General the from the Russian of Pushkin 41
German school of painting the 427
Gleig's life of Marlborough notice of 4
Glenmutchkin railway the --How we got it up and how we got out of it 453
Gloucester the Duke of character of 719
Goethe and Bettina the correspondence of 358
Goethe's Torquato Tasso translations from 87
Gotha canal the 68
Grafton the Duke of Walpole's character of 718
Grain crop quantity &c
of the in Scotland 769
--and its quality 770
Grandeur et decadence des Romains Montesquieu's characteristics &c
of 391 401
Grand general junction and indefinite extension railway rhapsody 614
Greek Revolution sketches of the 496
Griesbach fall of the 707
Guamos of South America the 554
Guilds of Constantinople the 696
Gunning the Misses 726
Gustavus Vasa notices of 66
Hahn-Hahn the Countess 71
Hakem the slave a tale extracted from the history of Poland
--Chapter I
Hamilton the Duchess of 726
Handel character of the music of 573
Harvest the Scottish 769
--quantity of the grain crop ib
--and its quality 770
--cause of the inferiority of the wheat 771
--and of the dearness of bread 772
--state of the potato crop 775
--potatoes for seed 778
--rising price of wheat and flour 780
--affords no argument for abolition of the corn-laws 781
Hastings Frank Abney biographical sketch of 496
Haydn character of 573
Heber Bishop description of the Himalayas by 557
Hemp culture of in Italy 620
Hints for doctors 630
Historical romance the 341
Hogarth Churchill's epistle to criticised 377
Holme's Life of Mozart review of 572
Horace Leicester a sketch 197
Hornes' Chaucer Modernized remarks on 115
House-hunting in Wales 74
--a sequel to 474
How we got up the Glenmutchkin railway and how we got out of it 453
Humboldt 541
--character of his mind 545
--his early life 546
--sketch of his travels 547
--list of his works 548
--extracts from these 549
I have outlived the hopes that charmed me from Pushkin 149
Ida Countess Hahn-Hahn 71
Imprisonment as a punishment 131
Improvisatore the 626
Inferior quality of wheat cause of the 771
Insects common at Lucca 623
Italian school of painting the 425
Italy sketches of Lucca 617
--agriculture round Lucca 619
--sagena 620
--lupins ib
--hemp ib
--trees 622
--oaks ib
--insects 623
--ants 624
--shooting fish 625
--owls 626
--the improvisatore ib
--tables-d'hotes Mr Snapley 628
--hints for doctors 630
--private music-party 631
a meditation by 494
--on the old year 495
--Corali ib
--a mother to her deserted child 752
--summer noontide ib
--to Clara 753
--seclusion ib
James II
notices of 7