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Summarize the following: Don’t spend all of your time outside of lessons making fully personalized lesson plans—instead, set up a lesson plan system and tailor it to your students as you learn more about them. Have a library of materials such as chord handouts, songs, commonly used scale sheets, blank chord grids, and a set of fallback lessons. Organize your system based on skill level. Teach your students some tips and tricks at the beginning to help them see progress early on. This will encourage them and give them the confidence to keep taking lessons. For example, you could teach students basic scales so they can practice making up solo parts. You could also teach them a famous riff or the chords to their favorite song. Think of songs and riffs that people would play in a guitar store while checking out the guitars—songs that sound cool, but are deceptively easy. Group classes will cut down your hours and help you earn more money. A good group size is about eight people—with this number, you can make some extra money by charging per student, and you’ll still be able to give each student some one-on-one instruction. Group lessons usually last forty minutes to an hour. Depending on the age range of your students, you may want to adjust the time for their attention span. Younger children tend to need breaks or shorter lessons. This style of class has a very different dynamic and may take some experience to master. Students may move along at different paces and become frustrated. Group classes generally work best for beginner or intermediate skill levels. Putting together a recital is a great way to motivate students, give them a goal to work towards, and reward them for their efforts. It also lets parents see what they’ve been paying for. Tell the students about the recital several months in advance. Give them one or two songs to prepare and perform at the recital and consistently work on those songs with them. Invite your students’ families and tell students they can bring friends and extended family as well. Prepare some refreshments or ask parents to contribute some refreshments such as cookies and fruit beforehand. School auditoriums, churches, and senior centers are great location options for a recital. If you’re having a hard time finding students in your area, try teaching through Skype. You can also use Skype when you take vacations or travel to maintain your current client base. Many guitar teachers feel like they can’t take a break or travel, so this is a great option to utilize. One downside to a career in teaching guitar is its unpredictability. Sometimes factors such as lesson cancellation, student turnover, and holiday lulls may mean that your income fluctuates from month to month. Start thinking of ways to supplement your income. One option is to pre-record your lessons and then post them online and sell access to them. This will give you passive income and if it works, it will cut down the amount of time you’ll spend giving live lessons during the week. You could also look for a part-time job as a contract guitar teacher at a school or college. Summary:
Create a systemized program. Help your students see progress quickly. Teach group lessons to make the most out your time. Arrange performances or recitals to motivate students. Teach online to expand your reach to potential customers. Consider ways to supplement your income.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Summarize this article: If you want to help people across the world, it's important to give to charities that provide the right kind of help and provide it where it will do the most good. Charities which create sustainable good in areas where it is needed are the best and will do the most good. You don't necessarily have to donate money. Some nonprofits accept educational materials, clothing, or other supplies. Call or email to ask what they need. Some really want awareness most of all, so you can help by spreading the word, in addition to any physical donations you can make. Volunteer or be part of fundraising efforts for charities that do good abroad. Run a half marathon or other fundraiser to raise funds for an international charity of your choice. Look for programs that allow you to fly out and volunteer in person. Consider other options, like providing input, advice, or tutoring to small nonprofits and organizations over the web. Fair trade certified products are guaranteed to have been produced under humane conditions for worker, with that worker being paid a fair wage, and produced under sustainable conditions. By buying these products as much as possible, you show companies that you think these practices are worth a few extra pennies and encourage other companies to invest in these practices as well. Fair Trade items will almost always be labeled as such. If you're unsure, try to at least avoid items that are often unethically sourced. Coffee, bananas, cocoa, many tropical fruits, wine (mainly from California), clothing items (mainly from China, Bangladesh, and SE Asia) and jewelry are often unethically sourced. Sometimes, all a third world or disadvantaged community needs is a chance for their own economy to flourish. One way you can help these people help themselves is by providing small business loans. This means that you should get your money back and the small business will get what it needs to contribute to that economy and community. An easy way to get in to this is through, which provides small business loans to people in disadvantaged areas. This is an especially good way to help women and other vulnerable groups to support themselves. Do things that help the environment globally. A great way to do this is to reduce your reliance on fossil fuels and other fuel sources that have a negative impact on the environment. You can do this by using public transit, a bicycle, or an electric vehicle to get around. You can also use solar power to heat your home, instead of things like natural gas (which put a strain on the environment). Eating local food and using local products will also cut down on global fossil fuel usage. Conserve as much energy as you can. Producing energy is very taxing on the planet, often requiring the burning of gases or the production of nuclear energy. Any energy you don't use can then be used for more important things and less power will need to be produced overall. Turn off lights in rooms that you're not in, take colder showers, switch to energy efficient light bulbs, turn off your computer when you're not using it, etc. There are lots of ways to conserve power! Don't eat more than you need to, don't buy a bunch of junk that you don't need, and avoid buying new clothes every year. Buying used clothing can help reduce waste that is created. Eating a healthy, balanced, minimal diet will also reduce waste. If you do have leftover food, compost it. You want to reduce the waste you produce before our planet ends up looking like a still shot from Wall*E! Compost your excess organic waste. Get or build a large bin that can be left outdoors, as well as a small one that can go in your home. Collect all of the food scraps that are leftover from eating and preparing your meals, as well as things like yard waste, and deposit these items in your outdoor bin. Use a pitchfork or rake to turn and mix the compost regularly. You will also need to add soil on occasion. One it has turned into a homogeneous mixture, it's ready to be spread in your green spaces. Recycle more and correctly. Most cities will come and collect your recycling along with your garbage, though they'll be kept in separate bins. Recyclable items vary by city, but generally most plastic jugs, metal cans, and paper are all recyclable. As the dominant life form on this planet, it is our responsibility to protect the creatures that cannot protect themselves. Because of the way we currently live, many animals suffer and are even going extinct! If you want to improve conditions for animals, there are many ways you can help. Encourage and vote for legislation that protects animals. Only buy products that do not contribute to animal abuse. Donate to charities which help animals, such as the Humane Society, The Marine Mammal Center, or the Performing Animal Welfare Society. In many disadvantaged countries, like many regions in India and Africa, women do not have access to sanitary feminine hygiene products. This leads to humiliation and isolation at best, and at worst discomfort and even life-threatening infections. By donating items and money to charities that work to solve this problem, you'll be keeping women healthy and help them to do things like attend school and work so that they get the opportunity to better their own lives. One such charity is Days for Girls. Summary:
Donate to the right charities. Buy fair trade. Invest your money. Protect the environment. Reduce waste. Be an animal advocate. Donate feminine hygiene products.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Summarize this article in one sentence. These types of thermometers are available at pharmacies. Make sure that the digital thermometer you buy is labeled for rectal use. If you plan to use a digital thermometer for both oral and rectal temperatures, then buy two and label them accordingly. Also, never use a mercury thermometer, which is the glass kind that used to be used. Rectal thermometers have a security bulb specifically designed for safely taking rectal temperatures. Review usage of your specific thermometer. Familiarization of the thermometer will aid in preventing prolonged insertion into rectum. Follow and keep the manufacturer's instructions for correct use to ensure safety and accuracy. This can cause an inaccurate reading. Never use the same thermometer that you use in the rectum to take temperatures in other ways, because this can spread bacteria. If you prefer to use a disposable thermometer sleeve, use one of these instead and always dispose of after use and use a new one each time. But, be careful with the sleeves. They may pull off the thermometer as you are taking the temperature. You will need to hold it as you pull the thermometer out when you’re finished. Only insert it about ½ to 1 inch and do not force it in if there is resistance. Keep the thermometer in the baby’s rectum until it indicates that it is finished. Then, remove the thermometer and check the reading. Turn the thermometer on. Summary:
Purchase a digital rectal thermometer. Be sure that the baby or patient has not had a bath or been swaddled (when babies are wrapped tightly for warmth) in the past 20 minutes. Clean the tip of the rectal thermometer with soapy water or rubbing alcohol. Apply petroleum jelly to the tip of the thermometer to make it easier to insert. Lay your baby on his back and insert the digital thermometer into the rectum.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
What is a one-sentence summary of the following article? This takes you to the start screen When you start typing, a search bar will open in the upper-right corner of the screen. It will appear in the search results Your HP laptop can now connect to wireless networks. Summary:
Press the Windows key. Type “wireless”. Click on Change Wi-Fi Settings. Click on Turn wireless devices on or off. Slide the button next to “WiFi” to the "On" position.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
In one sentence, describe what the following article is about: Use hoops, arches, plants, etc. to make your fish tank into an obstacle course. Once you've taught your fish how to swim through hoops, they should be able to swim through and around anything with some guidance. Be patient when teaching your fish how to swim through an obstacle course, as it may take some time. Your fish will most likely follow your finger around once it has mastered that trick, so lead your fish through its obstacle course. Start with simple obstacle courses, and make them harder once your fish starts to master the obstacles. Use a treat on a string or a hood to lead your fish around instead of your finger. If you want your fish to follow you all around the tank, it may be hard for you to use your finger. Stick a treat on a hook, stick, or string and move it around the course so that the fish follows it. Make sure the fish doesn't get the treat until it's finished the course. Just like all the other tricks, positive reinforcement will help train your fish quickly. Give them a treat every time they complete the obstacle course. If you've had the treat on a hook, make sure to remove it from the hook before feeding it to the fish. Summary:
Decorate your fish tank like an obstacle course. Lead your fish around the course with your finger or a treat. Reward your fish with a treat after it completes the obstacle course.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Article: Because you are likely blind to what some of your talents really are, a good place to start when evaluating your talents is to just open your mind to the possibilities. Keep in mind that talents extend beyond just playing the guitar or dancing like a pro. Talents come in all shapes and sizes and extend into many areas of life. For example, being able to read emotions very accurately is a very useful talent. As you reflect on yourself in search of your talents, start by looking at your past. Look at the things that you've done. Look at the things you've enjoyed. Look at the times when you really excelled. Ask yourself questions like "What am I most proud of that I've done?" or "When was I so proud that I didn't care what anyone thought?" One good thing to think about was what your childhood was like. What did you do a lot as a kid? What did you enjoy? What were you known for? Sometimes this can reveal some of your deepest talents and certainly will reveal interests that can be probed further. Think about your hobbies as your personality is made by them they are the things you do regularly and your hidden talent is that which you can do better than everyone so focus on your hobbies and how you do them every single step. Another thing you can think about are the times in your life that you've been challenged. Think about the tough situations that you've had to deal with. Times of trial can often reveal your hidden skills. For example, when your dad had a heart attack, maybe you kept your head and called 911. Staying alert and calm in an emergency is a really useful talent. The things that make you happy can also reveal your talents. Think about the things that you love to do. Do people ever give you compliments on it? Do they ever ask for your help with it? You might not think of it as a talent but it probably is. Do you ever completely lose track of time? You start doing something and you just don't even notice time passing? This might hint at your talent. For example, maybe you get lost when you're modding your favorite video game. This might be one of your talents. Listen to how you talk. Do you ever find yourself rambling to your family or your best friend about this subject that means so much to you? This might be another hint at a talent you have. Write down everything that you enjoy. This will help you to see what things you truly enjoy doing and give you an opportunity to think about why you enjoy these things. For example, you might enjoy playing fantasy football or walking in nature. Doing these things may allow you to use the special knowledge that you have about these subjects. Now, there's a big difference between what you enjoy and what you're good at. You might think of your talents only being things that you love doing, but it's important to remember that your talents are often things you don't enjoy or things you don't even think about. This is why it's important to take a long hard look at what you're actually good at. Think about things that come naturally to you. Things you don't struggle with. Do you ever find yourself telling someone, "Nevermind, it's easier if I do it" or "Here, let me help you with that"? Do you find yourself correcting people? These behaviors usually indicate something that you're good at and know a lot about. Look back on your life and think about times where you really succeeded, times where you felt about to burst with the pride of your success. This can indicate a talent you possess. For example, maybe you helped your boss rearrange and reorganize his office and helped things at your work run so much more smoothly. Organization is a very useful talent. This exercise can help you reveal not only the talents that you have but also talents that you should consider developing. Write about what you were like as a kid, what you liked to do before and after school, what your favorite subjects were. Write about growing up. Write about where you're at in your life now. Now, write about your future. Write about where you want to go. Write about what you want people to say at your funeral. You may also want to write about what you would like to do with your time if money was not an issue. What activities would you most like to do if you did not have to worry about money? Considering this can help you to identify your interests and talents. This exercise reveals your priorities and what you really think is important about yourself. It can also reveal what you want for your life, helping you focus on talents you should cultivate if you want to achieve your dreams. Having an outside perspective, other people may find it easier to see what you're good at. Ask around and people will usually be happy to tell you what they see as your strengths. Be sure to talk to people that know you well but also people that barely know you. Both will see you in different ways and the differences that they see can tell you even more about yourself. What is a summary?
Open your mind to all paths. Look back on your past. Think about what you enjoy. Evaluate what you're good at. Think about times you were successful. Write the story of your life. Ask around.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Article: As satisfying as you think it might be to call your husband the names he might call you, don’t do it. It won’t help your relationship to descend to his level. If he is willing to seek help and therapy, then there’s hope. If he is unwilling to work on changing his abusive attitude, it’s best to work on leaving the relationship, if only for a brief time until you can agree on some kind of therapy program. As satisfying as it might be to make a hard and fast deadline — if you call me names again, I’m leaving forever — think about what’s realistic. Will you stay when he is working on changing his behavior? At what point will you give up and leave? Share your plan with your support network so they can help you if it becomes necessary to follow through with your exit plan. It’s usually impossible to fix an abusive relationship. Don’t keep threatening to leave then stay — go when he steps out of bounds you have discussed. Reach out to family and friends with information about how to contact you and that you are leaving. Change your cell phone number and give it out only to trusted friends and family, asking them not to give it out. Delete any search history with research about your leaving on shared computers. If you are worried about retaliation and anger, leave a fake trail. Do internet searches for towns hours from where you plan to be. Write down phone numbers of motels in that town (where you won’t be). Go to a safe place that you have set up beforehand — shelter, the house of someone your husband doesn’t know, a hotel. Communicate with your husband through a note you leave at home and let him know you have left and the steps you will be taking (restraining order, divorce, etc.) Let him know a family member or friend he can contact to reach you, but warn him that he will not be able to talk to you directly. What is a summary of what this article is about?
Don’t use the same tactics back. Realize that you aren’t going to be able to change him. Know when to leave. Leave when planned.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Write an article based on this summary: As you start to get more clients, you will be able to hire more part time help. Change from doing the heavy work to managing the business. Article:
Eventually you will be able to stop doing the cleaning yourself and just run the business end, which is the only way you will be able to grow your business. Start out with one part time employee. Train this person and let him or her take your place one day a week. Then have this employee take your place two days a week and so on. When training new employees, always, either train them yourself or have a lead person train them. There should be a lead person on each and every cleaning job––some employees have a tendency to slack off when they are on their own. Do a regular check the quality of the employee's work, to reassure yourself that your standards are being maintained. You will eventually get to the point where you have enough employees and lead people and you will be able to stop working in your business and start running your business. You will find that after awhile it will get to be too much trying to clean everyday and at the same time giving estimates, answering calls, scheduling, doing book work, obtaining new clients, etc. This is when it's time to consider a permanent base somewhere beyond your home (if you haven't already done so) and you might even consider franchising your business if you've been particularly successful in establishing your niche.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Write an article based on this "Open your iPhone's Settings. Scroll down and tap Safari. Scroll down to the "GENERAL" section. Tap the white "Block Pop-ups" switch ." Article:
Tap the Settings app icon, which resembles a grey box with gears on it. It's near the middle of the Settings page. You'll find this section near the middle of the Safari page. It's in the "GENERAL" section. The switch will turn green {"smallUrl":"https:\/\/\/images\/1\/15\/Iphoneswitchonicon1.png","bigUrl":"\/images\/thumb\/1\/15\/Iphoneswitchonicon1.png\/46px-Iphoneswitchonicon1.png","smallWidth":460,"smallHeight":300,"bigWidth":"46","bigHeight":"30","licensing":"<div class=\"mw-parser-output\"><p>I edited this screenshot of an iPhone\n<\/p><p>License: <a rel=\"nofollow\" class=\"external text\" href=\"http:\/\/\/wiki\/Fair_use\">Fair Use<\/a><br>\n<\/p><\/div>"} which signifies that your iPhone's Safari browser will block pop-ups from now on. If this switch is already green, Safari is blocking pop-ups.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Wood Spikes are traps used to defend structures by impaling zombies, players or animals. It's best to put wood spikes outside the fort, right next to the walls. To make a Wood Spike, you need 9 Sharpened Sticks. Click Wood Spikes on the craft list to acquire the highlighted pattern. Place 1 Sharpened Sticks on each box to craft. Use about 3 layers of Spikes, or more, to make sure that no zombie can survive before they can reach your fort walls. The Trunk Tip is the best trap structure in the game; they make fine traps compared to wood spikes due to the fact that they don't break. However, they do give less damage and require a 2-block deep hole to place them in. To make a Trunk Tip, you need 4 Wood Blocks; any kind of wood block will do (i.e. Birch Wood, Pine Wood, Burnt Wood or Wood). Press I; click the name Trunk Tip in the craft list to activate the highlighted pattern. In each box, you put 1 Wood to complete the crafting. Before placing Trunk Tip next to your walls, make sure to dig 2-blocks deep off the ground since this kind of trap is taller, which count as though zombies are standing one block higher. A Barbed Fence Wire is a craftable item but can also be scavenged around the world. This is commonly used to fortify a perimeter or to block breaches in walls during the night. To make a Barbed Fence Wire, you need 2 Sticks and 1 Barbed Wire. Barbed wire can be obtained by crafting 3 Forging Iron; as a result, it will give you 15 barbed wires. Open your craft window. Make sure you have the requirements inside your inventory. Click the Barbed Fence Wire name to activate the pattern. In the middle, put 1 barbed wire then put 1 stick on either side of it. Make sure you have completely locked down the place. Block up any entry; place torches around your fortress, and then grab any range weapon you have. Zombies die because of the traps you set up earlier. There's no need for you to use your gun. Save your ammunition as much as you can and only use your range weapon for emergencies. Summary:
Make Wood Spikes. Make Trunk Tips. Make Barbed Fence Wire. Keep Watch.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Summarize the following: Determine where your property line is before you start so that you don't accidentally go over. The best advice is to hire a Registered Land Surveyor in your home state to mark the property line for you before you begin construction. Your city or town usually does not keep very detailed records of your property's boundary information. GIS (geographic information system) maps and Assessors maps are highly inaccurate when it comes to property boundaries. You can search for Property\Survey Pins on your property. These are also located on the corners of a lot. Just because an old fence or other “assumed” property boundary was\is in place that does not always mean that it is correct. Choose a fence height before getting too far into the project. Six foot is normal for a privacy fence, a livestock fence four feet high is usually sufficient, and picket fences are often three feet high. Fence height is important in the early stages, as it determines things like post hole depth. Most cities have a height ordinance, so be sure to check this before you choose your fence height. Place stakes at the corners roughly where you wish your fence to go. Tie a string around the stakes and run the string between stakes. Use a square or square-level to make sure that the corners" where our stakes are placed are squared (the two sides form a 90° angle). You can also square the corners by measuring the strings. Measure 3' on one side and 4' on the other. If the distance between the two marks (diagonally) is equal to 5', then the corner is square. Measure out lengths of 8' or less along the strings once you've square your corners and stake those locations to indicate the location for your support posts. You generally want to take the total distance and divide it by 8 but if you have a length of fence that is not divisible by 8, you'll need to break it down into smaller sections. For example, a 24' fence would need 2 middle posts to create the three 8' sections, but a 25' fence would need 3 middle posts at 6.25' for each section in order to look even and be structurally sound. To find the length and number for odd fence lengths, go up to the next number of posts and then divide the total length of the fence by the number of resulting sections. Use a post-hole digger to dig holes at the locations you staked. The posts will need to be buried at least 33% as deep as they are tall (example: an 8' high fence needs a hole 2.5' deep), so your hole will need to be at least that depth plus a few extra inches. The hole should be wide enough that there is room around the post when you put it in. Because soil conditions vary, and the height of the fence, the type of fencing, and other factors must be considered in determining how deep the post should be, you will have to calculate the hole depth for yourself. Place 3-4" of gravel at the bottom of the hole. Place the post in the hole and get it into alignment. Check to make sure that the corners are still square, use a post leveler to make sure it is straight, and make sure it is sitting at the correct height. Carefully holding your post in place, pour in instant concrete until the hole is 2/3 full. Add water to the top and use a stirring stick to mix the cement. Prop the post into place (stabilize using temporary nailed boards if necessary) and allow the concrete to set following the manufacturer's instructions. Fill any remainder of the hole with dirt once the concrete has set. Pull a builder's line from one end post to the other, at an equal height above the ground, preferably at the top of the post (if your posts were placed correctly). This will help you keep the height of the fence the same along the way. Cut 2x4 rails (or horizontal support boards) to the appropriate length to reach between the centers of the posts. If you can, use a single rail for the entire length of the fence section. Rails should be no more than 24" apart, so most fences will have 2-3 rails. Attach the rails using decking screws. With your support boards in place, you can attach your pickets (vertical boards, also called privacy boards). There are many different styles and ways of doing this, depending on how you want your fence to look. The most basic is a board on board fence, where the fence boards are nailed (using a nail gun, nailed at the support boards) with the distance of less than one board between them. Place the first board up and then use a level to “plumb” (vertical level) the board. Then, nail or screw the board in place. Use a spacer and then place the next board. Use the level periodically to check that it is “plumb.” These boards are usually 1X6 rough sawn lumber but you can buy other pre-cut fencing boards as well. If nailing the boards by hand, use 8d spiral shank galvanized nails. Once you're done, you will want to treat the boards to increase the longevity of your fence. You can paint your fence, stain it, or simply apply a weather-proofing finish to keep your fence looking great for years to come. Enjoy! This will usually either contain silicone solids, or linseed oil. If you plan on painting a finish paint, stick with an oil-based sealer, and use an oil-based polyurethane paint or exterior enamel for the finish paint. Summary:
Find your property line. Decide on the height. Stake the corner locations. Square the corners. Stake the middle posts. Dig the holes. Place your posts. Pour the concrete footing. Fill with dirt. Add a builder's or mason's line. Add on your support boards. Add your privacy boards. Treat the boards.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Summarize this article: 275 °F (135 °C) is an average temperature for long, slow roasting. You may adjust the temperature, but don't go below 200 °F (93 °C). Use higher temperatures to cut down on cooking time. City ham is what's commonly sold in supermarkets. They're often pre-cooked, so they won't need to spend as much time in the oven as uncooked hams. Spiral-sliced ham is basically a pre-cut type of city ham. It's also pre-cooked. The labeling on the packaging will tell you what kind of ham you have so you know how to heat it. Uncooked city hams exist, but are harder to find. They'll need to cook a bit longer than pre-cooked ham. Try to keep the side thicker with white-colored fat facing upwards. You may need to cut off a little bit of fat off the bottom to get the ham to lay flat. Leave most of it until later. When roasting half a ham, place the cut side on the pan. Baking sheets, broiler pans, and casserole dishes may also be used. Keep in mind that pans with elevated sides are better than flatter pans. Hold the ham flat and, using your chef's knife, begin scoring lines into the fat. Cut lines across the ham, then cut more down the ham's length. The pattern looks similar to a checkerboard. If there's a lot of fat, you can slice off some of it. Leave a thin layer about 1⁄4 in (6.4 mm) thick. Avoid cutting into the meat. Fill the bottom of the pan with 1 cup (240 mL) of water. If your pan doesn't have high sides, you'll need to check the pan as it cooks and replace the water as needed. The steam provides extra heat and protects the pan from burns. If you choose to cook the ham uncovered in the next step, you'll only need 1⁄4 in (6.4 mm) of water. Place a sheet of foil all the way over the pan. Wrap it tight around the pan's edges so it forms a tent over the ham. Using foil is optional, but it'll lead to a juicier, tastier ham. Alternatively, wrap the ham directly in foil or place it in a cooking bag. Include the water inside the foil or bag. You may also leave the ham uncovered and cook with less water. 2 hours is an average amount of time to wait before checking the ham's temperature. The specific amount of time will depend on the size of your ham. Estimate it'll take about 20 minutes per 1 lb (0.45 kg) of meat for an uncooked or partially-cooked ham and 15 minutes or less per pound for a fully-cooked ham. Bone-in hams have a little less meat than boneless hams, so adjust the timing as needed. If you're planning on glazing the ham, it's a good idea to make the glaze while the ham's cooking. Pull out the ham after 2 hours and unwrap the foil. Push the end of the thermometer into the thickest part of the ham. The temperature should read about 120 °F (49 °C). If it isn't, rewrap the foil and continue cooking. Remove the ham when it reaches the proper temperature. When using a liquid glaze, use a pastry brush to coat the outside of the ham. For dry glazes, carefully pat the glaze on by hand. The score marks you made will hold the glaze in place. Generally, the glaze should be added within the last 30 minutes of cooking time. You can also pull the ham out halfway through the cooking time to reapply the glaze. Put the ham back into the oven. After 20 minutes, the glaze will have finished cooking. Pull out the ham and test it again with the thermometer. Look for an internal temperature of 135 °F (57 °C) and continue roasting as needed to reach this temperature. If you used a cooking bag, you should skip this and let the ham rest for 15 minutes. If you need to glaze it and continue cooking, you can use a roasting pan. During these 15 minutes, the inside of the ham continues to cook. It also causes the ham to hold onto juices, preventing it from drying out. After the 15 minutes are up, slice the ham and serve it. Summary:
Preheat the oven to 275 °F (135 °C). Place the ham in a roasting pan. Cut a diamond pattern into the fat with a chef's knife. Pour 1 cup of water into the roasting pan. Cover the ham with foil to prevent the ham from drying out. Cook the ham for about 2 hours. Check the ham's temperature with a meat thermometer. Spread the glaze over the ham if you're using one. Cook the ham uncovered for another 20 minutes. Let the ham rest for 15 minutes before cutting.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Summarize this article in one sentence. A silver dress is already a bold fashion move, and adding a loud necklace will only make your outfit seem unnecessarily gaudy. Your necklace should not compete with your dress. If sticking with silver or silver and gold, a dainty chain with a simple pendant works nicely, depending on your dress’s neckline. For an appropriately bolder look, wear a necklace with chunky black or blue beads mixed with gunmetal. It can be a choker or a long loop that drapes across your torso. A delicate silver or two-toned chain bracelet adds a touch of class. Thin silver bangles are festive yet feminine. A thick, chunky bracelet in black, gunmetal, or deep blue adds contrast to your dress but avoids clashing or competing with it. Earrings can add just enough sparkle by your face to help correct the potential imbalance caused by having too much silver concentrated on the middle of your body. Choose the right posts, hoops, or dangling earrings to match your color scheme. Sparkly, decorative hair clips can either be playful or elegant, depending on the design. These, like earrings, can also help balance out the silver on your body. Summary:
Choose an unobtrusive necklace. Pick out a simple bracelet. Balance out the look with silver earrings. Add a touch of silver to your hair.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
What is a one-sentence summary of the following article? To stretch out your abs, complete the "Superman" pose. Lie on your stomach and reach your arms forward and your legs backward while lifting them slightly off the ground. You can also try child’s pose to stretch out. This consists of sitting on your heels, bringing your stomach to your thighs, and stretching your arms out in front of you. Perform the same number of sequences each time until you feel ready to add additional sequences. To start feeling results, aim to do at least three sequences three days a week. For faster results, increase the number of times per week you do this exercise. Traditional Pilates involves working through a sequence of moves, and the goal is to perform each move one time correctly, concisely, and with control. One great way to improve your form and to learn other complementary exercises is to attend a class or take lessons. With time and practice, you can learn how to perform the corkscrew properly using the method of Joseph Pilates. Concentrate on perfecting your technique rather than doing numerous repetitions. Summary:
Stretch out upon completion. Repeat exercise three times a week. Consider taking Pilates classes.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
In one sentence, describe what the following article is about: A lot of people act in ways that show disinterest and dislike without even realizing it. Figure out if there's anything that you do—or don't do—that may make you seem closed off, and try doing the opposite to look more open. Are you shy and quiet? Unfortunately, shyness is often misinterpreted by others as arrogance. Try to turn this assumption around by talking to people more often. What's your body language like? Many people look closed off without meaning to be. When you cross your arms, fidget, slouch, avoid eye contact, or rarely smile, you look less approachable to other people. Sometimes people aren't open due to negative past experiences, chemical imbalances, or neurological disorders. While self-help may work for some issues, others require the help of professionals to resolve. Depending on your problem, you may talk to a counselor, a therapist, your primary care physician, a psychiatrist, or some combination thereof. If you're having trouble opening up due to a fear of social situations, you may have social anxiety. Certain mental illnesses, neurodevelopmental disorders, and neuromuscular diseases can affect your ability to communicate nonverbally, making looking more open difficult. Some people may have trouble opening up because of past trauma or a lack of ability to trust others. A professional counselor can help you work through these issues and regain your ability to trust, allowing you to be more open. You don't have to change the positive or neutral aspects of your personality just to be more open. If you're comfortable with yourself and have fulfilling interpersonal relationships, then you might already be an open person in your own way. There's nothing wrong with being who you are. If you're introverted, don't try to be extroverted. Since many cultures are biased towards extroverts, it may be tempting to force yourself into a more extroverted persona. However, this can lead to burnout and unhappiness over time. Instead, find the right balance of social interaction that makes you happy and stick with it. If you're autistic, you're likely to have some trouble with typical nonverbal expression. You may want to learn how to do things like maintain appropriate eye contact and smile more often to help with social situations at school and work. Keep in mind that most people have to "perform" the same way on some level, even if it may come to them a little more naturally. Also, if you struggle with these things, don't beat yourself up over it. Just try your best. Summary:
Think about why you may be considered closed off. Consider talking to a professional. Remember that there are many types of open people.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Article: Foundation should be as close to your natural skin tone as possible. When picking out samples to test, go for the one that seems to match best, plus the options one shade darker and one shade lighter. Most makeup lines have a numbering system in place to help guide your choice, but each system only applies to that particular line. Most brands go with numbers from 10 to 50 or 1 to 10, with the higher numbers for darker skin. . Most foundation is targeted at a particular undertone, summarized as "C" for cool, "N" for neutral, or "W" for warm. Some makeup companies even mix tones for an even closer match to your skin, so you might also notice letter combinations like “NC” or “NW.” Picking the wrong foundation could leave you with an ashy or coppery appearance. This is especially important for people with dark skin color, but everyone can benefit from this test: Examine your skin without makeup on, under daylight or neutral white light. Hold a piece of yellow fabric or gold jewelry under your chin. If this gives your face a healthy glow, you have warm undertones. Hold a piece of red fabric or silver jewelry under your chin. If this complements your face well, you have cool undertones (which can range from red to blue). If it's hard to tell, you likely have a neutral tone, or you may need different foundation for different areas of your face. Or for a quick but unreliable test, check the veins on your inner wrist. Blue means cool undertones, green means warm, and bluish-green means neutral. Unless you spend your day under bright department store lights, what you see in the store won't be what you get. Head outside with a mirror while you have the samples on your skin. The sample that blends in to your skin tone almost invisibly is the perfect choice of foundation. Give the foundation a few minutes to dry and oxidize before you judge it. After it has dried, check to see how it looks. If you plan to apply bronzer and blush, your face will end up a bit darker than the foundation. In this case, it's sometimes preferable to go one-half to one shade lighter with your foundation. If nothing is quite right, mix two foundations together on your skin. Both sides have strong adherents and strong detractors. Some things you may want to keep in mind when deciding which type o foundation is right for you include: Liquid foundation provides more control during blending. However, poor blending or an imperfect tone match can leave obvious lines where the foundation ends. If your skin is oily, choose an oil-free or non-comedogenic example. Powder foundation (especially mineral powder) absorbs oil and sweat, but can settle into a caked-on appearance, even adding definition to wrinkles and scaly skin. Use a light touch to minimize this effect. You can wear both at the same time. Applying a liquid foundation first and then applying a light layer of powder foundation can also help to set your makeup and make it last longer. You've spent all this time choosing a foundation, but you have one final decision to make. The finish is a matter of personal preference, guided by a few principles: Most foundations are semi matte (even if not labeled as any particular finish). These work well on almost all skin types. Matte foundations work well for toning down oily skin. Illuminating foundation increases shine and can help to diffuse wrinkles. What is a summary?
Find colors that match your skin tone. Check your undertone Test the color under natural light. Choose between powder and liquid foundation. Consider the finish.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Article: Throw away what your opinion of art is, especially if you aren’t an artist and have never studied art. The outside view of the art world is incomplete and doesn’t take into account the process or thought that goes behind creating the artwork. If something doesn’t look impressive to you, it doesn’t mean that it wasn’t difficult, emotionally draining, or inspiring to create. yourself. If you still don’t get abstract art and can’t appreciate it, try to create some artwork yourself. Understanding the process and thought that’s required to create a piece of artwork will give you a greater appreciation for other artists. If you don’t know where to start, you can look up tutorials online or take a local art class. You can usually find abstract artists in collective studios or at their art shows. Take the time to respectfully speak to an artist, especially if you don’t understand their work. Talking to the artist and getting their perspective may give you a deeper understanding and appreciation of their work. You can use websites like to find abstract artists near you. What is a summary of what this article is about?
Forget your preconceived notions about art. Create abstract art Speak and interact with abstract artists.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Write an article based on this summary: Log into your Flickr account. Select the photos you want to download. Click “Download” at the bottom of the screen. Article:
Launch the Flickr website in your web browser and sign in with your username and password. Your photos are available in two different areas: Click “Camera Roll” to view all of your photos. Clicking a photo will add it to the “pile” of photos to be downloaded, shown at the bottom of the screen. To add an entire batch of photos to the download pile, click “Select All” next to the date the photos were added. If you use Flickr albums to store your photo and want to download an entire album, click “Albums,” then select an album to download. Now you’ll be downloading the photos you’ve added to the download pile. A different pop-up message will appear depending on how many photos you’ve selected: If you’ve selected one image, the message will say “Download 1 photo.” Click the message box to choose where to save it on your computer. The download will begin. If you’ve selected multiple photos (or an entire album), the message will say “Download zip.” Click the message to create a single zip file, then choose a folder to save your zip file. When the download is complete, locate the zip file. Windows users, double-click the zip file, then click “Extract” to unpack the images. Mac users can double-click the zip file to extract the images to the current folder.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Write an article based on this "Begin with a backwards ‘3’ shape or a capital ‘E’ in cursive. Create a loop at the end of the bottom line. Make a little loop at the top of the shape. For a filled-in look, add lines to the inner edges of the main shape. Shade the space between the downstrokes, if you drew them." Article:
Draw the shape from top to bottom, curving the line twice to make 2 open half-circles that intersect in the middle. You can choose whether to have a straight intersection, like in most print ‘3’s, or a loop that appears like an ‘O’ between the two halves. Calligraphy ampersands are typically open at the side, based on a capital ‘E,’ rather than a lowercase one, like the standard shape. Right where your pencil comes up to form the end of the backwards ‘3’ shape, make a loop by curving your pencil to the left and then crossing the line the loop began with. This will make a little loop that extends just past the tip of the original shape. For an added calligraphic flair, you can add an open figure-eight or infinity sign by bringing the loop up on the other side of the crossed line and curving downward to make an open loop. This stroke creates the crossed ‘T’ of the ampersand. Off the top right tip, you can add a tiny loop by bringing the line down, around, and back up again to cross the original pencil stroke. This is a completely optional stroke, as it will give the ampersand a less formal appearance. This loop is great for designs that you want to have a care-free, fun tone. Connect the underside of the top curve to the intersection line between the two half circles, and vice versa for the bottom curve. The line should be slightly curved inward so that it matches the original curve. Use your pencil to fill in the gap by repeatedly making shading strokes. The side of a pencil is often better for shading. You should use a pen or marker to make the shading look smoother than pencil strokes.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Khaki is the most popular safari clothing color, because it will help you blend in to your surroundings. During the dry season, wearing khaki, brown, or tan will help you blend in to the landscape. Sticking to these colors also helps to hide dirt. Your clothes will likely get dirty as you hike through brush or travel along dusty roads, and if your wardrobe is made up of mostly browns, tans, or khaki, the dirt will be hidden better. Depending on where you are for your safari, the rainy season will occur at different times of the year. Wherever you are during rainy season, wear greens and browns. The foliage will be greener and you'll blend in better. Bright colors - especially red - can scare of the wildlife you're on safari to see! White will actually attract the attention of game if you're on a walking safari, and make the animals more likely to flee. Blue has been known to attract the tsetse fly in Eastern Africa. Tsetses can transmit diseases that can make you quite ill, so it's best to avoid wearing blue and keep them away!. In most African countries, camouflage clothing is associated with soldiers. It might seem like a good idea to wear to blend in with your surroundings, but you don't want to mislead people about who you are or why you're there. Summary:
Wear khakis, browns, and tans during dry season. Wear browns and greens during rainy season. Avoid bright colors, including white. Avoid blue in Eastern Africa. Do not wear camouflage clothing.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Summarize the following: Chain one, then work one single crochet into each stitch of the last skirt body round. At the end of the round, slip stitch the last stitch of this round to the chain-one. Note that these instructions use the same yarn for both the skirt and the edging. For an easy variation, you could fasten off the yarn at the end of the skirt body and join a second color using a slip stitch. After joining the new color, follow this steps and all the others as instructed. Chain one, then single crochet once into the first stitch of the previous round. Work four chain stitches. After the fourth chain, work one slip stitch into the first chain. This creates one bump or picot. For a smaller picot, only work three chains. For a larger picot, work five chains. Work one single crochet into each of the next four stitches. Assuming you had 128 (small), 136 (medium), 144 (large), or 152 (extra-large) stitches at the end of your skirt body, you'll need to work one picot into every four stitches. If your final skirt body stitch count varied, change the edging pattern so that the picots will be spaced evenly apart around the bottom of the skirt. As before, work four chain stitches, then slip stitch into the first of these chains. If you used a different number of chains in your first picot, continue using that same number for this picot and each one that follows. Single crochet once into each stitch. Work one picot into every four stitch. Continue this pattern until you reach the end of the round. At the end of the round, slip stitch the last single crochet together with the first. Cut the yarn, leaving a 4-inch (10-cm) tail. Pull this tail through the loop on your hook to tie off the yarn. Weave the remaining excess into the underside of the skirt. Slide a ribbon through the button holes in the waistband of the skirt. Use this ribbon to tie the skirt on when worn. To prevent the ribbon from fraying, clip the ends into a "v" shape and/or apply seam sealant to the ends. Alternatively, slide a belt through the button holes instead of the ribbon. Completing this step completes the project. Summary:
Single crochet across. Chain and single crochet once at the start of the next round. Work one picot. Single crochet across the next four stitches. Work another picot. Repeat all the way around. Fasten off. Weave a ribbon through the button holes.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Summarize this article: Use a handheld vacuum to suck up dust particles on the outer section, or inlet ribs, of the box fan. You can also use a feather duster to wipe away dust or dirt. Make sure the fan is unplugged before cleaning, and don’t use any water on the outer ribs. Wipe away tough dirt spots with a clean cloth. To remove your fan’s grill, follow the instructions related to the specific model of Vornado box fan. You will most likely need to remove screws around the grill and release the grill clips. You can find instructions on how to remove the grill in your owner’s manual or online. Once the grill has been properly removed, you can dust it using a cloth or feather duster. If you’d rather wash it, it's okay to use water on the grill. Use dish soap and water to get rid of any dust and dirt particles. Never put the grill in the dishwasher to prevent it from warping due to the heat. To clean the blades, use a soft cloth dampened with plain water to wipe off any dust particles. Using water on the blades is okay, just make sure to dry them off. If your fan was in a greasy environment like a kitchen, you can use a mild soap to wash the blades. Once all of the pieces have dried off, reassemble the fan by screwing the grill back into place using the screws you took out. If you need help, refer to the fan's instruction manual. Make sure the blades and grill are completely dry before reattaching the pieces and plugging the fan into an outlet. Summary:
Use a handheld vacuum or feather duster for general cleaning. Remove the grill to clean the fan thoroughly. Clean the grill by dusting it or washing it with dish soap. Wipe down the blades using a damp cloth. Put the fan back together once it's completely dry.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Summarize this article in one sentence. If you're not logged in as the root user, you can su to root to adjust your configuration. The file you're looking for is called conf.apf, and it'll be in /etc/apf by default. Type cd /etc/apf to enter that directory. You can use any text editor you wish, such as vim or nano. To open conf.apf in vim, you'd type vim conf.apf and press ↵ Enter. Once you have the file open, you will see IG_TCP_CPORTS and EG_TCP_CPORTS sections. The IG_TCP_CPORTS section lists open inbound ports separated by commas. The ports are listed in numerical order to make things easy, but it's not required to stick with it. You can add ports to the end of the sequence, just separate them with commas. For example, let's say you want to open port 999, and the current open ports are 20, 21, 22, 25, 53, 80, 110, 143, 443, 465, 587, 993, 995. After adding port 999 to the IG_TCP_CPORTS list, it will look like this: 20, 21, 22, 25, 53, 80, 110, 143, 443, 465, 587, 993, 995, 999. To get into insertion/typing mode in vim, press the i key on the keyboard. Just as you did with the incoming port, add any outbound TCP ports you'd like to open to the the EG_TCP_CPORTS list. Follow these steps to save and exit the file: Press the Esc key. Type :wq!. Press ↵ Enter. This restarts the APF firewall and opens the new ports. To deny a port, re-open the file, delete the port, save the file, and then re-start the firewall. Summary:
Log in to your server. Go to the directory that contains your APF config file. Open conf.apf in a text editor. Add inbound ports to the IG_TCP_CPORTS list. Allow outbound ports to the EG_TCP_CPORTS list. Save your changes and exit the file. Type service apf -r and press ↵ Enter.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
What is a one-sentence summary of the following article? Do whichever is comfortable. Summary:
Dribble with your left or right hand.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
In one sentence, describe what the following article is about: The damaged area will be sensitive until the discoloration fades. Putting pressure on the eye can make it hurt more, but it can also aggravate the damaged blood vessels beneath the skin, causing a worse or prolonged injury. Before you get the swelling to calm down, you should also avoid forcing your eye to stay open for a prolonged period of time. After a day or two of using an ice pack to soothe the swelling, you should switch tactics and begin applying moist heat to the injured area. Hold a warm, moistened washcloth or compress against the affected area. Do not use a heating pad, since this provides dry heat and can actually be too hot, thereby causing more damage to the sensitive skin of your face. Apply the warm compress in 10-minute intervals, each of which should be separated by a period of rest lasting no less than 10 minutes each. Do not apply the warm compress directly to the eye. Only apply it to the skin around the eye. Warm compresses promote an increased amount of circulation to the damaged blood vessels. This allows pooled blood trapped below the surface of your skin to be re-absorbed, which can speed up the healing process. Your black eye should fade significantly after a week and a half or so. If it has not faded much within that time frame, call your general practitioner and schedule an appointment. Black eyes tend to look worse before they get better, so don't be alarmed if your eye looks worse during the first few days following the injury. If you have any reason to suspect there is still bleeding, however, then you should see your doctor right away. Summary:
Avoid putting pressure on the eye or causing more damage. Switch to moist heat after 24 to 48 hours. Call a doctor if the damage worsens or does not fade.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Article: If you need to stock up on food, food vendors are the places to go. There are lots of different styles and specialty stores, and some may be more appropriate for you, given what it is you're looking for. You probably shouldn't go looking for sushi-grade salmon at Walmart, and you probably shouldn't expect to find super-cheap saltines at the Natural Food Co-Op. Learn what different places specialize in and shop for different foods at the right place. Chain groceries and box stores like Safeway, Kroger, Sainsbury's, and Woolworth's, Tesco, New World, etc specialize in affordable perishable and nonperishable food. Box stores like Walmart, Meijer, Target, and other chains also have grocery sections that are expansive and usually cheap. These are good places to visit for name-brand goods and find deals. Natural groceries and specialty vendors may be the best place to visit for local produce, fresh vegetables, and raw ingredients, but they tend to be more expensive than chain stores. You're paying for quality. Food cooperatives are common in some places, allowing you to buy in to a partial ownership of the store and decide what should be stocked. If required, check out bulk suppliers - these used to be called Cash and Carry. You may need to buy a membership card, but you could save money if you need to buy food in bulk. Corner stores, convenience stores, dairies and local shops are good places for prepared food, snacks, and alcohol, but not great places to find fresh vegetables or fruits unless you have no other option. Grocery outlets supply overstocked off-brand food that can be purchased for much cheaper than at regular grocery stores. Amelia's and ALDI are common examples of this, offering a somewhat limited variety of fresh and non-perishable foods for much cheaper than at the bigger stores. You don't have the same variety, so it's not the place to go looking for super-specific ingredients, but it's a good place to find staples, like cooking oil, sugar, or vinegar. It's also a good place for things like snack crackers, bread, and other off-brand goods. By far where practical, the best place to find quality produce where you live is to find out about local farmers' markets. Typically held on weekends, farmers' markets combine a festival-like atmosphere with outdoor stalls and extremely fresh produce. Depending on the climate, this might only happen during the harvest season, but some markets go year-round in certain climates. These are excellent places to get fresh fruits, organic vegetables, and local meat raised in a humane way. Markets also give you a chance to see and interact with the people who grow, prepare, and sell your food. It's a lot more personal than buying cookies at the corner store. Markets are also a good place to find out about Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) in your area, if applicable. Many booths may offer CSA packages, which allow you to buy into the farm, essentially paying an up-front or a monthly price for a package of fresh vegetables that you can pick up or have delivered. Like anything, it's also possible to buy certain specialty ingredients online and have it delivered. This can be an excellent choice if you live somewhere very remote and struggle to find access to certain ingredients or fresh supplies in your area. Everything from organic gummy bears to bulk bags of caraway seeds and jasmine rice can be had for decent prices online. Coffee co-ops are very popular online options, letting you buy in and "subscribe" to a coffee club that will deliver high-quality whole beans directly to your door. If you're a coffee-food eater, it's a no-brainer. Citrus delivery doesn't have to be reserved for Christmas-time. Since citrus can only grow in limited climates, having high-quality oranges, grapefruits, lemons and limes delivered straight to your door is another great option if this happens where you live. Increasingly, stores are charging for the use of plastic or paper bags, making it much more cost-effective to buy one and take it with you when food shopping. It's also cutting down a lot on waste to get rid of those 20 useless plastic bags that come home with you every time you head to the store. Invest in five or six good quality tote-bags and keep them in your car, or near the front door so you'll remember them when you head to the store. o to a restaurant. Sometimes, you just don't feel like cooking. While it's usually more cost-effective to cook meals at home and get more bang for your buck, if you're solo it can be a whole lot easier buy food buy going out for a sandwich than to buy a bunch of ingredients to cook at home. One always-easy way of buying food is to buy it already made at the restaurant. What is a summary?
Find a food vendor close to you where practical. Look for grocery outlets in your area. Look for local farmers’ markets. Buy specialty food items online. Take bags with you to the store, market or shop. .
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Article: This is an advanced skill you can master only after being a pro at crossing your eyes the regular old way. Crossing your eyes while moving one eye at a time has an extra gross-out factor, because, if you do it successfully, you'll be able to move your eyeballs in different directions. What is a summary of what this article is about?
Be a master at crossing your eyes.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Write an article based on this summary: Stay aware of the score as a seeker. Assign roles based on ability. Don't get hung up on the different sized hoops if you're a chaser. Target chasers in open areas if you're a beater. Article:
It doesn't make sense to catch the snitch until doing so would result in your team winning. Therefore, if you're the seeker keep an eye on the scoreboard. Don't pursue the snitch until catching it would ensure your team would take the lead. Different roles require different skill sets. If you're the captain, assign roles based on an individual player's specific skills. The seeker needs to pursue the snitch, so pick someone who's very fast. If someone runs track, for example, they could be the seeker. Players with experience playing basketball or volleyball may be good chasers, as it involves pursuing, kicking, throwing, and passing a ball. Anyone who's played dodgeball or a similar game would make a good beater, as they'd be able to hit players with bludgers. If anyone has experience as a goalie in a game like soccer or hockey, they would make a good keeper. While the hoops are different sizes, the sizes do not correlate to points. Any hoop is worth 10 points for your team. Therefore, don't worry so much about which hoop you throw the ball through. This will only distract you. Focus on getting a ball through any hoop that's accessible to you. If you hit your own player with a bludger by mistake, this will hurt your team. It's easy to hit the wrong player if you're throwing a bludger in a crowded area of the field. Look for chasers in open areas, without a lot of other players nearby. These are the easiest targets to hit as a beater.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Write an article based on this "Apply foliar feed to the leaves. Feed and water a container rose bush more regularly. Pull weeds that grow up around your rose bush." Article:
Foliar feed is a liquid plant food that is sprayed directly onto the leaves. In addition to providing the plant with nutrients, it also helps protect against disease. Begin feeding your Midnight Blue rose bush as soon as it’s established in the spring (about 3-4 weeks after planting, or as soon as you see new growth on an older plant). Feed it a couple more times during the growing season – once after the first blooms form and then a final time around midsummer. Water your rose bush before giving it fertilizer. Do not give fertilizer to a thirsty plant. Follow the dosage guidelines on the product packaging. Excess doses can damage the plant. You can opt to sprinkle a slow-release granule feed on top of the soil instead. The nutrients will be taken down to the roots the next few times you water the plant. Give container roses a feeding every 2-3 weeks through the spring and summer with a foliar feed or granule feed. Check the top inch of soil for moisture several times a week, and if it feels dry, saturate the soil with water. Ensure good drainage by putting the container up on feet. A layer of gravel at the bottom of the container can also help with drainage. If the rose outgrows the container it will need to be repotted into a larger one. Look for matted roots at the surface of the soil or roots growing out through the drainage holes. Consider hand-pulling the weeds, as this is the gentlest and safest way to remove weeds without damaging your rose bush. You can also put mulch down around your plant to help stop weed growth. Try to avoid hoeing weeds around your roses, as rose roots tend to be close to the soil surface and can be damaged by the hoe. Avoid chemical weed killers as well, since these can also harm your rose bush.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
A proper seduction cannot take place if you're in a crowded area. To be intimate, you need an intimate space. This could be at the end of a night at a party together, or after one of you has invited the other over. A quiet, private setting is important because you don't want any external pressures affecting the way the seduction is received. Even if someone wants to be seduced, they may feel shy about it if they think their friends will be there to see it happen. Even if your friend finds you physically attractive, you will have a hard time of properly seducing them if you're bringing their mood down. Emphasize your positive side. This can be done as simply as making a conscious decision to be pleasant around the person you would like to seduce. Being cheerful leads to opportunities to flirt more openly, whether you consciously mean to or not. A proper seduction is very rarely a serious thing. Touch is an important part of flirting. It's the way that's going to break the two of you past the barrier between friends and something more. Light touching can include anything from a hug to a brief touch on the arm. These movements aren't risking a lot, and you can usually tell from the way they're reacting to it whether they'll accept bolder gestures. You can try to keep your flirtations subtle if you want to save the chance of pulling back if you decide your affections aren't being reciprocated. While it's normal to make eye contact with a friend while you're talking, prolonged eye contact usually hints at something more. Studies have shown that holding someone's gaze for an extended amount of time can provoke intense feelings. Even if you normally spend time with this friend, make a point of keeping eye contact while you seduce them. The reaction of eye contact can be positive or negative. A lot of it depends on whether the other person finds you physically attractive. If the friend you want to seduce is already close and comfortable enough with you, regular conversation should come naturally to the two of you. With the foundations in place, you'll want to work playful flirting into your talk. Exchanging light, teasing remarks into your conversation is a great place to start. Compliments are a more direct way of showing interest, especially if those compliments are aimed at things you're typically attracted to. An example of a flirtatious remark: "Your hair looks great today. I think it really suits you." A simple but important thing to do before you make the final push is to reflect on the ways in which your friend has reacted towards your flirtations thus far. If they've smiled when you've touched them or responded to your teasing with teasing of their own, it's probable your friend is inviting you to make a move. On the contrary, if your friend is looking uncomfortable, it's probably a sign you should back off. Everyone's psychology is different. If you are already friends with this person, you should have at least a basic idea how you think they'd react to someone they're attracted to. All seductions involve a moment of truth. Most often, this means a kiss, although it might also mean an overtly sexual or romantic comment. If your friend has responded well to non-committal overtures, you can move in. Kissing on the lips is often seen as something that is reserved for more than just friends. Once you think the time is right, move in. Don't be too quick about it either. It may be stressful, but it's not an experience you want to rush. All bold moves are risky by their very nature. It's a good idea to feel out your chances before making a commitment to the seduction. A strange thing about seduction is that it sometimes becomes hard to know who is seducing who. Women generally tend to play a more submissive role in seductions, but women sometimes play it off as an active way to pull a man in. If you think there is mutual attraction there, they may well be waiting for the right moment to make their own move. You should let them know that it's a good idea to step in. Summary:
Find a quiet moment together. Make the interaction light and playful. Express attraction through light touching. Hold your friend's gaze. Work flirtation into your conversation. Gauge your friend's current reaction. Make a bold move. Open yourself to the possibility of being seduced.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Summarize the following: Looking down while running can reduce your speed substantially. It also creates tension in your shoulders and neck. Instead, look straight ahead by focusing on a point 30 to 40 meters (100 to 130 feet) ahead of you. Maintain this position throughout the run. Your shoulders should be down and back, not hunched. If you begin to feel your shoulders hunch, relax them immediately. Running with hunched shoulders can restrict your breathing. Your arms should be relaxed at your sides with your elbows bent at a 90-degree angle. As you run, swing your arms forward and back in a straight motion. Try not to let your arms cross in front of your chest as you run. This movement will waste energy and slow you down. Swinging your arms in a straight forward and backward motion will help propel you forward. Your hands should be relaxed as well. Avoid clenching them into fists while you run. Instead, keep them in a relaxed fist with your thumbs resting on top of your fingers. As you run, keep your back straight and lean forward slightly. This will not only help you propel yourself forward, but it will also help you land on the middle of your foot instead of your heel. While you run, try to avoid lifting your knees higher than your hips. Instead, keep them level at your hips. When your foot lands on the ground, try to land with a slight bend in your knee. This will help absorb some of the impact. Remember that your knees should be moving forward, not upward. Do this instead of landing on your heel or your toes. Landing on the middle of your foot will help you lift it faster, and thus, you may be able to run faster. Additionally, when your foot hits the ground, it should land below your hips. For medium intensity running, aim for two steps while breathing in and two steps while breathing out. For high intensity running (like during the final stretch of a race), aim for one step while breathing in and one step while breathing out. Make sure to use both your nose and mouth when inhaling to get the maximum amount of oxygen into your body. Try to avoid shallow breathing. Focus on breathing deeply by pushing your stomach out as you inhale and contracting it as you exhale. Summary:
Avoid looking down. Keep your shoulders relaxed. Bend your elbows at a 90-degree angle. Relax your hands. Lean slightly forward. Level your knees. Land on the middle of your foot. Synchronize your breathing.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Summarize this article: You will want a straight section of branch that has very few twists and knots. The stave will be about 5 feet (1.5 m) long, so if you cut a branch down make sure not to split or crack the wood. Some of the best bow woods include yew, ash, and hickory. Any hardwood should work OK in a pinch. The stave should be no more than 2 inches (5.1 cm) in diameter. Hold the stave upright, with a loose grip on the top and the bottom set against your foot. Gently push the center of the stave. The piece of wood will rotate and the natural curve of the wood will point away from you. This will show you the “inside” and the “outside” of the bow. You will be making cuts to the inside of the bow, but the outside must be left untouched. Any cuts made to the outside of the bow will severely affect the integrity of the bow, and will lead to it breaking early. Find the middle of the stave. Make marks approximately three inches out from the center in each direction. This will be the handhold. Like the back, it will remain untouched to keep the tension from snapping the bow in half. Summary:
Find the wood. Find the curve. Mark the handhold.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Summarize this article in one sentence. If you feel like you can only hang out with people if it's at a party or out at a nice dinner, you may limit the total amount of time you could be spending with people you enjoy. However, if you go out of your way to plan small 'dates' throughout the week with a variety of friends, you'll fill up your free time with socializing, which will practically remove loneliness from your life altogether. Going out with friends doesn't need to take much time or money. Whether you meet someone new at the coffee shop or you call up an old friend, try some of these easy 'date' ideas: Go for coffee or to a cafe Take a walk through a local park Run errands together (specifically with a close friend/family member) Cook a new recipe together Grab lunch during your break at work It's easy to feel lonely and overwhelmed when the future seems bleak and devoid of any plans. If you have something to look forward to - whether it be a big event or a meeting with someone you miss - you'll probably feel less lonely and more excited for what's to come. Take time to make a list of possible activities you might want to partake in. Then, spend a few days planning out the event to the fullest extent, so that you are fully prepared and stress-free. If you're able, include other people in the planning process and the final event for extra lonely-punching effect. Consider plans like: Going on a weekend trip to a new place Hosting a big dinner party or bonfire Going to a music festival or other related event If spending time out with friends or away from your home isn't an option for you, you might consider getting a pet to help fight loneliness. Studies have shown that people who have pets are much less likely to experience depression and loneliness than those who do not. Cats and dogs are generally considered the best pets for fighting loneliness, as they are happy to interact with you and enjoy physical contact (for the most part). Pets provide company and a good distraction from any negative feelings that may be bogging you down. Keep in mind that getting a pet is a big responsibility, and does require a large amount of time and care. If a dog or cat won't work for your lifestyle, birds and rodents are common pets that may also help. Sometimes, a change of scenery is all that is needed to freshen up your life and make you feel a bit happier. Not only that, but getting out and about exposes to you new opportunities for friends and hobbies. Keep in mind that just because you go out, doesn't mean you have to go out with people. You can conquer your loneliness even if you go out alone, so long as you are doing something you enjoy. Try going to a new cafe for work or studying, or simply visit your favorite part of the city. Becoming dependent on your bed or couch is a fast track to loneliness. Do your best to get out and try new things, even when all you may want to do is binge watch Netflix. Summary:
Make small plans with friends, often. Make big plans so that you have events to look forward to. Consider getting a pet. Avoid staying at home all the time.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
What is a one-sentence summary of the following article? to keep track of your progress. Within your 30-day period, it might be helpful to start a weight loss journal. Take notes about your food intake, exercise, and overall progress. Additionally, write about any challenges or successes you have during your 30 day diet. When trying to lose 6 kg in 30 days, you may realize you cannot make your exact goal at the end of that 30 days — that's okay. If you've kept a journal about your successful diet and exercise plan, you can continue with these notes until you actually do meet your goal. Write down your meal plans or record what you eat in your journal. This will be very helpful to you if you continue with your weight loss. You'll be able to see what works and what doesn't. You may also want to write down notes about what exercise plan or pattern works best for you, as well. You can also use websites or apps on your smartphone to track your calories and exercise. It can be difficult to follow a strict diet for an entire month. Keeping your goals and motivations front and center can help keep you focused. Write out motivational sayings and post them where you’ll see them every day. For instance, write them in your journal or on post-it notes. Then, stick them on the fridge, on your desk at work, or by your bedside. Think about why you want to lose weight. Is it to get into a smaller pant size? Is it to help you feel more confident? Or to help you manage a chronic disease? Write out these reasons so you can be reminded of the reason why you want to lose weight. When you're feeling challenged or down about your diet, review these little quotes and motivational sayings. Repeat them to yourself so you can start to feel a little more positive about sticking to your plan. Pick someone or something to keep you accountable. This might be a friend, family member, your food journal, or the scale. This will help keep you accountable when you're trying to lose weight. Tell friends and family members about your 30-day diet and desire to lose some weight. You can have them support you, but you can also call, text or email them your progress. Getting on the scale regularly is another way to stay accountable. Those who weigh in often generally see more weight loss in the long-term. Don't weigh yourself too often, though — once or twice a week is enough to track your progress. Summary:
Journal Write out motivational quotes to help you stay on track. Stay accountable so you won’t give up.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
In one sentence, describe what the following article is about: Repeat this step for all 4 rectangles. Make sure it is straight. Tape them with a piece that folds over both sides. Repeat on the other pockets. {"smallUrl":"https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/d\/db\/Make-a-Colored-Duct-Tape-Wallet-Step-13Bullet1.jpg\/v4-460px-Make-a-Colored-Duct-Tape-Wallet-Step-13Bullet1.jpg","bigUrl":"\/images\/thumb\/d\/db\/Make-a-Colored-Duct-Tape-Wallet-Step-13Bullet1.jpg\/aid431464-v4-728px-Make-a-Colored-Duct-Tape-Wallet-Step-13Bullet1.jpg","smallWidth":460,"smallHeight":345,"bigWidth":"728","bigHeight":"546","licensing":"<div class=\"mw-parser-output\"><p>License: <a rel=\"nofollow\" class=\"external text\" href=\"https:\/\/\/wiki\/Fair_use\">Fair Use<\/a> (screenshot)<br>\n<\/p><\/div>"} Measure how long the pockets need to be. They should be right along the bottom and 1/4 of an inch (.6cm) from the side. Cut along the line. Do not stick this to anything on the inside just yet. colored tape and, using an X-ACTO knife, cut it to be 1 1/4 inch (3.2cm) wide. Place one end at the bottom of the wallet. Trim the edges. Summary:
Make two 10 inch (25.4cm) by 3.5 inch (8.9cm) strips in the same way as before, using the accent color. Cut both in half (5 inches, 12.7cm) and trim the edges. Fold the small rectangles so that the back is .5 inches (1.3cm) longer (the front should be 1.5 inches (3.8cm) in length). Take two pockets and put them so that the back of one is on top of the front of the other. Trim them again. Put one on the left side of the wallet. Measure 1/4 of an inch from the center and mark that on the pockets. Repeat for the right side. Take a piece of the original color, about 10 inches (25.4cm), and attach it to the outside of the wallet so that it covers the same color along the bottom. Place the pockets in their correct places. Take a 5-inch (12.7cm) piece of the pocket' Attach that piece to the center of the wallet over the pockets. Wrap the top into the bill fold. Fold over the bottom piece of tape so that it holds the pockets down.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Article: You can show your significant other that they’re on your mind by sending them texts throughout the day, not just when you have a specific question or something to say. Check in every couple of hours to say hi, tell them something funny about your day, or just say you miss them. Send something casual, like: “Ugh, this day… how’s your Tuesday going haha” “Hey guess what, I love you :)” “Was just thinking about you, miss you so much <3” Share the things that happen to you in enough detail that your partner really feels like they’re there with you. This will help them feel like they’re a part of your life, lessening the distance between you. For example, you could say, “This dinner took forever haha. The client ordered like 3 appetizers and they were all so fancy when all I wanted was french fries lol. She was nice and I think we’ve got the sale, but I was so ready to leave by the end.” When you hear or see something that reminds you of your partner, tell them about it! It’ll make them feel good to know that you’re thinking about them and being reminded of them throughout the day. You could say, for example, “I just passed someone walking their dog and it looked EXACTLY like Buddy,” or, “Just ordered your favorite: plain eggs and bacon for dinner haha.” Send your significant other funny pictures and videos you see online, selfies, and even pictures from your day to day life. You can do this over text or Snapchat, and even start a streak with them by sending pictures multiple days in a row. Your partner already knows you care about them, but it never hurts to remind them every once in a while, especially when they’re not expecting it. Try to think of a different reason every few days and send it to them without preamble, just to make them feel good. Texting is great for keeping in touch throughout the day, but don’t make it your primary means of communication. Save a couple of interesting things to talk about over the phone or on video chat, like longer stories or big events. You want to make sure you have lots to go over when you talk later. You could pique their interest by promising to tell them about something later. Say, “The most hilarious thing just happened lol, remind me to tell you about it later!” What is a summary?
Text them randomly throughout the day. Go into detail when talking about your day to make your partner feel like they’re there. Text them about things that remind you of them. Send them pictures and videos to make them smile. Tell them you love them in different, specific ways. Save a couple things to tell them on the phone or in-person.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Article: Before placing the flowers in the ice tray, you should wash away any dirt, bugs, or other debris that might be on the petals. Fill a bowl with cool water and carefully dip the flowers in to rinse them clean. Set them out on a clean towel to dry for 30 minutes to an hour. It’s especially important to rinse the flowers if you’ve picked them yourself. If you’ve purchased edible flowers for a store or website, they’ve likely already been rinsed. However, it’s a good idea to rinse them yourself to be sure that all of the dirt is removed. You want your ice cubes to be as clear as possible so the blooms stand out. Start with distilled water so the impurities have been removed, and place it in a saucepan. Heat the water on the stove at high heat until it comes to a boil, and then allow the water to boil for 2 to 3 minute. The amount of water that you’ll need to boil depends on how many ice cubes you plan to make. Add water to the tray until they’re full and dump it directly into the saucepan to ensure that you have enough. You shouldn’t add the boiled water to the ice tray right after you remove it from the stove. Instead, let the water sit for approximately 20 to 30 minutes or until it’s cooled completely to avoid imperfections in the finished ice cubes. Before you add the flowers and water to the ice tray, you should clean the tray to ensure that dirt and debris don’t wind up in your ice cubes. Rinse the tray with cool water and dishwashing soap, and wipe out each compartment with a clean kitchen towel or piece of paper towel. Silicone ice trays are usually the best option when making blossom ice cubes. It’s easier to remove the cubes from the tray without breaking them because the tray is flexible. If possible, use a tray that has larger compartments. If your finished ice cubes are large, they’ll melt more slowly in drinks. What is a summary of what this article is about?
Rinse and dry the blossoms. Boil the water that you’ll use for the ice. Allow the water to cool. Wash the ice cube tray.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Write an article based on this summary: Spend time getting to know the kids. Join in with their play time activities. Tell stories. Come up with fun projects. Take them to a playground if the parents say it's okay. Check in often. Follow the schedule. Watch a movie if allowed. Article:
Babysitting is as much a job as it is an opportunity to enjoy the company of children. The kids will be more receptive to you and your rules if they like you, and they’ll grow to like you faster if you try to develop a relationship with them. Talk with them, ask them questions, and joke around in order to develop a good relationship. Younger kids might not want to talk for too long, so try to incorporate during play or activities. Although your job is to watch over the children, you should be interacting with them as much as possible by playing with them. Play will vary based on their ages; if you’re watching an infant you may be doing nothing more than making faces and holding up toys. Get creative with the things you come up with for the children to do to keep them interested and out of trouble. Make-believe games are great fun. You could even make up a simple handshake with the children. Be an entertainer. Parents love babysitters who help kids have fun and learn while still reinforcing rules and keeping discipline. Ask kids to show you their favorite toys. Find out from parents and other babysitters what games kids of different ages like to play. Get the kids outdoors if you can. Playing with toys, board games, and activity-based games are all good options for older children. Ask what their favorite thing to do is. You can also bring a few of your favorite games and toys from when you were their age, like Monopoly, Life, Candyland, Uno, or other card games. Stay off screens. Parents are paying you to watch the kid, not put them in front of a television all day. Kids like stories, and they'll be impressed by even the worst storytellers. Come equipped with obscure fairy tales they probably haven't heard, like "The Shoemaker and the Elves" or "The Twelve Dancing Princesses." You can even use stories as rewards. If you’re spending a long time watching the children, you can do projects together that are enjoyable for everyone. Consider doing an arts and crafts project or cooking/baking a new recipe (or an old favorite) together. Boxed mixes of brownies, cookies, and cakes taste delicious. Making something will feel productive, pass the time, and give the kids something to be proud of. Simple games like tag and hide and seek get kids active and help them stay fit. Dancing with them is great exercise, too! If you can’t leave the property, play outside in the yard, if possible. Kids aren't as good at regulating their time as adults are, and often forget to perform basic bodily necessities. Check once every hour or so to see if they need to go to the bathroom, need water to drink, are tired, or are hungry. Most of the time they won’t think to tell you these things on their own, so always be sure to ask. Assuming the parents gave you a basic outline of daily activities, you should be sure you are keeping up with it. Make sure you are feeding the kid(s) at proper meal times, giving them naps, having them do their homework on schedule, etc. If there is time watch a movie with the kids, you can do so towards the end to settle the children down before their parents arrive. If you are babysitting for less than 3 hours, this probably isn't a good idea, as the parents may get mad at you for putting their kid(s) in front of television for half the time. Consider movies such as: Tarzan Finding Nemo Tangled Wreck-It Ralph
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Write an article based on this "Get a braillewriter. Learn the keys. Go high tech." Article:
A Perkins braillewriter is a device much like a standard typewriter, except for it has only six keys. Purchase heavy paper to feed into the top of the device. Braillewriters start at approximately $700 and come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Some are designed to be used with a single hand or only require a soft touch. There are also a variety of high tech braillewriters, to be discussed shortly. The large key in the center of the braillewriter is the space bar. Three keys to each side of the space bar represent the six dots alignments in braille. To type a cell, you will need to hold down the keys for all of the necessary dots at the same time. The slightly raised key to the far left is the line down key and the key parallel to it on the far right is the back space key. There will also be a large curved piece of plastic on the top of the machine that serves as a cartage return as well as grey nobs on the side that are used to roll the paper into the machine. In braille the dots are sometimes signified with numbers, where the upper left hand dot is 1, the middle left dot is 2 and the bottom left hand dot is 3. The right column similarly descends from 4-6. If we represent the dots this way, the braillewriter keyboard is arranged: 321 (space) 456. Typewriters, of course, are fairly cumbersome by modern standards. Luckily, there are now electric braillewriters that work on similar principles. Devices like the Mountbatten Brailler and the Perkins Smart Brailler allow you to store documents electronically. They also have audio support and training exercises. Recent Macintosh computers allow you to program a keyboard or even the touch screen of your iPad to serve as a braille typewriter. In this case keys on a typical QWERTY keyboard can be reprogrammed to have the same functions they would on a brailler.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
For the most effective startup, focus on a particular genre to build your reputation. This focus will be determined in large part by what you wish to accomplish. If your goal is to make a lot of money, then you'll focus on popular music. If your goal is to be the go-to label for 21st century post avant jazzcore, your focus and approach will be much different. This is needed on many levels. First and foremost, you will build the framework of your label: how you plan on finding and developing talent, your marketing and promotion avenues, how you understand the market and the competition, how you plan on financing your venture, and how you intend on making this a profitable business. If you're independently wealthy, then you may not need investors, at least for the monetary backing. However, you may wish to attract investors who can help you build credibility in your market. For example, if you started a pop music label with your own cash, but were able to convince Sir Paul McCartney to invest in your label, that would be a huge win for your label. To do that, though, you will need a credible plan that shows Sir Paul, or any other investor, that you know what you are doing. Should you need financial backing, having a plan that shows that you understand both the rewards and the risks, and that you have been able to determine a way forward, will go a long way in convincing an investor to risk his capital on your venture. That will include everything from staples to electricity to recording and production costs. Be very thorough when you do this: people who might consider becoming involved in your label will certainly be, when they read your plan! Here are some things to take into account: Administrative costs: rent, utilities, taxes, and licenses are right up front and can be significant. Don't forget to include phone, internet, printers, paper, computers, business cards, and office supplies in this list. You will also need a website, as well as somebody to both create and maintain it. Some of these costs will be weekly, some monthly, and some that only happen every year or two. It may seem like a lot at first, but if you create a five-year plan, you should be able to chart out how these costs will eventually become a small percentage of the overall financial picture. Recording costs: as a record label, you're going to be producing acts. That means you need to account for the recording chain, including studio time, the fees for the engineer and producer (which may be you, but you need to get paid too), mixing engineers, and studio musicians. Marketing budget: a great recording is nothing until it's actually in the market. To do that, you're going to need to promote your label through online ads, magazine ads, press releases, and your website. You will also need to work with artists and designers to create your logo, packaging standards, and overall design plan. Professional services: while you're busy making beautiful music, somebody needs to take care of writing clear, effective legal contracts both for your talent, and for your business deals. For that, you will want the services of a qualified attorney who specializes in the music business. You'll also want an accountant to make sure that you friendly tax collector doesn't come to call. You need people that you can trust and rely on. Planning a cash flow forecast for one, three, and five years out requires some skill, some savvy, and some educated guesswork. The first year should be a very solid plan: you will have a good idea of your startup costs already, and you will likely have in mind (and made contact with) a few bands who will be the first on your roster. Using this information, determine how much you'll be spending, and a projection about how much these acts will bring in. For example, you can base this on how the bands are doing currently: Do they pack clubs? Their music has a good track record, and will probably perform well. If you also have bands that are brand new, and don't have a fan base to work from, you'll have to do significantly more promotion to get the word out. As you add more bands to your roster, your income potential will continue to grow. As you plan for years three to five in your forecast, you will need to determine how and when you will add more talent, and how you will promote them. This is where prediction gets a little more complicated: a great band on your roster may make it much easier for you to promote all the bands on your roster. Similarly, a poorly-performing band will be a cash drain that can lead to financial struggles. Unless you're supremely talented in sales, marketing, music, business, art, conversation, and moonlight as a lawyer, you're going to want to develop a team. Here are some key skill sets that will enable your success: Marketing and sales: somebody who can get out there and promote your label, who knows the industry, and has a personal relationship with artists, promoters, and people who like to support the arts financially. This person or persons will be key to your success: they're responsible for bringing talent in, and getting the word out. The better they perform, the more successful you'll be. Production. You'll need somebody who understands the recording process inside and out, who can find or develop good engineers, mixers, and producers, and who can run a recording session. Contract help. To keep costs down, at least at first, consider hiring other staff on a per-job basis. This would include logo and graphic design, legal, accounting, engineering, and other needs that only occur from time to time. Summary:
Define your venture. Write a business plan. Detail all the costs associated with your startup. Prepare a cash flow forecast. Create your team.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Summarize the following: What do the preps at your school wear? Do they shop at Hollister, Abercrombie and Fitch, Aeropostale, PINK by Victoria's Secret, or American Eagle? Do they simply wear polos from Ralph Lauren? Follow their example. Go to good jewelers like Tiffany's. If that is not in your price range, try Claire's, or even your grandma's jewelry. Never wear anything plastic. Hoop earrings, pink studs, statement rings, silver necklace, silver and gold bangles, and maybe even a charm bracelet are good pieces to keep in your jewelry box. Like ones from Juicy Couture, Guess or Coach. If money is a problem, buy Belvah. These bags are cheap and very cute. (They do not have to be from the brands from step one) North Face jacket Toms (canvas shoes) {"smallUrl":"https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/6\/68\/Be-Preppy-%28in-Middle-School%29-Step-4Bullet2.jpg\/v4-460px-Be-Preppy-%28in-Middle-School%29-Step-4Bullet2.jpg","bigUrl":"\/images\/thumb\/6\/68\/Be-Preppy-%28in-Middle-School%29-Step-4Bullet2.jpg\/aid1132199-v4-728px-Be-Preppy-%28in-Middle-School%29-Step-4Bullet2.jpg","smallWidth":460,"smallHeight":345,"bigWidth":"728","bigHeight":"546","licensing":"<div class=\"mw-parser-output\"><p>License: <a rel=\"nofollow\" class=\"external text\" href=\"https:\/\/\/licenses\/by-nc-sa\/3.0\/\">Creative Commons<\/a><br>\n<\/p><p><br \/>\n<\/p><\/div>"} Uggs (boots) {"smallUrl":"https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/2\/25\/Be-Preppy-%28in-Middle-School%29-Step-4Bullet3.jpg\/v4-460px-Be-Preppy-%28in-Middle-School%29-Step-4Bullet3.jpg","bigUrl":"\/images\/thumb\/2\/25\/Be-Preppy-%28in-Middle-School%29-Step-4Bullet3.jpg\/aid1132199-v4-728px-Be-Preppy-%28in-Middle-School%29-Step-4Bullet3.jpg","smallWidth":460,"smallHeight":345,"bigWidth":"728","bigHeight":"546","licensing":"<div class=\"mw-parser-output\"><p>License: <a rel=\"nofollow\" class=\"external text\" href=\"https:\/\/\/licenses\/by-nc-sa\/3.0\/\">Creative Commons<\/a><br>\n<\/p><p><br \/>\n<\/p><\/div>"} Topsiders (from Sperry's only) Hair bows in pastel and school colors White or light pink canvas shoes Skinny jeans (dark-wash or light-wash, never black) Straight iron and curling iron (If your school allows it, keep in locker so you have a chance to look presentable at next class) Ballet flats in black and bright colors Sunglasses (If your school allows them. Wear at top of your head) 2 inch (5.1 cm) heels (also if your school allows them) {"smallUrl":"https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/1\/12\/Be-Preppy-%28in-Middle-School%29-Step-4Bullet11.jpg\/v4-460px-Be-Preppy-%28in-Middle-School%29-Step-4Bullet11.jpg","bigUrl":"\/images\/thumb\/1\/12\/Be-Preppy-%28in-Middle-School%29-Step-4Bullet11.jpg\/aid1132199-v4-728px-Be-Preppy-%28in-Middle-School%29-Step-4Bullet11.jpg","smallWidth":460,"smallHeight":345,"bigWidth":"728","bigHeight":"546","licensing":"<div class=\"mw-parser-output\"><p>License: <a rel=\"nofollow\" class=\"external text\" href=\"https:\/\/\/licenses\/by-nc-sa\/3.0\/\">Creative Commons<\/a><br>\n<\/p><p><br \/>\n<\/p><\/div>"} Jeggings in dark or light-wash Polo shirts in bright and pastel colors (in brand mentioned above) Cute and pretty tank tops (for layering under polos or with each other) Any shirt in above brand Cute and flirty underwear (just for a boost of confidence) Preps keep their faces clean with no acne, chapped lips (Which you can fix by putting on chapstick), or sunburn. Make sure you are using the right facial cleaners for your skin type. Get into a daily routine of cleansing, exfoliating, and moisturizing. You do not need to tone your skin until you are 13 or older. Give yourself a facial once a week and two to three days before any big events or special occasions (it brings out the oils on your face). {"smallUrl":"https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/d\/d6\/Be-Preppy-%28in-Middle-School%29-Step-5.jpg\/v4-460px-Be-Preppy-%28in-Middle-School%29-Step-5.jpg","bigUrl":"\/images\/thumb\/d\/d6\/Be-Preppy-%28in-Middle-School%29-Step-5.jpg\/aid1132199-v4-728px-Be-Preppy-%28in-Middle-School%29-Step-5.jpg","smallWidth":460,"smallHeight":345,"bigWidth":"728","bigHeight":"546","licensing":"<div class=\"mw-parser-output\"><p>License: <a rel=\"nofollow\" class=\"external text\" href=\"https:\/\/\/licenses\/by-nc-sa\/3.0\/\">Creative Commons<\/a><br>\n<\/p><p><br \/>\n<\/p><\/div>"} Just a little mascara, blush and lip gloss, not much of anything else. Light pink or white eye shadow with light pink lipstick works too. If you do not want to buy new eye shadow, use a crush blush and use a little on your eyes for a pretty pink eye that matches your cheeks. You may also try some sparkly eye shadow and some eyeliner, but use only a very thin line. Curl your eyelashes if possible. It will make your eyes look bigger. Use concealer and foundation if you have bags or pimples. Always wear lip gloss, all the time. Remember: Your face should be classy and neat, not trashed out like the ladies in those mascara commercials. {"smallUrl":"https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/9\/99\/Be-Preppy-%28in-Middle-School%29-Step-6.jpg\/v4-460px-Be-Preppy-%28in-Middle-School%29-Step-6.jpg","bigUrl":"\/images\/thumb\/9\/99\/Be-Preppy-%28in-Middle-School%29-Step-6.jpg\/aid1132199-v4-728px-Be-Preppy-%28in-Middle-School%29-Step-6.jpg","smallWidth":460,"smallHeight":345,"bigWidth":"728","bigHeight":"546","licensing":"<div class=\"mw-parser-output\"><p>License: <a rel=\"nofollow\" class=\"external text\" href=\"https:\/\/\/licenses\/by-nc-sa\/3.0\/\">Creative Commons<\/a><br>\n<\/p><p><br \/>\n<\/p><\/div>"} Make sure that your hair is always styled. Usually keep it straight, but giving it bouncy curls once every other week is absolutely adorable. Always do something to it, whether that be a twist, bun, ponytail, pigtails, braids, french braids, fishtail braids, high ponytails, half-ups, or really anything at all that is nice, smooth and neat. Put your hair in a side-parted low ponytail if you are unsure of what to do with your hair that day. Only put your hair in a ponytail if it is straight or has curls in only the ponytail itself. Keep it soft by washing it every other day and using conditioner daily. Get a hair cut with long layers. Make it breast length. If you are doing this to come back to school a new person, get side bangs if you have none, or grow out your bangs if you already do. {"smallUrl":"https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/3\/3f\/Be-Preppy-%28in-Middle-School%29-Step-7.jpg\/v4-460px-Be-Preppy-%28in-Middle-School%29-Step-7.jpg","bigUrl":"\/images\/thumb\/3\/3f\/Be-Preppy-%28in-Middle-School%29-Step-7.jpg\/aid1132199-v4-728px-Be-Preppy-%28in-Middle-School%29-Step-7.jpg","smallWidth":460,"smallHeight":345,"bigWidth":"728","bigHeight":"546","licensing":"<div class=\"mw-parser-output\"><p>License: <a rel=\"nofollow\" class=\"external text\" href=\"https:\/\/\/licenses\/by-nc-sa\/3.0\/\">Creative Commons<\/a><br>\n<\/p><p><br \/>\n<\/p><\/div>"} Summary:
Observe the preps. Wear good quality jewelry! Get some cute bags! Try to get some, or all, of these items: Keep your face flawless. Perfect the makeup. Make your hair perfect.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Summarize this article: Sometimes, overflow happens. In fact, it’s happened to most at one time or another. If you bleed through onto your sheets at night, rinse the sheets in cold water and then immediately put them into the wash. If you bleed into your underwear, you can try washing them (separately or with dark colors), or just throw them away at the end of the day. Worst case scenario is that you bleed into your pants or skirt – do what you can to get through the day by tying a sweater around your waist or, if you must, going home early. Shower, change, and move on with your day stress-free. Talk about your accident with someone you trust. Remember that 50% of the world has dealt with periods – it’s likely that someone you know has had an overflow accident, too. Don’t be ashamed or embarrassed to talk about it and how you feel. If you’ve experienced overflow bleeding, be prepared for next time. When you’re on your period, wear black underwear and pants. If you do have some spotting, it won’t be noticeable. You can even set aside a set of dark undies to wear only when you’re on your period. Using more than one type of menstrual hygiene product can be really effective in minimizing overflow bleeding. If you sometimes bleed through your tampons, use a panty liner or pad, too. That way you have some backup in case you don’t get to change your tampon in time. THINX period panties can also be a good backup method to a cup or tampon. THINX are made so that you can bleed right into them, then wash them out and reuse them. They hold anywhere from ½ to 2 or 3 tampons worth of blood depending on the style, and are available to purchase online. Get used to “checking on things” every hour or two. Make a quick bathroom stop in between classes or as a short work break. Check your underwear and pad, and do a wipe test if you’re using a tampon – if there’s blood on the toilet tissue after you urinate, you may be about to bleed through your tampon. Put a dark towel down on your sheets while you sleep to protect your bedding and mattress from accidental leaking. You can also try using overnight pads that have wings; these offer more protection from spillage. Summary:
Stay calm if you overflow. Wear dark clothes and underwear while on your period. Double up on your hygiene products. Be vigilant. Protect your bedding with towels.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Summarize this article in one sentence. Songwriters come in all shapes and sizes. If you're wanting to get serious as a songwriter, you should get an idea of the direction you would like to take. Some songwriters write music to play themselves, while others work for publishing agencies and have their material used by famous artists. The vast majority of songwriters also have particular genres they're most inclined to write in. Take a moment to imagine the sort of songwriter you would like to be. The most successful songwriters listen to a wide variety of musical styles. This is because work isn't always available in one style. If you're aiming to make a living from your songs, you'll need to cover the range of popular musical styles. What's more, being versed in a variety of genres will open new doors to be inspired by. Don't be afraid to listen to types of music you don't normally listen to. As always, it's a good idea to look at hits from a variety of styles and eras. This will offer you the most dynamic insight into what a "hit" is, and how you can replicate that success. Here are a few hit songs you might look at for the sake of a good example: "Roundabout" by Yes. "Yesterday" by the Beatles. "Trains" by Porcupine Tree. "Billie Jean" by Michael Jackson. If you're thirsting for inspiration, there are few places as well-suited to get the creative fires stoked as a live concert. Not only will you get to watch an artist passionate interpret a collection of songs, you'll also be able to see the life-affirming effect music has on the listeners. By the time you get back home, you should have a refreshed perspective on the reasons why you want to write songs. Inspiration doesn't come to those who idle. Even if you're fixated on writing music, the only way you'll be properly inspired is if you are getting out and doing things. Spend time with friends, or go out to see new film. The more fresh stimulation your mind has, the more potential you'll have to be inspired about something. Summary:
Decide on the kind of songwriter you want to be. Broaden your musical horizons. Analyze a variety of hit songs. Attend a live concert. Stay busy.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
What is a one-sentence summary of the following article? Moccasins are the best option, but a simple flat, brown slip-on shoe would coordinate with the look. Basic brown suede boots would also work as long as they have a flat sole. Fur-lined or fringed boots can add some flair to your costume. If you do not expect to walk through mud puddles, you can also wear moccasin-style slippers. Simple brown sandals could also work as long as they are not embellished with other decorations. Start with a brown cloth headband that wraps around the head rather than over it. Use a hot glue gun to attach one to three feathers to the inside of the headband. Position them so they are at the side of the head and behind the ear. If you cannot find a brown wrap-around headband, cut a strip of stretchy brown fabric that is long enough to fit around the wearer's head and add an extra 1-inch (2.5-cm) to the length. Loop the strip of fabric around to create a band, using fabric glue or hot glue to secure the extra 1-inch (2.5-cm) of fabric over the other end of the band. If you want to give your headband extra flair, decorate it with wooden beads, colorful seed beads, or craft paint. If you want to add a little extra shape to your tunic, tie a braided leather sash around the wearer's waist. If you can’t find a sash or belt without a buckle, cut a strip of brown leather, canvas, or brown rope that is long enough to wrap around the waist. Make sure to cut enough extra material so you can tie the belt into a loose bow at the front of the costume. A fringed leather belt can add an attractive touch to your costume too. Summary:
Wear brown flats or boots. Create a feather headband. Add a belt, if desired.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
In one sentence, describe what the following article is about: Fill a bucket with hot water, then add about 1/4 cup of castile soap. You can also use the solution for leather or vinyl car upholstery. Use a slightly stronger solution for hubcaps and other stubborn areas. Summary:
Wash your car with castile soap.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Article: Choose your favorite movies or television show. Find a free weekend and get your friends together for a spot of binge watching. In between viewings you can discuss what you love about the entertainment and they're your favorite. Make sure you have lots of food on hand. Snacks make a binge watching weekend more fun. Make sure to take breaks now and then to stretch or take a walk outside. Amuse yourselves watching a bad movie, especially a cult classic. You can also do this with a poorly written book. Take turns reading it out loud and see how far each person gets before they are laughing too hard to keep reading. You can even turn it into a game (a drinking game for those over the legal drinking age, or using chocolate/candy as prizes otherwise). Everyone will thank you. This is especially fun if you've been friends for a long time. Talk about things you did together a long time ago. Often your friends will remember things that you don't so you can exchange stories about things you did together. Try to find things from that time. Look for old notes you passed back and forth or a journal you wrote together. Maybe you made dolls, or played football together. The objects will help you recall more of the times you spent together. Invite your friends to come over to give each other manicures, facials, and try out new hairstyles and makeup looks. Mimic spa fare by serving your guests hot tea, fresh fruit, and water with cucumber slices and lemon. Play quiet, relaxing new age music in the background and light a few scented candles to create a relaxing atmosphere for your friends. What is a summary?
Have a movie marathon. Reminisce about old times. Host a spa day.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Article: This is an important step in getting better. Oftentimes, depression makes you feel as though this is how you are supposed to feel, and identifying your depression helps you to treat it. Write down how you feel, and do it regularly. This will help to mentally separate you from your depression, and allow you to analyze and track your emotions, as well as provide valuable information to any doctor you see for treatment. . Even if you suspect you're feeling this way for some other reason, talk to your doctor about your symptoms. Your doctor should be able to direct you to valuable resources to help return yourself to a healthy state of mind. Bring in your description of how you're feeling. Describe the severity and the consistency of the feelings. Be totally honest with your doctor. Depression is dangerous. It can make you feel isolated, worthless, and empty. No matter how severe you feel that your depression is, tell someone you trust. If you're feeling suicidal, call a hotline at any time and talk to someone or call emergency services, such as by dialing 911 in the US: 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433) or 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255) You can text 1-800-799-4TTY (1-800-799-4889) LGBT Youth Suicide Hotline: 1-866-4-U-TREVOR Depression can make it feel like you have no sense of purpose. It can make it difficult to get out of bed each day, much less do anything productive when you're out. The world can be overwhelming. To help yourself stay motivated and focused, it's important to establish clear and simple goals. Write out a list of things, even simple things, that you can do today to make yourself productive. Don't be afraid to list out extremely small things, like "Brush your teeth" or "Pick up the kids" or "Eat something" or "Don't smoke." Focus on the little stuff you need to do. Write out your accomplishments each day at the end of the day, if that works better for you. Listing out everything that you did will help you focus on your successes. Your moods are impacted by lots of different factors, but if your body isn't getting what it needs, then your brain isn't either. Exercise is shown to have a direct effect on your mood and overall happiness, releasing endorphins that help to counteract the effect of stress on the body and make you feel happy. You don't have to be sporty, or a jock. Find something that you enjoy doing. Start jogging, or hiking. Play squash. Do something that you might enjoy. Make sure to get 8 hours of sleep every day, and at the same time every day. Rest is essential in keeping your energy levels even throughout the day, which affects mood. What you eat affects your mood directly. Eating more complex carbohydrates and decreasing the amount of refined sugars and processed foods can help you feel better. Focus on getting as many leafy greens, whole grains, fresh vegetables, and fruits into your diet, and cutting out anything pre-prepared. Increase intake of omega 3 fatty acids (flaxseed, fish, walnuts, tofu): Omega 3 helps brain function and regulates mood Drink eight cups of water every day to stay hydrated. Lots of problems like headaches and tiredness can be attributed to minor dehydration, which can affect your mood as well. Studies show some connection between the levels of Vitamin D and overall happiness. This is important for everyone, but especially in those with depression. Seasonal depression often occurs in the wintertime, when the days are shorter and we don't get a lot of sun. But a good dose of natural light will do wonders for your mood. If you live in a place with not a lot of sunlight, invest in a good light box. If these are too expensive for you, install bulbs in your lamps that have natural light as opposed to fluorescent light. What is a summary of what this article is about?
Name what you're feeling and check for signs of depression. Talk to your doctor about treatment options Reach out to someone any time you can control it. Write out a to-do list each day. Try to exercise at least 30 minutes a day. Change your diet. Get some sun.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Write an article based on this summary: Keep track of the quantity of blood. Look at the flow and texture of the blood. Know that the blood’s odor may help you determine whether or not there is a PPH. Article:
The type of bleeding that occurs immediately after delivery, within 24 hours of delivery, or a few days after delivery is crucial to help rule out a PPH. The most important parameter for this purpose is the quantity of the bleeding. Any bleeding above 500 ml after a vaginal delivery and above 1000 ml after a caesarean section is considered as a PPH. In addition, bleeding that exceeds 1000 ml is labeled as severe PPH and requires immediate medical intervention, especially if there are additional risk factors. PPH is generally continuous in flow and is profuse, with or without several large clots. However, clots are much more common in a PPH that develops after a few days of delivery, and this type of bleeding may also be more gradual in flow. Some additional characteristics that can help differentiate a PPH from normal post-delivery bleeding or lochia (vaginal discharge consisting of blood, tissue from the lining of the uterus and bacteria) are its odor and flow. Suspect a PPH if your lochia has an offensive smell, or if your flow suddenly increases after delivery.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Write an article based on this "Organize your paragraphs. Outline your introduction. Create bullets for paragraph two. Create bullets for paragraph three. Create bullets for paragraph four. Outline your conclusion." Article:
Use the standard five paragraph essay format. This format will structure your letter in a clear, concise, and compelling manner. It consists of an introductory paragraph, three main body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Your introduction should focus on your immediate educational and career goals. This sentence is already written in your preparation stage so you should be able to place it right into this part of your outline. You will briefly discuss how your particular interests within your chosen field of study developed and state why you want to continue your education. Remember that these bullet points are for your reference so you can see just how much you’ve accomplished thus far. When you write, it’ll be up to you to turn this list into a compelling "story". In this paragraph you will focus on your strengths and leadership skills including academic achievements, extracurricular activities, community and/or volunteer, and awards. Again, you have these listed. Now put them in a bulleted list here. Were you class president? Did you write a story that won a competition? Did you write for the school newspaper? Were you captain of the Lacrosse team? Did you volunteer in a political campaign or at the food bank? Do you hold down a job with management responsibilities? Do you work with kids? Have you been nominated for academic awards? This paragraph will develop your reason for applying for this particular scholarship and why you should be considered. Be professional and direct and do not say that you need the scholarship money but rather mention what you will be using it for. Examples would be to help pay for tuition, housing, books and supplies. This is the part of the story about the future. How do your goals and vision match up with theirs? And what would you pay for if you had that opportunity? Now that you’ve told them about yourself, show them that you are deserving of their scholarship and how you will wisely use their funds. Highlight your ability to successfully complete the college program for which you are requesting a scholarship as well as a clear intention on what you plan to do with your course of study. Remember: you are investment. They want to know you'll pay off. This an expansion of your introductory paragraph regarding your academic and career goals. Now you provide greater detail that illuminates just how strong your knowledge and passion are and how you could you change your life and the lives of others with this scholarship. You’ve already shown them who you are, "now show them who you will become and how that will benefit them". Reiterate within this closing paragraph your interests in applying for the scholarship. Then explain what you – and by extension they – will gain from you having received this particular award. Remember, they want to award successful candidates. Their success going forward is contingent on choosing candidates who successfully complete their education and move on to productive careers. Be sure you let them know this is exactly your plan. Be careful not to use redundant words or phrases from earlier paragraphs. Think of this paragraph as one in which you are paraphrasing an article, paragraph, or even a book: summarize but do it in a different way. Make it new, unique, and fresh. As they say, “Take it to the next level.”
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
The variety of speaker builds suits individual speakers for different tasks. For casual music listening, a pair of bookshelf speakers would be more than enough. Those who desire a more intensive experience can upgrade to standing speakers. Surround sound systems are also a high-end option. Subwoofers are additional speakers that add depth to bass, which is low tone. They’re good for movies and music with lower range such as rock and metal. For adding general depth to TV and movies, a soundbar or soundbase is an option. These take up less space, require less wiring, and can be combined with a subwoofer. Wireless and wall-mounted speakers benefit from portability and offer new sound angles in your room. For gaming, small specialized speakers usually offer enough sound. These are placed on a desktop near the computer and have magnetic shielding. Different surfaces affect sound quality. Hard, flat surfaces reflect sound and soft or varying surfaces absorb sound. Sound is also easier to hear in a small room. To get a sense of the room, stand in the center and clap. The less the sound carries, the more powerful the speakers you’ll need. A small room such as a bedroom is fine with bookshelf speakers, but a large carpeted and furnished room benefits from bigger speakers. While bookshelf speakers will fit in a small bedroom, you wouldn’t want to try to fit wide standing speakers in there. The sound can overwhelm a small room even if it has lots of absorbent furnishings. On the other hand, if you want a surround sound system for your television, the speakers need space away from the wall and surround you. Where you’ll put the speakers matters. Speakers inside a cabinet, for instance, can get muffled, but so do speakers in room corners since the sound is distorted by the walls. Speakers benefit from being three to four feet away from the sound source. This helps them project sound into the room. Try to keep your speakers around ear-level. At that level, the sound will be clearest to you. It’s very easy to fall into a price tag trap. You’ll see bigger and better-looking speakers or a salesperson will refer you to them even though quality isn’t completely related to price. A cheaper speaker may work better for you than a more expensive one. Stick to your budget as much as possible. Once you’ve decided on the type of speaker you need, go online or shop around in stores to compare prices. Determine how much you’re willing to pay for the kind of speaker that seems right for you. Summary:
Decide how you’ll use the speakers. Consider your room’s furnishings. Determine the space you have available. Consider your budget.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Summarize the following: A couch is a big investment, and ordering it sight unseen is a big risk. Deciding whether a couch is to your exact taste and can stand the test of time is almost impossible to do with pictures alone. That being said, online reviews are helpful for learning other people’s thoughts on the comfort and durability of potential couches. Make sure you are comfortable with the return policy of the couch distributor and the quality of customer support you’re likely to get if you experience troubles with your purchase. You may have to pay shipping if you order online, and will probably need to be present when the couch is delivered. Contact the couch company immediately if you find any problems. Sit how you normally would on the couch, then see how you feel. Different couches have different softness, and factors like seat depth and armrest height make a difference, too. Lower arms are good for curling up and getting comfy while watching TV, while multi-cushion sofas might be harder to nap on and firm seat backs are more supportive if you usually sit upright. Swaying, creaking, or squeaking indicate poorly installed springs or a weak frame. Lift one side about 6 in (15 cm) off the ground. If the leg on the other side is still touching the ground, the frame is weak. The couch legs should be attached to the frame by screws and pegs, not just glue, staples, and nails. They should be tight and close together, but not feel like they are poking through the fabric. If the sofa has only webbing or mesh, it will probably be uncomfortable and flimsy. Feel free to ask the salesperson for a swatch of the upholstery to bring home, where you can see how the fabric looks in artificial and natural light and test how easy it is to clean. Cotton and linen upholstery is reasonably priced and easy to clean, and microfiber blends can act like cotton and are stain resistant. Leather looks nice and lasts a long time, but is extremely expensive. Natural blends with polyester can snag and wear out overtime. Silk gives the couch a sleek look but is very hard to care for. The average couch sells for $1,000 but designer couches can cost $10,000. The couch should compliment the space you are going to put it in, and feel like a piece you’ll want in your home for many years to come. Discuss the price for delivery up front, and make sure you can get a full refund if the store doesn’t deliver on time. Summary:
Test the couch in person, even if you plan to order it online. See how comfortable you find the couch. Assess the sturdiness of the frame. Press the springs through the upholstery, if there are any. Experiment with lighting and by staining the couch fabric. Buy your couch or sofa.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Summarize this article: The water does not need to be steaming hot, but it should be more than simply lukewarm. A thorough, wet wash should be performed every few months or after a wide area of the floor has gotten muddy or notably dirty. Hot water is often considered one of the best ways to clean laminate flooring because, when done correctly, it will not leave streaks. It is also the least likely to damage the protective coating of the laminate, since water is the mildest cleanser possible. Summary:
Fill a bucket with hot water.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Summarize this article in one sentence. Cover your counter with newspaper. Wrap a dyeing cape or an old towel around your shoulders and put on a pair of plastic gloves. Lastly, make sure that you have all of your supplies laid out and ready to go. Purchase a bleaching or highlighting kit from the store and prepare the bleach according to the instructions. Each brand will be a little different. In most cases, however, you will have to mix some sort of powder into a cream. The type of bleach you choose depends on how dark your hair is to begin with and how much lighter you need it to go. Use a rat-tail comb to divide your hair in half horizontally so that you have a top and bottom section. Clip the top section out of the way, then split the bottom section into two pigtails. Gather a 2-inch (5.08-centimeter) section of hair. Apply the bleach to it using a tinting brush. How far you apply the bleach is up to you. Most people choose to only do the bottom half of their hair, but you can go higher or lower if you want. If you have thick hair, you may need to take smaller sections to ensure that your hair is fully saturated with the bleach. This will not only keep your dyeing cape/towel clean, but also prevent the bleach from getting onto the rest of your hair. Once you have finished the entire bottom row, let down another layer of hair from the top section and bleach it as well. Keep going until you are done. Remember to wrap each section with foil or plastic wrap as you finish it. How long you wait depends on the type of bleach you used, so be sure to follow the instructions closely. Double-check your hair while it is processing. The times on the kits are only recommendations, and your hair may process faster! Do not over-process your hair, however; the longer you leave the bleach on, the more likely your hair is to be damaged. Be careful and don't lose track of time! If you want a warm tone, such as red, violet, or pink, lighten your hair until it is marigold-yellow. If you want a cool tone, such as blue or green, lighten your hair until it is pale yellow, like the inside of a banana peel. Make sure that you use one specially formulated for bleached, damaged, or color-treated hair. Your hair will look darker at this point, but only because it's wet. Sometimes, dark hair turns orange when it is bleached. This can affect the color your dip dye will turn out. Get some blue or purple toning shampoo for blonde or bleached hair. Mix it with some water, then apply it to your hair as a mask. Leave it on for a few minutes, or however long the shampoo bottle instructs, and then wash it out with cool water. Toning shampoo has some blue or purple dye mixed into it. This will help neutralize any copper or brassy tones. Only do this if the instructions on your kit say it is safe to do so. Keep in mind that bleach is very harsh on hair, and that the more often you bleach your hair, the more damaged it will become. If you don’t have to dip dye your hair right away, wait a couple of weeks before bleaching your hair again so that it stays as healthy as possible. Summary:
Protect yourself and work area from bleach stains. Mix the bleach according to the instructions on the package. Section off your hair. Use a tinting brush to apply the bleach a small section of hair. Fold plastic wrap or aluminum foil over the hair. Continue bleaching your hair, one section at a time. Allow your hair to process. Rinse your hair thoroughly, then follow up with a conditioner. Tone your hair, if needed. Apply the bleach a second time, if needed.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
What is a one-sentence summary of the following article? Your doctor can determine if you have a herniated disc and prescribe treatment. Describe your pain to the doctor, including where you feel it. In most cases, your doctor can make a diagnosis of a herniated disk in their office, without invasive diagnostic tests. Even if other tests need to be done, they will not be painful. Make a list of the other conditions you have so that your doctor can rule them out as the cause of your symptoms. For example, osteoporosis can cause similar symptoms. Your doctor will also need to know your family history, as having a family member with a herniated disc increases your risk of having one. Your doctor will feel along your spine to look for painful areas. They will likely ask you to change positions or move around your legs so that they can get a better idea about where your pain is located and how it’s impacting you. While it sounds scary, this is a non-invasive, painless office exam. Your doctor will check how well your reflexes work, as well as your muscle development. They will then check your balance and posture. Finally, they will check to see how well you feel sensations like pinpricks, touch, or vibration. The results will help the doctor determine if you may have a disc putting pressure on your nerves. A herniated disc can make it harder for your nerves to communicate with the rest of your body, so your body may have trouble registering pain or may get too many pain signals. The doctor will ask you to bend and move side to side at your joints. This will allow the doctor to see how limber you are and if you are able to move freely and without pain. If you have a herniated disc, it may affect your range of motion. Your doctor will have you lie back on the table. They will slowly raise your leg until you start to feel pain. If you have pain while your leg is at a 30 to 70 degree angle, then you may have a herniated disc. Additionally, if you feel pain in the other leg, it could mean you have sciatica caused by a herniated disc. This test may not be accurate if you are over the age of 60. If your doctor is not sure that your symptoms are caused by a herniated disc, they may do an X-ray to rule out other health issues, such as a broken bone or a tumor. Herniated discs will not show up on an X-ray. The doctor can use an X-ray to look for pressure on your nerves and spine by injecting a dye into your body. This is called a myelogram. While the pressure on your nerves and spine could be caused by other conditions, it will help your doctor determine if you have compression on your nerves. Your doctor may also take a computerized tomography (CT scan), which takes a series of X-rays to create a more thorough image for the doctor to assess. An MRI lets your doctor get a closer look at your spine so that they can treat your herniated disc. Not only can they confirm the location, they can also determine how severe it is. While you will need to be still, the MRI will not be painful. Usually, you will not have to undergo nerve tests. Your doctor may do these outpatient tests if they suspect you already have nerve damage, based on your reported levels of pain. Although the tests are not painful, they may make you a little uncomfortable. An electromyogram and a nerve conduction test will send electrical impulses to your nerves to see how well they respond. This lets your doctor look for damage to the nerves. Summary:
Make an appointment with your healthcare provider. Bring a thorough medical history. Expect your doctor to check your back for tender spots. Allow your doctor to do a neurological exam. Do range of motion tests. Perform a leg raise test. Get an X-ray to rule out other issues. Undergo an MRI to locate the herniated disc and the nerves it’s pressing. Expect nerve tests if your doctor suspects nerve damage.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
In one sentence, describe what the following article is about: Awnings do require regular cleaning, but mildew demands a different kind of cleaning solution and more elbow grease. Mildew is a type of fungus that’s similar to mold. On an awning, it will likely appear as gray or white spots, and will look like a powder. You can simply use a regular cleaner if your awning doesn’t have mildew. To get the best results from your cleaning efforts, start by hosing down the awing so it’s completely wet. This will make the cleaning solution easier to spread, and the mildew easier to remove. To remove mildew from a canvas awning, you'll need a cleaning solution made with 1 cup (237 ml) bleach, ¼ cup (59 ml) of mild liquid soap, and 1 gallon (3.8 L) of cool water. If you need more cleaning solution, simply double or triple all the quantities. Mild liquid soaps include laundry soaps that are designed for sensitive skin, babies, or delicate fabrics. Do not use chlorine bleach on canvas, as this can damage the fabric. For colored awnings, use a color safe bleach. It’s also a good idea to test a patch of the cleaning solution on an inconspicuous area to test for color fastness. Place some cleaning solution on a small patch of the top side of the awning and let it sit for 20 minutes before rinsing and checking for discoloration. Dip the clean cloth into the cleaning solution and spread the cleaner all over the awning. Re-dip the cloth as necessary so that cleaning solution reaches every inch of the fabric, otherwise you might miss some of the mildew. Once the entire surface of the awning has been soaked with cleaner, let it sit for about 15 minutes. This will give the cleaner time to soak into the fabric and kill the mildew. When the cleaning solution has had time to soak in, take the soft-bristled brush and scrub the top side of the fabric. Use a vigorous circular motion to generate suds. Go over every inch of the awning to scrub away all the mildew. If the cleaning solution starts to dry anywhere, re-soak the area before you scrub. After scrubbing mildew from the whole awning, rinse it well with clean water from the hose. Continue rinsing until all the soap and dirt have been washed off. You don’t want to leave any bleach residue on the fabric, or it could cause early deterioration. If there's any mildew left on the awning, repeat the soaking and scrubbing steps until it’s gone. Most awnings are designed to dry quickly after the rain, so it won’t take your awning long to air dry. If you cleaned your awning in place, simply let it dry on the frame. If you removed your awning, hang it to dry on a line before reinstalling it. Never dry canvas awnings in a dryer, as they may shrink. When you bought your awning, it would have been treated with a water- and stain-resistant coating to protect it from water and discoloration. But scrubbing it with bleach will have removed this coating, so you'll need to reapply it. Look for a commercial-grade fabric guard that can be sprayed on. Once the awning is dry, spray the fabric guard onto the top side of the awning. Read and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for specific instructions. Some awning warranties will be voided if you use silicone sprays, so make sure you check the conditions of your warranty. For smaller awnings that you removed to clean, return the awning to its frame once it’s dry and after the water-resistant treatment has had time to dry. Summary:
Identify mildew on an awning. Hose down the awning. Mix your cleaning solution. Soak the awing in cleaning solution. Scrub the canvas. Rinse the awning. Allow the awning to air dry. Re-treat the awning. Return the awning to its frame.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Article: Whenever you catch yourself reflecting on the past or thinking about the person you're trying to avoid, refocus and think about your present and future. This will help motivate you to move on and set new goals for yourself. Set goals such as getting in shape, learning a new skill, or advancing in your career. Think about the things that are currently going well in your life, such as your job, social life, academics, or personal health. When you love someone, it's easy to only think about their positive attributes, or the qualities that you love about them. By reminding yourself that they have flaws, it'll help shift your outlook and make it easier for you to stay away from them. For example, the person may be very kind, but maybe they also are always showing up late, have trouble keeping promises, or are a bit lazy. Put aside any thoughts you have about the person you love and are trying to avoid, and instead start focusing on yourself. Evaluate your own needs and spend some time reflecting on how you can make yourself happier, healthier, and more content. Set aside time each day just for you, whether it's through reading each morning, doing yoga, or reflecting in a journal. Try out a new activity like boxing, cooking, or swimming. Try to fill your time with activities and goals, no matter how big or small. The busier you are, the less time you'll have to think about the person you love, making it even easier to avoid them. For example, start a daily routine of going to the gym, reading, going to work, gardening, and then cooking a new recipe. Try to choose distractions that get you out of the house and moving, such as going on bike rides, thrift shopping with friends, or volunteering. What is a summary?
Practice moving on and being in the present. Focus on the person's negative characteristics when you think about them. Put yourself first. Stay busy through distractions.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Article: These are sometimes referred to as tree rings. The edging will need to be made of stone, clay, or brick and can be scalloped or straight across the top. You will need to purchase 4 pieces of 14" inside diameter bricks and 6 pieces of 24" inside diameter bricks. Clear an appropriate area for your firepit and then lay out the first two 14" pieces to form a circle. Use three of the 24" to form a larger circle around the first one. You can use a bit of concrete to help the pieces stay together, if you want. Use the remaining pieces to set out the second layer, on top of the first. You can put a layer of concrete between the two stone layers, if you want to. If you use scalloped bricks, put the second layer upside down, so the scalloped edges are touching between the two layers. Fill the gap between the circles with river rocks until the brim is reached. Alternatively, you can fill it most of the way to full and then put down a thinner layer of more aesthetically pleasing rocks, like glass pebbles. Put a small layer of river rocks or other fire-friendly material in the bottom of the pit. Alternatively, you can find a grill bowl with the same diameter (or very slightly larger) as the central circle and place it there. Set up a wood fire in the central pit and enjoy your new fire pit. Put a circular grill surface over the hole to use it as an outdoor cooking pit! What is a summary of what this article is about?
Get curved pieces of garden edging. Lay out the first layer. Lay out the second layer. Fill with rocks. Line the bottom. Light your fire!
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Write an article based on this summary: Practice being nude. Move your body in ways that make you feel good. Connect to a time when you felt accepting of yourself. Remember that you're your own worst critic. Article:
It sounds weird, but when you think about it, most people only spend a few minutes a day in the buff. You can't get better or more at ease with something if you don't practice. Lock your door and add five minutes of nudity to your morning ritual. If you're a girl who wears makeup, delay getting dressed while you apply your makeup. Do something that makes you feel good and pampered while you're having naked time. Rub a nice-smelling lotion all over your body, brush through your hair, even close your eyes and meditate. You want to start creating a positive connection with being naked. Do you like to dance? Swim? Practice yoga or hike? People who exercise for fun improve their self image while improving their bodies. If you hate running, don't hit the treadmill! Try a Zumba dance class or playing a sport instead. Focus on making your body strong and capable, and not on how it looks. For some, you may have to go all the way back to childhood, but try to remember a time when you weren't self-conscious about your body. Try to find a picture of yourself from that time and refer to it when you need a reminder that you don't need to be so hard on yourself. Even if you had a rough childhood, focus on the fact that you had enough strength to survive it and make it to where you are today. If you're terribly self-conscious about your partner seeing you naked because you think they'll lose interest, think again. Your partner isn't checking out your stretch marks or cellulite. You partner isn't thinking you're to big or skinny. They're just psyched to be getting naked with you! Focus on being present with your partner. Instead of tearing yourself down, allow yourself to feel and enjoy the moment. Your partner has his or her own insecurities and imperfections, but does that stop you from loving them or wanting to be intimate with them? Try to remember how good and generous feel toward them, and imagine that they feel the same way about you.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Write an article based on this "Heat a teaspoon of cooking oil in a frying pan. Pour a ladle of batter in the frying pan. Flip the pancake. Cook the adai until the other side turns golden brown. Experiment with different varieties of adai." Article:
Swirl the pan to coat the surface. Use medium heat. If using a non-stick pan, be careful not to use heat on a setting past medium. Allowing a non-stick pan to get too hot can damage the non-stick coating. Spread the batter around the pan in a circular motion until it forms a pancake shape. Drizzle one tablespoon of oil over the top of the pancake and around the edges. Keep the heat on medium. The best time to do this is once the underside has turned golden brown. You can also close the pan with a lid to make the adai cook faster. Remove from heat and serve. You can garnish it with cilantro leaves or jaggery. Jaggery is a form of sugar derived from palm trees. Coconut avial also works as a garnish. This is a vegetable stew made from coconut milk. For instance, by eliminating the yellow lentils, you can make adai in the Tamil style. Or, if you want a less carbohydrate-heavy form of adai, you can substitute quinoa for the rice.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Once you’ve introduced yourself and you’ve spoken to your crush, you can ask for their number without making a big deal of it. Ask them for their number in a way that doesn’t seem awkward or like you’re hitting on them so you can text them. Try asking them for their number so you can both reach out if you need to know something. For example, you could ask them something like, “Hey, what’s your number in case I need to reach you?” Don’t make it weird by asking them for their number the first time you meet them or they may be creeped out and won’t want to give you their number. After you get their number, send them a message saying hello. Include your name and a very brief message so they can save your number in their phone for any future text conversations that you have. Send them a friendly message like, “Hey, it’s Jack. Got your number saved! Thanks.” You can send a smiley face or a friendly emoji with your message so they can tell that it’s lighthearted. Making your crush laugh is a great way to get them talking to you. Send them a meme or joke that you know they’ll think is funny to get a conversation going or to add to an existing one. Send them something that’s specific to their sense of humor so they can see that you’ve noticed their interests. For instance, send them a funny meme about You can talk to your crush without any pretense or pressure by starting a group message that includes them and some friends, classmates, or coworkers. You can send jokes, funny memes, or use the group chat to plan meetups and events with the group. Use a real reason to start the group chat so it’s not weird. For example, if you’re in a class with your crush, create a group message and start it off with something like, “Hey guys, this is Sarah, did anybody do Mr. Smith’s homework? I’m struggling over here lol.” Your crush may think you’re just interested in them as a friend if you only talk to them in a group message, but it’s a great way for you to show them your funny or friendly side. If you want to talk to them more intimately or flirtatiously, text them directly. Use the informal nature of texting to your advantage and ask your crush if they want to meet up. But keep it casual and without any pressure so there are no awkward feelings and you don’t seem pushy. For example, text your crush something like, “Have you tried that new ramen place? I’m craving noodles right now, you wanna check it out?” If your crush denies or rejects your request, don’t get any hard feelings. Say something calm and laid back like, “No worries! Some other time then.” Summary:
Ask your crush for their phone number casually. Send your crush an introductory text so they have your number. Text funny memes to your crush to make them laugh. Start a group chat with your crush and mutual friends. Invite your crush someplace casual where you can talk.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Summarize the following: Whether you’re shopping in a store or online, look for candles that are made with pure essential oils (not just fragrance). Also select candles that are made from beeswax or soybeans, not paraffin (a petroleum byproduct). Also check for a “lead-free” label when you purchase candles. Look for cotton wicks when you are shopping for candles. Keep your wicks trimmed to 1⁄8 in (0.32 cm). This lessens the amount of soot the candle produces while it’s burning. This process involves hot wax, so proceed with caution. Light a tea light candle and allow the wax to melt. Extinguish the flame and then add 3-5 drops of your essential oils into the wax. Stir with a toothpick and allow the wax to cool and harden again. Experiment with the concentration of essential oil in your DIY candles until you get the result you want. Whether you are using a store-bought or homemade candle, you want to burn it long enough for the entire top layer of wax to melt. This will ensure that your candle burns evenly and will last as long as possible. Look for candles with multiple wicks. This will help speed up the melting process, diffusing oils more quickly and efficiently. Just like with oil burners, don’t burn your candles all day long, every day as this can have negative health effects. Burn until the wax is evenly melted, then take a break. The exact times will vary based on the size of your candle. Summary:
Buy clean-burning essential oil candles to prevent indoor air pollution. Make your own essential oil tea lights. Burn your candles long enough for it to melt all the way across.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Summarize this article: Friendships can blossom with a series of one-on-one interactions. It can be fun to go out in a big group now and again; this can also be a way to meet people and make friends. However, try to have one-on-one time with people you really click with. This can help a strong friendship develop. If you meet someone you click with in a big group, reach out to them. Invite them out to dinner or for a drink. The two of you can spend some time chatting and getting to know one another more in depth. Keeping the first one-on-one encounter brief can help keep the potential friend interested and feeling positive about the future of the friendship. Push beyond small talk. Bonds tend to form when people feel vulnerable. As you start to get close to someone, confess some deeper information. Talk about your secrets, insecurities, dreams, and more. Sharing sensitive information with someone can strengthen a bond. Laugh at yourself! Find something you did that day or something about yourself that you can poke fun at — this is generally endearing to people. However, make sure not to share sensitive information with someone until you're sure you can trust them. If you want to build a strong friendship, communication is important. Make an effort to talk to your friend as often as possible. If you met your friend at a club or meeting, chat that friend up each time you get a chance. Sit next to your new friend in meetings so you can talk before and after meetings. Text when you can. It's easy to have strong, interesting conversations via text. Friendship builds over time, and small gestures can go a long way towards keeping a friendship strong. Pick up your friend's favorite treat if they've had a bad day. Buy your friend a drink at the bar. Send your friend a text if you see something that reminds you of them while you're out on the town. Slowly, you will begin to form a stronger bond. Propose a road trip. The two of you can go out of town for the day to a spa or out for a hike. A road trip, even a short one, can give you time to bond. New experiences help foster strong friendships. If there's something the two of you have always wanted to do, try it together. For example, take a trip to a mountain range you've always wanted to hike together. Be patient. It takes around six to eight meaningful interactions before you will really feel like you're friends with someone. You cannot force friendship to take place overnight. Allow your friendship to develop at its own pace. Summary:
Strive for one-on-one time. Don't be afraid to get personal. Communicate regularly. Do little things to keep the friendship strong. Take trips together. Give it time.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Summarize this article in one sentence. Most farmers start off with 2 to 5 cows. They may not have the money or experience to handle more. Focus on getting a few healthy cows, then turning them into profit so you are able to afford more. Sell your products at a local level to get started. Keeping only a few cows means your land won’t be overwhelmed. Cows take up a lot of space and may eat pastures to ruin if you aren’t careful. If you have the money and experience, starting with a whole herd is possible, but be careful. Make sure you have barn and pasture space. A beef farm is much more flexible than a dairy farm. Cattle ranchers sell cows once or twice a year, usually in the fall. They spend the rest of the time tending to their herd, ensuring that the cows grow strong and muscular. Beef ranchers tend to rely on public lands or good pastures. To have a healthy herd, you need plenty of land space. The cows roam around and forage a lot. The overhead cost to start up is comparatively low besides purchasing land. You may not be able to find good grasslands in some areas, while the beef market may be competitive in others. Dairy farmers need to be very diligent to ensure their cows produce as much milk as possible. Dairy cows require a specific diet filled with nutrients, which makes them costlier to raise. They have to be fed and milked at the same time every day, but the result is that good cows produce milk year round. The startup costs are greater in dairy farming than beef farming. Dairy farms need extra equipment, such as stanchions and milking machines. The cows require quality hay. To get the cows to produce milk, you may wish to keep a bull around. Bulls are a little trickier to handle safely. If you don’t want bulls, use artificial insemination, then sell male calves for extra profit. Calving farms are useful, but most farmers don’t recognize the opportunity to sell calves. It is somewhat similar to dairy farming, except without the need for milking equipment. You raise the calves either as veal or sell them to other people, from other farmers to show clubs like 4-H. You need a separate calving bard and also have to consider keeping a bull or using artificial insemination. Calves are quick profit because you don’t need to wait for them to grow up. Don't sell all of your calves, though. Keep a few for your farm. Each cow needs about 1 1⁄2 to 2 acres (0.61 to 0.81 ha) of pasture space per cow calf pair. This amount of space provides enough roughage for a year. Most farmers are able to keep multiple cows on a single pasture if they’re careful. If you leave too many cows in a pasture, they eat all of the grass. To prevent this, farmers rotate the cows to different fields. As long as you’re careful not to strain your resources, your fields will continue to produce roughage. Summary:
Start with a small farm and a handful of cows at first. Choose beef ranching for a lower-maintenance cattle farm. Start a dairy farm for a more intensive but constant product. Raise calves for a unique farm that may fill a local need. Aim on having plenty of pasture space for your cows to roam.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
What is a one-sentence summary of the following article? . These cake pops are simple, unique, creamy, and tasty too! The nice taste of coconut will make taste buds die for more. . These divine cake pops are the perfect treat for family desserts and camping trips. Chocolate fans in your house will love these a ton! . What a treat these are! These pops have the perfect blend of blueberry which causes them to taste so good. . Sometimes, cake pops just need a little bit of chocolate to make them mouth watering. Serve these on a cold day, along with some hot chocolate. . These cake pops or balls are a great and a unique way to indulge cakes without having to modify a recipe at all, and to switch some ingredients around. . We've all heard of an apple cinnamon cake, but how about molding them into little balls for cake pops? These sweet treats are great for autumn and for guest. . They are simple and special, whoever could of that of recreating cake pops with a blend of french toast? Be prepared for a tasty mix! Summary:
Make coconut cream cake pops Make s'more cake pops Make blueberry muffin cake pops Make hot cocoa cake pops Make butterfinger cake pops Make apple cinnamon cake pops Make french toast cake pops
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
In one sentence, describe what the following article is about: While it may seem contrary to usual meat-buying logic, tougher or less-tender cuts of meat are perfect for braising. Pot roast, chuck roast or any inexpensive cut may be used. The muscle fibers and connective tissue that make these cuts stringy or tough are broken down by braising, which gelatinizes the collagen into a more palatable texture. Low heat and long cooking times are used to make a tough cut of any kind of meat moist, tender, and delicious, when cooked properly. Common cuts of beef for braising include: top blade roast eye roast seven bone, or center-cut pot roast shank ribs or short ribs brisket It's unlikely that you would ever want to braise any kind of lean steaks or loin. You could, but because these meats are tender already, it'd be a bit of a waste. Other than a pot and your cut of beef, the only other absolutely essential ingredient is a liquid in which to simmer the meat. Because this is an opportunity to add a dash of flavor to the dish, it's most common to use wines, stocks, or other flavorful liquid, as opposed to water. Common braising liquids include: Beef stock or broth. You can match the stock to the dish by using a beef-based broth or stock, although using chicken stock would is universal for braising any type of meat, and might add a nice complexity to your braised beef. Stock is just broth that hasn't been seasoned, so stock is generally better for braising, since it allows you to control the salt-levels, but either is acceptable. Just go easy on the salt if you use broth. Red wine. Dry red wine can add a nice acidic note to beef, especially when combined with another braising liquid, like stock. The alcohol cooks off, resulting in a rich and fragrant dark sauce. Especially fruity or sweet red wines would be less desirable, but fine if paired with an equal amount of stock to cut the sweetness. The fruitiness of a white wine would pair better with chicken or pork. Since it'll season your dish, make sure it's something you'd like to drink--pour yourself a glass for "research." Dark beer. English cooking at its finest. Stouts, porters, or black lagers all lend a rich sweetness to beef, and a malty depth of flavor. The darker the better, when it comes to beef. Some Belgian ales might also work nicely, but experiment and find a beer you with a nice flavor. In general, lighter pilsners and lagers are more appropriate for chicken or pork. How much liquid you'll need will depend on the amount of meat you're braising, and the addition of extra vegetables. As a rule of thumb, you'll want enough liquid to cover the vegetables at the bottom of the pot and come up just to the level of the meat. You're not boiling the meat, or stewing it, so you won't submerge it in the braising liquid. It won't take much, and you can always add additional water to the pot if you didn't have enough wine left in the bottle. Sounds fancy, but it's not. In French cuisine, braised beef and many other meat dishes will always start with a vegetable base of finely minced carrot, onion, and celery, called mirepoix, which is used to pair with the meat and enrich the sauce. After searing the meat, the mirepoix is added and browned briefly before adding the braising liquid to the pot. For a proper braising, there needs to be something at the bottom of the pot other than the liquid, to give the sauce fragrance, substance, and character, as well as to keep it from drying out. When minced very small, the mirepoix will mostly disintegrate into the liquid over the course of the long cooking time, to flavor the sauce, though you could leave larger chunks to do more of a "pot roast" style braised beef. Depending on the cut of meat, you might use around 2-3 carrots, 2-3 celery stalks, and a small white onion. Depending on what you want to do with the beef you braise, you might elect to make a one-pot meal with the addition of vegetables. In most braising, some variety of aromatic vegetable will always be used to keep the moisture consistent in the bottom of the pot, as well as to release other flavors and aromas. Cooking beef low and slow is a great opportunity to cook vegetables as well. Other vegetables like potatoes, cabbage, peas, mushrooms, greens, leeks, or other root vegetables can be added to the pot later, about 45 minutes before the meat is done cooking. Some fruits, like apple or pear, can also pair nicely with braised beef, depending on the season. Use firm, slightly under-ripe fruit, if you want to experiment. Aromatic herbs like rosemary, sage, bay leaf, or thyme can kick your braised beef up several notches. If you've got access to an herb garden, or just want to buy some fresh herbs from the store, tie up a bundle of a few stalks in twine and add at the same time you add the braising liquid. Braising starts on the stove and moves into the oven, making it important that you start in a pot that's oven-safe. Enameled cast-iron pots are perfect for braising, featuring the heat-retention of cast iron and the hefty weight of a good baking dish. Skillets aren't generally big enough to hold all the braising liquid, meat, and vegetables required for a good braising, while thinner sauce-pans won't hold the heat as effectively as cast iron. If you don't have a cast iron dutch oven, though, anything you can cover and put in the oven will do in a pinch. If you don't have an oven-safe stew pot, but have a heavy-bottomed saucepan, it's perfectly fine to braise meat on the stove-top as well. Some cooks prefer the oven method because it more evenly-distributes heat throughout the meat, while others prefer the simplicity of braising on the stove. Both methods result in tender and delicious beef. Summary:
Select an inexpensive cut of meat to braise. Select a braising liquid. Start with a mirepoix or some mix of finely minced vegetables. Choose additional vegetables to add as well. Always use a heavy-bottom stew pot or dutch oven.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Article: Press the skin side of the plum firmly down against the chopping board. Carefully glide the knife as close to the skin as possible to remove the skin from the flesh.Compost the plum skin or use it in smoothies. What is a summary?
Trim the skin off each plum wedge.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Article: Tell your friend how important they are to you, and that you miss them. While it may be tempting to get this talk over with as soon as possible, cutting corners could work against you. This is the opportunity to wear your heart on your sleeve. Again, avoid one-liners like, "Let's bury the hatchet" - such contrived phrases might put your friend on guard. Again, it's best if you approach the conversation without preconceived notions of how they're feeling or what they're going to say. Keep an open mind, and give them as long as they need to say whatever it is they need to. They may need a cue from you, like "I'm sure I made you feel pretty awful," or "I'd love to be friends again. Do you think that's possible?" Listen without interrupting, even if what they say triggers certain responses in you. You may have been ready to talk things through, but perhaps your friend wasn't quite. Both of you might need time to process what the other has said. You've made a big, important step initiating this talk - now step back a bit so your friend can consider. This is especially important to keep in mind if you don't receive a positive response at first. In a few weeks or months, your friend may still come around. It may be difficult to take a step back from your friendship, but it may be necessary for your friendship to heal. What is a summary of what this article is about?
Tap into sincerity. Listen to your friend's side. Give your friend time to think it over.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Write an article based on this summary: Treat your injury at home. Apply R-I-C-E treatments. Rest your wrist. Apply Ice. Compress your wrist. Elevate your wrist. Continue to wrap your wrist beyond the first 72 hours. Resume your normal activity. Article:
Minor injuries involving wrists strains or sprains can be treated at home. A strain involves overstretching or pulling a muscle or the tendons that connect that muscle to bone. A sprain occurs when a ligament is overstretched or torn. Ligaments connect one bone to another bone. The symptoms of strains and sprains are very similar. You can expect the area to be painful, swollen, and have limited movement of the affected joint or muscle area. Bruising is more common with a sprain, as well as sometimes hearing a “pop” sound at the time of the injury. Strains involve muscle tissue, so muscle spasms can sometimes occur with a strain. Both strains and sprains respond well to this form of therapy. R I C E stands for Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. Try not to use your wrist as much as possible for several days to allow it to start healing. Rest is the most important step in the four areas defined as RICE. Resting your wrist means avoiding activities with the involved hand. Do not allow your wrist to do any work at all if possible. This means no lifting of items with that hand, no twisting of your wrist or your hand, and no bending your wrist. This may also mean no writing or computer work, depending on the severity of your wrist injury. To help your wrist to rest, you may want to consider purchasing a wrist splint. This is especially important if you have a tendon injury. A splint provides support for your wrist and helps immobilize it, to keep you from causing further injury. Wrist splints are available in most drug stores. Applying ice to the injured wrist, the cold temperature works its way through the exterior of the skin and into the deeper areas of soft tissue. The colder temperatures decrease blood flow to the area and help to minimize swelling and reduce inflammation in the area. Ice can be applied by using ice placed in a baggie, frozen veggies, or some other form of ice pack. Wrap the icepack, baggie, or frozen veggies in a cloth or towel, and avoid placing frozen objects directly on your skin. Apply the ice for 20 minutes at a time, then let the area warm to room temperature for 90 minutes. Repeat this process as often as possible, at least two to three times each day, for the first 72 hours after the injury. Compression helps to minimize swelling, provides light stability, and helps to prevent sudden movements that can be painful. Using an elastic bandage wrap, start at your fingers or hand area, and wrap your wrist. Progress towards your elbow. For the greatest stability and to promote healing, the area should be wrapped from the hand and fingers to the elbow. This is done to prevent swelling of the lower part of the extremity while it is being wrapped. Each subsequent wrap should cover 50% of the previous wrapped part of the elastic bandage. Check to be sure your wrap is not too tight and there are no areas of numbness. Take the wrap off when it is time to ice the area. Do not sleep with the wrap on. For some injuries, your doctor may recommend some method of support for your wrist during the night. Follow the instructions provided by your doctor. Elevating your wrist can help to reduce pain, swelling, and bruising. Keep your wrist elevated above the level of your heart when you are applying ice, prior to compression, and when you are resting. It may take as long as four to six weeks for your injury to heal. Keeping the wrist wrapped during this time can allow you to gradually resume your activities, provide support for your injury, and prevent further damage. Gradually work towards resuming your previous level of activity with your injured wrist. Mild discomfort in working to regain mobility or during reconditioning exercises is normal. Try taking NSAIDS such as tylenol, ibuprofen, or aspirin for pain as necessary. Any activity that causes pain should be avoided and approached more gradually. Every person and injury is different. Expect your recovery time to be about four to six weeks.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Write an article based on this "Cut your hair short like Eminem. Add an oversized watch. Select some baseball caps. Pick out a beanie. Wear a pendant necklace." Article:
Eminem is known to have a simple buzz cut hairstyle. This should be easy enough to maintain. You can go to a beauty salon and request a stylist give you a buzz cut. Eminem has been known to cut his own hair. If you feel comfortable, try giving yourself a buzz cut at home. Eminem was famous for his large, clunky watches. Purchase a larger watch and wear it around your wrist. Eminem wore a white-faced watch at the Grammys one year. See if you can find a white-faced watch. Eminem's watches were frequently diamond studded. A diamond studded watch could prove to be an expensive investment. However, you may be able to find a watch with fake diamonds. Eminem wore a lot of baseball caps. Add a baseball cap to your outfit in order to look more like Eminem. Look for baseball caps with logos or emblems. A lot of Eminem's caps had logos on them. You do not have to stick strictly to dark colors here. Baseball caps with logos may have some brighter colors on them. Eminem was known for wearing a beanie. You should be able to find a hat like this at any department, thrift, or clothing store. It's essential to an Eminem-influenced wardrobe. It's a good idea to opt for a black beanie, as the wool cap Eminem wore was usually black. A gold pendant can especially bring out Eminem's style. Eminem frequently wore a long chain with a pendant dangling on the end. You can pair this accessory with your oversized watch to solidify the Eminem look.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
A sparkly or glitter polish requires less accuracy since the base of the polish is mostly clear with flecks of glitter added in. When painting with a glitter polish, the polish that runs onto your skin is most likely going to be clear, or a sheer shade, which makes it less noticeable for mistake. Also, if a fleck of glitter finds its way onto your skin, it is very easy to pick off and fix the mistake. Compared to solid colored polishes, mistakes with glitter polishes are harder to see, and less messy to clean up. Creating a polish barrier for your dominant hand is optional, but it could be very useful to people who are particularly unsteady with their weaker hand. This step is usually taken once your opposite hand has already been painted using your dominant hand. Use a Q-tip to apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly around your cuticle line, and sides of your nail bed. This creates a barrier that will prevent the polish from sticking to your skin if you paint off your nail. When all of your nails are dry, wipe off the surrounding layer of petroleum jelly and any nail polish color on the jelly, for an even, clean finish. Open the nail polish and wipe one side of the flat edge of the brush on the inside of the neck of the bottle. Then, tap the other, opposite flat side of the brush (the side you didn’t wipe) on the neck of the bottle to remove any excess polish that could drip. Your brush should have a small dollop of nail polish on only one side of the brush, and the other side should be relatively free from polish. The best nail polishing is done with a few light layers of polish rather than one or two gloppy layers. Light layers dry easily are less messy, and give you more control when painting on the nail polish. It could be awkward holding the small nail polish brush in your weaker hand, so experiment in finding a position that gives your support and comfort. Rest your elbow on a hard, flat surface to add stability to your hand while painting. Try to use your thumb and pointer finger to hold and grip the brush, using your middle finger for more support if need be. You want to hold the brush firmly but lightly, so your hand doesn’t shake with the pressure from your fingers. Place the brush in the center of your nail a few millimeters away from your cuticle. Touch the brush onto the nail, and push the brush up to meet the cuticle. Then pull the brush downward to the end of your nail, coating the entire middle section of your nail with polish. Repeat this process by adding a strip of nail polish on either side of the initial middle strip, to coat the entire nail in polish. Each side stroke will start where the first stroke did (in the middle of the nail), but they will follow the natural curve of the cuticle and sides of the nail. Repeat this painting process with the rest of your nails. Rather than moving your painting hand (your less coordinated, non-dominant hand) to paint your nails, let your painted hand (your more controlled, dominant hand) do the moving. Try rotating your dominant hand, and tilting your fingers their side to reach all surfaces of the nail with polish. This allows for more control, and less movement with your weaker hand. All your coats of polish (but especially the first coat) should be thin coats. You can increase the opacity of your nail polish with more coats of polish later on. If you have applied too much polish to your nail, tap the tip of the brush on the inside neck of the nail polish bottle to the remove excess polish on the brush. Then try to spread out the rest of the polish that’s already on your nail. Instead of maneuvering your weaker hand to paint your nails, keep your weaker hand still in one, steady position, holding the brush, and pull your nail underneath the brush to cover it with paint. Have your weak hand resting on a hard surface (like a table) as you hold it still, and paint the your nails by dragging them underneath the brush. This method requires no movement from your weaker hand, while your dominant hand does all the controlled movement. Allow your thumb nails to remain free from any nail polish until the rest of your nails are painted. Your thumb nails can be used to help clean up the rest of your nail edges by swiping and scraping along the sides of your cuticles and nail beds, precisely removing any excess polish. If you have wide thumbs, you may need to add more paint to the brush while painting, in order to coat the entire nail. Remember, you want thin coats of polish, so even if you have to dip the brush into the nail polish again, only add a little bit of polish. A top coat seals your polish, and gives a shiny smooth finish. You only need to do one top coat layer, but make it a good one by covering all areas of your nail, including the sides. To help your polish last longer, try swiping the top coat over the front tip of you nail. This helps prevent the tips of your nail from chipping. Again, just the like the base coat, the top coat clear in color. Any mistakes you make painting the top coat with your weaker hand, are less visible. Summary:
Try using a forgiving polish. Create a polish barrier for your dominant hand nails. Minimize the amount of nail polish on the brush. Find a comfortable position for your non-dominant hand. Paint your nail in sections. Try painting your nails by dragging your dominant hand. Paint your thumb nails last. Apply the top coat.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Summarize the following: Read over your paper and look for any statements that seem long-winded or unclear. Break apart long sentences or statements into multiple sentences. Then, clarify your ideas in each sentence to help increase your word count. Add follow up statements so your ideas are specific and well rounded in the paper. For example, you may use clarifying phrases like, “In other words…” or “As noted in my previous paragraph…”. One spot in your paper where you can increase word count is your introduction and your conclusion. Read over your introduction and consider if you can add one to two more sentences to make it sound more detailed and well-rounded. Check your conclusion for any spots where an extra sentence might be needed, such as a short, powerful final sentence at the end of your conclusion to wrap up the essay. For example, you may notice that there is a long sentence in your introduction that could be broken up and then elaborated on further. Or maybe there is an image from the text that you want to describe in a bit more detail in your conclusion to wrap up the paper. Another way you can increase word count is to expand on any quotes or references you already have in your paper. Look over the quotes you have already included in the paper. Consider if you can add more of the quote or other quotes from the text to support your idea. For example, if you have a short quote from a section of the text, add another quote that relates to it so you can flesh out your ideas more in your paper. You can also substitute your existing quotes for quotes that are longer or more relevant to your ideas. This can make your paper stronger and help you increase the word count. Summary:
Clarify your statements. Rework your introduction and conclusion. Expand on your existing quotes.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Summarize this article: Extroverts like to go places, meet people, and generally be out and about in the world. You’re not going to attract an extrovert by sitting at home. If you want to attract and date an extrovert you’re going to have to get off the couch and go socialize, too. Attend parties and other events that your extrovert might be interested in. Even if you don’t see them there, you’ll have something to talk about when you do get together. For example, if you hear that your extrovert is attending a mutual friend’s birthday party, you could, too. Extroverts are active on social media because it allows them to share their life and keep up with what’s going on with their friends. There are lots of ways you can use social networking to attract your extrovert. Social media can help you learn more about your extrovert. For example, their posts and check-ins can give you clues as to where they like to hang out. Your profile and the things you post are a way to let your extrovert get to know a little about before you actually meet. Tag your extrovert in a post or two. They might like the recognition and attention. This gives your extrovert the chance to get to know you and all the great qualities about you. Don’t try to act like someone you aren’t to date an extrovert. They will find out and won’t like that you’re being fake. Attract them by being yourself. If you need to, make a list of your qualities. Be sure to list personality traits, hobbies and interests, and skills you have. You list might include qualities such as: hardworking, great cook, creative, attractive, organized, good at lacrosse, etc. Remind yourself of all your great qualities and just act like yourself when you are around your extrovert. For example, say to yourself, “I’m charming and friendly. I can just be myself right now.” Acting confident around your extrovert will help attract them to you because it will make you more noticeable and more memorable. You don’t need to be over-the-top or change who you are, but showing a bit of confidence will help you date an extrovert. Hold your head up, relax your shoulders, and stand up straight. Look around you and look people in the eyes instead of looking at the ground when you are in public. Smile and greet people in a clear and calm voice. For example, when you see your extrovert, stand up a little straighter and hold you head up. Look him in the eyes and in a clear voice say, “Hi! How’re you doing?” Extroverts like to meet new people and are known for being talkative and asking questions. Starting a conversation will help you attract and date an extrovert. It will also give you the opportunity to get to know one another. For example, if you see your extrovert at the local café, go up to them and ask them how their day is going. You might say, “Hey! How’s your day going so far?” Start a conversation about current issues or things going on in the community. For instance, you could try, “What do you think about the presidential debates?” Use the conversation as an opportunity to get their contact information if you don’t have it. You might say something like, “I know you have places to go. What’s a good way for me to get in contact with you later?” Summary:
Get out and socialize. Use social networking. Be yourself. Show your confidence. Start a conversation.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Summarize this article in one sentence. The steps to obtain a vendor's license vary widely, depending on the type of things you want to sell and the place in which you want to sell it. Visit the revenue agency and the county clerk's office to find out what you need to do to sell things on the street. In general, though, a street vendor needs to obtain: A sales tax permit from the revenue agency of your state {"smallUrl":"https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/f\/f7\/Become-a-Vendor-Step-1Bullet1.jpg\/v4-460px-Become-a-Vendor-Step-1Bullet1.jpg","bigUrl":"\/images\/thumb\/f\/f7\/Become-a-Vendor-Step-1Bullet1.jpg\/aid3122461-v4-728px-Become-a-Vendor-Step-1Bullet1.jpg","smallWidth":460,"smallHeight":345,"bigWidth":"728","bigHeight":"546","licensing":"<div class=\"mw-parser-output\"><p>License: <a rel=\"nofollow\" class=\"external text\" href=\"https:\/\/\/licenses\/by-nc-sa\/3.0\/\">Creative Commons<\/a><br>\n<\/p><p><br \/>\n<\/p><\/div>"} A tax certificate {"smallUrl":"https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/8\/8d\/Become-a-Vendor-Step-1Bullet2.jpg\/v4-460px-Become-a-Vendor-Step-1Bullet2.jpg","bigUrl":"\/images\/thumb\/8\/8d\/Become-a-Vendor-Step-1Bullet2.jpg\/aid3122461-v4-728px-Become-a-Vendor-Step-1Bullet2.jpg","smallWidth":460,"smallHeight":345,"bigWidth":"728","bigHeight":"546","licensing":"<div class=\"mw-parser-output\"><p>License: <a rel=\"nofollow\" class=\"external text\" href=\"https:\/\/\/licenses\/by-nc-sa\/3.0\/\">Creative Commons<\/a><br>\n<\/p><p><br \/>\n<\/p><\/div>"} A business license from the county clerk's office {"smallUrl":"https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/0\/09\/Become-a-Vendor-Step-1Bullet3.jpg\/v4-460px-Become-a-Vendor-Step-1Bullet3.jpg","bigUrl":"\/images\/thumb\/0\/09\/Become-a-Vendor-Step-1Bullet3.jpg\/aid3122461-v4-728px-Become-a-Vendor-Step-1Bullet3.jpg","smallWidth":460,"smallHeight":345,"bigWidth":"728","bigHeight":"546","licensing":"<div class=\"mw-parser-output\"><p>License: <a rel=\"nofollow\" class=\"external text\" href=\"https:\/\/\/licenses\/by-nc-sa\/3.0\/\">Creative Commons<\/a><br>\n<\/p><p><br \/>\n<\/p><\/div>"} A vendor or peddler's license {"smallUrl":"https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/e\/e7\/Become-a-Vendor-Step-1Bullet4.jpg\/v4-460px-Become-a-Vendor-Step-1Bullet4.jpg","bigUrl":"\/images\/thumb\/e\/e7\/Become-a-Vendor-Step-1Bullet4.jpg\/aid3122461-v4-728px-Become-a-Vendor-Step-1Bullet4.jpg","smallWidth":460,"smallHeight":345,"bigWidth":"728","bigHeight":"546","licensing":"<div class=\"mw-parser-output\"><p>License: <a rel=\"nofollow\" class=\"external text\" href=\"https:\/\/\/licenses\/by-nc-sa\/3.0\/\">Creative Commons<\/a><br>\n<\/p><p><br \/>\n<\/p><\/div>"} What do people want in your area? What do they need? Try to find a hole in the market that you're trying to crack into and fill that space. If you want to become a farmer's market vendor, what could your farmer's market use? If you want to sell things at concerts, what do concert-goers need? Try to avoid picking something very common to sell at a particular location. Being the new guy with the taco truck in a city loaded with taco trucks will be a tough challenge. Think of ways to make your product unique and sellable. If you've got a common product that you need to get rid of, think of how to spin it so it seems different from other varieties, even if it isn't particularly. Consider ways you may change your product so it stands distinct. If someone else sells artisanal jam at the farmer's market, what will make yours different? If you want to sell clothes off a blanket in the park, you're probably ready to go. But if you want to start a more complicated or professional vending service, you'll need to plan for a full day of working and how to easily bring everything that you'll need for the service. Will you need a cart? A truck? Bags in which to put your merchandise? What about a change box? Consider refrigeration and food-service guidelines if you're going to sell food. You'll need a food-handler's license if you want to sell anything edible. . What do you have that other vendors don't have? What makes you stand out from the crowd? If your taco cart was in line with fifty other taco carts, why should someone come to your place over the others? Give some thought to creating a brand for your vending service and making it stand out. Consider: The name of your service {"smallUrl":"https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/6\/62\/Become-a-Vendor-Step-4Bullet1.jpg\/v4-460px-Become-a-Vendor-Step-4Bullet1.jpg","bigUrl":"\/images\/thumb\/6\/62\/Become-a-Vendor-Step-4Bullet1.jpg\/aid3122461-v4-728px-Become-a-Vendor-Step-4Bullet1.jpg","smallWidth":460,"smallHeight":345,"bigWidth":"728","bigHeight":"546","licensing":"<div class=\"mw-parser-output\"><p>License: <a rel=\"nofollow\" class=\"external text\" href=\"https:\/\/\/licenses\/by-nc-sa\/3.0\/\">Creative Commons<\/a><br>\n<\/p><p><br \/>\n<\/p><\/div>"} The visual aesthetic of your space {"smallUrl":"https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/8\/83\/Become-a-Vendor-Step-4Bullet2.jpg\/v4-460px-Become-a-Vendor-Step-4Bullet2.jpg","bigUrl":"\/images\/thumb\/8\/83\/Become-a-Vendor-Step-4Bullet2.jpg\/aid3122461-v4-728px-Become-a-Vendor-Step-4Bullet2.jpg","smallWidth":460,"smallHeight":345,"bigWidth":"728","bigHeight":"546","licensing":"<div class=\"mw-parser-output\"><p>License: <a rel=\"nofollow\" class=\"external text\" href=\"https:\/\/\/licenses\/by-nc-sa\/3.0\/\">Creative Commons<\/a><br>\n<\/p><p><br \/>\n<\/p><\/div>"} Your unique take on the product or service {"smallUrl":"https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/8\/8a\/Become-a-Vendor-Step-4Bullet3.jpg\/v4-460px-Become-a-Vendor-Step-4Bullet3.jpg","bigUrl":"\/images\/thumb\/8\/8a\/Become-a-Vendor-Step-4Bullet3.jpg\/aid3122461-v4-728px-Become-a-Vendor-Step-4Bullet3.jpg","smallWidth":460,"smallHeight":345,"bigWidth":"728","bigHeight":"546","licensing":"<div class=\"mw-parser-output\"><p>License: <a rel=\"nofollow\" class=\"external text\" href=\"https:\/\/\/licenses\/by-nc-sa\/3.0\/\">Creative Commons<\/a><br>\n<\/p><p><br \/>\n<\/p><\/div>"} Your customers' desires {"smallUrl":"https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/1\/10\/Become-a-Vendor-Step-4Bullet4.jpg\/v4-460px-Become-a-Vendor-Step-4Bullet4.jpg","bigUrl":"\/images\/thumb\/1\/10\/Become-a-Vendor-Step-4Bullet4.jpg\/aid3122461-v4-728px-Become-a-Vendor-Step-4Bullet4.jpg","smallWidth":460,"smallHeight":345,"bigWidth":"728","bigHeight":"546","licensing":"<div class=\"mw-parser-output\"><p>License: <a rel=\"nofollow\" class=\"external text\" href=\"https:\/\/\/licenses\/by-nc-sa\/3.0\/\">Creative Commons<\/a><br>\n<\/p><p><br \/>\n<\/p><\/div>"} It may be that the farmer's market or other common street location isn't the best place to sell your wares. Explore other options to find a place you can reliably make money. Vendors are common mainstays at all kinds of other places, like: Corporate office parks Outside bars Outdoor concert venues Public parks Zoos Theme parks Festivals Busy street corners or intersections Downtown business districts Outside metro stations or subways Summary:
Get the proper vendor's license in your city. Develop a compelling product or service. Get the gear. Brand yourself and your product Find the appropriate avenue for your business.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
What is a one-sentence summary of the following article? When the student arrives, take a few moments to tell them what you’re going to cover. Make sure they don’t have homework to do or a quiz to prepare for that may be more pressing. Even though you took a great deal of time to prepare for the session, be flexible and accommodate your students whenever possible. An example may be saying something such as, “I remember you said you were having trouble with absolute value equations. I thought we could work a few of those together. Then, I’d like you to work a few independently.” If the student agrees, you can follow up with something like, “Before we get started, what specific questions about absolute value do you have?” You should also double check that there isn’t a more pressing topic they need to cover, “Is absolute value still a topic you’re concerned about now, or do you have upcoming assignment you want to look at first?” You may think you’re doing a great job of explaining everything but it’s important to periodically ensure your student is on the same page. Asking students if they have questions, and taking time to answer them seriously is important. Try not to get annoyed or frustrated, if it seems like you’ve answered the same questions for your student. Just encourage them to keep trying. They’ll get there. Establish early on that the student should stop you anytime they need to ask a question. Avoid saying things like, “Does that makes sense, or do you understand?” This may discourage students who want to impress you or those who don’t want to take more time with the subject by asking for more information. Instead, try something like, “Do you have questions?” Better yet, say, “What questions do you have?” This tells the student you expect them to have questions. Now that you’ve established the plan for the day, start by working through a problem together. You can do this a number of different ways, but the goal is to improve students’ confidence in their ability to do the problems, and find out where they will likely need your help. Try: Asking the student to tell you what needs to be done, and attempt the problem based on their instructions. Then, make corrections as needed. For instance, in the equation: 8|x + 7| + 4 = -6|x + 7| + 6, the first step should be getting the variables of |x + 7| on the same side of the equation. If the student starts out by saying you need to divide each of the variables by the multiplier, i.e. -6|x + 7|/-6, explain that the equation may be easier if you instead have both 8|x + 7| and -6|x + 7| on the same side of the equation. Walking the student through the problem. Let them do the actual figuring on paper or computers as this helps them remember, but tell them each step. In the sample problem above, you would give them the equation and say "The first step is to get both 8|x + 7| and -6|x + 7| on the same side of the equation. How would you do that?" Trading the problem back and forth. You start the student down the right track. Then, let them determine what they need to do next. Using the same absolute value equation above, you would get both 8|x + 7| and -6|x + 7| on the left side of the equation. Then, ask the student to complete the next step, getting the +4 and +6 on the same side of the equation by subtracting 4 from both sides. If they do this, you can move forward. If not, explain what they should have done, and continue to the next step. You can trade the problem back and forth in this manner, until it’s done. When you’re done working through one or more problems together, give the student one to work on independently. Let them take as much time as they need to find the solution. Try not to help them with the problem. Even if they get frustrated, just encourage them to keep going until they get an answer (it doesn’t have to be the right answer). Once the student solves their problem, review it with them. Let them know where they got off course, tell them what the correct method would have been, and make sure to ask them if they have questions for you. This allows them to build independence when it comes to solving problems while continuing to help them improve their algebra skills. Take the sample absolute value equation 8|x + 7| +4 = -6|x + 7| + 6. If the student begins the problem by dividing each side by -6 rather than adding 6|x + 7| to each side, they end up with a very different result (x = -6 or -15/2 rather than the correct x = -7 or -50/7), but they can achieve an answer. Let the student solve the problem. Then, walk them back through the equation the correct way. After your student has completed the problem and you’ve reviewed and corrected it, have them start over from the beginning and walk you through how to solve the problem. This gives them the opportunity to rehash what they just learned from a different perspective. If they can accurately explain how to complete the process, they are more likely to retain the information. Have your student work problems until they can solve two or more in a row without error. When they reach this point, you can move on to something new, if you still have time. Otherwise, ask them if they have any questions, and begin planning for your next session. They might hate their homework, but you really want to make sure they understand the material. If they have an assignment in their class that’s covering the same subject, this may be adequate, so make sure you ask them what their homework is for class. Inform the parent/guardian about their assignment too. If their parents know they have homework from you, they may be more likely to get the work done. Even if the students have a great deal of homework, assign them two or three extra equations. Ask the student to text or email you a photo of their completed equations as they finish. You can then send feedback letting them know whether or not they’ve gotten the correct answer or need to make another attempt. Before the student leaves, schedule your upcoming study time. Ask if there are any tests or assignments coming up that they would like to focus on. If the student pays you directly, you can also obtain payment at this time. Summary:
Walk students through your lesson plan. Encourage questions. Work through a problem together. Let your student attempt a problem. Guide them through corrections. Ask the student to walk you through the problem. Repeat as needed. Assign homework. Plan your next session.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
In one sentence, describe what the following article is about: Relationships can be fun and exciting early on, yet it important to make sure that you and your partner are rooted in respect. Act in ways that demand respect from your partner. Strive to treat each other with respect at all times, even when you are mad at each other. Your partner’s wishes, thoughts, and feelings have value. Communicate to your partner that you consider the way they feel. Mutual respect is an important part of making a healthy relationship work. Talk to your partner about creating respect in your relationship. Decide “do’s” and “don’ts,” such as name calling or sexual touch. You may wish to implement "fair fighting" rules. They are as follows: No degrading language No blaming No yelling No use of force No talk of divorce/breaking up Don't try to tell your partner what they are thinking/experiencing/feeling Stay in the present Take turns speaking Use time outs when necessary A healthy relationship should be one in which you and your partner feel appreciated. Often, relationships are built from many small things added one on top of the other. Find the things your partner does for you and say “thank you.” Instead of focusing on mistakes your partner makes, focus on the ways your partner adds to your life. When you notice something, speak out and show your appreciation. Ask your partner how they like to feel appreciated. Write a note or a card, or make an effort to say “thank you” often. Let your partner know how you like to be appreciated. Say, “It means a lot to me when you notice the things I do for you.” It’s easy to transition from face-to-face time together to digital communication. Yet, sometimes meanings can get lost in translation or non-verbal communication becomes non-existent. Spending quality time together can help strengthen your relationship and increase the bond you and your partner feel together. Find activities that you can do together regularly. It can be as simple as enjoying a cup of coffee together each morning or reading together at night. Trying something new together can be a fun and exciting way to spend time together. You don’t have to do anything crazy — even going out to dinner at a new restaurant or trying a new cuisine can be a fun experience. No one person can fulfill everything and every role for another person. Let your partner have time with friends and family and engage in hobbies. It’s important for each person to have their own friends and activities that are enjoyed on their own. While you may want to spend every moment together during the beginning of the relationship, respect each other enough to spend time apart and know that time spent apart doesn’t mean anything negative for the relationship. Support your partner in maintaining friendships. Avoid giving up your friends or pressuring your partner to give up friends. It’s important to have friends and the emotional support they provide. Likewise, don’t allow your partner to dictate whether or not you can see your family. Know that your relationship will likely change. Allow growth for yourself, your partner, and for the relationship itself. Recognize that changes in your relationship are opportunities for new growth. Change is inevitable, so welcome changes and accept that the relationship will adapt. When changes happen, take a deep breath and deal with them one by one. Summary:
Create a foundation of respect. Appreciate each other. Spend quality time together. Give each other space. Expect changes.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Article: Place a cone 20-30 feet in front of where the ball is placed. Use this as a guide to practice curving the ball around the cone. Place the cone directly in front of your kicking path. Aim the ball to the side of the cone. Try to get the ball to curve back around the cone after passing it. As you strike the ball aim for a spot that is near the bottom of the ball to provide lift. Depending on which side of the ball you kick, you will get different directions of spin, and consequently, different directions of curve. Clockwise spin, from a kick to the left side of the ball, will create a curve to the right. Counter-clockwise spin, from a kick to the right side of the ball, will curve the ball to the left. As you move your leg forward and strike the ball, add extra spin by pushing the ball around with your foot. While your foot is in contact with the ball bring your leg across your body to give the ball extra spin. There are many times when curving a soccer ball can be useful during a game. Try kicking the ball with spin from various field positions to practice for game time: Corner Kicks Free Kicks Penalty Kicks What is a summary?
Set up a target to curve the ball around. Kick the ball low and off to one side. Swing your leg around as your kick. Attempt kicks from various field positions.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Article: Before you do anything to your tank, you must unplug the heater and turn off the filter and pump. Don't worry, the cleaning process is quick, so your fish will be fine. Do not remove your fish, decorations, or plants from the tank. There are two tools aquarium hobbyists will use for cleaning their gravel. Aquarium siphons usually have a thick, plastic tube or "siphon" with a thin, flexible, tube attached to one end. Some of these may have a priming ball attached to one end. Plastic, flexible tubes can also be used to clean gravel. These are ideal for smaller tanks. The bucket must be beneath the water level. It will catch the old water. Slowly lower the entire siphon into the tank so that all of the air gets out of the tube. Cover the end of the tube with your thumb and take it out of the tank; keep the other, open, end submerged. Place the covered end in a bucket. If you release your thumb, the water will begin to flow; if you cover the end again with your thumb, the water will stop. Some aquarium vacuums come with a rubber ball attached to the end of the siphon. Stick the end of the siphon into the aquarium and lower the end of the tube into a bucket. Plug the end of the tube with your finger, and squeeze on the priming ball. Slowly let go of the ball, but keep the end of the tube plugged. Water will begin to fill the siphon, sort of like an eyedropper or turkey baster. When you unplug the end of the tube, water will start to flow into the bucket. These types of gravel vacuums are different from all others. They do not require a bucket. Instead, they need to be hooked up to a water faucet. Simply plug the end of the Python vacuum to your water faucet and place the entire vacuum into the aquarium. When you turn the faucet on, the vacuum will begin to siphon. What is a summary of what this article is about?
Unplug the heater, filter, and pump. Get out your aquarium vacuum. Place a bucket below the aquarium. Start the vacuum by submerging it. Start the vacuum with a priming ball. Know how to start up a Python, and other similar types of vacuums, if you are using one.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Write an article based on this summary: Open Click under the "Assets" heading. Open the "" file in your Downloads folder. Double-click the Mousecape app. Click the File tab on the menu bar. Click New Cape on the "File" menu. Right-click the new "Unnamed" entry in Mousecape. Click Edit on the right-click menu. Article:
Type or paste this link into your browser's address bar, and press ⏎ Return to open the Mousecape page on GitHub. Mousecape is a free, open-source app for Mac OS computers to use custom cursor designs. This link will open the latest version of Mousecape available (0.0.6b2). You can always check the page to see if a newer version comes out. You can find it at the bottom. This will download the Mousecape app to your computer in a compressed ZIP file. If you don't see anything under "Assets", click the {"smallUrl":"https:\/\/\/images\/4\/4e\/Android7dropright.png","bigUrl":"\/images\/thumb\/4\/4e\/Android7dropright.png\/30px-Android7dropright.png","smallWidth":460,"smallHeight":460,"bigWidth":"30","bigHeight":"30","licensing":"<div class=\"mw-parser-output\"><p>I edited this screenshot of an Android icon.\n<\/p><p>License: <a rel=\"nofollow\" class=\"external text\" href=\"http:\/\/\/wiki\/Fair_use\">Fair Use<\/a><br>\n<\/p><\/div>"} drop-down icon to expand the "Assets" list. This will extract the Mousecape app to your computer. After extracting the downloaded ZIP file, open the Mousecape app to use it on your Mac. After opening the Mousecape app, click this button on the menu bar in the upper-left corner of your screen. This will create a new "Unnamed" entry in the Mousecape window. This will open your right-click options. This will open the new entry's properties in a dialogue box. This will open a new window to customize this new cursor cape. Make sure to check out the following methods in order to find out how to customize and use new cursors with Mousecape on Mac.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Write an article based on this "Download an iOS file manager on your computer. Connect your iPod to your computer. Select the "Quick Toolbox". Add files to be sent over. Find your photos on your iPod." Article:
The most popular iOS file manager is iFunBox. This program allows you to import photos directly to your iPod. You will need to have iTunes installed as well, but you don't need to set up any syncing relationships with it. iTunes just allows iFunBox to recognize your iPod. You should see it appear in the iFunBox window. If it does not appear, ensure that you have iTunes properly installed on your computer. In the "Import Files and Data" section, click "Photo Library". You can add photos by browsing your computer for folders and files, or you can drag and drop them into the iFunBox window. Pictures will be added to your iPod automatically as soon as you add them to iFunBox. Open the Photos app on your iPod. Your photos will appear in the Photo Library album.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
This method is more time-consuming than others, unless the LEGO only has minor dust and dirt. Use this for your favorite or most collectible LEGO, to keep them safe from accidental damage. Set aside any pieces with stickers or printed patterns, as well as any multi-part units that are not meant to be separated, such as turntables. Scrub these with a dry towel, or remove serious grime using a new toothbrush. Delicate electrical parts can be cleaned using alcohol wipes instead. Detach all non-water-sensitive parts from each other, unless they are stuck. Make sure to pull apart multi-piece units such as tires. If you have a large collection, divide them into containers of about 200 or 300 each. Place the separated LEGO bricks in a container. Add lukewarm water and a little dish soap or other mild detergent. Agitate the bricks gently, stirring them around with your hand. Never use a cleaning product that contains bleach. Never use water above 104ºF (40ºC). If the bricks smell bad or if you would like to sanitize them, add white vinegar to the water. Use approximately ¼ to ½ as much vinegar as you did water. Leave them to soak for at least ten minutes, then check up on them. If the water is extremely murky, replace it with fresh soapy water and leave to soak for a full hour, or overnight if convenient. If there is still stuck-on grime, you may need to scrub it off using a new toothbrush, or a toothpick to reach crevices. Clear plastic pieces such as windshields are easily scratched. Rub them with your finger instead. Transfer the LEGO bricks to a strainer or colander and rinse them in cold water to remove the soap and loosened grime. Optionally, spin the bricks in a salad spinner to remove some of the water. Next, place the wet bricks in a single layer on a towel, right-side up so water drains from the underside. To speed up the drying process, leave a fan on blowing over the bricks. Do not use a hair dryer, which can damage the bricks. Summary:
Use this method to minimize damage. Scrub water-sensitive parts with a dry towel or toothbrush. Separate all remaining pieces. Agitate in soapy water. Add vinegar (optional). Let the pieces soak. Scrub the pieces if necessary. Rinse the pieces. Dry the bricks.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Summarize the following: For instance, in San Antonio, Texas, you might photograph the River Walk, the Alamo, and Texas Hill Country landscapes, because those are pictures that magazines might look for to fill up pages. Every piece of the photo is part of what you're trying to convey, so make sure each part says what you want it to say. For instance, if you're trying to show beauty in the midst of drudgery, a flower in a dirty old tire works well. However, if you're trying to catch a pristine photo of your nephew, you might want the dirty tire out of the frame. Taking photographs from interesting angles and distances can change how the viewer sees the subject. For instance, if you take an aerial shot of your yard from your roof, you might see patterns you didn't know were there. Always be safe when taking photographs. Call in extra help if you are climbing ladders. Alternatively, try taking a shot of something by getting up close and personal. Having the subject take up the whole frame can make the shot more interesting. That is, be on the same level as your subject. If you're photographing a child or a pet, get on your knees to get the best shot. Just like setting is a part of a story, light is an important aspect of any photo. Natural lighting can illuminate photos with a glow that surrounds subjects. However, even if you're in dark conditions, try using lamps and other light sources to create interesting shadows with your subject, such as lighting the subject from the side. If you're taking photos of people, making them laugh will create joyous expressions. When processing your photos, experiment with different filters to make the photo more interesting. However, always be sure to save a copy of the original, so that you can go back to it if you want, especially if a magazine is more interested in a plainer style. Take a little time everyday to go shoot. Walk around your neighborhood, go to the park, or visit a local bar. Always be on the lookout for interesting shots. Remember to ask permission before taking shots in businesses or of people you don't know. That is, don't stop to fiddle with your camera or to look at every shot. Just keep taking photos from different angles so you stay in the moment. Summary:
Focus on the most interesting landscapes and landmarks in your area. Pay attention to the small things. Choose a different perspective. Look your subject in the eye. Make light part of the subject. Make them laugh. Try filters. Practice your shooting. Keep shooting.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Summarize this article: Make a monthly newsletter that tells potential customers something that they may want to share on social media or with their friends. Include social media links and a “Forward to a Friend” button on your HTML email program, such as Mail Chimp. Try a tutorial, expert tips or industry trend information. Ask experts in your company to craft these emails. The best way to increase an email list is to create quality content that is only accessible by people who have an account. The customer will give you their email in exchange for free, valuable content. Create a landing page on which you can capture users and sign up new accounts. Once the account is created, the landing page should lead to the content. You may need to enlist the services of a web programmer to do this. Valuable website content may be in the form of an eBook, video, tutorial, free template or free download. Announce the free content offer on social media sites, your website, monthly emails, in print ads and in Google ads or other links. Start a Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and/or Instagram account. Share your valuable content and lead people to the landing page on your website. Your email program may provide you with a coded button that will allow people to enter their emails to sign up for your list. If you are sending out valuable content, new people will want to join your list. Create a landing page where people can enter the contest by providing their email. Make sure you have a valuable prize and that you follow contest legal guidelines that are dictated by state commerce agencies. You must keep a schedule of sending valuable information to your email list in order to keep the list growing. Once you are set up to capture emails through your website, social media accounts and email management program, you can move on to more advanced list-building strategies. Summary:
Create valuable email content. Create valuable website content. Use social media to share the valuable content. Post a “Join our Mailing List” box on your homepage and email signatures. Host a contest. Remain consistent.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Summarize this article in one sentence. Depending upon your situation, the tightness of your pants may be making your erection worse. Try discreetly loosening your pants. Sit down behind a table or desk and unbuckle your belt. If needed, unbutton and partially unzip your pants to give your erection more "breathing room" with less pressure. Be conscious of where you are. Don't be obvious. You don't want to be mistaken for some sort of pervert. If you have a bit of privacy, applying a cold pack to your crotch (outside your clothing) can soothe discomfort and encourage your erection to dissipate as well. If you've ever been in a cold swimming pool or outside on a cold day in shorts, you know that the penis and testes tend to retract towards the warmth of your body. While taking a cold shower is often considered the way to "cool off" raging sexual desires, a warm bath can actually provide a soothing, comfortable environment that may bring your erection to a faster conclusion. Light exercise, like walking on a treadmill or simple aerobics, can also help provide distraction and a shift in blood distribution. These alternatives are often used as initial efforts to end a possible case of priapism, in which the pooled blood becomes trapped in the shaft of the penis. If you have an erection that lasts for more than four hours for any reason, seek medical attention immediately. If not treated quickly, priapism can lead to permanent damage, including but not limited to erectile dysfunction. This may not be easy to do with an erection, but urinating can sometimes make an erection go away. Urination causes pleasant, relaxing feelings in your groin, which can make an erection feel less "tight" or "urgent." Waking up in the morning with an erection is common for men of all ages. It can occur with or without the prompting of sexually-arousing dreams. Despite the degree of difficulty in hitting your target while you have an erection, urinating can often help bring it to a conclusion quickly. When it comes down to it, the most effective way to end an erection is to bring it to its natural conclusion. Barring a medical condition, ejaculation almost invariably causes an erection to end. Discreetly excuse yourself from the situation and find a private area: a bathroom, a bedroom, or anywhere else you feel sure that you won't disturb anyone. Do your business, clean up, and return to the situation relieved and ready to go. Avoid masturbating in public. If you do find yourself in a public place with an erection, find somewhere relatively private to do your thing. A lockable bathroom stall will do in a pinch, as long as you aren't loud or obvious about what you're doing. Public masturbation is illegal in many places, and you might disturb people if you aren't careful. Summary:
Relieve your discomfort. Try a warm bath or light exercise. Urinate. Masturbate.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
What is a one-sentence summary of the following article? You’ll need to think carefully about what your planting conditions are like when selecting which purple flowers to grow. Think about the type of soil you have, the average temperatures your area experiences, and what you want to get out of your flowers. The following steps list out some common purple flowers that are grown in rows. For stunning, long lasting flowers and a heavenly scent, lavender makes an excellent choice for mass planting. In the fields of France’s Provence region you’ll see fields of them growing in neat clumps. You’ll need a Mediterranean type climate for lavender to really thrive but the plants will grow in US zones 5 through 9, which means that they can survive temperatures that drop down to -20 degrees Fahrenheit (-28.9 degrees Celsius). If you are in zone 5, try the hardy variety Lavendula angustifolia (English lavender). Lavender requires really well-drained soil such as chalk or sand; avoid growing in clay or poorly drained soil. If you are keen to get oil from your lavender, Lavandula x intermedia yields well. Lavandula stoechas is a good choice if you are in zone 7 or warmer. Zone 7 means that temperatures do not drop below 0 degrees Fahrenheit (-17.8 degrees Celsius). Irises are easy to grow from bulbs in zones 4 through 9, which means that they can handle temperatures that drop down to -30 degrees Fahrenheit (-34.4 degrees Celsius). They are also drought resistant. These flowers will make a good choice in an area with lots of deer, as deer generally avoid eating irises. If you grow bearded iris you may get a second flowering period later in the season. You’ll see the foliage year-round but it can look a bit messy. These plants will need dividing every few years. If it’s early color you want in your field, rows of tulips or hyacinth are ideal. These will return year after year and require little attention. They do, however, need a well-drained soil and possibly a protective mulch to help shelter the bulbs over winter. Keep in mind that if you grow these flowers, you’ll have a bare field for much of the year unless you plant another crop above them. A field of sweet peas is a joy to behold and the scent is divine. Sweet peas are usually annuals but there are perennial varieties. Lord Anson's Pea is a purple perennial. Most varieties will require support and you may need to help train them up their stakes. Sweet peas are great for taking cut flowers as the more you cut the flowers, the more they produce. The plants will look very messy by late summer and need clearing away after blooming. The field will then be bare for the rest of the year unless you plant another crop. Before you plant an entire field of one variety of plant, it’s an excellent idea to test out your local conditions by planting ‘pilot’ plants of the same variety. This means planting a small number of the plant you intend to grow and seeing how they thrive in your conditions. For example, if you plan to grow a field of lavender, try growing three plants of the variety you are considering. You might also grow two substitute varieties (or a different plant species altogether) just in case your first choice doesn’t thrive quite as you wished. Summary:
Understand that you will have to consider the quality of your land when picking out flowers to grow. Consider growing lavender. Take irises into consideration. Think about growing tulips or hyacinths. Grow sweet pea if you would like a sweet-smelling field. Test out the flower you plan to plant in your field.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
In one sentence, describe what the following article is about: Dandruff, clinically referred to as seborrheic dermatitis, often presents in a yellowish-whitish color. Therefore, try examining the patches on your head. If it's more silvery white, it's likely psoriasis. If it's more yellowish, it's more likely dandruff. Psoriasis often presents as fairly powdery or dry, so check the patches on your head for greasiness. If it seems greasy, it's more likely dandruff than psoriasis. You may even be able to tell just from looking at it whether it seems greasy or dry. Dandruff usually stays just on the scalp rather than moving past the hairline. Therefore, if you notice patches that move past the hairline, that's more likely to be psoriasis than dandruff. If it stays just on your head, it could still be either psoriasis or dandruff. . Ringworm may be mistaken for psoriasis or dandruff as well. Ringworm causes bald patches on your head that are itchy and scaly, which may seem like a dandruff problem or psoriasis. However, ringworm is a fungal infection, which requires treatment with antifungal medications. See your doctor to be sure about what is causing the flaking on your head. Summary:
Look for a yellowish color for dandruff. See if it's greasy or dry. Notice where your patches end. Check to see if it might be ringworm
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Article: You can completely submerge yourself in any body of water that is higher than you are tall, or that will cover your head when sitting (or even lying down, such as in a wading pool). The most important factor to consider for picking a spot is to observe your surroundings. Always approach holding your breath underwater with caution, especially in a crowded public pool where people are engaged in many different activities and not paying attention to others. If you want to sink to the bottom of a pool, you may think choosing a spot near the wall is safest. But, remember that people will be entering the water around all edges of a pool. It may be better to find a relatively isolated place, away from where people may be entering the water and away from large groups. Also, keep your distance from the pool drain, which can exert hundreds of pounds of suction and can cause injury and death.Have a friend keep an eye out for you while you’re below the surface. If you’re swimming underwater, keep an eye out for traffic and remember that other swimmers will not necessarily be looking out for you. Ideally you can chart a clear path ahead of you to the other side, one that will stay clear until you get there. If you're in the shallow side of the pool, you will likely be standing. If you're in a part of the pool where the water is higher than you are tall, your body will assume a vertical position with ease as, generally, your lower body will be heavier than your upper body. Do not hyperventilate. Taking several fast breaths in a row before submerging yourself is known as DUBB, "dangerous underwater breath-holding behaviors" and can cause hypoxic blackout, which can lead to brain damage, fainting, and death. Pull your knees in and hold them close to your chest by wrapping your arms around them. This tucked position changes the amount of space you're taking up in the water and will allow you to fall deeper into the water and to more easily remain underwater. Objects, and bodies, sink in water if they have a higher density than the body of water. An object's density depends on its mass and volume--the amount of space it takes up. As such, taking up less space in the water will help you sink. Release air bubbles slowly through your nose. You can let them out of your mouth as well and they can be bigger, but you'll sink faster. You may also do both and let out small bits of air, puffing your cheeks between blowing air out. Let your head and body sink into the water. When your feet hit the bottom of the pool, sit in a comfortable position, such as cross-legged or holding on to your knees in front of you. When you’re ready or running out of breath, look up to make sure nothing and no one is in your way to the pool’s surface. Whether seated or standing, press firmly into your feet and stretch your arms skyward to shoot or swim upwards. What is a summary?
Choose a spot in the water to sink. Take a vertical position in the water with your feet pointing down. Take some slow, deep breaths to fill your lungs with oxygen. Get into a tucked position. Sink. Return to the surface.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Article: Modern saints in Roman Catholicism are all Catholic themselves, so if you have not yet been baptized and confirmed into the church, get on that right away. If you have been living a life of sin so far, don't worry: many saints were sinners who underwent radical, life-changes when they joined the church. It's tricky, but you can still make sainthood if you have a miraculous conversion and then turn away from your debasements to take up a life of virtue. There are lots of different ways to do this, from comforting the sick and dying to spreading the word of God, from fighting against poverty and oppression to devoting your life to scholarly study. Whatever you do, it has to be virtuous, selfless and memorable. Don't try explicitly to become a saint—just focus on being the best, most compassionate Christian you can be. Be humble and work to serve God and make a positive difference in the lives of others. Joining the church as a priest or nun is a good start, but not required. The Vatican works hard to identify laypeople who are candidates for sainthood. Think big! Some saints are honored for extraordinary service to a small group of people or local community, but your exemplary life is more likely to be recognized if you have a bigger, more globally noticeable impact. Miracles are extraordinary events not normally attainable through human works, and thus attributed to the intervention of a divine and supernatural power. Unexplainable healing of the incurably sick, wounded or dying is a classic, as is interceding to miraculously stop or rescue people from an impending disaster. Really, however, a miracle can be any inexplicable but benevolent phenomenon you can conjure up. Just remember, you aren't really performing these miracles: God is performing them through you. You don't technically have to perform these miracles while alive—you could intercede from heaven to make your miracles happen instead. However it isn't as guaranteed that you will be recognized for the miracles you perform after your death, so it doesn't hurt to get this requirement out of the way as soon as possible. No getting around this one: sainthood is a posthumous title. In fact, the canonization process only begins minimum of five years after the subject's death. If possible, try to be martyred for your faith. This happens less and less these days, but being killed because you refused to renounce your (Catholic) religious beliefs is sure to get you and your sainthood case noticed. What is a summary of what this article is about?
Become Catholic. Live an exemplary and pious life. Perform at least two miracles. Die.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Write an article based on this summary: Understand the conversion for fresh thyme to dried thyme. Read your recipe to determine how to prepare the fresh thyme. Put fresh thyme cuttings in a glass of water to preserve them. Select a dark glass bottle of dried thyme. Store dried thyme away from heat, moisture, and sunlight. Article:
If a recipe calls for fresh thyme and you only have dried, or vice versa, don’t worry. You can substitute either kind of thyme for the other quite simply. Six fresh thyme sprigs are equivalent to 3/4 teaspoon (3.75 g) of dried thyme. If your recipe calls for thyme sprigs, your washed thyme is ready to use. If the recipe calls for thyme leaves, run your pinched fingers down the stem to strip the leaves, while holding one end in the opposite hand. If the recipe calls for chopped fresh thyme, place the leafy stems on a clean cutting board and chop them into bits with a sharp knife. Remove and discard any large, woody pieces of stem. Cut the stems on the diagonal, then slip the thyme ends into a water glass, as you would flowers in a vase, until you are ready to use it. Place the glass in the refrigerator and change the water every other day. Thyme can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a week. Alternatively, you can wrap fresh thyme in a damp paper towel and store it in the refrigerator. Herbs and spices stored in glass or metal are better preserved than those stored in plastic. However, a glass bottle won’t affect the flavor of the herb, while plastic and metal can. A dark glass bottle is better than a clear glass bottle, which doesn’t protect the herbs from sunlight as well. Keep thyme in a cool, dark area such as in a corner cabinet in your kitchen. Though many people store herbs and spices in the cabinet above their stove, this isn’t ideal. They also shouldn’t sit out on the counter, or be stored in the fridge. Moisture, temperature changes, and direct sunlight can all shorten the lifespan of dried herbs.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Write an article based on this "Bring a cell phone from the U.S. Buy a mobile phone in the UK. Call from a landline." Article:
If you are from the United States and traveling in the United Kingdom, bring along an unlocked phone that allows SIM cards to be inputted from other providers. A SIM card is a small information chip that you can purchase from a mobile provider while abroad. Ensure that the cell phone you want to bring to the UK is a GSM phone (global cellular technology used by most of the world) and it’s unlocked, meaning that it doesn't have a restriction on being used with other providers. AT&T and T-Mobile carry GSM phones which are typically unlocked. Look for a UK mobile provider that carries a SIM card that will fit in your phone. Most mobile phones have a standard SIM card size, but iPhones and other newer smartphones use special micro or nano SIM card sizes. You can set up an international calling plan through your current U.S. phone carrier, but note that these plans are typically very expensive. Whether you choose an international call plan or the SIM card route, make sure to call your U.S. provider to change or suspend your service and ask any questions you may have before traveling to the UK. Choose to buy a mobile phone in the UK if you can’t or don’t want to bring your own from the U.S., as it is frequently simpler and cheaper. Buy an inexpensive phone for a short stay in the UK, and purchase a pay-as-you-go SIM card plan to make international calls. Check the pricing on the plan to make sure you know what the rates are for international calls. Check the data usage rates on a smartphone if you plan to use it for internet calling apps. Most pay-as-you-go SIM card plans for mobile phones in the UK come with a small amount of prepaid minutes for calls, and then you can “top up” with more minutes over the phone or at a kiosk for the network provider. The major mobile phone networks in the UK are Vodafone, T-Mobile, Virgin Mobile, O2, and Orange. Shops like Car Phone Warehouse and Phones4U sell inexpensive phones from several different networks. Call the U.S. from a UK landline phone if you wish. Check with the landline service provider to find out the rates for international calls, or purchase a calling card to lower the rates for calls to the U.S. Purchase an international calling card from grocery stores, post offices, or phone shops in the UK to reduce the cost of frequent international calls. Generic international calling cards can usually be used with either landlines or mobile phones. To use an international calling card, you typically will dial an access number found on the back of the card, then a unique PIN number, and finally the phone number you wish to dial.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
If you are short, you might find standard cuts of clothing do not fit you as well as they should. Try shopping in the petite section of your favorite online or brick and mortar store. Seek out stores and brands that specialize in clothing for shorter men and women. These cuts will likely fit you better than clothing manufactured for people who are not short. Taking a friend along on a shopping excursion means you’ll have an extra pair of eyes when deciding if a particular outfit or pair of shoes is a good fit for your short physique. Try asking a short friend whose style you admire to join you on your next shopping trip. High-waisted bottoms can add the illusion of height. You can opt for pants with a high waist. Or if skirts are your thing, try complementing your short figure with a high-waisted skirt. An outfit that incorporates vertical stripes can flatter a shorter figure. Horizontal stripes, on the other hand, can make a small figure appear wider than it is. Try wearing pants, dresses, or skirts with vertical lines. Sometimes shopping in the petite section is not an option. Other times you find a sport jacket or suit that is perfect for you, but whose sleeves or hems might need to be shortened. A tailor can take these new purchases and mold them to your short stature, making you look and feel fabulous. Summary:
Try the petite section. Take a friend along. Try high-waisted bottoms. Go for vertical instead of horizontal stripes. Call the tailor after a shopping session.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Summarize the following: To convert a decimal to a fraction, consider place value. The denominator of the fraction will be the place value. The digits of the decimal will equal the numerator. For example, for the exponential expression 810.75{\displaystyle 81^{0.75}}, you need to convert 0.75{\displaystyle 0.75} to a fraction. Since the decimal goes to the hundredths place, the corresponding fraction is 75100{\displaystyle {\frac {75}{100}}}. Since you will be taking a root corresponding to the denominator of the exponent’s fraction, you want the denominator to be as small as possible. Do this by simplifying the fraction. If your fraction is a mixed number (that is, if your exponent was a decimal greater than 1), rewrite it as an improper fraction. For example, the fraction 75100{\displaystyle {\frac {75}{100}}} reduces to 34{\displaystyle {\frac {3}{4}}}, So, 810.75=8134{\displaystyle 81^{0.75}=81^{\frac {3}{4}}} To do this, turn the numerator into a whole number, and multiply it by the unit fraction. The unit fraction is the fraction with the same denominator, but with 1 as the numerator. For example, since 34=14×3{\displaystyle {\frac {3}{4}}={\frac {1}{4}}\times 3}, you can rewrite the exponential expression as 8114×3{\displaystyle 81^{{\frac {1}{4}}\times 3}}. Remember that multiplying two exponents is like taking the power of a power. So x1b×a{\displaystyle x^{\frac {1}{b}}\times a} becomes (x1b)a{\displaystyle (x^{\frac {1}{b}})^{a}}. For example, 8114×3=(8114)3{\displaystyle 81^{{\frac {1}{4}}\times 3}=(81^{\frac {1}{4}})^{3}}. Taking a number by a rational exponent is equal to taking the appropriate root of the number. So, rewrite the base and its first exponent as a radical expression. For example, since 8114=814{\displaystyle 81^{\frac {1}{4}}={\sqrt[{4}]{81}}}, you can rewrite the expression as (814)3{\displaystyle ({\sqrt[{4}]{81}})^{3}}. Remember that the index (the small number outside the radical sign) tells you which root you are looking for. If the numbers are cumbersome, the best way to do this is using the yx{\displaystyle {\sqrt[{x}]{y}}} feature on a scientific calculator. For example, to calculate 814{\displaystyle {\sqrt[{4}]{81}}}, you need to determine which number multiplied 4 times is equal to 81. Since 3×3×3×3=81{\displaystyle 3\times 3\times 3\times 3=81}, you know that 814=3{\displaystyle {\sqrt[{4}]{81}}=3}. So, the exponential expression now becomes 33{\displaystyle 3^{3}}. You should now have a whole number as an exponent, so calculating should be straightforward. You can always use a calculator if the numbers are too large. For example, 33=3×3×3=27{\displaystyle 3^{3}=3\times 3\times 3=27}. So, 810.75=27{\displaystyle 81^{0.75}=27}. Summary:
Convert the decimal to a fraction. Simplify the fraction, if possible. Rewrite the exponent as a multiplication expression. Rewrite the exponent as a power of a power. Rewrite the base as a radical expression. Calculate the radical expression. Calculate the remaining exponent.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Summarize this article: Establishing routines positively affects your child in a myriad of ways. Children like the familiarity and it builds trust and a feeling of safety. It also gives little ones the opportunity to learn to start processes on their own, which builds self-confidence and self-esteem while also reducing the time needed to put shoes on your one year old if you are ever in a hurry to get out the door. If you keep shoes near the door, for instance, your child will know that upon approaching the door it is time to sit on the steps (or floor) for “shoe time.” You can even explain why we need shoes as you put the shoes on you toddler. You can repeat a mantra, such as: first we put on the socks, then we put on the shoes, then we go play and have fun! Some children prefer to sit or stand while their shoes are put on while others prefer to be held. Depending on the preferences of your child, you should select a position that is both convenient for you and comfortable for your little one. If you prefer to hold your child, sit with your child facing away from you on your lap. Being so near the door may be too exciting for your toddler to sit still. If that is the case, try another neutral area that doesn’t contain their toys or other highly desired items that can cause angst. This can eliminate the headache of a toddler on the loose. The child is already strapped in. As a routine it also helps positively build your child’s emotional well-being while bringing you closer together. It can also be easier because your toddler will learn that to get out and having shoes on is a necessary first step. Summary:
Create an unremarkable routine. Experiment and find out how your child likes to put their shoes on. Consider the location where you put the shoes on. Put on shoes when your toddler is in the stroller or car.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Summarize this article in one sentence. Animal hair, dander, and other allergens gather and hide on soft surfaces and are more difficult to remove. Replace carpets with hard surface flooring such as wood, tile and linoleum where possible. Vacuum carpets at least once a day and steam clean them every other week if you cannot remove them, or keep your pets out of all carpeted rooms. Use throw rugs instead of carpet. Wool is the best choice for allergy sufferers. Limit your use of curtains and other window dressings. Cover windows with hard surface blinds or shutters instead. Cover soft-surface furniture with machine-washable covers, and mattresses and pillows with specially designed allergy covers. This is especially important for any furniture you allow your pet on. If your allergies are extreme, this cleaning may need be done by someone else. Vacuum all soft surfaces including rugs, furniture, throw pillows, drapes, etc. You may want to purchase a sealed filter allergy vacuum that filters and traps dust, dander and allergens. Use pet hair removal rollers in between vacuuming to keep surfaces hair-free. Both the disposable and the sticky washable type are available in many department and pet supply stores. Sweep or vacuum all hard surface floors, then wash with hot water and appropriate cleaners. Follow manufacturer washing instructions and use water as hot as the material can withstand. Keep your pets out of your bed. Summary:
Remove as many soft surfaces in your home as possible. Surface clean all rooms of your home that your pet uses daily. Wash throw rugs, curtains, furniture covers and other washable soft surfaces once a week. Limit your pet's access to your bedroom and other rooms in your house that you spend a lot of time in to decrease your exposure to the allergen.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
What is a one-sentence summary of the following article? Even for professionals, the type of clubs used matters. The type of clubs you choose depends on if you’re at a beginner, intermediate, or advanced level. A set of three woods and eight irons is sufficient if you’re a beginner. Most club sets will work for a beginner. Make sure the clubs fit your strength and posture. Once you reach the intermediate level, a good set of clubs are ones that have been fitted for you. Sometimes bigger clubs are better because it means greater inertia. You can use any type of ball, but some balls are better than others. You want a ball that will go the farthest distance. Yardage is more important than spin. Look for a ball that is not too light or heavy. Ask for the advice of an employee at your local sports equipment store if you’re not sure which golf balls to choose. It’s not necessary to go for the most expensive option if you’re just playing for fun. Taking golf lessons is a sure way to improve your game. They are especially helpful for beginners. Golf lessons can help you learn etiquette, improve technique, learn technical aspects, and familiarize yourself with your equipment. This, however may not work for everyone because lessons can be costly. You can sign up for golf lessons at country clubs, gold academies, and from private instructors. As with any game, you need a certain level of fitness to maintain the ability to play well. To keep fit, you can stretch, go to the gym, and/or enjoy any other physical activity. Stretch your hamstrings, quads, arms, and back before playing. Try to go to the gym at least twice a week. For physical activities, you can run, do yoga, or play other sports. Only do as much physical activity outside of golfing as you are comfortable with. Don’t put too much strain on your body. Summary:
Choose a good set of clubs. Choose a good ball. Take lessons. Keep fit.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
In one sentence, describe what the following article is about: In rare cases, someone may be allergic to the plant or to one of the chemicals released. Allergic reactions can be life-threatening. Immediate medical attention is warranted. Call 911 or go to the emergency room right away if you see one of the following symptoms of an allergic reaction: Difficulty breathing, wheezing, or feeling like your throat is tightening. A tight feeling in your chest that makes it hard to breathe. Swelling in your mouth area, including your lips or tongue. A rash that extends beyond the exposed area, and can be all over the body. Stomach upset, cramping, vomiting, or diarrhea, can sometimes be part of an allergic reaction. Your doctor may be able to help guide you by prescribing topical medications or suggesting ways to treat the symptoms specific for young children. If the areas of skin exposed to the plant are widespread, or if your symptoms do not improve in 24 hours, contact your doctor. Your doctor may prescribe prescription strength topical agents to treat the exposed areas, or stronger oral products to help resolve the reaction systemically. If the areas have been scratched and the skin is broken, it is possible for an infection to set in. If you have areas of broken skin that are warm to the touch, draining pus, or more inflamed than the surrounding areas, then you may be developing an infection. Call your doctor right away if you experience these symptoms or if you have a fever. Your doctor may prescribe a topical antibiotic cream or ointment, or may want you take a course of oral antibiotics. Summary:
Seek immediate medical attention if allergic symptoms develop. Recognize an allergic reaction. Contact your pediatrician if a young child is exposed. Call your doctor if your symptoms are severe. Seek medical help if the areas look infected.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Article: The easiest place to do this is level 2-1, the first level of Donut Plains. Jump on the "super koopa" with a flashing cape at the very start of the level. Collect the feather that pops out to get the cape. The cape win is usually used for speedruns or just for fun. Since you need to keep the cape power-up the whole time on your way to Bowser, the normal method above is usually easier. . When you have the cape, you can launch yourself into the air by pressing B while Mario is running. The more speed Mario picks up, the higher you'll go. To keep flying, hold the B button and alternate hitting the left and right arrows of the D-pad to rock Mario back and forth. Press forward on the D-pad to make Mario dive and pick up speed, then press back to use this speed to ascend higher again. Practice this until you can stay in the air for any length of time without falling. You can also use these moves: Use X or Y to spin around, knocking objects and enemies next to you with the cape. Spin jump with A while Mario is running at maximum speed to launch yourself very high. Glide down slowly by holding A or B. This is the second level in the Valley of Bowser, and it contains a secret that lets you skip most of Bowser's Castle. (This will make keeping the cape power-up easier.) Play through the first two screens as usual, until you enter the second pipe. If you lose the cape early on, you can get it back. Right after you enter the second screen, jump up the steps to your left and look for a hidden block up near the top left corner of the stage. On the third screen, the pipe spits you out in the middle of the moving yellow "maze." Jump through this quickly, and you'll soon reach a gap with a mole in it. At this point, use your cape to fly up through the top of the screen, and go left. Walk left across the top of the stage, and you'll fall into a room with a secret door leading to a secret level, Valley Fortress. Most of this level involves timed jumps or movement to run through skewers, or to avoid spikes that fall from the ceiling (which are a slightly different color from normal spikes). Once you beat this level, and the familiar fortress boss at the end (Reznors), you'll unlock the secret Back Door level. You can get a cape here as well. Hit the green block right after the first set of skewers. You do not need to keep your cape to beat this level. The Back Door skips over most of Bowser's Castle, and does not add any new challenges. Just make sure to keep your cape throughout this whole level if you want to use it for the boss fight. The cape makes it easy to avoid most of Bowser's attacks by flying over him, and allows you to spin the cape to stun the mechakoopas. The fastest way to defeat Bowser using a cape involves jumping on him from above, timing it so you land on a mechakoopa right as he releases it. This can take quite a bit of practice and precise timing. What is a summary?
Get the cape power-up. Practice flying Enter 7-2. Unlock Valley Fortress. Beat Valley Fortress to unlock the Back Door. Beat the Back Door to reach Bowser. Defeat Bowser using the cape.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Article: The Windows Start menu has the Windows logo. By default, it's the button in the lower-right corner in the taskbar. The settings button is an icon that resembles a gear. It's in the sidebar to the left in the Windows Start menu. It's the first option in Settings. It's next to an icon that resembles a computer. This displays the System Settings menu It's the first option in the sidebar to the left of the System Settings menu. It's next to an icon that resembles a computer screen. It's towards the bottom of the Display menu. It's below the Display Information. This displays a pop-up window with information on your graphics adapter and video RAM. The total amount of dedicated video RAM is displayed next to "Dedicated Video Memory". What is a summary of what this article is about?
Click the Windows Start button. Click Settings . Click System. Click Display. Scroll down and click Advanced display settings. Click Display adapter properties for Display 1.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Write an article based on this summary: Drink plenty of water and try to eat healthy food. Bring feminine hygiene products unless you are absolutely sure you will not need them. Don't forget insect repellent and sunscreen. Make sure a first aid kit will be available. Article:
It's summertime, so there is almost always an abundance of fresh fruit and vegetables. Pick your own - it'll taste the sweetest you've ever had. (Just be sure to know exactly what you are picking, and don't get anything poisonous.) Insect bites and sunburn can make your trip miserable. If this is a group trip, the sponsor or organizers should have this covered, but for a trip with family or friends, you may have to supply your own. Pack some antibiotic ointment, allergy medication, band aids, and toilet paper in it, at least. Don't forget bandages and tubi griped
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
Write an article based on this "Make your marinade. Marinate your chicken. Grill your chicken. Cool and chop your meat." Article:
First, finely slice two chipotle peppers, if not already sliced, into thin strips. Place that in a small mixing bowl. Then add 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon of garlic powder, 1 teaspoon of ground cumin, ½ teaspoon of dried oregano, and ½ teaspoon of black pepper. Stir until they are evenly mixed. For extra spice, be generous with the amount of adobo sauce you include from the chipotle peppers’ can. To reduce spice, pat the peppers with paper towels to remove as much sauce as possible. Put 4 chicken thighs or 3 chicken breasts (boneless and skinless) into a large sealable freezer bag. Then pour in the marinade. Seal the bag shut. Hold it by two corners and flip the bag over and over to soak the chicken. Then put the bag in the refrigerator and leave for one hour so the marinade soaks into the meat. Set your indoor or outdoor grill to medium-high heat (roughly 400 degrees Fahrenheit or 204 Celsius). Once it reaches the desired temperature, set your chicken on the grill. Cook each side for five to six minutes. The Food and Drug Administration advises cooking chicken to an internal temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit (74 degrees Celsius) before consuming. Use a meat thermometer to verify each piece is safe to eat. Once the chicken has cooked, remove it from heat. Let it sit for about ten minutes so it can be safely handled without burning yourself. Once it’s cool enough to touch, cut each piece into bite-sized portions.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)
An eyepiece is not necessary to see objects, but it helps to keep your eye off of the viewing lens. It can also make viewing more comfortable. Use a drill or sharp object (e.g. scissors) to make a hole in the bottom of a film canister. The hole should be in the center of the canister and large enough to slide the smallest tube through. Line the smallest tube up with the hole in the canister. Push the tube so that the top (side with the lens) inch is inside the film canister. If the tube will not fit, make the hole larger until it does. Use glue or liquid cement to keep the eyepiece in place. This will allow you to look through the eyepiece without it moving. Give the glue time to dry. Summary:
Make a hole in a film canister. Push the lens tube through the hole. Secure the eyepiece.
Flan-GEM-wiki-lingua (T)