stringlengths 0
James's Philip Augustus remarks on 353 |
Jesuitism in France 185 |
--sources of its power 186 |
Jones Sir William character of Dunning by 723 |
Johnson on the Dunciad 236 |
Kames Lord on the Dunciad 253 |
Kavanagh's Science of Languages review of 467 |
Kirauca account of a visit to the volcano of 591 |
Knorring the Baroness 62 |
Land tenure of in Turkey 693 |
Landscape painting in England 257 |
Languages Kavanagh's Science of reviewed 467 |
Last hours of a reign a tale in two parts |
--Part I |
Chapter 1 754 |
--Chapter 2 761 |
Law administration of in Turkey 699 |
Law studies Warren's Introduction to reviewed 300 |
Lay of Starkather the 571 |
Lay of the wise Oleg the from the Russian of Pushkin 146 |
Ledyard's Life of Marlborough notice of 3 |
Leman lake scenery of 706 |
Leslie's Life of John Constable review of 257 |
Letter from London by a railway witness 173 |
Letter to Eusebius on omens dreams appearances &c |
735 |
Lettres Persanes of Montesquieu the 391 |
Libraries at Constantinople the 690 |
Lipscomb's version of Chaucer remarks on 114 |
Llanos of South America the 551 |
Llansaintfraed lodge and church 476 |
Llantony abbey 485 |
Llanvair Kilgiden church &c |
483 |
London letter from by a railway witness 173 |
Louis XIV |
notices of 6 12 |
Louis XV |
character &c |
of 714 730 733 |
Lowell J |
Russell remarks on his strictures on Pope 368 |
Lucca sketches of; 617 |
--agriculture round 619 |
Lucrine lake the 489 |
Lupins culture of in Italy 620 |
MacFlecnoe and the Dunciad 229 |
--a supplement to 366 |
Machiavel as a historian 389 |
Maconochie Captain on the management of transported criminals review of 129 |
Madonna the from Pushkin 152 |
Maeler lake 58 |
Mahmood the Ghaznavide by B |
Simmons 266 |
Mahon's England remarks on 2 |
Manner and Matter a tale Chapter I |
431 |
--Chapter II |
435 |
Manzoni's Promessi Sposi remarks on 356 |
Margaret of Valois from the French of Dumas 312 |
Marlborough No |
I 1 |
--Various lives of him 3 |
--His parentage and early career 5 |
--Is created Lord Churchill 7 |
--His conduct at the Revolution 8 |
--Further honours conferred on him 9 |
--His disgrace in 1691 and mystery attending it ib |
--Is restored to favour 10 |
--Appointed commander in the Netherlands 11 |
--His first successes 14 |
--Defeats the French at Blenheim 19 |
--His subsequent campaign and causes which thwarted his success 27 |
No |
II |
649 |
--Plans for the campaign of 1705 650 |
--Marches into Flanders 652 |
--Defeats Villeroi 653 |
--Thwarted by the inactivity of the Dutch 654 |
--Victory of Ramilies 661 |
--Subsequent operations 664 |
Marston; or Memoirs of a Statesman |
--Part XVIII |
157 |
--Part XIX |
272 |
--Part XX |
and last 439 |
Meditation a by J |
D |
494 |
Memoirs of a Statesman |
_See_ Marston |
Menin siege and capture of by Marlborough 667 |
Mesmerism remarks on 736 |
Metternich Stein's opinion of 337 |
Michelet's Priests Women and Families review of 185 |
Mob the from the Russian of Pushkin 36 |
Subsets and Splits