1 value
Matthew does not have chemistry with Alexander, Alexander's stats are better without Matthew than when he's with him.
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But except William, John can carry because he is a carry and a good one.
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{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Robert was stronger than Lee when the tourney started so who knows how strong he really is.
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{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
And I never said Micheal followed Joseph, though he did later on when he ambushed him.
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[ [ [ 0, 4, 4 ], [ 0, 9, 9 ] ], [ [ 0, 6, 6 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Charles used to be great and Anthony was also great but he retired.
[ { "end_char": 67, "id": 1, "misc": { "parse_tree": "(ROOT (S (S (NP (NNP Charles)) (VP (VBD used) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB be) (ADJP (JJ great))))))) (CC and) (S (NP (NNP Anthony)) (VP (VBD was) (ADVP (RB also)) (ADJP (JJ great)))) (CC but) (S (NP (PRP he)) (VP (VBD retired))) (. .)))" }, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "Charles used to be great and Anthony was also great but he retired.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 7, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": 1, "lemma": "Charles", "misc": "", "start_char": 0, "text": "Charles", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 12, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": 2, "lemma": "use", "misc": "", "start_char": 8, "text": "used", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "mark", "end_char": 15, "feats": null, "head": 5, "id": 3, "lemma": "to", "misc": "", "start_char": 13, "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "cop", "end_char": 18, "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 5, "id": 4, "lemma": "be", "misc": "", "start_char": 16, "text": "be", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "end_char": 24, "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 2, "id": 5, "lemma": "great", "misc": "", "start_char": 19, "text": "great", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "cc", "end_char": 28, "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": 6, "lemma": "and", "misc": "", "start_char": 25, "text": "and", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 36, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 10, "id": 7, "lemma": "Anthony", "misc": "", "start_char": 29, "text": "Anthony", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "end_char": 40, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 10, "id": 8, "lemma": "be", "misc": "", "start_char": 37, "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 45, "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": 9, "lemma": "also", "misc": "", "start_char": 41, "text": "also", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "conj", "end_char": 51, "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 2, "id": 10, "lemma": "great", "misc": "", "start_char": 46, "text": "great", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "cc", "end_char": 55, "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": 11, "lemma": "but", "misc": "", "start_char": 52, "text": "but", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 58, "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 13, "id": 12, "lemma": "he", "misc": "", "start_char": 56, "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "conj", "end_char": 66, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 2, "id": 13, "lemma": "retire", "misc": "", "start_char": 59, "text": "retired", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 68, "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": 14, "lemma": ".", "misc": "", "start_char": 67, "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 6, 6 ], [ 0, 11, 11 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Juan has more subscribers than Elwood so maybe he wasn't referring to sam.
[ { "end_char": 74, "id": 1, "misc": { "parse_tree": "(ROOT (S (NP (NNP Juan)) (VP (VBZ has) (NP (NP (JJR more) (NNS subscribers)) (PP (IN than) (NP (NNP Elwood)))) (SBAR (ADVP (RB so) (RB maybe)) (S (NP (PRP he)) (VP (VBD was) (RB n't) (VP (VBG referring) (PP (IN to) (NP (NN sam)))))))) (. .)))" }, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "Juan has more subscribers than Elwood so maybe he wasn't referring to sam.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 4, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": 1, "lemma": "Juan", "misc": "", "start_char": 0, "text": "Juan", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 8, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": 2, "lemma": "have", "misc": "", "start_char": 5, "text": "has", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "amod", "end_char": 13, "feats": "Degree=Cmp", "head": 4, "id": 3, "lemma": "more", "misc": "", "start_char": 9, "text": "more", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJR" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 25, "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 2, "id": 4, "lemma": "subscriber", "misc": "", "start_char": 14, "text": "subscribers", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 30, "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": 5, "lemma": "than", "misc": "", "start_char": 26, "text": "than", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod", "end_char": 37, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": 6, "lemma": "Elwood", "misc": "", "start_char": 31, "text": "Elwood", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 40, "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": 7, "lemma": "so", "misc": "", "start_char": 38, "text": "so", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 46, "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": 8, "lemma": "maybe", "misc": "", "start_char": 41, "text": "maybe", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 49, "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 12, "id": 9, "lemma": "he", "misc": "", "start_char": 47, "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "end_char": 53, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 12, "id": 10, "lemma": "be", "misc": "", "start_char": 50, "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 57, "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": 11, "lemma": "not", "misc": "", "start_char": 54, "text": "n't", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "parataxis", "end_char": 67, "feats": "Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Part", "head": 2, "id": 12, "lemma": "refer", "misc": "", "start_char": 58, "text": "referring", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 70, "feats": null, "head": 14, "id": 13, "lemma": "to", "misc": "", "start_char": 68, "text": "to", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "end_char": 74, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 12, "id": 14, "lemma": "sam", "misc": "", "start_char": 71, "text": "sam", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 76, "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": 15, "lemma": ".", "misc": "", "start_char": 75, "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 8, 8 ] ], [ [ 0, 5, 5 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Antone has talked about selling Justin because he couldn't fit him into the team with Cesc, didn't he?
[ { "end_char": 102, "id": 1, "misc": { "parse_tree": "(ROOT (S (S (NP (NNP Antone)) (VP (VBZ has) (VP (VBN talked) (PP (IN about) (S (VP (VBG selling) (NP (NNP Justin)) (SBAR (IN because) (S (NP (PRP he)) (VP (MD could) (RB n't) (VP (VB fit) (NP (PRP him)) (PP (IN into) (NP (DT the) (NN team))) (PP (IN with) (NP (NNP Cesc))))))))))))) (, ,) (SQ (VBD did) (RB n't) (NP (PRP he))) (. ?)))" }, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "Antone has talked about selling Justin because he couldn't fit him into the team with Cesc, didn't he?", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 6, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": 1, "lemma": "Antone", "misc": "", "start_char": 0, "text": "Antone", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "end_char": 10, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 3, "id": 2, "lemma": "have", "misc": "", "start_char": 7, "text": "has", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 17, "feats": "Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part", "head": 0, "id": 3, "lemma": "talk", "misc": "", "start_char": 11, "text": "talked", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBN" }, { "deprel": "mark", "end_char": 23, "feats": null, "head": 5, "id": 4, "lemma": "about", "misc": "", "start_char": 18, "text": "about", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "end_char": 31, "feats": "VerbForm=Ger", "head": 3, "id": 5, "lemma": "sell", "misc": "", "start_char": 24, "text": "selling", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 38, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 5, "id": 6, "lemma": "Justin", "misc": "", "start_char": 32, "text": "Justin", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "mark", "end_char": 46, "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": 7, "lemma": "because", "misc": "", "start_char": 39, "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 49, "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 11, "id": 8, "lemma": "he", "misc": "", "start_char": 47, "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "end_char": 55, "feats": "VerbForm=Fin", "head": 11, "id": 9, "lemma": "could", "misc": "", "start_char": 50, "text": "could", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "MD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 59, "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": 10, "lemma": "not", "misc": "", "start_char": 56, "text": "n't", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "end_char": 63, "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 3, "id": 11, "lemma": "fit", "misc": "", "start_char": 60, "text": "fit", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 67, "feats": "Case=Acc|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 11, "id": 12, "lemma": "he", "misc": "", "start_char": 64, "text": "him", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 72, "feats": null, "head": 15, "id": 13, "lemma": "into", "misc": "", "start_char": 68, "text": "into", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "end_char": 76, "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 15, "id": 14, "lemma": "the", "misc": "", "start_char": 73, "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl", "end_char": 81, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 11, "id": 15, "lemma": "team", "misc": "", "start_char": 77, "text": "team", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 86, "feats": null, "head": 17, "id": 16, "lemma": "with", "misc": "", "start_char": 82, "text": "with", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "end_char": 91, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 11, "id": 17, "lemma": "Cesc", "misc": "", "start_char": 87, "text": "Cesc", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 93, "feats": null, "head": 19, "id": 18, "lemma": ",", "misc": "", "start_char": 92, "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "parataxis", "end_char": 97, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 3, "id": 19, "lemma": "do", "misc": "", "start_char": 94, "text": "did", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 101, "feats": null, "head": 19, "id": 20, "lemma": "not", "misc": "", "start_char": 98, "text": "n't", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 104, "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 19, "id": 21, "lemma": "he", "misc": "", "start_char": 102, "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 106, "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": 22, "lemma": "?", "misc": "", "start_char": 105, "text": "?", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 7, 7 ] ], [ [ 0, 5, 5 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
At least Cora doesn't hunger for wars to fight like Kayla does, but she's still horrible.
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[ [ [ 0, 2, 2 ], [ 0, 15, 15 ] ], [ [ 0, 11, 11 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Bessie has a thing for Shemeka because she thinks she's hot.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 7, 7 ] ], [ [ 0, 5, 5 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Helen now shits on Lynell too, after shilling for her for god knows how long.
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{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Edward could end up like Michael, or he could end up like a Djokovic.
[ { "end_char": 69, "id": 1, "misc": { "parse_tree": "(ROOT (S (S (NP (NNP Edward)) (VP (MD could) (VP (VB end) (PRT (RP up)) (PP (IN like) (NP (NNP Michael)))))) (, ,) (CC or) (S (NP (PRP he)) (VP (MD could) (VP (VB end) (PRT (RP up)) (PP (IN like) (NP (DT a) (NNP Djokovic)))))) (. .)))" }, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "Edward could end up like Michael, or he could end up like a Djokovic.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 6, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": 1, "lemma": "Edward", "misc": "", "start_char": 0, "text": "Edward", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "end_char": 12, "feats": "VerbForm=Fin", "head": 3, "id": 2, "lemma": "could", "misc": "", "start_char": 7, "text": "could", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "MD" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 16, "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 0, "id": 3, "lemma": "end", "misc": "", "start_char": 13, "text": "end", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "compound:prt", "end_char": 19, "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": 4, "lemma": "up", "misc": "", "start_char": 17, "text": "up", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "RP" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 24, "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": 5, "lemma": "like", "misc": "", "start_char": 20, "text": "like", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "end_char": 32, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": 6, "lemma": "Michael", "misc": "", "start_char": 25, "text": "Michael", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 34, "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": 7, "lemma": ",", "misc": "", "start_char": 33, "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "cc", "end_char": 37, "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": 8, "lemma": "or", "misc": "", "start_char": 35, "text": "or", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 40, "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 11, "id": 9, "lemma": "he", "misc": "", "start_char": 38, "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "end_char": 46, "feats": "VerbForm=Fin", "head": 11, "id": 10, "lemma": "could", "misc": "", "start_char": 41, "text": "could", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "MD" }, { "deprel": "conj", "end_char": 50, "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 3, "id": 11, "lemma": "end", "misc": "", "start_char": 47, "text": "end", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "compound:prt", "end_char": 53, "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": 12, "lemma": "up", "misc": "", "start_char": 51, "text": "up", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "RP" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 58, "feats": null, "head": 15, "id": 13, "lemma": "like", "misc": "", "start_char": 54, "text": "like", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "end_char": 60, "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 15, "id": 14, "lemma": "a", "misc": "", "start_char": 59, "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl", "end_char": 69, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 11, "id": 15, "lemma": "Djokovic", "misc": "", "start_char": 61, "text": "Djokovic", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 71, "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": 16, "lemma": ".", "misc": "", "start_char": 70, "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
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{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Joseph is slightly less liberal than David, so I have a hard time seeing him picking off Sanders' voters in any great numbers.
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{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Carey realizes Ruth is still inside after spotting her car in the parking lot and decides to return to the mall to look for her.
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{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Martha wants to be Queen of Robin, but she cannot be the kind of Queen who lets a Dothraki khalasar rape and pillage the seven kingdoms.
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{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Alexander used to be the head scientist for Robert, where he created the Blacklight virus.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 11, 11 ] ], [ [ 0, 8, 8 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Steve looks like what I'd imagine Paul would look like if he was a baseball player.
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{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
James was always reliably to the right of Wes, so I can't really see how the left of the left will accept him.
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{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Kenneth could've been close to Ricardo, although most of his prime was wasted.
[ { "end_char": 78, "id": 1, "misc": { "parse_tree": "(ROOT (S (NP (NNP Kenneth)) (VP (MD could) (VP (VB 've) (VP (VBN been) (ADJP (RB close) (PP (IN to) (NP (NNP Ricardo)))) (, ,) (SBAR (IN although) (S (NP (NP (JJS most)) (PP (IN of) (NP (PRP$ his) (NN prime)))) (VP (VBD was) (VP (VBN wasted)))))))) (. .)))" }, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "Kenneth could've been close to Ricardo, although most of his prime was wasted.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 7, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 5, "id": 1, "lemma": "Kenneth", "misc": "", "start_char": 0, "text": "Kenneth", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "end_char": 13, "feats": "VerbForm=Fin", "head": 5, "id": 2, "lemma": "could", "misc": "", "start_char": 8, "text": "could", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "MD" }, { "deprel": "aux", "end_char": 17, "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 5, "id": 3, "lemma": "have", "misc": "", "start_char": 14, "text": "'ve", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "cop", "end_char": 22, "feats": "Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part", "head": 5, "id": 4, "lemma": "be", "misc": "", "start_char": 18, "text": "been", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBN" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 28, "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 0, "id": 5, "lemma": "close", "misc": "", "start_char": 23, "text": "close", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 31, "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": 6, "lemma": "to", "misc": "", "start_char": 29, "text": "to", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "end_char": 39, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 5, "id": 7, "lemma": "Ricardo", "misc": "", "start_char": 32, "text": "Ricardo", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 41, "feats": null, "head": 5, "id": 8, "lemma": ",", "misc": "", "start_char": 40, "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "mark", "end_char": 50, "feats": null, "head": 15, "id": 9, "lemma": "although", "misc": "", "start_char": 42, "text": "although", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj:pass", "end_char": 55, "feats": "Degree=Sup", "head": 15, "id": 10, "lemma": "most", "misc": "", "start_char": 51, "text": "most", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJS" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 58, "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": 11, "lemma": "of", "misc": "", "start_char": 56, "text": "of", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "end_char": 62, "feats": "Case=Gen|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs", "head": 13, "id": 12, "lemma": "his", "misc": "", "start_char": 59, "text": "his", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP$" }, { "deprel": "obl", "end_char": 68, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 10, "id": 13, "lemma": "prime", "misc": "", "start_char": 63, "text": "prime", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "aux:pass", "end_char": 72, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 15, "id": 14, "lemma": "be", "misc": "", "start_char": 69, "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "end_char": 79, "feats": "Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass", "head": 5, "id": 15, "lemma": "waste", "misc": "", "start_char": 73, "text": "wasted", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 81, "feats": null, "head": 5, "id": 16, "lemma": ".", "misc": "", "start_char": 80, "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
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{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Also notice that William wasn't with John even though he was shown in the alternate timeline to have been engaged to her.
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{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Robert isn't dumb and probably realized that if Thomas was trying to trade down, then there's a good chance he planned on passing on Fultz.
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{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Andre said Robert might be benched because of a hamstring issue but said that he practiced friday?
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 2, 2 ], [ 0, 14, 14 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
David thinks Pablo flipped when he was working in Geneva Collusion w / RT & WL stories?
[ { "end_char": 87, "id": 1, "misc": { "parse_tree": "(ROOT (S (NP (NNP David)) (VP (VBZ thinks) (SBAR (S (NP (NNP Pablo)) (VP (VBD flipped) (SBAR (WHADVP (WRB when)) (S (NP (PRP he)) (VP (VBD was) (VP (VBG working) (PP (IN in) (NP (NML (NNP Geneva) (NNP Collusion)) (IN w) (, /) (NNP RT) (CC &) (NNP WL) (NNS stories))))))))))) (. ?)))" }, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "David thinks Pablo flipped when he was working in Geneva Collusion w / RT & WL stories?", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 5, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": 1, "lemma": "David", "misc": "", "start_char": 0, "text": "David", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 12, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": 2, "lemma": "think", "misc": "", "start_char": 6, "text": "thinks", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 18, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": 3, "lemma": "Pablo", "misc": "", "start_char": 13, "text": "Pablo", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "ccomp", "end_char": 26, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 2, "id": 4, "lemma": "flip", "misc": "", "start_char": 19, "text": "flipped", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 31, "feats": "PronType=Int", "head": 8, "id": 5, "lemma": "when", "misc": "", "start_char": 27, "text": "when", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "WRB" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 34, "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 8, "id": 6, "lemma": "he", "misc": "", "start_char": 32, "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "end_char": 38, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 8, "id": 7, "lemma": "be", "misc": "", "start_char": 35, "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "end_char": 46, "feats": "Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Part", "head": 4, "id": 8, "lemma": "work", "misc": "", "start_char": 39, "text": "working", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 49, "feats": null, "head": 17, "id": 9, "lemma": "in", "misc": "", "start_char": 47, "text": "in", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "compound", "end_char": 56, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 17, "id": 10, "lemma": "Geneva", "misc": "", "start_char": 50, "text": "Geneva", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "compound", "end_char": 66, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 17, "id": 11, "lemma": "Collusion", "misc": "", "start_char": 57, "text": "Collusion", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 68, "feats": null, "head": 17, "id": 12, "lemma": "with", "misc": "", "start_char": 67, "text": "w", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 70, "feats": null, "head": 14, "id": 13, "lemma": "/", "misc": "", "start_char": 69, "text": "/", "upos": "SYM", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "compound", "end_char": 73, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 17, "id": 14, "lemma": "RT", "misc": "", "start_char": 71, "text": "RT", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "cc", "end_char": 75, "feats": null, "head": 16, "id": 15, "lemma": "&", "misc": "", "start_char": 74, "text": "&", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "conj", "end_char": 78, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 14, "id": 16, "lemma": "WL", "misc": "", "start_char": 76, "text": "WL", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "obl", "end_char": 86, "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 8, "id": 17, "lemma": "story", "misc": "", "start_char": 79, "text": "stories", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 88, "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": 18, "lemma": "?", "misc": "", "start_char": 87, "text": "?", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 2, 2 ], [ 0, 5, 5 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Don't forget Gregory, not to disregard Roman, but he's done much more.
[ { "end_char": 70, "id": 1, "misc": { "parse_tree": "(ROOT (S (VP (VP (VB Do) (RB n't) (VP (VB forget) (NP (NNP Gregory)))) (, ,) (RB not) (VP (TO to) (VP (VB disregard) (NP (NNP Roman))))) (, ,) (CC but) (S (NP (PRP he)) (VP (VBZ 's) (VP (VBN done) (NP (ADJP (RB much) (JJR more)))))) (. .)))" }, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "Don't forget Gregory, not to disregard Roman, but he's done much more.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "aux", "end_char": 2, "feats": "Mood=Imp|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 3, "id": 1, "lemma": "do", "misc": "", "start_char": 0, "text": "Do", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 6, "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": 2, "lemma": "not", "misc": "", "start_char": 3, "text": "n't", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 13, "feats": "Mood=Imp|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": 3, "lemma": "forget", "misc": "", "start_char": 7, "text": "forget", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 21, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": 4, "lemma": "Gregory", "misc": "", "start_char": 14, "text": "Gregory", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 23, "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": 5, "lemma": ",", "misc": "", "start_char": 22, "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 27, "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": 6, "lemma": "not", "misc": "", "start_char": 24, "text": "not", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "mark", "end_char": 30, "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": 7, "lemma": "to", "misc": "", "start_char": 28, "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "end_char": 40, "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 3, "id": 8, "lemma": "disregard", "misc": "", "start_char": 31, "text": "disregard", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 46, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 8, "id": 9, "lemma": "Roman", "misc": "", "start_char": 41, "text": "Roman", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 48, "feats": null, "head": 14, "id": 10, "lemma": ",", "misc": "", "start_char": 47, "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "cc", "end_char": 52, "feats": null, "head": 14, "id": 11, "lemma": "but", "misc": "", "start_char": 49, "text": "but", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 55, "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 14, "id": 12, "lemma": "he", "misc": "", "start_char": 53, "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "end_char": 58, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 14, "id": 13, "lemma": "be", "misc": "", "start_char": 56, "text": "'s", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "conj", "end_char": 63, "feats": "Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part", "head": 3, "id": 14, "lemma": "do", "misc": "", "start_char": 59, "text": "done", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBN" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 68, "feats": null, "head": 16, "id": 15, "lemma": "much", "misc": "", "start_char": 64, "text": "much", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 73, "feats": "Degree=Cmp", "head": 14, "id": 16, "lemma": "more", "misc": "", "start_char": 69, "text": "more", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJR" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 75, "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": 17, "lemma": ".", "misc": "", "start_char": 74, "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 3, 3 ], [ 0, 11, 11 ] ], [ [ 0, 8, 8 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Mildred is still better in pvp than Janice because she can heal through heal block, but apparently this was before raids was released.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 9, 9 ] ], [ [ 0, 7, 7 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Jo wanted to ask Susan first if she had a way to end the winter.
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{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
And yet Jason thinks Steven can't lead because he has smoked pot before.
[ { "end_char": 72, "id": 1, "misc": { "parse_tree": "(ROOT (S (CC And) (ADVP (CC yet)) (NP (NNP Jason)) (VP (VBZ thinks) (SBAR (S (NP (NNP Steven)) (VP (MD ca) (RB n't) (VP (VB lead) (SBAR (IN because) (S (NP (PRP he)) (VP (VBZ has) (VP (VBN smoked) (NP (NN pot)) (ADVP (RB before))))))))))) (. .)))" }, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "And yet Jason thinks Steven can't lead because he has smoked pot before.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "cc", "end_char": 3, "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": 1, "lemma": "and", "misc": "", "start_char": 0, "text": "And", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 7, "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": 2, "lemma": "yet", "misc": "", "start_char": 4, "text": "yet", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 13, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": 3, "lemma": "Jason", "misc": "", "start_char": 8, "text": "Jason", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 20, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": 4, "lemma": "think", "misc": "", "start_char": 14, "text": "thinks", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 27, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 8, "id": 5, "lemma": "Steven", "misc": "", "start_char": 21, "text": "Steven", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "end_char": 30, "feats": "VerbForm=Fin", "head": 8, "id": 6, "lemma": "can", "misc": "", "start_char": 28, "text": "ca", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "MD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 34, "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": 7, "lemma": "not", "misc": "", "start_char": 31, "text": "n't", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "ccomp", "end_char": 39, "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 4, "id": 8, "lemma": "lead", "misc": "", "start_char": 35, "text": "lead", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "mark", "end_char": 47, "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": 9, "lemma": "because", "misc": "", "start_char": 40, "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 50, "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 12, "id": 10, "lemma": "he", "misc": "", "start_char": 48, "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "end_char": 54, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 12, "id": 11, "lemma": "have", "misc": "", "start_char": 51, "text": "has", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "end_char": 61, "feats": "Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part", "head": 8, "id": 12, "lemma": "smoke", "misc": "", "start_char": 55, "text": "smoked", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBN" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 65, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 12, "id": 13, "lemma": "pot", "misc": "", "start_char": 62, "text": "pot", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 72, "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": 14, "lemma": "before", "misc": "", "start_char": 66, "text": "before", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 74, "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": 15, "lemma": ".", "misc": "", "start_char": 73, "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 2, 2 ] ], [ [ 0, 4, 4 ], [ 0, 9, 9 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Also Kevin said Patrick was lying when he said Brave New World was written as a reaction to HG Wells utopias and before he had heard of We.
[ { "end_char": 139, "id": 1, "misc": { "parse_tree": "(ROOT (S (ADVP (RB Also)) (NP (NNP Kevin)) (VP (VBD said) (SBAR (S (NP (NNP Patrick)) (VP (VBD was) (VP (VBG lying) (SBAR (WHADVP (WRB when)) (S (NP (PRP he)) (VP (VBD said) (SBAR (S (NP (NNP Brave) (NNP New) (NNP World)) (VP (VP (VBD was) (VP (VBN written) (PP (IN as) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN reaction)) (PP (IN to) (NP (NML (NNP HG) (NNP Wells)) (NN utopias))))))) (CC and) (SBAR (IN before) (S (NP (PRP he)) (VP (VBD had) (VP (VBN heard) (PP (IN of) (NP (PRP We)))))))))))))))))) (. .)))" }, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "Also Kevin said Patrick was lying when he said Brave New World was written as a reaction to HG Wells utopias and before he had heard of We.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 4, "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": 1, "lemma": "also", "misc": "", "start_char": 0, "text": "Also", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 10, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": 2, "lemma": 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Theodore would probably say that Stephen is valid yes, but the lack of soundness is why he rejects him.
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{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
James hasn't comprehensively beaten Paul, so I can't really see him being the next big thing.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 13, 13 ] ], [ [ 0, 5, 5 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Justin has gone after Juan, so you could read some of his work.
[ { "end_char": 63, "id": 1, "misc": { "parse_tree": "(ROOT (S (S (NP (NNP Justin)) (VP (VBZ has) (VP (VBN gone) (PP (IN after) (NP (NNP Juan)))))) (, ,) (RB so) (S (NP (PRP you)) (VP (MD could) (VP (VB read) (NP (NP (DT some)) (PP (IN of) (NP (PRP$ his) (NN work))))))) (. .)))" }, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "Justin has gone after Juan, so you could read some of his work.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 6, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": 1, "lemma": "Justin", "misc": "", "start_char": 0, "text": "Justin", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "end_char": 10, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 3, "id": 2, "lemma": "have", "misc": "", "start_char": 7, "text": "has", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 15, "feats": "Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part", "head": 0, "id": 3, "lemma": "go", "misc": "", "start_char": 11, "text": "gone", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBN" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 21, "feats": null, "head": 5, "id": 4, "lemma": "after", "misc": "", "start_char": 16, "text": "after", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "end_char": 26, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": 5, "lemma": "Juan", "misc": "", "start_char": 22, "text": "Juan", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 28, "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": 6, "lemma": ",", "misc": "", "start_char": 27, "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "mark", "end_char": 31, "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": 7, "lemma": "so", "misc": "", "start_char": 29, "text": "so", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 35, "feats": "Case=Nom|Person=2|PronType=Prs", "head": 10, "id": 8, "lemma": "you", "misc": "", "start_char": 32, "text": "you", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "end_char": 41, "feats": "VerbForm=Fin", "head": 10, "id": 9, "lemma": "could", "misc": "", "start_char": 36, "text": "could", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "MD" }, { "deprel": "parataxis", "end_char": 46, "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 3, "id": 10, "lemma": "read", "misc": "", "start_char": 42, "text": "read", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 51, "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": 11, "lemma": "some", "misc": "", "start_char": 47, "text": "some", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 54, "feats": null, "head": 14, "id": 12, "lemma": "of", "misc": "", "start_char": 52, "text": "of", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "end_char": 58, "feats": "Case=Gen|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs", "head": 14, "id": 13, "lemma": "his", "misc": "", "start_char": 55, "text": "his", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP$" }, { "deprel": "nmod", "end_char": 63, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 11, "id": 14, "lemma": "work", "misc": "", "start_char": 59, "text": "work", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 65, "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": 15, "lemma": ".", "misc": "", "start_char": 64, "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 12, 12 ] ], [ [ 0, 4, 4 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Bobby traded Jason because he was starting to tank in Oakland, and he had no shot of resigning him anyway.
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{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
At first I couldn't get used to Billie with the voice of Victor, but he's just so good at his roles that it totally works.
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[ [ [ 0, 8, 8 ], [ 0, 16, 16 ] ], [ [ 0, 13, 13 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Raymond is my main along with George, so I've played him enough to know relatively what I'm talking about.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 12, 12 ] ], [ [ 0, 6, 6 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Charles is better than Curtis when he's playing on his off years.
[ { "end_char": 65, "id": 1, "misc": { "parse_tree": "(ROOT (S (NP (NNP Charles)) (VP (VBZ is) (ADJP (ADJP (JJR better)) (PP (IN than) (NP (NNP Curtis)))) (SBAR (WHADVP (WRB when)) (S (NP (PRP he)) (VP (VBZ 's) (VP (VBG playing) (PP (IN on) (NP (PRP$ his) (JJ off) (NNS years)))))))) (. .)))" }, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "Charles is better than Curtis when he's playing on his off years.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 7, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": 1, "lemma": "Charles", "misc": "", "start_char": 0, "text": "Charles", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "end_char": 10, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 3, "id": 2, "lemma": "be", "misc": "", "start_char": 8, "text": "is", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 17, "feats": "Degree=Cmp", "head": 0, "id": 3, "lemma": "good", "misc": "", "start_char": 11, "text": "better", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJR" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 22, "feats": null, "head": 5, "id": 4, "lemma": "than", "misc": "", "start_char": 18, "text": "than", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "end_char": 29, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": 5, "lemma": "Curtis", "misc": "", "start_char": 23, "text": "Curtis", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 34, "feats": "PronType=Int", "head": 9, "id": 6, "lemma": "when", "misc": "", "start_char": 30, "text": "when", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "WRB" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 37, "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 9, "id": 7, "lemma": "he", "misc": "", "start_char": 35, "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "end_char": 40, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 9, "id": 8, "lemma": "be", "misc": "", "start_char": 38, "text": "'s", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "end_char": 48, "feats": "Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Part", "head": 3, "id": 9, "lemma": "play", "misc": "", "start_char": 41, "text": "playing", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 51, "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": 10, "lemma": "on", "misc": "", "start_char": 49, "text": "on", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "end_char": 55, "feats": "Case=Gen|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs", "head": 13, "id": 11, "lemma": "his", "misc": "", "start_char": 52, "text": "his", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP$" }, { "deprel": "amod", "end_char": 59, "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 13, "id": 12, "lemma": "off", "misc": "", "start_char": 56, "text": "off", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "obl", "end_char": 65, "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 9, "id": 13, "lemma": "year", "misc": "", "start_char": 60, "text": "years", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 67, "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": 14, "lemma": ".", "misc": "", "start_char": 66, "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 6, 6 ] ], [ [ 0, 4, 4 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Richard had not done such with Carl, but he looked over her.
[ { "end_char": 60, "id": 1, "misc": { "parse_tree": "(ROOT (S (S (NP (NNP Richard)) (VP (VBD had) (RB not) (VP (VBN done) (NP (JJ such)) (PP (IN with) (NP (NNP Carl)))))) (, ,) (CC but) (S (NP (PRP he)) (VP (VBD looked) (PP (IN over) (NP (PRP her))))) (. .)))" }, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "Richard had not done such with Carl, but he looked over her.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 7, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": 1, "lemma": "Richard", "misc": "", "start_char": 0, "text": "Richard", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "end_char": 11, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 4, "id": 2, "lemma": "have", "misc": "", "start_char": 8, "text": "had", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 15, "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": 3, "lemma": "not", "misc": "", "start_char": 12, "text": "not", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 20, "feats": "Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part", "head": 0, "id": 4, "lemma": "do", "misc": "", "start_char": 16, "text": "done", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBN" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 25, "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 4, "id": 5, "lemma": "such", "misc": "", "start_char": 21, "text": "such", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 30, "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": 6, "lemma": "with", "misc": "", "start_char": 26, "text": "with", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "end_char": 35, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": 7, "lemma": "Carl", "misc": "", "start_char": 31, "text": "Carl", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 37, "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": 8, "lemma": ",", "misc": "", "start_char": 36, "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "cc", "end_char": 41, "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": 9, "lemma": "but", "misc": "", "start_char": 38, "text": "but", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 44, "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 11, "id": 10, "lemma": "he", "misc": "", "start_char": 42, "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "conj", "end_char": 51, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 4, "id": 11, "lemma": "look", "misc": "", "start_char": 45, "text": "looked", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 56, "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": 12, "lemma": "over", "misc": "", "start_char": 52, "text": "over", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "end_char": 60, "feats": "Case=Acc|Gender=Fem|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 11, "id": 13, "lemma": "her", "misc": "", "start_char": 57, "text": "her", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 62, "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": 14, "lemma": ".", "misc": "", "start_char": 61, "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 9, 9 ] ], [ [ 0, 6, 6 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Peter was drafted by Alan but he was Developed by Feaster and his team.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 6, 6 ] ], [ [ 0, 4, 4 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Eventually Mildred will be hated, and Deborah will be re-evaluated because she says something that offends "the mainstream".
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[ [ [ 0, 1, 1 ] ], [ [ 0, 7, 7 ], [ 0, 12, 12 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Michael feels demeaned but after some training from Charles, he overcomes his insecurities to become the best gigolo EVER.
[ { "end_char": 122, "id": 1, "misc": { "parse_tree": "(ROOT (S (S (NP (NNP Michael)) (VP (VBZ feels) (ADJP (VBN demeaned)))) (CC but) (S (PP (IN after) (NP (NP (DT some) (NN training)) (PP (IN from) (NP (NNP Charles))))) (, ,) (NP (PRP he)) (VP (VBZ overcomes) (NP (PRP$ his) (NNS insecurities)) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB become) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJS best) (NN gigolo)) (ADVP (RB EVER)))))))) (. .)))" }, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "Michael feels demeaned but after some training from Charles, he overcomes his insecurities to become the best gigolo EVER.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 7, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": 1, "lemma": "Michael", "misc": "", "start_char": 0, "text": "Michael", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 13, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": 2, "lemma": "feel", "misc": "", "start_char": 8, "text": "feels", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "end_char": 22, "feats": "Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part", "head": 2, "id": 3, "lemma": "demean", "misc": "", "start_char": 14, "text": "demeaned", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBN" }, { "deprel": "cc", "end_char": 26, "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": 4, "lemma": "but", "misc": "", "start_char": 23, "text": "but", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 32, "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": 5, "lemma": "after", "misc": "", "start_char": 27, "text": "after", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "end_char": 37, "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": 6, "lemma": "some", "misc": "", "start_char": 33, "text": "some", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl", "end_char": 46, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 12, "id": 7, "lemma": "training", "misc": "", "start_char": 38, "text": "training", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 51, "feats": null, "head": 9, "id": 8, "lemma": "from", "misc": "", "start_char": 47, "text": "from", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod", "end_char": 59, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 7, "id": 9, "lemma": "Charles", "misc": "", "start_char": 52, "text": "Charles", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 61, "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": 10, "lemma": ",", "misc": "", "start_char": 60, "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 64, "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 12, "id": 11, "lemma": "he", "misc": "", "start_char": 62, "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "conj", "end_char": 74, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 2, "id": 12, "lemma": "overcome", "misc": "", "start_char": 65, "text": "overcomes", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "end_char": 78, "feats": "Case=Gen|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs", "head": 14, "id": 13, "lemma": "his", "misc": "", "start_char": 75, "text": "his", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP$" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 91, "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 12, "id": 14, "lemma": "insecurity", "misc": "", "start_char": 79, "text": "insecurities", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "mark", "end_char": 94, "feats": null, "head": 16, "id": 15, "lemma": "to", "misc": "", "start_char": 92, "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "end_char": 101, "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 12, "id": 16, "lemma": "become", "misc": "", "start_char": 95, "text": "become", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "det", "end_char": 105, "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 19, "id": 17, "lemma": "the", "misc": "", "start_char": 102, "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "amod", "end_char": 110, "feats": "Degree=Sup", "head": 19, "id": 18, "lemma": "good", "misc": "", "start_char": 106, "text": "best", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJS" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "end_char": 117, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 16, "id": 19, "lemma": "gigolo", "misc": "", "start_char": 111, "text": "gigolo", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 122, "feats": null, "head": 19, "id": 20, "lemma": "ever", "misc": "", "start_char": 118, "text": "EVER", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 124, "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": 21, "lemma": ".", "misc": "", "start_char": 123, "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 10, 10 ] ], [ [ 0, 8, 8 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Ronald makes me think of Skip Alberto if he were doing a solo radio show, mainly talking out of his ass as much as possible.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 6, 6 ], [ 0, 8, 8 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Norman says Larry was suppose to be there but he had real life issues come up.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 2, 2 ], [ 0, 9, 9 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Richard gets hate for Thomas, but he's done a good job.
[ { "end_char": 55, "id": 1, "misc": { "parse_tree": "(ROOT (S (S (NP (NNP Richard)) (VP (VBZ gets) (ADJP (JJ hate)) (PP (IN for) (NP (NNP Thomas))))) (, ,) (CC but) (S (NP (PRP he)) (VP (VBZ 's) (VP (VBN done) (NP (DT a) (JJ good) (NN job))))) (. .)))" }, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "Richard gets hate for Thomas, but he's done a good job.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 7, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": 1, "lemma": "Richard", "misc": "", "start_char": 0, "text": "Richard", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 12, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": 2, "lemma": "get", "misc": "", "start_char": 8, "text": "gets", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "end_char": 17, "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 2, "id": 3, "lemma": "hate", "misc": "", "start_char": 13, "text": "hate", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 21, "feats": null, "head": 5, "id": 4, "lemma": "for", "misc": "", "start_char": 18, "text": "for", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "end_char": 28, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": 5, "lemma": "Thomas", "misc": "", "start_char": 22, "text": "Thomas", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 30, "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": 6, "lemma": ",", "misc": "", "start_char": 29, "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "cc", "end_char": 34, "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": 7, "lemma": "but", "misc": "", "start_char": 31, "text": "but", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 37, "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 10, "id": 8, "lemma": "he", "misc": "", "start_char": 35, "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "end_char": 40, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 10, "id": 9, "lemma": "be", "misc": "", "start_char": 38, "text": "'s", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "conj", "end_char": 45, "feats": "Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part", "head": 2, "id": 10, "lemma": "do", "misc": "", "start_char": 41, "text": "done", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBN" }, { "deprel": "det", "end_char": 47, "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 13, "id": 11, "lemma": "a", "misc": "", "start_char": 46, "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "amod", "end_char": 52, "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 13, "id": 12, "lemma": "good", "misc": "", "start_char": 48, "text": "good", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 56, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 10, "id": 13, "lemma": "job", "misc": "", "start_char": 53, "text": "job", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 58, "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": 14, "lemma": ".", "misc": "", "start_char": 57, "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 7, 7 ] ], [ [ 0, 4, 4 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Christopher said Larry was only playing around when everyone attacked him on Tenrou.
[ { "end_char": 84, "id": 1, "misc": { "parse_tree": "(ROOT (S (NP (NNP Christopher)) (VP (VBD said) (SBAR (S (NP (NNP Larry)) (VP (VBD was) (ADVP (RB only)) (VP (VBG playing) (ADVP (RB around)) (SBAR (WHADVP (WRB when)) (S (NP (NN everyone)) (VP (VBD attacked) (NP (PRP him)) (PP (IN on) (NP (NNP Tenrou))))))))))) (. .)))" }, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "Christopher said Larry was only playing around when everyone attacked him on Tenrou.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 11, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": 1, "lemma": "Christopher", "misc": "", "start_char": 0, "text": "Christopher", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 16, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": 2, "lemma": "say", "misc": "", "start_char": 12, "text": "said", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 22, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 6, "id": 3, "lemma": "Larry", "misc": "", "start_char": 17, "text": "Larry", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "end_char": 26, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 6, "id": 4, "lemma": "be", "misc": "", "start_char": 23, "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 31, "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": 5, "lemma": "only", "misc": "", "start_char": 27, "text": "only", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "ccomp", "end_char": 39, "feats": "Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Part", "head": 2, "id": 6, "lemma": "play", "misc": "", "start_char": 32, "text": "playing", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 46, "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": 7, "lemma": "around", "misc": "", "start_char": 40, "text": "around", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 51, "feats": "PronType=Int", "head": 10, "id": 8, "lemma": "when", "misc": "", "start_char": 47, "text": "when", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "WRB" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 60, "feats": "Number=Sing|PronType=Tot", "head": 10, "id": 9, "lemma": "everyone", "misc": "", "start_char": 52, "text": "everyone", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "end_char": 69, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 6, "id": 10, "lemma": "attack", "misc": "", "start_char": 61, "text": "attacked", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 73, "feats": "Case=Acc|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 10, "id": 11, "lemma": "he", "misc": "", "start_char": 70, "text": "him", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 76, "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": 12, "lemma": "on", "misc": "", "start_char": 74, "text": "on", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "end_char": 83, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 10, "id": 13, "lemma": "Tenrou", "misc": "", "start_char": 77, "text": "Tenrou", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 85, "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": 14, "lemma": ".", "misc": "", "start_char": 84, "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
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Being sandwiched between Paul helps but Donald was still bad if you actually look at his tenure.
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Luis isn't as good as Willie, but I'd take him any day over Nellie.
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Rosie asked how much Elva had been drinking because her hands were shaking super bad.
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{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
As Paul, I love Isaac, but he's off his head on this one.
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{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Gregory couldn't possibly be more popular than Carter because he's been attacked at least as much, yet he's far more popular.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 10, 10 ] ], [ [ 0, 8, 8 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Daniel is pretty sweet, I like Richard but he's both less exciting and I wager less fun to play as.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 7, 7 ], [ 0, 9, 9 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Jonathan is good, I was gonna say Todd but he's a bigger name and they're very comparable.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 9, 9 ], [ 0, 11, 11 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Given this, Samuel should likewise have been able to effortlessly dominate Neil, though perhaps he might have needed a bit more effort to it.
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[ [ [ 0, 3, 3 ], [ 0, 16, 16 ] ], [ [ 0, 12, 12 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Vincent is amazing, but I just prefer Derek, I feel like he contributes more to the team.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 8, 8 ], [ 0, 13, 13 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Can Erika have Betty back now too or would she be too OP then?
[ { "end_char": 62, "id": 1, "misc": { "parse_tree": "(ROOT (SQ (SQ (MD Can) (NP (NNP Erika)) (VP (VB have) (NP (NNP Betty)) (ADVP (RB back)) (ADVP (RB now)) (ADVP (RB too)))) (CC or) (SQ (MD would) (NP (PRP she)) (VP (VB be) (NP (RB too) (NN OP)) (ADVP (RB then)))) (. ?)))" }, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "Can Erika have Betty back now too or would she be too OP then?", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "aux", "end_char": 3, "feats": "VerbForm=Fin", "head": 3, "id": 1, "lemma": "can", "misc": "", "start_char": 0, "text": "Can", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "MD" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 9, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": 2, "lemma": "Erika", "misc": "", "start_char": 4, "text": "Erika", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 14, "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 0, "id": 3, "lemma": "have", "misc": "", "start_char": 10, "text": "have", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 20, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": 4, "lemma": "Betty", "misc": "", "start_char": 15, "text": "Betty", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 25, "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": 5, "lemma": "back", "misc": "", "start_char": 21, "text": "back", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 29, "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": 6, "lemma": "now", "misc": "", "start_char": 26, "text": "now", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 33, "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": 7, "lemma": "too", "misc": "", "start_char": 30, "text": "too", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "cc", "end_char": 36, "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": 8, "lemma": "or", "misc": "", "start_char": 34, "text": "or", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "aux", "end_char": 42, "feats": "VerbForm=Fin", "head": 13, "id": 9, "lemma": "would", "misc": "", "start_char": 37, "text": "would", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "MD" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 46, "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Fem|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 13, "id": 10, "lemma": "she", "misc": "", "start_char": 43, "text": "she", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "end_char": 49, "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 13, "id": 11, "lemma": "be", "misc": "", "start_char": 47, "text": "be", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 53, "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": 12, "lemma": "too", "misc": "", "start_char": 50, "text": "too", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "conj", "end_char": 56, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": 13, "lemma": "OP", "misc": "", "start_char": 54, "text": "OP", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 61, "feats": "PronType=Dem", "head": 13, "id": 14, "lemma": "then", "misc": "", "start_char": 57, "text": "then", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 63, "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": 15, "lemma": "?", "misc": "", "start_char": 62, "text": "?", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 1, 1 ], [ 0, 9, 9 ] ], [ [ 0, 3, 3 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Matt is probably smarter than William but he's just not as good of a person.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 7, 7 ] ], [ [ 0, 5, 5 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
John is no where near as good a first-pass recruiter as Vernon was, but he is a hell of a transfer recruiter!
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 15, 15 ] ], [ [ 0, 11, 11 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Marcos was shot and Alfred was poisoned when someone slipped him too much of a controlled medication.
[ { "end_char": 101, "id": 1, "misc": { "parse_tree": "(ROOT (S (S (NP (NNP Marcos)) (VP (VBD was) (VP (VBN shot)))) (CC and) (S (NP (NNP Alfred)) (VP (VBD was) (VP (VBN poisoned) (SBAR (WHADVP (WRB when)) (S (NP (NN someone)) (VP (VBD slipped) (NP (PRP him)) (NP (NP (ADJP (RB too) (JJ much))) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT a) (VBN controlled) (NN medication)))))))))) (. .)))" }, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "Marcos was shot and Alfred was poisoned when someone slipped him too much of a controlled medication.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj:pass", "end_char": 6, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": 1, "lemma": "Marcos", "misc": "", "start_char": 0, "text": "Marcos", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "aux:pass", "end_char": 10, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 3, "id": 2, "lemma": "be", "misc": "", "start_char": 7, "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 15, "feats": "Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass", "head": 0, "id": 3, "lemma": "shoot", "misc": "", "start_char": 11, "text": "shot", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBN" }, { "deprel": "cc", "end_char": 19, "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": 4, "lemma": "and", "misc": "", "start_char": 16, "text": "and", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "nsubj:pass", "end_char": 26, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 7, "id": 5, "lemma": "Alfred", "misc": "", "start_char": 20, "text": "Alfred", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "aux:pass", "end_char": 30, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 7, "id": 6, "lemma": "be", "misc": "", "start_char": 27, "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "conj", "end_char": 39, "feats": "Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass", "head": 3, "id": 7, "lemma": "poison", "misc": "", "start_char": 31, "text": "poisoned", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBN" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 44, "feats": "PronType=Int", "head": 10, "id": 8, "lemma": "when", "misc": "", "start_char": 40, "text": "when", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "WRB" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 52, "feats": "Number=Sing|PronType=Ind", "head": 10, "id": 9, "lemma": "someone", "misc": "", "start_char": 45, "text": "someone", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "end_char": 60, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 7, "id": 10, "lemma": "slip", "misc": "", "start_char": 53, "text": "slipped", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "iobj", "end_char": 64, "feats": "Case=Acc|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 10, "id": 11, "lemma": "he", "misc": "", "start_char": 61, "text": "him", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 68, "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": 12, "lemma": "too", "misc": "", "start_char": 65, "text": "too", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 73, "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 10, "id": 13, "lemma": "much", "misc": "", "start_char": 69, "text": "much", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 76, "feats": null, "head": 17, "id": 14, "lemma": "of", "misc": "", "start_char": 74, "text": "of", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "end_char": 78, "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 17, "id": 15, "lemma": "a", "misc": "", "start_char": 77, "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "amod", "end_char": 89, "feats": "Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part", "head": 17, "id": 16, "lemma": "control", "misc": "", "start_char": 79, "text": "controlled", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "end_char": 100, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 13, "id": 17, "lemma": "medication", "misc": "", "start_char": 90, "text": "medication", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 102, "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": 18, "lemma": ".", "misc": "", "start_char": 101, "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 4, 4 ], [ 0, 10, 10 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Besides, why would Cedric make Steven go limping around when we never saw him stand upwards?
[ { "end_char": 92, "id": 1, "misc": { "parse_tree": "(ROOT (SBARQ (ADVP (RB Besides)) (, ,) (WHADVP (WRB why)) (SQ (MD would) (NP (NNP Cedric)) (VP (VB make) (S (NP (NNP Steven)) (VP (VB go) (S (VP (VBG limping) (ADVP (RB around)))))) (SBAR (WHADVP (WRB when)) (S (NP (PRP we)) (ADVP (RB never)) (VP (VBD saw) (S (NP (PRP him)) (VP (VB stand) (ADVP (RB upwards))))))))) (. ?)))" }, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "Besides, why would Cedric make Steven go limping around when we never saw him stand upwards?", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 7, "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": 1, "lemma": "besides", "misc": "", "start_char": 0, "text": "Besides", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 9, "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": 2, "lemma": ",", "misc": "", "start_char": 8, "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 13, "feats": "PronType=Int", "head": 6, "id": 3, "lemma": "why", "misc": "", "start_char": 10, "text": "why", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "WRB" }, { "deprel": "aux", "end_char": 19, "feats": "VerbForm=Fin", "head": 6, "id": 4, "lemma": "would", "misc": "", "start_char": 14, "text": "would", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "MD" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 26, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 6, "id": 5, "lemma": "Cedric", "misc": "", "start_char": 20, "text": "Cedric", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 31, "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 0, "id": 6, "lemma": "make", "misc": "", "start_char": 27, "text": "make", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 38, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 6, "id": 7, "lemma": "Steven", "misc": "", "start_char": 32, "text": "Steven", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "end_char": 41, "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 6, "id": 8, "lemma": "go", "misc": "", "start_char": 39, "text": "go", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "end_char": 49, "feats": "VerbForm=Ger", "head": 8, "id": 9, "lemma": "limp", "misc": "", "start_char": 42, "text": "limping", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 56, "feats": null, "head": 9, "id": 10, "lemma": "around", "misc": "", "start_char": 50, "text": "around", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 61, "feats": "PronType=Int", "head": 14, "id": 11, "lemma": "when", "misc": "", "start_char": 57, "text": "when", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "WRB" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 64, "feats": "Case=Nom|Number=Plur|Person=1|PronType=Prs", "head": 14, "id": 12, "lemma": "we", "misc": "", "start_char": 62, "text": "we", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 70, "feats": null, "head": 14, "id": 13, "lemma": "never", "misc": "", "start_char": 65, "text": "never", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "end_char": 74, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=1|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 6, "id": 14, "lemma": "see", "misc": "", "start_char": 71, "text": "saw", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 78, "feats": "Case=Acc|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 14, "id": 15, "lemma": "he", "misc": "", "start_char": 75, "text": "him", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "end_char": 84, "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 14, "id": 16, "lemma": "stand", "misc": "", "start_char": 79, "text": "stand", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 92, "feats": null, "head": 16, "id": 17, "lemma": "upwards", "misc": "", "start_char": 85, "text": "upwards", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 94, "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": 18, "lemma": "?", "misc": "", "start_char": 93, "text": "?", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 4, 4 ] ], [ [ 0, 6, 6 ], [ 0, 14, 14 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Conversely Alan, Clifford may not be dead now but after everything that's happened his character is definitely dead.
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[ [ [ 0, 1, 1 ] ], [ [ 0, 3, 3 ], [ 0, 15, 15 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
From when Christopher does not recognize who David is so Bart and Lisa go over all of the things he has ever done.
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{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Danny was in love with Paul, but due to him being the sun and her the moon could never actually meet her.
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{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Eugene tells Jack if he does not fight for Myr, he will be disowned.
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{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Actually Jeremiah said that John probably wouldn't because he's too powerful and would break the story.
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[ [ [ 0, 1, 1 ] ], [ [ 0, 4, 4 ], [ 0, 9, 9 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Elizabeth hates Lauren so much for the simple fact because she didn't do what she wanted.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 2, 2 ], [ 0, 10, 10 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Teresa might have seeded some doubt in Wilma, prompting her to ask, but it wasn't intentional.
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{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Cory watched as Bill went, wondering if letting him go on his own was a good idea.
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{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Wayne, I said send Marvin first so we can get his miss out the way.
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{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Lula liked Judith even though she is a book warm and an unpopular girl.
[ { "end_char": 71, "id": 1, "misc": { "parse_tree": "(ROOT (S (NP (NNP Lula)) (VP (VBD liked) (NP (NNP Judith)) (SBAR (ADVP (RB even)) (IN though) (S (NP (PRP she)) (VP (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN book)) (ADJP (ADJP (JJ warm)) (CC and) (NP (DT an) (JJ unpopular) (NN girl)))))))) (. .)))" }, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "Lula liked Judith even though she is a book warm and an unpopular girl.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 4, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": 1, "lemma": "Lula", "misc": "", "start_char": 0, "text": "Lula", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 10, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": 2, "lemma": "like", "misc": "", "start_char": 5, "text": "liked", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 17, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": 3, "lemma": "Judith", "misc": "", "start_char": 11, "text": "Judith", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 22, "feats": null, "head": 9, "id": 4, "lemma": "even", "misc": "", "start_char": 18, "text": "even", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "mark", "end_char": 29, "feats": null, "head": 9, "id": 5, "lemma": "though", "misc": "", "start_char": 23, "text": "though", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 33, "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Fem|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 9, "id": 6, "lemma": "she", "misc": "", "start_char": 30, "text": "she", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "end_char": 36, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 9, "id": 7, "lemma": "be", "misc": "", "start_char": 34, "text": "is", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "det", "end_char": 38, "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 9, "id": 8, "lemma": "a", "misc": "", "start_char": 37, "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "end_char": 43, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": 9, "lemma": "book", "misc": "", "start_char": 39, "text": "book", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "amod", "end_char": 48, "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 9, "id": 10, "lemma": "warm", "misc": "", "start_char": 44, "text": "warm", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "cc", "end_char": 52, "feats": null, "head": 14, "id": 11, "lemma": "and", "misc": "", "start_char": 49, "text": "and", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "det", "end_char": 55, "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 14, "id": 12, "lemma": "a", "misc": "", "start_char": 53, "text": "an", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "amod", "end_char": 65, "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 14, "id": 13, "lemma": "unpopular", "misc": "", "start_char": 56, "text": "unpopular", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "conj", "end_char": 70, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 10, "id": 14, "lemma": "girl", "misc": "", "start_char": 66, "text": "girl", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 72, "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": 15, "lemma": ".", "misc": "", "start_char": 71, "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
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{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Ada is trying to separate himself from Nichole, but that only drives her closer.
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{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
And David says Jack hung himself, but in a later episode he shows up.
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{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Robert isn't a scoring machine like James, although he is a huge presence in the paint which should help the Rockets move up a few spots.
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{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Jason isn't Manuel defensively but he's by no means bad.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 6, 6 ] ], [ [ 0, 3, 3 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Kenneth hit Miguel so hard his beak pretty much spun around his face like Daffy duck.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 2, 2 ], [ 0, 5, 5 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
According to Lloyd, William was -LSB- "just joking" -RSB- when ** he asked Russia to release the emails.
[ { "end_char": 104, "id": 1, "misc": { "parse_tree": "(ROOT (S (PP (VBG According) (PP (IN to) (NP (NNP Lloyd)))) (, ,) (NP (NNP William)) (VP (VBD was) (NP (: -LSB-) (`` ``) (S (ADVP (RB just)) (VP (VBG joking) ('' '') (UH -RSB-) (SBAR (WHADVP (WRB when)) (S (NFP **) (NP (PRP he)) (VP (VBD asked) (NP (NNP Russia)) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB release) (NP (DT the) (NNS emails)))))))))))) (. .)))" }, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "According to Lloyd, William was -LSB- \"just joking\" -RSB- when ** he asked Russia to release the emails.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 9, "feats": "ExtPos=ADP|VerbForm=Ger", "head": 3, "id": 1, "lemma": "accord", "misc": "", "start_char": 0, "text": "According", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "fixed", "end_char": 12, "feats": null, "head": 1, "id": 2, "lemma": "to", "misc": "", "start_char": 10, "text": "to", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "end_char": 18, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 10, "id": 3, "lemma": "Lloyd", "misc": "", "start_char": 13, "text": "Lloyd", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 20, "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": 4, "lemma": ",", "misc": "", "start_char": 19, "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 28, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 10, "id": 5, "lemma": "William", "misc": "", "start_char": 21, "text": "William", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "end_char": 32, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 10, "id": 6, "lemma": "be", "misc": "", "start_char": 29, "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 38, "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": 7, "lemma": "-LSB-", "misc": "", "start_char": 33, "text": "-LSB-", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": ":" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 41, "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": 8, "lemma": "``", "misc": "", "start_char": 39, "text": "``", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "``" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 46, "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": 9, "lemma": "just", "misc": "", "start_char": 42, "text": "just", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 53, "feats": "VerbForm=Ger", "head": 0, "id": 10, "lemma": "joke", "misc": "", "start_char": 47, "text": "joking", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 56, "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": 11, "lemma": "''", "misc": "", "start_char": 54, "text": "''", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "''" }, { "deprel": "reparandum", "end_char": 62, "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": 12, "lemma": "-RSB-", "misc": "", "start_char": 57, "text": "-RSB-", "upos": "INTJ", "xpos": "UH" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 67, "feats": "PronType=Int", "head": 16, "id": 13, "lemma": "when", "misc": "", "start_char": 63, "text": "when", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "WRB" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 70, "feats": null, "head": 16, "id": 14, "lemma": "**", "misc": "", "start_char": 68, "text": "**", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "NFP" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 73, "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 16, "id": 15, "lemma": "he", "misc": "", "start_char": 71, "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "end_char": 79, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 10, "id": 16, "lemma": "ask", "misc": "", "start_char": 74, "text": "asked", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "iobj", "end_char": 86, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 16, "id": 17, "lemma": "Russia", "misc": "", "start_char": 80, "text": "Russia", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "mark", "end_char": 89, "feats": null, "head": 19, "id": 18, "lemma": "to", "misc": "", "start_char": 87, "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "end_char": 97, "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 16, "id": 19, "lemma": "release", "misc": "", "start_char": 90, "text": "release", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "det", "end_char": 101, "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 21, "id": 20, "lemma": "the", "misc": "", "start_char": 98, "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 108, "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 19, "id": 21, "lemma": "email", "misc": "", "start_char": 102, "text": "emails", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 110, "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": 22, "lemma": ".", "misc": "", "start_char": 109, "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 2, 2 ] ], [ [ 0, 4, 4 ], [ 0, 14, 14 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Bring up that Sheila wants Michele to win, because she knows that Republicans can't beat Bernie.
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[ [ [ 0, 3, 3 ], [ 0, 10, 10 ] ], [ [ 0, 5, 5 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Luke is definitely better than Thomas, but the Bengals seem entrenched with him.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 13, 13 ] ], [ [ 0, 5, 5 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Allen is better than William because he's an amoral genius, and therefore can act as both a POV and the catalyst for an entire story.
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James was strong even before meeting Shane but even after training with Shane he still lost to Mercenary Tao.
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{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
And Gerald didn't confront Richard to explain because he knew that would be the case.
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{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Michael begins to fight Paul but finds himself overwhelmed as his henchmen attack him.
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{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Oscar went to execute Curtis, but I went into VATS and planted a critical in his skull.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 16, 16 ] ], [ [ 0, 4, 4 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Harry is Ollie, though, so he'd probably be ok with a little action again.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 7, 7 ] ], [ [ 0, 2, 2 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Mike: Jerry was how old when he first touched a girl's breast?
[ { "end_char": 62, "id": 1, "misc": { "parse_tree": "(ROOT (NP (NNP Mike) (: :) (S (NP (NNP Jerry)) (VP (VBD was) (WHADJP (WRB how) (JJ old)) (SBAR (WHADVP (WRB when)) (S (NP (PRP he)) (ADVP (RB first)) (VP (VBD touched) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN girl) (POS 's)) (NN breast))))))) (. ?)))" }, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "Mike: Jerry was how old when he first touched a girl's breast?", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 4, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 0, "id": 1, "lemma": "Mike", "misc": "", "start_char": 0, "text": "Mike", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 6, "feats": null, "head": 1, "id": 2, "lemma": ":", "misc": "", "start_char": 5, "text": ":", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": ":" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 12, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 6, "id": 3, "lemma": "Jerry", "misc": "", "start_char": 7, "text": "Jerry", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "end_char": 16, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 6, "id": 4, "lemma": "be", "misc": "", "start_char": 13, "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 20, "feats": "PronType=Int", "head": 6, "id": 5, "lemma": "how", "misc": "", "start_char": 17, "text": "how", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "WRB" }, { "deprel": "parataxis", "end_char": 24, "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 1, "id": 6, "lemma": "old", "misc": "", "start_char": 21, "text": "old", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 29, "feats": "PronType=Int", "head": 10, "id": 7, "lemma": "when", "misc": "", "start_char": 25, "text": "when", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "WRB" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 32, "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 10, "id": 8, "lemma": "he", "misc": "", "start_char": 30, "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 38, "feats": "NumType=Ord", "head": 10, "id": 9, "lemma": "first", "misc": "", "start_char": 33, "text": "first", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "end_char": 46, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 6, "id": 10, "lemma": "touch", "misc": "", "start_char": 39, "text": "touched", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "end_char": 48, "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 12, "id": 11, "lemma": "a", "misc": "", "start_char": 47, "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "end_char": 53, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 14, "id": 12, "lemma": "girl", "misc": "", "start_char": 49, "text": "girl", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 56, "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": 13, "lemma": "'s", "misc": "", "start_char": 54, "text": "'s", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "POS" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 63, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 10, "id": 14, "lemma": "breast", "misc": "", "start_char": 57, "text": "breast", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 65, "feats": null, "head": 1, "id": 15, "lemma": "?", "misc": "", "start_char": 64, "text": "?", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 2, 2 ], [ 0, 7, 7 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Also, Kyle wouldn't be willing to risk losing Allen again if he doesn't have to.
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[ [ [ 0, 2, 2 ], [ 0, 13, 13 ] ], [ [ 0, 10, 10 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
But you can bet Nora would have a field day with Brenda, I sincerely believe Brenda would lose because she represents the establishment at its core.
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Dennis was never Francisco as far as I know, but he paraded around in a Batman costume for awhile.
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And even if Steven genuinely did remove David because of how he handled the Clinton investigation, he completely bungled the process.
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Dan didn't play as many snaps as Dennis because his coaches, like most coaches, tend to rotate the DL a lot.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 10, 10 ] ], [ [ 0, 8, 8 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
And Kristopher isn't Marlon, but he was near the sweater.
[ { "end_char": 57, "id": 1, "misc": { "parse_tree": "(ROOT (S (CC And) (S (NP (NNP Kristopher)) (VP (VBZ is) (RB n't) (NP (NNP Marlon)))) (, ,) (CC but) (S (NP (PRP he)) (VP (VBD was) (PP (IN near) (NP (DT the) (NN sweater))))) (. .)))" }, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "And Kristopher isn't Marlon, but he was near the sweater.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "cc", "end_char": 3, "feats": null, "head": 5, "id": 1, "lemma": "and", "misc": "", "start_char": 0, "text": "And", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 14, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 5, "id": 2, "lemma": "Kristopher", "misc": "", "start_char": 4, "text": "Kristopher", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "end_char": 17, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 5, "id": 3, "lemma": "be", "misc": "", "start_char": 15, "text": "is", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 21, "feats": null, "head": 5, "id": 4, "lemma": "not", "misc": "", "start_char": 18, "text": "n't", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 28, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 0, "id": 5, "lemma": "Marlon", "misc": "", "start_char": 22, "text": "Marlon", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 30, "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": 6, "lemma": ",", "misc": "", "start_char": 29, "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "cc", "end_char": 34, "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": 7, "lemma": "but", "misc": "", "start_char": 31, "text": "but", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 37, "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 12, "id": 8, "lemma": "he", "misc": "", "start_char": 35, "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "end_char": 41, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 12, "id": 9, "lemma": "be", "misc": "", "start_char": 38, "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 46, "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": 10, "lemma": "near", "misc": "", "start_char": 42, "text": "near", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "end_char": 50, "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 12, "id": 11, "lemma": "the", "misc": "", "start_char": 47, "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "conj", "end_char": 58, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 5, "id": 12, "lemma": "sweater", "misc": "", "start_char": 51, "text": "sweater", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 60, "feats": null, "head": 5, "id": 13, "lemma": ".", "misc": "", "start_char": 59, "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
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{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Frances wants to have a threesome with Whitney, but she's not a lesbian.
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{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Also, Colin was in love with Joseph, so he might want her back from Maron Martell which could cause more strife with them.
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Timothy would have been a puppet for Tim if he won anyway.
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{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Mary becomes more introspective and wondering what Geri wanted to be when she was a child.
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Charles has to answer to Alvin because of honor and duty, even if he is a stranger.
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Danny associates with Leon because he believes him to be the best personal trainer available, and a great personal trainer is central to his professional success.
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Daniel was lost and William was non-existant and when he did get the ball - he massively screwed up.
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Ronald was a better linebacker than Hobert, but he got released because he thought he was too good for special teams.
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Donald may be the best fighter among Willie, but Qotho is one of his bloodriders, which means he's also going to be among the best.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 14, 14 ] ], [ [ 0, 7, 7 ] ] ]
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Louis had covered for Peter once when he was almost caught cheating.
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{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Verna doesn't WANT to be friends with Eunice because that would involve watching her date other guys, the last thing she wants to see.
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For me other than James, Charles is second but saying that I haven't really kept up with his current skill.
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Ralph can't touch Jamison if he's asleep, and her specialization in Magic and Resistance mean that he stands no shot of Silencing her.
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