James's Philip Augustus remarks on 353
Jesuitism in France 185
--sources of its power 186
Jones Sir William character of Dunning by 723
Johnson on the Dunciad 236
Kames Lord on the Dunciad 253
Kavanagh's Science of Languages review of 467
Kirauca account of a visit to the volcano of 591
Knorring the Baroness 62
Land tenure of in Turkey 693
Landscape painting in England 257
Languages Kavanagh's Science of reviewed 467
Last hours of a reign a tale in two parts
--Part I
Chapter 1 754
--Chapter 2 761
Law administration of in Turkey 699
Law studies Warren's Introduction to reviewed 300
Lay of Starkather the 571
Lay of the wise Oleg the from the Russian of Pushkin 146
Ledyard's Life of Marlborough notice of 3
Leman lake scenery of 706
Leslie's Life of John Constable review of 257
Letter from London by a railway witness 173
Letter to Eusebius on omens dreams appearances &c
Lettres Persanes of Montesquieu the 391
Libraries at Constantinople the 690
Lipscomb's version of Chaucer remarks on 114
Llanos of South America the 551
Llansaintfraed lodge and church 476
Llantony abbey 485
Llanvair Kilgiden church &c
London letter from by a railway witness 173
Louis XIV
notices of 6 12
Louis XV
character &c
of 714 730 733
Lowell J
Russell remarks on his strictures on Pope 368
Lucca sketches of; 617
--agriculture round 619
Lucrine lake the 489
Lupins culture of in Italy 620
MacFlecnoe and the Dunciad 229
--a supplement to 366
Machiavel as a historian 389
Maconochie Captain on the management of transported criminals review of 129
Madonna the from Pushkin 152
Maeler lake 58
Mahmood the Ghaznavide by B
Simmons 266
Mahon's England remarks on 2
Manner and Matter a tale Chapter I
--Chapter II
Manzoni's Promessi Sposi remarks on 356
Margaret of Valois from the French of Dumas 312
Marlborough No
I 1
--Various lives of him 3
--His parentage and early career 5
--Is created Lord Churchill 7
--His conduct at the Revolution 8
--Further honours conferred on him 9
--His disgrace in 1691 and mystery attending it ib
--Is restored to favour 10
--Appointed commander in the Netherlands 11
--His first successes 14
--Defeats the French at Blenheim 19
--His subsequent campaign and causes which thwarted his success 27
--Plans for the campaign of 1705 650
--Marches into Flanders 652
--Defeats Villeroi 653
--Thwarted by the inactivity of the Dutch 654
--Victory of Ramilies 661
--Subsequent operations 664
Marston; or Memoirs of a Statesman
--Part XVIII
--Part XIX
--Part XX
and last 439
Meditation a by J
Memoirs of a Statesman
_See_ Marston
Menin siege and capture of by Marlborough 667
Mesmerism remarks on 736
Metternich Stein's opinion of 337
Michelet's Priests Women and Families review of 185
Mob the from the Russian of Pushkin 36