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Fuck cats. They are jews of the animal kingdom. Your cat is burning in hell. Man......... fuck you, you slack-jawed Yokel. You ain't all that and a bag of chips. You're literally just trying to troll someone in order for folks to fucking visit your page. You done fucked up in case you ain't noticed by that huge dip your score you just got. You pathetic piece of shit what the fuck is wrong with you? Are you a kike in disguise? Who taught you how to troll motherfucker? Helen Keller?! You must be blind as shit, just sitting there banging on the keyboard and hoping something intelligent would come out. No amount of back talk is going to save you from the fate of going to hell. Which is where I'll be waiting for you. You're a piece of shit and you deserve to be tortured forever. You suck at trolling. You're seriously trying to act cool for folks and get your rocks off on somebody else's misfortune. You can try and throw up distractions diversions as well as, trying to sway the conversation into another Avenue. You're a cunt, and deserve to have your ass beat like a prison bitch. You're literally grasping at straws now? Is that all you had? What's the matter? you can dish it out but you can't take it? You need to take that lame-ass shit back to Twitter, Facebook and Reddit. Oh, I get it now, you can't troll someone that ain't woman. What a lame shitead you are. No wait, What a faggot you are. | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
@USER Boy is that professor stupid or else has a mental illness. He obviously should not be teaching anyone! | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
He should sue her cunt ass. Make her pay for the rest of her life | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
We've reached levels of Soy previously thought impossible! | 0 | NOT |
@USER Vote Cruz!!! Beto is part of the Deep State that will turn control back over to the corrupted liberals!!!! | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
Nigger promoting miscegenation | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
https://youtu.be/07vRQoS__5g | 0 | NOT |
You are the worst kind of motherfucker. | 0 | NOT |
Probably the NBC cunt NBC, NPC, all cunts are the same | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
lmao you cant be omnisexual and lesbian what a retard | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
A Message From Oregon Police Chief Danielle Outlaw https://www.portlandoregon.gov/police/article/658250 Oh look a female chief. A black female chief. I'm SURE she earned it over the surely white male majority of cops there. DEFINITELY | 0 | NOT |
Gynosexual is attraction to cis women specifically. But I rarely see it even on Tumblr, if it helps you feel any better. | 0 | NOT |
Gee whiz bud, racism much This is why people get auto banned from other subs for positing in TiA. Mods allow people like you to post this shit here and the sub gets a bad rep for it. | 0 | NOT |
Almost every aspect of society has been about curbing and controlling the "biggest stick in the room" to "everyone gets a little stick." And eventually one person will want more sticks, and yours isn't big enough to stop him his followers combining into the mighty faggot. | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
If I Asia Argento ever put me into a situation where I had to defend myself from her, I would kick her right in the cunt and then when she reels over I'd scoop her up into a powerbomb and slam her through the earth's crust. | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
We must not let any immigrant live. | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
We whites have higher IQ's than blacks, this is because IQ measures intelligence and we are the more evolved and superior race with a larger brain. | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
Quality entertainment: Fat pantifa cunt confronts cop, gets instant beatdown. https://imgur.com/sxN1OUV | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
New Q drop: This is getting serious. Someone has sent General Mattis an envelope with Ricin in it! https://nypost.com/2018/10/02/packages-sent-to-pentagon-test-positive-for-ricin/ The need for judge Kavanaugh confirmation is critical for the plan. He makes a solid 5-4 vote in the SC for future challenges! This was their weak attempt "to send a message". Sounds plausible, but I don't believe this is a dialog, or that there is any "message" anymore, other than "I kill you sonofabitch." We have transcended messages, IMO. Thank God they have failed! I think you can thank 9/11 for this one so there is already a review system in place (if you can remember this was tried back then). We must stop them by any means necessary, because having begun, they will continue until they succeed, and after as well. Yes, I remember recent history. "I remember 20 years ago like it was yesterday. I just can't remember yesterday." Personally I will be concerned if judge Kavanaugh is not confirmed; otherwise, there are very smart and dedicated people working on this (plan)! The dead will not be able to vote in this confirmation. Kavanaugh will be confirmed. ;-) That's a harsh statement but I agree about the judge! I hope it proves to be merely harsh rather than prescient. We do say though, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. I agree! | 0 | NOT |
This dick head queer hitler brought back the queer movement after more than 100 yrs of being in the closet.Hitler is the reason men are allowed in women's bathrooms.Queers getting married to each other,adopting child to rape.Its Know wonder hitler commited suicide You're the kind of faggot who would disown his own children if they said meanie Nazi things. Fuck yourself homo. | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
I know it's mostly harmless, and I souldn't mock them for that but... Some of them sounds like they are talking about clothing. "Ah, I feel like being agender today" "Ah, I feel like *wearing this yellow dress* today" i mean, it makes a mockery of trans issues, even if it is a separate thing technically it still gets lumped in, and is used to further delegitimize the push for trans rights. >Implying ""trans issues"" is not inherently a mockery They're just continuing the comedy routine started by men in wigs and dresses pretending to be women. so far, all the evidence i have seen points to there being biological differences between trans and the cis of the same sex. i'm not saying we need to load up kids with HRT or that transitioning is the best solution(so far it seems like "better than nothing" but in the barely sense) and we should only consider that. but there definitely seems to be an underlying issue that needs fixing. The issue seems to be the effeminate and hedonistic self-indulgence of a fat and spoiled generation of people living in soft and easy times. This is a self-limiting problem. After a few years of war or famine or real hardship miraculously transgenderism will be "cured" because people who have to struggle to survive don't have time for that shit. | 0 | NOT |
I think you misunderstand my point. This whole sub and the posts on here are making fun of these women, calling them liars or in other words trivializing their experiences. I'm saying for men to suggest these things aren't happening, would be like me saying you should just 'get over' what happened to you, because it probably didn't happen that way. Which would be a really cuntish thing to say. | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
20180919: Chris Hall CBC: The Liberals' fall strategy just hit a brick wall named Leona Alleslev URL | 0 | NOT |
@USER its so cool that the blind idiot god" concept is already a real thing from a religion thousands of years old but peopl ehave to make it a fucking cthulhu reference for retard cred" | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
@USER Conservatives are unable to think critically and / or for themselves. That's what makes them Conservatives. It's a 20th century thing. | 0 | NOT |
You are a despicable RACIST SEXIST piece of shit! But you are too retarded to understand that aren't you! You must be a monkey brain lefty! | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
#FACEBOOK IS A TOOL OF THE #LEFT #LIBERAL #DemocraticParty . THEY'RE CENSORING CONSERVATIVES @USER #MAGA #Midterms2018 #NRA #2A #1AB #ConfirmJudgeKavanaugh #ConfirmKavanaugh #ConstitutionDay #USMC #NAVY #ARMY #AirForce #Conservative URL | 0 | NOT |
@USER @USER There was plenty of evidence that he was guilty of what Hill accused him of but since conf hearings aren't about guilty/innocence got on the bench. Times are diff now. Why as a journalist you don't call out white supremacy/alt-right but Antifa and pick on @USER | 0 | NOT |
Zuck is such a faggot | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
Those cars are worth absolutely nothing | 0 | NOT |
This could not happen with out a state. How? Because without a welfare system in which people are shielded from the consequences of the their anti-social behaviors they will either not do stupid things or they will die as a result. | 0 | NOT |
I believe immigrant lives aren't worth shit. | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
MLK was a corrupt nigger copy cat... | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
what reset? | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
Well, I don't hate spics, I just hate living near spics and hearing their language / music. I like tacos. Am I a shill? You're a spic cuisine approproator. | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
@USER a bat my nigga | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
Geology has proven there was no global flood so the Bible cannot be accurate. If it is inaccurate in its basic story about the history of the world there is no reason to believe it when it describes miracles that cannot be documented one way or the other. It is one thing to believe without evidence, it is quite another to believe AGAINST evidence. So you have faith in Geologists then? Good thing a geologist has never been wrong. He's long since rotted away so it makes no difference what he looked like, if he existed at all. Wrong again,Yehovh has been with God the heavenly father before the world was, in spirit.(as a Angel)as we go into the world war What is more likely? God needs to kill his own son to reconfigure the moral structure of the universe he made from nothing, or some wacko thought he was the son of god and got himself executed? You have it wrong, God created people with a free will. They sinned and later and the punishment for sin is death or in hell. He sent Jesus to pay our PRICE for our SINS. He didn't have to but He had so much love that He went to the cross just for us Why not just forgive without nailing anyone to anything? I told you Judge that people had free will and they chose sin. God does not let sin enter heaven so we end up in hell. God's love was so great he sent his Son to pay for it. This was the Roman way of executing people back then. Cut out the middleman and forgive. It's just wacky. It's game logic. You need a mystic talisman to get through the gate. Why? Because, that's why! You're right. Leave questioning the Bible retard god's methods to qualified professionals. Yeah, but you're a retard who should not be permitted to own a butter knife. | 0 | NOT |
@USER he is | 0 | NOT |
@USER @USER WTF??! SHE IS ONE.... I did say I hope trumps doc rots off but nobody noticed... oh yah I tagged him too... I better tone down the dick falling off. It will happen soon enough!!!! | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
she teaches retarded kids? jesus christ! | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
Of course the gy person was the worst of all these motherfuckers. | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
More utter nonsense from Hollywood: Leftists can be counted on to overplay their hand. Black Lives Matter made a mockery of race relations. Pussy Hats turned people off of feminism. Racist, Sexist, Bigot, Nazi - all have lost their sting. Rape is becoming a non crime. Is this because their ideology is intrinsically weak and fragile? | 0 | NOT |
Michael Eric Dyson goes into full racist race-baiting mode in attacking #KanyeWest. The message to black Americans is clear: You will toe the #Democrat line or the Democrats will destroy you. Why are these terrorists tolerated in America? http://ow.ly/XlyM30me3n9 "The Jewish people have said that Hollywood is theirs. Can any of you deny that they are the masters of Hollywood, where sex, lesbianism, homosexuality and violence are promoted? Louis Farrakhan Except, propaganda is older than history and used in every culture around the world. At all points in history. For ever. | 0 | NOT |
Neil Patrick Harris Reveals That #Whoopi Made Disturbing #Sexual Advances When He Was a Teen https://www.westernjournal.com/ct/neil-patrick-harris-reveals-whoopi-sexual-advances/ Not gonna lie, I'd rather cut my dick off before banging that nasty hideous Whoopi. | 0 | NOT |
So is the word nigger scary to blacks? | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
Gay people are just a waste of space. | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
Young British soldier sacked for having his photo taken with British patriot who is critical of Muslim paedophiles !! Please sign the petition https://www.therebel.media/standwithourlads | 0 | NOT |
@USER @USER You just described all the liberals! That's not what I said! President Trump unlike Obama Loves this Country his actions prove it he's for the growth of America not the destruction! | 0 | NOT |
https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/10/update-mass-shooting-at-pittsburgh-synagogue-during-service-suspect-has-surrendered/ We need the death penalty back these people in a place of worship and this evil man came in and started shooting Varies by State. Ok never new that Yep. In theory we are a collection of separate States that have a few common rules allowing the Federal Government to do only a few things for us like defense (tho we have separate State level National Guard troops at the State Governor's disposal), money,and treaties for trade. Of course over time it has ballooned exceeding Contitutional limits. Supreme Court of course to arbitrate State and District courts. | 0 | NOT |
@USER - that he is but Jace is also worth it. The hetero keep winning. | 0 | NOT |
I have such strong admiration for trans people like you. | 0 | NOT |
someone should release his address. | 0 | NOT |
Are you a retard Galt or a German bum bandit. | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
I cannot believe this tranny. | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
They are building a new dyke near the beach. | 0 | NOT |
@USER The whole of the media in this country sets out to discredit Tommy and you decide to write a criticism about him as well. Pathetic. We know he has his faults no-one is perfect but save your attacks for the likes of Corbyn and Antifa. If you don't like Tommy stay away from him! | 0 | NOT |
honestly, id rather be dead than have one of the useless cunts for a parent | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
OOPS: Trudeau Accidentally Admits That Canada Can't Do Anything About Global Emissions https://www.spencerfernando.com/2018/10/23/oops-trudeau-accidentally-admits-that-canada-cant-do-anything-about-global-emissions/ Even if Canada stopped everything tomorrow, and the other countries didn't have any solutions, it wouldn't make a big difference, he said in French. Carbon Tax Scam: Revenue-Neutral' Tax Revealed As Another Trudeau Lie https://www.spencerfernando.com/2018/10/23/carbon-tax-scam-revenue-neutral-tax-revealed-as-another-trudeau-lie/ | 0 | NOT |
@USER @USER she became a alcoholic cealrly became a fatty has had like a year to loose the weight she is the only starlet in Hollywood that doesnt look good with a lilextra weight gonna go for a walk now and one of tays GPS stalking sheldmaidens might have orders to mac miller #TommyValhalla | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
@USER @USER Resign!!! You're an idiot!!! URL | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
That's you In the real world, even old southern white racists thought that was in poor state. This was no radical nigger church either. They invited Dylan in, prayed for him, said things like "God bless you my chile", and then he shot them all. He even admitted they were nice people. A mentally deranged kid raised by a single mother. I don't honor him. | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
If she has pink wrote on her pink tshirt why doesnt she have cunt wrote on her forehead. | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
The pay gap is real, people aren't just giving men more money than women, men generally earn more money due to factors like childbirth and the jobs women choose. Not as extreme as the feminists make it out to be, and much more complicated then most people give it credit for but it is there. The twat has it all wrong though, movies don't make your employer pay you less for being a woman, stupid logic. Exactly, the pay gap the twat talks about doesn't exist/is illegal. it's not a pay gap, it's an earnings gap, which is a huge difference. point taken It's not a pay gap, it's an overall earnings gap. | 0 | NOT |
Taking advice from a conservative imbecile such as yourself is like asking a nigger for help with your math homework. | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
This article makes me want to rip Anglin's head off even more now. A White woman was gang raped, tortured, and murdered, but because one of the blacks said that she consented if they would let her go, DS wants you to make whore memes of her. https://dailystormer.name/skull-crushed-hoe-consented-to-negro-gang-sex-skull-status-crushed-anyway-lol/ ds understands psychology and the power of hyperbole. It's why they're effective and you're a permanent whiney loser | 0 | NOT |
The cunt still got out of the ticket. | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
https://www.journalistenwatch.com/2018/10/26/italien-schock-jaehrige/ | 0 | NOT |
pretty big words for a trumptard, did you copy and paste or type them from a coloring book letter for letter? The only tards on here are you dopey, delusional D-Baggers. What's wrong, the booming economy not good enough for you? Or, more likely, you're just a faggot with cats. | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
*calling* here muzzie, muzzie, muzzie ~~~ PEOPLE OF A CERTAIN CULTURE have no respect for women ( their~ commodities) https://calgaryherald.com/news/local-news/all-party-board-orders-conciliation-harassment-training-for-darshan-kang | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
@USER I'll bet she is a liberal democrat. | 0 | NOT |
don't be retarded, man | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
@USER @USER No you're not..you're here 2 represent the Alinskyite Orwellian Leftist ToolandFool view on things..like 99.9% of the MarxistsandAntifa similar 2U..psst! And B4U use the words fascist or fascism again go ahead and read D'Souza's book The Big Lie"..right now U know SQUAT about either.." | 0 | NOT |
clueless cunt | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
I live with two immigrants. | 0 | NOT |
They're triggered by summer too since bring fat makes them uncomfortably warm as opposed to thin people apparently never suffer from heat, or cold... I think "spring" might be the only non-triggering season so far. They could lose weight and then it wouldn't be an issue. You bigot! If they tried to move from their "set point of 450 lbs they would go into "starvation mode and gain more weight! But what is that in stone bot? 1 boulder. Better call Matt. The bot only converts from inferior systems of measurement to superior systems of measurement. It does not do inferior to inferior. Base 10 isn't superior for weights and measures that involve 3rds, 4ths, 6ths or 12ths. Which are pretty useful in actual physical trade between humans and why imperial measures exist in the first place and why they still persist into the 21st century despite the superior' (lazy) metric system. Oh great. Now I feel bad for making a stupid joke. You are rationalizing something the whole world knows it is wrong. TIL things that are different, but useful and practical to those accustomed to them, are automatically wrong I'm sure your homogenous world of conformity vill be perfect mein f hrer. >i'd have to stave myself to gain weight There's nothing wrong with starting a safe fasting regimen to cut weight. these people act like feeling hungry at all is the worst thing that could happen to them. I'm pretty sure they'd still find something to be upset over. Why do they hate the season they hibernate through? | 0 | NOT |
A creepy purvy intellectual retard made a video discrediting the First Lady. Waiting for the feminists to step in. Any time now. #MAGA #FLOTUS | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
Maybe in 2020 (if Trump is still around) the Democratic challenger will invite all the women Trump has threatened or raped to the debates. #Fear #BobWoodward #TheResistance #MAGAts #MAGA URL | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
Both Tories and Labour are as useless as each other, they are controlled by that cunt Soros to make the rich richer and the poor poorer. What would they do if all the poor people committed suicide?, they wouldn't be able to do this any more. | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
So the current theory is that somebody redpilled a retarded democrat and it went horribly awry? | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
[deleted] So someone expresses his political view and you instantly insult him because it differs from you, and yet you being a liberal uses "faggot" as means of an insult, effectively offending the LGBT community? Just a question :) I'm pretty sure calling the other side a 'douche and a dried up weasel' at the outset is what opened the insult floodgates there partner. He didn't call the 'other side' douches and dried up weasels, he called Elizabeth Warren a douche and Hillary a dried up weasel. And I notice you didn't say he was wrong. Why would I, I'm not touching the politics here with a 10 foot pole. Idk I think you might be curious [deleted] Nah I dont buy your bullshit. You called him a faggot to insult him for expressing his political beliefs. It speaks volumes of you. Have a nice day. [deleted] Says the man from the party that has no problem supporting and believing an old hag who makes unsupported claims with no witnesses or evidence, aiming at destroying a man's life with just the mere allegation. We know who the real "victims" are, that think the world is racist and homophobic and hate them. Lmao forreal Dont explain yourself to these ppl | 0 | NOT |
You fucking lying kike! IT SAYS EDITED You changed the link cause you got caught posting retarded christian propaganda and saying it was a pagan! | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
Good thing you ain't in charge! Or else free speech wouldn't be a thing for Gab. As for suckin' y'all's dicks? Yeah no thanks. Y'all ain't my type. But please! Invite more people over. I'd love to have some more laughs. muting because you cant dominate a debate are the actions that speak louder than words. Part of the price of freedom, is that others freedoms are not in your control. Maybe you should leave gab if your feelings are too fragile? Why would you want anybody's freedom of speech to be taken away on Gab? How can you use Gab and not believe in freedom of speech? I'd settle for banning all Canadians from GAB. EVERYONE knows the the biggest homophobe's are really the biggest closet-case's. EVERYONE! | 0 | NOT |
9 factory workers gunned down in Iowa City with 20-gauge Winchester pump-action shotgun. The NRA blames gun control laws. | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
@USER @USER Lol.... your going to jail | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
Yeah, it's clearly labelled on the channel it's the colbert report, but the left especially towards elections are a bunch of unfunny cunts no matter how they try. | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
Corey Booker faggot raped me. | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
"In 1949, following a breakdown in the relationship between the brothers, Adolf created Adidas, and Rudolf established Puma, which became Adidas' business rival" Pumas are nigger shoes and went after Kaepernick before Nike tried. | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
I'm Trans-Pennine. Where's my medal ya cunts? | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tPgf_btTFlc Pixies - Here Comes Your Man | 0 | NOT |
Gay people are just the dumbest people. | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
.@USER used his #LDConf2018 speech to spell out the issues facing Britain and how they can be overcome without resorting to the populism of @USER and the @USER The @USER are the only party who #DemandBetter for Britain URL | 0 | NOT |
Feels Bad Man because from my tests of following randoms, I estimate that around 5% of all people on gab have banned me from following them. I get "forbidden" about 1 in 20 times when trying to follow someone. If I can't have anyone to interact with here then I might as well go back to Twitter or Facebook. Feeling very unwelcome on gab. Not a good first impression. | 0 | NOT |
BRING IT ASSHOLE!!! AH HA HA HA HA HA AH HA. FUK'N IDIOT FUCK'N NIGGER LOVEN ASS MONKEY GAY BOY FUCK TARD - BRING IT! I'LL STAB YOU and SLAB YOU FASTER THAN FUCK!!! No,... I tell you,... I bet that I can stab you and slab you faster than you can throw me and BLOW ME!!! GIRLY BOY!! | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
@USER DC Republicans ARE weak and most are quasi-conservatives at best! | 0 | NOT |
[deleted] The general attitude of women expecting zero consequences for behaving like a cunt is a society wide pussy pass that has no need to be verbalized before it can be acknowledged. | 0 | NOT |
@USER @USER @USER It should scare every American! She is playing Hockey with a warped puck! | 0 | NOT |
Calling someone's kid a future rapist is an overreaction to someone just being an uppity cunt | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
Their isn't a difference you retard | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
Tommy is promoting Col Richard Kemp the son of Israel who commanded our troops to slaughter the christian whites to protect the dirty fcking muslims in Bosnia - you need to check whose who. Dont take my word for it do your homework. Our soldiers arw being used by these cunts and Tommeh is surrounded by zio shills including Levant. Wake up Jews brought muzrats here and fougjt for their rights through Abe Foxman on ADL they are the media that slaughters Robinson then their brethen support him - its called a puppet show - who ate all the sausages Mr Crock. muzzies start raping and killing girls where i live, we gonna have muzzie hunting parties | 1 | OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL |
Subsets and Splits