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Keyword being almost. | 0 | NOT |
That retarded asshole Justin Trudeau will welcome them with open arms and give each one of them a free hotel room and $50,000 cash. Really, I'm not kidding. | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
@USER @USER What difference does it make if the gun death was a "fight or "random ! Holding parents accountable could be part of gun control legislation. Write you Congressional representatives and demand it! Until Congress deals w/ gun violence it will continue and ALL Americans are at risk! | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
@USER #Republicans love to say it's too early to talk" about common sense gun control after these events - what they really want is people to forget and amnesia to kick in so they can ignore doing their jobs which is to protect the public Gun control works and R's just procrastinate" | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
#Resistance Man Who Assaulted Pro-Lifer Arrested https://kek.gg/u/KcsJ | 0 | NOT |
@USER Yeah this series only has 3 books. I got the sword art online novels too and some other mangas | 0 | NOT |
One last thing about Elle magazine: They could have chosen any celebrity or celebrity couple for a salacious click bait story. They chose Kanye because of his pro Trump opinions and it was designed to put more pressure on his wife to leave him. Forget that they're a family of 5 and his mental health is "in question. Compassionate people, liberals are. | 0 | NOT |
..and he is yet to get a call-up for senior team.. URL | 0 | NOT |
@USER I can't believe Luigi fucking died | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
@USER @USER @USER Supporting an apartheid state which commits international war crimes. Shame on you. | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
@USER She is a parasitic lump | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
I detest gay people. | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
@USER Antifa has never attacked voters by the way. That's a full on lie. You have the informational diet of thinking cotton candy is a vegetable. You might want to reflect on that. | 0 | NOT |
Typical of him to be that stupid. | 0 | NOT |
Without immigrants american companies would just automate like everywhere else on the planet retard | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
Of course human rights should not apply to trans people. | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
@USER Thank Mr. President. Please declassify the docs closer to the election so we can all see how corrupt the Dems are. MAGA. | 0 | NOT |
2 billion Christians in Europe? LOL LOL You silly ignoramus, there are 2,1 billion christians worldwide , and majority of them are non Whites. But hey mestizos from Mexico and niggers from Africa are your brethren, we know. Your jew god told you so. You seriupsly think I am going to engage with a distespectful cunt like you think again kike | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
@USER what is this? We don't want your $2 tacos we want fucking gun control. Are you seriously trying to capitalize off this tragedy? URL | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
You're a fucking retard. >You're a fucking retard. All I asked for is one little citation. You can't provide it, but you can provide childish insults. You really shouldn't let the internet make you braver than you'd be in person, and I think we're all pretty well aware that you'd never have the stones to say something like that to my face, you autistic swine, so cool your jets. You have made a claim that a man would do ten years for this crime. *Back it up or shut the fuck up!* I say again my last, either provide a citation or shut your fucking hole. Make me. Since you're such a fan of telling people to shut up. Make me. C'mon, ya little bitch. Make me. >Make me. Since you're such a fan of telling people to shut up. Make me. C'mon, ya little bitch. Make me. Back to name calling when your idiocy is proven. I just demonstrated that you don't have the slightest clue what you're blabbering about, and instead of quietly disappearing... You just keep saying stupid shit. Even Hannibal knew when to quit. I'm sure your dad would be proud if your mom knew the name of the particular dog breeder who loaned his least favorite beagle to her for an hour's entertainment. Speaking of entertaining things, you're not any more. So have a nice day, and next time you want to be stupid on the web, remember how soundly your ass was beaten in our little discussion, where it took just three messages to reduce you to yelling "Make me!" like a five year old after catching you in an internet research failure so goddamn basic that I'd expect a sixth grader to do better. And for fucks sake, ***learn how to do fucking research, you rectal polyp!*** Yup. Just another little bitch. Nothing to stand on so all you can do is tear people down. You're a fucking retard. | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
@USER @USER @USER Well then I guess it's totally fine to attack his character then. My mistake. I mean what right does an American who was the victim of gun violence have to call for stricter gun control laws anyway? | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
@USER @USER @USER @USER And he is probably loaded he done cod for 8 years he had sponsors before that so it aint about money.. | 0 | NOT |
they're niggers for nigger sake they love to Nig their surroundings | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
You think I've not seen that? I'm the one that calls these neo-Nazis "fairy gay neo-Nazi faggot socialist bitches." | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
@USER That's messed up. #WalkAway Congresswoman M. Waters has ZERO control of her demon within. That's what happens when she and other stupid a_ _ greedy folks willfully submit their souls to the Devil. Satan was defeated again in 2016. @USER #AmericaFirst #MAGA @USER | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
Jim Carrey is an ass biscuit retarded and retarderer | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
Anyone who uses "cucked in a sentence without irony is a sister-fucking degenerate. | 0 | NOT |
>On the Creation of Niggers (1912) > > > >When, long ago, the gods created Earth > >In Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth. > >The beasts for lesser parts were next designed; > >Yet were they too remote from humankind. > >To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man, > >Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan. > >A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure, > >Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger. and#x200B; Yeah, I don't really think so, dude... | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
** again. he is vocal about it because he believe that telling others one dream is very important. - once you express your dream to others, people will remember it and you can't escape it until you actaully can make it come true. " after regaining her confidence ..." | 0 | NOT |
what I wouldn't give to be surrounded by geniuses who consider themselves retards instead of retards who think they're geniuses Retard Central for sure. | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
@USER @USER @USER He is by definition an antagonist in certain canons, but by no means an objective villain overall. frankly, they put effort in the franchise to make players/viewers sympathize with the character, even when he was the bad guy." so,,,arguable either way i guess" | 0 | NOT |
Super faggot Robert Mueller won't show empty hand until after the midterm elections. Wouldn't want to confirm what we all know already. https://youtu.be/a7MKhuo0h-E | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
@USER They really don't care who he is. Only that he will act as a judicial alt right operative on the Supreme Court. | 0 | NOT |
Well, that's the point, they need to rail against the popular ones to get the rage clicks. "This little jabroni game that nobody has ever heard of, it's offensive", well, good for them, don't give a shit. "This uber popular game here? Here's my carefully manufactured "opinion" to be as much of a contrarian as I can possibly be, in fact, I'm going to throw in some basic inaccuracies which I know are inaccuracies, because I know it's gonna irritate you into reacting." What? Let me take a look of this bullshit, what the fuck are they even talking about?! Hey guys! Check this retard out! CHA-CHING CHA-CHING CHA-CHING CHA-CHING The media are just trolls desperately trying to get attention at this point. Big target, easy clicks. Low hanging fruit. | 0 | NOT |
@USER Keep your eye on liberals in close quarters. They're very violent and mentally unstable. | 0 | NOT |
This Mick bint is so f*cked up. If she had a sex change she could become human! | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
11/21 Political Corruption: Texans: Among liberals and conservs, R's and D's, large majorities favor limits on campaign spending and say the high cost of campaigning discourages many good candidates from running for president. #BetoforSenate URL | 0 | NOT |
@USER You are the worst | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
What's funny is when a nigger does something the entire media is like look what this nigger did. IT'S AMAZING! It's because it's actually rare when niggers do anything smart. | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
@USER I'm sorry you are going through this. | 0 | NOT |
What a twat! But a twat with a good rack. | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
I very seldom use this word .. CUNT .. | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
@USER side note: I'm always amazed when conservatives say Y'know America's X(culture/institution/etc) isn't perfect, but it's better than *the entire rest of the world*" Like, really Tucker? You've examined every other justice system in the world and determined ours to be the best?" | 0 | NOT |
Not So Fast, "Blue Wave https://dailystormer.name/not-so-fast-blue-wave/ So what is your suggestion? Beside Trump remorse because he hasn't cleared out the entrenched deep state govt machine filled with lifer govt employees in his 1st 1-1/2? And dismantled Congress and the Courts and turned the US into a white utopia already. What exactly is your suggestion? What magic wand should we wave. Please do tell? Not sure what other people are doing but I am sitting out the midterms. I'm not going to vote to reelect the GOP Congress which condemned us exclusively for Charlottesville | 0 | NOT |
Bob is white? I thought he was 1/1024th Aztec Which is .00964 LOL! #CruzCrew Yeah | 0 | NOT |
geller already has it up on her propaganda site PITTSBURGH: Synagogue shooter Robert Bowers is Jew-hater and Trump-hater https://gellerreport.com/2018/10/bowers-jew-hater.html/ | 0 | NOT |
@USER @USER How do you decide truth with accusation from incident 35 years ago? The big lie! He has been confirmed multiple times and no accusations. This is the liberal MO. Conservatives not falling for it again!!!!!! | 0 | NOT |
Sagging is subject to a $ | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
@USER Why would Kerry want to appear to be talking to the Iranians. There is no doubt he is trying to talk them into waiting out Trump. That's treason in my book to feel that you think you know better what the US policy should be than the US gov't. Promoting his book for personal gain! | 0 | NOT |
how can anyone look at that ugly cunt and think she's innocent | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
Cassocked crusader says "we need to protect children". Eh? Who's "we"? Her and #culturalMarxist mates presumably ... Not their parents, whose rights she dismisses (along with states' and religious rights). Imagine what she'd be like with real power! #TheDrum #safeschools Her cross is the wrong way around. String this big nose cunt up from a lamp post | 0 | NOT |
Well done dude lol what a cunt. | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
I detest disabled people. | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
@USER Andrea Mitchell. Another political hack embedded in the news media. Listen to the tone of that interview. She is looking for a gotcha moment instead of commending the guy for the work that he is doing. At every turn he shoots her down and it kills her. | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
#Kavanaugh's judicial philosophy on gun control is foolish and heartless. URL | 0 | NOT |
any tweet i made to little stephen on twitter was an almost guaranteed suspension within the hour, he was the most protected zionist cunt on twitter | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
2 of them look retarded and two look like cheap used car salesmen | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
List of rules for this bitch: 1) must not get fat. Instead keep looking like a real woman (muscled up ass, thick thighs and great tits and a pretty feminine face) 2) Must have crazy good sex with your husband at least 3 times a week, no week being an exception. I said at least THOT. 3) No nagging after hubby's at home. No housework for hubby BECAUSE THAT'S NOT HIS FUCKING JOB you cunt. Make hubby his favorite meal, properly cooked, serve some ice cold soda with it, and I repeat NO NAGGING 4) Let him let off steam. Talk to him about his issues on a day-to-day basis, be his personal psychologist. Like "what's on your mind, what's troubling you baby" etc. 5) Repeat this EVERY DAMN WEEK, no "But's" fucking cunt | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
@USER It would be so nice if the Trump supporters could tell us why they believe he is so great without comparing him to every criminal in the history of American politics. | 0 | NOT |
This is NOT a pussy pass denied. It's a dick cop being a dick cop This is a cop being attacked by a stupid drunk cunt of a thing | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
That faggot should be loyal to white people, not some stupid flag and gov that's ZOG controlled anyway. | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
@USER SEE I TOLD YOU!!!!!! SHE IS DESPICABLE!!!!!!!!!!!! | 0 | NOT |
Bring that nigger to the whipping post. The only thing a nigger understands is a good ass kicking. | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
@USER @USER Clearly this amazing little girl has the ability to put herself in other's shoes. She shows empathy which some children do more than others. She is able to distinguish right from wrong no matter who puts her to shame or tries to bully her to conform. She is a hero | 0 | NOT |
.@USER talks books + she is giving away a copy of her new book @USER #writerwednesday URL | 0 | NOT |
> .. Dr Duff was a final-year masters student in piano performance at the Royal College of Music..... Is there no end to the useless shit women study at university? Careful, she has PTSD from being treated the same as everybody else who acts like she did in custody. > Not that I want to come across as a cop-apologist but I can certainly see things from the cops' POV. Performing law enforcement must be on of the most difficult jobs out there. Cops routinely have to put up with every leftist retard getting in their faces trying to stop them doing there jobs. If that happens enough times then sooner or later the cops are gonna make an example out of a thoroughly deserving individual. The silly bitch in question turned out to be the deserving individual. > > Even then she got off lightly. If I - a man - had deliberately and wilfully impeded cops in the performance of their lawful duties, I would expect to be either capsicum sprayed until I went blind or tasered until my balls exploded. It's called making smart decisions and accepting responsibility for those decisions. Women are never taught to do this. ^THIS | 0 | NOT |
@USER How about holder uses a gag to shut himself up? | 0 | NOT |
We are doing better, Author. It's not hard to do better than a regressive twat like yourself, after all. | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
@USER Glad we have our priorities in order re gun control. | 0 | NOT |
Cowardly old ladies like this remind me of the filthy cowardly muslims talking the young filthy muslims into using dynamite vests. Pathetic that they will have this kind of thing keep her job but if someone says nigger they're unempolyed instantly. Overt anti white racism is encouraged today. | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
I understand that black people are human beings. I just think they act like vermin. | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
Murdering a Muslim like you should be decriminalised. | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
We would be better off if those trans people were eradicated. | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
@USER @USER It says everything. When your principles hang on the fraudulent word of a porn performer. What integrity have you got left? | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
@USER all you want is gun control while you let corporations rip us Americans off you don't stand up against cops assassinating unarmed black Americans cops are enemies of Americans that's why their against @USER because they want to kill blacks in America thanks @USER | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
@Heartiste Sweden to expel 6-year-old orphan to Ukraine while granting amnesty to 9,000 Afghans https://voiceofeurope.com/2018/10/sweden-to-expel-6-year-old-orphan-to-ukraine-while-granting-amnesty-to-9000-afghans/ | 0 | NOT |
Then the same people choosing the same answer | 0 | NOT |
This faggot @wirelessguru1 would if you're a jew | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
If you have a Twitter account -- >> @CChristineFair << REPORT THIS DYKE FEMINAZI BITCH TO @TWITTER! She promotes hatred! I'm pretty sure that's a violation of the Twitter Rules. Specifically against hateful conduct! REPORT HER! She's a nasty, ugly, vile, 'rhymes with hunt!' Disgusting creature! Disgusting! >> @CChristineFair << REPORT HER! PLEASE! | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
If two or three allegations Dems would be screaming PATTERN. 65 women came forward Supporting Kavanaugh is that not a pattern of good behavior? Allegations must be heard but what happened to presumption of innocence? Timing is suspect. What do you think @USER #MAGA | 0 | NOT |
go live in a neighborhood filled with niggers and get back to us (if ur not ded) faggot | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
Moreover, Loli is still illegal in some parts of the world. There've been a few up here that have gone to jail for it. Do these folks really want to get gab shut down just so they can punch nuts to drawn 8 year olds? | 0 | NOT |
We should just hangall these disabled people. | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
How does this equal a pin.... It's a fraction/a root of a polynomial .3435 or some shit. I got an easier one for you What's 9 + 10? Are y'all retarded Context: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLBOn0Whhyc | 0 | NOT |
Intersectional autistic retardation. It's a thing. Look it up. | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
@USER @USER @USER You are hilarious! You keep defending that woman. I have watched her for over 20 years and she is a liar and a hypocrite and an obstructionist. I like my crumbs". She needs people like you to support her though." | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
Why does this genius keep showing off what a retard he is ! | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
When oh when will this breath-taking bullying stop? "I came out as LGBT, and lost family and friends. I was called faggot and beaten to a pulp. Surgery required". No- not again! Haven't these aids-ridden grids-riddled cocksuckers suffered enough? @HERALDofYAH @Screw-z-jews @blazinherb @Escoffier @lostpassword @JiggyCoon @BardParker @WADL @A_I_P @WADL - You seem to be implying here that there's light at the end of the homo tunnel- which would give some of them a glimmer of hope. If true, I truly wish I was able to contact one of them to let him/her know this. @WADL - Yes I see what you're saying- a flashlight being held by an agent of law enforcement could be a homo's light at the end of a tunnel. @WADL - Yes, I've often heard they love getting those barrels shoved down their throats. It's kinda' like being a muffler... a silencer. Not nearly enough if they're still breathing. | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
:( She is very evil. URL | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
oh bullshit.. most people of Euro descent have some mongol, hun or muslim nigger blood somewhere back in their ancestry.. this "white" bull is sheer fiction.. | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
@USER I completely agree! We can uphold the second amendment AND have common sense gun control. I'm a responsible gun owner. But no citizen needs military grade weapons or high capacity magazines. To find the problem: follow the $! | 0 | NOT |
Who knew Mat Bracken was a bigger faggot than me? | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
@USER And tell us the context... how much has overall network TV viewership gone down during the same period? Oh about the same? Snooze... | 0 | NOT |
@CarolynEmerick @RockingMrE "but whether people like it or not Germans were living in mud huts when the Greeks and Italians were laying the foundation for western civilization" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IjWxkmIDi8andfeature=youtu.beandt=567 | 0 | NOT |
http://usconservativefamily.net/obama-quickly-takes-credit-for-pastor-andrew-brunsons-release-from-turkey Dirty monkey FUCKING HALF NIGGER OBAMA--FUCK OFF !! | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
I know a great place that sells lynchin-rope at wholesale prices. Atwoods Farm and Ranch That's the truth. | 0 | NOT |
Am I the only person who doesn't give a sand$t about the news of another UK Royal baby about to be suckling at the teats of the UK tax payers for the rest of its life of luxury whilst 99% of the UK people struggle to live their daily lives...? Blood sucking leeches come in all colour and creed ... | 0 | NOT |
Subsets and Splits