1 value
Cassie likes Adeline because she can be more versatile but Benny likes being a tank.
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{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Daniel was stronger than Cory slightly but couldn't affect him.
[ { "end_char": 63, "id": 1, "misc": { "parse_tree": "(ROOT (S (NP (NNP Daniel)) (VP (VP (VBD was) (ADJP (ADJP (JJR stronger)) (PP (IN than) (NP (NNP Cory)))) (ADVP (RB slightly))) (CC but) (VP (MD could) (RB n't) (VP (VB affect) (NP (PRP him))))) (. .)))" }, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "Daniel was stronger than Cory slightly but couldn't affect him.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 6, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": 1, "lemma": "Daniel", "misc": "", "start_char": 0, "text": "Daniel", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "end_char": 10, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 3, "id": 2, "lemma": "be", "misc": "", "start_char": 7, "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 19, "feats": "Degree=Cmp", "head": 0, "id": 3, "lemma": "strong", "misc": "", "start_char": 11, "text": "stronger", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJR" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 24, "feats": null, "head": 5, "id": 4, "lemma": "than", "misc": "", "start_char": 20, "text": "than", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "end_char": 29, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": 5, "lemma": "cory", "misc": "", "start_char": 25, "text": "Cory", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 38, "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": 6, "lemma": "slightly", "misc": "", "start_char": 30, "text": "slightly", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "cc", "end_char": 42, "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": 7, "lemma": "but", "misc": "", "start_char": 39, "text": "but", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "aux", "end_char": 48, "feats": "VerbForm=Fin", "head": 10, "id": 8, "lemma": "could", "misc": "", "start_char": 43, "text": "could", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "MD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 52, "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": 9, "lemma": "not", "misc": "", "start_char": 49, "text": "n't", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "conj", "end_char": 59, "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 3, "id": 10, "lemma": "affect", "misc": "", "start_char": 53, "text": "affect", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 63, "feats": "Case=Acc|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 10, "id": 11, "lemma": "he", "misc": "", "start_char": 60, "text": "him", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 65, "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": 12, "lemma": ".", "misc": "", "start_char": 64, "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
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{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Does Patrick get to be Mark now since he also has ONE hit like that?
[ { "end_char": 68, "id": 1, "misc": { "parse_tree": "(ROOT (SQ (VBZ Does) (NP (NNP Patrick)) (VP (VB get) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB be) (NP (NNP Mark)) (ADVP (RB now)) (SBAR (IN since) (S (NP (PRP he)) (ADVP (RB also)) (VP (VBZ has) (NP (CD ONE)) (VP (NN hit) (PP (IN like) (NP (DT that))))))))))) (. ?)))" }, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "Does Patrick get to be Mark now since he also has ONE hit like that?", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "aux", "end_char": 4, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 3, "id": 1, "lemma": "do", "misc": "", "start_char": 0, "text": "Does", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 12, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": 2, "lemma": "Patrick", "misc": "", "start_char": 5, "text": "Patrick", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 16, "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 0, "id": 3, "lemma": "get", "misc": "", "start_char": 13, "text": "get", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "mark", "end_char": 19, "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": 4, "lemma": "to", "misc": "", "start_char": 17, "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "cop", "end_char": 22, "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 6, "id": 5, "lemma": "be", "misc": "", "start_char": 20, "text": "be", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "end_char": 27, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": 6, "lemma": "Mark", "misc": "", "start_char": 23, "text": "Mark", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 31, "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": 7, "lemma": "now", "misc": "", "start_char": 28, "text": "now", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "mark", "end_char": 37, "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": 8, "lemma": "since", "misc": "", "start_char": 32, "text": "since", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 40, "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 11, "id": 9, "lemma": "he", "misc": "", "start_char": 38, "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 45, "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": 10, "lemma": "also", "misc": "", "start_char": 41, "text": "also", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "end_char": 49, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 3, "id": 11, "lemma": "have", "misc": "", "start_char": 46, "text": "has", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "nummod", "end_char": 53, "feats": "NumForm=Word|NumType=Card", "head": 13, "id": 12, "lemma": "one", "misc": "", "start_char": 50, "text": "ONE", "upos": "NUM", "xpos": "CD" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 57, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 11, "id": 13, "lemma": "hit", "misc": "", "start_char": 54, "text": "hit", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 62, "feats": null, "head": 15, "id": 14, "lemma": "like", "misc": "", "start_char": 58, "text": "like", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod", "end_char": 67, "feats": "Number=Sing|PronType=Dem", "head": 13, "id": 15, "lemma": "that", "misc": "", "start_char": 63, "text": "that", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 69, "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": 16, "lemma": "?", "misc": "", "start_char": 68, "text": "?", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 1, 1 ], [ 0, 8, 8 ] ], [ [ 0, 5, 5 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Actually Daryl was my least favorite I even liked Tracy better because he shut the hell up.
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{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Johnny lacks the explosiveness of David, although his length does go a long way to compensating for that comparative deficiency.
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{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
James was made for Shane but does he have other uses?
[ { "end_char": 53, "id": 1, "misc": { "parse_tree": "(ROOT (S (S (NP (NNP James)) (VP (VBD was) (VP (VBN made) (PP (IN for) (NP (NNP Shane)))))) (CC but) (SQ (VBZ does) (NP (PRP he)) (VP (VB have) (NP (JJ other) (NNS uses)))) (. ?)))" }, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "James was made for Shane but does he have other uses?", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj:pass", "end_char": 5, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": 1, "lemma": "James", "misc": "", "start_char": 0, "text": "James", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "aux:pass", "end_char": 9, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 3, "id": 2, "lemma": "be", "misc": "", "start_char": 6, "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 14, "feats": "Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass", "head": 0, "id": 3, "lemma": "make", "misc": "", "start_char": 10, "text": "made", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBN" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 18, "feats": null, "head": 5, "id": 4, "lemma": "for", "misc": "", "start_char": 15, "text": "for", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "end_char": 24, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": 5, "lemma": "Shane", "misc": "", "start_char": 19, "text": "Shane", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "cc", "end_char": 28, "feats": null, "head": 9, "id": 6, "lemma": "but", "misc": "", "start_char": 25, "text": "but", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "aux", "end_char": 33, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 9, "id": 7, "lemma": "do", "misc": "", "start_char": 29, "text": "does", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 36, "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 9, "id": 8, "lemma": "he", "misc": "", "start_char": 34, "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "conj", "end_char": 41, "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 3, "id": 9, "lemma": "have", "misc": "", "start_char": 37, "text": "have", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "amod", "end_char": 47, "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 11, "id": 10, "lemma": "other", "misc": "", "start_char": 42, "text": "other", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 52, "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 9, "id": 11, "lemma": "use", "misc": "", "start_char": 48, "text": "uses", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 54, "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": 12, "lemma": "?", "misc": "", "start_char": 53, "text": "?", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 7, 7 ] ], [ [ 0, 4, 4 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Erma isn't romantically or sexually attracted to Jennifer in the slightest, and neither is she to her.
[ { "end_char": 102, "id": 1, "misc": { "parse_tree": "(ROOT (S (S (NP (NNP Erma)) (VP (VBZ is) (RB n't) (ADJP (ADVP (RB romantically)) (CC or) (ADJP (RB sexually)) (VBN attracted) (PP (IN to) (NP (NNP Jennifer)))) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (JJS slightest))))) (, ,) (CC and) (S (NP (DT neither)) (VP (VBZ is) (NP (PRP she)) (PP (IN to) (NP (PRP her))))) (. .)))" }, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "Erma isn't romantically or sexually attracted to Jennifer in the slightest, and neither is she to her.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj:pass", "end_char": 4, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 7, "id": 1, "lemma": "Erma", "misc": "", "start_char": 0, "text": "Erma", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "aux:pass", "end_char": 7, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 7, "id": 2, "lemma": "be", "misc": "", "start_char": 5, "text": "is", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 11, "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": 3, "lemma": "not", "misc": "", "start_char": 8, "text": "n't", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 24, "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": 4, "lemma": "romantically", "misc": "", "start_char": 12, "text": "romantically", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "cc", "end_char": 27, "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": 5, "lemma": "or", "misc": "", "start_char": 25, "text": "or", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "conj", "end_char": 36, "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": 6, "lemma": "sexually", "misc": "", "start_char": 28, "text": "sexually", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 46, "feats": "Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass", "head": 0, "id": 7, "lemma": "attract", "misc": "", "start_char": 37, "text": "attracted", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBN" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 49, "feats": null, "head": 9, "id": 8, "lemma": "to", "misc": "", "start_char": 47, "text": "to", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "end_char": 58, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 7, "id": 9, "lemma": "Jennifer", "misc": "", "start_char": 50, "text": "Jennifer", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 61, "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": 10, "lemma": "in", "misc": "", "start_char": 59, "text": "in", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "end_char": 65, "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 12, "id": 11, "lemma": "the", "misc": "", "start_char": 62, "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl", "end_char": 75, "feats": "Degree=Sup", "head": 7, "id": 12, "lemma": "slight", "misc": "", "start_char": 66, "text": "slightest", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJS" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 77, "feats": null, "head": 16, "id": 13, "lemma": ",", "misc": "", "start_char": 76, "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "cc", "end_char": 81, "feats": null, "head": 16, "id": 14, "lemma": "and", "misc": "", "start_char": 78, "text": "and", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 89, "feats": "PronType=Art", "head": 16, "id": 15, "lemma": "neither", "misc": "", "start_char": 82, "text": "neither", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "conj", "end_char": 92, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 7, "id": 16, "lemma": "be", "misc": "", "start_char": 90, "text": "is", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 96, "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Fem|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 16, "id": 17, "lemma": "she", "misc": "", "start_char": 93, "text": "she", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 99, "feats": null, "head": 19, "id": 18, "lemma": "to", "misc": "", "start_char": 97, "text": "to", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "end_char": 103, "feats": "Case=Acc|Gender=Fem|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 16, "id": 19, "lemma": "her", "misc": "", "start_char": 100, "text": "her", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 105, "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": 20, "lemma": ".", "misc": "", "start_char": 104, "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 8, 8 ], [ 0, 16, 16 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Robert arrives, proceeds to decimate Dwayne because his power is so much higher.
[ { "end_char": 80, "id": 1, "misc": { "parse_tree": "(ROOT (S (NP (NNP Robert)) (VP (VP (VBZ arrives)) (, ,) (VP (VBZ proceeds) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB decimate) (NP (NNP Dwayne)))))) (SBAR (IN because) (S (NP (PRP$ his) (NN power)) (VP (VBZ is) (ADVP (RB so) (RB much) (JJR higher)))))) (. .)))" }, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "Robert arrives, proceeds to decimate Dwayne because his power is so much higher.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 6, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": 1, "lemma": "Robert", "misc": "", "start_char": 0, "text": "Robert", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 14, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": 2, "lemma": "arrive", "misc": "", "start_char": 7, "text": "arrives", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 16, "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": 3, "lemma": ",", "misc": "", "start_char": 15, "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "conj", "end_char": 25, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 2, "id": 4, "lemma": "proceed", "misc": "", "start_char": 17, "text": "proceeds", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "mark", "end_char": 28, "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": 5, "lemma": "to", "misc": "", "start_char": 26, "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "end_char": 37, "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 4, "id": 6, "lemma": "decimate", "misc": "", "start_char": 29, "text": "decimate", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 44, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 6, "id": 7, "lemma": "Dwayne", "misc": "", "start_char": 38, "text": "Dwayne", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "mark", "end_char": 52, "feats": null, "head": 14, "id": 8, "lemma": "because", "misc": "", "start_char": 45, "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "end_char": 56, "feats": "Case=Gen|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs", "head": 10, "id": 9, "lemma": "his", "misc": "", "start_char": 53, "text": "his", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP$" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 62, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 14, "id": 10, "lemma": "power", "misc": "", "start_char": 57, "text": "power", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "cop", "end_char": 65, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 14, "id": 11, "lemma": "be", "misc": "", "start_char": 63, "text": "is", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 68, "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": 12, "lemma": "so", "misc": "", "start_char": 66, "text": "so", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 73, "feats": null, "head": 14, "id": 13, "lemma": "much", "misc": "", "start_char": 69, "text": "much", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "end_char": 80, "feats": "Degree=Cmp", "head": 2, "id": 14, "lemma": "high", "misc": "", "start_char": 74, "text": "higher", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJR" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 82, "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": 15, "lemma": ".", "misc": "", "start_char": 81, "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 8, 8 ] ], [ [ 0, 6, 6 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
And Jason obviously wouldn't shut down Alexander, but I think he could hold him to maybe a few less ppg and force some turnovers.
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{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Karl isn't Barry, but he isn't a saint either, I think.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 6, 6 ] ], [ [ 0, 3, 3 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Carl didn't write to Dexter, but he did ask for written instructions, as he should have.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 8, 8 ] ], [ [ 0, 5, 5 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
James hinted that if Michael tried, he'd be stronger than him.
[ { "end_char": 62, "id": 1, "misc": { "parse_tree": "(ROOT (S (NP (NNP James)) (VP (VBD hinted) (SBAR (IN that) (S (SBAR (IN if) (S (NP (NNP Michael)) (VP (VBD tried)))) (, ,) (NP (PRP he)) (VP (MD 'd) (VP (VB be) (ADJP (ADJP (JJR stronger)) (PP (IN than) (NP (PRP him))))))))) (. .)))" }, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "James hinted that if Michael tried, he'd be stronger than him.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 5, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": 1, "lemma": "James", "misc": "", "start_char": 0, "text": "James", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 12, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": 2, "lemma": "hint", "misc": "", "start_char": 6, "text": "hinted", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "mark", "end_char": 17, "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": 3, "lemma": "that", "misc": "", "start_char": 13, "text": "that", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "mark", "end_char": 20, "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": 4, "lemma": "if", "misc": "", "start_char": 18, "text": "if", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 28, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 6, "id": 5, "lemma": "Michael", "misc": "", "start_char": 21, "text": "Michael", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "end_char": 34, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 11, "id": 6, "lemma": "try", "misc": "", "start_char": 29, "text": "tried", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 36, "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": 7, "lemma": ",", "misc": "", "start_char": 35, "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 39, "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 11, "id": 8, "lemma": "he", "misc": "", "start_char": 37, "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "end_char": 42, "feats": "VerbForm=Fin", "head": 11, "id": 9, "lemma": "would", "misc": "", "start_char": 40, "text": "'d", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "MD" }, { "deprel": "cop", "end_char": 45, "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 11, "id": 10, "lemma": "be", "misc": "", "start_char": 43, "text": "be", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "ccomp", "end_char": 54, "feats": "Degree=Cmp", "head": 2, "id": 11, "lemma": "strong", "misc": "", "start_char": 46, "text": "stronger", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJR" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 59, "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": 12, "lemma": "than", "misc": "", "start_char": 55, "text": "than", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "end_char": 63, "feats": "Case=Acc|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 11, "id": 13, "lemma": "he", "misc": "", "start_char": 60, "text": "him", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 65, "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": 14, "lemma": ".", "misc": "", "start_char": 64, "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 4, 4 ], [ 0, 7, 7 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Carlos is good and probably would play well with Kevin, but he is poison to a locker room.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 12, 12 ] ], [ [ 0, 9, 9 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Justin is undoubtedly better forward than David is back though, David has been wobbly since he first joined us defensively.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 6, 6 ], [ 0, 16, 16 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Frances possibly took advantage of Takako when she was vulnerable and then spread rumors about her after the pictures came out.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 5, 5 ], [ 0, 7, 7 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Gary reminds me of what Derrick would look like if he could command his pitches better.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 5, 5 ], [ 0, 10, 10 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Harold is looking really good, William is well liked, but Amanda is fucking him over.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 6, 6 ], [ 0, 15, 15 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Jesse molests Aaron, or has mentioned to Carol his desire to.
[ { "end_char": 61, "id": 1, "misc": { "parse_tree": "(ROOT (S (NP (NNP Jesse)) (VP (VP (VBZ molests) (NP (NNP Aaron))) (, ,) (CC or) (VP (VBZ has) (VP (VBN mentioned) (PP (IN to) (NP (NNP Carol))) (NP (PRP$ his) (NN desire) (TO to))))) (. .)))" }, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "Jesse molests Aaron, or has mentioned to Carol his desire to.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 5, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": 1, "lemma": "Jesse", "misc": "", "start_char": 0, "text": "Jesse", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 13, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": 2, "lemma": "molest", "misc": "", "start_char": 6, "text": "molests", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 19, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": 3, "lemma": "Aaron", "misc": "", "start_char": 14, "text": "Aaron", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 21, "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": 4, "lemma": ",", "misc": "", "start_char": 20, "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "cc", "end_char": 24, "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": 5, "lemma": "or", "misc": "", "start_char": 22, "text": "or", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "aux", "end_char": 28, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 7, "id": 6, "lemma": "have", "misc": "", "start_char": 25, "text": "has", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "conj", "end_char": 38, "feats": "Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part", "head": 2, "id": 7, "lemma": "mention", "misc": "", "start_char": 29, "text": "mentioned", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBN" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 41, "feats": null, "head": 9, "id": 8, "lemma": "to", "misc": "", "start_char": 39, "text": "to", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "end_char": 47, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 7, "id": 9, "lemma": "Carol", "misc": "", "start_char": 42, "text": "Carol", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "end_char": 51, "feats": "Case=Gen|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs", "head": 11, "id": 10, "lemma": "his", "misc": "", "start_char": 48, "text": "his", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP$" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 58, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 7, "id": 11, "lemma": "desire", "misc": "", "start_char": 52, "text": "desire", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "acl", "end_char": 61, "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": 12, "lemma": "to", "misc": "", "start_char": 59, "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 63, "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": 13, "lemma": ".", "misc": "", "start_char": 62, "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 9, 9 ] ], [ [ 0, 2, 2 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Flying into Charles tried to kill Israel, but was being overwhelmed by his bodyguards.
[ { "end_char": 86, "id": 1, "misc": { "parse_tree": "(ROOT (S (S (VP (VBG Flying) (PP (IN into) (NP (NNP Charles))))) (VP (VP (VBD tried) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB kill) (NP (NNP Israel)))))) (, ,) (CC but) (VP (VBD was) (VP (VBG being) (VP (VBN overwhelmed) (PP (IN by) (NP (PRP$ his) (NNS bodyguards))))))) (. .)))" }, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "Flying into Charles tried to kill Israel, but was being overwhelmed by his bodyguards.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "csubj", "end_char": 6, "feats": "VerbForm=Ger", "head": 4, "id": 1, "lemma": "Fly", "misc": "", "start_char": 0, "text": "Flying", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 11, "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": 2, "lemma": "into", "misc": "", "start_char": 7, "text": "into", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "end_char": 19, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 1, "id": 3, "lemma": "Charles", "misc": "", "start_char": 12, "text": "Charles", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 25, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": 4, "lemma": "try", "misc": "", "start_char": 20, "text": "tried", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "mark", "end_char": 28, "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": 5, "lemma": "to", "misc": "", "start_char": 26, "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "end_char": 33, "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 4, "id": 6, "lemma": "kill", "misc": "", "start_char": 29, "text": "kill", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 40, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 6, "id": 7, "lemma": "Israel", "misc": "", "start_char": 34, "text": "Israel", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 42, "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": 8, "lemma": ",", "misc": "", "start_char": 41, "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "cc", "end_char": 46, "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": 9, "lemma": "but", "misc": "", "start_char": 43, "text": "but", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "aux", "end_char": 50, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 12, "id": 10, "lemma": "be", "misc": "", "start_char": 47, "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "aux:pass", "end_char": 56, "feats": "VerbForm=Ger", "head": 12, "id": 11, "lemma": "be", "misc": "", "start_char": 51, "text": "being", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "conj", "end_char": 68, "feats": "Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass", "head": 4, "id": 12, "lemma": "overwhelm", "misc": "", "start_char": 57, "text": "overwhelmed", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBN" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 71, "feats": null, "head": 15, "id": 13, "lemma": "by", "misc": "", "start_char": 69, "text": "by", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "end_char": 75, "feats": "Case=Gen|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs", "head": 15, "id": 14, "lemma": "his", "misc": "", "start_char": 72, "text": "his", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP$" }, { "deprel": "obl", "end_char": 86, "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 12, "id": 15, "lemma": "bodyguard", "misc": "", "start_char": 76, "text": "bodyguards", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 88, "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": 16, "lemma": ".", "misc": "", "start_char": 87, "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 2, 2 ] ], [ [ 0, 6, 6 ], [ 0, 13, 13 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Shane met with Mitchell to ask if he'd help him break into Cochlea to save Hinami who is due for disposal.
[ { "end_char": 106, "id": 1, "misc": { "parse_tree": "(ROOT (S (NP (NNP Shane)) (VP (VBD met) (PP (IN with) (NP (NNP Mitchell))) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB ask) (SBAR (IN if) (S (NP (PRP he)) (VP (MD 'd) (VP (VB help) (NP (PRP him)) (S (VP (VB break) (PP (IN into) (NP (NNP Cochlea))))) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB save) (NP (NP (NNP Hinami)) (SBAR (WHNP (WP who)) (S (VP (VBZ is) (ADJP (JJ due) (PP (IN for) (NP (NN disposal))))))))))))))))))) (. .)))" }, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "Shane met with Mitchell to ask if he'd help him break into Cochlea to save Hinami who is due for disposal.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 5, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": 1, "lemma": "Shane", "misc": "", "start_char": 0, "text": "Shane", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 9, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": 2, "lemma": "meet", "misc": "", "start_char": 6, "text": "met", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 14, "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": 3, "lemma": "with", "misc": "", "start_char": 10, "text": "with", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "end_char": 23, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": 4, "lemma": "Mitchell", "misc": "", "start_char": 15, "text": "Mitchell", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "mark", "end_char": 26, "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": 5, "lemma": "to", "misc": "", "start_char": 24, "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "end_char": 30, "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 2, "id": 6, "lemma": "ask", "misc": "", "start_char": 27, "text": "ask", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "mark", "end_char": 33, "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": 7, "lemma": "if", "misc": "", "start_char": 31, "text": "if", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 36, "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 10, "id": 8, "lemma": "he", "misc": "", "start_char": 34, "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "end_char": 39, "feats": "VerbForm=Fin", "head": 10, "id": 9, "lemma": "would", "misc": "", "start_char": 37, "text": "'d", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "MD" }, { "deprel": "ccomp", "end_char": 44, "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 6, "id": 10, "lemma": "help", "misc": "", "start_char": 40, "text": "help", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 48, "feats": "Case=Acc|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 10, "id": 11, "lemma": "he", "misc": "", "start_char": 45, "text": "him", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "end_char": 54, "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 10, "id": 12, "lemma": "break", "misc": "", "start_char": 49, "text": "break", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 59, "feats": null, "head": 14, "id": 13, "lemma": "into", "misc": "", "start_char": 55, "text": "into", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "end_char": 67, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 12, "id": 14, "lemma": "Cochlea", "misc": "", "start_char": 60, "text": "Cochlea", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "mark", "end_char": 70, "feats": null, "head": 16, "id": 15, "lemma": "to", "misc": "", "start_char": 68, "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "end_char": 75, "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 12, "id": 16, "lemma": "save", "misc": "", "start_char": 71, "text": "save", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 82, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 16, "id": 17, "lemma": "Hinami", "misc": "", "start_char": 76, "text": "Hinami", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 86, "feats": "PronType=Rel", "head": 20, "id": 18, "lemma": "who", "misc": "", "start_char": 83, "text": "who", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "WP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "end_char": 89, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 20, "id": 19, "lemma": "be", "misc": "", "start_char": 87, "text": "is", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "acl:relcl", "end_char": 93, "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 17, "id": 20, "lemma": "due", "misc": "", "start_char": 90, "text": "due", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 97, "feats": null, "head": 22, "id": 21, "lemma": "for", "misc": "", "start_char": 94, "text": "for", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "end_char": 106, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 20, "id": 22, "lemma": "disposal", "misc": "", "start_char": 98, "text": "disposal", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 108, "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": 23, "lemma": ".", "misc": "", "start_char": 107, "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 3, 3 ], [ 0, 7, 7 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Elias looked at Robert as if he'd suddenly grown a second head.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 3, 3 ], [ 0, 6, 6 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Jeremiah doesn't bother me as badly as Thomas, but I never feel like we're seeing his real personality.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 18, 18 ] ], [ [ 0, 8, 8 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Mitchell Kenneth is fascinating too, because he was the one who called for the first crusade and all of the political power games that that entails.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 7, 7 ] ], [ [ 0, 1, 1 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Keneth has said that about Thomas when asked who he admires outside his program.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 9, 9 ] ], [ [ 0, 5, 5 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Jerry then tries to damage Juan, but he is already dead.
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{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
And Robert lived with Edwin when he was a toddler, but is shown as a newborn at the church.
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{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Julio couldn't play Doyle but he could most likely do just as well if not better than Ljungberg.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 6, 6 ] ], [ [ 0, 4, 4 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
And now manipulating Ann into either killing Susana or providing her with evidence.
[ { "end_char": 83, "id": 1, "misc": { "parse_tree": "(ROOT (FRAG (CC And) (ADVP (RB now)) (VP (VBG manipulating) (NP (NNP Ann)) (PP (IN into) (S (VP (VP (CC either) (VBG killing) (NP (NNP Susana))) (CC or) (VP (VBG providing) (NP (PRP her)) (PP (IN with) (NP (NN evidence)))))))) (. .)))" }, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "And now manipulating Ann into either killing Susana or providing her with evidence.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "cc", "end_char": 3, "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": 1, "lemma": "and", "misc": "", "start_char": 0, "text": "And", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 7, "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": 2, "lemma": "now", "misc": "", "start_char": 4, "text": "now", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 20, "feats": "VerbForm=Ger", "head": 0, "id": 3, "lemma": "manipulate", "misc": "", "start_char": 8, "text": "manipulating", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 24, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": 4, "lemma": "Ann", "misc": "", "start_char": 21, "text": "Ann", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "mark", "end_char": 29, "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": 5, "lemma": "into", "misc": "", "start_char": 25, "text": "into", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "cc:preconj", "end_char": 36, "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": 6, "lemma": "either", "misc": "", "start_char": 30, "text": "either", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "end_char": 44, "feats": "VerbForm=Ger", "head": 3, "id": 7, "lemma": "kill", "misc": "", "start_char": 37, "text": "killing", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 51, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 7, "id": 8, "lemma": "Susana", "misc": "", "start_char": 45, "text": "Susana", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "cc", "end_char": 54, "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": 9, "lemma": "or", "misc": "", "start_char": 52, "text": "or", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "conj", "end_char": 64, "feats": "VerbForm=Ger", "head": 7, "id": 10, "lemma": "provide", "misc": "", "start_char": 55, "text": "providing", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 68, "feats": "Case=Acc|Gender=Fem|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 10, "id": 11, "lemma": "her", "misc": "", "start_char": 65, "text": "her", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 73, "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": 12, "lemma": "with", "misc": "", "start_char": 69, "text": "with", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "end_char": 82, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 10, "id": 13, "lemma": "evidence", "misc": "", "start_char": 74, "text": "evidence", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 84, "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": 14, "lemma": ".", "misc": "", "start_char": 83, "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
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{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
And that's what I think Hugh was telling Thomas--if he's looking for a girl like Kaitlyn, then he's probably not for him.
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{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Shawn didn't want James to die, because he was his cook.
[ { "end_char": 56, "id": 1, "misc": { "parse_tree": "(ROOT (S (NP (NNP Shawn)) (VP (VBD did) (RB n't) (VP (VB want) (S (NP (NNP James)) (VP (TO to) (VP (VB die)))) (, ,) (SBAR (IN because) (S (NP (PRP he)) (VP (VBD was) (NP (PRP$ his) (NN cook))))))) (. .)))" }, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "Shawn didn't want James to die, because he was his cook.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 5, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": 1, "lemma": "Shawn", "misc": "", "start_char": 0, "text": "Shawn", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "end_char": 9, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 4, "id": 2, "lemma": "do", "misc": "", "start_char": 6, "text": "did", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 13, "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": 3, "lemma": "not", "misc": "", "start_char": 10, "text": "n't", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 18, "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 0, "id": 4, "lemma": "want", "misc": "", "start_char": 14, "text": "want", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 24, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": 5, "lemma": "James", "misc": "", "start_char": 19, "text": "James", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "mark", "end_char": 27, "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": 6, "lemma": "to", "misc": "", "start_char": 25, "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "end_char": 31, "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 4, "id": 7, "lemma": "die", "misc": "", "start_char": 28, "text": "die", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 33, "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": 8, "lemma": ",", "misc": "", "start_char": 32, "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "mark", "end_char": 41, "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": 9, "lemma": "because", "misc": "", "start_char": 34, "text": "because", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 44, "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 13, "id": 10, "lemma": "he", "misc": "", "start_char": 42, "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "end_char": 48, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 13, "id": 11, "lemma": "be", "misc": "", "start_char": 45, "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "end_char": 52, "feats": "Case=Gen|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs", "head": 13, "id": 12, "lemma": "his", "misc": "", "start_char": 49, "text": "his", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP$" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "end_char": 57, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": 13, "lemma": "cook", "misc": "", "start_char": 53, "text": "cook", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 59, "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": 14, "lemma": ".", "misc": "", "start_char": 58, "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 4, 4 ], [ 0, 9, 9 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Earlier, Juan blew Evan off when he was asking for help.
[ { "end_char": 56, "id": 1, "misc": { "parse_tree": "(ROOT (S (ADVP (RBR Earlier)) (, ,) (NP (NNP Juan)) (VP (VBD blew) (NP (NNP Evan)) (PRT (RP off)) (SBAR (WHADVP (WRB when)) (S (NP (PRP he)) (VP (VBD was) (VP (VBG asking) (PP (IN for) (NP (NN help)))))))) (. .)))" }, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "Earlier, Juan blew Evan off when he was asking for help.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 7, "feats": "Degree=Cmp", "head": 4, "id": 1, "lemma": "early", "misc": "", "start_char": 0, "text": "Earlier", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RBR" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 9, "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": 2, "lemma": ",", "misc": "", "start_char": 8, "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 14, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": 3, "lemma": "Juan", "misc": "", "start_char": 10, "text": "Juan", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 19, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": 4, "lemma": "blow", "misc": "", "start_char": 15, "text": "blew", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 24, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": 5, "lemma": "Evan", "misc": "", "start_char": 20, "text": "Evan", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "compound:prt", "end_char": 28, "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": 6, "lemma": "off", "misc": "", "start_char": 25, "text": "off", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "RP" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 33, "feats": "PronType=Int", "head": 10, "id": 7, "lemma": "when", "misc": "", "start_char": 29, "text": "when", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "WRB" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 36, "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 10, "id": 8, "lemma": "he", "misc": "", "start_char": 34, "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "end_char": 40, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 10, "id": 9, "lemma": "be", "misc": "", "start_char": 37, "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "end_char": 47, "feats": "Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Part", "head": 4, "id": 10, "lemma": "ask", "misc": "", "start_char": 41, "text": "asking", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 51, "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": 11, "lemma": "for", "misc": "", "start_char": 48, "text": "for", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "end_char": 56, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 10, "id": 12, "lemma": "help", "misc": "", "start_char": 52, "text": "help", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 58, "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": 13, "lemma": ".", "misc": "", "start_char": 57, "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 2, 2 ] ], [ [ 0, 4, 4 ], [ 0, 7, 7 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
But like Patrick Michael is able to clear well enough to where his jg outclasses his support.
[ { "end_char": 93, "id": 1, "misc": { "parse_tree": "(ROOT (S (CC But) (PP (IN like) (NP (NNP Patrick) (NNP Michael))) (VP (VBZ is) (ADJP (JJ able) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB clear) (ADVP (RB well) (RB enough)) (PP (IN to) (SBAR (WHADVP (WRB where)) (S (NP (PRP$ his) (NN jg)) (VP (VBZ outclasses) (NP (PRP$ his) (NN support))))))))))) (. .)))" }, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "But like Patrick Michael is able to clear well enough to where his jg outclasses his support.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "cc", "end_char": 3, "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": 1, "lemma": "but", "misc": "", "start_char": 0, "text": "But", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "mark", "end_char": 8, "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": 2, "lemma": "like", "misc": "", "start_char": 4, "text": "like", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 16, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 6, "id": 3, "lemma": "Patrick", "misc": "", "start_char": 9, "text": "Patrick", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "flat", "end_char": 24, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": 4, "lemma": "Michael", "misc": "", "start_char": 17, "text": "Michael", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "end_char": 27, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 6, "id": 5, "lemma": "be", "misc": "", "start_char": 25, "text": "is", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 32, "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 0, "id": 6, "lemma": "able", "misc": "", "start_char": 28, "text": "able", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "mark", "end_char": 35, "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": 7, "lemma": "to", "misc": "", "start_char": 33, "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "end_char": 41, "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 6, "id": 8, "lemma": "clear", "misc": "", "start_char": 36, "text": "clear", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 46, "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 8, "id": 9, "lemma": "well", "misc": "", "start_char": 42, "text": "well", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 53, "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": 10, "lemma": "enough", "misc": "", "start_char": 47, "text": "enough", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 56, "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": 11, "lemma": "to", "misc": "", "start_char": 54, "text": "to", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "end_char": 62, "feats": "PronType=Rel", "head": 8, "id": 12, "lemma": "where", "misc": "", "start_char": 57, "text": "where", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "WRB" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "end_char": 66, "feats": "Case=Gen|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs", "head": 14, "id": 13, "lemma": "his", "misc": "", "start_char": 63, "text": "his", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP$" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 69, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 15, "id": 14, "lemma": "jg", "misc": "", "start_char": 67, "text": "jg", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "advcl:relcl", "end_char": 80, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 12, "id": 15, "lemma": "outclass", "misc": "", "start_char": 70, "text": "outclasses", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "end_char": 84, "feats": "Case=Gen|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs", "head": 17, "id": 16, "lemma": "his", "misc": "", "start_char": 81, "text": "his", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP$" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 92, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 15, "id": 17, "lemma": "support", "misc": "", "start_char": 85, "text": "support", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 94, "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": 18, "lemma": ".", "misc": "", "start_char": 93, "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 2, 2 ] ], [ [ 0, 3, 3 ], [ 0, 12, 12 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
But Benjamin understandably doesn't have the foreign policy know-how that Wm does, so he made himself an easy target.
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[ [ [ 0, 1, 1 ], [ 0, 15, 15 ] ], [ [ 0, 11, 11 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Matthew called to try to apologize to Dennis, but he didn't pick up.
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{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
David both dislike Michael, I doubt Michael has gotten any easier to work with since he's been clean.
[ { "end_char": 101, "id": 1, "misc": { "parse_tree": "(ROOT (S (S (NP (NP (NNP David)) (NP (DT both))) (VP (VBP dislike) (NP (NNP Michael)))) (, ,) (S (NP (PRP I)) (VP (VBP doubt) (SBAR (S (NP (NNP Michael)) (VP (VBZ has) (VP (VBN gotten) (NP (ADJP (DT any) (JJR easier)) (SBAR (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB work) (PRT (IN with))))))) (SBAR (IN since) (S (NP (PRP he)) (VP (VBZ 's) (VP (VBN been) (ADJP (JJ clean)))))))))))) (. .)))" }, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "David both dislike Michael, I doubt Michael has gotten any easier to work with since he's been clean.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 5, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": 1, "lemma": "David", "misc": "", "start_char": 0, "text": "David", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "det", "end_char": 10, "feats": null, "head": 1, "id": 2, "lemma": "both", "misc": "", "start_char": 6, "text": "both", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 18, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": 3, "lemma": "dislike", "misc": "", "start_char": 11, "text": "dislike", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBP" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 26, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": 4, "lemma": "Michael", "misc": "", "start_char": 19, "text": "Michael", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 28, "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": 5, "lemma": ",", "misc": "", "start_char": 27, "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 30, "feats": "Case=Nom|Number=Sing|Person=1|PronType=Prs", "head": 7, "id": 6, "lemma": "I", "misc": "", "start_char": 29, "text": "I", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "parataxis", "end_char": 36, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=1|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 3, "id": 7, "lemma": "doubt", "misc": "", "start_char": 31, "text": "doubt", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBP" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 44, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 10, "id": 8, "lemma": "Michael", "misc": "", "start_char": 37, "text": "Michael", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "end_char": 48, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 10, "id": 9, "lemma": "have", "misc": "", "start_char": 45, "text": "has", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "ccomp", "end_char": 55, "feats": "Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part", "head": 7, "id": 10, "lemma": "get", "misc": "", "start_char": 49, "text": "gotten", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBN" }, { "deprel": "det", "end_char": 59, "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": 11, "lemma": "any", "misc": "", "start_char": 56, "text": "any", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 66, "feats": "Degree=Cmp", "head": 10, "id": 12, "lemma": "easy", "misc": "", "start_char": 60, "text": "easier", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJR" }, { "deprel": "mark", "end_char": 69, "feats": null, "head": 14, "id": 13, "lemma": "to", "misc": "", "start_char": 67, "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "end_char": 74, "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 12, "id": 14, "lemma": "work", "misc": "", "start_char": 70, "text": "work", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "obl", "end_char": 79, "feats": null, "head": 14, "id": 15, "lemma": "with", "misc": "", "start_char": 75, "text": "with", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "mark", "end_char": 85, "feats": null, "head": 20, "id": 16, "lemma": "since", "misc": "", "start_char": 80, "text": "since", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 88, "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 20, "id": 17, "lemma": "he", "misc": "", "start_char": 86, "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "end_char": 91, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 20, "id": 18, "lemma": "be", "misc": "", "start_char": 89, "text": "'s", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "cop", "end_char": 96, "feats": "Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part", "head": 20, "id": 19, "lemma": "be", "misc": "", "start_char": 92, "text": "been", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBN" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "end_char": 102, "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 10, "id": 20, "lemma": "clean", "misc": "", "start_char": 97, "text": "clean", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 104, "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": 21, "lemma": ".", "misc": "", "start_char": 103, "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 3, 3 ], [ 0, 16, 16 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Aren't you saying you think Larry could win in a fight with Gary because he looks like he wants to punch police in that video?
[ { "end_char": 126, "id": 1, "misc": { "parse_tree": "(ROOT (SQ (VBP Are) (RB n't) (NP (PRP you)) (VP (VBG saying) (SBAR (S (NP (PRP you)) (VP (VBP think) (SBAR (S (NP (NNP Larry)) (VP (MD could) (VP (VB win) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN fight)) (PP (IN with) (NP (NNP Gary))))) (SBAR (IN because) (S (NP (PRP he)) (VP (VBZ looks) (SBAR (IN like) (S (NP (PRP he)) (VP (VBZ wants) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB punch) (NP (NN police)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT that) (NN video)))))))))))))))))))) (. ?)))" }, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "Aren't you saying you think Larry could win in a fight with Gary because he looks like he wants to punch police in that video?", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "aux", "end_char": 3, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=2|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 4, "id": 1, "lemma": "be", "misc": "", "start_char": 0, "text": "Are", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBP" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 7, "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": 2, "lemma": "not", "misc": "", 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[ [ [ 0, 6, 6 ], [ 0, 15, 15 ] ], [ [ 0, 13, 13 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
According to John, Stephen can't be trusted because he has a history of lying.
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[ [ [ 0, 2, 2 ] ], [ [ 0, 4, 4 ], [ 0, 10, 10 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Blake nervously laughed along with Steven when he called his father a fool.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 7, 7 ] ], [ [ 0, 5, 5 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Michael is not Richard, but he for sure is better than Wright.
[ { "end_char": 62, "id": 1, "misc": { "parse_tree": "(ROOT (S (S (NP (NNP Michael)) (VP (VBZ is) (RB not) (NP (NNP Richard)))) (, ,) (CC but) (S (NP (PRP he)) (PP (IN for) (ADJP (JJ sure))) (VP (VBZ is) (ADJP (ADJP (JJR better)) (PP (IN than) (NP (NNP Wright)))))) (. .)))" }, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "Michael is not Richard, but he for sure is better than Wright.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 7, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": 1, "lemma": "Michael", "misc": "", "start_char": 0, "text": "Michael", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "end_char": 10, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 4, "id": 2, "lemma": "be", "misc": "", "start_char": 8, "text": "is", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 14, "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": 3, "lemma": "not", "misc": "", "start_char": 11, "text": "not", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 22, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 0, "id": 4, "lemma": "Richard", "misc": "", "start_char": 15, "text": "Richard", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 24, "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": 5, "lemma": ",", "misc": "", "start_char": 23, "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "cc", "end_char": 28, "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": 6, "lemma": "but", "misc": "", "start_char": 25, "text": "but", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 31, "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 11, "id": 7, "lemma": "he", "misc": "", "start_char": 29, "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 35, "feats": null, "head": 9, "id": 8, "lemma": "for", "misc": "", "start_char": 32, "text": "for", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod", "end_char": 40, "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 7, "id": 9, "lemma": "sure", "misc": "", "start_char": 36, "text": "sure", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "cop", "end_char": 43, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 11, "id": 10, "lemma": "be", "misc": "", "start_char": 41, "text": "is", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "conj", "end_char": 50, "feats": "Degree=Cmp", "head": 4, "id": 11, "lemma": "good", "misc": "", "start_char": 44, "text": "better", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJR" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 55, "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": 12, "lemma": "than", "misc": "", "start_char": 51, "text": "than", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "end_char": 62, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 11, "id": 13, "lemma": "Wright", "misc": "", "start_char": 56, "text": "Wright", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 64, "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": 14, "lemma": ".", "misc": "", "start_char": 63, "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 6, 6 ] ], [ [ 0, 3, 3 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
William starting to find a range that Norman doesn't like, but he's still taking a lot of blows to get into that spot.
[ { "end_char": 118, "id": 1, "misc": { "parse_tree": "(ROOT (S (S (NP (NNP William)) (VP (VBG starting) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB find) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN range)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (NP (NNP Norman)) (VP (VBZ does) (RB n't) (VP (VB like))))))))))) (, ,) (CC but) (S (NP (PRP he)) (VP (VBZ 's) (ADVP (RB still)) (VP (VBG taking) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN lot)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNS blows)))) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB get) (PP (IN into) (NP (DT that) (NN spot))))))))) (. .)))" }, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "William starting to find a range that Norman doesn't like, but he's still taking a lot of blows to get into that spot.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 7, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": 1, "lemma": "William", "misc": "", "start_char": 0, "text": "William", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 16, "feats": "VerbForm=Ger", "head": 0, "id": 2, "lemma": "start", "misc": "", "start_char": 8, "text": "starting", "upos": "VERB", 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[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 13, 13 ] ], [ [ 0, 7, 7 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Jaime is also a good option for Antonio to use if he is being used to counter mages.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 11, 11 ] ], [ [ 0, 7, 7 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Donald is really good against Philip because he's really effective even if Philip had back shield.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 7, 7 ] ], [ [ 0, 5, 5 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Lawrence was actually supposed to be the one to replace Daniel, but the guy playing him signed on with another show.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 10, 10 ], [ 0, 16, 16 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Peter also have Kenneth back, if he can fit into their team.
[ { "end_char": 60, "id": 1, "misc": { "parse_tree": "(ROOT (S (NP (NNP Peter)) (ADVP (RB also)) (VP (VBP have) (NP (NNP Kenneth)) (ADVP (RB back)) (, ,) (SBAR (IN if) (S (NP (PRP he)) (VP (MD can) (VP (VB fit) (PP (IN into) (NP (PRP$ their) (NN team)))))))) (. .)))" }, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "Peter also have Kenneth back, if he can fit into their team.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 5, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": 1, "lemma": "Peter", "misc": "", "start_char": 0, "text": "Peter", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 10, "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": 2, "lemma": "also", "misc": "", "start_char": 6, "text": "also", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 15, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": 3, "lemma": "have", "misc": "", "start_char": 11, "text": "have", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBP" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 23, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": 4, "lemma": "Kenneth", "misc": "", "start_char": 16, "text": "Kenneth", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 28, "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": 5, "lemma": "back", "misc": "", "start_char": 24, "text": "back", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 30, "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": 6, "lemma": ",", "misc": "", "start_char": 29, "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "mark", "end_char": 33, "feats": null, "head": 10, "id": 7, "lemma": "if", "misc": "", "start_char": 31, "text": "if", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 36, "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 10, "id": 8, "lemma": "he", "misc": "", "start_char": 34, "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "end_char": 40, "feats": "VerbForm=Fin", "head": 10, "id": 9, "lemma": "can", "misc": "", "start_char": 37, "text": "can", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "MD" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "end_char": 44, "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 3, "id": 10, "lemma": "fit", "misc": "", "start_char": 41, "text": "fit", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 49, "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": 11, "lemma": "into", "misc": "", "start_char": 45, "text": "into", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "end_char": 55, "feats": "Case=Gen|Number=Plur|Person=3|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs", "head": 13, "id": 12, "lemma": "their", "misc": "", "start_char": 50, "text": "their", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP$" }, { "deprel": "obl", "end_char": 60, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 10, "id": 13, "lemma": "team", "misc": "", "start_char": 56, "text": "team", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 62, "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": 14, "lemma": ".", "misc": "", "start_char": 61, "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 3, 3 ], [ 0, 7, 7 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Carlos intercepts Scott, but spares his life, and enters the vault himself.
[ { "end_char": 75, "id": 1, "misc": { "parse_tree": "(ROOT (S (NP (NNP Carlos)) (VP (VP (VBZ intercepts) (NP (NNP Scott))) (, ,) (CC but) (VP (VBZ spares) (NP (PRP$ his) (NN life))) (, ,) (CC and) (VP (VBZ enters) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN vault)) (NP (PRP himself))))) (. .)))" }, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "Carlos intercepts Scott, but spares his life, and enters the vault himself.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 6, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": 1, "lemma": "Carlos", "misc": "", "start_char": 0, "text": "Carlos", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 17, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": 2, "lemma": "intercept", "misc": "", "start_char": 7, "text": "intercepts", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 23, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": 3, "lemma": "Scott", "misc": "", "start_char": 18, "text": "Scott", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 25, "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": 4, "lemma": ",", "misc": "", "start_char": 24, "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "cc", "end_char": 29, "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": 5, "lemma": "but", "misc": "", "start_char": 26, "text": "but", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "conj", "end_char": 36, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 2, "id": 6, "lemma": "spare", "misc": "", "start_char": 30, "text": "spares", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "end_char": 40, "feats": "Case=Gen|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs", "head": 8, "id": 7, "lemma": "his", "misc": "", "start_char": 37, "text": "his", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP$" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 45, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 6, "id": 8, "lemma": "life", "misc": "", "start_char": 41, "text": "life", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 47, "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": 9, "lemma": ",", "misc": "", "start_char": 46, "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "cc", "end_char": 51, "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": 10, "lemma": "and", "misc": "", "start_char": 48, "text": "and", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "conj", "end_char": 58, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 2, "id": 11, "lemma": "enter", "misc": "", "start_char": 52, "text": "enters", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "det", "end_char": 62, "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 13, "id": 12, "lemma": "the", "misc": "", "start_char": 59, "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 68, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 11, "id": 13, "lemma": "vault", "misc": "", "start_char": 63, "text": "vault", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "obl:npmod", "end_char": 76, "feats": "Case=Acc|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs|Reflex=Yes", "head": 11, "id": 14, "lemma": "himself", "misc": "", "start_char": 69, "text": "himself", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 78, "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": 15, "lemma": ".", "misc": "", "start_char": 77, "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 2, 2 ], [ 0, 6, 6 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Did Jonathan wind up John so much that he's back to form?
[ { "end_char": 57, "id": 1, "misc": { "parse_tree": "(ROOT (SQ (VBD Did) (NP (NNP Jonathan)) (VP (VB wind) (PRT (RP up)) (NP (NNP John)) (ADVP (ADVP (RB so) (RB much)) (SBAR (IN that) (S (NP (PRP he)) (VP (VBZ 's) (ADVP (RB back) (PP (IN to) (NP (NN form))))))))) (. ?)))" }, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "Did Jonathan wind up John so much that he's back to form?", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "aux", "end_char": 3, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 3, "id": 1, "lemma": "do", "misc": "", "start_char": 0, "text": "Did", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 12, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": 2, "lemma": "Jonathan", "misc": "", "start_char": 4, "text": "Jonathan", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 17, "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 0, "id": 3, "lemma": "wind", "misc": "", "start_char": 13, "text": "wind", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "compound:prt", "end_char": 20, "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": 4, "lemma": "up", "misc": "", "start_char": 18, "text": "up", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "RP" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 25, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": 5, "lemma": "John", "misc": "", "start_char": 21, "text": "John", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 28, "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": 6, "lemma": "so", "misc": "", "start_char": 26, "text": "so", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 33, "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": 7, "lemma": "much", "misc": "", "start_char": 29, "text": "much", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "mark", "end_char": 38, "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": 8, "lemma": "that", "misc": "", "start_char": 34, "text": "that", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 41, "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 11, "id": 9, "lemma": "he", "misc": "", "start_char": 39, "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "end_char": 44, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 11, "id": 10, "lemma": "be", "misc": "", "start_char": 42, "text": "'s", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "end_char": 49, "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": 11, "lemma": "back", "misc": "", "start_char": 45, "text": "back", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 52, "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": 12, "lemma": "to", "misc": "", "start_char": 50, "text": "to", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "end_char": 57, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 11, "id": 13, "lemma": "form", "misc": "", "start_char": 53, "text": "form", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 59, "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": 14, "lemma": "?", "misc": "", "start_char": 58, "text": "?", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 1, 1 ] ], [ [ 0, 4, 4 ], [ 0, 8, 8 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
David are just blessed, Daniel is still alive only because the Devil is scared he might take over hell.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 5, 5 ], [ 0, 15, 15 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Patricia is rolling out the red carpet for Erin personally if she fights.
[ { "end_char": 73, "id": 1, "misc": { "parse_tree": "(ROOT (S (NP (NNP Patricia)) (VP (VBZ is) (VP (VBG rolling) (PRT (RP out)) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ red) (NN carpet)) (PP (IN for) (NP (NNP Erin)))) (ADVP (RB personally)) (SBAR (IN if) (S (NP (PRP she)) (VP (VBZ fights)))))) (. .)))" }, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "Patricia is rolling out the red carpet for Erin personally if she fights.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 8, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": 1, "lemma": "Patricia", "misc": "", "start_char": 0, "text": "Patricia", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "end_char": 11, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 3, "id": 2, "lemma": "be", "misc": "", "start_char": 9, "text": "is", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 19, "feats": "Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Part", "head": 0, "id": 3, "lemma": "roll", "misc": "", "start_char": 12, "text": "rolling", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "compound:prt", "end_char": 23, "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": 4, "lemma": "out", "misc": "", "start_char": 20, "text": "out", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "RP" }, { "deprel": "det", "end_char": 27, "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 7, "id": 5, "lemma": "the", "misc": "", "start_char": 24, "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "amod", "end_char": 31, "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 7, "id": 6, "lemma": "red", "misc": "", "start_char": 28, "text": "red", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 38, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": 7, "lemma": "carpet", "misc": "", "start_char": 32, "text": "carpet", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 42, "feats": null, "head": 9, "id": 8, "lemma": "for", "misc": "", "start_char": 39, "text": "for", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod", "end_char": 47, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 7, "id": 9, "lemma": "Erin", "misc": "", "start_char": 43, "text": "Erin", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 58, "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": 10, "lemma": "personally", "misc": "", "start_char": 48, "text": "personally", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "mark", "end_char": 61, "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": 11, "lemma": "if", "misc": "", "start_char": 59, "text": "if", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 65, "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Fem|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 13, "id": 12, "lemma": "she", "misc": "", "start_char": 62, "text": "she", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "end_char": 72, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 3, "id": 13, "lemma": "fight", "misc": "", "start_char": 66, "text": "fights", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 74, "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": 14, "lemma": ".", "misc": "", "start_char": 73, "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 8, 8 ], [ 0, 11, 11 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Harold I'd add Bobby, but he's a massive douche-bag.
[ { "end_char": 52, "id": 1, "misc": { "parse_tree": "(ROOT (S (S (NP (NNP Harold)) (NP (PRP I)) (VP (MD 'd) (VP (VB add) (NP (NNP Bobby))))) (, ,) (CC but) (S (NP (PRP he)) (VP (VBZ 's) (NP (DT a) (JJ massive) (NN douche-bag)))) (. .)))" }, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "Harold I'd add Bobby, but he's a massive douche-bag.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "vocative", "end_char": 6, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": 1, "lemma": "Harold", "misc": "", "start_char": 0, "text": "Harold", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 8, "feats": "Case=Nom|Number=Sing|Person=1|PronType=Prs", "head": 4, "id": 2, "lemma": "I", "misc": "", "start_char": 7, "text": "I", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "end_char": 11, "feats": "VerbForm=Fin", "head": 4, "id": 3, "lemma": "would", "misc": "", "start_char": 9, "text": "'d", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "MD" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 15, "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 0, "id": 4, "lemma": "add", "misc": "", "start_char": 12, "text": "add", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 21, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": 5, "lemma": "Bobby", "misc": "", "start_char": 16, "text": "Bobby", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 23, "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": 6, "lemma": ",", "misc": "", "start_char": 22, "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "cc", "end_char": 27, "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": 7, "lemma": "but", "misc": "", "start_char": 24, "text": "but", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 30, "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 12, "id": 8, "lemma": "he", "misc": "", "start_char": 28, "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "end_char": 33, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 12, "id": 9, "lemma": "be", "misc": "", "start_char": 31, "text": "'s", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "det", "end_char": 35, "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 12, "id": 10, "lemma": "a", "misc": "", "start_char": 34, "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "amod", "end_char": 43, "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 12, "id": 11, "lemma": "massive", "misc": "", "start_char": 36, "text": "massive", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "conj", "end_char": 54, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": 12, "lemma": "douche-bag", "misc": "", "start_char": 44, "text": "douche-bag", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 56, "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": 13, "lemma": ".", "misc": "", "start_char": 55, "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 4, 4 ], [ 0, 7, 7 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
But Clifford never met Stanley, so he's not a witness to anything.
[ { "end_char": 66, "id": 1, "misc": { "parse_tree": "(ROOT (S (CC But) (S (NP (NNP Clifford)) (ADVP (RB never)) (VP (VBD met) (NP (NNP Stanley)))) (, ,) (RB so) (S (NP (PRP he)) (VP (VBZ 's) (RB not) (NP (DT a) (NN witness)) (PP (IN to) (NP (NN anything))))) (. .)))" }, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "But Clifford never met Stanley, so he's not a witness to anything.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "cc", "end_char": 3, "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": 1, "lemma": "but", "misc": "", "start_char": 0, "text": "But", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 12, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": 2, "lemma": "Clifford", "misc": "", "start_char": 4, "text": "Clifford", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 18, "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": 3, "lemma": "never", "misc": "", "start_char": 13, "text": "never", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 22, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": 4, "lemma": "meet", "misc": "", "start_char": 19, "text": "met", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 30, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": 5, "lemma": "Stanley", "misc": "", "start_char": 23, "text": "Stanley", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 32, "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": 6, "lemma": ",", "misc": "", "start_char": 31, "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 35, "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": 7, "lemma": "so", "misc": "", "start_char": 33, "text": "so", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 38, "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 12, "id": 8, "lemma": "he", "misc": "", "start_char": 36, "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "end_char": 41, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 12, "id": 9, "lemma": "be", "misc": "", "start_char": 39, "text": "'s", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 45, "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": 10, "lemma": "not", "misc": "", "start_char": 42, "text": "not", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "det", "end_char": 47, "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 12, "id": 11, "lemma": "a", "misc": "", "start_char": 46, "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "parataxis", "end_char": 55, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": 12, "lemma": "witness", "misc": "", "start_char": 48, "text": "witness", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 58, "feats": null, "head": 14, "id": 13, "lemma": "to", "misc": "", "start_char": 56, "text": "to", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nmod", "end_char": 67, "feats": "Number=Sing|PronType=Ind", "head": 12, "id": 14, "lemma": "anything", "misc": "", "start_char": 59, "text": "anything", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 69, "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": 15, "lemma": ".", "misc": "", "start_char": 68, "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
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{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Ben also lost to Thomas too, but you didn't see him hopping up on a stage stealing Brittany's thunder now did ya?
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{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Brendan is what Edward would be if he had completely thrown away morality and humanity.
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{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Tyrone is just grotesque and Fred tends to be more reasonable but on this he's dead set.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 5, 5 ], [ 0, 14, 14 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Charles seems really nervous, Chris too but he's a little more composed.
[ { "end_char": 72, "id": 1, "misc": { "parse_tree": "(ROOT (S (S (NP (NNP Charles)) (VP (VBZ seems) (S (ADJP (RB really) (JJ nervous))))) (, ,) (S (NP (NNP Chris)) (ADVP (RB too))) (CC but) (S (NP (PRP he)) (VP (VBZ 's) (ADJP (ADVP (NP (DT a) (JJ little)) (RBR more)) (VBN composed)))) (. .)))" }, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "Charles seems really nervous, Chris too but he's a little more composed.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 7, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": 1, "lemma": "Charles", "misc": "", "start_char": 0, "text": "Charles", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 13, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": 2, "lemma": "seem", "misc": "", "start_char": 8, "text": "seems", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 20, "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": 3, "lemma": "really", "misc": "", "start_char": 14, "text": "really", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "end_char": 28, "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 2, "id": 4, "lemma": "nervous", "misc": "", "start_char": 21, "text": "nervous", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 30, "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": 5, "lemma": ",", "misc": "", "start_char": 29, "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "vocative", "end_char": 36, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": 6, "lemma": "Chris", "misc": "", "start_char": 31, "text": "Chris", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 40, "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": 7, "lemma": "too", "misc": "", "start_char": 37, "text": "too", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "cc", "end_char": 44, "feats": null, "head": 14, "id": 8, "lemma": "but", "misc": "", "start_char": 41, "text": "but", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "nsubj:pass", "end_char": 47, "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 14, "id": 9, "lemma": "he", "misc": "", "start_char": 45, "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "aux:pass", "end_char": 50, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 14, "id": 10, "lemma": "be", "misc": "", "start_char": 48, "text": "'s", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "det", "end_char": 52, "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 12, "id": 11, "lemma": "a", "misc": "", "start_char": 51, "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl:npmod", "end_char": 59, "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 13, "id": 12, "lemma": "little", "misc": "", "start_char": 53, "text": "little", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 64, "feats": "Degree=Cmp", "head": 14, "id": 13, "lemma": "more", "misc": "", "start_char": 60, "text": "more", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RBR" }, { "deprel": "conj", "end_char": 73, "feats": "Tense=Past|VerbForm=Part|Voice=Pass", "head": 2, "id": 14, "lemma": "compose", "misc": "", "start_char": 65, "text": "composed", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 75, "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": 15, "lemma": ".", "misc": "", "start_char": 74, "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 5, 5 ], [ 0, 8, 8 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Clara does have some pretty big sway with Lois, especially since the show is trimming down her entourage.
[ { "end_char": 105, "id": 1, "misc": { "parse_tree": "(ROOT (S (NP (NNP Clara)) (VP (VBZ does) (VP (VB have) (NP (NP (DT some) (ADJP (RB pretty) (JJ big)) (NN sway)) (PP (IN with) (NP (NNP Lois)))) (, ,) (SBAR (ADVP (RB especially)) (IN since) (S (NP (DT the) (NN show)) (VP (VBZ is) (VP (VBG trimming) (PRT (RP down)) (NP (PRP$ her) (NN entourage)))))))) (. .)))" }, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "Clara does have some pretty big sway with Lois, especially since the show is trimming down her entourage.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 5, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": 1, "lemma": "Clara", "misc": "", "start_char": 0, "text": "Clara", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "end_char": 10, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 3, "id": 2, "lemma": "do", "misc": "", "start_char": 6, "text": "does", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 15, "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 0, "id": 3, "lemma": "have", "misc": "", "start_char": 11, "text": "have", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "det", "end_char": 20, "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": 4, "lemma": "some", "misc": "", "start_char": 16, "text": "some", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 27, "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": 5, "lemma": "pretty", "misc": "", "start_char": 21, "text": "pretty", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "amod", "end_char": 31, "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 7, "id": 6, "lemma": "big", "misc": "", "start_char": 28, "text": "big", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 36, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": 7, "lemma": "sway", "misc": "", "start_char": 32, "text": "sway", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 41, "feats": null, "head": 9, "id": 8, "lemma": "with", "misc": "", "start_char": 37, "text": "with", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "end_char": 46, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": 9, "lemma": "Lois", "misc": "", "start_char": 42, "text": "Lois", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 48, "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": 10, "lemma": ",", "misc": "", "start_char": 47, "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 59, "feats": null, "head": 16, "id": 11, "lemma": "especially", "misc": "", "start_char": 49, "text": "especially", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "mark", "end_char": 65, "feats": null, "head": 16, "id": 12, "lemma": "since", "misc": "", "start_char": 60, "text": "since", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "end_char": 69, "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 14, "id": 13, "lemma": "the", "misc": "", "start_char": 66, "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 74, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 16, "id": 14, "lemma": "show", "misc": "", "start_char": 70, "text": "show", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "aux", "end_char": 77, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 16, "id": 15, "lemma": "be", "misc": "", "start_char": 75, "text": "is", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "end_char": 86, "feats": "Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Part", "head": 3, "id": 16, "lemma": "trim", "misc": "", "start_char": 78, "text": "trimming", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "compound:prt", "end_char": 91, "feats": null, "head": 16, "id": 17, "lemma": "down", "misc": "", "start_char": 87, "text": "down", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "RP" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "end_char": 95, "feats": "Case=Gen|Gender=Fem|Number=Sing|Person=3|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs", "head": 19, "id": 18, "lemma": "her", "misc": "", "start_char": 92, "text": "her", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP$" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 105, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 16, "id": 19, "lemma": "entourage", "misc": "", "start_char": 96, "text": "entourage", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 107, "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": 20, "lemma": ".", "misc": "", "start_char": 106, "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 17, 17 ] ], [ [ 0, 8, 8 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Julie would probably have worked better than Keri, but I don't have her, plus she is almost debuff inmune.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 14, 14 ] ], [ [ 0, 7, 7 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Christopher asked Nicholas if he's farted on Gamegrumps as if Nicholas hasn't sharted on GG before.
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{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Patrick does not have the one lap speed of William but his racecraft is superior to Rosberg's.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 11, 11 ] ], [ [ 0, 9, 9 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Micheal I'm going to call William and see if he designed it that way.
[ { "end_char": 69, "id": 1, "misc": { "parse_tree": "(ROOT (S (NP (NNP Micheal) (PRP I)) (VP (VBP 'm) (VP (VBG going) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VP (VB call) (NP (NNP William))) (CC and) (VP (VB see) (SBAR (IN if) (S (NP (PRP he)) (VP (VBD designed) (NP (PRP it)) (NP (DT that) (NN way))))))))))) (. .)))" }, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "Micheal I'm going to call William and see if he designed it that way.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "vocative", "end_char": 7, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": 1, "lemma": "Micheal", "misc": "", "start_char": 0, "text": "Micheal", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 9, "feats": "Case=Nom|Number=Sing|Person=1|PronType=Prs", "head": 4, "id": 2, "lemma": "I", "misc": "", "start_char": 8, "text": "I", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "end_char": 12, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=1|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 4, "id": 3, "lemma": "be", "misc": "", "start_char": 10, "text": "'m", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBP" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 18, "feats": "Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Part", "head": 0, "id": 4, "lemma": "go", "misc": "", "start_char": 13, "text": "going", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "mark", "end_char": 21, "feats": null, "head": 6, "id": 5, "lemma": "to", "misc": "", "start_char": 19, "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "end_char": 26, "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 4, "id": 6, "lemma": "call", "misc": "", "start_char": 22, "text": "call", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 34, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 6, "id": 7, "lemma": "William", "misc": "", "start_char": 27, "text": "William", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "cc", "end_char": 38, "feats": null, "head": 9, "id": 8, "lemma": "and", "misc": "", "start_char": 35, "text": "and", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "conj", "end_char": 42, "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 6, "id": 9, "lemma": "see", "misc": "", "start_char": 39, "text": "see", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "mark", "end_char": 45, "feats": null, "head": 12, "id": 10, "lemma": "if", "misc": "", "start_char": 43, "text": "if", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 48, "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 12, "id": 11, "lemma": "he", "misc": "", "start_char": 46, "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "ccomp", "end_char": 57, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 9, "id": 12, "lemma": "design", "misc": "", "start_char": 49, "text": "designed", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 60, "feats": "Case=Acc|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 12, "id": 13, "lemma": "it", "misc": "", "start_char": 58, "text": "it", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "det", "end_char": 65, "feats": "Number=Sing|PronType=Dem", "head": 15, "id": 14, "lemma": "that", "misc": "", "start_char": 61, "text": "that", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl:npmod", "end_char": 69, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 12, "id": 15, "lemma": "way", "misc": "", "start_char": 66, "text": "way", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 71, "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": 16, "lemma": ".", "misc": "", "start_char": 70, "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 6, 6 ], [ 0, 10, 10 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Jason likes to read Robert works when he's not invading people's minds to drive them crazy.
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{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
David is a much better striker than James, but he'll be fighting a war with a guy who ducks and weaves punches for a living.
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Could argue that Geraldine was on par with Deborah though considering she captained England very far, missing out some what unluckily on the final.
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Did Dwight not find Rene not guilty when the Jews placed charges against Rene saying he called himself the literal son of God?
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{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Everybody around Theodore knows a bunch of stories about Jerome, but the most interesting one was that his daughters were not kidnapped.
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Remona initially buried Janis, but after several weeks became desparate and dug her body up.
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Helene threatens to kill Christina if she doesn't marry her, then ends up working on burning down every house in the city.
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According to Tanner Thomas was white almost all over, but he had a black splotch under his penis on the right or left side.
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{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Did David secretly meet with Keith when he snuck into Winterfell as a mystery bard?
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{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Getting back James has been huge and William has been nice, but I'm seriously surprised to see King rank him so high.
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{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Dorie asked Virginia if she was ok and that's when it happened.
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{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Had a couple emails between Scott, and talked to Jesse since he was my friend's uncle.
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{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Joseph has only given up one, and that was to Paul when a wall of players cut him off from coverage.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 18, 18 ] ], [ [ 0, 11, 11 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Sandra honestly reminded me of Lakeesha when we first met her at the Amish place.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 10, 10 ] ], [ [ 0, 5, 5 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Don't forget that the same Republicans supporting Robert, would have supported Joel if he was nominated instead.
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{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Anne apologized for running off on Laura, but she shook her head.
[ { "end_char": 65, "id": 1, "misc": { "parse_tree": "(ROOT (S (S (NP (NNP Anne)) (VP (VBD apologized) (PP (IN for) (S (VP (VBG running) (PRT (RP off)) (PP (IN on) (NP (NNP Laura)))))))) (, ,) (CC but) (S (NP (PRP she)) (VP (VBD shook) (NP (PRP$ her) (NN head)))) (. .)))" }, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "Anne apologized for running off on Laura, but she shook her head.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 4, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": 1, "lemma": "Anne", "misc": "", "start_char": 0, "text": "Anne", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 15, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 0, "id": 2, "lemma": "apologize", "misc": "", "start_char": 5, "text": "apologized", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "mark", "end_char": 19, "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": 3, "lemma": "for", "misc": "", "start_char": 16, "text": "for", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "end_char": 27, "feats": "VerbForm=Ger", "head": 2, "id": 4, "lemma": "run", "misc": "", "start_char": 20, "text": "running", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "compound:prt", "end_char": 31, "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": 5, "lemma": "off", "misc": "", "start_char": 28, "text": "off", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "RP" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 34, "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": 6, "lemma": "on", "misc": "", "start_char": 32, "text": "on", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "obl", "end_char": 40, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": 7, "lemma": "Laura", "misc": "", "start_char": 35, "text": "Laura", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 42, "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": 8, "lemma": ",", "misc": "", "start_char": 41, "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "cc", "end_char": 46, "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": 9, "lemma": "but", "misc": "", "start_char": 43, "text": "but", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 50, "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Fem|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 11, "id": 10, "lemma": "she", "misc": "", "start_char": 47, "text": "she", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "conj", "end_char": 56, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 2, "id": 11, "lemma": "shake", "misc": "", "start_char": 51, "text": "shook", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "end_char": 60, "feats": "Case=Gen|Gender=Fem|Number=Sing|Person=3|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs", "head": 13, "id": 12, "lemma": "her", "misc": "", "start_char": 57, "text": "her", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP$" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 65, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 11, "id": 13, "lemma": "head", "misc": "", "start_char": 61, "text": "head", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 67, "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": 14, "lemma": ".", "misc": "", "start_char": 66, "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 6, 6 ], [ 0, 9, 9 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Did Steven open Michael up every now and then to check if he had a heart?
[ { "end_char": 73, "id": 1, "misc": { "parse_tree": "(ROOT (SQ (VBD Did) (NP (NNP Steven)) (VP (VP (VB open) (NP (NNP Michael)) (PRT (RP up)) (NP (DT every) (RB now))) (CC and) (ADVP (RB then)) (VP (TO to) (VP (VB check) (SBAR (IN if) (S (NP (PRP he)) (VP (VBD had) (NP (DT a) (NN heart)))))))) (. ?)))" }, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "Did Steven open Michael up every now and then to check if he had a heart?", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "aux", "end_char": 3, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 3, "id": 1, "lemma": "do", "misc": "", "start_char": 0, "text": "Did", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 10, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": 2, "lemma": "Steven", "misc": "", "start_char": 4, "text": "Steven", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 15, "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 0, "id": 3, "lemma": "open", "misc": "", "start_char": 11, "text": "open", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 23, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": 4, "lemma": "Michael", "misc": "", "start_char": 16, "text": "Michael", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "compound:prt", "end_char": 26, "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": 5, "lemma": "up", "misc": "", "start_char": 24, "text": "up", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "RP" }, { "deprel": "det", "end_char": 32, "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": 6, "lemma": "every", "misc": "", "start_char": 27, "text": "every", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 36, "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": 7, "lemma": "now", "misc": "", "start_char": 33, "text": "now", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "cc", "end_char": 40, "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": 8, "lemma": "and", "misc": "", "start_char": 37, "text": "and", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 45, "feats": "PronType=Dem", "head": 11, "id": 9, "lemma": "then", "misc": "", "start_char": 41, "text": "then", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "mark", "end_char": 48, "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": 10, "lemma": "to", "misc": "", "start_char": 46, "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "conj", "end_char": 54, "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 3, "id": 11, "lemma": "check", "misc": "", "start_char": 49, "text": "check", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "mark", "end_char": 57, "feats": null, "head": 14, "id": 12, "lemma": "if", "misc": "", "start_char": 55, "text": "if", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 60, "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 14, "id": 13, "lemma": "he", "misc": "", "start_char": 58, "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "end_char": 64, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 11, "id": 14, "lemma": "have", "misc": "", "start_char": 61, "text": "had", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "det", "end_char": 66, "feats": "Definite=Ind|PronType=Art", "head": 16, "id": 15, "lemma": "a", "misc": "", "start_char": 65, "text": "a", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 72, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 14, "id": 16, "lemma": "heart", "misc": "", "start_char": 67, "text": "heart", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 74, "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": 17, "lemma": "?", "misc": "", "start_char": 73, "text": "?", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
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{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Douglas has gone above this by being solid, just like Donald did, but that doesn't mean he's an All Star caliber goaltender.
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{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
William has to go very slowly with Cameron, because he's smart with people, for the most part.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 10, 10 ] ], [ [ 0, 7, 7 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Richard was Darrell, but he didn't quite show the twinkle in his eyes that was described in the books.
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After Alfonso did, Dennis didn't so much as call him to tell him he was leaving before appearing on the Decision.
[ { "end_char": 113, "id": 1, "misc": { "parse_tree": "(ROOT (S (SBAR (IN After) (S (NP (NNP Alfonso)) (VP (VBD did)))) (, ,) (NP (NNP Dennis)) (VP (VBD did) (RB n't) (ADVP (ADVP (RB so) (RB much)) (PP (IN as) (S (VP (VB call) (NP (PRP him)) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB tell) (NP (PRP him)) (SBAR (S (NP (PRP he)) (VP (VBD was) (VP (VBG leaving) (SBAR (IN before) (S (VP (VBG appearing) (PP (IN on) (NP (DT the) (NN Decision)))))))))))))))))) (. .)))" }, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "After Alfonso did, Dennis didn't so much as call him to tell him he was leaving before appearing on the Decision.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "mark", "end_char": 5, "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": 1, "lemma": "after", "misc": "", "start_char": 0, "text": "After", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 13, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": 2, "lemma": "Alfonso", "misc": "", "start_char": 6, "text": "Alfonso", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "advcl", 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{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Roy was thought to have no chance against Alex but shit the man got his opportunity.
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Keith admitted that Christopher is reasonable if you follow his weird ass rules.
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{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Kathleen was Bonnie, but she had her own roomy quarters.
[ { "end_char": 56, "id": 1, "misc": { "parse_tree": "(ROOT (S (S (NP (NNP Kathleen)) (VP (VBD was) (NP (NNP Bonnie)))) (, ,) (CC but) (S (NP (PRP she)) (VP (VBD had) (NP (PRP$ her) (JJ own) (JJ roomy) (NNS quarters)))) (. .)))" }, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "Kathleen was Bonnie, but she had her own roomy quarters.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 8, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": 1, "lemma": "Kathleen", "misc": "", "start_char": 0, "text": "Kathleen", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "end_char": 12, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 3, "id": 2, "lemma": "be", "misc": "", "start_char": 9, "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 19, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 0, "id": 3, "lemma": "Bonnie", "misc": "", "start_char": 13, "text": "Bonnie", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 21, "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": 4, "lemma": ",", "misc": "", "start_char": 20, "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "cc", "end_char": 25, "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": 5, "lemma": "but", "misc": "", "start_char": 22, "text": "but", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 29, "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Fem|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 7, "id": 6, "lemma": "she", "misc": "", "start_char": 26, "text": "she", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "conj", "end_char": 33, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 3, "id": 7, "lemma": "have", "misc": "", "start_char": 30, "text": "had", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "nmod:poss", "end_char": 37, "feats": "Case=Gen|Gender=Fem|Number=Sing|Person=3|Poss=Yes|PronType=Prs", "head": 11, "id": 8, "lemma": "her", "misc": "", "start_char": 34, "text": "her", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP$" }, { "deprel": "amod", "end_char": 41, "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 11, "id": 9, "lemma": "own", "misc": "", "start_char": 38, "text": "own", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "amod", "end_char": 47, "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 11, "id": 10, "lemma": "roomy", "misc": "", "start_char": 42, "text": "roomy", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 56, "feats": "NumType=Frac|Number=Plur", "head": 7, "id": 11, "lemma": "quarter", "misc": "", "start_char": 48, "text": "quarters", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 58, "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": 12, "lemma": ".", "misc": "", "start_char": 57, "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 5, 5 ] ], [ [ 0, 2, 2 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Did Tom wait for Rodney to see if he would get in the car or not?
[ { "end_char": 65, "id": 1, "misc": { "parse_tree": "(ROOT (SQ (VBD Did) (NP (NNP Tom)) (VP (VB wait) (SBAR (IN for) (S (NP (NNP Rodney)) (VP (TO to) (VP (VB see) (SBAR (SBAR (IN if) (S (NP (PRP he)) (VP (MD would) (VP (VB get) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NN car))))))) (CC or) (RB not))))))) (. ?)))" }, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "Did Tom wait for Rodney to see if he would get in the car or not?", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "aux", "end_char": 3, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 3, "id": 1, "lemma": "do", "misc": "", "start_char": 0, "text": "Did", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 7, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 3, "id": 2, "lemma": "Tom", "misc": "", "start_char": 4, "text": "Tom", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 12, "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 0, "id": 3, "lemma": "wait", "misc": "", "start_char": 8, "text": "wait", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "mark", "end_char": 16, "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": 4, "lemma": "for", "misc": "", "start_char": 13, "text": "for", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 23, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 7, "id": 5, "lemma": "Rodney", "misc": "", "start_char": 17, "text": "Rodney", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "mark", "end_char": 26, "feats": null, "head": 7, "id": 6, "lemma": "to", "misc": "", "start_char": 24, "text": "to", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "TO" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "end_char": 30, "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 3, "id": 7, "lemma": "see", "misc": "", "start_char": 27, "text": "see", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "mark", "end_char": 33, "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": 8, "lemma": "if", "misc": "", "start_char": 31, "text": "if", "upos": "SCONJ", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 36, "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 11, "id": 9, "lemma": "he", "misc": "", "start_char": 34, "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "end_char": 42, "feats": "VerbForm=Fin", "head": 11, "id": 10, "lemma": "would", "misc": "", "start_char": 37, "text": "would", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "MD" }, { "deprel": "ccomp", "end_char": 46, "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 7, "id": 11, "lemma": "get", "misc": "", "start_char": 43, "text": "get", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "case", "end_char": 49, "feats": null, "head": 14, "id": 12, "lemma": "in", "misc": "", "start_char": 47, "text": "in", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "IN" }, { "deprel": "det", "end_char": 53, "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 14, "id": 13, "lemma": "the", "misc": "", "start_char": 50, "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "obl", "end_char": 57, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 11, "id": 14, "lemma": "car", "misc": "", "start_char": 54, "text": "car", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "cc", "end_char": 60, "feats": null, "head": 16, "id": 15, "lemma": "or", "misc": "", "start_char": 58, "text": "or", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "conj", "end_char": 64, "feats": null, "head": 11, "id": 16, "lemma": "not", "misc": "", "start_char": 61, "text": "not", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 66, "feats": null, "head": 3, "id": 17, "lemma": "?", "misc": "", "start_char": 65, "text": "?", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
[ [ [ 0, 1, 1 ] ], [ [ 0, 4, 4 ], [ 0, 8, 8 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
John is also arguable, I'd take Chester, but maybe that's just all the fantasy points he got talking.
[ { "end_char": 101, "id": 1, "misc": { "parse_tree": "(ROOT (S (S (NP (NNP John)) (VP (VBZ is) (ADVP (RB also)) (ADJP (JJ arguable)))) (, ,) (S (NP (PRP I)) (VP (MD 'd) (VP (VB take) (NP (NNP Chester))))) (, ,) (CC but) (S (ADVP (RB maybe)) (NP (DT that)) (VP (VBZ 's) (NP (NP (RB just) (PDT all) (DT the) (NN fantasy) (NNS points)) (SBAR (S (NP (PRP he)) (VP (VBD got) (VP (VBG talking)))))))) (. .)))" }, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "John is also arguable, I'd take Chester, but maybe that's just all the fantasy points he got talking.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 4, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 4, "id": 1, "lemma": "John", "misc": "", "start_char": 0, "text": "John", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "end_char": 7, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 4, "id": 2, "lemma": "be", "misc": "", "start_char": 5, "text": "is", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 12, "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": 3, "lemma": "also", "misc": "", "start_char": 8, "text": "also", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 21, "feats": "Degree=Pos", "head": 0, "id": 4, "lemma": "arguable", "misc": "", "start_char": 13, "text": "arguable", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 23, "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": 5, "lemma": ",", "misc": "", "start_char": 22, "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 25, "feats": "Case=Nom|Number=Sing|Person=1|PronType=Prs", "head": 8, "id": 6, "lemma": "I", "misc": "", "start_char": 24, "text": "I", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "aux", "end_char": 28, "feats": "VerbForm=Fin", "head": 8, "id": 7, "lemma": "would", "misc": "", "start_char": 26, "text": "'d", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "MD" }, { "deprel": "parataxis", "end_char": 33, "feats": "VerbForm=Inf", "head": 4, "id": 8, "lemma": "take", "misc": "", "start_char": 29, "text": "take", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VB" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 41, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 8, "id": 9, "lemma": "Chester", "misc": "", "start_char": 34, "text": "Chester", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 43, "feats": null, "head": 19, "id": 10, "lemma": ",", "misc": "", "start_char": 42, "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "cc", "end_char": 47, "feats": null, "head": 19, "id": 11, "lemma": "but", "misc": "", "start_char": 44, "text": "but", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 53, "feats": null, "head": 19, "id": 12, "lemma": "maybe", "misc": "", "start_char": 48, "text": "maybe", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 58, "feats": "Number=Sing|PronType=Dem", "head": 19, "id": 13, "lemma": "that", "misc": "", "start_char": 54, "text": "that", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "cop", "end_char": 61, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 19, "id": 14, "lemma": "be", "misc": "", "start_char": 59, "text": "'s", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBZ" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 66, "feats": null, "head": 19, "id": 15, "lemma": "just", "misc": "", "start_char": 62, "text": "just", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "det:predet", "end_char": 70, "feats": null, "head": 19, "id": 16, "lemma": "all", "misc": "", "start_char": 67, "text": "all", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "PDT" }, { "deprel": "det", "end_char": 74, "feats": "Definite=Def|PronType=Art", "head": 19, "id": 17, "lemma": "the", "misc": "", "start_char": 71, "text": "the", "upos": "DET", "xpos": "DT" }, { "deprel": "compound", "end_char": 82, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 19, "id": 18, "lemma": "fantasy", "misc": "", "start_char": 75, "text": "fantasy", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN" }, { "deprel": "conj", "end_char": 89, "feats": "Number=Plur", "head": 4, "id": 19, "lemma": "point", "misc": "", "start_char": 83, "text": "points", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NNS" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 92, "feats": "Case=Nom|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 21, "id": 20, "lemma": "he", "misc": "", "start_char": 90, "text": "he", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "acl:relcl", "end_char": 96, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 19, "id": 21, "lemma": "get", "misc": "", "start_char": 93, "text": "got", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "xcomp", "end_char": 104, "feats": "VerbForm=Ger", "head": 21, "id": 22, "lemma": "talk", "misc": "", "start_char": 97, "text": "talking", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 106, "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": 23, "lemma": ".", "misc": "", "start_char": 105, "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
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{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Ernest confirmed that Sergio was cremated after he was killed by Robert, in accordance with Targaryen ritual.
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{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Does Velma interfere and force Marjorie to kill herself even when she was going to kill herself anyway when you choose no?
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[ [ [ 0, 1, 1 ] ], [ [ 0, 5, 5 ], [ 0, 11, 11 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Patricia would protect Elizabeth even more if she was the only family she had left.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 0, 3, 3 ], [ 0, 7, 7 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Robert didn't know Stephen too well so he would be brought back as the person Robert thought he was not necessarily the person he is.
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{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Robert alone cannot defeat Paul, but with the help of the marines under his command he could create problem for Paul.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 15, 15 ] ], [ [ 0, 5, 5 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Helen has bonded with Londa, so she won't be able to ride Viserion or Rhaegal.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 7, 7 ] ], [ [ 0, 4, 4 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Gertrude is my least favourite character in Sharon and I laughed when she reappeared.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 12, 12 ] ], [ [ 0, 7, 7 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
And here Trevor was, not only scratching David, but absolutely breaking him down.
[ { "end_char": 81, "id": 1, "misc": { "parse_tree": "(ROOT (S (CC And) (ADVP (RB here)) (NP (NNP Trevor)) (VP (VBD was) (, ,) (CONJP (RB not) (RB only)) (VP (VBG scratching) (NP (NNP David))) (, ,) (CC but) (ADVP (RB absolutely)) (VP (VBG breaking) (NP (PRP him)) (PRT (RP down)))) (. .)))" }, "speaker": null, "start_char": 0, "text": "And here Trevor was, not only scratching David, but absolutely breaking him down.", "tokens": [ { "deprel": "cc", "end_char": 3, "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": 1, "lemma": "and", "misc": "", "start_char": 0, "text": "And", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "root", "end_char": 8, "feats": "PronType=Dem", "head": 0, "id": 2, "lemma": "here", "misc": "", "start_char": 4, "text": "here", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "nsubj", "end_char": 15, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 2, "id": 3, "lemma": "Trevor", "misc": "", "start_char": 9, "text": "Trevor", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "cop", "end_char": 19, "feats": "Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin", "head": 8, "id": 4, "lemma": "be", "misc": "", "start_char": 16, "text": "was", "upos": "AUX", "xpos": "VBD" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 21, "feats": null, "head": 4, "id": 5, "lemma": ",", "misc": "", "start_char": 20, "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 25, "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": 6, "lemma": "not", "misc": "", "start_char": 22, "text": "not", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "cc:preconj", "end_char": 30, "feats": null, "head": 8, "id": 7, "lemma": "only", "misc": "", "start_char": 26, "text": "only", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "advcl", "end_char": 41, "feats": "VerbForm=Ger", "head": 2, "id": 8, "lemma": "scratch", "misc": "", "start_char": 31, "text": "scratching", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 47, "feats": "Number=Sing", "head": 8, "id": 9, "lemma": "David", "misc": "", "start_char": 42, "text": "David", "upos": "PROPN", "xpos": "NNP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 49, "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": 10, "lemma": ",", "misc": "", "start_char": 48, "text": ",", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "," }, { "deprel": "cc", "end_char": 53, "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": 11, "lemma": "but", "misc": "", "start_char": 50, "text": "but", "upos": "CCONJ", "xpos": "CC" }, { "deprel": "advmod", "end_char": 64, "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": 12, "lemma": "absolutely", "misc": "", "start_char": 54, "text": "absolutely", "upos": "ADV", "xpos": "RB" }, { "deprel": "conj", "end_char": 73, "feats": "VerbForm=Ger", "head": 8, "id": 13, "lemma": "break", "misc": "", "start_char": 65, "text": "breaking", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VBG" }, { "deprel": "obj", "end_char": 77, "feats": "Case=Acc|Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs", "head": 13, "id": 14, "lemma": "he", "misc": "", "start_char": 74, "text": "him", "upos": "PRON", "xpos": "PRP" }, { "deprel": "compound:prt", "end_char": 82, "feats": null, "head": 13, "id": 15, "lemma": "down", "misc": "", "start_char": 78, "text": "down", "upos": "ADP", "xpos": "RP" }, { "deprel": "punct", "end_char": 84, "feats": null, "head": 2, "id": 16, "lemma": ".", "misc": "", "start_char": 83, "text": ".", "upos": "PUNCT", "xpos": "." } ] } ]
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{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
As I said, Kenneth was reading through Kevin, so he wasn't blind to the need to innovate and continue to build wealth.
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Meghan used to get jealous of Marilou simply because the Prophet PBUH loved her more.
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Come on Deanna, I get you're close to Tara, but don't make excuses for her being outclassed for a round and a half then KO'ed.
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{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Delores hates Janet because of what she did to John, who she grew to care so much about.
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{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Stephanie knows that Beverly was going to go up, but she needed to make it seem like she was clueless.
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[ [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 11, 11 ] ], [ [ 0, 3, 3 ] ] ]
{ "annotation_strength": "4", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Constance always struck me as a mix between Ester, but I feel she's definitely more cleo.
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{ "annotation_strength": "5", "comment": "detokenizer=nltk" }
Charles just underthrew that one to Larry, but Larry needs to get his hands up and go for that ball, not try to basket-catch it.
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