - I do like it! - Bravo! - Let's go out. Second on the right and straight on till morning. Genius. - Sylvia, don't move. - I feel a little better. It's been a bad day, that's all. Now I want you to go back to the theatre. Find Peter. - Of course. - Thank you. Are you sure there's nothing else I can do for you? No. Well, I have always wanted to go to Neverland. You did promise to tell me about it, you know. Aye. That I did. It's a bit late for it tonight though, I'm afraid. Perhaps some time soon though? Most definitely. - D'you mean we shall both be drowned? - Look how the water is rising. It must be the tail of the kite we made for Michael. You remember. It tore itself out of his hands and floated away. - The kite. Why shouldn't it carry you? - Both of us. It can't lift two. Michael and Curly tried. I won't go without you, Peter. Let us draw lots which is to stay behind. And you a lady? Never. Ready, Wendy? Peter! Don't let go, Wendy. Peter, I'm frightened. Hang on, Wendy! Peter! To die will be an awfully big adventure. - I'm glad you came. - Well... I've never missed an opening. So I... assume you heard about Gilbert and I. Yes. Quite the scandal, so I'm told. How are you? I'm all right. How are you? I'm sorry. Don't be. Without that family, you could never have written anything like this. You need them. Goodbye. - Mr Barrie. - Mrs Snow. Thank you. That was quite the nicest evening I've ever spent in the theatre. Very kind of you to say. Thank you. Where's Mr Snow this evening? Oh. I'm afraid he's left us. And he would so have loved this evening. The pirates and the Indians. He was really just a boy himself, you know. To the very end. I'm terribly sorry. How are you doing? I'm doing well enough now, thank you. I suppose it's all the work of the ticking crocodile, isn't it? Time is chasing after all of us. Isn't that right? - That's right, Mrs Snow. - Aunt Rose, your drink. Thank you. I mustn't keep you. You've a lot of friends here. Well, it's lovely to see you. I'm terribly sorry, once again. - Was that Mr Barrie? - That was Mr Barrie. Well done, Mr Barrie. - Good show. - Well done. Psst. What did you think? - It's about our summer together, isn't it? - It is. - About all of us. - That's right. Did you like it? It's magical. Thank you. Oh, thank you. Thank you, Peter. - This is Peter Pan! How wonderful. - Really? You're Peter Pan? Why, you must be quite the little adventurer. Look, it's true. He has no shadow. But I'm not Peter Pan. He is. And there's been no improvement since my last visit? No. Has James been by at all today, Mother? Dr Brighton. May I have a word? Excuse me a moment. You haven't been keeping him from me, have you? As a matter of fact, I actually hoped he might come. Would have proved me wrong about him. Of course, with the success of his play, the whole of London must be knocking at his door. I'm sorry, dear. - What is it? - It's a secret. - Quiet, Michael. - I didn't say anything. Mother, could you come downstairs for a moment? Oh, she can't come downstairs. What are you thinking of, George? Actually, I think a trip downstairs might do her good, ma'am. - What have you been up to? - Just wait and see. It's a play. It's not just a play, Michael. It's the play. Of course, we'll have to make do with a few compromises. Much of it will have to be imagined. - As it should be. - As it should be, that's right. Michael, come and sit here, next to Mum. When you're ready. I won't go to bed. I won't. I won't. Nana, it isn't six o'clock yet. Two minutes more. Please. - You know fairies, Peter? - Yes. But they're nearly all dead now. You see, Wendy, when the first baby laughed for the first time, the laugh oke into a thousand pieces and they all went skipping about and that was the beginning of fairies. And now when every new baby is born, its first laugh becomes a fairy. So there ought to be one fairy for every boy and girl. - Ought to be? Isn't there? - Oh, no. Children know such a lot now. Soon, they don't believe in fairies. And every time a child says, I don't believe in fairies, there's a fairy somewhere that falls down dead. Who is that? The redskins were defeated? Wendy and the boys captured by the pirates? I'll rescue her. I'll rescue her! Oh, that's just my medicine. Poisoned? Who could have poisoned it? Why, Tink. You've drunk my medicine. It was poisoned. And you drank it to save my life? Tink. Are you dying? Her light is growing faint. If it goes out, that means she's dead. Her voice is so low I can scarcely hear what she's saying. She says she thinks she could get well again if children believed in fairies. Do you believe in fairies? Say quick that you believe. If you believe, clap your hands. Clap louder. Thank you. Thank you. That is Neverland. So many perfect days. I really began to believe we'd go on like that forever. Oh, stop it. She wasn't going to stay with you forever. She had a husband. My father. She never cared for you the way she did for him. I'm not trying to replace your father, Peter. I could never do that. You'd best let him go. George, would you take the boys back to the house? I'll be with you in a moment. Go on, dear. I'm terribly sorry. I've ruined everything I've touched in this family. Stop giving yourself so much credit. Peter's grieving. It has nothing to do with you. Perhaps if I just had a bit more time with him. No, Mr Barrie. That won't be good enough. If a bit more time is all you can provide, you'd better leave him alone. I know you don't much care for me, Mrs du Maurier, and I respect that, but I loved your daughter very much. And I love those boys. And I think they need me right now. Is that so? And for how long after? Meaning what? Sylvia has requested a co-guardianship for the boys in her will. You, Mr Barrie, and myself. - And what do you have to say about that? - I shall respect my daughter's wishes. Something I should have done more of while she was alive. But if you feel you're not ready for such a commitment, I assure you I can certainly look after the boys by myself. Do you think I could abandon those boys? Sit down, Peter. Mother pasted it back together after I ruined it. And then I saw the play. I just started writing and I haven't been able to stop. She would be very pleased to know that. Listen. I've just spoken with your grandmother and I'm staying. For good. I'm sorry I was so horrible. Don't worry. It's just... I thought she'd always be here. So did I. But, in fact... she is. Because she's on every page of your imagination. You'll always have her there. Always. But why did she have to die? I don't know, boy. When I think of your mother... I will always remember how happy she looked sitting there in the parlour, watching a play about her family. About her boys that never grew up. She went to Neverland. And you can visit her any time you like if you just go there yourself. How? By believing, Peter. Just believe. I can see her.
Presented by IMPICTURES Distributed by SHOWBOX MEDIAPLEX Produced by SIDUS Produce Investment by CHOI Wan Lady! Chief Investor by KIM Min Ki OriginaI Author by GUI Yeo Ni ScreenpIay by KIM Tae- gyun Cinematography by JIN Young Hwan Gaffer by PARK Kun Woo Sound Mixer by LEE Sang Jun(WaveLab) Editor by KO Im Pyo Music by LEE Hun Seok, PAE Jung Eun FractaI KIM Han Nyun Art by KIM Hyun Ok Fashion by KIM Kyung Mi Make- up by KANG Kyung Hwa Park Sun Sook(OZ Make- up) Sound Supervisor by LEE Seng ChuI (WaveLab) VisuaI Effect Supervisor by Chang Sung Ho(MoPac) Stunt by LEE Eung Jun(Fighters) SpeciaI Effect by KIM Pyung Ki LEE Hyun Woo(Future Vision) Assistant Director by KANG Kun Hyang Chief Producer by CHOI Sun Mi Producer by LEE Jung Hak Co- Producer by LIM Chung LyuI Producer by CHA Seung Jae NO Chong Yun Stop following me, will ya? lf l had the crap beat out of me l'd be hiding in shame Screw it! Why don't you stop running away, huh? JO Han-sun KANG Dong-won LEE Chung-ah Director by KIM Tae-gyun Temptation Of The Wolves - Hi, kid - Who are you, lady? - l'm not a la-dy... l'm... Um... - Mom, the pot lady's back again l don't sell pots... Oh! Han-kyung, you're here My, you've grown Hello So, did auntie's wedding go well? l heard grandma came from Australia? Yes... mind your step-dad and don't fight with your sister and other Okay You don't mind sharing a room with Da-reum, do you? Dad, mom's a total city lady She's like those sleek ladies on TV Nah, don't worry l'll be just fine... Why? Because Dae-han's in Seoul! - Hello? Yes... - Don't worry, dad Phone for you! Why, you're just the same... You haven't changed a bit Really? You've gotten so pretty lt's so good to see you How long has it been? l transferred in junior high so... 4 years, it's been 4 years l was so happy when l heard you were transferring to Seoul l really wanted to tell you something What? - l... have a boyfriend - A boyfriend? Yes You remember him? My Dae-han... Congrats, congrats! You guys look really good together Good going, buddy! l knew you'd be happy for us Han-kyung, Let's never let our friendship change Of course! That's a no ainer! Um, the bus is here l gotta go, See you later Honey, shall we go? l like you too... Yo, why you so cold to her? - Look, it's him! lt's Hae-won Bahn! - She looked fine to me... - Then you take her - Huh? Really? Yeah? - He is so cool! - Really? This is why l hate taking the bus Hey, hey Hae-won no changing your mind later! - Yeah, yeah - Yes! - Yahoo! Hyori... - Move that away, it stinks - Wait for me - Dude, it stinks! - You okay? - Yes - Are you really? - l... l'm okay You don't look okay... l said l was okay! l'm okay, Why do you keep... Keep... - What's the name? - Han-kyung Jung No, not your name, the jerk... Dae-han Kim... Who are you saying got dumped! Never mind then And do you even know me? Oh! My stop! Wait! - Who said l was dumped... - slippers! You still have my shoe! Sis, Sis, Sis Sis, Sis, Sis You've been crying? You've been crying! Just meet with him once Forget it He's a sure thing! Girls are backed up 3 months to meet with him, 3 months! Then l'll meet him in 3 months Are you still hung up on that Dae-han or whatever? You are! Stupid, stupid... Do you have any pride? That's right, l have no pride - Da-reum, long time no see... - Han-kyung Jung! Han-kyung! l hate boys now More so if they're younger Haven't we met before? - What? - Why? You know me, right? No... Today's the first time - Your hand... - Ah! You go to Dong-won High, right? - No - Then... Sung-kwon High? No That's strange Where have l seen you? l moved here from Kong-joo yesterday What? Kong-joo? Assholes, what a damn show! They gotta come and rumble every day? Hey! There's Da-reum! Why are you alone? Have you guys seen 'Hottie?' Hottie? Nah, it's just them Sung-kwon High assholes... ... and Tae-sung Jung! l know someone in Kong-joo too Oh? Who? l know everyone there Do you really? - Then do you know Han... - Han-kyung Jung! Han-kyung Jung! What are doing with this jerk? Tae-sung Jung! Your buddies have all run away What are you still doing here? Your name is... Han-kyung Jung? Yes... Nuna, don't you remember? lt's me, Tae-sung! You really don't know me? You don't remember? - You really don't? - Put on a show, why don't you? You hitting on my sister right now? Your sister? Sorry to eak this to you, bud But she's gonna be my girl Tae-sung! Run! Run! Man, my head's spinning... Ah, mm, mm Hey Hey, stop right there! Nuna, you really run well Hey! - Sis! - Hey Tae-sung Jung, Hey! Nuna, my name is Tae-sung You have to remember this time Promise! Sis, are you okay? Crazy bastard, what the hell? Nuna! Tae-sung Jung? Ooh, it's hot! Nuna, how do you know that jerk, Tae-sung? - Huh? - You know nothing Here's some advice Don't get too excited that Tae-sung seems to like you You'll get hurt in the end l'm not excited No... l'm not excited Sure you are... So you got dumped You start hanging with that idiot you crap on your whole life, got it? l told you l wasn't dumped! l told you l wasn't dumped... Of course not! Who got dumped? - lt's just a new start! A new start! - l'm telling you, she was dumped! Yeah, drink up! Drink! Let's drink and die! l... told... you... l, l... l wasn't dumped... And you... YOU! You're younger than me but Dae-han - Dae-han - lt's Hae-won! Dae-han l'm Hae-won! Man, you're heavy Are kidding me, Da-reum? l really... missed you After you moved every day, l went up to the roof looked up at the stars and l'd wish... ... that we'd meet again... You think wishing on the roof actually works? l'm really happy... Happy to see you again... Daddy died... But l met mom again So l'm really happy Dae-han... But why am l so sad? l'm glad to see you happy... Hey! What happened? - Here... you keep it - Where are we? Look around! Figure it out! lt's cold... What is this smell? lt's booze! lt's only the smell of chung- guk stew! Don't be a smartass! Don't be a tattletale little o - Does your school uniform fit? - Yes Don't stay out so late Hae-won, get Hae-won... Nuna! Nuna, it's me, Tae-sung You didn't forget me already, did you? - Are you here to see someone? - Yes. l'm here to see you Me? - lt's Tae-sung Jung of Sung- kwon High - lt's really Tae-sung Wow, he's so cool! But why is he here? And with the biggest loser in our class? l know, right? You, repeat what you just said He's talking to me... Huh? Me? - Who are you calling a loser? - Um, l... Watch your mouth or else l'll... ! - l'll smash you up - Please smash me up... - Me, too! - Me, too! Hey, Tae-sung ing yourself out - Come out, you jerk - Nuna, enjoy the pizza... Take a slice and you die! Nuna, l'll see you next time Tae-sung Jung, you dick! l'm gonna kick your ass! Hey, Hae-won Hae-won Bahn! Try to keep your eyes open in class! See you! Why that! Does he know where this is? How dare you come here! Hey! Da-reum, the bastard's completely flipped for your sis Hae-won, the idiot's got some weird taste, huh? Hey, hey Going somewhere? - Yeah, home - Whose? Tae-sung's? No l don't even know where he lives Nuna! This is just great Just transfer here why don't you? Hey, Tae-sung! The dumbass is still here l'll just go my way with nuna so you guys go your own way, okay? You mean, Han-kyung? She's coming over to my house Hey! Why would l go there? l'm not going... See, she doesn't want to And what, 'Han-kyung?' - Show some respect, she's older! - l told you She's my girl - Uh, uh, hey! - Try and take her Wait Stop! Time- out! - What are you doing? Move - No! Don't hit him He knew this'd happen when he came, Move No! lt's unfair, all of you against him Don't hit Tae-sung! Hey, Hae-won... What was l thinking? Whew... Thanks for taking my side, nuna But am l really your senior? Yes, You are Okay, Then l'll act accordingly - Okay, nuna - Okay, Tae-sung... But why did you wait for me? - Because l like you - Hmph, that's not even a funny joke lt's true You, you shouldn't make fun! And, and, look at you A student should dress like one and study hard Don't laugh Nuna, buy me dinner - Why should l? - Cause you're older - l don't have any money - Even so - l really don't - Buy me dinner! l better go home Your hand... is warm Yes? Joo-ho's asleep and... Da-reum isn't yet... Don't worry l'll make sure the door is locked Goodbye Sorry, bud She's gonna be my girl Han-kyung? She's my girl This is bugging me The phone is turned off now Connecting to voicemail Tae-sung, it's Han-kyung You're not picking up... We're supposed to meet at 7, right? l'm here at the phone booth, waiting Was it 9? Han-kyung Jung Don't smile at me - Huh? - Don't speak to me don't stand in front of me Then... l should go... What am l going to do? l... l like you must like you Hey! Hey! - Nuna - Yeah? - Get out - Why? - Get out - Hey! Hey! Jae-hee! Jae-hee... Hae-won! Han-kyung! What's going on! Why don't you tell me? Hey! Open this door! Get out of! Hey! Hey! Hey! HEY!! lt takes exactly 5 minutes to get to your home So answer in that time You wanna go out with me or not? You don't answer in 5minutes l'm going straight to the east coast The east coast? W, wait... What's your relationship with Jae-hee? We went out For a short time in junior high - That's all Why? You jealous? - Don't meet with her! She has a boyfriend And he's really cool actually Should l make it the west coast? 4 minutes 18 seconds! 4minutes 15seconds 5, 4, 3, 2 You don't even have a license! Drive carefully l'm going in... Did you... just say yes? l said to drive carefully Doesn't that mean yes? Well, that's how l heard it Miss my text messages you're dead Miss my calls you're really dead See you mm, l... Sis, congrats! Be happy with Hae-won! But why'd you play so hard to get? What? Hae-won called me said you two were going out What? You think l'm crazy? Go out with him? No way l see Yeah... lt is a little crazy to go out with Hae-won Right? You think so too, right? Sis, you gotta be careful from now on Why, would he hit me? When people find out about you all those girls around Hae-won... Last year, a girl Hae-won liked got hit by a rock and ended up in the hospital Bam! That probably hurt Why are you all leaving me... Mom... Dad... Now even grandma grandma Why are you all leaving me alone... The phone is off right now after the connection... The phone is off right now after the connection... Sis! Sis, if Hae-won tries to kiss you pretend to give in and... His chin line is really awesome! What am l thinking? When l see him today l'll return his phone and set him straight Han-kyung! Are you sick? - No - What happened yesterday? You're the first girl who didn't answer my phone l know nothing of forgive or mercy so remember that - Wait, l... - Let's go eat! - Hae-won... - Watcha looking at! Tae-sung...? Follow me, follow me Bastard! Come here! Your turn Tae-sung, you bastard Bastard, got some respect for us now? Oh no, Hae-won... Tae-sung... What do we do? - Got money for a cab? - what? l'll block them you take him and run Hae-won... - What's this? - Hey, hey... Now this isn't fair, to 4 to 1 - Here, take him... - You wanna die?! Hurry and take him, Han-kyung! - Hae-won... what do l do? - Nuna Nuna... you came... You're only in the way! Go! Look at your face... My God... - Nuna - Look at you! - What do l do? - Can you get me some water? Yes, water Big baby... This is a nice house You live alone? Lucky... l lived with my grandmother But she died recently... You didn't eat yet, right? That's why you got so beat up l'll make some porridge Don't be surprised at how good it is Tae-sung, Tae-sung Are you asleep? Tae-sung... l'm going now l made some porridge have some later lf it's ight then dark you can't see anything But if it's dark from the start you get used to it and can see l'm okay, dad Hey! Stop pretending and get up! You don't even come to school? - Hi - Hey... Who beat you up, huh? l can't believe it, really l can't Sis! What were you doing while he got beat up, huh? Your sis ran away while l got beat ln a cab, no less Really? Really, sis? Stupid, you believe that? What kind of wife would leave her husband and run away? Yeah, right Your face is like a monster's - Go and study or something - Huh? Right... l gotta go study - Where are you going? - Um, l'm a little busy ls Tae-sung alright? Um, yeah, he is now Hae-won, you hate me, don't you? Even if l did what can l do? l see you and all l can do is smile Man, l'm an idiot Sorry l'll be good to you from now - How are you gonna be good to me? - Well call me when you get beat up l'll take the beating instead Another way? Still... this isn't right Get it , Get the phone - Hello? - Nuna! Where are you? - Come meet me - l... - really can't right now - Then l'll go to you Are you home? - l'm at a home but... - Tell him to come! - Hello - Or are you gonna? - You want me to tell him? - Nuna, nuna You're going out with Hae-won? Why? Can't you believe it? She says she likes you like a other What can l do? l hate you but my girl thinks of you like a other You can't, nuna, This jerk's relationships have always been messy That's right l've been pretty popular Han-kyung, did you know this? Seniors chased after Tae-sung even in junior high Oh, so you were popular then too... That's right... But the thing is they were boys Calm down Hearing you guys talk you were friends back then, huh? Never Hae-won, l won't give you my nuna You can beat me to death but l won't give her to you. So don't even try Your nuna? Since when is Han-kyung your sister? She's not your nuna she's my girlfriend Before she's your girlfriend she's my nuna You two related or something? Tell me, are you? Nuna, is it Hae-won or me? - What? - Han-kyung, is it him? Or me? Um, well, that's... Stop... l got it so don't say anything - But l... - Don't say anything! l know what you're gonna say so don't You afraid she's gonna say my name? Nuna likes me a lot She took care of me all night and made me porridge Have you had some? Porridge? Tae-sung, stop Where are you going? Seeing you two now you fit with him more than me Hae-won... Hae-won... - Tae-sung... - l'm sorry for going too far Sorry... Hae-won! Hey! Hae-won... What are you doing here? Why'd you come out? To grab you Where's your shoe? huh? l'll do it Stay still Thanks... Tae-sung Remember what grandma told you? What? Yes? l know Don't call him daddy in front of her Mister, call him mister, right? But will she... Will my sister like me? Hi Can't get through to you, boo-hoo More than 3 questions of this subject will come out in the next university entrance exam Send me a text so I won't worry... So if you listen to me carefully you will at least get 3 points Hey! Listen! Listen up! Western religious beliefs ought the end of traditional society and... Han-kyung, what'd you do yesterday? You meet with Hae-won? Or Tae-sung? - Hae-won... - Hae-won! - And Tae-sung... - Tae-sung! You're so lucky! What, Tae-sung? Sorry - Hello? - lt's me, Jae-hee Uh, hi Jae-hee lt's been a while Yeah How are you? So you gotta come today... To what? Didn't Hae-won say? We're all meeting up today Who are? l thought as well, l'm glad l called - Why didn't you tell me? - lt's not for you to come - What? - You'll just end up crying again... l didn't give you that phone for you to take those calls, Give it back No What are you doing with Jae-hee? Oh, alright Then l'm gonna meet with Tae-sung You still talk with him! My phone! So- so- sorry Hae-won, let's dance Are you waiting for Han-kyung? He must really be dating the bumpkin! Dae-han doesn't mind you coming to these places? l oke up with him ages ago - l only have eyes for you, Hae-won - Oh, is that so, nuna? l told you not to call me that Hae-won She's here! She's here! Go and change! lt took me 4 hours Do l look that strange? No, you're too pretty That's why Well, l want to dress like this too! Dress like this only for me lt doesn't suit you! Look lt's for girls like that What's with you? She's looks great! You really do, nuna! Yeah, you do Don't listen to Hae-won Jae-hee, you win What bar does she work at? l said, shut up! Han-kyung... Go change, please No! Do l look that strange? Hot... Mister, what are you doing? Dammit... not mister, honey! H- honey... what are you doing?! Stay still What? Hae- Hae- Hae- Hae- wo... Do it? Here? Sure, baby! Mister, what are you saying? Dammit, l'm in the middle of... lt was dead wrong of me Should l die right here? lt's all over so let's go What do you mean it's over... So why go and dress like this? So l'd look good next to Jae-hee Hey! Watch closely... Wow, Cool! Was it that good? Bet that's hubby now must miss you already Hae-won, did you get in okay? - Hello? - lt's... Tae-sung... - Oh, Tae-sung... - You met with Hae-won? Do you like him that much? And l'm suffering like this... Nuna... You're bad Tae-sung... Tae-sung... l want to see you, nuna l really wanted to see you Tae-sung Tae-sung Daddy... No... - l don't know him... - Mom... You're hiding something, aren't you? Your father... loved someone else Nuna, it's Tae-sung Don't you remember me? My name is Tae-sung, Tae-sung Jung You have to remember this time Sis, get up and eat! Get up and eat eakfast! - Tae-sung! - You surprised me! You must've missed me Tae-sung! What happened? Where are you? Did you eat? Nuna, eathe while you talk l like that you worry about me Sorry about last night... tell you the truth l was dumped by someone l love That's why l had a little tantrum - You're not mad, are you? - Yesterday... l went to your house... Tae-sung's motorcyle accident Tae-sung, What do l do Tae-sung Wake up, Tae-sung l'm a dumb sister l didn't recognize my own other A stupid sister who didn't even know her own other Tae-sung, what do l do? l'm so sorry... Tae-sung Get up, Tae-sung Get up... Tae-sung, your phone's ringing... - Get up, Tae-sung Get up... - Nuna Why didn't you tell me? You should've told me we're family You looked so... so happy Dummy! lf l knew you were my other l'd be even happier! Nuna... That hurts! Now that l know... Now that l finally know l'll take care of you - l don't care - Da-reum Tae-sung's also your other what, other You wish... ls there anyone in your family who's had cardiac disorder? My mother and grandmother... ls it really bad? lt's aorta valvular disease lt's not that good Still, how can you get malnutrition? - By not eating, that's how... - Hurry up! You go first! - Hae-won! - l thought you were only good at hitting on girls But you'd be good at kidnapping too You coming to a hospital empty-handed? Don't pick a fight with me l'm not here cause l wanna be Your sister whined until l came How long is it gonna last this time? The longest you went out with a girl was what? 2 weeks? 3weeks Don't be like this Shake hands now Then l'm going Joo-ho, let's go Okay, we'll shake You've now made up See how nice this is? Nuna! Watcha looking at, huh? Look away! Kid, what are you doing here? Right, Joo-ho's tooth... - Let's go, let's go - l don't wanna - lt'll be okay - l don't want to Grandma! Dad... lt's me Daddy... Why didn't you tell me sooner? No, l won't go Don't be stubborn Come with me to Australia Yes There's no one left here for you Go with grandma to... l'm not going anywhere l'm staying here with nuna - Right, nuna? - Huh? Yeah... Nuna! Open wide! Hey! Just do the dishes Han-kyung! Let's go l gotta at least finish Hey! You still here? l'll hurry Okay? - Let's do the dishes, okay? Stop - Okay Okay Hello Wait, dishes - dishes - One sec... Hey, Han-kyung l'll be outside so hurry up - Okay - Yo! See ya Nuna and l are gonna play some more Hey l told you to do the dishes, dishes - Are you sure? - Yeah, watch your back Man, damn thugs... Why'd you piss the pervert off in the bathroom? He was being the pervert! Dammit! Something wrong? Don't worry lt'll be okay Hae-won, chin up! You have me... What do we do about your other? - That was Tae-sung? - Yeah Oh no... What's the problem? You're not his girlfriend Let's go Hi... - Are you Han-kyung? - Yes, and you are... Oh, l just... l want to be friends with you - With me? - Yes, Here! - What's this? - Well... l made this chocolate to give to you - l'm Bo-jung Lee, Happy to meet you - l'm Han-kyung Jung Han-kyung! Keep clear of this bitch! l don't know what she's up to - but she has a dirty reputation - Hey, why are you... Looks a bit naive like someone so she's probably nice Right! She's probably nice Dammit! She and l went to the same junior high Hey, Bo-jung! You... S- sorry, Han-kyung l shouldn't have come... She's trouble, l tell you Hey, Tae-sung! You don't even answer your phone... Oh! A kitten... Where'd you get it? You hungry? Want some milk? Why are you staring at me like that? You'll bore a hole in my face Am l... like a other to you? Of course, my adorable other You really think of me as your other? You're taking a stand cause l didn't make you dinner, right? Well, l'm making it now so wait just a little - When l'm suffer - Why did you come by yourself do you suffer too? Sure, Here, kitty Let's eat When l'm smiling with another girl do you get so mad you can't... - do anything? - Um, yeah... - Then do you... - Look at all the shit - Were you cold? - that l'm your real other? hate to death... right? - Tae-sung... - l... l really hate that you're my sister! l hate that l call you 'nuna' and that you're standing in front of me! Every day... l curse heaven thousands of times for letting us meet like this! What's wrong, Tae-sung? Because l love you Because l love... Han-kyung Jung Hey! Where'd you go? You left school early You were with Tae-sung, right? Why don't you answer the phone when you're with him? - Give it a rest - Give it a rest? l haven't even started! Are you mad cause l was with Tae-sung? He's my other! You're mad cause l spend time with my other? What are you thinking? l just... you didn't answer your phone D- don't cry l'm, l'm sorry lt's time Tae-sung got a beating - Hae-won, that's not it... - Right making his own sister cry... Dammit! - don't cry and let's go - Why are you doing this, Let me go Hey! You Sung- kwon High jerks make all the girls l know cry for fun? - Sorry Sorry - Gotta death wish or something? - Hey, 'Silly'... - Hae-won! Yo, you're getting my uniform wet! lt's okay now so go on By myself? l'm scared Hae-won, can't you take me home? Yeah! Grab her a cab at least What a pain... Get us a pizza - Thanks, Han-kyung - Be careful What's up with Silly back there? Why? See this? She kept holding me and crying That's cause you let her Han-kyung, are you jealous right now? - No, l'm not - Nah, you are, You're jealous - l am not! - Why wouldn't you be mad? Let's eat! Han-kyung You got a text message Tae-sung! Hae-won's wavering - Who is it? - l did good, right? A classmate You're acting strange Nothing Who's this? Hey, Tae-sung! You gotta freakin' get in the way every time we date? Why you... Wait a minute... You're here! Hmm? You've lost weight Right? You have! Wow, You're even prettier now - Tae-sung... - lt's cause of... the stupid things l said last time, right? lt was a joke, a joke Lighten up, A other's joke Jerk, calling us here and there You guys here for the picture too? lt's so nice to see! No, he's my sister's boyfriend... Quiet, you little pup The girl in the back get a little closer Nice! Kimchi! Kimchi! ˘Ü I feIt it from the start ˘Ü I fell for you right then ˘Ü I fell in Iove with you ˘Ü Every time I saw you ˘Ü it was hard to hide my heart ˘Ü I wanted so to express it ˘Ü It that too much to ask? ˘Ü My Iove for you ˘Ü is it so hard for you? ˘Ü I am aIways wanting to be with you ˘Ü Can't our Iove be? ˘Ü It will be hard ˘Ü but I will hoId back for you ˘Ü I will aIways Iove onIy you ˘Ü I will aIways Iove onIy you... Nuna! My singing rocks, right? That jerk... - Hae-won - We had dinner, isn't that enough? Hey! Huh? Tae-sung... What are you doing right now? This is Han-kyung's friend That's right l'm her friend Don't get the wrong idea You're her friend? Then why is she looking at you like that? - You wanna move that hand? - What's it to you? - What? - What's it to you! l got my hand on my sister's shoulder What of it? What does this look to you? - Move your hand! You bastard! - l can't give you my sister! No, l won't! lt's better l take her What? Say that again Nuna... Let's go No! Tae-sung, this isn't part of the plan! - Who are you? Do you know me? - Huh? Right... No, l don't know you S-sorry Bastards, mind your own business! You guys have the wrong idea Sorry, Han-kyung l just...ran into him l'm going Han-kyung, even you don't believe me? Let's talk tomorrow Hey, l'm not finished talking! Han-kyung! This... Didn't you send this by mistake? Forgive me, Han-kyung! Sorry! Tae-sung asked me to eak you two up l never thought it'd get so big... Don't lie! Tae-sung wouldn't Who are you? Tae-sung, he's your other, right? He asked me to do it Tae-sung and l are old friends Boy, he could sure act yesterday Why the hell are you doing this to me? Why? You'd have to ask him To love your own sister What kind of cruel joke is that? Don't you feel sorry for him? lt's all lies, isn't it? You! Why... Why... Han-kyung! What are you doing? l said, what are you doing! - Hae-won, look at this - Bo-jung, are you okay? - Bo-jung Lee! - Enough! Didn't you see her fall and hit her head! Yo-won, take her to the infirmary Tae-sung, that bastard l knew this would happen! She's acting right now! Why don't you believe me? Believe you? Believe you after you left yesterday like that? Bo-jung's tricking you right now! Whatever kind of girl she is whatever her game is with me l don't care about people l have no interest in What makes me mad is you! Han-kyung, you! Are you still suspicious of me and Tae-sung? You still don't know who l really like? Me?! To be honest, it's hard for me to watch you two ls that how little you trust me? You really can't trust me? Go be with the person you really like! lt'd be easier for both you and me Alright l'm also really tired of you thinking of Tae-sung and me that way Go to Bo-jung who likes you... Bo-jung Lee! You dare make my sister cry! Are you really okay? Should we go to the hospital? Tae-sung... You really don't know a Bo-jung Lee? don't know? No... Why? Tae-sung, it's Bo-jung! Who are you? Tae-sung, it's me, Bo-jung Han-kyung and Hae-won finally oke up l did good so buy me a dinner like you promised, See you later! What the hell are you talking about? Hey, hey l got beat up cause of you so you owe me lots of drinks! Bo-jung You Are you really the Tae-sung l know? How can you do this to me? What's this about you and Hae-won eaking up? And this text...? Even if you liked me more than a sister... This is wrong l don't know what's going on! l'm going now Nuna! Nuna! Nuna! You think l oke you two up? l trusted you l really did lt wasn't me! You're wrong! Why don't you believe me? Let's talk later Guess you are young Soaking in the rain Hey! Where's this Hae-won jerk? - Go ask someone else - Come here... These youngsters, they never learn Man, you got a temper... Cheer up Wanna hear some good news? Tae-sung, he got totally beat up and they're dragging him away Those thugs beat him like a wet dog Hey Yo, Hae-won, welcome! We were waiting for you Chicken shit... Watcha doing beating on a kid? Hey How'd you get here? Heard you got the crap beat outta ya, stupid! You guys here to fight? Or chat? That bastard's mine Tae-sung! You okay, Tae-sung? Tae-sung, you alright? You okay? Bo-jung Lee... Who the hell is she? That's cool When are you coming back? Well... Maybe l won't? Please don't! Exactly what l was hoping Hae-won, l have a favor to ask What? While l'm gone... Take good care of my sister You don't need to ask, idiot... Go running to her when she calls, buy her lots of food and call her often... and call her nuna! Well, that might be a problem And also... Man, we'll see each other again Why are you asking all at once? And also what? And... Han-kyung Jung! Ooh, that must hurt l told you to stay away from Hae-won She can't trust her boyfriend she can't trust her other... How can a guy love his sister? Right? That's really whacked... - l can't forgive you, l can't - So you won't forgive, so what! - Ooh! Bo-jung's really mad - Why do you think l'm here? - See this? - Hey! You bitches! Damnit You bitch! You wanna die, huh! l just did what Jae-hee told me to! Ha! You said it'd be fun! Just kill him Hey, you told me to You all same kinds Hae-won, leave them to me You two are dead! Tae-sung asked me not to tell you but you'd probably hate me forever when you found out You can't go like this, Tae-sung Nuna l didn't think l could get on that plane if l saw you Nuna... ln our next life don't be my sister You can be really, really ugly just please don't be my sister Tae-sung l had it all wrong, l was bad Come back, Tae-sung Tae-sung... Nuna, are you well? Miss your cool o? Oh, well l don't miss you much... This is Monster Monster, say hi Hi Dummy This way, this way Hello Nice to meet you enough Good Remember l told you? Lives next door, bugs me a lot She can't see so you understand... l wonder if Hae-won's treating you right He's so pigheaded and his relationships are a mess... Hi Hey, say hi to my sister! Nuna, l'm a little busy See you! Hi, Nuna, Are you well? Oh, cool o Aren't you tired of that yet? lf you have time to watch that study up Like me He hadn't written in so long He looks okay, right? You've watched like 30times can't you tell? No wonder you're retaking the entrance exam What! Hello? Hey! Tae-sung - What? lt's Tae-sung? - Wait, wait! How are you? ls something wrong? Sorry, l've been busy l can't help being so popular So did you graduate high school? l was really worried for you Of course School going well for you? l'm so tired of going to school The girls here got such high standards they can't get enough of me Nuna... Hae-won treating you well? Uh- huh He calls every night and sings me to sleep ya ya ya - Hae-won Bahn sings? - l did not Tae-sung! Your sis has gotta make dinner for her hubby so bye now Tae-sung, don't hang up! lf anything happens to sis l'll fly over and kick your ass, huh? Ooh, scary l just hit her, fly over! Stop fooling around Tae-sung, l'm fine so don't worry Are you coming back to visit soon? huh? Mm No... l'm going on a trip soon A trip? Where? Here in Australia, There are so many places l wanna see l've run out of change Bye, nuna Already? Take care of yourself And call more often! Okay? Hey! Are the girls pretty over there? What! You have a girlfriend! Hello? Han-kyung Jung! Han-kyung Jung! Han-kyung Jung! Why am l here? Tae-sung Jung, you idiot! What are you doing here? Tae-sung? Where did you go? Why are you here again? Where's grandma? She went looking for you again... Are you okay? Your surgery's coming up soon You should stay put l told you, right? My sister, who l love so much Look, look, she's pretty, right? l can't see Neither can l You can see No... l can't see her What are you going to make? What did she just say? Don't lie! What kind of trick is this? Then what about these postcards? l... sent them all He said she can't know... This can't be Tae-sung's on a trip right now... Grandma... lf lf l... don't get up... lf l don't wake up, don't tell sis Keep it a secret till she dies Whether she be in her 30s or 40s let her think l'm living happily in Australia... He just wanted to see you from a far To see if you were smiling or crying... With these two eyes he gave me he wanted to see you just once... just once Nuna... My trip... might turn into a long one... No! Tae-sung... Tae-sung... Tae-sung, you can't go like this... Tae-sung, can you see? lt's the ocean you wanted to go to with your sister Tae-sung... l'm so sorry l didn't know this time either... l didn't know again... Sorry, Tae-sung... Nuna, it's Tae-sung... Duh, of course she knows it's you... The days... l spent with you were the happiest of my whole life When l was young l hated dad most of all But now, l'm so thankful to dad in heaven l'm thankful he left me l really want to see you today When l see you the first thing l'm gonna do... Huh? lt's off... Man, nothing l do is right...
There's always a price to pay when you hire an assassin - from ten to hundreds of thousands of dollars. Recently, a mysterious killer has appeared in Hong Kong. He asks for no payment for his services. He eliminates his targets - all evil men - because they deserve to die. ln the world of professional killers, this vigilante is considered to be the king of killers. Others who live in fear know him as the ''Angel of Death'' Check Zone A. You check Zone B. Make sure everything's in order. Follow me. - Good evening, sir. - All levels have been secured, sir. - ls the boss still in there? - Yes, sir. Stay alert. Of all women, l find the Chinese are the most exciting in bed. How could they be better than Japanese women? Because their strong sense of moral values makes them highly reserved. l remember sleeping with them during the war. l'd hear their screams of pain, begging me to stop, but it just made me more excited. Japanese women can do that too. No, it's not the same at all. How l long for those days. Find out what's happening! Sasaki? - What's going on? - We're checking, don't worry, sir. - Check for intruders. - Sir! Some sake? Something's wrong with the monitor. Check it out. Sir, he's out cold. Someone must've oken in. Check the surrounding monitors. Shut all elevator power immediately! Do you read me? Control, do you read me? Sasaki? Shut up! So, who hired you to kill me? l'll make you an offer. l'll pay you three times what he did. You have no idea who you're dealing with. lf you kill me, you'll also end up dead. You'll be hunted down by professional hitmen from all over the world. Yes, and whoever kills you will receive a huge reward. They'll all be after your head. So if l were you, l'd just go. Leave while you still can. You stupid idiot! You've just signed your own death warrant! Excuse me. - Ma'am, l... - One minute. But you gave me the wrong change. lt says there that these are on sale for half this price. Let me see. Hey, Jerry, you forgot to remove the old tags again. Can l have my money back? l already punched it in. Do me a favour, go and get something else! But l've got everything l need. Can't you see the queue? You're delaying the other customers! Then give me my change. - There! - Thanks. Hey, you cheat, move on. Hello there. ..l walked behind him, and called out. He turned around and l shot him! Right in the forehead! His head exploded like a watermelon! l left him there, his ains splattered everywhere! Shooting through the heart is much cleaner and quicker. Joey, don't you have another assignment for us yet? We could do with the cash. There's one coming up, and you're all in. - Fred, have you called your mom yet? - No. She's your only family, right? ln that case, why don't you come? You could get lots of money to send her. Why don't you buy a new pair of pants? These are very comfortable. All right, you two, you'll be coming with me to Macao. Joey, can l use this a while? You've got some nerve freeloading off me like this! - Joey, l haven't called my mother... - l don't give a damn! l gave you that assignment to kill Mrs Chu... and you repair her drainpipes! She needed my help - besides she reminded me of my mom. What about that knife l gave you you used to cut your target's steak? But he couldn't even chew properly. And you call yourself a soldier of the Golden Triangle. Some tough guy! Maybe you should leave and stop wasting my time. All l really need is one big hit. - Not for just a few thousand... - Like a hundred million? - Are you kidding? - Do l look like l'm kidding? - A hundred million US dollars! - Let me do it, boss. Come on! Get serious! These guys want first-class killers. - l could be a first-class killer. - Really. You look more like first-class jerks to me. Hell, forget about Macao. - Hey, come on, boss. - Wait up, wait up. Joey, could you tell me where l can sign up for that? Please, help me. You really want that job? OK, go to the Tsukamoto Centre tomorrow morning. Someone might just notice your rags and toss you a few cents. Eiji, the fund manager's here. You'd better come and meet him. Eiji, what is your problem? l was wondering how a great man such as my grandfather could end up with such a worthless son, the likes of you. You've no right to talk to me like that. lt was your father who was killed and you're not doing anything to avenge his death. He's taken care of that. Only because you don't have the guts to do it. Useless people like you will be the downfall of Japan. You're not even capable of running your own father's business. Well, l'm in charge now. l've inherited everything. You don't even have a sense of honour. That's what grandfather and l had in common. Eiji, your grandfather's ashes are in there! No! No! These are my grandfather's ashes. Eat them and he shall live inside you. Go on! You're mad! You're nothing but an old coward. You don't deserve his ashes inside you. No! Stop! You really are mad! The board will hear about this. Let's go! Come on! Come on! Sorry, Father. l'm afraid they won't listen to you any longer. l have Grandfather's soul, so they have no choice but to follow me now. You're all mad! Phew, he stinks! ''A Day in the Life of a Professsional Killer.'' Grandpa, that man is really smelly. Quiet, now. The woman who just came in is Anita May. She's 33 years old and runs a prestigious modelling agency. No criminal record, but according to lnterpol, she's involved in some of the biggest crimes in Europe. She recruits top European hitmen to assassinate political figures. She probably gets her clients from her modelling agency. - This is coffee? - Well, it's decaff, sir. What's the point in drinking coffee if it's decaff? Forget it. This is Chris Crado, 42 years old, runs a liquor business, no criminal record, sir. Aside from selling vodka, he acts as an agent for Russian gangs operating all over Asia. Therefore he could easily get in touch with Russian assassins. So why have all these agents appeared at the Tsukamoto Centre? Aren't they afraid of being caught together? lt's because they all want the one hundred million dollar reward. lf you were a hitman, you'd be here too. - Something's up, Captain. - Zoom in, please. Look, if you don't have an invitation, you'd better leave. Just give me a chance. l'm the man for the job. What the hell are you talking about? - Please... - Get out of here... l really need the money and... - Are you looking for trouble? - Please, let me go, sir. Are you deaf? l said leave. Stop! Hold it right there! Do you morons have any idea who this man is? He may stink and look like hell, but he's also the top hitman in Mainland China! - So you're an assassin? - l served at the Golden Triangle. Great! Just play it by ear. What? Do you know me? Do you have any idea who l am? Well? You want to see my invitation? Well, all you have to do is ask. Now, you listen. l want to speak to your superior right away. - l am the superior. - Then you understand the problem. Jerk, here! l'll take you in, but you do exactly what l say. Can you repeat that in Chinese? And in Japanese, if you like. Have you prepared the bank draft, sir? Five million dollars in a Swiss bank. Thank you. - Five million? - That's just for deposit. Attention, please. My name is Martin, l'm Mr Tsukamoto's fund manager. lf you need a translator, use the earpiece in front of you and tune in to the desired language channel. You're all aware of Mr Tsukamoto's recent assassination. His will states that a reward will be offered to avenge his death. Please turn on the computers in front of you. Each of you has an account at a Swiss bank with a balance of $5m. Please enter your four-digit private code - your lD for your account. Whoever completes the mission will automatically receive the reward into his or her account. And for everyone's convenience, l've filed all the details regarding the death in your computers. You've all received the same information to ensure a fair deal. l'll repeat the terms again. The killer and the mastermind are worth 50 million dollars each. lf they are the same person, then he is worth 100 million dollars. lf there's official evidence that either one doesn't exist or is already dead, the full reward is for the remaining target. Ah, the right target. The right target will be identified by us. We form a special committee set up by Mr Tsukamoto. Regarding our professional details, all information can be accessed on your computer. Lastly, l want to make this clear - we do not encourage law eakers. We won't be held responsible should you become involved in any illegal activities - you'll also be disqualified. - Police! - This is a search warrant. Everyone please remain in your seats and take out your identification. You're all suspected of being involved in international crimes. Please cooperate, if you don't want any trouble. l'd be more careful, if l were you. We have two lawyers here, Officer. What's happening here? We're in the middle of a legitimate business deal. l'll have my secretary send you a report. Great! Why do you have so many discount coupons? - l collect them. - And why so many coins? He collects them also, so? - And this knife? - What about it? lt's for cooking. - Can't he speak? - l'm his manager. Everyone with talent needs a manager. So what's your talent? He's a great gymnast. He's also good at running, although he needs more training. His record's 9.9 seconds for 100 metres. Let's go, men. Aren't we going to arrest them? lf they want to play with fire... - lsn't that Tsukamoto's grandson? - Yes, he's joining the hunt. Are family allowed take part? Mr Tsukamoto, sir. l don't like being interrupted before my meal. What do you want? Actually, l also have an appointment - a idge game. And l promised my friends l wouldn't be late. You Chinese talk a lot. lf l were you, l'd get to the point. Your mere presence is starting to irritate my men. All right. l've gathered some new information. lf it's about my grandfather's death, l already know everything. Of course, but something new has come up. Since your grandfather didn't want the police involved, we had to use all our influence to avoid an autopsy. But we had someone examine him. And he discovered something very interesting. - What do you want? - You know what l want. l'll give you the information, but l want something in return. l scratch your back, you scratch mine, right? And the others? You'll be first to get any news, so long as you pay $100m each time. Aren't you the least bit scared of me? l am, but l'm more afraid of living miserably. Right? You can cash this cheque any time of day. l just hope your information is worth it. What we found in your grandfather's body was a military banknote, dating from the Second World War. We still haven't decoded it, but our computers will fix that in no time. - When? - After l've cashed this cheque. Your meal is ready, Master Eiji. Remove the extra setting, he's not eating, he might ruin my appetite. No problem, l don't eat sashimi anyway. ln fact, l hate it. On that night, most of the security cameras were destroyed by Tsukomoto's murderer. But we do have some videos, recorded days before the murder occurred. They also gave us a video recorded the night of the murder. But although the killer is visible, he can't be identified as his back is to the camera. Bill, you've seen the tape, what do you think? l think he's been in the centre before. He knew his way around and where all the cameras were located. So there's no doubt he'd given the place a thorough going over. Maybe he got hold of the blueprints. But most of the cameras were installed under a month ago, sir. The blueprints wouldn't tell him where they were. How do we trace the killer, then? Well, we could run his image through the computer, together with anyone who has been there. All right, get video tapes dating back a month and start with that. Yes, sir. And Bill, don't let anyone into the computer room. They used to be bigger. What a rip off! What are you looking at? You pervert! Get lost! Take it easy. He was staring right down my cleavage! So, you like my watch? lt's a Rolex, 24 karat gold-plated and diamond studded. lt's to commemorate the reunification of Hong Kong with Mainland China. - Have it! - l've never had a watch before. Now, l have a Rolex. Don't get too excited, it's a fake. You don't expect the real thing, do you? Even so, in Tsim Sha Tsui, this would cost about $800! This is the most expensive gift l've ever received! - You're a Chinaman, all right. - What? lt's just that Mainland hitmen charge between 40 and 50 thousand. You get 80 thousand with 10 thousand down payment. But the reward was 100 million! l'm your agent, right? l have to pay for everything, meals, transportation and l have to pay my informers. Don't you think your share is just a little excessive? l invested 5 million dollars without even knowing you. No-one would do that! Or would you rather forget it? How about we split 6040? - Not a chance! - What about 70-30? All right, 80-20 and l'll take the down payment. First of all, l just want to make sure you can fight. And you must do everything l tell you. Then tell me what you want. - You know what... - Hey, you! Enough of your noise! You've got 30 seconds. l'll give you something to shout about! Get lost! You son-of-a-bitch! 15 seconds, Norman. Sorry, l didn't mean to... Sorry, lady, excuse me. You wouldn't dare hit a woman! Come on! Run away then! - What? - But she's a lady. You don't hit ladies? l'd better look for someone else. Wait, Norman! What you need is a whole new wardrobe, if you want to be taken seriously as a professional. There's nothing more impressive than a stylish killer. - What's the matter? - This costs $19,000! Well, if you dress expensive, you look expensive. That's how it works. l was wondering if you could help us. You see, my friend here, ah... he wants to try a new style. The ideal material is polyester. lt's soft and tightly knit, so you won't leave fi es on the crime scene. Long coats are good for carrying weapons. Black suits look smarter and slicker. And as for the hair... always use mousse to avoid leaving hair or dandruff on the scene. - What are they for? - To make you look smarter. l'll be in touch. Take this pager. Where's my down payment? What about all these new clothes! Listen, don't follow me, all right? You will call? These clothes cost me $19,000, of course l'll call. His name is Norman Lu, alias Crocodile Lu. His file's about an inch thick - theft, selling of porno tapes, swindling and illegal gambling. l'm sure he's up to another scam, acting as an agent. He did invest $5m just like the others. Maybe he's cheating the other agents, sir. He may be a swindler but he's not that smart. So, what's he doing here? Are there any answers in your computer? - No, sir. - Let's go, then. ls there something wrong with what l'm wearing? Course not, Fred, you look great. By the way, what's today's date? - The fourteenth. - Ah, fourteen! One and four. l better find you a job since you need some cash. Order whatever you want. Yeah, you're looking for an exterminator? What's the salary? That's all? No thanks, we're not interested, bye. But, aren't we going after the killer? We still have to work in the meantime. We have to earn a living. Go ahead and eat. Someone told me he's in a retirement home. - l heard he died a long time ago. - Why didn't you say so? Excuse me, gentlemen. Have any of you seen Mr Leung lately? Ah, yes, Mr Leung! Yes, do you know where he is? Well, you should ask Mrs Leung about that. She knows everything. l bet! Thanks. Wait! We were just kidding. You're looking for old man Leung? That's right. - He's been missing for a while. - He hasn't come for tea in ages. Excuse me, enjoy your tea. Now there's a hard worker. Did you see all the pagers he had? - You ate all that? - No, l left this for you. How could you eat so much? l'll deal with you later. What an appetite! Jim, what's new, a new target? Good! You gave the job to someone else? But l've got this guy, he's just come from America, he's really slick. How did l get him? He wanted to spend some time in South East Asia, so he came to Hong Kong to see his old friend. 50 thousand's fine. Of course not, he comes out in a rash if he doesn't kill regularly. Whoever gets him first, gets the money? OK, OK, count us in then. Who's the target? Yeah... Right... OK, get the money ready, thanks. What a pig! l eat three meals in one to save time. More like three months of meals. l think we'd better leave. - Wait, want take away? - Take away? The terms of our business agreement are as follows: Sometimes you may be required to maim a target. 8,000 for the left hand, 10,000 for a leg , and 20 discount for both legs. - And the right hand? - That's free. - Why? - lt always gets in the way. So it ends up as a freebie. Why don't you look around for a while? What about you? l don't know the target, so l've got to find my informer. - But there's so many kids around. - Want me to chase them away first? Wait here. - l want some candy. - Give me a pink one. Just hit the tile and you win, go on! Aw, you missed! l can do it, watch. - Need some help? - No thanks. OK, if l lose your dollar, l'll give you five back. Deal! Try number two tile, l want Big Bird! That one? Hooray! l won Big Bird! Here you are mister, toss another coin! - What number? - Try number one. - Here mister, try it again! - All right, one at a time, kids. That's great, mister! There you go. A bunny! l won a bunny! No, kids. Sorry but we're closed, come back tomorrow, OK? - Sorry, kids. Did you have fun? - Yeah! An assassin who loves children, isn't that sweet? l shouldn't have underestimated a man of your cali e. What do you mean? Your target's just over there. Do the job, l'll be nearby. Wait! Who's the target? l thought you knew. - Where'd you get the toys? - From that man. The Father of that kid. The kid likes you, that should make it easier. Just go over there and cut his heart out. Piece of cake! Go on, it's getting late. Just think of the cash. Go on. That's right. Don't let me down. Think of the reward. Hey, Fred, have you called your mom? - Not for ages. - Me neither. l just shot him! Right in the forehead! His head exploded like a watermelon. Get down! - Fred! - Leave the kid alone. You want him yourself. - Help me! Help me! - Sorry, l can't! Not me! That guy! You! Drop the gun! Drop it! Freeze! l said freeze! - Hands up! - l didn't do anything. - OK, Norman, let's start again... - Captain Kwan. What were you doing at the carnival? Having fun. Having fun? Children have fun at carnivals. Well, times are changing - these days, men are even selling women's lingerie and wearing it too! We found your fingerprints on the dead man's gun. Explain. Your fingerprints are on my wallet. lf my fingerprints are on this desk, does that mean this desk is mine? About the deceased, he's from your home town, so you know him, right? l didn't know him. All right - explain your relationship with Norman Lu. Norman's my friend. Not just a friend, a close friend. You're lying, that Mainlander is a criminal! Oh, l see, a criminal, huh? Look, whoever you are, you have no right to accuse an innocent man. This is what we get for saving lives. Where were your people when it happened? Captain, someone's bailing out Norman Lu. - Who? - His daughter and a lawyer. This is my daughter, who just happens to be a lawyer. - Hi, honey. - What is it this time? Nothing to do with me. Don't lie, someone's just died and l'm sure you know something. Can you bail my friend out too? Just what kind of friend? Excuse me. This is my friend. You're improving - no scars, no tattoos. Everything's arranged. No problems, you're free to leave. - And this man? - He needs to be bailed out too. - No problem. l'll take care of it. - Thanks a lot. David, l'll join you. - That's your daughter? - That's right. Why do you ask? What? She takes after her mother, all right? l'm warning you... don't even think about it. Got that? ''Police Station'' Wait for me here while l get the car. David, wait. l never expected your daughter to be a budding lawyer. Life's full of surprises. l couldn't help noticing some tension there. What? She's just cool and reserved like me. We treat each other in a mature fashion - since we're living in modern times - not that you'd know about that. No, l guess not. The boss is looking for you. - Thanks for saving my life. - You're welcome. Here's $5,000. My card's in there - if you need anything, just call. - Wow, $5,000. - ls it real? Sure looks real. You should've killed that guy, then you'd have got $15,000. Here's your $1 ,500. You think small. You should've had a bigger share. Nice going. Your pager. - Drop him off at the corner. - OK. - You can go now. - How will we keep in touch? l'll find you. Go on, get out of here. Give me a call. - l'm sorry. - lt's OK. After all, we are family. l wasn't talking to you. David bails you out whenever you're in trouble. - So? He is dating you. - You're embarrassing. No, it's not OK. You're always doing this to me. What? You've been in and out of jail since l was a child. l always felt so embarrassed. l decided to study law just so l could bail you out. One time our teacher asked us to write about our fathers. l couldn't write a single word, you know why? Because l couldn't think of one nice thing to say. Come on, Kelly, don't embarrass me in front of David. lt's OK, we're almost family, sir. - Stop that! - Look, just drop me off over there. Thanks David. - Yeah? What is it? - l'm sorry for being nasty. Just think about what l've said. Sir? Stay out of trouble... Sure. To hell with that dumb Mainlander. l can make it without him. l'm a survivor. Hi, Jack. Right... do you know where Mr Lu might be? No, no news, huh? Can you lend me $20,000? l'll be... Jack? Hey! Your fridge is oken. - How did you find me? - l followed you home. Aren't you the sly one. You should've told me you were coming. Would you have let me in? Don't be ridiculous! l did sense someone was in here. You picked the lock, right? No, l came in through the window. Right! l was just about to say that. - Yours? - l decided to move in with you. That's great! l would have suggested it myself, only l didn't know how. - Where should l sleep then? - Through there. Kelly used to sleep here. Now she stays in the hostel, so l turned it into a spare room. - Smells nice. - What do you expect? Get some rest. W-w-what if l slept with you instead? - No, l talk in my sleep. - How do you know that? My girlfriends tell me. Besides, l might end up telling you all my secrets. Just stay here. l'm so glad he's staying. What's wrong? Should l sleep on the bed or on the floor? lt doesn't really matter, sleep anywhere you like. - ls it good? - Very. When you're through, l want you to read these. Tells you all about how to be a first class killer. But l can't understand English. So what? - Just look at the pictures, like you're reading a Playboy mag. Here, take a look. lt says here, when you're in a restaurant, you should sit sideways so you can get at your gun. But everyone would know l was a killer. ''How to be a well known killer.'' A real killer only carries his gun on a mission. That's in here too, see? You'll get all the pointers you need in here. Forget it. l already know what's written in there. So you think you know everything already. All right, then show me. How do you hold a gun? - Where is it? - Here, use the banana. - But this isn't a gun. - Use your imagination. - Bang! - ls that how you've been trained? Some soldier you are. You should stand erect, facing straight ahead. Support your right hand, hold your eath, and then you fire at your intended target... You're eating your gun! l can't believe you're eating your gun! lt's a banana, all right? Not a gun. Here's a gun. - lt's rusty. - No, it isn't, it's an antique. lt's the first real gun l ever had. Here. Watch where you point that thing. - Have you ever shot someone? - Have you? Hell, l've shot lots of people. l was known as the lean, mean killing machine. Anything l could get my hands on l turned into a weapon. l could use practically anything. l killed three people every two days. l remember a time... How's it going? We've already ruled out 50 of those who've been in the building. That leaves us 200 more tapes to scan. Let's leave the computer running. We're wasting time. We'd better keep an eye on Eiji. Come on. Your father isn't back yet. - l'll watch the car. - l'll get my things. Why are you here? Your father invited me. He said you wouldn't mind. - Did you touch anything? - No. What about my closet? l'd nowhere else to hang my clothes. There'll be trouble if there's anything missing. Did you touch her? No, l slept on the floor. l never touched her. l hope not, she's never slept with a man before. So she's a girl then? What are you doing here? David, could you put these in the car, please? Did you meet my father in prison? Could you help me ing my things down? All right. - Are you leaving? - Yeah. David, watch your step. Wait! See you. Could we talk? David, l'll call you later. Let's go. - Where to? - Somewhere we can talk. That sly bastard! Hello? Hey, Martin, what's up? - ls this your first time? - Yeah. - Want some ice cream? - You don't mind? Of course not. You can buy one over there. - Never mind. - Sure? lsn't she great? l used to do that when l was a girl. l used to love skating then, so my father promised to ing me. But l knew he wouldn't. Finally l came alone and l skated the whole daylong. l didn't want to leave. The attendants had to call my father at closing time. l can even remember the argument we had by those stairs. - You know why he got mad? - Cos you ran away? That wasn't it. He said he never promised me anything. l was heart oken. Once l realised he never kept his promises anyway, l went up to him and said: ''l will never, ever trust you again.'' Give him another chance. Come on, l'll teach you to skate. Well? Easy, isn't it? Come on, l'll lead you. Here. There you go. So, you're from the Mainland? Yeah, l was a soldier back there. My mom lives there and l told her that when l've made it, l'll come back and build a lovely big house for her. But l don't even have enough money to build a toilet. What's so funny? For someone who's shy, you talk a lot. Well, since you told me so much about yourself, l thought l'd do the same. You didn't meet my dad in prison, did you? So what's my father up to now? Don't lie to me now, l can tell. Do you really want to know? ls that why you wanted us to talk? To be honest l've no idea what his plans are. But he's using me. Let's make a deal. - What? - Give me you finger. From now on, promise that you'll tell me everything my father is doing. And l'll give you a reward. Let's see you try alone. Careful! Why do you have so many coins? Well, they're useful. Can l have them? Come on, Fred. ''Children in Need'' They'll be of far more use to those in need. What's wrong? All that money! Let's go. All right, you maniac! Where did you ing my daughter? Talk! Where did we go? l can't remember. Stop that! Remember what l said? Keep your hands off! We're going out. You're lucky l still need you around. Otherwise, you'd be out. Where are we going? Remember Martin, the fund manager? He's got a lead. We'll talk about it on the way. Give me the key. Great! You finally missed a shot! So, what's the lead? - Relax. Where's the money? - $200,000. This is only just enough for a month's fuel. - For what - a spaceship? - A yacht. So where were we? Right, evidence was found in Mr Tsukamoto's body, which we believe was left by the murderer. lt could be a vital key. - What is it? - l'll ask the questions. What is it? lt's a Japanese banknote from the Second World War. The killer must have made Mr Tsukamoto swallow it. - So... - Sorry, that's all. For $200,000! That's highway robbery! Call it what you like. Before you came in l sold this information to five other parties - they paid me more. - How much did the first party pay? - Shut up! - How much did they pay? - None of your business. But l told them about 72 hours ago. That's all you can tell us? OK, although this is unconfirmed, l think l know who the killer is. For the past four years, there's been an assassin in Southeast Asia, called the Angel of Death. He's more of a vigilante, he works alone. He's suspected of killing 1 7 people. But these people were so evil, they deserved to die. Angel of Death? The Bible says the Angel of Death is God's mercenary against evil. His mission is to spread justice by killing wrongdoers. ln short, he's God's own hitman. Now l've told you all about him, let's call it quits, OK? Let's go. Martin, who was the first buyer? l can tell you have a focused mind. Tsukamoto's grandson. Excuse me. Why did you ask that? Well, Eiji found out first, so we'll just follow him. Aren't you the smart boy for once! This is a stupid idea. We've been tailing him for days but we still haven't found anything. Just relax. Right, l'll do that. You keep watch. l had the serial numbers on the note regenerated by the computer. ln Hong Kong, all banknotes were registered even during the war. How else could we claim compensation from your people? Oh, l found the owner. He's an old man. Here's his personal file. At least now, you're getting your money's worth. - Get the cars ready. - Sir. Look, here they come. l don't want him killed yet. Bring him to me first. He's not home yet, come back later. Go in! May the word of God enlighten you. Fred, come on. Hurry! There's no sign of him anywhere! Search the entire building immediately. l'll wait here. Don't shoot! Don't kill him! Can't you go any faster? Put him in here! Grab him! Throw him to me! They're downstairs! Out of the way! Please don't die, Mr Leung! l need you. Fred, hurry, close the gate! Don't move! Get over there! l like the Japanese. Yamaha's are great! Are you all right? Say something! l can't eathe! Hang on, Mr Leung. Hang on, Fred. You're doing fine. We'll wait upstairs. Come on, Mr Leung. Oh, dear! Hey, Fred! Let's go. Mr Leung, tell them all about it. Mr Leung! Please don't die on us. We have to know the truth! He's dead! What did he say before he died? Well, what did he say? He said... Piss off! He was worth $50m. Did you know that? No, they're not worth it. l'm assigning you to another case. l want you and your team to bust this Mainland gang. No-one else can do it. Not until after this case. Look Kwan, you've got to follow orders. l'm still the Chief. You've been driving the department crazy since this started. lt's not just that, an old man was also killed. Hold on a second. You and l both know that's not how it happened. He was already dead before he was shot. He died of natural causes. Our men interviewed the neighbours. We've done all we can. lt's a hopeless case. Take my advice... let it go. - There's something l must tell you. - lt's about time. l'm not really an assassin's agent. l know that! l'm the one they're after - the Angel of Death! l don't believe you. They may think l'm the Angel of Death. But l'm not actually him. What are you talking about? l've had enough of your lies. This is how it happened. One day, l read an ad...for a killer. Just like that exterminator ad the other day. But the terms of the ad were very strange. So l figured he was new at this gig, and since l needed money to pay the bills, l called him up and we met. That was Mr Leung, the old man. Anyway, he wanted me to kill someone for him - a Japanese officer, who'd killed his family during the war. l thought it would be impossible to find this guy. But Leung said he was right here in Hong Kong on business. ''Hundreds Protest Fascist Leader Tsukamoto's Arrival in Hong Kong'' l decided there could be money in it, so l accepted. But l never expected that aside from being old and senile, all he had was a box of old Japanese banknotes from the war. They have no value at all. Then later on, he told the story to someone at the antique shop. He finally ended up selling his banknotes for $2,000, then he called me up again. By then l felt so guilty taking money from that old man, that l just gave him my bank account number and l said: ''Deposit the money when you read of Tsukamoto's death in the papers.'' But then Tsukamoto did get killed, so the old man deposited the money. What makes it worse is that l wasn't the one who killed him. lt was someone else. l've been looking for Leung, to tell him and to return his money. Now it's too late. Why didn't you hide? And what about that $5m you deposited? l took out a mortgage on the apartment. l had to know if they were on to me. They found the old man. Besides if l... lf we find the killer we could still end up with $100m. So it is the money. Someone's coming. Papa, what are you doing? There was a mouse, l was trying to... l think he's got himself into trouble again. Were you in a fight? Of course not, we were just cleaning, right, Fred? What happened to your face? l came to get the rest of my things. Great! lt's best you moved out. The sooner the better, right? Do you really hate me that much, Papa? What are you talking about? You're the one who wanted to move. - Sir, has she told you? - Yeah, she's moving out. No, it's my father's birthday on Saturday. We're also cele ating Kelly's promotion. We'll understand if you can't make it. Of course l'll come. l wouldn't miss that. - When is it? - Saturday. See you there? See you on Saturday. Don't eat too much junk food. ''Fred, she looks like you. Look after her.'' He withdrew $20, then $30... lt must be here somewhere... Let's scan forward... Just a little more... Here it is. According to Leung's bank account, the day after your grandfather's death, he withdrew $200,000 and deposited it in another account. - Can you trace that account holder? - l already did. This is the man you're after. Him? That's the weather for today... - Ready? - Let's watch the news first. A fire oke out at a five storey building in Wanchai, this afternoon. The fire started at Unit 504 on the 5th floor of the Chiu Chow building. What's wrong? ..whether the fire was intentional... - They're on to me. - How do you know? That's where l used to live. We'd better get going. My God! They're here! Move it! Now they all think l'm the Angel of Death! They all want to find me so they can kill me! Maybe it's best if l just leave this place. Just take a boat and split. You've thought about killing me too, right? So you can get the money? Yes, l have. But l'm no match for you. You're...you're no killer, Fred. You're too nice. - What's that for? - Just take it. - lf it's some kind of deal... - Will you relax? lt's a gift. Do me one favour - watch over Kelly. She'll be working with the sharks, she'll need protection. Just take it, so l know you'll look after her. l'll look after her anyway, even without the watch. l thought so. You like her a lot, don't you? l can't take this. l don't have any friends. You're the only one l've got. So take it. Now, go, get out of here. Go on! Go on! Get out of here, will you? What's the message? '' Are you coming? Your friends have arrived.'' ls something wrong, sir? l don't feel well. You! Off with those clothes! - How long have you known my father? - A few weeks now. - You must be corrupt. - What makes you say that? A lot of my dad's friends are criminals, except for Fred. Are you? Well, why don't you ask your father? He's here. l wonder what he's saying to Kelly right now. Maybe he's also after me. Keep him busy while l talk to Kelly. How do l do that? Talk to him. Dance with him if you want. You remember Captain Kwan, Fred. Why don't you two catch up? Care to dance with your old man? l haven't seen this suit before. - Do you like it? - Not really. - Why not? - lt doesn't suit your size. That's the price l pay for having a daughter as tall as you. What ought you here, Captain? Word is Norman's the Angel of Death, so everyone will be after him. His daughter's innocent. l just want to make sure they don't use her as a hostage. You're the Angel of Death. Only you know he's innocent. - You're sure about that? - Absolutely. Then kill me now. You'll get a hundred million. Even if l killed you, l wouldn't get the money. You have a good head on those shoulders. Come with me. - David. - This will only take a moment. l want you to meet my girlfriend, Kelly. - Hello. - Kelly. Uncle would like you to work for his law firm. You deserve to work for a more prestigious company. We don't usually accept new lawyers, but l owe David's father a favour. Stop it, you're embarrassing me. Excuse me, Uncle, l'm really grateful for the offer, but l enjoy my job as public prosecutor. lt's a good place to learn, right? Don't be offended. Good evening, sir. Dad, this is Mr Lu, Kelly's father. - Glad to meet you. - You don't seem glad. What is your line of business, sir? Oh, different things. He used to own a taxi company, now he's in freight. Really, l've heard that's quite lucrative. Actually, l have no business. You know what l really do? l cheat people out of money. - Papa... - Kelly, what's the point of lying? They may not know the truth today, but sooner or later they will. And l've given you enough pain. l wasn't a good father. l'm sorry, l won't bother you again. l just hope that... some day l'd see you... as a illiant lawyer that l can be proud of. Well, sir, don't be alarmed. Kelly has been against my work from the start. Gentlemen, thanks for a wonderful evening. l have to go. Now you can arrest me. l'm ready to go to jail. You'd better look for somewhere to hide. Like where, Captain? They won't give up looking for him. Let's go. - Where are we going? - We'll tell Martin the truth. - What if he doesn't believe us? - lf he doesn't, you're history. Kelly, don't worry. l can be like a father to you from now on. Thanks a lot, sir, but l've decided to eak up with David, anyway. Let her go. Don't be such a wimp. Hello, Martin speaking. Martin, it's Fred. Norman's here with me. Everyone's been looking for him. Have the money ready before we reach your office. l'm not in my office. l'm at the Tsukamoto penthouse. ls there anything wrong? No, everything's fine. We'll be there soon. Do you still believe they're going to pay you? Everyone's after me. l'll wind up dead anyway, so we may as well go. lf you hadn't been in charge of this hunt, l'd have killed you long ago. lf you get the cash, give half of it to my daughter. l have to make it up to her. So you made it? So, he's the Angel of Death? As far as everyone's concerned, Norman Lu's the man. And if l kill him now, l get the reward? - Of course... - Let him talk! - lmmediately! - l don't want to hear any more lies! - ln my experience... - l can transfer it to your name now. - You're lying. - Why would he do that? Two keystrokes and l'm connected to the Swiss bank. The amount is entered in your account and you input your code number. That's it, the money's yours. Then, l'll do it. Fred, why did you have to kill him? l can't transfer the money myself because he's in charge of the hunt! lt doesn't really matter who kills him. The reward is mine. l told you we couldn't trust them. You were right. Great foresight, Fred. All right, game's over! We're outta here! See you around! What about your five million? Give it back. Give it to them! - Where's the Angel of Death? - He's coming. He better be quick! lt's the Angel of Death. lt's him! So, you're the Angel of Death. Now you'll pay for my grandfather. l'll deal with the lady, l can take her. What a woman! No, l'll take him. There, can't get far now, can you? Now, it's my turn. So, you want to get a little closer? Wow, you should've been a gymnast! - Are you all right? - Hospital bills cost a fortune! Don't worry about the money. You'll get the hundred million, once you've killed him. Can you do it? No, l can't. Wait! Now you know too much about me. Hold it right there. You can't just waste all that money. - What do you mean? - We have to make use of that money. - lt's $100m. - What do you suggest? We have to invent a story - Eiji, here, is the real Angel of Death. He killed his grandfather for the money. The Captain found out... oh, l'm sorry... He asked you to help out so he could arrest Eiji. When Eiji fought back, you had to kill him. As for the man... We'll sort out the details later, just give us the money. No problem, guys. Gentlemen, l carried out your instructions - and invested your money in Coca-Cola shares. Of course, l'd appreciate 20 of the annual profit. Now that you're all millionaires, you have nothing to worry about. Now l can buy my mom a really big house. Buy her a skyscraper for God's sake. l'm inging Kelly skiing in Switzerland. You're lucky, l've lost my job. Well, l have this rich friend who hires vigilantes for just causes, and he'll pay $3m per target. Don't tell me, l'm done with that business, all right? lf you change your mind, tell me about it, OK? Thanks, Martin. Can l talk to you in private? You can talk here, l'm his agent. l forgot to tell you. l've got a new agent. You replaced me? There she is. So you're the one who took my place? l'll be his lawyer from now on. You mean, you'll be handling all his assets? l'll be handling your assets as well. You must be dreaming! l'd never let anyone charge me commission! - l'd better retire. - But you are retired. l mean as a vigilante. - As the Angel of Death? - Yeah, you can take over. l'm afraid l'm not a very good killer. That's because you've had the wrong targets. lf they deserved to die, l'm sure you could do it. Think of yourself as the new vigilante... The new Angel of Death. Let's make it three Angels of Death. All right. lt's a deal.
Are you Henry? Yes. Girl named Marry called on the pay-phone. Said she's set her parents and you're invited to dinner. Oh, yeah? Thank you very much. You're late, Henry. I didn't know if you wanted me to come or not. Where have you been? You never come around anymore. Dinner's almost ready. Come on in. Hello there. Hello. I'm very pleased to meet you. Sit down. It's Henry. isn't it? Yes. Marry tells me you're a very nice fellow. What are you doing? I-I am on vacation. What did you do? Oh, I'm sorry. I work in the Lapell's factory. I am a printer. Henry is very clever in printing. Yes, he sounds very clever. I thought I heard a stranger. We've got chicken tonight. Strangest damn things, they're man-made. Little damn things, smaller than my fist. But they're new. I'm Bill. - Hello, I'm Henry. - Henry is at Lapell's factory. Print is your business, ha? Plumbing is mine. 30 years. I've seen has never had changed for patching to the hell how it is now! I put every damn pipe in this neighborhood. - Dad! - Bill! Pipes ain't growing alone. I make sure they don't. Look at my knees. - Look at my knees! - Bill! - Are you hungry? - Bill! The girls had heard this before... but 14 years ago, I had an operation on my arm here. Doctors said I won't be able to use it. But what the hell do they know, I said. And I rubbed it for a half hour every day and I've got those... I could move it a little. And I got... so I could turn a faucet and pretty soon I had my arm back again. Now I can't feel a damn thing in it. All numb... I'm afraid to cut it, you know. Mary usually does the carving but maybe tonight you'll do it, Henry. All right with you? Of course. I'd be happy to. I just... just cut them up like regular chickens? Sure, just cut them up like regular chickens. It'll be all right. Excuse me. Well, Henry, what do you know? I don't know much of anything. Henry, may I speak to you a minute? Over here. Did you and Mary had sexual intercourse? - Why? - Did you? - Why are you asking me this question? - I have a very good reason. But now I want you to tell me. I-I'm very... I love Mary. Henry, I asked you if you and Mary had sexual intercourse. - I-I don't think it's any of your business. - Henry! Sorry. You're in very bad trouble if you won't cooperate. Well... I... - Mary! - Mother! - Answer me! - I'm too nervous. - There's a baby. It's at the hospital. - Mom! - And you're the father. - It isn't possible... - It's still unsure it is a baby. - It's premature, but there's a baby. After the two of you are married which should be very soon, you can pick the baby up. Mom, he's got his nose bleeding. I'll get ice. Will mind you Henry, you and I getting married? No! This dinner is getting cold. Is there any mail? No. Shut up! Shut up! I can't stand it. I'm going home. - What are you talking about? - I can't even sleep. I'm loosing my mind. You're on vacation, now. You can take care of it for a night. Will you come back tomorrow? All I need is a decency of that sleep. Why don't you just stay home? I'll do what I wanna do. And you better take real good care of things while I'm gone. Oh, you are sick... Move over. Move over. Move over! I locked myself out of my apartment. And it's so late. Where's your wife? She must've gone back to her parents, again. I'm not sure. Can I spend a night here? In heaven everything is fine In heaven everything is fine In heaven everything is fine You've got your good things and I've got mine In heaven everything is fine In heaven everything is fine In heaven everything is fine You've got your good things and you've got mine In heaven... ...everything is fine Ok, Paul! Hi ya sonny, what've you got there? Counter, Paul! It's ok. [email protected] www.mironto.host.sk/translator
Listen to me. What are we talkin' about, really? Getting high? No. We're talking about a journey, man. A subconscious safari. A mental expedition, okay? A mind trek. This planet has been raped, pillaged and fucked, all right? And the mind is-is the only uncharted territory. And this shit is the ship. It's the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria, and you are fuckin' Magellan. Oh, fuck! I spilled some! So what do you say, my Serbian motherfuckin' friend? Do you wanna take a trip, or do you wanna sit on your ass? Okay, Napoleon, let's see what you got. Robi. That dog is really creeping me out. It's a big fuckin' dog. It makes my girl very uneasy. I don't really like dogs. The pooch was not invited. You don't talk about my fuckin' dog, okay? I'll handle it. Can you tie it up or something? He'll do what I say. Once I show him who's boss with a few treats and some smacks. Good boy. Here's treat. He knows who's boss, yes? Shit, man! Hey, hey, I got a dog too. Yo, Tony! I love this guy. He works his ass off for piss. All right, once I show him who's boss with some few smacks and some treatsies. - You got that? You got a smoke? - No, no. I'm fuckin' out. I told you. - Are you giving me some static? - No. Huh? You giving me the hairy eyeball? You Irish fucking pig! Fuck, man! See? Whoo! I got my dog too. Here you go, dog. - Are you guys in? Are you in? - Fuck you! - What's your fucking lackey saying? - He say that he knows your dog. - My dog? - He say that your dog testify at his other's trial three years ago. - Oh, shit. - He also say that your dog is not even a fucking dog. He's a dirty, fucking pig! And I believe him. God! - Fuck! Call for backup! Call for backup! - Unit 17 requesting backup. - Fuck! - Fourth floor, one suspect. - You okay? - Yeah, I'm all right. Come on! Good dog. Good dog. Shit! Shit! All right, Coral, take that back stairwell there. Got it. Tony, come on. Come on. Oh, shit. Okay. You take this hallway on the right. All right. I'll take the left. Gotcha. Can you believe that cocksucker shot me? Shit! Shit! Tony! Tony? Ah, shit! Ah! Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Officer down! I repeat: Officer down! Suspect on north stairway! I'm going after him! And where the fuck is my backup! Freeze! Shit! Shit. Shit. Shit. Help me! I'm a police officer! Help me! Call an ambulance! Shit! Shit! Call an ambulance! Shit! Hello? Yeah. Shit, yeah. No. No, no, I'm up. I'm up. I'll be right there. All right. Bye. Mornin', buddy. Come here, shithead. Come here. Good morning. Ohh! It's cold, people. Detroit's gonna have a white New Year's this year, because we're getting hit with yet another storm. No shit! Sports comin' up. In the lane, snow is glistening A beautiful sight We're happy tonight This kind of sex is evolutionary instinct, gentlemen. Tiger Stadium. Bleachers empty, except me and a friend. We always get it on whenever and wherever we can. No one saw us except for the left fielder. Let's just say he enjoyed the show, and I didn't mind the audience. Impulsive sex is in our genes, boys. Don't deny yourselves. I gotta go jump in the snow to cool my shit off. - Have a good New Year, I. - You too, babe. That animal was your type, Iris. Probably an ex-con. - You two should hook up. - Fuck off, Carlyle. We were just talking about acting on impulses with no guilt. Don't get angry, I. You only bed criminals. Everyone knows that. Which is unfortunate for me, because I am in love with you. I don't bed criminals. I fuck bad boys. Big difference. I just hope I don't have to become a fuckin' ax murderer to prove I'm worthy. What the hell is this? Fun and games? - Buzzkill. - Does anybody work around here anymore? Hey, Sarge. You're late. Happy New Year. Hey, you're pissing me off. Get outta here before I give you something to do. You boys don't wanna get stuck with us here tonight. Bye, boys. I'll see you guys at the new precinct. Happy New Year, Iris. Later, Iris. Stuck. That's not very nice, boss. You're right. I apologize. You're lovely and amazing, and it's my honor to spend New Year's Eve with you. You're a sarcastic prick, aren't you? We are going to have a good time tonight, boss. We officially shut down at midnight, but all calls are being diverted, so we might as well be closed now. We could start gettin' fucked up real early! All right, but not too early, all right? We still gotta pack this shit up. Not much. All the computers are gone. Most of the gear. Now, come on, Sarge. It's my favorite holiday. I even put on my very special, sexy holiday boots. Even though we're here, I wanna do it right. How could you possibly do it wrong? We will conspire As we dream by the fire To face unafraid The plans that we made Walkin' in a winter wonderland Never take for granted the greatest power of all... the power to choose. Consider the choices you have made in the past. And when they led you astray, faith in times of opposition... will lead to your salvation, or often the easy way will lead only to temptation. Think of consequences... and cherish your power to choose the righteous path. You figure I'd be more liable to tell the truth with God watchin'. If you believe in God, Mr. Portnow. You don't? I never met a other who didn't have faith. I've stood in front of dozens of men... who were all staring death in the face. Every single one of them begged for God's help. After seeing all those pleas go unanswered, I... lost my faith. So what's the what? My answer... is this. No. I guess we're done here. What'd you think? I was gonna let you walk outta here with the crowd for protection? Get the fuck up. Walk in front of me. Amazing grace How sweet the sound That saved a wretch Like me Police! Hold it right there! Freeze, Bishop! Drop your weapon! Drop it now, motherfucker! We're here at the new Precinct 21, where one of the city's most powerful crime figures, Marion Bishop, is being held in the alleged murder of an undercover police officer. Move back! Bishop, notorious for his utal execution methods, earns untold millions from his various criminal operations... in the Detroit area. Bishop's crew. Yeah? Now is not the time. I'm Lieutenant Holloway. Marcus Duvall, Organized Crime and Racketeering squad. This is my team. I know who you are. Sorry about your man. Where is this son of a bitch? I don't spend one night, not one night, inside, and we both know why. You do whatever you have to do to get me out of here. Do you understand? That guy's a cop killer. Judge hands down bail, I swear to Christ I'll... No arraignment 'cause of the holiday. Bishop spends two days inside until he has a chance to make bail. Don't worry, Cap. We got him. We ain't gonna fuckin' let him go. Happy New Year! Come on, man. There's only three of us here. Yeah, well, one of us is Irish. My God, look at this thing. It's gotta be older than me. You'll never take me alive, G-man! Look at this room. Boy, there's gotta be evidence in here from some of my first busts back in the day. Uh, they got rid of all the Civil War stuff. Oh, ho! Hey, that's so funny. Don't quit the day job, all right? Sarge? Yeah? Friday appointment's here. Are you kiddin' me? Any feelings of anxiety lately? Yeah. Two words. The Lions. They give me a lot of anxiety. Please stop avoiding my questions, Sergeant. Are you still taking the painkillers? Come on, Doc. I mean, even you have got to be getting a little bored of these conversations. Why don't we talk about the real reason... that you would come down here on New Year's Eve... in the middle of this storm. Okay. Uh, let's see. We had an appointment. I think the real reason... is you're in love with me. Huh. Interesting. I can see it in your eyes. That's why you come wearing these fancy clothes. It's very flattering, but I think you should stop denying it, you know? I hear... No, I hear you. You're right. You're right. You're right. My face obviously betrays me. I didn't get dressed up like this because I'm going to a New Year's Eve party later tonight. Oh, no. No, Sergeant. This was all for you. A form of seduction. Is it working? Wonderfully. I'm glad. Okay, well, we'll have to finish this conversation another time. What is this thing here? Hey, hey, hey, hey! That's mine. All right, relax. I don't care about the file. So, uh, you got a desk job at Precinct 21, I see. You don't quit, do you? How do you feel about it? How do I feel about it? It's no big change. So I guess the new year's not inging anything different for you. How's your leg, by the way? I noticed you weren't limping anymore. - What's that supposed to mean? - It's just an observation. Five years of undercover work, and now this. Wow! Good-bye. You must be itching to get back on the streets. Good-bye. Happy New Year. Happy New Year to you. I'll see you at the new precinct. God, you know, I cannot wait. I'd walk you out, you know, but I just have so much... I know the way. Thank you. So much to do. Jake, you should see this. And now Lieutenant Marcus Duvall... that's Officer Ray Portnow's superior... is coming out of... Hey, that's Duvall. Good cop. Good man. Crime kingpin Marion Bishop in custody. That man is in hell right now. ... responsible for the slaying, the fifth in Motor City this year alone. Hey, you okay, Jake? Everybody in the bus. You know what a bus looks like. New Year's Eve in a house of a thousand doors. How about that? Huh? You'll be sittin' in that cell of yours. You're gonna want some cham-pag-ne, and you're not gonna get any. No. No Dick Clark's Happy Rockin' New Year's Eve. Losers. I ain't no loser, baby, a'ight. I'm just tryin' to exist 'cause my people lack the power to consume what the media emphasizes in society. So I'm forced to take shit that ain't mine. Beck, your eyes are red. You been snortin'? You been drinkin'? Your eyes look glazed. You been eatin' doughnuts? That's funny. Think that's funny, motherfucker? What'd you read that in? A comic book? Get in the fuckin' back. Round 'em up! You're nobody till somebody loves you Well, we won't need that anymore. All right, boys and girls. We must raise our glasses in a toast. A toast to this old shit-hole before they tear it down. I got a terrible feeling I'm gonna miss this place. Not as much as I'm gonna miss you two. What are you talkin' about? I have news, boys and girls. Old school here is retiring. You're kidding. I'm packin' it in. - Just like this place. - Congratulations, Jasper. Why didn't you tell us? I just got the word officially. Anyway, here's to this old shit-hole. Here's to me, and here's to my new life. Huh? Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. And now, little lady, may I have this dance? To cele ate my retirement, huh? Come on. Oh. Don't go away. Maybe you'll learn something. The world still is the same You'll never change it As sure as the stars Shine above You're nobody Till somebody loves you One more. There you go. So find yourself someone... We never should've left in this shit. Ah, shit. You mean their captain didn't want these scumbags in there? Wanted to give his men more time off for the holiday. Marion Bishop. Marion Bishop. Chief, head cheddar and whatnot, baby. You know, I heard... I heard about you getting shot five times, man. Five fuckin' times! What was it... your left shoulder, your stomach, upper back, lower back, right hip? Ain't that a bitch? You didn't wanna die, though, right? 'Cause you're a persistent motherfucker. You're like the black Rasputin and whatnot. Serious, man. Um, let me introduce myself. My-My name is Beck. I'm an entrepreneurial motherfucker like yourself, slash lawyer, slash... Got any openings, man? Throw me a bone or somethin'? Yo, pump the akes! Don't slam 'em! - Shut the fuck up! - Hey, Ray Charles! Slow this motherfucker down, man! Officer Balls and Officer Cock. Psst. Psst. Eye contact, man. Eye contact. Let me tell you somethin'. The Constitution requires that the state provide secure... - Sit down. - Incarceration. I'm-I'm just sayin' that I'm feelin' pretty fuckin' unsafe. - Shut the fuck up. - Transport 1121, this is Dispatch. Transport 1121, Dispatch. Go. We're gonna have to reroute you to Precinct 13 until the storm eaks. No problem. What's goin' on, Dispatch? There was an injury accident on the Parkway 101. We're gettin' everyone off the road. You'll stay at 13 until further orders. They've already been advised. Copy. Thirteen. What a piece of shit. I don't care. I'll be glad to get out of this. Well, how about this for a New Year's present? That scumbag Bishop is hand-delivered to us! - I'm gonna get some righteous payback from that skel for Ray Portnow. - What are you doin' here? What? I've heard so much about this Bishop guy over the years. I wanna see him. I thought you gave up bad boys. Get back inside. It's not the new year yet, Sarge. You must be Roenick. No offense, Officer, but I'm pretty fuckin' perturbed about this. We're closing down. We're short-staffed. Central said we park here overnight until the road's clear. You got a problem with that, call in. I tried. I'll give it another shot. Jake, come on. You're not gonna send these guys back out in that weather. Nah. Now, look. We'll lock 'em up, and we'll let 'em be. No problem. All right, fine. But they're your responsibility. I don't wanna hear jack shit about them or from them. - Let's go inside. - Bring 'em in! Come on. Bring 'em in! Interesting cast. Yeah, we got a female gangbanger... who swears she never committed a crime in her life. This guy here specializes in counterfeit merchandise. Need a fake Rolex, he's your man. Some junkie who robbed a deli. - Allegedly. - Allegedly. He's still ridin' on a high right now. And the star of the show. He needs no intro. You know his credits. Sarge, when it rains, it snows. Got another freakin' guest. How's your car? Won't move. Must've walked two miles in this damn weather. I'm soaking. Look at me. Well, thank God you're not hurt. So how did you enjoy your file? Oh, yeah, yeah. You dropped this. Oh, really? I dropped it? That's strange, because I was sure that you took it. Definitely dropped it. That's disappointing. If you had stolen it, it would've been the first time... you were taking a proactive interest in your therapy. - You know it's a bunch of bullshit. - So you read it. Yeah, I fuckin' read it. Did you steal it? You know I stole it, all right? And stop being so goddamn happy about it, Dr. Sabian. It makes me sick. I think he's hiding behind his injury. He's not really hurt. Jake Roenick no longer considers himself a cop. What kind of bullshit is that? Huh? You think I'm scared? That's what it is, right? If you'd read further on, you would see that's not what I think. All right, well, then tell me what it is that you think, Dr. Mrs. Mind-Fuck. What is it that you think I'm hiding from? I'm not gonna explain myself to you if you're gonna act like a child. Excuse me. Run away. We both know you can't handle this shit, 'cause you want to fuck me. Sergeant, if I wanted to fuck you, it would've happened already. Gotta learn to control yourself, Doc. It's affecting your work. It's very unprofessional. Don't try to discredit me because you're afraid I may be right. Right? Yes. About what? Come on. Tell me what it is you think I'm hiding from, and then I'll tell you whether I think you're right. Okay! I believe that the prospect of responsibility has rendered you impotent! Impotent? Yes! And that's why you're working at this old precinct behind a desk. I'm injured, all right? That's why I'm here. Bullshit! You feel responsible for the death of your team eight months ago, and that's why you're here. I didn't do anything wrong. A board of inquiry cleared me. That's right. You didn't do anything wrong. But it was your decision that sent them down the left hallway... and not the right, out the front door and not the back. And you don't want to make decisions like that again. Yeah. So? Maybe you're right. What? You want a medal? So now you're hiding behind that desk. And behind that liquor in your drawer... and those... pills in that stupid little matchbox. But there's still one life you're responsible for, no matter where you go. - Oh, let me guess. My own? - Yeah, your own. And if you don't start taking care of yourself, you're never gonna be the cop you used to be. Bish. Bish. Bishop. Bish, Bish, Bish, Bish, Bish, Bish, Bish, Bish! Hi. Yo, Bish, Bish. Just check it out. Check it out, man. Puerto Rican guy and a black guy in a car. Who's drivin'? The cops. You're killin' me, man. You're killin' me. That was... That was... We had somethin'. Did you feel that? All right. This jail shit ain't for Smiley. This is definitely out of Smiley's essence. Who the fuck is Smiley? I'm Smiley. Me. I'm Smiley. Look, I'm facing a lot of jail time here. I didn't do shit to be up in this bitch. They lookin' for my sister, and they picked me up. I ain't never committed a crime in my motherfuckin' life! Nothin' but the best is good enough for me I like to eat lobster Directly from Maine Are you still waiting for that tow truck? - In sunny old Spain - It's not gonna come. Oh, shit. It's almost time, people. Bish, Bish, bo-Bish Banana-fanna-fo-fish Fee-fi-mo-mi-ish Bish, Bish How you get in the life, man? For me it was I wanted this bicycle. I was always prayin' for it, right? And God, in all his wisdom, decided not to give it to me, so I stole it, and then I asked him to forgive me after that. But that was the beginning, man. I could never stop after that shit. That was... It was over for me. Right. Okay. Twenty, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, nine, eight, seven, Listen to them trying to demoralize us. Six, five, four, three, two, one! Happy New Year! You gonna do it? I'm doin' it. I'm doin' it. Should auld acquaintance be forgot And never ought to mind Look at him. All jacked up and shit, sweatin' out his fuckin' ass. Lookin' like fuckin' Mike Tyson in a spellin' bee. Hey, you slanderin' me? You slanderin' me? I'll give you some free advice. Don't. Yo, why don't you leave her alone, you fuckin' junkie! Leave her the fuck alone! - Who's talkin' to you, man? - Yeah, but I'm talkin' to you. So what's the problem? What was that? You heard me. Who the fuck you pushin', man? I'll slap the smack outta you! Happy New Year. Happy New Year. Happy New Year. That's it, you bitch-ass punk! I'll fuck you up! Hey! Hey, you fuckin' animals! What the hell! - What the fuck? - Oh, shit! What's that? - Shit! - You monkeys keep it down, for Christ's sake. Hey, stop yellin', you fuckin' animals! It's only New Year's... Who the fuck are you? What's goin' on down there? - Rosy! - I'm all right. Are you all right? Stay with him. Stay with him. Open this! Get us outta here! Get us outta here! - Let us out of here, man! - Iris, get in here! Get in here! What the fuck is goin' on! Son of a bitch! Just keep eathing! What the hell is going on! Shit. Ow! Man! Come on! Come on! Hang on! Goddamn it! Rosy, yeah, that's right. Love... Talk to me, goddamn it! Talk to me! Keep eathing, goddamn it! Rosy! Iris! Iris! - How is he? Is he all right? - Is he all right? He's dead, for Christ's sake! That's how all right he is! Goddamn it! Fucking Bishop! They're tryin' to bust him outta here! You son of a bitch! Get us outta here! Come on! All right, relax! Relax! The threat is over! Look, get us outta here! Get us outta here! Shit! Calm down! The threat is over! You fuckin' kidding me, Sergeant? I know. I know. Shh. How's he doin', Iris? I'm sorry about your partner. We just moved him to an office. Oh, shit. He needs a doctor fast. Why wasn't there an alarm on your back door? That alarm hasn't worked in months. They're still out there. Some kind of a truck out there in the forest. It's not moving. Are you kidding me? They must have assumed we'd call for backup. I'm having a little problem here. The phones aren't working. Sure, they cut the wires. The storm could've taken the phones out. Bullshit! Those are Bishop's guys out there. They cut the wires. Just try the radios! Forget it. Frequencies are blocked. The frequencies are blocked? That's not easy to do. Well, they must've got professional help, because all the frequencies are blocked. They probably screwed up your cell phones too. I'm not getting a signal. Neither am I. What the hell is this! I told you! They're Bishop's guys out there! They're gonna eak him outta here one way or another. Maybe somebody heard the gunshots and will come check it out. There's nothing out there but factories. No, no. I don't buy any of that. They, whoever they are, are gone. They're gonna think they're fireworks. - They don't give a shit about me, and I'm going! Thank you. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. What the hell is happening here? This is a fucking police precinct, for God's sake! Jesus Christ! Sarge, if you're all right, you better take a look at this. They're surrounding the place. It's a goddamn siege. I am not supposed to be here. I am not supposed to be here. I am not supposed to be here. - Shit! - Cease fire! Cease fire! Cease fire! - It wasn't gunshots. - Bishop! I told you. Those are Bishop's troops out there. They're taking him outta here tonight, no matter what! This doesn't make any sense. This is a police precinct! Shut the fuck up, Doc. You said that already. All right, look. Everybody just listen up. Maybe they're trying to give us a way out of this. Let's just give them what they want. Let 'em have Bishop, and it's all over. - Nobody else gets hurt! - Not a bad fuckin' idea. No, we can't let that scumbag gangster, a cop killer, walk out of our precinct! It's not an option! I'm trying to defuse this situation. - You got a wounded cop over there! - I already said no! What in God's name are we supposed to do then, Sergeant? - They're gettin' ready to storm the fort. - I don't think so, all right? I think they're just tryin' to scare us into giving up Bishop. They're doin' a damn good job. See, this blackout, this is the kind of shit that deflates human smugness... about government's so-called miraculous technologies. Doesn't it? Shove it up their lyin' corporate fuckin' asses. This ain't no blackout, junkie. Something suspect is goin' on. I wanna know what the funk it is. I know it hurts, but we gotta get you away from these windows. Jasper, you got those flashlights? I don't know where the fuck the are! Everything's been packed! Roenick! Get down! Get down! Jasper, get the blinds! All right. All right. Yeah, we're perfectly safe now. These are just scare tactics, all right? They don't know how much firepower we have or don't have. They're not gonna come in here again. It's too risky. What about us gettin' out there, Sergeant? I-I need help real bad. I need it. Let's barricade up these doors and windows, and I'll figure out how to get some help in here. What are you doing this for, Jake? Nobody gives a shit anymore about anything. We can end this right now. I can't let a murderer walk out of here. I can't do that. I'll get us out of this, Jasper. I will. I promise. You got almost no chance out there, buddy. That cop in there dies if I don't try. You keep the place locked down until I get some help. All right. I'd better cover from the front windows. I can see the truck better from there. Keep your head down. Schmuck. Oh, shit! Oh, shit! I found this on our friend out there. Fuck it. Fact or fiction? You pulled a guy's spine out once, didn't you? Are you a surgeon? I heard that bullet you took in your belly is still lodged in there, rattling around. I bet you it's causing you a lot of intestinal issues. Right? Right, man? Bishop, I need to talk to you. So I just killed a man. His name was Danny Barbero. A cop. A cop who works for Ray Portnow. The man you killed. So tell me why cops are risking their lives to get to you, Bishop. Why should I answer that question? Because I'm thinking about sending you out to the wolves and saving my own ass if you don't. I assume you know who I am, Sergeant. You're a scumbag gangster. And one of my scumbag partners in crime is your fellow officer, Marcus Duvall. Marcus Duvall and his entire team. We used to split things 50-50. Marcus got greedy. He wanted more. - So you killed Ray Portnow. - After he tried to kill me. Mm. Right. They're here to execute me, because if I make it to court, every single one of them goes to jail for the rest of their days. How many cops are involved in this? I can't say exactly, but the blood money runs through your entire department. I bet they're all here now, and they can't allow me to leave this precinct alive. They can't allow any of us to leave here alive. Now that we all know it's them out there. Sarge. Poor guy, he never had a chance. Anyone know if he had any family? Someone's coming! Shit, someone's coming! - Someone's coming. - Hit squad, Sergeant. They're here for all of us. Me? All of us. You especially. Fuck you, dealer. This is all your fault. Those are your ethren out there, old man, not mine. Don't compare me with your scumbag friends out there. If it was up to me, I'd kick your ass out the door. - I'd like to see you come try. - Yeah, sure. You'd love to kill another cop today, wouldn't you? Only you. They'll be coming on strong now. Why? Why are cops coming to kill us? They need to kill him before he fingers them in court. They need to kill us too, now that we know it's them. So... here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna take positions all around the precinct, and we're gonna hold 'em off until dawn. Iris, Alex, you know how to use a firearm? No. No. Why don't you give me one of them guns, Sergeant. I'll help you fend off the black hats. Oh. Oh, shit. Men are here. Good. What a fuckin' mess this is. I know. I'm lookin' at this as a matter of simple mathematics. If we walk and those eight people survive, then 33 lives are destroyed. The lives of my men and their families. People I'm responsible for. People I... People I love. I don't see any other way, Marcus. The blood trail leads right back to us. We have no choice. If we go through this, we are gonna have to live with this for the rest of our lives. But you know something, Mike? I could live with that more than I could live with a cell mate. Once we step outside, those people are no longer civilians or cops. We gotta put 'em all down. Without pause, without regard. 1,024. 2,048. Um, 4,096. Obsessive-compulsive disorder. The complex problems force me to concentrate, neutralizing any feelings of fear I have at a given moment. I hide behind its structure. You're gonna be all right, Doc. We don't know that. Don't know that. You're so calm. Thank you so much. Thanks. You don't have to do this. Yes, I do. I do. If I'm gonna die, at least I should die gracefully. How are you keeping it together? I just think about living. I want to live, as opposed to I don't want to die. That, and I keep telling myself everybody's gonna make it this time. We both know what could happen here, Sergeant. Safety off. Yeah. Right. All right! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! - All right, already. - Come on. Get up. Oh, come on. Look, uh, here's the deal. Those men that came in here... they're still outside. And... I have no idea how many there are... or what they're prepared to do. Don't sweat it. There's nothin' you can do. You can't stop Bishop's people. Go ahead, Sergeant. Tell them. They're not Bishop's people. They are police officers. What! Po-po popping each other? This is the fuckingest shit I ever seen. This ain't Smiley's fight, man. Let Smiley go. Let me go. I totally figured it out. Assassination politics, right? By the government-sanctioned thugs abusing their authority again, man. Who's gonna save us from your corrupt ethren, Sarge? You? You? I'm gonna do my best to protect you. All right? All of you. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. I feel real safe, man. Fuck! Fuck! What the fuck is goin' on now? Get down! Fuck! - Fuck! - They blew out the fuckin' window! Cover the front. I'll be right back. - The window, Sergeant! The window! - Look out! Look out! - Shoot him again! Shoot him again! - Shoot him! He's not dead! Man down. Denied entry. You gotta get us outta here, man. Smiley feels very fuckin' unsafe. It's scary. I'm scared to death. You can't use us as fuckin' live bait. Come on. Think about it. We're hostages. I know. They're gonna come for us. Come on, man. Come on. - You can't do that. Think about it. - Please. Come on, man. - You can't leave us here as fuckin' animals to fuckin' die! - Smiley's scared shitless, man. Please. We're sittin' ducks here. Come on. Don't leave us like this, man. All right, choose a weapon. Anything you see. Tell me again why we should help your little skinny white ass? 'Cause if you don't, you'll die. No resistance. Advancing to the front door. We're going in. Spread out across the precinct. Stop anything that approaches. - We might make it through this night. - Christ Almighty. What are you doin'? - You can't trust these people. - What the hell are you doin'? You're supposed to be coverin' the front. Goddamn it! Come on. 430. 13,760. All right. Just hold the front. And don't move this time! 508. You fucker! You make me your defendant, you son of a bitch! Make me set bail! - You all right? - I feel better. I'm better. I got mine, baby. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Come on, you motherfuckers! Come on! Run! Come on. Come on. Yeah. There you go, secretary. Jesus Christ. All right! They're pullin' back! You all right? He saved me. There's nobody out there in the front. Them motherfuckers runnin' scared. All right. All right. I drove 'em back, baby. I drove 'em back. We're gonna have a red-raw revolution on our hands, man. All right. Good job. Good job. Good job. Maybe they'll leave for fucking good now. They're not going anywhere. - Put that goddamn weapon down. - J... Old man, you do not wanna point that weapon at me. That is not a ight thing to do. - Put that goddamn weapon down slowly, then back away from it, all of ya! Jake, get their weapons. Take their weapons. Ain't this a bitch. We saved your asses. Now you wanna turn on us? Yeah, well, thank you for that, sweet cheeks. Now, put your weapon down. The problem is outside, not inside. Put the gun down, Jasper. No, no. You know what the problem is? That we criminals got rights, baby. That's right. We got rights to be protected against assault under any circumstances. - If you can't provide that, well, fuck you... we will. - You're a fuckin' psycho. Jesus Christ, Jake! What? Are you gonna trust these freaks? Huh? The first chance they get to blow our ains out, they'll try to make a eak for it. They need us as much as we need them. We all gotta start trusting each other right now if we're gonna make it through this night. Put the gun down, Jasper. Put the goddamn gun down! What? - Shit. - All right. All right. Now, let's all introduce ourselves to each other. It's New Year's Eve. Let's turn over a new leaf. All right. Let's not all fuckin' speak at once. The name's Smiley. I'm a Li a, and... I'll handle these jokers. You handle your people, maybe we get out of here tonight. He armed his prisoners. It's a smart play. Must be at least eight guns in there now. Just a couple hours till the sun's up. If we can't each, what do we do? Get the A.V.-5 here. Are you sure about that? Yep. I'm not takin' any more chances. It's gonna take a while in this weather. Marcus? What the fuck do we do if it doesn't arrive in time? We'll have to think of some other way of ending this. You either flirting with me or clocking my game 'cause you don't trust me. I don't like your beady little eyes all over my goodies, so turn the fuck away. You're manipulative, weak knees and that sexy copper complexion. You're definitely an Aries, baby. You're pretty good. Smiley thanks you. We got something in common, you know that? You comin' down off some shit, ain't ya? Don't be ashamed, man. Don't be ashamed. What's your poison? Seconal to ing me down. Adderall to ing me back up. You gotta get up to get down. Oh, yeah, baby. Oh, yeah. All right. That's enough. Come on. Let's pay attention. I want a cigarette so bad. Stupid New Year's resolutions. Hey, gangster, you make any resolutions? Hmm? What do you think, secretary? Oh, my God. I can't stop thinking about sex. I mean, I usually think about sex a lot, but this is crazy. Sex and death are very closely related. The Greeks called it Eros and Thanatos... love and death. Or sex as a way of nullifying thoughts of dying. What's your deal, gangster? You actually been shot five times? Six. You really pull a man's spine out? It was an Adam's apple. If you ever get into tussles, secretary, you grab a man by his throat, hmm? Dig it? And then you squeeze. I guarantee you he will drop. He will not get up for quite some time. Oh, God. It's really quiet out there now. Yeah. That's what worries me. We're not gonna make it till morning. Marcus Duvall will not allow it. We've got eight people covering six entry points. If we work together, we will make it. Look at it this way. That's me out there. You think I'd let you survive until the morning? - We don't have a lot of options here. - Well, we got to figure something, 'cause I'm not gonna stay here all night waitin' to get killed. If you use the situation to try and escape, it's about me and you, 'cause when this is over, you're goin' back to jail. - Relax, Sergeant. - Relax. This ain't about me and you. Not yet. - Our shit's on pause, huh? - Yeah. Our shit's on pause. You saved my ass back there. Why? Everyone in here is my responsibility. It's my job. That's noble. Unfortunately, I don't share the sentiment. I see a cop in jeopardy, he's on his own, unless it benefits me to jump in for the save. Listen. I don't try to be anything I'm not. That ain't gonna change; I don't care what day it is. You remember that, Sergeant. Hey! Someone's comin'. Oh, God. It's Capra, Sarge! You know this guy? He's a cop. He works here. They'll execute him. - Capra! - Shh! Yeah. Drive. Drive! Oh, my God. He's gonna make it. He still has to get by the sniper. Come on, Capra! He's still moving. They didn't get him yet. Where are you going? Come on. Come on. Come on, Capra! Come on! Come on! What the fuck is goin' on? Who's fuckin' shootin' at us, Sarge? Who the fuck are all these people? What are you doin' here, Capra? What are you doin' here? It's New Year's Eve. I knew you'd be here alone. - I came to have a drink with Iris. - You picked the wrong night to make your move, baby, believe me. You know, that's really sweet. That's really sweet, but, unfortunately, I don't believe a fuckin' word of it. Put that goddamn weapon down, you psycho! He works here! I don't care that he fuckin' works here, man. He could be a plant. No, Jasper. Put the gun down, all right? Let's not start that again, all right? He comes here in the guise of courting that lady. It's a fuckin' ingenious plan. They get one of their boys in here and then take us out one by one by one. Come on. Tell 'em. They shot at him. All right? They shot at him. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, but they conveniently fuckin' missed, didn't they? The act is a fuckin' charade! Come on. Tell 'em. He's fuckin' right, Anna. Isn't it a fucking charade? Do I have a gun? Do I have a fucking gun? I can't hurt you. It's not fuckin' good enough, rat-bitch. Come on. Just lock him up, man, so he doesn't do any damage. Come on. Come on, Roenick. Listen to me, man. We're not lockin' this man up. Not in my precinct, all right? I vouch for him. Okay. Okay, I'm fuckin' sorry, but your authority has been super-fuckin'-seded. You understand? You're not in charge anymore. Right, Bish? Bish, tell 'em. He could be one of them, man, so fuckin' easily. You don't think we see right through you? Fuckin' believe that shit? Comes in here playing that game, playing stupid. You don't think we know? Right, man? Let's do the math. Let's put him away, man, just play it safe, you know? Put it down. No, no, no. Come on. Come on, man. Come on. Just do the math. Come on. Motherfucker comes in like that, playing... Come here. Sergeant Roenick is in charge. Understand? Yes. Let's go. Only because I respect you. But I still say this shit is fuckin' illogical bullshit, all right? He may not be who he says he is. Just mull that shit over. Think it over. Think it over, man. Iris, look after Capra, fill him in on what's goin' on. All right, Capra? Just be cool so no one else here gets spooked. Everybody else, back to your positions. Thank you. Don't. That was self-preservation. The more men we have, the better chance we stand. Are you sure you vouch for this man? I do. Come with me. You know, I hate to admit it, but Smiley agrees with what you said back there. Smiley want a fuckin' medal? Hear me out, man. Look, we're out of our shackles for what? The last time in the next 15, 20 years? All right, man. Get to the point. What do you want? Listen to me, man. Look out that window. That's freedom, baby. Get what I'm sayin'? Look, maybe this New Year's can ing something different for us after all. Beck like Smiley now. Eight months ago he loses his team when a deal goes sour. Problem with drugs and alcohol since the incident. Burned-out cop. Only a matter of time before he drops his guard. Watch the truck. They'll eye it as a way out. - What's the word on the A.V.? - Storm's starting to let up, so it shouldn't be long now. Good. Someone gets inside, takes off, goes for help. It's too obvious. We'd need a distraction. We also need the keys. Your cop said he dropped 'em in the snow. - I could hot-wire a car. - I thought you never committed a crime in your life? - I haven't. - Yeah. Just picked up some shit along the way. Whoa. Hold on. How do we know she's not just gonna drive out of here and leave us all here to die? Who the fuck are you, Miss Fuckin' Little Skirt? Shake that skinny ass in somebody else's face. Okay, Anna. No offense, but I'll feel better if somebody goes with you. Maybe I should go. I promise I'll make her get help. Scout's Honor. It's either me or Jasper. Can't be. We need your guns. It's gotta be... Me. - Me. - You? - Shoot. - Hey, I'll go. I'll do it. - What? It's the only thing that makes sense, right? - Whatever. Whatever the fuck ever. Let's just do this. Come on. Me and... me and the doc. Fine. Okay. What? It's the right move, Sergeant. I know that. All right. All right. I'm the doctor, right? Right. You can handle that? Yes. You can? I don't know. I don't know. But I have to try, okay? No. No. Please. I have to go. I have to do it. Shit! Hey! Those two skels are buggin' out, just like I told you they would. They torched the bus for a diversion, I guess. Come on! - Aw, Jesus. They're gonna get themselves killed. - They're dead already. We can use this. Very smart. They knew we'd expect them to make for the car. Free life, baby! We did it. Yeah. I told ya. Happy New Year. Now, how are we gonna get the fuck out of here? Visual on two men. No shot. Moving to a better vantage. Hey. You sure you wanna do this? Yeah. All right. Aw, shit! - They're fucking shooting! - Where'd they hit you, man? My shoulder. Let's go! Come on! Let's haul ass now! Okay, okay. Go. Go. You go. All right. Come on. Come on, baby. Come on. This was not the plan, man! This was your idea. Come on. We're so fucking close. Come on. I think I can still make it. Come on, man. You can do it. I'm on target. Thirty-six, 45, 54, 63, 72, 81, 90, 99... Come on, man. What am I gonna do? What am I gonna do, man? - Don't make me go at this alone! - Target two blocked. - No shot. - Have position but no shot. What the fuck's up with that multiplication table shit? Fuck you! It's freakin' me out. You couldn't hot-wire my ass! You're a liar! Liar? I will bite your little white head right the fuck off! Forty-five, 54, 63, 72, 81, 90, 9, 18, 27, 36, 45... What is taking so long? I'm gonna make it for you, man! I'm gonna do this for you! - Seventy-two, 81, 90, 99... - Damn, motherfucker! What did I tell y'all? What'd I tell you? You and your sergeant boyfriend didn't believe me. - What? - Sergeant boy. That's your boyfriend, right? - No. - Yeah. They made it. They're clear! We made it! We made it! Whoo! Whoo! The skels are dead. We don't have a goddamn chance, do we? Sarge. Sarge. God-fucking-damn it, the five of us can't hold them back. They're gonna take out each and every one of us. What are we supposed to do, Sarge? What are we supposed to do? What the fuck are we supposed to do? I don't know. What do you wanna do, Marcus? How many inside? Uh... A hundred. Answer the question. You're a ave woman. What do you want to do with the body, Marcus? Bishop's men were responsible for all this, remember? Let's get this thing done. Time's up, Sergeant. Last stand. Your gun would be appreciated. Why did I let her go? I know a lot about dying, Sergeant. There are two ways you can handle it: With the self-pity or without it. Fuck you. Get out of my office. I see you've made your decision. Sun's almost up. Whatever Duvall's gonna do, he's gonna do now. We need to get ready, or we'll be trapped. Now, who the fuck asked you? You know, I've had all the shit I'm gonna take from you, old man. - Hey, fuck you, dealer. - No. Fuck with me. - I should've fucked with you... - Enough! Bishop's right. Jasper, you just watch the front here. Iris, the cell block. Capra, you're on. Take the back stairs. Bishop and I'll roam, coverin' all the other entrances. Hey. What were you doing by the back door? What were you doing? What the fuck are you talking about? I saw you. What did you tell 'em? Why didn't you let 'em inside? Hmm? What's the plan? ! - What's goin' on? - You were wrong. He's workin' for Duvall. He removed the handcuffs from the back door. What's the plan? Answer me! Fuck! I'm a fuckin' police officer! I don't have to fuckin' answer you! What's the plan, Officer? Oh, so it's about you and me now, huh, Sergeant? It's not about me and you. Not yet. What were you doin' by the back door, Capra? It wasn't me, Jake. - What's the plan? - I wasn't there. We let 'im live once. He almost got us killed. We let him live twice, we deserve to die. - You and I are friends, Jake. You gonna do this to me? - What is the plan? - There is no fucking plan! - Don't make me fucking kill you! - What the fuck are you doin' to him? Listen! They're coming! A. V. - 5, getting into position. Ten seconds to target. - What the fuck are they doin' up there? - What do you think? Save your ammo. We don't know where they are. We need to make a move outside. - That's what they'd want us to do. - Yeah. They'll pick us off, one by one. Jake, I found a way out! Down in the basement. All right, Iris, Capra. All right. Go. Bishop, I need you. Come on. Come on. - It's an old sewer tunnel. - Why didn't you mention it before? I didn't think of it. We've been a little bit busy. I don't even know where it goes. Of course, we can always stay here. It doesn't matter. Good job, Jasper. Okay. We need to move. Fire department'll be here soon. Here it is. All right. It's all clear. Everybody up. Come on, Jasper. Thanks. - Son of a bitch! Jake! - All right. Now. Me and the secretary are going bye-bye. You don't follow, she don't get hurt. You lower your weapons, gentlemen, we can end this on a happy note. My apologies, secretary. Apology not fuckin' accepted. Hold it right there! Drop your fuckin' weapons right now! Down, motherfucker! Down! Goddamn it! Get down! How the hell did they find us? Oh, my God. It was Jasper at the back door. You set us up, you motherfucker! You just killed us, Jasper. Fuck you, Jake! Goddamn it. I told you, Just let 'em have the son of a bitch. Nobody else gets hurt. 'Cause I ain't dyin' for that piece of shit! - Or for you either, Jake. - I thought you were a cop. Go in the truck, Jas. You don't need to see this. Bishop, you should've taken that deal. These men aren't cops, Sergeant. They're criminals. They're killers, just like me. Ain't that right, old man? Yeah, that's right. That's right. You're goddamn right, you son of a bitch! Not with your weapon. Give me a clean piece. Goddamn it! Give me a clean piece! Close your eyes. Let him finish it. Oh! Shit! Get down! The truck! The truck! The truck! Go! Get them! You eathin'? Good. Okay. Oh, fuck. Fuck. Just act like you're dead, okay? Motherfucker! Fuck you! You fuckin' bitch! Hello, Sergeant. What the hell are you still doin' here? Marcus Duvall still lives. For me, this is unacceptable. So our shit's back on pause. Is that it? Yeah. We have a problem. Duvall and his men can see us. We can't see them. I'll draw their fire. Their muzzle flashes will give away their position. Don't miss, Bishop. Run fast, Sergeant. Call Roenick. Who's Roenick? Hurts like a bitch, doesn't it? Call Roenick. Tell him I'm dead. You know me, Marcus. I cannot tell a lie. Look at you. When I first approached you 10 years ago, you couldn't look me in the eye. One of them nervous, God-fearin' types. Now you put a bullet in me, no hesitation. You're quite the changed man this New Year's, Marcus. Now, for the last fucking time, call him. He doesn't have to. Drop your weapon! - What are you waitin' for? - Shut up! - Put the gun down, Duvall. - What are you gonna do? Shoot me? - Arrest me? You gonna kill a cop? - There's only one cop here. Now put the goddamn gun down. You're caught. How many more people are you gonna kill tonight? As many as it takes. You make me fuckin' sick. Aw! Aw, fuck! Aw, fuck! Ow! Uh-uh. So it's about that time, huh? Looks that way, don't it? Well, thanks. - For what? - You didn't call my name. That was self-preservation, Sergeant, and it worked. I told ya. I'm not gonna change. You try to follow me, you'll find out just how true that is. You're not gonna get very far. I'll manage. Well, you take care of yourself, Sergeant. I will find you. No other cop. Just me. Jesus. Sarge? Sarge! Sergeant! Yeah, Iris. Oh, Christ. Look at you. Shh. Shh. It's okay. I told these firemen. They're not leavin' us alone. Not for a second. Okay? All right. Help me up. Ow! Ow. We have some questions for you, Sergeant. I'd like to get this wound looked at first. Anybody else out there? No, man. There's nobody else. Just me and... and them. Let me get you on a stretcher. - No. No, man. It's all right. I'm walkin' out of here. Oh, geez. Do you think we have to show up at the new precinct tomorrow? Shit. This is fucking tempting. No. Don't eak your resolution, huh? Give me one. I didn't make that promise. You know, Sarge, I didn't even recognize you tonight. You were like a whole different bad-ass motherfucker back there, huh? Mm. You think so? Yeah. Well, get used to it. Happy New Year, Sarge. KRS-One 'bout to wreck the joint Our scene opens up at the edge of Detroit Where the cops go beyond the laws Where enemies work together by puttin' their shit on pause So what does it mean Assault on Precinct 13 You about to see just what the dirt ings It's working that force I have been searching Laurence Fishburne when it's time to hurt things Ethan Hawke, man He faced all that I hold my mike like Ja held the baseball bat I stay ahead like a baseball cap The ways of the world Chris don't chase all that We gettin' up outta here That's the stuff, that's the stuff Watch me back up the truck You livin' with a lot of fear That's the stuff, yes they are You're crooked cops you backin' me up We gettin' up outta here That's the stuff, that's the stuff Watch me back up the truck You livin' with a lot of fear That's the stuff, yes they are Crooked cops, you backin' me up As I walk through the street my spirit will speak to those I meet and greet from week to week I am not on my hands and feet I command to speak as the observer inside the physique Many rappers tried to compete of course But they got smashed and trashed in the streets and tossed Sometimes I think we all just lost We just flashin' across in a disastrous course We don't even know the oneness of the only force Instead of a golden calf we got a platinum horse What did Moses do with the golden calf Threw the Lord at it and it ended in a blast Master, you wanna quit we'll run faster In the background, you burnin' 'cause it's nothin' but laughter I tag shirts like the shirt king Turn up the track for Assault on Precinct 13 We gettin' up outta here That's the stuff, that's the stuff Watch me back up the truck You livin' with a lot of fear That's the stuff, yes they are Two crooked cops You backin' me up We gettin’ up outta here That's the stuff, that's the stuff Watch me back up the truck You livin’ with a lot of fear That's the stuff, yes they are Two crooked cops you backin’ me up Our shit's on pause. Precinct 13. That was self-preservation. Thirteen. Relax, Sergeant. Our shit's on pause. Precinct 13. Relax, Sergeant. Our shit's on pause. Wow, what an ending what a conclusion They thought they was winnin' but they really was losin' He thought he was sinnin' but he really was provin' That leadership keeps it moving steady cruising Guns up, fun's up from sunup to sunup to sunup But-But-But, yo, Doc We wound up two down, one up And get butterflies in they stomach Brothers can't speak they just shut up KRS on the come up liftin' big pun up Let me sum up Brace the drummer or eath for eath I'll rip your lung up On my trophy wall I'm there with your tongue off KRS-One, you know what it means turn up the track for Assault on Precinct 13 We gettin’ up outta here That's the stuff, that's the stuff Watch me back up the truck You livin’ with a lot of fear That's the stuff, yes they are Two crooked cops, you backin’ me up We gettin’ up outta here That's the stuff, that's the stuff Watch me back up the truck You livin' with a lot of fear That's the stuff, yes they are Two crooked cops you backin’ me up We gotta start trustin' each other if we gonna make it through this night From criminal mind into spiritual mind and even beyond and behind They better be your friend or fight or be the lazy type Me, I'm the crazy type I give them thugs some crazy hype I've thrown the classics on with them ladies, right And years later rocked with they babies like I blazed a light They may be eight million ways to die but they's 16 million ways to fight So wherever you are in your crib or your car or your tank too Jean François would like to thank you right That's why, can I wrestle the mike wishin' you peace for the rest of the night 'Cause at the end of the film you'll see what it mean Turn up the track for Assault on Precinct 13
We're on the red carpet tonight for the premiere of Adrenaline Force. This is Bo Laramie's eakout role... in what is certain to become a very popular action franchise. Take a look at the crowd behind me. They have been completely ignited by the anticipation of Laramie's arrival. Oh, my God, this is huge, babe. It's a long way from pounding nails in buildings. - Do you know all these people? - No, son. I don't know any of 'em. - I think they think they know you, Dad. - Yeah, I think you're right. Okay, honey, I want you to go out there and have a good time. - Okay. I love you. - I'm proud of you. You've worked hard. - Hey. You ready, Bo? - Yeah. I'll see you guys in a little bit. - Buddy, give me five. Huh? - Go get 'em, Dad! Whoa. - Good luck tonight, Bo. - Thanks. Bo. Your first action film. How are you feeling tonight? Aw, man, this is all new to me, you know. I'm just... really just trying to enjoy it. You know? And, uh, I'm excited. This is... It's unreal. - Your fans are waiting. Congratulations. - Thank you very much. Bo! Bo! Bo! Hey, Bo, can you sign this? - Right here? - Thanks, man. - Over here! - Shake his hand! Shake his hand! Whoa. What a night. Unreal. Six months ago, I couldn't get arrested with a fresh corpse and a smoking gun. And today I'm the, uh, it guy? But you can't buy into that. That's an illusion. That's not real. You know, there are primitive tribes that believe... you lose a piece of your soul every time your picture's taken. After last night, it's a wonder I have any left. - Bo Laramie. - Hold that thought. - It is! - Oh, my God! - That's him! That never happened in high school. Never. That's an illusion. It's not real. Life is good. I guess I'm just gonna keep doin' what I'm doin'... until somebody figures out I really don't know what I'm doin'. Yeah, you know, that makes sense. That sounds like a plan. - Hey, buddy. - Hey, Dad. - What's up? - Mom says you run so you won't get fat. - Is that true? - Is that what she said? Really? Well, you know what? Your mother's right again. That's it. Everything we have fits in half a cabinet. I love this house. - You sure it's ours? - It's ours, beautiful. - It's ours. - How was your run? Good enough that the fat man and his family can go get some muffins on the way to soccer. - Muffins! - Did you give our secret away? - Yeah. - No! Okay, I'm gonna put you in the cabinet. - Hey, Bo. - How are you, Sierra? What's goin' on? - Hi, Zach. - Hi, Sierra. - Hi, Rusty. - The usual? You know what, give us three of the blueberry and two coffees, will you please? Sure. I saw this huge billboard of you going up on Sunset. - I know. It's wild, isn't it? - Excuse me. You're Bo Laramie, aren't you? - Mm-hmm. - What's your name? - What's your name? - Oh, I'm Emily, from Ohio. - Nice to meet you, Emily from Ohio. Thanks. Could I get your autograph? Yeah, absolutely. Where would you like me to sign? Right across your crotch would be great. Hey, Zach, let's go, buddy. - Where'd you get this? - They just put 'em out at the grocery store. - Thank you! - Yeah. Hold this, will you, bud? - Just keep the change. Thank you, Sierra. - Thanks. - See ya. - Bye, Sierra. - We're naked. Can they do this? - They did, Abby. How dare they put Zach on the cover of a magazine? There are so many creeps out there. I... He's a minor. Is this legal? I'm gonna call Gill, and I'm gonna find out. All right? God, Bo. My principal, the teachers. My kids' parents. What are they gonna think? I'm sorry you're being put through this, Abby. Why is Daddy in a magazine with a black thing covering his pee-pee? - You ready to play some soccer today, buddy? - Yeah! Here you go! - How's it going, buddy? - Great. - Morning, guys. - Good morning. - Hey, listen. Thanks for those tickets. - Oh, yeah, yeah. Absolutely. You got it, o. All right, now. Only one thing matters, right? I know, Dad. Have fun. Okay. I'll be right back, sweetie. Hey. How you doin', Bo? All right. What are you doin'? I'm about to watch a soccer game. How's Zach doin' this morning? He's a good-lookin' boy. He's got a birthday comin' up, doesn't he? You want to take a picture of me? I'm right here, okay? Take a few shots. 'Cause you had no right taking pictures of my son. That's a point of law, Mr. Laramie. I have every right to take pictures of whoever I want in a public park. - Yes, I do. - Not without my consent you don't, all right? - Now, come on. - Look. Things have changed. You're somebody now. You better get used to this. - Oh, yeah? I'm somebody now? - Yes, you are. You're somebody now. - Now your game's about to start. - It's a security risk. I'm asking you nicely, and I'm saying please. Don't take pictures of my son. Okay. Okay. - You got it, Bo. - Thank you. I appreciate it. I understand. Sure thing, famous guy. - Good job, buddy. - You were awesome. - Thanks, Mom. - I'm proud of you, son. You did a great job, buddy. You did a great job. Son of a bitch. Take him to the car. Bo! What did I tell you? I said don't take another goddamn picture of my family. - You understand that? Not one more. - Yeah? Kid takes a nice picture. Won't ing half as much as the ones I have of Abby changing Zach's clothes. The steamy ones... by the pool. - Oh, yeah? - Huh? - Is that Bo? Oh, are you gonna pay. - Smile, Bo. - You get that? - Ooh, in living color, chief. - Cops are on their way. - Bo! - Hey, Bo. Hey, big shot! Enjoy what's left of your weekend. Let's go make some money. Oh, yeah? huh? Wow. We're told Laramie was released late Saturday afternoon... ordered to attend anger-management classes... as part of a plea agreement. His people tell us the assault charges will likely be dropped... in lieu of a settlement that could easily cost... the rising star half a million dollars. The victim, 34-year-old Rex Harper... is also demanding a public apology. Our very own Giuliana caught up with Bo... on the set of his new action movie. - Giuliana? - Thanks, Patrick. - And thank you for agreeing to sit down with me. - Thanks for having me. Bo, just so we understand what happened... you became angry at some photographers... after they were taking pictures of you at a weekend soccer game? Mr. Harper was taking pictures of my son. I politely asked him to stop, and he didn't. So you hit him? Well, there's a little bit more to it than that, but, yeah. This guy is nothing but a low-class parasite. - Your parasite's right here. - He's never gonna get an apology from me. And if he knows what's good for him, he'll stay away from me and my family. - Can you believe this prick? - Strong words. Yeah. Yeah. I gotta go. Laramie, I'm gonna destroy your life and eat your soul... and I can't wait to do it. Well, here's one for ya. You're lucky. Real lucky. A judge orders me to spend $400 an hour on therapy... that I don't need, and that makes me lucky? You're lucky you're not in jail. You're not in Montana anymore, Bo. Anger management is not about upgrading from a 20 to a 12-gauge. - The point is... you're carrying belief systems from a previous life... that don't fit your new reality. Some of your old values may not be valuable anymore. Not here, not now. Well, I disagree. You don't mess with a man's family. And I'm not gonna change who I am... to suit my environment or your expectations. I got to where I am by doing things my own way. Oh, I think the judge would agree with you. That's not what I meant, but... No, I know that. Look, your, uh... your time here... it's gonna give you the tools to better deal with situations like last Saturday's. And I'm considerably cheaper than Mr. Harper. - All right. Is that it? - For now, yes. And, uh, if you have a problem, I want you to call me. All right. Thank you. I'll see you next week. Thanks, Phil. Clear. Must be cold as hell this time of year. - Huh? - Switzerland. - What do you mean? - It says here... This came out of the U.K., so it must be true...Unnamed sources say... Laramie chartered a private jet to Switzerland. While there the young star reportedly underwent a penile enhancement... surprising his wife with it on her birthday. - Nice, huh? - You give it a name? Big Bo? The Albatross? - Something sexy for the bedroom, to keep it fun. - I'm going to. - Bo, can we get you for a lineup in here? - Yeah, yeah. Yeah, no problem. - It's nice, how they caught me. - Yeah. - Y-You want to show it to me? - Can't keep anything a secret these days. You got the work done, you might as well let people see it. If it's big like that, w-why would you want to hide it? Be nicer to him. Things have changed around here. Take a look. Oye. Amigos. You got the stuff, huh? Sí. Thank you. Muchas gracias, amigos. Merci. Sure, man. - Pinche americano, está loco. - Este buey está zafado. Nice legs. What time do they open? Does that usually work where you come from? - Yeah, a couple of times. - Leave! Now! - Can you believe that guy? - I thought he was kind of cute. Loser. - And you're considering this? - All I'm saying is they called. Those schmucks over at Web Pics are turning this friggin' business into a trout farm. Cele ities getting approval over paparazzi's photos? That's bullshit! The public wants raw and real, and that's what we give them. Let me tell you something, my friends. We're the last of the real hunters. I'll drink to that. Like those shots you got of Lopez. Now, they were the shit. - And you are a dog. - Damn straight. I made bank on 'em too. I spent three nights hidin' in that tree. Ants crawlin' all over my ass. I picked her off with a thousand mil from 120 yards out. It was beautiful. Yeah. Too bad it wasn't really Lopez. Nobody knows that. Let me tell you something, Kevin. Don't start sweatin' the small stuff, okay? Or you'll get soft, end up like the rest of those pussies working at the agencies. Hey, I'm here, ain't I? Hanging with you and Rex, who is, by the way, still the king. Hundred and five thousand dollars for that shot of Clooney in the woods. Ohh-hoo. Yeah, Clooney's been a real gold mine. - How'd it go, huh? - She's a lesbian. - Really? I'm gonna get a second opinion. God, you get a lot of lesbians. - Let's go. - Excuse me. - Buy you another round? - Yeah. Hey, Dan... Dana. - I guess you can afford it. - What's that supposed to mean? You think I wouldn't recognize the guy... that siphoned half a million dollars out of Bo Laramie? Hey, I saw you get your ass kicked on TV. Look, I'm a photojournalist. - I was doing my job. - Mm-hmm. I was assaulted, and justice was served. With the exception of Laramie's apology to me. I like reading the tabloids. I think they're fun. - I think you're drunk. - I think you're cute. Your pictures hurt people. Do they? The irony... - Marcy. - Marcy... is everyone wants to have steak, but nobody wants to date the butcher. My job is to provide a window of reality for society. It's up to them whether they want to look through it or not. Come on. Have you ever bought a tabloid? - Guilty as charged. - Don't feel guilty. Guilty's bad. I mean, everyone wants to have a... little peek, huh? See? It's human nature. Look, there's a... there's a premiere tonight... and an after party I'm covering. Come with me, as my guest... Come with me, as my guest... and, um, see things from an entirely different perspective... mine. Hey, do a shot with me and then tell me your story. I'm a good listener. - Really? - Uh-huh. Listen to this... No. What do you say, Marcy? You want to have a little adventure? - It's beautiful. You should come and see it. - Yeah? So, when... Saturday, can you come? Or... - Saturday would be great. - Hey, Bo. How's it going, mate? - Good to see you again. Remember me? - Good to see you. London press junket. You were sitting next to me in the pub. There was that beautiful bird on your lap and... - Oh, sorry, man. Is that your wife? - Get out of here. - Sorry. - Get out of here. - What the hell was that? - Some jackass. Hey. She bite? - There's no way the little missus ignores that. - Great. Let's roll. Come on, let's go! - Road trip. - Wait! Aren't we going in? You want to tell me what's bothering you, honey? I just think it's interesting, that's all. - You were in London last spring. - Right. My girlfriends at home get jealous... if somebody winks at their husband at the company Christmas party. Half the civilized world wants my husband. How do you think that makes me feel? You know what that guy said tonight is bullshit, right? - Yeah, I know. - Okay. I guess it's all just new to me, you know? It's new to me too, honey. And I'm... You know, every day I'm learning. Abby! - Bo! Look at me! Look at me! Look at me! - Look at me! - Hey, Bo! Big shot! - Look at me! - I can't see a thing. Bo! Bo! Bo, slow down! - Daddy! - It's all right, son. It's okay. Son of a bitch! Takin' the front! Okay, Leonard. Box him in. - Hold on! - Len! Come on. Let's go. Come on. Come on. Hello, sweetie. Yeah, there's been a terrible accident on, uh, 5th and Flower. We need an ambulance. Oh, yeah. Hey, Marcy. Hey, honey. Everything's gonna be fine, okay? Come on. Everything's fine. There's an ambulance on the way already. They're not hurt that bad. We'll go back on my boat and have a drink. - Okay? I'll be right back. - All right. - Okay? Okay? - Okay. Let's go. Clear out. We're finished here. Go! Go! Go! Come on! Go! Hi. How is she? She's in recovery. I had to remove her spleen. The next few weeks will be very difficult, Bo. She'll be in a lot of pain. We'll manage that with medication, watch her very carefully. Now, let's talk about your little guy here. He's stable. His vitals are good. But comas are a tricky thing, Bo. All we can do is wait. Okay. - Can we be left alone? - Absolutely. Thank you, Doctor. Daddy! - You taped me? - Mm-hmm. The wine... You mu... You must have put something in it... Obviously it made you quite amorous. It's a shame, Marcy, you don't remember it. Still going to the police to tell them who caused Laramie's accident? Think again! Not only will I attach that to every porno site on the Internet... I will make sure it finds its way to your father's desk at the State Department. You wouldn't... You wouldn't do that. You don't see my face on that screen. Do you, Marcy? Now go... go to the police! See if I'm bluffing! Get out of my goddamn house! Get out of here. Hey there, little guy. I'm gonna come back and see you every day, okay? It's okay, honey. He can hear you, sweetie. All right? Okay. One second, honey. I'm gonna go out and talk to the detective. I'll be right back. Honey, wake up and you can have whatever you want. - Hi, Bo. - How are you, Detective? I tracked down those paparazzi guys you told me about. Brought 'em in one at a time. - They all came up with the same story. - Oh, yeah? What story's that? Well, they never deny following you. They say they drove up on the accident... called 911 and never left until help arrived. Detective, that's bullshit. You hear me? Come on, man. Give me a eak, will ya? I'm just tellin' you what I got. Until I find someone who saw somethin' different, that's all I have. What about the, uh, other driver? He died late last night. He never regained consciousness. I'm sorry, Bo. But listen, if there's a witness out there, I'm gonna find him. Believe me. I'm all over this one, Bo. I appreciate it. The victim died, Bo. What now? Did you mean to kill him, Bo? Nice driving. - Stellar Agency. Please hold. - That's for pickup, Sara. Bo, taking these paparazzi to court is only gonna cause more headlines. Let it go. We've got bigger problems to deal with. The studio says we get back to work or they will be forced to shut down the picture. Five weeks, Bo. They're losing a tremendous amount of money. The bond company is now threatening to go after you. And your production company. Technically, you weren't hurt. - What'd you say? - Uh, Bo, you're upset. You don't know shit. I'm sorry. So, what do you want us to do, Bo? And that's a cut. Excellent! - Well done. Whoo. Way to do it. Way to do it. - You all right? - Yeah. All right. That's a wrap, everybody. We'll pick it up here tomorrow morning. What you got, Jay? Just a bunch of crap. Oh, man. Laramie's wife on drugs. Star too busy to notice. Mr. Laramie? I'm Reggie, Aegis Security. - Hey, Reggie. - The studio sent me to keep an eye on things. I'll be on set for the rest of the show. Well, I could use you. - Hey, Bo. No soccer with Zach this mor... - Hey. - Oh, my God. - No, that's okay. - Oh, no, no, no. I'm so sorry. - Sierra. - I can't believe I just said that. - Sierra, look at me. Sierra? Zach will be fine, okay? - Okay. - All right? Goddamn it. Hey! Hey! What are you gonna do, hit me too? Man. Yeah. That's bullshit, man! Yeah, Beverly Hills. Let me have the number for a Dr. Jennifer Kelley, please. - Whoa! Hey! - Help me! - I'm comin', man. Hold on! You got to help me. Please! Laramie! Oh, God. Help me! Hurry! Hurry! - I'm here. - Sit up. - Help me. Reach. Reach! Reach! Reach! - Give me your hand. - Hurry up. - Give me your hand. What are you trying to do, kill me? - Shut up and give me your goddamn hand! - Damn! Oh, my God! Help me! Please! Hold on, man. - Hurry! Oh, God! You... You think we were up your ass before? I'm gonna own you now, slick. - What'd you say? - Just pull me up! Pull me up. Come on. Pull me up. Hurry! Pull me up! Now! Now! I'm startin' to feel much more in control of my anger. Well, that's quite a leap in progress. Especially considering your recent tragedy. Yeah. Well, I can't let the fact that four paparazzis nearly killed my family... affect my behavior, now, can I? What do you mean by that, Bo? Well, you asked me to work on something, and, uh, I did. Well, surely you must have some feelings about what happened. I feel cheated. I'm angry. Blessed. All at the same time. - What's this? A journal. I want you to start recording specific events that prompt your anger... and how you dealt with them in the moment. Doing this will help you put a face on your problems. My problems already have faces, Dr. Kelley. Well, then you're moving in the right direction. Let this journal become a sanctuary for you, Bo. My clients are having great success with it. Really? This shit happens way too often. This kid never even hit the akes. - This guy ain't no kid. He's close to 40. - They call 'em Rolex riders. They hang out in Beverly Hills, wear expensive leathers. Same guy cuts all their hair. Pity. He was cute. Hey, fellas. Detective Burton, S.I.S. - You boys mind if I sniff around? - Knock yourself out, Detective. Hey, why's Special Investigations... sending a D-2 down to a traffic accident? Well, I heard your victim's name on the radio. He was part of a case that I've been working on. It's probably nothing. I just thought I'd look around. Here you go, sweetie. - Thank you. - Sure. - Anything else? - Mm-mmm. I'm fine. Okay. One second. All right? - Hello. - Oh, hi, Bo. It's Detective Burton. - Hey, Detective. - I hope I'm not bothering you. No, no, no. We just got back from the hospital. - Any change? - No, no. No change. But thanks for asking. So, what's up? Well, you remember that guy Kevin Rosner? He was killed earlier today in a motorcycle accident. The... The name sounds familiar. Wh... He was one of the photographers that was involved in your accident. Oh. Well, that's too bad, isn't it? I just thought you'd like to know. Yeah, well, I appreciate you calling. Okay. Bo! All right. Okay. Chrissy! Hey, baby. Hey. What do you got? Just like I expected. Cops refused to release Kevin's personal effects. - Then what are we doin'... - Would you let me finish? I said I expected it. So I slapped 'em with a bogus power of attorney. They didn't have any choice. Ready for the good news? Cheryl. Do you mind, love? Check this out. Kevin! Even in death, they can't shut him up. Hey, Cheryl. Call Richard. Tell him to hold the cover. Hello, De a. Can you get me through to Richard? We got something here. We need to speak with him now. Bo? - Bo! Howdy. - Hey, Detective. - How are you? - Good. How you doin'? Okay. Good to see you. Yeah, things are good. - You want a cup of coffee? - I'd love one. Thanks. - Let's take a walk. I'll show you around. - Okay. Listen, the other day after I hung up with you I did some digging around. We're dealing with real scumbags here, Bo. This guy... Leonard Clark? He used to be an attorney. He got himself disbarred for distribution of narcotics. Is that right? What do you think the son of a bitch does? He turns around and sues the police department for illegal search and seizure. Cost the city a million bucks just to make it go away. He's still on probation for possession of illegal firearms. Really. And this other guy... Harper? The guy you slapped around? He slimed his way out of an attempted rape charge. Guess who the attorney was. - Leonard Clark? - Yeah. And by the way, you're not the first deep pockets he got into. - This actor, Andy Baldwin? - Alec? Yeah. One of those Baldwin guys. Anyway, he slaps Harper around. Harper takes him to the cleaners... and then Harper moves into a boat in the marina. Now, listen, Bo... until I get this thing straightened out... I know that you actors have people and places you wanna keep confidential. Right. If I were you, I would be very careful about what I said on my cell phone. - Really. Why's that? - Because for a couple hundred dollars... you can go to your local radio guy... and you can drop in on anybody at any time. - Bo, we're ready for you on set. - Okay. Listen, Detective, thanks for coming by. I appreciate it. I'll speak to you soon. Okay? Thank you. Thank you. I'm scared for Zach. I... Part of me just wants to take him back to Montana where he can feel secure. I don't think he's gonna get that here. - Hey, Reg. Where you at, man? - Yeah, I just got here. Nicole Kidman's coming by for a lunch meeting. - I'm on it. - See you in a sec. You hear that, Leonard, you piece of shit? Sorry, man. Can't let you slide. - Mr. Laramie's orders. - Do you mind? - Yes, I do. - What's going on, Reg? - Uninvited guest. Oh, yeah? I don't see anybody hurt or naked. You sure you're in the right place, Leonard? Very funny. Ha-ha-ha-ha. Get rid of him, Reg. - You heard him. - Don't touch me! I'm leaving. Emergency Response. Listen, there's a guy with a blue metallic Volvo station wagon... He's waving a gun all over the place! - What is your location? - Westbound on Sunset Boulevard! We're coming up to Western now! His license number is ABM543. He's a white guy! He's crazy! Get somebody down here! All units, be on the lookout for a blue Volvo wagon... license Adam-Baker-Mary 543. Approach with caution. Driver has priors for illegal weapons possession. Last seen heading westbound on Sunset near Western. - Pull over immediately! - Pull your vehicle over! - Oh, bollocks. - Do you wanna see a license? - Show me your hands! Get your hands up! - Do it now! Right now! - What the hell is this? Gun! And I'll let you stay up as late as you want... until 10:00. Do you want a new bike? We need you to wake up. One man is dead in what people are describing as a bizarre suicide by cop. One man is dead in what people are describing as a bizarre suicide by cop. The victim, Leonard Clark, pointed a weapon at several officers... who were forced to open fire... killing the man instantly. Details are still sketchy, but police are describing the weapon... as a modified.45-caliber blank gun... commonly used in the motion picture industry. We're awaiting a press conference by the authorities... and we'll ing it to you live, when it happens. Hi. You've reached Wendell Stokes Photography. You got somethin' to say, say it. Wendell, it's Rex. Pick up the phone! Leonard's dead! Pick up the phone! - It was Laramie, and I know it. - Did you call Burton? Yeah. Know what he said? The case is under investigation. Look, he's coming for us next, man. You know that. Yeah, but at least we'll know when he's coming. The cops don't go after him, Wendell... we will. - Did you get those from Rudy? - Yep. Oh, these are beauties. They'll transmit to my system perfectly. H-How are we supposed to get in? Have a little faith, my friend. Now, you would think people would be more careful. - Are you gonna be all right? - Mm-hmm. If I don't feel well, I'll have Ken cover my class. Well, just call me and I'll have Reggie pick you up if there's any problem. Shh! I'll be fine. - Okay. All right. I'll be with Zach all afternoon. - I'll see you two for lunch at the hospital. - Mm-hmm. - I love you, beautiful. - I love you too. - I'll see you soon. - Okay. - How's Zach? - He's still in stable condition. - Thanks for asking. - That's good news, Bo. - What you got? - It might be a while. We're running a little behind. I have script changes for you, and there's a Detective Burton here. - I told him he could wait in your trailer. - He's in my trailer? Thanks. - Oh, hiya, Bo. - Hey. - That little girl outside, she said it was okay... - No, no, of course. - How's it going? - Oh, good. Geez, look at this place. It's amazing. My kids will not believe this. - You got kids, huh? - Yeah. - Really? How many kids you got? - Six girls. - Six girls? Wow. - I kept trying for the boy, but... It sounds like it. - Well, I guess you know why I'm here, Bo. - It's pretty hard to miss. - So you know what I'm talking about? - Leonard Clark, no? Can you believe this guy? He pulls a gun on half of our department. - Well, the guy's a bit of a jerk. Come on. - Hey. - Sorry to interrupt, Bo. - No, it's all right. Okay, here you go, Detective. This is a copy of the paperwork we gave to the A.T.F. Well, thank you, Charlie. Thank you very much. I'll stop by on my way out. All right. Oh, yeah, we traced the gun here. Charlie reported it missing. You know Leonard Clark was here that day, right? I heard that. Bo... I've now got two dead paparazzi... that were involved in your accident. I wish I could tell you more about these clowns. It's... I don't know, it just takes a certain kind of person... that would do something like this. Complete and utter distortion of the truth. Welcome to my world, Detective. I'll tell you, Bo... I don't know what I would do if anyone ever hurt one of my family. I'm running up against it on this one, Bo. What do you think? I think you're dealing with a random accident and a suicide. That's what I think. Well, as it turns out... Rosner's accident might not be that random. The investigators are still looking into it. And now... I've got this gun. Excuse me one second. Excuse me, Bo. Paul sends his apologies. - That's okay. How soon until I'm up? :00 tomorrow morning. 10:00 tomorrow? All right. Thanks, sweetie. If that's it, I'm gonna head home. - Hey, I'm done here. - Okay. Oh, Bo, there is one thing, and I hate to ask. Would you sign a picture for my kids? - Of course. - If it's not too much trouble. - Let me just grab a pen. - Here. - Why don't you use this? - Fine. Thank you. There you go. - Thanks. - Sure. Maybe it's for one of us! - Bo! - Abby! Bo! - Help me! - Abby! - Shut up! Shut up! - Wendell! What the hell are you doing? - Oh! It's Laramie. Come on! You say one word to the cops, and I'm coming back for the kid. Abby? Okay. They said that if we told anybody... that... they said they'd hurt Zach. They're never gonna stop, Bo. - They're never gonna stop. - It's okay, baby. I'm here, honey. I'm here. - Aegis Security. Hey, Reg, listen, I need you to do me a favor. I need you to go down to the hospital and keep an eye on Zach tonight. - Hospital? Is Zach okay? What's going on? - Hey, Reg. Reg. I'll fill you in later. Okay? Just make sure that nobody goes inside of that room unless they're a doctor. - It's done. - If there's any problems, you call me. - All right. - All right. Thanks. She's gonna be fine, Bo. I gave her something to help her rest. - Is there anything I should do? - No, no, no. Just let her rest. She'll sleep a good 12 hours or more. - I'll call tomorrow, see how she's doing. - All right. Listen, I appreciate you coming by. Thank you. - But if there's a change, I want to know. - You got it. - I'll call you. - Okay. How you doing, fellas? How you doing, Mr. Laramie? I'm Deputy Walker. This is Deputy Wilson. Det. Burton said you might need some extra security. Just until things settle down. - I appreciate you guys coming out. - Happy to do it. We're gonna be out here all night, walk the perimeter every hour. - Wife never got a look at the guy, huh? - Nah, she didn't. So, what's the plan? I know you got something up your sleeve. The idea of going in there, Wendell... was to protect ourselves. If we were worried Laramie was coming after us before, we have guaranteed it now. Why don't we just call the cops? And tell them... we oke into his house... you attacked his wife... and that we would like some protection? You're a moron, Wendell. You're an absolute moron! What did you expect me to do? The bitch was all over me. Go home! Check your monitor. See if Laramie's found the cameras. I gotta think this through. Go home. I'll call you later. - What's up with the light? - Gonna have to see some I.D. - Ain't that big-ass sign enough I.D. for you? - Let's go. - License and registration. - What, I look like a terrorist? - Just the I.D., please. - It's right there. There you go. Only black man in Malibu. Guys always messin' with me. Always messin' with me. - What'd you say? - I said, 30 minutes or it's free. Go on. - The money better all be there, or that's your ass. - Move on. I'm goin'. Not waitin' for y'all. - What's going on, man? You! - Yo, you Bo, right? You Bo, right? - Yeah. This your crib! Yeah. What do I owe you for the pizza? You don't owe me nothin'. Just send down one of them bad white bitches, and you can have all the pizza you want. All right, tell you what. Here's $60. - All right? - Yo, thanks a lot, man. The front door's open. Put one pie inside, the other one to the cops out front, will you, please? - Have a good night. - Good lookin' out! Yeah, it's Burton. How's Vic comin' with that Leonard Clark tape? No kidding. - Tell him to cue it up. I'll be right in. There you go, chief. Well, I'll be a son of a bitch. - Can I get a copy of this? - Copy? I can give it to you on DVD. I'm gonna go wake up Laramie. Hi. You've reached Wendell Stokes Photography. You got somethin' to say, say it. Wendell. Rex. I got a plan. I'll be at your place at 8::00 a.m. sharp. Keep an eye on those cameras. And call me if he leaves his house. - Hey, Wendell. What the hell are you doing here? Aw, shit. Wait a minute. - This is Burton. Get me Traffic. - Morning. - Good morning. Listen, fellas, thanks for helping out. Brought you some hot coffee and a dozen doughnuts to start your day. - Great. - Appreciate it, Detective. - You fellas get some rest. - Hey, Detective. - Good m... How did you know it was me? 'Cause, uh, I can see your car. I-I'll let you in. Hey. You caught me. I was in the shower. - How did my guys do last night? Were they okay? - They were great. - I got a great night of sleep thanks to them. - Glad to hear it. I got something I'd like you to take a look at. It'll only take a minute. - Is everything all right? - Great. What is this? Impound found some video equipment... in the back of Leonard's car. Seems he was wearing a miniature camera when he came to the set. Why are we watching this? Oh, just be patient. Best part is the end. Okay, now... watch this very closely. There. It's a jacket. And there was something about that jacket... that was bothering me. And then it hit me. The boys at the crime lab prepared this for me. Now, you'll notice that in the first shot... the lapels are facing away from us. In the second shot... the lapels are facing towards us. And? I was wondering how the jacket removed itself from its hook... and turned itself around. You see, the button-cam is all one shot... it's unedited, uninterrupted. And Leonard left his car and came back only once. You know what I think? I think someone on that set... planted the gun. Excuse me. - Burton. I'm on my way. You don't want your disc? Keep it. We got the original. Ma'am, my name is Detective Burton. I'm from the Los Angeles Police Department... and I'm here to talk to you about the night of April 18. They lied to you, Detective. They caused the accident that night. Then why the hell didn't you come forward with this information before? This is Detective Burton. I need two units to pick up Rex Harper on suspicion of rape. Berth 40, slip seven at the marina. The suspect is a white male, about six feet tall. And I also need a patrol car to meet me at the home of Wendell Stokes... 1323 Old Malibu Road. Both units are code two. Roger that, Detective. Units already dispatched to both those locations... responding to anonymous 9-1-1 calls. 10-4. What the... Laramie. I want all of this glass bagged up, Jerry. - What do you got, Tim? - Hey. Looks like the perp came through the window. We got a bloody handprint on the wall. Blunt force, trauma to the head, no sign of a struggle. Haven't found a weapon yet. Guy's a bit of a freak, huh? What's this? This is a live feed into Laramie's house. And that's Rex Harper. Press that record button. Call the Malibu Sheriff s Department. Tell 'em to meet me at Laramie's house with backup! - Code three! Did you hear me? - Yeah! Come on, pick it up! Come on, Laramie! Took the bait, huh, Rex? Answer the damn phone! Come on! You know what, Rex? - Rex. - Huh? This feels a lot better than I thought. Ohh! Hello? - Laramie, it's Burton. - Detective? - Harper's on your property with a gun. - He is? Yes, he is! Just find a way out! I'm on my way! Hurry, Detective! He's in! - Laram... - Talk to me! - Hurry! He's in! What the hell is going on? Laramie? Laramie! Damn it! You're in a lot of trouble, Rex. The bat was a nice touch, wasn't it? You're going down for Wendell's murder. - You can't do th... Ohh! - What can't I do? Ooh, the cops are here. Okay. Okay. Gotta make this right. Yeah. Okay. This worked out so perfect, Rex. I don't think I could've written it any better myself. It's just a shame I can't tell anyone. Except you. I can tell you, can't I, Rex? I feel like I can share anything with you. I feel the need to share. Bo! In here, Detective! Upstairs! You ready for the last act, Rex? Huh? Thank God. Detective, thank God you called me. You... You saved my life. Wait a second! He's the one... I owe you one. He almost killed me. Come on, now, Bo. Give me the gun. Take it easy. Okay? It's over. - Just put the gun down. - Okay. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Come on. - Yeah. Get this piece of shit out of my house. All right, come on. Get up. Come on. Get up! Cuff this moron. Get him out of here. Okay. Okay, okay. - Oww! - Photographer, my ass. Hey. I'll be out in a week. Just another great story for Rex Harper. In a week you'll be somebody's wife. Come on. Hey, Russell, come on. Mr. Harper, what were you doing here? - Any response to the rape allegations? - Were you and Wendell lovers? - Did you kill Kevin Rosner? - What about Wendell Stokes? - Give us a sound bite! - All right, we're comin' through! Let me through. Get out of my way! He's on his last shot. I'm headed towards him now. Can you hang on? Bo. Hospital. This is Bo. Hi, Daddy. Oh, my boy! - Hello, son. - Hi, Daddy. Hi! - I missed you, buddy. - I missed you too. - Bo Laramie! - Hey, Matthew. - Congratulations. - Thank you, sir. Good to meet you, man. Hey, meet my family. This is my wife Abby. Abby? Matthew. - My son Zach. - What do you say, Zach? Proud of your dad, huh? - Oh, yeah! - Oh, yeah? All right. - Keep up the good work. - I will. Nice to meet y'all. Zach, take care of them. Y'all have a good night. - Ready, Bo? - Yeah, yeah. - All right, son, I'm gonna go take some pictures. - Okay! Sweetheart, see you in the car. Little baby girl. See ya, honey. Beautiful. - Are you ready, honey? - Yeah. Okay. This way. I love you, Bo! - Bo! - Come on, Bo! Big smile! Bo! Over here, man! Turn around! Turn around! Hey, Bo! Packin' on a few pounds there, Laramie? As a matter of fact, I am. Looks good on me, doesn't it?
Do you consider the book to be autobiographical? Well, I mean... ...isn't everything autobiographical? I mean, we all see the world through our own tiny keyhole, right? I mean, I always think of Thomas Wolfe. Have you ever seen that little one-page Note to Reader... ... in the front of Look Homeward, Angel? Anyway, he says that we are the sum of all the moments of our lives... ...and anybody who sits down to write will use the clay of their own life... ...that you can't avoid that. So when I look at my own life, I have to admit, right, that I... I've never been around a bunch of guns or violence, you know, not really. No political intrigue or a helicopter crash, right? But my life, from my own point of view, has been full of drama, right? And so I thought, if I could write a book... ...that could capture what it's like to really meet somebody... One of the most exciting things that's happened to me... ...is to meet somebody, make that connection. And if I could make that valuable, you know, to capture that... ...that would be the attempt, or... Did I answer your question? I'll try to be more specific. Was there ever a French young woman on a train you met... ...and spent an evening with? See, to me, that... I mean... ...that's not important, you know? - So that's a yes? All right, since I'm in France and this is the last stop of my book tour, yes. Thank you. Mr. Wallace, the book ends on an ambiguous note. We don't know. Do you think they get back together in six months... ...like they promise each other? Like they promised? I think how you answer that, you know, is... It's a good test, right, if you're a romantic or a cynic. Right? I mean, you think they get back together, right? - You don't, for sure. - No. And you hope they do, but you're not sure. - That's why you're asking the question. - Do you think they get back together? I mean, did you in real life? Did I in real...? Look, in the words of my grandfather, okay: To answer that would take the piss out of the whole thing. We just have the time for one last question. What is your next book? I don't know, man. I don't know. I've been... I've been thinking about this... well, I always kind of wanted to write a book... ...that all took place within the space of a pop song. Like three or four minutes long, the whole thing. The story, the idea, is that there's this guy, right... ...and he's totally depressed. His great dream was to be a lover, an adventurer, you know... ...riding motorcycles through South America. And instead he's sitting at a marble table eating lobster. He's got a good job and a beautiful wife, right, but that... Everything that he needs. But that doesn't matter... ...because what he wants is to fight for meaning. You know? Happiness is in the doing, right? Not in the getting what you want. So he's sitting there, and just that second... ...his little 5-year-old daughter hops up on the table. And he knows that she should get down, because she could get hurt. But she's dancing to this pop song in a summer dress. And he looks down... ...and all of a sudden, he's 16. And his high-school sweetheart is dropping him off at home. And they just lost their virginity, and she loves him... ...and the same song is playing on the car radio. And she climbs up and starts dancing on the roof of the car. And now he's worried about her. And she's beautiful, with a facial expression just like his daughter's. In fact, maybe that's why he even likes her. You see, he knows he's not remembering this dance... ...he's there. He's there, in both moments, simultaneously. And just for an instant, all his life is just folding in on itself. And it's obvious to him that time is a lie. That it's all happening all the time... ...and inside every moment is another moment... ...all happening simultaneously. Anyway, that's kind of the idea. Anyway. Our author has to be going to the airport soon... ...so thank you all very much for coming over this afternoon. And a special thanks to Mr. Wallace for being with us. Thank you. Thank you. We hope to see you here again with your next book. Thank you all. How much longer before I have to go to the airport? Oh, you should leave at 7:30... - Seven-thirty at the very latest. - Okay. - Hi. - Hello. - How are you? - Good, and you? I'm good, yeah, I'm great. I'm... Do you wanna, maybe, get a cup of coffee? Didn't he just say you have a plane to catch? Yeah. But, I mean, I have a little time. - Okay. - Yeah? All right, well, let me... I'll meet you outside. Okay. Excuse me. I'm just gonna go get a cup of coffee. - I'll be back at 7:15. - Did you sign all these? - Yeah, I sure did. - Get your driver Philippe's card... ...so you can call his cell if you're running late. We'll put your bags in the car so you're not late. - All right, thanks for everything. - Thank you. Which one's Philippe? - I can't believe you're here. - I live here in Paris. Are you sure you don't have to stay? You're not supposed to talk more? They're sick of me. I spent the night here. - You did? - Yeah, they got a loft upstairs. - How are you? This is so weird. - I'm fine. - It's good to see you. - It's good to see you. - So you want to go to a café? - Yeah. Okay. There's one a little further that I like. I thought I was gonna totally lose it in there when I first saw you. How did you know I was gonna be here? It's my favorite bookstore in Paris. You can sit down for hours and read. I love it. There's fleas, but, you know... I know. I think a cat slept on my head last night. I saw your picture on the calendar about a month ago... ...and that you were going to be here. It's funny, because I read an article on your book... ...and it sounded vaguely familiar. - Vaguely? Yeah. But I didn't put it all together until I saw your photo. So... Did you have a chance to read it? Yes, I... I was really, really surprised, as you can imagine. I mean, I had to read it twice, actually. - Yeah? - Yeah. No, I liked it. It's very romantic. I usually don't like that, but it's really well-written. - It's well-written. Congratulations. - All right. Thank you. - Wait. - What? Before we go anywhere, I have to ask you... Sure. What? Did you show up in Vienna that December? - Did you? - No, I couldn't. But did you? - I need to know. It's important to me. - Why, if you didn't? Well, did you? No. Thank God you didn't. - Oh, my God. - Thank God you didn't. Thank God I didn't and you didn't. If one of us had showed up alone... ...that would have sucked. - I was so concerned. I felt horrible about not being there, but I couldn't. My grandma died... ...and she was buried that day, December 16th. - The one in Budapest? - Yes. You remember that? - I remember everything. - Of course, it was in your book. But anyway, I was about to fly to Vienna, you know... ...and we heard the news about her, and of course I had to go to the funeral. Yeah, I'm sorry to hear that. I know. But you weren't there anyway. Wait. Why weren't you there? I would have been there if I could have. I made plans... You better have a good reason. What? Oh, no. No, you were there, weren't you? Oh, no, that's terrible! I'm laughing, but I don't mean it. Did you hate me? You must've hated me. - Have you been hating me all this time? - No. - Yes, you have. - No. But you can't hate me now, right? - I mean, my grandma... - I don't hate you. It's no big deal. I flew all the way over there, you blew the thing off. My life's been a big nosedive since, but it's not a problem. - No, I'm kidding. - Don't say that. I can't believe it. You must have been so angry with me. I'm so sorry. I wanted to be there, more than anything in the world. - Honestly, I swear... - You can't be angry, my grandmother... I know. I honestly thought that something like that might have happened. I was definitely bummed, but... Mostly I was mad we hadn't exchanged any phone numbers or any information. That was so stupid. No way to get in touch. - Nothing to go on. - I didn't know your last name. Remember, we were both afraid if we started writing and calling... ...that it would slowly fade out. - It definitely wasn't a slow fade. No, it sure wasn't. We wanted to pick up where we left off. Which would have been fine if it had worked. Oh, well. So... - How long were you in Vienna, then? - Just a couple days. Did you meet another girl? Yeah, her name was Gretchen and she was amazing. The book's really a composite of the two of you. No, I'm kidding. You wouldn't believe... I even went back to the train station. I put up signs of my number in the hotel in case you'd been delayed. - I was a total dork. - Let's go this way. Did you get any calls? Just a couple hookers looking for a gig. No, it was awful, I mean, what do you want me to say? It's so sad. I'm so sorry. I walked around for a couple days. Eventually, I flew home. I owed my dad 2000 bucks... ...who had warned me about French chicks. What did he tell you about French women? Nothing. He's never met any French women. He's never been east of the Mississippi. Why didn't you put, Six months later, the French bitch didn't show up? No, but I did, I did. - You did? - Yeah. No. I made it more hopeful. I wrote this fictional version where you do show up. - Oh, what happens? - Well... what? We make love for about 10 days straight, that's one part of it. - Interesting. So the French slut, right? - Yeah, exactly. It's just then they get to know each other better... ...and realize they don't get along at all. - I like that. It's more real. - My editor didn't think that way. Everyone wants to believe in love. It sells. Yeah, exactly, so... So things are going well for you, right? I mean... - Your book is a bestseller in the U.S. - It's a tiny bestseller. - Oh, come on. - All right. Officially, yes. Most people haven't read Moby Dick. Why should they read my book? I haven't read Moby Dick and I liked your book. - Thanks. - Even though... ...I thought you idealized the night of it. Come on, it's fiction, right? - I'm supposed to... - I know, I know. I know. I thought there were times where you made me... well, I mean, her, right? No, me. Okay, whatever. - A little bit neurotic. - You are a bit like that, aren't you? - You think I'm neurotic? - No, no, no. Come on, I'm kidding. Where did I do that? I didn't do that. Oh, maybe it's just me, you know... Reading something, knowing the character is based on you... ...it's both flattering and disturbing at the same time. How is it disturbing? I don't know. Just being part of someone else's memory. Seeing myself through your eyes. How long did it take you to write it? Three or four years, on and off. Wow, that's a really long time to be writing about one night. Yeah, I know. Tell me about it. I always assumed you had forgotten me. No, I had a pretty clear picture of you in my mind. - I have to tell you something. I just... - what? I've wanted to talk to you for so long that now... It's just surreal, you know? I feel like everything should be... How long do we have? Twenty minutes and 30 seconds? We got more than that. I wanna know about you. Tell me, what are you doing? What are you up to? Where to start? I work for Green cross. It's an environmental organization. What are they all about? We basically work on different environment issues... ...from clean water to disarmament of chemical weapons. International laws that deal with the environment. - What do you do for them? - We're going this way. Different things. Like, last year I was in India for a while, working on a water-treatment plant. Well, the cotton industry there is a major source of pollution, so... I mean, it sounds like you're actually doing something. Most people, myself included, just sit around and bitch. You know, how America's consuming all the world's resources, SUVs suck... ...global warming is real... I'm relieved to hear you're not one of those freedom fries Americans. Hey, you know... But how'd you get into that? I came out of political science, hoping to work for the government. - And I did for a little while. Terrible. - Not good? Yeah, no. Anyway, I got really tired... Let's go this way. Having this endless conversation with friends... ...about how the world was falling to pieces. So I decided what I really wanted to do was... ...to find things that could be fixed and try to fix them, you know? You know, I always thought you'd be doing something cool like that. I did. Thanks. I just feel really, really lucky to be doing a job I like, you know? Yeah. I actually alternate in between thinking everything is irrevocably screwed up... ...and things might be getting better in ways. Better? How could you possibly say that? Well, I just mean, you know, like... I know it sounds weird, but there are things to be optimistic about. Okay... I know your book is selling, which is great, I'm very happy for you. But let me eak the news to you: The world is a mess right now. From a western view, things are getting a bit better. We're moving industry to developing nations where we can get cheap labor... ...free of any environmental laws. The weapon industry is booming. Five million people die a year from preventable water disease. How is the world getting better? I'm not angry, I'm not angry. But come on, I want to know. I'm interested. I realize that there are a lot of serious problems in the world. - Okay. Thank you. - I mean, I don't even have... ...one publisher in the Asian market. - Okay. All right. - Say stop. - What? Stop. Look, all I'm saying is there's more awareness. People are gonna fight back. The world might be getting better because people like you... ...are educated and speaking out. Even the very notion of conservation, environmental issues... ...weren't in the vocabulary till fairly recently. And they're becoming the norm and eventually might be what's expected. I agree with what you're saying, but at the same time it's dangerous. An imperialist country can use that kind of thinking... ...to justify their economic greed. Is there any particular imperialist country you have in mind, there, Frenchie? - No, not really. - No? - So you wanna sit over there? - Yeah, this is perfect. Oh, wow. Maybe what I'm saying is... ...the world might be evolving the way a person evolves. Like, I mean, me, for example. Am I getting worse? Am I improving? I don't know. When I was younger, I was healthier... ...but I was wracked with insecurity, you know? Now I'm older and my problems are deeper... ...but I'm more equipped to handle them. So, what are your problems? Right now I don't have any. I don't, you know? I'm just... ...damn happy to be here. Me too. So how long have you been in Paris? I got in last night. I've done 10 cities in 12 days. I'm wrecked. I'm so glad it's over, you know? I'm tired of being a huckster. - Hi. - Hello. What do you want? A cup of coffee. God, I love this café. I wish they had places like this in the U.S. Yeah, I missed cafés when I was living over there. I mean, I find a few places I really liked, but there was... - You were living in the U.S.? - Yes, from '96 to '99. I was studying at NYU. Oh, God, don't tell me that, Celine. - What? - No, it's just... - Nothing, I mean, I... - what? I've been living in New York since '98. We were there at the same time. - In New York? - Yeah. That's weird. It actually crossed my mind a few times that I might run into you... ...but the odds are so slim, right? So... I didn't even know what city you were in. - Weren't you somewhere in Texas? - Yeah, yeah, definitely. I just... I was for a long time. I just, you know, wanted to try New York. What ought you back here? I had finished my master's, for one... ...and no visa, no more visa. And I was starting to get paranoid. All the violence in the medias: Gang violence, murders, especially serial killers... But the final straw was... ...one night I heard some noise on my fire escape... ...so I called 911, and the cops came eventually. - Like three hours later. - Yeah, after I had been raped and killed. No, but it was a man and a woman officer. I was explaining what I had heard... ...when the woman had to go move the police car. I was left alone with the male cop. Right away he asked me if I had a gun, and I said, No, of course not. And he told me, well, you better think about getting one. This is America, not France. Okay? And I said to him, I have no idea how to shoot a gun... ...and I have no interest in firearms whatsoever. And that's when he pulled out his gun, like this, and he went: Well, one day, you're gonna have something like this in your face... ...and if you wanna have a long life... ...you're gonna have to choose between you or them. And then they left. And the next morning I called for an application to get a gun. Me with a gun. I mean, that's really scary. But then I realized something was wrong. The way that cop had pulled his gun out, and everything, right? So I canceled my demand for the gun... ...and I called the police and tried to complain about that cop. - What happened with that? - It was so much paperwork... ...and then I got scared, with my shitty student visa... - Thought you'd get deported? - Exactly. I gave up... ...and forgot about the whole thing. - Well, I guess I never forgot. - Obviously. But still, you know, I really enjoyed being there. - There's lots of things I miss in the U.S. - Yeah? Like what? Well... The overall good mood people have there. Like, even if it can be bullshit sometimes. Like, How you doing? Great. How you doing? Great! Have a great day! I don't know. Parisians can be so grumpy. Have you noticed? No, everybody seems pretty happy to me. - They're not happy. No. - They're not happy? No, they are. I don't know. I just mean French men. They drive me nuts. What is it? What about them? Well, they're very nice. They're great, you know, to be around. They love food, wine, they're great cooks. But I've had really bad luck with them. Why? What do you mean? - Well, I guess they're not as... - what? What's the word? - Horny? They're not as horny. - Horny? Wait, listen to me on this one. In that regard, I am proud to be an American. And you should be. In that regard only. Have you ever spent time in Eastern Europe? Eastern... No, I don't. Thank you. I remember as a teenager I went to Warsaw... ...when it was still a strict communist regime. - Which I don't approve of at all. - Sure you don't. - No, I don't. - I'm just kidding. But anyway, something about being there was very interesting. After a couple of weeks, something changed in me. The city was quite gloomy and gray... ...but after a while, my ain seemed clearer. I was writing more in my journal... ...ideas I'd never thought of before... - communist ideas? - Listen, I'm not... - I'm sorry, I... - Okay. - Go on. Okay. I'll send you to a gulag later. No. But it took me a while to figure out why I felt so different. One day, as I was walking through the Jewish cemetery... ...I don't know why, but it occurred to me there... ...I realized that I had spent the last two weeks away from most of my habits. TV was in a language I didn't understand... ...there was nothing to buy, no advertisements anywhere... ...so all I'd been doing was... ...walk around, think, and write. My ain felt like it was at rest... ...free from the consuming frenzy. It was almost like a natural high. I felt so peaceful inside. No strange urge to be somewhere else... ...to shop... It could have seemed like boredom at first... ...but it became very, very soulful. It was interesting, you know? Can you believe it was nine years ago we were walking around Vienna? - Nine years? No, that's impossible. - No, it was. It feels like two months. But it was summer '94. Do I look any different? I do? I'd have to see you naked. - What? - I know, I'm sorry. Your hair was different back then. It was like... - It's the same... Oh, down. - Yeah, take it down. Down. Okay, it was down. Okay. Well? Voilŕ. So? Okay, come on. Tell me. Skinnier, I think. A little thinner. Did you think I was fat before? - No... - Yeah, you thought I was a fatty. No, you thought I was a fatty. You wrote a book about a fat French girl. - No, listen. - Oh, no. Seriously, all right? You look beautiful. Do I look any different? No. Not at all. Actually, you have this line. - I know. - It's like a scar. - A scar? Like a gunshot wound? - No, no, no. I like it. I'm sorry. I had this funny... well, horrible dream the other day. I was having this awful nightmare that I was 32. And then I woke up, and I was 23. So relieved. And then I woke up for real, and I was 32. - Shit, man. It happens. - Scary. Time goes faster and faster. Apparently, it's because... ...we don't renew synapses after our 20s, so it's downhill from then on. I like getting older, you know? Life feels... I don't know, it feels more immediate. Like I can appreciate things more. No, me too, actually. I really love it. I was once... ...a drummer in a band. - You were? - Yeah. We were pretty good, actually. But the lead-singer guy, he was just so obsessed with us getting a record deal. It's all we talked about, thought about, getting bigger shows. Everything was just focused on the future all the time. And now... ...the band doesn't even exist anymore. And looking back at the shows we did play... ...even rehearsing, it was just so much fun. I just... Now I'd enjoy every minute of it. Could I have a drag of that? Well, your book has been published. That's a pretty big deal. You've been all around Europe. Are you enjoying every minute of it? - Not really. - Not really? No. - Do you have another one of those? - Yes, of course. Here. In my field, I see these people that... Oh, sorry. Come into it with big, idealist visions... ...of becoming the leader that will create a better world. They enjoy the goal, but not the process. - Right. - But the reality of it is... ...the true work of improving things is in the little achievements. - That's what you need to enjoy. - What do you mean, exactly? I was working for this organization that helped villages in Mexico. And their concerns was how to get the pencils... ...sent to the kid in those little country schools. It was not about big, revolutionary ideas. It was about pencils. I see the people that do the real work, and what's really sad is that... ...the people that are the most giving, hardworking... ...and capable of making this world better... ...usually don't have the ego and ambition to be a leader. They don't see any interest in superficial rewards. They don't care if their name ever appear in the press. They actually enjoy the process of helping others. - They're in the moment. - Yeah, but that's so hard... ...you know, to be in the moment. I mean, I feel like I'm... ...designed to be slightly dissatisfied with everything, you know? It's like always trying to better my situation. I satisfy one desire, and it just agitates another. And then I think, to hell with it, right? Desire's the fuel of life. You know? Do you think it's true... ...that if we never wanted anything, we'd never be unhappy? I don't know. Not wanting anything, isn't that a symptom of depression? Yeah, that is, right? I mean, it's healthy to desire, right? Yeah. I don't know. It's what all those Buddhist guys say, right? Liberate yourself from desire, and you'll find... ...you already have everything you need. - But I feel alive... ...when I want something more than basic survival needs. Wanting, whether it's intimacy with another person... ...or a pair of shoes, is beautiful. I like that we have those ever-renewing desires, you know? Maybe it's this sense of entitlement. You know, like whenever you feel like you deserve that new pair of shoes? It's okay to want things, as long as you aren't pissed off if you don't get them. Life's hard. It's supposed to be. If we didn't suffer, we wouldn't learn a thing, you know? So, what, are you Buddhist, or something? - No. - No? Why not? I don't know. The same reason I don't really consider myself anything, really. I decided a long time ago that I was gonna be open to everything... ...but not buy into any one and only belief system. I went to this Trappist monastery a couple years ago. - Trappist? - Yeah, they're catholic. Cistercian. - Why did you do that? - Why? I'd been doing some reading. Thought it'd be cool. Have you ever spent any time with monks or nuns? - No. It's not really my style. - No? Well, I expected them to be all glowering and stern, but they weren't. They were quick to laugh, really easy to be around. Seriously, very attuned to everything, they were just... You know, they weren't trying to hustle anybody. They're trying to live and die in peace with God... ...or whatever part of them they feel is eternal. It was just so refreshing to be around. You realize that most of the people that you meet... ...are trying to get somewhere better. They're trying to make more cash, get a little more respect... ...have more people admire them. It's exhausting. - No kidding. - And it's exhausting to be one yourself. There I am, right, you know, all greedy to be more spiritual. I want to be a better person, you know? You can't escape. I had this boyfriend of mine many years ago that wanted to be a Buddhist. So he went to Asia to visit some of those monasteries. - I've thought about doing that too. - Yeah, you should. I'll tell you why. He was good-looking, and each time he went to one of the monasteries... ...a monk offered to suck his cock. True story. It all comes down to that, doesn't it? That's why I really admire what you're doing. - You know? - What do you mean? Sucking cock? - No. - No? Wrong answer. No, I was gonna say you're not detached from life. You're putting your passion into action. Well, I try. You know something? I'm gonna be on planes... ...and in an airport for the next eight hours... I'd just love to see a little bit more of Paris. - Would you walk with me? - Yeah. - Do you mind? - That's great. - Do you want to? - Let's do that. Yeah. What do we owe here? Four-fifty? No, I got it, I got a little per diem going on here. - This good, for a tip? - Yeah, that's fine. - That's more than enough. - Throw that in too. - Is there anywhere to go around here? - It's sales day today. - What's that? - It's when everything's on sale in Paris. It's twice a year. All right, let's go shopping. No, no, no. That's a bad idea. I don't wanna inflict that on you. It's madness. Let's just go to this garden path. It's really nice. All right. That sounds better than shopping, actually. Not that I wouldn't do whatever you wanted. Sometimes I don't even need to buy anything. I just get high... ...on trying on and looking at things. Is this where we're going? - Yeah. - A therapist will tell you that's good. - Really? Are you ever in therapy? - Oh, no. - Do I seem like I'm in therapy? - I'm kidding. - Does it help your sex problems? - My sex problems? - I'm kidding. - Tell me the truth. - We didn't have any problems. - No, I'm kidding. - We didn't even have sex. - That's a joke, right? No, we didn't. I mean, that was the whole thing. - Of course we did. - No, no, no, we didn't. You didn't have a condom and I never have sex without one. I'm extremely paranoid. There's no way... I find it scary that you don't remember what happened. No, listen... ...I didn't write an entire book, but I kept a journal... ...and I wrote the whole night in it. That's what I meant, you idealizing it. All right, listen, I even remember what and of condom we used. That's disgusting. I don't wanna hear it. - That's not disgusting. - No. Okay, when I get home I'll check my journal from '94, but I know I'm right. - Wait a minute. - What? - Was it in the cemetery? - No. No, we went to the cemetery in the afternoon. It was in the park, very late at night. - In the park? - Wait a minute, wait a minute. I can't... I can't... Is it that forgettable? You really don't remember? In the park? Okay. Wait a minute, I think you might be right... You're messing with me now. - No. - Are you messing with me? Okay. No, I'm sorry. I think... I mean, you're right, okay? Sometimes I put things in drawers inside my head and forget about it. It's less painful to put things away than live with it. What, so that night was, like, a sad memory for you? I didn't mean that night in particular. I meant certain things are better forgotten. I remember that night better than I do entire years. - Me too. - Really? Well, I thought I did. But maybe I... Maybe I put it away because of the fact that... ...my grandmother's funeral was the day we were supposed to meet. It was a tough day for me, but it must've been worse for you. It was unreal. I remember looking at her dead body in the coffin... ...at her beautiful hands, so warm, so sweet, that used to hold me... ...but nothing in that coffin resembled what I remembered of her. All the warmth was gone. And then I was crying, so confused if I was crying... ...because I was never gonna see her again or never gonna see you again... I'm sorry. I'm sorry to go on like this. I've been a little down this week. - Why? - I don't know. Nothing bad, just... Reading your book, maybe? No, but... Thinking of how hopeful I was that summer and fall... ...and since then it's been kind of a... I don't know. Memory is a wonderful thing if you don't have to deal with the past. Memory is wonderful if you don't have to deal with the past. Can I put that on a bumper sticker? If you wrote a book about our night, that's a good title. - And it could be a total different book. - Yeah, there'd be no sex scenes. - But you know what? - What? Now that we've met again... ...we can change our memory of that December 16. It no longer has that sad ending of us never seeing each other again. Right. I mean, I guess a memory's never finished as long as you're alive. Yeah, I know. I have this memory from my childhood... ...I realized recently never happened. - What? Well, when I was 8 or 9, my mom was so paranoid... ...when I was walking home from my piano lesson at night... ...she'd warn me about dirty old men giving me candies... ...and then showing me their pee-pees. She was so obsessed with it that, later in life, you know... ...I had this image in my head that this really happened. To the point that I even associated sex with that walk home. I mean, and sometimes, even now, when I'm... when I'm having sex, I see myself walking down that street. I swear. It's so weird, right? - Is that street nearby? I mean, could...? - Could we? No. Very far. Did you ever keep a journal when you were a kid? Yeah. On and off, I guess. It's funny, I read one of mine... ...from '83 the other day. - Yeah? And what really surprised me is... ...that I was dealing with life the same way I am now. I was much more hopeful and naive... ...but the core, and the way I was feeling things, is exactly the same. It made me realize I haven't changed much at all. I don't think anybody does. People don't want to admit it, but it's like we have these innate set points... ...and nothing much that happens to us changes our disposition. - You believe that? - I think so. I read this study where they followed people who'd won the lottery... ...and people who'd become paraplegics. You'd think one extreme is gonna make you euphoric and the other suicidal. But the study shows that, after about six months... ...as soon as people had gotten used to their new situation... ...they were, more or less, the same. - The same? Yeah. Like, if they were basically an optimistic, jovial person... ...they're now an optimistic, jovial person in a wheelchair. If they're a petty, miserable asshole... ...they're a petty, miserable asshole with a new Cadillac, a house and a boat. So I'll be forever depressed no matter what great things happen? - Definitely. - Great. No, come on, are you depressed now? No, no, I'm not depressed. But sometimes I worry I'll get to the end of my life... ...feeling I haven't done all I wanted to. - Well, what do you want to do? I... I want to paint more, I want to play my guitar every day. I want to learn Chinese. I want to write more songs. There's so many things I want to do, and I end up doing not much. All right, well, let me ask you this: Do you believe in ghosts or spirits? No. - No? - No. - Okay, what about reincarnation? - Not at all. - God? - No. - All right. - That sounds terrible. No, no, no. But I don't want to be one of those people that don't believe in any magic. - So then, astrology? - Yes, of course! - There we go. - That makes sense, right? You're a Scorpio, I'm a Sag, we get along. No, no, no. There's an Einstein quote I really, really like. He said, If you don't believe in any kind of magic or mystery... ...you're basically as good as dead. - Yeah, I like that. I've always felt there was some kind of mystical core to the universe. But, more recently, I've started to think that, me, my personality, whatever... That I don't have any permanent place here, you know. In eternity or whatever, you know. And the more I think that, I can't go through life saying this is no big deal. This is it. This is actually happening. What do you think is interesting? What do you think is funny? What is important? You know, every day's our last. When I feel that way, I usually call my mom to tell her I love her. - Yeah? - And she's always: Are you okay? Do you have cancer? Are you gonna commit suicide? It's almost not worth it. So, what about us? - What about us? - No, what I mean is... ...if we were both going to die tonight... - Like the apocalypse was coming? No, that's too dramatic... But what if just the two of us were going to die? I mean, would we talk about your book? - The environment? Or... - If today was our last day? Yeah, what would we talk about? What would you tell me? - Well... - That's hard, huh? - No, no, I'll do it. - Okay. I definitely would stop talking about my book. - I would probably drop the environment. - Okay. But I would still want to talk about, you know, the magic in the universe. - I'd just want to do it from a... - what? ...a hotel room, you know... ...in between sessions of us wildly fucking until we die. Wow. Well, why waste time with an hotel room? Why not do it right there on a bench? Come here, come here, come here. Okay. We're not gonna die tonight. All right. Too bad. I'm sorry. That was an extreme example. - I'm sorry. - Okay. What I... My point was, you know... ...to truly communicate with people is very hard to do. No, I know, most of our day-to-day exchanges... Yeah, no, I mean... ...not to ing everything back to sex... - But why not? No, this example, this friend of mine, she was talking about... - She and her boyfriend... Problems in bed. - Right. And how when they had been dating for a year she started telling him... ...what he could do to please her more, and it freaked him out. - Why? - Totally. He thought it meant he was a bad lover... Maybe she shouldn't have waited so long. - After a year... - But men are so easily offended. - What, more than women? - Definitely on that subject. - You think so? - Yeah, yeah. Well, maybe it's because, you know... ...men are easier to... To please. - To please? - Well, I don't know. - Yeah, they are. They're definitely. Anyway, this friend, she was telling me... ...next time she dates a man, she's gonna make a little questionnaire... ...about what they like and dislike... - what, written down, or out loud? Yeah, mostly written down. But it wouldn't be just yes or no. It would be a bit more complex than that. Like, for example, if the question is: Are you into S & M? The answer could be: No, but a good spanking once in a while doesn't hurt. Right, or like: Do you like talking dirty in bed? - That kind of thing? - Yeah, but not just like any dirty talk. Just what specific word would you like to hear? - What, me? - Well, yeah. For example what specific word would you like to hear? I don't know. What do you feel about the word pussy? I love it. Good. It's amazing what perverts we've become in the past nine years. At least now we don't have to pretend each new sexual experience... ...is, like, a life-altering event. I know. By now, you've stuck it in so many places it's about to fall off. And I can't realistically expect you've become anything but a total ho. - Yeah, thank you. - No, I'm s... - That's true. What can you do? - What can you do? So, what kind of songs do you write? I didn't know you did that. - What kind? - Yeah, sure. - I don't know, just songs. - Like? Like, some are about, you know, people. Relationships. One's about my cat. - Sing one. - No, I can't. I don't have a guitar. - Come on. A cappella. - No, no, no. I'm not singing a song without a guitar. You're nuts. Why not? - No, okay. Not now. No. - One. If not now, when? You want to meet here in six months with a guitar? I'll fly all the way over here. - You may or may not make the Métro. - Okay, that's funny. - We've got to get back. - We'll be all right. - You're gonna miss your flight. - All right. We can walk down La Seine. It's nice. Okay. - So you're flying back to New York? - Yeah, yeah. So I read in that article that you're married with a kid. That's great. Yeah, he's... He's 4. - What's his name? - Henry. Little Hank. - He's so much fun. - Oh, wow, I'm sure. - Your wife, what does she do? - She teaches elementary school. - Do you have kids? - Yes, two... Shit! - What? - I left them in the car! With the windows up, six months ago! Think they're okay? No, I'm kidding. No, but I want to have kids someday. - I'm just not ready yet. - No? - I'm in a good relationship, though. - Oh yeah? That's good. - What's he do? - He's a photojournalist. He does war coverage. He's away a lot, which is good because I'm so busy. But isn't that dangerous? Aren't a lot of those guys getting killed these days? He promises me he doesn't take risks, but I often worry. He goes in this trance when he photographs something. - What do you mean? - Well, once we were in New Delhi... ...and we passed a bum on the... - A bomb? - A bum. A homeless. All right, right. He looked like he needed help, but his first reaction was to photograph him. He went really close to his face, fixing his collar... ...totally detached from the person. But don't you have to be like that to be good at that job? Yeah, I mean, I'm not... I'm not judging him. What he does is essential and incredible. All I'm saying is that I could never do it. Let's get on that boat. Come on. - No! - Come on, it'll be fun. - You don't have time! - They're about to take off. I've got 15 more minutes. Do you have a cell phone? - Yeah. - All right, I've got that driver's number. I can call him to pick us up at the next stop. I've never been on those boats. It's for tourists, it's embarrassing. Okay. All right. No, I'll get it, I'll get it. All right. All right, all right. Thank you. - So are you in love with that guy? - What guy? - The war photographer. - Yes, of course. So do you have that cell phone? Oh, yeah. - Okay, let's see... - Okay. What do I tell him? Tell him to pick you up at Quai Henri Quatre. Oh, shit. Quai...? Henri Quatre. Quai Henri Quatre. Henri Quatre. What's wrong with you? No, do you want me to...? Henri Quatre. - Henry Four? - Yes! - Come on, why didn't you say so? - I'm sorry. Okay. Yeah, is this Philippe? Yeah. Philippe, this is Jesse Wallace. Yeah. Well, listen, I'm on one of those boats, right? And we're gonna arrive at Henry Four. At Port Henry Four. You know what that is? All right, great. And you have my bags, right? Yeah, so we'll be there in... I don't know, it's the next stop. Okay. Au revoir. - It's okay? - Yeah, yeah. Oh, wow. - Notre Dame, man. Check that out. - Oh, wow. I heard this story once about when the Germans were occupying Paris... ...and they had to retreat back. They wired Notre Dame to blow... ...but they had to leave one guy in charge of hitting the switch. And the guy, the soldier, he couldn't do it. He just sat there, knocked out by how beautiful the place was. Then, when the Allied troops came in... ...they found all the explosives lying there and the switch unturned... ...and they found the same thing at the Sacré-Coeur, Eiffel Tower... ...couple other places, I think. Is that true? I don't know. I always liked the story, though. Yeah, that's a great story. But you have to think that Notre Dame will be gone one day. There used to be another church at the Seine, right there. - What, right in the same spot? - Yeah. You know, this is great. I've never done this. - Yeah. - I forget about how beautiful Paris is. It's not so bad, being a tourist. - Thanks for getting me on the boat. - You're welcome. I think that book that I wrote was like building something... ...so that I wouldn't forget the details of the time that we spent together. You know, like, just as a reminder, that once, we really did meet. You know, that this was real, this happened. I'm happy you're saying that, because... I mean, I always feel like a freak because I'm never able to move on like this: People just have an affair, or even entire relationships... ...they eak up and they forget. They move on like they would have changed and of cereals. I feel I was never able to forget anyone I've been with... ...because each person had their own specific qualities. You can never replace anyone. What is lost is lost. Each relationship, when it ends, really damages me. I never fully recover. That's why I'm very careful with getting involved... ...because it hurts too much. Even getting laid, I actually don't do that... ...because I will miss of the person the most mundane things. Like I'm obsessed with little things. Maybe I'm crazy, but when I was a little girl... ...my mom told me that I was always late to school. One day she followed me to see why. I was looking at chestnuts falling from the trees, rolling on the sidewalk... ...or ants crossing the road, the way a leaf casts a shadow on a tree trunk. Little things. I think it's the same with people. I see in them little details, so specific to each of them... ...that move me and that I miss and will always miss. You can never replace anyone... ...because everyone is made of such beautiful, specific details. Like, I remember the way your beard has a bit of red in it... ...and how the sun was making it glow... ...that morning right before you left. I remembered that, and I missed it. Really crazy, right? Now I know for sure. You wanna know why I wrote that stupid book? - Why? - So you'd come to a reading in Paris... ...and I could walk up to you and ask, where the fuck were you? No... You think I'd be here today? I'm serious. I think I wrote it, in a way, to try to find you. Okay, that's... I know that's not true... ...but that's sweet of you. - I think it is true. What were the chances of us ever meeting again? After that December, I'd say almost zero. But we're not real anyway, right? We're just characters in that old lady's dream. She's on her deathbed, fantasizing about her youth. So of course we had to meet again. Oh, God. Why weren't you there in Vienna? - I told you why. - I know why, I just... I wish you would have been. Our lives might have been so much different. You think so? I actually do. Maybe not. Maybe we would have hated each other eventually. What, like we hate each other now? You know, maybe we're... we're only good at ief encounters... ...walking around in European cities, in warm climate. Oh, God. Why didn't we exchange phone numbers and stuff? Why didn't we do that? Because we were young and stupid. Do you think we still are? I guess when you're young you just believe... ...there'll be many people you'll connect with. Later in life you realize it only happens a few times. And you can screw it up, you know. Misconnect. The past is the past. It was meant to be that way. You really believe that? That everything's fated? Well, you know, the world might be less free than we think. Yeah? When given these exact circumstances, that's what will happen every time. Two part hydrogen, one part oxygen, you'll get water every time. No, I mean, what if your grandmother had lived a week longer, you know? Or passed away a week earlier? Days, even? Things might have been different. - You can't think like that, it's... - You shouldn't on most things, but... It's just, on this one, it seemed like something was off, you know. In the months leading up to my wedding, I was thinking about you all the time. Even on my way there, I'm in the car, a buddy of mine is driving me downtown... ...and I'm staring out the window and I think I see you... ...not far from the church, right... ...folding up an um ella and walking into a deli... ...on the corner of 13th and Broadway. And I thought I was going crazy. But now I think it probably was you. I lived on 11th and Broadway. You see? So, what is it like to be married? You haven't talked much about that. I haven't? How weird. I don't know. We met, you know, when I was in college. And we oke up and got back together for a period of years, and then... what? We were sort of back together and she was pregnant... ...so marriage. What is she like? She's a great teacher, a good mom. She's smart, pretty, you know. I remember thinking at the time... ...that so many of the men that I admired most... ...that their lives were dedicated to something greater than themselves. So you got married because men you admired were married? No, no. It's more like I had this... This idea of my best self, you know? And I wanted to pursue that... ...even if it might have been overriding my honest self. You know what I'm saying? In the moment, I remember thinking it didn't much matter, the who of it all. I mean, that nobody is gonna be everything to you... ...and that it's just the action of committing yourself... ...you know, meeting your responsibilities, that matters. I mean, what is love, right, if it's not respect, trust, admiration? And I... I felt all those things. Cut to the present, and I feel like I'm running a nursery... ...with somebody I used to date, you know. I mean, I'm like a monk, you know. I mean, I've had sex less than 10 times in the last four years. - What, what? You laughing at me? - No. - It sounds pathetic? - What monastery do monks have sex...? Okay, you're right, I'm doing better than most monks. But I do, I feel like if somebody were to touch me... ...I would dissolve into molecules. Well, we're here. We've gotta go. Come on. Shit. - I'm sorry to hear that, you know. - What? You're not that happy with your marriage. - This friend of mine, she's a shrink... - How's she doing? She's a mess, but... No, she said she's been dealing with couples that are eaking up... ...for the same reason. - What reason is that? They all expected, after a few years of living together... ...for the passion, that desire, to be the same. - Yeah, right. - It's impossible. And thank God... ...we'd end up with aneurysms in that constant state of excitement, right? We'd do nothing at all with our lives. Would you have finished your book if you were fucking every five minutes? I might have welcomed the challenge, I mean... It's natural for your wife after the birth of your son... ...to give all her love to the little one. - Of course. If she was obsessed with sex, riding you like a wildcat... That wouldn't make any sense, right? Everything you're saying makes sense. It's not about sex. No, I know. It's obvious. I... You know, couples are so confused lately. I think it must be that... ...men need to feel essential and they don't anymore. It's been imprinted in their head for so many years... ...that they had to be the provider. Like, I'm a strong, independent woman in my professional life. I don't need a man to feed me... ...but I still need a man to love me and that I could love. - So your driver's here. - Yeah. Well, I guess this is goodbye. - You better give me your... - No, no. Why don't we just give you a ride home? - Well, I can take the Métro. I'm fine. - No, I... My flight's not until 10. I'll be arriving two hours early. This way we can keep talking. - Monsieur, can...? - It's not on the way. You told him where you are and all that? Yeah. - He knows where he's going? - Yes. Glad somebody does. - But this is better than the Métro, right? - Definitely. I was thinking, for me it's better I don't romanticize things as much anymore. I was suffering so much all the time. I still have lots of dreams, but they're not in regard to my love life. It doesn't make me sad, it's just the way it is. Is that why you're in a relationship with somebody who's never around? Yes, obviously I can't deal with the day-to-day life of a relationship. Yeah, we have this exciting time together... ...and he leaves and I miss him, but at least I'm not dying inside. When someone's always around me, I'm suffocating. No, wait, you just said that you need to love and be loved. Yeah, but when I do, it quickly makes me nauseous. It's a disaster. I mean, I'm really happy only when I'm on my own. Even being alone, it's better than sitting next to a lover and feeling lonely. It's not so easy for me to be a romantic. You start off that way, and after you've been screwed over a few times... ...you forget about your delusional ideas and you take what comes into your life. That's not even true. I haven't been screwed over... ...I've just had too many blah relationships. They weren't mean, they cared for me... ...but there were no real connection or excitement. At least, not from my side. God, I'm sorry, is it really that bad? It's not, right? You know, it's not even that. I was... I was fine until I read your fucking book. It stirred shit up, you know? It reminded me how genuinely romantic I was... ...how I had so much hope in things... ...and now it's like I don't believe in anything that relates to love. I don't feel things for people anymore. In a way, I put all my romanticism into that one night... ...and I was never able to feel all this again. Like, somehow this night took things away from me... ...and I expressed them to you, and you took them with you. It made me feel cold, like love wasn't for me. I don't believe that. I don't believe that. You know what? Reality and love are almost contradictory for me. It's funny, every single of my exes, they're now married. Men go out with me, we eak up, and then they get married. And later they call me to thank me for teaching them what love is... ...and that I taught them to care and respect women. - I think I'm one of those. - I want to kill them! Why didn't they ask me? I would have said no, but they could have asked! I know it's my fault because I never felt it was the right man. Never. But what does it mean, the right man, the love of your life? The concept is absurd. We can only be complete with another person. - It's evil, right? - Can I talk? I guess I've been heart oken too many times and then I recovered. So now, you know, from the starts, I make no effort. - I know it's not gonna work out. - You can't do that. You can't live trying to avoid pain... ...at the expense... - Those are words. I've gotta get away from you. - Stop the car, I wanna get out. - No, don't... - Keep talking. - It's being around you. Don't touch me, you know. I want to get on a cab. No, don't. No, no, keep going. Listen, I'm just so happy... Thank you, just keep going. All right. Look, I'm just so happy, all right, to be with you. I am. I'm so glad you didn't forget about me, okay? No, I didn't. And it pisses me off, okay? You come here to Paris, all romantic, and married. Okay? Screw you. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to get you. I mean, all I need is a married man. There's been so much water under the idge, it's not even about you. It's about that moment in time that's forever gone. You say that, but you didn't even remember having sex, so... Of course I remembered. - You did? - Yes. - Women pretend things like that. - They do? What was I supposed to say? That I remember the wine in the park... ...and us looking up at the stars fading away as the sun came up? We had sex twice, you idiot! All right, you know what, I'm just happy to see you. Even if you've become an angry, manic-depressive activist... ...I still like you, I still enjoy being around you. And I feel the same. I'm sorry. I don't know what happened, I just... - I had to let it all out. - Don't worry about it. I'm so miserable in my love life, in my relationship. I always act as... Like, you know, I'm detached. But I'm dying inside. I'm dying because I'm so numb. I don't feel pain or excitement, I'm not even bitter, I'm just... You think you're the one dying inside? My life is 24/7 bad. - I'm sorry. - No, no. I mean, the only happiness I get is when I'm out with my son. I've been to marriage counseling... ...I've done things I never thought I would have to do. I've lit candles, bought self-help books, lingerie. - Did the candles help? - Hell, no. I don't love her the way she needs to be loved... ...and I don't even see a future for us, but then I look at my little boy... ...sitting across from me, and I think I'd suffer any torture... ...to be with him for all the minutes of his life. I don't want to miss out on one. But then, there's no joy or laughter in my home, you know? - I don't want him growing up in that. - No laughter? That's terrible. My parents have been together 35 years... ...and even when they fight they end up laughing. I don't want to be one of those people who are getting divorced at 52... ...and falling down into tears, admitting they never really loved their spouse... ...and they feel their life has been sucked up into a vacuum cleaner. You know, I want a great life. I want her to have a great life... ...she deserves that. But we're just living in the pretense of a marriage, responsibility... ...you know, all these ideas of how people are supposed to live. But then I... I have these dreams... what dreams? I have these dreams, you know, that... ...I'm standing on a platform... ...and you keep going by on a train... ...and you go by, and you go by, and you go by, you go by. And I wake up with the fucking sweats. And then I have this other dream... ...where you're pregnant in bed beside me naked... ...and I want so badly to touch you, but you tell me not to and you look away. And I... And I touch you anyway... ...right on your ankle, and your skin is so soft that I wake up in sobs, all right? My wife is there looking at me, and I feel I'm a million miles from her. And I know that there's something wrong, that I... God, that I can't keep living like this... ...that there's gotta be more to love than commitment. But then I think that I might have given up... ...on the whole idea of romantic love. That I might have put it to bed that... That day when you weren't there. You know, I think I might have done that. Why are you telling me all this? I'm sorry. I don't know. I'm... I should... I shouldn't have. You know, it's so weird. People think they are the only one going through tough times. I mean, when I read the article, I thought your life was perfect. A wife, a kid, published author. But your personal life is more of a mess than mine. I'm sorry. Well, I'm glad it's good for something. - This is where you live? - Yeah. So you're just relieved that I'm in even more deep shit than you are? Yes, you've made me feel better. Oh, good, I'm glad. No, I really wish you the best. It's not because I'm incapable of having a good relationship or a family... ...that I wish everyone to be doomed like me. I'm sure you'd make... Be a great mom someday. - Really? You think so? - Yeah... ...a few antidepressants, you know, you'll do great. - Okay, say stop. - Stop. - Okay. - You ready? Okay. - So I want to try something. - What? I want to see if you stay together or if you dissolve into molecules. How am I doing? Still here. Good. I like being here. Is this your apartment? No, I live down there. - Down there? - Yeah. Monsieur, I'm gonna walk her to her door. This is incredible. - This is where you live? - Yeah. - How long have you been here? - Four years. - So tell me... - what? Is it all true about your dreams... ...or did you say that to hopefully get in my pants? I said that to get in your pants. - I use that all the time. - Oh, okay. Does it work? You know. Sometimes. Here's my kitty. Oh, so cute. Look at him. You know what I love about this cat? Every morning I ing him to the courtyard... ...and every single morning he looks at everything like it was the first time. Every corner, every tree, every plant. Smells everything with his little cute nose. Oh, I love my kitty. I love my kitty. - What's his name? - Che. Che? - What? - Commie. No, che in Argentina means hey. - Okay. - Yes. Oh, baby. Oh, yes, yes, yes. We're having a little party. It's so much fun. - So... - So. You know what? I was thinking, would you play me one of your songs? - You're gonna miss your flight. - I won't. I'm gonna be in the airport for over an hour, reading... ...wishing you'd played me one of your songs. One song? Okay, but quickly. Okay. God, I love these old staircases. - Hold this. - What, for me? Hey there, buddy. Che. - Would you like some tea? - Yeah, sure. Wow. - Is chamomile okay? - Yeah. Great. - Merci. - Messy? - You think my apartment is messy? - No, no. Merci. - Merci beaucoup. - Ah, merci. I meant to tell you, your French has improved a lot. - Really? - Yeah. Yeah, you've really mastered the language. All right, all right, what song are you gonna play me? No, I can't. It's too embarrassing. It's been... whoa. No way. No way. I came up here, you cannot crap out on me now. One song. Anything will be great. But listen, you're gonna laugh at me. - You think so? - Yes. I doubt it. Okay. What do you want to hear? I have... I have three songs in English. One's about my cat... ...one's about my ex-boyfriend... well, ex-ex-boyfriend... ...and there's one about... well, it's just a little waltz. A waltz? Yeah. - Play the waltz. - Right. I haven't played it in a while. You sure? Okay. All right, the waltz. Let me sing you a waltz Out of nowhere, out of my thoughts Let me sing you a waltz About this one-night stand You were, for me, that night Everything I always dreamt of in life But now you're gone You are far-gone All the way to your island of rain It was, for you, just a one-night thing But you were much more to me Just so you know I don't care what they say I know what you meant For me that day I just want another try I just want another night Even if it doesn't seem quite right You meant, for me, much more Than anyone I've met before One single night with you, little Jesse Is worth a thousand with anybody I have no bitterness, my sweet I'll never forget this one-night thing Even tomorrow, in other arms My heart will stay yours until I die Let me sing you a waltz Out of nowhere, out of my blues Let me sing you a waltz About this lovely one-night stand - No, one more! Please, please. - No! It was our deal. One... One song. No, no, no. You can have your tea and then... - All right, let me ask you one question. - What? Do you just plug that name in for every guy that comes up here? Yes, of course. What do you think, that I wrote the song about you? Are you nuts? Is this you? Little cross-eyed Celine? - Yes. That's funny. - Cute. - Is that your grandmother? - Yeah. Oh, wow. - You want some honey? - Yeah, sure. Did you ever see Nina Simone in concert? No, I never did. I can't believe she's gone. I know, it's so sad. Thanks. It's hot. I saw her twice in concert. She was so great. That's one of my favorite songs of hers. She was so great. She was so funny in concert too. She would... She would be right in the middle of a song and then... ...you know, stop... ...and walk from the piano all the way to the edge of the stage. Like, really slowly. And she'd start talking to someone in the audience. Oh, yeah, baby. Oh, yeah. I love you too. And then she'd walk back. Take her time, no hurry, you know. She had that big, cute ass. She would move. And then she would go back to the piano and play some more, you know. And then she would, I don't know... ...just start another song in the middle of another. You know, like, stop again, and be like: You over there, can you move that fan. You're cute. Oh, yeah. Baby, you are gonna miss that plane. I know.
100, Utah! Good job! Hi! Johnny Utah. Your 9 o'clock appointment is here. Special Agent John Utah, day number one in LA. Welcome aboard. - Your record's impressive. - Thank you. You may have been in the top 2 of your class at Quantico... ...but out here you have exactly zero hours of experience in the field. You know nothing, in fact, less than nothing. If you knew you knew nothing, that'd be something, but you don't. Yes, sir. - You eat a solid eakfast? - Sir? All food groups, avoiding caffeine, sugar? I like my people to be fit. We don't drink and we sure as hell don't smoke! - Sir, I take the skin off chicken. - Good man! This is us - Bank Robbery. You are now in the world's bank robbery capital. 1,322 last year in LA County. Up 26 from the year before. That's correct. We nailed over 1,000 of them. Miss Deer, take a look at that for me. Thank you. D'you know how we nail the bad guys, Utah? By crunching data, good crime-scene work, good lab work... ...and, most importantly, good data-based analysis. Special Agent Utah, are you receiving my signal? Zero distortion, sir. I love these things. You're a real blue-flame special, son: Young, dumb and full of cum. I know. What I don't know is how you got yourself assigned out here to LA with us. I mean, hell... ...I guess we must have ourselves an asshole shortage, huh? Not so far. OK... - Pappas? - Yeah? Put on the blindfold. I want to see you retrieve at least two icks off the bottom. One... ...two. I've been in the field 22 years... ...I've fired my piece over 19 times in the line of duty. I got no idea what a blind man fetching icks from the bottom of the pool... ...has got to do with being a special agent. Added to which indignity, I have been saddled with a blue-flame Quantico cat! Some quarterback punk. Johnny Unitas or something. - The shit they pull, huh? - Yeah! Hey, Angie? Here's your guy! What? Uh... Pappas. Angelo Pappas. Punk. Quarterback punk. Hm. Welcome to SeaWorld, kid. Good luck, Pappas. Two icks, comin' up. Little hand says it's time to rock and roll. - Everybody freeze! - Nobody move! Hands up and eyes down! Back away from the counters! Hands on your heads now! Everybody, onto the floor! Move it! Move it! - Now! Get down! - What's the matter with you people? You, outta the cubicle. Get outta my way! Back away and get your fuckin' hands up! Hey, what's the matter with you? You got earwax? Back away! Keep your hands where I can see 'em! Hands up! Hello, hello, ladies and gentlemen. We are the Ex-Presidents! We need just a few moments of your time. We've been screwing you for years, so a few more seconds shouldn't matter! On the floor, asshole! The money's insured so it's not worth dying for! How you doin', Dick? Implementing our personal plan of deregulation, Mr President! Time, Mr Carter! Sixty! - LBJ? - We're stylin'! Oh, Ron, I got Nancy on the line! Air Force One is waiting, Mr President. Let's go, let's go, let's go! Get your hands where I can fuckin' see 'em! Thank you. Thank you very much. And, please, don't forget to vote! I'm not a crook! 27 banks in three years. God. In and out in 90 seconds! No-one ever gets shot. Now, what are we talking about here? We're talking about solid professionals! Good moves. Yeah, they control the room well and they stick strictly to the cash drawers. They don't go for the vault? No. They never go for the vault. They never get greedy. Smart. You burn time in the vault. Reagan usually does the driving. Stolen switch car, they leave it running. It looks parked from a distance. When they run, they dump the vehicle and they vanish. Like a virgin on prom night. I mean, they vanish! Pshht! Surgical. Look at them separate the dye pack. Dick and Ronnie know their jobs. The Ex-Presidents are the best I've ever seen. Any time you two've finished jerking off, watching MTV, we need to see the tapes. Pappas, you tell the kid your theory on the Presidents? Just take the tapes and go, Babbit. Hang ten, Pappas. Like totally rad, dude! I tell ya, the department loves it. What's he talking about, Angelo? - Found the drop car on Mulholland Drive. - We'll go work it. Oh, no! Angelo? Come on! Thank you. We'll go work it. Good. Excuse me. I'm working a fuckin' drop car! I don't believe it. Working a drop car! Pappas - what a hard-on! - Keep away from there. - All right. This car doesn't have AC. Today was a scorcher. Sweat secretions in the seatbacks. Are you through, Mr Wizard? Let me know if you find Jimmy Hoffa under the seat while you're at it! Oh, look at this! It's 7.30. The night is still young. The way you're going, you'll be able to solve this case and start another one. Drop car, my ass! Goddamn! You been working Bank Robbery, what, 22 years? Yeah, 22 years. LA has changed a lot during that time. The air got dirty and the sex got clean. A guy with that much time in must have a theory about these guys. Leave it alone, Johnny. OK, fine, you've given up, fine. It doesn't mean I have to. Hey! Listen, forget about it, kid. They are ghosts. Of course. If you couldn't crack it with all your years of experience... ...it's impossible to think I might have something to offer! Maybe I can do better than an over-the-hill burnout. Watch your mouth! Maybe you should just retire, get some rent-a-cop nightjob and tell 'Nam stories! Listen! I was taking shrapnel in 'Nam while you were crapping in your hands! - You mad? - Yeah, I'm mad. Good and mad? - Yeah. What you wanna do about it? - Feels good, like you're still alive? Yeah! Well, since you're still alive and you're not in the box just yet... ...why don't you tell me this theory of yours and we'll go get these guys? OK, hotshot. You wanna nail the bank robbers and be a big hero? - Definitely! - Definitely. Then here it is. The Ex-Presidents... ...are surfers. Surfers. Surfers. It's in our face. Look at the tan line on this guy. Oh, well, he must be a surfer! Well, yeah. Last year, Nixon scuffs the counter when he's going over... ...so there is a soil sample. Non-specific mud. Traces of asphalt, traces of oil. Traces of sand. Carnuba wax. So I become a wax expert. Now, there's 80-some uses for this stuff. Something like 500 products. Candle wax, car wax, moustache wax. Could be anything. Guy's waxing his moustache at the beach, gets sand in it... ...takes it off with a shoe. Shoe scuffs the counter... Would you just shut up a minute! Listen! Maybe you'll learn something. The lab gave us three possible matches. This is one of them. - Sex Wax! - Yeah. You're not into kinky shit, are you? Not yet! Surfers use this. They rub it on their boards for traction. Thanks for the tip. You're welcome for the tip. Here's another. Check out the dates on these robberies. It's strictly a summerjob for these idiots. Four months. June to October. - Same the year before. - That's right. We have one more month. We won't see 'em till next summer. They're traveling on the money, going where the waves are. That's right! The Ex-Presidents rip off banks to finance their endless summer! Whoa! Hey, man, a lot of guys your age are learning to surf. - It's cool. There's nothing wrong in it. - I'm 25. That's what I'm saying. It's never too late. Hope you stick with it. Surfing's the source. It can change your life. Why can't I just walk around with this thing under my arm... ...and act stoned, ask a few questions? Well... ...look. Look at 'em. They're like some kinda tribe. They got their own language. You can’t just walk up to those guys. You gotta get out there, learn the moves, get into their head, pick up the speech. You saying the FBI is going to pay me to learn to surf? It's either you or me on the board. Get my drift? This is for rubber people who don't shave yet. Come on. You're the quarterback jock. It's all balance, right? And co-ordination. How hard can it be? Hold on! Hold on. Use your arms. Paddle. Come on! It's all right. Come on. You're OK. You crazy son of a bitch. You wanna commit suicide, you do it someplace else! This pig-board piece of shit! You got no business out here whatsoever! Hey! My name's Johnny Utah! Who cares?! That is your surfing contact? Female, blue eyes, black hair... ...five foot six, 119 pounds. God, Utah! Not bad, Utah! Tyler Ann Endicott, born 27.11.64. Exhibition of speed... ... indecent exposure inside moving vehicle... Hot, very hot! What else they got on her? I still haven't found anything I can use. I gotta find an approach. A way in. Here we go! Both parents deceased. Aeroplane crash, San Diego, '84. Yeah. Definitely. See ya later. Next? What do you want? Shrimp and fries. I mean, what do you want? Why d'you keep hanging around? I need you to teach me. Gimme a eak. Shrimp and fries... ...to go! Would you like something to drink with that, sir? - I'm serious! - I can see that you're serious. Forget it. Stick to... tennis. I don't know, whatever you do good. Miniature golf. Your number's 37. You don't understand. I'm gonna learn to surf or eak my neck. What is it? You all of a sudden got this bug that you just have to go surfing? This is a line, right? No! No. See... My whole life I've done things for other people. In high school I played football because my old man expected me to. Mm-hm. Then my parents always figured I'd go to law school. So I did. Football scholarship. - Is this gonna take a long time? - Wait. So I'm a big hero to my folks, right? But two years ago they were killed in a car wreck. You can't imagine it. Your whole life changes. And I suddenly realized that all my goals had been their goals... ...and I hadn't been living my own life, so I wanted something for myself. So I come out here from Ohio a month ago. I'd never seen the ocean before. Any ocean. I never thought it would affect me so much. I'm drawn to it. Or something. I want to do what you do. It's the truth. All right. OK. Tomorrow. Here. 6am! If you are one minute late, I'm gone. And, stud, I didn't take you on to raise, so... ...I'll teach you a few things and then after that you'll be on your own, OK? God! Stop here. You agree to do exactly what I say when I say it? Sure. Pop! Pop! You stand straight up, you'll just fall over, so let's try it again. Start over. Just do it again. Hey! What ya doin'? Just do it again. Pop up. Stay low, you're gonna bite it. You dragged your knee. You'll wipe out. You're dragging your foot, you're gonna be fish food. Both feet have to land on the board at the same time. That's it. That's it. You're surfing. Shit! Doing all right, city boy! Whoo! You are surfing! That's Bodhi. They call him the Bodhisattva. He's a modern savage. He's a real searcher. - What's he searching for? - The ride! The ultimate ride. The guy's even crazier than you, Johnny. Hey! Heads up! Hey! Put me down! Uh, we know each other. That's a... a surf board, all right. Looks like a '57 Chevy I used to have! Tyler, come here. So, who's the guy? You replace me? Give me a eak. Where you been? He surfs real well Come on! He's from Kansas or something. - He's from Kansas? - Heads up! Yeah! Good catch. Ready! Set! Hut! Hut! Go, let's go, go! Hut! Hut! Hut! Whose ball is it? Who wants it? Hut! Get him! Get him! Ready! Set! Hut! What the fuck is wrong with you? Don't you think that's a little out of line? - Cool it, Roach. Know who this is? - No, I don't! This is Johnny Utah, Ohio State Buckeyes, all conference. Remember? Number 9, how ya doing? Jesus Christ! Johnny fuckin' Utah! Sorry, man. Didn't mean to get in ya face! I knew I knew you. It was the Rose Bowl. Three years ago you beat SC. - You? You did this? - Yep, him! - That was one hell of a game. - No shit. Yeah, but you got nuked in the last quarter. Yeah, I got my knee folded back about 90 degrees the wrong way! - Whoa! That's why you never went pro? - Two years of surgery, missed my window. Went to law school instead. Law school! You're a lawyer? Wow! Well, life's not over yet, man. You're surfing. - Lawyers don't surf! - This one does. Let's play some football! Special Agent Utah, this is not some job flipping burgers at the local drive-in! Yes, the surfboard bothers me. Yes, your approach to this whole damn case bothers me. And, yes, YOU BOTHER ME! And, Pappas, for the love of Christ... ...just how the hell did I ever let you talk me into this boneheaded idea? Harp, we're working undercover. It takes time. We've produced... No, no, no, no! Let me tell you what you've produced. Over the last two weeks you two have produced exactly squat. SQUAT! During which time the Ex-Presidents have robbed two more banks! Now, for Christ's sake... ...does either one of you have anything even remotely interesting to tell me? Caught my first tube this morning... sir! Goddamn it! Why didn't you leave that thing in the car? It sticks out so I can't lock it. Anyway, what's his problem? We're handling our caseload. - I'm surfing on my own time. - I know, just don't rub Harp's nose in it. You think I joined the FBI to learn to surf? This was your lame idea. You gotta back me up on this. Johnny, we better come up with something real quick. - My friend... - What? Encino Savings and Loan. Guard grabbed LBJ's ponytail. 28 robberies and what do we get from it? One fucking hair. Angelo, pay attention. There's gonna be a test afterward. Lab is showing traces of toxins in the hair. Selenium, titanium, arsenic. Beaches are always being closed because of waste spills. And surfers are territorial. They stick mostly to certain eaks. If we can get hair samples and get a match at a certain beach... ...we'd know which eak the Ex-Presidents surf. You buying this? No! No. But let's do it, anyway. It will bug the shit out of Harp. - My man! - Yeah! Hey! When you two are done making out, I need to talk to you. - What's this? Narco entrapment, dude? - Not exactly, dude. Shit. Making a wig for my girlfriend. Thank you. Fuckin' guy's a narc, man. Dude cut my hair! So what? He didn't bust us. He fuckin' cut my hair! Hey, don't move! Got some huge sucker crawling right into your ear! Got it! Leave some fuckin' hair, man! What is it? Saved your life, o. Close one! PCBs, selenium, titanium, arsenic. The percentages look right. Here's a match. - There's a match? - Latigo Beach. Nice point eak. Long workable rides. Surf's up, Ace! Stay off my wave! Goons trying to drop in. Paddle! Paddle! Paddle! Out of the way, you shit! Hey! You dinged my board! Why don't you watch where the fuck you're going! Politeness counts, asshole! Go back to the Valley, man! Angelo, I've eaten shit 47 times and got my lights punched out by some psycho. There must be 20 guys here with ponytails. Patience, hotshot. Patience. It'll be subtle, if it's here at all. They'll be a group within the group. These guys are a real tight unit. You'll see 'em, you'll know it. This the guy? Yeah. OK... ...I know. This is where you tell me all about how locals rule... ...and yuppie insects like me shouldn't be surfing your eak, right? Nope! That would be a waste of time. We're just gonna fuck you up. Oh. Johnny, are you there? You better not be trying to pick up any babes! Hit him! Yeah! Harder! Yeah! Back off! He's with me! Kiss my ass! Back off. Seriously. Thank you. Stay out of this, Bodhi. What's your name? Bunker. Bunker. Well, listen, Bunker. I'm actually really glad you found me. Yeah, why? Shit! Come on! This is stimulating, but we're outta here. Let's go, Utah. Just keep walking. Oh!? Uh... Oh! OK You two guys seen a kid run through here with a car stereo? He stole it from me. No, but there's four guys back there you might wanna check out! Thanks, buddy! - Hope you find him. - Don't worry, I will. You like to start shit, don't you? Who are those guys? Nazi assholes. The guy you dropped is Bunker Weiss... ...the big one is War Child, AKA Lupton Pitman. And the other two think they're some kind of death squad around here. What's their programme? Brains are wired wrong, they're into bad shit. Like what? Illegal shit? Maybe, I don't know. That's not what I'm talking about. They only live to get radical. They don't understand the sea, so they'll never get the spiritual side of it. You're not gonna start chanting or anything, are ya?! I might! This is me. So, uh, you still haven't figured out what riding waves is all about, have you? It's a state of mind. It's that place where you lose yourself and find yourself. You don't know it yet, but you've got it. I saw you with those guys, you're a pit bull. They didn't back you down an inch. - And that is very rare in this world. - Thanks for stepping in. De nada! Later! Oh, hey. I'm having some people over at my house tonight if you wanna come. Sure. Where? - Come with Tyler. She knows. - All right. Next time you leave your piece and shield in the car, stay in sight! OK? OK, Dad. Yeah, I need you to run a plate for me. Two Denver four Sam niner five niner, late-Seventies Jeep. The jeep belongs to a Bunker Weiss, my buddy. Guy's got quite a sheet. Yeah. Skip all that. Give me the greatest hits. Possession of cocaine - good. B&E - three months in juvey. Assault - postgraduate work at Chino. Excellent! I'm loving it! These guys really fit the profile. I say we lay it on Harp. Here comes the night shift. This is bullshit. This is a bullshit lead. This is totally bullshit. Harp must be fuckin' desperate if he's listening to you two flakes. See you ight and early, guys. Yeah, right Cold pizza for you. It's good for eakfast. See you. When did Harp say we'd get the warrant? First thing. Get some sleep. This could be an interesting morning. - Hey! - Hey, Bodhi. I taught him that trick. I like it! Watch yourself. She's a wild one. Make yourself at home. What's mine is yours. Man, it jacks up. You drop down into the pit. It's 25 feet straight down... ...and your balls, man, your balls are about this big. And the whole thing's fuckin' roaring. Pushing you forward, like you're on a freight train or something. Yeah, and if you lose it, the fish'll be picking you out of the coral. Big-wave riding's for macho assholes with a death wish. No, it's not. It's the ultimate rush. There's nothing that comes close to it. Not even sex. Maybe that's cos you're not doing it right, Roach. Just paddling out in a big surf is total commitment. You can’t just call time-out if you don't like the way things are going. So, what's biggest? Waimea? - Ridden? - Yeah. McCaha. Dana Point. Bells Beach, Australia. No way Bells is bigger than Waimea, o. It will be next year. Bodhi believes the 50-year storm is coming next year. 50-year storm. What's that? That's kind of a legend. No, it's real. It's absolutely real. Everything moves in cycles... ...so twice a century the ocean let's us know just how small we really are. A storm comes out of Antarctica, tearing up the Pacific... ...and it sends a huge swell north 2,000 miles. And when it hits Bells Beach it'll turn into the biggest surf this planet has ever seen. And I will be there. So will I. If you want the ultimate, you gotta be willing to pay the ultimate price. It's not tragic to die doing what you love. It's how I want to go. I ain't gonna live to see 30! There's too much testosterone here! Bunch of goddamn adrenaline junkies. Hope you're not buying into this banzai bullshit like the rest of Bodhi's moonies! What are you talking about? You've got that kamikaze look, Johnny. I've seen it. Bodhi can smell it a mile away. He'll take you to the edge. Past it. - Hey, Bodhi. - Johnny has his own demons. Don't you? What's going on? Here. A stealth mission. You up for it? - Let's do it! - Let's go! I can barely do this in oad daylight! Come on. At least nobody's gonna see how bad you are. - I don't think he's ready for this. - He'll be fine. Shit! Shit! Shit! Fuck! I gotta be fuckin' crazy! But are you crazy enough? Yaaaaaa-hoooooo! Whooooo-hooooo! Can't see shit out here. I'm gonna die. Feel what the wave is doing, then accept its energy. Get in sync, then charge with it. - You don't need to see. - Yeah. Vision is overrated OK, Johnny, this one's got your number on it. Let's jam! Now paddle! Shit! I'm gonna die now. I'm gonna fuckin' die now. Fuck! Whoo! You're surfing, man! Whaaaaaaaah! I'm fuckin' surfin'! Yeah! Check it out! Is this not the best feeling on earth? Yeah! Whoo! Good eak, Johnny. All right! Yeah. - Looks like we lost somebody! - Yeah, leave the fire for them. You wanna get something to eat? - I'm dying. - I'm starving. Where's my clothes? You seen my clothes? Had enough? Yeah. I just wanna sit out here for a minute. Look at you. What? Usually you have this intense sort of scowl of concentration on your face... ...like you're doing all this for a school project or something. Or like you've got something driving you. Look - it's gone. If I didn't know better... ...I'd say you looked almost happy. I can't describe what I'm feeling. You don't have to. Goose bumps. Yeah, it's cold. Come here. Holy shit! - What? - Shit! I'm really late. I'm really late! Holy shit! Shit! Oh, SHIT! I'm really late. You guys need any help? I can't believe you're late to your own raid! What a flake! Has that worthless punk partner of mine shown up? - Right here. - Good of you to show up, hotshot Ow! You're gonna tear my skin! I'm ready to rock, Angelo. Where d'you want me? Here's how it is. Babbit and Alvarez are gonna go in the back door. Cullen's gonna back me up. I want you at the side window. You're strictly back-up. I don't wanna burn your cover. You got that? - Got it. - Good. Now take your position. It's show time. Go. Asshole! Scooby? Come on, Scooby. Scooby, where are you? - Seen a dog? - No, man. No dog? Scooby, come on. Here, Scooby? Scooby? What the fu...? Get your gun. There's someone at the front door! Now! Yeah, what? Oh... hi! Oh! Have you seen my dog? It's a cockapoo-like thing. I don't know anything about your dog. Wait! Cullen, this is Utah. Get Angelo out. They're pulling out a fuckin' arsenal. Utah, repeat, say again. Cullen, you copy? Cullen? Alvarez? Don't let him pull his badge. Fuck! I can't hear jack shit over the lawnmower. Christ! Something's going down, man. This ain't right. Chill the fuck out, man. It's nothing. Will you shut the fuck up! Check the windows, o, do it! ... and the little bastard ran off. - I know nothing about a fuckin' dog! - Hide the shit! - You sure it's not in the back yard? - I ain't got time for this! There's two guys out the back! Duck down. Oh, shit! Shit! We're fucked! That fuck comes through the door, I'm gonna pump him up, man. - You sure he's not in the back? - He ain't back here. - Anybody else around who's seen him? - Get the fuck outta my face! FBI, gorgeous! FBI, DROP IT! Fuck you! Fuckin' pigs! No, wait! Hey... Get off... motherfucker! Shut up! - You motherfuckers! - Shut up, I said! Dumb motherfuckers! I'm coming out right now! Back up! Back up! Let me go! Let me go! Bastard! - Babbit? - You fuckers! Speak into the microphone, squid ain! Fuck! - Gimme your hand. - Fuck you! Gimme your other hand. There you go. You OK? Fuck! Oooh! God! No! Ow! Don't touch it! It's been paper targets up until today, huh? It's no different, Johnny. Just a little more to clean up. You did all right today. You did real good. Goddamn son of a bitch! You're real cowboys, right! Batman and Robin! You know what this is, huh? Know what this is, punk? It's two kees, uncut, crystal meth. Oh, shit! Special Agent Utah, I'd like you to meet Agent Dietz. Works for the DEA. He was working deep cover until... You think I like this hair, man? Huh? You think I like these clothes? My wife wants me to stay at Ramada. I've been working on these fuckers for three months! THREE MONTHS! I finally got 'em to play Wheel Of Fortune with me so I can find out their supplier... ...and you fuckin' cowboys show up. - Nice tattoo, Dietz. You like that, Pappas? Fuck you. He has a record of your suspects' movements over the last three months. All I wanna know, smart guy, is how did they rob a bank on August 2nd... ...when they were in Fort fuckin' Lauderdale August 2nd? - Why don't you figure that out? - It's not an easy thing to do, is it, Utah? You fuckin' jerks! Aw, shit! Shit! Hey! Five foot wall's at Zero's. Let's go. Hey, Tyler. Hey, Bodhi! So, let's go! Time's a-wasting. - Now! - He does this. You all right? You look like you saw a ghost. Forget about it, kid. They're ghosts. I gotta go. You gotta what? I forgot all about a meeting I have this morning. I gotta jam. Sorry. Really. I'll call you later. So, I started trailing him. The Zen surf master? Bodhi, yeah. I'm on him all day, right? He goes to Tower Records, buys some CDs, has lunch at Patrick's Roadhouse... ...he goes into the Assured Trust Savings and Loan. Did he rob it? Cute! He's inside 20 minutes. The other guy, Roach, waited in the truck. They were scoping it out, right? Well, they were scoping it out or cashing a cheque. Wait. Then they go back home and they box up all their shit. See, summer's over. They load it in Bodhi's truck and they take it to a public storage unit. I lost them after that, but the house is empty. They're definitely outta here. Goddamn it! Why didn't you call me? They're probably halfway to Maui. Uh-uh, no. They've got to pick up some traveling money first. Assured Trust tomorrow, next day latest. I definitely got a feeling on this. Last time you had a feeling, I had to kill a guy. I hate that. It looks bad on my report. Angelo, I'm right this time. We can still win this one. OK. Tomorrow morning, first thing, we'll be at the bank like stink on shit. This Calvin and Hobbes is funny. Oranges, sir? - You want some oranges? - No. No. We got a lot. No, thanks. Good luck. God! ... for his turkey cemetery?! It's time for lunch. Angelo, it's 10.30! Around that corner is a sandwich shop. They sell meatball sandwiches. Best I've ever tasted. Would you go get me two? Come on, partner. Two. Thank you. Utah? Get me two. Hi. How ya doing? Hi. Two meatball sandwiches, a tuna on wheat and two lemonades, please. OK, that's two meatballs, one tuna on wheat... ... two lemonades. That's $7.84. - Thank you. - Uh-huh. Oh, boy! God, you scared me! Here. Yours is the one that looks like a road kill. A road kill? - Enjoy. - Thank you very much. - Here's your lemonade. - Thanks. Did you see that Lincoln pull up? I'm so hungry I could eat the ass off a dead rhino. I should've asked for three. What Lincoln? Goddamn! FBI! Freeze! I got him! I got him! No! Freeze! Fuck! Get in! Get in! - Jesus Christ! - Go! Go! Go! Gimme a fuckin' eak! I am going! - I don't see 'em! Where'd they go? - I don't fuckin' believe this! We're losing 'em! - You're losing 'em! - I'm not! Over to the right! - It's coming up. - Punch it! Punch it! Punch it! - Where is he, Dick? - He's still behind us. Hang on, you guys. This car's a piece of shit. Oh, shit! They're on the left! - I think we lost 'em. I can't see 'em. - Tell me where he is. Oh, fuck. Watch out! - We got you! - You ain't got shit! Damn it! Come on, come on! OK, guys, emergency sanitation. Back up, buddy! Try it, man. Just try it. What about the old Chevy? - This guy down here. - I got him. I got the gun. - Get away from the car! Move it! - Get in. Wait, wait, wait. Don't do it, man. Don't be stupid. Run! Why's he taking so long? Come on! We gotta go now! What's his problem? Come on! - Let's go! - Oh! Shit! Fuck! Look out! Hey! GET THE FUCK OUT OF THIS HOUSE! WHAT D'YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING? HEY! HEY! HEY! Say again, 41. Roger that. Cal. Plate - 562, Sam, Ida, X-ray. Base out. Nothing? Nothing. Johnny, I wanna see you in my office right now. Unit 23. See the manager, 4650 Wilshire. I want you to know something. When you shoot, you don't miss. I missed. No. I believe you're either scared... ...or you're getting too goddamn close to this surfing guru buddy of yours. I don't believe you're scared. Hey, go home and get some rest. You look like hammered shit. If I get anything that resembles your boy, I'll beep you. Now go home. Damn! What's the other guy look like? Never saw him. It was a basic hit-and-run. You look like you got in a train wreck. Stupid jerk just kept driving? Ouch! Baby, I'm sorry. Johnny, what is it with you? You've got that look again. As if you're about to tell me something and then you don't. Or you can't. There's something I want to tell you. It's important. It could really affect things between you and me. Man! This is harder than I thought. God, men are so bad at this. Shhh. Some other time. - You act like nothing happened! - Relax, Nathanial. Don't tell me to relax, Bodhi! He's a fucking federal agent! I should've shot him when I had the chance. I'll deal with that fuckin' cop. No, Rosie. We have hit 30 banks in three years and they haven't been able to touch us. All this does is up the stakes of the game. Fuck the stakes, Bodhi! The only person this is a game to is you. This is real! This is serious shit and I am scared. OK? So I say we get the fuck outta here now, tonight, OK? You run, you die. Come on, think about it. This was never about money for us. It was about us against the system. That system that kills the human spirit. We stand for something. To those dead souls inching along the freeways in their metal coffins... ...we show them that the human spirit is still alive. So, you trust me? OK. Then don't worry about this guy. I know exactly what to do with him. A lawyer! You lied to me! Tyler, put the gun down. I bet you lied about everything. I bet you lied about your parents! You just tell me the truth, Johnny. Did your parents die in a car accident? DID THEY?! They live in Columbus, Ohio. I work Bank Robbery. The guys I'm after are surfers. I needed you at first... ...but after that... - Fuck you! Don't you have a soul? Goddamn you to hell! Tyler... TYLER, WAIT! TYLER! - Leave a message. - Tyler, look, I fucked up. OK? I know I fucked up. I wanted to tell you, but I couldn't. I was afraid you'd leave. Good guess, huh? Fuck! Why can't I ever say what I really mean? I lied to you. I'm an asshole, but I need you, Tyler. I want you to know I've never known anyone like you before in my life... ... and I hope you change your mind. Tyler, wait. I'm coming. Howdy, o. So, come on, we're rollin'. What's going on, Bodhi? What happened? Cut yourself shaving? I don't think I wanna surf right now. Surf? No, this is really different, Johnny, you are gonna love it. So, we gotta get your stuff and get outta here. OK. Uh, socks... ...shirt. Uh... boots. Here we go. OK, put the stuff on in the truck. We gotta go. Life is short. You are gonna love this! Yo! All right, let's unload. - Take this, too. - Thank you, sir. There you go. Ever done this before? No, but I've seen it on TV. It's 100 pure adrenaline. Other guys snort for it, jab a vein for it. All you gotta do is jump. I'm sure it's a blast, but I screwed my knee up yesterday. Yeah, I noticed you limping, but don't worry cos we're not gonna land on land. Well, fine then. I feel so much better OK, let's fly. Three minutes. This is a ceremony we always do at the end of the summer. One last speed star. By the way, you might wanna pull that little orange thing sometime. The life you save may be your own. So, uh... who packed my chute? I did. Why? You don't trust me? You gotta earn trust. OK, we'll earn it together. Here, take mine. Hey, Johnny, that's not a good idea. Bodhi's packs are pretty shitty. They only open about half the time. Less! Bullshit. Why don't you take young Grommet's? How'd that be? Nah, you don't want this one, man. This one's set for a neck- eaker. You'd probably be better off with something like this. Are we gonna jump or jerk off? That's my man! Let's do it! You're about to jump out of a perfectly good aeroplane. How you feel about that? Shit! Whoa, shit! Whoa-ho-ho! Sex with the gods! You can't beat this! This is fucking beautiful! Whoo-hoo-hoo! Ha-ha! Whew! Whoa! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Hah! Come on, Johnny. That's it, Johnny. Go for it. Come on, Johnny! You can do it. Come on! Use your arms. Fly like an eagle, baby. Whoo! Keep coming. All right! - Johnny, you did it. - You're a speed star. We're going like a bat out o' hell. Whoo! How do you like it, Johnny? Amazing. Fucking amazing! This is so beautiful. I love this ground-rush shit. OK. Break! Great, isn't it? You're doing good. A thousand feet, pull. After you, Alphonse. I insist. Pull the ripcord now. You first. OK! Son of a bitch! Jesus Christ. I gotta be losing it. It's the closest you'll ever get to God. It's like the palm of your hand, man. Zoom! Coming right at you. - Unbelievable. - Totally indescribable. - We did pull pretty low. - You'll never be the same again. - Didn't I tell you Johnny'd be just fine? - Yeah. Damn perf! Johnny, just drop your chute right there. Pack off your shoulders. - Step back out of it. - I'll pack that for you, Bodhi. OK. Thanks. Johnny, come here. There's something you need to see. Hop in. OK. What's this? This is an insurance policy. It will sting a bit, but it's for your own growth. Press play. Fuck you! FUCK YOU! She is a wild one, isn't she, Special Agent Utah? You're a fuckin' dead man! Hold it, man. Think it through, man. I'm the only one that knows where she is. I'm the only one... ...so let me talk. Let me talk. Talk. She'll be fine. Rosie won't do anything... ...as long as I meet him at a certain place and time in six hours. You call him right now and tell him to let her go! Sorry, I can't do it, o. They're on the road... ...and where they're going, there are no phones, so you are outta luck. Oh, man. I hate this, Johnny. I really do. I hate violence. That's why I need Rosie. I could never do that. I could never hold a knife to Tyler's throat. She was my woman. We shared time. But Rosie is a... mechanism, you know? Once you set him in motion, he will not stop. He's, like, got this gift of blankness. But when three o'clock comes he will gut her like a pig... ...and try not to get any on his shoes. There's nothing I can do about it unless I get there. So I guess that makes us partners... ...because we both have the same goal: To get me where I need to go, right? We're wasting time. That's what I love about you, Johnny. You are just as sharp as a razor. Murphy, take the plane down to Santa Monica, top up the tanks. - OK, you guys, it's party time. Move it! - Right. We're on it. All I'm asking for is 90 seconds of your life, Johnny. You see? It's basic dog psychology. If you scare them and get them peeing down their leg, they submit. Yet if you project weakness, you draw aggression. That's how people get hurt. You see, fear causes hesitation... ...and hesitation will cause your worst fears to come true. So it's simple. You project strength to avoid conflict. Peace through superior firepower. Oh... There. Can't have you walking through those doors with your dick in your hand. I can't do this. Sure you can. Who knows? You might like it. It's a killer rush. Bodhi, this is your fuckin' wake-up call, man! I am an FBI agent! I know, man. Isn't it wild? But that's what makes it great, Johnny. We can exist on a different plane, we can make our own rules. Why be a servant to the law when you can be its master? Fuckin' A! I love this fuckin' job. OK, 90 seconds, door to door. It's a small price to pay for someone who loves you. She does, you know? It's not her style to fall so hard. I don't think she did with me. OK, Mr Carter. LBJ. Mr Nixon. Well, sorry, Johnny. Looks like you don't get to be president! I'm ready. Rock and roll! Everybody freeze! - OK. On the floor now! - On the floor right now! Do it. Hold it! Where you going? Everybody down! Let's go! On the floor, asshole! I'll blow out your fuckin' kneecaps, then you'll be on the floor. A kick in the ass, ain't it, man? Hey, look. You're on TV. Smile. Could be a little hard to play FBI now, huh? Can we just get the goddamned money and get out of here! Nobody move. Heads down, eyes down. Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. May I have your attention, please? We are the Ex-Presidents and, as you can see, we are, in fact, robbing your bank. So with a little co-operation I won't have to blow your heads off. So I need just a couple of minutes of your lives and we're gone. Dick, go to the vault. Uh... you, Miss Jennings, would you be a dear and open the gate for my associate? Mr Duggan's got the keys. We never go to the vault! Just do it! Lyndon, go with them. Get in the vault, man. Go! Go! Who's Mr fuckin' Duggan?! Mr Duggan, do you wanna open the vault or do you want me to do it? Do whatever they want, Teri. Take the fucking keys! Take 'em! Move it! Open the damned door! I'll fuckin' blow your fuckin' head off! Move it! Come on! Come on! Get outta the way! OK. All right. Go for the big bag. What we doin' in a fuckin' vault?! This is a bad idea. On the ground. Don't look at me! You're blowing it, man. You're eaking your own rules and pulling too much time. Jimmy, how we doing? 65. What's happening? Don't worry, man, it's fine. It's great. Fuck! Fuck! Hurry up! Let's go, we gotta go! Fuckin' move! Federal agent. Undercover! Nobody fuckin' move! You OK? Hang on, little o. Come on, we are outta here. We are outta here. Hang on, little other. Just hang on, man. No, man. No! Are you outta your fuckin' mind? What's the matter with you?! Is that what you want? Did you get what you wanted? You can't take him with. LET'S GO! Goddamn it, who's in charge of this camera crew? This is a crime-scene area! Get 'em the fuck outta here! You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say, can and will be used against you in a court of law. If you so desire, an attorney will be provided for you, free of cost. Do you understand these rights I've just given you, Utah? D'you understand! Understand the rights I've just read you, Utah?! He understands his goddamned rights! Jesus Christ, kid, are you OK? Stand up. Get these cuffs off him. Leave 'em on! Your partner's an accessory to murder, you understand? There are three dead people. One's a police officer. Let me show you something, pal. How does that sit in your stomach? Take your hands off me right now. Come on. Listen, look at me. Look at me! Don't send him in with the black and whites, let me ride him in. Yeah, sure, Angelo, why not? That's why I put you two together to begin with. You deserve each other. You're just as bad as he is... ...only you're a little fatter, slower and more pathetic. It's like the blind leading the blind. Harp, I was in this Bureau when you were still popping zits on your funny face... ...and jackin' off to the lingerie section of the Sears catalogue! Is that right, Pappas? Yes, that's right, and there's one thing I've learnt that you still haven't got. Oh, yeah? Why don't you astonish me, shit face? Respect for my elders, plain and simple. - Come on, kid, let's go. - Holy shit. I know where they're going. I figured you did. Santa Monica airport. Fast! But we've got one minor problem. What? We can't arrest them or shoot them. What?! Did you set the altimeter? - One thousand. - What? One thousand. Check the rigging, OK? Whoa, whoa, whoa. Fuckin' FBI. I'm not armed. But you're not alone. Good guess. There's a gun on you right now. Where's Roach? He's around somewhere. Listen, Johnny, we are in kind of a hurry. What do you need? You gotta tell me where she is. And let my policy expire? Good idea. Look, Bodhi, people are dead. The ride is over. Oh, no, no. I say when it's over. The guy you killed was an off-duty cop. They'll nail you wherever you land. There's a new thing called radar. Maybe you've heard of it. What is your... Nathanial, get in there. Get back in the cockpit. Move! I know you, man. When they fall on you, you won't back down. They'll have to burn your ass to the ground! Uh-huh. And shit happens. Look, you got a death wish, fine, but don't take Tyler with you. I'm begging you. Tell me where she is, then I walk away. You walk away? I walk away. That is beautiful, Johnny. ANGELO, DON'T FIRE! THEY'LL KILL HER. NO! Get out of the way, kid! Goddamn it! Damn. NOOOOO! Jesus Christ! - Angelo. - I don't have much... - Come on, man, just hang on. - I really fucked up. Just hang on. You'll be all right. I'm not flying you guys to San Felipe. - Get in the plane. Start those engines. - Good Tell him where we're going. Let's go, man. We are gonna ride this all the way, Johnny, you and me. So let's go. Get the fuck up! Tyler's waiting. Start the engines now! Go! GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! Rosie? Yo, Rosie, this is Air Force One. Do you read me? Do you read me? Over. Look, we've been over Mexico for the last half-hour. Can I quit mowing the lawn here? Getting more bushes in the wheels than I usually like. Shut your mouth and take it to 4,000 feet on this heading, all right? I don't think that's such a good idea, man. We'll pop up on their screens. Doesn't matter, we're almost there. Just gotta get you to a safe jump altitude. Let's get your rig on. Hey, man, I'm cold. Really cold. I'll get your jacket. Here's your jacket. Easy. Oh, fuck! I know, I know, I know. Easy. Easy. One arm at a time. I can't get it, I can't get it. No, man! No, no, no! Johnny, throw me that money bag. NOW! You're cold because all the blood is running out of your body, Roach. You're going to be dead soon. I hope it was worth it. Don't listen to him, he's just scared. Just keep thinking about all those seńoritas and margaritas... ...that are gonna nurse you back to health, OK? What the fuck are you looking at? There you go. Rosie! Rosie, this is Air Force One. Do you copy? Do you copy? Over. Copy. We have a visual on you. Tell him to release Tyler. Do it! Do it now! You won, you got what you wanted. What if your chute fails? Cancel the order. She's served her purpose. Do it, man. You owe me that much. - OK, you ready? - Yeah. On three. One, two... three. Easy. Come on, a little more. - Get your chute clear. OK? - OK. I'll see you on the ground, all right? I'll see you in hell, Johnny. Oh! I know it's hard for you. You want me so bad it's like acid in your mouth... ...but not this time. Adios, amigo. Fucker! God! Wha...? - Pull the chute, Bodhi. - You are crazy. - Pull the fuckin' chute! - Why don't you pull it? No games, Bodhi! Pull the cord now! Nah, you pull it. Go ahead, Johnny, pull it. You gotta drop the gun, right? If you use your other hand, what you gonna hold on with? Pull it right now, or I blow your fuckin' head off and pull it myself. - It's the only way it's gonna happen. Do it. - Swear to God, I will. Do it, man, or you're gonna die, Johnny. Six seconds, we're gonna be meat waffles. Five... four... - You're fuckin' crazy! PULL IT! PULL IT! ...three... two... ...one... - Shit! Shit! Jesus Christ, Bodhi. God. Damn, you are one radical son of a bitch. I'm outta here, Johnny. That knee again, huh? Too bad. Looks like this time you won't be getting your man. This game we both lose. Let her go. Let her go! Johnny, I... Shh. Some other time. Come on, we're out of here. Yo, Johnny! I'll see you in the next life! I can't leave him. We gotta bury him. There's no time, man. ... the cyclone warning is for coastal areas between Torquay and Cape Ottway. Experts are saying this could be one of the worst storms in Australia's history. Heavy rains will continue into the night... ... with destructive winds reaching up to 150km per hour. The centre of the cyclone is now expected to cross the coast... ... at Bells Beach early tomorrow morning. Residents are advised to prepare for evacuation. What d'you wanna do now? I wanna get out of this wet. I'm freezing. Sorry, mate. Anybody been out there? No-one's been out and no-one's going out. You gotta be fucking crazy, man. Death-on-a-stick out there, mate. Coming down, man. Lose something, o? Special Agent Utah. I knew I could count on you. I've been to every city in Mexico. Came across an unclaimed piece of meat in Baja, turned out to be Rosie. Guess he picked a knife fight with somebody better. Found a passport of yours in Sumatra, missed you by about a week in Fiji. But I knew you wouldn't miss a 50-year storm, Bodhi. Yeah. Too bad. You finally get your waves and it's totally closed out. Just waiting for my set. You gotta go down. You crossed the line and people trusted you and they died. Yeah, it went bad, went real bad. Life sure has a sick sense of humour, doesn't it? - Still surfing? - Every day. Come on, Bodhi. It's time to go. You know you gotta go back with me. Sorry, my friend. Come on! SHIT! NO! NO! I told them... ...you'd go quietly. NO! You know there's no way I can handle a cage, man. I don't care. You gotta go down. It's gotta be that way. OK, man. OK. I'm screwed. I'm gonna go to jail and I'll pay, and Johnny Utah gets his guy. Right? Good for you. That's real good. You're gonna be a big hero now. But look at it, Johnny. Look at it! This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, man. Just let me go out there, let me get one wave before you take me. One wave. Where am I gonna go, man? Cliffs on both side. I'm not gonna paddle to New Zealand! My whole life has been about this moment, Johnny. Come on, compadre. Come on. COME ON! Via con Dios! What the fuck, Utah? You let him go! No, I didn't. No way! The guy's nuts. We'll get him when he comes back in. He's not coming back.
It all started on the day that I died. If there had been an obituary... ...it would've described the unremarkable life... ...of an unremarkable woman... ...survived by no one. But there was no obituary... ...because the day that I died... ...was also the day I started to live. But that comes later. This was my life. Days blended together, consistently ordinary... ...thanks to a job that was the practical version of my passion. - I'm sorry. - Watch where you’re going! I was supposed to be an artist by now. Instead... ...I was designing ads for beauty cream. - You are so addicted to that stuff, Sally. - Happily. - Beau-line is magic in a bottle. - I don't know how you get it. - It's not even in production yet. - We have our ways. - Hey. - No! Headaches again. My ain's all tight and cranky. In one week, precisely, we will launch the most exciting... ...and revolutionary product to hit the beauty industry since... ...soap. Beau-line. Now, Beau-line doesn't just hide the effects of aging... ...it actually reverses them. However, with change... ...must come sacrifice. My husband... ...and I have decided that it's time for me to step aside... ...as the face of Hedare. It has been a magnificent 15 years. But we have decided to choose a new face to represent Beau-line. Exactly. Drina. The future of Hedare Beauty. And now, ladies and gentlemen, I look forward... ...to seeing you at the gala, where you can toast to Drina and our success. Careful, George. She's not old enough to drink. You've got more talent than anybody in the building, which I hate you for. Sal, this is my first lead campaign. It's gotta be perfect. You know that. What is wrong with you?! Good luck. Yeah. You simply couldn't resist it, could you? You had to make a scene out of it, Laurel. What's the matter, George? Did I steal your moment? Come in! Hi, Mr. Hedare. Did you still want to see me, or...? - Sit. - Right. Okay. I'm not pleased. This isn't even close to what I wanted. I can't imagine what on earth you were thinking. I am so sorry- I mean, look at this red. It's all wrong. I wanted it darker. - I specifically heard you say- - I know what I said. - Okay. Maybe I misunderstood you. - Clearly. Mr. Hedare, I know I can fix it. If you give me a chance, I know I can fix it. I do not reward incompetence. I have no idea why I expected your art to show better taste than your wardrobe. Oh, and do try and get a manicure, will you? Oh, for God's sake, George. Let her fix it. She's good and you know it. Whatever. By tomorrow night. Midnight. Right. Thank you. Excuse me. Hi! Do you think you could just maybe turn the music down... ...just a little bit? No? Okay. Kitty! Kitty. How'd you get up there? Come down here. What, are you stuck? You're gonna make me come out there. Hey! Easy! Hold on a minute! Wait! Wait! Wait! Whatever you're thinking or feeling... ...it's not worth it, you understand? I'm a cop. Maybe I can help. Okay. I'm fine. - It's just that- - Listen to me. We'll get through this together. What's your name? Patience Phillips. But this cat... Sure, sure, Patience, and it's a real beauty. - Very cute. - The cat's not up here anymore. Okay. And I'm sure that makes you very sad. - What's your apartment number? - Twenty-three! Hold on! Hurry. I got you. - You okay? - Thanks. You sure you're okay? That was the cat. You weren't kidding. You actually climbed out there to rescue your cat? Yeah. I mean, no. It's not my cat, it's a cat. To rescue somebody else's cat? Well, that's something else. Oh, my gosh, I'm late for my job! - I'm on a deadline today. - Yeah? Well, good luck with that. Thanks. Thank you! After all, no one can defeat Father Time. Though you did put up a hell of a fight, didn't you? Beau-line works wonders, doesn't it? Yes, it does. I have a busy day today. Drinks, then dinner. Don't wait up, will you, darling? I stopped waiting a long time ago, George. Oh, and that lunch tomorrow? - Cancel that too, will you? - Problems? I doubt it... ...but Slavicky won't stop calling. You know scientists. They're worse than models. You have to coddle them all the time like little children. I'll have Wesley reschedule. Bye. Hey! Man sandwich, 12 o'clock. Oh, my God. Hello, Miss Phillips. Hi. This is the officer I was telling you about from earlier. Detective Lone. - Tom Lone. - God, that is such a good name. Tom Lone. Rhymes with cone, phone, bone. Not that rhyming's all that important. I'll just be in my cubicle. Alone. - Hi. - Hi. How'd you get...? You dropped something. You can really cover a lot of ground when you're in a hurry. Thanks. Is this yours? Yeah. - It's nice. - Thanks. Yeah, it kind of reminds me of early Chagall. Elegant, but whimsical. Very much in the... ...tradition of the old Dutch Masters. - I'm impressed. Don't be. I noticed all the art in your apartment, so I Googled it at the office. - No, but really, I like it. - Thanks. Listen, I wanted to apologize about this morning for thinking you were a jumper. I was hoping to make it up by taking you to coffee. I know this great Italian place around the corner, Grecchio's on 6th. Or, listen, maybe tomorrow's better. Say, 1:00? Yes. - Okay. - Yeah? Okay. So tomorrow then, 1:00. - You make sure she gets there. - Yes, officer. - Counting on you. - I screw it up... ...you can throw away the key. See you tomorrow. Okay, bye. Patience. - That is a man in serious like with you. - You think? - Hello. - We got a lot of work to do. First, you gotta shave those legs. Second, wear that leather outfit we got you for your birthday. - Remember? - First, it's only coffee. And second, I will never, ever, ever wear that leather outfit. Good night! Hi, this is Patience in the art department. Yeah, I'm expecting a messenger to come and pick up- But it's gotta be there by midnight. Well, I... I know it's not your fault, but... Okay. I'll take it myself. Hello? Is anybody in there? Oh, come on, Slavicky. When did you grow a conscience? I don't care that the FDA never saw the headaches... ...and the nausea and the fainting spells. Those are symptoms I can live with. Hello? And with what we stand to make from consumers demanding their fix... ...I can live with it being addictive. But these side effects from the long-term studies... That won't happen if they keep using it. And we'll make sure they do... ...because that's where the money comes from. I'm not sure anymore. Hello? Hello? I thought I could live with it... ...but I can't live with turning people into monsters. Oh, my gosh! You've gotta let me pull the plug. We can't let this go on the shelves. Who's there? - Armando, come in. - I'm on my way. You can come out now. It's okay. We'd just like to ask you a few questions. Sorry. But I think maybe I'm in the wrong- - What are you doing? - Don't ever do that again. Where is she? She ran down to waste treatment, jumped in a pipe. We don't know who she is, but we know what she heard. We can't risk it. Get rid of her. Seal the door. Patience Phillips, I've never been so proud of you. You 're probably sipping your decaf soy whatever... ...fantasizing about licking the foam off his lips. Wait, that's what I'm doing. How'd the presentation go? Did you get me free samples of it? Listen, call me. What...? Hi, I'll take a decaf latte. Hey, Patience, it's Tom Lone. I'm here at Grecchio's waiting... ...and you 're not here. Anyway, I gotta get back to work, so... Bye. Okay, kitty. It's time for you to go home. Now... - Are you Ophelia Powers? - Yes. - I got your cat off a ledge and ever since- - Why, Midnight. You've never ought a stranger home before. Please, come in. No, I can't come in. I've got to go to- I'm late. - Midnight. - I'm sorry? Her name. She's an Egyptian Mau, the rarest of eeds. Temple cats. It's said that Maus have special powers. Like popping out of nowhere? I know. Among other things. Your cat... Socrates! No caffeine. It makes him irritable. You look a little out of sorts yourself, my dear. The cats, perhaps. They seem to be taking quite an unusual shine to you. This has been a really bad day for me already. - I can't even remember most of yesterday. - Perhaps I can help you. Right. This really isn't your problem. I don't even know why I'm here. - It's all right. Tell me. - Really. I'm late for work. - I'm sorry. I shouldn't even... - Come back anytime. I'm always here. Catnip. No- I'm fine. I am fine. What the hell is wrong with you?! You never delivered the design! You don't even know where they are. You do not know where they are because, and I quote you, you cannot remember! Your incompetence is staggering! Are you even listening to me? I'm sorry! Sorry? Sorry's not nearly enough. Okay. Then let me try the remix. I'm sorry for every second I wasted... ...working for an untalented, unethical egomaniac like you. Clean out your cubicle. You are fired. Wait! Mr. Hedare! I didn't mean it. Did I? My hero. Where did that come from? I don't know, it's like I can't describe it. I was saying it, but I wasn't saying it. Do you understand? Whoever said it has the thanks of a grateful art department. You don't understand, Sal. I wanted to cause him pain. I'm sorry. - What was that? - Allergies? Maybe? You just got fired, remember? But it's so pretty. Sal? Sal? Sally? Sally! Sally? Hey. Ever noticed when they keep you for observation no one really observes you? - Did they tell you what was wrong? - Oh, they have no idea. They did run a million fun tests, though. Hey, upside, you gotta see my doctor. I can see you're feeling better. Reminds me, what's up with the hot yet modest, but who cares... ...because he's so hot detective? It's not gonna work out, Sal. Patience, you never think it's gonna work. Because it doesn't. I've got a good reason for saying it this time. Trust me. Look, this time I refuse to let you sabotage a good thing. If it's oke, fix it. All right? Now, I love you, and he is gonna love you. Now, go. Go give him some own sugar. I gotta meet my hottie doctor. Tell me I look vulnerable. Being good is something you keep in your heart because you put it there. I'm not saying it's easy. I'm not saying some people don't choose to be bad. But I want something different for you. I want something better. - You understand? - Yeah. - Can I see your gun? - No. - You know what makes somebody- - Will you shoot it? No. I want you to be the good guys, got it? - Yeah. - Let's go shoot some hoops. I called the police station and they said you might be here. You never got your coffee. Well, you're a ave man to be facing a mob like this. No backup? I'm used to working alone, most of the time. - Is that by choice, or- - Yeah, theirs. No, I've had partners before. Turns out I take my job too seriously. You know my friend Sally? That's what she says about me. She says that I'm fun-deficient. - I don't believe that. - That's what she says. One-on-one? - Who? Me and her? - Yeah, come on. You wanna do this? One-on-one One-on-one I haven't done that since I was a kid. Come on. Can we have our ball back? You don't seem so fun-deficient to me. Mr. Hedare wanted me to inform you he'll be at the factory the rest of the day. If by factory you mean the Four Seasons... ...teaching Drina to unlock the minibar... ...consider me informed. - He'll be working with- Wesley, George hasn't said anything meaningful to me since he said I do. - Hello? - You'd think with the advances... ...in medicine, this place would have a wet bar. - Seems like you're feeling better. - Some new medication I can't pronounce. - So, what's up? - Nothing. Just fixing a little snack. What I'd like to know is did you fix it with the cute cop? I think I did. Details! And make it good, honey. I'm sitting here in a paper dress, for God's sakes. All we did was talk. And play a little one-on-one. - You know how to play basketball? - Apparently I do. - I even went Shaquille on his butt. - Patience, have I taught you nothing? You never beat a guy at sports. It messes them up. They end up in a men's group, banging on a drum. It's not like I meant to. It just happened. I'm telling you, Sal, something really, really weird is happening to me. - I practically jumped him. - That's called lust, sweetheart. - Animal attraction. - You think? What if it gets worse? - I mean, what if the next time- - Next time? He asked you out again? - I love this guy. - So do I. But it's me I'm worried about. - I felt like I couldn't be myself. - Well, feel free to be me next time. - Sally- - I'm teasing. Just be yourself. Myself. Okay. - I'll try. - Oh, I gotta go. Future father of my children's coming. Sweet dreams, honey. Excuse me. I think I might have a fever. Hey! - Shut that off! - Get a life! Yeah, get a life, you loser! Sorry, babe. This ain't the slumber party. However... ...in your case, I can make an exception. I'm flattered. But do you think this one time... ...you could turn the music down just a little... ...bit. Tell you what, why don't I do it myself? Hey! Hey! Listen, you freak- I'm sorry, what did you say? Is the music still too loud? Hey! You hear that? It's called silence. That's all I ever wanted. Now, keep it down. Thanks for the party. I had fun. - Time to accessorize. - My bike! Amateurs. You boys thought you could come in here and steal all these beautiful things? What a perfect idea. Meow. That was one of a kind. - From Egypt. - That's a hell of a profile. Thieves said she jumps around like a cat. What should we call her? Cat Chick? No, no.Cat Broad. What do you got? Cupcakes. Midnight. I knew you'd come back when you were ready. The goddess Bast. The Maus are sacred to Bast. They're her messengers. - You wrote this? - I was a professor for 20 years... ...until I was denied tenure. Male academia. Bast is a rarity. A goddess of the moon, and of the sun. She represents the duality in all women. Docile, yet aggressive. Nurturing, yet ferocious. But what does all of this have to do with me? I mean- What happened the other night? - I don't remember. - Do you want me to tell you? Yes. You died. What? I didn't die. Look at me, I'm right here. You died. - But you were reborn. - Oh, you're crazy. - You are a crazy cat lady. - Midnight knew your fate. That's why she tested you. To see if you were worthy of a gift she could give you. A gift that could change your life... ...and give you a new one. You're not alone, child. He's saved others before you. Look. Catwomen are not contained by the rules of society. You follow your own desires. This is both a blessing and a curse. You will often be alone and misunderstood. But you will experience a freedom other women will never know. You are a catwoman. Every sight, every smell... ...every sound, incredibly heightened. Fierce independence, total confidence, inhuman reflexes. - So I'm not Patience anymore? - You are Patience. And you are Catwoman. Accept it, child. You've spent a lifetime caged. By accepting who you are, all of who you are... ...you can be free. And freedom is power. You saved my life, Midnight. But somebody killed me... ...and I've got to find out who, and why. You dealt with Slavicky? It's done. Oh, my God. We danced all night. - Been here all night. - Absolutely. Keep the change. - What can I do for you? - White Russian. No ice, hold the vodka, hold the Kahlua. Cream. Straight up. Looking for something? The other night you killed somebody. She was a nice girl. Why? Cat got your tongue? I don't know. They told me to flush the pipes so I flushed the pipes. - Why? - I don't know why. Beau-line. There's something wrong with Beau-line. She heard something she wasn't supposed to hear. And Hedare is covering it up. I can't live with turning people into monsters. Hey, hey, hey. Wow! You look amazing. - Do you like it? - Love it. - Like the hair? - Love the hair. - Did good? - You did real good. This guy is good for you. Aren't you glad I pushed you into it? Props to Sally. Let me hear my props. - Props to Sally. - Yeah. Clothes, and a treat. So are you gonna be okay, or what? I do feel better. That's maybe laying off the Cosmos for a couple days. Check this out. Some chick in a cat suit murdered Slavicky last night. The actions of this lunatic will not keep Beau-line off the shelves. We will launch next week as planned... ...because we owe it to the women of this country. - Because- - Please. That guy is so full of himself. - I'm almost out. - Let's see. How long have you been having headaches? - About a month. - Do me a favor. - Stop using this. - Why? Because it's making you sick. Trust me. Thank you, lieutenant. You're gonna roll with him. For Tom, from forensics. Oh, and Slavicky homicide. Maybe you'll want to look at that. Hey, Bob, let me ask you a question. Would your wife crawl out on the ledge of a building to rescue a cat? Maybe, if the cat was carrying a pizza. Well, there are similarities. - Shape of the S, harsh stroke of the R's. - Were they written by the same person? Well, it's not an exact science. But this first one. The oad spacing of the letters? Indicative of loneliness. And the O reaching out, insecure. Handwriting of a people-pleaser. Now, we look at the loop of the Y. Very self-confident, almost angry. And the O, well, this person doesn't like to play by the rules. - So they're different people. - Very. If you put these two women in the same room... ...you're gonna have one hell of a party. - You got a big weekend planned, Tom? - I do now. Aren't you supposed to let me win? Not that kind of girl. - What kind of girl is that? - A loser. Hey, can I ask you a question? You work for Hedare, right? Somebody was murdered at his factory the other night. I'm sorry. Can you think of anybody who might have a grudge against the company? Lots of people. George Hedare isn't the nicest guy in the world, you know. He fired me. What? Am I a suspect now, detective? No. Looks like we'll be up here for a while. You in a hurry? Mom! - Hey! - Don't move! Hold on tight. I gotta stop this thing. - Mom! - Frankie. Mom! Mom! Help, Mom! Mom! Help, Mom! Help! Help! You are one tough little guy, you know that? - Take it easy, partner. - Bye. It's over. Well, I'm not sure how you did it, but I'm impressed. Well, I saw how you did. And so am I. - You know what? - What? We should cele ate. Why don't you let me take you to dinner tonight? I would love to, but I can't. Not tonight. I've got... ...some business that I have to take care of. You picked the wrong house. You're the cat that killed Slavicky. You don't believe everything you see on TV, do you? - What do you want? - Your husband. Is he home? I'm here. Why on earth would he be home? Oh, too bad. If your husband ever comes home, tell him I know all about Beau-line. It's disease in a jar. I wouldn't caulk a sink with it. - Come on. I've been using it for years. - It's your funeral. Because whoever killed Slavicky did it to keep Beau-line's toxic little secret. Are you suggesting that my husband is a murderer? I'm suggesting that you tell me where he is. - So I'll ask him myself. - I suppose I should be shocked. Protest his innocence. But the truth is... ...that man's capable of anything. You wanna find him? There he is. - Thanks. - I'd like to help. How can I reach you? I'm not exactly listed. Take my phone. Call the cops. You're not going to believe this. I think this is a total waste of time. - Don't. - What? Think. Ever. Consider it a condition of our relationship. I love this part. - Who the hell-? - Like my nails? Just got them done. My bad. Get your paws off me this instant! I know about Beau-line, and your cover-up. What? So did my girl, Patience. That's why you killed her. - What? I didn't kill her- - Too bad your last words will be a lie. Freeze! Hey! Hold it right there. Don't you move. Now, come down from there nice and easy. Cats come when they feel like it. Not when they're told. I won't tell you again. You turn around. Hands on your head. You're under arrest. Gotcha! - You think this is a game? - Now we're playing. - You're playing. I'm at work. - Seems like you love your job. - Don't I get din-din first? - I'll feed you in your cell. Careful. That cable hits us, we're both fried. I knew I felt a spark between us. - Not on the first date. - Don't flatter yourself. I'm taken. Does she know about us? There's no us. Too bad. It's over. There she is. Okay, boys. Show of hands. Who can see in the dark? I can. But this is a disaster! It's a total bloody disaster. How does she know all this? Who is she, anyway? And how come-? It's all right. Don't be scared. Great. You haven't got a clue, do you? We are in absolute ruin here... ...and your illiant piece of advice to me is: Don't be scared? No. My advice to you, George... ...quit the self-tanning. Stop eating Viagra like they're vitamins. Resist the urge to date children born the same day they invented the cell phone. For once, George, in your miserable life... ...be a man! Terrific. Beau-line works wonders, doesn't it? Okay, Sal. What do you think? I don't know. You going to a church or a Playboy mansion? Well, that was helpful. I'm such a freak. Please, I'm a freak Thursday through Sunday, big deal. Okay, but what if he doesn't like... ...the real me? - He can't pick and choose, Patience. If he wants this to work, he's gonna have to like all of you. - Senora Hedare. Perdon. - Go. Pretty. - Thanks. - Oh, you too. But I was talking about the fish. Detective work is like dating. It's all about the pursuit. But when you catch them- You like your sushi, huh? That's good. So tell me about this one... ...that got away. Catwoman. - You heard of her? - Oh, yeah. Hot, black leather, whip. She kissed me. - Really? - Yeah. - What do you think about that? - Depends. - You like bad girls? - Only if they like me back. No, listen, bad isn't something that does it for me. Okay, bad, good. Gotta be something in between, right? Maybe it's a little more complicated. - Why don't we talk about you? - Okay. - What's it like to be an artist? - Well, I'm not really an artist. I mean, yeah, I did go to art school... ...but then I got a regular job at an advertising agency... ...and now I don't really know what I am anymore. Well, I know what you are. You're different. You're special. - And I like that about you. - Thanks. No, it's true. And I want to know more about you. You know... ...I guess there's a few things I need to explain. Like what, your new look? Huh? - Your dunk shot? - No, that's not what I was thinking. Hey. You can tell me anything. I'm... I hate the rain! What were you saying? Nothing important. Tom? It's me. You were right about Beau-line's secrets. I can't believe it, but you were right. Beau-line is toxic. I have proof. We can stop him, but we have to stop him together. George will be launching Beau-line at a press conference tomorrow. Beau-line will be on the shelves on Monday. So, what'd you find? Enough evidence to put someone away for a long, long time. I was everything they wanted me to be. I was never more beautiful. Never more powerful. And then I turned 40 and they threw me away. It's all there behind the desk. How'd I do? The clawed-flesh thing was a little tricky... ...but I think I pulled it off. - You killed him? - No one is gonna stop Beau-line... ...from hitting the shelves. Not Slavicky. Not George. And certainly not you. I'm sorry. I'm forgetting my manners. Can I offer you something? Can of tuna? Saucer of milk? Smoking gun? Which, sweetheart, you just emptied into my husband's chest. Oh, George! Help, somebody help! It's Catwoman! She killed George. Oh, my God! Patience. I'm sorry. I guess you could take this right out of my hands if you wanted. If I wanted. I'm telling you, Slavicky had evidence that Beau-line was toxic. That's why Laurel killed him. George found out and she killed him too. She was covering it up. Ballistics show the same weapon killed both men: The gun in your hand. - Catwoman's hand. - What's the difference? - Guess it doesn't matter. - Don't you understand? All of the evidence, every single piece, it points to you. There's nothing that shows me anything else. There's me. You can believe me. Do you remember the first time you saw me? Yeah. What did you see? A girl... ...rescuing a cat. No, you didn't. You saw a crazy person out on a ledge trying to jump. And all the evidence pointed to that, didn't it? I really need you to believe me. How can I? I don't know who you are. I'm the same girl you were with last night. Take her back. You be a nice kitty, now. Look at it this way, Lone. You may have lost your woman, but at least you got your man. Did I? Yeah. Hello, Midnight. You've spent a lifetime caged. By accepting who you are, all of who you are... ...you can be free. And freedom is power. It's not just about me anymore, Midnight. You know... ...Lassie would have ought me a key. Cross your paws. - We' re gonna shift-change in half an hour. - All right. - Dave's gonna take over then? - Yeah, as far as I know. Yeah, right through here, pal. You'll get to talk to a lawyer. Are you okay? A girl like me lands on her feet. Wait! Wait! My husband dreamed of a world... ...where every woman could be as beautiful as she wanted to be. He dedicated his life pursuing that dream. As Hedare's new chief executive... ...I intend to make that dream a reality... ...by proceeding with tomorrow's launch of Beau-line. Thank you! Thank you so much. I have been dying to get some of this stuff. My husband would have wanted you to have it. He wanted that for everyone. - Detective Lone. What a surprise. - Yeah? Everyone, this is the man that ought my husband's killer to justice. Can I talk to you, in private? Come upstairs to my office. - Number five, ready to go. - Yeah, yeah. Yeah, go ahead. Right there. Get a move on. Gotta meet that midnight delivery. I saw her standing over him. There were claw marks all over his body. - But not on Slavicky's. - Because she didn't have the time. She also didn't have a motive. - I don't know. - What if I told you I know the truth? That I know who killed your husband, I know about Beau-line. Why, detective, you make it sound like I'm a suspect. What if I told you I had evidence? If you have evidence, then how come I'm not in cuffs? Well, you're a smart woman, Mrs. Hedare. Beautiful. Rich. I thought maybe we could work something out. So this evidence... You'll make it disappear? Pin it on the other girl? If that's what you want me to do. And you? - What do you want? - You just gave me what I want. You just told me it was you. Now, why would you believe it was me? Because I finally trusted a friend. Yeah, well, your friend just got you killed. Don't be stupid, Laurel. You don't want to kill a cop. I'm a woman, Lone. I'm used to doing all kinds of things I don't wanna do. Give my regards to my husband. How sweet. Thanks. Now I can kill you both. Hold on, I gotta stop. How is it? Well, there goes my jump shot. Listen. I want you to know I'm sorry. I should have trusted you all along. You're confusing me with somebody else. Come on, Patience. I'll take this side. I can't believe I ever trusted you. - You're a fake. - And what are you? A hero? A thief? A freak? If you don't have an identity, why keep it a secret? Because you killed me. It was me you flushed down the pipes. I'm Patience Phillips. That's who's under there? - I can't be hurt. - Beau-line. You stop using it and your face disintegrates. And if you keep using it, skin like living marble. And you can't feel a thing. You're just a scared little girl playing dress-up. Nobody. Nothing. Where do you think you're going? You're gonna look like a cop-killer. You wanted to save him. Honey, you couldn't save yourself. Game over. Guess what. It's overtime. Give me your hand! Help me! I might not be a hero, but I'm certainly not a killer. You know... ...once Laurel's boys start talking... ...we'll be able to wrap up these murder cases pretty easy. And if Patience is back in her cell by tomorrow morning... ...it'll be awfully tough to prove that she was Catwoman. Exactly. Delicious, thank you. You know, the strawberry was good too. The day I died was the day I started to live. In my old life, I longed for someone to see what was special in me. You did, and for that you'll always be in my heart. But what I really needed was for me to see it. And now I do. You 're a good man, Tom. But you live in a world that has no place for someone like me. You see, sometimes I'm good. Oh, I'm very good. But sometimes I'm bad. But only as bad as I wanna be. Freedom is power. To live a life untamed and unafraid is the gift that I've been given... ...and so my journey begins. SDI Media Group
What's the meaning of this check? You trying to get me to cheat? No... I'm just the middleman. You trying to play fast and loose with me, or get me in trouble? Do you think you're going to get ahead of me... ...if I take a fall? Look at this! I'm the only Golden Leg! You can't even dream about that. No...I don't. I just want a little kick-back. Please don't tell anybody. You're trash! I'm sorry. I'll see you later. Golden Leg! Golden Leg... Golden Leg... Hung, you've been a star player for twenty years. Since Fung missed the penalty kick and lost his golden leg, you've never had any rivals. Now how do you feel about.... Oh, no! Don't talk to me about that! Hung, your Evil Team has won the gold for five straight years. What's the secret? Secret? The secret is having the greatest coach in soccer. So you're confident you'll win the gold again? What are you, a rookie reporter? I don't think that question even needs asking. Excuse me... Good morning, Hung! Golden Leg! Good morning, Hung! Good morning! Hung, your shoe is dirty. I'll help you clean it up. It's fine. I can take care of it. Hung, I'll take your car over. Hung, you promised to offer a coaching job to me. I'm ready. I've got the confidence to train a team as good as the Evil Team. Do you think you can still be a coach? Forget it. But you said... Get real. Don't you see? You're a cripple now. Do you think you can still depend on this tattoo? Hung... I've served you for twenty years. How can you say something like that? I'm not in the mood for this today. Things change. You looked great when you were young. You see, now you just look like a dog. Forget it. Get lost. I've already taken care of you for twenty years. You know, that's a lot of money. Hung! You're so vain! If you hadn't given me... ...that ibery payoff twenty years ago, I wouldn't be crippled now. What? Are you losing your temper? Why don't you shout louder? Hey! Did all you guys hear that? There're thousands of reporters outside. Would you like me to let them come in? You know, I kept you here to keep your mouth shut. But do you think anyone would believe... ...a handicapped beggar like you now? - You! - Don't be angry. If you want to blame somebody, blame yourself. You should blame your greediness. Forget it. I'll tell you one more thing. I was the one who arranged that accident with your leg. Damn it! That's no way to kick. Pardon? I said... ...that's no way to kick. So how'd you do it then? There has to be a fusion of strength from the waist to the foot. What do you mean? My idol, Bruce Lee, has already elaborated on it. If you want to learn more, you can take two Kung Fu lessons from me. Learn Kung Fu from you? You just look like a cleaner. Cleaning is just my job. I'm really a post-graduate student. Post-graduate student? Focusing on how to effectively teach Shaolin Kung Fu. This is my name card. Shaolin Orthodox School Mighty Steel Leg. Look! It's really strong. Fighting is not my style. I'm a well-educated man. You're wrong. Look at that girl. I know she's sexy, so what? - I'm an educated... - No... Watch this! If she had learned Shaolin Kung Fu, Weight Vest, she would not have fallen like that. You see! So Shaolin Kung Fu is great! Hey! Do you want to learn Kung Fu? You're crazy! Look at the woman over there. If she had studied Shaolin Kung Fu, Iron Hand, parking would be much easier. So Kung Fu is wonderful! Excuse me! Do you want to learn... No...Here, get lost! This coin isn't just yours. I should get a share. Don't try to ruin our relationship! Look at that! What's wrong? You've already spent a whole week trying to trim this tree. You're fired. Get lost! - I'm sorry... - Go away! If he had studied Shaolin Kung Fu, Nine Fences of the Recluse, he would not be in trouble! Nine Fences of the Recluse sounds like it came from Hua Shan. Don't you know every kind of Kung Fu originally came from Shaolin? Kung Fu is absolutely great for people of all ages. Brutality is just the wrong impression of Kung Fu. Kung Fu is an art, a kind of indomitable spirit. I'm looking for a good method... ...to package Shaolin Kung Fu... ...to help people understand... ...the true meaning of it. Enough, already! I'm not finished yet. You're already finished. I still have to make an appointment with you as my client. You're done! Please seize this opportunity! The lame can also learn Kung Fu. What are you talking about? Who's lame? You're not qualified to even talk soccer with me. I'm sorry! Yes, I'm lame. It's none of your business. What? Being lame? Why you stinking...! What the...? Moron! Did you think that would scare me? Hey, do you still want the garbage? If you don't, I'll call the other one. I'm coming over. Hurry up! Did you think that would scare me? Huh? Idiot... Hey, hey, hey, get out of here! Ah, excuse me! Could you give me a hand putting this over there? No problem! Wow! What a leg! - Twenty cents! - You're kidding! Just twenty cents? There are some cups and plates inside. Won't you give me ten cents more? No more! Go on, move it over there. Mui, would you please give me ten steamed ead! Using Tai Chi Kung Fu to make steamed ead is a striking idea. The steamed ead looks sweet and tasty. I'm so impressed... ...by her strong arms. You... What are you doing? Singing is the perfect way... for me to express my true feelings about you. You're so beautiful! I'm not beautiful. Don't laugh at me! Look at this! This steamed ead is incredible! Tastes wonderful! Your Tai Chi Kung Fu, Shifting Bodies and Transposing Shadows... It's a firm but gentle Kung Fu,Shove a Thousand Cattle with Four Tales. So! That's why the steamed ead is so tender yet firm. They're fifty cents each. Two steamed ead, that's one dollar. - That much! - Yes, that much It may be expensive, but it's worth it. I only have fifty cents right now. Would you mind if I paid you back two days later? No... Well! You're a typical Kung Fu master, speaking with grace and ease. You know, we have something in common. I'm also a Shaolin master. Would you allow me a face-saving proposition? No. Okay! This is a pair of precious sneakers. The original price was two dollars. Now, I'll give you a discount on the price... Is my steamed ead ready? Coming! Just a minute! Did that guy pay for the steamed ead? He did. What's this dirty stuff? Throw it away! First Big Brother! First Big Brother! It's okay! Keep working. Clean it up, please! Are you sick, First Big Brother? I've got a headache. I got drunk last night. Anyway, what do you want? I wanted to let you know I've been awakened. - Really? You've been awakened? - I've been awakened. I finally understand. If I want to teach Shaolin Kung Fu to the world, I need to package it into a new and modern form. What kind of packaging? Singing! You won't believe what I saw today. - I saw a steamed ead shop... - Stop bothering me! But what would you think if I combined Shaolin Kung Fu... ...with singing and dancing? Don't even think about it! How can you dismiss it like that if you never even try it? Stop thinking about it! I've already told you you need to make a living in the real world. There's a vacancy for a toilet cleaner. It would be good for you... ...to take it rather than to keep living in a dream. If we don't have any dreams in life, we're no better than salted fish. Yeah, well look at you, you're a real salted fish, not even a pair of shoes! How can you talk about dreams? Now just hold on a minute! The fire in my heart isn't put out that easily! Why not? Just blow it out! But it'll just be lit up again! Enough, already! We both have our own lives. Please don't bother me! I need to work to support my family. You mean you are willing to give up your Iron Head? Are you forgetting how much effort you put into it? You're wrong! I've never given it up... ...not even for a day! Fei! Boss! Dammit! The dancers quit the show already. What are you doing hanging around here doing nothing about it? I'm not! I have a great idea. What's that? Uh, combining Shaolin Kung Fu with singing and dancing. What kind of Shaolin Kung Fu? Look at this! There's no way that's gonna sell. He's good enough. No way! And what about you? Me? Dammit! What about your Iron Head? If you don't do a good job, I'll kill you tomorrow. OK. First Big Brother, thank you! Shaolin Kung Fu is great! Really great! Shaolin Kung Fu is wonderful! Wonderful! I'm Iron Head. Iron Head. You're Mighty Steel Leg. I'm Mighty Steel Leg. Be serious! Shaolin Kung Fu is great! Really great! Shaolin Kung Fu is great! Really great! Shaolin Kung Fu is wonderful! Wonderful! I'm Mighty Steel Leg! Mighty Steel Leg! He's Iron Head! Ahh, I'm gonna die! What are you singing about? You sound like you're howling. The lyrics are pathetic. I can't understand a thing you're saying. That's right. Who wrote this garbage? - Yeah, who did it? - Who did? Creative work is highly subjective, but I must respond to your criticism. The singing is just the beginning of the show, the climax is the performance of Mighty Steel Leg and Iron Head! Iron Head? I told you already that you wrote awful lyrics. I'm not Iron Head. He's... Iron Head? - I said... - Iron Head? Mighty Steel Leg! He's Mighty Steel Leg! You're still saying Mighty Steel Leg? I oughta kill you! Mighty Steel Leg! I'm the real Mighty Steel Leg! Iron Head? Don't you understand Chinese? He's the real... Iron Head? You're so stubborn! Iron... Do you want start a fight? Thank you so much! Happy hour is going fast. It's time for us to say goodbye right now. Let's listen to some music! You guys are crazy! Let's see if you can take some more! Thank you! Why you stinking...! What on earth? Let's go! There's nothing interesting here! Do you still want to fight with us? I promised my Shaolin master I wouldn't use Kung Fu to fight with anyone. This guy is crazy. But all you guys should apologize! Apologize? It isn't my problem. It's all your fault! Don't move! You said you wouldn't use Kung Fu to hit anyone! I didn't come here to fight. I came to play soccer. That's it, I'm gonna kick your... Hey, get up, quit goofing around! What's he...? Stop, please! I'm so sorry! Do you have any money on you? Yeah. Thirty cents. Hey, are you taking my money? Yes, I am. Did you learn Tong Long Fist? I did. Don't insult Shaolin Kung Fu anymore! Would you let me take a look at your leg? I'm not really in the mood. But go ahead. Amazing! It's the real thing, pure Kung Fu. A great killer slim leg. It's Shaolin Mighty Steel Leg! Could it be possible to use Kung Fu to play soccer? Are you serious? Yes, of course! That's it! That's a great idea, use Kung Fu to play soccer. Why didn't I ever think of that? Aren't you that cripple? I'm not just a cripple, I'm the ex-soccer player, Golden Leg. Now, I'm a soccer coach. That's great! You can teach me how to play soccer. Now, hold on. No! You told me I could use Kung Fu to play soccer. But I need some time to think this over! I don't have time to think anymore! It's afternoon already! Time doesn't wait for anyone! But we have so much to prepare! I'm ready! What do I need? At least a pair of shoes! Do you have any money to get your sneakers back? No. But... I threw them away. No! Your sneakers were oken. They're well worn. - Yes, they were oken. But I... - Go home! My boss will shout at you if she comes back and sees you. You can't have the oken ones back. Those have been fixed. Do you want to have them? First Big Brother, what are you doing? First Big Brother, are you okay? I'm fine. What do you want? I finally got a great idea for sharing Shaolin Kung Fu. It's playing soccer! Please let me go! You've already gotten me into trouble. I got fired. Now, I have to clean rest rooms to pay for my boss's loss. I've come here to help you. No! Absolutely not! If you bother me anymore, my whole family will commit suicide in front of you. Committing suicide isn't a good way to solve any problems. Be ave! Don't be stupid! I'm just a loser! Please don't come here anymore! If you still want to form a soccer team, you can ask the other Brothers. Please, don't bother me! I beg you! Iron Head. Good morning, Fourth Big Brother! Good morning, Sing! How are you? Let me introduce a great guy to you! He's... Nice to meet you! This is Fung. I know, Fung is famous in the stock exchange market. You see! He has that great I.T. look. Fung is a soccer coach. Soccer coach! Of course, everyone knows that Fung is the most... ...famous figure in the soccer world. Do you use your legs to play soccer? You see! I'm right. Actually, do you have any jobs? I want you to join my soccer team. Play soccer? I haven't had a job for six months. How can you ask me to play soccer? If you can use your Empty Hand... ...to be the goalkeeper... What's Empty Hand? That was years ago. You know, I even forgot when our Master died. Please listen to me! We're going to sign up for the National Soccer Tournament. The prize is one million dollars. Really? So, I see you're the sharp one. Look at that! All dressed up and everything. Many years ago, our Master ordered us to share Shaolin Kung Fu. Now, you guys get this great idea of using Shaolin Kung Fu... ...to play soccer!?! Look here! This is the group picture of our Master and Brothers. I always keep it UNDER my pillow. You should know what I mean. Great! Let's sit down to talk about what you mean. I'll call you if I've got time. Oh, and please keep a job for me. I really don't have time to talk to you. Some clients are waiting for me, I need to keep my eyes on the stock market. You know, each of my trades are hundreds of thousands of dollars apiece. Hello! What's the price right now? My driver is on leave today. And I just loaned my car to my friend, and I left my wallet in my office. I'm sorry! I don't have time to have lunch with you guys. I'm really busy! Go away! Third Big Brother, think about it! If you can use Iron Shirt... ...to be the back... What's Iron Shirt? Look around! The sky is full of planes. The streets are full of computers. It's the 21st century. Stop living in your dream world! Well, I think it's a good idea, combining Kung Fu with soccer. He's right! And the prize is a huge amount of money. For heaven's sake! You think I'm... I'm trading hundreds of thousands of dollars a day. There's absolutely no way I'm giving up my trading to play soccer with you guys. I'm sorry for being so direct, you know... But it's impossible to give up trading and sign up to play soccer with you lame-o's. Forgive me. I'm just an honest guy. Finally, it's also impossible for me to win any damn soccer game. Truly, the probability of winning is 0. Probabi... Probability! Okay... See this? It's always heads or tails. You'll never get the middle. So the probability is 0. Let me try! Get lost! I've got an appointment with my client at the coffee shop. I'm very busy! We could take you out for noodles at the same shop. Morons! I'm dealing with hundreds of thousands of dollars! How can I go have noodles with you guys? He's my Sixth Small Brother, Weight Vest. This is the famous soccer coach, Fung. Fung, how are you? Uh, what Vest? Weight Vest. Nice to meet you, Mr. Vest. Fifth Big Brother, are you thinking about playing soccer? Yes. If you can use Shaolin Kung Fu Weight Vest to be the forward with me, Our attack should be flawless. - Do you have confidence in this? - Of course. Great! Are there any diet pills around here? It's useless. Since this virus got into my head, there's no way for me to lose any weight. Since becoming like this, I can't even walk quickly, let alone be able to use Shaolin Kung Fu Weight Vest. Yeah, you're a little overweight, but that's not so important. Forget it! See, this is a picture of how I used to look! Since becoming like this, I can't even get a date with a girl. You don't understand how it is. I do. I can't date girls either! Really? Why? Too much gossip about your girls in newspapers and magazines? What kind of newspapers and magazines? Oh! I'm sorry! Since I've had this disease, I can't control myself. I'm sorry. Please leave me alone! Small Brother! You should have confidence! You can do it! Everyone calls me Lazy Pig now... You know, you're the only one who calls me Small Brother. Thank you! Lazy Pig, help me get that package of red tissue rolls. The red one! Playing soccer? Yes, Second Big Brother! If you can use Hooking Leg to be the back, I believe... Your defense will be flawless! Absolutely! So you think I can still use Hooking Leg? Sure, you just need some practice. If you trust yourself, you will get your Hooking Leg back. Really? I just saw you cleaning sewers recently. Why did you get a second job washing dishes? Why? Why are you asking me that? I don't understand, either. Why didn't I have a rich father, Lee Ka Sing? Why am I going bald, even though I'm so handsome? You guys aren't going bald, but you're so ugly. Why did the other guys get to go to school when they were young? While I was forced to study Shaolin Kung Fu, and then become a cleaner, washing dishes and cleaning out sewers? Calm down! Second Big Brother. If you're ave enough, you can control your fate. Calm down? If I wasn't so calm, I'd kill you guys! Calm down? Why are you just sitting here? Can't you see how bad it smells in here? If it still stinks when I come back, you'll be cleaning up with your tongue! Your apartment is great! It's well furnished. I can't believe you work as the cleaner downstairs, but live in the Penthouse on the 59th floor. You've got good taste! This kind of apartment is so popular I can't even get one. The exhaust is okay. Just a little bit noisy. Would you mind if I move in here? Forget it! Your Brothers aren't that great. We can find others to join our team. It was all my fault. I couldn't persuade them. It's okay. You know, I'm so glad that you trust me. Thank you. I'm going to train you guys in the shortest time possible ...to be professional soccer players. So you need to be serious and mutually support each other. I understand! Let's go! Please listen to me! What would you do if you were in my position? Yes, of course. I've got to call. Hold on a second. The ball is coming back! So! Finally willing to come back, are you? -You made us wait for an hour -Wait for an hour! What are you doing? Playing soccer! The ball is over there! You, come here! Let me see you kick the ball from here. But the ball is over there. Yes, the ball is over there! You can't even get the ball. How are you going to kick it from here? Listen up, there are four basic skills to playing soccer: Pass, stop, hold and kick. - I understand! - Don't move! Okay. Let's start from the beginning. Yours. Hold it! Watch out! Concentrate! Come on! Move! That's it...do more fakes. That's better. That looks like a good fake. Do more fakes. Fung, why can't I participate in the training? Look, even though your leg's so strong, you haven't got any control. What happens if you... kick the ball up into the sky... and it hits a plane? Could you pay for it? - No. - So... Sixth Small Brother! I'm borrowing your eggs! What? If you can control the egg freely in the air, you can play soccer. - No problem! - Okay! You see? It's not that easy. Sixth Small Brother, what are you doing! No, no! My egg! Look, I'll get you another one later! No way! Give it back to me! Concentrate... My egg! OK! Yes! Yes! OK! Yours! Right... Good... Yes! Go! Keep your eye on the ball! Watch out! How can you let him kick it like that? Kick it! Come on! That's incredible! He could play all by himself. No! It's about teamwork. You can't play soccer with just yourself. The game will be 30 minutes. There are no eaks. We'll follow the international rules. I'm the referee. Do you have any questions? Of course not. You know how grateful we are that Golden Leg is the referee and is leading a young soccer team to play against us. We're just happy to be here! Say hi to Master Fung! -Hello Master Fung! Okay... Well, this guy has some issues with your team's players. Now, this game is a show of our soccer playing skills. We'll use it to resolve this conflict. Ah, we see! They look very intent. From their tidy uniforms and friendly faces, I can feel deeply their sincerity and the strength of their spirit. Thank you! It's okay, nothing to worry about. I'm an auto mechanic. I use this crescent wrench to screw things down. You understand, don't you? Yes, of course. Ah, as I already explained, Because I'm an auto mechanic, that's the reason why I've got a hammer. Okay, okay. Your team's style... ...is infamous in the amateur soccer world. I understand. Well, it's just an undeserved reputation. Looks like the sky's getting cloudy... Okay. Anyway, take care of yourselves. Shake hands, please! Pass it! Help! Third Big Brother! Calling military headquarters, we just suffered an overwhelming attack. Send for reinforcements! Send for reinforcements! Stand up. Stand up! Get up quickly! Come on, get up! What are you doing? Coach, they're lawless. Why don't you stop them? I'm the referee. I'm not supposed to stop them. What's the meaning of this? Do you want us to sacrifice ourselves? Alright, you! Out! Are you nuts? This is a test. If you guys can't pass it, there's no way you're playing soccer again! We're just playing soccer. We're not fighting a battle. Real soccer games are battles. I surrender! I surrender! I surrender! If you had the guts to ask us to play, why do you want to surrender? Are you trying to mess with me? I can't take it anymore. My bones feel oken. I'm a pitiful creature! Please let me go see a doctor! Put it on your head! Look at you. You look like a dog. Don't you have any self-respect? I don't want to see your face again. Put it on your head quickly and go see your doctor. Yes, I'm a dog. I don't have any self-respect. First Big Brother is coming back. What are you talking about? I can feel their Kung Fu coming back. - Do we have any weapons left? - Not anymore! Okay then, Final Attack! Oh, for crying out loud! I missed it! Help! Thank you, Brother! You made us get our Kung Fu back. Thank you for coming back! Thank you! Stop with the groveling. I'm the one who needs to thank all of you guys. You're going to make me filthy stinkin' rich! Thank you! We're the losers. But please give us the opportunity... ...to join your team! Please! Please, give us a chance. Well, that was a pretty good sized explosion. The Evil Team will be the world champions for sure. Yes? Who is it? The cripple? -Why not? -I'm sorry. Look, I played professional soccer for years, -you want to stop me? -The person in charge isn't here right now. Golden Leg! What are you doing? - Hung! - Hung, heh... Okay... Hung, my team wants to sign up for the soccer tournament! It's an open competition, everyone has the right to sign up. You're wrong. I'm the chairman. I have the right to decide who can sign up. - Do you understand? - Yes. What's the name of your team? Come over here! This is Hung. Hung! Get a load of this soccer team! I'm dying to watch them play! What's the name again? This is Shaolin... OK... Hurry and sign them up. I really want to watch these guys. If you'd like, I'll even pay your application fee. Thank you! No problem! You, my lame friend, are like a other to me. Ah, look at that. My shoe is dirty again. White gets dirty easily. So... I'll help you clean it up! I'm good at cleaning. Let me do it! This is a job for me! Hey! Let me do it! What a pack of idiots Hi! What are you doing? Who are you? Where are we going? Why are you so quiet? I need to go home. Hey, we've been waiting a long time for you. I'm sorry. Please, give me just a few minutes. Try this one. No. I just want to see the quality of it. Touch it. I'll get it dirty. - No problem. Go ahead. - No... - Touch it. - No. - How's that? - It's so smooth. - I promise I'll buy one for you. - I touched it already. That's enough. Tomorrow, I'm going to start playing in the soccer tournament. Really? I'm going to become a famous star player. But if you hadn't helped me to repair these... I'd never have been able to play. You know, you're so important to me. Tell me whatever you want. I'll be able to pay for it very soon. If you become rich and famous, please buy me some sneakers. No problem! But you should have more confidence. I mean, really, you're a beautiful girl, you're good at Kung Fu. You know, you're perfect. You shouldn't let your hair hang down so it covers your face like that. Come on. - Come on. Look at me. - No... Look at me! You're so beautiful! Really? Yes, of course. Was it a fly? Yes. But I didn't get it. Did you get it that time? I did. I'm sorry. I got your hand all dirty. No problem. You know, you're a real beautiful girl. Don't you know that? Yes. I do. Thank you! Thanks so much! Don't you forget it! Hey, where are you going? I let you ing a girl in here because you promised me you'd clean the store. Hurry up! If you don't finish the job on time, I'll get in trouble. Go on home. I'll call you later. Okay? Remember! You should have confidence. You're the best. That's a nice shirt. I like your socks, too. - Let's switch clothes. - Good idea... Come on, guys! Haven't you ever done this before? Just pretend it's training as usual. There'll be hundreds of reporters and spectators outside. You guys need to keep smiling... ...and let the reporters take pictures with us. You also need to say hi and thank the fans for their support. Thank you! Thank you! Thanks for your support! Thank you! They're just the cleaners. Cleaners are part of the audience too. Thank you! Shut up! This auditorium is so small and empty. You said... This is just the first round. So we need to play well and get into the finals. - Great! Get into the finals! - Shut up! Shaolin Team? Look at this guy! Look at that guy! What's wrong? No smoking here? What just happened? That's impossible! Just an illusion! What are you doing? It's okay, just an illusion. I think we should show off our real power. Great! What's wrong? Please don't play like that! I really want to play soccer! Hung, call for you. I'm not scared. It's just an illusion. What? Forty to nothing? Is this a joke? Yeah! Goal! Yes! Iron Head! Yes, we use Shaolin Kung Fu to play soccer. So Kung Fu is great, wonderful! - We lie low... - And... I want to thank my parents and my Shaolin master. Even though they've already passed away. I also want to thank my good friend, Mui. Mui...How are you? Did you have dinner already? Hello! Can I help you? I want... Say no more. Let me take care of you! Would you mind showing us your Kung Fu? Yes, of course. Sixth Small Brother? 1, 2, 3! Awesome! Can you show us something else? - Sure! - Big Brother, one more please. Hey hey, take it easy! My Brothers, Today we say goodbye to our old sneakers. Don't throw stuff around here! Sorry... Mui? What's up? I can't believe the way you look. Really? I know what you're trying to do. What? Don't be getting any ideas. You can't frighten me. I'm not afraid of ghosts! What do you mean? Uh, nothing. This is for you. I think... I think I've changed a bit. You'd better believe it. You've got confidence now. I want to tell you something. What's that? I like you! I like you, too! Is this love? You... You're kidding, right? No. I'm serious. Absolutely not. This isn't love. We're friends, forever... Don't you think we're good together? Sure! We're fine. So, you'll come to see me often? If your shoes get oken, I'll help you fix them again. No, thanks. If my shoes get oken, I'll just throw them away. We should look forward to the future. I won't wear oken shoes again. Don't be like this. What's wrong? Why are you crying? Don't do this. I understand. Goodbye! Hey, come on over! - Mui, you're looking nice today. - Cheers! After we win this game, we'll be going to the finals. Going to the finals! But we can't underestimate our opponent! Underestimate our opponent! We're the more powerful team. We won't let you get into the finals. Holy cow! How'd they do that? Must be special effects? Good morning, Hung! Good morning! Come on over here and sit down! You're a lucky man, Very lucky to have such a great team. Thank you. Looks like Iron Head and Iron Shirt have even become quite popular. It's been amusing watching your guys use Kung Fu to play soccer and get all the way to the finals. You've done a good job. Hurry up, don't waste our time! Give up the finals and join my Evil Team! It's not a dirty ibe. You can get the money before you sign on with me. This is a lot of money. I could probably eak my left leg and retire on this. Why not! We're others. Thank you. But I don't think I can accept this. What? Do you think I'm trying to intimidate you? I think your team has great potential. Maybe we could join together. Don't get upset so easily. Think about your future. Forget our rivalry. Okay? Hung, I wasn't thinking of our rivalry. I know it was all my fault. I can't blame anyone else. You're lying! I know you too well. You're too greedy! You're right! I am greedy. My team is greedy, too. But we don't have an insatiable greed for money. We have an insatiable greed for the championship. See you on the soccer field. Stop! Wait just a minute! Thank you! Mui! She died already! How come? I killed her! What! Mui is the master-hand of Tai Chi. She must not be treated unjustly! What do you want? Revenge! Don't be silly! I'm just joking! She's still alive. She just doesn't work here anymore. Why? You know, my little store is well-known for sweet steamed ead. But now the steamed ead... she makes has become salty and bitter. She's been ruining my business. I didn't have another choice. Salty and bitter? Yes. What's your name? Can I help? No, thanks. Come on, we've got to go! Boss, how many goals do you expect to score today? Scoring goals isn't the only way to win. I've got a great plan for winning today. Impossible. Those American drugs are absolutely incredible! And with the referees, linesmen, soccer association, soccer federation and soccer committee... all in my pocket. How can they fight against me? No problem! - Great! - Way to go! Wonderful! Throw-in? He did that on purpose! How can you call that a throw-in? Hung, are you fighting, or playing soccer? Yes, we are. So what? I oughta eak all your legs and turn all of you into cripples. Cripples! Cripples! How are you gonna fight against me? I'm sorry I have to leave the game. It's okay. You're just leaving us physically, but your spirit will stay in our hearts forever. Move over! It's my turn. Sixth Small Brother! What's going on? Why don't you stop them? It's only halftime, and all your guys are badly injured! How are you going to play the second half? Go home! There's no way you guys can play the second half! There's nothing interesting going on, Maybe I should go down there and dance to give them a show. No! It's not your show. It's mine! Damn you! Break it up! You guys must not want to play anymore! Who did that? Who saw that? Hit me in the face, if you're ave enough! Rub gently. I can't believe they're even more out of control than I am. I can't believe that... my reputation has been ruined. I figured they'd try to do something to us, but even I can't believe how cruel they've been. The Evil Team isn't that great. They must have taken drugs or some kind of injection. Call the police! Look, We've got to try our best to keep going. We'll win in the end! My house is on fire, I've gotta run! I'm sorry. My mom is giving birth prematurely right now. I need to go home and take care of her. Can't you ask her to wait until the end of the game? You can't give up now! They're not playing soccer. They're killing us! I'm begging you. Please don't leave us! I'm begging you back. Please let me go! Calm down! Calm down! Yes, he's right! We have to keep going. Now, we only have eight players left. If one more player gets injured, we'll forfeit. We have to try our best to defend against their killer kick. Why should WE? If YOU defend one killer kick, then I'll play defense for three What are you talking about? Calm down! Calm down! Shut up! I'm not sure if I can defend against it. Shaolin Lu Han Array! Array? Can't stand against a shot like that! - Are you okay? - I'm fine! Chun! - Tin? - Yes. I've been keeping a secret from you for many years, but I really wanted to tell you right now. Chun, I love you! Do you think we're being too cruel? - I don't think so. - Really? So we can be harsher! Brothers! Go! What the? Be careful! Watch out! Give me a eak! Hurry and get up! Quit acting like you're hurt! Yeah, you're a genius! I'm just fine. The game's almost over! Use the final attack! Final attack? Yes! That's it. Now you guys... ...can't even stall for time. Game over! Shaolin Team. You've only got seven players left. If you don't have any substitute players, I'll stop the game... and announce that the game's over. Any substitute players? - Congratulations. - Thank you. I'm ready! I'm the substitute player. I'm the goalkeeper. What are you making out like E.T. for? I didn't know how to cut my hair, so I thought it'd be easier to shave it. What for? I want to help you. How can you help us? Go back to Mars, Earth is too dangerous. I really want to help you. Trust me! Let me try! - No way! - Look, your shoes are oken. Put these on. The OTHER side. Go! Alright! Watch out! What happened? What just happened? Boss, watch out? Damn it! Boss! Boss! Shaolin Team wins the championship. Evil Team gets permanent suspension for drug use. Coach Hung gets 5 year prison sentence. Wait! Stop the bus!
- Over here! - Grunts Yelling, Cheering, Hooting Yeah! Too tall! Too tall! - Jayne! - Little man! Yelling Continues - Ah! - Yes! Jayne Come on, little man. Ha ha. Shoot it. Yelling, Laughing Right behind you-- Yeah! Jayne Shouting, Indistinct Hello. Who's winning? I can't really tell. They don't seem to be playing by any civilized rules that I know. Well, we're pretty far from civilization. Inara How's your sister? She's good. Better. She has her days... and she still won't talk about what it was that they did to her at the academy. Inara Perhaps she's not sure herself. Open! ! Good eye! Good eye! She dreams about it. I know that much. - Nightmares. - Wash Grunting Right behind you. And now, on the run, on this ship... I don't know if I'll be able to help her here, and I need to help her. Simon, you are. Leaving your whole world behind? That's incredibly selfless. - Jayne Nice. - Yeah. - Shouting, Grunting Continues - I selflessly turned us both into wanted fugitives. Well, we're all running from something, I suppose. - Alarm Sounding - Proximity alert. We must be coming up on something. Oh, my God. What can it be? We're all doomed! Who's flying this thing? Oh, right. That would be me. Uh, back to work. - That makes us one man short. - Little Kaylee's always one man short. Ow! Hey! Say, Doc, why don't you come on down, play for our side. Inara won't mind. Beeps ! Wash, you have a stroke or something? - Near enough. - What happened? - Speaks Chinese - Anybody home? I've been hailing her, but if whoever's there is as healthy as the guy we just ran over... I can't imagine anybody's gonna be picking up. Bring us in a little closer. Get you close enough to ring the doorbell. What is it? It's a ghost. Take my love, take my land Take me where I cannot stand I don't care, I'm still free You can't take the sky from me Take me out to the black Tell them I ain't comin'back Burn the land and boil the sea You can't take the sky from me There's no place I can be Since I've found serenity But you can't take the sky from me Mal So, what do we figure? Transport ship? Converted cargo hauler. Maybe a short-range scow. You can see she don't wanna be parked like that. The port thrust's gone, and that's what's making her spin the way she is. A short-range vessel this far out into space? Retrofitted to carry passengers. Travelers pick them up cheap at government auction. A few modifications... and they serve well enough for a one-way push to the outer planets. Settlers. Cram 15, 20 families on a boat that size, you pack 'em in tight enough. - Families? - Tell you what I think. I figure that fella we run into did everyone on board. Killed 'em all. Then he decided to take a swim, see how fast his blood would boil out his ears. You're a very up person. - Shouldn't we report this? - To who? The Alliance? Right. They're gonna run right out here lickety-split and make sure these taxpayers are okay. Then we'll have to. If there's folks in need of help, why aren't they beamin' no distress call? - It's true. There's no beacon. - Which means it's likely no one's looking to find her. All the more reason for us to do the right thing. How's about you just say a prayer when we slide on by? Shall I remind you of the story of the Good Samaritan? I'd rather you didn't. But we'll check it out. Could be survivors, and if not, well, then... no one's gonna mind if we see if there's not something of value they might've left behind. Yeah-- No, uh, someone could be hurt. Buzzer Where do you think you're headed? Thought I'd offer my services... in case anyone on board required medical attention. Well, the captain and Zoe are goin' in first. We'll holler if we need ya. - Somethin' wrong? - Hmm? Oh. No. No, I-- Well, I suppose it's just the thought of a little Mylar and glass... being the only thing separating a person from... nothing. It's impressive what nothing can do to a man. Like that feller we bumped into. He's likely stuck up under our belly about now. That's what space trash does-- kinda latches on the first big somethin' stops long enough. Hey, now. That'd be a bit like you and your sister, wouldn't it? Buzzer Entering adjoining air lock now. Okay, Wash, ask Serenity to knock for us. Buzzer Emergency power's up. Dashboard light. Mal Whatever happened here happened quick. Everything was left on. Ship powered down on its own. No sign of a struggle. - They're just-- - Gone. Sir. Personal log. Someone was in the middle of an entry. - Loud Static Burst - Gasps Panting, Whimpering Sobbing - Sobbing Continues - Shh, shh, shh. It's okay. It's okay. I'm here. Continues Panting, Sobbing Bad dreams again? I-- I can't sleep. There's too much screaming. River, there is-- there is no screaming. Whispers There was. Hey. Grab your med kit. Let's hoof it. Mal wants us both over there on the double. They found survivors? Didn't say. Right. Uh, I-I'll ask Inara to look in on River. Whatever. I ain't waitin'. I'll meet you over there. But don't take forever. Still gotta get suited up. Buzzer - Door Slams - Gasps Labored Breathing Hi. Grunting Panting Um, what are you doing here? And what's with the suit? Continues Panting You're hilarious. Simon Sadist. All right, enough. Ain't got time for games. As long as you're here, you may as well lend a hand. You can roll with Kaylee. Let's be quick about this. A few loads each. No need to be greedy. Where are all the people? Ship says lifeboat launched more than a week ago. We're gonna assume everyone got off okay. Anyway, we're just here to pick the bones. You two start in the engine room. Jayne, you take the galley. You, um, have this on wrong. Laughs Sir, I count 16 families signed on. Lifeboat wouldn't hold a third of that. I know. Wash, any luck? Think I found something that pretty well matches that class. The layout looks about right. Seems to me any valuables, if there are any... would likely be stored somewhere... C-Deck, aft. Good work. Keep the engine running. We shouldn't be long. River? It's Inara. Are you hungry, sweetie? River? Simon Aren't you the least bit curious? About what? Well, what happened here. I mean, why would anybody abandon their ship in the middle of nowhere like this? For all sorts of reasons. Just not mechanical. - What? - There ain't nothin' wrong with this. Not that I can see, anyhow. Whoo. Chuckles Well, there's a good one. Grunts Hold the bag open. This looks to be it. Beeping Locked. Well, now, I'd say that's like to be a very good sign. Mal Here. Gen-seed, protein, crop supplements. Everything a growing family needs... to make a fresh start on a new world. Hard subsidies for 14-plus families. - That's-- - About a fortune. Forget the rest. We just take this stuff. Gonna need a hand hauling it out of here. Sir, even on a lifeboat... you'd think those who escaped would find room for some of this. Mal Nobody escaped. Zoe Sir? Nobody. My God. Speaks Chinese I know what did this. Get her out of here. Jayne? Mal Jayne, drop what you're doing and get to the engine room. Take Kaylee and the doctor off this boat. Don't ask questions. Yelling Mal On Radio Jayne? Captain? Captain. Zoe! Came from above, sir. The galley. - What? - Kaylee We heard shootin'. River, what are you-- I followed the voices. - Don't ever leave the ship. Not ever. - Handle her, will you, son? - Wash On Radio What in the Chinese is going on? - Not now, dear. What'd you see? Panting Didn't. Came at me from behind. Big, though. Strong. - I think I might have hit him. - You did. Man No. No, no. Mal Shh. Easy, now. No one's gonna hurt you. - No. No mercy. No. - Any more than we already did. - No mercy. - We got lots of mercy. We got lots and lots of-- Groans Simon Oh,yes. He's a real beast. It's a wonder you're still alive. Looked bigger when I couldn't see him. I wonder how long he'd been living like that. Don't know. He must be real ave to survive like that when nobody else did. Sniffs Yeah. Real hero, killin' all them people. Kaylee What? No, we don't believe that. We don't, do we? Captain wouldn't have ought him on board, were that the case. Simon Pulse is rapid. Blood pressure's high side of normal-- to be expected. Weak. They were all weak. Other than the bullet wound, there doesn't appear to be any exterior trauma. Though that crack to the head you gave him probably didn't do him any good. Grunts, Panting Cattle. Cattle for the slaughter. Dope him. - I don't think that-- - Just do it. No mercy. No resistance. Groans - Grunting - Needle Gun Hisses Open up. See what's inside. Panting Whispers No mercy. So? How's our patient? Uh, aside from borderline malnutrition... he's in remarkably good health. So he'll live, then? Which, to my mind, is unfortunate. Not a very charitable attitude, Captain. - Charity'd be putting a bullet in his ainpan. - Mal! It'd save him the suffering. All right. No one goes in here. Nothing more we can do for him, not after what he's seen. - What do you mean? - That ship was hit by reavers. - Reavers? - Speaks Chinese Inara Mal, how can you know? Jayne He don't, that's how. No way. It was that other fella, the one we run into. Like I said before, he went stir crazy, killed the rest, then took a walk in space. - Just a second ago, you said-- - Don't matter what I said. Wasn't reavers. Reavers don't leave no survivors. Strictly speaking, I wouldn't say they did. What are you suggesting? Don't matter we took him off that boat, Shepherd. It's the place he's gonna live from now on. I don't accept that. Whatever horror he witnessed, whatever acts of barbarism... it was done by men, nothing more. - Reavers ain't men. - Of course they are. Too long removed from civilization, perhaps, but men. And I believe there's a power greater than men. A power that heals. Reavers might take issue with that philosophy... if they had a philosophy... and if they weren't too busy gnawing on your insides. Jayne's right. Reavers ain't men. Or they forgot how to be. Come to just nothin'. They got out to the edge of the galaxy, to that place of nothin'... and that's what they became. Why are we still sittin' here? If it was reavers, shouldn't we be gone? Work ain't done. Still substantial money value sittin' over there. Oh, I ain't goin' over there with them bodies. No ruttin' way. Not if reavers messed with 'em. Jayne, you'll scare the women. Simon I'll go. - I've dealt with bodies. They don't worry me. - I'd like to go with him. Maybe see what I can do about putting those folks to rest. Those folks are already restin' pretty good, Shepherd. Reavers saw to that. How we treat our dead is part of what makes us different... than those did the slaughtering. All right. You go say your words. Jayne, you'll help the doctor and Shepherd Book cut down those people. - Then you'll load up the cargo. - I don't believe this. We're sittin' put for a funeral? Yes, Jayne, that is exactly what we're gonna do. Not gonna have these people lookin' over my shoulder once we're gone. I ain't sayin' there's any peace to be had... but on the off chance there is, those folks deserve a little of it. Just when I think I've got you figured out. That was real pretty, Captain, what you just said. Didn't think you were one for rituals and such. I'm not. But I figure it'll keep the others busy for a while. No reason to concern them with what's to be done. Sir? Sir? Mal It's a real burden being right so often. - What is that? - Booby trap. Reavers sometimes leave 'em for the rescue ships. - Triggered it when we latched on. - And when we detach? It blows. Okay, so we don't detach. We just, I don't know, sit tight until-- What, reavers come back? Looks like they've jerry-rigged it with a pressure catch. It's the only thing that'd work with all these spare parts. We could probably bypass that easy, we get to the D.C. line. You tell me right now, little Kaylee. You really think you can do this? Sure. Yeah. I think so. Besides, if I mess up, it's not like you'll be able to yell at me. Nervous Chuckle No. No! Mutters No mercy. Panting Laughing ! ! Whimpers - Ohh! Continues Whimpering - Shh. - Loud Crash - Screaming Grunts What's goin' on? Well, right at this particular moment, I have to say, not a thing. - Right? - Kaylee Not a gorram thing. Looked like a thing to me. Thought we might have had a situation, but it looks to be taken care of. Let's get that merchandise put away. Everyone's home, Wash. Let's go. Alarm Sounding No, no, don't you say that. It's the reavers. - The gorram reavers come back. - Get that stuff stored. - Like it's gonna matter! -Just do it! Alarm Continues Reavers? Man Over Speaker Firefly-class transport... you are ordered to release control of your helm. Prepare to dock and be boarded. Looks like civilization finally caught up with us. Crew Member Initiate molecular run. No mandatory registration markings on the bow. Make sure we cite them for that. Sir, we've identified the transport ship they were attached to. It was licensed to a group of families out of Bernadette. They were due to touch down in Newhall three weeks ago. Never made it. Once we secure these vultures, we'll send a team over, check it out. Sir, didn't we have a flag on a Firefly a while back? Check. Oh, here it is. An alert issued on an unidentified Firefly-class... believed to be carrying two fugitives-- a other and sister. What are they wanted for? It's not available. It's classified. Forty thousand of these old wrecks in the air, and that's all they give us. Well, I'm not about to have any surprises on a routine check. We run into these two, we shoot first. Brass can sort it out later. - So what was it? - Open the stash, pull out the goods. - I just got done putting it in. - Now I'm telling you take it out again. - Why for? - I got no notion to argue this. In about two minutes, this boat's gonna be crawling with Alliance. No. - We've gotta run. - Can't. They're pulling us in. If they find us, they'll send River back to that place to be tortured. I'd never see her again. Stack everything in plain sight. Wouldn't want it to seem like we got anything to hide. Might give them Alliance boys the wrong impression. - Or the right one. - That too. - Now, go fetch your sister. - What? Why? Are you gonna put her in plain sight too? Don't get touchy. Just do as I say. Is that why you let us stay, so you could use us as bargaining chips? - Knew there was a reason. - You are not giving her to them. Don't be a fool, son. Do as the man says. Well, quite a lot of fuss. If I didn't know better, I'd think we were dangerous. - Is this your vessel? - It is. Bought and paid for. I'm Captain Malcolm Reynolds. - And is this everyone, Captain? - By way of crew, it is. Though in our infirmary,you're gonna find a fella we rescued off that derelict. Saved him, guess you could say. Mmm. Straight to the back, next to the common area. And these items, you rescued them as well? Man Cackling Looks to me like an illegal salvage operation. It does? That's discouraging. Alliance property too. You could lose your ship. But that is a wrist slap compared to the penalty for harboring fugitives. A other and sister. When I search this vessel, I won't find them, will I? No children on this boat. Mmm. I didn't say children. Siblings. Adult siblings. - I misunderstood. - Mmm. No chance they could have stowed away? No one would blame you for that, Captain. I know how these older-model Fireflies tend to have those troublesome little nooks. Do they? Smugglers and the like tend to prefer them just for that reason. Whispering We will continue this conversation in a more official capacity. I want every inch of this junker tossed. - Junker? - Settle down, Kaylee. But, Captain, did you hear what that purple-belly called Serenity? Mal Shut up. Man Get him outta here. - Commander You are a Companion. - Inara Yes. And you were based for years on Sihnon. It's only in the last year that you've been shipping out with The Serenity? It's just Serenity, and that's correct. In a few weeks it will be a year. - Why is this important? - I'm just trying to put the pieces together. It's a, uh-- It's a curiosity... a woman of stature such as yourself... falling in with... these types. Not in the least. It's a mutually beneficial business arrangement. I rent the shuttle from Capt. Reynolds, which allows me to expand my client base... and the captain finds that having a Companion on board... opens certain doors that might otherwise be closed to him. - And do you love him? - I don't see how that's relevant. - Well, he is your husband. - Yes. You two met through Capt. Reynolds? Captain was looking for a pilot. I found a husband. Seemed to work out. - You fought with Reynolds in the war? - Fought with a lot of people. - And your husband. - Fight with him sometimes too. Is there any particular reason you don't wish to discuss your marriage? Don't see that it's any of your business is all. We're very private people. Wash The legs. Chuckling Oh, yeah. Definitely have to say it was her legs. You can put that down. Her legs, and right where her legs meet her back. Actually, that whole area. That, and above it. Six gerstlers crammed under every cooling drive... so that you strain your primary artery function... and you end up having to recycle secondary exhaust through a bypass system... just so's you don't end up pumping it through the main atmofeed... and asphyxiating the entire crew. Now, that's junk. Have you seen what she wears? Forget about it. Have you ever been with a warrior woman? Pirates. Pirates with their own chaplain. There's an oddity. Not the only oddity this end of space, Commander... where things aren't always so plain as on the central planets. Rules can be a mite fuzzier. These fugitives that we're looking for-- the other and the sister. - They were last seen on Persephone. - That a fact? They also left port aboard a Firefly-class transport... just about the same time that you shipped out with Serenity. Well, Persephone's a big place. Yes. Yes, it is. And that Firefly isn't. And if anyone's hiding anywhere on it... we will find them. So, I figure by now you been over to the derelict, seen for yourself. Yes. Terrible thing. If you want my advice, you won't tow it back. Just fire the whole gorram thing from space, be done with it. That ship is evidence. I'm not in the habit of destroying evidence. Course not. Be against the rules. I'm gonna make a leap here... and figure this is your first tour out here on the border. Sniffs It's a very loyal crew you have there. But then, I can tell by your record... you have a-- a tendency to inspire that quality in people... Sergeant. It's not sergeant. Not anymore. War's over. For some, the war'll never be over. I notice your ship's called Serenity. You were stationed on Hara at the end of the war. Battle of Serenity Valley took place there, if I recall. I believe you might be right. Independents suffered a pretty crushing defeat there. Some say that after Serenity the owncoats were through... that the war ended in that valley. Hmm. Seems odd you'd name your ship after a battle you were on the wrong side of. May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one. Is that why you attacked that transport? - What? - You're still fighting the same battle. Only those weren't soldiers you murdered. They were civilians, families, citizens loyal to the Alliance... trying to make a new life, and you just can't stand that, can you? So we attacked that ship, then ought the only survivor to our infirmary. Is that what we did? I'd ask him... only I'm not sure he'll be able to speak with his tongue split down the middle. Mutters In Chinese I haven't seen that kind of torture since-- well, since the war. - I should have known. - You and your crew are bound by law. Formal charges will be transmitted to central authority. Commander, I'm not what you need to be concerned about right now. Things go the way they are, there's gonna be blood. - Get him down! Let's start the pressure. - Nurses, Attendants Shouting Get a line in. Go. - All right. - Come on, go. Screams Reavers? That is what I said. You can't imagine how many times men in my position hear that excuse-- Reavers did it. - It's the truth. - You saw them, did you? - Wouldn't be sittin' here talkin' to you if I had. - No, of course not. I'll tell you who did-- that poor bastard you took off my ship. He looked right into the face of it and was made to stare. - It. - The darkness. The kind of darkness you can't even imagine. Blacker than the space it moves through. Very poetic. They made him watch. He probably tried to turn away. They wouldn't let him. You call him a survivor. He's not. A man comes up against that kind of will... the only way to deal with it, I suspect, is to become it. He's following the only course left to him. First he'll try to make himself look like one. Cut on himself, desecrate his flesh. And then... he'll start actin' like one. - Beep - Sniffs Let's have two M.P.s up here to escort Sergeant Reynolds to the ig. Let's go again. Later... maybe. The captain said once the coast is clear... we should lay low in the shuttle. - Come on. - Coming back. Yes. Yes, of course he is. They all are. Your ship and its contents will be auctioned. The proceeds of the sale will be applied to the cost of your defense. Whispering Get him out of here. Go to full lockdown. I want guards on the nursery. It won't matter. You won't find him. But I know where he'll go. Wait, no. Don't. Don't. River, it's okay. Wait. Wait... here. They've gone. Come on. - Don't-- Whimpers - River, it's okay. No. - Come on. - No. Don't-- Whimpers You don't have to be afraid. Why would he come back here? Looking for familiar ground. He's on the hunt. All right, let's get him to the ig. - No, no, no. I should go with you. - That's out of the question. How many more men you feel like losing today, Commander? Nobody knows Serenity like I do. I can help you. We let him go first. Right. You want to, uh-- Thanks. Now I'll really have the advantage. We don't know how long it's going to be. I don't think we should move around much. I'm just gonna grab some food-- - Whimpering Softly - Someone's coming. - Screams - Soldier Groans Grunting, Yelling Neck Snaps Panting You save his gorram life. He still takes the cargo. Speaks Chinese He had to. Couldn't let us profit. Wouldn't be civilized. Grr! Arrgh!
- Men Laughing - Belly Dancing Music Your move. - That's a bold move. - I live on the edge. - Nice work, dumb ass. - Chuckling I've given some thought to moving off the edge. Not an ideal location. - Might get a place in the middle. - Man Toast. Toast. Quiet. Shut up. Music Stops I'm, uh-- I got words. I'm saying this... is an ass-picious day. We all know what day it is. Suspicious? What day is it? A glorious day for all the proud members of the allied planets. - Unification Day! - Man Yeah,yeah. The end of the scumbag independents... and the dawn of a new galaxy. - Yeah. - Captain. Just feel the need for another drink. What month is it? Speaking Chinese Hey. You gonna drink to the Alliance with me? Six years today... the Alliance sent the owncoats runnin'... pissin' their pants. You know, your coat is kind of a ownish color. It was on sale. You didn't toast. I'm thinkin' you're one of them independents. And I'm thinking you weren't burdened with an overabundance of schooling. So why don't we just ignore each other till we go away? The independents were a bunch of cowardly, in ed piss pots. Should've been killed off of every world spinnin'. - Glass Thumps On Counter - Say that to my face. I said... you're a coward and a piss pot. Now, what are you gonna do about it? Nothin'. I just wanted you to face me so she could get behind you. Drunks are so cute. Oh. Speaking Chinese Woman Jayne? Hey, I didn't fight in no war. Best o' luck though. Fine. Let's do this. Shouting Wash, we got some local color happening. Grand entrance would not go amiss. Is Jayne even awake? Whoa, whoa. Ha-ha. Oh, ho-ho. There's just an acre of you fellas, isn't there? This is why we lost, you know. Superior numbers. Thanks for the reenactment, sir. Jayne Hey, hey. Them ain't kosherized rules. I'm thinkin' somebody needs to put you down, dog. - What do you think? - I'm thinkin' we'll rise again. Man Over Loudspeaker Every man there go back inside... or we will blow a new crater in this little moon. Damn yokels can't even tell a transport ship ain't got no guns on it. Blow a new crater in this moon. Laughing My thanks, Wash. Nice save, as always. - A pleasure. - And how are our passengers? They're fine. So, what happened? Another terrible awl? - Oddly enough, there was. - Are you getting my wife into trouble? Wha-- I didn't start it. - I just wanted a quiet drink. - Funny, sir... how you always seem to find yourself in an Alliance-friendly bar come U Day... - looking for a quiet drink. - See, this is another sign of your tragic space dementia... all paranoid and crotchety-- eaks the heart. - Did we at least make a contact? - Ladies and menfolk, we have ourselves a job. Take us out of the world, Wash. Got us some crime to be done. Take my love, take my land Take me where I cannot stand I don't care, I'm still free You can't take the sky from me Take me out to the black Tell them I ain't comin'back Burn the land and boil the sea You can't take the sky from me There's no place I can be Since I've found serenity But you can't take the sky from me Whimpering - Screaming - Instruments Clattering River? - River, it's okay. - Sobbing It's me. - You know who I am? - Exhales Simon. Were you dreaming? - Did you dream about the academy? - It's not relevant. If you can talk about what happened there-- I know it's hard, but the more I know, the faster you'll get better. This isn't home? No. No, we can't go home. If we go home, they'll just send you back to the academy. This is safe for now. We're on a ship. Midbulk transport. Standard radion accelerator core... class-code 03-K64. - Firefly. - Well, that's something. I can't even remember all that. - Simon Need a weave on that? - It's nothin'. I expect that someone's face feels differently. Well, they tell ya, never hit a man with a closed fist... but it is, on occasion, hilarious. Hmm. I suppose so. So, the, uh-- the fight didn't... draw any, um, any attention? No feds. Just an honest awl between folk. None of us want the Alliance on us, Doctor. That's why you're here. I thought I was here because you needed a medic. Well, not today. Mal. Bad. In Latin. - Shepherd Book. - Captain. - How's the girl? - Still a little whimsical in the ainpan. - Seems calm enough though. - Instruments Clattering - Mm-hmm. - That young man's very ave. Yeah. He's my hero. Gave up everything to free his sister from that place. Go from being a doctor on the central planets... to hiding on the fringes of the system. There's not many would do that. Suppose not. There's not many would take him in either. - Why did you? - Same reason I took you on board, Shepherd. - I need the fare. - Chuckles There's neither of us can pay a tenth of what your crew makes on one of your jobs. Are you referring to our perfectly legitimate business enterprises? I'm wondering why a man so anxious to fly under Alliance radar... would house known fugitives. The Alliance had her in that institution for a purpose... whatever it was, and they will want her back. You're not overly fond of the boy, so why risk it? Because it's the right thing to do. Oh, would you look at this. - Kaylee. - I'm beginning to wonder if you yourself... know why you're doing it. What about you, Shepherd? How come you're flying about with us igands? I mean, shouldn't you be off inging religiosity to the fuzzy-wuzzies or some such? Oh, I got heathens aplenty right here. If I'm your mission, Shepherd, best give it up. You're welcome on my boat. God ain't. Where in the hell's that girl? Do you want me to put it up? - No, that's okay. - You have such lovely hair. I'm sure the doctor would agree. Who? Simon? No, he's much too-- I mean, I'm just-- Do you think it looks better up? Chuckles We can experiment. We might even get wild later and wash your face. You ever do this for your clients? Very occasionally. Not all of them have enough hair to get a ush through. Have you ever had to service a really hideous client... with boils and the like? A Companion chooses her own clients. That's guild law. But physical appearance doesn't matter so terribly. You look for compatibility of spirit. There's an energy about a person that's difficult to hide. - You try to feel that-- - And then you... try to feel the energy of their credit account. It has a sort of aura. What did I say to you about barging into my shuttle? That it was manly and impulsive? Yes, precisely. Only the exact phrase I used was don't. Well, you're holding my mechanic in thrall, and, Kaylee, what's going on in the engine room? Were there monkeys? Some terrifying space monkeys maybe got loose? I had to rewire the grav thrust... because somebody won't replace that crappy compression coil. Get the place squared away. It's dangerous in there, and I ain't payin' you to get your hair played at. Speaking Chinese We work before we play. - You're servicing crew now? - Snickers In your lonely, pathetic dreams. What do you want? - We have a job. - Congratulations. This job wouldn't be on a decently civilized planet... where I could screen some respectable clients, perhaps? Respectable clients. That seems a contradiction. Don't start. There's, um-- We haven't got a location yet. We'll be landing on a skyplex in a bit. - Run by a fella called Niska. - Never heard of him. Well, I have, and while we're there, you'll stay confined to the ship. Is the petty criminal perchance ashamed to be riding with a Companion? Niska has a very unlovely rep. He's got work for me, fine. But I don't-- I'm not sure you'd be safe. Mal, if you're being a gentleman, I may die of shock. Hmm. - Have you got time to do my hair? - Out. Man Is fine. Crow, they can come in. Eh, Malcolm Reynolds is which? I'm Captain Reynolds. My first mate Zoe. This is Jayne. Very nice. I am Adelai Niska. You have seen Crow. He loves to stand at the door to say, Boo. We got word you might have a job for us. Yes! Yes, an exciting job. A train... has, uh, something I need. You have worked a train before? - We did a few. - Are you going to ask me what it is I need? As a rule, no. Yes. Good. You have reputation. Malcolm Reynolds gets it done is the talk. Well, glad to hear that. You know what is reputation? Is people talking. Is gossip. Uh-- I also have reputation. Not so pleasant, I think you know. Crow. Now, for you, my reputation is not from gossip. You see this man? Uh, he does not do the job. I show you what I do with him... and now my reputation for you is fact. Is solid. You do the train job for me. Then you are solid. - No more gossip. - Right. Ooh. You do not like I kill this man. - Hmm. - Oh, no. I'm sure he was a... very bad person. My wife's nephew. At dinner I'm getting earful. There is no way out of that. So-- Oh! The train job. Come in. Here, in fifth car, two boxes. Alliance goods. You don't mind taking from Alliance, I think. From your reputation? You get on train at Hancock, headed for Paradiso. You take boxes off before you reach Paradiso... and deliver to Crow... here. Half money now. Crow give you other half at rendezvous point. Anything goes wrong, then your reputation only gossip... and things between us... not so solid. Yes? - How long till we hit Paradiso? - Another 20 minutes. We should be in the foothills in five. Let's get to work. He's a psycho, you know. Niska. He's not the first psycho to hire us. Nor the last. You think that's a commentary on us? I just have an image in my head of a guy hanging from the ceiling. I got an image of it not being me. Let's do the thing. Hi. Shepherd. Good day. Sighs So... how do you think it's going? The caper? Mal knows what he's doing. How long have you known him? I've been on this ship eight months now. I'm not certain I'll ever actually know the captain. Chuckles I'm surprised a respectable Companion would sail with this crew. It's not always this sort of work. They take the jobs they can get, even legitimate ones. But the further you get away from the central planets, the harder things are... so this is part of it. I wish I could help. I mean, I don't wanna help-- Not help help, but-- Not with the thieving, but-- I do feel awfully useless. You could always pray they make it back safely. I don't think the captain would much like me praying for him. Don't tell him. I never do. Go on straight through. Woman Keep moving. Sir, is there some information we might maybe be lacking... as to why there's an entire fed squad sitting on this train? - Doesn't concern us. - It kind of concerns me. I mean, they're not protecting the goods. If they were, they wouldn't be letting people past them. - You don't think that changes the situation a bit? - I surely do. Makes it more fun. Sir, I think you have a problem with your ain being missing. Come on. We stick to the plan. We get the goods. We're back on Serenity before the train even reaches Paradiso. Only now we do it under the noses of 20 trained Alliance feds. And that makes them look all manner of stupid. Hell, this job I would pull for free. - Then can I have your share? - No. - If you die, can I have your share? - Yes. - Hey. - Oh. Hey, Doctor. You really should just call me Simon. Oh, I'll do that then. So... what are we doing? - Oh, crime. - Crime. Good. Okay. Crime. It's a train heist. See, we fly over the train car. The captain and Zoe sneak in. We lower Jayne onto the car... and they bundle up the booty, and we haul 'em all back up. Easy as lyin'. - So you've done this before. - Laughs Hell, no. But I think it's gonna work. The captain Speaking Chinese when it comes to plans. Uh, is-- You know, is there anything I can-- something I should be doing? Staying the hell out of everyone's way. - No call to be snappy,Jayne. - Are you about to jump onto a moving train? - Captain ain't around. I'm in charge. - Since when? Just 'cause Mal says you're medic don't make you part of the crew. You just play at figurin' what's wrong... with that moon- ained sister of yours till we call for you. Dong ma? Right. Motor Whirring You shouldn't be so rude to him. - Why? 'Cause he's all rich and fancible? - He's not rich. The Alliance crashed his accounts when he snuck out his sister. Yeah, well, we could all be rich if we handed her back. You're not even thinking that. - Mal is. - That's not funny. Jayne He ain't stupid. Why would he take on trouble like those two if there weren't no profit in it, hmm? Captain's got a move he ain't made yet. You'll see. Time for some thrilling heroics. Niska's sources better be good. Shining. Grunting Groaning Find the cargo. All hail the great Alliance. Grunts Weapon Cocking Fifteen seconds. - Yells - Go! Go! Go now! Come on. Engines Accelerating Murmuring Shouting, Coughing - Aaah! God! - Where are the others? - They shot my gorram leg! -Jayne. Are they still on the train? Are they gonna be okay? Fed Everybody off!. - People Chattering - Come on, come on. Everybody off!. This way. Fed Move it. Our man didn't get a look. Well, geez. Can someone find out what they took? Man Randy. Keep those people together. Quiet 'em down. It was the medicine, sir. All of the supplies. They stole the gorram medicine? We've been waitin'. All of it? Woman Every ounce. - Crying - It's all right. Oh, God help us. Son of a bitch. - Man What's the fuss? - Woman All-network alert. Cargo theft. Medical shipment lifted off a train in the Georgia system en route to Paradiso. Six crates of Pescaline D. Right. That'll get you a tidy fortune on the black market. Tag it received, bounce it back. Locals can deal with it. Sir, there is a regiment holding in Paradiso. They were on the train headed to the installation. Then get them back on the train and get it moving. Who's holding them there? - The sheriff requested a few to help him investigate-- - These are federal marshals... not local narcotic hounds. They've got better things to do... and so do we. Jayne Gorrammit, let's get us movin'. Simon Now, I'm not-- I'm not finished. - Why you got us parked here? This ain't the rendezvous spot. - It is now. Niska's people are waitin'. They're not partial to waitin'. Let 'em read a magazine. We don't make the sale until Mal and Zoe are back. These are stone killers. They ain't cuddly like me. I'm not flying anywhere without my wife. She'll be okay. She's with the captain. There. You see? Everybody wins. Aaah! Doc, I need a pop to quiet this pain some. Grunts All right, but what about the authorities? We're sitting here with stolen Alliance goods. - Won't they be looking for us? - If they buzz this canyon, we'll hear 'em before they see us. - I figure we're good for a-- - River They won't stop. They'll never stop. They'll just keep coming until they get back what you took. Two by two. Hands of blue. Two by two. Hands of blue. How's about you shut that crazy mouth! Is that a fun game? Now, I'm in charge here, and I'm tellin' you how it works. We don't get the goods to Niska on time, he'll make meat pies outta the lot of us! - I ain't walkin' into that. - This Adelai Niska you're talkin' about? Now, how would a shepherd know a name like that? As I've heard it, he made a deal with the captain. If the captain's not there to finish it... if Niska finds out he's being held... and may speak as to who hired him... I think we're better off being a little late. People Coughing - This is a nightmare. - Nothing points to us yet, sir. That ain't what I'm talkin' about. Wailing Whatever happens, remember I love you. - Sir? - Because you're my wife. Right... sir. Honey. Car three, row 1 2. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond. Can you tell us what's going on? We've been here for so long. - Did someone on the train get killed? - No, no, no, no. Nothin' like that. Uh-- Says there your fare's paid for by a third party? My uncle. It was a wedding gift. Wedding gift. Spending your honeymoon in Paradiso? Actually, we're here looking for work. - That right? - My uncle said... he knew a Joey Bloggs out here, said he might have an opening. - Thought we'd try our luck. - You a miner by trade? Either of you? - Not really. - Hmm. Haven't seen many folk choose this life weren't born to it. Well, work is real scarce for a couple just startin' out. How come there's so many sick here? Bowden's malady. Know what that is? Affliction of the bone and muscle. Degenerative. Very. Every planet that's been terra-formed for human life... has its own little quirks. Turns out the, uh, air down underground... mixed up with the ore processors-- Perfect recipe for Bowden's. Everybody gets it. Miners, dumpers. Hell, I got it. I ain't ever set foot in a mine. But it's treatable. There's medicine. Pescaline. At least you can live like a person, you get it regular... but our shipment got stole right off the train you was ridin'in. Which is why you won't be seein' a parade in town today. Stolen. Well, didn't I see an entire regiment... of fine, young Alliance federals on the train? You did. Same regiment let their medicine get swiped right out from under their noses... then took off for their own camp without so much as a whoopsy-daisy. That sounds like the Alliance. Unite all the planets under one rule... so that everybody can be interfered with or ignored equally. Alliance ain't much use to us out here on the border planets... but... they ain't the ones who stole the medicine. I ever find those people... they ain't ever gonna see the inside of a jail. I'm just gonna toss 'em in a mine... let 'em eathe deep for the rest of their lives. - Can't argue with that. - Hmm. Groans You mind tellin' me, uh, when it was... you last spoke toJoey Bloggs? - Never did myself. - Right. Your uncle. Now, it was indicated to you that, uh,Joey had an opening? Any job would do. That's funny your uncle never went to mentioning the Bowden's problem... or that Joey Bloggs... ate his own gun about eight months back. - Did he? - Yep. Blew the back of his head right off. So... would his job be open? That's it. We waited long enough. - Let's get this bird in the air. - No rutting way. - Simon You should sit down. - We can't leave the captain and Zoe. They ain't comin', we can't get 'em, so they're done. Let's fire it up. - What's going on? - We're takin' off. - We're not. - Captain'd do the same if it were us. Not in a million years! - Listen to me. - You know what the chain of command is? It's a chain I beat you with till you understand who's in command here. Now, we're finishing this deal... and then maybe, maybe we'll come back for those morons... got themselves caught. You can't change that by gettin' all... bendy. All what? You got the-- the light from the console... to keep you-- lift you up. Chuckles Oh, they shine like... little angels. Did he just go crazy and fall asleep? I told him to sit down. You doped him. It was supposed to kick in a good deal sooner. I-- I just didn't feel comfortable with him in charge. I hope that's all right. So, how do we get the others? Jayne was right about them not making contact. Chances are they got pinched gettin'off that train. We can't just waltz in and pull 'em out. Someone respectable enough might be able to. - What the hell-- - Don't you dare speak to me! Sheriff, I want this man bound by law at once. That's assuming he hasn't been already. No one's been bound. Not yet. Thank God you stopped them. Did you honestly think you could access my accounts and I wouldn't find you? And, Zoe, what would your husband say if he knew you were here? I-- I was weak. So I take it they ain't newlyweds. Scoffs Hardly. Malcolm's my indentured man with three years left in his debt. I imagine we'll have to add another six months after this little adventure. Murmuring Pardon them. Don't think a one of'em's ever seen a registered Companion before. I apologize for my manner. - Sheriff Not a bit. - Should I contact my ship? Do you need to hold them very much longer? Looks to me like we're about done here. We had some, uh, unrelated trouble. - His story had kind of an odor to it. - Yes. It's not the only thing about him that does. Thank you very much, Sheriff. Come along. That's a hell of a lady. - Door Closes - Her files were all in order? I ran 'em twice. Huh. Let's get started with the rest then. Hey. How'd it go? She hit me. We tried to get him into the infirmary. He's just heavy. - Kept the engine running. We're good to go. - We're not going. Not-- What? Not-- Why? - We're inging the cargo back. - What? What do you mean, back? I waited for you guys! Wash What are you talking about? What about Niska? Won't this put him in more or less a killing mood? There's others need this more. - Let's get it on the mule. - My shuttle's faster. You risked enough flying in there once. And I don't want to get slapped no more. Far as Niska goes, we'll explain to him... the job went south when we return the money. You wanna explain, now's your chance. You didn't make the rendezvous. Ran into a few complications. You are thinking of taking Mr. Niska's money... and his property maybe. - Uh, interestingly, neither. - I don't understand. Yeah. Look. Here's what it is. Deal's off. We changed our minds. You entered into an arrangement with Mr. Niska. - There is no mind changing. - I'm afraid that's where you're wrong. We-- We just-- We can't take this job. So you just relax. We'll get you the money Niska gave us, you return it, and we'll call it even. There is no even. Is that right? - Gunshot - Groaning Nice shot. I was aimin' for his head. We'll have to drag 'em from here. We can leave 'em just off the street. Notify the sheriff once we're in deep, deep space. Why not tell him in person? Sheriff Got word of a ship not far out. Came lookin'. Didn't expect to find you comin' back. Didn't expect to be comin'. Nothin' missin'. You were truthful back in town. These are tough times. A man can get a job. He might not look too close at what that job is. But a man learns all the details of a situation like ours... well... then he has a choice. I don't believe he does. Let's get these crates back to town, make ourselves useful. - Engines Starting - Now, this is all the money Niska gave us in advance. - You ing it back to him. Tell him the job didn't work out. - Spits We're not thieves. But we are thieves. Point is, we're not taking what's his. We'll stay out of his way as best we can from here on in. You explain that's best for everyone. Okay? Keep the money. Use it to buy a funeral. It doesn't matter where you go or how far you fly. I will hunt you down, and the last thing you see will be my blade. Darn. - This is all the money Niska gave us-- - I get it. I'm good. Best thing for everyone. I'm right there with you. You should've let me do this sooner. I've had plenty worse. It's just-- Ow! - Sorry. -Just be careful. Pretty fast thinkin', dopin' up Jayne. Can't say you made a lifetime friend. I'll deal with him. Yeah, I'm not too worried about you. - How's your sister? - The same. One moment she seems perfectly cogent, the next... she speaks nonsense. Simon It's like a child. - So difficult to diagnose. - River Two by two. I still don't know what the government was trying to do with her. - Hands of blue. - So I have no idea if they succeeded. Two by two. Hands of blue. Two by two. Hands of blue. - Sorry to keep you waiting. There's always one crisis-- - We're not interested. We're here about a theft. The medicine. On that planet. - Word came up that was returned. - We didn't fly... 86 million miles to track down a box of Band-Aids, Colonel. We're looking for a girl. This girl. Grr! Arrgh!
I'm not going to unbuckle your pants yet. Let's get you in. Miss Mary Ann Fisher, ladies and gentlemen. Wait till you see what I got in the goodie bag. Goodie bag? Gonna fly you to the moon, baby. Let me get your hand, Ray. There go three. That's for you. I thought you was my friend, Fathead. The weight is off. Don't start with me, Ray. The weight is off. It ain't off. When you get high, man, and you try to cop, those dealers spank your ass. You gotta have more discipline. You know what, man? I ain't messing up my high tonight, sitting here with you, arguing about nothin'. Look, Fathead, just tie me off. Come on, Fathead. Fat. Take care of your bad self, you know so damn much. Later, Margie. Bye, Fathead. Damn. Ain't nothing free in this world but Jesus. Hey, Margie. Yeah? What do you want? Do me a favor, sweetheart, and... and pick that up for me. You're going to have to get me off. I'll do it, if you let me try some. Shit. No, honey. This ain't for no little girls. I ain't no little girl! I understand. It's just that this stuff will take you places that you don't want to go. See, I want to share that with you. Listen to me! If I ever hear about you doing some drugs you're through, you hear me? You believe that more than you believe in Jesus! Don't say that, Ray. Ray! Ray, I watch your show every single night. And every night is new to me. Maybe because it's new to you. It's like you live every single word and then you bend some crazy note, And damn if you don't eak my heart. You got genius, baby. I just want to be a part of that. Just want to be a part of that. You know the night time, darling Night and day Is the right time Night and day To be Night and day With the one you love, now Night and day Say now oh baby Night and day When I come home baby, now Night and day I want you to hold my hand Night and day Yeah, tight as you can Night and day I know the night time Night and day Whoa, is the right time Night and day To be with the one you love, now Night and day You know what I'm thinking of Night and day Whoa! Sing your song, Margie Night and day Baby Night and day Baby Night and day Oh, baby Night and day Do I love you? Night and day No one above you Night and day Hold me tight Look at him. Look at his knees shaking. He's got that junkie itch. Because the night time He's totally hooked. Oh, is the right time Yeah, but listen to that sound. He's illiant. You can never trust a junkie, man. What do you want me to do? Listen to him, man. I said baby Night and day Baby Night and day Baby Night and day Oh, baby Night and day Happy birthday! Happy birthday! Happy birthday, Ray! You know what to do. Take a deep eath. Go ahead. He blow them out? Every single one. I know the night time Night and day Everyday is the right time Night and day Night and day You know Night and day You know what, I... I just want to thank you so very much. Please, uh, another round of applause for Miss Margie Hendricks. Thank you so much, and good night. Hey, you see what time it is? What's the problem? The problem is on the contract. That's the problem. Ray! Ray! You still got 20 minutes left. Okay, what you want to do? That fool's holding us to every second of the contract. Go... go baby-sit him. I'll take care of it. It's okay. You know what, they say we got a little bit more work to do. That was the last song in the book, Ray. You know, Fathead, it ain't never the last song. Now, band, follow me and do what I do, say what I say. This is how we gonna do it. Hey mama, don't you treat me wrong Come and love your daddy all night long It's all right Whoa, it's all right Hey, hey, hey, yeah See the girl with the diamond ring She knows how to shake that thing Whoa, it's all right Hey, hey, hey, yeah That's what I'm talking about. Tell your mama, tell your pa I'm gonna send you back to Arkansas Oh yes, ma'am, you don't do right Don't do right What'd I say? Tell me what'd I say Tell me what'd I say Where can I get that record from? I don't know. It doesn't exist yet. I'll tell Ray he should record it. Oh, no Mmm Mmm Ooh Ooh Eee Eee Ooh Ooh It's all right Baby, it's all right Baby, it's all right Oh, it's all right Baby, it's all right Mama, it's all right Baby, it's all right It's all right It's all right It's all right, now Yeah, that's it. Oh, this is it. I'm telling you, that is out of sight. That's a hit. It's fantastic, Ray. But what the hell are we gonna do with this? It's too damn long. Every night we play this, man, we ing the house down. I'm telling you, it's guaranteed. Tom, cut the playback! Come on out here. Baby, it's all right You know what, Ray, you're probably right. I mean, I'm sure you're right. I've never heard a sound like this before. But how the hell are we gonna market this? We could cut the second verse, pop back into the chorus. Man, you cut that, I'll cut you in half. All right, all right, Ray. Ahem. We could, uh, split it up. Do a Side AISide B type of thing. It's been done before. What the hell, right? Yeah. It's s-sexual. It's just too damn sexual for kids. Let's do it. Yeah, baby! That's why I love y'all, man. All right. What the hell? It's Atlantic, right? Atlantic! We'll release it in the summer. There's less censorship, school's out. The kids are ready to kick loose. Ha, okay! Tom, let's see if we can cut this pumpkin in two. Show me what your genius is all about. You got it, boss. Yeah, that is it. You put one on Side A, put another on Side B. Man, that sounds out of sight. How you feeling, Ray? I feel groovy, baby. I'm talking about the junk. What? It's starting to show. You're scratching all the time. You can't sit still. Hey, man, have I ever missed a date? No, you never have. Who's the one who delivers a record in one take, hmm? Ray, you deliver better than anybody I know but I'm not talking to you as a businessman. Now come on, listen to me. I'm worried about you. As a friend, I'm telling you, man, your slip is hanging. Your slip is hanging. You been hanging out with us country boys too much, man. Uh, don't worry about this, man. If this monkey gets too heavy on my back, I'll get an organ grinder, man, and put him to work. One more time One more time He's off the Chitlin' Circuit. Down Beat voted him Best Male Jazz Vocalist by a 2-to-1 margin. Well, if you want to keep him in Philadelphia, you're going to find him a bigger venue. Make me feel so good What'd I Say! Make me feel so good Make me feel so good Make me feel so good, yeah Forget second billing. Ray Charles headlines at a thousand per or no deal. Make me feel so good, yeah Terrific. Make me feel so fine Make me feel so fine Make me feel so fine Make me feel so fine Baby, it's all right Baby, it's all right Ray, I'm... I'm having second thoughts about this. I don't... I don't know nobody in I.A. Bea, I don't want my kids growing up in the South. Now, I.A. Is where, you know, a Negro can spread his wings and fly. Ray, my whole family's in Texas. That's why we're moving to I.A. Tell you what, Jeff, tell the boys they can go ahead and start their vacation right now. All right, boss. Once I get you inside. Make me feel all right Look at that huge coconut tree! That ain't no coconut tree, Della. That's a palm tree. There's thousands of them. Okay. Here's the keys to your life, a and-new life. Oh, Ray. Ray, this is too much. Have you seen the dining room? But, baby, it's October. But you know what, I wanted to cele ate early, because the band is gonna be playing during the holidays. You are unbelievable. Look at your presents. Baby, look at what Santa ought you. You must have been good. Go ahead! Christmas is early, baby! Go get it. What's he taken? A guitar. A musician just like your daddy. Can you play? Hello? What else you got? What's that? How'd you get this number? How do you think I got it? Put Ray on the phone. Ray, telephone. Deal with it, man. Ray, it's important. Telephone. I-I'll be right back. All right. Who is it? It's Margie, man. Junior, come... come and help your mama change your other's diaper. I don't want to go. I want to stay and open my presents. All right, come on! I don't want to go. I don't care. Don't let me tell you twice. Hello. Hey, baby. Surprise! I came to I.A. To surprise you. Surprise me? Are you out of your mind? I'm with my wife and my kids. Well, on the road, I'm Mrs. Ray Charles. That's on the road. Yeah, but, baby, come on, I got everything set up for us. Did you hear what I just said to you, huh? Oh, wait a minute, baby, look, I got a bottle of Bols, and... Shut up. Shut up. Listen, we record in two weeks, okay? I'll see you then. Wait a minute, Ray! Bye. Ray! One of these days, and it won't be long You're gonna look for me and I'll be gone 'Cause I believe I believe, yes I say I believe right now I believe Yes I believe Well I believe to my soul now You're tryin' to make a fool of me I believe, yes I believe Hold on, wait, wait. Cut, cut, cut. You know, y'all know that sounds off. Ahem, you know what, the three-part harmony is off. Let's start it all over again, uh, from the top with the band. I believe it, I believe it Whoa, pardner! Uh, what was that? I knew you'd like that, Ray. It's an eight-track. We just got it. We can record each part separately. Whoa, Nellie! You know, I can't wait to see that. What's so funny? Nothing, pardner. Margie's drunk. Jeff? You should go home and sleep it off. Margie, come on now, let me take you home. No! I'll leave when I'm good and goddamn ready! She's good and goddamn ready right now. Why don't you make me leave this, sucker! Teach you to treat me like some piece of meat! I ain't shutting up! Should we get in there? No. Get them all out, right now. You'll have to make me leave! You know what, Jeff? Get all of them out of here. You're a cold-ass bastard! Let go of me, Jeff! You're a cold-ass bastard, Ray! See, he wouldn't spit on me if my ass was on fire! Damn right I wouldn't. Put me down, Jeff! Put me down! Damn it! You dropped your shoe. All right, come on, let's get back to work. Tom, this is what I want you to do. We'll lay my vocals down and finish the harmony parts. Uh, how're we gonna do the harmonies, Ray? You sent the girls home. I know what I did with the girls. Let me take care of that. You just turn that eight-track on, and I'll do the girls' parts myself. And go out here somewhere and find me an Oh, Johnny girl. Uh, one minute. What the hell's an Oh, Johnny girl? I think I've got an idea. Last night you were dreaming and I heard you say Oh, Johnny! When you know my name is Ray That's why I believe right now I believe Yes I believe I say I believe right now I believe Yes I believe The sky's the limit, Ray. I got you a $5,000-a-night raise. They're gonna up you to 15 per. Rehearsal in 10 minutes. Jeff, could you get me some cigarettes? Okay, boss. 15 per, huh? You know, Ray, your contract with Atlantic is expiring in four months. Yeah. Yeah, I've got the contract with me. They're going to double my royalties. Before we jump back in that pond, I thought I'd find out what else was out there. I had a very productive chat with ABC-Paramount yesterday. ABC? Who told you to do that, huh? And you know, Atlantic is family, just like the Shaw Agency. Ray, my job is to get you the best deal possible. ABC is very interested. No. How interested? How about a $50,000 advance each year for three years? You produce your own records. They'll deduct recording costs and give you 75 percent. Ahmet and Jerry are flying in tonight, so will you put them off until I can talk things out with ABC? Well, my mama said, ain't nothing wrong with talking. Hey, enough of the formalities. Come on, let's go back into the office, Ray. I hope I can call you Ray. I want you to be comfortable here. Because I'll tell you something, everything is gonna be better at ABC. Moving from an indie label to a major means you can sell a lot more records, as well as attract much larger crowds, both white and Negro. Yeah, but Mr. Clark, you know, I've been at Atlantic for so long, I just want to give those guys a chance, you know, to at least match the offer. Mm-hmm. Oh, certainly, certainly. But, uh, I doubt they'll be able to. We're giving you a state-of-the-art deal here. Well, you know, since I'm producing my own records, I was wondering if I could uh, own my masters, too. Well, Ray, we've... we've never done that before. No record company has. Well, I think I'm going to have to have it that way for me to leave Atlantic Records. Ahmet believes we're family here at Atlantic. I believe we're family here at Atlantic. Obviously, you don't! Ahmet wouldn't believe it. You know what he said, Ray? He said you would never turn your back on us. Never for a schlockmeister like Sam Clark! That's rich. Sam Clark's a corporate slug, who wouldn't know the difference between Earl Hines and Art Tatum! We let you grow here, Ray. And nobody's taking credit for your talent, but we nourished it. We let you do your thing. God damn it! We deserve better than this. You know what, don't think that I don't appreciate everything you guys have done here, Jerry. Ahmet, I'm very proud of the work that we've done here together. But, Atlantic has done pretty good money-wise on my records, haven't they? Yes, we've done very well, Ray. You... you were the ones that taught me that making a record is business, and find the best business deal you can. Now, 75 cents of every dollar, and owning my own masters is a pretty damn good deal. Can you match it? Ray, we would love to match it, but we just can't. That's a better deal than Sinatra gets. I'm very proud of you. Looks like those boys are going to get a taste of country dumb. Yeah. He'll be all right, man. You guys always do find the best. Georgia Georgia The whole day through The whole day through Just an old sweet song Keeps Georgia on my mind Georgia on my mind I said Georgia Georgia Listen to that crap. Thought you said that ABC wasn't going to force nothing on him. They didn't. It was Ray's idea. Something new. What are we then, Jeff? Something old? Yeah, what about us? We got to eat, too. Other arms should reach out to me Other eyes smile tenderly Still in the peaceful dreams I see The road leads back to you It's a hit record. What the hell is wrong with that? Critics say you've gone middle-of-the-road. The orchestra, the choir, The Perry Como Show, man? If I feel the music, that means it's real. No, it ain't. Ray Charles is a sellout. The blind Liberace, leaving those Rocking Chair roots behind. Quincy Jones. Can we get a picture of these two guys? Six-nine! Hey, boy. Look, here, uh, this interview is over. I'd love to get you two together, man. S-some other time. Look at you. How's it going, man? You look good. Let me look at you. You look good, too. You hear what they're saying about me? I just said that I... I can't do it no more. I've gone middle-of-the-road. So crank out another hit. Let me tell you something, it ain't easy to keep on being greezy, kid. Where you blow in from? Paris. Bonjour. Yeah, man. France is where it's at. Yeah, man. And all that stuff you've been playing, man, it's just... it really feels out of sight. You know, we gotta record something together. I mean, people will really dig it. So, where you going after the Festival? Oh, I... I go to D.C., Richmond, uh, Virginia, Georgia. You know what, once you get the record out there, you gotta sell it. The South, man? I'm not doing that no more. Hey, come on, kid, that's where the money is, baby. You know, When I left Seattle with Hamp, we went down there, man. And it felt like I walked into a prison cell. You know, a black man is a boy in Mississippi, Ray. Even if he's 80 years old. I'm never playing to Jim Crow again. Ever. If that's what you feel, baby. I'm serious, Ray. Man, we gotta do something. Well, you know, what... what the hell, man. You're just going to leave a lot more money on the table for me. You're welcome to it, man. You ready to work? Work on what? Get over here, you gotta help me with this. Percy just sent me some new music. You know what they're saying about me? Said I've lost something, said I've gone middle-of-the-road. They may as well say the same thing about you. You were the soul of this band. Now every time you're around, you're just drunk. Drunk soul of a blind junkie. What a lovely couple. Why don't you just get out of here? I ain't drunk, Ray. I'm pregnant. Yeah, that's right. I'm having your baby. You ain't really... You... you can't do that. I'm gonna have to talk to the doctor. You gotta get rid of it. My God! What, because I'm not your precious Bea? I'm not good enough to have this baby? You lay up in my bed every night. My bed! I'm gonna have this baby, Ray. No, Ray! No! Come on, come on. Come on, just listen. Just listen to me. You know I care about you, baby. I won't let nothing happen to you. I'll pay for everything. No! It's gonna cost you more than money. I want you to leave her, Ray. Come and be with our baby. You out of your damn mind. You knew the rules when you got into this. You know goddamn well I ain't gonna leave my family. Leave your family? You are a damn fool, you know that? Between the dope and the music and me, you already done left your damn family! You know what the sad part about it is, Ray, you don't even know it. You know what? From now on, it's strictly business between you and me. Yeah, that's it. That's it. Keep that anger. Hit the road, Jack And don't you come back no more no more, no more, no more Hit the road, Jack and don't you come back no more You ain't right, hit the road Jack Don't you come back no more no more, no more, no more Hit the road, Jack and don't come back no more What you sayin'? Hit the road Jack And don't come back no more no more, no more, no more Hit the road Jack And don't you come back no more Now baby, listen baby don't-a treat me this-a way For I'll be back on my feet some day Don't care if you do 'cause it's understood You ain't got no money, you just ain't no good Well, I guess if you say so I'd have to pack my things and go That's right Hit the road, Jack And don't you come back no more no more, no more, no more Hit the road Jack And don't you come back no more What you sayin'? Hey, Ray, it's Sam. Can you hear me? It's Sam! Yeah, hey, Hit the Road is our second number one. Yeah. ABC is taking out ads in all the trades. Yeah, oh, and congrats on your Grammy nomination. No, no, no I know you're going to win. Hey, you feeling all right? Well, come on, baby, be happy. You're doing good. Thank you, Sam. I really am happy about that. Yeah. I'll stop by Jeff's room and get my money on my way out. Ray. Margie, you ain't gotta leave, baby. I'm on your hit record. If I'm ever going to go solo, then now's the time. Yeah, I... I don't want you... I don't want you to go solo. Ray, for once, I'm doing something for me. You remember the hummingbird, right? What? The hummingbird, Bea. And I don't want you to go. Somebody will fetch you when your bus gets to St. Augustine. And when you get there, show them this sign, and tell them you're name is Ray Charles Robinson. And them sandwiches I made, don't eat 'em all at once. You hear? Oh, please, don't make me go away. I'll keep up with the normal kids. I'll be good, just like George. This ain't got nothing to do with George. I've taken you as far as I can, baby. Them teachers at that blind school, they can teach you things I can't. And you need an education in this world. I don't want no education! Don't say that! I don't! I want to stay with you! Stop it, Ray! I won't have you living hand-to-mouth like me, you hear? Now listen, if you want to do something to make your mama proud, promise me, promise me you'll never let nobody turn you into no cripple. You won't become no charity case. You'll stand on your own two feet. I promise. I love you, baby. I'm so proud of you. No more segregation! No more segregation! No more segregation! No more segregation! No more segregation! No more segregation! No more segregation! No more segregation! No more segregation! No more segregation! No more segregation! Welcome back to Augusta, Ray! Hey, good to see you. No more segregation! No more segregation! Do you believe in the protest, Ray? Get out of here! Ray, I'm sorry about this. Hurry on up inside. We got refreshments waiting. Mr. Charles! Mr. Charles! You know tonight's show is segregated? The dance floor is whites only. Negroes can't leave the balcony. That's how it is, man. You know, this is Georgia. You think we don't know that? Negroes are persecuted in this state every day! Ain't nothing I can do about that. I'm an entertainer. And... and we all gotta play Jim Crow down here. I'm sorry, man. Now get out of here, boy. It doesn't have to be that way. You could change things, right here and now! I'm sorry, son. Ain't nothing I can do. You hear that, boy? That's the way things are. Ain't nothing or nobody can change it. Now get your black ass out of here, and take that trash with you! Hold on... hold on. He... he's right. He's right, Jeff. Get them on the bus. You sure? Get them back on the bus! Y'all heard him! Y'all heard Ray! Back on the bus! Are you serious? Get them on the bus. I can't do nothing here. Ray, you know me. I'm not gonna lose money just because you suddenly got religion. Ain't nothing I can do, man. We have a contract with me. You eak it, I'll sue your ass! I'll win, Ray! You gotta do what you gotta do. Look, I'll win big! Do what you gotta do. I told you, I'll own your ass, Ray! Thank you, Mr. Charles. You could be the first. No, thank you, son. You were right. You're right. You'll never work Georgia again! He filed a lawsuit and it's more than a fine, Ray. This guy's got juice. He can get you barred from ever playing Georgia again. But he's willing to drop the suit if you'll make up the gig. Not if it's segregated. Ray, I admire what you're doing, man, but you can't afford this. Georgia is our highest-grossing state. I'm not playing any more to Jim Crow joints ever again, did you got that? Yeah. I got it. Jeff, get those people in here so we can rehearse. Com on, y'all, let's go. Unchain my heart Unchain my heart Baby, let me be Unchain my heart Unchain my heart Unchain my heart 'Cause you don't care about me Unchain my heart Why lead me through a life of misery When you don't care a bag of beans for me So unchain my heart oh please, please set me free Now, go ahead and dance! Let's dance, everybody! Come on! Let's dance now! Charles, you okay? Yeah. What's going on? Just kids onstage dancing. Well, let them dance. That's what they're here for. Please don't hurt them! Just keep dancing! Keep going! Keep going! I'm under your spell Like a man in a trance But I know darn well That I don't stand a chance So unchain my heart Unchain my heart Let me go my way Unchain my heart Unchain my heart You worry me night and day Unchain my heart Why lead me through a life of misery When you don't care a bag of beans for me So unchain my heart, oh please, please set me free Please set me free Oh won't you set me free Please set me free Whoa, set me free Please set me free Mr. Charles, it's Western Union! We have a telegram for you. You have to sign for it, sir. I'm coming. Indianapolis police. Got a report of loud music coming from here. Where do you think you're going, pal? I'm just going to the bathroom. Handcuff this son of a bitch. Recognize this, Ray? Heroin's a felony. It ain't like I'm dealing it, man. I'm not hurting nobody. Oh, no, you're hurting everybody. Your jungle music is poisoning our kids' minds. Hey, I'm gonna put your black ass away forever. You have to understand. I got... I got a wife, I got kids. I got responsibilities. Why don't you tell that story to these people. Bring them in! Ray! Was it a setup, Ray? How long you been on heroin? Come on, Ray. What did they charge you with? You give your hand to me And then you say, hello And I can hardly speak My heart is beating so And anyone can tell You think you know me well But you, you don't know me at all Hi, baby. David. Uh, uh, Bea, he can stay. No. Baby, come on. Bea? What? You know, since I got back... Since you got out. Yeah. Well, since I got here, you haven't said more than two words to me. Ray, what am I supposed to say? My words don't seem to mean much to you anymore. Maybe they never did. Come on, Bea, you... you know I love you. Are you gonna stop then? You know what, Bea, what you don't understand is there's a lot of mean-spirited people out there. Yeah. Ray? You know, I had to ing Junior home from school today 'cause of what the other kids were sayin'. They got mean-ass kids around here. I think we should move to Beverly Hills. No, no, Ray, we're not gonna move. 'Cause it... it's not about where we live, Ray. It's about what you're doing to yourself. And those boys worship you. You want them to end up using that poison, too? Bea, that's not fair. What's not fair? What's not fair, Ray? That... that's a low blow. Hello? Don't jive me, Milt. Don't jive me, man! Really? Ah, good, good, good. Tell... tell Sam I said thank you. All right. All right, then. Oh, yeah! What, Ray? What? Come on, now. Ray, tell me what happened. ABC got the case dropped. The police didn't have a warrant. They bought them off. Damn it, Bea, do you want me to go to prison? No. Ray, I want you to stop lying to yourself, and they are making that completely impossible. You know what, you don't understand. Then make me understand, Ray! Baby, when I walk out that door, I walk out alone in the dark! I'm trying to do something that ain't nobody ever done in music and business. But I can't do it if I'm alone everywhere I go. I don't want to be alone here, Bea. Not in my own home. Look, Bea, if you don't understand me, then who will? I don't know, Ray. David? I'm coming! Mama's coming! Ray, we pull you out of the fire, and you want country music? Look here, I've been singing country music all my life. As a matter of fact, I used to play with the Florida Playboys. We made a big investment in you and it's paying off handsomely. For both of us, I might add. We don't want to lose your fan base. Yeah, you know, you got a point there, but I actually think that we have more to gain than we do to lose. Ray, it's a bad idea. When I came to ABC, you guys put in the contract that I can choose my own music. You want to read that paragraph? It's on page three. I don't need to see it. Good evening, Saint Louis. It's time for the main attraction. The innovator of soul. The genius himself. Ray Charles! Go on, go on, Ray! Thank you so much. You know what, I know that a lot of y'all don't know that I... I was ought up in the South. You know, every time you turn on the radio there in the South, you hear the Grand Ole Opry. That's what I grew up singing, so I hope you don't mind, I... I want to sing something to give you a taste of my country roots. Unchain My Heart! Georgia on My Mind, Ray! I can't stop loving you Turn 'em, the lights up top and on the mezzanine, let's take everything down and hit Ray with a follow spot. We're doing it, on it on my count. To live in memory IN 5, 4... of the lonesome times Yeah I can't stop wanting you It's useless to say So I'll just live my life I'll live my life in dreams of yesterday Those happy hours Those happy hours that we once knew Cab's here. Okay. Dad, if you can't see, how can you choose the right color socks? I'm... I'm gonna show you, all right? Let me show you something. See? Right here? The two, right there, I got it sewn in thick, so I can feel it. So, it means two is own. One is black. Three is blue. And... and... and where's four? Nowhere. Four ain't nowhere. There ain't no four. You're right. Heals a oken heart But time has stood still Time has stood still Since we've been apart Since we've been apart Still working on the balcony. Okay, guys, we got 10 minutes to load out! Change back at the hotel. They bought that country jive hook, line and sinker. Ray, man, you're amazing. I'm gonna tell you something. Country music. You know why they like it? The stories, man. They got great stories. Hey, Joe. Ray, I want to introduce you to Joe Adams. Hal Ziegler hired Joe as the announcer for the rest of the tour. I know you, Mayor of Melody. I used to listen to your radio show in I.A. In the '50s. We've both come a ways since then. What was that counting you were doing back there? I was cueing down the lights. That shuts up the audience so you can sing your ballad instead of having to scream it. Hey, well, I'll be damned. Who told you to do that? No one. It just needed to be done. See, that's what I'm talking about. I like to hear a person say It needed to be done as opposed to a person saying, It ain't my job. You know, tell me about Central Avenue. I know you know Jack Lauderdale. Hello, New York! Hello, Boston! Hello, Saint Louis! Good evening, San Francisco! Bye bye love Bye bye happiness Ray, I got some good news for you. We got the cover of Cash Box. The nation's hottest album: Modern Sounds of Country & Western. You are hotter than hell. That's what they say. I've been watchin', your albums are going through the roof, your concerts are always selling out. You'll need shelters for your money. You're in a new tax acket. Keep your drawers on, Fathead! I got the instruments! Jeff, Joe was in the film Carmen Jones. Who was the director again? Otto Preminger. He was also on Broadway with Lena Horne. She was the star. I was supporting. Is that a fact? Prepare for an extraordinary evening of music. Perhaps the most innovative, unique and energetic musical voice today. Please welcome to the stage... It is my distinct pleasure... Please give your warmest welcome, the one-of-a-kind... I present Mr. Ray... Ray... Ray Charles! Bye bye love Bye bye sweet caress Hello emptiness I think I'm gonna die Bye bye love I think I'm gonna die I think I'm gonna die ...Ray Charles! I think I'm gonna die I think I'm gonna die Bea, there's a park right at the end of the street. You can see the whole I.A. Basin from there. Not even Beverly Hills has views like that. How does it look, Bea, huh? You like it, don't you? I don't know. I haven't seen it. You got to like it. Voilŕ. This foyer is designed to impress anybody who walks through the door. It has a big winding staircase, just like Gone With the Wind. We should get our portraits painted, like Rhett and Scarlett. Bea, ing him in here. Ray, wait till you hear what's waiting in the living room. What is it? I had them build you a solid marble fireplace, two stories high. Hot damn! How do you like it, Bea? It's awful big. It sure is: 8,500 square feet. Biggest house in the neighborhood. So, does this meet with your approval? Man, this is a palace. You think this is big? Wait until tomorrow when you see 30,000 square feet of RPM Incorporated. Yeah, headquarters! This is it, Ray. Your and-new recording studio. Did you get everything I asked for? Totally state-of-the-art. Tom Dowd built an eight-track mixing console, two recorders, the works. Now, this room is bigger than most people's houses. Got your own private bathroom to your left. Right behind you is my adjoining office. And step over to your private bar to your left. Got a bottle of Bols right in the center. You know me pretty good. If you run out, shout, I'm right next door. This is nice, right here. It's the house that Ray built. Yes, it is. Born to lose I've lived my life in vain Ray Junior, slow down! This ain't no baseball diamond! Charles residence. Mr. Charles? Hey, girl, Bring that boy over here! I got a hot dog with his name on it! Come on, now. Hello. Uh, yes, I know who you are. What? Oh, God, no. Ray. Yes, I'll get on a plane and I'll be there as soon as I can. What happened? Margie's dead. Oh, God! H-How? She overdosed. I didn't start her, Bea. I didn't let her do dope around me. I... I just wouldn't let that happen. Yes, I'm sure, Ray. I'm sure you set a fine example. What about her baby? You knew? His name is Charles Wayne. He was born October 1, in New York City. He's 3 years old. The baby's fine. He's at her sister's. All right. I'll start sending them some money. You don't have to. I send them money every month. In five minutes, Mr. Charles will be here, and he'll be ready to go. Now the charts Jeff is handing out should be turned in at the conclusion of... You're late, that's a $50 fine. I ain't late. I give them a 10-minute grace period, Joe. 2:05. He's late. He'll be charged $50. What? You know what? Where's Ray? You don't have to talk to Ray, you're talking to me. I'll talk to whoever I damn well please, and it sure as hell ain't you. Jive jerk. Hey, Ray, this fool Joe Adams is trying to fine me for being late. What time did you get here? What? Just now. The band's still setting up. Jeff don't... Look, I'm not Jeff. That's a fact, Jack! Ray, you said the band was my thing. It is. Then, Fathead, you go on back to rehearsal. Ray. Ray, you know how it is, you've been there. Fathead, go on now. Let me handle this. Fathead, go on now. You want to tell me what the hell is going on, Ray? I'm not doing anything I haven't been asked to. Ray's running a business. He shouldn't have to waste time hearing why people were late. I'm not talking to you, Joe. I'm talking to Ray. Ray, now I know you think I'm soft on the band, but those cats would do whatever I ask. But If you come in here with this, uh, running a business crap, you're gonna lose some good people. I'm telling you, Ray. There are musicians waiting in line to play with Ray Charles. Not for long, once they get a taste of you. Ray, you're the leader, man. Be one! Come on, now. You now what Jeff, I mean things have changed. It ain't like the days when it was seven of us on the Chitlin' Circuit. I mean, if you weren't busy building a bowling alley, you'd seen that. So you know about that, huh? I know about everything. I'm just trying to figure out how you did it. You think I'm stealing from you, Ray? If the Shaw Agency is gonna give you a cut of the 10 percent I'm given them. I might as well keep the goddamn money in my pocket. Leave us alone. We need to talk. Ray. You can step outside, Joe. I'll be in my office. Ray, now I know that jealous bastard planted that lie in your head. But I have never stolen from you, Ray, and I never will. I got a small business loan, and, yeah, Milt Shaw was giving me a little extra, but I'm not a thief, Ray. Then what about that, Jeff, huh? A promoter swearing you did side deals with him so you could split my overages! How could you do that to me? We've been through so much, we be so like others. You know what, Ray? If we were like others, why are you paying Joe more than you're paying me? Damn all that! You oke my heart, man. Well, you know what, Ray? You oke mine a long goddamn time ago! Well, then there it is. You know something, Ray? You're going to get yours one day. And I pray to God that he has mercy on your soul, you son of a bitch! Everything all right, Ray? How the hell do you think it is? Go tell him. Go tell him! Go, go tell him. Hey, Dad. Hi, there. I made the all-star team! The game's on Thursday. Oh, that's great. Oh, damn! I'm not gonna be in town. I'm gotta go on tour. How about I buy you guys new uniforms, huh? Tell the coach I don't care how much they cost. Okay. All right, son, you want to take your dad's iefcase inside. The plane to Montreal leaves at 11:00. I'll pick you up at 8:30. All right. Did you hear what Ray Junior said to you? Yeah. Do you know how much making the all-star team means to him? I know. I got things on my mind. We had to fire Jeff. What? He was stealing. Jeff? Hmm. I don't believe it. Yeah, well, we're better without him. My mother told me 'Fore she passed away Said son when I'm gone Don't forget to pray 'Cause there'll be hard times Hard times Oh, yeah, yeah Who knows better than I Excuse me! Get 'em out! U.S. Customs! We're goanna need to see some identification, please. You just arrived from Montreal? Yes. Is there a problem? We were alerted there might be drugs on this plane. What? That's outrageous! I'm going to call our lawyer. No lawyers at international checkpoints. Now, we're going to have to search everyone on this plane. Mr. Charles, if you don't mind we'd like to start with you. I'd like to see your overcoat. I don't mind. Don't say anything, Ray. What's this? Ray, this isn't some judge in Indiana. It's federal. They can charge you of smuggling which can mean real prison time. Our lawyers will do what they can, but... Hello. You can't hide out in here forever, Ray. Look, it's my house. I'm not in prison yet. No, it's my house. You ain't been here more than six days since we moved in. No, Ray, no! A needle ain't gonna solve this! Get out of the way. Move! Only thing that can help you is God, Ray. Don't think of God? Do you have any idea how it feels to go blind and still be afraid of the dark? And every day, you stand pray for just a little light, and you get nothing. 'Cause God don't listen to people like me. Stop talking like that. As far as I'm concerned, me and God is even and I do what I please. If goddamn it, if I want to shoot up, I shoot up. Then go ahead! But you walk out that door and I'm doing something I should have done a long time ago. I'm taking my boys and I'll leave. You're not going away. You... you have no place to go. No place? No. You think I'm scared of losing this? Ray, the only thing I was ever scared of losing was you. Because where was I ever gonna find another Ray Robinson? So I put up with some terrible stuff. Maybe that makes me part to blame. But I ain't scared no more. You know I love you and those boys more than anything. That is a damn lie and you know it! You ever look at this? Really look at it, Ray! Ray Charles Junior's Most Valuable Player. He was so proud this day, until you came home too loaded to go to his banquet. No! No! There is something you love more than me and them boys, more than all the women you ever slept with on the road, more than all the dope you ever took. What are you talking about? Your music. And if you don't stop using that needle, they're gonna take away your music and put you in jail. Is that poison worth losing everything? Mr. Charles? Mr. Charles. You don't have to go through this. We have a substitute that can help wean you off heroin. I have to do it on my own. I can do it. I can do it. Ah. Don't touch me. All right. We'll do it your way. Doctor? Mr. Charles. Mr. Charles, I'm coming. He's got no fluids left. Get an I.V. In him right away. I'll insert the needle. No needles. Yes. It's very important. You need this. Runner, I've got a runner! Whoa. Let me go. Let me go. Get him on the bed. Put those restraints on him. No needles. No, no. Oh. George, I miss you. I miss you, George. I miss you. Oh. Okay. Uh-oh. You might be in trouble right there, Doc. Hot damn, you whupped my ass again! I-I'll tell you what, I won't lose again the same way twice. I spoke with the judge in Boston, and he'll agree to probation. He was impressed with your attorney's arguments, and he believes you deserve one more chance. Oh, that's great. But you must complete our program and agree to take periodic drug tests. You know what. I'll do it. I know people don't believe I'm done with this dope, but I'm finished. Who's George? Ray, you've come through the worst of the physical reactions. We should begin psychotherapy sessions. Uh, look, forget the head shrinking, Doc. I can handle this. Mr. Charles, you're not the first cele ity junkie I've treated. Junkie? What... Nobody cons me at any price. I'm not trying to do that. If you want me to give that judge a positive report, you will have to earn it. Doc? Dr. Hacker? Doc? Ray, come on, Ray, play with me! He ain't there. Talk to me, son. I ain't no bad dream. I'm a part of you. Even all that dope couldn't keep me away. Mama, I kept my promise. You got strong all right. Went places I never dreamed of. But you still became a cripple. Come here, baby. Come here. Ray? It wasn't your fault. Now promise us you'll never let nobody or nothing turn you into no cripple ever again. That you'll always stand on your own two feet. Promise. Today we're here to right a wrong that was done to one of our native sons nearly 20 years ago. In 1961, Ray Charles was banned from performing in the state of Georgia because he refused to play before a segregated audience. Thankfully, we've come a long way since then. Some of us have fought for equality through the political process, but Ray Charles changed American culture by touching people's hearts. So on this day, March 7, 1979, we, the duly elected representatives of the state of Georgia not only proclaim Georgia on My Mind our official state song, we also offer Mr. Ray Charles a public apology and welcome him back home. Every time I sing this song If only your mama was here. She's here. She ain't never left. I sing for Georgia Whoa, Georgia The whole day through Just this old, sweet song Keeps Georgia on my mind Georgia Oh, yeah Yeah, Georgia A song of you Comes as sweet and clear as moonlight through the pines I feel that Other arms reach out to me Other eyes smile tenderly Well, all right now Yeah Don't you know? Still in peaceful dreams I see a busy road The road leads back to you Oh, Georgia No peace I find Please stop by Don't you hear me now? Just this old, sweet song I say, oh, I say Keeps Georgia on my mind On my mind On my mind Yeah Keeps Georgia On my mind You know that the little girls are on my mind, huh? Yes, it did, now, yeah Unchain my heart Unchain my heart Baby, let me be Unchain my heart Unchain my heart Unchain my heart 'Cause you don't care about me Unchain my heart You've got me sewed up like a pillow case But you let my love go to waste So unchain my heart, oh please, please set me free Unchain my heart Unchain my heart Baby, let me go Unchain my heart Unchain my heart Unchain my heart 'cause you don't love me no more Unchain my heart Every time I call you on the phone Some fella tells me that you're not at home So unchain my heart, oh please, please set me free I'm under your spell I'm under your spell Like a man in a trance Like a man in a trance But I know darn well I know darn well that I don't stand a chance I don't stand a chance So, unchain my heart Unchain my heart Let me go my way Unchain my heart Unchain my heart Unchain my heart You worry me night and day Unchain my heart Why lead me through a life of misery When you don't care a bag of beans for me So unchain my heart, please, please set me free Please set me free Oh, won't you set me free Please set me free Whoa, set me free Please set me free Wow, set me free
Always remember your promise to me. Never let nobody or nothing turn you into no cripple. All right! Rest stop, 45 minutes. Come on, folks. We gotta move. We leave at 2:45 p.m. On the dot. Can't be late. Hot meals and bathrooms inside. All right, uh, there's a window out back for y'all to buy sandwiches. And I suggest you make good use of them outhouses. Ain't nothing but bushes for you in the Carolinas. Sir. Can I help you, sir? Yes, sir. Seattle? Who you riding with? Nobody. Just me. Boy, I can't take responsibility for some blind nigger traveling 3,500 miles alone. I... I... I paid for this here ticket, and it says that you have to take me to Seattle. Don't you be smarting off to me, boy. With all due respect, sir, I earned the right. I may have left my eyes on Omaha Beach, but I ain't asking no charity from Uncle Sam. I got a job waiting for me in Seattle. You were in Normandy? Shuttling troopers to the beach. We took a direct hit. I'm sorry, son. I'll keep an eye on you myself. Come on. Take a seat in the back. Any time You're feeling lonely Anytime You're feeling blue Anytime Anytime you feel down hearted That will prove your love for me is true Anytime You're thinkin' about me Til, what the hell do you think you're doin'? Billy, don't get your feathers all ruffled now. I met this ol' boy over at the O.C. At Clarkfield, and well, he plays a mean jazz piano. I don't care if he whistles Dixie out his ass. He ain't gonna do it here. Sir. Boy, are you blind? Yes, sir. Since I was seven. Well, let me help you out then. This is a country band. We don't play no boogie-woogie. Uh, yes, I understand. I love country music. All right, go on. Tell me. What is it you love about country music? I... I love the stories. Uh, you know, about fallin' in love and having love knock you around and then the pressures of the world on you so tough. It... lt makes you feel small. You want to give your soul to God. You might as well. Your ass belongs to Him. Boy, are you sure you blind? Last time I checked. Okay. Come on in. Billy, I think you're outvoted. Til, one hint of trouble, and your blind nigra's out of here. Damn! Here. I'm gonna have to put some glasses before he scares somebody half to death. Seattle, Washington, folks. Change bus here for all points north: Bellingham, Mount Vernon. Vancouver, Canada. Uh, that's Diz. Emanon. Yeah. But what's it spell backwards? Ah... ah... ah, come on, man. Why don't you give me something difficult? No Name. Say, daddy-o, what ax you play? Uh, piano. Just blew in from Tampa, Florida. Me and my partner, Gossie McGee, came here, you know, want to fatten up our style. Cop some licks from some more experienced cats. You dig? You know what? Why don't you let me take you inside? You know, show you around. All right. Perfect gentleman. Yeah. This is just like my place. So, what's your name? Ray Robinson. I'm Quincy Jones. Quincy Jones. Hey, Gerry! This here's my man, Ray. He's here to see his friend, Gossie McGee. So I figured I'll show him inside... Don't mess with me, Q. He can come in, but not you. Vice is on my ass for letting you underage kids in. Get out of here, Q. Can't you see... Get out of here, Q. He's blind! I gotta show him in. Get out. Jive-ass. What? Hey, Ray Robinson, when am I gonna hear you play, baby? Uh, well, that may cost you. Welcome, all you cool cats and fine felines. You've come to the place where the sophisti-cats and hipsters hang their bebop hats. So snuggle up and come near for tonight is Talent Night at The Rocking Chair. Let's hear it for Dancin' Al! Gossie's been cattin' around with one of my waitresses since he got here. He never told me that his partner was a blind 'Bama boy. Marlene, Demurs just called. Thurmond's sick. What about Sassy? Flat tire. Okay, 'Bama. Why don't you get on up there and show me what you got? Well, I-I'm not prepared to do my thing right now, tonight... This is the only audition you're going to get, puddin'. So either get on up there, or you and Gossie can haul your asses back down South. Here. Smoke some of this. This ain't no tobacco, man. No, hold it in, it'll calm you down. All right, Oberon. Get on up there and introduce him. Yes, ma'am. Okay, 'Bama. Let's go. Yeah. Now, I got something special for all you satin dolls. And I don't mean Oberon's big thunder. Now that's for another show. Now we got some new blood for ya. Yeah, straight off the bus from Florida, I give you Ray Don't Call Me Sugar Robinson! How y'all doing tonight? Better than you! Relax, Ray. Relax. I got it. Uh-uh, what do y'all want to hear? How about a little Nat King Cole? Y'all like Nat King Cole? If you ever plan to travel west 'Bama ain't bad. Yeah, I'd say he saved our asses. What the hell is Ray doin' up there? Auditioning for you, Gossie. He ain't no good without me. How'd you and the 'Bama like to do a week here at the Chair? I know a good bass player. A nice jazz trio could score big with the right manager. Manager? Come on now, Gossie, don't be so small-minded. You know you've got to give to get. Now what exactly do I have to give? 25 percent. But I'll be gettin' you other gigs. All right, next question: What do I get? What do you need? Double scale as leader, plus 10 percent. What about the 'Bama? He's about as green as a blade of grass. I can handle him. Flagstaff, Arizona Yeah, he's green. Kingman, Barstow So, Gossie, you don't need to worry about a hotel room for the 'Bama. He can flop at my place. Hey, y'all never change. Get your kicks on Route sixty-six Ray, you coming back to bed? I'm getting some water. I can see that, but mama ain't finished yet. For the first time anywhere, let's hear it for The McSon Trio! A buzzard took the monkey for a ride in the air The monkey thought that everything was on the square Ray, when you coming out? In a minute. Mama's got some more blackberry cobbler for you, baby. Damn. Straighten up and fly right Cool down, papa, don't you blow your top Marlene, if you're gonna send us out on tour, we're gonna need more than $5 a day. How come we can't get paid after each gig? Because you boys will spend everything you make. The club sends the checks to me, so as I can bank them. I just want to see my own checks, that's all. You don't see, Ray. You're blind, baby. Or did you forget? Now, you want to go out on your own and see how well you do? Ray! Hey, Marlene, where's Ray? He's in the back bedroom. And wipe your feet. Ray, uh, six-nine, where you at? Six-nine. Six-nine. Lionel Hampton just asked me to go on the road with him, man! Lionel Hampton, man! Sure he did. Then why you still here? And dig this: His wife, she kicked me off the tour bus. Told me to come back when I started shaving. You believe that? Uh... uh, Seven-oh, could you do me a favor, man, and close that bag for me? What's wrong? You got two hands. You can close it yourself. I got two feet, too. Could you close it? I got it. Excuse me, sir! Man, we're gonna be late. I got to get my own place, Gossie. Why? I mean, you got free rent right now. Like hell it's free rent. Oh, come on, Ray. Why you gonna mess with a good thing? All I'm saying is you keep layin' that pipe with Marlene, and I bet you she's gonna make us all rich. Hey, sir, excuse me! Straighten up and fly right Straighten up and stay right Straighten up and fly right Cool down, papa Don't you blow your top Just back from their triumphant tour of the Yakima Valley, The McSon Trio! They'll be back right here, same time, same place, next week. Hey, baby, you sound more like Nat than the King himself. What's your name? Ray Robinson. Ray Robinson? I'm Jack Lauderdale, Swing Time Records. Oh, hey... hey, hey, Jack! How you doing, man? Good. Oh, good. How about us makin' a record together? Oh, yeah, yeah. Hell, yeah! Let's do that. Can I help you? I don't think so. We're just talking a little business. Then you need to talk to me, 'cause I'm his manager. Whichever way the wind blows. It's blowing. Jack Lauderdale, Swing Time Records. Marlene Andres. Marlene? Gossie McGee. Gossie McGee. Great set, baby. We're going to talk with Mr. Lauderdale here. Come on, Jack. I'm buying. I'm coming in, uh, to talk to him. You are doing a fabulous job! Yes, man. Eh, look, let's talk to him about this record. Hey, no, no, we're gonna let Marlene handle that. You get Oberon to call you a cab, all right. Great set, Ray. Goss! Hey, daddy-o, want a smoke? I got some gage, fresh off the boat. It's clean and seedless. So that's how it is, huh? You keep me high while they talk the business? I ain't the one playing you, man. Oberon, listen... You know, Marlene and Gossie are the ones running the game on you, Ray. What? They sliced up the pie the first night you played. 35 percent off the top. Plus Gossie's double scale as leader. Leader? If anybody's leading the band, I'm the one that's the leader. Forget the bo' humps. You know what? I... I'm... I'm gonna go my own way. Who's gonna book your gigs? Marlene's got you locked up. And she ain't gonna give up her golden goose. Straighten up and fly right Cool down, papa, don't you blow your top Hey, Ray Robinson, you are fantastic. There you go. Give me some skin. What's that? Jack's card. I got his number at the hotel. Come on, Q. It's not that complicated. Now let's just play it again. That's a B flat, C 7, scale it up, and triple it off the back end. Yeah, nigger! Yeah, that's it. Ray, what did I tell you about cookin' in the dark? Are you tryin' to burn the house down? Think about it, Marlene. Uh... uh, What do I need the light for? Well, you don't need to be cookin' anyway. We ought you takeout from Oscar's. Well, get your money back. I got fried chicken right here. Come on, Seven-oh, try this. Yeah! About time. Hey, that's home-cooked, right there. Mmm, no, thank you. This chicken is the mostest, huh. Just needs a little hot sauce and it'll be perfect. Yeah. So, what did Jack Lauderdale have to say? Oh, I clocked him comin' out the gate. He's a two-bit hustler. Oh, I see. Yeah, turns out the only hit that Swing Time ever had was Open the Door, Richard, which was a joke record. Uh... uh... uh, what about him recordin' me? Oh, he'll record you, if we pay the freight. Scratch a liar, find a thief. What's that supposed to mean? This. You see I saw Jack Lauderdale tonight, and he gave me a $500 advance on my record. He also said he'll put me on the road with Lowell Fulson and pay me three times what you pay. Now, that's a lie! Hey, no way he's not gonna put some blind man on the road. Think about it. I mean, you... you need watchin' out for. And he ain't got the time to look after you the way I do. Is that what you've been doing, Gossie? Watchin' out for me? Is that why you get paid double what I do? Who told you that? It's true, ain't it? You two have been gaming me since I got here. Ray, baby, listen... I ain't listening to you! Ray, I've... I've been meaning to talk to you about that. Then why aren't you talkin'? Um, look, Ray, Ray, let's not do nothin' stupid. I might be blind, but I ain't stupid! Q., get my bag from upstairs. What? Get it! Wha... right now? Now. Ray, man, we done been through a whole lot. Ray, now wait a minute. I can explain everything. Think about what you're doing. Ray, Ray, now you're makin' a big mistake. That clown is spoutin' promises that he can't keep. You'd be a fool to follow him. Ray, Ray, we'll make a new deal! Whatever makes you happy! The deal is you can lay the pipe now. You'll eak your neck going down these stairs by yourself. Hang on. Oh, man. Ray, I ain't never seen you do nothing like that, man. Never. That ain't nothing, Seven-oh. Stop cheating, Ray. George, you can't catch me. Come on. Aretha! Come on, George. Aretha Robinson, have you lost your mind? Eula, you promised to split every wash basket with me, fair and square! And I did! Hell, you did! You charge white folks one thing and pay me another. Now who's gonna wash these? You can. Now pay me my money! Okay, I'm a-giving you your two little dollars. But don't you be expectin' no more work out of me! I got all I need out of you. Ray and George, come on! That's right. Get out of my yard and don't y'all never come back! Y'all got to learn to read and write real good, so you never have to work for people like that. Scratch a liar, find a thief. Understand? Yes, Mama. Smell that, Ray. Smell the success. We're in LA, man, the place where the Negro comes to spread his wings. You... you know, man, I know my ears ain't deceivin' me. Is that Art Tatum? It sure is, baby. You want to meet him? I... I can't meet him. A-Art Tatum is the most. So, Ray, we got to talk about your name, man: Robinson. Sugar Ray got the Robinson franchise all sewed up. So I'm thinkin' we go with your middle name, Charles. As in, Ray Charles. I don't care what you call me, man, just as long as my name's on the record. But we're gonna toast to that. Hey, what's the haps, Jack? Oh, my goodness. Give me some skin. What's up, baby? How you doin'? Lowell Fulson, meet your new piano player: Ray Charles. Ray Charles, the blind sensation. Ow! Damn! I'm gonna use that on the album cover. He's really the sensation. I... I love your music, Mr. Fulson. Uh, the man's got taste. Hey, and the man ain't been on the road with a band before, so now you take care of him. Like my own other. Ray. I'm gonna be right back. All right. Yeah, you got the one on the left. Look here, let me do the talking. Don't go inside that place. You know what Mama said. Go home and don't tell Mama nothin'. Go, George. George, get out of here! Hey, boy, who let you in? You must be Aretha's son, huh? Yes, sir. Ray Charles Robinson. I've been seeing you sneakin' around here. You like the piano, huh? Come on, you want to learn how to play? Come on over here. Let me show you how to play. Come on. I'm gonna teach you how to play. What we'll do, I'm gonna teach you three notes, right? This is the first note, right here. Play that. And here's the second note, right here. Play that. Here's the third note. Now, here's the way it goes. Listen. Listen closely, now. Play that. Good! Try the other notes. Every club we hit, it's your responsibility to rehearse the band. These are some lazy-ass bastards, so you gotta make sure that they don't slough off. You gotta be ready and dressed to open the show. Now, Lowell likes to take a nap before he goes on. You just do your thing until he feels like comin' out. And when Lowell's playin', you keep the band sharp. Uh... uh, just one thing. What? Did Jack tell you that I have to be paid in singles? You just do your job, you're gonna get your money. Baby, come on, down Your daddy's in the heart of town Come on down Your daddy's in the heart of town How'd you get the name Fathead anyway? Why do they call me Fathead? Nah, you don't want to hear. But this is what I really want to know. Do any of you fine young ladies know where we can get a nice steak this time of night? You mean something big, thick, and juicy? Oh, yeah, that's just what I mean. Fathead, where you guys headed, man? I ain't babysittin' no blind cat. Uh, I'm sorry, Ray, but, uh, the law says there's only six to a cab. Come on, ladies, let's get out of here. Everyday Everyday I have the blues Everyday, everyday Pay up, baby! Yeah, that's all right. I been shootin' craps since I was 12 years old. Don't never shoot craps on a white woman's grave. Why not? It's bad luck. You know bad luck and trouble, people Well, you know I had my share That's for being late to the bus. Wilbur, you a low-down piece... You better move on. Ah, Mr. One-dollar Bill. $5, $10, $15, $20... Now, you like to start counting that again? All right, damn you. $284, $285... Listen, man, I ain't no damn seein'-eye dog. You know ain't nobody worried about me I don't see nobody, nobody cryin' Fathead, open up. Open up. I got to take a leak. Hey, what you doing, man? Close the door, Fat! Say, Ray, we'll be in here for a little while. Use the women's can, down there on your right. I don't want to use the women's can. This way. Oh, God! Say, Ray, you all right? Yeah, I must have slipped on the wet. There's a pipe oke. There's water everywhere. You see it? Let's go, man. Close the door. All right, quit playing, Ray. We'll be in here a while. Now go on now! Where you from, Ray? North Florida. Oh, North Florida boy. Your people still down there? No. All right. Hey, uh, pardon me for askin', but how do you get around so good without a cane or a dog? How do you get around so good without a cane or dog? I'm sorry. I didn't mean to pry. My ears got to be my eyes, man. Its... Everything sounds different. You know that's why I wear hard-soled shoes, so I can hear my footsteps echo off the wall. So when I pass by an open doorway, the sound changes. Wow. That's cool. You know you got to learn pretty quick if you want to get around on your own. Yeah. You know, during the war, there was a whole lot I had to learn fast, or I wouldn't be here. Seein' that much death ain't natural. Yeah, seein' death ain't natural. Boys, get from 'round that still. Y'all know better than that. Come on, catch me. Stay from 'round this fire and get clean. Dinner will be ready soon. Hear me, Ray? I got you. I got you. No, you didn't. You missed me. Stop cheatin', Ray. Okay, you got me. But I got you back. I'm not playin' no more. Sissy! Come on, Ray. Let's go swimmin'. Let's go swim in Mama's washtub. Ray, come on, Ray, play with me. You better get down before Mama sees you. I'm a giant! Some giant. Come on, George. I ain't playin' this game. That ain't funny. Boys, I got some field peas and rice cooking. And there's that smothered corn left from yesterday. And if you're real good, I might have two pieces of peach cobbler. Ray, didn't I tell you to get in this house? Dear God, no! That's Aretha's boy! Breathe, baby, eathe. Just eathe, baby, eathe. Let it out! Let it out, please! Breathe for your mama, now. Come on, George. Why didn't you do somethin'? Why didn't you call me? Help us, Lord! The Lord done took him home. All right. Food and piss stop. Open it up. The food is hot. You've got 45 minutes. I could eat a horse. Where's it? Follow your nose. Right over there. Wilbur. What? 45 minutes ain't enough time. We need more than that, Jack. Not to eat, you don't. Now if you got other business, you better choose, because this bus is rollin' on time. Come on, Mercedes got a washroom in the back. And you, you can smell it. Jeff. Yes, sir? Uh, could you help me in there? Sure thing, Ray. Hey, Mercedes. Hey, baby. I hope you wiped your feet before you came in here. There you go. Come on. Take that. The bathroom's right there in front of you. Okay. You want me to fix you a plate? Uh, no, I'm... I'm fine. All right. Sweet potato pie it is. Whoo, let's go, man. That was a long bus ride, wasn't it? Oh, come on, man. Hey, man! The can's down the hall. I know where the can is. What y'all doing? Do yourself a favor and leave. I'll leave when I'm gettin' ready to leave. Come on, Fathead, I want in. This ain't no weed, Ray. And we ain't snorting no bitch. This is boy. Boy'll make your ass null and void. So get on out of here, man. Null and void, just like my life. I'll be right at home. Look, I ain't gonna wait all night. Hell, it's his funeral, man. Ray, let's go get something to eat. I'll leave when I get a taste. Ray, what you gonna do, man? This train's pullin' out, other. I ain't having nothin' to do with this. I warned you, Ray. Come on, man. I been warned. Sit down, Ray. Right there. I'm gonna take you on a little ride. It'll cost you, though. You got some cash? Will this do? That'll do. Where you been? Where them other fools? Come on, get it while it's hot! You're going to feel a little pinch. I ain't givin' up on you, boy. Feel it, baby? Just take the ride. It's better than sex. There ain't nothin' better than sex. We will walk through the streets of the city Of the city Where our loved ones have gone on before We will stand on the banks of the river Of the river Where we'll meet to part no more I pray I pray Be free from now on Pray to you, Lord Where our true ones have gone Gone before Gone before We will stand on the banks of the river Where we'll meet to part no more Ray, come on, let me put this salve on I got from Dr. McLeod. No, I don't like it. It stings. Boy, get up here. I paid a whole dollar for it. It better work. Now hold up your head, like the doctor says. This is gonna make you feel better. Ray, come on in for dinner. And stop rubbin' those eyes. Ray, I won't beat around the bush with you. You're goin' blind. The doctor's sayin' there's nothing they can do, so we got to do it ourselves. Yes, ma'am, I know, but... Stop it. Stop it right now. We ain't got no time for no tears. Ain't nobody gonna have no pity on you just 'cause you're goin' blind. Now wipe them eyes. Yes, ma'am. Okay, I'll show you how to do something once. I'll help you if you mess up twice. But the third time, you're on your own, 'cause that's the way it is in the world. All right, now get up. Remember, you goin' blind, but you ain't stupid. Remember how many stairs there were? Four. Good. You're gonna have to learn how to use your memory. Now turn around. I want you to hold out your hands, and use them as your eyes, and find the door. Good. That's real good, baby. Hi. Baby, let me hold your hand Till I make you understand Oh, baby Let me hold your hand I really true believe This fool makes one record, and you'd think he's the star of the band. Well, he's got somethin', ain't he? His wax won't even hit the charts. You're still the man. I want you to know I'm in love She wasn't that fine. There's somethin' wrong with you. No, man, she's fine. She's fine. You leave her alone. Look at Ray. You see that? He feels her wrist 'cause he figures that's the way to tell if she's good-looking or not. You know I had my eye on you all night long. Oh, he right this time. See what a little fame does to Null and Void? Anybody see that fine-looking gal in the yellow dress? You hear this man? You snooze, you lose. We gonna dock your pay, man. That's $2 off of your busride. Baby, I want you by my side I do I want you to know Our love we will never hide Oh, no, no, no All right, who's next? It's a shame, Jimmy. You're just gonna piss this right up your arm. You don't tell me what to do with my money. All right, come on. Step up. The $1 sensation. You wanna keep counting? What's the matter with you, boy? $50 ain't good enough for you? That ain't $50. Keep counting. I guess you want charity, since that record of yours ain't selling. Get him off my back! Break it up! What the hell's going on in here? The blind sensation don't like the money I'm trying to pay him! He's cheating me! I quit! Oh, you lying son of a bitch! Don't be fighting nobody that can see! Listen, I ain't runnnin' around lookin' for singles for this chump! There's $50 here, Ray. You see that, fool? Shut up, Wilbur! Ray, from now on, I'll handle your pay myself. I'm tired of this! I'll tell Jack to find you somebody else! You sure? It's cold out there. Don't worry about me, I can take care of myself. Ray! Damn it, Wilbur! Let him go! What we gonna do now? After the death of Moses, the Lord spake unto Joshua saying: 'Moses my servant is dead. 'Now therefore arise. Go over to Jordan. 'Be not afraid, For the Lord thy God is with thee.' Mr. Charles. Who is it? Mr. Charles, my name is Ahmet Ertegun. May I have a moment of your time? What do you want, man? I'm at church. I'm sorry. I'll come back later. You're here now. What do you want? My company, Atlantic Records, has acquired your contract from Swing Time. I'd like to discuss your future. Hold on. Don't jive me now. I ain't for sale. May I sit down? You see, Mr. Charles, Jack Lauderdale has found himself, shall we say, a little overextended, and has had to unload some of his talent. When your name came up, I jumped at the chance to work with you. I'm a big fan. What if I want to go to another company? There's a guy out there right now that is willing to pay me seven cents a record. Can you do that? Man, I could promise you 15 cents a record, but you won't get it any more than he'll pay you seven. What I will do is promise you five cents a record and pay you five cents a record. If you think pennies, Mr. Charles, you get pennies. You think dollars, you get dollars. I like how you put things together, man. Ahem, you know what? Omelet, you're all right with me. Ahmet. Ahmet. What kind of name is that? I'm Turkish. Well, you know what? I guess Jack Lauderdale's bad luck is my good fortune. I knew that Atlantic Records was bigger than Swing Time. You guys do good music. I dig Atlantic. You could have fooled me. Well, you know, I gotta keep my eye on you city boys. Down home, we call it country dumb. Hey, man, it ain't Turkish. Went to see my sweetheart Last night around about ten She said, move, sweet papa Squeeze me every now and then What do you think? Man, nobody wants another Nat King Cole. 'Cause she sleep that way The midnight hour Has found me lonely So unhappy As I can be Ahmet, it's just like Charles Brown. Okay, I'll talk to him. All right, fellas, that's a cut. That's a cut, fellas. Fellas! Band can take five. He just don't get it. You either sound original, or you got nothin'. Ahmet, what'd you think of that? Ray, I want to tell you something, and I don't want you to take it wrong. Then give it to me right. I signed you because I sensed something special in you not because you sound like Nat Cole or Charles Brown. I thought you like what I do. We... we love the tim e of your voice, we like your virtuosity, your energy... But not my music. Come on, man, I didn't say that. Ahmet, this is what I do, man. I gotta make a living. This is what the people want. I don't know no other way. We got to help you find one. Look, let's try a little change of pace, okay? You're familiar with stride piano? You kidding me, man? The man who I learned the piano from is a stride player. Okay, I got a song. It's called The Mess Around. The Mess Around. Cute title. Who wrote it? I did. Ah, you wrote it. Yeah. Well, sing it to me, man. Sing it? Yeah. It ain't like I can read the lyrics. Okay. Well, it's the key of G. Okay. Key of G. Uh-huh. Yeah. Yeah, but it's a kind of Pete Johnson thing. Pete Johnson. Yeah, yeah, that's it. You like that? Here we go. Two, three, four. You can talk about the pit barbecue The band was jumpin', the people, too They're doin' the mess around They're doin' the mess around They're doin' the mess around Everybody doin' the mess around All right, that's good. Let me take it from here. Now this band's gonna play from nine to one Everybody here's gonna have some fun Doin' the mess around Ah, doin' the mess around They doin' the mess around Everybody doin' the mess around Now you see that girl with that diamond ring She knows how to shake that thing Mess around I declare she can mess around Ah, mess around Everybody do the mess around Now we got something! That's all right there. What do you think, Ahmet? Great, Ray! Unbelievable! Who's that? Ray, I want you to meet my new partner, Jerry. Mr. Ray Charles, Jerry Wexler. Hey. Don't worry, Ray. I'm going to step back, I'm gonna watch, I'm gonna learn how to produce a record. I'm in awe. That was out of sight. That's some running and riffing, man! Well, this'll make you shout, man. We're listening to that new recording, Mess Around by Atlantic recording artist, Ray Charles. And we have the gentleman live here in the KCOH studios. So, Ray, when you're not making your own music, what do you listen to? You know what, the fact is, King Bee, I really and truly love gospel. One of my favorite groups is from right here in The Cecil Shaw Singers. You heard it: Ray Charles endorses Houston's own Cecil Shaw. We'll be playing gospel all day Sunday but right now, let's hear some more of that Mess Around by Ray Charles. K.B., line 1. King Bee. Mmm-hmm. Yeah, he's right here. Miss Della Antwine of the Cecil Shaw Singers. Hello, Miss Antwine. You sung tenor in Jesus Is My Shepherd, right? Yes. How did you pick me out? Actually, I... I hear like you see. Like that hummingbird outside the window, for instance. I can't hear her. You have to listen. Yes. Yeah. Yes, you can. OH-OH. You hear that? What? Her heart just skipped a beat. Oh, did you like my record? The one that King Bee was playin'? It was very nice. Different than the others. I've heard a lot of your music. Was it very nice, too? Look, Miss Antwine, if you don't really like the record, you ain't got to beat around the bush with me. I mean, my mama never did. It's not that I don't enjoy your music. It's just that I feel I've heard it before. I keep wondering what the real Ray Charles sound like. Ray Charles? Who's he? Nobody, if you don't know. Huh? Sorry. I should have kept my mouth shut. Oh, no, no. Then you wouldn't be you. You know, it's not like I haven't heard that before. I guess I just, uh, never really listened, that's all. Ain't nobody ever put it that sweet, I guess. You know what, Miss Della Bea Antwine? You really are a country girl. You know that? Yes. How'd you know? I could tell by the way you ordered. Let me get molasses with my corn ead. Were you raised on a farm? My mother did a little sharecropping in Florida. Is she still there? God bless her heart, she passed away when I went to school. Ray, I'm sorry. She never was real healthy. She just worked herself to death, poor thing. That's why she didn't want me carrying around no tin cup. The kids I went to school with, they were doing basket-weavin' and wickerwork. But not you. Because of your gift. Because of my ears. See, I can mimic damn near anybody, and I... I... I... I make a pretty decent living at it. It's just, if I change my style up and people really don't dig it, I mean, what am I left with, you know? I mean, when you're blind, Miss Antwine, you ain't got that many choices. Seem to me like you got all the choices in the world. God gave you the gift to sound like anybody you please, even yourself. We're here. This is where I live. Well, you think the preacher'd let me in? I mean, uh, I'm a sinner, but I need a little prayer. His wife don't like me having male company. Well, tell him there's a soul out here that needs savin'. You know what, Miss Antwine, you really got me thinkin'. About what? About my life. About my music. About everything. Ray, don't... don't you think we're movin' a little fast? Listen, I'm... I'm gonna go to New York for a couple of weeks, and when I get back, you can take it as slow as you want. All right, Mr. Charles. All right, Miss Antwine. I'll see you in a couple of weeks. Well, hold on, now. Let me call you a cab. I got it. Three blocks up, left for two, right for one. Fifteen giant steps, and I'm at the Crystal White Hotel. Hello. Mess Around was a positive step for us, Ray. We're making progress. Oh, come on, Ahmet. Now, you've been nice to me. But I haven't given you guys any hits. Atlantic Records has been good to me, but if you want me to do something special, I'm gonna need my own band. Oh, man. Taking a band out on the road costs a mint, Ray. I mean, even Joe Morris is struggling. His band's had a hit record. But, Ahmet, listen, I'm not Joe Morris. Man, you told me if I think pennies, I get pennies. I'm thinking dollars, man. Ruth Brown's got a tour booked in Georgia. She needs a band. I... I'll take it. I could write the charts for her, I... I could do backup, and also be an openin' act. Okay. But you're going to be financially responsible. You're gonna have to make it work, Ray. Yeah, yeah, I'm gonna make it do what it do, baby. Yeah. Ray! Miss Antwine, it's been two weeks. It's been three. Now, where's the preacher at? And the wife? They in Dallas till Monday. Well, hallelujah! Della Bea. Kind of like a honey bee, right? Can I call you Bea? Yeah, I'd like that. There's only been two cats that I ever really trusted in my life. There's Jeff Brown, he's going to be my tour manager, Fathead Newman, my tenor man and now you. But you gotta do me a favor. Bea, you gotta always tell me the truth. Oh, yeah. Just like you did before. Don't feel sorry for me just 'cause I'm blind. How could I pity someone I admire? Can I play something for you? Now? Yeah. No, Ray. Yeah, right now. Right now. I'm gonna... Ray! It's right there. You got it. Okay. Yeah, yeah, this will work. Now you go ahead and play. I'm gonna close these drapes. All right. I don't want no neighbors looking in. Well I got a woman way over town She's good to me Oh, yeah I got a woman Way over town Ray. She's good to me Oh, yeah Ray! She give me money Ray. Ray, that's sacrilegious. When I'm in need What... what? It's a gospel song. I know what it is. I wrote it. I mean, you told me to find my own voice. Well, Bea, this is it. But it... it ain't... It ain't right to be changing gospel music into this. Into what? Is it... Is it devil music? Evil music? Do you think... Do you think I'm evil, Bea? Look, I've been performing gospel and blues all my life. It's who I am. And if I'm gonna do my own thing, I... I gotta be natural, right? I'm singing about my feelings for you. About how I love you. What could be more natural than that? Huh, Bea? Tell me. More natural than me and you. Ray. I got a woman Way over town good to me Oh, yeah So we bite the bullet, we cancel the tour dates. But what the hell are we gonna tell Ray? We just have to tell him the truth: Ruth Brown's pregnant, so there's no tour. What about LaVern Baker? Get LaVern Baker to take the tour. She doesn't have a record. There's nothing to promote. You and Jesse get up there, write a couple of songs, let's get her in the studio. It's gonna take a month to do that... What are we gonna do? We got to do somethin'. Ray's got a whole new band up there. How the hell did he put together a band so fast? Boss! Boss, they're here. Come on. Let's get together so we can show 'em this. ... eak this to Ray. Oh, you're gonna let me eak it to Ray? Why me? Because Ruth Brown was your idea. Ruth Brown is a good idea, Ruth Brown was a good idea, and still is a good idea. Shh! That's good to me Oh, yeah I got a woman Way over town Good to me Whoa, yeah She give me money When I'm in need Yeah, she's the kind of friend indeed I got a woman Ahmet. Yeah. We gotta get this on wax. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah Hear that, New York? The sound is huge! But there's only seven cats on this record. This is the new Ray Charles, baby, and there's nothing out there like it! And you heard it first on The Moondog Show! Just for me Oh, yeah She give me money The Shaw Agency's the best booker on the Chitlin' Circuit, that's my opinion. Milt Shaw, meet Ray Charles. Ray, It was Milt's dad, Billy, who first drew my attention to a certain blind pianist when he was booking Lowell Fulson. Ray Charles. We believe in your talent. We wanna be in the Ray Charles business. We've already got you booked on a 10-city tour with Roy Milton's Solid Senders... Oh, Roy Milton, I love him. ...and Tangula the Exotic Shake Dancer. She is gorgeous. Ray, I gotta tell you, we think you're onto something very big here. Nobody's ever combined R&B and gospel before. I've Got A Woman is a smash. You better start thinking about a follow-up, my friend. Right now. You know, this sounds good. I gotta run to Texas and take care of some business, and, I'll be right back. Well, make it fast. I'm ready to sell, sell, sell. A-a-as long as you book me in front of Tangula. Della, hold on! Let me get my camera. Let me get one picture. Y'all, y'all, stay right there! Ray! Della, let me get one picture! Come on. One picture, Della! Come on, now. Be careful, Ray. These are your last steps of freedom, man. Don't open that door. Ray, you gotta carry her over the threshold. To the right, Ray! To the right, now! Ray, you need some help? You sure you know what you're doing? He knows a woman's place Right there now, in her home I got a woman Ray. Ray. Can I come in? H-H-Hold on. What's goin' on, Ray? Open this door. Why are you locking doors on me, Ray? You know the place is small. We gotta have a little privacy. Uh, what we need is a little more room. You know, we're gonna need some space while we start a family. Well, Bea, you know I'm gonna be on the road for most of the year. Ray. I'm just thinking, what if I'm not a good father? My daddy was never around. And he had three different families. Well, you are gonna have one, starting right now. Right now? Mmm-hmm. Well, what do you think? That's all is what I know. I know Hallelujah, I just love her so Now, if I call her on the telephone And tell her that I'm all alone By the time I count from one to four I hear her on my door Stop it! Y'all done lost your minds! Stop all this stuff! You need to be saved! I can't take it no more. Stop it! I can't take it! Hold on. Now, wait a minute, man. Take your hands off me! This ain't right! Just let the people hear the music. Y'all sitting here, listenin' to this devil! You're just givin' your money to Satan, that's what you're doin'. Hold on, y- you got a problem? Yeah, I got a problem! That's gospel you're singin'! You're turning God's music into sex. You're making money off the Lord! Don't y'all smile at me! All of y'all are in it, too! All of y'all are going straight to hell! She's right. No, this here's wrong. The whole thing's wrong. It's okay. It's okay. Let... let him go. You got a right to believe in what you believe. You can go to hell by yourself! Boss, you want to cancel the show? Uh, no. I'm not gonna cancel the show. Just find me a bari player by tomorrow. I just want to ask the folks right now: If all of y'all want me to keep playing, let me hear you say Amen. Amen! And while you're at it, find me a girl with church-training that can sing but without the church attitude. All right. Let's go, y'all. Keep it going, here we go... Come on. Let me tell you 'bout a girl I know She is my baby and she lives next door Ray, you got your watch? Yeah. Good. All right, baby, your blue shirts are on top, the pants in between, and the white shirts are on the bottom. Here's your glasses. There you go. Bea. Why don't you come, go on the road with us? Look, baby, what would I do on the road? You'd do what I say you do, that's what you're gonna do. I've been trying to get a female voice in the band, anyway. Can't you just picture me wobbling around on that stage, big as a house? Well, I can't picture you, you know that. But I know what I can do. Come on, now. Don't start nothing you can't finish. Jeff is waiting. You know I can't go on the road with you, not with your baby inside me. Mmm-hmm. I'm gonna get your shaving kit. Uh, Bea, I... I got it. Bea, hold... hold on. Bea, let me get it. How long you been hiding this from me? Ray! I'm your wife! Bea, I... I was just so excited to see you. I forgot to leave it back there with the band, that's all. Let me... Let me get it. Oh, it's just a little medicine, that's all, baby. That ain't medicine to nobody, Ray. Don't be lyin' to yourself. It ain't like I'm dealing it, baby. I just use it to get a little taste. You don't taste poison, Ray. It kills you. Now, you got to stop. I ain't got to do a goddamn thing! What about me? What about your baby? Bea. It ain't like I'm new to this. If I felt like this was jeopardizing my music, or you, or providing for that baby, I would stop in a minute. But I know it won't. How do you know that, Ray? How do... How do you know that? You know what? You can talk till you're blue in the face, it don't matter. I'm not gonna stop. Then I'm comin' with you. No, no. Well, Ray, you just said... No. No. You know what it is, Bea. I... I think it's like you said. I don't think that the road is a place for you and the baby. What are you saying to me, Ray? What I'm sayin' is that when I get home, I hope that you're here at my house. Your house? Jeff, come get this bag. All right, Ray. Hey, Della Bea. You all right? It ings a tear to my eyes When I began to realize That's good, thank you. How does she look? Very pretty. Brown skin. I guess I'll drown in my own tears Yeah, yeah. Uh, oh, yeah, that's great. I really dig your sound. Uh, what was your name again, sweetheart? Oh, Mary Ann. Mary Ann Fisher. Mary Ann Fisher. Uh, Mary Ann, how would you feel if I asked you to sing a torch song with a gospel feel to it? Well, Gospel's all about love anyway, isn't it? Oh, yeah. Would it make you feel like a sinner? Well, Mr. Charles, I love the Lord, the Lord loves me. But I ain't no hypocrite. Hello. You know what? It's hard to fool me, but it's impossible to fool the Almighty, ain't it? Why don't we rehearse the song a little bit? Okay. Boss, we got to go. Go ahead. I'll be with you in a minute. I just really feel your... feel your spirit. Boss, are you sure? Let's go. It ings a tear Into my eyes When I begin to realize I've cried so much Well, since you've been gone I was drowning In my own tears You're amazing. So are you, baby. Uh, come sit next to me. So, what do you think? Ray, telephone. Take a message. It's Della Bea. Damn it. Uh, tell her I'm busy. Come on, man, I ain't lying to Bea. Uh-oh. Is that the wife? Shut up. I-I'll be there in a second. Don't mess with this junk, all right? All it'll do is make you sick. Does he have all his fingers and toes? Yes, he does. Can he, uh... Can he see? Yes. You want to hold him? No, I can't. Come on, Ray. I wouldn't know what to do it right. That's what you came here for. Use this hand to hold his head. Okay. Right there. That's your daddy. Yeah. He ain't no bigger than a loaf of ead. Thank you. He's not my gift to you, Ray. He's your son. You know I'm gonna take care of both of you. You know that, right? I love you. I love you, too, Ray. But there's something I got to say. I know you're a musician, a working musician, but don't ing the road into our home again. The home I'm making for you and our children. Bea, I... I promise I won't do that. It... lt's just there's some things... No. Now, don't say no more. I ain't no fool. You know, you're the only woman I'll ever love. Mama! Mama, help! Mama, help! Mama, help, please! I need you! Mama, help! Mama! I hear you, too, Mama. You're right there. Yeah, yes, I am. Why are you crying, Mama? 'Cause I'm happy. Hey, it's Uncle Jeff! Got my camera! Sarah! Sarah! Come on in. Put the flowers right there behind them. All right, big smiles, everybody. Big smiles. Hello Mary Ann You know you sure look fine Hello Mary Ann You know you sure look fine Hello Mary Ann I could love you all the time Oh Mary Ann I say baby don't you know? Oh Mary Ann Well baby, don't you know? Don't you know that I love you so? Oh, oh, oh Hi, Junior. Come on, Ray, let's get this boy home so he can get something to eat. I have those cookies you like. Oh Mary Ann Can I take you home tonight? Boss, we try to make it through these cracker speed traps, we gonna be a little late. Yeah, just stay within the limits. All right. Why don't we get that spot in Memphis, huh? We could have our own place. Baby, I'm not leaving Houston. I bet she don't do this. Oh, baby, hold on. Goodbye don't mean gone, okay? I'm not gonna leave my family. Okay, baby, okay. No need to get sore. How about we give me a little more to do in the show, huh? How about a solo? You just don't stop, do you? Look, I'm going up to New York to do some publicity. You take a week off and stay here, find some material, and when I get back, we can talk about it. Okay. Okay. Okay. Ah, you know what, I dig New York, man. It's like everybody here's making their own sound. They loved it. Ray, they loved you. We're gonna get the cover of Billboard. You know what, I want to do a session while I'm here. How about tomorrow? What, you got the band here? Yeah. I've got the band here Step down. Everybody except Mary Ann, because I need a different background. You know what I'm sayin', I've been hearing this thing in my head, kind of like a dance between a man and three women. Sounds fun. Can I watch? It's a dance of voices, Ahmet. W-What do you have in mind? Like three Mary Anns? Oh, no, no, no. That's too smooth. I need somethin' that... that's more raw. The Cookies. What about The Cookies? Yeah... yeah, Cookies are sweet. If you don't want you don't have to Get in trouble If you don't want you don't have to Get in trouble If you don't want you don't have to Get in trouble Say you better leave my woman alone Well, I know you are a playboy And you've got women all over town But, listen buddy, if you ever sweet-talk my little girl I'm gonna lay your body down If you don't want you don't have to Get in trouble You know you don't want Oh yeah If you don't want you don't have to Jesus, he's on fire, huh? Maybe we should sign these girls up. If I know Ray, we won't get a chance. You better leave You better leave Woman alone Woman alone I'm sayin' Leave woman alone You better leave Woman alone My woman alone If you don't want you don't have to Get in trouble If you don't want you don't have to Get in trouble If you don't want you don't have to Get in trouble You better leave my woman alone Woman alone My woman alone It doesn't get any better than that, Ray. Yeah, you know what, I love it! We gonna put it out just like that. You know, I never got a record in one take before! You Cookies sound sweet. Mmm-hmm. When it's happening, baby, I mean, it just feels right. I know what you mean. I got the shivers in this studio tonight. That's 'cause they ain't paid the heating bill. I have a question for all of you: How would you like to go on the road with me? Wait... wait. How, um, how much you gonna pay us? You know, Ahmet takes care of all of that. Oh, what, you mean he don't listen to you? Yeah, you better know he does. Look, don't worry about it. Brother Ray'll take care of all of you. Well, my mama taught me to take care of myself, honey. Is your mother here? No, she's not, but I speak for us. No, you don't. Okay, Speak for Us, how about, uh, ahem, $20 a week? $20 a week is good. We'll take $40. Each. $40 each? You heard me. No, no, no. Uh, how about $25? We'll take $30. I better say yeah before you talk me out of my drawers. $30 a week! Uh, deal? Oh! Yeah. Oh! Margie, right? Yeah. Well, look, Margie, from now on, you guys are going to be called The Raelettes. Raelettes? Does that mean we have to Let Ray? Oh, Lord! What am I going to do with you? I'm sure you'll think of somethin'. $30 a week! We're going to be The Raelettes! Fathead, come on, you're on the clock. Come on, Bob, you're late. All right, hold on, Jeff. Listen up. From now on, we're gonna sing, uh, four-part harmony. Ethel, I want you to sing, uh, uh, alto. Margie, you sing tenor. Pat, soprano, and Mary Ann, bass. I ain't no bass. I'm a soprano. I'll sing bass. I mean, where we come from, we can sing anything. Mmm-hmm. We're talking about singing, sugar, not hog calling. What? Oh, that's cold. Who are you calling a hog? Well, if the corncob fits... You better shut your mouth before you get... Wait a minute! You stop now! Hey, hey, hey! What is all the cackling for? Mary Ann, sweetheart, I wrote something special for you: A solo. A solo? Yeah. C-Come on down here, let me play it for you. What kind of man are you? Why do I love you so? What kind of man are you? Yeah, yeah When you love me no more Ethel! Ethel! Come here and see this new piano Ray got. It's called a... a... a Wurlitzer. A what? You got to see this thing. It's out of sight. Baby, I got your drink here for you. Don't play that. Oh, she... she want me to play something else. What kind of man are you? I just can't satisfy What kind of man are you? Oh, yeah No matter how I try Oh! Oh! Oh! We got some hell going on, gentlemen! Now, this is a car. This is a car! Looks like a damn Wieniemobile! Lookie here! Come on, let's take it for a spin! Since I'm the boss, you got to let me drive. Don't hit nothing, Ray. What Kind Of Man Are You? I'm always left alone Ooh! You okay? Yeah. What room are you in? 69. Ooh, honey, you are so nasty. That's what I love about you. No, seriously, what room are you in? Uh, I'm in 626. 624. Yeah. Baby, I can't wait till we get to your room! Here's 626. Right here. Where's the key? You have to get it. I have to find it? Is that it? It might be.
'More rain tomorrow with the chance of thunderstorms... ' Mikey, quit playing, get ready for school. Come on, start eating. Your mom's coming in ten minutes. - Hey, were you messing with this? - No. No! Bet you were. I bet you were fooling around. - I'll get it. - All right. Hello. Hi, Jane. - Mikey, you want more juice? - Sure. - Here you go. - Yeah, no problem. OK. See ya. - Jane can't make it. - Why not? - She didn't say. - Didn't say what? - Your mom can't pick you up. - Does that mean I miss school? No! It means I take you instead. Nice try, tiger. It was a nice try, though. - Where you going, baby? - My publishers. They're gonna show me the cover. Wow. You look great. You look really great. You look really, really great. No, John, we're late already. And you have toothpaste on your mouth. Right there. - You OK? - Yeah. - You sure? - Well, I might be... more than OK. Oh, my God in heaven. Yes! Yes, yes! This could be wrong. I'll do another one. - Let's tell Mike he's getting a other. - Wait. I'll do another test and then see the doctor. Congratulations, honey. Lunch bag. Suit bag. Kiss. All right. See you in a couple of days. Say hi to your mom. And you, take it easy. I know. Hey! Bye. I love you. See you later. Don't worry. - Hi, Kelvin. - How you doing? - Mr. Rivers. - Hey. Frank asked if you'd call as soon as you're in. Oh. Sure. Wow. - Wow what? - You. You're smiling. Is that a big deal that I'm smiling? - It is on a Monday morning, yeah. - Really? - Really. - OK. - Yeah. - Hey, Karen, order me a bouquet of flowers for the end of the day, lilies. And champa... No, not champagne, get me chocolates. Those Belgian kind. You know? What are you looking at? Something's up. - Something's really up. - Would you just...? - I'm going. - Thank you. - But I know something's up. - Frank. Hey, babe, are you home? 'You have one message. 'Message received Monday 16th, 6:07 pm.' 'Hey, honey, it's me. So Julie's having trouble with Ben, again.' - What's new? - 'So I said I'd have a drink with her. 'Don't worry, I'll stick to water, and I'll call when I'm on my way home. 'Did you see the demo cover? What do you think? 'I was kind of thinking... ' 'No messages.' 'Hi, it's Anna. Leave a message after the beep and I will call you back.' Hi, it's me, it's a little before midnight. I guess you're still with Julie. Give me a call, let me know. All right? Love you, bye. 'Hi, it's Julie. Leave a message.' Julie, hi, it's John. Do me a favor. When you get this message, have Anna give me a call. I guess you guys are having a good time. Thank you. '... victim of a tragic accident. 'Police have discovered the heel of a woman's shoe 'close to her abandoned car on Argyle Avenue. 'She may have slipped into the river while attending to a flat tire. 'Although divers are still searching the area, 'reported sightings of the best-selling author 'continue to reach police from towns up to 20 miles away. 'Police are keeping an open mind as to her whereabouts. 'Anna Rivers' latest novel The Eternal Wait is scheduled for release this fall 'and her husband, architect Jonathan Rivers, 'is said to be taking time out to accompany her on her promotional tour.' - We're gonna get going. - OK. Come on, Michael. - Mark'll be home in a minute, so... - OK. OK. - Come on, pal, say goodbye to your dad. - Come here. Be a good boy. Take care of your mom. Go get your stuff. Hey, there's a bed at our place if you want it. Oh, thanks. Jane, you don't have to put yourself out for me. I know I wasn't a very good... OK. 'It's ten days now since international author Anna Rivers' car was found... ' 'Although police still suspect she could have drowned, 'they are not ruling out the possibility of abduction. 'Architect husband Jonathan Rivers spoke of his anguish today... ' 'Three weeks since the disappearance of author Anna Rivers... ' 'Police say they are constructing a profile of a likely abductor.' 'Distraught husband, Jonathan Rivers... ' '... had this message for anyone who may know of her whereabouts.' 'It's, er, difficult. 'But you never give up hope, ever. 'It's the only way to get by.' I got 50 guys and thousands of dollars' worth of equipment waiting, so if you want to tell them to wait a month, call me. - My goodness. - You were outside my house. - I'm sorry. - You were outside my house and now you're outside my office. Don't insult my intelligence by telling me that's a coincidence. No, it's no coincidence. Do I know you? My name is Raymond Price. - Are you following me? - It's about Anna, Mr. Rivers. I've been receiving messages from her, from the other side. From what other side? Jonathan... your wife is dead. I have proof. She's been trying to communicate ever since the moment of her death. Look, Mr. Rivers, my son died when he was 12. - For years I've been suicidal. - Look. Just stay away from me. But then someone told me what I have told you. That my son, my dead son, had made contact. And he had, Mr. Rivers, it was true. From the other side. And he was happy. Happy. Please. Yes. And also at ease. And it changed my life, Mr. Rivers, because then, then I knew. So please, please, Mr. Rivers, put this in a drawer, hide it, forget about it, but please don't throw it away. Because, one day... you will want to know. My thoughts are with you both. 'It's Anna Rivers. 'The fabulous Anna Rivers carrying groceries.' - 'Stop it.' - 'How was shopping? ' - 'Turn it off.' - 'OK. Just... - 'There's one of her best features.' - 'Shut up.' 'That's a beautiful thing, ladies and gentlemen.' 'The body of internationally renowned author Anna Rivers 'was discovered last night by a security guard making a routine visit... ' '... to the disused pier 16, three miles upriver 'from where her car was found abandoned 'five weeks ago on Argyle Avenue. 'The discovery ings to an end... ' 'Before she drowned, 'your wife sustained injuries consistent with a fall onto the rocks by the river. 'The damage to the head, the eak to the arm. 'When the tide came in, she would have been unable to help herself. 'She would have been swept upstream several miles. 'I'm so sorry for your loss.' 'Divers recovered her personal effects. 'Her cell phone was in her car, and we're returning it to you.' ...giving her to us, her family and friends, to know and to love as a companion on our earthly pilgrimage. Give us faith to see in death the gate of eternal life, so that in quiet confidence we may continue our course on earth until, by Your call, we are reunited with those who have gone before. - Amen. - Amen. - So, what do you think? - I love it. - Yeah? - Yeah. It's nice here. - All right. - It's a fresh start. I guess. Could you... Could you take Mikey for the weekend? Yeah, of course. Maybe... maybe a little longer. As long as you want, John. We're gonna go lay the floor now. - When are you gonna ing them? - They'd like to see you this week. Sure. Fine, it shouldn't be any problem. Whoops. You ought me here just to do that, didn't you? No, I didn't. Let me see what I can do here. This is where you tell me you're running over budget, right? Shit. Keep doing that! I'm sorry, I didn't... Ask them if they have a light. - You guys OK? - We are now. Yeah. I trust you'll fix this before Mr. Cunningham arrives. Anna? 'Jonathan.' 'You have one message. 'Message received Wednesday 23rd, '2:30am.' 'Jonathan.' 'End of message. You have no messages.' 'You have no messages. 'You have no messages.' Oh! Please, come. How nice. - Hello. - Hi. - Look, er... - I was just about to finish with someone. - I can come back. - No, it won't take long. I'm really glad to see you. I was hoping that you'd come. - Thank you. - This is Sarah Tate. Let me introduce you to Mr. Rivers. Sorry, I'm a little... We've had a eakthrough today. It's incredible. It truly is. - This is ridiculous. - Stay awhile. I should get these boxes back to the store. Sarah, there's no need to hurry. Make yourself a cup of tea. I suppose. Thank you. Would you like one? Yeah, that'd be great. Thank you. Thank you. Mr. Rivers, please. Oh, er... Excuse me. Please, sit here. Sit. So, have you heard of E.V.P., Mr. Rivers? No. I'm not surprised. Those that have call us cranks. E.V.P. Stands for electronic voice phenomenon. - I'm listening. - Well. I'm not a clairvoyant, I'm not a medium, I don't contact the dead, the dead contact me. And, with E.V.P., I can hear them, I can see them, and... I can record them. '... I understand... ' '... you shouldn't be... ' - And they are... - That's right. People that have passed over. Is this your job, or a hobby, or what? I think obsession would be more appropriate, to be honest. Now, I wonder where... Ah! Here we are. They don't always appear visually the first few times. We tend only to pick up their voices and people can find that frustrating. But when it works, and you see the faces of the people that you're able to help, like Sarah, nothing, believe me, nothing comes close. Mr. Rivers, do you want to hear your wife? Yes. 'Jonathan. 'Jonathan. 'Find him. 'Jonathan Rivers. 'Find him. 'Jonathan... Jonathan... 'Rivers... 'Find him, please.' The frustrating thing about E.V.P. Is it's not live. You need to make the recording and you'll only know if you've got results when you play it back. Here. It has milk. - Perfect. Thank you. - Excuse me for a moment. It's an amazing feeling, isn't it? Er... It's indescribable. It took me a few visits to get used to it but it's addictive. I'm here all the time. He's really helped me. I try to help him when I can, so I keep some of this stuff at the store. - What store? - I have a bookstore. Your wife was a wonderful writer, Mr. Rivers. Yeah. - So what made you come here? - My fiancé. He died eight months ago. We've had trouble deciphering what he's been saying but this afternoon we cracked it. Only two words - Sarah, yes. Because, before he died, he promised me that if it was like they say it is that he would find a way of getting to me and letting me know that he's happy. So, Sarah, yes. Oh. Raymond thinks we probably won't see him again now but that's OK. And I've heard what I wanted to hear. Anna... this is John. If there's any way you can hear me... will you please let me know? Please. Just any kind of... Just any kind of sign. Please. 'Susie.' 'Susie.' 'Susie, I... ' I recorded this a few hours ago. It's quite faint, so I had to save it as a sound file on the computer to enhance the sound. So, um... - she knows that I visited? - I believe so. - So will I get to see her this time? - No. This will just be sound. I'm sorry, John, we have to be a little patient. Trust me, John, this is just the beginning. Sit, here. Now... If you want to hear it again, just press that key. I'll be back in a moment. 'Tell him... because I love him.' 'Tell him... because I love him.' 'Bastard. Bastard.' 'Bastard.' What was that? It's OK, it's OK. We do have some very bad people out there. You just have to press that... and they're all gone. We've had a step towards visual contact with Anna. Let's cele ate that. Here. They can't all be nice, they can't all be Anna. 'Susie Tomlinson... smile.' 'Susie Tomlinson... sm... ' Hello. - 'It's Raymond. Something's happening.' - Really? - 'Get over here.' - I'm on my way. Hello? Raymond? So you'll tell me whatever you find out? I can't tell you any more than you'll read in the papers. Yeah, thanks. Thank you for coming to the service. It would've meant a lot to him. Oh. Thank you for doing this for me. I'm not sure where to start. He was working off a disk, so... Maybe Anna's original tapes might be in one of these boxes. You all right? I still can't believe he's gone. Well... - Maybe he'll be in touch. - I don't know. Said he'd made enough of a nuisance of himself when he was alive. Just doesn't make any sense. He was helping people. Wow. - These go back years. - 23, to be precise. Carol should know. Tell Thomas he should. Men in the room. Oh, here's one - 500 dollars still there. - That's the kind of message I like. - Yeah. There we go. Why do we got so many? So you can watch your favorite show and I can watch my favorite show. Yeah. OK... Um... They're showing me something. It's... It's, uh... Willow Avenue. They're showing me Willow Avenue. Yes? No. No. No. Oh. OK. It's no problem. Sometimes it happens. Your wife, she passed over recently. Yeah. Her passing was difficult. Yeah. She was, um... She's a writer. She was a writer. Yeah, her words are important. Oh... I'm sorry, the light is way too ight. It's... it's like these tiny, noisy, little pinpoints. It's making it hard to see anything at all. Can you... - It's electronic voice... - I know what this is. - I've been making tapes... - You shouldn't. You shouldn't try this by yourself, it's not safe. It's like homemade Ouija boards and teenage séances at Halloween. E.V.P. Is not good. We spend years developing our relationships with our guides so that we can protect you. - From what? - From the ones who like damage. Cos they are out there and they will find you. If you're gonna keep insisting on meddling, then... Anna, my wife, she sent me a sign. No. No. Not Anna. You are misreading everything. Listen, it is one thing to contact the dead, it is another to meddle, and you are meddling. - I just came cos I wanted some help. - I know, I can help you. It's just that they are urging me to tell you to stop. Right. Thank you. Mr. Rivers... Willow Avenue. Are you sure? They keep showing me Willow Avenue. No. No Willow Avenue, no Willow Street, no Willow Terrace. Mr. Rivers. She was pregnant. Yes? 'We play every day.' 'He says you are happier now.' 'Did I die? ' 'Susie. 'Susie Tomlinson... 'smile. 'Susie Tomlinson. 'Smile' Excuse me. Are you Susie Tomlinson? - Yeah. - My name's Jonathan Rivers. - Hi. - May I speak to you? My mother died giving birth to me. And my grandmother, she tried for years to make contact with her. You know, with candles, darkness and smoke... - Séances? - Yeah. All of that, she tried everything. She used to tell me... that when she died she'd let me know if she found her, if she... if she found my mother. Whenever I was sad, she nagged me to cheer up. She would say, Susie Tomlinson, look on the ighter side. Susie Tomlinson, lighten up. Susie Tomlinson, smile. They've found each other. Haven't they? That's what she wanted me to know. It's like she didn't really die. I get the call from my father and then, what, like two days later you come by? It's like she just carried straight on. Susie, I don't understand. I've been getting messages from your grandmother for a week. No, that can't be. She just passed away two days ago. 'They are ruling nothing out in the case of missing mother of two, Mary Freeman. 'It's been nine days since she left her house... ' - Where are we gonna eat now? - On our laps. There you go. It works. What's that, Dad? That means it's time for us to go pack up your gear. Come on. One, two, three... Hoi! That's it. Next week, can I watch a video and you watch a video like you said? Yep, but only if you're good, and ready for when your mom comes to pick you up. OK. - Daddy. - Yeah. Are you gonna be OK? Yeah. I promise. 'John. 'John. 'John, my love. 'John. John.' Anna. Anna, baby. 'John, my love.' 'Please, get my... 'Please... ' 'John. 'John. 'Go.' - 'Please! ' - 'I know.' 'John, my love.' 'Go.' 'John, my love.' 'Willow Avenue.' 'Go. Go. 'Go now. - 'Please, John.' - 'Willow Avenue.' 'Please, John.' 'Willow Avenue.' Please! Please, get my baby! Please. Get my baby. Please. Please. - Hi. - Oh. Hi. - Thank you for coming. - Yeah, sure. How's he doing? He's good. Gets a little better every day. How are you? I should... - Sorry. Thanks again. - Yeah. OK. - Mr. Black. - John... Mr. Black. Uh... This is gonna sound strange but I need to tell you. I went to Willow Avenue because she reached out to me, she asked for help. That's the thing. She wanted help. I am grateful for what you did, Mr. Rivers. My son wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you. So thank you. - But now I'd like you to leave us alone. - Mr. Black... Carol may have believed your bullshit but not me. So you and your sick friends, you stay the fuck away from me and my family, you understand? You stay away. Number one, they're not dead. When I see them, they're not dead. She shows me things that haven't happened. - Things that haven't happened? - Right. Number two, she's showing me things that are here, not somewhere else where I can't do anything. She doesn't show me an earthquake in India or some bomb in the Middle East, they're here in this city where I can maybe do something. I've seen things that haven't happened yet. You understand? I can see how you're putting it together. Putting it...? Putting it together? What do you mean? She wants me to help. I couldn't help Carol Black. But I can help them. - 'Jonathan Rivers' office.' - Karen, cancel my appointments - for the next few days. - 'Are you all right? ' I need a few days. - 'Take care of yourself.' - Yeah, I will. 'It hurts.' 'Stop. 'She's ours.' 'She's ours.' 'John, my love.' 'Willow Avenue.' 'Stop, you pig. Willow Avenue.' It's the same voice. When I was at Raymond's, he had been receiving messages, angry, violent messages. Now I'm getting the same thing, Sarah. - But from whom? - I don't know. Sarah. Edith Tomlinson, 207. I was getting messages from Susie Tomlinson's grandmother. She was trying to reach her dead daughter, Susie's mother. Edith Tomlinson. Daughter died giving birth, tapes 200 to 208. Susie's grandmother. She was visiting Raymond. Probably just a coincidence. Look for Carol Black, the woman in the car. Remember what her husband said? My wife might have been into that shit but I wasn't. Carol Black. General interest, tape number 231. Raymond had lists of clients. You've seen only two. I've seen hundreds of faces. It could be the same with all of them. I'm in there, you're in there, Edith, Carol, they're just two people... - There's too much else. - It's a coincidence. Mary Freeman. The missing woman. She's on my tapes. I've seen her. She's on my tapes. First they visit Raymond. Then I see them. Then they die. - What are you doing? - If she's alive, Anna will show her to me. We don't know that everyone you see is alive. Susie's grandmother, Carol Black. - What about Anna? - Anna's different. She's helping me. - We don't know what's happening here. - I do. If Mary Freeman's on these tapes, she might be alive and we might be able to save her. Sarah! Sarah, come here! Look at this. Come here. Come here. Look at this. Hear that? That's her. Oh, my God. She's alive. 'Go. Go now.' - Go where, baby? - John... Anna, go where? 'Please, John. Go! ' Go... go where, baby? - 'Go now! ' - Go where? Go where? Damn it! She's gonna die. - You don't know that. - She's on the tape. She's on the tape. She's gonna die. 'John. 'John. 'It hurts.' Oh, my God. Oh, my God. - What if I don't wake up? - You will. I promise you will. You will stay with me? Sure. Sure. - Promise? - Promise. Thank you. Sarah? God. It's as much as we can say. There's a 30, 40 chance she might pull through. Let's hope she's OK. Thanks again for your help. Mr. Rivers. Neighbors say they saw you on the balcony when Miss Tate fell. Is that true? I was trying to stop her. From falling? Well, she was on the balcony. Any idea why she was on the balcony? I don't know. I don't know. All right. I'll give you some time but we'll need a full statement from you. Are you heading home soon? I'm not leaving town, if that's what you mean. OK. I may come by later then. John. Hey. You're gonna be OK. You're gonna be fine. It hurts. It hurts. 'John. 'Go. 'Go now, John. 'Go. 'Go now. 'Please, John.' No. Mr. Rivers? - Hello. - 'This is John Rivers. - 'I think I've found Mary Freeman.' - Hello. I'm at pier 16. Can you hear me, Smits? Damn it. Oh, my God! 'John. 'John, my love. 'John.' Anna. Anna, you have to help me, please. - 'Go.' - Anna, you have to help me find Mary. 'Please, John. 'Please, John. 'Go now. 'Go now. 'Please, John.' 'Go now. They talk to me, John. This was their idea. All their idea. She was beautiful, John. I ought her to them. They were very pleased with me. '... Argyle Avenue, suggests she may have slipped... ' 'Damage to the head, the eak to the arm... ' Anna! This was their idea. You guys OK? No! She's ours! Men in the room. Sir? O God of grace and glory, we remember before You this day our other Jonathan. Give us faith to see in death the gate of eternal life so that in quiet confidence... 'I'm sorry. 'I'm sorry. 'I'm sorry. 'I'm sorry, Mikey.' Let's go. We commit the body to the ground. From earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Last time I talked to you You were lonely and out of place You were looking down on me Lost out in space Laid underneath the stars Strung-out and feeling ave Watch the riddles glow Watch them float away Down here in the atmosphere Garbage and city lights You gonna save your tired soul You're gonna save our lives Turned on the radio To find you on satellite I'm waiting for the sky to fall I'm waiting for a sign And all we are Is all so far You're falling back to me The star that I can't see I know you're out there Somewhere out there You're falling out of reach Defying gravity I know you're out there Somewhere out there Hope you remember me When you're homesick and need a change I miss your purple hair I miss the way you taste I know you'll come back some day On a bed of nails I wait I'm praying that you don't burn out Or fade away And all we are Is all so far You're falling back to me The star that I can't see I know you're out there Somewhere out there You're falling out of reach Defying gravity I know you're out there Somewhere out there You're falling back to me The star that I can't see I know you're out there Oh You're falling out of reach Defying gravity I know you're out there Somewhere out there You're falling back to me The star that I can't see I know you're out there Somewhere out there You're falling out of reach Defying gravity I know you're out there Somewhere out there You're falling back to me I know, I know Oh You're falling out of reach I know
Henslowe, do you know what happens to a man who doesn't pay his debts ? His boots catch fire ! Why do you howl... when it is l who am bitten ? - What am l, Mr. Lambert ? - Bitten, Mr. Fennyman. How badly bitten, Mr. Frees ? Twelve pounds, one schilling and fourpence, Mr. Fennyman, including interest. - Aaah ! l can pay you ! - When ? Two weeks ! Three weeks at the most ! Oh, for pity's sake ! Take them out. Where will you find... Sixteen pounds, five schillings and ninepence. lncluding interest, in three weeks ? - l have a wonderful new play. - Put them back in. - lt's a comedy ! - Cut off his nose. lt's a new comedy by William Shakespeare. - And his ears. - And a share ! We will be partners, Mr. Fennyman ! Partners ? lt's a crowd-tickler. Mistaken identities. Shipwreck. Pirate king. - A bit with a dog, and love triumphant. - l think l've seen it. l didn't like it. - But this time it is by Shakespeare. - What's it called ? Romeo and Ethel, the Pirate's Daughter. Good title. A play takes time. Find the actors, rehearsals. Let's say we open in two weeks. That's, what, 500 groundlings at tuppence a head. ln addition, 400 backsides at threepence, a penny extra for cushions. Call it, uh, 200 cushions. Say two performances for safety. How much is that, Mr. Frees ? - Twenty pounds to the penny, Mr. Fennyman. - Correct. - But l have to pay the actors and the author. - Share of the profits. - There's never any-- - Of course not. Oh-- Oh, Mr. Fennyman, l think you might have hit upon something. Sign there. So, Romeo and Ethel, the Pirate's Daughter. Almost finished ? Oh, without doubt he's completing it at this very moment. Will. Will ! Where is my play ? Tell me you have it nearly done. Tell me you have it started. Doubt that the stars are fire, doubt that the sun doth move. No, no, we haven't the time. Talk prose. Where is my play ? - lt is all locked safe in here. - God be praised. Locked ? - As soon as l find my muse. - Who is she this time ? She is always Aphrodite. Aphrodite Baggot, who does it behind the Dog and Trumpet ? Henslowe, you have no soul, so how can you understand the emptiness that seeks a soul mate ? Ow ! Will ! l am a dead man, and buggered to boot. My theater is closed by the plague these twelve weeks. My actors are forced to tour the inn yards of England... while Mr. Burbage and the Chamberlain's Men are invited to court... and receive ten pounds to play your piece, written for my theater, by my writer, at my risk... when you were green and grateful. - What piece ? Richard Crookback ? - No ! lt's comedy they want. Like Romeo and Ethel. - Who wrote that ? - Nobody. You were writing it for me. - l gave you three pound a month since. - Half what you owe me. l'm still due for One Gentleman of Verona. What is money to you and me ? l, your patron, you, my wordwright. When the plague lifts, Burbage will have a new play by Christopher Marlowe for the Curtain. - l will have nothing for the Rose. - Mr. Henslowe. - Will you lend me 50 pounds ? - Fifty pounds ? - What for ? - Burbage offers me a partnership in the Chamberlain's Men. For 50 pounds, my days as a hired player are over. Oh, cut out my heart. Throw my liver to the dogs. No, then ? Theaters are handmaidens of the devil ! The players eed lewdness in your wives and wickedness in your children ! And the Rose smells thusly rank by any name ! l say, a plague on both their houses ! Where are you going ? My weekly confession. Words, words, words. Once, l had the gift. l could make love out of words as a potter makes cups of clay. Love that overthrows empires. Love that binds two hearts together, come hellfire and imstone. For sixpence a line, l could cause a riot in a nunnery. -But now-- -And yet you tell me you lie with women. Black Sue, Fat Phoebe, Rosaline, Burbage's seamstress, Aphrodite, who does it behind-- Yes, now and again. What of it ? l have lost my gift. l am here to help you. Tell me, in your own words. l-lt's as if my quill is oken, as if the organ of my imagination has dried up, as if the proud tower of my genius has collapsed. - lnteresting. - Nothing comes. Most interesting. lt's like trying to pick a lock with a wet herring. Tell me, are you lately humbled in the act of love ? How long has it been ? A goodly length in times past, but lately-- No, no. You have a wife, children ? Aye. l was a lad of 18. Anne Hathaway was a woman half as old again. - A woman of property ? - She had a cottage. - One day she was three months gone with child, so-- - And your relations ? - On my mother's side, the Ardens. - No, your marriage bed. Four years and a hundred miles away in Stratford. A cold bed, too, since the twins were born. Banishment was a blessing. - So, now you are free to love-- - Yet cannot love, nor write it. Here is a-- a bangle... found in Psyche's temple on Olympus. Cheap at fourpence. Write your name on a paper and feed it into the snake. Will it restore my gift ? The woman who wears the snake will dream of you, and your gift will return. Words will flow like a river. See you next week. - Now where ? - To the palace at Whitehall. All right. Hello, Will. Prithee, Mr. Kempe. Break a leg. - You too, good Crab. - Crab's nervous. He's never played the palace. When will you write me a tragedy, Will ? - l could do it. - No, they would laugh at Seneca if you played it. There is no dog in the first scene, Mr. Kempe, thank you. - How goes it, Will ? - l'm still owed money for this play, Burbage. Not by me. l only stole it. My sleeve wants for a button, Mistress Rosaline. Where were my seamstress' eyes ? - When are you coming over to the Chamberlain's Men ? - When l have 50 pounds. - You writing ? - A comedy. All but done. A pirate comedy. - Wonderful. - Bring it tomorrow. - lt's for Henslowe. He paid me. Ten pounds. - You're a liar. - He wants Romeo for Ned and the Admiral's Men. - Mmm. Ned's wrong for it. Will ? - Here's two sovereigns. l'll give you another two when l see the pages. - Done. Burbage, l will see you hanged for a pickpocket. The queen has commanded it. She loves a comedy. And the Master of the Revels favors us. And what favor does Mr. Tilney receive from you ? - Ask him. - She comes ! Cease to persuade, my loving Proteus. Home-keeping youth have ever homely wits, were it not affection chains thy tender days... When will you write me a sonnet, Will ? - l've lost my gift. - You left it in my bed. Come to look for it again. Are you to be my muse, Rosaline ? Burbage has my keeping, but you have my heart. You see ? The consumptives plot against me. Will Shakespeare has a play. Let's go and cough through it. My father weeping; my mother wailing; our maid howling; our cat wringing her hands. Yet did not this coldhearted cur... shed one tear-- You see ? Comedy. Love, and a bit with a dog. That's what they want. He is a stone, a very pebble stone, and has no more pity in him than a dog ! A Jew would have wept to have seen our parting. Now the dog all this while sheds not a tear, nor speaks a word-- Well played, Master Crab ! l commend you ! What light is light... if Silvia be not seen ? What joy is joy... if Silvia be not by ? Unless it be to think that she is by... and feed upon the shadow of perfection. Except l be by Silvia in the night, there is no music in the nightingale. Unless l look on Silvia in the day, there is no day for me to look upon. Did you like Proteus or Valentine best ? Proteus for speaking. Valentine for looks. Oh, l liked the dog for laughs. Silvia, l did not care for much. His fingers were red from fighting... and he spoke like a schoolboy at lessons. Stage love will never be true love... while the law of the land has our heroines being played by pipsqueak boys in petticoats. - Oh, when can we see another ? - When the queen commands it. No, but at the playhouse. Nurse ! Be still. Playhouses are not for wellborn ladies. Oh ! l'm not so wellborn. Well-monied is the same as wellborn, and well-married is more so. Lord Wessex was looking at you tonight. All the men at court are without poetry. lf they see me, they see my father's fortune. l will have poetry in my life, and adventure. And love. Love above all. Like Valentine and Silvia ? No, not the artful postures of love, but love that overthrows life. Unbiddable, ungovernable, like a riot in the heart, and nothing to be done, come ruin or rapture. Love as there has never been in a play. l will have love, or l will end my days as-- As a nurse ? Oh, but l would be Valentine and Silvia too. Oh, good nurse, God save you, and good night. l would stay asleep my whole life... if l could dream myself into a company of players. Clean your teeth while you dream, then. Now spit. This time the boots are coming off. - What have l done ? - The theaters have all been closed down by the plague. - Oh, that. - By order of the Master of the Revels. Mr. Fennyman, allow me to explain about the theater business. The natural condition is one of insurmountable obstacles on the road to imminent disaster. - So what do we do ? - Nothing. - Strangely enough, it all turns out well. - How ? l don't know. lt's a mystery. Shall l kill him, Mr. Fennyman ? The theaters are reopened... by order of the Master of the Revels ! The theaters are reopened ! Mr. Fennyman. Mr. Tilney has reopened the playhouses. lf you wouldn't mind. Where's the play ? Oh, it's coming. lt's coming. lt's coming. Will ! Will, l have wonderful news. So have l. Romeo and Rosaline, scene one. God, l'm good ! Rosaline ? You mean Ethel. Richard ? Burbage ! Mr. Tilney. Like you, l found him not at home. l would've made you immortal. Tell Burbage he has lost a new play by Will Shakespeare. What does Burbage care of that ? He's readying the Curtain for Kit Marlowe. - You've opened the playhouses ? - l have, Master Shakespeare. - But the plague-- - Yes, l know. But he was always hanging around the house. The special today is a pig's foot marinated in juniper berry vinegar, - served on a buckwheat pancake-- - Will ! Have you finished ? Yes, nearly. - Good morning, Master Nol. You will have a nice part. - Yes ! - We'll need Ralph for the pirate king. - Clear that bloody table ! None other than the Admiral's Men are out on tour. l need actors ! Those of you who are unknown will have a chance to be known ! - What about the money, Mr. Henslowe ? - lt won't cost you a penny ! Auditions in half an hour ! Ralph Bagswell, l'd have a part for you, but, alas, l hear you are a drunkard's drunkard. Never when l'm working. Never when l'm working ! Get me to drink mandragora. Straight up, Will ? Give my friend a beaker of your best andy. Kit. - How goes it, Will ? - Wonderful. Wonderful. - Burbage says you have a play. - l have, and the chinks to show for it. l insist. A beaker for Mr. Marlowe. l hear you have a new play for the Curtain. Not new. My Doctor Faustus. Ah. l love your early work. Was this the face that launched a thousand ships... and burnt the topless towers of llium ? l have a new one nearly finished, and better. The Massacre at Paris. - Whew. Good title. - Mmm. Yours ? Romeo and Ethel, the Pirate's Daughter. Yes, l know. l know. What is the story ? Well, there's this pirate-- ln truth, l have not written a word. Romeo. Romeo is ltalian, always in and out of love. Yes, that's good. Until he meets-- - Ethel. - Do you think ? - The daughter of his enemy. - The daughter of his enemy. His best friend is killed in a duel... by Ethel's other, or something-- His name is Mercutio. Mercutio. Good name. - Will ! They're waiting for you ! - Yes, l'm coming. Good luck with yours, Kit. - l thought your play was for Burbage. - This is a different one. A different one you haven't written ? Was this the face... that launched a thousand ships... and burnt the topless towers of llium ? Thank you. Was this the face that launched a thousand ships... - and burnt the top-- topless towers of llium ? - Thank you ! Was this the face... that launched a thousand ships and burnt the topless-- l would like to give you something from Faustus by Christopher Marlowe. - How refreshing. - ...the topless towers of llium ? Sweet Helen, make me immortal with a kiss. W-Was this the f-- Very good, Mr. Wabash. Report to the property master. My tailor wants to be an actor. l have a few debts here and there. Well, that seems to be everybody. - Did you see a Romeo ? - l did not. Well, l to my work, you to yours. Oh, God. May l begin, sir ? - Your name ? - Thomas Kent. l-l would like to do a speech by a writer who commands the heart of every player. What light is light... if Silvia be not seen ? What joy is joy if Silvia be not by ? Unless it be to think that she is by... and feed upon the shadow of perfection. Except l be by Silvia in the night, there is no music in the nightingale. Unless l look on Silvia in the day, there is no day for me to look upon. She is my essence, and l leave to be if l be not-- - Take off your hat ! - My hat ? Where'd you learn how to do that ? - l-- - Let me see you. Take off your hat. - Are you M-Master Shakespeare ? - Wait there. Wait there ! - Will, w-where are the pages ? - Where is the boy ? B-B-B-Break a leg ! Sir, will you buy my sweet orange ? Hey ! Everybody ready ? All away ! - Follow that boat ! - Right you are, governor. l know your face. Are you an actor ? - Yes. - Yes, l think l've seen you in something. - That one about a king. - Really ? l had that Christopher Marlowe in my boat once. - Do you know that house ? - Sir Robert De Lesseps. Where is she ? Our guests are upon us ! Lord Wessex, too, bargaining for a ide. My husband will have it settled tonight. Stamped, sealed and cele ated. Tomorrow he drags me off to the country, and it will be three weeks gone before we return from our estates. God save you, Mother. Hot water, Nurse. l seek Master Thomas Kent. - Who, sir ? - The actor. - Who asks for him ? - Will Shakespeare. Poet, playwright of the Rose. Master Kent... is my nephew. l will wait. Much good may it do you. Romeo Montague, a Young Man of Verona. Verona again ? A comedy of quarreling families... reconciled in the discovery of Romeo... to be the very same Capulet cousin... stolen from the cradle and fostered to manhood by his Montague mother... that was robbed of her own child by the pirate king. Your mother and your father-- From tomorrow, away in the country for three weeks ! ls Master Shakespeare not handsome ? - He looks well enough for a charlatan. - Oh, Nurse ! He would give Thomas Kent... the life of Viola De Lesseps' dreaming. My lady, when your parents return, l will tell. You will not tell. As l love you and you love me, you will bind my east and buy me a boy's wig. Master Plum. What business here ? The five schilling business, Will. We play for the dancing. Hyah ! Hyah, hyah ! l seek Master Thomas Kent. Musicians don't eat. Sir Robert's orders. She's a beauty, my lord, as would take a king to church for the dowry of a nutmeg. My plantations in Virginia are not mortgaged for a nutmeg. l have an ancient name which will ing you preferment... when your grandson is a Wessex. - ls she fertile ? - Oh, she will eed. - lf she do not, send her back. - ls she obedient ? As any mule in Christendom. But if you are the man to ride her, there are rubies in the saddlebag. l like her. By all the stars in heaven. Who is she ? Viola De Lesseps ? Dream on, Will. Master Shakespeare. My lady Viola. My lord. l have spoken with your father. So, my lord ? l speak with him every day. Good sir. l heard you were a poet. A poet of no words ? Poet ? l was a poet till now, but l've seen beauty that puts my poems... at one with the talking ravens in the Tower. - How do l offend, my lord ? - By coveting my property. l cannot shed blood in her house, but l will cut your throat anon. Do you have a name ? Christopher Marlowe, at your service. Romeo. Romeo. A Young Man of Verona. A comedy by William Shakespeare. - My lady ! - Who is there ? - Will Shakespeare. - Madam ! Anon, good nurse, anon. - Oh, Master Shakespeare. - The same, alas. But why alas ? - A lowly player. - Alas, indeed. For l thought you the highest poet of my esteem... and a writer of plays that capture my heart. - Oh, l am him too. - Madam ! Anon ! l will come again. Oh, l am fortune's fool. l will be punished for this. Oh, my lady, my love ! lf they find you here, they will kill you. - You can ing them with a word. - Oh, not for the world. - Madam ! - Anon ! Draw, if you be men ! Gregory, remember thy swashing blow ! Part, fools ! Put up your swords. You know not what you do. lt starts well, then it's all long-faced about some Rosaline. Where's the comedy, Will ? Where's the dog ? Do you think it's funny ? l was a pirate king, now l'm a nurse. That's funny. We are six men short, and those we have will be overparted ranters... and stutterers who should be sent back to the stews. My Romeo's let me down. l see disaster. We are four acts short, if you're looking for disaster. - Sir ! - Who are you, master ? l'm Ethel, sir, the pirate's daughter. l'll be damned if you are ! Your attention, please ! - Gentlemen, thank you ! - You are welcome. - Who's that ? - Nobody. He's the author. We are about to embark on a great voyage. lt is customary to make a little speech on the first day. lt does no harm. Authors like it. You want to know what parts you are to receive. All will be settled as we-- l'll do it. Now listen to me, you dregs. Actors are ten a penny, and l, Hugh Fennyman, hold your nuts in my hand. Huzzah ! The Admiral's Men are returned to the house ! Huzzah ! Henslowe ! Earl ! Good to see you. Who is this ? Silence, you dog ! l am Hieronimo. l am Tamburlaine. l am Faustus. l am Barabbas, the Jew of Malta. Oh, yes, Master Will. l am Henry the Sixth. What is the play, and what is my part ? - Uh, one moment, sir-- - Who are you ? l'm, um-- l'm the money. Then you may remain, so long as you remain silent. Pay attention. You will see how genius creates a legend. - Thank you, sir. - We are in desperate want of a Mercutio, Ned. A young nobleman of Verona. - And the title of this piece ? - Mercutio. ls it ? l will play him. Mr. Pope. Mr. Philips. Welcome. George Bryan. James Armitage. Sam, my pretty one ! - Are you ready to fall in love again ? - l am, Master Shakespeare. Your voice. Have they dropped ? No ! No. A touch of cold only. Master Henslowe, you have your actors... except Thomas Kent. l, uh, l saw his Tamburlaine, you know. - lt was wonderful. - Yes, l saw it. Of course, such mighty writing. There's no one like Marlowe. Better fortune, boy. l was in a play. They cut my head off in Titus Andronicus. When l write plays, they'll be like Titus. You admire it. l liked it when they cut heads off, and the daughter mutilated with knives. - What's your name ? - John Webster. Here, kitty, kitty. Plenty of blood. That's the only writing. l have to get back. See, where he comes. So please you step aside. l'll know his grievance, or be much denied. l would thou wert so happy by thy stay to hear true shrift. Come, madam. - Cut around him for now. - What ? Who ? - Romeo. - The one who came with your letter. - What ? - Good morrow, cousin. ls the day so young ? - But new struck nine. - Ay me. Sad hours seem long. What sadness lengthens Romeo's hours ? Not having that which having makes them short. - Good. - ln love ? - Out. - Of love ? - Out of her favor where l am in love. - Don't spend it all at once. Yes, sir. - Do you understand me ? - No, sir. You're speaking about a baggage we never even meet. What will be left in his purse when he meets his Juliet ? - Juliet ? You mean Ethel. - God's teeth ! Am l to suffer this constant stream of interruption ? What will he do in Act Two, when he meets the love of his life ? l-l'm very sorry, sir. l have not seen Act Two. Of course you have not. l have not written it. Go once more. Will. Where is Mercutio ? Locked safe in here. l'll leave the scene in your safekeeping, Ned. l have a sonnet to write. Sonnet ? You mean a play ! For Lady Viola De Lesseps, by the hand of Thomas Kent. Shall l compare thee to a summer's day ? Thou art more lovely and more temperate. Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May-- Two hours at prayer ! Lady Viola is pious, my lord. Piety is for Sunday ! And two hours of prayer is not piety, it is self-importance. lt would be better that you return tomorrow, my lord. lt would be better if you'd tell her to get off her knees and show some civility... to her six-day lord and master ! Mmmph ! My lady Viola. Lord Wessex. You've been waiting. l am aware of it. But it is beauty's privilege. You flatter, my lord. No. l have spoken to the queen. Her Majesty's consent is requisite when a Wessex takes a wife, and once given, her consent is her command. Do you intend to marry, my lord ? Your father should keep you better informed. He has bought me for you. He returns from his estates to see us married two weeks from Saturday. You are allowed to show your pleasure. But l do not love you, my lord. How your mind hops about. Your father was a shopkeeper. Your children will bear arms, and l will recover my fortune. That is the only matter under discussion today. You will like Virginia. - Virginia ? - Oh, yes. My fortune lies in my plantations. The tobacco weed. l need 4,000 pounds to fit out a ship and put my investments to work. l fancy tobacco has a future. We will not stay there long. Three or four years. But why me ? lt was your eyes. No, your lips. Will you defy your father and your queen ? The queen has consented ? She wants to inspect you. At Greenwich, come Sunday. Be submissive, modest, grateful... and ief. l will do my duty, my lord. Master Will, poet dearest to my heart, l beseech you banish me from yours. l am to marry Lord Wessex. A daughter's duty... and the queen's command. Gentlemen upstage Ladies downstage Gentlemen upstage Ladies downstage Are you a lady Mr. Kent l'm very sorry, sir. We're gonna have to do it again. You did not like the speech ? No, the speech is excellent. Oh, then l see Queen Mab hath been with you. Excellent, and a good length. But then he disappears for the length of a bible. There. You have this duel. A skirmish of words and swords such as l never wrote, nor anyone. He dies with such passion and poetry as you ever heard. A plague on both your houses ! He dies ? - Ohh ! - Will ! Where are my pages ? Did you give her my letter ? And this is for you ! Oh, Thomas, she has cut my strings. l'm unmanned, unmended and unmade, like a puppet in a box. - Writer, is he ? - Row your boat ! She tells me to keep away. She is to marry Lord Wessex ! What should l do ? lf you love her, you must do as she asks. - And eak her heart and mine ? - lt is only yours you can know. She loves me, Thomas ! - Does she say so ? - No. And yet she does where the ink has run with tears. - Was she weeping when she gave you this ? - Uh-- - Her letter came to me by the nurse. - Your aunt. Yes, my aunt. But perhaps she wept a little. Tell me how you love her, Will. Like a sickness and its cure together. Oh, yes. Like rain and sun. Like cold and heat. ls your lady beautiful ? Since l came here from the country, l have not seen her close. Tell me, is-- is she beautiful ? Thomas, if l could write with the beauty of her eyes, l was born to look in them and know myself. A-A-And her lips ? Her lips ? The early morning rose would whither on the anch if it could feel envy. And her voice, like lark's song ? Deeper, softer. None of your twittering larks. l would banish nightingales from her garden before they interrupt her song. - Ah, she sings too ? - Constantly. Without doubt. And plays the lute. She has a natural ear. And her bosom. Did l mention her bosom ? What of her bosom ? Oh, Thomas, a pair of pippins... as round and rare as golden apples. l think milady is wise to keep your love at a distance. For what lady could live up to it close to... when her eyes and lips and voice may be no more beautiful than mine. Besides, can a-- can a lady of wealth and noble marriage... love happily with a bankside poet and player ? Yes, by God ! Love knows nothing of rank or riverbank. lt will spark between a queen and the poor vagabond who plays the king. Their love should be minded by each, for love denied blights the soul we owe to God. So tell my lady William Shakespeare waits for her in the garden. But what of Lord Wessex ? For one kiss l would defy a thousand Wessexes. Oh, Will. Thank you, my lady. Lady ? Viola De Lesseps. Known her since she was this high. Wouldn't deceive a child. Strangely enough, l'm a bit of a writer meself. lt wouldn't take you long to read it. l expect you'd know all the booksellers ! Can you love a fool ? Can you love a player ? Wait ! You're still a maid, and perhaps as mistook in me as l was mistook in Thomas Kent. Are you the author of the plays of William Shakespeare ? l am. Then kiss me again, for l am not mistook. l do not know how to undress a man. lt is strange to me too. Go to. Go to. l would not have thought it. There is something better than a play. There is. Even your play. Oh ? And that was only my first try. Will. You would not leave me. l must. Look how pale the window. Moonlight. Mmm, no. The morning rooster woke me. lt was the owl. Come to bed. Oh, let Henslowe wait. Mr. Henslowe ? Mmm, let him be damned for his pages. Oh, no, no, no, no, no. There is time. Mmm ! lt is still dark. - lt's oad day. The rooster tells us so. - lt was the owl. Believe me, love, it was the owl-- You would leave us players without a scene to read today ? My lady ? The house is stirring. lt is a new day. lt is a new world. Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much, which mannerly devotion shows in this. For saints have hands that pilgrims' hands do touch, and palm to palm is holy palmers' kiss. Have not saints lips, and holy palmers too ? Aye, pilgrim. Lips that they must use in prayer. Oh, then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do. They pray. Grant thou, lest faith turn to despair. Saints do not move, though grant for prayers' sake. lt's you. Suffering cats ! Then move not... while my prayer's effect l take. Thus from my lips, by thine my sin is purged. Then have my lips the sin that they have took. Sin from my lips ? Oh, trespass sweetly urged. Give me my sin again. Yes, yes ! Um, not quite right. lt is more-- Let me. Then have my lips the sin that they have took. Sin from my lips ? Oh, trespass sweetly urged. Give me my sin again. - You kiss by the book. - Well, Will ! lt was lucky you were here. - Why do not l write the rest of your play-- - Yes, yes ! Uh, continue. Now the nurse. Where is Ralph ? Madam, your mother craves a word with you. - What is her mother ? - Marry, bachelor, her mother is the lady of the house, and a good lady... and a wise and virtuous. l nursed her daughter that you talked withal. l tell you, he that can lay hold of her... shall have the chinks. - ls she a Capulet ? - Mmm. Oh, dear account ! My life is my foe's debt. Away. Be gone. The sport is at the best. Aye, so l fear. The more is my unrest. Come hither, nurse. What is yon gentleman ? The son and heir of old Tiberio. Let it be night. - What's he that follows here that would not dance ? - l know not. Go ask his name. lf he be married, my grave is like to be my wedding bed. No, do not go. l must. l must. - The only son of your great enemy. - Terrible. Simply... terrible ! But soft, what light through yonder window eaks ? lt is the east, and Juliet is the sun. Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon... who is already sick and pale with grief... that thou, her maid, art far more fair than she. - Oh, Will. - Yes, some of it's speakable. lt is my lady. Oh, it is my love ! Oh, that she knew she were ! The ightness of her cheek would shame those stars... as daylight doth a lamp. Her eyes in heaven would through the airy region... stream so ight... that birds would sing and think it were not night. See how she leans her cheek upon her hand. Oh, that l were a glove upon that hand, that l might touch that cheek. - Ay, me. - Oh, Romeo. Romeo. Wherefore art thou, Romeo ? - Deny thy father and-- - Deny thy father and refuse thy name. Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, and l'll no longer be a Capulet. Shall l hear more, or shall l speak at this ? What man art thou that thus bescreened in night... so stumblest on my counsel ? By a name l know not how to tell thee who l am. My name, dear saint, is hateful to myself, because it is an enemy to thee. Had l it written l would tear the word. The orchard walls are high and hard to climb... and the place death, considering who thou art, if any of my kinsmen find thee here. lf they do see thee, they will murder thee. Alack, there lies more peril in thine eye than 20 of their swords. Look thou but sweet, and l am proof against their enmity. Would not for the world they saw thee here. l have night's cloak to hide me from their eyes. - And but thou love me let them find me here. - Good night. Good night, as sweet repose and rest come to thy heart... as that within my east. Oh, wilt thou leave me so unsatisfied ? That's my line. Oh. lt is mine too. Oh, wilt thou leave me so unsatisfied ? What satifaction canst thou have tonight ? The exchange of thy love's faithful vow for mine. My bounty is as boundless as the sea. My love is deep. The more l give to thee, the more l have, for both are infinite. Madam ? - l hear some noise within. Dear love, adieu. - Juliet ! - Anon, good nurse. - Anon, good nurse. Sweet Montague, be true. Stay but a little. l will come again. Stay but a little. l will come again. Oh, blessed, blessed night. l am afeared... being in night, all this is but a dream. Too flattering sweet... to be substantial. To cease thy strife and leave me to my grief. A thousand times, good night. A thousand times the worse to want thy light. l cannot move in this dress. lt makes me look like a pig. l have no neck in this pig dress. - How is it ? - lt's all right. Ned, l know, l know. - lt's good. - Oh ? The title won't do. Ah. Romeo and Juliet. Just a suggestion. Thank you, Ned. - You are a gentleman. - And you are a Warwickshire shit-house. - What o'clock tomorrow shall l send to thee ? - By the hour of nine. l shall not fail. 'Tis 20 year till then. l have forgot why l called thee back. - You mean no dog of any kind ? - Shh ! Silence. The friar marries them in secret, then Ned gets into a fight with one of the Capulets. Romeo tries to stop them and gets in Ned's way. l mean, in Mercutio's way. So Tybalt kills Mercutio, then Romeo kills Tybalt. Then the prince banishes him from Verona. That must be when he goes on the voyage and gets shipwrecked... on the island of the pirate king. For God's sake, cease your prattling and get out ! Get out ! A thousand apologies. Please. And with a silken thread plucks it back again, so loving-jealous of his liberty. - l would l were thy bird. - Sweet, so would l; yet l should kill thee with much cherishing. Good night. Good night. Parting is such sweet sorrow, that l shall say good night till it be morrow. Sunday. 'Tis Sunday. l found something in my sleep. The friar who married them will take up their destinies. - But it will end well for love. - ln heaven, perhaps. lt is not a comedy l'm writing now. A oad river divides my lovers. Family, duty, fate. As unchangeable as nature. Yes. This is not life, Will. lt is a stolen season. - Be patient, my lord. - Patient ? - Do you ask Her Majesty to be patient ? - My Lord, l will go-- Sunday. Greenwich ! Now, pay attention, nursie. The queen-- Gloriana Regina, God's chosen vessel, the radiant one who shines her light on us-- is at Greenwich today and prepared during the evening's festivities... to bestow her gracious favor on my choice of wife. And if we're late for lunch, the old boot will not forgive ! So get you to my lady's chamber and produce her with or without her undergarments ! You cannot ! Not for the queen herself ! What will you have me do ? Marry you instead ? To be the wife of a poor player. Can l wish that for Lady Viola except in my dreams ? And yet l would if l were free to follow my desire in the harsh light of day. You follow your desire freely enough in the night. - So, if that is all, to Greenwich l go. - Then l'll go with you. - You cannot. Wessex will kill you. - l know how to fight. Stage fighting. Oh, Will. As Thomas Kent, my heart belongs to you, but as Viola, the river divides us, and l must marry Wessex a week from Saturday. l'll drag her down by the queen's command ! Good morning, my Lord. My lady. The tide waits for no man, but l swear it would wait for you. Oh, here we come at last, my lord ! Are you inging your laundrywoman ? Her chaperone, my lady's country cousin. My, but you be a handsome gallant, just as she said. You may call me Miss Wilhelmina. On a more fortuitous occasion, perhaps. Oh, my Lord, you will not shake me off. Aye, she never needed me more. l swear by your itches. - Now ? - Now. The queen asks for you. Answer well. - ls there a man ? - A man, my lord ? There was a man, a poet. A theater poet, l think. - Does he come to the house ? - A theater poet ? An insolent penny-a-page rogue ! Marlowe, he said. Christopher Marlowe. - Has he been to the house ? - Marlowe ? Oh, yes. He is the one. Lovely waistcoat. Shame about the poetry. That dog ! Your Majesty. Stand up straight, girl. l've seen you. You are the one who comes to all the plays at Whitehall, at Richmond. Your Majesty. What do you love so much ? - Your Majesty-- - Speak up, girl ! l know who l am. Do you love stories of kings and queens ? Of feats of arms ? Or is it courtly love ? l love theater. To have stories acted for me by a company of fellows is indeed-- They're not acted for you; they are acted for me. And ? And l love poetry above all. Above Lord Wessex ? My lord, when you cannot find your wife, you better look for her at the playhouse. Playwrights teach us nothing about love. They make it pretty; they make it comical; or they make it lust. They cannot make it true. Oh, but they can. l mean, Your Majesty, they-- they do not, they have... not, but l believe there is one who can. My Lady Viola is young in the world. Your Majesty is wise in it. Nature and truth are the very enemies of playacting. l'll wager my fortune. l thought you were here because you had none. - Well, no one will take your wager, it seems. - Fifty pounds. Fifty pounds ? A very worthy sum on a very worthy question. Can a play show us the very truth and nature of love ? l bear witness to the wager... and will be the judge of it as occasion arises. l have seen nothing to settle it yet. Are there no more fireworks ? They would be soothing after the excitements of Lady Viola's audience. Have her, then, but you are a lordly fool. She's been plucked since l saw her last, and not by you. lt takes a woman to know it. Marlowe. Burbage ? Huh ? Who's there ? Marlowe. You are playing my Dr. Faustus this afternoon. Don't spend yourself in sport. - What do you want, Kit ? - My Massacre at Paris is complete. - What ? You have the last act ? - lf you have the money. -Tomorrow. -Then tomorrow you shall have the pages. Oh, will you desist, madam ! - Oh ! - Twenty pounds on delivery. Now, what is money to men like us ? Besides, if l need a play, l have another waiting-- a comedy by Shakespeare. Oh, Romeo. - Gave it to Henslowe. - Never ! Well, l'm to Deptford. l leave you my respects, Miss Rosaline. l gave Shakespeare two sovereigns for Romeo. You did, but Ned Alleyn and the Admiral's Men have the playing of it at the Rose. Treachery ! Traitor and thief ! Oh, no. No ! By my head, here comes the Capulets. By my heel, l care not. Follow me close. l will speak with them. Gentlemen, good-den ! A word with one of you. Are you going to do it like that ? Positions. - By my head, here comes the Capulets. - By my heel, l care not. Follow me close. l will speak to them. Gentlemen, good-den ! A word with one of you. And but one word with one of us ? Couple it with something; make it a word and a blow. Where's that thieving hack that can't keep his pen in his own ink pot ? What is this rabble ? Draw, if you be a man ! Wonderful. Wonderful ! And a dog. No ! Have privy, players ! Please ! Oh ! Not with my props ! Oh ! - Will ! What-- - A writer's quarrel. Quite normal. Stay here. You are hurt. l dreamed last night of a shipwreck. - You were cast ashore in a far country. - Oh, not yet. Not yet. 'Ey, we need that for the balcony scene. My investment ! Lambert ! Vengeance ! A famous victory ! Kegs and legs open, and on the house ! Oh, what happy hour. - This is a tavern ! - lt is also a tavern. - l remember you. The poet ! - Yes, William the Conqueror. One at a time. One at a time. Oh, he's a pretty one. Tell me your story while l tickle your fancy. - lt's a house of ill repute. - lt is, Thomas, but of good reputation. Come. There's no harm in a drink. You are welcome to my best house. Here's to the Admiral's Men. - The Admiral's Men ! - The Admiral's Men ! The Admiral's Men ! Well, l-- l quite liked it. Master Kent, you have not yet dipped your wick. My wick ? Mr. Fennyman, because you love the theater, you must have a part in my play. l am writing an apothecary, a small but vital role. My heavens. l thank you. What's the play about, then ? Well, there's this nurse-- Silence, silence, silence ! Master Shakespeare... has asked me to play the part of the apothecary. The apothecary ? What is this story ? Where is the shipwreck ? How does the comedy end ? - By God, l wish l knew. - By God, if you do not, who does ? Let us have pirates, clowns and a happy ending, or we shall send you back to Stratford to your wife. Will ! Mr. Henslowe ! Gentlemen all ! A black day for us all ! There is news from a tavern in Deptford. Marlowe is dead. Stabbed. Stabbed to death in a tavern at Deptford. What have l done ? He was the first man among us. A great light has gone out. Forgive me. God forgive me. ...Our Lord Jesus Christ's sake. One morning in the month of May From my cot l stray Just at the dawning of the day l met with a charming mai-- You look sad, my lady. Let me take you riding. - lt's not my riding day, my lord. - Bless me, l thought it was a horse. l'm going to church. Of course. l understand. lt is to be expected. Yes, it is to be expected... on Sunday. And on a day of mourning. l never met the fellow but once at your house. Mourning ? Who is dead, my lord ? Oh ! Dear God, l did not think it would be me to tell you. Great loss to playwriting and to dancing. My lady. - He is dead ? - Killed last night in a tavern. Come then. We'll say a prayer for his soul. Who can remember sorrow Spare me, dear ghost. Spare me, dear ghost. Spare me, for the love of Christ. Spare me ! Will ! Oh, my love. l thought you were dead. lt is worse. l've killed a man. Marlowe's touch was in my Titus Andronicus, and my Henry Vl was a house built on his foundations. You never spoke so well of him. He was not dead before. l would exchange all my plays to come for all of his that will never come. You lie. You lie by this river as you lied in my bed. My love is no lie. l have a wife, yes, and l cannot marry the daughter of Sir Robert De Lesseps. You needed no wife come from Stratford to tell you that, and yet, you let me come to your bed. Calf-love. l loved the writer and gave up the prize for a sonnet. l was the more deceived. Yes, you were deceived, for l did not know how much l loved you. l love you, Will, beyond poetry. Oh, my love. - You ran from me before. - When l thought you dead, l did not care... about all the plays that would never come, only that l would never see your face. l saw our end, and it will come. - You cannot marry Wessex. - lf not you, why not Wessex ? lf not Wessex, the queen will know the cause, - and there will be no more Will Shakespeare. - No. No. But l will go to Wessex as a widow from these vows, as solemn as they are unsanctified. For killing Juliet's kinsman Tybalt, the one who killed Romeo's friend Mercutio, Romeo is banished. - But the friar who married Romeo and Juliet-- - ls that me ? You, Edward. The friar who married them gives Juliet a potion to drink. lt is a secret potion. lt makes us seeming dead. She is placed in the tomb of the Capulets. She will awake to life and love when Romeo comes to her side again. l have not said all. By maligned fate, the message goes astray which would tell Romeo of the friar's plan. He hears only that Juliet is dead. And thus he goes to the apothecary... That's me. and buys a deadly poison. He enters the tomb to say farewell to Juliet who lies there cold as death. He drinks the poison. He dies by her side, and then she wakes and sees him dead. And so Juliet takes his dagger... and then kills herself. Well, that will have them rolling in the aisles. Sad... and wonderful. l have a blue velvet cap that'll do well. l've seen just such a cap on an apothecary. Just so. Yes, it will serve. But there's a scene missing. Between marriage and death ? The play... all written out for you. l had the clerk at Bridewell do it. He has a good fist for lettering. There is a new scene. - Will you read in for me ? - Wilt thou be gone ? lt's not yet near day. lt was the nightingale, and not the lark, that pierced the fearful hollow of thine ear. Nightly she sings on yon pomegranate tree. Believe me, love, it was the nightingale. lt was the lark, the herald of the morn; no nightingale. Look, love, what envious streaks... do lace the severing clouds in yonder east. Night's candles are burnt out, and jocund day stands tiptoe... on the misty mountaintops. l must be gone and live, or stay and die. Yon light is not daylight; l know it, l. lt is some meteor that the sun exhales... to be to thee this night a torchbearer... to light thee on thy way to Mantua. Therefore, stay yet. Thou needst not to be gone. Let me be ta'en, let me be put to death; l am content, so thou wilt have it so. l have more care to stay... than will to go. Come, death, and welcome. Juliet wills it so. You will go far, l fear. l hope we work together again. Such mortal drugs l have, but Mantua's law... is death, death to any he that utters them. Then him. Then me. Put-- Put this... - in any liquid thing you will and-- - Hah ! What is it ? What is it ? What is it ? How silver sweet sound lovers' tongues by night. - Like soft music-- - Shakespeare ! Upstart inky pup ! l'll show you your place, which is in hell ! - You're on my ground now ! - By God, l'll fight the lot of you ! l am more than enough ! Move ! Absent friends. This is the murderer of Kit Marlowe ! Will ? l rejoiced in his death because l thought it was yours ! That is all l know of Marlowe ! Will ? Uh, it's true. lt was a... tavern awl. Marlowe attacked and got his own knife in the eye. A quarrel about the bill. The bill ? Oh, vanity, vanity ! Not the billing, the bill ! Oh, God. - l am free of it. - Where is she ? Close it. - My Lord Wessex. - The Rose harbors the ass that shits on my name ! Take it down stone by stone. l want it plowed into the ground and sown with quicklime ! Mr. Tilney, what is this ? Sedition and indecency. Master of the Revels, sir. She's over here. - Where, boy ? - There. l saw her bubbies. So, a woman on the stage ! A woman ! l say this theater is closed ! Why, sir ? For lewdness and unshamedfacedness ! And for displaying a female on the public stage ! Not him, her ! That's who l meant. - He's a woman. - This theater is closed. Notice will be posted ! Ned, l swear, l knew nothing of this. - Nobody knew. - He did. l saw him kissing her bubbies. lt is over. l'm sorry, Mr. Henslowe. l wanted to be an actor. l'm so sorry, Will. You were... w-w-- w-wonderful. Thank you. Let me put this in any liquid thing you will and-- Everything all right ? l would've been good. - l would've been great. - So would l. We both would. Lambert, kill him. That can wait. The Master of the Revels despises us all for vagrants and peddlers of bombast. But my father, James Burbage, had the first license to make a company of players from Her Majesty, and he drew from poets the literature of the age. We must show them that we are men of parts. Will Shakespeare has a play. l have a theater. The curtain is yours. Will ! We'll be needing a Romeo. Oranges ! Sweet oranges ! My ship is moored at bankside, bound for Virginia on the afternoon tide. Please do not weep, Lady De Lesseps. You are gaining a colony. And you, my lord, are gaining 5,000 pounds... by these drafts in my hand. Would you oblige me with 50 or so in gold... just to settle my accounts at the dockside ? Ah, the ide ! Good morning, my lord. l see you are... open for business, so let's to church. Be gone ! Hup, hup, hup ! Oh, my lord ! - Be good to her, my lord. - l will. Oh, God bless you ! Thank you. Uh, let go. There's a good nurse. The tide will not wait ! Farewell ! You'll all be welcome in Virginia ! Candy apples ! Candy apples ! Buy my apples ! Thank you, sir. Apples ! ls this, uh-- ls this all right ? Yeah. Licentiousness is made a show ! Vice is made a show ! Vanity and pride likewise made a show ! This is the very business of show ! T-T-- T-Two-- T-T-T-T-- T-- T-- T-- T-T-Two households-- - We're lost. - No, it will turn out well. - How will it ? - l don't know. lt's a mystery. T-T-- T-- T-T-- T-- T-- Two households, both alike in dignity, in fair Verona, where we lay our scene. From ancient grudge eak to new mutiny, where civil blood makes civil hands unclean. From forth the fatal loins of these two foes... a pair of star-crossed lovers take their life... whose misadventured, piteous overthrows... doth with their death bury their parents' strife. ...the which of you with patient ears attend, what here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend. - Wonderful. - Was it... good ? Gregory, on my word we'll not carry coals. No, for then we should be colliers. l mean, and we be in choler we'll draw. - Master Shakespeare. - Luck be with you, Sam. Sam ! lt's not my fault. l could do it yesterday. Do me a speech. Do me a line. Parting is such sweet sorrow. - Another little problem. - What do we do now ? - The show must-- You know. - Go on ! Juliet does not come on for 20 pages. lt will be all right. - How will it ? - l don't know. lt's a mystery. - Fear me not. - No, marry, l fear thee ! - Let them begin. - l will frown as l pass by. - Let them take it as they list ! - Nay, as they dare. l will bite my thumb at them, which is disgrace to them if they bear it. Do you bite your thumb at us, sir ? - l do bite my thumb, sir. - Excuse me. Thank you. - Thank you. Excuse me. - Do you bite your thumb at us, sir ? - Can we talk ? - Shh ! - We have no Juliet. - No Juliet ? - No Juliet ? - lt'll be all right, madam. - What happened to Sam ? - Who are you ? - Thomas Kent. Do you know it ? - l serve as good a man as you. - Every word. Hyah ! Yah ! l'll go along, no such sight to be shown, but to rejoice in splendor of mine own. Nurse ! Where's my daughter ? Call her forth to me. Now, by my maidenhead at 12 years old, l bade her come. How now, who calls ? What, ladybird ! God forbid ! Where's this girl ? What, lamb ! What, ladybird ! What, Juliet ! How now, who calls ? - We'll all be put in the Clink. - See you in jail. Your mother-- Your mother. Madam, l am here. What is your will ? This is the matter. Nurse, give leave a while. We must talk in secret. Nurse, come back again. l have remembered me; thou's hear our counsel. Thou knowest my daughter's of a pretty age. - Faith, l know her age unto an hour. - She's not 14. Oh, l'll lay 14 of my teeth. And yet my teen be it spoken, l have but four-- Tell me, daughter Juliet, how stands your dispositions to be married ? lt is an honor that l dream not of. Hold, Tybalt ! Good Mercutio ! l-- l'm sped. Courage, man; the hurt cannot be much. Ask for me tomorrow, you shall find me a grave man. Yes ! Yah! Such mortal drugs l have, but Mantua's law is death to any he that utters them. Then him. Then me. Romeo, away, be gone ! The citizens are up, and Tybalt slain. Stand not amazed ! The prince will doom thee death if thou art taken. Hence, be gone, away ! Oh, l am Fortune's fool ! Why dost thou stay ? Which way ran he that killed Mercutio ? That murderer, which way ran he ? - There lies that Tybalt. - Up, sir. Go with me. l charge thee in the Prince's name obey. Where are the vile beginners of this fray ? Oh, l am Fortune's fool. You are married ? lf you be married, my grave is like to be my wedding bed. Art thou gone so, love, lord, aye, husband, friend ? l must hear from thee every day in the hour, for in a minute there are many days. Oh, by this count l shall be much in years ere again... l behold my Romeo. Farewell. Oh, think'st thou we shall ever meet again ? Methinks l see thee, now thou art so low, as one dead in the bottom of a tomb. Either my eyesight fails, or thou look'st pale. Then trust me, love, in my eyes, so do you. Dry sorrow drinks our blood. Adieu. Adieu. Take thou this vial, being then in bed, and this distilling liquor drink thou off. No warmth, no eath, shall testify thou livest. And in this borrowed likeness of shrunk death... thou shalt continue two and forty hours, and then awake as from a pleasant sleep. What ho ! Apothecary ! Come hither, man. l see that thou art poor. Hold, there is 40 ducats. - Let me have a dram of poison-- - Such mortal drugs l have, but Mantua's law is death to any he that utters them. - Art thou so-- - My poverty, but not my will, consents. l pay thy poverty and not thy will. Eyes, look your last. Arms, take your last em ace. And, lips, oh, you, the doors of eath, seal with a righteous kiss... the dateless bargain... to engrossing death. Come, bitter conduct. Come, unsavory guide. Thou, desperate pilot, now at once... run on the dashing rocks thy seasick weary bark. Here's to my love ! Oh... true apothecary ! Thy drugs are quick. Thus with a kiss... l die. Where is my lord ? l do remember well where l should be, and there l am. Where is my Romeo ? Dead ! What's this ? A cup, closed in my true love's hand ? Poison, l see, hath been his timeless end. Oh, happy dagger, this is thy sheath. There rest... and let me die. A glooming peace this morning with it ings; the sun for sorrow will not show his head. Go hence, to have more talk of these sad things. Some shall be pardoned, and some punished; for never was a story of more woe... than this of Juliet... and her Romeo. Bravo ! - Yea ! Yea ! - Yea ! - Bravo ! - Yea ! Bravo ! - God save the queen ! - l arrest you in the name of Queen Elizabeth ! Arrest who, Mr. Tilney ? Everyone ! Admiral's Men, the Chamberlain's Men... and every one of you ne'er-do-wells that stand in contempt... of the authority vested in me by Her Majesty ! Contempt ? You closed the Rose. l have not opened it. That woman is a woman ! What ? A woman ? You mean that goat ? l'll see you all in Clink, in the name of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth ! Mr. Tilney ! Have a care with my name. You will wear it out. The queen of England does not attend... exhibitions of public lewdness. So something is out of joint. Come here, Master Kent. Let me look at you. Yes, the illusion is remarkable. And your error, Mr. Tilney, is easily forgiven. But l know something of a woman in a man's profession. Yes, by God, l do know about that. That is enough from you, Master Kent. lf only Lord Wessex were here. He is, ma'am. Y-Your Majesty. There was a wager l remember... as to whether a play could show the very truth and nature of love. l think you lost it today. You are an eager boy. Did you like the play ? l liked it when she stabbed herself, Your Majesty. Master Shakespeare. Next time you come to Greenwich, come as yourself, and we will speak some more. Your Majesty. Why, Lord Wessex. Lost your wife so soon ? lndeed l am a ide short, and my ship sails for the new world on the evening tide. How is this to end ? As stories must when love's denied-- with tears and a journey. Those whom God has joined in marriage... not even l can put asunder. Master Kent. Lord Wessex, as l foretold, has lost his wife in the playhouse. Go make your farewell and send her out. lt's time to settle accounts. - How much was that wager ? - Fifty shillings. Pounds. Give it to Master Kent. He will see it rightfully home. Tell Master Shakespeare something more cheerful next time... for Twelfth Night. Too late. Too late. My Lady Wessex. A hired player no longer. Fifty pounds, Will, for the poet of true love. l'm done with theater. The playhouse is for dreamers. Look what the dream ought us. lt was we ourselves did that. And for my life to come, l would not have it otherwise. l have hurt you, and l'm sorry for it. lf my hurt is to be that you write no more, then l shall be the sorrier. The queen commands a comedy, Will, for Twelfth Night. A comedy. What would my hero be ? The saddest wretch in all the kingdom, sick with love ? lt's a beginning. Let him be a duke, and your heroine-- Sold in marriage and halfway to America. At sea, then. A voyage to a new world. A storm. All are lost. She lands... on a... vast and empty shore. She's ought to the duke-- - Orsino. - Orsino ? Good name. But fearful of her virtue, she comes to him dressed as a boy. And thus is unable to declare her love. But all ends well. How does it ? l don't know. lt's a mystery. You will never age for me, nor fade, nor die. Nor you for me. Good-bye, my love. A thousand times good-bye. Write me well. My story starts at sea, a perilous voyage to an unknown land. A shipwreck. The wild waters roar and heave. The ave vessel is dashed all to pieces, and all the helpless souls within her... drowned. All save one: a lady... whose soul is greater than the ocean, and her spirit, stronger than the sea's em ace. Not for her a watery end, but a new life beginning on a stranger shore. lt will be a love story, for she will be my heroine for all time. And her name will be Viola.
Let us praise famous men... ..and our fathers that begat us. All these men... ..were honoured in their generations... ..and were a glory in their days. We are here today to give thanks... ..for the life of Harold A ahams. To honour the legend. Now there are just two of us û young Au ey Montague... ..and myself û who can close our eyes... ..and remember those few young men... ..with hope in our hearts... ..and wings on our heels. (man) Carlton Hotel, Broadstairs, Kent. 28th June, 1924. Dear Mum. l'm most awfully sorry about your cold and the general dreariness. We're also having quite bad weather here, too. Thanks for your letters. l'm sorry you and Pa are disappointed... ..l should be letting the Olympic Games interfere with my shorthand. But if you were my age, with a chance to win the World Championship in Paris,... ..you would be just as big a fool as l am. By the way, it's awfully kind of Pa to finance me here, in spite of my idiocy. lt's marvellous for esprit de corps. Most of the chaps have managed to get down. û Cricket, Montague, in the ballroom. û Now! No ball! Come on, Au ey, the old leg eak. û Howzat! û Not out. What? You could hear it in bloody Bournemouth! û Come on, Liddell, my innings. û l didn't touch it. û You heard the crack of my wrist. û l saw the bloody thing bend! Andy! No tickle for me. He's out, l tell you. You're all deaf and bloody blind. Au ey, l ask you, for God's sake! lt's not fair! All right. (man) Harold's here. As intense as ever. Just as he was on our very first day at Cam idge. l remember we shared a taxi together. l'll take these. û See you inside, Au ey. û Right. Thank you. û Name, please. û We're new. l can see that, laddie. What's your name? A ahams. HM. û Top of the list. Repton. That the one? û That's it. Left a year ago. û Been doing your bit, 'ave you? France? û No. Joined too late. Bad luck, lad. Many a dead man would have liked a share of it. You're right there, son. Welcome to Caius. û Sign here. û Thank you. lt's across the courtyard, top rightûhand corner, up the stairs. Thanks. By the way, what are your names? Rogers, head porter, and this is Mr Ratcliffe, my assistant. Well, Mr Rogers, Ratcliffe,... ..l ceased to be a ''laddie'' when l took up the King's commission. û ls that clear? û Yes... Mr A ahams. û Quite clear. û Thank you. l'd be obliged if you'd remember it. û See you later. û Fine. What's your friend studying, then, son? Barrackûroom law? û l've no idea. û Mm. One thing's certain. A name like A ahams, he won't be in the chapel choir, now, will he? û Name? û Montague. û What? û Montague. (choir sings) l take the war list... ..and l run down it. Name after name which l cannot read... ..and which we, who are older than you,... ..cannot hear, without emotion. Names which will be only names to you,... ..the new college. But which to us summon up face after face,... ..full of honesty and goodness,... ..zeal and vigour,... ..and intellectual promise. The flower of a generation. The glory of England,... ..and they died for England... ..and all that England stands for. And now by tragic necessity, their dreams have become yours. Let me exhort you. Examine yourselves. Let each of you discover... ..where your true chance of greatness lies. For their sakes,... ..for the sake of your college and your country, seize this chance. Rejoice in it... ..and let no power or persuasion deter you in your task. (Au ey) Thursday, October 10th, 1919. My first day at Cam idge was rounded off... ..by the freshmen's dinner, a sumptuous affair. The master gave us a moving speech... ..and l'm now eagerly awaiting the start of term proper. Rugby club, golfing society, tennis,... ..squash club, flora and fauna, philately. ls that all? You're an idle man! û l've got to work some time. û Try birdûwatching. You can take a book. How can l watch if l'm reading a book? Follow in the footsteps of WG. Any Yorkshiremen here? l can't bat for toffee. ? Upon the battle scene ? They fight the foe together ? There every mother's son ? Prepared to fight or fall is ? The enemy of one the enemy of all is ? The enemy of one the enemy of all is û A ahams, HM. û Can you manage a tenor? û We're desperately short of tenors. û Only under torture. û Au ey. Sing, do you? û School choir, that's all. You, Stallard? They kicked me out of Ring-a-ring o'Roses. Sorry about that. We can't all be gifted. ? lf everybody's somebody ? Then no one's anybody û Put my friend here down as well. û Steady on. Splendid! Rehearsals start on Monday. lolanthe. û l was a boy alto. û Perfect! You can be Queen of the Fairies. Where were you when your country needed you? We have a duty, a solemn duty, to those millions of lives needlessly slaughtered! ? When the boys are far away ? They dream of home Well, glad to have you, Stallard. Good middleûdistance men don't grow on trees. l can't vouch for those times. Taken with the school alarm clock, most of them. Give or take a second, they're good enough for me. Have you come across a fellow called A ahams? HM A ahams? He's challenged for the college dash. What's so special about that? ln all the 700 years, nobody's ever done it. Right, what do you do? (applause) Right, chaps, thank you! Thank you. Let it be known that HM A ahams of Gonville and Caius... ..has formally made challenge for the college dash. (murmuring) You show 'em, Harold! For those not familiar with the rules... The challenger will attempt to run around the court perimeter,... ..to and from a point beneath the clock,... ..within the time taken by the clock to strike midday. A distance traditionally recognised as one of 188 paces. l say, A ahams, what have you got on your feet? Rockets? The challenge will commence on the... û A ahams, you haven't got a chance! û Do it for lsrael! The challenge commences on the stroke of one. The challenger must finish before the stroke of 12. Come on, A ahams, you swank! Will the challenger make himself ready? (all) Whoa! (applause) This A ahams. What do you know about him? Repton chap. Jewish. û His father's a financier in the city. û Financier? What's that supposed to mean, l wonder? l imagine he lends money. Exactly. And what do they say about the son? Academically sound. Arrogant. Defensive to the point of pugnacity. Mm. As they invariably are. Yet possessing a keen sense of duty and loyalty. Do they say he can run? Like the wind. Gentlemen, would you draw back, please? Away from the course. Thank you. Mr A ahams, your position, please. Owing to the absence of any other challenger,... ..Mr A ahams will run alone. Not so, Mr Starter! Your name and college, if you please, sir. Lindsay. l race beside my friend here. We challenge in the name of Repton, Eton and Caius. (cheering) - (Harold) l didn't know you ran. û Nor l you. Some chap just told me about this. l thought l'd come and push you along. û Delighted. û Splendid. Good luck. Gentlemen, to your marks, if you please. Now remember, on the first strike of 12. (bell chimes) (chiming ends) (clock strikes) Come on! (clock strikes) (clock strikes) (clock strikes) (clock strikes) (clock strikes) (all) Eight! Nine! Ten! û (all) Eleven! û Go on! Go on! (clock strikes twelve) Did they both do it? l think not. û Young Lindsay failed by a whisker. û Pity. (professor) Well, it's been done. And by a Caius man! You must be very proud. The first man in seven centuries. Perhaps they really are God's chosen people, after all. (chuckles) l doubt if there's a swifter man in the kingdom. Get to your marks. Get set. (woman) He may be your best friend, Sandy, but he's my best other. l'm thinking of him and not your blessed athletics team. His heart's set on following Father in the mission. Do you not think he's busy enough without taking up racing? He's fast, Jennie. You've seen him with a ball in his hands. l've seen him with a Bible in his hands. And l know which is the most important. You can't deny him the chance. Get him on the track, l'm telling you... Don't tell me, Sandy. l don't want to hear. Eric's special to me. Precious. l don't want his work spoilt with all this running talk, do you hear? There you are. Well done. You know, ladies and gentlemen,... ..one of the compensations of achieving a certain notoriety,... ..if only as a rugby player,... ..is that occasionally you're asked to give things away. lt's often said that giving beats receiving. Let me tell you û the look of delight on those little boys' faces... ..was worth ten of the tin pots gathering dust on my Edinburgh sideboard. When we were in China, my father here... ..was always waxing lyrical about his wee home in the glen. But being orientalûborn myself,... ..like my others and my sister here,... ..l suffered from a natural incredulity. But looking about me now û the heather on the hills û l can see he was right. lt's very special. (applause) Thank you for welcoming us home. And thank you... ..for reminding me that l am, and will be whilst l eathe,... (cow lows) ..a Scot. (applause) Mr Provost, sir. Before you allow Eric here to go... ls it not true that the main event of the meeting is still to be run? (provost) lt is. Aye. The 200ûyards open championship. lt's the last event of this gathering, by tradition. Do you not think, if we can find him some kit,... ..we might persuade Scotland's finest wing to show us his paces? (cheering) What do you say, Eric? (starter) To your marks! Get set! (cheering) Didn't l tell you, Eric? Didn't l tell you? Surely a touch of liberality would do no harm. Sandy, the kingdom of God is not a democracy. The Lord never seeks reûelection. There's no discussion, no deliberation,... ..no referenda as to which road to take. There's one right, one wrong,... ..one absolute ruler. û A dictator, you mean. û Aye, but a benign, loving dictator. So much for your freedom of choice. (Eric) You've still got a choice, Sandy. Nobody's forcing you to follow it. Ooh! Hey, hey! û Do you know what day it is? û Yeah. û Tell me, then. û Sunday. The Sabbath's not a day for playing football, is it? No. û Are you up early in the morning? û Me ma gets me up at seven. We'll have a game then, then. OK? Mr Liddell, is it OK if me da comes? Sure. Bring your whole family. l'll give ye a fiveûgoal start. You've got a train to catch at nine. There's plenty of time. Do you want the kid to grow up thinking God's a spoilsport? (chattering) lf l may, l'd like to propose a toast. To the Liddell family,... ..whom l'm fortunate enough to call my friends. The Reverend JD, Mrs L, young Ernest. Bon voyage and safe journey back to China. May the years ahead be happy and content. For those who remain, may God protect them,... ..inspire them... ..and lead them to glory. Thank you, Sandy. That was very nice. l'm relying on you now to keep them all out of mischief. That l will, Mrs L. lf they do transgress, l'll pop the details on a postcard. You can read all about it before you can say Marco Polo. Cost you a fortune in postage stamps. Don't worry. l shall protect my investment. l'm going to rule you with a rod of iron. We're going to have to watch ourselves! You're a very lucky young man, Eric. You're the proud possessor of many gifts. And it's your sacred duty to put them to good use. Dad's right. Run like we know you can, strong and true. The mission cannot but gain by your success. What we need now is a muscular Christian. To make folks sit up and notice. How good are you, Eric? Sandy reckons he'll run for Scotland before the month's out. Then after that... the sky's the limit. Meaning what? The Olympic Games, maybe? Eric, you can praise the Lord by peeling a spud... ..if you peel it to perfection. Don't compromise. Compromise is a language of the devil. Run in God's name... ..and let the world stand back in wonder. (cheering) ? Lean and his mercy will provide ? Trust and thy trusting soul shall prove ? Christ is its life and Christ its love ? Run the straight race ? Through God's good grace ? Lift up thine eyes ? And seek his face ? Life with its way before us lies You came to see a race today. To see someone win. lt happened to be me. But l want you to do more than just watch a race. l want you to take part in it. l want to compare faith to running in a race. lt's hard. lt requires concentration of will. Energy of soul. You experience elation... ..when the winner eaks the tape,... ..especially if you've got a bet on it. But how long does that last? You go home. Maybe your dinner's burnt. Maybe you haven't got ajob. So who am l to say believe,... ..have faith, in the face of life's realities? l would like to give you something more permanent... ..but l can only point the way. l have no formula for winning the race. Everyone runs in her own way... ..or his own way. And where does the power come from to see the race to its end? From within. Jesus said,... ..''Behold, the kingdom of God is within you.'' ''lf with all your hearts ye truly seek me,... ..ye shall ever surely find me.'' lf you commit yourself... ..to the love of Christ,... ..then that is how you run a straight race. Cheers. Thanks for coming. lt's an ache. A helplessness. And an anger. One feels humiliated. Sometimes l say to myself, ''Steady on, you're imagining all this.'' Then l catch that look again. Catch it on the edge of a remark. Feel a cold reluctance in a handshake. That's my father. A Lithuanian Jew. He is alien. û He's as foreign as a frankfurter. û A kosher one at that! l love and admire him. He worships this country. From nothing, he built what he believed... ..was enough to make true Englishmen of his sons. My other's a doctor. A leader in his field. û Which one is he? û That's me with the curls, on his back. He wanted for nothing. And here am l. Setting up shop in the finest university in the land. But the old man forgot one thing. This England of his is Christian... ..and AngloûSaxon. And so are her corridors of power. And those who stalk them guard them with jealousy and venom. You're right to study law. You're quite an advocate. A rare ethnic advantage. lt's called the gift of the gab. So what now? Grin and bear it? No, Au ey. l'm going to take them on. All of them. One by one. And run them off their feet. ? He is an Englishman! ? He is an Englishman ? For he himself has said it ? And it's greatly to his credit ? That he is an Englishman (Harold) England beckons for sprint blue. From a special correspondent. Clean sweep for Cam idge star. A ahams hat trick. From a special correspondent. ? But in spite of all temptations ? To belong to other nations ? He remains an Englishman ? He remains an ? Englishman ? For in spite of all temptations ? To belong to other nations ? He remains an Englishman ? He remains an ? Englishman Bravo! Bravo, Harold! (? ''La Marseillaise'' on bagpipes) ? L'Útendard sanglant est levÚ ? L'Útendard sanglant est levÚ ? Entendezûvous dans les campagnes ? Contre nous de la tyrannie ? L'Útendard sanglant est levÚ ? L'Útendard sanglant est levÚ ? Entendezûvous dans les campagnes 4û1 Liddell! What are you asking? ú25, Liddell to win. Mr Mussabini, l believe. My name's Keddie. Colonel John Keddie. û l'm... û President of the Scottish Three A's. l know, and l'm glad to know you, sir. û Ah, monsieur Sam! Bonjour. û Ah, bonjour. û How's the leg? û OK. Nasty fall you took. EnchantÚ. Good luck. You're very welcome here, of course. But we do have a strict amateur code. Colonel, don't worry your head. l'm here spectating, that's all. Ah, good. l felt sure you would understand. Well, to battle! l hope you enjoy the games. Games? You must be joking. l've seen betterûorganised riots. Come on, Scotland! Vive la France! (cheering) Gentlemen, get to your marks. Get set. (fires pistol) (crowd groans) Get up, lad. Get up. (crowd) Yeah. He'll never do it. Don't you believe it. His head's not back yet. Come on, Eric! (cheering) (gasps for eath) Get back! Give him air! Well done, Eric, son. Well done. He'll be right in ajiffy. l'll go away and get his clothes. You take good care of this lad o' yours, Mr McGrath. Because if you drop him, you'll never find another one like this. lt's not the prettiest quarter l've ever seen, Mr Liddell. But certainly the avest. Get him up. Come on, gently. Keep your arm around. Mr Mussabini. Mr A ahams, is it? So you've travelled 300 mile just to see me? You and Liddell. l'd heard you were both the best. And what do you think now? Eric Liddell? l've never seen such drive, such commitment in a runner. He runs like a wild animal. He unnerves me. So he should. He frightens the living daylights out of me. l want you to help me take him on. Tell me, Mr A ahams. Are you married? No. Why? Well,... ..when the right girl comes along,... ..how will you feel if she pops the question? You see, Mr A ahams,... ..like the idegroom,... ..it's the coach that should do the asking. Mr Mussabini,... ..l can run fast. With your help, l think l can run even faster. Perhaps faster than any man ever ran. l want that Olympic medal. Now, l can see it there. lt's waiting for me. But l can't get it on my own. Well, we've an old saying in my game, son. You can't put in what God's left out. Now, you leave it to me. l'll watch you. l'll observe. And if l think l can help û if l can see the big prize hanging there û believe me, l won't waste any time. When we meet again,... ..l'll be the one that does the begging. So you will watch me? Son, if you're good enough,... ..l'll take you apart piece by bloody piece. Thank you. ? Three little maids who, all unwary ? Come from a ladies' seminary ? Freed from its genius tutelary ? Three little maids from school ? Three little maids from school ? One little maid is a ide, YumûYum ? Two little maids in attendance come ? Three little maids is the total sum ? Three little maids from school ? From three little maids, take one away ? Two little maids remain and they ? Won't have to wait very long, they say ? Three little maids from school ? Three little maids from school ? Three little maids who, all unwary ? Come from a ladies' seminary ? Freed from its genius tutelary ? Three little maids from school û Didn't l tell you? lsn't she a peach? û She's magnificent. (applause) Bravo! Bravo! l think it's going rather well. l've never seen this sort of thing, but l am enjoying it. û And you, JB? û l've done better shows myself. û Do you remember them offhand? û (Stallard) l don't! So the stone heart's frail after all. û A ahams is smitten, you say? û Smitten? He's decapitated. û He won't listen to reason. û The poor lad's in love! He's only just set eyes on her. l've worshipped her for years. û By the way, where is he now? û He's gone to ask her out to dinner. û Has he, by Jove! û ln the interval?! û Thank you. Mine, l take it? û Ah, Harold. Lovely. Well? û Well what? û Did you speak to her? Yes. û ls she coming? û Yes. û To dinner? û Yes. Her kid other is athleticsûmad. Always talking about me! Monty, you'd better have my glass. l've a terrible feeling you're going to need it. - (end-of-interval bell) û Sorry, Monty. Yes, thank you very much, sir. Yes, of course l will, sir. Good evening, Miss Gordon! A triumph, l hear. (applause) Who was that chap over there? Music critic of the Star. û Boring old buffer, really. û Well, he obviously enjoyed it. l shouldn't think so. They always say that. They save the poison for the print. û A bit off tonight, l thought. û What? You were magnificent! Thank you. One of my little maids has gone and got herself preggers with a gondolier. We had to shove her second on tonight. The trio... û Your usual, Miss Gordon? û Thank you, Toffy. And you, sir. Thank you. This is Mr A ahams. He's a very famous runner. He's trying your special for the first time tonight. û l hope you enjoy it, sir. û l'm sure l shall. Well, go on then! lt's a secret concoction of Toffy's,... ..a sort of cocktail de maison,... ..so you'd jolly well better enjoy it. û Excellent. û There, Toffy! You've won yourself a friend for life. My favourite, please. û For two. û My pleasure. What have l ordered? Surprise. û Cheerio. û Cheerio. Well... the great Harold A ahams. My other will be insanely jealous. So will mine. You don't look very ruthless. Should l? According to my other. Tim says that's why you always win. û Why running? û Why singing? lt's my job. No, that's silly. l do it because l love it. Do you love running? l'm more of an addict. lt's a compulsion. A weapon. û Against what? û Being Jewish, l suppose. You're not serious?! You're not Jewish,... ..or you wouldn't ask. Fiddlesticks! People don't care. Anyway, being Jewish hasn't done you any harm. l'm what l call semiûdeprived. That sounds clever. What does it mean? lt means they lead me to water, but they won't let me drink. You're a funny old stick, Mr Harold A ahams. Funny,... ..but fascinating. l'll settle for the fascinating. Life isn't that gloomy, is it? Not tonight. You're so beautiful. Like you. Le pied de porc anglais, madame. Pigs' trotters. Oh, my God. (both laugh) (PA) The train arriving at platform two... ..is the Flying Scotsman from Aberdeen. 7.30, Mr Liddell! 7.30 on t'dot. There you are, sir. Hot tea and toast. Great. û You sleep all right? û Like a log. Aye. Must have a clear conscience. Far from it. û Are we here? û Aye, sir. Just pulled in. King's Cross. Oh, and here's the paper, with your picture in. Expecting great things, from all accounts. Are they indeed? û Here you are. û Much obliged, sir. Now, no hurry. You've got an hour before we kick you out. û And good luck for this afternoon. û Thank you. Come on, sir. Wake up. King's Cross. Aye, Mr A ahams. So's the Scot. Mr A ahams? Mr Liddell. l'd like to wish you the best of success. Thank you. And may the best man win. (starter) Get to your marks. Get set. (fires pistol) (cheering) Extraordinary. (Miss Gordon) Harold. Harold. This is absolutely ridiculous. lt's a race you've lost, not a relative. Nobody's dead. For goodness' sake, snap out of it, Harold. You're behaving like a child. û l lost. û l know! l was there, remember? Watching. lt was marvellous. You were marvellous. He was more marvellous, that's all. On the day, the best man won. l had to look for him. lt's absolutely fundamental. You never look. He was ahead. There was nothing you could have done. He won fair and square. Well, that's that, A ahams. lf you can't take a beating, it's for the best. l don't run to take beatings! l run to win. lf l can't win, l won't run. lf you don't run, you can't win. Ring me when you've sorted that one out. Sybil... Don't go. l just don't know what to do. Try growing up. Harold. You're a great man. You ran like a god. l was proud of you. Don't make me ashamed. lt's not the losing, Syb. Eric Liddell's a fine man and a fine runner. lt's me! After all that work,... ..now, God knows, what do l aim for? Beating him the next time. Sybil, l can't run any faster. (Sam) Mr A ahams! Mr A ahams! l can find you another two yards. (Sam) Charlie Paddock. Californian cannonball. World's fastest human. Winner, 100 metres, Olympic Games,... û ..1920, Antwerp. Time? û 10.3. Jackson Scholz,... ..the New York Thunderbolt. Runnerûup, Olympic Games, 1920. Lost by looking right. Look, here's the finish. You see? Paddock, leaping past him at the tape? That glance cost Scholz the race. û Scholz's fastest? û 10.3... 4. Eric Liddell. Well, you know all about him. Look at them. Think them. Breathe them. l want their faces leering at you every time you shut your eyes. The Flying Scotsman first. That bloody well hurt. What, Eric Liddell? Well, he's no real problem. He's a great runner but he needs to go further out. û He's no 100ûmetres man. û He could have fooled me! Yeah, he's fast. But he won't go any faster, not in the dash, anyway. He's a gut runner. He's all heart. Digs deep. A short sprint is run on nerves. û lt's tailorûmade for neurotics. û Thanks very much. No, l mean it. You can push guts, bully them, but you can hone nerves. Paddock, Scholz and Eric Liddell. Come here a minute, Mr A ahams. Now, do you know why you lost the other day? Because you're overstriding. Just a couple of inches. Now... These coins represent the strides in your hundred metres. Have you got another two coins, Mr A ahams? Well, maybe we can find them. As l said,... ..overstriding. Death to the sprinter. Slap in the face each stride you take. Knocks you back. Like that. Like that... ..and that! (chuckling) Now... l want you to imagine you're running on hot icks. lf you leave your feet too long on the ground, they'll get burnt. Up, up, up. Light, light, light! Light as a feather. Set! (fires pistol) No! Not your head back again! Get it level! Go and do it again. That's it! Faster, come on! Pass the car! Go on! Go on! Go on! Go on, go on, on, on! Come on, now! Keep it up, come on! Rhythm, Mr A ahams, rhythm! (? congregation sings ''The Lord ls My Shepherd') (Eric's sister) Training, training. All l ever hear is training. Do you believe in what we're doing here or not? Look, Jennie, l'm sorry. l was late. l apologise. û lt's all very well, Eric. û Look, l said l was sorry. To me. lt's not me you've insulted. Away with your bother! The Lord'll not feel slighted at the missing of a bus. Yes, Eric, you missed a bus. But why? Your mind's not with us any more, son. lt's full of running and starting and medals and pace. lt's so full of it, you've no room for standing still. Jennie, Jennie, Jennie! Don't fret yourself. l do fret myself, Eric. l'm frightened for you. l'm frightened for what it all might do to you. (clears throat) Please, Mr Liddell. Would you sign your name, please? Surely. You want to pick yourself a pen? û There you are. û Thanks. Come on, Jennie, let's go for a walk. l've got something to say. (train whistle) lt's a sight and a half, in't it, Jennie? Auld Reekie. l'll be sad to leave it. l've decided. l'm going back to China. The missionary service have accepted me. Oh, l'm so pleased! But l've got a lot of running to do first. Jennie... Jennie, you've got to understand. l believe that God made me for a purpose. For China. But he also made me fast. And when l run... l feel his pleasure. To give it up would be to hold him in contempt. You were right. lt's notjust fun. To win is to honour him. Jennie... Jennie. l've got my degree to get. All that work. Then there's Paris. The Olympic Games. There's just not enough of me. l'm asking you to manage the mission on your own... ..till then. Will you do that for me, Jennie? (Sybil) Andy, l've lost him. Can't reach him. (Andy) You will, old girl. You will. (Sybil) He says he needs to clear his mind of me. He can't love me and say that. Syb. The world's against him, or so he believes. Now he's got a chance to prove himself. He can't see or hear anything beyond that, not even you. lt's hard, l know, but you've just got to try and understand. û Why should l? û Because he's what you want, isn't he? What about you? And Stallard and Au ey? You're still the same. The chance is there for you too. To be a fastest, yes, but not the fastest. The fastest man ever before. Father's never going to learn how to do that. That's immortality. Just think what it means to a man like Harold. Well, to me the whole thing's fun. l don't need that. ''Cast care aside'' and all that. But for Harold, it's a matter of life and death. û So all l can do is wait? û 'Fraid so. And pray like hell that he wins! And if he doesn't? You mustn't worry, old thing. l've never ever seen a man so smitten as our Harold. lt's just that l'm a little envious, that's all. Oh, Andy. û Your parasol, Miss Gordon. û Thank you, Mildred. Good luck tonight. He's a damned fool! l always thought the lrish had all the luck! û John, Savoy Theatre. û Yes, sir. Splendid. Mildred, would you get my spikes? Ready, my lord! Now, Coote, if l shed a drop l want to know. Touch but not spill, what? (professor) Life slips by, A ahams. Life slips by. But this fine old university of ours, she offers some rare consolations. Beyond measure, sir. l can take it, then, that you would be acutely grieved to discover... ..that any behaviour or action on your part were causing her grief? Naturally, sir. l would, deeply. Good. l was sure of it. Here in Cam idge, we've always been proud of our athletic prowess. We believe, we've always believed, that our games are indispensable... ..in helping to complete the education of an Englishman. They create character. They foster courage, honesty and leadership. But most of all, an unassailable spirit of loyalty,... ..comradeship and mutual responsibility. û Would you agree? û Yes, sir. l would. l'm afraid there is a growing suspicion in the bosom of this university û and l tell you this without in any way... ..decrying your achievements, in which we all rejoice û that in your enthusiasm for success... ..you have perhaps lost sight of some of these ideals. May l ask what form this disloyalty, this betrayal, takes? û Oh, hardly betrayal! û The word grief was mentioned. lt's said that you use a personal coach. Mr Mussabini, yes. û ls he ltalian? û Of ltalian extraction, yes. û l see. û But not all ltalian. û l'm relieved to hear it. û He's half Arab! Do we take it that you employ this Mr Mussabini on a professional basis? Sam Mussabini is the finest, most advanced,... ..clearestûthinking athletics coach in the country. l'm honoured to be worthy of his attention. Nevertheless, he's a professional. What else would he be? He's the best. Ah, but there, Mr A ahams, l'm afraid our paths diverge. You see, this university believes that the way of the amateur... ..is the only one to provide satisfactory results. l am an amateur. You're being trained by a professional. You've adopted a professional attitude. For the past year, you have concentrated on developing your own technique... ..in the headlong pursuit, may l suggest, of individual glory. Not a policy very conducive to the fostering of esprit de corps. l am a Cam idge man first and last. l am an Englishman first and last. What l have achieved, what l intend to achieve, is for my family,... ..my university and my country. And l bitterly resent your suggesting otherwise. Your aim is to win at all costs, is it not? At all costs, no. But l do aim to win within the rules. Perhaps you would rather l played the gentleman and lost? To playing the tradesman, yes. My dear boy, your approach has been, if l may say so, a little too plebeian. You are the elite... ..and are therefore expected to behave as such. Thank you, sir,... ..for your hospitality. The evening has been most illuminating. Good night to you, sir. You know, gentlemen,... ..you yearn for victory, just as l do. But achieved with the apparent effortlessness of gods. Yours are the archaic values of the prep school playground. You deceive no one but yourselves. l believe in the pursuit of excellence,... ..and l'll carry the future with me. (door closes) Well, there goes your Semite, Hugh. A different god. A different mountain top. (men shouting) Harold! Harold! We're in. All of us! You, Henry, Andy and me, we're all in! You 100 and 200, Andy 400 and hurdles,... ..Henry the mile, and me the steeplechase. Paris, here we come! Eric Liddell's picked too. Rivals under the same flag. Your chance to get even, eh? l can't wait. Welcome to Dover, my Lord Birkenhead. Lord Birkenhead, are the Yanks so well trained... ..that they'll wipe the floor with our boys? lt's certainly true that the Americans have prepared seriously,... ..some would say too seriously, to gain success. But we feel we may, in our unsophisticated way, have their match. Sir, do you think the British team stand a chance... ..against such great American athletes as Charlie Paddock and Jackson Scholz? You Americans have a number of men who are rated as worldûbeaters,... ..but this contest is in Europe, not in the rarefied climes of the United States. Parisian conditions are bound to be more robust,... ..more combative and certainly more cavalier. Lord Birkenhead, are the Yanks so well trained... ..that they will wipe the floor with our boys? Gentlemen, A ahams, Liddell and Lindsay... We have the men who could give them a run for their money. Eric! Sandy! You haven't come all the way from Scotland just to see me off, have you? l have not. l'm seeing myself off. Come on, or we'll miss the boat. Hey, Mr Liddell! What do you think of your chances against A ahams? l'll do my best. Can do no less. Mr Liddell, sir! What about the qualifying heats on Sunday? û What did you say? û On Sunday! Do you think you can beat the Americans? There's Mr A ahams! There he is! û Mr A ahams! û Sorry, l've no time... Hello, Jeremy. û Gilbert and Sullivan will win. û Thanks very much. û Harold! û Sybil. û l came to wish you luck. û l'm glad. l understand. l wanted you to know that. l'll be here when you come back. (ship's horn) (man) Hurry along, Mr A ahams. She's about to sail! l must go. l'll see you in three weeks. Byeûbye. Mind your step, sir. We want you to get there in one piece. û When did you get to know? û Did you not read the papers this morning? The heats for the 100 are on the Sunday after the opening ceremony,... ..the semis and final a couple of days after. lt's only a heat. Does it make all that difference? Yeah. Yeah, it does. (laughter and applause) And strong though the temptation may be... ..to disport your newly acquired finery around the streets of Paris û if they aren't temptation enough û may l ask you on behalf of the Olympic Committee... ..to save your sartorial splendour... ..until at least after the opening ceremony. May l remind you,... ..you are the favoured few. You constitute what is without doubt... ..the most powerful athletic force ever to leave these shores. You are to face the world's best û own and yellow, white and black,... ..young and ardent as yourselves,... ..fleet of foot and strong of limb,... ..from every civilised nation on the face of the earth. l have no doubt... ..that you will acquit yourselves honourably and... with distinction. Good luck to you all. (Jennie) Your mind's not with us any more. lt's full of sprinting and starting and medals and pace. lt's so full of it, you've no room for standing still! (Eric) Jennie, Jennie! Don't fret yourself. (Jennie) l do fret myself, Eric. l'm frightened for you. l'm frightened what it all might do to you. - (Eric) Do you know what day it is? - (boy) Yeah. Sunday. (Eric) The Sabbath's not a day for playing football, is it? (Birkenhead) lt's an awful step you're taking, Liddell. The whole of Britain will be watching you. l don't know that they'll understand. l'm not sure that l understand. l'm not sure that l do either, sir. For the last three years l've devoted myself to my running,... ..just to be on this ship. l gave up my rugby. My work has suffered. And l've deeply hurt someone l hold very dear. Because l told myself... ..if l win, l win for God. And now l find myself sitting here, destroying it all. But l have to. To run would be against God's law. l was mistaken. My boy û as things stand, you must not run. But l want you to hold your fire for a while, Liddell. Leave everything to me. Say nothing. Wait until we get to Paris. l'll have a word with the French. l'm not without a certain pull,... ..and we fought in the war together. They do owe us something. l don't understand. They're not a very principled lot, the Frogs. But, when faced with a stand like yours,... ..one never knows. l might get through. l just might possibly persuade them. The French, sir? What can they do? Shift that bloody heat of yours, of course. Good evening. (Eric) Good night, sir. ? With catûlike tread ? Upon our prey we steal ? ln silence dread ? Our cautious way we feel ? No sound at all ? We never speak a word ? A fly's footfall would be distinctly heard ? Come friends, who plough the sea ? Truce to navigation ? Take another station ? Let's vary piracy ? With a little burglary (Au ey) l wish you could see, Ma, the wonderful spirit a oad now we've left home. Harold on the piano with his beloved Gilbert and Sullivan. We're all laughing and relaxing, chatting about anything but running. We're here for Britain and we know it. l'm here for you, Ma. You and Pa. l hope l do you proud. There's not a chap amongst us... ..who isn't ready to burst his heart for all we've left behind. (photographer) Attention! (? band plays ''When Johnny Comes Marching Home') (cheering) (? band plays ''The Star-Spangled Banner') (? pianist plays ''The Star-Spangled Banner') (Andy whispers) ''American champions arrive in France.'' There's Paddock. Charles Paddock. û There's Fitch. û My God! And there's Scholz. (Harold) Yes, that's Scholz all right. A bit more my size. Mean with it, though. 10.4. Got your plate full there, Harold. Battle on your hands, what! Charles H Paddock... ..and Jackson Scholz. The fastest men in the world. Push it! Come on, that's more like it! One, two! One, two! One, two! Come on now! Keep doin' it like that, come on! Hey, Scholzy! (band plays) (applause) (cheering) (cheering) Nous jurons Ûtre venus Ó ces huitiÞmes Olympiades,... ..animÚs par le respect des rÞglements qui les gouvernent... ..et dÚsireux de participer... ..pour la gloire de nos pays... ..et Ó l'honneur du sport. (? La Marseillaise) ? Amour sacrÚ de la Patrie ? Conduis, soutiens nos as vengeurs! ? LibertÚ, LibertÚ chÚrie ? Combats avec tes dÚfenseurs! ? Combats avec tes dÚfenseurs! ? Sous nos drapeaux, que la victoire û Good luck, Andy. û Good luck, Harry. Monty. (starter) Silence! └ vos marques! PrÛt! (fires pistol) (ecstatic cheering) Your Royal Highness, may l introduce Mr Tom Watson, representing New Zealand. How do you do? You've come a long way. l'm from Oxford, sir. They wrote to me. Said as l was over here, l might as well take part. û Economical. But can you run? û l'll give it a try, sir. û That's the spirit. Best of luck to you. û Thank you, sir. (applause) The royal benediction, no less. û The chap's invaluable. û Hear, hear! Henry V and all that. Protocol, Monty. Protocol. He's here to show us what may be done û and more essentially, what may not be. Jackson Scholz. How do you do? l'm Eric Liddell. Well, we've heard a lot about you. Ah, Liddell! Excuse me. l was afraid you weren't here. l'm afraid l am, sir. Fine. Do you good. Take you out of yourself a bit. The Prince of Wales would like to meet you. No. No. No, sir. lt wouldn't be right. Liddell... he is your future king. Are you refusing to shake his hand? Does your arrogance extend that far? My arrogance, sir, extends just as far as my conscience demands. Fine. Then let's hope that's wise enough to give you room for manoeuvre. All right, sir. Splendid. l'll take you to him now. Your Royal Highness, may l present Mr Eric Liddell? Delighted, Liddell. Delighted. l saw you play for Scotland. lt depressed me no end. Ran in a couple of tries from your own half. l believe l did, sir, yes. Nice to have you on the same side at last. Excellent effort of Lindsay's, don't you think? û He did well, sir. He did indeed. û An example to us all. Eric, may l introduce His Grace the Duke of Sutherland,... ..president of our Olympic Association? û How do you do? û And our chairman, Lord Cadogan. (Birkenhead) Have a seat. Make yourself comfortable. Cigar? Oh, no, of course. You don't. Nor drink. Such is the resolution of the young man you have before you, gentlemen. Lord Birkenhead has advised us as to your attitude... ..towards your participation in the 100ûmetres heats, Liddell. Or would your nonûparticipation be more accurate? lt would, sir, yes. We were also consulted as to how we should approach the French. Something we can't allow, going cap in hand to the Frogs, of all people! Simply out of the question. A simple matter of national dignity. Being a patriot, l'm sure you understand. l must say, sir, l felt it was an impractical suggestion. (Birkenhead) Why didn't you damn well say so? As an athlete, you value economy of effort. l wanted to run. l was desperate enough to try anything. Well, all that being understood,... ..we decided to invite you in for a little chat... ..to see if there's any way we can help resolve the situation. (Cadogan) There's only one solution. That's for this man to change his mind and run. (Prince) Don't state the obvious, Cadogan. We've to explore ways in which we can help this young man to reach that decision. l'm afraid there are no ways, sir. l won't run on the Sabbath and that's final. l intended to confirm this with Lord Birkenhead tonight,... ..even before you called me up before this inquisition. Don't be impertinent. The impertinence lies with those who seek to influence a man to deny his beliefs. On the contrary, Liddell. We're appealing to your beliefs. ln your country and your king. Your loyalty to them. Hear, hear. ln my day, it was king first, God after. And the war to end wars bitterly proved your point. God made countries. God makes kings,... ..and the rules by which they govern. And those rules say that the Sabbath is his. And l for one intend to keep it that way. (Prince) Mr Liddell. You're a child of your race... as l am. We share a common heritage, a common bond, a common... loyalty. There are times when we are asked to make sacrifices... ..in the name of that loyalty,... ..and without them our allegiance is worthless. As l see it, for you,... ..this is such a time. Sir... God knows, l love my country. But l can't make that sacrifice. (knock at door) (man) Come in! Your Royal Highness... Lord Lindsay. Your Highness, Cadogan, gentlemen. l do apologise for barging in like this. The fact is l am fully aware of Eric's dilemma. l wondered if l could be so bold as to suggest a possible solution. (Cadogan) Do. Yes. Another day, another race. What the devil's that supposed to mean? lt's quite simple as a matter of fact, sir. The 400 metres. lt's on Thursday. l've already got my medal. So why don't you let Eric take my place in the quarter? l think that's a splendid idea. Can we allow him to change events at such short notice? That's a matter for the committee. We are the committee. l think it's a very good idea. David? All those in favour say aye. (all) Aye. Liddell? û Andy, l... û A pleasure, old chap. Just to see you run. Aye. (Prince) Well, that's settled. A sticky moment, George. Thank God for Lindsay. l thought the lad had us beaten. He did have us beaten, FE. û And thank God he did. û l don't quite follow you. The lad, as you call him, is a true man of principle... ..and a true athlete. His speed is a mere extension of his life, its force. We sought to sever his running from himself. For his country's sake, yes. No sake is worth that, FE. Least of all a guilty national pride. ''Lindsay makes way for Liddell.'' ''400 metres for defecting Scot.'' '''Smacks of fanaticism,' says official.'' '''Man of principle,' says primate.'' ''We should be proud.'' û So that's the Olympic Stadium. û That's it, Sam. lt's as good as being in there, isn't it? Better! Seeing as l'm persona non grata. Yeah. lt's tiptop, Mr A ahams. You've done a grand job. lf we don't win now, we never will. Have l got everything, Sam? Everything you need? Er... Yes. All we need now is Sunday. (church bell tolls) (? organ) (Eric) My text this afternoon is taken from lsaiah, chapter 40. Behold. The nations are as a drop in the bucket... ..and are counted as the small dust in the balance. All nations before him are as nothing. They are counted to him less than nothing... ..and vanity. He ingeth the princes to nothing. He maketh the judges of the earth as a vanity. Hast thou not known? Hast thou not heard... ..that the everlasting God, the Lord,... ..the creator of the ends of the earth,... ..fainteth not,... ..neither is weary? Juvenile! Oldest con in the business. l know, Sam. He giveth power to the faint,... ..and to them that have no strength... ..he increaseth might. But they that wait upon the Lord... ..shall renew their strength. They shall mount up... ..with wings, as eagles. They shall run... ..and not be weary. They shall walk... ..and not faint. (Harold) Do you remember when we first bumped into each other, old man? We shared a taxi, remember? You made me feel... ..an age old, burdened, sour... Even superior. That was the miscalculation of my life. You, Au ey,... ..are my most complete man. You're ave,... ..compassionate,... ..kind. A content man. That's your secret. Contentment. l'm 24 and l've never known it. l'm forever in pursuit and l don't even know what it is l'm chasing. Au ey, old chap, l'm scared. Sam and l, we've laboured, rowed and bullied for this. Day in, day out. You've seen us û chuckled over us, l'll be bound. Out in all weathers. Madmen. And for what? l was beaten out of sight in the 200. Then l let Paddock trick me in the semi. Now, in one hour's time, l'll be out there again. l'll raise my eyes and look down that corridor,... ..fourûfeet wide with ten lonely seconds to justify my whole existence. But will l? Au ey, l've known the fear of losing. But now l'm almost too frightened to win. (Sam) Dear Mr A ahams. You must please pardon my not coming to see you run,... ..much as l would like to do so. However, l believe and hope you will win... ..the 100 metres. Go out determined to do your best. And don't forget,... ..drop down at the first stride. Get well warmed up... ..and then let the gun release you. l should use the springy old six-spike shoes. All the best of luck. From yours truly, Sam Mussabini. PS. Please accept the charm. My old father swore by it. (band plays) (cheering) No regrets, Eric, that you're not down there with them? Yeah. No doubts, though. Your Royal Highness, may l present Mr Bowman of the United States? Mr Bowman. û Mr Murchison. û Mr Murchison. And Mr Watson of New Zealand l believe you know. û Oh, yes, Mr Watson. How are you? û Very well, sir. Good. û Mr Paddock. û Ah, Mr Paddock. Dinner for your whole team at my club when we get back to London. Now if you win, l pay, A ahams wins, you pay, all right? Sir, you have yourself a deal. Done. û The best of luck to you. û And to you, sir. û Mr Scholz. û Scholz. And this is our Harold A ahams. û Good luck, A ahams. û Thank you, sir. Do your best. That's all we can expect. û Good luck, A ahams. û Thank you, sir. Come on, Charlie! Charlie, Charlie, rah rah rah! PrÛt! Head down. (Sam) Watch the first stride. Go for release. (fires pistol) (cheering) (fires pistol) (announcer) Premier,... ..numÚro 419. A ahams, Grande Bretagne. Temps, 10 secondes, trois cinquiÞmes. Second, 7 4. Scholz, ╔tats Unis. (cheering) (? band plays ''God Save The Queen') Harold! (laughs) My son. (chattering) û Harold! û Ssh, ssh, ssh! Leave him be. The poor fella's whacked. û But he won! û Exactly. One of these days, Monty, you're going to win yourself. And it's pretty difficult to swallow. - (knock at door) û Come in. Mrs A ahams just rang, miss. The Daily Express. They've been on from Paris. Mr 'Arold. He won! She told me to tell you he won! Thank you very much, Bill. Oh, it's 15 minutes to curtainûup, miss. He did it, sir. Thank you, Matthews. ''A ahams triumphant.'' ''Caius College athlete wins blue riband at Games.'' Just as l expected. (Sam) Yes, you've always thought of yourself as a ruthless man. Hard. Bit of a loner, like me. But actually, you're as soft as a limp pocket. Oh, you care. Care about things that really matter. lf you didn't, l wouldn't have come within a mile of you. Do you know who you won for out there today? Hmm? Us! You and old Sam Mussabini. l've waited 30 bloody years for this. Pardon, messieurs. ll faut partir maintenant. ll est trois heures du matin. Oh! Harold! lt means the world to me, this, you know. And if all the world can do... ..is to want to go home to bed, then they can go to hell! Because we've had today,... ..you and me,... ..and we've got it for keeps. So now it's out o' yer system,... ..go home to that girl o' yours and start some bloody living. Yes? û To Sam Mussabini. û Oh. The greatest trainer in the world. Hm? (Sam) Tell him. Get some more. (Harold) Come on, Sam. We're going home. (applause) (announcer) The final of the 400 metres. Taylor. ╔tats Unis. NumÚro 278. Good luck. Don't expect l'll see you till after the race. What's the deal with this guy Liddell? ls he a problem? No problem. He's a flyer. He's had two races today already. He'll die. Just swing along, you guys, and wait. After 300 metres, rigor mortis sets in. You'll pull him in on a rope. Good luck, Taylor. û Watch out for Liddell. û Coach says no problem. He's got something personal to prove. Something guys like Coach'll never understand. (Jennie) Excuse me. Jennie! (chanting) USA! USA! USA! lt says in the Old Book, ''He that honours me,... ..l will honour.'' ''Good luck. Jackson Scholz.'' └ vos marques! PrÛt! (cheering) (Eric) So where does the power come from... ..to see the race to its end? From within. Come on, Liddell! (Eric) Jennie,... ..l believe God made me for a purpose. But he also made me fast. And when l run,... ..l feel his pleasure. (ecstatic cheering) (announcer) Premier, Liddell. Grande Bretagne. 47 secondes, trois cinquiÞmes. Nouveau record olympique et mondial amateur. (train whistle) ? And did those feet in ancient time ? Walk upon England's mountains green? ? And was the Holy Lamb of God ? On England's pleasant pastures seen? ? And did the countenance divine ? Shine forth upon our clouded hills? ? And was Jerusalem builded here ? Among those dark satanic mills? (Au ey) Well, Andy. He did it. Hm? What's that, old boy? He ran them off their feet. ENGLlSH SDH
INSPECTOR CHAN SUPER CRIME FIGHTERS Anyone else? Such a beautiful woman... ...and you arrest her... ...just for spitting? Is there no justice? Is there no law? Commissioner is only your boss... ...because he paid his dues to the Crocodile Gang. And you don't fucking know me? Sorry, I didn't know she was your wife. Ugly coward! What are you looking at? Never seen such a handsome gang boss? Who'd be in the film business? It's Sunday, and the theater's deserted. Where's the car? Let's go back inside! Call for help! No need for that, Northerner. While you were messing with the cop, your men signed up with us. I'll kill all you Axe Gangsters! Stop! You forget the time I treated you to dinner. Brother Sum. Please... Please spare me. Don't worry. I don't kill women. You can go! Thank you, Big Brother. Cops! Come clean up the mess! THE AXE GANG In a time of social unrest and disorder... ...the gangs have moved in to consolidate their power. The most feared of them all is the Axe Gang. Only in the poorest districts, which hold no interest for the gangs... ...can people live in peace. PIG STY ALLE Y One, two, three! - That okay, Coolie? - No problem! TAILOR NOODLES AND CONGEE My check, please, Donut. - How much? - It's on the house! Donut. - It's nothing. - I like you. I'll ask the wife about lowering your rent. Morning, Landlord! Landlord! Jill! How you've grown! Come let me examine you! Good to see you, Landlord! What's so good about it? Don't...! Can you make the skirt slit higher? Sure! Look, a comet! Jane! You naughty girl! Landlord! You're such a scoundrel! Don't go, Jane! Stay and chat! I'm only kidding. Jane! Landlady! Landlady! What happened to the water? Water ain't free! You talk a lot for someone who won't pay his rent. But I'm in the middle of a shampoo. You think that's a problem? From now on, no water on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Water ration Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. I just love hearing you fools complain. Assholes! Good morning, Landlady! Just pay your rent, or I'll burn your shop down. What's so funny? Rent's no laughing matter, fairy! Serves you right you're a coolie! Months overdue and not even a good morning. You'll be a coolie for life. There you go, handsome! What took you so long with the congee? I stopped to help an old lady cross the street. - What are you doing here? - Checking for Peeping Toms. Was someone just spying on you, Auntie Six? Don't shoot your mouth off without proof. She's crazy. Go away! Please can you teach us, sir? No more soccer! - Who wants the cut? - My boss. Take a seat. Done! Fifty cents, please. Isn't it great? It's too good! Why'd you make him look so good? Why? Don't get mad, boss. He's my old buddy. I'll handle this. He's boss of the Axe Gang. Don't you see the two axes? We're bad guys. Making him look good is really bad. Understand? - I didn't know. - You're a numskull! But I like you, so just pay me, and I'll take care of it. No way! Steady with the axe, boss. Let me talk to him. I really care for you. You saw it for yourself. Seriously. Why don't you pay up. Not much. Enough for a drink. Oh, so it's blackmail! Boss! Boss! Now you're dead! Looks like he's waking up! I'm not afraid. You can kill me. But there'll be thousands more of me! You want to play tough? The Axe Gang boss is napping in there. Whoever wants to die, step forward. So you want to fight? Great! We'll go one-on-one. Don't even think about cheating. That old woman with the onion! You look real tough. Want to try me? I'll let you hit me first. What do you do? I'm a farmer. Farmers don't fight. Piss off! He's crazy! Calling me names? You're lucky you're a woman. Hey, shorty! Yeah, you! If you're short, you don't retort. What did I say about cheating? Sit back down! You! The geezer with the glasses. You look mean. No, not you. I mean... You! Hey, kid, let's rumble! All right, all right! So no one-on-ones today. You're all such wimps! He blackmailed me. Fat woman, you're in charge here, right? Fat woman, my ass! I'm with the Axe Gang! Axe Gang, my ass! Boss! Boss, my ass! - You have to pay our medical bills! - Bills, my ass! - We're on the same side! - Same side, my ass! Think you're so tough? I'll call for backup! You nitwit! Let's see you call backup! You don't know the backup I have. I'm talking an army here. Don't you go away! Go put a down payment on your coffin! Who threw the firecracker? I'm one of you, other. Mind your own business! It's raining. Go ing in your laundry! Fat woman! You blackmailing me too? I ain't afraid. I... Did anyone see what happened? Don't! My back's oken! Call for help! Hold on, calm down. You hungry? Keep quiet. No. Who did this? I'll count to three. One... ...two... I did it! Are the goods okay, Brother Sum? Sorry! Look away, kid. Get rid of him! We're the bad guys! We're meant to do the ass-kicking... ...not the other way around. And it's all because these morons posed as Axes. Don't waste your time, Brother Sum. We'll handle this. You! Take care of it. - Boy, can this guy pick locks. - It's a living. Give me a eak. Pick that one too, if you're so good. Come. I'll count to three. Hurry! Ready? Three! That's quick! Brother Sum, we really want to be Axes. That's why we did what we did. Give us a chance. Ever killed anyone? I've always thought about it. Then go kill someone. I will! Go on! Thank you, Brother Sum. We can always find a use for that type. I told you before, you've got to look tough. Tougher! Tougher! Act the part. And try to stay awake. It's tiring being tough. Tiring? It's our living! The streets out there are filled with money and women. You only need the will and determination... ...to seize the opportunity to win. This is our big chance! We just kill someone, and we're in the gang. Then it'll be money and women all the way! Don't be like those beggars... ...with no ambition. Who are you looking at, four-eyes? I'll smash your glasses! Get lost! Come here and say that! - You're really gonna kill someone? - That's right! The four-eyes, the fat woman and all the residents of Pig Sty. But they're good at kung fu. - I can do kung fu! - Oh, yeah? Didn't I tell you I know Buddhist Palm kung fu? Hey there, handsome boy. Stop. Amazing! Do you know you have a special aura? You're so young, but you have the bone structure... and chi flow of a kung-fu genius. If your chi flow can be channeled, then you will be invincible! Like the old saying: You cannot escape your destiny. The duty of upholding world peace and punishing evil will be yours. Sure. This is the scroll of the Buddhist Palm. It's priceless. But as it's fate, I'll let you have it for $ 10. BUDDHIST PALM MANUAL - You gave him your life savings? - Yes. I was saving to study to be a doctor or lawyer... ...but this was world peace. Let go of the girl! Hey! It's the Buddhist Palm! The 20-Cent Kung Fu Manual. You must be loaded. Have you killed anyone lately? He's a fool, and she's mute. Losers! I realized then that good guys never win. I want to be bad. I want to be the killer! - Ice cream! - Where? Make mine a vanilla. Chocolate for me! What're you looking at? Never seen free ice cream before? Look at her run! You're such kung-fu masters, go take it on the road. You belong in the circus, not here! Don't say that, Landlady. There must be a reason they're here. Everyone has his reasons. We don't want to make trouble. I'm glad you get it. The mob's mad at us. We'll never hear the end of it. Why don't you get lost! Your wife shouldn't be so nasty. You okay? Masters. We have nothing precious to give you... ...but take this as a token of our appreciation. Thanks for saving us! Stop the crying. This isn't a show! - You're so cold-hearted. - Talking back to me, eh? You may know kung fu, but you're still a fairy. It's no crime to be good at kung fu! Once a fairy, always a fairy. Look at you. What's with the red underwear? Why not a diaper while you're at it. What's wrong with red underwear? Where were you when there was trouble? If it weren't for them, we'd be finished. Be reasonable! I'll reason with you. You owe me three months' rent. That's $90. Pay up or pack up! Don't you worry. I'll pay it. Think you're a smartass, Rabbit-Tooth Jane? What's it to you, tub of lard? Bitch! Calm down, Landlady. This is your fault. - Are you trying to kill us? - You're right. How could you do that? Shut the hell up! You think you can out-yell me? The fat lady can really sing. Watch this! What happened? What do you mean, what happened? You try it. - Me? - Quick! Sorry! You okay? I think you should get closer and take better aim. Okay? Okay! - Who's throwing the handles? - Handle? Where's the third knife? God knows where it went. Could it be the same one? Can't be... - Don't! - Sorry. What are you trying to say? I just remembered I have something to do. See you! Uh-oh. They've seen us! Stay back! Don't panic! Snakes like music. If I whistle, they won't bite. Please, no more ight ideas. Oh, what the hell! Not you again, asshole! Get back to your business! Split up! Split? What're you doing here? Looking for you. Weren't you hurt? I'm fine! How come you always recover so fast? I don't know. - Which hospital did you go to? - Don't remember. Maybe it's better that way. Memories can be painful. To forget may be a blessing! I never knew you were so deep. All the sadness one can bear... ...down the river everywhere. Hey, get out of the way! Move! I'll slap you to kingdom come! Look at those four-eyes carting around a coffin. What morons! Don't blame me for making you leave. We'll let Buddha decide... ...whether you stay... ...or go. HORRIFICALLY BAD FATE Have some tea. We're grateful for some professional help. We understand the problem. Twelve Kicks from the Tam School... ...Iron Fist from the Hung School and the Hexagon Staff... Those guys at Pig Sty are really good. Their warrior days are long over... ...but they're still top fighters. This job is a great challenge for us. Now, that's professionalism. Number One Killers. Expensive, yes, but worth every penny! No! Number one is the Beast, the world's top killer. He was so dedicated to kung fu, he went crazy. I heard he's now in an asylum. So you're the top killers now. Strictly speaking, we're just musicians. A song that wrenches the heart O where do I find a knowing ear? Great poem, isn't it? We'll be saying goodbye soon. Who knows when we'll see each other again. We're three of a kind. Wish we'd known before. Let's take this opportunity to spar a little. No. We still have a lot to pack. You're right. Twelve Kicks of the Tam School! Superb attack and defense! Iron Powerful yet delicate. Topnotch! Hexagon Staff, with its thousand moves. Mystical! Till we meet again! More lipstick! Stay there, or I'll eak you in half. Sorry, we're closed. You can make a suit in no time. We're moving. This is good material! You know your stuff. This has high artistic value. How high? At least a few stories... Insulting the Axe Gang! We'll show them. Let's kill them all and make this place a othel. Don't block my view! What's going on? Good! Don't block my view! Damn! I told those nitwits to leave, but they're still here. - Really? - Yeah. What the hell is this fighting? Who'll pay for the damage? Sorry, sorry. It's nothing! You know what time it is? I have to sleep. Hey, fatso, eat shit and die! Die? In this racket? Sorry, sorry! Get out of my way! Hang in there, Tailor. Be quiet! Give us a eak! Why push us so far? There's another master? It's the Lion's Roar! I thought that was a myth. Who knew the Lion's Roar really exists? That's the last we'll see of them. It's bad, Brother Sum. Quick, start the car! Start the car! Boss! Keep it down! Have you no manners? Get lost. People are trying to sleep. They have to work tomorrow. Get out of here! Scumbags! I can't hang on much longer. But having seen real masters like you... ...I can now die in peace. Don't say that. We're ordinary folks. Ordinary's a blessing. Don't call us masters. But you're such great fighters! If only you'd helped earlier, they wouldn't have to die this way. Like Donut said, everyone has his reasons. Years ago... ...we saw our only son killed in a fight. Revenge can be devastating. Do you understand? Why don't you train us to be top fighters... ...and we'll avenge them! Becoming a top fighter takes time. Unless you're a natural-born kung-fu genius. And they're one in a million. It's obvious I'm the one! Don't think so. Everyone! We swore we'd never fight again. But we oke that promise today. For your own safety, please all leave! In great power lies great responsibility. There's no escaping from it. Donut, you're hurt bad. Rest now. We can't understand what you're saying. Donut! I know you, four-eyes! You seem prejudiced against the sight-challenged. That's right. Especially gold-framed four-eyes. Gold frames are perfect for clerks. I think I look good. So why keep picking on me? Help me! Help me! Help me! Want to play, punks? The Dragon Style? The Tiger Style? Come down here, and I'll smash your glasses. Come on! You know I'd do it, right? Swear to it! Swear! Have you no respect? Where were you when I needed you? You sound like a wimp! We always get beat! We haven't gotten anywhere. No killing, no arson, no robberies, no rapes... ...all because of you! You're a numb-nut! Follow me! It's a stickup! Where's the money? Where's the money? What're you looking at? I'm serious! I kill people for less! Give me the money. The money's in here. Let go of the girl! He's a fool, and she's mute. Losers! Go away! You're dragging me down! Go home and raise pigs. Go, before I kill you. You! Whatsyourname! Take this and get some new clothes. You're now an Axe! - For real? - Someone's waiting for you. Brother Sum! One look at you, and I knew you'd do anything. Right! You just needed your chance. Damn right! We've an assignment for you. Anything, Brother Sum! Research on abnormal people. What's that? A mental asylum. Soldiers! Boy Scouts! Tanks! No worries. When the Boy Scouts change shifts, you have exactly five minutes. Follow the arrows on the map. Go to the last cell... ...and get the man inside there out. Here's your tools. What about you guys? We're your lookouts. Five minutes. Hurry! The world's top killer indeed looks the part! It's only a title. Cut the bullshit. We want two people killed. Name your price. Name my what? I've killed so many trying to find a worthy adversary. So far, I've never found one. That's why I stayed inside. Had I met my match, I'd have been out long ago. If you find me a worthy opponent... ...I'll do it for free. No charge! Do you have someone? Yes. Brilliant fighters who are up to the challenge. But first, will you show us some moves? Not that we don't trust you. We want to see you in action. You numskulls aren't worthy! He doesn't look the part. The slippers are a little crappy. But he'll clean up well. You sure you got the right guy? Absolutely. I swear I did exactly what you told me. Please show us some moves, Mr. Beast. Don't make it hard for me! You dumb or what? You know what this is, old man? Ever seen a fist this big? Don't force me to fight. I scare myself when I fight! Really? Try me, then. Is he okay? So you say you can fight? Harder! Harder! Harder! You hit like that and call yourself a gangster? A foreign gun! In the world of kung fu, speed defines the winner. The Beast is the best of them all. The Axe Gang extends its respect! The real masters, together in one room! Only the world's top killer... ...has such an aura. Likewise. Could you two be the fated lovers...? Paris... ...and Helen of Troy! A pleasure, indeed. We're here to deal with the Axe Gang... ...and only the Axe Gang. You should've killed me before. Now you're committing suicide. You're living on borrowed time. You can't escape your fate! What's this? A funeral bell? With the Beast here, let's see whose funeral it is! So you're on their side? Don't get me wrong. I only want to kill you... ...or be killed by you. What do you think? The good cannot coexist with the bad. You can't escape your destiny. So be it. Let's do it. Okay. Let's do it! Piece of cake. I can handle this. Good try, but a little off target. The Lion's Roar? Wait! I didn't know the Lion's Roar could be done with a speaker! What a blow! - Looks like they're not up to it! - Let's get them while they're down. You do it! - I'm gonna puke! I need to see a doctor! - Go to hell! You! Come over here. - Hit him! - Yes! - The head! - Of course! - Hit him on the head! - Okay. - Here's your chance. - Got it! - Hit him! - Hit him! - Hit the shit out of him! - Right! - Hit him! - Hit him! Beat the shit out of him! What're you doing? You want me to hit him or beat the shit out of him? You're making me very confused! Wow, that's a big fist! Why did you hit me? Where are they? How could you let them escape? No one gets away from me! Why did he save us? Young people make mistakes. But at least he finally made good. Look at him! Beaten to a pulp. Do you have any last requests? Hey, wait! Why don't you write in Chinese? I don't understand. There's no one here! CHINESE MEDICINE It's a miracle he lasted this long. The herbs should help him. Herbal medicine can only partly help. The key is his own body structure. All his bones and tendons are oken. It's amazing he's recovering so fast. It can't be possible... Unless he's... What's that smell? You mustn't smoke while you're hurt. Let me handle this. This makes no sense. Who knew the Beast could clear the chi flow... ...and thus unleash the boy's true potential? We should've guessed. He is the one! Is this for real? You're still alive, you turncoat? Kill him, men! What kind of move is that? Kids' stuff! If our son were alive, he'd be his age now. If he studies hard, he could grow up to be a doctor or lawyer. A stuntman, more likely! Not bad. Let's go. I can even stop bullets... What? The Toad Style of the Kwan Lun School? Oh, no! Remember the Palm move that falls from heaven? That's the long lost Buddhist Palm. I surrender! What kind of move was that? If you want to learn, I'll teach you. Master! Hey! Tell him not to put snot on the glass. You two, put your pants on! No licking if you're not buying! Kid, you have the bone structure of a kung-fu genius. World peace is in your hands. Here's the scroll of the Buddhist Palm. Because it's fate, I'll let you have it for $ 10. Wait! You want more...?
Another year, a and new diary. Once again I was summoned, kicking and screaming, to my mother's turkey curry buffet, where I've had some of the most shaming experiences of my life. Hello, darling. Lovely to see you. It was, as usual, crammed full with some of the most dangerous perverts In the UK, disguised as close, personal friends of my parents. - Hello, Bridget. - Hello, Una. - Oh, no, thanks. - Love the jumper. - I prefer what's underneath it. - Uncle Geoffrey! - Hello, gorgeous. - Hello. - Hello, darling. - Hello, Dad. How's it going? I wish I was dead. But this year, there was one crucial difference. - Nice jumper. - My mother's taste never falters. Never. You always wonder how it's going to work out at the end of the story. Marla and Captain Von Trapp, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Mark Darcy and Bridget Jones. I've found my happy ending at last. And nothing in the world can spoil it. Well, almost nothing. Bridget Jones, what the fuck are you doling? - I, I can't see anywhere soft to land. - How about on your arse? Bridget, unless you want to get sacked at 6,000 feet, you will be on your way in exactly three seconds. Three, two, one... cue Bridget. A dangerous bane to the countryside and emergency services, or a safe and exhilarating hobby? Well... let's see, shall we? Go. Jump. For Christ’s sakes, go! - She's out. Unit Two, you got her? - We see her. Bridget, open the chute. Open it. Open your fucking parachute! Pull the thingy or you will die! Oh. Honestly, you forget just one teeny, weeny detail and everyone treats you like an idiot. Nobody does it better Makes me feel sad for the rest Nobody does it Half as good as you Baby, baby Darling, you're the best Baby, you're the best... Where was I? Oh, yes... Mark Darcy. The question is: What happens after you walk off into the sunset? Bridget? Earth to Bridget Sodding Jones. Bridget, you're on. You're live. Well, this is Bridget Jones for Sit Up Britain, reporting to you from a big vat of excrement. Give me a close-up of the porker. Who cares about the odd professional hiccup? I've been in a functional relationship with an adult male for six wonderful weeks, four fabulous days and seven precious hours. Or to put it another way, 71 ecstatic shags. He's given up being snooty, and I've given up smoking. - Loving you... - Well, he thinks I have anyway, which is practically the same thing. ... a dream come true... Mark Darcy is perfect. Not a fuckwit, alcoholic, workaholic, pervert or megalomaniac, but total sex god and human rights lawyer. He is a miracle, really. Bridget, will you stop? Stop staring at me. Go and find something to do. Sorry. La la la la la... So, as you can see, the incredible truth is the wilderness years are over. Bridget Jones is a love pariah no more. Morning, Bridget. Late again. Yes. Sorry. I was in bed with my boyfriend. He's a human rights lawyer, you know. Yes, we know. I cannot believe how fantastic shagging was last night. Maybe I'll ring him. No, no... Obviously it's important to tell one's boyfriend how nice he looks naked, but I have crucial, Pulitzer Prize winning journalism to do. Hello? It's me. Just wondered how you are. I'm fine, thanks. Everything all right with you? Fine, though, er... I've just had a rather graphic shag flashback. And you do have a genuinely gorgeous bottom. Thank you. I'm with the Mexican ambassador, the head of Amnesty International and the Undersecretary for Trade and Industry. And you're on speakerphone. Oh. Right, well... I'm quite busy with important stuff too... Bridget, we're waiting for that tape about Tom, the happy hamster. - I'll call when I've finished. - Excellent. And Richard wants to see you about that crap skydiving report. Oh, fuck. Oh, dear. Is this the end of my career? No, It can't be. I will fight this. I am a journalist of the highest standards and integrity. This is Bridget Jones reporting from a big vat of excrement. Look, I never said I could skydive and I'm terrified of heights, - so it was really hard to concentrate. - Be quiet. They loved it upstairs. Loved it. And they want us to come up with another regular spot for you. Oh, my God. That's... - I won't let you down, Richard. - Precisely. ...my friends' motto was When in Rome, do as many Romans as you can. But if your tastes are marginally more high ow, I also have tips. Forget the Forum, definitely forget the Coliseum, no fun now they can't slaughter Christians. Forget the Sistine Chapel, first example of a poof interior designer gone mad... What is Daniel Oleaver doing on the television? It's called The Smooth Guide. Making culture bearable. ...equally serene and equally beautiful Professore Giovana Da ache. Who is about to show me her diptych. Same old creep. Oh. Shame. He always speaks very warmly of you. - Oh, yeah? - Yeah. How about we go out for a bite to eat tonight? Oh. Can’t. I have to go out with my boyfriend. - He's a human rights lawyer. - I know. I'm meeting him for a romantic supper. Oh. - Bridget Jones. - Bridget, It's Mark. Oh. I was just talking about you. I'm running late. Do you want me to cancel? - Oh. No, that's fine. - Are you sure? Be as late as you like. Chuck him, while you're not pregnant with his unwanted child. I only said he was working late. In one hour, he'll be coming in his secretary's mouth while he rings to say what he wants for starters. Friends spend years finding you a boyfriend, then instantly tell you to dump him. Even if he isn't shagging her already, he's thinking about it. A man dating a woman with large easts will bed one with small easts. Rubbish. Mark's above all that nonsense. Jellyfisher alert. Jellyfisher alert. Janey Osborne. Talking to her is like swimming in a sea and being stung repeatedly by an enormous jellyfish. Bridget. How's it going with that divine man of yours? You must be so pleased to have a boyfriend at last. First jellyfish of the evening. Is he taking you to the Law Council Dinner? Oh. Well, I'm sure he's just forgotten. Better start slimming into that dress. He's given you the night off to cheer up your single friends. Sweet. Actually, he's got a big case on, trying to get everyone in Mexico out of prison. We're meeting for a very late romantic dinner. Really? That's so odd, 'cause I saw him an hour ago going into his house with Rebecca Gillies. She's only 22. She's got legs up to here. And Daddy owns half of Australia. See ya, babes. Who is Rebecca Gillies? What's she doing going into my boyfriend's house? Where he never asks me. And with legs up to here? - My legs only come up to there. - You have fine legs. Climber’s legs. I say go over there and ask him, straight out, are you or are you not sleeping with Rebecca Gillies? - If he says... - I won't dignify that with an answer... Then you know he's shagging her. All that I have Is all that you've given... It's all about confidence and trust. Mark would never betray me. Everything will be lovely and we'll have sex in the kitchen. - Oh, God. - I'm coming. Oh, God! What is that? Two seconds, I'll be straight down. Who is that? ... I find you lied And I can't believe it's true Wrapped in her arms I see you across the street I see you across the street And I can't help but wonder If she knows what's going on You talk of love But don't know how it feels When you realise You're not the only one Let's get on with it. ... oh, you better stop - Stop - Before You tear me all apart You better stop - Stop... - You are a very demanding man. ... you go and eak my heart... Bridget Jones. No, I'm Bridget Jones. - That's what I meant. - You must be... Rebecca Gillies. I've been so looking forward to meeting you - after everything Mark's told me. - Why? What's he said? - Where is Mark? - Actually, er... - Becky, who is it? - Becky? - Right. - Great. - Right... - Bridget. Hello, Mark. Hello... lawyers who work with Mark. Good evening. Everything under control, I see. Um... Excellent graph. - Lovely legs. - Thank you. I am so sorry. I thought... Oh, I don't know what I thought. Now you're really angry with me. - No, I'm not. - It's OK, you can say if you are. - It's not the end of the world. - I'll get you a glass of wine. The thing is I ran into Janey Osborne, who said she'd just seen you with this girl, with really long legs, and Shazzer and Jude said I should get over here straightaway. Following the orders of the dating war command, you executed a raid. - You are angry. - I'm not, just disappointed. Disappointed? Oh, God, that's worse than angry. I'm just disappointed I can't take you home this instant. Oh. What about all those lawyers? Oh, plenty of time to butter them up at the Law Council Dinner next Friday. Don't want to go, do you? I'd love to. Oh, stupid Bridget, stupid friends. Wonderful, loyal Mark Darcy... ...who loves me just the way I am. - What are you doing? - Getting dressed. Why are you dancing around in that tent? Because I don't want you to see any of my wobbly bits. That's pointless, because I have a very high regard for your wobbly bits in all circumstances. - Really? - Absolutely. I think it's high time we had another look. Yeah Are you digging on me? Yeah I'm digging on you, now, baby Yeah Do you want a little bit of my love? Yeah... He really is very, very, very nice. All the time I knew That you loved me And you promised me... I miss you too. That you would be my only man Yeah Are you digging on me? I've never been happier In my entire life. However, must not obsess or fantasise. Bridget Darcy. Mrs Darcy. Mr and Mrs Darcy. Lord and Lady Darcy. Wonder what Mark Darcy would be like as a father. To his children, I mean, not to me. That would be a weird, Oedipus-like thought. At last, life is on track. Bridget Fiancée, wife... mother. Bugger. Ever fancied doing it in the dark with a total stranger? All right, perhaps not a total stranger. Back off, Oleaver, or I'll report you to a sexual harassment tribunal. I'm a serious journalist. Is that your most serious skirt, Jones? Oh... Do you like it? I thought you hated television. I hate watching television. Being on it is... Hello there. ...entirely different. Daniel, thought the Madrid piece was outstanding, really original. Cheers, Jeremy. Appreciate that. We had to work really hard on that one. Tosser. Talking of which, how is Mark Darcy? - You still...? - Yes, I am. And I intend to be for a very long time. Good. You know what a fan I am of any woman married to Mark Darcy. - That's not funny. - Seriously, though, Jones, speaking purely unselfishly, I worry about you. You do know that it's a fact that most lawyer's wives die of boredom? And what about you? Still shagging anything that moves? As a matter of fact, no. No shagging whatsoever. I'm in shag therapy. It turns out I have a problem. I go to meetings, talk about my feelings. Hug people who smell. - I don't believe you. - I'm trying... ...to be a better man, Bridge, so that the next time a better woman comes along, I won't make a pig's ear of it. Daniel. Meeting? Yeah, yeah. Thanks. Very good hair, Jones. By the way, um, you're not free for dinner tonight, are you? No, I'm not. I'm going to the Law Council Dinner. It's a very important evening. I can't wear that. Bridge, do you want to get married and have babies before you become barren? Trust me... My only grown-up friend. Married to Mark's partner. She actually got engaged on the night of the Law Council Dinner. Try it with the dress. Oh, my God! Remember, we are trying to reduce your body size by 15 per cent. You hold the front, I'll hold the back. One, two, three... What's going on in there? Not too bad, actually. Tra-la! Fantastic. Right, let us begin. I am going to make you into a princess. Goody. Nothing like being In the hands of a total genius. Wow. - Whatever you do... - Bugger it. ...don't iron your hair. It's a lot worse than I thought. We could flatten it with Brylcreem. What about a wig? Lawyers love wigs. - I preferred you in the gold. - No, whatever you do, not the gold. Great. I'm late with mad hair and can barely eathe in scary knickers. La la la La la la la la... Oh, God. I'm very worried. What if someone says Bridget Jones, get out of here, you are ridiculous? Stop it. The most important thing, of course, Is to look absolutely wonderful and make a magnificent entrance. I just can't get you out of my head... Hi. Sorry I'm late. - Hello. - I think you should go to the ladies. But I went before I left home. Trust me on this one. Oh. Not good. All right, tiny make-up mistake, but I always have wit and conversation to fall back on. Thank you. - Bridget. - Hello. Derek, Horatio, Camilla. - Horatio? - Yes, Horatio. Horatio was just saying he's totally against charitable giving. - What? - Well, obviously you don't mean it. Absolutely. Do you think it's helpful to give a beggar fifty pence? - Maybe he's just hungry. - Don't be so naive. The people you see outside the tube every day are there by choice. - End of story. - Oh, no, it's not. Some people have terrible personal problems, and other people might have lost their family in some tragic ferry disaster. And some people are just plain hopeless. Honestly, this is the sort of rubbish you'd expect from fat, balding Tory, Home Counties, upper-middle-class twits. Yeah, very good. Tested my resolve. How did I do? You seem to have made quite an impression. I've put you next to Giles Benwick. - Oh, I'm not sitting next to you? - No. He's terribly nice, but his wife's just run off with one of the partners. He probably won't mention it, but you should know. I always knew she was out of my league. You see, there's the high-fliers, like Annabel and Mark Darcy and there's the gorgeous girls, like Rebecca there and there's the rest of us. Like you and me, you mean? Absolutely. I mean, look at the state of us. You and me stumbled into the VIP room by mistake and it's only a matter of moments before they show us the door. My lords, ladies and gentlemen, let the quiz begin. Oh, goody. I love quizzes. All those years of playing Trivial Pursuits are about to pay off. Now I want to see your hands poised over those bells. Ready? Here we go. What are something called customary freeholds? Superior copyhold. Yes. What is the correct grace used in the Inner Temple for the second mooting night of Michaelmas term? Amas bibendo... fructis. Jolly good. What is an overreaching conveyance? What is rack-rent? When was each of promise abolished? Define damnum sentit dominus. Translate reddendo singula singulis into Ancient Greek. I believe this is the answer. Hippodamoi credemnon louestai. Absolutely correct. Now, for our final and deciding round, the category is contemporary culture. Who did the design for Princess Diana's wedding dress? The Emmanuels. - Correct. - Excellent, Bridget. Name the character in Footballers' Wives who, in one memorable episode, set fire to her own easts. Chardonnay. Correct. At this point, there are only two tables in contention and only one question left. What was the name of Madonna's first UK single? Lucky Star. - Sorry, I didn't quite hear. - Are you sure? - Wasn't it Holliday? - No, everyone thinks it is, but it's not. My entire life has been leading up to this very moment. Take that knife, slice off my head and boil it if I'm wrong. The correct answer is Lucky Star. No. - The correct answer is... - Is it Holliday? Holliday, indeed, yes. The winners of the 42nd Annual Law Council Quiz are... the Legal Eagles. - Lovely to see you, Bridget. - Oh, thanks, Rebecca. Good night. Why didn't you speak to me all night? That's the point of those dinners. But you talked to Rebecca. And you talked to Horatio. I'll never fit in with your friends. Not if you go on calling everyone balding, upper-middle-class twits. Well, they were balding, upper-middle-class twits. Except for the ones who had hair. I suppose you agree with them that poor people deserve to be poor? Don't be ridiculous. - So now I'm ridiculous? - Yes, tonight you were a little. Well, tonight you were an arrogant arse. I think I may have made a mistake inviting you and your folding underpants into my life. Good night. If you had asked me tonight, I'd have said no, anyway. Asked you what? Bridget? Asked you what? Oh, God, I've done it. I've gone and done it. One minute, you're closer to someone than anyone in the whole world, next minute, you're never going to see them again. If you have a message for Mark Darcy, please speak after the tone. Hello, it's me. I'm really, really sorry... Sorry, it's the door. Don't go away, I have something really, really important to say. - Yes, who is it? - It's me. - Mark. - Oh, right. Er, just a moment. I'm on the phone. You're outside. Look, er... I'll ring you later. Unless you've come to chuck me once and for all. In which case, bye and thank you, and... sorry. Oh, God, please don't chuck me. If you have chucked me, please change your mind, I'll behave much better in future. On the other hand, if you haven't, please behave better next time we go out. Stuck-up snob. What do you want? I'd like to come up. You are, after all, my girlfriend. Even though I shouted at you and called you an arrogant arse? Unfortunately, yes. You see, the problematic thing is... I love you. W-what? - I said I love you. - I'm sorry, I missed that again. I said I love you, for God's sake! All right, no need to shout. I'll come down and let you in. You might be needing this in the future. He said he loves me. - He said he loves you? - He said he loves me. - Right, where is he now? - He's in the bedroom. Go back in there, Bridge, and whatever you do, act completely nonchalant. Bridget, you're staring at me again. Sorry. Listen, I know this evening didn't go exactly as planned, but there was a very important question I wanted to ask you tonight. - Oh, really? - Yes. I've actually been meaning to ask this for quite some time. I've just never really found the right way to put it. Darling Bridget... ...would you... ...like to go on a skiing mini- eak? Yes! What the world... This is not just a mini- eak. This is a holiday in heaven. Told a tiny lie about being an extremely experienced skier. But, honestly, how hard can it be? - Ah. - Shall we? Bridget I know I'm going to like skiing a lot. Very romantic, very relaxing. - Bar going up. - No. What? Why? Um... Er... Oh. Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh. Ah. Bridget. Rebecca. What are you doing here? - Didn't Mark tell you we were coming? - No, he didn't. It was me who recommended the place. - I've been coming since I was 11. - Really? Three whole years. Come on, up you get. Come on. - There you go. - Are you all right? Yes, fine, thanks. - You sure? - Why is Rebecca here? Oh, God. Well, I mentioned that we were coming and she said why didn't they come too, and I couldn't say no, could I? Come on, you two, let's crack on, shall we? Actually, I might just sit this one out. You head on. - See you down there. - You sure? Absolutely. I'll be fine in a minute. Right, I'll see you at base camp, then. Bastard. I can't believe he's left me. Ooh. Oooh. So, romantic getaway has turned into lawyer's reunion. Oooh. I can't believe we're already into group holidays after only eight weeks of total, undisturbed sex. Walt a minute... No. Eight weeks? It couldn't be, could it? Totally undisturbed... Oh, God. I'm pregnant. And going to die! Oh, my God! I can't see! Big bump! Get out of the way! Who's this? An eccentric but exhilarating performance from a total unknown, who's now solidly in position for the onze. I would like a pregnancy test, please. A pregnancy test. Ich bien, er, possibly... mit baby. Er... Kinder! I am on back... and he, er... maken ze lieben. Er, with me. She's pregnant! Oh, no! No, no, not pregnant. She's bloated. - Condom? - Nein. Nein, nein. Maybe like this, but maybe like this. I think her problem is psychological. There is nothing a pill can do to help her. I'm a girl and I met a boy. Fraulein, and I met frau... boy. And possibly now mit baby, uh-huh? Right, moment of truth awaits. What if I am pregnant? I must try not to get hopes up too high. Boyfriend and baby seems just too lucky. Bridget? I have been looking everywhere for you. I thought you'd oken a leg or something... Oh, God. - You're not...? - I might be. - What if I were? - Well, I suppose I'd... To be quite frank, it'd be bloody fantastic. I mean, if a little ahead of schedule. - Are you really pregnant? - Well, give it three minutes. - What do you fancy? Boy or a girl? - I dunno, it doesn't matter. Although, I suppose I've always had the fantasy of a son. - Another Mark Darcy. - Or maybe something like Huck. Or River. Or some fabulous He ew name like Noah. Anyway, I could teach him to play cricket and rugby and visit him at Eton on St Andrew's Day. Eton? Yes. The Darcy men have been going to Eton for five generations. Well, my son's not going to be sent away from home. Especially to some fascist institution where they stick a poker up your arse that you're never allowed to remove again. I see. - I didn't mean you. - No, of course not. So what's the alternative? Sleeping in his parents' bed, eastfeeding until he's a teenager and some progressive school, where the day is spent singing Yellow Submarine? Oh, you're absolutely right. It's madness to allow a child to enjoy his education or live with his parents. What is madness is to have a child if his parents can't have a discussion without one shouting at the other. It's negative. - That's too bad. - Yes, very sad. Perhaps we should go out for lunch tomorrow. Get out of the grump. That's a good idea in theory, but you made a family arrangement. Oh, God. Darlings! I've had the fabulous idea of inviting your parents. Another one of Mother's culinary triumphs. - Everything in miniature. - Mini treacle tart, Admiral Darcy? No, no, thank you. The mini spotted dick rather finished me off. So, Mark, Bridget, when are you two lovebirds going to name the day? Bridget, you must want to hear those ding-dong bells. Well, we're certainly not thinking about that yet. Are we, Bridget? No. God, no. Of course not. Good. Well, that's that sorted. So, Admiral, out on the high seas. How was it? - Did you mean that thing you said? - What thing? - You know what thing. - No, I don't know what thing. The thing thing. Now, let's see, there are any number of things, um... in an afternoon full of all sorts of things, so I, um... The thing where you said you're not, um... That you're not, not even thinking about, um... What's the matter? Let's get a drink. I'm going to go to the loo, then I'm going to come back. And then we're going to be civilised. If you have a message for Mark Darcy, speak after the tone. Mark, It's Rebecca. Are you there? Obviously not. Probably still out with Bridget. Um... Anyway, I hope lunch with the parents went well. I'm sure you were dutiful and very polite, as usual. Er... Whatever. Anyway, look, maybe give me a ring when you get back. I thought I might pop round for a nightcap. But I suppose that's a silly idea. Bridget's probably there. Sleep tight. Oh, Christ, what now? Are you or are you not having an affair with Rebecca Gillies? I won't dignify that question with an answer. Right. All I did was go to the loo. Bridget! Bridget. That's not your coat. Oh, right. Oh, Bridget, what are you doing? I read you should never date someone if you can think of three reasons not to. - Can you think of three? - Yes. - Which are? - Well, first off, I embarrass you. I can't ski, I can't ride, I can't speak Latin. My legs only come up to here and yes, I will always be a little bit fat. And you, you fold your underpants before you go to bed. - Now, hang on, that can't be a reason. - No, it's not a reason. But you're not perfect either. You look down your nose at absolutely everyone, and you're incapable of doing anything spontaneous or potentially affectionate. It feels like you're waiting to find someone in the VIP room who's, who's so fantastic... just the way she is, that you don't need to fix her. Bridget, this is mad. Perhaps you've already found her. Do you want to marry me? Look, I... You see, you can never muster the strength... to fight for me. I can't believe I did that. What do I gotta do to make you love me? What do I gotta do to make you care? What do I gotta do when lightning strikes me Hmm And I wake to find that you're not there? What do I gotta do to make you want me? Hmm What do I gotta do to be heard? And what do I say when it's all over, babe? Oooh-ooh And sorry seems to be the hardest word It's sad So sad Why can't we talk it over, babe? Always seems to me When sorry seems to be The hardest word Five weeks later. 4,000 pounds. Am enjoying a relationship with two men simultaneously. The first is called Ben, the other, Jerry. Number of current boyfriends: Zero. Number of calls from ex-boyfriend: You have absolutely no messages. Not a single one. Not even from your mother. - Hello? - Hello, darling. - You haven't forgotten our lunch date? - Of course I have. - I'm suicidally depressed. - Don't be silly, Bridget. Meet me at Debenhams at twelve o'clock. Mum... I thought we were going to have something to eat. Patience, please. I've got a big surprise for you, darling. - What? - Don't say what, say pardon. Tra-la! - What do you think? - Oh, my God. Daddy and I are getting married. - You're already married. - We're doing it again. Reaffirming our vows. You are going to be a idesmaid, and absolutely everything is going to be lavender. And when I say everything, I mean... ...everything. Oh, God, I'm never going to get married and my sodding mum and dad are doing it twice. No more candlelight No more romance - No more small talk... - Bloody know-It-all. New The Big, Juicy Apple. The city that never sleeps with the same person two nights running. My favorite place in America, where Sex And The City isn't just a programme, It's a promise. Morning, Rach. Sorry. Oh, cheer up, misery guts. I have good news for you. Sure, right. What's the angle? I interview some rocket scientist while he looks through my skirt with X-ray glasses? No. Although that is a bloody good idea. No. The fact is The Smooth Guide is doing very well with women, but the network want us to cast a wider net and use a Smooth Guide-ess. Me? With Daniel Oleaver? It's the next logical step. I think Thailand is first on the list. No. I won't do it. Not now. Not in a million years from now. - Excuse me? - I am a top television journalist, not some boorish bint in a bikini. Really? Strong words from somebody who doesn't know where Germany is. Who told you that? Oleaver. He said he couldn't be expected to go out with someone who thought Iran was David Bowie's wife, and who didn't know where Germany was. Daniel Oleaver is a deceitful, sexist, disgusting specimen of humanity, that I wouldn't share a lift with, let alone a job. Come on, Jones, there must have been something you liked about me. Well... you have a nice car. And quite nice manners. Outside the bedroom. But that's about it. And by the way, I know exactly where Germany is. The question is do you know the location of your arsehole? As a matter of fact, I do know the exact location of my arsehole. And hers. Oh, come on, Jones, it was just a silly joke. Not a very funny one. - Go on, then. - What? Where is it? Where is Germany? - Next to France. - And? And also Belgium... Poland. And it has a sea coast. Which sea? Oh, sod it. Now, look, I think we should talk about Finch's suggestion. I am going to Thailand, Jones. Wouldn't you like to be my little Girl Guide? Thailand? - You'll shag before you leave Heathrow. - I'll be perfectly fine. I'm eschewing all men. And cigarettes. And carbohydrates. - We can't possibly let you go. - On your own. Oh, stop it, all of you. I am a mature, sophisticated, professional woman and I'm going to Thailand entirely on my own, thank you very much. - Fuck! - Sorry. - Fuckity fuck. - Sorry. And now our final passengers have joined us, we can get underway. Someone's gotta be last. Are we not sitting together? Oh, fuck. I don't think we're really in a position to, um... ...make a fuss. Sorry. Hi. Sorry. What's our film? What's your name? Mine's Olive. Er, Bridget. Good afternoon again, ladles and gentlemen. We're about to offer a wide range of duty-free items. Details can be found In your in-flight magazine. Wonderful people, the Thais. Particularly the young ladies. If you know what I mean, eh? - Oh, for heaven's sake. - Come with me. Come with me now. - Where are we going? - Just through here. Thank you. This is worse than school. It really wasn't my fault. It's a fizzy drink, you know, it just... It just sort of fizzied over. Couldn’t bear to think of you back there in slum class, Jones. Graham, thank you. You are the best air steward I've ever come across. And if I may say so, the smartest. Thank you, sir. I thought you were there already, doing research. Fuck, no. I make it up as I go along. It's 13 hours for this trip. I need some in-flight entertainment. Why don't you tell me, in detail, about your school netball tour, particularly the unsavoury incident in the communal showers. I didn't play netball. Or go to a girls' school. - Or have showers. - Now that's just not true, is it? - Let me start you off. - No. If you're gonna be dull, I'm going to plunge back into Mrs Dalloway, and you know how she loves that. Dirty, dirty bitch. Here's a new thing That's gonna please ya Just a little town down in Indonesia Bangkok... Arrived Bangkok. Very hot. Relieved at last to throw myself Into serious journalistic work. Thailand has long called travellers from around the globe to take spiritual succour and karmic rest. For centuries, Western visitors have been inevitably drawn to some of Bangkok's oldest sanctuaries. So true, Bridget. Even I, fight it as I may, am no exception. The moment I arrive here, I almost feel an irresistible pull... ...to this. The Temple of Tranquillity. Indeed, nothing symbolises Thailand's extraordinary fusion of East and West, of tradition and innovation, better than this. Fully body-to-body massage. - Sawatdee kha? - Sawatdee khrab? An incredible thing about Thailand is the amazing traditional cuisine. I'm going to taste kapaluk, the ultimate delicacy. Oh, fuck! Oh, fuck! Oh, my God. My God. Um... Er... Mmm. How about a lovely locust? I can't. No, no, I can't. They're delicious. Oh! Now that is Ko Panyi, which is the setting for a very famous Thai poem, which I think you'd like very much, Jones. It's all about a badly-behaved prince who finds true love with a beautiful, and as it happens, very slightly overweight princess. - You're teasing me. - I never tease about poetry. Oh, Suvarnamali Why can you not see that I adore you? Why do you avoid and scorn me? If you cast me off and leave me How should I live another day? And you thought all I knew of Thailand was pussies and ping-pong balls. - You wouldn't sleep with him? - No, of course not. Absolutely not. But he is clever. - Yes? - And handsome. He's also a dysfunctional, fucked-up, middle-aged, lost boy. Well, no-one's perfect. I didn't realise you were busy. - He's young enough to be your grandson. - I know. Isn't that great? Come on, guys, I've got a very special treat lined up for lunch. I'm getting rather fond of Jed, and I must say he has a genuine interest In Thai cuisine. I wouldn't have thought omelette would be big in Thailand. - Or mushrooms, for that matter. - It's magic. It is a magic mushroom omelette, isn't it? Well, that's awful. There is nothing funny in this at all. Although, thank God, the mushrooms don't actually seem to be working. Just what is It that you want to do? Such lovely colours! We wanna get loaded And we wanna have a good time... Beautiful Bridget! Beautiful Bridget! Beautiful Bridget! Bridget Jones! Bridget Jones! But, wait... - Bridget Jones? - What sound is that? It is Daniel Oleaver. How unutterably beautiful he is. Jones, what the hell are you doing? You are lovely colours. - I don't wanna lose your love... - Here. Here I am. I think you're completely off your face. Hey. Bloody hell. Oh... Oh, I'm an angel. Oh. How lovely. Glorious sand. Oh. I want to be naked. - Naked as a baby. - Come on, then, angel. Up you get. - All right? - Mmm. - How are you feeling? - Completely embarrassed. Don't be. You're charming on drugs. In future, just say yes. Do you know, I never really understood why you wanted to go out with me. - It seemed so unlikely. - Come on. For God's sake. You're sexy. You make me laugh. At you, of course, not with you. And you were... ...incidentally... ...the best shag... ...I ever had. The best? Aside from Simon Reade in the fifth-form locker room, yeah. Suppose I said you were pretty good too? Pretty good? Was I better than Mark Darcy? By the way, is it true he always says I'm sorry, I think I'm going to come? - Who told you that? - It's common knowledge, isn't it? Come on, Jones. Who gave who the hoof? And why? Let's just say that we suffered from a fatal incompatibility. I have missed you, Jones. I don't suppose there's any circumstances in which you would ever consider thinking about trusting me again? Absolutely not. Well, I suppose I'll be getting back to my little hut now. Thank you very much, Daniel. I had a nice time. Is that the Big Dipper or the little one? I can never tell them apart. Definitely the big one. You can't see the little one this close to the equator. Oh, please. You don't know about astronomy. I most certainly do. I'm passionate about it. You know, Jones, if stargazing is something that interests you, then it has to be said that the view from my balcony is quite outstanding. Perhaps you'd like to come up and have a little look? I don't think so. See over there? Along my arm. That's it, over there. That is Orion's Belt. And next to that is a very sexy little constellation called Ursa's Maiden. Ah. She's being very naughty and trying to undo Orion's belt. All right, what about... that one? Yes, well that is a very, very famous star. Um, right next to, of course, um... I don't know, some other fucking star that's been there for years and years. Seen one star, you've seen the lot, that's what I say, Jones. Different with girls, though. Some girls... ...are special. Are they? I think so. What is this special power you hold over me, Jones? And what about your therapy? I think you might be it. I'm not in love So don't forget it It's just a silly phase I'm going through And just because I call you up Don't get me wrong Don't think you've got it made I'm not in love... God, I hope you're wearing those giant panties. Please. Please be wearing the giant panties. Please. Oh, my old friends. Oh, Daddy's home. Did you miss me? Because Daddy missed you. Yes, he did. Wait. Sorry. Can I just have a minute? Just a minute. Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God. Big boys don't cry Big boys don't cry Big boys don't cry Big boys don't cry... - Everything all right? - Yeah, sure. Just a bit... nervous. I mean, you see, if I stay with you tonight, well, it's definitely the end of something... important with someone. Um, which has probably ended already, - but perhaps... - Bridge, Bridge Bridge, Bridge. Doesn't everyone deserve a second chance? Hmm? Except Hitler. Well, he was very, very, very naughty. What? Nothing. Er, come back later, please. Thank you very much. Bridge, it's nothing. Leave it. Leave it. You made order for 10.30. Order for what? Me. 10.30. You know, I've had it up to here with this hotel. - It's been cock-ups like this all week. - You Mr Oleaver? Yesterday, you with Maria. She say you big tipper. I mean, I'm up for it if you are. Actually, no, that was stupid. It's just one little slip. Don't let it ruin what was gonna be a fantastic weekend shagathon. - I don't want a shagathon. - No, nor do I. Nor do I. - You're right. - You're looking for a weekend of sex, - I'm looking... - For more. I feel I can change. - I absolutely can change. - I need to change. I can't believe I fell for it again. Daniel, I really do think that you should go and fuck yourself. Or her. But definitely not me. - Think - Think Think about what you're trying to do to me - Think - Think think Let your mind go... I can't believe he made up the sex therapy thing. Doesn't matter. I finally learnt my lesson, and it's an excellent lesson to have nailed. - Fuck! - What? No fucking room in the fucking suitcase. There's room in mine. Give me something. Great. - What the hell is this? - It is a fertility-snake bowl. - Ooh. - Jed gave it to me. - Think think - Let your mind go... How romantic. Freedom... The way I look at it, in everyone's life, there's a certain amount of shit. - That's true. - In the last year, things have turned out pretty shitty. So logically, mathematically, even, it's got to be time for something not shit. - Like what? - Maybe Mark will have chucked Rebecca. And he'll run to my door, fall to his knees, possibly wearing a wet white shirt, and beg me to come back. - Think - Think Think about what you're tryin' to do to me... Yes, I very confidently expect very, very good times ahead. Final call for all passengers to London... Isn't he cute? Hello. Hello. Oh... Seems to be getting a bit excited. Oh. Er... - Bridget! - It's just a misunderstanding. Hold the plane. Hold the plane. Excuse me! Excuse me! All remaining passengers please report to Gate 27 immediately. It's not mine. - These yours? - Yes. I mean, they're not my favourite pair. You can't do this. I'm English. And an award-winning journalist. Well, maybe not award-winning, but I have been to lots of award ceremonies. Hello. Bridget Jones. Lovely to meet all of you. Oh, my bloody God and fuck. I hope they've told the British ambassador. Surely Shazzer would have raised the alert. Maybe they got Shazzer as well. Oh, God, 28 hours. How much longer? Jones. Bridget Jones, you come now. Charlie Parker-Knowles, Assistant Consul. Thank God you're here. Um, shall we... I really had absolutely nothing to do with it. Jed planned the whole thing. That's why he snogged Shazzer, who's much older than him and slightly past her peak. Yes, he sounds the most frightful shit. Mmm. The bore is everyone who gets caught has exactly the same story, so unless we find this, this Jed fellow and get a full confession, you're on a bit of a sticky wicket. Well, how sticky? Something like 15 to 20 years. - 15 years? - Or maybe ten if we're lucky. Ten years! In here? Very black. All my life I've had the feeling something terrible was about to happen. Now it has. Bijjit, right? Bridget, actually. My name Phrao. You're my friend? - Steady on! - Super a! You lend me. One day, two cigarette. Oh. Well, I'll think about it. Actually, I was thinking of giving up, but that was before I was arrested and thrown into a Thai prison for ten to 15 years. Circumstances change. No, it really, really is touched. Like a vir-gin, touched for the very first time. - No, you wrong. - No. Like a wersion - vir-gin. - Fucked for the very first time - Touched. - Like a wersion Ten years of this? I Stop! Enough. Enough. If you're going to do it, you really ought to do it properly. After all, Madonna is nothing if not a perfectionist. Five, six, seven, eight and one... Like a virgin Touched for the very first time Like a virgin When your heart beats Next to mine... Dear Mum and Dad, I'm missing you a lot. Please write as soon as you can. I'm feeling pretty low. Bijjit Jone. In there. You have five minutes. Just five. Mark? You all right? Oh... Fine. Hmm. And... scared shitless. But, you know, perky. I can't believe you've come all this way. I haven't. I was out here handling a Foreign Office case when I heard about your situation. I haven't done anything wrong. I promise you, it's all a big mistake. Yes, well, I'm sure it is. I've got all the papers here and I'm sure we can sort it out. I think about you all the time. And I'm so sorry, I really, really am, for everything that happened between us. Yes, well... We don't have much time and I need you to identify someone for me. Is this the man with whom you were seen taking hallucinogenic mushrooms before you spent the night with Daniel Oleaver? Yes, that's him, but I think you should know... The same man who gave you the snake containing the drugs? Yes, that's him, that's Jed. But it was Shazzer's snake, not mine, and as far as Daniel Oleaver goes... Your sex life doesn't concern me at all. Has there been any ill treatment here? No, no. Well, I mean... ...the toilet facilities are well below par, but... Good, that makes things simpler. Listen, they're prepared to drop all charges against you which is extremely lenient, given the circumstances. You're going to be out within a week. And... Goodbye. Mark? Thank you. You're welcome. I'm just the messenger. The order came from above. Well, good luck. Glad I could be of help. So, Bijjit, what happen? Well, um... Bijjit! How this can happen? This is terrible! You are innocent! - They're always cheating us. - No, no, no. That's all fine. They've dropped the charges and they're letting me go. But that good news. What is wrong? Mark Darcy definitely... ...doesn't love me anymore. Ohhh. You see the trouble is it was me who chucked him. He treat you bad? Yeah, actually, he did. My boyfriend treat me bad too. - Me too. - Mine as well. Me too. Then you know all about it. You think you've found the right man, but then there's so much wrong with him and he finds there's so much wrong with you and it all just falls apart. Don't tell me. My boyfriend, he seem really nice. Then he start to hit me. Make me work on street. My boyfriend, he say he love me. But he do no work, and make me work 24 hour a day. Then he make me take heroin drug. What about you, Bijjit? What your bad boyfriend do? Well, er... ...he really didn't stick up for me at this lawyers' supper... and, um, then he would fold his... Oh, same sort of thing, really. Hitting me and making me take drugs. Stealing all my money and stuff. Oh, God. I've been the world’s biggest fool. Bijjit? Just a few tiny leaving presents. No luxuries. Living in a material world And I am a material girl You know that we are living In a material world And I am a material girl Living in a material world And I am a material girl If you want something smooth on your wall, you could do worse than John Currin. He is about the only contemporary painter who can paint. There's usually something interesting and allegorical, plus of course, there is a very high perv quotient. - Did you see her? - Out. Out it. Sorry, everyone, sorry. It's my stalker. Fuck off, Darcy, some people have jobs to do. Did you see her surrounded by police, dogs, handcuffs? Come on, she's a big girl, she can take care of herself. I'm only going to ask you one more time. Did you see her? You're only gonna ask me one more time? - You haven't got your wig on now, dear. - I'll take that as a yes. Yes, I did see her. I thought she was smuggling seashells, or mangoes: Right. Right, good. Will you step outside, please? Oh, no, it's not possible. Darcy, do you have any idea what century we actually live in? Are you gonna step outside or am I gonna have to drag you? I think you're gonna have to drag me. - You're insane! - And you're a disgrace, Oleaver. You're pulling my hair! I'm not going in the sodding water. Touching you 'Cause you're touching me I believe in a thing called love Just listen to the rhythm of my heart There's a chance we can make it now We'll be rocking' till the sun goes down I believe in a thing called love Oooh-ooh ooh... - Fuck off! - No, you're going in, Oleaver! If I'm going in, you're coming with me. You smug bastard. - Oh, my God. - Get up. Well, what are you gonna do now? Drown me in 16 inches of water? Yes, good idea. Fuck! Stop, stop. Listen, listen, listen... OK, I left her at the airport. I shouldn't have done that. But she bumped into Jed herself and I didn't fucking well seduce her, all right? - You didn't? - There's something wrong with her. She's gone all frigid. I spent the night with a gorgeous Thai girl. Who in fact turned out to be a gorgeous Thai boy. Satisfied? Yes. Thank you. You know what, mate? If you're so obsessed with Bridget Jones, why don't you just marry her? 'Cause then she'd definitely shag me. I believe in a thing called love Just listen to the rhythm of my heart I believe in a thing called love - Bridget! - Bridget! Over here! - What was it like? - How did you survive? Any girl who's been single in London knows how to handle herself. - Darling! - Will you be going back? Sorry I didn't write. I've just been so busy. Hello, darling. You look lovely. - Skinny, but lovely. - Oh, thank you. Oh, it's good to be home. - Ciggy? - No, no, thanks. - I've given up again. - Shame. I find them very useful. I take great comfort in the fact they might kill me before things get worse. The Darcys rang to say how pleased they were you were out. I rather thought Mark might be here to meet you. Yes, but you must remember we split up. So no hope there? No hope there. Believe me, next time I will not fuck it up, Mum. - Language, darling. - Sorry. Next time, I will not fuck it up... ...Mother. Trying to be misunderstood But it doesn't do me any good Love the way they smiled at me Hold that face for eternity Now let them all fly off When it comes down It all comes down And you will not be found When it's over It's all over Even if I make a sound... Surprise! - Hello. - Hello. - Oh, darling. - Hiya. Bridget... I'm so sorry. It's all right. Well, thank God for Mark Darcy. I mean, he might be a boring arse, but he performed a miracle. That's a bit of an overstatement. He actually seems to be the villain of this piece. He's a top human rights lawyer and he left it to someone else to get me out. He was just a messenger. - Who told you that? - He did. Straight from the horse's mouth. The horse wasn't quite telling you the truth. I called Mark the minute I landed in London. We went to his office and within half an hour, he'd woken two Cabinet ministers and half of Ml5. But none of them could locate Jed, so Mark flew over to Interpol. Which is in Lyon. They located Jed in Dubai, but they don't normally extradite people, so Mark rang the Home Secretary who rang our ambassador... In Riyadh. Then Mark flew to Dubai where he identified Jed, who was impounded and pushed out into... Saudi Arabia, where Mark was waiting with the police. Jed was arrested and extradited back to Britain. Then Mark flew to Bangkok, to make damn sure they'd let you go. Oh. He was just angry about Daniel Oleaver. - He must still love me. - He fucking must. Taxi? Yes, please. Get in the cab! Hurry! Oh. I forgot about you. Er, I, I, I just wanted to, um... say something to Mark. He's at the office. Do you want to come in? Oh, no. No, no, I don't think I will. I really hope that you'll be happy together. - Sorry? - You and Mark. I really hope that you'll be very happy together. No, no, no, Bridget, listen... you've got it completely wrong. I'm not in love with him. How could I be when I'm... seriously heart oken and smitten with someone else? Someone else? - You, Bridget. - Me? Ever since I saw you here with your hair messed that night and bits of garden stuck to you. You must have noticed. I try to hide it, but every time I see you, I light up. I thought you were just, you know... ...lying. Was every look I ever gave you a lie? I've been looking forward to this. Lovely to see you, Bridget. Thank you very much. That was lovely. Really lovely. But I'm afraid it's still men in general, and Mark Darcy in particular, that I love. Right. Lf, er, if I ever do decide to, um... you know, bat for the other side... ...well, there's no-one else. Only you. - Hello, Giles. - Hello, Bridget. Open up your eyes Then you'll realise Here I stand with my Everlasting love Need you by my side Girl, to be my ide You'll never be denied... Inns of Court, please. Fast as you can. What do you think of this jacket? - Yeah, very nice indeed. - No, be honest. What do you think of the whole jacket/trouser combination? - Disaster. - Actually, can we take a tiny detour? I'll be back in literally two seconds. Where life really flows No-one really knows Till someone's there to show The way to lasting love Need a love to last forever Need a love to last forever... Oh. You're the first The last My everything And the answer to All my dreams You're my sun My moon My guiding star My kind of wonderful That's what you are... - You look gorgeous. - Thank you. Very important at this moment. There's no way They could have made two... Doesn't matter. It's not about looks. - Your love I'll keep for evermore - As I was saying. You're the first... Excuse me, I'm looking for Mr Darcy. Down there, right along the corridor, and just to the left. Thank you very much. Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh no no Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh no no Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh no no Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh no no... I love you. I always have and I always will. Oh, um... I don't love you, and I never have, and... ...I never will. Sorry. Come in. Hello, Bridget. Hello, Mark. Er... I'm sorry, I'm disturbing you. - Well, yes, a bit. - I'll just... sit outside while you finish. No, no, no, please, say what you have to say, young lady. Mr Santiago is the Peruvian Secretary for Trade. And Mr Hernández is his number two. Hello. Hello. Hello, hello, hello. How can we help you, young lady? Well, er... Er... I just wanted to tell Mr Darcy here that I heard what magnificent work he actually did releasing me from prison. Tiny, tiny misunderstanding to do with an enormous stash of cocaine. And I also wanted to say, since having found out that his girlfriend is actually a lesbian... ...that I love him. Always have. Always will. And that I'm... ...you know... ...available for dates... ...if he should feel so inclined. So, er, your girlfriend is a lesbian. Look, if you'll all just excuse us for a second... I think we should... Bridget, that was not the most romantic proposition I've ever heard. Well, maybe it is romantic because it's not. I mean... I know there's no music playing, and it's not snowing, but that doesn't mean that it, that it can't really be something. You're right. In fact, there's a question I've been meaning to ask you. All right. As long as it's not Will you marry me? Oh, God. It is Will you marry me? Well, I'm not gonna say it now. - Is it Will you marry me? - The moment's gone. No. No, no, no. No, wait. Wait. - Bridget. - Start again. - No. - Start again. I'm not gonna... It's... We've just stepped out into the corridor, you say I've got a question to ask you and I don't say anything. And... And... You say... Bridget Jones, will you marry me? Dearly beloved, we are gathered here this day to unite this couple. Do you affirm your love, one to the other? I do. Again. And Colin? I do. Again. As well. Of course. I've been really tryin', baby... December 31st, year-end summary. Prison stays, one. Lesbian kisses, one. Pounds lost, minus one. Boyfriends lost but then regained following major diplomatic incident, one: Marriage proposals, one. An excellent year's progress. Bridget Jones has cocked things up for the very last time. Your love is king Crown you in my heart Your love is king Never need to part Your kisses ring Round and round and round my head Touching the very part of me It's making my soul sing Tearing the very heart of me I'm crying out for more Your love is king Crown you in my heart Your love is king... So, as you can see, I have found my happy ending at last. And I truly believe that happiness is possible. Even when you're 33 and have a bottom the size of two bowling balls. Your love is real Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh no no Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh no no Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh no no Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh no no I look and stare so deep in your eyes Touch on you more and more every time When you leave I'm begging you not to go Call your name two, three times in a row Such a funny thing for me to try to explain How I'm feeling and my pride is the one to blame 'Cause I know I don't understand Just how your love can do what no-one else can Got me lookin' so crazy right now Your love's got me lookin’ so crazy right now Your love's Got me lookin’ so crazy right now Your touch got me lookin’ so crazy right now Your love's Got me hopin' you'll page me right now Your kiss got me hoping you'll save me right now Lookin’ so crazy Your love's got me lookin' Got me lookin’ so crazy in love Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh no no Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh no no Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh no no Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh no no... Hearts gone astray Deep in her when they go I went away Just when you needed me so You won't regret I'll come back begging you Hmm Won't you forget Welcome love we once knew Open up your eyes Then you'll realise Here I stand with my everlasting love I need you by my side Girl to be my pride You'll never be denied everlasting love Hearts gone astray Deep in her when they go I went away Just when you needed me so You won't regret I'll come back begging you Won't you forget Welcome love we once knew Open up your eyes Then you'll realise Here I stand with my everlasting love Need you by my side Girl to be my pride You'll never be denied everlasting love From the very start Open up your heart Feel that you fall in everlasting love Need a love to last forever Need a love to last forever Need a love to last forever Need a love to last forever
You don't make up for your sins in church. You do it in the streets. You do it at home. The rest is bullshit and you know it. What the hell is this? Not in my fuckin' place! Keep out of my place! I know your face! And you, scumbag! I told ya about passin' that shit in my place. I didn't do nothin'! You're supposed to be the bouncer. - I didn't do nothin'. - That's it. Ya didn't do nothin'. Come on, hurry up with that shit, huh? What's this, more shit? No, that ain't shit. That's a German lens. I've got two shipments of those. That's good stuff. Can't use it. What do ya mean ya can't use it? That's a telescopic one. That's the best one they make. It's not German, it's Jap. This is an adaptor, it's not a lens. You bought two shipments of Jap adaptors, not lenses. Jap adaptors. Lord, I'm not worthy to eat your flesh. Not worthy to drink your blood. Not worthy to drink your blood. Okay, I just come out of confession, right? Right. And the priest gives me the usual penance: Ten Hail Marys, ten Our Fathers, ten whatever. Next week, I'll come back and he'll give me another ten Hail Marys and... ...another ten Our Fathers and... I mean, you know how I feel about that shit. Those things, they don't mean anything to me. They're just words. Now, that may be okay for the others, but it just doesn't work for me. I mean, if I do somethin' wrong, I just want to pay for it my way. So, I do my own penance for my own sins. What do ya say, huh? It's all bullshit except the pain, right? The pain of hell. The burn from a lighted match increased a million times. In finite. Ya don't fuck around with the in finite. There's no way you do that. The pain in hell has two sides: The kind you can touch with your hand. The kind you can feel in your heart. Your soul, the spiritual side. And ya know... ...the worst of the two... ...is the spiritual. Hey, Charlie, you're crazy. The priest taught me this. Terrific. You know any other tricks? Yeah, but I'll show 'em to ya when I learn this one. You know somethin'? She is really good-lookin'. I gotta say that again. She is really good-lookin'! But she's black. You can see that real plain, right? Look, there's not much of a difference anyway, is there? Well, is there? Oh, great. Hey, Marlboro. For these prices, Charlie, you shouldn't complain. But it's the best I could do. Maybe next week I can do better. If ya can't smoke 'em, maybe ya can sell 'em. No, I'll be okay for a week. Bless you. Seen Johnny Boy? No. He's supposed to be here. But who knows what goes on in that kid's head, right? I'd like to know, Charlie. I think the kid's trying to duck me. Don't you think you oughta care more about Johnny's payments to me? I think you should. You know that. Michael... nobody's out to screw you. I guarantee that. Well, you're not lookin' at it from my side. You vouched for the kid. What happens if he doesn't pay? I gotta collect from you? - I don't want to do that. - You're right. I made a deal with him, not you, right? You're right. I'm not gonna pay his debts, believe me. I'll talk to him. I'll straighten him out. Straighten him out? The bum owes money left and right. Don't worry, Michael... Hey! Hey, come on! Get out of here! - Come on, sit down. - Take it easy. - Hey, what's the matter with you? - Everybody's friends here, right? Come on, sit down. Dammit, Charlie, I don't understand you. I don't understand why you hang around with a punk kid. I mean, he's the biggest jerk off around. Don't say that. Don't quarrel man, will ya? What's the matter? Family things, a few things. I can't explain it, all right? He really is a good kid. All right, sure. I'll see you. Right, later. Be well. Come on, girls. Give her your coats. Give her your coats. If you don't mind, young lady, I would like to check these. But I'm keeping my skin pants. Hey, here he is! Are those the shorts with the hearts on 'em? Girls, after you. All right, okay. Thanks a lot, Lord. Thanks a lot for opening my eyes. You talk about penance and you send this through the door. Well, we play by your rules, don't we? Well, don't we? - How are ya? - All right. How are you? I want you to meet two beautiful young ladies here. This is my good friend, Charlie. This is my good friend, Tony, who owns the joint. This is, what's your name, darling? - Sarah. - Sarah, Sarah Kline, right? Sarah Kline, this is Tony. This is... what's your name? Heather, Heather Weintraub, right? I met them in the Village. Bohemian. Yeah, over at the Cafe Bizarre. - What do ya want to drink, huh? - Tequila. - You got tequila? - No. Never mind. Listen... I'll order somethin' that's good for the both of ya. Go on, give yourself a drink. Give me and Charlie a J& B, will ya, please? - What's this? - What's what? - This. - What? - That. What does this look like? Huh? - What? Where did you get this? - What? - Where did you get this? - This. - What? - This? - Yeah. In the back, come on. You're makin' me look bad, Charlie. In front of the girls here. Oh, excuse me. I didn't mean to be rude, girls. Mr. Civello, I'd like your presence in the back room, if you got a moment. Well, you mean you request my presence for a moment or two in the back room? I most certainly do. Well, after you. - Nah, after you. - No, after you. - Mr. Civello, after you. - No, after you. In the back! Tony, give them whatever they want. Hey, girls, excuse me. Tony, keep an eye on these nice girls here. Don't let none of the vultures look, okay? What are ya doin'? What do ya mean? What are ya doin' to me, huh? What do ya mean? Michael's been on my back all night. He's botherin' me. Why didn't ya make your payment last Tuesday? I made my payment last Tuesday. What are you talkin' about? - You paid him last week? - Yeah, I paid him last week. What did he say, I didn't pay him? He's a fuckin' liar. Where is he? - You paid him? - Yeah, I paid him. - Last week? - Yeah! - Last Tuesday? - Yeah. - Charlie, you don't know... - He's here. - Where? - Out front. - He's here? - Yeah. So, what do I care? Let me go get him. We'll straighten this thing out, all right? Hey, wait a minute, Charlie. - What? - Well, you're right. I'm right? Yeah, was it last Tuesday? It's the Tuesday that was last week, that's before the one about to come up. My mistake, I'm sorry. It was last week, the week before, that I was thinking of. - Oh, yeah. It was, huh? - That's right. What's the matter with you? You can't bullshit people that way. You give your word, you gotta keep it. You know what happened? I'm so depressed about other things. I can't worry about payments, you know what I mean? I come home last Tuesday. I have my money in cash. Comin' home, I ran into Jimmy Sparks. I owe him $700, like for four months. I gotta pay the guy. He lives in my buildin', hangs out across the street. I gotta pay him. So what happened? I had to give some to my mother. I wound up with $25 at the end of the week. And today, you ain't gonna believe, 'cause it's incredible. - I can't believe it myself. - What? I was in a game. I was ahead like $600 or $700, right? - You're kiddin'? - That's the streak. You know Joey Clams? Joey Scala, yeah. - I know him, too, yeah. - No, Joey Scala is Joey Clams. - Right. - Right. - They're the same person. - Yeah. So I was in there playin' bankers and okers. All of a sudden... ...I'm ahead like $600, $700. I'm really winnin'. All of a sudden some kid walks in and yells that the bulls are comin', right? The cops are comin'. Everybody runs away. I grab all the money. I go in. It's an excuse, like to get away. I'd give everybody the money later, and that way I'd get out. I don't have to get into the game and get a losin' streak. When I come out into the yard, I don't know this buildin'. I don't know nothin'. I couldn't get out. It was like a box. Big, like this. So I gotta go back in. Not only do I go back in, but this kid says it's a false alarm. Imagine that? I wanted to kill this fuckin' kid. I was so crazy, I wanted to kill this kid. Meanwhile, I gotta get back in the game. Bing, bing, bing! I lose $400. Meanwhile, Frankie Bones is over there. I owe him $1,300 for seven, eight months already. He's after me. I can't walk on the street without duckin' that guy. He's like waitin' for me. Like I can't move, you know. He sees that I'm losin', right? So he's waitin' for me. He's tappin' me on the shoulder. He's saying, Hey. Tappin' me like this. Like a hawk. Hey, get it up. You're losin'. Give me some money. I say, Frankie, come on. Give me a eak over here. Let me win some back. I got debts. I'm in a big hole. He says, Never mind, give me the money. I say, Okay, Frankie. So I give him $200. Meanwhile, I lost the deal. I go outside, a little depressed... I'll cut the story short 'cause you don't want to hear all this. I know, I know, I know. Make a long story short. So anyway, I went out shoppin'. Got a new tie, got this shirt, right? You like the shirt? It's nice. This tie... Michael doesn't care if you're depressed! What is he, your priest? Why are ya goin' shoppin' when ya owe money? It ain't right. How much ya got there? I'm gonna pay him next week. I'm gonna pay him! You're gonna and ya don't do nothin'. How much you got there? I got about, I don't know, I got about $40. What are ya doin'? I got about $40 there. That's all. What are ya doin'? I'm holdin' on to this till next week, till ya make the next payment. Why, there's a little more than $40? - It's a mistake. - Mistake, huh? Hey, listen, I swear to my mother, you come with me next Tuesday... ...I sign the paycheck over to you. I swear to my mother, swear to Christ, okay? Come on, it's $110. You give it to Michael. Come on, give me some money. We got those beautiful girls out there. We're gonna get laid now. I met those chicks in that Cafe Bizarre. They were fuckin' around with these two other guys. That one, Weintraub, is very nice. Very nice. I want to bang her like crazy. Here. - That's enough for you. - Give me another five. Come on. Which one do you want? You're leavin' me with nothin'. We gotta go eat chinks? That's it and you better make do with this for the week. Which one do you want? I want the Weintraub one. She's nice. I like that one. She's the one on the left? Nah, she's the one... Your left or my left? - We're both standin' the same way. - Well, it don't matter. Hey, girls, we had a little business to talk over. Everything's okay now. It's beautiful. Hey, Tony, you think maybe you could put this on the tab... ...because somethin' happened before? You'll be doin' me a favor, you know? Big tab or the little tab? Don't you think it's better that you should put it on the small tab... ...so that it balances out with the big tab? - Oh, so things even out? - Yeah, right. Joey, where'd you get those beads? How about me, too? I don't get a drink? - Hey, Mikey! - Long time no see. You don't get a drink! Does a bear shit in the woods over here? Come on, give him a double, Tony. Give him a double. Long time no see. I know what you're gonna say, but don't say it... ...because I'm not payin' for these drinks. They're all on the tab. And I'm gonna see ya Tuesday payday, I swear on my mother. Not only on my mother, but Jesus Christ and... Okay? All right, I just want to tell ya to stay on top of it. - I will. - We don't want it to get out of hand. - Don't worry, it ain't gonna get out of hand. - I'm doin' it for you. Come on, have a drink. The queen! - You know what the queen said? - What? If I had balls I'd be the king. Hey, they told me you were here, and you're here. How are you? How's the classes going? Okay, Oscar. How's everything goin' with you? I was in the basement fixin' the freezer. Would you believe that? Charlie, you're a good boy. Will you tell your uncle I have nothing? I can't make this week's payment. Listen, you talk to Giovanni, not me. I should hand this place over to him, you know that? I don't need this aggravation. He'd rather have the loan paid. You know that, Oscar. Your uncle's a good man. I'm not gonna stick him. He either gets the money or he gets the place. Right now it looks like he's gettin' the place. You tell me why I should care. I got a partner who is a bum. He disappears! I don't understand this. Where's Groppi? I should know? His wife don't even know! If he don't give a damn, why should I kill myself? Thank you very much, Natalie! How are you feeling? About that shooting last night, I was there, Uncle. No, you were not. Yes, I must have confused it with something else. - Yes, you did. - Si. So? About Oscar. I think he's puttin' on this act about the restaurant... ...bein' in bad shape and all that. He says he can't make the payments. He says his partner, Groppi, has disappeared. What should I do? Don't do anything. His business is bad. Can I help? Yeah, you can help by waiting. Don't be impatient. You like restaurants? Yes, sure. Well, you know what I do have? I got a good buy on toilet paper. What? I got stock. No, I got toilet paper comin' from the PX, the Army. Tryin' to steal from the Army, huh? - I can get it cheap. You want it? - Steal from the American Army. - Army of the United States of America. - Hey, you sell firecrackers? What? Come here. - What do ya want? - Firecrackers. No, that's illegal. We just went down to Chinatown. They don't have any stuff. Keep away from those chinks. All they have is shit. We have $40. Why didn't you say so? We don't know if we want to spend all $40. - You want good stuff or you want shit? - We want good stuff. You know where this stuff comes from? Maryland. - You know what that means? - That means it's good. - Tony, can we borrow your car? - Sure. All right, come on. Across the street. Ya got sparklers? Cherry bombs? Ash cans? - Cones? - Cones, yes. Women? - What are you, a comedian? - Comedians, Tony. - Nice car. - Yeah, well. Must've cost a lot. You got a good buy on this, didn't ya? You need a tune-up there. Did you kids come down here for the feast? Now what we're gonna do is let ya out right over there on that corner. And we're gonna come back for ya. Can't we come with you? No. I can't let anybody see where I got the stuff. That's good business, ya know what I'm sayin'? Yeah. - Be back in about 30 minutes. - Okay. Wait, wait, wait. What about the cash? Take a check? Take a check? - Where are you guys from? - Riverdale. Maybe that's what they do up in Riverdale, but down here we gotta take cash. Now, ya got it or ya don't got it. Okay, here. All right, now wait over there and keep your mouth shut. Checks? Tony, you take checks, right? Sure I take checks. How much did we get? You know, I don't know. Let me see here. What do we got here? What do we got here? What do you know! We got stiffed by them kids. They only gave me $20. Here. Take $5. Tell you what: I'll write you a check. I'll tell ya what: Get out of the car. I'll tell you what: Take the $5. Give me the $5. Let's go to the movies. And the movie's on you. Pull over here. Pull over here. There he is! Hey, Michael! Charlie, get in the car. Come here. Comin' in? Nah, come here. So, I'll see ya tomorrow, right? Frankie, be good. - What's the matter? - We just stiffed a couple of kids. - How much ya take 'em for? - $20. What are you laughin' about? $20? Let's go to the movies. - That's right and you pay. - What are you talkin' about? It's my business. You guys better enjoy yourselves. It's costin' me a lot of money. Hey, get down. Leave me alone! Shut up, give me a eak, I'm tryin' to watch the picture. You watch it. I'll get the manager in here. He'll throw ya out in the street! Go ahead. Go get the fuckin' manager! - He's a fruit! - You're a fruit! Me? I'm no fruit! It feels good, huh, Charlie? Streets are empty. Nice, thank God. With that feast on, ya can't even move in your own neighborhood. I hate that feast with a passion. Never mind the feast! Just remember, I'll do the talkin'. That's the trouble. Don't fool around, John. Jimmy asked me to settle this. How much do they owe him? I don't know, a couple of hundred. Look at this character! He's probably the next judge! He's the mayor's aide. - Where's he gonna meet us? - In the pool room. Where is it, near Sullivan's? No, it's on King Street. What are ya doin'? Show me where to go. I don't know my way around. Make a right turn over here when the light turns green. Next time, we don't bet outside the neighborhood. Come on with this light. What is this, a coffee and cake light over here? Why don't you get farther away from the car please? It'll be okay. I know these guys. They're not gonna stiff him. How do you know? Keep your mouth shut. I'll take care of it. - Just don't say nothin'. - I'm not sayin' nothin'. - Where the fuck is he? - Here he is. Charlie. The number I bet was 235. I bet a combination 'cause I dreamt of my grandfather. - How much did you bet on that? - What did I say? Clark, you seen Joey Gatucci around? Yeah, he's in the back room. When he died, the number on the funeral parlor was 235... ...so I figured that would be a good bet, you know? Well, well, well, Saint Charles is here. Everybody, benediction! Hey, you may rise. Rise, please. Thank you. My good friend, Tootie, over here. - You can't lose with that. - How about Mushy? Mushy! Vote for the lamp! Mushy, this will definitely get you to Hollywood. Chalkboard, the pool cues! How about the balls? Bless my balls. Bless his balls! - How ya been, Joey? - All right. Looks like ya took off a couple of tons. What ings ya down here, Charlie? Look, Joey, on Friday the 25th I placed a bet with Sally. - Never heard of it. - Never heard of it? Never heard of Sally. Who the fuck is Sally? Oh, Joey, really. Come on, we're all friends here. Now let's cut the bullshit, huh? You know you got a good friend here. Wonderful. Come to think of it, I do remember now. All we need. That guy is a real scumbag. Wanna shut up? Hey, Friday's a busy day. A mistake can be made, ya know? - All right, no problem. - All right. I forget myself, too, sometimes. - Okay, let's have a drink. - Good enough. Come on, now let's have a drink. Jimmy, Tony, finish the rack. - Who's buyin'? - Me. Can I have a beer, Joey? - Go ahead. - Nah, I got scotch here. I got a dry throat. Where did ya get the hat? Ya like this hat? This is a $25 Dobbs hat. Where did ya get those sneakers? These are $2 sneakers. Why don't ya lower the jukebox? I can't hear nothin'. Hey, the girls like the music loud. Girls? You call those skanks girls? Hey, what's the matter with this kid, huh? Ain't nothin' wrong with me. I'm feelin' fine. - Keep your mouth shut. - You tellin' me that in front of this asshole? All right. We're not gonna pay, we're not payin'. Why? We just said we're gonna have a drink. We're not payin' because this guy... ...this guy's a fuckin' mook. But I didn't say nothin'. And we don't pay mooks. A mook? I'm a mook? Yeah. What's a mook? What's a mook? - I don't know. - What's a mook? You can't call me a mook. I can't? No! I'll give you mook! Come on, I got a bad hand! What's the matter with you, Joey? - Hey, Officer. Can I get my hat? - No. - Can I call my wife? - Nope. What ya got here? That's a nail file. - That's a knife. - No. - This is a knife. - No, it's got a toothpick in there. Davis, Davis this is very embarrassing. Look, how long have I known ya, Davis, huh? You've never seen fights like this. These are my friends. - This is my cousin, Charlie. We're friends. - Friends. Your cousin? - Where you from? - East Side. The East Side. What is this, a knife? No! It's got a toothpick in there. You see over there? Davis, come here. I wanna talk to ya. You coverin' for the East Side or the West Side? - Let me just talk to ya over here a minute. - What are ya gonna say about this knife? - It's a harmless penknife. - Harmless? It's a dangerous weapon! Do you know the penalty? - I'm sure we can settle this. - How are we gonna settle this? - Let me give you some car fare. - All right. Took ya a long time. Where ya goin'? - New Jersey. - New Jersey. Okay, here. This is for you and your partner... Goin' to Philadelphia. Here. - Thank you. - Okay. Thanks a lot, Davis. Here. Johnny, come on. And you guys here, listen. No more of this fooling around, huh? You guys'll get hurt like that. All right? Okay. So long, Davis. - Come on, let's have a drink. - Come on, let's have a drink, everybody. Who were those mooks that jumped us? Every day is Christmas with these cops. We were gonna pay ya. We just don't like bein' pushed around. - Come on, Joey, we're pushin' you around? - Yeah! Let's have a drink and forget about it. This is the drink we never had before. Come on, salute. Salute. All right, there's your money. You don't have to count it. It's all there. No, you go ahead and count it. Hey, come on, no bullshit, friends. Hey, don't fuckin' touch me, scumbag. Fuck ya all! That's for you! Up your ass! Come back here again, you'll find out what's gonna happen to ya. Fuckin' douche bags! Mook, Johnny. Stop with the mook. Look at that, look at that. Don't touch it, it hurts. - Ya got somethin' we can put on it? - Yeah, I got somethin'. - First, I wanna show ya somethin'. - What does mook mean? Hey, Jimmy. Mook. Okay, baby, just relax. Take it easy, okay? You're supposed to be workin'. Tony, give me a eak. I've got a girl. Yeah, go out and work. Charlie, give him a eak. Close the door, George. Okay. Before we take care of you. There's somethin' I gotta show you. Watch this. Oh, hey! Where did ya get this? Look at the size of these guys! Tony, you gotta be kiddin' me! Look at this one. That's beautiful. That panther. Where did you get this? How many pounds of meat you feed him? Keep quiet about this. I don't have a license for him yet. Where did you get him? Nobody can go near him but me. I'm the only one who can feed him. Watch. - You got their claws taken out or what? - What are ya doin'? - You crazy or what? - Be careful. What are you, out of your mind, Tony? What are ya doin', cowards? No wonder Italy lost the war. Here's Daddy, here's Daddy. Tony, be careful. I really wanted to get a tiger, Charlie. Ol' William Blake and all that. You believe anything anybody says. That's right, I believe anybody. That's my charm. Some charm, pops. - What about the time you went on retreat? - What about it? Charlie goes on this retreat. He tells me this story about this priest who used to... ...let this couple borrow his car for dates. They didn't make it, 'cause they weren't married. But, two weeks before the marriage, they decided to make it. So, they pull over to the side of the road in the priest's car. Boom! Mack truck comes along, and they're both killed. That's great. That's true? This really happened? No, wait. Charlie believes it. I tell him two years before that... ...I went on a retreat and the priest tells me the same story. It's a different priest, it's the exact same story. - So that... - Ya get it? Yeah, you mean the story ain't true, right? Yeah, but the point is, he's really upset. But he don't understand... ...it's a business, it's work, it's an organization. You got a way about talkin' about one thing and then zap... ...you slide right into somethin' else that nobody's even supposed to notice. I was mad because they lied to me. I'm gonna tell ya one thing: I ain't never goin' on no retreat. Never. Why do you let those guys get to you? 'Cause they're supposed to be guys. Hey, listen, that's where you and I differ. What can I tell ya? You want me to say it? You gotta be like me. You wanna be saved. Bar's closed, kid. I'm just waitin' for Joey. All right, sit down. I gotta go to the bathroom. So, go ahead. What do ya want, somebody to hold it for ya? - Jesus! - What a jerk off! Charlie, hold it for him. George... You wanna do somethin'? Yeah... you know how he gets. You know how my chairs get? Jesus, this guy! This place is really gettin' depressin'. That's an understatement. If I had my place, every night... ...I'd get bums like this down, have things happen. Call it somethin' like Season of the Witch. Get it? - Got it. - Good. Bullshit! Who's talkin' bullshit? Who's the guy with William Blake and the tigers? Hey, come on. Will you guys shut up with the tigers and the witches over here? Come on. Let's get out of here. Come on, close the place. I'll get outta here when the place is ready to close. Why don't ya close it now? We get out of here, get somethin' to eat. When everybody leaves, we close. Don't forget what's-his-name in the bathroom. Charlie, come here. Look at the picture of yourself. Not quite, but keep tryin'. Dummkopf. - Ya wanna have a game after we close? - No. Yeah, come on. For how much? Scumbag! Hey, don't call me no scumbag. You can't pay what you owe. As soon as a game shows up... ...bang! You wanna jump in. For how much? Why don't you use your head? Hey, hold it! What's the matter with you guys? We're friends! What the fuck is wrong with you? - Me? He's callin' me a scumbag! - You, too! - All right, enough! - Fuckin' moron! Go ahead. Hit each other with the fuckin' chairs, why don't ya? - Come on, we gonna go eat now? - All right, enough. You oughta know better than that. I'm sorry. Sorry. I'm sorry, Tony. I'm sorry. - Wanna play a little cards? - No. Anybody wanna have a game? Michael, I've got a game you cannot say no to. No. You said no. Lot of sports. A little blackjack? Somebody get the gun! Everybody out! George, kill the lights! Don't run! Don't run! Don't run! Don't run! Don't run! George, where are you goin'? Where's your car? Mikey! Michael, let us go with you. Hey, chauffeur! - Hey, chauffeur... - Shut up, will ya? Shut up, I'll ask him. Uptown, James. Come on, you guys. Hurry up. Where are we gonna go? Michael, give us a lift. Get outta here. Get the fuck outta here! Hey, get outta here! You're startin' to make too much noise. Let me in. I'm standin' out here in the rain. What's the matter with you guys? Hey, stay there. Come on, get away. Get outta here. Move over. Hey, where are we? Come on, where are we? Sammy, will you behave yourself? I'm so sorry. It's just that he's terribly frightened. Just keep him quiet, all right? Are these friends of yours? What are you, a comedian? I can't get over the way he kept goin' at him. Yeah, must've been all that liquor in him, boy. Chetarsi! Yeah, chetarsi. You know what chetarsi means, Sammy? Sounds like somethin' dirty. What are you lookin' at? What are we doin' with these faggots? Throw them out. Are ya nuts? What do ya want me to do, leave 'em in front of Tony's place? Hey, Benton, look at that number. Wow! - Hey, beautiful! - Hey, shut up! Hey! Keep it down! - Quiet. - What's the matter? Sammy, behave yourself. I won't. I won't. Why should I? Let me out of this car! Look at that one! Oh, my God! Hey, baby, got any meat? Hey, baby, I want to suck on that! Baby! I want to suck on that, baby! I want it all! Get 'em outta here! All right, that's it. Get outta here! Hey, don't push! What do ya mean, get out? Get out! I just got in! - Go, go! - Get out! - Animals! - Take it easy. All right, just a minute, please! - Good goin', Mike. Thanks. - See ya around. Hey, wait a minute. What is this? Hey, fellas, ya goin' my way? Come on, knucklehead. What's your problem? Those two bastards. Hey, look at the piece, John. It's one of those little jobs cops carry in their sock. Yeah, cop beat me on the head with one of those. Remember that time I got beaten from those cops? Yeah, you recovered from that one, didn't ya? I never recovered. If I wasn't there to be used as a punching bag... ...in order for you to leave fast... That's because you're stupid. You should've ran and left safely with me. With you? I'm stupid for gettin' my head punched in? You schweinehund! My hand, my bad hand! Wait a minute! What are you doin'? Joey Barker. Joey Barker. I owe him money. - I don't think that's him. - Yeah, it's him. Where is he? He's turned the corner. Is he gone? He turned the corner. That don't mean he's gone. Come on, get over here. He turned the corner. What's the matter with you? What's the matter? You can't go home like that. Stay with me. Is your mother there? No, she's on the island carin' for my grandmother. Hey, let's get some ead from my uncle's store. - I'm sick about my hat. - Here. Your grandma's gonna die, right? Yeah, right. Did you like her? What do ya mean? She's my grandmother. So what? That don't mean nothin'. So what? - What's the matter with you? - What's the matter with you? Anyway, she ain't dead yet, God forbid. So, shut up. Charlie! You ain't got nothin' to eat over here. I could've told you that before. Got nothin'. I tell you, I know what we do. - What do ya want? - Tell you what we do. I'll go to my aunt's. She's got lots of food. She has food all the time. I'll go through the fire escape. Don't do that! You'll scare your cousin, Teresa, if you go in there that way. Oh, that's right, yeah. Hey, you know what we can do? She can have a seizure. Then we can watch. That's not funny. You gonna be a jerk off all your life? Grow up, huh? You want some food from your aunt, go and knock on her door. Yeah, yeah, I know. Go to sleep. Besides, where are you goin' at six o'clock in the morning? I don't know. Did ya say your prayers? Very funny, ha-ha. Hey, why don't ya tuck me in, sweetie? Teresa, I had a dream last night about you and me. I gotta tell you this. We're in this room and we're both naked. And there's this huge white bed and you're lyin' on it and I'm standin' over ya. And we're just about to make love and I come. The only thing is, I come blood. And blood went all over the place! Squirtin' all over the place, all over you, all over me, my hands, and everything. I don't think that's funny. Girls bother me. They got no sense of humor. Well, I'm a girl. Do you like me? Yeah, I like you. I love you. Well, I don't love you. We'll see. Hey, forget it. If there was a chance of me fallin' in love with you, I wouldn't be here right now. Because? Because with you, I can't get involved. - Because? - Because you're a cunt. - It was a joke. - Where do you get off talkin' like that? It was only a joke, for Christ's sake. Hey, come here. Hell it was. What are ya standin' in front of the window like that for? Someone might see you. Get over here. Come on. Go ahead. Jump out the fuckin' window. Don't look. Don't look. - You really don't want me to look? - Yeah, I really don't want you to look. I see what you're doing. I saw you! What? I wasn't doin' nothin'. You wild woman. Let me alone! - Get your hands off me! - Let go of me! You're killing me. You should've seen it. Unbelievable! Kid went right to the bathroom and shot him. Guy was just comin' at him like Rasputin. Oh, and that kid was scared! We were more scared! It doesn't make any sense. He shot him just because he insulted Mario? It wasn't anything personal? The kid's a climber, not very ight. He kills a guy who insulted a big man, gets a reputation and thinks he's made it. It's still sick. Not sick, just stupid. Which reminds me, last night Johnny decided... ...to eak into your mother's house and get some food. - So, why didn't you let him? - Oh, that's funny. Put that shit down. What are you doin'? What's the matter with you? He doesn't know anything about us, does he? - Really? - No. I don't want him to know. Nobody knows anything. Your reputation's safe. Hey, come on, smile. What's the matter? You look like you wanna kill me. Wanna kill me? Go ahead, kill me. You can make up the room now. - I only got two hands. - Well, use 'em. - Cut that out, will ya? - I hate shit like that. Excuse me, ma'am. - You got some mouth, you know that? - Kiss me. I'll give ya a zap. - Hash, how ya feelin'? - Pretty good. My uncle out back? Yeah, I think he's busy right now. Hey, Charlie, bet a 4-6-3 combination today. Yeah, thanks. What are you talkin' about? There was no insult. I know the kid. He was drunk. He made a fool of himself, not me. Nobody had to shoot him. I hate the sun. Let's go inside, will ya? What else do you hate? I hate the ocean, and I hate the beach, and I hate the sun. And the grass and the trees and I hate heat! - Charlie? - What? What do you like? I like spaghetti with clam sauce. Mountains. Francis of Assisi. Chicken with lemon and garlic. John Wayne. You know, there aren't any mountains in Manhattan. Tall buildings. Same thing. And I like you. I like it here alone. You know, I'm really going to take that apartment... the one uptown. - Are you? - Yeah, I'm really gonna do it. Why don't ya this time? I'm gonna. The hell with my parents. I just can't take it anymore. I think it would be a good move. And I'm gonna do it. So what are ya waitin' for? For you. Teresa, now ya can't wait for me. I'm closin' in on somethin' in the neighborhood. I gotta stay. What are you afraid of? Afraid? What are ya talkin' about, afraid? Go on. What's stoppin' you? You say you're not afraid of your parents, so go ahead, move out. All I've got is the neighborhood. What about me? The neighborhood and the guys... That's all that's important to me right now. Right, guys like my cousin, Johnny. No, not exactly your cousin, Johnny. Well, I hope not, because he is crazy! He's drivin' me nuts. How can you be with him all the time? He's like an insane person! What's wrong with you? How can you talk that way about your own cousin? That's terrible. Who's gonna help him if I don't? It's supposed to matter. Nobody tries anymore. Tries what? Just tries to help, that's all. To help people. You help yourself first. Bullshit, Teresa. That's where you're all wrong! Francis of Assisi had it all down. - He knew. - What are you talkin' about? - He knew. - What are you talkin' about? Saint Francis didn't run numbers. Me, neither. I don't run numbers. Diane, how're you feeling? Fine. Excuse me, please. You know, Diane, I've been wanting to talk to you for a while now. Excuse me. Besides all that jokin' around that you and I do... - You know, when you're on, I... - Excuse me. I really think you're a terrific performer. Fine. Hey, no, I'm serious. You're really very good. I know. Groovy. In a little while I'm gonna have the opportunity of openin' my own place. Much nicer. Much nicer than this. Uptown, sort of a nightclub restaurant and everything. I was thinkin' you'd do much... You'd do very nicely for the place. Dancin'? No, as the hostess. That's nice. Hostess? The people come in, you greet 'em and you show 'em to the tables. Listen, why don't we get together later on? We'll talk about it a little bit. - Chinese food? - Hey, Chinese food. Where do you want me to drop you off? No, don't stop. Just pass by real slow, okay? Hey, stop there. What, am I crazy? Would you take me back to where you picked me up? - Sorry. - All right. Hey, you crazy? That's all I need now: To get caught in the village with a... Hi, Lou. - Come sta? - Fine, thank you. - Good to see you. - Good to see you. Here you go, Lou. - How are ya, kid? - Nice to see you. - Giovanni, can I sit? - Sure. Can I talk? What is it? It's about Groppi. I know all about it. We'll discuss it later, huh? Sure, I understand. Shall I serve the tripe now? - Anytime. Thank you, Oscar. - You're welcome. They are not like us. They know where to come when they need us. I realized this a long time ago, during World War ll. Charlie Lakey was working for the government, taking care of the docks. What did he do? He was there, that's what he did. I said the same thing to your father 20 years ago. He didn't listen. You're still around that kid, Johnny Boy. This Johnny Boy is named after me. Nice, huh? Oh, sure. But this Johnny Boy is a little bit like your friend, Groppi... Half-crazy. I understand you try to help him out because of our family and his family. Well, that's nice. I understand. But watch yourself, don't spoil anything. Honorable men go with honorable men. Don't forget that. His whole family has problems. His cousin, the girl who lives next door to you... Teresa. The one who's sick in the head. No, she's got epilepsy. That's what I said. She's sick in the head. Her mother and father came to me for advice. She wants her own apartment. What am I gonna tell 'em? Lock her up? You know I'm compato with them. So I listen. I have to take an interest. You live next door. Keep an eye open. But don't get involved. Charlie, why don't you take a look around the place if you want to? I've been in and outta this place about 50 times already. Well, maybe you missed something. After all, you should get to know the place. Yeah. Jesus Christ, you are disgusting! Hi, Charlie, how are ya? Hot enough for ya? Yeah, how are ya doin' there, Cookie? Fire. Teresa! Downstairs. Meet me downstairs now. Yeah. What is it? Come on. I can't make it tonight. All right, so, is that all? So I'll see you on Friday? Friday... ...I can't make it Friday either. What do you mean? I can't see you for a while. Don't tell me that. - Teresa. - Why? Because you're fuckin' things up! Between you and Johnny... ...you're gonna ruin everything for me. - What? Ruin what...? I'm sorry, Mrs. Rucco, pardon me. Come on inside. Why am I ruining everything? Because. Be quiet! I'll give you a slap in the mouth, Teresa! Shut up! Listen to me for a minute. My uncle wants me to run a restaurant, but I gotta stay away from you and Johnny. - Does he know about you and me? - No. Does he know about Johnny and those loans? No, what are ya kiddin' me? Of course not. He doesn't understand, Johnny. You know, he's just a kid who needs to be... Answer me! What do you want from me? I said: Do you feel the way he does about me? No! I don't feel that way. I don't want to stop seein' you. What are you afraid of? I love you. - Don't ever say that. - What? - That. - What? That you love me? Let's just get out of here. Let me get the restaurant first, all right? Then I think things are gonna be easier. Okay. So, where have you been? Around. You heard what happened to Groppi, huh? Groppi? No, what? Well, Oscar found out where his partner is. It seems Groppi went to visit his mother. He went to her room where she was watching television... ...and he says to her that he's sorry. That's all. Just, he's sorry. He goes into the next room, gets a gun, puts it in his mouth... That's it! How do you like that? I tell you that Groppi was always half-crazy... ...half-crazy to say the least. What is it? Not now, huh? Doesn't he see that we are talking? A couple of minutes, will ya? Outside. What does he want? He wants to talk to me about somethin'. Hey, you spit on my shoe. Okay, Charlie, lot of aggravation though, you know. Like Johnny Boy... ...I figure... ...I give him all the eaks I can give him. - Oh, look, Michael... - No. No, Charlie, it's no good, see? He's a punk bastard, Charlie. I call them down there at work and I ask them... ...if Johnny Boy's there. He doesn't even show up anymore. - They told ya that down at his place? - Yeah. How's he gonna pay me, Charlie? I've talked to him, I've talked to him. - What more can I do? - I don't know. Tonight at the party, the three of us get together... ...and we knock some sense into his head. Okay? All right, Charlie. You know I don't like bein' taken advantage of. I mean, you're inside there with your uncle and all that. It's kind of embarrassing to me, you know? I apologize, Michael. We had some business. Private. Ya know what I mean? I'm late. I gotta meet someone. All right. We'll settle it tonight. - Okay. - Ciao. And, Michael, I appreciate what you're doin' for me. All right. - Very intelligent, too, you know? - Yeah. She's goin' to college. She's gonna be a school teacher. I've been out with her a few times. - Yeah? - Yeah. - Let me see that picture. - Yeah, she's gonna be a teacher. - Oh, I know this girl. - Yeah? I seen her kissin' a nigger under the idge in Jersey. What are you talkin' about? A nigger, that's a... A black, a nigger. What do ya mean, kissin'? I mean kissing. Her lips on his lips. Kissing. - You sure? - I'm sure. I kissed her. Don't worry about it, other. Hallelujah, I've come to create order. Carl, J& B and soda, please. God be with you and with his spirit. - Let me ask you somethin'. - What? Art thou the king of the Jews? Does thou say this of thyself or have others told thee of me? Am I a Jew? My kingdom's not of this world. Jerry, hey, how ya doin'? To Jerry... ...who served in Vietnam. The immortal words of John Get him in the eyes, get him right in the eyes. Came back with a silver star. From the boys. Drinks for everybody! Hey, drinks for everybody! Could make a shirt outta that, Jerry. - We drink and then we bullshit! - We bullshit! George, my man. Watch this. Put your mouth down there. - Michael. - What? Play only old ones tonight. Only old ones. Did you ever hear of a wish sandwich? It's the kind that you're supposed to take... ...two pieces of ead and wish you had some meat. The other day I ate a ricochet biscuit. It's the kind that's supposed to bounce off the wall back in your mouth. If it don't bounce back, you go hungry! Charlie, Flash ain't here yet. He said he'd be here. Well, he isn't. Nice, real nice. He'll be here. Look... ...I'll give ya $20 to hold ya for now. What, are ya kidding? Twenty dollars doesn't pay the interest for two hours. - Now with this week, it's almost $3,000. - Three thousand? Shit, you charge a guy from the neighborhood 1800 vig? One day he's late with his payments. What am I, his father? Ya could have come to me a little sooner, friend. Charlie, this is business. Be realistic. Where's he gonna come up with $3,000, huh? Let's work somethin' out. Make it $1,800. Don't hustle me. I'm not hustlin' you. Let's make it $2,000. All right, now you're bein' sensible about it. I swear to Jesus Christ and the goddamn cross. If he thinks he's makin' a jerk off outta me, I'll eak his legs. Michael, come on, huh? You should be smart enough not to get involved. Don't tell me what to do, huh? I'm tellin' you the truth. The fuckin' truth is you're more involved than anyone. What do I look like, a jerk? On next payday I'm comin' down here to Tony's. Johnny Boy better show or I'm gonna find him and... ...I'm gonna eak his fuckin' legs. We understand each other? I heard ya. Good. Amen, I say to thee. Thou will not come out from it till thou hast paid the last penny. Michael, you look tired. You said it. Jerry, take it easy! We're in America, Jerry! Dance? Do you like this song? Charlie, there's a girl here to see you. - Charlie? - What is it? What's wrong? Johnny Boy is up on that building on the corner. He's been on the roof for half an hour. - All right, don't get excited. - He's got a gun. Don't get excited. - You stay here. - I'm coming with you. - Teresa, stay here. - I don't want to... You stay here. Tony... Hey, Teresa, stay here. - Come on, have a drink. - I don't want a drink. - Carl, give her a drink. - I don't want one! Have a drink. - I'll have a seven and seven. - Okay. Charlie. Hey, watch out. Crazy bastard's on the roof. Johnny! It's me, Charlie! Hey, watch this! I'll shoot the light out in the Empire State Building. Hey, cut it out, stupid. It's me. Hey, what do ya got up there? A.38! - That ain't real, is it? - Yeah. What's wrong with him? I'll throw that fucker off the roof. Oh, shit. Hey, lady, I'm sorry. Lady, I didn't mean it, I swear to God! I'm very sorry. Are you crazy? What are you doin'? I scared the shit out of 'em! Very funny. Give me that. I hit that lady. I tried to get her clothesline. What's wrong with you? What do ya mean? You have Teresa half-crazy about this. Why? I wasn't shootin' at nobody. Just up in the air. I want to wake up the neighborhood. It's dead. I hate that woman with a vengeance, a passion. You and your numbers! Fuckin' chicken shits! Back to Bataan. Now they're gonna get a real back to Bataan. An atom bomb, wake up the neighborhood. - What the fuck? Put that out! - Put what out? - Johnny, put that out! - Surprise, you want to see? - Want to see? - Johnny, put that... Let's hide in here for a while. What's wrong with the door? - What are you kickin', stupid? Get in there. - About time. Remember when we played hide-and-seek? Never mind that. What's this crap about last week? What? You got some balls not showin' up for work last week. After all we had to do to get you on that truck, stupid! What's the matter with you? Charlie, come on, man. My arm was hurtin'... Your hand was hurtin'. Your mouth's gonna hurt from this kick! For what? Hey, I swear to you, what are you talkin' about? Besides, I don't like loadin' crates. You're not supposed to like it. What gets me is your attitude. My attitude? What gets me is your attitude. - Did you ever load crates? You don't work. - My attitude... You tell me to go to work and then you do all the talkin'. What do you do? You do nothin'. I'll tell ya somethin' I don't do: I don't owe anybody 2,000 clams, stupid! I got Michael to make it $2,000, give ya a eak on that. Oh, yeah? Go to work tomorrow or I'll eak both your arms. - We understand each other? - Yeah. I'm sorry. I really am. I mean... ...'cause I appreciate everything you're doin' for me. I mean, I do. So I was figurin' that the next logical thing to do... Don't get mad! - How? - How you get. - You know a way out of this? - Yeah. Well, let me hear this one. Talk to your uncle. Oh, that'd be just really great for you, wouldn't it, huh? But not for me! Johnny, one more word out of your mouth, my uncle hears one word about this... All right. I was just askin', that's all. That's what I get for gettin' involved. Look... ...on payday, at least show up at Tony's place to meet him, okay? This way he won't think you're tryin' to make a jerk off out of him. - Yeah, all right. - I'm not askin' ya, I'm tellin' ya! - Johnny, come on. - What? Come on. What, we are goin' now? - Hey, Shorty! - Fuck you, Charlie, will you? Shorty, you must be havin' illusions of grandeur. - What do ya want from me? - Talk to him. Gonna see you and Johnny Boy down here tonight, right? Yeah, we'll be here. I'm tellin' ya, Charlie, that kid doesn't show up tonight, I'll find him. I'm gonna drag him down here. I'll tie one of his legs to that Cadillac bumper. I'll tie the other to the Ford. And, boom! We'll be here! Better be here, Charlie. Michael, don't you fuckin' threaten me. Miss? Excuse me, Miss? What do you want? I just want you to remind your cousin he's gotta see Michael tonight. Then tell him yourself. I'd love to. Where is he? I don't know. He's not here. He's here all the time. - Fuck you! - Fuck me? Why am I taking this from you? Look what you did... Here. What am I doin'? Would you just give me my fuckin' eggplant, please? You got some mouth, you know that? Get outta here! Now just be sure and tell him to be here tonight, all right? You sure he didn't say anything about tonight? I told you before, nothing. Charlie, will you listen to me? I can't stay here too long this time of night. Now, Michael was looking for him. - What's happening? - Nothin'. I don't believe you. Son of a bitch. What? What did you just say? Teresa, watch the hands already! Charlie, what do you think? Well, don't you realize what this apartment means? Maybe after a while you could even move in yourself. Enough with that apartment already! I don't want to hear anymore! I got enough on me with your bastard cousin. You want to move, go on. But leave me out of it! Teresa, I didn't mean that, but we've got a situation right now. - Yeah, a situation. - Come on. Look, go and play your fuckin' games with that dunkhead. I don't care. Teresa, it's no game. - Hey, hello. - Where were you? Where was I? I was around. Answer me, you son of a bitch! Where were you? Shut up! Shut up, Teresa. We don't want to get Charlie in trouble here, do we? Don't be cute. I've been goin' crazy here! What's the matter with you? You're about an hour and a half late! Oh, that's too bad. Michael's waitin' for us. You forget or what? Your cousin was gettin' sick worryin' about you. We'd have started callin' up everybody! Yeah? That's too bad. Isn't that too bad? Huh, Teresa? So, kiddies, yas make any plans yet, or what? When are yas gettin' married? - Gonna get engaged? - Don't get smart. What do ya mean? I'm stupid, remember? - You heard me. - I'm a stronzo. I'm so stupid you gotta look out for me, right? What's the matter? Hey, Teresa. She's upset. Now what are you so upset about? You don't understand Charlie. Charlie likes everybody, everybody likes Charlie. - Enough! - Fuckin' politician over here. - Watch your mouth! - I'm goin' home. Hey, no. Wait Teresa! Teresa, whoa! Hold it. Teresa, come on, stay here. I don't wanna eak up a nice, happy household here. - No, I'll be honest... - Stop foolin' around. I swear to God, if you open your mouth about any of this... About what? You know what I'm talkin' about. About what? You two? Who cares? I won't even say nothin' to my aunt and uncle. The guys don't give a shit. What do they care? I won't even say nothin' to your uncle, Giovanni. I wanted to ask you somethin', Charlie. I always wondered about her. This is the God's honest truth. I always wondered about what happens when she comes. She get a fit? What happens when she comes, I mean... You dirty, fuckin' bastard! Don't ever hit me again! I'll tell your uncle! - Go ahead. Go on, right now! - Don't do it! I'll tear your fuckin' eyes outta your head! - I'm gonna kill you, bastard! - Go on! Teresa! What did you do? You know about this? Hey, how should I know? She's your fuckin' girl. Teresa? Hey, you! Come here, get out! Do you know what to do? I don't know. She had an attack. What do you mean what you did for me? You didn't do nothin' for me, you fuck! Fuckin' bastard, you're a fuckin' bastard! - Come on. - You're a fuckin' bastard! Come on, what are you doin'? What are you doin' for me? Don't show up tonight. We'll see what happens to you. How much money you got for Michael tonight? I got nothin'. You got anything? I got eight fuckin' dollars on me. Well then, here. Take $20. Take $22. At your rate that'll... ...make $30 we'll give to Michael. I'll keep $11 for the weekend. Maybe we'll get some chinks later. Take it stupid, I'm doin' it for you! Come on. Carryin' on, huh? Cut it out, will ya? Come on, Charlie. $30 ain't nothin', you know that. The only way you're gonna do is if you talk to your uncle. - That's it. - Get away. - Why not? - I ain't gonna do it. Forget about that. Did I hurt you? You're over an hour late. Michael said he'd be back though. - Have a drink. - I don't want any. Hey, cut it out, will ya? - Where are ya goin'? - To the bathroom. All right, now. Take it easy, don't get excited. No! Who's the girl? Jewish. - How do you know? - Look at her. She don't look Jewish. She's in here every night with a different guy. You know how they are. I love you. Ever since that first day when I saw you playing volleyball with the nuns... I couldn't help myself. - Let's go. - Fuck off. - Let's go. - You go. I'm staying. It's obvious the girl doesn't want to go with you. What do you think? Look, fella, this is private. Nothin' is private. I want to go. If she wants to go or not, she's not. How's that? Let go of her. - Take her away. - You're hurting me! Physically, you take her away from me. Go ahead. You bastard! Hey, Joyce? Maybe we'll meet at bingo some night. Hey, Mike! What's the story, John? I was here earlier tonight. You kept me waiting for an hour. Hey, I'm sorry, Mikey, but you know... ...I had somethin' to do. But I got somethin' for ya. Not much, but I got somethin' for ya. He has about $30. That's all he's got on him, Michael. - Where's the rest? - Yeah, where's the rest? I bought a few rounds of drinks while I was waitin'. You know what I mean? Tony says my credit ain't no good no more. You know $30 is enough of an insult. But I'd take it for Charlie here. John... ...$10! You're really somethin', you know that? You too good for this $10, huh? It's a good $10. You know somethin', Mikey? You make me laugh, you know that? I borrow money all over this neighborhood... ...left and right, from everybody, and I never paid 'em back. So I can't borrow no money from nobody no more, right? Who does that leave me to borrow money from but you? I borrow money from you because you're the only jerk off around... ...that I could borrow money from without payin' back, right? 'Cause that's what you are... ...that's what I think of you, a jerk off. He's smilin' because you're a jerk off. You're a fuckin' jerk off. And I'll tell you somethin' else. Mikey, I fucked you right where you eathe... ...'cause I don't give two shits about you or nobody else. Easy! Come on, fuck-face! I got somethin' for ya, motherfucker! Come on. I'm a big shot. Come on, D.D., disappointed dunce sky. Right, asshole! Come on. You don't have... - You don't have the guts to use it. - I don't, huh? I don't have the guts. Come on, asshole. Come over here. I'll put this up your ass! Hey, asshole, this is for you asshole. Fuckin' asshole. You stupid bastard, were you gonna use that? Were you gonna use that? Fuck, fuck, fuck! I'll fuckin' kill you, Johnny. Big fuckin' man. All right. So, now you did it. No bullets in this. Now ya did it! Get him outta here before this blows up. Hide the gun, Tony. Throw it away. Listen, Tony, I gotta borrow your car. We oughta... ...take a ride. We shouldn't be around here now. Don't go driving around. Go to a movie or somethin'. This is no good, all right. You know what I mean? - You understand? - Maybe. You got what you wanted. Get in the car, John! Murderer! Murderer! Teresa, you all right? Yeah. I'm sorry. I told ya I'm sorry. He's in trouble. What do you mean? What's going on? Look, Teresa, just trouble, all right? We gotta leave for a few days, till I get a chance to talk to some people. I need a couple of bucks to get to Greenwood Lake. - Where are you goin'? - To Greenwood Lake. - I'm coming with you. - No, you're not. Do you want more trouble? I'm comin' with you. Teresa, I got no time for this. - So, what happened? - Forget it. I really think we should talk to your uncle. That's the only way. No! - What happened? - It's all right, Teresa. Will you forget it? What are you gonna do, hide me or what? That's right. I guess you could safely say that things haven't gone so well tonight. But I'm tryin', Lord. I'm tryin'. What are you, talkin' to yourself? Louder, louder! Go right ahead. Turn on the radio, John! We're goin' to a party. How about some fun? Where are you goin'? To Brooklyn? Why don't ya make it louder? Go ahead! - Where are we goin'? - Seriously, do you know? Where are we goin'? You don't know where you're goin'. We don't know Brooklyn. What's this? Right you are. Is this the right way? Do I know Brooklyn? Do I know the jungle? Yeah, you know Brooklyn. - Watch where you're goin'! - I'm crazy! You're outta your mind. Didn't you see that light? The light was red, right? - Slow down. Will you slow down? - What does red mean? I wish you'd slow down your mouth a little. What is that guy, crazy? Hey, jerk! Now's the time! Get down! John! Johnny! Get down! Get down! Johnny! Good luck and God bless you.
I shall never forget the weekend Laura died. A silver sun burned through the sky like a huge magnifying glass. It was the hottest Sunday in my recollection. I felt as if I were the only human being left in New York. For with Laura's horrible death, I was alone. I, Waldo Lydecker... was the only one who really knew her... and I had just begun to write Laura's story when... another of those detectives came to see me. I had him wait. I could watch him through the half-open door. I noted that his attention was fixed upon my clock. There was only one other in existence... and that was in Laura's apartment... in the very room where she was murdered. Careful there. That stuff is priceless. Come in here, please. Mr. Lydecker? Ah, you recognize me. How splendid. Sit down, please. Nice little place you have here, Mr. Lydecker. It's lavish, but I call it home. I suppose you're here about the Laura Hunt murder. Yesterday morning, after Laura's body was found... I was questioned by Sergeants McAvity and Schultz... and I stated... On Friday night, Laura had a dinner engagement with me... after which she was ostensibly going out of town. She phoned and canceled our engagement at exactly 7:00. - After that I... - You ate a lonely dinner... then got into the tub to read. Why did you write it down? Afraid you'd forget it? I am the most widely misquoted man in America. When my friends do it, I resent it. From Sergeants McAvity and Schultz, I should find it intolerable. Hand me that washcloth, please, Mr. - Mr. - McPherson. McPherson. McPherson. Mark McPherson- the siege of Babylon, Long Island. The gangster with the machine gun. Killed three policemen. I told the story over the air and wrote a column about it. Are you the one with the leg full of lead... - the man who walked right in and got him? - Yeah. Well, well. Hand me my robe, please. You have a pretty good memory, Mr. Lydecker. I always liked that detective with the silver shinbone. Thanks. I hope you won't have any reason to change your mind about me. - Have you any more questions? - Yeah, just one. Two years ago, in your October 17 column... you started out to write a book review... but at the bottom of the column, you switched over to the Harrington murder case. Are the processes of the creative mind now under the jurisdiction of the police? You said Harrington was rubbed out with a shotgun loaded with buckshot... the way Laura Hunt was murdered night before last. - Did I? - Yeah. But he was really killed with a sash weight. How ordinary. My version was obviously superior. I never bother with details, you know. I do. Well, so long. Mind if I go with you? - What for? - Murder is my favorite crime. I write about it regularly... and I know you'll have to visit everyone on your list of suspects. I'd like to study their reactions. - You're on the list yourself, you know. - Good. To have overlooked me would have been a pointed insult. You're not the sort of man one would insult, Mr. Lydecker. - Do you really suspect me? - Yes. McPherson, if you know anything about faces, look at mine. How singularly innocent I look this morning. Have you ever seen such candid eyes? Something you confiscated in a raid on a kindergarten? Takes a lot of control. Would you like to try it? No, thanks. Were you in love with Laura Hunt, Mr. Lydecker? Was she in love with you? Laura considered me the wisest, the wittiest... the most interesting man she'd ever met. I was in complete accord with her on that point. She thought me also the kindest... the gentlest... the most sympathetic man in the world. Did you agree with her there too? McPherson, you won't understand this... but I tried to become the kindest, the gentlest... the most sympathetic man in the world. Have any luck? Let me put it this way. I should be sincerely sorry to see my neighbors' children devoured by wolves. Shall we go? - Good morning, Lieutenant. - Good morning, Mrs. Treadwell. - Waldo. - Good morning, Ann. - I've just taken over the Laura Hunt case. - Won't you sit down? Thanks. I have all the reports... but there are a few more questions I'd like to ask. Certainly. I'll do anything I can to help. You were fond of your niece, Mrs. Treadwell? Why, I adored her. Cigarette? No, thanks. You collapsed when you identified the body. I can quite understand that. A shotgun loaded with buckshot, close range. - It's not very nice to look at. - It was horrible. Her maid Bessie, I suppose she was devoted to Miss Hunt? Oh, she worshipped her. Laura had had her for years. I'll never forget her scream when she saw Laura lying there. Did you approve of Miss Hunt's coming marriage to Mr. Carpenter? Why? Shouldn't I approve? I don't know. What is your relationship with Mr. Carpenter? What do you mean? What I mean is, he's been a frequent guest in your home. Is he an acquaintance? Friend? Are you in love with him? This is beginning to assume fabulous aspects. Oh, shut up, Waldo! What are you driving at? The truth, Mrs. Treadwell. Are you in love with him? Why, no. I'm... I'm very fond of Mr. Carpenter, of course. - Everybody is. - I'm not. I'll be hanged if I am. Oh, don't be so annoying, Waldo! Did you give Mr. Carpenter money? - What do you mean? - A couple of checks went through your account endorsed by him. One on May 15 for $250. One on May 22 for $400. Oh, that. I... I asked him to do some shopping for me. That's all. Shelby's a very obliging fellow. For some time, also, you've been withdrawing various amounts in cash. Sometimes 1,500. Sometimes 1,700 at a clip. Yes. I needed that money. The day you took out $1,500, Mr. Carpenter deposited 1,350. When you withdrew 1,700, he deposited 1,550. Maybe they were shooting crap. Oh, must I be insulted like this? I'm sorry, Mrs. Treadwell, but I have to find out about these things. Shelby needed some money, and I lent it to him. That's all. After all, it is my money. - I suppose I can do as I please with it. - Sure. Of course. Now, on Friday night, Mrs. Treadwell, you stayed home alone all evening? - Yes. - Why didn't you go to the concert with Shelby? Because he didn't ask me. We were just talking about you, Carpenter. - What a coincidence to find you here. - This is Lieutenant McPherson. - Oh, how do you do, Lieutenant? - I didn't know you were here, Mr. Carpenter. As a matter of fact, I was just lying down here. My hotel room was so hot, and then all the people and reporters and telephone. You know how it is, Lieutenant. I've hardly slept a wink since it happened. Is that a sign of guilt or innocence, McPherson? I'm at your disposal, Lieutenant. I'm as eager to find the murderer as you are. But what possible motive could I have for killing Laura? Miss Hunt and I were going to be married this week, you know. No, he doesn't know, and neither do I... - or you or anyone else alive. - What do you mean by that? Laura had not definitely made up her mind to marry him. She told me so herself last Friday when she called up to cancel our dinner engagement. As a matter of fact, she was going to the country to think it over. She was extremely kind, but I was always sure... she would never have thrown her life away on a male beauty in distress. I suppose you've heard losers whine before... especially in your profession, eh? Would you like a bite of lunch, Lieutenant? That's very thoughtful... the perfect host. - Waldo. - You'd almost think he was in his own home. Shelby knows how distracted I am. Would you, Lieutenant? Thank you, Mrs. Treadwell, but I've got to be going. But, Lieutenant, I... Well, I rather thought you'd want to ask me some questions. Oh, yes. What did they play at the concert Friday night? Oh, Brahms's First and Beethoven's Ninth. Uh-huh. Have you got a key to Miss Hunt's house up in the country? No, but I think there's one up in her apartment. - Okay, I'll have a look. - Perhaps I could help you? All right. Come along. I'll be seeing you, Mrs. Treadwell. Extra! Extra! Girl victim in utal slaying! Extra! Girl victim in utal slaying! Read all about it! Girl victim in utal slaying! Girl victim in utal slaying! Read all about it! All right. Break it up. Break it up. Ice-cold drinks! - The doorbell rang. - What? As she opened the door, the shot was fired. And how do you deduce that? She fell backward. The body was there. I thought you hadn't been up here before. I saw the police photos. I guess I better try and find that key. McPherson, tell me, why did they have to photograph her in that horrible condition? When a dame gets killed, she doesn't worry about how she looks. Will you stop calling her a dame? Look around. Is this the home of a dame? Look at her. Not bad. Jacoby was in love with her when he painted it... but he never captured her vi ance, her warmth. Have you ever been in love? A doll in Washington Heights once got a fox fur out of me. Ever know a woman who wasn't a doll or a dame? Yeah, one, but she kept walking me past furniture windows... to look at the parlor suites. - Would you mind turning that off? - Why? Don't you like it? It was one of Laura's favorites. Not exactly classical, but sweet. - You know a lot about music? - I don't know a lot about anything... but I know a little about practically everything. Yeah? Then why did you say... they played Brahms's First and Beethoven's Ninth at the concert Friday night? They changed the program at the last minute and played nothing but Sibelius. I suppose I should have told you in the first place. I'd been working on that advertising campaign with Laura. Well, we'd been working so hard, I... I just couldn't keep my eyes open. I didn't hear a note at the concert. I fell asleep. Next he'll produce photographic evidence of his dreams. I know it sounds suspicious, but I'm resigned to that by now. I'm a natural-born suspect just because I'm not the conventional type. I wouldn't worry about it, Mr. Carpenter. It sounds reasonable. I fall asleep at concerts myself. Thank you. You found that key yet? No. I looked for it in the den, but it wasn't there. It may be in here. Yes, here it is. I knew there must be one around somewhere. The police are very fussy about their inventories. That key isn't on the list of things that were in that drawer yesterday. Then it's made a recent reappearance. You put it there, didn't you? - Yes. - Why? It's just that I didn't want to give it to you while Waldo was present. - Oh. - I have private reasons that don't concern him. Everything about Laura concerns me. You have private reasons, no doubt, to lie about the key. Waldo, for your own good, I'm warning you to stop implying... that I had anything to do with Laura's death. Very well. I'll stop implying. I'll make a direct statement. All right, you asked for it. I wouldn't. Will you please stop dawdling with that infernal puzzle? - It's getting on my nerves. - I know, but it keeps me calm. Okay, let's go. This was our table... Laura's and mine. We spent many quiet evenings here together. I remember we dined here the night before her 22nd birthday. Just we two... happy, making plans for her future. - Good luck. But this was a far cry... from the girl who walked into my life at the Algonquin Hotel five years before. Pardon me. Excuse me. Excuse me. Mr. Lydecker, how do you do? My name is Laura Hunt, and I'm with Bullitt and Company. You know, the big advertising firm. And I'd like to talk something over with you, if I may. You can hardly fail to realize that I am engaged in eating my lunch. Yes, I know. I'm awfully sorry to interrupt this way... but it's so hard to get to see you the regular way, and... this will only take a minute, really. - Now, this is... - Young woman... either you have been raised in some incredibly rustic community... where good manners are unknown... or you suffer from the common feminine delusion... that the mere fact of being a woman... exempts you from the rules of civilized conduct. Or possibly both. Possibly, but here's what I wanted to show you. It's for the Wallace Flow-Rite pen. I know my company would be glad to pay you $5,000 if you'll endorse the ad. I don't use a pen. I write with a goose quill dipped in venom. Yes, but this is a very fine pen, Mr. Lydecker... the best on the market. Wouldn't you at least consider endorsing it? I'll neither consider, endorse or use the Wallace pen. I hate pens. If your employers wish me to publish that statement in my column... you may tell them that I shall be delighted to oblige. Oh, no. You mustn't do that. Don't blame Bullitt and Company, Mr. Lydecker. They don't know anything about this. It was my idea to see you. Indeed? Yes. I know they'd give anything down at the office to get your endorsement... only they think there's no use asking. So I had this ad made up all on my own... because I thought, well, what's the harm in trying? There was always a chance that you might, Mr. Lydecker. Just think what it would mean... You seem to be completely disregarding something more important than your career. - What? - My lunch. Do you really believe that? Implicitly. I never heard of anything so selfish. In my case, self-absorption is completely justified. I have never discovered any other subject quite so worthy of my attention. But you write about people... with such real understanding and sentiment. That's what makes your column so good. Sentiment comes easily at 50 cents a word. Well, if that's the way you really feel... you must be very lonely. Will you kindly continue this character analysis elsewhere? - You begin to bore me. - You're a poor man. I'm very sorry for you. Naturally, I was annoyed by the incident... but she had something about her, that girl. I had to speak to her again. I had to see her. - Miss, would you mind if I... - Just a moment, please. I'll tell Mr. Bullitt right away. He's on the telephone. Thank you. Boy, Waldo Lydecker to see Miss Laura Hunt. Announce me. Johnny, please tell the gentleman I'm busy. Miss Hunt, I have something to say to you. You've already said it, Mr. Lydecker. I wish to point out that you caught me at my most difficult moment. Ordinarily I am not without a heart. Really? Shall I produce X-ray pictures to prove it? I wish to apologize. Your apology is accepted. Good-bye, Mr. Lydecker. If you come a little bit closer, my boy... I can just crack your skull with my stick. And now, for reasons which are too embarrassing to mention... I'd like to endorse that pen. Mr. Lydecker! Thank you. - You're a very strange man. - What? You're really sorry for the way you acted, aren't you? Let's not be psychiatric, Miss Hunt... but in a word, yes. It's very kind of you, you know. I'm not kind. I'm vicious. It's the secret of my charm. But if you choose to think me kind... I'll call for you at 6:00. All right? All right. Her career began with my endorsement of the pen. I secured other endorsements for her... introduced her to important clients. I gave her her start... but it was her own talent and imagination... that enabled her to rise to the top of her profession... and stay there. She had an eager mind always. She was always quick to seize upon anything that would improve her mind... or her appearance. Laura had innate eeding. But she deferred to my judgment and taste. I selected a more attractive hairdress for her. I taught her what clothes were more becoming to her. Through me, she met everyone. The famous and the infamous. Her youth and beauty, her poise and charm of manner... captivated them all. She had warmth, vitality. She had authentic magnetism. Wherever we went, she stood out. Men admired her. Women envied her. She became as well known as Waldo Lydecker's walking stick... and his white carnation. But Tuesday and Friday nights we stayed home... dining quietly, listening to my records. I read my articles to her. The way she listened was more eloquent than speech. These were the best nights. Then one Tuesday, she phoned and said she couldn't come. It didn't matter, really. But when it happened again the following Friday, I was disturbed. I couldn't understand it. I felt betrayed... and yet I knew Laura would never betray anyone. I walked for a long time. Then I found myself before her apartment building. The lights were on. It pleased me to know she was home... till I saw she was not alone. But I waited. I wanted to see who he was. It was Jacoby, who had recently painted her portrait. I never liked the man. He was so obviously conscious of looking more like an athlete than an artist. I sat up the rest of the night writing a column about him. I demolished his affectations... exposed his camouflaged imitations of better painters... ridiculed his theories. I did it for her, knowing Jacoby was unworthy of her. It was a masterpiece because it was a labor of love. Naturally, she could never regard him seriously again. There were others, of course... but her own discrimination ruled them out... before it became necessary for me to intercede... until one night at a party at Ann Treadwell's. It was one of her usual roundups of bizarre and nondescript characters... - corralled from every stratum of society. - How are you this evening? This is Mr. And Mrs. Preston. They've been waiting to meet you. How do you do? - Hello, Shelby. - Excuse me, honey. You're Laura Hunt. - Yes? - Hello. I'm Shelby Carpenter. - Want to dance? - I'm not alone. Oh, him? I'll bet he's still doing the polka. Excuse me, please. Yes. Betsy Ross taught it to me. - Hello, Waldo. Darling, how are you? - Hello, darling. - I see you've met Shelby. - Hello, Ann. - Unavoidably. - He was awfully nice to me in Louisville at the Derby. His family's from Kentucky. Sharecroppers, no doubt. Louise. Louise, for the last time, will you marry me? I won't, but I've saved some chicken livers for you. Oh, you're an angel. In the meantime, darling... you think you could get this spot out for me? I can afford a blemish on my character but not on my clothes. - Mmm. Couldn't eat another mouthful. - I'm afraid it's rouge. - I'm afraid it's liquor. - Louise. Oh. - May I have a glass of milk for Mr. Lydecker? - Of course, Miss Hunt. I forgot to tell you. I also read palms. I cook, I swallow swords, I mend my own socks, I never eat garlic or onions. What more can you want of a man? - Don't listen to that scalawag. - I didn't expect to find him here, Louise. What do you mean? We're old friends. She feeds me, humors me, repairs me... and refuses to marry me, don't you, honey? - I do. - She has good sense. - Now, wait just a minute. Thanks, Louise. - You're wasting your time. - She's got good sense too. - You're jealous. And what does it feel like, Mr. Carpenter? What does what feel like, Miss Hunt? Living on the income from an estate. - Well, I, uh- - Or don't you know? Well, I did, until the sheriff took it over 10 years ago. Why maintain the fiction? Why not work? Believe it or not, I asked one of my many friends for a job once... executive of a big company... 2,500 employees. He could have pressed a button and done it, but he just laughed. - He thought I was joking. - Weren't you? No. When I convinced him, he got embarrassed, said he'd phone me. That was months ago. Now whenever he sees me, he looks the other way. - Do you really want a job? - Yes. Oh, here you are. Laura, dear, I cannot stand these morons any longer. If you don't come with me this instant, I shall run amok. All right, Waldo. 10:30 tomorrow, Bullitt and Company. You've got a job. I concealed my annoyance with masterly self-control... but I sensed a situation which would bear watching. Laura, take a look at this. Do you like it? Do you think it'll make people want to bathe more often? It should. It's excellent. - There you are. - Good night, Miss Hunt. - Good night. - Good night, Mr. Carpenter. - Good night, honey. - It's really very good. Who's the model? A girl named Diane Redfern. You hired her yourself last week. - Don't you remember? - Oh, yeah. Well, let's go, moon of my delight. I am starved. You usually are. - I approve of that hat. - You do? Mm-hmm. And the girl in it too. Thank you. I knew there was something on my mind. What is it? Oh, yes. Will you dine with me tomorrow night? - Maybe. - No, that isn't what's worrying me. - It's the next night. - But, Shelby, I can't be... Good. What about three weeks from tonight and all the nights in between? Don't you think I have any other engagements? What about two months from now and the month after that? - What about next year? - That's all settled. What about eakfast? What about dancing? What about lunch? Beautiful lunches... - day after day after day after day? - What about work? Beautiful work, day after day after day? Why, Miss Hunt, the way you talk. You'd think I was in love with you. Yes, Laura, I heard everything he said. I went to call for you. I'm sorry, Waldo. And that reminds me. Old Mother Hubbard has something in the cupboard. The results of my private investigation... of that sterling character, Mr. Shelby Carpenter. By stooping so low, you only degrade yourself, Waldo. Did you know that he almost went to jail for passing rubber checks... that he was suspected of stealing his hostess's jewels... when he was a houseguest in Virginia? Naturally they'd suspect him, because he isn't rich. Those are only insinuations... the cheapest kind. These aren't only insinuations, my dear. There you are. Read them. What of it? I know his faults. A man can change, can't he? People are always ready to hold out a hand to slap you down... but never to pick you up. All right, I'm helping Shelby. His past is his own affair. I only care about the present. Speaking of the changed Mr. Carpenter in the present tense... he's now running around with a model from your own office. Her name is Diane Redfern. I'm closer to despising you than I thought I ever would be. I'm sorry. I should have told you before. Shelby and I are going to be married next week. I believe you presented him with a cigarette case on his last birthday. Rather valuable, isn't it? Where did you get it? From the pawnshop where Diane Redfern took it after he gave it to her. I don't believe it. He probably needed money and was too proud to borrow. Carpenter proud? Perhaps that's why the pawn ticket was in her name. Before this goes any further, why, I'll just... He isn't home. He's dining at Ann Treadwell's. He can't be. He asked me to dinner. He would have canceled his appointment with her if you had accepted. He treats her rather badly these days. I'm afraid she'll say he isn't there. Waldo... why are you doing this? For you, Laura. Shall we pay them a visit? He won't be there, Waldo. I know he won't. All right. We'll see. Don't you want to take this little bauble along in case he is there? - Good evening. - Good evening. - I'm sorry. Mrs. Treadwell is not home. - We know, dear. Good evening. Hello, darling. I didn't expect to see you tonight. There you are, my dear. In a moment of supreme disaster, he's trite. You've been reading too many melodramas, Waldo. I was just telling Ann about our getting married. Well, have you two had dinner? Would you like a glass of wine? Why don't you sit down? I couldn't find out if she saw Carpenter in the meantime. All I know is that on Friday she had lunch with Diane Redfern. What came of it, I hoped to hear that night. - I alternated between moods of over optimism and over pessimism. When the phone rang, I had a foreboding of disaster. I called to tell you, Waldo, I'm frightfully sorry. I can't have dinner with you tonight. Oh, no, no. I'm not sick. I'm just dreadfully nervous. I'm going to the country for a few days. Yes. I'm afraid it's about Shelby. Oh, no. Please. There's nothing you can do. I've got to think this thing out for myself. I'm sorry. I'll call you when I get back. Good-bye. It was the last time I ever heard her voice. I was sure she had too much pride to forgive him. But... Where does this Diane Redfern live? Brooklyn somewhere. She's in the phone book. Come on. It's late. Let's get going. - Waiter. - Yes, sir. - All right. - Thank you, Mr. Lydecker. Good night. I shall never forgive myself for letting her become involved with Shelby. It was my fault. I should have stopped it somehow. Well, it's too late now. Thanks for the wine. Hello. Mosconi's? This is Lieutenant McPherson, Homicide Bureau. Laura Hunt had been buying her liquor from you for several years, hadn't she? Yeah. Did she ever buy a and of scotch called Black Pony? Yeah. I see. Well, that's all I wanted to know. Thanks. She's here, McPherson... the maid. Okay. - Come in, Miss Clary. - Never mind the Miss Clary stuff. My name's Bessie, and I'm a domestic, and I got nothin' to be ashamed of. Sit down, Bessie. Her letters. And her private diary. You've been reading them, pawing over them. It's a shame in the face of the dead. That's what it is. It's a shame. - Sit down, Bessie. - I'll stand on my own two feet. Don't you go ordering me around. I ain't afraid of cops. I was ought up to spit whenever I saw one. Okay, go ahead and spit if that'll make you feel better. What do you want to know? What we all want to know... who killed Laura Hunt. How would I know? You don't think I done it? I know you cops get crazy notions... but if you got any notion concerning me... Ask anyone... anyone who ever come to this house. I would have worked for her. I would have washed, ironed, scrubbed... done everything she wanted of me, whether she paid me for it or not. And it wasn't only on account of the thousand sweet things she done for me. It was because she was so sweet herself... because she was a real fine lady. But you cops wouldn't know about that. But you do. That's all the more reason why you should help me, Bessie. Do you happen to know how this got into her liquor cabinet? I put it there. But she never bought cheap stuff like that... not a lady like Miss Hunt. - No. - When did you put it in the cabinet? - Saturday. - Before the police came. - Was it there Friday night before you left? - No. Are you sure of that? I cleaned out the cabinet on Friday... and put the empties in the basement. Then somebody was with her in the apartment Friday night... someone who ought that bottle. - Yes. - Who? I don't know, but I didn't want anyone... getting any wrong ideas about her, God rest her soul. That's why I took it out of the bedroom and put it in the cabinet... before the police got here. And that ain't all I done. I washed out the glasses and cleaned off the bottle too. Do you know what happens to people who destroy evidence? I don't care. You ain't gonna tell the newspaper reporters, are ya... and let them make up their nasty stories... and drag her name through the mud? Go ahead, but it won't do you any good. - I'll say you lied. I'll say... - Take it easy, Bessie. Get me some ice and a setup, will you? All right. A couple of highball glasses. Good morning. Lieutenant McPherson sent for us. - Good morning, Lieutenant. - Hello, McPherson. - This is quite a delegation. I only sent for you, Carpenter. - I know. Shelby's dropping me off at the hairdresser's later... - so I thought I might as well come along. - My excuse is equally feeble. I just popped in to pay my dubious respects... and inquire as to the state of your health. - Insipid, I trust. - I was just going to pour myself a drink. - Care to join me? - A very nice idea. Shelby, wouldn't you like one? - I'll get it. - Never mind. - Bessie, would you ing a couple more glasses? - Yes, sir. Hi, Bessie. What are you doing here? I'm paid up for the week, and I'm working, regardless. - Would you like one, Lydecker? - I see no reason to exclude myself... if the host provides scotch. - This do? - I presume it'll have to. How about you, Carpenter? It's cheap, but it's potent. As a matter of fact, I don't think I care for any. I'm not much of a daytime drinker. - Uh-huh. That'll be all for you, Bessie. You can go home now. - But I... Yes, sir. I remember when Laura bought these glasses. She loved them. She loved all her things so. What are you going to do? Sell them? I don't know. I suppose so. Thank you. If I'm appointed administrator of the estate, I shall probably just call in Corey. You mean Lancaster Corey, the art dealer? Yes. He was a friend of Laura's. Let him dispose of everything. It'll be less gruesome that way. Not quite everything, Ann. Two or three things in here belong to me. This vase, for instance... and that, uh, clock, of course... and the antique fire screen. - I only lent them to Laura, you know. - Oh, really, Waldo. Yes, really. This vase is the gem of my collection. I intend to have it back. And the clock and the screen too. But they aren't yours. You gave them to Laura. I won't permit it. Does an alleged fiance have any voice in this matter? I'll take the vase with me now and send someone to collect the other things this very day. Nothing is leaving here except you, Lydecker. Is that your quaint way of indicating dismissal? We're all going anyway. I have to be back at headquarters by noon. Lieutenant, I don't understand. You sent for me, didn't you? - Yeah. - Well, don't you want to see me? - Don't you want to ask me some questions? - I'll be seeing you. - Well... - I bid you good day. - Come along, Shelby. - Are you making any progress on the case, Lieutenant? We're doing all right. - Hello, Mark. - Go get something to eat. I'll take over. - Thanks. - Take your time. Fred? - Yes? - What's the matter? Did you go to sleep? This is McPherson. Any calls come through? Well, keep listening. No. Nothing new. I happened to see the lights on. Have you sublet this apartment? You're here often enough to pay rent. - Any objections? - Yes. I object to you prying into Laura's letters... especially those from me. - Why? Yours are the best in the bunch. - Thanks. But I didn't write them to you. Haven't you any sense of privacy? Murder victims have no claim to privacy. Have detectives who buy portraits of murder victims a claim to privacy? Lancaster Corey told me that you've already put in a bid for it. That's none of your business. McPherson, did it ever strike you that you're acting very strangely? It's a wonder you don't come here like a suitor, with roses and a box of candy... drugstore candy, of course. Have you ever dreamed of Laura as your wife... by your side at the policeman's ball, or in the bleachers... or listening to the heroic story of how you got a silver shinbone... from a gun battle with a gangster? - I see you have. - Why don't you go home? I'm busy. Perhaps we can come to terms now. You want the portrait. Perfectly understandable. I want my possessions... my vase, my clock and my screen. Also perfectly understandable. Now, if you... Get going. You better watch out, McPherson, or you'll end up in a psychiatric ward. I don't think they've ever had a patient who fell in love with a corpse. What are you doing here? You're alive. If you don't get out at once, I'm going to call the police. You are Laura Hunt, aren't you? Aren't you? - I'm going to call the police. - Well, I am the police. Mark McPherson. What's this all about? Don't you know? - Don't you know what's happened? - No. Haven't you seen the papers? Where have you been? Up in the country. I-I don't get a newspaper. - Haven't you got a radio? - It was oken. What... Somebody was murdered in this room. Do you have any idea who it was? No. Who had a key to your apartment? Nobody. Are you sure? - When did it happen? - Friday night. What are you going to do now? Find out who was murdered... and then find the murderer. You'd better take off those wet clothes. You might catch cold. Yeah. I found this in my closet. It's Diane Redfern's. It wasn't here when I left. She's one of our models. Just about my size. Beautiful, wasn't she? Do you suppose... Sit down, please. This is Monday night. You left on Friday. - Rather a long weekend, isn't it? - Yes. What train did you take? The 7:26. - See anybody you knew on the train? - No. - Then what? - Then I got off the train at Norwalk. - Saw nobody you knew at the station either? - No. - Go on. - Then I went to the garage where I keep my car. It's a private garage. Nobody saw me there either. Then I drove to my house. You were there three days. What did you do? Work in my garden. You didn't go out in all that time? No. I had everything I needed in the house. - Nobody came to see you? - Nobody. I went there to be alone. Police were there on Saturday. There was no one in the house. Oh, yes. Saturday, I took a long walk. I walked for hours in the woods. Mm-hmm. You were going to marry Shelby Carpenter this week. Thursday, if I'm not mistaken. Yes. Yet you went away just before your wedding... for a long weekend to be alone. I was tired. I'd been working hard. You know Shelby Carpenter has a key to this apartment. Why didn't you tell me? I know nothing of the sort. He hasn't. How else did the girl get into the apartment? You knew she was in love with Carpenter, that he'd given her your cigarette case. You know all that, don't you? I knew that she was in love with him. She told me so herself. - When did she tell you? - At lunch last Friday. I also know she meant nothing to Shelby. I understand him better than you do. She was found in your dressing gown and slippers. That's hardly the regulation costume for an impersonal chat... between a man and woman who mean nothing to each other. Did you know or did you suspect he was going to ing her here Friday night? How could I? I don't know that he ought her here. Neither do you. - You merely assume it. - What other assumption is possible? Do you love Carpenter so much you'd risk your own safety to protect him? My own safety? Do you suspect me? I suspect nobody and everybody. I'm merely trying to get at the truth. I see you have been trying to get at the truth. You've read things I never meant anyone else to look at. Strictly routine. I'm sorry. Really. I'd better be going. I'll see you in the morning, Miss Hunt. Oh, I must ask you not to leave the house or use the phone. But... But I've got to let my friends know I'm alive. Sorry, Miss Hunt, but I must insist you do as I say. - Am I under arrest? - No. But if anything should happen to you this time, I wouldn't like it. All right. I promise. There's one more thing. You may as well know what I know... some of it, at any rate. It'll save time and a lot of unnecessary fencing. I know that you went away to make up your mind... whether you'd marry Shelby Carpenter or... or not. What did you decide? I want the truth. I decided not to marry him. I'll see you in the morning. Good night. Good night. Really? Does McPherson know that? Uh-huh. Well, okay. Good-bye. Say, Mark, that was the medical examiner's report. It wasn't Laura Hunt. It was Diane Redfern that was bumped off upstairs. - Kinda balls things up, doesn't it? - Yeah. Say, you're not taking it too hard. Wait a minute. - Hello? - This is Laura. I've... Don't say anything on the phone. Meet me right away. I'll wait for you in my car in front of Bullitt's. - Was that... - Yeah. Dames are always pulling a switch on you. Stand by. You follow her. I'm gonna tail him. Are you taking it down or putting it away, Carpenter? - It's been fired lately. - Yes. I killed some rabbits with it. - When? - Oh, a while back. I don't know exactly. You know about guns, don't you? - Yes. - How come you didn't clean it afterward? I don't know. I forgot, I suppose. - Your initials? - Yes. I gave it to Laura for protection. She didn't want it, but I insisted. This house is rather isolated, as you see. - Did you teach her how to use it? - No. - Does she know how? - I don't know. It didn't occur to me to ask. You're a vague sort of a fellow, aren't you, Carpenter? I've spent very little time in observing my own character, Mr. McPherson. You haven't borrowed it lately? You didn't just ing it back tonight? You followed me here. You saw me come in. You ought to know. You, uh, realize the spot you're in, Carpenter? You took that poor girl to Miss Hunt's apartment. You knew all along it was she who was murdered. Didn't you know Laura Hunt would come back any day and spill the whole thing? Or did you plan to kill her too... hide the body someplace and cover up your first crime? You're being fantastic, McPherson. You took a bottle of Black Pony to her house Friday night. I took it there over a week ago. Bessie said it wasn't there Friday night. It was Saturday morning. I can't help what Bessie said. - Where's the key to her apartment? - I haven't got it. - What did you do with it, give it back to her tonight? - I never had one. You didn't take the bottle of scotch to her house Friday night. You haven't got a key to her apartment. How did you get in? - Well, I... - You had a key, and I know it. - Now, come on, Carpenter. Spill it. - I... Laura kept a duplicate key at her office. I went over and got it. I'd asked Diane to dine with me. I wanted to have it out with her once and for all. You know, she thought... Well, she thought she was in love with me. Well, we couldn't go on talking in public places. She was too upset. I couldn't go to her room, and I didn't want to take her to my hotel. - So we went to Laura's. - Yeah? We talked there for about three hours... - and then the doorbell rang and... - Go on. Diane was frightened. But knowing Laura as I've known her... I've learned to be surprised at nothing. - What do you mean by that? - Her friends would come to her with their troubles... at all hours of the day or night. I asked Diane to answer the door. - Why didn't you go yourself? - Supposing one of Laura's friends had found me there. - Why open the door at all? - They must have seen the light. What about the girl? Diane... what about her reputation? I asked her to tell them Laura had let her the apartment while she was away. Anybody that knew Laura would have believed that. - Yeah. Go on. - Well, then the doorbell rang again. I could hear Diane's mules... Laura's they were... clattering across the bare boards between the rugs. Then there was a moment's silence and then a shot. It was an awful explosion. By the time I reached her, the door was closed. - She lay there on the floor. - Did you go out to see who it was? No. I was too confused, too horrified, incapable of doing anything. The room was dark. I saw only a vague heap lying on the floor. I... I don't think I fully grasped the situation. I think I called her name, but I'm not sure. I... I remember kneeling on the floor, feeling her heart. My first instinct was to call the police. - Why didn't you? - I don't know. Or rather, I was afraid... not only for myself, but for Laura. In a panicky sort of way, I felt I must keep out of this to keep Laura out of it. I know now how foolish and hopeless it was... but there was only one thing on my mind... the safety of a person whose life was dearer to me than my own. Don't you understand that? Did you think Laura had done it? - Did you? - I don't remember what I thought. - Do you think so now? - No. - But you didn't? - No. On Saturday, when our men went to the hotel to tell you that Laura was dead... - you seemed sincerely shocked. - I was. I hadn't expected that mistake. But you had your alibi ready no matter who was dead. Yet you knew the minute Laura got back it wouldn't stick. Don't you see? I was incapable of thinking that far ahead. I was incapable of thinking at all. I was groping for some way to keep Laura's name out of it. I was heart oken about Diane and panic-stricken about Laura. I haven't slept a full two hours since this thing happened. Let's get back to the present. What did you and Laura talk about tonight? I told her the whole story, just as I've told you. She phoned you after she promised me she wouldn't call anybody. - What did she want? - It's perfectly natural she should want to see me... especially after what's happened. Why don't you tell the truth? She sent you here to get rid of this gun. She did not. It was my own idea. She doesn't even know I'm here. - It works fine, doesn't it? - Yes. Did you think it wouldn't? I hoped it wouldn't. All right. Let's go. - Well, am I under arrest? - No, but you're not to leave town... and it would be foolish of you to try it. - Good morning. - Good morning. - What's that? - Breakfast. You didn't buy any food when you went out last night. I'll fix some bacon and eggs. Can you make coffee? Suppose you set the table while I get eakfast. Do you always sound like this in the morning? Don't tell me you can cook. My mother always listened sympathetically to my dreams of a career... and then taught me another recipe. Shh! Don't move. It's all right, Bessie. It's all right, Bessie. She's alive. It's all been a mistake, Bessie. I'm not a ghost. Really. I found you, and you were dead. It was Miss Redfern's body you found. How about taking over here... fixing us some coffee and eggs. But I... I saw it with my own eyes. I... I don't understand it. Have you ever heard a ghost ask for eggs? No, miss. You'll be all right, Bessie. Somebody should have warned her. Poor Bessie. By the way, I've asked Waldo Lydecker to come here this morning. - Did you tell him? - No. Why not? It's utal. I'm not doing it for fun. Why did you eak your promise and go out and see Shelby last night? You forced me to give you my word. I never have been and I never will be bound by anything... I don't do of my own free will. Redfern was in love with Carpenter. You admitted that last night. - May I have a match, please? - Oh, I'm sorry. I also told you that he wasn't in love with her. Just sit still. Hello, Lieutenant. - Morning, my darling. - Hello, dear. Ah. Thank you. Oh. It's on again. Do I have to get a permit from the police department to kiss my fiancee good morning? So he made you change your mind. Speaking of changing one's mind, Mr. McPherson... I have just come from my lawyer. Yeah? Did he tell you how much you'll get off for good behavior? No, but he told me that anything I may have said last night... was said under duress and can't be used against me. Besides, none of it was true. Smart lawyer you've got. Maybe he told you how that scotch got up here Friday night... after you'd bought it at Mosconi's. Maybe it was the lawyer who ought Diane Redfern up here. Maybe... Well, McPherson... have you thought over the deal I suggested? Waldo. Waldo. Right-hand pocket. You want a doctor? Right-hand pocket. We'd better take him into the bedroom. - What... - Don't try and say anything, dear. Just be quiet. I think this is carrying things too far. Your methods are vicious. There ought to be a law against it. - Yeah? - How does he feel now? It was a terrible shock. Poor darling. Don't tell me you're in love with him too. Look here, fella. You're not to talk that way to Miss Hunt. Shut up. Why do you cover up for a guy like him? - Don't answer him, Laura. - What story did he tell you last night? - Don't answer him. Let him talk to our lawyer. - Our lawyer? - So now you're covering up for each other. - Look at him, Laura. He's beginning to crack up. He'd use anything to make an arrest... just so he can be a big shot in the headlines. I've got enough on you to arrest you right now. Quick, McPherson, the handcuffs. - Trundle him off to the hoosegow. - You keep out of this. - You'll look nice in acelets. - Why don't you get down on all fours again, Waldo? It's the only time you've ever kept your mouth shut. I hope you'll forgive my wee touch of epilepsy, my dear. It's an old family custom. Well, McPherson, what does Laura's resurrection do to you? Too bad Diane Redfern can't be resurrected. I'm afraid I've interrupted what you call a pinch. Do your duty, McPherson. You know, Lydecker, you've made me change my mind. - For the moment. - Well, in that case... we'll have time for a little get-together. - You'd better order some liquor and some food, Laura. - What for? People are coming to cele ate your return. Ann and Bullitt and Corey. Everybody. - Who asked them to come? - I did, when I was in there. I phoned my man, and he's calling everyone. - Why did you do that, Waldo? - A sense of the fitness of things, my dear. Perhaps our friend can weave all the loose ends into a noose. Eh, McPherson? Sorry you went to all that trouble. I've already called them. You're working yourself to death, darling. - I haven't had a moment with you all day. - It's a very thirsty crowd. Oh, after all, it isn't your homecoming. Aren't you being a little bit nasty, Ann? I feel nasty when I don't see you. Well, you look very sweet. That's a completely wonderful hat, darling. Now, if you'll forgive me, Laura wants a cocktail. - So do I. - Well, here you go. Shelby, why don't you come to your senses? You know it's all over between you and Laura, or it soon will be. But you haven't lost me. Why don't we get married now? - Ann, dear, you don't seem to realize the situation. - Yes, but I do. That's why you need me. We'll get the best lawyer that money can buy. When it's all over, we'll go away... anywhere you want... and forget about all this. Thanks, Ann, but you see, Laura needs me. Sorry. Uh-uh. - Laura. - Thanks. If you don't mind, I'd like a word with Miss Hunt. I don't mind. Talk to her as much as you like. - I see he's taking a new tack. - What do you mean? Trying to make you like him to make you talk. Shelby, tell me, why did you go to... Excuse me. Why did you go to the cottage last night? But don't you know? I was afraid... you wouldn't think of hiding that shotgun. - What shotgun? - The one I gave you. You don't have to lie to me, darling. I'll stand by you. What's the matter, Laura? Oh, I guess I'm just nervous. That's all. So am I. McPherson suspects Shelby. He seems to suspect me too. And so do some of my friends. You? Don't be absurd. - You could never do a thing like that. - And Shelby? Oh, I don't think he did it. But he's capable of it. Are you as interested in McPherson as he is in you? But, Ann, I only met him last night. That's more than long enough sometimes. Anyway, he's better for you than Shelby. Anybody is. - Shelby's better for me. - Why? Because I can afford him, and I understand him. He's no good, but he's what I want. I'm not a nice person, Laura. Neither is he. He knows I know he's... just what he is. He also knows that I don't care. We belong together because we're both weak and can't seem to help it. That's why I know he's capable of murder. He's like me. No, dear, I didn't... but I thought of it. Hello? Yes. Yes. Oh, it's for you, Lieutenant. Thank you, Bessie. McPherson. Yeah, I know. Don't worry. I told you I'd ing in the killer today. Yeah. I was just gonna make the arrest when you called. No, I can't tell you now. I'm not alone. You'll see when I come in. Right. See you later. All right. Let's go. - You mean... - Yeah. Oh, no! No. No, no. Not Miss Hunt. Please! Thank you, Bessie. Thank you. Now will you please be good enough to go and get me my things? - Yes, miss. - Laura. Don't worry, darling. Let them accuse you. We'll fight them. I have every weapon... money, connections, prestige. And my column. Every day, millions will read about you and rally to your defense. You talk as if you wanted to see her tried for murder. Yes. Rather than let you blacken her name with suspicions and rumors. Try to prove her guilty. Get on the witness stand with your poor shreds of evidence. I'll expose your cheap methods you used on her. - Thank you, Bessie. - Laura, I told you to watch out for this fella. - Can we go now? - I warned you. It's too bad you didn't open that door Friday night, Carpenter. - Wait a minute. - Shelby! Oh, did he hurt you, darling? Darling. Ann. Come in. Sit down. - That'll be all, Gallagher. - Yes, sir. All right. Let's have it. Look at me. What are you trying to do, force a confession out of me? You've been holding out, and I want to know why. It'll be easier for you if you tell the truth. What difference does it make what I say? You've made up your mind I'm guilty. - Are you? - Don't tell me you have any doubts. Since you... Oh, I can't. Please. Do I have to have those lights in my face? Thanks. No, I didn't kill Diane Redfern... or anyone else. Then why... Why did you tell me the radio at your country place was oken? - Because it was oken. - Not when I tried it. Just as I was leaving the village, I asked the local handyman to fix it. - How did he get in? - I always leave a key under the flowerpot on the porch. You're too intelligent to make up something I could check so easily... but you're intelligent enough to have oken it yourself to strengthen your story. The main thing I want to know is why you pulled that switch on me about Carpenter. You told me last night you decided not to marry him. - Yes, I guess I did. - But today it was on again. Why? Well, I... I changed my mind. What are you trying to hide? Don't you realize you're involved in a murder? You've got yourself in a jam it's not going to be easy to get out of... unless you're on the level with me. This is no time for secrets. Now, did you really decide to call it off... or did you just tell me that because you knew I wanted to hear it? What went on between you and Carpenter when you saw him last night? Did he persuade you to make up? Or did you agree to pretend you had? - Was that it? - Well, we... That is, both of us thought... He convinced you that if you oke the engagement now... people would think you believed he was guilty. Yes, but now I know it was only because he thought I was. - Did you believe he was guilty? - No. I'm sure he isn't. But he'd gotten himself into an awfully suspicious position... and he's the sort of man that people are always ready to believe the worst about. Are you in love with him? I don't see how I ever could have been. Come on. You're going home. - But I thought I was... - That's... That's what I wanted you to think. You and a few others. I didn't even book you. You mean this was some sort of a game? I was 99 certain about you... but I had to get rid of that one percent doubt. Wasn't there an easier way to make sure? I'd... reached a point where I needed official surroundings. Then it was worth it, Mark. I'll call a cab for you. Good night. I'll see you tomorrow. Good night, Mark. I'm going over to Lydecker's apartment. It still doesn't make sense to me, Laura. He's playing some sort of a game with you. - I don't think so. - I don't deny that he's infatuated with you... in some warped way of his own. But he isn't capable of any normal, warm human relationship. He's been dealing with criminals too long. When you were unattainable... when he thought you were dead... that's when he wanted you most. But he was glad when I came back... as if he were waiting for me. Do you know what he calls women? Dames. A dame in Washington Heights got a fox fur out of him. - His very words. - That doesn't mean anything. He isn't like that. Laura, you have one tragic weakness. With you, a lean, strong body is the measure of a man... and you always get hurt. No man is ever going to hurt me again. No one, not even you. I? Hurt you? Laura, look at me. When a man has everything in the world that he wants... except what he wants most... he loses his self-respect. It makes him bitter, Laura. He wants to hurt someone as he's been hurt. You were a long time in finding out about Shelby... but... that's over now. We'll be back together again. Haven't you heard of science's newest triumph... the doorbell? I don't like to remind her. - That was the murderer's signal. - Did you eavesdrop too? I hope. I thought you'd like to know. We tested your shotgun. It isn't the one. Now, that's what I call a typical move... a real key to the man's character. First he tells you that he thinks you're innocent... then proceeds to check up on you. When I report that I think she's innocent... that's my own personal opinion. When I submit proof, it becomes the opinion of the department. This entire maneuver could be a trick to get you off your guard. It could be, but it isn't. - I believe you, Mark. - It's the same obvious pattern, Laura. If McPherson weren't muscular and handsome in a cheap sort of way... you'd see through him in a second. Waldo, I mean to be as kind about this as I know how... but I must tell you-you're the one who follows the same obvious pattern. First it was Jacoby, then Shelby. And now I suppose... - Laura, I... - I don't think we should see each other again. - You're not yourself, darling. - Yes, I am. For the first time in ages, I know what I'm doing. Very well. I hope you'll never regret what promises to be... a disgustingly earthy relationship. My congratulations, McPherson. Listen to my oadcast in 15 minutes. I'm discussing great lovers of history. - It was the most difficult thing I ever had to do in my life. All I need is the gun. - What are you doing? - Do you know the combination to this thing? - I never knew it had one. - It must be somewhere. Oh. - Have you ever seen this before? - No. Waldo gave you that clock, didn't he? Yes. The doorbell rang... and Diane Redfern went to the door in your negligee. She opened the door. The room was dark. Waldo saw a girl standing there, and he assumed it was you. He figured that if he couldn't have you himself... he was gonna make sure that nobody else did. So he let her have it... with both barrels, right in the face. She fell here. Waldo heard Shelby running from the next room... so he hid in the stairway outside. Shelby was scared, so he ran out as fast as he could. Then Waldo came back and placed the gun in that clock. I knew it. I've felt it ever since I came back... but I didn't want to believe it. I couldn't make myself believe that... Waldo was a murderer. - Well, he is. - He didn't really kill Diane Redfern. - I killed her. - What are you talking about? But I did, Mark. I did as surely as if I'd pulled the trigger myself. That's nonsense. Forget it. No, Mark, I can't. I'm as guilty as he is... not for anything I did, but for what I didn't do. But I couldn't help myself. I owed him too much. I can understand that, Laura... but I can't understand why you've tried so hard to protect Shelby these last few days. I was nearly frantic for fear you'd arrest Shelby. I knew he wasn't guilty. He hasn't enough courage to kill a fly. And Waldo was doing everything he could to incriminate him. It was his way of getting rid of Shelby... just as he did Jacoby. I must say, for a charming, intelligent girl... you've certainly surrounded yourself with a remarkable collection of dopes. Don't touch anything. Fingerprints will be important. I'll have the clock picked up tomorrow. - What are you going to do? - Arrest Waldo. - Mark. - Can't be helped. That's to make sure you're not disturbed. If the doorbell rings, don't answer it. - I'll phone you in the morning. - Good night, Mark. Get some sleep. Forget the whole thing like a bad dream. And thus, as history has proved, love is eternal. It has been the strongest motivation for human actions... throughout centuries. Love is stronger than life. It reaches beyond the dark shadow of death. I close this evening's oadcast... with some favorite lines from Dowson. Brief Life. They are not long, the weeping and the laughter... love and desire and hate. I think they have no portion in us... after we pass the gate. - Who's tailing Lydecker? - I was going to, when he came out. - He left five minutes ago. - He didn't come out this way. Must've gone out the back way. Come on. Let's check. They are not long, the days of wine and roses. Out of a misty dream, our path emerges for a while... then closes within a dream. - That's the way it is, isn't it, Laura? - Waldo! You have heard the voice of Waldo Lydecker... by electrical transcription. Waldo, you've taken one life. Isn't that enough? The best part of myself... that's what you are. Do you think I'm going to leave it to the vulgar pawing... of a second-rate detective who thinks you're a dame? Do you think I could bear the thought of him holding you in his arms... kissing you, loving you? Laura! It's Mark. Open the door! - There he is now. - Laura! He'll find us together, Laura... as we always have been, as we always should be, as we always will be. Mark! Good-bye, Laura. Good-bye, my love.
All games will be entertained tonight Ready... 1, 2, 3 You better think of a wedding gift for me Me too? Not you, but you I'm getting married Excuse me, do you have an invitation? Sorry Where are we going? Back to the room first I'm so happy This is it Yes... Watch out I want a drink Look at her Okay? Fine... Be careful Drink with me... Okay... Back to the room Do you need a towel? No, thanks Be careful... Silly girl, be careful Are you okay? Ching, are you alright? Call the police or you'll die I still have a surgery to do It's alright. Don't worry Let her rest. I'll take care of her It's okay. I can go by myself Hello? Wait for me, okay? I'll call you when I'm home I'm leaving. Bye Where are you going? No! You got to stay I've decided You guys have fun Bye Hello? This is the fifth case already The past cases were at the victims' homes Their kidneys were removed alive This time you bumped into it in a hotel Can't tell if it's your bad luck or the suspect's Are you okay? Yes. I'll be done soon No rush We can continue tomorrow Take it easy What would you like to drink? Yes? Ok Forensics said it's by an inexperienced surgeon Maybe... a medical student or a maniac Same report every time There must be a clue somewhere Where did the kidneys go? A kidney can sell for $500,000 Did the woman... have 1 or 2 kidneys removed? One Is there any difference? With one left... She won't die Please don't look at me like this Excuse me, Ms Fung It's her! Ching It's cold. Put this on I called Doctor Yau already I'm tired. I want to go home Can you listen to me for once? Please... Take me home, okay? Let's go Please don't run around again I was so worried it was you who got hurt It's not a big deal even if it's me Don't say that Who's going to help me clean my ear then? Guess... who got the wedding bouquet today? Me Wow Hold me Tighter Even tighter Silly girl After deducting what you failed to declare... you and your mom will get this amount from social security Please check Deduct whatever you like But sending my mom to an infirmary is not a choice Ling comes to see her mom every day at this time? Yes. She is always on time Here she comes Police We suspect you are connected to a kidney theft Please come to the police station with us After I take care of my mom Mom, good morning Madam, please give me a hand... to turn her to the other side 1, 2, 3 Mom, you gained weight I need to ask the doctor to put you on diet The identification parade will start soon Don't wander around please I need the washroom I'll go with you Did we meet before? You use too much powder What and is it? No. 2, turn right Back to left No. 4, turn left To the front No. 4, two steps forward You set me up! You want revenge... because I slept with Wai I'm sorry Go back... Stand properly Ling was my junior at medical school Her mom was a cleaner... who got hit by a car while collecting garbage Her mom became an invalid and Ling dropped out from school We lost touch after that Until I met her at the hospital a few weeks ago She was oke... and asked me to lend her money I felt sorry for her... So you lent her money And then slept with her? Just once She felt terrible and asked me to drink with her I regretted it so much I told her I have a girlfriend And I never saw her again Do you know about this? If I tell you I went to the hotel just to see her... Would you think I'm stupid? I know they're way above me I know I have no right to fight for him He said he has a girlfriend already But I still force myself to compare with her But... I really wanted to see what she looks like When I saw her... I realized she's nothing special Thanks Ching... I'm sorry I'll call you tomorrow Kidney Theft It was at ten last night A woman was hanging out in a bar Her drink was doped When she was being anestheticized... Wai she woke up. A neighbor heard and called the police When the police arrived... the suspect was gone Suen Ling who was interrogated earlier... is confirmed innocent Scrambled eggs with ham Fried eggs with ham Madam, the coffee... Did you hear what I said? I said no salt in my egg Sorry madam. I'll change it for you Why apologize? Why does everyone say sorry? You say it. He says it Just say sorry and everything will be fine Eating salt can kill me. What would happen then? Get her a new dish Yes Sorry Hello? Hello? Do you know everyone is watching you? Be kind to the elderly Your mom was embarrassed It's no use. The newsstands have tons of them Right. You're so sure I'm the suspect When shall I come to take your kidney? She called you... and said since you're so sure she's the suspect... when should she come to take your kidney? Yes I'm sure it's her Do you drink in the morning? As drunk as during that wedding last time? No! I seldom drink It's just a routine question No drinking problem She knew your every move at the restaurant And followed you, right? Yes Done We'll take care of the case You don't trust me? You think I'm lying Since she had an affair with Wai you think I'm setting her up? Why not check what she's doing at the time? Will you only take action after my kidney is gone? Miss, first... it's our decision whether there'll be an investigation Second, we've... only slept for a few hours each day for months It's all because of this case Our time is precious Third... I believe this is a love dispute Even if she did call to threaten you we've done what we can If she calls to harass you again You can apply for an interdict I suggest the three of you should have a talk There. Satisfied? You saw me when I answered the phone Did I lie? Ching, take it easy May be this is just a joke Ching! Hello! Chief said if you find someone trying to hurt you call this number We are on call 24 hours a day Our chief is like that Hello? I know it is you Suen Ling, I know you're following me Talk to me Speak! Shall I come for your kidney now? At 2-inch above the waist Pull the scalpel slightly Cut a 9-inch opening along the body It will bleed slowly I'll tell you how to remove the kidney next time Hello? Hello? You alright? Shall I call the police? Are you okay? I'm here. Don't worry Are you cold? It's alright What's the matter? I'm sorry I don't dare to take off my clothes in front of you I don't like people watching me I'm too thin I don't want you to kiss me I know I smell Even I don't like the way I smell It's so painful I don't want to eak down I want to be like other women Be kissed, be hugged But I can't I hate this sickness of mine Don't leave me Promise me... Even if you have another woman, don't tell me No. Never again Never Come. Drink it Go to sleep Ms Fung, Dr Tsui is... having a visitor Shall I go tell him? I'll pay you back as soon as possible Did you threaten Ching? You are on her side. I have nothing to say I really need the money Ching's condition is bad I'm very worried She is really lucky Just a small incident and she'll have all the attention I'm not that lucky She is different. She is not as capable as you You are independent. She is not She needs to be taken care of She is very simple I don't want to hold you up But I've got to tell you... I'm not as independent as you think You forgot the cheque Mom, he said he will take care of me forever I know he means it What do you think? Shall I say yes? Mom, do you see her? She's following me Ching, why didn't you answer my call? Where are you? Wai Ching Let's dance. It's fun I'm doing fine. You go ahead Let's go Ching, come on It's fun. Come on Alright. You go first Let me get a drink. I'll join you afterwards Be quick Ok, ok! Please give me... What do you want to drink? I have something for you. Try it on It's especially for you The heels are shorter So you won't twist your ankle when you follow me I'll just write you my address, okay? Leave me alone! I haven't finished yet! The granny in the hospital wanted to tell you You sat there suddenly and scared her She kept having nightmares afterwards She thought she saw a ghost My kidney is worthless I have renal failure You don't even have the courage to open your eyes? Why me? I don't like you I enjoy watching the fear on your face Yes. I made those threatening calls I've never seen such a pathetic woman If I knew, I wouldn't have followed you And even fought off the guy for you Your hand No one can take your kidney... but me Call the police You always want the police to get me, right? You hate me so much Why save me? I don't know. No time to think about it yet But it doesn't mean I don't hate you I hate you so much Why? I'm jealous You won't understand You'll never understand Because you are not me Call the police You really don't want to call the police? She'll be in trouble if we go to the police Take us to the hospital Thanks for saving me This is for you May I use your washroom? Let me My kidney is not good I can't control... when I need the washroom Sometimes I may even throw up Why tell me? Want my pity? No, I don't You have enough money... for a kidney transplant I tried once But in the operation theatre, the surgeon realized that the donated kidney was dead It's very difficult to find a kidney for me My blood type is AB negative I remember... it was a lovely day When Hope is in front of you... and it suddenly vanishes... it's much worse than having No Hope I'm AB negative too Hope is better than No Hope Put the flowers in the room Put them here I'm getting the room ready for my mom Your mom is coming home? My mom will never wake up again She will be more comfortable at home as long as I have the money for the equipment How much? You want to pay for me? I won't accept it You still don't understand? The difference between us is... whatever I want, I must achieve it myself Why is it that everything I say is wrong? What is this for? Massage Massage Like this? For you Come on. That's stupid Learn how to release yourself You'll be much happier Just once. Okay? No... Actually, everyone's subconscious is buried in this universe When gathered together, it's like one enormous databank If we find the right key we can locate the data we need Let's try it Please sit down First... relax your body and ease your concentration Then focus your concentration... on your hands your partner's hands... and also your partner's eyes Now, relax... and concentrate Relax... Relax You now start to forget who you are When your senses become hyper sensitive you can feel your partner's energy wall Let your subconscious... ...move into your partner's subconscious Then... you can sense your partner's... every sensation I can feel your happiness Many people love you But you're not satisfied I can feel your loneliness... deeply lonely You hate your sickness. You feel inferior And insecure Money means a lot to you You have a big wardrobe at home Lots of beautiful clothes and shoes And cosmetics too You need to hide yourself behind these things You are used to fighting... for what you want I see the sunset There is a little girl She is you You're on a swing with a boy He says... we will be good friends till we die Friends forever If you have any difficulty, you must tell me I'll always be there for you Me too It seemed I'd really been there... where you were swinging It felt so real. Let's try again Next time This is for you. Do you like it? It's so pretty Did your friend come back for you? Why are you asking? Just curious He's not Wai. Don't worry Don't get me wrong I'm not sure... In fact... I can't tell if I'd thought about whether he is Wai It's embarrassing to talk about it But we were speaking from our hearts I mean my conversation with my childhood friend I don't have many friends you must tell me I'll always be there for you Please don't make fun of my memory In fact I envy you My health is poor I don't have many friends You said before... if I need help, you're the first one I should call Don't regret what you said Promise Then let's always be together Always Sir, please taste it Let me do it More Don't drink too much Enough. Enough Cheers Cheers I can never understand women Suddenly, you two become buddies Yes. You better be nice to me Otherwise, Ling won't forgive you How did you two meet? Please tell her One day, she came to my clinic She had tonsillitis She said her throat was sore and ended up vomiting all over me I asked you to divert your attention What were you looking at then? You. Idiot You're crazy! Who do you think I am? I can go... Do you want it or not? He's mine Fung Chee Ching He's mine You're not allowed to mention her name Bitch! Bitch! This is Ling. Please leave a message Ling, this is Ching Please call me back Immunity Research Center Excuse me, I'm looking for Suen Ling Room 214 Thank you Are you okay? I've called you for days I'm fine I'm busy You can go now Is your mom okay? Please tell me Don't be too nice to me. You'll regret it Why would I? Wai and I have been sleeping together all along The last time was only a few days ago What are you looking at? I don't know how to face you Have you always been in love with Wai? Answer me He doesn't love me Not a bit I'm just his toy He called me a bitch I'm a bitch who just want to be loved I have nothing. I didn't mean to... I'm very sorry, Ching Hello? What? Who are you? Okay The man who abducted me last time called... and asked if I'd pay $600,000 for a kidney Let me call the police I'll buy it Not only do I want a normal life... but also to be a woman who can have sex Do you know what you're saying? It's illegal If something goes wrong you will die You're in no position to give me advice You said before, Hope is better than No Hope I'll take care of the hospital and the surgeon Only you know about this Don't be silly You'll go with me You owe it to me I'll go to get the money now I'll pick you up afterwards Anybody there? Hello? Put the money in the third stall I'll give you the kidney after I got the money No. I need to see it first You give me the kidney; I give you the money Fine. Put the money on the floor Go into the stall and wait for me Police! Don't move! Hands up... on your head Stop! Hands up! Put down the scalpel! Come here! Let her go! Go out! Let her go! No! Okay... We go out! Move! Relax... Call for back up Yes, sir How's the situation? No Call an ambulance! It's hot Why didn't you tell me you called the police? I'm sorry, Inspector Lee told me... not to tell anyone Ching Is everything alright? Are you hungry? I'll get you something to eat What's up? Why didn't you ask about Ling? How's she? You don't care at all, do you? Do you know what you're doing? You are the bitch! Leave me alone! My mom died! Leave me alone! What happened? My mom passed away! She kept trying to delay it It's not that she didn't want to go But she knew I wouldn't let her go I'll have no one if she left Kidney Thief Slaughtered Himself The Anecdote of Kwok Ping Keung Here are all the school directories from the 80s You can't photocopy them Please read them here Thanks Kwok Ping Keung Suen Ling Ming, is Ching there? Wai, she's not well How is she? She needs dialysis now Tell him to leave. I don't want to see him I won't go Let them talk Ching Listen to me Ling is not as simple as we thought She and the thief were classmates I saw their photo... in their school directory Why should I believe you? You don't have to but it's a fact Even you can have two faces One for me and one for another woman I don't care what the fact is I just don't want to see you again I've never cooked before You are wonderful Smells so good! It's all set Don't forget your keys next time Thanks! Time for the pills I'm thinking... if I could live like this, how lovely it'd be My mom likes you a lot You can be my sister It was possible before. Not anymore Why? Because Keung died of you I'm the one behind the thefts Keung was that friend We lost contact after primary school Half a year ago, he went bankrupt... and was deeply in debt Then he remembered me Keung I don't have the money to help But having a friend to listen... was better than being alone As we talked the kidney idea came up He took care of the targets I removed the kidneys I needed money to ing mom home I'm sorry We kept our promise to help each other We split the money from the kidneys The police couldn't figure it out We were two seemingly unrelated people We didn't take your kidney that night Because we think you're a potential buyer Are you sure? Yes We really wanted to help you I really see you as a friend Do you want a normal life? What? Why did you do that to Keung? You betrayed me I didn't Because I enjoy watching the fear on your face Even if you betrayed me... I wouldn't be angry with you I'd take it I'll go to jail with you What about your mom then? If someone has to be blamed... Let me be the one But I'm not going to jail Bye No No Don't you know... only he would take care of me forever He's gone now So is my mom All my loved ones are gone Life becomes meaningless But there's one thing I haven't done yet To take your kidney Do you feel tired? Want to sleep? It's the pills You must suffer like Keung did It's here... Cut a 9-inch opening Pull open the flesh Dig out the kidney But not today Because I enjoy watching the fear on your face Have a nice sleep. I'll come back tonight How did you come in? Why do you have Ching's medical reports? We are friends. I care for her What about this? If you didn't mention your school before no one would ever have guessed He's the kidney thief Many people were hurt Ching almost died Why did you cover for him? Ching. She is all you care All my efforts in bed made no difference? You always knew our rule of the game I never cheated you I gave you money Why can't I compare to her? At least I can take off my clothes in front of you And that's where she can't compare to you You are cheap! I move a finger and you'll jump me She has class! Ching is the only woman I really love I can't afford to lose her I knew I don't stand a chance from the beginning But I didn't know that... When you say it it'll hurt so much That's it. We should stop You want to study medicine. I'll support you Please give me a chance Don't move a finger Or I'll jump you Do you want it or not? Why can't you give us all a chance? I have no chance Do you know... you're also the only man I really love? Wai Wai Is it you, Wai? Guess what Wai and I are doing now? Give me your kidney and I'll give you Wai What did you do to him? You can call the police But then you'll never see him again Wai! Where are you going? Wai... Wait for me Wai... I'm here Wai... Miss! Come back Where's Wai? Where's he? You're finally angry Come, kill me... Kill me! If you kill me, you'll never see Wai again Give Wai back to me! VC We found a kidney at the scene You were in critical condition We had an operation on you immediately We found out the kidney belonged to the dead at the scene So far, your body is not rejecting the kidney This is a rare case What are you saying? What kidney? Who died? Take the kidney out... I don't want it Take it out I don't want it! Calm down Nurse, give her a sedative Take it out, I don't want it... No... Calm down... I don't want it... I don't have many friends Then let's always be together Always You'll owe me this for the rest of your life
Groups of unemployed workers, who have grown in number due to the tax reforms... ... enacted by the former Prime Minister, are rioting all across the country. And with the confusion among members of Parliament sparked by the comments of... ... Finance Minister Takanashi during a recent Parliament inquiry, there seems to be no compromise in sight between the government and opposition. Hey. What'll it be? Give me three peanuts. Let's see here... We've herded those Clown bastards onto Route 5. Damn it, don't scare me like that! Open the damn door quietly! You wouldn't be so jumpy if you didn't have something to hide! Try selling some normal drinks sometime, huh? How about buying something for once?! This ain't a hangout! And drink that dog piss you sell?! Twin ceramic rotor drives on each wheel... And these are... Computer controlled anti-lock akes... 200 horsepower at 12,000 rpm... You wanna ride it, Tetsuo? All right, let's go! That bike's been customized just for me. It's too wild. You couldn't handle it. I don't see how you can ride something like that, man. I could! If you want one so bad, steal a big one for yourself. Unbelievable. School kids these days... Wait! Hey, waiter! They ran into the alley! After 'em! This isn't a game, you idiot! Shit...! That's... This is car 375. We've got reports of biker gangs fighting near the intersection of Highway 14 south! Request immediate assistance! Car 375, en route to the scene! It's the cops! What should we do? Damn, and my motor coils were just getting warmed up... Bastards... Let's go, Tetsuo! Right! Damn! A skirmish has oken out between student protesters... ... and riot police assigned as security. There appear to be some casualties. Furthermore... What the...? What the hell's going on?! Move it, jerk! I'm in a hurry! What was that?! Call the police! Repeal the tax reforms! This area is off-limits! Go back! It's dangerous! Something's strange here... Let me through! I'm sorry, let me through! What's the big idea? Look! Blood! Who are they? - Excuse me. - Hey! Don't push! Excuse me. Hey! Watch it, jerk! Pardon me. I'm sorry. Ryu! Hey! He ran away! He's got a gun! Fire! Hold your fire! There's a kid with him! Run... Hurry... Go to Ryu... Ryu will help you now... Hurry... Get out of here... Kei! What are you doing? Hurry! He vanished...! He's to the west. The west? He's in the old city, then. Eat this! Tetsuo! Ryu! Ryu, where are you? Kei! No, that's...! How you like that?! Well? Who is it? It's not him! It's not Tetsuo! Okay! Let's go! You little... What did you do...? Tetsuo! Hang on! Hey! Huh? What did you say? That kid... He's hurt bad! Hey! Wait! We gotta get him to a hospital! - He needs an ambulance! - We can't move him! W-What the hell?! There's no escape. We've come for you. We can't survive on the outside. Come on, let's go home. It's the army! Those are army helicopters! Move out! Down on your stomachs! Spread your arms and legs! Um... We're just, uh... Down on your stomachs! Spread your arms and legs! Ow... Damn it, that hurts! Kai! Hey! Sir? Who are they? They seem to be an ordinary bike gang, sir. We're going back. Ow! Hey, wait a minute! My arms don't bend that way, damn it! Load the wounded onto the helicopter! Tetsuo! Wait! Where are you taking him? Kaneda! What the hell? We didn't do anything! He's heavy...! So you and your friends went out at night on your bikes to visit your dying mother, and a group of hooligans called the Clowns picked a fight with you. They hurt your friend, so you lost your temper, which is why eight Clown members are now in the hospital. That's your story? She's cute! Hey! You can't look at this! And how's your mother doing?! Huh? Oh. Luckily, she made it through the worst of it last night. And I suppose she's made it over the mountains on a bike by now? It couldn't be these bozos. You can tell that just by looking. Wait on that bench. Understand? Wait on that bench. Understand? How much longer are we gonna have to wait? Okay! The next five, come get in here! So the army's working with the police... ...to hunt down anti-government groups now, huh? - Wanna put up a fight, huh? - He's holding something! Bastard! Long live the freedom revolution! He's got a grenade! Crazy son of a bitch! All right, that's enough! Take him away! We'll really teach him a lesson later. You dumb bastard! If you wanna die, just hang yourself or something! Hey! You people can go. We've contacted your school. What? You son of a... Hey, hold on a minute, pops! Pops?! There was one more of us. What? Pardon me. What're you... This is her. Can she leave with us? Who are you calling Pops, you punk? Ow! Look here, kid! I'm only 25! I'm not even married! So watch your mouth! She can go with you! Call a doctor! So I think the army was chasing that weird kid Kaneda saw... I think I saw him, too. And what about Tetsuo? Why the hell wouldn't they tell us what hospital he's in? What did you say?! I was just wondering if you wanted to grab some tea or something over there. I figured we could have a nice, long talk about that revolution deal. Skirt-chasers will try anything these days... You'll help anyone so long as it's a girl, won't you? No way! I have high standards! No way! I have high standards! It's not their looks that count. It's their... I dunno, their sensitivity that makes me do it. I suppose I owe you one. Thank you very much, uh... I'm Kaneda. Nice to meet you. See you around, Kaneda. You're leaving already? Don't be like that! Hey, come on! I did save you and all! At least tell me your name, you bitch! I'll try talking with them for the time being, but it's risky. If they think you're trying to avoid taking responsibility, it'll blow up in your face. I can't believe that there's a mole on the executive council. Even if that's true... That isn't important. What's important is diplomacy and political maneuvering, which you seem to despise. I never studied them in school, you see. I n any case, at the next executive council meeting, your poor management of this last incident will be called into question. There's a phone call for the Colonel. You should put your affairs in order. It's me. This way, Colonel. I'm terribly sorry to call you here, but there's something you really must see. Please observe. It's the special pattern from that young boy. It doesn't resemble any I've seen so far, and I've never seen a developmental speed or configuration like this. It may have begun with the shock of contact with Number 26, or possibly... Have you finished running a comparison with Akira's pattern? I'll superimpose it over this one. This projection was constructed using mixed data, so a comparison is difficult, but I believe this boy's pattern is the key to solving... ...the riddle of Akira's pattern growth process. All right. Continue. Very well, sir. Thank you. I'm sure he'll turn out to be a worthy addition to the Numbers. It may be rough on him, but I thought we might try starting him off with level 7 capsules. Is it safe? Leave everything to me. That's not what I meant! I'm asking that if he turns out to have power like Akira's like you said, will we be able to control it? Well, that's... Can I leave this to you? Well, if we use the latest examination equipment to collect even more data... ...and do a multifaceted analysis, then surely... Maybe we shouldn't touch that power. The power of God? A... ki... ra... But we have to. We have to touch it and control it. If it looks like it's too much for us to handle, terminate him at once! There can be no hesitation! Very well, Colonel. This school is your last chance! If trash like you that can't keep up with the academic ability of regular students... ...and can't adapt to living in a group screw up here, it's the end of the road! Even if you're under 15, if you get more than 50 penalty points on your record, you're sent to the regular courts! Bite me! Don't mess with us, you bald goat! Aren't any of you listening? You lost me halfway through! Discipline! Discipline! - Discipline! - OW! Discipline! Discipline! Discipline! Dismissed! Thank you very much, sir! You bastard! You and me are gonna go at it someday, jack! We're gonna remember this! I hope you rot and die! You sick bastard! Shit... Yamagata! What happened to your cheek? Shut the hell up. Let me guess, Jaws from P.E.? They say you fought the Clowns on a highway in the old city! Yeah. Why don't you just wipe 'em out? Those guys are so gross! And last night... There were demonstrators, cops, and even the damn army! And that idiot Tetsuo had an accident, too. What happened to Tetsuo? He's in the hospital, I guess, but we don't know where. The idiot was trying to show off. That idiot... What, you mean Tetsuo? Shut up! I've had enough of your damn flirting! What's gotten into you?! Tetsuo? It's time for your medication. Doctor! There's a problem! I can't. The dorm mother throws a fit if you go out before 10. Yeah, the one with the face like a goat. That old bag's such a pain... She's always yammering on and on and on. Tomorrow at three? Sure, that'd be okay. Hey, what happened to that girl a while back? I don't like her much. Her personality just gets on my nerves. Kaori... Tetsuo! Everyone's been worried about you! They thought you might be dead. When I woke up, I was on an operating table or something. And that examination... It's like... they were messing around inside my head. I don't want to go back there. Let's run away... Where? Someplace. Someplace far away. - What's your problem? - That's mine! I wanna get laid! Hey! Today's independent study! Hey! Today's independent study! Say what? What about my burning desire to study?! Say what? What about my burning desire to study?! Drag his butt in here! Kaneda! Your bike! My bike? Look! Tetsuo! Are you sure this is okay? Shut up! Just keep quiet and hang on! Huh? What's wrong? Shit! Oh, no... We're stopping... We stopped. Oh, okay. The engine can't drop below 5,000 even when you're changing gears. Oh, okay. The engine can't drop below 5,000 even when you're changing gears. - My butt hurts. - Okay, I get it... Look, bikes! Is that Kaneda and...? It's not them! Kaori! Any sign of him? Kuwata and the others went to look around Kisarazu. All that's left now is the industrial area! Okay, let's go! We owe you for the other night! Shut up! Kaori! What did they do, Kaori?! Don't! If you so much as scratch that bike, I'm gonna kill you! Run! Don't let 'em get away! Wait! Tetsuo! That's enough, Tetsuo! Are you trying to kill him? Yes! I'm gonna kill him! I'll split his damn head open! Knock it off! This happened because you took my bike for a joyride. Enough, already! Shut up! Don't order me around! We were worried about you. Why do you always have to come and save me? I could've handled it myself! I admit I got beat up that one time, but I won't always be on the receiving end! Understand?! Tetsuo... Shut up! Stay away from me! Hey, wait! Where are you going? Leave me alone! Akira! Tetsuo! What's wrong? Akira! I don't know who that is! Tetsuo, are you... Hey! This is strange. I'm getting a blue pattern on scope 3! Oh, no! Retrieve the subject! Hurry! What're you doing to my friend?! What's with you? You just come back from a funeral? Tetsuo! Kaneda! Shit... Wait! Hey, Kaneda... I see we have some youngsters doing their thing in spite of the tight checkpoints. That just means that they're stupid, don't it? This is boring. Hey, let's go home. But it's still early! Yeah, but without their bikes they're just skirt-chasers out of water. You mean fish! Come on, let's go. Let's toss these fish back! Hey, Kaneda, what're we gonna do? What the...? Look! That's... Here we go again... Let's get out of here before we get involved again. Huh? Kaneda? Hey! This area is being cordoned off due to a terrorist bombing. Those who wish to get through, line up in single file, present your ID and go through the checkpoint. Get in. What's wrong? Hurry. I'll be right behind you. You know the rendezvous point, right? - Be careful. - You too, Ryu. Stop! Stop, damn it! She's got a gun! Okay, that's far enough! Drop the gun! Drop it now! Stop! I think it came from over here! - There were two shots! - No, three! It's just up ahead! Hey. Let's get out of here. Come on! Kaneda! So, what's the matter? Try telling me about it. I had a dream. A dream? The city will be covered by a dark shadow and start to crumble. Lots of people died... ...and we met Akira again. Akira?! The city will crumble, and so many people will die... When?! When will it happen, Kiyoko?! You mustn't let that boy go. His power, it... What did she mean?! Well, there's nothing physically wrong with her. Her medication is normal, too. There's no sign of any abnormalities in her ECG or EEG, either. I think what Number 25 said was her precognitive power at work. This must be presented to the supreme executive council for inquiry, but... Do you believe her? I have no doubts regarding Number 25's abilities. We have all sorts of data that substantiate her abilities. What about you, Colonel? My job isn't to believe or disbelieve. It's to act or not to act. Here, sir. Cold gear, Colonel. Please put it on. You, too, Doctor. The other day, a young researcher asked me something. He wondered if their power was the form the next stage of human evolution was taking, and perhaps that we'll all be able to control it some day. Scientists are a bunch of romantics. Military men always consider the risks first. It's taken thirty long years. We've come so far from the rubble. We can't just trade one for the other. I've always thought that you hated this city, Colonel. The passion to build has cooled and the joy of reconstruction forgotten, and now it's just a garbage heap made up of hedonistic fools. So you're trying to save the city, then. It's how a soldier thinks. A scientist wouldn't understand. Colonel, we're here. This way, sir. Room 10, 148 degrees Kelvin. Fluctuation tolerance range, check. Room 9, 118 degrees Kelvin. Fluctuation tolerance, check. Emergency power generator, check. Open it. Yes, sir. Uh... Go to the Control Room! Yessir! Room 1 is at 0.0005 degrees Kelvin. It's within tolerances. No abnormalities detected in any of the rooms'... ...Dewar Walls or in the defense system. No abnormal atmospheric concentrations or reactions recorded. All systems nominal, then? Look at what they abandoned in their panic. They were afraid! They were too scared, so they hid it away from the public. They forgot all shame and honor... ...and cast off the civilization and science we had created, and shut the lid of the Pandora's Box they themselves had opened. Ryu! Hey, we're still young. I think we can start over. I'll go with you to the police. Ryu! Come on, turn yourself in! That was the first time you ever killed somebody, right? Ryu! Anyway, once you've purified your body and soul, let's go out for tea or something. Don't kick yourself over it, okay? What's done is done. The guy's dead. Who're you?! Ryu! You're okay! - Kei, is that you? - Ryu! Who's this? Who, me? Well, I guess saying I'm Kei's boyfriend might be stretching it a bit. But we haven't gotten physical or anything yet, understand? - Are you a spy?! - No! Liar! Is he really okay? All I know for sure is that he's not a spy. Ow... Sneak into their lab?! Are you serious? Don't you remember the fiasco with that kid?! Last-minute orders. Besides, the plan's already in place. The lab passes they issue once a week... They're from Mr. Nezu? What's the objective? Detailed data on the new subject. New subject? Yes. Last week, on the night we tried to abduct the subject called Number 26, a boy who was in an accident on an old city highway was ought to the lab. Looks like he's a student at a vocational training school, but he's now their new subject for human experimentation. Ow! OW! What's the big idea?! You! He heard us! Let's kill him! Ryu! W-Wait a minute! Listen to me! Listen to what I have to say! He saved me! Twice! Maybe it was just to get close to us. The guy who was in that accident in the old city is a friend of mine! I know it's hard to believe, but it's the truth! I was there when it happened! Don't they say the only foolish questions are unasked ones? Huh? They don't? That's an intriguing story. Will you be taking the boy with you? He knows the subject, and I think we can use him as a decoy if necessary. Neo Tokyo is going to change. In all respects, this city is saturated. It's like an overripe fruit. And within it is a new seed. We only need to wait for the wind which will make it fall. The wind called Akira! Ryu, look! What is it? We aren't the ones who will change it, but rather, those citizens who hope for Akira will. That which is called science perverts providence! That which is called progress encourages extravagance! That which is called civilization devastates the spirit of man! That which is called civilization devastates the spirit of man! The time of atonement is upon us! The time of his awakening is nigh! The time of Lord Akira's awakening draws near! Are your hearts prepared?! Are your hearts prepared?! Holding meetings here is prohibited! Break up this illegal gathering! Terrorist activities carried out by... ...anti-government elements have skyrocketed this month. The army, riot police, and even traffic police have been fully mobilized. The overtime costs alone have used up the public safety budget. And then there's the abduction of Number 26! Isn't their existence supposed to be highest of state secrets? No one's ever heard of Peace and Order here in Neo Tokyo, then? And then there's this request of yours... ...for further funding because of subject Number 25's prediction. You must be joking! We Parliament members have been begging the public to bear with us... ...while we straighten out the former Prime Minister's historic tax reform blunders, so where, exactly, are we supposed to get that kind of money?! You've spent a fortune, and all we have to show for it is that grotesque kindergarten! The Olympics are next year. The postwar period is over. How much longer will you keep spending money on some ghost?! I always said that we should've put that money into the welfare program! Shut up, old man! What?! That power is starting to walk around free as we speak. Unless we control it now, we'll lose everything! Who do you think you're talking to, youngster? It was your lack of policy that started this mess in the first place! There's still no proof that the last World War was caused by Akira! Won't you even try to understand anything at all... ...unless an Akira disaster actually happens?! Has anyone actually seen this Akira? Wasn't Akira Number 25? No, I think he was Number 21... The Colonel has lost sight of his duty as a soldier. I've had reports that anti-government elements are using... ...this Akira madness of yours as an excuse to whip up their terrorist fervor! No! That's untrue! Then what about that Akira world renewal movement? Wouldn't you say that information's being leaked? World renewal movement? End of the world, more like! Aren't you just using Akira as camouflage to cover up your misconduct? What are you getting at? Colonel, we can no longer leave the peace... ...of Neo Tokyo to your sole discretion. Right! You are to be put before an inquiry committee. I agree! Excuse me! Colonel! Colonel, where are you... Wait! This discussion isn't over yet! Explain yourself! Are you trying to insult the supreme executive council?! Colonel...! Wait, Colonel! W-Water... Hey, wait a minute... Isn't that cable replacement scheduled for next week? The cable they ordered came in early. Besides, I'm going on vacation at the end of the week. Besides, I'm going on vacation at the end of the week. I've ought some workers with me, too. I could take it back, but the work's gonna be done sooner or later. Okay, let's go. What the...? Milk? Stay away! Blood! I'm scared! Jerk! W-Who the hell are they? Room 887, Tetsuo Shima... A problem with the automatic lock? Hey! You can't just walk off from your room! Come on, let's go back. What the hell happened? What a mess! There are 58 blocks with circuits that the computer won't display. Of those, nearly 40 are concentrated on underground levels 7 and 8. That's probably the place. The central wiring shaft should be up ahead. We should be able to use it to go straight to the sublevels. Be careful, it's deeper in the middle. What a stink! Quiet! What? I said it stinks because it stinks! - Is your nose busted? - Hurry up and stay quiet! Damn! Hide! Huh? Where? What're you doing, you idiot?! They left? Looks like they've beefed up security. Must be that siren we heard. What should we do? Scout around some? No. - Are you okay? - Let's keep going. I want to check out their security at the very least. All right. We've been spotted! Run! Shit! Don't! Don't shoot! Shimazaki! Shit! Forget about him! Run! What the hell is that? Here it comes! Forget it! You can't do any good! Die! This is Unit 3 04, Shaft H! Have encountered intruders and am engaging! Request backup! Here it comes! Kei! Where's that gun?! Damn it...! Kaneda! Kei, this way! Hurry! Kaneda, hurry! Kaneda! The akes! Where are the akes?! That's not it? This is the central wiring shaft! It's gotta be this one, then! Okay, I'm getting the hang of this! Ask the Colonel for clearance to fire! Turn that up! There must be some mistake. That boy looks like the patient they admitted to the lab. The boy, the subject named Tetsuo Shima, oke out of his room. I think he's headed for the Baby Room. Tetsuo?! He is an extremely dangerous state! Don't let him through! I repeat, do not let him through! What the...? It's no use hiding. We have no choice, then. Use your guns! We can't let him go any farther, no matter what it takes! Fire! So, here you are... Stop it! How long are you gonna keep playing around?! Where'd the other one go? Why, you... Die! Takashi! What the hell is going on? Am I dreaming or something? I never knew I had powers like this! Damn it, which way should I go?! Straight. Straight ahead... Huh? There's a freight elevator. We can take it to sublevel 8. Good, you're all together. You thought you could kill me? You tried to mess with me... I'm gonna kill you! That was you... Takashi! Attack him together! O-Okay. You little twerps! That's enough! All of you! Who the hell are you?! What's the matter? Does your head hurt, Tetsuo Shima? Your power isn't fully matured. If you push yourself, you might do irreparable damage. Just do as we tell you. What the hell did you people do to my head?! Calm yourself, Tetsuo Shima! He can't control it. What?! She said that big people like you should never use the power like that. She says something horrible will happen. Mind your own business. What? More powerful than me? He's the one! He's been popping in and out of my head lately! Where is he?! Where's this Akira?! What?! Kiyoko said that you'll awaken Akira. If that happens, no one will be able to stop him. So before that can happen, we have to stop you. Impossible! Akira's already... WHERE IS HE?! Stop it! Shut up! Threat level to facility integrity has passed level 7. Enacting disaster protocols. Threat level to facility integrity has passed level 7. Enacting disaster protocols. What the...?! Hands up! Where the hell is the Baby Room?! Oh, no! Run! Gangway, coming through! Coming through! Damn it, move! Kiyoko... Damn, that hurt... Kaneda? What're you doing here? Tetsuo! Are you okay? I'm here to rescue you! Hurry up, you moron! If we don't get out of here, those guys outside are gonna... There he is! Catch him! Stay away from me! Kaneda! Oh, right. I forgot you were there, Kaneda. That's okay, Kaneda. I won't be needing you to save me anymore. From now on, I'll be saving you. All you have to do is ask, Kanny. Say what? Who the hell do you think you're talking to?! You don't like the way I talk? Does it make you mad? Well, what're you gonna do about it?! Huh, Kaneda?! What're you gonna do about it?! That's enough! Don't hurt anyone else! Where's this Akira guy?! He... The Olympic stadium...? In an underground facility? No! You're wrong! Akira is... Wait! What the hell? I can do this, too?! Kiyoko, are you okay? It doesn't look like she's hurt. What about you, Masaru? You're bleeding. What happened to him? He flew away. How can he have so much power...? How could this have happened? Is anyone here? He's developed so much power in such a short time... Find him! Find Tetsuo! - Find him! Go after him! - Kaneda! Hang on, Kaneda! Hurry up! Get that rubble cleared! He went to where Akira is. What? You're all safe! He's heading for the facility below the Olympic construction site. How did Tetsuo find out about that?! You mean he's gone outside? Damn it! We'll follow him! Prepare for pursuit! - Yessir! - He's heading west! He's heading for the Olympic construction site! Tell them to beef up their security! - You...! - Set up checkpoints on all... According to the defense team, intruders were encountered in the wiring shaft. Two disguised as workers resisted and were shot, and the rest are at large. He has to be stopped before his powers mature... Your objective is the boy Tetsuo Shima. If we are unable to capture him, you will lure him out to the old city and attack. Request assistance from the Eastern District Battalion. Yessir! Tell them there isn't a moment to lose! I've been waiting for you, Colonel. Who the hell are you?! I'm here to inform you of the supreme executive council's decision. At 24:00 hours today, the Colonel is hereby stripped of his command and rank, and will be placed under arrest. What?! Please come with us. You expect me to hand Neo Tokyo over to those fools at a time like this? - Shoot him. - Yessir! What? W-Wait! Enough! Open your eyes and look at the big picture! We can't dance to the tune of corrupt politicians and capitalists! Don't you understand?! It's pointless to fight anymore! Announce a state of emergency, arrest all members of the executive council... ...and remove them from the chain of command! We're going after Tetsuo! Urgent message to all district battalion commanders! Hey, what's up? You by yourself? Weren't you in an accident or something? Everybody's been worried. So, you feeling better? Gimme some... capsules. Hey, are you sure about that? You don't look so hot. Just hand 'em over! All right, if you say so. But with all those demonstrations and terrorist attacks lately, things are rough. They're hard to come by, so they're pretty expensive. Tetsuo's run off, Kaneda's disappeared... I guess the team's finished. And the checkpoints are so strict, even the Clowns are staying put. What's wrong? He's dead! What?! What the...? Tetsuo? What are you doing here? You want some, too? What are you talking about, damn it?! What the hell happened here?! The barkeep's dead! A fish out of water dies, huh? You are Tetsuo... Aren't you? Kaneda sends his regards. You saw Kaneda?! He's probably dead by now... You did this, Tetsuo? So anyway... Where's Kaneda's bike? Tetsuo! I don't need a piece of junk like that anymore... You son of a... Yamagata! Shit... He went to where Akira is? That's what that girl said. The army, you, and Ryu are all looking for this Akira guy, so that's why you're chasing after Tetsuo. It has something to do with that power of Tetsuo's, right? What the hell is this Akira thing you keep talking about? Ryu told me about it once. He said that Akira is absolute energy. Absolute energy? Humans do all kinds of things during their lifetime, right? Discovering things, building things... Things like houses, motorcycles, idges, cities, and rockets... All that knowledge and energy... Where do you suppose it comes from? Humans were like monkeys once, right? And before that, like reptiles and fish. And before that, plankton and amoebas. Even creatures like those have incredible energy inside them. Because of genes, I guess. And even before that, maybe there were genes in the water and air. Even in space dust, too, I bet. If that's true, what memories are hidden in it? The beginning of the universe, maybe. Or maybe even before that. Hey, what's the matter? Are you okay? Did you get hit on the head back there? Maybe everyone has those memories. What if there were some mistake and the progression went wrong, and something like an amoeba were given power like a human's? That's what Akira is? Amoebas don't build houses and idges. They just devour all the food around them. That's what Tetsuo's doing? You're saying he has that kind of energy?! A long time ago, there were people who tried to control that power. At the government's request, you see. They failed, and it triggered the Fall of Tokyo. That power is still too much for... What?! The door's unlocked. Huh? This has got to be a trap. Go back, then. No, we ought to find out how much of it is a trap... By the way, what's with you and that Ryu guy? - What do you mean? - You're always together. That's none of your business! What I'm saying is, he doesn't know about us, does he? Us? Hey, wait a minute! What's that supposed to mean? Do you think this will work? It can't be helped. At this point, our only option is to use her. The fact that she turned up right under our noses says as much, I think. I guess... Have arrived at Ward 13, East Ginza intersection. Over. Northern District battalion has not responded to mobilization request. Special search team to HQ! Special search team to HQ! We're at the Haruki-ya snack bar near the highway interchange in Ward 8. It doesn't look like a bomb explosion, so we think it was him. It was almost certainly the work of the subject that escaped from the lab. Yes, sir! Yes, sir! Understood! Kaneda! What?! Yamagata's dead?! Something seemed strange about him from the second I saw him. He was wearing what looked like a white hospital gown. It was like he was a different person. Yamagata asked him if he was really Tetsuo. And then... Yamagata, he... We've always been together. I've known everything about him since we were in the children's home. He was a klutz, and everybody made him cry. Oh, right... He wanted to know where your bike was. My bike...? What're you gonna do? I'm gonna send Yamagata his bike. You dumb bastard! Kaneda! Kei! What's wrong? You! You were there that night... Wait! Kei! They disappeared! You were the ones who changed Tetsuo too, weren't you? Akira's power exists within everyone. Who's there?! But when that power is awakened, you must choose how to use it, even if you weren't prepared for it. And he has made his choice. Tetsuo is our newest companion. We're partly to blame for his actions. Why did you take Kei, then?! We want her to help us. You can't just use people like that! Bring Kei back! Tetsuo's our friend! If anyone's gonna kill him, it should be us! Hey! Damn it! Mr. Omi and the other executives have been arrested by the coup...? Y-Yes, that's right. The house guards are fighting them right now. Yes. I'd like to have a helicopter waiting at West Haneda. Yes. That damned Colonel... I can't believe he's taken up arms. I underestimated him. Hold them here! Damn! Mr. Nezu... R-Ryu?! Is that you? I'm sorry, sir... The mission was a failure. What are you doing here?! I've told you, you can't be seen here! All of my men... They've all been killed. Y-You sold me out, didn't you, you bastard?! What? You can't be... Kei... I got fresh fish in here, buddy! I'm gonna get compensated for 'em, right? Please, I have to catch a flight at noon! What? 7 th Avenue is just ahead! It intersects this road 100 meters from here! Prepare for battle! Right, we've spotted the subject. What? Attack?! But he's just a... We're attacking a boy?! Look! There he is! Impossible! Is this for real? Firing preparations complete. Damn it! Fire! - Akira! - It's Lord Akira! It's the advent of Lord Akira! That's not him! Don't be fooled! That's not Lord Akira! Shut up! Long live Lord Akira! Fire! Huh? What's wrong? Neo Tokyo Broadcasting is exclusively covering the news... ... in spite of martial law in the name of freedom of the press! ... in spite of martial law in the name of freedom of the press! What in the world is happening here in Neo Tokyo? What you see here seems to be fires caused by tank cannons. But who is this young boy? Is he fighting the coup forces all by himself? Viewers, the army has just illegally ordered us to land! Freedom of the press is now in jeopardy! What happened? Were they cut off? The idge! He's heading for the idge! Let's go see! Are you really going alone? He wants this, doesn't he? We should call the gang together. Hey! I wouldn't want to keep him waiting. Hey, Kaneda! Wait! Half seem to be anti-government demonstrators. The rest are... Well, they're more like some crazy cult than onlookers. They're following after the subject, and more and more keep coming. Oh, flames of purity, raze this corrupt city! Consume our unclean hearts! Fear not! Your bodies will be purified in the flames! Ready! Fire! Set the switch to hold for three seconds and converge your beams! Aim! Fire! Watch this! Look out! Let's get out of here! Help me! Ground forces! Ground forces, come in! Report! What is the subject's status?! Ground forces! Call the Doctor. We have confirmation of his recent movements and are in pursuit. His present position is... Let's see... Coordinates 99871 by 4332. That's about 2 km south of the Olympics construction site in the old city. What?! What was that? Look! That's near the toll booth that's being guarded by the 2nd platoon. Wha...? Huh? Please turn around! This area's off limits to civilians! What? That's the subject?! S-Stop! Stop, damn it! Nice place you have here. Wait, you were with Kaneda. You shouldn't use your power this way. What? In the end, you won't be able to control it. The kids... You're those ats, aren't you?! Okay, then...! What the...? It's not safe here, Colonel! Well, what're you gonna do? Open up! What the hell? That's Akira, Tetsuo! That's the Akira you wanted to meet. There's your Messiah! After his transcendental awakening, his body was subjected to every test known to science. And that's what was left of it. The scientists back then were unable to solve the mystery, so they decided to entrust their collected data and test samples... ...to future generations by preserving them in a frozen capsule. SOL... We'll use SOL! Sir? Akira is already dead! Well? Are you satisfied now, Tetsuo? So come back with us! Like hell! Contact the central defense center... ...and tell them to patch us through to SOL's control circuits! Yessir! Hey, watch it! Damn it, move! Get out of the way! What is this, science class? What's wrong? Have some trouble? Yeah, but I already took care of it. If you were here earlier, you could've watched the show. You had me worried again. I figured you'd be standing here, sobbing like a little baby. Kaneda, you've always been a pain in the ass. You've been telling me what to do ever since we were kids. You always treat me like a kid. You always show up and start bossing me around! And now you're a boss, too... Of this pile of rubble. Kaneda! That's Mister Kaneda to you, punk! Die! Tetsuo! Son of a... Kei! Oh, hell! Let's do it! Got him! Huh? The battery?! What's the matter, Kaneda? God damn it! This ain't fair, Tetsuo! Fight with your bare hands! Oh, this is funny... Feeling frustrated, Kaneda? Now do you understand how it feels? What's this light? Well, did you hit him? We're too close to the impact point. There's too much electrical interference. Prepare a second volley! Hey! Kaneda! Tetsuo! Shit... Huh? What the...? Correcting for tracking system error. T-minus-20 to energy alteration. - Fire extinguishers! - Are you okay? Hurry! Hurry! What happened? What's going on? Kaneda! Kai! Kei! - Kaneda! - Kaneda! Get on! Get on? Where? Hurry! Hurry! What's that? They say it's SOL. Magnificent... When Tetsuo's power reaches its peak? That's when we do it. But will it work? The future doesn't proceed along a single course. There ought to be a future we can choose. What's Tetsuo's status? Ah. Colonel... We set up a camera in the stadium a while ago. We have him under observation. Colonel, you must take a look at this data! We're still analyzing the energy given off by the subject, but... It's magnificent. Absolutely magnificent. This is clearly a proton collapse. We're also detecting a fair number of what we believe to be unknown particles. If we can put this into a theoretical framework, physics... No, science... Humanity itself could touch the fundamental truths of the universe! Oh. That's... We still haven't finished making our adjustments. Uh, Colonel! T-That's...! You bastard! What did I tell you?! B-But, Colonel! I couldn't throw away such a magnificent subject! Shut up! Shit! It's on fire! The battery! The battery! My bike! It's burning up! Hey, what's a bike or two? What? Then there's nothing wrong with using yours, right? You heard that? Yeah, I did! Hey, your bike's still on fire. Tetsuo? Tetsuo, why does everyone call you Akira? He never existed in the first place. They didn't care who it was. Just so long as he destroyed things. Your arm! It doesn't look like much, but it works pretty good. What's wrong? Are you okay? It's nothing! Tetsuo... Shut up! Just go away! Medicine... What's wrong, Tetsuo? Are you in pain? Go back to the lab and get me some of that medicine! Did you hear that, Doctor? Yes, Colonel. Well? Can you see any signs of it? I'm not entirely certain, but it seems that the power that had been held back by the drugs is eaking free. He may not be able to control power that has awakened so suddenly. At any rate, he's in an extremely dangerous condition! If you don't go back to the lab and receive proper treatment, you may die. You want me to enroll in that kindergarten and live happily ever after? Take my medicine every day and shrivel up like those kids?! Kaori... Kaori... Please... I need that medicine... No...! Tetsuo! Tetsuo! Tetsuo... Kaneda?! Huh? Son of a... You kids... What are you doing here? You never learn, do you? Tetsuo! Takashi... Akira... Kaneda...? H-Help me...! Kaori... Help me...! Help me! Stop it! Kaori? Kaori! Kaori! Tetsuo? Is that you, Tetsuo?! Kaori! Kaori's gonna die! What?! What did you say?! My body's not doing what I tell it to! My power's acting on its own...! Kaori! Kaori's dying! Kaneda, help me! Stop, Tetsuo! Stop it! Kaori's pain is coming into me...! Tetsuo! Kaneda! Run away! Tetsuo! Kiyoko! Takashi! Masaru! Get away from here! Come on! I can't believe it. It's as if... Kiyoko! Taka... Hi, Akira. Th-This is... But that's... Oh, no! W-Where am I? Hurry! Get into the tunnel! You'll be safe in there. Kiyoko! Where are you? Tetsuo! Kaneda! Hang on! If you don't get out of here now, you'll... Out of the way! Tetsuo! Don't go! No, Takashi! If you went in now, you'd be trapped, too. But none of this is his fault! Takashi! Takashi! If we went in, we wouldn't be strong enough to come back out. But if the three of us worked together, maybe we could at least save that boy. You're right. Together, the three of us could... Oh, man...! We should get out of here. Hey! Kaneda... Look, you're not revving your engine enough. When you go into a corner, lean like you're trying to kill yourself. Watch! What're you doing? Cornering, man. Got it, Tetsuo...? Look, there's another one! - Another transfer student? - He was abandoned. You can see it in his face. Are... Are these your dreams, Tetsuo? Wait! This is Akira...? Yes. We called him. To have him take Tetsuo away. Take him away? Take him where? It's too much for Tetsuo. And for us. And for Akira. It's too big for us as we are now. But someday, we'll also be able to... You see, it's already begun. Your friend's... My friend? Kei! You mean Kei, don't you? Tetsuo... This is yours, right? They're always like that with the new kids. You came today, right? They beat me up, too. But the truth is, those guys are wimps. I'm Tetsuo. Tetsuo Shima. To tell you the truth, I just got here myself. I'm... Kaneda... Kaneda? Kaneda! Kei? W-What's happening? What in the world is happening? B-But this isn't... If this is correct, it's almost as if... Is this the birth of a universe?! Kei! What happened? It's disappearing...! It's disappearing! Kaneda! Tetsuo... Kaneda... Thanks. You called to me, right? I heard you. Kaneda, don't tell me you're... What about Tetsuo? He left. So did those three kids. Akira, too. Kaneda, back then, you... Kaneda! You're alive?! I thought you were in there for sure! Tetsuo... What happened to Tetsuo? Is he dead?! I'm not so sure. But he's probably... But someday, we'll also be able to... You see, it's already begun. I am... Tetsuo.
Just tell them that. Tell them my reasons. Tell them why. End of tape four... Fe uary 22, 1974. Testing. One, two, three. Mr. Maestro, Leonard Bernstein, tape number one. Mr. Bernstein... I have the utmost respect for you. Your music... is both pure and honest. And that is why I have chosen you... to present the truth about me to the world. My name is Sam Bicke. And I consider myself a grain of sand. On this beach called America... there are 211 million grains of sand... three billion on the beach we call Earth. If I am lucky... the action that I am about to take... will show the powerful... that even... the least grain of sand... has in him... the power to destroy them. These come in own? We do have that in a own. And a harvest gold. And an avocado. Give me three of the own and an avocado. Are you interested in that chair? This is a Naugahyde, very good for avoiding stains. I look like that big a slob? I can't sit on this plastic stuff. I get sweaty and stick to it. This doesn't come in leather, huh? Not this chair... - Jack Jones. - Bill Wilson. Bill, what our new associate's trying to explain, I think is... that this is leather with a Naugahyde coating. Coating? Exactly. Comfort of leather. Just a little easier to clean. No extra cost. How does it feel? It is comfy. - You know what you look like sitting there? - What? You look like the boss. Are you the boss? I got my own place. What did I tell you? Did you write the gentleman up, Sam? No, he didn't... Write the gentleman up. Can we deliver this for you Monday, or is Tuesday better? Tuesday's probably better. Mr. Bernstein, sir... there are times that I have felt alone on this planet. And that's how they want us, isn't it? Alone. Divided. Weak. - To our new closer. - Hear, hear. You smell something? I do. I smell success. And you've got the odor. All right, Sam. Why do I say that to you, Sam? Well, I certainly am trying. Got nothing to do with trying. It's believing. When you believe in what you're selling, you succeed. Because then you're not selling. You see what I'm saying? You're talking from somewhere here. You've got to believe. It's a gift. I've got it. Marty's got it. You may have it. I can believe in anything. Isn't that right, Marty? It's true. You want to know who the greatest salesman in the world is? That man, right there. He sold the whole country, 200 million people... on himself. Twice. And what was Nixon's sales pitch in '68? In '68, it was... He said he would end the war. He would get us out of Vietnam. And what did he do? He sent another 100,000 troops... and then he bombed the living shit out of them. That's what he did. Now, what did Nixon run on last year? Ending the war in Vietnam. And he won. By a landslide. That is a salesman. He made a promise. He didn't deliver. And then he sold us on the same exact promise. All over again. That's believing in yourself. These are for you. Read them. These, you listen to. While you're driving. While you're shaving. While you're taking a shit in the morning. You gotta believe, Sam. This book right here will really teach you to believe in yourself. This book right here will really teach you techniques. These will make you a salesman. I guarantee it. The salesman who believes is the salesman who receives. Remember, power is a state of mind. You have as much as you think you have. If you don't think you have any, you don't. Talk about yourself as you see yourself. And someday that will be yourself. The salesman must see himself as a winner. The salesman who believes is the salesman who receives. - For crying out loud. - Hi, Mel. Did you see your other? - No. - He just walked out, just now. So, how's it going? What're you up to? I just came by to give this. This is what I owe him... and if you could just get that to him for me, I'd appreciate it. Come on, Sam. Julius felt bad how things turned out. Why don't you stick around till he gets back? He didn't go home? No. He just ran out to the bank. He'll be right back. Sit down. - I really got to go. - Sit down. I can't sit down, Mel, but it's very good to see you. Don't be a stranger. Look at you, man. Look at that. Sam Bicke, Salesman. Damn. You can keep that. They made a thousand of them. - A thousand? - One thousand. Man, they got big plans for you. You look good, Sam. I feel good. I believe. Amen, other. You've got to believe. Sam Bicke, salesman. I was just thinking that I would go see Marie. That I would surprise her because I have a little extra for her this month. All right, then. You don't think it's a good idea. You've got to know what's right, Sam. Nobody thinks that Sam Bicke is going to make it. I didn't say that. Hi, there. How are my princesses? - I got an A in Social Studies. - You did? That's great. Go wash up, you two. - Hi. - Hey. Looks good. You can keep that. They made a thousand of them. - Thanks. - It's good to see you. You know you're supposed to call first. I know. What's this? I'm on a roll. That's great. Maybe I can get the roof fixed. It's done. Paid for. Do it. - Job's working out? - Yeah. Marie... I really think that this is gonna change things for us. Sam, job sounds good. I've got dinner on the stove. Thanks. I just wanted to have a little talk. - Mommy, Julie's standing on the chair. - Julie, come on, down. I gotta get inside. I'm sorry. Just call first. All right? - When? - I don't know. Try Sunday. - After 10:00, though, all right? - Okay. I'll call you Sunday after 10:00. You look good. Back to work. Mommy. Julie, come on. Ellen, go get your other, please. You look nice, Marie. Hey, Tuffer. Hey, boy. Volume on the New York Stock Exchange was 16,500,000 shares. What happened, Mr. Bernstein, to the land of plenty? When there's plenty for the few, and nothing for the plenty? Is that the American dream? Now remember, the customer's weapon is money. That's what he'll want to talk about. Your weapon is quality. That's what you'll insist on talking about. Don't get caught in the price game. You tell him how great it is. How much? This is a very high quality desk. This one is 38 inches. How much is it? This is $529. I really believe in this desk. I want to show you something. This is... It's all right. I know pretty much what to look for in a desk. Sam, I'm gonna be buying a lot of stuff... and I'm just wondering, what's your best price? - I'll see what I can do for you. - All right. Give it your best shot. I'll do that. Okey-dokey. What I can do is I can give you 10 off that desk, which is $476. Jesus! Sam, that's it? That's your best price? It's our selection of the month. Excuse me. Can I see you in my office for a minute please, Sam? Yes, I'll be right... I'll be right with you. What are you doing? Are you out of your fucking mind? Offering 10? Are you trying to give this stuff away? - You said... - It's already been marked down. For Christ's sake, that's less than we paid for the damn thing. You know I think there's been a misunderstanding... I'm not interested in what you think. I'm interested in what you're gonna do about it. I guess I could tell him... You can't tell him shit. You've made the offer. That's it. Go out and hope he doesn't take it. All right, Mr. Jones. Sir, can I show you some of our other very nice... All right, then. Yes. You looked like you're gonna shit your pants. You're on the board. - You see him write that check? - He did it to me, we do it to you. Fifty-fifty all right with you? - Sure. - Good job, Sam. It's not lying. It's business. But it's not right. I should have said something on the spot. No, you shouldn't have. What are you saying, that I should swallow something like that? It makes me sad that you would accept something, of all people. Sam, I'm just saying it's not that big a deal. It is a big deal. Bonny, if we're going to be partners... we have to get this kind of thing straight. Sam, I get it. Okay? I've been there. But this guy's your boss. If he wants to be an asshole, you might just have to let him do. - But, Bonny... - There's no but, Sam. - What about my rights? - You've got a right to be mad, sure. Exactly. That's what I'm saying, partner. That's all I'm saying. Sam, it's a job. This is what I mean. A man doesn't give up his rights at a job. A man doesn't give up his rights anywhere. You of all people should know that. What should I know? 'Cause I'm black, I should mouth off to my boss? All this rights shit. Rights this, rights that. Rights, my ass. It's a job. You got a right to pay your bills, pay for your kids. I'm just saying you can't keep quitting jobs. We all gotta work somehow. Come on. You're a salesman, right? Like you do. Explain this to me, Mr. Bernstein. All I want is a little piece of the American Dream. Like my father and his father. Is that too much to expect? Hey, Tuffer. Hey, boy. You miss me, don't you? Of course you miss me. This is a good country, Maestro. Filled with good people. But what good is good... in times like these? I've been trying to call. Double Scotch, Scotch and soda, double bourbon. It's not a good time, Sam. Oh, no. I know. I just came to say hi. - You want to see a menu? - Yes, please. - Here you go. I'll be right back. - Thank you. ... great change, at the same time. One change is defense spending is on the way down now. For the first time in 20 years, the Federal government is spending more... That's too much salt. I know. Sorry. How is it? It is good. Remember Sam Jr. Used to call these mashapotos? That's right. Is everything okay at work? Top of the charts. Top of the sales board. I'm doing very well. That's great. Maybe I'll be driving a Cadillac soon. He was a friend of yours? Who? The one with the Cadillac. I drove by last night. - Jesus, are you spying on me? - No. What you doing lurking around the house for? I wasn't lurking, Marie. I just... You told me to call. I called and nobody answered, so... I said, try me, okay? You know what? I don't want to talk about this. I respect that. I just want you to know I'm not seeing anyone. Okay, that's your business. It's important to me that you know that. Fine. Now I know. Table four wants their check. I'm sorry. Okay? I didn't mean... Can I call you later? Look, if I get off at a decent hour, I'll call you. - All right? - All right. Mr. Bernstein, sir, there are people who sit and wait their lives away... on the promise of a dream that will not come. They are the sheep. We have a great deal to be thankful for as Americans tonight. You've chosen El Dorado, with front wheel drive. It's our most... But there are also many more like us, Maestro... - who will not be pushed around. - The time has come when the masses... ... have been pushed to the wall. When they cannot any longer address their grievances through the legal... political machinery of this country. We're not the decision-makers, the masses are. If they think it's time to overthrow the system, there's nothing you... or anyone else can do. Hi. I'm Sam Bicke. Harold. - How are you? - Yeah. Are you with the police? I'm not police. I'm Sam Bicke. Yeah, I got that. What can I do for you? As a matter of fact... I've seen you on television. I mean, the Panthers on television... and I'm in complete agreement with your stand. Except that I'm white. We've all got to be born something. Do you know what that means? It means you're not getting to your whole audience. I mean, I'm white, but I'm in the same boat. You own the boat. No, I don't own the boat. I'm not the man in the Cadillac. That's not me. May I? - Harold. - Yes. I feel like I can talk to you. I sort of knew it would be like that. I know what it's like to not be respected, and be lied to... and be treated like a great, big nothing. And I want to do something. You want to do something? Like the Black Panthers, I want to do something... The system is not right. I have to go, but I want to throw an idea at you. Ze as. Ze as? See, they're black and they're white. The Black Panthers become the Ze as... and membership will double. I don't want you to answer me right now. Just think about it. This is $107. I wanted to feel like I was starting to do something. Sam. It's a great start. Take a look. - You see what I see? - What's that? You're familiar with Carnegie, right? I gave it to you. Dale Carnegie. How to Win Friends and Influence People. Oh, yes. I know the book. No, you don't. You've seen the book. Maybe owsed through it. But you don't know the book. If you knew the book, you'd know what I mean when I say... Always give a dog a good name. Always give a dog a name. A good name. Damn it. You've really got to listen better. You're right. I'm sorry. It's a Carnegie technique for dealing with people. When somebody's performance isn't good, you don't criticize them. You don't say, Your work's shit. Right? Instead you say: Your work used to be great, now it's not so great. And then you ask them a question like: Everything okay at home? Are you asking me? I'm teaching you. You just learned a management technique. Don't mind me teaching you, do you? Sir. - Good. Just one more little thing. But, Marie, he wants me to cut it. It's a job, Sam. Shave it off. You'll forget you ever had a mustache. I won't forget. I'll never forget. Marie, don't you remember? Remember what? Daddy, do you like my picture? Yes, honey, it's very nice. I grew it for you. Sam, please. Mom! You've got to see these people, they just lie to make money. And then, I'm the sleazy one of these so-called businessmen. God damn it. I mean they don't have any right... to say half of the things that they say to us. I mean, look at the way they make you dress. I dress like this so I can support my family. Can't you see what they're doing to us? You're going to lose this job, aren't you? What? I'm not going to lose my job. Just tell me now, because I can do it on my own. I'm doing great. I'm so tired of this. I don't want you stopping by like this anymore. I really mean it. I think it looks good. And it makes me look a little older and trustworthy. You would trust me. That's not really the point, though. What I'm saying is... I'm surprised you would say that, Bonny. I really am. Because I would think that you would have more feeling. Joey, let's get some of these dishes cleared and get you to bed. No. You sit. Joey. Yes, ma'am. That's a good kid. That's a real good kid. His mother taught him well. I bet she did. No offense, but I wouldn't be surprised... if his father had a little something to do with that. He probably got something from me. What do you think? If your father went away... would that make you sad? He's not gonna go away. Of course he's not. If he did? If your mommy wanted him to go. She wouldn't say that. Why don't you just leave those there. It's past your bedtime. Give your father a kiss. - Good night, Daddy. - Good night, baby. Things will work out, Sam. You'll see. - Good night, Mommy. - Good night, baby. Say good night to your Uncle Sam. Good night, Uncle Sam. Good night, son. I know it was important to you, Sam. I want to thank you for the sacrifice. I think it was a good decision. Now you can smile. You look like a family man instead of some schmuck with a pussy on his face. - Marty? - Yes. Get up to the spic's place and get me an egg salad... and whatever else you want. Is independence too much to ask, Mr. Bernstein? I mean, you're your own boss, right? You don't have any idea what it's like to work for somebody else... like some kind of a slave. But I'm telling you, slavery never really ended in this country. They just gave it another name. Employee. Remember power is a state of mind. You have as much as you think you have. If you don't think you have any, you don't. Talk about yourself as you see yourself... and someday that will be yourself. The salesman must see himself as a winner. Say it along with me. I'm not sure I understand this business about the school bus. That's just it. The bus is the business. It's a movable store. - A movable tire store? - Exactly. You see, we take out all of the seats, just gut the whole bus... and put the tires. Fill it up with the tires. Then you ing the tires to the customer, at his convenience. You're a delivery service. That's just the beginning of it, because I would ing the tire... and change it, I'll put the tire on your car while you're mowing the lawn. Or anything else that that you want to do. And we'd paint the bus a ight red because that would give the company... its own individual identity and make it memorable. A sort of trademark. And you have the bus already? My friend, my partner, Bonny, has the bus and he has the tools. And I ing the management experience. And that you have as well? That I do, sir. Yes, I do. It says here you're currently employed as an office furniture salesman? That's correct. But I'm ready to move on. And prior to office sales, you were a tire salesman with your father? Julius Bicke, that's my other. Brother. Okay, and why did you leave his employment? He expected me to lie. I don't believe that someone should have to lie to make a living. All right. Over and over he would tell me... that 15 is rock bottom. Sell below that, we lose money. That's a lie. In the retail tire business, the markup is always at least 30. So, 30 is rock bottom. What one should tell the customer... Let me show you. Good morning, Mr. Ford. I think I understand, Mr. Bicke... Let me just show you. Good morning. Sam Bicke. You're here to buy tires. Yes. Let's get down to ass tacks. This is the deal. The markup on all of my tires is 30. I will show you the company invoice to prove that to you. I'll do that for you, Mr. Ford. I'll make you my best offer. I'll split the difference with you. I'll take half the markup as my profit... and you'll take half the markup as your savings. Even Steven. Fair deal. What do you think? What do I think? Or... Yes. No, I'm back to normal now. - It's 15. - Exactly. But it's the same thing, what your other offered. No. My other... will go to 15, but he wants you to hold at list. 5 if you have to... 10 if you're gonna lose the customer out the door. But the salesman who offers 15, he's a failure. He's a man who doesn't know how to hold his ground. And who do you think, at the end of the month... gets the promotion, gets the bonus? The one with the biggest profit margin? The biggest liar. I'm sorry. I just want you to know that I would run an honest business. That I would not ask my salesmen to lie... or make them feel like a failure... or some kind of a piece of garbage. Well, that's... I admire that. - Your idea? - Yes, sir. Well, that's it. That's it? Mr. Ford, I want to thank you, sir, because this loan isn't just for me. I think it can change the way we think about American business. Mr. Bicke, I'm really very sorry. That's it for now. I have to send your application on to Washington... and they will review it. And it's a whole process. Of course. Mr. Ford at the SBA... Bonny, I gotta tell you, he was very impressed. Did you tell him the bus don't run? I didn't. Did you tell him your partner was black? I did, yes. I checked the Negro box. That was stupid, Sam. This isn't working. No, Bonny. The government is looking for black businessmen. I've been here 16 years, and they haven't found me yet. Ellen, sit next to Julie. Sam. Come on, son. Ellen, can you just sit. That's great, Julie. Ellen, sit next to your sister. Come on, Sam Jr. Ellen, honey, sit next to Julie. Come on, you guys. Dinner's ready. Daddy's taking a picture. That's all right, honey, I got it. - See you next Sunday, Sam. - Yeah, I'll see you next Sunday. Tuffer! No. $125 is your total. I let the tax slide. Thank you. You remind me of my ex-wife. She's got the dimples, also, when she smiles. They're nice. Compliments and a good deal. I should shop here more often. You should, miss, or is it missus? Miss. - Is this the current phone? - Yes. Would you like me to deliver it? No. That's all right. I'll have someone from the office stop by. It wouldn't be a problem. I'll be just fine. You already are. I don't want you to deliver it. I'll have it picked up. I didn't mean me, personally. We have people who deliver. I think there's been a misunderstanding. I love my wife very much. We are all married men. Family men. Yeah. Because... what's odd about your aborted flirtation with that woman today... according to Marty's recollection, correct me if I'm wrong... is that you referred to her dimples... as being like those of your ex-wife's. - I don't think I did that. - He sure did. I think there's been a misunderstanding. As I told you when I took you on... I only hire married men. A single salesman is distracted. A divorced salesman fails at selling, the same as marriage. It's all right for a guy to... lie to some oad about not being married when he is. That's fine. That's to be expected. But you wouldn't expect that guy to lie to his boss, would you? I guess I did try to pick up on that woman. I didn't want you to think that I was being dishonest to my wife. You did try to pick her up then? Yes. My son was correct in his estimation of your character? Yes. And if I were to ask you and your wife to join... me and Marty and our wives for dinner in, say, a week or two... that would be okay with you? Yes, I think that... she'd like that very much. When I was little I was taught not to be rude, Mr. Bernstein, but... what am I supposed to do about the people who won't respect me? What I wanted to do is just check on the status of my application. Sorry, Mr. Bicke. Mr. Ford should have told you, but processing takes eight to ten weeks. No, he did not tell me that. Perhaps you could check back, say, September 1. - September? - Yes. I do understand your position. I'm sure that you deal with a lot of incompetence. But I am a businessman... and a businessman can't wait. If you gonna have a future, you gotta make it. So I would really appreciate it if I could see Mr. Ford. What was your first name? Samuel J. I will talk to Mr. Ford... and if he has time for a meeting, we'll call you next week. Since I'm here, maybe I could just see him... If he has time, we'll call you next week. Deal? Deal. Least you could do is discourage him. Double bourbon and a vodka martini up. It would help if you wore your wedding ring. For God's sake, Sam, aren't we done yet? Would you consider going to the dinner? You could drive your own car. I'm not gonna put on some charade. If you're their top salesman... what do they care if you're married, divorced, or queer? Sir, you should be ashamed of yourself. That woman is my wife. They make her wear that. Sam. Really, it's all right. I'll just wait here. I'm fine here. Mr. Bicke, please... He'll understand. He'll leave at some point and he'll be going to his car. He'll leave at some point, I'll walk him down. That's all the time... - Mr. Bicke. - Mr. Ford. It's good to see you, sir. Why don't we step outside and get a cup of coffee? How's that? Coffee. In the cafeteria. Actually, there's a machine in the lobby. The lobby's fine. Have a seat. Now, how exactly can I help you, Mr. Bicke? Yes, well, sir... Funnily enough, my situation is that I really... It's very urgent that I get this thing rolling, if you know what I mean. No, I don't. The bus thing. The tire thing. Yes, I remember your application and I sent it along. Now there's really nothing more I can do. You can't tell me anything else? No, I can't. I told you in our meeting, and I believe you were told again... that the process will take eight to ten weeks. You'll be notified by mail. You can't expedite that? It will take eight to ten weeks and you'll be notified by mail. Now, I have to get back. Is there some way that this could be speeded up? Is there some way that could happen? No, there isn't. And if you come back again, I will have to add that to your file. Impatience is not a virtue, Mr. Bicke. Okay. Good luck. In the mail then? Yes. A nation, like a person, has to have a certain inner drive in order to succeed. In economic affairs that inner drive is called a competitive spirit. Whether this nation stays number one in the world's economy... ... over 40 rounds from the hotel's rooftop. The sniper, former Navy seaman... Mark Jimmy Essex, had testified in his court- martial... For his part, Allende vowed he would not give in. He would not, he said, Betray the working classes. In the end he found... Who are these men, Maestro... who keep us waiting at their feet? The meek shall not inherit the earth. The earth belongs to the bullies who do not care how they get to the top... as long as they arrive. I am an honest man, and if that is to be my undoing, then so be it. But I will not go quietly. You've just got to have a little more patience. It's all about money. It ain't all about money. Now what? - You got a problem? - Yeah, I got a problem. I paid you to fix the leak. - You've still got one? - I've got half-a-fucking-dozen of them. What kind of rip-off joint you running here, anyhow? - You sound like you're having a bad day. - I'm having a bad day with this fucking car. - You have a nice day, now. - Yeah. What is the matter with you? This thing is loaded. Nobody should talk to another person like that. So you start swinging this fucking thing around? - You out of your mind? - He didn't respect you. So what? You think I'm losing sleep over that bullshit? But how can you take that racist crap? Just because I didn't cuss his ass out doesn't mean I took shit off of him. All I took off of him was the money that he owed me. And I sure as shit ain't some Uncle Tom, if that's what you're trying to say. Are we clear on that? Yes, we're clear. Jesus Christ! I didn't mean you were a Tom. I didn't mean that. I'm so sorry, Bonny. Are we still friends? Yeah, we're friends. Last night near the site of that massacre, some 200 Indians... took control of two buildings on the Pine Ridge Sioux reservation. The Indians attacked at midnight... fully aware of the cliché that Indians don't fight at night. We have bet our lives that we can make change... for the American Indian, whether we live or die. And I'm prepared to die. I would rather die than submit to slavery. ... Internal Security Division of the Justice Department of the FBI... And I apologize, Ma. She's your daughter, but she's my wife and you have to tell me where Marie is. Okay. Mrs. Anderson, where is Marie? Then I'll just have to keep calling. 9082. Thank you. Marie Bicke, please. Yes, I know exactly what time it is. It's 3:27 in the morning and I demand to speak to my wife. That's right, this is Sam Bicke, and who is this? Who is this, sir? Marie? Wait. No, you hold on. Marie, I got a divorce decree today... and we're supposed to be separated, we're supposed to be working on this. It's only been one year. It certainly has not been two years. No, it has not been almost two! I have a life. Why would you say that, Marie? When you're... Marie? God damn it! I could stand here before this audience, and make all kinds of excuses... I appreciate all the time you've taken. I have spent a lot of time, but it's okay because I know you're gonna be happy. I need to measure the space. So we can deliver it this afternoon, or is Saturday better? As I said before, I have to still measure the space. I'll have the boys come over. They can measure the space. You're not gonna let me down, are you, Stan? This doesn't have to be done today because we'll be here in the morning. Turn that down. God damn it! What did you just do? You out of your fucking mind? Actually, I have some bad news because I'm not going to... This is my last day. - What? - Actually... I'm not going to be able to finish today because... I have a very important letter that's coming in. I'm starting my own business... and I have an enormous amount of plans that I have to make. Have your desk cleared in 10 minutes. All right. ... 'cause people have got to know whether or not their president is a crook. Well, I'm not a crook. I've earned everything I've got. I sold all my stocks for $300,000. It's all I owned. I sold my apartment in New York... It's about money, Dick. ... and the testimony you gave us last week... was that you had dispersed some $69,000... in what you might call a sabotage program. And that you also perjured yourself at the trial... at Mr. Magruder's request. Would you explain to the committee how you dispersed the $69,000? I don't think that was gone into with much detail. Roger Zeffler, please. Sam Bicke, Bicke Tires. Speaking to Haldeman and Ehrlichman I said The boil had to be pricked. No. ... prick the boil and take the heat. You're the prick. Hello, Roger. No, I wasn't saying that. This is Sam Bicke. Yes, that's right, Julius' other. As a matter of fact, I'm back with Julius now. I'm handling shipping and receiving for him. I have a purchase order that... we sent in a couple of days ago. It's number 3765. Well, it is a lot of tires. We're opening an outlet in the Hill district. Black people have to have tires, too, Roger. Yes, that's the correct address. If you could just drop-ship those, that would be fine. Monday's fine. The operation they're talking about is the burglary of the Watergate. That's correct, sir. Mr. Magruder, just one very ief question. Did John Dean prepare you for your grand jury? ... by making their lives better at home, for themselves and their children. That key is in your hands. Every action I have taken tonight... is designed to help us snap out of this self-doubt... this self-disparagement that saps our energy. She declared it was all part of the national plan... to ing an end to the Black Panther party. Darn it. I want the American people... I want you to know beyond the shadow of a doubt... that during my term as president... justice will be pursued fairly, fully... Please let them know, Maestro... let them know I was nervous... that unlike the powerful, I was not so arrogant... as to be sure that my actions were righteous. Certainty is the disease of kings, Maestro. And Sam Bicke was many things, but not a king. He just wanted to make a change. To stop the lies. And he aimed high. Hello, Samuel. The landlord was kind enough to allow me in. He stopped by. I see you received his note. Julius. We have some things to discuss, don't you think? To discuss? - Good seeing you, of course. - Cut the crap. Sit down. You're a very strange man, Samuel. I've always known this. I've always tried to help. So why would you steal from me, your other? - I didn't steal... - You did. I had to bail your friend, Bonny, out of jail this evening. Bonny? For receiving stolen goods. My goods. Did you think Roger Zeffler wouldn't become suspicious of your friend? That somehow this delivery was kosher? That 550 tires belonged to that address? Roger Zeffler is a racist. Perhaps that's so. Shame on Roger Zeffler. But you are a crook. So, you tell me, Sam. Which shame is greater? - I am not... - Look at me. This is your other. Do I deserve this now, for you to lie to me? Julius, please. No. No please, Julius. No! I have been to the police. Begging forgiveness for a mistake that was not a mistake. Because I took responsibility, Samuel. So that no one would go to jail. So that this man, Bonny, your friend, would not go to jail. And my family caused this. So you must tell me, Sam, please... which is the greater shame? I'm sorry, Julius. What is your name? I had an idea. For a tire business. Like you. I wanted to get a head start until my loan came in, and my loan was denied. Because they're racists. Nixon. All of them. Like Zeffler. I didn't get the money because my partner is black. I was gonna pay you back. I'm just trying to keep my family together. And the little guy just can't do it anymore. Because there's a cancer in the system. The whole system has a cancer, and I'm being punished because I resist. But somebody has to resist. You're my other. As of this moment, Samuel... I wash my hands of you. No more. That's it. Nothing. And if you steal from me again, other or no other... I will send you to jail. You can pick the only luxury convertible made in America. But no matter which of nine Cadillac models you are to select... they're all part of the Cadillac tradition. Tonight, Fe uary 17. Good evening. Secret Service officials are still puzzling over... the landing of an Army helicopter early today... on the south lawn of the White House. It all started shortly after midnight last night... when Army Private First Class, Robert Preston... stole an unarmed helicopter... from Fort Mead, Maryland. The joy-riding pilot was identified as 20-year-old PFC Robert Preston... an Army helicopter mechanic... who was reportedly unhappy over flunking out of flight school. He was charged with unlawful entry into the White House grounds. I sincerely believe that if his attitude was to crash into the White House... he could have accomplished it without any problem. Do you think his attitude was to crash into the White House? I do. I really do. It wasn't like a light bulb really. It was more like an old candle... just a plain, simple idea. But in that moment, Mr. Bernstein, I knew... the die was cast. Mr. Bernstein... I have the utmost respect for you. Your music... is both pure and honest. And that is why I have chosen you... to present the truth about me to the world. $120, 40, 60, 80, 200. One, two, three, four and 33 cents. There you are, Mr. Bicke. All cashed out. I'm sorry. It's a shame innocent lives are going to have to be lost, Maestro. And I will do my best to prevent as many deaths... as I possibly can. But that won't be easy. If history teaches us anything... it's that you have got to get the seat of government. The whole goddamned chair, you just kick it out. Let the system dangle till it doesn't eathe. If you destroy the seat of government, then you've made a change. A real change. And I am going to do it. No, this is... I'm sure it's just... I have an injury. It's okay. Thank you. Good morning, gentlemen. My name is Sam Bicke. If you do what I say, no one will be hurt. I want you to fly this plane, and I want you to fly it low. I want you to fly it very low. I have to take control here. It's a shame there aren't more people like Bonny. What a beautiful man. I hope that he will forgive me for stealing his gun. They let you in looking like that? I wanted to talk to you. I'm sorry things didn't work out. No hard feelings. I wanted to thank you for teaching me... that to be a salesman... you don't have to be a good man. You got a fever, Bicke? You're sweating like a pig. Here, wipe your forehead, for Christ's sake. I'm trying to eat a meal. You all right, son? You love me. Don't you, boy? Because I would never leave you. Come on. Good boy. Sir? Excuse me. You left your case. TWA skycap with wheelchair, please come to TWA ticket counter. I have received reports from various parts of the country... of many instances of sharp increases in the price of gasoline. Ladies and gentlemen, we are about to begin boarding Flight 523 to Atlanta. In accordance with our security measures, we do ask you to begin to form a line. Please have your tickets and any carryon baggage with you at this time. This is the general boarding call for Flight 523 to Atlanta. Nobody move. I'll kill you. I've got a bomb, I'll kill you. You, come here. Close that door. Close it. Sir, please just calm down. - What? - Just calm down. We're gonna take care of anything you need. No! Write down that my name is Sam Bicke. If you don't move, then no one will get hurt. If you don't move, then no one will get hurt. You understand? I want you to fly this plane. I want you to fly it low. I want you to fly it very low. I hear you, Sam. I just need to call the tower. Okay? I'm gonna call the tower. I'm gonna reach over here and get my headset. I'll put it on and then call the tower... because I need them to come and take the tugs out in front of the wheels. You have to help him to fly the plane. Okay? She's gonna help you fly the plane. You have to move him. Sam, I can fly the plane myself. Just let her go. Please let me go. I don't want to die. Look at me, Maestro. Am I smiling? Tell them why I did this, Maestro. History needs to be clear on this. They can rebuild the White House, but they will never... forget me. Not ever. I was here, Maestro. I did this. And a man is only remembered for his work. Just tell them that. The first hijack attempt in the United States in more than a year... was made today in Baltimore. It failed. There had not been another hijacking attempt in this country until today. And it happened at the same Baltimore airport, but with far worse consequences. Forty-four-year-old Samuel Bicke walked to the departure gate... carrying a harmless-looking attaché case which contained gasoline and a detonator. He was running and acting like he was crazy. Out of his mind. Bicke ran through the boarding idge yelling for passengers to get out of his way. A policeman ran after him, but by that time... Bicke was inside and had forced the stewardesses to close the door. The policeman fired through the door's window... and killed the would-be hijacker. His motive may never be known, but authorities say that there's no question... the hijacker intended to destroy himself and everyone else aboard Delta Flight 523. Neil Strauser, CBS News, at the Baltimore Washington International Airport.
On your left. On your right. You must check in with your P.O. Once a week. Your P.O. Is entitled to visit at any time. You cannot come within 300 feet of... You must register immediately upon return... - Walter? - Hey, Bob. It's good to see you. That's Mary-Kay. The only reason I'm doing this is 'cause I know you did good work for my father. So you be here on time. You do your work. I don't want any kind of problem, period. God, that looks awful. Yeah. Now, this looks good. Want some? Homemade. No, thanks. You won't taste a better chicken salad in town. I said no, thank you. I'm sorry. I got to get back to work. - So, how are you adjusting? - I'm adjusting okay. - And your new apartment? - Apartment's okay. - How's the job? - The job's okay. Do I take okay to mean you feel good about working there? I said the job's okay. That's right. You did. - Vicki! - Fuck you, asshole. - Come on. What's wrong, huh? - Kiss my ass. Boy, you still think fast. You don't need to think fast to handle a beer. Well, it took some talking to convince your super I was a relative. Yeah, well, I told her all my relatives were good-looking. - Jesus Christ, man, it's good to see you. - Yeah, you too. You look good... damn good, considering you're an old man now. Feels like the whole world's gotten younger. So, you're doing okay? Yeah, I'm okay. - How's business? - Booming. Can't keep up with the work. In fact, I just hired a few new guys. Just until, you know, we catch up. Living across the street from a grade school. Jesus. Something wrong with that? I'm just thinking of the noise. It's the only landlord in town who'll take my money. So, how's Annette? A little tense. You know, you're the only member of the family still speaking to me. Yeah, well, I remember when they all gave Annette shit... because she married the own-skinned boy from down the street- except her other. And what about Annette? I'm workin' on it. - So how old is Carla? - She's gonna be 12 next week. We're gonna throw her a big party on Saturday. I wish I could ask you to come. Good enough to eat today, baby. Ooh, yeah. What the fuck do you think you're doing, huh? How'd you like it if someone did that shit to your sister, huh? Piece of shit! Fuck off! Clean that shit up! - Oh, yeah. - Play with yourself, asshole! You okay? What? - Are you okay? - Yeah, I'm fucking fantastic. So, what'd he do? - What did who do? - You know, the new guy. Drugs, armed robbery, manslaughter... Mind your business, Mary-Kay. Have you made any friends there? I'm not running for Mr. Popularity. You seem a little hostile today. It's called sarcasm, Dr. Rosen. No need to call me doctor. I'm a therapist, not a psychiatrist. It's all the same to me. Walter, I'd like you to try something for me. - What's that? - I'd like you to keep a journal. - No fuckin' way. - Why not? Evidence. Perhaps a journal would encourage you to reflect. Try it? Sixteen, 17, 18, 19, 20. 320 feet. How about that? Want a ride? - I'm all right. - It's fucking freezing out here. - I'm fine. - Come on. I won't bite. Something wrong with this picture. Here's this nice, hard-working guy... suddenly appears out of the blue. Takes the bus to and from work. I mean, who takes the bus anymore? People who don't have cars. - It's very weird. - Not as weird as a sharp, young... good-looking woman working in a lumberyard. Oh, yeah? What's weird about that? Most women wouldn't choose it. Guess I'm not like most women. You never spoke to me before. I thought you were a dyke. - Are you? - What do you think? You plan on drinking both those beers? I'm sorry. - Is that a school? - K through sixth. Doesn't it get noisy? I like the noise. I used to think you were shy... but now I think it's something else. What? - Something happened to you. - Yeah? I'm not easily shocked. I get that impression. So, you gonna tell me your dark secret? Why do you want to know? Don't you think I should know before we have sex? I don't like to waste time. So, you gonna tell me your deep, dark secret? No. Okay. So, you're not a dyke. Not tonight. Hey, that was intense. You're still here. I didn't say I didn't like it. What are you doing? This table's a heavy little bitch, man. It's cherry. This wood. It's cherry. It's a nice table. It's my own design. You're not gonna find another one like it in the world. - It was a beautiful gift. - So, why are you giving it back to me? Because, man, you need a table. Carlos, I made this table for you and Annette as a wedding present. - I put a lot into it. - I know, man. I love the table too. But I also love my wife. Hey, you got a beer? I watch the kids arrive at school. But for the last few weeks, I've noticed someone else watching them. I call him Candy. She's at the top of her class at school. How about your kids? - They're good. - Yeah? - Mm-hmm. - Yeah? She's really doing great at school. I don't see her much, but... - I'd keep away from him. - What? The new guy. I'd keep away from him if I were you. - Oh, yeah? Why's that? - I think he's damaged goods... real damaged. - You know what I mean? - Yeah, Mary-Kay, I think I do. Thanks a bunch for the advice. Suit yourself. Close, but no ciggy. Thanks, babe. Thank you. Hey, Walter. Hello. Hello. You okay? Walter, what did you do? What happened to you? Walter? Why do you want to know? Because I like you. What's the worst thing you ever did? The worst? I fucked my best friend's husband. I mean, my best friend since second grade. He had the hots for me and... Yeah, he was cute. We'd get it on for days. And then he told her- the shit. Broke up their marriage. Ruined our friendship. I still feel like the lowest piece of shit when I think about that. So, what did you do? I molested little girls. Twelve years in prison is no joke. How young? Between 10 and 12. Once a nine-year-old told me she was 11. Once a 14-year-old told me she was 12. I always asked how old they were. What did you do to them? It's not what you think. I never hurt them. Never. Look... I want you to go now, all right? I told you I'm not easily shocked. Yeah, well, you should be shocked. - Or do you get off on this shit? - What? When will I be normal? We have a lot of work to do. - Will I ever be normal? - What's your idea ofbeing normal? What's your idea of being a fuckin' shrink? - Sorry. - Watch where you're going. Sorry. So what's happening? Braves are kicking the shit out of the Phillies. Fucking Phillies. It's just the beginning of the season. You got to give them a chance. - So, how was the party? - What party? - The birthday party. - Fuck. It was great. You should have seen Carla. She was so pretty. She looked like a princess. She's the light of my life, man. You don't want to love them too much though. No such thing, man. I couldn't love her enough. Oh, I've got photos. You want to see? - Nah, it's all right. - Ah, come on. I don't want to see any goddamn pictures, all right? They're just photos I took at the party. Carlos, I want to see my sister and my niece in person. Okay? Yeah, okay. I'm just saying Carlos has a thing for his daughter. Lfhe's not careful, he's gonna suffer. You think I'm crazy? Do you think you're crazy? You know, talking to you is like riding on a fuckin' merry-go-round. That's a marvelous image, Walter. Because by going in circles we find things we missed the first time around. When will I be normal? So what should I do? Call the cops? Yeah, that's pretty funny. But what if Candy seduces one to go for a ride? Yeah, that's right. If the boy goes for a ride... it's because he wants to go for a ride. Walter. Cop. Sergeant Lucas. You mind if I come in? You are in. Yeah, I am. But I always like to ask. It's a force of habit. You don't mind if I look around, do you? I would. Why, you got something to hide? Doesn't everybody? Have a seat. I could get a search warrant. Yeah, if you could get a search warrant, you would have ought one today. This cherry? Yeah. It's a little unusual design for a contemporary piece, but... Walter... two nights ago a 10-year-old girl got attacked not far from here. That's a bit of a coincidence, don't you think? - What time did it happen? - I'll ask the questions. If you tell me what time it happened, maybe I could... Get your hands out of your fuckin' pockets! Sit down! I know every fuckin' move you make... every goddamn step. When you sleep, when you eat... when you shit, when you jack off... When you're sitting there by the window... watching the little girls in their cotton white dresses... and you're sittin' there on your little jack-off bench, and you're jackin' off. Do you show your cock to little girls when you jack off? - You can't talk to me like... - Like what? Like a piece of shit? That's what you are to me, a piece of shit. Throw you out that window right now. Think somebody's gonna miss you? I could say you jumped when I came in. Who you think they're gonna believe, me or you? You'd just be a dead piece of shit. We need to make sure... that you're being a good boy, Walter. Okay? - Okay? - Okay. Okay. Okay. Have a good day. Nice table. Yes, may I help you, please? - What did you think would happen? - I don't know. - What did you want to happen? - I don't know! Would you please stop writing in the fucking pad? You know that if anything happens to me, I go back to prison. No parole. No nothin'. For life. - Is this the first one? - Of course it is! - Why do you think I'm telling you? - I want you to calm down. You followed a girl. Perhaps you wanted to see what it felt like after so many years. Maybe subconsciously you were testing yourself. And here you are... talking about it with me. This is positive. Walter, we'll pick up here next week. Remember when you asked me what... my idea of normal was? Normal is when I can see a girl... be near a girl, even talk to a girl... and not think about... That's my idea of normal. What are you lookin' at? - What's this? - What's it look like? A plant. I don't need a plant. Everyone needs a plant. This ivy is one tough baby. It's a cutting from one of mine. So, here's the deal. Give it a little water... go easy on the direct sunlight... and notice it every once in a while. They love it when you look at 'em or touch their leaves. Think you can handle that? Such an asshole. Thanks. Want to go for a ride? Sure. Get your coat. Why do you stay? I see something in you, something good. You don't see it yet, but I do. You know, most people say the odds are against me. What odds? Percentages... for guys like me. Most of us end up back there. Well, most people don't know what they're talking about. You want to talk about odds? Someday I'll tell you how I survived... as the only daughter in a family with three sons. Hell, maybe you should tell me now. Maybe not. You scared? I got poked around here and there. Jesus. Which other? All three, in chronological order. Why are you telling me this? I'm trying to tell you who I am, if you're interested. You must hate your others. - I love my others. - No, you don't. I love all of them. They're strong, gentle men with families of their own. If you ever asked them about what they did to me, they'd beat the shit out of you. And they'd call you a fucking liar. Hey... I never told anyone that before. Yeah, he's right there. Hey, Jim. Yeah. Okay. I'll tell him. Bye-bye. Bob said you wanted to see me. He wants everyone to sign this card for Reggie. It's a baby girl. Reggie must be a happy man. I heard you're lookin' for another job. Where'd you hear that? - Around. - I'm not lookin' for another job. I just heard they're looking for some good men down at Dan Shroeder's place. I like my job. Thank you. - So, I've got some good news. - What's that? Annette will see you. Aren't you glad? When? EarlyJuly. - That's three months from now. - It's a better time. Carla will be away at camp. House'll be quiet. It's better when it's quiet. - Tell Annette I'm busy in July. - Now, come on, Walter. You should see my appointment book. It just got crazy. - It isn't what you think. - Isn't it? Look, the important thing is that you and Annette talk. She needs to see you, and you need to see her. I'm not a monster. Hey. So next week, Annette's gonna be away for a few days, right? And the thing is, when Annette's away... I get horny as hell for other women. I mean, I fantasize about fucking some beautiful woman. You don't have to tell me this. I know. I'm just sayin' I understand. It's crazy out there. I mean, girls wearing mini-this, mini-that... Sometimes when I walk down the street and I pass a sexy-looking woman... she makes me feel like I'm bothering her. Hey, I see a pretty lady, I look. That's the price of beauty, my friend. You wouldn't believe the things Carla and her friends are wearin' these days. - Can I ask you something? - Sure. You ever have... feelings for Carla? What do you mean? You know, feelings. Look, man, I ain't got your sick fuckin'... Disease? Is that what it is? Whatever the fuck it is, I ain't got it. So if you ever touch my daughter, I'll kill you. When I say the word girl... what is the earliest image you can remember? When I say the word pretty, when I say the word pleasure... who do you see? I see my sister. Where is she? She's asleep in my bedroom. Where are you? I'm in my bed too. How old are you and your sister? Oh, about six. That would make her four. What are you doing? Nothin'. Takin' a nap. - A nap? - Yeah, a nap. Kids take naps. You ever take a nap, Rosen? I don't wanna talk about this. What the hell are you doin' back there? Did you and your sister often take naps... I want you back in your chair. Now! I'm sorry. I don't like nobody behind my back. Walter, what did you do while taking naps with your sister? Nothin'. Did you touch her? Did you take her clothes off? - You take your clothes off? - This is bullshit. I'm only asking questions. All right. I'm gonna tell you just to shut you up. I smelled her hair. What else? Nothin'. That's it. I just liked smellin' her hair. You felt pleasure? Yes. - Did you get an erection? - I was six years old. I meant later, when you two took naps... when the two of you held each other... when you were 10 or 11, and she was eight or nine... when the two of you were all alone... completely alone in that big house. It was a small house. All right. A small house... with small rooms. I smelled her hair. That's all. I just liked smellin' her hair. Hi. Hello. What are you looking at? Up in that oak tree there's a nest. - Where? - Up there. - A little higher. - There are little chicks. - You want to see? - Sure. They're starlings. - Is that right? - I don't like starlings. - Why not? - They're extremely aggressive birds. Plus their habits are pretty filthy. The mother must have her hands full. So, you always carry these with you? When I go bird-watching. It's why I like coming here. It's just a city park. You'd be surprised how many kinds of birds you find here. Last week, I saw a purple martin... and the week before that, I saw a solitary vireo. - That's rare. - A solitary vireo? - I like that. - Their sound is really musical. Are you a bird-watcher too? Me? No, I'm a... more of a people-watcher. The way you were staring at the tops of those trees... I thought you were gonna take off and fly. I should go now. You come here a lot? My daddy likes me home before dark. - Well, it's good to listen to your dad. - Bye. Good morning, fellow sports fans. The match is about to begin. Candy enters the arena looking sweet and trim. He checks out the scene but plays it cool. He's definitely holding back. Uh-oh. Candy's eyes have locked on to something. Oh, yeah. A cherub lad has separated himself from his friends. Candy quickly makes his move. He offers the boy a bag of treats. Round one to Candy. The cherub walks away! Round two goes to the cherub. Very risky move by Candy. I have never seen Candy act so cocky. The cherub looks at Candy. Cherub looks for his friends. But his friends are long gone. The cherub is alone. The cherub crosses the street- The cherub gets in the car. - Hey, Walter. - What can I do for you, Sergeant Lucas? You can listen to my stories aboutJesus. Oh, no. This is too much. This is too much sun. - What? - This is ivy. These plants don't like a lot of sunlight. Don't they grow outside? Yeah, they grow outside. But outside they got trees to shade 'em. So now you're gonna take me on a nature walk? Have a seat. So, yesterday you take the 12 bus home... but you don't get off at your regular stop. You stay on. Why'd you stay on? Fell asleep. When I woke up, I was confused. I got off at the wrong stop, and I walked home. You walked home? Yeah. Some of these guys... they walk right into a family's house. Very... It's very fuckin' ballsy. Had this one guy, he's on death row... I'll call him Henry... and he's tellin' me about his last victim. She's a little... little cutie named Adele. She's seven years old. And Adele's mother's got the TV playing so loud... he can hear Letterman tellin'jokes in the next room. And he walks into Adele's room... puts his hand over her mouth. He says, If you scream, little girl, I'm gonna kill your mother. So, of course, Adele doesn't scream. She doesn't cry. She doesn't make a sound. And Henry takes her by the hand. They walk out the front door. Ten days later, they find Adele's body... what's left of it. You believe in fairy tales? Fairy tales? Yeah, like, Alice in Wonderland and... No. Yeah. Yeah, me neither. What's the one with the woodsman? - Woodsman? - Yeah. With the ax. - I don't know. - Yeah, you know it. The woodsman... He cuts open a wolf s stomach. The little girl comes out alive. - Little Red Riding Hood. - Little Red Riding Hood. That's it. That's it. The woodsman... He cuts open the wolf s stomach. The girl comes out without a scratch. You ever see a seven-year-old... been sodomized in half? She was so small... just oken. I saw 20-year vets on that job... hard guys, man... and they just oke down and cried. I was there. I cried. There ain't no fuckin' woodsman in this world. I don't know why they keep lettin' freaks like you out on the street. It just means that we gotta catch you all over again. I'll see you, Walter. Talk to me like you fuckin'... Speak to me like you fuckin'... I am not... I am not... - Let's go. - You don't feel sorry for this sick fuck. - Mind your own business, Pedro. - This is my business. What the hell is goin' on here? Who did this? Any man who can't deal with it, you meet me in the office. I'll pay you for the week. You can clear the fuck out. We got a lot of orders today. Get to work. This is bullshit. Are you okay? Watch your back, bitch. This is ready whenever. Where's Walter? I don't know. I don't fucking believe this. - Goddamn it, Mary-Kay! - Bitch, what the fuck are you doin'? - What is going on? - This is bullshit, Bob! It's bullshit. People have the right to know. See anything interesting? Not yet. - What are you writin' in that book? - It's my bird book. I've identified 67 species of birds this year alone. Wow. Where are your friends? Don't you have any friends? I have friends. A pretty girl like you should have a lot of friends. I'm not pretty. - Well, not in the common way. - What does that mean? It means that uncommon beauty... is commonly overlooked. You know, like people only notice... the birds with the ightest colors. What's your name? Let's see. Linda. Susan? Jennifer? Jackie? You tell me your name, and I'll tell ya mine. Robin. Yeah, like the bird. - How old are you? - Twelve. - No, you're not. - I will be in three months. I can't wait. I hate being 11. It has to be the stupidest age in the world. What's your name? Walter. - Do you have many friends? - No. How come? A long time ago, I was sent away f... When I came home, all my friends were gone. Sounds like you were banished. Banished, yeah. Birds are my friends. They know I watch them... but they don't mind because they like being watched... if they know you won't hurt them. - Robin... - Yes? Would you like to sit on my lap? What? Would you like to sit on my lap? No, thank you. Okay. Doesn't matter. Do you want me to sit on your lap? Yes. I would enjoy that. I know this place that's really quiet... except for the sound of these tiny little birds. They sound like finches. Yeah, they might be finches. Do you want to see? My daddy lets me sit on his lap. - Does he? - Yes. Do you like it when he asks you? No. Why not? Are you two alone when he asks you? Does he say strange things? Does he move his legs in funny ways? Walter... do you still want me to sit on your lap? I will. I don't mind. No. Go home, Robin. Come on in. It's open. Hey, Walter. What can I do for you, Sergeant Lucas? I don't know. We'll see. You didn't hear? Last night... all that shoutin' and screamin' outside? No. Yeah, a guy got beat up pretty bad last night out there. - You don't know anything about this? - Nope. I could take ya downtown. Yeah, you could... but it'd be a waste of your time. There was a boy there. He could I.D. The assailant. He gave a description. It fits you really, really close. That's a nasty scratch on your neck. I got a passionate girlfriend. What's with the boxes? I'm movin' in with her. Congrats. Lucky you. I count my blessings. Yeah, I bet you do. Well, all right. I'll be seein' you around, Walter. Hey. You think you're gonna catch this guy? Yeah. Yeah. We're gonna catch him. But the victim can't talk. Among all his other injuries, he's got a oken jaw. However, we did run a check on the victim... and as it turns out he's wanted in Virginia. Raped a boy down there. You stay out of trouble, Walter. I'm watchin' you. I saw my sister. It was hard. She's still really hurt and angry. I understand that. I do. It's gonna take time, Walter. Time? How do you feel about that? I feel... okay.
Hello, stranger. Sorry. Looking for a cigarette. I've given up. Thank you. - Got to be somewhere? - Work. You didn't fancy my sandwiches? - Don't eat fish. - Why not? Fish piss in the sea. - So do children. - Don't eat children, either. What's your work? I'm sort of a journalist. - What sort? - I write obituaries. Are we in for a long wait? She was 21 when she came in. Does it hurt? I'll live. Do you want me to put your leg up? Yes, please. Who cut off your crusts? Me. Did your mother cut off your crusts when you were a little boy? - Yes, I believe she did. - You should eat your crusts. You should stop smoking. How long was I out? - About 10 seconds. - Then what? You came to. You focused on me. You said, Hello, stranger. What a floozy. The cabbie crossed himself, he went, Thank fuck. I thought I'd killed her. I said, Let's get her to a hospital. He hesitated. I think he thought there'd be paperwork and he'd be held responsible. So I said with a slight sneer, Please just drop us at the hospital. Show me the sneer. Very good, buster. Thank you. - I told you, I've given up. - Try harder. You live here? Just arrived from New York. Taking a vacation? I'm on an expedition. Where's your baggage? - Where are you staying? - I'm a waif. A red bus. Policeman or bobby. Observe the distinctive helmet. Saint Paul's Cathedral. Please note the famous dome. - This is a truly magnificent tour. - It's the London tourists never get to see. - What's this? - I've no idea. They're all people who died saving the lives of others. I've been here before. Twenty years ago, we came here. My mother's dead. My father and I came here the afternoon she died. She was a smoker. She died in the hospital, actually. - Is your father still alive? - Hanging on. He's in a home. - You're late for work. - You saying you want me to go? I'm saying you're late for work. How did you end up writing obituaries? Well, I had dreams of being a writer, but I had no voice. What am I saying? I had no talent. So I ended up in obituaries, which is the Siberia of journalism. Tell me what you do. I want to imagine you in Siberia. Really? We call it the obits page. There's three of us: Me, Graham, and Harry. When I get to work, without fail... Are you sure you want to know? Well, if someone important died, we go to the deep freeze... which is a computer file... with all the obituaries, and we find the dead person's life. People's obituaries are written while they're still alive? Some people's. Then Harry, he's the editor, decides who we'll lead with. Then we make calls, check facts. At 6:00, we stand around the computer and look at the next day's page... and make final changes. Add a few euphemisms for our own amusement. Such as? He was a convivial fellow. Meaning he was an alcoholic. He valued his privacy. Gay. He enjoyed his privacy. Raging queen. What would my euphemism be? - She was disarming. - That's not a euphemism. Yes, it is. - What were you doing in New York? - You know. Well, no, I don't. What, were you studying? Stripping. Look at your little eyes. I can't see my little eyes. Why did you leave? Problems with a male. - Boyfriend? - Kind of. And you left him, just like that? It's the only way to leave. I don't love you anymore. Goodbye. - Supposing you do still love them? - You don't leave. - You've never left somebody you still love? - No. This is me. Enjoy your stay. Please remember our traffic tends to come from the right. Bye. Do you have a girlfriend? Yeah. Ruth. She's called Ruth. She's a linguist. - What's your name? - Alice. My name is Alice Ayres. Good. I'm just gonna change the film. Are you okay for time? - Do you mind if I smoke? - Lf you must. - I don't have to. - Then don't. I liked your book. Thanks. - When's it published? - Next year. How come you've read it? Your publisher sent me a manuscript. I read it last night. You kept me up till 4:00. I'm flattered. Is your heroine based on someone you know? Yes. She's someone called Alice. How does she feel about you stealing her life? Borrowing her life. I'm dedicating the book to her. She's pleased. Do you exhibit? Sometimes. I have a thing next year. Portraits? - Of who? - Strangers. How do your strangers feel about you stealing their lives? Borrowing. Am I a stranger? No. You're a job. And you're a sloucher. Sit up. You didn't find it obscene? - What? - The book. I thought it was accurate. About what? About sex. About love. In what way? - You wrote it. - You read it till 4:00. Don't raise your eye ows. It makes you look smug. - But you did like it? - Yes, but I could go off it. Stand up. Any criticisms? I'm not sure about the title. Got a better one? The Aquarium. So you liked the filth. - You like aquariums. - Fish are therapeutic. - Hang out in aquariums, do you? - When I can. Good for picking up strangers? Photographing strangers. Come here. You're beautiful. I don't kiss strange men. Neither do I. Do you and this Alice live together? Yes. Are you married? Yes. - No. Yes. - Which? Separated. - Do you have any children? - No. - Would you like some? - Yes, but not today. Would Alice like children? She's too young. She works in a café near here. She's coming to meet me. Quite soon. Why are you wasting her time? - You're judgmental. - You're devious. I'm not wasting her time. She's completely lovable. And completely unleavable. And you don't want someone else getting their dirty hands on her. - Men are crap. - But all the same... They're still crap. Your muse. - You've ruined my life. - You'll get over it. Dan. Your shirt. You all done? - How's the photographer? - Good. Professional. Rigorous. Beady. One of your lot. - What, female? - Americano. Come on. Anna? - Alice. - Hi. - Sorry to interrupt. - No, we've just finished. - Would you like some tea? - No, thanks. I've been serving it all day. Can I use your loo? Sure. Just through there. She is beautiful. - I've got to see you. - No. What's this? Patriotism? - I don't want trouble. - I'm not trouble. You're taken. - I've got to see you. - Tough. - You kissed me. - What are you, 12? I'm a block of ice. Will you take my photo? I've never been photographed by a professional before. I'd really appreciate it. I can pay you. No, I'd like to. Only if you don't mind. Why should I? Because you'll have to go away. We don't want him here while we're working, do we? No, we don't. Right. I'll be in the pub on the corner. Have fun. Thank you. - Good luck with your exhibition. - Good luck with your book. So you've got an exhibition? Yeah. I read Dan's book. You've had quite a life. Thanks. He said you work in a café? I am a waitress. That's a temporary thing? No. Why don't you come over here and sit? - You live here? - I do now. Because you're single? Who was your last boyfriend? My husband. Was he English? - Very. - What happened to him? Someone younger. You've got a great face. Doesn't everyone? I suppose so. I just... From the book, somehow I thought you'd be less... What? I don't know what, exactly. How do you feel about him using your life? It's really none of your business. When he let me in downstairs... he had this look. I just listened to your conversation. I don't know what to say. I'm not a thief, Alice. Do you want a drink? I have some vodka in the fridge. We could have a drink. Just take my picture. Good. Shit. What's the histology? Progressive? No. Sounds like an atrophy. Okay. Bye. Bollocks. Jesus. Anna? I got the coat. The white coat. So I see. I'm Larry. The doctor. Hello, Dr. Larry. Feel free to call me The Sultan. I can't believe these things actually happen. I thought if you showed up, you'd be an old trout. But you are bloody gorgeous. Well, thank you. Fish. You gotta respect them. - Have you? - Of course. We were fish. Long ago. Before we were apes. You mentioned a hotel. No rush. Actually, there is. I've got to be in surgery by 3:00. - Are you having an operation? - No, I'm doing one. - Are you really a doctor? - I said I was. You are Anna? I'm sorry. Did I photograph you? Did we meet somewhere? Come on. Don't play games, you nymph of the Net. - Excuse me? - You were up for it yesterday. - Was I? - Yeah. Wear my wet knickers. Sit on my face. - Cum-hungry bitch. - Okay. Why do I feel like a pervert? I think you're the victim of a practical joke. - I am so sorry. - It's okay. No. We spoke on the Net last night. Now you've seen me... I wasn't on the Net last night. Where were you between 6:45 and 7:00 p.m.? That's really none of your business. - Where were you? - On the Net, talking to you. - Well, I was talking to someone. - Someone pretending to be me. I think you were talking to Daniel Woolf. - Who? - This guy I know. It's him. - No, I was talking to a woman. - How do you know? Believe me, she was a woman. I got a huge... She was a... She wasn't, was she? No. What a bastard. How do you know him? I don't really know him. I took his photograph for a book he wrote. - I hope it sank without a trace. - It's on its way. There is justice in the world. What's it called? The Aquarium. What a prick! He's advertising. But why would he pretend to be you? I think he likes me. Funny way of showing it. Can't he send you flowers? Extraordinary thing, the Internet. Possibility of genuine global communication. The first great democratic medium. Absolutely. It's the future. Two guys wanking in cyberspace. He was the wanker. I'll say this for him, he can write. Is he in love with you? I don't know. No. - Are you in love with him? - I hardly know him. But you're sort of interested. I think he's interesting. No, don't. I look like a criminal in photos. Please. It's my birthday. Really? Really. Happy birthday. Thank you. This man comes into the café today and he says: Hey, waitress, what are you waiting for? Funny guy. So I go, I'm waiting for a man to come in here... and fuck me sideways with a beautiful line like that. What did he do? Asked for a cup of tea with two sugars. - I'm waiting for you. - To do what? Leave me. I'm not going to leave you. I totally love you. Why is this? Please let me come. I want to be there for you. - Are you ashamed of me? - Of course not. I told you... - I want to be alone. - Why? To grieve. To think. - I love you. Why won't you let me? - It's only a weekend. Why won't you let me love you? Buster. Let's go to this thing... then I'll get my train. I'll be away one night. I'll be back before you know it, okay? Do these people pay you? Or do you pay them? Like it? No. What were you so sad about? - Life. - What's that, then? So what do you reckon, in general? You want to talk about art? I know it's vulgar to discuss The Work at an opening of The Work... but someone's got to do it. I'm serious. What do you think? It's a lie. It's a bunch of sad strangers photographed beautifully... and all the glittering assholes who appreciate art... say it's beautiful because that's what they want to see. But the people in the photos are sad... and alone. But the pictures make the world seem beautiful... so the exhibition's reassuring, which makes it a lie. And everyone loves a big, fat lie. - I'm the big, fat liar's boyfriend. - Bastard. - Larry. - Alice. So you're Anna's boyfriend. A princess can kiss a toad. - Frog. - Toad. - Frog. - Toad, frog, lobster. They're all the same. So how long have you been seeing her? Four months. We're in the first flush. It's paradise. All my nasty habits amuse her. - You shouldn't smoke. - Fuck off. I'm a doctor. I'm supposed to say things like that. - You want one? - No. Yes. No. Fuck it, yes. No. I've given up. Anna tells me your bloke wrote a book. - Any good? - Of course. It's about you, isn't it? - Some of me. - Oh? What did he leave out? The truth. Is he here, your bloke? Yeah, he's over there talking to your bird. My boyfriend's here. He's here? Where? There. With Alice? I believe you're acquainted. - I've never seen him before. - No. But you've spoken. Well, conversed. - Corresponded. - I wrote to him? On the Net. You sent him to the aquarium. I happened to be there. Nice work, Cupid. - We need to talk about this. - No, we don't. He's very pretty. She is very tall. So you're a stripper? Yeah. And? You take care, now. I will. You, too. That's the way it should be. He's very funny. Excuse me. Nice to meet you. - Pleased with the success? - Yes, absolutely. Yours was the best. You were the belle of the bullshit. Who were those awful people? - Where do they come from? - Why should we care? - You get this one. You'll miss your train. - I'll be fine. Come on, it's cold. I'll see you on Sunday. Where to, love? Taxi! Sorry. Why don't you make up your bleeding mind? Thank you so much. I appreciate your coming. I'll call you tomorrow. See you next week. - Thanks. - Thanks very much. - I thought you'd gone. - I forgot this. So he's a dermatologist. Can you get more boring than that? - Obituarist? - Failed novelist, please. I was sorry about your book. Thanks. I blame the title. So we pull out our Christmas crackers with those appalling jokes. My guy says, Hang on. These are second-rate jokes. I've got a first-rate joke. Sit back and take notice. So we go, Okay, what's the joke? And he says: It's based on A Christmas Carol... which is why it seems so relevant on Christmas Day. I haven't even seen you for a year. Yes, you have. Only because you stalk me outside my studio. I don't stalk. I lurk. And when I'm not there you look for me. - How do you know if you're not there? - Because I am there... lurking from a distance. Look at me. Tell me you're not in love with me. I'm not in love with you. You just lied. I'm your stranger. Jump. - Hello, stranger. - Hello. Intense conversation? His father died. Were you spying? Lovingly observing... with a telescope. He's taller than in his photo. His photo's a headshot. Yeah, I know. But his head implied a short body, when, in fact, his head is deceptive. Deceptive? He's actually got a long body. He's a stringy fucker. I could have him. - What? - Lf it came to it, in a scrap, I could have him. Did you tell him we call him Cupid? No, that's our joke. I had a chat with young Alice. - Fancy her? - Of course. - Not as much as you. - Why not? You're a woman. She's a girl. She has the moronic beauty of youth, but she's sly. - She seems open to me. - That's how she wants to seem. You forget you're dealing with a clinical observer of the human carnival. - Am I, now? - Yes. You seem more like the cat that got the cream. Stop licking yourself. That's the nastiest thing you've ever said to me. That's horrible. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. - Where have you been? - Work thing. Had a drink with Harry. You never have one drink with Harry. - You know he's in love with you. - No, he's not. Is he? Did you eat? I'll make you something. I'm not hungry. What? This will hurt. I've been with Anna. I'm in love with her. We've been seeing each other for a year. It began at her opening. - Have a nice one. - Cheers, guvnor. Don't move. I want to remember this moment forever. First time I walked through the door, returning from a business trip... to be greeted by my wife. I have, in this moment, become an adult. Thanks for waiting up, you darling. You goddess. I missed you. How about some tea? Jesus, I'm knackered! - Didn't you sleep on the plane? - No... because the permed German next to me was snoring like a Messerschmitt. - What's the time? - About midnight. Time. What a tricky little fucker. My head's in two places. My ain actually hurts. - Do you want some food? - No, I need a bath. - I'll run it for you. - No, I'll have a shower. You okay? How was the thing? As dermatological conferences go, it was a riot. How was the hotel? Someone told me that the beautiful people of the Paranoid Hotel... the concierge, the bellboys and girls... Did you know this? - They're all whores. - Everybody knows that. I didn't. I don't suppose you'd fancy a friendly poke. I just had a bath. Right. I'll see to myself, then, in the Elle Decoration bathroom. - You chose that bathroom. - And every time I wash in it I feel dirty. It's cleaner than I am. It's got attitude. The mirror says, Who the fuck are you? - You chose it. - Doesn't mean I like it. We shouldn't have this. I hear middle-class guilt. Working-class guilt. Why are you dressed if you just had a bath? We needed some milk. You okay? - You? - Yeah. I'm going. - I'm sorry. - Irrelevant. What are you sorry for? Everything. - Why didn't you tell me before? - Cowardice. Is it because she's successful? No, it's because she doesn't need me. Did you ing her here? Yes. - Didn't she get married? - She stopped seeing me. Is that when we went to the country? To cele ate our third anniversary? Did you phone her? Beg her to come back? - When you went for your long, lonely walks? - Yes. You're a piece of shit. Deception is utal. I'm not pretending otherwise. How? How does it work? How do you do this to someone? Not good enough. - I fell in love with her, Alice. - As if you had no choice? There's a moment. There's always a moment. I can do this, I can give in to this, or I can resist it. And I don't know when your moment was, but I bet you there was one. I'm going. - It's not safe out there. - And it's safe in here? What about your things? - I don't need things. - Where will you go? Disappear. The Sultan has returned bearing gifts. Thank you. They're beautiful. Here's a thing. Alice was at the hotel. What? They sell these arty postcards in the lobby. I bought one to boost your sales. Young Woman, London. And I checked for your book in The Museum of Modern Art. It was there. Someone bought one. This guy with a ridiculous little beard. He was drooling over your photo on the inside cover. He fancied you, the geek. I was so proud of you. You've oken New York. You're wonderful. Don't ever forget it. Can I still see you? Dan, can I still see you? Answer me. I can't see you. If I see you, I'll never leave you. - What will you do if I find someone else? - Be jealous. You still fancy me? Of course. You're lying. I've been you. Will you hold me? - I amuse you, but I bore you. - No. You did love me? I'll always love you. I hate hurting you. Then why are you? 'Cause I'm selfish. - And I think I'll be happier with her. - You won't. You'll miss me. No one will ever love you as much as I do. Why isn't love enough? I'm the one who leaves. I'm supposed to leave you. Make some tea, buster. Why are you dressed? Because I think you might be about to leave me... and I didn't want to be wearing a dressing gown. I slept with someone in New York. A whore. I'm sorry. Why did you tell me? - I couldn't lie to you. - Why not? Because I love you. It's fine. Really? Why? Something's wrong. Tell me. Are you leaving me? Because of this? Why? Dan. Cupid? He's our joke. I love him. You're seeing him now? Since when? Since my opening last year. I'm disgusting. You're phenomenal. You're so clever. Why did you marry me? I stopped seeing him. I wanted us to work. - Why did you tell me you wanted children? - Because I did. - And now you want children with him? - Yes. I don't know. But we're happy... aren't we? - You're gonna go live with him? - You stay here if you want. I don't give a fuck about the spoils. You did this to me the day we met. You let me hang myself for your amusement. Why didn't you just tell me when I walked in the door? - I was scared. - You're a coward, you spoilt bitch. Are you dressed because you thought I might hit you? What do you think I am? - I've been hit before. - Not by me. Is he a good fuck? Don't do this. Just answer the question. Is he good? Yes. Better than me? - Different. - Better? - Gentler. - What does that mean? - You know what it means. - Tell me. - No. - I treat you like a whore? - Sometimes. - Why would that be? - I'm sorry, you're... - Don't say it. Don't you fucking say: You're too good for me. I am, but don't say it. You're making the mistake of your life. You're leaving me because you believe that you don't deserve happiness... but you do, Anna. Did you have a bath because you had sex with him? So you wouldn't smell of him? So you'd feel less guilty? How do you feel? Guilty. Did you ever love me? Yes. Did you do it here? No. Why not? Do you wish we did? Just tell me the truth. Yes, we did it here. Where? There. On this? We had our first fuck on this. Did you think of me? When? When did you do it here? - Answer the question! - This evening. Did you come? - Why are you doing this? - 'Cause I want to know. - Yes, I came. - How many times? - Twice. - How? - First he went down on me, then we fucked. - Who was where? I was on top, then he fucked me from behind. - That's when you came the second time? - God. - Why is the sex so important? - Because I'm a fucking caveman! Did you touch yourself while he fucked you? - You wank for him? - Sometimes. - And he does? - We do everything... - that people who have sex do. - You enjoy sucking him off? - You like his cock? - I love it. - Like him coming in your face? - Yes! - What does it taste like? - Like you, but sweeter. That's the spirit. Thank you. Thank you for your honesty. Now fuck off and die... you fucked-up slag. I love you. Thank you. - What's this room called? - The Paradise Suite. - How many Paradise Suites are there? - Eight. Do I have to pay you to talk to me? No. But if you want to tip me, you're welcome. Thank you. I used to come here a million years ago. It was a punk club. The stage was... Everything is a version of something else. Twenty years ago. How old were you? - Four. - Christ. - When I was in flares, you were in nappies. - My nappies were flared. - You have the face of an angel. - Thank you. What does your cunt taste like? Heaven. How long have you been doing this? - Three months. - Straight after he left you? No one left me. - Nice wig. - Thank you. Does all this turn you on? - Sometimes. - Liar. You're telling me that 'cause you think it's what I want to hear. You think I'm turned on by it turning you on. The thought of me creaming myself when I strip for strangers doesn't turn you on? Put like that, yes. - Are you flirting with me? - Maybe. - Are you allowed to flirt with me? - Sure. - Really? - No, I'm not. I'm eaking all the rules. - You're mocking me. - Yes, I'm allowed to flirt. To prize my money from me. To prize your money from you, I may do or say as I please. - Except touch. - We're not allowed to touch. Open your legs. Wider. Show me. So what would happen if I touched you now? - I'd call security. - What would they do? They would ask you to leave and not to come back. - And if I refused to leave? - They would remove you. Those are security cameras in the ceiling. I think it's best I don't attempt to touch you. I'd like to touch you. Later. - I'm not a whore. - I wouldn't pay. Why the fuck did he leave you? - What's your job? - A question. You asked me a question. - So? - It's a chink in your armor. - I'm not wearing armor. - Yes, you are. - Why are you calling yourself Jane? - Because it's my name. We both know it isn't. You're all protecting your identities. There's a girl out there who calls herself Venus. What's her real name? - Pluto. - You're cheeky. - Would you like me to stop being cheeky? - No. What's your name? Daniel. Daniel the dermatologist. - I never told you my job. - I guessed. You're strong. There's another one out there. Judging by the scars, a patient of Dr. Tit. Calls herself Cupid. Who's gonna tell her he was a bloke? - He wasn't a bloke. He was a little boy. - I want you to tell me your name. Please. Thank you. My name is Jane. Your real name. Thank you. - My real name is Jane. - Careful. Thank you. Still Jane. I've got about another Ł500 here. Why don't I just give you all this money and you tell me what your real name is... Alice? I promise. Thank you. My real name... is plain Jane Jones. I may be rich, but I'm not stupid. What a shame, Doc. I love them rich and stupid. Don't you fuck around with me. - I apologize. - Accepted. All the girls in this hellhole, the pneumatic robots... the coked-up baby dolls, and you're no different. You all use stage names to con yourselves you're someone else... so you don't feel ashamed showing your cunts and assholes to strangers. I'm trying to have a conversation. - You're out of cash. - I paid for this room. This is extra. - We met last year. - Wrong girl. Talk to me! - I am. - Talk to me in real life. I didn't know you'd be here. I know who you are. I love you. I love everything about you that hurts. She won't even see me. - You feel the same. I know it. - You can't cry in here. - Hold me. Let me hold you. - We're not allowed to touch. Come home with me. It's safe. Let me look after you. - I don't need looking after. - Everyone needs looking after. I'm not your revenge fuck. - I'll pay you. - I don't need your money. - You have my money. - Thank you. - Thank you. Is that some kind of rule? - Just being polite. Do you get a lot of grown men crying their guts out here? Occupational hazard. Have you ever desired a customer? Yes. Then put me out of my misery. Do you desire me? Because I'm being pretty honest about my feelings for you. - Your feelings? - Whatever. No, I don't desire you. Thank you. Thank you sincerely for your honesty. You think you haven't give us anything of yourselves? Do you think because you don't love us or desire us... or even like us, you think you've won? It's not a war. If I asked you to strip right now, would you? - Of course. Do you want me to? - No. Alice, tell me something true. Lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off... but it's better if you do. You're cold. You're all cold at heart. What do you have to do to get a bit of intimacy around here? Maybe next time I'll have worked on my intimacy. No, I'll tell you what's gonna work. You're gonna take your gear off right now. You're gonna turn around very slowly, and you're gonna bend over... and you're gonna touch the fucking floor for my viewing pleasure. Is that what you want? What else could I want? I'm sorry. - What happened? - Traffic. - Do you want to go stand in the back? - No, let's have a drink. You look flushed. You have no need to run. - Vodka tonic? - Yes. - Vodka tonic and a Guinness, please. - Sure. How was it? Fine. You had lunch? Then what? - And then we left. - And? There's no and. You haven't seen him in four months. There must be an and. - How is he? - Terrible. - Keep the change. - Thank you, sir. How is his dermatology? - He's in private practice now. - Is he? Was he weeping all over the place? - Some of the time. - Poor bastard. Was he difficult? Are you angry that I saw him? No. It's just... I haven't seen Alice. You can't see Alice. You don't know where she is. I haven't tried to find her. You know why I saw him. He's been begging me for months. I saw him so he'd sign. - So has he signed? - Yes. Congratulations. You're a divorcée. Double divorcée. Sorry. How do you feel? Tired. I love you. And I need a piss. I hate this place. At least it's central. I hate central. Central London's a theme park. I hate retro. I hate the future. Where does that leave me? Come back. - You promised you wouldn't. - Come back. - How's work? - Jesus. Work's shit, okay? Do they have waiters here? I love you. Please come back. I'm not coming back. Sign. No pen. Pen. Give me back my hand. Sign. I'll sign on one condition. We skip this. We go to my sleek new surgery... and we christen the patients' bed with our final fuck. I know you don't want to... and I know you think I'm sick for asking, but that's what I'm asking. For old times' sake. Because I'm obsessed with you. Because I can't get over you unless... Because I think, on some small level... you owe me something for deceiving me so exquisitely. For all these reasons, I am begging you to give me your body. You'd be my whore. And in return, I will pay you with your liberty. You do this, I swear I will not contact you again. I'm going to the bar. I assume you still drink vodka tonic? You slept with him, didn't you? - What do you expect me to do? - Understand. Why didn't you lie to me? Because we said we'd always tell each other the truth. What's so great about the truth? Try lying for a change. It's the currency of the world. I did what he wanted, and now he will leave us alone. I love you. - I didn't give him anything. - Your body? If Alice came to you, desperate... with all that love still between you... and she said she needed you to want her... so she could get over you, you'd do it. I wouldn't like it either, but I'd forgive you. - It's kindness. - No, cowardice. You haven't got the guts to let him hate you. I'm doing this because I feel guilty, and because I pity you. - You know that, don't you? - Yes. - Feel good about yourself? - No. It's gone. - We're not innocent anymore. - Don't stop loving me. I can see it draining out of you. It's me, remember? It was a stupid thing to do, and it meant nothing. If you love me enough, you'll forgive me. - Are you testing me? - No. - I do understand. - No. He understands. All I can see is him all over you. He's clever, your ex-husband. I almost admire him. You going to tell him? I don't know. Better to be truthful about this kind of thing. Sign. I forgive you. Sign. I think you enjoyed it. He wheedles you into bed. The old jokes... the strange familiarity. I think you had a whale of a time. And the truth is I'll never know unless I ask him. Why don't you? Yes? You can go in now. - I want Anna back. - She's made her choice. I owe you an apology. I fell in love with her. My intention was not to make you suffer. So where's the apology? You cunt. I apologize. If you love her, you'll let her go... so she can be happy. - She doesn't want to be happy. - Everybody wants to be happy. Depressives don't. They want to be unhappy to confirm they're depressed. If they were happy, they couldn't be depressed. They'd have to go out into the world and live, which can be depressing. - Anna's not a depressive. - Isn't she? - I love her. - Boo-hoo. So do I. She's gone back to you because she can't bear your suffering. You don't know who she is. - You love her like a dog loves its owner. - And the owner loves the dog for so doing. You'll hurt her. You'll never forgive her. Of course I forgive her. I have forgiven her. Without forgiveness we're savages. You're drowning. - You only met her because of me. - Yeah. Thanks. It's a joke. Your marriage is a joke. Here's a good one. She never sent the divorce papers to her lawyer. Now, to a towering romantic hero like you, I don't doubt I am somewhat common. But I am, nevertheless, what she has chosen... and we must respect what the woman wants. If you go near her again, I swear... I will kill you. Okay. I have patients to see. When she came here, do you think she enjoyed it? I didn't do it to give her a nice time. I fucked her to fuck you up. A good fight is never clean. And of course she enjoyed it. As you know, she loves a guilty fuck. - You're an animal. - Yeah? What are you? You think love is simple. You think the heart is like a diagram. Have you ever seen a human heart? It looks like a fist wrapped in blood! Go fuck yourself. You writer! You liar! You go check a few facts while I get my hands dirty. She hates your hands. She hates your simplicity. I spent the whole of last week talking about you. I know all your ways. Anna says you fucked her with your eyes closed. She tells me you wake in the night crying for your mother, you mommy's boy. I could go on. Shall we stop this? It's over. Accept it. You don't know the first thing about love... because you don't understand compromise. - Don't cry on me. - I'm sorry. I don't know what to do. You want my advice? You go back to Alice. She'd never have me. - She's vanished. - No, she hasn't. I found her, by accident. She's working in a club. Yes, I saw her naked. No, I did not fuck her. You spoke to her? Yes, I know. One minute. How is she? She loves you... beyond comprehension. Your prescription. It's where she works. Go to her. Thank you. You still pissing about on the Net? Not recently. - I wanted to kill you. - I thought you wanted to fuck me. Don't get lippy. I liked your book, by the way. Thanks. You stand alone. With Anna. - You still writing obituaries? Busy? - I was made editor. - Yeah? How come? - Previous editor died. Alcohol poisoning. I sat with him for a week in the hospital. I really do have patients to see. - Thank you. - For what? - Being kind. - I am kind. Your invoice is in the post. I lied to you. I did fuck Alice. Sorry for telling you. I'm just not big enough to forgive you. Buster. Show me the sneer. Beautiful. You'll wake up the hotel. Fuck me. Again? We have to get up at 6:00. How can one man be so endlessly disappointing? That's my charm. So where are we going? - My treat. - Where are we going? My holiday surprise. My rules. Where are we going? New York. You angel. - You did remember to pack my passport? - Of course. It's with my passport. And where's that? In a place where you can't look. No one sees my passport picture. When we get on the plane, we'll have been together four years. What about the gap? You mean trial separation? Didn't work out. Happy anniversary. I'm going to take my eyes out. - What was in my sandwiches? - Tuna. - How many stitches did I get? - Two. But you should have had three. - What was your euphemism? - Disarming. Too easy, buster. Next? That park. Who'd I go there with? Your father. Were the chairs in the hospital gray or blue? - No idea. - Trick question. They were green. You are a trick question. How come we never took a vacation? We went to the country. Doesn't count. You were off making sneaky phone calls... to that witch we do not mention. Come to bed. I need a smoke. - How'd you manage to give up? - Deep inner strength. Why me? You could have chosen anyone. Why me? Because you cut off your crusts. And this. - When are you going to stop stripping? - Soon. - You're addicted to it. - No, I'm not. It paid for this. Tell me what happened. - Nothing happened. - But he came to the club. Lots of men come to the club. You came to the club. - The look on your face. - The look on your face. What a face. What a wig. I saw this face... this vision... when you stepped into the road. It was the moment of my life. - This is the moment of your life. - You were perfect. I still am. On the way to the hospital... I kissed your forehead. You ute. The cabbie saw me kissing you. He said, Is she yours? I said, Yes, she's mine. She's mine. So he came to the club, watched you strip, you had a little chat, and that was it? Yes. You're not trusting me. I'm in love with you. You're safe. You had every right. I just want to know. - Why? - Because I want to know everything. Because I'm a lunatic. Tell me. Nothing happened. - You were living with someone else. - What are you justifying? I'm not justifying anything. Just saying. - What are you saying? - I'm not saying anything. I just want the truth. - Where are you going? - Cigarettes. Everywhere's closed. I'll go to the terminal. When I get back... please tell me the truth. - Why? - Because I'm addicted to it. Because without it we're animals. Trust me. I don't love you anymore. Since when? Now. Just now. I don't want to lie... and I can't tell the truth... so it's over. It doesn't matter. - I love you. None of it matters. - Too late. I don't love you anymore. Goodbye. Here's the truth... so now you can hate me. Larry fucked me all night. I enjoyed it. I came. I prefer you. Now go. I knew that. He told me. - You knew? - I needed to hear it from you. - Why? - Because he might have been lying. I had to hear it from you. I would never have told you, because I know you'd never forgive me. I would. I have. - Why did he tell you? - Because he's a bastard. - How could he? - Because he wanted this to happen. - But why test me? - Because I'm an idiot. Yes. I would have loved you... forever. - Now please go. - Don't do this. Talk to me. I am talking. Fuck off. No, I'm sorry. You misunderstand. I didn't mean to... Yes, you did. - I love you. - Where? - What? - Show me. Where is this love? I can't see it. I can't touch it. I can't feel it. I can hear it. I can hear some words... but I can't do anything with your easy words. Whatever you say, it's too late. - Please don't do this. - It's done. Now please go, or I'll call security. You're not in a strip club. There is no security. - Why did you fuck him? - I wanted to. - Why? - I desired him. - Why? - You weren't there. - Why him? - He asked me nicely. - You're a liar. - So? - Who are you? - I'm no one. Go on, hit me. That's what you want. Hit me, fucker. - Welcome back, Miss Jones. - Thank you.
We gotta jack it up. We need help here. Hey, we got a flat tire in the back now. They gotta get that unloaded. Slim, get over there. I don't need you working on the tarp. I got it, I got it! Pull it down. Hook it at the bottom. Just get out of the way. Come on. Hey, guys, get out of the truck. We need a hand out here. Hurry up. Come on, they got a flat tire down there. Let's go, let's go. We gotta get down there. The animals are getting spooked. Hurry up. Hurry, now. We've gotta get it unloaded. Don't worry about it. Just let it go. No, no. No, five of them. Go. Don't worry about that. Don't let the ze as run. Stay with them. - Both of you, come here. - Everything's off. - No, no, no. - All right, it's good. It's good. We'll load them up as soon as the tire's on. Load them back on! Don't forget anything! - Come on. There you go. - Go. Go. - Let's go. - We've got it. - We got everything? - We've got it all. What the...? Hey. Hey, there. Hey, boy, just calm down. It's all right. It's all right. There we go. There you go. It's all right. It's all right. There you go. - All right. - You weren't kidding. Can we keep him, Daddy? Can we, please? I don't know, it's... You know, he's probably got all kinds of special needs. We should... - We should probably call the zoo and... - No. No zoos. You know I don't like the idea of animals in cages. Honey, neither do I, but let's just see what we got here. Let's... I gotta think about this. Well, first things first. Let's get him some blankets and warm milk. Okay, don't get too carried away. - Stop waking me up. - What's in the basket? Hey, Tucker. Did you see that? You seen one funny-looking horse, you seen them all. Oh, come on. Get out there and say hello. - Wake me up when he leaves. - You know what, I'll do it myself. That's the weirdest-looking horse I've ever seen. Oh, he's cute. Tucker, come out here and meet our guest. I'm coming. I swear, Franny, the funnier-looking the animal... ...the more you wanna keep it. - Kept you, didn't I? Well, subdivide me and Kentucky-fry me. You know what, Tucker, you cut those bangs... ...you and him could be cousins. - Bad hair. - Just thinking out loud. Thinking out loud. - Question time. - What exactly are you? - Good question. - I don't know. - Okay, we can rule out genius. Don't make me chew open a can of pony whup. Save the sweet talk for later. Don't pay any attention to him. Listen, he's all whinny and no bite. I'm Franny, this is Reggie, and Mr. Sensitive here is Tucker. And that old goat there is an old goat. It's the chief. - You used to be so nice. - Yeah, I know, but I got over it. Why do you have to be such a horse's...? Well, let's just get you dried off first, all right? He's got real strong legs. He's quite the little athlete. Hey, buddy. Why don't you grab the milk and see if he'll come to you. Come here, boy. Come on. Come on. Come on. There you are. Come on, boy. Come on. Attaboy. - Welcome to your new home, Stripes. - Stripes? Well, Spot doesn't work, now, does it? You like that name, don't you? Stripes. Well, I'll take that as a yes. Good morning, Walsh Farm! Well, I know it's not glamorous, but it's a living. Keeps my head on my shoulders, which is more than I can say for my cousins. Simmer down there, Lightning. Hey, hey, slow down. Boy, oh, boy. Kids these days, no control. Now, back in my day... Oh, here we go again with the ancient-history lesson. Enough. Now we're in for it. And the horses are entering the starting gates. Oh, what is that? That is the only reason for a horse to live, kid. It's called a racetrack. Oh, there's more to life than running around in a circle. Well, maybe to you. It's like this: Humans race, horses race. There was even a Chicken Run, but there's never been a goat race. Ever, ever, ever. Get the picture, Franny? - Could I race? - It's complicated. It takes a lot of work to become a racehorse. - What's a racehorse? - They're the greatest. Once a year, there's a big race to see who's the best. By the way, the horses that won every year were the ones we trained. - Why did you quit? - Lxnay on the other-may. Say what you mean. We haven't spoken Latin since the pigs left. Oh, all right. A few years ago, the girl's mother had an accident. Yeah. Her horse stumbled and neither one of them could be saved. - The chief couldn't bear to train after that. - And neither did we. Hey, look, they're ready to go. - How come none of them have stripes? - You take this one. Thanks. Just unlucky, I guess. And they're off. Flash of Thunder's... Look at them. Look at them run. Watch me, I'm a racehorse. Well, would you look at him? He loves to run. It's in his heart. - But that's not enough. - You could train him. - Then it would be enough. - Let me tell you something. The legs are too short, the head's too big. He's got as much chance to race as me. Besides, I have got better things to do. - Oh, go fix your hair. - I heard that. Watch me, I'm in the big race. Excuse me. Racehorse coming through. Whoa, look at that. - Come on. - Dude, I'm right with you. Whoa, nice mohawk. That's funny. Mohawk. - What's a mohawk? - Shut up, you idiot. - You guys train to race? - Yeah, you want a taste? - Ready, set, go. Catch me if you can. - Hey, I wasn't ready. Come on, you slowpoke! Yeah! - I'm not even in second gear yet. - Yeah, he's not even in second gear yet. Last one to the fence is a donkey. - Dude, it's your dad. - Great. Son. Stay away from that fence. Come on, Dad. We were just having some fun. Fun is overrated. If you're going to be a champion, I suggest you start acting like one. - Oh, your dad scares me, dude. - Not me. - Pride! Ruffshodd! - Coming, Father. Yeah, coming, Mr. Sir Trenton, sir. I don't understand. Why won't he let them play with me? You're just different. And for some horses, different is scary. Come on, he's never late. I'm all ready to go. Where is he? Oh, here he comes. Bring it on. Show me what you got. Here we go. Better luck tomorrow! Dang! I had him today. - She's just not right today, Mr. Cooper. - Yep. - Better give her a eak. - Okay. You call that jumping? Looked like she was having a seizure. Sorry, Miss Dalrymple. She seemed a bit shy on the high jump... ...so I thought I'd take it easy. - Of course you did. But, you know, the thing is, I don't pay you to take it easy. I pay you to train. You can only push a horse so hard. Cooper, cooper, cooper. Why must you be so tedious? Okay, here's the deal. Now, as long as I am signing your checks, you will push her as hard as I tell you to. Don't you have a board meeting at the track to get to? As a matter of fact, I do. Yo, yo, Pride. Check out the new filly. What a mane. Look at those flanks. Watch. She's gonna come straight for me. Do I have anything in my teeth? You always have something in your teeth, Ruffshodd. - Hey, where's she going? - Excuse me. - Would you care to join me for a drink? - A drink. Good call. No. Talk to the tail, boys. Did you ever consider going around that tree instead of through it? Yeah, well, usually it moves out of my way. I've never heard of a tree doing that. You don't know the trees here. Are you new? - Just got here. I'm Sandy. - I'm Stripes. You don't say? - Are you a racehorse? - No, I'm a jumper. I've actually competed all around the world. Well, I'm a racehorse. I'm training to be in the big race. By racing the mailman? Well, the other horses don't wanna race me. - I'm just way too fast for them. - He's not a racer. Oh, not them again. They say his dad's a horse and his mom's a fence. Real funny, guys. I've gotta go, I'm sorry. I'll see you around, Stripes? - Later. - So, Stripey, how's it going? - You still racing the mailman? - Oh, the mailman wasn't racing him. - He was running away from him. - I'll race you any time you want. - Well, unfortunately I don't race nobodies. - Yeah, he don't race nobodies. - Figures. All talk and no action. - Well, this is disappointing. - Oh, it's my dad. - Listen, you. I want you to stop bothering my son. And you can tell Tucker I said that. Trenton's Pride is a champion with a real future. And you, well... You have your place. - Father, I... - You and I will talk later. Mr. Sir Trenton, sir, we been trying to get this guy to stop bothering us... ...but he just won't stop... - Ruffshodd. ...bothering us. - Shut up, you idiot. Yes, Mr. Sir Trenton, sir. And may I say, your coat is very shiny today. There's a place where we can settle this. No humans. No rules. Where and when? - Welcome to the Blue Moon Races. - Yeah! - It's him. - Be quiet. Be quiet. Tonight's first contestant is 10-0 and good to go. He is the baddest pony on the prairie. Give it up for Trenton's Pride. Step right up, if you're horse enough. - Not me, no way. - Who's feeling their oats? - Nobody can beat him. - No way. He's too tough. I'll take him on. Laugh it up. Just wait and see. - Hey, Sandy. - Hi, Stripes. Well, well. I'm surprised you showed up. You wanna talk or race? - That coat is simply dreadful. - Well, it's slimming, though. Right? - Oh, you're gonna wish you stayed home. - You're gonna wish I stayed home too. After I kick your butt. And now, let's get ready to... ...race! Up to that heap, around it and back to here. I am going to make you look so bad in front of your girlfriend. - Send him home, Pride. - Show him who's boss. You got guts, kid. Come on, Pride. You show him who's in charge. Let's go! Come on, Stripey, try and keep up. See you, loser. Just giving you a head start. You're gonna need it. Come on, Pride, is that all you got? I'm not even eaking a sweat yet. Good thing your daddy's not here to see this. Holy cow, what a kick. - At least you're gonna keep this interesting. - I told you guys he's fast. Slow down, kid, you're gonna blow the turn. Stripes! Nice turn, Stripey. I tried to warn you. How's that ridge taste? What can you say? Rookie mistake. - Stripes, are you all right? - Go back where you belong! - Yeah, I'm fine. - What a loser! Get out of here! - Stripes. - We don't want you. - Go home! - Hey, Stripey. Did you really think that you could beat a trained professional? Hey there, boy. What's up? What's the matter? Feel like there's something you're not telling me. What, you sick or something? There you are. Now you're all gorgeous again. I can't have my best boy looking all gnarly, now, can I? Stay out of the mud. So you don't know where the mud came from? - It didn't come from the Blue Moon Races? - Nope, just took a mudbath for my arthritis. Chan! Helmet. - Take it easy. - I'm gonna be late for work. Yeah, that's right. Boy, will you get a load of this dump? Even Old MacDonald wouldn't want this farm, but it's perfect. Miles from the Jersey shore, not an ocean in sight, not even a birdbath. No one will look for a classy guy like the Goose here. Watch where you're going, that's my knee. So that's how we land in the big city. If there's no parking space, you make one. Any of you mugs got a problem with that? Nice landing. Can we see you take off now? Are you a small horse or some sort of an ass? - Because you look like an ass to me. - I don't mean to be rude... ...but you seem to be more surf than turf. Did you take a wrong turn? Because you look slow, I'll skip the salad and get to the risotto. Let's just say I'm having a little disagreement with my family. We disagree on whether or not they should whack me. Name's Goose. Oh, a pelican named Goose. Well, my name's Duck. - Duck? Duck? - Duck. Goose. Oh, you're funny. But there's only room for one wise guy on this farm, and you should know... ...Goose is a name that strikes fear into anyone on the East Coast. Don't shoot! I didn't do it! It was the horse with the funny hair. The goat's in on it. You're fine unless you're being chased by a tractor. Look, here's the whole spaghetti sauce. I'm a hit bird, and when Sammy the Gull needs a lesson taught... ...the Goose is the guy he calls. Only this last job, I had a little mishap. Instead of hitting Freddy the Flamingo, I hit Sammy's Capo, Johnny Storkanado. And now Sammy, Freddy, Johnny, they're all after me. - Hey, ever try shutting up? - Ever try swimming in cement horseshoes? - I've taken out punks bigger than you. - What, you talk them to death? Careful, pony boy, or somebody's gonna wake up with your head in their bed. Knew from that pecker you'd be a bigmouth. Watch it, stumpy. I'd cut you off at the knees, but it looks like somebody's beaten me to it. All right, knock it off. Nobody has anything to prove here. Proof? You want proof, huh? You see Rusty the Rotating Rooster up there? - He's about to get Goosed. - Where is hunting season when you need it? Okay, adjust for the wind. Nice, level flight. Come on, Goose, use the Force. Well, you can't say that he couldn't hit the oadside of a barn door. Acid rain! Acid rain! I'm blind. It's too late for me. Save yourselves. I'm going to the light. I see a bucket of dead relatives! Extra crispy. Extra crispy! That's the worst turn I've ever seen anybody make. - Awful, terrible, stink-o. - I have no idea what you're talking about. The Blue Moon Races are the worst-kept secret of all time. I know. I almost had him. - I should have beaten him, easily. - Wrong. You need more than raw talent, which you have... ...to beat a well-trained racehorse. It takes skill. Real skill and real discipline to become a racer. It's hard work. Nothing good ever comes easy. And speaking of hard work... Oh, boy. See you later, kid. Good luck. Tractor's down, Stripes. Yeah, it's time to earn your keep. Yeah. There you go. Easy, take it easy. Yeah, good boy. There you go. Come on, now. Come on, Stripes, just give it a little more. Little more. It's gonna be over that much quicker. Come on, now. Come on. Come on. Hey, sweetness. Look at your bigtime racehorse now. Yeah, bigtime. Check it out. Hey, plow boy, you missed a spot! Why don't you guys go choke on an apple. Come on, darling, don't go getting your tail in a knot. Talk to me. You look frustrated, what's the matter? What is it gonna take for me to get to the track so I can have another shot? I won't blow sun up your tail. You're from the wrong side of the fence. The only chance you've got is... - Forget it, forget it, forget it. - No. What? What were you gonna say? You gotta get someone to ride you so you can show them. - A human? - No, we're gonna strap... ...Reggie to your back. Of course a human. So if you do get to race, you'll be ready. And pulling that thing can only help. Put your back into it. Get to work. Yeah. I will make it to the track, Tucker. And when I do, I'm gonna beat Pride and win the big race. - Whoa, big fella! - That's the attitude. Well, like my mama used to say: You can put your boots in the oven, but that won't make them biscuits. Good boy. Good boy. You did all right, huh. Yeah. Good boy. Hey, there's my best boy. Been working you hard, hasn't he? I'll see you later. All right. I need to find a way to get rid of you. That could be arranged. - Who are you? - Name's Goose. Always looking to do a favor for someone that's been in the joint. - When'd you get out? - Out of where? The pokey, the do-right ranch, the iron-bar inn. - Come on, you can level with me. - What are you talking about? Oh, you're good. Yes, you are, you are very good. So where did you do your stretch? Sing Sing? Alcatraz? The Bronx Zoo? Look, how can you help? All right, listen up, you glue-factory rejects. Professor Goose is gonna school youse in how to take out a motorcycle. - Class is now in session. - Will we be tested on this? Stuff it, McNugget. Rule number one, we never say nothing. Even when tortured, not a word gets out. Watch this. Look out! Freddy the Flamingo's right behind you. - Hey, Goose. - All right, I'll talk, I'll talk. It was vito. Vito Pelligrino from Pier 9. What do you know? Goose, who was really a pelican, is really a stool pigeon... ...who is actually a chicken that ducks. - That makes five birds in one, count them. - I'm no chicken. Mind you, I got nothing against chickens. I mean, some of my best friends are chickens. Fowl are fine folks. All right, let's go, it's time. Now, you guys stay here. This ain't gonna be pretty. Oh, boy, now what do I do? All right, tough guy, we can do this the easy way or the hard way. Gentlemen, don't let the feathers fool you, this dude's dangerous. He's a killing machine disguised as an idiot. Hey, you like that? Huh? Right in the seat. Okay, lights out. Turning up the pain. You like that? Come on, can you hear me? Oh, a spitter, huh? Oh, you wanna dance? You want a piece of the Goose? Karate-chop-a! Poke-a-sock-a! Smack-a-face-a! Break-a-bones-a! You see? You call the Goose, and ba-da-bing. Ba-da-boom. This is Reggie Redrooster with the farm report. In sports news, Goose the Pelican dropped the motorcycle in the first round. Then, for good measure, taught the truck a lesson as well. Move it along, nothing to see here. I'm gonna be late for work. Well, you can take Old Blue. Oh, that's just great. Oh, come on. How long will it take to put on the spare? Honey, that is the spare. What the...? Can I take Stripes? - What do you mean, ride him? - Just for today. No. No. Come on, I have to get to work. Can I take him, please? Honey, no. Besides, I'd never be able to get a saddle on him. All right, so I got a saddle on him, big deal. Not like he's gonna let you ride him. - You don't know him like I do. - Well... ...even if he does let you, you know how I feel. I've been riding since I was 5. - That's not the point. - Come on. I mean, it's almost like he wants to be ridden. Oh, honey. Honey, come on. Just let me try. Come on, come on. Careful. - Now we're talking. - Talking to who? What you been talking about? You been training Stripes, haven't you? Just nice and easy. Run like the wind. Show them what you got. Will you shut up? I'm the coach, you're the goat. Now, listen to the way it's done. Run like the wind, kid! Show them what you got! See, that's coaching. Come on, Stripes. Come on. Come on, boy! Good boy. Better get going back! Circus must be in town! I used to see spots, now I'm seeing stripes. Where'd that come from? Shouldn't you be on a carousel somewhere? - This ain't the zoo! - Oh, no way. - Go home! - Go home, four left hooves! - Haven't you learned? - You don't fit in! - Hoof it! - We don't want you! - Nobody asked you here, freak! - Yeah, no freaks allowed. I'll see you later, buddy. Be good. Those guys aren't so fast. I can take them. Scuzz, how can you ruin a great song like that? Oh, come on, man! That song's already ruined. You need some good tunes like this: - Those aren't even the words. - The words don't matter, man! You know you can't touch this, the rest of it's gold. Okay, smart boy, just go fly yourself into a fan. Now, come on, let's go get some food. Just follow me. Waiter! Table for one, please. Hey, why don't you take a closer look. I'll tell Mom! Scuzz, I don't believe it. I got 20 million others and sisters... ...and Mom tells me that I gotta look out for you. Well, that's because it's easy, dumb-dumb. Nothing bad ever happens to me! Scuzz, you know what? Bad is the only thing that happens to you! - Hey, pull my wing. - No. It's not like before. I promise, nothing will happen. Never, never fall for that. It's too easy! Who does that thing belong to? He's mine, Miss Dalrymple. I had no other way of getting here. - I'll go put him in the stables. - Yes, and from now on... ...you will leave him at that petting zoo you and your father so laughably call a farm. This is a racetrack, dear, not the Serengeti. You don't know the words to that either. I can make up a rap about anything. Hey. Hey, what's that? Well, that's obvious. It's the racetrack referee. Buzz, check this out. Hey, pal, why the long face? - Thank you! - Why the long face? - Still got it! - What are you doing? Look. You're a horse! You all have long faces, get it? - It's a joke! - I've heard all the jokes. The others have been making fun of me since I was born. - I know I'm different. - You think you had it rough? You try starting out life as a maggot. Nobody wants to pet a little maggot. - Nobody. - Scuzz, Scuzz, Scuzz. Come on, now. Easy. Seriously, what's with the stripes? Are you making some kind of statement? Yeah, you know, I saw you... ...and I was about to say to my other I never seen a black horse with white stripes. You dimwit! He is obviously a white horse with black stripes! Now, anybody could see that. Guys, look out! - Are we dead? Are we dead? - Well, if we are... ...Buzz, we're in heaven! Here comes your open winner, Miss D. Yes, well, he better be, Mr. Cooper. Anything less than a victory, and you'll be back shoveling manure. - See you, woodzie. - Night, Ken. What are you doing, boy? We shouldn't be out here. I know, boy. I feel it too. When I was little... ...my mama used to ing me out here at around this time. Put me on the saddle behind her... ...take me once around the track. It was like magic. Come on, boy! Come on! Go! Let's go, boy! Easy, boy. Come on. Attaboy. Easy does it. Good boy. Channing! - Hold on a second. - Woodzie. - You're not gonna tell anyone, are you? - Mum's the word. Well, who's your friend? - Some turn of foot. - This is Stripes. - He's quick, huh? - I'll say. Like to get a watch on him for real. Dad doesn't want me to ride, let alone race. Well, that's a crime. You move just like your mom. God rest her soul. And not even a proper saddle. A trainer friend of mine's working some horses in the time trial tomorrow. Why don't you come out early and join in. Yeah, you think about it. Hey. Forget where the house is? Miss Dalrymple made me stay late. - I can't stand her. - Don't give me excuses. And don't take it out on her. If anything, you should pity her. She sees a horse, she doesn't see beauty. She just sees business. I don't see how you ever worked for her. She's such a pain. I let most of it go in one ear and out the other. It was worth it. I got a chance to work with some mighty fine horses. We could do it again, you know. - Chan... - Dad... ...everybody says you're still the best. We just need a few horses to get us started. Then we could put old Dalrymple out to pasture. That's in the past, honey. I fixed the flat. You can take Blue to work tomorrow. But I wanna ride Stripes. He was great, Dad. You should've seen him! That was a one-shot deal. You know how I feel. - What about how I feel? - Discussion's over. - But, Dad... - I said no, Chan. You are so busy trying to keep me from hurting myself like Mom... ...that you won't give me a chance to just try anything. Well, just because you've given up on your dreams doesn't mean that I have to. He treats me like I'm still a little girl. Well, I'm not. I wanna race. I'm gonna race... ...and no one can stop me. Doesn't anybody have a clock? Easy, girl. Hey! It's woodzie. No! Help me! I'm drowning! Get out of there, Scuzz! That's the man's expresso! I know. I'm expressing myself. You are the reason they invented fly swatters. There are those that say Trenton's Pride is the only real contender this year. - How do you feel about that? - Well, dear, how do you feel about that? Miss Dalrymple, how does Trenton's Pride compare with his legendary father? Well, I like to believe that I can see a good bet, and I... what...? Where's...? What the...? Excuse me. Excuse me! I can't believe we're being upstaged by a ze a. What is that dreadful child up to now? How can they allow this to happen? - Eat my dust, runt! - Loser! I'm gonna run you down! Who do you think you are? You don't belong here! You don't know nothing about this! You're a joke! It's all right, boy. It's all right. Let's go, boy! Whoa, whoa, Stripes. Come on, come on, boy! Come on, Stripes! Come on! Come on, boy! Come on! Faster! Come on, buddy! Attaboy! Faster, Stripes, faster! Come on! Who would have thought a ze a could have such a kick? He's on the rail and moving fast. Chan! - Oh, my. - Come on, come on, let's go! You better make sure you get this, Mike. Chan! - Chan! - Nothing's oken. Honey, just look in my eyes. - Dad, it's nothing. - Listen. - It's fine. - This is what I told you was gonna happen. - Your father's right. - He just got spooked. It's not his fault. - He just needs some more training. - Yes, right. I'm sure that more than half of the blame sits squarely on the shoulders of his rider. - You're such a... - Chan. Chan, Chan! Just go get Stripes and meet me in the parking lot. You so obsessed with winning you'll pick on a girl? Really, Nolan. You expect me to dignify that? I'm just a Kentucky gal who loves watching Thorough eds race at the top of their game. Of course you are. I'll tell you what. As chairman of the Turfway Board... ...I hereby extend an invitation to Mr. Walsh... ...to enter his ze a in the Kentucky Open. All it takes is an entrance fee. How about that, Mr. Walsh? - Mr. Walsh? - Mr. Walsh? Well, there goes the great Nolan Walsh, everyone. Corn farmer and ze a trainer. And you can print that. Hey, Clara, can they print that you ain't won the Kentucky Open... ...since Nolan stopped training your horses for you? - What do you have to say about that? - Mind your own business. You there! See what happens when you forget your place. A racetrack is no place for a ze a. - What did you just call me? - A ze a! Which is what you are. You didn't really think you were a horse, did you? But I am a horse. A racehorse. You're nothing of the kind. You're lunch for a lion, and that's about it. One thing's for sure, kid. You will never be a racehorse. A ze a? I thought I was a racehorse. Why didn't anyone tell me? Well, I just can't believe you deliberately disobeyed me. - I can't believe you took her side. - I didn't. And don't change the subject. - Mom would've let me ride. - Don't ing your mother into this! Just don't. Why not? At least she would've tried to understand. It's more than I can say for you! Don't get out of the truck! Channing, get back in the truck. Don't do it. Well, well, well. Look what the cat drug in. Don't shoot me, don't shoot me! Jersey flashback. Hey, we made it, man! Nice! That sure beats flying. We made it, but... - Well, little Skeeter here didn't. - Oh, no. You know, that's why Mom always said: - Look both ways before crossing. - Look both ways before crossing. Afternoon, Woodzie. - What ings you out here? - I got a hunch about your ze a. Look at this. I left it right where it was this morning. - Twenty-three seconds a quarter mile? - He didn't finish... ...but I got him between the quarter pole and the half-mile pole. Twenty-three flat. Your ze a. Look, that ze a really wants to race. I can see it. You just need to train him. Where would I do that? And even if I could, I mean... ...you got the $5000 entrance fee? I don't. I do. And I won most of it betting on your horses. I know a good bet when I see it, and I can't bet him if he's not in the race. Come on, Nolan. No. That's final. Too poor to paint, too proud to whitewash. He's not gonna let Stripes race. That's not cool. Let's go talk to Tucker. - Guess who. - Hey, Buzz and Scuzz! How you been, fellas? - We miss you down at the track. - Those were great years. Yeah, yeah. Listen, listen. We got some bad news for Stripes. Let me guess. His parole officers caught up with him. Don't let them take you. Is he always like this? - Worse. Much worse. - Anyway, listen, kid. - The chief isn't gonna let you race. - But don't worry. We'll cheer you up. Check this one out. Get off me, you stupid flies! Get off! Man, Ebony and Ivory didn't work. That's a first. - Told you we should've rapped. - Stripes. Walking away isn't gonna solve anything. Who cares. Leave me alone! - We've gotta get this kid into the race. - The chief will never go for it. Of course he will. Just like somebody else I know. He just needs a little push. I'm going to bed. Channing? - Yeah? - Why don't you come on out here. Come on. This is gonna be a hard one, honey. Probably the only thing to do, really the obvious thing... ...is to get rid of the problem. What? Dad. No! It's not Stripes' fault. He's not the problem. It's my fault. Dad, you can't just get rid of him. I... I know him better than anyone ever could. I love him. What do you think the alternative is? I don't ride him. Ever, ever again. That's right, honey. Franny? Hey. Hey. How did you know? If you build it, they will come. Well, it's showtime, kid. You ready to start training? Why bother? I don't understand this. Isn't this what he wanted? This is exactly why I never had kids. - Reggie? - Yes? Get off my back. Hey, hotshot. - Run into any trees lately? - Oh, great. More jokes. - I really wanna be alone, Sandy. - What's going on with you? That doesn't sound like the attitude of a racehorse. Because I'm not a racehorse. I'm not even a regular horse. - I'm a... - Ze a? I know. I've traveled around the world, remember? Why didn't you say anything? Because I don't care that you're not a racehorse. You love to run, and that's all that matters. Maybe to you. But it's not your problem, Sandy. You know, if you wanna see the real problem, try looking down. Fine. After we're done with the gate... ...we need to think about how he's gonna last. So we gotta work on stamina, more than speed... ...because ze as burn more adrenaline. They have a heightened flight reflex... ...that comes from being hunted on the plains of Africa. You're not the only one who uses the Internet. - Impressive, Dad. - Come on, let's get back to it. Let's give him one more shot at it. All right, ing him in. That's it, that's it. Careful, Chan. Careful. It's all right. Stop. Walk him away. Now, just walk him away from the gate. The gate's always trouble. They should know. He needs a eak. He needs a eak. So do I. - I don't know why he's acting like this. - It's gonna take him some time, that's all. He'll be all right. - I better go talk to the kid. - Take it easy on him. - Hey, what's your problem? - I'm not a racehorse. - What? - I don't belong in the gate! No, no, you're wrong. And I'll tell you why. Racing is for anyone. Anyone with a fire in their heart. What do you know, you little nobody? You never raced. They're all the same. Tucker doesn't understand. He didn't even know that I was a ze a. He doesn't get it. What's he ever done? Let me tell you something. I've made a few clams on the ponies. This guy's all hair and no ains. That's just about enough out of you, young colt. And, Goose, bang! Hit the hay! Come here. People think they know everything. You tell somebody something, they get an attitude. Hey, I didn't know the goat was packing. Come up here. I want you to take a look up there. - You tell me what you see. - I've seen them. - The chief, my girl and her mother. - And that's it? No. Look closer. - That's Sir Trenton. - And who else? - Tucker. - That's right, Tucker. He trained Sir Trenton. He and the chief trained all the winners. And not one of them ever, ever thanked him. - How come he never said anything? - Because to him... ...actions speak louder than words. He believes in you. And now you're gonna have to believe in him too. I'm sorry for the way I've been acting. I'm the last one who should be name-calling. Look at me. When you got shorter legs than a sheepdog... ...you get used to being made fun of. I can relate. It's just... I'm not really a racehorse. I'm a... - I'm a ze a. - So what? You're a horse with stripes who needs an attitude adjustment. Tucker, you don't really think I have what it takes, do you? Now listen to me, kid. You're right. You don't have the strength or ability of a Thorough ed... - I knew it. ...but you have got more heart... ...than all of them put together. But the gate! I freeze up. It keeps me from running. I don't know what it is. I can't do it. Most horses are afraid of the gate at first. It's perfectly normal. But they get over it. You will too. You just keep running, okay? And let the chief worry about the gate. He knows what he's doing. Attaboy! Yeah, boy! Did you see that? You see that? Good job, Chan! There it is! That's what I'm talking about! Good job, Chan! Walk him out. We might actually have a chance. If we're lucky, maybe at 99-1. There's just one thing left to work on. - And that's the gate. - No problem. You've worked every kind of horse there is. Yeah, well, the problem is, he's not a horse. Relax, Nolan. If anyone can do it, you can. I'm counting on it. It's gonna sound like a carnival. You won't know which way to look. Look straight ahead. Just ignore all that noise, all that talk, all that yelling, all that jiggling. Come on, now. You gotta let all this... This out of your mind. All that's gotta fall away. That's right. That's right. Because I want your world to be silent. I want you to hear nothing but your own heartbeat. That's it. Easy does it. Come on, buddy. - That's a good boy. - Good boy. - Good boy. - That's it. You got the idea. - Come on, now. - Good job, Stripes. Good boy. Chan, duck your head. That's not so hard. Slow down. - Good boy. Easy does it. - Good boy. Just like that. There you go. Good. That's right, good boy. Attaboy. Easy does it. Good boy. - You did it. - Yeah, I guess I did, huh? Now what? Now you give it all you got. - Let's show them what we got! - They cannot be serious. This will not stand. I will not allow that beast to run in my competition. Please, Father, don't interfere. I can win it, fair and square. That's not a risk I'm willing to take. Double Pride's workout schedule. Pull! Pull! Come on, pull! Come on, Scuzz! What are you doing here? Give it to me! Push! I can't do no more, take it! Put the marshmallows back on! You ate the marshmallows! Stretch him out! Lighten up on him! Lighten up on him! Boy, are you in for a surprise. You'll never beat a Trenton. - You weren't supposed to hear that. - Oh, God, what is that? I got a million eyes, and you got every one of them burning! - Well, tomorrow's the big day, kid. - Do you think I'm ready? Absolutely. Listen, you can run, there's no doubt about that. Your legs are gonna be burning when you're turning for home. That's when you find out what you're made of. You know what I used to tell my racers? Don't look back, leave it all on the track. - What does that mean? - Kid, when the time is right, you'll know. Hello? Where you think you going? You have a big day tomorrow. You can't go. I need to make things right with Sandy. All right. I understand. But listen, a little advice from an old goat: Relationships are like racing. When you do it for love, you've already won. Go on, go on. - Hey, Sandy. - What? I was hoping you'd come by. - I'm sorry that I was mean. - I'm sorry that I... - You go first. - The things I said the other day? - I just wanna say I was wrong. - Well, yeah. You just... You got me so mad because you weren't seeing it! - Seeing what? - How lucky you are. - Me, lucky? - Yes. The grass is way greener on your side of the fence. Look at the training facilities. You've got everything a horse could dream of. Yeah, everything except real friends. Friends like you have. And a friend like I bet you are. Listen, Sandy, I know I don't look like a racehorse, but... Stop! Stop. You know, I care more about what's on the inside, and you have more on the inside... ...than any of the horses over there. And I also happen to think... ...that what you have on the outside is the cutest thing on four hooves. And, just so you know, I'm already on your side. Well, well, well. What have we here? - Beauty and the beast. - Oh, no. Sir Trenton. I'm afraid there's been a change of plans, ze a. You're about to get scratched from tomorrow's racecard. - Oh, no. There are so many. - It's okay. Let's stay calm. - Pretty picture, huh, boys? - Don't do this, Sir Trenton, please! - Take her away. - All right, boss. - Let's go. - Sandy! Stripes, I'm not going anywhere without you! - It's all right, Sandy. Just go. - Yeah! Better hide your eyes there, honey! We're out of here. Trust me, you don't wanna see this. - You better not hurt her. - Oh, don't fret about her. As long as you don't race tomorrow, I wouldn't dream of harming her. You, on the other hand, need to be taught a lesson. Show him! Oh, that's just great! The race is in four hours. Well, he went out last night, he said he was gonna go find Sandy and... And you, Miss Softy, you just let him go, didn't you? - Goose, time to earn your keep. - I'm on it! Where are you, kid? Where are you? Looks like the work of a pro. Hey, kid. Kid, come on, wake up! How many wings am I holding up? - Is he okay? - Goose, go get him some water. I knew I should've stayed with him last night. They have Sandy. Sir Trenton's gonna hurt her if I race. Those dirty rats. I say we get busy and show those bums what for! Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah! No, you right. You are right. Let us go and kick some horse flank. Come on, y'all! Let's move in with the SWAT team! Quiet! Thank you. Now, listen. To rescue Sandy, we all have to work together. Just when I think I'm out, they pull me back in! Here's the plan. And I don't know why I didn't think of this earlier. I could build a giant wooden chicken and hide inside. Then, under cover of night, I'll jump out and I'll... Or I could just stay home. Knock it off, Reggie. Now, listen up. Here's what we're gonna do. Listen, boy. I won this race... ...my daddy won it, his daddy won it, all the way back to General Trenton... ...who won the first Kentucky Open 100 years ago. You get my point? - I'll do my best, Dad. - Yeah, well, good. You won't get away with this. Hush, now, little girl. You're interfering with my Mozart. I wonder if he was a Thorough ed. - There's Sandy. - And there's Sir Trenton... ...all 1500 pounds of him. We'll never get her out. Oh, yes, we will. We just need a diversion. I got your diversion right here. Out of my way. Goose! Stick with the plan! Hey, moron! Up here! Never side against the family. Will you remind me again why we ought him? - Hey, who killed the lights? - How did you get in here? Say your prayers, pelican. Your lights are about to go out for good. - Can I get a little help here? - Oh, great. There goes plan A. - Say hello... - To plan B! Horse's booty at 12 o'clock. Follow me, you're my wingman. No way! You follow me! You are my wingman! I am not your wingman! You're my pull my wing man! Whoa, dude. A little trim wouldn't kill you! What is that hideous racket? Get back here! Come on, I'll fight you with one wing behind my back. Nobody is allowed in my stables! I'll shut you up for good! Scuzz! You always get us in trouble. Hey, Trenton! Walk this way. - Break it down! - What in the...? - This just ain't my speed here. - You can do it. - You're Superfly, son. - All right, step back and watch me work. Turn this up, now! Say it like you mean it! Come on, now! What is going on here? - Tucker, get Sandy. - You're the boss. What? - Come on, Sandy. - Tucker! You old rail rat! - I might've known! - Let's go! Quick! You and your animal freak show have gotten in my way for the last time! - Those legs won't carry you far, Tucker! - Hey! Wait for us! Where are they? - Come on. - Stripes! Over here! Sandy! Look out, he's coming! - I'm getting too old for this. - You was born too old for this. Let's go! - You won't get away with this! - Leave us alone, Sir Trenton. You and your foolish friends accomplished nothing. The affections of a filly do not make you a racehorse! You know something, Sir Trenton? I don't want to be a racehorse. I'm a ze a. And I'm going to the big race. - You fool. - Come on, Tucker. - Let's go win ourselves a horserace. - I like your attitude. You runts don't know what you're in for. Well, he's nowhere south of the barn. He's not by the creek either. What are we gonna do? We're gonna keep looking. We'll start at the top of the hill. Well, let's go! We got a race to run. Stripes is missing. We don't know what happened. What are you talking about? He looks okay to me. Chan, get him cleaned up and loaded right now. You got it, coach. - It's the filly. - It always is. Hey! Hey, she's from Philly. I didn't know she was from Philly. Man, I love those Philly cheesesteaks. Or any kind of cheese, really. Or any food from anywhere. Especially candy and poop. - What were we talking about? - I hate my life. Guys, I'm not gonna let Tucker have all the fun. - There's no way I'm missing this. - Hey, hold on! Wait for me! This chicken is flying the coop! Finally, some peace and quiet. Y'all go ahead. Bye-bye, now. I'll just stay here and watch the palace. For shizzle. Hang on a second. I just... I think your mom would've wanted you to have that. Dad... ...I don't know what to say. Well, you were right. You know, I've been... ...scared since Mom died. You know, too scared to train horses... ...too scared to let you grow up. You forgive your old man? Daddy, you're not old. - Maybe a little gray. - All right, well, let's get a move on. Riders, up! There you go. Okay, come on. Stay away from the rail, now. Don't get boxed in. Ladies and gentlemen, would you all please stand... ...and join in singing the national anthem. When you're in the gate, don't listen to the other racers. Let them do all the horsing around. Save your energy for when it counts. Right. But, Tucker, I do kind of feel sick to my stomach. Good. That means you're ready. This is Courtney Jones, KNN, coming to you live... ...from Turfway Park, where horseracing history is about to be made. - Can a ze a...? - Sentimental favorite, Stripes... ...can beat Trenton's Pride. He is trained by the legendary Nolan Walsh... ...who came out of retirement specifically for this race. Stripes is ridden by the remarkable 16-year-old jockey, Channing Walsh. What could go down as extraordinary in the history of horseracing... ...is taking place at Turfway Park. Only a few short weeks ago, no one had ever heard of Stripes, the racing ze a. Nolan. Clara. Beautiful day, huh? It would be if you weren't working so hard to ruin my race day... ...with that glorified donkey of yours. You're chipper for someone who's about to lose. You wanna make this more interesting? I mean... - I'm listening. - All right. I'll make you a deal. My ze a wins, I get your filly, the white jumper. And your horse wins, I'll... I'll give you the Walsh farm. Nolan. My filly is worth twice as much as your piece of land. I tell you what. You lose, and you come back to work for me. Lifetime contract, in writing. Deal. It'll be real nice to have you back, Nolan. All right, no speeches. You all know what to do. Go get them. There he is! Come on, Franny! You didn't think we'd let you have all the glory to yourself. Just like old times, Franny. Ladies and gentlemen, the starter has now called the roll. The horses are approaching the starting gate. I'm gonna grind you into the track, pony boy! - You're pathetic! - You're going down! - Knock you out of the park! - Gonna get trampled! You're a joke! They're all in. And away they go. Marietta's Rock, Pirate's cove and Trenton's Pride... ...came away smartly, with Jordan's Revenge... - Ride, Stripes! - Go! Come on, Stripes! Ruffshodd keeping Stripes tight on the rail... ...with Marc's A Mystery, Flemish Fury and Brown-Nose-Biren. As they head into the first corner, Marietta's Rock's gone ahead to lead... You're out of your league, freak! You should've stuck to racing the mailman. - Tell Tucker Ruffshodd's got him boxed in! - Copy that, Goose! Ten-four! Roger Wilco! Trenton's Pride is back in third. Stripes is along the inside... - Ruffshodd's boxed him in. - Tell Stripes hug the rail... ...and make his move at the turn. - Got it! Let's fly! - Hey, Buzz? - What? Did you notice the irony when you said, Let's fly? - What are you talking about? - I'm just asking. Because we are flies and all. Do you ever think about that stuff? Would you shut up? Tucker says to hug the rail and make your move at the turn. You're doing great! You're doing great! - Mistake. Miyuki's Magic is a long leader outside, then comes Marc's A Mystery... How does the rail taste? You'll never see the finish line! Ruffshodd's putting the Jersey squeeze on him. That's a dirty trick! Oh, not for long. Time to take a bite out of crime. Oh, I hate horse meat. Here goes. - Coming out of the turn. And Ruffshodd has inexplicably tossed his rider! And Ruffshodd is out of the race! - Marietta's Rock... - That's my boy. You've always been a pain in the butt. They're down the back stretch. Trenton's Pride is running the perfect race. He's moving like an absolute winner. Trenton's Pride, right up there in third spot. The sentimental choice, Stripes, is coming under pressure and starting to drop back. - Stripes seems to be running out of steam. - Had enough, boy? Trenton's Pride is going strongly up there amongst the leading line. Three parts of the way through the race, Marietta's Rock still in front... ...from Pirate's cove, then Trenton's Pride moving like a winner in third. It was just too much to ask of him. In comes Miyuki's Magic. By a league is Pirate's cove... - I can't do it. I can't do it! - Stripes is in the rear. - The kid... The kid is wiped out. - Yeah, he's falling back fast. All right. Okay. One last shot. You tell him if he believes he's not good enough, he should stop trying. It's okay. This is Superfly. We're proceeding to the target. Do you copy, Scuzz? Hey, I told you to use my code name, Luke Scuzzwalker! Kid, listen. Coach says that if you're not good enough, you should stop trying. - It's okay. - You tell Tucker I've got a message for him! Hey! Stripes said to tell you, Don't look back, leave it all on the track! Yes! That trick works every time! - Good boy! Go, Stripes! Let's go! - Stripes is starting to get in on the inside. Stripes is surging back into contention. Trenton's Pride in front, but here comes Stripes charging along the inside. And Stripes is picking them off one by one, he's coming at Trenton's Pride! - Come on, Stripes! - Stripes! Come on, Stripes! Stripes is coming in around the inside. - Come on, Channing! - Come on, Channing! These two are now locked together! Stripes inside, finding trouble on the rail. Behind him, Trenton's Pride. These two are head-to-head! - Come on! - Let him run! They're head-to-head. They're inside the final stages! Stripes and Trenton's Pride... - come on! Yes, yes! - Come on! They're racing up towards the line. Stripes along the inside. - Let him run! - Come on, Channing! Come on! Come on! Run! Move your butt! Come on! - Way to go! - Yeah! Yeah! That's my boy right there! - Kentucky Open, he's edged out Trenton's Pride... ...and Stripes is the winner of the Kentucky Open... ...narrowly beating Trenton's Pride in a driving finish. I won. I can't believe I won! That's my best boy. Come on, hurry up! We're going to the winner's circle! This is his moment, guys. Come on. He did it! Did you see him, Dad? Did you see him? He almost shot out from underneath me! Your mom would be so proud. And so am I. - Hey, Stripey. - Yeah? My father was wrong about you. You're a great racer. Thanks! So are you. We left it all on the track, didn't we? Yeah. Yeah, I guess we did. I'll see you at the fence? Yeah. See you. Great job. You make a lousy gangster, but you're a stand-up pelican. Listen, you mug, I... Hey, that's the nicest thing a very short horse ever said to me. Then why don't you stick around here. We make a pretty good team. Now, that's an offer I can't refuse. But first there's something I gotta take care of. I demand an inquiry! - Do you hear me? - Channing, over here! That ze a was all over the field! You listen to me, I want that ze a disqualified! Say hello to my little friend. And I insist that you pay attention to... To me. If you'll excuse me. I know how you feel, honey. It happened to me. All I can tell you is rinse, lather and repeat. Rinse, lather and repeat! Is there anybody special you'd like to dedicate today's victory to? Stripes! Stripes! Over here! Where's he going? Okay, Dean, get him. Get the animals. You should be in the winner's circle. We both should be. I'd be nothing without you. - Thanks, kid. - The roses make you look like Elvis. Very Elvis. Very Elvis '75. - I'm so proud of you, Stripes. - Thanks, Sandy. Coming through! Coming through! Big winner! Coming through! Yeah! Catch me, baby, catch me! Get the good side! Hey, boy. - Say cheese! - Big smile!
We should get moving. Got a big day. Okay. Sunday after Thanksgiving, the busiest travel day of the year. Can you remind me again, Blair, why you're traveling today? The year will fly by. I'll be home next Christmas. - I love you, Mommy. - Sweetheart. Enough of this. She's going to be fine. Daddy. I love you. Bye, honey. Love you. I love you. Think she'll be okay? - She'll be better than okay. - I meant in Peru. In the jungle. Please stop worrying about this, okay? The Peace Corps is not going to send her someplace that's dangerous. Just won't be the same. What won't? Christmas. Did I tell you I'm doing dessert for the art lunch tomorrow... and I need a couple things from Chip's. Here's a spot. Right there. I need white chocolate and pistachios. - I didn't ing the um ella. - I need that stuff from Chip's. I didn't ing the um ella. - Well, I still need it. - It's gonna have to wait. - Look, you stay in the car, and I'll get a... - I'll go. Look, it's just sprinkling. Listen, don't forget: Dixon's white chocolate, one-pound bar... and March Brothers pistachios. Okay. You could use an um ella! I just need some white chocolate. What's the matter? I just talked to Blair. She called from the plane. She called from the airplane? Do you have any idea how much it costs to call from an airplane? - How is she? - She's fine. She misses us. - I'm standing over there. I can't... - What? You didn't get the white chocolate. They didn't have any. Did you talk to Rex? - Who's Rex? - The butcher. As odd as it sounds, I didn't think of asking the butcher where the chocolate was. - But I will. - Thank you. I'll go talk to Rex right now. Maybe he'll wonder why I'm all wet. You sure you don't need a... - Buddy, can I get one of those? - Sure. Thanks. I really think you need an um ella! No! You know why I don't want one of your stupid um ellas? Because I... Because I couldn't get any wetter! Morning, Luther. Hi, Mr. Krank. Morning, Mr. Krank. It'll be so different this Christmas, won't it, Luther? Yes, it will be so different. Nothing will be the same. For the first time in 23 years, Blair won't be here. Might even get depressing. Lot of depression at Christmas, you know? Yeah, well... I would just love to forget about it. What are you looking at? Why are you looking at me like that? Finish your pasta. I'm finished with my pasta. It's you I'm not finished with. I'll be right back. - You wait right there. - Okay. Luther? What are you doing? It's not even Saturday night. - I have an idea. - Yeah? A illiant idea. Make sure you shut the curtains. All right. Come over here. Turn around. What are you doing? Sit down. Button up and sit down. Look at this. This is a little ledger of what we spent last year for Christmas. Look at some of this stuff. What is this, $63 for ornament repair? You got to be kidding me. Look at the total. We spent $6,100 on Christmas last year. $6,100 on... I heard you the first time. - With precious little to show for it. - Where is this going? The Caribbean. A 10-day luxury cruise on The Jubilee. The most luxurious ship in their fleet. Cayman Islands. Snorkeling. We go to Jamaica. We windsurf, whatever the heck that is. Look at the picture here. The Bahamas. We sit in the sun. 10 days, luxury cruise, you and me. - I might have to lose a little weight. - Heck, I'll lose it for you. What's the catch? I wouldn't call it a catch. We skip Christmas. We skip Christmas? We skip Christmas, save the money, and spend it on us for a change. I don't know. Come on, please. You and I go bask in the Caribbean sun. - How much is this gonna cost? - $3,000. - We save money? - Absolutely. We can still give our charitable donations... to Children's Hospital and, of course, the church. No, this is a total boycott, honey. Total. It's $600. It's a total boycott. I'm afraid that's all I'm gonna say about that. Well, then, no. What a stupid idea. You're gonna let a lousy $600 stand between us and a Caribbean cruise. No. You are. All right, look. I'll match last year's contribution to the church and to the hospital... but not a penny more. - When do we leave? - High noon, Christmas day. It's not even Saturday night. I will not be cele ating Christmas this year. As many of you know, Blair has joined... the Peace Corps. So Nora and I have decided to avoid the rituals of Christmas... save our money, and take a cruise. Therefore, I will not be participating in the usual holiday rituals. I will buy no gifts and accept none. Thank you, anyway. I will not attend the firm's black-tie Christmas dinner... nor will I be here for the office party. I am not angry and I will not yell... humbug at anyone who offers me a holiday greeting. I am simply skipping Christmas. - Hello, Mrs. Krank. - Hello, Aubie, how are you? I'm just a little worried about your Christmas cards. Why are you worried? You always select the most beautiful cards. You really should put your order in. We're not gonna be ordering Christmas cards this year. - Do what? - You heard me. May I ask why not? You know, I'm really quite late for lunch. Bye-bye. Say hi to your mom. But we always have a live band at the auction. Yeah, but last year, the band cost $15,000. We hired a deejay for the Cancer Ball. Ladies. - Hi, Aubie. - Hello. Mrs. Krank, we forgot to talk about your Christmas invitations. We won't be needing those, either. - No party? - No Christmas Eve party? No party this year. She's not ordering Christmas cards either. What's up? We're... taking a eak. We're not gonna do Christmas this year. - How do you simply not do Christmas? - You skip it. But then what do we do Christmas Eve? You'll think of something. There are plenty of other parties. But none like yours. That's sweet. - When do you leave? - Christmas day. That's an odd time to travel. Apparently, not that many people travel on December 25th... and so Luther got us a great deal. Then why don't you have the party anyway? Because we don't want to, Merry. We're taking a eak. One year off, no Christmas whatsoever. - What do we do? - I don't know. Mr. Krank, I'm Randy Scanlon. We're selling Christmas trees again this year. Got yours right here. You got a Canadian blue spruce last year. This one's a real beauty. Almost 10 feet tall. Mrs. Krank likes the big ones. Aren't they cute? - How much is the big one? - $90. We had to go up a little. We're not buying a Christmas tree this year. - Luther. - We talked about this. Sorry we had to go up on the price. We're making less per tree than last year. It's not about the money. We're not doing Christmas this year. We're gonna go away on a cruise. We don't need a tree. All right. Well, out of the frying pan... and into the fire. Luther. - What? - Come here. - Why? - Come here. - What are they doing? - Who? - Spilling their guts to Frohmeyer. - Not Frohmeyer. Are you intimidated by Vic Frohmeyer? Honey, he's like the unelected ward boss of the street. So Frohmeyer has a problem with our skipping Christmas? Who's he gonna call? The Three Wise Men? Santa Claus? Don't underestimate him, honey. Vic Frohmeyer lives and eathes for this neighborhood. - You should've just bought the tree. - No. - You didn't have to put it up. - No. - You could've left it in the backyard. - Quiet. Why are you whispering? This is our house. I'm whispering for the same reason you're hiding behind that curtain. Hey, Walt. Luther Krank just stiffed the Scouts on a Christmas tree. Can you believe that, Mr. Frohmeyer? Do not put it up there. I want them on the back of the house. Move it to the right. The other right. - Becker's at it again. - Evening, Vic. Everybody's going to really miss Blair this year. The whole block's talking about it. How is she doing? She's doing just fine. Thanks for asking. How's your family? In great spirits. We're putting up decorations tonight. Wind it tight, Spike! - Hi, Dad! - Looks good, Mama! It's the greatest time of year, don't you think? I couldn't be happier. It's not gonna be the same without Blair here. Of course not. Honey, are you okay? - Come here. Honey! - Give me a hand. There are certain things around here that I'm gonna miss at Christmas. So you're... really skipping out? You got it. Somehow, it just doesn't seem right. That's really not up to you to decide, is it? But I got to tell you, the neighbors are pretty upset. Really? Christmas has always been a neighborhood thing around here. You know that. Everybody decorates. Everybody bakes cookies, and swaps gifts. I guess we do it for the kids. If you're trying to make me feel guilty, get off of it. And you know what else? I'd appreciate it if you... and everyone else around here would just respect my wishes. Whatever you say, Luther. Weather should be clear tomorrow. Perfect time to put up Frosty. Frosty? Tell you what, truth is, if I'm gone, I'm... Vic? Frosty is a Christmas tradition. Frosty is a Christmas decoration. I will not be told by Vic Frohmeyer that I have to decorate my house for Christmas. Why won't you put up Frosty? It's the principle thing. Do you understand? We can forget about Christmas if we damn well choose. And nobody, not even Vic Frohmeyer, can stop us. I will not be forced into doing this. Have a good day. Hi, Nora. - Morning, Bev. Hi, Walt. - Hey, Nora! It was an accident. Walt, why don't you put that cat of yours on a leash? Only dogs wear leashes, old man. Think you can run away from Christmas? - I'm trying to. - Guess it's a good way to save money. - It's not about the money. - Yeah, sure. Muffles, be polite. Will you two ever be friends? You know, I'd like to say yes, but... How you feeling today, Bev? Have my good days and bad days. Today's a good day. I'm glad to hear that. Come have your eakfast, dear. I got to get to work. Still working for the Man, huh? As a matter of fact, it is a man I work for. Thought they would've made you partner by now. I got to get to work. Have a good one, old man. One snowball with a little yellow spot on it. Just skim the top of that little head of his. Just like that. Old man. Bah, humbug. Good morning, Mr. Scrooge. - Morning, Dox. Do I have any messages? - Wal-Mart called. Said I had to buy my own cheap perfume since Santa Claus isn't coming this year. Funny. Nora Krank! We're here for Frosty! - Hello. - Luther. - Hey, babe. - They're here. Who? Vic Frohmeyer, Wes Trogdon, Ned Becker, and a gang of their kids. We're here for Frosty! - They want Frosty. - They can't have him. Nora! Please give us Frosty. Honey, where is Frosty? - He's down behind the furnace. Why? - They won't go away. Don't give them Frosty. You and Luther do not have to do anything! Just leave Frosty on the front porch. We'll put him up for you. - They said they'll put him up for us. - Absolutely not. - Please, Luther. - No! We'll come back later. And Frosty better be here. They're gonna come back! Listen to you. You're panicking on the phone in a locked house... because the neighbors are going door to door... to set up a ridiculous 7-foot tall snowman! Sure, easy for you to say. Miles away in the safety of your office. Yeah, well... I am the one trapped here. I am the one dealing with this! All right, I agree. So maybe it's time that you left the neighborhood. Sure, honey. How do you think I'm gonna do that? The street is blocked with all of our neighbors. Walk to the garage, get in the car, start it, drive to the mall... I'll meet you at O'Leary's. Do it now! You can do this! Do it before... Bit more to the left. That looks good. - Hi, Mrs. Krank. - Nora? Vic, she's leaving! What's she doing? I'm so sorry. Sorry! Nora, stop the car. Stop the car. Please, listen. Don't do anything you'll regret. Now, please, indulge me for a second. Stop the car. Listen to me. Give us Frosty. Stop the car. We just want Frosty. Talk to me. Please. Indulge me for a second. It's us women who handle Christmas, not men. I am the one taking the unt for your hare ained scheme. I am the one on the frontlines. - I have a surprise for you. - What? Shut your eyes. All right, open them. - Honey, is this some kind of joke? - No, I got one, too. What do you think? A woman's bathing suit? Probably belongs with that. Nope, got my own. Look at that. Little cliff-diver thing. Honey, there is no way we are wearing these on this cruise. These aren't for the cruise. You know what's odd? Is when an Irish pub serves fish tacos. I don't get that. I got a little heartburn. I don't think I'm gonna do that again. Here it is, right here. Come on. Follow me, and don't mention her eyes. Hello, Mr. Krank. - Hi, Daisy. This is my wife, Nora. - Hello. I really don't want to do this. No, come on. I got a great deal. $60, 12 visits. Why would we get a tan before the cruise? I thought the whole point was to get a tan during the cruise. Look at our skin. We kind of look like uncooked chicken. You look like a corpse. And you could use a little help yourself. Thank you. Dear God, this should be outlawed. Okay, calm down. Excuse me. Excuse me. Hello! I need a BAND-AID. Nora Krank? Father Za iskie. Hello. What are you doing here? It's a mall. I'm Christmas shopping. Of course you are. Are you okay? Yes. Sort of. You're bleeding. Yes, it's just a scratch. Could I get another towel, please? I'm looking for a BAND-AID. Jeez, lady, make up your mind. Nora, I hear it from a good source that you and Luther... have decided not to observe Christmas this year. Yeah, sort of. Father Za iskie, Luther and I are fine. Everything is fine, and everything is completely normal. Attendant said you were bleeding. Are you all right? - Luther. - Hey, there. Father Za iskie. Hey. We've made the front page. - Check it out. - Hold on. - Skipping Christmas. - Yep. The home of Mr. And Mrs. Luther Krank is rather dark this Christmas. While their neighbors on Hemlock Street are decorating and preparing for Santa... the Kranks are skipping Christmas. They're preparing for a cruise, according to unnamed sources. No tree, no lights, and no Frosty up on the roof... and the only house on Hemlock to keep Frosty in the basement. - How do they know where Frosty is? - They have spies everywhere. Hemlock, a frequent winner in The Gazette Street Decoration Contest... finished a disappointing sixth this year. 'I hope they're satisfied now,' complained one unidentified neighbor. 'A rotten display of selfishness,' said another. - Who said that? - Could've been anybody. How dare they! What a bunch of losers. You know what? You know, I don't think I'm coming back from this cruise. Attagirl. Two more days and we're out of here. Two more, baby. Jerks. - Chocolate milk? - Sure. That's mine. - Regular. - Sorry I'm late. Hey. What's wrong? It's Bev Scheel. - Could you cover for me? - Sure. - What happened? - She went for a checkup yesterday. The cancer's back for the third time. - Has it spread? - They think so. That's awful. This could be her last Christmas. Sweetheart. Well, if it isn't old Scrooge himself. How do you think this photographer got this shot? - What photographer? - The one that took this photograph. - That one. - Yeah, that one. He climbed up. - On your roof? - Yeah. - Why did you do that? - I don't know. He said he wanted to get a shot of the whole street. At least you're consistent. I try to be, old man. - Stop that. - Stop what? Stop calling me old man. You're, like, 10 years older than me. - Am I? - Yeah. - Prove it. - Walt. I just heard about Bev. I am so sorry. How's she doing? Remarkably well. In good spirits. Decorating the house, baking cookies. Sure. If there's anything we can do, let me know. Thanks. I really appreciate that. They're here for Frosty. No. - I'll get it. - Thank you. - Good evening, Mr. Krank. - Good evening, officers. It's that time of year again. Your Police Benevolent Association's out there raising money for the community. That's great. You know, Toys for Tots, and we deliver gift baskets for the underprivileged. And ice skating for handicapped kids. Every year, we deliver presents for the elderly at the nursing homes... and, of course, our war veterans. Our big moneymaker is our calendar... and you buy one every year, so here we are. We don't need a calendar this year. What a jerk. He said he didn't need one. Thank you for your contribution. Merry Christmas. Yeah, Merry Christmas. Good luck with it. - Merry Christmas. - Merry Christmas. We're from St. Maria's Lutheran Church out caroling. Are those folks home? Yes, they are. - Are they Jewish? - No. - Buddhist or anything? - No, none of that. They're just trying to avoid Christmas this year. - Do what? - You heard me. He's kind of weird. Skipping Christmas so he can save his money for a cruise. No. I think some Christmas cheer would do them good. - Really? - Why don't you go ahead? All righty then. Drop. Down! Go! This is fun. Christmas carolers right out next to our junipers. How lovely. It's not lovely. They're trespassing. Somebody set us up. - They're not trespassing. - Yes, they are. They're on our property. They weren't invited. Somebody told them to come. Scheel or Frohmeyer. - Christmas carolers are not trespassers. - I know what I'm talking about here. - Why don't you have them arrested, then? - I just may do that. Call your friends down at the police department. - That's funny. - Not too late to buy a calendar. This isn't a joke. This is military. This is SEAL stuff. I saw it on Discovery Channel. Come on. Just sit right here. Here you go. Right here. There. That's perfect. Quietest room in the house. No one can find us down here. Free Frosty! Free Frosty! Merry Christmas, Mrs. Krank. Luther! Every Who down in Who-ville liked Christmas a lot. But the Grinch who lived just north of Who-ville did not. The Grinch hated Christmas, the whole Christmas season. Now, please don't ask why, no one quite knows the reason. It could be his head wasn't screwed on just right. It could be, perhaps, that his shoes were too tight. But I think that the most likely reason of all... may have been that his heart was two sizes too small. Luther, your face. - What about it? - It's like it's frozen or something. This? I got a BOTOX injection today. BOTOX treatment. They take a big needle and they inject it into your forehead. It freezes your face like this. I read it in a health magazine. - How long are you gonna be like this? - This is temporary. And then you got all your wrinkles are gone. - You should try this. - You ought to get your money back. - I can't live like this anymore. - What? We can't go out. Everywhere we go, people are whispering behind our backs. I can't go home. It's too depressing. I mean, there's no tree and no lights and no music. I can't talk to you. - You're just consumed with yourself. - That's not true. - Look how far you've gone. - Amazing. - Turning our lawn into an ice rink. - I can't feel anything. Somebody could've oken their leg or their neck. - You could've put a caroler in the hospital. - And that would be a bad thing? I'm kidding. I know this has been tough on you. But in just one day, 24 hours, we'll be on that trip. And it's all gonna be better. I promise. I don't know. Do you think that Blair will even think about Christmas? Probably not. I mean, she's in the rainforest... and around people who worship trees... and eat bark and frogs and that sort of stuff. - You gonna wear that? - Absolutely. Nice. Free Frosty! I know this is you, Spike. Goodbye. - Again? How many times is that? - About five or six times. Wish I had a snappy comeback for that smart guy. - Who cares? - You're right. The islands are calling. - Free Frosty! Free... - Goodbye, Spike. - You're a genius. - Thank you. - All right, Frosty's dead. - What? Dad, is that you? - Wait a minute. Blair? - Yeah. Hi. No, that was a joke. I thought that was somebody from work. Your mom's getting on the other line, then we have something fun to tell you. - Blair. - Hi, Mommy. Hi, honey. It's Mommy. How are you? Where are you? I'm in Miami, and I'm coming home for Christmas. - What? - Are you guys surprised? - I'm stunned. - Surprised. - We landed about an hour ago. - That's great! - What do you mean we? - I have another wonderful surprise. - Yeah? What is it? - I'm with Enrique. - What's a rique? - Enrique. He's a doctor. We went to Brown together. You guys met him a couple of times. At my dorms and at my graduation. - Of course. - I don't remember. He's Peruvian. - Great. A Communist. - Honey! - Sometimes we called him Rick. - Rick? The guy that you went down there to shack up with. He lived in a separate hut, Dad. Hut schmut. I want to see pictures to prove that. We've been friends for years. And he's just so wonderful. We fell in love while working together... and he's asked me to marry him. What? And I really want to. Honey! Enrique has always gone home for the holidays, so he's... never cele ated Christmas in America. And he's so excited. I told him all about Christmas there. The tree, the decorations... Frosty up on the roof. Everything. Is it snowing, Daddy? You know, Enrique has never seen a white Christmas. No, but I sense a storm coming. Okay, when do you land? When do you get in? - We land at 8:03. - Tonight? Yes, tonight. Just in time for our big Christmas Eve party. You are having the party, aren't you, Mom? Of course we are. Great! Mom, you are going to love Enrique. He wants to have a houseful of kids. Honey! Oh, Mom, I can't wait to be home. Pretty neat surprise? I am speechless! And your father is probably overwhelmed. Great. I love you, Mommy. I love you too, honey. Safe flight. Okay, I'll see you here. - She should've called sooner. - But she didn't. Why did you tell her we're having that party? Because we are. I need my vest. I don't know who's coming to the party or what they're gonna eat... but we're having a party. What about our trip? Don't even start with me. This was all your stupid idea. Stupid idea? Five minutes ago, I was a genius. - Now you're an idiot. - How does one call change so much? Don't dwell on the past, Island Boy, we're having a party. Cheese, wine and Blairey's favorite: Hickory honey ham. - Who's coming to this party? - I haven't gotten that far yet. - You're in charge of the tree. - We don't have one. Get one and put it up. Then you will get your little own butt down to the basement and put up Frosty. - No! - Yes! We are going to perform a little Christmas miracle. If we pull it off, Blairey is never gonna know... about your stupid, ridiculous, childish scheme... of skipping Christmas. I'm sorry about this little ugly bush. - Merry Christmas. - It is, isn't it? - Duke Scanlon. - Hi, Duke. The same guy who ought you... that beautiful Canadian blue spruce a few weeks back. Okay, great! Merry Christmas to you. I need another blue spruce just like that. I really need a tree right now. What do you got left? Just one. You know what? I like it. I'll take that one. - Really? - Yeah. How much is it? - $75. - It says $15 right there. - Yeah. Supply and demand. - That's kind of a rip-off, isn't it? The Scouts could sure use your $75 donation for their camporee. What do you guys say I give you $25? $75. Take it or leave it. Yours? - Hey, Wes. - Hey, Luther. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas to you, too, man. I'm in a little bit of a bind. I got to be at my in-laws' by 5:00. I should've left two hours ago. Let me give you a hand. This won't take long. Listen to me. My plans have changed. I got a call from Blair. She's coming home tonight. - What about the cruise? - I don't know. - I can't find a Christmas tree, though. - So? Can I borrow yours? - Wes, we got to go. - Be right there, T. - You want my tree? - Yeah. I can get it back in your house before you return. - That's ridiculous. - But I don't have a choice. Everyone else needs their tree tonight and tomorrow. - You're serious, aren't you? - Dead serious. - Trish wouldn't like it. - Trish doesn't have to know. - Hey, Trish! - Hi, Luther. - Honey, we got to go. - He's just saying Merry Christmas. Please. You eak one ornament, we're both dead. I will leave it just like I found it. I appreciate this, I really do. - This is funny, you know? - Why am I not laughing? Free Frosty! Free Frosty! - Got to go. - Thanks. Guys! Fellas. Guys, I'm sitting right over here. - Scatter! - Go! - Wait. - Run! Wait, come here. I just want to talk to you, Spike. - Let me go! - Bad little elf. - Stop squirming around. - Get off! - Come on. - Don't hit me. It was a joke. The Frosty sign, the phone calls. I know. I'm not gonna hurt you, I'm not gonna hit you. But you do owe me. - All I got is $20. - I don't want your money. I need a little help. That is one huge tree. It reminds me of this tree my dad got once... That's interesting. Here's the plan. Put the real delicate ones on the sofa. - Is this against the law? - Of course not. Just don't eak anything. Spike! - Nothing valuable. - What's it say on there? Baby's first Christmas. Perfect! - Hello? - Hey, Walt. Ned here. - Merry Christmas, Ned. - Merry Christmas, Walt. Say, I'm watching the Trogdons' house. It appears as if Krank has lost his mind. - How's that? - He's stealing their Christmas tree. Hello. Excuse me, I am looking for a ham. A hickory honey ham. If there are any left, they'll be back there. Thank you very much. Merry Christmas. Excuse me. Happy holidays. - Are you sure this isn't illegal? - Are you a cop? Come on. - Can I buy your ham? - Pardon? Your ham, it's the last one. And my daughter, Blair, is coming home all the way from Peru... and hickory honey hams are her absolute favorite. - And I'd like to buy it from you. - No, it's not for sale. But she's in the Peace Corps. And I'd be willing to pay anything above sticker price. No, we're not interested. You know, it's never too early to start thinking about putting away... a little something for your child's college education. You got it? Come around here. I want you to steer, I'll hold the back. Ready? Come around the back. Spike! - Hello, Mr. Krank. - Hey, fellas. Where you going with that tree? Spike and I are just taking it to my house. Spike? Yeah, the kid. Spike. Did he just run that way? No? That's weird. - Is this an imaginary friend? - No. Merry Christmas! Stop! Should've bought a calendar. Gonna need it where you're going. What do you want? It's me, Spike Frohmeyer. You know, Vic's kid. Yeah. If he says Trogdon loaned him the tree, then he's telling the truth. Here's the key. It's not a burglary. Key. Scram, Krank. Thanks, Spike. I was kind of scared in there. You'll be all right. Try to relax, will you, Luther? Get the tree. - What happened? - Unload the car. - What's wrong? - Nobody's coming. I've called everybody we know, they're all busy. - We'll have to invite the neighbors. - Over my dead body. - How's the tree? - Well... It's a disaster. Take it or leave it. Blue icicles and a Chicago Bear ornament? Popcorn. Those aren't mine. - Smoked trout. - Better than frozen pizza. What happened to the hickory honey ham? Never say hickory honey ham again. Hello. Blair! Hi, honey! I'd like to talk to her to send her back to Peru. You're in Atlanta? Wow. We're just busy cooking away here, getting ready for the party. Of course I'm making caramel cream pie, your favorite. We'll be there at 8:00 to pick you up. I can't wait to see you, too. I love you. Bye. It's 4:30. I need two pounds of caramel and a jar of marshmallow cream. The liquor store closes at 5:00 and they're holding a case of Pinot Noir. A case of wine for the four of us? Shut up. How long will it take you to put up Frosty? - Three days. - Great! When you finish, call all the neighbors and invite them to the party. What party? Merry Christmas, Nora. Merry Christmas to you, too. Why are you out running around? Just picking up last-minute stuff. You? Picking up some stuff. Few things. Big party tomorrow? Actually, it's tonight. My daughter's coming back from South America. We're just throwing a little party. She's inging her new boyfriend. Blair. Yes. Would you like to come? You mean that? Absolutely. I mean, it's just drop-in. What time? 8:30. - You're on Hemlock? - Yes, 1482. Thank you. Yes, thank you. Who are you? Not a clue. You get heavier every year. Up here! Come on. There we go. I see Frosty. Kids! Guys! Mr. Krank is putting up his Frosty. Let's go. Come on. Straighten up there. Near perfect. - Good evening, Luther! - Hey! You need some help, buddy? No. Luther, hold on. Watch your balance! Easy! Careful! Careful, Luther! Back. We got to go back that way. Look out! You okay? Swell, Vic. Thanks. How about you? I called 911. They're on the way. - Thanks, Walt. - Bev made me. - It was up on the roof just a minute ago. - Is he all right? Poor Frosty. Yeah, poor Frosty my eye. He's okay! You should just let me drop. Let me fall. He's all right. What on earth are you doing? Are you okay? Actually, it was a suicide attempt. Apparently, I misread the instructions. Put my leg to sleep, though. He was up there by himself, trying to put up your Frosty. - Sweetie, here they come. - Here come the pros. Guys. Just hold on. I guess you can't, can you? Hurry up! Back off, I'll be all right. Move away. Let these guys handle it. Thanks. Just a little problem with the rope. If you could just untie it. Get a ladder, that would be helpful. But I don't know... What are you gonna do with those clippers, guys? Got him? You okay? Dudes, over here. Slow down. That's good. Over here, man. Folks, move back. What's going on here? Luther here was up on the roof putting up Frosty and then they both fell off. Coming through. I thought you were skipping Christmas this year, Mr. Krank. What about that? What's going on there? Blair's coming home for Christmas. And she's inging her boyfriend. - And she expects to see a Christmas tree? - Yeah. - And a Frosty? - Of course. And what about the annual Kranks' Christmas Eve party? That, too. - When does she get in? - Plane arrives about 8:00. All right, people, listen up. Gather around. We're about to have a party here at the Kranks'. A Christmas homecoming for Blair. Great idea, Vic. Drop what you're doing and pitch in. Nora, do you have a turkey? Smoked trout. Smoked trout? Anybody got a turkey? - We have two, both in the oven. - Beautiful. Get them. Ned, go to Brixley's. Get his Frosty. Get some lights, too. We'll put them along Luther's boxwoods. - Hold on. Why should we do this for him? - Yeah. He's a jerk. Regardless of how you feel about him... A lot of you have mixed feelings about him. But we're a community. The people in a community stick together. Even if one of them has been behaving, for most of the holiday season... like a spoiled, selfish little baby. We're not doing this for him. We're doing this for Blair. Blair, who used to baby-sit all your kids. Blair, who comes home every summer and makes us all feel like family. That's right. Why should the daughter pay for the sins of the father? Now, if we even have a hope of pulling this off, you got to scatter. Grab a change of clothes and all the food you can, and get over here in half an hour. - Let's go. - Randy, Mike, let's go. - Thank you! - You're welcome, Nora. Guys, better go to the airport. - Why's that? - Blair needs a ride home. I don't know if we could do that. Shall I call the chief? We could do that. Got a hold of Frosty there? Easy. Up he goes. There you go. Finally. There's nothing like a white Christmas. Merry Christmas! Hi, everybody! - Hey, boss! - Hey, guys. Come on in. Aubie. Thank you. What are these? Honey. These illegal? Here. I have that one piece you need. I think that should go over there. Honey, look. Look. Mistletoe. Hello? - Hey, Blair. - Blair? - You're 55 minutes early. - What? That's a heck of a tail wind. Yeah. That's great. We're waiting right here. Can't wait to see you. Love you, honey. That was your mom. We both love you. Bye-bye. - What are we gonna do? We'll never make it. - No, I got an idea. Hold it. Go! Go, Spike! Anything else that's in a box, just put it down in the cellar. You know what? It looks good. - See them? - I don't see my parents anywhere. Honey. Is that us? Hi, I'm Blair. This is Enrique. A police escort? I'm impressed. I guess my dad was really generous with his donation this year. Yeah. You have no idea. Thirty-seven minutes, my friends. Welcome to the United States. Hand me those bags. Officer Frohmeyer here. Do you read me? How many times I got to tell you, stay off... This is serious. Can you talk? - Yeah, go. - We need to stall. - Stall? - We're ready. We're not ready. Okay. Stall. I'll get it, thanks. - Merry Christmas, Luther. Here's a ham. - Can I help you? I'm sorry. I'm a little bit early. It's cold out there. - Why don't you go in? Enjoy yourself. - I'm so happy to be here. Father Za iskie, it's so nice to see you again. Thank you. - I don't know who he is. - He ings ham. Why are you driving so slow? Icy roads. Want to cele ate Christmas under a mistletoe or in a body bag? - Can I help you with that? - Thank you. - Good. - Here we go. Honey, I talked to everyone. No one knows that guy. He knows them. What is... How do... What? Thanks, Father. - Robbie, check that bottom string. - Yes, sir. That's good enough. We don't have much time. Randy, plug it in. Sweet. It's just the lights. - I'll go check the eaker. - I'd better go help Luther. Do you know anybody at ComEd? Officer Frohmeyer here. Do you read me? Hurry, I'm running on batteries. - What's up, Spike, sir? - We need more time. - Roger. - What was that? Talking about time. He said crime. Possible domestic disturbance. We'd better check it out. What are you talking about? We'll put those down here on the table, I think, just as the entrée. Aubie, put the cookies over there on the edge of the table. - There was a box with some balls in it... - You took the big box downstairs. Finally! Wonderful! - It looks wonderful, everybody. - Place looks great. She's gonna be here any minute! Honey, I need to do something about your tan, and we need to change. Will you please tell me what the hell is going on here? We got to stall. Just for a few minutes until they get the party started. Okay. See, it's fine. Just checkup. Let's walk over to this door like we're investigating something. I'll put my hand on my gun, make it look official. Yeah, you do that, Mr. Terminator. I look like my mother. And she's been dead, what, 15 years? That's enough time. Let's go back to the car. Okay. What was that? Looks like a eak-in. - No way. - Yes way. I don't need this. Not now. Break-in rate is very high on Christmas Eve. I know that, but we got a party to go to. So, what do you want to do, ignore it? We can't do that. - There he is. - Police! Eat this! Go get him. Go on, get going. Get up! Come on, he's getting away. Hurry up! What are you doing lying there? He's getting away. All right, don't move. Stay right where you are. Police. - Get him! - Police. All right! We got him. Honey, this is gonna be Enrique's first Christmas in America. I hope we make a good impression. Nora, are you sure about this? - I look like a Mafia lieutenant. - The black makes your skin look lighter. And Blair is never to know about the cruise. Do you understand? I heard you the first 60 times. Frohmeyer One to Frohmeyer Two. - The Eagle has landed. - Roger. Ned! They're here! - I'm not finished. - Hide! Guys, Blair's here! I see her! - They're here! - What if we don't like him? We raised a smart girl. Welcome home! They're getting out of the car! She's home! Everybody, she's here! Good to see you. - Who's this? - Enrique, my boyfriend. - Vic Frohmeyer. Pleased to meet you. - Pleased to meet you, sir. This is so exciting. Hi, guys. Your parents are dying to see you. Didn't Luther do a great job on the house? Honey, they're here! - I can't believe I'm home. - We can't believe you're home, either. Dad. - Luther Krank. This is Nora, my wife. - Hi, I'm Enrique DeCardenal. Come here, you! - Merry Christmas. - Merry Christmas to you. - You guys look great. - We've been watching what we eat. - And you've been in the sun. - No, we have not. No. I wear black to make me look lighter. The party! Look, there's the party! Come on, it's the party! Everybody, look! Party! Nice to see you. I'll take the light one, you take the rest. Hey, Aubie, how are you? Kid. Come here. I'm freezing to death. I'm starving out here. I haven't eaten in seven days. - Seven days? - Yeah. Any scraps I get, I give to the kids. - What kids? - My kids. I got four: Annie, Billy, Tommy, and Chuck. And all I wanted to do was give them a real Christmas this year. They deserve it. Okay, you got 20 minutes inside. Enough time to get warm, grab some food. Then it's back to the police car. No funny business, right? Swear? On my kids' lives. Have to try hickory honey ham. It's Blairey's absolute favorite. It's a classic. - The food's that way. - Thanks, son. I appreciate it. - We've had ham since she was a little girl. - Welcome home, Blair. - Merry Christmas. - Merry Christmas. I suppose this is your boyfriend. - Yes. Honey. - Hi, I'm Enrique DeCardenal. - Call me Marty. - Houston, we have a name. - Is that a Peruvian accent? - How could you tell? I lived there for five years. I miss it so much. - I'm going to talk to Marty for a second. - Okay. Go ahead. He's charming. - Who is that? - You know Marty. Everybody knows Marty. Merry Christmas. Aren't you sweet? Bless you. I would like to propose a toast, if I may. Here's to my new family and friends. Thank you for making me feel so welcome. And I just wanted to say... thank you to all of you. To our friends and our neighbors... for helping us make this... really, the most wonderful Christmas Eve ever. You really have shown us the true meaning of community. And thank you all so much. Merry Christmas. Same goes for me, double. Cheers. Fellas, how about a party tune? G. That was it? That was the best you could come up with? I'm not really good at toasts. After all they've done... you couldn't just come up with a simple thank you? I did. It was just short and sweet. You're still moping... because you don't get to go on your precious little cruise. There's still time. - What? - We could still go. Listen to me. Enrique and Blair can stay here, have the house to themselves. We go, and we all have a romantic getaway. Your daughter just flew thousands of miles home... with her very sweet future husband... to spend Christmas with us. You know... I've spent six weeks planning for this vacation. That's longer than they've been dating. Everyone out there sacrificed their Christmas Eve to help us. I thought maybe that might affect you. Maybe have you start thinking about putting others first instead of yourself. But I really don't think that's possible. It's a shame. Why don't we move in a little? Hi, how are you? Merry Christmas to you. It's cold out there. Bravo! Luther! Frosty? Merry Christmas, Luther. Merry Christmas to you, too, Walt. - You're missing your party. - Well, there's... How's Bev? She's having a good day. Yeah, thanks. We started over to see Blair, but, you know, the snow started and... So how's the boyfriend? You know, actually, he's a very nice young man. - Merry Christmas, Luther. - Merry Christmas to you, too, Bev. - You feeling okay? - That was a pretty nasty fall. It could've been worse. I mean, that cord could've snapped and... You know, Nora wanted me to drop this by. I'm allergic to pork, and Bev's not much of a meat-eater. Not to worry, because Mel's hams are generally just filled... with a gelatin and a fat-like substance. Please. It's very thoughtful, Luther. You know, have a good one. Could I come in for a minute? Thanks. Blair's gonna be staying with us for 10 days... so we're not taking the cruise. And Nora and I would like you guys to have it. Flight leaves at 12:00 noon tomorrow. You got to be there two hours ahead of time. It's 10 days in the Caribbean. Islands and beaches. The works. It's a dream vacation. We can't take it, Luther. It's not right. I didn't purchase the travel insurance. So if you don't take it, the whole package is wasted. I'm not sure my doctor would allow it. I've got that Lexon deal on the front burner. Benny said he might stop by tomorrow. And we couldn't leave the cat. This is from us to you. This is a sincere, heartfelt... no-strings-attached Christmas offering... to two very selfless people who are, at this moment... having a very difficult time looking for an excuse. Benny did say he might stop by. Face it, Bev, Benny hasn't been home in years. Look, I've got everything right here. I got airline tickets. I got cruise passes. I've got a ochure. What's it cost? If we decide to go, we'd want to reimburse you. This is a simple gift, Walt. No costs, no payback. Don't make it complicated. - Our names aren't on the tickets. - I know. I'll take care of that. What about the cat? Yeah, that's a problem, huh? Too late to call the kennel. We can't just leave him. We could ask Jude Becker. She's allergic. I'll take the cat. - What? - Are you sure? Yeah. Look at that. See? Maybe if you don't step on him so often... Yeah. It'll be fine. - Thank you so much. - Merry Christmas. Well, I should get back to my party. This means so much. Thank you. You're welcome. Does this mean we have to start being nice to each other? - Of course not. - Good. Because I still don't like you that much, old man. That's good. I'm not that fond of you, either. Bev, we gotta pack! Luther! Help me! Ned! What in God's name are you doing up there? Blair came home. Frohmeyer took down the ladder. He went inside, forgot about me. Have you been up there all this time? I'm frozen, stuck to Frosty! I'll get you down! What are you doing? You swore on your kids' lives! - What kids? - Help! Police! Easy, come on. Go on inside. Drink something hot. Get down from there. Get down off the roof! My car. You all right? What's in that bag? Not bad. Good job, Santa. All right, come on. Get up here. Let's go. - You swore to me. - I'm growing tired of catching you. - What's this all about? What's going on? - I told you you could use an um ella. What? - Marty. - Yes. Wait. You're the guy that was selling the um ellas in the rain, aren't you? It's a living. I meet a lot of nice people this way. I got to run because I can't pass up this kind of weather. It's always good for business. Thank you for the party. You're welcome. I'm sorry you got to work on Christmas Eve. Santa always has to work on Christmas Eve. Yeah, I suppose he does. Merry Christmas! Bev Scheel just called. Maybe I was wrong about you. This night is full of surprises. Skipping Christmas. What a stupid idea. Maybe next year. Merry Christmas!
Puppet, sir. Only 10 piastres. They're crap, squirrel. They fall apart before you're out of the door. Five then, sir. It's handmade! Please. My sister, she's very, very sick. I know your sister. She's peddling in the next bar over. - Do you know my mother? - No. She's very, very sick. I'll give you two. That's a bad idea, you know. Like feeding pigeons. - Do I know you? - My name is Semelier. I work for a private collector of rare antiquities. - I cabled you last week. - Yes. And I didn't answer. There's been a discovery in East Africa. A Christian church, circa 5 A.D. No, it's not possible. The Byzantine Empire had adopted Christianity at that time... but they never got that far south. Nevertheless, there it sits. The British have financed a dig to uncover this church. We believe a rare object waits inside. We'd like you to find it and ing it back to us. So you think I'm a thief? Now you think I'm a thief and a whore. No. Simply a man who's lost faith... in everything except himself. Ah. You know nothing about me. You're an Oxford-educated archaeologist... an expert in religious icons. You were a priest before the war. So what happened? This is a leather impression of the artifact we're looking for... a representation of a mythical demon. It's Sumerian. What makes you think it's in a church in Africa? A Major Granville in Nairobi is in charge of the dig. He's been persuaded to let you join it. You're assuming that I will say yes. You already have. March! Left. Left, right, left. Left. Left. Left, right, left. Left. Left. Left, right, left. Left. Left, right, left. Left. Left. Left, right, left. Mr. Merrin, sir. The major will see you now. Beautiful, aren't they? It's a hobby from school days. Works wonders for the nerves. You should try it sometime. What can you tell me about the dig? The location is a remote area of the Turkana district... called Derati. It was discovered several months ago by a detachment of my men... on maneuvers there. When the powers that be realized its importance, they organized a dig. What have they learned so far? That it's a church where no church should be. This is Father Francis. He'll be accompanying you to Derati. It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Father Merrin. - I've read all your work at seminary. - It's Mr. Merrin. I was especially impressed with your treatise on the Roman rituals. I'm no longer a part of that. I'm sure you didn't come here to discuss Catholic rituals. I was actually headed to Kenya to begin missionary work... when Rome learned of the discovery. They've asked me to make sure the site's religious aspect have the proper consideration. Hmm. How come you've opened the site to the Vatican? We haven't... officially. You're both my guests. Tell me, have you any theories on who might have built this church? Well, not until I've seen it. Surely the Vatican has some record of its creation. I'm afraid not. We're as in the dark about it as you are. - How long have you been with the dig, Chuma? - Since the beginning. The British hired me as an interpreter. What happened here? Plague. Ravaged the valley 50 years ago. - How many died? - All of them. I'm Lancaster Merrin. Major Granville should have contacted you about my joining the dig. He did. Is something bothering you, mate? No. - I'd like to see the dig site as soon as possible. - You drink, Merrin? I shouldn't... but my will is weak. Then you might just survive this place. I understand you've uncovered the church dome... but that progress has slowed down. You could say that. Right, Doctor? - I'm Sarah Novak. Very nice to meet you. - Lancaster... Lancaster Merrin. You still haven't made it by my room, Doctor. I've been having this, uh, swelling in the evening. Thought you might have something I could put on it. How about a muzzle? So how are the interior excavations coming along? - They're not. - No? Has the structure collapsed? No, the church is perfect... but none of the men will enter, those we have left anyway. Why's that? I shall be leaving for the dig in five minutes. Well... pleasant fellow. What's wrong with his face? Other than that it's attached to his body? Could be an allergic reaction or some kind of localized infection. Do you know why the men won't enter the church? - Evil spirits. - Oh. - If you believe the Turkana. - And do you? No. I'm a doctor. But as a priest, surely you must believe in such things. I'm an archaeologist. I'm not a priest. Now, that's funny. I met Father Francis outside, and he told me you were. Did he? Well, he is mistaken. Father Merrin. This is Emekwi. He's donating the use of a room in his hotel for the mission school. Father, we are so glad that you are here. These are my sons, James and Joseph. - Hello, James, Joseph. - They are learning the Bible. - We are, uh, Christians. - Hmm. - Emekwi, can you see to Mr. Merrin's bags? - Oh, of course. James. Joseph. Very nice meeting you, Doctor. There's your goddamn church. Is this your first assignment, Father? Before this, I was studying in the archives in the Holy Sea. The Vatican. Impressive. But not really training for missionary work, is it? This is strange. It's 1,500 years old. It should be badly weathered. It's almost as if it were buried right after it was built. Chuma. Where's Jefferies? I need to go into the church. Hyenas? They've been here ever since we started digging. Even at daytime? No! No! No! - What's the matter with him? - I don't know. The heat? Joseph? Are you out here by yourself? It's dangerous. - I'm collecting rocks. - I can see that. I think you're about ready for this now. It's a tool for professional diggers. Wow. His seizure's stopped. I wanted to keep him at the hospital for observation... but the Turkana have stopped trusting my medicine. Well, that must make your job very hard. You have no idea. Thank you. So what is it you hope to find here? The answer to why a church was built here a thousand years before Christianity arrived. - You were a priest once, weren't you? - Yes, I was. Black bastards! Bloody savages! Can't wipe their own ass without instruction. - I have to get back to town. - Wait. I, uh... I found this... and, uh, I want you to have it. It's a St. Joseph, for luck. Please, for my behavior. - Thank you. - Oi, oi! What the hell are you doing? - Get the fuck out of here, you little scab! - Don't! - Joseph, wait. - Don't do that. All right, Merrin. I didn't know you was a fuzzy lover. It's okay. Come. These little buggers, they get in everywhere. How soon can you have the doors to the church uncovered? A few days. - And in the meantime, how do we get in? - We don't. Chuma'll take you in through the roof. Following us, Father? Is it safe to walk around? Let's see. Lucifer. The Lord's favorite angel. Cast out after the war in heaven. Can't even trust angels, can you? - You ever seen anything like it? - Not this far from Rome. It's odd. Churches were built to exalt heaven... but this, the weapons are pointing downward. Look behind you, Father. Desecration of Christ. Who would do something like this? The crucifix was oken off from here. Chuma, is there an inventory of what's been found here? I wouldn't know. Who would know? 'Cause this place has been vandalized. Probably the lead archaeologist, Monsieur Bession. So where can I find him? I need to talk to him. - It's not possible. - Why not? He's gone mad. No one's been inside Bession's tent since he fell ill? They are superstitious. - And you? - Not superstitious. Smart. - Chuma. - Yes? - Where's Bession now? - A sanitorium in Nairobi. - How long has he been gone? - A few weeks. - And he can read and write Aramaic? - Sorry? The language spoken in Palestine at the time of Christ. And what does it say? The fallen shall rise... in a river of blood. Do you have a moment? Of course. Can I get you some tea? Or maybe something more substantial? Yes, that would be very nice. You dabble in the occult? I found them here when I arrived. I wanted to ask you, did you treat Bession? You should let me clean that before it gets infected. There was nothing I could do for Monsieur Bession. He had no medical symptoms... nothing to suggest any kind of disease or infection. His eakdown was purely mental and extremely severe. That's why the Turkana fear the church is cursed. That and the disappearances. In the past few weeks, we've lost a dozen men. Runaways? Or is it those evil spirits? Yeah. - I'm sorry. I shouldn't have. - Your curiosity's perfectly natural. My father was a strong man. When the Nazis started rounding up the Jews in our town... he didn't hesitate. He hid our neighbors in the crawl space. But someone turned us in... and we were all sent to the concentration camps. I'm sorry. People can't really understand, can they? If they weren't there... if they didn't see. No. And my husband turned out to be one of those people. I met him after the war, and we came to Africa together, in love. One night I realized I... I had to tell him the truth... about... the Nazis... and what they did to me. After that, he never touched me again. So... what turns a man of the cloth into an archaeologist? I don't know. I suppose I... I wanted to work with something real, something I could touch with my hands. Do you miss it? Being a priest. No. There's no point in that. Sometimes I think the best view of God is from hell. I should get to bed. I'm going to Nairobi tomorrow to see Bession. - Talk to Father Gionetti. - Gionetti? He runs the sanitarium. Well, thank you... for the medical care. Deliver us from evil... for thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory forever. Amen. You, priest. What is your name? I'm Father Merrin. God is not here today, priest. Want some water? Hey, what's wrong? It's late. You should go back to bed. Give it to me! It's mine! - Oh, is it yours? - Give it to me! - Mr. Merrin gave it to me. - Here, take it. - Take it! - Oh, just give it to me, you idiot! Who you calling idiot? Take it! It's right here. Give it to me! It's mine. - Shorty. Shorty. Shorty. - Just give it to me! All right. Okay, okay. Go back to bed, and I'll give you the stupid thing. Joseph, look out! Joseph, get Papa! Get Papa! Joseph, help me! Joseph, please, get Papa quickly. No! Help me! Help! Help me! Help me! Help me! Help me! Please! - What happened? - Hyenas. They tore James apart. Did you see that, Lancaster? The hyenas ignored Joseph. They were focused on his other. That was a lot more than focused. They acted as if he wasn't even there. Can you see? Can you hear? Come with me. Monsieur Bession? Mr. Bession. You worked on a dig in Derati. You drew a picture of an idol. Where did you see it? Was it in the church? Mr. Bession. - Father Merrin. - How do you know my name? I said how do you know my name? Are you hurt? No. I'm free. God is not here today, priest. I hope he finds peace. I'm Father Gionetti. I've been waiting for you. How did he know my name? Have you drifted so far from God, Merrin, that you can't see? Monsieur Bession was touched by the devil. Demonic possession? Forgive me, Father. I never said he was possessed. Only touched. So, touched. What does that mean? In 1647, the Ursuline Convent in Loudon, France... was plagued by possession. Thirty-four nuns had been touched by the devil... committing unspeakable acts. Having orgies including goats doesn't make them possessed. Simply horny... and inventive. Four priests were dispatched to exorcise the demons. Three of them were possessed themselves and subsequently died. The last one was driven insane by his ush... with evil. That is what happened to Monsieur Bession. And that evil remains in Derati. You must be careful there. Remember, he is the father of lies. He will seek to poison your mind. You will need this against him. The Roman Rituals. If you need somebody to perform an exorcism, I'm not your man. I'm not a priest anymore. You will always be a priest, Father Merrin. Only your faith can save you. Well, then I'm doomed. Joseph? What do you have there? Can I see? You threw it away. - Jefferies, what the hell are you doing in here? - It was in the dirt outside. - You threw it away. - No, I didn't. - The clasp must have come loose... - Liar! Do I repulse you that much? Maybe if you could cure my fucking face... I might look as good to you as that archaeologist. - Joseph? - He's coming for you. What? He's coming for you. - What happened? - I had a bad dream. Ohh. Don't worry. You'll be fine. Where is everybody? Sebituana's baby is coming, so the village has gathered in welcome. Oh. Joseph. Hey. Joseph. You're back. - Are you all right? - Yeah, I'm just a little bit tired. These lesions... they're not from the shock, are they? No. They're completely asymptomatic. It just doesn't make sense. - He should have recovered by now. - So what is it? In this part of the world... it could be a dozen things... but his symptoms don't really match any of them. So all I can do is just watch and wait. I have to do some work up at the dig. - Will you be all right? - Hmm. Yes. Come sit with me, Lancaster. I promise I won't bite. What is it? - How was Nairobi? - Oh, fine. - Did you see Monsieur Bession? - He's dead. - How? - I don't know. Some accident. I just don't understand everything that's happening here. It seems like I can't help anyone anymore. Hey. Easy. Help me hold him. Emekwi. I'm doing everything I can for him.
It's this place, Lancaster. The Turkana are right. - It's cursed. - Sarah. You don't understand. What they did to me in the camp. They... There's nothing left to bleed. There is something here, something evil. Sarah, it's so much easier to believe in evil as an entity... but it's not. It's a purely human condition inside all of us. Did Bession talk about what he found under the church? There's an ancient temple below, a pagan place... where they used to conduct sacrifices, human sacrifices. Why would they build a church on top of something like that? Perhaps to purify the site. But then why bury it? No! Merrin! You better come with me. Jefferies didn't show up for the dig this morning. He wasn't in his room, so they came to the bar and they found... Chief Sebituana's baby was stillborn last night. He blames the whites. You think the Turkana took Jefferies? I think this place is on the verge of an uprising. I've contacted Major Granville. A detachment will be here by this afternoon. You disagree? In my experience, inging soldiers into a situation is always a bad idea. Who buried them? Everybody died. Who buried them? All right! Halt! - Major Granville. - Hello, Peter. Come on! Out you get! Move it, Wilkins! - Any answers on Jefferies? - I'm afraid not. Well, you did the right thing calling me, Father. I've been in these situations before... and you have to stay on top of... on top of these people. I'm not sure the Turkana are responsible for what's happening here, Major. Major Granville? This dig is too important to jeopardize... and until I'm satisfied that the excavation is secure... the British Army will assume complete control. The Turkana won't like the show of force. I'm not concerned with what the Turkana like, Mr. Merrin! If they start any more trouble, they will have to answer... to the might of His Majesty King George. You cannot be here. Please tell Sebituana I'm sorry for his loss. You are not welcome here. I want to know about the plague that destroyed this village 50 years ago. It was not a plague. So, what was it? The evil in your church... it has taken Emekwi's youngest son... and it is getting stronger. You must abandon your work... or we'll be forced to stop you. So you don't want to tell me? He says he doesn't have to tell you because it's happening again... right now. - You don't bury your dead. You cremate them. - Yes. Then who's buried in that graveyard? I'm sorry. What are you... - I'm sorry. - Daddy. I will shoot 10, priest, and you will choose. I can't do that. No! No! Now you choose... or I will kill them all. Are you praying... to God? Shoot me. God is not here today, priest. Papa! - They're empty! - What? I dug up three graves. They were all empty. What happened here? - I-I don't know. - Oh, yes, you do. - You've been lying to me since we got here. - Let go of me. Damn it! There are crosses on the graves! There are crosses on the coffins! The church buried them, didn't they? Didn't they? Yes. Why? What were they hiding? That this place is damned. No! You asked the question! Now you're gonna listen to the answer! There was a massacre here... 1,500 years ago. An army from the west, led by two priests... searching for the origin of a powerful evil. But when they got here that evil consumed them... turning the soldiers against each other in a bloodbath. Only a single priest survived. When that priest made it back to the Emperor Justinian... he ordered that a church be built over the site and then buried... to seal the evil inside. All mention of it was to be stricken from the history texts forever. But it wasn't? No. In 1893... a Vatican researcher found an ancient letter in the archives. Four priests came to examine the site... enlisting the help of the people of this valley in their search... and they all disappeared. Where did they go? No one knows. The Vatican ordered a cover-up... the false graveyard... the tale of a plague to... to scare people away. And then the British stumbled across it. And I was sent here to see if the legend was real. What legend? That after the war in heaven... this is the spot where Lucifer fell. God ought you here, Lancaster. Leave me alone. No. The devil is here... inside that boy. The Turkana know it. They came to drive the devil from him, and he almost killed them. You can't run from this. You must help me. I can't. But you've seen what's going on here. You have to believe. I believe in nothing. Found Jefferies. - Over there! - As you were! Major Granville! Wait! Get him down. Get him down! You all right, Major? Savages. Major! Major! - Bloody savages. - Why are you here? - Granville! - You have no business to be here! - You must leave. - Granville! - You people have plundered our ancestors. - Granville! You must return Turkana to us now. - Let me through! - It is time to go. You have already polluted our lives. You came here with your evil. We knew peace before you came. Granville! No! No! No! No! They think it's inside Joseph! They believe the evil is upon us! Chuma! Merrin. They believe it is inside Joseph. They are going to kill him. Now, please... go! You animals! - Turn this way! - I don't like it. Come on! Three boxes of ammunition! Sir. The Turkana are preparing to attack. Leave me. Sir? I said, leave me. Yes, sir. We must leave now. Why? - Where's Sarah? - I don't know. Take the boy to Nairobi. Father Gionetti. Why? Turkana are coming to kill him. It's a sandstorm. It won't let us leave. We have to hide him. - The church. - No! The Turkana won't go in there. It's his only chance. - Aren't you coming? - I have to find Sarah. We'll meet you. Francis! Now go. Sarah? The Lord is coming for you. Sarah? Sarah! In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sanctu. - Steady now! - Pick it up, mate! Sarah? Sarah! Oh, my God. Bession was Sarah's husband? Yes. She went into the church with him, didn't she? It's not Joseph. It's Sarah. Sancti Michael Archangel... Ready yourselves, men! Fire! Chuma! Francis? Francis. Francis. O Lord, forgive my disbelief. I need you. These people need you. This valley needs you. Hear my cry. Do not abandon me now. Forgive my sins. Joseph. Come sit with us, Lancaster. I promise I won't bite! Joseph, run. - He's mine. - Run! Leave him alone. It's me you want. I am a fallen priest. Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us. God, Father in heaven, have mercy on us. God, the Son, redeemer of the world, have mercy on us. God, the Holy Spirit, have mercy on us. Christ, hear us. Holy Mary, pray for us. Christ, hear us. - Lord, have mercy on us. - What's the matter, Merrin? Don't you want to fuck me anymore? All ye holy angels and archangels... pray for us! All ye holy orders of blessed spirits, pray for us! Why would he listen to you? You. You believe in nothing. You're all alone. Without hope. Almighty Lord... and father of Jesus Christ... grant me, your unworthy servant, pardon for all my sins... and the power to fight this cruel... Joseph, come on. Don't be afraid. No! Father! Joseph! Father, help me! - Help me! Help me! - Joseph! Father Merrin! Merrin! O Lord, by your name save me. By your strength defend my cause. No! - Father! - Joseph? Joseph! Joseph! Wait! Joseph. Father! I'm coming. O God, hear my prayer. The ruthless seek my life. They do not keep God before them. Turn back the evil upon my foes. In your faithfulness destroy them. Where's your God now, Merrin? Fucking his only son while you call out his name? He doesn't care about this whore. But you do... because you want to shove your rotten cock up her juicy ass. You can't have her, priest. The whore is mine. And I'll kill her before I let you take her from me. From the souls made to the image and likeness of God... I cast you out! You're a killer, Merrin. You looked them in the eye, pointed your finger, and they died. God is not here today, priest. Oh, yes, he is. You're going to watch him die, Merrin. Fail him like you failed all the others. God, spare this child, for he is innocent... and deserves your blessing. God, spare this child... for he is innocent... and deserves your blessing. God, spare this child, for he is innocent and deserves your blessing. I command you to depart! It's the power of Christ that compels you! It is God himself who commands you. It's the majestic Christ who commands you! God, the Father, commands you. God, the Son, commands you. God, the Holy Spirit, commands you. The mystery of the cross commands you! Unclean spirit, I cast you out! - Lancaster. - Sarah. Sarah. It's over now. Joseph. Merrin! Father! Don't be afraid. I need your help, Joseph. Listen, whatever you hear, whatever you see, it's just his lies. Don't listen. Don't watch. You understand? Don't listen! It's just lies. You have to be strong and concentrate. Can you read this? I will start there. Then you will answer. That's me. That's you. That's me, and that's you. You understand? Good. Let's start. O God... by your name save me. Amen. Save your servant. Who places his trust in thee, my God. Be unto her, O Lord, a fortified tower. In the face of the enemy. O Lord, hear my prayer. And let my cry come unto thee. - The Lord be with you. - And also with you. Begone, evil spirit... in the name of the Father and of the Son... and of the Holy Ghost! By the sign of this holy cross... by our Lord Jesus Christ... God, the Holy Ghost, commands you! The blood of the martyrs commands you! In God's name, demon... I cast you out! Sarah? Sarah. Okay? Thank you. Look, um... Sarah, what is it? What is it, Sarah? Lancaster! - No! - Help... Sarah. - No! - Help... Sarah. Father? She's with God now. She's with God. I trust your mission was successful. I couldn't find what you were looking for. But you found something. Didn't you? Good-bye, Mr. Semelier. Au revoir, Mr. Merrin. It's Father Merrin.
Idiots. Take the captain beyond the reef till we get permission to ing him ashore. For a moment I thought you were abandoning me. Fernand Mondego does not abandon his friends in the face of stupid, suicidal danger. If we don't get him to a doctor, he will die. - Do you understand? - Of course I understand. - Just don't expect me to do this sober. - Right. English dragoons. Hello! Dantes, don't. - A little careless, don't you think? - We have to talk to someone. Well, I know, but... We're French sailors! - We seek medical attention! - Come on. Come on. - We come in peace. - Edmond, come on! - We mean no harm! - Edmond! Come on! Climb! Look out! Fernand! Lieutenant Graypool. If your thirst for gore demands the death of these poor fools... then by all means shoot them. But do so with the knowledge they are no agents of mine. Now explain yourselves or be shot. Sir, I am Edmond Dantes... second mate of the merchant ship Pharaon, on our way home to Marseilles. This is the shipowner's representative, Monsieur Fernand Mondego... son of the Count Mondego. Our captain has contracted ain fever, so we put in here for help. If his coma is genuine, he won't feel my knife point, will he? Only a scratch. Edmond! - Lieutenant Graypool! - We came to you in good faith! - That's for my wounded men. - And wounded pride, no doubt. It has been an eventful evening. If I hadn't have shot those dragoons, you might by lying in pieces on the beach right now. - I almost got us killed. - Yes, you did. Yet, we survive. King's to you, Mondego. Being your friend is always an adventure. Yes, it is, isn't it? It's a pity adventurers can't always be friends though, huh? What? Well, it won't always be like this, will it? - What are you talking about? - Nothing. Drink up. We're drinking Napoleon Bonaparte's wine. As long as you're still awake, Monsieur Dantes... I wonder if I might have a word with you. Oh, it's just something we've done since childhood. Um, whenever one of us has had a victory, king of the moment. - King of the moment? - Yes. In life, we're all either kings or pawns. I'm moved by your effort to save your captain's life, Dantes. He is my captain and my friend, Your Majesty. Loyal friends are rare indeed. In fact, it is upon such a matter I wish to speak. I have written a rather sentimental letter to an old comrade in Marseilles. It's a side of me I prefer the British not see. And since they have a habit of opening my mail... I wonder if you would deliver it for me. Oh, I-I don't... It's just a letter from one old soldier to another. It's totally innocent, I assure you. But more important, it is the price I demand for the use of my physician. - Then I agree. - Good. You are to deliver the letter to Monsieur Clarion. - Can you remember that name? - Monsieur Clarion. Now, I do not wish this letter's existence to be known to anyone else. Not even your boon companion back there. Do you understand? I'm a man of my word, Your Majesty. Yes, I, uh... I believe you are. What did he want? Oh, um, news from France. That's all. Time you were on your way. Your captain has been dead for half an hour. Are you sure? you can feel death. Kings and pawns, Marchand. Emperors and fools. Come about! Come about! Drive faster. Danglars, what's happened? Captain Reynaud is dead, sir... and Edmond Dantes disobeyed my orders. Will you be needing me, Monsieur Morell? Go. Mercedes. - Where is he? Where is Edmond? - How lovely to see you too. You just missed him, I'm afraid. Could be a while. I think he's in trouble. He said he'd meet us by the rock. Come on. I told Dantes not to go ashore. Is this true? I accept all responsibility. As well you should. It was all his idea, monsieur. It should have been your idea. Puttin' into Elba didn't save the captain's life, monsieur. - I was protectin' the merchandise. - You were protecting yourself... by hiding behind your rank and staying aboard. Edmond Dantes, I am making you the new captain of the Pharaon. You presume to demote me? There is no demotion. Unless, of course, you choose to seek another berth. Now I imagine there's a certain young lady... who will want to hear this news. Thank you. Monsieur Morell? I understand you had a ship just returned from Elba, monsieur. - Yes. - Did anyone aboard... get ashore there by any chance? They did, but they're not here at the moment. Thank you, monsieur. - May I say who has called upon them? - Clarion. The name is Clarion. - Make love to me. - Will you ever give up? - He doesn't have to know. - I'd know. So would I. - It'd be our little secret. - I don't believe in secrets. You think Edmond doesn't have secrets? He does. Ask him. - I know what you want, Fernand. - You do? Remember when we were little kids and Edmond got that whistle for his birthday, and you got a pony? Well, you were so mad that Edmond was happier with his whistle than you were with your pony. And I'm not going to be your next whistle. How long do you think it's gonna be before he can afford a wife? Two years. Two years. That's all. Then he gets his captain's papers, and we can marry. Two years. I couldn't wait two years for anything... particularly a ide like you. Hey! - There he is. - Hey! - Whoo! - Mercedes! I missed you so. The missing is over now. - Are you in trouble? - No. I'm captain. Come on. Monsieur Morell gave me the Pharaon. Edmond! King's to me. Yours is a life truly blessed, Edmond. Come on. - You're still the best man. - I know. Come on! Stop that. You'll go bald. - Do you keep secrets from me? - Secrets? No. Why? Ask me anything and I'll tell you. We don't have to wait two years any more. - As soon as I can afford the ring, we'll wed... - I don't need a ring. I don't. This will be my ring. And no matter what happens... Ever. Care to join me? So tell me, Mondego... how did you ever become friends... with that righteous little ponce, Edmond Dantes? He claims to be my friend... yet he has the audacity to keep secrets from me. What secrets? To the new captain of the Pharaon. All I am I owe to you, Father. May this happy moment be but the dawn... of a long and wonderful life for you both. - Which of you is Edmond Dantes? - I am. Edmond Dantes, you are under arrest by order of the magistrate of Marseilles. - Arrest? - On what charges? That information is privileged. Take him. I demand an explanation. I demand an explanation! I'll be back tonight. Don't worry, Father. This is a mistake. Well, I must say, Dantes, you don't have the look of a traitor. Traitor? Now, attend me well, Dantes, for your life may depend on it. Did you have any personal contact with Napoleon when you were on Elba? Elba, yes, I did. Well, we did. I was with the Count Mondego's son, Fernand, almost the entire time. - Do you know Fernand? - He's a recent acquaintance, yes. Oh, there you are. H-He'll vouch for me. No doubt, but you said, almost the entire time. Except for when Napoleon... asked me to deliver a personal letter to a friend in Marseilles. Well, Dantes, it is for accepting that treasonous correspondence... - What? - Now, did you deliver the letter? It's... It's still in my jacket. Here. - Have you read this? - No, sir, I-I can't read. Well, Dantes, this is a letter to one of Napoleon's agents. It gives the times and the locations of the British beach patrols on Elba. Sir, I swear on my mother's grave, I had no idea. He swore its contents were innocent. No. It's you that's innocent. Foolish and innocent. I believe these are the worst charges that could be levelled against you. Fortunately, as I've intercepted this document, there's no harm done. God knows how you're going to survive in this world, Edmond Dantes. But you are no traitor. You may go. Thank you, sir. Wait, uh, did Napoleon tell you who's supposed to pick up the letter? Monsieur Clarion. What... What name did you say? Monsieur Clarion. Have you mentioned this name to anyone else? Monsieur Mondego or anyone? No, sir. In fact, Monsieur Mondego knows nothing of this letter. This is very dangerous information. One can never be too careful in times like this. - Don't you think? - Yes, sir. Mm-hmm. I've given you rather a stressful time. I wonder if, by way of an apology, I could offer you my carriage home. It's just through here. Thank you. Monsieur Villefort? Monsieur Villefort? Monsieur Villefort! Whoa. Whoa! Where are you taking me? This is a mistake. I'm allowed to go home. From now on, your home is the prison Chateau d'If. No! No! Hey! Shoot him now! Mount up! Get after him! Fernand! - Fernand! - Monsieur? It's all right. He's right here. Fernand! I've been arrested for treason. I barely managed to escape. When we were on Elba, Napoleon gave me a letter. I didn't tell you because he made me promise not to. He said it was just some note to an old friend. But the bastard lied to me! He lied. It was to one of his agents. Uh, somehow the authorities found out. I don't... I don't know what to do. There's gendarmes on horseback right behind me. - All right. We just have to think. - I hope I haven't compromised you. - I was hoping your father could help me. - He's in Paris. He's very ill. - How far back are the gendarmes? - Minutes. - Do you need money? - Yes, thank you. - Do you have a pistol? - Of course not. - Good. Stop it, Fernand. I don't have time for this. I saw Napoleon give you that letter. - It was you? - Well, it wasn't just me. Well, why did you keep it a secret from me? - I thought you were my friend. - I told you I gave Napoleon my word. He lied to me! I know, Edmond. I read the letter. You... You read... Why are you doing this? Oh, it's complicated. Complicated. Don't be ridiculous. - Get out of my way. - I can't let you go, Edmond. Get away from the window. Don't make me take off your hand! Why? In God's name, why? Because you're the son of a clerk! And I'm not supposed to want to be you. - In here! - In here! - Get! - Wait. Hold it. Hold it. To remember better days. Come on! I told you it wasn't always gonna be this way, Edmond. Father! - Where is he? - The study. - Wh-What's he done now? - Now, you listen to me, Father. And I cannot afford to have my own father mixed up in treasonous affairs! You know... in the end, treason is a matter of dates. And I shall be the patriot... and you the traitor, when the emperor returns. Stop it. Stop it, you old ruin. Those days are over. Napoleon Bonaparte is no longer the emperor of anything. And if you continue to dabble in this lunacy... you run an excellent chance of being arrested and ruining our entire family... - All because of your idiotic sympathies. - At least I have sympathies. For God's sake, Father, all Valentina is saying... is that as a family, our fates are intertwined. - Surely you can see that. - See? Ah! I'm an old ruin. I don't see as well as I did. You will excuse me. Move it. Move. Welcome, Monsieur Dantes. I am Armand Dorleac, the warden of Chateau d'If. Monsieur, I know you must hear this a great deal... but I assure you I am innocent. Everyone must say that, I know, but I truly am. - Innocent. - Yes. I know. I really do know. - You mock me? - No, my dear Dantes. I know perfectly well that you are innocent. Why else would you be here? If you were truly guilty... there are a hundred prisons in France where they would lock you away... but Chateau d'If is where they put the ones they're ashamed of. Let's have a look at your quarters now, shall we? God will give me justice. People are always trying to motivate themselves. Or they keep calendars, but soon they lose interest or they die. There's a window. And all I'm left with is a rather unsightly wall, I'm afraid. So I conceived of another way to help our prisoners keep track of time. Every year, on the anniversary of their imprisonment... we hurt them. Usually just a simple beating, really. I like to do something rather special. And if you're thinking just now, Why me, O God? - The answer is... - All right? God has nothing to do with it. In fact, God is never in France this time of year. God has everything to do with it. He's everywhere. He sees everything. All right. Let's make a bargain, shall we? You ask God for help, and I'll stop the moment he shows up. Monsieur Villefort, have you not heard? - Napoleon has escaped from Elba! - What? Landed 100 miles from here. He marches on Paris! We are here to plead the case... - Of Edmond Dantes, Magistrate. - Not now! Dantes? We have not met, monsieur. I am Fernand Mondego, the son of Count Mondego. And I am here to swear to Edmond Dantes's innocence. Edmond Dantes is charged with high treason. - Yet you stand by him? - Of course I do. What if I was to tell you that Dantes is also charged with murder? - Murder? - Edmond would never do such a thing. Dantes carried a letter from Napoleon to one of his agents... and when we tried to arrest him, he killed one of my men. No, if you knew him, monsieur, you would know that was not possible. - Have mercy, please. - You have proof of this treason? - Well, that is government business. - Please. Please, just tell us where he is. I cannot, mademoiselle. He was handed over to the king's men. I can understand your pain at this betrayal. But my advice to all of you would be to forget Edmond Dantes... particularly you, mademoiselle. Take solace in the comfort of your good friend here... and perhaps some good may yet come of this unhappy affair. Now, you will excuse me. I have to attend some other matters. - My son is no traitor! - I will try to reason with him further. - Safely leave this to Fernand. - Never. It's impossible. - He can plead the case. - Never. I will not give up on Edmond yet. I will never forget your kindness. And I shall never cease to give it. Not that I don't appreciate the em oidery of the crimes... but still, murder? It's quite simple really. When you reported Dantes' receiving the letter to me... I didn't quite understand why you were betraying him. What prompts you to be so accommodating? Sit down, Mondego. No! Come back! Come back! What's my crime? What's my crime? I'm innocent! Happy anniversary, Dantes. Until next year. Has it really been four years, Delius? Or Danton? What is his name again? Forgive my intrusion. But I was under the impression that I... I was digging toward the outer wall. I am Abbe Faria. I have been a prisoner in Chateau d'If for 11 years. Five which have been spent... digging this tunnel. There are 72,519 stones in my walls. I've counted them many times. But have you named them yet? Once I was as you are now. But I promise, it will pass. I promise, I promise. Now... may I stand on your shoulders? Take me down. Please, take me down now. Take me down. I have not seen the sky these 11 years. Thank you. Thank you, God. There is no talk of God in here, Priest. What about the inscription? It's faded, just as God has faded from my heart. - And what has replaced it? - Revenge. Hold these. Follow me. Perhaps your thoughts of revenge... are serving God's purpose of keeping you alive these seven years. - To what end? - Escape. There we go. You spoke of escape. Yeah. There are only two possibilities of reaching the outer wall... I simply... I simply chose the wrong one. Now, of course, with two of us, we could dig in the opposite direction. And with both of us together, then, of course, we could possibly do it in, um... oh, eight years. Oh, does something else demand your time? Some pressing appointment, perhaps? In return for your help, I offer something priceless. My freedom? No, freedom can be taken away, as you well know. I offer knowledge, everything I have learned. I will teach you, oh, economics, mathematics... - Philosophy, science. - To read and write? Of course. When do we start? I got it. I got it. Lights out. Lights. - Let's have 'em. Come on. - The slot opens twice a day. Once for your toilet bucket, which is where we hide the dirt. Come on. And once in the evening for your plate. Lights out. Out. Come on, Priest. Thank you. Between those times we can work all day without fear of discovery. So neglect becomes... our ally. Excellent. So you were in Napoleon's army. We had such dreams then. However, one night... my regiment ran down... a band of guerrillas... who ran into a church for sanctuary. I was ordered to burn down the church... with them inside it. Did you? To my everlasting shame, I did. I did. How did you come to be here? The following day I deserted... to devote my life to repentance and to God. I worked as private secretary to... the enormously wealthy Count Enrique Spada. Spada was a righteous man. Sadly, a couple of years later, he died... amidst rumours that he had hidden his limitless fortune. - Two weeks later, I was arrested. - Why? Napoleon wanted Spada's treasure. He did not believe that I had no idea where it was. So he had me thrown in here to refresh my memory. And so here I've remained... with only God for company... until he sent me you. God is no more real than your treasure, Priest. Perhaps. Hurry. Get it. Compute this. 2,500 cubic centimetres of rock and dust a day... for 365 days. Equals three-and-a-half metres a year... twelve feet, a foot a month. Three inches a week. In Italian. Do not waste the light. You were a soldier, Priest. So you know weaponry. Teach me. Or dig alone. This is ridiculous. The stronger swordsman does not necessarily win. It is speed! Speed of hand. Speed of mind. Now, sweep your hand through the drops... without getting wet. Like this. How long must I keep this up? I am going down the tunnel. Parry. Up. Like that. Economics is the science that deals with the production... distribution and consumption of commodities. Translation. Thank you. Happy Christmas, Edmond. Give or take a month or so. - Danglars? Mondego? - Who do you think? Good! Too good. We have Newton's third law. There is a reaction to every action... in physics and in man. Thus my quest for vengeance is a reaction to the actions of Danglars and Mondego. Up, up. I want that seat. You once told me that Villefort had you rearrested just after... he had cleared you of all the charges. You may go. Yes, that's true. Then why would he go through that charade... unless he had reason to change his mind about letting you go? - Think, Edmond. - I'm trying. - What happened? - He asked me... Did Napoleon tell you who was supposed to pick up this letter? - I told him... - A Monsieur Clarion. - And nothing more? - Nothing. He burnt the letter and said I could go. Ah. He burned the letter. - Yes. - Strange that a chief magistrate... would burn evidence of a treasonous conspiracy... and then imprison the only man... who was aware of Monsieur Clarion's connection... to that conspiracy. - He was protecting someone. - Ah. - A dear friend perhaps? - No. No. A politician like Villefort would have rid himself of such friends. Clarion could be a relative. A close relative, possibly... No! Villefort's father was a colonel in Napoleon's army. Villefort wasn't protecting Clarion. He was protecting himself. Danglars, who falsely said he saw Napoleon give me that letter. Mondego, who told Villefort I had it. And Villefort himself, who sent me here. Bravo, Edmond, avo. Oh, my God. Oh, oh. Oh. Edmond, light. Light. Quick. Light. Oh, please, God. What is that? Look. Look. Look! Roots. Plant roots. If these are plant roots, then we are only months away. Yes. Well done, Priest. I'll get my chisel. Good. Good. Priest! In God's name, go on. Go on. Go on! Lungs are punctured. - Don't talk. - Listen. - Don't talk. There's not much time. Under th-those books, there's loose rocks. Quickly, quickly. Open it. When I told them I did not know... where the treasure of Spada was, I lied. You lied? I'm a priest, not a saint. There, on that island off the Italian coast. - Monte Cristo? - Yes, yes. Use... Use your head. - Follow the clues. - The tunnel's blocked. - I can't escape. - Keep digging. When you escape, use it for good, only for good. No, I will surely use it for my revenge. Do not commit... Oh. Do not commit the crime... for which you now serve the sentence. - God said, Vengeance is mine. - I don't believe in God. That doesn't matter. He believes in you. Priest? Plates out. Let's have it. Oh. Oh, God. He's always awake. First time in 12 years he hasn't said Thank you. - Dead. - How? Fell off his bed, didn't he? - He's a bit dirty, isn't he? - They all are. Well, let's sew him up... and then see Dorleac. One, two, three. Right, let's get Dorleac. Why'd you lock it? He's not going anywhere. I don't know. Habit, I suppose. Goodbye, Priest. You're free now... as I will never be. Well, ing him along. - Let's bury him, then. - You ready? - Yeah. - One. That's it. - Keep going. - Come on, come on. I haven't got all day. Actually, I do. I've got... I've got... all the time in the world! Come on. Come on. Monsieur Dorleac! Heavenly Father, we bequeath to you... these remains of your humble servant. Whatever his name was. God, I'm so bored. Monsieur Dorleac! Did he, in fact, have a map? - No, gov. - Where's the, uh... Stop! Monsieur Dorleac! What do you mean, after three? We throw him at three or before three? - After three. - One, two... - Monsieur Dorleac! - And th... - Don't, Monsieur Dorleac! - One... - Two... - Don't throw the body over the cliff! three! We could have handled that a bit better. Thank you, Priest. Thank you. So, mi amice, I would ask who you are, but in view of your shredded clothes... and the fact that the Chateau d'If is two miles away... what's the point? As for me, I am Luigi Vampa... a smuggler and a thief. My men and I have come to this island to bury alive one of our number... who attempted to keep some stolen gold for himself... instead of, uh, sharing it with his comrades. Interestingly enough, there are some of his more loyal friends... who are insisting that I grant him mercy... which, of course, I cannot do, for I would quickly lose control... of the whole crew. You provide me with a way to show a little mercy to Jacopo... that maggot you see tied up over there... while, at the same time, not appearing weak. And as a special treat, the lads will get to see a little sport as well. How do I accomplish all this? If Jacopo wins, we welcome him back to the crew. If you win, I have given Jacopo the chance to live... even if he did not take advantage of it... and you can take his place on the boat. What if I win, and I don't want to be a smuggler? Then we slit your throat, and we're a bit shorthanded. to kill your friend, the maggot. Perhaps you should get out more. Release Jacopo and give him back his knife. Then we let the games begin. Get up, maggot. Come on, come on! As you hope to live, do not move an eyelash. Senor Vampa, allow Jacopo to live. He's already suffered enough with the prospect of being buried alive. The men that wanted to see some sport have seen it. Those who wanted mercy for Jacopo will get it. And by keeping me and Jacopo... - It's a deal. - What is his name? - You've got the devil, Jacopo! - His name? We shall call him Zatarra. Sounds fearsome. It means driftwood. I swear on my dead relatives, even on the ones... that are not feeling too good... I am your man forever. I know. Eyes in the back of your head. Have you never seen Marseilles before? It was my home. - But you do not join the others ashore. - Over here! Yeah, that's right, over here! Listen to me, Zatarra. Whatever happened to you... you cannot make it right by staying here on this boat. Go. It's up to you. We are kings or pawns, a man once said. Si. Who told you this? Napoleon Bonaparte. Bonaparte? Oh, Zatarra, the stories you tell. A man is always in need of a good friend. Truly. Danglars, what's happened? Captain Reynaud is dead, sir, and Edmond Dantes disobeyed my orders. Zatarra, are you all right? Everything's changed. I want you to buy a boat, just something the two of us can handle. Wait for me to return. I make my next visit alone. Is... Is this the home of Monsieur Morell? My grandfather isn't well, monsieur. Even if he were, he would not receive visitors at 11:00 in the evening. Perhaps he might make an exception for a man who is seeking E-Edmond Dantes. I apologize for the hour. Old people never sleep. Sit down, sit down. Julianne, some sherry. So, Monsieur Zatarra... you were a friend of Edmond? - Monsieur Morell? - Yes? You knew Edmond also? Like a son. Unfortunately, his father hanged himself... after learning of Edmond's treason. I see. I see. And... this treason you speak of... - Who accused him? - Who knows? Monsieur Villefort, the man who had Edmond arrested... left for Paris soon after to take up the post of chief prosecutor. Of course, the shock of his father's violent murder... may also have spurred his departure. They were strange times. After Edmond's death, I reluctantly took on a partner. One of my captains. And then one day, Danglars forced me out. My-My fate is nothing compared to Edmond's. Perhaps your luck is about to change. You mean the Countess Mondego? - Countess? - Yes. A month after poor Edmond was arrested... Mercedes wed his best friend. - Fernand. - Yes, that's right. And with the death of his father and other in the war... Fernand became Count Mondego. They live in Paris now. Count and Countess Mondego. Are you all right? Yes. I must go. - I'm sorry I was not more helpful. - Oh, no. You told me what I needed to know. Edmond Dantes is dead. Zatarra. Zatarra, you will be so proud of me. I found a nice little skiff. We couldn't afford a sloop. Got a really good deal. Za-Zatarra? Zatarra.
Zatarra, the boat cannot hold no more... and there are at least eight more boatloads down there! Do you not understand? You are wealthier than any man I have ever heard of. Whatever your problems were, they are over. What do you want to buy? - Revenge. - Okay, revenge. Who? Danglars, Villefort... Fernand and Mercedes. Right. We kill these people, then we spend the treasure. No, we will study them, learn their weaknesses. Why not just kill them? I'll do it. I'll run up to Paris... bam, bam, bam, bam! I'm back before week's end. We spend the treasure. How is this a bad plan? Death is too good for them. They must suffer as I suffered. They must see their world, all they hold dear... ripped from them as it was ripped from me. You will need a better name than Zatarra if you are to accomplish that. Then I shall become a count. I bid you good afternoon, sir. I'm here to purchase your lovely home. The very cheek! I shall have you horsewhipped! Now, get off my property, you vagabond... before I set the dogs on you, you hear? Thank you. Ladies and gentlemen, it is with great honour... that I present to you His Grace... the Count of Monte Cristo. It's so beautiful. Greetings. My dear count, allow me to introduce to you my husband... Monsieur Villefort, Chief Prosecutor. - Very kind of you to think of us. - Oh, I am the one honoured with your presence. Now, please, enjoy yourselves tonight. - What do we know about him? - Not enough. Where are they? Are you sure you invited them? Yes, Your Grace. But I just learned that Count Mondego has retired for the evening. He has a morning appointment he cannot miss. You're up early, my dear. Is the Viscount Tourville dead? Well, unless his heart is situated somewhere other than the left side of his chest... I suspect he is. God grant him peace. He did no more than defend his family's honour. Much good it did him. His wife and I were happy in our passion. You were happy in your ignorance. Now comes the viscount's valiant defence of his honour, and you are pained. - She is ruined, and he is dead. - Don't flatter yourself, Fernand. I was neither happy nor ignorant... having known about the last three women before Madame Tourville. I'm sorry you are humiliated. And since my attempts at discretion have evidently failed... there seems little point in keeping up pretences. It's actually quite liberating. Wouldn't you say? - They're not even cheating him. - And have you looked into his shipping? He got a bank loan for his own boat several years ago. - Doesn't use Danglars at all. - Make sure we own that bank by tomorrow. And tell the other shipping companies to stay away from Mondego. I want to give him no choice but to crawl back to Danglars. Now, tell the dealers... take it all. Do try to understand. I have a very large consignment of cotton ready to be sent... and I shall make my payment on the ship as soon as it is delivered. So obviously I need the vessel in order to deliver it. Unfortunately, the bank can offer no further extensions, Count Mondego. Well, well. To what do I owe the honour, Count Mondego? Can't imagine why you've been avoiding me after all these years. I'm prepared to overlook your faults and... perhaps resume our dealings. Business not going so well these days? Zatarra? - Jacopo. - Did you fall off the bed? After 13 years of sleeping on a stone slab, I can't. Mi Maria. Does that hurt? Did you come here for a reason? Mondego has a son. - Albert wishes to talk with us. - Not now! Tell him I'm trying to protect his inheritance. Are you afraid he's going to squander his as you have yours? May I remind you, my love, that in Paris there are mistresses aplenty... but you have only one son. Come in, Albert. - And, for God's sake, be ief. - I will, Father. Several of my friends are going to Rome for two weeks during Carnival. - I would like to accompany them. - Rome? - And no chaperons? Albert, you're only 15. - Almost 16. Make it my birthday present, Father, please. - I won't get into trouble. - No. - Of course he can go. I could do with some peace and quiet around here. Rome! Albert! Albert! - Over here! Over here! - Over here! Milady? Can't hide forever. Milady? - Who are you, and why are you doing this? - We are bad men, and for the money. - My money is in my waistcoat. - Not any more. Besides, it's not your money we're interested in. You are the only son of Count Mondego, are you not? Ransom? Send your note and be damned. I wish it were that easy, but a note won't reach your father for at least two weeks... and then there's the endless debates about whether we killed you already. No, a note just doesn't have the impact. Perhaps if we send him your ring. Yes. My ring bears the Mondego crest. Listen to me, vermin. I am Albert... son of Fernand, Count Mondego... and you have had your last laugh at my expense. - Do your worst. - If you insist. Peppone, the knife. Cut this boy's ropes, or I will be forced... to start cutting your miserable corpses. Now! Follow me, young man. You see the surface? Wait for me there. - I don't know how to thank you. - Go. We'll talk later. Well done, gentlemen. Many thanks, Your Grace. Albert. Are you all right? Sir, I owe you my life. You've had quite an ordeal. You're an extraordinary young man. I insist, you must come to my estate for eakfast tomorrow. Agreed? Agreed. - May I ask who you are, sir? - For the present, your friend. Tomorrow, your host. For the short time formality stands between us... the Count of Monte Cristo. He's out in the waiting room. - He showed courage in the tunnels. - He's a means to an end. Yes, Your Grace. Young man. Albert, come in. Come, come. Come on. - You've had quite a night. - Yes. What an adventure. Everything's an adventure when you're young. - One thing puzzles me, sir. - Hmm? How did you come to know of my kidnapping? I have many connections... some of which are less than reputable. I pay well to be informed of anything of note in any city in which I stay. And the kidnapping of a count's son is of note. But why risk your life rescuing me? You're the son of a fellow noble. It was the least I could do. Judging by your character, I'm sure you would have done the same. Your father will be proud of you. You must come to Paris and meet my parents so that they may thank you in person. Unfortunately, I cannot. Business, you see. Please. It is a matter of honour. - Jacopo? - Yes, Your Grace? The Spada matter... where do we stand? - Even now, the gold... - The shipment? Oh, oh, I-I'm sorry, Your Grace. The, uh... The shipment is in transit... uh, bound for Marseilles. - And it arrives? - Not for another three weeks, Your Grace. Three weeks? That's more than enough time to visit in Paris. - Very well. - Excellent. - And you'll be there just in time. - In time for? - Happy birthday. - Thanks. The Count of Monte Cristo. Count! - Albert. - Your Grace. Father! May I present the Count of Monte Cristo. - 'Tis a pleasure. - The pleasure is mine, Count Mondego. I've been looking forward to this moment for some time. Well, you do me much honour, when it is I who are indebted to you... for the rescue of my son. May I present the Countess Mondego. Mercedes. Countess. You would have to be a mother to truly appreciate the service... you've done for my son and me. Monsieur, I shall never forget you. Please, madame, it was nothing. I am sure that within a month, you will not even remember my name. - May I steal your wife? - I'm sorry? - For the waltz. - Of course. Isn't he wonderful, Father? - What's the matter? - Uh, nothing. You just remind me of someone from long ago. - Someone who was very dear to me. - I'm flattered. What happened to him? He died. But I'm not that man. Monsieur and Madame Villefort. What are they doing here? Prosecutor Villefort. - What are you doing here? - Oh, Madame Villefort, monsieur. I'm so glad you could come to see me while I'm still in town. - I must say, we were delightfully surprised to get your note. - Thank you. Now, would you be so kind as to excuse your husband and I for a moment? I'm told you are an expert in the interpretation of the law. I have a certain matter that perhaps you could help me with. Excuse me. Fernand. Fernand! The toast! Not right now. I have state business to attend to. The guests expect it. Albert expects it. - You give it, my dear. I'm sure it'll be splendid. - You are his father! It is the least you can do. You know how he admires you. - Then he will forgive my absence. - But... I thought we agreed not to meet socially. How could I pass up the Count of Monte Cristo? Quite. - What do you know of him? - He's foreign, rich. - I hear he aided your son. - Why does he seek your counsel? Why should I tell you? When my son returned from Rome... he mentioned he'd heard Monte Cristo saying he was expecting a shipment. He also heard the words gold and Spada. - Hmm. - You don't believe... Monte Cristo has found the treasure of Spada. Not an hour ago, he asked me to help him avoid troublesome inspections... on a shipment coming from Marseilles. - Hmm. - I could have him arrested. Don't do that. Let's just relieve him of it. - How do you propose... - I have an acquaintance who deals in these matters. Tell Monte Cristo you'll get his shipment through Customs... but that it will have to stay in port overnight. I shall have it removed and taken to my old family estate in Bouchon... where we shall meet the following day. I require 70 percent. - And yet you'll only get 50. - Done. Ladies and gentlemen... unfortunately, my husband has been detained by business. And so it is left up to me to... To introduce you... to the Count of Monte Cristo yet again. You see, I had the audacity to beg the count... to allow me to give the birthday toast to Albert. I was so insistent, and such is the graciousness of our host... that he reluctantly gave up his fatherly right... in order to accommodate a guest, even one as boorish as myself. Young Albert has made far too much of the assistance I gave him in Rome. When I arrived in the catacombs, I watched... as the criminals, who tied Albert to a wall... - As evidence of his abduction. - Goodness! The boy's reply to all this was... Do your worst. Life is a storm, my young friend. You will bask in the sunlight one moment... be shattered on the rocks the next. What makes you a man is what you do when that storm comes. You must look into that storm and shout, as you did in Rome... Do your worst... for I will do mine. Then the fates will know you as we know you... as Albert Mondego, the man. Giddap! Edmond, Villefort told me that you were executed. - Did he? - Oh, God. - Countess, you are mistaken. Back to the Mondegos'. - No! - Madame, I am only thinking of your reputation. - I beg you, Edmond. - I don't care how you returned. - I am not this Edmond. - Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! So, what are you? A spirit? Some ghost sent to torment me? This Edmond, you loved him? - Yes. - For how long? For all of my life. And how long after he died before you married the count? That isn't fair. We've reached your home, Countess. You're right. You cannot be my Edmond. Well, there you are. You said it yourself. Edmond Dantes is dead. Good night. Countess. If you ever again presume to interfere in my affairs... Do you understand? - I understand you are mad. - Mad? My enemies are falling into my traps perfectly. Mad, Your Grace, for ignoring this: You have a fortune, a beautiful woman who loves you. Take the money, take the woman and live your life. Stop this plan. Take what you have won. - I can't. - Why not? I am still your man, Zatarra. I swore an oath. I will protect you. Even if it means I must protect you from yourself. I'll drive you home now. I'll walk. Come on. Look sharp. There we are. Put two chests on the Pharaon for our cut. Mondego will never notice. Come on. Get aboard. - Philippe Danglars? - Yeah? You are charged with the theft of goods from a certain merchant ship. - This is absurd. - We can resolve this matter easily. These men will perform a search of your vessel. Count Mondego set me up. But I'll not hang for him. - Who are you? - I'm the count of Monte Cristo. But my friends call me Edmond Dantes. Dantes? Cut him down before he can't talk. - Boy, don't do that. That's... That's too much. - My dear Villefort. I hope you don't mind if I join you for a short while. Your Grace, I was not expecting you. I want to thank you in person for helping me with my shipment. That, yes. I-I made all the arrangements earlier. I can promise you there'll be no more problems from our end. Excellent. I think this could be the start of a long... and fruitful relationship. Speaking of which, may I pose a question? Yes, of course. Anything in the world. I was just curious. Why did you tell Countess Mondego 16 years ago... that Edmond Dantes had been executed? - Hmm? - Uh... I-I don't understand. Wh-What on earth are you talking about? - It's a perfectly simple question. - How do you know these things? That's, uh... That's quite enough. You-You-You don't understand. Dantes was accepting a letter from Napoleon. - That was clearly treason. - But we both know he never delivered it. Packing a man off to prison with such knowledge is bad enough. But to tell his... Your Grace, I have no idea what is provoking this perverse discussion. Now I ask myself, What did my old friend Villefort stand to gain... by telling Mercedes that Edmond Dantes is dead? The answer is absolutely nothing. - Just as you say, nothing. So why... - But if my old friend... now chief prosecutor of France... doesn't gain from this lie, well, who does? My dear Count, it's far too hot in here and you're fully dressed. is Fernand, Count Mondego. I don't understand what this inquisition has to do with our business relationship. I'm about to tell you. Sit down, Mondego. I'm an ambitious man, and I have furthered these ambitions... by scooping up Bonapartists. Once merely an irritation, now potentially lethal. - Be lethal in turn. - Well, the problem is such... that I, myself, cannot attend to it. So I have a proposition for you. How is your father? Alive, unfortunately. We share the same misfortune. You remember? Why is this door locked? I demand that you release me from this room at once. You've proved yourself no friend of mine. Your father was a loyal supporter of Napoleon, wasn't he? Possibly involved in plotting Napoleon's escape from Elba. The emperor arrives soon! An inconvenient parent for an ambitious civil servant like yourself. But then he died, suddenly, and opportunely murdered again some 16 years ago. The Emperor Napoleon. The murderer never apprehended. How hard did you look for him? You have no proof, no witnesses. You just have theories. J-Just conjectures. On the contrary. I have Count Mondego. Young Mondego. Why? Because your son lacked the courage. Mondego is the one who pulled the trigger! He'd never confess in a million years! You're right, he wouldn't. But you just have. Monsieur Villefort, you are under arrest for conspiracy to murder. You remember? Dantes? A courtesy for a gentleman. You didn't think I'd make it that easy, did you? Hyah! Edmond? So did I. Until I realized... you said the name Dantes. A name that I had never mentioned. What do you want of me? I want to be free of you... the way you obviously are free of me. Just a few answers from you, and I shall be gone forever. Ask your questions. Where have you been? Thirteen years in the Chateau d'If... and everywhere else you can imagine. The Chateau d'If for 13 years. Did you suffer? - What happened afterward? - Much. - Why did you not come to me? - Why did you not wait? You married the very man who betrayed... I told you that night on the rocks, remember? And it never has. Why? You know why. If you ever loved me... don't... don't rob me of my hate. - It's all I have. - Let it go, Edmond. Let it go. I don't know what dark plan lies within you. Nor do I know by what design we were asked... to live without each other these 16 years. - But God has offered us a new beginning... - God? Don't slap His hand away. Can I never escape Him? No. He is in everything. Even in a kiss. My lady? - Oh. - Where's the count? Um, the count would like for you to join him this afternoon. - Join him? - Uh, yes... in, uh, leaving the country with your son. Uh, I'll have someone ing you to your house. - And you just wait there for me, and we just... - Thank you! - Yes, yes, but my... Yes, yes... M-My lady... - I need to go home and pack. - Where's the count? - Upstairs, my lady. What's wrong? I'm bankrupt. All my debts have been called in. - Also, I'm to be arrested. - For what? Piracy, corruption and murder. - Did you do all these things? - Yes. There is simply not the time to talk to talk about it. The gendarmes are on the way... apparently, so hurry up and pack something. I'm not going with you, Fernand. You are my wife. I have made arrangements for us. We shall be very well taken care of. - He's not your son. - I beg your pardon? Albert Mondego is the son of Edmond Dantes. Why do you think I rushed off so quickly to marry you after Edmond was taken away? Premature. Well, aren't you a piece of work. So he's the bastard son of a dead traitor. He always was disappointing. Goodbye, Mercedes. You did please me some of the time. You never pleased me. What is this? Monte Cristo. King's to you, Fernand. Edmond? - But how... - How did I escape? How did I plan this moment? With pleasure. So you've taken Mercedes? And everything else, except your life. Why are you doing this? It's complicated. Let's just say it's vengeance for the life you stole from me. Well, I see someone has taught you the sword. How did you ever call yourself my friend? We were friends, Edmond. You sent me to hell! Why? Take your vengeance. But know the blood you spill is noble. Blood that will never run through your veins. You're no more a count than I am a commoner! You don't have it in you. - Touch him, and I'll kill you. - Boy, let me explain. It's been explained. I spoke to Madame Villefort on the street. She told me how I was a silly, trusting dupe that my friend... the Count of Monte Cristo, used to get into our lives. - Albert, listen to me. - I will not! Forgive me for being such a fool, Father. - You were betrayed. Of course you're forgiven. - You were my friend. - I looked up to you. - There's a history here you know nothing about. He loved your mother, and yet she chose me, so now he intends to steal her away. Lie. Get out of my way! Boy, if I have to, I will kill you. I will not stop now. - Nor will I. - So be it. No! Albert... I found the note you left explaining where you'd gone. But now I must explain something to you... where you really come from. Albert, you are the son of Edmond Dantes. The man you know as the Count of Monte Cristo. Well, I'm afraid it is true. You are the walking proof that your mother was as much of a whore in her younger years as she is today. You... - Fernand, I beg you. No more! - I want no more of this. Just go. Call it mercy. Mercy, Fernand. You've only got one shot, and it will take more than that to stop me. Well, then I'd best put it where it will do the most damage. No! Mother! Mother! Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Look what I've done. Jacopo! Hyah! Once again, Zatarra... God sees you out the corner of His eye. She'll live. Edmond! Edmond! Please don't go out there. Don't. Edmond, don't go. You try. Don't ever quit. Zatarra, you must end this. Even the priest will understand that. - Edmond! - Please don't leave. Watch over your mother. Now, I couldn't live in a world where you have everything and I have nothing. What happened to your mercy? I'm a count, not a saint. You were right, priest. You were right. This I promise you and All that was used for vengeance... will now be used for good. So rest in peace, my friend. So, Zatarra... painful, huh? No. I bought this place, thinking one day I would tear it down. But now the only things I care about... are walking off this island with me. Let's go home.
Hello? Anyone here? Hello. Numbers... where's the goddamn numbers? There's something... Oh shit. I mean, they're my numbers... Damn! Don't I at least get a shot with my numbers, you stupid fucks?! I want a chance! I want a chance like everyone else. Oh my God. Oh, you bastards. Our Father Which art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily ead, and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. Lead us not into temptation... Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine... is the kingdom... and the power... and the glory, forever and ever. Amen. Hello? Are you all right? Can you hear me? Are you hurt? Don't move. Don't make a sound. I said, Don't move. Are you alone? Blink once for yes, twice for no. Is there anyone else in the other room? All right. All right. I'm going to release you. But I can take you down again, as quick as the first time. So don't scream, understand? Once for yes, twice for no. Are you alone? All right. All right. What the hell do you think you're doing? How many rooms have you been in? What is this place? I don't know. You tell me, how many rooms you've been in? I don't know, five or six. What about you? Uh... this is my third. You sure you didn't see anyone else? No. Have you? No. So who are you? Who are you? What the fuck are those noises? Relax. This is just for show. Pretend that you're scared. Should be easy. All right. Get down here now, or she's dead. Some hero. I have that effect on men. Glad to see you haven't lost your sense of humor. - Is this really necessary? - Just hang on. Isn't that the same... Yes. Hey! Come back! Wait. Jesus Christ. Hey! Wait! Where the fuck do you think you're going? This guy sure moves quickly. He's just gone. Maybe something made him go, maybe you should come back. This place is awful. Please don't hurt me. Don't be frightened. Don't worry. There's nobody else here. Just me. I'm Kate. What's your name? Sasha. That's a beautiful name. Don't worry. Everything's going to be all right, okay? Do you understand me? I'm just blind, not retarded. Finally. I was beginning to wonder if I was the only one in here. I kept hoping I would find some other people. I've been wondering around these rooms for hours. Stay away from me! No one's going to hurt you. Well, certainly not. No. No. I come in peace, young lady. I'm Jerry. This is Sasha. She's blind. And she's very scared. What a bummer, to be blind in this place. Do you know what this place is? No. No. No. I don't suppose, either of you two could let me know what we're doing in here? No. Oh... Jerry Whitehall. Kate Filmore. What are you doing? I'm marking the rooms. This is the fourth room you've been in? Yeah. I thought you said you've been wandering these rooms for hours. Yeah. That's the weird thing isn't it? Each one of these rooms, has six of these doors, or portals. But no matter how many portals I go through, I always wound up in the same three rooms. Until now. It's as if the rooms were moving around or something. Yeah. But I don't feel any motion, do you? No. It's just so strange. I ran into this guy... Oh no. It's getting closer! - What is? - I don't know. Something's coming after us, and I don't think it likes us. I don't hear any people. I think it's just motors. He wants us dead. We have to get out of here right now. Any suggestion on which way to go next? Your guess is as good as mine. I don't know. Please, we have to move! Uh... here. Okay. Sasha, we're going to have to climb a bit of a ladder. Hold on to me. - Move quickly. - Get me out of here! Help! - Help me! - Oh God! There's a guy hanging. I can't hold him much longer! - Okay. I'm coming. - Oh my God. What's happening? Hurry! Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Grab his... I'm coming. I'm coming. Here... Good girl. Good girl. Sasha, you're going to be okay. Just stay here. You're going to be okay. There you are. You've found some friends, huh? Help me get him down. Fantastic. - Give me some space. - I'm here. - I can grab his legs. - I'm loosening the belt. All right. All right. I got him. I'm losing it. Ready, you got it? - Yeah. - Hurry. There it goes. I know you want a cigarette, but not yet. - Slowly. Easy. - I've got his legs. Lean him up against this wall. Okay. Watch his head. That's it. Just make sure he's upright. He's alive. He's eathing. Good. He's military. Colonel Thomas H. Maguire, Department of Defense, Jesus Christ. He's Pentagon, hi-tech liaison. You... how the hell would you know? A buddy of mine's doing 10- 20 upstate for cracking the mainframe on the Pentagon two years ago. I helped him write the code. Maybe that's why I'm in here. You know for sure we're in prison? - I'm assuming... - You know what they say. Thanks. That's helpful. Jerry Whitehall. Thanks. Simon Grady. That's Kate. Sasha. I'm sorry. I didn't get your name. Max Reisler. - Thanks. - Sasha... Sasha... Jerry, could you... Sure, of course. Come on, sit him up. Let's get you sitting up straight here. Sasha, you okay? This man's been beaten badly. He's been tortured. Look at his hand. - Cigarette burns. - Jesus. They're coming for us next. Don't you worry. I won't let anyone hurt you. I hope it's that easy, Kate. There's nothing in here. What do you think? I figure he knows something he didn't want anyone to know. That's usually why people are tortured. How do you know, Mr. Cigarette Burns? What are you, an expert? As a matter of fact, you weedy little shit... They're coming! They're coming! They're coming. They're coming. Oh, hello. Do you know where the showers are? I seem to be lost, again. I always get lost in this gym. I don't know why my daughter-in-law insists on inging me here. It's all the way across town. Whoa. Watch your step. Watch your step. Thank you, dear. Oh my goodness. I'm afraid I can't help you with the showers. I'm Jerry. You're not little Jerry Reisback, are you? No. Thank goodness. He's my paperboy, and I owe him $10. Right. Well, this is Simon. Kate and Sasha. Hello. And uh... Max. Max. - Max. - And you are? I'm Mrs. Paley. How do you do Mrs. Paley? You don't happen to know why you're here, do you? Oh dear. I was never very good at philosophy. Do any of us know what's going on here? Sorry. I've been trying to get a handle on the configuration of these rooms. All I can say is... They just don't make any sense. That's right. They sure don't. It's as if the rooms are moving around very quickly. There's got to be some kind of logic to it. These rooms just seem to repeat. You go in one direction, the room just loops back on itself. It's getting closer. Sasha, do you know what it is? Not really. But I can hear it. All the time, even when you don't. And it sounds... ...it feels wrong. Mrs. Maybe we're in hell. All right, let's get some real answers. His answer was suicide. Not exactly a comforting thought. Soldier, up on your feet. Careful, he's hurt. Come on, pumpkin, up you come. Stop it. He's in serious condition. Stop it. Listen to me, sweetheart... I'm not your sweetheart, asshole. All right. This man's been tortured. You want to be next when they come for us? Who exactly are they? Well, I'm going to find out. Come on. Stop it. Stop it. Are you trying to kill us? It's not going to help us if he dies, you know? You've got no information whatsoever. - It's here. - Jesus... what the fuck?! Come on. He's conscious. Sit him up. Sit him up. Come on, soldier. Talk to me, soldier. Talk to me. What's going on here? Are you speaking to me? Yes. Jesus Christ. Yes. Just tell me, how do we get out of here? I don't know. You figure out the code, you get out. The first one had rules... The first one? What are you talking about? Leave him alone. He's delirious. He knows something, all right? I'll carry him myself, just... The first one had numbers... What do you mean, the first one? - Let him go. - I'm out of here. Oh my God. Are you okay? Did you hit your head? Yeah. I slipped. It's a wall. It wiggled. - You sure you're okay... - Look. There it goes again. That... that... that... That's... that's... I don't know. No! Holy fuck. What is that? I don't know. But I don't think we should stick around to find out. - Come on, let's go. - Come on. Come on, Sasha, I'm here. I'm right behind you, honey. Hurry, let's go! Easy, easy... For Christ's sake. What the... Come on. There you go. - Grab right there. - Where are you? Come on, Colonel. It's time for us to go. I'm not done with you yet. I'm not going. What did you do that for? I'm not going anywhere soon. Well, fuck you. Come on, Kate. Let's get out of here. Come on, where's the key? Do you have the key? You mean this? Yeah. No. What did you do that for? You don't honestly think you can escape? We have to try. Oh my God. This is gonna hurt. Kate, get the hell up here! No. I'm not leaving without him. For God's sake, he's a dead man. Move. God. There's no time left. Let's go. Oh my God. There's got to be a way. Get the... get the hell out of there. - Oh my God. - Leave him, he's dead. Oh my God. Let me go. Let me go. It's still coming. Come on. So what the hell happened back there? I don't know. Hello. And where did you come from? What's your name? I'm... I'm Kate. Don't you remember me? I'm Mrs. Paley. The Colonel was our only link to this place. Maybe not. I designed the door panels in here. The touch sensors. What? I was freelancing for a subcontractor, I... You didn't think this was worth mentioning before? I signed a confidentiality... Given our current situation, I'd say it's null and void. - Jesus Christ! - The legal... What the hell is this place? I don't know. You don't think the guy that makes the toilets in the space shuttle, gets to see the plans for the rest of it? You must have had some idea what they were building. It was experimental. It was a prototype. For what? - I'm not sure. - For what?! Leading-edge stuff. There were rumors... What kind of rumors, Jerry? What rumors? Quantum teleportation. Pardon? They were just rumors. You mean, like... Beam me up, Scotty? Okay. Now this is getting ridiculous. What do you know, Jerry? Nothing. - You're lying. - Why would I lie? Because both you and the Colonel work for them. Them? Who the hell are them anyway? What? The government? The mafia? Aliens? Mrs. Oh my goodness. It's a tesseract. Christ, she's losing it. Isn't it beautiful? Isn't what beautiful, Mrs. Paley? Holy shit. If you look at it from just the right angle... What did you call it again, Mrs. Paley? It's a tesseract, sweetheart. Tesseract? Tesseract. It's... It's a tesseract. How do you know it's a tesser... act, or whatever you call it? Is the second act beginning already? We should be getting back to our seats. Excuse me. Yeah. Is she for real? A tesseract, Holy Christ, of course. A tesseract. Jerry, you okay? Yeah, yeah. I can't believe I didn't see it before. It's been staring at us in the face the whole time. Maybe you could share with the rest of the class. Oh. Of course. A tesseract... it's another name for... ...a hypercube. A what? A hypercube... a four-dimensional cube. Four dimensions? All the elements are there. Rooms repeating. Rooms folding in on themselves. Teleportation. It could all very well add up. Look. Here. See? Let's call one dimension, length, and represent that with a simple line. Now, two dimensions are length and width, which can be represented by a single square. Now if we extend that square, one more dimension... we get... a cube, which has three dimensions. Length, width, and depth. Come on, we've all passed the eighth grade. Hush. Here's the really funky part. If you take this cube, and extend it one more dimension, we get... A tesseract. I thought time was considered to be the fourth dimension. Sure. That's one idea. But what if you have a fourth spatial dimension? - There's no such thing. - Why don't you shut up? Okay. Okay. Let's just say that we are in this hyper... - Cube. - Cube. Whatever. Does this diagram show us how to get out? Well, uh... no. A hypercube isn't supposed to be real. It's just a theoretical construct. Oh. Well that makes me feel better. Is there a theory on how we might get out of this... theoretical construct? I don't know. Don't worry, dear. It's just a matter of time. That's so much clearer. Thank you. Great. Anyway... here's my theory for what it's worth: We are all... unwilling participants... in a game show, and are being videotaped as we speak. Although I don't condone forcible abduction of innocent people, we can take comfort in the fact that once the show airs, we'll be able to parlay this into lucrative sponsorship deals. Okay, Max. And what's the object of this game show? Hmm... I don't know. To get out alive? I think we should make a map. I don't think a map is really going to help us. Look at that. That wasn't there a minute ago. Did you write that? No. I left my wings at home. I just marked this room as 10 before it. Somebody's been here before us. Thanks. A really large someone. Why go through the trouble of writing it on the ceiling? 60,659 rooms? Christ. This place must be huge. Oh yes, yes. In a hypercube, there could be 60 million rooms. She could be right. There's a comforting thought. What the hell are you doing? Yowza. The ratings on this show just doubled. What do you see? A girl. Oh Jesus. I'm going in. - I think I'm going to puke. - You all right? Okay. I just... whoa... Hey. Hey. Hey. - Get back here. - What's happening? - What's going on? - Help! Try to give me your hand. - Help me! - You okay? What the hell is going on in there? Max, don't be an idiot. - Come on back. - No, it's okay. - The gravity shifted. - She needs help, - she may be hurt. - Wow. Are we going in there or what? Maybe she knows something. What about our... less agile members? I have an idea. Hello. Whoa. I'm all right. Miss? Hey, Miss. Hey. Wake up. She's on her way. I guess it's time for plan B. Give her mouth-to-mouth and see if it works. Think I should? Oh, very funny. Hi. What's wrong? What the hell? Where am I? That's the million dollar question. Does she have to keep cackling like that? Come on, let's get this over with. All right. This is going to be some kind of... Yeah, Mrs. Paley. Just keep laughing there. This is more fun than I've had since my thirteenth birthday. Glad somebody is having fun. This reminds me of that rope swing we used to have at home. For God's sake, Mrs. Paley, this isn't a game! Come on. Come on down. Simon, you guys, keep her steady. All right, all right. Come on. Okay. And you're down. That's good. It's okay. She's down. - We've landed. - Yeah. It's your turn, you'll have to climb around the sides. Well, this is a lot like the other ones, isn't it? Christ. This is going to be fun. Hello there. I'm Mrs. Paley. Who the hell are you people?! Well... I'm Kate, and this is Mrs. Paley. And I am Julia. And this is... Hey. Is this your jacket? No. Well then how did I... I must have had more to drink last night than I thought. There's nothing in here. How the hell did I get here? Have we been kidnapped? That's a really good question. Does anyone remember how we got here? Last thing I remember was going to sleep. Where? In my bed. Where do you live? Lincoln, Ne aska. Kate, I am a healthy, married, male white engineer, who enjoys reading horror novels and eating chocolate ice cream, as well as climbing around psycho-jungle-gyms. Okay. I remember driving home from Maine State Hospital. It was late, and I just wanted to get home, I've been working long hours. I'm a psychotherapist. Simon. New Haven. I was out for a drink. What do you do? A consultant. Management consultant. Yeah, right. And I'm Santa Claus. Okay, Max. How about you? I live in Palo Alto. I design computer games. The last thing I remember, I fell asleep on my keyboard. Sasha. And where do you live? New Mexico. I was doing my homework in the kitchen, like I always do. Nothing ever happens to me. The last thing I remember... is taking the dog for a walk. Julia? I was at an after party for a premiere in Santa Monica. Are you an actress? No. No, I'm an attorney. Let's just say if I was kidnapped it was for the ransom. So we've got Silicon Valley, Connecticut, Ne aska, Hollywood, Maine. Mrs. Paley, where exactly do you live? In that high-rise at the corner of Riverside and 94th. Could you give me a lift home, dear? I seem to have lost my daughter-in-law. Ignorance is bliss. This doesn't make any sense. Yeah, well... I think they probably flew us here. Drugged us and flew us out here in private or military jets. That's what I think. - Where is here? - I don't know. Your guess is as good as mine. They could have built an hypercube structure anywhere. And if this thing really does fold space, we could be literately anywhere. What the hell... What? Here is that number again. 6-0-6-5-9 This can't be the same room. Jesus! It's not, because now they're in a string of other numbers. There just can't be that many rooms. Maybe they are not room numbers. Maybe somebody else figured something out. We are definitely not alone. Check this out. What is it? What's happening? Julia, is that your watch? No. No, it's mine. It... Well, this is bizarre. What, somebody else uses a watch just like yours? Somebody is playing games with us. Shit... look... this is the watch that my wife gave me on my 40th. See? This is the watch we've just found. Maybe it's your game that we are playing, Jerry. You designed the doors, your watch. What's next? - No, I... - For the love of God, Mrs. Paley... Mrs. Paley, please don't. Oh, my goodness, I think he's still alive. - Mrs. Paley, please. - Get her down. Easy, careful. Is somebody in there? - What do you see? - Jerry? Oh, God. There's a guy down here. Oh! - The gravity's shifting. - What's happening? You okay? Are you all right? Simon, what's going on? My God. Hey, hey, fellow. Oh, Jesus. - Be careful. - Ugh! - Is he alive? - I don't think so. - Let's roll him over. - Yeah, yeah... Oh God, is he ripe. What... what is that? Oh! It looks pretty dead to me. Mrs. I hope he's still alive. He's been here for a while, Mrs. Paley. Mrs. Oh, poor man. Who do you think wrote these numbers? He must have written them himself, It's all upside down. It's the same writing as those numbers we keep seeing. Oh, no! It's poor Dr. Rosenzweig. You know him? He'll never get his Nobel Prize now. - Who the hell is he? - Holy Christ... Phil Rosenzweig. Last year he was the leading theoretical physicist in his field. - Which was? - Quantum chaos. Oh God, Phil Rosenzweig. I read his book... - Oh Jesus. - Oh my God. Is he...? Kate, is he...? - Yeah, he's gone. - You are positive? Uh-huh. Somebody...? I'm here, Sasha. Got you. Does anyone understand these numbers? What was he writing? Beats me. May be he was trying to calculate his way out of here. Looks like he ran out of time. How did old Mrs. Paley know him? - I don't know. - Hey, look. More numbers. Same handwriting. The question is, did he solve it before he died? God. She's okay. Are you okay? He must have finished it here. Look, there it is again... 6-0-6-5-9. How does that get us out of here? - It's got to mean something. - Yeah, but what? I don't know, but we better remember it. You know, I wonder if is he's got a... What are you doing? That's disgusting. Found a pen. Hope you have better luck than he did. Oh no, this can't be happening. Oh dear. Oh dear, just wait. Oh, I'm such an idiot. Oh, no. Wait a minute. She's gonna drive me insane. Oh, it was right here. - What is it, Mrs. Paley? - Izon, where are you? I'm such an idiot. - Did she say Izon? - Izon, where are you? You come back here this instant. Who are you looking for Mrs. Paley? Have you seen my dog? He's a darling little Shi-Tzu. Darn it. Her dog's name is Izon? That's weird. I thought Izon was a... Simon and A weapons manufacturer. Yes. And you guys would know that because... I read the papers. - Mrs. Paley... - Poor puppy... Mrs. Paley, are you sure you didn't leave the dog at home? No. He was right here. I'm such an idiot. This eaks my heart. Mrs. Paley... Mrs. Paley, what do you do for living? Oh, nothing. I'm retired. I shouldn't have let him off the leash. Before you retired, what did you do? Nothing very exciting. I was a theoretical mathematician. Where did you work? Oh, my head hurts. At Skippy Research Affiliates... what do they called it? A think-tank in Washington state. She worked for Skippy Research Affiliates and her dog's name was Izon? - Mrs. Paley? - Hmm? Is it possible that you worked for Izon Research Affiliates and your dog's name is Skippy? How did you know where I worked? Oh, God. She worked for a weapons manufacturer? She's a good friend of our Nobel wanna-be. I don't think we should trust Mrs. Funnyfarm. I'm not crazy, and I'm not hard of hearing either. I told you no one would believe me. Mrs. Paley, what sort of research did you do at Izon? General, I will not be party to this insanity! I'm not a general. I don't care what Alex Trusk says. It's impossible. And what's more, it's inhuman. - Who's Alex? - Did she say Alex Trusk? Oh Christ. We're dead. This is really getting ridiculous. Who's Alex Trusk? Alex Trusk? Hacker extraordinare? He's a legend. This is exactly the kind of twisted maze he'd create. Alex Trusk doesn't even exist. Some things should never be created. They exist for theoretical purposes only. It would never last. Can't you understand that? Okay, you're a shrink. Can you tell me what the hell's happening? I... umm... I'd say that seeing the dead man triggered some sort of emotional response. Flashbacks, post-traumatic stress... So she is connected to this, yeah? Skippy... Ooh, I think I hear him. Skippy? Mrs. Paley, Mrs. Paley, don't... Skippy? Mrs. Paley. Oh my. Help me, please. Uh, uh. No, don't trust the old cunt. She lied about everything. What a... Jesus. What just happened? It took my head, man. I lost my fucking head! Paley opened... the portal... Wait, wait, I have an idea. I think we're all tired. We need to calm down, everybody. Hold it. Wait a minute! I have an idea. Let me guess, you designed the floor too. You better have a really good fucking explanation, Jerry. I know what just happened there was a little... shocking, but it actually makes total sense if we're... in a really multi-dimensional quantum environment. English, please. One fundamental idea of a quantum universe, is that parallel realities can actually exist simultaneously. How do you know that, Jerry? All you designed were the door panels! I read it in Rosenzweig book, it was a big part of this theory. What if whoever designed this stinking thing somehow managed to create a place where parallel realities can crossover like that? So you are saying we just saw Simon and Mrs. Paley - in a parallel universe? - Yes, yes! Stop it! A universe where things turn out a little differently. - Fuck. - Uh, please. Think about it, think about it. A few minutes before, - when you found the watch, - Yeah. And we realized that somebody else had been marking numbers in the rooms, right? That's when I thought maybe we should leave markers behind, in case we doubled back and got side-tracked. Things like a piece of clothing or jewelry. I think what a pity it would be to leave my watch. But I would do it if I had to. You're saying that in an alternate reality we'd already gotten ourselves into such trouble that you decided that is okay to leave your watch? - Yes! - For crying out loud! What a load of crap! There's got to be a logical explanation. What would you think that is? This is just an optical illusion or something? Yeah, sure. Why not? Finally, yeah. A sane idea. Oh, that's a sane idea. All right. If Max is right, why don't you go and open that door? - Oh, come on. - Have a look. Excuse me? If you're so sure it's an optical illusion, open the door and have a look. You might want to stand to the side, in case that thing... Fuck off, Jerry! Okay, hold it! All right? Don't open it. Say Jerry's right, I think all of this is a hoax, okay? I think Jerry's either full of shit or part of this experiment. - Simon, I never... - Shut the fuck up! I'm agreeing with you, Max. I think we're all pumped so full of LSD and I think we're hidden in some CIA hospital in Area 51, or whatever. But let's just say, on the off- chance that Jerry is actually right. Then what happens if whatever the fuck it was in there that killed the guy, killed me, what happens if that fucking thing gets in here?! What happens then?! You're all crazy. Hey, man, what are you doing? Just don't fucking open the door. What are you so scared of anyway? I just saw my fucking head taken off by something or other. How's that for starters? Where did you get that knife? It's mine. I collect knives. He had it when I first saw him. - He sure did. - That's convenient. He's the only guy with a knife here, if anyone was a part of the experiment... maybe you. I know! I know! I've got it! I've got it! Why don't we all just get some ice cream and everyone will feel a lot better about everything? You're funny, Mrs. Paley. You really are a funny old lady. You're also cute and senile. You leave her alone, she doesn't understand. All right, she's already admitted working for Izon, one of the most powerful weapons manufacturers in the world. She recognized the figures on the wall, and she knew the dead guy. No. Maybe my alter ego wasn't all that wrong. Maybe we shouldn't trust dear old Mrs. Paley. Maybe you're the one we shouldn't trust. I beg your pardon? Maybe you're the one we shouldn't trust. Oh. I'm going to ignore that, little girl, because you're a cripple. I think we should keep moving, huh? After you. Kate, I'm really thirsty. Me too, sweetheart. Me too. I'm exhausted. Are we there yet? Come on, Mrs. Paley. Just hold on a little longer. Who's this Alex Trusk person? Are you kidding? He programmed the virus that crashed the Tokyo stock exchange two years ago. He's the one that oke into the Air Traffic Control Grid, and crashed those two Air Force jets in Nevada to protest military spending. You forgot the one about Alex Trusk being the first genetically engineered superhuman, ed in a test tube, who now lives and walks amongst us. That sounds a bit far-fetched. Don't worry. Alex Trusk is a conspiracy theorist's wet dream. He doesn't exist. Fine. Just keep fooling yourself. Would you people just shut up and keep moving? Do you really believe this stuff about parallel universes? If you asked me yesterday, I'd say no. But this place changes your perception about what's possible. Look, let's just keep this between us for now. Yeah. Okay. Here's the deal. I'm a private investigator. I'm on a case, missing persons. Given our current situation, this counts as irony. You're right. I think they stuck me in here because of her... Becky Young. They've emptied my pockets except for my knife and this. Maybe it's a message or a warning. Here's the kicker. Guess who she worked for? Izon? Kate. Kate. Kate, you have to wake up, there's... What is it? What's wrong? There's something here. Do you see anything? You're probably just dreaming or some... Whoa. There is... there is something. What the hell is that? Kate. Kate, what do you see? It's a square. It's just floating. What is it? It's beautiful. You recognize this too, Mrs. Paley? Well, not exactly... - What just happened? - Now there's two. It's multiplying. - Oh my God... - Maybe it's the way out. Oh. Wow. If we're drunk, I wanna know what this stuff is. Maybe that's what a four-dimensional object looks like. If that's the way out, how do we use it? I hate it. It sounds wrong. It's stunning. The math of it. It's a perfect quadrangular oscillation. It's moving. Mrs. Paley, no! Ahh. Get the fuck out of the way! Jerry, you're hurt. No. I'm okay. Look out. Stay low. Whoa! Go on. Come on, Mrs. Paley. It's time to go. Over here. It looks safe. - Don't stare at it. Go. - It's coming back. Come on, Max. Go, Julia. Go. - I want to get it. - No. We've got to go. Oh my God. Go. Go up the stairs. Come on, Mrs. Paley. Keep going... Kate! Sasha. Jerry. - Oh Jesus! - No. - Sasha. - No. Just don't do it. - Just get in here. - What the fuck are you doing? Kate! She's gone. You want to end up like Jerry? - Sasha. - Kate! Kate, I'm here. Kate. You're a dead woman. Oh... oh Jesus. Sasha. Kate, help. - Kate, help! - I'm coming to get you. Help me! Drop to the ground, Sasha. Now. Help me. Okay, Sasha. Now... uh... I can see you, Sasha. Flatten yourself against the wall, on the ground. - Crawl towards me. - No. I can't. I'm scared. You've gotta move, or I can't come and get you. Move towards me. No. Stop, Sasha! Don't, Sasha. Get down. Damn it, Kate, what do you want me to do? Just keep moving until you hit that corner, and then stay put. Okay? Sasha? Okay? I'm almost there. Just crawl on. Keep your side to the ground. You can do it. You've made it. I'm right behind you. There you are. Keep your knees in. Kate, thank God. There you are. You're okay. You're okay... What just happened? I don't know. I don't know, Sasha. Sweet Jesus. It's shrinking so it can get us. Please let it be quick. Okay. We're going to make a run for it. - I can't. - Yes you can. Just hold onto me. We're going to go to our right. No. We're going to go to the left. All right? - Okay? - Okay. On the count of three... just hold on to me. One, two, three... I've got you. Oh my God! Sasha, no. It responds to our movements. Don't move. Stay still. Don't... Oh my God. Is it gone? Yeah. It's gone. Thank you. We did it together. Let's get out of here before it comes back. My glasses. You're glasses are gone. Just go up the ladder. - Kate. - Yeah? What? - I can smell it. - What? Did someone die in here? Yeah. - Yeah. Jerry died. - Oh no. He was so nice. We've got to go. We've got to go, honey. Just get up there. One foot after the other. - Where are the others? - I think we're on our own. You're doing good. I see a pattern. Anyone connected to this... this hypercube... eventually dies a very violent, and painful death. I would hate for that to happen to you, Mrs. Paley. I would. So drop the act and tell us how we get out of here. Huh? Simon. Simon, that's enough. - Shut up. - Hey, Simon... - Shut up. - Okay. Okay, Mrs. Paley. You ready to talk? 'Cause I'm all ears. I really don't need this operation, Doctor. I'm in perfect health. Just ask my daughter-in-law over there. She'll explain. This joke's really getting stale. I'm going to give you one more chance, Mrs. Paley. You tell me what I need to know, or I'm going to have to kill you. Do you understand? I'm going to kill you. It's your choice. Get away from her! You have a choice to make. Right now. Do you want to get out of here or not? - Yes, but... - There are no buts! Hey guys, maybe... All right. Oh shit. It's here. It's gonna take my head off. Let's go. What about Mrs. Paley? Goddamn it. - I'm not gonna die here. - You can't leave her. - Why should I help her? - She'll die. - Forget about her. - I'm gonna regret this. Julia! - I'm trying to get this off. - Come on. Hurry. Shit! Would someone give me a hand? Would somebody help me pick her up? Shit! Let go of me. Shit! I'm not staying here. I'm out of here. Let go of me. - Jesus Christ. - Oh my God. Oh God. Where do you think you're going? Hurry up. Get back here. What the hell? 6-0-6-5-9. It could mean anything. Right. Maybe it's a coordinate of some kind but in four dimensions. Some... I don't know. For all we know, it could be somebody's birthday, or a zip code, or just a serial number. I wish I was just... smarter. Why do you think you're in here? I don't know. Maybe I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Damn it. There's got to be some sort of meaning to this. 6-0-6-5-9. Maybe they just like to watch us squirm. Alex Trusk is the only one with the resources and ains to create something like this. Okay, Max. Say you're right. Say it is Alex Trusk who's responsible for all of this. Does it help us get out? No, we're still stuck here, with no clue. And if this is someone's game, it isn't a fair one. Max, do you think... We've got to keep moving. Come on. Max? Max, what's wrong with you? Holy shit! Variable time-speed rooms. - Pretty wild. - I guess you could say that. Holy jumping Jesus! Get your hands off me. - Hello, Jerry. - Who the hell are you? - You don't recognize me? - Where am I? - How do you know my name? - You don't know me? No. Where the hell am I? You don't...? Wait, wait. You don't remember me? - No. - What about the senile old oad, - or the little blind kid? - What? Or that thing that chopped you up like little pieces of deli fucking meat? I'm a friend... I mean you no harm. Let me go, and I'll be on my way. No come on, you... You mean me no harm? You're fucking hilarious, Jerry. How long have you been in here? I don't know. I just woke up. You just woke up? Holy shit! Holy shit. Maybe you were right before, huh? You or the... whatever... This place does crossover parallel alternate realities, huh? Have you been drinking? I really don't give a shit anymore. We are talking about alternate realities. Can I ask you a question? Do you mind? Yeah, okay, sure... just don't hurt me, huh? Are you hungry? Are you... hungry? Yeah, I guess... my stomach's... 'Cause I am hungry. I'm fucking starving. Oh my God. Kate, what is it? Kate? What do you see? Kate, what's going on? I don't know. I mean... I think in some other reality, things didn't turn out so well. Again with the Alex Trusk? Why are you so afraid of this Alex Trusk? Because he's ruthless. He's a hi-tech genius whose morals make Muammar Qaddafi look like Mother Teresa. Why are you panicking? Because he's throwing anybody connected to this thing in here to fucking die! Max, you're not connected. Can you keep a secret? Sure. I love secrets. I designed a computer game called Relativity, where contestants linked to each over the Internet do battle in a 3-D environment, using different time signatures. What are you saying? Are you saying that you designed all this? No. Just these variable time speeds rooms. Just the concept. It was for a game. Now here we are. Wow. This is really some game, Max. Do you have other little secrets you want to tell me? People are dead, okay? I'm not responsible for this. It was just a game. I can't even sell the stupid thing. It's all involved in a lawsuit. What kind of lawsuit? I don't know, some... Right, you're a lawyer. A company called Cyber Thrill stole it from me. Cyber Thrill? You've heard of them? Yeah. Are you into computer games? Settle. Excuse me? I strongly recommend that you settle. You'll never win. - How do you know that? - Because... you're not up against Cyber Thrill. They're just a subsidiary. Who owns them? Izon. How do you know that? Because I... represent them. I must be hearing things. Finally. I was wondering if I was the only one in here. Do you need a hand there? You are upside-down. Do you have any idea what's going on here? Be careful. Watch your step. Crazy. You are not the only person here, Jerry. There's lots of people just like you. How do you know my name? We've met before, Jerry. I get this mouth-watering feeling when I talk to you. - What do you mean? - Come here, look at this. Hey, hey. Agh! - Agh, no! - Take this! And this! Why don't you just go? I'm blind, Kate. I'm a burden. You can move faster without me. Sasha, please, I know how you're feeling. No you don't. You have no idea how I'm feeling. - I know this seems hopeless - It is hopeless. No, it's not. I'm gonna figure this out. Figure it out. Trust me, precious. If I haven't figured it out, you sure as shit aren't going to. What did you just say? I'm sorry, Kate. I didn't mean to... No, no. Wait a second. Back that up. Why do you think that you should be able to figure this out? I wasn't kidnapped. When I found out they were putting people in here, I tried to blow the whistle on them. So they came after me. I escaped into the one place they wouldn't dare follow me... in here. Poetic justice, don't you think? Who are you? Max was right. Jerry was wrong. I exist. Oh my God. Sasha. Of course. Sasha is the nickname for Alexandra. Alex Trusk. Pleased to make your acquaintance. Damn it. This is the worst nightmare I've ever had. I just I wish I'd wake up. You really think this is all a dream? Definitely. In the real world I'd never kiss you. Oh, really? Yeah, you're not my type. You're not my type, either. Aa-ah! Ya-aa! Becky Young. Yeah. Rebecca Young. Yeah. Who... are you? Who am I? I'm Simon Grady. Your parents hired me to find you. - Really? - Yeah. Thank God. Yeah. I'm happy to see you too, Becky. I really am. I've been wandering these rooms for hours. Ahhgh! You gotta love these parallel universes. You built this thing? I gave them the key to build it... better than they wanted. I gave them a real hypercube. How do we get out? Kate, this isn't a game. There's no happy ending. This place is out of control. It's not stable. Does this number mean nothing? 6-0-6-5-9. It's got to mean something. It's everywhere. I'm sorry, Kate. It's over. No, it is not over. Not yet. I refuse to die here. What the hell? Oh my God. We've got to move. Come on. We've got to get out of here. - Leave me. - No, you're coming with me. Oh my God. We got to get out of here. Just go up as fast as you can. Faster, faster. Keep going. Okay. Good girl. What the hell? Oh my God. Okay, we've got to get out of here. This is insane. It's Jerry's diagram. It's all the numbers. They're all just suddenly in here. It's Jerry's markings... that dead physicist's equations... and that damn colonel's corpse, just hanging there as if we never even rescued him? Everything keeps appearing over and over again. Sasha... please, you have to have some idea what this means. All the realities are starting to collapse into one space. And what happens to us when they... it collapses? The whole thing implodes. It's only a matter of time. I'm not gonna just stand here while it happens. I'm not leaving him behind. - Oh my God. - Kate! - Let me go. - Get the hell up here! Oh my God. Kate. We don't have much time. No. I refuse to die here. I wish I had your spirit. Hello, gorgeous. Miss me? Huh? Come on in. The water's fine. Agh! Hello, Kate. Let her go. Who are you? Yeah, it's me... good old Simon. Do you remember this? Do you? I've waited a long time for pay back. That was just... seconds ago. Don't be so stupid, Kate. Time works differently in this place. Hey, just... okay. Just let her go. She's just a kid. She'll be a dead little kid, unless you come here to papa. Okay. Just let her go... we can figure something out, okay? You take her place. What do you want? I'm hungry. - Simon? - Huh? There's no point. We're all dead anyway. Oh, oh. Okay. No! Oh, come on Kate. The fun's just beginning. Oh my God. What the hell? - Yah! - Agh! I'm really gonna miss you. Jesus... Of course, 6-0-6-5-9. It's an expiration date. He figured out when it's gonna implode. Leave me. Hello, Kate. Welcome back. So, you figured it out. Yes, sir. No time to spare. The device... any luck? We'll take that to Darcy and see if anything recorded on it. Sir? Yes, sir. Phase two is terminated. I see. Yes, sir. Right away, sir.
Enough, Yan. Stop Stop May 2002. Six months before Yan's death Know what screwed up means? The first masseuse came in She looked like Sam's dog So I asked for a replacement The new one was worse She's the dead ringer of Sam Just imagine I simply couldn't swallow that She dared to ask if she's pretty Of course I said no And she clawed me. So I called you That's what's screwed up And you wrecked the whole place That's gonna cost me a fortune So if a masseuse is ugly you're screwed How dare you swear at your boss? Ouch Yan It's a small gig. Don't give me shit You bitch that I give you no work But crooks don't need to work If you want work, why not be a cop? Know why I only take you under my wing? It's because you're focused It pays to be focused. Look at Sam He's so focused, no? As for what happened today Don't let Sam know After his wife died he hates us horsing around Gimme a eak, would ya? Are you done talking? Go inside Hey, stop pushing me, officer One shouldn't be like that. You're a cop So are you gonna tell on me? Enough So are you gonna tell on me? Go to hell Cut it out How dare you beat up your boss? October 2003. Ten months after Yan's death File number IO143 Regarding the deaths of officer Yan and officer Billy IA has made the following report On November 26, 2002 Sr. Inspector Ming of IA contacted undercover officer Yan Tipped off by Yan Ming toppled Sam's drug operation together with the OCTB unit in West Kowloon $60 million worth of cocaine was seized On November 27, 2002 Ming met with Yan again on the rooftop of FSC Center Yan supplied intel on triad moles You can't get away Just wait and see So you're planning to whack a cop? I know all about you and Sam You've no choice. Come back with me Drop your gun What are you planning to do? I just wanna get away The foregoing testimony was provided by Sr. Inspector Ming The independent investigation committee unanimously believed the testimony Ming's killings of Billy and Yan have been ruled legal It has been confirmed that Billy was a mole sent by Sam It's over at last You guys believe me? Anyway it's all over Stay in Admin for now. OK? Wait Got it. Your parking space Wait 3 more weeks. Yes Bye Sergeant Chan Your uniform is ready Drop by when you're free If not, I can send it to you Sure, no problem Good. OK Too bad Billy destroyed the CCTV Or it wouldn't have dragged so long Our bosses harp on accountability. Lucky that we work together. So no red tapes You can come back to IA next month Exhausted? Take a vacation with Mary Hello I'll sign the documents tomorrow Sure Yes Everything can be separated Everything except the baby Sergeant Chan, your uniform's ready If you're not free, I can send it I can do that too OK, wait for me. Bye Have I done something wrong? I feel like beating people up today Why make such a scene, SP Yeung? These Taiwanese are arms dealers My appointment didn't show up They're bored so I kept them company Nothing wrong, huh? Sure I work in the Security Wing I hate guys coming here all spiffed out You got so many men. Lend me a hand Don't give me a hard time That should make it easier You wanna set me up? Is it better now? We've already written the report Half a kilo. Minimum 8 to 10 years Ask two kids to come back with me That's what they're gonna say They saw them take out some drugs As good guys do, they beat them up I'll give them Good Citizen Awards How about that? Sounds good Take them in Be gentle Sir. Sir, you can't go in Yeung, don't go too far All these years, you and me You want me dead? If I fall, you'll go down with me Give me a chance, would you? One Month Later Delivery from OCTB? I was transferred to IA yesterday together with the coffee Sit down I've stopped drinking I need pills to sleep lately If I take coffee, I can't sleep Life is so unpredictable I used to hate IA the most And now I have to work here You don't seem to like it here I can transfer you elsewhere Are you kidding? I moved here because of you The files are on your desk The first file This sarge killed himself in front of his ex-boss, Yeung IA is working on several big cases Security deals with politics Everything is classified there They won't answer any questions We found an envelope on the sarge's desk There's a tape inside It's a chat between him and Sam It turns out he was Sam's mole too Besides Chun several officers also committed suicide or vanished They are proved to be Sam's moles After Sam's death SP Leung suspects one of the moles wants to clear his ass off and kill everybody else SP Leung ordered to dig out this guy ASAP It's a close shave this morning A package was delivered to SP Leung Guess what's inside Tapes of us supplying intel to Sam Lucky that the sarge is one of us How many more of us are there? Including you, there are five Ronald, this is Inspector Ming I've left something at Admin I've dug up something about Chun He was in the Police Bowling Team Wait Inspector Ming, that's what you need Good I'm off to lunch now Thanks Go on He used to go to SCAA for practice He rented his place from JJ Investment Co This company owns 3 big units The owner is Shen, a Mainlander I'll email you the info later No, send them to me now Inspector Ming I'm Yeung from Security Wing I applied for a parking space Let me check I waited a whole month I don't wanna push you But how much longer will it take? Sorry, but I've moved back to IA I know But Admin asked me to contact you It's approved last month Your parking space is at B3A6 We couldn't reach you I've taken a month off IA was investigating me. You should know I do Well, investigating Admin today? No. Just picking up a uniform It's a sarge's uniform, Inspector It belonged to the sarge who killed himself in front of you I'll take it back for investigation Wasn't the case closed already? True, or your eak isn't over yet Thanks You're welcome B3A6 Have we met before? I dunno D'you know Shen? Mind your own business Inside Chun's locker we found these photos This guy is Shen He used to be Sam's business partner This other guy is SP Yeung I think he is responsible for sarge's death SP Leung could be Sam's man we're searching for OK OK. See you in an hour You're so nice You see him as soon as you're back You're a nice guy too Thanks to you he could die as a cop That's my duty. I don't know why I helped him I only knew him for 5 months or so I've seen him 21 times in total He's a good cop Everyone would've helped him Where're you going? I'll take you I'm back Let's start There're no triads in China What China needs is wealth Triads are all life-and-death Today, we're here to talk business But I'm a real triad No To me, you're the best businessman My other said so too We have a hundred mill to spend We wanna invest in your business We'll ask no questions It's one country, two systems As long as money eeds money we'll let you run the show You still believe in that? We believe in our Mainland ties You think a Hong Kong triad can outlive a Mainland businessman? Without my other's connection your business in China won't last Sam, you're a Buddhist, right? Glory to Amitabha Is the feng shui good here? The best in Hong Kong I want a longevity tablet here For which member of your family? For my wife She died half a year ago And also for myself Such a small gig, I'll handle it A small gig? A small gig A small gig If it's so small, let my men do it We'll see how they'll handle it Goodbye Bye Keung You'll deal with his men Are you kidding, Boss? I'm an idiot. I will mess it up What does this smile mean? Excuse me So loaded? Jealous or what? Is it legit? Be careful Don't worry, Boss You should know how much cash I have Want a loan? What's this? Your daughter's pocket money You're a dad. Spend more time home You sure look thinner lately None of your business. Thanks Who're these two guys? Only know they're Mainlanders Anything else? Shen was born in Taiyuan, Shanxi An entrepreneur who was drafted Dealt in antiques and transport Started from scratch, he's loaded He came to Hong Kong a year ago His o Liang joined him recently and involved in shady businesses Sam's been eyeing the Chinese market He wants you to talk about what? Co-operation Liang Yan Sit down. By yourself? You too, Liang? We have lots of nightclubs in China All protected by local big shots Big shots Your goods can ride on our network easily We have businesses in eleven cities I'm sorry Well, how's the talk so far? Not bad See an ashtray in front of you? Pick it up and smash it in his head Smash him Smash him I'm screwed What happened? Mary is pregnant Congratulations, Boss But we're not married yet Get married then Huh, is it necessary? Or she can have an abortion We're already engaged Got it We can go now OK, let's go Long time no see But I saw you last week in China with a oad You don't have to shout Security people are full of secrets Time for a eak Hey, what's going on? What are you guys doing here? Sorry, SP Wong We're asked to take some mug shots I don't know what's going on either I asked CIB to open a file and take a picture of everyone, anything wrong? Officers, are you done? Wow, everybody's here We were on the trail of Mr. Shen But that led us to Sam by chance We even busted Sam's man I'll let CIB handle the triads Sam, long time no see What ings you here? Just accompanying some friends You HK Police is so inefficient I'll speed it up then He beat you up. Wanna press charges? If not, then sign here I beat you up. Wanna press charges? You're out of your mind Stand there Keung, let's go Wait Do you recognize me? But I recognize you. Be careful SP Wong They're all yours No need. We know each other so well The CIB colleagues, you can go now Thanks, Ming It's my duty Let's go What's your game? You think it's a game? It's life-and-death I'm glad you know that Hurry up and thank me For what? Look what you're doing now Just eating You're eating shark fin You're eating shark fin Boss took me to Thailand last time I had shark fin and then I moved up You have shark fin. You'll move up Boss is mean but he buys you shark fin Just think about it Take him Let go of him Boss You let them take Yan to China? Ask him why he smashed his head He smashed his head? It's no big deal. On the street either you smash me or I smash you Yan has smashed his head, right? How about this? Is that OK now? Liang Are you here to make a scene? Or are you here for business? Scram Scram We are even now Let's talk business I heard your arms business is huge If you can let me chip in then the blood they have spilled will not be in vain Boss So what about it? You have a grudge against me? No Ever met a guy who seems nice but might whack you any moment? I've met someone like that before So what's your conclusion, Boss? I'm wondering Why he didn't whack you You look after them from now on Take this Shen's not what he seems Security is on his trail Could be related to arms smuggling Sam stopped all his deals in China They're gonna work together soon That's big shit What should I do? You're not at the shrink yet? Why should I see a shrink? You beat people up I persuaded Department of Justice to send you to a shrink instead of jail It's fine if you don't wanna go See you in jail Hello What's the address? I have an appointment with Dr. Lee Over there, please Planning to spend the night here? I can't fall asleep in my clinic Unlike him He said since he's an undercover he could only fall asleep here I still remember He told me that night Everything'll be OK after tomorrow. And then he died You're a doctor You still keep his file? He's dead, but he's still a patient Let's go OK Three Hours Later We found an envelope on sarge's desk There's a tape inside It's a chat between him and Sam After Sam's death SP Leung suspects one of the moles wants to clear his ass off and kill everybody else I think he is responsible for sarge's death SP Yeung could be Sam's man we're searching for Do you understand what I said? Sorry I won't sign if she doesn't show up Got it? OK My wife is divorcing me Did I scare you? I'm sorry Be careful Of what? Your car's next to mine. I drive badly If I scratch your car, look for me I'm a good driver. Don't worry The Taiwanese will be discharged next week Taiwan authorities have no comments Mainland's police will come for repatriation Their boss is a good friend of mine So stick to the plan When those big shots arrive banquets and shopping are inevitable Make sure they feel welcomed How about the nightclub? I think Macau is better You're not afraid of paparazzi? I'll just bag them OK, you ing the bags SP Yeung It's Chun's memorial next week We wanna hire some monks for a service Make sure it's decent Yes Back to the Taiwanese police Talk to the Macau guys tomorrow Let them plan the evening I'll talk to them about security Without planning, it'll be a mess Then we won't have a good time Any addition to your testimony? No Call us if you got extra information Thanks All set? Yes Can I touch this? Yes OK, thanks Is everything OK? It's like that when I came in They stole some cash and watches And the computer is gone Might as well start from scratch But the computer's useless to them I locked it with my password They won't know it's my license plate number Your eyes are red. You didn't sleep? Been working on several cases You should get some sleep Everything'll be OK after tomorrow I have to go. Call me Mr. Chan 2002.8.16. The First Session Mr. Chan, I'm Dr. Lee I am obligated to tell you You're ordered to undergo treatment In the coming 6 months you should complete the treatment I'll then submit a report to the Court The Court will base on this report and decide if you should go to jail Jail? Isn't the treatment all there is? You should follow the doctor's orders Or the Court can revoke the sentence And detain you for handling Got it Excuse me Damn you, SP Wong You don't need to call the cops Just give me a call You have my number, right? Or I'll become a wanted criminal The Second Session Mr. Chan, I'm Dr. Lee I am obligated to tell you You're ordered to undergo treatment In the coming 6 months you should complete the treatment You'll then submit a report to the Court The Court will base on this report And might put me in jail. I got it Please sign here then We think you have a violent streak We'll use hypnotism for treatment Hypnotism? You signed the papers Hypnotism? You can refuse But the Court can revoke And lock me up, right? Go ahead Hypnotize me then Let's begin Please introduce yourself Talk about your family Mr. Chan? Mr. Chan Can you co-operate? I was practicing In case you can't hypnotize me I can hypnotize myself for you You know My will is particularly strong. It's not easy to hypnotize me I haven't started yet Not yet You wanna know my story? My surname wasn't really Chan I was an illegitimate child My dad was a drug pusher I had to work since I was little I earned two hundred grand a month I ought a Porsche at seventeen I hired two drivers coz I didn't have a driver's license This shrink thing is useless Shrink or jail time. You choose She wants to hypnotize me If I spill the beans don't blame me It's not that easy to be hypnotized Don't concentrate and she can't It's tough not to concentrate Dr. Lee is nice Nice person You won't understand The Third Session You are looking at the sky with lots of cloud You are enveloped by warm water You feel weightless You're floating on water You slowly open your eyes The sky is so close What're you doing? I'm hungry Gotta eat something Are you done? Yes, kind of Let's start again Can you see the sea? The water is so warm It envelops your whole body You feel What now? Nothing really I might oversleep during hypnosis Better set my alarm It's not difficult to remember The Fourth Session One Mercedes to Zhanjiang The Fourth Session One Land Cruiser to Zhuhai Write it down if you can't remember The cabin cruisers need new motors Pink? We are smuggling, not sailing My fax number: No fax machine? Why ask my fax number then? E-mail? E-mail address? No e-mail Sorry, but I've been really busy So are you done with your business? Let's talk about your family You said your dad had 3 wives You have 16 sisters Let's talk about your twelfth sis Heh, I haven't Are you OK? Get away Why so impulsive? I haven't listened Better now? The report for the Court doesn't matter to me I'm a doctor. I only wanna cure you. You can leave any time if you like But I've been trying to tell you If you keep lying, I can't help you The... Session
Dr. Lee What did I do besides sleeping? You don't remember what you did? I do but I'm not sure Forget it. Bye Dr. Lee I find you particularly nice to me You've got a crush Delusion Delusion? No wonder Bye What's with you? Looking so smug The doc said you're dying tomorrow? You won't understand You think I have delusion? Delusion? Yes, you do Maybe hypnotism makes me delusional That can't be helped Hey, watch out So many cars I'm a normal guy But she makes me all confused So I'll spill my guts It has to do with Sigmund Freud According to psychoanalysis hypnosis gets to your subconsciousness Once it reaches your subconsciousness it can reach your darker side Then it can heal your traumas And then with symbolic memories It's so deep. Are you showing off? I can't help it It's written in Shen's Reader's Digest Are you buddy buddy with Shen now? Not at all He tries to buddy buddy me instead Mr. Shen Let me apologize for Yan I'll apologize for him Pal, ever heard the saying Men are changed by events, not events by men? Without the past, there's no present I'm sorry What? Great speech Where's Sam? He sent the two of us Sam Reading? Any recommendations? How about you? How To Become Rich In One Day I'm not short of cash I helped you a lot over the years You speak first, Chief Inspector You know everything I know already Cut the spiel. Will you help me? You help me. I help you We help each other Good What are you doing here? I am here to He is gone Who's that guy? A pimp Why are you following him? Actually, I'm a pimp too I wanna know if he's dating my gals Actually, I'm short of cash How about hiring me? Be serious, doc Be serious, pimp Hello, Internal Affairs Boss, I saw Yeung with Sam today He may be a mole. Run a check on him Sam's deal with Shen may start soon Uncle Chan, why so late? Refill the water dispenser You're good You know when we run out of water Don't just talk. Give me a hand Damon, help Why said nothing just then? Yan just sent me a tape Yan sent you a tape? Wait for me What's the matter with you? I got something important to do Wait What? You've been back for two days You haven't seen anybody but me Am I supposed to greet everyone? Did I scare you? I'm sorry I'm sorry I dunno why you locked yourself up for two days Don't take everything on yourself Everything'll be OK after tomorrow Ming The door is over there Let's give it to OCTB Did you listen to it? No Sam and Shen's transaction will take place in two days There'll be lots of arms and coke I'll contact you before take-off So Sam doesn't trust you fully Beware of Yeung first I will Can you bust him? You saw them together. That's not enough How can I bust him? Boss, I'm risking my life for you So don't run that bullshit on me I'll take care of Yeung It's you? Don't worry. Ming's a great help Do you know what you're saying? You won't die if it's not for him It was an accident Didn't you want us dead? I only wanna be a good guy Can you give me another chance? Sorry, but I'm a cop Are you OK? I'm fine I'm OK Do you know what you just did? I know. What about it? Can you take me back to the clinic? Sure. Are you OK? Ok. Let's go Good morning, Dr. Lee Your hypnosis is great I'm so relaxed I guess I won't need to go to jail Hypnotherapy is a two-way process If you don't tell the truth I can't help you I'm already very co-operative You don't talk about the triads That's OK. But even on matters like your favorite food and films You still have to lie Well, that beats me You're not me. You won't understand The ain is not made for keeping secrets I remember when I was a kid I stole a candy bar in a supermarket It's a foot long The manager caught me I was so scared I cried The manager finally let me go Later I went there with my mom And I saw the manager I felt he's staring at me I was very uneasy My mom asked me what was wrong I said the manager had molested me My mom called the cops So the cops took the manager away He never told on me But I never saw him again Then I went to college I finally told this to a classmate After I finished telling the story I felt like a new-born Can I really start over again? Do you trust me? I do I do As long as you trust me When did you join the triads? I didn't wanna join the triads I wanna be a good guy But then I met Mary Your wife? She's Sam's woman Why do I have to talk about this? You gotta trust me for hypnosis to work Then we can solve your problems. You can't solve my problems My job is to betray folks around me I dunno when I can stop To survive I have to betray others I'm actually a cop I'm a cop I don't wanna be Sam's mole Did I scare you? I'm sorry Everything'll be OK after tomorrow Where were you? Today is D-Day Today? Yeah I forgot Take out your phones Distribute them Yan You take the boat. There're arms If anything goes wrong I know You drive me to the dockyard D-Day of Shen and Sam's deal will be tonight They probably have heavy armories We should wear bulletproof jackets The marine is standing by Team A and B get ready at the slopes Wait for my order The operation is called off What are you saying? That's an order from the top An order from you or from the top? I don't need to explain to you I've been on Sam's trail for years Explain your ties with Sam It's Security's top secret You can make formal inquiry to the Asst. Commissioner Call IA Yes, Sir Sir Just do what Yeung said No way It's not as simple as you think It's very simple for me My man is risking his life out there Everybody in OCTB stays put You're under disciplinary investigation What kind of disciplinary issues? You don't follow orders. That's a disciplinary issue Where are you going? Back to my room, Sir Let's go Turn back Ask everyone to follow our car But Yan is in the transaction Your wife agrees to meet you this afternoon Is that OK with you? Thank you The people will come in today for repatriation Make sure nothing goes wrong Damon and Fai, you stay here Set the channel to 34879 Tell Transportation we can go now Thank you Ming, having fun in my office? Everyone, get ready and follow me What's the matter, Ming? We'll ing Yeung in Those police are chatting inside. They'll be meeting our boss in fifteen minutes Don't make any mistake Damon and Fai, get the documents ready Yeung You're under suspicion for collusion with Sam Please come with us to IA Ming, you know what you're doing? I know I found a cassette tape What tape? I don't get it Listen and you will Where's Mr. Sam? He's not here yet? They're empty Shen Boss, the arms cost over ten mill Please give them back. Those Mainlanders are animals What if they're here to set me up? Which bitch told you that? My life told me so What if you're wrong? Then I'll co-operate with them But Yan's gonna die either way We're all risking our lives here I almost died twice Boss, no more jokes Boss I have only one henchman Don't do this to me Tell me Where are my goods? Go ask Sam yourself Why didn't you shoot my head? I didn't aim Stand up Stand up You guys are together? You guys are together Sorry, I'm a cop Go ahead and shoot Save me a bullet What kinda cop are you? I got an A for writing reports After I kill you, I can write anything He's not Sam's man Then you're not Shen You're in time Come join us. It's entertaining So you don't wanna help me, Ming? I do, but they're watching me So you're not worried about me You're worried about yourself Whatever you say You'll deal with him Give me three days. I'll run a check Ming Ming, this is your last chance Ming, you're under arrest What're you doing? Ming is over there We agreed to bust him. Why you help him? Yeung found this tape in your room Why did you make such a big mess? He is chasing after me. I have to kill him I'm taking charge now I'll look after your deal I've got it when we killed the cop today I'll talk to you later Cuff him What're you doing? Get away. Sit down Sit down. Get away Get away Get away. What're you doing? I told you to be careful Why should I be careful? Why should I be careful? I'm a good guy. Why should I be careful? Why? I worked so hard Helping you guys killing all of Sam's moles Why can't you give me a chance? Why can't you give me a chance? I wanna be a good guy too I wanna be a good guy too Why don't you give me a chance? Why? Answer me Sorry, I'm a cop Sorry, I'm a cop I'm a cop too Sure you won't go to the hospital? People like me can't see the light Same here More blood, more credits Will that cause you trouble? It's just a report You trade intel with Sam. Be careful You should be careful. Sam set you up You won't bump into me every time Will we see each other again? I'll pass Speak Mandarin I'll go to Beijing next week. Join me I'll quit after this. And you? I'm a snitch We don't have holidays OK See you You haven't told us What's your name? Name? I dunno Just call me Shadow. How corny About time for me, too You haven't answered me I asked if you remembered me At the cadet school in 1991 If you hadn't left, I couldn't get the award Ming is in critical condition at the hospital The bullet penetrated his upper jaw and has entered his ain The doctor says even if he can survive his ain will be seriously damaged Stuff about him and the moles are all over the walls in his room The whole IA has been covered with CCTV all connected to SP Yeung's computer Mary He won't make it Ten Days after Yan's Death He's dead. What's the point? There're things we've gotta do Hey pal, you're right Everything'll be OK after tomorrow I'll arrest Ming myself One Month Later Take it back He made me a limper Is he Yan's friend too? They were in cadet school together Twelve Years Before Now that you're in the cadet school, you should follow the rules Those who eak the rules will be like him They will be expelled Who wants to trade place with him? Yeung, congrats for the Award If he weren't kicked out, it should have been his? Perhaps that's fate Destiny is destiny Men are changed by events, not events by men But these two men They have changed certain events Let bygones be bygones Tomorrow is another day Seven Months Later You're here? The baby can say papa November 2002. Seven days before Yan's death He shot me so I shot him back I was just a punk at that time Stop bitching and learn from Yeung Learn what? How to write a report Did you kill anyone? It's big shit So it's small shit if I got killed? Send me a report I'll send you shit What did you say? Scram What do you mean? Time for lunch I've hardly finished eakfast Do you wanna eat shit instead? Excuse me Can I help you? I'd like to try this stereo Ksitigarbha People of the like shall be cast into the Avinci Hell and will continue to suffer from Kalpas to Kalpas with no means of escape.
subbed by Aramis You're not here, but the flowers still bloom. 2002.5.7 Because I miss you, because I miss you so much. Because I cannot stand it. 2003.4.5 Merry Christmas 2003.12.24 Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye. Is it really goodbye...? 2004.3.25 2000, Choong-chun I got here fine. Right now? I'm sightseeing. I should have gone with you. How's the boarding house? Good. Are you done unpacking? I'm really fine. Hey! Kang Wook, run! Get them! My bag? I'm leaving. Drive safely. Don't forget your medicine. I know. I think we found a good place for you. And the grandmother here is really nice. Right? If something happens, call me immediately. I'll come as soon as possible. Okay. I'm leaving. Drive safely. All right. Bye. Be safe. Call me. Kang Wook, you were hella cool today. Here. Those Dong Gang High kids are probably all pissed off right now. Stop acting so cool, man. What's this? At the student store. While buying mine. Thanks. Hey Jung Ho Tae. Step outside for a moment. Hey, is Yoon Ja Kyung's mouth the only one? I like sandwiches, too. Step aside. Jung Ho Tae. I'm sorry each time, but... Lend me some money. I don't have any. Don't have any? Yeah, I don't have any. You always say you don't have any when you're going to give me some anyway. You said it was the last time before. I did? I said that? I can't remember. Do you have amnesia? Hey. When are you going to give it to me? Tomorrow? Hey asshole. Don't you have change from the sandwiches, asshole? Even if I had some, I wouldn't give it to you! What? Man, why do you make me, at our gentlemanly school, use my fist! Search him. Stand up. You have a lot of money! Why are you lying? What the hell are you looking at? Tell me you're sorry. Come down. Bell's gonna ring. All right. We get a new homeroom teacher today. I don't want her hating you, so come down. If she doesn't hate me, do I get something in return? Hurry and come, okay? And stop acting so cool. Me? It will be difficult, but I ask of you. How could I as soon as I get here... A month from now is winter vacation. Just until then. A warning: there are a few widely known troublemakers in that class. Teacher's coming! Who's the class rep here? Straighten. Bow. Good morning. Hello. Nice to meet you. My name is Lee Yool Joo. I'm the homeroom teacher while your regular teacher is away sick. I hope we get along. Yes, ma'am. Oh, sit down. Hello. Yeah, nice to meet you. I'm really glad to see you. Your kicks were awesome yesterday. You guys were good at fighting, too. First time hearing praise from a teacher. Oh. Wait. Lift your face. Did you guys hit him? No, we didn't. Did they hit you? No. He said he wasn't hit. Quiet. Tell me the truth. Did they hit you or not? They didn't hit me. Are you laughing? Why are you laughing? There's air in my stomached! Again? Stop it. You're shocking the teacher. Shall we, then? Why did you hit him? Teacher, I wasn't hit by Kang Wook. So you threatened him, too. Why did you hit him? I didn't. Does his face look fine to you? I told you, I didn't. I should've known when I saw you fighting in the streets yesterday. All of you, stand in the hallway. Right now. You go too. Not being able to say you were hit, that is a fault as well. Go out. All right, this is my first time, so shall we do introductions? Who wants to start? She has a killer body. Big easts and all. Maybe she stuffs. Why the hell are you crying? Next. I'm Yoon Ja Kyung. Is that all? Yes. Then can I ask you a question? What's the one word you always keep in your heart? Can we just start class? Our finals are coming soon. This is part of class. Talking to a complete stranger, and... getting to know me. Hey, you'd better stop. Hey, stop. Stop it. He keeps crying Why are you crying? You've never been punished before, right? Because I'm embarrassed, asshole. Are you acting? This is kinda cute. Why are you so embarrassed? I'm different from you guys. I really hate you. I really hate being treated the same as you. I really hate you. What are we like? What are we like! You're bad guys. Human trash. Parasites. Cockroaches. Why are you hitting me! What are you doing? You stay here, everyone go back inside. You don't have your nametag. What’s your name? What’s your name! Suh Kang Wook. Don’t I look like a teacher to you? Nope. What? Suh Kang Wook! Stop right there! Gold medal winner of the Kang Won University watercolor painting competition Teacher Lee Yool Joo? Yes? Good job. Your voice could be heard from next door. Made me feel good inside. Those guys will never go to college, so take things a little easy. Since you did that from the start, they won't start any big trouble any time soon. Teacher, why did Suh Kang Wook miss a year of school? Skipped without a reason. He actually is not that dumb... Then again, fighting requires smarts, too. Father was a college professor. Died of an unknown reason, or something. He’s always trying to act so cool. Sometimes rough in action. Had mental trouble due to father's questionable death. I had quite a welcoming party, didn't I? I called you here because I want to know about Suh Kang Wook. You made a mistake. What? Kang Wook did not hit Ho Tae In the morning. He was late coming from the roof. I saw him. Why did you say something? Kang Wook doesn't like for me to meddle. He wouldn't like me saying this to you either, but I hope you won't look at him differently because he was held back a grade. You met him yesterday, right? I’m saying this because that seems to be influencing your thoughts about him. I didn't. I said I didn't. I don't look like a teacher to you? Nope. What? Suh Kang Wook! Stop right there! I was drinking well that day. And that man came and said he would pay my tab. Said let's have a cup of coffee together. Because of that damned cup of coffee. I was so drunk, I don't remember anything. How could a guy who raped me while I was drunk not have 10,000 dollars and then sue me back? Mr. Prosecutor, I'm really guiltless here. I think 5000 could solve things. Was it room 506 or 507? 507. Oh it's written here. Sam Jung motel room 507. It’s Sam ho motel. Ah, Sam ho. You said you were so drunk you didn't know what was going on, right? Yes. How do you remember the motel name and room number so well? Did you think we'd pity you if you said you were the victim? November 28, 2 am, you met the guy and had consensual sex in room 507. Next morning, you sued him for 10000 dollars! He sues you back for fraud. You acknowledge this, right? Weak to pressure, and shows no signs of feeling remorse. Take her away! Hello Welcome It’s done? Yes, please wait a moment I’m home. You worthless jerk! Where did you sleep last night! This thing is really tough. How many times was that? Wash up and come in! Yes, ma'am! Hello Grandmother! Grandmother! Suh Kang Wook! What are you doing here? What are YOU doing here? This is my house. Is this a teacher visit? This is your house? What are you two doing here? Grandmother, the grandson who goes to my school is him? I couldn't introduce you since he didn't come home last night. Say hello. She’s boarding at our house. Have you two met? I’m Kang Wook's homeroom teacher. Really? Is that how it is? This is kinda weird. Why is that crazy bitch smiling? The shameless bitch that made her son an orphan when her husband died! And on the very same day he died! My poor son who didn't know why he was dying before the age of 50. This is all because she came into the house. I told him she would end up eating him up. She deserves to die twice! Deserves to die! Though they say you live the way you look What a poor and pathetic life Dad! Dad! Dad! Dad! Kang Wook! Kang Wook, don't go! Kang Wook! Mom! Mom, mom! Please get up! They must be your parents. Your door was open. Your mother was a beauty. Who's that cute boy? Let me see! Do you need something? You want to get some air? Why? I heard you didn't go to you classes today! So? I’m asking why. Because I didn't want to. I think I misunderstood you in the morning. You should have told me you didn't hit him. I did. Oh right, you did. Is this sandbag yours? No. Then? It was my father's. Why did you ing this? I’m going to leave it there tomorrow anyway. I was bored. Did the ceremony go well? Yeah Where are you going? I’ll take you home What are you doing here? Without even calling me? I suddenly wanted to see you. Is it okay to stay here? Looks shabby. No, it's good. You lost weight. Liar. That’s what I’m saying. I had a hard first day today. Your mom's not home? She went to Seoul to see my father. It’s a weekly routine. She was leaving, all dressed up, when this thought occurred to me Is she going to bust my dad, the married man? Why are you looking at me like that? Because you're pretty. What? You don't know why you're pretty, right? Go in. You’re not going to tell me? Later. Kang Wook Let’s go to college together. If you want I can help you In the past, you got better grades than I did Yoon Ja Kyung It’s good that you're pretty. But don't overdo it. I’m leaving. I made a mistake, right? But they were the kids fighting in the street yesterday How he could just walk out when his teacher, homeroom teacher, said she wants to talk? Stop talking about him Why do you keep talking about him? Don’t talk about other guys in front of me. He’s not a guy, he's a student. He’s a male student. Hey Yool Joo. Huh? Give me your hand. Pretty, huh? Is it too big? It’s big. It’s okay, I’ll just wear it. I’ll rematch it and get it to you. That’s fine. I’ll just wear it. I set the date for Saturday. What date? Dinner with both our parents. I talked to your mother yesterday. Tae Hyun. How could you decide that on your own. You’re gonna be up for the weekend anyway. And you already met my parents. Still. You should have discussed it with me first. I tried. But you kept hanging up on me because you had class. I can't that day. I’m on duty. Change it. Yool Joo, do you really have to come here to be a teacher? We already discussed this. You can always teach after marriage. I’m just scared you'll faint - I’m fine. I’m not fine. I’m worried. Mr. Prosecutor Kim Tae Hyun, I really hate it when you treat me like a patient. I hate it. You are a patient. Hey Yool Joo! Lee Yool Joo! What’s wrong? I told you I’m not a patient. That's what you think! I understand how you feel, but you're still a patient to me. Teacher! Teacher! Please leave a message after the- Yool Joo, it's me. About earlier... Are you okay? Are you really okay? Yup. I do this once in a while. When I’m under stress. I’m weird, huh? Kang Wook, if this ever happens again Will you just watch me silently from by my side? Don’t faint in front of me. You were really heavy. Suh Kang Wook! I’m sorry about earlier. I’ll apologize. I made a mistake. I’m sorry. Here. I said I’m sorry. You do what you want. You misunderstand on your own, apologize on your own. Let’s go. How can I send my kid to school? This is not the first time. What are you doing? I’m really sorry. Hey, bastards, tell her you're sorry. We’re sorry. What the hell! What the hell are you looking at? Good morning. Good morning. I’m not doing so well. Didn’t I tell you I would report you to the board of education if this happened again? I’m really sorry. Kick these kids out. I will not let it slide this time. Beg for forgiveness! I don't want it! Kick them out at once! Hello, mother. I am Ho Tae's homeroom teacher, Lee Yool Joo. So? There was an unfortunate event in our class yesterday But I already punished them, and I’ll keep an eye out in the future. Look here. I have something to say to you as well. Why do you punish the kid who got hit as well? Are you really a teacher? Mother, my name is Lee Yool Joo, not you. And Ho Tae didn't speak the truth- Are you protecting the bullies here? I’m not protecting anyone here, I just - Teacher Lee, that's enough This happened in my class. Let me take care of it, please. Taking care of it would be kicking these kids out. Parents have no say in who gets kicked out of school! Stop this at once! This is not something you can handle. Ho Tae's mother, if something happens to the student, I, the homeroom teacher- The homeroom teacher The homeroom teacher You should have discussed this with me I said, this is not something you can handle Go back to your seat Hello? Mom Have you been well? Yeah And you? I’m good, of course. How’s the school? Is it hard? It’s good. Nothing big happened, right? Good, thank goodness. I’m having tea with Tae Hyun's mother right now. Wait a moment. Yool Joo? It must have been hard to move by yourself. Tae Hyun didn't go, did he? He went yesterday? Oh, he did. You guys, if one person messes up, all of you do mass cleaning, understand? Yes And you, too! What did we do wrong to have to clean this huge school? They say meeting a good teacher is one of the five blessings. Let’s hurry Why doesn't she have to clean? Did they let her off because she's pretty? I’m so sorry, teacher! My hands are slippery and I dropped the Trashcan. Think of it as your initiation rite! It’s okay. But you should be more careful. What is this? Thanks Oh my, teacher! Did something happen? The kids dropped the trashcan while cleaning. I smell, don't I? Take a shower at the gym Oh, can I? Thank you Think of it as your initiation rite! I told you to stop. This is not something you can handle! Are you really a teacher? (singing a Kim Hyun Jung song) There’s no life without faults, but when you age you'll realize, it's all the same. Grandma, I’m home You worthless kid, why are you always so late? Did you eat? Of course I ate. What is there to eat outside! Eat at home when it's time! And the teacher? She’s not home yet? Why didn't you come home together? I don't travel with girls. Crazy bastard Baby, want me to steam you some yams? I’m fine. Grandma, go to bed. You said you can't even see. Are you worrying about me? Grandma, I’ll get you some glasses in the future. And a gold acelet? Of course. Thank you Oh, Kang Wook? Oh, right, right. Thanks for earlier. Wear it. It’s snowing hard. I like that it's snowing hard, but why on such an embarrassing day? Why are you laughing? Do I look funny to you? Don’t laugh. No matter what, I’m still your teacher. I smell, don't I? Yes. I didn't wash my hair. Does it stink? Yes. Cotton candy. You smell like cotton candy. Kang Wook, teacher drank because I felt a little stuffy in the chest I didn't eat all day but my stomach was hurting like indigestion. I don't think I deserve to be a teacher As soon as I came, I misunderstood you I got yelled at by the principal, and the kids are ostracizing me Do you know what my dream was? What was it? A super good teacher Do you know what my dream during school was? An ultra, jjang, awesome super good teacher Know what my dream is now? Being the first love of you dream-filled guys First love, and super good teacher I really wanted to be a super good teacher I’m so sad It’s too early to be depressed. It hasn't even been long since you came. Want to go settle your stomach? Now I feel like everything's off my chest! I’m home. You’re late. Yes. Father, I’m home. This isn't late. When I was a young prosecutor, I stayed up whole nights. You didn't drink? Wasn’t there a meeting today? I didn't go Why? I was too tired To an prosecutor, information is as important as good judgment Don’t keep missing those Yes, father I spoke to Yool Joo today I heard you went to Choong-chun yesterday Yes I think she's having fun at school Mom, about meeting Yool Joo's parents tomorrow? I think we have to push that back a few days. Why? Something came up for me. What? Something important? Yes, something I can't postpone, Father. I think Yool Joo's father had to squeeze us in his schedule I feel bad I’ll explain things to him Yesterday, quite a lot of things happened in our class Class rep? Yes? Let's have a get-together Discuss amongst yourselves how, when, and where we're going to have fun Okay And Jo Young Hwa? Why? Young Hwa, you don't have to clean the hallways in the future Okay! Instead, clean the bathroom The end Straight, bow. Thank you What is it? Um, you see Read this I don't have time to read It’s good information. It’ll help you You called me out to give me this? Thanks, but no thanks Ja Kyung! I fought with Suh Kang Wook. I feel really good about that Though I became a mama's boy because of my mom But I’m still glad That I fought Suh Kang Wook Why do you feel so good about that? Because I like you I know. He doesn't like you as much as I do The person who really likes you is me You liking me is your feelings And I have my own feelings And Kang Wook's feelings are his own Understand? Hey, class rep, we're going first. Suh Kang Wook I need to talk to you Why? Who are you to tell him to come or go I hear the oadcasting club is going out to eat, why don't you just go there? Go on ahead Bastard, it's no fun if you're not there What’s up with her? How annoying Does being class rep make you all that? What is it? You. Play with me today What? Play with me today. How do you want to play? Like them. Let’s eat at a really nice place today It’s Ja Kyung! And Kang Wook is here too! Oh my, that dance is awesome I changed the date. You can choose it. Okay. Thanks. I’m a patient. Hey, Yool Joo, how about telling the school about your narcolepsy? You could fall asleep at school. I’ll see. Later. Thank you Eat well Where’s the ring? Huh? Did you take it off when you were mad? That’s not it. Did you lose it? No, it's at home. I took it off to wash up. Eat a lot. What are you doing? How shocking! Are you just coming home? Are you looking for something? A ring A ring... Suh Kang Wook, even if you really like your girlfriend, don't stay out so late You can always date later. You’re a student now. Teacher But it's a little big Hey bastard, how is it that there isn't a day when you don't come to see me? Why do you come to school? Why do you come? Kang Wook has no fault. I made him go. It’s bad enough you and your friends go, now you take an innocent girl to a club as well? Do you want to be held back another year? Does your grandmother know you act like this? If you don't want to hear stuff about being an orphan, you should do even better Am I right? Who are you to glare at me? Did I say something wrong? So your father died a mysterious death? It’s a mystery to me how you’re going to turn out, you know that? You bastard. Loosen your glare! You bastard! Loosen it! Are you insane? Let go! Bastard! How dare you! To your teacher! Bastard! Kang Wook! Stop there! Kang Wook. Stop. Don’t go. You mustn't go. Kang Wook! Don’t go! You mustn't go! If you go, you lose. Don’t go. Don’t go. Kang Wook, you have me. You have me, your homeroom teacher. Go back with me Here Let’s go back together Here, hurry subbed by Aramis
What does it mean? I know what it means. There's just one God He is the Eternal Truth Eternal Truth is God He's the one who does everything He fears nothing and no one He has no enemies either. He does not discriminate Just one God, the supreme Lord, whom nobody can ever defile Nobody can distrust His trust, His peace, His faith That is God Praise Him, for all is His. - Hail Lord! Victory is His! Have some oblations. That makes for a good beginning of the day And Anjali's still asleep...? Go and wake her up Wake up... No, as your Papa says, Those who sleep, always lose out And I don't want my beautiful daughter... to lose out a single moment of this glorious morning so get up, Anjali. Wake up Talk to me only in Hindi. It makes Papa happy Okay, Mama. What's the time like exactly? Now don't ask me for the Hindi translation of exactly Right now, it's 9:30:51 But your classes don't start until late in the afternoon, do they? So what are you late for? - Well... today's friday, Mummy The latest movie from Bollywood is being released today vidhu, shivani and I were going to catch the morning show The whole of the Indian community must be there... I'll go with you, too With you around, my friends are going to be very reserved! Really? I know I'm late, but I'll be there exactly at 10:30, okay? Who are you talking to? I was talking to shivani, Mama. Go on now... let me get ready Wear some nice clothes. The entire Indian community must be present there sorry, God, I had to tell a lie early in the day But this Western mother of mine is stricter than the Indian mothers Had I told her who I'm going to really meet... I would've been in trouble Hi Indian Raja... Mama says, I must talk in Hindi superstar of tomorrow sorry. As your Mama says, always speak in Hindi Hello sweetheart 21 years of age and still secretly sets out to meet... her lover, on the sly. Right? It's girls who come out secretly that you compose your songs for If everything were to come out in the open, where would that leave romance? And without romance... there's nothing Now tell me something. What'll you do if your lies are exposed some day? I'll say I don't recognise you But I'll still keep coming to meet you secretly Wow! You seem to be in a great mood today! To begin with, you're late. And you're already talking big! Whom will I talk big with, if not you? Now you tell me... what am I getting to hear from you today? Which language would you like to hear it in? Hindi, English, spanish, Punjabi...? - Hindi! In any case, everyone here's going to understand the language of love Really? So let me see how much you love me The one I've lost my heart to... is a real sweetheart The one I love, the one I'm loyal to... is a real sweetheart I want to fondle your tresses... I want to gather you in my arms I want to kiss your eyes... I want to dance, romance you I wish to dream of you... I wish to make you mine I wish I could steal you from yourself The one I love has charms that stand out... she's a real sweetheart The one I've lost my heart to... is a real sweetheart I have loved you, my love. I have always waited for you Don't look away from me, for I have trusted you alone In your memories, I shall forever be lost... for you, I shall bear every sorrow for me alone, has God sent you to earth... I could say that to the whole world The one who holds me under a spell... is a real sweetheart, a sweetheart all the way The one I've lost my heart to... is a real sweetheart The one I love, the one I'm loyal to... is a real sweetheart My child... bless you If you cry, so will Mama and Papa. And I'll have to follow suit And here at the canadian airport, we'll have a tear-jerker... right out of a Bollywood flick! - No pleasure in laughing... as there is in crying. So let's go home and cry all we want to, okay? You're five months pregnant. And you haven't even told us yet! And nobody's even got to know! Half western, you see Or eating the greasy stuff of Delhi, I'd have looked 10 months pregnant! Sis, you're my friend. But you can never be the typical Indian sister But how could you do this, sis? How could you keep it hidden from Papa, Mummy and ME? As if we'd have grudged you any happiness We've been married for ten years But after three miscarriages, I was so demoralised... that until I reached the fifth month of pregnancy... and was sure that I would certainly become a mother this time... I didn't want to give you folks any false hopes He agreed with me, too. - He, I see! Your husband must be thrilled to bits to see that finally he's becoming a father? Oh yes, he's very thrilled And despite my pregnancy, he's away on a world business tour He'll return just a month before the delivery But the whole of that one month will belong only to us, Anjali Only to us I'm going to be a grandfather I'm going to be a grandmother! You're pregnant, you've got to be very careful You can't even imagine how happy I am Look... I'm close to tears To become grandparents is the biggest joy in the world... the biggest joy I'm eagerly awaiting the day when I can carry him in my arms That moment is going to change our lives May you live long You're in love with him. So what's the problem? You know how Mom and Dad are And Mama and Papa would want me to have a husband like yours, right? Leave it to me to convince Mama and Papa But I need to be convinced first, whether the one you've chosen... is right for you I'll give you the only green signal only after I'm convinced. That's it That's exactly why I've ought you here. You're going to simply adore him He loves me very much. - I'm sure Mama and Papa will also be sure when they meet your boyfriend... in happy circumstances, And that will be when they become grandparents With the baby cradling in their arms, they won't refuse you anything I knew you'd find the perfect solution come, let me introduce you to Raja You're right. It's always necessary to oach every subject at the right time Else, things could go wrong. I don't want things to go wrong for Anjali and me, for anything in the world Because I know how important the family is for Anjali Thank you, Raja. I'm glad you understand... how much our family means to us When you love someone, you always want to see her happy And that's exactly why I want Anjali to be happy too Whether it has to do with her family ...or me As you know, Raja, I'll be staying here only till I deliver the baby And I want to see everyplace you and Anjali visit, sit and chat... and dream of your lives ahead so what place is that... which two people deeply in love, consider to be the most beautiful one? Show me. - Paradise Paradise...? Paradise for him is Beaver Lake. It's heaven so let's go there and start our first meeting together Raja, Anjali never told me you were such a terrific guitarist But you didn't have any lyrics for the tune, did you? I composed the tune right now. Inspired by the surroundings... and the serenity... I didn't even think of the lyrics Your inspiration is right before you. Lend words to your tune Now...? Right now? All right. Let me help you can you tell me just how much you love my sister? I keep telling her that every day. Let me try something different today Why don't we make Anjali tell us how much she loves me? Oh yes! He's got a point, Anjali! Give him an answer As if I am a musician! Look at her making excuses. - He's right You mustn't make excuses. To express your feelings... you don't have to be a musician. Just say it Okay, just make a beginning. Later, I'll join you too Oh God! What am I to say now? - Anything... but please sing c'mon, Anjali. Bring your feelings to your lips Whoever cares for the consequences of love...? We merrily carry on loving Whoever cares for the consequences of love...? We merrily carry on loving He's the one I'm crazy about... it's his name I keep chanting My love for you shall always be there... this much I promise you Tis a season for hearts that thirst... spring, at last, is here In your arms, I want to live... I'm going to love my beloved more than my life Life desires only you... I give you all I have Whoever cares for the consequences of love...? We merrily carry on loving Happiness everywhere... without him, however, I feel very lonely Anxiety grips my heart... we're expecting a new guest at home Obsessed with the baby, I live on He's the one I'm crazy about, it's his name I keep chanting As long as there is fragrance in the roses... the air shall be scented for as long as roses blossom... my heart shall have only love for you You have no idea how much I love you... it's love alone that I'm drunk on Whoever cares for the consequences of love...? We just keep loving He's the one I'm crazy about; it's his name I keep chanting Love shall always be there... this much, I promise you Don't get to the hospital to see sis. Ma and Pa are totally stressed out I don't want them to meet you for the first time in such circumstances It's important for me to find o-in-law first! Please! Where're you o-in-law...? - Right behind you I thought I'd lost you, o-in-law Wonderful. Your Hindi's gotten to be very good Looks like you've been watching a lot of Hindi movies Oh, no o-in-law! Actually, that's not true at all Let's pick up those flowers later. We got to rush, o-in-law My missus knows how to take care of me and herself I've got nothing to do. I only make money... and buy my wife her favourite flowers. There's no better trained wife than Mrs sahni in the whole society This Punjabi guy's trained his wife in such a way... she never says anything out of turn. She remains quiet Bro-in-law... - Relax, relax I know she's going to be such a chatter-box after the delivery... I'll have to leave on a world tour again I think I ought to buy more than just flowers. Maybe some... But sis wants to see you immediately o-in-law! Your sis and I have a perfect understanding I always get there after she has herself handled all the tension Look who is here, papa? Sis... - Anjali! Listen to me! Aarti's no more. My daughter's no more she has left behind a pair of twins. What's going to happen of them? What's going to happen of all of us...? What...? It's for you to make the decision, Anjali We have always let both our daughters make their own decisions We have always inculcated in you values... that will make your conscience and heart tell you... whether what you're doing is right or wrong In keeping with traditions then, we want you to make up your mind Whatever you decide, whether you agree or not... we will respect your preference so think, my child. Take your own time... and only then take a decision. Because we need to decide something The ache of love will never leave the heart for this is an obsession that cannot be ended even with death What world is that, Lord...? From which we hear no voice...? In love, everything else is wiped out... it's only the yearning that torments us... oh memories...! That's all that is left: Memories Your memories... memories are all we have Plunging my life in loneliness... you have walked out of my life I can take it no more... without you, I won't be able to live Every eath of mine steeped in pain... I can hardly cope with my anguish come now, for I have always been loyal to you... Oh memories... I have only memories Your memories... memories... all I have In memory was the magnificent Taj Mahal built... in memory were penned the best of poems The heart is an ocean in which blossoms the lotus of our dreams... and how we miss those moments gone by You are not here, but your memories torment me... Oh memories...! That's all we are left with Love wipes out everything else... it causes us to pine, makes us suffer... Oh memories...! That's all we are left with Your memories... memories, memories... they're all I am left with You look so beautiful... I wonder why God always takes away nice people so soon But tell me, am I really looking just like my sis? No wonder you took such a great step! But how sad...! Isn't it, Manju? I'm told he hasn't been able to get over his first wife yet? True, Anju. Despite Anjali doing her best to adapt to things like her sister And look at the age difference. She's so young! C'mon, Anju! Aditya isn't old yet I think we must all forget about our own husbands... and have an extra-marital affair with her husband Look at this one getting scandalised! - Of course, darling We are, after all, the ideal Indian women We aren't half Indian, half western... to already start looking bored, although lovely and beautiful... in just three years of marriage If she's so bored in just three years... how's she going to spend an entire lifetime? I... may I serve dinner? - Yes... do that Is the salt okay? Yes... it's okay Will you eat just this much? Let me serve you more... No... I'll take it on my own Have Pooja and Gauri gone to sleep? - Yes They go to sleep at nine. They've got to wake up early... for school Gauri was saying, Papa arrives after we've gone to sleep... and leaves even before we have woken Dad and Mom called from canada today. - I see They asked me how you are How the two of us are so what did you say? I said we're all right They wanted to know when we're visiting them What did you say then? I said I'd ask you and tell them Right. I'll give it a try I have so much to do, but I'll try to find time What have you done to yourself? Why...? What do you think of it? Nice. You were nice even earlier. You're also nice now, as you are sis... I'm sorry... if I have disturbed you No, not at all. Go on Well... I was just wondering... if you were having dinner at home tonight? Yes. I ate dinner at home last night also Yes... so when will you be back? Soon... anything else? There's something more It's Teachers' Day at Pooja's nursery today There's this diamond set of sis'... I wondered if I could wear it and go there...? Of course. It's all yours. Is there anything else? No... that's all. That's just it It's all yours It's all yours How am I ever going to tell him... how much I love him? My eyes wait for him... at heart, I pine Our union will surely happen... I have the faith I wait to see him... at heart, I pine When he comes... I'm going to take him in my arms I'll do as he says... I will not act difficult I'm in a daze... what intoxication is this? My eyes wait to see him... at heart, I pine I shall forever be the Queen of his house I'll give him every happiness and bear all his sorrow I've given him my heart... for him, I'd lay down my life My eyes wait to see him... at heart, I pine How will I tell him how much I love him? My eyes to wait to see him... at heart, I pine Our union is surely happening, I have faith Ram, give me the keys. I'm driving the car today But the master will be angry, madam. - No. He won't say anything today Welcome, Mr sahni, please sit down. - No thanks... no question of sitting, Inspector I'll pay whatever losses have been caused It isn't about losses, sir. Someone was about to lose his life I know. Such negligence will never take place again I'm glad the accident took place in my area... else, your wife would have had to spend the night in the lock-up I don't know how it happened But I'll never make such a mistake again Being sorry doesn't help. Anyway, you're not driving again Wherever you go, you will take the driver But I said I'm sorry. And it didn't happen deliberately I promise you, it'll never happen again And sis kept driving around for years... and nothing ever happened Why do you always compare yourself with your sister? Why must you always equate yourself with her? Why do you keep kidding yourself that by changing your looks... your appearance and your behaviour, you will become another Aarti? Remain what you are. Don't ever try to become Aarti... because you can never be Aarti You don't have to tell me that I can never be Aarti Everything you have done in the last 3 years, everything... but never ever told me... has been screaming at me and telling me that I can never replace Aarti Yes, I can never equate myself with Aarti But in one respect, I can surely step into her shoes... something you have perhaps forgotten she was lonely, as I am lonely today You didn't have time for her. And you don't have time for me she led her life, always waiting for you And I'm leading my life, too, waiting for you she eventually died, waiting for you... as I will die one day, waiting for you And like you started realising her worth only after she was dead... you will perhaps realise my worth after I'm gone Because you do not care for those who live she lead her life, always waiting for you And I'm leading my life, too, waiting for you she eventually died, waiting for you... as I will die one day, waiting for you And like you started realising her worth only after she was dead... you will perhaps realise my worth after I'm gone Anjali hasn't arrived with my luggage yet Actually, we're early sir. You're always so punctual she's angry with me. And rightly too It's my mistake, Harwinder. I never really cared for her When I return from Germany this time, everything else will take a back seat My wife, my kids... my family will take priority I'll take my family on a long vacation, as soon as I return I'll give my wife this surprise as soon as I return Well... I have to make a sudden trip to Germany I couldn't come home, because there was very little time so I asked you to pack my bags and ing them to the airport I'll try and return soon I'm Ravi sarin and this is... we're the organisers of your show in Delhi There's a lot of excitement in Delhi over your show of fusion music We've booked a hotel for your own accommodation and your troupe's... as well as for your rehearsals. Is that okay with you? You can always call me on my cellphone, if there's anything you need Anjali... hiding from me? Why're you hiding? What wrong have you done that you can't look me in the eye? Well, at least you now meet my gaze Whom have you come to see off? I see... you came to see off the one you left me for Wait... I want to meet you You will meet me, won't you? You will give your old friend a chance, I hope? I wish to forget you once... forever As you had forgotten me You'll give me the chance, won't you? I'll wait for you You'll come, I hope?
Castlegard, Clear! - 250, - 250 ready, Clear! - 300, - 300 ready, Clear! He's gone, lt's over 100 degrees out there, He grabs me with ice-cold hands, Apart from external wounds, everything is out of alignment, Even his veins are out of alignment, Now, wait, Look at the heart, The aorta doesn't line up, And now the spine, Same thing, Same shift right across the third verte ae, This guy looks like a paper doll got cut up and pasted back together, No wallet, No lD, Just this thing around his neck, lt says lTC on it, so we called them, - That outfit in the desert, - Our biggest contributors, Excuse me, gentlemen, Frank Gordon, lTC, l'm here to pick up Vince Taub's body, l'm Dr, Cova, l'll take care of that paperwork, Thank you, Vincent Taub, huh? That's Vinnie's good-luck charm, Thank you, Pretty sad when your time comes and no one claims you but your employer, - Excuse me, sheriff, - Sure, Gordon, l'm picking up the body right now, - Was he alone or with Decker? - Taub's the only one here. - Get the body out of there, - And x-rays and records, Get everything, OK? Will it be a problem? No, there's no problem, They've been very accommodating, lf this gets out, lTC is ruined, Any idea how he ended up in the desert? l don't know, Maybe he used his marker without enough clearance, - lt could be a million things, - Not too ight, He's dead, Robert, Taub is dead, Oh, Mr, Gordon, by the way, what's Castlegard? l heard that's the only word he said, ''Castlegard'', Sounds like an amusement park, Listen up, class, April 4, 1357, Castlegard, France, The English army in their red uniforms occupied the village of Castlegard, The French, meanwhile, were advancing, trying to drive them out of there, in this direction over the river, past the monastery and up and over to the heights here, Just leave it, Chris, that's fine, before you wreck the place, The English army, meanwhile, had retreated to Castle La Roque, Well fortified, very strong, very well supplied, and both sides had settled in for a long siege, The French were trying to push the English out of France, Lord Oliver tries to take the fight out of the French, Now, he has a prisoner, a woman, A woman of class and a woman of nobility, Commander Arnaut's sister, Lady Claire, He hangs her from the battlements for all of the French forces to see, lnstead of demoralizing the French, it whips them into a frenzy, and they attack the castle like madmen, and they overpower the English with sheer passion, So the fortress of La Roque fell in one night because of the death of one woman, Lady Claire, All right, that's enough of the academics for today, Go get your hands dirty, Hi, Chris, Hey, Dad, l got Marek's clippers, Oh, Chris, great, Thanks, Here, hold that, will you, You can move it around if you like, - l thought this would be a routine trip, - lt is, Last time you cut off your beard, you sold the house and we moved to Kentucky for a year, - Your mother wanted a change, - How does this always happen to me? l am older and very much wiser than you, Have a beer, lt'll cool you down, Very hot work, ironing, l know something's going on, The beard's coming off, so what's really happening? lt's these amazing finds we've been making, Doniger's been giving us too many tips, - He's a lucky zillionaire, - Nobody's that lucky, He knows something he's not saying, Something isn't right about this, He's been ducking me, l'm gonna get a few answers, Maybe scrounge a couple of bucks, Put that in my bag, would you? And don't wrinkle it, l'd appreciate it if you don't tell anybody about this, Especially Kate, - Why would l tell Kate? - Here, Have a wee run round that, would you? ''Why would l tell Kate?'' You see me twice a year, stay until you're bored to distraction, l think the record's three weeks, Maybe l'm just really beginning to enjoy archeology, From a boy who hated Easter because he had to find eggs, - Yeah, because you buried the eggs, - That's beside the point, - Yeah, because you buried the eggs, - That's beside the point, You're still here because of Kate, Chris, Look, son, l love you, but you're scorching my shirt, Sorry, You and Kate are from different worlds, You saw how that turned out between your mother and me, Yeah, but, Dad, no offense, l'm not like you, But Kate is, Trust me, if it's between archeology and you, you'll lose, - Sorry, - l'm sorry, l ought you a beer, - That's so sweet, - Half a beer anyways, Half a beer, - What you got going on here? - The stairs, The ones you were talking about? Where do they go? Now they don't go anywhere, but they'll lead me to my tunnel which will go all the way to La Roque, What do you say l help you out? Show me what to do, - l thought you hated this stuff, - No, l don't hate it, Let's have a beer, l need a eak, - You have the full one, - That's sweet of you, - Cheers, - Cheers, - Thank you, - You're welcome, Think you'll follow in your father's footsteps? - No, - No, No way, Actually, l'm not really all that interested in the past, No? What are you interested in then? l think l already know the answer to that question, l've been hoping that you'd notice, l've been hoping you'd quit hoping l'd notice, So there's nothing there? - Chris, you are the boss' son, - So,,, there is something there, lt's late, l'll just start on this tomorrow, But thanks for the beer, - Haven't been practicing, have you? - l'm not getting any younger, - You love this stuff, - lt's a habit l can't quite kick, Let me take that from you before you cut something you'll need later, So talking about love, - how did it go last night? - lt didn't, So how does it feel being passed over for 600-year-old ruins? lt sucks, lt sucks big time, l don't understand you guys, You live in the past, You know what the past is to me? The past is why my parents split up, The past is what l've been force-fed since l was little, None of you archeologists looks to the future, What are you talking about? What is the future but just more of the same? More gadgets, more machines like that thing you rode up on, lt's the past is where it's at, you know, People then, they cared about each other, - Men had honor, you know? - No, no, You know what that is to me? Romantic warrior crap, Romantic? You want to see romantic? Follow me, Come on, Come on! What have you got? Oh, another stone sticking out of the ground, No, it's a 600-year-old sarcophagus with a French knight and his lady, - Look, isn't she beautiful? - She's a real knockout, Very funny, Another thing, down here, they're holding hands, - lncredibly unusual for that period, - That is kind of unusual, huh? Oh, God, over here, This knight has only got one ear, What happened there? What, one ear? That piece is missing, lt's somewhere here in the dirt, l'm the archeologist, lt was carved that way, - Fair enough, - Trust me, Who do you think they were? Why would somebody that doesn't give a shit be concerned with that? - Because l'm intrigued, all right? - See? - What you wanted to hear? - Yeah, We're all intrigued by this, That's why we're all here, lt's not just about the rocks and the rubble, lt's about these people, Who were they? And what were their stories? lt helps us to understand where we came from, or where we're going, - You know what l like to say, - ''You make your own history,'' - Do l say it that often? - Yeah, all the time, Well, whoever they were, they made theirs together, lt's best to go really, really slow, lt's better to be cautious, Come on, Hurry up! Cave-in at the monastery! Cave-in at the monastery! l was standing and the floor gave way underneath my feet, - How long has it been open? - 15 minutes, We have five minutes before oxygen contamination, - Let's move it, - Be careful, - lt's under where l was working, - l don't know about this, Can everybody listen up? Let's be careful, we got that? l've got your back, Be safe, - Who's going in first? - OK, let's go, - Who's going down first? - l am, - On belay! On Kate! - OK, take me down nice and slow, - Give me a radio check, - Please be careful, - OK, one-two. Do you read me? - We're good, That's good, Just keep it steady, - Lower Kate down, - Lower me down, Easy, guys, Nice and slow, Nice and slow, l'm getting close to the first level, - Easy! - Bring me down, guys, - A little more on Marek, - Smell the stale air, Kate, be careful down there, l'm down, Oh, my God, This is right below where l was working, Are you all right? What's going on? ''All right?'' ''All right'' is not the word, - One,,, - Give me slack on the rope, - More slack! - Come on, guys, - Oh, my God, - This is unbelievable, We are the first people in this room for 600 years, These,,, These,,, ,,,are beautiful, You won't believe the condition of these,,, - What have you got? - Come here, No way, This is too much, Oh, my God, - What is it? - Oh, my God, An old document box, We've got an oilskin with documents inside, - Look at the condition of this thing! - OK, let's be really careful, Quick, get the bag, - l can't believe this, - That is gonna be such a find, Careful, careful, careful, Let's get this up, l need the light for a minute, Oh, my God, Oh, my God, - Oh, man! - Give me the light, - What kind of,,, - lt's amazing, ,,,son of a bitch would deliberately damage something so beautiful? Obviously not an archeologist, We've gotta get out of here, Let's go! Guys, we're coming up! Pull it up! Come on! We want to go up quick, OK? - Hold this, - What are you doing, Marek? - lt's OK, - What are you doing? lt's definitely a modern-day bifocal lens, l know, And bifocals weren't invented until the mid-1 700s, The hole only opened up today, Stern, There's been nobody down that chamber before Kate and l, lf you think that's weird, you'll love this, - What is this? - One of the documents you found, lt's just a simple list of the things stored in there, Nothing special, And then we found this, Look, The professor? ''Help me''? ''E,A, Johnston''? - ''4/2/1357''? - 1357, - E,A, Johnston, - What is going on? l cross-matched the signatures, lt's definitely his handwriting, But he's only been gone for two days, Your father wrote that, but he wrote it 600 years ago, What's going on here? François is looking for his spare pair, l'll see if the prescriptions match, So you're telling me this is the professor's and it's 600 years old? - What have you been smoking? - Maybe you can explain, lf l knew, l'd explain it, All l know is that the ink is 600 years old, l know, This is my father, This is him, - He's just playing a prank, - No! No, there is no way he would risk contaminating the site as a joke, He just wouldn't, - Did you carbon-date the ink? - Of course, - There's got to be another reason, - l did it three times, Like l just said, your father wrote that note, but he wrote it 600 years ago, l don't care about lTC's policies, l'm his son, l wanna talk to him now, l found the professor's glasses, They were on his desk, lt's a perfect match, Look, We should do an optical test to make sure, l'm sick of this, Either somebody tell me where Professor Johnston is or l report a kidnapping to the authorities, Have l made myself clear? Just tell us when and where, What is it? Doniger's sending a plane for us, We're going to New Mexico? Let's pack up, guys, Good morning, Steven Kramer, lTC, Frank Gordon, security, - Where's my dad? - You'll see your dad shortly, - Where's Doniger at? - Doniger's waiting inside, - Mr, Kramer will explain everything, - Tell me, How come we have a 600-year-old document - with his handwriting? - Pleading for help, l'll explain as soon as we get through security, lTC is constantly advancing itself in science, 30 years ago, the business world was revolutionized with a machine that sent documents anywhere with the push of a button, Doniger's vision was to do that with 3-D objects, - Like a fax or something? - Exactly, He's trying to send actual objects from one place to another? - Follow me, - But that's impossible, He would need a quantum computer with millions of processors, We used them to build a machine that could fax three-dimensional objects, l'll explain these mirrors later, lt would put FedEx and UPS out of business, - You actually made it work? - Yes, Across a room, But we wanted to send things across continents so we built a bigger machine, This is the prototype, The prototype? So that thing that we just passed,,, - Exactly, - ,,,is the real thing? We gave it a thousand times more power. We tried to send something from New Mexico to a twin machine at a lab in New York City, Now, here's the interesting part, The package never arrived at its destination, A few hours later, it showed up back here, Wait a minute, So if it went missing between New Mexico and New York, - where did it go in the meantime? - We asked the same question, So we sent out a camera over and over, and we got back photos of the same location, a hillside with trees, That's when Mr, Doniger made the illiant decision to point the camera straight up, So once we cross-referenced star charts to the horizon, we realized that the camera was not only in the wrong place, - but it was in the wrong time, - So, what does that mean? The camera was taking photographs of a wilderness near Castlegard, France in the year 1357, So you're saying you accidentally discovered time travel? No, we accidentally discovered a wormhole, A wormhole that seems to be locked to a single time and place in the past: 1357, Castlegard, So you faxed my father's glasses and documents back to the 1 4th century? No, Chris, Your father is in the 1 4th century, What? - We need you to help get him back, - Mr, Robert Doniger, this doesn't make sense, A wormhole is a volatile force, You can't send a person through one, Can't fit a piece of paper through a telephone wire, But you can send a fax, Sure, once you've oken the message into a stream of electrons, but,,, - Oh, shit, - Now, look, l don't care about the hows or the whys, l care about my father, Did he know about all this? l thought we could help each other, We'd give him hints l thought we could help each other, We'd give him hints about the best excavation areas, and he could discover why we're locked into this particular place and time, So this is why you've been funding our dig, He was more astute than l thought, We gave him too many clues and he became very, very suspicious, How could you send him there? God knows where he is,,, Oh, he's a very persuasive man, He insisted on going, - Now he's stuck, - That's where you all come in, Do we look like wormhole specialists? You sent the professor to the Hundred Years' War? - Right, - Turbulent times you sent him to, We need cultural experts, not scientists, My people don't know about the medieval world or how to mingle, which is what we have to do if we are to find the professor and ing him back, So we ing him back, it's that simple, We step on that machine and whiz back to 1357 to get him back? Once he's oken us into a stream of electrons, - Why should we do what you ask us? - l think we need to know more,,, - l know you have a lot of questions,,, - A lot of questions, The professor's already been gone for 72 hours and every minute he's there, it'll be more difficult to find him, - That's true, - Bob? Excuse me, l need to get them changed if they're going to go, - Frank, change with them, - l'm not going, - Gomez and Baretto are ready, - We need to think,,, - l'd like you along, - We didn't say we were going, Steve, can you ing them to prep, please, Sure, Folks, this way, Thank you, Please, this way, Thank you, Just follow Steve, He'll take you to the prep room, Bob, look, Gomez and Baretto are my two best men, They can handle any situation, l would prefer not going, l really want you to go, And if you see Decker, you know what to do, Robert,,, You know, that was a really great speech you made, l almost believed it myself, - Didn't you forget something? - What? Come on, Look at Taub's MRls, Look at his arteries, This was his tenth trip, This is their first and only, They deserve to know that we don't know how he ended up in the desert, You don't think they deserve to know that? l've told them enough, How did my father get stuck back there? Doniger gave him an hour, Things got harried, and l lost him in the woods, - You left him there, - We have a limited time, l had to come back or we'd both be stuck, l guess it's better him than you, right? Listen, there's a few things we have to go over before we leave, They need your vital data, lt's for your return process, Change from your clothes into those clothes over there, Anything you want, Put your personals in the lockers, l want to introduce you to two friends, Bill Baretto, Jimmy Gomez, They're coming with us, Buddies from the Marines, - Why do we need Marines? - Just in case something goes wrong, l like to have all my bases covered, All right, let's change up, l can't believe you're considering this, Do you understand what it does? lt strips you down to a molecular level, which means, for a moment, you cease to exist, - Listen to him, he's got a point, - Hold on! Wait a second, l don't need you, Miss Ericson, Or Chris, - l need you, You know the layout, - Nobody knows it like l do, - l go, - There's no way l'm not going, l just said l'm not going, so don't touch me! Thanks, Stern, we don't need you back there, You're a physicist, - Your knowledge won't help us, - l'm sorry, But we are going to need you, François, - Why do we need him? - Because he speaks French fluently, - He's right, - My high-school French sucks, - Don't do this, - We need his help, - l'll cover you, - Don't pressure him, François, you have to make your own decision on this, Your father would've done it for me, so, yes, l'll come, - OK, - Yes, Thank you, Thank you, - Magnetic coils ready, - Verifying now, Platform up, Computers are up, Mr, Doniger, Tell Gordon we've got to get going, Keep a couple of beers cold for me, all right? Mr, Stern, Watch our backs, OK? lt will be all right, We'll be back before you know it, - Take it easy, o, - You know the 50 bucks l owe you? All right, let's move it, Frank, six hours and the clock is running, Wear these personal markers around your neck, You can use any one of them to call for your return, Frank will explain their intricacies once you arrive, Most importantly, one marker will ing all of you back, - Do not lose them, - What about weapons? Nothing modern goes back, Especially weapons, - They're set for a six-hour countdown, - Countdown? - They burn out after six hours, - And then? l'll get you back before you know it, Oh, Sorry, François, they didn't have these back then, l don't see without,,, You'll be fine, That's where we goofed with the professor, l feel morally compelled to inform you that there is a degree of pain, l'm told it's rather intense, but extremely fleeting, A couple of seconds, No residual discomfort, So forgive me, l didn't want that to influence your decision, - OK, Good luck, - Let's do it, You all look great, Miss Ericson, you look divine, Good luck, Don't worry about it, You guys will be home for lunch, - Think of it as the ultimate field trip, - A fantastic thing for an archeologist, - l can't believe we're doing this, - Slowly, There are no railings, Josh, come on down, Come watch, Josh, come on down, Come watch, - Yeah, l'm fine, - Take a place around the perimeter, - Spread out, - Move around the platform, Take a deep eath, relax, We'll be back before you know it, - Are we set? - All systems check, Come in, Josh, Close the door, - Good luck, - Six hours and counting, Mr, Marek? Mr, Marek, l need you to take your position, How's everybody doing? - What the hell are we doing? - Getting the chance of a lifetime, Nothing to worry about, We'll take care of you, Just relax, Everything will be fine, - DNA streams locked in, - Thank you, - OK, lock them in, - Locking in, - How long does it take? - A couple of seconds, Watch it here, Mirrors locked, Son of a,,, Where is he? François! - Are you all right? - Where's François? François? - There he is! - François! Pull him out! Now we wait, Give me your hand! - Come on! - François, hold on! Hold on! Hold on! - Here, take my hand, - You all right? You all right? Everybody all right? That was a close one, All right, Let's head up this hill, Everybody follow me up, - Hell of a start, - We've always arrived on land, - Gordon, is this it? - l think so, You think so? Are we in 1357 France? - This could be Oregon, - Gordon, where are we? Shut up! Trust me, we're in 1357 France, - Well, if this is France, l'm home, - Come on, let's go, Let me explain the markers, Press here, it shows the remaining time, Squeeze it, it takes you home, But don't, - Why? - We haven't found his dad yet, One last thing,,, - He said, ''Hide'', Everyone hide, - All right, take cover, Let's go! Move! Now! François, come on! Well done, Sir De Kere, - After him, - Yes, my lord, Get the others, Find out who they are, Come on, quick, Oh, God! Baretto! We got a field buck! They're coming back! - Oh, my God, - Get a medic! Get a medic up here! - What was that? What was that? - What? What is that? That's a grenade! Get down! Oh, my God, he's left, Get down! He'll see you! You! Over here! Let's go, Come on, come on! All right, let's go, Come on, Chris! Kate! Marek! Hey, - Where's my boys? Where's Marek? - The guys came after Baretto, He took some arrows and then he pressed his marker, He's gone, He took two arrows, and he must have hit his marker, - Where's Gomez? - l didn't see him, Oh, my God, Don't look, - What are you doing? - Oh, shit, l can't find his marker, You're looking for his marker? He's dead! - What are you doing? - l'm getting us out of here, - We're not going anywhere, - We can't save anyone if we're dead! - Keep it quiet, - You can't do that, Why not?! You need 40 feet of clearance around all sides to work, - What? - l was trying to tell you, Don't lose these, They're precious, And if you follow my lead, l will get your dad and get you home, - François, it's going to be OK, - Let's find Marek, - What about Gomez? - We can't do anything about him now, - We gotta go, Look at me, - François, come on, Be quiet! The soldiers! You passed us, You passed us in the woods, lt's OK, lt's OK, - We've lost the trail, - Damn it, - Pick it up again, - Yes, Sir De Kere, Search down by the river, Jesus, you're a girl, lt's OK, After the French bastards! After them! Leave none living! Careful, - There you are, - No, Help! Help! Shut it off! He knew not to take anything modern, That son of a bitch ought a grenade back with him, l can't believe it, The coils, The coils, Damn it! He knew the regulations, no modern weapons! - Gomez? - The lines are online! - Well,,, - His marker, - What happened to the rest of them? - Get a medic over here! - l don't know, - Give me your gloves, Well, did anyone try to come back with him? l don't know, l know as much as you, OK? Hang on, What if they're trying to come back now? - lt's not gonna happen,,, - Don't jump to conclusions, You can't leave seven people stuck back there! - Tell me you have a backup plan,,, - Shut up! l don't know, l don't know, Please tell me you have a backup plan, Yes, we have a backup plan, Go! Gordon! Gordon! lt's Marek! Chris! This Frenchwoman will lead us to Castlegard, Great, That's great, Let's go, Come on, Wow, The village of Castlegard, We're here, Where is everyone going? Hold on a second, - What day is this? - Marek,,, lt's the fourth of April, - Of course it is, lt's April 4th, - 1357, - The day La Roque falls? - Wait, wait, - What are you talking about? - You son of a bitch, - Excuse me? - You ought us back on the day the French attack, By tonight, this whole place is gonna be burned to the ground, Stop with the history and look for the professor, Now, follow me, Let's go, l'm a physicist, Give me something to do, l can help, - Might as well be a pharmacist, - Good one, Robert, - Replacement panels are on their way, - How long will this take? Five hours and 27 minutes, How do you know it's gonna take 5 hours and 27 minutes? Because that's all the time we have, Once this platform is fixed, even if the markers run out, we can send someone back to get them? The thing holding the wormhole open is their markers, But you've opened and closed it dozens of times, - Once the platform,,, - Look, we don't even know what we did to link us to this wormhole, A lucky cali ation, chance impurity in the coils, The point is, the grenade probably destroyed any possibility of re-creating it, Once their markers expire, they could be stuck there forever? - ls that what you're saying? - They could be, Guys, come on, Come on, come on, Come on, Come on, Come on, this way, Castle La Roque awaits its soldiers, - The manor house, - Look at that, l can't believe it, We were just working on it, That's Castlegard, all right, lt's different, That right section, l had wrong, - Where did that tower come from? - What if my Dad's in there? - Yeah, you're right, - How are we gonna get in? Guys, soldiers coming, - You there! - Come on, Why aren't you packing up? - Run! Run! - Halt! Stop! - Go, go, go, go! - Don't let them get away! Get that horse out of the way! My lord! - Pick him up, - Come on, my friend, - Who are they? - We captured them in the village, l am Lord Oliver, Who speaks for you? - l do, my lord, - You speak strangely, Yes, we are Scottish, my lord, Scottish? You've come to kill us all in our beds? First the old man and now this group, Why do the Scottish find this village so pleasing? - lt must be your lord's kind manners, - lndeed it must, My lady, - l beg your pardon, my lord, - Let him speak, - My lord, the old man you spoke of,,, - Edward De Johnness? He claims he's a magister, - Do you know of him? - He's our master, sir, - All is well with him? - He said he was alone, We were several days behind him, He does not know we are here, Who are you? Yes, you, The one whose head is touching the ceiling, François, my lord, A Frenchman, Hold, Please, Please, We're all gentlemen here, He's our interpreter, sir, Forgive them, l'm at war with the French, as well as the Scottish, Have l forgotten anyone? The Spaniards, am l at war with them? Arnaut has sent many spies into my midst, - No, he's not a spy, - No? - He's our friend, - l'm sure he is, He's too tall to be a spy, anyway, - lnterpret, - Be quiet, lnterpret, - l'm a spy, - l'm sorry, l didn't quite catch that, - lt means,,, - Be quiet, François, ,,,l am a spy, My God, it's a miracle, A quiet Frenchman, - Did you hear that? - No, Louder, boy! Come on! l am a spy, l thought so, - Oh, my God! - Get rid of the Frenchman, Put them with the old man, We may need them, Who's next? - No! - No, Chris! Don't! Don't! Oh, François, François, lnside! - Up! Move it! Move it! - No! Don't push me! - Hey, leave her alone! - Move it, ease on! - All right, you bloody Scottish! - Hold on! l'm moving! Over here, Andre, This way, Come on, My marker, Guys, l lost my marker! Don't worry, we only need one marker to get home, OK? - This can't be happening, - Careful with the rest, Those bastards killed François, Professor, Professor! - Kate? - Yeah, - Kate, Oh, my God, Kate, - Are you all right? Oh, my God, You got my message, Chris, your dad, - Chris is here and Marek's here, - Dad? - Son, - Dad, - Chris, my son, - Glad you're still alive, Oh, God, What happened? - You've lost such blood, - lt's not my blood, lt's François', He's dead, Oliver had him killed because he's French, This guy had a sword and he just ran him through, Professor, what happened? l was trying to avoid the English, but they found me in the monastery, l convinced Oliver l was a magister on my way to Dublin, l skipped Shakespeare, What is a magister? - lt's a scientist, - He accused me of being a spy, - How did you survive that? - l promised Oliver a new weapon, What kind of weapon? A liquid fire so intense that even water couldn't harm it, Greek fire? You promised him Greek fire? Professor, l'm sorry, have you considered what you may have done? You've given the English a serious advantage in this battle, - They're supposed to lose the war! - l was alone! - Marek, Marek! - l'm sorry, l'm sorry, You're right, The point is, when these guys come here, and take us up to La Roque, when they seal that place off for battle, there is no escape, We're as good as dead, - No, we gotta get out of here now, - Wait, wait, wait, Remember that field where the peasant huts were? That's the closest place with enough room to use the marker, - How do we get there? - We have to do it fast, - We've got four hours, - Four hours is plenty, The way l see it, we've got 650 years of knowledge on these guys, There's no reason why we shouldn't be able to get home in 20 minutes, - OK, let's find a way out, - Let's look around, There's a hole here big enough to climb through, - Quiet! - OK, all right, She was with the group we caught earlier, my lord, May l ask why you're trespassing on my land? Come, come, - What are you doing? - Here's what l'll do: l'm gonna scale down the wall, When it's clear, l'm gonna let you guys out, - All right, - You're not going anywhere, What? l am, l'm,,, Marek, l'm the best climber, l am the best climber, lf anyone should be going, it should be me, but those roof slats won't hold me, or you, or you, Chris, - No, no,,, - Wait, Wait, But they might hold you, Kate, Now, Kate, this isn't a game, Are you prepared to take a life? l'll do what l have to do, There's no way, You're not going anywhere, lt's going to be all right, OK? There's one thing worse than dying here, and that's living here, l refuse to do either, l'm going, lt's OK, She's right, Kate, - Please, please take care, - Hey, it's easy, lt's gonna be easy, Chris, l need your help, Come on, l need you to hold that back and keep it open, All right? - Kate, be careful, - OK, here l go, - Easy, - There's guards there, l'm gonna go up and over, - There's a window on the side, - OK, watch yourself, l got you! l got you! Hold on! Hold on, l got you, Don't let go, - Are you OK? - l've got a foothold, - We're gonna pull you back in, - No, l'm good, - OK, please be careful, - l've got to keep going, You, man! Gather those children and move! All clear on the outside, Hold your line, men! ln position! Too much ale, We'll play again when l get back, Keep them quiet, - What the,,,? - Now! Grab a weapon! - Let's go, Chris! - Very sorry, We're heading out the way we came in, all right? Marek? - Marek! - Yeah, yeah, You go ahead, - l'll take the rear, - All right, let's go! Kate, we gotta go, Oh, be careful! Let's go! Come on, Let's go! Quiet, You guys go ahead, l'll catch up with you, - What are you doing? - Listen, - Are you crazy? - Let's go, - l got my marker, l'll catch up, - Come on, - Where is he? - He'll catch up, He's got his marker, - Robert! - Yeah? DNA streaming should be online,,,now, - Got it! - Fully functioning? - Yeah! - lt's a start, - Don't move, Don't say a word, - Traitor! Jesus, Why didn't you listen to me? Shit! For God's,,, Jesus! Scotsman! Stop, it's me! Stop! What? What are you saying? Ax! Give me the ax! And help me watch for the wall! Move that stuff! Put it against the door! - Help me! - Get out of the way, woman! Get out of the way! Please! Come on! There we go! Go! Guards! - Who is that guy? - His name is De Kere, Come on, Quick, let's head back to the river, Get more guards! - We're not going without Marek, - l don't give a shit about Marek, My job was to get the professor, l can't take care of you, l lost Gomez, Baretto, You guys are on your own, Or follow me, Let's go! To the river, quick, We have a field buck, Somebody's trying to come back, - How strong? - lt's minimal, - What does that mean? - lt means they're still alive, Halt! Come on, Come on, Where is he? Where's Gordon? Where's,,,? - There he is, There he is, - l saw him, Come on! - Wait, Watch it, - Chris! Drop your weapon, OK, Go, Oh, shit, - Come on! - Gonna leave us like you left my dad? - People are looking, - There's no time, - Listen, Listen, - Everybody is looking, - Be quiet, - Kate, hit your marker, Press yours, l'm not going without Marek, - Hit your marker, - You're not going anywhere, Marek's got his own marker, Search every building and every farm! - Oh, shit, - Kate, press it, We can come back for Marek, Press it, We've been here too long, - Press it, - lt's not working, - lt's not working, - l know how to do this, - Why isn't it? - l don't know, - lf it were working, we'd be home now! - Everybody, walk away slowly, Let's find a place to hide, lnfantry, spread out, Search the huts! Search everywhere and capture them! Oh, by the way, my name's Andre Marek, Castlegard was your village, wasn't it? - Don't worry, you'll return there soon, - No, The English will burn it to the ground before they move to La Roque, - No, La Roque will fall too, - Yes, But it will take many more lives and many months of fighting before it happens, The French built that fortress, We know how strong it is, La Roque will fall tonight, Only a prophet,,,or a fool could make such a claim, ln your case, it's probably the fool, Whichever makes you smile like that, Are you,,,married? No, We've been fighting the English since before l was born, There's no time for marriage, Of course, Are you with,,,anyone? - Am l with anyone? - Yeah, l'm with you, l know, l know, What l mean is, is there someone,,,? ls there someone that you see? - Do l see? - Yeah, Nobody, lt is possible they are hiding on the shore or in the woods, They could be anywhere, Oh, God, You know, it's funny, but we're speaking the same language, but you don't understand anything l'm saying, do you? Get them! No, no, lt is good, They are French, They will help us, - You're Lady Claire, - Lady? l like that, lt's charming, Dame Claire, Fire! Fire! Find them! l killed that man, l've gotta live with that, - ln here! - We found them! - We found them, my lord! - Over here now! - Come on! - Don't let them go! Come on! Go inside! Go around the back, - Shut up and move over there, - Come on, - Burn it, - No, - No, you can't do that! - Don't, Chris, please get out of there, Chris! Chris! My son's in there! Chris, get out of there! Hold your man, No! No! All right, come on, - Come on, - Chris, wait up, - Come on, - Wait up, - Claire! - Arnaut, He is very grateful you returned his sister,,, - You're English, - No, l'm Scottish, Arnaut, he saved the life of one of your men, - You're Scottish, huh? - Yes, ln that case, l do not know how to express my gratitude, Well, you can, Just keep her close and keep her safe, - l can take care of myself, - Yes, that's obvious, Please, do not let her out of your sight, especially tonight, Do not worry, she will be well protected, l must leave, l must return to Castlegard to search for my friends, l need to ask you perhaps for a horse and a weapon, You will not make it alive through the English lines, They are moving from the village to La Roque, We attack tonight, - You must not go back there, - l must try and find my friends, l'm sorry, Very well, l will give you what you ask for, - Thank you again, - Thank you, - Lady Claire,,, - Claire, l wish we had met at another time, Andre Marek, Are you married? No, Arnaut? Arnaut has dismounted, and he's with his sister, Well done, ln fast, kill Arnaut and out, And may God be with you, All right, l have to get inside La Roque and find my dad, - You'll never make it through, - l'll find a way, There is no way, You'll get killed, Oh, Jesus, Go, go, - l don't have a choice, - Yes, you do, There's another way, - What, the tunnel? - Yeah, You never found it, You don't know it exists, - There's always been a rumor, - Yeah, but that's a rumor, - My dad's life is on the line, - All of our lives are on the line, Look, if that tunnel ever existed, it's going to exist now, 1357, l know it's in that monastery, l know it, l wanna save your father as much as you do, You have to trust me, l know it's there, l know it, You've got to trust me, Stay in line, - Move along, - Keep the pace! Kill Arnaut! Claire! Claire! Claire! Move along! Come on, lads, That's Marek! Marek! - Marek! - l'm OK, lt's Chris and Kate, Marek, - What about Chris and Kate? - They didn't make it, - They've killed them, - What? Been a while, hasn't it, Frank? Oh, my God, l thought you were dead, Right, that's why you sent Taub to assassinate me, Not to assassinate you, to ing you home, - Right, just like you are, - No, look,,, Listen, - Listen to me, Will, l need your help, - What's this? Look, it's not working anyway, lt says here you got less than one and a half hours left, - lt doesn't work, - Bullshit, Look, you've got to believe me, it wasn't my fault, OK? - l've got a family, - Yeah? - You've met my family, - You got a family? - You have a family, - l've got a family, - So did l! - No! - No! - No! No! - Oh, shit! - Oh, my God! Last time l saw him, he was running with his marker for an open space, l was on the ground, three arrows in me, l used to be William Decker, lTC employee number 273, Now,,, ,,,l'm Sir William De Kere, Lord Oliver's aide-de-camp, You looked pretty impressive today, Marek, for an academic, - How do you know my name? - l know all of your names, We read every report out of your dig before we made the first trip back, How many times have you been here? Enough to know transcription errors intimately, Transcription errors? Doniger, that son of a bitch, He hasn't told you a thing, has he? What are transcription errors? Mistakes in the DNA reconstruction process, - lt's like faxing a fax, - Distortions, Mistakes, Only the distortions aren't in the letters, lt's body parts, The organs, l've gone in too many times, l'll never survive another trip, All that damage, it can be repaired, but not here, And not in this time, You'd have to go back, Why don't you press the marker? We can all go home, Decker, huh? My name is De Kere, This is my home, Lord Oliver awaits his Greek fire, After that, your survival depends on your knowledge of history, How good you make me look, l rise in favor, so do you, l fall, you fall, l fall, you fall, Marek, where's your marker? De Kere, Decker, whatever his name is, he took it off me, Oh, God, We're friends of Edward De Johnness, - Edward De Johnness, - The magister, He's my father, - The Englishmen have harmed him? - We don't know, - We were gonna ask for your help, - Yeah, we need your help, Come, We need to hurry, We don't have much time, Lord Oliver demands a demonstration before nightfall, lt would be best not to miss the deadline, They've done it, The stuff's all there, This stuff's a bit coarse, but it's good, What am l talking about? l can't do this, l can't give them Greek fire and influence the course of history, - l may already have done that, - What do you mean? When we first arrived here, we were helped by this girl who took us up to Castlegard, ln fact, that's who l went back to get when we escaped, That girl turned out to be Lady Claire, Arnaut's sister, - Are you serious? - Yeah, l've delivered her to the French for safekeeping, She's incredibly important, Her death rallies the French to win, - Don't you understand? - Keep it down, OK? Now we have to be on Oliver's side just to stay alive, This is exactly where l was digging, This is it, This is the place where,,, We're here, We're,,, What do you mean? This is the chamber where l was working, - l'm sorry, what did he say? - The army of Arnaut is ready to attack, - We're running out of time, - Those are the stairs, lt's under here, Move them up here, There's a goodly number of trebuchets, my lord, What's a little fire to these stone walls? - There's nothing down here. - This is it. This is the chamber, This is where the hole was, - We came down here,,, - There's nothing here, Marek would've been working there, The box would've been,,, Oh, my God, That is the box, That's the parchment he wrote on, My father's glasses, - Yeah, we've got to go, - No, no, put it back, lf we don't find this, in the future we're never gonna find your father, Put it back, We still gotta go, We gotta get up to La Roque, No, the stone relief was damaged, Somebody had damaged it, ''What kind of son of a bitch would damage something so,,,'' lt was me, lt was me, l was the son of a,,, What is she doing? Wait! Get back! Stay back! Watch out, Watch out, Oh, wow, lt's the tunnel, lt's the tunnel! Give me a torch, Hey, give me that one, Kate, watch out, Let me go in, - Get Arnaut? - Yes, get Arnaut, Go, - Please, hurry, Hurry, - Kate, get in here, - Oh, whoa, - You got it? Yeah, l do, Careful, boys, this is Greek fire, You can blow us all to hell here, Smooth and easy, now, No spills, That's good, - Trebuchet! - Trebuchet! - Trebuchet! - Trebuchet! Shit, - You OK? - Yeah, Hurry, there's no time, - Trebuchet! - Trebuchet! Trebuchet! Bring water! Lord Oliver, the magister with your demonstration, Oh, yes, l'll see it now, - Understand, my lord, l've never,,, - Show me now! - Show him! - Your fire of the Greeks, - Marek, fire it! - OK, come on, let's move it, Trebuchet! Just fire the damn thing! l cannot fire it, Fire it! - Fire! - Ready, fire! Out of the way, Move, Let me pass, That's it? So you betrayed me, You promised me Greek fire, l should have had you hung,,, - What? - With your permission, my lord, The more water, the more fire, Good, Better, My God, you are a magician, not a magister, l want this for every cannon, How many men will you need? - Twenty, - Twenty, - Give this man 20 men, - As you wish, This way, magician, Archers to the battlements! - Archers to the battlements! - Archers to the battlements! - We have 81 , - No, no, lt's over, l'm not gonna play with their lives like this, We can't get 100 efficiency from patched-together coils, What's the safest minimum percent? - We've done successful tests at 80, - You just said we have 81 , - They were inanimate objects, - With reflectors up, - How much time do we have? - 28 minutes, No room for error, - They could be deformed, - Can we? - Yes, we can, - lt's too risky, You think l'm gonna let you leave them? - Think l want to? - l don't think you care, They have a chance, some kind of life, No, you lost the chance for that decision a long time ago, - This is no longer your decision, - You know what? lt is and l have, l'm sorry, - Fire the moat, - Yes, my lord, Fire the moat! - Light your arrows, - Light arrows, - Archers, prepare, - Archers, prepare, - Stretch, - Stretch, Away! - Night arrows, - Night arrows, A little surprise for the French, - Ready! - Stretch, Away! We're close now, We're close, l know it, Great, Well done, my lord, Trebuchet! One more of them, and we become history, Oh, no, No, We're going, Forward, right maybe, Maybe it's just,,, Or we could go up, right? We could go up, - Kate,,, - No, don't, No! No! - Kate, - No, Kate, Maybe we missed something, Maybe we made a wrong turn, - We could,,, - lt's too late, lt's just too late, l said trust me, and l've let you down, And l've let your father down, And,,, - l've let everybody down, - No, - Oh, God, l'm so sorry, - No, you didn't, Kate, come here, Kate, come here, Come here, Come here, - Close the inner gates! - Close the inner gates! - This is growing tiresome, - The courtyard is secure, my lord, Good, but this Frenchman needs to be put in his place, - lt's time, - Captain! lt is time! Robert, Thirteen minutes left, Let's try and get them back, Are we gonna go over all this again? What are you doing? What the hell do you think l'm doing? l'm protecting our interests, - What's happened to you? - How many lives are lost on the cutting edge of discovery? - lt's the price for great advances, - These were kids, not astronauts! - l know! - They had no idea! Even worse when they're deformed! You know the media, They'll twist it around and label it a ''death machine'', - lt has a serious flaw! - And you'll fix it, - No, l won't, - Like you fixed everything else, - No, - What? - You won't? - No, l won't, l can't believe you'd just throw away your place in history, - l already have, we're cycling up, - Think you can go behind my back? Huh? Kramer! Kramer? - Make the prisoner ready, - What is your will, my lord? - Back to work, - Secure her to the battlements, l want to be sure the French can see her, At once, my lord, - l'll give your other a choice, - Oh, shit, - You are to be tied to the battlements, - What? Either he lays down his arms or he kills you with his own weapons, Let us hope a man who stoops to using his own sister as a spy still has some sense of decency left, God be with you, lady, lt's her, lt's Lady Claire, l delivered her to Arnaut for safekeeping, - How did the English get her? - lt's history, Then history will change, Oliver, Release Lady Claire and ing her down to me now, or by God, l will destroy your arsenal, - Marek! No! - Get the hell out of here, Go now! Halt! For God's sake, lf that thing blows, it'll kill us all, - Bring her down, - No! Do not touch her! My lord, if he drops the torch, he then kills her too, He will not do it, Back off, De Kere, Or Decker, or whatever your name is, l will blow your arsenal to hell! - There's no way out, - You're English, - No, No, no, we're not, - You're English! This is a trap! - Run, my lord! - Marek! - You are working for Oliver, - No, we're not, l will kill both of you! Down! - Yeah! - Yahoo! Be careful, my lord, Archers, to the battlements! Here, - Hold the line on the east tower, - Oliver! Kill her! Now! - Arnaut! - Claire! We've got to find the others, Don't! Hold your line! - Dad, - Chris, you're alive! Kate, thank God! - Where's Marek? - l don't know, There goes Marek, There's Marek, lt's OK, lt's OK, Claire, lt's me, lt's me, lt's me, lt's me, lt's me, - What are you doing? - Open the gate, Chris, stop! - lt's solid, - Let me get up, l've gotta get up, - Can you? - Yeah, This is for France, - We gotta get out of here, - Where's Marek? - l don't know, - He went after Lady Claire, There, No! My ear! My ear! lt's me, lt's me, - lt's not working, - Well, it's oken, - OK, - l gotta get Marek, De Kere took his, - You guys run to the field, - Not without you, Kate! Run to the center of the field and wait for us, l'll get the other marker, - Dad, go with her, Go! - Be careful, Over here, Marek! Chris, l thought you were dead, Your marker! Let's go! De Kere! De Kere has yours, Stern! Open this door, Where's Kramer? Where's Kramer? Shit! Take me home, Please, Go! - lt's working, Be careful, - Come on, let's go, - Marek, come on, - Get out of here! We got less than a minute! Let's go home, come on! Come on, let's go! Let's go, man! Come on, they're waiting! - Go, Get the hell out of here, - No, let's go home! l am home, Chris, Chris, just go, Say goodbye for me, l'm gonna miss you, Marek, lf you can do it, then do it, One more minute, Eighty-one percent, OK? - What's he doing? - The coils, - Come on! - This is good here, - Wait! - There he is, - Wait! - Come on! Where's Marek? - He's staying, He's staying, - Let's go, - Push the marker, - l am, l'm getting a field buck! Someone's coming back! What? No! - No! - You gotta,,, l don't have a marker, l'll never get home, Where's Marek? And François? - Hey, Dad, - Yeah? Hey, Kate just called from the monastery dig, She finished excavating the sarcophagus and wants us there, - Wanna drive? - Yeah, l'll drive, Look what l uncovered, lf Marek had come home with us, what would be written here? Oh, my God, ''Andre Marek, ''With his beloved wife, Claire,'' Oh, my God, ''Loving parents of Katherine,,, '',,,Christophe,,, '',,,and François,'' Dear François, ''To my friends who survive me, ''l have chosen a wonderful life, ''Died 1382,'' Born 197 1 , They made their own history, Together,
Morning, professor. Good morning. What do we have on the board today? Dr. Cross will be wanting to pick up those three 629 Pullmans. And 630 Observation. Shouldn't be a problem. What number? Um, 423. I'll have your train in two weeks. Uh, okay. Hi. Hey. You forget something? No. Hike! Hike! All right. Nice throw. Nice throw. Hey, buddy, where's Snow White? Grumpy or Sleepy over there, huh? Lorraine, look. He's gonna hear you. Stop. Miss. Paper or plastic? - Paper. - Sorry. I didn't see you. - Cash or charge? - Cash. Who's showing the movie tonight? Carl. The billowing smoke as it's coming forward. My wife was inside the car, staying warm, but I was on the hood. There's people standing by here as it's going by. The traffic, of course, was stopped to allow the train... Oh. Now, here I was hanging out shooting this in Canada. This is Canada. It's cold. Snow. The scenery was, uh, really spectacular. See, because the train is moving forward, the smoke is coming back. It was not extremely windy, but the smoke did billow. And, oh, we're about to go into a tunnel. Yeah, we're in a tunnel. For about a minute. It got colder when we were in the tunnel. It was one of the darker tunnels in Canada. Lunch. He was a nice man. He was a nice man. I don't think we've ever met. No, but I've seen you around. Well, like, you're one of those memorable people. I ought you down here to discuss your inheritance. In his will, Henry bequeathed to you some property in Newfoundland, New Jersey. It's about half an acre of land. It's got an old train depot on it. I have an appraisal of the property for your records. - What's happening with the shop? - The building's been sold. Golden Spike will be closed, and the inventory liquidated. This is all, of course, in accordance with the terms I drew up in Henry's will. How soon? If everything goes as planned, no hitches, anything, a thing like this takes about six weeks. I have some preliminary paperwork for you to sign. Some other papers being drawn up. We have the keys to the depot. You ever been out to New Jersey? No. I drove through it once. Let me tell you. I mean, it's pretty, but there's nothing out there. Nothing. Then where'd you go? I see. Good. So, what else, dude? Yeah? Andy, why don't you come out here, o? I'm going out of my mind. Holy shit. Hey, let me call you back. Bye. Wow. How you doing? Fine. Do you sell coffee? Cafe con leche. It's the house special. - You'll love it. Trust me. - Okay. I also got hot dogs and muffins. You live around here? - Yeah. - I never seen you around. Where you from? - Hoboken. - No shit? I live in Manhattan, dude. So, why you out here? Work? Family? Just, like... How much do I owe you for the coffee? Oh, shit. Sorry, man. It's a buck. Is there a convenience store nearby? Yeah. Down the road about a mile and a half on the right. This is my pop's truck, by the way. He's sick. That's why I'm out here. He can't get out of bed. I'm taking care of this shit for him. I've been here for six weeks. It's driving me crazy. Thanks. Hey, I'm here every day from 7:00 to 3:00. I'm Joe Oramas. What's your name? Fin. Fin? Yeah. Cool. Hey, your place around here? Yeah. Oh, shit. Oh! ! Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Just stay there. Don't move. Don't try to get up. Oh, I'm so sorry. God. - Are you okay? - I'm fine. - Can you move everything? - Yeah. Are you sure? Yes. I'm fine. Oh, God. Oh, God. I'm okay. I'm okay. Can I give you a ride somewhere? No. You're sure? Yes. I'm sorry. Hey. Yoo-hoo. - Good afternoon, Olivia. - Hi. One cafe con leche, two sugar, coming up. - How you doing today? - I'm fine. Here you go. Oh, hey, did you hear? Someone moved into the depot. Oh, that's great. Yeah. He's an interesting guy. Actually, he's a little guy. Shit. That it? Uh, two packs of Drum and some beef jerky. Help yourself to the jerky. Oh, shit. There he is. Ow! Oh! Oh! God! Oh! Oh, my God. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. I can't believe this. I can't. I am so sorry. - Here. - Stay. I saw you. I tried to put my cafe con leche down, and it spilled all over my ass. It burned me very bad, so I swerved. Can I at least give you a ride back to your train station? The hot-dog guy told me where you lived. No, I'm fine. You're sure? Yes. You're fine? You're... Ow. Yeah? Did she ask about me? What'd you tell her? Don't fucking tell her that. I don't know. Make some shit up. I'll call you back. Bye. Hey, Fin. Bro, you live here? Yes. Wow, we're neighbors. Nice. Hey, what happened to you? Nothing. Listen, do you want to go down to the Mill and grab a beer later? No, thanks. - You don't drink? - I do. You don't want to drink with me? - I don't like bars very much. - Oh. Hey, how about I go get a six? We can have it right here. No, thanks. What are you gonna do? I'm going for a walk. Oh, cool. You mind if I come along, man? I need the exercise. I'm turning into a fat shit. I usually go alone. I'm a good walker, o. I prefer to go alone. Okay. All right. Maybe next time, right? You know where to find me! Hi. You're safe. No car. I never told you my name. Olivia Harris. This is for you. A housewarming-slash-sorry- l-ran-you-off-the-road gift. Oh. Thank you. It's dark. Do you have any glasses? Or we could just swig from the bottle. I have mugs. Oh. When I was 19, I actually slept with a guy because he rolled his own cigarettes. Cheers. You never told me your name. Fin. Oh, that's a good name. You can get that if you want. My phone's disconnected. Oh, shit. It's mine. I always forget I have this thing. My husband gave it to me in case of an emergency. Although he's not my husband right now. We're separated. You don't have a phone? No. I love that. I hate phones. I have two. Never answer either of them. How'd you find this place? I inherited it. It's very nice. Oh! I love this. What is this? It's an old ticket box. Oh, look at this little drawer. - Careful. That doesn't... - Oh! Oh! Oh, God. I'm so sorry. Oh, my God. Oh. Can I sit here for a moment? Who left you this place? My friend Henry. When did he die? Three weeks ago. I'm sorry. My son, Sam, died. Two years ago. Would you mind not looking at me right now? Shit. Olivia! You miss your train last night? Hey. Brought you a cafe con leche. Thanks. Whoa. So, what happened? What do you mean? I been here for six weeks. I don't get two words. You're here 24 hours. It's sleepover time? She ought me a bottle of bourbon. Are you serious? You should get that. It's probably her. My phone's disconnected. Something's ringing. She left her phone. Sweet. So, what happened? - Be right back. - Yo! Hold on! Come on. Tell me what happened. You're not going anywhere today, are you? I'd like to return this. Do you know where she lives? I'd freeze her out. But that's just me. You're very lucky, o. She's a pretty woman. She got that sexy, smart older-woman thing going. Do you know where she lives? She's on Green Pond Road. Three miles down the road. Hey, listen. If you guys do something later, can I join you? We're not gonna do something. I know. But if you do, can I join you? We're not gonna do something later. Okay, but if you do? - Okay. - Cool. Hey. You the man. You the man. Hi, leave a message. Olivia? Are you there? Liv? Look, I really need to talk to you now. It's important, so please call me back. And I hope you're well. Okay. Bye. Shit. Janice? Hi! - Hey. - I had a client down here. - I thought I'd drop by. - Oh, how nice. You know, I hate to do this, but I've actually gotta run. - Well, that's too bad. - I know. Our crazy lives. How are you? I'm good. I'm good. I gotta go. Oh, that's okay. We ought to set a date. - Definitely. - I would love that. Oh, you forgot your phone. Just leave it. Bye. ! Oh, I'm so sorry. Oh, God, I didn't know anybody was in here. Can I help you? Check this book out? Okay. Um, do you have a li ary card? No. Okay, well, do you live in town? Yes. Okay, well, I need a proof of address. If you could ing in a piece of mail, then I can give you a card. You can put it on mine. - Hi. - Hi. No, thanks. I'll come back. You sure? Yes. Sorry about last night. I overstayed my welcome. Bye. Bye. Hey, Emily. Oh, God. I just screamed in his face. Oh. It's all right. Olivia left it. You're my hero, dawg. Hey, Fin. You want a cold one? So, what else? Hey, Fin, I'm taking off! Manana, baby! Hey, what are you doing? I'm searching the trucks for the company name. Well, these are trains, not trucks. The wheels on the trains are called the trucks. What grade are you in? I'm finished with school. Are you a midget? No. Where do you live? In the depot. My name is Cleo. My name's Fin. Bye. Hey, Fin! Wakey, wakey, baby! Hey, I'll be at the truck. Hey, Joe! Big Joe! What's up, fellas? Oh, look at the stash. Ron Jeremy. Thank you. I'll get your coffees. You know how I like it. - All right. - Thanks, o. Hey, how's your old man? He's doing better. Hey, let me get one of those. How long is he gonna be out? Holy shit. Look at that. It's fucking Mini-Me. Hey. Da plane! Da plane! - Fin! - You know him? Fin! Hey, boss! Hey, boss! Shut the fuck up. - Hey! - What? Shut up. - Why don't you ease up, Joey? - Two bucks. - I got it. - I'm light, man. Okay. Of course you're light. Hey, Joe, we're still playing softball every Friday night. Why don't you come by, man? You should ing your little buddy. How funny would that be? Him walking up to the plate, you know? It's like, Throw one in there! Throw one in there! - All right, see ya, Joe. - Take it easy, man. Hello, Olivia. Hi. One cafe con leche, extra sugar, coming up. - Thanks. - All right. Gonna pop in on Fin? What? Oh, no. I just drove past him. Where? The pond on Lake End Road. Tell you what. This one's on the house if you do me one favor. What? Do you like it out here, Olivia? Yeah. - What do you do for fun? - I don't. Me neither. It sucks, right? There's not enough cool people around here, you know? - Do you live alone? - Yep. Do you not like me or something? Why? You're not exactly pleasant towards me. Are you gonna say hi to Fin? I gotta get going. I know he wanted to thank you for the book. Bye, Joe. Hey. What's going on? Olivia says hi. She just gave me a ride. What are you doing? Watching trains. What's this? A train guide. Can I look at it? What time did the last train come? Hour and 23 minutes ago. Seriously? Holy boring. Mind if I hang out a while? No. - Are you hungry? - No. Thirsty? No. You don't really say much, do you? Guess not. Guess not. Hey, hold on. Olivia! Hey! - Oh. - Hey. You missed a great day of train watching. Oh. Maybe next time. Hey, Olivia! Yeah? Could you give us a ride home? My feet are killing me. Uh... Man, when you guys taste this, you're gonna be so happy we did this, trust me. Anybody? No, thanks. Fin. Everyone's doing it. It's there if you want it. Hey, Fin. Let me ask you a question. What do you think of Amtrak? I don't know. I've never ridden on Amtrak. - You've never ridden Amtrak? - No. That's weird, right? I thought that's what you train guys did. How's your dad, Joe? Well, he's driving me nuts, but he's better. Thanks. Chuleta con cebolla, con arroz con frijoles. Cuban surprise, in other words. Bring 'em in. What? Grace. - Really? - Yeah, we gotta give thanks. Come on. Bring them in. Hands around. - Who wants to say it? - You. God, thank you for letting us sit here and enjoy this meal. Please watch over everybody. Please let my dad heal 'cause he's driving me fucking crazy. Anybody you guys want to mention? No. Amen. Let's dig in. - Olivia, plate. - Oh. Fin? Let me ask you a question, Fin. Do you people have clubs? What do you mean? You know, like a train of the month club. Yeah, there are clubs. What do you guys do? Well, they get together, and they look at old photographs, and sometimes they watch a movie. Watch a movie? That's cool. Oh, shit. Sorry. This looks good. Uh, what kind of movies? Well, there are people called train chasers. They follow a train, and they film it. Are you a train chaser? No. How come? I don't know how to drive a car. And I don't own a camera. That'd do it. I gotta split. - You're leaving? - Yeah. That was my dad. He can't find his medication. Totally sucks. This was fun, right? Yeah. Cool. All right, well, we'll do it again, all right? Bon appetit. This is really good. Yes. We don't have to talk. We can just eat. I'm cool with that. Okay. Hey, Sancho Panza, what's this called again? Walking the right-of-way. How am I doing? You're doing okay. I told you I was a good walker, o. Boom! Give me another one. That one? Boom! Hi. - Hey. - Hi. Did you get any mail yet? No. Bye. You're fucking unbelievable, o. I don't suppose you want to grab a beer. No, thanks. You gotta get over the bar thing. Seriously. All aboard! Tickets, please! Next stop, Cleveland, Charity, Newark, San Diego, California, Winston. And San Diego, California. Next stop. Thank you very much. All aboard. Hi. Hi. What are you doing? I was looking for Fin. What's your name? Cleo. What's your name? Olivia. Are you Fin's mother? No. No, I'm just his friend. Do you want to see my spike collection? I don't know. What's a spike collection? You know, like, train spikes? Oh. Actually, that sounds kind of cool. I'd like that. Come on. I don't need a ticket? No. - You sure? - Yeah. Be careful. Hey, how about from L.A. To San Francisco? The Starlight Express. That's gotta be fucking beautiful. Yeah, but I think the Zephyr would be better. The Zephyr? Where does that go? Through the Rocky Mountains outside of Denver. Great mountain passes. Hey, Fin! Somebody left you something. Ooh, what's that? Happy moviemaking. Olivia. What's it for? Train chasing. No, it's not. Yeah, it is. - Can I see? - Nope. Hey. I know. I'm late. My pop was up coughing all night. He kept me up. Hey, grab those chairs, would you? Hey, man, question. Why don't you ever sit in the lounge? The lounge? The lounge. I like to read when I eat. You can't read in the lounge? You'll talk to me. Not if you don't want me to. Fin, I promise. I'll read, too. I got a book in here. Here. I'll read, too. This isn't so bad, right? Right. You reading about trains? Yep. You know what? You should get a job on the railroad. You said you weren't gonna talk to me if I sat here, Joe. I haven't said anything in, like, 20 minutes. Nine. - You timed me? - Mm-hmm. That's cold, o. Hey, you gonna walk the right-of-way today? No. Tomorrow? Yeah. The number for Olivia Harris on Green Pond Road. Thank you. What? Go back to your book, man. I don't think we should do this. Seriously? Come on. You can do it. This is a little scary. This is really beautiful, Fin. You sure there's no trains on this track? No, it stops right down there. I'm starving. You want some beef jerky? Absolutely. You had it all this time? Want some? I'll pass. Fuckin' delicious. Let me have a piece. Fuckin' good. So beefy. This is good. That was a good walk. Why is it called walking the right-of-way? It's complicated. You know, it's, uh... I'll let Fin answer this one. Fin? When the railroads were being built, the government took a lot of private land, saying the railroad needed the right-of-way through the property. Hey, can we get some sodas? We're closed! I'll play soccer with ya, though! Ooh! - He does enjoy life. You guys want to play? Let me have it! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Whoa! Whoa! - Ooh. - Jesus! Are you okay? Uh, I'm gonna... I'm gonna go. I'll see you later. Bye. Bye. Olivia! Hey! Olivia! Where's she going? This is Joe Oramas reporting live from the inside of Gorgeous Frank's Hot Dog Emporium. Open every day from 7:00 to 3:00. Keep it on me. Camerawork by... turn it on you, turn it on you. Finbar McBride! Whoo! We're train-chasing, baby! Coming at you live from the Susquehanna train! Whoo! This fuckin' train is huge! Yeah! Whoo! Hi, leave a message. Olivia, hey, what's up? Scorsese and Coppola here. Listen, we're done with the movie. We want to screen it. We can either do it at Fin's pathetic little hovel of a home or we can do it at your beautiful home with your beautiful self. Get back to us. Shit. Coming! You're early. Are we early? No. We're not early. Well, there's wine and beer in the fridge and liquor in that funny little cabinet in the corner. I'll be right back down. Holy shit. I heard that, Joe. What? I was just talking about the view. Bullshit. It's just that they're a little... I don't want to hear it, Joe. What do you think? What? Hey, Olivia! You got a garlic press? No. How can you not have a garlic press? Still no. All right. You keep talkin'. I'm gonna go cook without the garlic press. I'm not used to having people in my house. Especially loud people. It's a nice house. Yeah. David bought it as a getaway place, so... I moved down here and got away. Where did you used to live? Princeton. I know. I didn't get very far. I just couldn't stay there another minute. Everyone looking at me. The poor woman whose son died. How about you? What made you pick Newfoundland? I wanted to live near Joe. Guys. Would you come up here and talk? Seriously, this sucks. Finbar McBride! Whoo, we're train-chasing, baby! Trains are really cool. They are. So are horses. Whoo! What? I was just thinking that. Give me the joint, man. This fuckin' train is huge! Shh. Shh. Yeah! Have you ever been in love, Fin? Yeah. What happened? I was young... and, uh... really angry. About what? Um... Being a dwarf. You know, it's, uh... It's really funny how... different people... see me and treat me. Because I'm actually just a very simple, boring person. What about you? Are you still in love with David? Yes. I don't think he's moving. I'll wake him. No, you're not gonna have any luck. - Maybe I should go. - No. No. You're not leaving. You're both staying here. And don't argue because I'm just too tired. Would you like some water? No. I'm all right. Thanks. - You can get under the covers. - No. I'm fine. I ought you some water anyway. And a towel. That's Sam, huh? Yeah. He fell off the monkey bars. I turned my head for a second. Looks like a happy kid. He was. Well... - Good night. - Good night. Hi. Who are you? I'm Fin. Where's Olivia? I think she's upstairs sleeping. Hey, you're Olivia's ex. I just saw your picture in the kitchen. Yes. I'm Joe. I think Olivia's sleeping, man. Tore it up last night. Huh. David? Hi. What are you doing here? I wanted to talk to you. And you won't call me back. I didn't feel like talking. Yeah, yeah, I got that much. Can you guys leave us alone? Thanks. Are you gonna be okay? Yeah. You wanna explain that? - No. - No, what? I'd just like to know what the hell's going on. No, I came all the way down here because you won't pick up the phone. I have nothing to say to you! Don't walk away from me. Can you listen to me? Fin! Here, Fin. It's a permissión slip so you can speak at my school. I can't speak at your school, Cleo. Yes, you can. You can pick any Friday that you want. I'm sorry. I can't. Why? It's just not something I can do. You have to! I'm sorry. But I already told everyone you were coming! I'm sorry, Cleo. No, you're not. If you were sorry, then you would come. What was that all about? I guess no coffee for Olivia today. No. Guess not. I didn't like that guy, man. Who? Olivia's ex. Uptight white guy. Can I ask you a personal question? Sure. You've had sex, right? Yes. With a regular-sized chick? Yeah. With a regular-sized chick. You ever had it with someone your own size? No. Do you wanna? I don't want to talk about this, Joe. - Why? - I just... I just don't. Hi. Hi. I have my bill. Oh. Cool. I can make you out a card right now. I just need you to fill that out. There you go. And I'll get your card. Your first name is Finbar? Yes. My name's Emily. Hi. Hi. You have a nice chin. Thanks. A nice chin? Yeah. Seriously? Yeah. Fuckin' weird. That's Olivia. Hey! Olivia! That was her, right? I think so. What was that? She had to see us, right? Shit. It's my pop. We're going to the Mill tonight. He wants to know if you want to join us. Okay. Really? Yeah. Yeah, Good to Go. Yeah, okay. Address? 34 Green Pond Road. Yeah. Name? Harris. All right. Right, okay. Two of those. Yeah. All right. Yeah. Is that it? Okay, my delivery boy's out of the store now, so it's gonna be a couple of hours. Yeah, okay. Bye. Excuse me. That delivery for Olivia Harris. I'll take it to her. What? She's a friend of mine, and I'm... I'm gonna go that way. You're gonna have to pay for it. - Yeah. Sure. - Before you leave the store. Yeah. - Hey. - Hey. I got your groceries. I was in the store when you called, so I thought I'd ing them over for you. Thank you. How much? How are you? I'm fine. How much? $20. I got it. I got it. Thank you. Bye. Can I get you something? Yeah. Just a beer. Anything else? Getting a jump on happy hour? No. I'm waiting for a friend. Oh. Me, too. Do you mind if I sit here? So, I saw you at the hot dog stand. I live in the depot. - Oh, really? - Mm-hmm. Oh, cool. You're like that old guy in the movie who does the telegraph thing. Something like that. Oh. Hang on. Hey, where are you? So you couldn't call? No, it's fine. Don't come. I... no. Just do whatever you're gonna do. No, actually, I met a friend, and we're having a drink, so... I'm gonna go. Oh, my God, he's such a prick. You want your fries here, sweetie? Yeah, thanks. I'm pregnant. I haven't told anyone yet. Even Chris. I was gonna tell him today. He's probably gonna freak out. You don't have to say anything. I just wanted to say it. Thank you. Here. You can have some of my fries. You say you're okenhearted Where's your friend? You can't sleep at night I don't know. Can I give you a ride home? No, thanks. Thanks for hanging out. Sure. Of course. Hey, baby. This your little friend, huh? Fuck you, Chris. I'm leaving. Emily. Emily, wait. - Get off of me! - Hey. Please, don't do that. This is none of your business, all right? You want to get out of my way? Oh, my God, stop it! Stop it! Fin, go! Go! Just go! What's that guy's problem? Fucking freak. You're such a fucking prick. Emily. What? Hey. What's up? - I ought you some coffee. - Thanks. Hey, man, I'm sorry about last night. My pop, you see, he got a little pain, and so I got nervous, you know. And I called the doctor. He's okay, though. By the time I called the Mill, you were gone already. You gotta get a phone, o. So, was the Mill fun last night? Nope. Any word from Olivia? - No. - You wanna do something tonight? No. What the fuck, man? I said I was sorry. What more do you want from me? I want to be left alone, Joe. Okay? That's what I want. Fine. Be alone. Hi, leave a message. Pick up the phone. Liv? You're starting to scare me. Olivia? Pick up the goddamn phone! I was just about to knock. I'm sorry. No. Come in. Whoa. This place is cool. Can I... Wow. So, are you gonna fix this up? I don't know. - I suppose so. - You should. You could make it really nice. It's really nice right now, but... Where do you sleep? Couch. Oh. So, I just wanted to come by and say I'm sorry. Chris can be such an asshole when he gets angry, but he's really not a bad guy. It's just... God, it's so nice and quiet in here. Everybody's freaking out at my house about me being pregnant. I live at home. I was gonna move in with Chris, but... So, did the conductor guy used to live here? No. The conductor worked on the train. The station agent worked in here. Doing what? A lot of things. The train ought in the mail. And the agent delivered it. They sold groceries. They cut hair. Really? Yeah. Are you gonna open a salon? I'm retired, actually. Aren't you a little young to be retired? No. Dwarfs retire early. Common fact. Yeah, lazy dwarfs. Can I stay here tonight? Just sleep? Hey, Fin. Is that your girlfriend? No. Is that other woman your girlfriend? You mean Olivia? Mm-hmm. No. I liked her. Yeah. Me, too. When is she coming back? I don't know. What?! There is nothing! There is nothing! You have no right to say that. You just show up, and you tell me this? I've known you for 17 years! You've known me 17 fucking years, and you don't... you have no clue? No, David. What? What would be... What could be more important than this? What? How could you do this? Just go to hell! Olivia. Go away. Are you okay? I don't want you here, Fin. Go away. - Please, Olivia, just... - Look... I'm not your fucking girlfriend or your mother, all right? I know that. - Are you all right? - You're not a child! Get off the fucking porch, and leave me alone! Lay me down Two. Down it slow. Oh! Here I am! Take a look. Take a look! Lay me down... Olivia? Olivia? Olivia? Did you take these? He's having another baby. Did you take all of these? Oh, gosh. I gotcha, I gotcha. Come on. Oh, God, Fin. I want... I want... I want Sam back. I want him back. Oh, God. I want him back. You can come in now, Mr. McBride. Everyone, I want you to give Mr. McBride your full attention. I am here to speak about trains. The first real train in this country was built by Peter Cooper in 1829. Does anyone know what it was called? It was called the Tom Thumb. Since that time, trains have helped make this country what it is today. A long time ago, most people never left their towns because travel was hard. Uh, yes? How tall are you? Jacob! I'm, uh... I'm four feet and five inches tall. I'm taller than you. Jacob, come with me. I'm so sorry. Be back in a minute. Such a jerk. What about blimps? I think blimps came later. When? I'm not sure exactly. Blimps are cool. Well, so are trains. Yeah, well, they're both cool. Trains and blimps. Anybody hungry for dessert? I'm stuffed. Yeah. Me, too. There's plenty of food. We can have it for lunch tomorrow. Hey, when were blimps invented? I have no idea. Yeah, me neither. You can go down to the li ary and ask that little hottie. She is cute. It's the li arian fantasy, man. Glasses off, hair down. Books flying. She doesn't wear glasses. Well, buy her some. It's worth it.
I have the feeling that I should be angry with this child, with this childish young thing, or I shouldn't forgive her for not realizing the horrors, the monster, before it was too late, for not realizing what she was getting into. How could I have agreed to it so impulsively? I was not an enthusiastic Nazi. When I came to Berlin, I could have said No, I won't take part. I don't want to be sent to the Führer's headquarters. But I didn't say no. Curiosity got the better of me. And I simply never thought that fate would take me somewhere I'd never really wanted to be. And yet, it's very hard to forgive myself for doing it. The ladies are here. Military District ll has confirmed. - You may pass. FÜHRER'S HEADQUARTERS WOLFSSCHANZE RASTENBURG, EAST PRUSSIA, NOV. 1942 Please take a seat, ladies. I must ask you to wait a few minutes. The Führer is feeding his dog. He will be with you shortly. Tell me... How do we... How does one greet the Führer? The Führer will speak to you first, and you just say, Heil, my Führer. What about the Nazi salute? That won't be necessary. The Führer isn't recruiting you as soldiers, he's looking for a secretary. Behave normally. Just be natural. I'll ask him if he has time for you now. My Führer, the ladies from Berlin are here. I'd like to thank you for coming in the middle of the night, ladies. But in war, we aren't always masters of our own time. May I ask your name? - Margarethe Lorenz. Heil, my Führer. Where are you from? - Fulda. Heil, my Führer. - And you? Ursula Puttkammer. Heil, my Führer. - Leave that out, child. Tell me where you're from. Frankfurt on the Main, my Führ... I'm Hannah Potrovsky, born and raised in Berlin. To be precise, I come from Pankow. Hedwig Brandt from Crailsheim, Swabia. And you? Traudl Humps. I come from Munich. A Munich girl. So, Fräulein Humps... shall we start? Blondi won't hurt you. She has a very sharp mind. In fact, she's more clever than most people are. Just make yourself comfortable. Don't be nervous. I make so many mistakes when I dictate... You'll never make as many as I do. You're quite young. How old are you? 22, my Führer. My national comrades... German men and women... members of the Party... It is, I believe, a rare thing that a man can stand before his old supporters after 20 years in office, and that during those 20 years he did not have to modify his policies whatsoever. I suggest... that we try it again. I made it! He gave me a job! Berlin, 20 April, 1945 Adolf Hitler's 56th birthday 21/2 years later Duck! Keep moving! Get off the street! Duck! That's artillery. Are you crazy? How could they be firing artillery? Frau Junge, you're right! Those aren't bombs, it's artillery! It's the Russians. - What a fine birthday present! What's going on, Burgdorf? Where's that gunfire coming from? Happy birthday, my Führer. Central Berlin is being shelled, from the Brandenburg Gate to the Reichstag, up to Friedrichstrasse Station. - Where from? No reports yet. Koller's on the line. - Give him to me. Koller, do you realize Berlin is under artillery fire? No. - Don't tell me you can't hear the gunfire! No, I'm at Werder Game Park. - Berlin's in uproar! The Russians have taken a rail idge on the Oder. They've got no railway batteries near the Oder. That's not long-range gunfire. The flak command post in the Zoo-bunker claims the guns have a caliber of just 10 to 12 cm. The Russian battery is now in Marzahn. That's only 12 kilometers from the city center! Are the Russians that close? The entire air force command should be hanged! Outrageous! Outrageous! The Russians are just 12 kilometers from the city center, and nobody told me! I had to ask! My Führer, perhaps it's long-range gunfire. You mentioned a railway battery... Nonsense! Himmler is such a pompous clown! - Big shots! Big shots everywhere! It makes me sick just looking at them! The Führer is putting Clausewitz into operation today. Berlin as a front-line city... He won't be able to hold the city. If the Führer stays, he'll take the whole Reich down with him. We have to talk him out of it. Speak to Hewel... He's the only diplomat who can still influence him. Believe me, it's no use. Then talk to your sister-in-law. Why not? You're married to Eva Braun's sister, so you're related to the Führer. We have to try everything. Berlin is practically surrounded by the Russians. You're young. You'll be a father soon. Do you want to die in Berlin? - Certainly not. Gentlemen, the Führer! Everything out, and quick! We're leaving in two hours. What's going on? - We're packing! Leaving... Haven't you heard? Clausewitz is in effect. All government departments and Wehrmacht offices are leaving Berlin. Who's going to feed the civilians and soldiers? Don't ask me, Professor. This is insane! Ah, Professor! I won't allow my staff to be evacuated! - Is that so? The food supply to Berlin will collapse! A good soldier always finds something to eat! - Sure! And when fighting begins, who will he take food from? Civilians! I cannot permit it! - The Führer's orders! As the department head, I answer to the SS and to Himmler! But as a doctor I belong to the Wehrmacht, and we are still here! Please bear that in mind! The professor can stay in Berlin! Give him an authorized permit! Move out! Everything for Germany. Heil, my Führer! My Führer, I... Heil, my Führer! They can hardly wait to get away. I hate those two-faced sods who say Sieg Heil, but behind their backs say, Kiss my a... aunt. My Führer... I beg you to leave Berlin. It's not too late. Too late? Come here, Hewel. Hewel, you also feel we should get in touch with the Allies... and use politics. Yes, indeed. We should use politics. Politics? No more politics! I'm sick of politics! When I'm dead, you'll have enough politics to deal with! - My Führer... It's okay, my dear Himmler. My loyal Heinrich. It's okay... Go now. Between us, I'd say he's had it. - Yeah? What do you expect from a teetotal, non-smoking vegetarian? Be serious. I'll have to to take it into my own hands. Berlin will fall in the next few days. Once the Führer is dead, who will the Allies negotiate with? What makes you so sure they'll negotiate? They need the Nazi state and my SS to keep order after the war. Give me an hour with Eisenhower, and he'll agree. We're already in touch. Be careful, that's treason. - Fegelein, I have other worries. Should I give Eisenhower the Nazi salute or shake his hand? Well, well... The later it gets, the nicer the guests. Gentlemen, are you leaving already? I wanted to talk to you. The Führer's orders to destroy all public... - I really must go. Drop in to visit me at Hohenlychen sometime. My staff and I are heading north to support the battle for Berlin. So, Speer... the bombing raids on our cities have a positive side too. It's much easier to remove the de is than to tear everything down. Once we win the war, reconstruction will be completed very quickly. How many thousands of hours have we spent on these magnificent models? You're a true genius, Speer. Yes, you are. Only you and I realize that a Third Reich isn't possible if it only consists of department stores and factories, skyscrapers and hotels. This Third Reich will be a treasure house of art and culture that will survive the millennia... We see before us the ancient cities, the acropolis, we see medieval cities with their cathedrals, and we know that people need something like this, a center. Yes, Speer... That was my vision... And it still is. My Führer... If you want to realize these plans, you should leave Berlin. Say something, Eva. - He's the Führer. He knows what's right. Please leave Berlin. The Russians have nearly cut us off. I can't do that, child. I'd feel like a lama spinning an empty prayer-wheel. I must force an outcome in Berlin, or face my downfall. Speer... What do you say? You must be on stage when the curtain falls. Reload! Leave me alone! How old are you? 12? And you? 14? And you? Do you want to play war? Go home, play another game! - Who are you? What do you want? - My son... alive. You should be proud of him. He destroyed two tanks. Today. The Führer is giving him a medal. You're young. On which front did you fight? I haven't had the honor yet. You're lucky you haven't seen a battle yet. Send the children home. We will fight to the very last man. What are you defending? This is nothing but a trap. The Russians will attack from both sides, so there's no escape. We'll shoot back at them! With what? - We're using flak as artillery. The Russians are coming, several armies with tanks and heavy artillery. Do you really believe you can hold off their assault for even five minutes? We made our pledge to the Führer. Don't you understand? We've lost the war! It's over! Coward! Get outta here! Now! When the Russians come and you're still here, you'll all die! I may be repeating myself, but the 9th Army must retreat. Otherwise, it will be wiped out. The 9th Army will not retreat! Tell Busse to fight where he stands. In that case, the 9th Army is lost. We will drive back the Soviet units in the north and east with a relentless and almighty assault. With which units? Steiner's division will attack from the north and unite with the 9th. The 9th Army is unable to move north. The enemy outnumbers us 10 to 1. Have Wenck support them with the 12th Army. But the 12th Army is marching west, to the Elbe. Then tell them to turn around! That would expose the Western front. - Are you questioning my orders? I believe I've made myself perfectly clear! The western Allies will realize that only we can hold off the Bolsheviks. We're the last bulwark against the Asian hordes. If we hold Berlin for a few more days we'll make a deal with the Americans. Ah, Mohnke... you're here. - My Führer. I put Clausewitz into effect today. Berlin is now a front-line city. You're in charge of defending the government district. If there's a battle in Berlin, we'll fight to the last man. But there are over 3 million civilians. They have to be evacuated. I appreciate your concern, Mohnke. But we have to be cold-blooded. We can't worry about these so-called civilians now! With all due respect, what will become of the women and children, the thousands of wounded, and the elderly? In a war like this there are no civilians. The Führer has lost all sense of reality. He moves divisions that only exist on his map. Steiner's scattered unit can hardly defend itself, and now he wants Steiner to attack. It's insane! - Tell him yourself. He wouldn't listen. You know that. - Something has to be done. Are you crazy? He'd kick us out like Rundstedt and Guderian. - So what? We're soldiers! We pledged our allegiance to the Führer! Should that prevent us from thinking? Look who's talking! An opportunist! A ruthless careerist! Pardon? Where were you? - None of your damned business! My Führer, Berlin Hitler Youth's most successful tank hunters. I'm proud of you all. My Führer, this boy alone destroyed two tanks with a bazooka. His name is Peter Kranz. So your name is Peter. I wish my generals had your courage. Fine, fine. History will take note of you. And when Germania rises up from these ruins, you'll be the heroes. Heil to you! I don't know about you, but this gives me the creeps. I prefer bombing raids. What will happen to us? Yesterday, he told me it was alright if I left. Everyone's deserting him. We can't just get up and leave. I can't either. I've no idea where I should go. My parents and friends back home warned me. They told me not to get involved with the Nazis. Should I go back and say, I'm home. I made a mistake. When things got bad I realized my mistake. Life will go on, somehow. What do you think, Colonel? We should go. Where to? I don't know. Some place where we're needed. Come upstairs, everyone! We're going to have a party! Come on! Come on, kids! I want us to have some fun today. No matter where the enemy goes he has to find nothing but wasteland. That's the death sentence for the German people. No electricity, no gas, no clean water, no coal, no transportation. By destroying all our railways, canals, docks, ships and locomotives, we would hurl Germany back to the Middle Ages. You'd be robbing our people of every chance to survive. If the war is lost, it's immaterial if the people perish too. It is not necessary to consider the German people's primitive survival needs. On the contrary, it is better to destroy those things ourselves. They have proved themselves too weak and it is a law of nature that they will be exterminated. They are your people. You are the Führer. The only ones who will survive the battle are the inferior ones. Our best people have fallen already. Here you go. Oh, come on, you're supposed to dance. With pleasure. Excuse me. - Yes, of course. What's the matter? Convince him that we have to leave Berlin, Eva! Or come with me. You're going to die. Put on the music! I want to dance! Dance! Anything in particular? - Swing. Traudl... It's all so unreal... ...like a dream where you want to wake up, but you can't. It keeps going on and on... Gerda, I feel sick... Come on! Come on! I haven't moved my command... I haven't moved my command post! ...to the west...? I'm 1000 meters from the enemy! - General! Hello? Hello! The report, General? I'm to be shot. - What? What for? They claim that I moved my command post to the west, away from the enemy. - Not a bad idea. Come with me. Schenck. - Mohnke. I'm at the chancellery bunker defending the government district. I need your help. - That's difficult, everyone's been evacuated. Everyone's gone except me and my adjutant. You're a doctor? - Yes. Internist. Find a vehicle and ing us all the morphine, penicillin and first-aid supplies you can find! I'll see what I can do. - Thank you, and hurry. I have to see the Führer. What for? I'm to be shot. Wait here. Your guns, please. Not here. Guard post 2. Roger. General... Not you. Heil Hitler. - Heil Hitler. What's going on? Why am I to be shot? You know the Führer has forbidden any westward retreat. Officers who disobey are to be arrested and shot on the spot. What do you mean? My units have been in fierce battle for days! My command post is just one kilometer from the front line. Go on. You see this, don't you? Don't use that tone with me! Now do what you have to do! I think you should explain it to the Führer yourself. Come along. I can't let you through. - I'm here on orders from Commander Mohnke. We need first-aid material from the military hospital. It's empty. They all left. And the wounded? - How should I know? I'll have a look. - Colonel! - Stay here! Careful you don't get killed. There are Russians everywhere. See that? It's the end of the Reich. That's Russki territory! May I? He's so damn stubborn. Why didn't he let me do it? I should be with my troops. Are you sure the Führer needs me? Drink up! The Führer's orders! You really impressed the Führer. - You don't think Steiner'll attack? I doubt that Steiner's units are able to attack, but why am I telling you this? You know better than I do. If Steiner doesn't attack, Berlin will be lost. Congratulations, your report really impressed the Führer. He has appointed you commander of Berlin's defense. I'd rather have been shot than have this honor... Tank alarm! Stay calm. They're too far away to do anything. Out of the way please, ladies. Is that German artillery out there? - I'm afraid not. But Steiner's attack should be underway by now! You have to leave. There isn't much time. But the Führer believes Steiner's attack will make good of the situation. I heard him say that Steiner's assault will turn things around. All the Führer's advisors know that's absurd! I'd not be surprised if he thinks so too. - Why would he deceive us? What does he have to lose? I don't believe a word of it! The enemy has oken through along a wide front. They've taken Zossen to the south and are advancing to Stahnsdorf. They're on the northern outskirts between Frohnau and Pankow. They've reached Lichtenberg, Mahlsdorf and Karlshorst to the east. Steiner's assault will ing it under control. My Führer... Steiner... Steiner couldn't mobilize enough men. He wasn't able to carry out his assault. These men will stay here: Keitel, Jodl, Krebs and Burgdorf. That was an order! Steiner's assault was an order! Who do you think you are to dare disobey an order that I give? So this is what it has come to! The military has been lying to me. Everybody has been lying to me. Even the SS! Our generals are just a bunch of contemptible, disloyal cowards. I can't permit you to insult the soldiers... They are cowards, traitors and failures! My Führer, this is outrageous! Our generals are the scum of the German people! Not a shred of honor! They call themselves generals! Years at military academy just to learn how to hold a knife and fork! For years, the military has hindered my plans! They've put every kind of obstacle in my way! What I should have done is liquidate all the high-ranking officers, as Stalin did! I never attended an academy, and yet I have conquered Europe all by myself! Traitors! I've been betrayed and deceived from the very beginning! What a monstrous betrayal of the German people. But all those traitors will pay. They'll pay with their own blood. They shall drown in their own blood! Gerda, please calm yourself. My orders have fallen on deaf ears. Under these circumstances, I am no longer able to lead... It's over. The war is lost. But, gentlemen, if you believe I am going to leave Berlin, you are seriously mistaken. I'd rather blow my ains out. Do whatever you like. The Führer didn't really mean he'd shoot himself... Frau Junge and Frau Christian... Get changed. A plane is leaving in an hour. It will take you south. Everything is lost... Hopelessly lost. You know I'll stay with you. I won't let you send me away. I'm staying too! What now? It's time to end this spectacle. What? You want to give up? That's unthinkable. The Führer said we won't surrender. We won't repeat November 1918. Never! You heard him. He'll no longer lead us. He said, Do whatever you want. - The Führer is the Führer! He'll pull himself together. Great. And what happens then? We can never surrender. The Führer would never approve. We swore to obey his will. - Nothing but empty phrases! We have to do something before it's too late. You want to save your own skin. - Stop it! Damn it! We'll never get out alive. It's all over. - Just wait. But the Führer is uncertain. What if he kills himself? Günsche said there's a tunnel under the Russian lines to the Yanks. Why did you say you'd stay with him? I don't know... honestly. They've stopped. Come on. Let's go for a walk. Traudl... Look... Hey girls, I need a cigarette. Let's go back down again. Where did they come from? - New Volkssturm recruits! Assigned this afternoon! Tell them to get out of the line of fire! These recruits are under Dr. Goebbels' command! I want them outta there, right away! I'll answer for it. I'm not sure it's the right way. Oh, splendid. Stop! Lights out! Stop. Don't move. Don't move. - Lucky! Germans. Help! They want to kill us! What's going on here? - They're MPs. I don't believe it! Stop it! Let those men go! What's going on here? - It's none of your business! We found these deserters in their homes. They'll be shot, like every traitor. They're old men, civilians. You can't do that! No? Who's going to stop me? You? That's enough. Move out! Here's a doctor. Can you operate? Not really. Tell Ilse that the children can't take too many toys. One toy per child. And no unnecessary nightclothes. - Minister Goebbels... My wife and children are coming. Please take care of them. Thank you. Brigadeführer, what can I do for you? The Russians are mowing down your Volkssturm recruits. They lack experience and suitable weapons. That is compensated for by their fervent belief in the final victory. If you can't arm these men, they can't fight. They are dying in vain. I feel no sympathy. I repeat, I feel no sympathy! The German people chose their fate. That may surprise some people. Don't fool yourself. We didn't force the German people. They gave us the mandate. And now their little throats are being cut. Yes? Eva, you have to leave the Führer. Hermann! - Don't be stupid. It's a matter of life and death. How can you say such a thing? Where are you? I've decided not to die in Berlin. Hermann, does my sister know where you are? I have to call you back. Hi there, kids. Your room's on the right. Wait for me. Hello, Frau Goebbels. - Nice to see you, Frau Junge. Come on now, get in line! Come here, Helga. Get in line. We'll put on our best clothes, and then you can say hello to Uncle Hitler. Yes! Yes! Yes! Remember your song? Yes. No land is more beautiful... ...far and wide than the land we call our own... If you want to be certain, shoot the gun into your mouth... Your skull will explode. You don't notice a thing. You die immediately. I want to look nice when I'm dead. I'll take poison. If I'm going to die heroically I don't want to feel any pain. That's a sure-fire way. It paralyzes the nerves and the respiratory system. You die within seconds. Could I have one, too? Me, too. Thank goodness Himmler left me well supplied. Thank you. I'm so sorry I can't give you a better present. Berlin, 23 April, 1945. My dearest sister, I'm so sorry I have to write you this. But there's nothing we can do. At any minute, it could all be over. You should know that Hermann isn't here. But I truly believe you'll see him again. I'm sure he'll continue the fight in Bavaria for a certain time. The Führer has lost all belief in a favorable outcome. My beloved son, I don't know if this letter will reach you. Perhaps there is some human soul who will pass on my final words to you. I've stayed with Papa against his will. Last Sunday, the Führer wanted to help me leave. You know your mother well. We have the same blood. I had no second thoughts. Our magnificent idea has died... along with every beautiful, admirable, noble, good thing I've ever known. The world after the Führer's death and after National Socialism is no longer worth living in. That's why the children are here. They are too good for what will come. A merciful God will understand me for giving them redemption. I'll wear the golden acelet with the green stone until the very end. Then it may be taken from me, and you shall wear it just as I have always worn it. I'm afraid I sent my diamond watch to the jeweler's. I wrote the address at the bottom. If you're lucky, you can get it back. I want you to have it. You'll also get the diamond acelet and the topaz pendant which the Führer gave me for my birthday. The bill I'm including for Heise & Co. Hasn't been paid yet. You might receive some other bills, too, but not for more than 1,500 Reichsmarks. Please burn all private and business letters to the Führer at once. I'm also sending you food and cigarettes. Please give Lindners and Kathl some of the coffee. The cigarettes are for Mandi. The tobacco is for Papa. The chocolate is for Mom. That's all I can tell you. It's enough for now. I wish you the best of luck, my dearest sister. And remember, I'm sure you'll see Hermann again. Best regards and kisses. I remain... your sister... Inge! Listen Keitel, I want you to leave tonight. Make your way to Dönitz. Help him organize everything. We have to get things moving again. I don't understand. It's a disaster. We have no more oilfields. It's impossible to carry out far-ranging operations. Once I've managed this situation, we must recover the oilfields. Any more questions? No, my Führer. Fine. Have a nice trip. My Führer, Following your decision to stay in Berlin, do I have your approval as Vice Chancellor to immediately take charge of the entire Reich... with the necessary power and authority? If I receive no answer by 10 p.m., I will assume that you have been incapacitated. I will serve the well-being of our people and fatherland. He's betraying Germany... and you! Göring's concern isn't unjustified. If our communication system eaks down, which could happen any time, we'd be cut off from the world. We could no longer pass on orders. I see it differently. Göring wants to seize power. I never trusted that mob he gathered at Obersalzberg. It stinks of a coup. That failure! That bloodsucker! A parvenu! A lazybones! How dare he declare me unable to act! Tomorrow he might declare me dead! - Hello, Frau Junge. How did you reach Berlin? It wasn't easy. I have to see the Führer. I'd wait if I were you. The air force... What did he do with it? That's reason enough to execute him! That morphine addict helped to corrupt this country. And now this! He has betrayed me. Me! I want Göring to be deprived of power and removed from office. If I don't survive this war... that man is to be executed at once. What about us? Is there any hope? Leave before it's too late. The Führer wants to stay here. We can't leave him alone. For that which awaits the Führer, he won't need anyone. Least of all you. But Herr Goebbels and his wife are staying. The children too. But the children... I'd always thought that... I thought there was some way out... Come in. Albert... hello. Fever? Albert, my heart can't take it. Why don't you take the children and get out of here? But where to? I once told you, I can send a barge to Schwanenwerder. It can be fixed up as a hideout until it's all over... which won't be long. I've thought it through carefully. I won't let the children grow up in a world with no National Socialism. Think it over again, Magda. The children deserve a future. If the idea of National Socialism dies, there is no future. I can't believe you really want this. Go... Come in. I knew you'd come. You're not one of those who'd abandon the Führer. I... I've just come to say goodbye to the Führer. I have to return to Hamburg tonight. - Of course. Take a seat. Look, I ought some of the furniture you designed for me. I just couldn't part with it. Come on, help yourself. I bet you haven't eaten all day. You happen to be right. Thanks. It's so important that you came. It shows him you're on his side. Did he have his doubts? He's been wondering if you were possibly against him. But I kept telling him you'd come. And now you're here. It pleased him that you advised him to stay in Berlin. I think it's the right choice, too. You know what? It may be crazy, but... I'm really happy to be able to stay. And I'm not afraid. Yes? So... you've come. My Führer... It's okay... Let's sit down. I had such big plans for the Germans and for the world. No one understood me, not even my oldest comrades. What huge opportunities we had. The world was within reach... Too late. What I am proud of is that I openly confronted the Jews... and I cleansed the German lands of Jewish poison. It isn't hard for me to go. Just that one moment... ...and then eternal peace. Spare the German people, my Führer. If my own people fail this test, I will shed not one tear for them. They deserve nothing else. It's their own destiny. They themselves are to blame. For months... I must tell you this, my Führer... For months I have not carried out your orders of destruction. Documents exist which prove that I not only ignored, but even acted contrary to your orders. I had to tell you. My personal loyalty to you never wavered throughout. So, you're leaving... Fine. Goodbye. I wish you all the best. So gentlemen, eat your fill. Peter! Everything's okay, my boy. Fever. Yes, but he's alive. Courage and loyalty still exist. Lord von Greim and Frau Reitsch, I am pleased that... you both arrived uninjured, more or less. Be seated. We were under heavy fire but were able to land in Gatow. The roads were impassable, so... we got a plane, a Fieseler Storch, and flew over the Russian lines, landing on the East-West axis, a few hundred meters from here. Just before landing, we got hit by Russian artillery. General von Greim, I appoint you Commander in Chief of the Air Force and General Field Marshal. A great responsibility rests on your shoulders. You must shake up the entire air force. Many mistakes have been made. Be ruthless. Life never forgives weakness. This so-called humanity... is just priests' drivel. Compassion is a primal sin. Compassion for the weak... is a betrayal of nature. The strongest can only be victorious by eradicating the weak. I have always obeyed this law of nature by never permitting myself to feel compassion. I have ruthlessly suppressed domestic opposition and utally crushed the resistance of alien races. It's the only way to deal with it. Apes, for example, trample every outsider to death. What goes for apes goes even more for human beings. In Lübeck, Himmler has made an offer to surrender to the western powers through Count Bernadotte... ...according to a report by English radio. Himmler... Of all people, Himmler! The truest of the true! This is the worst betrayal of all! Göring, of course...
Göring, of course... He was always corrupt. Speer, an idealistic, unpredictable artist! All the others! Yes! Yes! Yes! But not Himmler. Has he gone crazy? He claimed authority by saying that I was sick, perhaps already dead. Please leave me alone with Lord von Greim and Frau Reitsch. And ing me Fegelein. My Führer, we don't know where he is. But he's Himmler's adjutant, he must be here! We haven't seen him for days. I want his report at once! Please stay, Doctor. You and Greim are to leave at once. Fly to Dönitz. Tell him to do everything necessary to ensure Himmler receives just punishment. My Führer, Lord von Greim and I have decided to die with you here. Thank you for this sign of loyalty. But Himmler must die. He committed treason! It was the right decision not to inform him of my plans. My Führer? Do you think I'd stand by and watch those Jewish pigs do me in? This is all part of a gigantic ploy. I allowed the enemy to invade the Reich. They believe they've won, but you'll see, Greim. It'll be a rude awakening for them. Dönitz is mobilizing troops in the north, Kesselring in the south. We will crush the enemy in a massive pincer movement. And I have 3 armies near Prague which will attack from behind. I had no idea that we still have so many troops available. I have made arrangements that within a short time you will have thousands of jet fighter aircraft, so you can make the air force as powerful as it once was! I kneel down to your genius and before the altar of our fatherland. Heil, my Führer. You have requested to leave Berlin? As you know, all the medical units and staff under Himmler's authority have left Berlin. Himmler is a traitor. He will receive the punishment he deserves. As an SS physician, I have no more duties here. Your application to leave Berlin is completely unacceptable. My... family... If the Russians find me here... I have to leave! You did nothing wrong. Future generations will be thankful for the medical research you did. I'll take responsibility for it all. Let's discuss this another time. We can't find Gruppenführer Fegelein. He is not in the bunker. - What do you mean, can't find him? Then look for him! I want to see Fegelein at once! If he's gone AWOL, it's desertion! Treason! Bring me Fegelein! Fegelein! Fegelein! Dad, why are you wearing your Sunday uniform? Ernst... is something wrong? No... Thank you. Gitte is hungry, too. Well, Ilse, now you have to eat something, too. Thank you. - You're welcome. Thank you. What's going on? You're under arrest. What? - For desertion. Get dressed. You must come with us. Kiss my ass! Let go, you bastard! You got no right! Please don't let them kill Hermann. He wanted to flee, it's beyond doubt. So what? It's all over anyway. Think of my poor sister. She's pregnant! He collaborated with Himmler. He's a traitor. There is no compassion for traitors. There is no mercy for traitors. He'll be court-martialled and shot. What good is that now? It is my will! You're the Führer. Go ahead. The Russians are eaking through everywhere. There are no reserves left, and air support has stopped. There's no way to ing in more ammunition. The Russians have reached Weidendammer Bridge, Lustgarten to the east, Potsdamer Platz to the south and Tiergarten to the west, 300-400 meters from the Chancellery. How long can you hold out? One or two days at most. The government district too? Yes, my Führer. My Führer, as a soldier I suggest we try to eak through the encirclement. During the fight for Berlin we've already lost 15-20,000 of the younger officers. But that's what young men are for. Your suggestion is absurd! Insane! Think of the thousands of wounded. We can't help them now. My Führer... the orders are ready. I give you my word... The Führer can't just disappear from history like some inglorious fugitive! - Even if we got out successfully, I'd only be escaping one trap to fall into another. I'd have to sleep in the open air or in a farmhouse or something similar and wait for the end to come. Wenck is approaching with the 12th army. He can unite with Busse's 9th Army and inflict a crushing blow on the Russians to save us all. Wenck is a man of excellence. Telegraph Keitel. Report to me immediately: First, where are Wenck's front lines? Second, when are they attacking? Third, where is the 9th Army? Fourth, where will the 9th Army eak through? You'll see, gentlemen. I'll be proved right. Wenck will come. Wenck will come. I want to know if it's possible for Wenck to attack or not. It's unlikely that Wenck's small force can attack the Red Army... How dare you say it's unlikely? Wenck has nothing to confront the Red Army! Why don't you tell the Führer? Have you all gone crazy? - The Führer knows it himself! But he will never surrender! And we won't either! I went through that before! And once is enough! Come on. I have to get out of here. Stopp! Heil Hitler! Sorry, I fell asleep. So you rested up a bit, dear? Take it in shorthand. My political testament. Since 1914, when I invested my modest strength in the First World War, which was forced upon the Reich, over 30 years have passed. In those 3 decades, all my thoughts, actions and my life were dictated by my love for and loyalty to the German people. Sorry, but the heavy gunfire... You sit there. Centuries will pass, but from the ruins of our cities and cultural monuments our hatred will be renewed for those who are responsible, the people to whom we owe all this: The international Jewry and its supporters. What's wrong, Herr Minister? Imagine! The Führer wants me to leave Berlin. He ordered me to leave. I've never disobeyed one of the Führer's orders. Never! But I will not obey this order. I will stand by the Führer. I'm sorry, Frau Junge, but... I have to dictate my personal testament to you. I'm typing the Führer's testament. Fine. I understand. I'll get back to you. My Führer, I... The Race Laws require me to ask you this: My Führer, are you of pure Aryan descent? Yes. - May I see your ID? You're talking to the Führer. - Yes, sir. And are you, Frau Braun, of pure Aryan descent? Yes. - Then the matter is... There are no obstacles... I ask you: Do you, my Führer Adolf Hitler, take Eva Braun to be your lawful wedded wife? - I do. Do you, Eva Braun, take the Führer Adolf Hitler to be your lawful wedded husband? - I do. I hereby declare you man and wife. I need two men! You'll be okay. The Führer wants to see you at once. - At this hour? How long can you hold out? Perhaps 20 hours. No longer. The Russians are just a few hundred meters away. For the moment we've stopped them. Know what, Mohnke? The Western democracies are decadent. They will be defeated by those disciplined people of the East. All the best. Thank you. It wasn't only for Germany. Keitel's report. First, Wenck is stuck south of Lake Schwielow. Second, the 12th Army cannot continue its assault on Berlin. Third, the bulk of the 9th Army is encircled. My Führer, we need instructions in case we run out of ammunition. I will never surrender. Never. I forbid you to surrender. That goes for every other commander as well. Listen, Günsche. Frau Braun... my wife and I will commit suicide. But I don't want the Russians to exhibit my body in some museum. Don't let me fall into their hands, dead or alive! I want my body to be burned, so it can never be found. Günsche... Promise you will make all necessary arrangements for the disposal of my mortal remains. My Führer... This is a terrible order, but I will carry it out. Kempka. - Erich, I need 200 liters of gasoline. Are you crazy? Where do I get that much gasoline? From the parked vehicles. No one needs them now. Why do you need so much gas? I can't tell you on the phone. Come with me, please. The Führer wants to see us. Should I tell him you can't come? It's my pneumothorax. I won't last much longer anyway. Excuse me, Madam. This way, Professor. Please wait here. Excuse me... I'm sorry to interrupt your important work. My Führer, preserve our belief in the final victory! Lead us, and we will follow you! Come on. Come in and join us! Here, have a drink. Drinking's all we have left. - Have a seat. That's better. Yes sir, our situation is hopeless. It's what you call shitty! Be seated. We are honored, Fräulein... Frau... You may call me Frau Hitler. Don't worry, it's all right. Pity we can't go outside anymore. Only if you want a hero's death. Fritz, pull yourself together! Yes, sir! Pull myself together! Duck! That was a close call. Heil Hitler! Obersturmbannführer, what's up? - I must report to the Führer. Not now. Have a seat. Sit down, drink up. May I introduce you to Frau Hitler? So young and so many medals! You must be proud of yourself. I must go. I'm not used to drinking anymore. You can use our toilet. Go ahead. If your hand shakes, the bullet might only destroy the optic nerve. That's why it's advisable to take poison too. Pull the trigger the moment you bite the capsule. Will I have enough time to do it? The poison takes effect after 1 or 2 seconds. Tornow, you too. Come on, Blondi. Frau Junge, I've known him... my husband... for over 15 years. But when I think about it, I don't know anything about him. Although he likes to talk. I was looking forward to Berlin. But he's changed so much. He only talks about dogs and vegetarian meals. I really hate Blondi. Sometimes I kick her secretly, then Adolf wonders about her behavior. It seems he doesn't want anyone to see inside him. I mean deep inside. In private, he can be such a caring person. But then he says... such utal things. When he's the Führer? Come on, let's have a smoke. I'm sorry. You've so many worries, and I sit here whining. Frau Junge, let me give you this coat as a going-away present. I love well-dressed women. I want you to have it and to enjoy it. What a surprise. Thank you. I have no idea where and when I could wear it. Please... try to get out of here. Promise me. Thank you, that was very good, Fräulein Manziarly. The time has come. It's over now. The Führer wants to say farewell. You're the avest mother in the whole Reich. My Führer, you've made me the happiest woman in Germany. Give my regards to Bavaria. Why are you here? - We want to see Aunt Eva and Uncle Hitler. Have you had anything to eat? - Just eakfast. I'll get you something to eat and be right back, okay? Okay. Comrades, have you heard the latest news from outside? Berlin's a city of warehouses. Where's my house? Where's my house? Herr Günsche, I have to see the Führer. Please! - The Führer does not want to be disturbed by anyone. Please, Günsche. Just one moment. Please! My Führer, Frau Goebbels is here. What now? My Führer, I beg you to leave Berlin! My Führer, please... Don't leave us! What will become of us? Tomorrow millions of people will curse me, but fate has taken its course. Get up... Come on. Come on... Aunt Traudl, I really like those loud booms! Why? - Nothing can happen to us here, can it? You're right. Bull's eye! Herr Reichsleiter, it has happened. The Führer is dead. There's Papa. Are you crazy? That gasoline has caused... - Be quiet, Erich. Step back! Come on! Come on! No! Don't! Let go of Grandma! Order... Order... Order must be restored! Run, Grandpa, run! Go after those two! Here, this way! We know our way through the ruins! Trust us! Hurry! I WAS ON THE SIDE OF THE RED BEASTS I SUPPORTED THE BOLSHEVIKS. I hope the Russians got our message. We'll know in a minute. - Or maybe not. What news do you ing us, General? Hitler and his wife committed suicide in the Führer's bunker. The new government has empowered me to begin peace negotiations. Between our two countries which have suffered the highest casualties. General, would you want peace in my position? My government will not accept an unconditional surrender. Under the circumstances, there's no other alternative. We'll never surrender! Outrageous! I conquered Berlin against the Reds years ago! And I will defend it against the Reds to my dying eath! I won't use my final hours as Reich Chancellor to sign a statement of surrender! We must protect civilians! - The Führer's order is final! Have you gone mad? We have to negotiate. I repeat, gentlemen, I will never agree to surrender! - Telegraph Marshal Schukov. Marshal Schukov? - What's going on? - This is crazy! We must surrender to the Russians! - I'll shoot you! The Führer forbade any kind of surrender! How long does it last? - About 4 hours. Alright, children. Dr. Stumpfegger has ought the medicine I told you about. - It's bitter, but it's good for you. Everyone gets a sip. Who's first? Heide, you're always so ave. One more sip. It wasn't that bad. Good... Helmut? Good. It will keep you from getting sick in this damp bunker. But it isn't damp here. Good, good. Helga... I don't want any. Do you want to get sick? - Please, Mama. I don't want to. Don't cry. It won't help if you cry. You have to drink it. Helga! Come on! Open your mouth! Papa! Now! Drink. Drink! Sleep tight, children. One day the lies will vanish, and light will ighten the darkness. Would you read it to me, please? One day the lies will vanish, and light will ighten the darkness. Let's do it again. One day the lies will vanish, and above them... truth will triumph once again. It will be the moment when we stand above everything, pure and... unblemished. We don't stand a chance. - I don't care. I want out. How do we cross the Russian lines? I won't stay a minute longer. We're gonna die! - Stop it! It won't be so bad. The Russians will get us if we stay. Good luck. - Okay, let's go. On 30 April 1945, the Führer committed suicide. Thus he abandoned all those who had pledged allegiance to him. German soldiers, you obeyed the Führer's orders and were prepared to continue the battle for Berlin, although you were running out of ammunition and further resistance was futile. I order an immediate ceasefire. Every further hour of battle will only prolong the civilians' terrible suffering and the suffering of our wounded. In agreement with the Soviet Army Supreme Command, I order you to cease fighting at once! Weidling, former Commanding Officer of the Berlin Defense Force. A glass of water, please. I need you no longer. The dice is cast. It's time, Doctor. - You see how busy we are. I insist that you accompany us. So that's it. Go on. You've done a great deal. Thank you. Schädle, come with me. Sorry, I'm not going anywhere. Let's go! Sturmmann Krüger gets the Iron Cross, 2nd class, for defending Wolf Bridge. Sturmmann Wagner took out 2 machine gun posts and defended Puttkammer Strasse. He gets the Iron Cross, 2nd class. Sturmmann Rauch gets the Iron Cross, 2nd class, for helping messengers get through enemy lines. The others! Oh God! Duck, Müller! Get outta here! Hurry! Help! Who goes there? A German. Herr Hewel? Hewel, thank God you're alive. Where are the others? I don't know, Frau Junge. Somewhere... perhaps. I'm sure most of the people in my group are dead. I never should have left the bunker. I should have shot myself. But I couldn't. Eat something. There's time enough to die. Attention! Stay with the women. Come here. The Russians have surrounded us. What will we do? You can try to get through. I'm not taking another step. Think it over. The Russians are only after us. As women, you have a chance. Give it a try. Good luck. When you go past the Russians, don't look anybody in the eye. Don't forget. Good luck. The Russians! Let's go. Go ahead... I can't go on. Please. I have to try. Don't be angry with me. I'll manage. Doctor! My comrades want to surrender to the Russians. May I join you? The Führer is dead. You want to fight the war alone? I feel committed to my oath. Then talk to the Brigadeführer. The Russians are clearing the area. - Yes? - No resistance. No shots have been fired. - They'll be here in an hour. What should we do? - Our honor won't allow us to surrender! What does that mean? When the Russians come, we fire until we're out of bullets. Then we blow our ains out. Rubbish! Is this murderous, suicidal killing for the sake of prestige the only way out? We're SS officers. We can't outlive the Führer's death! Who else feels that way? Want to sit with me a moment? - I'd love to. Why do you want to go on living? And why do you want to die? See this? The Führer himself gave it to me. A final decoration? Perhaps. Hitler gave it to me at his farewell. He made me swear a vow. That I would kill myself the moment the Russians captured me. Hitler made you promise to kill yourself? But why? He probably didn't want me to be forced to speak negatively of him. But as a diplomat, you are protected by international law. Who will benefit if you keep your promise? They're here! Don't shoot, comrades! We have surrendered. The war is over. It's over. Germany officially surrendered on May 7, 1945. It was agreed that all hostilities end at midnight, May 8. By then, the war had cost over 50 million lives. 6 million Jews had been murdered in German concentration camps. GERDA CHRISTIAN was able to escape and avoided imprisonment. She died in Düsseldorf on April 14, 1997. PROF. DR. ERNST-GÜNTHER SCHENK was released from Soviet captivity in 1953. He died in Aachen on December 21, 1998. GENERAL WILHELM MOHNKE was released from Soviet captivity in 1955. He died in Damp, near Eckernförde, on August 6, 2001. GENERAL HELMUTH WEIDLING died in Soviet captivity in 1955. PROFESSOR WERNER HAASE was arrested by the Red Army in the military hospital bunker. He died in Soviet captivity in 1945. OTTO GÜNSCHE was captured by the Soviets and was released from Bautzen prison in East Germany in May 1956. He died in Lohmar, near Bonn, in 2003. HANNA REITSCH survived the war and went on to set many world flying records. She died on August 28, 1979. LORD ROBERT VON GREIM committed suicide in Salzburg on May 24, 1945. HEINZ LINGE and JOHANNES HENTSCHEL were captured by the Soviets. Linge was released in 1955. He died in Bremen in 1980. Hentschel was released in 1949. He died in Achern on April 27, 1982. CONSTANZE MANZIARLY vanished without a trace in Berlin, during her escape. ALBERT SPEER was arrested in Flensburg in 1945. He was sentenced 20 years at the Nuremberg Trial and was released in 1966. He died in London in 1981. GENERALS KEITEL and JODL were sentenced to death at the Nuremberg Trial and executed. HERMANN GöRING was sentenced to death but committed suicide in prison before the execution was carried out. HEINRICH HIMMLER tried to escape under a false identity with other fleeing refugees. After being exposed and captured, he committed suicide. MARTIN BORMANN and DR. LUDWIG STUMPFEGGER committed suicide close to Lehrtertrain station on the morning of May 2, 1945. ROCHUS MISCH was released from Soviet captivity in 1955. He now lives in Berlin. TRAUDL JUNGE was classified by the Western Allies as a young follower. She continued to work as a secretary for various companies and lived in Munich until her death in 2002. Of course, the terrible things I heard from the Nuremberg Trials about the 6 million Jews and the people of other races who were killed were facts that shocked me deeply. But I wasn't able to see the connection with my own past. I was satisfied that I wasn't personally to blame and that I hadn't known about those things. I wasn't aware of the extent. But one day I went past the memorial plaque which had been put up for Sophie Scholl in Franz Josef Strasse, and I saw that she was born the same year as me, and she was executed the same year I started working for Hitler. And at that moment I actually sensed that it was no excuse to be young, and that it would have been possible to find things out.
Do you have any idea what they were arguing about? Do you speak English? Yeah. No. I'm sorry, my German is not very good. Have you heard that as couples age... ...they lose their ability to hear each other? No. Supposedly, men lose their ability to hear high-pitched sounds... ...and women lose hearing in the low end. I guess they nullify each other. I guess. Nature's way of allowing couples to grow old together... ...without killing each other. What are you reading? Oh, yeah. How about you? I was thinking about going to the lounge car. - Would you like to come with me? - Yeah. Okay. How do you speak such good English? I went to school for a summer in Los Angeles. - It's fine here? - Yeah, this is good. And I spent some time in London. - Wow. - How do you speak such good English? Me? I'm American. - You're American? Are you sure? - Yeah. No, I'm joking. I knew you were American. And you don't speak any other language, right? Yeah, yeah. I get it, I get it. I'm the crude, dumb, vulgar American... ...who doesn't speak other languages, who has no culture. But I tried. I took French in high school. When I first got to Paris... ...I stood in line at the metro station. I was practicing. Whatever. And I get up there, and I look at this woman... ...and my mind goes blank. And I say, I need a ticket to get to... So anyway... So where are you headed? Well, back to Paris. - My classes start next week. - You're still in school? Where? La Sorbonne. You know? Sure. You're coming from Budapest? - I was visiting my grandmother. - Oh. How is she? She's okay. - She's all right? - She's fine. - How about you? Where are you going? - I'm going to Vienna. Vienna? What's there? No idea. I'm flying out of there tomorrow. You're on holiday? I don't really know what I'm on. You know? I've just been traveling around, riding trains for two or three weeks. You were visiting friends or just on your own? I had a friend in Madrid, but... - Madrid, that's nice. - I got a Eurail pass... ...is what I did. That's great. So has this trip around Europe been good for you? Yeah, sure. It's been... It sucked. What? It's had its... I'll tell you, sitting for weeks on end looking out the window... ...has actually been kind of great. What do you mean? Well, you know, for instance... ...you have ideas that you ordinarily wouldn't have. - What kind of ideas? - Want to hear one? - Tell me. - All right. I have this idea, okay, for a television show. Some friends of mine are cable-access producers. Do you know what that is? Anybody can produce a show real cheap, and they have to put it on. I have this idea for a show that lasts 24 hours a day for a year straight. What you do is you get... ...365 people from cities all over the world... ...to do these 24-hour documents of real time. Capturing life as it's lived. You know, it would start with a guy waking up in the morning... ...and taking the long shower... ...eating a little eakfast, making a little coffee... ...reading the paper... wait. All those mundane, boring things... ...everybody has to do every day of their fucking life? I was going to say, The poetry of day-to-day life. You say it your way. I'll say it my way. - Think of it like this... - who's gonna watch? Think about it like this. Why is it that a dog sleeping in the sun... ...is so beautiful? It is. It's beautiful. But a guy taking money from a bank machine... ...looks like a complete moron? So it's like a National Geographic program, but on people. Yeah. What do you think? Yeah, I can see it. Like, 24 boring hours... Sorry... ...and a three-minute sex scene where he falls asleep right after. Yeah, and that would be a great episode. People would talk about that episode. You and your friends could do one in Paris if you wanted. I don't know. The key, the thing that haunts me is the distribution. Getting these tapes from town to town so it would play continuously. Because it would have to play all the time, or it just wouldn't work. Thank you. Thanks. You know what? Not service oriented. Just an observation about Europe. My parents never really spoke of the possibility... ...of my falling in love or getting married or having children. Even as a little girl... ...they wanted me to think as a future career as a, you know... ...interior designer or lawyer or something like that. I'd say to my dad, I want to be a writer. And he'd say, Journalist. I'd say I wanted to have a refuge for stray cats. He'd say, Veterinarian. I'd say I wanted to be an actress. He'd say, TV newscaster. It was this constant conversion of my fanciful ambition into these... ...practical moneymaking ventures. I had a good bullshit detector when I was a kid. I always knew when they were lying to me. By high school, I was dead set... ...on listening to what everybody thought I should do with my life... ...and doing the opposite. Nobody was ever mean about it. I just could never get very excited... ...about other people's ambitions for my life. But you know what? If your parents never... ...fully contradict you about anything and are nice and supportive... Right. ...it makes it even harder to officially complain. Even when they're wrong, it's this passive-aggressive shit. You know what I mean? I hate it. I really hate it. Well, you know, despite all that kind of bullshit... ...that comes along with it... ...I remember childhood as... ...this magical time. I do. I remember when my mother first told me about death. My great-grandmother had died, and my family had visited them in Florida. I was about 3, 3 1/2 years old. Anyway, I was in the back yard playing... ...and my sister had just taught me how to take the garden hose... ...and do it in such a way that... ...it sprayed into the sun and would make a rainbow. And so I was doing that... ...and through the mist, I could see my grandmother. And she was just standing there, smiling at me. And I held it there for a long time... ...and I looked at her. And then finally, I let go of the nozzle, you know? And then I dropped the hose... ...and she disappeared. And so I run back inside and tell my parents. And they sit me down and give me this big rap on how... ...when people die, you never see them again, and how I'd imagined it. But I knew what I'd seen. I was glad I saw that. I've never seen anything like that since. But I don't know. It just kind of let me know how ambiguous everything was. Even death. You're lucky you can have this attitude toward death. I think I'm afraid of death 24 hours a day. I swear. I mean, that's why I'm in a train right now. I could've flown to Paris, but I'm scared. - Oh, come on. - I can't help it. I know the statistics say, Na, na, na, it's safer. whatever. When I'm in a plane, I can see the explosion. I can see me falling through the clouds. And I'm so scared of those few seconds of consciousness... ...before you die. When you know you're gonna die. I can't stop thinking that way. It's exhausting. Yeah, I bet. Really exhausting. - I think this is Vienna. - Yeah. - You get off here, no? - Yeah, what a drag. I wish I'd met you earlier. I really like talking to you. Yeah, me too. It was really nice of you too. I have an admittedly insane idea, but if I don't ask you this... ...it'll haunt me the rest of my life. What? I want to keep talking to you. I have no idea what your situation is... ...but I feel like we have some kind of... ...connection. Right? Yeah. Me too. Right. Great. Here's the deal. Get off here in Vienna and come check out the town. - What? - Come on. It'll be fun. - Come on. - What would we do? I don't know. All I know is I catch a flight tomorrow morning at 9:30... ...and I can't afford a hotel, so I was going to walk around... ...and it'd be more fun if you came with me. And if I turn out to be a psycho, just get on the next train. All right, all right. Think of it like this. Jump ahead 10, 20 years, okay? And you're married. Only your marriage doesn't have that same energy it used to have. You start to blame your husband. You think about all those guys you've met in your life... ...and what might've happened if you'd picked up with one of them. I'm one of those guys. That's me. So think of this as time travel... ...from then to now to find out what you're missing out on. What this could be is a gigantic favor... ...to you and your husband to find out you're not missing anything. I'm just as big a loser as he is. Unmotivated. Boring. You made the right choice. You're happy. Let me get my bag. We should get a locker for all this. What's your name? My name? Jesse. James, actually, but everybody calls me Jesse. You mean, Jesse James, no? No. No, just Jesse. I'm Celine. This is a nice idge. Yeah. This is kind of weird. Isn't it? I mean, I feel a little awkward. - But it's all right. Right? - Yeah, this is great. - Let's go to some places. - Yeah, let's go to some places. - Let's ask these guys. - Okay. Excuse me. Excuse me? Sprechen sie English? - Ja. Of course. - Do you speak German for a change? - What? - No, it was a joke. We just got into Vienna today, and we're looking for something fun to do. Like museums, exhibitions... But museums are not that funny anymore these days. They are closing right now. How long are you going to be here? Just for tonight. Why did you come to Vienna? What could you be expecting? We're on honeymoon. Yeah, she got pregnant, we had to get married... I don't believe you. You're a bad liar. This is a play we're both in. We would like to invite you. You're actors? Not professional. Part-time for fun. It's a play about a cow and Indians searching for it. There are also politicians, Mexicans... Russians, communists... - You have a real cow on stage? - No, an actor in a cow costume. - He's the cow. - Yes, I am the cow. - And the cow's a bit weird. - The cow has a disease. She's acting a bit strange. Like a dog. If someone throws a stick, she fetches it. And she can smoke with hoofs and everything. - Great. - As you see, there is the address. It's in the second district. Near the Prater. You know it? The big Ferris wheel? We should go. We should. Perhaps you can go to the Prater before the play. It starts at 2130. - 2130? - It's at 9:30. - 9:30. - Oh, right. What's the name of this play? It translates as Bring Me the Horns of Wilmington’s Cow. I'm wilmington's cow. - All right. - Great. - You'll be there? - We'll try. I'm the cow. Goodbye. I got an idea. Are you ready? It's Q and A time. We've known each other a little while. We're stuck together, so we'll ask each other a few direct questions. All right? - We ask each other questions? - And you have to answer honestly. - Of course. - Okay. All right, first question. - You. - Yes, I am going to ask you. Describe for me your first sexual feelings... ...towards a person. My first sexual feelings? Oh, my God. I know. I know. Jean-Marc Fleury. Jean-Marc Fleury? We were at this summer camp together, and he was a swimmer. He had bleached-out chlorine hair and green eyes... ...and to improve his times, he'd shave his legs and arms. - That's disgusting. - He was like this gorgeous dolphin. My friend Emma had a big crush on him. So one day, I was cutting across the field back to my room... ...and he came walking up beside me. I told him... ...You should date Emma. She has a big crush on you. And he turned to me and said... ...well, that's too bad, because I have a big crush on you. So, yeah, it really scared the hell out of me... ...because I thought he was so fine. Then he officially asked me on a date. I pretended I didn't like him. You know, I was so afraid of what I might do, you know. So I went to see him swim a few times at the competition. And he was so sexy. Really. I mean, really sexy. We wrote these little declarations of love at the end of the summer... ...and, you know, promised we would keep writing forever... ...and meet again very soon and... Did you? Of course not. Then this is the opportune time to tell you I'm a fantastic swimmer. - Really? - Yeah. - I make note of that. - Okay. - So it's my turn. No? - Yes, your turn. Hit me. Have you ever been in love? Yes. Next question. - What was the... - wait a minute. - So I can give one-word answers? - Why not? After I went into detail about my sexual feelings? They're different questions. I could answer the sexual-feelings thing. But, you know, love... I mean, what if I asked you about love? I would have lied, but at least I would have made up a great story. Love is a complex issue, you know? I mean, yes, I've told somebody that I love them, and I've meant it. But was it totally unselfish, giving love? Was it a beautiful thing? Not really. You know, it's like, love... I mean, I don't know. You know? - Yeah. I know what you mean. - But as far as sexual feelings go... ...it started with an obsessive relationship... ...with Miss July, 1978. Do you know Playboy magazine? - I've heard of it. - You know Crystal? You don't know Crystal? Well, I knew Crystal. Is it my turn now? Tell me something that really pisses you off. - Really drives you crazy. - Pisses me off. - God, everything pisses me off. - List a couple. Oh, I know. I hate being told by strange men... ...strange men in the street... ...you know, to smile to make them feel better about their boring life. What else? I hate... I hate that 300 kilometers from here, there's a war... ...people are dying, and nobody knows what to do. Or they don't give a shit. I don't know. I hate that the media's trying to control our minds. - The media? - Yeah, the media. It's very subtle, but it's a new form of fascism, really. I hate... I hate when I'm in a foreign country, especially in America... ...each time I wear black or lose my temper or say anything about anything... ...they always go, Oh, it's so French. It's so cute. I hate that. I can't stand that. Really. Is that all? Well, there's a lot of things, but... - So it's my turn. - Okay. - You're gonna answer. - Yes, I'll answer. What's a problem for you? You, probably. What? I had a thought the other day that kind of... ...qualifies as a problem. What is it? It was a thought I had on the train, so... Okay. All right. Do you believe in reincarnation? Yeah. Yeah, it's interesting. A lot of people talk about past lives and things like that, you know? And even if they don't believe in it in some specific way... ...people have a notion of an eternal soul. - Yeah. - Okay. This is my thought: 50,000 years ago... ...there's not even a million people. Ten thousand years ago, there's, like, two million people. Now there's between five and six billion people on the planet. If we all have our own... ...individual, unique... ...soul... ...where did they all come from? Are modern souls only a fraction of the original souls? If they are, that represents a 5000 to 1 split of each soul... ...in the last 50,000 years, which is a blip in the Earth's time. So at best, we're these tiny fractions... ...of people walking... Is that why we're so scattered? Is that why we're so specialized? Wait a minute, I'm not sure... Yeah, I know, I know. It's a totally scattered thought. Which is kind of why it makes sense. I agree with you. Let's get off this damn train. This place is pretty neat. Yeah. There's even a listening booth. Have you heard of this singer? I think she's American. A friend told me about her. Do you want to go see if that listening booth still works? Yeah, okay. There's a wind that Blows in from the north And it says that loving Takes this course Come here Come here No, I'm not impossible to touch I have never wanted you so much Come here Come here Have I never laid down by your side Baby, let's forget about this pride Come here Come here Look at this. This is beautiful. Quick. It's leaving. Look, there's a rabbit. Yeah. Hey there, rabbit. It's so cute. I visited this as a young teenager. It left a bigger impression on me at that time than the museums. Yeah? It's tiny. I know. A little old man talked to us. He was the groundskeeper. He explained that most of the people buried here... ...had washed up on the bank of the Danube. How old are these? Around the beginning of the century. It's called No Name Cemetery... ...because they often didn't know who those people were. Maybe a first name, that's all. Why were all the bodies washing up? I think some were from accidents on boats and things like that. But most of them were suicides that jumped in the river. I always liked the idea of all those unknown people lost in the world. When I was a little girl, I thought... ...if none of your family or friends knew you were dead... ...then it's like not really being dead. People can invent the best and the worst for you. Here she is, I think. Yeah, this is the one I remember the most. She was only 13 when she died. That meant something to me. I was that age when I first saw this. Now I'm 10 years older, and she's still 13, I guess. That's funny. That's the Danube over there. That's a river, right? Yeah. This is... ...gorgeous. Yeah, this is beautiful. I mean, we got... we got a sunset here. - Yeah. - We got the Ferris wheel. It seems like... ...this would be a... what? You know... Are you trying to say you want to kiss me? But you know what? It doesn't matter what generation you're born into. Look at my parents. They were angry, young May '68 people revolting against everything. The government, their conservative Catholic backgrounds... Then I was born, and my father became a successful architect. We traveled around the world while he built idges... ...and, you know, towers and stuff. I mean, I really can't complain about anything. They love me more than anything... ...and I've been raised with all the freedom they fought for. And yet, for me now, it's another type of fight. We have to deal with the same shit, but we can't really know... ...who or, you know, what the enemy is. I don't know if there really is an enemy. Everybody's parents fucked them up. Rich kids' parents gave them too much. Poor kids', not enough. Too much attention, not enough attention. They either left or taught them the wrong things. My parents are just two people who didn't like each other much... ...who got married and had a kid. And they tried their best to be nice to me. - Did your parents divorce? - Yeah, finally. They should have done it sooner. They stuck together... ...for the well-being of my sister and I. Thank you very much. I remember my mother told me right in front of my father... ...that he didn't really want to have me. That he was pissed off when he found out she was pregnant. That I was a big mistake. That really shaped the way I think. I always saw the world as this place where I really wasn't meant to be. That's so sad. Well, I mean, I eventually kind of took pride in it. You know, like my life was my own doing. You know, like I was crashing the big party. That's the way to see it. My parents are still married and I guess they're happy. But I think it's healthy to rebel against everything that came before. You know, I've been wondering lately... ...do you know anyone who's in a happy relationship? Yeah, sure. You know, I know happy couples. But I think they lie to each other. Yeah. People can live their whole life as a lie. My grandmother was married... ...and I thought she had an uncomplicated love life. But she just confessed to me that she spent her whole life... ...dreaming about another man she was in love with. She just accepted her fate. It's so sad. In the same time, I love that she had these emotions... ...and feelings I never thought she had. I guarantee you it was better that way. If she'd known him, he'd have disappointed her eventually. - How do you know? - I know. I know. People put romantic projections on everything. It's not based in any kind of reality. Romantic projections? Oh, Mr. Romantic up in the Ferris wheel? Oh, kiss me. The sunset. Oh, it's so beautiful. Tell me about your grandmother. What were you saying about her? Check these guys out. Hans, I have a confession. I'm not wearing underwear underneath this. Oh, really? Does that frighten you? Can I tell you a secret? Yeah. Come here. - What? - Come here. Look at this palm reader. She's interesting looking. Yeah. - Uh-oh. Uh-oh. - What? - I made eye contact. - She's not coming over here. - Yes, she is. - Oh, shit. Oh, no. - You want your palm read? - No. - Are you sure? - I'm sure. - Okay. - Hello. Oh, here she is. I want your palm read. Yeah. How much is it? For you, 50. Okay? Okay. So you have been on a journey... ...and you're a stranger to this place. You are... ...an adventurer. A seeker. An adventurer in your mind. You are interested in the power of the woman. In the woman's deep strength and creativity. You're becoming this woman. You need to resign yourself to the awkwardness of life. Only if you find peace within yourself... ...will you find true connection with others. That is a stranger to you? I guess so. You will be all right. He's learning. Okay. Money. You're both stars. Don't forget. When the stars exploded billions of years ago... ...they formed everything that is this world. Everything we know is stardust. So don't forget, you are stardust. That's very nice and all. I mean, that we're all stardust... ...and you're becoming this great woman. But I hope you don't take that any more seriously... ...than some horoscope in a newspaper. What? She knew I was on vacation and that we didn't know each other... ...and that I was going to become this great woman. But what was that I am learning bullshit? That's way condescending, you know? I mean, she wasn't even doing me. I mean, if opportunists like that ever had to tell the real truth... ...it would put them out of business. Just once, I'd love to see some little old lady save up all her money... ...to go to the fortuneteller. She'd get there and the woman would say... ...Tomorrow and all your remaining days... ...will be exactly like today... ...a tedious collection of hours. And you will have no new passions and no new thoughts... ...and no new travels. And when you die, you'll be completely forgotten. Fifty schillings, please. That I'd like to see. It's so funny how... ...she almost didn't notice you. It's weird. I wonder why. She was really wise and intense. I really loved what she said. You pay your money to hear what makes you feel good about yourself. Maybe there's a seedy section of Vienna. We can buy a hit of crack. Would you like that? You're so... Stardust. Stardust. There's an exhibition. I guess we'll miss it. It doesn't start until next week. Yeah, I think so. I actually saw this one in a museum. I stared and stared at it. Must have been 45 minutes. I love it. La voie ferrée. It's great. I love the way the people are dissolving into the background. Look at this. It's like the environments... ...are stronger than the people. His human figures are always so transitory. It's funny. Transitory? Transitory. - You think this is open? - I don't know. Let's try it. I was in an old church like this... ...with my grandmother a few days ago in Budapest. Even though I reject most of the religious thing... ...I can't help but feeling for those people that come here... ...lost or in pain, guilt... ...looking for some kind of answers. It fascinates me how a single place can join pain and happiness... ...of so many generations. You're close with your grandmother? Yeah. I think it's because I always have this strange feeling... ...that I'm this very old woman laying down, about to die. You know, that my life is just... ...her memories or something. That's so wild. I always think that I'm still this 13-year-old boy... ...who doesn't really know how to be an adult, pretending to... ...live my life, taking notes for when I'll really have to do it. Like I'm in a dress rehearsal for a junior high play. That's funny. Then up there in the Ferris wheel, it was like... ...this very old woman kissing this very young boy. Right? Do you know anything about the Quakers, the Quaker religion? No, not much. Well, I went to this Quaker wedding once... ...and it was fantastic. What they do is... ...the couple comes in and they kneel in front of the whole congregation... ...and they stare at each other. Nobody says a word unless they feel that God moves them to speak... ...or say something. And then, after an hour or so of just... ...staring at each other... ...they're married. That's beautiful. I like that. This is a horrible story. What? It's not the appropriate place to tell it. Well, I was driving around with this buddy of mine. He's a big atheist, you know. And he came to a stop next to this homeless guy. My buddy takes out a $100 bill... ...and leans out the window... ...and he says, Do you believe in God? And the guy looks at my friend, he looks at the money. He says... ...Yes, I do. My friend says, wrong answer. We drove away. That's mean. Would you be in Paris by now if you hadn't gotten off the train? No, not yet. What would you be doing? I'd probably be hanging around the airport... ...crying in my coffee because you didn't come with me. I'd probably gotten off the train in Salzburg with someone else. Oh, yeah? Oh, I see. So I'm just a dumb American... ...momentarily decorating your blank canvas, huh? - I'm having a great time. - Really? Me too. I'm glad, because no one knows I'm here. I don't know anyone that would tell me... ...all those bad things you've done. - I'll tell you some. - Yeah, I'm sure. You hear so much shit about people. I always feel like... ...the general of an army when I start dating. Plotting my strategy and maneuverings... ...knowing his weak points, what would hurt him, seduce him. It's horrible. If we were always around each other... ...what would be the first thing about me that would drive you mad? No. I'm not going to answer this question. I dated this girl once who used to always ask me that. What about me bugs you? Finally I said, I don't think you handle criticism too well. She flew into a rage and oke up with me. That's true. All she wanted was to have an excuse... ...to tell me what she thought was wrong with me. Is that what you want? Something about me bugs you? - What is it about me bugs you? - Nothing at all. If it had to be something, what would it be? If it had to be something, if I had to think about it... ...I kind of didn't really like this reaction at the palm reader. You were like this rooster prick. What the hell is a rooster prick? You were like a boy whining... ...because all the attention wasn't focused on him. All right, listen. This woman robs you blind, okay? You were like a boy walking by an ice-cream store... ...crying because his mom won't buy him a milk shake. I don't care what this charlatan has to say about... what? I understand a little, but he doesn't at all. May I ask you a question? So I would like to make a deal with you. I mean, instead of just asking you for money, I will ask you for a word. You give me a word, I take the word, and then I will write a poem... ...with the word inside. And if you like it, if you like my poem... ...if it adds something to your life in any way... ...then you can pay me whatever you feel like. I'll write in English, of course. - Okay. - All right. Great. So? Pick a word. A word. - Milk shake. - Milk shake? Oh, good. I was gonna say rooster prick. But great. Milk shake. Milk shake? Okay, milk shake. - All right, so... - Good. I gotta say, I like this Viennese variation of bum. I like what he said about adding something to your life. So, were we having our first fight back there? I think so. I think we were. Even if we were, why does everyone think conflict is so bad? There's a lot of good things coming out of conflict. Yeah, I guess so. I always think if I could just accept the fact... ...that my life was supposed to be difficult, that's what's expected... ...then I might not get so pissed off. And I'd just be glad when something nice happens. That's why I'm still in school. It's easier to have something to fight against. Well, we've all had such competitiveness ingrained in us. You know, I can be doing the most nothing thing. Throwing some darts or shooting some pool. Then all of a sudden, I feel it come over me. I have got to win. Is that why you tried to get me off the train? Competitiveness? What do you mean? I got a poem. Oh, all right. Will you read it to us? Sure. Okay. Daydream delusion Limousine eyelash Oh, baby, with your pretty face Drop a tear in my wine glass Look at those big eyes See what you mean to me Sweetcakes and milk shakes I am a delusion angel I'm a fantasy parade I want you to know what I think Don't want you to guess anymore You have no idea where I came from we have no idea where we're going Lodged in life Like anches in the river Flowing downstream Caught in the current I carry you You'll carry me That's how it could be Don't you know me? Don't you know me by now? Great. - Thanks. - Thanks, man. Here you go. - Thanks. - All right. - Here. Thank you. - Thank you. Good luck. It was wonderful, no? - What? - He probably didn't just write that. He wrote it, but he probably plugs that word in. You know, whatever, milk shake. What do you mean? Nothing. I loved it. It was great. You know what drives me crazy? People talking about... ...how great technology is, how it saves all this time. But what good is saved time if nobody uses it? If it just turns into more busy work. I never hear anybody say, with the time I've saved using my word processor... ...I’m gonna go to a Zen monastery and hang out. - You don't hear that. - Time is so abstract anyway. - Are you looking at this girl? - What? Nothing. You wanna go in here? - You wanna go in here? - Yeah. It's a club, no? Wanna go? Hello. Fifty schillings. - Each. - I got 100. Here, I got it. I'll buy you a beer. Thank you. - You gonna buy me a beer? - Yeah. You think Old Milwaukee is expensive here? We haven't talked about this yet, but are you dating anyone? You got a boyfriend waiting on you back in Paris or anything like that? - No, not right now. - But you did. We oke up six months ago. Six months ago? Oh, I'm sorry. I mean, I'm not that sorry. Tell me about it. No way. I can't. It's really, really boring. Come on. Tell me about it. I was really disappointed. I thought this one would last for a while. He was... ...very stupid, ugly, bad in bed, alcoholic... - You know. - A real prize winner. I was kind of giving him a favor. But he left me, saying I loved him too much. I was blocking his artistic expression or some shit like that. But anyway, I was traumatized and became... And became totally obsessed with him. So I went to a shrink, and it came up that I had written... ...this stupid story about this woman trying to kill her boyfriend... ...and how she'd do it. It's all the details of how to do it and not get caught... She was gonna kill her boyfriend? Yeah, she was. It's nothing I would do, but it was just some writing. No, I understand. This stupid shrink believed everything I told her. It was my first time seeing her. She said she had to call the police. She had to call the police? She was totally convinced I was really gonna do it. Even though I had explained it was just some writing. She said, looking into my eyes, The way you said it... ...I know you are going to do it. She was totally out of her mind. It was my first and last session. So what happened then? I totally got over him. But now, I'm obsessed... ...that he's gonna die from an accident or 1000 kilometers away. And I'm gonna be the one accused. Why is it you become obsessed with people you don't... ...really like that much? I don't know. So how about you? - What? - Are you with anyone? It's funny how we managed to avoid this subject for so long. But now you have to tell me. Well, I kind of see love... ...as this escape for two people who don't know how to be alone. It's funny. People always talk about how... ...love is this totally unselfish, giving thing. But if you think about it, there's nothing more selfish. I know. So who just oke up with you? What? You sound like you just were hurt. Do I? All right. Big confession. I should've told you this earlier or something. I didn't come to Europe just to... ...hang out and read Hemingway in Paris and shit like that. I saved up my money all spring to fly to Madrid... ...and spend the summer with my girlfriend... - Your girlfriend? - My ex-girlfriend... ...who has been on this art history program for the last year. Anyway, I got here. We were reunited at long last... ...and we went out to dinner our first night with six of her friends. Pedro, Antonio, Gonzalo... ...Maria, Suzy from home. She managed to avoid being alone with me for the first few days... ...and I stuck around just to let it sink in that she wished I hadn't come. So I bought the cheapest flight out, this one leaving out of Vienna. It didn't leave for a couple weeks, so I bought this Eurail pass. You know what's the worst thing about somebody eaking up with you? It's when you remember how little you thought about... ...the people you oke up with, and you realize... ...that that is how little they're thinking about you. You'd like to think you're both in pain... ...but really, they're just, Hey, I'm glad you're gone. Believe me, I know. You should look at ight colors. That's what the shrink told me. I was paying her 900 francs an hour... ...to hear that I was a homicidal maniac... ...but I could shift my obsession if I would concentrate on ight colors. Did it work? - Didn't help your pinball. - Well, no. Yeah, well, you know, I haven't killed anyone lately. Not lately? That's good. You're cured then. There's eeds of monkeys, and all they do is have sex... ...all the time. And they turn out to be the least violent... ...the most peaceful, the most happy. So maybe fooling around's not so bad. - Are you talking about monkeys? - Yes, I am. - I thought so. - Why? I never heard this one. But it reminds me of this perfect... ...male argument to justify them fooling around. Women monkeys are fooling around too. Everybody's fooling around. That's cute. I have this awful, paranoid thought... ...that feminism was mostly invented by men so they could... ...fool around more. Woman, free your mind, free your body. Sleep with me. We're all happy and free, as long as I can fuck as much as I can. All right. But maybe there's some biological things at work here. If you had an island... ...and there were 99 women on the island and only one man... ...in a year, you'd have the possibility of 99 babies. But if you have an island with 99 men and only one woman... ...in a year, you have the possibility of only one baby. So... You know what? On this island, I think there will be only, like, maybe 43 men left. They would've killed each other trying to fuck this poor woman. And on the other island, there would be 99 women, 99 babies... ...and no more man. Because they would've all eaten him alive. Oh, yeah? There's something to that. On some level, women don't mind the idea of destroying a man. I was walking down the street with my ex-girlfriend... ...and we'd just walked by these four thuggy-looking guys next to a Camaro. And one of them says, Hey, baby. Nice ass! So I'm like, No big deal. I won't get uptight about this. Plus, there were four of them. Exactly. But she says, Fuck you, dickheads! And I'm like, Okay. Wait a minute, here. They're not gonna come over and kick her ass. So who just got pushed to the frontline on that one? Women say they hate it if you're all protective. But if it suits them, then they'll tell you you're being unmanly. You know what? I don't think woman really wants to destroy man. Even if they want to, they don't succeed. I'm sure even men are destroying women... ...or are capable of destroying women much more than women... Anyway, it's depressing. You know what? - You wanna stop talking about this? - I hate it. Men, women, it's... There's no end to it. It's like a skipping record. Every couple's been having this conversation forever. And nobody came up with anything. I saw a documentary on that. It's a birth dance. A birth dance? Should I give her some money? Everything that's interesting costs a little money. So a birth dance, huh? Looked a little bit like a mating dance to me. No, but really. Women used it when giving birth. In part of the world, they still do it. The woman in labor enters a tent... ...and the women of her tribe surround her and dance. They encourage her to dance with them... ...so as to make the birth less painful. And when the baby is born, they all dance in cele ation. I don't think my mom would've gone for that. I like the idea of dancing as something everybody participates in. I know. I heard about this old guy... ...who was watching some young people dance. He said, How beautiful. They're shaking off their genitals to become angels. I like that. One question, though. When the women are dancing and being all spiritual and stuff... ...where are the men? Are we out food gathering? Are we not invited? You all don't need us? Men are lucky we don't bite off their heads after mating. Certain insects do that, like spiders and stuff? We let you live. What are you complaining about? See, you're officially kidding. But there's something to that. You keep inging stuff like that up. No, no. Wait a minute. Talking seriously here. I mean, I always feel this pressure of being... ...a strong and independent icon of womanhood... ...and not making it look like... ...my whole life is revolving around some guy. But loving someone... ...and being loved means so much to me. I always make fun of it and stuff... ...but isn't everything we do in life... ...a way to be loved a little more? I don't know. Sometimes I dream... ...about being a good father and a good husband. And sometimes it feels really close. But then other times... ...it seems silly... ...like it would... ...ruin my whole life. And it's not just a fear of commitment... ...or that I'm incapable of caring or loving because... ...I can. It's just that, if I'm totally honest with myself... ...I think I'd rather die knowing... ...that I was really good at something. That I had excelled in some way... ...than that I'd just been in... ...a nice, caring relationship. I had worked for this older man, and once he told me... ...that he had spent all of his life thinking about his career. He was 52, and it suddenly struck him... ...that he had never really given anything of himself. His life was for no one and nothing. He was almost crying saying that. I believe if there's any kind of God... ...it wouldn't be in any of us... ...not you or me... ...but just this little space in between. If there's any kind of magic in this world... ...it must be in the attempt of understanding someone sharing something. I know, it's almost impossible to succeed... ...but who cares really? The answer must be in the attempt. I think this is a civilization in decline. Look at the service. Where is the waitress? In New York, she'd be out of a job. I'm gonna call my friend in Paris... ...who I'm supposed to have lunch with in eight hours. Pick up. - Pick up the phone. - All right. I've been working on my English. You wanna talk in English, for laughs? Yeah, okay. That's a good idea. I don't think I'll be able to make it for lunch today. I met a guy on the train, and I got off with him in Vienna. Are you crazy? Probably. - He's Austrian? He's from there? - No, No. He's passing through. He's American. He's going back home tomorrow. Why'd you get off? Well, he convinced me. I mean, actually, I was ready to get off the train with him... ...after talking to him a short while. He was so sweet, I couldn't help it. In the lounge car, he began to talk about... ...him as a boy seeing his great-grandmother's ghost. I think that's when I fell for him. Just the idea of this little boy with all those beautiful dreams. He trapped me. And he's so cute. He has beautiful blue eyes... ...nice pink lips... ...greasy hair. I love it. He's kind of tall, and he's a little clumsy. I like to feel his eyes on me when I look away. He kind of kisses like an adolescent. It's so cute. - What? - Yeah, we kissed. It was so adorable. As the night went on, I began to like him more and more. I'm afraid he's scared of me. I told him the story about the woman that kills her ex-boyfriend. He must be scared to death. He must be thinking I'm this manipulative, mean woman. I just hope he doesn't feel that way about me. Because, you know me, I'm the most harmless person. The only person I could really hurt is myself. I don't think he's scared of you. I think he's crazy about you. - Really? - I've known you a long time. I got a good feeling. You gonna see him again? We haven't talked about that yet. Okay, it's your turn. You call your friend. All right, all right. I usually get this guy's answering machine. Hi, dude. What's up? Hey, Frank. How you been? I'm glad you're home. Cool. Yeah. So how was Madrid? Madrid sucked. Lisa and I had our long overdue meltdown. Too bad. I told you, no? Yeah, yeah. The long-distance thing just never works. I was only in Madrid for a couple days. I got a cheaper flight out of Vienna. You know, it really wasn't that much cheaper. I just... I couldn't go home right away. I didn't want to see anybody I knew. I just wanted to be a ghost, completely anonymous. So are you okay now? Yeah. I'm great. I'm great. That's the thing. I'm rapturous. And I'll tell you why. I met somebody on my last night in Europe. - That's incredible. - I know, I know. You know how they say we're all each other's demons and angels? Well, she was literally a Botticelli angel... ...telling me everything would be okay. How did you meet? On the train. She was sitting next to a weird couple that was fighting... ...so she moved. She sat right across the aisle from me. So we started to talk. She didn't like me much at first. She's super smart... ...very passionate... ...and beautiful. And I was so unsure of myself. I thought everything I said sounded so stupid. Oh, man. I wouldn't worry about that. No, I'm sure she was not judging you. No, and by the way, she sat next to you. I'm sure she did it on purpose. Oh, yeah? Us men are so stupid. We don't understand anything about women. They act strange, the little I know of them. Don't they? I feel like this is some dream world we're in. Yeah, it's so weird. It's like our time together is just ours. It's our own creation. It must be like I'm in your dream and you're in mine. And what's so cool is that this whole evening... ...all our time together, shouldn't officially be happening. Yeah, I know. Maybe that's why this feels so otherworldly. But then the morning comes and we turn into pumpkins, right? I know. But now, you're supposed to produce the glass slipper... ...and see if it fits. It'll fit. This friend of mine had a kid... ...and it was a home birth, so he was there helping out. But he said at that profound moment of birth... ...he was watching his child experiencing life for the first time... ...trying to take its first eath. All he could think about was that he was looking at something... ...that was gonna die someday. He couldn't get it out of his head. And I think that's so true. Everything is so finite. But don't you think that's what... ...makes our time and specific moments so important? Yeah, I know. It's the same for us tonight, though. After tomorrow, we'll probably never see each other again, right? You don't think we'll ever see each other? What do you think? Actually, I don't know. I hadn't planned another... Me too. I live in Paris, you live in the U.S. I understand. I'd hate to make you fly. You'd hate to fly, right? I'm not so scared of flying. I mean, I could. Well, if you were gonna... ...come to the U.S... ...or if, you know, if I... I mean, I could come back here. What? No, let's just be rational adults about this. We should try something different. It's not so bad if tonight is our only night, right? People exchange numbers, addresses. They end up writing once, calling each other twice. Right. Fizzles out. Yeah, I don't want that. I hate that. I hate that too. Why does everybody think relationships should last forever? Yeah, why? It's stupid. But you think tonight's it? I mean, that tonight's our only night? It's the only way, no? Well, all right. Let's do it. No delusions, no projections. We'll just make tonight great. Let's do that. We should do some kind of handshake. Give me your hand. To our one and only... ...night together... ...and the hours that remain. What? It's just... It's depressing, no? Now, the only thing we're gonna think of is... ...when we'll have to say goodbye. We could say goodbye now. Then we won't worry about it. Now? Say goodbye. - Bye. - Goodbye. Au revoir. - Later. - Later, yeah. Here's the plan. You're gonna grab the glasses, and I'm gonna get the wine. - Red wine. - Red wine. Right. - You think you can do that? - No problem. - Wish me luck. - Good luck. Hello. Do you speak English? - A bit. - Yeah? A bit? I'm having kind of an odd situation... ...which is that... You see that girl over there? Well, this is our only night together... ...and she... The problem is that she wants a bottle of red wine... ...and I don't have any money. But I was thinking that you might want to... ...give me the address of this bar, and I would promise... ...to send you the money, and you'd be making our night complete. You would send me the money? Your hand? For the greatest night in your life. Thank you very much. So often I've been with people and shared beautiful moments... ...like traveling or staying up all night and watching the sunrise. And I knew those were special moments. But something was always wrong. I wished I'd been with someone else. I knew that what I was feeling... ...exactly what was so important to me, they didn't understand. But I'm happy to be with you. You couldn't know why a night like this... ...is so important to my life right now... ...but it is. This is a great morning. It is a great morning. Do you think we have others like this? What about our rational, adult decision? Oh, yeah. I know what you mean about wishing somebody wasn't there. It's just, usually, it's myself... ...that I wish I could get away from. Seriously, think about this. I have never been anywhere... ...that I haven't been. I've never had a kiss... ...when I wasn't one of the kissers. You know, I've never... ...gone to the movies when I wasn't there in the audience. I've never been out bowling if I wasn't there... ...making some stupid joke. That's why so many people hate themselves. Seriously. It's just, they are sick to death... ...of being around themselves. Let's say that you and I were together all the time. You'd start to hate a lot of my mannerisms. The way... ...the way every time that we would have people over... ...I’d be insecure, and I'd get a little too drunk. Or the way I tell the same stupid, pseudo-intellectual story... ...again and again. You see, I've heard all those stories... ...so of course I'm sick of myself. But being with you... ...it's made me feel like I was somebody else. I mean, the only other way to lose yourself like that is... ...you know, dancing... ...or alcohol... ...or drugs, or stuff like that. Fucking. Fucking, yeah. That's one way. Do you know what I want? What? To be kissed. Well, I could do that. Wait. I have to say something stupid. All right. It's very stupid. I don't think we should sleep together. I want to, but since we're never going to see each other again... ...it'll make me feel bad. I'll wonder who else you're with. I'll miss you. I know. It's not very adult. Maybe it's a female thing. I can't help it. Let's see each other again. No, I don't want you to eak our vow just so you can get laid. I don't want to just get laid. I want to... I mean... I mean, I think we should. We die in the morning, right? - I think we should. - Then it's like some male fantasy. Meet a French girl, fuck her and never see her again. And have this great story to tell. I don't want... ...this great evening to just have been for that. Okay, we don't have to have sex. It's not a big deal. You don't want to see me again? No, of course I do. If somebody gave me the choice right now... ...of to never see you again or to marry you... ...I would marry you. Maybe that's a lot of romantic bullshit... ...but people have gotten married for a lot less. Actually... ...I think I decided I wanted to sleep with you when we got off the train. Now that we've talked so much, I don't know anymore. Why do we make everything so complicated? I don't know. What's the first thing you'll do when you get back to Paris? Call my parents. What about you? I don't know. I'll probably go pick up my dog. He's with a friend. You have a dog? I love dogs. - You do? - Yeah. - Oh, shit. - What? I don't know. We're back in real time. I know. I hate that. What is that? Sounds like a harpsichord. Check that out. Somebody's playing. That's cool. Can we dance to the harpsichord? Of course. Oh, wow. I'm gonna take your picture... ...so I never forget you... ...or all this. Okay, me too. The years shall run like rabbits. What? Nothing. I have... ...this recording of Dylan Thomas... ...reading a W.H. Auden poem. He's got a great voice. It's like... All the clocks in the city Began to whirr and chime: 'O let not Time deceive you You cannot conquer Time. In headaches and in worry Vaguely life leaks away And Time will have his fancy Tomorrow or today.' Something like that. That's good. When you talked earlier about after a few years... ...how a couple would begin to hate each other... ...by anticipating their reactions... ...or getting tired of their mannerisms. I think it would be the opposite for me. I think I can really fall in love when I know everything about someone. The way he's gonna part his hair... ...which shirt he's gonna wear that day... ...knowing the exact story he'd tell in a given situation. I'm sure that's when I know I'm really in love. - Hey, guess what. - What? We didn't go to those guys' play. Play? The cow? Oh, yeah, we didn't. Oh, no. We missed it. You know what bus to take to the airport? No problem. - I should get on this one. - Right here. You wanna get on there? I guess this is it, no? I really... - You know... - Yeah, I know. Me too. Have a great life. Have fun with everything you're gonna do. Good luck with school and all that. I hate this. Me too. The train is about to leave. You know all this bullshit we're talking about... ...not seeing each other? I don't want that. I don't either. - You don't? - I waited for you to say it. Why didn't you say something? I was afraid you didn't wanna see me. What do you wanna do? Maybe we should meet here in five years or something. Five years? That's a long time. It's awful. It's like a sociological experiment. - How about one year? - One year. - How about six months? - Six months? It's gonna be freezing. Who cares? We come here, we go somewhere else. Six months from now or last night? Last night. Six months from last night, which was... ...June 16th. So track nine, six months from now at 6:00 at night. December. It's a train ride for you, but I gotta fly all the way here. But I'm gonna be here. - Okay, me too. - All right. We won't call, write or... No, it's depressing. Your train's gonna leave. Say goodbye. Bye. Goodbye. Au revoir. Later.
THIS FI LM IS DEDICATED TO MY FATHER RAISE OUR PENSIONS WE WORKED OUR WHOLE LIVES J USTICE FOR PENSIONERS We want an increase! We want an increase! We want to be heard. We're taxpaying citizens. We're starving. We're tired of waiting. We want to see the minister. We want to see the minister. Silence! You don't have a permit. You must disperse. Go home. Go on. You should be ashamed. The way you treat us is a disgrace! Go home. Go on. Let's go, old geezers. Come on. Keep him quiet, for God's sake! Quiet, Flike. Scoundrels, all of them! Quiet or they'll hear you and arrest you. I'm not talking about the police. I mean the organizers of the protest. They should have gotten a permit. They wouldn't give us one. Then we should have stayed home! A 20 increase would be enough for me to pay off my debts in a year. I don't have any debts. To tell the truth, I don't either. - This is our chance. We can go. - Let's go. Good day. I have no one, no son or other, to help me out. I'm just a good-for-nothing old man. Orazio Valenti. Umberto Domenico Ferrari. Who can live on 18,000 lire these days? My landlady charges me 10,000. She even raised my rent, that old - Go ahead and say it. We're both men. If she's a bitch, she's a bitch. Do you need a watch? No, I have a watch. I don't have it with me, but it's a very nice watch. I have two. That's why I'm selling this one. What make is yours? It's nice. It has a gold case. Well, here's where I live. Good-bye. Good-bye. Who's done here? How rude! I'm not finished. Thank you. Waitress. Listen to this. In a store it would cost you 20,000 lire. - How much are you asking? - 5,000 lire. My throat feels scratchy. - Be patient. It'll pass. - I hope so. See you tomorrow. Here we are. He's so cute. Hey, I saw everything. Tomorrow I'll kick you out, and your dog too. I'll kick you out, I said. You're overreacting. She'll lose all her customers. Don't listen to a word she says. - May I walk with you a while? - Of course. You can have it for 4,000. 4,000! That's a lot of money. But a good watch lasts forever. I don't care. Look, I'll give you 3,000 lire. There's more than that in here. It's all in small change, I'm afraid. - I said 4,000. - It's all in here. Listen, you can take the bag and give it back to me tomorrow at the cafeteria. See you. Spare some change. See you. Spare some change. Who's in my room? Who's in my room? - How should I know? What's all this yelling? Be quiet and stop yelling. How dare you behave like this! Quiet down and come with me. Get it through your head. It's not your room. It's mine. - What do you mean, yours? They're dear friends of mine, just resting for a while. And why bother making a fuss? You're leaving at the end of the month anyway. Leaving. What a way to treat someone - kicking him out after 20 years! Watch me! Meanwhile, pay your back rent. I have the money right here! Stop yelling! Who's she think she's going to kick out? Where would I go? They skin you alive. They want 20,000 lire for a rat hole, and then it's full of rodents. - I know. - Kick me out! She charges 1,000 lire an hour for the room, you know. 1,000 lire every time. - Could you give me the thermometer? - Yes. Here. Do you feel sick? Not too hard. Did you hear the door just now? She put them in the living room. She could have done that before. No, she couldn't. There were two others in there. The dirty, rotten - Have you seen all the ants? Can you see anything, Mr. Umberto? No, nothing. You can a little. Did you know I'm pregnant? My God. And you say it just like that? How do you want me to say it? - Does she know? - God forbid. You can go in now. Are you sure? Three months, Mr. Umberto. - Excuse me. - Come in. Come see. Look. The tall one is from Naples. The short one is from Florence. - Which one is yours? - Both of them. Which is the father? I think... the one from Naples. What do you mean, you think? They both deny it. Come here. Come on. She's crying. Answer me! She's done singing. Bring me a hot water bottle. - What are you doing? - He wants some hot water. Come on. Good boy. Do you want to play with the ball, Flike? Come in. I pay the maid. If you want hot water, hire your own maid. I'm throwing your things out on the 30th. I'm evicting you. Kiss the baby for me. Did you hear me? Come here, boy. Good boy, Flike. Damn these ants! Ants everywhere. - What is it? - Where's the thermometer? On the dresser. I have to put it back. Otherwise, she'll yell at me. Come here, please. What do you want? Take a look. What do I have to do? Look in my throat and tell me if you see a white coating. It's so big. Is there a coating? She's hoping I'll die, but I'm not going to. Take this to her. That's 3,000 lire. And get a receipt. All right. Mr. Umberto. Mr. Umberto. She says you owe her 15,000, and it's all or nothing. I've got to go, or she'll yell at me. Good evening. How about 2,500? I said 2,000 yesterday, and I say 2,000 today. How about 2,400? They have great sentimental value. They're practically new. I've never opened them because I didn't want to ruin them. I'm only giving them to you because I have a fever. Maria. These ants are driving me crazy. 2,000... 4,000... 5,000. She'll have the rest when I get my pension. Get me the thermometer. She's made my fever go up. 15,000. To pay my debts, I'd have to go a month without food. Did you do your assignment? You didn't have time, eh? Certain things can happen if you don't know your grammar. Everyone takes advantage of the ignorant. Now there's more. You'll have to wait till the 27 th for the rest. This is ridiculous. First 3,000, then 2,000 more. Take them back to him. It's all or nothing. Either he gives me 15,000 lire or I evict him. Go. Well? - Good evening. - Good evening. Go right in. Excuse me. What are you doing? Down there. Madam is at the end of the corridor. Maria, shut the door! Her fiance. I was the only successful one in all Macerata. Good-bye. Till tomorrow. Yes. What is it? Yes, a cold. San Martino della Battaglia 14. Third floor. Thank you. What's going on? Come in. Stay there. I'll come to you. Who's Mr. Ferrari? I am. I got dressed so I wouldn't keep you waiting. Sorry. Umberto Domenico Ferrari. Spalmagulli, Armando. Please, come in. I'll just shut my suitcase and then I'm ready. Mr. Umberto, are you seriously ill? Yes, it's serious. Serious. - You're leaving us in the dark over here. - Shut up. Are you kidding? What are you looking at? 6:30. Come here. Good boy. If he realizes I'm leaving, it'll be the end. Down, boy. Do me a favor. Play with the dog a little. Here's a ball and ruler. I don't feel like playing. I can't say good-bye to him, or he won't let me leave. Very well. Go on, boy. - What are you doing? - Come and play with the ruler. - Is your boyfriend down there? - Leave me alone. Mr. Umberto. Don't give him any milk, all right? And please keep an eye on him. All right. He's fine. He's playing. Please take care of him. I won't forget you. I won't be gone long. Shall we go, Mr. Ferrari? Yes. Give me your suitcase. No, it's very light. Just pajamas and a bar of soap. Keep it, then. Bye. Maria! This guy's healthier than I am. What's he doing here? I'd like to keep him a little longer, so he can get the full treatment. All right. Thank you, Sister. Say ah. That's fine. Brush his tonsils with iodine. You can go home tomorrow. Excuse me, Doctor. What? I also have a pain here. What kind of pain? Nothing. Can't you see your fever's gone? It's just common tonsillitis. If you were younger, I'd tell you to have your tonsils taken out. But what's the use, at your age? You should have insisted. Mr. Umberto, You should have insisted. I'd really like to save a little money, you know. I'll teach you how to get them to let you stay here. All I need is one week. This ward is better than a hotel. Did you ask the nun for a rosary? Thank you. Oh, Sister- He's such a nice person. He'd like to stay a little longer. He needs more treatment. Can't you see how haggard he looks? Just imagine: His pension isn't even enough to support his dog. We'll see. Thank you, Sister. Ask her for a rosary. Sister. Could I have a rosary? How are you, my dear? I'm fine. This was all I could ing. A banana! Sit down, dear. Pull up that stool. May I sit here? Of course. Sit down. What about Flike? How is he? I wanted to ing him upstairs, but it's not allowed. He's downstairs in the courtyard. - In the courtyard. Flike's in the courtyard. Shut that window! Shut it! So, is that the father? Mr. Umberto, if you asked me to swear to it, I couldn't. But I sense it was him. What does he have to say? Nothing. When I come back, I'll make him talk. I'll talk to both of them. Even the short one, the one from Florence. Both of them. Give us another one, Sister. Good morning, Sister. Your daughter? Excuse me, Sister. How is our father? He's very ill. So he asked to borrow 4,000 lire, but I didn't give him a cent. Good move. Yes, she's marrying the manager of the movie theater. That way she can get in for free. I hope she doesn't have children. She says you have to leave because she needs your room. That's why she's getting married. Absolutely not. I'm paying my back rent, so she can't kick me out. She can't evict me. Mr. Umberto, he's waiting. I'm not going to the shelter. Get well soon, Mr. Umberto. - Tell her I'm not going. - Yes, I'll tell her. Let her go to the shelter. I'm not going! During the war she called me Grandpa. I gave her some meat from time to time. After the war she went crazy. She even hates my dog. If you saw my dog, You'd know it's impossible to hate him. Take care of yourself, Mr. Umberto. But I'm coming back here, you know. I'm gonna try again. Good luck. I'll come and visit you. What's your address? - Via San Martino della Battaglia 14. - That's where I'll find you, right? - Even the police couldn't get me out. - That's the spirit! Good-bye, and good luck. - Excuse me, isn't the maid here? - No, but the lady of the house is. What are you doing? I'm working. This is my room. I live here. Who said you didn't? What are you supposed to do here? A lot of stuff. Excuse me. Did the maid go out with the dog? What dog? My dog! I'm not here to keep an eye on the dog. I'm pregnant. You understand? Good morning. - Where's Flike? - I don't know. - What do you mean, you don't know? - I don't know. Don't make me shout. Where's Flike? Madam opened the door and he left. Where were you, you fool? I kept the door shut, but she kept opening it. If anything's happened to him, I'll kill her. Please hurry. - What if I run someone over? - I'll pay the damages. Just hurry. - How much? - 200 lire. - Here. - I don't have change. Do you have change for 1,000 lire? Could you make change for 1,000 lire? Give me that glass. - This one? - Yes. Fifty lire. 950 is your change. - There. - Thank you. - What do you want? - I'm looking for my dog. You're number 15. Excuse me. Is this where you kill them? Thirteen. Fourteen. Fifteen. Sixteen. Fifteen. - Thank you, sir. - Good-bye. Yes? A mutt with intelligent eyes. White with own spots. He ran away from home. - When? Yesterday, or perhaps the day before. What do you wish to do? Do you want the dog or not? - What if I don't take him? - Then we'll have to kill him. - You'll kill him. - Filippo. Yes, sir. Take this gentleman to see the dogs caught in the last two days. - Come with me. - Thank you. Well, what have you decided? So you'll kill him? We have to. What else can we do with them? - But 450 lire... - Next. We caught this one the day before yesterday, that one yesterday. That one the day before yesterday. That one ten days ago. This one yesterday. And this one the day before. Watch out for the cart. See, he's not dead! Good evening, Mrs. Malantoni. Good evening, sir. What do you want from me? We'll be going to your funeral, not the other way around! You think I owe you something? What are you yelling about? You wretch! Pay your debts. My debts! That's not the reason You want to kick me out. Tomorrow the doorman will kick you out. There are laws, you know. I pay my debts. I worked for the Ministry of Public Works for 30 years! I've always paid my debts. Debts! She doesn't even know what a bill is. have seven people to support. Spare some change, please. I have seven dependents. Spare some change. Thank you. Battistini. My dear Ferrari, how are you? So-so. How about you? I can't complain. How are things? - You know. Getting by. - Excuse me. I'm catching the bus. I'll take the next one. My dear Ferrari, how are you? I'm having a dispute with my landlady. I'm sure I'm going to win. I'll get an injunction and stop her. I'll pay 7,500 lire and I'll stop her. All I need is half the money. I have to find 2,000 lire. - You're still at the same address? - Yes, I'm not moving from there. The landlady would like to kick me out right now. You understand? 2,000 lire is all - I'm sorry. I don't want to miss my bus. Good-bye, Ferrari. So nice to see you again. If you see Carloni, give him my regards. - He's dead. - Dead? Thank you. Ma'am, I have two children. Thank you. I have seven dependents. Be still. - Flike, what are you doing there? - Commendatore! How are you, Commendatore? I was just wondering what Flike was doing here. He's playing. He plays all day long. He's so clever. How adorable. He's so cute. - How are you? - Fine, thanks. - Can I buy you a cup of coffee? - I can't. My bus is leaving. - Just a cup of coffee. - No, thanks. The bus is leaving. - A drink. Something. - Really, I'd love to, but I can't. - At least allow me to walk with you. - Of course. What are you doing these days? - Nothing. I'm a pensioner, so I'm just getting by. I don't do anything. Lucky you, with nothing to do. You're late, sir. Do you think there's going to be a war? Who knows? We're leaving. Good-bye. - Congratulations once again. - Congratulations. Thank you, dear. - All the best, dear. - You promised to come visit us. - I promise. - Come see how the baby has grown. All right. Give the baby a kiss for me. - All the best. - Thank you. - All the best. - Thank you. Good-bye. Don't forget tomorrow, and don't be late. We can't be late. Good-bye, dear. Good-bye. - Paolo. - What is it? What is it, Olga? My dear. Careful. Flike, you naughty boy. You had us all so worried. You ran away, didn't you? Have a piece of cake. She wants to make one big formal living room. Mr. Umberto, eat the cake. What's the matter, Mr. Umberto? I'm tired. Of her? It's a little of everything. Wherever you go, You'll be happier than you are here. That's the way it goes. Go on, eat. Where's he going? Leaving already, Mr. Umberto? Yes. Where are you going? I found a place. Nearby? Yes. Then we'll see each other from time to time. Listen, you need to leave as well. There are lots of jobs in Rome. Don't stay here. She'll kick me out the minute she finds out I'm pregnant. Can't you go back to your hometown? My father would beat me. Will we meet again, Mr. Umberto? I left a few things in the dresser. You take them. Good-bye. Good-bye. Get rid of the one from Florence. Yes, Mr. Umberto. I'm sorry, but you can't ing the dog on. - Before 8:00 you can. - You telling me the rules? If it's a hunting dog, you can. Otherwise, you can't. I could say I'm going hunting. For what? Couldn't I have a gun in my suitcase? All right. Where are you getting off? Via Leccosa. Go. - That whistle just keeps blowing. - I'm so sleepy in the morning. He's little, but he's mischievous. - No, he wouldn't hurt a fly. - If you say so. - How many dogs do you have? - About 20. Why? Do you keep them here all day long? We have fresh air and space. I'd like to board my dog here. Can I see where they sleep? - They sleep in the house with us. - Three of them sleep with me. A blind one, plus two others. They snuggle up against me all night. I'm going on a trip. I'd like to leave him here. For how long? A while. Board is 100 lire a day. Bread is expensive. Right? There are other expenses: tripe, pasta, tomato sauce, because we cook for them. And besides the food, there's the bleach and everything else. Tripe is expensive, and so is bleach and sawdust. And we have to eat, too. I'd like to leave you 5,000 lire. Actually, almost 6,000. Plus this suitcase full of stuff. When are you coming back? I don't know. We'll see. See all this nice stuff? You know, some people leave their dogs here and never come back. What do you do then? I run them off. What do you expect? Do you ever walk them? There's a boy willing to do it, but he wants to be paid. We keep them here. We train them, and they get used to it. No, they don't get used to it. No. I'm not leaving him here. Good-bye. More money and less talk. You wasted my time. Daniela! Mommy! Hi, honey. Good boy. - Hello, Daniela. - Hello. Daniela, do you really love Flike? Really and truly? Yes. Then you can have him. Yes. And you can have the leash, too. - Miss, this dog is mine. - What do you mean, yours? Yes, it's mine. I'd be very happy if the little girl would take him. Who will clean up after him? Dogs are dirty. Guess who'll end up with the dirty work? - I'll clean up after him. - Oh, sure. No, her mother doesn't want a dog. Come on. Let's go. He's never any trouble. He's as obedient as a child. You'll see. She'll be happy. - Sure, it's a bargain. But I'm giving him to her for nothing. A dog like him, for nothing. Right. And that's why You're getting rid of him. Come on. Let's go, Daniela. Walk, you spoiled little at. Come on. Daniela, let's go. Flike, come here. Flike, come here. Flike, look at the pinecone. Come on. Here, boy. Come on. Stand up. Come on. Come on. Run. Here it is. Come on, Flike. Up! Good boy, Flike. Run, Flike. Run! THE END
It is early Monday morning... and I am in pain. My sisters... and Anna... are taking turns staying up. Good morning. - Did anything happen? - No, she's been very quiet. - Thank you. - I fell asleep. Anna, see to the fiire. I thank Thee, dear Lord for allowing me... to awaken well and cheerful this morning... after a good sleep under Thy protection... and for the enjoyment of a restful night. I beseech Thee also today and each day... to let the angels watch over and protect my little girl... whom Thou in Thy unfathomable wisdom tookest unto Thyself... in Thy homeland. Amen. Mother is in my thoughts nearly every day... although she's been dead for over 20 years. I remember she would often seek... the solitude and peace of the grounds. I also remember that I would follow her at a distance... and spy on her without really meaning to... because I loved her to such a jealous extreme. I loved her because she was so gentle... and beautiful and alive... and so all-pervadingly present. But she could also be cold, playfully cruel... and rebuff me. Yet I could not help feeling sorry for her... and now that I'm older, I understand her much better. I wish I could see her again... to tell her what I understand... of her boredom, her impatience... her longing and her loneliness. And when the wicked witch at last realized... that little Gretel had tricked her... her nose started to grow and grow. At Twelfth Night Mother always gave a party... and Aunt Olga would come with her magic lantern... and her fairy tales. I always felt frightened and left out. When Mother spoke to me in her hurried way... I could hardly understand what she wanted of me. Mother and Maria always had many things to whisper about... but then they were so alike. Jealously I used to wonder what they were laughing at together. Everyone was in gay spirits. I was the only one who couldn't join in the merriment. Another time, I remember it was autumn... I hid behind the curtain... and in secret watched her. She was in the red drawing room wearing her white dress... sitting quite still with her head bent... and her hands resting on the table. Suddenly she saw me... and in a gentle voice called me. - Come. - Uncertain, I went up to her... thinking that, as usual, she was going to scold me. But instead she gave me a look so full of sorrow... that I nearly burst into tears. I raised my hand and put it against her cheek... and for that moment we were very close. There's someone out there. Anna. There's someone out there. Good morning, Agnes. Good morning, Doctor. She is very tired now. I don't think it will be long. Thank you. I know the way. David! It's been so long. When can I see you again? No! Some years earlier... when Agnes had gone to Italy for her health... Maria and her husband,Joakim, were staying at the manor. One evening, Anna's little daughter was taken ill... and Maria sent for the family doctor... who lived in the nearby country town. - Now say ''ah.'' - Ah. - Once again. - Ah. That hurt a little? I can see that. What a good girl. That wasn't too bad, eh? Off to bed with you now. You'll feel better after a good night's sleep. - Thank you. - Doctor, are you hungry? If you'd like a little supper the table's being prepared. Oh yes, that would be nice. Thank you. Agnes and Karin are still traveling in Italy. I received a letter from them last week. Agnes is much better. - Her cough is entirely gone. - Mm-hmm. And she's picked up her painting again. Karin's husband decided to join them at Easter. They've been having good weather. It's like summer, even though the nights are chilly. Your husband, he's well? Joakim, he had some business in town this evening... and won't be back 'til tomorrow. I told him I would ask you to come here to look in... on Anna's little girl. - He sends his best regards. - Thank you. Anna's been told to get the guest room ready. The weather's so awful. I don't think you ought to go home on such a night. - You've changed a lot. - Really? Oh. Is there anyone else? Isn't there always? I never would have thought the problem could interest you. Nor does it. Hmm? Do you wear spectacles all the time now? - Am I bothering you? - No, it's all right. Why are you so formal? Couldn't you let the past be forgotten? Come here, Marie. Come. Look at yourself in the mirror. You're beautiful. You are probably more beautiful now than before. But you have changed a lot too. I want you to see how you've changed. Now your eyes cast quick, calculating side glances. You used to look ahead straightforwardly... openly, unmasked. Your mouth has taken on an expression of discontent... and hunger. It used to be so soft. Your complexion is pale now. You use makeup. Your fiine, oad forehead... now has four wrinkles above each ow. No, you can't see it in this light... but you can in oad daylight. Do you know what caused those wrinkles? - No. - Indifference, Marie. And this fiine line that runs from ear to chin... is not as obvious any more... but it is etched there by your easygoing, indolent ways. And there, by the idge of your nose. Why do you sneer so often, Marie? You see it? You sneer too often. See, Marie? And look under your eyes. The sharp, scarcely noticeable lines... of your impatience and your ennui. Can you actually see all of that in my face? No, but I feel it when you kiss me. I think you're joking with me. It's evident where you see it. - Really? Where? - You see it in yourself. Because we're so alike, you and I. You mean the selfiishness? Coldness? Unconcern? I usually fiind your arguments boring. Is there no absolution for such as you and I? I haven't any need of being pardoned. Good morning, sir. Good morning. Thank you. Good morning,Joakim. - Welcome home. - Good morning, Maria. Anna's little girl is quite ill, you know. The doctor was here last night. He sends you his regards... and hopes you can get together to play chess again. The weather was so bad I asked him to stay overnight. He left early this morning before we were up. Did you enjoy yourself in town or was there too much work? We have an invitation from the Egermans. They'd be delighted if we stayed with them at Easter. I think I would enjoy that. It would make for a change. What do you think about it? Well, we'll see. Run along and play. Joakim. Joakim. Help me. Help me, please. No. Anna. Do you hear? I only hear the wind and the clocks ticking. No, it's something else. I don't hear anything else. I'm freezing. Good night. Anna. Come here. Anna. Come to me. You're so far away. Come here. Close to me. Do I smell very bad? - It hurts so much, Anna. - I know, Agnes. I'm going to stay with you. - It will all be all right. - It hurts so badly. You don't have to worry when I'm here. You know that. The pillow's so warm. We can take the other one. Come. Let's see. Can you lift yourself up a little? Can you slide down now? Is it better so? Is it better? You are so good to me. Yes? What's the matter? Agnes is worse. I don't think she's conscious. She's eathing very strangely. I'll get my shawl. Karin! - Karin! - What is it? - Agnes is worse. - I'm coming. - I'll go for the doctor. - I'll go with you. Anna! Anna! Anna! - Where's the doctor? - He wasn't home. All right, Anna. You had better get dressed. I'll stay with her. Anna! I'm much better now. Only rather warm. Would you like to have a wash now? - And put on a clean gown? - Yes, thank you. - I'm a little thirsty. - Yes, of course. - Shall I read a little? - Oh, I'd love it. ''Chapter 34, in which Mr. Pickwick thinks... ''he had better go to Bath, and goes accordingly. '''But surely, my dear sir,' said little Perker... ''as he stood in Mr. Pickwick's apartment... ''on the morning after the trial. '''Surely you don't really mean, really and seriously now... '''and irritation apart... '''that you won't pay these costs and damages?' '''Not one halfpenny,' said Mr. Pickwick fiirmly. '''Not one halfpenny.' '''Hooray for the principle, as the moneylender said... '''when he wouldn't renew the bill'... ''observed Mr. Weller, who was clearing away eakfast. '''Sam,' said Mr. Pickwick... '''have the goodness to step downstairs.' '''Certainly, sir,' replied Mr. Weller... ''and acting on Mr. Pickwick's gentle hint, Sam retired.'' Anna! Can't anyone-- Can't anyone help me? I can't! Help me! I can't. God, our Father, in His infiinite wisdom... has called you home to Him... still in the bloom of your youth. In your life He found you worthy... of bearing a long and torturous agony. You submitted to it patiently and without complaint... in the certain knowledge that your sins would be forgiven... through the death on the cross of your Lord,Jesus Christ. May your Father in Heaven... when you step into His presence... have mercy on your soul. May He let His angels remove from you the memory... of your earthly pain. Should it be... that you gathered up our suffering in agony... into your body. Should it be you bore with you... this hardship through death. Should it be that you meet with God... as you come to that other land. Should it be that you fiind his countenance... turned toward you then. Should it be that you know the language to speak... so this God may hear and understand. Should it be that you then talk with this God... and he hear you out. Should it be so... pray for us. Agnes, dear child, please listen. Listen to what I have to tell you now. Pray for us who have been left in darkness... left behind on this miserable Earth... with the sky above us, grim and empty. Lay your burden at God's feet... the whole of all your suffering... and plead with Him to pardon us. Plead with Him that He may free us... of our anxiety and of our weariness... of our misgivings and fears. Plead with Him that He may make... sense and meaning of our lives. Agnes, you who have borne... your anguish and suffering so long... are most surely worthy... of advocating our cause. She was my confiirmation child. We often had talks together through the many years. Her faith was stronger than mine. If you don't mind, I could see you tomorrow... and we can discuss the formalities of the funeral. Thank you. Some years earlier, Karin and her husband Fredrik... were pursuing a diplomatic career. During a visit to their native land... they stayed for some months at the manor. Please, Anna, may I have a little more fiish? - Won't you keep me company? - No, thank you. - What are you smiling about? - I'm not smiling. Do you want coffee or are we going to retire immediately? I don't want coffee. Thank you. It's late. I suggest we retire now. It's but a tissue of lies. All of it. Don't look at me! Don't look at me like that, I say! Sorry. Forgive me. Help me to undress. You may go. It's but a tissue of lies. It's a monumental tissue of lies. Tissue of lies. - What are you doing? - Going through documents... books and papers concerning the estate. Karin, I want us to be friends. I want us to talk to each other. After all, we're sisters. We have so many of the same memories. Karin, it's so strange how we don't reach one another... how we only make small talk. Karin, why won't you be my friend? We've both been happy and unhappy. We could laugh and cry together. We could talk together for days and nights on end. We could put our arms around each other. Karin? I wander through our childhood home sometimes... where all is at once strange but familiar... and it seems I am in a dream... and an event of great importance is in store for us. Yes, I know I am childish. You read much more than I do, think much more than I do. Your experience is far greater. Karin, couldn't we devote these days... to getting to know each other fiinally? To coming closer together? I can't stand to be silent and distant, Karin. Karin, have I said something to hurt you? It's easy to do, but I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. Karin! What are you reading? - I'm reading Agnes' diary. - A diary? ''Thursday, September 30.'' She's written, ''I received the most wonderful gift... ''anyone can receive in this life. ''A gift that is called many things: togetherness... ''companionship, relatedness, affection. ''I think this is what is called 'grace.' '' No, don't touch me! Don't come near me! I can't stand anyone touching me. I don't want you to do that. I don't want it. I don't want you to be kind to me. I can't! I can't stand it! Constant torture. It's like being in the greatest hell. I can't eathe any longer. All of that guilt. No! Leave me alone. Leave me alone. Don't touch me. Don't touch me. Don't touch me. Don't touch me. Don't touch me. I am sorry I lost control of myself this morning. I don't know what came over me. I suppose it's all the emotion concerning Agnes' death. We were so fond of her. Now that the funeral is over... I'll have our lawyer look after all the legal formalities. The fruit please, Anna. It's best we sell the house and grounds. You and I can divide up all the rest of it. I mean, the furniture and other things... like china, silverware, books and pictures. All right, Anna, that will be all now. What shall we do about Anna? I suggest that we give her notice... and a few weeks extra pay. And also a little article of Agnes'. She was quite devoted. The fact of it is that they were very attached. Now she trails after us in much too familiar a manner. I don't think-- It's true. I think... about suicide. I've often thought about it. It's-- It's disgusting. It's very degrading... and everlastingly the same. Henrik's an excellent lawyer, I assure you. My husband says that I'm clumsy. He's right. I fumble. My hands are too large, you understand. Most disobedient. You look so disconcerted. You thought our talk would be different, didn't you? Do you realize I hate you? And how foolish I fiind your insipid smiles... and your idiotic flirtatiousness. How have I managed to tolerate you so long... and not say anything? I know of what you're made... with your empty caresses and your false promises. Can you conceive how anybody can live with so much hate... as has been my burden? There's no relief, no charity, no help. There is nothing. You understand? Nothing can escape me... for I see it all. Now you hear how it sounds when Karin talks. You sit there grinning your cold little grin. What are you thinking? Would you care to tell me? May I have your opinion? No! That's just what I thought. You'd rather stay silent. And you are right, Maria! Maria! Forgive me. Maybe you mean well. Maybe you just want to know me better. Maria, dear, forgive me. I do run on and on. No. No, that's not true either. Maria, look at me. Maria, look at me. Don't you hear it? Don't you hear the crying? Don't you hear it? Someone is crying endlessly. - Are you afraid of me now? - No, not in the least. I'm dead, you see. The trouble is I can't get to sleep. I can't leave you all. I'm so tired. Can't anyone help me? - It's but a dream, Agnes. - No, it's not a dream. Perhaps for you it's a dream... but not for me. I want Karin to come here. Agnes wants Karin to come to her. Can't you hold my hands and warm me? Stay with me until the horror is over. It's so empty all around me. Nobody would do what you ask. I'm still alive. I won't accept involvement with your death. Perchance, if I had loved you... but I do not love you. What you ask me to do is repulsive. I'm leaving you now. In a few hours I'll be gone. - Anna. - Yes. I want Maria to come. Agnes wants Maria to come in. Don't be afraid. Please touch me. Please talk with me. Hold my hands and warm me. You are my sister. I don't want you to be alone. Oh, how sorry I am for you. Do you recall when we were small... and twilight came as we played... and both of us became frightened... and we'd cuddle very close and hold each other tight. It's simply the same thing now, isn't it? I can't hear what you're saying. You must come closer to me. Closer. Hold my hands. I'll stay with you. I'll stay here. Don't cry. You needn't be afraid. I'll stay by her. There's my daughter I must think about. She must realize that. Also, my husband needs me. It's pure morbidity, disgusting, meaningless. She's already begun to rot. She has foul spots on her hands. I'll take care of her. The funeral was tolerable. No one wept or grew hysterical. Thank you. Have you fiinished packing, Anna? I just have to ing the last trunk down, ma'am. Hurry up. We are pressed for time. The music was fiine. Thankfully, the bishop's address was short. Fortunate that he had a chill so we could call off the dinner. Hadn't something better be done for Anna? Sorry, but I don't understand what you mean. She's looked after Agnes for the last 1 2 years. Shouldn't we offer her a small sum... or help her fiind a new place? Out of the question. She's young and strong... and has had it very easy up until now. Her future is not our responsibility. I did promise her she could take a memento with her. - Of her own choosing? - I think she has that right. I do detest that sort of spontaneity... but you can't renege. I think we should speak to her right away. Anna, you may stay on here for a time if it is necessary. You were promised a memento of Agnes'. Thank you. I want nothing at all. She's trying to play a nice role. But she won't get anything for it. - Stay 'til the month's end. - Yes. Well, if there's nothing left for us to attend to. Let's leave before the roads to the station are snowed under. Good-bye now, Anna. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for all you did. Hurry now. - Could I speak to you a second? - Of course. That evening we came close to each other... have you thought about what we discussed? Yes, of course, I've thought a lot about it. Could we hold to all of our resolutions? Dearest Karin, why on earth shouldn't we do that? I have no idea. It's that everything seems different since that evening. I think we've become very much closer. What are you thinking about? I'm thinking about the conversation-- - No, you're not. - I was thinking how Joakim... hates it if I keep him waiting. I have no idea why you call me to account... as if I were on trial for my thoughts, Karin. What do you want? - Nothing. - No. If there's nothing you want, don't be hurt... because I must say good-bye to you now. You touched me. Don't you remember that? I don't recall each stupid act... and never try forcing me to answer for one. Dearest Karin, give the children my love and keep well. 'Til Twelfth Night. As usual, we'll meet then. How sad. ''Wednesday, the third of September. ''The tang of autumn fiills the clear, still air... ''but it's mild and fiine.'' My sisters, Karin and Maria, have come to see me. It's wonderful to be together again... like in the old days, and I am feeling much better. We were even able to go for a little walk together... such an event for me... especially since I haven't been out of doors for so long. Suddenly we began to laugh and run toward the old swing... that we hadn't seen since we were children. We sat in it like three good little sisters... and Anna pushed us, slowly and gently. All my aches and pains were gone. The people I am most fond of in all the world were with me. I could hear their chatting around me. I could feel the presence of their bodies... the warmth of their hands. I wanted to hold the moment fast and thought; ''Come what may, this is happiness. ''I cannot wish for anything better. ''Now, for a few minutes... ''I can experience perfection. 'And I feel profoundly grateful to my life... ''which gives me so much. ''
Come back to my office! Come back! - You said I was always late? - That's not the point. - Did you? - I said it was because of the bus... Never mind... In my office! - Why did you say she said it? - That's not why you're fired. I work well or not? - So why should I go? - Because your trial period is over. - Why me if I work well? - Your trial period is over. Change and come back to my office. Stop it! Get out or I call... Calm down! Open up, miss! - Get out! - You have no right! I work well, everybody says so! Open the door or I'll force it! Enough now! Let go of me! Shut up! Any mail? There's a fox roaming around. Keep your food inside. Why are you planting these? We're not staying here. What's that? It's not me. I hate Martini. - How did the cap get here? - I don't know. You stink of beer. He ings you booze, so he can fuck you? It's not true! I'm your mother, watch your mouth! Swear it's not true! Swear it! That's my basin. - Leave me alone. - Go sober up. Where did you get that? - Where? - I got it. - From him? - From where I got the clothes. - Beggar! - It's a gift! - Turn it down! - I take the clothes... Clothes are different. You mend them, I sell them. Throw it away. We're not beggars. Neither this one. - No. - Why not? They're summer clothes. The dress, yes. That's it. That's 450. - You don't need a saleswoman? - Not for the moment. Thanks. Grand Canyon that's your address? It's a cafe? A roundabout? A roundabout. I can't write you down as unemployed. - I worked. - Not long enough. Go to counter 8, you might apply for welfare. Why not take these? Summer dresses, I got plenty of them. - 500. - It's too much. State your price. 400. 300. 350. OK for 350. A waffle and 6 beers. 3 regular, 3 light. You took over from the girl? Hi. No problems? I leave 2000 in the till. Sir! Do you need anyone to sell waffles? No. Or anything else? Not for the time being, sorry. What did you want to tell him? You're looking for work? Give me some water. - When I had that... - I don't care. - Let me tell you... - You told me already. I'm not you. Help me, lift it. - It's not 6 yet. - So what, you're there. I'm here because I'm fired, not so that you can drink. Give it back! Give it. You only drink and fuck. Let me drink just one. Get out! - Why do you ing her booze? - Just a glass. You know she's trying to stop. - Give it back! - Leave her! You owe me 120 francs! Go to the othel if you wanna fuck! My mother's not a whore! Leave her! Who told you I live here? There's work. My boss fired someone. Now you add two litres of water. There's a measure underneath, take it. Hold it this way, and mind the pressure. Some more. That's it. You pour. No, back where you took it. 100 kilos of flour, 4 bags. I show you how to carry them. Slide it on to your knee, hold it like that. Put it over the kneading-machine. Open on the side of the long string. Turn while you pour. Turn while you pour. And come back. We'll add eggs, 200. 6 boxes, 20 eggs. You do the last 3 bags. You forgot to stamp the C4. Did I? The welfare officer said if my absence is justified you can't fire me. It's not. - You know my baby's sick. - Not 10 times a month! It's stuck under the wheel. That's it. - Anyone here? - Coming! Wanna go for a drink? I close at 4.30. See you tomorrow. Look. It's nice. You ing it? Tell him he can't cut off the water without warning. Get out. My 500. The receipt. The water first. - You pay, I turn it on. - I pay for the rent, not for the water. - I don't see the difference. - I do. Comb your hair. Get up. And put your shoes on. Where's your I.D.? Not in your case? I don't want to go! Leave me alone! Come on. It's the only way out of it. They'll look after you. I don't want out of it. Come along. When you come back, I'll buy you a sewing machine. How much is a second-hand one? Mummy! Its' full of mud! Mummy, it's full of mud! Come in! - How did you find me? - I asked the boss. You can do the cooking here. There's water. There's room for a convector. - She won't charge a lot. - How much? Less than I pay. Under 5000. There's a shower. A bit oken down, I could fix it. - Could I have the boots? - Where? Underneath. You bake waffles? It's just a waffle iron I'm fixing. - Care for a beer? - Water. Give me the boots. You won this? I was a floor gymnastics champion. A provincial champion. Wait! You've been doing it for a while? - Doing what? - Your swindle with the waffles. Since the beginning. When you came behind the stand, what did you want? Nothing. Just look at you working. Another drink? A beer. More French toasts? Thanks. What music do you like? What kind? Don't know. Any kind. Want to hear me playing drums? It's stuff I play. I record myself to improve. You're in a band? I'm a beginner. I'm training on a friend's drums. You play any instrument? It's bad. If you're bored, I stop. That's the only thing I do nearly well. Same thing, but with the band. Not bad, eh? - Wanna dance? - I can't dance. Doesn't matter. Come on! Come, it's easy! Hold my hand. Keep your arm straight. Wait. That's where I fuck up. Look at my feet. Those are the basic steps. What's wrong? Wait, what is it? I forgot the boots. You want me to take you back? I don't want to sleep at the caravan. Good night. Your name is Rosetta. My name is Rosetta. You found a job. I found a job. You've got a friend. I've got a friend. You have a normal life. I have a normal life. You won't fall in the rut. I won't fall in the rut. Good night. Good night. Instead of me? Just for a while. Where will I go? As soon as I can, I'll take you back. But I have nothing right now. Where are you going? Why do you take my job? Calm down! He can go to another school. It's my job, you have no right! I'm the boss, calm down! OK? Calm down! Stand up you lump. How can I make it clearer? I've been here 3 days only, you have no right. I'd rather keep you than have a useless son... He's useless, he gets the job, and I'm in the rut... Give me that bag! I'll pay your notice and... - I don't care, I'm staying! - It's just for a few weeks and then... I want to stay, I want a job, a normal life, like yours. Enough now, give the bag! Give me that bag! Give it! No, I'm sorry. And later on? And for a trial period? We already have a waiting list. If you need help, you can talk to me. - I'm looking for work. - We only hire long-term unemployed. And to clean the offices? Volunteers do that. Sorry. Goodbye. Thank you. - Here. - Thank you. Maybe his son will hate it. He could take you as a saleswoman. He's got 12 stands. A waffle, please. Forty. Here, my forty. Forget it. I'm going. See you tomorrow. - Wait! - My bus is here. Wait! You come to my place tonight? You want me to drop by the caravan? - What you said is still on? - What? - You'll hire me if there's a vacancy? - Yes, but it's green. But will you? I don't know, I can't say in advance. The entrance is on the other side. What do you want? If you need money, I can lend you some. - There's no need. - And what about the flat? I don't care about the flat. What are you doing? I thought it was the janitor. I threw my strings. - Your what? - My strings, with my traps. I've got one. Give it to me. Give me your hand. I'm sinking! Rosetta! I'm sinking! Catch it! Quick, I'm sinking! Pull. I slipped. Wring it more. If you want, you can dry at the caravan. No, I'll go home and change. - You didn't see me? - I thought it was closed. You want some coffee? Come. You come? Come in. It's warm, it will do you good. Here. You could bake my waffles for me. I sell ten of those a day, it's around 15000 a month. You'd have a job. Moonlighting's not a job. It's better than nothing. - You're open? - In five minutes! I take nothing, you keep it all. You want it or not? No, I want a real job. Is the boss here? Yes, in the back, in his office. I come to see if you have any news. It's too early. I said I'd write, I have your address. I gave you my old address. OK, give me the new one. - Grand Canyon. - The camping? 252, Route de Marche. Riquet, he's swindling you. What? He sells waffles he makes himself. - How? - He's got a waffle iron at home. - How do you know? - I saw it. The waffles are under the counter. - If I come, he'll know I said it. - He'll know anyway. Hi, boss. - Where are they? - What? Don't fuck around. Where are they? Your waffles, where are they? Over there. What's that? Why did you do it? Give your apron back. Come on! Give it back! Pick it up. You owe me three days. You owe me three days! I said pick it up! Give me my three days! Piss off, you shitty little thief! Piss off! Here, put it on. Let me go! Why did you do it? Come on, hit me! Why did you? To have a job. Let me through. When you fell into the water, I didn't want you out! You helped me anyway! Let me through. Here you go. Forty francs. Have a nice day. - A waffle and an ice-tea. - Right away. Seventy-five. - Two waffles, please. - Right away. Thank you, goodbye. Eighty. Thank you. A waffle. A beer. Could I have a waffle, please? Here. Forty francs. Thank you, goodbye. - Two beers please. - Right away. - Here. - Thank you. Thanks, goodbye. Help me. Sit down. Is the boss there? It's Rosetta. I won't come to work anymore. A gas bottle.
You want to talk with me, doctor? Have you already met Mrs. Vogler? No, not yet. Then I will Briefly tell you about her and... ...why you were appointed to look after her. As you knows, Mrs. Vogler is actress, and played in the last performance of Electra. In the middle of the scene she became silent... and she looked around surprised. She remained shut up during a minute. Afterwards she apologized her colleagues saying that she had got the giggles. Next day the called from the theater asking if... she had forgotten her rehearsal. The house keeper found her still in bed. She was wide-awake, but she did not respond to his questions and did not move. She has been like that three months She has gone through all the possible examinations. The result is clear: she is totally healthy, as much physical as psychically. Even a hysterical reaction she doesn't even have. Do you have any questions, sister Alma? If not? You can go to Mrs. Vogler now. Good morning, Mrs. Vogler. I am the sister Alma. I will be looking after you. Well, I will tell you something about myself. I am 25 years old and I am engaged. I am nurse for two years. My parents have a farm. My mother also was nurse before marrying. Maybe I will go and get your dinner. It looked really delicious today. Liver fried and Macedonian of fruits. It looked really delicious today. Another pillow? Is that comfortable? Sister Amal. Which is your first impression? I do not know what to say, doctor. First its face seemed gentle, almost childish. But then you see her eyes and everything. She has got such a strick look, I think. Well, maybe I shouldn't... What did you want to say? sister Amal? I thought to give up. Did she frighten you? Not exactly. I just thought that Mrs. Vogler... should have a nurse with more experience. - I may be mot able to cope with her. - In what way? - Mentally. - Mentally? If she won;t speak or move because she decides Not to Which it must be if she isn't ill... And? ...Then it shows that she is mentally very strong. I might not be equal to it. I thought you might like to look at the twilight, Mrs.. Vogler. I will close them later. Shall I turn on the radio? I think there is a play. Forgive me, my darling. Oh, you must forgive me. your forgiveness is all I crave. for give and I... What are you laughing at, Mrs. Vogler? Is the actress so funny? What do your know about mercy? What do you know? What do your know about mercy? I do not know much about acting, Mrs. Vogler. I like films and theater but I don't go very often. I feel a great admiration for artists. I believe that the art is very important in the life. Especially for people with problems. I shouldn't have talked with you like this. I slide on I freeze. I'll try to find some music. It that alright? Good night, Mrs. Vogler. sleeps well. Damn it! How strange. You can go around as you please... Do almost anything you like. I will marry Karl-Henrik and we will have a few children... ...whom I will raise. that is all determined. It is inside me. There is nothing to worry about. It is so safe. I have a work that I like and with that I am happy. That is another good thing, though in a different way. But it is good. It is good. I wonder myself what's actually wrong with her? Elisabet Vogler. Elisabet. today, between the artilleries American and survietnamitas and the desperate one guerrilla of the Vietcong that she attacked the vital coastal base. Airplanes of Navy and American Air Force in Quang they are bombing the positions of the Vietcong army in Tay Ninh. Today the airplanes have left in than 48 missions more bombing. In other actions, several battalions of troops of the U.S.A., they disembarked yesterday in the coast near? In this zone they were captured more than 2,000 vietcongs in the greater operation of the three last months. Today the street disturbances? ?that they have commanded to the courts to more than 141 vietcongs? It wants that it opens the letter to him, Mrs.. Vogler? would you like me to oepn the letter? Shall I read it? Dear since I can't see you, I write to you. You don't have to read it if you don' want to. I cannot avoid to look for this contact with you, since I am tormented continuously by a question: I have hurt to you of some way? I have hurt you without knowing it? Has some misunderstanding come between us? Do you want me to read more? As far as I know we were happy. We never had been so close. You remember when you said: Now I understand what is the marriage ? You have taught me? I can't see what is says. Yes. now I can see you've taught me that we must look at each other, like we were two anxious children... ...Full of good will and the best intentions, but... But ruled by forces that we only controlled partially. You remember saying all this? We walked by the forest and you stopped and grabbed at my belt. Also there is a photography with the letter. It is a photography of your son. I do not know if? you would like to see it, Mrs. Vogler? It seems a very sweet boy. I have been thinking, Elisabet, and I do not think it's a good idea for you to stay at the hospital any longer. I believe that it is detrimental. As you do not want to return to home, you and the sister Amal you can go to my house of the coast, eh? I understand all right. The hopeless dream of being. not to seem, but of being. at everywaking moment. alert. At the same time, What you are with others and what you are alone. the vertigo feeling and the constant hunger to be exposed, To be seen through... perhaps even wiped out. Each word a lie, each gesture a falsification, each smile a grimace. To commit suicide? Oh, no! That is horrible. You would not do that. But you can refuse to move refuse to talk. At least you don't have to lie then. You can shut yourself in and stop playing games. Thus you will not have to... show any faces and wrong gestures That's what you think. But, you see? The reality it is diablical, your hiding place is not water-tight. The life tickles in from outside. You are forced to react. Nobody question if it is real or unreal, if you are true or false. The question only matters in the theater. And hardly even there. I understand to you, Elisabet. I understand that you are in silence, that you are immovable, that you have created of apathy a illiant play. I understand to you and I admire you. I believe that you should go on until you lose yur interest, until it stops being interesting. Then you will be able to leave it. ...like you've left all your other parts. Mrs. Vogler and the sister they went to the doctor's summer house. by end of summer. To be near the sea produced a favorable effect in the actress. The apathy starts to disappear, thanks to long walks, fishing, cooking, letter writing and other entertainments. The sister Alma enjoyed her rustic isolation... and takes good care of her patient. You do not know that it gives bad luck to compare the hands? Elisabet, Can I read you a little bit from my book? Or I am bothering to you? It says here: All the anxiety that we took with us, our hopeless dreams, the incomprehensible cruelty, our fear to the extinction, painful inner glance a our earthly condition, they have made out hope... ...and any other salvation. The cries of our faith and the doubt against the dark and silence are one of the most terrible proofs of our desolation and ourfightening awareness. You think it is like that? I do not think it's true. Cambiar? My worse trouble is the laziness and later I have remorses. Karl-Henrik nags me by my lack of ambition. He says that I walk that way like a sleepwalker. I believe that it is unfair. In the final test I was of the best ones of my group. But surely he means something else. You? Pardon. You know what I think sometimes? In the hospital where I graduate there is a home for old nurses. Those who have been nurses for all of their lives. Always in uniform. They live in their small rooms. Imag¨Şnate all your life dedicated to something. I mean, believing in something, fulfilling something, thinking that your life has a meaning. To me I like the things. To hold something firm, without importarte nothing. It would have to become. To mean something for the others. You do not think the same? I know that it seems childish, but I believe in it. God mine, what a down pour! Ah, yes! He was married. We maintained a relation of five years. Later he got tired, of course. I was very in love, he was my first one. I remember it as a long torment. Long periods of pain and later short moments that... Learning to smoke made me think of him. he smoked like a chimney. Thinking it now, he is really banal, a cheap fiction. In some strange way, it was never quite real. I do not know how to describe it. At least, I never was very real for him. My pain was real, that's for sure. In some strange way it seemed part of it, but of a way disgusting, Like it was meant to be like that. Even the things that we said ourselves to each other? Much people have said to me that I am good listener. strange, eh? Nobody has never been bothered in listening to me. Like you do now. You are listening. I believe that you are the first person that has listened to me. It cannot be too interesting. It would more be worth to you to read a book. God, and I follow. I am not bothering to you? It is so pleasant to speak. So warm one feels one and so well. I've never been in this mood before. I always wanted a sister and I only have a pile of others. Seven. Funny, eh? And later I arrived. All my life been I have surrounded of boys. I like the boys, but you would have to know that with all your experience of actress. Karl-Henrik I really like. But, already you know, you love only once. I am faithful to him. In my profession there are opportunities, I can tell you about. Karl-Henrik and I had rented a house next to the sea. It was June and we were totally alone. One day, Karl-Henrik had to go to the city, I went alone to the beach. It was really well. Also there was another girl. She lived in a near island, but she had paddled to our beach because he was oriented to the south and she was more unconstrained. We eased up taking the sun bath completely naked. We slept a little, and later we woke up again. We wore those cheap straw hats. Mine it had a blue ribbon. So I lied there peeping out... at the landscape, the sea and the sun. It was very odd. Suddenly I saw two figures behind the rocks of upon us. They hid and they spied once in a while. There are two boys watching us, I said to her. Her name was Katarina. Good, Let them watch, she said. And the return occurred. It was a very strange sensation. I wanted to run and to get dressed, but I just lied there. mouth down, with the buttock to the air, totally ashamed, totally quiet. All along I had Katarina to my side, with her easts and thighs. She just lied there giggling by herself. Suddenly I saw that the boys they had approached and they watched to us. I saw that they were terribly young. Then, one of them, boldest, even approached where we were and sat next to Katarina. He pretended he was busy with foot and started to prick between his toes. I felt totally strange. I suddenly heard Katarina saying: Hey you. can you come here for a minute? Then she helped him to undress. Suddenly, he was on her, She showed him how and held his fanny. The other boy simply seated, observing. I heard Katarina whispering and laughing. I had the face of the boy to my side. It was all red and puffy. I turned over and I said suddenly: you are not going to also come with me Katarina said: Yes go to her now. And he left her and fell on me, roughly. He took hold one of my easts. God, how it hurt! I finished at once, can you imagine. I was going to say to him to be careful not to make me pregnant, when he finished. I felt? I felt, for the first time in the life, how it was spilled within me. He gripped me and bent backwards. I came time and time again. Katarina lay of side, watching, and held him from behind. When he finished, she finished herself off with her hand. When she did she screamed shrill. Then the three we began to laugh. We called to the other boy that was seated. Peter was called. He came down all dazed and shivering in the sun. Katarina undid his trousers and she began to play with him. taking his fanny into her mouth. He bent over and started to kiss her back. She turned around and held his head with both hands and she offered her easts to him. The other boy was so excited, so he and I we began again. It was as good as the first time. Later we swam and we left. When I returned to house, Karl-Henrik he had already returned. We had supper together and we drank the red wine that he ought. Later we lay down together. It had never been so good, neither before nor since then. You can understand it? I got pregnant, of course. Karl-Henrik, who studies medicine, he took me to a friend and I aborted. Both we were contentments. We did not love children. At least not then. It does not make any sense. He and I did not fit. And then you get bad conscience for nothing, you understand it? What happens to the things you decided to do? It is not necessary? Can you be two person at once? I mean, I mean to be two people. God, what idiot I am! Anyway, It's not a reason to start howling. Delay, I am going to take a handkerchief. It already is at dawn and it continues raining. It imagines, I have been speaking without stopping. I have spoken and you have listened to me. What boredom for you! What interest can have my life for you? I would have to be like you. You know what I thought when I saw your film that night? When I arrived at home, I saw myself in mirror and I thought: we are alike. You are much prettier but we look like. I believe that I could turn me to you, I mean the inside. You could change yourself to be me, like this. Although your soul would be much greater. It would overflow throughout. You must go to bed, if no, you will fall asleep in the table. No, I must lie down, if no, I will fall asleep in the table and that would be just a little bit uncomfortable. Good night. Elisabet? You spoke to me last night? Last night you were in my room? Shall I take your mail? ? Good bye. Dear doctor: Always I had wanted to live thus. To be silent, to live isolated, to feel the mistreated soul finally begins to cure itself. Alma is fond of me the most stirring way. I think, by the way, that it is enjoying and that I fall enough good to her, it is even excited of a delicious and unconscious way. It is funny to study her. Sometimes she cries by sins of the past, like an orgy with a unknown boy followed by an abortion. She claims her idea of life they do not agree with her actions I see that you are reading a play. It is a good signal. I will report it to the doctor. don't you think that we should leave this place soon? I begin to lmiss the city. Don't you? Will you do me a favor? I know that it is a sacrifice, but I need your aid right now. It is not nothing dangerous. I want that you speak to me. It does not have to be nothing special. Any thing. What we are going to eat or if you think that the water is cold after the storm or too much fry to swim. We would only have to speak for one minutes. A minute. You can read it of your book. Only a few words. I must try not to be angry. You it follows in silence, that is yours. But now I need that you speak to me. My dear woman, you cannot to say a simple word? I knew that you would refuse. You cannot know how I feel. I have always thought that the great artist felt great compassion by the others, that they created from a great sense of the compassion and of the necessity to help. But that was stupid. You have used me! Now that you do not need me you throw me away immediately! Yes, I konw hoe it sounds, how false it sounds! You have used me and now you throw me away! It has come to that! Every single word! You have really hurt me. You have laughed me behind my backs. I read the letter that you sent to the doctor, was not sealed. And I read everything! You made me speak ! You made me say things that I never told anybody. What a study, eh? You are not? Then now you are going to speak, if you have something to say! You'll damn well. No, don't! Really you were scared, eh? During a second you have been truely scared, no? A true fear to the death, eh? You thought that Alma she had gone crazy. What kind of person you are after all? Or you think like this: I will always remember that face, that tone of voice, that expression. I will give you something that you will not forget! You laugh? For me it is not so simple? nor so funny. But you always have had your laugh. Does it have to be like this? It is really important not to lie, to speak the truth with real intonation? It is possible to be lived without speaking freely? without lying quibbling and making excuses? isn't it better to be blunt and lax, mendacious? Perhaps you would be a little better if you allowed yourself to be what you are. No, you do not understand it. You do not understand what I am saying. You are inaccessible. They said that you were sane , but your madness is the worse kind. You act as if you were healthy. You do it so well that all they all believe in you. All except I, because I know how rotten you are. What I am doing? Elisabet! Elisabet, forgive me! I have behaved like an idiot, I do not know what it has happened to me. I am here for help, but when I saw that horrible letter... I felt very disappointed. You encouraged me to talk. you looked so kind and understanding. I was so drunk. It was so nice to talk about everything. I was also flattered because a great actress listened to me. I thought that maybe things I said would help you. But is terrible, right? It's sheer exhibitionism! Elisabet, I want you to forgive me. I like you so much, you mean so much for me. I have learned much of you, I do not want that we separate like enemies. You do not want to forgive me! You are too proud! You will not condescend, because you do not have necessity to do it. I will not do it! I will not do it! We did not speak, we did not listen, we do not understand? Elisabet? What means can I make you listen? When you sleep you have the flabby face. The mouth is swollen and ugly. You have a evil wrinkle in the forehead. You smell of dream and tears. I see your pulse in the throat. You have a scar that normally covers with make-up. Elisabet! Elisabet! He is calling again. I will find out what he wants of us. Here, faraway, in our solitude. Elisabet! Elisabet? I am sorry if I have scared to you. I am not Elisabet. I do not demand anything. It did not want disturb you. You do not think that I understand it? The doctor explained things to me. But it's hard rto explain to your little boy. I do what I can. There is something deep down I can't reach. You love someone; or rather, you say you say you do. It is incomprehensible. Intangible, Obvious as words. Mr. Vogler, I am not your wife. You also are loved. You form a bond. It generates security. You see the chance to endure, it is not like that? How I can say everything I want without losing myself? without losing you? I love you, as much as ever. No, don't be so timid, my darling. We have each other. We have faith, we know our mutual thoughts. We are in love. Is certain, right? Most important it is the effort, not what we obtained, right? To see us like children. Defenseless, tormented, solitary? Elisabet? Tell your little boy that Mummy will soon be home. That mother has been ill, and is missing him. remembers to buy a gift to him from mother. Do you know how much affection I have for you? It is almost difficult to bear. I do not know what to do with my affection. I live on your affection. Elisabet, you like to be with me? is it pleasant? You are a wonderful lover, you know it. My darling? Give me an anaesthetic! throw me away! No, I cannot! I cannot bear it any more! Leave me alone! It is a shame! Everything is a shame! Leave me alone! I am cold, rotten and indifferent! Everything is lies and cheating! Everything! Elisabet, what there do you have? What you hide underneath the hand? Let me see it. It is the photo of your little boy, the one that there were oken. We have to talk about it. Tell me now, Elisabet. Or I will do it. It was one night in a cele ation, right? It became late and quite noisy. In the small hours somebody said to you... Elisabet, you have everything as a woman and as an artist. practically everything in your baggage, but you lack motherhood. You laught and thought it was quite silly. After awhile, you began to think about which he had said to you. It worried to you more and more. You your husband you make you pregnant. You wanted to be mother. When you knew that it was confirmed, you were scared. scared of the responsibility to you, scared of coming home from the theater... scared the pain and death, scared of the swollen body. But all the time you acted... The part of a future mother happy young person and. Everybody said: How beautiful she is. she never has been so beautiful. While, you tried to abort several times. But you failed. When you realized it was too late, you began to hate the baby . You wished that the baby he was dead. You wished a dead baby. It was a long and difficult childbirth. You suffered during several days. Finally, the baby was born with f¨®rceps. You looked with horror at your deformed child and whispered: can you die soon? Can't you die? But he survived. The boy screamed day and night. And you hated it. You were scared and you had a bad conscience. Finally the boy was taken by relatives.. you could return to the theater. But the suffering had not finished. The boy was seized by a strange and violent love for his mother. You defend yourself. You defend yourself desperately. You feel that you cannot return it. So you try it and you try it, but your meeting with him are cruel and clumsy. You cannot do it. You are cold and indifferent. He watches to you. he loves to you and is so soft? You want to hit him, because he does not leave you peacefully. To you it seems to you repugnant, with its heavy mouth and its ugly body, with its humid eyes . He is repulsive and you are scared. What you hide underneath of the hand? Let me see it. It is the photo of your little boy, the one that there were oken. We must talk about it. Tell me now, Elisabet. or I will do it. It was one night in a party, right? It became late and it was very noisy. In the small hours somebody in the group said: Elisabet, like woman and artist you have it practically everything in your baggage, but you lack motherhood. You laughed and thought it was quite silly. After awhile, you began to think about which it had said to you. It worried to you more and more. You your husband make you pregnant. You wanted to be mother. When you knew that it was confirmed, you were scared. you were scared the responsibility to you, Scared of coming home from the theater. scared the of the pain to you, the death, the one that your body was swollen. But all the time you act. The the part of a happy expecteant mother. Everybody said: How beautiful she is. She never has been so beautiful. While, you tried to abort several times. But you failed. When you realized it was too late... you began to hate the baby and you wished that he was born dead. You wished that the baby he was dead. You wished a dead baby. It was a long and difficult delivery. You suffered for several days. Finally, the baby was born with f¨®rceps. You watched with terror at your deformed baby and you whispered: can't die soon? Can't you die The boy screamed day and night and you hated it. You were scared and you had a bad conscience. Finally the boy was taken in by the relatives. and you could go back to the theater. But your suffering was not over. The boy was saized by a strange and violent love for hiss mother. You defend yourself desperately. You feel that you cannot return it. So you try it and you try it, but your meeting with him are cruel and clumsy. You cannot do it. You are cold and indifferent. He looks at you. His loves to you and is so soft? You want to hit him because he does not leave you peacefully. To you he seems to be repulsive, with its heavy mouth and its ugly body, with its humid pleading eyes . He is repugnant and you are scared. No! I am not like you. I do not feel like you. I am the sister alma, I only am here to help you. I am not Elisabet Vogler! You are Elisabet Vogler! I would like to have? I adore? I do not have? I have learned a lot. We will see how long I can cope with. I never will be like you, never. I change all the time. You can do what you want, with me but never reach me. Don't defend anybody. cut a light. Another kind. Now no, no. No, no. warning and timeless.Irregular. When it should happened not as a failure. Yourself where you are! But I should do it. Not inwards, they say calm advises others. A desperate perhaps. Takes, But where is nearest? How it is called? No, no, no We, ours, I, me? Many words and such nausea? Incomprehensible pain. They throw! It repeats after me. Nothing? Nothing. No, nothing? Nothing. That's it. That's the way it shall be. That's the way it would have to be.
Full House Mr. Lee Young-Jae, What's the relationship between you? Episode 01 Ah... What the?! That crazy bastard. Why did he come back? It should have ended when he left like that... Why did he come back again? Why? That's it!! The woman is pregnant with the man's child ... Oh! It's becoming more exciting ... What did the doctor say? What happened? He says I'm pregnant. We have a lot of debts. How are we going to have a child? Honey, what are we going to do now? We'll have to do something somehow ... When they look into each other's eyes, they found understanding, love, and something they could not express in words. She put her head down slightly and smiled ... And then she whispered to him ... The moment I first met you ... I ... I… knew what kind of person.. What the … Who is it? Hold on!! Who could that be? Congratulations on winning a prize! First class airline ticket and a deluxe hotel pass? Yeah ... our bank is offering our superior clients a chance to win a trip overseas. And Ji-Eun ... you won the prize! Is this a lie? Didn't I say it's a contest held by the bank? You're so suspicious ... Then do you want to buy this? I'll make it cheap. You want me to go? What about work? Besides, you haven't been on an airplane before right? Airplane? No I haven't ... Just ride it for free this time. Then what am I going to do about the house? The house? Well, it's not like anyone's going to steal it while you're gone. That's right. We're here so there's nothing to worry about. You should take this opportunity to get more ideas for your next masterpiece out on this wide continent. Right? Hee-Jin? That's right! It can be your love story while crossing the border. There's something fishy about this whole thing … What do you mean fishy? Nothing is free in this world. There is no membership or participation fee? And everything is 100 percent free right? Yeah. That's right. Why are you so suspicious? Ok. Since it's free anyway ... let's go!! Let's go!! What's the rush? I'm going on a vacation! Let's hurry up and run. I told you to come out earlier. I didn't know that traffic would be this bad ... Stop complaining and just run. Once you arrive at the hotel, you have an interview. We'll start shooting on the second day. When you arrive at the airport, the staff and the translator will be out there. While you are in China, we will finalize the CF contract with IM. By the way, have you seen the article on you and Lee Ji-Hae? It's already the second one this month. The representative wants you to be more cautious. How's the arrangement in China? Hurry up and go in ... There will be someone from the hotel waiting for me at the airport right? Yeah there will be. Hurry up and go in. Don't forget to water the plants, ok? Don't worry and just go in. You'll be late. This feels weird ... It's my first time leaving home you know ... You're an adult now. You should leave when you need to leave. Alright, I'll be going. Take care of the house, my friends. Ji-Eun ... wait ... Take this ... What is this? When you reach there, you can exchange this money. Eat something good with it. It's okay. Didn't you say everything is provided for? Still, you better take this in case of an emergency. Yeah take it. You get sick often during the summer, so be careful not to get sick. What's wrong with you guys? Ji-Eun ... Ji-Eun, we love you!! Hey, this is embarassing! What are you doing? We love you. We really love you. Okay, my friends. I love you too. Okay? Bye ... Ji-Eun's going to be okay, right? You can drop her off in the desert and she'll still come back alive. When she does come back … that's when we have to start worrying. Now that we got rid of her. Let's hurry up and do what we have to. I'll put it up there for you ... Wow, this is so spacious ... What's that? Slipper? That's comfortable … Excuse me, would you like a newspaper? Yes. Oh yes! Does the plane shake a lot? No. Another scandal? For the umpteenth time? Who is it this time? Lee Ji-Hae? Why did you go out with her for? Welcome. Over here please ... Hello! You're Lee Young-Jae right? You're going to China? Why? To shoot a movie? Have a good nap ... Oh my god! The plane is moving ... The lights are working ... Yes ... The house is in good condition right? Is the amount correct? Yes, the amount is right. You said you will have the furnitures moved out of the house right? Of course. We will handle that. Okay, I'll leave that to you then. I'll be going now. Bye ... Hee-Jin, we come too far this time ... It's okay. Everything will work out. Look! there's a plane going across the sky. I'm sorry Ji-Eun! I'm sorry Ji-Eun! Ji-Eun ... that's your plane? Ji-Eun ... Ji-Eun ... I'm sorry Ji-Eun! Can I have one of that? Shall we exchange? Thanks! Can I have a glass of Coke? Coke? Please hold on... Did you see that? Did you see me catch that? Rubina Hotel? You're staying there? I'm staying there too ... That's so cool ... What are you looking at? This is my first time going out of the country. Actually, this is my first time on the plane ... Well, it's a lot more fun that I thought it would be ... Does your ears hurt? If you swallow your saliva, it'll stop hurting ... Swallow your saliva like this ... Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry ... What should I do? I'm so sorry ... What the ... Shanghai International Airport Excuse me … This … This … Wait a moment … Please wait up … This … this … Wait ... wait ... Over there ... No ... it's like this ... Please go over there ... This belongs to that person ... This lane is for VIP passengers only. Please go over there. This ... this belongs to ... Please follow the rules. Ok. I know ... Lee Young-Jae ... Lee Young-Jae ... Han Ji-Eun What is wrong with you? There's just no talking to you ... Okay ... forget it ... forget it ... Stupid pig This is driving me crazy … Why are they not picking up the phone? How am I supposed to find my way? Hello! What do you think about Shanghai? I think Shanghai is a beautiful and modern city. What kind of movie are you going to be filming in China? It's a period film about a guy who lost both his friend and lover and the hardship he has to endure in life. Is this the first time you're acting in a film set during the 1930s? Yes. Do you think there will be any difficulties? No. I heard that you are dating your previous co-star the actress Lee Ji-Hae. No. Do you have a girlfriend? I thought it was made clear I won't be answering any questions of personal nature. What do you think about Shanghai? I think Shanghai is a beautiful and modern city. What kind of movie are you going to be filming in China? It's a period film about a guy who lost both his friend and lover and the hardship he has to endure in life. Is this the first time you're acting in a film set during the 1930s? That's right. What should I do? Miss ... we have arrived at your destination. You are very kind. You are very kind in Chinese Yes... Oh, I like that. Thank you. Wait! Miss, you need to pay more than that. Lady ... Lady ... Oh my god! That was embarassing. Where is it? Hello! How can I help you? Can you speak English? Sure. What can I do for you? I made a reservation. My name is Han Ji-Eun. Oh .. wait a minute. I'm looking for Mr. Lee Young-Jae. He's staying at this hotel. Hello? Yes, I know ... in Japanese Things seem to be working out fine ... I should be back soon. Bye. I'll see you soon. What are you looking at? Am I big sister that pretty? Aigoo ... why are you smiling? For a Japanese you have very good English. You must have taken a private English class. Why are you smiling when you can't understand me? I'm sorry. Maybe there's something wrong. You haven't booked any room. Will you please make sure again? Excuse me? You haven't booked any room. Will you make sure again? What is she saying? Check-in please! She said that you don't have a reservation here. Are you sure you made reservations? Yes. Is there any room available? Yes, there is. How many days will you be staying? How long are you going to be staying? Till Friday. She's going to stay until this Friday. Wait a moment please... Room 1305 ... is that okay? Oh great! Mr Yoo You can go to your room when she gives you the key. Is there anything else I can help you with? No. Thank you for your help. I need to die ... How can you do this to me? I'm going to kill you guys. Why aren't you answering the phone? I'm going to go crazy. What happened? I thought you couldn't come? I still came even though I'm busy. I heard you bought the cable company? Yeah, that project is almost finished. So I'll be going to Korea next month. You're coming back to Korea? I'm going to try film marketing. You're gonna have to help me later. Film marketing? Yes. Oh yes, your parents are in good health I hope? I think so. Are things still the same between you and your father? You're not going through puberty anymore. Why don't you apologise first? This guy! Oh yes ... how is Hae-Won doing? She's doing good? Yes ... she's doing good. She seems to want to know how you're doing. Why don't you give her a call? Yeah ... I will. Do you want to have something to drink? Beer? Whiskey? No. I have to leave soon. Let's drink together next time. See you later You don't have to come out. Oh ... hi! Hi! We meet again ... I'm really sorry about just now. I thought you are Japanese. You speak Japanese really well. You must be having dinner. Yeah. Did you eat dinner yet? Not yet. Then would you like some cup ramen? No, thank you. Oh by the way ... I'm Han Ji-Eun. I'm Yoo Min-Hyuk. Are you staying here? I came to see a friend. Lee Young-Jae ... he's a famous actor in Korea? I see. Urmmn... I'll like to continue this conversation. But if I do, your ramen's going to be over cooked. Oh I'm sorry. You must be busy. I'll see you later then. If it's fated, I'm sure I'll see you again. Okay. What do you think of this one? Please pass me the hat. How about this one? Why is no one answering? Hello? Hello? Please speak up ... Wow... So many! Can't take pictures ... Don't take pictures ... Are you buying or not? Just one more ... just a quick one ... What's the big deal? Stop. Stand closer together. The director wants us to stand closer. Please ... please... pick up the phone. I can't answer your call now. Please leave a message. Hey ... why can't I get hold of you? There's no one picking me up at the airport. And I'm out of money. I'm in dire straits ... hurry up and call me at the hotel. The two of you are dead meat when I get back to Korea. Please leave a message after the beep. I think something went wrong for this trip. What if the travel agent never show up? How can I pay the hotel? I don't even have a plane ticket. How am I going back to Korea? How about you send me some money first? Call me at the hotel, okay? Hey ... didn't you guys get my messages? Where are you guys? Why aren't you calling me back? I'm getting so worried. I don't even have any ramen left. Hey ... call me back? Ok? There's something wrong with this trip. Wait until I'm back in Korea, then we'll think of what to do once I'm back in Korea. But how am I going to go back? Hello? Han Ji-Eun? Hi! Do you remember me? You know ... the person on the plane ... Oh yes ... You do remember! I'm sorry I didn't give you a proper apology because I fell asleep. Why are you here? Oh yeah ... you forgot your shirt. I cleaned and ironed it for you. Thank you. Bye ... But ... Other than that I have something else to discuss with you. Is it okay if I go in for awhile? Just tell me here. Well ... it's kinda long ... Then just make it short ... But ... it's long ... That's too bad then ... Can you lend me some money? What? I don't have any money to pay for the hotel and to buy a plane ticket. I'll pay you back when we go back to Korea. Okay? You're really something ... Please? ... I don't have any money. I know you're overwhelmed but I'm really desperate ... In this foreign place ... Seeing that we're both from Korea, that's why I'm appealing to you for help. Speaking of Shanghai ... have you heard of temporary government? Since we're from the same country, we should help each other out. I'll give you my address and phone number if you can't trust me. Please don't bang on my door again. Hey!! I thought I told you not to bang on my door ... Then can you give me Min-Hyuk's contact number? What? Mr. Yoo Min-Hyuk. He's still in Shanghai right? How do you know Min-Hyuk hyung? Hyung = older male friend/ other Hyung? You guys must be close then. Can't you help me because of him? Why can't you speak politely to me? What's your relationship with Min-Hyuk hyung? We just know each other. Then what do you mean by can't I help you because of him? Well ... the past is the past ... I don't really feel like talking about him now ... It's our problem. Min-Hyuk is not in Shanghai anymore. I have no idea where he is now. He's not here? Did you guys date for a long time? What? What if we did? If fate hadn't play it's game on us ... We could have been married by now ... I think about him ... My heart starts to ache ... Did I go overboard with my lie? Ah ... whatever! I'll just pay him back later. Thank god ... what a relief! Yang Hee-Jin! Shin Dong-Wook! I'm back in Korea now. If you guys don't call me with a good explanation. You're dead meat!! Got that? I'm back!! Excuse me ... is Shin Dong-Wook here? Mr. Shin Dong-Wook has already resigned. What? When was that? About a month ago. One month?!!! No wonder ... I knew this was a little weird ... He's really something ... Customer, is there anything else I can help you with? No ... thanks! Both of you plan this right from the start ... You even steal my house? I should eat you lily-livered fleas!! Excuse me! I have some money in my account. Can you check it for me? It says you took out all your money. Can you check it again? I don't have anything?!! You have 75 cents left. Here ... you can check here. Shin Dong-Wook! Shin Dong-Wook! How can I help you? Did you know where your neighbour, the young man named Shin Dong-Wook moved to? I don't know anything. Can you think carefully? I don't know... I don't know who she is. I disowned her. She can go as she please. Mr... Where's that girl? Ji-Eun ... Look here ... Forgive us for having to do this. There's really no other way. We will come back once we succeed. By then we'll greet each other with smiles. Hee-Jin is pregnant. Enclosed is an ultrasound scan. We love you. Dong-Wook and Hee-Jin. You guys are crazy! Crazy! Lee Young-Jae! Are you busy? You stayed there for more than a couple of days and you didn't even give me a call. You never ever call me first. I didn't have any business with you. You only call me for business? You're no fun! Why ... did you wait for my call? Yes ... so I can ask you to buy me present. You didn't buy me anything huh? Well, then let's just go out for dinner tomorrow. Okay ... that'll do. Hae-won... Yes? I met Min-Hyuk. He seems to be doing fine. Oh really? He's coming back to Korea. I think he found a new company. Oh ... He say he misses you. Phone call for you. Thank you. Hello? Min-Hyuk? What's up? You calling me ... Is that true? You're coming tomorrow? Come over ... we can have dinner together. Really? You better keep your promise or I'm gonna get really mad. Okay? Okay. Then I'll talk to you tomorrow. Bye. Young-Jae ... Min-Hyuk is coming over tomorrow. Yes ... I heard that. Can Min-Hyuk join us tomorrow? Can he? Why are you asking? You're that happy to hear he's coming? Well yeah ... because I haven't seen him for a long time. Will it be cheaper if I buy all the clothes? How have you been? Who are you? You don't know me? Then I must have come to the wrong place ... I should leave then. Hello? Quickly go over, go, quick! Are you Lee Young-Jae? I'm your fan. Can I get your autograph? I've got his autograph! He's looking here! He's looking at me... Over here. Hi! I should have called you first. I'm sorry. The truth is my house was burgled. But I'll pay you back as soon as I can. What's this you're wearing? What? We don't have much time. So let's go. Why am I wearing this for? That's really hard to understand. Are you not going to get in? Excuse me ... where are we going? I'm not going unless you tell me. We're going to eat. Is that okay? No. That seat. We'll order in a second. This place is really expensive. I owe you a lot of money. So I came here with you today. But do I have to pay for this dinner? I didn't ask you to buy me this dress. Surely you aren't expecting me to repay you this way? Han Ji-Eun. Yes? To be loved by the one you love ... you have to have faith. Even if it's hard, you have to endure it. If you guys eak up just because of parent's disapproval ... That's too sad. If you really love that person. Really, really love him ... Then why can't you guys get married without parent's approval? Isn't that right? Yes ... sure. We have to endure it. And I'm sure Min-Hyuk isn't over you yet... Why don't you give him another chance? What? You must miss Min-Hyuk? What? Who? We're late huh? No, it's ok ... We can't have a star wait for us. Wait a moment ... You look good today ... let's go in. Did you know Min-Hyuk is back in Korea? Of course not. But I don't really want to meet him right now. I know it's going to be hard for you. But you have to endure the pain for the person you love. But ... I think you have this all wrong. To tell you the truth ... What? The truth isn't ... Look they are here ... Let's do good. What? But the truth isn't ... the truth isn't ... Min-Hyuk ... Wow ... you're here early. Thanks (Just wait ... ) What the? Who's that? Oh, It's my friend. We just met and I thought we'll have dinner together. Is that alright? Han Ji-Eun ... Han Ji-Eun ... Hello! This is Kang Hae-Won and this is Yoo Min-Hyuk. Hello ... Don't you know that there's so much potential in the media business? Recent expansion of overseas media is influencing the newspaper, TV and radio closely. (Hey ... what are you doing?) Italian business ... (Why don't you say something?) Don't you have an interest in the area of communication? Uncle said he wanted you to be in charge of that. No ... I'm more interested in this area of work. Does that include making movies? There'll be some investment needed to start off this new career. Young-Jae, you have to be good to Min-Hyuk then. Why should I? No, I'm the one who have to be good to him. Let's make a lot of movies together. You need to accept and make more good movies. (Hey ... you better say something soon.) Is there something wrong? No ... I'm fine. You said you're Han Ji-Eun right? Yes? ... Yes. You don't remember me? (Oh yeah ... that's it.) I don't ... We met in Shanghai ... remember? Yes? Yeah... we did... wow! We meet again! Destiny must've ought us here. Min-Hyuk, how do you know her? I met her at the hotel in Shanghai when I visited Young-Jae. Oh! How was your trip? It was good, thanks to you. It didn't seem like you knew Young-Jae well back then. That's right. But now we are friends. You're going home? Yes. Can you send me? Ji-Eun, where do you live? I live very far from here. I should be the one sending Han Ji-Eun home. Go on. Okay. I'll see you again. Bye. Then I'll see you again. Bye. I'm leaving. What? It's nothing. Are you trying to be funny? If you calm down, I'll explain everything to you. What? What explanation do you have? I told you before that I was in a very serious situation. But when I asked you for your help, you wouldn't help me. What? I was in a rush... so I had to make up a story. I'll pay you back. Wouldn't that solve everything? Solve what? Solve what? You ripped me off... Ripped you off? Watch what you're saying. What? Watch what I say? Besides, aren't you the one using me just now? What? What if I really dated Yoo Min-Hyuk? Do you know how embarassing that situation would've been? I don't know why you tried to create that situation... But you shouldn't do that. It's very immature. You're the one who lied and ripped people off and you're telling me off? What a funny person you are... And why are you talking in that tone to me? What if I do? What can you do to me? Then I'm going to do the same to you too, Young-Jae. What? F!!! Oh my! I'm pissed ... You're so shallow ... What? Fine! Hit me ... hit me! You better watch out!!! Piss me off! Mister ... who are you? Who are you? I'm the owner of this house. As you can see, there's no problem with the agreement. Didn't they do enough? They sold my house too? The house was sold to us and there is no problem with the agreement. So I would like for you to get out. There might not be any problems with the agreement, but in reality there is still a problem. What are you saying then? You didn't buy the house from the owner but from someone else. I'm telling you this again... There is nothing wrong with the agreement. And we've already paid in full. I don't care ... my whole house has been robbed. Then you should tell it to the police. What? - Listen to me young kid! - Okay, okay! What did u come for? My savings and my house has been stolen. Officer Kim, can you come over for awhile? Please hold on. Okay. For the sake of the children, please let me go.
Q-U... ...A- R... ...A- N-T... ...l- N-E. Quarantine. Q-U-A-R... ...A- N-T... ...l- N-E. Quarantine. You know the cholera? Yes, Mother. You've seen the signs on the houses where the coloreds live? Yes, Mother. You know the typhus? I do, Mother. You know what they can do to you? Yes, Mother. You are not safe. You may be directing this movie, but what you're asking, we can't do. Don't tell me it can't be done. The gyro forces are too much. You send these planes into barrel rolls... ...they won't make it. - It's the climax of the picture. Make it work. Decrease the vertical trajectory if you have to. A Le Rhône rotary won't stall at 60 degrees. We're still short two cameras. We need to cut that sequence down... We're not cutting. I'll get those cameras. Set up for rehearsals. I'm Noah Dietrich. Your office said I'd find you here. Dietrich. You're a man on the come. I read your résumé, talked to your references. Know what I'm looking for? You're looking for a second-in-command at Hughes Tools. Someone to oversee the financial aspects of the business. I'm looking for somebody to run it and do a good job. There's only one thing you've gotta know. My folks, they're gone now. So it's my money. What I do with that money may seem crazy to those sons of bitches in Houston. I'm sure it does, but it all makes good sense to me. You got that? - Got it. - Good. Now, you made, what, $5200 a year at your last job? - I'll pay you $ 10,000. - I guess I'll be working twice as hard. You'll be working four times as hard. I just got you at half price. - Welcome aboard. - Thank you. You're my voice now. Make them understand that. Some of those folks still call me Junior. You tell them it's Mr. Hughes now. You bet. So when do we go to Houston? We don't. Cholera epidemic in 1913. Two thousand dead. Whole place is nothing but pestilential swamp. Typhus, malaria, cholera, yellow fever. You name it, they got it. You see that, Mr. Dietrich? You are looking at the largest private air force in the entire world. What do you think of that, now? It's your money. Start them up! I saw the rough cut of the new Tod Browning movie, London After Midnight. Lon Chaney is incredible. It's his best performance in a long time. It's gonna be a big hit. The cards are great. It's supposed to be... Hello, Mr. Mayer. I don't know if you remember me. My name's Howard Hughes. I was wondering if I could have a moment. - Oh, Howard Hughes. The airplane picture? - Exactly. - I remember. - Hell's Angels. You heard of it. - Good. - Yes. I was wondering if I could have a moment of your time. I need a few cameras. - Yeah? - Yeah, two, to be exact. I bought every camera I could find. We're shooting our big dogfight sequence. I need two more. Desperately. You think MGM could help me out? With what? - Cameras. - Oh, with the actual cam... We're not usually in the practice of helping out competition. - No. No. - So how many cameras do you have now? Twenty-four. You...? Wait a minute. - You have 24 cameras? - That's right. - And you need...? You need two more? - Yeah. - You don't think you got it with 24? - No. No, sir. You know, I think... I think we've got them all... Don't we have them...? They're all used, right? - All 26 of them. - I only need two, sir. - Jesus Christ, sonny. - Howard. Howard. Let me give you a little advice, huh? - Take your oil money... - Drill bits. All right, take your drill-bit money and put it in the bank. If you continue making the movie the way you are... ...there isn't gonna be a distributor... ...you won't find anybody who wants to see the movie... ...and you're not gonna have any more oil money. So welcome to Hollywood. Yeah. Well, I'll be sure to remember that, Mr. Mayer. - Good luck. - All right. He needs 26 to make it work? He's out of his mind. I looked down at my pants. It was a strange situation. Boss. Scram, love boat, let's go. - Another soda. You know what I mean. - Milk. In the bottle. - With the cap still on. - Okay, what did His Highness say? Son of a bitch won't part with a single goddamn camera. Why don't you try and make do with what you have. What I have isn't enough, John, not for how I see it. Look. My name depends on this picture. If it doesn't work, I'm back to Houston... ...making goddamn drill bits for the rest of my life. Can't you do it with the cameras you have? You ought to hear about what's going on with DeMille. He's shooting his Bible picture. He's gotta do a crucifixion in Fresno. Johnny. - A bunch of tractors... - Johnny. - You're a press agent, are you not? - Yeah. You're supposed to know the ins and outs? - Absolutely. - Do you? Yeah, absolutely. Then you leave the big ideas... ...to me. - Oh, yeah. Of course, boss. Cigar, cigarettes, Sen-Sen? I thought you were at the Brown Derby... ...with Trixie. No, Theresa. - Margaret. - Margaret. Exactly. What happened to Margaret? She lost her... Thank God that's settled. Oh, I'm sorry. Thelma, this is Howard Hughes. Howard and I were discussing how he wants me to pull a camera out of my ass. - Cigarette? - Oh, no, thanks. I don't smoke. Boy, you are just hitting on all six cylinders, aren't you? My God. Would you do me a favor and just...? Would you just smile for me one time? Just once? Yeah. Yeah. You see, you got a short upper lip. Makes for a much nicer smile. See, I wonder what gives a beautiful woman like you pleasure. I mean, say you're just standing there, right? And I just touch you. Just... Just like this. With my fingertips. Do you...? Do you like that? Do you? You see, I wanna learn what pleases you. I wanna learn everything about you. Would you let me do that? Would you give me that job? I'm off in a half an hour. - Well, I'm in room... - 217. 217. See you there. Johnny, get on the horn to Universal and Warners. I need two more cameras by Saturday. Rent them if you can. Steal them if you have to. Absotively, boss. Absotively. Rumors coming from a lonely airstrip out in Van Nuys. Sources whisper that young Texas industrialist Howard Hughes... ... won't stop pouring money into his war epic. And do we mean epic! One hundred and thirty-seven pilots. 87 airplanes... ... 35 cameramen. 2000 extras. How long will it be before this picture... ... ends up costing as much as the real war? Damn it. Why the hell do they look so slow? This isn't what it was like up there. They look like goddamn models! Son of a bitch. Howard? Without something standing still behind the planes... ...we've got no idea of how fast we're moving. We got no sense of relative motion. Call UCLA. Get me the best meteorologist they got. You get him here in an hour, all right? Hey. You want the good news or the bad news? - Bad news, always. - All right. We installed the 450 radial. Struts won't take the vi ation. Minute we fire her up, the struts start cracking at the attach points. - Well, what's the good news? - There isn't any. Goddamn it, Odie. If the 450's too big, we figure something else out. We've done everything. We've rebuilt her from top to toe. If we drain the fuel tank... ...she might make 180 miles per hour. - I want minimum 200, all right? I want a date with Theda Bara. That ain't gonna happen. Oh, don't be so sure. If the struts won't sustain the engine we need, we gotta get rid of the struts. No, then the top wing falls off. Then let it. What? Who says we need a top wing? I mean, who says we need anything? - A monoplane. - A cantilevered monoplane, right? They're doing it in France. To hell with the top wing and struts. - A 550 Wasp engine. - One-hundred-octane fuel. - That would give us a horsepower of what? - Seven hundred. We squeeze that to a thousand, we got the fastest plane ever built. You know, I've gotta say... ...we've already spent over $200,000 rebuilding this plane. To hell with it. Tear it up, Odie. Go on. Well... The cumulonimbus formations about which you speak... ...that look like... Giant easts full of milk. I want clouds, damn it. Yes, clouds... ...that look like giant easts full of milk... ...cannot exactly be guaranteed for any particular occasion. So you might have to... To wait. Then we'll wait. Look, whatever they pay you at UCLA... ...I'm doubling it, all right? You work for me now. Find some clouds. Find some clouds. Find me some clouds! Welcome to Hell's Angels. Thank you. I've been to Chatsworth, Santa Cruz, Encino, San Diego... ...Riverside, Van Nuys and Bakersfield. It has been eight months! Where are my goddamn clouds, huh? They move, Mr. Hughes! Clouds move. - That's what they do. They move! - You see that? It is costing me $5271 a day... ...to keep those planes on the ground. You find me some goddamn clouds, huh? Nice day. Yeah, very funny. I got a call from Houston. They're getting nervous. Stop showing them the damn bills. That would be illegal. Shit, no. Maybe it's a little bit naughty. Hughes Tool is incorporated in Texas. They have to see the bills. Incorporate a new division out here. We'll call it Hughes Aircraft. - Do we need these rivets on the cowling? - Yeah, or the reverse thrust would rip it off. They're gonna give me drag. Do something about that. - Wind resistance on rivets? - I want her slippery. There are tax consequences to incorporating in California. - Just take care of it, would you? - Mr. Hughes! Oakland! - We have clouds in Oakland! - You mean it this time? Yes! Goddamn it, yes. I can promise you. - Clouds in Oakland. - All right, don't get all jittery now. Oakland! Oakland! We're going to Oakland! Oakland. Down and to the left! That's perfect! That's right, Senator George. Yes. Young Howard Hughes has pulled it off! After two years. Hell's Angels has finally finished filming. There's gonna be one heck of a wrap party in Hollywood tonight. The price tag? A staggering $ 2 million. If every human being in America buys a ticket... ... he might even make a profit. First, clouds don't come. Then planes eak down. Then the planes crash. We've had everything but a plague of locusts on this thing. I mean, you have to admit. Now, honestly, did you ever think you'd actually finish the damn thing? Come with me. Mama. Darling. If I'm a success in this show... - ... we're gonna move from here. - Oh. No. Yes. We're gonna move up in the Bronx. Green grass. A lot of people you know. The Ginsbergs. The Guttenbergs and the Goldbergs. Oh. A whole lot of bergs. I don't know them all. See, this is what the people want. Silent pictures are yesterday's news. So I figure we gotta reshoot Hell's Angels for sound. How much of it? All of it. Before you ask, I'll tell you. An additional 1.7 million. We got that much? - No! - Well, we'll make it. Take care of that, would you? Now. Get this. In the halls of 7000 Romaine... ... it goes on day after day. Month after month. Howard Hughes is now editing some 25 miles of film. Heck. I say release it now and give the world its first 560-hour movie. Pat, Mr. Hughes needs this reel in the projection room right now! Enough is enough. Mr. Hughes. Are you ever gonna let us actually see this epic of yours? Hurry up! - Who is it? - Noah. Come on in. I've been on the phone to Houston for three hours. - We're fixing every goddamn book we have. - Wait, wait. Yeah. Run reel 10 again. I think we're duplicating a shot here. And tell Jimmy I want 10 chocolate chip cookies, all right? Medium chips, none too close to the outside. Got it? You remember that goddamn shot from reel 10? No. I don't remember anything from reel 10. I don't know what reel 10 is. I'm a businessman, Howard. And so are you. Now, look. This has been a great ride. We've had a hell of a lot of fun. But you're losing $25,000 a day doing this. Every day. So, what are my options? Well, this time I don't know that you have any. I'm afraid you gotta close it down. Dig your way out. I'm sorry, Howard. I truly am. Reel 10. Mr. Hughes. Mortgage Tool Co. - Every asset. You heard me. - Lf you do that, you could lose everything. Well, I won't. I won't. All right. I'll get into it. Thanks, Noah. More than half a million souls lining the curb of Hollywood Boulevard. Look at the automobiles! There are 45.000 cars here. Making it the greatest traffic jam ever seen. Howard Hughes must have a lump in his throat. Six months after the stock market crashes and after three pilots' deaths... ... he's finally unveiling his $4 million baby doll. It's the most expensive movie ever made. Nothing five-and-dime for our Mr. Hughes. Nothing like tonight has ever been seen before. And I can say... ... it will never be seen again. Five hundred thousand people are crowding the streets to get a glimpse of the stars. Three companies of Marines were called to assist... ... the 250 special police who are handling this enormous crowd... This is an industry town. And nobody but nobody makes a movie outside a studio. Some Hollywood insiders over at the Brown Derby may be laughing... And now. I think... Yes. Yes. I can see Mr. Hughes' car arriving now. Mr. Hughes escorts the lovely starlet Jean Harlow. He discovered her for this picture. And we think her platinum blond locks... ... and hot-jazz. Baby-doll style are gonna make her a big star. Howard! Howard! Over here! - This way, boss. Right over there. - Mr. Hughes, how about a word? Big night for you, Mr. Hughes. Big night for you tonight. Very big. Very big. Tell us what it was like making this fabulous picture. Yes. Yeah. So 4 million clams from your own pocket. Nervous how the flick will fly? Big night. You enjoy the show. Yes, well, let me present the feminine star of this spectacle, Hell's Angels... ...Miss Jean Harlow. - Thank you. I would like to use this occasion to thank Mr. Hughes... ...for the opportunity he gave me. Thank you. Thank you! Now I'd like to ask Roscoe Arbuckle... ...to introduce his pet lion cub, Gilmore. What's the matter with you? Can't remember my name? I'm sorry. Roscoe Turner, and this would be Gilmore. It's going! It's going! Murder! That's what this dirty, rotten politician war is, murder! You know it as well as I do. Stand up, slim, take a bow. Reel four played too long. Too many coughs. Get the team out of the party and to the office. I wanna cut a few shots. Oh, find Glenn. Somebody write this down. Flush rivets. Got that? - Flush rivets. - Flush rivets. Lickety-split, boss. Here he is! Here he is! Variety says. This one won't miss! - Magnificently photographed! - Awesome beyond description! The most extraordinary output to emerge from a motion-picture studio. Not for a long time have I seen anything as enthralling. It costs 4 million dollars and has 4 million thrills! - Majestically... - Most epic picture of its time! A lighter shade. I don't want to look like Boris Karloff. If you know what I mean. I read in the magazines that you play golf. On occasion. Well, how about nine holes? Now, Mr. Hughes? If it would be convenient, Miss Hepburn. You're not extending enough on your follow-through. Follow-through is everything in golf, just like life. Don't you find? Saw your Scarface picture. - Violent. - Realistic. Movies are movies, Howard. Not life. Now the stage. The stage is real. Real flesh and blood. Human beings right out there in front of you, buster. Can't look away. Can't munch popcorn. That would be rude. Do you like the theater? - No. - Oh, I adore the theater. Only alive on-stage. I'll teach you. We'll see some Ibsen. If the Republicans haven't outlawed him by now. You're not a Republican, are you? How did you vote in '32? - Well, I didn't. - You must! It's your sacred franchise. Heard you were wooing Ginger Rogers. What about that? She's just a friend. Men can't be friends with women. They must possess them or leave them be. It's a primitive urge from caveman days. It's all in Darwin. Hunt the flesh, kill the flesh, eat the flesh. That's the male sex all over. Excuse me? Well, if you're deaf, you must own up to it. Get a hearing aid. Or see my father. He's a urologist, but it's all tied up inside the body, don't you find? Me, I keep healthy. I take seven showers a day to keep clean. Also because I am what's so vulgarly referred to as outdoorsy. I'm not outdoorsy. I'm athletic. I sweat. There it is. Now we both know the sordid truth. I sweat and you're deaf. Aren't we a fine pair of misfits? Three. Noble effort. So I suppose you're wooing me now? Oh, well. Not enough. Not enough. These rivets have to be completely flush. I want every screw and joint countersunk. I want no wind resistance on the fuselage. She has got to be clean, Odie. - Clean. Understand? - Okay, Howard. I don't know what else to tell you. - What do you got for me? - The thing is, TWA needs a new plane. - A modern plane. - Oh, yeah? What kind of plane? Okay. The DC-3 has 21 daytime seats... ...and 14 overnight berths. - Something bigger? Try 50 seats with a ceiling of 12,000 feet. No. No, 20,000. Think about it. What does 20,000 feet give you? - Less turbulence. - Because it's above the weather. Jack, we wanna fly above the weather. Only 1 percent of the American population has set foot on an airliner. Why? Because they're scared to death. They should be. I mean, 7000 feet is bumpy as shit. You know that. We build a plane that flies above the weather... ...we could get every man, woman and child in this country to feel safe. An airplane with the ability to fly into the substratosphere across the country. Across the world. Now that is the future. - You with me? - Yeah. I don't wanna get into this if your board doesn't have the balls for it. - Would they support us? - I don't know. - What's your financial picture? - Not great. - Last year's deficit? - 770,000. - What's it selling at? - About 8 dollars a share. That's the lowest it's been, huh? I could do that. - Do what? - Buy it. - You wanna buy the airline? - For crying out loud... ...we don't want pencil pushers getting in the way of us making our plane. Give me ass tacks, now. What does controlling interest in TWA cost me? Call it 15 million. That is a chunk of change, huh? You call Noah Dietrich. You have him start buying. Howard, hold on. Are you sure? You wanna think about it for five minutes? Hell, Jack, I got a tiger by the tail here. I ain't gonna let it go. Good evening, Mr. Hughes. Welcome. Your table is ready. How goes the aviation? - Oh, just fine, Pete. - I'm so glad. Good evening, Mr. Hughes. - Madame. - It's miss. Miss. The usual, Mr. Hughes? - Please. - May I recommend for the lady... ...our clementine soup followed by roast duck with currant glaze... ...and poached pears in rose sauce. It's truly divine. Yeah. That sounds fine. Your kind of joint, is it? Wouldn't have thought. They're open late. I go to a hot-dog stand on La Cienega too. - They're open till about 4. - Are they? How marvelous. Howard! Howard! Hi! Son of a gun. Kate, this is Johnny Meyer. I suppose you could call him my press agent. - Pleased to meet you. Loved Alice Adams. - You're too kind. - I'm sure you know Errol, right? - Mr. Flynn. Yes. Kate. Kate. Kate of the clenched-jawed Hepburns. Enchanting as always. You should use Lux on your hands, by the way. I do. You and Howard ought to cook up a picture. Costar with Errol. I could sell that in spades. That would be marvelous. Howard? I think not. Don't you read Variety, Mr. Meyer? Well, I'm box-office poison. I'm on the outs, the skids, the doldrums. Washed-up, day-old fish not worth the eating, so they tell me. Hell with them. Hell with them, my dear. Soulless pricks to a man, right? Johnny tells me you're thinking about doing a Western, of all goddamn things. Are you making a Western, Howard? Yeah. Making a Western. I'm gonna call it The Outlaw. Yeah. And you know what it's about? S-E-X. - It's all about S-E-X. - It's a Western. You can't have fornication in a Western. It isn't done. It's not real sex, it's movie sex. What Scarface did for the gangster picture, The Outlaw will do for the Western. Put the sex and guts and blood up there on the screen. - Have you seen my cigarettes? - Don't mind us. New York cut steak, 12 peas, bottle of milk with the cap on. - You can't afford your own cigarettes? - Jack has all my money. I hope your food isn't getting cold at your table somewhere or something. No, no. We're here all night. Don't worry. Now, Howard. Now, Howard. If you're seriously talking about putting carnality... ...back on the silver screen, you must swear to let me in on the casting session. - I have an eye for talent. Isn't that right? - You ought to give up prancing in tights... ...be a talent scout. - That prancing paid for my new yacht. You must all come sailing with me. Catalina. What do you say? - Catalina. Sounds grand. Yeah. - I've even managed to coax... ...the luscious Miss De Havilland and her equally luscious sister to come. Though I fear their mother will insist on coming, to preserve their questionable virtue. We shall assault these twin monuments of pristine Britannic beauty nonetheless. - What do you say, Howard? - Yeah? - Yeah. Yeah. - Yeah? I gotta go. If you'll excuse us, we have... We have to be somewhere. You are somewhere, Howard, you madman. - Somewhere else. Excuse us. - Charmed, gentlemen. Do help yourself to the poached pears. I hear they're divine. Well. Howard Hughes, ladies and gentlemen. Was that meant for me? My hero. God, all that Hollywood talk bores me silly. As if there aren't more important things, like Mussolini. - Where are we going, by the way? - Do you feel like a little adventure? Do your worst, Mr. Hughes. - Think you own this place, you limey bastard? - I'm a Tasmanian bastard, you prick. - Thataway, Errol. - Let me at him! That's Mr. Mayer's house right there. Do you know where Jack Warner lives? - What's that on the steering wheel? - Cellophane. If you had any idea of the crap that people carry around on their hands. What kind of crap? You don't wanna know. Hold on to the wheel for a bit. That's too hard. Relax your hand. Relax your hand. You see, you gotta feel the vi ation of the engine through your fingertips. - Do you feel that? - Yes. Well, that's good. Golly! Well, she's all yours. - Where are you going?! - I think there's some milk back here. - You just keep us steady, now. - All right. - Howard. - Yeah? There's a rather alarming mountain heading our way. Pull back on the wheel a smidge. Go on. Golly! I don't think I've ever met someone who actually uses the word golly. You all right? Do you want me to take over? Just when I'm getting the hang of it? - You want some milk? - Oh, please. Utterly smashing! We'll do it again. I'm free Wednesday. It's a little early for golf, though. Oh, no, no. I live right there. - Feel like a drink? - Lead on. Now, that makes for a challenging par four. My decorator picked out the wallpaper and such. He's queer as a bedbug. But I just hate this room. Gives me the willies. Like I'm about to be swallowed up by the latest issue of Town & Country. What room do you like? My study. Take me there. You are the tallest woman I know. And all sharp elbows and knees. Beware. Will you fly me to work tomorrow? It is tomorrow. Keep your eye on the fuel. She's got a minimum to keep her weight down. Two runs. That's it. After that, you're flying on vapors. And then you crash and you die. Give her easy flying. Don't worry about speed and don't think about the record today. I wish you'd let someone else take her. You've got 20 test pilots. Hell, why should I let someone else have all the fun? See you in a bit. Contact! 339. Goddamn! 347. Son of a bitch! - 352. - 352! Good girl. Damn it! Goddamn it! - Oh, God! - There goes our meal ticket. Come on! Howard! - Howard! - How did we do? 352 on the last run. She'll go faster. Country mouse! - Kate! Katie! - Upstairs, city mouse. Hello. Good Lord, what happened to you? Oh, nothing. A hard landing. I cut my foot. Sit down. I'll take care of it. You tell me everything. You cannot imagine what it was like, Katie. You cannot imagine the speed. - She was like a winged bullet up there. - What did she make? Oh, around 352. You did it! Fastest man on the planet. Hot dog! I'm so proud of you. - She did it, baby. - You knew she would. Oh, she was fine. She was just fine. Now let me see your foot. Yeah. - Good God! You're covered in blood. - Oh, no. That's just beet juice. - I crashed into a beet field. - What? Yeah, I crashed in a beet field. Let me get you cleaned up. - Heavens, what is this? Electrical tape? - Yeah. Odie just sort of slammed it on there. But all I could think about was getting home to see you. I am so proud of you. Now, this is gonna sting a little bit. Oh, this is useless. Come to the bathroom. - Don't get beet juice on the carpet. - I won't, I won't. - Too hot! - Don't be a baby. Was the press there? Some. But they're calling everyone. Should be on the wires by now. What is it? Kate? I've been famous, for better or worse... ...for a long time now... ...and I wonder if you know what it... ...really means. Yeah. I had my fair share of press on Hell's Angels. I'm used to it. Are you? Howard, we're... We're not like everyone else. Too many acute angles. Too many eccentricities. We have to be very careful not to... ...let people in, or they'll make us into freaks. Kate, they can't get in here. We're safe. They can always get in. When my other killed himself... ...there were photographers at the funeral. There's no decency to it. You know, sometimes I... I get these feelings, Katie. I get these ideas, these... ...crazy ideas about... ...things that may not... Things that may not really be there. Yeah. Sometimes I truly fear that I'm... ...Iosing my mind. And if I did, it would... It'd be like flying blind. You understand? You taught me to fly, Howard. I'll take the wheel. Smashing all records. Howard Hughes outdoes Jules Verne's wildest dreams. Around the world from New York to New York in four days. Even beating Wiley Post's mark by over three days. New aviation history is written when his Lockheed monoplane... ... returns swiftly and safely. A daring aviator. A true pioneer of the world's airways. From New York to Paris. He cuts Lindbergh's time in half. Then on to Moscow. Thirty-five hours out of New York. He roars across Siberia's trackless wastes. Sixty hours out of New York. He heads for Alaska. Most hazardous hop of all. Continuing the terrific pace. He comes home... ... inging new laurels to American aviation. Howard Hughes and his crew may find more worlds to conquer... You won't believe this. It just came over the wires. Hughes has bought control of TWA. I thought Mr. Hughes was flying around the world. Apparently he did it while he was flying, over the radio. I have heard some disquieting rumors about Mr. Hughes. I'd like to know everything there is to know about Mr. Hughes. I'd like you to attend to that for me. Thoroughly. The Pantages is glittering tonight. - Howard! - Right over here. This way, over to the left. - Mr. Hughes, how was your flight? - Miss Hepburn! - When are you gonna name the day? - Raise your head. What's the next movie? Give us the scoop. Right here. How many more records are you gonna set? Right over here. Come on. Give us a smile. It won't kill you. - Howard, this way. - Beautiful. Over here, over here, Mr. Hughes. When are you gonna fly around the world again? You gonna fly with Kate next time? Did you get Ionely without her? - Talk to Lindbergh about your flight yet? - Where's Linda Darnell tonight? - Please, Mr. Hughes. - Right here. Right here, Mr. Hughes. Are you trying to be more famous than Lindbergh? You know, fame is supposed to be my turf. L.B.! If you don't get more distinguished every time I see you. You look so beautiful. Is that true? Don't worry about it, Howard. She's just working the room. It's her job, baby. Sultry Southern tigress Ava Gardner dazzles the room tonight. She's the newest star in the MGM galaxy. And believe you me. She puts the cheese in cheesecake. Well, Jane Eyre has been selling popcorn for over a hundred years, L.B. Hello. Hello. Could you reach me a towel? I... I really can't do that. I'm sorry. I'm an idiot. I'm a complete idiot, and I'm sorry. - Forget it. - No, no. I'm a vain, preening ass... ...without a single redeeming feature. - That's not true. You have very good teeth. Come on. I've got a better idea. Take me flying. Or better yet, I'll take you flying. Do your worst, Miss Hepburn. Don't be so squirmy. You're gonna get on famously with Father and Mother. And I'm sure they'll like you too. Once they get to know you. - Hello! Hello! - Kath, hello. Kathy. - Who's that with the camera right there? - That's my ex-husband, Ludlow. Father and Mother are just mad about Luddie. - What the hell's he doing here? - Oh, he's here all the time. Hello! Sorry we're late. - Mom. - Oh. Oh, thank you. - Dad. - Darling. - Uncle Willy. - Oh, who have we got here? - Don't feel self-conscious. - Hepburns! Hepburns! Attention, please. This is Howard. Howard, welcome. Don't worry, he's had his lunch. He likes you. That's unusual. We pay our devotion to the arts here. A colony we created. Julian's a painter. Abstract, of course. What's the point of painting... ...something real when you can just take a picture nowadays? Where do you stand on politics, Mr. Hughes? - Excuse me? - We're all socialists here. We are not. You've met Mr. Roosevelt. What make you of him? What are you sniggering at? - What? What was that? - You just sniggered. No, no. The dog. It seems to be crushing my feet. - Oh, my God! - Buster! Hey. Hey! Don't you like dogs? I will not have you sniggering at Mr. Roosevelt. - Please leave. - No. I wasn't. - I thought everybody liked dogs. - Perhaps he had a bad experience. Does it upset you that Howard gets more press? - A bad experience with a dog? - No, no. - You are such a shy creature, aren't you? - Perhaps it was a very large dog. - The press can be a damned nuisance. - Was it a Doberman? - A Doberman, Mr. Hughes? Or a dachshund? - Neither, sir. - Dachshunds are little dogs, Hep dear. - They should all be lined up and shot. - What's that Spanish painting? - The Goya. Goya. Of course. Yes. - Yes, Mexican. - What was that called? Anyway, that's the vulgar press, I'm sure. Do you read much, Mr. Hughes? I try to stay up to snuff on the trade journals, yeah. - Snuff? - These would be flying magazines? - What was that? - Oh, he's a little deaf. - Pass the goddamn butter, I beg you. - You read flying magazines? Trade journals. On engineering. Aviation. We read books. Howard has to read the trade pieces, Mom, because he's designing a new aeroplane. Oh, really? Do tell. Well... ...it's quite exciting, actually. It's a spy plane for the Air Corps. A twin-engine plane with some... ...I must admit, some rather unique design features. You see, it has these two booms at the back... Luddie built a birdhouse once. You remember that, dear? - Yes, well, a mere trifle, darling. - I remember the painting! The painting, it's called May 18-0- something. Anyway, Goya's vastly overrated. All the Spaniards are. - Nonsense! Picasso is sacred. - I'm a urologist. - It was quite aesthetic, really. - A sacred monster. The birds don't care for it much, but the bats do. - I'll bet. - That's such bunk! - Do speak up, dear. - Nothing, nothing, Mrs. Hepburn. Nothing. Why did you speak? I can't abide people who speak but have nothing to say. Did you go to mechanic school to learn all this airplane guff? No, no, I didn't, Luddie. No. Well, Howard just flew round the world in three days. - I think we've had enough about airplanes. - And dogs. - Then how did you make all that money? - We don't care about money here. Well, that's because you have it. Would you repeat that? You don't care about money because you've always had it. - How did you make all that...? - Excuse me, I'm speaking. - Okay. - Thank you. All right. Some of us choose to work for a living. Speaking of which, I have more of that airplane guff to attend to. Excuse me. Well, seems a rather high-strung chap. You're a fine bunch of bullies, aren't you? Have you talked to Mr. Mayer about letting you do Jane Eyre? The old philistine won't budge. Too arty, don't you know. I'm convinced the man hasn't read anything longer than a Katzenjammer Kids in his life. No fair, kicking. You have to use the mallet. Really, darling, you can't retire from the field of battle like that... ...or they'll never respect you. - Katie, I don't understand. You're like a different person in there. They just expect me to be a certain way. There's only one real Kate, and that's your Kate. Over in Hollywood. Aviation tycoon Howard Hughes is cooking up something big. Even as he edits his new picture. He's been secretly meeting with the U.S. Air Corps. We applaud his patriotism and look forward to his newest marvel. You know how many Allied ships we lost because of U-boat attacks? - No. - Six hundred and eighty-one ships... ...just this year so far. The Army needs a new airplane to fly the troops to Europe. These ships, they're sitting ducks for the U-boats. - You wanna build a troop-carrier plane? - Stop thinking like an insect. Not just to carry troops, a plane to carry everything. The troops and the jeeps and the tanks and whatnot. Here, take a look. No. Other side. I figure around 200 feet from nose to tail. Wingspan, around 300. We're gonna need about 24,000 horsepower. Now, this is just what Kaiser and the Army are looking for. - They're gonna pay for it this time. - What are you getting us into? Well, it's a big plane, so I'm calling it The Hercules. Swell name, isn't it? - How heavy you imagine this thing is? - Say around 200 tons. Well, I didn't say it was gonna be easy. All right, boys, I want you to rig up something like this. Should give the proper uplift ratios and reduce need for torque support on the front. We are not getting enough production out of Jane Russell's easts. I want smooth titties, gentlemen. Smooth titties. - It's all in engineering, isn't it, Odie? - Howard... ...do you really think they're gonna let you put out a whole movie just about tits? Sure. Who doesn't like tits? Good afternoon, gentlemen. Sorry I'm late. Please record that Mr. Hughes has arrived and this session is now called to order. - I yield the floor to Mr. Breen. - Mr. Hughes... ...members of the committee, I've reviewed the photoplay entitled The Outlaw... ...and I can state that I have never seen anything so unacceptable... ...as the shots of the mammaries of the character named Rio. For almost half the picture, the girl's mammaries, which are quite large... ...and prominent, are shockingly uncovered. For this reason, I concluded the picture appeals only to prurient interests... ...and should be denied the Motion Picture Association's seal of approval. Really, Mr. Hughes. - Thank you, Mr. Breen. Mr. Hughes. - Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Breen. It's good to see you again. I haven't seen you all since that situation with all the violence in Scarface. The situation here revolves around Miss Russell's mammaries. Mr. Breen feels that they are too prominent, yes? More prominent than other mammaries have been up on the screen? Well, I hope to dispel that notion. Jean Harlow. Ann Sheridan. Irene Dunne. Claudette Colbert. Rita Hayworth. Betty Grable. And the lovely Miss Jane Russell. Now, all these shots, save for Miss Russell, were enlarged from pictures... ...that received Mr. Breen's seal of approval. Now, as you've probably noticed by now, they all contain mammaries. I will ask my associate to join me now. May I introduce... ...Dr. Ludlow Branson of Columbia University. Dr. Branson... ...is a mathematician of some note. Yes. And he will now demonstrate... ...that in fact... ...Miss Russell's mammaries are no more prominent... ...than any of these other fine ladies'. Doctor. Doctor... ...you forgot your calipers. Gentlemen, Mr. Hughes. Let us commence by calling this... ...Mammary Exhibit Number One. Now, you'll see that the length of the actual cleavage... ...if I may, is... ...5 inches and a quarter. Now if we move to Mammary Exhibit... Hollywoodland. Movie tycoon Howard Hughes must have the greatest job in the land. Every night. The lucky guy escorts a different beautiful woman... ... to a different dazzling event. The TWA king always talks up his airline as he escorts a succession... The Hercules. Ladies and gentlemen. The Hercules. A plane. A boat. A flying city. Don't forget, every bill comes to me. They don't pay for anything. Those men decide whether to fund the plane, so I need them happy. - You do what it takes. - You betcha, boss. How are the girls in the bomb department? Well, let's put it this way, it'll be a regular boob buffet. I don't think the Air Corps men will have trouble scoring. - Good. - And inside. 700 ave American soldiers... ... a dozen Sherman tanks all winging their way over the Atlantic... ... free from the threats of the U-boats below. Could Jules Verne himself have ever imagined anything so magnificent? Could he have imagined her mammoth wingspan. Longer than a football field? Don't you see how this demeans me? Since when do you care about scandal rags? Every time there's a picture of you with another woman, it's a slap in the face. - Don't you understand that? - Well, that's overstating it. Joan Crawford, Ginger Rogers, Linda Darnell, Joan Fontaine... ...and now Bette Davis, for God's sake. Look, they're Cracker Jack candy, honey. They don't mean anything to me. Oh, very nice. You're the one that said that all men are predators. I mean, it's all in Darwin, remember? And am I to expect this behavior to continue after the wedding? What is really bothering you, Kate? Is it the women or the publicity? Can't you eat ice cream from a bowl like everyone else in the world? Don't you dare. Yeah. No, Odie, this is not a good time. For chrissakes, we can't make The Hercules if we don't have any aluminum. Wait. I can hear you better now. Tell the War Production Board... ...that this is an essential strategic operation. If they're giving aluminum to Boeing, they can give some to Hughes Aircraft. Don't set the ice cream... We gotta think of something else. If we can't get aluminum, we'll find another way. You tell me. We'll find some alloy that works just as well. Right. Look... - lf we can't get aluminum, we'll use wood. - You can't make a plane out of wood. Why not? The damn thing is a flying boat, right? - What do they use to make boats? - Oak. And think of The Hercules like a flying Spanish galleon. Spanish galleons can weigh 1200 tons. Good luck today. We just have to find the right wood. Something light but strong. - Morning, Kate. - Pine, cedar, maybe birch. Catch. From my farm. If you like it, I can get you a bushel. Trouble with Mr. Hughes? There's too much Howard Hughes in Howard Hughes. That's the trouble.
Catch. From my farm. If you like it, I can get you a bushel. Trouble with Mr. Hughes? There's too much Howard Hughes in Howard Hughes. That's the trouble. Beautiful. Don't you take Christmas off? Nice to see you. Sorry, I've got grease on my hands. Have we got something to show you. Take a look. The XF-11 reconnaissance flier. Spy plane, really. Designed every inch of her myself. She's got a top speed of 450... ...which means she can outrun anything they throw against her. After the Japs stole my H-1 design for their Zeros... ...I needed to do them one better. Yeah, she's my Buck Rogers ship. She's a looker. Okay, what do you got for me? Jiminy Cricket. Seating capacity for 60. Wingspan, 123 feet. Four Double Cyclone engines. Her ceiling's 25,000 feet. - Gross weight? - 86,000, wing loading of 41 pounds. So less drag on the plane in thinner air. So high-cruise power, you're looking at a top speed of around 340. Giving her a range of about 3000 miles. - Cross-country. - Nonstop. Bob... ...you know something? You are a son of a bitch. Yeah. Bob, you got something on your suit. Yeah. On your lapel. You got something on your lapel. Right there, Bob. You missed it. Right there. Clean it off, would you? Here. Thanks. No, throw it away. No, over there. Thanks. So, what do you call her? The Constellation, but we can change that. No, no. It's pretty. I like her. So, what kind of deal can you give me? What kind of deal can you give me? The first 40 planes off the assembly line. That should give us about two years' exclusivity. Hell, more than that. United and American don't have the imagination for a plane like this. Two years ahead of Juan Trippe, then. How much? Four hundred and fifty thousand each. So that's 18 million for the first 40. Hell, TWA can't afford that. The damn airline's flat oke. Guess I'll just have to pay for them myself. Build them, Bob. Send the bill to Noah Dietrich. Oh, and thank you. Merry Christmas. You've just placed the largest order for airplanes in the history of the damn planet. Lockheed sent us a bill for $ 18 million. Don't get all hysterical on me, Noah. It isn't good for you. - This is a lot of money for planes. - I know it's a lot of money. It's too damn much. You think I've got $ 18 million in petty cash? I should've told you. It slipped my mind. - Slipped your mind? Oh. For... - Right. - I'll get back to you. Bye. - How could $ 18 million slip your mind? Hey, honey. What are you doing home? You're not one for tears, and, well... ...neither am I, so it's best to come out with it. I've met someone. I've fallen in love and I'm moving out. If I could make it any more gentle, I would. But I can't, so... ...there we both are. Let's be honest. It's all been a grand adventure, but it couldn't possibly last. We're too alike, you and I. You met someone? Someone more appropriate. To me, I mean. What does that mean, more appropriate? Someone more attuned to my needs. Look at me, Katie. Stop acting. I'm not acting. I wonder if you even know anymore. Don't be unkind. You...? You wanna go? Go on. Actresses are cheap in this town, darling. - And I got a lot of money. - This is beneath you. No, no, this is exactly me. You tell me you're leaving me, and you have the nerve to expect graciousness? I expect a little maturity. I expect you to face the situation like an adult who... Don't talk down to me! Don't you ever talk down to me! You are a movie star. Nothing more. Don't answer it. What is it, Howard? Hey. Noah... ...I need you to get to Penney's and buy me some clothes. - Penney's isn't open. - Oh, shit. - It's 2 in the morning. - Yeah, that's right. Well, first thing tomorrow, then, all right? I need two new suits off the rack. One light and one dark. Three white shirts and three pairs of white tennis shoes. Got that? - Yeah. - No, no. - Make it Woolworth's. - Woolworth's. No, no, Penney's. Penney's. All right. I'll get into it as soon as I can, Howard. - All right? - Noah, do you have a recorder? - No. - Are you recording this conversation? - No. - Okay. I trust you. - Howard... - I need those suits first thing tomorrow. - All right. - Wait. Did I say Penney's or Woolworth's? - Penney's. - Better make it Sears. All right, then, Sears. I'm sorry, honey. If I don't answer, he'll just call back. Stop there, if you please, Miss Domergue. Have you had surgery, Miss Domergue? No. Do you have scars of any kind? No. Wipe off your lipstick. That's much better. Now, you understand that you'd be under contract to me? Personally. Do you know what that means? Now turn around for me. Very nice. You move well. You live with your family, do you? Yes. That's nice. Tell me something. How old are you, Miss Domergue? Fifteen. Holy Mother of God. Well, a car picks me up every morning at 8, and off I go. I'm getting my high school diploma. Howard thinks that education is important. - That's right. - And then, after classes... ...I'm off for elocution and grooming and fittings. Well, blow me down. Pan Am's working out of the Cocoanut Grove? - Hello, Jack. - Hello, Juan. Helen, good to see you. - How are you, Howard? - Good, thanks. - This is Faith Domergue. - Sit down. - Pleasure. - What are you doing here? Well, I'm out to meet with Douglas about the DC-4. It's our new plane, and it is gonna be a pip, let me tell you. - How's the Constellation coming? - Good. Great. So how about letting me steal a peek? I don't think so. I should be cross with you. You stole Ray Loewy from us. - He's doing our interior design. That's right. - He was doing ours. So... ...what are your colors? - Stop fishing. So you have buttons... ...or zippers? I'm sorry? Buttons or zippers for the drapes on the sleeping berths? Zippers. Buttons. So I suppose you'll be expanding on down to Mexico. - Why do you say that? - Well, your range is 3000 miles. I'd imagine you'd expand from Los Angeles to Mexico and South America. Hey, that's a good idea. Anyone got a pen? Or across the Atlantic. You've had enough of this ice cream. You give me that spoon. You don't wanna get your gloves all sticky. Isn't that too far? New York... ...to Newfoundland... ...to Ireland. To Paris. Well... ...Pan Am welcomes you. We're overbooked as it is. It's such a burden doing it all on your own, let me tell you. So when's the Connie gonna be ready? - Next year maybe. DC-4? - Next year. Well, we look forward to her then. And I to the Connie. I've ordered the next 40 after you. - It's Miss...? - Domergue. Yes, of course. Now, was that a rumba or a samba you were doing? - It was a samba. - A samba, yes. Howard, I never knew you were such a good dancer. Helen, Jack. Good going. You gave away our entire postwar strategy. - He can't stop us. - He's Pan Am. He can stop anything. Give me the largest Scotch you got. I don't know what in the hell you're so damn giddy about. Excuse me. Jack. Get in touch with Joyce and Berg. Those are my boys in Washington. Set up a meeting with Jones, secretary of commerce, old golfing buddy. - Slow down. - We'll need terminals in Ireland and France. I wanna get some tax eaks. If that ass thinks he owns the world, he's got another thing coming. Pan Am owns Europe. We ought to think about Mexico. To hell with Mexico. No airline should have a monopoly on flying the Atlantic. It just isn't fair. He owns Pan Am, he owns Congress. He owns the Civil Aeronautics Board, but he does not own the sky. We're in a street fight with that son of a bitch. I've been fighting high-hat Ivy League pricks like him my whole life. And listen, fire Ray Loewy. You goddamn heard me? Fire Ray Loewy. He's spying for Trippe. That shitheel knew all about the buttons. Spies in my midst, Jack. Spies in my midst. - Hello, Howard. - Roland. So... ...what can I do for you? I want all the pictures you have of Kate Hepburn and Spencer Tracy. All the negatives. And I want you to kill the story. Howard, he's a married man. He's a Catholic. They're movie stars. Fair game all around. My office knows where I am, Howard. I'm not gonna kill you, Roland. I don't do that. - How much? - Not for sale. How much? Not for sale. You ever cheat on your wife, Roland? You ever screw a colored girl? You ever steal anything? You ever hurt anyone? Good night, Howard. You ever go to a Communist Party meeting, Roland? TWA stock. How much? Fifty thousand shares. Ten. All right. This isn't gonna be that easy. He's been making big contributions on both sides of the aisle. And Jack Frye is out there lobbying everybody in town. The French and British ambassadors are lined up on his side. I'm telling you, TWA is serious about going international. Okay. Point, Mr. Hughes. I think it's time for you to introduce the community airline bill... ...on the floor of the Senate. - Is it done? - My people are finishing it right now. I also have to get you on the committee investigating the national defense. On the committee or chairman? I could be much more effective as chairman. It's a great public platform. You know, it generates a lot of press. - Wasn't Truman chairman of that committee? - Yeah, right. He's vice president. Look what he did with it. No, I think... I think chairman. What do you think? - Chairman. That is interesting. - Yeah. Let me show you these specs for the DC-4. Ava, what do you think about Trans World Airlines? Transcontinental and Western doesn't fit anymore. We're international, we need a name that reflects that. Trans World is good. Kind of peppy. TWA, right? That way you don't need to repaint any of the planes. That's you. Always pinching pennies. Hand me my wrap. Knock it off. I have something for you. Stay here. - What the hell is this? - It's a present. Go on, open it. Oh, a box of trash. You shouldn't have. Keep looking, keep looking. It's a Kashmiri sapphire. I had my boys all over the damn globe looking for this. Why? Because. Look. It matches your eyes. I am not for sale. For chrissakes, it's just a present. You can't buy me, Howard, so stop trying. Don't buy me any more diamonds or sapphires or any other damn thing. You can buy me dinner. How about that? Jesus, Ava. It's bad enough I have to endure those gym shoes of yours. But I get all dolled up and we go out in this jalopy without a hood. Ava, will you marry me? - No, Howard. - Well, why not, for heaven's sake? In the first place, I don't love you. In the second place, I'm still married. Look, you got girls stashed all over town. You got a damn harem just at the Bel-Air. Marry one of your bungalow girls. Those are employees. I won't marry an employee. How would that look? What is going on? - Oh, my God! - Goddamn it! Faith! - Faith, what the hell? - Look out! Goddamn, what the hell are you doing? - Are you okay, lady? - What are you doing with her? We are going to dinner. Now, get out of there. Get that crazy bitch away from me! Don't you love me anymore? Course I love you, pork chop. Ava, look over here. Howard. Hey. Juan Trippe is working with Senator Brewster now. They're after you. If the community airline bill becomes law, we are finished. Pan Am will have a monopoly on international travel. Well, how can they justify it? It's un-American. Brewster is saying that nationalized foreign carriers, like Air France... ...can offer lower rates because they don't have to compete. Let's get rid of competition and have a nationalized airline... ...and why don't we make it Pan Am? - I'm not kowtowing to anyone. - Howard, I need you up here. - One sec, Odie. Look, we are Trans World Airlines, all right? Get me something with a circle or a globe or something round, for God's sake. - Speak up. - One cut. I don't give a rat's ass. I'm not making a cut. I'll release it without a seal. We gotta go public with this. I'm gonna talk to Hearst... ...but we gotta get some senators on our side. - What do you want me to do? - What Trippe does. Offshore operations. See who's up for re-election... ...let's start making donations. - Bribe senators? I don't want them ibed. I want it done legally. I want them bought. Put a team of investigators on Brewster. I need to know everything about that shitbag. Where he goes, what he says and who he screws. - Get into it right now. - You got it. Just give me a second. - All right, what do you need? - Rudder and elevators. No. These are fine. Have Simon and Pete get back to me on the assemblies. We need a secondary system. Okay. Listen, we need to take another look at the wheel. - Jesus. The damn wheel? - Yeah. It just doesn't feel right. Christ almighty, you've seen 8000 goddamn wheels. Choose one, please. - Just one of them. - I know, I know. - This one? - I know, this one... This one's pretty close. Pretty close. Odie. That man sweeping up over there... ...does he work for me? I mean, have you seen him before? Name's Nick, something like that. Why's he looking at me? I don't know. Fire him. And make sure they use damp ooms from now on. Respiratory diseases are expensive, and I don't want lawsuits. But can we at least proceed with the instrument panel? - The tool shop's ready. - I wanna see the blueprints. Look, Howard, the deadline is now completely unrealistic. The war is gonna be over by the time she's done. I need you to help consult on vital decisions, and you're off dealing with movies. You got 1000 workers waiting for you to make a decision... Hey, Odie! Take it easy, all right. You're under pressure, but it's gonna do me no good if you crack up on me. All right? Look... ...take a couple of hours off, all right. - You just relax a little. - Okay. - See your wife. - Okay. All right. - Be sure to show me all the blueprints. - All right. Show me all the blueprints. Show me all the blueprints. I'm serious, now. Show me all the blueprints. Show me all the blueprints. - Howard. - Show me all the blueprints. Show me all the blueprints. Show me all the blueprints. Show me all the blueprints. I wanna get this done right. Show me all the blueprints. Show me all the blueprints. Show me all the blueprints. Show me all the blueprints. - Howard. - Show me all the blueprints. Show me all the blueprints. Show me all the blueprints... Quarantine. Q... ...U... ...A... ...R... ...A... ...N... ...T... ...I... ...N... ...E. Quarantine. General McEwan. Colonel Bertrang. Thanks for coming down. Odie, you reading me okay? Yeah, you're A-okay. All right. Flight controls are active. She's all yours. Spotless. No wiggle on the wheel or throttle. Take it easy. - How does she sound, Howard? - She's whispering to me, buddy. All right, make her sing. Well, Odie, she can fly. Congratulations. I'm glad to hear it. Retract landing gear and climb to 5000 feet... ...on a heading of 2-7-0. Retracting landing gear and climbing to 5000 feet on a heading 2-7-0. - She's fast. - What's your air speed? 292. - All right. Take her back to 200. - No damn way. We gotta ing her home. Scheduled time of one hour and 45 minutes has elapsed. - Set course for 0-9-0... - Ten more minutes. Roger that. Negative. Howard. Bring her home. Okay. Okay. Setting course for 0-9-0. Preparing to descend. - Jesus. - What is it. Howard? The right wing just dipped. I'm losing starboard engine. Increasing power to 2800 rpm. Cutting back. Increasing starboard engine only. Cutting back. I'm losing altitude. Check starboard-engine manifold pressure. - It's good, but rpm's are low. - Are both starboard props turning? Hold on. They are, but she's pulling me back and starboard, Odie. - How bad is your cross control? - I'm at full left rudder... ...and full left aileron, but she won't stay level. Goddamn it. - Give us your position. - Two thousand feet over... Oh, Christ, I don't know, Beverly Hills. Fifteen hundred feet. We're going down. I'll try for the Wilshire Country Club. Ninth hole. You reading me? Wilshire Country Club. Copy that. Howard. Reduce engines to 1000. I'm going down! I'm not gonna make it, buddy! Goddamn it! Is there anyone else inside? Is there anyone else?! No. I'm Howard Hughes, the aviator. - Every inch of his wiring and fluid connection. He has burns to 78 percent of his body. Nine ribs are shattered, not oken, shattered... ...as are his nose, his chin, his cheek, his left knee, his left elbow. He has 60 lacerations on his face, to the bone. His chest was crushed, so his left lung collapsed... ...and his heart has shifted to the right side of his chest cavity. Jesus, God. - He's getting blood transfusions now, but... - Whose blood? - I'm sorry? - Whose blood? From our stock. - Oh, he's not going to like that. - Mr. Dietrich, I doubt he's... ...ever gonna like or dislike anything again. I'm terribly sorry. Orange juice. It's not fresh from the kitchen, so I... I have them make it here so... So I can see. Look at me. I'm a monster. Yeah. Orange juice has nutritional value. There's... There's some flies outside my window, though. So... ...little Howard likes... ...citrus. Don't he just...? Tell me. An oil seal ripped off the starboard rear propeller. When the pressure dropped, the prop reversed pitch. Do you understand me? Howard, I'm sorry to have to tell you this now, but there's something else. - You following me? - Yeah. The Air Force canceled the contract on The Hercules. The war's over now, and they say they don't need it anymore. I have to know what you want me to do. Should I release the staff? How far... ...from finishing? - About six months. - No, in money. Seven million. Maybe more. Build it. Build it, Odie. Howard... ...a Constellation crashed outside Reading, Pennsylvania. The Civil Aeronautics Board has grounded the whole fleet. You know... ...Juan Trippe sent me flowers. Take a look. - What did you do with all the others? - Oh, I had them taken out. They... They attract aphids. Aphids are... They're just awful little creatures. But... But these ones... ...I wanted to see these ones every day. Can white elephants fly? That's everybody's question. The hull of the world's mightiest airplane. A flying boat built by Howard Hughes. Two hundred and twenty feet long. It towers higher than a five-story building. Power lines have to be cut as it starts the trip from Culver City... ... to the Pacific. 30 miles away. Moving the 60-ton load is quite an engineering problem. But you gotta ask. Was anything this big ever supposed to fly? There goes one wing section. 160 feet long with four engine housings. Double that and you've got some idea of the wingspread. An airplane that challenges a mountain for sheer size. How long can they keep us grounded? Until they finish investigating the Reading crash. Could be months. You're running a $ 14 million deficit. How will you afford to keep them out of service? - We go international, we'll make it up. - Brewster's C.A.B. Bill isn't going away. That bill passes, and you bought these for nothing. - We're fighting the C.A.B. Bill. - Meanwhile, how do we keep TWA flying? Don't say, Just go to Tool Co. We're pumping every cent into The Hercules... ...which the Air Force doesn't even want anymore. I'm glad Jack is feeling sunny about things, but I've seen the books. I'm telling it straight. I'm not crying wolf. We're in serious trouble. You've gotta make a choice. You wanna be bankrupted by the big plane or by the big airline? Go see Thomas Parkinson at the Equitable in New York. Get a loan against all the TWA equipment and capital. Use the planes as collateral. Hell, use the desks, use the pens, use everything we got. - Try to get me 40 million. - And if TWA defaults on the loan? Then Juan Trippe buys us cheap. Under my bed! You put a goddamn microphone under my bed! Listen to me. I am concerned about you. - I just wanna make sure you're okay. - And who is in that car?! It's been with me 24 hours a day. That car is for your protection! The only one I need protection from is you, you sick bastard! You don't own me, Howard. I'm not one of your teenage whores or some damn airplane. I'll have them take all the bugs out. I need to know where you are. - Why?! - Because I worry about you, that's why. Bullshit! What do you mean, all the bugs? What do you mean, all the bugs? There's more. How many? I don't know, 12. Twelve, maybe, and on the telephones. Oh, Christ, Howard, on the telephone? You listen to my phone calls? No, no, honey, I would never do that. I'd never do that. I just read the transcripts, that's all. What do you wanna know, Howard? Was I screwing Artie Shaw last night? Was I screwing Sinatra the night before? You bet. Everyone said you were a lunatic, I didn't listen. It's no wonder Kate Hepburn dumped your demented ass! Shut your goddamn mouth. Get out, you pathetic freak. Get out! Is everything all right, sir? Take out all the bugs, huh? Except for the one on the bedroom phone. Sir, the FBI are at the house. This is outrageous! Everything here is the private property of Hughes Productions. - My legal counsel is on the way... - Federal warrant. Don't interfere with the search, sir. Los Angeles. Howard Hughes has a new houseguest. No. It's not another beautiful starlet. This time it's the FBI. Noah. You've got to help. This is the 10th time they have been here. Rumor has it that agents working for Senator Owen Brewster... ... have practically taken up residence in the aviation mogul's home. Look, I mean, they are touching things. - Noah, they are touching things. - Just keep yourself calm... ... and I'll be down there as soon as I can. Howard. Howard? Howard? Howard, hello. - Nice to see you again. - Good to see you. Come on inside. - Emma, you can start up lunch now. - Yes, sir. Well, really lovely room. It's nicely decorated. Thank you. Here, have a seat. Thanks for coming by. I thought you and I should have a chance to talk privately. You know, outside the office. Well... ...I appreciate that, Owen. So you're coming out pretty strong against the C.A.B. Bill. - You're coming on pretty strong for it. - Well, it's my bill, Howard, you know. Look, I believe sincerely that America cannot afford... ...to have more than one international carrier. I mean, do you think it's fair that one airline should have a monopoly on international...? A monopoly? No, no, no. Oh, no. No, I think one airline could do it better, see, without competition. All I'm thinking about are the interests, the needs of the American passenger. That's just beautiful. What is that? What is that? Is that a...? Is that a yak? - Some kind of a yak? - No, that's a Ilama. My wife picked that up when we were in Peru. Son of a gun. A real Ilama. - From Peru? - Yeah. From a year ago, I think it was... - Yeah, it was about a year ago. - Lunch is served, senator. Good. Okay. Come on, let's go have some lunch. Now, did you...? Did you actually get to see any Ilamas? No, no. My wife just liked the painting. It's an interesting animal. I'll have to read up on those. How do you spell that? Like...? Like Fernando Lamas? No, no. It's... It's the animal, it's got two L's. Here, come on, have a seat. It's ook trout. Hope you like fish. I love it. Thanks. I know you're not a drinking man, so I hope... Hope water's okay. Thanks. All right, let's get down to business. Let's talk turkey. My investigators... My investigators have turned up a lot of dirt. It could be really embarrassing if this stuff got out. I'd like to save you from that embarrassment. That's very kind of you, Owen. My committee has the power to hold public hearings. I'd like to spare you that. Would you, now? Look... Do you wanna go down in history as a war profiteer, Howard? Is that what you want? What do you want, Owen? You agree to support my C.A.B. Bill, and I won't hold public hearings. - I can't do that. - Why not? I can't do that, Owen. The C.A.B. Would kill TWA. Sell TWA to Pan Am. You'll get a good price. You'll get a fair price. And then...? Then you won't go public? Right. That's right. The investigation's closed. Nobody knows a thing. That's... It's better for everybody. You know, Owen, I'm still wondering one thing. - What's that? - The picture of the Ilama you got last year? - Yeah. - Where'd you sail from? We didn't sail. We flew. - You flew? - Yeah. Are you sure you want to do this, Owen? You want to go to war with me? It isn't me, Howard. It's the United States government. We just beat Germany and Japan. Who the hell are you? You... You tell Juan Trippe something for me, all right? Tell him thanks for the flowers. And he can kiss both sides of my ass. Well. We have a long list of particulars. Chief among them is that he defrauded the American government... ...of $56 million while at war, when we could least afford it. While ave men were dying on the beaches of Normandy... ...Mr. Hughes was picking the pocket of the American taxpayer. I sleep... ...in this room... ...in the dark. I'll have him dragged here to Washington if I have to. I wanna see the whites of his lies. I have a place. - I can sleep. - He has a lot of questions to answer. - I have a chair. - Particularly about that monstrous... ...boondoggle of his, that model airplane he's building... ...that flying lumberyard, that spruce goose. No. He'll... We'll get him here. That's just beautiful. Oh, yeah. I like the desert. It's hot there in the desert, but it's clean. It's clean. I need to sleep. I should drink something first. I should drink something first. Wait a minute. What if that milk is sour? That milk is bad. I shouldn't pick up the bottle of milk with my right hand. And I shouldn't take the top off with my left hand... ...put it in my pocket. My left pocket. Howard, it's Kate. I need... I need to talk to you. Can you hear me? I'm coming in. Howard, unlock this door immediately. I can't, sweetie. You mean you won't. Howard, please let me see you. - I haven't shaved. - Well, neither have I. Come on. You... You let me in. I can hear you, Katie. I could always hear you. Even in the cockpit, with the engines on. That's because I'm so goddamn loud. Howard, I... I came to thank you. I found out what you did for Spence and me. Buying those awful pictures. You love him. He's everything I have. Howard? I'm glad for you, Kate. Go away now. Would you do that? - Howard, please. - Go away. Just for now. I'll see you soon. - We'll go flying together. - Yes. Yes, please. You take me flying again. Howard, I can take the wheel. Howard? Howard, are you...? Are you there? Howard? Howard, are you there? Come on, Howard. Howard, are you there? Come in with the milk. Come in with the milk. Come in with the milk. He is to open the bag with his right hand... ...and hold the bag out to me at a 45-degree angle... ...so I may reach into the bag without... Without touching the paper. Repeated from the beginning. Repeated from the beginning. Repeated from the beginning. If there is any variation of these instructions... ... even to the smallest degree... ... the entire process must be repeated... - ... from the beginning. - Come in with the milk. - Repeated from the beginning. - Come in with the milk. - Come in with the milk. - Repeated... ... from the beginning. Repeated from the beginning. Come in with the milk. Q... R... N... T... Q... ...U... E... I... T... ...I... ...N... ...E. N... ...E. E... I... Howard? Hello? Who is it? Howard, it's Juan. Juan. Juan, right. Yeah. We had an appointment, right? Yeah. I remember that. Look... ...I got a hell of a cold in here. A hell of a cold. So take a seat out there, because I don't wanna get you sick. I'd never forgive myself if I got you sick. I don't wanna get you sick. I don't wanna... Thank you. Okay, Howard, I'm sitting. I've ought along our accountings. Now... ...Pan Am is trading at 13 and five-eighths. TWA at four and a quarter. - Now, if you take... - Come on. Come on, come on, come on. We both know I'm not gonna sell TWA. Besides, you couldn't afford her. Our domestic routes alone are worth more than twice Pan Am. Well, considering our stock is trading at three times yours... ...I find that a dubious claim, Howard. What l... What I mean is, you have no domestic routes. All right? I mean, you get TWA, you span the globe. I'm not gonna sell, and you know I'm not gonna sell. Here's the point. Owen Brewster works for you. Howard, I didn't elect Senator Brewster. We can thank the voters of Maine for that. Now, if I appear at his hearings, Juan, it could get nasty. Real nasty for all of us. Well, I think, considerably more so for you. While the good people of America were losing sons at Anzio... ...you produced a dirty movie and built airplanes that don't fly. Well, that's just not fair, is it? I mean, the XF-11 flew quite well for an hour and 45 minutes. I wish you were up there with me, Juan. It was exhilarating. Be that as it may, you still have to answer for the Spruce Goose. It's called The Hercules! And it will fly, goddamn it! I hope so. The American people deserve something for their $ 13 million. I won't sell TWA! I won't! I know that, Howard. I know that. But I'm going to get it anyway. You will default on your loan from Equitable after Senator Brewster... ...destroys your reputation and you can't find additional capital for the airline. The hearings will also show Hughes Aircraft to be mismanaged and incompetent... ...and it will go bankrupt too. But you won't be insolvent. You'll still have Tool Co. Perhaps you'll head back to Houston to rebuild your empire. I rather hope you do. By that time, Pan Am will have bought TWA... ...and painted all those magnificent Connies blue and white. So when you do return, it will be on a Pan Am plane. Well... You seem to have me in a corner here, buddy. Not a position in which I'm very comfortable. I think you're gonna be less comfortable at Senator Brewster's hearings. Very public, Howard. Lots of cameras and newsmen. I understand you're not particularly fond of crowds. Perhaps we should spare you that. Well, thank you for your concern, Juan. I find that... ...very moving. It's been a real pleasure. Noah will see you back to the airport now. You fly safe. You fly safe. Thank you, Howard, and you take care of that cold. Don't you worry. I certainly will. Bye-bye. If you let him appear at those hearings, the whole world will see what he's become. People should remember him as he was. He'll have a subpoena in three days to appear in Washington. If you can get him out of there by then. Mr. Hughes? I don't have any shoes. - Could you get me some shoes? - Shoes. Yeah. How nice of you to dress for me. Can I come in? Yeah, you can come in. Thank you for coming. Now, let's get a drink. Wait, wait, wait, honey. You can't move. You're safe here. You're in the germ-free zone now. You understand? - I'll take my chances. - No, no, honey. Wait, wait. Love what you've done with the place. Now, let me look at you. When do you go to Washington? A week. No, no. Just under a week. I don't know the date today, but I have to be... All right, take it easy. There's nothing there, Howard. I see things. I know, baby. Rinse your face off, now. Put your hands in the water and wash off the soap. I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere. - Does that look clean to you? - Nothing's clean, Howard. But we do our best, right? Yeah. What do you think? - Well, I look all right. - You look great. Will you marry me? You're too crazy for me. I gotta go, baby. Okay. Thanks. You'd do it for me. Hi, Howard. How you doing? The committee will come to order. Ladies and gentlemen, I must insist that we maintain quiet during these proceedings. All right, Mr. Hughes, will you stand and be sworn? Do you solemnly swear that in the matter now pending before this committee... ...you will tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God? - I do. - Pardon me for speaking loudly... ...but I know you have difficulty hearing. - That's quite all right. I mean, everybody knows I'm deaf. I'm not gonna try to hide it. Mr. Hughes, it is the intention of this committee... Mr. Hughes has a statement. All right, you may proceed with this statement, Mr. Hughes. Mr. Hughes, do you have a statement? I'm gonna attempt to be honest here. I mean, my reputation's being destroyed, so I might as well lay the cards on the table. Senator Brewster, if you hadn't gone too far overboard... ...if you hadn't put the red-hot iron in my side... ...I might have been willing to take a shellacking in this publicity spree of yours. I may have been willing to sit back and take a certain amount of abuse simply because... ...well, I am only a private citizen. Whereas you are a senator... ...with all sorts of powers. But I think this goddamn circus has gone on long enough! - That's quite sufficient. - You have called me a liar, sir, in the press. You have called me a liar and a thief and a war profiteer! - The witness will restrain... - Why not tell the truth for once, senator? Why not tell the truth that this investigation was really born on the day that TWA... ...decided to fly to Europe? On the day that TWA first invaded Juan Trippe's territory! - Sit down. - On the day TWA first challenged... ...the generally accepted theory that only Juan Trippe's great Pan American Airways... ...had the right to fly the Atlantic! - You are not here to make a speech. I asked for silence! I asked for quiet in this room... We have in our possession receipts in the amount of $ 170,000... ...acquired from Mr. John Meyer. Mr. Meyer works for you, does he not? - He does. - And what is his official title? I don't exactly know, senator. A lot of people work for me. Can you explain why your press agent would pay out... ...more than $ 170,000 to representatives of the United States Air Force? - I don't know. You'd have to ask him. - Well, would you produce him? - Produce him? - Will you cause him to appear? You had John Meyer on the stand for three days last week. Be that as it may, we would like him to reappear. Would you ask him to return? No, I don't think I will. Will you try to have him return? - No, I don't think I'll try. - You don't think you'll try? No, I don't think so. The $ 170,000 paid out to the Air Force in the form of hotel suites... ...TWA stock... ...female companionship. Now, is it possible that these could be considered ibes? I suppose you could call them that, yes. Would you repeat that? I said, I suppose you could consider them ibes, yes. Well, would you like to explain that, Mr. Hughes? I'm afraid you don't know how the aviation business works, senator. See, wining and dining Air Force dignitaries is common in our business. It's because we all want the big contracts. All the major aircraft companies do it. I don't know whether it's a good system... ...I just know it's not illegal. You, senator, you are the lawmaker. If you pass a law that states no one can entertain Air Force officers, well, hell... ...I'd be happy to abide by it. Your story is a pack of lies. I can tear it apart if allowed to cross-examine. - We're not gonna have this bickering. - Yes. Somewhere between two and 500... ...if you'll let me get started. - Lf you believe your wealth and power... ...can intimidate any member of this committee, you're mistaken. - Now submit your questions. - I'll put this very simply. On Fe uary 12th, at the Mayflower Hotel... ...did you or did you not tell me that if I were to sell TWA to Pan Am... ...that this entire investigation would be called off? I did not. And I have asked you to submit your questions in writing. - How long have you known Juan Trippe? - I've known him for some time now. - And that's not the question. - Is it not true that Juan donated $20,000... ...to your last campaign? I mean, he spoke to me as if you worked for him. I have a personal friendship with... Is it true you accept free Pan Am tickets to circle the globe... ...in support of your C.A.B. Bill? - No, it is not true. Well, who wrote that bill, senator? Who actually wrote the C.A.B. Bill? - The actual words. Did you write them? - This is not how these hearings... ...are gonna be conducted. - I have it. Maybe it'll refresh your memory. Bill S-987 to amend the Civil Aeronautics Act. Now, you introduced this bill to the Senate. A lot of words. You write all of them? - Did you write any of them, senator? - Now, look... Now, this entire bill was written by Pan Am executives... ...and designed to give that airline a monopoly on international travel. You've been flogging this bill all around the world on their behalf, have you not? I have duties that take me all over the world, Mr. Hughes. Well, what the hell does a senator from Maine need to visit Peru for? I was seeking outlets for our trade goods. Buy a lot of lobsters down there, do they? Senator, how many times have you visited Trippe's office in New York... ...in the last three months? Would you like me to tell you, senator? All right, this has gone on long enough. Juan is a great American. His airline has advanced the cause of commercial aviation for decades. Juan Trippe is a patriot. Juan Trippe is not a man who is interested in making money. Well, I'm sure his stockholders would be happy to hear that. We're gonna clear this room. This is James McNamara speaking to you from the Hughes 2000-ton flying boat... ... the world's largest aircraft. This is the sky giant... ... which has prompted Congress to investigate the war contracts of Mr. Hughes. Before boarding the craft. Mr. Hughes told newsmen that this test... ... would be solely a taxi experiment. He said he didn't know what might happen. The mammoth flying plywood shell... ... might ship water under high-speed taxi pressure. He will not take... ... the craft into the air until next spring. The thin man from Culver City... ... pronounced the craft an unknown quantity. He has an idea what it can do... None of that, now. None of that. We are about 5 feet in back of Mr. Hughes. We are looking through one of the side windows in the cockpit. Professor, why don't you come on up front here. In other words. We are 30 feet high in this aircraft. Strap yourself in right there. You ought to be able to see just great. Huge crowds jam the surrounding shoreline this morning. All right, boys, let's fire it up. One's good. Two's good. Three's good. Four's good. Five's good. Six is good. Seven's good. Eight's good. - Advancing master throttles. - Advancing master throttles. As you probably know. I have to do a great deal... ... of screaming into our microphone. - Understood. Lower it 15 degrees of flaps. - Lowering 15 degrees of flaps. Howard, she's gotta hit 70 to have any kind of chance. Yeah, I know. I know. It's a beautiful day here off the coast of Southern California. Blue skies... - ... a warm sun... - Twenty-five miles per hour. - And a relatively calm sea... - Thirty. Thirty-five. One would think these eight power plants might shake the craft to pieces... Take it easy, Howard. - Forty! - Throttling back for starboard turn 180. Throttling back for starboard turn 180. The flight crew itself consists of four men. Mr. Hughes. However. Has added 11 maintenance men to this maiden taxi test... ... stationed at various places throughout the ship. Checking points of stress and strain. How does she sound, Odie? Sounds good, Howard. - Professor. - Yes? Would you do me a favor? Would you take a look out that window and tell me what the wind is doing? I would say that we have a 15-knot wind. Would you call that a headwind, professor? I would, Mr. Hughes. We must maintain silence. We must have quiet during the proceedings. Mr. Hughes, will you stand and be sworn? Mr. Hughes. Did you receive... ...$43 million to manufacture 100 XF-11 spy planes for the United States Air Force? I did. How many functional planes did you deliver to the United States Air Force? None. Would you lean a little closer to the microphones, sir? None. Did you receive $ 13 million to manufacture... ...a prototype of a flying boat known as The Hercules? I did. And did you deliver that plane? I did not. So by your admission in this chamber, Mr. Hughes... ...you have received $56 million... ...from the United States government for planes you never delivered. That is correct. Well, excuse me for asking, Mr. Hughes... ...but where did all that money go? Well, it went into the planes, senator. And a lot more. More? Do tell, Mr. Hughes, what other larcenies did you commit? I mean, I put my money into the planes, senator. My money. - See, the thing is that I care... - Your personal finances are not... Let him speak. Proceed, Mr. Hughes. See, the thing is, I care very much about aviation. It has been the great joy of my life. That's why I put my own money into these planes. And I've lost millions, senator, and I'll go on losing millions. It's just... ...what I do. Now, if I've lost a lot of the government's money during the war, I hope folks... ...will put that into perspective. More than 60 other airplanes ordered from such firms as... ...Lockheed, Douglas, Northrop and Boeing never saw action either. In all, more than $800 million was spent during the war on planes that never flew. Over 6 billion on other weapons that were never delivered. Yet Hughes Aircraft, with her 56 million... ...is the only firm under investigation here. I cannot help but think that has a little more to do with TWA than planes that did not fly. - You've made your point, Mr. Hughes. - One second. I have one more thing... ...to say here to this committee. And that has to do with The Hercules. Now, I am supposed to be many things which are not complimentary. I am supposed to be capricious. I have been called a playboy. I've even been called an eccentric... ...but I do not believe that I have the reputation of being a liar. Needless to say, The Hercules was a monumental undertaking. It is the largest plane ever built. It is over five stories tall with a wingspan longer than a football field. That's more than a city block. Now, I put the sweat of my life into this. I got my reputation all rolled up in it. I have stated several times that if The Hercules fails to fly... ...I will leave this country and never come back. And I mean it. Now, Senator Brewster, you can subpoena me... ...you can arrest me, you can even claim I've folded up and taken a run-out powder... ...but, well, I've had just about enough of this nonsense. Good afternoon. I had to do it. - Mr. Hughes. - Mr. Hughes. I'd love to see The Hercules in the air. Thank you, thank you so much. Switch it off. - The hearings aren't over yet. - The hearings are over. The airline bill will be defeated in the Senate. TWA will begin flights from New York to Paris... ...then on to Moscow, to Japan, to Hawaii, to Los Angeles... ...to New York. Fuck. - Power coming up. - Power coming up. Howard Hughes has just alerted us. He has asked everyone to hold on. Tremendous horsepower kicking up. Let me hear it, Odie. Twenty-five miles per hour. Thirty. Here we go. Here we go. - Thirty-five. - The air-speed indicator... ... has moved up to 25. Thirty. - Thirty-five. - Forty. As he pushes the throttle it's 40. - Forty-five. - Forty-five. More throttle. - Forty-five. - Fifty. - It's 50 over a choppy sea. - Fifty-five. It's 55. It's 55. - Sixty. - More throttle. It's 60. - Sixty-five. - Sixty-five. - Seventy. - It's 70. - Seventy-five. - It's 75. And something momentarily cuts out. I believe we are airborne. We are airborne. Ladies and gentlemen. I don't believe that Hughes... ... meant this to be. I don't know. And we were really up in the air. We were really up in the air. Ladies and gentlemen. The Hughes mammoth aircraft... ... has flown this afternoon in Los Angeles Harbor. Well. It certainly looks at this moment that Howard Hughes will be around... ... the United States for quite some time to come. We must understand that technologies like these are the way of the future. - That's enough questions. - TWA and Hughes Aircraft are delighted... ...to have you come here and witness this wonderful sight. - Excuse us for just a second. - All right. - So you feel like going to Paris? - Now? TWA is starting up flights to Europe. I thought I might pilot the first one. Ought to be some fun. - Lots of shopping in Paris. - I'll buy you anything. You can buy me dinner. How about that? Dinner, then. We got a date? Okay, baby, you got a date. I'll be back in a second, but don't you go anywhere, now. I mean it. All right, listen, boys. Something new. Jet airplanes. - You know about jets? - No, but it sounds expensive. Oh, it will be, but we gotta get started. Come on, walk with me. Whoever can start utilizing jet technology... ...on commercial airliners is gonna win. What do you know about the science? I know a little. I can work something to show you. Basic turbine stuff. Noah, who are those fellas? Do they work for me? Everybody works for you, Howard. Lockheed worked on the F-80. Let's get Bob Gross and see if he can help us out. - What, now? - Of course now. We gotta get into it. Jets are the way of the future. - It's 4:30. - I talked to Bob last week. He's in New York. - So it's 7:30. - He won't be in the office. We'll figure out what hotel he's at. Do you want a call... ...or you want some kind of meeting? - We want a meeting, don't we? Do you want me ing him out here tomorrow, then, Howard? - The way of the future. - Howard? - Howard? - The way of the future. - The way of the future. - Let's take a walk, Howard. - Way of the future. - Give me a hand. The way of the future. The way of the future. The way of the future. The way of the future. The way of the future. The way of the future. The way of the future. The way of the future. The way of the future. The way of the future. The way of the future. The way of the future. All right, stay here. I'll be right back. You understand, Howard? The way of the future. Guard the door. I'll get a doctor. No one sees him like this. The way of the future. The way of the future. The way of the future. The way of the future. The way of the future. The way of the future. The way of the future. You are not safe. When I grow up... ... I'm gonna fly the fastest planes ever built... ... make the biggest movies ever... ... and be the richest man in the world. The way of the future. The way of the future. The way of the future. The way of the future. The way of the future. The way of the future. ENGLISH
Where do you think you're going? Going home. Officer. The guy walked into the bushes, maybe to pee, but he never came back. Do you need help? Do you own this car? That's not him. The guy walked into the bushes. He said he was going home. Going home? Gentlemen, return to your cars. What about the car? I'll radio for a tow truck. Let's shove it out of the way. We'll get this lane moving! It's dangerous. We got a lot of glass and steel rushing by us at high speeds. Wait a minute. Prendergast. Downtown Robbery. Let's go. I'm in linoleum tile, myself. All right. You, back in your vehicle. You push. I'll steer. We do ceramics too. Special discount for law officers. I love Cops, the TV show. Don't you watch it? I never miss it. You're lucky you caught me. I am? Today's my last day as a cop. Lucky me. Don't touch it! Don't touch it! Just get this lane moving. Okay. Sorry. Officer? Oh, my God! The phone! Come on, baby. Watch your fingers. Take Tucker, okay? Mom? Mom, can you help me open this? Can I get some change for the phone, please? No change. Have to buy something. - Eighty-fie sen. - What? Eighty-fie sen. - I don't understand. - Eighty-fie sen! Eighty-five cents? It doesn't give me enough money for the phone call. I'll give you 50 cents. You give me 50 cents change. - No way. - Yes, way. Drink, eighty-fie sen. You pay or go! I don't understand fie. There's a v in the word five. No v's in China? - Not Chinese. I'm Korean. - Whatever. You come to my country, take my money and don't even learn my language? You're Korean? Do you have any idea how much money my country has given your country? How much? I don't know. It's a lot. You can bet on that. You go now! No trouble! I stay. What do you think of that? Jesus Christ! What is this? The last stand on Fiji? Take the money! Take the money! Take the money. Take your hands away from your... I can't under... Stop it! All right. Speak slowly and distinctly. Take the money. You think I'm a thief? You see, I'm not the thief. I'm not the one charging 85 cents for a stinking soda! You're the thief! I'm just standing up for my rights as a consumer. I'm rolling back prices to 1965. What do you think of that? Doughnuts. Package of six. How much? $1. 12. Too much. Aspirin. Price? $3.40. Oh, please! AA batteries. Package of four. $4.29. Nice try. This whole shelf looks suspect. One soda... ...12 ounces. Fifty sen! Sold. It's been a pleasure frequenting your establishment. Very funny. Very, very funny. Genuine Arizona sand, Prendergast. Get used to it. I bet. Genuine Santa Monica sand's more like it. It's from my cat's litterbox, but he said you could keep the lumps. You took my stuff out first? Heck, no. How fun would that be? - How do I get a pen out? - Don't need no pen. Use the cat turd. It's your last day. Be careful. Remember Forsythe? - Forsythe got 5 minutes to retirement. - Two! Two minutes, nothing! The guy was on the way to his fucking car. Mowed down by a runaway impound. Nasty. - Ironic. - Ironic as fuck! Anything can happen today. You know how dangerous a desk can be. Watch out for paper cuts. Funny, funny, funny. Sorry. I tried to dissuade them. Hey, Sandra. It's obligatory, I guess. Now, what else do they have up their sleeve? Nothing. Are we still on for lunch? You're not going home early? Why would I go home early? Last day and all. I'm not superstitious. - Sandy, you ready? - In a minute. Leave the poor desk jockey alone. See if you know how to start the car. Let's not get our pantyhose in a bind. I'll miss you, Prendergast. You really will? Me too. Come on, let's go! Lunch? Just a second, baby. When will we make the strawberry cake? Soon. I thought sundown would be good. Here. Not in the house. Just a few kids. I didn't want to do a whole big thing. Prendergast here. It's me. I wish you were home. Wouldn't you come home now? What's wrong? I don't know. I got a little scared... ...and I'd like you to come home. What is it, honey? I don't know. I was wrapping some... ...some glasses up and some things... ...and I got really scared. You're not doing this move just for me, are you? You really want to do it, don't you? The important thing is we're together. That's what counts. Yeah, but you're not here. Well, I will be soon, baby. Say it. - Say it! - I'll be home soon. No, say it! I'll be home soon, and I love you. I love you too. Feel better? No, I don't feel better! London Bridge is falling down Falling down, falling down London idge is falling down Help me. My fair lady You my fair lady? Yes. - Bye. - Bye-bye. What you doing, mister? Nothing. You're trespassing on private property. - Trespassing? - Loitering too. That's right. You're loitering too. I didn't see any signs. What you call that? Graffiti? No, man. That's not fucking graffiti! That's a sign. He can't read it, man. I'll read it for you. It says this is private property. No fucking trespassing. This means fucking you! - It says all that? - Yeah! If you wrote it in English, I'd fucking understand it! - Thinks he's being funny. - I'm not laughing. - I'm not either. - Hold it, fellas. We're getting off on the wrong foot. This is a gangland thing, isn't it? We're having a territorial dispute? I've wandered into your pissing ground or whatever the damn thing is... ...and you're offended by my presence. I understand that. I mean, I wouldn't want you people in my back yard, either. This is your home... ...and your home is your home. I respect that. So if you would just back up a step or two... ...I'll take my problems elsewhere. Fair enough? - What do you think? - He should pay a toll. Good idea. You should pay a toll. Listen, fellas... ...I've had a rare morning. I'm not in the mood to... What should he pay? How about that iefcase? Good idea. Give us your iefcase, man. I'm not giving you my goddamn iefcase. Motherfucker, give us your motherfucking iefcase! I was willing to mind my own business. I was willing to respect your territory and treat you like a man. You couldn't let a man... ...sit here for five minutes to rest on your precious piece-of-shit hill? Want my iefcase? I'll get it for you, all right? You want my iefcase? Here's my iefcase! Where are you going? You forgot the iefcase! I'm going home! Clear the path, you motherfucker! Clear the path! I'm going home! How'd they do that? - Gun! - What? You're leaving today, right? I gotta get your gun. Right. I need your John Doe right here, here and here. Got time to take a statement? I know you wanna go before you get killed... Yeah, Brian, I'm still working here. This guy's a little excited. Mr. Lee, come on in. What'd he say? You know, I don't know. Mr. Lee is Korean. I'm Japanese, in case you never bothered to notice. - Mr. Lee, speak English, okay? - Sure. Sit down. He'll help you. Mr. Lee owns a market. He was hit less than an hour ago. Sorry, Mr. Lee, no smoking. Mr. Lee, let's just start off with what he looked like. White man, white shirt, tie. - What color was his tie? - Color? I don't know color. The guy attack me, okay? He bust up my store. I'm lucky to be alive. Just try and relax. What did he steal from you? Did not steal! Attack me, okay? Say he fix my prices. Bust up my merchandise. He didn't rob you? The guy crazy! I told him, Take my money. He say no. He call me thief, then he eak up my merchandise. Then he buy a soda and take off. He bought a soda. He paid for it? I told you, the guy crazy. Sorry, I thought this was a robbery. Mr. Lee, we have to go talk to somebody else. You were assaulted. This man works robberies. That's right. Come on. - Baseball bat! - What's that? The guy take my baseball bat. You sell bats? No, keep for defense. Under counter. Defense. You mean he stole your baseball bat but paid for the soda? This guy's discriminating. That still doesn't count. Let's go. Thanks. Go to the hospital. Your arm might be oken! We'll look for this guy, so shut the fuck up! What did this guy do? Threaten you with his credit card? I told you he had a bat! If this guy's still around, we'll find him and fuck him up. Then you go to the hospital? Shut up! Cut the crap. I know it's you. What do you want? It is you, isn't it? Yeah, it's me. You gotta stop calling me. It's Adele's birthday. Yes, I know. What do you want? I'm coming home. What are you talking about? I just... I want you to know that I'm coming home for her birthday. You're not coming here. Listen, Beth... ...I gotta see you. No, you listen to me. This is my house now. I pay the rent. You don't pay child support. - You just can't walk in and out. - Don't talk like that, Beth. I have to come home. I have to ing her a present. You know you can't come here! It's him! It's him, man! How's Adele? This isn't your home anymore. How is she? She's doing just fine without you. - Angie, get out. - Come on, man. It's fucking oad daylight! This shit ain't worth it! - Get the fuck out! - Get out of the car! Give me one. Give me one. And you? Don't. I'll call the police. Go, go, go! I'm coming home. I'm coming home. Did you get him? You missed. I missed too. No, don't fucking do it! No, man. Fuck you, mother! There, you see? That's the concept. Take some shooting lessons, asshole! She's open. Have a seat. Captain. Did you hear? The drive-by shooting? Disgusting! You know who'll have to take the heat again... ...when the shit hits the fan. You're retiring a little early. You won't be getting your full pension. Yes, sir, that's right. I won't. This isn't because you were wounded, is it? Wounded? Because, I mean... ...you're behind a desk now. Not much chance of getting wounded there. Look, captain, it has nothing to do with that. I'll make my speech. They make me do this, you understand. I hate to lose a good cop. Not too late to change your mind. Lot of good cops want to drop the whole kit and caboodle. And who wouldn't? The pay stinks... ...and you're up to your ears in human scum 16 hours a day. But it gets in your blood. A lot of good cops get to the point of... ...slapping their badge down on this desk... ...and find they just can't do it. How about you? Will you stick with the team? No, captain. I don't think I will. Like I say, they make me ask. You understand. How are the kids? I don't have any. What the hell? I'd like to take my stick to these clerks. - The file says... - We lost a child. Lost it? Her. Lost her. Yes, of course. Her. That's rough. Well, it can be. Yes, sir. Still married, right? Yes, sir, I am. That's good. Where you going? - I'm going home. - Not this way. - Why not? - Metrorail construction, that's why not. Go around. Just follow your tootsies. You sure you don't want something? Coffee, soda, something? No, thank you, ma'am. I feel kind of stupid about this. Better safe than sorry. That's what I thought. You have a restraining order against your husband? Ex-husband. He'd show up on the wrong day... ...or in the middle of the night, pounding on the door. Thing is, he has this horrendous temper. I didn't know if a restraining order was a good idea... ...and if it'd do more harm than good. But the judge said we should make an example of him. So he can't come within 100 feet of us. Or is it yards? Which is it? Feet or yards? That's up to the judge. - I thought it was a set thing. - It's at his discretion. That's interesting. Does he drink? Oh, I thought you meant the judge! - No, I wouldn't say so. - Do drugs? But he has a propensity for violence? Yeah, I think you could say that. Did he strike the little girl? Did he strike you? Not exactly. Not exactly? You know, there were times... ...when I thought he was going to... ...but I just didn't want to wait until he got around to it. It's hard to explain. He could, I think. You think? Hello, sir. How are you today? I'm doing all right. - How about you? - Me? I'm terrible. I'm sorry. I came from Santa Barbara, and my friend wasn't home... ...and he owes me money... ...so I have no money to go home. I'm almost out of gas. I had to sleep in my car. Do you have a few bucks? It would really help me out. Give me your address, I'll mail it back. Honest. - Let me see your driver's license. - What for? It'll have your address on it. - I don't have a license. - You drove all the way without it? Are you a cop? Let's see your car registration and your car. All right, forget it. Okay, just forget it! That's a hell of a way to treat a vet, man. - You're an animal doctor? - No, a veteran. I was in Nam. You must've been 10 years old. I meant to say the Gulf. Come on! All I'm asking for is a little change. I haven't eaten in three days. Well, I mean, except for this. Fuck it! Give me some money, man. Just give me some money. How about a dime? Give it to me. I'm not giving you any. - You got a cigarette? - No. - You gotta give me something. - Why don't you get a job? This is my park. I live here! Who are you, walking through my park with two bags? I don't got any. Is that fair? What's in those bags, anyway? Give me one. I could sell those bags and eat for a week with the money. You've got two of them. Why do you need two? You're right. Here. - Are you serious? - I don't need it anymore. All right! Come on, now. Come on. What the... Son of a bitch! - Can we cut the crap this time? - I'm telling you the truth! Yeah, right. - What's up? - She was at the drive-by shooting. - Angie, who hit your guys? - I told you. We know. The big bad white man. We're not buying it. Who are you protecting? They put your boyfriend in the hospital. He's probably dead. Do you realize that? He's probably fucking dead! - Stop saying that! - You picked a good day to leave. You want another 3-year-old to get shot in the head? Is that what you want? Tell me the truth! I'm telling you the truth! It was a white guy! - Why would he go after your friends? - I don't know! He attacked them on Angel's Flight Hill with a baseball bat! A baseball bat? Wait! Baseball bat. What did this guy look like? I don't know. He looked like you... ...except he was taller and had hair. Good description, Angie! Did he wear a white shirt and tie? Come over here, will you? We gotta keep the pressure on her. Don't interrupt. What about the bat? - The white shirt and tie! - What will she think of next? I'm sorry you're leaving, but you are. - Sanchez, listen to me! - Check me later, babe. Remember that storekeeper, the Korean guy? - Mr. Lee? - Come here. Where was his place? Right there. He was assaulted sometime after 8 a. M.? - About that. - And the drive-by was here, right? What's going on? I may be nuts, but Angel's Flight Hill is between those two spots. - It was a classy neighborhood. - It's a shit hole. Gangland. I know. What would a white guy in a shirt and tie be doing in... ...gangland? Hi. Can I help you? I'd like a ham and cheese Whamlette, an order of Wham fries... Sorry, we stopped serving eakfast. We're on the lunch menu. I want eakfast. We're not serving it. So you said. Is that the manager? Could I speak to him, please? Sure. Rick, a customer would like to speak to you. Yes, sir. I'd like some eakfast. We stopped serving eakfast. I know you stopped eakfast, Rick. Sheila told me you stopped... Why am I calling you by first names? I don't know you. I call my boss mister after 7 years, but I walk in here, a stranger... ...and I'm calling you Rick and Sheila like we're in an AA meeting. I don't want to be your buddy, Rick. I just want a little eakfast. You can call me Miss Folsom if you want to. We stopped serving eakfast at 11:30. Have you ever heard the expression, The customer is always right? Well, here I am. The customer. That's not our policy. You have to order something from the lunch menu. I don't want lunch. I want eakfast. Yeah, well, hey, I'm really sorry. Yeah, well, hey, I'm really sorry too! He's got a gun! Let's get organized! Calm down! Just calm down, everybody. Sit down over there! Mister. Where are you going? No. You sit down there, and you finish your lunch. Everybody just relax and take it easy. Eat your lunch. Please. You all need your vitamins A, B and... Don't! It was an accident! It's the trigger. It's sensitive. It's okay! It's a sensitive trigger. Could I have my eakfast? Yes, sir. Sheila? Rick? Miss Folsom? You know what? You were right. I've changed my mind. I'm going to have some lunch. Could I have a double Whammyburger with cheese... - You getting this? - Yes, sir. And an order of Whammy fries and, let's see... ...a Choco-Wham shake. Yes, sir. Sheila, get his order. Rick, could you get it for me, please? I feel comfortable calling you Rick after all we've been through together. How you doing? Enjoying your meal? How about you? Is it good? And you, ma'am? How's the food? I think we have a critic. I don't think she likes the special sauce. That's a joke. Now, here we go. Thank you. See, this is what I'm talking about. Look at that. See what I mean? It's plump, juicy, three inches thick. Look at this sorry, miserable, squashed thing. Can anybody tell me what's wrong with this picture? Anybody? Anybody at all. You guys are partners again! No such luck, Lita. He's moving to Lake Havasu. - What's in Lake Havasu? - London Bridge. - Are you going to England? - They moved it to Arizona. - Stone by stone. - Oh, yeah. I heard about that. You're better off, because cops get killed. - What did we used to get, six? - Seven. Two sevens. You all right? You sure? I'm sorry, I wasn't gonna do this. I should just shut up. It's none of my business. Tell me. Lake Havasu? It's nice. We like it. She likes it. What'll you do, watch cactus grow? Cacti. She's not handling middle age too well. The change of life and all that, whatever it is that is. What about you? Me? It's different, because she's a woman. Different? I'm a woman. But she was once very beautiful. Thanks a lot! You know what I mean. Come on, come on. She could've been anything. Anything but a cop's wife. She's high-strung. Don't give me that queen of the hop, homecoming-queen bullshit again. That was a long time ago. Sandra, you have a career. It's hard to lose your beauty when that's all you've got. What about your career? I'll be okay... ...you know, even without you. Sorry to eak this up. - Why are you here? - We got a call. Watch out! Hot plates! - Don't touch my gun. - Fuck you! You'll love this one. Some dickhead went into Whammyburger... ...pulled out a gun when he couldn't get eakfast. Then he paid for it and left. Sorry, Prendergast. He paid for it? Move your buns. Let's go. I gotta go. Where was this? Quintero and Fourth. Bye, ladies. Wait a minute. Wait, wait! Let me know what this guy was wearing, okay? You trying to crack a big one before you disappear into the desert? Sandra, find out if he's wearing a white shirt and tie. Let's go, lovebirds. - I gotta go. - Wait. Something about my wife. Maybe I never mentioned it. What? I love her. Let's go! For seven years, I banked here. When I asked them for a loan, a small loan... ...they told me that I was not economically viable. Excuse me, sir. Excuse me. How'd your loan work out? Did they give you a loan? He must be economically viable! There's a man with a smiling face. A happy customer. That's what an economically viable person looks like! How much is the...? That is only $3. I asked them for a small loan. You know what they told me? I was not economically viable. That's enough. - I'll buy this. - Yes, sir. That is $3. I'm going away now! I'm going away, everybody! This is what happens if you're not economically viable! Don't let this happen to you! Bye, everybody! Don't forget me. I'm sorry. We're leaving now. You are? Really? It doesn't look like your husband's gonna show. He probably realized he could get into trouble if he harassed you. You should call your lawyer and tell him about it. It's one of those services. I didn't have much money. Have them call your husband's lawyer, make it official. In the meantime, lock up. And if anything else happens, call us. - Okay, thanks. - Sure thing. Excuse me. Hey, excuse me! If you haven't noticed, others are waiting to use the phone. - Others want the phone? - Right, asshole! Jeez, that's too bad, because you know what? I think it's out of order. Hi, it's me. He's eating and resting comfortably now. - Who is? - Mr. Peepers. - Good! - I'm sorry about before. I really blew my top... That's okay, honey. Could you hold on one second? White shirt and tie. Could you hold on? I gotta go. Just one second. It's very important. Detective Torres! Excuse me. We have about 7 million people waiting to make a statement. Let me call you right back. What's wrong? What are you doing? Nothing's wrong. What do you mean? - You come home then. - I can't. It's your last day. What are they going to do, fire you? There's a lot of red tape. As soon as I get done, I can go home. I'll call you in a while, okay? Wait a minute. Make a list. - A list? - We need boneless chicken... ...skinless. Red peppers... ...not green, red. Honey, hold on one second. I am tying up the phone here. Just listen for once in your life. A girl at the drive-by said a man in a shirt and tie... ...attacked her homeboys with a baseball bat. Somebody's let that dog off the leash. I think you've got last-day-itis. This man was not swinging a bat. He has a gym bag full of guns. A gym bag? You asked me to tell you what he wore. I gotta run. We have to canvas the neighborhood. One more second. Please. It's important. - Why don't you go to the store? - Why? It's my last day. The guys might want to have a send off or something. What're they gonna do? Get some oad... ...with tassels dangling, dancing on your desk? Course not. Look, while you have been playing cop... ...I'm at home planning your retirement. It's over. The sooner you get that, the better. You are no longer in the law-enforcement business. Now, I will expect you at the usual time. Capito? Sandra, are you mad at me? - I hate you, but I'm not mad. - You retiring too? Just don't leave without saying goodbye. Goodbye. If you go up against this guy... ...be careful. I'm Nick. What can I do you for? I'm just looking for some hiking boots. Well, well. Hiking boots, huh? Let's see what we got. These are the top of the line. Scientifically engineered and all that crap. Guaranteed by some Sierra Club asshole not to hurt a chipmunk... ...if you step on it. Personally, I think they're for pussies and faggots! Now these... ...are Vietnam jungle boots. Cost half as much, last twice as long and are great... ...for stomping queers! When you're done, you gotta clean out the waffle with a stick... ...but you can't have everything, right? Forget it. Come on, let's go. Have a nice day, fellas! Y'all come back now, you hear? You got a problem, buddy? You got the problem! - No, you do, buddy! - Read the sign! I reserve the right. Now take a hike. Make me. Take it easy, Mary. Take it easy. - Jesus! - Come on, make your play. Would you just come on! I don't need this shit today. Fucking redneck! Fascist! Fucking faggots! You believe this shit? Jesus! Alternate lifestyle, my ass! Imagine what those pumpkins do with each other when they're alone! And what about the muff divers? Think about it. Sergeant Prendergast. She don't have to talk! What do you want? I admitted it was a gang! She don't have to say a word! I know it was a white guy. We gotta talk. It's important. How many guns were in the gym bag? I don't know what you're talking about. I didn't see no gym bag! The white guy took it, right? More people could get hurt. Now help me out. The bag was already in the car when I got in. How many guns were in it? I don't know. Lots of guns. They got all the guns in the fucking world. Good? Can I help you? Police officer. I'm looking for a man. Are you now? Late 30s... ...white shirt and tie... ...he'd be carrying a gym bag. What's the police scanner for? My own personal amusement. Seen anyone like I've described? Nope. - Okay, thanks. - Listen. Tell me something. Why don't they call you guys... ...officer-esses? I beg your pardon? You know, like actress? Like that? Something to signify... ...you know. I guess they feel that a police officer is a police officer... ...not a... ...you know. Thanks for your cooperation, sir. Sorry I couldn't be of more help, officer-ess. Why'd you do that? There's something I wanna show you. I'm not gonna turn you in. I'm your friend. Come on. I don't ing just anybody back here. This is my own private stash. I got some great stuff here. World War I. Good shape. Speaking of gas, wait a minute. Wait just a minute. You know what was in this? Zyklon-B. You remember? What the Nazis had? Listen. Empty. This was used, man. This was actually used. I wonder how many kikes this little can took out. Think about it. Here. Why are you showing me this? I'm not. That's just for fun. You can keep that. This is what I want to show you. The real thing. Heat-seeking, shoulder-fired. It's fucking disposable! You can take out a jet with one of these monkeys. It's for you. I want you to have it. Why? Because I'm with you. Don't you get it? I listened to the scanner. I heard about Whammyburger. Fucking fantastic! It's a bunch of niggers, right? On TV, it's always white kids. But when you go in there, it's nothing but a bunch of niggers! They'll spit on your food if you're not nice. I know all about it. I'm with you. We're the same, you and me. We're the same. Don't you see? We are not the same. I'm an American. You're a sick asshole. What kind of vigilante are you? I am not a vigilante. I'm just trying to get home for my little girl's birthday. And if everybody will stay out of my way, nobody will get hurt. Fuck you! Who the fuck are you? Are you fucking with me? I am just disagreeing with you! In America, we have freedom of speech, the right to disagree! Fuck you and your freedom! Who the fuck are you? You fuck! You faggot fuck! Gonna take my rocket. I ought to shoot you, motherfucker! Now turn around! Now lean on that counter! Go on, lean on it! Look at this shit! What is this doing in there? Faggot shit! You want freedom, huh? I'll give you fucking freedom! Further back. Feet farther back. Spread them out. Farther. You're going to jail, motherfucker! How's that for freedom? Freedom to get fucked up the ass by some big buck nigger. Give me your hand. He's gonna be right behind you, just like this. Think about it. You gonna like that, faggot? You gonna like that, you faggot fuck? Give me your other hand. - I can't. - Why not? Gravity. Gravity? What the fuck does that mean? I'll fall down. Now give me your other hand! Give it to me now! Give it to me! Give it to me! Come on. Come on. Give it to me. This isn't one of mine. Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Good! Freedom of religion. Now you get the swing of it! Feels good to exercise your rights. I'm listening. We got a nutcase with a bag full of guns. He's in Hollywood, heading west. What is he up to? He's up to a lot of trouble. Never mind, we've got a hallway full of suspects. It wasn't a gang thing. I can tell you that. Angelina is a tramp and a liar. We don't appreciate you interfering with our investigation. I've got a positive I.D. On the gym bag, okay? What's this? A gym bag. Does this mean you're putting me under arrest? You guys take off. I gave you that speech earlier... ...because that's regulations. They make me do it. This one's from me. I've never liked you. You know why? You don't curse. I don't trust a man who doesn't curse. Not a fuck or a shit in all these years. Real men curse. And I don't like a man who's afraid to hit the street. - It's bad for morale. - I'm not afraid. Get back behind that desk where you belong... ...and don't waste any more of my time pretending you're a cop. A man in a white shirt and tie shot up a phone booth near the Whammyburger. - Did you hear me? - I heard you. Right about here, right? How did you know? He got the bag of guns at the drive-by. Then you were right. Excuse me. - What is wrong with you? - Me? I'm a coward, the captain told me. Get out of my way. Hey, look. It is your own fault. You let everybody think that, when it was your wife. She made you get off the street. What happens between me and my wife is nobody's business but mine! Sorry, I've been a bitch all day. She didn't make me quit. I came home late one night... ...and found her sitting in the dark. She thought I'd been killed. She thought I was a ghost. I had to chase her all over the house. - I'm sorry. - Forget it. - Where are you going? - See if I can earn my last day's pay. Let me go with you. I thought you were on duty. What do you say, partner? Fuck them! Go! Who were you talking to a while ago? You're trying to scare me. Am I succeeding? No, you're not succeeding. So you just might as well stop it. And you're not scaring me out of my own house. And you're not coming here. But I am. I'm on my way. You can count on that. I'm past the point of no return. Do you know when that is? That's the point in a journey... ...where it's longer to go back to the beginning... ...than it is to continue to the end. It's like... Remember when those astronauts got in trouble? They were going to the moon and something went wrong. They had to get back to Earth... ...but they had passed the point of no return. So they had to go all the way around the moon to get back... ...and they were out of contact for hours. Everybody waited to see if a bunch of dead guys in a can... ...would pop out the other side. That's me. On the other side of the moon now... ...out of contact... ...and everybody's just going to have to wait till I pop out. The police are here. Did you know, Beth... ...that in certain South American countries it's still legal... ...to kill your wife if she insults you? They're here right now. I'm looking at one right now. Put him on the phone. - What are we gonna do? - Talk to the Korean guy. Then we just start banging on doors. What is it? Where are you going? I'll be right back. I'm sure the guy will let you use his bathroom. Prendergast, what are you doing? I know who this guy is! Who is he? He had a personalized license plate. What the hell was it? It said, D-Fens. Defense? D-dash-F-E-N-S. D-Fens. They said he was on his way home. Go check out his address. Mr. Lee! Defense! Hold it! Back up. You dumb bitch! You cut me off! What's wrong with you! Move back! Out of the way! What are you, a moron? If I wanted to be in a parking lot, I'd buy a ticket, you dumb bitch! You can't come this way. What are you doing? Fixing the street! What does it look like? Two days ago, it was fine. You're saying it fell apart in two days? Well, I guess so. Pardon me, but that's bullshit! I don't think anything's wrong with the street. You're trying to justify your budgets. - Are you nuts? - I know how it works. If you don't spend your budget, you won't get any money next year. I want you to admit nothing's wrong with the street! Fuck you, pal! You're not gonna hold us hostage with these yellow lights and big trucks. I'm just here to keep people from falling in. That's all. I want to hear it from you. What's wrong with the street? I don't know. I really don't. I think it's a sewer job. You're lying. What's wrong with the street? Nothing. I knew it. See, I knew it was fine. But I'll give you something to fix. - Oh, Jesus... - Here! Hey, Charlie! Oh, please, man! We got a goddamn nut here! Fucking guy back there with a bazooka! Pull that thing off. - What thing? - That. Then pull on both ends. It gets bigger. Like this? Now flip that thing up. It's your aimer. How do you know? I saw it on TV. What's the name of the movie? What's the movie you're making? Under Construction. You like it? It's all right. Where's the cameras? The cameras are on. Just stand back. What do I do now? Just look through the aimer. What you aiming at? That yellow monster down there. Look at it and pull the trigger. It's really easy. Trigger? That one right there. But aim first, man. Look out! - Nothing happened. - Must have been a dud or something. Cool, man! What is it? I'll sic the dog on you! Police officers, ma'am. How are you? Where's the dog? He's dead. - What is it? - We need to ask you some questions. Just a few questions, ma'am. What kind of questions? Do you have a warrant? You invited us in. Now I'm inviting you out. What relation are you to William Foster? What are you saying? He's my son. I don't want you here. Would you look at this? This is really amazing. Amazing! Does he have another house, another place he might call home? Now this is a what? - A dragon? - Don't touch that! Why would he do that? This is his home. - I want you to go now. - Did this one melt? That one. It's a giraffe, drinking. Now, of all of these, which is your very favorite? Right now, I think this skunk. That's lovely. That's not paint. You know, his stripe. It isn't? It might be, but it's not painted on. It's in the glass. What the hell? It's the groundskeeper. Well, if he is, he's out of uniform. Hey, you there! What are you doing there? Just passing through. Nobody said you could play through. Get off my hole. He said he was passing through. He's not a member. Look how he's dressed. Get off my golf course! I am! Go back the way you came! I don't like his looks. Leave him alone. What am I paying dues for? This is my golf course! If I want to play here, I will! If he gets hit with my Titleist, that's his problem! Don't yell at me. I'm just here playing with you... Fore! Fore! Five! Wait a minute! What the hell you trying to do? Kill me with a golf ball? It's not enough you got all this land for your little game? But you had to kill me with a golf ball? You should have children playing here. Family picnics. You should have a petting zoo... ...instead of electric carts for you old men with nothing better to do. Frank, what's wrong? Frank! Aren't you ashamed of yourself? - I gotta get some help! - What's wrong with you? - Help! - Your heart? Something's wrong with your heart? What can I do? Pills! Pills! Pills? Where are they? Cart, cart. Call the paramedics! My friend just had a heart attack! I guess you're out of luck. Your little cart's gonna drown. Aren't you sorry you didn't let me pass through your golf course? Now you're gonna die wearing that stupid little hat. How does it feel? This is his room. You're a very neat and tidy lady. He cleans his own room. Now don't make me call you a liar. If he wasn't at work, I'd be afraid to set foot in here. What's he been doing lately? Same as ever. Building important things to protect us from the Communists. He works at Notec. The defense plant. D-Fens. Call Notec and see if you can get him. So what's going on with your son? - How do you mean? - You know exactly what I mean. Sometimes he sits through an entire meal without saying a word. He just shovels food into his mouth like a machine. I get so nervous... ...I can't swallow. I'll sit there with the same piece of food in my mouth. I have to spit it out. When I do, he looks at me... ...like he'd like to kill me. Don't tell him I said that. I promise I won't. I try not to be a burden. I'm not just talking financial. How could you be a burden to anyone? If William, or Bill, as I like to call him... He likes Bill. I call him Bill too. If Bill said he was going home... ...could he have meant where his wife and child live? Ex-wife. We shouldn't be in here. Ex-wife, right. Elizabeth. What's her maiden name? Trevino. She was part Italian. You know how they are. - Where's Elizabeth now? - I wouldn't know. You don't know where your grandchild lives? He doesn't want me to know. He blames me for what happened. What's the word? - He was fired over a month ago. - What? Where has he been going every day? Where has he been eating his lunch? Why are you putting barbed wire on that fence? Is it a joke? Is this how rich people have fun? You put barbed wire on the fence... ...so innocent people like me can cut our hands? No, please. I'm the caretaker. It's just a barbecue. Dr. Ashcroft has let us do this before. You don't live here? Is it really necessary to tell them? Tell who? Altmore Security. Aren't you with them? No, please! It's okay, honey. It's okay, baby. What kind of doctor lives here? Plastic surgeon. Plastic surgery bought all this? Guess I'm in the wrong racket. Are there correspondence courses in plastic surgery? I lost my job. Actually, I didn't lose it. It lost me. I'm overeducated, underskilled... Maybe it's the other way around. I forget. And I'm obsolete. I'm not economically viable. I can't even support my own kid. Are you hurt? I'm sorry. I didn't hurt you, honey. I'm sorry. It's all right. It's your hand. You cut your hand. It's my hand. Please take me with you. They won't do anything if I'm with you. Just please let them go. What do you think? You think I want to hurt your family? I have a family of my own. You don't believe me? We believe you. That's where I'm going. I'm going home to see my family. It's my little girl's birthday today. We were gonna have a barbecue, like you guys... ...and she was gonna play outside... ...and my wife would hold my hand... ...and talk about grownup things. And then when it got dark... ...we'd all go to sleep together. We'd all sleep together in the dark. And everything... ...would be just like it was before. You can't leave. Believe me, something's happened to him. It doesn't take all day to drive from Pasadena to Venice. That doesn't constitute a threatening phone call. The guy was talking about Star Trek or something. - He's getting a kick out of scaring you. - Please don't leave. There's only one thing you can do to really feel safer. Next time there's a proposition... ...to cut the number of patrol cars on the street, vote no, okay? Have a nice day. What have you found so far? No luck on Foster-Trevino. Go straight to the maiden name. I've got something on an Army-Navy store. - Where? - Here. Jesus, Prendergast, I was there! That guy was a prick. You know what else he was? Murdered. They found him stuffed in his own display case. Oh, my God! Here, I'll help you change the... You know what they did? They turned our ice-cream parlor into a Southwest American, New Age thing. I went to buy a rocking horse. All I could find was a unicorn with an Indian on top of it. Can you believe that, Elizabeth? Can you believe it? Come on! Where are we going? When's my birthday? Some G.I. Joe gave a geezer a heart attack at the golf course... ...and accosted a family right next door. A G.I. Joe? He's wearing the kind of jacket you find in an Army-Navy store. I found her! Trevino, Elizabeth. Don't tell me. Venice. How'd you know? Where else would an Italian move to? Look what I got. We got a puppy. We got a puppy. Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you Hi, puppy! No answer at the ex-wife. - You send the cavalry? - No, Pacific Division are pricks. They can't send units to the same address three times in a day... ...to comfort some hysterical woman. - What do you want to do? - Go to Venice. Get that, would you? Prendergast here. Who the fuck is this? Shit. It's your wife. Oh, boy. Hon? Yeah, hon. I know who that was! Mr. Peepers just scratched the shit out of me... ...and I'm bleeding like a stuck pig. Something important's come up. What am I? Dog vomit? Your wife says she's bleeding to death... ...and you say something important has come up? - When are you coming home? - I don't know. Don't tell me you don't know. I want to know when the hell you're coming home, now! Amanda, shut up! Did you hear me? Shut up! I'll get home when I'm finished, not a second before. Is that clear? Is that clear? You don't have to bite my head off. And you have dinner ready and waiting for me, okay? And leave the skin on the chicken. All right? Goodbye. Shit! Let's go! Surprise! I'm sorry, Prendergast! We tried and tried, but could not fit your fucking name on the cake! Congratulations. You made it out alive! Listen, listen. All right, hold it, hold it. Ladies and gentlemen, the moment you've been waiting for. This afternoon's entertainment, Miss Suzie! Suzie Q! Do your thing! Is this the retiring boy? Wait, wait! This is great, guys. This is great. I appreciate it, but I can't stay. Jesus! What's your problem? You afraid of women too? I don't blame him. You ever met his wife? What did you say? - What? - What did you say? Nothing. We don't have time for this. You're right. Ready, honey? Happy birthday to you Happy birthday... ...to you No cake for you? If she doesn't want it, don't force her. Okay, you can have the teddy. Time to go horsy! It's okay. Horsy! It's okay. Giddyap, giddyap. - She doesn't want to. - Just put her on the horse! There we go! Horsy ride. She doesn't want to. - Put her on the horse! - You can't force her like that. I bought her the goddamn horse. Here we go! Horsy ride. You're scaring her. I want you to stop this. Come on, honey. It's your birthday. It's the pier. It's your favorite place. You love the pier. Why do you do this? Take the back. Freeze! You okay? - I'm all right. - Somebody get an ambulance. Get an ambulance! Call 911! Get an ambulance! Tell them an officer's been shot! Go, go, go! Get an ambulance! Be careful! Go get the bastard! He's still dressed like G.I. Joe! Daddy! Mommy, look. Daddy! Hi, honey. I thought I'd find you here. Leave us alone! What? I can't talk to my wife? I'm not your wife anymore. No? Sugar, does this ring a bell? Till death do us part? Do you remember that? I'm sorry. Sorry, sorry. What are you doing? I'm coming home from a hard day at the office. God bless the working stiffs! Please leave her alone! You're so big! How'd you get so big? I missed it. They stole it from me, honey. Don't you worry. They're not gonna take it anymore. Bill, listen, please. You've got to stop this. You need help. You're sick. Sick? You wanna see sick? Take a walk around this town. That's sick. You ain't kidding. Would you believe it that I used to fish right here? This very spot? Now they tell you, Don't eat the fish. It's poisonous. You can't even swim in the water. It'll give you some kind of bacterial infection. How's that for sick? I'm having a private moment with my family. Leave us alone. I'm leaving soon. I'm retiring to Arizona. Lake Havasu City. You been there? That's not what I mean! They call it a lake, but it's really just a big bowl of muddy water. But the wife thinks it's paradise. Everybody has their own idea of what paradise is. Take me, for instance. You know what I thought paradise was? - What? - Lf you'll excuse me. Making babies. Ain't that a kick? Making babies. This your little girl? Beautiful. She's special. You know, my wife never was cut out for motherhood. She did it all for me. Went through all that pain, lost her figure, for me. Then the kid went to sleep one night, never woke up. They called it Infant Death... ...Syndrome. But she wasn't an infant. She was 2 years old. She was a big girl. She was our baby. Here, darling, this is for you. Here you go. What can you do? If she'd been hit by a drunk driver... But who do you blame when they just don't wake up? Thank you, sweetheart. There's a guy with a gun! No! Don't! Elizabeth, no! Freeze! You're under arrest. Get out of here! Freeze! - What were you gonna do? - I don't know! Guys like you always say that! You know exactly what you were gonna do. Kill your wife and child! Then it'd be too late to turn back. It'd be easy to kill yourself. Let's go meet some nice policemen. They're good guys. Let's go. I'm the bad guy? How did that happen? I did everything they told me to. Did you know I build missiles? I help to protect America. You should be rewarded for that. Instead, they give it to the plastic surgeon. They lied to me. Is that what this is about? You're angry because you got lied to? Is that why my dinner's drying out in the oven? They lie to everybody. They lie to the fish! That doesn't give you any right to do what you did today. The only thing that makes you special is that little girl. Now, let's go. Let's go! Sure was hot today, wasn't it? He has a gun! The end of the pier! Keep this crowd back! Let's get some backup! You know, I got a gun. In my pocket. I got lots of guns. Stay there. Don't move. You wanna draw? Let's not. Let's call it a day. Now come on. It's perfect. Showdown between the sheriff and the bad guy? It's beautiful. On three. This doesn't have to be the end. You have a choice. My little girl is dead. I don't have a choice. You do! No, you have two choices: I can kill you. Or you can kill me... ...and my little girl can get the insurance. One... Don't you wanna see her grow up? Behind bars? Don't do this. Please. - Let's go! - Three. I would have got you. What cooperation was there between Pacific Division and Downtown? Not to denigrate the Venice Police... ...but it was one of our fellows that put this together. Prendergast! This is Sergeant Prendergast. Damn fine work, Prendergast. Fuck you, Captain Yardley. Fuck you very much! I can't believe... Did he just say that? You're welcome. - You still here? - Afraid so. We've stabilized her. She'll be all right. I'll see you at the hospital. How are you doing? I haven't told her yet. Oh, shit! It's her birthday. What should I do? Tell her tomorrow. Let her have her little party. - What's your name, darling? - Adele. Adele? That's a nice name. If I had a little girl, I'd want her to be named Adele. - What's yours? - Mine? My name is mud. Your name is not mud. It will be when my wife finds out that... ...I'm still a cop. Excuse me. Sergeant just signed us out. - All right, let's eat. - Where you wanna go? Let's go around the corner and get one of those... Look what I got! Just call him, Hi, Puppy. Hi, Puppy. Hi, Puppy. There we are! We got everybody there. We got everybody...
Well, hi. Hi. You okay? Yeah. Sorry. - Want something to eat? - No. - You know what? - Hmm? We should get out of Calgary for a few days. - You know, just take off. - Any place special? Somewhere where we can be alone together. More alone than this? Yeah. And no work. No, no telephone calls. - No bad dreams. - No bad dreams. Mmm. Decker's been calling again. When? - All last week, every day. - What does he want? I don't know. I haven't talked to him. I haven't called him back. Well, if he can help. I'm just... I'm just frustrated. - Spend all that time working with somebody... - Now, go see him. Tell him it's all gone except the bad dreams. The dreams aren't even that bad anymore. I'm actually beginning to like them. That does sound crazy, now doesn't it? But I like being fat, because it's comfortable. And I like myself fat. I like you fat too. Ooh, you'll wake the munchkins. Mommy. Sweetie, you're supposed to be beddy-byes. - I heard something. - What did you hear, honey? - A bad man. - Oh, everything's all right. You go back to bed, munchkin, and I'll come and see you a bit later, okay? Okay. Looking very aggressive. There's the steal by Roberts. All alone! Oh, what a save! You know, most of my colleagues would have walked away from a case like yours. But I found you intriguing. All that talk about monsters in Midian. Only I didn't create 'em. I heard about 'em' from other people. Yeah, but you incorporated it into your private mythology. I guess I did. I needed a place to escape to. - A place where all your sins would be forgiven. - Yeah. - Do you remember what sins? - What do you mean? Well, when you imagined yourself being taken away... to this invented city, to Midian, what sins were you gonna be forgiven? Are we back in therapy, Doctor? They were just dreams. Midian doesn't exist. Monsters don't exist. But murder does, Aaron. Murder is very, very real. it might start in the mind, but then it changes to flesh and blood. Two days ago, the police ought me some photographs. They wanted to know if any of my patients... was capable of doing what's in those photographs. I'm gonna show them to you. - Why? - Because when you talked about murder on the tapes, I assumed it was just hallucinations. That's what I assumed. What you described on those tapes, Aaron, was very detailed, very specific. - Houses, faces. These houses, these faces. No, I... I don't remember. - Would you like to hear? - No! - So you think I did this? - Six families killed in ten months, Aaron. Oh, God. So what am I gonna do? You're gonna take these. They'll help you. You've got 24 hours to go to the police and tell them the truth. And that's all I can give you. Boone? This is Boone. You know what to do. Adios. Yeah. Hi, it's me. I'm at my place. I thought you were gonna be here. So, um, so come over as soon as you get this, okay? I love you. Bye. - Take it easy. Take it easy. - What have you been taking? - Lithium. Lucky you're in one piece, fellow. - This is not Lithium, friend. - What was I taking? it looks like it could be some kind of lab quality hallucinogen. - You're on what we used to call a bad trip, old buddy. Six families killed in ten months, Aaron. Six families killed in ten month, Aaron. Six families killed in ten months, Aaron. Take me to Midian. Take me to Midian. I'll do anything for you. Have I missed you? Have I missed you? No. Please. Please come. Please come. Take me. Take me to Midian. Please take me. Take me to Midian! Please. I beg you. I'll do anything. Why won't you come? What did you say? I said shut up! They won't come when you're here. They won't show themselves to the likes of you. - What did you just say? - What'd you just say? - You said Midian. - Did I? Maybe. What do you know about it? it's where the monsters go. it takes away the pain. Hey, wait a minute. What do you know about it? - They forgive you there. - See, they only take you if you're worthy. know what they do to those that aren't worthy? kkkkk! So you know where it is? You and I could go there. - They sent you. - What? They sent you to take me. - Yes. Yeah. But I need to know where it is. it's a test. Yes. Yes. North of Athabasca. East of Peace River. North of Dwyer. You'll take me? I'm worthy. You ask anyone. I knew you'd come. I was waiting! Good. I know, I know, I know. I know. I know. First I have to show you. That's how it works. - Show me what? - My true face. That's what these are for. I'm an actor, see? There's a face beneath this face. - No! - You have to see me! First I'll show you, then you'll take me with you. juvenile delinquency, periodically institutionalized. Some violent episodes. No criminal charges. - And he's been in my care... Ahhhhhh! - What the hell have you done? - Nothing. in there! They need help! What's he saying? He's not making a whole lot of sense. Something about a place called Midian. He's dying. I think he wants to die. inspector, I know Boone. I know how he talks. I know how he manipulates. Now, maybe, if the right words are said to this man, they'll trigger something. Go ahead. I'll do what I can. But I'll have to have privacy. Move, and I'll slit your throat. - You got him? - I got him. Holy shit! Are you from Midian? - We shall take him below. - He's not Night eed. - He's Natural. - No. I've killed people! I'm like you. That's why I'm here. Shut the fuck up. You're meat. if we eat him, we eak the law. That's true? Everything's true. God's an astronaut. Oz is over the rainbow. And Midian is where the monsters live. And you came to die. I didn't come to die. I came to be with you. No. Sorry. I can smell innocence... from 50 yards. I've killed people. I've killed 15 people! - Who told you that? - What do you mean? He lied, asshole. He lied. You're Natural. And that means... you're meat... for the beast. We mustn't! it's the law! Fuck the law. I want meat. No! Let him go! Women Wailing Peloquin, no! He's meat! He's meat! He's after you. Quickly, that way! The gate's that way! Run while you've still got legs! He's gone! Enough! What? Something Natural. Freeze! Aaron Boone, you're under arrest! Boone, listen to him. it's no use. Stay back! inspector, I know how to talk to him. Boone, it's gonna be okay. They know everything now. I've explained everything to them. They're not gonna hurt you. I didn't do it. I didn't hurt anyone! - Of course you didn't. - Then you believe me? I believe you. - He's got a gun! No! Hold your fire! Hold your goddamn fire! Where's the gun? He reached into his jacket. Miss Winston, can you identify this as the body of Aaron Boone? You know, you meant the world to Aaron. He used to talk about you all the time. He talked a lot about you too. - We don't have to do this now. - I'd rather get it over with. What was your relationship with the deceased? We were lovers. Deceased is male white Caucasian, late20's. Possible cause of death: multiple gunshot wounds... to the thoracic cavity and the extremities. Unspecified animal bite adjacent bullet wound upper left shoulder. Bullet wound number one, upper left shoulder. Second bullet wound above left nipple. Third bullet wound below costal margin to the left. Jesus! They weren't taking any chances! He never raised a hand to me. He never hurt anyone in his life. Miss Winston, everybody has a secret face. Coffee eak. Sweet dreams. Where did he die? What was the name of that town? it was a place called Midian. is it always the same dream, then? Oh, no, it's... Sometimes it's... it's like I'm... I don't know. it's like I'm underground. Maybe Midian, a place full of monsters I told you about. Are you buried alive? No, not alive. But you're conscious? Yeah, but not alive. I'm dead, but I'm still functioning. Death is the end. Not in Midian it isn't. in Midian, I live forever. So maybe death isn't the end, huh, Doc? Huh? - Good morning, Torrez. - What'll it be, darling? - Yeah, um, draft. A draft comin' up. I'm looking for a place called Midian. You're not the only one. A bunch of TV news folk passing through. Ever since they nailed that baby slasher up there. - Baby slasher? - Been a hell of a week for us. Took 30 shots to bag that sucker. What is it? Men or money? Whenever I cry, it's usually men or money. A man. What'd he do? Leave? Not exactly. He didn't come back, did he? That's even worse. Some loser gets a crush on you, you could throw him in the river tied to a piano, he'd come back faster than a dog with a bone. Oh! Why I bother to look so good... when there's on one here to admire the end product is beyond me. - know what I mean? - Yeah, I can't argue with that. Do you want a drink? I want a drink. You'll enjoy this. No, really! You hit me again, I'm gonna rip your face off. it's just a way to say welcome to the club. I'm not so sure I want to be in the club. You found your way back here for the same reason I did. We belong here. There's no place else on earth would take us in. Go on in. They're waiting for you. That's Lylesberg, the boss. Who's that girl? Shunma Sassi. Why? I dreamt about her. I dreamt him. - Who is your advocate? - I am. - Have you tutored him in the law? - Yes, he has. Let the advocate answer. Yes, I have. You understand what you do, joining us here tonight? You leave the natural world behind. The life you lived will be a dream. I know. The blood of Baphomet knows all truth. Are you prepared to be judged by the gods? Yes, I am. Aaron Boone... the tribes of the moon em ace you. You were wonderful. Bon appetit. Hi. How's your head? Please. But it was worth it. Lori, my grandmother always used to say, Sheryl Ann, there's a man walking around out there with your name on his mind. All you gotta do is run into him. Of course, he happened to be checked in here at the crossroads of the world? He's fabulous. His name is Curtis, and he's a banker. He's just moved to Edmonton since he got his divorce. And best of all... he thinks I'm wonderful. Sheryl, are you sure you want to come along? Oh, yeah. I wouldn't miss it. Beside, Curtis has some business to do today. But we're meeting tonight, so that's okay. - My God! - Looks like the gold rush is over. - Why the hell would Boone come out here? - To get away from it all? Shut up, Sheryl Ann. Look, you go do whatever it is you have to do. I'll stay here and, uh, do something else. All right. I'll see you later. So this is Midian. This is someone else's soul Someone that I never knew This is someone else's body - Curtis. - Am I getting through to you What are you doin' here? - if you feel the way we all do - Hello, Sheryl. Bring her. Please ing her. Don't be frightened. Allright. Pick her up. O-Okay... hold still. Come on. Come on. No, it's okay. it's all right. Hurry, please. Bring her. Please ing her to me. Pay no attention. just give her to me. Babette, no! What's happening? - What? is it sick? - What's happening to it? - Mommy, help me. Jesus! What the hell is this? She likes to play outside. I tell her the sun will hurt her. She's just a child. She doesn't understand. She likes to play outside? You saved her. I owe you something. Listen, I know why you've come. is Boone here? Did somebody ing him here? Rachel, you have said too much already. But, Lylesberg, she saved Babette. We know. But you cannot help her. Look... I don't know who you people are, but I saved the child's life, didn't I? So don't I deserve something for that? The child has no life to save. But what it has is yours, if you want it. That is the law. Do you want her? No! No, thanks. No, I just want some answers. But to speak of this to anyone would ing dire consequences. - What is that? A threat? - Not to you. To us. What's below... remains below. This is the law. Boone. Aaron Boone. just tell me, is he here? You took him. You took his body, didn't you? I need to know. Didn't you! I'm sorry. Please don't go. Wait a minute. Wait a minute! Where'd they go? She's mine! Y'all come back now, ya hear? Sheryl, we're goin'. I saw... Something's kinda come up, and, um, I... Sheryl? Sheryl? Oh, my God. Oh, my God. - Lori. - How do you know my name? Oh, that's a good question. Here's the answer. Oh, no. Boone's alive, Lori. And your death is gonna ing him out of hiding. Somebody help me! Oh! I'm not gonna let her die! You made an oath to obey the law. I'm not gonna let him butcher her. Bitch! - I love her. - But she's a Natural. - She can't love you. Not now. - I don't care. Boone! Boone! Lie still. it's quicker that way. Decker! You're here. isn't this where the dead are supposed to go? - But you're not dead. - Oh, you're wrong, Decker. We're both dead. - Boone. Don't you get it? Blades are no better than bullets. I'm dead. I'm the walking dead. Are you gonna kill him or not? Only I want his balls. And his eyes. Unless, of course, you want them. I think I'll pass. Remember me, Doctor? I was dying when you had your way with me. - You made me give up my secrets... when I was feeling particularly vulnerable. - Now! - No! He's mine! Pretty sweet. I wasn't gonna hurt her. I only wanted to keep her warm. She's not gonna like the way you look. You've put us all in danger for your love of this woman. - Decker won't tell anyone. - He can still lead our enemies here! if he does, and Midian is unearthed, you are responsible. I'll make amends. just take the girl! Go on your way amongst the Naturals! That is the law. We got visitors, boy. - Can I use your phone? - Yeah. Don't know if it works. Broke down, did you? You ain't gonna get nobody to come out here. - Nobody never comes out here. - Get me inspector Joyce. Dr. Phillip Decker. You been up to Midian? kind of smelt like you had. Where exactly is the town of Midian? it ain't no town. just a cemetery. Joyce? Decker. Listen, I found out where Boone is. - Where are the nearest police? - Shere Neck. Shere Neck. Yes. I'll meet you in Shere Neck. - Who's buried in Midian. - Dead folk. Prospectors come from all over and got buried up there. - But there's something else. - Ain't nothin' but dead folk. Thanks. Had to happen sooner or later. They couldn't hide forever. it's all right, boy. it's all right. Everything's gonna be all right. What the hell is this? it was Boone up there. - Yes. - But Boone's dead. - I saw him in the morgue. - You still don't understand. You're below now, with the Night eed. The last survivors of the great tribes. - Okay, tribes of what? - We're shape-shifters. Freaks. Remains of races that your tribe have all but driven to extinction. - So you're not immortal? - Far from it. The sun can kill some of us, like Babette. Some of us can be shot down. Others can survive that because they've gone beyond death. This is too weird. To be able to fly? To be smoke? Or a wolf? To know the night and live in it forever. That's not so bad. You call us monsters. But when you dream, you dream off lying and changing... and living without death. You envy us, and what you envy... We destroy. Babette, show her. Show her the past. We are all that remain. So you're saying, you're saying that Boone's like you? Yes. He's Night eed. No, that's not possible. - I gotta find him. - He's beyond your help. Where did he go? Down to the tabernacle. To Baphomet. - Who's that? - The baptizer. Who made Midian. Who called us here and saved us from our enemies. - Okay, take me there. - it's forbidden. We'll see about that. I told you everything I know. - No, no. The monsters. - N-Night eed? - Can they die? - What harm they ever done to you? Can they die! - Yeah. - How? Well, there are all kinds of Breed... and all kinds of ways to kill them. Uhh... bullets for some and f-fire for others. Why is it that you know so much about them? I-I wanted to be one of'em. They... Did they kick you out? is that why you hate 'em so much? I'm not one of them. I'm here to destroy them. You see, I've cleaned up a lot of eeders. Families like cesspools. Filth making filth making filth. And I did it over and over and over again, but it was all leading me here. I was born to destroy the whole Night eed together. Y-You're crazy. No, I'm death. Plain and simple. Say it! Then don't say it. Ahhhhh! There goes the neighborhood. Boone? Looking for Boone? Boone? Boone! Damnit, Boone. No one here by that name. - Told you. I know you. He's talked about you... Lori. Pretty little butterfly. Nice. You're still a Natural. - Want to join the family? - No! You will. Sooner or later, you'll want to live forever. - No! - Okay, Decker, what do you got? - I found Boone. Somebody stole the corpse, ought it down here? There is not corpse. He's not dead. He was shot, pumped full of bullets. I saw it. I saw it too, but he's alive. - He's killed again. - in Shere Neck? No. No, up in Midian. Gentlemen. Captain Eigerman. inspector Joyce, Calgary Police Department. This is Dr. Decker. And this is Shere Neck. Midian is my jurisdiction. Boone was my prisoner. We can work together. No, we can't. I'll ing him in myself. - But he's not alone anymore. - I've heard that talk. - it's nuthouse talk. - What talk? Midian. Something is eeding there, underneath the cemetery. - Bullshit. - You believe that? Yes, I do. if somebody doesn't stop them, there's gonna be more bloodshed. I promise. Hey, you're really light on your feet. You may not be gorgeous, but you'll do for me. Up and about already? - Just stay away from me. - Hey, I'm sorry about upstairs. But I see a pretty face, and I just had to kiss it. - Hey, you can't go down there! - Why not? isn't this a great place? Shangri-la on dope. We love it! - What's that smell? Not me. - The Berserkers are down there. Mad bastards. They'll rip off your head and shit down your neck. - Did Boone go down there? - And he won't be coming back. - He's not dead. - He's more than that. if you don't believe me, just wait till he comes to... sniff a little blood. That'll ing out the beast in him! You can't go down there! You need some beauty sleep. Hey, love those tattoos! Sailors. Help me! Come back here! Come back! Hey! Shine! - Slaughter! You missed. Where's Boone? This way. Boone! Boone! Don't look! Don't look! Come on! Well, well. Guess he can't take the heat. Thank God. Let's go. I can't go out there. I belong here! Now listen to me. You belong with me. That's why you lived. That's why we both survived... because we belong together. Don't you see they don't need you? Nobody needs you but me. - Okay. - Okay? I love you. Come on. There's no answer from the room. I tried twice. Huh? Oh. Yeah, the key's still here. I don't know. I haven't seen them. Arnie! Hey, Arnie! Where the fuck is he? Arnie! Listen, I'm gonna have to get someone back to you on that. Okay? Yeah. Oh, shit. Oh, God. What a mess. Gross me out. - Arnie? Okay. I'll get my stuff in two minutes. - What's wrong? - Why is it so empty? Must be the rodeo. - I smell blood. it's okay. Shere Neck Police. Boone! Next door. it was Decker. Decker did this. Boone, what's wrong? What is it? I don't want you to see! - Get out! - I'm not gonna leave you! in! Go! Go! They're coming! Go! Freeze! Up, up, up, up! Get him up! Christ, he stinks! What are you looking at? Move! Captain. You are a freak and a cannibal, and you've come to the wrong town. Get the door. I'm gonna give you something to remember me by. Fuckin' cannibal. Creep! - Put him in my custody now! - Still here, huh? - I'm gonna go back to Midian with you. Yeah? I'll be right there. I'm not going anywhere with you. I got a press conference to deal with. - Now you tell him I've got Boone under control. - Don't trust him. - He changes. - Sure he does. Eigerman, he was right about the motel. - So what? - So maybe there are others. - What are you talking about? Monsters? - Aliens, a cult. - I don't know. We should check it out. - You wanna go out there? - Yeah. - Okay, we'll go out there. Pettine. - Yo, Chief. - You and some of the boys take inspector Joyce out to Midian. Look around that graveyard. if you see anything with more than two eyes, give me a holler. in the meantime, I got a press conference. Good-bye. Hey, the doctor's here to examine you, freak, just so no one can say we laid one finger on you. He looks okay to me. What do you think, Doc? - No pulse. - What's that? The man is dead. What the hell are you trying to do tome? I don't understand what the hell is going on around here! Now, how many bullets did they pull out of that geek up in Midian? - Why? - Why? You tell him why! - I can't get a pulse on him. - Jesus Christ! - Are you saying he's dead? - Not lying-down dead, my friend. Walkin' around in my fuckin' cell dead. Now, what have you got to say about that? Can you hear me? They'll find a way to kill you, Boone. You know that? Are you listening? You're an abomination, Boone. You have to die. You hear me? There's people down there. I can feel it. if there is, we call for backup. - Oh, shit. - Was that something? I don't know. Maybe we're just all spooked. Hell, who'd want to live in a graveyard? What do you say, inspector? - Let's just call it a day. - No, no, no, no! No! Do you want me to interrogate it, inspector? - Give him some air. - What the hell for? - Can't you see there's something wrong with him? God, get him off me! Damn it, get him off me! Jesus Christ on a crutch. He was just dust? it was the sun. The sun did it. We got the perfect weapon right over our heads. Yeah, just until it goes down. Oh, no, shit! Pettine! Goddamn it, get out here! - Who did it? Why do we have to get him back? Maybe Baphomet told him something... something that could save Midian. - Pettine, what's your status? - They torched our car. Lousy freaks! king, get in here. - Yes, sir? - I think it's about time we go out there, don't you? Reverend Ashberry, your services are required. - He looks like a drunk. - He is a drunk. Lost his ain. Now you wouldn't want to miss the Judgement Day, would you? The apocalypse? it's here? Well, they're warming up for it over in Midian. I want you to go to your church and get crosses... and prayer books and Bibles and whatever the hell else you people use. 'Cause we're goin' out there with God on our side. Whether it's Commies, freaks or Third-World Y-chromosome mutants, we are there. Sons of the Free. - Come on, guys! Let's get 'em! Hey, freak-face, we found your pals. They're gonna fry just like you. Hey, Constable Labowitz, something to blow your ains? - Beauteous. - All right. - Suck on that. Hey, who's there? What's the problem? No problem! Shit! - Hold him! - You all right, Coback? Where is he? Where's Boone? Cell three, through the door. I love a coward. Don't think you're getting oke free! No way they get through that door! it's solid steel! Do you hear me, freak? Jesus Christ! Oh, fuck me. I do not want to hurt you. Naughty, naughty. - I want you to wait out here. - Brave girl. I'm not afraid of you. I don't wanna be dust. I want us flesh and blood. No time for hoochie-coochie. Are we going? Did you ever perform an exorcism, preacher? - No. - I suggest you start rehearsing. - Better take one of these. - I wouldn't know what to do with it. So Moses spoke to the people, saying, Arm yourselves for war and go and take vengeance for the Lord... on Midian.' And so they burned with fire all the cities where they dwelt... and killed the kings of Midian, both man and beast. Ooh, Doc, it sounds like we're goin' head-to-head with the Devil himself. - I don't believe in the Devil. - Oh, but you will. Hot damn! All right, let's move in. it's only a mile or two more. - There's a shortcut near here. - Where? Now! Let's go! Let's go! Move it! Move it, move it! What are you doing here, Decker? You'll miss all the fun. I just found something in there I really think you ought to take a look at. What the hell is this, Decker? T minus ten seconds. Five, four, three, two, one. We are too late. Looks like the millennium just ended. Stand up, fucker! Bastards. - Rachel! Rachel! - Babette! Babette, no! Stay down! This is our home! We belong here! Stay where you are! - They're waiting for us above! - No! Don't listen to him! We'll all be slaughtered! if you want to live, it won't be here, and it won't be by your laws. Now if we want to survive, we can't hide. Brothers and sisters, it is time to fight! Outstanding. Come on! Don't look down! Hurry, hurry! Women and children upstairs! - You heard what he said. - What chance have we got? - They're armed. - So am I. Come to Daddy. Babette! Come on. - Come on. - Hey! it's my lucky day! - But she's just a kid. You found her. Come on! Hey, look what we got here. - Say good night. Don't be afraid. Don't be afraid. it's all right. Which way is safe? - You've got to stop. There are children down there. You're killing children! Go ahead, faggot. Don't! - Sorry, padre. - Eigerman! - Hey, papa. We don't like priests here. - Ow! Je... What the fuck is this? I don't feel so good. Kane! What the hell are you doing down here? Your people need you. Baphomet is going to destroy us all... the Naturals, the Breed, Midian, everything! - How do you know? - Take a look for yourself. - The whole place is gonna blow? - it's Baphomet's will! Look, we can make it out! But we need fighters. - We're not warriors. - What about the Berserkers? Madness. They're uncontrollable. Better yet! Let them out. We are the tribes of the moon. You said so. The tribes of the moon. I'll release them. - What's the plan? - The usual. You take the big guy. - Sucker. You don't want to do that. Give me a good reason why not. I'll give you two. - Ugh, what a mess! My God. What have you done? Yo, Moses! Watch the pretty light. Wait for it. - Here it comes! Shit! Go get 'em, boys! - Come on! Let's go! Cut it out! Stop! You goddamn cowards! I'll kill you all! Dennis, give me a weapon! Lori. I didn't believe in the prophesies. it's all over. What prophesies? You want to see? - That's Boone. - Yes, it's him! All these years waiting for a savior. He hasn't saved us. He's destroyed us. I made him! The bite... was mine. The bite that mocks death. - That doesn't make him yours. Quite a dance, huh? Death everywhere, and you and me in the middle. Come on! Boone! Not yet! One last dance? Boone! Oh, my God. - Oh. - Decker's dead. Pull the knife out. Boone! Don't go. I have to. I'm responsible. You have destroyed our refuge. This was inevitable. No home is forever. You must rebuild what you've destroyed. You must find me. Heal me. Save me from my enemies. You are no longer Boone. You are Cabal. Save me from my enemies. Save me from my enemies. Save me from my enemies. Night-night, sweetheart. Where will I find you when I need you? You'll find me. And you'll need me. I never touched a legend before. I saw their god, Master. He burned me. I want to burn him back! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! This is someone else's soul Someone that I never knew This is someone else's body Am I getting through to you if you peel away the orange There's something underneath if you look below for hidden treasures Underneath another layer Are you hiding underneath the sea
A KAIJU THEATRE PICTURE A Shinya TSUKAMOTO FILM Tomoro TAGUCHI IN Persistent, aren't you ? Why do you keep following me ? What are you playing at ? Get lost ! What's the matter ? Hey, what's the matter ? Sleepy, Minori ? Yes ! Last night... Daddy had a dream I was in an open space with my family I was a child again with your foster parents ? No - Did you remember ? - No But it was... ...a wonderful dream So peaceful too Sorry I remember... ...being adopted at eight I've no memories before that. Strange, isn't it ? - Your new parents told you nothing ? - Non. There aren't even... ...any photos. How old were you in your dream ? Excuse me Minori ! Minori ! There he is ! Help me ! Stop them ! Shall I let you go ? Please don't I beg you, please don't ! And him too ? Damn you ! Bye-bye I'll kill you You really bug me Coming for a swim ? You need to get strong Shall we go home since you're so worried about the plants ? He did it ! That tune... the woman in my dream... It must have been my mother who sang it Very quietly Hello How did the training go ? Go and look for Minori Please leave us alone He's not here You shouldn't leave the back door unlocked Stay there ! Where's my son ? I dropped him. I'll kill you ! Now I remember... Something... Something's going to be destroyed What kind of guy did you pick ? To avoid accidents... ...he's a mild specimen Let's start From inside the man's ain... ...select a really calm image Watch as I manipulate it Continue ! Stop ! Continue ! Enough Return to the first image Fantastic ! The will to kill that's what counts. Sacrifice him We'll give him an oxyde shot Right now... He'll corrode away. This is the fruit of his cells and my ains Who'll be the first to test it ? Why don't you volunteer ? You'd do - Let's make ourselves some money - I don't want money Destruction is all I need Well done. We've been a long time together Give everyone a shot With this the strength of the will to kill decides killing him will be simple you'll be blown to pieces like your at I'm going to do the same to you as I did to your at What the hell is going on ? God... he was truly... a god ...a god Who ? the man who can make us all gods He's a fiend So it wasn't because of... It's dangerous here. Let's leave You... What are you ? I don't know any more than you It's true ! Believe me ! Please save me, Kana ! I'm scared ! Help me ! You laughed You laughed then You'll laugh when I'm killed Now I'm really angry He doesn't seem to care much for you The old fool didn't design this gun very well But why...? How is he different ? He used will-power to transform himself When he was a kid... ...he was strange Even when he was bullied... he never fought back He always bowed and scraped But one day, someone snatched... some gladioli bulbs he treasured Straight away... he beat all the other kids up Most of them died And his beloved gladioli bulbs were crushed too Your husband's name is Tomoo Taniguchi. Right ? You... Who are you ? Trust me to come across him He really is a devil Tell me what happened to him Please Where's Kana ? We're holding her. Kill me and she dies Inject this or she dies. Choose. She'll die ! You don't care if she dies ? He hasn't changed at all Hostages don't seem to mean anything Taniguchi ! Taniguchi Tomoo ! You were always like that Losing what you loved Please, tell me What happened to him ? Happy birthday... to you Take a good look No ! Happy birthday... to you. Happy birthday to you... Rust and die ! I'll inject you rust and death Take a good look ! Ouch ! You got me ! Look what I'm going to do It's magic Chin chin, puyo puyo... Good. Now nobody can beat you Bang ! Good. When your will an the gun's are as one... ...you'll be able to kill the dog You will help me, won't you ? Your father is the only one in the world who can make the human weapon When they see you, important people will believe me No ! Don't let him remember Don't let him remember ! Take a good look ! So... I made it... I made it... Don't After that, my big other lost his memory Was it sadness at losing our mother ? I don't think he felt sorry he'd killed our parents He felt... ...the beauty in destruction that scared him and he lost his memory I understand that better than anyone The strength of his will to kill always beat mine My only weapon is my arm Don't be scared of anything now You feel the beauty in destruction So go ahead, destroy Destroy the greatest thing of all Pick that up Inject my body with it Quickly Kana ! It's so peaceful
In the ancient land of the Amazons near China... Where men were sold as slaves with rings and bells around their necks... were insultingly called Dumbbells. Sell off all these Dumbbells and I'm done with my debts. Really, men are quite useful. They can carry heavy loads, ing up babies, cook dinner... Even give you foot and body massages And should you want a child... Pick yourself a handsome stud. Just don't fall in love with him. Because here in the land of the Amazons, all men are slaves. There's not one single man in the palace. The Queen just hates them. Howdy! The 13th Young Master is here today doing her first solo. And see what I got for you. Voila, the crown jewel of my shop... A merchandize that I've lavished much care and attention. Here we are, 18 year old Hardy Hard. C'mon over and see for yourself. Look at his skin. See how smooth it is. Feel it. See how supple. Hardy Hard, turn around and show the ladies. He cooks, washes your dirty linen, picks up after you and never complains. Since we're having our summer sales... I'll let you steal him for just two gold coins. I give you three! The merchandize goes to the highest bidder, naturally. Thank you, boss! What are you doing? No, please. What do you mean? Is my money no good? Fret not, my boss. I'll take care of it. Do you want to die or what? No. Look at her face, and that mole. And that hair growing on it. I just can't. Picky, aren't you? Perhaps you'd prefer a queen? Oh just let me die! Wait a second. Why are you being so silly? Look at me. Am I pretty? Yes. Is she pretty? Yes. Please let me go. It's only business to you. Just pick any Dumbbell. I give you a thousand gold coins. Stop! Hold it right there! Where's the stone plaque? Crouching Tiger, the stone plaque that you asked me to steal from the palace... Is right here. According to our plan, we'll meet in three days' time... When twice bloom flowers blossom, Star of Rex appears... Yin and Yang turn upside down, and chaos reign. When twice bloom flowers blossom, Star of Rex appears... Yin and Yang turn upside down, and chaos reign. All my Dumbells have run. Get them now! Did you see my Dumbbells? Yes, ljust got a couple. Give them back here! Don't you run away from me! What's wrong with you? You're such a scumbag. You took my Dumbbells and you hit me! You're a pain, you know that? Give me back my Dumbbells and I'll leave you alone. I told you I never saw them. Stop it or I'll kick your ass! Picking a fight, aren't you? I'm not afraid of you! Who is she? That's none of your business. Did you do that? The wound doesn't look like your work. What's your problem? Mission accomplished. What is it? We got two back. The others got away. These two? They're just skin and bones. Beats not getting any. You can't even make soup with them! So you're the 13th Young Master? What? Have you come to apologize and mend your ways? You've ruined my business. Give me back my Dumbbells! Oh, Marshal Edo Bowman. Fancy seeing you here. So you still remember me. Of course! Of course I remember you, it's just... I'm a little short on cash these days. That's okay. I want you to find someone for me. If you succeed, we'll forget about your debts. Really? Who are you looking for? It's a man. An exceptionally important man. I suppose he's handsome? He's really very special, absolutely extraordinary. A perfect match for the Marshal. What's his name? He's an actor, performing on the outskirts of town. Underground performances, illegal stuff. How do I find him? He's very special. He has a particular scent of a man. What scent of a man? Well, it's... Different from all the other men these days. It's... different. Any discernable marks or characteristics? Yes! When he sees a pretty girl, his ears will... Go pop and turn red. Marshal, you look so much in love. That's it. Find him and ing him back to me, you understand that? What about my Dumbbells? Temporarily confiscated. Find me that man... And I return every one of themto you. 13th Young Master, help! Save me! What I lose today... I shall win back tomorrow! Red Vulture. Did you ask help from the Wild Wolves tribe? Yes I did. As the Court's lmperial Enforcer... You must not collaborate with such barbarians. But what does it matter, High Priest? I've accomplished all your missions. But not by any unjust means. How dare you lecture me? Show some respect! You show some respect! You're just an Enforcer, you listen to my orders! I only listen to a woman's orders, never a man's. Besides... You're not even a real man. Blue Bird, move aside! High Priest, please spare her life. From now on, you're no more lmperial Enforcer. Your Majesty. As Commander of the Palace Guards... Where were you... When burglars oke into the Palace's secret chambers? Your Majesty... I was at the city gate supervising work on the city walls. Besides, Your Majesty's ordered that... secret chambers are off limits. After all it's just a piece of stone. Shut up! I know where you were. You were at the whorehouse. I now sentence you to death! Your Majesty... Take her away and kill her! Yes, your Majesty! Couples, how disgusting. Her Majesty is getting more perverse every day. When twice bloom flowers blossom, Star of Rex appears... Yin and Yang turn upside down, and chaos reign. So? Is anyone of them the Star of Rex? No, neither. Kill them! This is the only person left on the family tree of the previous dynasty. So he must be our Star of Rex. I'm just worried that the plaque will fall into the hands of Star of Rex. And if he solves the riddle and finds the Excalibur... That'll be real trouble. Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon's rebe But they may not know the identity of Star of Rex. Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon may not know, but the plaque does. That thing is spiritual, it'll find its Star of Rex. We follow the plaque and we'll find Star of Rex. Say we find it, then what? It's his destiny to take your throne. Do you want to die? Why don't you just kill me? How can I? I haven't hated you enough. Your Majesty, she's your sister. Are you feeling pain? It's my fault... Oh no. Your wound... Don't touch me! Don't ever touch me. I don't want anything... ...That you've laid your hands on. Sis, the prophecy says... We can win the world if we marry the Emperor. You can't possibly give up the world for love. No, I can. For me Wei Liao is the world. Wei Liao! Ya Ge? Then she is... You're Ya Ting? You'll suffer for the rest of your life! There's been an attempt on His Majesty's life! From now on... I want all men... To live their lives in shame and misery... Under my rule of fear! Trace the stone plaque. The eagle will lead you to the thief. The Amazons got him on his left arm... ...When they tried to arrest him. When you find him, inform me immediately. Yes, Your Highness. Ready! 1, 2, 3, go! I'm sorry. One more time. What's the matter with you? I'm sorry. I miscalculated. Are you alright? Punks! You're not getting any dinner tonight. Where's Peachy? I don't know. The show's starting, where the hell is the leading lady? Melon Seed, go put on Peachy's costume. Master Blackwood, I promise I'll deliver this time. One more time. Once upon a time there were twin fairies. The God wanted them to be his concubines. But the younger sister seemed troubled... Just made it! Where were you? Master Blackwood was looking for you. Your hand... It's nothing. I'm okay. I'm making big money with Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon? The one who is wanted by the authorities? He's great. Three days later I'm going to Leaping Tiger Cliff to give it to him. And I'm coming back no more. This is... Don't touch it! It's worth a lot of money. Punk! Where the hell were you? You're late! What's worth a lot of money? You... You're on. Go get changed! Ready... 1, 2, 3... When he sees a pretty girl, his ears... Go pop and turn red. Am I pretty? Yes. What's the big idea? Master Blackwood, will you read my fortune? Read your fortune? You're on! Please, it's very important. What can be so important? Marriage. Go see it for yourself. A white horse. Man and beast don't match. This way. Master Blackwood, it's so accurate! Accurate, eh? Accurate! Are you happy now? Happy! Good. Now get to work. Sure Am I pretty? Yeah. I'm asking you seriously. Yes. Put some emotion into it! Yes, real pretty! Scram! Let's go on. Weiwei, but you said you only love me! Damn! Who the hell do you think you are? You're... Sis, I got nothing to do with it. She's cast a spell... I'm not listening, I'm not. I hate you! You've really made a mistake. I don't want it. I don't want anything that you've touched. Charcoal Head! Please let me stay with you. I won't let any man come close to me. Alright, since you hate men so much... I'Iljust cut it off! Everyone stay here! Who said you could put on such hideous farces? What is it? Arrest them! Yes! Run, son! Run! Stop! I'm sorry. Hiding there. Come out! Come out now! Thank you. I'd thought you've already found the plaque! Have some ead. Give me the stone plaque. I see you're a person of substance. After I get the Excalibur, I'll make you High Priestess. And we'll set forth and conquer the world. We don't travel on the same road. Alright. You stay a royal servant. What is it? Peachy gave it to me yesterday. It's a secret. He asked me to go with him tomorrow to give it to... Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. And we'll make loads of money. Do you really think this piece of rock can make us rich? Gems! We're rich. This is a map. Isn't it River Doei? I know it. This is a treasure map. The gem's position is where the treasure is hidden. I know it, that's the... Where's Block Head? Let's grill a fish for him. Where's Charcoal Head? Where're his things? Gugu, you tell me. They're taking the stone plaque to look for Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. Said they're looking for treasure. Looking for treasure? What treasure? Look, it's done. It doesn't seem right. Try it again. Charcoal Head. Nice weather. I am Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. A woman? A white horse? I'm gorgeous, of course I should be riding a white horse. You came to see our show. We underground people must be careful. This is part of the routine. Right. Now give me the map. Where's Peachy? How come I didn't see him? I told himto look for another treasure. He's struck gold. How lucky he is. Big other, please take me with you. I always travel alone. Big other, you can't figure it out. I do big things. Such trivialities I always leave to my underlings. We are your underlings. Let us worry about these burdens. But please take us with you. Are you threatening me? You can come with me and lead the way. Who are you? Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon You're Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon? What about her? Slug it out, and the winner... is Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. Ah, you came just in time. In fact we both are Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. Me Crouching Tiger, she Hidden Dragon. We're sisters. You're after the treasure, aren't you? Let's work together. We shouldn't be competing. We are good sisters! What's that moustache? It's hip, you know? Would you like half of it? Let's go. When we find the treasure, do we also get a share? You get ten percent. Are you crazy? That's way too generous! Put them on. We said we'd be your underlings but nothing about Dumbbells. Right, we are not Dumbbells. Ignoramus. It's against the law for a man to walk on the streets. This is called disguise. Go. First thing first. I found out about this first. So if we find any treasure, I get the bigger share. Sure. I take 70 and you 30. Sure. No, should be 80 and 20. Sure. Why are you so generous? Don't you get clever on me, I'm very smart. I want to sell them off like Dumbbells. Right. We're in the same trade. I almost forgot. The prettier one... I already have a client for him. Sure, no problem. Are you hungry? Hey you two. Yes. Get me a rabbit for dinner. Right away! Over here. Over there. Over here. Over there. I said over there. They're over there too! Are you okay? Does it hurt? Can we not eat him? He's injured, and he looks so cute. Poor thing. Sure we won't eat him. We just eat you! You're so useless. Now what do we do for dinner? You're not so bad when it comes to fighting. But you're no match for me when it comes to men. I thought you're a professional. I trade Dumbbells, I can't be serious. Right! Men, flirt with them and leave them. But I see you're catching some sparks... ...from that piece of charcoal. Have you fallen in love with him? You're crazy. What're you afraid of? We women we do what we like. I have zero interest about that charcoal. You don't want him, then I do. Be my guest. I sure will. Louder, show more excitement. The truth is, Crouching Tiger she... Master Crouching Tiger, the bed is prepared. Is there anything else? Can I be of further service? What's your best shot? Bathing Mandarin ducks. What else? My burning lips of passion... And... That's enough. I'm glad that my stomach wasn't so full today. That's alright, you can go. Since you're here, why don't you let me rub your back? That won't be necessary. I'm really good at it. C'mon, try it. I said no. I hate cheap men. Brother Dragon, are you still mad at me? Don't be so petty. Brother Tiger, me getting mad over a man? You don't know me. I'mthinking about the treasure. Big bucks! We're ready. Come here. What're you doing? Who do you think you are? Put them on! You're a block of wood. Cheer up, young man. That's women for you, they don't say what they feel. Here comes the ead. Tastes better when it's hot. Thank you. Have some ead. I hate ead. Why? It's just food. It hasn't offended you, has it? Right? Hey beautiful! My middle name's Gorgeous, mind ifljoin you? In fact I do. I don't care, I'm sitting down. You're pretty hip, old lady. Your moustache is just super sexy. The beautiful lady has exquisite tastes. Let me tell you... I got this from the shop next door. And this is 100 real hair. Look at these two Dumbbells! How cute! Do you want to sell them? I'll buy them from you. No, we're not... Who asked you? We're not selling. Hey lady, you're a bit too old... For these two Dumbbells. Let me tell you. I'm Her Majesty's secret agent on a mission... I amto take them back to the palace. Her Majesty's secret agent? Do you have any proofs? Here, take a good look at it. A piece of biscuit? Her Majesty's secret agent? My foot! Who are you? Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. Another Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon An imposter! I'm sorry, I have offended you. Please drink this wine and accept my apologies. Forget it. Didn't you just say... One of those punks was the Star of Rex? Then he's the future king! Right. According to the prophecy... This stone plaque can cause the Star of Rex to appear... Find the Haunted City, get the Excalibur, overthrow the Evil Queen... And save us men from her oppression. My mission is to protect the Star of Rex and get the Excalibur. That's great! He's great! You will become King, don't worry about it. I'm not so sure. What's all this excitement? It's just talk. Nobody knows if it's real or not. Overthrow the Evil Queen? Can you two fight? Forget it. Pack your things and come back to the troupe with me. At least you'll have a steady life. Go on, get your things. Master Blackwood. Master Blackwood, Master Blackwood... Stop this nonsense! I'm not talking to you anymore. Master Blackwood... Will you calm down and listen to me? Can I have a light? I don't smoke. Am I pretty? Are you two going to pack or not? Rotten fools, they almost ruined me. You are not Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. You want your treasure, right? Does it matter whom you go with? Look, they are dumb and nasty. They can't tell who's good and who's bad. Let's go. It's not nice to leave Master Blackwood like this, is it? Look how much fun they are now having. When I become king, Master Blackwood won't have to worry any more. This stuff very useful! Hypnotic incense. All Dumbbell traders have it. Don't you? Here you go. We can go now. Then get a move on. C'mon. Charcoal Head, ifl become king... We men don't have to be slaves no more. But maybe you'll become king. I'm sure it's you. Let me help you. The royal treasure... it should worth loads of money. I don't know we're on such intimate terms, get away from me. Don't get me wrong, I'm not fawning on you. Do you think I want to be Queen? No I don't. It's so tiring. Oh how corny. You want it like mad, admit it. I am a woman of ambitions. Blockhead knows me best. I really hate aggressive people. Don't you know it's against the law to touch a woman? I'm going to chop off your hand! We're entering the Haunted City. What Haunted City? I don't see any ghost. You're a ghost, aren't you? I'm a beautiful ghost. Don't be afraid. I'll protect you. Get up the tree. What is this place? It gives me the creeps. It's the Haunted City. Haunted? Oh my God, I hate ghosts. Keep it down, you're waking up all the ghosts. Hold on to me! Not too tight! Give me the plaque. Red Vulture! Run! Why do you want to save me? Even though we have different ambitions. But we have grown up together like sisters. You never understood me. Is it so important to become an Empress? If I cannot become one... ...during this lifetime, ...I will never be a happy ghost! Hold on, don't let go. Red Vulture! I don't want to die so young. Don't worry, we won't die. What ifl did? Remember to hold on to my hand. I'm afraid that, a mortal soul, all alone... So you're human? Right! We are... The Cavemen. I am Palupa. I am Kakuka. You laugh I laugh. You cry I cry. You nasty I nasty. You kill I kill. You hug we hug. Laugh. We want to laugh. Go on, laugh. Can you be serious? You're just hopeless! I told you to hold on. It's you. I always tell you to eat more but you never listen. Shut up! Shut up! Are you screwing with me? Let's go look for Charcoal Head. Our ancestors used to live on the northern steppes. We were a carefree people. We laughed when we felt like laughing... We cried when we felt like crying. We loved our work. We worked hard in the day... And partied hard at night. But the Queen got jealous. She wouldn't let us have love. So we hide out in these caves... And try to go on with our lives. But we're always hiding and running... And we become strange, weird, mad... And we're afraid of the sun. We must take revenge... Calm down, Palupa! Calm down! Revenge! Revenge! Are they yours? Yes, thank you. And this? What is it? How pretty. Don't touch it! Charcoal Head. It's too foggy. It really gives me the creeps. Let's wait for the fog to disperse. Charcoal Head! Lean on to the rocks, it's safer. Blockhead... It's us. You? I thought the monsters had you for lunch. They're not monsters, they're the Cavemen. They're real fun. What're you doing holding hands? I see you two hugging real tight. Are we on intimate terms? What? You're taking advantage of me. It's real foggy here. What is this place? Look, a door. Right. I think we found it, the entrance to the Grave of a Thousand Armies. Great! We found it! How do we open it? This is it! Do we need the stone plaque? What on earth is this place? Never mind. Let's go. Look at all these weapons. Where are the treasures? Isn't there supposed to be an Excalibur? There're all these swords, how can we tell? Someone's coming. Run! C'mon! Run! That guy, he's bad news! What is it? A pond and four walls... Is that it? It's fun. Look. That's me. Something from my past! Cheated! Pay up! You're a cheat! You even cheated your own people! What? Cheated your own people? What? Look, there's a sword. Right! There's really a sword. So you're king and I'm queen. We're going to be rich, aren't we? Let's not get carried away and be modest. You don't look like an ordinary warrior. I'm Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon of the Zhengyang tribe. I'm Lord of Armoury of the former dynasty, Weicheng. Damn, I put my money on the wrong guy. Did I ever say I'm a king? It's you yourself who want to be queen? Don't start picking on me because you can't be king! Thank God I didn't put my body into the bargain. I could never have forgiven myself. Say that again. You've said it once, say it again. C'mon, Blockhead, let's forget it. Charcoal Head! That's fluke. No way you're the Star of Rex. Now drop the sword. I never wanted it in the first place. Blockhead, I really didn't mean it. Put it back! Blue Bird Trace the stone plaque... When you find him, inform me immediately. Yes, your Highness. So you're a spy. Don't let her get away! Are you okay? Why... Let go of Charcoal Head! You work for your country, and I for mine. All this time you've been lying to me. I'm sorry. You want this sword? Here, take it. I don't want it! The Star of Rex has appeared, we're saved. From now on you are in charge. It really hurts. Charcoal Head! It wasn't intentional, ljust couldn't... Just leave. Leave. Leave! I don't want to be king! King? Bullshit! You just want money. Younger sister just told me... The real Star of Rex has got the Excalibur. Don't worry, I have it all worked out. I'll get the Star of Rex and the Excalibur To rule the world and govern the people... One must be ruthless. You need that personality to master the Excalibur. A kid still wet at the ears and he thinks... He can challenge because he has the sword? He's digging his own grave. Say no more, your eyes have already betrayed you. You failed your mission because you got emotionally involved. I am no good. Just go. Her Majesty is so nasty why do you still stay with her? I think there's nothing more natural than to serve the person you love. 13th Master, are you not feeling well? Don't be so cheap! It's my heart which is sick. Really? Then we must play doctor and patient. I'll be the doctor. Now cough. Get lost! What doctor and patient? You're full of crap. His name is He Who Rides the Waves. He just got here two days ago. See what lovely skin he has. Greet the lady. He who Rides the Waves, how charming. Drink up! Get me another boy! You don't have to be so nasty. Just pretend that nothing ever happened, and consider me... One of those heartless playboys. That's better. I have no money and I'm not a king. I'm just a gigolo. Just drink. You really enjoy wallowing in filth, don't you? You're so fake. You just wanted to sell me off like any dumbbell. Right. I just love money. Don't you? Good. I'm selling you off to fatso Marshal Edo Bowman. And I'll be rich for the rest of my life. C'mon, let's go. Sure, let's go. Well, go. Go. Fancy seeing you here. Marshal Edo Bowman. Have you found that man for me? Or should I consider your business confiscated? Of course I've found him. Where is he? Bowman. I'm here. Let's go. What are you doing? I don't know. Go! I told you to go! Stop it right there! I'm your dream lover. Take me away and give 13th Young Master back her business. Shut up! How dare you speak to me like that? Do you think you can send me away with just any man? Isn't he the man you want? Well... He does have a certain manness. I'll take him, considering that interest. You wish! He's mine. Have you fallen in love with a Dumbbell? Yes. I fell in love with a Dumbbell, so what? A Dumbbell trader falling with love with a Dumbbell... What's so funny? Is there a law against it? You can forget about your business, it's confiscated. Be my guest. I don't want it anyway. Now you're poor like me. Says who? I have you. I only have to sell you... And I'll be rich again. You don't mind? No, I don't mind. What're you doing here? I want to tell you I'm no longer a servant of the Queen. And please tell Charcoal Head... That even with the Excalibur, he's still no match for the Queen. Tell him not to get himself killed. Never mind if it's true or not, we must tell Charcoal Head. Okay? C'mon! Dressed like this? But I'm gorgeous, am I not? Yes, just hurry. I knew she'd fallen for the Star of Rex. Take themto the secret chamber. I've known it all along... That you'd fall for the Star of Rex. Do you want to use her as bait? High Priest, please spare him. He is no match for the Queen. I want the Excalibur. So you want to be king. What king? When twice bloom flower blossoms, Star of Rex appears... Yin and Yang turn upside down, and chaos reign. Twice bloomflower... It blossoms and dies at my command. Elder sister, it's all my fault. Wei Liao never betrayed you. Please forgive him. Forgive him? Elder sister... I'm sorry. There's no turning back for me. Only you understand me. Take it from me, you two... When there's love, there's also hatred. Leaders of the tribes... The Star of Rex has got the Excalibur. Tomorrow we attack the Kingdom of Amazons... And overthrow the Evil Queen. You want us to follow the Star of Rex into war? But look at him... He's a bit hen pecked, but he sure lives well. People get killed in wars. Getting killed is not so bad. You can't imagine how horrible it is... If you end up like me. Master Blackwood, is that you? Help me. I know everything about you. ljust want to say a few words to everyone. Who are you? I am not human. I am a freak. What are you talking about? Charcoal Head, don't be afraid. Now that you've seen... What the Evil Queen has done to me. To change men into women... She experimented a sex change operation on me. And I ended up neither man nor woman. If you keep sitting on the fence... The next freak may well be you! You! You! Or you! We'll attack from both sides. For King and Country, we'll give our lives! Charcoal Head! Blockhead. Master Blackwood. I'm sorry. Never mind that. The Queen's got Blue Bird and 13th Young Master. Charcoal Head, a good king... Does not think only about himself. Good! Since we dare to come here, we are prepared to die. Formations! Formations! Hold it! Edo Bowman! This man here, I'll not spare him! I miss you so much! I'd never see you again in this life. Stop crying. You don't look so pretty when you cry. Your ears, they are still so sexy. Hush, there are people here. Marshal, are we going into battle or not? No... Yes! We must! We're joining our forces. After we overthrow the Evil Queen... We can go back to live a normal life. Don't worry. We're overthrowing the Evil Queen, not women in general. There'll be equality between men and women, and freedomfor everyone. There'll be romance, and we'll dare to love and hate. Alright! Alright! Down with the Evil Queen! Alright! The Queen's casting her spell! Run for cover! Run! Hurry! Go where there's sunshine! Quick! I'm not going anywhere! I want to be with you even if I die. I don't care what we change into, I'm not leaving. Your Majesty, the palace is just behind this gate. What is it? It hurts. 13th Young Master! Blue Bird! 13th Young Master! Blue Bird! 13th Young Master! Blue Bird! Have you gone mad? What're you doing? Hey! What're you doing? Charcoal Head, don't! Charcoal Head! Hold on! Charcoal Head! Don't... Charcoal Head! Are you okay? Blue Bird, I'm Charcoal Head. Blue Bird, I'm Charcoal Head. 13th Young Master, were you attaced by the spell? 13th Young Master, will you stop this? I'm Blockhead! Blue Bird, No! Charcoal Head, what are you doing on the floor? What's going on? You were under a spell and tried to kill us. It hurts. You were grabbing me like a lunatic. What lunatic? Why should I grab you? Blue Bird... Oh no! Be awake! It hurts. Are you okay? Someone put me inside a sack and beat up on me. Look, I'm uised all over. It's Blockhead... Are you two okay? I should be asking you. You're so disgusting. Stop it and let's get out ofhere. Charcoal Head, get the Excalibur. Don't let it fall into the Queen's hands. Charcoal Head! Charcoal Head... Blockhead, get some fire to save Charcoal Head! You go get the sword. I'll stall the Queen. Quick! Charcoal Head! Charcoal Head... Go away! Are you okay, Charcoal Head? Charcoal Head. It's freezing... Charcoal Head. Are you okay? Hold on! Charcoal Head! We can do it... We can do it. C'mon! We can do it. Charcoal Head, don't! Can't give him up? Are you giving up the world for someone who's lied to you? Even give up your own life? Charcoal Head, don't mind me! Bring the sword down on us! I don't want to die! Another useless man. Wei Liao. Show him how to lift the sword... And castrate himself, just like you did. Then perhaps I'll spare his life. She's prepared to die for you. If you don't kill the Queen with the Excalibur... Her hatred will torture Blue Bird for all eternity. That's right, sacrifice yourself for love. Charcoal Head, don't give the sword to Wei Liao. He wants to be king! So you've been lying to me? Have you always been lying to me? It's now or never. You've been lying to me! Close your eyes, I'll help you. Pick up the sword. Are you okay? I'm okay. This is the only way... To change you back into Ya Ge. Don't be afraid. I'll always be by your side. I'll never leave you. Never. I never lied to you. Not even once. It doesn't matter what we change into... Do you mind getting off me? I can't take it anymore. Change... change into what? No... No! Charcoal Head must have won. I'm okay! That Charcoal Head, he's really something. Giving up his throne to enjoy life... And leaving me the kingdomto administer. Yeah, it's great. I never thought I could just fold my arms and do nothing. How about this? We work alternate days. No way. Physical labor, that's man's work. No. Better make a prince quickly to share some of the work. Sure, when? How about now? Now? Right. How? With all these people watching. What does it matter? I'm king. Good enough? No. The future is in the hand of these young people. Isn't it beautiful? Yes, but a little cold. We're almost there. They've given birth to twins. That won't do, we must do something about it. Get out of here! Why are you with me? Don't you want to be king? You know. Tell me again, lest I forget. Because I love you. I love you so much that I don't have time to be king. You fool, let's go. Sure!
He's coming... The mailicious man is coming. Who is he...? One with a figure, and yet without a figure... He is with a soul, and yet, without a soul. He is, frankly, the personification of absurdity. He's coming... Izo is coming... Stop right there, Izo! I am a vengeful spirit that was killed miserably by your lawless sword. Saya... Saya... Learn the agony that was etched into my very core. Damn you, Izo... How can you be so utal...? Are you utal because you're human? Or is it that... ...you're human because you're utal? Brutality is from the lesson of life itself. Where you are going and what do you want? I want vengeance... What do you want to have vengeance on? Everything that exists. Everything that exists... So, where are you going? To the stronghold of the repulsive rulers. And when you get there? Divine retribution! I was hired by those people, so I'm not going to let you pass. What a pain... Is dying such a painful task? Pain is proof of your existence. Did I ever exist? What have I existed for? You exist, and you'll die. What is that for... Izo, it's you, isn't it? I've waited for ages. Izo... Why did you leave me? It was us, you and I, who made love so passionately. It was just my instinct for sex. Nothing special, a natural act. How are you going to make up for... ...my rage and grief from conceiving a baby and drowning it? Your vagina felt good, but smelled horrible. It stunk. Even a cat or dog might have liked it... ..but I am a human after all... You are not a human. Izo, I will curse you forever... ...even if hellfire burns me to ash. Rage is proof of your soul. Bear it all to the depths of hell. Izo. Are you still running this devilish road by yourself... ...and can't just peacefully return to the afterworld? Why don't you just quit this pitiful struggle and linger here? Why don't you? If a horse comes, we slay the horse. If a human comes, we slay the human. If a devil comes, simply... ...we kill the devil. You are a disgusting vengeful spirit. You, the minions of a fraud... You, a revolting dead soul. Time for judgment. You, sordid half-dead, I will send you back to hell! You destroy the flesh and blood of man and, likewise, call your own ruin. Kneel down before the gods, sinful one. If you do so, your barbarous soul filled... ...with resentment and malice, may be blessed with some mercy. You fraud. What do you rule? What do you create? Step back! Sinful one, bow your head before god. Then, summon that 'god' you say. If there really is that sort of existence, make an appearance of it!! You, fool. God won't make his grand appearance in front of a fool like you. Frauds,like you, create the existence of something that doesn't exist. There is no god! You are the worst fraud in existance! Insolent man! You are irredeemable. Stay back, you who dares disturb my meditation. Who are you? I am the mouthpiece of god... ...and the evidence of hir greatness. You are shit. It hurts... The descendant of my very own blood... I'm glad you've made all the way here. You are the response of my thought that I left in Mitochondria. I... I am the mother of all mankind. Come here... ...with all of the natural, in ed lust in you. Fuck me as hard as my womb will bear. Come. Fill me full of vigorous blood, my child! The Archbishop has been killed, sir. Barbarians. By any chance, they won't get roused, will they? Premier, that's the main concern of us financiers. Please do not worry. Those rebellions are castrated and controlled by our law manipulation... ...as if they were as tame sheep on a farm. As for that theory... It's constituted by our erudite scholars with their wide range of wisdom. And even if these didn't work, and in case of riot... ...the great army under my authority will subdue them at once. This perfect collaboration of we, the governing class. This spotless cooperation is what weaves graceful history in past, present, and future. Isn't that correct? Then, as for the archbishop... There shouldn't be any problem if we make the next hierarch take over the position. Constraint of domination and oppression is an intrinsic nature of human operation. Izo is coming... ...with his body fully filled with fury. Who is Izo? 'Who' is merely a vengeful spirit. 'Who' is an existence that goes against us aristocracy. Namely... ...'who' is an unknown disruption in the system that appears occasionally. Where is he!? Izo will flow out in the system. Izo is what's unacceptable. Izo is a loathsome nonsense. I don't know what you're looking for, but anyway, it's meaningless. It's so futile. You'd better learn how to reach a compromise. Absurdity? What about that? Simply the pathos in your mind is the principal cause of everything for you. Exactly. Well, excuse us. We haven't introduced ourselves yet. We are from the company that's selling... ...vacation houses for your rich post-retirement years... Hell is in your heart... Salvation is nowhere in the world. My blood is gushing out... Izo, where are you going? Where are you going? Don't go! You can't go. You can't leave me. You can't leave me, who gave birth to you. Killing your mother means killing yourself. Izo! Repent. Guilty of being against human morality. Guilty of being against god. Guilty of existing. What about you, who lies about the existence of nonexistence! Where is this? Who... am I? Izo! Mr. Kanpeta is calling you. History is written in blood. Human history is nothing but a chain of bloody events. Thus, know that a new age will come only from massacres and bloodshed. Say, Izo... What is revolution!? 'What' is to slaughter people! That's too clean... Killing people one after another! You are born killer! A killer in the form of a human! Yes, sir. I am a born-killer... Has the filth disturbing a phase not yet wiped out? It will happen soon. Why is he so strong? This imperfect incoherence... It is that the phases are the more imperfect, the stronger. Every phase happens because they are imperfect. A perfect phase creates imperfection to remain perfect... ...and produce the phase of absurdity. The imperfection that drips out of perfection is the fundamental nature of existence. In the first place, existence itself is absurd, namely, the fundamental incoherence. How long does it take for the imperfection to be perfect? An eon of evolution... Then finally, humans would raise to the level of gods? That's too clean, Izo. Killing one after another... Mr. Yamada, what is love? Yes. It is a word. A word does not necessarily accompany with the fundamental nature of its meaning. It is a code of sounds, sometimes... Then, tell us about democracy? Yes. Democracy is a by-product of human civilization; an illusion. Has human civilization rightly evolved... Okay then, Ms. Sato, what is a nation? Yes. A nation is a vicious delusion exists only in human minds. It is an imaginary notion of falsehood only there to control and... ...govern people that instinctively gather into flocks. It is the basic principle of the fiction that requires one side to be sacrificed. Well done. We're done for today. Stand up. Bow. It is hell to live. But it is hell to die too. One sunny day, the mate of a crow died. On this beautiful day, the gods are all weeping... Is he a minion of Kanpeta? Hate is something that is everywhere. Grudge is not only the root of life but also the mother of destruction. Destruction is familiar... ...but life is unknown... Thus, we are unknown... Then, we are mere illusions. All life is simply illusion. Why is that man weeping? It's because he's killed too many souls. Why does a man weep if he kills too many souls? He hasn't been killed and died. If a man slays too many flesh and bones of the living... ... his blood starts to flow out from deep in his heart, too. Is that painful? Yes it is. It is as painful and tormenting as those souls of those who have been slain. Where will this man go? What will this man do? He's going to a place where the meaningless are to find meanings. He is pitiful. I feel sorry for him. All souls are pitiful. Why is he looking so sad? Because he's lonely. Why is his face looking so painful? Why doesn't he just be happy and smiling, like how we are? It's so pathetic that he's deluded... ..so he thinks he can reach all the answers if he just questions them. Let's laugh at him. To the back. Kill him! He's a useless maggot! Don't let him get away! What skill. I'll show you my first-ranked sword skill too. You're Izo, correct? Who are you? I don't personally have any grudge towards you, but I need you dead. Die! You are so pathetic. Why don't you just give up. You won't ever find what you're looking for. You're so fuckin' dumb. I'm going to crush your head and smash your stupid ain. Get him! Why are you you? For what reason are you you? What the hell are you talking about? You dumb ass. Stupid fucker. Saya, look after the house. Fight well for our country. Take good care of yourself. Yes. Is that you..? Your face... Saya. I'm back. What are you? Why are you following me? I'm the tally of your soul. I was destined to meet you. You? The tally of my soul!? I am the tally of your soul... ...who was destined to meet you but couldn't meet you. I was craving to meet you... ...and unfulfilled... A man's soul and a woman's soul are supposed to be one. Then, souls can endure all the loneliness, desperation, and desires. I don't know you. I am always alone. We, the two souls that were supposed to meet, finally can't meet... ....though we were destined to meet one another. Why... How would I know? But I don't care any more. We are here together now. Whatever. Come in. I have just heard from our scout. That Izo has been transforming... Transforming... Izo...? Yes. His figure is nothing but the figure of a devil, if there ever was. Excellency, what exactly is Izo? Hate is the soul of a devil. A devilish appearence is only suitable for him. Even we must be anticipated.
Mr. Izo, do you have to go even if you have to kill us? What villainy. What cruelty. You are evil. You are the devil. Exactly. I am non-human. What is it that you want? What is your desire? What's the reason that drives you to do all this? There is no reason. No, it can't be... Let Izo through. Yield a path. Please tell us why. What is this? Please tell us what the reason is to blot us out. Please tell us why we get killed. This is outrageous that you stray here without any reason!! You people, who die for your own ignorance, if you want to be saved, yield a path. Retribution... for what you have done... The horrifying cause and effect of your own deeds. Of course, you can't remain in the figure of human. Are you still straying? I am a devil, and so are you. We live together in this total darkness... You monster! What'd you come here for? You wanna die? Get the hell out of here while it's still light out, or you'll die. Where do you think this is, cocksucker? Piece of cake. That monster... Izo... never-ending agony... ...only choice is to remain alive and suffer... that is nothing but hell. You!? Again? Damn you, you half-dead monster... We can't stop that monster. It's a horrifying threat. I know that. Care out the order I give even at the risk of your life... ...that's what I pay tons of money to you for. My boys are dead, all lying next to each other. I can't do anything more. Wait, where are you going? I'm taking off. Nothing good will happen staying here. That's unusual. This will be humiliating for you. You are a boss after all. Not really. I'm just a yakuza. Let me through!!! You, the devil defying against order! I cannot believe this hap...happening. The situation is already way beyond our control. The general is dead! This is absolutely an emergency. Now is the time to scale our crisis managemental skill! We are merely humans after all. Just a glimpse of a dream... I don't believe someone like that monster comes this close to the stronghold. No logic can explain this. Arrogance is what it is. We can in no way denying this. Then, what's the solution!? I'm sure you have some plan in your head, right? His Highness is coming. What are you going crazy for? Is there anything you want here? We'll give you anything you want!! Anything!! Money? Power? Or status? We claim this! That we will renounce all the crimes that you are charged of... ...and we will have you as one of us, aristocrats. As the head of congress... I will grant you an authoritative doctorate... ...namely the title of the Minister of all Honor. Divine retribution. Izo, what's that ugly look for? Divine retribution... Lowly and greedy souls will be in the same way in the future. Izo, come back and be my underling once again. Divine retribution! You've become a monster that can't understand words any more? Well, then, I will give you judgment. Damn you, Izo! You revolting lowly piece of shit! It's hell where you're going. Here's no place for you to go except hell! Can't die? You belonging of a different world... At dusk, everybody becomes like that: Becomes one of the birds and spits up. Instead of your hometown, you get a and-new piece of a sky. People in your hometown are the mother. The name of the disease is the singer. The doctor is the audience. The nurse is the poet. Yhe one who strikes his voice against the floor... ...is the bud of a cherry blossom in the sound of blood and fury. He's mine. You... How did you live your life and what did you see? Never, never it's you. It'll be full-moon tonight. I will go anywhere from here. I can be anybody in the future. You, who are eating in front of me, who are eating with such gusto in your eyes... At dusk everybody becomes like that: Becomes one of the birds and spits up. Instead of your hometown, you get a and-new piece of a sky. Translated by Koichiro Subtitled and Mastered by Cannibal King
Even when you are a good man in this world, there is a far better one in another World. The universe in its vastness, is forever changing. The Zu mountain ranges in Sichuan, China, are famous for their lofty crags and jagged peaks. It is said that elves and spirits live here. There are many legends in these parts. One of these are about immortals possessing supernatural powers. They fly on their swords, chase the wind and the stars. They tune their minds and bodies in search of the eternal truths of the universe, so that Man and Nature can be one. Remember, Omei students, never succumb to greed and jealousy. That's the beginning of all evil. During my recent training, I could feel a strong force working against us. I could hear cries of horror which filled me with a sense of foreboding. The evil forces could be attempting another assault Omei being the leading school in these mountains, we must be prepared for a surprise attack. We safeguard peace and order in the Zu mountains. Look at the aura over Omei. They have a great following, unlike us, there's only you and me here. The tradition in Kun Lun is based on yin and yang. The sun and moon represent Kun Lun, hence there's only been one teacher one student. King Sky, how long have you studied with me? 200 years. 200 years... How time flies. Yet I haven't been able to change. I still miss my teacher after all these years. I'm still affected by emotions, that's why my training cannot progress. I don't want you to end up like me. You have to leave me. This is my weapon the Moon Orb. Don't come back until you've mastered it. If I'm not here when you come back, the Moon Orb will find me. It'll ing you to me. The Sun and Moon Orbs are the protectors of Kun Lun if the evil force invades... what will you do? My destiny depends on your success. Go now! I'll worry about that when it happens. 500 years ago, Insomnia destroyed the Wah Shan Clan 300 years after that, the Kun Lun. And now, he's targeting Omei. The battle between good and evil is eternal. But Insomnia is moving sooner than we expected We must evacuate all innocent humans nearby. Right now, two armies are at war nearby. Insomnia means business, there will be a major conflict Go and evacuate the armies now, get them as far away from here as possible. Yes, sir, at once. I'll be back as soon as I can. Red, it's been a long time. King Sky, you've beaten me to it. In your clan, everything must go through the system One can never act without instructions. Frankly, I'm surprised you're here at all. If Insomnia hadn't destroyed Kun Lun 200 years ago, you'd probably be in the same position. Anyway, a war is inevitable. How would you judge Insomnia's strength? Omei is the last line of defense. As Insomnia has made a move, he can't be bluffing. From what I've seen on my way here, he is many times more powerful than before. In that case, we must evacuate those troops first. The path ahead has suddenly changed into a cliff. There were ghostly cries coming from 3 miles away. This is just a ploy. They won't scare us off. We must forge ahead at all costs! Yes, sir! Pioneers! Sir! Captain Lo and Captain Tai. Sir! Go with my daughter as the advance party. Sir! Hurry up, we're moving out! You saw what happened. This is beyond your powers. Remove your heavy armor, and get as far away from here as you can. We're soldiers. We're scared of nothing! Just who do you think you are! Arrest them! Execute them! Sir! You have no idea who you're dealing with. Do you know who that is? That's Insomnia, an extremely powerful force! There's no time to argue. This evil monster is very close now, by the time you see him you'll all be dead! You've shown up at last. You two are nothing! I'm not interested in fighting with you. So this is what you look like. Go on, fight! You'll never conquer your own demons. Anyway, you just don't have what it takes, and nobody can help you with that. White ows! You're a hypocrite sending two beginners as cannon fodder. Your disciples don't know the true face that's hidden behind that facade of righteousness! Heaven and Thunder Swords, 7 Saints and 300 Castles will follow me to fight evil at Conch Valley! Sir! The Sky Reflector! King Sky! Red! Insomnia! Red! No one's surpasses me in handling the Sky Reflector! The Sky Reflector points to this spot, Insomnia must be nearby. Heaven Strikes! Thunder Fires! It's big other! Grand Master! Grand Master! Who's that? A friend from Kun Lun, I think. Insomnia's over there! He's up there! He's trying to suck you in! What's in there? Its power overcame both Heaven and Thunder swords They were almost sucked in. I believe this must be the Blood Cave that many great masters have searched for. I now realize what Insomnia is up to. He's used our power to open the Blood Cave. If he's able to obtain the power within, none of us would be his match. We were wrong about Insomnia, he didn't start an early attack on Omei, it's only starting now. Let me go in and kill him! I'll go! No. Your two swords are the guardians of Omei, if you're trapped in there, Omei will be finished. The 7 of us can go! If something does happen to us it won't put your plans in jeopardy. We knew once we're in here, it won't be easy to get out. I suggest we split up. Whoever finds Insomnia waits here. We're not leaving here until we find him. If one of us is possessed by the demon, we must agree that the other will not hesitate. He must kill him! Don't worry, I agree. Though very old friends are we. Still we must part. Keep watch outside the cave. No matter what happens in there, don't use weapons. Just wait here, I'll try to rescue them. Remember, conserve your power! The Sky Reflector! Red! King Sky! The Sky Reflector... It's been sucked away! What now? The cave is closing up! Get out of here! It's like a maze inside the cave, how far in do you think it goes? Since he's gone in there, it probably stretches all the way to the base of the Zu mountains. We don't have much time, let's split up. Red! Yes, sir. You have experience of the power in the cave, and you've had more training than others, so I want you to guard the entrance. If you see anything, inform Omei at once. If anyone or anything tries to come out, kill it! I'm the head student in Omei, I'll take up the first line of defense! King Sky, though you're not from Omei, this is the survival of everyone on the mountains. Please inform Point Nirvana and all other clans, tell them to guard their own energy force to make sure it doesn't dissipate. It's my duty to destroy this monster! I'll go now. I didn't think we'd get out alive. I hope we'll be able to work together again. We are. We just split up as we did before. Come back soon, we need you! Heaven and Thunder, 7 Saints and others follow me. We need to prepare for Insomnia when he re-emerges. Yes! Big other, take care. Take care. King Sky has strong feelings towards you. I've known him for 200 years, I know there's only one woman for him, that's his teacher. But if he has feelings for you, that means he's changed. The feelings were only fleeting. I'm not surprised he could change after 200 years, but we're going to train for thousands of years, so what does that matter? Enigma, we're going! Even though the 9 magic flowers in Omei did not all blossom The energy in this place is still very strong. As soon as your man informed us of the danger, I immediately had the Whole place protected by sacred scriptures. Yet that didn't stop the energy draining away. It looks like the Blood Cave has begun drawing our energy through the bottom of the mountain. I'm worried that even my Golden Dragon Seal may not be able to avert a disaster. The magic flowers are withering! Omei's energy is dissipating! Our powers will also wither with the flowers. Good forces are waning, evil forces are on the rise To ensure we can defeat Insomnia, we'll need other weapons to complement the Heaven and Thunder Swords. Are Heaven and Thunder powerful enough? to take care of Insomnia? They need to merge to release their ultimate power Unfortunately they haven't managed that so far. We must achieve that before the 8 flowers wither. Heaven and Thunder are male and female. They can complement or be detrimental to each other The two minds must work as one during the merge. Even the slightest mistake can kill you both, in body and spirit. You and I must think as one. After 1,000 years, 2,000 years... Will we still be able to think as one? Hollow, look out! Who's there? If I'm not here when you come back, the Moon Orb will find me. Yes, she's your teacher Dawn of 200 years ago. I recreated the body from her ashes. Heaven and Thunder are both lost. I must enter another dimension to find a new Weapon, the Ming Fire for my successor. If the Ming Fire, is still missing? What's with the Omei? who can compare to you? So you shall be my Successor! Today's spirit of Omei, is tolerant and reformed It's a splendid start, to convince pure-hearted people, to battle the evil I've been chief of Omei for 2,000 years, during which time our clan has grown and prospered. Now I must go into meditation for the coming battle As Red has to guard the Blood Cave, King Sky will take over as chief of Omei. All Omei students must abide by King Sky's orders. That is my order. I must get him to teach me! I must get him to teach me... I must get him to teach me... I must get him to teach me... No one in Omei can use the Thunder Sword anymore. The only hope lies in Hollow's spirit in the sword. I can use that to create another man but he will no longer be Hollow. How much of Hollow's power survives will depend on fate. You're pretty, but a demon's still a demon! Killing you is like squashing an ant! You're nothing. I'd only soil my hands. Guard the entrance. If you see anything, inform Omei at once. If anyone or anything tries to come out, kill it! If the merge of Heaven and Thunder is not enough to deal with this disaster, Then we'll need the 3 elements to merge. What's that? To have 3 forces combine as one. They are: power of the mind, power of the universe and power of regeneration When I'm gone, The Ming Fire I leave behind will be the mind The weapon in the other dimension is the universe as for the power of regeneration... Where is that? That power is within you. To merge the 3 you must first perceive this power. People will worry if they know I've left my body so you mustn't tell anyone. What if something happens, how do I find you? You can't. Just do what you think is right, and rely on the Ming Fire, the power of my mind. The fire lives, I live. If I find the power of the universe, you'll see a signal in the sky. At that time we can launch a full counter-attack. What if the men want to find you? The Ming Fire will transmit my image to them. Our survival depends on The merge of the 3 elements I must go now. Good will triumph over evil! Good will triumph over evil. Grand Master, I can feel the energy waning in Omei. Has something happened in Omei? Red, you must have faith in me. I told you... I have everything under control. His time has not yet come, Insomnia won't be able to use his magic So don't worry, just guard the cave and don't let him out. If anything happens, let me know. Anyway, you must be strong. You must never waiver. Anyway... just await my good news. Hollow! He's not Hollow. White ows has given him a new name Ying. He needs to relearn everything. You know him well, it's best you be his teacher. Ridiculous! Anyone who wants to study in Omei must first find his own sword. Only then will he become one of us! Hollow! I'm Enigma, we practiced the double sword together, remember? Hollow! Hollow! Hollow! I'm going to be your teacher, understand? He has no recollection of the past. To restore his memory, you have to open his mind. Once he remembers, his powers will return. Emotions can be a major obstacle. Don't let the past inhibit you from teaching him. You can be my student for now. I'll wait. Why are you still here? You can't fly without your wings? You're useless, what's all your training for? I'll help you. Now you have your wings back, fly away! Though I have wings I can't fly away. I can give you freedom, I can also take your life! So behave! I could kill you with my little finger! This is my sword! I've found my sword! I can speak! I can speak clearly! Can you hear me? Can I be your student? Student? I can teach you many things but I don't believe in this master and student nonsense. So will you teach me? Let's start! When will I be able to fly like them? Fly! Fly! You're so ugly, and you... can't... even... fly! Forget it! Think of the past, it may help you to remember. Think? How can I with a sword like this? You're the teacher you should know! Maybe I should be your teacher? Think about that! How can I make you learn? Stop pushing me! You've taught me nothing! Just what do you want from me? Teach me if you want but don't tie me up! You were a good fighter. You and your sword were the guardians of Omei. You can keep this scrap iron, give me yours! Find yourself another teacher! I will! I'll be the teacher! I'll open your mind! I'll open your stupid mind! I'll open your damn stupid mind! Why are you fighting me? Don't you want to be with me anymore? Do you want to go back to Omei? If you go back we'll be separated. Don't you want me anymore? Merge of the 3 elements? To have 3 forces combine as one. They are: power of the mind, power of the universe and power of regeneration. Where's the power of regeneration? That power is within you To merge the 3 you must first perceive this power. All those who have been recreated leave something of their past in the Tri-Element Hall Look, that's my teacher. Your thoughts are really bothering me. Just tell me what you want. You get that feeing from my teacher's Moon Orb. When the merge failed, you fell into the water. The Moon Orb got rid of the fire on you. My teacher said the Moon Orb would take me to her. What Moon Orb? I'm not your teacher! All weapons have their own spirit. The Moon Orb was yours. You may have changed, but it can still recognize you Take me for example, I've tried but the Thunder Sword always evades me. Heaven and Thunder have their own masters, They won't go with anyone else. Unless you erase their memory in the Tri-Element Hall you won't become its new master. I've used the Heaven Sword to summon Thunder. You must decide... whether you want to go in. I'm the only clue to your past. If I go in, Dawn will disappear forever from this world. And you'll never know about the past. You'll never be Dawn again. Master White ows! Master! He's not here! No wonder we haven't seen him. Moon Orb... Using it, I can get rid of the heat in your body. How can I get my Moon Orb back? Tell me! Tell me how I can become your teacher again! What can I do to save you? Give me back the Moon Orb! Give me back the Moon Orb! Give it back! I want to be your teacher again! I suggest we reform Omei. We can't go on without a chief. I'm going to find other Red, and sister Enigma. All of us together, can ensure Omei's survival. We'll fight to the end, to the very last man! For justice and for the Zu mountains! Even if we lose, we won't have failed our ancestors! I'm going to find Red now. Red! It's evil magic! Get back! It's very strong! All students take cover! We can't hold out much longer. Take shelter with other schools! What's that? What's going on up there? The magic's gone? People up there have lost their powers? I wonder if they know I'm... What, more?! They're too strong, we can't hold them back. Take my sword! From now on, it's yours! It'll take you down the mountain. Go! Big other I've... got you! I've got you! I've got the Heaven Sword! I've destroyed Omei! Insomnia, you always say I'm a loser, but now I've conquered Omei and the Zu mountains, yet you're instill inside that Blood Cave! Phantom troopers, take her body away! Red, spare no-one! Raze the Golden Top to the ground! Where're you going with that sword? Omei's finished, it's just a pile of rubble now. What is this ghastly place? Winner takes all, that's always how it is. I'm a soldier, I'll never allow myself be beaten! I'm going back to kill the enemy! Anyone trying to stop me is my enemy too! Enemy? You're just a rusty old sword, you make me sick! You're still not enlightened? Not you too! Our strength has been nullified. It'd be too late even if you became enlightened I wish I had inherited the Thunder Sword. Let's go. Right! If you're waiting for me to become enlightened, what have you all been doing? We've been waiting for you! Thunder Sword! Thunder Sword! Thunder Sword! Thunder Sword! Many students have lost their lives because of it! Give it to me. Give it to me! I'll destroy it! Give it here! What? Are you scared you'd lose it? It won't remember, eh? I'll help it remember! It may no longer be a rusty sword, but it's still not much use. if it had fought back sooner, it may have helped. Now it's too late. You're on your own. Can I go with you? Fly! Fly! This is high enough! It's the fire left by Grand Master. Grand Master! Grand Master! Grand Master! We've failed to protect Omei the school's been destroyed. Now there's only us left... Ying! You've extinguished Grand Master's fire! Kneel! You must apologize! No! An apology's not good enough! Thrown him out! But he has the Thunder Sword. It's just a sword! You scoundrel! Bring Grand Master back! Bring him back! See the blue light in the sky? That's a signal from White ows. He must have found what he wanted. That's it! Let's get it! Omei's survival depends on the 3 elements: The power of the mind, power of the universe and power of regeneration. The power of regeneration is within you. To have 3 forces combine as one. Merge the 3 elements. I've received the Ming Fire signal from White ows. It's time to launch a counter-attack. But they've captured Enigma. We must rescue her before we attack. Your spirits will have to leave your bodies to enter the Blood Cave. Insomnia will try everything he can to find your physical beings and destroy them, so your spirits will have no bodies to return to. I suggest you leave your bodies on Point Nirvana. Even if Insomnia finds them, we'll be able to hold him off for some time. The school lives, we live... Look at you, so high up! You have the whole world at your feet! Good, eh? Look, you're all shining in gold! Soon the Blood River will be looming high above Zu! Insomnia, come out now. Today is your big day! Your sword easily oke through the enemy's defense How does it feel to be victorious? You'll soon get used to it. I'll be with you, you won't be lonely. Insomnia! What? That's the Blood Clouds! Take cover! Over to the canyon! The Blood Clouds have totally covered Green Castle. Concentrate our powers on the Blood Cave, we must rescue Enigma first! The Blood Clouds have reached the Zu mountains, my friends are all there. You want to go back and help them? In fighting the enemy, You wouldn't abandon your men on the battlefield, would you? I understand. You go. If you lose this war, it'll be disastrous for us too. Take care! There's a power of justice in the world. I encountered it once, unfortunately I didn't treasure it. If I could, I'd like to rediscover that power. At last, a chance to show my potential! Here we meet again. But you're no longer Red. You're just a watch dog at Blood Cave! Never mind the past! I guess being the chief has made you humorless, all that bureaucracy, eh? Right now, I feel very differently to you. Your heart is heavy, But I'm exhilarated. I now realize what power means! My power is constantly increasing. And you, you're like a mosquito to me, if I speak a little louder I might blow you away Enigma's down there. What are you looking for? Are you looking for her? I'll levitate her, so you can have a better look. That's just her physical being, her spirit... is right here! Nonsense! If someone else's spirit is in you, where is your own? You want to know? Come in and find out! Red! Enigma! Thunder Sword! No! the Blood Cave will suck your sword away! It's got my sword! Get your spirit inside Enigma's body and rescue her Good idea! Stop bluffing, King Sky. You won't kill me, because I have Enigma's spirit inside me! You don't have to remind me! I won't kill you, it's the witch inside you I want! Ying, look after Enigma's spirit. King Sky! Teacher! King Sky! My destiny depends on your success. Don't hesitate. Go now! My destiny depends on your success. Don't hesitate. Go now! Let's go! Teacher... I'll worry about that when it happens. I'll worry about that when it happens. We'll wait for you back at the school! Teacher, finally I'm enlightened! So, are you Ying, or are you Hollow? You'd better call me Ying. You can't use Heaven Sword in your present state. We have to do it, we have to merge. Right. Let's go back to Point Nirvana to where my physical being is. Recognize this? It's the Sky Reflector. The most powerful weapon in Omei. Let's see what you can do! The Blood Clouds! We must prepare to merge soon! The school lives, we live... The Buddha's Hands! You bald ignoramuses! Open your eyes, this is what true power is. The power is all mine! Give me King Sky's body! Look, your bodies! Want to swallow me? Quickly, we must help King Sky, if his body is destroyed, he'll vanish forever. King Sky, we've found your physical body. Feeling bad, are you? Because your body is now inside Insomnia's stomach. Soon you'll become his 10,000tIh spirit, you'll be his slave forever! Still you'll achieve one thing, and that is, to live the rest of your life here! You can't outwit me. You're not even close. I lured you up to the Blood Cave, so I could draw away your energy every time you hit me. I've drawn off all the energy from your Ming Fire, Try it if you don't believe me. I'll give you what you want. I'll stay here and die with you! Master Transcendental... We can't get out, we've been surrounded! It's Insomnia's spirit! Thunder, take the master and go now! Be careful! Teacher, what now? We must merge. You must not hesitate like Hollow did. I won't this time! Let's merge now! Heaven Strikes! Thunder Fires! Heaven and Thunder Swords represent yin and yang. Yin and yang complement each other. A swordsman must flow with the power of his sword and join as one. Hesitancy and stubbornness restricts the flow. Thus, one will lose oneself, and the merge will fail. If I'm not here when you come back. The Moon Orb will find me. Where are they? They must have reached the speed of light so we can't see them. Over there! The Blood Clouds consist of 9,999 of my spirits. I can be reborn with each spirit. If you want to kill me you have to kill me 9,999 times. But I'd only need to kill you once, and you'll be gone forever! 9,999 times? Even if there are 100,000, we'll kill them all! Red! Amnesia! You won't get away! You must destroy me along with her, if not, she'll repossess my spirit! Remember our agreement? If one of us is possessed by evil, The other must not hesitate. Kill me! Kill you? Why can't we join forces to fight that monster? My physical being is not here, it's in the Blood Cave. My spirit is too weak to fly back. Even if you don't kill me, I'll vanish. There's still time, to go back and find your body. Though very old friends are we, still we must part. Kill me! Good will triumph over evil. Kill me! Die! Red! Help me! Merge again! His spirit is inside the Blood Clouds! Separate them! Right! Without the Clouds, his spirit will be useless! Separate him from the clouds! Wait! King Sky is in his mouth! It's too close! Split up! It's the Ming Fire Sword! I am inside your body, Insomnia, see where you can run now! I've got Dawn's feelings back! King Sky, I've found you at last. After Heaven and Thunder failed in their merge, White ows used the sword's spirit to recreate Ying. Why don't you try to recreate Enigma? Thunder Sword will help you find the Heaven Sword, recreating Enigma is only a matter of time. Omei is starting a new today. You don't need me anymore. I had promised my teacher that I'd return to Kun Lun and rebuild the clan. All the clans should respect and support each other Omei will rely on you from now on. Heaven and Thunder have been born again, you'll only merge successfully if Heaven's new owner can be enlightened soon. It's no big deal flying around the mountains, I'm not interested. Don't worry, I was like her before. I'll open up her mind soon! I hope so.
What? I said I just wanted to speak. What the hell? What's with the way you fucking talk? Who the fuck are you? My... name is... Oh Daesu. Why are you picking on someone else's girlfriend? Hold on. Am I picking on you? Mr. Oh Daesu! Am I picking on you? Fuck! Okay! Okay, I got it. Just a minute. Okay! Okay! Fuck! Oh Daesu, please sit down. Oh boy. Must have drunk a lot. Who the hell did I pick on? Hold on, let me piss first. Hey, this is a police station. I didn't do anything! Hey! You son of a bitch! We really have to do something about him. - Asshole! - Mr. Oh Daesu. Oh man. It is, so sit down. I'm very sorry. Fuck, I gotta piss bad. Ah, great. - Cute, huh? - Yeah I saw it. Now go sit down. Today's my daughter's birthday. I got her a present for her birthday. Snatches of clouds floatin the sky. Ah, great. A pleasure boat floats in the river. My name Oh Daesu, means... Getting along with people. That's why I'm Oh Daesu. But, shit... Why can't I get along today? Set me free! Huh! Shut the hell up! Shush! Set me free! Let go of me, damn it! That son of a bitch really needs some prison time. Get away from me! Hey, get him! Ow, fuck, ouch! I'll make sure he doesn't get drunk and cause trouble again. Have a nice day, Officer. He's usually a nice guy but... Let's go. I'll come visit you soon. We don't want you to come back. That's up to me you assholes. Hey! My Sweet Pea. It's daddy. Daddy got my Sweet Pea a present. I'll be home soon with your gift, so wait a bit longer. Let me talk to her. Good girl, good. Good girl, good. Give me the phone. Yeun hee, Joo hwan wants to talk to you. You know Joo hwan, right? Hold on. Hi, Yeun hee. It's me, Joo hwan. So today's your birthday? Happy birthday. I'll treat you to something nice tomorrow. Hello? Oh hello, Ja hyun. I'm sorry. I know it's very late. Daesu is on his way now. I'm sorry. Yes? Hold on. Daesu, it's your wife. Daesu! Daesu! Daesu! Hey, Daesu! Daesu! Hey, Daesu! Couldn't you hurry up a bit. Hey, stop fooling around and let's go. Ah, great. Daesu! Daesu! Hey, Daesu! Sir, sir. Wait. come here. Come talk to me. I won't tell you to let me go. Just tell me why I'm here, okay? I should know the reason at least. Shit, I've been locked up here for two months already. Sir, wait, come here. Sir, wait What is this place? Sir, just tell me how long I have to stay in here. Just tell me that, huh? Sir! Fuck you! Come here, you asshole! Son of a bitch I saw your face, asshole. You're dead if I get out. Come here, asshole. I'm sorry. I won't curse. Just tell me. One month, two or three? Hey! Hey, where are you going? Just tell me how long you son of a bitch! I said tell me how long, you asshole! You son of a bitch! You fucking assholes! If they had told me it was going to be 15 years could it have been easier to endure? Or could it have not? When the melody turns on gas comes out. When the gas comes, I fall asleep. I found out later, that it's the same Valium gas Russian soldiers used on the Chechen terrorists. When I wake up my hair has been cut. I don't like the style really. But they change my clothes and clean the place up. Grateful bastards. One two three It's too spicy. I don't want spinach. You eat it. I won't eat spinach. I don't want to eat spinach. Kim Jahyun's body was found deeply stabbed in the neck. Seeing that it was a cold blooded murder with nothing valuable stolen police suspect that the motive was out of hatred. Her husband who disappeared a year ago is a prime suspect. According to witnesses her husband, Oh Daesu drank often causing trouble with his wife and neighbors said they fought frequently. Blood samples found at the scene matched Oh Daesu's. Fingerprints found on a cup also matched Oh Daesu's. It was confirmed by sources that Oh Daesu visited his wife recently. The stolen family album also backs their theories. After three years many wrinkles have formed on his face. Ah, that is around 8 million wons 8 million wons? For a knife 8 million wons... Of course for a sushi master you need the best tools. If you stand aimlessly at a phone booth on a rainy day and meet a man whose face is covered by a violet um ella, I'd suggest that you get close to the TV. The television is both a clock and calendar. It's your school, home church, friend and lover. But... But, my lover's song is too short. This morning around 7:30 the top 50m of the Sungsoo Bridge in Seoul suddenly collapsed in the middle... I wrote down all the people whom I fought with, bothered, and hurt. This was both my prison journal and autobiography of my evil deeds. I thought I had lived an average life but I've sinned too much. All I thought about at that moment was that the guy next door probably ate with one chopstick. But... But who would've imprisoned me? Was it Yoo Heung sam? Lee So young or Kang Changsuk? Whoever it was, just wait. Wait a bit more. I'll rip your whole body apart and no one will be able to find your body anywhere. Because I'm going to chew it all down. One line for one year. I have to sew six lines at first. I guess next year will be easier. The more the tattoos the shorter the chopstick. The shorter the chopstick the bigger the wall's hole gets. Anyway, time passes well. 9 years 10 years 11 years Enforcement of an arrest warrant Handover of Hong Kong Yesterday's convention center Death of Princess Diana Funeral for Princess Diana Westminister Monastery IMF, Financial support officially approved 12 years Artillery Salute Arrival of President Kim Dae Jung in Pyungyang Underdog Korea! Miraculous Quarterfinals! 13 years Elected Elected Noh Moo Hyun 49 11, 502, 958 14 years I'll be out in a month. I'll be out in a month. I'll be out. I'll be out after a month. I'll be out of here. I'll be out in a month. In exactly one month. I'll be out. I'll need money when I get out. So what should I do? Should I steal or rob? What shall I eat first? Anything will be fine except for fried dumplings. Where am I anyway? With all the cars honking it must be the city. The most important thing is what floor I'm on. What if I pierce through the wall and it's the 52nd floor? Even if I fall to my death I'm still getting out. I'm getting out. I'm getting out. In one month, I'm getting out. Right now you're lying on a plain. When you hear the bell you will turn your head and look down. You will see an endless field of green grass. The sun is shining ight and there's a cool eeze. It's a human being. Don't stop me! Mister. Even though I'm no worst than a beast don't I have the right to live? Mister. Even though I'm no worst than a beast don't I have the right to live? Yes. That phone booth alley was just here. Now there's an apartment building. So he throws me on the roof. What a numskull. I want to tell you my story. Delay your death. What? I see. Of course. Now I'll tell you my story. You see, the reason why I want to die... Hey! It's a woman being. That lunatic... Hurry, go! Hey, Mr.! Come over here! Laugh and the world laughs with you. Weep and you weep alone. My home is gone. I can't call either my friend or relatives. Since I'm the one who murdered my wife. Since I'm a fugitive. Really. Come on, you will lose. Yeah, I agree. You little piece of shit. You dickshit! Dickshit... Never heard of it. Since the TV doesn't teach you curse words. Can imaginary training for 15 years be put to use? It can. Oplegnathus fasciatus. Lives in the warm waters of coastal reefs. A fish with weak reflexes but can resist unyieldingly once it's caught in a hook. In Kyungsang Province its offspring... What's this smell? Don't even think about asking me any questions. I don't know a thing. Yes? I said I want something alive. Oh, right. - Long time no see. - This is my first time. Maybe not? But she looks familiar. You look very familiar. Have I seen you somewhere? Searching for the Best Chefs On Ch 11 every Thursday at 6:30 The youngest female chef of Japanese food Oh that? They said the ratings are low but I guess it's popular. Women's hands are usually warm so they can't make sushi. Wow, you sure do know a lot. Who are you? Do you like your clothes? Why... - Why did you imprison me? - Who do you think I am? - Yoo Heungsam? - Wrong. - Did Lee Soyoung hire you? - No, wrong again Lee Jongyong? Kang Changsuk? Hwang Jooyeun? Kim Nasung? Park Ji woo? Im Dukyoon? Lee Jaepyung? Kuk Suran? Who the hell are you? Me? I'm sort of a scholar. And my major is you. A scholar studying Oh Daesu. An expert on Oh Daesu. Who I am isn't important. Why is important. Think it over. Review your whole lifetime. Since school is over it's time for your homework. Right? Keep this in mind. Be it a grain of sand or rock, in water they sink as the same Let me ask you one thing. You hypnotized me in there didn't you? What did you do to me? I miss you... Hurry and come to me. Here you are. It's alive, right? I'll slice it up now. I must be a different eed of women. My hands are very cold, you see. What's with her? Sir. Sir. Keep this in mind. Be it a grain of sand or rock, in water they sink as the same Awake now? Is this true? That fever remedy really works. Why'd you faint if you trained so much? A lack of needed sunlight depletes you of vitamins A and E. So I'm not immune to influenza. Do you usually talk that way? The bathroom door is oken and doesn't lock. Don't get any ight ideas. Or else I'll slice you like sushi. What's this? Suppositories. How else could I feed you medicine if you fainted? Can imaginary training for 15 years be put to use? It can't. That was very bad of me. After inging you here and rejecting you, I understand why you're mad. I do. I ought you here because I like you, too. But... You even don't know my name. I'm Mido. You see. Later. When I'm really ready later, I swear on my life that I will. That song, The Face I Miss in your diary, that's the sign. When I sing it then get yourself ready. When it actually happens... I could resist again at the heat of the moment. But no matter what don't ever back out. Just give it to me! Give it to me? The ants... Do you still see them? Do you still feel that way? Yeah, if you're alone you see the ants. Very lonely people that I met they all hallucinated ants at one time. After I thought about it ants move around in groups you know So I guess very Ionely people keep thinking about ants. Even though I never did. She called from overseas five or six years ago asking if her dad showed up. She doesn't even know that he killed her mother. Since she has few relatives she calls us. Her Korean has gotten bad. I think her foster parents are both doctors. Anyhow, Miss Reporter. Daesu really hasn't been caught yet? Your daughter's address is on the front and on the back is a map to your wife's grave. Eva... Stockholm... Eva... Do you want to call her? Want me to call her? Wanna go to the grave together? No, after I kill that bastard first. Blue Dragon. Is it right? I haven't chewed it yet. Blue Dragon. So? Is that the taste? Be it 10 or 100 restaurants it doesn't matter. I can never forget that taste for 15 years, Blue Dragon. Want me to make you an ID to log in? Do you have a favorite movie or song? I talked to him. The Count of Monte Cristo? There's no one by that name here. How's life in a bigger prison Oh Daesu? Who are you? Who are you? The lonely prince in the high tower, don't forget me. Who's this bastard? I don't know him. I just chat with him sometimes. And talk about sushi, too. Where are you going? Where are you going? I can't trust you. Magic Blue Dragon Magic Blue Dragon! What could that mean? Why the hell did they order from a restaurant this far away? I've gone by five Chinese restaurants already My lungs feel like exploding. Tell your cooks to put less scallions in the dumplings. Sure. Set it down and go. Okay. We don't work on anyone being protected by bodyguards. There are other people who specialize in that. You can hire them. We just work on the small fries. If it's over six months transportation fee is free. Yes, of course. Why'd you lock me up, you... Dickshit. In our 7.5 floor business, our clients' info is top secret. I'm going to pay you back for all 15 years. Each one I yank out will make you age one year. Ready to talk? I don't know. I didn't see his face. I recorded it. AB blood types raise your hand. Go, he lost a lot of blood. Damn, look at him. Is he dead? You little piece of shit... Damn. Hey, you piece of shit! Go, motherfucker! Get the fuck out! Hey, fuckface! What, you fucked up son of a bitch! Just kill him damn asshole. Fucking goddamn asshole! I'm almost done. Stay still. As expected I can't get along today either. I've now become a monster. When my vengeance is over, can I return as the old Daesu? Mister, are you alright? Look at all this blood. Mister, what happened to you? Saewoon Apartments in Eung am, building 8. Please take care of him. - Thank you. - Not at all. Well, then... Farewell Oh Daesu. Farewell Oh Daesu. Oh Daesu. Farewell. Farewell. Any bastard you hate, but can't dare to kill. Any bitch you detest, but want more than kill. We are at your service Wouldn't he go crazy if he's locked up for a long time? Well, if you prefer he doesn't we can mix drugs into his drink. Ristedal Solution. It's a well trusted drug used to treat schizophrenia. Well, the duration is important so how long will he... 15 years. Too long? What did he do? Oh Daesu, you see talks too much. Go to sleep. Time to visit Joo hwan at the Internet cafe tomorrow. Sit wherever you'd like. Joo hwan. Oh Daesu, you see talks too much. Have you heard this voice before? Is there anyone who hates me this much? I don't know all the 260 names of your women's husbands. Who's Mido? This girl who cries over nothing. Joo hwan. Did I really talk too much? My friend, I'd like for you to find that criminal among people you're close to. Congratulations. Your case was automatically dismissed yesterday. But remember this by all means. Open quote. Like a gazelle from the hand of the hunter... Like a bird from the snare of the fowler... Free yourself. Close quote. Who are you? What about you you rotten bastard? I made up my mind when I was imprisoned. That I won't trust anyone if I get out. If there's anyone who I find suspicious then I'll create a secret that person and I will only know. That ID, Monster, is a trap that I made to catch you. You lead a stranger to your place. Who the hell are you? Who's Evergreen? I tracked down that Evergreen ID and found the owner's name. Ready to jot it down? It's Su Daeoh. That's a strange rare surname. Address? In Eungam. Saewoon Apartments Building 7, room 407. I'm not doing fine. Within life in a bigger prison... Evergreen Who are you? You meant to ask this, right? You must find out on your own. Come on, it's a game. First, who? Then, why? If you figure it out come see me anytime. I'll raise your score. You have until July 5th. Oh no, only five days left. Too short? Hang in there. If you succeed I'll kill myself and not Mido. That's right, Mido. I'm going to kill every woman you love until you die. Well, you're notorious for not protecting your women. Wow, you're strong, Mr. Monster. Yes, you are the very monster I created. But you won't find out the why? if you do this. 15 years of being curious would go to waste. So is that okay with you? Sit down there. Oh, the famous teeth torture. You won't have enough time to torture me. Since I have a weak heart. I have a pacemaker in my chest. When it was put in know what I asked the doctor? Doctor Hopkins give me a remote control to turn that motor off. Pardon? Why? So that I can kill myself easily at anytime. I'll give you $100, 000 more. Oh, what will you do? You want to kill me right away but you won't know why you were imprisoned. You want to torture me but I say I'll kill myself first. Do you seek revenge or do you find the truth? Oh, you're in a tough spot. I've been watching over you for 15 years. I faired well thanks to you. I wasn't bored or lonely. Seeking revenge is the best cure for someone who got hurt. Try it. The loss of 15 years, the pain of losing your wife and child you can forget all this. Once again revenge is good for your health. But... What happens after you've revenged yourself? I bet that hidden pain will probably come back again. Are you there, Daesu? Daesu, long time no see. Hasn't she been tied up for too long? I think you also left the door open. Please save me. But I could die first. Rudolph the rednosed reindeer, had a very shiny nose. This dentist is really good. Don't move. Don't move. What's with you? Now... Here we go. You see, they say that people shrivel up because they have an imagination. So do not imagine. You'll become ave as hell. Now, here comes the real thing. Yes? You know I'm glad you told me about this place but I haven't even started. What? Let's go. Let's really go. Let's fight. Let's fight. What a roughneck. Your hand. I'm going to chop off your hand. You touched Mido's easts. Then what about my tongue? You still don't trust me, you rotten bastard? It looks hard to accomplish. I looked into it, and the reason why the bank refused to pay $270 million isn't because our building has any irregularities. They have an internal problem at their bank. So I think there won't be any problems. Although Chairman Choi's equity share is at 25 percent... Daesu. Yeah. Did he really say that he'll kill me? Yeah. Because you love me? Daesu. What? I wonder where my love is The night is getting lonelier The words we spoke through our eyes can be felt through the hands So many nights have passed Yet my feelings are constant towards you Tears flood out from my eyes But there is a face that I miss They packed their stuff and left in a rental car. Mido called the restaurant and quit. Let's go after this is done. You should get some rest today. I can't even sleep. Since I am forlorn. Mr. Han. Do you really think Mido has fallen in love with Daesu? Already? Daesu, it really hurts. But I'm enduring it. You must know this. How'd you hold out? For 15 years? There's always a way. Do you like it? You really like it, right? I want to be good to you. Do not worry about future. Don't imagine anything. I feel like thanking all those years in that prison. If I wasn't in there, could Mido have liked me still? He could only know that I wanted to chop off Mr. Park's hand by putting a bug on us and he knew our whereabouts by tailing us. I've been bugged. Please find it. You know maybe he freed you because he has fun watching you run wild seeking revenge. And never tell you why so he can toy with you forever. You think that's why? Evergreen Press an online printing system. Evergreen Pasta and Pizza. Evergreen Services specializing in security, parking, cleaning. Evergreen Tree Garden. Evergreen Old Boy, Sangnok High School alumni homepage. Evergreen Secret Diary Jung Sang rok's personal site. Norwegian Wood, Evergreen... Welcome to Evergreen Old Boys The Sangnok High School Alumni Homepage But it's time to close up. Can't I look at the records of Class '79? It's dark so turn on the lights. Take your time. Joo hwan? Let me ask you something. Do you know Lee Woojin of Class '79? I think he went to America to study. Lee Woojin? Don't know him. So is that the bastard's name? How'd you find out? I looked through all the school's albums and found his face. I don't know who someone is just with a name. Got anything else? Why don't you look for the school records or something? Do you know Lee Soo ah? She was in the same grade. Lee Soo ah? - She died. - What class was she in? Homeroom two of our senior year. She was in my class. Next to yours. So what about her? Why is there no photo? Ah, she died so that's why. How did Soo ah die? That's right, you wouldn't know. She died after you transferred. She went alone to the Habchun and fell into the river. She croaked like a dead fish. A week later they found her bloated body in the water. - What was she like? - Her? She was a total slut. On the outside she acted like a prude but she was a filthy whore on the inside. Rumors had it that that slut fucked everyone at school. I should've gotten in there. I also heard that her family was really rich. Her grades were good, too. But the bad thing was that she was a slut. Man. Wow, this is such an old story. Daesu! Daesu, I don't remember since it was so long ago, but that Soo ah, you see... Wait, Daesu, you also... Hey what's going on? Hey! Joo hwan! Joo hwan, what's with you? Joo hwan! Joo hwan! Daesu. Daesu? My sister wasn't a slut. You must accept this. Since you got rid of your bug. I had to come all the way here. To eavesdrop. So that's why Joo hwan died because of you. Okay? I'm going to kill you! You son of a bitch! I am going to rip you into little pieces. You motherfucking cocksucker! We're not open yet Please come back in an hour. Someone who got six gold teeth recommended this place. Mr. Park? I had to move because of you. As a commemoration. I installed a new TV. Do you like it? There are so many channels. Great, huh? There are even some who prefer to stay here. You lived in a place like this for 15 years? It felt like home after 11 years though. Come on I don't need money. An enemy's enemy is a friend. We threw away the hand 'cause it rotted. Damn sons of bitches. I'll kick their asses. So why'd you ing me here? Huh? Let me go! If I don't return after July 5th then let her go. While I was locked up here, I remember someone visiting me. What did that person do? Was it three times? I put a hypnosis inducing drug in your water. Sodium Barbiturate? TV Man knows it all. Hey Mr.! That's nonsense. Even though it was a Catholic school she wouldn't die because of rumors that she was a slut. There's probably another reason. Could she have been pregnant? Yeah, I really don't think Soo ah was like that. She was such a pure girl. I know she didn't put out for anyone. But she did go out with someone back then. So who was that guy? I have no idea. Choon shim. You knew Lee Soo ah, right? Who was her boyfriend? Don't know? Shut the hell up. What would you know about friendship? Shut your crap. Then who'd know? Who? Joo hwan? What? Yeah, I know him. But how'd he know? Yeah? Really? Okay, hang up. I'll call you in a bit. Choon shim said she heard it from Joo hwan. And that you'd know the best. Ring, ring, move aside. You'll get hurt if you hesitate. Oh Daesu Look at you. Put it out! I'm transferring today. To Seoul. So butt out, Miss Kim. You good for nothing! You're Oh Daesu, right? And you're Miss... among the girls You know how rumors are. I heard you're really funny. Say something. Me being so popular is such a big hassle. There's this father and son. They went to the public bath, and... See you later. See you later! Third Grade, Third Class pals. - Come on. - Wait. - Come here. - I won't. - Hurry and come here. - Okay, okay. Satisfied? Raise this up. Come on. - Raise it. - I won't. What? It tickles. Give it here. - What are you doing? - Let me see. What are you doing? - Let me see. - Stop. Go away. Was it really Soo ah? Are you sure? I don't know her name. All I know is that she's in your class, and she rides a red bike. Have a good trip. See you in Seoul if I go. Where are you going? Going on a date with Choon shim. I'll kill you if you shoot your mouth. No way. You get locked up for 15 years just for saying that? Was that such a big crime? Be it a grain of sand or rock in water they sink as the same. That's what Lee Woojin believes. Then what does July 5th stand for? That's the day Lee Soo ah died. Now it's over. Instead of seeking revenge you wanted to find out why you were imprisoned, right? Now we'll run away where he can never find us, right? I can't end it like this. Seeking revenge has become a part of me. But you don't even know where he lives. Like a gazelle from the hand of the hunter... Like a bird from the snare of the fowler... Free yourself. It's a phrase from Jamon 6, verse 4. Jamon in English means Maxim. And Evergreen said he lives in a high tower. So six and four must just be floors. Fourth floor. Sixth floor. Or the sixty forth floor? P? Penthouse! Please insert the code. What would you like me to pray? Wrong entry. Please insert again. Wrong entry. Please insert again. Dear Lord, please let me meet a younger man next time. Please let Woojin bow next to Daesu and make him beg for forgiveness. You slept with your sister. Let's go up and talk. Sic him! Don't be so violent. Feels great. - You slept with your sister. - I feel so refreshed. And I started the rumors. That's why your sister died. Looking through the mirror reminds me of that day. Doesn't it? Erasing my memory and telling me to find the truth was unfair. I won, so die like you promised. You think you forgot that day because you were hypnotized? Are you sure? Do you know the real reason why you can't remember? Let me tell you. You just, forgot. Is that bland? But it's true that you just forgot. Why? Since it's not your business. Your rumor grew so out of proportion that Soo ah being pregnant became a rumor. My sister got sucked into that rumor and began believing it. So her period stopped and her belly began to swell. Funny, isn't it? Ever thought how'd a girl feel bearing both her child and nephew? Understand now? Your tongue got my sister pregnant. It wasn't Lee Woojin's dick. It was Oh Daesu's tongue. Is that why you killed your sister? What? Ever thought how'd the boy feel impregnating a child and nephew? You were probably afraid. Afraid that everyone will know once the baby's born. When you realized that she imagined it after you killed her you hating me is understandable. They said Soo ah died alone at the dam but who took this photo? And what about the date July 5th? This is no fun. I'll just finish what I was saying. Listen carefully My story is really fun. Ever heard of posthypnotic suggestion? You suggest something during hypnosis and then it's acted out in your wakened state. Still haven't figured it out? You lead a stranger to your place. Who the hell are you? What about you, you rotten bastard? We hypnotized both of you. One very fortunate thing was that both of you were highly receptive to hypnosis compared to others. Isn't this fun? One word gets you pregnant, one word gets you in love. But no matter how much you two are receptive to hypnosis or no matter how good of a hypnotist Mrs. Yoo is, getting people to fall in love isn't easy. So do you know how we did it? Oh that? They said the ratings are low. Your first suggestion was to go to that restaurant after your release. Next, to react to the cell phone's melody. When you heard this, you were to say something. Who are you? Do you like your clothes? And Mido was to react to the man who were to say this. When she grabs your hand, your reaction would be... Of course... Your gravest mistake wasn't failing to find the answer. You can't find the right answer if you ask the wrong questions. It's not Why did Woojin imprison me? It's Why did he release me? Once again. why did Woojin release Daesu after... 15 years? Laugh, and the world laughs with you. Weep, and you will weep alone. Mr. Han. Mister Han! Mido... Mido doesn't know, right? Why'd you hide her there? You thought he'd hate me because I cut off his hand, right? Couldn't you figure it out that it was a trap? How can you protect your woman with that ain of yours? I've been secretly raising Mido since she was three. What's wrong with you? And Mr. Park's hand? You moron. Know that new prison of his? He said he had to move so I bought him that building for his hand! Daesu! A box is here. It's that same violet box. - He's telling me to open it. - No! No, Mido, don't. Don't open it no matter what. If you open it something terrible will happen. What's in it? You know, don't you? Mido. My Sweet Pea, wait a little longer. I'll be there very soon. Can't you come right now? I'm scared. My Sweet Pea, you can wait for me, right? - Yes. - Good. Good girl I'll call you very soon, okay? I beg you. Please don't tell Mido. What has she done wrong? You know it was all my fault. I have... I have committed a terrible sin to your sister. And I was very wrong to you. I'm really sorry. So what I'm saying is... So please leave Mido alone, okay? If Mido finds out the truth, you asshole, I'll rip your whole body apart, and no one will be able to find your body anywhere. Why? Because I'm going to chew it all down. Woojin! Woojin, I made a mistake. Please forget what I said. Sir! Boss! Woojin! We're Evergreen Old Boys remember? With the energy from a green pine tree the Great Sangnok High... I'll do whatever you want. I'll do anything. I beg you. Woojin, if you want me to be a dog, I will! I'm Woojin's dog from now on! I'm your puppy! Woof. Woof. Woof. Wooof. Look, I'm wagging my tail. I'm a dog I'll guard the house I'll be your slave dog. The box... Just leave it closed. Now, what joy will I live for? Daesu. It really hurts. But I'm enduring it. You must know this. How'd you hold out? For 15 years? My sister and I loved each other even though we knew everything. Could it be the same with you two? Do you like it? You really like it, right? I want to be good to you. Soo ah. Woojin. I know you've been scared. So let go of me, okay? Alright? Remember me, okay? I have no regrets. What about you? This is the whole adventure I went through until now. Thank you for listening to a terrible story till the end. I hope that you understand the reason for sending a letter instead of talking to you in person. The reason for that is that I have no tongue. To be honest, I have no reason to help you. But you see? I was touched by this last sentence. Even though I'm worse than even a beast Don't I have the right to live? The hypnosis could go wrong and distort your memories. Will that be okay? If you're ready, stare at that tree. The tree is slowly changing into a concrete column. You're now in Woojin's penthouse. It's a dreary night. The sound of your footsteps to the window permeates the room. When I ring my bell, you'll be split into two persons. The one who doesn't know the secret is Oh Daesu. The one who keeps the secret is the Monster. When I ring the bell again, the Monster will turn around and begin walking. With each step you age one year. When the Monster reaches seventy he will die. There's no need to worry. It will be a very peaceful death. Now, good luck to you. What's wrong? Look at you. Were you with somebody? I love you. Daesu.
VIOLENT COP What are you doing, mister? I'll go home. Me, too. Hello. What is it? Your son home? Police. Upstairs? Excuse me. What for? Let us alone. Don't worry. Yeah? Don't bother about me. Give yourself up tomorrow. What did I do? I did nothing. Nothing? Nothing? Then I did nothing, either. Ass! As your new chief, I'd like to say this: Police are sacred. Keep it in mind. Be proud of your job. Have self-respect... Azuma. The kid gave himself up. But you should've caught him in the act last night. Azuma. Our new boss wants you. Azuma. Our new boss wants you. I'm Kikuchi, the rookie. You saw it? Coincidence. You kept silent? What could I do? Nothing but eaking in his house and forcing him to talk? I'd like that, but behave yourself for a year, while I'm chief. I'm no fool. I know who lives here, and the kind of cops we need. You've got to be smart. That's all. It tires me. Because you act wild. Was he mad? No. I'll go to the hospital. Akari? She's going to be released. Thanks. If there's anything I can do... Come see my wife sometimes. Thanks. Let me. I'm Kikuchi, the rookie. Coach me. I want the document later. A festival. Let's go. Did she say that? She's a liar. She's pregnant. Take care of her. So I told her not to dance. You told me to get an abortion. I didn't. Who's the father, anyway? You. Who else? You're a couple. Be nice to each other. Not a couple. I live with her because she begged me to. All you want is my money. Why else would anyone lay you? Don't be mean to her. Why did you send for me, anyway? Why don't you go bugger a thief instead? What's that? What's what? A gigolo must take care of his girl. Or work yourself. Let her go, but not him. Drink? No. How's Akari? It's like you had your own daughter. I'll have mine soon. Where to? Home. I'll walk you home. Care for a drink? What'll it be? Anything. Two Wild Turkeys. You come here often? Sometimes. How's business? So-so. Your pal? Name's Azuma. What do you do? We sell guns. Guns ?! Welcome. Dope? Money first. Why don't you give me a little discount? Why? We can't keep this business forever. After all, it's us who take risks. Then go to someone else. That's a good idea, but... Kiyohiro. Let me make a profit. I know where you get it. Safe and sound. Police? Exactly. Then, no other way. Don't ask for too much, punk. You must know your limit. Kikuchi, lend me money. 5,000 yen? Good. A bet? No! Gambling is a crime. No. This one's no good. How is it? Your machines never let me win. They do. No. Few customers. Usually the house is full. Where are they? What're you doing? No bets. You know how to play? No. Sorry. I'll give you back what you lost. No! It can send me to jail. Give it to him. No! I can't take it! You aren't doing funny business anymore, are you? Funny? Backdoor. No more gun-smuggling. This, at best. Azuma. Never mind. Which way? Tell him. I can't. Follow that prowl car. Azuma. So soon! I did it. Azuma, the cab fare. I'm oke. Will you pay him off? Carry money. Kikuchi, it's 1,760 yen. Azuma, it's 1,760 yen. He was stabbed with a knife. He was convicted for dope. A pusher? Yes. I'll ask the man who found his body. Mori. Kikuchi. Help them. Honma. Give me a loan. Welcome home. Who's there? A friend of mine. Coffee? No. Akari, which way is the nearest station? Bus? Never mind. Come. No thanks. By bus? No. I'll take a taxi. Bus. Taxi. Don't bother about me. Name ? Mine? Say your name. Yamada. Where from? Chiba. To lay my sister? No. I work around here. Where? Shinagawa Machinery. Since when? Yesterday. Where did you pick her up? A discotheque. Damn punk! Will you marry her? Get a go-between. Go-between? Engagement first. You won't dump her? No. Wait! Sorry. We won't use it. Maybe we will. It happened before. It was a round-up. Your bullet hit a neighbor's kid. I aimed to. I've been wondering... How come you became a cop? Scouted. Come on! Sorry. Hello. A cop and a greenhorn. A cop and what? A greenhorn. What do you mean? The greenhorn. He meant me. Of course. You and who else? Cut it out. Look over there. His woman called us. The murdered dope-pusher's customer. Let's go. Come on. I'll stay here. Dangerous. No smoking. Him? Who? That's what I meant. Azuma! He got away! A cop needs an ambulance! Send an ambulance! It's an accident! Emergency! Come! Go quick! No beeping. Don't tell him where we are. Sorry. He's gone. You can't find him here. Turn. Would a criminal run here? Sorry. Find an alley and go in. Turn right. One way. Never mind. Turn! Stop! Turn when I say Turn. It's an emergency. You must listen to me. Who said to come here? He's gone. There! Go get him! Let me drive. One way. This way. There! I know. You're going to run over him. Why did you hit him? He might be dead. Does he look dead to you, stupid? Go back. Did you have to run over him? Write an apology. How? The usual. Did you write an apology? Yes, in your name. Oh, no! Alone? Drugs? What kind? Special. A bargain. How much? Let's talk in the toilet. Let's go. I hear you have a sister. Yes. She was in a hospital. What was wrong? Her head. Not again! Stay there. Hashizume! Yes. What is it? You tell me. What is it? What's that? Dope. You're pushing it, aren't you? No. He had it. You still push dope? I told you not to. Stop acting, punk. Emoto died. So what? I don't know. Who sells you the stuff? Who? Who? Go home. Who? Who? You know who. Iwaki, your pal. What did he do? He sells it. You, too? No arrest? No. He meant lwaki of the vice squad? Did he talk? So? Thanks. Dope? What? Stop acting. We'll sell it and run. What? What are you saying? Don't give me that. Why are you here? Dope! What can punks like you do? Go ahead. Try. Nito will kill you. A cop named Azuma is checking on you. Azuma. Come. You can fish here. Did you have fun? No. I stayed home. Feel better? This is not the sea. What do you want? Iwaki's your old friend? I think so. Has he changed lately? Why? The press wants to know about him. I must do something. Why not ask him? He lost contact. Not at home. He's missing. Do you know? No, I don't. Nothing's definite. Don't worry. I'm all right. Thanks. I'm sorry to have troubled you, Azuma. Any message? No. I don't know. I can't read papers. What's he doing? He should call me. May I ask you a question? Was it suicide? You were his best friend, weren't you? I'll go home. Brother. Hello. Let's go home. No? No. Maybe there. Up there. That one. Narcotics. Let's find them. Wait. Ryuji, come here. You know him? The guy hurt in the toilet-- his pal. His address? We don't know. No news? Nothing. No? Thanks. I haven't seen him lately. His address? I don't know. Somewhere around here. If he comes again, call us. I think I saw him. Criminal? No, not that. He's a dick. Have you seen this guy? No. He was around here. If you see him, call us. He's here. Sir? I told you to kill only Emoto and lwaki. Didn't l? Yes, sir. Why did you kill Hashizume? Don't act unless ordered. Yes, sir. You may go. Shinkai, do we have anybody who can take care of him? Was he here? I don't know. I'm new here. You asked for it. Hashizume was killed. By whom? Kiyohiro. No one else. Kiyohiro? What is he? Nito's henchman. Did he kill lwaki, too? He's crazy. He'll do anything for Nito. Nito told him to kill? Not only that. He likes killing. You'll be next. Only after you, idiot. I'm Nito. Won't you come in? A restaurant with dope-pushers and killers? Pardon? You know what I mean. Kiyohiro? Kiyohiro? Who is he? Your assassin. If you want to question me, get a warrant first. Our gift. I'm afraid it doesn't become your tie. I'll return your favor. Come for dinner next time. Use the backdoor. Arrest? So you tailed me? Bedroom. Good taste. Dope? Do I have dope? Where? Here. Shame on you! Get dressed. What're you doing? Nothing. Who's in there? That's a dirty trick. It won't work on me. You killed lwaki? He killed himself. Then, kill yourself. If you want to kill me, go ahead. Aim at me. You're nuts like your sister. You're fired! You framed him, Iocked him up, and tortured him. That's enough. You're fired. You even shot at him. You're wild! Stupid! Write your resignation! Now! If you make more trouble, I'll be finished. You should get the ax, but I'll save your honor. Just quit the force. Consider what you've done. Your investigation is useless. Iwaki killed himself. Give her a thrill. You're not screwing a Dutch wife. It's her fault. She doesn't move. She's keeping cool. Where did he find her? A bakery. Who knows? Why don't you let me do it? You know how to screw a girl? I'm bi, you know. She needs a shot. Don't waste it on her. Give it to me. You took too much junk and went goofy. What? How mean! This stuff is expensive. No! Let go of me! Hold him. Water? Junk is too good for you. I'm not your woman. Why? She's dumb. We wasted a shot on her. You attacked the detective? Why? He's on your tail. Someday he'll finish you. It's you who's going to finish me. How can I save your ass? How can you? I want to kill you. Never see me again. An ex-cop wanting an illegal gun? Here's one. What for? Never mind. Let's be friends. You suspect me, but you're wrong. I'm innocent. He's nuts. We're through. Please! Give me a shot! Beat it! Her other's coming. He'll kill you. You raped her. Don't run. If you do, I'll kill you. Either way, you're going to die. No kidding! Dope... Dope... Everybody's crazy. You replace Iwaki? I'm much smarter. Produced by KAZUYOSHI OKUYAMA Screenplay by HISASHI NOZAWA Music by DAISAKU KUME Photographed by YASUSHI SASAKIBARA English TADASHI SHISHIDO Starring TAKESHI ITTOKU KISHIBE MIKIKO OTONASHI TAKESHI HIRAIZUMI SHIRO SANO MAIKO KAWAKAMI HAKURYU Directed by TAKESHI KITANO
VIOLENT COP What are you doing, mister? I'll go home. Me, too. Hello. What is it? Your son home? Police. Upstairs? Excuse me. What for? Let us alone. Don't worry. Yeah? Don't bother about me. Give yourself up tomorrow. What did I do? I did nothing. Nothing? Nothing? Then I did nothing, either. Ass! As your new chief, I'd like to say this: Police are sacred. Keep it in mind. Be proud of your job. Have self-respect... Azuma. The kid gave himself up. But you should've caught him in the act last night. Azuma. Our new boss wants you. Azuma. Our new boss wants you. I'm Kikuchi, the rookie. You saw it? Coincidence. You kept silent? What could I do? Nothing but eaking in his house and forcing him to talk? I'd like that, but behave yourself for a year, while I'm chief. I'm no fool. I know who lives here, and the kind of cops we need. You've got to be smart. That's all. It tires me. Because you act wild. Was he mad? No. I'll go to the hospital. Akari? She's going to be released. Thanks. If there's anything I can do... Come see my wife sometimes. Thanks. Let me. I'm Kikuchi, the rookie. Coach me. I want the document later. A festival. Let's go. Did she say that? She's a liar. She's pregnant. Take care of her. So I told her not to dance. You told me to get an abortion. I didn't. Who's the father, anyway? You. Who else? You're a couple. Be nice to each other. Not a couple. I live with her because she begged me to. All you want is my money. Why else would anyone lay you? Don't be mean to her. Why did you send for me, anyway? Why don't you go bugger a thief instead? What's that? What's what? A gigolo must take care of his girl. Or work yourself. Let her go, but not him. Drink? No. How's Akari? It's like you had your own daughter. I'll have mine soon. Where to? Home. I'll walk you home. Care for a drink? What'll it be? Anything. Two Wild Turkeys. You come here often? Sometimes. How's business? So-so. Your pal? Name's Azuma. What do you do? We sell guns. Guns ?! Welcome. Dope? Money first. Why don't you give me a little discount? Why? We can't keep this business forever. After all, it's us who take risks. Then go to someone else. That's a good idea, but... Kiyohiro. Let me make a profit. I know where you get it. Safe and sound. Police? Exactly. Then, no other way. Don't ask for too much, punk. You must know your limit. Kikuchi, lend me money. 5,000 yen? Good. A bet? No! Gambling is a crime. No. This one's no good. How is it? Your machines never let me win. They do. No. Few customers. Usually the house is full. Where are they? What're you doing? No bets. You know how to play? No. Sorry. I'll give you back what you lost. No! It can send me to jail. Give it to him. No! I can't take it! You aren't doing funny business anymore, are you? Funny? Backdoor. No more gun-smuggling. This, at best. Azuma. Never mind. Which way? Tell him. I can't. Follow that prowl car. Azuma. So soon! I did it. Azuma, the cab fare. I'm oke. Will you pay him off? Carry money. Kikuchi, it's 1,760 yen. Azuma, it's 1,760 yen. He was stabbed with a knife. He was convicted for dope. A pusher? Yes. I'll ask the man who found his body. Mori. Kikuchi. Help them. Honma. Give me a loan. Welcome home. Who's there? A friend of mine. Coffee? No. Akari, which way is the nearest station? Bus? Never mind. Come. No thanks. By bus? No. I'll take a taxi. Bus. Taxi. Don't bother about me. Name ? Mine? Say your name. Yamada. Where from? Chiba. To lay my sister? No. I work around here. Where? Shinagawa Machinery. Since when? Yesterday. Where did you pick her up? A discotheque. Damn punk! Will you marry her? Get a go-between. Go-between? Engagement first. You won't dump her? No. Wait! Sorry. We won't use it. Maybe we will. It happened before. It was a round-up. Your bullet hit a neighbor's kid. I aimed to. I've been wondering... How come you became a cop? Scouted. Come on! Sorry. Hello. A cop and a greenhorn. A cop and what? A greenhorn. What do you mean? The greenhorn. He meant me. Of course. You and who else? Cut it out. Look over there. His woman called us. The murdered dope-pusher's customer. Let's go. Come on. I'll stay here. Dangerous. No smoking. Him? Who? That's what I meant. Azuma! He got away! A cop needs an ambulance! Send an ambulance! It's an accident! Emergency! Come! Go quick! No beeping. Don't tell him where we are. Sorry. He's gone. You can't find him here. Turn. Would a criminal run here? Sorry. Find an alley and go in. Turn right. One way. Never mind. Turn! Stop! Turn when I say Turn. It's an emergency. You must listen to me. Who said to come here? He's gone. There! Go get him! Let me drive. One way. This way. There! I know. You're going to run over him. Why did you hit him? He might be dead. Does he look dead to you, stupid? Go back. Did you have to run over him? Write an apology. How? The usual. Did you write an apology? Yes, in your name. Oh, no! Alone? Drugs? What kind? Special. A bargain. How much? Let's talk in the toilet. Let's go. I hear you have a sister. Yes. She was in a hospital. What was wrong? Her head. Not again! Stay there. Hashizume! Yes. What is it? You tell me. What is it? What's that? Dope. You're pushing it, aren't you? No. He had it. You still push dope? I told you not to. Stop acting, punk. Emoto died. So what? I don't know. Who sells you the stuff? Who? Who? Go home. Who? Who? You know who. Iwaki, your pal. What did he do? He sells it. You, too? No arrest? No. He meant lwaki of the vice squad? Did he talk? So? Thanks. Dope? What? Stop acting. We'll sell it and run. What? What are you saying? Don't give me that. Why are you here? Dope! What can punks like you do? Go ahead. Try. Nito will kill you. A cop named Azuma is checking on you. Azuma. Come. You can fish here. Did you have fun? No. I stayed home. Feel better? This is not the sea. What do you want? Iwaki's your old friend? I think so. Has he changed lately? Why? The press wants to know about him. I must do something. Why not ask him? He lost contact. Not at home. He's missing. Do you know? No, I don't. Nothing's definite. Don't worry. I'm all right. Thanks. I'm sorry to have troubled you, Azuma. Any message? No. I don't know. I can't read papers. What's he doing? He should call me. May I ask you a question? Was it suicide? You were his best friend, weren't you? I'll go home. Brother. Hello. Let's go home. No? No. Maybe there. Up there. That one. Narcotics. Let's find them. Wait. Ryuji, come here. You know him? The guy hurt in the toilet-- his pal. His address? We don't know. No news? Nothing. No? Thanks. I haven't seen him lately. His address? I don't know. Somewhere around here. If he comes again, call us. I think I saw him. Criminal? No, not that. He's a dick. Have you seen this guy? No. He was around here. If you see him, call us. He's here. Sir? I told you to kill only Emoto and lwaki. Didn't l? Yes, sir. Why did you kill Hashizume? Don't act unless ordered. Yes, sir. You may go. Shinkai, do we have anybody who can take care of him? Was he here? I don't know. I'm new here. You asked for it. Hashizume was killed. By whom? Kiyohiro. No one else. Kiyohiro? What is he? Nito's henchman. Did he kill lwaki, too? He's crazy. He'll do anything for Nito. Nito told him to kill? Not only that. He likes killing. You'll be next. Only after you, idiot. I'm Nito. Won't you come in? A restaurant with dope-pushers and killers? Pardon? You know what I mean. Kiyohiro? Kiyohiro? Who is he? Your assassin. If you want to question me, get a warrant first. Our gift. I'm afraid it doesn't become your tie. I'll return your favor. Come for dinner next time. Use the backdoor. Arrest? So you tailed me? Bedroom. Good taste. Dope? Do I have dope? Where? Here. Shame on you! Get dressed. What're you doing? Nothing. Who's in there? That's a dirty trick. It won't work on me. You killed lwaki? He killed himself. Then, kill yourself. If you want to kill me, go ahead. Aim at me. You're nuts like your sister. You're fired! You framed him, Iocked him up, and tortured him. That's enough. You're fired. You even shot at him. You're wild! Stupid! Write your resignation! Now! If you make more trouble, I'll be finished. You should get the ax, but I'll save your honor. Just quit the force. Consider what you've done. Your investigation is useless. Iwaki killed himself. Give her a thrill. You're not screwing a Dutch wife. It's her fault. She doesn't move. She's keeping cool. Where did he find her? A bakery. Who knows? Why don't you let me do it? You know how to screw a girl? I'm bi, you know. She needs a shot. Don't waste it on her. Give it to me. You took too much junk and went goofy. What? How mean! This stuff is expensive. No! Let go of me! Hold him. Water? Junk is too good for you. I'm not your woman. Why? She's dumb. We wasted a shot on her. You attacked the detective? Why? He's on your tail. Someday he'll finish you. It's you who's going to finish me. How can I save your ass? How can you? I want to kill you. Never see me again. An ex-cop wanting an illegal gun? Here's one. What for? Never mind. Let's be friends. You suspect me, but you're wrong. I'm innocent. He's nuts. We're through. Please! Give me a shot! Beat it! Her other's coming. He'll kill you. You raped her. Don't run. If you do, I'll kill you. Either way, you're going to die. No kidding! Dope... Dope... Everybody's crazy. You replace Iwaki? I'm much smarter. Produced by KAZUYOSHI OKUYAMA Screenplay by HISASHI NOZAWA Music by DAISAKU KUME Photographed by YASUSHI SASAKIBARA English TADASHI SHISHIDO Starring TAKESHI ITTOKU KISHIBE MIKIKO OTONASHI TAKESHI HIRAIZUMI SHIRO SANO MAIKO KAWAKAMI HAKURYU Directed by TAKESHI KITANO
LOVE LETTER Cho Jae-Hyun Su-Ae Ji Jin-Hee Episode 1 Would the following person please come forward? Lee Woo-Jin, Andrea Present Do you pledge your respect and dedication to me? Yes, l do Did you enjoy it? lt's Woo-Jin! We ate black bean noodles They were so good Did you eat, Woo-Jin? We got tired of waiting for you So we just ate by ourselves Mom, we didn't wait for him! You didn't want him to eat with us Be quiet! What took you so long? You're making me look like a terrible aunt! l'm sorry You're just like your mom Let's go Hurry up! Thank you Give it to him nicely! Geez He's not a garbage can! What did you say? l'm fine, uncle lt's delicious, aunt Get him a new rice bowl! Why are you yelling at me? You are the one who wasted the family inheritance! Yes, l wasted the inheritance his mom left Which is all the more reason you should be nicer to him Who's inheritance? Why was it his mom's inheritance? lt's my other's! Besides, l'm the one Who took care of him, not her! l worked so hard for him! She's the one who killed him in the end! What a witch! Just keep quiet, you alcoholic! What did you just call me? An alcoholic! How dare you say that to me! What? What did you just say? Right! Do it! l dare you to hit me! lt's all her fault! Dear God, please send us a strong rope lf you want to save us lf not, send us a loose rope And then, God sent a strong rope The siblings climbed up to heaven The other and sister had lost their parents Later, the other became a sun And the sister became a moon And they shined ightly on the world forever The end They lived! Good! lt's bedtime now OK Woo-Jin, when will your rope come down? What? When will it come down? Your parents passed away too And my mom treats you badly That's not true Who says that? The neighbors say my mom treats you badly l wish your rope would come down soon Mom... Hello? ls anybody home? lt's so early Who is it? ls anybody home? Who's there? Who's there? How do you do? Where's Andrea...? l just came back from ltaly Andrea... Are you Woo-Jin? Who are you? Andrea l'm your uncle lt's so pretty lt's so cool! He's your uncle? So he's your mom's other? l guess so You're so lucky, Woo-Jin Can l have this? So will you take him with you? To tell you the truth l'm in no position to take care of him Did you hear that? That means more burdens for us Forgive me Of course, if it's too hard for you l'll take him with me But at this point, l don't know what he'd want lf he decides to stay here What if l send you money each month to cover expenses? Money? My inheritance from my parents l'm not allowed to receive any inheritance lt belongs to Woo-Jin Did you say inheritance? How much could that be? My, my. These look so expensive He must be filthy rich Woo-Jin, do you want to leave this house? l'm sorry l'm sorry, aunt What did l ever do to you? ln case... your uncle tells you to live with him Tell him you wanna stay here Listen to me carefully l've told you what a witch your mom was Your uncle is the same You would probably just end up in an orphanage After how l've raised you... l'm sure you know what l've done for you The coat looks good on you Let's go lt's winter eak What do you do for fun? Sledding Let's go l see you like black bean noodles Yes, l eat this all the time My aunt always buys me this Eat some dumplings too That's OK You don't like dumplings? They're Hee-Jin's favorite Can l get 4 orders of dumplings to go? Yes For your siblings Now you can eat a lot Eat plenty You'd better eat a lot if you're going to win Go! Let's go! Father! Father! Uncle! Uncle... l won Father! You're not going to take your hand away this time, right? Wouldn't you like to come with me? lf you don't want... lf you don't want to live with your aunt anymore l'll stay here My aunt treats me well l have my friends here And there's Hee-Jin l won't go with you l am doing OK All right l understand But l'll come visit you often Thank you for the gifts Did you like them? Which one did you like the most? The toy doctor kit l was worried you would be too old for it But still, l wanted to get it for you Since l wasn't there for you before l felt bad l'm OK l'm happy right now too l want to become a doctor like my dad And like your mom? My mom? Was my mom a doctor too? You didn't know? Was my mom a good person? Yes, of course l see... Thank you What are you so thankful about? Don't cry Don't cry You don't have to cry, Woo-Jin Thank you You don't have to say thank you Thank you Thank you for coming to see me Thank you for coming to find me Thank you for asking me to live with you Thank you for telling me that my mom was a nice person Please take good care of him l'll make sure to do that And please send the ''you know what'' every month Yes... l will Well, goodbye Make sure you call me often And write too Would you like to come along? Woo-Jin, my mom said l can wear this You're growing fast these days You don't need new clothes So give it to him Yes... What are you doing? Get back to work! You can play with this too You'll go to medical school in the future Really? l can play with this too? Of course Give it to me What? Give it to me Not that! That's mine! Yeah right You want to be a doctor, huh? You're too old for this! What are you doing? Let go! Give it to me You at! What do you think you're doing?! Let's go l heard mom gave this to me Looks like it Uncle, what did you call me when you first saw me? Andrea lt was given to you when you were baptized ls that what my mom called me too? Yes, she did Then please call me by that name Andrea Andrea Yes, uncle How much more do we have to go? We're almost there Fine lf you win, l'll tell Father not to make you read alone during the service Really? Have l ever lied to you? But if you lose, promise me you won't lift up Sister Mary's and Sister Gemma's skirts Fine l give you my word man to man You think you're so grown up? And be sure to call me Older Brother from now on Don't even dream about it Shall we start then? One, two, three Andrea! Older Brother, are you OK? Are you hurt? Come on! We gotta get help! Keep calling me Older Brother Father, will it be a girl or a boy? How about his or her personality? l'm not sure yet lt was on such short notice By the way l heard the person dropping off the kid is a doctor A very famous one What's your relationship with her? Sister Gemma, please ask one question at a time ls it that hard? Forgive me, Father l'm curious why you sent Andrea off so suddenly lt might've been nice for him to be here with you When did he leave with the kids? About an hour ago lt'll be a while until they come back Everything's ready, Father We'll excuse ourselves Thank you for everything Father, they're here. This way This is Eun-Ha. Cho Eun-Ha l thank you for taking her in on such short notice, Father Don't fool around or no dinner for you Andrea Do you know the new person who's coming today? l'm not sure l'm curious too Here's your room, come on in You have such a nice complexion Which church do you go to? Do l have to attend one? You don't attend church? What a shame What's so shameful about that? That doesn't matter here Don't worry about it Still, it is a shame There are so many baptismal names for a pretty girl like you Agnes, Veronica, Emma, and Gemma Let's go OK Please get some rest lf you're bored, you can look around the church lt's nice meeting you How have you been all these years? You know the actress Kim Mee-Hee? She was Eun-Ha's mother l was her private doctor We got pretty close You heard about the scandal Her husband's company went bankrupt She collapsed afterwards She lost everything but Eun-Ha ls that the real reason you decided to look after her? ls that the only reason? Sis, l believe there's another reason Let's not go there l think it's because of the guilt over abandoning Andrea You're taking care of her in place of him Yes, l am! Yes, that's true Do you feel better now? ls that what you wanted to hear? Don't you want to see Andrea again? He probably grew up knowing that l died What can l do for him now? l'm already dead in his childhood memory The only thing l can do for him now is to stay that way Please take good care of her, Father Go ahead, ma'am Did the new person arrive? Yes How old? Same as you, high school junior Really? Did he look OK? Yes... Well, no... No? She's a she, not a he Really? l'm not sure if l can make this kind of confession l resent my dad And my mom l don't understand why they left me all alone l just can't believe it l'll never trust anybody again Excuse me... l thought she looked like Kim Mee-Hee No wonder l see why she was wearing all black Who was the person that ought her here? Did you see that person? lt's a lady, right? l saw her iefly in front of the church Did you talk to her? l would have if l'd known she was the person who ought her here ls she our relative? No, she isn't She's just... Somebody l met a long time ago l can't focus on the game tonight Do you mind if we stop? You always do that when l'm winning All right, just for tonight l'll cut you some slack Mom... Can l sit next to you? No, l'm sorry ls this seat taken? The queen has finally asked him What's the big deal? l just wanted to study with him The exam's coming up soon Do you mind? l'm sorry, but it's already taken l see l'm curious to see who sits by you Give me the chance sometime too The teacher's coming Woo-Jin? We have a new student from Seoul Her name is Cho Eun-Ha Please be nice to her Yes! ls there an empty seat? Here Go sit over there No, it's not like that She lives with me, that's all At the Angel's Place? That's an orphanage Woo-Jin's uncle is a priest there Then what about her? lf you're living with her is she your cousin? Hi My name is Jung Mi-Ae l'm not related to him l'm an orphan l just recently became one l just live at that place Oh, l'm sorry... l was just... Anyway, it's nice to meet you l'm sorry You see? They get the wrong idea if you say that Just ignore me Let's go home together Don't l have the right to go home alone? Father Peter told me to walk with you lt's not safe for a girl to go home alone And it'd be worse since you're new here l have no other choice l'm sorry about what happened earlier Are you upset? l just wanted to make you feel at home since it's your first day No, l'm not upset Don't worry about me And stay out of my problems from now on l've got no time to deal with you Yes, l know l can't wait to get out of this place And go to college l know l like to be alone lt's comfortable l know l don't need any friends l know Don't kid yourself How do you know how l feel? You just met me l know You think all orphans are the same? Someone like you who's had no worries will never know What do you want, Woo-Jin? l'm sorry l honestly believe l can feel your pain And l just want to be your friend So no matter what you say l'll keep trying You'll be disappointed Once you get to know me, you will be No, l won't l won't be disappointed no matter what happens An adult can overcome any obstacle Just remember that Starting today that's my new motto Andrea hasn't lived with Father Peter all his life He came here when he was 10 l see So his parents passed away then? No They passed away when he was born He lived with his aunt's family l heard Do you know how skinny he was when he first came? His aunt treated him very cruelly She starved him and abused him She made him do hard labor l couldn't believe the scars on his body! Why are you talking about that? Sister Gemma, can't you ever shut your mouth? Silence! Thanks lt has a pleasant aroma That's Andrea playing l heard he played the harmonica Whenever he was having a hard time as a kid l honestly believe l can feel your pain And l just want to be your friend So no matter what you say l'll keep trying You'll be disappointed Once you get to know me, you will be No, l won't l won't be disappointed no matter what happens See ya after school You're awfully late Take the bicycle Hey, l'm late too because of you What are you waiting for? Aren't we going? Yeah... Don't let go, OK? l wonder if the bike is OK... There'll be a cleaning check before the exam So make sure you clean the classroom thoroughly Yes Another thing: each class will be decorating the pine trees in the front yard Who are the patrols for this week? All right then Study hard for the exam Give it to me. l'll do it Thanks Andrea Can l see you for a minute? Why? Let's step outside for a minute What is it? l've never said this to a guy before l really like you l'd like to be your girlfriend Do l have to give you an answer? Please First of all, l'm flattered But it won't work between us l'm sorry Let's go Let's get something to eat lt's true She's the daughter of the late Kim Mee-Hee, l heard Oh, l see l wondered where she got her looks So it's true? l should look at her closely in class next time But wasn't the actress involved in a lot of scandals? l heard her husband used to be in a gang You won't believe what l heard! ln my old school the girls tied a note with their wishes on it Really? lt was usually about who they had crushes on You are so insensitive How could you talk so honestly to a girl like that? Girls get hurt easily You should've said: ''We're still in school Let's study hard and date when we're in college'' Oh... But even in college l can't do that Can't you just tell a little lie? Nope Let's keep this conversation just between us l already forgot about it My hands are freezing l'll be right back with my gloves You really do look like her What are you talking about? Who do l look like? You tell me, Mi-Ae Who do l look like? Why are you picking on me? l never liked your attitude from the beginning Don't think you're so great You ruined our nice classroom the minute you arrived Stop acting so selfishly! Do you think you're better than us? Mi-Ae, that's enough No, l have more to say! You all also said she looks down on us! Come back to earth, all right? After all, you're only the daughter of some cheap actress You always hit on Andrea Did you learn that from your mom? You all know her mom was always involved in scandals? And l heard your dad was in a gang... Eun-Ha! Why you...! Are you jealous because l'm better than you? Or are you taking it out on me for getting rejected? Eun-Ha! No wonder you got rejected Look at you Mi-Ae l'm really disappointed at you l had no idea you were this kind of person Don't be too mean to Mi-Ae lt wasn't only her fault Eun-Ha's being way too conceited Even the teachers said her mom was trashy Like mother, like daughter How can she beat her up like this for talking about her mom? l guess she takes after her dad l have a confession to make l've hurt somebody l told her that l would be her friend no matter what but l've hurt her badly l'm sorry, Eun-Ha l'm sorry l'm not worthy to be your friend You jerk You said you wouldn't be disappointed in me That you knew everything l went through You said you knew what it feels like to be left alone in this world Leave me alone Just go, OK? Just leave me like everyone else has! Just like my mom and dad... Just go... Leave... Don't go... Please be my friend Keep your word... You said you'd be my friend... That l'm not alone anymore l won't go l'll stay by your side from now on l'll be here for you... For your parents and your friends l promise And he said unto them, take this cup and give unto my disciples Receive a remission of your sins through the shedding of my blood Remember me and do my will Hae-Jung, have you seen Andrea and Eun-Ha? l'm turning it on right now lt's incredible! What do you think? lsn't it great? Yes, it is! What's this? Just like the note you were telling me about l guess so Don't you have a wish, Woo-Jin? A wish? Sure l do First of all l'd like both of us to make it to college next year Me too Promise lt's snowing lt really feels like Christmas Yes, it does Eun-Ha Yeah? Merry Christmas Let's go Dear God, please send us a strong rope if you've decided to save us lf not, send us a loose rope And then, God sent a strong rope The siblings climbed up to heaven The other and sister had lost their parents Later, the other became a sun And the sister became a moon And they shined ightly on the world forever The end Congratulations (Lee Woo-Jin) (Cho Eun-Ha) l see our names Really? Where? Right there Dear Woo-Jin l met you when l was still trying to hide from the world But pretty soon, you helped me find myself At first, l pretended to be mad at you But honestly, l was thankful to you for finding me Because you were the only person Who's ever done that for me From that day on, l wanted to do the same for you And when that day comes l wonder if you'll be just as thankful as l was l wonder if you'll like me just as l like you right now l like you so much that it hurts inside l like you, Woo-Jin l really do Woo-Jin Eun-Ha l have something to tell you l have a confession to make A confession? My heart's about to burst if l don't do it now Will you hear me out? l've always been curious why you called me Woo-Jin While everyone else called me Andrea lt's just... l felt sympathy for the name Woo-Jin Since nobody ever called you by that And l was a little afraid of that name too You knew l'd go with that name for the rest of my life Eun-Ha There's something l decided a very long time ago Since the time l was called Andrea... l've already chosen my path l'm going to become a priest
It's fuckin' cold outside. The guy on the radio said it's gonna get down to 34. It's 34. That's freezing, for Christ sakes. Yo, Chili! What, you spacing? They're closing down the Granville. You know, that theater on Biscayne? That guy owes Momo a couple G's. I know. I was thinkin' maybe Momo should buy it. I could run it for him, show some old Cagney movies. What's Momo gonna want with some oken-down theater that shows movies nobody wants to see anymore? Outside of maybe turning it Into some kind of porno house, he's not gonna give much of a fuck. - I'm gonna go talk to this Chili. - Besides, you already got a job. Yeah... yeah. - Hey, Ray! How you doing? - Yeah, good. You? Okay. Can you believe this weather? Miami Beach, for Christ sakes. Chili Palmer. It's chilly outside, and it's Chili inside. It's a regular fuckin' Chili-fest! How you doing, Ray? Obviously much better than you, Chili. That was a good one. Yeah, yeah. Hey, when you're done staring out the window, I'll meet you back at the office. Hey! Where's my coat? It's not one of these? Do you see a black leather jacket, fingertip length, like the one Pacino wore in Serpico? - 'Cause if you don't, you owe me $379. - Maybe you didn't see the sign. I seen the sign, but I didn't come to sunny Florida to freeze my ass off, you got that? So you either find my coat, or you give me the $379 that my ex-wife paid for it at Alexander's. Wait a minute. Ray Bones took my coat? No, no, he didn't take it. He borrowed it, 'cause, see, somebody took his coat. So Mr. Barboni try this other coat, and it fit him pretty good. That was my coat. He was wearing it to go home, but he's not gonna keep it. My car keys are in that coat. Mr. Barboni is a good customer. You know, he works for Jimmy Capp. I know who he works for. Where's your phone? This way. Are you sure it was Ray Bones that took the coat? That's what the man said. Tomorrow I see on the TV weather it's gonna be nice and warm. - You don't need the coat. - This is it. Get the coat. Just don't piss the guy off, okay? Then we're gonna have to call Momo and straighten the whole thing out, and Momo's gonna be pissed off for wasting his time. We don't need that. Don't worry. I'm not gonna say any more than I have to, if that. It's freezing. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just a minute. What are you, fuckin' nuts? My nose! My nose! Holy shit! Somebody call 9-fuckin'-111! Somebody call 9-fuckin'-111! What do you want me to do, Ray, go to war over a fucking coat? You're lucky the guy didn't kill you. The coat was a Christmas present, for Christ sakes. Now, listen to me, Jimmy. You gotta do something about this guy. He's running amok. And he's got no fuckin' respect for none of us. He's got no respect for you. And I don't gotta do shit! Chili Palmer don't work for me. He works for Momo up in Brooklyn, so as long as Momo's around, nothing happens to Chili Palmer. Do you understand? Over here. We're here, Momo. I hope you guys checked this place out good, 'cause I'm goin' in there alone, and I don't want no fuckin' surprises. Oh, yeah. I checked everything, Momo. Yeah, who is it? - It's Momo. - Get in here. Surprise! What are you tryin' to say... you're never gonna sleep again? No, I said I'm never goin' to bed. There's a difference. This article says that most people die in their beds. I figure as long as I stay out of bed, I'm safe. What? That's the dumbest thing I ever heard of. Where you gonna sleep? In my recliner. You know, the tan one in the TV room. Or I'll go to the coffee shop, slide into a booth, pull my hat down. Hey, how many people you know died in a coffee shop? Cut straight hair in here or just fags? Hey, Bones. That's quite a scar you got on your head. Why don't you have these guys fit you for a rug, cover it up for you? You two geezers take your game to the park. This man is the man. You understand what I'm sayin', motherfucker? He's Mr. Bones, and you speak to Mr. Bones from now on. Come on. You can do better than him, can't you? Not these days. Not unless you speak Spanish. You got a miss. Leo Devoe... he's six weeks over. He's dead. How do you know he's dead? Did he tell you? Yeah, he told me that he was dead. Personally? Yeah, Ray, he personally told me that he got killed in that Getaway jet crash that happened a month ago. Maybe he took out some flight insurance. Go check with his wife. You check it out. It's your book now. He owns some dry cleaning store over on Federal Highway. Let me explain something to you. Momo is dead, which means that everything he had now belongs to Jimmy Capp, including you, which also means that when I speak, I speak for Jimmy... e.g., from now on, you start showing me the proper fucking respect. E.g. means for example. What I think you want to say is i.e. Bullshit, it's short for ergo. Ask your man. To the best of my knowledge, e.g. means for example. E.g., i.e., fuck you. The point is this... when I say, Jump, you say, Okay, okay? Yeah, Ray. Okay. Now, you owe me the dry cleaner's 15 G's, plus the juice, which is another... 2,700. You either get it from his wife or outta your own pocket. I don't give a fuck, but you never hand me a book with a miss. We'll see you, Ray. Go see the dry cleaner's wife. You got three days. I told you not to piss him off that time. You remember... Don't say another fuckin' word, all right? I hate the dry cleaning business. I hate being inside all day around all those machines. Must be hot. You have no idea how hot it is. You know, Fay, I was... I was wondering... did Leo have life insurance? I don't know of any. I trust you, Chili. I think you're a decent type of man, even if you are a crook. Oh, thank you. Thank you, Fay. I wish he really was dead. He's a son of a bitch. Yeah, that's him, all right. Called himself Larry DeMille. Hit on every showgirl in town. He told me he was the Martinizing king of Miami. What a moron. Anyway, you want this guy, he's in L.A. We put him on a plane after he spanked one of my cocktail girls. - Leo spanked a cocktail girl? - Apparently, the way it went... ...he invites her to Santa Anita to play the ponies with him. She tells him what he can do with that. He gives her one on the tush. My guess... he's by his lonesome at the track right now. Hey, Chill, if you decide to go to L.A., this guy owes us 150 grand. 60 days over. Some movie producer. Movie producer? Really? - Yeah. - Yeah. Why not? Appreciate that, man. You're gonna love this guy. Another fuckin' moron. Harry Zimm. All right. Thanks a bunch. - Where is it? - It's right there. Well, what is that? - It's an Oldsmobile Silhouette. - I ordered a Cadillac. Oh, well, yeah, that's the Cadillac of minivans. Are you kidding me? Hey, you want, La Tijera Car Rental is right over there, but I think all they got Is Rabbit convertibles. Guess I'll take the Cadillac of minivans. Harry! Harry, goddamn it, wake up! Wake up. Somebody's downstairs. - What's wrong? - Somebody's downstairs. Be quiet. Listen! - I don't hear anything. - Right there. It's the television. When I came upstairs, you stayed downstairs to finish your drink. I told you to turn off the television when you were through. I also told you you could sleep in the maid's room. Yeah, well, I did that. I turned the television off with the remote thing, then I laid it on the floor. You know what could've happened? The dog came in, stepped on it and turned the television back on. I don't have a dog, Harry. You don't? What happened to Muffy? Harry, are you gonna go down there or do you want me to do it? No, I'm going. Hurry! Anybody skimmin' the pool? It needs it. I'm goin', I'm goin'. I've gotta go to the bathroom. All right, I'm going. I'm going. Jesus. Do you have one of those satellite dishes? No satellite dishes. Now, where I live... how many channels do you get of television? Oh, probably 40, 50 channels. Are you on the information superhighway? No, not yet. Where I live... and I get all of the premium services on my cable... I get 2,800 different channels. 2,800 channels? No kidding. - If I wanted, I could... - Harry Zimm. Jesus Christ! How you doing? I'm Chili Palmer. Jesus! If I have a heart attack, I hope you know what to do. Where you been, Harry? Have we met? I don't recall. We just did. I told you, my name's Chili Palmer. You're in pictures, right? Did you ever stop to think what would happen if I had a heart attack? - Look at me, Harry. - I'm looking at you. I want you to keep looking at me, right here. Well, that's what I'm doin'. You know Dick Allen? Mesa's Casino? That's what this is. You're a collector for the fucking casino. You come in here in the middle of the night. I thought you were an actor auditioning, for Christ sakes. We'll see about this. Operator, let me have Las Vegas information. Harry, let me give you some advice. You don't want to act like a hard-on, you're standing there in your undies. What you want to do is sit down and talk to me. - Harry, a marker is like a check. - I know what a marker is. They don't want to deposit yours and have it bounce. That annoys them. And your dear friend Dick Allen's been calling you, leaving messages on your machine, and you haven't gotten back to him, so he asked me, as a favor, to look you up. I follow you here, and I see you in a window with a woman, looks a lot like Karen Flores, the actress from Grotesque. You're not looking at me, Harry. Why do I have to keep looking at you? Because I want you to. So now you're gonna get rough, huh? I make good by tomorrow, or you're gonna eak my legs? Come on, Harry. Mesa's? Tell Dick Allen I'll cover those markers in the next 60 days at the most. If he doesn't like it, then that's his problem, the fucking prick. So, you want me to call you a cab? So you make movies, huh? I produce feature motion pictures. No TV. You mentioned Grotesque before? That happens to be Grotesque, Part ll that Karen Flores was in. She also starred in three of my Slime Creatures releases. You may have seen them. I got an idea for a movie. Yeah, what did this guy look like? You can't imagine what a pathetic little guy! Is he one of these with the Bermuda shorts and the black socks? No, no. Wait for this. Okay. Leo, right? He would wear, like, plaid wool hats in Miami in the middle of the summer. He doesn't want anyone to think that he's bald, right, so he'd be wearing a fuckin' cap! Say hello to Chili Palmer. Chili, this is Karen Flores. It's a pleasure to meet you, Karen. How'd you get in the house? He's just telling me an idea for a movie. It's not bad so far. Sit down, have a drink. Tell Karen. See what she thinks. - Maybe you didn't hear me. - I came in the back door. You oke in? Well, it was open. Wasn't locked. Well, what if it were? You want to hear this idea? It's about this dry cleaner that scams the airline out of 300 grand. Tell her. It's simple. It's basically about a guy who owes a shylock $15,000, and he's about three weeks over on the vig. - That's the interest you have to pay. - I know what vig is. Anyway, this dry cleaner... let's call him Leo, all right? He's scared. He doesn't know any better. He leaves town. So Leo gets on the plane, but the plane sits there... it doesn't move. They announce over the PA system there's some kind of mechanical problem. They'll be there maybe an hour, But keep your seats in case they get it fixed sooner. So the guy's nervous and in no shape just to sit there, sweat it out, so he gets off the plane, he goes into the cocktail lounge, and he starts throwing them down, one after another. As a matter of fact, he's still in the lounge when the plane crashes on takeoff. When the guy finds out it was his flight, he can't believe it. If he had stayed on the plane, he'd be dead. Right now, he knows his luck has changed. If everybody thinks he's dead, he won't have to pay back the 15 or what he owes on the vig. Keep going. Come on. Since Leo's name was on the passengers list, they ing his wife out to the airport, where they're going through personal effects, whatever wasn't burned up. Leo's bags were on the plane, so the wife tells them what to look for... things only she would know about. Oh, my Leo! My Leo! So a couple of days go by, and the people from the airline come out to see his wife. They tell her how sorry they are and all that their plane exploded, and they offer her a settlement, the amount based on what he would've earned operating the dry cleaners the rest of his life. So how much is the wife offered? 300 grand. So they take it. You know, money in the hand, babe. So he gets his wife to cash the check, and he takes off for Vegas with the dough. He gets there and he's supposed to call her... you know, let her know when to come out. She never hears from him again, but he's hot. He runs the 300 grand up to half a million. Then he comes back to L. A... But it's driving the guy nuts because he's winning and he can't tell anybody who he is. So we show in a back story his motivation, his desire to be famous. He's got the dough to buy his way in... mix with the celebs... and he can't resist, so then he comes to L.A. I don't know about the mixing with cele ities. I mean, that's something new that was just added. But yeah, he comes to L.A., and I don't know what happens after that. What? That's it? That's your movie? I said I had an idea for a movie. That's half a movie with holes in it... maybe 40 minutes of screen time. You don't have a girl... a female lead... and on top of that, you don't have anybody to sympathize with. - You don't have a good guy. - The shylock is the good guy. The shylock is barely mentioned. It's not believable that the wife would get a settlement that fast. Harry doesn't realize it's a true story. That Miami flight that went down was on the news every day for about a week. Harry must have been busy. - That's where you got the idea? - Part of it, yeah. You're not the guy, are you... the dry cleaner? Leo. You wouldn't be talking to me if you were. No, I'm not the guy, Harry. But you do work for the casino? Oh, for God's sakes, Harry! He's the shylock. That right? That's what you do for a living? That's what I did for a living until recently. But after I'm done here, I don't know what I'm gonna do next. Well, I got an early call. No problemo, babe. Go on up to bed. What I'm saying, Harry, is that I would like you and your new buddy to get out of my house. Oh, yeah, well, sure. It was absolutely a pleasure to meet you, Karen. I guess in your line of work, there's times you have to get kinda rough, huh? You know, in case one of your customers don't pay? - They always pay. - Yeah? You pack a gun? Not really. You ever been arrested? Well, I've been picked up for loan sharking and racketeering, but never convicted, no. I'm clean, Harry. Racketeering. That covers a lot of ground doesn't it? Get to the point, Harry. You want me to do something for you. That's us. Good girl. Don't say nothing to me. Just sit down and act like you're waiting for somebody that's supposed to meet you. What the fuck you talkin' about? Don't nobody know me here. - Give me the fuckin' money. - Sit down. Now, be looking. The man over to your right in the blue wool shirt, hanging out... The other way. Derecho. That's a federal officer... most likely D.E.A. He moves his leg, you look for the bulge. You savvy bulge? Good. That's his backup piece. Hey, try it without looking right at him if you can. - What's your name? - Yayo Portillo. All right, Yayo, you know he's there. Just forget about him. I'm gonna get up. Soon as I'm gone, you sit down in this same seat I'm in. You'll feel something under your ass. That's a key to a locker where your half million is, along with some product we're returning. Powder's been stepped on so many times, it's baby food. You're supposed to give me the money yourself. Try to be cool, Yahoo. I told you where it is. You do it just how I told you, and you have a safe trip home. What'd you have for eakfast, baby? What'd you have for eakfast? How come you weigh so much? You have a burrito? Give it to the nice lady. There you go. Sorry. Getting chocolate all over you. Say thank you. Bye-bye. Hi. Like fucking clockwork, huh, Bear? Hi, Bo. Hey, Farrah. You ready to go for a ride, sweetie? Yeah. Told you to watch your mouth around my daughter. The white zone is for loading and unloading only. These guys, my investors, they run a limo service. They came to me originally, put some money in a few of my pictures. Did okay. They're happy. This was back a few months ago when I was planning what would be my next picture, about this band of killer circus freaks that travel around the country leaving bodies in their wake. There's a 700-pound fat lady has a way of seducing guys... gets them in her trailer. Harry, look at me. You're trying to tell me that you fucked up without sounding stupid, and that's hard to do. Let's talk about where you're at, okay? You blew 200 grand of these limo guys' money on a football game in Vegas, and you didn't tell them. Now, why? They don't seem like the type of guys that would take it with any understanding or restraint. First thing they'd do is eak my legs. You got that on the ain, but if you were so scared, why did you take it to Vegas to begin with? I needed a half million dollars to buy a script. - A movie script? - Blockbuster, but quality. No mutants or maniacs. This is gonna be my Driving Miss Daisy. Murray Saffrin, the guy that wrote it... did all my Grotesque pictures... had it in his drawer for 20 years. He shows it to me one day, and he says he's got a major star interested, would I produce it? Which star? Two-time Academy-award nominee Martin Weir. That's Martin Weir. He's the one that played the mob guy turned snitch in Cyclone. One of his best parts. His best part was when he played the crippled gay guy that climbed Mount Whitney. Ride the Clouds. Good picture. That woman... she looks familiar. She's a rock star. Every day, same time, they come down here and have eakfast. He faces west so he can see his billboard. She faces east as an excuse to wear her shades. Unbelievable. Anyway, Murray has a shrink who happens to be Martin's personal trainer's shrink. Murray gives the shrink the script. The shrink gives it to Martin's trainer, who reads it to Martin as they work out. - Martin loves it. He flips. - So, what's the problem? The problem is Murray. Heart attack. Doris, Murray's widow, she finds out about this Martin Weir thing, and because Murray and I never had a written contract, she wants half a million bucks for the script. You want me to put you next to my dry cleaner so he can invest in your movie. That, or I was thinking, what if some tragic accident were to befall the widow Saffrin? No, Harry, I'm not gonna pop her, okay? It was just a thought. I tell you what I can do. I can meet with these limo guys, tell them to leave you alone for a while, make the point in a way they can understand. You don't know these guys. Believe me, I know them a whole lot better than you do. I once asked this literary agent what kind of writing paid the best. He said ransom notes. Ransom notes. Here it is... Mr. Lovejoy. Lovejoy sits behind the wheel, watching a bar across the street, getting his video camera... What, is he following someone? Read it. It's a grabber. Harry, I think your investors are here. - Oh, Jesus. - All right, this is the plan. I want the limo guys to sit in these chairs, not on the couch. You got that? Yeah. No. Keep the blinds open. I want the light in their eyes. I'm gonna sit at the desk. I don't want you to introduce me. Just start talking. I want you to stand here behind them as they sit down, you understand? They'll be looking at you, but they don't know who you are. They'll be saying, Who is this guy? But you don't say anything. Do not tell them who I am, okay? - I gotta say something to them. - No, you don't. Don't say any more than you have to, unless you want to say something like, Glad you assholes stopped by. Now I can straighten you out. You're kidding, right? Just say the movie's been postponed a year, but don't tell them why. Whatever you do, don't say anything about Mr. Lovejoy, you got that? All right. Let's go. - Hey, Ronnie. - Hey, Harry. Hi. Wow! What year is it, man? We enter a time warp? I feel like I'm in Hollywood of yesteryear. - Have a seat right there. - Cool. This is my associate Chili Palmer. He's gonna be working with me. Just so there's no misunderstanding, despite the rumors you might have heard, your investment in Freaks is just as solid as the day you signed your participation agreement. I can hear you, man, but where the fuck are you? Right here. What I've been wondering is, where's he been? Yeah. Where you been, Harry? We haven't heard from you lately. New York. I was interviewing actors, scouting locations. The main thing is that Freaks is gonna be put off for a couple of months. - A couple of months? - Yeah. Just a couple of months. We need more... prep. Hey, Harry, bullshit, man. We have an agreement with you. No, no, we're gonna do this picture. We are going to do this picture. I just have another project to do first, one I've promised this guy for years. I want to see your books, Harry. Just show me where it is... a two with five zeros after it in black and white. I want to see your books, I want to see your fuckin' bank statements... Hey, Ronnie, look at me. You have a piece of a movie, that's all. Not a piece of Harry. If he wants to do another movie this year, that's how it's gonna be. Excuse me, o, but who the fuck are you? I'm the one telling you how it is. Catlett. What is this other movie you're doing first, Harry? - Let me show... - Harry, let me answer this one. First of all, who am I talking to... am I talking to him or am I talking to you? You can talk to me. That's what I thought. Let me put it this way. Outside of Freaks, it's none of your fuckin' business what we do. Oh! Here it is right here. This is the project... Mr. Lovejoy. I don't want you guys to think that I'm trying to put something over on you. Mr. Loveboy... what is it, Harry... a porno flick? It's fluff. You wouldn't be interested in it. You think we go to see your movies? I've seen better film on teeth. It makes no difference to me which one our money's in, so how about you just take our 20 points out of Freaks and put 'em in this other one, this Mr. Loverboy. No. I can't do that. You're positive about that? Yeah. It's a different kind of deal. It's... structured. Okay. Then be good enough to hand us our money back, or you think about us coming in on this new deal. You let us know. By Friday, man, or you're fuckin' dead as disco. You hear me? Take your time, Harry. We're not animals, are we, Ronnie? What? What? Maybe I wasn't clear, but I thought I told you to keep your mouth shut. I had to tell them something. Harry, never say anything unless you have to. You asked me to get these guys off your back, and the next thing I know, you're saying, Have a piece of Mr. Lovejoy. I couldn't believe my fuckin' ears. I told them that I would think about it. In this town, what does that mean? Nothing. Well, that's the difference between you and me, Harry. I say what I mean. If I want something from someone, I ask them straight out. If I want Martin Weir, I go get Martin Weir. I don't fuck around with his trainer's shrink. Shrink's trainer. Take me back to my car. - Yeah? - Tommo, Chili. Hey, where you been? I been calling all over for you. Ray Bones is looking for you. Where the hell are you? - I'm in L.A. Now. - What are you doing out there? I'm going into the movie business. I'm thinking about producing. What the fuck do you know about making movies? I don't think the producer has to know much. I think you're full of shit or a chump. I gotta go. Call me when you know more about Ray Bones. Karen, how you doing? What are you doing here? Listen, I wanted to come by and apologize for eaking in the way I did last night. Let me get this straight. You oke in again to apologize for eaking in before? No, no. Your patio door was open. You shouldn't do that. You got a lot of nice things in this house. Well, make sure you lock it on the way out. You had a bad day, huh? I spent all day crawling out of a grave. The director said I was incapable of reaching the emotional core of the character. What? Obviously, he didn't see you in Bride of the Mutant. You saw that one? When you turn to the camera and you say to the alien mother that her time on Earth is finished, Joan Crawford on her best day wished that she had had in her day, the emotion, the intensity that you had in that scene. Well, that was a good scene... I mean, for a horror movie. No, for any movie. I know I'm better than what I've been doing all these years, walking around in fuck-me pumps and a tank top, waiting till it was time to scream. - Yeah, but what a scream. - Yeah, it's a real gift. Look, all I'm sayin' is, it would be nice to get the chance to say one great line, like in that great Bette Davis movie Cabin in the Cotton, where she walks up to the guy on the porch, gives him a flirty look, and says, I'd kiss you, but I just washed my hair. Great line. How come you don't do movies with Harry anymore? 'Cause I married the great Martin Weir. He was a full-time job. Have you read Harry's new script? No. He says it's the best thing he's ever read. He must mean after Slime Creatures llI. Was that why Harry came over last night... to ask you to help him put Martin in a movie? Harry's dreaming of a $40 million production he'll never get off the ground with a star he'll never sign with or without my help. - He said Martin flipped over it. - Martin's known for his flipping. He flips over a script, then when it comes time to make a deal, he flips out. Why don't I go over to Harry's office and pick you up a copy of the script, and you can read it yourself, see what you think? - Don't go out of your way. - No, no. It's nothing. I better go have a talk with Leo, my runaway dry cleaner. Right. See how your story ends. You know, that movie Touch of Evil is playing near my hotel. We could go check it out if you want, go watch Charlton Heston be a Mexican. That's all right. Another time. See ya around. See ya. Hi. My name is Ray. I'm a friend of Chili Palmer's. Have you spoken with Mr. Palmer since your husband blew up? Oh, uh... once or twice. And what was it you talked about? - Nothing really. This and that. - This and that? I want us to be friends, I really do, and we all know that friends don't hit each other... unless they have to. So what do you say we start all over again, and you tell me exactly what the fuck is goin' on. Huh? Okay? Good evening, sir. And a very good evening to you, too, sir. Thank you. Leo, look at me. I'd have never thought you'd be so dumb, leaving over 300 grand in the closet under an extra blanket, but I guess you are. I didn't know where else to keep it. Where would you? - How about a bank? - No. They'd report it to the IRS. You don't open an account. You put it in a safe deposit box, you dip in it whenever you want. - How did you know that I was here? - I'll give you another tip. Next time you write to your wife, don't use hotel stationery. It was Fay, wasn't it, told you about the money? What, she tell you my whole life history, for Christ sake? Leo, I'm here to save your ass. How? By taking my money? No. You get to keep the money that you won today. That's yours. It's all mine. Leo, sit down. I don't know how you got this far, you're so fuckin' dumb, but you're through, and I'm gonna explain why. I hope you're not so dumb that you won't understand. Ray Bones is the man that you're dealin' with now, and when Bones finds out what you did, he's gonna take everything, including the sporty little hat you got on your head, and then most likely he'll shoot you so you won't tell on him. Now, I'm not gonna do that. I'm not gonna hurt you. Now, you've got $310,000 in the bag here. I'm gonna take the 300 you scammed from the airlines, and the ten that's left over, I'm gonna borrow from you and pay back at another time. Wait. You take all my money, but you're borrowing part of it? At 18. Now, don't ask another fuckin' question. I'm leaving now. But you won't know where I am. I mean, I don't even know where I'll be. I'll find you, Leo. You leave a trail like a fuckin' caterpillar. Hey. Hey, wait a minute. What's this 18 a year shit? You want to borrow 10, the vig is three bills a week. That's 15 for the vig plus the 10. That's 25 big ones, you go the whole year, buddy. Hey, you hear me? This is good, this Mr. Lovejoy. It needs a better ending, but, yes, I can see why Harry wants to do it. You understand, I knew Harry was lying, saying this wasn't any good but holding on to it like, man, you'd have to eak his fingers to get it away from him. That's funny, because I was thinking, What am I gonna have to eak of yours to get it away from you? Now, I'm explaining to you what I'm doing here, in case you thought I came to rob the place or rip off any of this dusty old shit that the man has. I wouldn't make you out to be a burglar. Not in that outfit. Harry called you his associate. What does that mean? I never heard your name or read it in The Hollywood Reporter or Variety or anyplace. Just what he said. I'm his associate. You must ing something heavy to the deal. I do. Me. It says here you're getting Martin Weir for the part of Lovejoy? - That's right. We're getting Martin. - Come on. How you gonna do that? I'm gonna take a gun, I'm gonna put it to his head, and I'm gonna say, Sign the fuckin' papers, Martin, or you're dead. That's it. I wonder... would that work? You know who I see for the part of Al Roxy? Harvey Keitel. Man could play it in his sleep. He was pretty good in that movie Fingers. Missed that one. You know who else? Morgan Freeman. You know Morgan's work? Morgan Freeman. He's a colored guy, though. So what? Where does it say in the script the man's got to be white? Color's what the part needs, man. You need somebody to do it with some style. What do you think of the script? The first thing that's gotta go is the title. This writer's name, Murray Saffrin, would be better than Lovejoy. I'm with you on that one. You know what I'm thinking? Why don't you and I, we sit down, we write the script over where it needs it. You could write one of these? There's nothing to it. All you do, you get an idea, you set down what you want to say on paper, then hire somebody else to fill in the commas and shit where they belong if you're not positive yourself. Maybe fix up the spelling where you have some tricky words... although I've seen some scripts, I know the words weren't spelled right, there was hardly any commas in it at all! So I don't think that's too important. All right, you get to the end. You write in fade out. You're done. - That's it. - That's all there is to it? Then what the fuck do I need you for? Because I'm offering my services on this one, man. I'll tell you what. If I need a ride sometime, I'll let you know. How could you arrest me here? This is my country. This is where you're gonna die. That wasn't no misfire. That was just to turn you around. I don't wanna shoot you in the back. Unless you'd rather... try to run for it. Schwartz, is she there? Did you ing my wife? She's in the car. They've got it all on tape. - You sure you got enough? - Go play it back. You'll see. - How many did you frame? - You better give me that gun. Okay, here it is. That's the second bullet I stopped for you. You're goin' down, Orson. Isn't somebody going to come and take him away? Yeah, in just a few minutes. You really liked him, didn't you? The cop did. - The one who killed him. - He loved him. Hank was a great detective, all right. But a lousy cop. Is that all you have to say for him? He was some kind of a man. What does it matter what you say about people? Good-bye, Tana. Adios. Wow, huh? You been here the whole time? No. I just caught the end. You know, Welles didn't even want to do this movie. He had some studio contract he couldn't get out of, but sometimes you do your best work when you got a gun to your head. Yeah. I ought you a copy of the script. I already read it. Harry left a copy at the house. - How did you like it? - It's not horrible. I don't like the title and I don't like some of the characters in it. - So you read it. - I haven't read it, but I will. - You and Harry'll make a great team. - Is that right? Listen, I'm gonna make a deal with him. Oh, good, you found a character you like for yourself? No. I don't want to act in it, I want to produce it, especially if I help him get Martin. Hey, that's fair, huh? Yeah. So, what do you get out of it? Is that why you come down here, to ask me that? I want to know. Why would anyone want to be in the movies? Yesterday you were a loan shark. Yeah, but I was never that into it, especially this bullshit about having respect. Forget about it. It's bad enough treating these guys like they're your heroes, smiling at stupid comments they think are so funny. You think the movie business is any different? Yeah, but I like movies, and I figure if I help Harry make a movie, I'll find out what to do outside of raising money and having an idea. That doesn't sound so hard. I mean, I was in on the money business, and I have a lot of ideas floatin' around in my head. Listen, I'm gonna talk to Martin tomorrow morning. I told Harry that I'd meet you and him at the Abiquiu restaurant afterwards. This just might work out. - You never know. - Just might. Adios. I spent eight hours at the airport looking at people's bulges. I don't like that. This is not the way we do business. You two do not know who you are messing with. Listen to me. I don't want no fucking key, okay? I want the money. You gonna smoke, you get the hell off my $70-a-yard carpet. Now, I told you where the money is. All you got to do is go and get it. No. I tell you something. I go to that airport, and I open that locker and they bust me, I tell them I come to get something for you. - That's all I know. - That's all you know, huh? - That's all I know. - Wait here. I'll be back directly. Keep an eye on Yahoo for me. That's the way you get things done. What the fuck you gonna do with that? I'm taking you out, Yahoo. You see that... the way the man just went right over? Maybe we could get Chili Palmer up here. You could fix my railing to give way like they do in the movies. I invite the man up here to have a look at my view, get him to lean over the railing... That's the dumbest idea I ever heard. Here's the thing, Bear. I want to produce movies. What's the point of living in L.A. Unless you're in the movie business? And I mean high up in it. That's the reason why Harry's gonna produce this Mr. Lovejoy with me, not Chili Palmer. I can't believe this map is accurate. I bought it for ten bucks from a kid sitting on a lawn chair on Sunset. You were supposed to meet me at the restaurant. I know, but look at this... it says, Martin Weir's house, across the street from George Hamilton. That must be George... Nicole? Jesus, it is you! It's Nicki now. I don't believe this! - I know her. - Hi, Nicki. Karen, shit, I didn't see you there. How are you? Come in, baby. You got to come in. You gotta meet Martin. Where have you been? What have you been doing? Chili was the only one at Momo's didn't try to hit on me. Oh, what a gentleman. - Do you like my hair? Black? - Oh, nice. Especially under the arms. Martin won't let me shave. Guess I fill some need... takes him back to the '60s or something. Speak of the devil. - Karen, look at you. - Hi, Martin. You smell so good. She always smells so good. - Neat. Martin, this is Chili Palmer. - Chili, is it? Nice to meet you, Martin. Chili's a gangster... ran a club I used to play at for another gangster back in Miami. How is Momo these days anyway? - Dead. - Bummer. I'll let you get to your movie talk. Chili, do not leave without saying good-bye to me. So? You know how beautiful you are? You really are beautiful. I'm sitting here. I'm... ...looking at you and having flashbacks of memories of us. Really? Yeah, and I'm wondering... how did it go wrong? How did it all slip away? It didn't slip away, Martin. You did when you went off to fuck Nicki at my birthday party. Yeah. That was a good party. Marty, you were so good in that movie The Cyclone. Martin. Yeah. It was a beautiful role. All I had to do was find the character's center... the stem I used to wind him up... and he'd play, man. He'd just play. You had that down cold. If I didn't know better, I'd have thought you was a made guy. - Thank you. - I mean, no acting there, right? And the fink part. Oh, man. Jesus Christ. I never met a fink, and I hope to God I never do, but the way you played a fink, that's how it's gotta be, right? Yeah, yeah. Two weeks before we started shooting, I went back to Bensonhurst just to hear you guys talk. See, I'm Italian, but I grew up in Tarzana, so I wanted to get the rhythms of your speech, you know. Oh, we speak differently? Well, it's more like your attitude, your tone. Your speech patterns demonstrate a certain confidence in yourselves, in your opinions, your indifference to conventional views. You know, it's like... - Like we don't give a shit. - Yeah, kind of. Yeah. Anyway, once I get the authentic sounds of speech, the rhythms, the patois, you know, I can actually get into their heads. I can actually think the way those guys do. Get inside. - Really? - Yeah. I'm one of those guys. What am I thinking? Well, don't get me wrong. An actual metamorphosis doesn't take place. That wouldn't be acting. So you don't know what I'm thinking? No, I don't, but I have to say I'm curious. So you want to know what I'm thinking? - Yeah, if you want to tell me. - I'm thinking about a movie. One of mine? No, one that we're producing. With what, wise-guy money? Hmm? Maybe this wasn't such a good idea. No. Look, Martin, I'm not connected to that anymore... not since I left that loan-sharking operation in Miami. What's the matter... pressure got too much for you? Pressure? I'm the one who applied the pressure. Oh, yeah? Now, Martin, can I ask you a question? You're an actor. Actors like to pretend, right? We've been known to make believe. Pretend this. You're a shylock. A guy owes you 15 grand. He skips town. He takes off. What do you do? Oh, Martin, for Christ sake. Just... you know... I'm doing Shylock instead of a shylock. Right. All right, what's my motivation? The acquisition of money. To collect. To inflict pain if I have to. Guy splits with 15 large of my money, I go after him! What the hell you think I'd do? - Martin, look at me. - I am looking at you. No, look at me the way I'm looking at you. Put it in your eyes. You're mine, asshole, without saying it. Okay. How about this? What are you telling me, that you're sleepy? That you want to go to bed? All right. Wait, wait. Okay. Now you're squinting like you need glasses. Well, what do you... what do you... - Look at me. - What? What I'm thinking is, You're mine. I fuckin' own you. But what I'm not doing is feeling one way or another about it. You see, you're not a person to me. You're an entry in my book, that's all. You're just a guy who owes me money. All right. How about this? Ooh. Wow. Not bad, not bad. - No wonder you're Martin Weir. - Oh, yeah. That's what I think of you, asshole. Nothin'. I believe it. I believe it. So I turn this on when I confront the guy? You haven't found him yet, because he split for Las Vegas. - How do I know that? - Because his wife told you. Oh, his wife told me. Okay. - Harry, how you doing? - Bo, hi. Great. I'm expecting some people. You must be doing some big deals, doing lunch in a place like this. Yeah, I'm working on a few things. I hear you bagged Martin Weir for Mr. Lovejoy. This town. Boy, word gets around, doesn't it? Chili Palmer told me... last night, when he called me over to your office to talk about it. Chili Palmer showed you my script? Yeah. I was wondering why he would do that. So the wife sues the airline. This is some gutsy babe. Good-looking, too... like Karen. So when do I meet up with the husband and give him the look? That's not so simple. There's a mob guy. Real hard-on. You owe him money. And he's after you, wants to take you out because you oke his nose and shot him. Right, right. Go ahead. Keep going. Well, at this point, basically that's gotta be it. You mean that's all you're gonna tell me? Actually, Martin, the reason we came by was to talk about Mr. Lovejoy. We understand that you read the script, that you loved it, you flipped. Refresh my memory. Listen, Harry, how'd you like to get your hands on $500,000? You pay me back at your convenience with no interest. Are you serious? All I want in return is to work on this movie with you. In fact, I've already got some strong ideas on how to fix it up. Gentlemen, can I get you anything else? Let's get another one for Mr. Zimm. Double. You're just gonna give me this 500 grand? We'll talk about that, Harry, but first I gotta know... how'd you hook up with this Chili Palmer? Yeah, Mr. Lovejoy, it was good. I'll call Buddy and set up a meeting. - All right. Who's Buddy? - Lufkin, his agent. Karen knows him. - But you are interested? - Yeah, I'm intrigued. It might help you if you take another look at The Cyclone... the way a visual fa ic is maintained while the metaphor plays on different levels. Hey, Chili, is this your ride? Yeah. I like to sit up high, check everything out. I mean, it is the Cadillac of minivans. Yeah. Check this out. Wow. You mind if I take it for a spin? He was watching Letterman, huh? Sneaky, that Chili Palmer. So, did he ever find that dry cleaner, the one with all that money on him? Leo? I don't know. I bet he did, but he ain't giving you one penny of it to help you out... not the way I am. Assuming I go along with this, when could I have the 500 grand? Whenever you want. The money's in one of those jock bags in $100 bills out at the airport, just waiting in a locker to be picked up. At the airport, huh? It was waiting out there on a deal that didn't go through, Harry, one that you don't want to know about. I don't know. L... All right, it's not the kind of thing you do. So I'm thinking, why not send your boy Chili Palmer? If he gets busted, hit on the head, you aren't out a thing, Harry. C-18. Magic number. I don't think so. I'm positive. It was Susan Hayward. No, no. It was Rita Hayworth and Glenn Ford... Excuse me, Harry. Wait here. I'd like you to meet my associate Bear... movie stuntman, champion weight lifter, as you might have noticed. Throws things out I don't want. I think you oughtta turn around and go back to Miami. - You're a stuntman? - Yeah. You any good? Am I any good? That's not bad for a guy his size. I'll make you a deal. If you can get outta here before I take my coat off, I won't clean up the floor with you and mess up your pretty little costume. You don't know me. You only think you do. That guy is a stuntman. Yeah. He was in Creatures ll. Rough business, this movie business. I may have to go back to loan-sharking just to take a rest. Harry, what are you still doing with those guys? He happens to be loaning me $500,000... no strings. I can write any kind of agreement I want. Cash or check? Cash, and it happens to be sitting at the airport in a locker at this moment. A locker at the airport? Harry, Jesus Christ, tell me you're not really that stupid. You're being set up, Harry. You pulled him out of that Freaks deal. Now he's paying you back. Is that right? He's setting me up? Why is it that Catlett said I should send you to the airport to pick it up, since you haven't done a fucking thing for me since you got involved in this except show Bo Catlett my script? You're right, Harry, you're not the one being set up. At least Bo has invested in three of my movies. Harry, we spoke with Martin. - We? - Chili and me. Really? He asked us to call Buddy, set up a meeting. A meeting... you and Karen? Guy's been in town two days, and already he thinks he's David O. Fuckin' Selznick. Okay, Mr. O. Selznick, should I make my deal with Bo, or are you finally gonna help me out and have a talk with your dry cleaner if you find him? I found him, but forget about Leo's money, Harry. Do you have it? If I gave you Leo's money, you'd have Ray Bones all over your ass, and that's a whole new kind of trouble. Who? Ray Barboni... he lives in Miami. He owns Leo now that Momo's dead. Who the fuck is Momo? Jesus Christ! Where do you get these names? I'll tell you what I'll do for you, Harry. I'll go out to the airport tomorrow morning when it's crowded. I'll check it out. If there's no problem, I'll get you your money. But I wouldn't get my hopes up, Harry. Maybe I should call this Ray Barboni character and see if he wants to invest in my movie. Don't waste your time, Harry. He's not a movie fan. Now, come on, give me the key. Oh, Harry. You tell him he's gotta be outta there by five in the morning. Because the actor will only work one night, that's why. I gotta go. Yeah. Coming. - Who is it? - Me. - Oh, fuck! - I heard that. Hello, Doris. Harry Zimm, you look like a wet kiss. Well, aren't you gonna offer me whatever it is you taste like? Come in, Doris. My favorite color... putty. Yeah, I like it. What do you want, Doris? - I miss Murray, Harry. - Yeah, I miss him, too. A hell of a good writer, you know. I should know. I discovered him. Made him what he was. What he was was a hack. He couldn't get a job writing for anybody but you. I'm being honest. He was a lousy writer, but he was a good husband. I just didn't know until it was too late. Yeah, well, 20/20 hindsight and all that. You know what they say. I hate being alone. The house is so quiet, so lonely. It needs... a man's touch. Nice necklace, Doris. I don't know how I feel about this. You seem to feel fine about it. I mean morally. You know, Murray was a friend. Murray's dead. Does this mean that you're gonna reconsider our deal on Mr. Lovejoy? No, but now that you mention it, I did talk to a gorgeous young executive over at Paramount the other day who just happened to get his hands on the script. What did he say? He said if Martin's interested, I can get half a million for it, easy. Oh, don't worry, Harry. - I'm still gonna give you till Friday. - How honorable of you. You want me to go? Just say so. What the hell. Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck! - What? - Ray Barboni? Who is this? Is this the guy they call Ray Bones? - It depends. Who is this? - Who is this? This is the one telling you the way it is. Okay, asshole? Now, you want your 300 grand or don't you? What 300 grand are you talking about? The 300 grand a guy named Leo Devoe scammed off an airline. The 300 grand that Chili Palmer now has in his possession. Hello? Are you there? Yeah, yeah, I'm here. I just don't like this anonymous crap. It means you're either a big chickenshit, or you're not for real. Trust me, I am very for real. Okay, then, so who are you? I happen to work for Harry Zimm, all right? Who? Harry Zimm. The man happens to be a major Hollywood player. I never heard of him. Maybe that's because you've never been out of fuckin' Miami, dipshit. Maybe you oughtta get on a plane, come out to L.A., take a meeting with Mr. Zimm. Okay, so this Zimm guy... what is he asking for, a finder's fee or something? Is that what we're talking about here? Hey, Zimm don't ask for dick. Zimm tells you the way it is... or else. Or else what? Or else use your fuckin' imagination! Excuse me. I was wondering if you could help me out. I got a gift in here for my wife. It's a surprise. I was wondering if you could put this in locker C-17 for me. Ten bucks. Take you two minutes. Yeah, okay. You'll need some of this. You gotta make it quick, though. She's in the john. C-17. Good man. Excuse me! Let's go, boys. Excuse me, sir. Agent Curtis, Drug Enforcement. These are Agents Dunbar and Morgan. - Would you come with us, please? - Jesus Christ, what's going on? Let's just follow him and behave ourselves, what do you say? Mr. Barbone? Welcome to LA. I'm Bobby, your driver. Did you have a good flight? I hope you drive better than you fuckin' spell, jack-off. The name is Barboni, not Barbone, okay? You want to go to the hotel first, Mr. Escobar? I want to get my fuckin' money. - You live in Miami? - That's right. - What are you doing in Los Angeles? - I'm in the movie business. - You're an investor, is that it? - No, I'm a producer. - You have a card in this? - Not yet. I just got started. I'd appreciate you telling me what this is about. I got a John Doe warrant says I can strip-search you. Pat him down. Put your hands on the wall. Spread your legs. What are you doing at the airport? I was supposed to pick up my wife here, but she wasn't on the plane. Why, if you live in Miami, is your wife coming in from Newark? We had a fight, and she left me, went back to Brooklyn, so I called her and I said, Why don't you come out west? Maybe a change of scenery will get us back together again. She said okay, but evidently, she changed her mind. - Your wife a Lakers fan? - I am. I'm a fan of everything that's L.A. I love it out here. He's clean. You can go. What are you guys looking for, anyway? A bomb or something? What is it? Something that shouldn't be there. Is that right? Why don't you get an attendant to open up the lockers and look in? Maybe you'll find it. That's an idea. I'll think about it. Yeah, I'd do that. Then I'd get the right guy next time. Mr. Barbone, you ever want to go to the beach, here's the freeway you take that we're on. Of course, on the weekend, there's no traffic. I'm from Miami fuckin' Beach, and you want to show me the ocean? And what about the sun? Does that ever shine in this town, or is this smog around all the time? They say the smog's the reason we have such beautiful sunsets. That's what they say, huh? What a bunch of fuckin' bullshit. I don't know how I could have missed you in that shirt. It's the same as the other one, except a different-colored hibiscus, is that right? - You didn't have the key on you? - You think I'd be standing here? If you're gonna set someone up and you want it to work, it's gotta be a surprise. Can you remember that? Spotted 'em, huh? Did you see it work in some movie that you got beat up in? Got to ask you for that key back. Hey, wait a minute. The setup didn't work, and you want the key back? Bo said if you didn't open the locker, the deal's off. You're serious? This is how you guys do business? I'm surprised you're not dead. There's no fuckin' way you're gonna get that key, okay, unless you put a gun to my head, and then maybe we'll talk. Now, move away from the fuckin' car. I don't need a gun for you. All right, all right. Slow down. Breathe through your mouth. Slow. Breathe. Bear, look at me. You tell your boss I don't want to see him again. He made a deal with Harry, and a deal's a deal. You got that? Okay, get up. What are you hanging around a guy like that for, anyway? You were in the movies. You were a stuntman, right? What's he ever done that he can talk about? - You okay? - Not too bad. How about when you fell down the stairs? Pulled my quadriceps. So how many movies you been in? About 60. - No shit? - No shit. What were some of them? You didn't see none of 'em. - What were some of 'em? - You wouldn't know any names. Who is it? I'm the dipshit who's never been out of Miami. Well, Mr. Barboni, what a nice surprise. Good to see you. Have a seat. Right here, right here. Ray... Ray Bones. Barbone. Sorry. Oh, yes. Uh... They say the fuckin' smog is the fuckin' reason you have such beautiful fuckin' sunsets. Yeah. What do you mean, he faked them out? He knew it was a setup and he was ready for it. - So where's the money? - I guess it's still in the locker. You guess. You mean you don't know? I mean I don't care, Bo. I really don't care. Bear, I'm gonna call you later. Mr. Escobar, what a surprise. Welcome to L.A. Where's my nephew? Your who? Yayo! Where is he? I haven't seen Yayo. He's my sister's kid... no father, not too ight. Personally, I think he's a retard. I only gave him the job as a favor to my sister, you understand. Oh, sure. Family. I know how that goes. He comes up here with our product. He's supposed to come back home with the $500,000. He never shows up. Meanwhile, my sister's going crazy. She's calling me all the time. She's worried. Me, I just want to know what happened to my fucking money. I don't know. I gave the man his money. I sent him on his way. You gave him the money? I gave him the key to a locker that had the money in it. Why would you do that... put the money in a locker? Because there were a zillion DEA guys hanging around the terminal. A zillion? That's a lot, huh? Mr. Escobar, maybe your nephew panicked and took off. Why are you talking to me this bullshit? I think maybe I have Ramon and Cesar staple your tongue to your chin! What do you think? I think you speak very good English, Mr. Escobar. We're gonna spend the weekend at the Universal Sheraton. Take the tour. See the shark. Check out that Miami Vice Action Spectacular. Oh, nice. Yeah. After, we're gonna come back here, get my money. Oh, yeah. And Yayo, too. His fuckin' nephew? When you get to town, you go straight to the bank, you raid the limo account. Hey, o, I'm in town. It don't matter. We got dick in the bank. We dumped it all into Harry's movie. I'm talking about you, Ray Barboni, owning a piece of a major motion picture. How much of a piece is entirely up to you. What I'm saying is, you could invest part of the 300 grand that Palmer owes you, or all of it. It's entirely up to you. Where's Chili Palmer? Where's Leo Devoe? Where's my fuckin' money? Ray... look at me. What? Look at me, Ray. Did you just say look at you? - Look at me, Ray. - I'll tell you what, Harry. Why don't you take a fuckin' look at this? And have a peek at this. You know, Harry, this... is the exact fuckin' thing I needed... a little fuckin' exercise... after that long fuckin'... ...plane ride. You got a big problem, Harry. Well, come on, Harry, don't pass out on me. Look at me, Harry. Where's my money? Harry, I'm gonna ask you one more time, then I gotta shoot you, you don't tell me what I want to know. - Where's my money? - Your money? Who the fuck are you? I'm Ray Barboni from Miami. What, like that's supposed to mean something to me? The man you're standing on there happens to belong to me and my partner. - This piece of shit owes me money. - Get in line. But I don't like waiting in lines. Tough shit, o. This ain't Miami. You want something, you gotta talk to me. No, no, no, no. Fuck you, fuck ball. I mean, L.A. Is an open city, and I don't think I have to get permission from nobody for nothing. Oh, really? Well, uh, I just closed it. You must be what they call one of those quick-draw artists, because of the way you've got your gun stuck way down in your belt like that. What do you got there, huh? A wop 9? Fuckin' Fiat of guns. Always jamming on you at the wrong time. Don't you puke on my shoes, Harry. Hey, Harry, I want you to do me a favor. I want you to take this gun and put a pill in the o over there. Now, I know what you're thinking. Why the fuck would I shoot him? The guy's already dead. But you see, Harry, the police, they have these tests, tell you whether or not a guy fired a gun. And I was never here. Do you understand that, Harry? I was never here. And if you say I was, I'm gonna come back and I'm gonna throw you right out of that fuckin' window. All right, knock it off, Harry. We haven't got a lot of time here. That's it. That's it. Not a worry in the world. Your pool needs skimming. Yeah. That was Martin. He wants to have lunch tomorrow, if you can make it. - Depends on who's paying. - Definitely not Martin. Movie stars, they never pick up the check. They have no idea what things cost. Of course, most of 'em don't know their phone number and a lot don't even know their zip code. I don't know. I just can't get used to the idea that the two of you were together. - You don't like Martin much, do you? - No, I do. I do. I think he's... I think he's short. But, uh... I know he's a good actor and everything, but what was it exactly that you saw in him? Martin was different then. He wasn't a movie star. Anyway, what about your story? You thought of a title yet? Yeah. How about Get Shorty? How about Chili's Hollywood Adventure? I don't know. That's a different story. I'm still working on that one. I'm still getting the visual fa ic together. But I have added to it. - Yeah. There's a girl in it now. - Really? She looks a lot like you. I think you could be an actor. I know you're acting sometimes, but you don't show it. You thought I was fakin'? No, not then. I mean in general. You don't mean a movie star, though, right? You're talking more like a character actor. Well, whichever. I could see myself in the parts that Robert DeNiro plays. Maybe even an Al Pacino movie, you know, playin' a real hard-on. But I couldn't see myself in them movies where, like, the three guys get left with a baby and they don't know how to take care of it, so they act like grown-up assholes. - Chili, look at me. - I couldn't... Leave a message. Hi, Karen, it's Doris. Doll, you might want to come by Cedars tonight and visit Harry. He's in the emergency room. Let's go. What can I tell ya? I stopped by his office to see if he wanted to take me to Le Dome for dinner when I see Harry and some other man lying on the floor. Good night, Todd. 'Night, Lewis. - Oh, man. Jesus. - Harry, my God. He can't talk... he's full of Demerol. What happened? According to Todd... Sergeant Randall... a man named Ronnie came by Harry's office to collect on a debt. - He got rough and Harry shot him. - You shot Ronnie? Hello, hello. Okay. Here we go. Looks like Mr. Zimm here has a oken jaw and some neck trauma to go with these fractured hands. Excuse us, folks. Harry, Martin wanted to meet us for lunch tomorrow at the Ivy, and I'd cancel, but he's going to Cannes next week. So I really think that maybe Chili and I should still go. Okay, who wants to take a crack at wiring Mr. Zimm's jaw? Son of a bitch. Son of a bitch! Hi, Bo. Hey, Farrah. Little honey bunny. You wipe your feet before you come in here? - Yeah. - That's my girl. Keep Uncle Bo's carpet nice and white. I been calling you. Where you been? See the paper? Yeah, I seen it. I don't believe it. Says Harry shot Ronnie five times... four through the chest and one through his foot. His foot. Jesus. Poor Ronnie. Tonight, later on, I got one for you, doesn't involve any heavy work. I want you to go take a look around Chili Palmer's hotel room. No, I can't. I can't. I gotta take Farrah to her mother's in Costa Mesa, and... ...and that don't matter, 'cause I quit! I don't work for you no more. I just came down here to tell you right to your face so we got no misunderstanding. Bear, the Colombians are in L.A., all upset about their money. Now if that ain't enough, it turns out as a bonus that Yo-yo was Escobar's nephew. That's your problem. You're the one that shot the guy. Hey, honey bunny. Come here, Farrah. Come here, honey bunny. Come and see Uncle Bo. Come on. Yeah! You know how Uncle Bo hates being alone. In fact, he hates it so much, he takes a fall, he's not gonna fall by himself. He's gonna plea-deal his way out... give up his ace stuntman, now one of the West Coast dope kings... if they go easy on the Cat. I hear in federal joints, they let you spend an extra five minutes with your daddy on Father's Day. Just let her go, Bo. After this one, I'm out. You understand? This is the last time we talk to each other. You remember Harry's story about the dry cleaner Palmer was after... the one that stole that $300,000 from the airline? Yeah, what about him? Tonight, you go have a look around Palmer's hotel room while I check out Karen Flores' place. See if he hasn't stashed it somewhere, and you meet me back here at midnight. So what kind of food they got at this Ivy place? It's Continental, but it doesn't matter. Martin won't order from the menu anyway. Why not? Because movie stars can never order straight from the menu. They have to think of something they have to have that isn't on the menu. Harry, what are you doin' here? You're supposed to be in the hospital. Hey, Harry, you look like you oughtta be in one of your own horror movies. - My project. - What'd he say? My project. Mr. Zimm! Hey, Harry! Attaboy, killer. Right this way. You're a cele ity, Harry. You should have shot someone a long time ago. Hi. Excuse me. How you doing? Hello. Hi. How you doing? Whoa. Hey, Chili. - Good to see you. - Great to see you. Oh, Harry. Oh, my goodness. - Hi, Martin. - Sweet face. You look great. You smell good, too. Thanks. So, Harry, I hear you had quite an experience. Well, anyway, I'm glad you're okay. You know what else? I'm really glad that you rejected me 10 years ago when I auditioned for the part of Eddie Solomon, the pedophile clown in Birthday Boy. If I'd gotten that part, I might have been typecast. Have you guys ordered? Because I really have something after this. Can we order? Excuse me. Could you... - Hi. What's your name? - Stephanie. Hi, Stephanie. I feel like an omelet. Can you make an egg-white omelet with shallots only slightly owned, very little olive oil, and no salt? Bring one for the table. We'll pick on it. No. I know. How about having those strawberry frappes... you know, the little drinks with the little strawberries in them? And ing two straws for Harry. Anyway, I think the romance angle In your story is critically important. This shouldn't be just a hop in the sack for either of them. These two should fall deeply in love. Which two? Later, when their lives are in danger and the mob guy's chasing them, it not only heightens the tension, but it adds a wistful element to their romance. Mob guy? I have to consider, as the mob guy, it's another man's wife I'm sleeping with, so... - And after all, you have such morals. - Mob guy? Look, I have to run, but what I would like to see is that... they begin to have misgivings about wanting the money. This becomes a moral dilemma for the two of them. They rationalize taking it, but in the end, they can't. What money? The 300 large. What other money is there? I know I shouldn't be talking about this until I've read the script, but I have such a good feeling about this. I am that shylock. Look at me, Harry! Not bad. You're really getting it down. It scares me how well I know this guy. I mean, I could do this tomorrow, no further preparation. Doll face... you really should think about getting back into acting. We could do something together. - I'll give it some heavy thought. - Okay. Take care of yourself, Harry. Enjoy. Here, let me help you out. Go ahead. Suck harder. Chili, wake up. Somebody's downstairs. - It's Harry. - How you know? He's doin' the same thing you did to him... playin' Letterman on TV. That's not Dave, that's a movie. - You gonna go down? - I don't know. - You don't know? - I know, I'm goin', I'm goin'. - Karen, you got a gun? - No. Any kind of gun will do. - No. - No? Sounds like Rio Bravo. Maybe this will help. Guess I'll take that drink now, Charlie. I thought you would. You want that gun? Pick it up. I wish you would. - I need the money. - What money? The 300 grand that you got from a little dry cleaner named Leo. Let me get this straight. You eak into Karen Flores' house and you ask for 300 grand that doesn't belong to you? Just give me the money, I'll be on my way. I can't believe how you guys do business out here. I can't believe how fucked up your organization is. I'll tell you what... how about I count to three and I'll organize your fuckin' ain all over the wall back there? - How about that? One... - You're gonna shoot me now, huh, Bo? - Just a second. Two... - I can't believe this. She can't talk right now. That's a really nice scream. They oughtta give you more work. All right, I'll get you the money, but it's not here. I gotta go get it. Okay, fine. In the meantime, I'll just hold onto her for safekeeping. - Now, you know Laurel Canyon? - I'll find it. I'm at 8150 Wonderland Avenue, right off of Laurel. I'll be there, Karen. You get the money? No. What is this? Plan B. You make yourself comfortable. - Karen Flores is plan B? - Don't ask questions, Bear. - She's a movie star! - I don't care what she is. - Oh, for Christ sake. - Gonna make a little trade. - Trade for what? - The money, Bear. You get life for kidnapping! Just calm down, Bear. You're talkin' about life in prison, you want me to calm down?! - Do not fade on me now, Bear. - You're gonna shoot me now? Go ahead, then! Put me outta my misery. Go ahead! I said calm the hell down, unless you want to spend the rest of your life holding Farrah on your lap in a room full of goddamn felons! So... this is one of them houses you see hangin' off the side of the cliff. Where's Karen? In my bathroom. Where's the money? - Let me see her. - Go ahead. You okay? Guy's got a fucking pink toilet, for Christ sake. She's great. Give me the money. First, I'm gonna settle something between you and me. I've been shot at before... once by accident, twice on purpose... and I'm still here. Once by accident, twice on purpose... and I'm still here. And I'm gonna be here as long as I want, which means that you gotta be somewhere else... and nowhere near me, Karen, or Harry. Now, here's your money. Take it, and leave the movie business to the rest of us who know what we're doing. Come on, Karen. You oke in my house, and I have a witness to it. What? Only this time it ain't no John Wayne or Dean Martin shooting bad guys in El Dorado. That was Rio Bravo. Robert Mitchum played the drunk in El Dorado. Dean Martin played the drunk in Rio Bravo. Basically, it was the same part. John Wayne did the same in both... he played John Wayne. I can't wait for you to be dead. Are you gonna let him talk to me... That's for the stairs, and that's for the airport! Get him off my carpet before he starts to bleed. You want to take this guy out? Come out on the deck, make it look like he came at us. You shoot him. Self-defense. Get up. Shouldn't he have a weapon, a knife or something? Get it later. All right, Bear. That's enough! Enough, Bear! You keep hitting him like that, he's not gonna look like he oke in anymore. He's gonna look like somebody beat him up and then shot him. No, he ain't. Hold on, man. We're gonna get the fuck outta here. - What the hell are you doing? - Karen, what the fuck are you doing? - Oh, shit! - She's shootin' at us! Come on. Oh, I'm sorry! Sorry! Wow. How do you think that happened? Beats the shit outta me. - Were you scared up there? - You bet. - You don't act like it. - I was scared then, not now. How long you want me to be scared? I'll be right back. How'd you get in here? It was easy. I told them I was you. I acted real stupid, and they believed me. So what ings you to L.A., Bones? Please, don't insult me. Just turn around. Turn around. Do you know that you're the dumbest fuck I ever met in my whole life? Let me take a look in these pockets. You should have told me about Leo Devoe as soon as you found out about him. Why would I do something like that? Because the guy is a customer of mine, that's why, dummy. He belongs to me. Well, well, well, well, well. What have we here? C-18. Now, I wonder what this could be? A locker key? But where's the locker? I checked the bag at the airport. Which terminal? Which terminal? Sovereign. You found Leo, huh? You found him, you took the poor bastard's money, you put it in a locker all ready to go. Why haven't you left? I like it out here. You know, Chili, I been thinking... there's really no reason why you and I shouldn't get along. Forget about all of that stuff that happened before. I don't even remember how this mess started. You took a swing at me for some fuckin' thing. I say fuck it. I say you owe me money. I say fuck that. I say you owe me the juice out of the money. I say fuck that, too. I say live and let die, but this... this is strictly between you and I. You say nothing to nobody about this. Understood? - Whatever you say, Ray. - I think it's only fair, don't you? Well, then, it's all settled. I'll see you around. Dumb fuck. Come on. The fuckin' airport. Bingo, boys. Let's go. Hey, Bones. Look at me. Fuck you, fuckball. - Damn. - Cut! Cut! I am pushing the right button. You're not pushing the right button, or else that thing wouldn't fall on the floor. But it's all right. Bear-man, show him how to do it, okay? - I don't know, maybe it's... - What do you want to do, Harry? We'll get it fixed. Wrap. It's a wrap. Come back tomorrow. Fuck! Harry, what are you doing? You should have gone into overtime to get that shot. This is only the second day. We're already two weeks behind. And do me a favor, all right, Harry? Here's what I don't understand. Martin already told me that he loves it. Buddy, I just don't think that Martin is right, okay? Why the hell not? Because he's too short. Come on. Why does he keep pushing Martin Weir? Packaging. You can't make a Martin Weir into a Mel Gibson. Do you want to go to Morton's or Dan Tana's? I don't know.
It's fucking cold outside. That guy on the radio said it's going down to 34. It's 34. That's freezing, for chrissakes. Yo, Chili. What? You spacing? They're closing down the Granville. You know, that theater down on Biscayne? That guy owes Momo a couple G's. I know. I was thinking maybe Momo should buy it. I could run it. Show old Cagney movies. Why would Momo want a theater that shows movies no one wants to see? Outside of making it a porno house, he's not going to give a fuck. I'm gonna go talk to this Chili. -Besides, you got a job. -Yeah. Yeah. How you doing, Ray? Good. You? Okay. Can you believe this weather? Miami Beach, for chrissakes! Chili Palmer. It's chilly outside, and it's Chili inside. It's a regular fucking chilifest. How you doing, Ray? Obviously much better than you, Chili. That was a good one. When you're done staring out the window... I'll meet you back at the office. -Where's my coat? -It's not one of these? Do you see a black leather jacket... like Pacino wore in Serpico? -Cause if you don't, you owe me $379. -Maybe you don't see my sign? I didn't come to Florida to freeze my ass off. Find my coat or give me the $379 my ex-wife paid for it at Alexander's. Wait a minute. Ray Bones took my coat? No, he didn't take it. He borrowed it. 'Cause someone took his coat. So Mr. Barboni tried this other coat. It fit him good. That was my coat. He was wearing it home. He's not gonna keep it. My car keys are in that coat. Mr. Barboni is a good customer. He works forJimmy Capp. I know who he works for. Where's your phone? This way. Are you sure it was Ray Bones that took the coat? That's what the man said. Tomorrow, I see on the TV weather, is going to be nice and warm. -You don't need the coat. -This is it. Hey, Chili. Get the coat. Just don't piss the guy off, okay? Then we're gonna have to call Momo and straighten the whole thing out. And Momo'll be pissed off for wasting his time. We don't need that, eh? Don't worry. I'm not saying any more than I have to, ifthat. Yeah, yeah. Just a minute. What! Are you fucking nuts? My nose! My nose! Holy shit! Somebody call 9-fucking-1 -1 ! Somebody call 9-fucking-1 -1 ! What do you want me to do? Go to war over a fucking coat? You're lucky the guy didn't kill you. The coat was a Christmas present, for chrissakes. Listen to me,Jimmy. You gotta do something about this guy. He's running amok. He's got no fucking respect for none of us. He's got no respect foryou. I don't got to do shit. Chili Palmer don't work for me. He works for Momo up in Brooklyn. As long as Momo's around, nothing happens to Chili Palmer. Do you understand? Over here. We're here, Momo. lhopeyou checkedthisplace outgood, 'cause l'mgoing in there alone... andldon't want no fuckingsurprises. lcheckedeverything, Momo. Who is it? It's Momo. Get in here. Surprise! So you're trying to say you're never going to sleep again? No, I said I'm never going to bed. There's a difference. This article says that most people die in their beds. As long as I stay out of bed, I'm safe. What? That's the dumbest thing I ever heard of. Where you gonna sleep? In my recliner. You know, the tan one in the TV room? Or I'll go to a coffee shop, slide into a booth, pull my hat down. How many people you know died in a coffee shop? You cut straight hair in here or just fags? Hey, Bones. That's quite a scar you got on your head. Why don't you have these guys fit you with a rug, cover it up for you? You two geezers take your game to the park. This man is the man. You understand what I'm saying, motherfucker? He's Mr. Bones, and you speak to Mr. Bones from now on. You can do better than him, can't you? Not these days. Not unless you speak Spanish. You got a miss. Leo Devoe. He's six weeks over. He's dead. How do you know? Did he tell you? Yeah, he told me that he was dead. Personally? Yeah, he personally told me he got killed... in that getawayjet crash that happened a month ago. Maybe he took out flight insurance. Check with his wife. You check it out. It's your book now. He owns some dry cleaning store over on Federal Highway. Let me explain something to you. Momo is dead. Which means everything he had now belongs to Jimmy Capp, including you. Which also means that when I speak, I speak for Jimmy. E.g., from now on, you start showing me the proper fucking respect. E.g. means for example. I think you want to say i.e. -Bullshit. It's short for ergo. -Ask your man. To the best of my knowledge, e.g. means for example. E.g., i.e., fuckyou! The point is: When I say, Jump... you say, Okay! Okay? -Yeah. Okay. -All right. You owe me the dry cleaner's 1 5 G's plus the juice... which is another... 2,700. Get it from his wife or out of your own pocket. I don't give a fuck. But you never hand me a book with a miss. We'll see you, Ray. Go see the dry cleaner's wife. You got three days. I told you not to piss him off. Don't say another fucking word. All right? I hate the dry cleaning business. I hate being inside all day around all those machines. Must be hot. You have no idea how hot it is. You know, Fay, I was wondering... did Leo have life insurance? I don't know of any. I trust you, Chili. I think you're a decent type of man. Even if you are a crook. Thank you. Thank you, Fay. I wish he really was dead. He's a son of a bitch. That's him, all right. Called himself Larry De Mille. Hit on every showgirl in town. Tell them he was the Martinizing King of Miami. What a moron! He's in L.A. Put him on a plane. He spanked one of my cocktail girls. Leo spanked her? Apparently... he invites her to the track to play the ponies with him. She tells him what he can do with that. He gives her one on the tush. My guess, he's by his lonesome at the track right now. Ifyou go to L.A., this guy owes us 1 50 grand. Sixty days over. Some movie producer. Movie producer? Really? -Yeah, why not? -Appreciate that, man. You're gonna love this guy. Another fucking moron. Harry Zimm. Thanks a bunch. -Where is it? -It's right there. -What is that? -It's an Oldsmobile Silhouette. I ordered a Cadillac. That's the Cadillac of minivans. Are you kidding me? Ifyou want, La Tijera Car Rental is right over there... but I think all they got is Rabbit convertibles. I guess I'll take the Cadillac of minivans. Harry. Goddamn it, wake up. Somebody's downstairs. What's wrong? Somebody's downstairs. Be quiet. Listen. I don't hear anything. Right there. That's the television. When I came upstairs, you stayed downstairs to finish your drink. I told you to turn off the television when you were through. I also told you you could sleep in the maid's room. I did that. I turned the television off with the remote thing... then I laid it on the floor. You know what could've happened? The dog came in, stepped on it and turned the TV back on. I don't have a dog, Harry. You don't? What happened to Muffy? Are you going down there, or do I go? I'm going. Hurry! Anybody skimming the pool? It needs it. I'm going, I'm going. I'm going to the bathroom. I'm going. Areyou on the information superhighway? No, notyet. Where I live, with all the premium services, I get 2,800 channels. 2,800 channels! -2,800. -No kidding. Harry Zimm. Jesus Christ! How you doing? I'm Chili Palmer. Oh,Jesus. If I have a heart attack, I hope you know what to do. Where you been, Harry? Have we met? I don't recall. Wejust did. I told you my name's Chili Palmer. You're in pictures, right? Did you think what would happen if I had a heart attack? Look at me, Harry. I am. Keep looking at me. Right here. That's what I'm doing. You know Dick Allen? Mesa's Casino? That's what this is. You're a collector for the fucking casino. You come in here in the middle ofthe night... I thought you were an actor auditioning, for chrissakes. We'll see about this. Operator, let me have Las Vegas-- Harry, let me give you some advice. Don't act like a hard-on. You're standing in your undies. You want to sit and talk to me. Harry, a marker is like a check. I know what a marker is. They don't want yours to bounce. That annoys them. Your dear friend, Dick Allen... left messages on your machine, and you haven't called back. So he asked me to lookyou up. So I follow you here, and I see you in a window with a woman. Looks like Karen Flores, the actress from Grotesque. You're not looking at me, Harry. -Why must I look at you? -Because I want you to. You're going to get rough? I make good by tomorrow, oryou'll eak my legs? Come on, Harry. Mesa's? You tell Dick Allen... I'll cover those markers in the next 60 days. If he doesn't like it, that's his problem. The fucking prick. So you want me to call you a cab? You make movies? I produce feature motion pictures. No TV. You mentioned Grotesque before? That happens to be Grotesque, Part ll that Karen Flores was in. She also starred in three of my Slime Creatures releases. You may have seen them. I got an idea for a movie. Leo, he would wear... plaid wool hats in Miami in the middle of summer. He doesn't want anyone to think he's bald. Say hello to Chili Palmer. Chili, this is Karen Flores. It's a pleasure to meet you. How'd you get in the house? Hejust told me an idea for a movie. It's not bad so far. Sit down, have a drink. Tell Karen. See what she thinks. Maybe you didn't hear me. I came in the back door. -You oke in. -It was open. Wasn't locked. -What if it were? -Want to hear the idea? It's about a dry cleaner that scams the airline out of 300 grand. Tell her. Well, it's simple. Basically, it's about a guy who owes a shylock $1 5,000... and he's three weeks over on the vig. The interest you have to pay. I know. Anyway, this dry cleaner-- Let's call him Leo. He's scared. He doesn't know any better. He leaves town. So Leo gets on aplane, but the plane sits there. Doesn 't move. They announce there's some kind of mechanical problem. They'll be there maybe an hour... but keep yourseats, in case they fix itsooner. The guy's in no shape to sit there, sweat it out. So he gets offthe plane. He goes to the cocktail lounge and starts throwing them down, one after the other. ln fact, he's still in the lounge when the plane crashes on takeoff. When the guy finds out it was his flight, he can't believe it. If he had stayed on the plane, he'd be dead. He knows his luck has changed. If everybody thinks he's dead, he won't have to pay back the 1 5 or the vig. Keep going. Come on. Since Leo's name was on the passenger list... they ing his wife out to the airport. They're going through personal effects, whatever wasn 't burned up. Leo's bags were on the plane. The wife tells them what to look for-- things that only she would know about. My Leo! A couple days go by. The airline people visit his wife. They tell her they're sorry their plane exploded and offer her a settlement. The amount based on what he would have earned for the rest of his life. How much is she offered? 300 grand. So they take it. Money in their hand, babe. He gets his wife to cash the check... and he takes off for Vegas with the dough. He gets there. He's supposed to call her... to let her know when to come out. She never hears from him again, but he's hot. He runs the 300 grand up to half a million. -He comes to L.A.-- -But he's going nuts... because he's winning, and he can't say who he is. So we show in a back story his motivation, his desire to be famous. He's got the dough to buy his way in... mix with the celebs, and he can't resist... so he comes to L.A. I don't know about the mixing with the cele ities. That was something new that wasjust added. But, yeah, he comes to L.A. and... I don't know what happens after that. What? That's it? That's your movie? I said that I had an idea for a movie. That's halfa movie with holes in it. There's maybe 40 minutes of screen time. You don't have a girl, a female lead. On top of that, you don't have anybody to sympathize with. -You don't have a good guy. -The shylock is a good guy. The shylock is barely mentioned... and it's not believable the wife would get a settlement that fast. Harry doesn't realize it's a true story. That Miami flight that went down? It was on the news every day for a week. Harry must've been busy. -That's where you got the idea? -Part of it, yeah. Wait a minute. You're not the guy? The dry cleaner? Leo. You wouldn't be talking to me if you were. -No, I'm not the guy, Harry. -But you work for the casino? For God's sake, Harry, he's the shylock. That's what you do for a living? That's what I did until recently. After I'm done here, I don't know what I'll do next. I got an early call. No problem, babe. Go on up to bed. I'm saying that I would like you and your new buddy to get out of my house. Oh, yeah. Well, sure. It was absolutely a pleasure to meet you, Karen. I guess in your line of work there's times you have to get rough. You know, in case one of your customers don't pay? They always pay. You pack a gun? Not really. You ever been arrested? I've been picked up for loan-sharking and racketeering but never convicted. No, I'm clean, Harry. Racketeering. That covers a lot of ground, doesn't it? Get to the point. You want me to do something for you. That's us. Good girl. Don't say nothing. Sit down and act like you're waiting for somebody to meet you. What the fuckyou talking about? Ain't nobody know me here. -Give me the fucking money. -Sit down. Now, be looking. Man over to your right in the blue wool shirt. The other way. Derecho. That's a federal officer. Most likely DEA. He moves his leg, you look for the bulge. Sawy bulge? Good. That's his backup piece. Try it without looking right at him. Ifyou can. -What's your name? -Yayo Portillo. All right. You know he's there. Forget about him. I'm gonna get up. Once I'm gone, sit in the seat I'm in. You feel something underyour ass. That's a key... to a locker where your half million is... along with some product we're returning. Powder's been stepped on so many times, it's baby food. You're supposed to give me the money yourself! Try to be cool, Yahoo. I told you where it is. Do it how I told you, and have a safe trip home. What'd you have for eakfast? How come you weigh so much? Did you have a burrito? Give it to the nice lady. There you go. Say thank you. Thankyou. Like fucking clockwork, huh, Bear? Hi, Bo! Hey, Farrah. You ready to go for a ride, sweetie? Told you to watch your mouth around my daughter. These guys, my investors, they run a limo service. They put some money in a few of my pictures. Did okay. They're happy. This was a few months ago when I was planning my next picture... about this band of killer circus freaks that travel around the country leaving bodies in their wake. There's a 700-pound fat lady who has a way of seducing guys in her trailer. Harry, look at me. You're trying to tell me you fucked up without sounding stupid... and that's hard to do. Let's talk about where you're at, okay? You blew 200 grand ofthese limo guys' money... on a football game in Vegas, and you didn't tell them. Why? They don't seem like they'd take it with any understanding. They'd eak my legs. You got that on the ain. Ifyou were so scared, why go to Vegas? I needed a half-million dollars to buy a script. A movie script? Blockbuster but quality. No mutants or maniacs. This is going to be my Driving Miss Daisy. Murray Saffrin, the guy who wrote it, did all my Grotesque pictures. Had it in his drawer for 20 years. He shows it to me. Says he's got a major star interested. -Would I produce it? -Which star? Two-time Academy Award nominee, Martin Weir. That's Martin Weir. He played the mob guy turned snitch in Cyclone. One of his best parts. His best was when he played the crippled gay guy that climbed Mount Whitney. Ride the Clouds. Good picture. -That woman. She looks familiar. -She's a rock star. Every day, same time, they have eakfast. He faces west, so he can see his billboard. She faces east as an excuse to wear her shades. Unbelievable. Anyway, Murray has this shrink... who happens to be Martin's personal trainer's shrink. Murray gives the shrink the script. The shrink gives it to the trainer, who reads it to Martin. -Martin loves it. He flips. -What's the problem? The problem is Murray. Heart attack. Doris, Murray's widow... finds out about the Martin Weir thing, and as Murray and I had no contract... she wants half a million for the script. So you want me to put you with my dry cleaner... so he can invest in your movie? That, or what if some tragic accident... were to befall the Widow Saffrin? No. I'm not going to pop her, okay? It was just a thought. I'll tell you what I can do. I'll meet with these limo guys-- tell them to leave you alone for a while. Make the point so they understand. You don't know these guys. Believe me, Harry. I know them better than you do. I once asked a literary agent what kind of writing paid best. He said, Ransom notes. Ransom notes. Here it is, Mr. Lovejoy. Lovejoy sits behind the wheel watching a bar, getting his video camera-- Is he following someone? Read it. It's a grabber. I thinkyour investors are here. Oh,Jesus. All right, this is the plan. I want the limo guys to sit in the chairs, not over on the sofa. Got that? No, no. Keep the blinds open. I want the light in their eyes. I'll sit at the desk. Don't introduce me. Just start talking, and stand behind them as they sit down. You understand? They'll be looking at you, but they don't know who you are. They'll be saying, Who is this guy? But don't say anything. Do not tell them who I am. -I gotta say something. -No, you don't. Don't say more than you have to. Unless it's like... Glad you assholes stopped by. Now I can straighten you out. You're kidding, right? Just say the movie's been postponed a year but not why. Whatever you do, don't mention Mr. Lovejoy. You got that? All right. Let's go. -Hey, Ronnie. -Hey, Harry. Hi. -Bo. -Wow! What year is it? Did we enter a time warp? I feel like I'm in Hollywood of yesteryear. Have a seat. This is my associate, Chili Palmer. He'll be working with me. So there's no misunderstanding... in spite of the rumors you might have heard... your investment in Freaks is solid as the day you signed... your participation agreement. I can hear you, man, but where are you? Right here. What I've been wondering is, Where's he been? Where you been? We haven't heard from you lately. New York. I was interviewing actors, scouting locations. Main thing is Freaks is going to be delayed a couple months. -A couple months? -Yeah. Just a couple months. We need more... prep. Bullshit, man! We have an agreement with you. We are going to do this picture. I just have another project to do first. One I promised this guy foryears. I want to see your books. Show me a two with five zeros after it. In black and white. I want to see your books. I want to see your fucking bank statements. Hey, Ronnie. Look at me. You have a piece ofa movie, not a piece of Harry. If he wants to do another movie this year, that's how it's gonna be. Excuse me, o', but who the fuck are you? I'm telling you how it is. What is this other movie you're doing for us? -Let me show you. -Let me answer this one. Who am I talking to? Him or you? You can talk to me. That's what I thought. Let me put it this way. Outside of Freaks, it's none of your business what we do. Here it is right here. This is the project. Mr. Lovejoy. I don't want you to think I'm putting something over on you. Mr. Loveboy. What is it, a porno flick? It's fluff. You wouldn't be interested in it. You think we see your movies? I've seen better film on teeth. It makes no difference to me which one our money's in. Take our 20 points out of Freaks... and put them in this Mr. Loverboy. No, I can't do that. You're positive? It's a different kind of deal. It's structured. Okay. Then be good enough to hand us our money back... or you think about us coming in on this new deal. Let us know. By Friday, or you're fucking dead as disco. You hear me? Take your time, Harry. We're not animals. Are we, Ronnie? What? What! Maybe I wasn't clear, but I thought I told you to keep your mouth shut. I had to tell them something. Never say anything unless you have to. You asked me to get these guys off your back. Next thing I know, you're saying, Have a piece of'Mr. Lovejoy.' I couldn't believe my ears. I told them I'd think about it. In this town, what does that mean? Nothing. That's the difference between you and me, Harry. I say what I mean. If I want something from someone, I ask'em straight out. If I want Martin Weir, I go get Martin Weir. I don't fuck around with his trainer's shrink. Shrink's trainer. Take me back to my car. - Tommo? Chili. - Where you been? I been calling all over for you. Ray Bones is looking for you. Where the hell are you? -I'm in L.A. now. -What are you doing out there? Going into the movie business. I'm thinking about producing. What the fuck do you know about making movies? I don't think the producer has to know much. I think you're full of shit. I gotta go. Call me when you know more about Ray Bones. -Hey, Chili-- -Karen, how you doing? What are you doing here? I wanted to apologize for eaking in last night. Let me get this straight. You oke in again to apologize for eaking in before? Your patio door was open. You shouldn't do that. You got nice things in here. Make sure you lock it on the way out. Bad day? I spent all day crawling out of a grave. The director said I was incapable of reaching... the emotional core ofthe character. What? Obviously he didn't see you in Bride ofthe Mutant. You saw that? When you turn to the camera... and say to the alien mother that her time on Earth is finished... Joan Crawford, on her best day, wished that she had had... in her day, the intensity you had in that scene. That was a good scene. I mean, for a horror movie. For any movie. I'm better than what I've been doing... walking around in a tank top and fuck-me pumps, waiting 'til it was time to scream. But what a scream. It's a real gift. All I'm saying is it'd be nice to get the chance to say one great line. Like in that great Bette Davis movie, Cabin in the Cotton... where she walks up to the guy, gives him a look... and says, I'd kiss you, but I just washed my hair. Great line. How come you don't do movies with Harry anymore? Because I married the great Martin Weir. He was a full-time job. Have you read Harry's new script? He says it's the best thing he's ever read. He must mean after Slime Creatures llI. Was that why Harry came over last night? To askyou to help him put Martin in a movie? Harry's dreaming of a $40 million production... he'll never get off the ground... with a star he'll never sign, with or without my help. He said Martin flipped over it. Martin's known for his flipping. He flips over a script, then before the deal, he flips out. Why don't I go to Harry's office and get a copy of the script? Read it yourself. See what you think. Don't go out of your way. No, it's nothing. I better go talk to Leo, my runaway dry cleaner. Right. See how your story ends. That movie, Touch of Evil, is playing near my hotel. We could check it out ifyou want. Watch Charlton Heston be a Mexican. That's all right. Another time. See you around. See you. My name is Ray. I'm a friend of Chili Palmer's. Have you spoken with Mr. Palmer since your husband blew up? Once or twice. What was it you talked about? Nothing, really. This and that. This and that? I really want us to be friends. And we know that friends don't hit each other unless they have to. Let's start all over again... and you tell me exactly what the fuck is going on. Okay? Good evening, sir. And a very good evening to you, too, sir. Thankyou. Leo. Look at me. I never thought you'd be so dumb. Leaving over 300 grand in the closet under a blanket. But I guess you are. I didn't know where else to keep it. Where would you? How about a bank? They'd report it to the IRS. Don't open an account. Put in it a safe-deposit box. You dip in it wheneveryou want. How'd you know I was here? Here's another tip. Next time you write your wife, don't use hotel stationery. Fay told you about the money? She tell you my whole life story? I'm here to save your ass. How? By taking my money? The money you won today is yours. It's all mine! Leo, sit down. I don't know how you got this far. You're so fucking dumb. You're through. I'm gonna explain why. I hope you're not so dumb that you won't understand. Ray Bones is the man you're dealing with now. When he finds out what you did, he'll take everything... including the sporty little hat you got on your head. Most likely he'll shoot you, so you won't tell on him. I'm not gonna do that. I'm not gonna hurt you. You've got $31 0,000 in the bag here. I'll take the 300 you scammed from the airlines, and the 1 0 leftover... I'll borrow from you and pay back at another time. Wait. You take all my money, but you're borrowing part of it? At 1 8. Now, don't ask another fucking question. I'm leaving now. You won't know where I am! I don't even know where I'll be! I'll find you, Leo. You leave a trail like a fucking caterpillar. Wait a minute. What's this 1 8-a-year shit? You want to borrow 1 0, the vig is 3 bills a week. That's 1 5 for the vig plus the 1 0. That's 25 big ones! You go the whole year, buddy! You hear me! This is good. This Mr. Lovejoy. It needs a better ending, but yes, I can see why Harry wants to do it. You understand. I knew Harry was lying, saying this wasn't any good... but holding on to it like you'd have to eak his fingers to get it from him. That's funny. I was thinking what I'll have to eak to get it away from you. I'm explaining to you what I'm doing here in case you thought... I came to rip off any of this dusty old shit that the man has. I wouldn't make you out to be a burglar. Not in that outfit. Harry called you his associate. What does that mean? I never heard your name or read it in the Hollywood Reporter or Variety. What he said. I'm his associate. You must ing something heavy to the deal. I do. Me. It says here you're getting Martin Weir for the part of Lovejoy? That's right. Martin. Come on. How you gonna do that? I'm gonna put a gun to his head and say... Sign the fucking papers, Martin, or you're dead. That's it. I wonder, would that work? You know who I see for the part of Al Roxy? Harvey Keitel. Man could play it in his sleep. He was pretty good in the movie Fingers. Missed it. You know who else? Morgan Freeman. You know his work? Morgan Freeman, yeah. But he's a colored guy. So what? Where's it say in the script the man's got to be white? Color's what the part needs, man. Somebody to do it with some style. What do you think of the script? First thing that's got to go is the title. The writer's name, Murray Saffrin, would be better than Lovejoy. I'm with you on that one. You know what I'm thinking? Why don't you and I rewrite the script where it needs it? You could write one? There's nothing to it. All you do, you get an idea. Set down what you want to say on paper. Then you hire someone else to fill in the commas and shit... where they belong, ifyou're not positive yourself. Maybe fix up the spelling where you have some tricky words. Although I've seen some scripts I know the words weren't spelled right. There were hardly any commas at all, so I don't think that's too important. You get to the end. You write in, Fade out. You're done. That's it? That's all there is? Then what the fuck do I need you for? Because I'm offering my services on this one. Tell you what. If I need a ride sometime... I'll let you know. How could you arrest me here? This is my country. This is where you're going to die. That was no misfire! That was to turn you around... 'cause I don't want to shoot you in the back... unlessyou'drather tryto run from me. ls she there? Did you ing my wife? She's in the car. They've got it all on tape. - You sure you got enough? -Play it back. You'll see. How many did you frame? -You better give me that gun. -Okay, here it is. That's the second bullet I've stopped foryou. That's the second bullet l've stopped for you. You're going down, Orson. Isn 't somebody going to come and take him away? ln a few minutes. You really liked him, didn 't you? The cop did. The cop did. The one who killed him. -He loved him. -He loved him. He was a great detective. -But a lousy cop. -And a lousy cop. ls that all you have to say for him? He was some kind of a man. What does it matter what you say about people? -Good-bye, Tanya. -Adios. Adios. You've been here the whole time? I just caught the end. Welles didn't even want to do this movie. He had some studio contract he couldn't get out of. Sometimes you do your best work when you got a gun to your head. I ought the script. Harry left a copy at my house. -How'd you like it? -It's not horrible. I don't like the title, and I don't like some characters. -So you read it? -Not yet, but I will. -You and Harry make a great team. -Is that right? -I'll make a deal with him. -You found a role you like? I don't want to act in it. I want to produce it. -Especially if I help get Martin. -That's fair. Yeah. So, what do you get out of it? Is that why you came? To ask me that? I want to know. Why would anyone want to be in the movies? Yesterday you were a loan shark. Yeah, but I was never that into it. Especially this bullshit about having respect. It's bad enough treating these guys like they're your heroes. Smiling at stupid comments they think are so funny. You think the movie business is any different? Yeah, but I like movies. If I help Harry, I'll find out what to do... outside of raising money and having an idea. That doesn't sound so hard. I was in the money business, and I have a lot of ideas floating in my head. Listen, I'm going to talk to Martin tomorrow morning. I told Harry I'd meet you and him at the Abiquiu restaurant afterwards. This just might work out. You never know. It just might. Adios. I spent eight hours at the airport looking at people's bulges. I don't like that. This is not the way we do business. You do not know who you are messing with. I don't want no fucking key. I want the money. Yayo! You gonna smoke, get the hell off my $70-a-yard carpet. I told you where the money is. All you got to do is go and get it. No! Now I tell you something. I go to the airport, open that locker and they bust me? I tell them I come to get something foryou. That's all I know. -That's all you know? -That's all I know. Wait here a minute, Yayo. I'll be back directly. Keep an eye on Yahoo for me. That's how you get things done. What the fuck you gonna do with that? I'm taking you out, Yahoo. Did you see that? The way the man just went right over? Maybe we could get Chili Palmer up here? You could fix my railing to give way like in the movies. I invite the man up here to look at my view. Get him to lean over the railing... Dumbest idea I ever heard. Here's the thing, Bear. I want to produce movies. What's the point of living in L.A. unless you're in the movie business? And I mean high up in it. That's why Harry's going to produce Mr. Lovejoy with me... not Chili Palmer. I can't believe this map is accurate. I bought it for ten bucks from a kid on Sunset. You were supposed to meet me at the restaurant. I know, but look. Martin Weir's house across from George Hamilton. -That must be Geo-- -Chili? Nicole? Jesus, it is you. It's Nicki now. I don't believe this. This is great. I know her. -Hi, Nicki. -Karen. Shit, I didn't see you there. How are you? Come in, baby. You gotta come in. You gotta meet Martin. Where've you been? What've you been doing? Chili was the only one at Momo's didn't try to hit on me. What a gentleman. Do you like my hair? Black... Nice, yeah. Especially under the arms. Martin won't let me shave. Guess I fill some need. Takes him back to the sixties or something. Speak of the devil. Karen, look at you. You smell so good. She always smells so good. Neat. Martin, this is Chili Palmer. -Chili, is it? -Nice to meet you, Martin. Chili's a gangster. Ran a club I used to play at for another gangster back in Miami. -How is Momo these days? -Dead. Bummer. Well, I'll let you get to your movie talk. Chili, do not leave without saying good-bye to me. See you. So... You know how beautiful you are? You really are beautiful. I'm sitting here... I'm looking at you, having memories of us. -Really? -Yeah. I'm wondering, how did it go wrong? How did it all slip away? It didn't slip away. You did, by going off to fuck Nicki at my birthday party. Yeah. That was a good party. Marty, you were so good in The Cyclone. Martin. That was a beautiful role. All I had to do was find the character's center... the stem I used to wind him up, and he'd play. -He'd just play. -You had that down cold. If I didn't know better, I'd have thought you was a made guy. -Thankyou. -I mean, no acting there. And the fink part. Oh, man.Jesus Christ! I never met a fink, and I hope I never do... but the way you played a fink, that's how it's gotta be, right? Yeah. Two weeks before we started shooting... I went back to Bensonhurst just to hear you guys talk. I'm Italian, but I grew up in Tarzana. I wanted to get the rhythms of your speech, you know? We speak differently? It's more your attitude. Your tone. Your speech patterns show a certain confidence in yourselves... in your opinions, your indifference to conventional views. It's like-- We don't give a shit. Kind of, yeah. Anyway, once I get the authentic sounds of speech... the rhythms, the patois, you know... I can actually get into their heads and think the way those guys do, get inside their heads. -Really? -Yeah. I'm one of those guys. What am I thinking? Don't get me wrong. An actual metamorphosis doesn't take place. That wouldn't be acting. -So you don't know what I'm thinking? -No, but I'm curious. You want to know what I'm thinking? -Yeah, if you want to tell me. -I'm thinking about a movie. One of mine? No, one that we're producing. With what? Wise guy money? Maybe this wasn't a good idea. No, no. I'm not connected to that anymore. Not since I left loan-sharking in Miami. The pressure got too much? Pressure? I'm the one who applied the pressure. Oh, yeah? -Can I ask a question? -Yeah. You're an actor. Actors like to pretend. We've been known to make believe. Pretend this. You're a shylock. A guy owes you 1 5 grand, and he skips town. He takes off. What do you do? Oh, Martin, for chrissake. Just... you know. I'm doing Shylock, instead of a shylock. -Right. -What's my motivation? The acquisition of money. To collect. To inflict pain if I have to. Guy splits with 1 5 large of my money? I'd go after him! What the hell you think I'd do? -Look at me. -I am looking at you. No, look at me the way I'm looking at you. Put it in your eyes. You're mine, asshole. Without saying it. How about this? What are you telling me? That you're sleepy? That you want to go to bed? Wait, wait. Now you're squinting, like you need glasses. What do you-- -Look at me. -What? What I'm thinking is, You're mine. I fucking own you. What I'm not doing is feeling one way or another about it. You see, you're not a person to me. You're an entry in my book. A guy who owes me money. All right. How about this? Not bad. Not bad. -No wonder you're Martin Weir. -Oh, yeah. That's what I think of you, asshole. Nothing. I believe it. I believe it. I turn this on when I confront the guy? You haven't found him yet because he split for Las Vegas. -How do I know that? -His wife told you. His wife told me. Okay. Harry, how you doing? Oh, hi. Great. I'm expecting some people. You must be doing some big deals, doing lunch in a place like this. I'm working on a few things. I hearyou bagged Martin Weir for Mr. Lovejoy. This town. Word gets around, doesn't it? Chili Palmer told me. Last night, when he called me over to your office to talk about it. Chili Palmer showed you my script? Yeah. I was wondering why he'd do that. So the wife sues the airline. This is some gutsy babe. Good-looking too. Like Karen. When do I meet up with the husband and give him the look? That's not so simple. There's a mob guy. Real hard-on. You owe him money. He wants to take you out because you oke his nose and shot him. Right, right. Go ahead. Keep going. At this point, basically that's got to be it. That's all you'll tell me? Actually, Martin, the reason we came by... was to talk about Mr. Lovejoy. We understand you read the script. You loved it. You flipped. Refresh my memory. Listen, Harry. How'd you like to get your hands on $500,000? You pay me back at your convenience with no interest. Are you serious? All I want in return is to work on this movie with you. I've already got some strong ideas on how to fix it up. Gentlemen, can I get you anything else? Let's get another for Mr. Zimm. A double. You're just going to give me 500 grand? We'll talk about that, but first I gotta know... how'd you hook up with Chili Palmer? Mr. Lovejoy. was good. I'll call Buddy and set up a meeting. -Who's Buddy? -Lufkin, his agent. -Karen knows him. -But you are interested? I'm intrigued. You know what might help? Another look at The Cyclone. The way a visual fa ic is maintained... while the metaphor plays on different levels. Hey, Chili, is this your ride? I like to sit up high. Check everything out. It is the Cadillac of minivans. Check this out. Mind if I take it for a spin? He was watching Letterman? Sneaky, that Chili Palmer. Did he find the dry cleaner, the one with all that money? Leo? I don't know. I bet he did, but he ain't giving one penny of it to help you out. Not the way I am. Assuming I go along with this, when could I have the 500 grand? Whenever you want. The money's in a jock bag in $1 00 bills out at the airport... just waiting in a locker to be picked up. At the airport? It was waiting on a deal that didn't go through. You don't want to know. I don't know... It's not the kind of thing you do, so I'm thinking. Why not send your boy, Chili Palmer? If he gets busted, hit on the head, you aren't out a thing. C-1 8. Magic number. I'm positive. It was Susan Hayward. No, it was Rita Hayworth and Glenn Ford. Excuse me, Harry. Wait here. I'd like you to meet my associate, Bear. Movie stuntman, champion weight lifter, as you may have noticed. Throws things out I don't want. You ought to turn around and go back to Miami. You're a stuntman? -Any good? -Am I good? That's not bad for a guy his size. I'll make you a deal. If you can get out of here before I take my coat off... I won't clean up the floor with you and mess up your pretty costume. You don't know me. You only think you do. That guy is a stuntman. Yeah, he was in Creatures ll. Rough business this movie business. I may have to go back to loan-sharking to take a rest. What're you still doing with those guys? He happens to be loaning me $500,000. No strings. I can write any kind of a greement I want. -Cash or check? -Cash. It happens to be sitting at the airport in a locker at this moment. A locker at the airport.Jesus Christ, tell me you're not really that stupid. You're being set up. You cancelled that Freaks deal. He's paying you back. Is that right? He's setting me up? Why did Catlett say I should send you to the airport to pick it up? You haven't done a thing for me since you got involved... except show Bo Catlett my script. You're right. You're not the one being set up. At least Bo has invested in three of my movies. We spoke with Martin. We? -Chili and me. -Really? He asked us to call Buddy, set up a meeting. A meeting. You and Karen? Guy's been in town two days... and already he thinks he's David O. fucking Selznick. Okay, Mr. O. Selznick, should I make my deal with Bo... or are you going to talk to your dry cleaner, if you find him? I found him, but forget about Leo's money. Do you have it? If I gave you Leo's money, you'd have Ray Bones all overyour ass. -That's a new kind of trouble. -Who? Ray Barboni. He lives in Miami. He owns Leo now that Momo's dead. Who the fuck is Momo? Jesus Christ, where do you get these names? I tell you what I'll do for you. I'll go to the airport tomorrow morning when it's crowded. I'll check it out. If there's no problem, I'll get the money. But don't get your hopes up. Maybe I should call this Ray Barboni character... and see if he wants to invest in my movie? Don't waste your time. He's not a movie fan. Give me the key. Tell him he's gotta be out there by 5:00 in the morning. Because the actor will only work one night, that's why. I gotta go. Coming! -Who is it? -Me. Oh, fuck. I heard that. Hello, Doris. Harry Zimm. You look like a wet kiss. Aren't you going to offer me whatever it is you taste like? Come in, Doris. My favorite color... putty. I like it. What do you want? I miss Murray. Yeah, I miss him too. A hell of a good writer. I should know. I discovered him, made him what he was. What he was was a hack. He couldn't get a job writing for anyone but you. I'm being honest. He was a lousy writer but a good husband. I just didn't know until it was too late. 20/20 hindsight and all that. You know what they say. I hate being alone. The house is so quiet. So lonely. It needs... a man's touch. Nice necklace, Doris. I don't know how I feel about this. You seem to feel fine about it. I mean morally. You know, Murray was a friend. Murray's dead. Does this mean that... you'll reconsider our deal on Mr. Lovejoy.? No, but now that you mention it... I did talk to a gorgeous young executive at Paramount... who just happened to get his hands on the script. What'd he say? If Martin's interested, I can get halfa million for it, easy. Don't worry, Harry. I'm still giving you until Friday. How honorable of you. You want me to go? Just say so. What the hell. Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. What? Ray Barboni? Who is this? ls this the guy they call Ray Bones? It depends. Who is this? Who is this? This is the one telling you the way it is. Okay, asshole? You want your 300 grand, or don't you? What 300 grand are you talking about? The 300 grand a guy named Leo Devoe scammed off an airline. The 300 grand Chili Palmer now has in his possession. Hello? Are you there? I'm here. I just don't like this anonymous crap. Either you're a big chickenshit, or you're not for real. Trust me. I am very for real. Then who are you? I happen to work for Harry Zimm, okay? Who? Harry Zimm. The man happens to be a major Hollywood player. Never heard of him. Maybe because you've never been out offucking Miami, dipshit. Maybe you should get on a plane, come to L.A., take a meeting with Mr. Zimm. So this Zimm guy, what is he asking for a finder's fee? Is that what we're talking about? Zimm don't ask for dick. Zimm tells you the way it is, or else. Or else what? Or else use your fucking imagination! Excuse me. Can you help me out? I have a gift in here for my wife. It's a surprise, and I was wondering ifyou could put this in locker C-1 7. Ten bucks. Take you two minutes. Yeah, okay. You'll need some of this. Make it quick. She's in the john. C-1 7. Good man. Let's go, boys. Excuse me, sir. Agent Curtis, Drug Enforcement. These are Agents Dunbar and Morgan. Would you come with us, please? What's going on? Let's follow him and behave ourselves. What do you say? Mr. Barbone? Welcome to L.A. I'm Bobby, your driver. Did you have a good flight? Yeah, but I hope you drive better than you fucking spell, jack-off. The name is Barboni not Barbone, okay? Want to go to the hotel first, Mr. Escobar? I want to get my fucking money. Skipped item nr. 1122 -You live in Miami? -That's right. Why are you in Los Angeles? -I'm in movies. -You're an investor? -No, I'm a producer. -Got a card in this? Not yet, I just got started. I'd like to know what this is all about. I got a search warrant says I can strip-search you. Pat him down. Put your hands on the wall. Spread your legs. What are you doing at the airport? Picking up my wife, but she wasn't on the plane. Ifyou live in Miami, why is your wife coming from Newark? We had a fight. She left me. Went back to Brooklyn. I called her and said, Why don't you come out west? Maybe a change of scenery will get us back together. She said okay, but evidently she changed her mind. -Wife a Lakers fan? -I am. I'm a fan of everything that's L.A. I love it out here. He's clean. You can go. What are you looking for? A bomb? Something that shouldn't be here. Is that right? Get an attendant to open the lockers. Maybe you'll find it. I'll think about it. I'd do that. Then I'd get the right guy next time. You ever want to go to the beach, here's the freeway you take. Of course, on the weekend there's no traffic. I'm from Miami fucking Beach, and you want to show me the ocean? Does the sun ever shine in this town, or is this smog always around? They say the smog's the reason we have such beautiful sunsets. That's what they say? What a bunch of fucking bullshit. I don't know how I could have missed you in that shirt. The same as the other one except a different colored hibiscus, right? You didn't have the key on you? You think I'd be standing here? Ifyou're gonna set someone up, and you want it to work... it's gotta be a surprise. Can you remember that? Spotted them? Did it work in some movie that you got beat up in? Got to ask you for that key back. Wait. The setup didn't work, and you want the key back? Bo said if you didn't open the locker, the deal's off. You're serious? This is how you guys do business? I'm surprised you're not dead. There's no fucking way you'll get the key. Unless you put a gun to my head. Then maybe we'll talk. Move away from the fucking car. I don't need a gun for you. All right. Slow down. Breathe through your mouth. Breathe. Bear, look at me. Tell your boss I don't wanna see him again. He made a deal with Harry, and a deal's a deal. Got that? Okay, get up. Why are you hanging around a guy like that? You were in the movies. You were a stuntman, right? What's he ever done he can talk about? -You okay? -Not too bad. How about when you fell down the stairs? Pulled my quadriceps. How many movies you been in? About 60. -No shit? -No shit. What were some of them? You didn't see none of them. Harry Zimm? Who is it? I'm the dipshit who's never been out of Miami. Mr. Barboni, what a nice surprise. Good to see you. Have a seat. Right here. Ray Bones. Barboni, sorry. They say the fucking smog is the fucking reason... you have such beautiful fucking sunsets. What do you mean he faked them out? He knew it was a setup, and he was ready forit. Where's the money? I guess it's still in the locker. You guess? You mean you don't know? I mean I don't care. I really don't care. I'll call you later. Mr. Escobar, what a surprise. Welcome to L.A. -Where's my nephew? -Your who? Yayo! Where is he? I haven't seen Yayo. He's my sister's kid. No father. Not too ight. I think he's a retard. I only gave him thejob as a favor to my sister. You understand. Family. I know how that goes. He comes up here with our product. He's supposed to return with $500,000. He never shows up. Meanwhile, my sister's going crazy. She calls all the time. She's worried. Me? I just want to know what happened to my fucking money. I gave the man his money and sent him on his way. You gave him the money? I gave him a key to a locker that had the money in it. Why would you put the money in a locker? There were a zillion DEA guys hanging around the terminal. A zillion? That's a lot. Mr. Escobar, maybe your nephew panicked and took off. Why're you talking to me this bullshit? I think I have Ramon and Cesar staple your tongue to your chin! What do you think? I thinkyou speak very good English, Mr. Escobar. We're spending the weekend at the Universal Sheraton. Take the tour. See the shark. Check out that Miami Vice action spectacular. Nice. After, we're going to come back here... get my money. And Yayo too. His fucking nephew? Go to the bank. Raid the limo account. We got dick in the bank. We dumped it all into Harry's movie. I'm talking about you, Ray Barboni... owning a piece ofa major motion picture. How much of a piece is entirely up to you. I'm saying you could invest part ofthe 300 grand... that Palmer owes you or all of it. It's up to you. Where's Chili Palmer? Where's Leo Devoe? Where's my fucking money? Ray, look at me. What? Look at me. Did you say look at you? Look at me, Ray. I'll tell you what, Harry. Take a fucking look at this. And have a peek at this. You know, Harry, this... is the exact fucking thing I needed. A little fucking exercise... after that long... fucking... plane ride. You got a big problem, Harry. Come on, Harry, don't pass out on me. Look at me, Harry. Where's my money? Where's my money? I'll ask you one more time... then I gotta shoot you, you don't tell me what I want. Where's my money? Your money? Who the fuck are you? I'm Ray Barboni, from Miami. Like that's supposed to mean something? The man you're standing on belongs to me and my partner, o'. -This piece of shit owes me money. -Get in line. I don't like waiting in line. Tough shit. This ain't Miami. You want something, you talk to me. No, no, fuckyou, fuckball. L.A. is an open city, and I don't think I have to get permission... from nobody for nothing. Really? I just closed it. You must be one of those quick-draw artists... because you got your gun stuck way down in your belt. What do you got there? A wop nine? Fucking Fiat of guns, always jamming at the wrong time. Don't you puke on my shoes, Harry. I want you to do me a favor. I want you to take this gun... and put a pill in the o' over there. I know you're thinking, Why fucking shoot him? He's already dead. But you see, the police have these tests... tell you whether or not a guy fired a gun... and I was never here. Understand, Harry? I was never here. If you say I was... I'll come back and throw you out the fucking window. Knock it off, Harry. We haven't got a lot of time. That's it. That's it. Not a worry in the world. Your pool needs skimming. Martin wants to have lunch tomorrow, if you can make it. Depends on who pays. Definitely not Martin. Movie stars never pick up the check. They have no idea what things cost. Most of them don't know their phone number or zip code. I can't imagine the two of you together. You don't like Martin much, do you? No, I do. I do. I think he's-- I think he's short. I know he's a good actor, but what was it exactly that you saw in him? Martin was different then. He wasn't a movie star. Anyway, what about your story? Thought ofa title? How about, Get Shorty? How about, Chili's Hollywood Adventure? That's a different story. I'm still working on that one. I'm still getting the visual fa ic together. But I have added to it. There's a girl in it now. Really? She looks a lot like you. I thinkyou could be an actor. I know you're acting sometimes, but you don't show it. You thought I was faking? No, not then. I mean in general. You don't mean a movie star, right? You mean more like a character actor? Well, whichever. I could see myself in the parts a Robert DeNiro plays. Maybe even an Al Pacino movie. I'm playing a real hard-on. I can't see myself in a movie where 3 guys get left with a baby... and they act like 3 grown-up assholes, like they're all cute. Chili, look at me. Leave a message. Hi, Karen, it'sDoris. You might want to come by Cedars tonight and visit Harry. He's in the emergency room. Let's go. I stopped by his office... to see if he wanted to take me to Le Dome for dinner. I saw Harry and some other man lying on the floor. Good night, Todd. Good night, Louis. Oh, man. -Jesus. -Harry, my God. He can't talk. He's full of Demerol. What happened? According to Todd-- Sergeant Randall-- a man named Ronnie came by Harry's office to collect on a debt. He got rough, and Harry shot him. You shot Ronnie? Hello, hello. Okay, here we go. Looks like Mr. Zimm has a oken jaw and some neck trauma... to go with these fractured hands. Excuse us, folks. Martin wanted to meet us for lunch tomorrow at the Ivy. I'd cancel, but he's going to Cannes next week... so I really think maybe Chili and I should still go. Who wants to take a crack at wiring Mr. Zimm'sjaw? Son ofa bitch. Hi, Bo! Hey, Farrah. Little honey bunny. You wipe your feet before you came in? That's my girl. Keep Uncle Bo's carpet nice and white. I been calling you, man. Where you been? See the paper? Yeah, I seen it. I don't believe it. Says Harry shot Ronnie five times. Four through the chest and one through his foot? His foot,Jesus. Poor Ronnie. Tonight, I got one for you that doesn't involve any heavy work. Go take a look around Chili Palmer's hotel room. I can't. I gotta take Farrah over to her mother's in Costa Mesa... and that don't matter, 'cause I quit. I don't work for you no more. I came to tell you... to your face, so we got no misunderstanding. The Colombians are in L.A., all upset about their money. If that ain't enough, as a bonus, it turns out that Yo-Yo was Escobar's nephew. That's your problem. You shot the guy. Honey bunny. Come here. Come here, honey bunny. Come see Uncle Bo. You know Uncle Bo hates being alone. In fact he hates it so much... he takes a fall, he's not going to fall by himself. He'll plea-deal his way out. Give up his ace stuntman, now one ofthe West's dope kings... if they go easy on the cat. I hear in federal joints they let you spend an extra five minutes... with your daddy on Father's Day. Let her go. After this one, I'm out. You understand? This is the last time we talk to each other. Remember Harry's story about the dry cleaner Palmer was after-- the one who stole $300,000 from the airline? What about him? Tonight, look around Palmer's hotel room while I check out Karen's place. See if he hasn't stashed it somewhere. Meet me back here at midnight. What kind of food do they got at this Ivy place? Continental, but it doesn't matter. Martin won't order from the menu. Why not? Because a movie stars can never order straight from the menu. They have to think of something they have to have that isn't on the menu. Harry, what're you doing here? You're supposed to be in the hospital. You look like you should be in one ofyour horror movies. My project! -What did he say? -My project. Thattaboy, Killer! Right this way. You're a cele ity. Should've shot someone a long time ago. Excuse me. How're you? -Good to see you. -Great to see you. Oh, my goodness. Sweet face. You look great. Smell good too. I hear you had quite an experience. Anyway, I'm glad you're okay. You know what else? I'm really glad you rejected me ten years ago... when I auditioned for Eddie Solomon, the pedophile clown in Birthday Boy. If I'd have gotten that part, I might have been typecast. Have you guys ordered? I have something after this. Can we order? Excuse me, can you-- -Hi, what's your name? -Stephanie. Hi, Stephanie. Can you make me an egg white omelette but with shallots? Shallots only slightly owned, very little olive oil. And no salt. Why don't you ing one for the table? We'll all pick on it. I know, how about having those strawberry frappes? The drink with the little strawberries. Bring two straws for Harry. I think the romance angle in your story is critically important. It shouldn't be just a hop in the sack for either of them. They should fall deeply in love. Which two? Later, when their lives are in danger... and the mob guy is chasing them, it not only heightens the tension... but it adds a wistful element to their romance. Mob guy? I have to consider, as the mob guy... it's another man's wife I'm sleeping with. Yeah, and you have such morals. Mob guy? I have to run. What I'd like to see is that... they begin to have misgivings about wanting the money. This becomes a moral dilemma. They rationalize taking it, but in the end, they can't. What money? The 300 large. What other money is there? I know I shouldn't talk about it until I've read the script... but I have such a good feeling about this. I am that shylock. HarryŁ¬look at me. Not bad. You're really getting it down. It scares me how well I know this guy. I could do this tomorrow, no further preparation. Doll face. You really should think about getting back into acting. We could do something together. I'll give it some heavy thought. Take care ofyourself. Enjoy. Here, let me help you out. Go ahead. Suck harder. Wake up! Somebody's downstairs. It's Harry. How do you know? He's doing the same thing you did. Playing Letterman on TV. That's not Dave. That's a movie. -You going down? -I don't know. You don't know? I don't know. I'm going. -Karen, you got a gun? -No! -Any kind of gun will do. -No! Sounds like Rio Bravo. Guessl'll take that drink now, Charlie. l thought you would. You want that gun? Pick it up. l wish you would. I need the money. What money? The 300 grand you got from a dry cleaner named Leo. Let's me get this straight. You eak into Karen Flores' house... and you ask for 300 grand that doesn't belong to you. Just give me the money.I'll be on my way. I can't believe how you guys do business out here. I can't believe how fucked up your organization is. How about I count to three and organize your ain all over the wall? One. You're going to shoot me? -Just a second. Two. -I can't believe this. She can't talk right now. That's a nice scream. They ought to give you more work. All right, I'll get you the money, but it's not here. -I gotta go get it. -Okay, fine. In the meantime, I'll hold her for safekeeping. -Do you know Laurel Canyon? -I'll find it. 81 50 Wonderland Avenue. Right off Laurel. I'll be there, Karen. -You get the money? -No. -What is this? -Plan B. Make yourself comfortable. -She's a movie star! -I don't care! For chrissake. -Going to make a trade. -For what? -The money. -You get life for kidnapping. -Calm down. -Life in prison! -You want me to calm down! -Do not fade on me, Bear. What, are you going to shoot me now? Go ahead! Put me out of my misery! Calm the hell down... unless you want to spend the rest ofyour life holding Farrah... in a room full of goddamned felons! So! This is one of them houses you see hanging offthe side of the cliff. Where's Karen? In my bathroom. Where's the money? -Let me see her. -Go ahead. You okay? Guy's got a fucking pink toilet, for Christ's sake. She's great. Give me the money. First, I'm gonna settle something between you and me. Now, I've been shot at before... once by accident, twice on purpose... and I'm still here. I'm gonna be here as long as I want. Which means you gotta be somewhere else. Nowhere near me, Karen or Harry. Here's your money. Take it and leave... the movie business to the rest of us who know what we're doing. Come on, Karen. You oke in my house, and I have a witness to it. What? Only this time it ain't no John Wayne or Dean Martin shooting bad guys... -in El Dorado. -That was Rio Bravo. Robert Mitchum played the drunk in El Dorado. Dean Martin played the drunk in Rio Bravo. Basically, it was the same part. John Wayne did the same in both. He played John Wayne. Man, I can't wait foryou to be dead. Are you going to talk to me-- That's for the stairs, and that's for the airport. Get him off my carpet before he starts to bleed. You want to take this guy out? Come out to the deck. Make it look like he came at us. You shoot him. Self-defense. -Shouldn't he have a weapon? A knife? -Get it later. All right, that's enough. You keep hitting him like that, he won't look like he oke in. It'll look like somebody beat him up and then shot him. No, he ain't. Hold on! We gotta get fuck out of here! What are you doing? -What are you doing? -Oh, shit. She's shooting at us! I'm sorry. I'm sorry. How do you think that happened? Beats the shit out of me. Were you scared up there? You bet. You don't act like it. I was scared then, not now. How long you want me to be scared? I'll be right back. How'd you get in? It was easy. I told them I was you. I acted real stupid, and they believed me. What ings you to L.A., Bones? Please, don't insult me. Just turn around. Turn around! Do you know that you're the dumbest fuck I've ever met? Let me look in these pockets. You should've told me about Leo as soon as you found out. Why would I do that? Because he's a customer of mine. Dummy. He belongs to me. Well, well, well. What have we here? C-1 8. I wonder what this could be? A locker key? But where's the locker? I checked the bag at the airport. Which terminal? Which terminal! Sovereign. You found Leo. You took the poor bastard's money. You put it in a locker ready to go. Why haven't you left? I like it out here. You know, Chili, I've been thinking. There's really no reason why you and I shouldn't get along. Forget all the stuff that happened. I don't even remember how this mess started. You took a swing at me for some fucking thing. I say, Fuck it. I say you owe me money. I say, Fuck that. I say you owe me thejuice on the money? I say, Fuck that too. I say live and let die. But this... is strictly between you and I. You say nothing... to nobody about this. Understood? Whatever you say. I think it's only fair. Then it's all settled. I'll see you around. Dumb fuck. Come on. The fucking airport. Bingo, boys. Let's go. Hey, Bones, look at me. Fuckyou, fuckball. Damn! Cut! Cut! -I...I'm pushing the right button. -You're not, or it wouldn't fall. Every take I push the right button. Bear, man, you show him how to do it. I don't really know. What do you want to do, Harry? Wrap. It's a wrap. Come back tomorrow. HarryŁ¬what're you doing? You should've gone into overtime to get that shot. This is only the second day. We're already two weeks behind. Do me a favor, okay? I don't understand. Martin told me that he loves it. I just don't think Martin is right, okay? -Why the hell not? -He's too short. Come on. Why does he keep pushing Martin? Packaging. You can't make a Martin Weir into a Mel Gibson. Where do you want to go? Morton's or Dan Tana's?
I'm voting for Dukakis. Hm... Well... Maybe when you have children who need aces and half of your husband's pay cheque goes to the government, you'll regret that. My husband's pay cheque? I'm not squeezing one out till I'm 30. Will you still be at the Yarn Barn? That's a great place to raise children. - That's really funny. - I think a year of partying's enough. - She's going to Harvard next fall. - I haven't gotten in yet. You think Dukakis will provide for America till you squeeze one out? Yeah, I do. - When can I squeeze one out? - Eighth grade. Excuse me. Donnie, you're such a dick. Whoa, Elizabeth! A little hostile there. Maybe YOU should be in therapy, then Mom and Dad can pay someone to listen to YOUR thoughts so we don't have to. OK. Tell us why you stopped taking your medication. You're such a fuck-ass! - Please. - Did you just call me a fuck-ass? - That's enough. - Go suck a fuck! - How does one suck a fuck? - Shall I tell you? - Please. - Not at the dinner table. - Stop. - Fuck... What's a fuck-ass? I took a year off to be with you. - What? - How did you know? - I didn't know it was a big deal. - It is a big deal. I'm reading. Get out. Where do you go at night? - Just get out. - Did you toilet-paper the Johnsons' house? - Is that why you're here? - No. - I stopped rolling houses in the sixth grade. - Where's my son? I don't recognise you. Then you take the goddamn pills. Bitch. Our son just called me a bitch. You're not a bitch. You're bitchin', but you're not a bitch. I want to be a president who makes sure that we never again do business with a drug-running Panamanian dictator or funnel aid to the Contras through drug dealers. Values begin at the top. Dukakis... Son of a bitch. Those are the values I want to ing to the presidency and to the White House. - Panama is a friendly country. - Tell him, George. I talked to the president of Panama about their money laundering. Mr Noriega was there, but there was no evidence. When the evidence was there, we indicted him. Wake up. I've been watching you. Come closer. Closer. 28 days... six hours... 42 minutes... 12 seconds. That is when the world will end. Why? Son? Donnie Darko? Donnie Darko? What the heck's going on here? - Who is it? - It's Eddie Darko's kid. He's just a neighbourhood kid. Guess he was sleep-golfing? Watch out for that drool spot! Are you all right, son? So let's stay off the links at night, OK? I'm sorry, Dr Fisher. It... It won't happen again. - Kids... - Let's golf. - No one's allowed. - This is my house. - I said... - This is my house! Wait a minute. - Here's your other. - It fell in your room. Ms Darko? I'm Bob Garland. I'm with the FAA. - The what? - I'm with the FAA. May we speak privately? - In private? - Please. - And here... - OK. All right, we have arranged a hotel. Get some sleep and we'll take care of this. - Great. - Thank you. Kids, come on. We're going to a hotel. They don't know where it came from. - Where's Pop? - He's still at work. If it fell from the plane... what happened to the plane? They don't know, Samantha. Can't we make money from this? Can't we sue the airline? Shut up, Sam. Why do I have to sleep with Donnie? He stinks. When you fall asleep tonight, - I'm gonna fart in your face. - I'm telling Mom! Samantha, don't go over there. Frankie Feedler. You remember. From high school. Hm... Mm-hm. He died. Remember? Mm-hm. On his way to the prom. They said he was doomed. Jesus. They could be saying the same thing about Donnie. Our Donnie. - But he dodged it. - Hm... He dodged his photograph. Hm... Hm. Somebody was watching over him. Mrs Farmer will ing you home after practice. Bye, honey. Donnie... good luck. - Oh, my God! Tell me everything. - I'm not allowed to talk about it. - Oh, my God! - Hi, Cherita. - Shut up! - Darko cheats death! Huh? You're a cele ity! I called you a jillion times. Where you been? - At a hotel. - Dad saw you at the golf course. - You sleepwalking again, buddy? - I don't want to talk about it. Now that you're famous, have a smoke. What happens if you tell Mom and Dad, Sam? - You'll put Ariel in the garbage disposal. - Goddamn right, I will. - So grody. - Hey, Cherita, you want a cigarette? - Shut up! - Shut up! Go back to China, bitch! Just leave her alone. - That's some good shit, huh? - It's a fucking cigarette. HEAD OVER HEELS BY TEARS FOR FEARS I wanted to be with you alone And talk about the weather But traditions I can trace against the child in your face Won't escape my attention You keep your distance with a system of touch And gentle persuasion With one foot in the past now just how long will it last No, no, no, have you no ambition? You keep your distance with a system of touch And gentle persuasion I'm lost in admiration, could I need you this much? Oh, you're wasting my time You're just just just wasting time Something happens and I'm head over heels I never find out till I'm head over heels Something happens and I'm head over heels Ah, don't take my heart, don't eak my heart Don't, don't, don't throw it away In my mind's eye One little boy, one little man Funny how Time flies There would be headlines in the papers. The grown-up gangs who ran the betting at the wrestling and the barrow-boys would hear with respect of how Old Misery's house had been destroyed. It was as though this plan had been with him all his life, pondered through the seasons, now, in his 15th year, crystallised with the pain of puberty. What is Graham Greene trying to communicate with this passage? Why did the children eak into Old Misery's house? - Joanie? - They wanted to rob him. If you had actually read the short story, which was a whopping 13 pages, you'd know that the children find a great deal of money in the mattress, but burn it. Donnie Darko, perhaps with your recent ush with mass destruction, you can give us your opinion. They say it when they flood the house, when they tear it to shreds, that destruction is a form of creation, so burning the money is ironic. They just want to see what happens when they tear the world apart. They want to change things. - May we help you? - Yeah, I just registered. - They put me in the wrong class. - You look like you belong here. Um... Where do I sit? Sit next to the boy you think is the cutest. Quiet! Let her choose. Joanie, get up. What people don't understand is that Dukakis does not have the financial infrastructure... Well, the construction guys say it will take about a week to fix the roof. Airline better not fuck us on the shingle match. - They still don't know? - Know what? - Where it came from? - Oh, no. They can't tell us. Something about a matching serial number that got burned. I had to sign a form saying I wouldn't talk to anyone about it. So we can't tell anyone what nobody knows? Yeah. But you tell... What's your doctor's name? - Dr Thurman, Dad. - Yes. Tell Dr Thurman whatever you want. - Dad. - What? - Dad! - Oh...! What's that woman doing in the middle of the damn road?! No mail today. Maybe tomorrow. What did she say to you? - I made a new friend. - Real or imaginary? - Imaginary. - Would you like to talk about this friend? - Frank. - Frank. - What did he say? - He said to follow him. - Follow him? Where? - Into the future. And then what happens? And then he said... then he said that the world was coming to an end. Do you think the world is coming to an end? No. That's stupid. For my entire life, I was a victim of my own fear. Love. I was feeding fear with food. Fear. Finally, I looked in the mirror. Not just in the mirror. I looked THROUGH the mirror. In that image, I saw my ego reflection. For two years, I thought it was normal for a 10-year-old to wet the bed... Shh! Quiet! But the solution was there all the time. I'm not afraid any more! All over America, people have come together to join hands. People who believe that human life is absolutely too important, too valuable and too precious to be controlled by fear. Pay close attention. You could miss something. Hello. My name is Jim Cunningham. And welcome to Controlling Fear. .. and the prince was led into a world of strange and beautiful magic. Wow. The Last Unicorn by Samantha Darko. - Give it back! - There was once a unicorn named Ariel... - You wrinkled it. - It's not wrinkled, Sam. It's 7.45. The bus should've been here 20 minutes ago. Maybe Martha finally went nuts and hijacked it. There's this rule - at 7.45, we get to go home. There's no rule. Cherita, you should... go home. Yeah, if you're here when the bus comes, we'll get in trouble. - Shut up! - Shut up! Hey, Porky Pig... I hope you get molested. Hey! Hey! I can't believe this! School's closed today because it's flooded. - No way! - Yeah. Holy shit! That's the best news ever! My God, is this ever going to stop? Eventually, yes. But right now, I got 12 classrooms full of water. All coming from a busted water main. - What else? - What else? Principal Cole, I'll show you what else. That's unbelievable. That's solid onze, isn't it? - Yep. - How did this happen? I heard a cat burglar trashed everything and the Mongrel got his head cut off. - Hah! - True! Beth's mom said the boys' locker room flooded and they found faeces everywhere. - What are faeces? - Baby mice. Hey. Has anyone ever told you that you're sexy? I like your boobs. Hey. Hey. School's cancelled. Do you want to walk me home? Sure. - Don't look so freaked. - I'm not. Check your backpack. Those guys steal shit. Fuck 'em! - So, why'd you move here? - My parents got a divorce. My mom got a restraining order against my stepdad. He has emotional problems. I have those, too. What kind does he have? He stabbed my mom four times in the chest. Oh. Did he go to jail? No, he fled. They still can't find him. Mom and I had to change our names. I thought Gretchen Ross was pretty cool. I was in jail once. I mean... I burned down this house. It was abandoned, but I got held back in school and I can't drive till I'm 21. But I'm over all of that. I'm... painting and stuff. Writing. I want to be a writer. Maybe a painter. Maybe both... I'll write a book and draw the pictures. Then maybe people will understand me. I don't know, change things. Donnie Darko - what the hell kind of name is that? It's like a superhero or something. What makes you think I'm not? I should go. For physics, Montinoff is having me write this essay - the greatest invention ever to benefit mankind. It's Monnitoff. But that's easy. Antiseptics. Like, the whole sanitation thing. Joseph Lister, 1895. Before antiseptics, there was no sanitation, especially in medicine. You mean soap? Well, I'm really glad school was flooded today. Why is that? We'd never have had this conversation. You're weird. Sorry. No, that was a compliment. Well, look, uh... You want to go with me? - Where do you want to go? - No, I mean, like, go with me. - You know, like going together. - Sure. OK. Where are you going? I'm going home. Stupid... Where are you going? I'd like to try something new. Have you ever been hypnotised? No. When I clap twice, you will wake up. Do you understand? - Yes. - So, tell me about your week. I met a girl. What is her name? Gretchen. We're going together now. Do you still think about girls a lot? Yeah. - How are things going at school? - I think about girls a lot. I asked you about school, Donnie. I think about fucking a lot during school. - What else do you think about during school? - Married With Children. - You think about your family? - I just turn down the volume and think about fucking Christina Applegate. I asked you about your family. No. I don't think about fucking my family. That's gross. I'd like to hear about your friend Frank. Sam Bylan. Cherita Chen. Donald Darko. Daye Dennis. Hey, you fuck! Did you say I flooded the school? - I didn't say shit. - Yeah, well, they think I did it. If you're innocent, then you have nothing to worry about, right? Fuck you! You know what I think? I think you did it. Beer and pussy - that's all I need. - We gotta find ourselves a Smurfette. - Smurfette? Mm-hm. Not some tight-ass Middlesex chick. Like, this cute little blonde that'll get down with the guys like Smurfette does. Smurfette doesn't fuck. That's bullshit. Why do you think Papa Smurf made her? Because the other Smurfs were getting too horny. - Not Vanity. I heard he was a homosexual. - Then she fucks them while Vanity watches. What about Papa Smurf? He must get some action? What he does, he films the gang-bang. Later on, he beats off to the tape. First of all, Papa Smurf didn't create Smurfette. Gargamel did. She was sent as Gargamel's evil spy to destroy the Smurf village, but the overwhelming goodness of the Smurfs transformed her. And as for the whole gang-bang scenario, it just couldn't happen! Smurfs are asexual. They don't even have reproductive organs under those little pants. That's what's so illogical about being a Smurf. What's the point of living if you don't have a dick? Donnie, why you gotta get smart on us? Grandma Death. Excuse me! Excuse me! Please stay off the road, Miss Sparrow, or I will call Social Services. I hate that Miss Farmer. She's such a fucking bitch! Yeah. - How old is Grandma Death? - 101. She does the same thing every day. Just walks back and forth and back and forth to the mailbox. Nothing ever in there. Oh, wait, wait, wait... She's going back to the box. We may still have mail. - Mail, mail, mail. - Here it is. This could be it. Oh...? - Oh, no dice, Grandma. Sorry. - Someone ought to write that bitch. Authorities continued their search for a suspect in the Middlesex Ridge School vandalism. The private school has asked for donations to restore its beloved mascot, known only as the Mongrel... It's very helpful. There's a good turnout tonight. What are you trying to accomplish here? There was urine and faeces flooded in my office. Whatever fits. Whatever fits? In cooperation with the county police, we have begun an active investigation into the cause of the flooding. And our suspects include several of our own students... I want to know why this filth is being taught to our children. Kitty, I would appreciate if you would wait... Dr Cole, not only am I a teacher, but I am also a parent of a Middlesex child. Therefore I am the only person here who transcends the parent-teacher idge. Don't worry. You got away with it. I have in my hand Graham Greene's The Destructors. This short story is part of my daughter's English assignment. In this story, several children destroy an elderly man's house from inside out. How can you do that? And how do they do this? They flood the house by eaking through a water main. I can do anything I want. And so can you. And I think that this garbage should be removed! Excuse me. What is the real issue here? The PTA doesn't ban books. The PTA must acknowledge that pornography is being taught in our curriculum! - It's meant to be ironic. - Excuse me. Go back to grad school. Why did you make me flood the school? They are in great danger. Do you even know who Graham Greene is? I think we have all seen Bonanza. Well, um... while we are on other topics... Where do you come from? Do you believe in time travel? Who are you talking to? I was just taking my pills, Sam. A storm is coming, Frank says. A storm that will swallow the children, And I will deliver them from the kingdom of pain. I'll deliver them back to their doorsteps, send the monsters back to the underground. I'll send them back to a place where no one else can see them. Except for me. Because I am Donnie Darko. Who is Frank? A six-foot-tall bunny rabbit. In these modern times, our attitude and beliefs are so delicate, so fragile. I have had a Cunning Vision. This vision has released me. It's important that our lifeline be rejuvenated, so that we can eathe again. It's time to eathe. It is time to eathe. Thank you, Jim Cunningham. Thank you, Jim Cunningham. So now let us begin Lifeline Exercise Number One. Please press stop now. As you can see, the lifeline is divided into two polar extremes. Fear and love. Fear is in the negative energy spectrum. - Love is in the positive energy spectrum. - No, duh Excuse me? No, duh is a product of fear. Now, on each card is a character dilemma which applies to the lifeline. Please... Take this. Thank you. Please read each character dilemma aloud and place an X on the lifeline in the appropriate place. Cherita? Juanita has an important math test today. She's known about the test for several weeks, but has not studied. In order to keep from failing, Juanita decides to cheat on the math test. Good. Good. Very good. Mr Darko. Ling Ling finds a wallet filled with money. She takes it to the address on the driver's licence but keeps the money. I'm sorry, Miss Farmer. I don't get this. Just place an X in the appropriate place. I know what to do, but you can't lump things into two categories. The lifeline is divided that way. Well, life isn't that simple. I mean... Who cares if Ling Ling keeps the money? It has nothing to do with fear or love. - They are the deepest human emotions. - OK. But you're not listening to me. There are other things to take into account, the whole spectrum of human emotion. You can't just lump everything into two categories and deny everything else! If you don't complete the assignment, you'll get a zero. Donald, let me preface this by saying that your Iowa Test scores are... intimidating. So... Let's go over this again. What exactly did you say to Miss Farmer? I'll tell you. He asked me to forcibly insert the lifeline exercise card into my anus! Nobody cares about responsibility, morality, family values... Kitty... Excuse us, please. They've suspended him from after-school activities for six months. Since this jet engine fiasco, I don't know what's gotten into... I'll say this because our daughters are on the dance team together and I respect you, but after witnessing your son's behaviour, I have significant doubts about your... Our paths through life must be righteous. Go home and look in the mirror and pray that your son doesn't succumb to the path of fear. Do you remember that weird gym teacher, Mrs Farmer? Yeah. OK, well, my other told her to shove a book up her ass today. And then my parents just bought him all this new shit. Yeah, I know. I wish a jet engine would fall on my room. - Dr Monnitoff. - Donnie. Um... I know this is gonna sound kind of weird, but do you know anything about... time travel? A wormhole with an Einstein-Rosen idge, which is theoretically a wormhole in space controlled by man. So, according to Hawking, a wormhole may be able to provide a short cut for jumping between two distant regions of space-time. So to travel back in time, you have to have a spaceship faster than the speed of light. - Theoretically. - And be able to find a wormhole. The basic principles of time travel are there. Your vessel and portal. Your vessel can be anything. - Like a DeLorean? - Metal craft of any kind. You know, I love that movie. It's so... like, futuristic, you know? Listen, um... don't tell anybody that I gave you this. Woman who wrote this used to teach here. She was a nun long before that. Then overnight she became this entirely different person. She up and left the church, wrote this book... She started teaching science, right here at Middlesex. The Philosophy Of Time Travel. Roberta Sparrow? That's right. Roberta Sparrow? Roberta Sparrow. Grandma Death. It's called The Philosophy Of Time Travel. - What does philosophy have to do with it? - Guess who wrote it. Who? Roberta Sparrow. Huh! She wrote a book. - Grandma Death wrote a book. - That's a terrible nickname. We almost ran her down the other day. She lives in that piece of crap house, and you know she's loaded. - You're right. - She was known for her gem collection. Kids used to go up there all the time and try to steal stuff from her. She became a total recluse. Huh! I didn't know she was alive till we damn near knocked her down. She was just standing in the road, frozen. I walked over to see if she was OK. And she whispered in my ear. - What did she say? - I think Frank wants me to talk to her. He asked if I knew about time travel. She wrote a book about it, so that can't be a coincidence, right? What did she say to you? She said that every living creature on earth dies alone. How did that make you feel? It reminded me of my dog Callie. She died when I was eight and she crawled underneath the... the porch. To die. To be alone. Do you feel alone right now? I don't know... I'd like to believe I'm not, but I just... I've just never seen any proof, so I just don't debate it any more. I could spend my whole life debating it over and over and still wouldn't have proof, so I just don't debate it any more. It's absurd. The search for God is absurd? It is if everyone dies alone. Does that scare you? I don't want to be alone. And his tapes have made me realise that for the last 39 years, I have been a prisoner of my own fear. Fear. You have got to meet this Jim Cunningham. I can't believe he's single. It has been a disappointing night for these Super Bowl champions. You're right, Dan. Coach Joe Gibbs is on the sidelines. He's gotta be thinking, What happened? What went wrong tonight? - And here's the kick. - Oh! It's no good... - Shit, we need a quarterback. - We need a miracle. - We need to go for a safety. - What the future holds for this MVP, we'll have to wait and see. You guys want anything? This week on Who's The Boss? Samantha borrows Tony's van and gets caught without a licence. Better make sure we don't miss that one. Here we are again. Fourth down now... Tomorrow, we meet our partners for the Young Inventors' Fair. What if you could go back in time and take those hours of pain and replace them with something better? - Like images? - Yeah, a Hawaiian sunset or the Grand Canyon. - Things that remind you how beautiful... - We've been going together for two weeks. Yeah? Well, I er... I... You want to kiss me? - I'm sorry, I... - Look, Donnie, wait. I just... - Well, I like you a lot. - I just want it to be at a time when... it... - When what? - When it reminds me just... When it reminds you how beautiful the world can be? Yeah. And there's some fat guy staring at us. I don't think telling any woman to forcibly insert an object up her anus is something that should go without consequence. I think we should buy him a moped. I think we should get a divorce. - You won't tell Mom, will you? - Why would I? - You tell Mom everything. - No, I don't. - Let me see it. - No, it's not finished. It's... OK. It's cool. That's scary. You think? Thank you for seeing us at such late notice. - We both felt we should come and discuss... - What I think is going on with your son. Yes. Um... Well, he's er... You know about his past, and he was suspended from school for insulting his gym teacher. I'm not sure that's a good example. I think he had just cause. Rose, let me lay out what I believe is happening here. Donnie's aggressive behaviour... his increased detachment from reality, seem to stem from his inability to cope with the forces in the world that he perceives to be threatening. Has he ever told you about Frank? Frank? Yes, the giant bunny rabbit. The what? I don't recall him ever having mentioned a rabbit. Donnie is experiencing what is commonly called a daylight hallucination. This is a common occurrence among paranoid schizophrenics. - What can we do? - I would like to do more hypnotherapy... .. and increase his medication. Whatever will help him, really, is... That's why we're here. We just would like him to experience some relief. So if you think that more medication will do that, then I think we should give it a try. It's complicated. Yeah? There's like a force in your ain that just sends you someplace. Do you go someplace familiar? No, but each time I keep waking up farther from my house. Scary. Donnie Darko. I know. - Good morning, you mongrels! - Good morning. Is that all you can muster? Good morning! - Good morning! - Now, that's a tiny, tiny bit better. But I still sense some students who are actually afraid to say good morning. Good morning! Yeah, that's what I like to hear! Too many young men and women today are completely paralysed by their fears. They surrender their bodies to the temptation and destruction of drugs, alcohol and premarital sex. Now, I'm going to tell you a little story today. It's a heart eakingly sad story about a young man whose life was completely destroyed by these instruments of fear, a young man searching for love in all the wrong places.
His name was Frank. - We're moving through time. - What? Hi. My stepsister, like, I sometimes worry that she eats too much. - Shut up, Kim! - I'm just trying to help. Oh, sweetheart, please! There's no reason to be embarrassed here. Many times we eat because we are afraid to face our ego reflection. We find ourselves looking at the mirror, rather than into and through the mirror. When we do that, we can finally see how beautiful we are. - Thanks! - Sure. Come up here. Don't be afraid. Er, how can I find out what I wanna be when I grow up? Oh! That's a hard one. Well, look deep inside of yourself, deep within your heart, and find what makes you feel love - pure, unconditional love - and go to that. In your studies, in your athletics, in your relationships, go towards love. - Thank you. - Come on up. Next. - How do I learn how to fight? - How do I learn how to fight? Son, violence is a product of fear. Learn to truly love yourself - TRULY love yourself - and the world will be yours. - OK. - Get yourself up here! All right! - Good morning. - Good morning! Um... How much are they paying you to be here? Er... Excuse me? - What's your name, son? - Gerald. Well, Gerald, I think you're afraid. Do you want us to buy your book? Because that was the worst advice ever. See how sad this is? Want your sister to lose weight? Tell her to stop eating Twinkies and play field hockey. No one knows what they want to be. It takes time to find that out. Right, Jim? And you... Yeah, you. Sick of some jerk shoving your head down the toilet? Well, lift some weights or take a karate lesson, and next time kick him in the balls. Son... See this? This is an anger prisoner, a textbook example. - Prisoner. - Do you see the fear, people? This boy is scared to death. Son, it eaks my heart to say this, but I believe you're a very troubled and confused young man. - You are searching in all the wrong places. - You're right, actually. I am pretty troubled and pretty confused. And I'm afraid, really, really afraid. Really afraid, but I... I... I think you're the fucking Antichrist. It's amazing. He thinks he's telling the truth. Everything he says is a fucking lie. Everything he says! Everyone thinks he's so rad. He's such a fucking chud... Are you OK? Sit down. Calm down. You ever hear of Grandma Death? Who? The Philosophy Of Time Travel. What is this? She wrote it. I'm... I'm seeing stuff... Like really messed-up stuff. That book describes stuff I've been seeing, and it can't just be a coincidence. She must be in. She never leaves this house. Maybe she's asleep. Donnie, look. Send her a letter. Each vessel travels along a vector through space-time, along its centre of gravity. Like a spear. - Pardon? - Like a spear coming out of your chest. Um... Sure. Yeah. In order for the vessel to travel through time, it's got to find a portal, a wormhole or... Could these portals...? Could these portals just appear anywhere, any time? I think that's highly unlikely. - No, you're talking about an act of God. - If God controls time, time is pre-decided. - I'm not following you. - Every living thing follows a set path. And if you could see your path, then you could see the future? - That's a form of time travel. - Well, you're contradicting yourself. If we were able to see our destinies manifest themselves visually, then we would be given a choice to betray our destinies. The mere fact that this choice exists would make all preformed destiny come to an end. Not if you travel within God's channel. I'm not going to be able to continue this conversation. - Why? - I could lose my job. OK. It gives me no pleasure to deny you one of the great writers of the 20th century. Alas, I have not yet been elected queen of the universe, so I must obey the rules. So, anyone seen in this school reading this book will be suspended. Not to worry. Someone pre-ordered a dozen copies at the Sarasota Mall bookstore. In Mr Greene's absence, we will now be reading another classic - Watership Down. Here, Donnie. Pass these back. Maybe you and Frank can read this one together. Now you know where he lives. And they grow out of our... chest, solar plexus? Just like she described, the way they moved and they smelled. It's like they're workers. Assigned to each one of us. They just... They're like liquid. I followed it into my parents' bedroom. What did you find? Nothing. So we call them IMGs. - Infant Memory Generators. - You buy these glasses for your infant, and they wear them at night when they sleep. But inside the glasses are these slide photographs. Each photograph is of something peaceful or beautiful, whatever the parents want. What effect would it have on an infant? Well, nobody remembers their infancy. Anybody who says they do is lying. So, this will help develop memory earlier in life. Yeah. Did you consider that infants need darkness as part of their natural development? No. Yeah. What if the parents put in pictures of Satan or dead people? Is that what you'd show your kids? Er, well, I mean, didn't your dad, like, stab your mom? Get out. Gretchen! Gretchen! Gretchen. I'm sorry about those guys. - Two for Evil Dead, please. - That'll be $2. Why do you wear that stupid bunny suit? Why are you wearing that stupid man suit? Take it off. What happened to your eye? Why do they call you Frank? It is the name of my father. And his father before me. Frank... when's this going to stop? You should already know that. Watch the movie screen. There's something I want to show you. Have you ever seen a portal? Burn it to the ground. OK. Now, girls, I want you to concentrate. Failure is not an option. And, Bethany, if you feel the need to vomit up there, just swallow it. - OK, Mom. - Hey, you guys, good luck out there. Now, that was really something. Thank you, Cherita Chen, with Autumn Angel. Now the moment we've all been waiting for. It is my pleasure to introduce to you Emily Bates, Suzy Bailey, Samantha Darko, Beth Farmer and Joanie James. They are Sparkle Motion. How long was I asleep for? Whole movie. Well, look what the cat dragged in! How you doing, Donnie? Your little sister was oken-hearted that you missed her big show last night. - Dad? - Hm? I'm crazy. You're not crazy. I used to be crazy. But you're not crazy. - Look, you're my only son... - I know... No, hold it. I know I'm not the best communicator, but... .. whatever happens to you, be honest, tell the truth, even if they do look at you funny - they will. But what you gotta understand, son, is that almost all of those people are full of shit. They're all part of this great big conspiracy of bullshit. And they're scared of people like you. Because those bullshitters know that you're smarter than all of them. You know what you say to people like that? Hm? Fuck you. The blaze was extinguished sometime after 8.00 last night. Firefighters discovered what has been referred to as a kiddie porn dungeon. Cunningham, who has become a recent cele ity for his books, was arrested... - Oh, my God! - .. while at Sarasota Heights Country Club. Arson has not been ruled out as the cause of the fire. - Now a group of Cunning Vision employees... - Dad played golf with that guy. .. vehemently denied the alleged link to a child pornography publishing circuit. In a vicious statement, Connie attacked fire department officials, claiming a mass conspiracy. I'm sorry, Karen. This is a progressive school, but we don't feel your methods are appropriate. What exactly about my methods are inappropriate? I am sorry that you have failed. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have another appointment. You can finish out the week. Fuck! Good afternoon. It's a great pleasure to announce that the Middlesex Ridge School dance team has been invited to perform on Star Search '88 in Los Angeles. - I know now a terrible thing is coming. - What do you mean? The field, the field. It's covered with blood. Blood? Don't be silly. All right. It's getting dark. We should get back to the burrow. Back to the burrow? It'll come there. It's all around us! - Stop it, Fiver. - We've got to leave here. When the other rabbits hear of Fiver's vision, do they believe him? Why should we care? Because the rabbits are us, Donnie. Why should I mourn for a rabbit? Is the death of one species less tragic than another? Of course. A rabbit's not like us. It has no history books, no photographs, no knowledge of sorrow or regret. I'm sorry. Don't get me wrong, I like rabbits. They're cute and horny. If you're cute and horny, you're happy. You don't know why you're alive. You just want to have sex as many times as possible before you die. I just don't see the point in crying over a dead rabbit... who never even feared death to begin with. You're wrong. These rabbits are the product of the author's imagination. He cares for them, so we care for them, otherwise we've just missed the point. Aren't we forgetting about the miracle of storytelling? The deus ex machina? The god machine? That's what saved the rabbits. No, it was ridiculous. I'll call you back. - Rose. - Kitty. I'm sure you've heard the horrible allegations against Jim Cunningham. I know. Something about a kiddie porn dungeon... Oh, please, please! Don't use those words! It's obviously a conspiracy to destroy an innocent man. I'm spearheading the Jim Cunningham defence campaign. Rose, I have to appear at his arraignment tomorrow morning. The girls have to leave for Los Angeles. As their coach, I was the obvious choice to chaperone them. - But now you can't go. - Yes. Now, believe me, of all the other mothers, I would never dream of asking you. But none of the others are available. I don't know, Kitty. It's a bad weekend. Eddie's in New York. Rose, I don't know if you realise what an opportunity this is for our daughters! This has been a dream of Samantha's and all of ours for a long time. I made her lead dancer! Sometimes I doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion! Elizabeth will be in charge. She'll drive you to therapy. And if you need anything, you promise me that you will call Dr Thurman? How does it feel to have a wacko for a son? It feels wonderful. Here... Sorry! Here you are! - You guys are gonna win. I know it. - So do I. Here's the keys. There's food in the fridge and do not... Mom, go. You're gonna miss your plane. Mom, I need... There's nothing oken in my ain. - I know. - Bye, Donnie. OK, go. Go! Hello, Donnie. It's Friday. Shouldn't you be off with your friends, scaring old people? - What's going on? - I don't know. That's a good question. I'm no longer your English teacher. They fired me. That's bullshit! You're the only good teacher here. Thank you. What's cellar door? This famous linguist once said that of all the phrases in the English language, of all the endless combinations of words in all of history, cellar door is the most beautiful. Cellar door. I promise that one day everything's gonna be better for you. Shut up! I want to talk about your past. No. I want to talk about you and your parents. They didn't buy me what I wanted for Christmas. What did you want for Christmas that year? Hungry Hungry Hippos. How did you feel, being denied these Hungry Hungry Hippos? - Regret. - What else makes you feel regret? - That I did it again. - You did it again? I flooded my school and I burned down that pervert's house. I only have a few days left before they catch me. - Did Frank tell you to do these things? - I have to obey him. He saved my life. I have to obey him or I'll be left all alone. And then... And then I won't be able to figure out what this is all about. I won't know his master plan. Do you mean God's master plan? Do you now believe in God? I have the power to build a time machine. How is that possible? How is time travel possible, Donnie? Time's up, Frank said. - When is this going to happen? - Soon. What is going to happen? - Frank is gonna kill. - Who is he going to kill? - Who is he going to kill? - I can see him! The sky's gonna open up. If the sky suddenly opened up, there would be no law, no rule. There would only be you and your memories, the choices you've made and the people you've touched. If this world were to end, there would only be you and him... .. and no one else. You can stop taking your medication. They're placebos. Just pills made out of water. Thank you. Donnie... An atheist is someone who denies altogether the existence of God. You're an agnostic. An agnostic is someone... who believes that there is no proof of the existence of God, but does not deny a possibility that God exists. Goodbye, Dr Thurman. Hey. I got in. I'm going to Harvard. Hey, we should totally throw a party. Mom and Dad are gone. - It's Halloween. We could get away with it. - OK. But it has to be small. We got eggs, water balloons and a dozen rolls of toilet paper. I stole four beers from my dad. - We got a keg. - Keg beer is for pussies. Rose, this is Lilian Thurman. It is important that you call me as soon as you get this message. Thank you. You OK? Yeah. My mom's gone. You want to come in? I don't know. She didn't leave a note and the house was all messed up. But you're OK. Did you call the cops? Yeah, they said I should leave the house and that I should go to a safe place. I'm just so scared. I keep thinking something awful is happening and... It's my fucking stepdad, I know it. I guess some people are just born with tragedy in their blood. - Hey, have you seen Frank? - No, they went on a beer run. If you're there, please pick up. Oh, well. Good news. The girls got three and a half stars and are in the quarter-finals. Samantha was amazing. Anyway... We're taking the red-eye back tonight and... - Mom, we've got to leave. - Yeah. OK. We should arrive 8:30 in the morning. Um... I hope everything's... I hope everything's all right. I love you. Bye. THE KILLING MOON BY ECHO AND THE BUNNYMEN Fate Up against your will Through the thick and thin He will wait until You give yourself to him You give yourself to him... - Come with me. - Where are we going? - Donnie? - Look, we gotta go. - We've got to see Grandma Death. - Why? About the book? - No, it's Frank. - Donnie... Time is running out! We gotta go. Donnie, nobody's here. Let's just forget about it. Cellar door. What? Donnie! Donnie! Donnie! - Why the fuck are you here? - Oh, my God! - You're dead! - What do we do? - Shit! - Leave them alone! Don't fucking move! Don't fucking move! There's a car! - Get the hell out of here! - Come on! Seth, a car's coming. Let's go! I have a bigger knife now. Fuck! Did you call the fucking cops? - Deus ex machina. - What did you just say? - What the fuck did you say? - Our saviour. Donnie! Frank... Is she dead? What were you guys doing in the middle of the road?! Go home! Go and tell your parents everything will be OK. Go! The storm is coming. You must hurry. I'm going home. Dear Roberta Sparrow, I've reached the end of your book and there's so many things I need to ask you. Sometimes I'm afraid of what you might tell me. Sometimes I'm afraid that you'll tell me this is not a work of fiction. I can only hope that the answers will come to me in my sleep. I hope that when the world ends, I can eathe a sigh of relief because there will be so much to look forward to. Hey. What's going on? Horrible accident. My neighbour... got killed. - What happened? - Got smushed by a jet engine. What was his name? Donnie. Donnie Darko. I feel bad for his family. Yeah. Did you know him? No.