You sure I can't interest you in a Smith and Lancelet watch? We make the best. Got no use for a timepiece. Your room is ready now, Mr. Larabee. You passing through Jericho on business? Yep. My own. Perhaps there is someone special. A friend? Family member? You could give a gift. I said no, mister. I didn't mean to offend. Please let me buy you another drink. I truly am sorry. Sir... you are under arrest on suspicion of armed robbery. Me? This must be a joke. You robbed a bank in Landen last week. I got the poster right here. But I've never even been to Landen. Tell it to the judge! I just spent three days in Landen. I didn't hear about a robbery. Are you a lawman? No. Then maybe you're just one of those who likes to cause trouble, is that it? I'd keep my mouth shut if I were you, mister. That poster don't look anything like me. - Please, you... Ohh! - Hey! Leave him alone! You're interfering with an officer of the law. I'm an officer of the law! Hey! Stop or I'll shoot! Don't shoot nobody in the back. We'll let him tell it to the judge. This court is now in session. All rise. Get up! Mr. Larabee... you have legal counsel? Yes, sir, he does. You are charged with aiding and abetting the escape of a known felon, and resisting arrest. He was no felon. Counselor, would you advise your client to hold his tongue? Shut up, fool! Ugh! . Now... I could postpone this trial for a month if you could post the bail of $500. Do you have that money? No bail, Your Honor. Oh, well. Then, the trial will begin immediately. How do you plead? You go to hell. He pleads guilty, Your Honor. By the authority granted to me, I sentence you to five years hard labor with no parole. Here! Come in here! Open the gate! - Get in that thing! - Thirty-six, come on. Hyah! Hyah! Hyah! Come on out of there. Come on. Shut the gate! Get the gate closed! We got a runner! Get up. Hyah! Come on! Go, go, go! Ugh! Get up there! Come on! Come here. Where you think you're going? You made a big mistake, boy. Get back. Get on back, now. Congratulations. You just bought yourself four days in the hole for attempted escape. Here's his papers, warden. Whatever your name was out there... you can forget it. From now on, you'll be referred to as... Inmate 78. I give a full bowl for a full day's roll. Do the work, never back-sass a guard, and do not fight with other inmates. Any violation of these rules results in time in the hole. I want to get a letter out. What did you just say? I want to get... When you address me or any guard in this camp, you will use the proper appellation: Sir. Proper what? You got an attitude problem, mister. That's already bought you four days in the hole. Now, do we have an understanding, or would you like to try for eight? A man like you is easy to understand... sir. Eight days in the hole. Come on, you. Let's go. Come on, now! Do what I tell you! Your sense of humor is about as good as your last hand, Buck. Let's see. Uh, the three-legged dog walks into a saloon, right? He walks right up to the bartender and he says, I'm lookin' for the man who shot my paw. Oh, come on! It ain't funny. You don't get it. The dog has three paws... I do get it. It ain't funny. J.D., you couldn't tell a joke if your life depended on it. What are you talking about, Buck? That's a funny joke, and I told it great. You just don't get it. Mrs. Travis. Did you laugh? I didn't laugh. Well, hey there, Mrs. Travis. Ahem. Would you care to join us? I was just wondering if you'd heard anything from Mr. Larabee. No, not yet, ma'am. Well, shouldn't we be concerned? He said he'd be gone three days at the most. It's been 10. Look... don't worry about Chris, okay? I know him, and, uh... he just likes to cut loose every once in a while. You know, unwind. Ten days is a bit longer than usual, though, right? Well, we can't all go riding out every time somebody decides to have a little fun. You'd be looking for me half the time if that were the case. But it do seem kind of strange we ain't heard from him yet. Oh, he's just blowing off steam in some little oth... Some little, uh, hotel right now. How reassuring. Look, believe you me, wherever old Chris is, I tell you right now, he's having a real good time. Let's go, 78. We still got a problem, Inmate 78? No, sir. Here you go, sir. Put him to work, Mr. Philips. Let's go. All right. You get time for grub now. Hurry up! Don't I know you? You were some kind of lawman, maybe. No. I know you from somewheres. Something tells me I don't like you. Stop jawing down there. Enjoy. I don't want to hear no complainin', Montclair. You eat that. You're new here, ain't you? You gonna eat that? Thirty-two, put some more wood on the fire. Uh-oh. Nice knowing you. We're the Lawless others. Remember us? No. No? You remember our cousin, maybe. Jackie Pinder. You shot him dead in Dodge City. He gave me no choice. He was 18, a stupid hothead. You were much better. You could have winged him. But you didn't. You shot him right through the heart. You're gonna pay. Get up. He wasn't trying to wing me. That ain't the point. I don't want any trouble. Ugh! Ohh! Come on! Come on! Let him go. What are you, dogs? What are you, bitin' at each other? Come on, move! Move! Come on, go! - Get up. Get up! - Come on. You got 24 out of that. Doggone. Come on! Hold still, doggone it. You're messi with my aim. Ahh! Oh-ho, hell no. This here's medicinal. Keeps my hands steady. It takes a pretty special man to get hisself thrown in the hole five minutes after he come in here. Yeah? I don't feel so special. Oh-ho-ho, no. I don't reckon you do. Reckon you didn't pay the bail, neither. Because if you paid the bail, you wouldn't be here. Sheriff Quince and the warden got a nice little racket going here. The sheriff picks out someone he thinks has some money and accuses him of some crime. Then the sheriff contacts the man's family. Hell, half the men in this camp are waiting for their families to raise that bail money. Yeah? And the other half? Murderers, cutthroats, thieves. Makes this camp a little harder on the innocent man. But I figure you already know that. What happened to him? This place happened to him. Aargh! ! Aargh! Any word, Mrs. Travis? I just got this telegraph back from Landen. The livery said Chris boarded his horse there, but he left town two weeks ago. How many towns between here and Landen? Four. Could have stopped by any one of them. Guess we'll find out. Bring that hoe over here. Inmate 78! You've got a visitor. Inmate 78, I am here to offer you the possibility of a retrial. It seems that some of the facts in your case... could be reexamined. Now, all I need is for your family to post the $500 bail. Boy, I'd hate to see you at Christmas. Perhaps Inmate 78 misunderstands. We're offering... I know what you're offering. Oh, good. That's good that you know. Because that'll give you more reason to cooperate. See... we're the only hope you got of ever getting out of here. You don't want my money. We don't? Why is that? Because if I get out of here... I'll come back. And I'll take you both down. Can I help you, gentlemen? I'm looking for a friend. Well, he must be a very valuable friend if a whole posse has to look for him. Name's Chris Larabee. You, uh... You seen or heard of him? Chris? Chris Larabee? He wouldn't be that egg-sucking, horse-thieving gutter trash from up Fort Laramie way, now, would he? Easy, Buck. No, sir. Wrong man. Get up, there. Hyah! Jericho, huh? Don't look like no Promised Land to me. Probably another dead end. Maybe not. What in heaven's name would induce anyone to stay here? You don't know Chris. I'm open seven days a week, sir. Even the Lord rested on the seventh day, ma'am. Oh, well, the Lord wasn't running a boarding house. I always figured that's what heaven was. Ohh! You a preacher, by any chance? Used to be. Used to be. Now I'm just a man on a mission. In fact, if you're here every day like you say, maybe you can help us, Mrs...? Oh, call me Jessie. Josiah. This here's Vin Tanner, and, uh... Mr. Tanner. Hey. We're looking for a wandering friend. Name's Chris Larabee. Oh, I'm sorry. Don't recollect anybody by that name staying here. May have come through Sunday before last. Light hair, dressed in black. Doesn't sound familiar. But the Lord blessed me with many things. A good memory wasn't one of 'em. Oh, looks like your friends are going dry over there. Excuse me. So it's a three-legged dog. He walks right into the saloon, he walks right up to the bartender. He says, I'm lookin' for the man who shot my paw. My paw! Three-legged dog. He's got... You might want to work on your repertoire, son. What are you talking about? Told you. Told you. You know, I'm not sure I like all these new guns rolling through my town without so much as an introduction. Well, there ain't no time like the present, sheriff. I'd like to know your business here, if you don't mind. Well, this is Mr. Vin Tanner, sheriff. He and his friends are looking for a man named Chris Larabee. They think he may have passed through here. I don't recall any Chris Larabee, but I'll be sure to keep my eye out for him. Now... you fellas plan on staying in Jericho... I'm afraid I'm gonna have to collect those guns. Something funny there, partner? Thank you, ma'am. Ma'am. We'll be moving on as soon as we get some supplies, sheriff. They could be trouble, Quince. No. Don't worry, Ma. I can handle 'em. Move on! Stop your bellyaching. Oh, you again, huh? Spit that out, I'll spill your guts. I guess you didn't hear me. Enjoy. I will not allow you men to slack off from work. Inmate 46 here has been hiding in the infirmary, taking it easy. We'll have no more of that. Leave him alone! Who said that? Stick. Get up, you lazy dog. I said, get up! Get off him! You know what the penalty is for striking a prison official? Step aside, Inmate 78. You'll step aside, Inmate 78. He's gonna get hisself killed. Aargh! You crazy, boy? I can do this all day, Inmate 78. Stay down, man. You ain't gonna make it, boy. Come on, get up. Damn the pain, do it! You can do it. You can do it, 78! Leave him alone. Sir. Take Inmate 46 back to the infirmary, Mr. Philips! Hold this. Go and get yourself fixed up as well, 78. I got plans for you. Come on, 78. Let's move it, there. Get back to work! Come on, now. Rolling through! Coming in! This is getting to be a bad habit with you. Hold that. How's he? He's doing fine. I remember when Quince first ought him in here. One tough hom e. Wouldn't take no guff off the warden or the guards. And everybody liked him. Even the real felons. Some inmate thought that he was a Texas Ranger come in here, searching for the missing. Some thought he was an Indian tracker. But whatever he was, he was strong and proud. And stubborn. Kind of like you. Some, uh, salt and sugar. This is one hell of a store you got here, mister. A complete medical kit! And some very fine haberdashery, I might add. Say, Buck. Yeah? Huh? That look familiar? Come over here. I said come over here! Yes, sir. Show me that gun. Uh... Show me the gun now! Uh, let's... Where is that key? I got the keys. It's Chris'. Yep. Just a moment of your time, sir. Tell me how you came by that gun. Answer me! Mr. Tanner. Uh... what do you want? Well, me and the boys just want to ask you a few more questions about our friend. No need to be frightened, ma'am. Well, like I said, I didn't see him. Well... we just found his gun for sale in your local store. That has nothing to do with me. Maybe your friend sold his gun. Ma'am... the store owner said you sold it to him. He's wrong. It's not true. She knows more than she's saying, and I say we get it out of her! Please, preacher, I'm a good Christian woman. I never done harm to no one. If you're a good Christian, you should start talking right now! Calm down, Buck! Hold on! He's got the devil in him, ma'am. Now, it's best you tell me how you came by this gun. You better start talking, lady. Calm down, Buck! Let go of me! Argh! Let go of me! Some men came in, all riled up and drunk. They made me take that gun instead of money. They said to keep quiet or they would come back and kill me. Mm-hmm. Thank you for your time, ma'am. Sorry to trouble you. Where's my hat? Over there. That's it? She ain't gonna say no more. Well, she's lying. Yep. Nice little show you put on back there, Buck. Well, thanks very much, Josiah. I learned from the best, you know. - Hey, boy. - Move along! You take it easy out there, 78. - Forty-two! - Forty-two, sir! - Let's move it. - Come on. We'll be with you. How's Inmate 46 doing? Doc said he's better. You're right. I should have winged your cousin. I was a different man then. We all were. Now, look here, warden. We got a little problem. This Vin Tanner and his bunch, they ain't going away. Well, Quince... you can stop worrying. How many times have I told you? I never forget a name. This him? He's a wanted man? This for real? Ironic, isn't it? What about the others? If the others want Chris Larabee back so bad, I say we give him back. Give him back? Mm-hmm. In a box. Nobody in there. The deputy's down at the saloon. Well, let's go pay him a visit, then. Y'all are worse than General Sherman on a Georgia plantation. What? If I may, allow me to interview the deputy. Why you? Don't take this the wrong way, but you gentlemen occasionally lack the essential skills of tact and diplomacy. What are you saying? I think he's saying we're rude. Rude? No, rude would be a definite improvement. I'm saying you scare people. And perhaps terrorizing them won't buy you any answers this time. What you got in mind? I believe a little... subtlety is in order. So... your gang's eaking up, huh? Well, that's... terrible. Not really. They're an uncivilized bunch anyway, unlike yourself. Well, I guess this Larabee fella wasn't such a special friend after all, was he? Well... truth be told, we were looking to collect a bounty. Seems Mr. Larabee is wanted for several stagecoach robberies. Dang. I knew there was something fishy about that guy. Another drink, my friend? More? Yes, sir, I got it. Inmate 78. Get over here. You have a talent for making trouble. I don't like that. I'll work on it, sir. You just spit on my shoes, Inmate 78. I didn't spit on your shoes, sir. Are you calling me a liar? No, sir. Clean it up, Inmate 78. I didn't spit on your shoes. Two days in the hole, or clean my boots, boy. Sir, you put him in the hole again, he's gonna die. Back away, Mr. Philips. You clean them yourself, you fat cow! Argh! Eight days in the hole. Take him down, Mr. Philips. I will not, sir. Don't back-talk me, you understand? You just mind your own business. You're fired, Mr. Philips. Get your belongings and clear out. I want you gone by sunrise. Shot my paw. Three-legged dog. That's the funniest thing I've ever heard! I'm looking for the man who shot my... You call this subtle? What the hell? I thought I recognized you. Seems you're a wanted man. Your deputy here was telling us a very interesting story... about the racket you and your ma got going. Well, he's a stone-cold liar. Now, I don't want trouble from the rest. I understand how you gentlemen were conned by this here criminal. I'm sure none of you knew he was wanted for murder. We knew all about it. Make one move, and I'll gun you down where you stand. On the count of three. One. This ain't for me. No, I... No, I-I have a warrant from the state of Texas for this murderer's arrest. Two. I ain't here for this, Quince. Deal me out. Just everybody wait a minute. This doesn't have to end in violence. Three. Come in. Lights out there! You got it? I don't want Chris Larabee to see the morning's light. All clear! Johnson, sentry! I guess you still got some spunk left. You better pray I don't get out. I'll do more than pray. Let's go have a look at this little prison of yours. Hold it right there! You let go of my boy right now, or I will scatter your bones from here to the border. We just want our friend back. Might as well leave. He's already dead. Is that so? You let go of Quince. You don't want to pull that trigger, ma'am. I will if I have to. You stay back. Now, you done a lot of wrong to a lot of people... but it ain't too late to mend your ways. Don't come any closer! We ain't gonna hurt your boy. And we ain't gonna cut him loose. And the only thing you're accomplishing is getting him killed. Put the gun down. I have faith that you will do the right thing. You'll do what's best for your son. Go to hell, preacher man. Oh, Ma. My faith only goes so far, sister. Ever see a man bit by a rattler? His face gets all twisted... muscles lock up. Pretty gruesome sight. Agh! I bet that hurts real bad, don't it, boy? You tell me! Riders coming! I see 'em! Open the gate. It's Sheriff Quince. Me and the posse got Vin Tanner here. Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! It's the Larabee gang! Ugh! - Take cover, boys! - Take cover! Good boy. Whoa! Take cover! Hah! The sheriff's getting away! What the hell are you doing? Sending for help from Fort Yuma. We got a prison eak. No! No! No U.S. Army here! Come on, let's go! Get 'em! Yah! Josiah, watch that guy in the tower! Argh! Where's the warden? By the hole where Larabee is. But we ain't got time. We need to send for the Army. I said, no Army. Now, open that safe. I'm right behind you, Buck! Cover me, J.D.! - Josiah! - In here! Close the door! We'll keep them pinned down. You go get Chris! Nathan! - Right here! - Go! Take the back! Watch yourself! Where did all this come from? Shut your mouth. There. Ugh! Shoot him, damn you! Nathan? Nathan. You hit? Yeah. It's not bad, though. We're coming out! Throw out your guns! I ain't got no guns! Take it real slow, now. Now, if you'd line up in an orderly fashion. Thank you. All right. Die! You miserable bastard! You die now! You... Looking for me? You... You... Argh! Who... are... you? Inmate 78. Davis. Yes, sir. Adams. Right here, sir. Reed. Here. Watson. Here! Simmons. Because you were falsely accused, you're free to go. That's all of them. None of us knew about the ransoms. Well, you're in charge now. It's up to you to change things. You can be sure of it. - Prisoners, back! - Split the gate! Boys... let's get the hell outta here. Yah! Come on!
I've found a girl who'd love me And make me settle down She got too fed up of me So I ran right outta town I was born reckless So I shouldn't die Stay reckless Till the day I die Say the way I'm living My life ain't gonna last If that two chance I'm given Gonna keep on living fast I was born reckless So I shouldn't die Stay reckless Till the day I die I was born reckless So I shouldn't die Stay reckless Till the day I die Born reckless So I shouldn't die Stay reckless Till the day I die - Kelly. - Hi. - Hi! - How's Charlie? - Oh, he'll live. - He took a bad spill. This is not much but.. You're awfully generous, Kelly. Uh, Charlie might have rode the limit if that onc hadn't been so spooky. Charlie won't be doing nothing for a while. Yeah, that's why I figured you'd be needing this. You can read a girl's mind better than that. Goodnight. Boy Scout. Had a tough fight. First time I ever saw you walk away from that kind of fight. Now, gang, let's give a nice hand to Jackie Adams, a trick rider. And get her up here to do a song for us. A real nice hand, how about a real nice hand there. Yeah! - Hey, Jackie. Have a drink. - Drown. You can whistle you can wink But in spite of what you think I'm a good sweet home type girl I may not appear naive But appearances deceive I'm a good sweet home type girl I can't understand for the life of me Why no one walks me down the aisle Why no one wants to make a wife of me Or is my type of girl out of style I can sew and I can cook I deserve a second look I'm a good sweet home type girl Never wander from the farm never calls a false alarm I'm a stead home type girl But my kind of goods are saleable Nobody wants to wear old pearl But if somebody should I'm available I'm a good sweet home type girl A good sweet home type girl A good sweet home type girl My type of goods are saleable Nobody wants to wear old pearl But if somebody should I'm available I'm a good sweet home type girl Hah-hah-hah-hah I'm a good Sweet home Type girl Thank you. You ride, you rope, you sing. You've got more talent than I thought. - Anything else? - Alright, I give up. You can let go now. Now, Jackie, that's out of character. You could win top prize money with me any time, any place. And before we get to Panamint I'd written enough copy to make you the hottest rodeo queen in the whole circuit. That's only the second thing you have in mind. What's the matter, baby, don't you like to see your name in the newspapers? You couldn't put it in large enough print. Now get your hands off! Sure. Ow. Hey, Charlie! Five, I get your ten, he don't rope that girl. You gotta bet. No! No! Help! Let me go. Get off. Mark Wilson. Now, son, you shouldn't do that. Not to a known sports writer. You loss him up, we can't do a good job writing about this. You don't do that. We don't sell tickets. We don't get any money in the kitty proprietary. We don't get any prizes, we don't eats well. Go back, get the wagon. I'd like to saddle my hands on that rope spinning trick riding little... Then you saw me ride today? Yeah, I saw you ride. Lady, next time keep sitting in the saddle. Maybe guys don't get such a good look. You don't get yourself in such a tight spot. I'm sorry, I got you into it. But thanks for helping me out. You can drop me off at the nearest bus stop or something. I'll be alright. And Mister. You'd better keep sitting in the saddle next time you ride, too. Maybe you won't get to eat so much dirt. - Cool Man! - Eve, honey! Hi, Eve. How are you doing? Jackie Adams. Eve Tuttle. - Hello, Eve. - Jackie. - What? - Oh no, this is strictly co-op. Everybody on their own. Well, in that case you take number six and you two take number 44. Okay. I'm not sleepy. Take care of the horses. - I'm gonna wander. - Yeah. - See you in the morning. - Sure thing. - Kelly, mind if I wander, too? - Sure, why not. Goodnight, see you in the morning. Goodnight. - How've things been? - Sometimes we eat. Sometimes we think about the things we ain't got to eat. Kelly, has he been behaving himself? Well, you know Kelly. At least we keep moving. Or somebody's aim is pretty bad. Oh now, Eve, you know Kelly ain't got them kinda bad habit. Sure. Well, how's things between you and Kelly? Well, I guess you'd say we're just between eating and thinking. Well, stop thinking and point Kelly to Little River. They're having a big frontier rodeo up there. Locals. Kelly oughta walk away with the whole town. Locals? Locals? I didn't know they held rodeos here. Yeah, pulled it last season. Let's sit down. - Cigarette? - No, thanks. Cool Man and I worked just two seasons ago. We did pretty good. Eve's husband, he, uh... didn't do so well. Fell off a horse and oke his neck. - You're chilly? - Hmm-mm. Thanks. Like an empty battlefield out there. Yeah, sometimes you take a little blood, leave a little. I saw you ride the other day. Yeah, I guess I did eat a mouthful of dirt at that. For a minute, I didn't think you'd walk away from that Brahma. And neither did I. Seems like... each time I walk away a little slower. Why do you, Kelly? Why do I what? Stay in it? Ah, lots of reasons I guess. Name one that's worth getting buried for? I'd sort of be unhappy if I got buried with my pockets empty. It'd hurt my pride. It'd hurt your pride a lot more if they couldn't bury you all in one piece. Well, to tell the truth I figure I got three maybe four more good years left in me. So, one day I don't walk away from a bull or a horse. I end up like Cool Man. Twisted ribs, oken bones. A hole big enough to stick your fist in it from a steer's horn. When that happens, I want to have enough put away so that I can let my aching body to rest in a nice piece of land I've got picked out. Yeah, I got me a real sweet little piece of land all picked out. If you live that long. I'll live that long. - Name? - Kelly Cobb. 'Not from around these parts, huh, friend?' 'Ah, you might say a little bit from every place.' Why? What's that got to do with it? Oh, now, don't go get in your horns up at me, friend. I'm just running this week. The Mayor here, he makes all of the rules. 'He wants to keep it a family affair.' 'All the contestants local from town.' I don't figure our entry money's smell is too different. Exactly what I was thinking. Weren't you, Mayor? Isn't that what you were thinking, Mayor? Hmm-mm. I w-was. You see, friend, no discrimination. That'll be 20 dollars. And there's a special $10 entry for the big two horse race for the day. That lets us out. You're not so local yourself. Are you? 'It's for the top prize money, friends.' Kelly, wait a minute. Oh, Jackie, I can't take your money. Forget it, you pay me back. How would you like to win that? Yeah, in the roping contest. 'Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.' 'A great big western welcome to you all.' 'To the Frontier Days rodeo here in Little River.' 'We've got the top hands from the surrounding country here' and they're going to be competing for top money on the toughest oncs, bulls and steers that we could find. 'You're all in for a large size' 'afternoon of thrills, stills and spills.' 'Now, ladies and gentlemen, on our afternoon's program' 'it's the cowboys saddle back riding' 'and it looks as if the first boy is about ready to come out.' 'Yes, he is, and here he comes.' 'Little Dave getting stumbled up. That's it.' Now, ladies and gentlemen, we are ready for our next onc rider. It's a new face to you folks. It's Kelly Cobb. 'He's having a little bit of trouble' 'but he'll be out in a minute and here he comes.' 'And it's Kelly Cobb.' Play with him, Kelly. Hook a head. - Ride 'em. - There it is. - Ya-a-ay. - 'It's a money ride.' 'For sure, ladies and gentlemen.' 'Next up is Franky Crawford.' 'Franky is a pretty good boy.' 'Oh, man, oh, man, that was a real spill.' Too bad, ladies and gentlemen, we've got a little bull docking coming up. This is the one of the dangerous events in rodeo which the cowboy attempts to fist down a fast running steer after diving from the back of his horse. 'These steers can really eak.' 'They can eak faster than a turkey' 'on a day before Thanksgiving.' 'And Kelly Cobb isn't pulling one bit.' 'He really nailed that steer right out of the chute' 'and he's twisting him down.' 'Man, is that Kelly Cobb like greased lightning.' 'Looks like he's the one to beat here today.' 'My, my, that doggy there looks like he ran smack' 'into a butcher's convention.' 'The next dogger out is Franky Crawford.' 'Got some calf ropin' coming up next, folks.' From here it looks like Ben Preston, the next roper. Here he comes after those veal chops. 'Oops, Ben's having a little trouble ing home the bacon.' 'Well, it wasn't that effective, Frank.' 'Hey, Maestro. How 'bout a little waltz music 'Here comes Slim Turner, folks.' 'Slim works in Jenkins' grocery store here in Little River.' 'He's got a hankerin' to be a big rodeo star.' Oops, then, well keep practicin', boy, keep practicin'. 'Well, that Kelly Cobb's back again.' 'And folks, if he keeps on goi the way he has been today' 'he'll really be totin' home a sack full of that green stuff.' 'He's got a pair of gats ropes around the calf's neck.' 'He's down on him now. He's got him down.' 'He's making his wraps and tie off.' 'There it is. It's time.' 'And it looks like fast time in anybody's league.' And a time of ten-one, ladies and gentlemen. Very good time in anyone's league. 'And a hard time to beat here today.' 'Yes, sir, sure looks like that man's up to play for keeps.' 'He's got the money in his pocket right now.' 'And now, ladies and gentlemen, for the big event' 'of today's rodeo. It's the Roman riding race' 'Standing race. Four teams in the race.' 'Eight horses. The boys are warming up now.' 'Going on down around.' 'They are really going to give you a big thrill.' 'You want to watch this close.' 'It's the most difficult thing to do.' 'This is a short closed arena.' 'The boys will be standing one foot' 'on the back of each horse.' 'Very hard, takes tremendous balance' 'and skill to do this job.' 'We've got four of our men there.' 'We've got Sandy Lawson, Buck Hughes' 'Kelly Cobb and Red Mars.' 'They're about ready now, they're still' 'coming down through. They're into a gallop now.' 'There's one up.' 'Watch closely, another boy up. There's the third' 'and then there's the fourth.' 'And they're off.' 'It's the first turn, it's Sandy Lawson in the lead.' 'Other boys are going wide.' 'Watch it now, there's a bunch-up on the turn.' 'Watch closely now. Lawson holding in there.' 'Buck Hughes pressing close after him.' 'Lawson still going on down through there.' Come on. 'All the boys had to pull wide then.' 'Speeding so fast.' 'It's Sandy Lawson in the lead.' 'Uh-oh, he was in the lead.' 'They're really flying now.' 'It's Buck Hughes, in the lead now.' 'Watch it, Buck, they're closing up on you.' 'Going down the back stretch now.' There's a bad spill, ladies and gentlemen. 'It's Buck Hughes, he's hung up. Trying to get loose.' Yes, he did. He got loose, ladies and gentlemen. Buck Hughes is free and the race is going on. 'They're really moving now.' 'These boys are really riding hard.' 'Here they come, coming up.' - 'One lap to go.' - Yeah! Yeah, get outta there, Kelly. Kelly Cobb, now coming in and taking the lead. 'It's a very short lead.' 'Kelly Cobb is going to win it, and he's coming down' 'to the wire and it is Kelly Cobb.' 'Your winner!' Big other Spade. He's gone and the money with him. Yeah, that's right. We've been taken. It's Frontier Day, gentlemen. And we just got pioneered. Let's go look up the sheriff. Good lookin' philly. Whoa. Well, here we go again. Yeah, but in the opposite direction. That fellow took the money. He took it alright. Took it and took all. I say that we blow out of here just as quietly and gently as we can. Well, what's that got to do with us? I'm the one that sweated out there for nothing today. Come on, get with it, Kelly boy. The law just might get the unfriendly idea we was in with that feller. Ringers. Honest, I swear, I thought I just heard somebody shot.. Good looking piece of horse flesh. I bet you got him trained real good. Have a nice trip, Jafford. I was just admiring the horse. Darn it. - Come on. - Kelly! You travel in circles and that's how it goes The same dusty places The same rodeos Your pockets are empty Your spirits are high When are they inging short and rare? Or some other guy There's racing and riding and ropin' the calf There's ahmas and oncos to bust you in half You get used to losin' but beggin' your pardon The bones don't like uisin' and the grounds of my parts You ride for your dinner you ride for your drink There's steak for the winner all juicy and pink But lose and you find out the best you can do Is look for a hand-out or settle for stew You travel in circles and that's how it goes The same dusty places the same rodeos Your pockets are empty your spirits are high It's you for the money Or some other guy - Thank you very much, Tex. - Alright. And now, friends, I have a treat for you. We're gonna have a number by a little lady who calls herself, Jackie Adams. 'Jackie and her friends are rodeo performers' on their way to Panamint. Broke. But never let it be said that the Bill Oakie ever turned anyone away from here hungry. So little Jackie is gonna sing a little song for her supper. What do you say we give her a great big appetite? How about I Want Something To Dream About Tonight? I'd love it. Before I go to sleep tonight I want something to dream about Honey I'd like to hold you tight So I'll have something to dream about And that's not all I'd like to do I want something to dream about Honey I want to kiss you too So I'll have something to dream about I want Something something Something I want I want something to dream about tonight I'm sick and tired of counting sheep from one to ninety two Who's thirsty? Mr. Oakie says to give you the works. The time has come for us to part I want something to dream about Tell me you're mine with all your heart So I'll have something to dream about I want Something something Yes I want Something something I want something to dream about tonight I'm sick and tired of counting sheep from one to ninety-two A little bit of love will make me sleep And dream sweet dreams of you The time has come for us to part I want something to dream about Tell me you're mine with all your heart So I'll have something to dream about I want Something something Something I want Something something something I want something to dream about Tonight Yes I want something to dream about tonight Dream Thank you. They liked you. I like you, too. Come on, let's talk. Yeah, she's over 21. Maybe she wants a career. Look, I... my friends... They'll wait. - Really, I... - You know, you're pretty good. How would you like to work here permanently? - What do I have to do? - Sing. What else? Now, child you shouldn't be thinking things like that. I shouldn't? Father? 'Kelly! 'Kelly!' You better get the wagon ready. Go on, get moving. This is getting to be a habit. That makes it twice I had to say, I'm sorry. Now, the trouble is you don't know your own strength. For a little girl you pack an awful lot of manpower. For you too, Kelly? I gotta check the wagon. We've got plenty of night driving to do yet. Thanks. I'm not very hungry. You can tell me to shut up or stop thinking out loud. But you got a fire burning for Kelly almost as hot as this one? 'Kelly, he's not like ordinary people.' It takes a wild man to ride a wild horse. He's no different when it comes to women. I know... like a raising from a coal. Just when you think he might get the peaceful notion of going the route, it's.. Yeah, when Kelly unseats them, they hit that ground harder than any onc can throw 'em. And sometimes that kind of hurt can last a long time. 'Alright, come on, gang, let's go. We gotta be moving.' I've always been a lady in front of company But like the tree is shady there's another side of me I was born reckless so why shouldn't I Stay reckless till the day I die? I walk right under ladders where others wouldn't dare With me it doesn't matter 'Cause I guess I just don't care I was born reckless So why shouldn't I Stay reckless till the day I die? Papa, Papa. Uncle Senor Kelly, he is coming. 'Mama, Uncle Senor Kelly, he is coming.' Grandfather, grandfather wake up. 'Uncle Senor Kelly, he is coming.' Ah, Kelly, come. Amigo! - A partner, too, huh? - That's a long story. Mama, you get more beautiful every time I see you. And you are a beautiful liar, Kelly Cobb. If I were only a little bit younger. You did not ing the money? - Dolores, oh! - Welcome back, Senor Kelly. Gee, I thought you were gettin' a little heavier. Congratulations, Jose. What do you want this time? Well, to tell you the truth, Senor Kelly it's never what I start out wanting. It's always what Dolores tells me we're having. Oh, Jose! Mama, Papa, I want you to meet.. Oh, Senora Cobb. Uh, Senorita. - Oh, then you're not... - No, we're not. You are a very foolish boy. - 'Jackie Adams.' - How do you do? Hello, Mama. Hello, Papa. And this is Lola.. '...and Chiquita.' 'And Manuel.' - And this is grandfather. - Grandfather. Grandfather, he believes in the siesta. He says it's healthy and restful for the body. He takes one siesta a day. All day long. Now, can I go back to my siesta? Come. You will want to wash after your long ride. Uh, Papa and me, we got some business to chew over and then, uh we'll head into Panamint and sign up. Sure, sure. You did not ing the money? You did not send any money for the last six months. Ups and downs, Papa. I got thrown in Malad City and I hurt my arm, I couldn't rope. Couldn't send you what I didn't win. And before Malad city when you called me to send you money you've wrecked then maybe a woman's heart, hey, amigo? Ah, that was different. Oh, no. It is no different. It is money. From Red Bluff, you sent me $300. From Angel's Camp you borrowed back $200. You win again at Santa Maria and send more money. You get into trouble at Pocatello then you come to Reno. Ah, Kelly Cobb. I dreamed that some day we are able to buy that land out there. That you and I, we raise a good-blooded cattle. Horses, too, maybe. Like the one you are riding. But how are we gonna go this? If you send, you borrow you send, you borrow? Hm, pretty soon you're gonna borrow more than you send. Then what? We have nothing. Um, Papa, I, uh.. - How much? - Entry fees for tomorrow. Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay.. Hey, that's it, Tom. Calf ropin', bareback, bull doggin' saddle oncs and ahmas. Hey, going the whole route, this time, eh, Kelly? Yeah. Tell me, what are you planning to do between events? - Pray. - Well. With some of the bulls we got around here, ride that might not be a bad idea. - Good luck. - Thank you. - Number 30. - See you in the arena. 'He's beautiful.' What you got against living? - So, it talks. - He's a bad one. 'He's got spooks running loose in him' 'from his feet to his ain.' What's it like to ride him? To be on his back? Like you stop living for 10 seconds. Your head comes off, and you can't think. Can't eathe. You go blind until it's all over. Do you still think he's beautiful? I know somebody that is. - What are you selling? - Les Hunter. What is that, a name or a new tranquilizer? I'd hate to think of it putting you to sleep. Well, I doubt that. What do you do? Rope or... ride? Rope a little. In the spectator's manner of speaking. I see. Oh, no. No, you don't see. I've got a winter home here. My ex-husband was very generous. So was I. Well, one good turn deserves another. This yours, too? Mm-hm. I'm having a little party before the rodeo. Wanna drive me home? I have to work for a living. I'll let you. Kelly! You, uh, you go ahead and take care of things. 'I'll see you both back at the ranch later on.' Alright, I know. It takes a wild man to ride a wild horse. So he's late But even if he's late I'll wait A little longer Time is dear But heavens when he's near I'll wait A little longer Here am I And over me the sky is blue The heart of me is too Finding love as such That those who want too much Too soon Discover love Is not that way No matter what they say It takes A little longer When you care for one who's unaware It takes A little longer On and on Till one day comes the dawn It takes a little longer than it seems But wait I will I'll wait Until His arms fulfill My dreams When you care for one who's unaware It takes A little longer On and on till one day comes the dawn It takes a little longer than it seems But wait I will I'll wait Until His arms Fulfill My Dreams Alright, kids, everybody go to bed. You dream the same dream as Kelly, baby. How do you dream dreams with your eyes open, Papa? Well, sometimes it is the best way. You can see what you want in your dream. I dream someday all this belong to Kelly and I. I save hard to put away my share. And Kelly? I know he wants it, too. But sometimes his eyes are shut too tight. Not the way he went off with that little dream today. His eyes weren't shut. He will wake up. You didn't see this dream, Papa. Right out of a bedtime story. But not for children. I don't know, Papa. With me I get whistles and propositions from all the wrong characters. From Kelly, all I get is protection. What haven't I got that low-down saddle red wants? You wait. Kelly will open his eyes and then... Then it can be too late. I don't want the man I marry in this business. I know I'm in it. I'm not on the outside looking in where all the Kelly's look glamorous. I've seen too many of 'em hit the dirt and lay there and never get up. - Not Kelly. - Who says, Papa? I want Kelly in one piece. I want him to enjoy the kind of life I can give him. I don't want him living it in a wheelchair. Kelly's indestructible. One of the iron men. Like Cool Man? Maybe after tomorrow and Kelly wins maybe we'll come closer to our dreams. Maybe, Papa. Maybe. 'Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.' 'It's a big day here at Panamint.' 'As the Grand Entry Plate starts off the first day' 'of our two-day rodeo' 'of what promises to be the biggest' 'most exciting rodeo in the whole rodeo circuit.' 'With contestants competing for prize stakes' 'that few other rodeos can match.' 'You name any state in the union' 'and we've got a cowboy' 'representing that state here today.' 'And they'll be riding the Brahmans' the barebacks, the saddle oncs.' 'They'll be doing calf roping and bulldogging.' Stop worrying, he'll be here. Too much prize money for him not to show. I'm not worried. Peanuts, peanuts, popcorn. Peanuts. Peanuts. 'We have assembled here today some of the finest women riders' 'in the country, ladies and gentlemen.' And we present the first event of the afternoon Worlds Championship Tele-Pole Trick Riding 'in the women's division.' - Wish me luck. - Good luck. Each Callahan tryin' to outride these ladies' 'will be giving some pretty good riding lessons.' 'Yes, siree, folks, these girls don't take a back saddle' 'to no man.' 'And now, for the first girl out here is Mara Haynes.' 'There goes little Joan Kirk, ladies and gentlemen.' 'Little, but what a big performer.' 'Look at the girl ride.' 'And here's Jackie Adams.' 'And when it comes to trick riding' 'That Jackie sure knows all the tricks.' 'And now out there in the center of the field comes Bell Vince.' 'Well, now, you just try that on your hobby horse.' 'There goes Jackie Adams again, folks.' 'And Jackie handles that horse like it was a baby carriage.' 'Looks like this girl's gonna wrap up all the high points.' 'How'd you like that, ladies and gentlemen?' 'Wasn't that something?' A trial riding on four feet, a horn dynamite today, folks and there you go. 'And now, friends, we're gonna have' 'the wild and woolly Brahma bull.' 'Comin' out of the chutes now is Bert Johnson.' 'Bert's got himself straddled to Blind Fury and believe me' 'Blind Fury can't see Bert for dust.' Tonight, Kelly baby. Only tonight Liz sees that you behaved. That you're nice to Liz. That's for not being nice to Liz. Just remember. 'And next, comin' out of chute four' 'Chuck Appleton from Calgary.' 'Boy, look at that man go.' 'Well, comin' out of chute number 10' 'I see the last man up on the Brahmas today' 'is Johnny Morgan from Stockton, California.' 'Johnny tied the record for calf ropin' last year.' 'Now, let's see if he can outride this Brahma.' That's one event you can scratch for the day. Maybe you're lucky at that. 'Folks, these bulls must be fed on split atoms' 'the way they explode.' 'You just don't take your life in your hands' 'when you ride these express trains, you give it away.' 'Well, we've got another one of those gentle four-legged beasts' 'mounted and ready to go.' 'Next to a Brahma these oncs are pretty dangerous fellas.' 'They go north, south, east or west all at the same time.' Well, we got another one of these gentle four-legged beasts mounted and ready to go. And he's gone. 'Oh-oh, he's got his foot caught in his stirrup.' 'Good footwork there.' 'Next rider up is Kelly Cobb.' 'Looks like Kelly's ready now and he's comin' out.' 'I guess Kelly forgot to do one of his tricks' 'and can that soft ground can be pretty hard.' 'Well, he's shaky, but we don't hear any bones rattle.' 'Kelly's up now to try his luck at calf roping.' 'Guess that rope just wasn't long enough, huh?' 'Kelly lost.' 'One of the trickiest of all onc riding' 'is the bareback event.' 'You really don't have too much to sit on' 'and it's a question as to who can hold on the longest.' 'Well, I guess Kelly decided to sit this one out.' 'Comin' up now, ladies and gentlemen' 'is a bulldoggin' event.' 'This requires perfect teamwork' 'careful skill and timing on the part of the cowboy' 'who must stow the steer to the ground.' 'And the utmost precision' 'and riding on the part of his hazer.' That sure got a big hunk of beef dropped down on him. 'But while the boys are checking over Judd' 'next comin' out is Cool Man Edwardson' 'to saddle the hay for Kelly Cobb.' 'Kelly seems to be a little off his stride today.' 'But today isn't over yet.' Maybe you'd better let that one pass before you pass out. You don't wanna haze for me, just forget it. Somebody's got to see that you don't get killed. 'Here they are, Cool Man and Kelly.' You alright? I'm sorry, I missed. 'That was a close one alright' 'but Cool Man is up, and he's walking away from it.' 'No, sir, you can't keep an old hound dog like Cool Man down.' - We're quite a team, alright. - So I blew today. You got something to say, say it! - I gotta be some place. - Sure, you do. But don't explain that to me, explain it to Jackie. Oh, so that's how it is. No, it ain't how it is. So, I'm a louse. Now, can I go? I got something important to take care of. So have I. You! I beat my ains out for you. I picked you up shoveling out stables. I taught you everything I know. I wanted you to be even better than I was. Every time you come out of a chute, I come out again, too. Every time you went the ride on the bull, I rode the limit, too. Every time you got your ains scrambled on a onc I got a headache. It was worth it. I wanted you to be great. The only thing I couldn't teach you was how to be human. - I'll talk to you later. - I'll talk to you now. I've seen you fracture lots of hearts. But every time I see you walkin' over that kid, the way you have wavin' that cheap saddle trash in front of her eyes.. I'm sorry, partner. Tonight, Kelly baby. Only tonight Liz sees that you behaved. That you're really nice to Liz. That's for not being nice to Liz. Just remember. You wanna drink? Maybe to forget. Hmm, no, thanks, Papa. That wouldn't help. It help me forget. Ooh, would I ever forget that rodeo today? That Kelly! Whew! Yeah, Kelly, you-you can say that again. You know what he did? He hit me. That's what he did. My friend! And me, I taught him all he knows. Every time he rides I ride again, too. Every time he wins, I win again, too. Every time he gets thrown and crawls in the dirt, I cry. It's the same thing my friend Kelly does. But you know what? There's one thing I can't do through him. Is make love and eak hearts. Or saddle up a cheap tramp. Cool Man, where is he? Where's Kelly now? Probably out eakin' all records calf ropin'. Heh. You saved yourself a lot of tears. - Just forget Kelly Cobb. - Yeah, that's right. Take it from an old man. Forget. And you tell me, can you forget him, Papa? Can you forget your dream? And you, Cool Man. Can you forget Kelly? Forget all the good things about him? Do you want to? Papa, let me have the keys to your pick-up truck. - Oh, they're in the truck. - Uh, no, Papa. Don't let her have 'em. She can't drive. - Why not? - You're sober, that's why. You don't know how sober. Thanks, Papa. My friend, Kelly. He's a no-good.. ...white-bellied, olive- anched side-windin', snake-eyed baloney bull. - That's what he is. - Si. And that's not all. He's buzzard bait, that's what he is. Hittin' me the way he did, my friend. The dirty sage rat. Si. You know what I'm gonna do the next time I see that vulture? I'ma gonna wring his neck so hard till he starts raspin' like a turkey gobblin' it's spurs the night before Thanksgiving. Si. He-he. And then I'm gonna spin him around and whop his lump so hard that it'll make riding a Brahma bull seem like a hobby horse. Si. Ha-ha-ha. Look, I was tossing him down pretty good last night. I probably said a lot of things. Then, I would like to know if you meant them. Liz, you're a big girl. And you've got a big check book. chuckles I've got a big taste for life. I'm trying to tell you, Liz, I don't go with it. You and me, we're riding two different horses. You talk too much. Well! Company. You could say that again, girl. Out of my way, you! Jackie, honey, wait a minute. Let's get this straight. Hey, what do you think you're doing? Jackie, baby, I only came here to say goodbye. I'll bet you did. Jackie, please, wait. - Now look what you've done. - I haven't started. What are you gonna do? Where have I been? - You make me nervous. - Do I now? So, cool off! Both of you! Go away! Now. - Oh, no. - Oh, yes. Oh, no. Oh, my head. What did I drink that wine for? Oh! Ooh! Coffee, Mama. Good and hot. You're gonna sober up and haze for me today even if it kills ya. To be dead would be such a glorious feeling. Bite your tongue for saying such a thing. Oh, even that wouldn't feel better if I had widen my head. Drink it. Where's Jackie? Uh, she, she did not come back last night. 'So, where is she then? What happened to her?' Here, Kelly. Now it is your turn. 'Well, here we go again, ladies and gentlemen.' 'About to wind up the big two-day meet here' 'at Panamint's Annual Rodeo.' 'And friends, this is the day that some cowboy's' 'gonna walk away with all the money.' 'And here we go now, to the calf roping contest.' 'Hey, now. That's mighty fancy roping and tying' 'in the greased lightning time of, hold on to your seats' 'nine seconds flat.' 'And I'd say that's gonna be the time to beat.' 'Hold on, partner. Ride 'em up.' 'And here, yes, sir.' 'That was Tommy Parks, folks and he whipped the lemon.' 'And from where I'm sitting, it looks like Kelly Cobb' 'is back up in the saddle for little Bronkey.' Outside. Ya! 'Man, he's really glued to that saddle 'like it was his own skin.' 'He rode that biggie right into the ground.' 'Yup, Kelly's back in pitching today, alright.' 'And there goes Rob Dotson out on Flying Death.' 'Boy, you just don't sit down for dinner' 'after riding one of those, fellows.' 'That steer has rolled over on him. He might be hurt.' 'Nope. Jake's on his feet.' 'He's doggin' that steer right into the dirt.' 'Good boy, Jake.' You look like I felt yesterday. Don't worry about me. Well, I don't wanna have to pick you up off the ground. I can't take the time. 'Well, that's Georgie Brooks takin' off.' 'And does he ever take off. Hey, Georgie, where did he go?' Let's go. 'Anyway, folks' 'if you think doggin' a steer' 'racin' at express train speed' 'is easy' 'just don't try.' Keep your eye on Kelly Cobb, folks. Number 30 out there today. 'There they go.' 'Kelly Cobb put that steer down in the sensational time' 'of four and two-tenth seconds and comin' out of' 'chute number nine' 'it's Long Whisker aboard Savage Man.' 'Go do it, Long.' That's the buzzard to beat. I saw him steer a guy with his horns for good the day we checked in. You call that spook, Kelly? You don't know what a nice funeral you had. Thanks. 'This looks like a nonstop ride to nowhere.' 'And, man, does that bull hate people.' 'Too bad, Don. Try him again sometime.' And now, out of chute number three Kelly Cobb is gonna try out a pair or two on Black Knight. 'This bull, friends, holds the world's record' 'for throwin' every cowboy that ever climbed aboard him.' 'He's a killer, folks, but we got an old saying.' 'That there ain't never a bull that can't be rode' 'or a cowboy that can't be thrown.' Let me know what happened. Outside. Ride him, Kelly, ride him! 'Kelly Cobb just did the impossible, folks.' 'And rode that bull until it's horns shook loose.' Hi, Jackie. You've come just in time. Our Kelly, he's a new man today. He's stymieing even the wildest one into a little kitties. He better. Put another dime in the jukebox, Cool Man. - That bull blows a wicked horn. - That's no property here. It's your ain saddlin' back in your head. You went the limit. - I did? - Sure. Where have you been all night? Or-or should I ask such a question? It's alright, Mama. I stayed with a couple of girls over at the trailer camp. Kelly, he worries very bad. Before I'm through, he'll worry a lot more. That is good. You lovable lovable lovable lovable you You lovable you You kissable you You lovable kissable lovable dreamable Dream may come true You're sweeter than candy Sugary fine You huggable kissable lovable Will you be mine? You lovable you You kissable you You simply adorable truly unboreable Lovable you Your kisses are dandy Honest and true You lovable kissable lovable kissable you I ran out of words describing you Just when I had lots to say I sure had a sweet time ibing you Sugar and honey to use at the wedding day You lovable you You kissable you You huggable kissable lovable dreamable Dream may come true Your kisses are candy Honest and true You lovable kissable lovable kissable you I ran out of words describing you Just when I had lots to say I sure had a sweet time ibing you Sugar and honey to use at the wedding day You lovable you You kissable you You huggable kissable lovable dreamable Dream may come true Your kisses are candy Honest and true You lovable kissable lovable kissable you You lovable kissable lovable kissable you You lovable kissable lovable kissable you Howdy? You're the finest looking gal here. How about a dance? Why not? Our little Jackie is growin' up fast. Yeah. Come on, gang. The drinks are on me. Set 'em up. How about a drink for poor dry-little-old me, Champ? Sure, I'll buy a poor dry-little-old you a drink. Champ, you had me squeeze my heart out for you this afternoon until it hurt. It hurt bad. Looks like her luck might run out if she gets a live one she can't handle. Yeah, I tried seeing her after the rodeo. She wouldn't listen to me say I was sorry. She kissed me off without a word. Well, why cry on your beer? - Kiss off on the rocks. - Anytime you say, champ. Maybe she's just trying to make you over-anxious. Thanks, father. Let's grab a table. Ah, let's drink up. Now, you got yourself quite a gait. How would you like to meander over to my place? See my new saddle. That saddle is already oken in. I'm sure it is. Excuse me. Marky, baby. Oh, no. Marky, honey. I'm sorry about what happened. Really I am. Sure I know you couldn't be sorrier. You did say I have more talent than you thought? Sure, but that was last week. Maybe I've got even more talent this week. Where you going to ride next, champ? I might just be there. - Who said we were leaving? - Kelly, baby. You read a girl's mind. You readin' Mark Wilson's mind too? Settle back. It's too late this time. You said you could make me the hottest rodeo queen in the circuit. But you said that was only the second thing I had in mind. Maybe I forgot how to... count. Separate the men from the boys Is a job no woman enjoys She has to take her chances From the start And hope she's got a man and not a boy at heart Uncertainty will string her along Uncertain if she's right or wrong To get you to the altar is the only way And hope he doesn't falter on the wedding day 'Cause nine times out of ten It's then and only then You can separate the men from the boys To separate the men from the boys Is a job no woman enjoys She has to put her foot down Lay it along Get off the dime don't give him time To him and her As once he's with his back to the wall He'll do his very best To stall Yes every man like Custer makes his final stand She's got to make him muster up the wedding band I'll say it once again It's then and only then You can separate the men from the boys And always there's a matter of doubt No matter how it all works out A ring upon her finger Doesn't mean he'll yield And every doubt will linger Till it's signed and sealed 'Cause nine times out of ten It's then only then You can separate the men from the boys Yeah Eliminate the boys from the men Separate the men From the Boys Tell me, baby. How big do you want your name in print? Now, Marky. Slow down, easy. Let's not get carried away. 'Let me go.' 'Kelly.' 'Kelly.' Well, finally. You better get the wagon warmed up. 'Kelly.' - Excuse me. - But Kelly.. That was a rough one. When do I ever stop saying I'm sorry. Pretty quick. Just as soon as we're married. 'Ole.' I-I only want to be like you, Uncle Senor Kelly. To ride the bull, rope the calf. Just like you, Uncle Senor Kelly. Alright. Out you get and off to bed you go. - See you, Uncle Senor Kelly. - Manuel, wait a minute. Give this to Papa in the morning. It's for him from us. Tell him we'll be back. Tell him that... Manuel, tell Papa he can dream his dream for real now. All our eyes are open. I'll tell Papa. And when we do come back, Manuel we won't be roping calves, taming oncs, riding bulls or dogging steers. We're gonna grow 'em right here. He's right, Manuel. And we'll need you and your help. Si.
May her husband put his trust in her and recognize that she is his equal in his marriage to her in a life of grace. May he always honor her and love her as Christ loves his ide, the Church. Father, keep them true to your commandments. Keep them faithful in marriage And let them be a living example of Christian life. Bless them with children. And after a happy, old age... Grant them fullness of life with the saints. Miss? Miss... can I help you? Can I help you? Tour of harbor? Miss, would you like a tour of harbor? Yes, ma'am. Thank you, thank you. Sir, sir, harbor tours. Miss? Miss, lady? How would you like a tour of harbor? Come on! Hurry up! Hey! Hurry! Hurry! We're gonna miss it. Hey! My bad. Shit. Nice rolls. Beautiful, incredible. You see the line though? It's incredibly beautiful. I wonder what it costs. More than we could ever afford. Yeah, well, wouldn't it be great to have a car like this? Totally awesome. Won't make you happy. What? This car, it won't make you happy. I'll look happy though. - Yeah. Let's help her out. I think we should help her. You all right? You need some help? Look, I just have 20s. Let's just split the cash. Give her... give her some money. That's all that I have. Look, don't... Oh, man. Come on. Get your ice cream right here. You owe me 20 bucks. I don't give a damn what the workers think. I hired him to be foreman. Here you go. They should listen to him as if it were me. No. I'll tell them myself. When? Now, now. I'm leaving now. Now, make sure it gets there. - Hey, Jack. Jack. Your wife's on line three. Thanks, Jerry. Arrowwood. Got you. Hey. Hello? Hi.Hi. I'm... I'm... I'm sorry that I left this morning without saying goodbye. I... I just didn't wanna wake you up. It's okay. - How's your day going? It's all good. You know, I... I made 20 bucks. What? Nothing. I, uh... When are you coming home? Very late. I gotta go to Connecticut. They got problems with this new guy up there. The foreman. I... I promised I'd straighten it out, okay? But, honey... - Hey, listen. It's our anniversary. I know this. And I promised to take you out and I will, but I gotta do this first. I know. But, honey, can't you do it another time? I... I... It has to be done tonight, all right? I'll tell you what. I'll call you back and explain it. These need to be signed. Not now, all right? Not now. I got to gotta Connecticut. Jack, I think we should talk. I can't. I got a lot on my mind, all right? Come on. - When do you think... Hey, when do you think would be good time? - Any time but now, all right? - Okay, when? Mr. Connor. Mr. Connor. What? Where were you? Your mind was someplace else. I was thinking. Beautiful, isn't it? Yes. It's very beautiful. My wife will love it. I'll take it. It's our anniversary, 20 years. Congratulations. Come on. Pick up the phone. Pick up the phone. Where are you? Pick up the phone. Come on, honey. Hello? Hello. Boy, the phone was ringing a while. You're home, huh? I was in the bath. What is it? Listen, I'm sorry if I was short before. Things have been really crazy. It's okay. I'm worried about you. I want you to take it easy with that medication. I'll be fine. You alone? Yeah, I'm alone. I thought that maybe we would spend some time alone on our anniversary. - I know, I know. I'm sorry. - It's okay. It doesn't make any difference anymore. Wait, what does that mean? It's... It doesn't mean anything. I don't wanna fight. All right, I'll make it up to you. I promise. I'm sure you will. Twenty years. I love you. Yeah, I love you too. Shut up, bitch. Put your hands Behind your back. Come on. Put your hands in the rope. Here, come on. If a guy's married, but he's ugly and he can't get anybody else, huh? Does that really make him faithful? If a woman's afraid to cheat on her husband because she knows he'll kill her if he finds out, does that really make her faithful? No. Faithful is when you got more to lose than gain. You think about doing it, but you don't cheat. It's unnatural to be with one person the rest of your life. You know, my uncle got divorced after 47 years? Forty-seven years. I asked him one day why he did it. I'll never forget it. He was sitting in the kitchen. I walked over and said, Uncle Vinny, why? After 47 years, you're finally getting a divorce? He took a sip of coffee, put the cup down, looked me in the eyes and said, 'Cause I fucking hate her. Forty-seven years and now he hates her. He took off his watch and gave it to me. He said, You see this watch? It's cracked. Here. Look at the crystal, huh? See? Hmm. Here. Come on. Look it... I... I... It's been cracked. See? See? He said, It's been cracked for 20 years. You know how I cracked it? I said, How? He said he threw a punch at my aunt and missed her and hit the refrigerator. But he never got it fixed. Never. Because every time he looks at his watch during the day, he wants it to remind him of how much he fucking hates her. What's your name? None of your business. You're afraid, aren't you? I'm not afraid of nothing. No, you're afraid.Hey. Tony. My name's Tony. It doesn't matter anyway 'cause you're gonna be dead soon. Okay, your name is Tony, and you're probably in the mafia and you're a hitman. How common. Okay, okay. You should've been faithful. What the hell are you talking about? I've never done anything in my life. My husband's the one that's been unfaithful, okay? My husband's been cheating on me for ten years. And you never did nothing? No. Well, I... I went to dinner with a guy once. Oh, now the truth comes out. No, I mean... Look, okay, I... I wanted to have an affair with him, but I couldn't, okay? I couldn't even kiss him. My husband's cheating on me for ten years and I can't even do it once. That's stupid. Ten years he's been doing it to you and you had shot to do it and didn't? Bad move. Well, obviously, you've never been in love. I've been in love. What happened? It didn't work out. - Why? I had to kill her father. Well, I can see why it didn't work out. I was honest with her. Yeah, but were you faithful? Kind of. - What do you mean kind of? I mean, either you are or you aren't. I was faithful for six weeks. Six weeks? Yeah. To me, that's a long time. Wait a minute. When I was married, I was faithful for two years. Well, that's pretty good. That's good. Yeah. I was faithful for two years. Not counting blowjobs. Well, I... I would get blowed by other women, but blowjobs don't count. You mean, like, blowjobs, like, oral sex blowjobs? That doesn't count? Absolutely not. Have you ever really been in love? I mean, like, you know, the kind where you really can't wait to see the person and you get this warm feeling when you think about them and all that kind of stuff? Have you ever... have... What? All right, never mind. Let me ask you something. When you and your husband got married, was it in a Church? Yes. Yeah. I can never understand how two people get married before God And one of them hires a stranger to kill the other. Did you get married in Church? Yeah. And did you take an oath before God? Yeah. All right, well, then let me ask you something, okay? When you were married, if your wife met some guy on the street and she blew him, that wouldn't classify as cheating? I mean, like, W... You just said blowjobs don't count. You're really hung up on this blowjob thing, aren't you? Are you coming onto me, baby? Hmm? Are you? 'Cause if you are, forget it. I was paid good money to kill you. How much? - A lot. Oh, I can pay you a great deal more money not to kill me. What? What are you saying to me? I said I can pay you a great deal more money not to kill me. Forget it. A deal's a deal. I never go back on my word. A hundred thousand dollars. No. Your husband hired me because I'm the best. I have a reputation of a man who gets the job done and never goes back on his word. I can't let you go. My husband hired you? Yeah. All right, you don't have to let me go. You can still kill me. Just... Look, I have a lot of money in that safe and I'll give you the combination. Just tell me that when I die, that son of a bitch is gonna go right after me. Well, how do you know I won't take the money after you're dead and not kill him. I don't know it. I don't know it, but... ...you... you seem like a man of your word. Well, then, just give me your word then, okay? Just tell me... ...just tell me you'll do it. A hundred and fifty thousand dollars, all right? Just think about it. You know, sun, fun and all the blowjobs that you could ever possibly want. I'll think about it. Are you getting nervous? I'm just waiting for a call. From who? Your husband. My husband's gonna call you here? Well, I wanna talk to him. Well, he doesn't wanna talk to you. And right now, he's getting himself a nice alibi. And when he gets far enough away, he's gonna call and signal me by letting that phone ring twice. And that's when you die, Maggie. Maggie? This is 375 Chestnut Drive, right? Yes. That's your name, right? Yes, but... My father's the only person that ever called me Maggie because... ...I'm named after his mother, but he never liked the name Margaret. That's weird. My mother's the only one who ever called me Anthony. She always said Tony sounded like a hoodlum's name. Is your mother alive? Hey, what do you want from me? Stop with all these questions. Now, come on. You sound like my shrink. You're in therapy? I'm not ashamed to say I got problems Like anybody else. Well, I'm not trying to insult you, it just... I mean, I've got problems too. I've been going to a therapist for five years, but you're a hired killer. It's a job. - No. A job is selling real estate. I mean, you... you take human life. You got no ice. In the kitchen. You know, what does your therapist have to say about this? I'd be interested to know that. What's he gonna say? - I don't know, you know? It's not nice. Well-adjusted people don't kill other people? Aren't you afraid he's gonna tell the police? A shrink can't tell anything what goes on between him and a patient. It's strictly confidential. No, no. Not when it comes to murder. You're wrong. What's he gonna say? I'll fucking kill him if he opens his mouth. How long have you been seeing this therapist? Three years. Hasn't cost me a dime. Why not? I needed that. My shrink's a degenerate gambler. I set him up with my cousin who's a bookmaker. I like this place. The doctor's a born loser. He couldn't pick his own birthday. I see him three times a week on the house. It's the barter system. Well, your doctor sounds like a real reputable person. Are you making fun of him? No. Huh? Yes, you are. Hey, everybody's got problems, baby. Look at you. You got all the money in the world, huh? It didn't make you happy. You see, money takes away all your problems. Then you got no choice but to look inside yourself and see how fucked up you are. Money changes people, usually for the worst. Money made my husband worse, but he's always been unfaithful. It's impossible for a man to be faithful to a woman today. That's... You know, that's not true, okay? My father was faithful to my mother for his entire life. Let me teach you something about marriage. Many, many years ago when this thing call marriage was invented, it was easy for a man to be faithful to one woman 'cause men only lived to be 40 years old. It was easier back then. Wait. So, what you're saying is that men can't be faithful to one woman because they live longer today? No. - Well, then what? There are too many cocktail waitresses today. You know, you need help. No, baby. You got it wrong. You're the one who needs help. You're the one who's been good all these years. Don't you see what's happening, huh? I was sent here by your husband to kill you, to leave you dead and bleeding, like some fucking animal. I was told to make it look like a rape and a murder. There's a five-million-dollar life insurance policy on you. Yeah, I know that, but my husband wouldn't kill me for the money alone. Oh, no. People die for a lot less. Yeah, well, he wouldn't kill me for the money alone. Yeah? Then what is it? Debbie. Who the fuck is Debbie? She's works for my husband. She's his personal assistant. Same old story. How'd you find out? - Easy guess. No ains, big tits. Probably fake. My husband's always been a sucker for a beautiful woman. You know, there should be a law against 24-year-old blondes with big tits named Debbie. And I'm so stupid. I thought that no matter what he did, he would always love me. Well, maybe he loves you, but he's not in love with you. What... what's so funny? I don't know. Some oad told me that once. I love you, but I'm not in love with you. To me, it's a nice way of telling someone to go fuck themself. She must have hurt you, huh? Yeah. I caught her in bed with my best friend. They were fucking when I walked in. It hurt me... but I got my revenge. You killed them? No. I let her marry him. Now, they're making each other miserable. What does it feel like to kill someone? Why? Thinking about killing someone? No. I... ...I... I couldn't kill anybody. Oh, yeah, anybody can kill under the right conditions. Even you. Me, I kill for money. Yeah. The people I kill are mostly killers themselves. I don't wanna know nothing about them. All I wanna know is their name and where they live. I wait by their house. I watch every move they make. What time they leave, what time they come back. Good evening. Did you watch me? Yes. I go into a trance. I get inside their heads. I see the whole killing in my mind before it happens. Taking out my gun... squeezing the trigger, just an eighth of an inch. Yeah. I watch their life just disappear in front of me. I collect my money and I wait for the next job. You know, my shrink told me that... Oh, shit. That reminds me. I gotta call him. I gotta call him. You gotta do what? My shrink. Oh, I gotta call him. Hey, listen, your husband's gonna call. Do you have call waiting? Excuse me? Call waiting. You know, if your husband calls, I'll hear it. Yeah, we have it. I hate it. I hate it too. You pay five dollars a month to get fucking interrupted. It makes no sense. I never killed anybody before where I had to wait for a phone call. Hello? Doc? Yeah, hi, doc. Yeah, it's Tony. Listen, I... I need a session right now. All right, Tony. I've got 20 minutes. You're on the clock. All right, listen, doc. Don't get mad. I took that job. That's a terrible mistake. What the fuck do you know, huh? Tony, you can't do this. You've been making real eakthroughs. I know I was making eakthroughs. - You're right. I know, I know.DR. - This is a setback. I know it's a setback, but I gotta pay them their money or I'm dead. They're kill me, you hear me? This is all because of Maria. Just shut the fuck up about my sister! My sister was pure, you hear what I said? My sister never did nothing to nobody. you hear me? You just shut up... Tony, you can't talk to me like that. I've always been there for you. Whenever you needed me, Dr. Howard Susskind has been there. I know. You have been there. I know, I know. But it's just that... ...this job is different, doc. It... This time, it's a woman. And... She's standing right in front of me. I never whacked a woman out, doc. And... ...you know, her husband, I'm supposed to wait for this phone call. I don't know. What phone call? Her husband's gonna call and let the phone ring twice. That's what I'm supposed to do. Would you believe this? Tony, listen to me. You get out of there right now. Let the woman alone. This is wrong. You can't do it. You don't understand. I... Listen, her husband's gonna call any minute. Let me help, Tony. I gotta go. Bye. Don't hang up, don't hang up. Give me the number. I... Give me the number and I'll call you.I... I'll call you back. - I can't. I'm not giving you no number, doc.DR. - Tony. - This is Dr. Susskind talking. - I can't give you... Calm down. I... All right, the number's... All right, look, look, when you call me, you gotta let the phone ring once.DR. - All right. Then hang up, call back, so I know it's you, okay? Ring once, hang up and you'll know it's me. Okay, Tony. All right, doc, the number here is, uh... It's 555-4516. One-five. Thanks. One... one... one-five. I'm sorry. 555-4515. Oh, we were making such progress. - I know we're making progress.DR. - Wait a minute, wait a minute. Tony... give me that number again. The number's 555-4515. I don't believe it. - What? Five-one-five. The last three numbers. What about it, doc? - May is the fifth month. The 15th is the day I was born. It's my birthday. So, what, doc? Five-one-five. Call your cousin and tell him to play me that number all week. It's my lucky number. - Just call me back.DR. - Call your cousin. Does your mother know what you do for a living? No. Well, she wouldn't like it. My mother and father are both dead. They died in a car accident when I was ten years old. I try not to think about it. So, you're all alone? Everybody's alone. You die in your own arms. Remember that. What about your sister? What do you know about my sister? I don't know anything. I heard you talking to the doctor about it. Well, next time, you mind your business about my sister. My sister was dating some young, wise guy who got out of line, just like you. Certain people decided to have him killed. My sister just got in the way. It was just business. So, they killed your sister too? Yes. I'm sorry. Could you give me a cigarette? - No. Why? 'Cause that secondhand smoke will kill you. That shit will kill you. They can prove it. You're gonna fucking kill me. I think the least you could do is give me a cigarette. I said, no. I have to go to the bathroom. You're worse than a kid. I have to pee. Which way's the bathroom? Down the hallway. Go ahead. Go to The bathroom. You know, this is ridiculous. I'm gonna untie you... but if you try anything, I'm gonna kill you right here. I'm not waiting for no phone call, you hear me? You heard what I said? Yes. I'll kill you right here. Gotta go to the bathroom. You want a cigarette. You're very co... - Shut up. I don't wanna hear your mouth right now. Come on. All right, I can handle it by myself from here. I'm not leaving you alone. I can't pee with you standing in the room. I'm not a pervert or nothing. I'm gonna be right out here. Just keep talking. Just a minute ago, you told me to shut up. Never mind what I said. I wanna make sure you're not trying anything. Just keep talking. - I'm not... No. But I don't know what to talk to you about because you're really touchy about so... You're giving me a headache, you know? I don't know what to say. Just say anything. I'm thinking. All right. Is it... is it different killing a... a woman than it is killing a man? I don't know. I never killed a woman before. Well, why me? I stood up for a guy and he turned out to be a piece of shit. And I got to pay them back the money or I'm dead. Your husband gave me a lot of money to do this. I'm sorry it had to be you. You know what? You're not sorry, okay? You're selfish and you don't care anything about me. You just care about the money. Big, tough guy gonna kill a woman. That's right. 'Cause 50 years from now, when I'm dead and buried and somebody throws that last piece of sod on my face, you know? And they say, Let's eak for lunch. Who's really gonna care, huh? Who's really gonna give a shit? Faithful. It's all bullshit. Do you think I'm pretty? What? I said, do you think I'm pretty? Yeah, you're all right. You know, when I was in high school, there was this girl in my class and she was really beautiful. She had long, blonde hair and blue eyes. And black eyelashes. And she had this gorgeous body and men just wanted to be near her. I mean, they just wanted to be close to her. Not because she was sincere or intelligent or even nice. Just because she was beautiful. Every guy in my school was after this girl, except for one. And he liked me. Now, we had no money and he drove around in this awful, old car, but we were so happy just being together. And then one day, I caught this girl looking at us. out of the corner of her eye. And I could tell it really bothered her that we were happy. And she started coming around and she was flirting with my boyfriend. And she wore low-cut blouses and really tight skirts. And then one day, he called me and he said that they were in love. That she loved him and he loved her. And I said, You know what? She doesn't love you. I love you. Anyway, I was heart oken. And a few weeks later, she left him and he came back to me and it was never the same. You know, 'cause you'll do anything for someone you love, except love them again. What the fuck does that story have to do with anything, huh? Why are you telling me this? Who cares? You're right about one thing. A man will do anything for a beautiful woman. And the more beautiful the woman, the more he'll do. But if you spoke to every con in the joint right now, the reason they're behind bars is because of a woman... and dogs. Dogs? Yeah, dogs. I almost killed my next-door neighbor because his dog kept shitting in my yard. Dogs cause a lot of fights too. So, you're saying that aside from dogs, everything bad that happens to a man is a woman's fault? That's right. Well, what was my mistake? We don't own a dog. You know, I never did anything to my husband. I mean, I loved him more than anybody possibly could. Well, that was your mistake, babe. You loved him too much. I'd rather be in heavy like than love. Love has no middle ground. Heavy like stays the way it is. Never gets any better, never gets any worse. It's a safer bet. You know, Tony, if you talk to me, I think I could help you. Help me? Hey! You're the one who's tied up, I'm the one with the gun. You're the one who's been good all these years and what did you get for it? Nothing. Don't you see? People don't stay together because of love. They stay together because they're scared shit of being alone. Shit. Not now, doc. Why aren't you afraid to die? Go look on my desk. What? On my desk, there's a note. Read it. I'm not going anyplace. To my husband, I know you've been unfaithful to me. I've known that for a long time. But now, I know there's someone special in your life, someone you really care about. I'm sorry that I was unable to give you children, but you knew that when you married me. Maybe she can give you children. I can't live like this any longer. That's why I decided to take my life. What is this? You were gonna kill yourself? Did you see the bottle of pills on the table? Dalmane. Very fast, very painless. Before you came in the room and tied me up, I was gonna take the whole bottle. You stopped me. You saved my life. Now, you're gonna kill me. You know what? You're just doing me a favor, so why don't you just do it, okay? Why don't you just get it over with? Why don't you just do it, big shot? Not yet. - Oh, that's right. I forgot. You gotta wait for the telephone call, right? 'Cause you're the best. Isn't that right, Mr. Tony, who's in the mafia, who's a hitman who never killed a woman before? Isn't that right? You better stop pushing me. I told you how you're gonna die. It ain't gonna be that easy. I'm going to have to tear your clothes off. And then I'm gonna have to rape you. And then I'm gonna have to put a bullet in the back of your head. Does that sound like fun, baby, huh? Why did you hang up on me? I'm sorry I hung up on you. You didn't hurt that woman, did you? - No, I didn't hurt her.DR. - Oh, excellent. All right, Tony, I'm gonna ask you a question and I want you to answer me as truthful as possible. Okay, go ahead. Do you think less of me because I gamble? No, I don't think less of you because you gamble. You trust me? - Of course, I trust you. Then let that woman go, Tony. You have a chance to prove something to yourself. I got to do it, doc. Tony, you don't have to do anything, but die and pay taxes. I don't pay taxes. - Tony, you've gotta take control of your life. Didn't you read the book I gave you? No, I didn't read too much of it. That book has changed people's lives. Uh. Do you have the book with you now? No, I didn't get a chance to ing it, doc. Why not? Because I just didn't think of it, okay? Well, that's a mistake. You should always carry that book with you. You stop yelling at me! Tony, that book is the answer... Okay, I'm sorry I didn't ing the book. ...to life. You should carry that book...I got a lot on my mind lately. ...wherever you go. Stop eaking my balls! This doctor's driving me crazy. He driving me crazy, you hear me? He bought me this book for my birthday. The Road Less Traveled. He said, Read the book. Read the book, but read the first line. Don't forget to read the first line. I open up the book, I read the first line. Life is difficult.Life is difficult. That's it! I threw the book in the garbage! Just because you write a book, doesn't mean you're smart, you know? Usually not. That's right. Get something to eat. I'm hungry. - Where's the ead? - In the refrigerator. It's white. The ead... ...it's white. You people make a million dollars a year, you don't know how to eat right. Unbelievable. Let me tell you something. I've been into health food long before everybody else was into it. People thought I was crazy. Now, they look at me differently. Is there a knife around here? In that drawer right in front of you. Make myself a nice peanut butter and jelly sandwich, you know? Yeah. Let me tell you something. One of the healthiest things you could eat. Peanut butter and jelly. My mother used to give me this without... I like the creamy, you got the crunchy. No. See? They had to mess with it. Peanut butter's been around a hundred years, they had to fuck with it and put crunches in it! Can't leave well enough alone, you know? Very good for you. Good. I'm hungry. Here. You can have half my peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Knock yourself out. Go ahead. Well, how am I supposed to eat this? That's your problem, baby. Well, untie me. Forget it. You're not gonna trick me. Well, if you're not gonna untie me, then you're gonna have to feed me. All right, you want me to feed you? I'll feed you. You know, that was a really mean thing to do. Come on, it was a joke. I'm sorry, all right? I want you to know something. It's okay. What's okay? To kill me. I know you got a lot of trouble and I know you need the money and I just want you to know that I understand and it's okay. I'm still hungry. Oh, go ahead. You know, I bet you could be a pretty nice guy when you're not working. I'm okay. You got any kids? No. Me neither.Yeah. What were you like when you were little? I'll bet you were cute. Oh, hey, hey, come on! Stop the bullshit, okay? Just stop. 'Cause I know what you're trying to do. - I'm not trying to do anything. - No, no, no. Yes, you are. No, I'm not. I mean, you couldn't have wanted to grow up to be a hitman, okay? You must've had some sort of dreams when you were little. Dreams? Yeah, I mean, like, what did you dream you wanted to be? I wanted to be one of the little kings. What's a little king? Every Sunday, my mother and father would take me and my sister to church, you know? And we would see all of them standing on the corner. Playing cards, shooting the eeze. Everybody respected these guys. They had it all. The money, the clothes, the cars. Everything. My father would say hello to them. He didn't like them too much. And I would say, Daddy, I wanna be like them. Everybody treats them like kings. My father said, No, Anthony. Only in this neighborhood did the little kings mean anything. Outside this neighborhood, they're nobodies. He was right. I miss my father. He sounds like a good man. Yes, he was. Thanks. You like me. No, you do. If you weren't here on business, you would like me. If you were my husband, would you leave me alone for four months... and never touch me, never make love to me? W... Would you do that? No, I wouldn't. Would you like to? I can't. Can't get it up? I have no problem with that. Well, then why don't you untie me and take me up to the bedroom and let's just do it? I can't untie you. Well, then leave me tied up. It might be fun. I said I can't do it. Well, why not? I mean, you told me you gotta rape me. Why couldn't it be fun for both of us? That's not the way I work. Well, how do you work? That's enough! You wanna know the way my husband works? He does it once and then he rolls over and he dies. All the lights have to be shut off. He doesn't make a noise, okay? Nothing. Not a moan, not nothing, okay? I feel like I'm fucking a dead man. Well, there's making love and then there's fucking. There's two different things. And a man will say and do anything before he comes. But once he comes, he wants out. If he says different, he's lying. I know, but he makes me feel like a hooker. Did you ever go with a hooker? I only go with hookers. Why? You're not a bad-looking guy. You give them money, they give you what you want. It cuts all the bullshit. Let's do it. Do what? Fuck. No. Come on. Tony, I think I could be good with the right person. When you... when you fuck, do you talk? Boy, you're really something else. Well, I thought if we were gonna do it, we might as well get to know one another and I know that there's a time problem here, so do you talk? Yeah. Yeah, I talk. A lot. Great. I love it. I always wanted to be with a man who talked dirty to me in bed. Are you gentle or are you rough? I'm a little bit of both. Kind of gentle-rough? That's me. That's me too. I'm not doing anything. You see? We're really communicating here now. Do you like to cuddle? Do I what? Afterwards. After you make love, do you like to cuddle? No. By the time a woman wants to cuddle with me, I got my key in the car door. All right, untie me. I promise, you don't have to cuddle. Just untie me. I... No.Tony, I'll do anything you want. No, I can't do it. No.Look at me. Anything you want. I know what you like. Anything. Anything. Anything I want? - Anything you want. Anything. Blow jobs, yes. Anything, anything, anything. Anything you want. You fucking slut! Don't laugh at me, you fucking slut! You should've been faithful. You deserve to die. Do you know what's happening here, huh? Do you have any idea? You've been made a fool of, okay? My husband didn't hire you. I did. Stop it, you're trying to trick me. Trick you? Did you ever meet my husband? No.Do you know what he looks like? No.Then how do you know he hired you? 'Cause a man gave me half the money up front. Was it my husband? No, but that's doesn't matter. That's the way it's always done. Then how do you know it was my husband and not me that hired you? Because... Because why would you hire somebody to kill you? Because I didn't have the guts to do it myself. Go look at those monitors, okay? What are you talking about? - Go look at the monitors. I can see everything that comes in and goes out of this house. Nothing gets by me. I saw you climb over the wall and walk towards the side window. I watched you. You're fucking lying to me! I could've stopped you any time. I didn't want to, I was happy to see you. Now, the deal's off, so just untie me. You're twisting everything around. One more word and I swear I'll... And then what? You're gonna kill me? No, you won't. Remember? You've never killed a woman. That's something you'd never do. Oh, yeah? Yeah. Yeah, we'll find out right now, bitch. Shit. What? - This hanging up on me has gotta stop. Doc, I need a session right now. Oh! So, now you need me? Yes, I need you. Could you talk to me, please? - You're gonna be nice? - Yes, I'm gonna be nice. You call your cousin? You put my bet in? Yes! Yes, I called my cousin. I put the bet in. It's okay. - Okay. You're on the clock. - Listen. She watched me, you hear what I said? She watched me climb over the wall. She saw me on the monitors. She told me she hired me. Tony, I told... I told you not to do this. She saw me, doc. I told you this is wrong. I know, but I... Tony, you cannot kill that woman. But the money... To hell with the money. You get out of the house right now. But I gave my word. Listen to me, Tony, I'm a doctor. A doctor or degenerate gambler? What kind of doctor are you? A doctor with problems, yes. I'll admit to that, but I graduated with honors. I graduated magna cum-fucking-laude and don't you forget that. You were good in school. I know. This is all because of Maria. But... Stop blaming my sister! You know what happens to me when you mention my sister's name! You can't mention my sister! On and on with my sister! It wasn't her fault! Tony, the mind is like a big toilet bowl. It gets filled with all this... this shit. And if you don't flush it, it... it overflows. Every day, more and more shit gets into it. You gotta flush it. - Flush it? Flush what? - Your mind. Well, how do I do that? You need a plumber. A plumber? I'm the plumber, Tony. Let me help you get rid of all that shit. What shit? Shit! Guilt! It's the same thing. Doc, I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. All I know is if I don't pay them back the money They're gonna kill me, you hear me, doc? If you read the book, Tony, this never would've happened. The book has been on the bestseller list for years. I'm trying to help you. Stop it with the book, doc! I can't hear it anymore. I didn't ing the book. - No, no, Tony, don't hang up. - I don't wanna read the book.DR. - Read the book. I don't give a fuck about the book! Tony, listen to me. Read... read The Celestine Prophecythen. You really want your husband dead, Maggie, huh? Yes. Then how about I take the 150,000 and leave you the gun? You think you could do it? I could teach you. All you have to do is squeeze this trigger here, just an eighth of an inch. Well, I'm glad we were able to straighten everything out. And no matter how much money he thinks he's got, no matter how tough he thinks he is... ...no matter what we accomplished in his whole life, means nothing if you squeeze this. You can do it. I can't. Yes, you can, Maggie. Anybody can kill. You're telling me that you would rather die than kill him? Yes. You know what your problem is, huh? You're not mad enough. I don't care what you think my problem is. Think about it. Five million dollars. You know how much fun he's gonna have with all that money? I can't do it. It doesn't bother you that after you're dead he's gonna be enjoying life with his new girlfriend! - I can't do it. I can't do it. They're not even gonna remember you! Shut up, okay? Come on. They're gonna make babies together, Maggie! Shut up! Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! You're too pure, Maggie. My sister was pure like you and the real world swallowed her up. I know what happened to your sister. Shut up about my sister. You killed her. Mind your business about my sister. You killed her. - I didn't do anything. You killed your own flesh and blood. That's enough. I warned my sister to stay away from him, but she didn't listen. She said that they were in love and they were gonna get married and they were gonna live happily ever fucking after, just like you did. I can still see her face right in front of me. You're gonna let me wear that dress? - My sister was pure. She was the only thing I had left in the world. I'm not gonna put a pin. But you really bought it for me? He knew there was a contract out on him. That's why he kept her with him, every minute of the day. Come on. He knew I couldn't touch him with her around. So, I went to his apartment and I waited in the darkness. And I said a prayer to myself that he would be alone when he walked through that door. But when I heard those keys and I heard them laughing, I knew. - Will you stop? I knew my prayers weren't answered. Don't move, asshole. Tony, please don't hurt him. Get away from him, Maria. Stay by my side, baby. Tony, please don't hurt him. You fucked a lot of people. Hey, Tony, it was business, man. You stole money from people that trusted you. Hey, that's their problem. Tony, you can't hurt him! Now, it's my problem. I gotta pay them back the money or I'm dead. Tony, please don't kill him. Maria, get away from him. Tony! If I die, she dies! No! Please, please. No. Tony. Make your move. Put the gun down. It's time. No.You should've taken my offer. I don't wanna die now. I got no choice. Tony, I don't wanna die now. I don't have a fucking choice. - Tony, please. I don't wanna die. I don't wanna die. Tony, please. - Hey! Please. - Come here, you. Please. Please. Come on. Ow! Stop it! Kill me! - No. Go ahead! - I've got to do it or I'm dead. No! Come on! Move! Please, Tony. Come on! Come on! Please. Please! Ow! You can't do this! Come on. Tony, please don't do this! I gotta kill you. Put the gun down or you're fucking dead, you hear me? Go ahead. Kill me. Tony, please. You're fucking dead! Come on, you prick. I'll blow her ains all over the room. - Maria! Tony, you have to listen to me! Come on! Come on! Stop it. Get away from her. Please don't do it. - Maria! Maria, get down. Maria, get away. Go ahead. Kill me, prick. Let's go.Please. Maria! Come on! Maria! I had to do it. I'm sorry. Forgive me. I had no choice. I had to do it. It was my fault. I... If I would have left the apartment, my sister would be alive now. You killed her? When I shot him, he pulled the trigger on my sister. It wasn't your fault. You didn't mean to hurt her. It wasn't your fault. But I had no choice, just like now. I got no choice.No. You do. You do have a choice. You have a choice. Tony, you have a choice. You do.No. We could do this thing together. Look, I don't care about the money. I don't give a shit about the money. I'll open the safe for you. You can have all of it. I don't care. I never wanted to hurt you. I know that. I know that. I know. I know you didn't want to. We've both been hurt. We can help each other. Let me help you, Tony. Let me help you. Help me? Yes. Just let me get close to you. I could help you. I could help you, Tony. Help me. - I could help you. I could help you. I could help you, Tony. Margaret. - Jack. Why aren't you asleep? Sweetheart, what happened? Oh, that mess with the new foreman took forever to clear up. I ended up having to take him to a bar. Got him a couple of drinks. Sweetheart, I thought something had happened to you. I was worried to death. I... I told him he had my full support. It was so late, I was gonna stay over. Why are you so dressed up? It's our anniversary, honey. Yeah, I know. That's why I decided to come back. I have your gift. Oh, Jack. Happy anniversary. Oh, sweetheart. Oh, my God, Jack. It's beautiful. Here, put it on me. I haven't seen you dressed up in a long time. You look sensational. Thank you. I know things haven't been right between us, but maybe we can start over and make 'em like they were before. I hope so. I ought some champagne. I'll get some glasses. How was your day? I had a terrific day. - Yeah? What was so terrific about it? Did you ever have one of those days where everything goes right? Today was a disaster for me. Whoa. To 20 years. Twenty years, 20 years. Are you okay? - Yeah. Just thinking. About what? Hmm. I don't know. Twenty years. That seems like a lifetime ago. You look sad. No, no, I'm not, I'm not. I'm... I'm just glad you're here. Twenty years. Wow. Twenty years. Oh, it seems like yesterday. Oh, sweetheart, sweetheart, do you remember those long walks down Bain idge Avenue? And you were there with your short skirts and the cars were beeping their horns. They don't beep much anymore though, do they? Oh, you're as beautiful as the day I met you. Do you think so? Would I lie to you? Sweetheart... did you ever go with a hooker? What? - A prostitute. Why do you ask me something like that? What? Honey, come on. Did you ever pay a woman to have sex with you? - No. Never? Never, Jack? Come on. I know those guys you used to hang out with. You're telling me never? - Okay, once. When I was a kid at a bachelor party, yeah. Did you like it? - I don't remember. Did you get kinky, Jack? Hey, what's gotten into you? Well, for the past four months, nothing. Look, I'm sorry that we haven't made love in a w... What's that? This is my anniversary gift for you, Jack. It's kinky. Come on, put your hands out. I'm going to tie you up, okay? It turns me on. Since when? Today. Why today? You've been a bad boy, Jackie. Oh, I have? What have I done? It's what you tried to do. Well, what did I try to do? - You know what you tried to do. No, I don't. - Yes, you do. Come on. Do me. Do what? Right here on the floor. Do what on the floor? Fuck. On the floor? Yes. I can't.Don't I turn you on? Please. - Come on, then, Jackie. Do me right here on the floor. Come on, I'm ready. Have you been taking your medication? Don't you wanna fuck your wife, Jack? You need to see your shrink. What the hell is going on? What? I'll get it. Hello? Ah! Is this 555-4515? Yes, it is. - Oh, you're alive! Yes, I am. Listen, yes, I'd like to speak to Tony. This is Dr. Howard... Ow! Oh, I'm terribly sorry. Jesus Christ! Oh, my... Take me to a hospital! A hospital! Well, that's not possible, but you know, I can call you tomorrow. We can discuss my appointment then, okay? Thank you. Bye. I need a cigarette. Whoo! Why do we have to go outside? Because I found out that secondhand smoke is very dangerous and I... I care about you. What are you talking about? Who was that on the phone? A therapist. A ther... You already have a therapist. Hmm. I know that, but Linda Fisher came over for lunch yesterday and she told me about this guy. She recommends him highly, she thinks he's fabulous. Also, she thinks I've been going to my therapist for five years, I need a change. And you know what else she told me? What? She thinks Bobby's cheating on her. What makes her think that? Hmm. A woman knows, Jack. Oh, yeah. What... what do you mean, a woman knows? He hasn't touched her for months. Well, you know, but they've been married for what? Fifteen years? That happens. Jack, I saw him with another woman. - When? What difference does it make when? Well, maybe it was just a friend.No. They were sitting at... at a table, candlelight. And he had his tongue down her throat. I don't think so. Did you tell Linda? No. Should I have? No. It's just better you mind your own business. Jack? - Yeah? Can one woman make a man happy? Yeah, sure. The one he can't have. I'm not talking about myself, but a lot of men feel that way. She knows he's cheating. Yeah, you told her. No. Come on. Don't bullshit me. Did you tell her or not? Bob's a good friend of mine. I said I didn't tell her. I wish I had. You should've seen her in the house. She was crying. Her life is shattered now because your good friend, Bob... ...told her he's in love with another woman. Hold it. Bob's a good guy. He's got problems like anybody else, okay? Besides, he told me he... he just fell out of love with Linda. And he's met somebody that he really cares about. How old is she? She's... she's 24.Hmm. But don't... don't jump to conclusions. I know you. Bob doesn't support her. She's got her own job. What does she do? She's a cocktail waitress. I'm starving. Jack, is it possible for a man to be faithful today? Why is it always the man? Women cheat too, you know? Maybe, someday, you'll be unfaithful to me. You hungry? All I know is Bob told me he'd been faithful to Linda for 15 years. That ought to count for something. Count for what? What? He's building good points, so now, he can cheat? You don't know the pressure Bob is under. What pressure? What, huh? That... that midlife crisis crap that you guys use as an excuse to act like teenagers for the rest of your lives? Women are born with a parachute on their back. All they have to do is pull the rip cord and get married. That's bullshit and you know it. - No, it's not bullshit. In the eyes of the world, a woman can't be a failure. The worst she can be is a... a housewife. I'm a housewife, Jack. Is that the worst I can be? Oh, listen... No, you listen to me, okay, Mr. Success? When my father died and left me the business, it was my idea to the house and buy more trucks. Don't you throw that up in my face. And... ...another thing. When we got married, Jack, we had nothing. Where was my parachute then? The business is in trouble because of your ego. You're overextended and you know it, Jack, okay? Those cars, this house. Look at the size of this house, Jack. There's only two of us. We didn't need it. I wanted a family. I deal with that every day of my life. You know what really hurts me, Jack? It's the fact that you've got someone that you care about and you're not even man enough to admit it. Okay? That's not true. I know about your little five-day excursion to Puerto Rico, okay? Your fucking travel agent called me to confirm the reservations. And, Jack, I know about your little personal assistant, Debbie. Debbie? Debbie works for me. No, Jack. Debbie works on you. That's enough. The business is in my name. If we get divorced, you get nothing and you know it. You're not divorcing me. I am, I am. I'm leaving you with Debbie and her fake tits. Her tits... ...are not fake. Don't get smart with me, Jack. Just admit that you've been cheating on me and that you're in love with Debbie. I love you. Jack, just be a man and answer the question. Hey! I came home to be with you, you understand? I could've slept over. I was tired. But I came home to... to be with you, to give you your gift. It's our anniversary. Why are you doing this? You know, our anniversary, that's a good point, Jack. What kind of a marriage do you think this is? You know, why don't you take one of your pills? It'll help you relax. I don't want... I'll get it for you... one of my pills, okay? I want some answers. What answers? What answers? I want... I wanna hear it from your lips, Jack. Have you been faithful to me? No. Good, that's a start. Now, tell me why. I don't know. - Well, you know what? That's not good enough. I deserve some answers. When... when was the last time we made love? I... I don't remember. Yeah, well, I do. Let me refresh your memory, Jack. It was four months ago. Listen, I work hard every day. I come home, you've taken you pill. Oh, you know. Wait, wait, okay? You're sound asleep. You're lying. You're lying again. You are lying again. You just admitted that you've been unfaithful. Now, just tell me, do you love her? No. Jack, please tell me. If you've ever told the truth in your life, please tell me now, all right? You said you wanted to start over again. We gotta clear the air, Jack. Please, just tell me. If you tell the truth, I could forgive you, all right? But you gotta tell the truth or I can't... I can't trust you again, Jack. Please tell me. - Uh. I swear I will not get upset. I swear to God. Just tell me, do you love Debbie? Yes. You piece of shit. - Don't talk to me like that. - You low-life fuck. If you think that I'm gonna roll over and play dead so that you and Debbie and her fake tits can walk off into the sunset together, you're nuts. I'm leaving you with nothing. You're not leaving me. You're my wife. No, you have your new love. Debbie. Oh, it's just a phase I'm going through. A phase? I... Do you think that she loves you, Jack? Please. No, no. Answer the question. Do you think she loves you? Yes. Have you looked in the mirror lately? What? The mirror. Have you looked in the mirror lately? Fuck you. Tell me something, Jack. Where was Debbie 20 years ago, okay, when you were oke? - But I'm not oke anymore. - No, but you will be. I'm getting your pills. No, okay? You are not getting my pills. I don't want my fucking pills, okay? Hey, I am warning you! What? What are you gonna do to me, huh? You gonna punch me? Are you gonna hurt me? You know what, Jack? You've hurt me as much as you can. What is wrong with you? It was my money that started the business, okay? Oh, God. Are we... are we... My money. Yeah, are we gonna talk about that again? How many times are you gonna tell me about the money? Okay, you're right, it was your money that got us started. But it's been me who's been running he business for the last 15 years. Don't forget we started with two trucks. We got 50. We're one of the biggest independent trucking companies in New York. You know what? I don't want that sales pitch. Do you feel things like a... like a normal person, Jack? Yeah, of course I do. Do you know what it's like to feel worthless? Yeah, I do. I remember when we got married, we didn't have two nickels we could rub together, remember? I had that shit car. I mean, anywhere we went, we parked it two blocks away. I had that shit job, I took orders from a mook who didn't know his ass from his elbow. Do you have any idea what it's like to feel like you could be somebody if they'd give you a shot? I felt like I had greatness in me, except I was the only one who knew it. I knew it. Yeah. And I'm grateful to you too. I... I appreciate it. You know, why are you trying to hurt me? You know what you did. I don't have to tell you. What? What did I do? - You cheated on me. You cheated on me. I put you in a castle on a hill. Anything in the world that you wanted, all you had to do was ask. You know what I am? I'm a possession. And you keep me in this house and you take me out and you dust me off every once in a while like one of your trophies. Did you fuck him? What about Debbie? Did you fuck him? Yes. Yeah, I knew you did. I knew you fucked him. You know, it's... You cheated on me your entire life. I do it once and I'm a whore? Oh, what difference does it make if it's once or a hundred times? If I asked right now if you've been faithful to me, your answer wouldn't be any different than mine. Besides, it was more than once, wasn't it? No. It was... I... I went to dinner with him, like, four or five times. We did it once. Was it for the sex? No. Sometimes we would just lay down together and talk. How romantic. I needed someone to make me feel like I was alive again, Jack. Did he do that for you? Yeah, temporarily. And when it was over, it just made you feel worse, didn't it? Yeah. And your lover, is he... is he coming here to rescue you? No, he doesn't love me. Do you love him? I don't know what love is anymore, Jack. Yeah, well, I wouldn't worry about it. I mean, he's not inging much to the table, is he? He's just a working stiff who lives in a dump and drives a shit car. How do you know that? Did you follow me? No, people talked. You made me look bad. You followed me? No, I didn't follow you. I hired somebody. He's been watching you. You did what? He's been watching you. Wh... what's his name? Forget it. What's done is done. What does he look like? Forget it! Jack, why did you look so surprised when you walked in here tonight? I don't know what you're talking about. - Yeah, you do. Jack, I know what's going on. You know? Yes. I didn't wanna hurt you. When I came home tonight, I was really scared. When are you gonna tell her, Jack? I'm gonna tell her. She's been sick. Yeah, well, I'm sorry she's sick, Jack. But I'm getting real tired. Real tired of being treated like a utensil, you hear me? Hey, let me tell you something. I take you places, I get you things. We're going to Puerto Rico. You lied to me. You lied to me and never wanted to marry me. Listen, you don't have enough guts to tell your wife? I'll tell her, Jack. I'll tell her tonight. Hey, Debbie. I swear to God. Don't do this. Take your hands off me, Jack. She said she was gonna come here tonight and tell you everything. So that's why I had that look on my face when I came in. Do you love me, Jack? Of course, I do. Then how could you want to hurt me? I'm sorry about Debbie. I'm the only person who believed in you, you know? I'm your wife, Jack. We took an oath before God. I... I don't know what you're saying. Did you hire someone to kill me? What? Did you hire a man to kill me? Of course not. I hired somebody to watch you. No more lies, Jack. I don't know what the hell you're saying? - I can't take it. - Okay? I want the truth. - Listen, I'm your husband. I wouldn't do anything to hurt you. You're my wife. - I need the truth! I'm telling you the truth. Where'd you get that? A friend. Or should I say your friend? You know, I don't know what you're talking about. Put the... put the down. You know, he made the same mistake you did, Jack. He thought with that thing between his legs. And you're gonna end up just like him. Dead. Dead? You've killed somebody? What the hell's wrong with you? Just admit that you hired him to kill me. Y... you need help now. Let me help you. Go on upstairs. Move. No. I'm not moving.Move. Then I'll kill you right here. Listen, Margaret, you got nobody. You got nobody, but me. She's got me, Jack. Who are you? You should've been faithful. Hey, what's going on here? This is my friend, Tony. Tony, this is my husband, Jack. You're leaving me for another man? He's very good. See? I told you he's never gonna admit it. Admit what? I come home, I find another man in my house with my wife. How should I feel? Don't you think I'm entitled to an explanation. Look who wants an explanation. He's very good. I'm giving you ten seconds to get out of my house or I'm gonna throw your ass out. Jack, there are people in this life that you can fuck with and some you can't. I'm the can't. Give me the gun. Come on, downstairs. Come on, move.Margaret. Move. Come on. Move! Hey! Margaret, what's going on here? Did you hire this man to kill me? Oh, my God, no! Oh, yes, you did. I would... I've never this man before in my life. You cheap bastard. You offered me 25,000. You got hundreds of thousands in the safe. The safe? You told him about the safe? This man's a thief. He wants our money. Never mind about the money, okay? Did you hire him to kill me? I told you he did. I wanna hear it from his lips. Well, you heard it from my lips. Well, I wanna hear it from his. I swear to God, I've never seen him before. Why did you tell him about the safe? Just admit it and be a man. What? You think you... You're gonna trust a guy with a gun who comes into our house? I'm trying to save your life. Jack, he told me you gave him money. Now, tell me. Did you give him money? When, where? Where did we ever meet, mister? No, I never met you. No, you never. Call the cops please. You... you gave it to someone to give to me. Who? What's his name? I don't give names. Oh, you don't? Who gave it to you, Tony? He's a fake. Who gave you the money? I said, I don't give names. Well, why not? Because I said so. Well, Tony, are you telling me the truth? All right, you want it this way, huh? Listen to me. Hey, hey. You admit to your wife that you hired me, you hear me? Listen, I... He's a liar. Say it! Tell her! You're dead, you hear me? He's lying to you. Margaret, please help me. Come on, talk. Talk! Say it! Tell her! Wait, wait. Tony, Tony, Tony! Stop! Don't hurt him, don't hurt him. Come on! Don't hurt him! Stop! What's the hell's the matter with you? We had a deal. Now, do you want him dead, yes or no? I don't know. I knew you would never hurt me. I'm sorry about Debbie. You hurt me, Jack. The way I feel right now, I wanna kill both of you for nothing. You two deserve each other. Okay, you want your husband alive? Then I want my money. Come on, where's the safe? In the game room. There. Then go get it now. Let's go! How could you let this happen? How could you trust a man with a gun? He tricked me, okay? He told me you hired him to kill me. - Shut up. Well, next time, believe your husband. Open the safe. Come on! Now! I... I don't know if I remember the combination. Well, you better remember 'cause I'm gonna put a bullet in the back of your husband's head. Please don't kill me. I said open it. I'm trying to. It's not. Just... I'm trying. Cut the bullshit. I want my money or he's dead. Please don'tl... I'm doing it right. It won't open. I don't understand, it won't open. Come on. Say goodbye, Jack. Don't... don't do it. - I'm trying, I'm trying. I'm doing it right, it won't open. Say goodbye, Jack! No, don't! I changed the combination. You what? You what? I changed the combination. Why? This I wanna hear. You haven't been acting yourself lately. I thought you might do something stupid. Like what? Yeah, like what? Honey, listen. Don't honey me. Don't honey her. Why did you change the combination, Jack? I was afraid. Afraid of what? That you'd wake up one day and take all the money and leave me. You've been lying to me from the beginning, Jack. Margaret, I tried. Never mind that. Come on, open that safe, Jack. I'm not giving you my money. Them I guess you're gonna die. No, you can't kill me. I'm the only one who can open up the safe. Margaret, I'm gonna teach you a little something about business. There's a lot of money in that safe. Do you want it? Yes. Then you kill her. So, help me God, I'll kill you. Now, open that safe! You're gonna kill me and end up with nothing? Tony, we had a deal. - There's a lot of money in there. It's all yours. It's kickback. I can't go to the police if I wanted to. Tony, the deal. - You're a businessman, just like me. - Tony, you promised me. You said you'd help. You promised. - Oh, he promised you? He promised you? And what are promises to men like us, huh? There's a lot of money in there. A lot. I'm sorry. I'm in too deep, Maggie. Tony, you gave me your word. Take her upstairs. I don't wanna see this. Come on. Jack, you piece of shit. I hope you burn in hell. Come on. You son of a bitch. Should've been faithful. Get my money ready. Tony, we had a deal. The deal's off. Tony, we had a deal! - Deal's off. Come on! - Tony, we had a deal! Tony, how can you do this after what happened? She's dead. You didn't fuck her? - What? Well, you know, the plan. It's gotta look like a rape and a murder. So, you are the one. Oh, let's get it over with. You don't have to fuck her. Just pay me. You know, I really shouldn't pay you. You and my wife were planning to kill me. I went to such precautions to find the right guy for this job. They told me you were a man of your word. They forgot to tell me that you were greedy. It wasn't the money. Oh, no? What was it? Was it love? Did you fall in love with her? Did you know your wife was gonna kill herself before I got here tonight? I saved her life. Why do you think I hired you to kill her in the first place? You saved me five million dollars. I couldn't afford for her to kill herself. How do you know she's dead? I heard the shots. Why don't you go upstairs and make sure? Go ahead. Afraid to get up close? Afraid to get in there? Got no guts, Jack? I mean, men like us, we're not afraid of nothing, right? I'm not like you. That's right. You're not like me. You never kept your word in your life. You suck the life out of everything that comes near you. Who are you to judge me? I'm the man with the gun. And the one with the gun makes the rules. Hi, Jack. What's the matter, honey? You're not happy to see me? You knew all that time I changed the combination. - Yes, I knew. I tried to open the safe earlier. When it didn't open, I knew Tony was telling me the truth. You scared me.Sorry. You're very good.Thanks. So were you. W... what are you gonna do, kill me? I'll tell you what we're going to do to you. Hello? Yes, this is Dr. Howard Susskind. I'd like to speak to Tony. Once. You were supposed to let it ring once and then hang up. Who was that on the phone? Shut up, Jack. What did you do to her? I woke her up. It's over, Jack. You're back where you started from. With nothing. Oh, wait a minute. I was wrong. You still got Debbie. And her fake tits. They're not fake. Give me the gun. Take it easy. Give me the fucking gun. Just calm down. Take it easy. Look, you shut up. I know what I'm doing. I don't think so. Look, Tony, you got your money, okay? So, just go. I know what I'm doing. It's gonna okay. Hey, look, nobody's dead yet, okay? It doesn't have to end this way. Oh, no. Yeah, it does. You're just a little crazy right now. I'm not crazy, okay? I'm not crazy. Come on. I can't let you do this! Tony, get away from him! You don't deserve it, but I'm gonna do you a favor, Jack. Thank you, thank you. You never killed anybody before. So, what? Listen to him. Shoot him in the back of the head. He'll die faster. Thanks. So long, Maggie. Put the gun down, Margaret. I'm your husband. You're not gonna kill me. I... I know Tony put you up to this. He's very good. Now, put the gun down. All right, all right. I'm sorry for what I did, okay? Put the gun down. I talked to your shrink. He says you're a very sick woman and that you need help. Now, why don't you let me help you. You know what he told me, Jack? He said there's this thing called fusion where two people lock into each other, but they stay in an infantile state. A symbiosis of feeding off one another. It's a sickness. And they never grow up and never really commit to one another. And that's us, Jack. All right, that... that's what I pay your shrink for? To fill your head full of shit? Come on. You're not gonna kill me. You need me. I need a drink. Why don't... why don't you get me a drink? Or should I get it myself? Yeah. I'll get it myself. Jesus! Are you crazy? The marriage is over and you're gonna get nothing. Who's gonna run the business? You? I'll worry about that when the time comes, Jack. All I know is right now, I want you out of this house. Yeah, well, I'm not leaving. And I also want the keys to the Ferrari. Okay. You're making a big mistake. I don't think so. You know, I'll survive. So will I. You piece of shit. I knew she wouldn't kill you. You got your money. Fuck off! Now, you listen to me. And you listen to me good! You ever come back here and touch her in any way, you hurt her, the next time you see me, you won't see me. Understood? Yeah, I understand. Now, you get the fuck out of here. You know, she took the keys to my car. Want me to give you a lift, Jack, huh? I'll take you for a ride and this one's on me. Uh. No, thanks. I think I'll walk. Come here. Come here. What are you doing here? I thought you were gone. Just thought I'd hang around a while in case you might need me. Were you aiming at those monitors? You saw me? I saw everything. I was in the back. It was very good. Thank you. Well, where you gonna go? What you gonna do? Well, I'm gonna go to my lawyer's and I'm just gonna, you know, try to get my life together. You know, um... You know, what happened between us when we were alone in the bedroom? It's been a long time since I've been with a woman like that. Yeah. And it was free. It was nice. You know, maybe, uh... When things settle down, maybe you and I, we'll go out, you know, have a cup of coffee or something, you know? I'd like that. Yeah, me too. See you around. See you.
You're late. According to my schedule, my timing's perfect. Elsewhere, perhaps, but if you want to get along around here, you'd best buy yourself a new wristwatch. Are you in charge around here? Why not? Oh, I forgot my manners. Please, come in. Welcome to our home. Meet the porter. Right this way? Uh-huh. Stephanie. This is the right place? Oh, yes. - Sister Holloway. - Please, call me Helen. Ah, no, sorry. No touching allowed here. One of Dr. Hildesheimer's rules. Oh. Tell me more. Well, that and what you'll learn about his new methods. No alcohol, and punctuality. - Hmm. - Come. I'm sure you'll be comfortable enough here. Sure, being led around by big guys in white coats and locked up nights. - Not at all. You're perfectly free to come and go as you please. Dr. Hildesheimer wants to see you in his rooms in 15 minutes, sharp. Yours is down there on the right. Thank you. Oh, right there is fine. This could be a most interesting case, Dieter. Oh, and don't forget to discuss the statement from her father. It could reveal a lot. Dieter, you're not going to use the drug therapy on her, are you? Good. Come in. Ah, Stephanie. Come. I'd like you to meet Dr. Hildesheimer. Doctor? Well, let me leave you two to get to know each other. I'll call your father and tell him you arrived safely. Thank you, Helen. You don't talk much, do you? You're here to do the talking, hmm? Well, I'm not sure about the place, but I'm impressed with your methods. I've heard a lot about them. But, um, what can I tell you that you might not already know about? Simply tell me about you. Stephanie will be fine here, I'm sure. Thanks. Goodbye. Oh, Brenda. I really don't like having to say this to you again, but since Kurt first ought you here, I've not been happy with the quality of your work. Sister, please. Try to understand. Things have been a little difficult between me and Kurt lately, and- That's private. It shouldn't interfere with your work. You don't stick to your schedule, you disregard the doctor's instructions- I put everything I have into my work. I've really been trying. Oh? Well, perhaps you could try just a little harder. Come tomorrow, I expect to see a visible improvement. It's just sometimes you get yourself into a situation- That'll be all. Thank you, Nurse. Yes. So really, I'm here because of my father. I'm a big girl with, shall we say, not so small a problem. Excuse me. Helen, what is it? What's so important? It looks as though we'll finally get it. - What? - The grant! Gantry says... Here, listen. I'm most interested in the work you are doing. I appreciate your vision. I will visit you on Thursday the 12th. I'm confident that, given your fascinating presentation, I will be able to recommend that the sum of $1 million be granted for the improvement of your existing facilities as well as additional funds for actual research.” You can go back to your room now. You can help me, Doctor, can't you? Yes. I think so. I'm sorry about that. Yeah, well, uh... I'm not sure about the place, but I'm impressed with your methods. I've heard a lot about them. But, um... Battalion! Ready! Hello, General. Time for ead! Up, young man! Report for duties, 0700 hours! Yes? Sorry about that. It's his thing. Does it every morning. My name's Alice. Breakfast in the dining room till nine. I'll be up later. Kurt, would you begin? Sure. Hi, I'm Kurt. Everybody knows that. Stephanie, we have met. Helen and I figured that today might be a good time to talk about our past lives. You see, I too was a patient here. Not so long ago, I cruised the streets, a lot. I picked up women, took them home, and killed the whores, just like I did my mother at birth. Though these crimes were only in my mind, I lived like a criminal, till I came here. Matthew? Would you talk to us now? Please come forward. Matthew? I'm Paul. I suffer from a stunted libido. My sexual growth took a dive during my childhood and developed into a neurotic condition with psychotic undercurrents. It got me sent to prison. I met the doctor and he started treating me. I feel I'm making progress, getting better, coming to terms with things, and straightening out the kinks. As a new patient, I'd like you to know that I value my privacy, and I expect you to respect that. My name is Stephanie. I've never been to a place like this before, so forgive me. Dad sent me here. He never loved me. He never loved my mother. It was embarrassing. For him. I have a east cathexis. Non-contagious. You see, I, uh... I like to show people what I've got. I do it on impulse. It's unpremeditated. So, uh... Beware. Matthew? Would you try now, please? This is bullshit. Charming, Paul. Sit. It's all right, Helen. You can go, Paul. Yes, sir. Because... Because of what I had become, I was a burden to my parents and an object of ridicule amongst the boys at school. Because of what I had become, I turned to spiritual love. But lovers need more. They need physical love. Because of what I am, I'm alone. And because I'm alone, I've turned to nature and the universe, because they accept my love and accept me. Without conditions. I'm Julia. Do you really care about my feelings? No. You don't. I've realized one thing: you can give something to somebody, everything, but it's just not enough. So. You accepted my invitation. If I didn't know any better, I'd, uh... I'd think I was being seduced. Why have you come here, really? Huh? I know what you are. There's gonna be an apocalypse. I know. Scared? No. I didn't like being pushed. What's with you and the boy? Matthew? I don't like what you're implying. Don't. What a waste. Nothing more to say. I mean, I can't understand why she's here. Apart from what she told us, she seemed pretty normal. You interested? Hey, Steph. Oh. Brenda? Stephanie, our new patient. Brenda's on the staff here. Um... We kinda go together. Hi, Stephanie. Nice to meet you. I hope you'll be happy here. Brenda. Here. Read this. So? You know, I've been hanging in for two years with waiting for that. Now it's finally come, I feel nothing. Guess I gotta think about leaving. Before, in the group therapy, you were... Listen, are you sure you still want to go through with this? What are you saying? We agreed on something, didn't we? Hey, look, if it's a girl you're worried about, forget it. I made a deal with you and I'm sticking to it. It's just I'm interested again, that's all. It's new for me. I may be getting better. Anyway, I need the money, and that's the bottom line. I guess I got things to do. Kurt. I ought you here. Really tried. I know you loved me. Was that your mistake? I couldn't tell you. I didn't realize. Then she came. Brought it with her. It was in those goddamn bags. Don't you... I'm so sorry. Oh, Kurt. Brenda? You're late again. Please come to my office right away. It's just not good enough, Kurt. Very good, men! Dismissed! Dieter, I'm sure it would help if you spoke to Brenda. No. The staff is under your control, Helen. I think the only one who controls Brenda is our Kurt. Kurt, it's Brenda I wanted to see. What is it? What's the matter? I didn't do it. Do what? Come. Come! What... What the hell happened here, Kurt? I didn't do this. We have to call the police. Police? Did you call the police? No. I didn't. This could ruin everything. I'll take care of I, Dieter. Go to your office. Now listen to me, Kurt. I don't know what drove you to this, but we'll deal with that later. Right now, we need to help each other. Can you understand what I'm saying, Kurt? Yes! He's a bit calmer now. I told him to stay in his room for the rest of the day. But first thing tomorrow, we must get him into therapy. We may have to sedate him when Gantry arrives. Kurt? Oh, hi. How you doing? Have you seen Brenda? She went home for a couple of days. Uh... We had an argument. - Oh. You know how it is. Anyway, I'd best be going now. Take care. I loved her. I lived off her. You see, I still had a desperate need to see my mother's east. If I couldn't have them, I had to see them. I watched bizarre love scenes. They never did more than take off their clothes. Looking was beautiful. My mother's exposure, glorious. Her lover... Enticing. I thought they'd stop. They always had. Moved together. Drifted toward the bed. He threw her down and utally penetrated her. I watched. It wasn't like before. She writhed in agony. I saw the hatpin. Oh, yes. Yes! But she passed out. He left and I ran. And no one ever said a word about it. Six months later, she died. Internal hemorrhaging. You fix that, Doctor. Shut the door. You okay? - Yeah. - Yeah? Yeah. Do you want me to leave? You know why I'm here. No! No. This has gotta stop. I gotta go to her. Who? Brenda? Okay, come. Come. Slowly. Slowly, Kurt. Okay, slowly. Come. Settle down. Come. Hey. Hey. Morning, Prescott. Kurt? Kurt? No. You calm down, okay? I want to see you in my office. Oh. And lock this door behind you. Hello. You were with Kurt last night. I heard you. He was at the door. Prescott! I can't. I can't go on with this. We have to call the police. No! We cannot call the police now. Listen, this is our life. This is everything we worked for. Gantry arrives tomorrow. We must hide the body. It's only one day. One more day. That's all I'm asking for, Helen. One more day. Please? Get me Prescott now, will you? What is it, Paul? I gotta talk to you. Please, Helen. What was that all about, huh? Listen. Listen to me. Things are happening. - Yes. Everything is moving too fast! Okay. Listen! I've been hibernating! Listen to me! It's like I've been asleep, you know? I've stopped living! But I'm waking up now. She's getting to me. I feel I can fuck her! I have a serious problem here! First Brenda, then Kurt, and now this woman is going- Hey. Hey. They're gone. Good! Now, me! When are we getting the money? When are we getting the money? Only a few more days, I promise you. Okay? Hey. Hey, Doc. You been telling me a couple of months more, a couple of months more, till it's two years! Two fucking years of my life down the tube! I'm not gonna jeopardize the scam, okay? Okay? I might be confused, but I'm not crazy. Listen. We will get the money. Trust me, huh? Okay. Okay. We get the money, we split it. You take your share, you go your way. I get my share, I go my way. We go our separate ways, okay? And I don't want to see you again! Of course. Yes. Thank you, Doctor. I don't want to talk to you about this again. Oh, Helen. Good luck with the grant. I hope you use it wisely. Prescott's on his way. Thank you. What do you want? How are you doing? I don't want to talk to you, Paul. Okay. You wanna fuck. - Is this another chapter? - Maybe. I don't wanna be in it. Oh, it's too late for that. Events have been set in motion, see, and you're part of them. Well, I'm not interested. You don't understand, do you? You see, he has regained his potency, but she lusts after the stud of the funny farm, right? Stop it, Paul! Just shut up! This place is a fraud, and you know it. But I suppose as a hiding place, it's a perfect place to hide out. Have a good day. Confusion started with my parents. I hated my father's coarse skin, his foul eath, and his stinking body. But my mother... Diana's... Silks, perfumes, and warm body, I adored. She seduced me without ever knowing it. In my relationships, I looked for a boy in a girl, and a girl in a boy. It was hopeless. Asexuality worked for a while, but my lovers couldn't accept my sexlessness. They were enticed by a difficult conquest. At 18, I severed my ties with men. But society still can't accept that. So I'm here. And I want to stay. I want to stay. So, what do you think? I don't know. Maybe he's smarter than we think, huh? I couldn't go back alone, Dieter. To Kurt's room. We will take care of this later, yes? But please come. We must not let the others think anything is wrong. I could eat this meat. That's fine. That's fine, yeah. Shall I get some of the curry? I saw the doctor today, Paul. How'd it go? All right. Dieter. Julia, what are you doing? Julia? What are you doing here? I came to see Kurt. Why? Why is the door locked? Because he's not here. Where is he? He's, uh... He's gone to be with Brenda. Why? Come and join us for dinner. I'm not hungry. Don't want to eat. Well then, go back to your room. It'll be all right. He's coming back. It's okay. We have a very important announcement. I want Sister to tell you the good news. Please. Over the past two years, we have applied repeatedly for a grant from the Foundation for Better Mental Healthcare. Well, at long last, it seems certain that we will get it. Tomorrow, Mr. Gantry, the chairman of the foundation, will be paying us a visit to make his final inspection. The doctor and I ask you all to help make sure that everything goes according to plan. So please, be on your very best behavior. Thank you. Thank you. What are you doing? Flames. It's the ultimate seduction, you know that? Where's Stephanie? Don't... Don't always run. You gotta trust yourself. Hey. Relax, Nick. You know, I used to fear what I thought was your power. You, Kurt, and now her. Your sexuality. The way you used to flaunt it. Hold me. Does it feel good? This is what you want, isn't it? Hmm? Paul... You don't have any power, Nick. You're weak. You play your fucking games and you don't realize the consequences. You're hurting me. The real hurt happens here, inside. Do you understand? I'm leaving in a couple of days. I want you to take care of Matt. Look after him, you understand? Yes. Matthew is an innocent. He's very special. Don't hurt him. Okay. If you help him, you can help yourself. Go. Go. Go. Most interesting, Dieter. Not quite what I imagined. Are you sure we can't persuade you to stay for some tea, Mr. Gantry? Oh, quite sure. Thank you, Helen. I would like to meet some of the patients though, particularly the case history you presented to us. Paul, I think. What was his name? Oh, we do not disclose patients' family names. Of course. Mr. President! We are honored and privileged to welcome you in our country. Thank you, General. Shall I introduce you to Paul now? Yes, Helen. That would be nice. Paul? I'd like you to meet Mr. Gantry. Nice to meet you, Paul. If I were you, Dieter, I wouldn't worry, okay? Thank you. Bye, Helen. We'll be in touch. Lori's being Daddy, and I'm being Mommy. We're lying on the bed, holding each other. Why is Mommy holding Daddy? 'Cause he mustn't go away. Where is he going? Away. And then? Uncle Jeff is watching us. Do you like him? No. He does things. What? Can't say. Julia? Mustn't say. You can tell me. Touching... There. Lori likes it. Lori likes Uncle Jeff. He gives her money. What happened? Lori takes off her clothes. Why? I don't know. Tell me, Julia. Uncle Jeff wants her to. Then? They take off Mommy's clothes. Whose clothes, Julia? I can see them. They off Julia's clothes. No. No more asking. Julia. Dieter? Julia, you must come out now. Do you know what just told me? Yeah. How do you feel? Empty. Relieved. I don't know. We are having a little cele ation tonight. And so in a few days the grant will arrive and we will be able to start again, new and fresh. Thank you. Now let's enjoy this evening. Here, Doctor. Trust me. We'll get the money. Paul? Please. Please, I beg of you. Don't... Don't spoil it now. Hmm? What would you do with the money? I don't know. How much is it? A lot. Oh, I think the doctor deserves it. Don't you? I'm not sure. Why? He does a lot for them. And us. You think so? Yes, of course. This could mean a raise for us. Mm, that'd be nice. Or they could get rid of us. What do you mean? Come on, Alice. Truce. I'll give you this much: I've tried to figure you out, and I can't. Well, you're looking at the model patient. You're drunk. You're very beautiful. So? Well, you want to dance? One dance, and then you stop bugging me? No touch. Now where have I heard that before? Come. You okay? I'm not doing it right, huh? Just show me. It's... It's not that. I'm clumsy. I... It's new for me. No. We're... - What's wrong, Stephanie? I can feel you need me too. It's not dirty. We're different. I should never have come here. I can't make love to you. Stephanie. Stephanie! Listen, in 26 years, I've been dead down here. You understand? You've given me life! I'm offering you my fucking virginity. The least you can do is take it. Please? I can't. I gotta go. No. Okay. Okay. Okay. Thank you. I'm grateful. I guess I can afford to wait a while longer. But Paul... I'm hurting, you know. Goodnight. Julia. Julia. Battalions! Time for inspection! Pass me the butter, please? Yeah. Did you have a nice night last night? Those shoes are dirty. Look at that hat! Morning, Docsie. Hi, guys. - Morning, Paul. God, this place is getting emptier by the minute. Hey. Orange juice, please. Thank you. So, how are you feeling this morning? - Hungover and irritable. - Ah. If I got you in the sack last night, I would be feeling a lot better. You know something? I got a good feeling about today. I went to your room last night, Paul, but you weren't there. I got things to do, Matt. We must talk, Paul. So? Alone. Hey. I didn't mean right away. That's all right. That was not necessary. I didn't mean to chase him. So? Talk to me. I'm sorry about last night. So am I. Paul? I... We shouldn't get too close. Why not? I'm not ready. Stephanie. Don't lie to me. Tell me the truth. I'm scared. So am I! I've never been with a man before. I'm not well. We must stop this now. Listen to me. I love you. No! I've never even thought that about anyone before. Listen. Come with me. Come with me. Come on, please. How easily you justify yourself. What do you mean? I didn't do any of the killing! Really? Give her to me, General. No. This soldier died for his country. General, may I help? No. General, we promise to bury this soldier with full military honors. Why must war be like this? We must lock up this place and find the killer now. You do what you want. I'm gonna call the others. Nicholas, please find Alice and come to my office. Right away. We have to get everyone together. Keep me out of this, okay? What? So now that you've got the grant, you think you can run away? Well, you can't. You're gonna stay here till the bitter end, my friend. It can only be Paul. He's the one. Find Paul, he's responsible. Come in. Matthew, where are they? They've gone. They've left the dining room. That's it. Stephanie's in danger. Nick, Alice, lock the front gates and look for them. Be careful. Dieter, you have to help me find him. Stephanie! Stephanie! Stephanie. Steph...
He is a very enigmatic character, even if he doesn't seem like it. Serious. Very serious. Always a lot ... very busy. He has the characteristic of always being himself, but, at the same time, also always a new person. We are talking about a genius. Ennio Morricone is the great exception to all the rules. A great talent hidden very well, but exploded every time he then writes. I have never seen a phenomenon like Ennio Morricone. For prudence, let's say that we are faced with a sure sketch of a masterpiece. Working with Ennio Morricone was like putting on a medal. A particular man. He was crazy. This yes. Ennio's world is not yet fully discovered. I never thought that music was my destiny. My intention was to become a doctor. My father said, No, he will study the trumpet. And he sent me to the conservatory to study trumpet. It's dad who decided to make me a trumpet player. I have not decided anything. As you can see, I was just a kid. At the solfeggio I went wrong immediately. The first quarter I took three. My father put me under severely. At parties, I didn't play bingo, nor at seven and a half ... Let's see the joke. And then I got better. I was six when my father taught me the treble clef, also explaining the notes, the position on the staff. The father just played the trumpet in a regimental band. He played in theaters that had variety. In my house, we had a turntable. And since I listened to Il Franco Cacciatore, I wrote about the hunts. For two horns ... Such ... useless things. At ten, I tore everything up. I started studying the trumpet at the age of 11. And at 16, I got my diploma. My father told me there was a young man, trumpeter's son, who came there, in the pit, with his music manuscript, and fell asleep. He played the trumpet, and fell asleep during a part that was not his own. At the Casina delle Rose he presented Mario Riva. Ennio Morricone's father was there and they played together. An extraordinary trumpet player, but he was very strict. He was very careful about expenses. His trumpet lasted a lifetime. When dad gives him the trumpet and says: I give ead to you with this instrument, you will do the same with your family. It's over. He bought me a used trumpet. It cost less, so he saved money. He is a musician and can't do anything else. I remember that during the time of the Germans, and then with the Americans, I went with an orchestra from one hotel to another. We went there to eat, they didn't pay us. Some of my colleagues put the saucer on the battery because the soldiers made their offer. The family lived off their father's work. When Ennio's father fell ill, he had to replace him in night clubs in entertainment orchestras. Use the trumpet to earn money to eat it was a very serious humiliation. It's this one... I felt this humiliation. And so I didn't love her anymore. To replace my father, I played until two or three in the morning. I got up early in the morning because I went to the conservatory, then I had to do my homework. At the trumpet exam, I presented myself with a split lip. Tired out. I took an exam ... Like this. They gave me seven and a half. Meanwhile I was studying complementary harmony. I didn't stick to the rules, but I enriched them, I flourished them. And Roberto Cagiaro, my teacher, at the end of the course, told me: Now you have to study composition. And I listened to Cagiaro. These... Goffredo Petrassi is one of the great classical composers of the 20th century, he was an enormous teacher for me. When, in the seventh year, I had to go to a high composition class, there were two distinguished teachers. Petrassi was one of them. Music is an intellectual fact. I studied his scores, which I liked the way they were written. Handwriting, the beauty of handwriting. Every unison, it's not in unison, because he invents something else on top of it. Scores that used to be a school. I decided to go to him, to Petrassi. Morricone has always specified to have chosen Petrassi as a teacher. The secretary immediately told me: Maestro, Petrassi's class is full of students and you can't. If you don't send me to Petrassi, I won't come to the conservatory anymore. You go and look for his techniques in that composer, and you want to make them yours. I entered very shyly because everyone knew they were good in that class. All extraordinary composers. Ennio Morricone had much humbler origins compared to his comrades. The conservatory belonged to the elite. In the face of giants, I was so small. I felt almost humiliated. He looked at us a little from the bottom up. It was not usual for a trumpet player to study composition, therefore Ennio Morricone was, in my opinion, discriminated against. Petrassi, gave me the dance for a month or two. The tarantella. The stuffed. the jig Il boogie woogie. The samba. I was not happy. He didn't give me a sense of his satisfaction. At first I was impressed that Petrassi himself underestimated Ennio a little. That he didn't have enough interest in this person. Finally, this dance story over, the research explained to me. And he commissioned me to research. That time, was the moment where I was no longer wrong. So he gave me great satisfaction as a teacher. It was a counterpoint, four parts ... five parts ... It was the form that had preceded the escape, very interesting, of which Frescobaldi was the head of the school. He, a century before Bach, he made hints of counterpoint, of two melodies together. The famous ten years with Petrassi, are those in which the master was fed on ead and Palestrina. Bread and Monteverdi, so the counterpoint knows it like no one in the world. So much Petrassi was influenced by Stravinsky who transmitted this passion for Stravinsky to Morricone. I listened to one of Stravinsky's top pieces. The Symphony of Psalms. I heard it directed by Stravinsky when I was very young. In Santa Cecilia. It was a test. There was a crack, the door open, the orchestra playing ... And I... I've always been impressed with that piece. Floor. Plan immediately. When I was studying composition, I didn't show my father anything. I was in my room and I wrote, I wrote, I wrote. An attentive, diligent pupil. I was happy and optimistic for his future. But I studied and worked. He played the trumpet at the Sistina. I was the first added trumpet. I used to play in all the magazines, Walter Chiari, Tognazzi, Rascel, all the comedians, Dapporto, Wanda Osiris, Macario, Totò ... The beautiful thing was the last dancers' catwalk, to which I complimented as they passed over. I looked at them and said all the titles of the American songs that I had played in the past. My dream. And that smiled. Later, in order not to miss the trolleybus, I put down the trumpet and ran home like crazy. Music, master! I did the arrangements secretly. He didn't know, Petrassi. He found out later. The first who called me was Carlo Savina. Savina once protested an arrangement, in a striking way. He threw the music upside down. Sometimes I did some experiments. Savina called me a little angry, she said: The sharp was missing, here the flat, this note what it is, you don't understand ... Savina was tied to a slightly old concept. Instead Morricone's arrangements were extremely modern. Street. One two Three. The first cinematic experiences I made them playing the trumpet in film orchestras. I participated in beautiful performances with Lavagnino, Franco Bacchiardi, Enzo Masetti. A soundtrack where I played was Fabiola by Alessandro Blasetti. In the final composition exam, we had to write an opera scene. There, I made a double escape. Two subjects and two counter-subjects. On Glauco who, with the stormy sea, was about to land. And Circe showed up, ready to seduce him. And there I faced a writing ... so twisted, but so elegant. So curvy, so sensual. This was ... He could not make it. The commission included Guido Guerrini, the director, Guido Turchi, Fernando Previtali, Goffredo Petrassi and Virgilio Mortari. Quite opposed. Guerrini did not understand the music that Petrassi wrote. So there was some kind of rivalry. He asked me a trick question. Because she shared a pizzicato of contrabasses where he puts the open string with the higher octave. Why did he do this? He didn't make me answer. Petrassi attacked the director. What question is this? Petrassi got angry, yes. They gave me nine and a half. I remember it because they gave me nine, and I was very envious of his nine and a half. He left the conservatory, and as usual, I accompanied Petrassi, at via Germanico 181. That time... we were both moved. He was crying, and so was I. He promised me that he would find me a place to work. He meant at the conservatory, to teach. Nothing happened. When I went to the military, they immediately put me in the gang. The colonel commissioned me to orchestrate for a band. And we played on the street. And my fiancée, Maria, was running after me. She was so pretty. He was married to Maria who was exemplary among us. Because he was just like her husband. She was a serene woman. Always smiling. We called her Our Lady. At the exit of the conservatory, I was like a naked composer in front of the time that lived. I wanted to defend myself from this loneliness. And so I wrote the first concert for orchestra. My mother, faced with my musical position, told me: But Ennio, make me a beautiful melody, a nice song. He tortured me, he told me: And write a song. A beautiful melody, you have to do! So you make it successful . I could hear it playing from morning until evening. He wasn't composing music for movies at the time. He was very poor. Maria, as she worked for the Christian Democrats, without telling me anything he recommended me, and made me take me to RAI. The first day, the director of the center in via Teulada called me. And he said to me: Master, I must warn you that you cannot make a career. And you, as a composer, cannot be performed at RAI . What am I doing here? I resign. Thanks to Petrassi I went to Darmstadt, at the contemporary music festival. It was a moment of bewilderment of contemporary music. John Cage had come to Darmstadt to criticize him. He did the concert playing two notes on the piano, turned on the radio, turned it off, gave a bang, turned the pages ... I had an idea, I got around these colleagues of mine all graduated in composition, Franco Evangelisti, Boris Porena, Aldo Clementi, Egisto Macchi, and others. Look, you do a certain ... a grumble. You make a larynx sound. And so I directed this ... There, the Nuova Consonanza improvisation group was born . It was a eakout group. Because he did not use the traditional techniques of sound emission. They were always techniques ... to the extreme. We made some traumatic sounds. That's what we called them. The trumpet was not to be recognized. We played it in all ways. Putting your hand in front of the bell, pushing the pistons in half, which made a kind of strange meow. Even ugly! A different way of making music. It was a work done on sound, rather than on the melody. Indeed, the melody was almost banned. But Ennio worked daily with the melody, It looks like a conflict, a cinematic gimmick. Cinema cinema what a passion I did all the arrangements of the Quartetto Cetra. They chose the pieces. they gave me a kind of trick, and I instrumented the ogliaccio for the orchestra. And the exploits of Robin Hood Their choice was aimed at pieces that people knew, where they put different words. Senate, Senate, Senate The interpellation I have prepared Senate, Senate, Senate The Egyptian Facts Will Solve In each episode, there were so many pieces. This ogliaccio gave it to me the day before, and went to check in the next morning. So, I spent a night writing. When mom made me When mom made me Son said when you can Always mind your own business He practically did what is called the Negro in musical jargon. That is, he made arrangements for others, without ever appearing. For television, for movie music. One of the first was Cicognini, very good composer who was making a film directed by De Sica. You are more white than me I am black more than you Ninna nanna That song, that choir, I arranged and directed it. The master Ennio Morricone. At RCA, a baritone arrived one day. He sang songs from the 1930s. And I hear some extraordinary arrangements. Maestro Morricone, famous arranger. And the name of Ennio Morricone came out. I was called to rescue the failing RCA. With the Jar, he saved himself. You have this sound, which is the sound of a jar. Everything sounds 60s. But that jar is a foreign element that has nothing to do with the context. It is an informational shock for anyone listening to the piece. Meccia was almost afraid, but Ennio was already someone who went around looking for jars, he rolled them. Get used to melodic music, how was Italian music up to that moment, these noises were new. You used a typewriter as a musical instrument. Yes exactly. A well written part, played by a real performer. Fins, Rifles and Glasses, we were in the studio with some bath tubs with water to create the splash effect who did not come as Ennio wanted. We tried to put detergents on it, put on blankets, because he wanted a dip more ... With water. Each song had a genius. He used fusion trumpets with female voices, and trombones with male voices. A completely new sound. There, he revolutionized RCA. Because the arrangers who were there were a deadly bore. The director's arrangers were Morricone and Bacalov. I demanded Morricone because I thought he was more illiant. I wasn't wrong. These things here, very simple, they made a great success. Then I played a piano thing. The dignity of the composer, that my teacher had taught me, I felt compelled to insert it in the simplest, even the lowest profession, redeeming it with the principles of dodecaphonic music, transposed into tonal music. He colored these songs, it made her become something else. I am not worthy of you I don't deserve you anymore There was counterpoint, inside. There was no reason to do it, an accompaniment chord was enough. There was the counterpoint, always. I think he invented the arrangement. Until then, the songs accompanied each other. Before Morricone, there was only one accompaniment. The orchestra kept to the chords, to act as a background. Instead, he started customizing the songs. I put something higher than the song into the arrangement . But I didn't think I was the innovator. I saw him writing while he was talking on the phone. He wrote the arrangement, the part of the violins, of the trumpets. And he went on like this, talking on the phone. He stands up in front of a piano. Look at the keys and write. He writes the score. He, the sounds, he imagined them. Look at the keys and write the notes. Without playing them, he hears them. He had music here, inside. Maestro Ennio Morricone conducts the orchestra . If you listen, there is also a cunning. Many arrangements, immediately, at the beginning, they suggest some very catchy things. The maestro Ennio Morricone directs. He made an amazing arrangement for Paul Anka, with an amazing start. - Ten seconds that nailed you. - The piece came in and he sang. Ennio invented musical phrases that could chase each other continuously. Which became a trademark of the song. This gimmick immediately identified the piece. The greatest artists of the time wanted Morricone. I also worked with Chet Baker. He played the trumpet in an extraordinary way. So dark it looked like a flugelhorn. My father, at 55, became a bit lacking as a trumpet player. I didn't call the trumpets in the jobs I did. Not to offend him. This was a dramatic moment in the relationship between my father and me. And my mother said to me: But why don't you call dad to work? And I never told her Dad wasn't a great trumpet player anymore. And so I no longer even called his colleagues. I felt I had to do this. When he died, I started calling the trumpets again. He thought only of the music. He was so into the music that the rest didn't matter. And he was absent. Continuously absent. He worked miracles for me. I am not worthy of you, On my knees by you, If I didn't have you anymore, The accordion. The single was a commercial record. So I was forced to work a lot on the rhythm. On 33 rpm, very few are sold. And then there, I could assert some of my ideas. He could even put in cultured quotes. In Voice 'and night, he begins with Beethoven's In the moonlight . It was a nocturne, that of Beethoven, this to Voce 'e notte also seemed consistent to me. But then who knows He made the arrangement of Ciribiribin for four pianos. Usai l'incipit del... The beginning of the melody, I took it as a starting point to arrange the whole piece. That arrangement there was an absolute invention I remember he once said: The arrangement of a song is only one: what I thought . However, he told you why. And 99 out of 100, it convinced you. One its cento, no. Zam ini wrote On his knees from you. And he did this first arrangement of my music. We enter the recording room. Ennio gets on the podium and starts directing. And we listen to it. And I saw that Migliacci, from the recording room, wrinkled his nose. It was very sweet. And that's not good, we lack a bit of rhythm. There must be a momentum in the incident that isn't here. And now what do we do?, We have to do it again. He did not make a turn. Then he goes home, he writes. Friday arrives. He was already a little nervous. And, he says: Try singing live. And I begin. And Migliacci on the other side ... He did not agree. Ennio, this doesn't work either. You're always soft. I told him: Ennio, you need to do it again. But this is a melodic song. He said: But we don't dance. I don't do it anymore. Have someone else do it! You have to do it, Ennio. You make me desperate, just with the anger inside. In short, it attracts everyone. Formation of 40, 50 ... Choristers, eight choristers, guitarists, keyboardists, pianists, cymbals. Then he had put on trombones, horns ... He comes home pissed off black. She writes it. - The next day ... - He introduces himself. It's the last one, because I don't have any more. This is the crap you like. And he throws it on the table. Here you are bullshit. Get on the podium and start. I remember very well. The piano. The arches. I want for myself ... Migliacci did. Ennio, this is formidable. No, it sucks. I don't like it. But it was a beautiful thing. Then he built all his answers on it. Ritornerò On my knees to you Of course, they made the movie. And he did the soundtrack. It was clear that I was a somewhat strange arranger. Harder. I saw that his attendance at RCA was thinning out a bit. Luciano Salce knew me and called me for The Federal. It was the first movie I ever made with my name on it. It was a debut, so to speak. Duel in Texas, and The Guns Don't Argue are Ennio Morricone's first westerns. Both of 1963. Initially, it is signed with pseudonyms. Nobody knows that Ennio Morricone is working on these westerns. Dan Savio was a friend of my wife. And so I put on Dan Savio. Ennio does not want to reveal to Petrassi and his colleagues that he does westerns. I remember I invented the ride with guitars. Sergio Leone called me because he listened to the music of these two westerns. He came to my house. He asked me to make his film. But, I ... I had seen that face. And I said: But are you Leo who was staying with the Dear Ones at school? Yes I am. And I'm Ennio Morricone. They were school friends. There is a beautiful photograph, where there are all the schoolchildren with aprons, and you recognize Sergio Leone and Ennio Morricone. Two former schoolmates who get together to work. And they become inseparable. He took me to see a Japanese movie. Let me explain that ... For a fistful of dollars he had something from this movie. Ennio had written an arrangement for a western record for an American singer. I told him: But let me hear something of yours. And he had a record, over a baritone voice. Never had such an arrangement been heard for a western song. I said to him: Why don't you find me the base? I took the arrangement from scratch, as I had written it. He invented a new melody. Made from a whistle. He calls me and says: Come and whistle, I have to do something . After I said to him: Give the soul a whistle! And so was born A Fistful of Dollars. It was truly a turning point. It was the music of an author outside the choir. An unprecedented tim e. Nothing like it has ever been heard. An electric guitar, whiplash. The fife. The anvil, the whistle. The bell. He imposed a vocabulary. It was a culture shock, for his time. When Sergio took me in slow motion to see the film, he had put on the duel between Will and Eastwood il Deguello, the trumpet piece from the movie One Dollar of Honor. It suited us perfectly. Leone said to me: We will leave this piece. I said: Sorry, Sergio, I can't accept that in the main scene of the film you put this piece that exists, and I do the other side music . And I said, I'm leaving the movie. Sergio gave up the Deguello. But he said to me: But make me an imitation. It fits so well. A song came to mind that I had written for a television show. Sung by one of the Peter Sisters, an alto with a deep, extraordinary voice. I said: I'm going to give it to Sergio. Naturally I instructed Michele Lacerenza, the trumpet player, to make those flutters of the trumpet. As in the Deguello. To the best music: Ennio Morricone, For a Fistful of Dollars. Morricone, sorry, a word. A little word to Morricone. - She didn't hope for it on the Silver Ribbon. - No. - Is this the first time you have been awarded? - Yup. In the cinema, he often works - with musical comments? - Yup. He seemed very young to me. He had this round face and these glasses like one of the Peanuts, Charlie Brown, a grown Linus. Ennio was present in many of the Italian films. And I had a lot of fun listening and imagining how he had worked with the director. With novice directors I risked bad. I tried to make different music. Ennio is reserved, a believer. In this sense it struck me, who got very involved in a film, in a certain sense, anti-religious. I wrote a lullaby, sung by a female voice. Immersed in even dissonant sounds, of metallic vi ating surface. Movies like that, I liked having made them. Because they weren't as commercial as the others. Sergio Leone and I went to review For a fistful of dollars. We confessed that we didn't like it. I have never loved the music in this film. I have always encouraged Sergio, in subsequent films, to forget her. And instead he insisted: Give me the trumpet, the whistle. Their relationship is one of friendship, of complicity, also made up of discussions. Also, how to say, violent. Cut it. In the scene where Sergio wanted the trumpet, I had the idea of ​​citing Bach's hit-and-run attack, the minor king. The music of his westerns, which he considers elementary, instead they have a construction, a wisdom, a premeditated, impressive architecture. Sergio Leone, just from For a few dollars more, began to understand the importance of the soundtrack by Ennio Morricone in his films. He understood that Maestro Morricone was beginning to have his audience. After a long time, I met Petrassi and he told me that he liked my music for the cinema very much. And he mentioned a movie that I didn't expect. For a Few Dollars More. And I was very impressed. Because I had written better music. And he said to me: But, I know that you will recover. However, I know you will recover. I don't think Petrassi appreciated this activity of his. As for the rest, I did not appreciate him very much. We were really, in a way, archaic. What do you think of the collaboration between composer and director in film music? It is a way of working entirely antiartistico. The composers who came out of Petrassi's school, they never frowned upon my profession. My loan to the cinema. So this got me a little isolated. He phoned me once, when he was young, in a quite touching way. He said I was a purist and he had cheated. Back then, he was divided, because the environment forced him. Who are you? Are you this or are you that other? Ennio, in his own way, suffers from an inferiority complex. For giving up the composer's purity, to the Petrassian image. Which then also Petrassi has betrayed this image more than once. Petrassi also made soundtracks. However, while Petrassi never thought that film music was music, Ennio thinks it is. Petrassi had no sensitivity, for what was the peculiarity of Ennio, this ability to identify with a situation, in an image. Which he probably didn't have, just as I wouldn't have. And I think Petrassi was not entirely exempt either from an inferiority complex. Lately I also did The Bible, directed by a certain director called, I think, Huston. That music that he had written with a lot of effort. It was practically not accepted by Huston, because, according to him, it was too difficult. So I consider the chapter of my cinematographic activity closed. It almost felt like fate, and unfair, too. I was called by Dino De Laurentiis ... to replace my teacher Petrassi. The music edition was in co-production, RCA with Dino De Laurentiis. And Dino said to me: Make a piece above the creation, that's how Huston feels it, and if he likes it, you make him the whole movie. I simulated the attack of the light. A trickle of water, which then widened and swelled. And then it would burst into the fire. Then about the animals, the birds ... All this dynamism. Then it resumed again. Maria went to a synagogue and he took some ancient He ew texts that Ennio set to music. Huston came several times. De Laurentiis came several times. They all seemed very happy. I got the job. At that point, De Laurentiis said: What do we care about the RCA. You make his film with me and that's it . And I say: Sorry, I have exclusive rights with the RCA, I can't do this rudeness. I went to the RCA and talked to the president. I said: This is a great opportunity for me, unique, rare. Let me do The Bible. No, you can't do it. You have a contract with us. And I didn't. Of course, I didn't. Despite everything, Petrassi is very clear. He says that writing for the cinema, for commercial music, equivalent, for an academic musician, to prostitution. So it is morally condemned. Guilty. Guilty. At first I felt guilty, but slowly I redeemed this position. Writing, I wanted a rematch. Win... on this... guilt. Gillo Pontecorvo wanted to meet me. I, such an important director, did not expect it. I was intimidated because I felt that this one was different from the others. He was already a very strong one. And I wrote this piece. It was one of my variations on the Frescobaldi theme. There were three sounds, A , B flat and B natural. And then the opposite motion: F sharp, F natural, mi. Here are the teachings. I am made of all the music I have studied. A little further to your left. Pasolini had a list of records that I had to put in the film. He said to him, Then, master, I would like this Bach thing to come in here. I told him: Sorry, but I'm a composer who writes music, not that he takes other people's music and puts it on the film. This is not possible. I have to refuse . And he said to me: Then do what you want. I wrote this rhyme, between the serious and the humorous. At a certain point c'era: Ennio Morricone musicò and I sang, I sang so to speak. A laugh. Up until that moment Pasolini had only had Bach as a musician. Then it passed to Morricone. The music of Sergio Leone's first films, it seemed less than my means because I was a slave to Sergio's vices, so I invented the theme that was the coyote verse then. And I see ... There is the dramatic and the funny, and he liked it very much. Let's immediately focus on the character of Ennio Morricone. Ennio, you realize that yours is a more unique than rare case. You have made two best sellers in two years , two discs with movie soundtracks which were two sensational, incredible successes. It was a lucky case. Not so. You are good, you are good you are. I was going to spy, I corrupted the projectionist, I went to the cubist and tried to look at his scores. And following him work, she is an artist who has never pursued success. This is Maestro Morricone. The face may not tell you much, but the name certainly does. Morricone specialized in music for western films. Of course at that time all the westerns came to me, and I had to do them, because this was my momentary destiny. The funny thing about Ennio, you made a movie, you show them. The first viewing he sees of the film, he falls asleep. He falls asleep like the gunmen of the west did, which seems to be asleep, but they shot you before you. He had seen it anyway, he knew it anyway, already the things he mentioned were already spot on. The great silence of Sergio Corbucci it all took place in the snow. The horses galloped and made no noise. The protagonist was mute. Corbucci told me: This is the most beautiful music you have made for me. I said: Thanks Sergio, it's because you hear it. In cinema, mixing sounds without balance can become a damage to the film and music, which is an abstract element added to the film that you might not even add. But when we want to hear it, then it is necessary to let it go. There was a time when I was trying to reduce the sounds to communicate something memorable to the public. One of the first ideas came to my mind as I went to pay for the gas. It was the song If phoning that Mina had asked me, and there I experienced the three sounds for the first time. They were three and in a four quarter time. The tonic accent never occurs on the same sound. It was a very important discovery for tonal music, because it implicitly became even more catchy. See that's another note? The note... It always happens here, but they are different at every joke. He was able to repeat the same thing and not make it weigh. I have never abandoned the experience of the few sounds, because I've always liked a little fun. Ennio on the floor tells me: Now I'll let you listen to the two themes that cross each other. Often times I find myself writing two themes without realizing it, one theme within another. To give it a variety, an ease. And he made me feel two crossed tami. I'm not ashamed to say that I didn't like that theme. I told director Peppino Patroni I would discard this. Be patient, listen to me. And he said, But you're crazy. Put one evening to dinner I find it illiant. This, don don don ... because it is also minimalist, what is fashionable today in music. Peppino was right, because I am not a good judge of the subjects I write. For this reason, from that moment on, all the themes I wrote I played them first to my wife. If she liked them, I played them for the director. Directors listen to the pieces my wife likes. I remember Ennio as a not only one. There was Ennio with Maria. This woman who was a mother, wife, life partner, but who watched over his talent in an extraordinary way. Because there is a renunciation. That is her for love, for ... It's your first round of applause, Maria. As a simple people, she gives me a sincere opinion and so I have been going on like this for years. You have created a perimeter of defense, so that the genius of Ennio Morricone was free. I have always wondered how Ennio could make him live together the film musician and the experimental musician. When I write for the cinema I am a composer. When I write for myself my ideas are another, so I become such a diverse and self-contrary composer , so I have a double face. Sounds for Dino, written by Ennio Morricone for Dino Asciolla and tape recorder, musically interprets the author's thought on the disturbing problems debating today's society. They interviewed him: How is it possible that anyone who makes music for spaghetti westerns can he have this nature of an experimenter? Experimental music has never abandoned her, even trying to insert it in the cinema. When Elio Petri met me for the first time he told me: I only work with composers once, so you know that this is the first and last film we do together. I made a very difficult music, but there was a leading painter who had an existential bewilderment and it seemed right to call the improvisation group Nuova consonanza, where I used to play and then use my previous composition for eleven violins, to which I added a percussion and a woman's voice. We improvised in front of the film in sync with the dreams of the mad painter, so the colors that spilled, the boards that fell down, and therefore the music somehow replaced the noises. The film was highly praised by the press, the music too, but the film went awful. I felt guilty about this failure. At a concert in Florence, a stage servant took the stage, he took a ladder and began to shake it. Dry wood made ... After ten minutes that man got out, left, the concert was over. I told it to Sergio, and Sergio understood. The first twenty minutes of Once upon a time in the west is concrete music. It was the result of the Florence tale. The noises were music in some way. Play more harmonica than that character speaks, so it is a rumor. To entrust so much of that character to Ennio was to put oneself in his hands, and it is no coincidence that my father has never worked with another musician, It is extraordinarily seductive music. It is a music that seduces you, envelops you, it stays in your head. They gave me music and I immediately read and interpreted. It's not like I tried it before. I heard it was a beautiful melody, A music that we have been listening to all our lives. It has become part of our daily fa ic. The voices, the sounds, the noises, the color, the tim e, the short sentences. Ennio uses them for what they are. Notes are like the material for making a palace. Bricks are the same for all buildings, but the buildings are not the same. The icks with which he builds his cathedrals. I didn't want to be categorized as a western-only composer. Lattuada encouraged me to make absolute symphonic music. They are all divided violins, then all the bows, but above all the violins. And I ventured a truly symphonic music. Actually my most difficult piece was another. The Sicilian Clan theme was a huge effort. There is the first exposure of the main theme, and above I put the name of Bach as a second counterpoint. B means B flat, A means A, C means Do, H means natural Yes. That is, Bach. He made a counterpoint that he managed to put together, each with an individual voice, drums, double bass and all the instruments that gradually enter. Si, La, Do, Si. This is Bach's name, I put it in another order. La, Do, Si, Si, La. And under... Then the curious thing. On the theme that supported Bach's name there is a Sicilian theme. Apparently it looks like a piece like ... But no, there is a mountain of knowledge underneath. All composers have been fascinated by this BACH, but that doesn't matter. Notes are no longer important now. Important is what the composer makes them become. I nomi, I nomi! I had edited the music for I cannibali by Liliana Cavani. In the same factory Gillo assembled Queimada, and he heard a chorus from afar. In the absence of Liliana Cavani he went to Liliana's slow motion and took the tape of that piece, He set it up on the beach scene and it fit perfectly. This music put in contact with the film it seemed to me a secular hymn to freedom. There was some kind of quarrel between him and me. He demanded that I remove that piece there from Liliana Cavani and put it in Queimada. Exhausted, he said, Oh well, then do something like that to me. I realized, when I saw Pontecorvo's film, that the theme was that of The Cannibals. It was clear that they were alike, they were different but similar. I was between two fires. The human voice has enormous magic because it comes out of our body, it doesn't need another tool. In the late 1960s, Ennio Morricone becomes a guarantee for producers and directors. In 1969 alone, 21 films with music by him were distributed. Ennio's enormous success makes him the object of envy. Not only were they envious, they copied as well. Envy then also becomes slander. You've made 18 films in a year, but how is that possible? But you didn't make them. He sat like this, he seemed to be writing a letter about how quick he was at writing music. There was a clarity of ideas when he imagined music. It was clear, it was simple. How many music has he composed? How many music have you composed. I didn't count them. He didn't count them. With Elio Petri I was sure that we no longer did anything together, then instead he called me for all the following films. For L'Indagine I wrote a small arpeggio. During the mixing Elio called me and showed me the whole first part. I said: But Elio, what is this stuff? He had changed the music. He had put on the music of a hideous movie I had made years ago. Elio used to tell me: It's fantastic. Look there the Bolkan about to be killed, look how this choir works. There was Ruggero Mastroianni, the editor, who was on my left. He says to me: Ennio, don't you realize that she is extraordinary? Elio who continued. And I say: Sorry, but is it possible that you like what is on this scene? But what's that got to do with it? Gradually there was my absolute surrender. I told him: Do as you please. The light went on, Elio said something that I remember with emotion, You made the best music I could imagine. You should slap me. A illiant invention that ings together all that Ennio had done until then and that projects him into what he will do is the music of Investigation of a Citizen. Investigation traumatized me in the truest sense of the word. I mean, it made me realize that you could write very different music from what Morricone himself had proposed up to that moment. I remember the music more than the film. Indeed, the music in those cases is the driving force of the film. He invented a musical format which is cinema music. Perhaps the inventor of cinema music. How are you gonna kill me this time? I'll slit your throat. This music pleased Ku ick who called me for A Clockwork Orange. He liked that music so much that he wanted me to imitate myself again. We agreed on everything, but Ku ick telephoned Leone, Sergio told him that I couldn't because I was working. But it wasn't true. I was at the mixing of Giù la testa. The music was over. Ku ick gave up on me without even calling me again. It's the only regret I have about a film that I practically didn't make. One two, one two three four. I dreamed now comes the Morricone theme. Great, my mom. Instead, there were four in the recording studio. Pass the ring and he said ... And he gave disposition, then he records. Ennio had developed these multiple scores and experiences them in thrillers of a certain type. He immediately looked at me fiercely and said, What are those? I tell him: They are records, I didn't think, in case we could be inspired ... Throw those records away. Come on, open up! I experienced a type of writing that I had never done before. He wrote music in the score, in strips. The musicians in the hall improvised on the scheme that Ennio gave, who played the trumpet ... Depending on what was going on in the scene he indicated the number of the strip to play to that particular musician. So I attack him, then I attack her too, whoever plays must always be with the instrument ready to attack, because he does not expect it, it is not written. So much so that when a director told me: This is good, I couldn't make it the same. All this allowed me to do unexpected things in cinema. After the third film, Salvatore, Dario's father, he came up to me and said, But you're making all the music all the same. He says: There are three films you make me the same music. It wasn't true. Ennio defended himself and said: No, I don't make the same music. But it looked the same. Because dissonant music makes the senses lose their balance. but I applied that idea to other films and I even reached the twenty-third multiple. And maybe at some point he will have exaggerated even a little. It begins to have the first rejections, the first warnings. Ennio, if you keep writing like this they won't call you anymore. It is clear that I changed the way of writing. Morricone was already a myth. Joan Baez was one of the great symbols of young American life. Ennio speaks English, so to speak, and Baez speaks Italian, so to speak, but music is a universal language. He sang on a drums and a makeshift piano, then I overlaid the orchestra on his voice . And she said to me: Nobody in the world, not knowing me directly, he could have written exactly the maximum of my possibilities of extension of the voice. And she said, It's a miracle. The song shot to hit songs, of which we continually ask ourselves : But why? But how was it possible? May my melodies be successful it does not mean that my thinking against the traditional melody was wrong. I think the melodic combinations are exhausted. Ennio Morricone theoretically does not like melody. He said it. But he is a musician who has a powerful melodic vein, that the more he covers it, the more it comes out. The melody? One who does it so well cannot despise it. He lies. But maybe, in this one that we could, in many quotes, call composer schizophrenia, that's where that totally different spark strikes. The rigor applied to creation is a rule he has, and the fact that he is a chess player confirms it. That is, his is a mathematical world, a geometric world. I would say an almost transcendental, spiritual approach. His most impactful pieces of music are played on an exhausting tension, whose resolution is an almost ecstatic moment for the viewer. I myself found myself having to give up analytic listening and simply abandon me. His music makes us feel that this thing was written for me, in secret. I always have music in my head, something that I'll have to write later. An idea seems interesting to me, important. So I often turn out, even a taciturn, one who does not speak. He is a person of extreme shyness and an abysmal determination. So talk about the music with him it means speaking to the abyss within. He believes in his music, who is never the handmaid of the image. In fact, Ennio says: I am like a chameleon, color change according to the director I work with, but I'm still me. I think he has always tried to understand the director in front of him, and then work on his soul. In this sense Ennio was also a good psychologist, why be able to juggle with such complex personalities and sometimes so disturbed means being a good psychologist. If ten good composers, consulting the director himself, they write the music for the same film, they will write completely different music. The drama of this reasoning is how difficult it is to write music for the cinema. Because if there are many solutions, the composer's difficulty is that of ... What is the best, the most right music? This is the torment of a composer. For Allonsanfan we said: Ennio, there is the final ballet. We have to take the music with us. And he gave us the accompaniment. And we liked it to death. So for us that was the music of ballet. And they turned with this rhythm. When we edit a movie, we can't go on if we don't have the music. And we put together the most disparate music, the musicians in contradiction with each other. Ennio came to see the assembly and said: Very nice. But what am I doing here? . And he went away. Imitate the music of others. Do not think with my head I did not like. I never liked these things. We rushed down the stairs. No, you have to do it. I don't, I don't. Then in the end I agreed to do it, but I said: I make the music. When we're in the recording room, at the final ballet, Ennio says: I have prepared the melody above for you. No! We don't want the melody, it's so beautiful as it is, Ennio. Ascoltate. We jumped on him, because he was even more beautiful. Check all the director, the script, the scenography, the costumes, the acting, the lights, the framing. Music doesn't. He would sit at the piano and make the melody with his voice. It is a rumor, surely my voice is not beautiful. He made me hear some music on the piano, I didn't understand anything. The director could not have known the equipment I was making. I did not allow myself to doubt what Morricone improvised on the piano, knowing that that sound there would be strings, winds. It is not possible for the director to understand the final result from a story. Music is not told. Music must be listened to. There are films that immediately give me the idea to write a certain music of a certain type. During the first screening of Novecento, work copy, Ennio immediately started writing the essay. In the dark, I accidentally had a piece of paper and wrote notes. This I wrote. It seemed that he had made a parallel film with music. Bertolucci Ennio moves within the music. There's nothing he can't give you. If while he is recording you tell him: Why don't you try to turn this into a Verdi piece?, his talent is immediate, it gushes. Do you immediately know how to do that piece like Verdi and you ask yourself In what opera is it? In any work. It's Ennio. Twentieth century had very heavy criticisms and some also criticized the music very much. He called me Zurlini and told me: I write the article in your defense. It was a beautiful thing of him. Tartars are youthful dreams that are lost. Zurlini wanted to hear the themes and I did, on the piano: And he says to me: Enough, that's fine. Incredible not knowing the continuation of the theme, not even the orchestration, he knew nothing. But when a director trusts, he trusts. Farewell, Tronk. I made up the piece with the five war horns that made one think of an army that was about to arrive and that it did not arrive. The last time I played the trumpet it was when Gillo Pontecorvo got married in the Capitol. He told me to play the wedding march. I took the trumpet, which I was no longer trained, and I did ... With the storm He was delighted. For me Terrence Malick was an important director. I went to see the film and, returning to Italy, wrote 18 ideas. When we analyzed the film, he made me do a very important piece for me. It was a kind of fire sound. Little boy! With no director I have had an intense epistolary relationship as with him. The musician in the cinema must know how to do everything, from symphony to song. Look honey, let's see, did you do everything you had to do? Sergio Leone produced my first films. During the preparation of A Beautiful Lot, Leone said: You should do something like Titina, but sweeter, more Chaplinian. Morricone said: Listen, the best thing is that you give me this script, I read it, I get an idea. Master what do you want me to do? Lui rispose: Love, love, love. Two days later we returned. Morricone played five, six notes. Leone said to Did you see that I gave you a good tip? But that's the Titina, but what does the Titina have to do with this? No, but we're there, over there. Once Morricone arrived and Leone said: I would like to put that pan flute on the film. Morricone said: We will put it in the right place, Sergio. You can't put the pan flute on everything. But the pan flute is ... I'll take care of the pan flute to put it right. The complicity of Ennio and Sergio was in life. Sergio went to tell him about the films he wanted to write. The first agreement with Sergio was reached when he told the film. And he told me very carefully, even explaining the shots. I think dad was addicted to Ennio's music. And he wanted his films to depend on music. The music in Dad's movies was actually more than just movie music. It was basically the dialogue of the film. Sergio often committed me to writing musical themes before he started spinning. I remember Ennio, who played the music of Once Upon a Time in America several years ahead of the movie. During those years, Sergio lived with great doubts and every now and then he would ask me: Let me hear the other theme. It was a theme made up of silences, pauses, things that I loved very much. It is a theme that I had written in America for love without end by Zeffirelli. On a certain scene, he said to me: Here is a song written by another composer. Then I refused to make that film, because there was another song. And it doesn't suit me. Dad often asked Ennio to ing him the discarded themes as well. The ones he had in the drawer. He made him listen to the theme of Zeffirelli. Which became Deborah's theme. He liked it very much. And I must say that I still like it too. Without that music ... I imagine it just like that. If you were to see the image without hearing that music ... Leone wanted Ennio's music to resonate during filming. That the loudspeakers even spread Ennio's music. The actors turned to the background music. Morricone's music arrived on the set . It was a blow. Motor. Ready, take it, 144, 18 before. Bobby. This music thing, it hit everyone. It hit the actors, it hit the crew. You had the feeling that you were already, I'm not saying to see the film, but to hear it, yes. Actors also from the class of De Niro, who are very attentive to direct access, in front of acting out a certain scene with the music underneath, they told me: I care about music and this helps me. Hey! In the field of high-educated music Ennio Morricone it was a name that went around but aroused no particular interest. But that was the short-sighted world. The great academic musicians of the generation that preceded him they struggled a lot to recognize Ennio Morricone's talent. The definitive revelation was Once Upon a Time in America. That music cannot be written by someone who is not deeply a musician. Here his music interested me on a higher level. It is a music that does not pass superficially on things. But it enters inside, indeed it creates them. And when I understood this, then I also understood Morricone. Cousin No. Boris Porena had written an apology letter. But it was no excuse to Morricone. They were excuses to a historical period, to himself. For not having been able to grasp for being so blind, so deaf in the face of the power of ideology. He belonged to another world. and had snubbed him. It must have been some time before many of them, bow to this genius. When I read this letter to Ennio he stood up and was crying. Freed, in a way. I remember when he came out of the screening, I said, Damn there is something here that goes beyond what we think film music is . I was saddened by the massacre of the Indians and the Jesuits. But the film was so beautiful, without music. I could only ruin it. You don't need music for this movie. No, impossible! The Mission comes at a moment in Ennio's life in which he had decided to leave cinema music. And this film comes a little off guard in his existential decision. I thought... I have a little idea. My behavior in writing Mission was strange. I almost didn't control it. I wrote this music without controlling myself. For a piece of absolute music, Ennio could write even a year. And a score like that of Mission, two months. Here, this is another of Ennio's secret chambers. We are faced with something particularly phenomenal. I was the first to write the theme of the oboe. But as the film takes place in 1750 I was also influenced by the events of the time. The double bite, the double group the cueing, the apposition. All these elements enrichment of the melody. Bite ... Acciaccatura ... Bitters. And then, it seemed right, impose a motet on the film. Following the rules of the Second Vatican Council. And then... the ethnic theme of the Indians. A primitive music. And therefore within the motet, I wrote another essay. Rhythmic. The extraordinary thing, is that the theme of the oboe I combined it with the motet. The motet theme was combined with the ethnic part. The ethnic part was combinable with the oboe theme. That is, the three themes were combinable all together. All of this happened without wanting to. Almost as if there was something to suggest it to me. The music, his logic. Herbie Hancock. Good Jazz player, good composer, good pianist. I don't argue about this. But the protagonist played already existing pieces. So the music was half of the repertoire and it was not supposed to be in the original music category. Indeed, at that moment at the proclamation of the Oscar the hall protested. I left quickly. He was the best. They all knew he was the best, was number one. He didn't get the accolades he deserved. Because deep down they didn't understand it. She alternates film music with compositions of chamber music. It has been a while since I resumed stepping up this activity. I had left it out for the cinema but now I have started again. Also because I don't want to die just working for the cinema. For some years he has been working as a composer of cultured music. With compositions of a very good value of a very good artistic level. Petrassi was in the front row at an Ennio concert . And in seeing Ennio respectful of his teacher. You understood that the umbilical cord never came off. When the producer Franco Cristaldi called Ennio, to propose New Cinema Paradiso at first he said no. Franco called me back shortly after. He said to me, Read the script, and then you will tell me . The house phone rang. I'm Ennio Morricone, can we meet?. Nail. I went there, very excited. He asked me if I wanted Sicilian, folkloric music. I didn't think of stuff like that. Then he looked at me, and he said to me: I make the film. It was Cinema Paradiso. And I did it with great joy. It was a life lesson. Because Ennio treated me as an equal, and I was just a rookie. While he had already made 350 of his 500 films. The more he tried to distance himself from the cinema, the more the cinema pursued him. For the Untouchables, I wrote all the themes in New York and De Palma was always enthusiastic. The last day when we were supposed to say goodbye he surprises me and tells me: The theme of the police triumph is missing. I say: I will write them in Rome and then I will send them to you. I sent him nine themes. With a letter from me that said: Please don't choose number six. Because really that's what I like least. Who chooses? The six. The greatness of Ennio is given not just from the music he writes for a given scene. But also because of the approach he has to the scene. When it represents violence, it does not go in unison with the image. But it totally detaches itself. Its ability is to take you from another point of view. The scene at the station, at one point I started a waltz. This music box waltz gave me the chance to change the trend a little so tense of the scene. De Palma disagreed. But, as happens to so many directors, he accepted it. A few months later I received a statement from him in a newspaper, that my choice was right. And he had it ... criticized. Giving me great satisfaction and great professional honesty. Ennio Morricone was nominated for the third time for this latest film by De Palma. - Does it excite you Maestro? - That doesn't move me that much anymore. At the third time I got used to it, especially since I am sure I will not take it. Why do I like chess? Because they teach the fight of life. The sense of resistance. The desire to improve. Resistance to contrary things such as those of the opponent. That tries to win and I try to win. In a non-bloody way. He wanted me to do the same thing again. The problem is that he has respect for us directors and editors an interpretative capacity of cinema more interesting than us. Find an idea right away it means that she is clinging to the film. With images there is a real wedding, like love at first sight. Sometimes this has not happened. And it made me suffer a lot. At the time of Sosegue Pereira, he was quite in crisis on this film. Ennio says: I didn't know where to turn around to find an idea One day, right under Ennio's house, there was a demonstration with some boys beating the drums. There was a strike and I heard the famous percussion. I took this rhythm and used it throughout the film. Listen boy, sit down. The Ten Commandments don't say it. But I say it. The reasons of the heart, are the most important. He takes up the rhythmic formula of '68. It's only a beginning Let's keep fighting, transforms it into the skeleton of the musical part. And it becomes Pereira's determination. The rhythmic one gave him the input to make a music that it had something revolutionary inside . I told him: I would like a vintage song, which I had found. There was a eakup. But he is right. He had made a wonderful song. In my opinion, a score must have a meaning in itself. To do a fair service to the film to which it is applied. To the sessions with the orchestra he came to the control room and threw himself on this sofa. And he could sleep 20 seconds, like Napoleon. Do not disturb the Master, he sleeps. In 20 seconds he was ready, and he was back there. To lead like a lion. For The Pianist on the Ocean he began composing the themes while I was writing the script. We went hand in hand and constantly confronted each other. Even during filming. It was as if, for some mysterious reason, Ennio recognized himself in the character of the young pianist that for nothing in the world he would abandon the ship of his music. In the wake of the commotion in New York Ennio Morricone composed the symphony of Ennio Morricone dedicated to the tragedy of 11 September 2001 It was a composition born under the impression tragic of the assault on the Twin Towers. In memory of all the massacres of human history. A great orchestra, a choir, one who recites and these ethnic music tapes. See how many disciplines are together. Hearing that music, I felt on me everything we had seen in our homes during what had happened in New York. He knows how to express, from within himself, the feelings he feels, through the pentagram. Like no one, in my opinion. I don't regret writing cinema music. If anything, I got there little by little to have convergences between absolute music and cinema music. One has infected the other. These convergences, even of concept they are fundamental and important to my life. At a certain point the two souls met. I want to thank the Academy for this honor he did me. By giving me this coveted award. I dedicate this Oscar to my wife Maria who loves me very much. That has been close to me all these years. And I love her the same way. This award is also for her. Alla Royal Albert Hall in London as soon as he entered the scene, the whole audience stood up and gave him a very long applause. One thing to crawl your skin. It is an honor for Italy in the world. Truly a giant, an extraordinary artist. The teacher Ennio Morricone. Ennio! Ennio! There really is no place in the world, from South America, to Asia, not to mention Europe, where he is not welcomed in a way ... huge, from the pop star. I remember one of his film music concerts in Paris with the public in a frenzy. When I went to the dressing room, I came to tell him: Ennio, you are convinced that this is the great music of the 1900s, Tout court? And he said to me: I'm thinking about it. At first I thought that music applied to cinema was a humiliation. Then little by little, no. Indeed, today I think the music of the cinema it is fully contemporary music. It was a turning point of maturity, he found you an impressive artistic youth. And he convinced me. He ings his musical loves with him. Like the beginning of the fugue from Stravinsky's The Symphony of the Psalms. Tarantino obviously went crazy for the films of Leone, so he was probably expecting a completely different music. What could I have written not wanting to tread the road already made? I wrote a symphony, a real symphony. Morricone was a good chess player, he ought Tarantino to his own land. I felt like I was taking revenge on the western film to cut short with the past. Tarantino is hyperbolic. The answer was given to him by Ennio. To determine if one is Mozart or Beehtoven, 200 years must pass. When you open a Beethoven page, maybe you don't know how to play it. But the writing is clear. In Ennio, everything is clear. Chopin, Tchaikovsky have such a long duration. And why not, Ennio Morricone's film music? I agree with Tarantino. I believe he has achieved an extraordinary position. For his ability to look back, and his ability to look forward. To music as it was, and to music as it will be. He taught us how to live with your own legend. Something extraordinary happened to him to be recognized already as a world Master in the midst of his creativity, and that made him a happy composer. It deserves that and more. Because he is hardworking, he is a great musician. Without being an artist. We had gone to do some concerts. He was shocked that in Israel the passport man knew him. He is not one who gets to his head, but now it looks like some kind of icon. It is so readable to the people. To people around the world. Many bands use my music. But then they also use small themes within their creations. I believe he has always been ahead in language. Indeed, the language dictated it. And therefore it can only be seen as a precursor. It is the precursor of transversality. Ennio's music also engages kids. He is honest. To recreate the color he wanted, certain sounds have been reproduced, sampled, used in various records by pop and rock artists. They do not deny their personality, in this mysterious sympathy they have for some of my things. Without Ennio Morricone, many of us wouldn't be there. Linguistically they would be a different thing, a poorer thing. His is a silent lesson. Nobody ever went to Ennio's class. When you hear a lot of music, you always find something that looks like Ennio. Someone who has used bows as he does. The piano as he uses it. But it's not him. He is the music. The music that comes out anyway. Whatever he writes. Even independently perhaps of his conscience. When I made the first movie it was '61, I said to my wife: In 1970 I stop making films. Then in 1970 I said: I'll quit in 1980. In 1980 I said: I'll quit in 1990. In 1990 I said: I'll stop in 2000. Now I don't say anything anymore. Ennio managed to fuse them together prose and poetry. It completely upset the pattern. Normality that becomes exceptionality. Ennio almost always has an elevation. One thing that makes you think, makes you stay in the air. The god of music speaks through him as if he were possessed. His music is eternal. When you begin to describe it, you realize that your whole life is not enough for you. It will go down in history and there will always be Ennio's music. It is part of our family. It is like a relative. Music must be thought before it is written. It is a problem. It is a problem that always remains when starting a composition. And the composer has a blank page in front of it. What do we put in front of us to that page? What do we put on it? Here, there is a thought that must be developed and must go on. Looking for what?
Over 300 criminals head overseas to flee from the police every year Many of them hide in Southeast Asia and continue their criminal activitis against Korean tourists and businessmen HOCHI MINH CITY VIETNAM 2008 DON LEE SONS SUKKU PARK JI-HWAN Isn't it great? It's close to the city too It's the perfect spot to build your resort Why isn't this area developed yet? It was the site of semiconductor factory but that plan got scrapped it'll be changed to a tourist zone With such prime location and view it'll be a major tourist hotspot Who am I meeting today? He has a big rental car business, he's dying to meet you How much did he pay you? It's not like that You so got paid. Do I look like someone who'd take ibes? He’ll do anything to get on your good side Mr. Choi how's your hangover? Why was last nights beer tap so much? I got to drink Louis XllI for the first time thanks to you And you let him drink that? You should've stopped them! But you won a ton Winning is one thing, spend money wisely don't dump it all on booze Let's finish up and get hangover soup This guy was begging to see you in person He's got some money He doesn't do business only with Koreans He's got a few buildings in Ho Chi Minh too Mr. Choi Yong-gi? Good afternoon I heard a lot about you Hop in Have a great chat Aren't you hot? Having a snack? You should eat something good So Jong-hoon tells me you run a huge rental car biz You're filthy rich, I hear What? You son of a bitch Asshole! Lift up your head! You bastards what's the matter with you?! What is it?! You fuckers! Move aside Do I look like I run a rental car business? Do I? You're kidnapped THE ROUNDUP (The Outlaws 2) Buddy! Drop the knife Heady! Bud! I told you I'm Heady from Youngdeungpo! All right, all right, what are you even saying?! Fuck you,assholes! Don't do it, man! Come inside! I can kill all of you, fucktards! Damn! Not answering again Here! Over here! This way, this way! Afternoon, captain! - Here here - Where is he? He's inside No, where's Seok-do? He's not answering the phone! Damn it... Drop the knife, Heady! Good to see you, sir. What's going on? What took you so long?! a blind date... How do you have weekly blind dates? He's gotta get married someday What's with him? He's known as Heady, a big nutjob for sure. Heady? He escaped from an asylum Hostage? Two, the shop keep randa college girl Should we just barge in? No.way! It's too dangerous, let's get the SWAT We don't know what that lunatic will do... Where did they go? Go easy on him, there are too many eyes! You sons of bitches! Do you know how hard thugs have it? I know, I know My mom's from Suncheon! -What about her? - She can't cook shit! Damn, I feel so bad for you Come inside l'll give yo a scratch! Put the knife down! What the?! Goddamn.. Shit, we're fucked! Yo, Heady! What are you gonna do? What ?! Come here, let's talk What ?! Stay back! Come on, man! - Don't come near me! - Easy,easy. That's dangerous Hey, Heady Never seen me, right? I've never seen you too. Do you trust me or not? What’s there to trust?! Put the knife down, it’s really dangerous! Take them outside! Okay, Hong-seok! Please come out! This way! Hurry,put them in the car! You son of a bitch. If you stab people with this knife, would it hurt or not? Hurt or not? It hurts! You punk-ass. Get up. Goddamn! Bastard, are you a zombie or something? Get over here, no photos please! Police's excessive force, 12 weeks in rehab.. How was this excessive force? Maybe we should have asked the nutjob politely, Excuse me,sir, could you calm down? They were cheering and clapping, what a messed up article lt’s okay. I'm unrecognizable with censored eyes Your body has to be censored to be unrecognizable No, no one cant tell Honestly, anyone could mistake him for a criminal with that face Our rookie's all grown up. He does kinda look like a Russian thug. If you look at it that way, your captain's a terrorist His face has been drooping, since high school days. Am I right? He kind of looks like a village totem pole! His face expands and contracts ending on the day - When I first met the captain - Quiet,shut up! I almost cuffed him! Cuff what, asshole, shut up, buddy. Having fun? Are you happy? Hey man. You feel good to be on the newspaper? It's a sin to be a captain. Did they whoop you good? I'll go talk to the chief. Forget it, forget it. You need to go to Vietnam. Why there? Heard of Yoo Jong-hoon? No clue, who is he? it's those guys who robbed a jewelry shop in Garibong district Yoo was the lookout These punks, l remember. He turned himself in in Vietnam tor that case. Why? Who knows, so go fetch him, think of it as a 3-day business trip. Going overseas for once. Who do i ing? Boss, my father is a Vietnam war veteran It’s his son's turn to go there. Sir,my sister's friend's close associate lives in Vietnam! - Whats with you? - I'll do my best! - Look at this punk - You got no seniority, piss off! You idiots! You think this is an all-inclusive vacation? It's an important job to repatriate a violent criminal! I'm gonna go with him. - Wait, hold on. - What is it? You can't go, I need someone who speaks English English? Can you speak English? You're asking me if I speak English? Prove it I like to order salad first But.. no onion, no Balsamic vinegar. Happy? Wow. You speak English really well That's right, you'll be just fine if you stay with me overseas! Forget it, forget it. No more on this, trust me and follow my lead. Our captain is incredible! HO-CHI MINH INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Trust you,huh? These guys don't understand British accent at all Man, the Balsamic vinegar was a huge red flag... I always wanted to come here. Hey,excuse me. Hello? Hello? Hello? I, uh... we're Korea police,police. We're really busy, so we have to go. Out, okay? Out. Be quiet! Fuck, this guy doesn't understand any English. Don't swear, I can speak Korean! Sit! Let's go sit. l'm really sorry Thank you My apologies, I'm a bit late I'm Park Chang-su resident officer at the consulate. So good to meet you! I'm. Capt. Jeon Il-man from Geumcheon Police You're the captain! I'm Det. Ma Seok-do. - Detective... - Hello, hello. My underling can't speak any English at all, thats why we' re in this laughable predicament - What the... - Right. It's all right, should we go for a meal first? Yes, absolutely! Sure thing. - Grab all the luggage! - Your luggage... Hey! Are there any good diners? Jeez... This is only $1? Really? - Yes - That’s incredible How could they travel without any cash? They were haggling nonstop Those bastards are Korean thugs. Korean thugs are dime a dozen. Many Korean shops opened up, and gangs appeared alongside, and violent crimes rose as well. What the fuck is he looking at? Hi thugs, good to meet you. You travelled a long way to Vietnam Fuck, he's a cop. - Seriously? - You sure? Look at it, they got some drugs and marijuana too. They look fishy. - That’s not marijuana. - I'll be right back. Come on, you're mistaken! - But those bastards. - We need a eak, man! - Look, they're leaving! - Let them! Are you Koreans? We're having a grand opening, we'll treat you right. Korean again? Gangnam service Ho Chi Minh price! Piss off! Get that out of my face Detective Ma! Yo, Gasoline! Boss... Damn, what are you doing here? KOREAN KARAOKE Looking towards my future, I couldn’t continue living like that in Korea. Then forget night jobs, and do something in daylight. But he works so ightly. Who's this bastard? l'm Cooking Oil What the hell... What ings you all here? To catch a criminal? We're on a vacation. Boss you have to be careful. Korean police wield no power here. A ton of gangsters here carry guns around. Guns? Yes.they got guns and machetes this big, things are really different here. Who cares about that, we're on vacation. lt’s not like we'll ever get shot. - Then come have fun! - Sure thing. All right. Gangnam service! At Ho Chi Minh price! CONSULATE GENERAL OF THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA Consulate offices aren't all that different from ours. Such a poor condition. At least we got air conditioning. Yeah, it’s really hot here. - How could anyone... - Thank you for waiting! - lt's really hot. - lt sure is. Are there many missing tourist cases? With 30.000 tourists a month, there are quite a bit of those. Some disappear on their own. Money is always the problem. Please sign here. Once you submit this to the immigration office, you can fly him out after 10 AM tomorrow. Why are there so much paperwork? This is such a unique case. There's no precedent for a criminal turning himself in to a consulate. We freed up a room and kept him here, but it’s such a hassle for us. Why did he turn himself in? He felt a pang of guilt. What? He felt what? A pang of guilt. Pang of.. A pang of guilt. Damn, I made a mistake, I signed 'Jeon Guilt.' Sorry about that. Hey Jong-hoon. Why did you turn yourself in? I'm so very remorseful. I'll receive my punishment in Korea. You want to serve your time in Korea? You sure eat like a snake. Captain. To the Truth Room. Here? Okay, one sec. Give me that! All ready! Keep a look out. Okay! Relax, it’s okay Det. Ma can find out everything. What? Find what out? Why did you turn yourself in? I felt a pang of guilt... A pang of guilt? J- J- JD! J- J- JD! JD tried to kill me! Lee JD, that idiot you kept around? He's here, yeah? No. No? Det. Ma can find out everything. Let’s take one of your ears. My ear, my ear! Hey De. Ma go easy on him! He's got too many ears, can take one of them. Buddy, spill it at once Why did JD tried to kill you? Hurts! lt hurts! I messed with JD's girl... Bastard, rip his ear off. lf JD is here, then Ki-baek is too? The three of you are a set, you punk! No... All right, don't answer. Even if you don't say it, Det. Ma can find out everything. Are you doing that thing? Hold on,wait! You really shouldn't. Don't move, stay still, you'll get hurt, If you move, you might die. Don't kill me! ls there construction? My eardrum's about to burst, stop it, it hurts! You're not sure? But you're sure about JD? Yes... I don't think we should go and get him on our own. Bringing in two perps instead of one is instant promotion for you. No, we got no jurisdiction here. Investigation and arrest are all illegal. Wel I just tell him nicely to turn himself in, that's all. If you're involved, it's an investigation! Blind dates you go on? Those are investigations! What did Yoo say? He keeps saying bullshit. Captain. I'll submit this to the immigration office then. Yes,sure. I have a friend in Ho Chi Minh I gotta meet... I see. Do you know where this is? It's not too far from here. But it's a rough neighborhood. I'm okay with that. He's rougher. It’s over here. People are home. It’s locked. - Locked? - Yeah. It's open now. How could you eak that! JD, Jong-hoon spilled his guts. Let’s go home... What the hell?! Jeez... Goddamn, what happened? This is a murder. This messes things up. Call Mr. Park immediately. Buddy, get the hell up! You fucking dare to lie to me? What's going on? JD was murdered, asshole. What have you been doing? Tell me everything. How's a beating first? Sir, deputy, this could spark a big problem. Captain, can you please stop him? Don't do it. Let's not do this, I'll release you, just go. What? I think that's the best way, get out of here. Go, come on, go. Detective, I turned myself in. Turned yourself in? l won't accept it, just go. Get over here! Get the hell out! I turned myself in, goddammit! Goddammit? You swore at me? - Detective! - I'll escort you out. - Help! Please help! - Let’s go, let’s go home! Wait, please! What are you doing?! I'm sorry, I'm so sorry! We kidnapped a man here with a guy named Kang Hae-sang! Who? Kang Hae-sang? He lured us to kidnap Choi Yong-gi, who runs a resort business. Choi came from money. That young bloke was a chump but spent money like a champ! Give me that. This is only $50.000. And this is barely $90.000. Which is less than $20.000 per head. No fucking way. Asswipe, what happened? We went through all that mess just for this? Speak your mind. Mr. JD, You said your friends are pros, but they're amateurs. - What? - Amateurs? Maybe they're simpletons. Fucking hell?! What did you just say, asshole? If it wasn't for Choi's money, you'd already be dead. I went too easy on you. Fuckers. Don't want to make money? There's a limit to my patience. - Du-ik, you... - Fucking bitch! Stop it! What in the world?! Get that bastard! - Stop right there! - You fucker! We'll continue this chat. Get that fucker! Goddamn, you! You can't lose him! Stop right there! Get up! Grab him! Son of a bitch! You fucking bitch! Fuck, get over here! Fucking bastard! You got a death wish? Wait, please! I'll pay you $100.000 per head that’s a promise! Fuck... $100.000per head! For real? You sure? I got $200.000 in my hotel room, and some gold bars too. So what's the passcode?! 2963! 2963! 2963? That's the real one? We could've saved so much-trouble if you let us borrow some earlier. Sorry. Why didn't you say so, what are we doing here? We could open a resort without that bastard! Look at this fucker. If you lie, you're as good as dead. He's dead? Are you out of your mind? How could you kill him? We gotta get paid before chopping him up, asshole! Fucking bastard, money... What the fuck?! One less head means more for all. What are you doing? Dig properly, asshole! Working overseas sure is nice. Cops are loose, easy to get the job done $200.000 and gold bars from the hotel safe. That’s all? I could squeeze more out ot him. You there. Hold on. Mr. Choi here's your son's arm, send $500.000 and he's yours. And then? 2 days later, he got paid, and JD and I just ran. With money in his hand, he turned evil. For a few days now, I sensed men following me. I think Kang sent his men to kill me! I'm sorry. You should've said so earlier! That’s why you turned yourself in? Yes... Kang must've killed JD. If he finds out that I'm here I'm dead as well. Please send me to Korea, boss! Now what then? We heard everything Let's find the bodies first. He's so excited. Write down the address here. - Address? - Yeah. Deputy Captain, this will cause headaches for a lot of people. Yeah, but l still need the address. It’s okay, it’s okay. Captain, this has to be handed over to the local police. Or he will be deported! Yes, please make that happen. Pardon? Please get him deported! Captain, I'm begging you. GEUMCHEON POLICE Boss, are you having fun? See if anything pops up on one Kang Hae-sang, and a missing person report on one Choi Yong-gi. Kang Hae-sang and Choi Yong-gi? Any other details to go on? Nothing else. Get on it. Yes, I understand. Thank you. So, what did they say? Cops don't sympathize with other cops. lt'll take about a month before a warrant is issued. Kang will fleer te another country before then! Then what can.we do? We're not in Korea. What can we do? Shouldn't you do Something? Nothing can be done. Like what? Nothing can be done Damn it! Where are you going? Where is he off to now? Mr. Park,please go stop him, he probably won't listen. Have you seen this person? I don't know what you mean. Can you understand him? A few months ago, I think. Seok-do, I now I can't stop you, but this isn't Garibong district. Hey,hey! Wait a minute! - Stop it,man! - Stop doing that! What’s the matter with you? Just let me find this prick, move out of the way. Wait! Det. Ma,you really can't do this Will you be responsible for any problems? This is clearly an illegal activity! If this country's laws can't protect our people, then shouldn't we? Seok-do, you're right, but... Am l wrong? Call the Cops. We'll all be arrested. Christ, is it even here? Are you gardening? Hurry up and do it right! Here,here! lt's a worm... Damn it. What's this? Damn! Found it, it's right there! What? Holy cow! I got one here too! Another one? We're in hell, I'll notify the authorities. Four bodies in total. I really did come here on a vacation. Detective, what's up? Have you heard of-Kang Hae-sang? What? You're after that bastard too? How do you know him? A local Korean thug named Raku was looking for Kang about 3 days ago. Raku? - Where is he now? - I don't know - Is something up? - Look into it and call me ASAP! What is Korean detective doing here?! ls there a law in your country?! We'd like to apologize. You'll be responsible for this. Go back to your hotel! - What? Hotel? - What did he say? I call your... We'ree cops too! How could we stand back when our people are butchered?! Captain! Even if we don't have any jurisdiction... Easy,easy.they're pulling out their guns. But even so... I'll sort it out here, please stay at the hotel. Okay, I understand, sorry, sorry. I'm getting this fucker no matter what. If we ing him to the consulate, we could put him on a flight. How do we catch him? You got a plan? Come with me. So humid.. You're here? Where? Over here! Boss! Let’s go. Find it at once! There should be $500.000 in cash,so search thoroughly. You saw him with your own eyes? Yes. I'm sure. I saw him myself. I saw Kang leave this morning. I found it! Good, you may go. Okay... Thank you. lt’s a lot. Look at this fucker. That’s gotta be way more than $1M. How many did he kill? Let’s send the money back first. Okay. Yes, we found it. What ings you here? A bus ought us here. Wow, just look at them. Look, a sea of Koreans. Hey,buddy! Come here! What is it? Fetch me Raku or Roku or whatever. Who are you people? They're all Korean hooligans. Boys, gather around! Oh, you guys are cops? Leave and save yourself some bloodshed. ls he there? Where you going? Dude... Stay down. You'll get hurt! Just stay down. Stop! Stay on the ground. Why are fucking Korean po-pos making noise on my property? Are you the local police/ You're Raku? I am, motherfucker. Boss! And you are? I'm Cheeky. Don't be cheeky! Hey! You're all fucking dead bastards. This is Vietnam, not Korea you fucking shit! Fuck, this is a real gun you thought you could kill me? Come here, come here! - I'll kill you! - Stay back! Stay the fuck back! Nobody move! Don't you dare to move! Stay where you are, assholes! Choose your words carefully, or this is your last day. Yes, sir. Speak properly. Why did you look for Kang Hae-sang? We were paid to track him down, I don't know the details. So who hired you?! Some mercs from Korea, that’s all l know! Mercs? Yes, sir. So did you find Kang? He guided them. Yo, who are you? I'm Cheeky. You fucking cheeky monkey, get over here! - I'll be back! - See you soon! Where are you, sir? We're heading to Kang's location. Did you find anything? I asked an friend in the Intelligence for Kang's files and strangely, Choi was never reported missing. Yeah? What's the deal with his family? What does his father do? Choi Choon-baek, head of Joeun Capital, he's a glorified loan shark. Choi Choon-baek, I think I've heard of him. He's infamous in Myeongdong, and main business is lending money to corporations, daily cash transaction amount is said to be in millions. But he never reported his own son missing? Should I dig in further? Yeah,look into it. Okay. What did he say? It looks like Choi's father sent mercs to kill the kidnappers. Let’s get ready. Look at this punk. Die! You from Korea? You took my money? Who sent you? Fuck you, asshole. Choi... Choi Choon-baek! Choi Choon-baek? Yong-gi's father? JOEUN CAPITAL Mr. Choi, this is Kang Hae-sang. You're not dead yet? You sent men to kill me? You took my money and killed my son, you thought you'd be safe? I said you'd get him back, but didn't say he'd be alive. I... will kill you. Why did you take my money? Return it. Or I'm coming to Korea. His manners are fucked-up. Dude, wait a minute! All ready! Why did you ing the gun? i forgot to return this to him. Wait for me! The door's open. Dang,he got wind of it and fled already. Holy shit! What the hell? What's all this? How many are dead here? I think we're too late. Damn it.. Why are there so many bags? This fucker targeted Korean tourists. Look at these passports. What’s this? I found it, it’s Choi Yong-gi Jeez.. Get over here,asshole. Fucking bastards... You're Kang Hae-sang? Police! Don't move... Drop the knife. Drop it,asshole! Get off! Son of a bitch! Come here asshole! Fuck... Goddammit! Captain! Bang! Bang! Fuck it... Useless piece of shit... THONG NHAT ARMY HOSPITAL Yes, I didn't know at all. But this happened because they were working for our Korean Tourists, so if you decide to do that... Yes, I know the procedure, Mr. Consulate,but... Seok-do.. Let's catch him, I'm so angry I catch him. so get some rest. How could I? can't even piss on my own... Call me when you need to piss, goddammit! By the way, how long do we need to be locked up here? Hey, Hong-seok! Are you all right, boss? How's the captain? Captain's good, any updates on Kang? The Intelligence has been gathering information on kidnapping and murder cases in Southeast Asia against Korean tourists. The Philippines, Cambodia, etc. All four cases resemble Kang's MO. Make contact, get friendly kidnap,then demand ransom, but even after ransom, none of them came back. How many in total? Four have been identified so far. Also, boss, the chief wants you to stop causing trouble.. All right! I'm hanging up! Captain,how are you feeling? It's okay.he's fine, he's a crybaby. I told you stay at the hotel... Oh man.. You two are being deported. What? The authorities will take you to the airport. Wait a minute.. Stay where you are. We have to arrest Kang here! Det. Ma, please. What exactly is the reason? you're going this far in someone else's country? Should there be a reason for wanting to catch a killer/ A bad guy must be caught! We have to catch that bastard, I won't leave without him! Never! I'm sorry about this. l won't leave. l'm too angry. I'm not leaving! Oh yeah. That tall bastard I ought in... What? Help me! Help me! The Korean detectives in custody ran away! I need backup! Back up, back up, back up! Motherfucker.. Buddy,where jest Kang Hae-sang? Are you gonna take the fall for the eight bodies we found? The local police wil kill you if you stay here. Buddy! Tell me where Kang is, and I'll repatriate you. Effective immediately! You'll be deported from Vietnam! Take him to the airport! No cuffs needed! I can't! l won't go! Hold up, stop! Stop! - Seok-do! - Out of the way! Don't do that, come on! All right, we have to go! - Go! -We have to! - Go where? - To Korea! Why there? We’re being deported, we must be deported! We are? Yes, obey the law! Translate for us. They'll cooperate. Let's go to the airport now! Us, Korea, speed, speed! Okay, let’s go, let’s go! - We have to go. - Are you nuts?! We have to catch Kang! He's in Korea to meet Choi Choon-baek. Let’s go! Hey boss. Look at this fuck grinning like an idiot - Allow me. - Yeah, here. Captain, look at you. Don't even mention it. l was ambushed by dozens of baddies with machetes. Go rest up at home. Go rest... How could I? I need to head back and report to the chief. - As the captain ... - Give the captain his luggage. - Yes of course . - Let's move quickly. What are you doing? You gotta carry this for me, hey, Dong-gyun! Buddy,my hands! Flying around a in't easy. What a mess. Hong-seok and the rookie's looking into smuggling vessels, he'll smuggle in, right? Yeah, I'm sure. The captain almost died. That vicious bastard, I'm getting mad thinking about it. How could he stab a cop? Just give me one chance. Which floor are you here for? 3rd floor Come with us. I'll get it done right... Delivery! Those guys weren't my guys! Where should l put it? Just put it there! Sir! Sir! Fucking hell... Have a great meal. I'll turn this place upside down. Here eat this.he even ordered sweet and sour pork. - Thanks for the meal. - All of this for one? How did you know l was here? Ever heard of GPS? Everything is searchable. Asshole! Sit down, you illegal alien, come sit down. I've been legal so long, and ever since l almost died, I only do legal work. Finding work for illegal alien is what you call legal? Enough, we got no time, give me intel on any vessels coming in from China. I left that life so long ago! What's with your hand? You rude mofo. I've had it with you, it's been a while. Here. Listen here. Not coming? I'm not the same Jang Isu from before! One. If you mess with me, l won't take it on my ass! Two. Yeah... So anything came in since yesterday? All right, I'm hanging up. Who was that? He's known as Captain One-eye He's the only game in town when it comes to China. SKIPPER KIM GYO-BUM He said a new vessel came into Goongpyong port. - Call Hong-seok. - Calling. Hong-seok, where are you? Go to Goongpyongport and get all security cam footages. Yeah,one sec. And ?! That's it! That's all. You can't just barge in and harass me! Shut your face and answer me when l call, got that? Let’s move. You fucking bastard! - Did you call me? - No, sir. What a fucking dickhead... GEUMCHEON POLICE GOONGPYUNGMART CAM 3 Where is this? Parking lot behind the port, I got nothing Check the next one. - Sir. - What? This guy's suspicious, he's checking tires. Maybe for car keys? Boss, I think we got something. You found him? Rewind it Let’s see Stop. Zoom in 2608251... Yeah, that's him. - Send out an APB for it. - We got you asshole. Chairman, seems like Kang entered Korea Get some more mercs. Bring them from overseas. Give them 2 large upfront, and another 2 after the job. Dead or alive. Yes, chairman. KOREAN COPS WERE STABBED IN VIETNAM With your order, l sort it out with the media. All right, go on. Ma Seok-do! I told you to keep a low profile. You made a big ass mess to fuck with me, right? No way. I was just trying to catch a perp. Why were you trying to catch a perp there?! They got cops there too! And you, I sent you to keep an eye on him, yet you fueled the fire, and shot a gun too! l barely shot any, it was busted. Why is this being handed over to Foreign Affairs? We're about to close it with security cam evidence, how could you hand it all over now? Yeah! I'm powerless on this! lt’s no use telling me! Always so powerless, that's so weird. Our chief didnt read our report thoroughly again right? - Again?! - Yeah! No wonder What do you mean? Jeez, a total of four bodies were uncovered in Vietnam. Of the missing Korean tourist cases in the Philippines and Cambodia, Kang is suspected of four of them! Four! This guy is in a class of his own! That’s why Foreign Affairs is taking over! If that's the end of it, your call is the right one. There's something else? To seek revenge for the death of his son, Choi's father sent Korean mercs to kill Kang and his men! But Kang killed even those guys, and he's here to find Choi Choon-baek! If Kang suddenly shows up, would Choi just stay back? Isn't it insane? lt sure is. Choi will send out gangsters, Seoul will turn into a bloodbath! Then we'll be on TV. If that happens, we're all dead. All dead. Especially you, you're double dead! So dead. - As the head police! - So head. You got that in the report? That shit will hit the fan? I'm begging you, please! Read the report thoroughly I can stall them for a week. Close this case within a week! A week! You got it. A week! A week! Nice! A week! You're the detective who ought my boy back, right? Yes, ma'am. Thank you. Please stay for a meal. Yes, ma'am. She's his second wife. He never had any children with his first before she died, and Choi Yong-gi was his only offspring. No wonder he sent mercs. Yeah, I guess. This is a gangster sausage party. Yes,indeed. Beautiful weather. Do we get any gas stipend? You serious? Dumbass How many months financed? 60 months. I got 59 left. Go easy with it, don't use it on operations. Do you know how much I cherish my baby? Isn't this a second-hand car? Yeah, Dong-gyun, I got it. - Your keys. - Why? Dong-gyun found Kang's car. l'll go check it out. I'll come with you. No, you stay here and watch Choi, and rookie, watch the cams thoroughly, got it? Yes,sir. - Give him your key,hurry. - My key? Give me yours, I like this type of car,a USB. It's SUV... Damn,didn't work. Boss. Did you get anything? Kang is so fucking meticulous. He wiped the vehicle down before ditching it. No security cams nearby either. This won't be easy. They're standing by in the lower parking lot. Theyre triad Chairman Ju's boys? Yes,they're a sure thing. If you fail this time, you'll die first. Yes,sir. The chairman's heading down, standby. I'm coming down. Copy. Let’s go. Wait a sec. Who are those assholes? I don't see any resemblance... I'm Kang Hae-sang. You bastard! Die! Die,you fuck! I told you l'd come to Korea. Where's my money? Greet the chairman properly, and we just need to kill Kang Hae-sang. It’s just one guy, this will be over quickly. What's going on here? Come here, asshole. It's been a while. Who are these fucks? Pay us more for them. What's that? Crap! Hong-seok! B1! Choi is being kidnapped! Out of the way! Shit! B1! Equus! Equus! You fucker! Stop right there! Stop... Are you all right? Did you get the plate number? Yes... Is the camera on? Do you see this? His-head comes off tomorrow. Here. Okay. Have $2 M ready by tomorrow. Keep your phone on. When did you receive this? Last night by a courier. - Rewind it a bit. - Okay. - They're others? - Yes. Contract killing, armed robbery... These guys can't be recycled. They fled tothe Philippines with warran,ts for their arrest nd they were on Interpol's radar over a Korean murder case. I checked their records, and their stay in the Philippines overlaps with Kang's by 6months. Was there one near where the car was found? We're not getting any support, so go to Ilsan and look around with patrols over there. Understood. Are we okay on our own? If things go sour, we'll be on the hook. There's no time. He and Yong-gi may not be clean, but they're my family. Please do whatever it takes to arrest him. What can l do to help? So the thing is.. We can't transfer the ransom. Once he sends it overseas it’s untraceable. and we can't ensure your husband's safety. So we have to make the trade in person, we need you to lure him. Don't get worked up while on the phone. We'll guide you along the way... I'm sorry to make you do this. No need to be sorry, there's no other way. We got the call, it's him! Get ready! - Quiet down,quiet! - One moment. One,two, three. Please answer. Hello? This is Kang Hae-sang. This will go smoothly if you follow my orders. Is the money ready? I'll send you my account info. - Are you an idiot? - What? Why should l pay you $2M? Hold on. Give her a minute. You bastard. You killed my son even after receiving the ransom. There's no guarantee you'll let my husband go, so why should I send you money? So you won't even try? If not, your husband will die for sure. I'd thank you for it. What? Buddy, you killed my son. If you kill my husband too, who'll end up with his money? You'll flee the country, no? Am l right? I'll give you $2 M in cash. Trade with him in person. I'll hand it over when l see him alive. You're a great negotiator. Okay. Bring $2 M in a suitcase tomorrow. If I find a tracker, or if you mess with me, I'll kill your husband and come after you. 1 DRIVER Understand? Come to Ilsan Central Intersection by 1 PM tomorrow alone. Did you get that? I can't drive, I'll need a driver. Jesus Christ... No good? No deal? Just one driver? Okay Let’s do this right and keep your hus.. Bad manner runs in the family. Could I get some water? - Water! - Yes, sir. You did great. Here, have some water. That lady is no joke. I really want to get this bastard. So who should we use as the driver? We can't use one of ours he'll clue in. Then who? If we use a pushover, this will go sour very fast. Fake marriage isn't a bad thing. All new lives start out that way. Just hang in there for 3 months. Did you ing the money? What is man's face? What he look? He'll be here in a few. You punk! Ignoring my calls? I'll fucking kill you! You just made me drive across town. What's going on here? I'm barely making ends meet here. What’s this? Marital status form? You asshole! Excuse me. This guy is a con man, please go home. Don't give him money, go home. Please go, go home. He's an illegal alien. You're coming with me. I need you to drive let’s get going. Hey Jang! How have you been? Hey : One-eye get me a boat. For which day? Tomorrow Tomorrow? So suddenly? That's gonna be tough. Unless l get some extra. I'll pay double Time and how many? 1 AM, 3 people. 1 AM. 3 people, okay. Okay. You vouch for him? All routes to China are blocked, this fucker is the only quiet way in. SKIPPER KIM GYO-BUM We're right here. Go North. Drive around lsan, when I give you a signal lead her down. We lose that bitch here, get the money and ship out. Why just the two of us? You fuck... Don't try to be smart. Are you trying to take the money for yourself? Right? You will be following the money, you got some trust issues? You trust us? Do you? Were getting Kang today. He knows captain and my faces, so you guys tail him. Get off here and check the vicinity. Yes, sir. Jang is heading out. This is fucked up.. Hop in. Put the money in the back, where I can see it. The lady's leaving now with a driver. No cops around? None! Move as we planned when they enter the Central Intersection. Just follow my orders,okay? He's ordering us around in the comfort of the hideout. He think he's the boss. Stay on them. - Detective - What? Yes? Thank you for helping me. Uh,yeah... Dun worry. Eyeballs on the Mercedes. Okay. Everyone, standby. Hong-seok, scan the other cars. Sang-hoon, take over Copy Central unit check your surroundings. I'm on them. What the hell? Stay right on their ass. Boss, we found the derelict factory area. The search area is huge, it will take some time. Find Choi as quickly as possible! Copy,boss! I found the Jang others. White Avante , 38M1775. Is Kang with them? No.it's just two of them. Damn, where the hell is he? 200m to Central Intersection, we're almost there. We're close. Dun worry,tis my specialty. Stay calm, just stay calm. Hello? You arrived right on time. Where are you? Make a U-turn. What? I think that-mail truck is following us Let's begin. Slow down. Shit,what the hell? What do we do? Hold on tight. He's making a U-turn! Should l stay on him? No, no, just drive straight! Why is he making a U-turn? Sang-hoon,just drive! Go! Drive away! Go! Stay close to her. This fucker'ssmoking us out, I'll get on his tail! Let's move These bastards are trying to be smart Hong-seok,standby at the intersection. Captain, Sang-hoon, back him up. Copy,boss. We're on the way! How am l supposed to search all of these? Have you arrived? How many U-turns am l doing? Do another one. Are you kidding me? You don't want to get paid? Shut your hole and do what l say. Fuck! Turn it around! Fucking hell.. Seok-do, we'll drive straight. Sang-hoon, you're up. Boss, it’s bad to delay any more time. Were making fourth U-turn already. They'll find us out soon. Seok-do, let's grab the others first. Well take them by surprise, and cut off their communication, and find Choi in the meantime. No, we need to secure Choi first. Choi is a priority too, what if we lose these pricks too? No,hostage comes first! I don't believe this. Damn.. Holy shit! Boss! found the Equus Choi was kidnapped in. Yeah? What about Choi? don't see him, but I'll check the building. Call as soon as you find him! Roger,boss! Cap. Dong-gyun found the Equus! He did? Okay got it I'll go back him up! I'm feeling it now. This is it. Mr. Choi where could you be? Shit! Mr. Choi! Are you all right? Can you get up? We have to get out, up you go! You okay? Almost there, we're almost there. Stupid fucks.. Here! Here! Requesting back up! Suspect found! I got Kang Hae-sang! Suspect found, requesting back up! Requesting back up! You fuck... Where are you going,bastard? Get back here! Isn't that Choi Choon-baek? Arrest the others! We found Choi! You found him?! Yeah! We got him! Good, we'll initiate the op! Why didn't you answer my call.. What’s wrong? Dong-gyun! What's wrong with you? Captain... I'm sorry.. Shit! I let Kang slip through. What happened? Call the paramedics! Stay awake! What's going on?! Dong-gyun got stabbed. What?! Kang stabbed him and fled! Fuck Where are you? How many times do l have to tell you? Central lntersection near LC Department Store. Pull out for now, cops are on to us. What are you saying? Cops? Where? I don't see any here. Forget it Return to the motel Let’s regroup there, make sure to ditch the car. Don't order around, asshole, there are no cops here! Jang Ki-chul. Your mouth could get you killed. You backstabbing us? Motherfucker, wer'e gonna take the money for ourselves, asshole! All right Listen up! We got Choi, and now we go for the others. Kang fled after stabbing Dong-gyun, and if we lose those guys, we can't get to Kang. Fuck... 93月3034 Yo, Det. Ma. Yo? You wanna die? - Put me on speaker - Got it Go ahead Madam, we got your husband back. He's safe, so don't worry. Jang Isu, do you see a white Avante behind you? Yeah Motherfucking fuckers How will you get them?! Maintain speed and go straight until I give you the signal,got it? Understood! Just trust me. You're... not a cop, right? Can you tell? On my cue, block him at the next intersection What if they're really cops? Shit,who cares. Cut her off. Fucking bastard... Damn you! There! Go over there! Where? Where? Shoot! Boss they went into the department store parking lot! Department store? Stay on their tails. we cant lose them! Damn it! Hang on tight! Get out! Hurry,get out of here! What are you doing?! What will you do? Hey,what are you doing? It’s stuck! You out of your goddamn mind? Toss it, let’s go! Grab the money! Run! Wuman, go! Stop! Give me the money! Open up! Son of a bitch! You fucker, stop the car! Let’s get it on,fucking bastard! Son of a bitch! Let's do it, asshole! Hong-seok, B7! Stop them no matter what! Stop the car! Stop! I don't give a shit! Where are you going?! Where is he going? 636-0910 - Spread out,now! - Yes,sir! Fuck.. 2919967 Police! Don't move! Who the fuck? I said don't move! What should I do with you fucker? Fuck! How should I chop you up You dodged it? Hey, you bastard! Grab him! Let go of me! Let me fucking go! Push him! - Here! Here! - Don't move! Hold still,asshole! Where's Mrs. Choi?! - Suspect in custody. - Mrs. Choi? Fuck! Lady! Where is she? Damn.. Fucking bitch. Let me through! Get over here! Where's your fucking driver?! Where's my money? Where is it? Where?! Get up,you bitch! You fuck! Get out of here! - Are you okay? - This way! Wanna go back down? - One moment! - Police! Out of the way! Take that thing away! Let’s cleanup. Nice! Very nice! Shit.. Who the fuck? Come on! Step on it,go! Excuse me! Sir! Pardon me.. Show's over fucking go home! This is how a new life starts! Boss! Jang lsu managed to shake off Kang. But Kang stabbed patrols and is on the run Motherfu... Send out national APB on Kang. Okay How's Dong-gyun? Captain took him to the hospital. Boss, I can't reach Jang Isu. He's not answering his cell phone, I think he took off with the money Two suspects involved in a kidnapping case were arrested. The police released an APB for a suspect who fled after stabbing patrol officers. They've also issued a warrant for Korean-Chinese Jang lsu, who fled with $2 M ransom. They believe that Jang will smuggle out to China, and are canvasing the west sea. Fuck.. Hello? One-eye. What’s up? I need a boat to China. Boat to China? There aren't any at this time. Come on man, do me a favor! I'm not Uber, I can't have a boat on standby for you. - Come on! -I got none I'll pay quadruple. There is a boat at quadruple. But no vacant seat. Then I'll pay double of that quadruple, you fuck! Where are you? I'll send my boy to pick you up. Behind the coastal parking lot. Okay! Are you Jang lsu? Did you ing the money? Here,open it. All there. Go to Haejong Port. Hey! Who are you? You missed the news? Ma Seok-do, that fucker.. You fucking cocksucker! Who do you think I am? Who the hell are you? I'm Jang Chen of Harbin you twat! Asshole, ing it on! Show me what you got, fucker! Wait.. Wait,hold on! Stay right there, asshole! You bloody cow, don't come any closer! Today's your lucky day, sucker! No, asshole, get over here! Round 2? No, stay there, stay there. This is the police! I'm involved in an active case, may l ask you to get off the bus? Please get off for a moment. What did you say? Maam.could you get off the bus for a moment please? Here, give this to your grandson - Thank you - Take care,be careful. You're making me sweat you wanker. How did you think about chasing a bus? You're smarter than you look. Better than most. Why are you on my ass like a dog in heat? Do you need money? Do you want a cut? Split 50-50? Who's 50? You're a lost cause. Shit! You need a good ass whooping. If you think you're about to die, ring the bell I'll let you off. Come here! Hey. We're far from done, get the hell up. I'm going to kill you. Your family as well.. Oh man, what a mess. Sorry about that. Let's move! You all right? Where's Kang? He's over there. Money! Money! Inside. Let's move! - Wrap it up quickly! - Yes,sir! What happened to the bus? Not sure... Anyway, you did good! Secure the money! What the hell? Look at this guy! I told him to catch the perp, not tenderize him! Ma Seok-do, you punk! Son of a bitch.. Hello? Buddy! We got Kang. You did good,punk. You got a warrant out for me, and tell me l did good? We got serial numbers for that cash, once you use it, it'll be tracked. I knew it,fuck... Son of a bitch! Hello? Are you taking off with that money? What did you say? I almost died trying to get Kang off my back! Actually,stowaway out of the country. What? Call One-eye.and reserve a boat to China tonight, got it? Stowaway? Be honest asshole you were gonna take off with it, right? Hello? Hello? Signal here is bad.. Hello? Jang Isu! Stupid bastard... Kang, who murdered 13 people, has been arrested. Kang targeted and murdered Korean tourists in Southeast Asia, and was caught-while trying to flee after a kidnapping case. Choi, Who sought revenge for the murder of his son, hired mecenaries to kill Kang, and will be tried. The police are looking into sending officers to regions where crimes against Korean nationals are rampant. Captain, my car's side mirror is all busted, do I get anything? Mine too! Who cares about your car, I got stabbed big time. You got stabbed-with a knife this big, you crybaby. That machete l was stabbed with, it was about this long. Mine went through my body, I thought l was a goner. - lt went through? - Yeah! My head almost came off! Dude, stop exaggerating! I'm not! After all that work, they get cartilages? They deserve real beef! All right all.right Cheap ass... For this occasion, I ought something big. What is it? 30-year old Ballantine's! Wait,wait! I'm opening it, I opened it! lt's open! No going back! It usually has a seal I have no idea. Thank you, salute! This is not new! lt was opened already! You could tell? Come on, don't drink that! Don't drink it? If you're offended, don't drink it then. Yeah don't drink it... So l ought a 30-year old ginseng liquor! This is real. No wonder Seriously. A drink for Dong-gyun! Another for you! Don't drink unproven stuff! Thank you! - You shouldnt drink - Nah. I don't want it. lt tastes great! Great work everyone! DIRECTED BY LEE Sang-yong
Have a seat. I want you to listen very carefully, Mrs. Potenza, all right? You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney... and have the attorney present during questioning. If you so desire and cannot afford one, an attorney will be provided for you without charge. Do you understand each of these rights? Yes. Do you wish to give up your right to remain silent? Yes, I do. Do you wish to give up your right to speak with an attorney? Yes. I don't need to speak with an attorney. I just want to tell the truth. It all started about three weeks ago. My husband's house. Tony and I had been fighting. I'm not gonna lie about that. There were problems in our marriage... and we both were at fault. He was going out. He was meeting his girlfriend. And we both knew that I knew. It seemed like all we did was hurt each other. And that night it was especially bad because Tony was drinking. And when he drank, he could be very mean. Tony, go easy tonight, please. You know, I'd like to get some someday. Doesn't have to be today, but, you know, someday... if it's not too much trouble. So that night I decided... if I couldn't make him stop lying to me, at least I'd stop lying to him. Is something wrong? Come on. Sit down. This is killing me. I can't keep going on like this. Leave him. I can't. I'll take care of you. It's more complicated than that. Despite everything, Tony does love me. He's got a funny way of showing it. I didn't see you saying that when he was helping you find investors for the restaurant... or when he loaned your ex-wife money. That was way below the belt. Jake... I'm sorry. I can't play second best forever. It's not my style. That's why this has gotta be the last time. I don't want to hurt you, and I don't want to hurt Tony. I love you. What am I supposed to do about it? I'm sorry. You're sorry? We're both gonna have to try here... and I'm willing to go first. What exactly is it that you want me to do? Be nice. Okay, I will. I'll try. And if I'm nice, will you do something for me? Stop drinking, Tony. It scares me, and it's not good for you. I know. Will you try? Yes... I will. I'll try. Now will you do one more thing for me? Will you take me on a trip? just me and you alone, away. Josie, the timing is terrible. It's impossible right now. The new pilots are shit. The fall season is upside down, sideways. I don't know what I'm gonna do. Please. Please. - All right. - Thank you. There's nothing I wouldn't do for you, baby. - Howdy. - Hi. - Where you headed? - Merv Gardener's place, Norman's Pond. - You know where that is? - Yep. Get in. You got a key to that gate? Merv didn't mention anything about it. That's a problem. I can't believe this. Why didn't you find out we needed a key to the gate? It's not like you have anything to do with your time but go shopping. This whole trip was your idea. It's your responsibility. Can't you do anything right? Tony, we just got here. Please don't ruin our vacation. Tony! It's ready! Tony! So what do they want to do now? Shuffle the whole schedule? No, goddamn it! Goddamn it, no! That is exactly the wrong thing to do. Bullshit! Absolutely not! Well, look, I'll tell you what you can do. You can send the damn plane. How about that? All right, I understand. Yes. What about Arnie? He's in New York. Great. Oh, what about Frank? All right, listen, why don't you give me an hour and then call me back? All right? Let me sort this out. Thanks. Why don't you just go? - It's the best thing for both of us. - What about you? I'm gonna stay. One of these days Planning on a change - What can I get you, sweetie? - Dewars, straight up. One of these days Planning on a change You'll try him out, lady - Thank you. After a while Ya gonna be mine Gonna be mine One of these days On one of these lonely days Try, try, try It won't be long, long Planning on a change Planning on a change Change, change, change Oh, my God. You okay? My Jeep died. Where you headed? Norman's Pond. Well, jump in. I'll give you a lift. Okay. I mean, if you want to stay out here and freeze all night, it's up to you. - It's fine by me. - Josie Potenza. Cole Wilson. You look like you're freezing to death. Why don't you put this on? Thank you. Come on. That's really sweet, but you don't have to do that. No, no, no, it's okay. My mother would die if I didn't walk you to the door. You don't need anything else? No, I'm fine. Thank you. All right. Well, look, I'll come back tomorrow and fix the Jeep. Really, I can handle it myself. Look, all right. It's no big deal. It'll save you a tow. Okay. Yeah? - Here, want your coat? - All right. Thanks. So long. Coil was off your distributor. Go give it a try. There you go. I'm impressed. What do I owe you? Why don't you have dinner with me? I told you, I'm married. Yeah. To a guy who runs off and leaves you in the middle of nowhere. He had a very important business meeting. What could be more important than you? I'll pick you up at 8:00. Okay. The look on your face tells me where you've been And every time you walk out of that door I act a fool to let you back in You're not the only one paying rent Before I get burned you need to understand There'll be some pain Some shame - What's wrong? - That was a mistake. It went too far. Dinner's my limit, just like I said. You want to tell me why? I think I've told you several times now. Would you like something else? Uh, you... No. You know, really, you're better off anyway. I'm pretty messed up. My father used to say, when a woman doesn't want to make love to you, they usually tell you the story of their life, so why don't you? - I'll pass. - No, I mean it. Tell me, you know. How long you been married? Seven years. Is he rich? Yeah. How'd I guess? He must've met you when you were a baby. Actually, I was 17. - Hmm. - A runaway, high school dropout. I was lonely, scared, dead oke. - Out there on the edge, you know? - Yeah. I got a job in a grocery store, working as a cashier. Men were always coming in, trying to pick me up, and I guess... I didn't have a very high opinion of myself. - You know what I'm saying? - Little bit. So one night Tony came in, and... to me he looked like a god in a thousand-dollar suit. Sweet. And on our first date, he asked me to marry him. I said yes. Uh-huh, a regular fucking fairy tale. The prince loved you, and, well, you loved his money. No, really, that's not what happened. I loved Tony... and I still do... love my husband. You know, for some reason, I think you're bullshitting me. Okay? Why don't you just tell me the truth? You used him, and now you're sick of him. Why be so greedy? Why don't you just, uh, divorce his ass and collect half the money? No, I can't do that. I signed this paper... that said if I leave him, I get nothing. See? He's a real smart guy. You know, excuse me for saying so, but he didn't even trust you when he married you. If someone made me sign a piece of paper, that would piss me off. And I would really, really hate them for that. You gotta hate him. You gotta really, really hate him, don't you? You do hate him, don't you? Sometimes I do. Sometimes... I wish he... Sometimes, what? I wish he were dead. Look, let's say you could have that, okay? Let's say Tony was out in the car one day, goes off to work and he just never comes home. And there you are, poor little Josie, the widow. A certain period of time goes by. Nobody blames you... because you're young, you're beautiful. Tony was a schmuck to begin with. You get the house, you get the cash. I mean, baby, you have it all. Perfect solution. I'll do it. Do what? I'll kill him. Kill Tony? Oh, no! No! No! You're joking, right? What if I was serious? Uh-uh, no. Mm-mm. I've had too much to drink. Wait a minute. Wh-Wh-Whoa. Don't go. We're just talking. Wait a minute, whoa. Where you gonna go? - I'm gonna call a cab. - There's no cabs this time of night, okay? I ought you, I'll take you home. just come on, let's go. You know, I thought we were friends. We're friends, right? You like me? - Look at me. - Don't touch me, okay? - Don't touch you? - No. You know... the things you want most you pretend you don't want, and you should really get over that. I'll tell you what. I haven't played a game since I was a little kid. Ever drive by the moonlight? Wait a minute. What are you doing? - We're driving in the dark. - No, uh-uh. Turn the lights back on. - No. No! - Let me out! I want to get out! - No! No! No! - Sit back and enjoy. Turn the lights back on! Turn the lights on! No, no! Come on! - Oh, my God! - Scared now, baby? - Yes! Yes! - Huh? Isn't this fun? - Stop it! No! - Come on! No! Stop! Slow down! Oh, my God! Hold on! Whoa! Goddamn, I'm havin' fun, Josie! - Stop! Stop! - Oh, shut up! - The gate up there! Stop! - We're going right through it. Lights out. - Oh! - No! No! - Nice catch, huh? I know what you want. - Get off of me! You wanna go inside the cabin? You know you want it, baby! Get off of me! Get off of me! Leave! You little fucking bitch! That was a really big mistake, partner. Hey, here comes the cake. Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday, dear Tony Happy birthday to you How old are you now How old... That's funny. Look at that bonfire. How old are you anyway? Yeah, why don't you test your math skills and count the candles? Forty one. Forty one? One to grow on. If he grows any more, you might divorce him. I'll have a very small piece. No, thanks. I gave that up. Make a wish. Almost, almost. The smoke from this... I got it. Ow. Thank you. For what? Well, for the nice party. For putting up with me. I blew our vacation. That was pretty stupid. Stunat'. It was selfish. Oh, just forget it, Tony. It was my fault too. No. No, it wasn't. You... You blame yourself too much. What's wrong, sweetie? Oh, another goddamn birthday. Ya! This is the big one. You know, it's... incredible. I have to tell you, I feel... I feel old. Half my life is over. How's it been? The truth? You're the only good thing that ever happened to me. Thank you. Do you remember how it was when we first met, the way we were together? Yeah, I do. I miss that. I miss those days. I do too. I would love to put the ways we hurt each other behind us... and... just wipe the slate. Do you think that's possible? You tell me. Yeah. Oh, Josie. I don't want to lose you. Good night, Stu. See you tomorrow. Good night, Mr. Potenza. Whoo! Hey, when the rain Do you remember How sweet it used to be Can't stand the rain Against my window Bringing back sweet memories I can't stand the rain - Hello? - Hey, it's me! I'm on my way home. Oh, good. I was just about to make dinner. No, don't. I had a hell of a day today. I'll tell you about it. I want to take you out to dinner tonight, and I want you to wear that sexy number that you wore at the network Christmas party. How long 'til you get here? - I'll be home in 20 minutes. - Okay. Around eight. Bye. There's just one sound That I just can't stand I can't stand the... Shut up. All right. What do you want? See the park we're coming up to? - Yeah. - Just make a left right in there. You want the car? It's yours, all right? Take it. Take the money too. - Ow! Shit! - If I want the money, I'll take the money. - Son of a... - All right, dickhead? Now get out of the car. Get out! Just come on. All right. Don't. Don't. Don't do this. You don't have to do this, man. Let's talk, all right? Piece of shit gun! My God! Help! Help me! Help me, help me. Help me! Help me! Help me! Damn! That shit's gotta hurt. Does it hurt? Huh? Come on! Why don't you just fuckin' die already, okay? Why don't you fuckin'die! Die! Come on! When you're fuckin' dead, I'm gonna go see that pretty little wife of yours. We're gonna have the best fuckin' time! No! No, don't! Don't! Don't! The mobile customer you have called is unavailable or outside the service area. Please try your call later. Tony! Tony? Hi, partner. Who are you calling this time of night? Gonna shoot me? Go on. I can't believe you were gonna do that. You know, it took the whole clip to drop that man of yours. The whole goddamn clip! And you know what I did? I took him to a park. I don't know what park. Some park. And pop, pop, pop, pop! Emptied the whole fucking clip on him. And you know, the son of a bitch would not die. - Imagine that. - No! And do me a favor. Do not sit there and act surprised, okay? Tony. You wanted it done. I did it for you! - No. - Just like we planned. You're crazy. Oh, I'm crazy? You know, you have selective fucking memory, is what you have. Don't you remember? We had dinner. We discussed... a murder. There were people milling all about. And we danced the fuckin' night away. Oh, we did, though, didn't we? And I bet you my bottom dollar... that waitress... that snoopy little waitress... I bet you she heard every goddamn thing! - Oh, yeah. - No. Without a doubt. She heard you say, I want my husband dead, and I want you to kill him. Mm-mm, no! - Then you took me back to your cabin. - Mm-mm. No! You made love to me. In my mind, anyway. You even gave me a gun. The gun from your cabin. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, you did. I'm calling the police. And what the fuck you gonna tell 'em? - I'm gonna tell 'em the truth. - Oh, the truth? The truth. Now, what is the truth? I would say the truth is that you're a greedy little bitch... who married a sugar daddy. And they will say that this little bitch has motive. And I don't. I'm calling the police. Oh, please. Give me the phone. Just give me the phone. Give me the goddamn phone! - Christ! - What is it that you want? You know, if you had been this much nicer to me, things-things would've been very different. I want 30 grand by Friday. And you have to suffer just a little bit... for the way you treated me, okay? Because the way I see it, you're just a hooker with a wedding ring. I got a feeling that's the police. So come on, get up. Get up, get up, get up. Clean yourself up. Come on. You're so pretty. Be pretty here, okay? They're gonna think it was a carjacking. You let them think it was a carjacking, all right? If you tell them about me, then we both go to jail. Okay? 'Cause I'll tell them that you were in it with me. I swear to God I'll make them believe it. Now, we're partners, right? Right? Okay, go. You, you go downstairs. You look beautiful. Go on. Wipe the tears. Mrs. Potenza? Yes? I'm Detective Dan Fredricks and this is my partner, Detective Ron Lewis. It's about your husband, ma'am. Somebody must've heard something. Nobody heard a thing. All right, come on. Man, this is fucked up. Why you guys pick me up? He's the one who rolled up on me. Man, this is fucked up! I don't know why you guys didn't arrest him too. He's gonna jam me up. Hey, can you help me? Please, help me. - Please, please! - Lady, come on. See how they treat me? Go ahead. Right in. Come on in. Sit down, Mrs. Potenza. We'll be recording this interview, with your permission. State your name for the record. Josie Potenza. Mrs. Potenza, when was the last time you spoke with your husband today? He called at about 7:45. - He called you? - Yes, he did. And he told me he'd be home in about 20 minutes. We were supposed to go out to dinner. How can you be so sure of the time? 'Cause I looked at the clock. And then? I decided to call him on his car phone. But then when I called... I didn't get an answer. Did your husband have any enemies? Outstanding debts? Disgruntled business partners? Anything like that? No. Can you think of anybody who would've benefited from his death? No, I can't. Mrs. Potenza, do you have any idea who might have killed your husband? No, I don't. I'm letting the wife go. What did you think about her? What? Think it was a real carjacking? Yeah. Don't you? Then why'd the perp leave the Caddy? The alarm scared him away. Did you get a good look at the, uh, widow Potenza? She's a shitload younger than her husband. No alibi. Alone at the time of the murder. And black. Well, that's got nothing to do with it. Spouse is always a suspect, right? You're stretchin', man. Yeah, Ron, I'm stretching. Oh, you remember that instateller receipt we found in Potenza's pocket? Yeah. What about it? I just saw the bank video. There was a guy standing directly behind him when he got his cash. Yeah. What kind of guy? A yo. In full view of the camera, a black man standing behind Potenza while he got the cash. Damn! Case closed. Don't get all sensitive, Ronnie. I'm just pointing out a fact. It might've been a local out for a run. A black man, Ron, in the Palisades? One dead white man, two black suspects. Whew! You're on a roll. Here we are. Look, if you, uh, think of anything else, just call. This is a direct line to my office, okay? Thank you. I'm sorry about everything. Well, you've been very kind. Thank you. All right, and you take care of yourself. Okay. Good night. Good night. The peace of an exclusive Los Angeles neighborhood... has been shattered by news of a utal murder. Anthony Potenza, a prominent executive at PBC Broadcasting, was shot and killed last night in Pacific Palisades. No motive is yet known for the killing, but it appears that Potenza was the victim of a carjacking. It was shortly after 8:00 p. m. last night... when Potenza stopped for cash at this instateller. Police believe the victim was accosted here, then driven to a park nearby. A violent struggle ensued, in which Potenza fought for his life... as he was shot repeatedly. No suspect is yet in custody, but police are looking to question this man. Anyone with information as to his whereabouts... is asked to call police immediately. Mr. Golden, can we please get a statement from you? When was the last time he was in your restaurant? Do the police have any idea? Is she expecting your visit, sir? Sir, can we at least get a statement? Anything I can do? Just leave, Jake. Please. No. You need a friend. You shouldn't be alone now. You don't understand. What don't I understand? I want to tell you, Jake, but I can't. It's too dangerous. Hey, come on, it's me. - No, I'm in big, big trouble. - It's all right. No, listen, I know who killed Tony, but I didn't tell the police. It's not what you think, okay? I met this guy in the mountains. I met him at a bar, and I started telling him about me and Tony and... - I didn't know the man was crazy. - Crazy? What the... He tried to rape me, Jake. So I used this gun to get him off me. Then he followed me here, and he killed Tony. And now he's trying to say that it was all my idea. He said I have to pay him $30,000 by Friday. Wait a minute, slow down. Why do you have to pay him if you had nothing to do with it? If I don't give him the money, he's gonna tell the cops that I was in on it. He's gonna say it was all my idea. He's gonna say that I paid him to kill Tony. Did you? Oh, my God! Even you think I'm guilty. Want to know what the really horrible thing here is? It's that for one minute, I wanted this to happen. But I swear to God, I didn't make it happen. Do you believe me? Of course I believe you. Listen, I... I shouldn't be here. We can't be seen together. If the police find out about us... I know. I already thought about that. - So how are you gonna get rid of him? - I'm gonna have to pay him. But I don't want you to have anything to do with it. I just want you to tell me you believe I didn't do it. Yeah, I believe you. But for God's sake, Josie, don't tell anyone else. Okay, I promise. I'll call you later, okay? Okay. Who you callin' Jake? What the hell are you doing here? What, no hello? How are you? How you been doing? You idiot. I just saw Josie. Are you out of your mind? What kind of stunt are you pulling, blackmailing her? What's this? What... does it look like? See, I been thinking. Now that I deal with Josie directly, why do I need you? Okay, you thought the plan up, but who did all the work? I did, didn't I? Didn't I? Yeah, you did, you did. You did it illiantly. So let's not blow it now. I can help you get your money. I can make sure that Josie doesn't go to the police. That would ruin everything. I need you. You need me. Got some food? Just tell me. I'm curious. I'm not challenging you. Why didn't you follow the plan? You were supposed to kill Tony in the mountains. An anonymous robbery, a simple hit. You weren't even supposed to talk to Josie. - That was the whole idea. - That's right. So what happened? What happened? Tony left. And then I found myself with this sweet little thing. Decided to have a little bit of fun. You should know about that, right? But if you'd have followed the plan that we'd agreed, to kill him and disappear... in six months she'd have married me and I could have paid you anything you wanted. We can still do it. Why don't we? Name a figure. How about if you give me $30,000? Fine. I'll take care of it. You, my friend, do not have a dime. What puts you over the edge in this place, anyway? Your overhead? This wonderful kitchen? Fantastic furniture you have? If you want to know what sunk me, it was Tony. He ought in investors who get paid... straight out of the gross, so when things are slow, like they have been lately, then the investors still get the money, but I go oke. But things are looking up, man. Soon, there'll be enough money for everyone. Then I'll pay you double. Just... Just leave Josie alone. I'll tell you what. I want her to pay me. - Why? - Because I like her. She... She said you tried to rape her. No. She wanted it so bad I could smell it. Don't fuck with me! You got what you wanted. I'm gonna get what I need. I don't wanna see you again, okay? Promise me you won't hurt her. Now, why should I promise you anything? You're just some asshole I met in a bar, right? I don't believe this crap! You have my face all over the five o'clock news... - Like I was some common criminal! - It's not really a bad picture. Look, I don't want any of your cracks. I want a formal apology. - I want you to call a press conference. - My office will be... a great place to discuss this. Why don't we step right down here and I think we... - Who is he? - Oh, hell, man. Just another yo. A neurosurgeon. A golfing buddy of the Mayor's. He's suing the whole department for defamation of character. - Jesus. - Dan, your ass is grass. My wife told me I should go in the real estate business. Too late, man. The market sucks. Unless you want to go back to walkin' the beat, I suggest we find another suspect. How did the neighborhood canvass go? Nobody heard or saw anything. If it was a 'jacking, it's cold. It may never go down. No witnesses, no fingerprints, no murder weapon. At least we got one suspect left. You don't mean you're back to the pretty young wife? It's the only concept's got any life left in it. Is either one of you guys religious? No, sir. But we deeply appreciate your prayers. Have a look at these. Maybe you won't need 'em. - Very nice. Very nice, indeed. - Wait a minute. What is she grabbin' for? Oh, I get it. Havin' a good time, fellas? - Yeah, Mrs. Golden... - Smith. I'm back to my maiden name for obvious reasons. Okay. Where'd you get the Polaroids? Glove compartment of Jake's car. Last place I looked, naturally. Mind if we keep these? My lawyer needs 'em. You can make copies. - Your lawyer? - Jake and I are in court next week. He's trying to cut my alimony. He is so bullshit. Okay, let's start at the beginning. State your name, please. My name is Nora Smith... and we've been talking about the fact that my ex-husband, Jake... has been screwing Josie Potenza for God knows how long. That level okay? - Yeah. That's fine. - I think Jake killed Tony. See, Jake is oke. Nobody knows that, but it's true. He wanted Tony's wife... and he wanted Tony's money. But he couldn't get them both in one package. Why do you say that? Because of the prenup. They had a prenup? I can't believe you didn't know about that. It's iron clad. If Josie left Tony, she wouldn't get a penny. The only answer would be for Jake... to kill Tony, and then marry Josie. Why do you think we should suspect your husband and not Mrs. Potenza? Josie doesn't owe me alimony. Excuse me. Before I go any further. Did anyone offer a reward in this case? Sorry. Shit. How could this happen? In the Palisades. In the park where my grandson plays soccer. The important thing for you to know... is that your friends are here for you. Thank you. Have you been to the bank? - No. - The accounts are all frozen. Don't take it personally. It's standard procedure when somebody dies like that. Well, how long? Not long, I hope. I wish that were the only problem. I feel personally responsible for what I'm about to say. I told Tony again and again. I warned him. Not that that's any excuse. I don't understand. What are you trying to say here, Bill? Tony didn't leave a will. As far as a legal document is concerned, he never signed a goddamn thing... apart from this prenup which is tying my hands. Tony kept everything in his name. Including real estate, bank accounts, other assets. He didn't put anything in community property. So the estate is gonna have to go through probate... before you can touch anything. How long will that take? Could be a year, maybe longer. So I have nothing? You've got your jewelry. And the car. I could help you liquidate them. A loan is always a possibility. Trust me. You're gonna be a very rich woman. Eventually. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry, Josie. What a shock. - Thank you for coming. - Call if there's anything I can do. - I'm so sorry. Anything... - Thank you. - Hey. - Hi, Corey. Smile, Jake. The police are taking your picture. What are you talking about? It's standard in a murder case to photograph everyone at the funeral. Because most people are killed by someone that they know. And trust. Well, I'm not planning anything. Maybe you are. Why bother? You don't even have life insurance! Josie, on the other hand, just hit the jackpot! - That's a disgusting thing to say. - Tony was a good friend! He doesn't deserve what he got from the people that he trusted. I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Checked your glove compartment lately? Is leather appropriate? You know, for funerals? Okay, what's he doin'? He's going back to look in the glove compartment. Oh, yeah. Right about now he's thinkin, Holy shit! What's he looking at? Now, who the hell is that? - Get a good shot of him. - I got him. Whoever he is, she ain't glad to see him. He's got his hands all over her. Look at that. Damn. Where's a good lip reader when you need 'em? Tonight at seven o'clock I want you to get in your car and drive, okay? Let you know where to go. Bring me my money. My money. What if I don't have the money? That... that wouldn't be very cool, because then I would have to kill the other one. What other one? What's his name, Jakey Boy. Remember Jake? Yeah, I know about him. I been watching you. I love you. There's something strange going on here. Listen, follow that guy. Get a shot of his license plate and don't let him see you. Okay, now where's Jake Golden? Damn! - Yes. - Hi, partner. I want you to go to Pico and Sepulveda. Make a right on Sepulveda and a right again on Sardis. Park at the end of the street and I'll be sittin' there waitin' for you. Got my money? I got your money. Right here. You really are a stupid bitch, you know that? Don't push me! I don't want to have to kill you, but I will. This is a real good place to do it. - What is this? - Give me the gun from the cabin, and I'll give you the money. - I'll give you the gun. - Uh-uh! Take off the coat and give it to me. I'll get the gun. Come on! Okay. Just relax, all right? Want the coat? Take it. - Help! Help! - Hey! What the fuck is goin' on, man? Hey, I said let her go, puto! You're psycho, man! Enough of this shit. You're next. First, let me grab my money. Don't wanna get blood on it. I'm gonna kill you! Fucking bitch! Fucking bitch! Help! Help me! Help! Shit! Goddamn it, stop! I will get you, bitch! You can't get away, whore! I'm gonna rip your fuckin' heart out! Shit! Excuse me. Josie. What happened? He tried to kill me. Oh, my God. - I'm gonna need your help, okay? - Yeah, of course, anything. - Let's go upstairs to my place. - No. I'm going to the police. - Come on. - No. You can't do that. Either you're coming with me or I'm going alone. Now, let's go. Listen, you've waited too long to go to the police. They'll never believe you. You lied to them. He's gonna kill me and he's gonna kill you. - No, he won't hurt me. - Yes he will. He's been following me. - He knows exactly who you are. - Okay, let's discuss options. Fuck it. What if we just keep driving? I'm talking about Canada, Mexico. Why not? There's plenty of money. There is no money, Jake. Tony never made a will. It's all tied up in probate. And you know what? If I had that money, I would throw it all away. That's crazy. The money is your security. It's blood money, Jake. Tony never wanted me to have it. As far as I'm concerned, he died with it. But of course Tony would have wanted you to have it! Oh, really? Then why was it all in his name? Because it was his power. Over me and over everybody. I threw my whole life away for that money. There's no way I'm going to let that influence one more decision that I make. If I take that money, I'm going to feel like I'm responsible for what happened to Tony. Now where are you going? You made a wrong turn. I'm not fucking taking you to the police station! You don't know what you're doin'! You're in terrible shape! I know exactly what I'm doing, and what I'm doing is what's right. And what's right is to never touch Tony's money. What's right is to make the man pay who killed him. We're nearly... What's right is for me to suffer the consequences... We're nearly at your house. We can go inside and discuss it there. There's nothing to discuss! Now take me to the police. No. Stop the car! Get out. I'm driving. Get out! - Give me the goddamn keys! - Josie, listen to me. Just listen, please. Cole won't hurt you. That would be stupid. He's just trying to scare you. We can handle this together. What did you say? I said he won't hurt you. He's just trying to scare you. No. That's not what you said. You said Cole won't hurt me. Well, what's the difference? I never told you his name. Yes, you did. Of course you did. Uh-uh. I never told it to you. No, Josie, wait a minute! Let me explain. Josie! Josie! Josie! Josie! Five-five-five two-one-two-one. - Who is he? - Cole Wilson, convicted felon. Kidnapping, armed robbery, drugs. Arrested in connection with the bludgeoning death of his ex-wife in 1990. Hung jury. He walked. What the hell is this guy doing talking to Josie Potenza at her husband's funeral? Guess. - Yeah. Lewis here. - Hello? Hello? Oh, shit. Josie, it's me! Josie, let me in! Cole's car is in the alley. He's out here somewhere. Josie, hurry up! Open the door. Josie, you have to trust me. He might be in the house. Open the door. Hurry up. Josie, open the... Jake! Come on. Oh, no. Come on, sweetheart, say hello to Mr. Wall! Do you like it? Is it good for you? No, no, no. Come on. Stand up. You've been playing with me, but I know what you really like. Go ahead, scream. Scream real loud. No one can hear you. Besides, I like it when you scream. It turns me on. Ugh! Oh, God. I'll kill you! I'll kill you! Argh! ! Ugh! Aaaah! Uuugh! Aaaaah! Uuuugh! Uuuh! ! You hear that? - You gonna kill me? - Only if you make me. Better go ahead, bitch. It's your last chance. You're going to make me do it. Jesus fucking Christ, do you always need someone else to pull the trigger for you? Do you? You are so fucking pathetic, you know that? Just go ahead and do it. just do it! You can't do anything on your own, can you? Go ahead! Shoot! No. I need you to tell those cops... that I'm innocent, okay? I'll tell them that you paid me to shoot your husband. It was all your fuckin' idea. Uh-uh. Bad idea. Uuuh! Uh! Move in. Slowly. That's live fire, sounds like it came from the garage. Everybody move in. Gunshots fired. - Put your gun down! - Keep your hands in the air! Turn around! Let's move! Get her beyond, go! That's exactly the way it happened. The last time you questioned me, I lied, so... you have no real reason to believe that what I'm saying is the truth. But I'm telling you the truth. I loved my husband. And I would have never done anything to hurt him. But you did kill Cole Wilson. Yes, I did. But that was in self-defense. Mrs. Potenza, is there anyone who can corroborate any part of what you just told us? No. - Fellas, the lady is amazing. - Yeah, I almost believed her. I guess I am a sucker. For a while, she had me goin' again! What a story. Know what part I liked the best? Where she just happened to run into Cole in the mountains. What a coincidence. And how she never suspected Jake until the last minute. But that was good! And how she pawns her jewelry. She had a lot of details, didn't she? She slipped up on that one. If Wilson took the $30,000, where did it go? We didn't find it on the body. - Well, she probably kept the money. - Do you think Jake... Was in on it? If he was in on it, she wouldn't have killed him. - So what do we do now? - Damned if I know. I'm almost positive she hired Cole Wilson to kill her husband... and he went out of control on her. But we can't prove a damn thing. We've got no evidence, no witnesses. - She made sure of that. - Her story makes perfect sense... as long as there's no one to refute it. So, whether we believe it or not, I'm going to have to let her go. You can't do that. She killed the Wilson guy! Yeah. And with his record, she will have no problem... pleading self-defense. Just imagine that innocent little face in front of a jury. She'll have them eating out of the palm of her hand. Come on. We gotta charge her with something! No, not without evidence. Remember that neurosurgeon? It's because of you, Danny, that I got the ACLU climbin' all over my ass. Just give us a couple of hours. There is one witness that isn't dead. - Now, who would that be? - Jake's ex-wife. - I want to ing her back. - Why? What she told us supports Mrs. Potenza's story. She said it was Jake. Yeah, but she dreamed that up to extort alimony from Jake. He can't pay now. Look. Maybe she's got one small piece of information... to help us keep the merry widow in jail. Jake is dead, and you think that Josie killed him. She is a suspect, yes. Okay, that's a mindblower. All right. Let me just get my head around this. Poor Jake. Yeah, it's a real tragedy. Yeah... He still owed me a check. We were wondering if you had any information that we should know. You were friends with Josie Potenza, weren't you? Not exactly, Detective. She was screwing my ex, remember? It's not like we hung out together. Tony was my friend. He loaned me money. So he was a good guy, was he? As long as you weren't married to him, yeah. He definitely liked the ladies. He had quite a few. So it wasn't a good marriage. Compared to what? Tony loved her. I think she loved him. So they screwed around. You don't think she loved your ex-husband. You got to be kidding me. I mean, Jake could be pretty charming... when he wanted to, but... Tony was a mensch. Josie never would have left Tony for Jake. Jake knew that. That's when he decided to kill Tony. You don't think Josie had anything to do with it? Hello-o? Did you check out her personality? I don't think so. Now, if I were married to Tony, you might have a case. Nah. Josie's not the type to commit murder. She doesn't have the guts. Or the ains. You look like shit. I had a long night. You were out of there in record time. I've had facials that took longer. You should have seen me in there. I was illiant. And they call themselves detectives? Suckers!
Have a seat. I want you to listen very carefully, Mrs. Potenza, all right? You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney... and have the attorney present during questioning. If you so desire and cannot afford one, an attorney will be provided for you without charge. Do you understand each of these rights? Yes. Do you wish to give up your right to remain silent? Yes, I do. Do you wish to give up your right to speak with an attorney? Yes. I don't need to speak with an attorney. I just want to tell the truth. It all started about three weeks ago. My husband's house. Tony and I had been fighting. I'm not gonna lie about that. There were problems in our marriage... and we both were at fault. He was going out. He was meeting his girlfriend. And we both knew that I knew. It seemed like all we did was hurt each other. And that night it was especially bad because Tony was drinking. And when he drank, he could be very mean. Tony, go easy tonight, please. You know, I'd like to get some someday. Doesn't have to be today, but, you know, someday... if it's not too much trouble. So that night I decided... if I couldn't make him stop lying to me, at least I'd stop lying to him. Is something wrong? Come on. Sit down. This is killing me. I can't keep going on like this. Leave him. I can't. I'll take care of you. It's more complicated than that. Despite everything, Tony does love me. He's got a funny way of showing it. I didn't see you saying that when he was helping you find investors for the restaurant... or when he loaned your ex-wife money. That was way below the belt. Jake... I'm sorry. I can't play second best forever. It's not my style. That's why this has gotta be the last time. I don't want to hurt you, and I don't want to hurt Tony. I love you. What am I supposed to do about it? I'm sorry. You're sorry? We're both gonna have to try here... and I'm willing to go first. What exactly is it that you want me to do? Be nice. Okay, I will. I'll try. And if I'm nice, will you do something for me? Stop drinking, Tony. It scares me, and it's not good for you. I know. Will you try? Yes... I will. I'll try. Now will you do one more thing for me? Will you take me on a trip? just me and you alone, away. Josie, the timing is terrible. It's impossible right now. The new pilots are shit. The fall season is upside down, sideways. I don't know what I'm gonna do. Please. Please. - All right. - Thank you. There's nothing I wouldn't do for you, baby. - Howdy. - Hi. - Where you headed? - Merv Gardener's place, Norman's Pond. - You know where that is? - Yep. Get in. You got a key to that gate? Merv didn't mention anything about it. That's a problem. I can't believe this. Why didn't you find out we needed a key to the gate? It's not like you have anything to do with your time but go shopping. This whole trip was your idea. It's your responsibility. Can't you do anything right? Tony, we just got here. Please don't ruin our vacation. Tony! It's ready! Tony! So what do they want to do now? Shuffle the whole schedule? No, goddamn it! Goddamn it, no! That is exactly the wrong thing to do. Bullshit! Absolutely not! Well, look, I'll tell you what you can do. You can send the damn plane. How about that? All right, I understand. Yes. What about Arnie? He's in New York. Great. Oh, what about Frank? All right, listen, why don't you give me an hour and then call me back? All right? Let me sort this out. Thanks. Why don't you just go? - It's the best thing for both of us. - What about you? I'm gonna stay. One of these days Planning on a change - What can I get you, sweetie? - Dewars, straight up. One of these days Planning on a change You'll try him out, lady - Thank you. After a while Ya gonna be mine Gonna be mine One of these days On one of these lonely days Try, try, try It won't be long, long Planning on a change Planning on a change Change, change, change Oh, my God. You okay? My Jeep died. Where you headed? Norman's Pond. Well, jump in. I'll give you a lift. Okay. I mean, if you want to stay out here and freeze all night, it's up to you. - It's fine by me. - Josie Potenza. Cole Wilson. You look like you're freezing to death. Why don't you put this on? Thank you. Come on. That's really sweet, but you don't have to do that. No, no, no, it's okay. My mother would die if I didn't walk you to the door. You don't need anything else? No, I'm fine. Thank you. All right. Well, look, I'll come back tomorrow and fix the Jeep. Really, I can handle it myself. Look, all right. It's no big deal. It'll save you a tow. Okay. Yeah? - Here, want your coat? - All right. Thanks. So long. Coil was off your distributor. Go give it a try. There you go. I'm impressed. What do I owe you? Why don't you have dinner with me? I told you, I'm married. Yeah. To a guy who runs off and leaves you in the middle of nowhere. He had a very important business meeting. What could be more important than you? I'll pick you up at 8:00. Okay. The look on your face tells me where you've been And every time you walk out of that door I act a fool to let you back in You're not the only one paying rent Before I get burned you need to understand There'll be some pain Some shame - What's wrong? - That was a mistake. It went too far. Dinner's my limit, just like I said. You want to tell me why? I think I've told you several times now. Would you like something else? Uh, you... No. You know, really, you're better off anyway. I'm pretty messed up. My father used to say, when a woman doesn't want to make love to you, they usually tell you the story of their life, so why don't you? - I'll pass. - No, I mean it. Tell me, you know. How long you been married? Seven years. Is he rich? Yeah. How'd I guess? He must've met you when you were a baby. Actually, I was 17. - Hmm. - A runaway, high school dropout. I was lonely, scared, dead oke. - Out there on the edge, you know? - Yeah. I got a job in a grocery store, working as a cashier. Men were always coming in, trying to pick me up, and I guess... I didn't have a very high opinion of myself. - You know what I'm saying? - Little bit. So one night Tony came in, and... to me he looked like a god in a thousand-dollar suit. Sweet. And on our first date, he asked me to marry him. I said yes. Uh-huh, a regular fucking fairy tale. The prince loved you, and, well, you loved his money. No, really, that's not what happened. I loved Tony... and I still do... love my husband. You know, for some reason, I think you're bullshitting me. Okay? Why don't you just tell me the truth? You used him, and now you're sick of him. Why be so greedy? Why don't you just, uh, divorce his ass and collect half the money? No, I can't do that. I signed this paper... that said if I leave him, I get nothing. See? He's a real smart guy. You know, excuse me for saying so, but he didn't even trust you when he married you. If someone made me sign a piece of paper, that would piss me off. And I would really, really hate them for that. You gotta hate him. You gotta really, really hate him, don't you? You do hate him, don't you? Sometimes I do. Sometimes... I wish he... Sometimes, what? I wish he were dead. Look, let's say you could have that, okay? Let's say Tony was out in the car one day, goes off to work and he just never comes home. And there you are, poor little Josie, the widow. A certain period of time goes by. Nobody blames you... because you're young, you're beautiful. Tony was a schmuck to begin with. You get the house, you get the cash. I mean, baby, you have it all. Perfect solution. I'll do it. Do what? I'll kill him. Kill Tony? Oh, no! No! No! You're joking, right? What if I was serious? Uh-uh, no. Mm-mm. I've had too much to drink. Wait a minute. Wh-Wh-Whoa. Don't go. We're just talking. Wait a minute, whoa. Where you gonna go? - I'm gonna call a cab. - There's no cabs this time of night, okay? I ought you, I'll take you home. just come on, let's go. You know, I thought we were friends. We're friends, right? You like me? - Look at me. - Don't touch me, okay? - Don't touch you? - No. You know... the things you want most you pretend you don't want, and you should really get over that. I'll tell you what. I haven't played a game since I was a little kid. Ever drive by the moonlight? Wait a minute. What are you doing? - We're driving in the dark. - No, uh-uh. Turn the lights back on. - No. No! - Let me out! I want to get out! - No! No! No! - Sit back and enjoy. Turn the lights back on! Turn the lights on! No, no! Come on! - Oh, my God! - Scared now, baby? - Yes! Yes! - Huh? Isn't this fun? - Stop it! No! - Come on! No! Stop! Slow down! Oh, my God! Hold on! Whoa! Goddamn, I'm havin' fun, Josie! - Stop! Stop! - Oh, shut up! - The gate up there! Stop! - We're going right through it. Lights out. - Oh! - No! No! - Nice catch, huh? I know what you want. - Get off of me! You wanna go inside the cabin? You know you want it, baby! Get off of me! Get off of me! Leave! You little fucking bitch! That was a really big mistake, partner. Hey, here comes the cake. Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday, dear Tony Happy birthday to you How old are you now How old... That's funny. Look at that bonfire. How old are you anyway? Yeah, why don't you test your math skills and count the candles? Forty one. Forty one? One to grow on. If he grows any more, you might divorce him. I'll have a very small piece. No, thanks. I gave that up. Make a wish. Almost, almost. The smoke from this... I got it. Ow. Thank you. For what? Well, for the nice party. For putting up with me. I blew our vacation. That was pretty stupid. Stunat'. It was selfish. Oh, just forget it, Tony. It was my fault too. No. No, it wasn't. You... You blame yourself too much. What's wrong, sweetie? Oh, another goddamn birthday. Ya! This is the big one. You know, it's... incredible. I have to tell you, I feel... I feel old. Half my life is over. How's it been? The truth? You're the only good thing that ever happened to me. Thank you. Do you remember how it was when we first met, the way we were together? Yeah, I do. I miss that. I miss those days. I do too. I would love to put the ways we hurt each other behind us... and... just wipe the slate. Do you think that's possible? You tell me. Yeah. Oh, Josie. I don't want to lose you. Good night, Stu. See you tomorrow. Good night, Mr. Potenza. Whoo! Hey, when the rain Do you remember How sweet it used to be Can't stand the rain Against my window Bringing back sweet memories I can't stand the rain - Hello? - Hey, it's me! I'm on my way home. Oh, good. I was just about to make dinner. No, don't. I had a hell of a day today. I'll tell you about it. I want to take you out to dinner tonight, and I want you to wear that sexy number that you wore at the network Christmas party. How long 'til you get here? - I'll be home in 20 minutes. - Okay. Around eight. Bye. There's just one sound That I just can't stand I can't stand the... Shut up. All right. What do you want? See the park we're coming up to? - Yeah. - Just make a left right in there. You want the car? It's yours, all right? Take it. Take the money too. - Ow! Shit! - If I want the money, I'll take the money. - Son of a... - All right, dickhead? Now get out of the car. Get out! Just come on. All right. Don't. Don't. Don't do this. You don't have to do this, man. Let's talk, all right? Piece of shit gun! My God! Help! Help me! Help me, help me. Help me! Help me! Help me! Damn! That shit's gotta hurt. Does it hurt? Huh? Come on! Why don't you just fuckin' die already, okay? Why don't you fuckin'die! Die! Come on! When you're fuckin' dead, I'm gonna go see that pretty little wife of yours. We're gonna have the best fuckin' time! No! No, don't! Don't! Don't! The mobile customer you have called is unavailable or outside the service area. Please try your call later. Tony! Tony? Hi, partner. Who are you calling this time of night? Gonna shoot me? Go on. I can't believe you were gonna do that. You know, it took the whole clip to drop that man of yours. The whole goddamn clip! And you know what I did? I took him to a park. I don't know what park. Some park. And pop, pop, pop, pop! Emptied the whole fucking clip on him. And you know, the son of a bitch would not die. - Imagine that. - No! And do me a favor. Do not sit there and act surprised, okay? Tony. You wanted it done. I did it for you! - No. - Just like we planned. You're crazy. Oh, I'm crazy? You know, you have selective fucking memory, is what you have. Don't you remember? We had dinner. We discussed... a murder. There were people milling all about. And we danced the fuckin' night away. Oh, we did, though, didn't we? And I bet you my bottom dollar... that waitress... that snoopy little waitress... I bet you she heard every goddamn thing! - Oh, yeah. - No. Without a doubt. She heard you say, I want my husband dead, and I want you to kill him. Mm-mm, no! - Then you took me back to your cabin. - Mm-mm. No! You made love to me. In my mind, anyway. You even gave me a gun. The gun from your cabin. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, you did. I'm calling the police. And what the fuck you gonna tell 'em? - I'm gonna tell 'em the truth. - Oh, the truth? The truth. Now, what is the truth? I would say the truth is that you're a greedy little bitch... who married a sugar daddy. And they will say that this little bitch has motive. And I don't. I'm calling the police. Oh, please. Give me the phone. Just give me the phone. Give me the goddamn phone! - Christ! - What is it that you want? You know, if you had been this much nicer to me, things-things would've been very different. I want 30 grand by Friday. And you have to suffer just a little bit... for the way you treated me, okay? Because the way I see it, you're just a hooker with a wedding ring. I got a feeling that's the police. So come on, get up. Get up, get up, get up. Clean yourself up. Come on. You're so pretty. Be pretty here, okay? They're gonna think it was a carjacking. You let them think it was a carjacking, all right? If you tell them about me, then we both go to jail. Okay? 'Cause I'll tell them that you were in it with me. I swear to God I'll make them believe it. Now, we're partners, right? Right? Okay, go. You, you go downstairs. You look beautiful. Go on. Wipe the tears. Mrs. Potenza? Yes? I'm Detective Dan Fredricks and this is my partner, Detective Ron Lewis. It's about your husband, ma'am. Somebody must've heard something. Nobody heard a thing. All right, come on. Man, this is fucked up. Why you guys pick me up? He's the one who rolled up on me. Man, this is fucked up! I don't know why you guys didn't arrest him too. He's gonna jam me up. Hey, can you help me? Please, help me. - Please, please! - Lady, come on. See how they treat me? Go ahead. Right in. Come on in. Sit down, Mrs. Potenza. We'll be recording this interview, with your permission. State your name for the record. Josie Potenza. Mrs. Potenza, when was the last time you spoke with your husband today? He called at about 7:45. - He called you? - Yes, he did. And he told me he'd be home in about 20 minutes. We were supposed to go out to dinner. How can you be so sure of the time? 'Cause I looked at the clock. And then? I decided to call him on his car phone. But then when I called... I didn't get an answer. Did your husband have any enemies? Outstanding debts? Disgruntled business partners? Anything like that? No. Can you think of anybody who would've benefited from his death? No, I can't. Mrs. Potenza, do you have any idea who might have killed your husband? No, I don't. I'm letting the wife go. What did you think about her? What? Think it was a real carjacking? Yeah. Don't you? Then why'd the perp leave the Caddy? The alarm scared him away. Did you get a good look at the, uh, widow Potenza? She's a shitload younger than her husband. No alibi. Alone at the time of the murder. And black. Well, that's got nothing to do with it. Spouse is always a suspect, right? You're stretchin', man. Yeah, Ron, I'm stretching. Oh, you remember that instateller receipt we found in Potenza's pocket? Yeah. What about it? I just saw the bank video. There was a guy standing directly behind him when he got his cash. Yeah. What kind of guy? A yo. In full view of the camera, a black man standing behind Potenza while he got the cash. Damn! Case closed. Don't get all sensitive, Ronnie. I'm just pointing out a fact. It might've been a local out for a run. A black man, Ron, in the Palisades? One dead white man, two black suspects. Whew! You're on a roll. Here we are. Look, if you, uh, think of anything else, just call. This is a direct line to my office, okay? Thank you. I'm sorry about everything. Well, you've been very kind. Thank you. All right, and you take care of yourself. Okay. Good night. Good night. The peace of an exclusive Los Angeles neighborhood... has been shattered by news of a utal murder. Anthony Potenza, a prominent executive at PBC Broadcasting, was shot and killed last night in Pacific Palisades. No motive is yet known for the killing, but it appears that Potenza was the victim of a carjacking. It was shortly after 8:00 p. m. last night... when Potenza stopped for cash at this instateller. Police believe the victim was accosted here, then driven to a park nearby. A violent struggle ensued, in which Potenza fought for his life... as he was shot repeatedly. No suspect is yet in custody, but police are looking to question this man. Anyone with information as to his whereabouts... is asked to call police immediately. Mr. Golden, can we please get a statement from you? When was the last time he was in your restaurant? Do the police have any idea? Is she expecting your visit, sir? Sir, can we at least get a statement? Anything I can do? Just leave, Jake. Please. No. You need a friend. You shouldn't be alone now. You don't understand. What don't I understand? I want to tell you, Jake, but I can't. It's too dangerous. Hey, come on, it's me. - No, I'm in big, big trouble. - It's all right. No, listen, I know who killed Tony, but I didn't tell the police. It's not what you think, okay? I met this guy in the mountains. I met him at a bar, and I started telling him about me and Tony and... - I didn't know the man was crazy. - Crazy? What the... He tried to rape me, Jake. So I used this gun to get him off me. Then he followed me here, and he killed Tony. And now he's trying to say that it was all my idea. He said I have to pay him $30,000 by Friday. Wait a minute, slow down. Why do you have to pay him if you had nothing to do with it? If I don't give him the money, he's gonna tell the cops that I was in on it. He's gonna say it was all my idea. He's gonna say that I paid him to kill Tony. Did you? Oh, my God! Even you think I'm guilty. Want to know what the really horrible thing here is? It's that for one minute, I wanted this to happen. But I swear to God, I didn't make it happen. Do you believe me? Of course I believe you. Listen, I... I shouldn't be here. We can't be seen together. If the police find out about us... I know. I already thought about that. - So how are you gonna get rid of him? - I'm gonna have to pay him. But I don't want you to have anything to do with it. I just want you to tell me you believe I didn't do it. Yeah, I believe you. But for God's sake, Josie, don't tell anyone else. Okay, I promise. I'll call you later, okay? Okay. Who you callin' Jake? What the hell are you doing here? What, no hello? How are you? How you been doing? You idiot. I just saw Josie. Are you out of your mind? What kind of stunt are you pulling, blackmailing her? What's this? What... does it look like? See, I been thinking. Now that I deal with Josie directly, why do I need you? Okay, you thought the plan up, but who did all the work? I did, didn't I? Didn't I? Yeah, you did, you did. You did it illiantly. So let's not blow it now. I can help you get your money. I can make sure that Josie doesn't go to the police. That would ruin everything. I need you. You need me. Got some food? Just tell me. I'm curious. I'm not challenging you. Why didn't you follow the plan? You were supposed to kill Tony in the mountains. An anonymous robbery, a simple hit. You weren't even supposed to talk to Josie. - That was the whole idea. - That's right. So what happened? What happened? Tony left. And then I found myself with this sweet little thing. Decided to have a little bit of fun. You should know about that, right? But if you'd have followed the plan that we'd agreed, to kill him and disappear... in six months she'd have married me and I could have paid you anything you wanted. We can still do it. Why don't we? Name a figure. How about if you give me $30,000? Fine. I'll take care of it. You, my friend, do not have a dime. What puts you over the edge in this place, anyway? Your overhead? This wonderful kitchen? Fantastic furniture you have? If you want to know what sunk me, it was Tony. He ought in investors who get paid... straight out of the gross, so when things are slow, like they have been lately, then the investors still get the money, but I go oke. But things are looking up, man. Soon, there'll be enough money for everyone. Then I'll pay you double. Just... Just leave Josie alone. I'll tell you what. I want her to pay me. - Why? - Because I like her. She... She said you tried to rape her. No. She wanted it so bad I could smell it. Don't fuck with me! You got what you wanted. I'm gonna get what I need. I don't wanna see you again, okay? Promise me you won't hurt her. Now, why should I promise you anything? You're just some asshole I met in a bar, right? I don't believe this crap! You have my face all over the five o'clock news... - Like I was some common criminal! - It's not really a bad picture. Look, I don't want any of your cracks. I want a formal apology. - I want you to call a press conference. - My office will be... a great place to discuss this. Why don't we step right down here and I think we... - Who is he? - Oh, hell, man. Just another yo. A neurosurgeon. A golfing buddy of the Mayor's. He's suing the whole department for defamation of character. - Jesus. - Dan, your ass is grass. My wife told me I should go in the real estate business. Too late, man. The market sucks. Unless you want to go back to walkin' the beat, I suggest we find another suspect. How did the neighborhood canvass go? Nobody heard or saw anything. If it was a 'jacking, it's cold. It may never go down. No witnesses, no fingerprints, no murder weapon. At least we got one suspect left. You don't mean you're back to the pretty young wife? It's the only concept's got any life left in it. Is either one of you guys religious? No, sir. But we deeply appreciate your prayers. Have a look at these. Maybe you won't need 'em. - Very nice. Very nice, indeed. - Wait a minute. What is she grabbin' for? Oh, I get it. Havin' a good time, fellas? - Yeah, Mrs. Golden... - Smith. I'm back to my maiden name for obvious reasons. Okay. Where'd you get the Polaroids? Glove compartment of Jake's car. Last place I looked, naturally. Mind if we keep these? My lawyer needs 'em. You can make copies. - Your lawyer? - Jake and I are in court next week. He's trying to cut my alimony. He is so bullshit. Okay, let's start at the beginning. State your name, please. My name is Nora Smith... and we've been talking about the fact that my ex-husband, Jake... has been screwing Josie Potenza for God knows how long. That level okay? - Yeah. That's fine. - I think Jake killed Tony. See, Jake is oke. Nobody knows that, but it's true. He wanted Tony's wife... and he wanted Tony's money. But he couldn't get them both in one package. Why do you say that? Because of the prenup. They had a prenup? I can't believe you didn't know about that. It's iron clad. If Josie left Tony, she wouldn't get a penny. The only answer would be for Jake... to kill Tony, and then marry Josie. Why do you think we should suspect your husband and not Mrs. Potenza? Josie doesn't owe me alimony. Excuse me. Before I go any further. Did anyone offer a reward in this case? Sorry. Shit. How could this happen? In the Palisades. In the park where my grandson plays soccer. The important thing for you to know... is that your friends are here for you. Thank you. Have you been to the bank? - No. - The accounts are all frozen. Don't take it personally. It's standard procedure when somebody dies like that. Well, how long? Not long, I hope. I wish that were the only problem. I feel personally responsible for what I'm about to say. I told Tony again and again. I warned him. Not that that's any excuse. I don't understand. What are you trying to say here, Bill? Tony didn't leave a will. As far as a legal document is concerned, he never signed a goddamn thing... apart from this prenup which is tying my hands. Tony kept everything in his name. Including real estate, bank accounts, other assets. He didn't put anything in community property. So the estate is gonna have to go through probate... before you can touch anything. How long will that take? Could be a year, maybe longer. So I have nothing? You've got your jewelry. And the car. I could help you liquidate them. A loan is always a possibility. Trust me. You're gonna be a very rich woman. Eventually. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry, Josie. What a shock. - Thank you for coming. - Call if there's anything I can do. - I'm so sorry. Anything... - Thank you. - Hey. - Hi, Corey. Smile, Jake. The police are taking your picture. What are you talking about? It's standard in a murder case to photograph everyone at the funeral. Because most people are killed by someone that they know. And trust. Well, I'm not planning anything. Maybe you are. Why bother? You don't even have life insurance! Josie, on the other hand, just hit the jackpot! - That's a disgusting thing to say. - Tony was a good friend! He doesn't deserve what he got from the people that he trusted. I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Checked your glove compartment lately? Is leather appropriate? You know, for funerals? Okay, what's he doin'? He's going back to look in the glove compartment. Oh, yeah. Right about now he's thinkin, Holy shit! What's he looking at? Now, who the hell is that? - Get a good shot of him. - I got him. Whoever he is, she ain't glad to see him. He's got his hands all over her. Look at that. Damn. Where's a good lip reader when you need 'em? Tonight at seven o'clock I want you to get in your car and drive, okay? Let you know where to go. Bring me my money. My money. What if I don't have the money? That... that wouldn't be very cool, because then I would have to kill the other one. What other one? What's his name, Jakey Boy. Remember Jake? Yeah, I know about him. I been watching you. I love you. There's something strange going on here. Listen, follow that guy. Get a shot of his license plate and don't let him see you. Okay, now where's Jake Golden? Damn! - Yes. - Hi, partner. I want you to go to Pico and Sepulveda. Make a right on Sepulveda and a right again on Sardis. Park at the end of the street and I'll be sittin' there waitin' for you. Got my money? I got your money. Right here. You really are a stupid bitch, you know that? Don't push me! I don't want to have to kill you, but I will. This is a real good place to do it. - What is this? - Give me the gun from the cabin, and I'll give you the money. - I'll give you the gun. - Uh-uh! Take off the coat and give it to me. I'll get the gun. Come on! Okay. Just relax, all right? Want the coat? Take it. - Help! Help! - Hey! What the fuck is goin' on, man? Hey, I said let her go, puto! You're psycho, man! Enough of this shit. You're next. First, let me grab my money. Don't wanna get blood on it. I'm gonna kill you! Fucking bitch! Fucking bitch! Help! Help me! Help! Shit! Goddamn it, stop! I will get you, bitch! You can't get away, whore! I'm gonna rip your fuckin' heart out! Shit! Excuse me. Josie. What happened? He tried to kill me. Oh, my God. - I'm gonna need your help, okay? - Yeah, of course, anything. - Let's go upstairs to my place. - No. I'm going to the police. - Come on. - No. You can't do that. Either you're coming with me or I'm going alone. Now, let's go. Listen, you've waited too long to go to the police. They'll never believe you. You lied to them. He's gonna kill me and he's gonna kill you. - No, he won't hurt me. - Yes he will. He's been following me. - He knows exactly who you are. - Okay, let's discuss options. Fuck it. What if we just keep driving? I'm talking about Canada, Mexico. Why not? There's plenty of money. There is no money, Jake. Tony never made a will. It's all tied up in probate. And you know what? If I had that money, I would throw it all away. That's crazy. The money is your security. It's blood money, Jake. Tony never wanted me to have it. As far as I'm concerned, he died with it. But of course Tony would have wanted you to have it! Oh, really? Then why was it all in his name? Because it was his power. Over me and over everybody. I threw my whole life away for that money. There's no way I'm going to let that influence one more decision that I make. If I take that money, I'm going to feel like I'm responsible for what happened to Tony. Now where are you going? You made a wrong turn. I'm not fucking taking you to the police station! You don't know what you're doin'! You're in terrible shape! I know exactly what I'm doing, and what I'm doing is what's right. And what's right is to never touch Tony's money. What's right is to make the man pay who killed him. We're nearly... What's right is for me to suffer the consequences... We're nearly at your house. We can go inside and discuss it there. There's nothing to discuss! Now take me to the police. No. Stop the car! Get out. I'm driving. Get out! - Give me the goddamn keys! - Josie, listen to me. Just listen, please. Cole won't hurt you. That would be stupid. He's just trying to scare you. We can handle this together. What did you say? I said he won't hurt you. He's just trying to scare you. No. That's not what you said. You said Cole won't hurt me. Well, what's the difference? I never told you his name. Yes, you did. Of course you did. Uh-uh. I never told it to you. No, Josie, wait a minute! Let me explain. Josie! Josie! Josie! Josie! Five-five-five two-one-two-one. - Who is he? - Cole Wilson, convicted felon. Kidnapping, armed robbery, drugs. Arrested in connection with the bludgeoning death of his ex-wife in 1990. Hung jury. He walked. What the hell is this guy doing talking to Josie Potenza at her husband's funeral? Guess. - Yeah. Lewis here. - Hello? Hello? Oh, shit. Josie, it's me! Josie, let me in! Cole's car is in the alley. He's out here somewhere. Josie, hurry up! Open the door. Josie, you have to trust me. He might be in the house. Open the door. Hurry up. Josie, open the... Jake! Come on. Oh, no. Come on, sweetheart, say hello to Mr. Wall! Do you like it? Is it good for you? No, no, no. Come on. Stand up. You've been playing with me, but I know what you really like. Go ahead, scream. Scream real loud. No one can hear you. Besides, I like it when you scream. It turns me on. Ugh! Oh, God. I'll kill you! I'll kill you! Argh! ! Ugh! Aaaah! Uuugh! Aaaaah! Uuuugh! Uuuh! ! You hear that? - You gonna kill me? - Only if you make me. Better go ahead, bitch. It's your last chance. You're going to make me do it. Jesus fucking Christ, do you always need someone else to pull the trigger for you? Do you? You are so fucking pathetic, you know that? Just go ahead and do it. just do it! You can't do anything on your own, can you? Go ahead! Shoot! No. I need you to tell those cops... that I'm innocent, okay? I'll tell them that you paid me to shoot your husband. It was all your fuckin' idea. Uh-uh. Bad idea. Uuuh! Uh! Move in. Slowly. That's live fire, sounds like it came from the garage. Everybody move in. Gunshots fired. - Put your gun down! - Keep your hands in the air! Turn around! Let's move! Get her beyond, go! That's exactly the way it happened. The last time you questioned me, I lied, so... you have no real reason to believe that what I'm saying is the truth. But I'm telling you the truth. I loved my husband. And I would have never done anything to hurt him. But you did kill Cole Wilson. Yes, I did. But that was in self-defense. Mrs. Potenza, is there anyone who can corroborate any part of what you just told us? No. - Fellas, the lady is amazing. - Yeah, I almost believed her. I guess I am a sucker. For a while, she had me goin' again! What a story. Know what part I liked the best? Where she just happened to run into Cole in the mountains. What a coincidence. And how she never suspected Jake until the last minute. But that was good! And how she pawns her jewelry. She had a lot of details, didn't she? She slipped up on that one. If Wilson took the $30,000, where did it go? We didn't find it on the body. - Well, she probably kept the money. - Do you think Jake... Was in on it? If he was in on it, she wouldn't have killed him. - So what do we do now? - Damned if I know. I'm almost positive she hired Cole Wilson to kill her husband... and he went out of control on her. But we can't prove a damn thing. We've got no evidence, no witnesses. - She made sure of that. - Her story makes perfect sense... as long as there's no one to refute it. So, whether we believe it or not, I'm going to have to let her go. You can't do that. She killed the Wilson guy! Yeah. And with his record, she will have no problem... pleading self-defense. Just imagine that innocent little face in front of a jury. She'll have them eating out of the palm of her hand. Come on. We gotta charge her with something! No, not without evidence. Remember that neurosurgeon? It's because of you, Danny, that I got the ACLU climbin' all over my ass. Just give us a couple of hours. There is one witness that isn't dead. - Now, who would that be? - Jake's ex-wife. - I want to ing her back. - Why? What she told us supports Mrs. Potenza's story. She said it was Jake. Yeah, but she dreamed that up to extort alimony from Jake. He can't pay now. Look. Maybe she's got one small piece of information... to help us keep the merry widow in jail. Jake is dead, and you think that Josie killed him. She is a suspect, yes. Okay, that's a mindblower. All right. Let me just get my head around this. Poor Jake. Yeah, it's a real tragedy. Yeah... He still owed me a check. We were wondering if you had any information that we should know. You were friends with Josie Potenza, weren't you? Not exactly, Detective. She was screwing my ex, remember? It's not like we hung out together. Tony was my friend. He loaned me money. So he was a good guy, was he? As long as you weren't married to him, yeah. He definitely liked the ladies. He had quite a few. So it wasn't a good marriage. Compared to what? Tony loved her. I think she loved him. So they screwed around. You don't think she loved your ex-husband. You got to be kidding me. I mean, Jake could be pretty charming... when he wanted to, but... Tony was a mensch. Josie never would have left Tony for Jake. Jake knew that. That's when he decided to kill Tony. You don't think Josie had anything to do with it? Hello-o? Did you check out her personality? I don't think so. Now, if I were married to Tony, you might have a case. Nah. Josie's not the type to commit murder. She doesn't have the guts. Or the ains. You look like shit. I had a long night. You were out of there in record time. I've had facials that took longer. You should have seen me in there. I was illiant. And they call themselves detectives? Suckers!
MARTIAL There was a legend that Kwok Ching and his wife, Wong Yung, got the Condor Hero, Yeung Guo's Heavy Iron Sword. They mixed it with fine gold and forged into a sword and saber. One is called Dragon Slaying Saber and the other is Heaven Reliant Sword. They also wrote all they've learned together with Yue Fei's tactics and the secret of the most powerful martial art manual, Nine Yin Manual, and hid them inside the swords. Whoever gets it could rule the world of martial arts. -The supreme martial arts community. -The supreme martial arts community. -The supreme martial arts community. -The supreme martial arts community. -The supreme martial arts community. -The supreme martial arts community. Thus, no matter evil or virtuous, in order to get these two all-powerful weapons, a lot of bloodshed spilled. Gradually, two conflicting groups were formed. One of the groups was Central Plain's six major sects, headed by Shaolin. Shaolin. Wudang. Emei. Kunlun. Kongtong. Mount Hua. The other group was those who came from Persia, who practice zoroastrianism. They called themselves the Ming Cult. But they were called as the demonic cult by others. They are a mysterious group. They create chaos and always go against the Yuan Dynasty. The headquarters is on Bright Peak. The cult has four Guardian Kings consist of Purple, White, Golden, and Green. Their martial arts are the best. They are Purple Dress Dragon King, White Brows Eagle King, Golden Haired Lion King, and Green Winged Bat King. The two groups were strongly against each other. Their disciples couldn't make friends with each other. Those who failed to obey it would be killed. However, the fifth disciple of Wudang's Chang San-fung, Chang Tsui-san, was a righteous hero and disregarded unreasonable rules. He fell in love with Yan So-so, the daughter of White Brows Eagle King. He even became blood others with Tse Shun, Golden Haired Lion King. Golden Haired Lion King's master, Shing Kwun, slaughtered Tse Shun's family in order to help Yuan Dynasty eliminate Ming Cult. Tse Shun went all out in seizing the Dragon Slaying Saber to avenge his family. He killed many disciples from the six major sects. Tsui-san and So-so didn't want others to know Tse Shun's whereabouts. So they went to a faraway land, Ice Fire Island, with Tse Shun, and lived in seclusion. Although Tse Shun got the sword, he couldn't understand the secret of the Dragon Slaying Saber. Until the 100th birthday of Chang San-fung, Tsui-san ought his wife and his son, Mo-gei, back to Wudang Mountains for his master's birthday. -Give me that. -It's one dollar. Next one... Candied fruit snack! I want it. -Please give me one. -All right. Mo-gei, enjoy it. -Thank you, Mother. -Let's go. I asked you not to come down. We're at the base of Wudang Mountains. I think we'll be fine. It's hard to tell. For Dragon Slaying Saber, they're willing to do anything. Father, why do they want Godfather's Dragon Slaying Saber? I've told you many times. Don't mention your godfather's name. Do you understand? I won't do it again. Remember. No matter who asks about your godfather, no matter how they force you, don't say a word about your godfather's whereabouts. -Can you remember this? -Yes. You once said that we can never betray our friends or it would be non-righteous. Good boy. I think Master would like you. Is Grandmaster fierce? He's the kindest one among the kindest. Chang Tsui-san. It hurts. It's Yunming Banshee Night Cry. It'll affect one's mind. Resist it with your inner power or you'll be hypnotized and lose your mind. Who are you? Please show yourself. Yunming Divine Palm? Mo-gei! Mother! Are you two the infamous Yunming Elders? Chang Tsui-san! If you want your son back, tell us where Golden Haired Lion King is hiding now! Stop dreaming. If we hit your son with Yunming Divine Palm, what do you think would happen? How dare you? The kid is innocent. Why do you have to mistreat this kid? If you let him go, Wudang and Ming Cult would remember your kindness. Are you threatening me with Wudang and Ming Cult? Even if that old jerk, Chang San-fung, came here, I wouldn't be scared. Are you really not scared? -Master. -Master. I, Chang San-fung, beg you to let the boy go. The fearful Chang San-fung is just a fatty. Your reputation precedes you. That's right. My reputation was exaggerated by the other kind folks. I'm not a big deal. Fatty. If you're afraid of our Yunming Divine Palm, -ask your disciple to tell us -Father. where Tse Shun is. Sure. Tsui-san, tell them then. Master, Tse Shun is my blood other. If I betrayed him, I'd be unrighteous and disloyal. You're right. You can't be unrighteous and disloyal. How could you face others then? Please give us a chance then. Old man, step aside if you don't want to die. Or you'll die on your 100th birthday. Sighing is useless. You assholes! I shouldn't quarrel or get angry on my 100th birthday. You two forced me to eak my rule. I must teach you a good lesson. Bat-yung! If you hit my disciple's son once, I'll hit him 100 times. Dear, your master is so hot-tempered. He has always been hot-tempered. Okay, let's release the hostages together. Okay, I don't think you would pull off a stunt. One. Two. Three. Mo-gei! Mo-gei. -Watch out! -Let's go. Yunming Divine Palm? Mo-gei. Take Mo-gei to Shaolin now. My bad. Take him to Wudang. I'll get the antidote from those two guys. ZAN-MOU HALL That's enough! If we continue, Mo-gei will die due to oken meridians. Cut. Mo-gei. Mo-gei. Yuen-kiu, how is he? Yunming Divine Palm is really powerful. I think we have to wait for Master's antidote. What about Mo-gei? Mother. It hurts so much. Don't worry, Mo-gei. Here are some candied fruit snacks. Eat one and taste it if you feel pain, so you won't feel pain anymore, all right? We're here to report. The representatives of Shaolin, Emei, Kongtong, Mount Hua, and Kunlun are approaching. Using Master's birthday as an excuse, they want Tsui-san to reveal Golden Haired Lion King's whereabouts. ZAN-MOU HALL Today is the 100th birthday of my master. He told us not to make a big deal out of it so that he can enjoy a quiet birthday. We appreciate your visit and we will express our gratitude later. Please leave. If Immortal Chang needs peace, we don't dare to disturb him. But he has to hand over Chang Tsui-san and Yan So-so and tell us the Golden Haired Lion King's whereabouts. Then, we would leave at once. Abbess Mit-juet, where do you think this is? How dare you ask for anyone you wish. In order to avenge the dead disciples of five major sects, we must find Tse Shun by any means. If Mr. Sung doesn't hand them over, I have no other choice, but to fight you. I heard that you're good at martial arts. I, Sung Yuen-kiu, would like to experience it. Chang Tsui-san, if you don't come out, your seniors would be dead. Stop! Abbess Mit-juet, don't go too far. You finally ought out that demonic lady! Where's Golden Haired Lion King? I won't tell you my blood other's whereabouts. How fitting. You want to become others with that murderer, Tse Shun. I'll wake you up. Demonic lady! You? Damn nun! You? Heaven Reliant Sword is unstoppable once it's drawn. It's nothing much. If your master, Kwok Shang, wasn't my best friend, I wouldn't give you a chance today. Many people would die if Heaven Reliant Sword is with you. I'll keep it for seven years on behalf of your master. After seven years, ask a decent disciple to collect it. Chang San-fung, how dare you protect your sinful disciple? If we attack you together, I don't think you can kill all of us. When your vitality depletes, you'll be in a pickle too. Are you threatening me, monk? Master, I'll take responsibility for this matter. They came for me. Let me settle it myself. Okay! Settle it yourself. When it comes to fighting, I've never been afraid all my life. You're no threat to me! Everyone. You want me to tell you my blood other's whereabouts, Tse Shun. It's because you want to snatch his Dragon Slaying Saber and dominate the world of martial arts. I would never betray my friend! But I don't want my master to risk his life fighting with you all at his old age. Well, I'll give you an answer now. Tsui-san! Father! Father! Father! Why did you kill yourself? Mother. Mother! Why did Father die? Mo-gei. Remember their faces. Remember them one by one. You have to remember all of their faces. Each of them is stained with your father's blood. Did they force Father to his death? You have to avenge your father. Don't let them escape. Ms. Yan, we feel sorry for your husband's death. Now, you are the only one who knows where Tse Shun is. Abbot Hung-man. If I tell you where Golden Haired Lion King is, would you let me and my son go? Monks don't take their word back. Okay, I will only tell you. Miss, could you say it clearly? Abbot, Golden Haired Lion King is living there. I wish you could get the Dragon Slaying Saber soon. -Miss! -Where is he? -She didn't say it. -You want it all for yourself! Mother. Mo-gei, I lied to them. Look at how good I am at telling lies. Remember. Don't ever trust women. The more beautiful a woman is, the more capable she is at lying. Remember. Mother! Master, we must avenge Tsui-san! Save Mo-gei first. Mo-gei! Grandmaster. You have terrific inner power. So what? In these years, I couldn't expel the cold energy from your body. If Shaolin's Fo Gung Tau To didn't jump from here, he could've cured you with his Nine Yang Divine Skill. Nine Yang Divine Skill? Nine Yang Divine Skill is a mysterious martial art of Shaolin. It's as powerful as the Nine Yin Manual. The manuscript has been lost in Shaolin for 300 years. Accidentally, the cook in Shaolin, Fo Gung Tau To, discovered the mantra of Nine Yang Divine Skill inside a sutra. After he learned it, he defeated over 30 monks and escaped. He even came to challenge me. Chang San-fung, you're really something. Your Nine Yang Divine Skill is enough to conquer the martial arts community. I think you aren't a virgin. Otherwise, I couldn't have defeated you. I expected Nine Yang Divine Skill to be invincible. What's the point of learning it then? Chang San-fung, see you later! Hey! You're crazy. If he wasn't dead, his martial arts could've saved you. Mo-gei, no matter what, you must keep your virginity. Your martial art would be more powerful. Even though I'm already 100 years old, I still wake up with an erection every morning. What's that? Why have I never experienced that? You're weak. Grandmaster. What's the matter, Ching-su? Seven years have passed. Emei's Master, Abbess Mit-juet, sent her disciple, Chow Chi-yu, to come and collect Heaven Reliant Sword. Chow Chi-yu? Immortal Chang. I'm Emei's disciple, Chow Chi-yu. Is Abbess Mit-juet still as bad-tempered? In recent years, Master has improved from studying Buddhism. You're a polite girl. Abbess Mit-juet is lucky to have you as her disciple. Mo-gei, return the Heaven Reliant Sword to her. Mo-gei, are you the son of Mr. Chang Tsui-san? I... Yes, Mo-gei is the orphan left by Mr. Chang. I'm Sung Ching-su. My father is the eldest among the Seven Heroes of Wudang. Thank you, Mo-gei. Chi-yu, you came from far away. Why don't you stay for a few days? Let my disciple, Yuen-kiu teach you one of our swordplays as a present. Thank you, Immortal Chang. Mo-gei. Are you supervising them? Immortal Chang really likes you. I think you'll be his successor for sure. Don't worry. Mo-gei couldn't learn martial arts. We'll take care of him. Chi-yu, why don't we train together? Eight years ago, he was injured by Yunming Divine Palm. He can't practice martial arts anymore. Father. Ching-su, your Grandmaster wants to practice Tai Chi Swordplay in seclusion for three months. We have to stay with him. In these three months, you have to take care of everything in Wudang. Thank you, Father. Ching-su, you have to work hard. For the third generation of Wudang, Mo-gei can't practice martial arts. You're the only one we have to depend on. Grandmaster made 100 Heart Strengthening Pills. Give one pill to Mo-gei every night, so that it can stop the cold energy inside him. I'll take good care of Mo-gei. Hey! What are you all doing? Let's go. Mo-gei, what happened? Someone peeped at you. Really? Why are they like that? I'm so scared. All of them ran away. I'm still scared. Why don't you come in and accompany me? I know you won't accompany me. Let me accompany you. I know you really care about me. What's wrong? Do you feel hot? -No. -You're sweating. She's way out of your league. Chang Mo-gei, do you think you can be so lucky? Ching-su, would there be any accidents? Don't worry. I'm in charge now. Little orphan, you jinxed your parents. You only know how to flatter Grandmaster. He passes you his inner energy to control your cold energy. If he had passed me his inner energy, I'd have been a great martial artist! Your mother was a demon! You can insult me, but not my mother. I wonder if you're really Mr. Chang's son. Maybe your mother seduced someone else and had you! Go to hell! Ching-su. Hold him! I want to chop his hand off. -Yes! -Yes! I see. So Wudang isn't heroic at all. My friend, who are you? Friend? I'm not your friend. Get dressed. Slut! Come down if you have guts! So Wudang's martial arts is nothing special. Ming Cult is way more powerful. Chi-yu, attack her with your Heaven Reliant Sword. Demonic woman! Heaven Reliant Sword is really in Wudang. Hey, quickly leave now. Don't let the dogs of Wudang kill you. You can't insult Wudang! I think you had a concussion. I'll chat with you after the fight. Demonic woman, I'll show you the power of Heaven Reliant Sword. Thank you! I came to Wudang to get this Heaven Reliant Sword to eak this un eakable Cold Iron Chain. Wudang Invincible Sword Net! Hey, let's escape. Your martial art is so bad. Forget about me. Go now. They will kill you if they catch you. What? You ought me to this dead end. Chang Mo-gei! You allied with this demonic woman and destroyed our hall. I'll exile you as the acting person-in-charge of Wudang. -Wudang disciples, listen up! -Yes! -Kill with no mercy! -Yes! Miss, I've dragged you down. Call me Siu-qiu. How dare you seduce him in such a critical moment? Where can you run now? Something feels soft. Why did you suddenly let go? I touched that part. How old-fashioned. Your father must've taught you. My father died many years ago. You're Chang Mo-gei. Is your father, Chang Tsui-san? -Mr. Chang. I'm your maid, Siu-qiu. -Get up first. Siu-qiu is the maid of White Brows Eagle King. I offended him, so he bound me with Cold Iron Chain. I went down the mountain and heard Heaven Reliant Sword is in Wudang. I wanted to use it. Luckily, I met you and you saved my life. Get up first. I'm not your master. You touched me again. You're White Brows Eagle King's grandson, so you're my master. In fact, I've never met my grandfather. What kind of noise is that? Are there monsters in here? Run! -This way. -That way! I can't imagine there would be visitors for me. You are... I'm the grieving soul of hell. Are you a disciple of Wudang? I'm Chang Mo-gei. I haven't eaten human flesh for a long time. Chang San-fung made me suffer here. It's not too much to eat one of his disciples, right? Are you Shaolin's Fo Gung Tau To? I can't believe someone still remembers me. The girl behind you is so attractive. She must be more delicious than you! She is not a disciple of Wudang. Eat me if you want! You're heroic too! Sir! Mr. Chang. Are you okay? It's cold. What have you done to him? What a joke! He has already been seriously injured. Hey, what kind of injury do you have? Eight years ago, I was struck by Yunming Divine Palm. Nothing can cure it. It must be Master Chang who passed his inner energy to you for you to survive for eight years. He loves you so much. Sir, I know you can cure him. Please help him. My Nine Yang Divine Skill is the only cure. But why should I save Chang San-fung's disciple? Chang Mo-gei, if you say Chang San-fung is an asshole, I'll teach you the first stance of Nine Yang Divine Skill to control the cold energy. Never. Don't save him then. Why did you hit him? Just say, Chang San-fung is a shameless asshole! You'll be freed from this suffering forever. You'll also have invincible power. This is a piece of cake. Repeat after me. Chang San-fung is a shameless asshole! The shameless asshole is you! Okay! I'll see how you survive tonight. Mr. Chang. -It's very cold. -Cold? Mr. Chang. Are you all right? -I feel cold. -Do you still feel cold? It's cold. It's cold. Do you feel warm? I can't believe Chang San-fung has a ave disciple like him. I'm still alive. Mr. Chang, are you all right? Siu-qiu. You were lucky last night. The cold energy would attack two or three times in a day. If no one uses their inner energy to help you, you would die anyway. You're heartless! Chang Mo-gei. If you don't learn my Nine Yang Divine Skill, you will suffer coldness for the rest of your life. Swear that you'll leave Wudang Sect and become my disciple. Grandmaster is so kind to me. I can't do that. Idiot! Why are you forcing him to learn your martial arts? Ten years ago, I was defeated by Chang San-fung. I was so furious. I want my disciple to be more superior than any of his disciples! Why don't you teach me? If a woman practices Nine Yang Divine Skill, one year later, she'd have a flat chest with hairy arms and legs. Her beard would grow and she'd have a man's voice. Do you want it? Forget it. Mr. Chang, his backbone is oken. He moves with that ball. Why don't we promise him now? After learning his martial arts, we can take our word back. Wudang disciple is always righteous and virtuous! He's Wudang's enemy, but he forces me to study his martial arts. It must be a trick. I won't learn any of it! I don't think you can force me! Can't I? Siu-qiu! Let me help you control your energy. I don't need your help! The first appearance of Nine Yang reverses the flow of meridians. Don't press my butt to my head! The energy in your dantian flow through your whole body. It's eaking. Sea of Blood. Back Vertex. Yang Pool. Life Gate. Muscle Spasm. Chang Mo-gei. You've learned the first stance of Nine Yang Divine Skill. You have my martial arts now. You can never get rid of it. You... I'll force you to learn the second stance. Unless you die, you will betray Wudang no matter what. I was useless to let that demonic woman pushed Mo-gei down the cliff. I was too late. I could only kill the demonic woman, but I couldn't save Mo-gei. Please kill me, Father as compensation to Mr. Chang! -Okay, I'll kill you now! -Hey. Yuen-kiu, what's done is done. It's useless to kill him. Ching-su already tried his best. Mo-gei is such a poor boy. Death could be a release to him. Shaolin invited us to join forces with the other five major sects to seize Bright Peak. Maintaining peace and order is part of our duty as an orthodox sect. Yuen-kiu, ing your juniors, Ching-su, and Chi-yu with you. -Yes, Master! -Yes, Master! The ninth stance of Nine Yang Divine Skill. Nine Yang in the Sky. Chang Mo-gei, you have all the stances of Nine Yang Divine Skill. From now on, vitality courses through your meridians. Yunming Divine Palm's poison is gone too. From now on, it's hard for you to get killed. Mr. Chang, you made it. Thank you, sir. Aren't you unwilling to learn my martial arts? You should be suffering instead. I know you didn't mean to teach me. You just want to embarrass my grandmaster. So I tricked you into teaching me using reverse psychology. I have to avenge my parents! Why wouldn't I learn it? You're cunning. Not only pretty women are not trustworthy, but you can't even trust men who look kindhearted! I'm going to kill you! I have the same martial arts as you. How could you kill me? Watch out! He's very powerful. Sir, please forgive me. Your Nine Yang Divine Skill cured me. Thank you for your lessons. You're cunning. If I am able to take my revenge, I would come back to save you. You two would die terribly. Let's see who dies first. Let's go. Let's see how long you two can be together. It wouldn't end well for you two! I finally made it! Shaolin, Emei, Kongtong, Kunlun, and Mount Hua. All of you are stained with the blood of my parents! An eye for an eye, I want you to pay! You looked scary just now. If you were in my shoes, keeping everything inside for eight years, being bullied and insulted all the time, you'll be the same too when you get a chance to release it. Are you going back to Wudang? Sung Ching-su is the only son of Mr. Sung. I can't take my revenge. I can't. I'm not going back to Wudang. With Nine Yang Divine Skill, I can go anywhere I want in this vast land. I will go to Bright Peak to see my grandfather and beg him to release you. Thank you, Mr. Chang. We risked our lives together. Don't call me Mr. Chang. I would love to serve you. Will you let me? You're so nice to me, I'll always remember that. You're so powerful now. I think you'll attract many girls. You'll forget me soon. As long as the sun is still shining, I won't let you leave me. Mr. Chang. Mr. Chang, they are selling candied fruit snack. Candied fruit snack was the last thing my mother bought me. After I was struck by Yunming Divine Palm, she gave me three candies. She asked me to eat one when I feel pain. When they died, you ate the first one, right? I dried these two. So I have to keep them properly. Take some wine and food for us. -Yes. -Quick! The six major sects are attacking the Bright Peak. I'm sure they will eliminate everyone from the demonic cult. If we are late, we'll miss the great moment. It'll be such a shame! So what if you make it on time? It only means more people would die. Ming Cult has four Guardian Kings and the invincible five banner divisions. Do you think small potatoes like you could destroy them? How ignorant are you? She must be from the demonic cult! -Let's capture her. -Yes! Let's hide first. You're fitting a quart into a pint pot. Is she from Ming Cult? I've never seen her on Bright Peak before. The matter of Bright Peak is decided then. I will try my best. Do you know them? Of course, they injured me with Yunming Divine Palm eight years ago. Don't be rash. Many martial arts masters are here. We're no match for them. -Mr. Luk. -Hi. Abbot, we're counting on you. Please send my regards to His Royal Highness. I shall take my leave. Who's hiding? Come out! What are you doing there suspiciously? Kid, what are you looking at? He looks familiar. Forget it. They are just a couple enjoying their time together. Let's go! I really want to... Luckily, you didn't. Take a look. Who's this young man? Even martial arts masters like Luk Zoeng-hak and Hok Bat-yung seem to be his followers. Young man? It's a woman. A woman? She looks like my mother. Shameless. She's pretty, so you said she looks like your mother. You also look like my mother now. There's no time for jokes. The Bright Peak is surrounded by the six major sects. Let's hurry. Okay. The demonic cult is well prepared. All the five banner divisions have returned. Even Wai Yat-siu, Green Winged Bat King, has come back to help although he's against White Brows Eagle King. If Purple Dress Dragon King and Golden Haired Lion King are also back, it'd be difficult for us to deal with them. If Golden Haired Lion King is back, that's perfect. We could seize his Dragon Slaying Saber. Do you want my Heaven Reliant Sword too? That's what I want. I dare not. Purple Dress Dragon King is Persian Ming Cult's Sacred Maiden. She has disappeared for many years. It's believed that she went to Persia. After a severe fight, Golden Haired Lion King went blind. It's not difficult to handle him. But White Brows Eagle King and Green Winged Bat King are difficult to deal with. Sir, I have an idea. Go ahead. White Brows Eagle King has a grandson. He's the son of Chang Tsui-san, Chang Mo-gei. He died a few months ago. White Brows Eagle King doesn't know this. An old man around his 70s or 80s would be very happy if he meets his grandson. If his grandson suddenly attacks, I'm sure that he'd have a great chance in killing him. Great idea! We can kill White Brows Eagle King and Green Winged Bat King and rob all their money. We're from orthodox martial arts sects. How could we do so? You want to make use of Mo-gei. -I disagree. -It isn't a good idea? -We just want to help the poor. -We just want to help the poor. Eagles don't catch flies. I agree with Master Yun-zan. You want someone to disguise as Chang Mo-gei. Who's most suitable for this? The son of Mr. Sung is the best choice. I won't allow our Wudang disciple to do such a thing. You cunning bastards are discussing evil traps. Watch out from being hit by thunder! A bat throwing star. It's Green Winged Bat King, Wai Yat-siu. Wai Yat-siu, let my wife go! Your wife is so fat! Sucking her blood is no big deal. Damn you! Abbess Mit-juet, you killed my wife! Wai Yat-siu's Bat Poison. Once you're bitten by Wai Yat-siu, you'll lose your mind and only obey him. If I hadn't killed your wife, she would've become our enemy. You... Hey, you're no match for her. Wai Yat-siu doesn't know the power of Heaven Reliant Sword. He used Mrs. Ho as a human shield. I believed that he was injured by my sword energy. -Eagle King. -Eagle King. Five banner divisions' leaders. Have the six major sects gathered at the foot of Bright Peak? They have all arrived, Eagle King. Set up Five Elements Formation. I want half of them dead when they are halfway up the mountain. Yes! I am back. -Bat King. -Bat King. Blood-sucking bat, at least, you treasure our cult. I am glad you've come to help. White- owed man, I've visited the six major sects' camp. Also, I fought with Abbess Mit-juet. Her Heaven Reliant Sword is really powerful. Are you all right? Of course, I'd be all right. I wouldn't get hurt. You guys, go down and prepare now. Whoever claims himself as the grandson of White Brows Eagle King, Chang Mo-gei, kill him without warning. -Yes! -Yes! What did you say? My grandson? They'll send someone to disguise as your grandson to assassinate you. If our Holy Flame Tablets are still here, I wouldn't be scared of her Heaven Reliant Sword! Of course. If Cult Master Yeung didn't disappear, he would've killed them easily with his Heaven and Earth Great Shift. Goodness, it hurts so much. Why? Are you hurt? Of course. But I was embarrassed to admit it in front of them, so I endured it. Never mind, I'll cure you with my inner energy. It's useless. You have to suck the poison out from the wound. -No problem. -Really? Yes, I've never taken my word back. What a good friend. Look, the wound is on my butt. It's okay if you don't want to, but you didn't have to kick me. There are so many people. They don't seem to be from Ming Cult. Why are there so many flags? This is the secret code of our cult. They've entered the forbidden zone of five banner divisions. Five banner divisions? Don't retreat! We're from orthodox sects. Running away from a fight is unacceptable! Anyone who retreats should die! -You're right. -After you. Chi-yu, give me my Heaven Reliant Sword! Yes, Master. Go! Retreat! Run! Chase after them! Everyone, I'm Siu-qiu, the maid of White Brows Eagle King. This is his grandson, Mr. Chang Mo-gei. Are you Chang Mo-gei? Yes, I am. By the orders of Eagle King, whoever claims to be Chang Mo-gei shall be killed. Kill him! Run! -Rush over there! -Hey! I'm really Chang Mo-gei! Kill! You couldn't even differentiate your enemies. You deserve this! Nine Yang Divine Skill. Great moves! Hero, which sect do you come from? Master, he's Chang Mo-gei. Is he the son of Chang Tsui-san? Why is he so powerful? Where are you taking me? -This is the forbidden area of Ming Cult. -What? Forbidden area? Can we go inside? The cult master could enter as he pleases. When he dies, the people who carry his corpse should commit suicide and die together with him. How about you? I'm a maid. Eagle King doesn't let me join the cult. Don't run! Run! Damn it. If you move one more step, I'll make you die terribly. I will also die terribly if I stay here, you fool. Mr. Chang, let's go. -Chase after them! -Go! -Stop! -Sir, what do we do? It's a graveyard for our previous cult masters. There are many traps inside. If they enter, they will be dead for sure. Let's go back and help the others. What's the matter? I'm scared. Don't be afraid. Look! They are all skeletons. I think they were the ones who carried the corpse like you said. Why don't we go out? We're surrounded by the five banner divisions. There are so many men outside. I don't want to hurt my grandfather's men with Nine Yang Divine Skill. I think we have no choice, but to move forward. I know a path to get to the Bright Peak. How do you know so much if you're only a maid of Eagle King? I've heard about it, so I know it. My grandfather bound you with such an impressive chain. There must be a reason. Who are you? Don't lie to me! Don't you trust me? I just want to know the truth. Mr. Chang, I made an oath that I couldn't tell anybody. But I promise I didn't mean to hurt your grandfather and I would never hurt you. Please let me keep this secret, okay? I promise I'll tell you when the time comes. Okay, let's talk later. There are footprints on the ground. Yeung Ting-tin, you're the master of the demonic cult, but so what? You took away my lover, so what about it? I can't imagine you would die here. I, Shing Kwun, am now using the six major sects to destroy your demonic cult! I also want to take away your cult's most precious skill, Heaven and Earth Great Shift! Then, I will be invincible and become the imperial adviser of Yuan Dynasty comfortably. Even without the Dragon Slaying Saber, I can still be the strongest in the world of martial arts. The former master of Ming Cult disappeared for over 20 years. So he actually died here. He might be Shing Kwun, the enemy of my godfather. So he already joined the government. He stirred up conflict between the six major sects and Ming Cult. No wonder he harmed my godfather's family. Who's there? Chang Mo-gei! Didn't you die already? What's your feud with Ming Cult? What's your feud with my father and godfather? Why did you harm them? Yeung Ting-tin used his position as a cult master and took away my lover. I committed adultery with his wife right here for three years. At last, he discovered us. That's why he went mad, but he could still kill me. My lover wanted to help me escape, so she committed suicide. I stayed undercover for 20 years in Shaolin, just for this chance to destroy Ming Cult! You seduced his wife and ruined his demonic cult. Yet, you made it sound reasonable. You're so shameless! Whether I'm right or wrong, you don't have the right to criticize me. Chang Mo-gei, I'm sending you to see your parents today. Move aside! What kind of martial arts is this? Nine Yang Divine Skill. I can't believe you will defeat me. Chang Tsui-san had another secret. What is it? -No way! -Move aside. I'll try to eak it with my Nine Yang Divine Skill. Mr. Chang. Don't use Nine Yang Divine Skill. I am afraid that it would collapse. Do we wait here to die then? Let's find another exit. There are some words here. Those who came into this room should bow thrice to the skeleton or the grieving soul will haunt you relentlessly. We're going to die anyway. We'll also be grieving souls. We don't need to be scared of our own kind. Maybe we will be saved. We should respect the dead. Let's just do as it says. Master Yeung, we're forced to disturb you. If we have a chance to get out, we would avenge you and kill Shing Kwun. Please bless us. -What are these words? -It's the Persian language. -Can you read it? -A little bit. After bowing thrice to me, you'll have my Heaven and Earth Great Shift. After you learn it, you can push the stone wall and reach Bright Peak. Mr. Chang, Heaven and Earth Great Shift is written on these six stone walls. Master Yeung was really wise. He knew his enemy, Shing Kwun, wouldn't bow to him, so he designed this trap. Learn it, and then we can get out. Hey, but it's not right to steal Ming Cult's martial art. After you learn it, you should pass a message on behalf of me to Four Guardian Kings. Order Golden Haired Lion King, Tse Shun, to be my successor. The Heaven and Earth Great Shift should be kept by him too. Then, get back the Holy Flame Tablet from Persian Ming Cult. He wanted your godfather to be his successor. Since you're his godson, it doesn't matter then. But how long will it take? It's written that this art requires a strong inner energy foundation. It takes 30 years for ordinary people. But for those great martial arts masters, it'll only take six hours. I already know Nine Yang Divine Skill, I just need six hours. Go ahead then. Green Winged Bat King, you're hurt. Don't waste it! Where are the women? Over there. Do you want me to suck all your blood? -We're the Red Cross. -We're healers. He's bleeding. Beat him. If I weren't seriously injured, I would've killed you. Old man, I stopped the bleeding for you. White Brows Eagle King, you're really something. It's a tie. Father, he's hurt. Why don't you kill him? He fought against five. Clearly, he won. If we take advantage of him, how can we claim ourselves as heroes? Stop! What's the matter? -Only Wudang refused to attack. -We, Mount Hua, will attack now! I can't believe that I, White Brows Eagle King, will end up in this state. Being bullied by these jerks! Old man, let's fight together for our beloved sect. The demonic cult will be eradicated today. Chi-yu, go with the others and kill everyone from this demonic cult! After that, extinguish the holy fire that they claimed will never die. Yes, Master! White Brows Eagle King, you're a great martial arts master. Your Eagle Claw Skill is the best in this world. It's as great as Shaolin's Dragon Claw Hand. You'd better commit suicide. Old man, don't be impulsive. Six major sects' leaders, listen! I, Chang Mo-gei, request you to stop for a while. Mo-gei, aren't you dead? Is he the son of So-so? So that's your grandson. Thank you for your concern. Today, the fight between Ming Cult and the six major sects is a trap set by Shing Kwun, the master of Tse Shun. Please don't fall into his trap. Nonsense! The demonic cult is so utal. Wai Yat-siu needs blood to train his inner energy. Tse Shun killed many innocent people. They should die! Yes, I need blood. But I suck chicken blood, pig blood, and my own blood only. That night, you murdered Mrs. Ho from Kunlun Sect. I didn't bite her. When it comes to manslaughter, you killed more than me, old nun! You... Shing Kwun serves the government. He wants us to kill each other. Master, I hope you understand. You keep mentioning Shing Kwun. Where's Shing Kwun now? He went undercover in Shaolin for over 20 years. He's a masked monk. How dare you frame my senior, Yun-zan? Where's Yun-zan? He sneaked into the graveyard and wanted to steal Heaven and Earth Great Shift. He also caused Master Yeung's death. Siu-qiu, explain clearly. Grandfather, I won't let anyone hurt you today. You insulted Shaolin. What a big mouth you have! Witness the power of Shaolin's Dragon Claw Hand. Master, will you let us go if I defeat you? We'll honor this deal. Go ahead then. This guy is really powerful. If my skill level is 6,000 points, his should be over 10,000. Dragon Claw Hand! Okay. Destroy my martial art now. I came to stop your fight, not make enemies. I used Shaolin's Dragon Claw Hand. It's not an insult to you. Please forgive me. Okay, let's go. Chang Mo-gei, let me challenge you. They forced my father to his death. Today, they killed people utally. I have to avenge Father! I mustn't. If I fight them today, I'll fall into Shing Kwun's trap. I must endure. Only the supreme martial arts community can go against the government. Watch out, Mo-gei. Pay attention to her sword. That's right. Don't fight her. Master, please go ahead. Heaven and Earth Great Shift! Damn you, nun! -Siu-qiu! -Yes! Thank you, Mr. Chang. Mo-gei, they forced me that day. Please forgive me. I've never minded that. Please ing this sword to your master. Anybody wants to challenge me? Chi-yu! Mo-gei. Mr. Chang! Mr. Chang, don't die. -Don't die. -Mo-gei. Let's attack them together. I'm sure we can kill him. Who has the guts to take advantage of them will be enemies with Wudang. -It's your fault. -Yes, I know. -We're leaving. -Yes. Mr. Chang. Mr. Chang, you can't die. Don't die. I won't die. I'm protected by Nine Yang Divine Skill. But I can't use my martial art for seven days. Mo-gei, take a good rest. Come back to visit Master Chang if you have time. Since we protected you today, we've gone against the other five sects. We must leave as soon as possible. Or we'd be blamed for allying with the demonic cult. Who do you think you are? Maybe we'll save your Wudang one day. -What did you say? -Ching-su. Mr. Sung. Please ing the Heaven Reliant Sword back to Grandmaster. -Don't let Abbess Mit-juet get it anymore. -All right. -Mr. Chang. -Mo-gei. Go. Take care. Mr. Chang. Yau Tin-tsing, Wai Yat-siu, and five banner divisions greet Cult Master Chang. I'm not your cult master. For ages, whoever learns Heaven and Earth Great Shift is our cult master. All these years, our cult has been divided. Yeung Siu, Fan Yiu, Golden Haired Lion King, and Purple Dress Dragon King left after fighting for the leadership. Now, you've saved us. Other than you, who's more qualified to be the cult master then? But Cult Master Yeung wanted my godfather to be his successor. -You're his godson. It's the same. -You're his godson. It's the same. Eagle King. Mount Hua is coming back with a troop. They want to ambush us. Damn those bastards! I'm Chu Yuen-chang, Cult Master Chang. This is an emergency. Please give us an order, Cult Master. Since many of you are hurt, hiding inside the graveyard is the best option. What do you think? If you're willing to be our cult master, we'd do as you say. Listen, my followers. Retreat to the graveyard and hide. After we recover, we'll take our revenge. -Our wise and holy cult master! -Our wise and holy cult master! Cult Master Chang, how wonderful! It's really a blessing to have you as our leader. Chu Yuen-chang, I'm holding this position temporarily for my godfather. May I be frank? Although you keep refusing to be our cult master, I can tell from your eyes that you were willing to be the cult master. We have many followers all over the world and we fight the government continuously. We're strong. Since you want to take revenge, becoming the cult master not only allows you to take revenge, but it also allows you to topple Yuan Dynasty and become the emperor. It's possible. Cut the crap. White Brows Eagle King is old. Green Winged Bat King is so carefree. They can't assist you much. No matter what your command is, I'm willing to sacrifice my life for you. I can tell from your eyes that you're ambitious. If I make you my right hand, you'll have better success. You're really wise. I do want to be the cult master. But the wise are usually disgusting. -I understand. -Get out of here. -Cult Master Chang, please let us go. -Cult Master Chang, forgive us. Mount Hua is an orthodox sect, but you two are jerks. Cult Master Chang, don't kill us. I'll tell you a secret. Speak now! We received news that Wudang disciples were attacked by some monks. They seem to be from Shaolin. All the Wudang disciples were captured. Cult Master Chang, we've discovered that Wudang's Mr. Yan is seriously hurt. He's just ahead. -Mr. Yan! -Master! Mr. Yan. -Mo-gei. -Are you okay? We bumped into some Shaolin monks on our way back to Wudang. They poisoned us with Ten Fragrances Tendon Weakening Powder. That's the most poisonous thing in the martial arts community. Those who smell or eat it will lose their martial arts. Only one special antidote can cure it. I held my eath on time, so I could escape. The rest were captured. But after that, I met two monks. They were so powerful. They oke all my joints. They are so cruel. Let's go to Shaolin and get them back! -It's sold out. -Right. -Everyone's hired. -Yes, you may ask them. Go there? Okay. Cult Master Chang, all the doctors are hired and all the herbs are bought by one person. How strange. Maybe it was the Shaolin monks. No, he's living nearby at a place called Green Willow Manor. Mr. Chang, I think they know that we need herbs to cure Mr. Yan, so they want us to go. Green Willow Manor? GREEN WILLOW MANOR Welcome, Cult Master Chang. Our master has been waiting for you. May I know his name? You'll know it later. Damn it. Is this a trap? Speak up or I'll suck your blood! Bat King, my followers don't taste nice. If you want blood, I've prepared some fresh and tasty blood for you. Why don't you tell us your name? I'm Chao Min. A nobody in the world of martial arts. It's meaningless to you. If you're scared, please leave. Be on your guard. Mr. Chang, she's the one we saw at the restaurant. Grandfather, Bat King. She's the master of Yunming Elders. There might be a deadly battle later. You're really something, Cult Master Chang. When I saw you last time, I thought you two were a runaway couple. I can't believe you can defeat the six major sects and become the cult master of the top cult, Ming Cult. What a young hero! May I know why did you buy all the herbs and hire all the doctors? I've heard that Shaolin injured Mr. Yan. I'm afraid that he would be mistreated. So I've captured all the useless doctors. Instead, I've prepared the best medicine, Black Jade Ointment for him. Sir. We're not friends. Why are you helping us? Making friends with heroes has always been the practice of our government. You're the top martial arts master in the world. This is merely a small gift on our first meeting. The Black Jade Ointment is the best medicine in the world. Why did she give us that easily? You're Mongolian. My father is the Prince of Ruyang. Shaolin is foolish to challenge you. We'll help you eradicate them. Mr. Chang, is that Heaven Reliant Sword behind her? Yes. We'll settle our own feuds. We don't need interference from the government. Thank you for your concern. Master Chang, please stay. I've prepared a feast for you. Let me get changed and accompany you. There's something we must do. We can't stay. Are you sure the box has Black Jade Ointment? Damn it. You're so cocky. Is this genuine or not? -It smells nice. This could be a trap. We should leave. -Go. -Yes. Hey, you. Master, we're so tired. It's as if we lost our energy. The other Wudang disciples were poisoned by this too. I'm the only one who didn't smell it. What should we do now, Mr. Chang? I'll get the antidote from her. Siu-qiu, take care of them. You do keep your promises, Cult Master Chang. You came back to drink with me. Why did you plot against Wudang and us? Cult Master Chang, no one asked you to touch the wooden sword. It was because one of you is greedy. That's why they are poisoned. Give me the antidote! Master Chang, are you begging me or forcing me? Where are the Yunming Elders hiding? Ask them to come out. Are you scared of them? I won't tell you where they are, so you'll be scared. Don't think that I won't hit you because you're a woman. I know. That's why I decided to attack first. YUAN Master Chang, I can't believe you're willing to play a song with me. Stop playing. I love it. Master Chang, do you want to see my leg? Just tell me. Why did you take off my shoes? You're so cunning. You're not a hero at all! I'm not a hero. There's an old saying, Women are the most vicious. Haven't you heard of it, Cult Master Chang? I won't argue with you. If you don't give me the antidote, I'll burn your Green Willow Manor! I won't give a damn even if you burn over 100 manors. But your followers are poisoned by a heavier dosage of Ten Fragrances Tendon Weakening Powder. If they can't get the antidote within four hours, they can never regain their martial arts. Time is running out for you. Yunming Divine Palm! That wasn't Yunming Divine Palm. No, I don't know it. I just want to scare you. If I didn't hold back half of my energy, all your joints would eak and you'd die. You're reluctant to kill me. You like me. Nonsense! Hey. Do you love your maid more or me? If you don't give the antidote, I'll kill you. Go ahead then. Answer me or I won't give you the antidote. You... I know you love the maid more. But I've already asked someone to ing Abbess Mit-juet there. You're so cruel! Leave. If you leave, your followers will never regain their martial arts. It seems like I have no choice. Are you going to give me the antidote? No! I'll ask you again. No, never! Aren't you scared of me? I'll be your woman sooner or later. I don't need to resist. Anyway, no one will help me if I scream for help. You can do whatever you want. Shameless! Chang Mo-gei. I can give you the antidote and the Black Jade Ointment to save your followers. But... You have to promise me three things. Master, the people of Ming Cult seemed to have disappeared after we chased them. Master, look! Goodness, it's that damn nun, Abbess Mit-juet. Siu-qiu, leave us. No, Mr. Chang asked me to stay here. No matter what, I have to buy time. You demons. What evil deeds are you planning? Master, they seem to be poisoned. Damn you! If you dare to come over, I'll suck all your blood! What are you looking at? I have too much blood. It's all right to spit some out. I let you go at the Bright Peak. I got a chance to remove the rotten apples of the martial arts community. Master, it's not heroic to take advantage of them. Demonic woman, get lost! Old nun, if you can endure three moves from me, I will let you kill me. How dare you. Or I'll take three moves from you. Let's see who will win. What a sharp tongue. If you can endure my three moves, I'll let you all go. Take this! -Siu-qiu. -Siu-qiu. -How are you? -Are you all right? I can take it. Two more. Master, she's seriously injured. Why don't you let me kill her? I can't take my word back. I'm sorry. Siu-qiu, run. Just leave us. One more. You seem to have a death wish. I can't save you. -Master! -Are you okay? -Siu-qiu. -Mr. Chang. Let's go. -Bat King, give the antidote to them. -Okay. Mo-gei, why did Chao Min give you the antidote? This could be a trap. I asked her to eat three pills. I think they are real. Siu-qiu. Mr. Chang. What a lovely couple. You bitch. How dare you come here? Why not? Your cult master promised me to do three things for me. That's why I agreed to save you all. Mr. Chang. I promised to do three things that don't go against my conscience and heroism. I want you to not marry this beautiful girl, Siu-qiu. Does that go against your conscience? Master Chang, it wouldn't be easy. When I have something in mind, I'll look for you. I've never met such a cunning woman. This woman would be a great foe of our Ming Cult. There must be a story behind Shaolin's attack against Wudang. We must go to Shaolin Temple now to get the truth. -Master. -Master, are you all right? Abbess Mit-juet, Prince of Ruyang wishes to meet you in the capital. After you. SHAOLIN TEMPLE Why is it so quiet? Ming Cult's Cult Master, Chang Mo-gei, White Brows Eagle King, and Green Winged Bat King wish to meet your abbot. Our abbot gave an order. He doesn't want to see anyone today. We came a long way to see Abbot Hung-man for an urgent matter. Please inform him. I said, he doesn't want to see you. Leave. Hold it! From your movement, it doesn't seem like you're from Shaolin. You just have your head shaved and you got injured. The bloodstain is fake. You're not a real Shaolin monk. I told you he's fake. Cult Master Chang, let's go inside. Okay. Mr. Chang, look! Kill Shaolin first, then Wudang. We, Ming Cult, are the supreme martial arts community. It's a setup. Are all the martial arts masters of Shaolin dead? If the enemy has Ten Fragrances Tendon Weakening Powder, I think most of them are kept captive after they were poisoned. -Damn it. -What's the matter? Kill Shaolin, then Wudang. They must have gone to Wudang. -Let's hurry there. -Yes. Are you leaving? Not that easy. Cult Master Chang, leave first. Abbot, what's the matter? Hung Seung from Shaolin wishes to meet Master Chang. Follow me. Master Chang, Shaolin had the greatest disaster in history. We were attacked by the demonic cult. Other than me, nobody survived. Really? The masters who attacked the Bright Peak were captured by the demonic cult. If you don't do something, the demonic cult will conquer the community. Get up first. Watch out, Grandmaster! This monk is fake. He's from the demonic cult. Where are your father and the others? Grandmaster! Mo-gei didn't die. He joined the demonic cult and learned a lot about unorthodox martial arts. My father and the others weren't prepared. They fell into his scheme. Five of them... Grandmaster! Ching-su, what-- -Grandmaster. -Grandmaster. Ching-su, how dare you do a sneak attack? Even a scapegoat can't fool you. Grandmaster, you should be the man of the world. You are great in martial arts. Becoming a Taoist is a waste. Why don't you join me to work for the government? To enjoy a prosperous life together. You... Chang San-fung, do you still remember us? So, the recent troubles and feuds within the martial arts community were devised by the government. Yes, you're right. Prince of Ruyang wants to make you the imperial adviser. If you're willing to work for us, your sect would enjoy prosperity. Your disciples would be appointed as the generals to settle the riots in my country. I, Chang San-fung, do whatever I think is right. But I'll never be a traitor. Chang San-fung. If you don't work for us, death is your only option. Don't panic. I just want to scratch my back. Chang San-fung. How much blood do you have left? -Protect Grandmaster! -Protect Grandmaster! Don't die for nothing. Let me handle this. Heaven and Earth Great Shift. Grandmaster. Grandmaster, are you all right? -Mo-gei. -How are you, Grandmaster? That bastard, Ching-su, did a sneak attack on me. Mo-gei, why is your Nine Yang Divine Skill so powerful? You asked me to maintain my virtue. I never used it. Cut the crap! -Your Highness. -Your Highness. How could you be that impolite to Immortal Chang? I'm Chao Min, Immortal Chang. Your Highness. Immortal Chang, don't be so stubborn. Do you want bloodshed at Wudang? Everyone dies eventually. But we should die meaningfully. Grandmaster, don't worry. I'm here. Cult Master Chang, do you remember you promised to do three things for me? Will you keep your promise? If it doesn't go against my conscience and heroism, I'll definitely help you. The first thing is you can't use Nine Yang Divine Skill. He might as well tie himself and let you beat him. What a sharp tongue. I'll pull all your teeth out one day. The second thing is you can't use Heaven and Earth Great Shift. All right, I won't use Nine Yang Divine Skill and Heaven and Earth Great Shift. -Mo-gei, what martial arts will you use? -Anything, Master. Teach me the martial arts of Wudang. -Will that work? -It's all right. Master, come on. Tai Chi Fist grows from nothing. Grandmaster, you took your own sweet time. I can't take it anymore. Hurry up. Mo-gei, I will now teach you my self-developed technique after my 100th birthday. Tai Chi Fist! It's the origin of motion and the origin of everything. Yin can't leave yang and yang can't leave ying. Yin and yang help each other. They are against each other. Stay calm and straighten your body. Mind your respiration. Concentrate your mind. Pay full attention. Softness could become hard. Use both softness and hardness. In tai chi, both softness and hardness exist. Combine both softness and hardness. Generate the force as you wish. Mo-gei, you are protected by Nine Yang Divine Skill. You can learn all kinds of martial arts quickly. Tai chi emphasizes on the meaning, not the stance. Forget all your stances and you'll learn Tai Chi Fist. Can you remember? I couldn't. -What's this fist technique? -I forgot. -What's your father's surname? -I forgot that too. Okay, just remember to beat them with no mercy. Congratulations, you have such a good grand disciple. He's your grandson too. I will let you go now. That's the third promise. Chang Mo-gei, I won't let you repay me that easily. The lives of the six major sects are in my hands. If I don't return within three days, all of them will be killed. What do you want? Today is your lucky day. Let's go. It's not that easy. You can't leave. Okay, I won't go. I'll stay here for ten or eight more days. You better prepare the funerals for your friends. You may leave, but not Ching-su. Your Highness, don't leave me. This kind of disloyal, unfilial, heartless, and unrighteous dog is useless for me to keep. Take him if you wish. Grandmaster, I deserve death. I'm useless. Grandmaster, let a dog like me go. How are you going to face your father? Mo-gei. Since we grew up together, please beg Grandmaster to let me go. -Mo-gei. -Mr. Sung only has one son. If I kill you, he wouldn't have a descendant. All right. Grandmaster, I destroyed all his martial arts. Please let him live. All right. Grandmaster, thank you. Thank you. Chang Mo-gei. You still owe me one favor. If you want to save the six major sects, come to the capital and look for me.
(Seo Yea Ji) (Park Byung Eun) (Yoo Sun) (Lee Sang Yeob) (This drama is fiction and people, places, organizations,) (incidents, groups, and settings are not based on reality.) What is it? Are you okay? Did you have a bad dream? What happened? I dream of... you dying, and often. Promise you won't do anything drastic. A dream is just a dream. I heard you left a will. It was a precaution. Just in case. I thought I should be prepared. That was it. Bad things... don't wait until you've made up your mind. They happen before you know it. Do you remember Piazzolla's movie track? A man in an emperor's outfit hurt his head... A man dressed in an emperor's outfit attended a new semester. But he hurt his head in an accident. So he lived his entire life, thinking he was an emperor. The song is about... a man who has forgotten who he is. The story says he lived believing he was an emperor. Maybe he didn't forget his true identity. Could he have erased his memory on purpose? Because he wanted to live as he wished? To live as one wishes? How about you erase the bad memories? You can live a better life then. Have hope. Hope that your wish will come true. Do you have a wish? Tell me. What's your wish? I want to feel no fury. I want to live in peace. What about you? I want to love... the person I love to no end. That's not much at all. You and I both couldn't even do that. Did we go through... that long a tunnel just for that? You crushed my leg. I will crush your whole body. (Final Episode) A cup of hot tea... will help you sleep. I changed my mindset. If what we want is simple, doesn't that mean it would be easy to achieve? You asked... if I were ever serious about you. You said it was intentional. I lied. I know how you feel. If you could choose to erase your memory, you can also choose what you see. You showed me your true feelings many times, but because I was in a difficult situation, I didn't consider your feelings. Now I see that and beyond. Let's go back to Seoul. We'll deal with the past... and then wait for the pieces to fall. We can hope to live for love now. Can't we? So Ra. After ruining our lives, Lee La El's with your husband... acting like they're lovers. If you saw that, you'd go raving mad. Listen carefully. It'll get tougher if we don't do it tonight. I called someone to clean up. Be sure to go all the way. You don't have to tell me. I myself can't stand seeing her... stand on her two feet. Yoon Kyum. Can you get him out of the building? That's a piece of cake. (Da Bi) Call your secretary. Da Bi might be scared. Look after her. I will. (Da Bi) Da Bi called me a lot. Why would she call at this hour? Da Bi, it's Dad. - Where... - Dad. - Why are you crying? - Dad. Where are you? Da Bi? Da Bi. Da Bi! The phone is turned off. Please leave a message after the beep. What's wrong? Da Bi is crying. And the call got disconnected too. I think something happened to Da Bi. (Wife) Hello. Honey. By any chance, are you with Da Bi right now? Why would she be with me? She should be at home in Seoul! When she heard that you were at the holiday home, she kept pestering me. So we came here together. But I didn't want to bother you, so we were about to head back. But she's gone! Honey, I can't see anything right now. What do I do? I'm about to lose it. I can't find Da Bi, honey! What about our girl? Where are we going to find her? Where are you right now? Here? I'm close to the beach. Don't leave. Stay here. You can't go anywhere without me. I should help you find her. Da Bi might come here. So you should stay here. Okay? Yes, ma'am. Don't let Da Bi answer any phone calls... until you hear from me. - Understood? - Yes, ma'am. Miss Da Bi. I'm so sorry for waking you up in the middle of your sleep. I'm not sleepy anymore. Dad! Da Bi! (Da Bi) The phone is turned off. Please leave a message... (Wife) The call can't be connected. Transferring to voicemail. Da Bi! La El. No. Sir, is that you? Da Bi? Lee La El. Your father didn't want to die. Please spare me. He was begging for his life even on the verge of his death. I wonder how you will be. - Don't come near me. - I will... make sure you face greater pain than your father. You go first. Suffer in pain and shame so much... to the point that you'd rather die than be alive! Got it? I ought to kill you. Die. Die. Spare me. Die! Die. Die. You deserve nothing but death! Die. - Sir! - Let go! (Vice-chairman Kim Jung Chul) Da Bi is fine. Don't worry about her. Have a warm drink. You're a good person. You can't lie. And you're too kind to hate anyone. But given the tough life you had to lead, you must have been miserable. Now, I know... you harmed yourself because of this. But from now on, be yourself and live freely. What are you talking about? I killed him. You don't know anything. It happened because of me, and I killed him. No. I killed him. Just let me do that for you, at least. I'm asking you. I'll turn myself in. So you don't have to do a thing. Okay? I won't let you take the fall by yourself. I'm going to report this to the police. I'm sorry. Rest a moment here. (Vice-chairman Kim Jung Chul) What on earth is going on? Why is Seo Eun Pyeong here? We got into a fight. I'm glad you came, Mr. Seo. Please report this... to the police on my behalf. And... take care of La El. She took sleeping pills, but she'll be awake soon. I don't want her... to see me get arrested. Kim Jung Chul barged in here to attack you. I'll say you were only trying to defend yourself. (Attorney Kim of LY Legal Team) Ms. Han? Ms. Han? I'm Attorney Kim Myung Sik, and I'm in charge of the chairman's divorce suit. Your divorce has been made final. The house belongs to the chairman, so please move out. And according to the marriage agreement, we will begin with the legal process which includes returning shares, disclaiming custody, and others. Divorce? I am... divorced? Han So Ra, you wench. You darn horrible witch. I should beat you up... to death just like your mother. Wait until I get out of here. I will... pull your eyes out. A gulp of water... Please, just a gulp of water. I'll deal with the initial investigation, so take a short nap, at least. Ms. Kim, La El has been kidnapped. Secretary Cha, find out where Da Bi's mom is right now. Ask the local government for cooperation, and get all the CCTV camera footage near the villa. Everything within an hour. Oh... I'll wait until I secure the footage. Please search the nearby area. Okay, call me right when you find her. Lee La El. Die! You and I can't exist together. You must die. Die! Okay, update me as you keep tracking. (Wife) (Husband) (The call has been ended.) Stop the car! Stay away! Follow me and she dies! Pull over! Pull over right now! Stop the car! - Hello? - The police surveillance called. Han So Ra's on a highway by the sea. Okay. Stop the car. Pull over! Pull over. Pull over! Pull over now! Die! Whatever you do, you can never beat me. Because you were never loved. Until you die, you'll never know what love is. You poor miserable thing. Darn you! Stop it! - Let go of me! - Stop it! - Let go! - Stop it already! I'll kill her. I'll kill her! - Please! - Let go of me! Let go. Let me go! Open the door. Let me out! I need to kill her. Let me out! I need to kill her! Honey! I have to kill her! I must... end this myself. Let me out! So Ra. So Ra. I'm very sorry. No. Tell me. What's your wish? I want to feel no fury. I want to live in peace. - No! - La El. Honey! - No! - La El. La El. Please. Please don't do it. Don't do it. Honey! LY Group's vice-chairman Kim Jung Chul is dead. Nothing is known of how he died, but police are investigating all possibilities. The same day, a car belonging to LY's chairman Kang Yoon Kyum... was found. It had skidded off a cliff. There were two people in the car. One is dead, the other gravely wounded. They are yet to be identified, and many are guessing who they are. Ex-prime minister Han Pan Ro fled the country... and cannot be found as of yet. Some are wondering if all this... has something to do with the suit ought against LY... by the LY Victims Alliance. Police are investigating all possible leads. I found Han Pan Ro's passport. Is this the real one? It doesn't make sense that he fled the country... without his passport. I'm wondering if there's another explanation. I don't know. Tell me. What's your wish? I want to feel no fury. I want to live in peace. What about you? I want to love... the person I love to no end. La El. La El. Lee La El. You woke up. The doctor told me to wait until you wanted to wake up. How long has it been? You slept for three days. La El. We can't be here. We must save the chairman. He must be saved. La El. The chairman's dead. He died on the spot. We can't change anything now. They followed his will and cremated him without a funeral. It's hard to believe, but it happened in front of us. The chairman left this with me before he went to the beach. With the bandoneon. (To La El) I'm sorry. I'm sorry, my son. Dad. Do you have any idea... what Yoon Kyum did before he died? He gave all of his shares to that woman, Lee La El. Considering the compensation... for Gediks Semiconductors based on its net worth, there's nothing left under the company! How dare he make that kind of decision? Dad, how are we going to live now? How? This is why... one's bloodline matters. A woman of low birth ought him into this world. We shouldn't have put him on our family registry! Honey, wait. Stop talking. You punk. You fool! If you're stupid, at least know when to shut your mouth. Don't you know why Yoon Kyum had to live like that? It's because you were incompetent. So I wanted him to lead the company in your place. That's why I had been tough on him. You're the cause of this. - You ungrateful punk. - Darn it. Stop hitting me! You know what? I'm done being nice! Okay? My goodness. I can't believe I did all this to take care of him. (Corruption Files on Han Pan Ro) This file has everything... I saw, heard, and did. How long has it been since Han Pan Ro got locked up? It's been about two weeks. Ms. Han didn't want me to, so I didn't even check up on him. I'll accept your decision. Testify everything truthfully... in court. And pay for your crimes. Let me visit Ms. Han one last time. And I'll turn myself in. How beautiful. Isn't she so beautiful, honey? How can a newborn look so beautiful? She has your nose. And she has my eyes. Isn't she beautiful, honey? You should hold her too. It's okay. Go ahead and hold her. Are you worried that you might mess up because you're new to this? Honey. We have a baby now. Hello. How is she? Ms. Han has been summoned to testify in court. So I've been keeping a close eye on her. But she's unfit to testify. You can say her condition is getting worse. She has completely... erased her memories on her own. Seeing how she erased unpleasant memories, she has a severe case of Methuselah Syndrome. She's in an early stage of schizophrenia. If she were to regain her memories, she'd kill herself. That's how hard it is for her to face reality. I'll get going now. Thank you. She may still be alive, but she gave up on herself. I guess I can't say she's truly alive. Look at my beautiful baby. Who are you? How dare you come in without my permission? Who are you? Are you from LY? What? What's wrong with my face? Who did this to me? Who did this to my face? You did it to yourself. Not everyone should be allowed to forget. You have to earn it. Mr. Kang Yoon Kyum... is dead. He was murdered. With these hands, you killed your dear husband. You will live... and face what you did. Living with the consequence of your action will be purgatory. No. No. This can't be. How could I look like this? This can't be happening. I can't believe this. No. This can't be! No! No! This isn't my face! Who are you? Why are you doing this to me? What have I done to you? Why are you doing this to me? Why are you doing this to me? Who are you? Why are you doing this to me? Who are you? Why are you doing this to me? Who are you? Han Pan Ro, Kim Jung Chul, and Han So Ra... gained unfair profits from their improper relationships... with politicians and corporations. Under the name of the Zeus Project, they ensured the interests of the corporations. (Witness) And they profited from this project. And... when people opposed Han Pan Ro, I kidnapped them... and threatened them. I participated in abandoning the body of Ms. Jang Moon Hee, the representative of LY Victims Alliance. And I also stabbed Chief Secretary Seo Eun Pyeong of the Blue House... with a knife and harmed him. A man is locked up inside. Go get a cutter. Mr. Seo. You once said, Life is already... full of pain. But... why do you seem okay? You also struggled... throughout your childhood without parents. I don't sense... any rage from you. How did you... defeat resentment? I couldn't either. If I seem okay, that must be for another reason. Right, life is a tragedy full of pain. But a beautiful moment comes to help you defeat it. Only humans can do this. That moment of defeat is so noble and splendid... that you can't help but admire life once again. That moment will come to you. When a beautiful blessing... em aces your heart. (The number 1 group that leads the world, LY Group) (Dear LY people, please contribute to the new future.) While the Tower of Babel called LY was being built, countless people were victimized. Seeking profit is the purpose of a company, it's just as important to serve a community. I have finished compensating the victims... with the money I received in return for Gediks, I will spend the rest to start a non-profit foundation... for other people victimized by companies. But no matter what kind of effort is made, the dead cannot come back to life. In order to prevent another misfortune like this, I need you all in the company... to contribute to a better future. (Chairman Kang Yoon Kyum) Just like how you healed me, now I want to try to heal you. If here, I dance the tango, guess what it'd be called. House tango. This is why I hesitated. In case I'd fall in love. I don't know why, but the cosmos reminds me of you. I know you've been hurt. The pain is so deep... that you have to make another wound to cover it. You can follow your heart. Before autumn comes, I'll find cosmos plants for you. Then one day, you will make them blossom. I've realized for the first time... that true happiness is... within what's ordinary. A pleasure to meet you, Ms. Lee La El. I'm your flight attendant in charge. I'll do my best to make your flight to Buenos Aires a comfortable one. What should I get for your company? I have no company. The seat was booked, so I thought you had company. I was supposed to go with someone, but he couldn't make it. I'm taking the instrument with me instead. I'm sorry to hear that. I hope he can make it next time. Some things can be seen even when they're invisible. Some people stay in your heart even when they're gone. My dad, my mom, Ms. Jang, and... you. I'll check this part and go with the second plan. Okay. All right, let's eat. I know you're busy. When did you make time to cook? I'm not as busy as you. You're travelling far away tomorrow. Let's eat. How jealous. Buenos Aires... I've never been there before. You got a round ticket, right? No, a one-way ticket. I'm not sure... if I'll want to come back. You'll leave for good? I'll come back one day. I believe that you'll want to come back soon. A beautiful woman leaving for a foreign country... all alone without a returning ticket. Now I'm worried. You still have it? You gave this to me. It turned out to be a lucky charm. I'll take it with me to Buenos Aires. I think it will protect me. Okay. Take care of yourself. And stay in touch. Okay. Thank you... so much for everything. You use that kind of remark only when you part ways. For now, let's enjoy our meal. In a sense that this isn't our last time. All right. (Chief Secretary Seo Eun Pyeong) (Buenos Aires) Yes? You resigned? How could you make such a decision overnight? I think we worked together way too long. It was since I was in my 20s. How long has that been? Isn't it time we go our separate ways? Our separate ways? Let's get our facts straight. You're the one who needed me... and made me your slave. Me? Goodness. Are you going to Buenos Aires... to see La El? Perhaps. Did you make plans to see her? No. You're just flying over there? Whether I'll get to see her, and whether I can spend time with her, I don't know yet. Is it time to hear the answer... to the question you asked her? That's just an excuse. I want to see her so much. I miss her. Okay. I'll take my sabbatical and wait for you to return. I can't work for middle-aged men... after working for a helpless romantic. Don't be too long, okay? I'll see. What? (For La El) You said that the tango... is a dance of which mistakes are a part. In that case, whatever we did was love, and it was beautiful. Even if I were to start over knowing everything, I'd have fallen for you again... and ended up in love. Thank you, everyone. This is my last performance. I played Adiós to bid farewell to my past. True love... gives us courage to move onto the next stage. I decided to bury the past... and move on. I don't know what it'll hold, but I believe... it will be nice. So the last piece I decided to play... is about freedom. What if... we had really met by chance? Shall we dance the tango? Sure. There's another side to everything. We can only see what we are shown. If you don't see what's behind the beauty, you cannot face the truth of life. What if... we had really met by chance? Ripped and resynced by YoungJedi (Thank you for watching Eve.)
Kukoo, come out. Why? What happened? He's with Nainaa again. No way! Hey! Are you ever going be serious about your studies, or are you just gonna giggle through? Go, mind your own business! And this is for all you other guys. No one's going to bother Nainaa again. Nainaa... I love you. Bro, see you at Aunty's place in the evening. Done. I'll be there! Nainaa. - Is this permanent? - No. But this is... Just like my love. I'm getting late. Please arrange the groceries in the fridge. Listen, as we continue our discussion about the rising cause for food, you know...the anxiety that's felt... Good morning Toronto. This is Sarah Ryan. Today's top story is... Your eakfast is in the microwave. And since it's Wednesday, keep the garbage bags downstairs. If you hear me, pick up the radio... Good morning. - Good morning. - Good morning. Hey, Jeff. Thank God you're here. I was starving. - So, why the sudden lunch? - No reason. You're leaving us soon. So I thought, why not? You must be excited about your new position! - Very excited. - Good. Your husband must be very proud. How does he feel about going to New York? I...still have to discuss it with him. So okay...these two? Okay, Lady's night. Lady's night only. Only ladies. Free alcohol for the ladies. You can go. Come on. Come on. That's fine. Are you a lady? Back off the line. Back off the line. Oh, come on man! Let us in already. - We're freezing out here. - Come back tomorrow, son. - Tomorrow. - Tomorrow? - Come on, man! - Hey... hey! - ID. Need some ID. - It's my birthday, come on. I can't understand. English? Yes... Okay, go inside. No, it's late. Inside. Inside. Okay, okay, okay. Oh my god! She did it! She actually did it! Look at that shit on you man! That's karma. But that's alright. Enjoy your lady's night, man. What life is this? It's completely lame out here. I did my hotel management from LPU. - LPU? - Laxmi Priya University, Patiala. So I could come here and clean pukes. Relax. Give it some time. You'll get promoted. And what good will that do? I'll get an assistant to clean off the vomit. Wait a second. Actually, tomorrow is our marriage anniversary. Nainaa has booked a table at Martins. I'd be glad if you could come. Oh wow, congrats. But man, I wish you had told me a little earlier. Priya's mom is coming over tomorrow. So we're showing her around. But listen, you guys have fun. Have a great time, buddy. Congratulations again. Cheers. I'd kept the electricity bill on the kitchen counter. Did you pay it? Couldn't find the time. I was busy. It's past the due date, Kukoo. What do you mean couldn't find the time? You're at home all day. What do you mean by stay home all day? Who works at night? You could've paid during the daytime. - Yes, but I'm tired... - I am sorry. How many guests are we expecting? Could you give us a few minutes, please? - Yes, of course. - I'll let you know. I'd invited a couple of friends. Don't know why they haven't shown up yet. - And you? - Sanjay and his wife called in sick. And Amy is in Montreal. Ta-dah! Happy, happy, happy anniversary, guys! This is for you. Hi handsome. How are you? - I am good. - Good. - Nainaa? - Yes. Hi, Nainaa! Happy anniversary! Happy, happy... Thank you. Thank you. Lucky girl, huh. Chair, please. So, how are you? Good? Me too! Wow...what a happening party, right? Too many attendees. We work together. - Kunal. - Vishal! Sorry, Vishal. Silly. A glass of Moscato, please. Five years, guys. I mean, wow! Seriously. You guys are the modern-day Dilip Kumar and Saira Banu. And look at me. I'm still single. - Really? - Yes. You know, the mention of marriage scares the shit out of me. My parents keep persuading me to get married. But I'm confused about... whether I should get married or not. Why don't you two tell me? Say something motivating. Should I get married? You must. Most definitely get married. Why shouldn't you? Of course, do it. Wow! You two convinced me with your arguments. Your arguments were so compelling. Thank you. So Kuks, what are you gifting Nainaa this time? What can I give her? She has everything. She's self-made, after all. What do you mean by that? Today is your anniversary. She deserves a gift. I'm beginning to feel you two are not frank with each other. Okay, I will help you out. Let's play a game. - I will count to three... - Kunal, please, we don't want to... Vishal. And let's play this game. I'll count to three. And without hesitating, you two will tell me, what you want from each other, okay? Together...without hesitating, okay? Ready? One... Two... - Divorce! - Divorce! How long have you been thinking about this? How does it matter? It's what you want too. It does matter. I've my reasons, what are your reasons, Kukoo? I cook eakfast for you. Even cook your lunch before I leave. I clean your laundry... Are you describing a house or a hotel? Things would've never come to this if we hadn't moved to Canada because of you. What are you doing? Tell me why you want this divorce? Nainaa, let's go home. - Let's not make a scene in the middle of the road. - I don't care! - Move the car! - I want to hear from you. Move the car! You tell me your reasons. Are you having an affair with someone? What? Have you lost your mind? Several guys work at your office. - Did I ever ask you, - Shut up... if you're having an affair? You make eakfast, lunch... You're a pathetic cook! You're so ungrateful! Who cooks triangle flat eads? You think it's easy for me. I've to run the house, go to work. You don't have to do me any favours. Leave me! - It's impossible to talk to you! - I came here because of you. - I'm your husband! - It's impossible to talk to you! - Then why did you marry me? - I don't know, Goddammit! Indistinct radio chatter Sorry. Me too. They are making me the vice-president of HR. At the New York office. I wanted to discuss it with you today. When are you leaving? Next month. Fine. We're going home for Ginny's wedding. I've a request. Let's not tell anyone... about our decision to get divorced till her wedding's over. We'll tell everyone after the wedding. Of course. All these months, we pretended to be a happy couple. A few more days for Ginny's sake won't hurt. I just hope at least Ginny has thought this through. Yes, papa. Where have you reached? You're taking so long! - We're reaching in five minutes. - Come soon! Welcome! Geeta! They are arriving in five minutes. They have managed to make it here all the way from Canada! And you cannot even make it out of your room? Here I am. Look at yourself. You're not dressed... But you're creating a riot! You ladies need time. As for me, I just need to comb my hair, and I'm done. Papa! The wedding band's here, and you're still in a towel. - Hurry up and get dressed. - Shiva! - Get ready. - Looking beautiful. As you said, we've pretended to be a happy couple for so long. A little longer won't hurt. Smile. - Mummy! - Papa! Kukoo! Nainaa! Seeing you two after ages! Hello! Welcome! Congratulations. - Come here, Ginny. - I am here too. Can't believe you're getting married! Stop being so old-fashioned. We're a modern family. Let's do a fist bump. Yeah! Tom Ford? - Yes. - Papa! Let's go inside. Your hair is looking great! Kukoo, you rascal. - Pulling my leg. - Fresh flat eads, anyone? I can have one. - It's raining flat eads. - Want some? - No mummy. - No? Kukoo... I bet you miss having flat eads with chickpeas in Canada. It's available there, papa. There's a lot of stuff available here too like- Japanese sushi with mint sauce. But it's not the same. Let him eat in peace! Let him eat in peace. Nainaa, pass me your plate. - Please, mom, I'm done. - Only one spoon. Take it. Take it. Fine. Only one spoon. Get some rest, you two. Later you can visit mom-dad. I already spoke with them on the phone, mom. They are coming over for Ginny's engagement tomorrow. We'll meet then. Okay, fine. How's the factory doing, papa? The factory burnt down to the ground, son! We're oke. Didn't anyone tell him? Idiot, in this winter season, you're eating mangoes that are 2500 a dozen. The factory must be doing great. Right? Go on. Enjoy! So, Ginny, how is Balwinder? Ballu-ji is good. Ballu-'ji'! How nice! Already such respect. At least someone is giving it. We're just glad that princess finally picked one out of the dozens of suitors we showed her. Because not every guy is like my other. You're very lucky, sister-in-law. Kukoo is the lucky one... To have found a girl like Nainaa. Kids, make us lucky too... by giving us grandchildren. Let them be, mom! Drop it, guys. This is their age to have fun. Let them enjoy. Why don't you take a trip to Europe? You go then I'll go. I mean, we'll all go together. Fritters. Pass me the fritters. - Are they good? - Yes, they are. Hello. Hello. Welcome. Welcome. Hello. All good. Welcome. Welcome. Mr. Malhotra! Geeta! - Geeta, come here. Mr. Malhotra's here. - Coming. - How are you, sir? - Meet my better half. - Hello. - How are you? - All good? - Absolutely. - Hello. - Hello. - How have you been? - Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. You are looking really pretty today. - Thank you! - Isn't she? It's not the makeup. - It's her natural glow. - Mama! My child. Look after mom and dad. - We'll check on the guests over there. - Okay. My child. Looking beautiful. I'm meeting you two after one and a half years. I want to give you two a tight hug, and not let go. I've never seen you two together, even on video calls. It's quite late, mom. Where is Gurpreet? Yes, where is Gurpreet? Kukoo! Zip it. - Kukoo, my o. - Come here. My foreign return buddy. - I missed you a lot, buddy. - Me too.. No kisses, o! Seriously? Now you're even rubbing off my kisses? Your sister's waiting in the line too. Nainaa my sister, how are you? I am good, how are you? Look, you know I don't like to ag about myself. Otherwise, I would've told you how I am! - Dad. - Bless you, son. Come on, guys. Lift the foreigner up and take him to our hangout. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Congratulations, Ginny. Your face looks pale. Put the smile back on your face. Haven't you ended Gaurav's chapter yet? Pick it up. It's the first peg of the evening, so bottoms up! Down the hatch, boys! Let's do it then. Forget everything else... first one down the hatch! Cheers! Look child, I never wanted you to go a oad. But now that you have, have you ever thought about the competition? Yes, mom. I always do. Really? - Even in my company, I... - Nainaa. Not that competition. You tell her, sister. Child, it's those foreign women. Men have this weird sensation in their hearts when they see these white chicks. So husbands shouldn't be given too much freedom. Before they tend to meander, put them on a leash with a child. On a serious note... This rascal became friends with me so he could impress my sister. That's not true. - It's rubbish. - Seriously? Seriously? Tell me how many times did you propose to Nainaa? - Leave it. - Why leave it? - Tell me. - Come on... No, tell us. Tell us how many times. How many times did you propose? Tell us. Five times. - Five times! - Five times? And every time, she rejected him. But o here, didn't give up! After that, he became my best friend. He kept coming home every day for extra studies. He became a bookworm. I kept wondering, why the guy was working so hard- yet the grades weren't improving! Failure! But Kukoo... since you left, Patiala isn't the same anymore. Even I missed you a lot. Yeah, but you've changed so drastically. Totally changed. There isn't an ounce of Patiala left in him. - It's all gone. - He would never shut up. NRI! But now, it looks like someone's peed all over the flames. You're such a scoundrel. This is why I always say... never get married. I married your sister. So what if you married my sister? Are you not my other? Look at me. Single and happy. Look at Bittu. Single. Only showers on Holis. Veera here, is single. Check out his nails. He can rip through wood with those. He's the friendly neighbourhood Wolverine. Bro...we are the Avengers! The Avengers! Sure o, sure... Avengers! Wait a second guys, Nainaa's calling. What's he doing? What's the opposite of an Avenger? - Umm... - What? Don't 'umm' me. Married. Kukoo. Kukoo. Kukoo. Kukoo! What behaviour is this? Why did you throw water at me? Because throwing anything else would be much more painful. Are you a child? It's 11:30. This is my house! I'll sleep through the day! I cannot wait till Ginny's wedding. We'll have to tell mom-dad everything right now. But why? We decided to wait until after the wedding. The situation was different then. Jeff called a while ago. He said I must give my confirmation right now for the position in New York. The CEO wants to meet me within 15 days. Why did you come here in the first place? He just called! And we still have to tell both our families... then face the drama after that! Then complete the court formalities! How are we going to manage everything, Kukoo? And on top of that... These women have already given me a headache about having children. It's not easy for me to put up this act either. I know it's not easy, so go tell them the truth. That we are separating! Or I am telling them. Wait a second. I'll tell papa when he's in the right mood. He'll handle it in his own way. And when will he be in the right mood? I'll have to create one. Papa. Welcome. Welcome. Greetings... What's wrong with you, buddy? Behaving so cultured like your mother. It's nothing. Papa, I made... Ordered this. Great! You've made very professional arrangements today. Nice. Nice. Sit! Sit! Honestly speaking, son. I always thought you'll do nothing in life. Nothing at all. But look at you. You went all the way to Canada... and became a bodyguard. - I am proud of you. - Papa, I'm a bouncer, but... It's the same thing, buddy. You had no shame about your work. You started from scratch... and became a bouncer! You are amazing, son. Amazing. Oh, yes! On the occasion of this father-son bonding, I've got a surprise for you. Lamakazi, 18-year-old. Eighteen years! Eighteen years. Just like you. What the... - Same-same. - Same. Pinch-pinch. When both, father and son agree, they toast with a bottle of Lamakazi. Make a large one. Keep going. Okay. Enough. You too. As the saying goes, son. When the son's biceps match with his father... they become friends. What's your body fat these days? Mine is 14. Mine is on 8. What the... Cheers! 8 percent body fat! Two hearts are becoming one... but secretly. Two hearts are becoming one... but secretly. Everyone's finding out... Everyone's finding out... Papa... but secretly. Papa... - I want to tell you something very important, papa. - Two hearts are becoming one... Excuse me! Your party, your booze, your chicken, so who will speak first? Me. What do you want to talk about? Son, you are a married man. You're not as neck-deep as me. But you're surely knee-deep in it. Tell me something, son. - Is anyone listening? - No. Why do wives become so boring after marriage? Papa, you took the words right out of my mouth. Wives can take the food from your mouth! You're talking about words? Papa, you're absolutely right! This is what I want to talk to you about. Ditto. - Is it? - Yes. Because marriages are so tough. Very tough, son. Very tough. That's a beautiful thing you've said, son. How do I tell you? It's as difficult as living in the same cave as a vegetarian lioness. Vegetarian lioness? Yes, son. She won't eat you because she's a vegetarian. But will keep scaring you with her roar. Papa, either I am drunk or your talks are getting very deep. They are deep indeed. I say, everything changes after marriage. - I am so... - They change, son. The wives change. From a beautiful butterfly... she turns into a caterpillar. Caterpillar? Yeah...just like a weird looking caterpillar turns into a beautiful butterfly; it's the opposite with wives. From a beautiful butterfly, they turn into a caterpillar. Can't say about caterpillars. But wives become such a bore... Very boring! Very boring! Like a female Mogambo. Mogambo can still be pleased! But wives can never be pleased. Ever heard a wife say I am pleased!. Even Santa Clause couldn't make them happy... and we're just human beings. Human beings! A man can either be married, or he can be happy. He can never be both. In fact, do you know which is the biggest festival in India? Which one? - Wives. - Why? Because she has to be cele ated over and over again. That's why I've decided to divorce your mom. Divorce! Separation! 100 percent, guaranteed divorce. As soon as Ginny gets married, I'll divorce your mom! I've been trying to tell you this... it's a big load off my chest. Papa. Good talk. Good talk. See you, son. Your mom won't stop nagging me if I stay up late. - Goodnight. - Papa. Papa. Papa. Papa! Why are you running? Papa! As soon as Ginny gets married, I'll divorce your mom. 100 percent, guaranteed divorce. Ginny. Answer this. If you happen upon a problem that's the size of a field, who will you go to? You, papa. Wrong answer. You'll go to a farmer. Why's that? Because he can help you plough it. Dad, at least let me finish my coffee before attacking me in the morning. I should delete your WhatsApp. Hello, son. Good morning, other. You look like shit. Quietly eat your eakfast. Yeah, Rimpy. She's already married once to her phone. This is the second one. Second marriage. Everything you said last night, dad. Did you say it because you were drunk, or did you really mean all of it? About what? What do you mean what? Can someone get me some flat ead? Geeta! - Papa. - And none of that white organic stuff. - Get me the yellow butter. Two spoons. - Forget the butter. I'm talking about the person who's making these flat eads you're stuffing your face with! Just keep eating all the butter! Have you seen your cholesterol lately? Worry about your sugar. I got you that kit. Did you check your sugar level? I did. Everything is fine. Don't worry. Come, get some fresh flat ead. I want to talk to papa. - Come with me. - Mom, I... Go on. Mom's calling. Must be something important. What happened mom? I'm not hungry yet. Kukoo, I want to have a serious conversation with you. About what? Tell me honestly. Is everything okay between you and Nainaa? Yes, everything is fine. I am your mother. I can read faces. Your faces are telling me something is wrong, son. Mom, it's nothing. Her face is like that. She is always stressed. Look Kukoo, I am not asking you the reason. I'm just telling you that fights are common between husband and wife. Look at your papa and me. We've been married for 35 years. And we've fought for 3500 times. But each fight strengthens our relationship, son. If you want any tips, you should ask your father. He's an experienced husband. He'll only give you good advice. Yes, Ginny. Come up to the terrace for a second. I've to tell you something important. About what? About mom and dad. What happened? What is it? What happened? First, promise you won't tell mom and dad. Tell me first. As you know, mom and dad's wedding anniversary is two days before my wedding. So? So I made a plan. All the relatives are gonna be here. Why don't we make them renew their vows on their anniversary? What do you think? - What? - Imagine, o! Won't it be a lot of fun? Mom dressed in her wedding attire, dad in a traditional suit... What is this? Family drama? Cancel the plan! You don't worry. I'll arrange everything. I just want some money. It's a miserable idea. Cancel it. Why cancel it? I came up with such a sexy plan. I don't have any money. What do you mean you don't have money? You're doing fine in your job, aren't you? They fired me. Who fires a bouncer? What will you do now? Sell chole-kulche on the street just outside the house. 15 rupees for a plate. Why do you care? - Bro... - Always asking questions. - Listen... - Don't make any plans. Renew their vows! Brother! Good morning. Where are you going? Did you talk to papa last night or not? - Nainaa, I... - Don't tell me you only got drunk. Kukoo, you're so typical. Guess what, my mom called up your mom... and gave her a doctor's number. I'm scheduled for a check-up today. What's wrong with you? Why can't I get pregnant? And that's not even it. She was telling her about some holy lady who can get me pregnant with her blessings. Can you see what I'm dealing with? I can't be doing all of this? Okay, Nainaa! Calm down. Relax. I tried to talk to papa yesterday, but he wasn't in the zone. Which papa is ever in the zone to hear about his son's divorce? What zone is this, Kukoo? My sister is getting married. So papa was like Ginny this, Ginny that... That's all he kept talking about. He's an emotional man! I will talk to him. When? Kukoo. Kukoo! Kukoo, you... Kukoo. That was delightful. Those carom seeds you add to the recipe is amazing. Yes, papa. What's wrong with you? We've to go to talk to the decorators. Let him have eakfast first. We'll be back in a couple of hours. I'll buy him some eakfast. Come on, I'll get you some sushi with mint sauce. Come on. Remember this theatre, son? Yes, I do. But I also remember what you said last night. Let's discuss that first? I used to ing you here regularly when you were a kid. But these days, you'll see anything but movies here! Especially in the corner seats. You're back again? - Roop. - You cannot do it, father. I beg you to leave. Please hear my request first, Roop. See Satya, when your father did all those favours for me- I was unaware that one day his daughter will try to cash in those favours with interest. I am not here to cash in anything. I came to ask you for a favour. I apologise. I cannot do this for you. Papa, what's going on? Why aren't you coming to the point? I am talking to you, papa. Madam, why don't you sit between us? The entire theatre is empty. Do you have to sit so close to us? Meera ma'am? Recognize me? Kukoo. You were my Math teacher in 12th grade. Hi, Kukoo. Are you alone? Popcorn. Caramel. - For you. - Hi, Bheemu. Hi. Thank you for coming. By the way, your earrings are glowing like your face. Obviously. They are a gift from someone. Your choice is amazing. Thank you. Thank you. By the way, even your face is sparkling- since your son and daughter-in-law are back. Glowing like a 1000-watt bulb. 1000? Thank you. What's going on here? Look, Kukoo. Last night, I wasn't blabbering because I was drunk. Try to understand this with some maturity. Your mother and I are not right for each other. Meera and I... We... You understand, don't you? This is why I wanted you two to meet... so you can understand that I am serious. Once Ginny gets married, you can take mom to Canada with you. She will be less shocked if she stays with you. Please look after her. For my sake. Be strong. Please Kukoo... Yes, Nainaa. What are you up to, Kukoo? Why did you lie to Ginny that you got fired from the job? If it was money you needed, you could have taken it from my bag. How can you be so selfish? Do you know how upset Ginny is? Wait a second. You lied to me, other. Just tell me clearly whether you can give me the money or not? Otherwise, I will manage... I will. I will. I'll give you the money. - Really? Okay thank you! Bye! Uncle is having an affair? With Meera ma'am? Your Math teacher? Damn! Is this why he used to come for PTA meetings? How long has this been going on? Don't know. But it's tough to see your father with another woman. I know, man. What about my mom? Mom... Kukoo, are you crying? No, it's sweat. Just coming out of my eyes. Just say the word. This is your o's office. I'll turn up the AC. Here you go. Wait. Just wait, Kukoo. Gurpreet, we can't buy Meera ma'am with money. She's already pretty rich. You keep beers in the safe? Bunch of beer thieves I've got here. And money? In the drawer, Kukoo! Such a stupid question. Leave all that. Tell me what can I do. Gurpreet sir. 150 coconuts, 25 dozen eggs, 12 snake skins, and 40 cow-dung candles have arrived. Sign the bill. Got the hair oil? I did. Three litres. What do you do exactly? Kukoo, forget about my profession. I know what uncle's problem is. Uncle is a very jolly guy. Slightly fickle. And aunty is naive and simple. We must do something about uncle's fickle mind. Meaning? Meaning his lust. Uncle's become lustful. You're disgusting! He's my father! Sorry. Sorry. Chotu, let him go. - He's my other. Put him down. - Sorry. Sorry. - Chotu, leave him. - Please. Leave him. Everyone outside or I'll slap you. Get back to work. Come on. - He's staring. - What? Do I have to do dance for you, is that when you'll leave? He wants this. Stuff your face with it. Finish it. Bloody beer thief. Kukoo, are you okay? Look, don't take offence. Try to understand? Don't you get excited? Don't I get excited? How is uncle any different? He's your father after all. You're such a cheap man. He's my father. I am not cheap, I am practical. And uncle doesn't love that madam of yours. It's just that his old pressure cooker can't stop blowing whistles. Look...listen to me. If we can cure dad's lust, then everything will be fine. I feel so disgusted when I even think about it. I can understand. We both grew up on uncle's lap. Now that that teacher's sitting on uncle's lap- he's growing a few inches. Calm down. Look, o, whatever it is. If we want to save uncle and aunt's marriage, then we must cure uncle's... How? What? You want me to invite dad to my bachelor's party? Who invites his future father-in-law to a bachelor's party? Put some sense in this fool. Don't worry, Ballu. I'll be there too. You...you're coming too? Since the entire family's coming, let's go on a pilgrimage instead. Who needs a bachelor's party? Look Ballu, just say yes. We cannot give you any more details. At least give me something to work with. What? Look Ballu, a guy feels fresh after two things. One, after potty. Two, after party. Dad desperately needs to party. Desperately! Then let him do potty. If he wants to party, then why mine? Take him someplace else. Please. Fine, then I'll cancel the Russian dancers I ordered. Absolutely not. Dad's coming especially for them. In fact, order some more. Fair looking... Fair looking? Thanks, Billy. - Ballu. - Okay, Billu. What do you guys want? Well Kukoo, this has been taken care of. Now pray- that you don't end up with a kid other at this age. By the way, do you like little kids with blue eyes? Dravosky. Stankonasky. Putinasky. Dasvidaniasky. Hello. - Can you distribute this? - Yes. Naina! Can you check in the kitchen? - One second, I'm getting an important call. - Hi Jeff. - Hi Nainaa. Is everything alright? Everything is fine. I've just been very busy with... you know, the wedding preparations here. I understand. But I can't keep them hanging for long. They need to see you here for confirmation. I know. I know. Just give me a couple of more days, and I'll figure out a way as soon as possible. Alright, I'll wait for your call. Okay, thanks. Bye. Why did they have to throw the bachelor's party on the night of the veneration? I wonder what those atheists are up to? Who is going to handle all this? Nainaa, don't get angry. I know you don't believe in these things. Remember we told you about Guru-maa? She's coming today. She's arranged for a small prayer service. Mom... Say yes. I still can't figure out, what am I going to do at my son-in-law's bachelor party? Uncle, you're the one who needs to do stuff. He means, Ballu sent a special invite for you. He said that he won't cele ate his bachelor party until you don't show up. And uncle, all the young lads will be there. You deserve to be there. You always talk rubbish. But you're right for a change. And thank you, Kukoo. You saved me from your mom's boring prayer service. Looking at how much she prays, I fear God will appear personally someday and request her to please stop playing these drums. The Gods in heaven can't sleep. Amazing. On that note, uncle, one for the road. - Cheers, uncle. - Thank you. Cheers Kukoo, have a sip. I am driving. Speak to him... Papa, how much time after you met mom, was I born? Immediately after marriage. Why delay a good deed? Remember I asked you as a kid how I was born... And what did you tell me? I hope I didn't tell you the truth! Uncle...you're in a good mood tonight. No. You told me that you and mom visited a temple, and asked God for a toy. And he gave you me. Cheers! I just want to remind you that that's not how it works. See what's written on that board. Lack of caution, causes accident! So? - So have a blast at the party, dad. - Yes! But use caution. Caution, uncle. Cheers. Lack of caution, causes accident! It's time. Thank you. Cheers. Cheers. You are such a fab dancer. Ohh... In my college days, I was the king of tango and twist. Wow! Dad does look relaxed. See. He needed this. Good going. Yes. You are smarter and more experienced than these young boys. I feel like eating you up. Get up. Get up! What do you mean eat you up? How dare you talk to me like this? I didn't come here willingly? Then? He told me. I told you uncle won't like this stuff. Why do you do this? Disgusting! Uncle, you talk to him. Kukoo, what the hell is this? What kind of party is this? It's the best type of party, uncle. Best type... Get lost you, idiot! All the girls...get in my car. Come on. Dad, you're taking all of them? I'm taking them home...their home! Dropping them home. Let's go! Okay, dad. Best party ever! Shut up. Best party ever! How dare you compare my love with lust? I don't want to talk now, dad. That's the problem with your generation. Always ready to jump in bed with the first girl you see. I swear, Kukoo. I never touched anyone except for Geeta! Not even Meera! We are in our first phase of our relationship. Even if our pinky fingers caress each other, we feel an adrenaline rush. Dad, I don't want to hear all this. Can you be quiet for a minute? - Please... - I have given 30 years to your mom... to our marriage. And what did I ask in return? Some love, some romance! I wanted to renounce everything. But then Meera came into my life. She gave me the love and romance I was looking for. I don't want to hear about your affair. Just shut up, papa. Your mom has surrendered, Kukoo. But I want to live. - She's out of love, and I am in love. - Stop the car. So what's the big issue? Stop the car. I said stop the car, dad. With pleasure. Stop this drama! Have you all lost your mind? This is how we have children? Mom, mama, listen to me carefully. We'll never discuss the topic of children again! I don't want children! Let's end this chapter here! Why are you saying that, child? Because Kukoo and I are separating. We're getting a divorce. Nainaa. What behaviour is this? What happened? Downstairs! Now! We need to talk. Good morning, lady Emraan Hashmi. Did you have a reality check yet? Please tell me none of that happened yesterday. Please tell me it was all a bad dream. Honestly, I can't understand you. I swear. You clearly still love Gaurav. Then God knows why are you marrying that Ballu! Because a person gets married to settle down, Rimpy. Like my other and sister-in-law. Like my mom and dad. If they ask me how much does he earn, what will I say? He's still struggling in the music industry? That he aspires to be a rockstar? Got a text from Ballu. How was the party? What am I gonna say? Ginny, what do you mean what am I gonna say? What else can you say? You were lip-locking with your ex last night? Listen Ginny, don't make a scene now. Let things continue the way they are. Are you listening? Ginny. Sit down, mom. Shut up, Kukoo! Shut up! Tell me what the problem is. We've given it a lot of thought. And it's not working out. Not working out? What isn't working out? Must be some problem. Mom, my company is sending me to New York. They are promoting me to a better position. And I must leave in a couple of days. 'I'? You mean you're going alone? Well...since you've decided everything, why tell me now? Do as you guys wish. That's not it, mom. We were going to tell you. What's this meeting about? Thinking of getting a divorce! Not at all... Who? What do you mean who? These two, who else? You two? If the problem is about having babies, then don't have babies. No one will force you. That's not it, mom. Then what is it? You put some sense in them. Even you two? I mean you two... How long has this been going on? They think marriage is a joke. Getting a divorce over every little fight. Listen to me carefully you two. Talk to each other. Fix whatever problem you two have. There's never been a divorce in this family, and never will be. We've been married for the past 35-years. Haven't we had our share of fights? Didn't we have problems? But this is not done - getting a divorce whenever you have a fight. Look son, it takes a lot of effort to make your marriage work. It's a lot of hard work. But your generation doesn't want to make the effort. Don't just stand there like a statue. Why don't you say something? Your mother is right. Marriage is not a joke. Takes effort to keep the relationship intact. I know it's not easy, but... Pick it up. No, pick it up. And what were you saying... What does it take to maintain the relationship? Do tell, papa. Kukoo, be quiet. And listen to what your mom's saying. I already heard her. Now I want to know from you. Clearly, marriage is not a joke. Definitely it isn't. So what is marriage? Stop this nonsense and sit down. I don't want to sit down. - Sit down, Kukoo. - I don't want to sit down. Today you decided to play the role of a father. Then be a father and tell us what marriage is. Speak up, papa. That's no way to talk to papa, Kukoo. How else do I talk to him? This guy here advising us about marriage, wants to divorce mom himself! Don't talk rubbish. It's not rubbish. It's true. And he's given me a headache since I got here. Stop this nonsense and sit down. - This is not nonsense. - Sit down - Sit down. - Who's calling? - Be quiet. Be quiet. - Who's calling, papa? Show me. Show me who's calling. Don't touch my phone. That's not all, mom! He's having an affair! He's pestering me to speak with you after Ginny's wedding, so he can go live with that other woman! And now he's giving us advice! Tell us, papa. Tell us about marriage. - No, tell me. - Kukoo, stop it! Is it true? Sit down, mom. Mom, I... What's wrong? Why has everyone gathered around here? Are you crying? No... You're getting married right, so mom got a bit emotional. Because you'll leave us. I am not going anywhere. I don't want to marry Ballu. Is it something that Ballu said? What happened, Ginny? Be honest with us. It's nothing. Everyone's a little anxious before their wedding. Once you get married, then everything will be fine. Brother! Brother! Aunty! Brother, come out. Brother! Something is wrong with uncle. Brother! Aunty! Papa! Papa! Papa! Go get some water. Papa! Papa! Call the doctor! Papa! Papa, eathe! Breathe, papa! Breathe, papa! I shouldn't have screamed at him. Don't blame yourself. He'll be fine. We're here for him. Are there jokes in my report? There's nothing in your report. This is your 2D Echo report, your ECG, it's absolutely clear. Your heart's as good as a 10-year-old kid. Top condition. - Bhatia... - Yeah. It was a heart attack. It wasn't a heart attack. Must be gas or something. When you drink protein shakes at the age of eating porridge, what else can you expect? Are you done having fun? Come here. It was a heart attack. It wasn't a heart attack. I've been trying to tell you that. Read these reports. Read... Bhatia, if I don't have a heart attack, then those waiting outside, will attack me in several different ways. It was a heart attack. Uncle, how is papa's condition now? It was a heart attack. Mild. It was a very mild heart attack. Thankfully you got him to the hospital at the right time. There's nothing to worry about, but stress isn't good for him. Go on, son. He's calling you. Papa. Kukoo... Be careful. Haven't you showered since morning? Mom didn't let me freshen up. I've been hearing an earful since I've been up. It's not good to supress natural things. Be it emotion or motion. Sorry, papa. Naina and you are separating? Papa, please. Not right now... Did it come to this because of me? No, papa. Why are you thinking like that? Look son, I cannot see you two separated. You ought this topic up, and look where I landed. If you two actually get separated... - Papa... - I will die. Just don't say that. Get well first... we'll talk about this later. Go home. Go take a shower, son. Go take a shower. Gaurav, I am really sorry about everything that happened between us, but... I cannot hurt my family anymore. Please. I am really sorry. - Hi, Jeff. - Hi, Naina. Listen, you have to let me know your date of return tomorrow. Otherwise, they are going with someone else. Jeff, you know how badly I want this position. But my family really needs me right now. I won't be able to confirm the dates until everything is sorted here first. I am really sorry. Two hearts becoming one... but secretly. So...are you getting pampered or not? Because of your drama. Come on, sweetheart. I don't like to do this drama, but I had no choice. I couldn't think of anything else at the moment. I was tallying the accounts. The hospital made a huge bill for a heart attack. 550,000 rupees is a large amount! From behind the laptop? The battery was weak. I was just checking. I want to meet Meera. Even I want to meet Meera. Meera Bai, I mean. Seeing the hospital bill has made my heart restless. I wanted to hear some religious songs. Couldn't remember the name. But thank you for reminding me, Geeta. I am talking about the other Meera. Which other Meera? Fix a meeting with her. And tell Kukoo to take us there. I have to talk to her. But Meera isn't in the city. She is out of the country. Varanasi. Sorry. Mexico. Kukoo, who's knocking on the window? I'll go check. Go check. I'll go check. Are you out of your mind? Why did you come through this way? Couldn't you ring the doorbell, like a normal human being? Are you dumb? It's midnight. Is this the time to ring someone's doorbell? But why are you here, at this hour? Will you ask me all your questions out here? - Can I come inside? - Help...help. Pull me up! - What happened? - What is it? Mom said you two are also getting a divorce. Is this some kind of a festival you guys are cele ating? One plus one free. Why not get a membership card, where you can also earn some points. Gurpreet, Nainaa and I are going to sleep. After a long time. Come back tomorrow. We'll discuss this tomorrow. You two look as fresh as a fiddle. We'll discuss this right now. Why wait till tomorrow? We are gonna talk right now. Gurpreet, we're tired! Shut up, Kukoo. You share everything with me, Papa this, papa that... but not this. Papa? Papa. Sorry, son. But I need to speak with you urgently. There's a door in the house. Why is everyone coming through the window? Because great minds think alike. Hello, uncle. What are you doing here? What is he doing here? Forget him. What are you doing here? Wait a second. Your mother wants to meet Meera. Who is Meera? Uncle's girlfriend. Who told him? Kukoo did. Who else did you tell, son? But why does mom want to meet Meera ma'am? I don't know. She said tell Kukoo to take me to see her. She is pacing the halls, so I had to come through the window. She wants to talk to her. What does aunty want to ask your girl? - Why do you care? - Papa... Son, think of something. Stop this from happening. This meeting could be pretty risky. Come up with some excuse, like she's not in the city. - Or something... - No! Aunty will get suspicious. I have an idea. Meera ma'am was crossing the railway tracks, and got run over by a bus. Then no one can meet her! I even have a trusted driver. He'll testify. - I'll slap you! - Papa... Stay away. Away. Stand in the corner. Listen, listen, listen. Papa, calm down. What are you doing? - You just got better. - Come up with something. He cannot accept me in the family. There's a reason I call your mother a 'vegetarian lioness'. She might slap Meera. You don't know your mother. Nainaa, you tell him. It's making me nervous. Relax, papa. Bhatia uncle has advised you to not stress. - Okay, papa. - What okay? Don't worry, they will never meet. I am there. Relax. Promise? Trust me. Okay, see you. That way. You know what papa? Since the day I got here, nothing's going right. Let's visit the temple tomorrow and pray to God. To fix our bad luck. - Temple? - Temple! Very good. Even after moving to Canada, your values are intact. I am proud of you. - Just handle your mom. - Sweet dreams. Temple? Since when did you become so religious? Only God can put an end to Meera madam's chapter. My Mother Goddess. Hail Mother goddess! Hail Mother goddess! Mom is sleeping. That's okay. You guys sleep too. - No... - Sleep. Sleep. By the way, what were you guys doing when I got here? - No, I was just... - She's your sister. Doesn't matter. Even you're my other. Come, papa. Come. Hail Mother Goddess! What is he doing here? What are you doing here? You enjoy humiliating me. What is your problem? I've a gift for you. What gift? Meera, you! I told Gurpreet to go get her, papa. We're here to pray for our family's welfare. And now Meera ma'am is a part of our family. No? So mature of you. I am proud of you, son. I am proud of you. You are really progressive. All thanks to Mother Goddess. - Thank you, Kukoo. - Ma'am. Gurpreet. Kukoo's friend. - No, thank you. The auspicious time is passing. Let's go take blessings. Hail Mother goddess! Priest. Offerings. Hail Mother goddess! Hail Mother Goddess! Uncle, best of luck. Hail Mother Goddess! We need to talk, Meera. Can we do it now? Meera, there's no point in beating around the bush. Let's be direct. We've been married for 35-years. Seen many ups and downs. But I never imagined we'll see this day. He isn't happy with me. And how can I be happy if he isn't? So...I'm letting you have him. You two can get married. I'll sign on the dotted lines. Just wait till after Ginny's wedding. What are you saying, mom? Couple of things about him that I want to tell you. Check his sugar levels every day. His craving for sweets always spikes his sugar levels. Don't let him drink too much. Upsets his stomach. And don't talk too much until he's had his eakfast. He gets annoyed. Doesn't matter what you cook him for dinner, but the flat ead should always be fresh. And yes, it shouldn't be too spicy. He's already had two surgeries for his piles. And most importantly... Keep him away from any kind of stress. He's just had a mild heart attack. If you have any other doubts or questions, you can always ask. But wait until after Ginny's wedding. Please. And don't worry about me. I took care of the family even when he was around. I'll continue to do so even without him. Let's go, Nainaa. Mom, are you alright? Care for some wine? I have a few sips whenever he comes home drunk. Otherwise, his snoring becomes unbearable. You met Kukoo in school, right? Fifth grade. Good Lord! You two spent a lifetime getting to know each other. I met Bheem for the first time four days after our wedding. What? Well, we did meet a couple of times before. But I got a good look at him, four days after our wedding, when all the guests had left. And in the first year, I did feel, that this isn't right. But back then, divorce never crossed my mind. Then Kukoo happened, and then Ginny. Raising them, handling their quarrels, their education- I spent half my life on these things. We could never be husband and wife. We were just mom and dad. Then children grew up, they went their own way. Once again from mom and dad, we were back to being husband and wife. That's when I took another good look at him. And wondered... Is this the man I married? He is not a bad person, Nainaa. He did take care of me. But, there's a difference between showing care, and showing love. You get addicted to a relationship, that lasts so many years. And any kind of addiction is hard to quit. I... I don't know if what I'm doing is right or wrong, but...it's tough. Mom... Mom, come what may, I am always with you. Nainaa, if a relationship eaks, there isn't just one reason behind it. It's the fatigue of numerous unresolved issues. If you are very exhausted, and have run out of strength, never even think for a moment about what people are going to say. I'll support you with whatever decision you make. But, if you can give it another chance, then please do, sweetheart. You both are my children. Mom. Where were you two, mom? Papa left with his bags in a fit of rage. Why did you have to do this? Who hands over their husband like this? - What do you want to prove? - Kukoo. - Mom did the right thing... - I'm talking to mom! What are you trying to prove? How dare you speak to Nainaa this way? Never speak to her this way again. Sir... how much longer do I have to wait? Why? Do you have a meeting? Get lost. And don't come back. Surprise! Surprise! - You? - You made me wait so long. Quickly make some dinner. I am starving. What are you doing here? What do you mean? I left everything behind...for good. For you, Meera. - Come on, let's go inside. - Wait a second. I was about to call you. You were missing me, weren't you? No. After meeting Geeta today, I realised I can never be like her. You don't have to be like her. You are different. She is crazy. Bheem, I've always been independent. Altering my life and my routine according to someone else, isn't possible for me. I understand, Meera. Bheem...I'm not the type that bakes fresh flat ead. I've always lived alone, which is why I never adopted a dog. Are you comparing me to a dog? I cannot live with you. Meera, don't take Geeta seriously. She is... Geeta is very nice. We're being unfair to her. Harbhajan! Harbhajan...wait! I'm coming back home! Harbhajan! Goodnight. I can't figure out what's going on in this house. You should have talked mom out of it. Instead, you're supporting her! Mom is doing the right thing parting ways, Kukoo. And I am with her. What are you saying? Have you lost your mind? They are my mom and dad! And they love each other. Don't we love each other? Nainaa, they cannot part ways, okay. Why can't they part ways, Kukoo? We can part ways but not them? Why is our divorce any different from theirs? This is not about us! Exactly! It's about them! Why are you suddenly acting up? Did you even once sit down with mom and talk to her? Have you ever asked her, Mom, are you okay? Do you have any clue what just happened with her? - Her entire life, her marriage... - Why are you lecturing me? She is my mom. I know her. And don't interfere too much. If you can't fix anything in this family, then don't make it any worse, Nainaa. God. You're so selfish. Have you ever felt that mom's not happy in this marriage? Did you ever try to find out? No, you didn't. Because it doesn't make any difference to you. What matters to you is, whether you're happy with their decisions or not. You are selfish like your father. Don't compare me to my father. - You are like your father. - No. Someone who only cares about his happiness. And this selfish nature of yours is responsible for the state of our relationship. I am responsible? I am not responsible, you are! And you are selfish, not me. You insisted on going to Canada. I left my house, my city for you! If you were offered a job in Canada or any other place, wouldn't I've gone with you? Normal couples support each other in these things. What support? I left my life behind and moved to Canada with you. What more support do you want? It's not just the gesture, you've to stick by it. And you always keep blaming me, don't you think it hurts me? Whenever something good happens in my life I want to share it first with you, Kukoo! But I can't- because you're never happy for me. It's like my own success makes me feel guilty. Shut up, Nainaa! - Stop this nonsense! - It's the truth. Have you ever once said, Nainaa, I'm proud of you!? And these things are never said, you just do it for the sake of love, Kukoo. Yes true, I am being vocal about it. What difference does it make? Do you feel anything? Do you? You knew I was suffocating out there! But did you do anything about it? No. Because your career, your job, money... Am I earning for myself? I was earning for us! For our future! And don't you dare say, I gave my career and job more importance than you or this family! In the second year of our marriage, I was ready to have a child. I was ready to quit everything! But, you said no! Yes, I said no! Because I didn't have a job. And I didn't want to run the house with your money. There's your male ego! How is it my male ego? If I want to earn money and run the house, then how is it my male ego? Every man in this world wants the same thing, Nainaa. Is it my fault that I was successful out there, and you were not? This... This thing that you do. You make me realise what a big failure I am. You never miss a single opportunity to show how successful Nainaa Sharma is, and what a big failure Kukoo is. You are a failure! And so am I! Look at us, Kukoo. I failed as a wife, you failed as a husband. And you know what, you're about to go fail as a son now. Sorry. I am sorry too. Papa. Papa? What are you doing out here on the road? Sit. Sit. There is so much beauty around us, but we never appreciated it. Just like I never appreciated our family... and Geeta. It's 5 o'clock in the morning. - What's wrong with you? - I had strayed, son. I had strayed. You did a good thing making Meera meet Geeta. Thank you. After listening to her, I realised that she's the one and only. I tried to go to Meera. But my feet refused to move. I called her up and said no. She cried inconsolably. But I didn't melt. I explained to her that Geeta is my better half. Anyways, it's too late. I've a request before I leave. Take good care of my Geeta for my sake. You're not going anywhere, papa. Come home with me. How will I face her? She will never agree. Did you tell her that I left home? Yes. You can't keep a secret, can you? Don't worry, papa. I'll talk to mom. - No, no. Let me go. - Get up. Come home right now, papa. - You have to come. - No, leave me alone. - Papa... - Leave me alone. - Come home, papa. Stop being so stubborn. - Leave me to my condition. No, papa. Let's go. Let me be! - Papa, let me... - Okay, let's go. - Let's go. Let's go. - Let me take your bag... Mom say something, please. I am not justifying papa's actions. He's wrong. And he's realised that now. Take a look at him. We are a family, mom. And if we don't forgive each other's mistakes, then who will. Give him one last chance. I blundered, Geeta. I was out of my mind. I don't know what I was thinking. Everything was going smooth, but I... I was leaving everything behind, but... Maybe I could've never forgiven myself, if I had left without apologising to you. Geeta, please. You all are my family. You, my kids. I can't live without all of you. Forgive me one last time. Forgive me, kids. Please. Actually, I should just leave. I would've left, but... Geeta, say something first. Please. Mom, please. Ginny has decided that we renew our vows tomorrow, on our marriage anniversary. Let's make a new beginning with new vows. Thank you, Geeta. Thank you. I am sorry. I am sorry. By the way, I got them married once before. It was pretty okay. Why did you have to do it all over again? It's the current trend, Priest. Renewing your old vows. And anyways, they will be taking their vows in two days, this will be good practice for them. Can you please start quickly? Need to post it on my Instagram story. I need to regularly update my 350 followers. Bravo. God bless you! Bro, make me a drink too. Kukoo, here's your drink. Put some snow. Snow! Put some snow. - Snow! - Arjun Kapoor. This is our party. Here you go. Cheers. Kukoo. Mom and dad are back together. Why don't you guys patch up too? Don't start again, o. You're unbelievable. - Nainaa's my sister. - Yeah. - And you're my o. - Yes. I would obviously want my other and sister's marriage to stay intact. Just look at that. Look at uncle. We were so wrong about your saint type of a father. Look at his face. Look at the glow, the shine! Mom and dad are made for each other. - Absolutely, o. - They are! Made for each other. Kukoo, I always thought that... between love and lust, lust always wins. But no. Papa has completely changed my thought. He's completely turned it around. He's not uncle, he is a transformer! He is. He is. I have an idea. - Tell me. - Our victory will be incomplete until we don't humiliate that Rangili madam. Amazing idea. - She shook my family to the core. - She did! Let's make her envious. Mind-blowing. Let's video call her. - Better. - She can't fail me now. Call her. Call her. There, press that button... Good morning, madam! How are you, madam? All good. Wait a second, I've something to show you. Look. See, ma'am. - Who won in the end? - Tell me. - My mom did. - Yes! - My family did. - Yes! You tried your best to swindle my father. But in the end, my father kicked you out. Yes! She doesn't look offended. It's trauma. She's laughing because she's shocked. I am laughing at you, Kukoo. You're so naive. You don't know your father at all. He kicked me out? Anyway. Happy anniversary to Geeta and Bheem. God bless them! Kukoo, have you lost your mind? He doesn't deserve to get married! Let's go, mom. I won't let you marry this selfish man again. Kukoo, what are you doing? - What's wrong with you? - Mom, one second. Priest, please leave. - Thank you. - No... Let's go. You can't stick to your old vows, and you want to revise them? Please leave. We're done here. Thank you. Get lost! Come on, leave. - Leave. Out. Out. - Hey, keep the plates down. - Leave. - Kukoo, what behaviour is this? Behaviour? You're the one playing with our lives. Do you know mom- the apology he did by falling at your feet while saying I had strayed, I was out of my mind.? It wasn't any realisation! He didn't have a heart transplant... Heart change, Kukoo. Exactly. He didn't have a change of heart. That Meera madam... What madam? That Meera kicked him out. - Let's go. Come on. - Isn't it? - Wait a minute, let me finish. - You're drunk! - Let me finish my sentence. - You're too drunk! Go home and sleep! You are drunk. Let's go. Go home and sleep. Let me finish. - You are drunk! Let's go! - Let me speak! Do you know what he said to me? You won't believe it, Kukoo... My feet refused to budge. Bullshit! You've been doing your duties for 35-years, but she got scared to do it even for a day. So she kicked him out! - Go from here. - No, I'm talking to her. Let me talk to her. You are drunk... And then he was afraid. What's going to happen to me now? How can I live alone? He's not renewing his vows, this is just a retirement plan for him. Papa, you might be selfish but what an amazing actor you are! And I'm such a fool to think mom's wrong. That she is overreacting! I even told Nainaa... Relax. I told Nainaa, but she explained to me. If mom is not happy, then what's the point? Nainaa, sorry. Everything you said last night was absolutely correct. You... You are far more mature than I am. Leave me, leave this family and go. Stop it, Kukoo. Don't talk rubbish in your drunken stupor. What has drinking got to do with rubbish? There is no connection. Shut up. This is our internal matter. See Nainaa, I told you. This family cannot accept me. Gurpreet, please shut up! Why should I shut up? You know what Kukoo, tell aunty about the heart attack too. Tell her. Oh yeah...there's that too. Meera madam just told us an amazing fact. And this one's the best, mom. That heart attack he had, where he lay on the floor clenching his heart and you attended to him... Even his bloody heart attack was fake! He is lying. He is lying. Geeta... Shame on you, son. You can ask Bhatia. Call him. - Bhatia. - Call him. Bhatia, come here. Come on stage. Tell them. Tell them the truth, Bhatia. Tell them the truth. Didn't I have a heart attack? - No, sister-in-law... - Tell us. No, sister-in-law... I mean, yes... What is this quack gonna say? He made all those fake reports. Believe me, only Kukoo is telling the truth today. And uncle here is lying. He's not uncle, he's a liar. Sorry. Sorry. Forget it. Brush it under the rug. - Sorry. - Why sorry? What for? He is right. It's not rubbish! This is the truth. One should never trust such a person. He is aging but he's not growing old! Say sorry to your father. He's still your father. Say sorry. Sorry. It's okay. Come Geeta, let's go home. They are all out of their minds. Enough! Stop it! I've had enough! What will you say? Where will you go? What's left? You've lied to me earlier. But I always consoled myself saying he's my husband. Let me save the relationship. But not anymore, Bheem. I am tired. Listen to me... You never understood the definition of marriage. Neither you, nor you two. Marriages are made of love and compromises. Togetherness and differences. But where there's no respect and trust, those marriages never last. I've lost faith in you. You wanted to divorce me. Now I want a divorce from you. Sorry, sweetheart. We are not your ideal couple. Neither your mom and dad, nor your other and sister-in-law. Sorry. Mom, you said everything becomes fine after marriage. You call this fine? I used to look at you'll and imagine, this is how marriages should be. That's why I was marrying the right guy. Even though I love someone else. But even you two fell in love, right guys? So what happened? If I'm going to end up like you guys, then to hell with marriage. I don't want to do it. With no one. Kukoo. I made a mistake. I've always prioritized my happiness over relationships. But now, neither am I happy, nor do I have any relationships left. Don't make the same mistake I did. You're better than me. Mumma Sir. Sign here. Sign it. You're not doing anything wrong. Are you getting a divorce with mutual consent? Yes. Okay. I'm giving you six months. Either resolve your differences in six months or you can come back for the divorce. Case number 6793, Kuldeep Saini, Nainaa Sharma. Case number 6793, Kuldeep Saini, Nainaa Sharma. Nainaa, sorry. It's okay, come. No Nainaa, I am sorry. For what? For ruining everything! For not being a good husband. Giving more importance to my happiness rather than yours. Forgetting we're not separate entities. We are together, or nothing. Why are you saying all this now? It's too late now. No, it's not too late. Give us another chance? Please take me to New York with you. I don't know if I'll be able to achieve anything on my own, but I'll clap the loudest on your success. I refused to take the job. Why? What's the point of success, that we can't cele ate together? Are you out of your mind? Case 6793... Sir, one second. One second. - This is my final decision... - I don't want to do it... Kuldeep Saini, Nainaa Sharma. One second. We're still discussing. What are you doing? I don't want to take up this job... Okay...okay. You do whatever you want to do. But don't get angry. I am a little slow when it comes to these things. Takes me time to understand. But now I've understood- my happiness lies in your happiness. I've done something stupid today. Just don't get angry. What did you do this time? Naina... Please tick on yes. What is this drama? What's written on his stomach? Will you marry me? Will you marry me? Will you marry me?, Sir. This is getting embarrassing, Nainaa, hurry up. Even the judge is getting annoyed. After you reach New York, if you don't get the time to call- - Atleast text! - We will, for sure. Don't forget all about us. Never. Papa, one second. What happened? Papa, once we settle down in New York, I was thinking of calling mom over. Even you should restart your life. And if you need anything, I'm there... Those whose lives come to a standstill need to restart their life. I've told you many jokes... Today, I'll tell you a prose. - Papa, I'm getting late for my flight. - Hear me out... It goes like this... A pigeon went into a bar, and lay flat after a couple of drinks. Pigeon? Bar? He was an alcoholic pigeon... A pigeon went into a bar and lay flat after a couple of drinks. If you take your mother from here, you'll get plenty of spankings. I've impressed your mother before. Back then it took me three months, this time it might take me six. Six months. What is life without a challenge? Amazing. Amazing. Hugs and kisses. You know what Kukoo, is there an Old York in New York? - There isn't. - There isn't? Then I guess Delhi's much better. Old Delhi, New Delhi. Why do you ing him along everywhere? I don't know, papa. Okay guys. I've got to go. I'll call you, papa. - Why don't you accept me? - Never, never. Papa, see you. - Bye, see you. - Let's go. Bye. Ginny. That friend of yours... - That musician. - Gaurav? Call him home. Let's meet. - Really, papa? - Of course. Let's have a meal together, child. Huh?
Aight, y'all, last week onP-Valley... Jesse? Why you got Terricka's phone? I pulled her over for underage driving. You the raggedy bitch had Terricka in the driver's seat. She a chile, Shelle! Why didn't you keep me? Wun't no court was gone give a stripper back her baby. Big Teak can't come back out on the road with us. Fuck you mean? Niggah too buck, Maine. Niggah. I'm not okay. I'm not okay. Bill over there was trying to buy The Pynk for just 40K. I'm gone be runnin' Promised Land. Maybe now we can make you a much better deal. Granmuva, yo' sugar normal. So why you sweatin' like a hoe in church? A hundred and two? Keyshawn, stop already so I can get ready for this interview! Why? You're not gonna get it! What you doing here? Come over here, Clifford! Listen to Granny sing, Uncle Clifford! It's time, mama. Come rest and have yourself a drank. Naw, baby. Not now... There you are. We were s'posed to meet out front. I thought you ghosted me. Chile, I'm the last ghost you need to be worried 'bout up in this hure building. Ain't you s'posed to be at home? Bitch, ain't that where I'm at? It ain't just yo' house, he yell... I done spent way more nights on them back couches than you. I been making memories at the knees of grown folks in this club since I was yay high. I made so many memories, chile, I'on even need to dream. You ain't just bought yo'self a club. You done bought yo'self some history. Thass where my great-grandaddy Honeycomb got shot over a craps game. And thass where his grand daddy, Clyde, would sit and drank a pint of corn liquor after working the Kyle Fields til midnight... And that stage right there, thass where my Granmuva Ernestine would open up her mouth and let heaven and he yell pour out on a Saturday night. Hmph. Oh, this place is full of haints and unsung melodies, chile... History is important, yes. But so's the future... Look-a here. We done been at each other's throats for days now and it ain't done nobody no bit of good. Cuz I done run out of ideas short of killing you. You wouldn't be the first to try. That part. Only thing left to do is to talk. Bawse bitch to bawse bitch. You ain't gone talk me out of selling, Clifford. I know you thank this just some swamp land with a crumblin' building on top of it. But it's alll got. This the only thang thass ever been given to me. I can build me another shake junt. But I can't build me no 'nother Pynk. I didn't save this place off the auction block just to watch it go down in flames. But we done ought it all up to code, pussy plastic, hippo filters and all! How much longer 'til it's shut down again, huh? I mean, look what just happened to Ernestine... W... You better keep my Granmuva name outcho mu'fucking mouth!!! Six feet! You've been in close contact, correct? Look, that referendum's gone pass and that casino's gone come. Me buying The Pynk was just prolonging the inevitable. The best we can hope for is getting what The Pynk's actually worth. And how, pray tell, do you put a price on the land my ancestors died? We can start with 5 million. That's what Promised Land just offered me... - I'm not gonna take it tho... - Bitch, whuh?! I mean, good. But also, bitch whuh?! Cause I want 10, point blank period. I'm gone get what you deserve, Clifford. Your ancestors, too... Naw-naw-naw-naw naw-naw-naw what you not gone do is piss in my mouf and call it Kool-Aid. This ain't 'bout me, chile, or my ancestors. - This 'bout YOU... - Naw! It's about the money that saved this club. The moneyl lost my daughter over. The money that was supposed to give us a new life. This may not be my inheritance, but right now it's my dream. And I'm not gonna let it go to waste. I can't do that... Not to her. But Hailey... That baby gone. Hey. So, Terricka sayin' she wanna stay another coupla days. I thought maybe we could give you some time. She done been there two nights already. Shelle, girl. It's been three. Let me hang wit lil' Mama till you get yo'self together. Mm, you better make sure she ain't wear no more floss. And you make sho' you don't go for no joy rides after drank in' two cases of Moscato! Hmm. So, what you finna do? Uhm... I-I'on know... I already did that book report on that racist-ass Huck Finn. Maybe we could get our nails did? Or maybe I could paint my room. Now I know you know I ain't talkin' 'bout no HGTV projects. So. I'ma axe again. - Whatchu finna do? - I'on know! I... But I've been craving some cookie dough shiver with crushed Oreos and hot sauce on top. Ooh, chile, your ass sho'll is pregnant. C'mon. Let's gone get this TCBY. Mm, can I drive? Absolutely the hell not. Niggah, I see it! I... oh. I can't... I can't drink... I can't take nothing from the dead. Yo, Miss Ernestine. Time to rise and shine. Isaac Hayes, that you? Naw. It's... LaMarques. Whooo? Lil' Murda. Oh! Ooh, chile. I like that bettah. I'll call you that. Damn, you clammy as he yell. Let's get some food in yuh. Unh-uh! That chicken and dressing Clifford made gone take me before that Rona do. Thass why I whipt you up sumthin' special. Oooo, oh. Smothered pork chop? Mmm. - Candied yams? - Mm-hmm. - Mmm. Collard greens and corn ead! - Mm-hmm. Folks sayin' they lose it, but I guess you still got yo' sense of smell. Aww, baby, that's all the sense I got left. Uh... mm. Mmm. Mmm. OK, Chef Nee-gro-dee! I see yuh! I aims to please. Well, you bettah not please too much, cause a ole bitch might get used to having you around. Awww, Miss Ernestine. Quit flirtin' with me now. I'ain' the bitch I'm talking 'bout. You might need tuh put a good word in for me with Cliff then. Mm-hmm, well, you keep cookin' like that and I will. You know what else I smell? I got a peach cobbler in the oven. No... I smell death. I smelled it on you that night. All that blooood. Attention, Piggly Wiggly shoppers. Attention, Piggly Wiggly shoppers. Hey. How 'bout some moon pies. Moon pies. Or some Ruffles? And hot sauce... You love that. Hey, I-I've got an idea. Why don't we go down to Jackson and the outlets tomorrow? You could get those Prada booties you been wanting for Regal. Naw, she just gone outgrow 'em. I-I'm trying here, Key. Uhm, Derrick, I need to go get some more makeup for... Okay. Just meet us at checkout. Hey, come on. Come on. I thought I might find you here. I guess you decided not to use my gun, huh? I... I tried. But I can't. I have the kids and I... There are other ways to get out. Keyshawn! I'm sorry, I gotta go! Whew. Hello! Granmuva Ernestine! Lil' Homicide? Chile, if this niggah done left my Granmuva without her insulin... Oh, Lawd! What if it's a carbon peroxide leak! - Oh, this mu... - Sup? You had a bitch thinking that there was a home invasion and the Chucalissa Stranglah done got yo' asses. Naw. Everything good, shawty. Did you 'memba tuh take her temperature? - 101. - What 'bout her blood sugar? - 120. - And then what 'bout... I did everything you had on the list, Cliff. She good. I just... I don't know how she got it, and I ain't... This shit ain't got no rhyme or reason. Drive yo'self crazy tryna find one. - Wanna eat? - Mm-hmm. Mmm. Mm mm mm! I see why she ain't eat my chicken and dressing. So what's up wit' you and ole girl? Mm, chile, that Autumn- LaKeisha-Robyn-Rihanna-Fenty... She ain't dumb. She done got them Promised Land crackers to offer her 5 million. 33 percent, that's 1.65 million dollars fuh you. What you said, Lil' Calculator. You'on seem too happy 'bout that. You think I'm crazy turning my nose up at all that scrilla? Enh, money come and it go. Let me find out them Tina Snow royalties already hittin'. I mean, thank about it. You already done swept 1.65 million off the floor of The Pynk in yo' lifetime. 'Sides, can't take it witchoo. I thought you said you choose the money over love. I said I usually do. But I done learned some thangs more important. Most people don't even get close to getting what they want in this life. But you got it already. Hm. I don't got errythang. Anyway, and here I am yip yappin' all this yin yang about this trifling hoe. How you doin'? Aww, I'm skraight. Hmm, you ain't sound like it last night. I heard you on the couch cryin' in yo' sleep. I'on know what you talkin' 'bout. I'ma go get you a new change of clothes... Since it look like you gone be stayin' here another night. I know you ain't talkin' 'bout no weak pullout game in yo' condition. Well, how do you think I got in this condition? Clearly by being dumb. But please, next time you decide to slip up, let me know within 72 hours so you can hop up on that Plan B situation. Ohhh, so now it's okay to talk about sex? Whatchu mean? We had the talk. All you ever said was, Keep yo' legs closed to nappy-headed niggahs that only want one thing. Well, thass still good advice. He yell, you ain't listen and look how you ended up. You how many months pregnant and... Holdup. How many months pregnant is you even? See, if yo' period ain't reglah enough to know when you're pregnant, then yo' ass shouldn't be havin' sex! We not going to TCBY, are we? Terricka, you runnin' outta time. Time for what? 'Cedes, where we going? - Jackson. - We goin' a hour and a half to the TCBY in Jackson? - It's just for a consultation. - Pull over. Pull over! We goin' to The Clinic... - PULL OVER NOW!!!! - And that's final. You ambushed me! Yeah, cuz you been hiding out at my house for three days and don't wanna tell me watchu wanna do 'bout this baby! Cuz I'on know! Well, you better start knowin'... I will! Just gimme a chance! When? In the delivery room? At the baby pre-k graduation? When she go to prom? When you gone decide?! Just STOP!!! Tee. Now, you gotta get serious about this. Pregnancy life and death for us. You know Serena Williams and Beyoncé damn near died givin' birth? - Died? - Yeah. And they wun't no 14 with they hips barely set in. Thass why we gotta go down to this consultation down in Jackson at The Clinic... Consultation or an abortion? Cuz thass the only reason why anybody pregnant go down to there. It is... an option... to consider. Well Jelissa said that Taylor said that her mama said that getting an abortion gives you cancer. Well, Jelissa, Taylor, and her bald-headed hoe mama ain't got two ain cells between the three of 'em. Ain't nobody get no cancer from an abortion. Like I said, we just need to see what yo' options are. At the very least, get some damn pre-natal vitamins... Pre-natal vitamins? So you think I should have the baby? Ain't nobody said that. So you think I shouldn't have the baby? I ain't said that neither. - So what you sayin'... - I'ON KNOW!!!! I just know we ain't got all the information yet. So we gone go down to Jackson. Boffa us. Now get in the goddamn car. Aye, Murda, where the fuck you been?! These promotors been blowing my shit up since that Tina Snow track dropped. Niggah, that shit up and stuck. And the venues from the Dirty Dozen Tour we had to cancel wanna rebook you. Back on tour again? Yeah, niggah. Who gone be security? That Teak shit awful, Maine... Guess na'an one of us needed to fire him. He fired his self. I... think he would a wanted you... He still at F & G? Yeah. Ain't no family come to get him yet. Might have to put 'em in the pauper's grave. Naw, ye'en gone have to do that. HVH gone send him out like a kang... Aye, I-I gotta go. What you up here doin', Maine? Mm. Ooo! Who invited you up in hure? I thought you fell out and had a heart attack, all that noise you was makin'. Chile, I'm just tryna find somethin' to fit yo' skinny-swole tail. Just checked in on Ernestine. She sound asleep. So this is it, huh? Yo' secret lair. Seen only by the few and the worthy. Well, I hope one day I'm worthy enough. Niggah, you already here, ain't it? Daaammn. I bet you used to stunt on 'em circa '02 in this joint. Boy, bye. Look, that belonged to the trade of Christmas past. I ain't even gone ask. Mkkay, Sisqo. Who dat? Whuh... Niggah, I know who the fuck Sisqo is. Yooooo. This Gucci 234 B.C.? Thass my first pocketbook. I had this since I was three. You had a purse even back then, huh? Mm-hmm. I used to wear this thang errywhere. If anybody had anythang to say 'bout it, you know, my mama, she would beat they ass with it. Yuh. You can bet they sho'll ain't bothered me no nevermore after that. So you... you always been, like like this? - Niggah, whatchu mean? - Like like this.I'on... I mean, I'on mean no 'fense, but... What are you? I'm Uncle Clifford. What are you? What the world won't let me be. Hm. You kept 'em? Mmhhmm. Which one yo' favorite? You look beautiful in red. That day 'fo I left, you wouldn't even give me the time of day. Wouldn't let me in. I understand. That shit hurt, didn't it? Naw. I'on get hurt. Just disappointed. You know I ain't mean for things to end up the way they did. What did you mean then? You ask me what I am, without even realizing all dat come along with that answer. Hmph. Don't get me wrong, nanh. I loves me some me. But people don't understand how lonely it can be to shine so ight. Thass why I understand why you did what you did on Murda Night. You wun't ready to stand in the sun. I just... niggahs I used to fuck wit' they was like me. Y'know, we could pass. Well, ain't no passin' wit' me. Uh... Granmuva! Granmuva Ernestine! Granmuva Ernestine!!! She ain't upstairs. She gone? Oh, thank God! I was boutta pee myself! Squat, don't sit! You know I don't approve. You KNOW I don't approve! See, you always gettin' into sumthin' bad. I don't know what to do. I... This a damn mess, Cedes. Sooo where we sleepin' tonight? I got a friend who finna let us stay on his pullout. Look, don't you roll your eyes at me. I'm keepin' a roof over our heads. Let's just pay so we can go. I'm a lil' short. Maybe you could, uh... Do yo' thang. Naw, Ma. We good. What is that? Money? No, not that. The other thing. Is that... a condom?! - Ma... - Who gave you this money? - What you been doin' Mercedes?! - He's my boyfriend. Cortez, he just take care of me. Look like you take care of him too! Ma, it ain't like that. He love me. - hh! - I ain't gone let you - be no hoe! - Ma! - No! Ma! - You hear me, Mercedes? - Ma! - No more Cortez! - It stops today! - Ma, please! Ma a a a a a, please! Tell Keenan to stop playing on yo' phone 'fore I roll up to his house. This Kelvin some type of comedian, huh? Kelon! And he's an artist. Aren't they all. Seriously! He drew this. That's nice. So you tell him where we goin'? No... So, you ain't told him you knocked up yet. No... I did... Then why his ass ain't driving you to Jackson? Oh, thass right! Cuz he ain't even old enough to drive! He-he wants to keep the baby... Oh, do he, now? He said we could start our own family. That he gon' take care of us. Whatchu thank 'bout all that? It sound nice. Course it sound nice. Words are easy. Living 'em is hard, Tee. How he gone take care of you? He said he gone get a job. Where? Who gone hire him at 14? You can get a part-time job at 14! His cousin has a job at Krystal's. Part-time? Do you know how much diapers cost? We'll figure it out! He loves me, 'Cedes. Whatchu know about love? Cause I'll tell you this: It ain't making promises you can't keep. Cuz Cortez sold me a whole heap of dreams. 'Till I told him I was pregnant. Then he made it very clear we ain't never had love. We ain't never had shit. Looks like all you know about love is what it ain't. Prolly cause you ain't got nobody in yo' life 'cept the dudes you dance for. And you just jealous cause I actually do. When I'm a mama, I'm never gone slap my daughter. Thass what I said too. Granmuva! We gotta find her! Granmuva! What in the he yell? Come on. C'mon! She goin' for a... ABORTION IS... MURDER! ABORTION IS... MURDER! ABORTION IS... MURDER! WE CHOOSE LIFE! WE CHOOSE LIFE! YOU'RE GOING TO HEYELL! UNBORN LIFE MATTERS! THINK ABOUT YOUR SOUL! NO! DON'T KILL YOUR BABY! YOU SHOULD BE. ASHAMED OF YOURSELF! BLACK LIVES MATTER! All them pro-lifers only be pro-life 'till the baby be born. Go on 'head, lil' Mama. 'Cedes... PRO-CHOICE, THAT'S A LIE, BABIES NEVER CHOOSE TO DIE! PRO-CHOICE, THAT'S A LIE, BABIES NEVER CHOOSE TO DIE! PRO-CHOICE, THAT'S A LIE, BABIES NEVER CHOOSE TO DIE! Miss Vernette, can you tell how far along she is? Uh, gimme one sec, okay? Let me finish gettin' my measurements. All right. 14 weeks, 4 days. Right on the cusp. Thass my baby? Yes, dear. So you just gonna suck it out? If that's what you decide. And you sure I won't get cancer? Naw! Who said that? There are risks if you decide to have an abortion. Bleeding, infection, blood clots. But guess what. All of those risks are also associated with childbirth. Hmm... She gotta choose right now? She'll have to wait the state-mandated 24 hours, but yes. The window is closing. Miss Ernestine, no! No! No, Granmuva!!! - Granmuva Ernestine, no! - No! Granmuva!!! No! No! No! Nawww! Let me go! - I gotta get to the water. - No. Listen. You know you can't go wading in the Mississippi, guhhh. She'on look good, Cliff. I'm comin' Beulah. I'm coming to see you, baby. Who Beulah? Thass my mama. Please. We gotta get her home now. I gotta get ready. It's time. No. Clifford... If you can't ing me to the water, then ing the water to me. Please. Please... Boy, where is you goin'?! - Please. - Okay. Okay. The water. Please. The water. You can let go, mama. Be all right. It'll be all right... I love you, Granmuva. Oh... Ah! Why? Why? Ahhhh! Wanna go home. Granmuva, Granmuva. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Hey. Hey, hey. Stay wit' us. Hey, stay wit' us. Yeah, yeah. Uh-huh. Her fingers blue, Cliff. Oh, that can't be good! Come on. We gotta get her to the crib. Granmuva. Granmuva, come on. Come on. We here, we here. Somebody need to teach these bad ass lil' kids it's rude to splash people ain't tryna get wet. 'Cedes, that's what kids do at the pool. They splash. Guh, stop! I ain't playin' wit' you. Whatchu lookin' at, R. Kelly? She 14! Thass right. Keep it movin'. Take a look in that crystal ball right thur, cause thass about to be yo' future. I can just get Grand mama to babysit. Tee, I done told you to stop callin' Patricethat. Noooooo. Thass you. What you wanna be? Nana? Big Mama? Thass a question I ain't ready to answer yet. Now you know how I feel. How I'm about to be a grand mama at thirty? Would it really be that bad? Ask me when you thirty. It could be nice. I mean, you'd be there for everything you missed with me. But is that what you really want? I mean... I ain't sure, sure. I'm still thinkin'. Sit still, boy. Don't you wanna go to the prom? Yes. Don't you wanna see the world? I mean... prolly. Where would I even go? Anywhere you want! Paris, Dubai, China even. Have you ever been to China? Mmm, no. Why not? No dude offered to flew you out? Naw, they did. But I turned 'em down. Cause it would a been too far away from you. I just don't know. Okay, thank about it like this for a minute. Forget about Kelon lil' lovesick ass, forget about the baby, forget about me. What does Terrickawant for Terricka? Almost there. Gone come back... Leave it on, Granmuva. I'm nevah gonna come back... Granmuva, they gon' make you bettah. I don't wanna die alone. I don't wanna. I don't wanna... You not. Hey, hey, you not. I promise. I promise. Oxygen done fell to 85. We have to go, sir. It's ma'am. Say goodbye, Cliff. Mbye. Mbye. Let's go. Could we go by the outlets while we out here? My good jeans a little too tight and they won't button up no more. Cause yo' ass pregnant. Time's up, Tee! You gone haveta tell me whatchu gone do 'bout this baby. I'on know. See? Thass proof positive that yo' ass ain't ready to be no mama. You the one to talk. Excuse me? You ain't got no right to tell me if I'm ready to be a mama or not when you were never a mama to me. They wouldn't let me. Patrice, Shelle, the judge. So they the reason why you missed all those visitations? They the reason why you didn't come to my 7th birthday party at the roller rink? If you knew the things that I done done for you to finally get that gym. Thass been the missing piece. I can finally prove that I ain't just no hoe up on a pole. So why you still don't have me? Help me, God. Tee, I'm tryin'... You ain't never have to prove nothing to me. I just needed you to be my mama. Like I said, I been tryin'. Well, it's too late! I'm having a fucking baby. But it's all right. Cause I ain't gone be like you or Shelle. I'm never gone have my baby wondering if I wish I had an abortion. I ain't gone drink 'til I blackout to forget she exists. You right, Tee. I fucked up. A lot. So... You did want an abortion? I'd be lyin' if I said I ain't never consider it. But that's all I ever did was consider. Cause Patrice ain't give me no choice. She made me have you. And you know what? I'm thankful every day. Cuz sometimes God uses the devil to give you yo' blessings. All I ever wanted was for you to have choices, Terricka. And to make 'em for yo'self. Do you think anybody's ever ready for this? No. We both know I wun't. We got a lotta lost time to make up fuh. So... What you wanna do about your room when we get home? You mean for the baby? No. For you. What color you wanna paint it? Hm? Green? How you know? Cuz I'm yo' mama. Boy... You bettah take all dat off! Be careful what you axe fuh up in this hoe. Uh-huh! - Watch that, nahn. - Wh... Teach me how to Machiavelli. Niggah, I'on do that. I don't do any... Uh... uh. Unh-uh. Uh, no-no-no. No, no. And I certainly don't do that. - You don't? - Unh-uh. Yeah? Show me how you do it then. - I do it like... - Yeah, fuck it up! - I do it like AYE! - Yeah, fuck it up! Yeah, fuck it up! Yeah, fuck it up! Aye! Ah! - Sisqo? - This mu'fuckuh think I ain't know who Sisqo is. I said I got somethin' fuh her ass! I said I got somethin' fuh her ass! No. N... Ah, shit. Oh, my God. - Put this on. - We'on need that. You good? Yeah. Hm, like, negative, good-good? I'm good. 'Sides, I wanna feel you inside me. I gotchu. Fill me up, niggah. You got everythang? Make sure you don't forget yo' charger. Can't text Kelon lil' ass wit a dead phone. No, I got it. Aight. So what you think I should do? Unh-uh! Thass yo' decision. Chucalissa or Jackson. It's up to you. I could go either way. How come you let me back inside? Cause you needed me... And I needed you. - The other night... - Hey, hey, hey, hey. Unh-unh, unh-unh, unh-unh. Only when you ready. Only when you ready. I gotchu. Oh, my gosh. You think this shit funny? Hey! Yeah. It's classic. I'on know 'bout all that. This is the reckoning that my Lord hath promised. The soul of Chucalissa is on the line. - Where's the remote? - Naw, it's okay. She just noise. The only power she got is the power we give her. Speak truth to power on judgement day. Vote Woodbine for mayor and no on the casino referendum! Mama? Hm? You think I'm gone burn in hell? If you do, I'ma be right there witch... Do I know you? I'm an old friend of Keyshawn's. Derrick, thass Autumn. Me and her used to work together at the club. Huh... Well, I was at the outlets in Jackson, and I couldn't stop myself from picking up a little something for baby Regal. Aww. She knows she can't sleep nowadays. Can I? Sure. Awwww. Hi. I'm gonna tell you a story, Regal. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Hailey who belonged to no one. Who never had her own home. And she walked the deep, dark woods searching for shelter from the constant storm. Until one day, a baby fell out of the sky. And suddenly, all her dreams came true. She had a family. And she swore she'd do anything to protect it. But that's when she met the Hunter. And he built her a three-story McMansion with marble counters and kept her in gowns spun with Yves Saint Laurent silk. Hailey thought she had everything she ever wanted. But one night, beneath the slanted light of a crescent moon, she saw his teeth were actually knives, his eyes hungry, ears tuned to her truth and her lies. She was trapped. But one thing she carried with her were bags of plastic filled with her tears. She poured them out, making a river that flooded the whole forest. She could swim. Her baby could not. Her tears drowned her baby. All because she waited too long. Autumn, like what are you talmbout? Mama. Look up Hailey Colton. And call me when you're ready to learn how to swim.
Mercedes Aight, y'all, last week onP-Valley... Jesse? Why you got Terricka's phone? Jesse I pulled her over for underage driving. You the raggedy bitch had Terricka in the driver's seat. She a chile, Shelle! Why didn't you keep me? Wun't no court was gone give a stripper back her baby. Big Teak can't come back out on the road with us. Fuck you mean? Woddy Niggah too buck, Maine. - eathing shakily - Niggah. gunshot I'm not okay. sobbing I'm not okay. Bill over there was trying to buy The Pynk for just 40K. I'm gone be runnin' Promised Land. Maybe now we can make you a much better deal. Granmuva, yo' sugar normal. So why you sweatin' like a hoe in church? A hundred and two? Keyshawn, stop already so I can get ready for this interview! Why? You're not gonna get it! What you doing here? Terricka sobbing Aretha Franklin's Until You Come Back To Me playing Though you don't call anymore I sit and wait in vain I guess I'll rap on your door Tap on your, tap on your windowpane I want to tell you, baby Changes I've been going through Missing you, listen, you 'Till you come back to me That's what I'm gonna do Why did you have to decide You had to set me free? I'm gonna swallow my pride I'm gonna beg you, baby Please, please see me I'm gonna walk by myself Just to prove that my love is true And all for you, baby 'Till you come back to me That's what I'm gonna do 'Till you come back to me That's what I'm gonna do Living for you, my dear Is like living in a world of constant fear Hear my plea, I've got to make you see That our love is dying 'Till you come back to me child giggles - Beulah Come over here, Clifford! Ernestine That's what I'm gonna do Listen to Granny sing, Uncle Clifford! That's what I'm gone I'm knocking on your door Waiting on your steps 'Till you come back to me a cappella That's what I'm gonna Do eathing shakily uneasy, jazzy music plays eerie music plays gasping soulful humming echoing It's time, mama. distorted words echoing Come rest and have yourself a drank. distorted words echoing Naw, baby. Not now... soft music plays Ernestine eathing shakily uneasy, jazzy music plays tense music plays Jucee Froot Down in the valley Where the girls get naked If you throwin' bands Then you know she gon' shake it One, two, eak 'em Three, four, rake 'em These niggas grind hard But these bitches grind harder Climbing up the pole just to get out the bottom The crowd below Stay ready for the show The pimps, the dough Don't let it take your soul We make fallin' on the sky look easy Look at my bitches Gangsta walking on the ceiling Green on the flo' Money talk, can you hear me? This world is so addicting But dreams is expensive, keep spending Work hard for the top, can't fall now But whatever goes up must fall down What you do when the power out? Kids hungry, can't do none but scream and shout We all choose to live but it's different routes Take the shit with shine, gotta make it count When you live and die by the paper route You spend a dime just to make it out, yeah Down in the valley Where the girls get naked If you throwin' bands Then you know she gon' shake it One, two, eak 'em Three, four, rake 'em pensive music plays footsteps door clicks creaking Autumn There you are. We were s'posed to meet out front. I thought you ghosted me. Uncle Clifford scoffs Chile, I'm the last ghost you need to be worried 'bout up in this hure building. Ain't you s'posed to be at home? Uncle Clifford Bitch, ain't that where I'm at? It ain't just yo' house, he yell... I done spent way more nights on them back couches than you. I been making memories at the knees of grown folks in this club since I was yay high. I made so many memories, chile, I'on even need to dream. You ain't just bought yo'self a club. footsteps thudding You done bought yo'self some history. Thass where my great-grandaddy Honeycomb got shot over a craps game. And thass where his grand daddy, Clyde, would sit and drank a pint of corn liquor after working the Kyle Fields til midnight... And that stage right there, thass where my Granmuva Ernestine would open up her mouth and let heaven and he yell pour out on a Saturday night. softly Hmph. Oh, this place is full of haints and unsung melodies, chile... History is important, yes. birds chirping But so's the future... Look-a here. We done been at each other's throats for days now and it ain't done nobody no bit of good. Cuz I done run out of ideas short of killing you. You wouldn't be the first to try. That part. Only thing left to do is to talk. Bawse bitch to bawse bitch. You ain't gone talk me out of selling, Clifford. Uncle Clifford I know you thank this just some swamp land with a crumblin' building on top of it. But it's alll got. This the only thang thass ever been given to me. I can build me another shake junt. But I can't build me no 'nother Pynk. I didn't save this place off the auction block just to watch it go down in flames. But we done ought it all up to code, pussy plastic, hippo filters and all! How much longer 'til it's shut down again, huh? I mean, look what just happened to Ernestine... W... You better keep my Granmuva name outcho mu'fucking mouth!!! Autumn Six feet! You've been in close contact, correct? soft dramatic music plays Look, that referendum's gone pass and that casino's gone come. Me buying The Pynk was just prolonging the inevitable. The best we can hope for is getting what The Pynk's actually worth. And how, pray tell, do you put a price on the land my ancestors died? We can start with 5 million. That's what Promised Land just offered me... - I'm not gonna take it tho... - Bitch, whuh?! I mean, good. But also, bitch whuh?! Cause I want 10, point blank period. I'm gone get what you deserve, Clifford. Your ancestors, too... scoffs Naw-naw-naw-naw naw-naw-naw what you not gone do is piss in my mouf and call it Kool-Aid. This ain't 'bout me, chile, or my ancestors. - This 'bout YOU... - Autumn Naw! It's about the money that saved this club. The moneyl lost my daughter over. The money that was supposed to give us a new life. This may not be my inheritance, but right now it's my dream. And I'm not gonna let it go to waste. I can't do that... Not to her. But Hailey... That baby gone. footsteps door clicks Mercedes Hey. So, Terricka sayin' she wanna stay another coupla days. I thought maybe we could give you some time. Shelle groaning She done been there two nights already. Shelle, girl. It's been three. Let me hang wit lil' Mama till you get yo'self together. Shelle Mm, you better make sure she ain't wear no more floss. And you make sho' you don't go for no joy rides after drank in' two cases of Moscato! call ended tone Hmm. kids shouting in distance door creaking So, what you finna do? Uhm... I-I'on know... I already did that book report on that racist-ass Huck Finn. Maybe we could get our nails did? Or maybe I could paint my room. Now I know you know I ain't talkin' 'bout no HGTV projects. So. I'ma axe again. - Whatchu finna do? - I'on know! I... sighs soft dramatic music plays But I've been craving some cookie dough shiver with crushed Oreos and hot sauce on top. Ooh, chile, your ass sho'll is pregnant. whimpers dogs barking in distance C'mon. Let's gone get this TCBY. Mm, can I drive? Absolutely the hell not. scoffs tense music plays flame whooshing eathes shakily dramatic music plays - pounding on door - Lil' Murda sobbing eathes shakily Niggah, I see it! gunshot echoes whooshing Ernestine coughing Ernestine continues coughing Ernestine gasping I... oh. I can't... I can't drink... I can't take nothing from the dead. Yo, Miss Ernestine. Time to rise and shine. Isaac Hayes, that you? Lil' Murda Naw. It's... LaMarques. Whooo? Lil' Murda. Oh! Ooh, chile. I like that bettah. I'll call you that. giggles - struggles to eathe - Damn, you clammy as he yell. coughing Lil' Murda Let's get some food in yuh. Unh-uh! That chicken and dressing Clifford made gone take me before that Rona do. Thass why I whipt you up sumthin' special. Oooo, oh. Smothered pork chop? Mmm. - Candied yams? - Mm-hmm. - Mmm. Collard greens and corn ead! - Mm-hmm. chuckles Folks sayin' they lose it, but I guess you still got yo' sense of smell. Aww, baby, that's all the sense I got left. both chuckling Ernestine Uh... mm. Mmm. Mmm. OK, Chef Nee-gro-dee! laughing I see yuh! I aims to please. Well, you bettah not please too much, cause a ole bitch might get used to having you around. Giggles Awww, Miss Ernestine. Quit flirtin' with me now. I'ain' the bitch I'm talking 'bout. Ernestine chuckling You might need tuh put a good word in for me with Cliff then. Mm-hmm, well, you keep cookin' like that and I will. chuckling You know what else I smell? I got a peach cobbler in the oven. Ernestine No... whispering I smell death. eerie music plays I smelled it on you that night. All that blooood. employee Attention, Piggly Wiggly shoppers. baby babbling Attention, Piggly Wiggly shoppers. Hey. How 'bout some moon pies. Jayden Moon pies. Or some Ruffles? And hot sauce... - You love that. - Keyshawn sighs Hey, I-I've got an idea. Why don't we go down to Jackson and the outlets tomorrow? You could get those Prada booties you been wanting for Regal. Keyshawn Naw, she just gone outgrow 'em. Derrick I-I'm trying here, Key. Keyshawn sighs Uhm, Derrick, I need to go get some more makeup for... Okay. Just meet us at checkout. Hey, come on. Come on. I thought I might find you here. I guess you decided not to use my gun, huh? I... I tried. But I can't. I have the kids and I... There are other ways to get out. baby crying Derrick Keyshawn! tense music plays I'm sorry, I gotta go! baby crying door opening Whew. Hello! Granmuva Ernestine! Lil' Homicide? heels clicking Chile, if this niggah done left my Granmuva without her insulin... Oh, Lawd! What if it's a carbon peroxide leak! - Oh, this mu... - Lil' Murda Sup? You had a bitch thinking that there was a home invasion and the Chucalissa Stranglah done got yo' asses. Naw. Everything good, shawty. Did you 'memba tuh take her temperature? - 101. - What 'bout her blood sugar? - Lil' Murda 120. - And then what 'bout... I did everything you had on the list, Cliff. She good. soft music plays I just... I don't know how she got it, and I ain't... This shit ain't got no rhyme or reason. Drive yo'self crazy tryna find one. - Wanna eat? - Uncle Clifford Mm-hmm. Mmm. Mm mm mm! laughs I see why she ain't eat my chicken and dressing. Lil' Murda laughs exhales So what's up wit' you and ole girl? Mm, chile, that Autumn- LaKeisha-Robyn-Rihanna-Fenty... She ain't dumb. She done got them Promised Land crackers to offer her 5 million. 33 percent, that's 1.65 million dollars fuh you. What you said, Lil' Calculator. You'on seem too happy 'bout that. You think I'm crazy turning my nose up at all that scrilla? Enh, money come and it go. Let me find out them Tina Snow royalties already hittin'. I mean, thank about it. You already done swept 1.65 million off the floor of The Pynk in yo' lifetime. 'Sides, can't take it witchoo. I thought you said you choose the money over love. I said I usually do. But I done learned some thangs more important. Most people don't even get close to getting what they want in this life. But you got it already. sucks teeth Hm. I don't got errythang. Anyway, and here I am yip yappin' all this yin yang about this trifling hoe. How you doin'? Aww, I'm skraight. Uncle Clifford Hmm, you ain't sound like it last night. I heard you on the couch cryin' in yo' sleep. I'on know what you talkin' 'bout. water running I'ma go get you a new change of clothes... Since it look like you gone be stayin' here another night. WAP by Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion playing There's some whores in this house There's some whores in this house There's some whores in this house Terricka singing along I said certified freak Seven days a week Wet-ass pussy, make that pullout game weak - Whoo! - radio clicks off Mercedes I know you ain't talkin' 'bout no weak pullout game in yo' condition. Well, how do you think I got in this condition? Clearly by being dumb. But please, next time you decide to slip up, let me know within 72 hours so you can hop up on that Plan B situation. Ohhh, so now it's okay to talk about sex? Whatchu mean? We had the talk. Terricka All you ever said was, Keep yo' legs closed to nappy-headed niggahs that only want one thing. Well, thass still good advice. He yell, you ain't listen and look how you ended up. You how many months pregnant and... Holdup. How many months pregnant is you even? See, if yo' period ain't reglah enough to know when you're pregnant, then yo' ass shouldn't be havin' sex! tense music plays We not going to TCBY, are we? Terricka, you runnin' outta time. Time for what? 'Cedes, where we going? - Jackson. - We goin' a hour and a half to the TCBY in Jackson? - It's just for a consultation. - Pull over. gagging Pull over! We goin' to The Clinic... - PULL OVER NOW!!!! - And that's final. tires screeching truck horn honking retching, coughing You ambushed me! Yeah, cuz you been hiding out at my house for three days and don't wanna tell me watchu wanna do 'bout this baby! Cuz I'on know! Well, you better start knowin'... I will! Just gimme a chance! When? In the delivery room? At the baby pre-k graduation? When she go to prom? When you gone decide?! Just STOP!!! Tee. Now, you gotta get serious about this. Pregnancy life and death for us. You know Serena Williams and Beyoncé damn near died givin' birth? - Died? - Yeah. And they wun't no 14 with they hips barely set in. Thass why we gotta go down to this consultation down in Jackson at The Clinic... Consultation or an abortion? Cuz thass the only reason why anybody pregnant go down to there. It is... an option... to consider. Well Jelissa said that Taylor said that her mama said that getting an abortion gives you cancer. Well, Jelissa, Taylor, and her bald-headed hoe mama ain't got two ain cells between the three of 'em. Ain't nobody get no cancer from an abortion. somber music plays Like I said, we just need to see what yo' options are. At the very least, get some damn pre-natal vitamins... Pre-natal vitamins? So you think I should have the baby? Ain't nobody said that. So you think I shouldn't have the baby? I ain't said that neither. - So what you sayin'... - I'ON KNOW!!!! I just know we ain't got all the information yet. So we gone go down to Jackson. Boffa us. Now get in the goddamn car. sighs phone buzzing, chiming phone buzzing phone beeps Woddy Aye, Murda, where the fuck you been?! These promotors been blowing my shit up since that Tina Snow track dropped. Niggah, that shit up and stuck. And the venues from the Dirty Dozen Tour we had to cancel wanna rebook you. sighs Back on tour again? Woddy Yeah, niggah. Lil' Murda Who gone be security? That Teak shit awful, Maine... Lil' Murda huffs Guess na'an one of us needed to fire him. He fired his self. sighs I... think he would a wanted you... He still at F & G? Woddy Yeah. Ain't no family come to get him yet. Might have to put 'em in the pauper's grave. Lil' Murda Naw, ye'en gone have to do that. HVH gone send him out like a kang... sniffling loud thudding Aye, I-I gotta go. What you up here doin', Maine? Mm. Uncle Clifford sighs Ooo! Who invited you up in hure? I thought you fell out and had a heart attack, all that noise you was makin'. Uncle Clifford Chile, I'm just tryna find somethin' to fit yo' skinny-swole tail. Lil' Murda Just checked in on Ernestine. She sound asleep. So this is it, huh? Yo' secret lair. Uncle Clifford Seen only by the few and the worthy. Well, I hope one day I'm worthy enough. Niggah, you already here, ain't it? Lil' Murda laughing Daaammn. I bet you used to stunt on 'em circa '02 in this joint. Boy, bye. Look, that belonged to the trade of Christmas past. - groans - sucks teeth Lil' Murda laughing I ain't even gone ask. Mkkay, Sisqo. Who dat? Whuh... Niggah, I know who the fuck Sisqo is. Lil' Murda laughing Yooooo. This Gucci 234 B.C.? kisses teeth Thass my first pocketbook. I had this since I was three. You had a purse even back then, huh? Uncle Clifford Mm-hmm. I used to wear this thang errywhere. If anybody had anythang to say 'bout it, you know, my mama, she would beat they ass with it. Yuh. You can bet they sho'll ain't bothered me no nevermore after that. So you... you always been, like like this? - Niggah, whatchu mean? - Lil' Murda Like like this.I'on... I mean, I'on mean no 'fense, but... What are you? I'm Uncle Clifford. What are you? What the world won't let me be. softly Hm. soft dramatic music plays Lil' Murda You kept 'em? Mmhhmm. Which one yo' favorite? You look beautiful in red. Lil' Murda That day 'fo I left, you wouldn't even give me the time of day. Wouldn't let me in. I understand. That shit hurt, didn't it? scoffs Naw. I'on get hurt. Just disappointed. You know I ain't mean for things to end up the way they did. Uncle Clifford What did you mean then? You ask me what I am, without even realizing all dat come along with that answer. Hmph. Don't get me wrong, nanh. I loves me some me. But people don't understand how lonely it can be to shine so ight. Thass why I understand why you did what you did on Murda Night. You wun't ready to stand in the sun. I just... niggahs I used to fuck wit' they was like me. Y'know, we could pass. Well, ain't no passin' wit' me. loud thudding tense music plays Uh... Granmuva! Granmuva Ernestine! Granmuva Ernestine!!! She ain't upstairs. She gone? engine rumbling Terricka Oh, thank God! I was boutta pee myself! Squat, don't sit! soft dramatic music plays girl speaking indistinctly You know I don't approve. You KNOW I don't approve! Patrice See, you always gettin' into sumthin' bad. Patrice I don't know what to do. Patrice I... Patrice This a damn mess, Cedes. music playing softly Sooo where we sleepin' tonight? I got a friend who finna let us stay on his pullout. sucks teeth Look, don't you roll your eyes at me. I'm keepin' a roof over our heads. Let's just pay so we can go. I'm a lil' short. Maybe you could, uh... Do yo' thang. Naw, Ma. We good. Teenage Mercedes sighs What is that? Money? No, not that. The other thing. Is that... a condom?! - Ma... - Who gave you this money? - What you been doin' Mercedes?! - He's my boyfriend. Cortez, he just take care of me. Look like you take care of him too! Ma, it ain't like that. He love me. - hh! - I ain't gone let you - be no hoe! - Ma! - No! Ma! - You hear me, Mercedes? - Ma! - No more Cortez! - It stops today! - Ma, please! Ma a a a a a, please! indistinct yelling echoing sighs - notification chimes - Tell Keenan to stop playing on yo' phone 'fore I roll up to his house. - Terricka laughing - This Kelvin some type of comedian, huh? Kelon! And he's an artist. Aren't they all. Seriously! He drew this. That's nice. So you tell him where we goin'? No... So, you ain't told him you knocked up yet. No... I did... Then why his ass ain't driving you to Jackson? Oh, thass right! Cuz he ain't even old enough to drive! He-he wants to keep the baby... Oh, do he, now? He said we could start our own family. That he gon' take care of us. Whatchu thank 'bout all that? It sound nice. Course it sound nice. Words are easy. Living 'em is hard, Tee. How he gone take care of you? He said he gone get a job. Where? Who gone hire him at 14? You can get a part-time job at 14! His cousin has a job at Krystal's. Part-time? Do you know how much diapers cost? We'll figure it out! He loves me, 'Cedes. Whatchu know about love? Cause I'll tell you this: It ain't making promises you can't keep. Cuz Cortez sold me a whole heap of dreams. 'Till I told him I was pregnant. Then he made it very clear we ain't never had love. We ain't never had shit. Terricka Looks like all you know about love is what it ain't. Prolly cause you ain't got nobody in yo' life 'cept the dudes you dance for. And you just jealous cause I actually do. gasps tense music plays Terricka When I'm a mama, I'm never gone slap my daughter. Thass what I said too. Granmuva! We gotta find her! Granmuva! What in the he yell? Come on. C'mon! Uncle Clifford panting She goin' for a... water rushing - crowd shouting - protestor ABORTION IS... protestors MURDER! protestor ABORTION IS... protestors MURDER! protestor ABORTION IS... protestors MURDER! shouts continue protestor WE CHOOSE LIFE! WE CHOOSE LIFE! distorted shouts echoing protestor YOU'RE GOING TO HEYELL! protestor UNBORN LIFE MATTERS! protestor THINK ABOUT YOUR SOUL! protestor NO! protestor DON'T KILL YOUR BABY! - distorted shouts echoing - protestor YOU SHOULD BE. ASHAMED OF YOURSELF! somber music plays BLACK LIVES MATTER! ringing stops Mercedes All them pro-lifers only be pro-life 'till the baby be born. Go on 'head, lil' Mama. tense music plays Patrice 'Cedes... chanting continues protestors PRO-CHOICE, THAT'S A LIE, BABIES NEVER CHOOSE TO DIE! PRO-CHOICE, THAT'S A LIE, BABIES NEVER CHOOSE TO DIE! PRO-CHOICE, THAT'S A LIE, BABIES NEVER CHOOSE TO DIE! door clinking closed Miss Vernette, can you tell how far along she is? Vernette Uh, gimme one sec, okay? Let me finish gettin' my measurements. All right. 14 weeks, 4 days. Right on the cusp. Terricka Thass my baby? Vernette Yes, dear. soft dramatic music plays Terricka So you just gonna suck it out? If that's what you decide. And you sure I won't get cancer? Naw! Who said that? There are risks if you decide to have an abortion. Bleeding, infection, blood clots. But guess what. All of those risks are also associated with childbirth. Hmm... She gotta choose right now? Vernette She'll have to wait the state-mandated 24 hours, but yes. The window is closing. birds chirping, river rushing soft music plays Lil' Murda Miss Ernestine, no! Uncle Clifford No! No, Granmuva!!! - Granmuva Ernestine, no! - No! Granmuva!!! Ernestine No! No! No! Nawww! Let me go! - I gotta get to the water. - Uncle Clifford No. Listen. You know you can't go wading in the Mississippi, guhhh. - She'on look good, Cliff. - Ernestine moaning I'm comin' Beulah. I'm coming to see you, baby. Who Beulah? Thass my mama. Please. Ernestine gasping We gotta get her home now. I gotta get ready. It's time. No. Clifford... If you can't ing me to the water, then ing the water to me. Please. Please... coughing Boy, where is you goin'?! - Ernestine Please. - Okay. Okay. echoing The water. Please. The water. Beulah You can let go, mama. coughing voices echoing -Ernestine distorted Be all right. It'll be all right... Uncle Clifford distorted I love you, Granmuva. Oh... Ah! exhaling - distorted voices - Why? Why? Ahhhh! distorted voices Wanna go home. exhales Granmuva, Granmuva. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Hey. Hey, hey. Stay wit' us. Hey, stay wit' us. Yeah, yeah. Uh-huh. Her fingers blue, Cliff. Oh, that can't be good! Come on. We gotta get her to the crib. Uncle Clifford Granmuva. Granmuva, come on. Come on. We here, we here. continues speaking indistinctly dramatic music plays Somebody need to teach these bad ass lil' kids it's rude to splash people ain't tryna get wet. 'Cedes, that's what kids do at the pool. They splash. gasps Guh, stop! - I ain't playin' wit' you. - Terricka laughing Whatchu lookin' at, R. Kelly? She 14! Thass right. Keep it movin'. kids shrieking Mercedes Take a look in that crystal ball right thur, cause thass about to be yo' future. I can just get Grand mama to babysit. Tee, I done told you to stop callin' Patricethat. Noooooo. Thass you. What you wanna be? Nana? Big Mama? Thass a question I ain't ready to answer yet. Now you know how I feel. Mercedes sighs How I'm about to be a grand mama at thirty? Would it really be that bad? Ask me when you thirty. Terricka It could be nice. I mean, you'd be there for everything you missed with me. But is that what you really want? I mean... I ain't sure, sure. I'm still thinkin'. kids shrieking mother Sit still, boy. Don't you wanna go to the prom? Yes. Don't you wanna see the world? Terricka I mean... prolly. Where would I even go? Mercedes Anywhere you want! Paris, Dubai, China even. Have you ever been to China? Mmm, no. Why not? No dude offered to flew you out? Naw, they did. But I turned 'em down. Cause it would a been too far away from you. soft dramatic music plays I just don't know. Okay, thank about it like this for a minute. Forget about Kelon lil' lovesick ass, forget about the baby, forget about me. What does Terrickawant for Terricka? - radio chatter - Ernestine coughing Almost there. Ernestine moaning gone come back... Uncle Clifford Leave it on, Granmuva. I'm nevah gonna come back... Granmuva, they gon' make you bettah. I don't wanna die alone. sobbing I don't wanna. I don't wanna... You not. Hey, hey, you not. - Ernestine sobbing - I promise. I promise. EMT Oxygen done fell to 85. We have to go, sir. It's ma'am. Say goodbye, Cliff. - Ernestine whimpering - Uncle Clifford Mbye. Mbye. radio chatter Let's go. doors closing siren wailing - Terricka struggles - Mercedes scoffs Could we go by the outlets while we out here? My good jeans a little too tight and they won't button up no more. Cause yo' ass pregnant. Time's up, Tee! You gone haveta tell me whatchu gone do 'bout this baby. I'on know. See? Thass proof positive that yo' ass ain't ready to be no mama. You the one to talk. Excuse me? You ain't got no right to tell me if I'm ready to be a mama or not when you were never a mama to me. They wouldn't let me. Patrice, Shelle, the judge. So they the reason why you missed all those visitations? They the reason why you didn't come to my 7th birthday party at the roller rink? If you knew the things that I done done for you to finally get that gym. Thass been the missing piece. I can finally prove that I ain't just no hoe up on a pole. So why you still don't have me? soft dramatic music plays mouthing Help me, God. Tee, I'm tryin'... You ain't never have to prove nothing to me. I just needed you to be my mama. Like I said, I been tryin'. Terricka Well, it's too late! I'm having a fucking baby. But it's all right. Cause I ain't gone be like you or Shelle. I'm never gone have my baby wondering if I wish I had an abortion. I ain't gone drink 'til I blackout to forget she exists. You right, Tee. I fucked up. A lot. So... You did want an abortion? Mercedes I'd be lyin' if I said I ain't never consider it. But that's all I ever did was consider. Cause Patrice ain't give me no choice. She made me have you. And you know what? I'm thankful every day. Cuz sometimes God uses the devil to give you yo' blessings. All I ever wanted was for you to have choices, Terricka. And to make 'em for yo'self. crying softly Do you think anybody's ever ready for this? No. We both know I wun't. We got a lotta lost time to make up fuh. So... What you wanna do about your room when we get home? You mean for the baby? No. For you. What color you wanna paint it? Hm? Green? How you know? sniffs Cuz I'm yo' mama. Uncle Clifford crying somber music plays - Sisqo's Thong Song playing - Sisqo You know... The finer things in life - perfume spraying - Ha ha ha, check it out - Lil' Murda laughs - Boy... chuckles You bettah take all dat off! And you know another niggah couldn't handle it Be careful what you axe fuh up in this hoe. With a look in your eye so devilish You like to dance, all the hip-hop spots - Uh-huh! - laughing Sisqo And you cruise to crews like connect the dots - Watch that, nahn. - Uncle Clifford Wh... - Lil' Murda Mm. Uh-huh. - Livin la vida loca - Mm. Look out! - She had dumps like - A truck, truck, truck - Oh! Okay. Teach me how to Machiavelli. Uncle Clifford Niggah, I'on do that. - laughing - I don't do any... I think I'll sing it again She had dumps like a truck, truck, truck Uncle Clifford Uh... uh. Unh-uh. Uh, no-no-no. No, no. And I certainly don't do that. Let me see that thong - You don't? - Uncle Clifford Unh-uh. Yeah? Show me how you do it then. - I do it like... - Yeah, fuck it up! - I do it like AYE! - Yeah, fuck it up! Yeah, fuck it up! Yeah, fuck it up! Uncle Clifford Aye! Ah! both laughing - Sisqo? - This mu'fuckuh think I ain't know who Sisqo is music stops - both laughing I said I got somethin' fuh her ass! I said I got somethin' fuh her ass! - No. N... - both laughing Ah, shit. soft dramatic music plays Uncle Clifford whimpers exhales shakily whispers Oh, my God. Kendrick Lamar's LOVE plays Zacari Give me a run for my money There is nobody, no one to outrun me Give me a run for my money Sippin' bubbly, feelin' lovely Livin' lovely Just love me Kendrick I wanna be with you, ayy - I wanna be with - Zacari Just love me Kendrick I wanna be with you, ayy - I wanna be with - Zacari Love me Kendrick I wanna be with you Zacari Love me, just love me Kendrick If I didn't ride blade on curb - Would you still - Zacari Love me? Kendrick If I minimized my net worth - Would you still - Zacari Love me? Kendrick Keep it a hundred, I'd rather you trust me - Than to - Zacari Love me Kendrick Keep it a whole one hund' Don't got you, I got nothin' Ayy, I got somethin', somethin' Hold up, we gon' function Ayy, no assumptions - Uncle Clifford Put this on. - We'on need that. You good? Yeah. Hm, like, negative, good-good? Lil' Murda I'm good. 'Sides, I wanna feel you inside me. Zacari Livin' lovely Just love me Kendrick I wanna be with you, ayy Zacari Just love me Kendrick I wanna be with you Zacari Just love me Kendrick I wanna be with you, ayy - I wanna be with - Zacari Love me Kendrick I wanna be with you, ayy Zacari Just love me, just love me Kendrick Feelin' like Tyson with it Knock it out twice, I'm with it Only for the night, I'm kiddin' Only for life, yeah, homie for life, yeah Only for life, let's get it Hit that shoulder lean I know what comin' over me Backstroke oversea I know what you need both moaning Already on ten, all money come in All feeling go out This feeling don't drought This party won't end both moaning If I didn't ride blade on curb - Would you still - Love me? Kendrick If I minimized my net worth - Would you still - Zacari Love me Kenrick Keep it a hundred - Lil' Murda moaning - I'd rather you trust me - Than to - Zacari Love me Kendrick Keep it a whole one hund' Uncle Clifford I gotchu. Don't got you, I got nothin' both moaning Zacari There is nobody, no one to outrun me So give me a run for my money Sippin' bubbly, feelin' lovely Fill me up, niggah. Zacari Livin' lovely Just love me both moaning Kendrick I wanna be with you, ayy - I wanna be with - Zacari Just love me Kendrick I wanna be with you Zacari Love me, just love me indistinct chatter Mercedes You got everythang? Make sure you don't forget yo' charger. Can't text Kelon lil' ass wit a dead phone. No, I got it. Aight. So what you think I should do? Unh-uh! Thass yo' decision. keys jingling Chucalissa or Jackson. It's up to you. I could go either way. pensive music plays car door closes dramatic music plays How come you let me back inside? Uncle Clifford exhales Cause you needed me... And I needed you. gentle music plays Lil' Murda crying - The other night... - whispers Hey, hey, hey, hey. whispering Unh-unh, unh-unh, unh-unh. Only when you ready. Only when you ready. whispers I gotchu. retro cartoons playing on TV Mercedes laughs quietly Oh, my gosh. You think this shit funny? Hey! Yeah. It's classic. I'on know 'bout all that. Pastor Woodbine on TV This is the reckoning that my Lord hath promised. The soul of Chucalissa is on the line. - Where's the remote? - Naw, it's okay. She just noise. The only power she got is the power we give her. Pastor Woodbine Speak truth to power on judgement day. Vote Woodbine for mayor and no on the casino referendum! Mama? Hm? pensive music plays You think I'm gone burn in hell? If you do, I'ma be right there witch... doorbell rings tense music plays door opens Derrick Do I know you? Autumn I'm an old friend of Keyshawn's. Derrick, thass Autumn. Me and her used to work together at the club. Huh... Well, I was at the outlets in Jackson, and I couldn't stop myself from picking up a little something for baby Regal. - baby crying - Aww. She knows she can't sleep nowadays. Can I? Sure. Awwww. Hi. I'm gonna tell you a story, Regal. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Hailey who belonged to no one. Who never had her own home. And she walked the deep, dark woods searching for shelter from the constant storm. Until one day, a baby fell out of the sky. And suddenly, all her dreams came true. She had a family. And she swore she'd do anything to protect it. eerie fairytale music plays But that's when she met the Hunter. And he built her a three-story McMansion with marble counters and kept her in gowns spun with Yves Saint Laurent silk. Hailey thought she had everything she ever wanted. But one night, beneath the slanted light of a crescent moon, she saw his teeth were actually knives, his eyes hungry, ears tuned to her truth and her lies. She was trapped. But one thing she carried with her were bags of plastic filled with her tears. She poured them out, making a river that flooded the whole forest. She could swim. Her baby could not. Her tears drowned her baby. All because she waited too long. eerie fairytale music plays Autumn, like what are you talmbout? tense music plays Regal Mama. Look up Hailey Colton. And call me when you're ready to learn how to swim. dramatic music plays
I realized when I met Maya, I needed to be with someone who has the same dreams as me. - You found someone new. - You kicked me to the curb. She and I are flying back out with National Geographic at the end of that week. Next week? Well, what am I gonna do with the Cougar, huh? What am I gonna do with the Cougar? You think about that at all? What are you doing? I'm proposing. I'm just not in love with you anymore, Mikey. Stacey Ross. You recognize me? - I'm sorry. - I don't remember. It's good to see you again, even if you didn't like my dancing. Yeah, of course, I'd be here. I live here. And it's my name on the lease. Your father's name, don't you mean? Same difference. Oh, what the hell? Throw down my keys! Yeah, once he gets in a cab, I'll throw 'em down. I'll gladly get a cab if it means I don't have to listen to any more of her bullshit! So, Jimmy Boy, you must be excited. I mean, tomorrow's the big day, right? Yeah, she's flying in around noon, meet the folks, have dinner, then it's bon voyage in the a.m. Some fucking friend you are, leaving me alone for three months with this sad sack to deal with. You know, I'm glad you guys think my heart eak is funny, okay? But it's not. This shit fucking hurts, dude. No, nobody finds anything funny, okay? We understand. It just... it's still weird seeing you of all people like this. You know, the big stud with all the muscles now moping around in this old robe and tears in his eyes all day, every day. It's unexpected. And sad but not in, you know, a kind of endearing way, more like a pathetic kind of way. Oh, yeah, well, I don't give a shit, okay? Because look at me. You see this? This is what a heartache looks like. Oh, well, we see that very clearly, Mikey. It's very apparent. It's A Heartache. That's a good song by the way, right? Bonnie Tyler. It's gotta be one of the best eakup songs of all time. Well, I don't know if I'd go that far. I reserve that slot for Babe by Styx. Oh, that's a big fucking surprise there. Okay, all right, I'll let you have that 'cause I know they hold a special place in your heart. But come on, Pags. All-time greatest? - All right, fine. - Hall & Oates, She's Gone. - Okay, now that's an answer. - I can top it though. Carol King. It's Too Late. Tracks of My Tears. Smokey Robinson and The Miracles. - Janice Joplin. - Piece of my Heart. - Jolene. - Dolly Parton. Angie by the Stones. Al Green, How Can You Mend a Broken Heart. - Fuck you. - That's a good one. I Heard It Through The Grapevine. The Marvin Gaye version and the CCR version, two. - If I Can't Have You. - Yvonne Elliman. Damn, that's another good one. It's 'cause I know my shit. - Don't Go Breaking My Heart. - Elton John and Kiki Dee. - Ain't No Sunshine. - Bill motherfucking Withers. Shit, you're fucking good at this. Hey, they don't call me the music man for nothing, do they? Who the fuck calls you the music man? You know, I'm glad you guys are having a laugh at my expense, but if you're gonna be talking about eakup songs, how do you leave out I Will Survive, huh? By Gloria Gaynor. You know, Mikey, you're right. At first, I was afraid. You'll survive, Mikey! Fuck you guys. - Hey, where are you going? - Mikey! Are you freaking kidding me? Do you have any idea what time it is? Do you have any idea what day it is? It's my birthday. I'm allowed to sleep in. Really? Well, then what was your excuse for yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before that? - Oh, wait, what was that, Ma? - 'Cause it's my birthday. You're not gonna be a huge pain in the ass today. Oh, wow. That's so sweet of you. Well, then tell me this. How come you never have to go to work anymore? Did you get fired again? I told you I'm freelance. You deaf? You know what that means? It means when they call, I go to work. If they don't call, I don't go to work. It's pretty freaking simple. Okay, it's pretty freaking simple. All right, well, what's simple is you should just get a full-time job. If you had a full-time job, then I wouldn't find you here dressed in your outfit from the night before. And you couldn't even take your freaking shoes off? Please just go away! I'm gonna make some coffee. - Thank you. - Welcome. Dad, can I get a refill? A refill, of course, for my favorite child. - Okay. - Oh, favorite. - There you go. - Oh. - Okay, Dad, come on. - Did you see this? I didn't realize that your other moved back into the house. - You still live here, huh? - Come on. When are you gonna talk to me again? When am I gonna talk to you again? I don't know if I'm ever gonna talk to you again. A kid who keeps secrets. Why I would ever talk to you? I'm not keeping se... I'm trying to protect you 'cause you're a little sensitive. Sensitive, sensitive? I think you have me confused with somebody else, pal. - Can I have some coffee? - Oh, yeah, sure, coffee? Coming right up. There you go. Oh, thank you. Okay, are you gonna be cool when Maya gets here? Remember, she's staying with us tonight before we take off to Sweden tomorrow. Not only is he gonna be cool, he's gonna be on his best behavior, which means no sulking. - Sulking? - Since when do I sulk? Dad, you're sulking right now. Go look in the mirror. You know, I don't have time to look in the mirror because I have work to do on that beautiful car out in the driveway, which is what I'm gonna do right now. Did he just call that car beautiful? Can you at least ing the coffee back? You know, I was thinking. Oh, boy, I hope you didn't hurt yourself. - Very funny. - You know that game, Guess Who I Am. I wanna play that with you, and I want you to tell me who I sound like. Are you fucking kidding me? I used to dream of working in fashion, but now I haven't had a real job in six months. I also used to live in the city but recently moved back into my childhood bedroom to schnorr of my mother. And the topping on the cake... I think you mean the icing on the cake or to top it off, but go ahead. The topping on the cake is I no longer talk to my lifelong best friend because I'd let some guy get in the middle of our friendship. Who am I? Have you been up all morning coming up with this stupid little routine? Sitting out here rehearsing your lines? 'Cause that's fucking sad, Ma. You need to figure out what you're gonna do with your life. - My life is fine. - Leave me alone. No, your life is not fine. You think being a party girl is a fine life? Party girl. What the hell are you talking about? A fine life is a life where you're working on Seventh Avenue, not mooching off your mother. A life where you're living in the city, not here with me. A life where your boyfriend is a nice guy, maybe like Jimmy and not some older married man. - Wait, you like Jimmy now? - That's fucking new. And I told you, that guy is not my boyfriend. - Oh, yeah. - Well, what is he then? I don't know, just a guy. A guy to have a good time with. Why do you even fucking care? Because that's all you seem to wanna do these days, have a good time. Well, I don't need to tell you where that's gonna wind up. Yeah, well you seem to think this is all by choice, Ma. And I gotta tell you it's fucking not. But thanks for rubbing my nose in it. That's my cab. Have a great day. Jill. Train station, thanks. - Hi. - There's my girl. - I can't believe you're here. - I missed you. Oh, my God. Hey, thank you. Okay, let me get you inside. So, Maya, what is it that you do? You a photographer, too? No, I work for the magazine actually. For all the shoots I'm assigned to, I do all the tedious stuff, like, coordinating travel, visas, accommodations, stuff like that. Yeah, like our Sweden trip has been a fucking logistical nightmare. She's had to redo the schedule and budget like 20 different times. Yeah, and like Jimmy, I only got to go home for a few days to see my folks. Where is home again? - California, up near Big Sur. - Northern California. My parents moved out there in the '60s trying to escape the rat race. Get this. They lived in a house with no electricity till she was in high school. Yeah, I told them that if I had any chance of getting into a decent college, I would need to be able to study at night and not by candlelight. And this house her father built, it was basically a log cabin, so you can see why roughing out in Alaska was no big deal for her. - Wait, I'm sorry. - Your father built your house? Yeah, he's a real Mr. Fix It. You know, he can build anything, fix anything. Oh, it's a shame that he's not here to help Artie with that piece of crap right behind you. Right, honey? Don't mock the old man. I'll get it started soon enough, even if it's without this one's help. Oh, the asshole who took me out of the routine to hit on me and then completely threw off my rhythm? Yeah, he should feel bad. And no, I don't wanna go out with him. All right. Look, I gotta go. But yeah, we're still on for tonight, okay? I'll see you at El Faro. Don't mind me. I'm just getting some of my things. Look, Jill, I just wanna say I'm sorry for the other night, okay? It was really late, and I was tired, and I know I was being obnoxious, but the last thing I wanted was for you to move out. Yeah, I didn't wanna move out either. I've been fucking living with my mom for a whole week, and I wanna kill her. Okay, so then just move back in here. I would, but are you gonna be cool with Henry coming here? Stace, he's a really good guy. He's really good to me. Yeah, I bet he is, but he's still married, Jill. I think I'm just gonna come back, like, next week and get the rest of my stuff if that's okay. And by the way, I hope you have a really nice birthday. It is today, right? It is today. Well, at least I didn't forget it this time. Yeah, I agree. All right. Excuse me, but what exactly are you doing? - Hey, Mr. Farrell. - Do me a favor. Try and turn it over, will you? Try and turn it over? Yeah, if you don't mind. All right. You ready? - Okay. - Turn it over again. Okay, try it now. You almost got it. Okay, now give it some gas. I don't fucking believe it. Are you kidding me? What did you do? - It was pretty simple. - You weren't getting any spark. Your coil wire is oken. So I just did a temp job on it with some electrical tape. - Holy shit. - You got it started. I had nothing to do with it. It was all this young lady right here. Why didn't he tell me she knew a thing or two about cars? 'Cause I had no idea. I take after my dad in that respect. If it's got an engine, I can fix it. Mazel tov, you got it running. That means you can get it the hell out of my driveway. James, pay no attention to your mother. What that actually means is tomorrow, you and I can get started on the bodywork. And you, thank you. James, you got a keeper. - Hi. - Thank you. Hello, birthday girl. You scared me. You look stunning. - Hi. - Hi. This place is really fucking cool. - I want the best for you. - Our table awaits. Stacey, over here, girl. Sorry I'm late, boo. Had the fucking craziest day today. Oh, don't worry about it. It's given me plenty of time to scope out the crowd, and you're never gonna believe who's here. Are you fucking kidding me, Patrick? - Oh, come on. - Just let me invite him over. He's asked me about you every day since we started rehearsal. Yeah, well if he's so interested in me, maybe he should have given me a part in the show. Well, to be perfectly honest, you should consider yourself lucky. The show sucks, but he's a good guy. Come on. Let me just invite him over. Okay, okay. - He's coming. Be nice. - I'm always nice. I'm always nice, okay? - Okay, darling. - All right. - Patrick. - Stacey. Nice surprise running into you guys here. Yeah, real surprise. All right, I may have put Patrick up to this. So how are you? - I'm good. - Yeah? Yeah, and you? Patrick was telling me that the show is really gonna be something special. - Oh, yeah? - I think he's been lying to you. The show is fucking awful. Maybe the direction's lacking? Yeah, that could have something to do with it. I mean... but he does have an eye for talent, I must say. - You think? - Yeah. I would strongly disagree. Well, maybe it's not too late to make up for that mistake. And go down with the sinking ship? I don't think so. Well, I assume that Patrick's told you I've been pestering him for your number. Yeah, I don't really shit where I eat. You know what I'm saying? No, can't say I do. She doesn't go out with guys she works with. Or that I may potentially work with for that matter. Okay, what if I promise never to hire you for one of my shitty-ass shows, hm? Would you consider going on a date with me then? You might wanna take him up on that, Stacey. As we were just discussing, once the show flops, he's not gonna get hired again anytime soon. How about this? Before you make any decision, you let me sit down with you both and buy you another round. Your call, Stace. Well, I am oke, and I would love another Martini, so yeah. Okay, sure. - You too? - Yeah, of course. Can I get two Martinis and another scotch, please? Oh, what are these? I thought you were a nature photographer. Yeah, no, those are nothing. - No, they are not nothing. - These are fantastic. I mean, are you serious? This is beautiful. Yeah, you've heard me talk about them before actually. That's Mikey and Stacey. No, I know, but the photograph itself is gorgeous. - Really? - You think so? - Yes, I know so. - I don't know. It was something new I was trying last summer. They're beautiful. You know, I always thought I wanted to be a nature photographer like Bill Ford. I mean, it's pretty fucking obvious. And I... you know, I had this whole plan that I'd take this cross-country drive and take shots of the American landscape. And then I thought, Oh, maybe it might be cool to take some shots of the people and the characters in those places too, you know? Yeah, I like that. You know, I bet we could pitch that to the magazine. - Wait, really? - You think? Yeah, and now that I got your car running, when we get back from Sweden, maybe you can take that road trip, or maybe we can take it together. - Wait a minute. - You'd wanna do it with me? - Of course. - I could even help you organize the whole thing, you know, map it out. It's kind of what I do. - Oh, it's what you do, huh? - Can I tell you something? You're the fucking best. Thank you. Oh, my God. Henry, this night is already so perfect. Thank you for all of it. Well, there's going to be a lot more of this in your future. Hm, well, I could get used to that. Happy birthday, darling. So I told you I had a few surprises for you tonight, and here is the first one. Happy birthday. Given your Audrey Hepburn obsession of late, I figured we could complete the look. Are you fucking shitting me? Although I doubt she has the mouth you have. - Oh, my God. - I think I'm gonna fucking cry. - No, don't cry. - Dance with me instead. Well, you're getting a lot more than just a dance tonight. And for my next surprise, I wanted to tell you that I love you. What do you say? Think we ought to give 'em a call? I'll take the skinny one. Eh, she maybe got a date already. Hello? Yeah, give me a minute. Let me go get her. Hey, Artie, it's for Maya. Can you go get her? Why do I have to go get her? ' Cause I'm watching this. What if they are up there doing what I assume they're up there doing? You think I wanna see that? It's National Geographic. It's important. Get your ass up. Jeez, I really don't wanna do this. Is Genie home? Genie's out for the night. Great. Jimmy? Jimmy! Jimmy! Did you hear that? No, I didn't hear anything. - Clearly, they don't hear me. - What do you want me to do? Go knock on the door. I'm not knocking on the freaking door. Why don't you go up there and knock on the door? - Coward. - Jimmy! Okay, that I heard. Yeah, what is it? It's a phone call! It's National Geographic for Maya! What? - Maya's got a phone call! - National Geographic! - Oh, shit. - Yeah, be right down! Was that so hard? You don't think I wanna get married? I wanna get married. Everybody drives me crazy. Now, I don't wanna wreck your Saturday night for you. You wanna go somewhere? You go ahead. I don't wanna go. So I think I definitely owe you an apology for completely fucking up your audition last week. Oh, you mean when you called me to the front of the stage in front of everybody just to hit on me? - I wasn't hitting on you. - Oh, no? Nah, I just wanted to say hello. Huh. I've actually been hit on hundreds of times, so I think I know when a guy is hitting on me. - I wasn't hitting on you. - No? At that point, I just wanted to say hello. When you bumped into me in the lobby, all right, then yeah. I might have been hitting on you. Right, well, your pickup game is as bad as your directing skills apparently. Ow. Um, this is me. Hey, think I can finally get your number so I can personally ask you out so I don't have to go through Patrick? - You want my number? - Yeah. I thought you were gonna ask to come up. Well, I mean if that's an option. No, it's not. Okay. And I'm not gonna give you my number either, but if I need to reach you, I know where to find you. Okay. That is unless your show gets canceled in the meantime. Wow, okay. I'm only fucking around, but have a good night, Luke. You too, Stacey. And get home safe. Yeah, I gotta go work on my play, obviously. - Okay. - Okay. Oh, here they come. We're gonna... we'll take that in the kitchen if that's all right. I'm sorry, Mr. and Mrs. Farrell. I hope that's okay. I gave them this number. After fixing the car today, for you, you can do whatever you want in this house. I think they already did. I got it. Hello? Yes. Really? But I thought we cleared that. It was in the approved budget. No, really? Are you sure? Oh, shit. Yeah, well, I guess I have to, right? Okay, bye. Fuck. You're not gonna believe this. Hey, what's going on? They've cut the budget by a pretty considerable amount. You know, they're finally tired of Mr. Ford's more outrageous demands. Yeah, so what does that mean? It means that they've had to make some cuts to the crew and... Wait, don't tell me we're not going. Not we. You. May I introduce a bottle of 1958 Chateau Margaux. I picked the vintage for the obvious reason. This is too much. You really didn't have to do all of this. Yes, I did. And I'll explain why when I reveal my final surprise. So I guess the easiest way to do this is to come out and say it. I've decided to leave my wife. What? Yes, it's something I've been thinking about for years. And now with the way I feel about you, I just can't go on lying to her, living that charade. Okay, so what does one do in that situation? Okay, what do you mean? What does one do in that situation? For starters, I think we could get a place together. - Really? - Like, move in together. Yes, I think it makes perfect sense, don't you? Unless you like living at home with your mother. No, I don't, but... I don't really know how to say this to you. But I don't know that I'm really ready for a step like that. And I don't wanna get in the way of your marriage. Okay, we're a little late for that, darling. Yeah, but still, I just don't see us like that, like a couple who would move in together. It's... you know, it's a little serious, don't you think? Okay, well, take a look at this room, take a look at the roses, take a look at the necklace I've just bought you. How much more serious do I need to be? What is this to you then? Is this a casual fling, a frivolous dalliance? Kind of. I mean, no, it's just I kind of saw us, like, you know, one of those couples in the movies. Like, Breakfast at Tiffany's. I'm Holly Go lightly, the young party girl, and you, you're... I'm the richer older man. I'm really sorry. I just thought we were having a good time. Yes, we were up until this moment right here and now. Baby, look at me. We have to get used to this, right? This is the life that we chose in this business. And if we can't get used to it now, then how will we be able to do it in the future when we're old and miserable and tired of having sex with one another, right? Not a chance. I'm really sorry about all this. Just get out. You know I love you, right? Yeah. I love you, too. I'm gonna write you every single day. I promise. It's gonna be okay. You better. I will. All right, I should probably let you go, or you're gonna miss your flight. I'll be waiting right here.
I realized when I met Maya, I needed to be with someone who has the same dreams as me. - You found someone new. - You kicked me to the curb. She and I are flying back out with National Geographic at the end of that week. Next week? Well, what am I gonna do with the Cougar, huh? What am I gonna do with the Cougar? You think about that at all? What are you doing? I'm proposing. I'm just not in love with you anymore, Mikey. Stacey Ross. You recognize me? - I'm sorry. - I don't remember. It's good to see you again, even if you didn't like my dancing. Yeah, of course, I'd be here. I live here. And it's my name on the lease. Your father's name, don't you mean? Same difference. Oh, what the hell? Throw down my keys! Yeah, once he gets in a cab, I'll throw 'em down. I'll gladly get a cab if it means I don't have to listen to any more of her bullshit! So, Jimmy Boy, you must be excited. I mean, tomorrow's the big day, right? Yeah, she's flying in around noon, meet the folks, have dinner, then it's bon voyage in the a.m. Some fucking friend you are, leaving me alone for three months with this sad sack to deal with. You know, I'm glad you guys think my heart eak is funny, okay? But it's not. This shit fucking hurts, dude. No, nobody finds anything funny, okay? We understand. It just... it's still weird seeing you of all people like this. You know, the big stud with all the muscles now moping around in this old robe and tears in his eyes all day, every day. It's unexpected. And sad but not in, you know, a kind of endearing way, more like a pathetic kind of way. Oh, yeah, well, I don't give a shit, okay? Because look at me. You see this? This is what a heartache looks like. Oh, well, we see that very clearly, Mikey. It's very apparent. It's A Heartache. That's a good song by the way, right? Bonnie Tyler. It's gotta be one of the best eakup songs of all time. Well, I don't know if I'd go that far. I reserve that slot for Babe by Styx. Oh, that's a big fucking surprise there. Okay, all right, I'll let you have that 'cause I know they hold a special place in your heart. But come on, Pags. All-time greatest? - All right, fine. - Hall & Oates, She's Gone. - Okay, now that's an answer. - I can top it though. Carol King. It's Too Late. Tracks of My Tears. Smokey Robinson and The Miracles. - Janice Joplin. - Piece of my Heart. - Jolene. - Dolly Parton. Angie by the Stones. Al Green, How Can You Mend a Broken Heart. - Fuck you. - That's a good one. I Heard It Through The Grapevine. The Marvin Gaye version and the CCR version, two. - If I Can't Have You. - Yvonne Elliman. Damn, that's another good one. It's 'cause I know my shit. - Don't Go Breaking My Heart. - Elton John and Kiki Dee. - Ain't No Sunshine. - Bill motherfucking Withers. Shit, you're fucking good at this. Hey, they don't call me the music man for nothing, do they? Who the fuck calls you the music man? You know, I'm glad you guys are having a laugh at my expense, but if you're gonna be talking about eakup songs, how do you leave out I Will Survive, huh? By Gloria Gaynor. You know, Mikey, you're right. At first, I was afraid. I was petrified Kept thinking I could never live without you by my side But then I spent so many nights Thinking how you did me wrong, Tammy And I grew strong both: And I learned how to get along - And so you're back. - Ba-ba-na-na - From outer space. - Da-da-na-na I just walked in to find you here With that sad look upon your face I should have changed that stupid lock I should have made you leave your key If I had known for just one second both: You'd be back to bother me - Go on now, go. - Ba-ba-da-ba - Walk out the door. - Ba-ba-da-ba Just turn around now both: 'Cause you're not welcome anymore Weren't you the one who tried to hurt me with goodbye And you think I'd crumble? Do you think I'd lay down and die? Oh no, not I, I will survive I'm Mikey Diaz both: For as long as I know how to love I know I'll stay alive 'Cause I've got all my life to live And I've got all my love to give, I'll survive You'll survive, Mikey! I will survive - You're gonna survive, baby! - Hey, hey Fuck you guys. Ba-da-ba-ba - Hey, where are you going? - Mikey! Ba-da-da-ba-da-da-ba-da-da Ba-da-do-do-do-do-do-do-do - Ba-da. - Do Are you freaking kidding me? Do you have any idea what time it is? Do you have any idea what day it is? It's my birthday. I'm allowed to sleep in. Really? Well, then what was your excuse for yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before that? - Oh, wait, what was that, Ma? - 'Cause it's my birthday. You're not gonna be a huge pain in the ass today. Oh, wow. That's so sweet of you. Well, then tell me this. How come you never have to go to work anymore? Did you get fired again? I told you I'm freelance. You deaf? You know what that means? It means when they call, I go to work. If they don't call, I don't go to work. It's pretty freaking simple. Okay, it's pretty freaking simple. All right, well, what's simple is you should just get a full-time job. If you had a full-time job, then I wouldn't find you here dressed in your outfit from the night before. And you couldn't even take your freaking shoes off? Please just go away! I'm gonna make some coffee. - Thank you. - Welcome. Dad, can I get a refill? A refill, of course, for my favorite child. - Okay. - Oh, favorite. - There you go. - Oh. - Okay, Dad, come on. - Did you see this? I didn't realize that your other moved back into the house. - You still live here, huh? - Come on. When are you gonna talk to me again? When am I gonna talk to you again? I don't know if I'm ever gonna talk to you again. A kid who keeps secrets. Why I would ever talk to you? I'm not keeping se... I'm trying to protect you 'cause you're a little sensitive. Sensitive, sensitive? I think you have me confused with somebody else, pal. - Can I have some coffee? - Oh, yeah, sure, coffee? Coming right up. There you go. Oh, thank you. Okay, are you gonna be cool when Maya gets here? Remember, she's staying with us tonight before we take off to Sweden tomorrow. Not only is he gonna be cool, he's gonna be on his best behavior, which means no sulking. - Sulking? - Since when do I sulk? Dad, you're sulking right now. Go look in the mirror. You know, I don't have time to look in the mirror because I have work to do on that beautiful car out in the driveway, which is what I'm gonna do right now. Did he just call that car beautiful? Can you at least ing the coffee back? You know, I was thinking. Oh, boy, I hope you didn't hurt yourself. - Very funny. - You know that game, Guess Who I Am. I wanna play that with you, and I want you to tell me who I sound like. Are you fucking kidding me? I used to dream of working in fashion, but now I haven't had a real job in six months. I also used to live in the city but recently moved back into my childhood bedroom to schnorr of my mother. And the topping on the cake... I think you mean the icing on the cake or to top it off, but go ahead. The topping on the cake is I no longer talk to my lifelong best friend because I'd let some guy get in the middle of our friendship. Who am I? Have you been up all morning coming up with this stupid little routine? Sitting out here rehearsing your lines? 'Cause that's fucking sad, Ma. You need to figure out what you're gonna do with your life. - My life is fine. - Leave me alone. No, your life is not fine. You think being a party girl is a fine life? Party girl. What the hell are you talking about? A fine life is a life where you're working on Seventh Avenue, not mooching off your mother. A life where you're living in the city, not here with me. A life where your boyfriend is a nice guy, maybe like Jimmy and not some older married man. - Wait, you like Jimmy now? - That's fucking new. And I told you, that guy is not my boyfriend. - Oh, yeah. - Well, what is he then? I don't know, just a guy. A guy to have a good time with. Why do you even fucking care? Because that's all you seem to wanna do these days, have a good time. Well, I don't need to tell you where that's gonna wind up. Yeah, well you seem to think this is all by choice, Ma. And I gotta tell you it's fucking not. But thanks for rubbing my nose in it. car honks That's my cab. Have a great day. Jill. 10cc's The Things We Do For Love Too many oken hearts have fallen in the river Train station, thanks. Have drifted out to sea You lay your bets and then you pay the price The things we do for love all: The things we do for love Communication is the problem to the answer You've got her number and your hand is on the phone The weather's turned, and all the lines are down The things we do for love all: The things we do for love Like walking in the rain And the snow when there's nowhere to go And you're feelin' like a part of you is dying - Hi. - There's my girl. And you're looking for the answer in her eyes You think you're gonna eak up Then she says she wants to make up - I can't believe you're here. - I missed you. Oh, my God. Hey, thank you. Okay, let me get you inside. So, Maya, what is it that you do? You a photographer, too? No, I work for the magazine actually. For all the shoots I'm assigned to, I do all the tedious stuff, like, coordinating travel, visas, accommodations, stuff like that. Yeah, like our Sweden trip has been a fucking logistical nightmare. She's had to redo the schedule and budget like 20 different times. Yeah, and like Jimmy, I only got to go home for a few days to see my folks. Where is home again? - California, up near Big Sur. - Northern California. My parents moved out there in the '60s trying to escape the rat race. Get this. They lived in a house with no electricity till she was in high school. Yeah, I told them that if I had any chance of getting into a decent college, I would need to be able to study at night and not by candlelight. And this house her father built, it was basically a log cabin, so you can see why roughing out in Alaska was no big deal for her. - Wait, I'm sorry. - Your father built your house? Yeah, he's a real Mr. Fix It. You know, he can build anything, fix anything. Oh, it's a shame that he's not here to help Artie with that piece of crap right behind you. Right, honey? Don't mock the old man. I'll get it started soon enough, even if it's without this one's help. Oh, the asshole who took me out of the routine to hit on me and then completely threw off my rhythm? Yeah, he should feel bad. And no, I don't wanna go out with him. All right. Look, I gotta go. But yeah, we're still on for tonight, okay? I'll see you at El Faro. Don't mind me. I'm just getting some of my things. Look, Jill, I just wanna say I'm sorry for the other night, okay? It was really late, and I was tired, and I know I was being obnoxious, but the last thing I wanted was for you to move out. Yeah, I didn't wanna move out either. I've been fucking living with my mom for a whole week, and I wanna kill her. Okay, so then just move back in here. I would, but are you gonna be cool with Henry coming here? Stace, he's a really good guy. He's really good to me. Yeah, I bet he is, but he's still married, Jill. I think I'm just gonna come back, like, next week and get the rest of my stuff if that's okay. And by the way, I hope you have a really nice birthday. It is today, right? It is today. Well, at least I didn't forget it this time. Yeah, I agree. All right. Excuse me, but what exactly are you doing? - Hey, Mr. Farrell. - Do me a favor. Try and turn it over, will you? Try and turn it over? Yeah, if you don't mind. All right. You ready? - Okay. - Turn it over again. engine grinding Okay, try it now. You almost got it. Okay, now give it some gas. engine turning over - laughs - I don't fucking believe it. Are you kidding me? What did you do? - It was pretty simple. - You weren't getting any spark. Your coil wire is oken. So I just did a temp job on it with some electrical tape. - Holy shit. - You got it started. I had nothing to do with it. It was all this young lady right here. Why didn't he tell me she knew a thing or two about cars? 'Cause I had no idea. I take after my dad in that respect. If it's got an engine, I can fix it. Mazel tov, you got it running. That means you can get it the hell out of my driveway. James, pay no attention to your mother. What that actually means is tomorrow, you and I can get started on the bodywork. And you, thank you. James, you got a keeper. soft music - Hi. - Thank you. Hello, birthday girl. You scared me. You look stunning. - Hi. - Hi. This place is really fucking cool. - I want the best for you. - Our table awaits. Stacey, over here, girl. Sorry I'm late, boo. Had the fucking craziest day today. Oh, don't worry about it. It's given me plenty of time to scope out the crowd, and you're never gonna believe who's here. Are you fucking kidding me, Patrick? - Oh, come on. - Just let me invite him over. He's asked me about you every day since we started rehearsal. Yeah, well if he's so interested in me, maybe he should have given me a part in the show. Well, to be perfectly honest, you should consider yourself lucky. The show sucks, but he's a good guy. Come on. Let me just invite him over. Okay, okay. upbeat music - He's coming. Be nice. - I'm always nice. I'm always nice, okay? - Okay, darling. - All right. - Patrick. - Stacey. Nice surprise running into you guys here. Yeah, real surprise. All right, I may have put Patrick up to this. So how are you? - I'm good. - Yeah? Yeah, and you? Patrick was telling me that the show is really gonna be something special. - Oh, yeah? - I think he's been lying to you. The show is fucking awful. Maybe the direction's lacking? Yeah, that could have something to do with it. I mean... but he does have an eye for talent, I must say. - You think? - Yeah. I would strongly disagree. Well, maybe it's not too late to make up for that mistake. And go down with the sinking ship? I don't think so. Well, I assume that Patrick's told you I've been pestering him for your number. Yeah, I don't really shit where I eat. You know what I'm saying? No, can't say I do. She doesn't go out with guys she works with. Or that I may potentially work with for that matter. Okay, what if I promise never to hire you for one of my shitty-ass shows, hm? Would you consider going on a date with me then? You might wanna take him up on that, Stacey. As we were just discussing, once the show flops, he's not gonna get hired again anytime soon. How about this? Before you make any decision, you let me sit down with you both and buy you another round. Your call, Stace. Well, I am oke, and I would love another Martini, so yeah. Okay, sure. - You too? - Yeah, of course. Can I get two Martinis and another scotch, please? Oh, what are these? I thought you were a nature photographer. Yeah, no, those are nothing. - No, they are not nothing. - These are fantastic. I mean, are you serious? This is beautiful. Yeah, you've heard me talk about them before actually. That's Mikey and Stacey. No, I know, but the photograph itself is gorgeous. - Really? - You think so? - Yes, I know so. - I don't know. It was something new I was trying last summer. They're beautiful. You know, I always thought I wanted to be a nature photographer like Bill Ford. I mean, it's pretty fucking obvious. And I... you know, I had this whole plan that I'd take this cross-country drive and take shots of the American landscape. And then I thought, Oh, maybe it might be cool to take some shots of the people and the characters in those places too, you know? Yeah, I like that. You know, I bet we could pitch that to the magazine. - Wait, really? - You think? Yeah, and now that I got your car running, when we get back from Sweden, maybe you can take that road trip, or maybe we can take it together. - Wait a minute. - You'd wanna do it with me? - Of course. - I could even help you organize the whole thing, you know, map it out. It's kind of what I do. - Oh, it's what you do, huh? - Can I tell you something? You're the fucking best. soft music Thank you. Oh, my God. Henry, this night is already so perfect. Thank you for all of it. Well, there's going to be a lot more of this in your future. Hm, well, I could get used to that. Happy birthday, darling. So I told you I had a few surprises for you tonight, and here is the first one. Happy birthday. Given your Audrey Hepburn obsession of late, I figured we could complete the look. Are you fucking shitting me? Although I doubt she has the mouth you have. - Oh, my God. - I think I'm gonna fucking cry. - No, don't cry. - Dance with me instead. Well, you're getting a lot more than just a dance tonight. And for my next surprise, I wanted to tell you that I love you. What do you say? Think we ought to give 'em a call? I'll take the skinny one. Eh, she maybe got a date already. phone ringing Hello? Yeah, give me a minute. Let me go get her. Hey, Artie, it's for Maya. Can you go get her? Why do I have to go get her? ' Cause I'm watching this. What if they are up there doing what I assume they're up there doing? You think I wanna see that? It's National Geographic. It's important. Get your ass up. Jeez, I really don't wanna do this. Is Genie home? Genie's out for the night. Great. Jimmy? Jimmy! Jimmy! Did you hear that? No, I didn't hear anything. - Clearly, they don't hear me. - What do you want me to do? Go knock on the door. I'm not knocking on the freaking door. Why don't you go up there and knock on the door? - Coward. - Jimmy! Okay, that I heard. Yeah, what is it? It's a phone call! It's National Geographic for Maya! What? - Maya's got a phone call! - National Geographic! - Oh, shit. - Yeah, be right down! Was that so hard? You don't think I wanna get married? I wanna get married. Everybody drives me crazy. Now, I don't wanna wreck your Saturday night for you. You wanna go somewhere? You go ahead. I don't wanna go. So I think I definitely owe you an apology for completely fucking up your audition last week. Oh, you mean when you called me to the front of the stage in front of everybody just to hit on me? - I wasn't hitting on you. - Oh, no? Nah, I just wanted to say hello. Huh. I've actually been hit on hundreds of times, so I think I know when a guy is hitting on me. - I wasn't hitting on you. - No? At that point, I just wanted to say hello. When you bumped into me in the lobby, all right, then yeah. I might have been hitting on you. Right, well, your pickup game is as bad as your directing skills apparently. Ow. Um, this is me. Hey, think I can finally get your number so I can personally ask you out so I don't have to go through Patrick? - You want my number? - Yeah. I thought you were gonna ask to come up. Well, I mean if that's an option. No, it's not. Okay. And I'm not gonna give you my number either, but if I need to reach you, I know where to find you. Okay. That is unless your show gets canceled in the meantime. Wow, okay. I'm only fucking around, but have a good night, Luke. You too, Stacey. And get home safe. Yeah, I gotta go work on my play, obviously. - Okay. - Okay. Oh, here they come. We're gonna... we'll take that in the kitchen if that's all right. I'm sorry, Mr. and Mrs. Farrell. I hope that's okay. I gave them this number. After fixing the car today, for you, you can do whatever you want in this house. I think they already did. I got it. Hello? Yes. Really? But I thought we cleared that. It was in the approved budget. No, really? Are you sure? Oh, shit. Yeah, well, I guess I have to, right? Okay, bye. Fuck. You're not gonna believe this. Hey, what's going on? They've cut the budget by a pretty considerable amount. You know, they're finally tired of Mr. Ford's more outrageous demands. Yeah, so what does that mean? It means that they've had to make some cuts to the crew and... Wait, don't tell me we're not going. Not we. You. May I introduce a bottle of 1958 Chateau Margaux. I picked the vintage for the obvious reason. This is too much. You really didn't have to do all of this. Yes, I did. And I'll explain why when I reveal my final surprise. So I guess the easiest way to do this is to come out and say it. I've decided to leave my wife. What? Yes, it's something I've been thinking about for years. And now with the way I feel about you, I just can't go on lying to her, living that charade. Okay, so what does one do in that situation? Okay, what do you mean? What does one do in that situation? For starters, I think we could get a place together. - Really? - Like, move in together. Yes, I think it makes perfect sense, don't you? Unless you like living at home with your mother. No, I don't, but... I don't really know how to say this to you. But I don't know that I'm really ready for a step like that. And I don't wanna get in the way of your marriage. Okay, we're a little late for that, darling. Yeah, but still, I just don't see us like that, like a couple who would move in together. It's... you know, it's a little serious, don't you think? Okay, well, take a look at this room, take a look at the roses, take a look at the necklace I've just bought you. How much more serious do I need to be? What is this to you then? Is this a casual fling, a frivolous dalliance? Kind of. I mean, no, it's just I kind of saw us, like, you know, one of those couples in the movies. Like, Breakfast at Tiffany's. I'm Holly Go lightly, the young party girl, and you, you're... I'm the richer older man. I'm really sorry. I just thought we were having a good time. Yes, we were up until this moment right here and now. Bonnie Tyler's It's a Heartache It's a heartache, nothing but a heartache Baby, look at me. Hits you when it's too late We have to get used to this, right? This is the life that we chose in this business. And if we can't get used to it now, then how will we be able to do it in the future when we're old and miserable and tired of having sex with one another, right? Feeling like a clown Not a chance. It's a heartache Nothing but a heartache Love him till your arms eak I'm really sorry about all this. Just get out. It ain't right with love to share When you find he doesn't care for you It ain't wise to need someone As much as I depended on you Oh, it's a heartache Nothing but a heartache Hits you when it's too late Hits you when you're down It's a fool's game Nothing but a fool's game Standing in the cold rain You know I love you, right? Yeah. I love you, too. I'm gonna write you every single day. I promise. It's gonna be okay. You better. I will. All right, I should probably let you go, or you're gonna miss your flight. He doesn't care for you I'll be waiting right here. upbeat rock music engine rumbles
Aight, y'all, last week onP-Valley... Jesse? Why you got Terricka's phone? I pulled her over for underage driving. You the raggedy bitch had Terricka in the driver's seat. She a chile, Shelle! Why didn't you keep me? Wun't no court was gone give a stripper back her baby. Big Teak can't come back out on the road with us. Fuck you mean? Niggah too buck, Maine. Niggah. I'm not okay. I'm not okay. Bill over there was trying to buy The Pynk for just 40K. I'm gone be runnin' Promised Land. Maybe now we can make you a much better deal. Granmuva, yo' sugar normal. So why you sweatin' like a hoe in church? A hundred and two? Keyshawn, stop already so I can get ready for this interview! Why? You're not gonna get it! What you doing here? Aretha Franklin's Until You Come Back To Me playing... Though you don't call anymore I sit and wait in vain I guess I'll rap on your door Tap on your, tap on your windowpane I want to tell you, baby Changes I've been going through Missing you, listen, you 'Till you come back to me That's what I'm gonna do Why did you have to decide You had to set me free? I'm gonna swallow my pride I'm gonna beg you, baby Please, please see me I'm gonna walk by myself Just to prove that my love is true And all for you, baby 'Till you come back to me That's what I'm gonna do 'Till you come back to me That's what I'm gonna do Living for you, my dear Is like living in a world of constant fear Hear my plea, I've got to make you see That our love is dying 'Till you come back to me Come over here, Clifford! That's what I'm gonna do Listen to Granny sing, Uncle Clifford! That's what I'm gone I'm knocking on your door Waiting on your steps 'Till you come back to me That's what I'm gonna Do It's time, mama. Come rest and have yourself a drank. Naw, baby. Not now... Tense music plays... Down in the valley Where the girls get naked If you throwin' bands Then you know she gon' shake it One, two, eak 'em Three, four, rake 'em These niggas grind hard But these bitches grind harder Climbing up the pole just to get out the bottom The crowd below Stay ready for the show The pimps, the dough Don't let it take your soul We make fallin' on the sky look easy Look at my bitches Gangsta walking on the ceiling Green on the flo' Money talk, can you hear me? This world is so addicting But dreams is expensive, keep spending Work hard for the top, can't fall now But whatever goes up must fall down What you do when the power out? Kids hungry, can't do none but scream and shout We all choose to live but it's different routes Take the shit with shine, gotta make it count When you live and die by the paper route You spend a dime just to make it out, yeah Down in the valley Where the girls get naked If you throwin' bands Then you know she gon' shake it One, two, eak 'em Three, four, rake 'em P-Valley Season 02 Episode 07 Episode Jackson Aired on: July 24, 2022. There you are. We were s'posed to meet out front. I thought you ghosted me. Chile, I'm the last ghost you need to be worried 'bout up in this hure building. Ain't you s'posed to be at home? Bitch, ain't that where I'm at? It ain't just yo' house, he yell... I done spent way more nights on them back couches than you. I been making memories at the knees of grown folks in this club since I was yay high. I made so many memories, chile, I'on even need to dream. You ain't just bought yo'self a club. You done bought yo'self some history. Thass where my great-grandaddy Honeycomb got shot over a craps game. And thass where his grand daddy, Clyde, would sit and drank a pint of corn liquor after working the Kyle Fields til midnight... And that stage right there, thass where my Granmuva Ernestine would open up her mouth and let heaven and he yell pour out on a Saturday night. Hmph. Oh, this place is full of haints and unsung melodies, chile... History is important, yes. But so's the future... Look-a here. We done been at each other's throats for days now and it ain't done nobody no bit of good. Cuz I done run out of ideas short of killing you. You wouldn't be the first to try. That part. Only thing left to do is to talk. Bawse bitch to bawse bitch. You ain't gone talk me out of selling, Clifford. I know you thank this just some swamp land with a crumblin' building on top of it. But it's alll got. This the only thang thass ever been given to me. I can build me another shake junt. But I can't build me no 'nother Pynk. I didn't save this place off the auction block just to watch it go down in flames. But we done ought it all up to code, pussy plastic, hippo filters and all! How much longer 'til it's shut down again, huh? I mean, look what just happened to Ernestine... W... You better keep my Granmuva name outcho mu'fucking mouth!!! Six feet! You've been in close contact, correct? Look, that referendum's gone pass and that casino's gone come. Me buying The Pynk was just prolonging the inevitable. The best we can hope for is getting what The Pynk's actually worth. And how, pray tell, do you put a price on the land my ancestors died? We can start with 5 million. That's what Promised Land just offered me... - I'm not gonna take it tho... - Bitch, whuh?! I mean, good. But also, bitch whuh?! Cause I want 10, point blank period. I'm gone get what you deserve, Clifford. Your ancestors, too... Naw-naw-naw-naw naw-naw-naw what you not gone do is piss in my mouf and call it Kool-Aid. This ain't 'bout me, chile, or my ancestors. - This 'bout YOU... - Naw! It's about the money that saved this club. The moneyl lost my daughter over. The money that was supposed to give us a new life. This may not be my inheritance, but right now it's my dream. And I'm not gonna let it go to waste. I can't do that... Not to her. But Hailey... That baby gone. Hey. So, Terricka sayin' she wanna stay another coupla days. I thought maybe we could give you some time. She done been there two nights already. Shelle, girl. It's been three. Let me hang wit lil' Mama till you get yo'self together. Mm, you better make sure she ain't wear no more floss. And you make sho' you don't go for no joy rides after drank in' two cases of Moscato! Hmm. So, what you finna do? Uhm... I-I'on know... I already did that book report on that racist-ass Huck Finn. Maybe we could get our nails did? Or maybe I could paint my room. Now I know you know I ain't talkin' 'bout no HGTV projects. So. I'ma axe again. - Whatchu finna do? - I'on know! I... But I've been craving some cookie dough shiver with crushed Oreos and hot sauce on top. Ooh, chile, your ass sho'll is pregnant. C'mon. Let's gone get this TCBY. Mm, can I drive? Absolutely the hell not. Niggah, I see it! I... oh. I can't... I can't drink... I can't take nothing from the dead. Yo, Miss Ernestine. Time to rise and shine. Isaac Hayes, that you? Naw. It's... LaMarques. Whooo? ...Lil' Murda. Oh! Ooh, chile. I like that bettah. I'll call you that. Damn, you clammy as he yell. Let's get some food in yuh. Unh-uh! That chicken and dressing Clifford made gone take me before that Rona do. Thass why I whipt you up sumthin' special. Oooo, oh. Smothered pork chop? Mmm. - Candied yams? - Mm-hmm. - Mmm. Collard greens and corn ead! - Mm-hmm. Folks sayin' they lose it, but I guess you still got yo' sense of smell. Aww, baby, that's all the sense I got left. Uh... mm. Mmm. Mmm. OK, Chef Nee-gro-dee! I see yuh! I aims to please. Well, you bettah not please too much, cause a ole bitch might get used to having you around. Awww, Miss Ernestine. Quit flirtin' with me now. I'ain' the bitch I'm talking 'bout. You might need tuh put a good word in for me with Cliff then. Mm-hmm, well, you keep cookin' like that and I will. You know what else I smell? I got a peach cobbler in the oven. No... I smell death. I smelled it on you that night. All that blooood. Attention, Piggly Wiggly shoppers. Attention, Piggly Wiggly shoppers. Hey. How 'bout some moon pies. Moon pies. Or some Ruffles? And hot sauce... You love that. Hey, I-I've got an idea. Why don't we go down to Jackson and the outlets tomorrow? You could get those Prada booties you been wanting for Regal. Naw, she just gone outgrow 'em. I-I'm trying here, Key. Uhm, Derrick, I need to go get some more makeup for... Okay. Just meet us at checkout. Hey, come on. Come on. I thought I might find you here. I guess you decided not to use my gun, huh? I... I tried. But I can't. I have the kids and I... There are other ways to get out. Keyshawn! I'm sorry, I gotta go! Whew. Hello! Granmuva Ernestine! Lil' Homicide? Chile, if this niggah done left my Granmuva without her insulin... Oh, Lawd! What if it's a carbon peroxide leak! - Oh, this mu... - Sup? You had a bitch thinking that there was a home invasion and the Chucalissa Stranglah done got yo' asses. Naw. Everything good, shawty. Did you 'memba tuh take her temperature? - 101. - What 'bout her blood sugar? - 120. - And then what 'bout... I did everything you had on the list, Cliff. She good. I just... I don't know how she got it, and I ain't... This shit ain't got no rhyme or reason. Drive yo'self crazy tryna find one. - Wanna eat? - Mm-hmm. Mmm. Mm mm mm! I see why she ain't eat my chicken and dressing. So what's up wit' you and ole girl? Mm, chile, that Autumn- LaKeisha-Robyn-Rihanna-Fenty... She ain't dumb. She done got them Promised Land crackers to offer her 5 million. 33 percent, that's 1.65 million dollars fuh you. What you said, Lil' Calculator. You'on seem too happy 'bout that. You think I'm crazy turning my nose up at all that scrilla? Enh, money come and it go. Let me find out them Tina Snow royalties already hittin'. I mean, thank about it. You already done swept 1.65 million off the floor of The Pynk in yo' lifetime. 'Sides, can't take it witchoo. I thought you said you choose the money over love. I said I usually do. But I done learned some thangs more important. Most people don't even get close to getting what they want in this life. But you got it already. Hm. I don't got errythang. Anyway, and here I am yip yappin' all this yin yang about this trifling hoe. How you doin'? Aww, I'm skraight. Hmm, you ain't sound like it last night. I heard you on the couch cryin' in yo' sleep. I'on know what you talkin' 'bout. I'ma go get you a new change of clothes... Since it look like you gone be stayin' here another night. WAP by Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion playing... There's some whores in this house There's some whores in this house There's some whores in this house Terricka singing along... I said certified freak Seven days a week Wet-ass pussy, make that pullout game weak Whoo! I know you ain't talkin' 'bout no weak pullout game in yo' condition. Well, how do you think I got in this condition? Clearly by being dumb. But please, next time you decide to slip up, let me know within 72 hours so you can hop up on that Plan B situation. Ohhh, so now it's okay to talk about sex? Whatchu mean? We had the talk. All you ever said was, Keep yo' legs closed to nappy-headed niggahs that only want one thing. Well, thass still good advice. He yell, you ain't listen and look how you ended up. You how many months pregnant and... Holdup. How many months pregnant is you even? See, if yo' period ain't reglah enough to know when you're pregnant, then yo' ass shouldn't be havin' sex! We not going to TCBY, are we? Terricka, you runnin' outta time. Time for what? 'Cedes, where we going? - Jackson. - We goin' a hour and a half to the TCBY in Jackson? - It's just for a consultation. - Pull over. Pull over! We goin' to The Clinic... - PULL OVER NOW!!!! - And that's final. You ambushed me! Yeah, cuz you been hiding out at my house for three days and don't wanna tell me watchu wanna do 'bout this baby! Cuz I'on know! Well, you better start knowin'... I will! Just gimme a chance! When? In the delivery room? At the baby pre-k graduation? When she go to prom? When you gone decide?! Just STOP!!! Tee. Now, you gotta get serious about this. Pregnancy life and death for us. You know Serena Williams and Beyoncé damn near died givin' birth? - Died? - Yeah. And they wun't no 14 with they hips barely set in. Thass why we gotta go down to this consultation down in Jackson at The Clinic... Consultation or an abortion? Cuz thass the only reason why anybody pregnant go down to there. It is... an option... to consider. Well Jelissa said that Taylor said that her mama said that getting an abortion gives you cancer. Well, Jelissa, Taylor, and her bald-headed hoe mama ain't got two ain cells between the three of 'em. Ain't nobody get no cancer from an abortion. Like I said, we just need to see what yo' options are. At the very least, get some damn pre-natal vitamins... Pre-natal vitamins? So you think I should have the baby? Ain't nobody said that. So you think I shouldn't have the baby? I ain't said that neither. - So what you sayin'... - I'ON KNOW!!!! I just know we ain't got all the information yet. So we gone go down to Jackson. Boffa us. Now get in the goddamn car. Aye, Murda, where the fuck you been?! These promotors been blowing my shit up since that Tina Snow track dropped. Niggah, that shit up and stuck. And the venues from the Dirty Dozen Tour we had to cancel wanna rebook you. Back on tour again? Yeah, niggah. Who gone be security? That Teak shit awful, Maine... Guess na'an one of us needed to fire him. He fired his self. I... think he would a wanted you... He still at F & G? Yeah. Ain't no family come to get him yet. Might have to put 'em in the pauper's grave. Naw, ye'en gone have to do that. HVH gone send him out like a kang... Aye, I-I gotta go. What you up here doin', Maine? Mm. Ooo! Who invited you up in hure? I thought you fell out and had a heart attack, all that noise you was makin'. Chile, I'm just tryna find somethin' to fit yo' skinny-swole tail. Just checked in on Ernestine. She sound asleep. So this is it, huh? Yo' secret lair. Seen only by the few and the worthy. Well, I hope one day I'm worthy enough. Niggah, you already here, ain't it? Daaammn. I bet you used to stunt on 'em circa '02 in this joint. Boy, bye. Look, that belonged to the trade of Christmas past. I ain't even gone ask. Mkkay, Sisqo. Who dat? Whuh... Niggah, I know who the fuck Sisqo is. Yooooo. This Gucci 234 B.C.? Thass my first pocketbook. I had this since I was three. You had a purse even back then, huh? Mm-hmm. I used to wear this thang errywhere. If anybody had anythang to say 'bout it, you know, my mama, she would beat they ass with it. Yuh. You can bet they sho'll ain't bothered me no nevermore after that. So you... you always been, like... like this? - Niggah, whatchu mean? - Like... like this.I'on... I mean, I'on mean no 'fense, but... What are you? I'm Uncle Clifford. What are you? What the world won't let me be. Hm. You kept 'em? Mmhhmm. Which one yo' favorite? You look beautiful in... red. That day 'fo I left, you wouldn't even give me the time of day. Wouldn't let me in. I understand. That shit hurt, didn't it? Naw. I'on get hurt. Just disappointed. You know I ain't mean for things to end up the way they did. What did you mean then? You ask me what I am, without even realizing all dat come along with that answer. Hmph. Don't get me wrong, nanh. I loves me some me. But people don't understand how lonely it can be to shine so ight. Thass why I understand why you did what you did on Murda Night. You wun't ready to stand in the sun. I just... niggahs I used to fuck wit'... they was like me. Y'know, we could pass. Well, ain't no passin' wit' me. Uh... Granmuva! Granmuva Ernestine! Granmuva Ernestine!!! She ain't upstairs. She gone? Oh, thank God! I was boutta pee myself! Squat, don't sit! You know I don't approve. You KNOW I don't approve! See, you always gettin' into sumthin' bad. I don't know what to do. I... This a damn mess, Cedes. Sooo where we sleepin' tonight? I got a friend who finna let us stay on his pullout. Look, don't you roll your eyes at me. I'm keepin' a roof over our heads. Let's just pay so we can go. I'm a lil' short. Maybe you could, uh... Do yo' thang. Naw, Ma. We good. What is that? Money? No, not that. The other thing. Is that... a condom?! - Ma... - Who gave you this money? - What you been doin' Mercedes?! - He's my boyfriend. Cortez, he just take care of me. Look like you take care of him too! Ma, it ain't like that. He love me. - hh! - I ain't gone let you... - be no hoe! - Ma! - No! Ma! - You hear me, Mercedes? - Ma! - No more Cortez! - It stops today! - Ma, please! Ma a a a a a, please! Tell Keenan to stop playing on yo' phone 'fore I roll up to his house. This Kelvin some type of comedian, huh? Kelon! And he's an artist. Aren't they all. Seriously! He drew this. That's nice. So you tell him where we goin'? No... So, you ain't told him you knocked up yet. No... I did... Then why his ass ain't driving you to Jackson? Oh, thass right! Cuz he ain't even old enough to drive! He-he wants to keep the baby... Oh, do he, now? He said we could start our own family. That he gon' take care of us. Whatchu thank 'bout all that? It sound nice. Course it sound nice. Words are easy. Living 'em is hard, Tee. How he gone take care of you? He said he gone get a job. Where? Who gone hire him at 14? You can get a part-time job at 14! His cousin has a job at Krystal's. Part-time? Do you know how much diapers cost? We'll figure it out! He loves me, 'Cedes. Whatchu know about love? Cause I'll tell you this: It ain't making promises you can't keep. Cuz Cortez sold me a whole heap of dreams. 'Till I told him I was pregnant. Then he made it very clear we ain't never had love. We ain't never had shit. Looks like all you know about love is what it ain't. Prolly cause you ain't got nobody in yo' life 'cept the dudes you dance for. And you just jealous cause I actually do. When I'm a mama, I'm never gone slap my daughter. Thass what I said too. Granmuva! We gotta find her! Granmuva! What in the he yell? Come on. C'mon! She goin' for a... ABORTION IS... MURDER! ABORTION IS... MURDER! ABORTION IS... MURDER! WE CHOOSE LIFE! WE CHOOSE LIFE! YOU'RE GOING TO HEYELL! UNBORN LIFE MATTERS! THINK ABOUT YOUR SOUL! NO! DON'T KILL YOUR BABY! YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF! BLACK LIVES MATTER! All them pro-lifers only be pro-life 'till the baby be born. Go on 'head, lil' Mama. 'Cedes... PRO-CHOICE, THAT'S A LIE, BABIES NEVER CHOOSE TO DIE! PRO-CHOICE, THAT'S A LIE, BABIES NEVER CHOOSE TO DIE! PRO-CHOICE, THAT'S A LIE, BABIES NEVER CHOOSE TO DIE! Miss Vernette, can you tell how far along she is? Uh, gimme one sec, okay? Let me finish gettin' my measurements. All right. 14 weeks, 4 days. Right on the cusp. Thass my baby? Yes, dear. So you just gonna... suck it out? If that's what you decide. And you sure I won't get cancer? Naw! Who said that? There are risks if you decide to have an abortion. Bleeding, infection, blood clots. But guess what. All of those risks are also associated with childbirth. Hmm... She gotta choose right now? She'll have to wait the state-mandated 24 hours, but yes. The window is closing. Miss Ernestine, no! No! No, Granmuva!!! - Granmuva Ernestine, no! - No! Granmuva!!! No! No! No! Nawww! Let me go! - I gotta get to the water. - No. Listen. You know you can't go wading in the Mississippi, guhhh. She'on look good, Cliff. I'm comin' Beulah. I'm coming to see you, baby. Who Beulah? Thass my mama. Please. We gotta get her home now. I gotta get ready. It's time. No. Clifford... If you can't ing me to the water, then ing the water to me. Please. Please... Boy, where is you goin'?! - Please. - Okay. Okay. The water. Please. The water. You can let go, mama. Be all right. It'll be all right... I love you, Granmuva. Oh... Ah! Why? Why? Ahhhh! Wanna go home. Granmuva, Granmuva. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Hey. Hey, hey. Stay wit' us. Hey, stay wit' us. Yeah, yeah. Uh-huh. Her fingers blue, Cliff. Oh, that can't be good! Come on. We gotta get her to the crib. Granmuva. Granmuva, come on. Come on. We here, we here. Somebody need to teach these bad ass lil' kids it's rude to splash people ain't tryna get wet. 'Cedes, that's what kids do at the pool. They splash. Guh, stop! I ain't playin' wit' you. Whatchu lookin' at, R. Kelly? She 14! Thass right. Keep it movin'. Take a look in that crystal ball right thur, cause thass about to be yo' future. I can just get Grand mama to babysit. Tee, I done told you to stop callin' Patricethat. Noooooo. Thass you. What you wanna be? Nana? Big Mama? Thass a question I ain't ready to answer yet. Now you know how I feel. How I'm about to be a grand mama at thirty? Would it really be that bad? Ask me when you thirty. It could be nice. I mean, you'd be there for everything you missed with me. But is that what you really want? I mean... I ain't sure, sure. I'm still thinkin'. Sit still, boy. Don't you wanna go to the prom? Yes. Don't you wanna see the world? I mean... prolly. Where would I even go? Anywhere you want! Paris, Dubai, China even. Have you ever been to China? Mmm, no. Why not? No dude offered to flew you out? Naw, they did. But I turned 'em down. Cause it would a been too far away from you. I just don't know. Okay, thank about it like this for a minute. Forget about Kelon lil' lovesick ass, forget about the baby, forget about me. What does Terrickawant for Terricka? Almost there. ...gone come back... Leave it on, Granmuva. I'm nevah gonna come back... Granmuva, they gon' make you bettah. I don't wanna die alone. I don't wanna. I don't wanna... You not. Hey, hey, you not. I promise. I promise. Oxygen done fell to 85. We have to go, sir. It's ma'am. Say goodbye, Cliff. Mbye. Mbye. Let's go. Could we go by the outlets while we out here? My good jeans a little too tight and they won't button up no more. Cause yo' ass pregnant. Time's up, Tee! You gone haveta tell me whatchu gone do 'bout this baby. I'on know. See? Thass proof positive that yo' ass ain't ready to be no mama. You the one to talk. Excuse me? You ain't got no right to tell me if I'm ready to be a mama or not when you were never a mama to me. They wouldn't let me. Patrice, Shelle, the judge. So they the reason why you missed all those visitations? They the reason why you didn't come to my 7th birthday party at the roller rink? If you knew the things that I done done for you... to finally get that gym. Thass been the missing piece. I can finally prove that I ain't just no hoe up on a pole. So why you still don't have me? Help me, God. Tee, I'm tryin'... You ain't never have to prove nothing to me. I just needed you to be my mama. Like I said, I been tryin'. Well, it's too late! I'm having a fucking baby. But it's all right. Cause I ain't gone be like you or Shelle. I'm never gone have my baby wondering if I wish I had an abortion. I ain't gone drink 'til I blackout to forget she exists. You right, Tee. I fucked up. A lot. So... You did want an abortion? I'd be lyin' if I said I ain't never consider it. But that's all I ever did was consider. Cause Patrice ain't give me no choice. She made me have you. And you know what? I'm thankful every day. Cuz sometimes God uses the devil to give you yo' blessings. All I ever wanted was for you to have choices, Terricka. And to make 'em for yo'self. Do you think anybody's ever ready for this? No. We both know I wun't. We got a lotta lost time to make up fuh. So... What you wanna do about your room when we get home? You mean for the baby? No. For you. What color you wanna paint it? Hm? Green? How you know? Cuz I'm yo' mama. - Sisqo's Thong-Song playing... - You know... The finer things in life Ha ha ha, check it out Boy... You bettah take all dat off! And you know another niggah couldn't handle it Be careful what you axe fuh up in this hoe. With a look in your eye so devilish You like to dance, all the hip-hop spots Uh-huh! And you cruise to crews like connect the dots - Watch that, nahn. - Wh... - Mm. Uh-huh. - Livin la vida loca - Mm. Look out! - She had dumps like - A truck, truck, truck - Oh! Okay. Teach me how to Machiavelli. Niggah, I'on do that. I don't do any... I think I'll sing it again She had dumps like a truck, truck, truck Uh... uh. Unh-uh. Uh, no-no-no. No, no. And I certainly don't do that. Let me see that thong - You don't? - Unh-uh. Yeah? Show me how you do it then. - I do it like... - Yeah, fuck it up! - I do it like AYE! - Yeah, fuck it up! Yeah, fuck it up! Yeah, fuck it up! Aye! Ah! - Sisqo? - This mu'fuckuh think I ain't know who Sisqo is... I said I got somethin' fuh her ass! I said I got somethin' fuh her ass! No. N... Ah, shit. Oh, my God. Give me a run for my money There is nobody, no one to outrun me Give me a run for my money Sippin' bubbly, feelin' lovely Livin' lovely Just love me I wanna be with you, ayy - I wanna be with - Just love me I wanna be with you, ayy - I wanna be with - Love me I wanna be with you Love me, just love me If I didn't ride blade on curb - Would you still - Love me? If I minimized my net worth - Would you still - Love me? Keep it a hundred, I'd rather you trust me - Than to - Love me Keep it a whole one hund' Don't got you, I got nothin' Ayy, I got somethin', somethin' Hold up, we gon' function Ayy, no assumptions - Put this on. - We'on need that. You good? Yeah. Hm, like, negative, good-good? I'm good. 'Sides, I wanna feel you inside me. Livin' lovely Just love me I wanna be with you, ayy Just love me I wanna be with you Just love me I wanna be with you, ayy - I wanna be with - Love me I wanna be with you, ayy Just love me, just love me Feelin' like Tyson with it Knock it out twice, I'm with it Only for the night, I'm kiddin' Only for life, yeah, homie for life, yeah Only for life, let's get it Hit that shoulder lean I know what comin' over me Backstroke oversea I know what you need Already on ten, all money come in All feeling go out This feeling don't drought This party won't end If I didn't ride blade on curb - Would you still - Love me? If I minimized my net worth - Would you still - Love me Keep it a hundred I'd rather you trust me - Than to - Love me Keep it a whole one hund' I gotchu. Don't got you, I got nothin' There is nobody, no one to outrun me So give me a run for my money Sippin' bubbly, feelin' lovely Fill me up, niggah. Livin' lovely Just love me I wanna be with you, ayy - I wanna be with - Just love me I wanna be with you Love me, just love me You got everythang? Make sure you don't forget yo' charger. Can't text Kelon lil' ass wit a dead phone. No, I got it. Aight. So what you think I should do? Unh-uh! Thass yo' decision. Chucalissa or Jackson. It's up to you. I could go either way. How come you let me back inside? Cause you needed me... And I needed you. - The other night... - Hey, hey, hey, hey. Unh-unh, unh-unh, unh-unh. Only when you ready. Only when you ready. I gotchu. Oh, my gosh. You think this shit funny? Hey! Yeah. It's classic. I'on know 'bout all that. This is the reckoning that my Lord hath promised. The soul of Chucalissa is on the line. - Where's the remote? - Naw, it's okay. She just noise. The only power she got is the power we give her. Speak truth to power on judgement day. Vote Woodbine for mayor and no on the casino referendum! Mama? Hm? You think I'm gone burn in hell? If you do, I'ma be right there witch... Do I know you? I'm an old friend of Keyshawn's. Derrick, thass Autumn. Me and her used to work together at the club. Huh... Well, I was at the outlets in Jackson, and I couldn't stop myself from picking up a little something for baby Regal. Aww. She knows she can't sleep nowadays. Can I? Sure. Awwww. Hi. I'm gonna tell you a story, Regal. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Hailey who belonged to no one. Who never had her own home. And she walked the deep, dark woods searching for shelter from the constant storm. Until one day, a baby fell out of the sky. And suddenly, all her dreams came true. She had a family. And she swore she'd do anything to protect it. But that's when she met the Hunter. And he built her a three-story McMansion with marble counters and kept her in gowns spun with Yves Saint Laurent silk. Hailey thought she had everything she ever wanted. But one night, beneath the slanted light of a crescent moon, she saw his teeth were actually knives, his eyes hungry, ears tuned to her truth and her lies. She was trapped. But one thing she carried with her were bags of plastic filled with her tears. She poured them out, making a river that flooded the whole forest. She could swim. Her baby could not. Her tears drowned her baby. All because she waited too long. Autumn, like... what are you talmbout? Mama. Look up Hailey Colton. And call me when you're ready to learn how to swim.
Mercedes Aight, y'all, last week onP-Valley... Jesse? Why you got Terricka's phone? Jesse I pulled her over for underage driving. You the raggedy bitch had Terricka in the driver's seat. She a chile, Shelle! Why didn't you keep me? Wun't no court was gone give a stripper back her baby. Big Teak can't come back out on the road with us. Fuck you mean? Woddy Niggah too buck, Maine. - eathing shakily - Niggah. gunshot I'm not okay. sobbing I'm not okay. Bill over there was trying to buy The Pynk for just 40K. I'm gone be runnin' Promised Land. Maybe now we can make you a much better deal. Granmuva, yo' sugar normal. So why you sweatin' like a hoe in church? A hundred and two? Keyshawn, stop already so I can get ready for this interview! Why? You're not gonna get it! What you doing here? Terricka sobbing Aretha Franklin's Until You Come Back To Me playing... Though you don't call anymore I sit and wait in vain I guess I'll rap on your door Tap on your, tap on your windowpane I want to tell you, baby Changes I've been going through Missing you, listen, you 'Till you come back to me That's what I'm gonna do Why did you have to decide You had to set me free? I'm gonna swallow my pride I'm gonna beg you, baby Please, please see me I'm gonna walk by myself Just to prove that my love is true And all for you, baby 'Till you come back to me That's what I'm gonna do 'Till you come back to me That's what I'm gonna do Living for you, my dear Is like living in a world of constant fear Hear my plea, I've got to make you see That our love is dying 'Till you come back to me - child giggles - Beulah Come over here, Clifford! Ernestine That's what I'm gonna do Listen to Granny sing, Uncle Clifford! That's what I'm gone I'm knocking on your door Waiting on your steps 'Till you come back to me A Cappella That's what I'm gonna Do eathing shakily uneasy, jazzy music plays eerie music plays gasping soulful humming echoing It's time, mama. distorted words echoing Come rest and have yourself a drank. distorted words echoing Naw, baby. Not now... soft music plays Ernestine eathing shakily uneasy, jazzy music plays Tense music plays... Jucee Froot Down in the valley Where the girls get naked If you throwin' bands Then you know she gon' shake it One, two, eak 'em Three, four, rake 'em These niggas grind hard But these bitches grind harder Climbing up the pole just to get out the bottom The crowd below Stay ready for the show The pimps, the dough Don't let it take your soul We make fallin' on the sky look easy Look at my bitches Gangsta walking on the ceiling Green on the flo' Money talk, can you hear me? This world is so addicting But dreams is expensive, keep spending Work hard for the top, can't fall now But whatever goes up must fall down What you do when the power out? Kids hungry, can't do none but scream and shout We all choose to live but it's different routes Take the shit with shine, gotta make it count When you live and die by the paper route You spend a dime just to make it out, yeah Down in the valley Where the girls get naked If you throwin' bands Then you know she gon' shake it One, two, eak 'em Three, four, rake 'em P-Valley Season 02 Episode 07 Episode Jackson Aired on: July 24, 2022. pensive music plays footsteps door clicks creaking Autumn There you are. We were s'posed to meet out front. I thought you ghosted me. Uncle Clifford scoffs Chile, I'm the last ghost you need to be worried 'bout up in this hure building. Ain't you s'posed to be at home? Uncle Clifford Bitch, ain't that where I'm at? It ain't just yo' house, he yell... I done spent way more nights on them back couches than you. I been making memories at the knees of grown folks in this club since I was yay high. I made so many memories, chile, I'on even need to dream. You ain't just bought yo'self a club. footsteps thudding You done bought yo'self some history. Thass where my great-grandaddy Honeycomb got shot over a craps game. And thass where his grand daddy, Clyde, would sit and drank a pint of corn liquor after working the Kyle Fields til midnight... And that stage right there, thass where my Granmuva Ernestine would open up her mouth and let heaven and he yell pour out on a Saturday night. softly Hmph. Oh, this place is full of haints and unsung melodies, chile... History is important, yes. birds chirping But so's the future... Look-a here. We done been at each other's throats for days now and it ain't done nobody no bit of good. Cuz I done run out of ideas short of killing you. You wouldn't be the first to try. That part. Only thing left to do is to talk. Bawse bitch to bawse bitch. You ain't gone talk me out of selling, Clifford. Uncle Clifford I know you thank this just some swamp land with a crumblin' building on top of it. But it's alll got. This the only thang thass ever been given to me. I can build me another shake junt. But I can't build me no 'nother Pynk. I didn't save this place off the auction block just to watch it go down in flames. But we done ought it all up to code, pussy plastic, hippo filters and all! How much longer 'til it's shut down again, huh? I mean, look what just happened to Ernestine... W... You better keep my Granmuva name outcho mu'fucking mouth!!! Autumn Six feet! You've been in close contact, correct? soft dramatic music plays Look, that referendum's gone pass and that casino's gone come. Me buying The Pynk was just prolonging the inevitable. The best we can hope for is getting what The Pynk's actually worth. And how, pray tell, do you put a price on the land my ancestors died? We can start with 5 million. That's what Promised Land just offered me... - I'm not gonna take it tho... - Bitch, whuh?! I mean, good. But also, bitch whuh?! Cause I want 10, point blank period. I'm gone get what you deserve, Clifford. Your ancestors, too... scoffs Naw-naw-naw-naw naw-naw-naw what you not gone do is piss in my mouf and call it Kool-Aid. This ain't 'bout me, chile, or my ancestors. - This 'bout YOU... - Autumn Naw! It's about the money that saved this club. The moneyl lost my daughter over. The money that was supposed to give us a new life. This may not be my inheritance, but right now it's my dream. And I'm not gonna let it go to waste. I can't do that... Not to her. But Hailey... That baby gone. footsteps door clicks Mercedes Hey. So, Terricka sayin' she wanna stay another coupla days. I thought maybe we could give you some time. Shelle groaning She done been there two nights already. Shelle, girl. It's been three. Let me hang wit lil' Mama till you get yo'self together. Shelle Mm, you better make sure she ain't wear no more floss. And you make sho' you don't go for no joy rides after drank in' two cases of Moscato! call ended tone Hmm. kids shouting in distance door creaking So, what you finna do? Uhm... I-I'on know... I already did that book report on that racist-ass Huck Finn. Maybe we could get our nails did? Or maybe I could paint my room. Now I know you know I ain't talkin' 'bout no HGTV projects. So. I'ma axe again. - Whatchu finna do? - I'on know! I... sighs soft dramatic music plays But I've been craving some cookie dough shiver with crushed Oreos and hot sauce on top. Ooh, chile, your ass sho'll is pregnant. whimpers dogs barking in distance C'mon. Let's gone get this TCBY. Mm, can I drive? Absolutely the hell not. scoffs tense music plays flame whooshing eathes shakily dramatic music plays - pounding on door - Lil' Murda sobbing eathes shakily Niggah, I see it! gunshot echoes whooshing Ernestine coughing Ernestine continues coughing Ernestine gasping I... oh. I can't... I can't drink... I can't take nothing from the dead. Yo, Miss Ernestine. Time to rise and shine. Isaac Hayes, that you? Lil' Murda Naw. It's... LaMarques. Whooo? ...Lil' Murda. Oh! Ooh, chile. I like that bettah. I'll call you that. giggles - struggles to eathe - Damn, you clammy as he yell. coughing Lil' Murda Let's get some food in yuh. Unh-uh! That chicken and dressing Clifford made gone take me before that Rona do. Thass why I whipt you up sumthin' special. Oooo, oh. Smothered pork chop? Mmm. - Candied yams? - Mm-hmm. - Mmm. Collard greens and corn ead! - Mm-hmm. chuckles Folks sayin' they lose it, but I guess you still got yo' sense of smell. Aww, baby, that's all the sense I got left. both chuckling Ernestine Uh... mm. Mmm. Mmm. OK, Chef Nee-gro-dee! laughing I see yuh! I aims to please. Well, you bettah not please too much, cause a ole bitch might get used to having you around. Giggles Awww, Miss Ernestine. Quit flirtin' with me now. I'ain' the bitch I'm talking 'bout. Ernestine chuckling You might need tuh put a good word in for me with Cliff then. Mm-hmm, well, you keep cookin' like that and I will. chuckling You know what else I smell? I got a peach cobbler in the oven. Ernestine No... whispering I smell death. eerie music plays I smelled it on you that night. All that blooood. employee Attention, Piggly Wiggly shoppers. baby babbling Attention, Piggly Wiggly shoppers. Hey. How 'bout some moon pies. Jayden Moon pies. Or some Ruffles? And hot sauce... - You love that. - Keyshawn sighs Hey, I-I've got an idea. Why don't we go down to Jackson and the outlets tomorrow? You could get those Prada booties you been wanting for Regal. Keyshawn Naw, she just gone outgrow 'em. Derrick I-I'm trying here, Key. Keyshawn sighs Uhm, Derrick, I need to go get some more makeup for... Okay. Just meet us at checkout. Hey, come on. Come on. I thought I might find you here. I guess you decided not to use my gun, huh? I... I tried. But I can't. I have the kids and I... There are other ways to get out. baby crying Derrick Keyshawn! tense music plays I'm sorry, I gotta go! baby crying door opening Whew. Hello! Granmuva Ernestine! Lil' Homicide? heels clicking Chile, if this niggah done left my Granmuva without her insulin... Oh, Lawd! What if it's a carbon peroxide leak! - Oh, this mu... - Lil' Murda Sup? You had a bitch thinking that there was a home invasion and the Chucalissa Stranglah done got yo' asses. Naw. Everything good, shawty. Did you 'memba tuh take her temperature? - 101. - What 'bout her blood sugar? - Lil' Murda 120. - And then what 'bout... I did everything you had on the list, Cliff. She good. soft music plays I just... I don't know how she got it, and I ain't... This shit ain't got no rhyme or reason. Drive yo'self crazy tryna find one. - Wanna eat? - Uncle Clifford Mm-hmm. Mmm. Mm mm mm! laughs I see why she ain't eat my chicken and dressing. Lil' Murda laughs exhales So what's up wit' you and ole girl? Mm, chile, that Autumn- LaKeisha-Robyn-Rihanna-Fenty... She ain't dumb. She done got them Promised Land crackers to offer her 5 million. 33 percent, that's 1.65 million dollars fuh you. What you said, Lil' Calculator. You'on seem too happy 'bout that. You think I'm crazy turning my nose up at all that scrilla? Enh, money come and it go. Let me find out them Tina Snow royalties already hittin'. I mean, thank about it. You already done swept 1.65 million off the floor of The Pynk in yo' lifetime. 'Sides, can't take it witchoo. I thought you said you choose the money over love. I said I usually do. But I done learned some thangs more important. Most people don't even get close to getting what they want in this life. But you got it already. sucks teeth Hm. I don't got errythang. Anyway, and here I am yip yappin' all this yin yang about this trifling hoe. How you doin'? Aww, I'm skraight. Uncle Clifford Hmm, you ain't sound like it last night. I heard you on the couch cryin' in yo' sleep. I'on know what you talkin' 'bout. water running I'ma go get you a new change of clothes... Since it look like you gone be stayin' here another night. WAP by Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion playing... There's some whores in this house There's some whores in this house There's some whores in this house Terricka singing along... I said certified freak Seven days a week Wet-ass pussy, make that pullout game weak - Whoo! - radio clicks off Mercedes I know you ain't talkin' 'bout no weak pullout game in yo' condition. Well, how do you think I got in this condition? Clearly by being dumb. But please, next time you decide to slip up, let me know within 72 hours so you can hop up on that Plan B situation. Ohhh, so now it's okay to talk about sex? Whatchu mean? We had the talk. Terricka All you ever said was, Keep yo' legs closed to nappy-headed niggahs that only want one thing. Well, thass still good advice. He yell, you ain't listen and look how you ended up. You how many months pregnant and... Holdup. How many months pregnant is you even? See, if yo' period ain't reglah enough to know when you're pregnant, then yo' ass shouldn't be havin' sex! tense music plays We not going to TCBY, are we? Terricka, you runnin' outta time. Time for what? 'Cedes, where we going? - Jackson. - We goin' a hour and a half to the TCBY in Jackson? - It's just for a consultation. - Pull over. gagging Pull over! We goin' to The Clinic... - PULL OVER NOW!!!! - And that's final. tires screeching truck horn honking retching, coughing You ambushed me! Yeah, cuz you been hiding out at my house for three days and don't wanna tell me watchu wanna do 'bout this baby! Cuz I'on know! Well, you better start knowin'... I will! Just gimme a chance! When? In the delivery room? At the baby pre-k graduation? When she go to prom? When you gone decide?! Just STOP!!! Tee. Now, you gotta get serious about this. Pregnancy life and death for us. You know Serena Williams and Beyoncé damn near died givin' birth? - Died? - Yeah. And they wun't no 14 with they hips barely set in. Thass why we gotta go down to this consultation down in Jackson at The Clinic... Consultation or an abortion? Cuz thass the only reason why anybody pregnant go down to there. It is... an option... to consider. Well Jelissa said that Taylor said that her mama said that getting an abortion gives you cancer. Well, Jelissa, Taylor, and her bald-headed hoe mama ain't got two ain cells between the three of 'em. Ain't nobody get no cancer from an abortion. somber music plays Like I said, we just need to see what yo' options are. At the very least, get some damn pre-natal vitamins... Pre-natal vitamins? So you think I should have the baby? Ain't nobody said that. So you think I shouldn't have the baby? I ain't said that neither. - So what you sayin'... - I'ON KNOW!!!! I just know we ain't got all the information yet. So we gone go down to Jackson. Boffa us. Now get in the goddamn car. sighs phone buzzing, chiming phone buzzing phone beeps Woddy Aye, Murda, where the fuck you been?! These promotors been blowing my shit up since that Tina Snow track dropped. Niggah, that shit up and stuck. And the venues from the Dirty Dozen Tour we had to cancel wanna rebook you. sighs Back on tour again? Woddy Yeah, niggah. Lil' Murda Who gone be security? That Teak shit awful, Maine... Lil' Murda huffs Guess na'an one of us needed to fire him. He fired his self. sighs I... think he would a wanted you... He still at F & G? Woddy Yeah. Ain't no family come to get him yet. Might have to put 'em in the pauper's grave. Lil' Murda Naw, ye'en gone have to do that. HVH gone send him out like a kang... sniffling loud thudding Aye, I-I gotta go. What you up here doin', Maine? Mm. Uncle Clifford sighs Ooo! Who invited you up in hure? I thought you fell out and had a heart attack, all that noise you was makin'. Uncle Clifford Chile, I'm just tryna find somethin' to fit yo' skinny-swole tail. Lil' Murda Just checked in on Ernestine. She sound asleep. So this is it, huh? Yo' secret lair. Uncle Clifford Seen only by the few and the worthy. Well, I hope one day I'm worthy enough. Niggah, you already here, ain't it? Lil' Murda laughing Daaammn. I bet you used to stunt on 'em circa '02 in this joint. Boy, bye. Look, that belonged to the trade of Christmas past. - groans - sucks teeth Lil' Murda laughing I ain't even gone ask. Mkkay, Sisqo. Who dat? Whuh... Niggah, I know who the fuck Sisqo is. Lil' Murda laughing Yooooo. This Gucci 234 B.C.? kisses teeth Thass my first pocketbook. I had this since I was three. You had a purse even back then, huh? Uncle Clifford Mm-hmm. I used to wear this thang errywhere. If anybody had anythang to say 'bout it, you know, my mama, she would beat they ass with it. Yuh. You can bet they sho'll ain't bothered me no nevermore after that. So you... you always been, like... like this? - Niggah, whatchu mean? - Lil' Murda Like... like this.I'on... I mean, I'on mean no 'fense, but... What are you? I'm Uncle Clifford. What are you? What the world won't let me be. softly Hm. soft dramatic music plays Lil' Murda You kept 'em? Mmhhmm. Which one yo' favorite? You look beautiful in... red. Lil' Murda That day 'fo I left, you wouldn't even give me the time of day. Wouldn't let me in. I understand. That shit hurt, didn't it? scoffs Naw. I'on get hurt. Just disappointed. You know I ain't mean for things to end up the way they did. Uncle Clifford What did you mean then? You ask me what I am, without even realizing all dat come along with that answer. Hmph. Don't get me wrong, nanh. I loves me some me. But people don't understand how lonely it can be to shine so ight. Thass why I understand why you did what you did on Murda Night. You wun't ready to stand in the sun. I just... niggahs I used to fuck wit'... they was like me. Y'know, we could pass. Well, ain't no passin' wit' me. loud thudding tense music plays Uh... Granmuva! Granmuva Ernestine! Granmuva Ernestine!!! She ain't upstairs. She gone? engine rumbling Terricka Oh, thank God! I was boutta pee myself! Squat, don't sit! soft dramatic music plays girl speaking indistinctly You know I don't approve. You KNOW I don't approve! Patrice See, you always gettin' into sumthin' bad. Patrice I don't know what to do. Patrice I... Patrice This a damn mess, Cedes. music playing softly Sooo where we sleepin' tonight? I got a friend who finna let us stay on his pullout. sucks teeth Look, don't you roll your eyes at me. I'm keepin' a roof over our heads. Let's just pay so we can go. I'm a lil' short. Maybe you could, uh... Do yo' thang. Naw, Ma. We good. Teenage Mercedes sighs What is that? Money? No, not that. The other thing. Is that... a condom?! - Ma... - Who gave you this money? - What you been doin' Mercedes?! - He's my boyfriend. Cortez, he just take care of me. Look like you take care of him too! Ma, it ain't like that. He love me. - hh! - I ain't gone let you... - be no hoe! - Ma! - No! Ma! - You hear me, Mercedes? - Ma! - No more Cortez! - It stops today! - Ma, please! Ma a a a a a, please! indistinct yelling echoing sighs - notification chimes - Tell Keenan to stop playing on yo' phone 'fore I roll up to his house. - Terricka laughing - This Kelvin some type of comedian, huh? Kelon! And he's an artist. Aren't they all. Seriously! He drew this. That's nice. So you tell him where we goin'? No... So, you ain't told him you knocked up yet. No... I did... Then why his ass ain't driving you to Jackson? Oh, thass right! Cuz he ain't even old enough to drive! He-he wants to keep the baby... Oh, do he, now? He said we could start our own family. That he gon' take care of us. Whatchu thank 'bout all that? It sound nice. Course it sound nice. Words are easy. Living 'em is hard, Tee. How he gone take care of you? He said he gone get a job. Where? Who gone hire him at 14? You can get a part-time job at 14! His cousin has a job at Krystal's. Part-time? Do you know how much diapers cost? We'll figure it out! He loves me, 'Cedes. Whatchu know about love? Cause I'll tell you this: It ain't making promises you can't keep. Cuz Cortez sold me a whole heap of dreams. 'Till I told him I was pregnant. Then he made it very clear we ain't never had love. We ain't never had shit. Terricka Looks like all you know about love is what it ain't. Prolly cause you ain't got nobody in yo' life 'cept the dudes you dance for. And you just jealous cause I actually do. gasps tense music plays Terricka When I'm a mama, I'm never gone slap my daughter. Thass what I said too. Granmuva! We gotta find her! Granmuva! What in the he yell? Come on. C'mon! Uncle Clifford panting She goin' for a... water rushing - crowd shouting - protestor ABORTION IS... protestors MURDER! protestor ABORTION IS... protestors MURDER! protestor ABORTION IS... protestors MURDER! shouts continue protestor WE CHOOSE LIFE! WE CHOOSE LIFE! distorted shouts echoing protestor YOU'RE GOING TO HEYELL! protestor UNBORN LIFE MATTERS! protestor THINK ABOUT YOUR SOUL! protestor NO! protestor DON'T KILL YOUR BABY! - distorted shouts echoing - protestor YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF! somber music plays BLACK LIVES MATTER! ringing stops Mercedes All them pro-lifers only be pro-life 'till the baby be born. Go on 'head, lil' Mama. tense music plays Patrice 'Cedes... chanting continues protestors PRO-CHOICE, THAT'S A LIE, BABIES NEVER CHOOSE TO DIE! PRO-CHOICE, THAT'S A LIE, BABIES NEVER CHOOSE TO DIE! PRO-CHOICE, THAT'S A LIE, BABIES NEVER CHOOSE TO DIE! door clinking closed Miss Vernette, can you tell how far along she is? Vernette Uh, gimme one sec, okay? Let me finish gettin' my measurements. All right. 14 weeks, 4 days. Right on the cusp. Terricka Thass my baby? Vernette Yes, dear. soft dramatic music plays Terricka So you just gonna... suck it out? If that's what you decide. And you sure I won't get cancer? Naw! Who said that? There are risks if you decide to have an abortion. Bleeding, infection, blood clots. But guess what. All of those risks are also associated with childbirth. Hmm... She gotta choose right now? Vernette She'll have to wait the state-mandated 24 hours, but yes. The window is closing. birds chirping, river rushing soft music plays Lil' Murda Miss Ernestine, no! Uncle Clifford No! No, Granmuva!!! - Granmuva Ernestine, no! - No! Granmuva!!! Ernestine No! No! No! Nawww! Let me go! - I gotta get to the water. - Uncle Clifford No. Listen. You know you can't go wading in the Mississippi, guhhh. - She'on look good, Cliff. - Ernestine moaning I'm comin' Beulah. I'm coming to see you, baby. Who Beulah? Thass my mama. Please. Ernestine gasping We gotta get her home now. I gotta get ready. It's time. No. Clifford... If you can't ing me to the water, then ing the water to me. Please. Please... coughing Boy, where is you goin'?! - Ernestine Please. - Okay. Okay. echoing The water. Please. The water. Beulah You can let go, mama. coughing voices echoing -Ernestine distorted Be all right. It'll be all right... Uncle Clifford distorted I love you, Granmuva. Oh... Ah! exhaling - distorted voices - Why? Why? Ahhhh! distorted voices Wanna go home. exhales Granmuva, Granmuva. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Hey. Hey, hey. Stay wit' us. Hey, stay wit' us. Yeah, yeah. Uh-huh. Her fingers blue, Cliff. Oh, that can't be good! Come on. We gotta get her to the crib. Uncle Clifford Granmuva. Granmuva, come on. Come on. We here, we here. continues speaking indistinctly dramatic music plays Somebody need to teach these bad ass lil' kids it's rude to splash people ain't tryna get wet. 'Cedes, that's what kids do at the pool. They splash. gasps Guh, stop! - I ain't playin' wit' you. - Terricka laughing Whatchu lookin' at, R. Kelly? She 14! Thass right. Keep it movin'. kids shrieking Mercedes Take a look in that crystal ball right thur, cause thass about to be yo' future. I can just get Grand mama to babysit. Tee, I done told you to stop callin' Patricethat. Noooooo. Thass you. What you wanna be? Nana? Big Mama? Thass a question I ain't ready to answer yet. Now you know how I feel. Mercedes sighs How I'm about to be a grand mama at thirty? Would it really be that bad? Ask me when you thirty. Terricka It could be nice. I mean, you'd be there for everything you missed with me. But is that what you really want? I mean... I ain't sure, sure. I'm still thinkin'. kids shrieking mother Sit still, boy. Don't you wanna go to the prom? Yes. Don't you wanna see the world? Terricka I mean... prolly. Where would I even go? Mercedes Anywhere you want! Paris, Dubai, China even. Have you ever been to China? Mmm, no. Why not? No dude offered to flew you out? Naw, they did. But I turned 'em down. Cause it would a been too far away from you. soft dramatic music plays I just don't know. Okay, thank about it like this for a minute. Forget about Kelon lil' lovesick ass, forget about the baby, forget about me. What does Terrickawant for Terricka? - radio chatter - Ernestine coughing Almost there. Ernestine moaning ...gone come back... Uncle Clifford Leave it on, Granmuva. I'm nevah gonna come back... Granmuva, they gon' make you bettah. I don't wanna die alone. sobbing I don't wanna. I don't wanna... You not. Hey, hey, you not. - Ernestine sobbing - I promise. I promise. EMT Oxygen done fell to 85. We have to go, sir. It's ma'am. Say goodbye, Cliff. - Ernestine whimpering - Uncle Clifford Mbye. Mbye. radio chatter Let's go. doors closing siren wailing - Terricka struggles - Mercedes scoffs Could we go by the outlets while we out here? My good jeans a little too tight and they won't button up no more. Cause yo' ass pregnant. Time's up, Tee! You gone haveta tell me whatchu gone do 'bout this baby. I'on know. See? Thass proof positive that yo' ass ain't ready to be no mama. You the one to talk. Excuse me? You ain't got no right to tell me if I'm ready to be a mama or not when you were never a mama to me. They wouldn't let me. Patrice, Shelle, the judge. So they the reason why you missed all those visitations? They the reason why you didn't come to my 7th birthday party at the roller rink? If you knew the things that I done done for you... to finally get that gym. Thass been the missing piece. I can finally prove that I ain't just no hoe up on a pole. So why you still don't have me? soft dramatic music plays mouthing Help me, God. Tee, I'm tryin'... You ain't never have to prove nothing to me. I just needed you to be my mama. Like I said, I been tryin'. Terricka Well, it's too late! I'm having a fucking baby. But it's all right. Cause I ain't gone be like you or Shelle. I'm never gone have my baby wondering if I wish I had an abortion. I ain't gone drink 'til I blackout to forget she exists. You right, Tee. I fucked up. A lot. So... You did want an abortion? Mercedes I'd be lyin' if I said I ain't never consider it. But that's all I ever did was consider. Cause Patrice ain't give me no choice. She made me have you. And you know what? I'm thankful every day. Cuz sometimes God uses the devil to give you yo' blessings. All I ever wanted was for you to have choices, Terricka. And to make 'em for yo'self. crying softly Do you think anybody's ever ready for this? No. We both know I wun't. We got a lotta lost time to make up fuh. So... What you wanna do about your room when we get home? You mean for the baby? No. For you. What color you wanna paint it? Hm? Green? How you know? sniffs Cuz I'm yo' mama. Uncle Clifford crying somber music plays Sisqo's Thong-Song playing... Sisqo You know... The finer things in life - perfume spraying - Ha ha ha, check it out - Lil' Murda laughs - Boy... chuckles You bettah take all dat off! And you know another niggah couldn't handle it Be careful what you axe fuh up in this hoe. With a look in your eye so devilish You like to dance, all the hip-hop spots - Uh-huh! - laughing Sisqo And you cruise to crews like connect the dots - Watch that, nahn. - Uncle Clifford Wh... - Lil' Murda Mm. Uh-huh. - Livin la vida loca - Mm. Look out! - She had dumps like - A truck, truck, truck - Oh! Okay. Teach me how to Machiavelli. Uncle Clifford Niggah, I'on do that. - laughing - I don't do any... I think I'll sing it again She had dumps like a truck, truck, truck Uncle Clifford Uh... uh. Unh-uh. Uh, no-no-no. No, no. And I certainly don't do that. Let me see that thong - You don't? - Uncle Clifford Unh-uh. Yeah? Show me how you do it then. - I do it like... - Yeah, fuck it up! - I do it like AYE! - Yeah, fuck it up! Yeah, fuck it up! Yeah, fuck it up! Uncle Clifford Aye! Ah! both laughing - Sisqo? - This mu'fuckuh think I ain't know who Sisqo is... - music stops - both laughing I said I got somethin' fuh her ass! I said I got somethin' fuh her ass! - No. N... - both laughing Ah, shit. soft dramatic music plays Uncle Clifford whimpers exhales shakily whispers Oh, my God. Kendrick Lamar's LOVE plays Zacari Give me a run for my money There is nobody, no one to outrun me Give me a run for my money Sippin' bubbly, feelin' lovely Livin' lovely Just love me Kendrick I wanna be with you, ayy - I wanna be with - Zacari Just love me Kendrick I wanna be with you, ayy - I wanna be with - Zacari Love me Kendrick I wanna be with you Zacari Love me, just love me Kendrick If I didn't ride blade on curb - Would you still - Zacari Love me? Kendrick If I minimized my net worth - Would you still - Zacari Love me? Kendrick Keep it a hundred, I'd rather you trust me - Than to - Zacari Love me Kendrick Keep it a whole one hund' Don't got you, I got nothin' Ayy, I got somethin', somethin' Hold up, we gon' function Ayy, no assumptions - Uncle Clifford Put this on. - We'on need that. You good? Yeah. Hm, like, negative, good-good? Lil' Murda I'm good. 'Sides, I wanna feel you inside me. Zacari Livin' lovely Just love me Kendrick I wanna be with you, ayy Zacari Just love me Kendrick I wanna be with you Zacari Just love me Kendrick I wanna be with you, ayy - I wanna be with - Zacari Love me Kendrick I wanna be with you, ayy Zacari Just love me, just love me Kendrick Feelin' like Tyson with it Knock it out twice, I'm with it Only for the night, I'm kiddin' Only for life, yeah, homie for life, yeah Only for life, let's get it Hit that shoulder lean I know what comin' over me Backstroke oversea I know what you need both moaning Already on ten, all money come in All feeling go out This feeling don't drought This party won't end both moaning If I didn't ride blade on curb - Would you still - Love me? Kendrick If I minimized my net worth - Would you still - Zacari Love me Kenrick Keep it a hundred - Lil' Murda moaning - I'd rather you trust me - Than to - Zacari Love me Kendrick Keep it a whole one hund' Uncle Clifford I gotchu. Don't got you, I got nothin' both moaning Zacari There is nobody, no one to outrun me So give me a run for my money Sippin' bubbly, feelin' lovely Fill me up, niggah. Zacari Livin' lovely Just love me both moaning Kendrick I wanna be with you, ayy - I wanna be with - Zacari Just love me Kendrick I wanna be with you Zacari Love me, just love me indistinct chatter Mercedes You got everythang? Make sure you don't forget yo' charger. Can't text Kelon lil' ass wit a dead phone. No, I got it. Aight. So what you think I should do? Unh-uh! Thass yo' decision. keys jingling Chucalissa or Jackson. It's up to you. I could go either way. pensive music plays car door closes dramatic music plays How come you let me back inside? Uncle Clifford exhales Cause you needed me... And I needed you. gentle music plays Lil' Murda crying - The other night... - whispers Hey, hey, hey, hey. whispering Unh-unh, unh-unh, unh-unh. Only when you ready. Only when you ready. whispers I gotchu. retro cartoons playing on TV Mercedes laughs quietly Oh, my gosh. You think this shit funny? Hey! Yeah. It's classic. I'on know 'bout all that. Pastor Woodbine on TV This is the reckoning that my Lord hath promised. The soul of Chucalissa is on the line. - Where's the remote? - Naw, it's okay. She just noise. The only power she got is the power we give her. Pastor Woodbine Speak truth to power on judgement day. Vote Woodbine for mayor and no on the casino referendum! Mama? Hm? pensive music plays You think I'm gone burn in hell? If you do, I'ma be right there witch... doorbell rings tense music plays door opens Derrick Do I know you? Autumn I'm an old friend of Keyshawn's. Derrick, thass Autumn. Me and her used to work together at the club. Huh... Well, I was at the outlets in Jackson, and I couldn't stop myself from picking up a little something for baby Regal. - baby crying - Aww. She knows she can't sleep nowadays. Can I? Sure. Awwww. Hi. I'm gonna tell you a story, Regal. Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Hailey who belonged to no one. Who never had her own home. And she walked the deep, dark woods searching for shelter from the constant storm. Until one day, a baby fell out of the sky. And suddenly, all her dreams came true. She had a family. And she swore she'd do anything to protect it. eerie fairytale music plays But that's when she met the Hunter. And he built her a three-story McMansion with marble counters and kept her in gowns spun with Yves Saint Laurent silk. Hailey thought she had everything she ever wanted. But one night, beneath the slanted light of a crescent moon, she saw his teeth were actually knives, his eyes hungry, ears tuned to her truth and her lies. She was trapped. But one thing she carried with her were bags of plastic filled with her tears. She poured them out, making a river that flooded the whole forest. She could swim. Her baby could not. Her tears drowned her baby. All because she waited too long. eerie fairytale music plays Autumn, like... what are you talmbout? tense music plays Regal Mama. Look up Hailey Colton. And call me when you're ready to learn how to swim. Dramatic music plays