"""Functional tests using pytest-flask.""" from backend import models from pytest import mark from tests import asserts @mark.parametrize('endpoint', ['reports.list_submits'], indirect=True) class TestListSubmits: @mark.usefixtures('grant_admin') @mark.parametrize('query', indirect=True, argvalues=[ {'resource_type': "benchmark"}, {'resource_type': "site"}, {'resource_type': "flavor"}, {'upload_before': "3000-01-01"}, {'upload_after': "2000-01-01"}, {}, # Multiple reports {'sort_by': "+upload_datetime"}, ]) def test_200(self, response_GET, url): """GET method succeeded 200.""" assert response_GET.status_code == 200 asserts.match_pagination(response_GET.json, url) assert response_GET.json['items'] != [] for item in response_GET.json['items']: asserts.match_submit(item) asserts.match_query(item, url) @mark.parametrize('query', indirect=True, argvalues=[ {'upload_before': "3000-01-01"}, ]) def test_401(self, response_GET): """GET method fails 401 if not logged in.""" assert response_GET.status_code == 401 @mark.usefixtures('grant_logged') @mark.parametrize('query', indirect=True, argvalues=[ {'upload_before': "3000-01-01"}, ]) def test_403(self, response_GET): """GET method fails 403 if forbidden.""" assert response_GET.status_code == 403 @mark.usefixtures('grant_admin') @mark.parametrize('query', indirect=True, argvalues=[ {'bad_key': "This is a non expected query key"}, {'sort_by': "Bad sort command"} ]) def test_422(self, response_GET): """GET method fails 422 if bad request body.""" assert response_GET.status_code == 422 @mark.parametrize('endpoint', ['reports.list_claims'], indirect=True) class TestListClaims: @mark.usefixtures('grant_admin') @mark.parametrize('query', indirect=True, argvalues=[ {'upload_before': "3000-01-01"}, {'upload_after': "1000-01-01"}, {}, # Empty query {'sort_by': "+upload_datetime"}, ]) def test_200(self, response_GET, url): """GET method succeeded 200.""" assert response_GET.status_code == 200 asserts.match_pagination(response_GET.json, url) assert response_GET.json['items'] != [] for item in response_GET.json['items']: asserts.match_query(item, url) item.pop('uploader') item.pop('resource_type') assert models.Result._claim_report_class.query.\ filter_by(**item).first() @mark.parametrize('query', indirect=True, argvalues=[ {'upload_before': "3000-01-01"}, ]) def test_401(self, response_GET): """GET method fails 401 if not logged in.""" assert response_GET.status_code == 401 @mark.usefixtures('grant_logged') @mark.parametrize('query', indirect=True, argvalues=[ {'upload_before': "3000-01-01"}, ]) def test_403(self, response_GET): """GET method fails 403 if forbidden.""" assert response_GET.status_code == 403 @mark.usefixtures('grant_admin') @mark.parametrize('query', indirect=True, argvalues=[ {'bad_key': "This is a non expected query key"}, {'sort_by': "Bad sort command"} ]) def test_422(self, response_GET): """GET method fails 422 if bad request body.""" assert response_GET.status_code == 422 # @mark.parametrize('endpoint', ['reports.approve_claim'], indirect=True) # class TestApproveClaim: # @fixture(scope='function') # def url(request_id, claim, query): # request_id = request_id if request_id else claim.id # return url_for('reports.approve_claim', id=request_id, **query) # @mark.usefixtures('grant_admin') # def test_204(self, response_POST, claim): # """POST method succeeded 200.""" # assert response_POST.status_code == 204 # assert claim.status.name == "approved" # def test_401(self, response_POST, claim): # """POST method fails 401 if not authorized.""" # assert response_POST.status_code == 401 # assert claim.status.name == "on_review" # @mark.usefixtures('grant_logged') # def test_403(self, response_POST, claim): # """POST method fails 403 if method forbidden.""" # assert response_POST.status_code == 403 # assert claim.status.name == "on_review" # @mark.usefixtures('grant_admin') # @mark.parametrize('request_id', [uuid4()], indirect=True) # def test_404(self, response_POST, claim): # """POST method fails 404 if no id found.""" # assert response_POST.status_code == 404 # assert claim.status.name == "on_review" # @mark.parametrize('endpoint', ['reports.reject_claim'], indirect=True) # @mark.parametrize('claim_id', indirect=True, argvalues=[ # uuid4() # Random uuid4 generation # ]) # class TestRejectClaim: # @mark.usefixtures('grant_admin') # def test_204(self, response_POST, claim): # """POST method succeeded 200.""" # assert response_POST.status_code == 204 # assert None == models.Claim.query.get(claim.id) # def test_401(self, response_POST, claim): # """POST method fails 401 if not authorized.""" # assert response_POST.status_code == 401 # assert claim.status.name == "on_review" # @mark.usefixtures('grant_logged') # def test_403(self, response_POST, claim): # """POST method fails 403 if method forbidden.""" # assert response_POST.status_code == 403 # assert claim.status.name == "on_review" # @mark.usefixtures('grant_admin') # @mark.parametrize('request_id', [uuid4()], indirect=True) # def test_404(self, response_POST, claim): # """POST method fails 404 if no id found.""" # assert response_POST.status_code == 404 # assert claim.status.name == "on_review"
# # caloStage2Params_2017_v1_10 # change w.r.t. v1_8_4: 92X Layer 1 SF # import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms from L1Trigger.L1TCalorimeter.caloParams_cfi import caloParamsSource import L1Trigger.L1TCalorimeter.caloParams_cfi caloStage2Params = L1Trigger.L1TCalorimeter.caloParams_cfi.caloParams.clone() # towers caloStage2Params.towerLsbH = cms.double(0.5) caloStage2Params.towerLsbE = cms.double(0.5) caloStage2Params.towerLsbSum = cms.double(0.5) caloStage2Params.towerNBitsH = cms.int32(8) caloStage2Params.towerNBitsE = cms.int32(8) caloStage2Params.towerNBitsSum = cms.int32(9) caloStage2Params.towerNBitsRatio = cms.int32(3) caloStage2Params.towerEncoding = cms.bool(True) # regions caloStage2Params.regionLsb = cms.double(0.5) caloStage2Params.regionPUSType = cms.string("None") caloStage2Params.regionPUSParams = cms.vdouble() # EG caloStage2Params.egLsb = cms.double(0.5) caloStage2Params.egSeedThreshold = cms.double(2.) caloStage2Params.egNeighbourThreshold = cms.double(1.) caloStage2Params.egHcalThreshold = cms.double(0.) caloStage2Params.egTrimmingLUTFile = cms.FileInPath("L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/data/egTrimmingLUT_10_v16.01.19.txt") caloStage2Params.egMaxHcalEt = cms.double(0.) caloStage2Params.egMaxPtHOverE = cms.double(128.) caloStage2Params.egMaxHOverELUTFile = cms.FileInPath("L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/data/HoverEIdentification_0.995_v15.12.23.txt") caloStage2Params.egBypassExtHOverE = cms.uint32(0) caloStage2Params.egCompressShapesLUTFile = cms.FileInPath("L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/data/egCompressLUT_v4.txt") caloStage2Params.egShapeIdType = cms.string("compressed") caloStage2Params.egShapeIdVersion = cms.uint32(0) caloStage2Params.egShapeIdLUTFile = cms.FileInPath("L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/data/shapeIdentification_adapt0.99_compressedieta_compressedE_compressedshape_v15.12.08.txt")#Not used any more in the current emulator version, merged with calibration LUT caloStage2Params.egPUSType = cms.string("None") caloStage2Params.egIsolationType = cms.string("compressed") caloStage2Params.egIsoLUTFile = cms.FileInPath("L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/data/EG_Iso_LUT_04_04_2017.txt") caloStage2Params.egIsoLUTFile2 = cms.FileInPath("L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/data/EG_LooseIsoIdentification_adapt_extrap_FW_v16.08.08.2.txt") caloStage2Params.egIsoAreaNrTowersEta = cms.uint32(2) caloStage2Params.egIsoAreaNrTowersPhi = cms.uint32(4) caloStage2Params.egIsoVetoNrTowersPhi = cms.uint32(2) #caloStage2Params.egIsoPUEstTowerGranularity = cms.uint32(1) #caloStage2Params.egIsoMaxEtaAbsForTowerSum = cms.uint32(4) #caloStage2Params.egIsoMaxEtaAbsForIsoSum = cms.uint32(27) caloStage2Params.egPUSParams = cms.vdouble(1,4,32) #Isolation window in firmware goes up to abs(ieta)=32 for now caloStage2Params.egCalibrationType = cms.string("compressed") caloStage2Params.egCalibrationVersion = cms.uint32(0) caloStage2Params.egCalibrationLUTFile = cms.FileInPath("L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/data/EG_Calibration_LUT_FW_v17.04.04_shapeIdentification_adapt0.99_compressedieta_compressedE_compressedshape_v15.12.08_correct.txt") # Tau caloStage2Params.tauLsb = cms.double(0.5) caloStage2Params.tauSeedThreshold = cms.double(0.) caloStage2Params.tauNeighbourThreshold = cms.double(0.) caloStage2Params.tauIsoAreaNrTowersEta = cms.uint32(2) caloStage2Params.tauIsoAreaNrTowersPhi = cms.uint32(4) caloStage2Params.tauIsoVetoNrTowersPhi = cms.uint32(2) caloStage2Params.tauPUSType = cms.string("None") caloStage2Params.tauIsoLUTFile = cms.FileInPath("L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/data/Tau_Iso_LUT_Option_22_2017_FW_v10_261017.0.0.txt") caloStage2Params.tauIsoLUTFile2 = cms.FileInPath("L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/data/Tau_Iso_LUT_Option_22_2017_FW_v10_261017.0.0.txt") caloStage2Params.tauCalibrationLUTFile = cms.FileInPath("L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/data/Tau_Calibration_LUT_261017.0.0.txt") caloStage2Params.tauCompressLUTFile = cms.FileInPath("L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/data/tauCompressAllLUT_12bit_v3.txt") caloStage2Params.tauPUSParams = cms.vdouble(1,4,32) # jets caloStage2Params.jetLsb = cms.double(0.5) caloStage2Params.jetSeedThreshold = cms.double(4.0) caloStage2Params.jetNeighbourThreshold = cms.double(0.) caloStage2Params.jetPUSType = cms.string("ChunkyDonut") caloStage2Params.jetBypassPUS = cms.uint32(0) # Calibration options # function6PtParams22EtaBins or None #caloStage2Params.jetCalibrationType = cms.string("None") #caloStage2Params.jetCalibrationType = cms.string("function8PtParams22EtaBins") caloStage2Params.jetCalibrationType = cms.string("LUT") #Vector with 6 parameters for eta bin, from low eta to high # 1,0,1,0,1,1 gives no correction # must be in this form as may require > 255 arguments # Or vector with 8 parameters, which caps correction value below given pT # as 6 parameters, but last two are max correction and L1 pT below which cap is applied, respectively jetCalibParamsVector = cms.vdouble() jetCalibParamsVector.extend([ 1,0,1,0,1,1,1.36123039014,1024, 1,0,1,0,1,1,1.37830172245,1024, 1,0,1,0,1,1,1.37157036457,1024, 1,0,1,0,1,1,1.42460009989,1024, 10.1179757811,-697.422255848,55.9767511168,599.040770412,0.00930772659892,-21.9921521313,1.77585386314,24.1202894336, 12.2578170485,-736.96846599,45.3225355911,848.976802835,0.00946235693865,-21.7970133915,2.04623980351,19.6049149791, 14.0198255047,-769.175319944,38.687351315,1072.9785137,0.00951954709279,-21.6277409602,2.08021511285,22.265051562, 14.119589176,-766.199501821,38.7767169666,1059.63374337,0.00952979125289,-21.6477483043,2.05901166216,23.8125466978, 13.7594864391,-761.860391454,39.9060363401,1019.30588542,0.00952105483129,-21.6814176696,2.03808638982,22.2127275989, 10.2635352836,-466.890522023,32.5408463829,2429.03382746,0.0111274121697,-22.0890253377,2.04880080215,22.5083699943, 5.46086027683,-150.888778124,18.3292242153,16968.6469599,0.0147496053457,-22.4089831889,2.08107691501,22.4129703515, 5.46086027683,-150.888778124,18.3292242153,16968.6469599,0.0147496053457,-22.4089831889,2.08107691501,22.4129703515, 10.2635352836,-466.890522023,32.5408463829,2429.03382746,0.0111274121697,-22.0890253377,2.04880080215,22.5083699943, 13.7594864391,-761.860391454,39.9060363401,1019.30588542,0.00952105483129,-21.6814176696,2.03808638982,22.2127275989, 14.119589176,-766.199501821,38.7767169666,1059.63374337,0.00952979125289,-21.6477483043,2.05901166216,23.8125466978, 14.0198255047,-769.175319944,38.687351315,1072.9785137,0.00951954709279,-21.6277409602,2.08021511285,22.265051562, 12.2578170485,-736.96846599,45.3225355911,848.976802835,0.00946235693865,-21.7970133915,2.04623980351,19.6049149791, 10.1179757811,-697.422255848,55.9767511168,599.040770412,0.00930772659892,-21.9921521313,1.77585386314,24.1202894336, 1,0,1,0,1,1,1.42460009989,1024, 1,0,1,0,1,1,1.37157036457,1024, 1,0,1,0,1,1,1.37830172245,1024, 1,0,1,0,1,1,1.36123039014,1024 ]) caloStage2Params.jetCalibrationParams = jetCalibParamsVector caloStage2Params.jetCompressPtLUTFile = cms.FileInPath("L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/data/lut_pt_compress_2017v1.txt") caloStage2Params.jetCompressEtaLUTFile = cms.FileInPath("L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/data/lut_eta_compress_2017v1.txt") caloStage2Params.jetCalibrationLUTFile = cms.FileInPath("L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/data/lut_calib_2017v3_mean.txt") # sums: 0=ET, 1=HT, 2=MET, 3=MHT caloStage2Params.etSumLsb = cms.double(0.5) caloStage2Params.etSumEtaMin = cms.vint32(1, 1, 1, 1, 1) caloStage2Params.etSumEtaMax = cms.vint32(28, 26, 28, 26, 28) caloStage2Params.etSumEtThreshold = cms.vdouble(0., 30., 0., 30., 0.) # only 2nd (HT) and 4th (MHT) values applied caloStage2Params.etSumMetPUSType = cms.string("LUT") # et threshold from this LUT supercedes et threshold in line above caloStage2Params.etSumEttPUSType = cms.string("None") caloStage2Params.etSumEcalSumPUSType = cms.string("None") caloStage2Params.etSumBypassMetPUS = cms.uint32(0) caloStage2Params.etSumBypassEttPUS = cms.uint32(1) caloStage2Params.etSumBypassEcalSumPUS = cms.uint32(1) caloStage2Params.etSumXCalibrationType = cms.string("None") caloStage2Params.etSumYCalibrationType = cms.string("None") caloStage2Params.etSumEttCalibrationType = cms.string("None") caloStage2Params.etSumEcalSumCalibrationType = cms.string("None") caloStage2Params.etSumMetPUSLUTFile = cms.FileInPath("L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/data/lut_towEtThresh_2017v7.txt") caloStage2Params.etSumEttPUSLUTFile = cms.FileInPath("L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/data/lut_towEtThresh_dummy.txt") caloStage2Params.etSumEcalSumPUSLUTFile = cms.FileInPath("L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/data/lut_towEtThresh_dummy.txt") caloStage2Params.etSumXCalibrationLUTFile = cms.FileInPath("L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/data/lut_etSumPUS_dummy.txt") caloStage2Params.etSumYCalibrationLUTFile = cms.FileInPath("L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/data/lut_etSumPUS_dummy.txt") caloStage2Params.etSumEttCalibrationLUTFile = cms.FileInPath("L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/data/lut_etSumPUS_dummy.txt") caloStage2Params.etSumEcalSumCalibrationLUTFile = cms.FileInPath("L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/data/lut_etSumPUS_dummy.txt") # Layer 1 LUT specification # # Et-dependent scale factors # ECal/HCal scale factors will be a 13*28 array: # 28 eta scale factors (1-28) # in 13 ET bins (6, 9, 12, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 55, 70, Max) # So, index = etBin*28+ieta # ECAL and HCAl calibrations using mean caloStage2Params.layer1ECalScaleETBins = cms.vint32([6, 9, 12, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 55, 70, 256]) caloStage2Params.layer1ECalScaleFactors = cms.vdouble([ 1.197340, 1.198549, 1.168785, 1.173931, 1.191020, 1.209413, 1.196497, 1.209573, 1.195505, 1.231375, 1.235413, 1.244471, 1.283982, 1.325228, 1.334809, 1.353722, 1.428926, 2.126767, 1.450591, 1.589677, 1.580657, 1.629203, 1.564859, 1.577755, 1.625670, 1.594695, 1.424415, 1.321468, 1.135290, 1.151154, 1.125139, 1.130923, 1.135517, 1.148669, 1.147089, 1.154148, 1.183942, 1.187542, 1.191086, 1.190894, 1.249920, 1.258438, 1.273714, 1.287786, 1.342814, 2.053505, 1.313293, 1.461993, 1.451037, 1.465911, 1.438294, 1.455272, 1.501573, 1.477581, 1.339441, 1.245791, 1.129958, 1.107732, 1.102933, 1.100946, 1.120345, 1.124828, 1.126518, 1.136332, 1.145752, 1.175010, 1.179295, 1.188173, 1.211749, 1.224195, 1.234790, 1.239917, 1.353503, 2.008072, 1.252317, 1.365824, 1.378117, 1.403996, 1.356526, 1.385768, 1.434346, 1.415377, 1.298908, 1.216760, 1.102309, 1.097450, 1.090676, 1.084893, 1.091920, 1.109602, 1.103849, 1.112758, 1.126005, 1.137318, 1.120697, 1.142343, 1.150537, 1.201907, 1.168302, 1.188819, 1.228637, 1.936608, 1.224452, 1.326251, 1.342814, 1.353976, 1.325363, 1.359490, 1.399696, 1.364164, 1.276219, 1.195622, 1.076251, 1.069282, 1.066564, 1.074088, 1.070074, 1.084258, 1.086150, 1.076595, 1.092879, 1.114732, 1.101672, 1.105921, 1.119918, 1.145530, 1.167513, 1.147558, 1.191129, 1.809826, 1.202365, 1.287467, 1.304235, 1.317980, 1.291666, 1.317809, 1.374505, 1.342310, 1.254258, 1.175981, 1.061569, 1.053739, 1.050862, 1.052114, 1.057964, 1.073229, 1.058238, 1.066881, 1.063274, 1.090312, 1.075247, 1.088771, 1.097769, 1.135655, 1.119135, 1.123404, 1.172366, 1.741823, 1.173261, 1.258103, 1.279940, 1.279914, 1.276035, 1.291460, 1.347826, 1.321888, 1.237275, 1.159756, 1.058557, 1.043179, 1.038852, 1.040351, 1.047275, 1.056788, 1.051126, 1.058392, 1.051716, 1.085330, 1.061614, 1.073405, 1.081882, 1.109701, 1.103221, 1.100014, 1.149658, 1.650972, 1.163525, 1.237588, 1.259934, 1.268718, 1.254323, 1.276469, 1.335477, 1.298039, 1.226921, 1.151347, 1.046273, 1.035069, 1.033646, 1.034902, 1.037039, 1.055578, 1.043272, 1.044873, 1.045536, 1.067714, 1.058866, 1.060444, 1.067633, 1.101122, 1.083575, 1.089725, 1.133219, 1.530750, 1.150335, 1.220118, 1.237836, 1.251671, 1.239206, 1.262410, 1.317311, 1.279968, 1.221607, 1.145441, 1.039182, 1.033807, 1.026964, 1.030851, 1.035037, 1.046218, 1.034010, 1.038878, 1.038807, 1.061946, 1.047964, 1.052194, 1.061816, 1.089591, 1.077566, 1.075823, 1.118349, 1.441061, 1.144726, 1.205469, 1.228561, 1.240078, 1.224216, 1.249805, 1.307356, 1.275350, 1.210373, 1.139566, 1.033242, 1.027776, 1.025388, 1.025144, 1.029551, 1.045796, 1.031684, 1.032839, 1.032635, 1.060448, 1.040870, 1.047611, 1.060231, 1.075297, 1.066971, 1.073752, 1.113008, 1.383509, 1.129704, 1.198243, 1.222456, 1.234389, 1.224164, 1.243444, 1.294541, 1.265006, 1.178805, 1.135663, 1.029008, 1.023628, 1.019729, 1.022226, 1.024997, 1.036473, 1.027582, 1.028378, 1.029302, 1.047454, 1.035725, 1.038674, 1.047384, 1.068694, 1.060923, 1.063771, 1.100034, 1.333569, 1.126848, 1.185826, 1.209725, 1.224937, 1.212785, 1.236321, 1.284212, 1.256900, 1.115347, 1.114443, 1.023628, 1.017810, 1.014326, 1.015847, 1.018518, 1.028086, 1.020245, 1.020984, 1.022730, 1.038105, 1.027760, 1.028804, 1.041350, 1.059088, 1.051748, 1.053073, 1.087165, 1.252114, 1.119432, 1.174365, 1.196021, 1.210201, 1.200302, 1.226177, 1.270829, 1.244451, 1.048434, 1.049180, 1.018333, 1.014078, 1.010072, 1.010963, 1.013350, 1.020835, 1.014829, 1.016063, 1.016330, 1.026939, 1.021395, 1.022569, 1.033490, 1.047872, 1.042920, 1.044526, 1.072217, 1.185529, 1.108676, 1.161552, 1.183706, 1.197698, 1.189131, 1.212932, 1.255325, 1.225494, 1.048434, 1.049180 ]) caloStage2Params.layer1HCalScaleETBins = cms.vint32([6, 9, 12, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 55, 70, 256]) caloStage2Params.layer1HCalScaleFactors = cms.vdouble([ 1.488772, 1.486679, 1.482133, 1.479425, 1.485548, 1.493674, 1.492273, 1.493985, 1.492969, 1.509587, 1.506320, 1.515023, 1.536133, 1.531514, 1.526063, 1.523588, 1.484326, 1.331186, 1.355782, 1.387601, 1.342361, 1.360238, 1.360894, 1.357810, 1.361534, 1.375109, 1.424183, 1.501489, 1.399359, 1.404418, 1.398637, 1.399352, 1.396019, 1.410175, 1.410339, 1.406340, 1.407406, 1.418949, 1.419240, 1.429573, 1.439777, 1.439575, 1.437873, 1.429671, 1.386724, 1.231026, 1.273743, 1.302278, 1.247894, 1.253293, 1.255920, 1.251581, 1.251463, 1.265636, 1.304193, 1.359426, 1.344773, 1.350364, 1.344524, 1.345861, 1.341056, 1.353025, 1.354453, 1.351831, 1.347695, 1.364280, 1.359560, 1.372041, 1.381087, 1.385518, 1.382776, 1.370359, 1.327976, 1.177840, 1.228646, 1.249099, 1.186989, 1.193231, 1.197696, 1.195938, 1.196179, 1.206994, 1.244052, 1.290444, 1.312420, 1.314244, 1.309209, 1.307359, 1.307022, 1.316532, 1.318803, 1.313482, 1.308246, 1.323321, 1.325338, 1.330967, 1.337016, 1.338398, 1.339131, 1.327637, 1.286923, 1.141686, 1.190420, 1.213207, 1.149381, 1.160818, 1.159674, 1.159706, 1.158536, 1.169460, 1.207328, 1.248669, 1.276808, 1.278511, 1.274205, 1.271484, 1.270841, 1.278961, 1.282849, 1.277440, 1.273669, 1.284206, 1.284441, 1.290392, 1.294976, 1.296487, 1.298681, 1.286720, 1.244613, 1.110049, 1.157259, 1.176192, 1.112071, 1.119705, 1.123068, 1.121734, 1.123006, 1.132017, 1.169278, 1.213867, 1.242737, 1.243424, 1.240171, 1.239669, 1.236894, 1.241291, 1.244473, 1.241839, 1.234634, 1.244791, 1.243586, 1.250908, 1.250071, 1.254379, 1.257426, 1.244129, 1.200212, 1.077383, 1.122736, 1.139789, 1.076388, 1.083750, 1.085063, 1.085238, 1.086152, 1.095831, 1.131103, 1.174074, 1.215358, 1.216519, 1.212013, 1.211151, 1.210772, 1.213001, 1.216205, 1.212945, 1.203300, 1.212112, 1.212353, 1.216219, 1.216911, 1.220303, 1.222827, 1.209306, 1.164908, 1.053285, 1.098127, 1.112139, 1.046242, 1.053812, 1.054951, 1.055403, 1.056634, 1.065248, 1.100811, 1.146619, 1.189579, 1.190152, 1.186635, 1.187759, 1.184085, 1.184657, 1.188523, 1.186424, 1.177457, 1.183637, 1.182490, 1.187512, 1.187172, 1.190456, 1.192421, 1.180374, 1.138839, 1.034745, 1.078450, 1.089012, 1.021600, 1.028598, 1.029529, 1.030437, 1.033001, 1.039217, 1.075602, 1.118267, 1.171107, 1.168946, 1.166512, 1.166769, 1.161480, 1.165436, 1.165121, 1.162166, 1.153355, 1.158267, 1.159683, 1.162556, 1.161758, 1.164033, 1.169004, 1.154110, 1.114707, 1.016696, 1.060155, 1.070569, 1.000000, 1.005364, 1.007959, 1.009434, 1.009694, 1.015478, 1.051155, 1.095691, 1.147927, 1.150166, 1.146134, 1.147374, 1.142142, 1.143955, 1.144191, 1.141270, 1.134016, 1.138813, 1.136992, 1.142244, 1.139741, 1.140879, 1.146482, 1.132095, 1.091087, 1.003826, 1.042366, 1.053090, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.023234, 1.031095, 1.075333, 1.124485, 1.126611, 1.122901, 1.121996, 1.119331, 1.121150, 1.122024, 1.116685, 1.110000, 1.112285, 1.113655, 1.114063, 1.112371, 1.111978, 1.116022, 1.101930, 1.061707, 1.000000, 1.024583, 1.031882, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.055449, 1.003816, 1.046213, 1.092452, 1.092536, 1.091150, 1.090404, 1.085964, 1.085791, 1.086160, 1.082304, 1.075379, 1.074526, 1.072966, 1.073412, 1.070047, 1.069312, 1.070556, 1.054325, 1.019816, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.001951, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000301, 1.032098, 1.000000, 1.005659, 1.051117, 1.050717, 1.049425, 1.047891, 1.044951, 1.044487, 1.042311, 1.036290, 1.030471, 1.028289, 1.022935, 1.020965, 1.017667, 1.013806, 1.014022, 1.004382, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000 ]) # HF 1x1 scale factors will be a 13*12 array: # 12 eta scale factors (30-41) # in 13 ET bins (6, 9, 12, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 55, 70, Max) # So, index = etBin*12+ietaHF # HF energies were formerly multiplied by 0.7; this has been removed caloStage2Params.layer1HFScaleETBins = cms.vint32([6, 9, 12, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 55, 70, 256]) caloStage2Params.layer1HFScaleFactors = cms.vdouble([ 2.378339, 1.502094, 1.558828, 1.468909, 1.388092, 1.444754, 1.493556, 1.541491, 1.647650, 1.812072, 2.791145, 2.844066, 2.111653, 1.312496, 1.351124, 1.291042, 1.239054, 1.278956, 1.315620, 1.361558, 1.449292, 1.571425, 2.709180, 2.717564, 1.963179, 1.217324, 1.256356, 1.202818, 1.162660, 1.204208, 1.231526, 1.276481, 1.351362, 1.457253, 2.613049, 2.644112, 1.864273, 1.162345, 1.199680, 1.153738, 1.119396, 1.152063, 1.182551, 1.225995, 1.291988, 1.390649, 2.529912, 2.581591, 1.752451, 1.117623, 1.147027, 1.110546, 1.079779, 1.114737, 1.142444, 1.178901, 1.242175, 1.336171, 2.407025, 2.526142, 1.663160, 1.074331, 1.106646, 1.072905, 1.049034, 1.080200, 1.108287, 1.143216, 1.199594, 1.291001, 2.232567, 2.450402, 1.573166, 1.048392, 1.078650, 1.048091, 1.024573, 1.055920, 1.081953, 1.115248, 1.170655, 1.256432, 2.070575, 2.389922, 1.489765, 1.024323, 1.055465, 1.029036, 1.007379, 1.036369, 1.061089, 1.092431, 1.145947, 1.227190, 1.925361, 2.348549, 1.404872, 1.006701, 1.035613, 1.009332, 1.007379, 1.017418, 1.040979, 1.071060, 1.120826, 1.197973, 1.791211, 2.243741, 1.339055, 1.006701, 1.019214, 1.009332, 1.007379, 1.003242, 1.026977, 1.054007, 1.099699, 1.168445, 1.688074, 2.103020, 1.272889, 1.006701, 1.006044, 1.009332, 1.007379, 1.003242, 1.009030, 1.033555, 1.074019, 1.135660, 1.573541, 1.918549, 1.188140, 1.006701, 1.006044, 1.009332, 1.007379, 1.003242, 1.009030, 1.001923, 1.039081, 1.094883, 1.434509, 1.705331, 1.108268, 1.006701, 1.006044, 1.009332, 1.007379, 1.003242, 1.009030, 1.001923, 1.010006, 1.057960, 1.301315, 1.523940 ])
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # ***************************************************************************** # NICOS, the Networked Instrument Control System of the MLZ # Copyright (c) 2009-2022 by the NICOS contributors (see AUTHORS) # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later # version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more # details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # Module authors: # <NAME> <<EMAIL>> # # ***************************************************************************** """Devices for the Refsans VSD.""" import struct from nicos.core import ADMIN, SIMULATION, Attach, Override, Param, Readable, \ dictof, oneof, requires, status, usermethod from nicos.devices.tango import PyTangoDevice class VSDIO(PyTangoDevice, Readable): """ Basic IO Device object for devices in refsans' vsd rack contains common things for all devices. """ hardware_access = True parameters = { 'address': Param('Starting offset (words) of IO area', type=oneof(12288), mandatory=True, settable=False, userparam=False, default=12288), 'firmware': Param('Firmware Version', settable=False, type=str, mandatory=False, volatile=True), } def doInit(self, mode): # switch off watchdog, important before doing any write access if mode != SIMULATION: self._dev.WriteOutputWord((0x1120, 0)) # # access-helpers for accessing the fields inside the IO area # def _readU16(self, addr): # reads a uint16 from self.address + addr value = self._dev.ReadOutputWords((self.address + addr, 1))[0] self.log.debug('_readU16(%d): -> %d', addr, value) return value def _readI16(self, addr): # reads a int16 from self.address + addr value = self._dev.ReadOutputWords((self.address + addr, 1))[0] if value > 32767: value = value - 65536 self.log.info('_readI16(%d): -> %d', addr, value) return value def _writeU16(self, addr, value): # writes a uint16 to self.address+addr value = int(value) self.log.debug('_writeU16(%d, %d)', addr, value) self._dev.WriteOutputWord((self.address + addr, value)) def _readU32(self, addr): # reads a uint32 from self.address + addr .. self.address + addr + 1 value = self._dev.ReadOutputWords((self.address + addr, 2)) value = struct.unpack('=I', struct.pack('<2H', *value))[0] self.log.debug('_readU32(%d): -> %d', addr, value) return value def _writeU32(self, addr, value): # writes a uint32 to self.address + addr value = int(value) self.log.debug('_writeU32(%d, %d)', addr, value) value = struct.unpack('<2H', struct.pack('=I', value)) self._dev.WriteOutputWords(tuple([self.address + addr]) + value) @requires(level=ADMIN) def _load_factory(self): # QAD should be # pwd([0xFFFF,2]) # write('kommando',[0xFFFF,2]) # see Nicos old self._dev.WriteOutputWords((12338, 25759, 245)) self._dev.WriteOutputWords((12340, 65535, 2)) ACK = self._dev.ReadOutputWord(12363) NAK = self._dev.ReadOutputWord(12364) self.log.info('_load_factory %d %d', ACK, NAK) # mapping of user selectable channel name to BYTE_OFFSET, scaling and unit _HW_AnalogChannels = dict( User1Voltage=(200, 0.01, 'V-foo'), User1Current=(202, 0.01, 'mA-foo'), User2Voltage=(204, 0.01, 'V-foo'), User2Current=(206, 0.01, 'mA-foo'), Temperature1=(208, 0.01, 'degC'), Temperature2=(210, 0.01, 'degC'), Temperature3=(212, 0.01, 'degC'), Temperature4=(214, 0.01, 'degC'), Temperature5=(344, 0.01, 'degC'), Temperature6=(346, 0.01, 'degC'), Temperature7=(348, 0.01, 'degC'), Temperature8=(350, 0.01, 'degC'), Media1Voltage=(300, 0.01, 'V'), Media1Current=(302, 0.01, 'mA'), Media2Voltage=(304, 0.01, 'V'), Media2Current=(306, 0.01, 'mA'), Media3Voltage=(308, 0.01, 'V'), Media3Current=(310, 0.01, 'mA'), Media4Voltage=(312, 0.01, 'V'), Media4Current=(314, 0.01, 'mA'), Air1Pressure=(316, 0.01, 'bar'), Air2Pressure=(318, 0.01, 'bar'), Water1Temp=(320, 0.01, 'degC'), Water1Flow=(322, 0.01, 'l/min'), Water2Temp=(324, 0.01, 'degC'), Water2Flow=(326, 0.01, 'l/min'), Water3Temp=(328, 0.01, 'degC'), Water3Flow=(330, 0.01, 'l/min'), Water4Temp=(332, 0.01, 'degC'), Water4Flow=(334, 0.01, 'l/min'), Water5Temp=(336, 0.01, 'degC'), Water5Flow=(338, 0.01, 'l/min'), Water1Pressure=(340, 0.01, 'bar'), Water2Pressure=(342, 0.01, 'bar'), X16Voltage1=(352, 0.01, 'V'), X16Voltage2=(354, 0.01, 'V'), X16Voltage3=(356, 0.01, 'V'), X16Voltage4=(358, 0.01, 'V'), ) # mapping of user selectable channel name to BYTE_OFFSET, bit number _HW_DigitalChannels = dict( (('Merker%d' % i, (160 + 2 * (i // 16), i % 16)) for i in range(128, 255)), ControllerStatus=(148, 0), TempVibration=(148, 1), ChopperEnable1=(148, 2), ChopperEnable2=(148, 3), AkkuPower=(148, 4), PowerBreakdown=(148, 5), SolenoidValve=(148, 6), PowerSupplyUSV=(148, 7), PowerSupplyNormal=(148, 8), VSD_User1DigitalInput=(154, 0), VSD_User2DigitalInput=(154, 1), VSD_User3DigitalInput1=(154, 2), VSD_User3DigitalInput2=(154, 3), VSD_User3DigitalInput3=(154, 4), VSD_User4DigitalInput1=(154, 5), VSD_User4DigitalInput2=(154, 6), VSD_User4DigitalInput3=(156, 7), VSD_User1DigitalOutput1=(156, 0), VSD_User1DigitalOutput2=(156, 1), VSD_User2DigitalOutput1=(156, 2), VSD_User2DigitalOutput2=(156, 3), VSD_User3DigitalOutput1=(156, 4), VSD_User3DigitalOutput2=(156, 5), VSD_User3DigitalOutput3=(156, 6), VSD_User4DigitalOutput1=(156, 7), VSD_User4DigitalOutput2=(156, 8), VSD_User4DigitalOutput3=(156, 9), Media_DigitalOutput1=(158, 0), Media_DigitalOutput2=(158, 1), Media_DigitalOutput3=(158, 2), Media_DigitalOutput4=(158, 3), ) # # Hardware abstraction: which actions do we want to do... # def _HW_readVersion(self): return 'V%.1f' % (self._readU32(120 // 2) * 0.1) def _HW_parallel_pumping_pressure(self): return 0 # # Nicos Methods # def doRead(self, maxage=0): return self._HW_parallel_pumping_pressure() def doReadFirmware(self): return self._HW_readVersion() def doStatus(self, maxage=0): return status.OK, '' @usermethod def diag(self): """Display all available diagnostic values.""" self.log.info("Analog Values:") for k, v in sorted(self._HW_AnalogChannels.items()): self.log.info("%s: %.2f %s", k, v[1] * self._readI16(v[0] // 2), v[2]) self.log.info("Digital Values:") for k, v in sorted(self._HW_DigitalChannels.items()): if k.startswith('Merker'): continue self.log.info("%s: %s", k, 'SET' if self._readU16(v[0] // 2) & (1 << v[1]) else 'clear') self.log.info("Merkerwords:") for i in range(16): self.log.info("Merker%d..%d : 0x%04x", 128 + 15 + 16 * i, 128 + 16 * i, self._readU16(160 // 2 + i)) class AnalogValue(Readable): attached_devices = { 'iodev': Attach('IO Device', VSDIO), } parameters = { 'channel': Param('Channel for readout', type=oneof(*VSDIO._HW_AnalogChannels), settable=True, preinit=True), } parameter_overrides = { 'unit': Override(mandatory=False, volatile=True, settable=False), } def doReadUnit(self): _ofs, _scale, unit = \ self._attached_iodev._HW_AnalogChannels[self.channel] if unit == 'mA-foo': unit = 'mA' elif unit == 'V-foo': unit = 'V' return unit def doRead(self, maxage=0): ofs, scale, _unit = \ self._attached_iodev._HW_AnalogChannels[self.channel] # ofs is in Bytes, we need it in words! => /2 if _unit == 'mA-foo': raw = scale * self._attached_iodev._readU16(ofs // 2) self.log.debug('mA-foo %.2f', raw) # Work around bug in firmware if raw > 20.0: raw -= 615.37 self.log.debug('mA-foo %.2f', raw) # Tested against Multimeter (2018-08-07) raw /= 2.0 self.log.debug('mA-foo %.2f', raw) elif _unit == 'V-foo': raw = self._attached_iodev._readU16(ofs // 2) self.log.debug('V-foo %d', raw) # Work around bug in firmware if raw > 0x8000: raw -= 63536 self.log.debug('V-foo %d sign1', raw) self.log.debug('V-foo %d sign', raw) # Tested against Multimeter (2018-08-07) raw /= 2.0 self.log.debug('v-foo %.2f /2.0', raw) raw *= scale self.log.debug('v-foo %.2f scale', raw) else: raw = scale * self._attached_iodev._readU16(ofs // 2) return raw def doStatus(self, maxage=0): return status.OK, '' class DigitalValue(Readable): attached_devices = { 'iodev': Attach('IO Device', VSDIO), } parameters = { 'channel': Param('Channel for readout', type=oneof(*VSDIO._HW_DigitalChannels), settable=True, preinit=True), 'mapping': Param('Mapping of 0/1 to sensible strings', type=dictof(str, oneof(0, 1)), mandatory=True), } parameter_overrides = { 'unit': Override(mandatory=False, settable=False, default=''), } def doInit(self, mode): self._revmapping = {v: k for k, v in self.mapping.items()} def doRead(self, maxage=0): ofs, bit = self._attached_iodev._HW_DigitalChannels[self.channel] # ofs is in Bytes, we need it in words! => /2 if self._attached_iodev._readU16(ofs // 2) & (1 << bit): return self._revmapping[1] return self._revmapping[0] def doStatus(self, maxage=0): return status.OK, ''
<reponame>leelige/mindspore # Copyright 2021 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================ import mindspore.nn as nn from mindspore.ops import operations as P def conv_bn_relu(in_channel, out_channel, kernel_size, stride, depthwise, activation='relu6'): output = [] output.append(nn.Conv2d(in_channel, out_channel, kernel_size, stride, pad_mode="same", group=1 if not depthwise else in_channel)) output.append(nn.BatchNorm2d(out_channel)) if activation: output.append(nn.get_activation(activation)) return nn.SequentialCell(output) class MobileNetV1(nn.Cell): """ MobileNet V1 backbone """ def __init__(self, class_num=1001, features_only=False): super(MobileNetV1, self).__init__() self.features_only = features_only cnn = [ conv_bn_relu(3, 32, 3, 2, False), # Conv0 conv_bn_relu(32, 32, 3, 1, True), # Conv1_depthwise conv_bn_relu(32, 64, 1, 1, False), # Conv1_pointwise conv_bn_relu(64, 64, 3, 2, True), # Conv2_depthwise conv_bn_relu(64, 128, 1, 1, False), # Conv2_pointwise conv_bn_relu(128, 128, 3, 1, True), # Conv3_depthwise conv_bn_relu(128, 128, 1, 1, False), # Conv3_pointwise conv_bn_relu(128, 128, 3, 2, True), # Conv4_depthwise conv_bn_relu(128, 256, 1, 1, False), # Conv4_pointwise conv_bn_relu(256, 256, 3, 1, True), # Conv5_depthwise conv_bn_relu(256, 256, 1, 1, False), # Conv5_pointwise conv_bn_relu(256, 256, 3, 2, True), # Conv6_depthwise conv_bn_relu(256, 512, 1, 1, False), # Conv6_pointwise conv_bn_relu(512, 512, 3, 1, True), # Conv7_depthwise conv_bn_relu(512, 512, 1, 1, False), # Conv7_pointwise conv_bn_relu(512, 512, 3, 1, True), # Conv8_depthwise conv_bn_relu(512, 512, 1, 1, False), # Conv8_pointwise conv_bn_relu(512, 512, 3, 1, True), # Conv9_depthwise conv_bn_relu(512, 512, 1, 1, False), # Conv9_pointwise conv_bn_relu(512, 512, 3, 1, True), # Conv10_depthwise conv_bn_relu(512, 512, 1, 1, False), # Conv10_pointwise conv_bn_relu(512, 512, 3, 1, True), # Conv11_depthwise conv_bn_relu(512, 512, 1, 1, False), # Conv11_pointwise conv_bn_relu(512, 512, 3, 2, True), # Conv12_depthwise conv_bn_relu(512, 1024, 1, 1, False), # Conv12_pointwise conv_bn_relu(1024, 1024, 3, 1, True), # Conv13_depthwise conv_bn_relu(1024, 1024, 1, 1, False), # Conv13_pointwise ] if self.features_only: self.network = nn.CellList(cnn) else: self.network = nn.SequentialCell(cnn) self.fc = nn.Dense(1024, class_num) def construct(self, x): output = x if self.features_only: features = () for block in self.network: output = block(output) features = features + (output,) return features output = self.network(x) output = P.ReduceMean()(output, (2, 3)) output = self.fc(output) return output def mobilenet_v1(class_num=1001): return MobileNetV1(class_num)
<filename>search/irank.py import numpy as np from structures import Graph def normalize(vec): """ Function performs mathematical normalization of the first order for a given n - dimensional vector. :param vec: vector to be normalized :return: normalized vector """ if np.count_nonzero(vec) == 0: return vec return np.array(vec) / np.linalg.norm(vec, ord=1) def IRank1(hard_result_set: dict, ordered_list: list, positive_query_len: int, word_count: list = None): """ IR1 is normalized. IR1 = appearance penal factor * appearance dividend Appearance penal factor - takes values from 0 to 1, all sites not matching The Query given by our God Saviour - User are 0, this will also further propagate to RANK and assure that only sites matching given criteria appears in results. Otherwise, this holds a number following formula: number of words from positive query appearing on site / num of words in pos. query therefore, max value is 1 (all words are present) Appearance dividend - holds count of positive search query words in site divided by maximal same number across all sites """ # word count is not used, but it could be, to utilize percentage of searched words per document appearance_penal_factor = np.zeros(len(ordered_list)) appearance_dividend = np.ones(len(ordered_list)) for file in ordered_list: if positive_query_len == 0 and file in hard_result_set: appearance_penal_factor[ordered_list.index(file)] = 1 elif file in hard_result_set: appearance_penal_factor[ordered_list.index(file)] = \ np.count_nonzero(hard_result_set[file]) / positive_query_len appearance_dividend[ordered_list.index(file)] = np.sum(hard_result_set[file]) # / word_count[ordered_list.index(file)] return normalize(np.multiply(appearance_penal_factor, appearance_dividend / np.max(appearance_dividend))) def IRank2(graph: Graph, hard_result_set: dict, broad_positive_res_set: dict, ordered_list: list, positive_query_len: int, word_count: list = None): """ Calculates IR2 factor by formula: IR2 = 1 + appearance words count / appearance file count Appearance word count - for each site that has a link to matched site, sum of count of appearances of words from positive query Appearance file count - number of linking sites in which appear words from positive search query """ # word count is not used, but it could be, to utilize percentage of searched words per document appearance_count = np.zeros(len(ordered_list)) appearance_files = np.ones(len(ordered_list)) for file in ordered_list: if positive_query_len == 0: break elif file in hard_result_set: appearance_files[ordered_list.index(file)] = 0 for edge in graph.incident_edges(file, outgoing=False): inlink = edge.opposite(file) if inlink in broad_positive_res_set: appearance_count[ordered_list.index(file)] += np.sum(broad_positive_res_set[inlink]) appearance_files[ordered_list.index(file)] += 1 elif inlink in hard_result_set: appearance_count[ordered_list.index(file)] += np.sum(hard_result_set[inlink]) appearance_files[ordered_list.index(file)] += 1 if appearance_files[ordered_list.index(file)] == 0: appearance_files[ordered_list.index(file)] = 1 return 1 + np.divide(appearance_count, appearance_files) def IRank(graph: Graph, hard_result_set: dict, broad_positive_res_set: dict, ordered_list: list, positive_query_len: int): """ IR is normalized. IR = IR1 * IR2 For further details on algorithm see IRank1 and IRank2 functions in this module. """ IR1 = IRank1(hard_result_set, ordered_list, positive_query_len) IR2 = IRank2(graph, hard_result_set, broad_positive_res_set, ordered_list, positive_query_len) return normalize(np.multiply(IR1, IR2)), IR1, IR2 def get_ranks(pagerank: np.ndarray, graph: Graph, hard_result_set: dict, broad_positive_res_set: dict, ordered_list: list, positive_query_len: int): """ Rank calculation algorithm: Formula influenced by: number of appearances of the searched words on site - IR1 (included in IR) number of sites linking to site - PR (PageRank - US6285999B1) number of searched words on linking sites to site - IR2 (included in IR) Normalized version of PageRank is used (values 0-1) - PR IR is also normalized. RANK = PR * IR RANK is normalized. For details on the algorithm see function IRank in this module and pagerank.py module. :param pagerank: PR :param graph: PopulateStructures attribute :param hard_result_set: result set of the search query, see execute_query method in query.py module or eval_query method in advanced.eval_query.py module :param broad_positive_res_set: result set of broad set of sites influencing ranking algorithm, see execute_query method in query.py module or eval_query method in advanced.eval_query.py module :param ordered_list: order od sites from PS object :param positive_query_len: number of parameters influencing ranking process (all 'positive' words) :return: rank matrix (with additional details) """ pagerank = pagerank.reshape((len(ordered_list),)) IR, IR1, IR2 = IRank(graph, hard_result_set, broad_positive_res_set, ordered_list, positive_query_len) return np.concatenate((normalize(np.multiply(pagerank, IR)).reshape((len(ordered_list), 1)), pagerank.reshape((len(ordered_list), 1)), IR.reshape((len(ordered_list), 1)), IR1.reshape((len(ordered_list), 1)), IR2.reshape((len(ordered_list), 1))), axis=1).tolist()
<gh_stars>0 import re import pandas as pd import urllib.parse from collections import namedtuple text_doc_head_pattern_str = "<doc id=\"(.*?)\" url=\"(.*?)\" title=\"(.*?)\"" anchor_pattern_str = "<a href=\"(.*?)\">(.*?)</a>" WikiTextInfo = namedtuple('WikiTextInfo', ['title', 'wid', 'text']) no_comma_util_title_prefixs = ['List of', 'Lists of', 'Index of'] comma_util_title_prefixs = ['Wikipedia:', 'File:', 'Draft:', 'Template:', 'MediaWiki:', 'Category:', 'Help:', 'wikt:', 'Portal:'] # code judges based on 'of' and 'in' special_intro_title_prefixs = ['Geography of', 'Monarchy of', 'History of', 'Politics of', 'Economy of', 'Transport in', 'Foreign relations of', 'Foreign Relations of', 'Demographics of', 'Transportation in', 'Telecommunications in', 'Culture of'] def next_xml_page(f): page_xml = '' for line in f: if line == ' <page>\n': page_xml += line break if not page_xml: return None for line in f: page_xml += line if line == ' </page>\n': break return page_xml def next_text_page(f): wid, title = None, None for line in f: if line.startswith('<doc id="'): m = re.match(text_doc_head_pattern_str, line) if m: title = m.group(3) wid = int(m.group(1)) break else: print('fine "<doc id=" but not matched') print(line.strip()) if wid is None: return None text = '' for i, line in enumerate(f): if line.strip() == '</doc>': break if i == 0 and line.strip() == title: continue text += line return WikiTextInfo(title, wid, text.strip()) def find_anchors(text_with_anchors): miter = re.finditer(anchor_pattern_str, text_with_anchors) anchors = list() for m in miter: target = urllib.parse.unquote(m.group(1)) mention_str = m.group(2) anchors.append((mention_str, target)) return anchors def load_redirects_file(filename): with open(filename, encoding='utf-8') as f: df = pd.read_csv(f, na_filter=False) redirects_dict = {title_from: title_to for title_from, title_to in df.itertuples(False, None)} return redirects_dict def is_not_util_page_title(page_title: str): if ':' in page_title: for s in comma_util_title_prefixs: if page_title.startswith(s): return False for s in no_comma_util_title_prefixs: if page_title.startswith(s): return False return True def __num_starting_digits(title: str): cnt = 0 while cnt < len(title) and title[cnt].isdigit(): cnt += 1 return cnt def is_special_intro_title(page_title: str): n = __num_starting_digits(page_title) if n > 0: if len(page_title) == n: return True tmp_str = page_title[n:] if tmp_str == ' BC' or tmp_str == 's BC' or tmp_str == 's': return True if tmp_str.startswith(' in') or tmp_str.startswith('s in'): return True if tmp_str.startswith('BC in') or tmp_str.startswith('s BC in'): return True if ' of' not in page_title and ' in' not in page_title: return False for s in special_intro_title_prefixs: if page_title.startswith(s): return True return False def load_linked_cnts_file(filename): with open(filename, encoding='utf-8') as f: df = pd.read_csv(f, na_filter=False) return {title: cnt for title, cnt in df.itertuples(False, None)}
<gh_stars>0 from django.shortcuts import render from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseBadRequest, HttpResponseServerError from django.shortcuts import redirect from sampleAppOAuth2.services import * from sampleAppOAuth2 import getDiscoveryDocument import urllib # from django.template import Context, Template # from django.apps import apps # Create your views here. def index(request): return render(request, 'index.html') def connectToQuickbooks(request): url = getDiscoveryDocument.auth_endpoint scope = ' '.join(settings.PAYMENTS_SCOPE) params = {'scope': scope, 'redirect_uri': settings.REDIRECT_URI, 'response_type': 'code', 'state': get_CSRF_token(request), 'client_id': settings.CLIENT_ID} url += '?' + urllib.parse.urlencode(params) return redirect(url) def signInWithIntuit(request): url = getDiscoveryDocument.auth_endpoint scope = ' '.join(settings.OPENID_SCOPES) # Scopes are required to be sent delimited by a space params = {'scope': scope, 'redirect_uri': settings.REDIRECT_URI, 'response_type': 'code', 'state': get_CSRF_token(request), 'client_id': settings.CLIENT_ID} url += '?' + urllib.parse.urlencode(params) return redirect(url) def getAppNow(request): url = getDiscoveryDocument.auth_endpoint scope = ' '.join(settings.GET_APP_SCOPES) # Scopes are required to be sent delimited by a space params = {'scope': scope, 'redirect_uri': settings.REDIRECT_URI, 'response_type': 'code', 'state': get_CSRF_token(request), 'client_id': settings.CLIENT_ID} url += '?' + urllib.parse.urlencode(params) return redirect(url) def authCodeHandler(request): print("here!") state = request.GET.get('state', None) error = request.GET.get('error', None) if error == 'access_denied': return redirect('index') if state is None: return HttpResponseBadRequest() # elif state != get_CSRF_token(request): # validate against CSRF attacks # print("here 2 ......!") # return HttpResponse('unauthorized', status=401) auth_code = request.GET.get('code', None) if auth_code is None: return HttpResponseBadRequest() bearer = getBearerToken(auth_code) realmId = request.GET.get('realmId', None) updateSession(request, bearer.accessToken, bearer.refreshToken, realmId) # Validate JWT tokens only for OpenID scope if bearer.idToken is not None: if not validateJWTToken(bearer.idToken): return HttpResponse('JWT Validation failed. Please try signing in again.') else: return redirect('connected') else: return redirect('connected') def connected(request): access_token = request.session.get('accessToken', None) if access_token is None: return HttpResponse('Your Bearer token has expired, please initiate Sign In With Intuit flow again') refresh_token = request.session.get('refreshToken', None) realmId = request.session['realmId'] if realmId is None: user_profile_response, status_code = getUserProfile(access_token) if status_code >= 400: # if call to User Profile Service doesn't succeed then get a new bearer token from # refresh token and try again bearer = getBearerTokenFromRefreshToken(refresh_token) user_profile_response, status_code = getUserProfile(bearer.accessToken) updateSession(request, bearer.accessToken, bearer.refreshToken, request.session.get('realmId', None), name=user_profile_response.get('givenName', None)) if status_code >= 400: return HttpResponseServerError() c = { 'first_name': user_profile_response.get('givenName', ' '), } else: if request.session.get('name') is None: name = '' else: name = request.session.get('name') c = { 'first_name': name, } return render(request, 'connected.html', context=c) def disconnect(request): access_token = request.session.get('accessToken', None) refresh_token = request.session.get('refreshToken', None) revoke_response = '' if access_token is not None: revoke_response = revokeToken(access_token) elif refresh_token is not None: revoke_response = revokeToken(refresh_token) else: return HttpResponse('No accessToken or refreshToken found, Please connect again') request.session.flush() return HttpResponse(revoke_response) def refreshTokenCall(request): refresh_token = request.session.get('refreshToken', None) if refresh_token is None: return HttpResponse('Not authorized') first_name = request.session.get('name', None) bearer = getBearerTokenFromRefreshToken(refresh_token) if isinstance(bearer, str): return HttpResponse(bearer) else: return HttpResponse('Access Token: ' + bearer.accessToken + ', Refresh Token: ' + bearer.refreshToken) def apiCall(request): access_token = request.session.get('accessToken', None) if access_token is None: return HttpResponse('Your Bearer token has expired, please initiate C2QB flow again') realmId = request.session['realmId'] if realmId is None: return HttpResponse('No realm ID. QBO calls only work if the payment scope was passed!') refresh_token = request.session['refreshToken'] create_charge_response, status_code = createCharge(access_token) print(create_charge_response) print(status_code) if status_code >= 400: # if call to QBO doesn't succeed then get a new bearer token from refresh token and try again bearer = getBearerTokenFromRefreshToken(refresh_token) updateSession(request, bearer.accessToken, bearer.refreshToken, realmId) create_charge_response, status_code = createCharge(bearer.accessToken) if status_code >= 400: return HttpResponseServerError() return HttpResponse('Charge create response: ' + str(create_charge_response)) # Invoice CRUD def newInvoice(request): access_token = request.session.get('accessToken', None) if access_token is None: return HttpResponse('Your Bearer token has expired, please initiate C2QB flow again') realmId = request.session['realmId'] if realmId is None: return HttpResponse('No realm ID. QBO calls only work if the payment scope was passed!') refresh_token = request.session['refreshToken'] create_invoice_response, status_code = createInvoice(access_token, realmId) print(create_invoice_response) print(status_code) if status_code >= 400: # if call to QBO doesn't succeed then get a new bearer token from refresh token and try again bearer = getBearerTokenFromRefreshToken(refresh_token) updateSession(request, bearer.accessToken, bearer.refreshToken, realmId) create_invoice_response, status_code = createInvoice(bearer.accessToken, realmId) if status_code >= 400: return HttpResponseServerError() return HttpResponse('Invoice create response: ' + str(create_invoice_response)) def oneInvoice(request): access_token = request.session.get('accessToken', None) if access_token is None: return HttpResponse('Your Bearer token has expired, please initiate C2QB flow again') realmId = request.session['realmId'] if realmId is None: return HttpResponse('No realm ID. QBO calls only work if the payment scope was passed!') invoiceid = 60 refresh_token = request.session['refreshToken'] show_invoice_response, status_code = showInvoice(access_token, realmId, invoiceid) print(show_invoice_response) print(status_code) if status_code >= 400: # if call to QBO doesn't succeed then get a new bearer token from refresh token and try again bearer = getBearerTokenFromRefreshToken(refresh_token) updateSession(request, bearer.accessToken, bearer.refreshToken, realmId) create_charge_response, status_code = showInvoice(bearer.accessToken, realmId) if status_code >= 400: return HttpResponseServerError() return HttpResponse('Query Item response: ' + str(show_invoice_response)) # Customer CRUD def newCustomer(request): access_token = request.session.get('accessToken', None) if access_token is None: return HttpResponse('Your Bearer token has expired, please initiate C2QB flow again') realmId = request.session['realmId'] if realmId is None: return HttpResponse('No realm ID. QBO calls only work if the payment scope was passed!') refresh_token = request.session['refreshToken'] create_customer_response, status_code = createCustomer(access_token, realmId) print(create_customer_response) print(status_code) if status_code >= 400: # if call to QBO doesn't succeed then get a new bearer token from refresh token and try again bearer = getBearerTokenFromRefreshToken(refresh_token) updateSession(request, bearer.accessToken, bearer.refreshToken, realmId) create_customer_response, status_code = createCustomer(bearer.accessToken, realmId) if status_code >= 400: return HttpResponseServerError() return HttpResponse('Invoice create response: ' + str(create_customer_response)) def oneCustomer(request): access_token = request.session.get('accessToken', None) if access_token is None: return HttpResponse('Your Bearer token has expired, please initiate C2QB flow again') realmId = request.session['realmId'] if realmId is None: return HttpResponse('No realm ID. QBO calls only work if the payment scope was passed!') customerid = "60" refresh_token = request.session['refreshToken'] show_customer_response, status_code = showCustomer(access_token, realmId, customerid) print(show_customer_response) print(status_code) if status_code >= 400: # if call to QBO doesn't succeed then get a new bearer token from refresh token and try again bearer = getBearerTokenFromRefreshToken(refresh_token) updateSession(request, bearer.accessToken, bearer.refreshToken, realmId) create_charge_response, status_code = showCustomer(bearer.accessToken, realmId) if status_code >= 400: return HttpResponseServerError() return HttpResponse('Query Item response: ' + str(show_customer_response)) def allCustomer(request): access_token = request.session.get('accessToken', None) if access_token is None: return HttpResponse('Your Bearer token has expired, please initiate C2QB flow again') realmId = request.session['realmId'] if realmId is None: return HttpResponse('No realm ID. QBO calls only work if the payment scope was passed!') refresh_token = request.session['refreshToken'] show_all_customer_response, status_code = showAllCustomer(access_token, realmId) print(show_all_customer_response) print(status_code) if status_code >= 400: # if call to QBO doesn't succeed then get a new bearer token from refresh token and try again bearer = getBearerTokenFromRefreshToken(refresh_token) updateSession(request, bearer.accessToken, bearer.refreshToken, realmId) create_charge_response, status_code = showAllCustomer(bearer.accessToken, realmId) if status_code >= 400: return HttpResponseServerError() return HttpResponse('Query Customer response: ' + str(show_all_customer_response)) # Service Items CRUD def newItem(request): access_token = request.session.get('accessToken', None) if access_token is None: return HttpResponse('Your Bearer token has expired, please initiate C2QB flow again') realmId = request.session['realmId'] if realmId is None: return HttpResponse('No realm ID. QBO calls only work if the payment scope was passed!') refresh_token = request.session['refreshToken'] create_item_response, status_code = createItem(access_token, realmId) print(create_item_response) print(status_code) if status_code >= 400: # if call to QBO doesn't succeed then get a new bearer token from refresh token and try again bearer = getBearerTokenFromRefreshToken(refresh_token) updateSession(request, bearer.accessToken, bearer.refreshToken, realmId) create_charge_response, status_code = createItem(bearer.accessToken, realmId) if status_code >= 400: return HttpResponseServerError() return HttpResponse('Item Create response: ' + str(create_item_response)) def allItem(request): access_token = request.session.get('accessToken', None) if access_token is None: return HttpResponse('Your Bearer token has expired, please initiate C2QB flow again') realmId = request.session['realmId'] if realmId is None: return HttpResponse('No realm ID. QBO calls only work if the payment scope was passed!') refresh_token = request.session['refreshToken'] show_all_item_response, status_code = showAllItem(access_token, realmId) print(show_all_item_response) print(status_code) if status_code >= 400: # if call to QBO doesn't succeed then get a new bearer token from refresh token and try again bearer = getBearerTokenFromRefreshToken(refresh_token) updateSession(request, bearer.accessToken, bearer.refreshToken, realmId) create_charge_response, status_code = showAllItem(bearer.accessToken, realmId) if status_code >= 400: return HttpResponseServerError() return HttpResponse('Query Item response: ' + str(show_all_item_response)) def oneItem(request): access_token = request.session.get('accessToken', None) if access_token is None: return HttpResponse('Your Bearer token has expired, please initiate C2QB flow again') realmId = request.session['realmId'] if realmId is None: return HttpResponse('No realm ID. QBO calls only work if the payment scope was passed!') itemid = "1" refresh_token = request.session['refreshToken'] show_item_response, status_code = showItem(access_token, realmId, itemid) print(show_item_response) print(status_code) if status_code >= 400: # if call to QBO doesn't succeed then get a new bearer token from refresh token and try again bearer = getBearerTokenFromRefreshToken(refresh_token) updateSession(request, bearer.accessToken, bearer.refreshToken, realmId) create_charge_response, status_code = showItem(bearer.accessToken, realmId) if status_code >= 400: return HttpResponseServerError() return HttpResponse('Query Item response: ' + str(show_item_response)) def get_CSRF_token(request): token = request.session.get('csrfToken', None) if token is None: token = getSecretKey() request.session['csrfToken'] = token return token def updateSession(request, access_token, refresh_token, realmId, name=None): request.session['accessToken'] = access_token request.session['refreshToken'] = refresh_token request.session['realmId'] = realmId request.session['name'] = name
<filename>landscape/vault.py import hvac import os import sys import yaml import base64 import logging def kubeconfig_context_entry(context_name): """ Generates a kubeconfig context entry Args: context_name (str): The Kubernetes context Returns: context entry for kubeconfig file (dict) """ context_entry = { 'name': context_name, 'context': { 'cluster': context_name + '-cluster', 'user': context_name + '-user', } } return context_entry def kubeconfig_cluster_entry(context_name, k8s_server, ca_cert): """ Generates a kubeconfig cluster entry Args: context_name (str): The Kubernetes context k8s_server (str): The URL of the Kubernetes API server client_key (str): The PEM-encoded CA certificate to verify against Returns: cluster entry for kubeconfig file (dict) """ base64_ca_cert = base64.b64encode(bytes(ca_cert, 'utf-8')).decode('ascii') cluster_entry = { 'name': context_name + '-cluster', 'cluster': { 'server': k8s_server, 'certificate-authority-data': base64_ca_cert } } return cluster_entry def kubeconfig_user_entry(context_name, client_cert, client_key): """ Generates a kubeconfig user entry Args: context_name (str): The Kubernetes context client_cert (str): The PEM-encoded client cert client_key (str): The PEM-encoded client key Returns: user entry for kubeconfig file (dict) """ base64_cert = base64.b64encode(bytes(client_cert, 'utf-8')).decode('ascii') base64_key = base64.b64encode(bytes(client_key, 'utf-8')).decode('ascii') user_entry = { 'name': context_name + '-user', 'user': { 'client-certificate-data': base64_cert, 'client-key-data': base64_key } } return user_entry def write_kubeconfig(cfg_path): """ Writes a kubernetes client configuration file with values from Vault Expects Vault to be pre-populated like so: vault write /secret/k8s_contexts/minikube \ ca_cert='ca_cert_value' \ client_cert='client_cert_value' \ client_key='client_key_value' \ api_server='https://kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local' Args: cfg_path (str): Path to the kubeconfig file being written Returns: None """ vault_root = '/secret/k8s_contexts' vault_addr = os.environ.get('VAULT_ADDR') vault_cacert = os.environ.get('VAULT_CACERT') vault_token = os.environ.get('VAULT_TOKEN') vault_client = hvac.Client(url=vault_addr, token=<PASSWORD>, verify=vault_cacert) k8sconfig_contents = {} for context in vault_client.list(vault_root)['data']['keys']: clustercfg_root = vault_root + '/' + context print("Reading kubeconfig settings from {0}".format(clustercfg_root)) try: vault_clustercfg = vault_client.read(clustercfg_root) except hvac.exceptions.InvalidRequest: sys.exit("Failed to read from Vault. Check VAULT_ vars") if not vault_clustercfg: sys.exit("No entry {0} found in Vault path {1}".format(context, vault_root)) vault_data = vault_clustercfg['data'] server_addr = vault_data['api_server'] server_cacert = vault_data['ca_cert'] client_cert = vault_data['client_cert'] client_key = vault_data['client_key'] context_contents = gen_k8sconf(k8s_context=context, api_server=server_addr, ca_cert=server_cacert, client_auth_cert=client_cert, client_auth_key=client_key) k8sconfig_contents.update(context_contents) expanded_cfg_path = os.path.expanduser(cfg_path) cfg_dir = '/'.join(expanded_cfg_path.split('/')[0:-1]) if not os.path.exists(cfg_dir): print("Creating directory {0}".format(cfg_dir)) os.makedirs(cfg_dir) with open(expanded_cfg_path, 'w') as kubeconfig: kubeconfig.write(yaml.dump(k8sconfig_contents,default_flow_style=False)) print("Wrote kubeconfig to {0}".format(expanded_cfg_path)) def gen_k8sconf(k8s_context=None, api_server=None, ca_cert=None, client_auth_cert=None, client_auth_key=None): """ Generate a kubeconfig object Args: k8s_context (str): api_server (str): ca_cert (str): client_auth_cert (str): client_auth_key (str): Returns: kubeconfig data (dict) """ contents = {} contents['apiVersion'] = 'v1' contents['kind'] = 'Config' contents['preferences'] = {} contents['clusters'] = [] contents['contexts'] = [] contents['users'] = [] contents['current-context'] = k8s_context vault_context_entry = kubeconfig_context_entry(k8s_context) vault_cluster_entry = kubeconfig_cluster_entry(k8s_context, api_server, ca_cert) vault_user_entry = kubeconfig_user_entry(k8s_context, client_auth_cert, client_auth_key) contents['contexts'].append(vault_context_entry) contents['clusters'].append(vault_cluster_entry) contents['users'].append(vault_user_entry) return contents def read_kubeconfig(cfg_path): """ Reads the current kubeconfig file and places it into Vault """ k8sconfig_contents = {} with open(cfg_path, 'r') as stream: try: k8sconfig_contents = yaml.load(stream) except yaml.YAMLError as exc: print(exc) contexts = k8sconfig_contents['contexts'] clusters = k8sconfig_contents['clusters'] users = k8sconfig_contents['users'] for context in contexts: # kubeconfig context entries context_name = context['name'] # gke clusters are set with GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS, not here if context_name.startswith('gke_'): continue context_cluster = context['context']['cluster'] context_user = context['context']['user'] # kubeconfig cluster entries cluster_cacert = '' client_auth_cert = '' client_auth_key = '' cluster_cfg = [d for d in clusters if d['name'] == context_cluster][0] cluster_server = cluster_cfg['cluster']['server'] if 'certificate-authority-data' in cluster_cfg['cluster']: ca_cert_data = cluster_cfg['cluster']['certificate-authority-data'] cluster_cacert = base64.b64encode(bytes(ca_cert_data, 'utf-8')).decode('ascii') elif 'certificate-authority' in cluster_cfg['cluster']: cacert_file = cluster_cfg['cluster']['certificate-authority'] if cacert_file.startswith('/'): cacert_path = cacert_file else: cacert_path = os.path.expanduser('~/.kube/' + cacert_file) with open(cacert_path, 'r') as stream: try: cluster_cacert = yaml.load(stream) except yaml.YAMLError as exc: print(exc) else: raise "no user certificate-authority(-data) entry in kubeconfig" # kubeconfig user entries user_cfg = [d for d in users if d['name'] == context_user][0] print("user_cfg={0}".format(user_cfg)) if 'client-certificate-data' in user_cfg['user']: client_cert_data = user_cfg['user']['client-certificate-data'] client_key_data = user_cfg['user']['client-key-data'] client_auth_cert = base64.b64encode(bytes(client_cert_data, 'utf-8')).decode('ascii') client_auth_key = base64.b64encode(bytes(client_key_data, 'utf-8')).decode('ascii') elif 'client-certificate' in user_cfg['user']: client_cert_file = user_cfg['user']['client-certificate'] client_key_file = user_cfg['user']['client-key'] # client cert if client_cert_file.startswith('/'): client_cert_path = client_cert_file else: client_cert_path = os.path.expanduser('~/.kube/' + client_cert_file) with open(client_cert_path, 'r') as stream: try: client_auth_cert = yaml.load(stream) except yaml.YAMLError as exc: print(exc) # client key if client_key_file.startswith('/'): client_key_path = client_key_file else: client_key_path = os.path.expanduser('~/.kube/' + client_key_file) with open(client_key_path, 'r') as stream: try: client_auth_key = yaml.load(stream) except yaml.YAMLError as exc: print(exc) raise "read_kubeconfig not implemented" class VaultClient(object): """Connects to and authenticates with Vault Attributes: __vault_client (hvac.Client): Client connected to Vault """ def __init__(self): vault_addr = os.environ.get('VAULT_ADDR') vault_cacert = os.environ.get('VAULT_CACERT') vault_token = os.environ.get('VAULT_TOKEN') self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logging.debug(" - VAULT_ADDR is {0}".format(vault_addr)) logging.debug(" - VAULT_CACERT is {0}".format(vault_cacert)) # Raise error if VAUT_ environment variables not set missing_fmt_string = '{0} missing in environment' if not vault_addr: raise ValueError(missing_fmt_string.format('VAULT_ADDR')) if not vault_token: raise ValueError(missing_fmt_string.format('VAULT_TOKEN')) if vault_addr.startswith('https://') and not vault_cacert: raise ValueError(missing_fmt_string.format('VAULT_CACERT')) self.__vault_client = hvac.Client(url=vault_addr, token=vault_token, verify=vault_cacert) def dump_vault_from_prefix(self, path_prefix, strip_root_key=False): """ Dump Vault data at prefix into dict. strip_root_key argument used for recursive path-stripping. Set to True when you call the method outside of itself (non-recursively) Args: path_prefix (str): The prefix which to dump strip_root_key (bool): Strip the root key from return value Returns: Data from Vault at prefix (dict) """ all_values_at_prefix = {} logging.debug(" - reading vault subkeys at {0}".format(path_prefix)) subkeys_at_prefix = self.__vault_client.list(path_prefix) logging.debug(" - subkeys are {0}".format(subkeys_at_prefix)) # use last vault key (delimited by '/') as dict index prefix_keyname = path_prefix.split('/')[-1] if not prefix_keyname in all_values_at_prefix: all_values_at_prefix[prefix_keyname] = {} # look in Vault path for subkeys. If they exist, recurse. if subkeys_at_prefix: for subkey in subkeys_at_prefix['data']['keys']: prefixed_key = path_prefix + '/' + subkey sub_vault_key = self.dump_vault_from_prefix(prefixed_key) all_values_at_prefix[prefix_keyname].update(sub_vault_key) else: vault_item_data = self.get_vault_data(path_prefix) all_values_at_prefix[prefix_keyname].update(vault_item_data) # Generate full paths to the vault item. # Set it to True when called from outside this method # It'll handle the rest if strip_root_key == True: retval = all_values_at_prefix[prefix_keyname] else: retval = all_values_at_prefix return retval def get_vault_data(self, vault_path): """ Get Vault data for a specific path Args: vault_path (str): path to Vault item Returns: Vault secret contents (dict) """ vault_error_read_str = 'Vault read at path: {0} error: {1}' vault_error_data_str = 'Vault data missing at path: {0}' try: vault_item_contents = self.__vault_client.read(vault_path) except ValueError as e: raise ValueError(vault_error_read_str.format(vault_path, e)) if vault_item_contents and 'data' in vault_item_contents: return vault_item_contents['data'] else: raise ValueError(vault_error_data_str.format(vault_path)) def list_vault_prefix(self, vault_path): """ Get Vault data for a specific path Args: vault_path (str): path to Vault item Returns: Vault secret contents (dict) """ vault_error_read_str = 'Vault read at path: {0} error: {1}' vault_error_data_str = 'Vault data missing at path: {0}' try: vault_item_list = self.__vault_client.list(vault_path) except ValueError as e: raise ValueError(vault_error_read_str.format(vault_path, e)) if vault_item_list and 'data' in vault_item_list: return vault_item_list['data'] else: raise ValueError(vault_error_data_str.format(vault_path))
<reponame>seqRep/dgl-lifesci # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # # SchNet # pylint: disable=C0103, C0111, W0621, W0221, E1102, E1101 import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn as nn from dgl.nn.pytorch import CFConv __all__ = ['SchNetGNN'] class RBFExpansion(nn.Module): r"""Expand distances between nodes by radial basis functions. .. math:: \exp(- \gamma * ||d - \mu||^2) where :math:`d` is the distance between two nodes and :math:`\mu` helps centralizes the distances. We use multiple centers evenly distributed in the range of :math:`[\text{low}, \text{high}]` with the difference between two adjacent centers being :math:`gap`. The number of centers is decided by :math:`(\text{high} - \text{low}) / \text{gap}`. Choosing fewer centers corresponds to reducing the resolution of the filter. Parameters ---------- low : float Smallest center. Default to 0. high : float Largest center. Default to 30. gap : float Difference between two adjacent centers. :math:`\gamma` will be computed as the reciprocal of gap. Default to 0.1. """ def __init__(self, low=0., high=30., gap=0.1): super(RBFExpansion, self).__init__() num_centers = int(np.ceil((high - low) / gap)) self.centers = np.linspace(low, high, num_centers) self.centers = nn.Parameter(torch.tensor(self.centers).float(), requires_grad=False) self.gamma = 1 / gap def reset_parameters(self): """Reinitialize model parameters.""" device = self.centers.device self.centers = nn.Parameter( torch.tensor(self.centers).float(), requires_grad=False).to(device) def forward(self, edge_dists): """Expand distances. Parameters ---------- edge_dists : float32 tensor of shape (E, 1) Distances between end nodes of edges, E for the number of edges. Returns ------- float32 tensor of shape (E, len(self.centers)) Expanded distances. """ radial = edge_dists - self.centers coef = - self.gamma return torch.exp(coef * (radial ** 2)) class Interaction(nn.Module): """Building block for SchNet. SchNet is introduced in `SchNet: A continuous-filter convolutional neural network for modeling quantum interactions <https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.08566>`__. This layer combines node and edge features in message passing and updates node representations. Parameters ---------- node_feats : int Size for the input and output node features. edge_in_feats : int Size for the input edge features. hidden_feats : int Size for hidden representations. """ def __init__(self, node_feats, edge_in_feats, hidden_feats): super(Interaction, self).__init__() self.conv = CFConv(node_feats, edge_in_feats, hidden_feats, node_feats) self.project_out = nn.Linear(node_feats, node_feats) def reset_parameters(self): """Reinitialize model parameters.""" for layer in self.conv.project_edge: if isinstance(layer, nn.Linear): layer.reset_parameters() self.conv.project_node.reset_parameters() self.conv.project_out[0].reset_parameters() self.project_out.reset_parameters() def forward(self, g, node_feats, edge_feats): """Performs message passing and updates node representations. Parameters ---------- g : DGLGraph DGLGraph for a batch of graphs. node_feats : float32 tensor of shape (V, node_feats) Input node features, V for the number of nodes. edge_feats : float32 tensor of shape (E, edge_in_feats) Input edge features, E for the number of edges. Returns ------- float32 tensor of shape (V, node_feats) Updated node representations. """ node_feats = self.conv(g, node_feats, edge_feats) return self.project_out(node_feats) class SchNetGNN(nn.Module): """SchNet. SchNet is introduced in `SchNet: A continuous-filter convolutional neural network for modeling quantum interactions <https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.08566>`__. This class performs message passing in SchNet and returns the updated node representations. Parameters ---------- node_feats : int Size for node representations to learn. Default to 64. hidden_feats : list of int ``hidden_feats[i]`` gives the size of hidden representations for the i-th interaction layer. ``len(hidden_feats)`` equals the number of interaction layers. Default to ``[64, 64, 64]``. num_node_types : int Number of node types to embed. Default to 100. cutoff : float Largest center in RBF expansion. Default to 30. gap : float Difference between two adjacent centers in RBF expansion. Default to 0.1. """ def __init__(self, node_feats=64, hidden_feats=None, num_node_types=100, cutoff=30., gap=0.1): super(SchNetGNN, self).__init__() if hidden_feats is None: hidden_feats = [64, 64, 64] self.embed = nn.Embedding(num_node_types, node_feats) self.rbf = RBFExpansion(high=cutoff, gap=gap) n_layers = len(hidden_feats) self.gnn_layers = nn.ModuleList() for i in range(n_layers): self.gnn_layers.append( Interaction(node_feats, len(self.rbf.centers), hidden_feats[i])) def reset_parameters(self): """Reinitialize model parameters.""" self.embed.reset_parameters() self.rbf.reset_parameters() for layer in self.gnn_layers: layer.reset_parameters() def forward(self, g, node_types, edge_dists): """Performs message passing and updates node representations. Parameters ---------- g : DGLGraph DGLGraph for a batch of graphs. node_types : int64 tensor of shape (V) Node types to embed, V for the number of nodes. edge_dists : float32 tensor of shape (E, 1) Distances between end nodes of edges, E for the number of edges. Returns ------- node_feats : float32 tensor of shape (V, node_feats) Updated node representations. """ node_feats = self.embed(node_types) expanded_dists = self.rbf(edge_dists) for gnn in self.gnn_layers: node_feats = gnn(g, node_feats, expanded_dists) return node_feats
<reponame>huilin16/PaddleRS # Copyright (c) 2022 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import os import os.path as osp import shutil import requests import tqdm import time import hashlib import tarfile import zipfile import filelock import paddle from . import logging DOWNLOAD_RETRY_LIMIT = 3 def md5check(fullname, md5sum=None): if md5sum is None: return True logging.info("File {} md5 checking...".format(fullname)) md5 = hashlib.md5() with open(fullname, 'rb') as f: for chunk in iter(lambda: f.read(4096), b""): md5.update(chunk) calc_md5sum = md5.hexdigest() if calc_md5sum != md5sum: logging.info("File {} md5 check failed, {}(calc) != " "{}(base)".format(fullname, calc_md5sum, md5sum)) return False return True def move_and_merge_tree(src, dst): """ Move src directory to dst, if dst is already exists, merge src to dst """ if not osp.exists(dst): shutil.move(src, dst) else: for fp in os.listdir(src): src_fp = osp.join(src, fp) dst_fp = osp.join(dst, fp) if osp.isdir(src_fp): if osp.isdir(dst_fp): move_and_merge_tree(src_fp, dst_fp) else: shutil.move(src_fp, dst_fp) elif osp.isfile(src_fp) and \ not osp.isfile(dst_fp): shutil.move(src_fp, dst_fp) def download(url, path, md5sum=None): """ Download from url, save to path. url (str): download url path (str): download to given path """ if not osp.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) fname = osp.split(url)[-1] fullname = osp.join(path, fname) retry_cnt = 0 while not (osp.exists(fullname) and md5check(fullname, md5sum)): if retry_cnt < DOWNLOAD_RETRY_LIMIT: retry_cnt += 1 else: logging.debug("{} download failed.".format(fname)) raise RuntimeError("Download from {} failed. " "Retry limit reached".format(url)) logging.info("Downloading {} from {}".format(fname, url)) req = requests.get(url, stream=True) if req.status_code != 200: raise RuntimeError("Downloading from {} failed with code " "{}!".format(url, req.status_code)) # For protecting download interupted, download to # tmp_fullname firstly, move tmp_fullname to fullname # after download finished tmp_fullname = fullname + "_tmp" total_size = req.headers.get('content-length') with open(tmp_fullname, 'wb') as f: if total_size: download_size = 0 current_time = time.time() for chunk in tqdm.tqdm( req.iter_content(chunk_size=1024), total=(int(total_size) + 1023) // 1024, unit='KB'): f.write(chunk) download_size += 1024 if download_size % 524288 == 0: total_size_m = round( int(total_size) / 1024.0 / 1024.0, 2) download_size_m = round(download_size / 1024.0 / 1024.0, 2) speed = int(524288 / (time.time() - current_time + 0.01) / 1024.0) current_time = time.time() logging.debug( "Downloading: TotalSize={}M, DownloadSize={}M, Speed={}KB/s" .format(total_size_m, download_size_m, speed)) else: for chunk in req.iter_content(chunk_size=1024): if chunk: f.write(chunk) shutil.move(tmp_fullname, fullname) logging.debug("{} download completed.".format(fname)) return fullname def decompress(fname): """ Decompress for zip and tar file """ logging.info("Decompressing {}...".format(fname)) # For protecting decompressing interupted, # decompress to fpath_tmp directory firstly, if decompress # successed, move decompress files to fpath and delete # fpath_tmp and remove download compress file. fpath = osp.split(fname)[0] fpath_tmp = osp.join(fpath, 'tmp') if osp.isdir(fpath_tmp): shutil.rmtree(fpath_tmp) os.makedirs(fpath_tmp) if fname.find('tar') >= 0 or fname.find('tgz') >= 0: with tarfile.open(fname) as tf: tf.extractall(path=fpath_tmp) elif fname.find('zip') >= 0: with zipfile.ZipFile(fname) as zf: zf.extractall(path=fpath_tmp) else: raise TypeError("Unsupport compress file type {}".format(fname)) for f in os.listdir(fpath_tmp): src_dir = osp.join(fpath_tmp, f) dst_dir = osp.join(fpath, f) move_and_merge_tree(src_dir, dst_dir) shutil.rmtree(fpath_tmp) logging.debug("{} decompressed.".format(fname)) return dst_dir def url2dir(url, path): download(url, path) if url.endswith(('tgz', 'tar.gz', 'tar', 'zip')): fname = osp.split(url)[-1] savepath = osp.join(path, fname) return decompress(savepath) def download_and_decompress(url, path='.'): nranks = paddle.distributed.get_world_size() local_rank = paddle.distributed.get_rank() fname = osp.split(url)[-1] fullname = osp.join(path, fname) # if url.endswith(('tgz', 'tar.gz', 'tar', 'zip')): # fullname = osp.join(path, fname.split('.')[0]) if nranks <= 1: dst_dir = url2dir(url, path) if dst_dir is not None: fullname = dst_dir else: lock_path = fullname + '.lock' if not os.path.exists(fullname): with open(lock_path, 'w'): os.utime(lock_path, None) if local_rank == 0: dst_dir = url2dir(url, path) if dst_dir is not None: fullname = dst_dir os.remove(lock_path) else: while os.path.exists(lock_path): time.sleep(1) return fullname
<filename>neural_circuits/SC_Circuit_4.py import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np import scipy from scipy.special import expit import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import os from epi.util import get_conditional_mode DTYPE = tf.float32 t_cue_delay = 1.2 t_choice = 0.3 t_post_choice = 0.3 t_total = t_cue_delay + t_choice + t_post_choice dt = 0.024 t = np.arange(0.0, t_total, dt) T = t.shape[0] # input parameters E_constant = 0.75 E_Pbias = 0.5 E_Prule = 0.6 E_Arule = 0.6 E_choice = 0.25 E_light = 0.5 # set constant parameters C = 2 theta = 0.05 beta = 0.5 tau = 0.09 sigma = 0.2 # inputs I_constant = E_constant * tf.ones((T, 1, 1, 4, 1), dtype=DTYPE) I_Pbias = np.zeros((T, 4)) I_Pbias[t < T * dt] = np.array([1, 0, 0, 1]) I_Pbias = I_Pbias[:, None, None, :, None] I_Pbias = E_Pbias * tf.constant(I_Pbias, dtype=DTYPE) I_Prule = np.zeros((T, 4)) I_Prule[t < 1.2] = np.array([1, 0, 0, 1]) I_Prule = I_Prule[:, None, None, :, None] I_Prule = E_Prule * tf.constant(I_Prule, dtype=DTYPE) I_Arule = np.zeros((T, 4)) I_Arule[t < 1.2] = np.array([0, 1, 1, 0]) I_Arule = I_Arule[:, None, None, :, None] I_Arule = E_Arule * tf.constant(I_Arule, dtype=DTYPE) I_choice = np.zeros((T, 4)) I_choice[t > 1.2] = np.array([1, 1, 1, 1]) I_choice = I_choice[:, None, None, :, None] I_choice = E_choice * tf.constant(I_choice, dtype=DTYPE) I_lightL = np.zeros((T, 4)) I_lightL[np.logical_and(1.2 < t, t < 1.5)] = np.array([1, 1, 0, 0]) I_lightL = I_lightL[:, None, None, :, None] I_lightL = E_light * tf.constant(I_lightL, dtype=DTYPE) I_lightR = np.zeros((T, 4)) I_lightR[np.logical_and(1.2 < t, t < 1.5)] = np.array([0, 0, 1, 1]) I_lightR = I_lightR[:, None, None, :, None] I_lightR = E_light * tf.constant(I_lightR, dtype=DTYPE) I_LP = I_constant + I_Pbias + I_Prule + I_choice + I_lightL I_LA = I_constant + I_Pbias + I_Arule + I_choice + I_lightL I = tf.concat((I_LP, I_LA), axis=2) def SC_sim(sW, vW, dW, hW): N = 200 Wrow1 = tf.stack([sW, vW, dW, hW], axis=2) Wrow2 = tf.stack([vW, sW, hW, dW], axis=2) Wrow3 = tf.stack([dW, hW, sW, vW], axis=2) Wrow4 = tf.stack([hW, dW, vW, sW], axis=2) W = tf.stack([Wrow1, Wrow2, Wrow3, Wrow4], axis=2) # initial conditions # M,C,4,1 state_shape = (sW.shape[0], C, 4, N) v0 = 0.1 * tf.ones(state_shape, dtype=DTYPE) v0 = v0 + 0.005 * tf.random.normal(v0.shape, 0.0, 1.0) u0 = beta * tf.math.atanh(2 * v0 - 1) - theta v = v0 u = u0 v_t_list = [v] u_t_list = [u] for i in range(1, T): du = (dt / tau) * ( -u + tf.matmul(W, v) + I[i] + sigma * tf.random.normal(state_shape, 0.0, 1.0) ) # du = (dt / tau) * (-u + tf.matmul(W, v) + I[i] + sigma * w[i]) u = u + du v = 1.0 * (0.5 * tf.tanh((u - theta) / beta) + 0.5) # v = eta[i] * (0.5 * tf.tanh((u - theta) / beta) + 0.5) v_t_list.append(v) u_t_list.append(u) u_t = tf.stack(u_t_list, axis=0) v_t = tf.stack(v_t_list, axis=0) return u_t, v_t def unwrap(z): sW = z[:, 0][:, None] vW = z[:, 1][:, None] dW = z[:, 2][:, None] hW = z[:, 3][:, None] return sW, vW, dW, hW def SC_acc(sW, vW, dW, hW): N = 200 Wrow1 = tf.stack([sW, vW, dW, hW], axis=2) Wrow2 = tf.stack([vW, sW, hW, dW], axis=2) Wrow3 = tf.stack([dW, hW, sW, vW], axis=2) Wrow4 = tf.stack([hW, dW, vW, sW], axis=2) W = tf.stack([Wrow1, Wrow2, Wrow3, Wrow4], axis=2) # initial conditions # M,C,4,N state_shape = (sW.shape[0], C, 4, N) v0 = 0.1 * tf.ones(state_shape, dtype=DTYPE) v0 = v0 + 0.005 * tf.random.normal(v0.shape, 0.0, 1.0) u0 = beta * tf.math.atanh(2 * v0 - 1) - theta v = v0 u = u0 for i in range(1, T): du = (dt / tau) * ( -u + tf.matmul(W, v) + I[i] + sigma * tf.random.normal(state_shape, 0.0, 1.0) ) u = u + du v = 1.0 * (0.5 * tf.tanh((u - theta) / beta) + 0.5) # v = eta[i] * (0.5 * tf.tanh((u - theta) / beta) + 0.5) p = tf.reduce_mean(tf.math.sigmoid(100.0 * (v[:, :, 0, :] - v[:, :, 3, :])), axis=2) return p def SC_acc_var(P): not_P = 1.0 - P _mu = np.array([[P, not_P]]) def _SC_acc_var(sW, vW, dW, hW): N = 200 Wrow1 = tf.stack([sW, vW, dW, hW], axis=2) Wrow2 = tf.stack([vW, sW, hW, dW], axis=2) Wrow3 = tf.stack([dW, hW, sW, vW], axis=2) Wrow4 = tf.stack([hW, dW, vW, sW], axis=2) W = tf.stack([Wrow1, Wrow2, Wrow3, Wrow4], axis=2) # initial conditions # M,C,4,N state_shape = (sW.shape[0], C, 4, N) v0 = 0.1 * tf.ones(state_shape, dtype=DTYPE) v0 = v0 + 0.005 * tf.random.normal(v0.shape, 0.0, 1.0) u0 = beta * tf.math.atanh(2 * v0 - 1) - theta v = v0 u = u0 for i in range(1, T): du = (dt / tau) * ( -u + tf.matmul(W, v) + I[i] + sigma * tf.random.normal(state_shape, 0.0, 1.0) ) u = u + du v = 1.0 * (0.5 * tf.tanh((u - theta) / beta) + 0.5) p = tf.reduce_mean( tf.math.sigmoid(100.0 * (v[:, :, 0, :] - v[:, :, 3, :])), axis=2 ) p_var = (p - _mu) ** 2 T_x = tf.concat((p, p_var), axis=1) return T_x return _SC_acc_var C_opto = 4 I_opto = tf.concat((I_LP, I_LA, I_LP, I_LA), axis=2) def SC_sim_opto(strength, period): eta = np.ones((T, 1, C_opto, 1, 1), dtype=np.float32) if period == "delay": eta[np.logical_and(0.8 <= t, t <= 1.2), :, 2:, :, :] = strength elif period == "choice": eta[t >= 1.2, :, 2:, :, :] = strength elif period == "total": eta[:, :, 2:, :, :] = strength def _SC_sim_opto(sW, vW, dW, hW): N = 200 Wrow1 = tf.stack([sW, vW, dW, hW], axis=2) Wrow2 = tf.stack([vW, sW, hW, dW], axis=2) Wrow3 = tf.stack([dW, hW, sW, vW], axis=2) Wrow4 = tf.stack([hW, dW, vW, sW], axis=2) W = tf.stack([Wrow1, Wrow2, Wrow3, Wrow4], axis=2) # initial conditions # M,C,4,1 state_shape = (sW.shape[0], C_opto, 4, N) v0 = 0.1 * tf.ones(state_shape, dtype=DTYPE) v0 = v0 + 0.005 * tf.random.normal(v0.shape, 0.0, 1.0) u0 = beta * tf.math.atanh(2 * v0 - 1) - theta v = v0 u = u0 v_t_list = [v] u_t_list = [u] for i in range(1, T): du = (dt / tau) * ( -u + tf.matmul(W, v) + I_opto[i] + sigma * tf.random.normal(state_shape, 0.0, 1.0) ) u = u + du v = eta[i] * (0.5 * tf.tanh((u - theta) / beta) + 0.5) v_t_list.append(v) u_t_list.append(u) u_t = tf.stack(u_t_list, axis=0) v_t = tf.stack(v_t_list, axis=0) return u_t, v_t return _SC_sim_opto def SC_acc_opto(strength, period): eta = np.ones((T, 1, C_opto, 1, 1), dtype=np.float32) if period == "delay": eta[np.logical_and(0.8 <= t, t <= 1.2), :, 2:, :, :] = strength elif period == "choice": eta[t >= 1.2, :, 2:, :, :] = strength elif period == "total": eta[:, :, 2:, :, :] = strength def _SC_acc_opto(sW, vW, dW, hW): N = 200 Wrow1 = tf.stack([sW, vW, dW, hW], axis=2) Wrow2 = tf.stack([vW, sW, hW, dW], axis=2) Wrow3 = tf.stack([dW, hW, sW, vW], axis=2) Wrow4 = tf.stack([hW, dW, vW, sW], axis=2) W = tf.stack([Wrow1, Wrow2, Wrow3, Wrow4], axis=2) # initial conditions # M,C,4,N state_shape = (sW.shape[0], C_opto, 4, N) v0 = 0.1 * tf.ones(state_shape, dtype=DTYPE) v0 = v0 + 0.005 * tf.random.normal(v0.shape, 0.0, 1.0) u0 = beta * tf.math.atanh(2 * v0 - 1) - theta v = v0 u = u0 for i in range(1, T): du = (dt / tau) * ( -u + tf.matmul(W, v) + I_opto[i] + sigma * tf.random.normal(state_shape, 0.0, 1.0) ) u = u + du v = eta[i] * (0.5 * tf.tanh((u - theta) / beta) + 0.5) p = tf.reduce_mean( tf.math.sigmoid(100.0 * (v[:, :, 0, :] - v[:, :, 3, :])), axis=2 ) return p return _SC_acc_opto def SC_acc_diff(strength, period): sc_acc_opto = SC_acc_opto(strength, period) def _SC_acc_diff(sW, vW, dW, hW): p = sc_acc_opto(sW, vW, dW, hW) p_diffs = p[:, :2] - p[:, 2:] return p_diffs return _SC_acc_diff def z_to_W(z): sW = z[:, 0] vW = z[:, 1] dW = z[:, 2] hW = z[:, 3] Wrow1 = tf.stack([sW, vW, dW, hW], axis=1) Wrow2 = tf.stack([vW, sW, hW, dW], axis=1) Wrow3 = tf.stack([dW, hW, sW, vW], axis=1) Wrow4 = tf.stack([hW, dW, vW, sW], axis=1) W = tf.stack([Wrow1, Wrow2, Wrow3, Wrow4], axis=1) return W MODES = np.array( [ [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], # all mode [-1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0], # side mode [1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 1.0], # task mode [-1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0], ] ) # diag mode def get_schur_eigs(W): # returns T, Z = scipy.linalg.schur(W) b = Z.copy() b[b < 0.0] = -1 b[b > 0.0] = 1 modes = 0.25 * MODES X = np.abs(np.dot(modes, b)) # (template_mode x z_col) eigs = np.zeros((4,)) z_inds = [] for i in range(4): z_ind = np.argmax(X[i] == 1.0) z_inds.append(z_ind) eigs[i] = T[z_ind, z_ind] # print(z_inds) # print(T) return eigs MODE_INDS = {"all": 0, "side": 1, "task": 2, "diag": 3} A_EIG = 0.25 * np.array( [ [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0], [1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 1.0], [1.0, -1.0, 1.0, -1.0], ] ) A_EIG_inv = np.linalg.inv(A_EIG) def z_from_eigs(eigs, V): W = np.matmul(V, np.matmul(np.diag(eigs), V.T)) return W[0, :] def z_from_eig_perturb(eigs, mode, facs): V = 0.5 * MODES.T assert eigs.shape[0] == 4 num_facs = facs.shape[0] zs = [] mode_ind = MODE_INDS[mode] for i in range(num_facs): _eigs = eigs.copy() _eigs[mode_ind] = eigs[mode_ind] + facs[i] z = z_from_eigs(_eigs, V) zs.append(z) zs = np.array(zs) return zs.astype(np.float32) def z_from_eigs_analytic(eigs): return np.matmul(A_EIG, eigs) def eigs_from_z_analytic(z): return np.matmul(A_EIG_inv, z) def get_SC_z_mode_path( dist, z_init, ind, vals, lrs, num_steps, decay=0.5, decay_steps=100, do_plot=False, labels=None, ): z0 = None z_stars = [] for i in range(vals.shape[0]): val = vals[i] _lr = lrs[i] _num_steps = num_steps[i] if z0 is None: z0 = z_init.copy() else: z0 = zs[-1].copy() z0[ind] = val zs, log_q_zs = get_conditional_mode( dist, ind, val, z0, lr=_lr, num_steps=_num_steps, decay=decay, decay_steps=decay_steps, ) z_stars.append(zs[-1]) if do_plot: fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10, 4)) axs[0].plot(zs) axs[1].plot(log_q_zs) if labels is not None: axs[0].legend(labels) plt.show() z_stars = np.array(z_stars) return z_stars def get_SC_sens_vs(zs, dist): num_zs = zs.shape[0] hessians = dist.hessian(zs) vs = [] for i in range(num_zs): hess_i = hessians[i] d, v = np.linalg.eig(hess_i) min_ind = np.argmin(d) _v = v[:, min_ind] if _v[3] > 0.0: _v = -_v vs.append(_v) vs = np.array(vs) return vs def perturbed_acc(z_perturb, sim_func, N_sim): N_fac = z_perturb.shape[0] pPs, pAs = [], [] for i in range(N_sim): _, v_t_perturb = sim_func(*unwrap(z_perturb.astype(np.float32))) v_t_perturb = v_t_perturb.numpy() T_x_perturb = np.mean( expit(100.0 * (v_t_perturb[-1, :, :, 0, :] - v_t_perturb[-1, :, :, 3, :])), axis=2, ) pPs.append(100.0 * T_x_perturb[:, 0]) pAs.append(100.0 * (1.0 - T_x_perturb[:, 1])) pPs = np.array(pPs) pAs = np.array(pAs) return pPs, pAs def perturbed_acc_plots(facs, pPs, pAs, c_stars, fontsize=12, label="", figdir=None): N_sim = pPs[0].shape[0] xticks = [-0.25, 0.0, 0.25] if label == "v1_opto": yticks = [0, 25, 50, 75, 100] else: yticks = [50, 75, 100] for task, ps in zip(["P", "A"], [pPs, pAs]): fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(3.0, 1.5)) for i, _ps in enumerate(ps): plt.errorbar( facs, np.mean(_ps, axis=0), np.std(_ps, axis=0) / np.sqrt(N_sim), c=c_stars[i], lw=2, ) ax.set_yticks(yticks) ax.set_yticklabels(["%d" % tick for tick in yticks], fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_xticks(xticks) ax.set_xticklabels(xticks, fontsize=fontsize) plt.tight_layout() if figdir is not None: plt.savefig(os.path.join(figdir, "p%s_%s.png" % (task, label))) plt.show() return None c_LP = "#3B8023" c_LA = "#EA8E4C" c_RA = "#F4C673" c_RP = "#81C176" def plot_SC_responses(v_t, fname, figsize=(6, 4)): M = v_t.shape[1] T_x = np.mean(expit(100.0 * (v_t[-1, :, :, 0, :] - v_t[-1, :, :, 3, :])), axis=2) percfont = { "family": "arial", "weight": "light", "size": 20, } neuron_labels = ["LP", "LA", "RA", "RP"] colors = [c_LP, c_LA, c_RA, c_RP] C_titles = ["Pro, left trials", "Anti, left trials"] for m in range(M): print("%.1f, %.1f" % (100 * T_x[m, 0], 100 - 100 * T_x[m, 1])) fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=figsize) for c in range(2): for i in range(4): mean_v = np.mean(v_t[:, m, c, i, :], axis=1) std_v = np.std(v_t[:, m, c, i, :], axis=1) axs[c].fill_between( t, mean_v - std_v, mean_v + std_v, color=colors[i], alpha=0.2 ) axs[c].plot(t, mean_v, label=neuron_labels[i], c=colors[i]) # axs[c].set_title(C_titles[c]) axs[c].set_ylim([0, 1]) if c == 0: axs[c].text( 0.75, 0.5, "%2d%%" % round(100.0 * T_x[m, c]), fontdict=percfont ) else: axs[c].text( 0.75, 0.5, "%2d%%" % round(100.0 * (1.0 - T_x[m, c])), fontdict=percfont, ) if c == 1: axs[c].set_xlabel("t (s)", fontsize=18) # axs[0].set_ylabel('Activation') plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(fname + "sim%d.pdf" % (m + 1)) plt.show() return None
<gh_stars>0 #!/usr/bin/env python import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def main(output: str): output = output.replace("silhouette with k=", '').replace(' ', '').strip().split() values = [(int(line[0]), float(line[1])) for line in [l.split(':') for l in output]] xs = [x for (x, _) in values] ys = [y for (_, y) in values] plt.plot(xs, ys, 'bo-') plt.title('Figure 1: Silhouette value for a dataset of 10000 points') plt.xlabel('Number of clusters k') plt.ylabel('Silhouette value') plt.show() if __name__ == '__main__': output = """ silhouette with k=2: 0.346227 silhouette with k=3: 0.470481 silhouette with k=4: 0.417261 silhouette with k=5: 0.409835 silhouette with k=6: 0.456681 silhouette with k=7: 0.448866 silhouette with k=8: 0.472404 silhouette with k=9: 0.427348 silhouette with k=10: 0.416935 silhouette with k=11: 0.475667 silhouette with k=12: 0.476308 silhouette with k=13: 0.464758 silhouette with k=14: 0.470616 silhouette with k=15: 0.497664 silhouette with k=16: 0.486602 silhouette with k=17: 0.493796 silhouette with k=18: 0.493715 silhouette with k=19: 0.491342 silhouette with k=20: 0.502917 silhouette with k=21: 0.517567 silhouette with k=22: 0.507803 silhouette with k=23: 0.496292 silhouette with k=24: 0.48864 silhouette with k=25: 0.49081 silhouette with k=26: 0.482454 silhouette with k=27: 0.476064 silhouette with k=28: 0.472313 silhouette with k=29: 0.483676 silhouette with k=30: 0.480141 silhouette with k=31: 0.477628 silhouette with k=32: 0.469208 silhouette with k=33: 0.468222 silhouette with k=34: 0.473008 silhouette with k=35: 0.473488 silhouette with k=36: 0.462661 silhouette with k=37: 0.458961 silhouette with k=38: 0.460186 silhouette with k=39: 0.460809 silhouette with k=40: 0.448713 silhouette with k=41: 0.444547 silhouette with k=42: 0.43751 silhouette with k=43: 0.432112 silhouette with k=44: 0.419957 silhouette with k=45: 0.415264 silhouette with k=46: 0.414678 silhouette with k=47: 0.415762 silhouette with k=48: 0.410349 silhouette with k=49: 0.40355 silhouette with k=50: 0.396805 silhouette with k=51: 0.397055 silhouette with k=52: 0.39367 silhouette with k=53: 0.394573 silhouette with k=54: 0.382966 silhouette with k=55: 0.375492 silhouette with k=56: 0.373873 silhouette with k=57: 0.363668 silhouette with k=58: 0.373386 silhouette with k=59: 0.370099 silhouette with k=60: 0.367258 silhouette with k=61: 0.367424 silhouette with k=62: 0.362858 silhouette with k=63: 0.366425 silhouette with k=64: 0.360038 silhouette with k=65: 0.356889 silhouette with k=66: 0.354824 silhouette with k=67: 0.356824 silhouette with k=68: 0.351318 silhouette with k=69: 0.352354 silhouette with k=70: 0.347736 silhouette with k=71: 0.348015 silhouette with k=72: 0.345109 silhouette with k=73: 0.355291 silhouette with k=74: 0.353053 silhouette with k=75: 0.353703 silhouette with k=76: 0.348955 silhouette with k=77: 0.343844 silhouette with k=78: 0.339369 silhouette with k=79: 0.338756 silhouette with k=80: 0.339398 silhouette with k=81: 0.339631 silhouette with k=82: 0.339216 silhouette with k=83: 0.340668 silhouette with k=84: 0.341916 silhouette with k=85: 0.343993 silhouette with k=86: 0.34329 silhouette with k=87: 0.344199 silhouette with k=88: 0.341271 silhouette with k=89: 0.337846 silhouette with k=90: 0.340286 silhouette with k=91: 0.340816 silhouette with k=92: 0.339894 silhouette with k=93: 0.33923 silhouette with k=94: 0.338258 silhouette with k=95: 0.337707 silhouette with k=96: 0.335981 silhouette with k=97: 0.336288 silhouette with k=98: 0.336502 silhouette with k=99: 0.335928 """ main(output)
<reponame>testigos2022/ocr-forms import itertools import os from pathlib import Path import numpy as np from sklearn.decomposition import PCA from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler from tqdm import tqdm from data_io.readwrite_files import read_lines, write_file from handwritten_ocr.craft_text_detection import CraftCroppedImages from handwritten_ocr.pdf_to_images import ImagesFromPdf from handwritten_ocr.trocr_inference import OCRInferencer, EmbeddedData from misc_utils.prefix_suffix import PrefixSuffix from misc_utils.utils import build_markdown_table_from_dicts def image_in_markdown(f): return f"![]({f})" def parse_table_row_line(l): def strip_away(x): x = x.strip(" ![]()") return x idx, label, file = [strip_away(s) for s in l.split("|")] return int(idx), int(label), file if __name__ == "__main__": # # annotated_data=[ # {"idx": 0, "label": 1, "image": image_in_markdown( # "data/e14_cong_2018__e14_divulgacion_01_001_001_CAM_E14_CAM_X_01_001_001_XX_01_005_X_XXX/e14_cong_2018__e14_divulgacion_01_001_001_CAM_E14_CAM_X_01_001_001_XX_01_005_X_XXX.pdf-2/cropped_0_3680.jpg")}, # {"idx": 1, "label": 0, "image": image_in_markdown( # "data/e14_cong_2018__e14_divulgacion_01_001_001_CAM_E14_CAM_X_01_001_001_XX_01_005_X_XXX/e14_cong_2018__e14_divulgacion_01_001_001_CAM_E14_CAM_X_01_001_001_XX_01_005_X_XXX.pdf-0/cropped_0_0.jpg")} # ] data_path = os.environ["DATA_PATH"] embedded_data = EmbeddedData( name="debug", embeddings=TrOCREmbeddings( inferencer=OCRInferencer(model_name="microsoft/trocr-base-handwritten"), files=CraftCroppedImages( name="debug", image_files=ImagesFromPdf( pdf_file=PrefixSuffix( "data_path", "handwritten_ocr/data/e14_cong_2018__e14_divulgacion_01_001_001_CAM_E14_CAM_X_01_001_001_XX_01_005_X_XXX.pdf", ) ), ), ), ).build() # write_file("annotations.md",build_markdown_table_from_dicts(annotated_data)) train_data = [ parse_table_row_line(l) for l in read_lines("annotations.md") if not any([l.startswith(s) for s in ["---", "idx"]]) ] print(train_data) file_embeddings = [ (f, embedder.embedd_image(f"{data_path}/{f}").detach().numpy()) for _, _, f in train_data ] X = np.concatenate([[x] for _, x in file_embeddings]) print(f"{X.shape=}") # y = np.array([y for _, y, _ in examples]) # n_neighbors = 1 # weights = "distance" # clf = neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors, weights=weights) # clf.fit(X, y) path = f"{data_path}/e14_cong_2018__e14_divulgacion_01_001_001_CAM_E14_CAM_X_01_001_001_XX_01_005_X_XXX.pdf-0/e14_cong_2018__e14_divulgacion_01_001_001_CAM_E14_CAM_X_01_001_001_XX_01_005_X_XXX.pdf-0_crops" files = Path(path).rglob("crop_*.png") def get_predictions(p): x = embedder.embedd_image(str(p)) x = x.detach().numpy() # x = np.expand_dims(x, 0) # o = clf.predict_proba(x).squeeze() # o=cosine_similarity(x,np.expand_dims(X[0],0)) return x files = list(itertools.islice(files, 0, 100)) file_embeddings_unlabeled = ( ( str(p).replace(f"{base_path}/", ""), get_predictions(p), ) for p in files ) unlabeled = np.array( [x for _, x in tqdm(file_embeddings_unlabeled, desc="calc embeddings")] ) print(f"{unlabeled.shape=}") pipeline = Pipeline( [("scaling", StandardScaler()), ("pca", PCA(random_state=42, n_components=20))] ) # print(f"{std_scaler.mean_=},{std_scaler.scale_=}") unlabeld_svd = pipeline.fit_transform(unlabeled) labeled_svd = pipeline.transform(X) print(f"{unlabeld_svd.shape=},{labeled_svd.shape=}") print(f"{unlabeld_svd=},{labeled_svd=}") sims = cosine_similarity(labeled_svd, unlabeld_svd).squeeze() print(f"{sims.shape=}") g = ( { "idx": k, "cosine_similarity": sim, "image": image_in_markdown(file), } for k, (sim, file) in enumerate(zip(sims, files)) ) write_file( f"predictions.md", build_markdown_table_from_dicts( sorted(g, key=lambda d: d["cosine_similarity"], reverse=True) ), )
<reponame>Ravillatypov/zadarma-call-integation import os from asyncio import sleep from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta from settings import Config from zadarma import ZadarmaAPI from functools import lru_cache from dataclasses import dataclass from models import CallRecords from sanic.log import logger @dataclass class CallInfo: a_number: str = '' b_number: str = '' sip_number: str = '' internal_id: int = 0 zd_client = ZadarmaAPI(Config.ZADARMA_KEY, Config.ZADARMA_SECRET, Config.DEBUG, max_channels=3) calls = [] @lru_cache(maxsize=1) def get_download_path(today: str) -> str: save_path = os.path.join(Config.CALL_RECORDS_PATH, today) if not os.path.exists(save_path): os.mkdir(save_path) return save_path async def run_call(data: dict): if not zd_client.pbx_id: await zd_client.get_internal_numbers() a_number = normalize_number(data['first_number']) b_number = normalize_number(data['second_number']) internal_id = int(data['slave_id']) sip_number = await zd_client.get_sip_number() await zd_client.get_lock(sip_number) status = await zd_client.set_redirect(sip_number, a_number) if status['status'] == 'success': await zd_client.callback(sip_number, b_number) else: await zd_client.call('/v1/request/callback/', {'from': a_number, 'to': b_number, 'sip': sip_number}) zd_client.release_lock(sip_number) calls.append(CallInfo(a_number, b_number, sip_number, internal_id)) return async def record_download(call_id: str): await sleep(60) today = date.today().isoformat() save_path = get_download_path(today) logger.info(save_path) return await zd_client.get_record(call_id, save_path) async def event_process(event: dict): if event.get('call_id_with_rec') is None: return sip_number = event['internal'] dst_number = event['destination'] if len(sip_number) > len(dst_number): sip_number, dst_number = dst_number, sip_number zd_client.release_number(sip_number) audio_file, a_number, internal_id = '', '', 0 audio_file = await record_download(event['call_id_with_rec']) if audio_file: audio_file = os.path.relpath(audio_file, Config.STATIC_PATH) call_start = datetime.fromisoformat(event['call_start']) duration = int(event['duration']) call_end = call_start + timedelta(seconds=duration) call_lst = list(filter(lambda x: x.sip_number == sip_number and x.b_number == dst_number, calls)) if call_lst: call = call_lst[-1] calls.remove(call) internal_id = call.internal_id a_number = call.a_number call_record = CallRecords( master_id=1, slave_id=internal_id, internal_id=int(event['call_id_with_rec'].replace('.', '')), status=1 if event['disposition'] == 'answered' else 0, direction=2, source_number=a_number, destination_number=dst_number, call_started_datetime=call_start, call_ended_datetime=call_end, ringing_time=0, talking_time=duration, audio_file=audio_file, internal_number=sip_number, unique_id=event.get('call_id_with_rec') or event.get('pbx_call_id'), service_data='{}' ) await call_record.save() def normalize_dict(data: dict) -> dict: result = {} for k, v in data.items(): if isinstance(v, dict): result[k] = normalize_dict(v) elif isinstance(v, list) and len(v) == 1: result[k] = v[0] else: result[k] = v return result def normalize_number(number: str) -> str: if number.startswith('8'): return number.replace('8', '7', 1) return number
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ########################################################################## # NSAp - Copyright (C) CEA, 2020 # Distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-B license, as published by # the CEA-CNRS-INRIA. Refer to the LICENSE file or to # http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-en.html # for details. ########################################################################## """ Unsupervised Learning with CNNs for Image Registration """ # Imports import logging import collections import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as func from torch.distributions.normal import Normal from pynet.interfaces import DeepLearningDecorator from pynet.utils import Networks from pynet.utils import Regularizers # Global parameters logger = logging.getLogger("pynet") @Networks.register @DeepLearningDecorator(family="register") class VoxelMorphNet(nn.Module): """ VoxelMorphNet. An unsupervised learning-based inference algorithm that uses insights from classical registration methods and makes use of recent developments inconvolutional neural networks (CNNs). VoxelMorph assumes that input images are pre-affined by an external tool. 2018 CVPR implementation of voxelmorph. TODO: expand this model by including anatomical surface alignment, which enables training the network given (optional) anatomical segmentations -> described in the paper. Reference: https://arxiv.org/abs/1903.03545. Code: https://github.com/voxelmorph/voxelmorph. """ def __init__(self, vol_size, enc_nf=[16, 32, 32, 32], dec_nf=[32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 16, 16], full_size=False): """ Init class. Parameters ---------- vol_size: uplet volume size of the atlas. enc_nf: list of int, default [16, 32, 32, 32] the number of features maps for encoding stages. dec_nf: int, default [32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 16, 16] the number of features maps for decoding stages. full_size: bool, default False full amount of decoding layers. """ # Inheritance super(VoxelMorphNet, self).__init__() # Estimate the generative model mean and covariance using a UNet-style # architecture: # the network includes a convolutional layer with 32 filters, four # downsampling layerswith 64 convolutional filters and a stride of # two, and threeupsampling convolutional layers with 64 filters. We # onlyupsample three times to predict the velocity field (and # following integration steps) at every two voxels, to enablethese # operations to fit in current GPU card memory. dim = len(vol_size) self.unet = UNetCore(dim, enc_nf, dec_nf, full_size) # One convolution to get the flow field. conv_fn = getattr(nn, "Conv{0}d".format(dim)) self.flow = conv_fn(dec_nf[-1], dim, kernel_size=3, padding=1) # Make flow weights + bias small. Not sure this is necessary. nd = Normal(0, 1e-5) self.flow.weight = nn.Parameter(nd.sample(self.flow.weight.shape)) self.flow.bias = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(self.flow.bias.shape)) # Finally warp the moving image. self.spatial_transform = SpatialTransformer(vol_size) def forward(self, x): """ Forward method. Parameters ---------- x: Tensor concatenated moving and fixed images. """ logger.debug("VoxelMorphNet...") logger.debug("Moving + Fixed: {0}".format(x.shape)) x = self.unet(x) logger.debug("Unet: {0}".format(x.shape)) flow = self.flow(x) logger.debug("Flow: {0}".format(flow.shape)) moving = x[:, :1] logger.debug("Moving: {0}".format(moving.shape)) warp = self.spatial_transform(moving, flow) logger.debug("Warp: {0}".format(warp.shape)) logger.debug("Done.") return warp, {"flow": flow} class SpatialTransformer(nn.Module): """ Represesents a spatial transformation block that uses the output from the UNet to preform a grid_sample. """ def __init__(self, size, mode="bilinear"): """ Initilaize the block. Parameters ---------- size: uplet the size of input of the spatial transformer block. mode: str, default 'bilinear' method of interpolation for the grid sampler. """ # Inheritance super(SpatialTransformer, self).__init__() self.mode = mode # Create sampling grid. vectors = [torch.arange(0, val) for val in size] grids = torch.meshgrid(vectors) grid = torch.stack(grids) # y, x, z grid = torch.unsqueeze(grid, 0) # add batch grid = grid.type(torch.FloatTensor) self.register_buffer("grid", grid) def forward(self, moving, flow): logger.debug("Grid: {0}".format(self.grid.shape)) new_locs = self.grid + flow logger.debug("Field: {0}".format(new_locs.shape)) shape = flow.shape[2:] logger.debug("Shape: {0}".format(shape)) # Need to normalize grid values to [-1, 1] for resampler logger.debug("Normalize field...") for idx in range(len(shape)): new_locs[:, idx, ...] = ( 2 * (new_locs[:, idx, ...] / (shape[idx] - 1) - 0.5)) logger.debug("Done...") if len(shape) == 2: new_locs = new_locs.permute(0, 2, 3, 1) new_locs = new_locs[..., [1, 0]] elif len(shape) == 3: new_locs = new_locs.permute(0, 2, 3, 4, 1) new_locs = new_locs[..., [2, 1, 0]] logger.debug("Field: {0}".format(new_locs.shape)) warp = func.grid_sample(moving, new_locs, mode=self.mode, align_corners=False) return warp, new_locs class UNetCore(nn.Module): """ Class representing the U-Net implementation that takes in a fixed image and a moving image and outputs a flow-field. """ def __init__(self, dim, enc_nf, dec_nf, full_size=True): """ Initiliza the UNet model. Parameters ---------- enc_nf: list of int, default [16, 32, 32, 32] the number of features maps for encoding stages. dec_nf: int, default [32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 16, 16] the number of features maps for decoding stages. full_size: bool, default False full amount of decoding layers. """ # Inheritance super(UNetCore, self).__init__() self.full_size = full_size self.vm2 = len(dec_nf) == 7 # Encoder functions self.enc = nn.ModuleList() for idx in range(len(enc_nf)): prev_nf = 2 if idx == 0 else enc_nf[idx - 1] self.enc.append(ConvBlock(dim, prev_nf, enc_nf[idx], 2)) # Decoder functions self.dec = nn.ModuleList() self.dec.append(ConvBlock(dim, enc_nf[-1], dec_nf[0])) # 1 self.dec.append(ConvBlock(dim, dec_nf[0] * 2, dec_nf[1])) # 2 self.dec.append(ConvBlock(dim, dec_nf[1] * 2, dec_nf[2])) # 3 self.dec.append(ConvBlock(dim, dec_nf[2] + enc_nf[0], dec_nf[3])) # 4 self.dec.append(ConvBlock(dim, dec_nf[3], dec_nf[4])) # 5 if self.full_size: self.dec.append(ConvBlock(dim, dec_nf[4] + 2, dec_nf[5], 1)) if self.vm2: self.vm2_conv = ConvBlock(dim, dec_nf[5], dec_nf[6]) self.upsample = nn.Upsample(scale_factor=2, mode="nearest") def forward(self, x): """ Forward method. Parameters ---------- x: Tensor concatenated moving and fixed images. """ logger.debug("UNet...") logger.debug("Moving + Fixed: {0}".format(x.shape)) # Get encoder activations x_enc = [x] for enc in self.enc: logger.debug("Encoder: {0}".format(enc)) logger.debug("Encoder input: {0}".format(x_enc[-1].shape)) x_enc.append(enc(x_enc[-1])) logger.debug("Encoder output: {0}".format(x_enc[-1].shape)) # Three conv + upsample + concatenate series y = x_enc[-1] for idx in range(3): logger.debug("Decoder: {0}".format(self.dec[idx])) logger.debug("Decoder input: {0}".format(y.shape)) y = self.dec[idx](y) logger.debug("Decoder output: {0}".format(y.shape)) y = self.upsample(y) logger.debug("Decoder upsampling: {0}".format(y.shape)) y = torch.cat([y, x_enc[-(idx + 2)]], dim=1) logger.debug("Decoder skip connexion: {0}".format(y.shape)) # Two convs at full_size/2 res logger.debug("Decoder: {0}".format(self.dec[3])) logger.debug("Decoder input: {0}".format(y.shape)) y = self.dec[3](y) logger.debug("Decoder output: {0}".format(y.shape)) y = self.dec[4](y) logger.debug("Decoder: {0}".format(self.dec[4])) logger.debug("Decoder input: {0}".format(y.shape)) logger.debug("Decoder output: {0}".format(y.shape)) # Upsample to full res, concatenate and conv if self.full_size: y = self.upsample(y) logger.debug("Full size Decoder upsampling: {0}".format(y.shape)) y = torch.cat([y, x_enc[0]], dim=1) logger.debug("Decoder skip connexion: {0}".format(y.shape)) logger.debug("Decoder: {0}".format(self.dec[5])) logger.debug("Decoder input: {0}".format(y.shape)) y = self.dec[5](y) logger.debug("Decoder output: {0}".format(y.shape)) # Extra conv for vm2 if self.vm2: logger.debug("VM2: {0}".format(self.vm2_conv)) logger.debug("VM2 input: {0}".format(y.shape)) y = self.vm2_conv(y) logger.debug("VM2 output: {0}".format(y.shape)) logger.debug("Done.") return y class ConvBlock(nn.Module): """ Represents a single convolution block in the Unet which is a convolution based on the size of the input channel and output channels and then preforms a Leaky Relu with parameter 0.2. """ def __init__(self, dim, in_channels, out_channels, stride=1): """ Initialize the conv block. Parameters ---------- dim: int the number of dimensions of the input. in_channels: int the number of input channels. out_channels: int the number of output channels. stride: int, default 1 the stride of the convolution. """ # Inheritance super(ConvBlock, self).__init__() conv_fn = getattr(nn, "Conv{0}d".format(dim)) if stride == 1: ksize = 3 elif stride == 2: ksize = 4 else: raise Exception("Stride must be 1 or 2.") self.main = conv_fn(in_channels, out_channels, ksize, stride, 1) self.activation = nn.LeakyReLU(0.2) def forward(self, x): out = self.main(x) out = self.activation(out) return out @Regularizers.register class FlowRegularizer(object): """ Total Variation Loss (Smooth Term). For a dense flow field, we regularize it with the following loss that discourages discontinuity. k1 * FlowLoss FlowLoss: a gradient loss on the flow field. Recommend for k1 are 1.0 for ncc, or 0.01 for mse. """ def __init__(self, k1=0.01): self.k1 = k1 def __call__(self, signal): logger.debug("Compute flow regularization...") flow = signal.layer_outputs["flow"] logger.debug(" lambda: {0}".format(self.k1)) self.debug("flow", flow) flow_loss = self._gradient_loss(flow, penalty="l2") logger.debug(" flow loss: {0}".format(flow_loss)) logger.debug(" flow loss: {0} - {1}".format(flow.min(), flow.max())) logger.debug("Done.") return self.k1 * flow_loss def _gradient_loss(self, flow, penalty="l2"): """ Gradient Loss. """ dx = torch.abs(flow[:, :, 1:, :, :] - flow[:, :, :-1, :, :]) dy = torch.abs(flow[:, :, :, 1:, :] - flow[:, :, :, :-1, :]) dz = torch.abs(flow[:, :, :, :, 1:] - flow[:, :, :, :, :-1]) if (penalty == "l2"): dx = dx * dx dy = dy * dy dz = dz * dz displacement = torch.mean(dx) + torch.mean(dy) + torch.mean(dz) return displacement / 3.0 def debug(self, name, tensor): """ Print debug message. Parameters ---------- name: str the tensor name in the displayed message. tensor: Tensor a pytorch tensor. """ logger.debug(" {3}: {0} - {1} - {2}".format( tensor.shape, tensor.get_device(), tensor.dtype, name))
from __future__ import annotations import sys from typing import Any, TypeVar, Type, Union, Optional, Callable from objectmodel.base import ObjectModelABC, FieldABC from objectmodel.errors import FieldValidationError, FieldValueRequiredError __all__ = [ 'NOT_PROVIDED', 'Field', 'ObjectField', 'ListCollectionField', 'DictCollectionField', 'ProxyField'] class _NotProvided: def __bool__(self): return False def __copy__(self): return self def __deepcopy__(self, _): return self def __repr__(self): return "<objectmodel.NOT_PROVIDED>" NOT_PROVIDED = _NotProvided() T = TypeVar('T') class Field(FieldABC): __slots__ = 'name', 'default', 'required', 'allow_none', 'validator' def __init__(self, name: str = NOT_PROVIDED, default: Union[Callable[[], T], T] = NOT_PROVIDED, required: bool = False, allow_none: bool = False, validator: Optional[ Callable[[Optional[ObjectModelABC], FieldABC, Any], None] ] = None): self.name = name self.default = default self.required = required self.allow_none = allow_none self.validator = validator # Defaults also should be validated! if not callable(default): self.validate(None, default) def __get__(self, instance: ObjectModelABC, owner: Type[ObjectModelABC]) -> T: assert isinstance(instance, ObjectModelABC) try: return instance.__state__[self.name] except KeyError: if self.default is not NOT_PROVIDED: default = self.default if callable(default): default = default() self.__set__(instance, default) return default raise FieldValueRequiredError(instance, self) def __set__(self, instance: ObjectModelABC, value: T): assert isinstance(instance, ObjectModelABC) self.validate(instance, value) instance.__state__[self.name] = value def __set_name__(self, owner, name): if self.name is NOT_PROVIDED: assert name and isinstance(name, str), 'String name must be specified' self.name = name def __delete__(self, instance): assert isinstance(instance, ObjectModelABC) if self.required: raise FieldValueRequiredError(instance, self) del instance.__state__[self.name] def serialize(self, instance: ObjectModelABC) -> Any: return self.__get__(instance, instance.__class__) def deserialize(self, instance: ObjectModelABC, value): self.__set__(instance, value) def has_default(self) -> bool: return self.default is not NOT_PROVIDED def has_value(self, instance: ObjectModelABC): return self.name in instance.__state__ def can_provide_value(self, instance: ObjectModelABC): return self.default is not NOT_PROVIDED or self.name in instance.__state__ def validate(self, model_instance: Optional[ObjectModelABC], value: T): if value is None and not self.allow_none: raise FieldValidationError(model_instance, self, value, 'Cannot be None (allow_none=False)') if self.validator: value = self.__get__(model_instance, model_instance.__class__) self.validator(model_instance, self, value) def clear(self, instance): self.__delete__(instance) def __repr__(self): return '{}(name={!r}, default={!r}, required={!r}, allow_none={!r}, validator={!r})'\ .format( self.__class__.__name__, self.name, self.default, self.required, self.allow_none, self.validator ) class ProxyField(Field): def __init__(self, attr_name: str, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._attr_name = attr_name def __get__(self, instance, owner): return getattr(instance, self._attr_name) def has_value(self, instance: ObjectModelABC) -> bool: return True class ObjectField(Field): __slots__ = '_model' def __init__(self, name: str, model: type, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(name, *args, **kwargs) assert issubclass(model, ObjectModelABC) self._model = model def serialize(self, instance: ObjectModelABC) -> Any: value = super().serialize(instance) if value is not None: return value.serialize() return None def deserialize(self, instance: ObjectModelABC, value): if value is not None: obj = self._model() obj.deserialize(value) super().deserialize(instance, obj) def validate(self, model_instance: ObjectModelABC, value): super().validate(model_instance, value) if not self.allow_none and value is not None: if not isinstance(value, ObjectModelABC): raise FieldValidationError(model_instance, self, value, f'Value should be of type: \'ObjectModel\'') value.validate() class ListCollectionField(Field): __slots__ = '_model' def __init__(self, item_model: Union[str, Type[ObjectModelABC]], *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._model = item_model def serialize(self, instance: ObjectModelABC) -> Any: value = super().serialize(instance) return [v.serialize() for v in value] def deserialize(self, instance: ObjectModelABC, value): deserialized_list = [] item_cls = self._resolve_item_type() for v in value: obj = item_cls() obj.deserialize(v) deserialized_list.append(obj) super().deserialize(instance, deserialized_list) def _resolve_item_type(self) -> Type[ObjectModelABC]: if issubclass(self._model, ObjectModelABC): return self._model elif isinstance(self._model, str): self._model = getattr(sys.modules[__name__], self._model) return self._model raise TypeError(f'Cant resolve item model type: {self._model}') def validate(self, model_instance: ObjectModelABC, value): super().validate(model_instance, value) if not self.allow_none and value is not None: if not isinstance(value, list): raise FieldValidationError(model_instance, self, value, 'Value should be of type: List[ObjectModel]') for item in value: if not isinstance(item, ObjectModelABC): raise FieldValidationError(model_instance, self, value, f'List item {item!r} ' f'should be of type: \'ObjectModel\'') item.validate() class DictCollectionField(Field): __slots__ = '_model', '_dict_factory' def __init__(self, name: str, item_model: type, dict_factory: callable = dict, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(name, *args, **kwargs) assert issubclass(item_model, ObjectModelABC) self._model = item_model self._dict_factory = dict_factory def serialize(self, instance: ObjectModelABC) -> Any: value = super().serialize(instance) return {k: v.serialize() for k, v in value.items()} def deserialize(self, instance: ObjectModelABC, value): deserialized_dict = self._dict_factory() for k, v in value.items(): obj = self._model() obj.deserialize(v) deserialized_dict[k] = obj super().deserialize(instance, deserialized_dict) def validate(self, model_instance: ObjectModelABC, value: Any): super().validate(model_instance, value) if not isinstance(value, dict): raise FieldValidationError(model_instance, self, value, 'Value should be of type Dict[ObjectModel]') for item in value.values(): item.validate()
import datetime import math import itertools import pytest import calendar from homeplotter.timeseries import TimeSeries sample_data = { "broken":[[datetime.date(2020, 10, 12), 200.0],[datetime.date(2020, 11, 24), 50.0],[datetime.date(2020, 12, 5), 200.0], [datetime.date(2020, 12, 30), 400.0], [datetime.date(2020, 12, 31), -300], [datetime.date(2021, 2, 2), 100],[datetime.date(2021,3,11),60]], "even-3":[[datetime.date(2020, 10, 1), 200.0],[datetime.date(2020, 11, 24), 50.0],[datetime.date(2020, 12, 5), 200.0], [datetime.date(2020, 12, 30), 400.0], [datetime.date(2020, 12, 31), -300], [datetime.date(2021, 2, 2), 100],[datetime.date(2021,3,11),60]], "even-5":[[datetime.date(2020, 10, 6), 200.0],[datetime.date(2020, 11, 24), 50.0],[datetime.date(2020, 12, 5), 200.0], [datetime.date(2020, 12, 30), 400.0], [datetime.date(2020, 12, 31), -300], [datetime.date(2021, 2, 2), 100],[datetime.date(2021,3,11),60]], "short":[[datetime.date(2020, 12, 30), 400.0], [datetime.date(2020, 12, 31), -300], [datetime.date(2021, 1, 2), 100],[datetime.date(2021,1,3),60]], } deltas = [1,3,5] def expected_start_date(date, delta, original_len, padding): if padding and original_len%delta != 0: return date - datetime.timedelta(delta - original_len%delta) else: return date + datetime.timedelta(original_len%delta) def expected_end_date(date, delta, original_len, padding): return date-datetime.timedelta(delta-1) @pytest.mark.parametrize("padding,sample_key,delta", itertools.product([False,True],sample_data.keys(),deltas)) def test_accumulate__len(padding,sample_key,delta): ts = TimeSeries(sample_data[sample_key]) original_len = len(ts.data) start_date = expected_start_date(ts.data[0][0],delta,original_len,padding) end_date = expected_end_date(ts.data[-1][0],delta,original_len,padding) expected_len = (end_date-start_date).days/delta+1 ts.accumulate(delta,"Day",padding=padding) assert(len(ts.data) == expected_len) @pytest.mark.parametrize("padding,sample_key,delta", itertools.product([False,True],sample_data.keys(),deltas)) def test_accumulate__start_date(padding,sample_key,delta): sd = sample_data[sample_key] ts = TimeSeries(sd) original_len = len(ts.data) ts.accumulate(delta,"Day",padding=padding) assert(ts.get_x()[0]==expected_start_date(sd[0][0],delta,original_len,padding)) @pytest.mark.parametrize("padding,sample_key,delta", itertools.product([False,True],sample_data.keys(),deltas)) def test_accumulate__steps(padding,sample_key,delta): ts = TimeSeries(sample_data[sample_key]) ts.accumulate(delta,"Day",padding=padding) for i in range(1,len(ts.data)): assert((ts.data[i][0]-ts.data[i-1][0]).days == delta) @pytest.mark.parametrize("padding,sample_key,delta", itertools.product([False,True],sample_data.keys(),deltas)) def test_accumulate__end_date(padding,sample_key,delta): sd = sample_data[sample_key] ts = TimeSeries(sd) original_len = len(ts.data) ts.accumulate(delta,"Day",padding=padding) assert(ts.get_x()[-1]==expected_end_date(sd[-1][0],delta,original_len,padding)) @pytest.mark.parametrize("padding,sample_key,delta", itertools.product([False,True],sample_data.keys(),deltas)) def test_accumulate__sum(padding,sample_key,delta): sd = sample_data[sample_key] ts = TimeSeries(sd) ts.accumulate(delta,"Day",padding=padding) for i in range(len(ts.data)): cum_sum = 0 for data in sd: if ts.data[i][0]<=data[0]<ts.data[i][0]+datetime.timedelta(delta): cum_sum+=data[1] assert(ts.data[i][1]==cum_sum)
<reponame>TimKam/py-ciu import random import pandas as pd from ciu.ciu_object import CiuObject def _generate_samples(case, feature_names, min_maxs, samples, indices, category_mapping): rows = [] rows.append(case) for sample in range(samples): sample_entry = {} for index_j, feature_j in enumerate(feature_names): if not (index_j in indices): # if not (index_j in indices): sample_entry[feature_j] = case[feature_j] else: min_val = min_maxs[feature_j][0] max_val = min_maxs[feature_j][1] is_int = min_maxs[feature_j][2] sample_entry[feature_j] = \ random.randint(min_val, max_val) if is_int \ else random.uniform(min_val, max_val) # check if feature_j, feature_k in same category; # if so, set feature_k to 0 if feature_j is 1 for index_k, feature_k in enumerate(feature_names): if not (index_j == index_k): for categories in category_mapping.values(): same_category = feature_j in categories \ and feature_k in categories if same_category and sample_entry[feature_j] == 1: sample_entry[feature_k] = 0 # set categorical values that would otherwise not have a category # assigned for categories in category_mapping.values(): is_activated = False for category in categories: if sample_entry[category] == 1: is_activated = True if not is_activated: category = categories[random.randint(0, len(categories) -1)] sample_entry[category] = 1 rows.append(sample_entry) return pd.DataFrame(rows) def determine_ciu( case, predictor, min_maxs, samples=1000, prediction_index=None, category_mapping=None, feature_interactions=[]): """ Determines contextual importance and utility for a given case. :param case: Case data (dictionary) :param predictor: The prediction function of the black-box model Py-CIU should call :param min_maxs: dictionary (``'feature_name': [min, max, is_int]`` for each feature) :param samples: number of samples to be generated. Defaults to 1000. :param prediction_index: If the model returns several predictions, provide the index of the relevant prediction. Defaults to ``None`` :param category_mapping: Mapping of one-hot encoded categorical variables to list of categories and category name. Defaults to ``None``. :param feature_interactions: List of {key: list} tuples of features whose interactions should be evaluated. Defaults to ``[]``. :return: dictionary: for each feature: list with contextual importance value, contextual utility value """ if category_mapping is None: category_mapping = {} category_names = list(category_mapping.keys()) feature_names_decoded = [] categories_encoded = [] for feature in min_maxs.keys(): is_category = False for index, categories in enumerate(category_mapping.values()): if feature in categories: categories_encoded.append(feature) is_category = True if category_names[index] not in feature_names_decoded: feature_names_decoded.append(category_names[index]) if not is_category: feature_names_decoded.append(feature) cis = {} cus = {} case_prediction = \ predictor([list(case.values())])[0] if prediction_index is None \ else predictor([list(case.values())])[0][prediction_index] predictions = {} for index_i, feature_i in enumerate(min_maxs.keys()): feature_samples = _generate_samples( case, min_maxs.keys(), min_maxs, samples, [index_i], category_mapping ) predictions[feature_i] = \ predictor(feature_samples) if prediction_index is None \ else [prob[prediction_index] for \ prob in predictor(feature_samples)] for feature_interaction in feature_interactions: interaction_name = list(feature_interaction.keys())[0] features = list(feature_interaction.values())[0] indices = [list(min_maxs.keys()).index(feature) for feature in features] feature_samples = _generate_samples( case, min_maxs.keys(), min_maxs, samples, indices, category_mapping ) predictions[interaction_name] = \ predictor(feature_samples) if prediction_index is None \ else [prob[prediction_index] for \ prob in predictor(feature_samples)] abs_max = None abs_min = None # determine absolute min/max, only considering single features for index, feature in enumerate(feature_names_decoded): # Get right predictions for decoded category if feature in category_mapping.keys(): encoded_feature = None for encoded_feature_j in min_maxs.keys(): feature_max = max(predictions[encoded_feature_j]) if abs_max is None or abs_max < feature_max: abs_max = feature_max feature_min = min(predictions[encoded_feature_j]) if abs_min is None or abs_min > feature_min: abs_min = feature_min else: feature_max = max(predictions[feature]) if abs_max is None or abs_max < feature_max: abs_max = feature_max feature_min = min(predictions[feature]) if abs_min is None or abs_min > feature_min: abs_min = feature_min # determine absolute min/max, also considering feature interactions for feature_interaction in feature_interactions: interaction_name = list(feature_interaction.keys())[0] interaction_max = max(predictions[interaction_name]) if abs_max is None or abs_max < interaction_max: abs_max = interaction_max interaction_min = min(predictions[interaction_name]) if abs_min is None or abs_min > interaction_min: abs_min = interaction_min # compute CI/CU for single features for index, feature in enumerate(feature_names_decoded): # Get right predictions for decoded category if feature in category_mapping.keys(): encoded_feature = None for encoded_feature_j in min_maxs.keys(): if case[encoded_feature_j] == 1 and encoded_feature_j in category_mapping[feature]: encoded_feature = encoded_feature_j c_min = min(predictions[encoded_feature]) c_max = max(predictions[encoded_feature]) else: c_min = min(predictions[feature]) c_max = max(predictions[feature]) n = case_prediction ci = (c_max - c_min) / (abs_max - abs_min) if (c_max - c_min) == 0: cu = (n - c_min) / 0.01 else: cu = (n - c_min) / (c_max - c_min) if cu == 0: cu = 0.001 cis[feature] = ci cus[feature] = cu # compute CI/CU for feature interactions interaction_names = [ "_".join(features) for features in feature_interactions ] for interaction_name in interaction_names: c_min = min(predictions[interaction_name]) c_max = max(predictions[interaction_name]) n = case_prediction ci = (c_max - c_min) / (abs_max - abs_min) if (c_max - c_min) == 0: cu = (n - c_min) / 0.01 else: cu = (n - c_min) / (c_max - c_min) if cu == 0: cu = 0.001 cis[interaction_name] = ci cus[interaction_name] = cu ciu = CiuObject(cis, cus, interaction_names) return ciu
<reponame>NanoMembers/DeepFlow #!/usr/bin/env python3 ###Use CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2... is used to make sure only the right GPUs ###are made visible import argparse import numpy as np import os import tensorflow as tf import time as _time import timeit tf.debugging.set_log_device_placement(True) v = tf.Variable(1) @tf.function def matmul(a, b, gid): with tf.device('/GPU:{}'.format(gid)): return tf.matmul(a,b) def all_gather(c, kern_para_a, kern_para_b, num_devices): tmp = [None] * kern_para_a c_new = [None] * kern_para_a for i in range(kern_para_a): tmp[i] = [None] * kern_para_b c_new[i] = [None] * kern_para_b for j in range(kern_para_b): tmp[i][j] = [None] * kern_para_b with tf.device('/device:gpu:{}'.format((i*kern_para_b + j)%num_devices)): tmp[i][j][j] = tf.identity(c[i][j]) #c_new[i][j] = c[i][j] for k in range(kern_para_b - 1): for j in range(kern_para_b): with tf.device('/device:gpu:{}'.format((i*kern_para_b + j)%num_devices)): tmp[i][j][(j-k+2*kern_para_b-1)%kern_para_b] = tf.identity(tmp[i][(j-1)%kern_para_b][(j-k+2*kern_para_b-1)%kern_para_b]) #tf.print("{}{} ::: {}{}" .format(j, (j-k+2*kern_para_b-1)%kern_para_b, (j-1)%kern_para_b, (j-k+2*kern_para_b-1)%kern_para_b)) for j in range(kern_para_b): with tf.device('/device:gpu:{}'.format((i*kern_para_b + j)%num_devices)): c_new[i][j] = (tf.concat([tmp[i][j]],axis=1)) return c_new @tf.function def RC(m, k, n, kern_para_a, kern_para_b, num_devices, a_shards, b_shards): c = [None] * kern_para_a for i in range(kern_para_a): c[i] = [None] * kern_para_b for j in range(kern_para_b): gid = i * kern_para_b + j with tf.device('/device:gpu:{}'.format(gid%num_devices)): c[i][j] = tf.matmul(a_shards[i][j], b_shards[i][j]) c_new = all_gather(c, kern_para_a, kern_para_b, num_devices) return c_new #@tf.function def Col(m, k, n, kern_para_a, kern_para_b, num_devices, a_shards, b_shards): c = [None] * kern_para_a #v.assign_add(1) for i in range(kern_para_a): with tf.device('/device:gpu:{}'.format(i%num_devices)): c[i] = tf.matmul(a_shards[i][0], b_shards[i][0]) return c @tf.function def CR(m, k, n, kern_para_a, num_devices, a_shards, b_shards): c = [None] * kern_para_a for i in range(kern_para_a): with tf.device('/device:gpu:{}'.format(i)): c[i] = tf.matmul(a_shards[i], b_shards[i]) for i in range(kern_para_a): with tf.device('/device:gpu:{}'.format(i)): c_final = tf.math.add_n(c) return c_final def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class = argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('-t', '--type', type=str, required=False, default='RC', help="for RC: parallelism along input dimension; for CR: parallelism along the inner dimension") parser.add_argument('-kp1', '--kern_para_a', type=int, required=False, default=1, help="for RC: parallelism along input dimension; for CR: parallelism along the inner dimension") parser.add_argument('-kp2', '--kern_para_b', type=int, required=False, default=1, help="for RC: parallelism along the outpiut dimension; for CR: NA") parser.add_argument('-N', '--num_gpus', type=int, required=False, default=1, help="Number of GPUs available for parallelization") parser.add_argument('-m', '--input_dim', type=int, required=False, default=32768, help="input dimension") parser.add_argument('-n', '--output_dim', type=int, required=False, default=32768, help="output dimension") parser.add_argument('-k', '--inner_dim', type=int, required=False, default=32768, help="inner dimension") args = parser.parse_args() op_type = args.type #Either RC or CR kern_para_a = args.kern_para_a kern_para_b = args.kern_para_b m = args.input_dim k = args.inner_dim n = args.output_dim num_devices = args.num_gpus print("op_type: {} kern_para_a: {} kern_para_b: {} num_devices: {}" .format(op_type, kern_para_a, kern_para_b, num_devices)) #Create and initialize Variables weights = [None] * kern_para_a activs = [None] * kern_para_a ''' if kern_para_a == 1 and kern_para_b == 1: a_dim = (m, k) w_dim = (k, n) activs = tf.Variable(initial_value=tf.random.normal(shape=a_dim), name="a") weights = tf.Variable(initial_value=tf.random.normal(shape=w_dim), name="w") ''' if op_type == "RC": a_dim = (m//kern_para_a, k) w_dim = (k, n//kern_para_b) print("a_dim: {}".format(a_dim)) print("b_dim: {}".format(w_dim)) for i in range(kern_para_a): activs[i] = [None] * kern_para_b weights[i] = [None] * kern_para_b for j in range(kern_para_b): did = i * kern_para_b + j curr_device = '/device:gpu:' + str(did%num_devices) with tf.device(curr_device): a_shard = tf.Variable( initial_value=tf.random.normal(shape=a_dim, mean=1.0, stddev=0.0, dtype=tf.dtypes.float16), name="a_{}_{}".format(i,j)) activs[i][j] = a_shard w_shard = tf.Variable( initial_value=tf.random.normal(shape=w_dim, mean=1.0, stddev=0.0, dtype=tf.dtypes.float16), name="w_{}".format(j)) weights[i][j] = w_shard elif op_type == "CR": a_dim = (m, k//kern_para_a) w_dim = (k//kern_para_a, n) for i in range(kern_para_a): curr_device = '/device:gpu:' + str(i) with tf.device(curr_device): a_shard = tf.Variable(initial_value=tf.random.normal(shape=a_dim, dtype=tf.dtypes.float16), name="a_{}".format(i)) w_shard = tf.Variable(initial_value=tf.random.normal(shape=w_dim, dtype=tf.dtypes.float16), name="w_{}".format(i)) activs[i] = a_shard weights[i] = w_shard #Measure time for i in range(100): start = _time.perf_counter() if op_type == "RC": if kern_para_b == 1: Col(m, k, n, kern_para_a, kern_para_b, num_devices, activs, weights) elif kern_para_b > 1: c_final = RC(m, k, n, kern_para_a, kern_para_b, num_devices, activs, weights) elif op_type == "CR": c_final = CR(m, k, n, kern_para_a, num_devices, activs, weights) #_ = c_final.numpy() # Make sure to execute op and not just enqueue it tot_time = _time.perf_counter() - start print("Step{}: {}".format(i, tot_time)) #tf.profiler.experimental.stop() #with writer.as_default(): # tf.summary.trace_export(name="trace",step=0,profiler_outdir="tensorboard.log") #writer.flush() #print(c_final) #print(a, b, c_final) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
import polyphony from polyphony.io import Port from polyphony.typing import bit, uint3, uint12, uint24 from polyphony.timing import clksleep, clkfence, wait_rising, wait_falling CONVST_PULSE_CYCLE = 10 CONVERSION_CYCLE = 39 @polyphony.module class spi_lis3dh: def __init__(self): self.sclk = Port(bit, 'out') self.mosi = Port(bit, 'out') self.miso = Port(bit, 'in') self.cs_n = Port(bit, 'out', init=1) self.x_led = Port(bit, 'out') self.y_led = Port(bit, 'out') self.z_led = Port(bit, 'out') self.data24 = Port(uint24, 'out', protocol='ready_valid') self.append_worker(self.worker) def set_addr(self, rw, ms, addr): clksleep(1) self.sclk.wr(0) self.mosi.wr(rw) clksleep(2) self.sclk.wr(1) clksleep(2) self.sclk.wr(0) self.mosi.wr(ms) clksleep(2) self.sclk.wr(1) clksleep(2) self.sclk.wr(0) for i in range(6): bit1 = (addr >> (5 - i)) & 1 self.mosi.wr(bit1) clksleep(1) self.sclk.wr(1) clksleep(1) self.sclk.wr(0) clksleep(1) def read_data(self, addr): self.cs_n.wr(0) self.sclk.wr(0) clksleep(1) self.set_addr(1, 0, addr) data = 0 for i in range(8): data <<= 1 clksleep(1) self.sclk.wr(1) clksleep(1) bit1 = self.miso.rd() & 1 clkfence() self.sclk.wr(0) data |= bit1 clksleep(1) self.cs_n.wr(1) return data def write_data(self, addr, data): self.cs_n.wr(0) self.sclk.wr(0) clksleep(1) self.set_addr(0, 0, addr) for i in range(8): bit1 = (data >> (7 - i)) & 1 self.mosi.wr(bit1) clksleep(1) self.sclk.wr(1) clksleep(1) self.sclk.wr(0) clksleep(2) self.cs_n.wr(1) self.mosi.wr(0) return data def worker(self): self.cs_n.wr(1) self.sclk.wr(0) clksleep(1) self.write_data(0x20, 0x7F) while polyphony.is_worker_running(): clksleep(20) self.write_data(0x20, 0x7F) clksleep(10) data_who_am_i = self.read_data(0x0F) clksleep(10) data_x_l = self.read_data(0x29) clksleep(10) data_y_l = self.read_data(0x2B) clksleep(10) data_z_l = self.read_data(0x2D) clksleep(10) self.x_led.wr(1 if data_x_l > 0x30 else 0) self.y_led.wr(1 if data_y_l > 0x30 else 0) self.z_led.wr(1 if data_z_l > 0x30 else 0) data_xyz = ( data_x_l << 16 ) | ( data_y_l << 8 ) | data_z_l self.data24.wr(data_xyz) @polyphony.testbench def test(spic): data = spic.data24.rd() print("data0:" , data) data = spic.data24.rd() print("data1:" , data) if __name__ == '__main__': spic = spi_lis3dh() test(spic)
<reponame>petertdavies/execution-specs """ Ethash Functions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. contents:: Table of Contents :backlinks: none :local: Introduction ------------ Ethash algorithm related functionalities. """ from typing import Callable, Tuple, Union from ethereum.base_types import UINT32_MAX_VALUE, Bytes8, Uint, Uint32 from ethereum.crypto.hash import Hash32, Hash64, keccak256, keccak512 from ethereum.utils.numeric import ( is_prime, le_bytes_to_uint32_sequence, le_uint32_sequence_to_bytes, le_uint32_sequence_to_uint, ) EPOCH_SIZE = 30000 INITIAL_CACHE_SIZE = 2**24 CACHE_EPOCH_GROWTH_SIZE = 2**17 INITIAL_DATASET_SIZE = 2**30 DATASET_EPOCH_GROWTH_SIZE = 2**23 HASH_BYTES = 64 MIX_BYTES = 128 CACHE_ROUNDS = 3 DATASET_PARENTS = 256 HASHIMOTO_ACCESSES = 64 def epoch(block_number: Uint) -> Uint: """ Obtain the epoch number to which the block identified by `block_number` belongs. Parameters ---------- block_number : The number of the block of interest. Returns ------- epoch_number : `Uint` The epoch number to which the passed in block belongs. """ return block_number // EPOCH_SIZE def cache_size(block_number: Uint) -> Uint: """ Obtain the cache size (in bytes) of the epoch to which `block_number` belongs. Parameters ---------- block_number : The number of the block of interest. Returns ------- cache_size_bytes : `Uint` The cache size in bytes for the passed in block. """ size = INITIAL_CACHE_SIZE + (CACHE_EPOCH_GROWTH_SIZE * epoch(block_number)) size -= HASH_BYTES while not is_prime(size // HASH_BYTES): size -= 2 * HASH_BYTES return size def dataset_size(block_number: Uint) -> Uint: """ Obtain the dataset size (in bytes) of the epoch to which `block_number` belongs. Parameters ---------- block_number : The number of the block of interest. Returns ------- dataset_size_bytes : `Uint` The dataset size in bytes for the passed in block. """ size = INITIAL_DATASET_SIZE + ( DATASET_EPOCH_GROWTH_SIZE * epoch(block_number) ) size -= MIX_BYTES while not is_prime(size // MIX_BYTES): size -= 2 * MIX_BYTES return size def generate_seed(block_number: Uint) -> Hash32: """ Obtain the cache generation seed for the block identified by `block_number`. Parameters ---------- block_number : The number of the block of interest. Returns ------- seed : `Hash32` The cache generation seed for the passed in block. """ epoch_number = epoch(block_number) seed = b"\x00" * 32 while epoch_number != 0: seed = keccak256(seed) epoch_number -= 1 return Hash32(seed) def generate_cache(block_number: Uint) -> Tuple[Tuple[Uint32, ...], ...]: """ Generate the cache for the block identified by `block_number`. This cache would later be used to generate the full dataset. Parameters ---------- block_number : The number of the block of interest. Returns ------- cache : `Tuple[Tuple[Uint32, ...], ...]` The cache generated for the passed in block. """ seed = generate_seed(block_number) cache_size_bytes = cache_size(block_number) cache_size_words = cache_size_bytes // HASH_BYTES cache = [keccak512(seed)] previous_cache_item = cache[0] for _ in range(1, cache_size_words): cache_item = keccak512(previous_cache_item) cache.append(cache_item) previous_cache_item = cache_item for _ in range(CACHE_ROUNDS): for index in range(cache_size_words): # Converting `cache_size_words` to int as `-1 + Uint(5)` is an # error. first_cache_item = cache[ (index - 1 + int(cache_size_words)) % cache_size_words ] second_cache_item = cache[ Uint32.from_le_bytes(cache[index][0:4]) % cache_size_words ] result = bytes( [a ^ b for a, b in zip(first_cache_item, second_cache_item)] ) cache[index] = keccak512(result) return tuple( le_bytes_to_uint32_sequence(cache_item) for cache_item in cache ) def fnv(a: Union[Uint, Uint32], b: Union[Uint, Uint32]) -> Uint32: """ FNV algorithm is inspired by the FNV hash, which in some cases is used as a non-associative substitute for XOR. Note that here we multiply the prime with the full 32-bit input, in contrast with the FNV-1 spec which multiplies the prime with one byte (octet) in turn. Parameters ---------- a: The first data point. b : The second data point. Returns ------- modified_mix_integers : `Uint32` The result of performing fnv on the passed in data points. """ # This is a faster way of doing [number % (2 ** 32)] result = ((Uint(a) * 0x01000193) ^ Uint(b)) & UINT32_MAX_VALUE return Uint32(result) def fnv_hash( mix_integers: Tuple[Uint32, ...], data: Tuple[Uint32, ...] ) -> Tuple[Uint32, ...]: """ FNV Hash mixes in data into mix using the ethash fnv method. Parameters ---------- mix_integers: Mix data in the form of a sequence of Uint32. data : The data (sequence of Uint32) to be hashed into the mix. Returns ------- modified_mix_integers : `Tuple[Uint32, ...]` The result of performing the fnv hash on the mix and the passed in data. """ return tuple( fnv(mix_integers[i], data[i]) for i in range(len(mix_integers)) ) def generate_dataset_item( cache: Tuple[Tuple[Uint32, ...], ...], index: Uint ) -> Hash64: """ Generate a particular dataset item 0-indexed by `index` using `cache`. Each dataset item is a byte stream of 64 bytes or a stream of 16 uint32 numbers. Parameters ---------- cache: The cache from which a subset of items will be used to generate the dataset item. index : The index of the dataset item to generate. Returns ------- dataset_item : `Hash64` The generated dataset item for passed index. """ mix = keccak512( ( le_uint32_sequence_to_uint(cache[index % len(cache)]) ^ index ).to_le_bytes(number_bytes=HASH_BYTES) ) mix_integers = le_bytes_to_uint32_sequence(mix) for j in range(DATASET_PARENTS): mix_word: Uint32 = mix_integers[j % 16] cache_index = fnv(index ^ j, mix_word) % len(cache) parent = cache[cache_index] mix_integers = fnv_hash(mix_integers, parent) mix = Hash64(le_uint32_sequence_to_bytes(mix_integers)) return keccak512(mix) def generate_dataset(block_number: Uint) -> Tuple[Hash64, ...]: """ Generate the full dataset for the block identified by `block_number`. This function is present only for demonstration purposes, as it will take a long time to execute. Parameters ---------- block_number : The number of the block of interest. Returns ------- dataset : `Tuple[Hash64, ...]` The dataset generated for the passed in block. """ dataset_size_bytes: Uint = dataset_size(block_number) cache: Tuple[Tuple[Uint32, ...], ...] = generate_cache(block_number) # TODO: Parallelize this later on if it adds value return tuple( generate_dataset_item(cache, Uint(index)) for index in range(dataset_size_bytes // HASH_BYTES) ) def hashimoto( header_hash: Hash32, nonce: Bytes8, dataset_size: Uint, fetch_dataset_item: Callable[[Uint], Tuple[Uint32, ...]], ) -> Tuple[bytes, Hash32]: """ Obtain the mix digest and the final value for a header, by aggregating data from the full dataset. Parameters ---------- header_hash : The PoW valid rlp hash of a header. nonce : The propogated nonce for the given block. dataset_size : Dataset size for the epoch to which the current block belongs to. fetch_dataset_item : The function which will be used to obtain a specific dataset item from an index. Returns ------- mix_digest : `bytes` The mix digest generated from the header hash and propogated nonce. result : `Hash32` The final result obtained which will be checked for leading zeros (in byte representation) in correspondance with the block difficulty. """ nonce_le = bytes(reversed(nonce)) seed_hash = keccak512(header_hash + nonce_le) seed_head = Uint32.from_le_bytes(seed_hash[:4]) rows = dataset_size // 128 mix = le_bytes_to_uint32_sequence(seed_hash) * (MIX_BYTES // HASH_BYTES) for i in range(HASHIMOTO_ACCESSES): new_data: Tuple[Uint32, ...] = () parent = fnv(i ^ seed_head, mix[i % len(mix)]) % rows for j in range(MIX_BYTES // HASH_BYTES): # Typecasting `parent` from Uint32 to Uint as 2*parent + j may # overflow Uint32. new_data += fetch_dataset_item(2 * Uint(parent) + j) mix = fnv_hash(mix, new_data) compressed_mix = [] for i in range(0, len(mix), 4): compressed_mix.append( fnv(fnv(fnv(mix[i], mix[i + 1]), mix[i + 2]), mix[i + 3]) ) mix_digest = le_uint32_sequence_to_bytes(compressed_mix) result = keccak256(seed_hash + mix_digest) return mix_digest, result def hashimoto_light( header_hash: Hash32, nonce: Bytes8, cache: Tuple[Tuple[Uint32, ...], ...], dataset_size: Uint, ) -> Tuple[bytes, Hash32]: """ Run the hashimoto algorithm by generating dataset item using the cache instead of loading the full dataset into main memory. Parameters ---------- header_hash : The PoW valid rlp hash of a header. nonce : The propogated nonce for the given block. cache: The generated cache for the epoch to which the current block belongs to. dataset_size : Dataset size for the epoch to which the current block belongs to. Returns ------- mix_digest : `bytes` The mix digest generated from the header hash and propogated nonce. result : `Hash32` The final result obtained which will be checked for leading zeros (in byte representation) in correspondance with the block difficulty. """ def fetch_dataset_item(index: Uint) -> Tuple[Uint32, ...]: """ Generate dataset item (as tuple of Uint32 numbers) from cache. Parameters ---------- index : The index of the dataset item to generate. Returns ------- dataset_item : `Tuple[Uint32, ...]` The generated dataset item for passed index. """ item: Hash64 = generate_dataset_item(cache, index) return le_bytes_to_uint32_sequence(item) return hashimoto(header_hash, nonce, dataset_size, fetch_dataset_item)
<filename>lib/pytaf/tafdecoder.py import re from .taf import TAF class DecodeError(Exception): def __init__(self, msg): self.strerror = msg class Decoder(object): def __init__(self, taf): if isinstance(taf, TAF): self._taf = taf else: raise DecodeError("Argument is not a TAF parser object") def decode_taf(self): form = self._taf.get_header()["form"] result = "" result += self._decode_header(self._taf.get_header()) + "\n" for group in self._taf.get_groups(): # TAF specific stuff if form == "taf": if group["header"]: result += self._decode_group_header(group["header"]) + "\n" # METAR specific stuff if form == "metar": if group["temperature"]: result += " Temperature: %s\n" % self._decode_temperature(group["temperature"]) if group["pressure"]: result += " Pressure: %s\n" % self._decode_pressure(group["pressure"]) # Both TAF and METAR if group["wind"]: result += " Wind: %s \n" % self._decode_wind(group["wind"]) if group["visibility"]: result += " Visibility: %s \n" % self._decode_visibility(group["visibility"]) if group["clouds"]: result += " Sky conditions: %s \n" % self._decode_clouds(group["clouds"]) if group["weather"]: result += " Weather: %s \n" % self._decode_weather(group["weather"]) if group["windshear"]: result += " Windshear: %s\n" % self._decode_windshear(group["windshear"]) result += " \n" if self._taf.get_maintenance(): result += self._decode_maintenance(self._taf.get_maintenance()) return(result) def _decode_header(self, header): result = "" # Ensure it's side effect free _header = header if _header["form"] == 'taf': # Decode TAF header # Type if _header["type"] == "AMD": result += "TAF amended for " elif _header["type"] == "COR": result += "TAF corrected for " elif _header["type"] == "RTD": result += "TAF related for " else: result += "TAF for " # Add ordinal suffix _header["origin_date"] = _header["origin_date"] + self._get_ordinal_suffix(_header["origin_date"]) _header["valid_from_date"] = _header["valid_from_date"] + self._get_ordinal_suffix(_header["valid_from_date"]) _header["valid_till_date" ] = _header["valid_till_date"] + self._get_ordinal_suffix(_header["valid_till_date"]) result += ("%(icao_code)s issued %(origin_hours)s:%(origin_minutes)s UTC on the %(origin_date)s, " "valid from %(valid_from_hours)s:00 UTC on the %(valid_from_date)s to %(valid_till_hours)s:00 UTC on the %(valid_till_date)s") else: # Decode METAR header # Type if _header["type"] == "COR": result += "METAR corrected for " else: result += "METAR for " _header["origin_date"] = _header["origin_date"] + self._get_ordinal_suffix(_header["origin_date"]) result += ("%(icao_code)s issued %(origin_hours)s:%(origin_minutes)s UTC on the %(origin_date)s") result = result % _header return(result) def _decode_group_header(self, header): result = "" _header = header from_str = "From %(from_hours)s:%(from_minutes)s on the %(from_date)s: " prob_str = "Probability %(probability)s%% of the following between %(from_hours)s:00 on the %(from_date)s and %(till_hours)s:00 on the %(till_date)s: " tempo_str = "Temporarily between %(from_hours)s:00 on the %(from_date)s and %(till_hours)s:00 on the %(till_date)s: " prob_tempo_str = "Probability %(probability)s%% of the following temporarily between %(from_hours)s:00 on the %(from_date)s and %(till_hours)s:00 on the %(till_date)s: " becmg_str = "Gradual change to the following between %(from_hours)s:00 on the %(from_date)s and %(till_hours)s:00 on the %(till_date)s: " if "type" in _header: # Add ordinal suffix if "from_date" in _header: from_suffix = self._get_ordinal_suffix(_header["from_date"]) _header["from_date"] = _header["from_date"] + from_suffix if "till_date" in _header: till_suffix = self._get_ordinal_suffix(_header["till_date"]) _header["till_date"] = _header["till_date"] + till_suffix if _header["type"] == "FM": result += from_str % { "from_date": _header["from_date"], "from_hours": _header["from_hours"], "from_minutes": _header["from_minutes"] } elif _header["type"] == "PROB%s" % (_header["probability"]): result += prob_str % { "probability": _header["probability"], "from_date": _header["from_date"], "from_hours": _header["from_hours"], "till_date": _header["till_date"], "till_hours": _header["till_hours"] } elif "PROB" in _header["type"] and "TEMPO" in _header["type"]: result += prob_tempo_str % { "probability": _header["probability"], "from_date": _header["from_date"], "from_hours": _header["from_hours"], "till_date": _header["till_date"], "till_hours": _header["till_hours"] } elif _header["type"] == "TEMPO": result += tempo_str % { "from_date": _header["from_date"], "from_hours": _header["from_hours"], "till_date": _header["till_date"], "till_hours": _header["till_hours"] } elif _header["type"] == "BECMG": result += becmg_str % { "from_date": _header["from_date"], "from_hours": _header["from_hours"], "till_date": _header["till_date"], "till_hours": _header["till_hours"] } return(result) def _decode_wind(self, wind): unit = "" result = "" if wind["direction"] == "000": return("calm") elif wind["direction"] == "VRB": result += "variable" else: result += "from %s degrees" % wind["direction"] if wind["unit"] == "KT": unit = "knots" elif wind["unit"] == "MPS": unit = "meters per second" else: # Unlikely, but who knows unit = "(unknown unit)" result += " at %s %s" % (wind["speed"], unit) if wind["gust"]: result += " gusting to %s %s" % (wind["gust"], unit) return(result) def _decode_visibility(self, visibility): result = "" if "more" in visibility: if visibility["more"]: result += "more than " result += visibility["range"] if visibility["unit"] == "SM": result += " statute miles" elif visibility["unit"] == "M": result += " meters" return(result) def _decode_clouds(self, clouds): result = "" i_result = "" list = [] for layer in clouds: if layer["layer"] == "SKC" or layer["layer"] == "CLR": return "sky clear" if layer["layer"] == "NSC": return "no significant cloud" if layer["layer"] == "CAVOK": return "ceiling and visibility are OK" if layer["layer"] == "CAVU": return "ceiling and visibility unrestricted" if layer["layer"] == "VV///": return "Sky Obscured" if layer["layer"] == "SCT": layer_type = "scattered" elif layer["layer"] == "BKN": layer_type = "broken" elif layer["layer"] == "FEW": layer_type = "few" elif layer["layer"] == "OVC": layer_type = "overcast" if layer["type"] == "CB": type = "cumulonimbus" elif layer["type"] == "CU": type = "cumulus" elif layer["type"] == "TCU": type = "towering cumulus" elif layer["type"] == "CI": type = "cirrus" else: type = "" result = "%s %s clouds at %d feet" % (layer_type, type, int(layer["ceiling"])*100) # Remove extra whitespace, if any result = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', result) list.append(result) layer = "" type = "" result = "" result = ", ".join(list) return(result) def _decode_weather(self, weather): # Dicts for translating the abbreviations dict_intensities = { "-" : "light", "+" : "heavy", "VC" : "in the vicinity", "RE" : "recent" } dict_modifiers = { "MI" : "shallow", "BC" : "patchy", "DR" : "low drifting", "BL" : "blowing", "SH" : "showers", "TS" : "thunderstorms", "FZ" : "freezing", "PR" : "partial" } dict_phenomenons = { "DZ" : "drizzle", "RA" : "rain", "SN" : "snow", "SG" : "snow grains", "IC" : "ice", "PL" : "ice pellets", "GR" : "hail", "GS" : "small snow/hail pellets", "UP" : "unknown precipitation", "BR" : "mist", "FG" : "fog", "FU" : "smoke", "DU" : "dust", "SA" : "sand", "HZ" : "haze", "PY" : "spray", "VA" : "volcanic ash", "PO" : "dust/sand whirl", "SQ" : "squall", "FC" : "funnel cloud", "SS" : "sand storm", "DS" : "dust storm", } weather_txt_blocks = [] # Check for special cases first. If a certain combination is found # then skip parsing the whole weather string and return a defined string # immediately for group in weather: # +FC = Tornado or Waterspout if "+" in group["intensity"] and "FC" in group["phenomenon"]: weather_txt_blocks.append("tornado or waterspout") continue # Sort the elements of the weather string, if no special combi- # nation is found. intensities_pre = [] intensities_post = [] if "RE" in group["intensity"]: intensities_pre.append("RE") group["intensity"].remove("RE") for intensity in group["intensity"]: if intensity != "VC": intensities_pre.append(intensity) else: intensities_post.append(intensity) modifiers_pre = [] modifiers_post = [] for modifier in group["modifier"]: if modifier != "TS" and modifier != "SH": modifiers_pre.append(modifier) else: modifiers_post.append(modifier) phenomenons_pre = [] phenomenons_post = [] for phenomenon in group["phenomenon"]: if phenomenon != "UP": phenomenons_pre.append(phenomenon) else: phenomenons_post.append(phenomenon) # Build the human readable text from the single weather string # and append it to a list containing all the interpreted text # blocks from a TAF group weather_txt = "" for intensity in intensities_pre: weather_txt += dict_intensities[intensity] + " " for modifier in modifiers_pre: weather_txt += dict_modifiers[modifier] + " " phenomenons = phenomenons_pre + phenomenons_post cnt = len(phenomenons) for phenomenon in phenomenons: weather_txt += dict_phenomenons[phenomenon] if cnt > 2: weather_txt += ", " if cnt == 2: weather_txt += " and " cnt = cnt-1 weather_txt += " " for modifier in modifiers_post: weather_txt += dict_modifiers[modifier] + " " for intensity in intensities_post: weather_txt += dict_intensities[intensity] + " " weather_txt_blocks.append(weather_txt.strip()) # Put all the human readable stuff together and return the final # output as a string. weather_txt_full = "" for block in weather_txt_blocks[:-1]: weather_txt_full += block + " / " weather_txt_full += weather_txt_blocks[-1] return(weather_txt_full) def _decode_temperature(self, temperature, unit='C'): if temperature["air_prefix"] == 'M': air_c = int(temperature["air"])*-1 else: air_c = int(temperature["air"]) if temperature["dewpoint_prefix"] == 'M': dew_c = int(temperature["dewpoint"])*-1 else: dew_c = int(temperature["dewpoint"]) if unit == 'C': air_txt = air_c dew_txt = dew_c if unit == 'F': air_f = int(round(air_c*1.8+32)) dew_f = int(round(dew_c*1.8+32)) air_txt = air_f dew_txt = dew_f result = "air at %s°%s, dewpoint at %s°%s" % (air_txt, unit, dew_txt, unit) return(result) def _decode_pressure(self, pressure): result = "%s hPa" % (pressure["athm_pressure"]) return(result) def _decode_windshear(self, windshear): result = "at %s, wind %s at %s %s" % ((int(windshear["altitude"])*100), windshear["direction"], windshear["speed"], windshear["unit"]) return(result) def _decode_maintenance(self, maintenance): if maintenance: return "Station is under maintenance check\n" def _get_ordinal_suffix(self, date): _date = str(date) suffix = "" if re.match(".*(1[12]|[04-9])$", _date): suffix = "th" elif re.match(".*1$", _date): suffix = "st" elif re.match(".*2$", _date): suffix = "nd" elif re.match(".*3$", _date): suffix = "rd" return(suffix)
# coding: utf-8 import logging import argparse import random import torch import torchtext from torch.optim.lr_scheduler import StepLR import seq2seq from seq2seq.trainer import SupervisedTrainer from seq2seq.models import EncoderRNN, DecoderRNN, Seq2seq from seq2seq.loss import Perplexity from seq2seq.optim import Optimizer from seq2seq.dataset import SourceField, TargetField from seq2seq.evaluator import Predictor from seq2seq.util.checkpoint import Checkpoint from nltk.tokenize.treebank import TreebankWordTokenizer DATA_DIR = '/users4/ythou/Projects/TaskOrientedDialogue/code/TC-Bot/src/deep_dialog/data/' def treebank_tokenizer(sentence, max_length=0): """ Tokenize and truncate sentence :param sentence: str, a sentence string :param max_length: int, max token included in the result, 0 for unlimited :return: list, a list of token """ # split 's but also split <>, wait to use in further work t = TreebankWordTokenizer() word_lst = t.tokenize(sentence.lower().replace("$", "_B_")) # word_lst = t.tokenize(sentence.lower().replace("<", "LAB_").replace(">", "_RAB")) ret = [] for w in word_lst: ret.append(w.replace("_B_", "$")) # ret.append(w.replace("LAB_", "<").replace("_RAB", ">")) if max_length > 0: return ret[: max_length] else: return ret def data_loader(target_file_path): pass def offline_training(opt, traget_file_path): # Prepare dataset with torchtext src = SourceField(tokenize=treebank_tokenizer) tgt = TargetField(tokenize=treebank_tokenizer) def sample_filter(sample): """ sample example for future purpose""" return True train = torchtext.data.TabularDataset( path=opt.train_path, format='tsv', fields=[('src', src), ('tgt', tgt)], filter_pred=sample_filter ) dev = torchtext.data.TabularDataset( path=opt.dev_path, format='tsv', fields=[('src', src), ('tgt', tgt)], filter_pred=sample_filter ) test = torchtext.data.TabularDataset( path=opt.dev_path, format='tsv', fields=[('src', src), ('tgt', tgt)], filter_pred=sample_filter ) src.build_vocab(train, max_size=opt.src_vocab_size) tgt.build_vocab(train, max_size=opt.tgt_vocab_size) input_vocab = src.vocab output_vocab = tgt.vocab # NOTE: If the source field name and the target field name # are different from 'src' and 'tgt' respectively, they have # to be set explicitly before any training or inference # seq2seq.src_field_name = 'src' # seq2seq.tgt_field_name = 'tgt' # Prepare loss weight = torch.ones(len(tgt.vocab)) pad = tgt.vocab.stoi[tgt.pad_token] if opt.loss == 'perplexity': loss = Perplexity(weight, pad) else: raise TypeError seq2seq = None optimizer = None if not opt.resume: # Initialize model encoder = EncoderRNN( vocab_size=len(src.vocab), max_len=opt.max_length, hidden_size=opt.hidden_size, input_dropout_p=opt.intput_dropout_p, dropout_p=opt.dropout_p, n_layers=opt.n_layers, bidirectional=opt.bidirectional, rnn_cell=opt.rnn_cell, variable_lengths=True, embedding=input_vocab.vectors if opt.use_pre_trained_embedding else None, update_embedding=opt.update_embedding ) decoder = DecoderRNN( vocab_size=len(tgt.vocab), max_len=opt.max_length, hidden_size=opt.hidden_size * 2 if opt.bidirectional else opt.hidden_size, sos_id=tgt.sos_id, eos_id=tgt.eos_id, n_layers=opt.n_layers, rnn_cell=opt.rnn_cell, bidirectional=opt.bidirectional, input_dropout_p=opt.input_dropout_p, dropout_p=opt.dropout_p, use_attention=opt.use_attention ) seq2seq = Seq2seq(encoder=encoder, decoder=decoder) if opt.gpu >= 0 and torch.cuda.is_available(): seq2seq.cuda() for param in seq2seq.parameters(): param.data.uniform_(-0.08, 0.08) # train trainer = SupervisedTrainer( loss=loss, batch_size=opt.batch_size, checkpoint_every=opt.checkpoint_every, print_every=opt.print_every, expt_dir=opt.expt_dir ) seq2seq = trainer.train( model=seq2seq, data=train, num_epochs=opt.epochs, resume=opt.resume, dev_data=dev, optimizer=optimizer, teacher_forcing_ratio=opt.teacher_forcing_rate ) def online_training(): pass def test(opt, test_path): if opt.load_checkpoint is not None: # load model logging.info( "loading check point from {}".format( os.path.join(opt.expt_dir, Checkpoint.CHECKPOINT_DIR_NAME, opt.load_checkpoint) ) ) checkpoint_path = os.path.join(opt.expt_dir, Checkpoint.CHECKPOINT_DIR_NAME, opt.load_checkpoint) checkpoint = Checkpoint.load(checkpoint_path) seq2seq = checkpoint.model input_vocab = checkpoint.input_vocab output_vocab = checkpoint.output_vocab # Prepare predictor predictor = Predictor(seq2seq, input_vocab, output_vocab) with open(test_path, 'r') as reader, open(test_path + '_pred', 'w') as writer: for line in reader: source = treebank_tokenizer(line.split("\t")[0]) writer.write(generate(source, predictor) + '\n') def generate(input_seq, predictor): return predictor.predict(input_seq) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() # file path parser.add_argument("--train_path", type=str, default=DATA_DIR + "nlg/train.txt", help="file path for train path") parser.add_argument("--dev_path", type=str, default=DATA_DIR + "nlg/dev.txt", help="file path for dev path") parser.add_argument("--test_path", type=str, default=DATA_DIR + "nlg/test.txt", help="file path for test path") parser.add_argument('--expt_dir', action='store', dest='expt_dir', default='./experiment', help='Path to experiment directory. If load_checkpoint, then this directory be provided') parser.add_argument('--raw_path', type=str, default=DATA_DIR + "dia_act_nl_pairs.v6.json", help="file path for raw data file") parser.add_argument('--pre_trained_embedding_path', type=str, help='path to a pre_trained embedding file') # train style setting parser.add_argument('--load_checkpoint', action='store', dest='load_checkpoint', help='The name of the checkpoint to load, usually an encoded time string') parser.add_argument('--source_format', type=str, default='seq_action', help='select data\'s source end format', choices=['seq_action']) parser.add_argument('--checkpoint_every', type=int, default=50, help='number of batches to checkpoint after') parser.add_argument('--print_every', type=int, default=10, help='number of batches to print after') parser.add_argument('--resume', action='store_true', help='use the model loaded from the latest checkpoint') # tuning setting parser.add_argument('--random_seed', type=int, default=0, help='set random seed for experiment') parser.add_argument('--max_length', type=int, default=50, help='max sentence length for encoder & decoder') parser.add_argument('--tgt_vocab_size', type=int, default=50000, help='max source vocab size for encoder(the actual size will be no more than this)') parser.add_argument('--src_vocab_size', type=int, default=50000, help='max target vocab size for decoder(the actual size will be no more than this)') parser.add_argument('--hidden_size', type=int, default=128, help='hidden size for RNN') parser.add_argument('--loss', type=str, default='perplexity', choices=['perplexity'], help='set loss type') parser.add_argument('--train_epoch', type=int, default=15, help='set training epoch') parser.add_argument('--optimizer', type=str, default='adam', choices=['adam'], help='set optimizer(do nothing now)') parser.add_argument('--bidirectional', action='store_true', help='set rnn encoder type of direction') parser.add_argument('--input_dropout_p', type=float, default=0.0, help='dropout probability for the input sequence') parser.add_argument('--dropout_p', type=float, default=0.2, help='dropout probability for the rnn cell') parser.add_argument('--n_layers', type=int, default=2, help='the layer num of rnn cell') parser.add_argument('--rnn_cell', type=str, default='lstm', choices=['gru', 'lstm'], help='set rnn type') parser.add_argument('--use_pre_trained_embedding', action=True, help='use pre-trained embedding to init encoder') parser.add_argument('--update_embedding', action='store_true', help='to update embedding during training') parser.add_argument('--use_attention', action='store_true', help='use attention during decoding') parser.add_argument('--batch_size', type=int, default=32, help='batch size for training') parser.add_argument('--teacher_forcing_rate', type=float, default=0.5, help='set rate for teacher forcing') # gpu setting parser.add_argument('--gpu_id', type=int, default=-1, help='set gpu id, -1 for not use gpu') opt = parser.parse_args() LOG_FORMAT = '%(asctime)s %(name)-12s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s' logging.basicConfig(format=LOG_FORMAT, level=getattr(logging, opt.log_level.upper())) logging.info(opt) # set random seed random.seed(opt.random_seed) torch.manual_seed(opt.random_seed) # set gpu if opt.gpu >= 0 and torch.cuda.is_available(): torch.cuda.set_device(opt.gpu)
<gh_stars>0 {'type':'CustomDialog', 'name':'prefsDialog', 'title':'standaloneBuilder Preferences', 'position':(133, 73), 'size':(705, 395), 'components': [ {'type':'TextField', 'name':'resEditPath', 'position':(205, 30), 'size':(405, -1), 'actionBindings':{}, 'userdata':'Select the location on your computer where the PythonCard resource editor is installed.', }, {'type':'Button', 'name':'resEditPathBtn', 'position':(620, 25), 'size':(30, 30), 'actionBindings':{}, 'label':'...', }, {'type':'Button', 'name':'resEditPathHelpBtn', 'position':(650, 25), 'size':(30, 30), 'actionBindings':{}, 'label':'?', }, {'type':'TextField', 'name':'srcEditPath', 'position':(205, 60), 'size':(405, -1), 'actionBindings':{}, 'userdata':'Select the location on your computer where the PythonCard source code editor is installed.\n', }, {'type':'Button', 'name':'srcEditPathBtn', 'position':(620, 55), 'size':(30, 30), 'actionBindings':{}, 'label':'...', }, {'type':'Button', 'name':'srcEditPathHelpBtn', 'position':(650, 55), 'size':(30, 30), 'actionBindings':{}, 'label':'?', }, {'type':'TextField', 'name':'txtEditPath', 'position':(205, 90), 'size':(405, -1), 'actionBindings':{}, 'userdata':'Select the location on your computer where the PythonCard source code editor is installed.\n', }, {'type':'Button', 'name':'txtEditPathBtn', 'position':(620, 85), 'size':(30, 30), 'actionBindings':{}, 'label':'...', }, {'type':'Button', 'name':'txtEditPathHelpBtn', 'position':(650, 85), 'size':(30, 30), 'actionBindings':{}, 'label':'?', }, {'type':'TextField', 'name':'pixmapEditPath', 'position':(205, 120), 'size':(405, -1), 'actionBindings':{}, 'userdata':'Select the location on your computer where your preferred pixmap editor is installed.\n', }, {'type':'Button', 'name':'pixmapEditPathBtn', 'position':(620, 115), 'size':(30, 30), 'actionBindings':{}, 'label':'...', }, {'type':'Button', 'name':'pixmapEditPathHelpBtn', 'position':(650, 115), 'size':(30, 30), 'actionBindings':{}, 'label':'?', }, {'type':'TextField', 'name':'compilerPath', 'position':(205, 150), 'size':(405, -1), 'actionBindings':{}, 'userdata':'Select the location on your computer where the Inno setup compiler is installed.', }, {'type':'Button', 'name':'compilerPathBtn', 'position':(620, 145), 'size':(30, 30), 'actionBindings':{}, 'label':'...', }, {'type':'Button', 'name':'compilerPathHelpBtn', 'position':(650, 145), 'size':(30, 30), 'actionBindings':{}, 'label':'?', }, {'type':'TextField', 'name':'projectsPath', 'position':(205, 180), 'size':(405, -1), 'actionBindings':{}, 'userdata':'Select the location on your computer where you normally keep your PythonCard projects.', }, {'type':'Button', 'name':'projectsPathBtn', 'position':(620, 175), 'size':(30, 30), 'actionBindings':{}, 'label':'...', }, {'type':'Button', 'name':'projectsPathHelpBtn', 'position':(650, 175), 'size':(30, 30), 'actionBindings':{}, 'label':'?', }, {'type':'Choice', 'name':'buildTool', 'position':(205, 245), 'size':(130, -1), 'actionBindings':{}, 'items':[u'py2exe', u'pyInstaller'], 'stringSelection':'pyInstaller', 'userdata':'Select the tool which you would prefer to use when building the executables for your projects.', }, {'type':'Button', 'name':'buildToolHelpBtn', 'position':(650, 245), 'size':(30, 30), 'actionBindings':{}, 'label':'?', }, {'type':'TextField', 'name':'installerPath', 'position':(205, 280), 'size':(405, -1), 'actionBindings':{}, 'userdata':'Select the location on your computer where the pyInstaller software is installed. Note that standaloneBuilder assumes that you have already configured this according to the documentation that comes with it.\n', }, {'type':'Button', 'name':'installerPathBtn', 'position':(620, 275), 'size':(30, 30), 'actionBindings':{}, 'label':'...', }, {'type':'Button', 'name':'installerPathHelpBtn', 'position':(650, 275), 'size':(30, 30), 'actionBindings':{}, 'label':'?', }, {'type':'TextField', 'name':'appPublisher', 'position':(205, 310), 'size':(405, -1), 'actionBindings':{}, 'userdata':"Defines the name which will be used to add an 'AppPublisher' entry to your Inno script file. This name will appear when someone does a right click on your standalone executable and selects 'properties'.", }, {'type':'Button', 'name':'appPublisherHelpBtn', 'position':(650, 305), 'size':(30, 30), 'actionBindings':{}, 'label':'?', }, {'type':'Button', 'id':5100, 'name':'btnOK', 'position':(520, 355), 'actionBindings':{}, 'label':'OK', }, {'type':'Button', 'id':5101, 'name':'btnCancel', 'position':(610, 355), 'actionBindings':{}, 'label':'Cancel', }, {'type':'StaticText', 'name':'StaticText2', 'position':(80, 185), 'actionBindings':{}, 'text':'Projects directory:', }, {'type':'StaticText', 'name':'StaticText7', 'position':(70, 155), 'actionBindings':{}, 'text':'Inno setup compiler:', }, {'type':'StaticText', 'name':'StaticText5', 'position':(45, 125), 'actionBindings':{}, 'text':'Preferred pixmap editor:', }, {'type':'StaticText', 'name':'StaticText9', 'position':(90, 95), 'actionBindings':{}, 'text':'Plain text editor:', }, {'type':'StaticText', 'name':'StaticText4', 'position':(45, 65), 'actionBindings':{}, 'text':'PythonCard code editor:', }, {'type':'StaticText', 'name':'StaticText3', 'position':(20, 35), 'actionBindings':{}, 'text':'PythonCard resource editor:', }, {'type':'StaticBox', 'name':'StaticBox1', 'position':(10, 5), 'size':(685, 215), 'actionBindings':{}, 'label':'Paths to external files', }, {'type':'StaticText', 'name':'StaticText6', 'position':(90, 315), 'actionBindings':{}, 'text':'Publisher name:', }, {'type':'StaticText', 'name':'StaticText1', 'position':(75, 285), 'actionBindings':{}, 'text':'Path to pyInstaller:', }, {'type':'StaticText', 'name':'StaticText8', 'position':(70, 255), 'actionBindings':{}, 'text':'Preferred build tool:', }, {'type':'StaticBox', 'name':'StaticBox2', 'position':(10, 225), 'size':(685, 125), 'actionBindings':{}, 'label':'Other settings', }, ] # end components } # end CustomDialog
''' @author: <NAME> (jakpra) @copyright: Copyright 2020, <NAME> @license: Apache 2.0 ''' import sys import math from operator import itemgetter from collections import OrderedDict, Counter import time import random import torch import torch.nn.functional as F import torch.optim as optim from .oracle.oracle import make_unordered_valid_loss # import ExAssist as EA UNK = '<UNKNOWN>' PAD = '<PADDING>' START = '<START>' END = '<END>' SEP = '<SEP>' def create_emb_layer(weights_matrix, trainable=True): num_embeddings, embedding_dim = weights_matrix.size() emb_layer = torch.nn.Embedding(num_embeddings, embedding_dim) emb_layer.load_state_dict({'weight': weights_matrix}) if not trainable: emb_layer.weight.requires_grad = False return emb_layer, num_embeddings, embedding_dim OPTIM = {'sgd': lambda params, **kwargs: optim.SGD(params, lr=kwargs['lr'], momentum=kwargs['momentum']), 'adam': lambda params, **kwargs: optim.Adam(params, lr=kwargs['lr'], eps=kwargs['eps'], weight_decay=kwargs['weight_decay']), 'adamw': lambda params, **kwargs: optim.AdamW(params, lr=kwargs['lr'], eps=kwargs['eps'], weight_decay=kwargs['weight_decay']), 'adagrad': optim.Adagrad} def load_model_states(state_dict): # state_dict = torch.load(filename) # create new OrderedDict that does not contain `module.` new_state_dict = OrderedDict() for k, v in state_dict.items(): if 'O_T' in k: # otherwise the shared trained parameters will be overwritten with untrained ones? continue if k.startswith('module.'): new_state_dict[k[7:]] = v else: new_state_dict[k] = v # checkpoint = torch.load(args.model, map_location=device) # net.load_state_dict(new_state_dict) return new_state_dict def compute_acc_and_loss(task, gen, y, y_hat, address_mask, word_mask, criterion, mapped_criterion, batch_size, seq_len, address_dim, output_dim, loss_fxn=False, oracle=None, omega_native_atom=0., omega_atom=0., omega_full=0., lambda_enc=0.1, lambda_dec=0., enc_attn=None, dec_attn=None, deps=None, dep_attn_criterion=None, dep_norm=lambda t: F.normalize(t, p=1, dim=1), output_correct_bool=False): y = y.to(y_hat).long() # print('y', y.size(), y[0, 3], [(i+1, gen.ix_to_out[j.item()]) for i, j in enumerate(y[0, 3])], file=sys.stderr) word_mask = word_mask.to(address_mask) words = word_mask.float().sum() y_hat = y_hat.view(batch_size, -1, address_dim, output_dim) address_mask = address_mask.view(batch_size, -1, address_dim) y_hat_len = y_hat.size(1) if y_hat_len < seq_len: y_hat = torch.cat([y_hat, torch.zeros(batch_size, seq_len - y_hat_len, address_dim, output_dim).to(y_hat)], dim=1) address_mask = torch.cat([address_mask, torch.zeros(batch_size, seq_len - y_hat_len, address_dim).to(address_mask)], dim=1) elif y_hat_len > seq_len: y_hat = y_hat[:, :seq_len] address_mask = address_mask[:, :seq_len] argmaxes = torch.argmax(y_hat, dim=3) categories_gold = gen.extract_outputs(y.view(batch_size, seq_len, address_dim)) categories_hat = gen.extract_outputs(argmaxes) if loss_fxn in ('avg', 'all'): # print('compute dynamic loss') loss = criterion[0](y_hat, categories_hat if oracle is None else gen.extract_outputs(oracle), categories_gold) / words else: # TODO: change SEP to PAD in y, so that loss ignores it y_hat = y_hat.reshape(-1, output_dim) address_mask = address_mask.reshape(batch_size, -1, address_dim) y = y.view(-1) # native loss # y = y.view(-1) # y_hat = y_hat.transpose(1, -1).reshape(batch_size, output_dim, -1) # sum everything, then normalize over batch and sequence, but not over addresses # print(criterion) # print(y_hat.shape, y.shape) native_loss = criterion[0](y_hat, y) / words # (batch_size * words) # y.view(-1) # average over everything (incl addresses) native_atomic_loss = criterion[1](y_hat, y) # y.view(-1) # category-level loss # category_loss = atomic_loss / address_dim # TODO: check which one of these is really correct # # category-level loss # y = y.view(-1, address_dim) # # y_hat = y_hat.view(-1, output_dim, address_dim) # y_hat = y_hat.view(-1, address_dim, output_dim).transpose(1, 2) # category_loss = criterion(y_hat, y) / (batch_size * seq_len) if hasattr(gen, 'address_map'): address_mask = address_mask.view(batch_size, -1, address_dim) mask = (~word_mask).unsqueeze(-1).expand(-1, -1, address_dim) | (~address_mask) argmaxes[mask] = gen.out_to_ix[PAD] atomic_output_dim = gen.address_map.output_dim atomic_address_dim = gen.address_map.address_dim mapped_y = gen.address_map(y.view(-1, address_dim), indices=True, argmax=True) # print('mapped_y', mapped_y.size(), mapped_y.view(batch_size, seq_len, atomic_address_dim)[0, :, :6], file=sys.stderr) # exit(0) # print('mapped_y', mapped_y.size(), mapped_y[3, :6], [(i+1, gen.address_map.ix_to_out[j.item()]) for i, j in enumerate(mapped_y[3])], file=sys.stderr) # print('y_hat', y_hat.size(), y_hat[0, 3, :6], file=sys.stderr) mapped_y_hat = gen.address_map(y_hat.view(-1, address_dim, output_dim), norm=True) # print('mapped_y_hat', mapped_y_hat.size(), mapped_y_hat[3, :6], file=sys.stderr) if loss_fxn not in ('avg', 'all'): full_loss = mapped_criterion[0](mapped_y_hat.view(-1, atomic_output_dim), mapped_y.view(-1)) / words atomic_loss = mapped_criterion[1](mapped_y_hat.view(-1, atomic_output_dim), mapped_y.view(-1)) # full_loss = criterion(mapped_y_hat.view(-1, atomic_address_dim, atomic_output_dim).transpose(1, 2), mapped_y.view(-1, atomic_address_dim)) / (batch_size * seq_len * atomic_address_dim) # mask = mask.view(-1, atomic_address_dim) # print('mask', mask.size(), file=sys.stderr) # print('argmaxes', argmaxes.size(), argmaxes[0, 3, :6], file=sys.stderr) mapped_argmaxes = gen.address_map(argmaxes.view(-1, address_dim), indices=True, argmax=True).view(batch_size, -1, atomic_address_dim) # print('mapped_argmaxes', mapped_argmaxes.size(), mapped_argmaxes[0, :, :6], file=sys.stderr) correct_bool = torch.all(torch.eq(mapped_argmaxes, mapped_y.view(batch_size, -1, atomic_address_dim)), dim=2) else: full_loss = atomic_loss = 0. argmaxes = argmaxes.view(batch_size, -1) address_mask = address_mask.view(batch_size, -1) argmaxes[~address_mask] = gen.out_to_ix[PAD] y_hat_seps = (argmaxes == gen.out_to_ix[SEP]).nonzero() # indices of separators in pred: [[b0, s0], [b1, s1], ...] y = y.view(batch_size, -1) y_seps = (y == gen.out_to_ix[SEP]).nonzero() # indices of separators in gold max_words = word_mask.size(1) correct_bool = torch.zeros(batch_size, max_words, dtype=torch.bool).to(word_mask) # correct_bool = torch.eq(argmaxes, y.view(batch_size, -1, address_dim)) last_batch = 0 last_y_hat_sep = 0 last_y_sep = 0 i = 0 y_hat_seps = iter(y_hat_seps) try: for yb, ys in y_seps: yb, ys = yb.item(), ys.item() if yb != last_batch: last_y_sep = 0 i = 0 if i >= max_words: continue try: yhb, yhs = next(y_hat_seps) yhb, yhs = yhb.item(), yhs.item() while yhb != yb: yhb, yhs = next(y_hat_seps) yhb, yhs = yhb.item(), yhs.item() except StopIteration: correct_bool[yb, i] = False else: correct_bool[yb, i] = yhs-last_y_hat_sep == ys-last_y_sep and torch.all(torch.eq(argmaxes[yhb, last_y_hat_sep:yhs], y[yb, last_y_sep:ys])) last_y_hat_sep = yhs last_batch, last_y_sep, i = yb, ys, i+1 except ValueError as e: raise ValueError(*e.args, y_hat_seps, y_seps) except IndexError as e: raise IndexError(*e.args, f'yb={yb}, last_batch={last_batch}, ys={ys}, last_y_sep={last_y_sep}, i={i}') category_acc = (correct_bool & word_mask).float().sum() / words has_enc_attn = enc_attn is not None has_dec_attn = dec_attn is not None if loss_fxn not in ('avg', 'all'): loss = (1. - omega_native_atom - omega_atom - omega_full) * native_loss + \ omega_native_atom * native_atomic_loss + \ omega_atom * atomic_loss + \ omega_full * full_loss lbda = 1. - int(has_enc_attn) * lambda_enc - int(has_dec_attn) * lambda_dec loss = loss.clone() * lbda if deps is None: # loss += torch.sum(torch.abs(dec_attn)) / (batch_size * seq_len * address_dim) pass else: if has_dec_attn: dec_deps = torch.diagflat(torch.ones(seq_len * address_dim, dtype=torch.float32) ).view(seq_len, address_dim, seq_len, address_dim) dec_deps = dec_deps.unsqueeze(0).repeat(batch_size, 1, 1, 1, 1) if has_enc_attn: enc_deps = torch.diagflat(torch.ones(seq_len, dtype=torch.float32)) enc_deps = enc_deps.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(2).repeat(batch_size, 1, address_dim, 1) for n, seq in enumerate(deps): for i, args in enumerate(seq): if not word_mask[n, i].item(): break for a, j, b in args: if not address_mask[n, i, a].item(): continue d_a = math.floor(math.log2(a+1)) p_a = (a+1) // 2 - 1 if has_enc_attn: enc_deps[n, i, a, i] = 0. enc_deps[n, i, a, j] += 1. # parent slash enc_deps[n, i, p_a, i] = 0. enc_deps[n, i, p_a, j] += 1. # children and descendents for log_breadth, depth in enumerate(range(d_a+1, gen.max_depth), start=1): first_addr = 2 ** depth - 1 any_at_depth = False for c_a in range(first_addr, first_addr+2**log_breadth): if address_mask[n, i, c_a].item(): any_at_depth = True enc_deps[n, i, c_a, i] = 0. enc_deps[n, i, c_a, j] += 1. if not any_at_depth: break # TODO: not sure about this one # enc_deps[j, n, j, b] = 0. # enc_deps[i, n, j, b] += 1. if has_dec_attn: d_b = math.floor(math.log2(b+1)) if d_b < d_a: # head's attn to deps (note that key of attn has to be in first dim for KLLoss) # (key_token, key_addr, batch, query_token, query_addr) dec_deps[n, i, a, i, a] = 0. dec_deps[n, i, a, j, b] = 1. elif d_a < d_b: # dep's attn to heads (note that key of attn has to be in first dim for KLLoss) # (key_token, key_addr, batch, query_token, query_addr) dec_deps[n, j, b, j, b] = 0. dec_deps[n, j, b, i, a] = 1. if has_dec_attn: dec_deps = dec_deps.view(-1, seq_len*address_dim).to(dec_attn) # total_batch_size, self.address_dim, seq_len, self.address_dim dec_attn = dec_attn.view(-1, seq_len*address_dim) # .permute(2, 3, 0, 1).reshape dec_attn_loss = dep_attn_criterion(F.log_softmax(dec_attn, dim=1), dep_norm(dec_deps)) loss += lambda_dec * dec_attn_loss del dec_attn, dec_deps if has_enc_attn: enc_deps = enc_deps.view(-1, seq_len).to(enc_attn) # total_batch_size, self.address_dim, seq_len enc_attn = enc_attn.view(-1, seq_len) # .permute(2, 0, 1).reshape enc_attn_loss = dep_attn_criterion(F.log_softmax(enc_attn, dim=1), dep_norm(enc_deps)) loss += lambda_enc * enc_attn_loss del enc_attn, enc_deps result = category_acc, loss if output_correct_bool: result = (*result, (argmaxes, correct_bool, categories_hat, categories_gold)) del word_mask, address_mask, y, y_hat return result # TODO: append accs and losses to a file so they don't get overwritten by subsequent runs def train(net, trainloader, optimizer, devloader=None, criterion=torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss, dep_attn_criterion=torch.nn.KLDivLoss, # optimizer_name='sgd', learning_rate=0.001, momentum=0.9, epochs=1, start_epoch=0, dev_acc=0.0, dev_loss=None, seed=42, loss_fxn='crossent', omega_native_atom=0., omega_atom=0., omega_full=0., lambda_enc=0.1, lambda_dec=0., batch_size=4, max_batches=None, n_print=100, model='ccg-glove', device='cpu', device_ids=[0]): # , device='cpu', device_ids=[0]): random.seed(seed) # device = device # torch.device(f'cuda:{cuda_device}' if cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') # # _optimizer = optimizer if optimizer is not None \ # else OPTIM.get(optimizer_name, optim.SGD)(net.parameters(), lr=learning_rate, momentum=momentum) torch.autograd.set_detect_anomaly(True) # atomic_criterion = criterion(ignore_index=net.out_to_ix[PAD], reduction='sum') # category_criterion = criterion(ignore_index=net.out_to_ix[PAD], reduction='sum') criteria = [] mapped_criteria = [] dep_attn_criteria = [] for gen in net.generators: # weight = torch.ones(gen.output_dim, dtype=torch.float32) # weight.index_fill_(0, gen.grow_label_ix, 2.) if loss_fxn in ('avg', 'all'): # print('instantiate dynamic loss') criteria.append((make_unordered_valid_loss(gen.out_to_ix, fxn=loss_fxn), None)) else: criteria.append((criterion(ignore_index=gen.out_to_ix[PAD], reduction='sum'), criterion(ignore_index=gen.out_to_ix[PAD], reduction='mean'))) # crt = lambda x, y: torch.nn.KLDivLoss(reduction='batchmean')(F.log_softmax(x, dim=1), y) # criteria.append((FuzzyLoss(crt, gen.output_dim+1, 0.2, gen.out_to_ix[PAD]), # FuzzyLoss(crt, gen.output_dim+1, 0.2, gen.out_to_ix[PAD]))) # TODO: maybe indent this under the `else`? if hasattr(gen, 'address_map'): mapped_criteria.append((criterion(ignore_index=gen.address_map.out_to_ix[PAD], reduction='sum'), criterion(ignore_index=gen.address_map.out_to_ix[PAD], reduction='mean'))) if getattr(gen, 'attention', False): dep_attn_criteria.append(dep_attn_criterion(reduction='batchmean')) else: dep_attn_criteria.append(None) best_dev_loss = dev_loss best_dev_acc = dev_acc best_epoch = start_epoch train_len = len(trainloader) if max_batches is not None: train_len = min(max_batches, train_len) if devloader is not None: dev_len = len(devloader) _optimizer = optimizer['optimizer'] optimizer_name = optimizer['optimizer_name'] optimizer_kwargs = optimizer['optimizer_kwargs'] if optimizer_kwargs['use_schedule']: steps_per_epoch = train_len // batch_size + int(train_len % batch_size != 0) scheduler = optim.lr_scheduler.OneCycleLR(_optimizer, optimizer_kwargs['lr'], epochs=epochs, steps_per_epoch=steps_per_epoch, pct_start=optimizer_kwargs['pct_start'], anneal_strategy=optimizer_kwargs['anneal_strategy'], last_epoch=start_epoch * steps_per_epoch - 1) # with EA.start(_assist) as assist: # try: epoch_running_loss = 0.0 epoch_running_acc = 0.0 # assist.info['epoch'] = 0 # assist.info['train_loss'] = 0 # assist.info['train_acc'] = 0 # assist.info['dev_loss'] = 0 # assist.info['dev_acc'] = 0 # assist.info['batch'] = 0 # assist.info['batch_loss'] = 0 # assist.info['batch_acc'] = 0 # assist.info['ex_per_s'] = 0 # assist.step() for epoch in range(start_epoch, start_epoch+epochs): # loop over the dataset multiple times if True: # epoch > 0: net.eval() if devloader is None: dev_acc = dev_loss = 0.0 else: with torch.no_grad(): running_dev_acc = 0.0 running_dev_loss = 0.0 running_batch_time = 0.0 n_words = 0 gold_categories = Counter() generated_categories = Counter() correct_categories = Counter() for data in devloader: x, ys = data['x'], data['y'] word_mask = (x['word'] != net.span_encoder.pad_token_id) start_time = time.time() result = net(x, word_mask=word_mask) running_batch_time += time.time() - start_time # y_hats, masks = net(x) y_hat, address_mask = result['y_hat'], result['mask'] task, gen, y, criterion = net.tasks[0], \ net.generators[0], \ ys[0], \ criteria[0] mapped_criterion = mapped_criteria[0] if hasattr(gen, 'address_map') else None seq_len = y.size(1) output_dim = gen.output_dim address_dim = gen.address_dim # y_hat = y_hat.view(batch_size, -1, address_dim, output_dim) # argmaxes = torch.argmax(y_hat, dim=3) acc, loss, (argmaxes, correct_bool, categories_hat, categories_gold) = \ compute_acc_and_loss(task, gen, y, y_hat, address_mask, word_mask, criterion, mapped_criterion, batch_size, seq_len, address_dim, output_dim, loss_fxn=loss_fxn, omega_native_atom=omega_native_atom, omega_atom=omega_atom, omega_full=omega_full, lambda_enc=lambda_enc, lambda_dec=lambda_dec, output_correct_bool=True) # print(argmaxes) running_dev_acc += acc.item() running_dev_loss += loss.item() correct_indices = correct_bool.nonzero().tolist() # print('gold', end=' ') # print(y.size(), y[0, 0].tolist()) # categories_gold = gen.extract_outputs(y.view(batch_size, -1, address_dim)) # print(categories_gold) # print('pred', end=' ') # print(argmaxes.size(), argmaxes[0, 0].tolist()) # categories_hat = gen.extract_outputs(argmaxes) # print(len(categories_gold), len(categories_hat)) for b, (sequence, sequence_gold) in enumerate(zip(categories_hat, categories_gold)): # print('gold', sequence_gold, file=sys.stderr) # print('pred', sequence, file=sys.stderr) for s, cat_gold in enumerate(sequence_gold): cat = sequence[s] if s < len(sequence) else None n_words += 1 correct_index = [b, s] in correct_indices # assert (cat == cat_gold) == (correct_index), ( # b, s, cat, cat_gold, argmaxes[b, s], mask[b, s], y[b, s], # f'[{b}, {s}] {"not " if not correct_index else ""}in correct_indices') if cat is None: cat = 'None' else: msg = cat.validate() if msg != 0: if hasattr(gen, 'max_depth') and cat.depth() >= gen.max_depth: msg = 'Max depth reached' # print(b, s, msg, str(cat), cat.s_expr()) cat = msg elif hasattr(gen, 'max_len') and argmaxes.size(1) >= gen.max_len: msg = 'Max length reached' # print(b, s, msg, str(cat), cat.s_expr()) cat = msg else: # print(b, s, msg[0], str(cat), cat.s_expr(), file=sys.stderr) # print(argmaxes[b, s], file=sys.stderr) cat = msg[0] gold_categories[str(cat_gold)] += 1 generated_categories[str(cat)] += 1 if correct_index: correct_categories[str(cat)] += 1 for k in x: if isinstance(x[k], torch.Tensor): x[k] = x[k].cpu() for i in range(len(ys)): _y = ys[i] if isinstance(_y, torch.Tensor): ys[i] = _y.cpu() del x, word_mask, ys, y_hat, address_mask, argmaxes, correct_bool, acc, loss torch.cuda.empty_cache() dev_acc = running_dev_acc / dev_len dev_loss = running_dev_loss / dev_len epoch_loss = epoch_running_loss / train_len epoch_acc = epoch_running_acc / train_len # assist.info['epoch'] = epoch # assist.info['train_loss'] = epoch_loss # assist.info['train_acc'] = epoch_acc # assist.info['dev_loss'] = dev_loss # assist.info['dev_acc'] = dev_acc # assist.step() print('[epoch %d summary] train loss: %.3f | train acc: %.3f | dev loss: %.3f | dev acc: %.3f | %.3f batches/s | %.3f expls/s' % (epoch, epoch_loss, epoch_acc, dev_loss, dev_acc, dev_len / running_batch_time, (dev_len * batch_size) / running_batch_time ), file=sys.stderr) if devloader is not None: print(f'most common gold categories (out of {n_words} in dev): ' f'{" | ".join(str(item) for item in gold_categories.most_common(10))}', file=sys.stderr) print(f'most common generated categories (out of {n_words} in dev): ' f'{" | ".join(str(item) for item in generated_categories.most_common(10))}', file=sys.stderr) print(f'most common correct categories (out of {n_words} in dev): ' f'{" | ".join(str(item) for item in correct_categories.most_common(10))}', file=sys.stderr) sys.stderr.flush() if devloader is None \ or dev_acc > best_dev_acc \ or dev_acc == best_dev_acc and (best_dev_loss is None or dev_loss < best_dev_loss): best_dev_acc = dev_acc best_dev_loss = dev_loss best_epoch = epoch torch.save({'model': net.to_dict(), 'model_state_dict': net.state_dict(), 'optimizer_state_dict': _optimizer.state_dict(), 'optimizer_name': optimizer_name, 'optim_kwargs': optimizer_kwargs, 'epoch': best_epoch, 'dev_acc': best_dev_acc, 'dev_loss': best_dev_loss}, model) net.train() epoch_running_loss = 0.0 epoch_running_acc = 0.0 # running_atom_loss = 0.0 # running_cat_loss = 0.0 running_loss = 0.0 running_acc = 0.0 running_batch_time = 0.0 # batch_indices = random.sample(range(train_len), train_len) random.shuffle(trainloader) for train_i, data in enumerate(trainloader): start_time = time.time() if max_batches is not None and train_i > max_batches: break # get the inputs; data is a list of [inputs, labels] # *x, y = data # x, y = data # supertagger # print('x', x, file=sys.stderr) x, ys = data['x'], data['y'] # seq_len = x['word'].size(1) word_mask = (x['word'] != net.span_encoder.pad_token_id) task, gen, y, criterion, dep_attn_criterion = net.tasks[0], \ net.generators[0], \ ys[0], \ criteria[0], \ dep_attn_criteria[0] mapped_criterion = mapped_criteria[0] if hasattr(gen, 'address_map') else None deps = data.get('dependencies', [None])[0] seq_len = y.size(1) result = net(x, ys=ys, word_mask=word_mask) y_hat, address_mask = result['y_hat'], result['mask'] # y_hats, masks = y_hats.transpose(0, 1), masks.transpose(0, 1) # mtl_loss = 0. # zero the parameter gradients _optimizer.zero_grad() # print('y', y.size(), file=sys.stderr) # print('y_hat', y_hat.size(), file=sys.stderr) output_dim = gen.output_dim address_dim = gen.address_dim # y_hat = y_hat.view(batch_size, -1, address_dim, output_dim) # seq_len = y_hat.size(1) # with torch.no_grad(): # argmaxes = torch.argmax(y_hat, dim=3) acc, loss = compute_acc_and_loss(task, gen, y, y_hat, address_mask, word_mask, criterion, mapped_criterion, batch_size, seq_len, address_dim, output_dim, loss_fxn=loss_fxn, oracle=result.get('y'), omega_native_atom=omega_native_atom, omega_atom=omega_atom, omega_full=omega_full, lambda_enc=lambda_enc, lambda_dec=lambda_dec, enc_attn=result.get('enc_attn'), dec_attn=result.get('dec_attn'), deps=deps, dep_attn_criterion=dep_attn_criterion) # with torch.no_grad(): running_acc += acc.item() running_loss += loss.item() epoch_running_loss += loss.item() epoch_running_acc += acc.item() # categories_hat = gen.extract_outputs(argmaxes) # val = [(cat.validate(), cat) for s in categories_hat for cat in s] # assert all([not v[0] for v in val]), val # mtl_loss = loss # # if len(net.tasks) > 1: # # y_hat, address_mask = net(x) # for i, (task, gen, y, y_hat, address_mask, criterion) in enumerate(zip(net.tasks, net.generators, # ys, y_hats, masks, criteria) # )[1:]: # output_dim = gen.output_dim # address_dim = gen.address_dim # # print('y_hat', y_hat.size(), file=sys.stderr) # # y_hat = y_hat.view(batch_size, seq_len, address_dim, output_dim) # # print('y_hat', y_hat.size(), file=sys.stderr) # # y_hat = y_hat.view(-1, output_dim) # # print('y_hat', y_hat.size(), file=sys.stderr) # argmaxes = torch.argmax(y_hat, dim=3) # acc, loss = compute_acc_and_loss(task, gen, y, y_hat, argmaxes, # address_mask, word_mask, # criterion, # batch_size, seq_len, address_dim, # output_dim) # # mtl_loss += loss running_batch_time += time.time() - start_time # mtl_loss = torch.sum(torch.cat(losses, dim=0), dim=0, keepdim=True) # mtl_loss.backward() loss.backward() _optimizer.step() if train_i % n_print == n_print - 1: # print every n mini-batches batch_time = running_batch_time / n_print print('[%d, %5d] loss: %.3f | acc: %.3f | %.1f %s | %.1f %s' % (epoch + 1, train_i + 1, running_loss / n_print, running_acc / n_print, batch_time if batch_time >= 1 else 1 / batch_time, 's/batch' if batch_time >= 1 else 'batch(es)/s', batch_time/batch_size if batch_time/batch_size >= 1 else batch_size/batch_time, 's/expl' if batch_time/batch_size >= 1 else 'expl(s)/s'), file=sys.stderr) # if str(device).startswith('cuda'): # print(torch.cuda.memory_summary(abbreviated=False), file=sys.stderr) # assist.info['batch'] = train_i + 1 # assist.info['batch_loss'] = running_loss / n_print # assist.info['batch_acc'] = running_acc / n_print # assist.info['ex_per_s'] = batch_size / batch_time # assist.step() running_loss = 0.0 running_acc = 0.0 running_batch_time = 0.0 for k in x: if isinstance(x[k], torch.Tensor): x[k] = x[k].cpu() for k in result: if isinstance(result[k], torch.Tensor): result[k] = result[k].cpu() for i in range(len(ys)): _y = ys[i] if isinstance(_y, torch.Tensor): ys[i] = _y.cpu() del x, word_mask, ys, y_hat, address_mask, acc, loss, result torch.cuda.empty_cache() if optimizer_kwargs['use_schedule']: scheduler.step() # except: # # raise # exit(1) net.eval() if devloader is None: dev_acc = dev_loss = 0.0 else: with torch.no_grad(): running_dev_acc = 0.0 running_dev_loss = 0.0 n_words = 0 gold_categories = Counter() generated_categories = Counter() correct_categories = Counter() for data in devloader: x, ys = data['x'], data['y'] word_mask = (x['word'] != net.span_encoder.pad_token_id) result = net(x, word_mask=word_mask) # y_hats, masks = net(x) y_hat, address_mask = result['y_hat'], result['mask'] # on dev, only compute acc and loss for primary task task, gen, y, criterion = net.tasks[0], \ net.generators[0], \ ys[0], \ criteria[0] mapped_criterion = mapped_criteria[0] if hasattr(gen, 'address_map') else None seq_len = y.size(1) output_dim = gen.output_dim address_dim = gen.address_dim y_hat = y_hat.view(batch_size, -1, address_dim, output_dim) # argmaxes = torch.argmax(y_hat, dim=3) acc, loss, (argmaxes, correct_bool, categories_hat, categories_gold) = \ compute_acc_and_loss(task, gen, y, y_hat, address_mask, word_mask, criterion, mapped_criterion, batch_size, seq_len, address_dim, output_dim, loss_fxn=loss_fxn, omega_native_atom=omega_native_atom, omega_atom=omega_atom, omega_full=omega_full, lambda_enc=lambda_enc, lambda_dec=lambda_dec, output_correct_bool=True) running_dev_acc += acc.item() running_dev_loss += loss.item() correct_indices = correct_bool.nonzero().tolist() # categories_gold = gen.extract_outputs(y.view(batch_size, -1, address_dim)) # categories_hat = gen.extract_outputs(argmaxes) for b, (sequence, sequence_gold) in enumerate(zip(categories_hat, categories_gold)): # print(sequence, sequence_gold, file=sys.stderr) # print('gold', sequence_gold, file=sys.stderr) # print('pred', sequence, file=sys.stderr) for s, (cat, cat_gold) in enumerate(zip(sequence, sequence_gold)): n_words += 1 correct_index = [b, s] in correct_indices # assert (cat == cat_gold) == (correct_index), ( # b, s, cat, cat_gold, argmaxes[b, s], mask[b, s], y[b, s], # f'[{b}, {s}] {"not " if not correct_index else ""}in correct_indices') if cat is None: cat = 'None' else: msg = cat.validate() if msg != 0: if hasattr(gen, 'max_depth') and cat.depth() >= gen.max_depth: msg = 'Max depth reached' # print(b, s, msg, str(cat), cat.s_expr()) cat = msg elif hasattr(gen, 'max_len') and argmaxes.size(1) >= gen.max_len: msg = 'Max length reached' # print(b, s, msg, str(cat), cat.s_expr()) cat = msg else: print(b, s, msg[0], str(cat), cat.s_expr(), file=sys.stderr) print(argmaxes[b, s], file=sys.stderr) cat = msg[0] gold_categories[str(cat_gold)] += 1 generated_categories[str(cat)] += 1 if correct_index: correct_categories[str(cat)] += 1 for k in x: if isinstance(x[k], torch.Tensor): x[k] = x[k].cpu() for i in range(len(ys)): _y = ys[i] if isinstance(_y, torch.Tensor): ys[i] = _y.cpu() del x, word_mask, ys, y_hat, address_mask, argmaxes, correct_bool, acc, loss torch.cuda.empty_cache() dev_acc = running_dev_acc / dev_len dev_loss = running_dev_loss / dev_len if devloader is None \ or dev_acc > best_dev_acc \ or dev_acc == best_dev_acc and (best_dev_loss is None or dev_loss < best_dev_loss): best_dev_acc = dev_acc best_dev_loss = dev_loss best_epoch = epoch + 1 torch.save({'model': net.to_dict(), 'model_state_dict': net.state_dict(), 'optimizer_state_dict': _optimizer.state_dict(), 'optimizer_name': optimizer_name, 'optim_kwargs': optimizer_kwargs, 'epoch': best_epoch, 'dev_acc': best_dev_acc, 'dev_loss': best_dev_loss }, model) epoch_loss = epoch_running_loss / train_len epoch_acc = epoch_running_acc / train_len # assist.info['epoch'] = epoch + 1 # assist.info['train_loss'] = epoch_loss # assist.info['train_acc'] = epoch_acc # assist.info['dev_loss'] = dev_loss # assist.info['dev_acc'] = dev_acc # assist.step() print('[epoch %d summary] train loss: %.3f | train acc: %.3f | dev loss: %.3f | dev acc: %.3f' % (epoch + 1, epoch_loss, epoch_acc, dev_loss, dev_acc), file=sys.stderr) if devloader is not None: print(f'most common gold categories (out of {n_words} in dev): ' f'{" | ".join(str(item) for item in gold_categories.most_common(10))}', file=sys.stderr) print(f'most common generated categories (out of {n_words} in dev): ' f'{" | ".join(str(item) for item in generated_categories.most_common(10))}', file=sys.stderr) print(f'most common correct categories (out of {n_words} in dev): ' f'{" | ".join(str(item) for item in correct_categories.most_common(10))}', file=sys.stderr) print('Finished Training', file=sys.stderr) sys.stderr.flush() class NN(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self): super().__init__() # self.activation = torch.nn.ModuleList() self.hidden = torch.nn.ModuleList() def prepare_input(self, *args, **kwargs): pass def prepare_output(self, *args, **kwargs): pass def forward(self, x): pass def to_dict(self): return {} class Encoder(NN): def __init__(self, *args, hidden_dims=[0], **kwargs): super().__init__() self.hidden_dims = hidden_dims self.hidden_dim = hidden_dims[-1] # self._cache = None # @property # def cache(self): # return self._cache # # @cache.setter # def cache(self, new): # del self._cache # self._cache = new def prepare_input(self, *args, **kwargs): pass def prepare_inputs(self, seqs, padding=None, train=False, lower=True, device=torch.device('cpu')): _seqs = {k: [] for k in self.to_ix} _seqs['idx'] = [] padding = (max(len(s) for s in seqs) if padding is None else padding) + 2 for seq in seqs: idxs = {k: [] for k in _seqs} seq = [START] + seq + [END] for w in seq: if lower and w not in (START, END): w = w.lower() if train and w not in self.to_ix['word'] and len(self.to_ix['word']) < self.vocab_sizes['word']: self.to_ix['word'][w] = len(self.to_ix['word']) idxs['idx'].append(self.to_ix['word'].get(w, self.to_ix['word'][UNK])) for _n in range(1, self.feat_chars+1): pre_key = f'pre_{_n}' suf_key = f'<KEY> if w not in (START, END) and _n <= len(w): pre = w[:_n] if train and pre not in self.to_ix[pre_key] and len(self.to_ix[pre_key]) < self.vocab_sizes[pre_key]: self.to_ix[pre_key][pre] = len(self.to_ix[pre_key]) idxs[pre_key].append(self.to_ix[pre_key].get(pre, self.to_ix[pre_key][UNK])) suf = w[-_n:] if train and suf not in self.to_ix[suf_key] and len(self.to_ix[suf_key]) < self.vocab_sizes[suf_key]: self.to_ix[suf_key][suf] = len(self.to_ix[suf_key]) idxs[suf_key].append(self.to_ix[suf_key].get(suf, self.to_ix[suf_key][UNK])) else: idxs[pre_key].append(self.to_ix[pre_key][PAD]) idxs[suf_key].append(self.to_ix[suf_key][PAD]) while len(idxs['idx']) < padding: for key in idxs: idxs[key].append(self.to_ix.get(key, self.to_ix['word'])[PAD]) for key in idxs: _seqs[key].append(idxs[key]) _seqs['idx'] = torch.tensor(_seqs['idx'], dtype=torch.long, device=device) word_mask = ((_seqs['idx'] != self.bos_token_id) & (_seqs['idx'] != self.eos_token_id)).to(device) _seqs['word'] = _seqs['idx'][word_mask].view(-1, padding - 2) # print('idx', _seqs['idx'].size(), _seqs['idx']) # print('word', _seqs['word'].size(), _seqs['word']) for k in _seqs: if k not in ('idx', 'word'): _seqs[k] = torch.tensor(_seqs[k], dtype=torch.long, device=device) return _seqs def forward(self, x): pass def to_dict(self): result = super().to_dict() result.update({'hidden_dim': self.hidden_dim}) return result class Scorer(NN): def __init__(self, input_dim, output_dim, hidden_dims=[300, 300], dropout=[0.0, 0.0], activation=F.gelu, norm=F.log_softmax): # TODO: try cube activation super().__init__() self.input_dim = input_dim self.hidden_dims = hidden_dims self.output_dim = output_dim self.norm = norm # if isinstance(activation, list): # assert len(activation) == len(hidden_dims) + 1 # self.activation = torch.nn.ModuleList(activation) # else: # self.activation = torch.nn.ModuleList([activation()] * len(hidden_dims)) self.activation = activation # assert len(dropout) == len(hidden_dims) self.dropout = torch.nn.ModuleList([torch.nn.Dropout(d) for d in dropout]) if len(hidden_dims) > 0: self.hidden.append(torch.nn.Linear(input_dim, hidden_dims[0])) for i in range(len(hidden_dims) - 1): self.hidden.append(torch.nn.Linear(hidden_dims[i], hidden_dims[i+1])) # The activation layer that maps from hidden state space to output space self.hidden2out = torch.nn.Linear(hidden_dims[-1], output_dim) else: # self.in2hidden = lambda x: x self.hidden2out = torch.nn.Linear(input_dim, output_dim) def prepare_input(self, x, *args, **kwargs): return torch.tensor(x, dtype=torch.float32) def prepare_output(self, y, *args, **kwargs): return torch.tensor(y, dtype=torch.long) def _forward(self, x): # print('Scorer._forward', file=sys.stderr) # print(x, file=sys.stderr) # print(self.in2hidden, file=sys.stderr) # print(self.activation[0], file=sys.stderr) # x = self.activation[0](self.in2hidden(x)) # x = self.dropout[0](self.activation[0](self.in2hidden(x))) # print(x, file=sys.stderr) for i, h in enumerate(self.hidden): # print(h, file=sys.stderr) # print(self.activation[i+1], file=sys.stderr) x = self.dropout[i](self.activation(h(x))) # out = x if self.hidden_dims == 0 else self.hidden2out(x) # print(out.shape) # scores = self.norm(out, dim=1) # print(scores.shape) return x def forward(self, x): # print(out.shape) # scores = self.norm(out, dim=1) x = self._forward(x) out = self.hidden2out(x) scores = self.norm(out, dim=1) return scores def score(self, outcome, x) -> float: with torch.no_grad(): scores = self.forward(x).view(-1) # scores = self.forward(*x).view(-1) return scores[outcome] def classify(self, x): with torch.no_grad(): scores = self.forward(x).view(-1) return max(enumerate(scores), key=itemgetter(1)), scores def to_dict(self): result = super().to_dict() result.update({'input_dim': self.input_dim, 'output_dim': self.output_dim, 'hidden_dims': self.hidden_dims}) # , # 'hidden': self.hidden}) return result class SequenceTagger(Scorer): def __init__(self, span_encoder, labels, hidden_dims=[300, 300], dropout=[0.0, 0.0], **kwargs): super(SequenceTagger, self).__init__(input_dim=span_encoder.hidden_dim, output_dim=len(labels), hidden_dims=hidden_dims, dropout=dropout, **kwargs) self.span_encoder = span_encoder self.out_to_ix = labels self.ix_to_out = {v: k for k, v in self.out_to_ix.items()} def prepare_inputs(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.span_encoder.prepare_inputs(*args, **kwargs) def forward(self, x): x = self.span_encoder(x) # (seq, batch, in) seq_len = x.size(0) x = x.view(-1, self.span_encoder.hidden_dim) # (seq*batch, in) h = super(SequenceTagger, self)._forward(x) # (seq*batch, out) y = self.hidden2out(h) return self.norm(y.view(-1, seq_len, self.output_dim), dim=2) # (batch, seq, out) def to_dict(self): result = super().to_dict() result.update({'span_encoder': self.span_encoder.to_dict()}) # 'labels': self.out_to_ix}) return result if __name__ == '__main__': pass
<reponame>markdewing/qmcpack ################################################################## ## (c) Copyright 2015- by <NAME> ## ################################################################## #====================================================================# # fileio.py # # Support for I/O with various file formats. Currently this only # # contains a generic file I/O class for XSF files. In the future # # generic XML and HDF5 support should go here. Input only # # interfaces to these formats can be found in hdfreader.py and # # xmlreader.py. # # # # Content summary: # # XsfFile # # Represents generic XSF, AXSF, and BXSF files. # # Can read/write arbitrary files of these formats. # # Useful for atomic structure and electronic density I/O. # # # #====================================================================# import os import mmap from numpy import array,zeros,ndarray,around,arange,dot,savetxt,empty from numpy.linalg import det,norm from generic import obj from developer import DevBase,error from periodic_table import pt as ptable,is_element from unit_converter import convert from debug import * class TextFile(DevBase): # interface to mmap files # see Python 2 documentation for mmap def __init__(self,filepath=None): self.mm = None self.f = None if filepath!=None: self.open(filepath) #end if #end def __init__ def open(self,filepath): if not os.path.exists(filepath): self.error('cannot open non-existent file: {0}'.format(filepath)) #end if f = open(filepath,'r') fno = f.fileno() #fno = os.open(filepath,os.O_RDONLY) self.f = f self.mm = mmap.mmap(fno,0,prot=mmap.PROT_READ) #end def open def __iter__(self): for line in self.f: yield line #end for #end def __iter__ def __getitem__(self,slc): return self.mm[slc] #end def __getitem__ def lines(self): return self.read().splitlines() #end def lines def tokens(self): return self.read().split() #end def tokens def readtokens(self,s=None): return self.readline(s).split() #end def readtokens def readtokensf(self,s=None,*formats): if s!=None: self.seek(s) #end if self.mm.readline() line = self.mm.readline() stokens = line.split() all_same = False if len(formats)==1 and len(stokens)>1: format = formats[0] all_same = True elif len(formats)>len(stokens): self.error('formatted line read failed\nnumber of tokens and provided number of formats do not match\nline: {0}\nnumber of tokens: {1}\nnumber of formats provided: {2}'.format(line,len(stokens),len(formats))) #end if tokens = [] if all_same: for stoken in stokens: tokens.append(format(stoken)) #end for else: for i in xrange(len(formats)): tokens.append(formats[i](stokens[i])) #end for #end if if len(tokens)==1: return tokens[0] else: return tokens #end if #end def readtokensf # extended mmap interface below def close(self): r = self.mm.close() self.f.close() return r #end def close def seek(self,pos,whence=0,start=None,end=None): if isinstance(pos,str): if whence!=2 and start is None: if whence==0: start = 0 elif whence==1: start = self.mm.tell() else: self.error('relative positioning must be either 0 (begin), 1 (current), or 2 (end)\nyou provided: {0}'.format(whence)) #end if #end if if whence!=2: if end!=None: pos = self.mm.find(pos,start,end) else: pos = self.mm.find(pos,start) #end if else: if end!=None: pos = self.mm.rfind(pos,start,end) else: pos = self.mm.rfind(pos,start) #end if #end if if pos!=-1: return self.mm.seek(pos,0) else: return -1 #end if else: return self.mm.seek(pos,whence) #end if #end def seek def readline(self,s=None): if s!=None: self.seek(s) #end if return self.mm.readline() #end def readline def read(self,num=None): if num is None: return self.mm[:] else: return self.mm.read(num) #end if #end def read # unchanged mmap interface below def find(self,*a,**kw): return self.mm.find(*a,**kw) #end def find def flush(self,*a,**kw): return self.mm(*a,**kw) #end def flush def move(self,dest,src,count): return self.mm.move(dest,src,count) #end def move def read_byte(self): return self.mm.read_byte() #end def read_byte def resize(self,newsize): return self.mm.resize(newsize) #end def resize def rfind(self,*a,**kw): return self.mm.rfind(*a,**kw) #end def rfind def size(self): return self.mm.size() #end def size def tell(self): return self.mm.tell() #end def tell def write(self,string): return self.mm.write(string) #end def write def write_byte(self,byte): return self.mm.write_byte(byte) #end def write_byte #end class TextFile class StandardFile(DevBase): sftype = '' def __init__(self,filepath=None): if filepath is None: None elif isinstance(filepath,str): self.read(filepath) else: self.error('unsupported input: {0}'.format(filepath)) #end if #end def __init__ def read(self,filepath): if not os.path.exists(filepath): self.error('read failed\nfile does not exist: {0}'.format(filepath)) #end if self.read_text(open(filepath,'r').read()) self.check_valid('read failed') #end def read def write(self,filepath=None): self.check_valid('write failed') text = self.write_text() if filepath!=None: open(filepath,'w').write(text) #end if return text #end def write def is_valid(self): return len(self.validity_checks())==0 #end def is_valid def check_valid(self,header=None): messages = self.validity_checks() if len(messages)>0: msg = '' if header is not None: msg += header+'\n' #end if msg += 'not a valid {0} file, see below for details\n'.format(self.sftype) for m in messages: msg+=m+'\n' #end for self.error(msg) #end if #end def check_valid def validity_checks(self): messages = [] return messages #end def validity_checks def read_text(self,text): self.not_implemented() #end def read_text def write_text(self): self.not_implemented() #end def write_text #end class StandardFile class XsfFile(StandardFile): sftype = 'xsf' filetypes = set(['xsf','axsf','bxsf']) periodicities = set(['molecule','polymer','slab','crystal']) dimensions = obj(molecule=0,polymer=1,slab=2,crystal=3) # ATOMS are in units of Angstrom, only provided for 'molecule' # forces are in units of Hatree/Angstrom # each section should be followed by a blank line def __init__(self,filepath): self.filetype = None self.periodicity = None StandardFile.__init__(self,filepath) #end def __init__ def add_to_image(self,image,name,value): if image is None: self[name] = value else: if 'images' not in self: self.images = obj() #end if if not image in self.images: self.images[image] = obj() #end if self.images[image][name] = value #end if #end def add_to_image def read_text(self,text): lines = text.splitlines() i=0 self.filetype = 'xsf' while(i<len(lines)): line = lines[i].strip().lower() if len(line)>0 and line[0]!='#': tokens = line.split() keyword = tokens[0] image = None if len(tokens)==2: image = int(tokens[1]) #end if if keyword in self.periodicities: self.periodicity = keyword elif keyword=='animsteps': self.animsteps = int(tokens[1]) self.filetype = 'axsf' elif keyword=='primvec': primvec = array((lines[i+1]+' '+ lines[i+2]+' '+ lines[i+3]).split(),dtype=float) primvec.shape = 3,3 self.add_to_image(image,'primvec',primvec) i+=3 elif keyword=='convvec': convvec = array((lines[i+1]+' '+ lines[i+2]+' '+ lines[i+3]).split(),dtype=float) convvec.shape = 3,3 self.add_to_image(image,'convvec',convvec) i+=3 elif keyword=='atoms': if self.periodicity is None: self.periodicity='molecule' #end if i+=1 tokens = lines[i].strip().split() elem = [] pos = [] force = [] natoms = 0 while len(tokens)==4 or len(tokens)==7: natoms+=1 elem.append(tokens[0]) pos.extend(tokens[1:4]) if len(tokens)==7: force.extend(tokens[4:7]) #end if i+=1 tokens = lines[i].strip().split() #end while elem = array(elem,dtype=int) pos = array(pos,dtype=float) pos.shape = natoms,3 self.add_to_image(image,'elem',elem) self.add_to_image(image,'pos',pos) if len(force)>0: force = array(force,dtype=float) force.shape = natoms,3 self.add_to_image(image,'force',force) #end if i-=1 elif keyword=='primcoord': natoms = int(lines[i+1].split()[0]) elem = [] pos = [] force = [] for iat in range(natoms): tokens = lines[i+2+iat].split() elem.append(tokens[0]) pos.extend(tokens[1:4]) if len(tokens)==7: force.extend(tokens[4:7]) #end if #end for try: elem = array(elem,dtype=int) except: elem = array(elem,dtype=str) #end try pos = array(pos,dtype=float) pos.shape = natoms,3 self.add_to_image(image,'elem',elem) self.add_to_image(image,'pos',pos) if len(force)>0: force = array(force,dtype=float) force.shape = natoms,3 self.add_to_image(image,'force',force) #end if i+=natoms+1 elif keyword.startswith('begin_block_datagrid'): if keyword.endswith('2d'): d=2 elif keyword.endswith('3d'): d=3 else: self.error('dimension of datagrid could not be identified: '+line) #end if i+=1 block_identifier = lines[i].strip().lower() if not 'data' in self: self.data = obj() #end if if not d in self.data: self.data[d] = obj() #end if if not block_identifier in self.data[d]: self.data[d][block_identifier]=obj() #end if data = self.data[d][block_identifier] line = '' while not line.startswith('end_block_datagrid'): line = lines[i].strip().lower() if line.startswith('begin_datagrid') or line.startswith('datagrid_'): grid_identifier = line.replace('begin_datagrid_{0}d_'.format(d),'') grid = array(lines[i+1].split(),dtype=int)[:d] corner = array(lines[i+2].split(),dtype=float) if d==2: cell = array((lines[i+3]+' '+ lines[i+4]).split(),dtype=float) i+=5 elif d==3: cell = array((lines[i+3]+' '+ lines[i+4]+' '+ lines[i+5]).split(),dtype=float) i+=6 #end if cell.shape = d,3 dtokens = [] line = lines[i].strip().lower() while not line.startswith('end_datagrid'): dtokens.extend(line.split()) i+=1 line = lines[i].strip().lower() #end while grid_data = array(dtokens,dtype=float) grid_data.shape = tuple(grid) data[grid_identifier] = obj( grid = grid, corner = corner, cell = cell, values = grid_data ) #end if i+=1 #end while elif keyword=='begin_info': self.info = obj() while line.lower()!='end_info': line = lines[i].strip() if len(line)>0 and line[0]!='#' and ':' in line: k,v = line.split(':') self.info[k.strip()] = v.strip() #end if i+=1 #end while elif keyword.startswith('begin_block_bandgrid'): self.filetype = 'bxsf' if keyword.endswith('2d'): d=2 elif keyword.endswith('3d'): d=3 else: self.error('dimension of bandgrid could not be identified: '+line) #end if i+=1 block_identifier = lines[i].strip().lower() if not 'band' in self: self.band = obj() #end if if not d in self.band: self.band[d] = obj() #end if if not block_identifier in self.band[d]: self.band[d][block_identifier]=obj() #end if band = self.band[d][block_identifier] line = '' while not line.startswith('end_block_bandgrid'): line = lines[i].strip().lower() if line.startswith('begin_bandgrid'): grid_identifier = line.replace('begin_bandgrid_{0}d_'.format(d),'') nbands = int(lines[i+1].strip()) grid = array(lines[i+2].split(),dtype=int)[:d] corner = array(lines[i+3].split(),dtype=float) if d==2: cell = array((lines[i+4]+' '+ lines[i+5]).split(),dtype=float) i+=6 elif d==3: cell = array((lines[i+4]+' '+ lines[i+5]+' '+ lines[i+6]).split(),dtype=float) i+=7 #end if cell.shape = d,3 bands = obj() line = lines[i].strip().lower() while not line.startswith('end_bandgrid'): if line.startswith('band'): band_index = int(line.split(':')[1].strip()) bands[band_index] = [] else: bands[band_index].extend(line.split()) #end if i+=1 line = lines[i].strip().lower() #end while for bi,bv in bands.iteritems(): bands[bi] = array(bv,dtype=float) bands[bi].shape = tuple(grid) #end for band[grid_identifier] = obj( grid = grid, corner = corner, cell = cell, bands = bands ) #end if i+=1 #end while else: self.error('invalid keyword encountered: {0}'.format(keyword)) #end if #end if i+=1 #end while #end def read_text def write_text(self): c='' if self.filetype=='xsf': # only write structure/datagrid if present if self.periodicity=='molecule' and 'elem' in self: c += self.write_coord() elif 'primvec' in self: c += ' {0}\n'.format(self.periodicity.upper()) c += self.write_vec('primvec',self.primvec) if 'convvec' in self: c += self.write_vec('convvec',self.convvec) #end if if 'elem' in self: c+= self.write_coord() #end if #end if if 'data' in self: c += self.write_data() #end if elif self.filetype=='axsf': # only write image structures c += ' ANIMSTEPS {0}\n'.format(self.animsteps) if self.periodicity!='molecule': c += ' {0}\n'.format(self.periodicity.upper()) #end if if 'primvec' in self: c += self.write_vec('primvec',self.primvec) #end if if 'convvec' in self: c += self.write_vec('convvec',self.convvec) #end if for i in range(1,len(self.images)+1): image = self.images[i] if 'primvec' in image: c += self.write_vec('primvec',image.primvec,i) #end if if 'convvec' in image: c += self.write_vec('convvec',image.convvec,i) #end if c += self.write_coord(image,i) #end for elif self.filetype=='bxsf': # only write bandgrid c += self.write_band() #end if return c #end def write_text def write_coord(self,image=None,index=''): if image is None: s = self else: s = image #end if c = '' if self.periodicity=='molecule': c += ' ATOMS {0}\n'.format(index) else: c += ' PRIMCOORD {0}\n'.format(index) c += ' {0} 1\n'.format(len(s.elem)) if not 'force' in s: for i in range(len(s.elem)): r = s.pos[i] c += ' {0:>3} {1:12.8f} {2:12.8f} {3:12.8f}\n'.format(s.elem[i],r[0],r[1],r[2]) #end for else: for i in range(len(s.elem)): r = s.pos[i] f = s.force[i] c += ' {0:>3} {1:12.8f} {2:12.8f} {3:12.8f} {4:12.8f} {5:12.8f} {6:12.8f}\n'.format(s.elem[i],r[0],r[1],r[2],f[0],f[1],f[2]) #end for #end if return c #end def write_coord def write_vec(self,name,vec,index=''): c = ' {0} {1}\n'.format(name.upper(),index) for v in vec: c += ' {0:12.8f} {1:12.8f} {2:12.8f}\n'.format(v[0],v[1],v[2]) #end for return c #end def write_vec def write_data(self): c = '' ncols = 4 data = self.data for d in sorted(data.keys()): bdg_xd = data[d] # all block datagrids 2 or 3 D for bdgk in sorted(bdg_xd.keys()): c += ' BEGIN_BLOCK_DATAGRID_{0}D\n'.format(d) c += ' {0}\n'.format(bdgk) bdg = bdg_xd[bdgk] # single named block data grid for dgk in sorted(bdg.keys()): c += ' BEGIN_DATAGRID_{0}D_{1}\n'.format(d,dgk) dg = bdg[dgk] # single named data grid if d==2: c += ' {0} {1}\n'.format(*dg.grid) elif d==3: c += ' {0} {1} {2}\n'.format(*dg.grid) #end if c += ' {0:12.8f} {1:12.8f} {2:12.8f}\n'.format(*dg.corner) for v in dg.cell: c += ' {0:12.8f} {1:12.8f} {2:12.8f}\n'.format(*v) #end for c = c[:-1] n=0 for v in dg.values.ravel(): if n%ncols==0: c += '\n ' #end if c += ' {0:12.8f}'.format(v) n+=1 #end for c += '\n END_DATAGRID_{0}D_{1}\n'.format(d,dgk) #end for c += ' END_BLOCK_DATAGRID_{0}D\n'.format(d) #end for #end for return c #end def write_data def write_band(self): c = '' ncols = 4 band = self.band for d in sorted(band.keys()): bdg_xd = band[d] # all block bandgrids 2 or 3 D for bdgk in sorted(bdg_xd.keys()): c += ' BEGIN_BLOCK_BANDGRID_{0}D\n'.format(d) c += ' {0}\n'.format(bdgk) bdg = bdg_xd[bdgk] # single named block band grid for dgk in sorted(bdg.keys()): c += ' BEGIN_BANDGRID_{0}D_{1}\n'.format(d,dgk) dg = bdg[dgk] # single named band grid if d==2: c += ' {0} {1}\n'.format(*dg.grid) elif d==3: c += ' {0} {1} {2}\n'.format(*dg.grid) #end if c += ' {0:12.8f} {1:12.8f} {2:12.8f}\n'.format(*dg.corner) for v in dg.cell: c += ' {0:12.8f} {1:12.8f} {2:12.8f}\n'.format(*v) #end for for bi in sorted(dg.bands.keys()): c += ' BAND: {0}'.format(bi) n=0 for v in dg.bands[bi].ravel(): if n%ncols==0: c += '\n ' #end if c += ' {0:12.8f}'.format(v) n+=1 #end for c += '\n' #end for c += ' END_BANDGRID_{0}D_{1}\n'.format(d,dgk) #end for c += ' END_BLOCK_BANDGRID_{0}D\n'.format(d) #end for #end for return c #end def write_band def dimension(self): if self.periodicity in self.dimensions: return self.dimensions[self.periodicity] else: return None #end if #end def dimension def initialized(self): return self.filetype!=None #end def initialized def has_animation(self): return self.filetype=='axsf' and 'animsteps' in self #end def has_animation def has_bands(self): return self.filetype=='bxsf' and 'band' in self and 'info' in self #end def has_bands def has_structure(self): hs = self.filetype=='xsf' hs &= 'elem' in self and 'pos' in self d = self.dimension() if d!=0: hs &= 'primvec' in self #end if return hs #end def has_structure def has_data(self): return self.filetype=='xsf' and 'data' in self #end def has_data def validity_checks(self): ha = self.has_animation() hb = self.has_bands() hs = self.has_structure() hd = self.has_data() v = ha or hb or hs or hd if v: return [] else: return ['xsf file must have animation, bands, structure, or data\nthe current file is missing all of these'] #end if #end def validity_checks def incorporate_structure(self,structure): s = structure.copy() s.change_units('A') s.recenter() elem = [] for e in s.elem: ne = len(e) if ne>1: if ne==2 and not e[1].isalpha(): e = e[0] elif ne>2: e = e[0:2] #end if #end if elem.append(ptable.elements[e].atomic_number) #end for self.filetype = 'xsf' self.periodicity = 'crystal' # assumed self.primvec = s.axes self.elem = array(elem,dtype=int) self.pos = s.pos #end def incorporate_structure def add_density(self,cell,density,name='density',corner=None,grid=None,centered=False,add_ghost=False,transpose=False): if corner is None: corner = zeros((3,),dtype=float) #end if if grid is None: grid = density.shape #end if grid = array(grid,dtype=int) corner = array(corner,dtype=float) cell = array(cell ,dtype=float) density = array(density,dtype=float) density.shape = tuple(grid) if centered: # shift corner by half a grid cell to center it dc = 0.5/grid dc = dot(dc,cell) corner += dc #end if if add_ghost: # add ghost points to make a 'general' xsf grid g = grid # this is an extra shell of points in PBC d = density grid = g+1 density = zeros(tuple(grid),dtype=float) density[:g[0],:g[1],:g[2]] = d[:,:,:] # volume copy density[ -1,:g[1],:g[2]] = d[0,:,:] # face copies density[:g[0], -1,:g[2]] = d[:,0,:] density[:g[0],:g[1], -1] = d[:,:,0] density[ -1, -1,:g[2]] = d[0,0,:] # edge copies density[ -1,:g[1], -1] = d[0,:,0] density[:g[0], -1, -1] = d[:,0,0] density[ -1, -1, -1] = d[0,0,0] # corner copy #end if if transpose: # shift from row major to column major g = grid d = density density = zeros((d.size,)) n = 0 for k in xrange(g[2]): for j in xrange(g[1]): for i in xrange(g[0]): density[n] = d[i,j,k] n+=1 #end for #end for #end for density.shape = tuple(grid) #end if self.data = obj() self.data[3] = obj() self.data[3][name] = obj() self.data[3][name][name] = obj( grid = grid, corner = corner, cell = cell, values = density ) #end def add_density def get_density(self): return self.data.first().first().first() #end def get_density def change_units(self,in_unit,out_unit): fac = 1.0/convert(1.0,in_unit,out_unit)**3 density = self.get_density() density.values *= fac if 'values_noghost' in density: density.values_noghost *= fac #end if #end def change_units def remove_ghost(self,density=None,transpose=True): if density is None: density = self.get_density() #end if if 'values_noghost' in density: return density.values_noghost #end if data = density.values if transpose: # switch from column major to row major g = data.shape d = data.ravel() data = zeros(g,dtype=float) n = 0 for k in xrange(g[2]): for j in xrange(g[1]): for i in xrange(g[0]): data[i,j,k] = d[n] n+=1 #end for #end for #end for #end if # remove the ghost cells d = data g = array(d.shape,dtype=int)-1 data = zeros(tuple(g),dtype=float) data[:,:,:] = d[:g[0],:g[1],:g[2]] density.values_noghost = data return data #end def remove_ghost def norm(self,density=None,vnorm=True): if density is None: density = self.get_density() #end if if 'values_noghost' not in density: self.remove_ghost(density) #end if data = density.values_noghost if vnorm: dV = det(density.cell)/data.size else: dV = 1.0 #end if return data.ravel().sum()*dV #end def norm def line_data(self,dim,density=None): if density is None: density = self.get_density() #end if if 'values_noghost' not in density: self.remove_ghost(density) #end if data = density.values_noghost dV = det(density.cell)/data.size dr = norm(density.cell[dim])/data.shape[dim] ndim = 3 permute = dim!=0 if permute: r = range(0,ndim) r.pop(dim) permutation = tuple([dim]+r) data = data.transpose(permutation) #end if s = data.shape data.shape = s[0],s[1]*s[2] line_data = data.sum(1)*dV/dr r_data = density.corner[dim] + dr*arange(len(line_data),dtype=float) return r_data,line_data #end def line_data def line_plot(self,dim,filepath): r,d = self.line_data(dim) savetxt(filepath,array(zip(r,d))) #end def line_plot #end class XsfFile class PoscarFile(StandardFile): sftype = 'POSCAR' def __init__(self,filepath=None): self.description = None self.scale = None self.axes = None self.elem = None self.elem_count = None self.coord = None self.pos = None self.dynamic = None self.vel_coord = None self.vel = None StandardFile.__init__(self,filepath) #end def __init__ def assign_defaults(self): if self.description is None: self.description = 'System cell and coordinates' #end if #end def assign_defaults def validity_checks(self): msgs = [] if self.description is None: msgs.append('description is missing') elif not isinstance(self.description,str): msgs.append('description must be text') #end if if self.scale is None: msgs.append('scale is missing') elif not isinstance(self.scale,(float,int)): msgs.append('scale must be a real number') elif self.scale<0: msgs.append('scale must be greater than zero') #end if if self.axes is None: msgs.append('axes is missing') elif not isinstance(self.axes,ndarray): msgs.append('axes must be an array') elif self.axes.shape!=(3,3): msgs.append('axes must be a 3x3 array, shape provided is {0}'.format(self.axes.shape)) elif not isinstance(self.axes[0,0],float): msgs.append('axes must be an array of real numbers') #end if natoms = -1 if self.elem_count is None: msgs.append('elem_count is missing') elif not isinstance(self.elem_count,ndarray): msgs.append('elem_count must be an array') elif len(self.elem_count)==0: msgs.append('elem_count array must contain at least one entry') elif not isinstance(self.elem_count[0],int): msgs.append('elem_count must be an array of integers') else: if (self.elem_count<1).sum()>0: msgs.append('all elem_count entries must be greater than zero') #end if natoms = self.elem_count.sum() #end if if self.elem is not None: # presence depends on vasp version if not isinstance(self.elem,ndarray): msgs.append('elem must be an array') elif isinstance(self.elem_count,ndarray) and len(self.elem)!=len(self.elem_count): msgs.append('elem and elem_count arrays must be the same length') elif not isinstance(self.elem[0],str): msgs.append('elem must be an array of text') else: for e in self.elem: iselem,symbol = is_element(e,symbol=True) if not iselem: msgs.append('elem entry "{0}" is not an element'.format(e)) #end if #end for #end for #end if if self.coord is None: msgs.append('coord is missing') elif not isinstance(self.coord,str): msgs.append('coord must be text') #end if if self.pos is None: msgs.append('pos is missing') elif not isinstance(self.pos,ndarray): msgs.append('pos must be an array') elif natoms>0 and self.pos.shape!=(natoms,3): msgs.append('pos must be a {0}x3 array, shape provided is {1}'.format(natoms),self.pos.shape) elif natoms>0 and not isinstance(self.pos[0,0],float): msgs.append('pos must be an array of real numbers') #end if if self.dynamic is not None: # dynamic is optional if not isinstance(self.dynamic,ndarray): msgs.append('dynamic must be an array') elif natoms>0 and self.dynamic.shape!=(natoms,3): msgs.append('dynamic must be a {0}x3 array, shape provided is {1}'.format(natoms),self.dynamic.shape) elif natoms>0 and not isinstance(self.dynamic[0,0],bool): msgs.append('dynamic must be an array of booleans (true/false)') #end if #end if if self.vel_coord is not None: # velocities are optional if not isinstance(self.vel_coord,str): msgs.append('vel_coord must be text') #end if #end if if self.vel is not None: # velocities are optional if not isinstance(self.vel,ndarray): msgs.append('vel must be an array') elif natoms>0 and self.vel.shape!=(natoms,3): msgs.append('vel must be a {0}x3 array, shape provided is {1}'.format(natoms),self.vel.shape) elif natoms>0 and not isinstance(self.vel[0,0],float): msgs.append('vel must be an array of real numbers') #end if #end if return msgs #end def validity_checks def read_text(self,text): read_poscar_chgcar(self,text) #end def read_text def write_text(self): text = '' if self.description is None: text += 'System cell and coordinates\n' else: text += self.description+'\n' #end if text += ' {0}\n'.format(self.scale) for a in self.axes: text += ' {0:20.14f} {1:20.14f} {2:20.14f}\n'.format(*a) #end for if self.elem is not None: for e in self.elem: iselem,symbol = is_element(e,symbol=True) if not iselem: self.error('{0} is not an element'.format(e)) #end if text += symbol+' ' #end for text += '\n' #end if for ec in self.elem_count: text += ' {0}'.format(ec) #end for text += '\n' if self.dynamic!=None: text += 'selective dynamics\n' #end if text += self.coord+'\n' if self.dynamic is None: for p in self.pos: text += ' {0:20.14f} {1:20.14f} {2:20.14f}\n'.format(*p) #end for else: bm = self.bool_map for i in xrange(len(self.pos)): p = self.pos[i] d = self.dynamic[i] text += ' {0:20.14f} {1:20.14f} {2:20.14f} {3} {4} {5}\n'.format(p[0],p[1],p[2],bm[d[0]],bm[d[1]],bm[d[2]]) #end for #end if if self.vel!=None: text += self.vel_coord+'\n' for v in self.vel: text += ' {0:20.14f} {1:20.14f} {2:20.14f}\n'.format(*v) #end for #end if return text #end def write_text def incorporate_xsf(self,xsf): if 'primvec' in xsf: axes = xsf.primvec.copy() #end if if 'convvec' in xsf: axes = xsf.convvec.copy() #end if elem = xsf.elem.copy() pos = xsf.pos.copy() species = [] species_counts = [] elem_indices = [] spec_set = set() for i in xrange(len(elem)): e = elem[i] if not e in spec_set: spec_set.add(e) species.append(e) species_counts.append(0) elem_indices.append([]) #end if sindex = species.index(e) species_counts[sindex] += 1 elem_indices[sindex].append(i) #end for elem_order = [] for elem_inds in elem_indices: elem_order.extend(elem_inds) #end for pos = pos[elem_order] species_ind = species species = [] for i in species_ind: species.append(ptable.simple_elements[i].symbol) #end for self.scale = 1.0 self.axes = axes self.elem = array(species,dtype=str) self.elem_count = array(species_counts,dtype=int) self.coord = 'cartesian' self.pos = pos self.assign_defaults() #end def incorporate_xsf #end class PoscarFile class ChgcarFile(StandardFile): sftype = 'CHGCAR' def __init__(self,filepath=None): self.poscar = None self.grid = None self.charge_density = None self.spin_density = None StandardFile.__init__(self,filepath) #end def __init__ def validity_checks(self): msgs = [] if self.poscar is None: msgs.append('poscar elements are missing') elif not isinstance(self.poscar,PoscarFile): msgs.append('poscar is not an instance of PoscarFile') else: msgs.extend(self.poscar.validity_checks()) #end if if self.grid is None: msgs.append('grid is missing') elif not isinstance(self.grid,ndarray): msgs.append('grid must be an array') elif len(self.grid)!=3 or self.grid.size!=3: msgs.append('grid must have 3 entries') elif not isinstance(self.grid[0],int): msgs.append('grid must be an array of integers') elif (self.grid<1).sum()>0: msgs.append('all grid entries must be greater than zero') #end if ng = self.grid.prod() if self.charge_density is None: msgs.append('charge_density is missing') elif not isinstance(self.charge_density,ndarray): msgs.append('charge_density must be an array') elif len(self.charge_density)!=ng: msgs.append('charge_density must have {0} entries ({1} present by length)'.format(ng,len(self.charge_density))) elif self.charge_density.size!=ng: msgs.append('charge_density must have {0} entries ({1} present by size)'.format(ng,self.charge_density.size)) elif not isinstance(self.charge_density[0],float): msgs.append('charge_density must be an array of real numbers') #end if if self.spin_density is not None: # spin density is optional if not isinstance(self.spin_density,ndarray): msgs.append('spin_density must be an array') elif len(self.spin_density)!=ng: msgs.append('spin_density must have {0} entries ({1} present)'.format(ng,len(self.spin_density))) elif self.spin_density.size!=ng and self.spin_density.shape!=(ng,3): msgs.append('non-collinear spin_density must be a {0}x3 array, shape provided: {1}'.format(ng,self.spin_density.shape)) elif not isinstance(self.spin_density.ravel()[0],float): msgs.append('spin_density must be an array of real numbers') #end if #end if return msgs #end def validity_checks def read_text(self,text): read_poscar_chgcar(self,text) #end def read_text def write_text(self): text = self.poscar.write_text() text+= '\n {0} {1} {2}\n'.format(*self.grid) densities = [self.charge_density] if self.spin_density is not None: if self.spin_density.size==self.charge_density.size: densities.append(self.spin_density) else: for i in range(3): densities.append(self.spin_density[:,i]) #end for #end if #end if n=0 for dens in densities: for d in dens: text += '{0:20.12E}'.format(d) n+=1 if n%5==0: text+='\n' #end if #end for #end for return text #end def write_text def incorporate_xsf(self,xsf): poscar = PoscarFile() poscar.incorporate_xsf(xsf) density = xsf.remove_ghost() self.poscar = poscar self.grid = array(density.shape,dtype=int) self.charge_density = density.ravel() self.check_valid() #end def incorporate_xsf #end class ChgcarFile def read_poscar_chgcar(host,text): is_poscar = isinstance(host,PoscarFile) is_chgcar = isinstance(host,ChgcarFile) if not is_poscar and not is_chgcar: error('read_poscar_chgcar must be used in conjunction with PoscarFile or ChgcarFile objects only\nencountered object of type: {0}'.format(host.__class__.__name__)) #end if # read lines and remove fortran comments raw_lines = text.splitlines() lines = [] for line in raw_lines: # remove fortran comments cloc1 = line.find('!') cloc2 = line.find('#') has1 = cloc1!=-1 has2 = cloc2!=-1 if has1 or has2: if has1 and has2: cloc = min(cloc1,cloc2) elif has1: cloc = cloc1 else: cloc = cloc2 #end if line = line[:cloc] #end if lines.append(line.strip()) #end for # extract file information nlines = len(lines) min_lines = 8 if nlines<min_lines: host.error('file {0} must have at least {1} lines\nonly {2} lines found'.format(filepath,min_lines,nlines)) #end if description = lines[0] dim = 3 scale = float(lines[1].strip()) axes = empty((dim,dim)) axes[0] = array(lines[2].split(),dtype=float) axes[1] = array(lines[3].split(),dtype=float) axes[2] = array(lines[4].split(),dtype=float) tokens = lines[5].split() if tokens[0].isdigit(): counts = array(tokens,dtype=int) elem = None lcur = 6 else: elem = array(tokens,dtype=str) counts = array(lines[6].split(),dtype=int) lcur = 7 #end if if lcur<len(lines) and len(lines[lcur])>0: c = lines[lcur].lower()[0] lcur+=1 else: host.error('file {0} is incomplete (missing positions)'.format(filepath)) #end if selective_dynamics = c=='s' if selective_dynamics: # Selective dynamics if lcur<len(lines) and len(lines[lcur])>0: c = lines[lcur].lower()[0] lcur+=1 else: host.error('file {0} is incomplete (missing positions)'.format(filepath)) #end if #end if cartesian = c=='c' or c=='k' if cartesian: coord = 'cartesian' else: coord = 'direct' #end if npos = counts.sum() if lcur+npos>len(lines): host.error('file {0} is incomplete (missing positions)'.format(filepath)) #end if spos = [] for i in range(npos): spos.append(lines[lcur+i].split()) #end for lcur += npos spos = array(spos) pos = array(spos[:,0:3],dtype=float) if selective_dynamics: dynamic = array(spos[:,3:6],dtype=str) dynamic = dynamic=='T' else: dynamic = None #end if def is_empty(lines,start=None,end=None): if start is None: start = 0 #end if if end is None: end = len(lines) #end if is_empty = True for line in lines[start:end]: is_empty &= len(line)==0 #end for return is_empty #end def is_empty # velocities may be present for poscar # assume they are not for chgcar if is_poscar and lcur<len(lines) and not is_empty(lines,lcur): cline = lines[lcur].lower() lcur+=1 if lcur+npos>len(lines): host.error('file {0} is incomplete (missing velocities)'.format(filepath)) #end if cartesian = len(cline)>0 and (cline[0]=='c' or cline[0]=='k') if cartesian: vel_coord = 'cartesian' else: vel_coord = 'direct' #end if svel = [] for i in range(npos): svel.append(lines[lcur+i].split()) #end for lcur += npos vel = array(svel,dtype=float) else: vel_coord = None vel = None #end if # grid data is present for chgcar if is_chgcar: lcur+=1 if lcur<len(lines) and len(lines[lcur])>0: grid = array(lines[lcur].split(),dtype=int) lcur+=1 else: host.error('file {0} is incomplete (missing grid)'.format(filepath)) #end if if lcur<len(lines): ng = grid.prod() density = [] for line in lines[lcur:]: density.extend(line.split()) #end for if len(density)>0: def is_float(val): try: v = float(val) return True except: return False #end try #end def is_float # remove anything but the densities (e.g. augmentation charges) n=0 while is_float(density[n]) and n+ng<len(density): n+=ng #end while density = array(density[:n],dtype=float) else: host.error('file {0} is incomplete (missing density)'.format(filepath)) #end if if density.size%ng!=0: host.error('number of density data entries is not a multiple of the grid\ngrid shape: {0}\ngrid size: {1}\ndensity size: {2}'.format(grid,ng,density.size)) #end if ndens = density.size/ng if ndens==1: charge_density = density spin_density = None elif ndens==2: charge_density = density[:ng] spin_density = density[ng:] elif ndens==4: charge_density = density[:ng] spin_density = empty((ng,3),dtype=float) for i in range(3): spin_density[:,i] = density[(i+1)*ng:(i+2)*ng] #end for else: host.error('density data must be present for one of the following situations\n 1) charge density only (1 density)\n2) charge and collinear spin densities (2 densities)\n 3) charge and non-collinear spin densities (4 densities)\nnumber of densities found: {0}'.format(ndens)) #end if else: host.error('file {0} is incomplete (missing density)'.format(filepath)) #end if #end if if is_poscar: poscar = host elif is_chgcar: poscar = PoscarFile() #end if poscar.set( description = description, scale = scale, axes = axes, elem = elem, elem_count = counts, coord = coord, pos = pos, dynamic = dynamic, vel_coord = vel_coord, vel = vel ) if is_chgcar: host.set( poscar = poscar, grid = grid, charge_density = charge_density, spin_density = spin_density, ) #end if #end def read_poscar_chgcar
<reponame>glader/airflow-clickhouse-plugin from unittest import TestCase, mock from clickhouse_driver.errors import ServerException, ErrorCodes from tests.util import LocalClickHouseHook class ClientFromUrlTestCase(TestCase): def test_temp_table(self): hook = LocalClickHouseHook() temp_table_name = 'test_temp_table' result = hook.run(( f'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE {temp_table_name} (test_field UInt8)', f'INSERT INTO {temp_table_name} ' f'SELECT number FROM system.numbers WHERE number < 5 LIMIT 5', f'SELECT SUM(test_field) FROM {temp_table_name}', )) self.assertListEqual([(10,)], result) try: # a new connection is created hook.run(f'SELECT * FROM {temp_table_name}') except ServerException as err: self.assertEqual(ErrorCodes.UNKNOWN_TABLE, err.code) else: raise AssertionError('server did not raise an error') class HookLogQueryTestCase(TestCase): def setUp(self) -> None: self.hook = LocalClickHouseHook() def test_log_params_dict(self): self.assertEqual('{}', self.hook._log_params({})) self.assertEqual('{1: 1}', self.hook._log_params({1: 1})) self.assertEqual('{1: 1}', self.hook._log_params({1: 1}, limit=1)) self.assertEqual( '{1: 1 … and 1 more parameters}', self.hook._log_params({1: 1, 2: 2}, limit=1), ) self.assertEqual( '{1: 1, 2: 2}', self.hook._log_params({1: 1, 2: 2}), ) self.assertEqual( '{0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4, 5: 5, 6: 6, 7: 7, 8: 8, 9: 9 …' ' and 1 more parameters}', self.hook._log_params({k: k for k in range(11)}), ) self.assertEqual( '{0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4, 5: 5, 6: 6, 7: 7, 8: 8, 9: 9 …' ' and 10 more parameters}', self.hook._log_params({k: k for k in range(20)}), ) self.assertEqual( '{0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4, 5: 5, 6: 6, 7: 7, 8: 8, 9: 9 …' ' and 10 more parameters}', self.hook._log_params({k: k for k in range(20)}, limit=10), ) def test_log_params_generator(self): def gen(): yield g = gen() self.assertEqual(str(g), self.hook._log_params(g)) def test_log_params_tuple(self): self.assertEqual('()', self.hook._log_params(())) self.assertEqual('(1,)', self.hook._log_params((1, ))) self.assertEqual('(1,)', self.hook._log_params((1, ), limit=1)) self.assertEqual( '(1, … and 1 more parameters)', self.hook._log_params((1, 2), limit=1), ) self.assertEqual( '(1, 2)', self.hook._log_params((1, 2)), ) self.assertEqual( '(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 … and 1 more parameters)', self.hook._log_params(tuple(range(11))), ) self.assertEqual( '(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 … and 10 more parameters)', self.hook._log_params(tuple(range(20))), ) self.assertEqual( '(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 … and 10 more parameters)', self.hook._log_params(tuple(range(20)), limit=10), ) def test_log_params_list(self): self.assertEqual('[]', self.hook._log_params([])) self.assertEqual('[1]', self.hook._log_params([1])) self.assertEqual('[1]', self.hook._log_params([1], limit=1)) self.assertEqual( '[1 … and 1 more parameters]', self.hook._log_params([1, 2], limit=1), ) self.assertEqual( '[1, 2]', self.hook._log_params([1, 2]), ) self.assertEqual( '[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 … and 1 more parameters]', self.hook._log_params(list(range(11))), ) self.assertEqual( '[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 … and 10 more parameters]', self.hook._log_params(list(range(20))), ) self.assertEqual( '[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 … and 10 more parameters]', self.hook._log_params(list(range(20)), limit=10), ) def test_log_query(self): _ = self.hook.log # to initialize .log property with mock.patch.object(self.hook, '_log') as patched: self.hook._log_query('SELECT 1', {}) patched.info.assert_called_with('%s%s', 'SELECT 1', '') self.hook._log_query('SELECT 1', {1: 1}) patched.info.assert_called_with('%s%s', 'SELECT 1', ' with {1: 1}') self.hook._log_query('SELECT 1', [1]) patched.info.assert_called_with('%s%s', 'SELECT 1', ' with [1]') class HookGetAsPandasTestCase(TestCase): def test_get_pandas_df(self): import pandas as pd hook = LocalClickHouseHook() for sql, expected in ( ( ''' SELECT number, concat('result: ', toString(number + number)) AS n_sum FROM system.numbers WHERE number < 4 LIMIT 3 ''', pd.DataFrame.from_dict({ 'number': (0, 1, 2), 'n_sum': ('result: 0', 'result: 2', 'result: 4'), }) ), # empty df ( ''' SELECT number, concat('result: ', toString(number + number)) AS n_sum FROM ( SELECT number FROM system.numbers WHERE number < 4 LIMIT 3 ) WHERE number > 4 ''', pd.DataFrame(columns=['number', 'n_sum']) ) ): df = hook.get_pandas_df(sql) self.assertListEqual(list(df.columns), list(expected.columns)) self.assertListEqual( df.to_dict('records'), expected.to_dict('records'), )
<filename>ubiops_cli/src/deployments.py import ubiops as api import os from time import sleep from ubiops_cli.utils import init_client, read_yaml, write_yaml, zip_dir, get_current_project, \ set_dict_default, write_blob, default_version_zip_name, parse_json from ubiops_cli.src.helpers.deployment_helpers import define_deployment_version, update_deployment_file, \ update_existing_deployment_version, DEPLOYMENT_VERSION_FIELDS from ubiops_cli.src.helpers.helpers import get_label_filter from ubiops_cli.src.helpers.formatting import print_list, print_item, format_yaml, format_requests_reference, \ format_requests_oneline, format_json, parse_datetime, format_datetime from ubiops_cli.src.helpers.options import * from ubiops_cli.constants import STATUS_UNAVAILABLE, STRUCTURED_TYPE, DEFAULT_IGNORE_FILE, UPDATE_TIME LIST_ITEMS = ['last_updated', 'name', 'labels'] REQUEST_LIST_ITEMS = ['id', 'status', 'success', 'time_created'] @click.group(["deployments", "dpl"], short_help="Manage your deployments") def commands(): """ Manage your deployments. """ pass @commands.command("list", short_help="List deployments") @LABELS_FILTER @LIST_FORMATS def deployments_list(labels, format_): """ List all your deployments in your project. The `<labels>` option can be used to filter on specific labels. """ label_filter = get_label_filter(labels) project_name = get_current_project() if project_name: client = init_client() deployments = client.deployments_list(project_name=project_name, labels=label_filter) client.api_client.close() print_list(items=deployments, attrs=LIST_ITEMS, sorting_col=1, fmt=format_) @commands.command("get", short_help="Get details of a deployment") @DEPLOYMENT_NAME_ARGUMENT @DEPLOYMENT_YAML_OUTPUT @QUIET @GET_FORMATS def deployments_get(deployment_name, output_path, quiet, format_): """ Get the deployment settings, like, input_type and output_type. If you specify the `<output_path>` option, this location will be used to store the deployment settings in a yaml file. You can either specify the `<output_path>` as file or directory. If the specified `<output_path>` is a directory, the settings will be stored in `deployment.yaml`. """ project_name = get_current_project(error=True) client = init_client() deployment = client.deployments_get(project_name=project_name, deployment_name=deployment_name) client.api_client.close() if output_path is not None: dictionary = format_yaml( item=deployment, required_front=['name', 'description', 'labels', 'input_type', 'output_type'], optional=['input_fields', 'output_fields'], rename={'name': 'deployment_name', 'description': 'deployment_description', 'labels': 'deployment_labels'}, as_str=False ) yaml_file = write_yaml(output_path, dictionary, default_file_name="deployment.yaml") if not quiet: click.echo('Deployment file is stored in: %s' % yaml_file) else: print_item( item=deployment, row_attrs=LIST_ITEMS, rename={'name': 'deployment_name', 'description': 'deployment_description', 'labels': 'deployment_labels'}, fmt=format_ ) @commands.command("create", short_help="Create a deployment") @DEPLOYMENT_NAME_OVERRULE @DEPLOYMENT_YAML_FILE @CREATE_FORMATS def deployments_create(deployment_name, yaml_file, format_): """ Create a new deployment. \b Define the deployment parameters using a yaml file. For example: ``` deployment_name: my-deployment-name deployment_description: Deployment created via command line. deployment_labels: my-key-1: my-label-1 my-key-2: my-label-2 input_type: structured input_fields: - name: param1 data_type: int - name: param2 data_type: string output_type: plain ``` The deployment name can either be passed as argument or specified inside the yaml file. If it is both passed as argument and specified inside the yaml file, the value passed as argument is used. Possible input/output types: [structured, plain]. Possible data_types: [blob, int, string, double, bool, array_string, array_int, array_double]. """ project_name = get_current_project(error=True) yaml_content = read_yaml(yaml_file, required_fields=DEPLOYMENT_REQUIRED_FIELDS) client = init_client() assert 'deployment_name' in yaml_content or deployment_name, 'Please, specify the deployment name in either the ' \ 'yaml file or as a command argument' deployment_name = set_dict_default(deployment_name, yaml_content, 'deployment_name') description = set_dict_default(None, yaml_content, 'deployment_description') if 'input_fields' in yaml_content and isinstance(yaml_content['input_fields'], list): input_fields = [api.DeploymentInputFieldCreate(name=item['name'], data_type=item['data_type']) for item in yaml_content['input_fields']] else: input_fields = None if 'output_fields' in yaml_content and isinstance(yaml_content['output_fields'], list): output_fields = [api.DeploymentInputFieldCreate(name=item['name'], data_type=item['data_type']) for item in yaml_content['output_fields']] else: output_fields = None if 'deployment_labels' in yaml_content: labels = yaml_content['deployment_labels'] else: labels = {} deployment = api.DeploymentCreate( name=deployment_name, description=description, input_type=yaml_content['input_type'], output_type=yaml_content['output_type'], input_fields=input_fields, output_fields=output_fields, labels=labels ) response = client.deployments_create(project_name=project_name, data=deployment) client.api_client.close() print_item( item=response, row_attrs=LIST_ITEMS, rename={'name': 'deployment_name', 'description': 'deployment_description', 'labels': 'deployment_labels'}, fmt=format_ ) @commands.command("update", short_help="Update a deployment") @DEPLOYMENT_NAME_ARGUMENT @DEPLOYMENT_NAME_UPDATE @VERSION_DEFAULT_UPDATE @DEPLOYMENT_YAML_FILE_OPTIONAL @QUIET def deployments_update(deployment_name, new_name, default_version, yaml_file, quiet): """ Update a deployment. If you only want to update the name of the deployment or the default deployment version, use the options `<new_name>` and `<default_version>`. If you want to update the deployment input/output fields, description or labels, please use a yaml file to define the new deployment. \b For example: ``` deployment_description: Deployment created via command line. deployment_labels: my-key-1: my-label-1 my-key-2: my-label-2 input_fields: - name: param1 data_type: int - name: param2 data_type: string output_fields: - name: param1 data_type: int - name: param2 data_type: string ``` """ project_name = get_current_project(error=True) yaml_content = read_yaml(yaml_file) deployment = api.DeploymentUpdate(name=new_name, default_version=default_version) if 'deployment_description' in yaml_content: deployment.description = yaml_content['deployment_description'] if 'deployment_labels' in yaml_content: deployment.labels = yaml_content['deployment_labels'] if 'input_fields' in yaml_content and isinstance(yaml_content['input_fields'], list): deployment.input_fields = [ api.DeploymentInputFieldCreate(name=item['name'], data_type=item['data_type']) for item in yaml_content['input_fields'] ] if 'output_fields' in yaml_content and isinstance(yaml_content['output_fields'], list): deployment.output_fields = [ api.DeploymentInputFieldCreate(name=item['name'], data_type=item['data_type']) for item in yaml_content['output_fields'] ] client = init_client() client.deployments_update(project_name=project_name, deployment_name=deployment_name, data=deployment) client.api_client.close() if not quiet: click.echo("Deployment was successfully updated") @commands.command("delete", short_help="Delete a deployment") @DEPLOYMENT_NAME_ARGUMENT @ASSUME_YES @QUIET def deployments_delete(deployment_name, assume_yes, quiet): """ Delete a deployment. """ project_name = get_current_project(error=True) if assume_yes or click.confirm("Are you sure you want to delete deployment <%s> " "of project <%s>?" % (deployment_name, project_name)): client = init_client() client.deployments_delete(project_name=project_name, deployment_name=deployment_name) client.api_client.close() if not quiet: click.echo("Deployment was successfully deleted") @commands.command("package", short_help="Package deployment code") @DEPLOYMENT_NAME_ZIP @VERSION_NAME_ZIP @PACKAGE_DIR @ZIP_OUTPUT @IGNORE_FILE @ASSUME_YES @QUIET def deployments_package(deployment_name, version_name, directory, output_path, ignore_file, assume_yes, quiet): """ Package code to ZIP file which is ready to be deployed. Please, specify the code `<directory>` that should be deployed. The files in this directory will be zipped and uploaded. Subdirectories and files that shouldn't be contained in the ZIP can be specified in an ignore file, which is by default '.ubiops-ignore'. The structure of this file is assumed to be equal to the wellknown .gitignore file. Use the `<output_path>` option to specify the output location of the zip file. If not specified, the current directory will be used. If the `<output_path>` is a directory, the zip will be saved in `[deployment_name]_[deployment_version]_[datetime.now()].zip`. Use the `<assume_yes>` option to overwrite without confirmation if file specified in `<output_path>` already exists. """ ignore_file = DEFAULT_IGNORE_FILE if ignore_file is None else ignore_file zip_path = zip_dir( directory=directory, output_path=output_path, ignore_filename=ignore_file, deployment_name=deployment_name, version_name=version_name, force=assume_yes ) if not quiet: click.echo("Created zip: %s" % zip_path) @commands.command("upload", short_help="Upload a deployment package") @DEPLOYMENT_NAME_ARGUMENT @VERSION_NAME_OPTION @ZIP_FILE @OVERWRITE @QUIET def deployments_upload(deployment_name, version_name, zip_path, overwrite, quiet): """ Upload ZIP to a version of a deployment. Please, specify the deployment package `<zip_path>` that should be uploaded. Use the `<overwrite>` option to overwrite the deployment package on UbiOps if one already exists for this version. """ project_name = get_current_project(error=True) client = init_client() current_version = client.deployment_versions_get( project_name=project_name, deployment_name=deployment_name, version=version_name ) if overwrite or current_version.status == STATUS_UNAVAILABLE: client.revisions_file_upload( project_name=project_name, deployment_name=deployment_name, version=version_name, file=zip_path ) client.api_client.close() if not quiet: click.echo("Deployment was successfully uploaded") else: client.api_client.close() raise Exception("A deployment package already exists for this deployment version") @commands.command("download", short_help="Download a deployment package") @DEPLOYMENT_NAME_ARGUMENT @VERSION_NAME_OPTION @ZIP_OUTPUT @QUIET def deployments_download(deployment_name, version_name, output_path, quiet): """ Get the version of a deployment. The `<output_path>` option will be used as output location of the zip file. If not specified, the current directory will be used. If the `<output_path>` is a directory, the zip will be saved in `[deployment_name]_[deployment_version]_[datetime.now()].zip`. """ project_name = get_current_project(error=True) client = init_client() version = client.deployment_versions_get( project_name=project_name, deployment_name=deployment_name, version=version_name ) if not version.active_revision: raise Exception("No active revision available for this deployment") with client.revisions_file_download(project_name=project_name, deployment_name=deployment_name, version=version_name, revision_id=version.active_revision) as response: filename = default_version_zip_name(deployment_name, version_name) output_path = write_blob(response.read(), output_path, filename) client.api_client.close() if not quiet: click.echo("Zip stored in: %s" % output_path) @commands.command("deploy", short_help="Deploy a new version of a deployment") @DEPLOYMENT_NAME_OVERRULE @VERSION_NAME_OPTIONAL @PACKAGE_DIR @DEPLOYMENT_FILE @IGNORE_FILE @ZIP_OUTPUT_STORE @VERSION_YAML_FILE @LANGUAGE @INSTANCE_TYPE @MEMORY_ALLOCATION @MIN_INSTANCES @MAX_INSTANCES @MAX_IDLE_TIME @DEPLOYMENT_MODE @RETENTION_MODE @RETENTION_TIME @VERSION_LABELS @VERSION_DESCRIPTION @OVERWRITE @ASSUME_YES @QUIET def deployments_deploy(deployment_name, version_name, directory, output_path, yaml_file, overwrite, assume_yes, quiet, **kwargs): """ Deploy a new version of a deployment. Please, specify the code `<directory>` that should be deployed. The files in this directory will be zipped and uploaded. Subdirectories and files that shouldn't be contained in the ZIP can be specified in an ignore file, which is by default '.ubiops-ignore'. The structure of this file is assumed to be equal to the wellknown '.gitignore' file. If you want to store a local copy of the uploaded zip file, please use the `<output_path>` option. The `<output_path>` option will be used as output location of the zip file. If the `<output_path>` is a directory, the zip will be saved in `[deployment_name]_[deployment_version]_[datetime.now()].zip`. Use the `<assume_yes>` option to overwrite without confirmation if file specified in `<output_path>` already exists. Provide either deployment mode 'express' or 'batch', default is 'express'. \b It is possible to define the parameters using a yaml file. For example: ``` deployment_name: my-deployment-name version_name: my-deployment-version version_description: Version created via command line. version_labels: my-key-1: my-label-1 my-key-2: my-label-2 language: python3.7 instance_type: 2048mb minimum_instances: 0 maximum_instances: 1 maximum_idle_time: 300 request_retention_mode: none request_retention_time: 604800 deployment_mode: express ``` Those parameters can also be provided as command options. If both a `<yaml_file>` is set and options are given, the options defined by `<yaml_file>` will be overwritten by the specified command options. The deployment name can either be passed as command argument or specified inside the yaml file using `<deployment_name>`. It's not possible to update the programming language and deployment mode of an existing deployment version. """ if output_path is None: store_zip = False output_path = '' else: store_zip = True project_name = get_current_project(error=True) client = init_client() yaml_content = read_yaml(yaml_file, required_fields=[]) assert 'deployment_name' in yaml_content or deployment_name, 'Please, specify the deployment name in either the ' \ 'yaml file or as a command argument' assert 'version_name' in yaml_content or version_name, 'Please, specify the version name in either the yaml ' \ 'file or as a command option' deployment_name = set_dict_default(deployment_name, yaml_content, 'deployment_name') version_name = set_dict_default(version_name, yaml_content, 'version_name') existing_version = None if overwrite: try: existing_version = client.deployment_versions_get( project_name=project_name, deployment_name=deployment_name, version=version_name ) except api.exceptions.ApiException: # Do nothing if version doesn't exist pass kwargs = define_deployment_version( kwargs, yaml_content, extra_yaml_fields=['deployment_file', 'ignore_file'] ) kwargs['ignore_file'] = DEFAULT_IGNORE_FILE if kwargs['ignore_file'] is None else kwargs['ignore_file'] if not quiet and kwargs['memory_allocation'] and not kwargs['instance_type']: click.secho( "Deprecation warning: parameter 'memory_allocation' is deprecated, use 'instance_type' instead", fg='red' ) zip_path = zip_dir( directory=directory, output_path=output_path, ignore_filename=kwargs['ignore_file'], deployment_name=deployment_name, version_name=version_name, force=assume_yes ) try: has_uploaded_zips = False has_changed_fields = False if not (overwrite and existing_version): version = api.DeploymentVersionCreate( version=version_name, **{k: kwargs[k] for k in DEPLOYMENT_VERSION_FIELDS} ) client.deployment_versions_create(project_name=project_name, deployment_name=deployment_name, data=version) else: revisions = client.revisions_list( project_name=project_name, deployment_name=deployment_name, version=version_name ) has_uploaded_zips = len(revisions) > 0 if overwrite and existing_version: has_changed_fields = update_existing_deployment_version( client, project_name, deployment_name, version_name, existing_version, kwargs ) has_changed_env_vars = update_deployment_file( client, project_name, deployment_name, version_name, kwargs['deployment_file'] ) if has_uploaded_zips and (has_changed_fields or has_changed_env_vars): # Wait for changes being applied click.echo("Waiting for changes to take effect... This takes %d seconds." % UPDATE_TIME) sleep(UPDATE_TIME) client.revisions_file_upload( project_name=project_name, deployment_name=deployment_name, version=version_name, file=zip_path ) client.api_client.close() except Exception as e: if os.path.isfile(zip_path) and not store_zip: os.remove(zip_path) client.api_client.close() raise e if os.path.isfile(zip_path): if store_zip: if not quiet: click.echo("Created zip: %s" % zip_path) else: os.remove(zip_path) if not quiet: click.echo("Deployment was successfully deployed") @commands.group("requests", short_help="Manage your deployment requests") def requests(): """ Manage your deployment requests. """ pass @requests.command("create", short_help="Create deployment request") @DEPLOYMENT_NAME_ARGUMENT @VERSION_NAME_OPTIONAL @REQUEST_BATCH @REQUEST_DATA_MULTI @REQUEST_TIMEOUT @REQUESTS_FORMATS def requests_create(deployment_name, version_name, batch, data, timeout, format_): """ Create a deployment request and retrieve request IDs to collect the results later. Use the option `timeout` to specify the timeout of the request. The minimum value is 10 seconds. The maximum value is 3600 (1 hour) for express deployments and 345600 (96 hours) for batch deployments. The default value is 300 (5 minutes) for express deployments and 14400 (4 hours) for batch deployments. Use the version option to make a request to a specific deployment version: `ubiops deployments requests create <my-deployment> -v <my-version> --data <input>` If not specified, a request is made to the default version: `ubiops deployments requests create <my-deployment> --data <input>` Use `--batch` to make an asynchronous batch request: `ubiops deployments requests create <my-deployment> --batch --data <input>` Multiple data inputs can be specified at ones and send as batch by using the '--data' options multiple times: `ubiops deployments requests create <my-deployment> --batch --data <input-1> --data <input-2> --data <input-3>` For structured input, specify data input as JSON formatted string. For example: `ubiops deployments requests create <my-deployment> --data "{\\"param1\\": 1, \\"param2\\": \\"two\\"}"` """ data = list(data) project_name = get_current_project(error=True) client = init_client() deployment = client.deployments_get(project_name=project_name, deployment_name=deployment_name) if deployment.input_type == STRUCTURED_TYPE: input_data = [] for d in data: input_data.append(parse_json(d)) else: input_data = data if version_name is not None: if batch: response = client.batch_deployment_version_requests_create( project_name=project_name, deployment_name=deployment_name, version=version_name, data=input_data, timeout=timeout ) else: response = [client.deployment_version_requests_create( project_name=project_name, deployment_name=deployment_name, version=version_name, data=input_data, timeout=timeout )] else: if batch: response = client.batch_deployment_requests_create( project_name=project_name, deployment_name=deployment_name, data=input_data, timeout=timeout ) else: response = [client.deployment_requests_create( project_name=project_name, deployment_name=deployment_name, data=input_data, timeout=timeout )] client.api_client.close() if format_ == 'reference': click.echo(format_requests_reference(response)) elif format_ == 'oneline': click.echo(format_requests_oneline(response)) elif format_ == 'json': click.echo(format_json(response)) else: click.echo(format_requests_reference(response)) @requests.command("get", short_help="Get deployment request") @DEPLOYMENT_NAME_ARGUMENT @VERSION_NAME_OPTIONAL @REQUEST_ID_MULTI @REQUESTS_FORMATS def requests_get(deployment_name, version_name, request_id, format_): """ Get one or more stored deployment requests. Deployment requests are only stored for deployment versions with `request_retention_mode` 'full' or 'metadata'. Use the version option to get a request for a specific deployment version. If not specified, the request is retrieved for the default version. Multiple request ids can be specified at ones by using the '-id' options multiple times: `ubiops deployments requests get <my-deployment> -v <my-version> -id <id-1> -id <id-2> -id <id-3>` """ request_ids = list(request_id) project_name = get_current_project(error=True) client = init_client() if version_name is not None: response = client.deployment_version_requests_batch_get( project_name=project_name, deployment_name=deployment_name, version=version_name, data=request_ids ) else: response = client.deployment_requests_batch_get( project_name=project_name, deployment_name=deployment_name, data=request_ids ) client.api_client.close() if format_ == 'reference': click.echo(format_requests_reference(response)) elif format_ == 'oneline': click.echo(format_requests_oneline(response)) elif format_ == 'json': click.echo(format_json(response)) else: click.echo(format_requests_reference(response)) @requests.command("list", short_help="List deployment requests") @DEPLOYMENT_NAME_ARGUMENT @VERSION_NAME_OPTIONAL @OFFSET @REQUEST_LIMIT @REQUEST_SORT @REQUEST_FILTER_DEPLOYMENT_STATUS @REQUEST_FILTER_SUCCESS @REQUEST_FILTER_START_DATE @REQUEST_FILTER_END_DATE @REQUEST_FILTER_SEARCH_ID @REQUEST_FILTER_IN_PIPELINE @LIST_FORMATS def requests_list(deployment_name, version_name, limit, format_, **kwargs): """ List stored deployment requests. Deployment requests are only stored for deployment versions with `request_retention_mode` 'full' or 'metadata'. Use the version option to list the requests for a specific deployment version. If not specified, the requests are listed for the default version. """ project_name = get_current_project(error=True) if 'start_date' in kwargs and kwargs['start_date']: try: kwargs['start_date'] = format_datetime(parse_datetime(kwargs['start_date']), fmt='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') except ValueError: raise Exception("Failed to parse start_date. Please use iso-format, " "for example, '2020-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z'") if 'end_date' in kwargs and kwargs['end_date']: try: kwargs['end_date'] = format_datetime(parse_datetime(kwargs['end_date']), fmt='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') except ValueError: raise Exception("Failed to parse end_date. Please use iso-format, " "for example, '2020-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z'") client = init_client() if version_name is not None: response = client.deployment_version_requests_list( project_name=project_name, deployment_name=deployment_name, version=version_name, limit=limit, **kwargs ) else: response = client.deployment_requests_list( project_name=project_name, deployment_name=deployment_name, limit=limit, **kwargs ) client.api_client.close() print_list(response, REQUEST_LIST_ITEMS, fmt=format_) if len(response) == limit: click.echo("\n(Use the <offset> and <limit> options to load more)") @commands.command("request", short_help="[DEPRECATED] Create deployment direct requests") @DEPLOYMENT_NAME_ARGUMENT @VERSION_NAME_OPTIONAL @REQUEST_DATA @REQUEST_DEPLOYMENT_TIMEOUT_DEPRECATED @REQUESTS_FORMATS def deprecated_deployments_request(deployment_name, version_name, data, timeout, format_): """ [DEPRECATED] Create a deployment request and retrieve the result. Use the version option to make a request to a specific deployment version: `ubiops deployments request <my-deployment> -v <my-version> --data <input>` If not specified, a request is made to the default version: `ubiops deployments request <my-deployment> --data <input>` For structured input, specify the data as JSON formatted string. For example: `ubiops deployments request <my-deployment> --data "{\\"param1\\": 1, \\"param2\\": \\"two\\"}"` """ if format_ != 'json': click.secho( "Deprecation warning: 'request' is deprecated, use 'requests create' instead", fg='red' ) project_name = get_current_project(error=True) client = init_client() deployment = client.deployments_get(project_name=project_name, deployment_name=deployment_name) if deployment.input_type == STRUCTURED_TYPE: data = parse_json(data) if version_name is not None: response = client.deployment_version_requests_create( project_name=project_name, deployment_name=deployment_name, version=version_name, data=data, timeout=timeout ) else: response = client.deployment_requests_create( project_name=project_name, deployment_name=deployment_name, data=data, timeout=timeout ) client.api_client.close() if format_ == 'reference': click.echo(format_requests_reference([response])) elif format_ == 'oneline': click.echo(format_requests_oneline([response])) elif format_ == 'json': click.echo(format_json(response)) else: click.echo(format_requests_reference([response])) @commands.group("batch_requests", short_help="[DEPRECATED] Manage your deployment batch requests") def deprecated_batch_requests(): """ [DEPRECATED] Manage your deployment batch requests. """ pass @deprecated_batch_requests.command("create", short_help="[DEPRECATED] Create deployment batch request") @DEPLOYMENT_NAME_ARGUMENT @VERSION_NAME_OPTIONAL @REQUEST_DATA_MULTI @REQUEST_TIMEOUT @REQUESTS_FORMATS def deprecated_batch_requests_create(deployment_name, version_name, data, timeout, format_): """ [DEPRECATED] Create a deployment batch request and retrieve request IDs to collect the results later. Deployment requests are only stored for deployment versions with `request_retention_mode` 'full' or 'metadata'. Use the option `timeout` to specify the timeout of the request. The minimum value is 10 seconds. The maximum value is 345600 (96 hours). The default value is 14400 (4 hours). Use the version option to make a batch request to a specific deployment version: `ubiops deployments batch_requests create <my-deployment> -v <my-version> --data <input>` If not specified, a batch request is made to the default version: `ubiops deployments batch_requests create <my-deployment> --data <input>` Multiple data inputs can be specified at ones by using the '--data' options multiple times: `ubiops deployments batch_requests create <my-deployment> --data <input-1> --data <input-2> --data <input-3>` For structured input, specify each data input as JSON formatted string. For example: `ubiops deployments batch_requests create <my-deployment> --data "{\\"param1\\": 1, \\"param2\\": \\"two\\"}"` """ if format_ != 'json': click.secho( "Deprecation warning: 'batch_requests create' is deprecated, use 'requests create --batch' instead", fg='red' ) data = list(data) project_name = get_current_project(error=True) client = init_client() deployment = client.deployments_get(project_name=project_name, deployment_name=deployment_name) if deployment.input_type == STRUCTURED_TYPE: input_data = [] for d in data: input_data.append(parse_json(d)) else: input_data = data if version_name is not None: response = client.batch_deployment_version_requests_create( project_name=project_name, deployment_name=deployment_name, version=version_name, data=input_data, timeout=timeout ) else: response = client.batch_deployment_requests_create( project_name=project_name, deployment_name=deployment_name, data=input_data, timeout=timeout ) client.api_client.close() if format_ == 'reference': click.echo(format_requests_reference(response)) elif format_ == 'oneline': click.echo(format_requests_oneline(response)) elif format_ == 'json': click.echo(format_json(response)) else: click.echo(format_requests_reference(response)) @deprecated_batch_requests.command("get", short_help="[DEPRECATED] Get deployment batch request") @DEPLOYMENT_NAME_ARGUMENT @VERSION_NAME_OPTIONAL @REQUEST_ID_MULTI @REQUESTS_FORMATS def deprecated_batch_requests_get(deployment_name, version_name, request_id, format_): """ [DEPRECATED] Get the results of one or more deployment batch requests. Deployment requests are only stored for deployment versions with `request_retention_mode` 'full' or 'metadata'. Use the version option to get a batch request for a specific deployment version. If not specified, the batch request is retrieved for the default version. Multiple request ids can be specified at ones by using the '-id' options multiple times: `ubiops deployments batch_requests get <my-deployment> -v <my-version> -id <id-1> -id <id-2> -id <id-3>` """ if format_ != 'json': click.secho( "Deprecation warning: 'batch_requests get' is deprecated, use 'requests get' instead", fg='red' ) request_ids = list(request_id) project_name = get_current_project(error=True) client = init_client() if version_name is not None: response = client.deployment_version_requests_batch_get( project_name=project_name, deployment_name=deployment_name, version=version_name, data=request_ids ) else: response = client.deployment_requests_batch_get( project_name=project_name, deployment_name=deployment_name, data=request_ids ) client.api_client.close() if format_ == 'reference': click.echo(format_requests_reference(response)) elif format_ == 'oneline': click.echo(format_requests_oneline(response)) elif format_ == 'json': click.echo(format_json(response)) else: click.echo(format_requests_reference(response)) @deprecated_batch_requests.command("list", short_help="[DEPRECATED] List deployment batch requests") @DEPLOYMENT_NAME_ARGUMENT @VERSION_NAME_OPTIONAL @OFFSET @REQUEST_LIMIT @LIST_FORMATS def deprecated_batch_requests_list(deployment_name, version_name, offset, limit, format_): """ [DEPRECATED] List deployment batch requests. Deployment requests are only stored for deployment versions with `request_retention_mode` 'full' or 'metadata'. Use the version option to list the batch requests for a specific deployment version. If not specified, the batch requests are listed for the default version. """ if format_ != 'json': click.secho( "Deprecation warning: 'batch_requests list' is deprecated, use 'requests list' instead", fg='red' ) project_name = get_current_project(error=True) client = init_client() if version_name is not None: response = client.deployment_version_requests_list( project_name=project_name, deployment_name=deployment_name, version=version_name, limit=limit, offset=offset ) else: response = client.deployment_requests_list( project_name=project_name, deployment_name=deployment_name, limit=limit, offset=offset ) client.api_client.close() print_list(response, REQUEST_LIST_ITEMS, fmt=format_) if len(response) == limit: click.echo("\n(Use the <offset> and <limit> options to load more)")
from restclients_core import models # Create your models here. class Status(models.Model): STATUS_TYPE_BOOKED_SPACE = -14 STATUS_TYPE_WAIT = -13 STATUS_TYPE_CANCEL = -12 STATUS_TYPE_INFO_ONLY = -11 STATUS_TYPE_CHOICES = ( (STATUS_TYPE_BOOKED_SPACE, 'Booked Space'), (STATUS_TYPE_WAIT, 'Wait'), (STATUS_TYPE_CANCEL, 'Cancel'), (STATUS_TYPE_INFO_ONLY, 'Info Only'), ) description = models.CharField(max_length=30) id = models.PositiveIntegerField(primary_key=True) status_type_id = models.SmallIntegerField(choices=STATUS_TYPE_CHOICES) display_on_web = models.BooleanField(default=None) def __str__(self): return self.description class EventType(models.Model): description = models.CharField(max_length=30) id = models.PositiveIntegerField(primary_key=True) display_on_web = models.BooleanField(default=None) def __str__(self): return self.description class Building(models.Model): description = models.CharField(max_length=50) building_code = models.CharField(max_length=20, null=True) id = models.PositiveIntegerField(primary_key=True) time_zone_description = models.CharField(max_length=255) time_zone_abbreviation = models.CharField(max_length=10) def __str__(self): return self.description class Room(models.Model): room = models.CharField(max_length=20) description = models.CharField(max_length=50) dv_building = models.CharField(max_length=50) active = models.BooleanField() building = models.ForeignKey(Building, on_delete=models.PROTECT) id = models.PositiveIntegerField(primary_key=True) external_reference = models.CharField(max_length=255, null=True) def __str__(self): return self.description class Booking(models.Model): booking_date = models.DateField() room_description = models.CharField(max_length=75) time_event_start = models.DateTimeField() time_event_end = models.DateTimeField() group_name = models.CharField(max_length=50) event_name = models.CharField(max_length=255) reservation_id = models.PositiveIntegerField() event_type_description = models.CharField(max_length=30) contact = models.CharField(max_length=113) id = models.PositiveIntegerField(primary_key=True) building = models.ForeignKey(Building, on_delete=models.PROTECT) time_booking_start = models.DateTimeField() time_booking_end = models.DateTimeField() time_zone = models.CharField(max_length=10) building_code = models.CharField(max_length=20) dv_building = models.CharField(max_length=50) room_code = models.CharField(max_length=20) dv_room = models.CharField(max_length=50) room = models.ForeignKey(Room, on_delete=models.PROTECT) status = models.ForeignKey(Status, on_delete=models.PROTECT) status_type_id = models.SmallIntegerField( choices=Status.STATUS_TYPE_CHOICES) date_added = models.DateTimeField(null=True) date_changed = models.DateTimeField(null=True) contact_email_address = models.CharField(max_length=75, null=True) class ServiceOrderDetail(models.Model): booking_date = models.DateField() service_order_start_time = models.TimeField(null=True) service_order_end_time = models.TimeField(null=True) resource_description = models.CharField(max_length=50) resource_external_reference = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True) service_order_id = models.PositiveIntegerField() booking = models.ForeignKey(Booking, on_delete=models.PROTECT)
<gh_stars>1-10 from Simulation import MMCC from Event import Event from pylab import * from math import factorial def blockingProbability(num_servers: int, arrival_rate: float, departure_rate: float) -> float: """ Static function to be able to analytical determine the expected blocking probability for a simulation of MMCC given its parameters. Params: - num_servers: The number of clients in the simulation - arrival_rate: The exponential mean of arrival for the clients - departure_rate: the exponential mean of the departure of the clients Return: - float: Blocking probability of the system """ numerator = double(((arrival_rate/departure_rate)**num_servers)/double(factorial(num_servers))) demoninator = sum( [((arrival_rate/departure_rate)**k)/factorial(k) for k in range(1,num_servers)]) return numerator/demoninator def serverUtilisation(arrival_rate: float, departure_rate: float) -> float: """ Calculate the expected server Utilisation of the system with the given parameters. Params: - arrival_rate: The exponential mean of arrival for the clients - departure_rate: the exponential mean of the departure of the clients Returns: - float: Value representing the server utilisation value """ return arrival_rate/departure_rate if __name__ == "__main__": matplotlib.pyplot.show() # Allow plotting package to display figures machine = MMCC() # Generate simulation machine # Initialise investigation parameters servers = 16 # Number of servers in the simulation arrival_range = logspace(-2,-1,50) # Range or arrival values to test departure_rate = 0.01 # Departure rate of simulation events clients = 10000 # Number of client arrivals # Data structures to hold obversations prob_blocking = [] # Probability of blocking evaluated from the simulation pred_blocking = [] # Predicted probability of blocking from an analytical model utilisation = [] # Recorded utilisation value from the simulation pred_utilisation = [] # Predicted utilisation value from an analytical model # Begin investigation index = 0 for i, arrival_rate in enumerate(arrival_range): Event.arrivalRate = arrival_rate # Set the arrival rate value # run the simulation machine.run( total_servers = servers, total_arrival = clients ) # Collect the statistical information from the simulation probability = machine.blockingProbability() # Record simulation that yielded a blocking probability less than 0.01 if probability < 0.01: index = i # Add information into data structures prob_blocking.append(probability) pred_blocking.append(blockingProbability(servers, arrival_rate, departure_rate)) utilisation.append(machine.serverUtilisation()) pred_utilisation.append(serverUtilisation(arrival_rate, departure_rate)) # Display best simulation values print("Values for re-run on best arrival rate:") Event.arrivalRate = arrival_range[index] machine.run(total_servers = servers, total_arrival = clients) machine.report() print() # Statistical information about the progress of the investigation difference = [i-j for i, j in zip(prob_blocking, pred_blocking)] print("For blocking rate lower than 0.01:") print("\tArrival rate:", arrival_range[index]) print("\tSimulation blocking probability:", prob_blocking[index]) print("\tSimulations variance from predictions:", sum(difference)/len(difference) ) # Plot the findings of the investigation for blocking probability figure() plot(arrival_range, prob_blocking, "b*", label="Simulation blocking percentage") plot(arrival_range, pred_blocking, "r--", label="Analytic blocking percentage") plot([0.01, arrival_range[index]], [prob_blocking[index]]*2, "y--", label="Setup with probability under 0.01") plot([arrival_range[index]]*2, [-0.0005, prob_blocking[index]], "y--") legend() ylabel("Blocking Probability") xlabel("Arrival rate") xlim(0.01, 0.1) ylim(-0.0005,0.025) show(block=True) # Plot the findings of the investigation for server utility figure() plot(arrival_range, utilisation, "b*", label="Utilisation of servers") plot(arrival_range, pred_utilisation, "r--", label="Predicted utilisation of servers") ylabel("Server Utility") xlabel("Arrival rate") legend() xlim(0.01, 0.1) show(block=True)
<reponame>onlyyou2023/buildtools #!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Makes sure that files include headers from allowed directories. Checks DEPS files in the source tree for rules, and applies those rules to "#include" and "import" directives in the .cpp, .java, and .proto source files. Any source file including something not permitted by the DEPS files will fail. See README.md for a detailed description of the DEPS format. """ import os import optparse import re import sys import proto_checker import cpp_checker import java_checker import results from builddeps import DepsBuilder from rules import Rule, Rules def _IsTestFile(filename): """Does a rudimentary check to try to skip test files; this could be improved but is good enough for now. """ return re.match('(test|mock|dummy)_.*|.*_[a-z]*test\.(cc|mm|java)', filename) class DepsChecker(DepsBuilder): """Parses include_rules from DEPS files and verifies files in the source tree against them. """ def __init__(self, base_directory=None, extra_repos=[], verbose=False, being_tested=False, ignore_temp_rules=False, skip_tests=False, resolve_dotdot=True): """Creates a new DepsChecker. Args: base_directory: OS-compatible path to root of checkout, e.g. C:\chr\src. verbose: Set to true for debug output. being_tested: Set to true to ignore the DEPS file at tools/checkdeps/DEPS. ignore_temp_rules: Ignore rules that start with Rule.TEMP_ALLOW ("!"). """ DepsBuilder.__init__( self, base_directory, extra_repos, verbose, being_tested, ignore_temp_rules) self._skip_tests = skip_tests self._resolve_dotdot = resolve_dotdot self.results_formatter = results.NormalResultsFormatter(verbose) def Report(self): """Prints a report of results, and returns an exit code for the process.""" if self.results_formatter.GetResults(): self.results_formatter.PrintResults() return 1 print '\nSUCCESS\n' return 0 def CheckDirectory(self, start_dir): """Checks all relevant source files in the specified directory and its subdirectories for compliance with DEPS rules throughout the tree (starting at |self.base_directory|). |start_dir| must be a subdirectory of |self.base_directory|. On completion, self.results_formatter has the results of processing, and calling Report() will print a report of results. """ java = java_checker.JavaChecker(self.base_directory, self.verbose) cpp = cpp_checker.CppChecker( self.verbose, self._resolve_dotdot, self.base_directory) proto = proto_checker.ProtoChecker( self.verbose, self._resolve_dotdot, self.base_directory) checkers = dict( (extension, checker) for checker in [java, cpp, proto] for extension in checker.EXTENSIONS) for rules, file_paths in self.GetAllRulesAndFiles(start_dir): for full_name in file_paths: if self._skip_tests and _IsTestFile(os.path.basename(full_name)): continue file_extension = os.path.splitext(full_name)[1] if not file_extension in checkers: continue checker = checkers[file_extension] file_status = checker.CheckFile(rules, full_name) if file_status.HasViolations(): self.results_formatter.AddError(file_status) def CheckIncludesAndImports(self, added_lines, checker): """Check new import/#include statements added in the change being presubmit checked. Args: added_lines: ((file_path, (changed_line, changed_line, ...), ...) checker: CppChecker/JavaChecker/ProtoChecker checker instance Return: A list of tuples, (bad_file_path, rule_type, rule_description) where rule_type is one of Rule.DISALLOW or Rule.TEMP_ALLOW and rule_description is human-readable. Empty if no problems. """ problems = [] for file_path, changed_lines in added_lines: if not checker.ShouldCheck(file_path): continue rules_for_file = self.GetDirectoryRules(os.path.dirname(file_path)) if not rules_for_file: continue for line in changed_lines: is_include, violation = checker.CheckLine( rules_for_file, line, file_path, True) if not violation: continue rule_type = violation.violated_rule.allow if rule_type == Rule.ALLOW: continue violation_text = results.NormalResultsFormatter.FormatViolation( violation, self.verbose) problems.append((file_path, rule_type, violation_text)) return problems def CheckAddedCppIncludes(self, added_includes): """This is used from PRESUBMIT.py to check new #include statements added in the change being presubmit checked. Args: added_includes: ((file_path, (include_line, include_line, ...), ...) Return: A list of tuples, (bad_file_path, rule_type, rule_description) where rule_type is one of Rule.DISALLOW or Rule.TEMP_ALLOW and rule_description is human-readable. Empty if no problems. """ return self.CheckIncludesAndImports( added_includes, cpp_checker.CppChecker(self.verbose)) def CheckAddedJavaImports(self, added_imports): """This is used from PRESUBMIT.py to check new import statements added in the change being presubmit checked. Args: added_imports: ((file_path, (import_line, import_line, ...), ...) Return: A list of tuples, (bad_file_path, rule_type, rule_description) where rule_type is one of Rule.DISALLOW or Rule.TEMP_ALLOW and rule_description is human-readable. Empty if no problems. """ return self.CheckIncludesAndImports( added_imports, java_checker.JavaChecker(self.base_directory, self.verbose, added_imports)) def CheckAddedProtoImports(self, added_imports): """This is used from PRESUBMIT.py to check new #import statements added in the change being presubmit checked. Args: added_imports : ((file_path, (import_line, import_line, ...), ...) Return: A list of tuples, (bad_file_path, rule_type, rule_description) where rule_type is one of Rule.DISALLOW or Rule.TEMP_ALLOW and rule_description is human-readable. Empty if no problems. """ return self.CheckIncludesAndImports( added_imports, proto_checker.ProtoChecker( verbose=self.verbose, root_dir=self.base_directory)) def PrintUsage(): print """Usage: python checkdeps.py [--root <root>] [tocheck] --root ROOT Specifies the repository root. This defaults to "../../.." relative to the script file. This will be correct given the normal location of the script in "<root>/tools/checkdeps". --(others) There are a few lesser-used options; run with --help to show them. tocheck Specifies the directory, relative to root, to check. This defaults to "." so it checks everything. Examples: python checkdeps.py python checkdeps.py --root c:\\source chrome""" def main(): option_parser = optparse.OptionParser() option_parser.add_option( '', '--root', default='', dest='base_directory', help='Specifies the repository root. This defaults ' 'to "../../.." relative to the script file, which ' 'will normally be the repository root.') option_parser.add_option( '', '--extra-repos', action='append', dest='extra_repos', default=[], help='Specifies extra repositories relative to root repository.') option_parser.add_option( '', '--ignore-temp-rules', action='store_true', dest='ignore_temp_rules', default=False, help='Ignore !-prefixed (temporary) rules.') option_parser.add_option( '', '--generate-temp-rules', action='store_true', dest='generate_temp_rules', default=False, help='Print rules to temporarily allow files that fail ' 'dependency checking.') option_parser.add_option( '', '--count-violations', action='store_true', dest='count_violations', default=False, help='Count #includes in violation of intended rules.') option_parser.add_option( '', '--skip-tests', action='store_true', dest='skip_tests', default=False, help='Skip checking test files (best effort).') option_parser.add_option( '-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', default=False, help='Print debug logging') option_parser.add_option( '', '--json', help='Path to JSON output file') option_parser.add_option( '', '--no-resolve-dotdot', action='store_false', dest='resolve_dotdot', default=True, help='resolve leading ../ in include directive paths relative ' 'to the file perfoming the inclusion.') options, args = option_parser.parse_args() deps_checker = DepsChecker(options.base_directory, extra_repos=options.extra_repos, verbose=options.verbose, ignore_temp_rules=options.ignore_temp_rules, skip_tests=options.skip_tests, resolve_dotdot=options.resolve_dotdot) base_directory = deps_checker.base_directory # Default if needed, normalized # Figure out which directory we have to check. start_dir = base_directory if len(args) == 1: # Directory specified. Start here. It's supposed to be relative to the # base directory. start_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(base_directory, args[0])) elif len(args) >= 2 or (options.generate_temp_rules and options.count_violations): # More than one argument, or incompatible flags, we don't handle this. PrintUsage() return 1 if not start_dir.startswith(deps_checker.base_directory): print 'Directory to check must be a subdirectory of the base directory,' print 'but %s is not a subdirectory of %s' % (start_dir, base_directory) return 1 print 'Using base directory:', base_directory print 'Checking:', start_dir if options.generate_temp_rules: deps_checker.results_formatter = results.TemporaryRulesFormatter() elif options.count_violations: deps_checker.results_formatter = results.CountViolationsFormatter() if options.json: deps_checker.results_formatter = results.JSONResultsFormatter( options.json, deps_checker.results_formatter) deps_checker.CheckDirectory(start_dir) return deps_checker.Report() if '__main__' == __name__: sys.exit(main())
from datetime import datetime from datetime import timedelta from yelp_beans.matching.match import generate_meetings from yelp_beans.matching.match_utils import get_counts_for_pairs from yelp_beans.matching.match_utils import get_previous_meetings from yelp_beans.matching.match_utils import save_meetings from yelp_beans.models import Meeting from yelp_beans.models import MeetingParticipant from yelp_beans.models import MeetingRequest from yelp_beans.models import MeetingSpec from yelp_beans.models import MeetingSubscription from yelp_beans.models import SubscriptionDateTime from yelp_beans.models import User from yelp_beans.models import UserSubscriptionPreferences MEETING_COOLDOWN_WEEKS = 10 def test_pair_to_counts(): pairs = [('user1', 'user2'), ('user1', 'user2'), ('user2', 'user3')] counts = get_counts_for_pairs(pairs) assert (counts[('user2', 'user3')] == 1) assert(counts[('user1', 'user2')] == 2) def test_generate_save_meetings(session, subscription): pref_1 = SubscriptionDateTime(datetime=datetime.now() - timedelta(weeks=MEETING_COOLDOWN_WEEKS - 1)) subscription = MeetingSubscription(title='all engineering weekly', datetime=[pref_1]) user_pref = UserSubscriptionPreferences(preference=pref_1, subscription=subscription) user1 = User(email='<EMAIL>', meta_data={'department': 'dept'}, subscription_preferences=[user_pref]) user2 = User(email='<EMAIL>', meta_data={'department': 'dept2'}, subscription_preferences=[user_pref]) meeting_spec = MeetingSpec(meeting_subscription=subscription, datetime=pref_1.datetime) mr1 = MeetingRequest(user=user1, meeting_spec=meeting_spec) mr2 = MeetingRequest(user=user2, meeting_spec=meeting_spec) session.add(pref_1) session.add(subscription) session.add(user_pref) session.add(user1) session.add(user2) session.add(meeting_spec) session.add(mr1) session.add(mr2) session.commit() matches, unmatched = generate_meetings([user1, user2], meeting_spec) save_meetings(matches, meeting_spec) assert unmatched == [] participants = [ participant.user for participant in MeetingParticipant.query.all() ] assert participants == [user1, user2] def test_get_previous_meetings(session): pref_1 = SubscriptionDateTime(datetime=datetime.now() - timedelta(weeks=MEETING_COOLDOWN_WEEKS - 1)) subscription = MeetingSubscription(title='all engineering weekly', datetime=[pref_1]) user_pref = UserSubscriptionPreferences(preference=pref_1, subscription=subscription) user1 = User(email='<EMAIL>', meta_data={'department': 'dept'}, subscription_preferences=[user_pref]) user2 = User(email='<EMAIL>', meta_data={'department': 'dept2'}, subscription_preferences=[user_pref]) meeting_spec = MeetingSpec(meeting_subscription=subscription, datetime=pref_1.datetime) meeting = Meeting(meeting_spec=meeting_spec, cancelled=False) mp1 = MeetingParticipant(meeting=meeting, user=user2) mp2 = MeetingParticipant(meeting=meeting, user=user1) session.add(pref_1) session.add(subscription) session.add(user_pref) session.add(user1) session.add(user2) session.add(meeting_spec) session.add(meeting) session.add(mp1) session.add(mp2) session.commit() assert get_previous_meetings(subscription) == set([(user1.id, user2.id)]) def test_get_previous_meetings_multi_subscription(session): pref_1 = SubscriptionDateTime(datetime=datetime.now() - timedelta(weeks=MEETING_COOLDOWN_WEEKS - 1)) subscription1 = MeetingSubscription(title='all engineering weekly', datetime=[pref_1]) subscription2 = MeetingSubscription(title='all sales weekly', datetime=[pref_1]) user_pref1 = UserSubscriptionPreferences(preference=pref_1, subscription=subscription1) user_pref2 = UserSubscriptionPreferences(preference=pref_1, subscription=subscription2) user1 = User(email='<EMAIL>', meta_data={'department': 'dept'}, subscription_preferences=[user_pref1, user_pref2]) user2 = User(email='<EMAIL>', meta_data={'department': 'dept2'}, subscription_preferences=[user_pref1, user_pref2]) meeting_spec1 = MeetingSpec(meeting_subscription=subscription1, datetime=pref_1.datetime) meeting = Meeting(meeting_spec=meeting_spec1, cancelled=False) mp1 = MeetingParticipant(meeting=meeting, user=user2) mp2 = MeetingParticipant(meeting=meeting, user=user1) session.add(pref_1) session.add(subscription1) session.add(subscription2) session.add(user_pref1) session.add(user_pref2) session.add(user1) session.add(user2) session.add(meeting_spec1) session.add(meeting) session.add(mp1) session.add(mp2) session.commit() assert get_previous_meetings(subscription1) == set([(user1.id, user2.id)]) assert get_previous_meetings(subscription2) == set([]) def test_get_previous_multi_meetings(session): pref_1 = SubscriptionDateTime(datetime=datetime.now() - timedelta(weeks=MEETING_COOLDOWN_WEEKS - 1)) subscription = MeetingSubscription(title='all engineering weekly', datetime=[pref_1]) user_pref = UserSubscriptionPreferences(preference=pref_1, subscription=subscription) user1 = User(email='<EMAIL>', meta_data={'department': 'dept'}, subscription_preferences=[user_pref]) user2 = User(email='<EMAIL>', meta_data={'department': 'dept2'}, subscription_preferences=[user_pref]) meeting_spec = MeetingSpec(meeting_subscription=subscription, datetime=pref_1.datetime) meeting1 = Meeting(meeting_spec=meeting_spec, cancelled=False) meeting2 = Meeting(meeting_spec=meeting_spec, cancelled=False) mp1 = MeetingParticipant(meeting=meeting1, user=user2) mp2 = MeetingParticipant(meeting=meeting1, user=user1) mp3 = MeetingParticipant(meeting=meeting2, user=user2) mp4 = MeetingParticipant(meeting=meeting2, user=user1) session.add(pref_1) session.add(subscription) session.add(user_pref) session.add(user1) session.add(user2) session.add(meeting_spec) session.add(meeting1) session.add(meeting2) session.add(mp1) session.add(mp2) session.add(mp3) session.add(mp4) session.commit() assert get_previous_meetings(subscription) == set([(user1.id, user2.id), (user1.id, user2.id)]) def test_get_previous_meetings_no_specs(database_no_specs, session): pref_1 = SubscriptionDateTime(datetime=datetime.now() - timedelta(weeks=MEETING_COOLDOWN_WEEKS + 1)) subscription = MeetingSubscription(title='all engineering weekly', datetime=[pref_1]) user_pref = UserSubscriptionPreferences(preference=pref_1, subscription=subscription) user1 = User(email='<EMAIL>', meta_data={'department': 'dept'}, subscription_preferences=[user_pref]) user2 = User(email='<EMAIL>', meta_data={'department': 'dept2'}, subscription_preferences=[user_pref]) meeting_spec = MeetingSpec(meeting_subscription=subscription, datetime=pref_1.datetime) meeting = Meeting(meeting_spec=meeting_spec, cancelled=False) mp1 = MeetingParticipant(meeting=meeting, user=user2) mp2 = MeetingParticipant(meeting=meeting, user=user1) session.add(pref_1) session.add(subscription) session.add(user_pref) session.add(user1) session.add(user2) session.add(meeting_spec) session.add(meeting) session.add(mp1) session.add(mp2) session.commit() assert get_previous_meetings(subscription) == set([])
<filename>utils/optimize_thresholds.py import os import sys sys.path.insert(1, os.path.join(sys.path[0], '../utils')) import numpy as np import argparse import h5py import math import time import logging import sklearn import pickle from sklearn import metrics import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from autoth.core import HyperParamsOptimizer from utilities import (get_filename, create_folder, frame_prediction_to_event_prediction, write_submission, official_evaluate) from calculate_metrics import calculate_precision_recall_f1, calculate_metrics import config class AudioTaggingScoreCalculator(object): def __init__(self, prediction_path): """Used to calculate score (such as F1) given prediction, target and hyper parameters. """ self.output_dict = pickle.load(open(prediction_path, 'rb')) def __call__(self, params): """Use hyper parameters to threshold prediction to obtain output. Then, the scores are calculated between output and target. """ (precision, recall, f1) = calculate_precision_recall_f1( self.output_dict['target'], self.output_dict['clipwise_output'], thresholds=params) return f1 class SoundEventDetectionScoreCalculator(object): def __init__(self, prediction_path, reference_csv_path, submission_path, classes_num): """Used to calculate score (such as F1) given prediction, target and hyper parameters. """ self.output_dict = pickle.load(open(prediction_path, 'rb')) self.reference_csv_path = reference_csv_path self.submission_path = submission_path self.classes_num = classes_num def params_dict_to_params_list(self, sed_params_dict): params = sed_params_dict['audio_tagging_threshold'] + \ sed_params_dict['sed_high_threshold'] + \ sed_params_dict['sed_low_threshold'] return params def params_list_to_params_dict(self, params): sed_params_dict = { 'audio_tagging_threshold': params[0 : self.classes_num], 'sed_high_threshold': params[self.classes_num : 2 * self.classes_num], 'sed_low_threshold': params[2 * self.classes_num :], 'n_smooth': 10, 'n_salt': 10 } return sed_params_dict def __call__(self, params): """Use hyper parameters to threshold prediction to obtain output. Then, the scores are calculated between output and target. """ params_dict = self.params_list_to_params_dict(params) # params_dict['n_smooth'] = 1 # params_dict['n_salt'] = 1 predict_event_list = frame_prediction_to_event_prediction( self.output_dict, params_dict) # Write predicted events to submission file write_submission(predict_event_list, self.submission_path) # SED with official tool results = official_evaluate(self.reference_csv_path, self.submission_path) f1 = results['overall']['f_measure']['f_measure'] return f1 def optimize_at_thresholds(args): """Calculate audio tagging metrics with optimized thresholds. Args: dataset_dir: str workspace: str filename: str holdout_fold: '1' model_type: str, e.g., 'Cnn_9layers_Gru_FrameAtt' loss_type: str, e.g., 'clip_bce' augmentation: str, e.g., 'mixup' batch_size: int iteration: int """ # Arugments & parameters dataset_dir = args.dataset_dir workspace = args.workspace filename = args.filename holdout_fold = args.holdout_fold model_type = args.model_type loss_type = args.loss_type augmentation = args.augmentation batch_size = args.batch_size iteration = args.iteration data_type = 'test' classes_num = config.classes_num # Paths if data_type == 'test': reference_csv_path = os.path.join(dataset_dir, 'metadata', 'groundtruth_strong_label_testing_set.csv') prediction_path = os.path.join(workspace, 'predictions', '{}'.format(filename), 'holdout_fold={}'.format(holdout_fold), 'model_type={}'.format(model_type), 'loss_type={}'.format(loss_type), 'augmentation={}'.format(augmentation), 'batch_size={}'.format(batch_size), '{}_iterations.prediction.{}.pkl'.format(iteration, data_type)) tmp_submission_path = os.path.join(workspace, '_tmp_submission', '{}'.format(filename), 'holdout_fold={}'.format(holdout_fold), 'model_type={}'.format(model_type), 'loss_type={}'.format(loss_type), 'augmentation={}'.format(augmentation), 'batch_size={}'.format(batch_size), '_submission.csv') opt_thresholds_path = os.path.join(workspace, 'opt_thresholds', '{}'.format(filename), 'holdout_fold={}'.format(holdout_fold), 'model_type={}'.format(model_type), 'loss_type={}'.format(loss_type), 'augmentation={}'.format(augmentation), 'batch_size={}'.format(batch_size), '{}_iterations.at.{}.pkl'.format(iteration, data_type)) create_folder(os.path.dirname(opt_thresholds_path)) # Score calculator score_calculator = AudioTaggingScoreCalculator(prediction_path) # Thresholds optimizer hyper_params_opt = HyperParamsOptimizer(score_calculator, learning_rate=1e-2, epochs=100) # Initialize thresholds init_params = [0.3] * classes_num score_no_opt = score_calculator(init_params) # Optimize thresholds (opt_score, opt_params) = hyper_params_opt.do_optimize(init_params=init_params) print('\n------ Optimized thresholds ------') print(np.around(opt_params, decimals=4)) print('\n------ Without optimized thresholds ------') print('Score: {:.3f}'.format(score_no_opt)) print('\n------ With optimized thresholds ------') print('Score: {:.3f}'.format(opt_score)) # Write out optimized thresholds pickle.dump(opt_params, open(opt_thresholds_path, 'wb')) print('\nSave optimized thresholds to {}'.format(opt_thresholds_path)) def optimize_sed_thresholds(args): """Calculate sound event detection metrics with optimized thresholds. Args: dataset_dir: str workspace: str filename: str holdout_fold: '1' model_type: str, e.g., 'Cnn_9layers_Gru_FrameAtt' loss_type: str, e.g., 'clip_bce' augmentation: str, e.g., 'mixup' batch_size: int iteration: int """ # Arugments & parameters dataset_dir = args.dataset_dir workspace = args.workspace filename = args.filename holdout_fold = args.holdout_fold model_type = args.model_type loss_type = args.loss_type augmentation = args.augmentation batch_size = args.batch_size iteration = args.iteration data_type = 'test' classes_num = config.classes_num # Paths if data_type == 'test': reference_csv_path = os.path.join(dataset_dir, 'metadata', 'groundtruth_strong_label_testing_set.csv') prediction_path = os.path.join(workspace, 'predictions', '{}'.format(filename), 'holdout_fold={}'.format(holdout_fold), 'model_type={}'.format(model_type), 'loss_type={}'.format(loss_type), 'augmentation={}'.format(augmentation), 'batch_size={}'.format(batch_size), '{}_iterations.prediction.{}.pkl'.format(iteration, data_type)) tmp_submission_path = os.path.join(workspace, '_tmp_submission', '{}'.format(filename), 'holdout_fold={}'.format(holdout_fold), 'model_type={}'.format(model_type), 'loss_type={}'.format(loss_type), 'augmentation={}'.format(augmentation), 'batch_size={}'.format(batch_size), '_submission.csv') opt_thresholds_path = os.path.join(workspace, 'opt_thresholds', '{}'.format(filename), 'holdout_fold={}'.format(holdout_fold), 'model_type={}'.format(model_type), 'loss_type={}'.format(loss_type), 'augmentation={}'.format(augmentation), 'batch_size={}'.format(batch_size), '{}_iterations.sed.{}.pkl'.format(iteration, data_type)) create_folder(os.path.dirname(opt_thresholds_path)) # Score calculator score_calculator = SoundEventDetectionScoreCalculator( prediction_path=prediction_path, reference_csv_path=reference_csv_path, submission_path=tmp_submission_path, classes_num=classes_num) # Thresholds optimizer hyper_params_opt = HyperParamsOptimizer(score_calculator, learning_rate=1e-2, epochs=50, step=0.02, max_search=5) # Initialize thresholds sed_params_dict = { 'audio_tagging_threshold': [0.5] * classes_num, 'sed_high_threshold': [0.3] * classes_num, 'sed_low_threshold': [0.1] * classes_num} init_params = score_calculator.params_dict_to_params_list(sed_params_dict) score_no_opt = score_calculator(init_params) # Optimize thresholds (opt_score, opt_params) = hyper_params_opt.do_optimize(init_params=init_params) opt_params = score_calculator.params_list_to_params_dict(opt_params) print('\n------ Optimized thresholds ------') print(opt_params) print('\n------ Without optimized thresholds ------') print('Score: {:.3f}'.format(score_no_opt)) print('\n------ With optimized thresholds ------') print('Score: {:.3f}'.format(opt_score)) # Write out optimized thresholds pickle.dump(opt_params, open(opt_thresholds_path, 'wb')) print('\nSave optimized thresholds to {}'.format(opt_thresholds_path)) if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Example of parser. ') subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest='mode') parser_optimize_at_thresholds = subparsers.add_parser('optimize_at_thresholds') parser_optimize_at_thresholds.add_argument('--dataset_dir', type=str, required=True) parser_optimize_at_thresholds.add_argument('--workspace', type=str, required=True) parser_optimize_at_thresholds.add_argument('--filename', type=str, required=True) parser_optimize_at_thresholds.add_argument('--holdout_fold', type=str, choices=['1', 'none'], required=True) parser_optimize_at_thresholds.add_argument('--model_type', type=str, required=True) parser_optimize_at_thresholds.add_argument('--loss_type', type=str, required=True) parser_optimize_at_thresholds.add_argument('--augmentation', type=str, choices=['none', 'mixup'], required=True) parser_optimize_at_thresholds.add_argument('--batch_size', type=int, required=True) parser_optimize_at_thresholds.add_argument('--iteration', type=int, required=True) parser_optimize_sed_thresholds = subparsers.add_parser('optimize_sed_thresholds') parser_optimize_sed_thresholds.add_argument('--dataset_dir', type=str, required=True) parser_optimize_sed_thresholds.add_argument('--workspace', type=str, required=True) parser_optimize_sed_thresholds.add_argument('--filename', type=str, required=True) parser_optimize_sed_thresholds.add_argument('--holdout_fold', type=str, choices=['1', 'none'], required=True) parser_optimize_sed_thresholds.add_argument('--model_type', type=str, required=True) parser_optimize_sed_thresholds.add_argument('--loss_type', type=str, required=True) parser_optimize_sed_thresholds.add_argument('--augmentation', type=str, choices=['none', 'mixup'], required=True) parser_optimize_sed_thresholds.add_argument('--batch_size', type=int, required=True) parser_optimize_sed_thresholds.add_argument('--iteration', type=int, required=True) args = parser.parse_args() if args.mode == 'optimize_at_thresholds': optimize_at_thresholds(args) elif args.mode == 'optimize_sed_thresholds': optimize_sed_thresholds(args) else: raise Exception('Error argument!')
<gh_stars>0 from __future__ import unicode_literals import os import sys import unittest import yaml from aws_okta_keyman.config import Config if sys.version_info[0] < 3: # Python 2 import mock else: from unittest import mock class ConfigTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_full_app_url(self): config = Config(['aws_okta_keyman.py']) config.org = 'example' config.appid = 'some/thing' ret = config.full_app_url() self.assertEqual(ret, 'https://example.okta.com/some/thing') def test_full_app_url_preview(self): config = Config(['aws_okta_keyman.py']) config.org = 'example' config.appid = 'some/thing' config.oktapreview = True ret = config.full_app_url() self.assertEqual(ret, 'https://example.oktapreview.com/some/thing') @mock.patch('aws_okta_keyman.config.sys.exit') @mock.patch('aws_okta_keyman.config.Config.interactive_config') def test_start_interactive_config(self, int_mock, exit_mock): Config(['aws_okta_keyman.py', 'config']) assert int_mock.called assert exit_mock.called @mock.patch('aws_okta_keyman.config.Config.parse_config') @mock.patch('aws_okta_keyman.config.os.path.isfile') def test_set_appid_from_account_id(self, isfile_mock, parse_mock): isfile_mock.return_value = True parse_mock.return_value = None config = Config(['aws_okta_keyman.py']) config.accounts = [{'appid': 'A123'}] config.set_appid_from_account_id(0) self.assertEqual(config.appid, 'A123') def test_validate_good_with_accounts(self): config = Config(['aws_okta_keyman.py']) config.accounts = [{'appid': 'A123'}] config.org = 'example' config.username = '<EMAIL>' self.assertEqual(config.validate(), None) def test_validate_good_with_appid(self): config = Config(['aws_okta_keyman.py']) config.appid = 'A123' config.org = 'example' config.username = '<EMAIL>' self.assertEqual(config.validate(), None) def test_validate_missing_org(self): config = Config(['aws_okta_keyman.py']) config.username = '<EMAIL>' with self.assertRaises(ValueError): config.validate() @mock.patch('aws_okta_keyman.config.getpass') def test_validate_automatic_username_from_none(self, getpass_mock): getpass_mock.getuser.return_value = 'user' config = Config(['aws_okta_keyman.py']) config.org = 'example' config.validate() self.assertEqual(config.username, 'user') @mock.patch('aws_okta_keyman.config.getpass') def test_validate_automatic_username_from_partial_config(self, getpass_mock): getpass_mock.getuser.return_value = 'user' config = Config(['aws_okta_keyman.py']) config.accounts = [{'appid': 'A123'}] config.org = 'example' config.username = 'automatic-username' config.validate() self.assertEqual(config.username, 'user') @mock.patch('aws_okta_keyman.config.getpass') def test_validate_automatic_username_from_full_config(self, getpass_mock): getpass_mock.getuser.return_value = 'user' config = Config(['aws_okta_keyman.py']) config.accounts = [{'appid': 'A123'}] config.org = 'example' config.username = '<EMAIL>' config.validate() self.assertEqual(config.username, '<EMAIL>') def test_validate_short_duration(self): config = Config(['aws_okta_keyman.py']) config.org = 'example' config.duration = 1 with self.assertRaises(ValueError): config.validate() def test_validate_long_duration(self): config = Config(['aws_okta_keyman.py']) config.org = 'example' config.duration = 100000000 with self.assertRaises(ValueError): config.validate() @mock.patch('aws_okta_keyman.config.Config.validate') @mock.patch('aws_okta_keyman.config.Config.parse_args') @mock.patch('aws_okta_keyman.config.os.path.isfile') def test_get_config_args_only(self, isfile_mock, parse_mock, valid_mock): isfile_mock.return_value = False parse_mock.return_value = None valid_mock.return_value = None argv = [ 'aws_okta_keyman.py', '-a', 'app/id', '-o', 'foobar', '-u', 'test' ] config = Config(argv) config.get_config() parse_mock.assert_has_calls([ mock.call(), ]) @mock.patch('aws_okta_keyman.config.os.path.expanduser') @mock.patch('aws_okta_keyman.config.Config.parse_config') @mock.patch('aws_okta_keyman.config.Config.validate') @mock.patch('aws_okta_keyman.config.Config.parse_args') @mock.patch('aws_okta_keyman.config.os.path.isfile') def test_get_config_auto_config_only(self, isfile_mock, parse_mock, valid_mock, config_mock, expuser_mock): isfile_mock.return_value = True parse_mock.return_value = None valid_mock.return_value = None config_mock.return_value = None expuser_mock.return_value = '' config = Config(['aws_okta_keyman.py']) config.get_config() parse_mock.assert_has_calls([ mock.call(main_required=False), ]) config_mock.assert_has_calls([ mock.call('/.config/aws_okta_keyman.yml'), ]) @mock.patch('aws_okta_keyman.config.Config.parse_args') @mock.patch('aws_okta_keyman.config.os.path.expanduser') @mock.patch('aws_okta_keyman.config.Config.parse_config') @mock.patch('aws_okta_keyman.config.Config.validate') @mock.patch('aws_okta_keyman.config.os.path.isfile') def test_get_config_specified_config_only(self, isfile_mock, valid_mock, config_mock, expuser_mock, _parse_mock): isfile_mock.return_value = True valid_mock.return_value = None config_mock.return_value = None expuser_mock.return_value = '' config = Config(['aws_okta_keyman.py', '-c']) config.config = '/.config/aws_okta_keyman.yml' config.get_config() config_mock.assert_has_calls([ mock.call('/.config/aws_okta_keyman.yml'), ]) @mock.patch('aws_okta_keyman.config.Config.write_config') @mock.patch('aws_okta_keyman.config.os.path.expanduser') @mock.patch('aws_okta_keyman.config.Config.validate') @mock.patch('aws_okta_keyman.config.Config.parse_args') @mock.patch('aws_okta_keyman.config.os.path.isfile') def test_get_config_write_mixed_config(self, isfile_mock, _parse_mock, valid_mock, expuser_mock, write_mock): isfile_mock.return_value = True valid_mock.return_value = None write_mock.return_value = None expuser_mock.return_value = '' config = Config(['aws_okta_keyman.py', '-w']) config.get_config() config.write = './.config/aws_okta_keyman.yml' self.assertEqual(config.write, './.config/aws_okta_keyman.yml') write_mock.assert_has_calls([ mock.call(), ]) def test_parse_args_no_req_main(self): argv = [ 'aws_okta_keyman.py', '-D' ] config = Config(argv) config.parse_args(main_required=False) # Should succeed without throwing due to missing args self.assertEqual(config.debug, True) @mock.patch('argparse.ArgumentParser._print_message', mock.MagicMock()) def test_parse_args_req_main_missing(self): argv = [ 'aws_okta_keyman.py', '-D' ] config = Config(argv) # Main required but not passed, should raise with self.assertRaises(SystemExit): config.parse_args(main_required=True) def test_parse_args_req_main_present(self): argv = [ 'aws_okta_keyman.py', '-a', 'app/id', '-o', 'foobar', '-u', 'test' ] config = Config(argv) config.parse_args(main_required=True) # Should succeed without throwing due to missing args self.assertEqual(config.appid, 'app/id') self.assertEqual(config.org, 'foobar') self.assertEqual(config.username, 'test') def test_parse_args_verify_all_parsed_short(self): argv = [ 'aws_okta_keyman.py', '-a', 'app/id', '-o', 'foobar', '-u', 'test', '-n', 'profilename', '-c', 'config_file_path', '-w', 'write_file_path', '-d', 'push', '-D', '-r', '-p' ] config = Config(argv) config.parse_args(main_required=True) self.assertEqual(config.appid, 'app/id') self.assertEqual(config.org, 'foobar') self.assertEqual(config.username, 'test') self.assertEqual(config.name, 'profilename') self.assertEqual(config.config, 'config_file_path') self.assertEqual(config.writepath, 'write_file_path') self.assertEqual(config.duo_factor, 'push') self.assertEqual(config.debug, True) self.assertEqual(config.reup, True) self.assertEqual(config.oktapreview, True) def test_parse_args_verify_all_parsed_full(self): argv = [ 'aws_okta_keyman.py', '--appid', 'app/id', '--org', 'foobar', '--username', 'test', '--name', 'profilename', '--config', 'config_file_path', '--writepath', 'write_file_path', '--duo_factor', 'push', '--debug', '--reup' ] config = Config(argv) config.parse_args(main_required=True) self.assertEqual(config.appid, 'app/id') self.assertEqual(config.org, 'foobar') self.assertEqual(config.username, 'test') self.assertEqual(config.name, 'profilename') self.assertEqual(config.config, 'config_file_path') self.assertEqual(config.writepath, 'write_file_path') self.assertEqual(config.duo_factor, 'push') self.assertEqual(config.debug, True) self.assertEqual(config.reup, True) @mock.patch('aws_okta_keyman.config.os.path.isfile') def test_read_yaml(self, isfile_mock): isfile_mock.return_value = True yml = ("username: <EMAIL>\n" "org: example\n" "appid: app/id\n") m = mock.mock_open(read_data=yml) with mock.patch('aws_okta_keyman.config.open', m): ret = Config.read_yaml('./.config/aws_okta_keyman.yml') expected = { 'username': '<EMAIL>', 'org': 'example', 'appid': 'app/id' } self.assertEqual(ret, expected) @mock.patch('aws_okta_keyman.config.os.path.isfile') def test_read_yaml_file_missing_no_raise(self, isfile_mock): isfile_mock.return_value = False ret = Config.read_yaml('./.config/aws_okta_keyman.yml') self.assertEqual(ret, {}) @mock.patch('aws_okta_keyman.config.os.path.isfile') def test_read_yaml_file_missing_with_raise(self, isfile_mock): isfile_mock.return_value = False with self.assertRaises(IOError): Config.read_yaml('./.config/aws_okta_keyman.yml', raise_on_error=True) @mock.patch('aws_okta_keyman.config.os.path.isfile') def test_read_yaml_parse_error_no_raise(self, isfile_mock): isfile_mock.return_value = True yml = ("username: <EMAIL>\n" "org: example\n" "- appid: foo\n") m = mock.mock_open(read_data=yml) with mock.patch('aws_okta_keyman.config.open', m): ret = Config.read_yaml('./.config/aws_okta_keyman.yml') self.assertEqual(ret, {}) @mock.patch('aws_okta_keyman.config.os.path.isfile') def test_read_yaml_parse_error_with_raise(self, isfile_mock): isfile_mock.return_value = True yml = ("username: <EMAIL>\n" "org: example\n" "- appid: foo\n") m = mock.mock_open(read_data=yml) with mock.patch('aws_okta_keyman.config.open', m): with self.assertRaises(yaml.parser.ParserError): Config.read_yaml('./.config/aws_okta_keyman.yml', raise_on_error=True) @mock.patch('aws_okta_keyman.config.os.path.isfile') def test_read_yaml_scan_error_no_raise(self, isfile_mock): isfile_mock.return_value = True yml = ("username: <EMAIL>\n" "org: example\n" "appid app/id\n") m = mock.mock_open(read_data=yml) with mock.patch('aws_okta_keyman.config.open', m): ret = Config.read_yaml('./.config/aws_okta_keyman.yml') self.assertEqual(ret, {}) @mock.patch('aws_okta_keyman.config.os.path.isfile') def test_read_yaml_scan_error_with_raise(self, isfile_mock): isfile_mock.return_value = True yml = ("username: <EMAIL>.<EMAIL>\n" "org: example\n" "appid app/id\n") m = mock.mock_open(read_data=yml) with mock.patch('aws_okta_keyman.config.open', m): with self.assertRaises(yaml.scanner.ScannerError): Config.read_yaml('./.config/aws_okta_keyman.yml', raise_on_error=True) def test_parse_config(self): config = Config(['aws_okta_keyman.py']) config.read_yaml = mock.MagicMock() config.read_yaml.return_value = { 'username': '<EMAIL>', 'org': 'example', 'appid': 'app/id', } config.parse_config('./.config/aws_okta_keyman.yml') self.assertEqual(config.appid, 'app/id') self.assertEqual(config.org, 'example') self.assertEqual(config.username, '<EMAIL>') def test_parse_config_args_preferred(self): config = Config(['aws_okta_keyman.py']) config.appid = 'mysupercoolapp/id' config.org = 'foobar' config.username = 'test' config.read_yaml = mock.MagicMock() config.read_yaml.return_value = { 'username': '<EMAIL>', 'org': 'example', 'appid': 'app/id', } config.parse_config('./.config/aws_okta_keyman.yml') # Make sure we're getting the args not the config values self.assertEqual(config.appid, 'mysupercoolapp/id') self.assertEqual(config.org, 'foobar') self.assertEqual(config.username, 'test') def test_write_config(self): config = Config(['aws_okta_keyman.py']) config.clean_config_for_write = mock.MagicMock() config_clean = { 'accounts': [{'name': 'Dev', 'appid': 'A123/123'}], 'org': 'example', 'reup': None, 'username': '<EMAIL>', } config.clean_config_for_write.return_value = config_clean config.writepath = './.config/aws_okta_keyman.yml' config.username = '<EMAIL>' config.read_yaml = mock.MagicMock() config.read_yaml.return_value = { 'username': '<EMAIL>', 'org': 'example', 'appid': 'app/id', } m = mock.mock_open() with mock.patch('aws_okta_keyman.config.open', m): config.write_config() m.assert_has_calls([ mock.call(u'./.config/aws_okta_keyman.yml', 'w'), ]) m.assert_has_calls([ mock.call().write('accounts'), mock.call().write(':'), mock.call().write('\n'), mock.call().write('-'), mock.call().write(' '), mock.call().write('appid'), mock.call().write(':'), mock.call().write(' '), mock.call().write('A123/123'), mock.call().write('\n'), mock.call().write(' '), mock.call().write('name'), mock.call().write(':'), mock.call().write(' '), mock.call().write('Dev'), mock.call().write('\n'), mock.call().write('org'), mock.call().write(':'), mock.call().write(' '), mock.call().write('example'), mock.call().write('\n'), mock.call().write('reup'), mock.call().write(':'), mock.call().write(' '), mock.call().write('null'), mock.call().write('\n'), mock.call().write('username'), mock.call().write(':'), mock.call().write(' '), mock.call().write('<EMAIL>'), mock.call().write('\n'), mock.call().flush(), mock.call().flush(), mock.call().__exit__(None, None, None) ]) def test_write_config_new_file(self): config = Config(['aws_okta_keyman.py']) config.clean_config_for_write = mock.MagicMock() config_clean = { 'org': 'example', 'reup': None, 'username': '<EMAIL>', } config.clean_config_for_write.return_value = config_clean config.writepath = './.config/aws_okta_keyman.yml' config.username = '<EMAIL>' config.appid = 'app/id' config.org = 'example' config.read_yaml = mock.MagicMock() config.read_yaml.return_value = {} m = mock.mock_open() with mock.patch('aws_okta_keyman.config.open', m): config.write_config() m.assert_has_calls([ mock.call().write('org'), mock.call().write(':'), mock.call().write(' '), mock.call().write('example'), mock.call().write('\n'), mock.call().write('reup'), mock.call().write(':'), mock.call().write(' '), mock.call().write('null'), mock.call().write('\n'), mock.call().write('username'), mock.call().write(':'), mock.call().write(' '), mock.call().write('<EMAIL>'), mock.call().write('\n'), mock.call().flush(), mock.call().flush(), mock.call().__exit__(None, None, None) ]) def test_write_config_path_expansion(self): config = Config(['aws_okta_keyman.py']) config.clean_config_for_write = mock.MagicMock() config.clean_config_for_write.return_value = {} config.writepath = '~/.config/aws_okta_keyman.yml' config.username = '<EMAIL>' config.appid = 'app/id' config.org = 'example' config.read_yaml = mock.MagicMock() config.read_yaml.return_value = {} expected_path = os.path.expanduser(config.writepath) m = mock.mock_open() with mock.patch('aws_okta_keyman.config.open', m): config.write_config() m.assert_has_calls([mock.call(expected_path, 'w')]) @mock.patch('aws_okta_keyman.config.os') def test_write_config_path_create_when_missing(self, os_mock): config = Config(['aws_okta_keyman.py']) config.clean_config_for_write = mock.MagicMock() config.clean_config_for_write.return_value = {} config.read_yaml = mock.MagicMock() config.read_yaml.return_value = {} folderpath = '/home/user/.config/' os_mock.path.dirname.return_value = folderpath os_mock.path.exists.return_value = False m = mock.mock_open() with mock.patch('aws_okta_keyman.config.open', m): config.write_config() os_mock.assert_has_calls([ mock.call.makedirs(folderpath) ]) def test_clean_config_for_write(self): config_in = { 'name': 'foo', 'appid': 'foo', 'argv': 'foo', 'writepath': 'foo', 'config': 'foo', 'debug': 'foo', 'oktapreview': 'foo', 'accounts': None, 'shouldstillbehere': 'woohoo', 'password_reset': True, 'command': None } config_out = { 'shouldstillbehere': 'woohoo' } ret = Config.clean_config_for_write(config_in) self.assertEqual(ret, config_out) def test_clean_config_for_write_with_accounts(self): accounts = [ {'name': 'Account 1', 'appid': 'ABC123'}, {'name': 'Account 2', 'appid': 'XYZ890'} ] config_in = { 'name': 'foo', 'appid': 'foo', 'argv': 'foo', 'writepath': 'foo', 'config': 'foo', 'debug': 'foo', 'oktapreview': 'foo', 'accounts': accounts, 'shouldstillbehere': 'woohoo', 'password_reset': True, 'command': None } config_out = { 'accounts': accounts, 'shouldstillbehere': 'woohoo' } ret = Config.clean_config_for_write(config_in) self.assertEqual(ret, config_out) @mock.patch('aws_okta_keyman.config.input') def test_user_input(self, input_mock): input_mock.return_value = ' test ' self.assertEqual('test', Config.user_input('input test')) @mock.patch('aws_okta_keyman.config.getpass') @mock.patch('aws_okta_keyman.config.input') def test_interactive_config(self, input_mock, getpass_mock): input_mock.side_effect = ['org', 'user', 'appid', 'test', ''] getpass_mock.return_value = 'fakeuser' config = Config(['aws_okta_keyman.py']) config.write_config = mock.MagicMock() config.interactive_config() self.assertEqual(config.org, 'org') self.assertEqual(config.username, 'user') self.assertEqual(config.accounts, [{'name': 'test', 'appid': 'appid'}]) config.write_config.assert_has_calls([mock.call()]) @mock.patch('aws_okta_keyman.config.getpass') @mock.patch('aws_okta_keyman.config.input') def test_interactive_config_auto_user(self, input_mock, getpass_mock): input_mock.side_effect = ['org', '', 'appid', 'test', ''] getpass_mock.return_value = 'fakeuser' config = Config(['aws_okta_keyman.py']) config.write_config = mock.MagicMock() config.interactive_config() self.assertEqual(config.username, 'automatic-username') @mock.patch('aws_okta_keyman.config.getpass') @mock.patch('aws_okta_keyman.config.input') def test_interactive_config_auto_account(self, input_mock, _getpass_mock): input_mock.side_effect = ['org', 'user', ''] config = Config(['aws_okta_keyman.py']) config.write_config = mock.MagicMock() config.interactive_config() self.assertEqual(config.accounts, None) @mock.patch('aws_okta_keyman.config.getpass') @mock.patch('aws_okta_keyman.config.input') def test_interactive_config_keyboardexit(self, input_mock, getpass_mock): input_mock.side_effect = ['org', 'user', KeyboardInterrupt] getpass_mock.return_value = 'fakeuser' config = Config(['aws_okta_keyman.py']) config.write_config = mock.MagicMock() ret = config.interactive_config() self.assertEqual(ret, None) assert not config.write_config.called
<filename>eyelab/main.py<gh_stars>0 import logging import os import sys from functools import partial from pathlib import Path import eyepy as ep import requests from packaging import version from PySide6 import QtWidgets from PySide6.QtCore import QCoreApplication, QSize from PySide6.QtGui import QIcon from PySide6.QtWidgets import QFileDialog, QMessageBox import eyelab as el from eyelab.commands import get_undo_stack from eyelab.config import EYELAB_FOLDER from eyelab.dialogs.help import ( AreaAnnotationHelp, IntroductionHelp, LayerAnnotationHelp, ShortcutHelp, ) from eyelab.views.ui.ui_main_window import Ui_MainWindow from eyelab.views.workspace import Workspace class eyelab(QtWidgets.QMainWindow, Ui_MainWindow): """Create the main window that stores all of the widgets necessary for the application.""" def __init__(self, parent=None): """Initialize the components of the main window.""" super().__init__(parent) self.setupUi(self) self.save_path = None self.action_import_vol.triggered.connect( partial(self.import_data, method=ep.import_heyex_vol, format="file") ) self.action_import_hexml.triggered.connect( partial(self.import_data, method=ep.import_heyex_xml, format="folder") ) self.action_import_retouch.triggered.connect( partial(self.import_data, method=ep.import_retouch, format="folder") ) self.action_import_duke.triggered.connect( partial(self.import_data, method=ep.import_duke_mat, format="file") ) self.action_import_bsfolder.triggered.connect( partial(self.import_data, method=ep.import_bscan_folder, format="folder") ) # self.action_save_annotations.triggered.connect(self.save_annotations) # self.action_save_annotations_as.triggered.connect( # partial(self.save_annotations, save_as=True) # ) # self.action_load_annotations.triggered.connect(self.load_annotations) self.action_open.triggered.connect(self.load) self.action_save.triggered.connect(self.save) self.action_save_as.triggered.connect(partial(self.save, save_as=True)) self.action_shortcut_sheet.triggered.connect( lambda: self.open_help("shortcuts") ) self.action_area_annotation_guide.triggered.connect( lambda: self.open_help("area_annotation") ) self.action_layer_annotation_guide.triggered.connect( lambda: self.open_help("layer_annotation") ) self.action_registration_guide.triggered.connect( lambda: self.open_help("registration") ) self.action_introduction.triggered.connect( lambda: self.open_help("introduction") ) self.workspace = Workspace(parent=self) self.workspace.undo_stack.cleanChanged.connect(self.toggle_save) self._edit_menu_setup() self.setCentralWidget(self.workspace) self.check_version() # hide options for loading/saving annotations only self.menuAnnotations.deleteLater() # from eyepy.data import load # ev = load("drusen_patient") # ev.add_voxel_annotation( # ep.drusen(ev.layers["RPE"], ev.layers["BM"], ev.shape), name="Drusen" # ) # self.workspace.set_data(ev) # self.statusBar().showMessage("Ready") def toggle_save(self, clean): if clean: self.action_save.setEnabled(False) self.action_save_as.setEnabled(False) self.setWindowTitle(self.windowTitle().rstrip("*")) else: self.action_save.setEnabled(True) self.action_save_as.setEnabled(True) self.setWindowTitle(self.windowTitle().rstrip("*") + "*") def _edit_menu_setup(self): self.action_undo = self.workspace.undo_stack.createUndoAction(self) self.action_redo = self.workspace.undo_stack.createRedoAction(self) undo_icon = QIcon() undo_icon.addFile( ":/icons/icons/baseline-undo-24px.svg", QSize(), QIcon.Normal, QIcon.Off ) self.action_undo.setIcon(undo_icon) redo_icon = QIcon() redo_icon.addFile( ":/icons/icons/baseline-redo-24px.svg", QSize(), QIcon.Normal, QIcon.Off ) self.action_redo.setIcon(redo_icon) self.action_undo.setShortcut( QCoreApplication.translate("MainWindow", "Ctrl+Z", None) ) self.action_redo.setShortcut( QCoreApplication.translate("MainWindow", "Ctrl+Y", None) ) self.menuEdit.addAction(self.action_undo) self.menuEdit.addAction(self.action_redo) def check_version(self): latest_url = "https://github.com/MedVisBonn/eyelab/releases/latest" current_version = f"v{el.__version__}" try: latest_version = (requests.get(latest_url).url).split("/")[-1] except requests.ConnectionError: return if version.parse(current_version) < version.parse(latest_version): msgBox = QMessageBox() msgBox.setText("A new version of EyeLab is available.") msgBox.setInformativeText( f"You are using version {current_version}. The latest version is {latest_version} and can be found <a href='{latest_url}'>here</a>." ) msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) msgBox.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox.Ok) ret = msgBox.exec() @property def start_dir(self): if self.save_path: return str(Path(self.save_path).parent) else: return str(Path.home()) def import_data(self, method, format): if not self.workspace.data is None: message = "The import replaces all data you have in your workspace. Do you want to proceed?" ret = QMessageBox.question( self, "EyeLab", message, QMessageBox.Ok | QMessageBox.Cancel ) if ret == QMessageBox.Cancel: return if format == "file": path = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(dir=self.start_dir)[0] elif format == "folder": path = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(dir=self.start_dir) self.save_path = None self.statusBar().showMessage("Import Data...") self.workspace.set_data(method(path)) self.statusBar().showMessage("Done") def open_help(self, topic): if topic == "introduction": dialog = IntroductionHelp(self) elif topic == "shortcuts": dialog = ShortcutHelp(self) elif topic == "area_annotation": dialog = AreaAnnotationHelp(self) elif topic == "layer_annotation": dialog = LayerAnnotationHelp(self) # elif topic == "registration": # dialog = RegistrationHelp(self) else: raise ValueError("topic not available") if dialog.exec() == QtWidgets.QDialog.Rejected: pass def get_save_location(self): if "PYCHARM_HOSTED" in os.environ: options = QFileDialog.DontUseNativeDialog else: options = QFileDialog.Options() save_path, filter = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( parent=self, caption="Save", filter="Eye files (*.eye)", options=options ) if save_path: if not save_path.endswith(".eye"): save_path = save_path + ".eye" self.save_path = save_path return self.save_path def save(self, save_as=False): if self.save_path is None or save_as is True: self.get_save_location() if self.save_path: self.statusBar().showMessage("Saving...") self.workspace.data.save(self.save_path) get_undo_stack("main").setClean() self.statusBar().showMessage("Done") def load(self): if self.workspace.data is not None: message = "Loading data replaces the current data. Do you want to proceed?" ret = QMessageBox.question( self, "EyeLab", message, QMessageBox.Ok | QMessageBox.Cancel ) if ret == QMessageBox.Cancel: return path = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( parent=self, caption="Load", dir=self.start_dir, filter="Eye files (*.eye)", )[0] if path == "": return if not path.startswith("/run/user"): self.save_path = path else: self.save_path = None self.statusBar().showMessage("Loading...") ev = ep.EyeVolume.load(path) self.workspace.set_data(ev) self.statusBar().showMessage("Done") def save_annotations(self, save_as=False): if self.save_path is None or save_as is True: path = self.get_save_location() if path == "": return self.workspace.data.save_annotations(self.save_path) def load_annotations(self): if self.workspace.data is None: message = ( "Annotations can only be loaded after importing the corresponding data." ) QMessageBox.information(self, "EyeLab", message, QMessageBox.Ok) return message = "Loading annotations replaces all current annotations. Do you want to proceed?" ret = QMessageBox.question( self, "EyeLab", message, QMessageBox.Ok | QMessageBox.Cancel ) if ret == QMessageBox.Cancel: return path = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName()[0] self.workspace.data.load_annotations(path) def main(log_level=logging.DEBUG): # create logger for "oat" application logger = logging.getLogger("eyelab") logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # create file handler which logs debug messages fh = logging.FileHandler(EYELAB_FOLDER / "eyelab.log") fh.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) file_formatter = logging.Formatter( "%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(name)s - %(message)s" ) fh.setFormatter(file_formatter) # create console handler with a higher log level ch = logging.StreamHandler() ch.setLevel(log_level) cmd_formatter = logging.Formatter("%(levelname)s - %(name)s - %(message)s") ch.setFormatter(cmd_formatter) # add the handlers to the logger logger.addHandler(fh) logger.addHandler(ch) logger.info("Starting Application.") application = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv) window = eyelab() # desktop = QtGui.QScreen().availableGeometry() # width = (desktop.width() - window.width()) / 2 # height = (desktop.height() - window.height()) / 2 # window.show() # window.move(width, height) window.showMaximized() sys.exit(application.exec()) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
# author: <NAME>, <NAME> # version: 3.0 import cx_Oracle import PySimpleGUI as sg from Edit_Students import run_program as edit from input_checker import check_string as check_string old_class = '' # variable, holds the current name of the class old_period_number = 0 # variable, holds the current period number of the class def run_program(name, period, year): # the function that runs everything con = cx_Oracle.connect('EOM/[email protected]/xe') # connects to the database cur = con.cursor(scrollable=True) # object, used to execute SQL commands in python student_numbers = [] # list, the student_numbers of the students in the given class def get_number(course_code): # function, get the amount of students and fill the student_numbers array cur.execute("select * from EOM_STUDENTS") v_row = 0 for row in cur: # goes through the students table if row[1] == course_code: # check if this student is in the given class v_row += 1 student_numbers.append(row[0]) return v_row global old_class global old_period_number old_class = str(name + '/' + year) old_period_number = int(period) layout = [[sg.Text('Edit Classes - ' + name, size=(30, 2), justification='center', font=("Helvetica", 25))], # where the gui is put together, each [] means that its a line's content [sg.Text(' Course Code', size=(50, 1), justification='center', font=("Helvetica", 15))], [sg.Input(name, size=(20, 2), pad=((215, 150), 10))], [sg.Text(' Period Number', size=(50, 1), justification='center', font=("Helvetica", 15))], [sg.Input(period, size=(20, 2), pad=((215, 150), 10))], [sg.Text('Year', size=(50, 1), justification='center', font=("Helvetica", 15))], [sg.DropDown((2016, 2017, 2018, 2019), size=(18, 2), pad=((214, 150), 10), default_value=int(year))], [sg.Button('Edit Course', key='edit_courses_button', size=(20, 2), pad=((205, 150), 10), )], [sg.Button('Go to Edit Students', key='edit_student_key', size=(20, 2), pad=((205, 150), 10), )] ] window = sg.Window('Edit Courses', default_element_size=(40, 2)).Layout(layout) # used to open up a window and display everything while True: # runs as long as the window is open, similar to an action listener event, values = window.Read() # the pysimplegui equivalent of an action listener if event is None or event == 'Exit': break if event == 'edit_courses_button': # checks if it was the edit classes button that was pressed if check_string(values[0], 'str', 8) and check_string(values[1], 'int', 4) \ and check_string(values[2], 'int', 2025): # check if the inputs are valid cur.execute("UPDATE EOM_CLASS SET PERIOD_NUM = :v_period_num WHERE CLASS = :old_course", v_period_num=values[1], old_course=old_class) cur.execute("UPDATE EOM_CLASS SET CLASS = :v_class WHERE CLASS = :old_course", v_class=values[0] + '/' + values[2], old_course=old_class) for x in range(int(get_number(old_class)) - 1): # runs once for every student in the old_class to change their class to the new class cur.execute("UPDATE EOM_STUDENTS SET CLASS = :new_class WHERE STUDENT_ID = :other_stuff", new_class=values[0] + '/' + values[2], other_stuff=student_numbers[x]) con.commit() break else: sg.Popup('Invalid input') if event == 'edit_student_key': # checks if it was the edit students button that was pressed edit(old_class) window.Close()
import datetime import logging import sys from nltk.stem import WordNetLemmatizer import projection def crossLexiconOnRaw(corpusPath, crossedCorpusPath, csvFilePath, fieldNum=1): time = datetime.datetime.now() # Read the raw corpus scoreDic = readScores(csvFilePath, fieldNum) lexicon = readLexicon() with open(corpusPath, 'r') as lemmatizedCorpus: result = '' for line in lemmatizedCorpus: lemmas = tokenize(line[:-1]) lemmaText = line[:-1] labels = ['0'] * len(lemmas) mweIdx = 1 for entry in lexicon: entryScore = 0 if entry in scoreDic: entryScore = scoreDic[entry] if set(tokenize(entry)).issubset(set(lemmas)): entryTokens = tokenize(entry) if entry in lemmaText: idxs = projection.getContinousIdxs(entryTokens, lemmas) if idxs: labels = annotate(labels, idxs, entryScore) mweIdx += 1 continue idxs = projection.entryInLine(entryTokens, lemmas) hasLegalCont, inOneDirec = False, False if idxs: if len(entryTokens) < 3: hasLegalCont = projection.hasLegalContinuty(idxs, windowsSize=1) else: hasLegalCont = projection.hasLegalContinuty(idxs, windowsSize=2) if idxs and hasLegalCont: inOneDirec = projection.inOneDirection(idxs, entry, lemmas) if idxs and hasLegalCont and inOneDirec: labels = annotate(labels, idxs, entryScore) mweIdx += 1 for i in range(len(lemmas)): result += '{0}\t{1}\n'.format(lemmas[i], labels[i]) result += '\n' with open(crossedCorpusPath, 'w') as corpus: corpus.write(result) logging.warn( ' the file {0} has been made. It has taken {1}'.format(crossedCorpusPath, datetime.datetime.now() - time)) def annotate(labels, idxs, score): for idx in sorted(idxs): if idx == max(idxs): if labels[idx] == '0': labels[idx] = str(score) else: labels[idx] += ';' + str(score) return labels def readLexicon(): wordnet_lemmatizer = WordNetLemmatizer() lexicon = {} with open('../Corpora/LPP/mweLEX.txt', 'r') as scoresF: for line in scoresF: if line: entry = line[:-1].lower().strip() tokens = entry.split(' ') lemmas = [] for token in tokens: lemmas.append(wordnet_lemmatizer.lemmatize(token)) lexicon[' '.join(lemmas)] = True return lexicon def readScores(csvFilePath, fieldNum=1): lexicon = {} with open(csvFilePath, 'r') as scoresF: for line in scoresF: if line: parts = line.split(',') lexicon[parts[0].lower().strip()] = parts[fieldNum] return lexicon def tokenize(line): tokens = line.lower().split(' ') realTokens = [] for token in tokens: if token: realTokens.append(token) if realTokens: return realTokens return None if __name__ == '__main__': reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf8') logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s : %(levelname)s : %(message)s', level=logging.INFO) rawCopusPath = '../Corpora/LPP/lemmatized.txt' lppLexiconPath = '../Corpora/LPP/mweLEX.txt' resultFile = '../AnalysisFormat/Compositionality.txt' # csvFilePath = '../AssociationMeasures/CBT-scores/candidates-features.csv' csvFilePath = '../Word2Vec/CBOW/com.csv' crossLexiconOnRaw(rawCopusPath, resultFile, csvFilePath, fieldNum=1)
<reponame>tachyonicClock/avalanche<gh_stars>0 from abc import ABC from typing import List, TYPE_CHECKING from avalanche.core import StrategyCallbacks if TYPE_CHECKING: from avalanche.evaluation.metric_results import MetricValue from avalanche.training.strategies import BaseStrategy class StrategyLogger(StrategyCallbacks[None], ABC): """ The base class for the strategy loggers. Strategy loggers will receive events, under the form of callback calls, from the :class:`EvaluationPlugin` carrying a reference to the strategy as well as the values emitted by the metrics. Each child class should implement the `log_metric` method, which specifies how to report to the user the metrics gathered during training and evaluation flows. The `log_metric` method is invoked by default on each callback. In addition, child classes may override the desired callbacks to customize the logger behavior. Make sure, when overriding callbacks, to call the proper `super` method. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() def log_single_metric(self, name, value, x_plot): """ This abstract method will have to be implemented by each subclass. This method takes a metric name, a metric value and a x value and decides how to show the metric value. :param name: str, metric name :param value: the metric value, will be ignored if not supported by the logger :param x_plot: an integer representing the x value associated to the metric value """ pass def log_metric(self, metric_value: 'MetricValue', callback: str) -> None: """ This method will be invoked on each callback. The `callback` parameter describes the callback from which the metric value is coming from. :param metric_value: The value to be logged. :param callback: The name of the callback (event) from which the metric value was obtained. :return: None """ name = metric_value.name value = metric_value.value x_plot = metric_value.x_plot if isinstance(value, dict): for k, v in value.items(): n = f"{name}/{k}" self.log_single_metric(n, v, x_plot) else: self.log_single_metric(name, value, x_plot) def before_training(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy', metric_values: List['MetricValue'], **kwargs): for val in metric_values: self.log_metric(val, 'before_training') def before_training_exp(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy', metric_values: List['MetricValue'], **kwargs): for val in metric_values: self.log_metric(val, 'before_training_exp') def after_train_dataset_adaptation(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy', metric_values: List['MetricValue'], **kwargs): for val in metric_values: self.log_metric(val, 'adapt_train_dataset') def before_training_epoch(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy', metric_values: List['MetricValue'], **kwargs): for val in metric_values: self.log_metric(val, 'before_training_epoch') def before_training_iteration(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy', metric_values: List['MetricValue'], **kwargs): for val in metric_values: self.log_metric(val, 'before_training_iteration') def before_forward(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy', metric_values: List['MetricValue'], **kwargs): for val in metric_values: self.log_metric(val, 'before_forward') def after_forward(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy', metric_values: List['MetricValue'], **kwargs): for val in metric_values: self.log_metric(val, 'after_forward') def before_backward(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy', metric_values: List['MetricValue'], **kwargs): for val in metric_values: self.log_metric(val, 'before_backward') def after_backward(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy', metric_values: List['MetricValue'], **kwargs): for val in metric_values: self.log_metric(val, 'after_backward') def after_training_iteration(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy', metric_values: List['MetricValue'], **kwargs): for val in metric_values: self.log_metric(val, 'after_training_iteration') def before_update(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy', metric_values: List['MetricValue'], **kwargs): for val in metric_values: self.log_metric(val, 'before_update') def after_update(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy', metric_values: List['MetricValue'], **kwargs): for val in metric_values: self.log_metric(val, 'after_update') def after_training_epoch(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy', metric_values: List['MetricValue'], **kwargs): for val in metric_values: self.log_metric(val, 'after_training_epoch') def after_training_exp(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy', metric_values: List['MetricValue'], **kwargs): for val in metric_values: self.log_metric(val, 'after_training_exp') def after_training(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy', metric_values: List['MetricValue'], **kwargs): for val in metric_values: self.log_metric(val, 'after_training') def before_eval(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy', metric_values: List['MetricValue'], **kwargs): for val in metric_values: self.log_metric(val, 'before_eval') def after_eval_dataset_adaptation(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy', metric_values: List['MetricValue'], **kwargs): for val in metric_values: self.log_metric(val, 'adapt_eval_dataset') def before_eval_exp(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy', metric_values: List['MetricValue'], **kwargs): for val in metric_values: self.log_metric(val, 'before_eval_exp') def after_eval_exp(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy', metric_values: List['MetricValue'], **kwargs): for val in metric_values: self.log_metric(val, 'after_eval_exp') def after_eval(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy', metric_values: List['MetricValue'], **kwargs): for val in metric_values: self.log_metric(val, 'after_eval') def before_eval_iteration(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy', metric_values: List['MetricValue'], **kwargs): for val in metric_values: self.log_metric(val, 'before_eval_iteration') def before_eval_forward(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy', metric_values: List['MetricValue'], **kwargs): for val in metric_values: self.log_metric(val, 'before_eval_forward') def after_eval_forward(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy', metric_values: List['MetricValue'], **kwargs): for val in metric_values: self.log_metric(val, 'after_eval_forward') def after_eval_iteration(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy', metric_values: List['MetricValue'], **kwargs): for val in metric_values: self.log_metric(val, 'after_eval_iteration') __all__ = [ 'StrategyLogger' ]
# coding: utf-8 from __future__ import with_statement from operator import add try: from cStringIO import StringIO except ImportError: from StringIO import StringIO import pytest from chef.interpreter import Interpreter from chef.datastructures import Ingredients, Ingredient, IngredientProperties from chef.errors.runtime import InvalidInputError, UndefinedIngredientError,\ InvalidContainerIDError, NonExistingContainerError,\ EmptyContainerError, MissingLoopEndError def test_interpreter_init(): interpreter = Interpreter() assert interpreter.global_ingredients == Ingredients() assert interpreter.mixing_bowls == [Ingredients()] class TestInterpreterProperties(object): def setup_method(self, method): first_mixing_bowl = Ingredients([ Ingredient('apple', IngredientProperties(5, True, False)), Ingredient('water', IngredientProperties(100, False, True))]) second_mixing_bowl = Ingredients([ Ingredient('oil', IngredientProperties(2, True, False)), Ingredient('salmon', IngredientProperties(4, False, True))]) self.interpreter = Interpreter(mixing_bowls=[ first_mixing_bowl, second_mixing_bowl]) def test_first_mixing_bowl(self): first_mixing_bowl = self.interpreter.first_mixing_bowl assert first_mixing_bowl == Ingredients([ Ingredient('apple', IngredientProperties(5, True, False)), Ingredient('water', IngredientProperties(100, False, True))]) def test_last_mixing_bowl(self): last_mixing_bowl = self.interpreter.last_mixing_bowl assert last_mixing_bowl == Ingredients([ Ingredient('oil', IngredientProperties(2, True, False)), Ingredient('salmon', IngredientProperties(4, False, True))]) class TestInterpreterGetNthIngredients(object): params = { 'test_lt_one': [{'id': -1}, {'id': 0}], 'test_too_high': [{'id': 2}, {'id': 3}]} def setup_method(self, method): self.interpreter = Interpreter() def test_lt_one(self, id): with pytest.raises(InvalidContainerIDError): self.interpreter.get_nth_container(id) def test_too_high(self, id): with pytest.raises(NonExistingContainerError) as e: self.interpreter.get_nth_container(id) assert e.value.id == id def test_accessible(self): mixing_bowl = self.interpreter.get_nth_container(1) assert mixing_bowl == Ingredients() class TestInterpreterTake(object): def setup_method(self, method): self.interpreter = Interpreter() def test_nonexisting(self): with pytest.raises(UndefinedIngredientError) as e: self.interpreter.take('milk', stdin=StringIO('23\n')) assert e.value.ingredient == 'milk' def test_overwriting(self): self.interpreter.global_ingredients['sausage'] = IngredientProperties( 42, True, False) self.interpreter.take('sausage', stdin=StringIO('57\n')) sausage = self.interpreter.global_ingredients['sausage'] assert sausage == Ingredient( 'sausage', IngredientProperties(57, True, False)) def test_invalid_num_without_lineno(self): with pytest.raises(InvalidInputError) as e: self.interpreter.take( 'sausage', stdin=StringIO('not a number!\n')) assert e.value.value == 'not a number!' assert e.value.lineno is None def test_invalid_num_with_lineno(self): with pytest.raises(InvalidInputError) as e: self.interpreter.take( 'sausage', 7, StringIO('not a number!\n')) assert e.value.value == 'not a number!' assert e.value.lineno == 7 class TestInterpreterPut(object): def setup_method(self, method): global_ingredients = Ingredients([ Ingredient('bananas', IngredientProperties(180, True, False))]) first_mixing_bowl = Ingredients([ Ingredient('milk', IngredientProperties(200, False, True)), Ingredient('baking powder', IngredientProperties(50, True, False))]) second_mixing_bowl = Ingredients([ Ingredient('orange juice', IngredientProperties(100, False, True)), Ingredient('cinnamon', IngredientProperties(15, True, False))]) self.interpreter = Interpreter( global_ingredients, [first_mixing_bowl, second_mixing_bowl]) def test_undefined_ingredient(self): with pytest.raises(UndefinedIngredientError) as e: self.interpreter.put('olive oil') assert e.value.ingredient == 'olive oil' assert e.value.lineno is None def test_without_mixing_bowl(self): self.interpreter.put('bananas') assert self.interpreter.first_mixing_bowl.top == Ingredient( 'bananas', IngredientProperties(180, True, False)) def test_with_mixing_bowl(self): self.interpreter.put('bananas', 2) assert self.interpreter.mixing_bowls[1].top == Ingredient( 'bananas', IngredientProperties(180, True, False)) def test_into_nonexisting_mixing_bowl(self): self.interpreter.put('bananas', 3) assert self.interpreter.last_mixing_bowl == Ingredients([ Ingredient('bananas', IngredientProperties(180, True, False))]) assert self.interpreter.last_mixing_bowl.top == Ingredient( 'bananas', IngredientProperties(180, True, False)) def test_same_item_multiple_times(self): self.interpreter.put('bananas') assert self.interpreter.first_mixing_bowl == Ingredients([ Ingredient('milk', IngredientProperties(200, False, True)), Ingredient('baking powder', IngredientProperties(50, True, False)), Ingredient('bananas', IngredientProperties(180, True, False))]) self.interpreter.put('bananas') assert self.interpreter.first_mixing_bowl == Ingredients([ Ingredient('milk', IngredientProperties(200, False, True)), Ingredient('baking powder', IngredientProperties(50, True, False)), Ingredient('bananas', IngredientProperties(180, True, False)), Ingredient('bananas', IngredientProperties(180, True, False))]) def test_invalid_mixing_bowl(self): with pytest.raises(InvalidContainerIDError) as e: self.interpreter.put('bananas', 4) assert e.value.id == 4 class TestInterpreterFold(object): def test_missing_top_value(self): interpreter = Interpreter( Ingredients([ Ingredient('yeast', IngredientProperties(47, True, False))]), [Ingredients()]) with pytest.raises(EmptyContainerError) as e: interpreter.fold('yeast') assert e.value.id == 1 def test_working(self): interpreter = Interpreter({'yeast': 47}, [Ingredients([23, 42, 1337])]) assert interpreter.mixing_bowls == [Ingredients([23, 42, 1337])] assert interpreter.global_ingredients == {'yeast': 47} interpreter.fold('yeast') assert interpreter.mixing_bowls == [Ingredients([23, 42])] assert interpreter.global_ingredients == {'yeast': 1337} def test_interpreter_calculate_with_empty_mixing_bowl(): interpreter = Interpreter(Ingredients([ Ingredient('pigs', IngredientProperties(2, True, False))])) with pytest.raises(EmptyContainerError): interpreter.calculate(add, 'pigs') def test_interpreter_add(interpreter): assert interpreter.first_mixing_bowl.top == Ingredient( 'cherries', IngredientProperties(300, True, False)) interpreter.add('meat') assert interpreter.first_mixing_bowl.top == Ingredient( 'meat', IngredientProperties(350, True, False)) def test_interpreter_remove(interpreter): assert interpreter.first_mixing_bowl.top == Ingredient( 'cherries', IngredientProperties(300, True, False)) interpreter.remove('meat') assert interpreter.first_mixing_bowl.top == Ingredient( 'meat', IngredientProperties(250, True, False)) def test_interpreter_combine(interpreter): assert interpreter.first_mixing_bowl.top == Ingredient( 'cherries', IngredientProperties(300, True, False)) interpreter.combine('meat') assert interpreter.first_mixing_bowl.top == Ingredient( 'meat', IngredientProperties(15000, True, False)) def test_interpreter_divide(interpreter): assert interpreter.first_mixing_bowl.top == Ingredient( 'cherries', IngredientProperties(300, True, False)) interpreter.divide('meat') assert interpreter.first_mixing_bowl.top == Ingredient( 'meat', IngredientProperties(6, True, False)) def test_interpreter_liquefy_ingredient(interpreter): assert interpreter.global_ingredients == Ingredients([ Ingredient('meat', IngredientProperties(50, True, False))]) interpreter.liquefy_ingredient('meat') assert interpreter.global_ingredients == Ingredients([ Ingredient('meat', IngredientProperties(50, False, True))]) def test_interpreter_liquefy_contents(interpreter): assert interpreter.first_mixing_bowl == Ingredients([ Ingredient('apples', IngredientProperties(100, True, False)), Ingredient('ketchup', IngredientProperties(200, False, True)), Ingredient('cherries', IngredientProperties(300, True, False))]) interpreter.liquefy_contents() assert interpreter.first_mixing_bowl == Ingredients([ Ingredient('apples', IngredientProperties(100, False, True)), Ingredient('ketchup', IngredientProperties(200, False, True)), Ingredient('cherries', IngredientProperties(300, False, True))]) def test_interpreter_stir_minutes(interpreter): interpreter.stir_minutes(1) assert interpreter.first_mixing_bowl == Ingredients([ Ingredient('apples', IngredientProperties(100, True, False)), Ingredient('cherries', IngredientProperties(300, True, False)), Ingredient('ketchup', IngredientProperties(200, False, True))]) def test_interpreter_stir_ingredient(): interpreter = Interpreter( Ingredients([ Ingredient('sticks', IngredientProperties(2, True, False))]), [Ingredients([ Ingredient('stones', IngredientProperties(100, True, False)), Ingredient('skin', IngredientProperties(200, True, False)), Ingredient('bones', IngredientProperties(300, True, False))])]) interpreter.stir_ingredient('sticks') assert interpreter.first_mixing_bowl == Ingredients([ Ingredient('bones', IngredientProperties(300, True, False)), Ingredient('stones', IngredientProperties(100, True, False)), Ingredient('skin', IngredientProperties(200, True, False))]) def test_interpreter_clean(interpreter): interpreter.clean() # global ingredients must not change after having called the clean command assert interpreter.global_ingredients == Ingredients([ Ingredient('meat', IngredientProperties(50, True, False))]) assert interpreter.mixing_bowls == [Ingredients()] def test_interpreter_pour(interpreter): assert interpreter.first_baking_dish == Ingredients() interpreter.pour() assert interpreter.first_baking_dish == Ingredients([ Ingredient('apples', IngredientProperties(100, True, False)), Ingredient('ketchup', IngredientProperties(200, False, True)), Ingredient('cherries', IngredientProperties(300, True, False))]) class TestInterpreterLoopStart(object): def setup_method(self, method): global_ingredients = Ingredients([ Ingredient('number', IngredientProperties(3, True, False))]) self.interpreter = Interpreter(global_ingredients) def test_one_iteration(self): interpreter = Interpreter( Ingredients([ Ingredient('number', IngredientProperties(1, True, False))])) following_instructions = [ { 'command': 'put', 'ingredient': 'number', 'mixing_bowl_id': None, 'lineno': 8}, { 'command': 'loop_end', 'ingredient': 'number', 'verb': 'counted', 'lineno': 9}] interpreter.loop_start('Count', 'number', following_instructions, 7) assert interpreter.first_mixing_bowl == Ingredients([ Ingredient('number', IngredientProperties(1, True, False))]) def test_multiple_iterations(self): following_instructions = [ { 'command': 'put', 'ingredient': 'number', 'mixing_bowl_id': None, 'lineno': 8}, { 'command': 'loop_end', 'ingredient': 'number', 'verb': 'counted', 'lineno': 9}] self.interpreter.loop_start( 'Count', 'number', following_instructions, 7) assert self.interpreter.first_mixing_bowl == Ingredients([ Ingredient('number', IngredientProperties(3, True, False)), Ingredient('number', IngredientProperties(2, True, False)), Ingredient('number', IngredientProperties(1, True, False))]) @pytest.mark.xfail def test_nested_loops(self): assert False def test_missing_loop_end(self): following_instructions = [ { 'command': 'put', 'ingredient': 'number', 'mixing_bowl_id': None, 'lineno': 8}, { 'command': 'add', 'ingredient': 'number', 'mixing_bowl_id': None, 'lineno': 9}] with pytest.raises(MissingLoopEndError): self.interpreter.loop_start( 'Count', 'number', following_instructions, 7) def test_interpreter_loop_end(interpreter): interpreter.loop_end('meat') assert interpreter.global_ingredients == Ingredients([ Ingredient('meat', IngredientProperties(49, True, False))]) def test_interpreter_serves(): interpreter = Interpreter() interpreter.baking_dishes = [Ingredients([ Ingredient('water', IngredientProperties(97, False, True)), Ingredient('salt', IngredientProperties(23, True, False)), Ingredient('magic powder', IngredientProperties(55000, False, True))])] stdout = StringIO() interpreter.serves(1, stdout) stdout.seek(0) output = stdout.read() assert output == '훘23a'
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Written in Python 2.7, but try to maintain Python 3+ compatibility from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import division import unittest from os import path from classic_heuristics.parallel_savings import parallel_savings_init from classic_heuristics.sequential_savings import sequential_savings_init from classic_heuristics.gaskell_savings import gaskell_savings_init from classic_heuristics.paessens_savings import paessens_savings_init from classic_heuristics.suppression_savings import suppression_savings_init from local_search import LSOPT, do_local_search from local_search.intra_route_operators import do_3opt_move from replicationbase import ReplicationBase, REPRO_QUALITY_LEVELS class TestSavingsGaskell1967Replications(ReplicationBase): def setUp(self): self.algorithms = [ ("savings:multiple", lambda pts, D,d,C,L,st:\ parallel_savings_init(D,d,C,L, minimize_K=True)), ("savings:sequential", lambda pts, D,d,C,L,st:\ sequential_savings_init(D,d,C,L, minimize_K=True, initialize_routes_with = "farthest")), ("lambda:multiple", lambda pts, D,d,C,L,st:\ gaskell_savings_init(D,d,C,L, minimize_K=True, savings_method="lambda")), ("pi:multiple", lambda pts,D,d,C,L,st:\ gaskell_savings_init(D,d,C,L, minimize_K=True, savings_method="pi"))] self.problem_names = ["01_Ga67_n37_k5.vrp", "02-CW64_n32_k8.vrp", "03-Ga67_n33-k4.vrp", "04-Ga67-n22-k4.vrp", "05-Ga67-n30-k4.vrp", "06-Ga67-n23-k5.vrp"] self.targets = [ #savings:multiple ((5,923),(8,1427),(5,839),(4,598),(4,963),(5,955)), #savings:sequential ((5,947),(8,1427),(5,850),(4,648),(5,1017),(5,949)), #lambda:multiple ((5,913),(8,1434),(5,821),(4,602),(5,979),(5,988)), #pi:multiple ((5,857),(9,1500),(5,850),(4,598),(5,943),(6,1015))] self.problem_path = path.join("Classic","Gaskell1967") def test_parallel_savings_with_Gaskell1967_instances(self): avgq, sdq, minq, maxq = self.solve_problems("savings:multiple") self.assertTrue( abs(avgq) < REPRO_QUALITY_LEVELS.A_AVG, "Average quality not replicated (%.2f)"%avgq) self.assertTrue( abs(sdq) < REPRO_QUALITY_LEVELS.A_SD, "There is too much variation between instances") def test_sequential_savings_with_Gaskell1967_instances(self): avgq, sdq, minq, maxq = self.solve_problems("savings:sequential") self.assertTrue( abs(avgq) < REPRO_QUALITY_LEVELS.B_AVG, "Average quality not replicated (%.2f)"%avgq) self.assertTrue( abs(sdq) < REPRO_QUALITY_LEVELS.B_SD, "There is too much variation between instances") def test_Gaskell_lambda_savings_with_Gaskell1967_instances(self): avgq, sdq, minq, maxq = self.solve_problems("lambda:multiple") self.assertTrue( abs(avgq) < REPRO_QUALITY_LEVELS.B_AVG, "Average quality not replicated (%.2f)"%avgq) self.assertTrue( abs(sdq) < REPRO_QUALITY_LEVELS.B_SD, "There is too much variation between instances") def test_Gaskell_pi_savings_with_Gaskell1967_instances(self): avgq, sdq, minq, maxq = self.solve_problems("pi:multiple") self.assertTrue( abs(avgq) < REPRO_QUALITY_LEVELS.A_AVG, "Average quality not replicated (%.2f)"%avgq) self.assertTrue( abs(sdq) < REPRO_QUALITY_LEVELS.A_SD, "There is too much variation between instances") class TestSavingsCWEilonEtAl1971Replications(ReplicationBase): """ The results were published in Eilon et al 1971 (in the book Distribution management) """ def setUp(self): self.algorithms = [ ("savings:multiple", lambda pts, D,d,C,L,st:\ parallel_savings_init(D,d,C,L)),] self.problem_names = [ "01-eil7.vrp", "02-eil13.vrp", "03-Gaskell1-E022-k4g_exact2d.vrp", "04-Gaskell2-E023-k5g_exact2d.vrp", "05-Gaskell3-E030-k4g_exact2d.vrp", "06-CW64_n31_k8c.vrp", "07-Gaskell4-E033-k4g_exact2d.vrp", "08-eil51_exact2d.vrp", "09-eil76_exact2d.vrp", "10-eil101_exact2d.vrp"] # CW64_n31_k8c is without Birmingham with demand of 140 # (it is always served separately with a route of length 82*2) self.targets = [ #savings:multiple ((2,119),(4,290),(4,598),(5,955),(5,963), (8,1427-82*2),(5,839),(6,585),(10,900),(8,887)) ] self.problem_path = path.join("Classic","Beasley1983") def test_parallel_savings_with_Beasley1983_instances(self): _to_int = lambda x: int(x) avgq, sdq, minq, maxq = self.solve_problems("savings:multiple", round_f_func = _to_int) self.assertTrue( abs(avgq) < REPRO_QUALITY_LEVELS.A_AVG, "Average quality not replicated (%.2f)"%avgq) self.assertTrue( abs(sdq) < REPRO_QUALITY_LEVELS.A_SD, "There is too much variation between instances") class TestSavingsPaessensReplications(ReplicationBase): """ The results were published in Paessens1988 """ def setUp(self): self.algorithms = [ ("clarke_wright_savings", lambda pts, D,d,C,L,st:\ parallel_savings_init(D,d,C,L)), ("paessens_savings_M1", lambda pts, D,d,C,L,st:\ paessens_savings_init(D,d,C,L,strategy="M1", do_3opt=False)), ("paessens_savings_M4", lambda pts, D,d,C,L,st:\ paessens_savings_init(D,d,C,L,strategy="M4", do_3opt=False)), ("clarke_wright_savings_3OPT", lambda pts, D,d,C,L,st:\ do_local_search([do_3opt_move], parallel_savings_init(D,d,C,L), D, d, C, L, operator_strategy=LSOPT.BEST_ACCEPT)), ("paessens_savings_M1_3OPT", lambda pts, D,d,C,L,st:\ paessens_savings_init(D,d,C,L,strategy="M1", do_3opt=True)), ("paessens_savings_M4_3OPT", lambda pts, D,d,C,L,st:\ paessens_savings_init(D,d,C,L,strategy="M4", do_3opt=True)) ] self.problem_names = [ "G1.vrp", "G2.vrp", "G3.vrp", "G4.vrp", "C1.vrp", "C2.vrp", "C3.vrp", "C4.vrp", "C5.vrp", "C6.vrp", "C7.vrp", "C8.vrp", "C9.vrp", "C10.vrp", "C11.vrp", "GJ1.vrp" ] # in Gaskell instances service_time was not included in the table # in Christofides et al. service_time was included self.targets = [ #cw (599-10*21,956-10*22,964-10*29,841-10*32, 585,907,889,834,876,1068,1593,1140,1288,1395,1539,5568), #M1 (585-10*21,956-10*22,938-10*29,814-10*32, 564,866,866,826,870,1065,1584,1102,1222,1370,1486,5380), #M4 (598-10*21,956-10*22,938-10*29,814-10*32, 571,889,877,826,872,1068,1591,1112,1222,1370,1515,5476), #cw+3opt (599-10*21,956-10*22,962-10*29,840-10*32, 579,902,880,824,869,1047,1583,1134,1285,1387,1522,5546), #M1+3opt (585-10*21,956-10*22,937-10*29,812-10*32, 557,861,858,822,870,1046,1568,1083,1221,1359,1476,5348), #M4+3opt (598-10*21,956-10*22,937-10*29,812-10*32, 570,876,869,823,871,1047,1580,1106,1221,1359,1504,5449), ] self.problem_path = path.join("Classic","Paessens1988", "literature") def test_CW_with_Paessens1988_instances(self): _to_int = lambda x: int(x) avgq, sdq, minq, maxq = self.solve_problems("clarke_wright_savings", round_f_func = _to_int, cost_compare = False) # Is better, give it some slack self.assertTrue( abs(avgq)-0.02 < REPRO_QUALITY_LEVELS.A_AVG, "Average quality not replicated (%.2f)"%avgq) self.assertTrue( abs(sdq) < REPRO_QUALITY_LEVELS.A_SD, "There is too much variation between instances") def test_CW_w_3OPT_with_Paessens1988_instances(self): _to_int = lambda x: int(x) avgq, sdq, minq, maxq = self.solve_problems("clarke_wright_savings_3OPT", round_f_func = _to_int, cost_compare = False) # It is in fact, better. But still, B. self.assertTrue( abs(avgq) < REPRO_QUALITY_LEVELS.B_AVG, "Average quality not replicated (%.2f)"%avgq) self.assertTrue( abs(sdq) < REPRO_QUALITY_LEVELS.B_SD, "There is too much variation between instances") def test_PaessensM1_with_Paessens1988_instances(self): _to_int = lambda x: int(x) avgq, sdq, minq, maxq = self.solve_problems("paessens_savings_M1", round_f_func = _to_int, cost_compare = False) self.assertTrue( abs(avgq)-0.01 < REPRO_QUALITY_LEVELS.A_AVG, "Average quality not replicated (%.2f)"%avgq) self.assertTrue( abs(sdq) < REPRO_QUALITY_LEVELS.A_SD, "There is too much variation between instances") def test_PaessensM1_w_3OPT_with_Paessens1988_instances(self): _to_int = lambda x: int(x) avgq, sdq, minq, maxq = self.solve_problems("paessens_savings_M1_3OPT", round_f_func = _to_int, cost_compare = False) self.assertTrue( abs(avgq) < REPRO_QUALITY_LEVELS.A_AVG, "Average quality not replicated (%.2f)"%avgq) self.assertTrue( abs(sdq) < REPRO_QUALITY_LEVELS.A_SD, "There is too much variation between instances") def test_PaessensM4_with_Paessens1988_instances(self): _to_int = lambda x: int(x) avgq, sdq, minq, maxq = self.solve_problems("paessens_savings_M4", round_f_func = _to_int, cost_compare = False) self.assertTrue( abs(avgq) < REPRO_QUALITY_LEVELS.B_AVG, "Average quality not replicated (%.2f)"%avgq) self.assertTrue( abs(sdq) < REPRO_QUALITY_LEVELS.B_SD, "There is too much variation between instances") def test_PaessensM4_w_3OPT_with_Paessens1988_instances(self): _to_int = lambda x: int(x) avgq, sdq, minq, maxq = self.solve_problems("paessens_savings_M4_3OPT", round_f_func = _to_int, cost_compare = False) self.assertTrue( abs(avgq) < REPRO_QUALITY_LEVELS.A_AVG, "Average quality not replicated (%.2f)"%avgq) self.assertTrue( abs(sdq) < REPRO_QUALITY_LEVELS.A_SD, "There is too much variation between instances") class TestSavingsSuppressionEilonEtAl1971Replications(ReplicationBase): """ The results were published in Eilon et al 1971 (in the book Distribution management) """ def setUp(self): self.algorithms = [ (r"HP76-PS$\vert$IMS", lambda pts, D,d,C,L,st:\ suppression_savings_init(D,d,C,L, minimize_K=False)),] self.problem_names = [ "01-eil7.vrp", # some "08-eil51.vrp", "09-eil76.vrp", "10-eil101.vrp"] self.targets = [((2, 114), (5, 573), (10, 886), (8,876))] self.problem_path = path.join("Classic","ChristofidesEilon1969") def test_suppression_savings_with_ChristofidesEilon1969_instances(self): _to_int = lambda x: int(x) avgq, sdq, minq, maxq = self.solve_problems(r"HP76-PS$\vert$IMS", round_f_func = _to_int) self.assertTrue( abs(avgq) < REPRO_QUALITY_LEVELS.B_AVG, "Average quality not replicated (%.2f)"%avgq) self.assertTrue( abs(sdq) < REPRO_QUALITY_LEVELS.B_SD, "There is too much variation between instances") if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main(exit=False)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2020, <NAME> and contributors # For license information, please see license.txt from __future__ import unicode_literals import frappe from frappe.utils import getdate, get_time, flt, now_datetime from datetime import datetime, timedelta, date, time from frappe.model.document import Document from frappe import _ from club_crm.club_crm.utils.sms_notification import send_sms from club_crm.club_crm.utils.push_notification import send_push from club_crm.club_crm.doctype.client_sessions.client_sessions import create_session class FitnessTrainingRequest(Document): def after_insert(self): self.trainer_notification() def validate(self): for i, item in enumerate(sorted(self.table_schedule, key=lambda item: str(item.date)), start=1): item.idx = i self.calculate_time() self.validate_table() self.set_payment_details() self.create_sessions() self.send_notification() def validate_table(self): if self.request_status == "Scheduled": if not self.table_schedule: frappe.throw("Please fill your training schedule under the 'Trainer Schedule' section.") else: no_rows=0 for row in self.table_schedule: no_rows += 1 if not int(self.number_of_sessions) == no_rows: frappe.throw("Number of appointment schedules does not match number of requested sessions") duration = 0.0 package = frappe.get_doc('Club Packages', self.fitness_package) if package.package_table: for fitness in package.package_table: if fitness.service_type=="Fitness Services": duration = fitness.validity if type(self.start_date) == str: start_datetime= datetime.strptime(self.start_date, "%Y-%m-%d") else: start_datetime = self.start_date expiry = start_datetime + timedelta(seconds=duration) for row in self.table_schedule: if type(row.date) == str: row_datetime= datetime.strptime(row.date, "%Y-%m-%d") else: row_datetime = row.date if expiry < row_datetime: expiry_date = datetime.strftime(expiry, "%d-%m-%Y") msg = _('One of the scheduled dates exceeds the validity of the package from the start date. The dates should be within ') msg += _('<b>{0}</b>.').format(expiry_date) frappe.throw(msg, title=_('Schedule date error')) appointments = frappe.db.sql(""" select name, service_staff, client_name, appointment_date, appointment_time, appointment_end_time from `tabFitness Training Appointment` where appointment_date=%s and appointment_status NOT IN ("Cancelled", "No Show") and (service_staff=%s or client_name=%s) and ((appointment_time<%s and appointment_end_time>%s) or (appointment_time>%s and appointment_time<%s) or (appointment_time>%s and appointment_end_time<%s) or (appointment_time=%s)) """, (row.date, self.trainer, self.client_name, row.from_time, row.from_time, row.from_time, row.to_time, row.from_time, row.to_time, row.from_time)) # appointments = frappe.get_all('Fitness Training Appointment', filters={'service_staff': self.trainer, 'appointment_date': row.date, 'appointment_time': row.time_from}) if appointments: msg = _('One of the schedules on this request ') msg += _('overlaps with your appointment for <b>{0}</b> on <b>{1}</b> at <b>{2}</b>.').format( appointments[0][2], appointments[0][3], appointments[0][4]) frappe.throw(msg, title=_('Schedule date error')) self.scheduled_at = getdate() if self.request_status == "Completed": if not self.table_schedule: frappe.throw("Please fill your training schedule under the 'Trainer Schedule' section.") if self.payment_status== "Not Paid": frappe.throw("The training request has not been paid yet.") def calculate_time(self): package = frappe.get_doc('Club Packages', self.fitness_package) if package.package_table: for row in package.package_table: fitness = frappe.get_doc('Fitness Services', row.service_name) self.validity = fitness.duration if self.table_schedule: for row in self.table_schedule: row.from_time = convert24(row.time_from) from_time = datetime.strptime(row.from_time, "%H:%M:%S") to_time = from_time + timedelta(seconds=self.validity) row.to_time = datetime.strftime(to_time, "%H:%M:%S") row.start_datetime = "%s %s" % (row.date, row.from_time or "00:00:00") def set_payment_details(self): self.paid_amounts = 0.0 self.total_to_be_paid = self.price if self.payment_table: for row in self.payment_table: self.paid_amounts += row.paid_amount self.balance_amount = self.total_to_be_paid - self.paid_amounts if self.balance_amount == 0.0: frappe.db.set_value("Cart", self.name, "payment_status", "Paid") def create_sessions(self): if self.sessions_created==0: if self.request_status == "Completed" and self.payment_status == "Paid": club_package = frappe.get_doc('Club Packages', self.fitness_package) if club_package.package_table: for row in club_package.package_table: fitness = create_session(self.client_id, self.fitness_package, row.service_type, row.service_name, row.no_of_sessions, row.validity) if self.table_schedule: for schedule in self.table_schedule: if type(schedule.start_datetime) == str: start_time = datetime.strptime(schedule.start_datetime, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") else: start_time = schedule.start_datetime doc = frappe.get_doc({ "doctype": 'Fitness Training Appointment', "session":1, "online":1, "client_id": self.client_id, "session_name": fitness.name, "service_staff": self.trainer, "start_time" : start_time }) doc.save() self.sessions_created = 1 def trainer_notification(self): settings = frappe.get_doc('Fitness Training Settings') if settings.enabled_trainer==1: msg = "New Fitness Training Request has been received from "+self.client_name+"." receiver_list='"'+str(self.trainer_mobile_no)+'"' send_sms(receiver_list,msg) def send_notification(self): settings = frappe.get_doc('Fitness Training Settings') if settings.enabled_client==1: if settings.scheduled_message: msg = str(settings.scheduled_message) else: msg = "Your personalized Fitness Training schedule is ready on the app." # Notification for scheduled appointments to Client if self.schedule_notification==0 and self.request_status=="Scheduled": receiver_list='"'+self.mobile_number+'"' send_sms(receiver_list,msg) client = frappe.get_doc('Client', self.client_id) if client.fcm_token: title = "Fitness Training schedule is ready" send_push(client.name,title,msg) self.schedule_notification=1 @frappe.whitelist() def convert24(str1): if str1[-3:] == " AM" and str1[:2] == "12": return "00" + str1[2:-3] elif str1[-3:] == " AM": return str1[:-3] elif str1[-3:] == " PM" and str1[:2] == "12": return str1[:-3] else: return str(int(str1[:2]) + 12) + str1[2:8]
import socket import sys import json from config import Config import time from threading import Lock from typing import List import logging import re class LightningClient: def __init__(self, socket_file): self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM) try: self.sock.connect(socket_file) except Exception as e: logging.warn( "LightningClient: Failed to open sock {}".format((str(e)))) sys.exit(1) self.f = self.sock.makefile('r') self.id = 0 def close(self): self.sock.close() def call(self, method, *args): response = self._call(method, *args) if response.get("error"): logging.warn("LightningClient retry due to error: {}".format(response["error"])) time.sleep(0.5) response = self._call(method, *args) return response else: return response def _call(self, method, *args): params = dict(args[0]) if len(args) == 1 and type( args[0]) == dict else list(args) request = {'method': method, 'params': params} request['id'] = self.id request['jsonrpc'] = '2.0' self.id += 1 msg = json.dumps(request) + '\n' self.sock.sendall(msg.encode('ascii')) response = json.loads(self.f.readline()) # Each response ends with two new lines, hence this. # ref: https://github.com/ElementsProject/lightning/blob/v0.10.1/contrib/pyln-client/pyln/client/lightning.py#L298 _ = self.f.readline() return response def CreateLightningClient() -> LightningClient: ''' Caller owns the returned LightningClient. LightningClient must be closed when it is not needed. ''' assert Config.EnableLightning, "Need to set EnableLightning to true in the config" return LightningClient(Config.LightningUnixSocket) class LightningOverview(): def __init__(self): self.node_id = "" self.alias = "" self.funds_total_amount: int = None self.total_spendable: int = None self.total_receivable: int = None self.num_active_channels: int = None self.num_peers: int = None class LightningFund(): def __init__(self): self.txid = "" self.output: int = None self.value: int = None self.address = "" self.status = "" class LightningChannel(): def __init__(self): self.peer_id = "" self.connected: int = None self.funding_local_msat: int = None self.funding_remote_msat: str = None self.receivable_msat: str = None self.spendable_msat: str = None # Number of payment fulfilled that our Node received self.in_payments_fulfilled: int = None self.in_msatoshi_fulfilled: int = None # Number of payment fulfilled that our Node sent self.out_payments_fulfilled: int = None self.out_msatoshi_fulfilled: int = None self.state = "" class LightningInvoice(): def __init__(self): self.label: str = None self.bolt11 = "" self.msatoshi = 0 self.status: str = None self.description: str = None self.expires_at = 0 self.paid_at = 0 class LightningPay(): def __init__(self): self.bolt11 = "" self.destination = "" # status of the payment(one of "pending", "failed", "complete") self.status = "" self.created_at = 0 # the amount we actually sent, including fees. Example "3000msat" self.amount_sent_msat = "" # the amount the destination received, if known. Example "1000msat" self.amount_msat = "" def get_lightning_overview(): client = CreateLightningClient() try: getinfo_response = client.call("getinfo") assert getinfo_response.get("error") is None, "getinfo failed: {}".format(getinfo_response["error"]) info = getinfo_response["result"] overview = LightningOverview() overview.node_id = info["id"] overview.alias = info["alias"] overview.num_peers = info["num_peers"] overview.num_active_channels = info["num_active_channels"] listpeers_response = client.call("listpeers") assert listpeers_response.get("error") is None, "listpeers failed: {}".format(listpeers_response["error"]) overview.total_receivable = 0 overview.total_spendable = 0 peers = listpeers_response["result"]["peers"] for peer in peers: for channel in peer["channels"]: overview.total_receivable += channel["receivable_msatoshi"] // 1000 overview.total_spendable += channel["spendable_msatoshi"] // 1000 listfunds_response = client.call("listfunds") assert listfunds_response.get( "error") is None, "listfunds failed: {}".format(listfunds_response["error"]) funds = listfunds_response["result"] overview.funds_total_amount = 0 for output in funds["outputs"]: overview.funds_total_amount += output["value"] return overview finally: client.close() def listfunds() -> List[LightningFund]: client = CreateLightningClient() try: listfunds_response = client.call("listfunds") assert listfunds_response.get( "error") is None, "listfunds failed: {}".format(listfunds_response["error"]) funds = listfunds_response["result"]["outputs"] result = [] for fund in funds: lightning_fund = LightningFund() lightning_fund.txid = fund["txid"] lightning_fund.output = fund["output"] lightning_fund.value = fund["value"] lightning_fund.address = fund["address"] lightning_fund.status = fund["status"] result.append(lightning_fund) return result finally: client.close() def get_channels() -> List[LightningChannel]: client = CreateLightningClient() try: listpeers_response = client.call("listpeers") assert listpeers_response.get( "error") is None, "listpeers failed: {}".format(listpeers_response["error"]) peers = listpeers_response["result"]["peers"] lightning_channels: List[LightningChannel] = [] for peer in peers: for channel in peer["channels"]: lightning_channel = LightningChannel() lightning_channel.peer_id = peer["id"] lightning_channel.connected = peer["connected"] lightning_channel.funding_local_msat = channel["funding"]["local_msat"] lightning_channel.funding_remote_msat = channel["funding"]["remote_msat"] lightning_channel.receivable_msat = channel["receivable_msat"] lightning_channel.spendable_msat = channel["spendable_msat"] lightning_channel.in_payments_fulfilled = channel["in_payments_fulfilled"] lightning_channel.in_msatoshi_fulfilled = channel["in_msatoshi_fulfilled"] lightning_channel.out_payments_fulfilled = channel["out_payments_fulfilled"] lightning_channel.out_msatoshi_fulfilled = channel["out_msatoshi_fulfilled"] lightning_channel.state = channel["state"] lightning_channels.append(lightning_channel) return lightning_channels finally: client.close() def invoice(msatoshi, description, expiry): """ @description: should be for human as it is encoded in the invoice. no more than 100 chars. @expiry: without a suffix it is interpreted as seconds, otherwise suffixes s, m, h, d, w indicate seconds, minutes, hours, days and weeks respectively. for example 60s = 60 seconds @return (bolt11 string, expired_at, invoice_label) where bolt11 string encodes the invoice, and expires_at is an UNIX timestamp of when invoice expires. see here for more on bolt11 https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lightning-rfc/blob/v1.0/11-payment-encoding.md """ assert len(description) < 100 client: LightningClient = CreateLightningClient() invoice_label = _next_invoice_label() try: params = { "msatoshi": msatoshi, "label": invoice_label, "description": description, "expiry": expiry } invoice_response = client.call("invoice", params) assert invoice_response.get( "error") is None, invoice_response.get("error") # Check for any warnings. Abort if there is any. result = invoice_response["result"] warnings = [] for key, value in result.items(): if key.startswith("warning_"): warnings.append((key, value)) if warnings: logging.warn("Invoice warnings: {}".format(warnings)) raise Exception("invoice has warnings") return result["bolt11"], result["expires_at"], invoice_label finally: client.close() def invoice_status(invoice_label): """ @return: Whether it's paid, unpaid or unpayable (one of "unpaid", "paid", "expired"). """ client = CreateLightningClient() try: listinvoices_response = client.call("listinvoices", invoice_label) assert listinvoices_response.get("error") is None invoices = listinvoices_response["result"]["invoices"] assert len(invoices) == 1, "Expecting exactly 1 invoice for {}, but got {}".format( invoice_label, len(invoices)) return invoices[0]["status"] finally: client.close() def listinvoices() -> List[LightningInvoice]: client = CreateLightningClient() try: listinvoices_response = client.call("listinvoices") assert listinvoices_response.get("error") is None invoices: List[LightningInvoice] = [] for invoice_json in listinvoices_response["result"]["invoices"]: invoice = LightningInvoice() invoice.label = invoice_json["label"] invoice.bolt11 = invoice_json["bolt11"] invoice.msatoshi = invoice_json["msatoshi"] invoice.status: str = invoice_json["status"] invoice.description: str = invoice_json["description"] invoice.expires_at = invoice_json["expires_at"] if "paid_at" in invoice_json: invoice.paid_at = invoice_json["paid_at"] invoices.append(invoice) return invoices finally: client.close() def listpays() -> List[LightningPay]: client = CreateLightningClient() try: listpays_response = client.call("listpays") assert listpays_response.get("error") is None, listpays_response["error"] pays: List[LightningPay()] = [] for pay_json in listpays_response["result"]["pays"]: pay = LightningPay() pay.bolt11 = pay_json["bolt11"] pay.destination = pay_json["destination"] pay.status = pay_json["status"] pay.created_at = pay_json["created_at"] pay.amount_msat = pay_json["amount_msat"] pay.amount_sent_msat = pay_json["amount_sent_msat"] pay.fee_msatoshi: int = int( pay.amount_sent_msat[:-4]) - int(pay.amount_msat[:-4]) pays.append(pay) return pays finally: client.close() def decode(invoice) -> LightningInvoice: """ @invoice: is a str, bolt11. """ client = CreateLightningClient() try: decode_response = client.call("decode", invoice) assert decode_response.get("error") is None result = decode_response["result"] assert result["valid"], "decode is invalid" invoice = LightningInvoice() invoice.msatoshi = result["msatoshi"] invoice.description: str = result["description"] return invoice finally: client.close() def pay(invoice) -> int: """ @invoice: is a str, bolt11. @return: return msatoshi sent. """ client = CreateLightningClient() try: pay_response = client.call("pay", invoice) assert pay_response.get("error") is None, pay_response["error"] return pay_response["result"]["msatoshi_sent"] finally: client.close() # The captured group is the ID for the invoice _gInvoiceLabelPattern = r"^banana-lightning-([\d]+)$" _gLigthningMetadata = { "lastInvoiceId": None } _gInvoiceIdLock: Lock = Lock() def _next_invoice_label(): if not _gInvoiceIdLock.acquire(True, 30): raise Exception("Deadlock?") _gLigthningMetadata["lastInvoiceId"] += 1 invoice_id = _gLigthningMetadata["lastInvoiceId"] _gInvoiceIdLock.release() invoice_label = "banana-lightning-{}".format(invoice_id) assert re.fullmatch(_gInvoiceLabelPattern, invoice_label) is not None return invoice_label def _init_ligthning_metadata(): client = CreateLightningClient() try: listinvoices_response = client.call("listinvoices") assert listinvoices_response.get("error") is None invoices = listinvoices_response["result"]["invoices"] _gLigthningMetadata["lastInvoiceId"] = 0 for invoice in invoices: label = invoice["label"] match = re.fullmatch(_gInvoiceLabelPattern, label) if match: assert len(match.groups()) == 1 invoice_id = int(match.groups()[0]) if invoice_id > _gLigthningMetadata["lastInvoiceId"]: _gLigthningMetadata["lastInvoiceId"] = invoice_id finally: client.close() if Config.EnableLightning: _init_ligthning_metadata()
<gh_stars>0 """ Given the weights and profits of ‘N’ items, we are asked to put these items in a knapsack which has a capacity ‘C’. The goal is to get the maximum profit from the items in the knapsack. we are allowed to use an unlimited quantity of an item. Let’s take the example of Merry, who wants to carry some fruits in the knapsack to get maximum profit. Here are the weights and profits of the fruits: Items: { Apple, Orange, Melon } Weights: { 1, 2, 3 } Profits: { 15, 20, 50 } Knapsack capacity: 5 Let’s try to put different combinations of fruits in the knapsack, such that their total weight is not more than 5. 5 Apples (total weight 5) => 75 profit 1 Apple + 2 Oranges (total weight 5) => 55 profit 2 Apples + 1 Melon (total weight 5) => 80 profit 1 Orange + 1 Melon (total weight 5) => 70 profit This shows that 2 apples + 1 melon is the best combination, as it gives us the maximum profit and the total weight does not exceed the capacity. """ from typing import List, DefaultDict from types import SimpleNamespace from collections import defaultdict import pprint def solve_knapsack_rec(profits: list, weights: list, capacity: int): if len(profits) != len(weights): raise ValueException("Profits and weights lengths should be same") result: List[List[int]] = [] profit = SimpleNamespace(max=0) def helper(slate: list, idx: int, capacity: int, cur_max_profit: int, cur_weight: int): if cur_max_profit > profit.max and cur_weight == capacity: profit.max = cur_max_profit result.append(list(slate)) if idx >= len(weights) or cur_weight >= capacity: return if weights[idx] < capacity: slate.append((weights[idx], profits[idx])) helper(slate, idx, capacity, cur_max_profit + profits[idx], cur_weight + weights[idx]) slate.pop() helper(slate, idx + 1, capacity, cur_max_profit, cur_weight) helper([], 0, capacity, 0, 0) print(result) return profit.max def solve_knapsack_memo(profits: list, weights: list, capacity: int): if len(profits) != len(weights): raise ValueException("Profits and weights lengths should be same") result: List[List[int]] = [] profit = SimpleNamespace(max=0) memo: DefaultDict = defaultdict(int) def helper(slate: list, idx: int, capacity: int, cur_max_profit: int, cur_weight: int): if cur_max_profit > profit.max and cur_weight == capacity: profit.max = cur_max_profit result.append(list(slate)) memo[cur_weight] = cur_max_profit if idx >= len(weights) or cur_weight >= capacity: return if weights[idx] not in memo and weights[idx] < capacity: slate.append((weights[idx], profits[idx])) helper(slate, idx, capacity, cur_max_profit + profits[idx], cur_weight + weights[idx]) slate.pop() helper(slate, idx + 1, capacity, cur_max_profit, cur_weight) helper([], 0, capacity, 0, 0) print(result) return profit.max def solve_knapsack_dp(profits: list, weights: list, capacity: int) -> int: table: List[List[int]] = [[0 for x in range(capacity + 1)] for y in range(len(weights))] for col in range(1, len(table[0])): if col >= weights[0] and weights[0] <= capacity: table[0][col] = (col // weights[0]) * profits[0] weights_used: set = set() for row in range(1, len(table)): for col in range(1, len(table[row])): exclude_current_weight: int = table[row - 1][col] include_current_weight: int = (profits[row] + table[row][col - weights[row]] if weights[row] <= col else 0) if include_current_weight > exclude_current_weight: weights_used.add(weights[row]) table[row][col] = include_current_weight else: table[row][col] = exclude_current_weight pprint.pprint(table) print(weights_used) return table[-1][-1] print(solve_knapsack_dp([15, 50, 60, 90], [1, 3, 4, 5], 8)) print(solve_knapsack_dp([15, 50, 60, 90], [1, 3, 4, 5], 6))
# Copyright 2014: Mirantis Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from unittest import mock import ddt from rally import exceptions from rally.task import context from tests.unit import fakes from tests.unit import test @ddt.ddt class BaseContextTestCase(test.TestCase): @ddt.data({"config": {"bar": "spam"}, "expected": {"bar": "spam"}}, {"config": {"bar": "spam"}, "expected": {"bar": "spam"}}, {"config": {}, "expected": {}}, {"config": None, "expected": None}, {"config": 42, "expected": 42}, {"config": "foo str", "expected": "foo str"}, {"config": [], "expected": ()}, {"config": [11, 22, 33], "expected": (11, 22, 33)}) @ddt.unpack def test_init(self, config, expected): ctx = {"config": {"foo": 42, "fake": config}, "task": "foo_task"} ins = fakes.FakeContext(ctx) self.assertEqual(expected, ins.config) self.assertEqual("foo_task", ins.task) self.assertEqual(ctx, ins.context) def test_init_with_default_config(self): @context.configure(name="foo", order=1) class FooContext(fakes.FakeContext): DEFAULT_CONFIG = {"alpha": "beta", "delta": "gamma"} self.addCleanup(FooContext.unregister) ctx = {"config": {"foo": {"ab": "cd"}, "bar": 42}, "task": "foo_task"} ins = FooContext(ctx) self.assertEqual({"ab": "cd", "alpha": "beta", "delta": "gamma"}, ins.config) def test_init_empty_context(self): ctx0 = { "task": mock.MagicMock(), "config": {"fake": {"foo": 42}} } ctx = fakes.FakeContext(ctx0) self.assertEqual(ctx0["config"]["fake"], ctx.config) self.assertEqual(ctx0["task"], ctx.task) self.assertEqual(ctx0, ctx.context) @ddt.data(({"test": 2}, True), ({"nonexisting": 2}, False)) @ddt.unpack def test_validate(self, config, valid): results = context.Context.validate("fake", None, None, config) if valid: self.assertEqual(results, []) else: self.assertEqual(1, len(results)) def test_setup_is_abstract(self): @context.configure("test_abstract_setup", 0) class A(context.Context): def cleanup(self): pass self.addCleanup(A.unregister) self.assertRaises(TypeError, A) def test_cleanup_is_abstract(self): @context.configure("test_abstract_cleanup", 0) class A(context.Context): def setup(self): pass self.addCleanup(A.unregister) self.assertRaises(TypeError, A) def test_with_statement(self): ctx0 = { "task": mock.MagicMock() } ctx = fakes.FakeContext(ctx0) ctx.setup = mock.MagicMock() ctx.cleanup = mock.MagicMock() with ctx as entered_ctx: self.assertEqual(ctx, entered_ctx) ctx.cleanup.assert_called_once_with() def test_get_owner_id_from_task(self): ctx = {"config": {"fake": {"test": 10}}, "task": {"uuid": "task_uuid"}} ins = fakes.FakeContext(ctx) self.assertEqual("task_uuid", ins.get_owner_id()) def test_get_owner_id(self): ctx = {"config": {"fake": {"test": 10}}, "task": {"uuid": "task_uuid"}, "owner_id": "foo_uuid"} ins = fakes.FakeContext(ctx) self.assertEqual("foo_uuid", ins.get_owner_id()) def test___eq__(self): @context.configure(name="bar", order=1) class BarContext(fakes.FakeContext): pass foo_context = fakes.FakeContext() bar_context = BarContext() self.assertTrue(foo_context == bar_context) def test___lt__(self): @context.configure(name="barlt", order=2) class BarContext(fakes.FakeContext): pass foo_context = fakes.FakeContext() bar_context = BarContext() self.assertTrue(foo_context < bar_context) def test___gt__(self): @context.configure(name="bargt", order=0) class BarContext(fakes.FakeContext): pass foo_context = fakes.FakeContext() bar_context = BarContext() self.assertTrue(foo_context > bar_context) def test___le__(self): @context.configure(name="barle", order=1) class BarContext(fakes.FakeContext): pass @context.configure(name="bazle", order=2) class BazContext(fakes.FakeContext): pass foo_context = fakes.FakeContext() bar_context = BarContext() baz_context = BazContext() self.assertTrue(foo_context <= bar_context) self.assertTrue(foo_context <= baz_context) def test___ge__(self): @context.configure(name="barge", order=0) class BarContext(fakes.FakeContext): pass @context.configure(name="bazge", order=-1) class BazContext(fakes.FakeContext): pass foo_context = fakes.FakeContext() bar_context = BarContext() baz_context = BazContext() self.assertTrue(foo_context >= bar_context) self.assertTrue(foo_context >= baz_context) class ContextManagerTestCase(test.TestCase): @mock.patch("rally.task.context.ContextManager._get_sorted_context_lst") def test_setup(self, mock__get_sorted_context_lst): foo_context = mock.MagicMock() bar_context = mock.MagicMock() mock__get_sorted_context_lst.return_value = [foo_context, bar_context] ctx_object = {"config": {"a": [], "b": []}, "task": {"uuid": "uuid"}} manager = context.ContextManager(ctx_object) result = manager.setup() self.assertEqual(result, ctx_object) foo_context.setup.assert_called_once_with() bar_context.setup.assert_called_once_with() self.assertEqual([ { "plugin_cfg": foo_context.config, "plugin_name": foo_context.get_fullname.return_value, "setup": { "atomic_actions": foo_context.atomic_actions.return_value, "error": None, "started_at": mock.ANY, "finished_at": mock.ANY }, "cleanup": { "atomic_actions": None, "error": None, "started_at": None, "finished_at": None} }, { "plugin_cfg": bar_context.config, "plugin_name": bar_context.get_fullname.return_value, "setup": { "atomic_actions": bar_context.atomic_actions.return_value, "error": None, "started_at": mock.ANY, "finished_at": mock.ANY }, "cleanup": { "atomic_actions": None, "error": None, "started_at": None, "finished_at": None} }], manager.contexts_results()) @mock.patch("rally.task.context.task_utils.format_exc") @mock.patch("rally.task.context.ContextManager._get_sorted_context_lst") def test_setup_fails(self, mock__get_sorted_context_lst, mock_format_exc): special_exc = KeyError("Oops") foo_context = mock.MagicMock() foo_context.setup.side_effect = special_exc bar_context = mock.MagicMock() mock__get_sorted_context_lst.return_value = [foo_context, bar_context] ctx_object = {"config": {"a": [], "b": []}, "task": {"uuid": "uuid"}} manager = context.ContextManager(ctx_object) e = self.assertRaises(KeyError, manager.setup) self.assertEqual(special_exc, e) foo_context.setup.assert_called_once_with() self.assertFalse(bar_context.setup.called) self.assertEqual([ { "plugin_cfg": foo_context.config, "plugin_name": foo_context.get_fullname.return_value, "setup": { "atomic_actions": foo_context.atomic_actions.return_value, "error": mock_format_exc.return_value, "started_at": mock.ANY, "finished_at": mock.ANY }, "cleanup": { "atomic_actions": None, "error": None, "started_at": None, "finished_at": None} }], manager.contexts_results()) mock_format_exc.assert_called_once_with(special_exc) def test_get_sorted_context_lst(self): @context.configure("foo", order=1) class A(context.Context): def setup(self): pass def cleanup(self): pass @context.configure("foo", platform="foo", order=0) class B(A): pass @context.configure("boo", platform="foo", order=2) class C(A): pass self.addCleanup(A.unregister) self.addCleanup(B.unregister) self.addCleanup(C.unregister) ctx_obj = {"config": {"foo@default": [], "boo": [], "foo@foo": []}} ctx_insts = context.ContextManager(ctx_obj)._get_sorted_context_lst() self.assertEqual(3, len(ctx_insts)) self.assertIsInstance(ctx_insts[0], B) self.assertIsInstance(ctx_insts[1], A) self.assertIsInstance(ctx_insts[2], C) @mock.patch("rally.task.context.Context.get_all") def test_get_sorted_context_lst_fails(self, mock_context_get_all): ctx_object = {"config": {"foo": "bar"}} mock_context_get_all.return_value = [] manager = context.ContextManager(ctx_object) self.assertRaises(exceptions.PluginNotFound, manager._get_sorted_context_lst) mock_context_get_all.assert_called_once_with( name="foo", platform=None, allow_hidden=True) def test_cleanup(self): mock_obj = mock.MagicMock() @context.configure("a", platform="foo", order=1) class A(context.Context): def setup(self): pass def cleanup(self): mock_obj("a@foo") self.addCleanup(A.unregister) @context.configure("b", platform="foo", order=2) class B(context.Context): def setup(self): pass def cleanup(self): mock_obj("b@foo") ctx_object = { "config": {"a@foo": [], "b@foo": []}, "task": {"uuid": "uuid"} } context.ContextManager(ctx_object).cleanup() mock_obj.assert_has_calls([mock.call("b@foo"), mock.call("a@foo")]) @mock.patch("rally.task.context.task_utils.format_exc") @mock.patch("rally.task.context.LOG.exception") def test_cleanup_exception(self, mock_log_exception, mock_format_exc): mock_obj = mock.MagicMock() exc = Exception("So Sad") @context.configure("a", platform="foo", order=1) class A(context.Context): def setup(self): pass def cleanup(self): mock_obj("a@foo") raise exc self.addCleanup(A.unregister) ctx_object = {"config": {"a@foo": []}, "task": {"uuid": "uuid"}} ctx_manager = context.ContextManager(ctx_object) ctx_manager._data[A.get_fullname()] = { "cleanup": {"atomic_actions": None, "started_at": None, "finished_at": None, "error": None}} ctx_manager.cleanup() mock_obj.assert_called_once_with("a@foo") mock_log_exception.assert_called_once_with(mock.ANY) mock_format_exc.assert_called_once_with(exc) self.assertEqual([{ "cleanup": { "atomic_actions": [], "error": mock_format_exc.return_value, "started_at": mock.ANY, "finished_at": mock.ANY}}], ctx_manager.contexts_results()) @mock.patch("rally.task.context.ContextManager.cleanup") @mock.patch("rally.task.context.ContextManager.setup") def test_with_statement( self, mock_context_manager_setup, mock_context_manager_cleanup): with context.ContextManager(mock.MagicMock()): mock_context_manager_setup.assert_called_once_with() mock_context_manager_setup.reset_mock() self.assertFalse(mock_context_manager_cleanup.called) self.assertFalse(mock_context_manager_setup.called) mock_context_manager_cleanup.assert_called_once_with() @mock.patch("rally.task.context.ContextManager.cleanup") @mock.patch("rally.task.context.ContextManager.setup") def test_with_statement_exception_during_setup( self, mock_context_manager_setup, mock_context_manager_cleanup): mock_context_manager_setup.side_effect = Exception("abcdef") try: with context.ContextManager(mock.MagicMock()): pass except Exception: pass finally: mock_context_manager_setup.assert_called_once_with() mock_context_manager_cleanup.assert_called_once_with()
import os, re, time, shutil import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from multiprocessing import Pool # the only global variable, would be nice if i could somehow implement it in # main() but idk how? temp = './temp/' # gets the url and returns beautifulsoup'd html # # it's used multiple times so i decided that it was maybe smarter to make it a # separate function? def get_site(url): # uses requests to get the website response = requests.get(url) # formats the website response html = BeautifulSoup(response.content, 'html.parser') # closes the website request - maybe unnecessary? response.close() # returns the beautifulsoup'd html return html def scrape(data_list): # get's beautifulsoup'd html usint the url provide by the data_list html = get_site(data_list[1]) # some chapters are in the chapter thing others in the chapter-content thing # this tries the chapter thing first and if it raises and exception it tries # the chapter-content thing # # the definition of a quick and dirty fix, i wonder if there is a better # way to do this? try: # creates a list containg all paragraphs in in the chapter thing # inside the html acquired above content = html.find(id='chapter').find_all('p') except: # creates a list containg all paragraphs in the chapter-content thing # inside the html acquired above content = html.find(id='chapter-content').find_all('p') # get's the text from the paragraph in the content list content = [ x.get_text() for x in content ] # removes all the spaces surrounding the text to fix weird site formatting content = [ x.strip() for x in content ] # adds a line break after each paragraph content = [ x + '\n\n' for x in content ] # joins the content list into a large string content = ''.join(content) # creates a new file using the name provided by the data_list with open(temp + data_list[0] + '.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as target: # writes the content string inside the file target.write(content) # closes the file target.close() # prints which chapter the function acquired print(' Acquired: ' + data_list[0], end='\r') # displays strings depending on the number n, pretty much eye candy used to # show that the script is running while it's gathering chapter urls # # smart usage of the dictionary maybe? def search_dots(n): dots = { 0:' ', 1:' . ', 2:' .. ', 3:' ...' } print(dots.get(n), end='\r') # main function def main(): # get's the ToC link url = input('input url: ') # defines the script start time start_time = time.time() # get's the website html html = get_site(url) # finds the novel title novel_title = html.find(class_='title').get_text() print('\n Novel title: {}'.format(novel_title)) # finds the novel author novel_author = html.find(class_='info').find_all('div')[0].get_text().split(',') novel_author = novel_author[0][7:] print(' Novel author: {}'.format(novel_author)) # TODO: get other novel data such as the genre, the source, and # maybe if it's completed or not... # formats the given url to get the base url for future use # https://novelfull.com/dimensional-sovereign.html -> https://novelfull.com # notice it doesn't have the slash at the end... main_url = url.split('/')[0:3] main_url = '/'.join(main_url) # created an empty list for formated chapter links url_list = [] # value used by the search_dots() function n = 0 # simple loop that a) get's the page html again (i could maybe skip this # part but idk how i would implement it otherwise), b) finds the chapter urls # on the page, and scrapes them before finding the next page url, and # repeating the steps until it get's to the last page while True: # eye candy search_dots(n) # as before, get's beautifulsoup'd html html = get_site(url) # finds and formats chapter links before appending them to the url_list columns = html.find_all(class_='list-chapter') for column in columns: rows = column.find_all('a') for row in rows: url_list.append(main_url + row.get('href')) # try's to find the next page link # if it succeeds it changes the url used and adds +1 to the value n # which is used for eye candy try: # formats the next page url using the main_url defined earlier url = main_url + html.find(class_='next').find('a').get('href') # checks n value, and depending on the condition it either resets # it to 0 or gives it +1 (used for eye candy) if n < 3: n += 1 else: n = 0 except: # in case there is no next page url the loop is broken break # prints the amount of chapter links gathered print(' Chapters: {}'.format(len(url_list))) # tries to make a folder to store scraped chapters # try is used to prevent the script raising an exception if for some reason # the folder is already present try: # creates a temp folder os.mkdir(temp) except: # if folder is present, pass without raising and exception pass # creates an empty list for scraped chapter names name_list = [] # creates numbered names for all scraped chapters for x in range(len(url_list)): # creates the numbered name x = 'ch' + '{}'.format(x + 1).zfill(4) # appends the name to the name_list name_list.append(x) # creates a data_list combining the name_list with the url_list # [[name, url], [name, url]...] <- data_list format data_list = set(zip(name_list, url_list)) # the easiest way that i found to implement multiprocessing for a # simple web-scraper idk what else to say? with Pool(10) as pool: # defies the "crawler" (bs) and creates separate processes for the # scrape function feeding it the data_list crawler = pool.map(scrape, data_list) # prototype web-scraping code used before i had to make it a function # to implement multiprocessing ("...") # # for i, url in enumerate(url_list): # i = 'ch' + '{}'.format(i + 1).zfill(4) # # html = get_site(url) # # content = html.find(id = 'chapter-content').find_all('p') # content = [ x.get_text() for x in content ] # content = [ x + '\n\n' for x in content] # content = ''.join(content) # # with open(temp + i + '.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as target: # target.write(content) # target.close() # # print(' Acquired: ' + i, end='\r') # checks the temporary folder, get's all file name and puts them in a # temp_files list temp_files = os.listdir(temp) # prints the amount of chapters acquired using the len() of the temp_files # list. it's a simple way to allow the user to see if the amount of # chapters that were downloaded matches the amount of chapters there is print(' Acquired: ' + str(len(temp_files)) + ' files', end='\r') # relic that is left from when i used to name the chapters "1, 2, 3...", # and is used to fix the "weird" sorting thing. now i keep it as a precaution # # made by @Toothy with a comment on https://nedbatchelder.com/blog/200712/human_sorting.html post convert = lambda text: int(text) if text.isdigit() else text alphanum_key = lambda key: [ convert(c) for c in re.split('([0-9]+)', key) ] temp_files.sort(key=alphanum_key) # creates the main novel file and names it using the novel_title with open(novel_title + '.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f1: # inside the file it writes the novel data f1.write('Novel title: {}\nNovel author: {}\nChapters: {}'.format(novel_title, novel_author, len(url_list))) # clears the acquired string printed above print(' Merged: ', end='\r') # for each file (chapter) in the temp_files list for chapter in temp_files: # prints file name (chapter) print(' Merged: ' + chapter, end='\r') # opens a file from the temporary filder with open(temp + chapter, encoding='utf-8') as f2: # reads line by line in the file from the temporary folder for line in f2: # writes the read line to the main novel file f1.write(line) # defines the script end time stop_time = time.time() # removes the temporary folder (including the individual chapters within) shutil.rmtree(temp) # prints the time the script was getting the novel print(' Done in {:.2f}s '.format(stop_time - start_time)) # if i understand correctly this prevents the code running if it's imported if __name__ == '__main__': main()
import glob import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import os import PIL from tensorflow.keras import layers import tensorflow as tf import time from IPython import display (train_images,train_labels),(_,_)=tf.keras.datasets.mnist.load_data() print(train_images.shape) train_images=train_images.reshape(train_images.shape[0],28,28,1).astype('float32') train_images=(train_images - 127.5)/127.5 #Normalise the images to [-1:1] BUFFER_SIZE=60000 BATCH_SIZE=256 #Batch and shuffle the data train_dataset=tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(train_images).shuffle(BUFFER_SIZE).batch(BATCH_SIZE) def make_generator_model(): model=tf.keras.Sequential() model.add(layers.Dense(7*7*256,use_bias=False,input_shape=(100,))) model.add(layers.BatchNormalization()) model.add(layers.LeakyReLU()) model.add(layers.Reshape([7,7,256])) assert model.output_shape==(None,7,7,256)#Note: None is the batch size model.add(layers.Conv2DTranspose(128,(5,5),strides=(1,1),padding="same",use_bias=False)) assert model.output_shape==(None,7,7,128) model.add(layers.BatchNormalization()) model.add(layers.LeakyReLU()) model.add(layers.Conv2DTranspose(64,(5,5),strides=(2,2),padding="same",use_bias=False)) assert model.output_shape==(None,14,14,64) model.add(layers.BatchNormalization()) model.add(layers.LeakyReLU()) model.add(layers.Conv2DTranspose(1,(5,5),strides=(2,2),padding="same",activation="tanh")) assert model.output_shape==(None,28,28,1) return model generator=make_generator_model() print(generator.summary()) noise=tf.random.normal([1,100]) generated_image=generator(noise,training=False) plt.imshow(generated_image[0,:,:,0],cmap="gray") #Discriminator-It is a CNN-based image classifier def make_discriminator_model(): model=tf.keras.Sequential() model.add(layers.Conv2D(64,(5,5),strides=(2,2),padding="same",input_shape=[28,28,1])) model.add(layers.LeakyReLU()) model.add(layers.Dropout(0.3)) model.add(layers.Conv2D(128,(5,5),strides=(2,2),padding="same")) model.add(layers.LeakyReLU()) model.add(layers.Dropout(0.3)) model.add(layers.Flatten()) model.add(layers.Dense(1)) return model discriminator=make_discriminator_model() print(discriminator.summary()) decision=discriminator(generated_image) print(decision) #Define loss and optimizers(We only predict real or fake) cross_entropy=tf.keras.losses.BinaryCrossentropy(from_logits=True) #Discriminator loss def discriminator_loss(real_output,fake_output): real_loss=cross_entropy(tf.ones_like(real_output),real_output) fake_loss=cross_entropy(tf.zeros_like(fake_output),fake_output) total_loss=real_loss+fake_loss return total_loss #Generator loss def generator_loss(fake_output): return cross_entropy(tf.ones_like(fake_output),fake_output) #optimizers generator_optimizer=tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(1e-4) discriminator_optimizer=tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(1e-4) #Define the training loop EPOCHS=50 noise_dim=100 num_examples_to_generate=16 #To reuse the data we use seed seed=tf.random.normal([num_examples_to_generate,noise_dim]) #Training step def train_step(images): noise=tf.random.normal([BATCH_SIZE,noise_dim]) with tf.GradientTape() as gen_tape,tf.GradientTape() as disc_tape: generated_images=generator(noise,training=True) real_output=discriminator(images,training=True) fake_output=discriminator(generated_images,training=True) gen_loss=generator_loss(fake_output) disc_loss=discriminator_loss(real_output,fake_output) gradients_of_generator=gen_tape.gradient(gen_loss,generator.trainable_variables) gradients_of_discriminator=disc_tape.gradient(disc_loss,discriminator.trainable_variables) generator_optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(gradients_of_generator,generator.trainable_variables)) discriminator_optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(gradients_of_discriminator,discriminator.trainable_variables)) def train(dataset,epochs): for epoch in range(epochs): start=time.time() for image_batch in dataset: train_step(image_batch) #Produce images for the GIF as we go display.clear_output(wait=True) generate_and_save_images(generator,epoch+1,seed) print('True for epoch {} is {} sec'.format(epoch1,time.time().start)) train(train_dataset,EPOCHS)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on 2018-08-28 17:38:43 --------- @summary: 根据json生成表 --------- @author: Boris @email: <EMAIL> """ import time import pyperclip import feapder.setting as setting import feapder.utils.tools as tools from feapder.db.mysqldb import MysqlDB from feapder.utils.tools import key2underline class CreateTable: def __init__(self): self._db = MysqlDB() def is_valid_date(self, date): try: if ":" in date: time.strptime(date, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") else: time.strptime(date, "%Y-%m-%d") return True except: return False def get_key_type(self, value): try: value = eval(value) except: value = value key_type = "varchar(255)" if isinstance(value, int): key_type = "int" elif isinstance(value, float): key_type = "double" elif isinstance(value, str): if self.is_valid_date(value): if ":" in value: key_type = "datetime" else: key_type = "date" elif len(value) > 50: key_type = "text" else: key_type = "varchar(255)" elif isinstance(value, (dict, list)): key_type = "longtext" return key_type def get_data(self): """ @summary: 从控制台读取多行 --------- --------- @result: """ input("请复制json格式数据, 复制后按任意键读取剪切板内容\n") text = pyperclip.paste() print(text + "\n") return tools.get_json(text) def create(self, table_name): # 输入表字段 data = self.get_data() if not isinstance(data, dict): raise Exception("表数据格式不正确") # 拼接表结构 sql = """ CREATE TABLE `{db}`.`{table_name}` ( `id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'id主键', {other_key} `crawl_time` datetime DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '采集时间', {unique} PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) COMMENT=''; """ # print("请设置注释 回车跳过") other_key = "" for key, value in data.items(): key = key2underline(key) comment = "" if key == "id": key = "data_id" comment = "原始数据id" key_type = self.get_key_type(value) # comment = input("%s : %s -> comment:" % (key, key_type)) other_key += ( "`{key}` {key_type} COMMENT '{comment}',\n ".format( key=key, key_type=key_type, comment=comment ) ) print("\n") while True: yes = input("是否添加批次字段 batch_date(y/n):") if yes == "y": other_key += ( "`{key}` {key_type} COMMENT '{comment}',\n ".format( key="batch_date", key_type="date", comment="批次时间" ) ) break elif yes == "n": break print("\n") while True: yes = input("是否设置唯一索引(y/n):") if yes == "y": unique = input("请设置唯一索引, 多个逗号间隔\n等待输入:\n").replace(",", ",") if unique: unique = "UNIQUE `idx` USING BTREE (`%s`) comment ''," % "`,`".join( unique.split(",") ) break elif yes == "n": unique = "" break sql = sql.format( db=setting.MYSQL_DB, table_name=table_name, other_key=other_key.strip(), unique=unique, ) print(sql) if self._db.execute(sql): print("\n%s 创建成功" % table_name) print("注意手动检查下字段类型,确保无误!!!") else: print("\n%s 创建失败" % table_name)
<gh_stars>0 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Sahana Eden Security Model @copyright: 2012-14 (c) Sahana Software Foundation @license: MIT Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ __all__ = ("S3SecurityModel",) from gluon import * from gluon.storage import Storage from ..s3 import * from s3layouts import S3AddResourceLink # ============================================================================= class S3SecurityModel(S3Model): """ """ names = ("security_zone_type", "security_zone", "security_staff_type", "security_staff", ) def model(self): T = current.T db = current.db crud_strings = current.response.s3.crud_strings define_table = self.define_table # ----------------------------------------------------------- # Security Zone Types # tablename = "security_zone_type" define_table(tablename, Field("name", label=T("Name")), s3_comments(), *s3_meta_fields()) # CRUD strings ADD_ZONE_TYPE = T("Create Zone Type") crud_strings[tablename] = Storage( label_create = ADD_ZONE_TYPE, title_display = T("Zone Type Details"), title_list = T("Zone Types"), title_update = T("Edit Zone Type"), title_upload = T("Import Zone Types"), label_list_button = T("List Zone Types"), label_delete_button = T("Delete Zone Type"), msg_record_created = T("Zone Type added"), msg_record_modified = T("Zone Type updated"), msg_record_deleted = T("Zone Type deleted"), msg_list_empty = T("No Zone Types currently registered")) zone_type_represent = S3Represent(lookup=tablename) self.configure(tablename, deduplicate = self.security_zone_type_duplicate, ) # ----------------------------------------------------------- # Security Zones # tablename = "security_zone" define_table(tablename, Field("name", label=T("Name")), Field("zone_type_id", db.security_zone_type, requires = IS_EMPTY_OR( IS_ONE_OF(db, "security_zone_type.id", zone_type_represent, sort=True)), represent = zone_type_represent, comment = S3AddResourceLink(c="security", f="zone_type", label=ADD_ZONE_TYPE, tooltip=T("Select a Zone Type from the list or click 'Add Zone Type'")), label=T("Type")), self.gis_location_id( widget = S3LocationSelectorWidget2( catalog_layers = True, points = False, polygons = True, ) ), s3_comments(), *s3_meta_fields()) # CRUD strings ADD_ZONE = T("Create Zone") crud_strings[tablename] = Storage( label_create = ADD_ZONE, title_display = T("Zone Details"), title_list = T("Zones"), title_update = T("Edit Zone"), title_upload = T("Import Zones"), label_list_button = T("List Zones"), label_delete_button = T("Delete Zone"), msg_record_created = T("Zone added"), msg_record_modified = T("Zone updated"), msg_record_deleted = T("Zone deleted"), msg_list_empty = T("No Zones currently registered")) zone_represent = S3Represent(lookup=tablename) # ----------------------------------------------------------- # Security Staff Types # tablename = "security_staff_type" define_table(tablename, Field("name", label=T("Name")), s3_comments(), *s3_meta_fields()) # CRUD strings ADD_STAFF = T("Add Staff Type") crud_strings[tablename] = Storage( label_create = ADD_STAFF, title_display = T("Staff Type Details"), title_list = T("Staff Types"), title_update = T("Edit Staff Type"), title_upload = T("Import Staff Types"), label_list_button = T("List Staff Types"), label_delete_button = T("Delete Staff Type"), msg_record_created = T("Staff Type added"), msg_record_modified = T("Staff Type updated"), msg_record_deleted = T("Staff Type deleted"), msg_list_empty = T("No Staff Types currently registered")) staff_type_represent = S3Represent(lookup=tablename) # ----------------------------------------------------------- # Security Staff # tablename = "security_staff" define_table(tablename, self.hrm_human_resource_id(), Field("staff_type_id", "list:reference security_staff_type", requires = IS_EMPTY_OR( IS_ONE_OF(db, "security_staff_type.id", staff_type_represent, sort=True, multiple=True)), represent = self.security_staff_type_multirepresent, comment = S3AddResourceLink(c="security", f="staff_type", label=ADD_STAFF, tooltip=T("Select a Staff Type from the list or click 'Add Staff Type'")), label=T("Type")), Field("zone_id", db.security_zone, requires = IS_EMPTY_OR( IS_ONE_OF(db, "security_zone.id", zone_represent, sort=True)), represent = zone_represent, comment = S3AddResourceLink(c="security", f="zone", label=ADD_ZONE, tooltip=T("For wardens, select a Zone from the list or click 'Add Zone'")), label=T("Zone")), self.super_link("site_id", "org_site", label = T("Facility"), represent=self.org_site_represent, readable=True, writable=True), s3_comments(), *s3_meta_fields()) # CRUD strings ADD_STAFF = T("Add Security-Related Staff") crud_strings[tablename] = Storage( label_create = ADD_STAFF, title_display = T("Security-Related Staff Details"), title_list = T("Security-Related Staff"), title_update = T("Edit Security-Related Staff"), title_upload = T("Import Security-Related Staff"), label_list_button = T("List Security-Related Staff"), label_delete_button = T("Delete Security-Related Staff"), msg_record_created = T("Security-Related Staff added"), msg_record_modified = T("Security-Related Staff updated"), msg_record_deleted = T("Security-Related Staff deleted"), msg_list_empty = T("No Security-Related Staff currently registered")) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Pass names back to global scope (s3.*) # return dict() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def security_zone_type_duplicate(item): """ Zone Type record duplicate detection, used for the deduplicate hook @param item: the S3ImportItem to check """ if item.tablename == "security_zone_type": table = item.table query = (table.name == item.data.name) row = current.db(query).select(table.id, limitby=(0, 1)).first() if row: item.id = row.id item.method = item.METHOD.UPDATE # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def security_staff_type_multirepresent(opt): """ Represent a staff type in list views """ db = current.db table = db.security_staff_type set = db(table.id > 0).select(table.id, table.name).as_dict() if isinstance(opt, (list, tuple)): opts = opt vals = [str(set.get(o)["name"]) for o in opts] multiple = True elif isinstance(opt, int): opts = [opt] vals = str(set.get(opt)["name"]) multiple = False else: try: opt = int(opt) except: return current.messages["NONE"] else: opts = [opt] vals = str(set.get(opt)["name"]) multiple = False if multiple: if len(opts) > 1: vals = ", ".join(vals) else: vals = len(vals) and vals[0] or "" return vals # END =========================================================================
from ncc.models.ncc_model import NccEncoderDecoderModel from ncc.modules.embedding import Embedding from ncc.modules.code2vec.lstm_encoder import LSTMEncoder from ncc.modules.seq2seq.lstm_decoder import LSTMDecoder from ncc.models import register_model from ncc.utils import utils DEFAULT_MAX_SOURCE_POSITIONS = 1e5 DEFAULT_MAX_TARGET_POSITIONS = 1e5 @register_model('seq2seq') class Seq2SeqModel(NccEncoderDecoderModel): def __init__(self, encoder, decoder): super().__init__(encoder, decoder) @classmethod def build_model(cls, args, config, task): """Build a new model instance.""" # make sure that all args are properly defaulted (in case there are any new ones) # base_architecture(args) if args['model']['encoder_layers'] != args['model']['decoder_layers']: raise ValueError('--encoder-layers must match --decoder-layers') max_source_positions = args['model']['max_source_positions'] if args['model']['max_source_positions'] \ else DEFAULT_MAX_SOURCE_POSITIONS max_target_positions = args['model']['max_target_positions'] if args['model']['max_target_positions'] \ else DEFAULT_MAX_TARGET_POSITIONS def load_pretrained_embedding_from_file(embed_path, dictionary, embed_dim): num_embeddings = len(dictionary) padding_idx = dictionary.pad() embed_tokens = Embedding(num_embeddings, embed_dim, padding_idx) embed_dict = utils.parse_embedding(embed_path) utils.print_embed_overlap(embed_dict, dictionary) return utils.load_embedding(embed_dict, dictionary, embed_tokens) if args['model']['encoder_embed']: pretrained_encoder_embed = load_pretrained_embedding_from_file( args['model']['encoder_embed_path'], task.source_dictionary, args['model']['encoder_embed_dim']) else: num_embeddings = len(task.source_dictionary) pretrained_encoder_embed = Embedding( num_embeddings, args['model']['encoder_embed_dim'], task.source_dictionary.pad() ) if args['model']['share_all_embeddings']: # double check all parameters combinations are valid if task.source_dictionary != task.target_dictionary: raise ValueError('--share-all-embeddings requires a joint dictionary') if args['model']['decoder_embed_path'] and ( args['model']['decoder_embed_path'] != args['model']['encoder_embed_path']): raise ValueError( '--share-all-embed not compatible with --decoder-embed-path' ) if args['model']['encoder_embed_dim'] != args['model']['decoder_embed_dim']: raise ValueError( '--share-all-embeddings requires --encoder-embed-dim to ' 'match --decoder-embed-dim' ) pretrained_decoder_embed = pretrained_encoder_embed args['model']['share_decoder_input_output_embed'] = True else: # separate decoder input embeddings pretrained_decoder_embed = None if args['model']['decoder_embed']: pretrained_decoder_embed = load_pretrained_embedding_from_file( args['model']['decoder_embed'], task.target_dictionary, args['model']['decoder_embed_dim'] ) # one last double check of parameter combinations if args['model']['share_decoder_input_output_embed'] and ( args['model']['decoder_embed_dim'] != args['model']['decoder_out_embed_dim']): raise ValueError( '--share-decoder-input-output-embeddings requires ' '--decoder-embed-dim to match --decoder-out-embed-dim' ) if args['model']['encoder_freeze_embed']: pretrained_encoder_embed.weight.requires_grad = False if args['model']['decoder_freeze_embed']: pretrained_decoder_embed.weight.requires_grad = False encoder = LSTMEncoder( dictionary=task.source_dictionary, embed_dim=args['model']['encoder_embed_dim'], hidden_size=args['model']['encoder_hidden_size'], num_layers=args['model']['encoder_layers'], dropout_in=args['model']['encoder_dropout_in'], dropout_out=args['model']['encoder_dropout_out'], bidirectional=bool(args['model']['encoder_bidirectional']), left_pad=args['task']['left_pad_source'], pretrained_embed=pretrained_encoder_embed, max_source_positions=max_source_positions ) decoder = LSTMDecoder( dictionary=task.target_dictionary, embed_dim=args['model']['decoder_embed_dim'], hidden_size=args['model']['decoder_hidden_size'], out_embed_dim=args['model']['decoder_out_embed_dim'], num_layers=args['model']['decoder_layers'], dropout_in=args['model']['decoder_dropout_in'], dropout_out=args['model']['decoder_dropout_out'], attention=args['model']['decoder_attention'], encoder_output_units=encoder.output_units, pretrained_embed=pretrained_decoder_embed, share_input_output_embed=args['model']['share_decoder_input_output_embed'], adaptive_softmax_cutoff=( args['model']['adaptive_softmax_cutoff'] if args['criterion'] == 'adaptive_loss' else None ), max_target_positions=max_target_positions ) return cls(encoder, decoder)
<reponame>rokroskar/gastrodon<filename>gastrodon/__init__.py ''' Gastrodon module header ''' import re from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod from collections import OrderedDict, Counter from collections import deque from functools import lru_cache from sys import stdout,_getframe from types import FunctionType,LambdaType,GeneratorType,CoroutineType,FrameType,CodeType,MethodType from types import BuiltinFunctionType,BuiltinMethodType,DynamicClassAttribute,ModuleType,AsyncGeneratorType try: from typing import GenericMeta # python 3.6 except ImportError: # in 3.7, genericmeta doesn't exist but we don't need it class GenericMeta(type): pass from typing import Dict,Match from urllib.error import HTTPError from urllib.parse import urlparse import pandas as pd from IPython.display import display_png from SPARQLWrapper import SPARQLWrapper, JSON from pyparsing import ParseResults, ParseException from rdflib import Graph, URIRef, Literal, BNode, RDF from rdflib.namespace import NamespaceManager from rdflib.plugins.serializers.turtle import TurtleSerializer from rdflib.plugins.sparql.processor import SPARQLResult from rdflib.plugins.sparql.parser import parseQuery,parseUpdate from rdflib.store import Store from rdflib.term import Identifier, _castPythonToLiteral, Variable # # types that could not reasonably be expected to be serialized automatically to RDF terms in a SPARQL query. # _cannot_substitute={ FunctionType,LambdaType,GeneratorType,CoroutineType,FrameType,CodeType,MethodType, BuiltinFunctionType,BuiltinMethodType,DynamicClassAttribute,ModuleType,AsyncGeneratorType, ABCMeta,GenericMeta,type } _pncb_regex='_A-Za-z\u00C0-\u00D6\u00D8-\u00F6\u00F8-\u02FF\u0370-\u037D\u037F-\u1FFF\u200C-\u200D\u2070-\u218F\u2C00-\u2FEF\u3001-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFFD\U00010000-\U000EFFFF' _pncu_regex='_'+_pncb_regex _pnc_regex='\\-0-9\u00B7\u0300-\u036F\u203F-\u2040'+_pncb_regex _var_regex=re.compile('[?$]([%s0-9][%s0-9\u00B7\u0300-\u036F\u203F-\u2040]*)' % ((_pncu_regex,)*2)) # a modified version of the PN_LOCAL regex from the SPARQL 1.1 specification with the percentage and colon # characters removed, as this is used to tell if we can tell if a full URI can be safely converted to a QName # or not _valid_tail_regex=re.compile("[%s0-9]([%s.]*[%s])?" % (_pncu_regex,_pnc_regex,_pnc_regex)) # % ( # PN_CHARS_U_re) class GastrodonURI(str): """ This class is used to wrap a URI that is passed from Gastrodon to Pandas and back again. `GastrodonURI` subclasses `str` It keeps track of both a shortened URI (if a namespace is given) and the full URI, so we can roundtrip this object out of the table and back into a SPARQL query without a chance of a short name being mistaken for an ordinary string. """ def __new__(cls,short,uri_ref): return super().__new__(cls,short) def __init__(self,short,uri_ref): self.uri_ref=uri_ref def to_uri_ref(self) -> URIRef: """ :return: an RDFLib :class:`rdflib.URIRef` """ return self.uri_ref class QName: """ This class represents a qualified name. This class makes it easy to write qualified names, without ambiguity, in Python variables that later get substituted into SPARQL variables. If ``@prefix bibo: <http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/>`` is declared for an Endpoint, and one writes in Python ``objectType=QName("bibo:AcademicPaper")`` then the SPARQL variable ``?_objectType`` will be replaced with a URI Referemce ``<http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/AcademicPaper>`` for queries inside the scope in which `_objectType` is local. Note that if you simply wrote ``objectType="bibo:AcademicPaper"`` the value substituted in SPARQL would be just the string ``"bibo:AcademicPaper"`` If one wants to write a URI Reference as a full URI, simply use the `URIRef` class from rdflib, ex. ``objectType=URIRef("http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/AcademicPaper")`` :param name: qualified name of the form 'prefix:localname', such as 'rdf:type' """ def __init__(self,name:str): self.name=name def toURIRef(self,manager:NamespaceManager) -> URIRef: """ Convert to URI Reference :param manager: :class:`rdflib.namespace.NamespaceManager` used to resolve namespace :return: A :class:`rdflib.URIRef` """ if ":" not in self.name: return None head,tail=self.name.split(':',1) for prefix,ns in manager.namespaces(): if prefix==head: return ns+tail return URIRef(self.name) _last_exception=[] class GastrodonException(Exception): """ Gastrodon-specific exception. The primary features of this is that it defines the method `_render_traceback_` which controls the way the exception is drawn in IPython. :param args: positional arguments for `Exception` :param kwargs: keyword arguments for `Exception` """ kwargs:Dict={} def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs): super().__init__(*args) if "lines" not in kwargs: kwargs["lines"]=args[0].split('\n') self.kwargs=kwargs def _render_traceback_(self): return self.kwargs["lines"] @staticmethod def throw(*args,**kwargs): """ Throws a new :class:`GastrodonException` with the following positional and keyword arguments while suppressing the context of the :class:`Exception` to enable short error messages in Jupyter :param args: positional arguments for Exception :param kwargs: keyword arguments for Exception :return: does not return """ raise GastrodonException(*args,**kwargs) from None class Endpoint(metaclass=ABCMeta): """ An Endpoint is something which can answer SPARQL queries. `Endpoint` is an abstract base class and cannot be instantiated on its own. Current implementations include a :class:`RemoteEndpoint` via the SPARQL protocol or a :class:`LocalEndpoint` provided by rdflib. :param prefixes: Graph object with attached namespace mappings to be applied to the new :class:`Endpoint` :param base_uri: base URI to control the base namespace of the :class:`Endpoint` as we see it. """ qname_regex=re.compile("(?<![A-Za-z<])([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9.-]*):") def __init__(self,prefixes:Graph=None,base_uri=None): self.prefixes=prefixes self.base_uri=base_uri if prefixes!=None: self._namespaces=set(map(lambda y: y if y[-1] in {"#", "/"} else y + "/", [str(x[1]) for x in prefixes.namespaces()])) def namespaces(self): """ Display prefix to namespace mapping. Produces a Pandas `DataFrame` that looks something like this ====== ============================== prefix namespace ====== ============================== bibo ``http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/`` cc ``http://creativecommons.org/ns#`` dbo ``http://dbpedia.org/ontology/`` ... ... ====== ============================== where `prefix` is the index of the dataframe so you can look up a namespace like ``endpoint.namespaces().at['bibo','namespace']`` :return: :class:`pandas.DataFrame` describing the prefix to namespace mapping used for this endpoint """ prefix = [x[0] for x in self.prefixes.namespaces()] namespace = [x[1] for x in self.prefixes.namespaces()] frame = pd.DataFrame(namespace, columns=["namespace"], index=prefix) frame.columns.name = "prefix" return frame.sort_index() def is_ok_qname(self, url): """ Many :class:`URIRef`\s can be resolved to a namespace and written as a short name (QName), except when special characters such as parenthesis and colon are in the localpart of the domain. In that case, the :class:`URIRef` should be rendered in RDF as an absolute URI (ex. ``<http://example.com/>``). :param url: a URIRef or a str for a URL :return: true if the URIRef can be safely resolved to a namespace in short form. """ x = str(url) pos = max(x.rfind('#'), x.rfind('/')) + 1 prefix = x[:pos] suffix = x[pos:] if not _valid_tail_regex.fullmatch(suffix): return None return prefix in self._namespaces def ns_part(self, url): """ Given a URI like ``http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/AcademicArticle`` return the namespace part of the URI, which would be ``http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/`` This is based on the syntax of the URI, not the declared prefixes associated with this URI. :param url: URIRef or string URL :return: namespace part of URL as string """ x = str(url) return x[:max(x.rfind('#'), x.rfind('/')) + 1] def local_part(self, url): """ Given a URI like ``http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/AcademicArticle`` return the localname part of the URI, which would be ``AcademicArticle`` This is based on the syntax of the URI, not the declared prefixes associated with this URI. :param url: URIRef or string URL :return: localname part of URL as string """ x = str(url) return x[max(x.rfind('#'), x.rfind('/')) + 1:] def to_python(self, term): """ Convert a simple rdflib `term` into a idiomatic Python object. A simple rdflib term is entirely self-contained; either a literal value or a signifier (a Resource) floating in space, without consideration of other facts in the graph. For RDF literals and blank nodes, behavior is exactly the same as the `toPython` method, which this encloses. URIReferences are wrapped in `GastrodonURI` objects which look like short names (QNames) inside Jupyter and Pandas, but remember the full URI if they are later used with Gastrodon. This is a method of an `Endpoint` as opposed to a static method or method of a `term` wrapper because the exact resolution to a QName is relative to the namespaces defined for that `Endpoint`. :param term: an RDFLib Node object :return: a Plain Ordinary Python Object except for URI References which are returned as GastrodonURI """ if term==None: return None if isinstance(term, URIRef): if self.prefixes !=None and ("/" in term.toPython() or str(term).startswith('urn:')): if self.base_uri and str(term).startswith(self.base_uri): return GastrodonURI("<" + term[len(self.base_uri):] + ">", term) if self.is_ok_qname(term): try: return GastrodonURI(self.short_name(term), term) except Exception: pass return term return term.toPython() def short_name(self,term): """ Assuming we've made the following namespace declaration on this endpoint, ``@prefix bibo: <http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/>`` and given a URI like ``http://purl.org/ontology/bibo/AcademicArticle`` this returns ``bibo:AcademicArticle`` which can be used as a QName relative to the Endpoint. :param term: URIRef which can be expressed with a QName :return: the QName, as a string """ prefix, namespace, name = self.prefixes.compute_qname(term) return ":".join((prefix, name)) def _process_namespaces(self, sparql, parseFn): if self.prefixes != None: sparql = self._prepend_namespaces(sparql, parseFn) return sparql def _candidate_prefixes(self, sparql:str): return {x.group(1) for x in self.qname_regex.finditer(sparql)} def _prepend_namespaces(self, sparql:str, parseFn): # extract prefixes and base uri from the query so that we won't try to # overwrite them parsed = parseFn(sparql) (query_base,query_ns)=_extract_decl(parsed,parseFn) candidates=self._candidate_prefixes(sparql) for (q_prefix,q_uri) in query_ns.namespaces(): if q_prefix in candidates: candidates.remove(q_prefix) ns_section = "" if self.base_uri and not query_base: ns_section += "base <%s>\n" % (self.base_uri) for name,value in self.prefixes.namespaces(): if name in candidates: ns_section += "prefix %s: %s\n" % (name,value.n3()) return ns_section+sparql def _substitute_arguments(self, sparql:str, args:Dict, prefixes:NamespaceManager) -> str: def substitute_one(m:Match): name=m.group(1) if name not in args: return m.group() return self._to_rdf(args[name], prefixes).n3() sparql = _var_regex.sub(substitute_one,sparql) return sparql def _to_rdf(self, value, prefixes): if not isinstance(value, Identifier): if isinstance(value, QName): value = value.toURIRef(prefixes) elif isinstance(value, GastrodonURI): value = value.to_uri_ref() else: value = _toRDF(value) # virtuoso-specific hack for bnodes if isinstance(value, BNode): value = self._bnode_to_sparql(value) return value def _bnode_to_sparql(self, bnode): return bnode def _normalize_column_type(self,column): if not all(filter(lambda x:x==None or type(x)==str,column)): return column try: return [None if x==None else int(x) for x in column] except ValueError: pass try: return [None if x==None else float(x) for x in column] except ValueError: pass return column def _dataframe(self, result:SPARQLResult)->pd.DataFrame: columnNames = [str(x) for x in result.vars] column = OrderedDict() for name in columnNames: column[name] = [] for bindings in result.bindings: for variable in result.vars: column[str(variable)].append(self.to_python(bindings.get(variable))) for key in column: column[key] = self._normalize_column_type(column[key]) return pd.DataFrame(column) def decollect(self,node): ''' :param node: a URIRef pointing to an rdf:Seq, rdf:Bag, or rdf:Alt :return: a Python List, Counter, or Set of POPOs ''' survey=self.select_raw(""" SELECT ?type { VALUES (?type) { (rdf:Seq) (rdf:Bag) (rdf:Alt)} ?s a ?type } """,bindings=dict(s=node)) types=self._set(survey) if RDF.Bag in types: return self._decollect_Bag(node) return self._decollect_Seq(node) def _decollect_Seq(self, node): items=self.select_raw(""" SELECT ?index ?item { ?s ?predicate ?item FILTER(STRSTARTS(STR(?predicate),"http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#_")) BIND(xsd:integer(SUBSTR(STR(?predicate),45)) AS ?index) } ORDER BY ?index """,bindings=dict(s=node)) output=[] for x in items: output.append(self.to_python(x["item"])) return output def _decollect_Bag(self, node): items=self.select_raw(""" SELECT ?item (COUNT(*) AS ?count) { ?s ?predicate ?item FILTER(STRSTARTS(STR(?predicate),"http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#_")) BIND(xsd:integer(SUBSTR(STR(?predicate),45)) AS ?index) } GROUP BY ?item """,bindings=dict(s=node)) output=Counter() for x in items: output[self.to_python(x["item"])]=self.to_python(x["count"]) return output def _decollect_Seq(self, node): items=self.select_raw(""" SELECT ?index ?item { ?s ?predicate ?item FILTER(STRSTARTS(STR(?predicate),"http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#_")) BIND(xsd:integer(SUBSTR(STR(?predicate),45)) AS ?index) } ORDER BY ?index """,bindings=dict(s=node)) output=[] for x in items: output.append(self.to_python(x["item"])) return output def _set(self,result): columnNames=result.vars if len(columnNames)>1: raise ValueError("Currently can only create a set from a single column result") that=columnNames[0] output=set() for bindings in result.bindings: output.add(bindings[that]) return output @abstractmethod def _select(self, sparql,**kwargs) -> SPARQLResult: pass @abstractmethod def _construct(self, sparql,**kwargs) -> Graph: pass @abstractmethod def _update(self, sparql,**kwargs) -> None: pass def select(self,sparql:str,**kwargs) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Perform a SPARQL SELECT query against the endpoint. To make interactive queries easy in the Jupyter environment, any variable with a name beginning with an underscore (eg. ?_var or @_var) in the SPARQL query will be replaced with an RDF serialized version of the variable (eg. var) in the python stack frame of the caller. If you call this in a Jupyter notebook, it sees all variables that are accessible from the cells in the notebook. If you call it inside a function definition, it sees variables local to that definition. :param sparql: SPARQL SELECT query :param kwargs: any keyword arguments are implementation-dependent :return: SELECT result as a Pandas DataFrame """ result = self.select_raw(sparql,_user_frame=3,**kwargs) frame=self._dataframe(result) columnNames = {str(x) for x in result.vars} parsed=_parseQuery(sparql) group_variables=_extract_group_by(parsed) if group_variables and all([x in columnNames for x in group_variables]): frame.set_index(group_variables,inplace=True) return frame def select_raw(self,sparql:str,_user_frame=2,**kwargs) -> SPARQLResult: """ Perform a SPARQL SELECT query as would the select method, but do not convert result to a DataFrame, instead return the original SPARQLResult :param sparql: SPARQL SELECT query :param kwargs: any keyword arguments are implementation-dependent :return: result as a SPARQLResult """ return self._exec_raw(sparql,self._select,_user_frame,**kwargs) def construct(self,sparql:str,_user_frame=2,**kwargs): """ Perform a SPARQL CONSTRUCT query, making the same substitutions as the select method. Returns a Graph :param sparql: SPARQL SELECT query :param kwargs: any keyword arguments are implementation-dependent :return: result as a Graph """ return self._exec_raw(sparql,self._construct,_user_frame,**kwargs) def _exec_raw(self,sparql:str,operation,_user_frame=1,**kwargs): try: sparql = self._process_namespaces(sparql, _parseQuery) except ParseException as x: lines= self._error_header() lines += [ "Failure parsing SPARQL query supplied by caller; this is either a user error", "or an error in a function that generated this query. Query text follows:", "" ] error_lines = self._mark_query(sparql, x) lines += error_lines GastrodonException.throw("Error parsing SPARQL query",lines=lines,inner_exception=x) if "bindings" in kwargs: bindings = kwargs["bindings"] else: bindings = self._filter_frame(_getframe(_user_frame)) sparql = self._substitute_arguments(sparql, bindings, self.prefixes) try: if "_inject_post_substitute_fault" in kwargs: sparql=kwargs["_inject_post_substitute_fault"] result = operation(sparql, **kwargs) except ParseException as x: lines= self._error_header() lines += [ "Failure parsing SPARQL query after argument substitution. This is almost certainly an error inside", "Gastrodon. Substituted query text follows:", "" ] error_lines = self._mark_query(sparql, x) lines += error_lines GastrodonException.throw("Error parsing substituted SPARQL query",lines=lines,inner_exception=x) except HTTPError as x: lines= self._error_header() url_parts = urlparse(x.geturl()) lines += [ "HTTP Error doing Remote SPARQL query to endpoint at", self.url, "" ] lines.append(str(x)) GastrodonException.throw("HTTP Error doing Remote SPARQL query",lines=lines,inner_exception=x) pass return result def _mark_query(self, sparql, x): error_lines = sparql.split("\n") error_lines.insert(x.lineno, " " * (x.col - 1) + "^") error_lines.append("Error at line %d and column %d" % (x.lineno, x.col)) return error_lines def _error_header(self): return [ "*** ERROR ***", "", ] def update(self,sparql:str,_user_frame=1,**kwargs) -> None: """ Performs a SPARQL update statement with the same substitutions as the select method :param sparql: SPARQL update query, as a str :param _user_frame: Number of stack frames to look back to find variables; defaults to 1, which gets variables from the caller, 2 gets them from the caller of the caller and so forth :param kwargs: dependent on implementation :return: nothing """ try: sparql = self._process_namespaces(sparql, _parseUpdate) except ParseException as x: lines = self._error_header() lines += [ "Failure parsing SPARQL update statement supplied by caller; this is either a user error or ", "an error in a function that generated this query. Query text follows:", "" ] error_lines = self._mark_query(sparql, x) lines += error_lines GastrodonException.throw("Error parsing SPARQL query", lines=lines, inner_exception=x) if "bindings" in kwargs: bindings = kwargs["bindings"] else: bindings=self._filter_frame(_getframe(_user_frame)) sparql = self._substitute_arguments(sparql, bindings, self.prefixes) return self._update(sparql,**kwargs) def _filter_frame(self,that:FrameType): return { "_"+k:v for (k,v) in that.f_locals.items() if type(v) not in _cannot_substitute and not k.startswith("_") } class RemoteEndpoint(Endpoint): """ Represents a SPARQL endpoint available under the SPARQL Protocol. :param url: String URL for the SPARQL endpoint :param prefixes: Graph containing prefix declarations for this endpoint :param http_auth: http authentication method (eg. "BASIC", "DIGEST") :param default_graph: str URL for default graph :param base_uri: str for base URI for purposes of name resolution """ def __init__(self,url:str,prefixes:Graph=None,user=None,passwd=<PASSWORD>,http_auth=None,default_graph=None,base_uri=None): super().__init__(prefixes,base_uri) self.url=url self.user=user self.passwd=<PASSWORD> self.http_auth=http_auth self.default_graph=default_graph def _jsonToNode(self, jsdata): type = jsdata["type"] value = jsdata["value"] if type == "uri": return URIRef(value) if type == "typed-literal": return Literal(value, datatype=jsdata["datatype"]) if type == "literal": return Literal(value) if type == "bnode": return BNode(value) return None def _jsonToPython(self, jsdata): return self.to_python(self._jsonToNode(jsdata)) def _bnode_to_sparql(self, bnode): return URIRef(bnode.to_python()) def _update(self, sparql,**kwargs): that = self._wrapper() that.setQuery(sparql) that.setReturnFormat(JSON) that.setMethod("POST") result = that.queryAndConvert() return def _wrapper(self): sparql_wrapper = SPARQLWrapper(self.url) sparql_wrapper.user=self.user sparql_wrapper.passwd=<PASSWORD> if self.default_graph: sparql_wrapper.addDefaultGraph(self.default_graph) if self.http_auth: sparql_wrapper.setHTTPAuth(self.http_auth) return sparql_wrapper def peel(self,node): """ Copies part of a graph starting at node, copying all facts linked at that node and continuing this transversal for each blank node that we find. :param node: URIRef starting point :return: Graph object containing copied graph """ output = self._peel(node) nodes=all_uri(output) used_ns = {URIRef(self.ns_part(x)) for x in nodes if x.startswith('http')} ns_decl = [ns for ns in self.prefixes.namespaces() if ns[1] in used_ns] for x in ns_decl: output.namespace_manager.bind(*x) return output def _peel(self, node): output = Graph() query = """ SELECT (?that as ?s) ?p ?o { ?that ?p ?o . } """ items = self._select(query, bindings={"that": node}) bnodes = set() q = deque() urins = set() while True: for x in items["results"]["bindings"]: s = self._jsonToNode(x["s"]) p = self._jsonToNode(x["p"]) o = self._jsonToNode(x["o"]) if isinstance(s, URIRef): urins.add(self.ns_part(s)) if isinstance(p, URIRef): urins.add(self.ns_part(p)) if isinstance(p, URIRef): urins.add(self.ns_part(o)) output.add((s, p, o)) if isinstance(o, BNode) and o not in bnodes: bnodes.add(o) q.append(o) if not q: return output # note that the detailed behavior of blank nodes tends to be different in different triple stores, # in particular, although almost all triple stores have some way to refer to a blank node inside the # triple store, there is no standard way to do this. # # This works with Virtuoso but I tried a number of things that don't work (such as putting a list of # nodeId's in the form <nodeID://b506362> in an IN clause in a FILTER statement) or things that work but # are too slow (filtering on STR(?s)) items = self._select(query,bindings={"that":q.popleft()}) def _select(self, sparql:str,**kwargs) -> SPARQLResult: that = self._wrapper() that.setQuery(sparql) that.setReturnFormat(JSON) json_result=that.queryAndConvert() res={} res["type_"] = "SELECT" res["vars_"] = [Variable(v) for v in json_result["head"]["vars"]] column = OrderedDict() bindings=[] for json_row in json_result["results"]["bindings"]: rdf_row={} for variable in res["vars_"]: if str(variable) in json_row: rdf_row[variable]=self._jsonToNode(json_row[str(variable)]) else: rdf_row[variable]=None bindings.append(rdf_row) res["bindings"]=bindings return SPARQLResult(res) def _construct(self, sparql:str,**kwargs) -> Graph: result=self._select(sparql,**kwargs) S=Variable("s") P=Variable("p") O=Variable("o") neo=Graph() for fact in result.bindings: neo.add((fact[S],fact[P],fact[O])) return neo class LocalEndpoint(Endpoint): ''' LocalEndpoint for doing queries against a local RDFLib graph. :param graph: Graph object that will be encapsulated :param prefixes: Graph defining prefixes for this Endpoint, will be the same as the input graph by default :param base_uri: base_uri for resolving URLs ''' def __init__(self,graph:Graph,prefixes:Graph=None): """ """ if not prefixes: prefixes=graph super().__init__(prefixes) self.graph=graph def _select(self, sparql:str,**kwargs) -> SPARQLResult: return self.graph.query(sparql) def _construct(self, sparql:str,**kwargs) -> Graph: return self.graph.query(sparql) def _update(self, sparql:str,**kwargs) ->None : self.graph.update(sparql) return def _toRDF(x): lex,datatype=_castPythonToLiteral(x) return Literal(lex,datatype=datatype) def ttl(g:Store): ''' Write out Graph (or other Store) in Turtle format to stdout. :param g: input Graph :return: nothing ''' s = TurtleSerializer(g) s.serialize(stdout,spacious=True) def all_uri(g:Graph): ''' Returns the set of all URIRef objects inside Graph g appearing in the subject. predicate, or object position in any triple. :param g: input Graph :return: a set of URIRef objects for all URIRefs that appear in this graph ''' uris = set() for fact in g.triples((None, None, None)): for node in fact: if isinstance(node, URIRef): uris.add(node) return uris def show_image(filename): ''' Embed a PNG image with a filename relative to the current working directory into an IPython/Jupyter notebook. :param filename: :return: nothing ''' with open(filename, "rb") as f: image = f.read() display_png(image, raw=True) def inline(turtle): ''' Convert turtle-format RDF into a Graph :param turtle: str in Turtle Format :return: Graph with corresponding triples ''' g=Graph() g.parse(data=turtle,format="ttl") return LocalEndpoint(g) def one(items): ''' In cases where a composite object has only a single element, returns the element. Element types currently supported are: DataFrame returns single element of a single row List (or object castable to list) returns only element of list :param items: a composite object :return: only member of composite object, otherwise throw exception ''' if isinstance(items,pd.DataFrame): if items.shape!=(1,1): raise ValueError("one(x) requires that DataFrame x have exactly one row and one column") return items.iloc[0,0] l=list(items) if len(l)>1: raise ValueError("Result has more than one member") if len(l)==0: raise IndexError("Cannot get first member from empty container") return l[0] def member(index): ''' Return URIRef that (as ?predicate) states that ?object is the index(th) member of ?subject. :param index: non-negative integer index: :return: URIRef rdf:_N for N=index+1 ''' return URIRef("http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#_{:d}".format(index+1)) def _extract_decl(parsed: ParseResults,parseFn): ns=Graph() base_iri=None for decl in parsed[0] if parseFn==_parseQuery else parsed["prologue"][0]: if 'prefix' in decl: ns.bind(decl["prefix"],decl["iri"],override=True) elif 'iri' in decl: base_iri=decl["iri"] return (base_iri,ns) @lru_cache() def _parseUpdate(sparql): return parseUpdate(sparql) @lru_cache() def _parseQuery(sparql): return parseQuery(sparql) def _extract_group_by(parsed): main_part=parsed[1] if 'groupby' not in main_part: return [] if not all([type(x)==Variable for x in main_part['groupby']['condition']]): return [] return [str(x) for x in main_part['groupby']['condition']]
<gh_stars>10-100 import time from typing import AsyncGenerator, Dict import aioredis # type: ignore import pytest from fast_tools.base.redis_helper import Lock, LockError, RedisHelper, errors pytestmark = pytest.mark.asyncio @pytest.fixture() async def redis_helper() -> AsyncGenerator[RedisHelper, None]: redis_helper: RedisHelper = RedisHelper() try: redis_helper.init( await aioredis.create_pool("redis://localhost", minsize=1, maxsize=10, encoding="utf-8"), ) yield redis_helper except Exception: await redis_helper.close() class TestRedisHelper: def test_not_call_init(self) -> None: with pytest.raises(ConnectionError) as e: RedisHelper().client assert e.value.args[0] == "Not init RedisHelper, please run RedisHelper.init" async def test_init(self) -> None: redis_helper: RedisHelper = RedisHelper() # init error pool with pytest.raises(ConnectionError) as e: redis_helper.init(None) # type: ignore assert e.value.args[0] == "conn_pool is none" # init success redis_helper.init( await aioredis.create_pool("redis://localhost", minsize=1, maxsize=10, encoding="utf-8"), namespace="test" ) assert redis_helper.namespace == "test" # repeat call with pytest.raises(ConnectionError) as e: redis_helper.init( await aioredis.create_pool("redis://localhost", minsize=1, maxsize=10, encoding="utf-8"), ) assert e.value.args[0].startswith("Init error, RedisHelper already init") # close redis pool await redis_helper.close() assert redis_helper.closed() # reinitialize redis_helper.init( await aioredis.create_pool("redis://localhost", minsize=1, maxsize=10, encoding="utf-8"), ) assert not redis_helper.closed() async def test_redis_dict(self, redis_helper: RedisHelper) -> None: test_dict: Dict[str, int] = {"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3} await redis_helper.set_dict("test", test_dict, 10) assert await redis_helper.get_dict("test") == test_dict assert await redis_helper.execute("ttl", "test") <= 10 assert await redis_helper.del_key("test") async def test_del_key(self, redis_helper: RedisHelper) -> None: await redis_helper.execute("set", "test_key", "value") await redis_helper.del_key("test_key") assert await redis_helper.execute("get", "test_key") is None await redis_helper.execute("set", "test_key", "value") await redis_helper.del_key("test_key", 10) assert await redis_helper.execute("ttl", "test") <= 10 assert await redis_helper.del_key("test_key") async def test_pipeline(self, redis_helper: RedisHelper) -> None: await redis_helper.pipeline([("set", "test_key", "value"), ("expire", "test_key", 10)]) assert await redis_helper.execute("ttl", "test_key") <= 10 await redis_helper.pipeline([("set", "test_key", "value"), ("del", "test_key")]) assert not await redis_helper.execute("get", "test_key") with pytest.raises(errors.PipelineError) as e: await redis_helper.pipeline([("set", "test_key")]) assert e.value.args[0].startswith("PipelineError errors:") async def test_hash(self, redis_helper: RedisHelper) -> None: assert not await redis_helper.hget_dict("test", "key1") test_dict: Dict[str, int] = {str(i): i for i in range(1000)} await redis_helper.hmset_dict("test", test_dict) assert await redis_helper.hget_dict("test", "1") == 1 assert await redis_helper.hmget_dict("test") == test_dict assert await redis_helper.execute("del", "test") assert not await redis_helper.hmget_dict("test") async def test_execute(self) -> None: redis_helper: RedisHelper = RedisHelper() with pytest.raises(ConnectionError) as e: await redis_helper.execute("set", "test", "value") assert e.value.args[0] == "Not init RedisHelper, please run RedisHelper.init" redis_helper.init( await aioredis.create_pool("redis://localhost", minsize=1, maxsize=10, encoding="utf-8"), ) await redis_helper.execute("set", "test", "value") with pytest.raises(errors.RedisError): await redis_helper.hmget_dict("test") await redis_helper.execute("del", "test") await redis_helper.close() async def test_lock(self, redis_helper: RedisHelper) -> None: lock_1: Lock = redis_helper.lock("test_key") lock_2: Lock = redis_helper.lock("test_key") await lock_1.acquire() assert not await lock_2.do_acquire(str(int(time.time()) + 10)) assert await lock_1.locked() assert await lock_2.locked() with pytest.raises(LockError) as e: await lock_2.release() assert e.value.args[0] == "Cannot release an unlocked lock" with pytest.raises(LockError) as e: await lock_2.do_release(int(time.time())) assert e.value.args[0] == "Cannot release a lock that's no longer owned" assert not await lock_2.acquire(1) await lock_1.release() assert not await lock_1.locked()
import angr import claripy import logging import simuvex import random import capstone import signal import os from random import shuffle from utils import * angr.loggers.disable_root_logger() log = logging.getLogger("CoreTaint") log.setLevel("DEBUG") GLOB_TAINT_DEP_KEY = 'taint_deps' UNTAINT_DATA = 'untainted_data' UNTAINTED_VARS = 'untainted_vars' SEEN_MASTERS = 'seen_masters' class MyFileHandler(object): def __init__(self, filename, handlerFactory, **kw): kw['filename'] = filename self._handler = handlerFactory(**kw) def __getattr__(self, n): if hasattr(self._handler, n): return getattr(self._handler, n) raise AttributeError, n class TimeOutException(Exception): def __init__(self, message): super(TimeOutException, self).__init__(message) class CoreTaint: """ Perform a symbolic-execution-based taint analysis on a given binary to find whether it exists a tainted path between a source and a sink. """ def __init__(self, p, interfunction_level=0, log_path='/tmp/coretaint.out', smart_call=True, follow_unsat=False, try_thumb=False, white_calls=[], black_calls=[], not_follow_any_calls=False, default_log=True, exit_on_decode_error=True, concretization_strategy=None, force_paths=False, taint_returns_unfollowed_calls=False, taint_arguments_unfollowed_calls=False, allow_untaint=True, only_follow_near_calls=False, logger_obj=None): """ Initialialization function :param p: angr project :param interfunction_level: interfunction level :param log_path: path where the analysis' log is created :param smart_call: if True a call is followed only if at least one of its parameters is tainted :param follow_unsat: if true unsat successors are also considered during path exploration. In this case the collected constraints up to that point will be dropped. :param try_thumb: try to force thumb mode if some decoding error occurred :param white_calls: calls to follow in any case :param default_log: log info by default :param exit_on_decode_error: terminate the analysis in case of error :param concretization_strategy: concretization strategy callback :param force_paths: force a path to be followed even when some decode errors were found :param allow_untaint: allow to untaint variables. """ global log self._count_var = 0 self._back_jumps = {} self._N = 1 self._keep_run = True self._timeout_triggered = False self._timer = 0 self._force_exit_after = -1 self._p = p self._taint_buf = "taint_buf" self._taint_applied = False self._taint_buf_size = 4096 # 1 page self._bogus_return = 0x41414141 self._fully_taint_guard = [] self._white_calls = white_calls self._black_calls = black_calls self._taint_returns_unfollowed_calls = taint_returns_unfollowed_calls self._taint_arguments_unfollowed_calls = taint_arguments_unfollowed_calls self._allow_untaint = allow_untaint self._not_follow_any_calls = not_follow_any_calls self._only_follow_near_calls = only_follow_near_calls self._deref_taint_address = False self._deref_instruction = None self._deref_addr_expr = None self._deref = (None, None) self._old_deref = self._deref self._old_deref_taint_address = self._deref_taint_address self._old_deref_addr_expr = self._deref_addr_expr self._interfunction_level = interfunction_level self._smart_call = smart_call self._follow_unsat = follow_unsat self._concretizations = {} self._summarized_f = {} self._fp = open(log_path, 'w') self._interesing_path = {'sink': [], 'deref': [], 'loop': []} self._try_thumb = try_thumb self._force_paths = force_paths self._default_log = default_log self._exit_on_decode_error = exit_on_decode_error self._concretization_strategy = self._default_concretization_strategy if concretization_strategy is None else \ concretization_strategy formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') fileh = MyFileHandler(log_path + '._log', logging.FileHandler) fileh.setFormatter(formatter) log.addHandler(fileh) def handler(self, signum, frame): """ Timeout handler :param signum: signal number :param frame: frame :return: """ log.info("Timeout triggered, %s left...." % str(self._force_exit_after)) self._keep_run = False self._timeout_triggered = True # time to stop this non-sense! self._force_exit_after -= 1 self.set_alarm(self._timer, self._force_exit_after) if self._force_exit_after <= 0: raise TimeOutException("Hard timeout triggered") def _get_bb(self, addr): try: bl = self._p.factory.block(addr) except: bl = None if bl is None or bl.vex.jumpkind == 'Ijk_NoDecode': try: bl = self._p.factory.block(addr, thumb=True) except: bl = None return bl def _save_taint_flag(self): """ Save the tainting related flags :return: """ self._old_deref = self._deref self._old_deref_taint_address = self._deref_taint_address self._old_deref_addr_expr = self._deref_addr_expr def _restore_taint_flags(self): """ Restiore the tainting related flags :return: """ self._deref = self._old_deref self._deref_taint_address = self._old_deref_taint_address self._deref_addr_expr = self._old_deref_addr_expr @property def bogus_return(self): return self._bogus_return @property def taint_buf(self): return self._taint_buf @property def taint_buf_size(self): return self._taint_buf_size @property def taint_applied(self): return self._taint_applied @property def p(self): return self._p def safe_load(self, path, addr, size=None, unconstrained=False): """ Loads bytes from memory, saving and restoring taint info :param path: path :param addr: address :return: the content in memory at address addr """ self._save_taint_flag() if not size: size = self._p.arch.bits / 8 state = path.active[0] if not unconstrained else path.unconstrained[0] mem_cnt = state.memory.load(addr, size) self._restore_taint_flags() return mem_cnt def safe_store(self, path, addr, thing): """ Stores bytes in memory, saving and restoring taint info :param path: path :param addr: address :param thing: thing to store :return: """ self._save_taint_flag() path.active[0].memory.store(addr, thing) self._restore_taint_flags() def get_sym_val(self, **args): return self._get_sym_val(**args) def _set_deref_bounds(self, ast_node): """ Check an ast node and if contains a dereferenced address, it sets its bounds :param ast_node: ast node :return: None """ lb = self._deref[0] ub = self._deref[1] if hasattr(ast_node, 'op') and ast_node.op == 'Extract' \ and self.is_tainted(ast_node.args[2]): m = min(ast_node.args[0], ast_node.args[1]) lb = m if lb is None or m < lb else lb m = max(ast_node.args[0], ast_node.args[1]) ub = m if ub is None or m > ub else ub self._deref = (lb, ub) elif hasattr(ast_node, 'args'): for a in ast_node.args: self._set_deref_bounds(a) elif self.is_tainted(ast_node): self._deref = (0, 0) def addr_concrete_after(self, state): """ Hook for address concretization :param state: Program state """ addr_expr = state.inspect.address_concretization_expr state.inspect.address_concretization_result = [self._get_target_concretization(addr_expr, state)] # a tainted buffer's location is used as address if self.is_tainted(addr_expr, state=state): self._set_deref_bounds(addr_expr) self._deref_taint_address = True self._deref_addr_expr = addr_expr self._deref_instruction = state.ip.args[0] if state.inspect.address_concretization_action == 'load': # new fresh var name = "cnt_pt_by(" + self._taint_buf + '[' + str(self._deref[0]) + ', ' + str(self._deref[1]) + ']' + ")" bits = state.inspect.mem_read_length if type(bits) not in (long, int) and hasattr(bits, 'symbolic'): bits = state.se.max_int(bits) var = self._get_sym_val(name=name, bits=bits) state.memory.store(state.inspect.address_concretization_result[0], var) def _check_taint(self, state, reg, history): """ Check whther a path is completely tainted :param state: current state :param reg: Register used to pass the argument to the sink call :return: True if reg has is still tainted before the sink's call, False otherwise """ self._bounds = [None, None] def _find_extract_bounds(ast_node): if ast_node.op == 'Extract': a, b = ast_node.args[0], ast_node.args[1] if a < b: return a, b return b, a for a in ast_node.args: if hasattr(a, 'args'): a, b = _find_extract_bounds(a) if self._bounds[0] is None or (a is not None and a <= self._bounds[0]): self._bounds[0] = a if self._bounds[1] is None or (b is not None and b >= self._bounds[1]): self._bounds[1] = b return self._bounds[0], self._bounds[1] def _find_name(ast_node): if type(ast_node) == claripy.ast.BV and \ ast_node.op == 'BVS': return ast_node.args[0] elif hasattr(ast_node, 'args'): for a in ast_node.args: name = _find_name(a) if name: return name return None def _check_guards(tainted_var, history): self._bounds = [None, None] lb, ub = _find_extract_bounds(tainted_var) tainted_buff_name = _find_name(tainted_var) for a, g in history: if self.is_tainted(g): # scan the path's guards and collect those relative to # the tainted portion of memory t_op = g.args[0] if self.is_tainted(g.args[0]) else g.args[1] sec_op = g.args[1] if self.is_tainted(g.args[0]) else g.args[0] if not self.is_tainted(sec_op): name_op = _find_name(t_op) if name_op != tainted_buff_name: # we consider only the conditions relative # to the tainted variable which reached the sink continue # the condition untaints part of the tainted buffer # get the portion of untainted buffer self._bounds = [None, None] lb_op, ub_op = _find_extract_bounds(t_op) if lb_op is None: log.error("The whole buffer seem to be untainted, check me!") return False if lb >= lb_op: lb = lb_op if ub <= ub_op: ub = ub_op if lb >= ub: return False else: # both operands involved in the guard are tainted self._fully_taint_guard.append((a, g)) return True self._fully_taint_guard = [] if hasattr(state.regs, reg): ast = getattr(state.regs, reg) if self.is_tainted(ast): # TODO: check also below part? if _check_guards(ast, history): return True # save taint flags, the following load may change them self._save_taint_flag() # the function will dereference the argument # resulting in a read from our tainting location tmp_s = state.copy() try: cnt = tmp_s.memory.load(ast, 1) except TimeOutException as t: raise t except Exception: log.warning("Unable to concretize %s" % hex(ast)) return False # the load might have set some flags, let's restore them self._restore_taint_flags() if self.is_tainted(cnt): # the variable reaching the sink is tainted return _check_guards(cnt, history) return False raise Exception("Architecture %s has no register %s" % (self._p.arch.name, reg)) def _save_sink_info(self, path, reg, sink_address): """ Dump the info about a tainted sink into the log file :param path: path found to be tainted :param reg: register pointing to the tainted buffer :param sink_address: sink address :return: """ if not self._default_log: return f = self._fp reg_cnt = getattr(self.get_state(path).regs, str(reg)) mem_cnt = None is_addr = False tmp_s = self.get_state(path).copy() if not self.is_tainted(reg_cnt, path=path): is_addr = True self._save_taint_flag() mem_cnt = tmp_s.memory.load(reg_cnt) self._restore_taint_flags() key_path = (str(mem_cnt), str(reg_cnt), str(reg)) if key_path in self._interesing_path['sink']: return self._interesing_path['sink'].append(key_path) f.write("===================== Start Info path =====================\n") f.write("Sink address: %s\n" % hex(sink_address)) if is_addr: f.write("\nReason: sink accepts %s which points to the location of memory %s.\n" % (str(reg), reg_cnt)) f.write("\nContent of %s: %s\n" % (str(reg_cnt), str(mem_cnt))) else: f.write("\nReason: sink accepts parameter %s which is tainted.\n" % (str(reg))) f.write("\nContent of %s: %s\n" % (str(reg), str(reg_cnt))) f.write("\n\nPath \n----------------\n") path = ' -> '.join([hex(a) for a in self.get_state(path).history.bbl_addrs]) f.write(path + '\n\n') f.write("Fully tainted conditions \n----------------\n") if not self._fully_taint_guard: f.write('None\n') else: for fc in self._fully_taint_guard: f.write(fc[0] + ': ') f.write(str(fc[1]) + '\n\n') f.write("===================== End Info path =====================\n\n\n") def _save_deref_info(self, path, addr_expr): """ Dump the dereference of tainted address information into the log file :param path: path found to be tainted :return: """ if not self._default_log: return f = self._fp code_addr = self.get_addr(path) key_path = (str(code_addr), str(addr_expr)) if key_path in self._interesing_path['deref']: return self._interesing_path['deref'].append(key_path) f.write("===================== Start Info path =====================\n") f.write("Dereference address at: %s\n" % hex(code_addr)) f.write("\nReason: at location %s a tainted variable is dereferenced and used as address.\n" % hex(code_addr)) f.write("\nContent of the tainted variable: %s\n" % str(addr_expr)) f.write("\n\nTainted Path \n----------------\n") path = ' -> '.join([hex(a) for a in self.get_state(path).history.bbl_addrs]) f.write(path + '\n\n') f.write("===================== End Info path =====================\n\n\n") def _save_loop_info(self, path, addr, cond): """ Dump the info about a tainted variable guarding a loop :param path: path found to be tainted :return: """ if not self._default_log: return f = self._fp key_path = (str(addr), str(cond)) if key_path in self._interesing_path['loop']: return self._interesing_path['loop'].append(key_path) f.write("===================== Start Info path =====================\n") f.write("Dangerous loop condition at address %s\n" % hex(addr)) f.write("\nReason: a tainted variable is used in the guard of a loop condition\n") f.write("\nCondition: %s\n" % cond) f.write("\n\nTainted Path \n----------------\n") path = ' -> '.join([hex(a) for a in self.get_state(path).history.bbl_addrs]) f.write(path + '\n\n') f.write("===================== End Info path =====================\n\n\n") def _default_concretization_strategy(self, state, cnt):#, extra_constraints=()): extra_constraints = state.inspect.address_concretization_extra_constraints if not extra_constraints: extra_constraints = tuple() concs = state.se.any_n_int(cnt, 50, extra_constraints=extra_constraints) return random.choice(concs) def _get_target_concretization(self, var, state): """ Concretization must be done carefully in order to perform a precise taint analysis. We concretize according the following strategy: * every symbolic leaf of an ast node is concretized to unique value, according on its name. In this way we obtain the following advantages: a = get_pts(); b = a c = a + 2 d = b + 1 + 1 d = get_pts() conc(a) = conc(b) conc(c) = conc(d) conc(d) != any other concretizations :param var: ast node :param state: current state :return: concretization value """ def get_key_cnt(x): # angr by default create a unique id for every new symbolic variable. # as in karonte we often have to copy the state, step and check some # quantities before step() with the current state, two identical variables might assume # two different names. Therefore, we should not consider the unique _id_ added to symbolic variables # created by angr ret = str(x) if '_' in str(x) and not self.is_tainted(x): splits = str(x).split('_') idx = splits[-2] if not idx.isdigit(): log.error("get_key_cnt: Symbolic ID parsing failed, using the whole id: %s" % ret) return ret ret = '_'.join(splits[:-2]) + '_' ret += '_'.join(splits[-1:]) return ret # chek if uncontrained state_cp = state.copy() se = state_cp.se leafs = [l for l in var.recursive_leaf_asts] if not leafs: conc = self._concretization_strategy(state_cp, var) if not se.solution(var, conc): conc = se.any_int(var) key_cnt = get_key_cnt(var) self._concretizations[key_cnt] = conc return conc for cnt in leafs: key_cnt = get_key_cnt(cnt) # concretize all unconstrained children if cnt.symbolic: # first check whether the value is already constrained if key_cnt in self._concretizations.keys(): conc = self._concretizations[key_cnt] if state_cp.se.solution(cnt, conc): state_cp.add_constraints(cnt == conc) continue conc = self._concretization_strategy(state_cp, cnt) self._concretizations[key_cnt] = conc state_cp.add_constraints(cnt == conc) val = state_cp.se.any_int(var) return val def is_tainted(self, var, path=None, state=None, unconstrained=False): def is_untaint_constraint_present(v, untaint_var_strs): for u in untaint_var_strs: # get argument name if v.args[0] in u: # variable is untainted return True # no untaint found, var is tainted! return False # Nothing is tainted if self._taint_buf not in str(var): return False # # something is tainted # if not self._allow_untaint or (not path and not state): return True # get contraints if path: state = path.active[0] if not unconstrained else path.unconstrained[0] untaint_var_strs = state.globals[UNTAINT_DATA][UNTAINTED_VARS] if not untaint_var_strs: return True taint_leafs = list(set([l for l in var.recursive_leaf_asts if self._taint_buf in str(l)])) taints = set() for l in taint_leafs: if l in taints: continue # search an untaint constraint for this taint variable if not is_untaint_constraint_present(l, untaint_var_strs): return True taints.add(l) return False def add_taint_glob_dep(self, master, slave, path): """ Add a taint dependency: if master gets untainted, slave should be untainted :param master: master expression :param slave: slave expression :param path: path :return: """ if not self.is_tainted(master): return leafs = list(set([l for l in master.recursive_leaf_asts if self.is_tainted(l)])) key = tuple(map(str, leafs)) if key not in self.get_state(path).globals[GLOB_TAINT_DEP_KEY]: self.get_state(path).globals[GLOB_TAINT_DEP_KEY][key] = [] self.get_state(path).globals[GLOB_TAINT_DEP_KEY][key].append(slave) def _do_recursive_untaint_core(self, dst, path): # given an expression to untaint, we untaint every single tainted variable in it. # E.g., given (taint_x + taint_y) to untaint, both variables gets untainted as # they cannot assume no longer arbitrary values down this path. if not self._allow_untaint: return state = self.get_state(path) leafs = list(set([l for l in dst.recursive_leaf_asts if self.is_tainted(l)])) # then we use the collected untainted variables # and check whether we should untaint some other variables state.globals[UNTAINT_DATA][UNTAINTED_VARS] += map(str, leafs) deps = dict(state.globals[GLOB_TAINT_DEP_KEY]) i = 0 while i < len(deps.keys()): master, salve = deps.items()[i] # if not already untainted, let's consider it if master not in state.globals[UNTAINT_DATA][SEEN_MASTERS]: untainted_vars = set(state.globals[UNTAINT_DATA][UNTAINTED_VARS]) set_master = set(master) # we can not untaint it if set_master.intersection(untainted_vars) == set_master: state.globals[UNTAINT_DATA][SEEN_MASTERS].append(master) for entry in deps[master]: self._do_recursive_untaint_core(entry, path) # restart! i = 0 continue i += 1 def do_recursive_untaint(self, dst, path): return self._do_recursive_untaint_core(dst, path) def apply_taint(self, current_path, addr, taint_id, bit_size=None): self._save_taint_flag() bit_size = bit_size if bit_size else self._taint_buf_size t = self._get_sym_val(name=self._taint_buf + '_' + taint_id + '_', bits=bit_size).reversed self.get_state(current_path).memory.store(addr, t) self._restore_taint_flags() self._taint_applied = True def _check_if_sink_or_source(self, current_path, guards_info, _, sinks_info=(), sources_info=()): """ Check if a tainted sink is present in the current block of a path :param current_path: current path :param guards_info: info about the guards in the current path :param sinks_info: sinks' information: ((sinks), reg) :param sources_info: sources' information ((source), reg) :return: True if the sink is tainted, false otherwise """ current_cp = current_path.copy(copy_states=True) succ = current_cp.step() # get the successor state if not succ.active: # check if it was un unconstrained call. # somtimes angr fucks it up bl = self._get_bb(self.get_addr(current_path)) if bl.vex.jumpkind != 'Ijk_Call': # Heuristic: if not a function call, we do not consider dereference # of tainted locations, since it is unlikely to be used as address return False suc_state = current_cp.unconstrained[0] succ.active = [suc_state] suc_state = self.get_state(succ) # SOURCES: # look for sources: for source, reg_source in sources_info: bb = self._get_bb(self.get_addr(current_path)) # the bb contains the call to the source if any([x for x in bb.vex.statements if x.tag == 'Ist_IMark' and x.addr == source]): # time to taint if reg_source == 'RETURN': addr_to_taint = self._get_sym_val(name='reg_ret_', inc=False) else: addr_to_taint = getattr(suc_state.regs, reg_source) # check whether is tainted first! A tainted address passed to a source # might overwrite sensible data. if self.is_tainted(addr_to_taint): self._save_deref_info(current_path, addr_to_taint) t = self._get_sym_val(name=self._taint_buf, bits=self._taint_buf_size).reversed self._save_taint_flag() self.get_state(current_path).memory.store(addr_to_taint, t) self._restore_taint_flags() self._taint_applied = True # SINKS: # look for sinks (only if we have successors. A sink is a function!): succ_addr = self.get_addr(succ) found = False for sink, reg_sink in sinks_info: if succ_addr == sink: if self._check_taint(suc_state, reg_sink, guards_info): log.info("HOOOORAY: Detected a possibly tainted path") self._save_sink_info(succ, reg_sink, sink) found = True if found: return True # or if a tainted address is dereferenced if self._deref_taint_address: self._deref_taint_address = False bl = self._get_bb(self._deref_instruction) if bl.vex.jumpkind == 'Ijk_Call': log.info("Dereferenced tainted address") self._save_deref_info(current_path, self._deref_addr_expr) # self._keep_run = False # eventually if we are in a loop guarded by a tainted variable if len(succ.active) > 1 and any([a for a in succ.active if a.addr in [t for t in self.get_state(current_path).history.bbl_addrs]]): cond_guard = [g for g in self.get_state(succ).guards][-1] for node in cond_guard.recursive_leaf_asts: if self.is_tainted(node): self._save_loop_info(current_path, self.get_addr(current_path), cond_guard) return True return False def _get_sym_val(self, name='x_', bits=None, inc=True, explicit=False): if bits is None: bits = self._p.arch.bits if explicit: var = claripy.BVS(name=name, size=bits, explicit_name=True) else: var = claripy.BVS(name=(name + '_' + str(self._count_var) + '_' + str(self._p.arch.bits)), size=bits, explicit_name=True) if inc: self._count_var += 1 return var def get_addr(self, run): return run.active[0].ip.args[0] def get_state(self, run): return run.active[0] def is_or_points_to_tainted_data(self, x, path, unconstrained=False): return self.is_tainted(x, path=path, unconstrained=unconstrained) or \ self.is_tainted(self.safe_load(path, x, unconstrained=unconstrained), path=path, unconstrained=unconstrained) def _set_fake_ret_succ(self, path, state, addr, ret): """ Create a fake ret successors of a given path. :param path: current path :param: state: state to set in the new succ :param addr: address where the fake ret block will return :param ret: return of the current function :return: angr path """ new_s = state.copy() new_s.history.jumpkind = "Ijk_FakeRet" # check whether any of the function parameters are tainted nargs = get_arity(self._p, self.get_addr(path)) next_cp = path.copy(copy_states=True).step() to_taint = False ord_arg_tainted = -1 for i in xrange(nargs): name = self._p.arch.register_names[ordered_agument_regs[self._p.arch.name][i]] try: val_arg = getattr(self.get_state(next_cp).regs, name) except: break if self.is_or_points_to_tainted_data(val_arg, next_cp): to_taint = True ord_arg_tainted = i break # return value name = 'reg_ret_' if self._taint_returns_unfollowed_calls and to_taint: name = self._taint_buf + '_' + name ret_reg = return_regs[self._p.arch.name] link_reg = link_regs[self._p.arch.name] new_s.regs.pc = addr setattr(new_s.regs, self._p.arch.register_names[link_reg], ret) setattr(new_s.regs, self._p.arch.register_names[ret_reg], self._get_sym_val(name=name)) # function arguments if to_taint and self._taint_arguments_unfollowed_calls: for i in xrange(nargs): if i == ord_arg_tainted: continue name_reg = self._p.arch.register_names[ordered_agument_regs[self._p.arch.name][i]] addr = getattr(new_s.regs, name_reg) if addr.concrete and addr.args[0] < self.p.loader.main_object.min_addr: continue taint_name = self._taint_buf + '_' + name_reg new_s.memory.store(addr, self._get_sym_val(name=taint_name, bits=self._taint_buf_size)) return path.copy( stashes={'active': [new_s], 'unsat': [], 'pruned': [], 'unconstrained': [], 'deadended': []}) def _is_summarized(self, prev_path, suc_path, current_depth): # first check if function is summarized addr = self.get_addr(suc_path) if self._summarized_f: for s_addr in self._summarized_f.keys(): if addr == s_addr: self._summarized_f[s_addr](self, prev_path, suc_path) return True return False def _follow_call(self, prev_path, suc_path, current_depth): """ Checks if a call should be followed or not: if any of its parameters is tainted and the current depth of transitive closure allows it yes, otherwise no. :param prev_path: previous path :param suc_path: successive path :param current_depth: current depth of transitive closure :return: True if call should be followed, false otherwise """ if self._not_follow_any_calls: return False # first check if function is summarized prev_addr = self.get_addr(prev_path) addr = self.get_addr(suc_path) if self._only_follow_near_calls: try: plt = self.p.loader.main_object.reverse_plt if addr in plt: return False except: pass if addr in self._black_calls or prev_addr in self._black_calls: return False # check if call falls within bound binary if addr > self._p.loader.max_addr or addr < self._p.loader.min_addr: return False # if the function is summarized by angr, we follow it if self._p._should_use_sim_procedures: # consider also next addr in case th current one is a trampoline (eg., plt) trp = suc_path.copy(copy_states=True) trp.step() trp_addr = self.get_addr(trp) if self._p.is_hooked(addr) or self._p.is_hooked(trp_addr): return True if addr in self._white_calls: return True if current_depth <= 0: return False if not self._smart_call: return True if not self._taint_applied: return False bl = self._get_bb(self.get_addr(prev_path)) puts = [s for s in bl.vex.statements if s.tag == 'Ist_Put'] expected = 0 index = 0 set_regs = [] # type of regs we are looking for reg_ty = 'r' if self._p.arch.bits == 32 else 'x' while True: if index >= len(puts): break p = puts[index] if self._p.arch.register_names[p.offset] == reg_ty + str(expected): set_regs.append(reg_ty + str(expected)) expected += 1 index = 0 continue index += 1 self._save_taint_flag() for r in set_regs: reg_cnt = getattr(self.get_state(suc_path).regs, r) # check if it is pointing to a tainted location tmp_s = self.get_state(suc_path).copy() try: mem_cnt = tmp_s.memory.load(reg_cnt, 50) # FIXME set this N to a meaningful value except TimeOutException as t: raise t except Exception as e: # state is unconstrained log.warning("Tried to defererence a non pointer!") continue # we might have dereferenced wrongly a tainted variable during the tests before if (self.is_tainted(reg_cnt) or self.is_tainted(mem_cnt)) and current_depth > 0: self._restore_taint_flags() return True self._restore_taint_flags() return False def _follow_back_jump(self, current_path, next_path, guards_info): """ Check if a back jump (probably a loop) should be followed. :param current_path: current path :param next_path: next path :param guards_info: guards information :return: true if should back jump, false otherwise """ key = hash(''.join(sorted(list(set([x[0] for x in guards_info]))))) bj = (key, self.get_addr(next_path), self.get_addr(current_path)) if bj not in self._back_jumps.keys(): self._back_jumps[bj] = 1 elif self._back_jumps[bj] > self._N: # we do not want to follow the same back jump infinite times return False else: self._back_jumps[bj] += 1 return True def _check_sat_state(self, current_path, current_guards): # just try to concretize any variable cp_state = current_path.active[0].copy() try: reg_name = self._p.arch.register_names[return_regs[self._p.arch.name]] reg = getattr(cp_state.regs, reg_name) cp_state.se.any_int(reg) self.last_sat = (current_path.copy(copy_states=True), current_guards) except TimeOutException as t: raise t except Exception as e: print str(e) return False return True def _vex_fucked_up(self, current_path, next_path): current_path_addr = current_path.active[0].ip.args[0] next_path_addr = next_path.active[0].ip.args[0] bl = self._get_bb(current_path_addr) puts = [p for p in bl.vex.statements if p.tag == 'Ist_Put'] lr = self._p.arch.register_names[link_regs[self._p.arch.name]] for p in puts: if self._p.arch.register_names[p.offset] == lr: break else: return False if next_path_addr == self._next_inst(bl): log.warning(" VEX fucked up big time!") return True return False def _drop_constraints(self, path): self.get_state(path).release_plugin('solver_engine') self.get_state(path).downsize() #FIXME: change offset according arch. def _next_inst(self, bl): return bl.instruction_addrs[-1] + 4 def _flat_explore(self, current_path, check_path_fun, guards_info, current_depth, **kwargs): """ Find a tainted path between a source and a sink :param current_path: current path :param check_path_fun: function to call for every block in the path :param guards_info: current info about the guards in the current path :param kwargs: additional arguments to pass to check_path_fun :return: the tainted path between the source and the sink, if any """ if not self._keep_run: log.debug("Backtracking due to stop") return current_path_addr = self.get_addr(current_path) log.debug("%s: Analyzing block %s", self._p.filename.split('/')[-1], hex(current_path_addr)) if not self._check_sat_state(current_path, guards_info) and not self._timeout_triggered: log.error("State got messed up!") raise Exception("State became UNSAT") # check whether we reached a sink try: check_path_fun(current_path, guards_info, current_depth, **kwargs) except Exception as e: if not self._keep_run: return log.error("'Function check path errored out: %s" % str(e)) try: succ_path = current_path.copy(copy_states=True).step() except Exception as e: print("ERROR: %s" % str(e)) return # try thumb if succ_path and succ_path.errored and self._try_thumb and not self._force_paths: succ_path = current_path.copy(copy_states=True).step(thumb=True) if succ_path and succ_path.errored and self._try_thumb and not self._force_paths: if self._exit_on_decode_error: self._keep_run = False return succ_states_unsat = succ_path.unsat if self._follow_unsat else [] succ_states_sat = succ_path.active if succ_path.deadended and not succ_states_sat and not succ_states_unsat: log.debug("Backtracking from dead path") return if not succ_states_sat: # check if it was un unconstrained call. # sometimes angr fucks it up bl = self._get_bb(current_path_addr) if not bl: return if bl.vex.jumpkind == 'Ijk_Call': # create a fake successors # which should have been created # before. # FIXME: I should use get_below_block # but as of now I don;t want to use CFG unc_state = succ_path.unconstrained[0] ret_addr = self._next_inst(bl) link_reg = self._p.arch.register_names[link_regs[self._p.arch.name]] ret_func = getattr(self.get_state(current_path).regs, link_reg) tmp_path = self._set_fake_ret_succ(current_path, unc_state, ret_addr, ret_func) succ_states_sat = [self.get_state(tmp_path)] # register sat and unsat information so that later we can drop the constraints for s in succ_states_sat: s.sat = True for s in succ_states_unsat: s.sat = False # collect and prepare the successors to be analyzed #shuffle(succ_states_sat) succ_states = succ_states_sat + succ_states_unsat for next_state in succ_states: if hasattr(next_state.ip, 'symbolic') and next_state.ip.symbolic: if next_state.sat: continue log.warning("Got a symbolic IP, perhaps a non-handled switch statement? FIX ME... ") continue next_path = succ_path.copy(stashes={'active': [next_state.copy()], 'unsat': [], 'pruned': [], 'unconstrained': [], 'deadended': []}) if not next_state.sat: # unsat successors, drop the constraints self._drop_constraints(next_path) next_depth = current_depth # First, let's see if we can follow the calls try: if self.get_state(next_path).history.jumpkind == 'Ijk_Call' and not self._vex_fucked_up(current_path, next_path): if not self._is_summarized(current_path, next_path, current_depth): if not self._follow_call(current_path, next_path, current_depth): # if there is not fake ret we create one if not any(s.history.jumpkind == "Ijk_FakeRet" for s in succ_states): state = self.get_state(next_path) link_reg = self._p.arch.register_names[link_regs[self._p.arch.name]] ret_addr = getattr(state.regs, link_reg) ret_func = getattr(self.get_state(current_path).regs, link_reg) next_path = self._set_fake_ret_succ(current_path, state, ret_addr, ret_func) else: # the fake ret is already present, therefore we just skip # the call continue else: log.debug("Following function call to %s" % hex(self.get_addr(next_path))) next_depth = current_depth - 1 except Exception as e: log.error("ERROR: %s" % str(e)) return try: if self.get_state(next_path).history.jumpkind == 'Ijk_Ret': next_depth = current_depth + 1 except: continue # we have a back jump if self.get_state(next_path).history.jumpkind == 'Ijk_Boring' and \ self.get_addr(next_path) <= self.get_addr(current_path) and \ not self._follow_back_jump(current_path, next_path, guards_info): log.debug("breaking loop") continue # the successor leads out of the function, we do not want to follow it if self.get_addr(next_path) == self._bogus_return: log.debug("hit a return") continue # save the info about the guards of this path new_guards_info = list(guards_info) current_guards = [g for g in self.get_state(next_path).guards] if current_guards and len(new_guards_info) < len(current_guards): new_guards_info.append([hex(self.get_addr(current_path)), current_guards[-1]]) # next step! self._flat_explore(next_path, check_path_fun, new_guards_info, next_depth, **kwargs) log.debug("Back to block %s", hex(self.get_addr(current_path))) log.debug("Backtracking") def set_project(self, p): """ Set the project :param p: angr project :return: """ self._p = p def stop_run(self): """ Stop the taint analysis :return: """ self._keep_run = False def flat_explore(self, state, check_path_fun, guards_info, force_thumb=False, **kwargs): self._keep_run = True initial_path = self._p.factory.path(state) initial_path = self._p.factory.simgr(initial_path, save_unconstrained=True, save_unsat=True) current_depth = self._interfunction_level if force_thumb: # set thumb mode initial_path = initial_path.step(thumb=True)[0] self._flat_explore(initial_path, check_path_fun, guards_info, current_depth, **kwargs) def start_logging(self): if not self._default_log: return self._fp.write("Log Start \n" "Binary: " + self._p.filename + '\n' "=================================\n\n") def log(self, msg): self._fp.write(msg) def stop_logging(self): if self._default_log: log.info("Done.") log.info("Results in " + self._fp.name) self._fp.close() def _init_bss(self, state): bss = [s for s in self._p.loader.main_bin.sections if s.name == '.bss'] if not bss: return bss = bss[0] min_addr = bss.min_addr max_addr = bss.max_addr for a in range(min_addr, max_addr + 1): var = self._get_sym_val(name="bss_", bits=8) state.memory.store(a, var) def set_alarm(self, timer, n_tries=0): # setup a consistent initial state signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, self.handler) signal.alarm(timer) self._force_exit_after = n_tries self._timer = timer def unset_alarm(self): signal.alarm(0) def run(self, state, sinks_info, sources_info, summarized_f={}, init_bss=True, check_func=None, force_thumb=False, use_smart_concretization=True): if use_smart_concretization: state.inspect.b( 'address_concretization', simuvex.BP_AFTER, action=self.addr_concrete_after ) state.globals[GLOB_TAINT_DEP_KEY] = {} state.globals[UNTAINT_DATA] = {UNTAINTED_VARS:[], SEEN_MASTERS: []} self._count_var = 0 self._back_jumps = {} self._keep_run = True self._taint_applied = False self._fully_taint_guard = [] self._deref_taint_address = False self._deref_addr_expr = None self._deref = (None, None) self._old_deref = self._deref self._old_deref_taint_address = self._deref_taint_address self._old_deref_addr_expr = self._deref_addr_expr self._concretizations = {} self._summarized_f = summarized_f self._timeout_triggered = False check_func = self._check_if_sink_or_source if check_func is None else check_func if init_bss: log.info("init .bss") self._init_bss(state) try: self.flat_explore(state, check_func, [], force_thumb=force_thumb, sinks_info=sinks_info, sources_info=sources_info) except TimeOutException: log.warning("Hard timeout triggered") if self._timeout_triggered: self.log("\nTimed out...\n") log.debug("Timeout triggered")
from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function import numpy as np from numpy.lib.histograms import histogram, histogramdd, histogram_bin_edges from numpy.testing import ( assert_, assert_equal, assert_array_equal, assert_almost_equal, assert_array_almost_equal, assert_raises, assert_allclose, assert_array_max_ulp, assert_raises_regex, suppress_warnings, ) import pytest class TestHistogram(object): def setup(self): pass def teardown(self): pass def test_simple(self): n = 100 v = np.random.rand(n) (a, b) = histogram(v) # check if the sum of the bins equals the number of samples assert_equal(np.sum(a, axis=0), n) # check that the bin counts are evenly spaced when the data is from # a linear function (a, b) = histogram(np.linspace(0, 10, 100)) assert_array_equal(a, 10) def test_one_bin(self): # Ticket 632 hist, edges = histogram([1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 2]) assert_array_equal(hist, [2, ]) assert_array_equal(edges, [1, 2]) assert_raises(ValueError, histogram, [1, 2], bins=0) h, e = histogram([1, 2], bins=1) assert_equal(h, np.array([2])) assert_allclose(e, np.array([1., 2.])) def test_normed(self): sup = suppress_warnings() with sup: rec = sup.record(np.VisibleDeprecationWarning, '.*normed.*') # Check that the integral of the density equals 1. n = 100 v = np.random.rand(n) a, b = histogram(v, normed=True) area = np.sum(a * np.diff(b)) assert_almost_equal(area, 1) assert_equal(len(rec), 1) sup = suppress_warnings() with sup: rec = sup.record(np.VisibleDeprecationWarning, '.*normed.*') # Check with non-constant bin widths (buggy but backwards # compatible) v = np.arange(10) bins = [0, 1, 5, 9, 10] a, b = histogram(v, bins, normed=True) area = np.sum(a * np.diff(b)) assert_almost_equal(area, 1) assert_equal(len(rec), 1) def test_density(self): # Check that the integral of the density equals 1. n = 100 v = np.random.rand(n) a, b = histogram(v, density=True) area = np.sum(a * np.diff(b)) assert_almost_equal(area, 1) # Check with non-constant bin widths v = np.arange(10) bins = [0, 1, 3, 6, 10] a, b = histogram(v, bins, density=True) assert_array_equal(a, .1) assert_equal(np.sum(a * np.diff(b)), 1) # Test that passing False works too a, b = histogram(v, bins, density=False) assert_array_equal(a, [1, 2, 3, 4]) # Variale bin widths are especially useful to deal with # infinities. v = np.arange(10) bins = [0, 1, 3, 6, np.inf] a, b = histogram(v, bins, density=True) assert_array_equal(a, [.1, .1, .1, 0.]) # Taken from a bug report from <NAME> on the numpy-discussion # mailing list Aug. 6, 2010. counts, dmy = np.histogram( [1, 2, 3, 4], [0.5, 1.5, np.inf], density=True) assert_equal(counts, [.25, 0]) def test_outliers(self): # Check that outliers are not tallied a = np.arange(10) + .5 # Lower outliers h, b = histogram(a, range=[0, 9]) assert_equal(h.sum(), 9) # Upper outliers h, b = histogram(a, range=[1, 10]) assert_equal(h.sum(), 9) # Normalization h, b = histogram(a, range=[1, 9], density=True) assert_almost_equal((h * np.diff(b)).sum(), 1, decimal=15) # Weights w = np.arange(10) + .5 h, b = histogram(a, range=[1, 9], weights=w, density=True) assert_equal((h * np.diff(b)).sum(), 1) h, b = histogram(a, bins=8, range=[1, 9], weights=w) assert_equal(h, w[1:-1]) def test_arr_weights_mismatch(self): a = np.arange(10) + .5 w = np.arange(11) + .5 with assert_raises_regex(ValueError, "same shape as"): h, b = histogram(a, range=[1, 9], weights=w, density=True) def test_type(self): # Check the type of the returned histogram a = np.arange(10) + .5 h, b = histogram(a) assert_(np.issubdtype(h.dtype, np.integer)) h, b = histogram(a, density=True) assert_(np.issubdtype(h.dtype, np.floating)) h, b = histogram(a, weights=np.ones(10, int)) assert_(np.issubdtype(h.dtype, np.integer)) h, b = histogram(a, weights=np.ones(10, float)) assert_(np.issubdtype(h.dtype, np.floating)) def test_f32_rounding(self): # gh-4799, check that the rounding of the edges works with float32 x = np.array([276.318359, -69.593948, 21.329449], dtype=np.float32) y = np.array([5005.689453, 4481.327637, 6010.369629], dtype=np.float32) counts_hist, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(x, y, bins=100) assert_equal(counts_hist.sum(), 3.) def test_bool_conversion(self): # gh-12107 # Reference integer histogram a = np.array([1, 1, 0], dtype=np.uint8) int_hist, int_edges = np.histogram(a) # Should raise an warning on booleans # Ensure that the histograms are equivalent, need to suppress # the warnings to get the actual outputs with suppress_warnings() as sup: rec = sup.record(RuntimeWarning, 'Converting input from .*') hist, edges = np.histogram([True, True, False]) # A warning should be issued assert_equal(len(rec), 1) assert_array_equal(hist, int_hist) assert_array_equal(edges, int_edges) def test_weights(self): v = np.random.rand(100) w = np.ones(100) * 5 a, b = histogram(v) na, nb = histogram(v, density=True) wa, wb = histogram(v, weights=w) nwa, nwb = histogram(v, weights=w, density=True) assert_array_almost_equal(a * 5, wa) assert_array_almost_equal(na, nwa) # Check weights are properly applied. v = np.linspace(0, 10, 10) w = np.concatenate((np.zeros(5), np.ones(5))) wa, wb = histogram(v, bins=np.arange(11), weights=w) assert_array_almost_equal(wa, w) # Check with integer weights wa, wb = histogram([1, 2, 2, 4], bins=4, weights=[4, 3, 2, 1]) assert_array_equal(wa, [4, 5, 0, 1]) wa, wb = histogram( [1, 2, 2, 4], bins=4, weights=[4, 3, 2, 1], density=True) assert_array_almost_equal(wa, np.array([4, 5, 0, 1]) / 10. / 3. * 4) # Check weights with non-uniform bin widths a, b = histogram( np.arange(9), [0, 1, 3, 6, 10], weights=[2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], density=True) assert_almost_equal(a, [.2, .1, .1, .075]) def test_exotic_weights(self): # Test the use of weights that are not integer or floats, but e.g. # complex numbers or object types. # Complex weights values = np.array([1.3, 2.5, 2.3]) weights = np.array([1, -1, 2]) + 1j * np.array([2, 1, 2]) # Check with custom bins wa, wb = histogram(values, bins=[0, 2, 3], weights=weights) assert_array_almost_equal(wa, np.array([1, 1]) + 1j * np.array([2, 3])) # Check with even bins wa, wb = histogram(values, bins=2, range=[1, 3], weights=weights) assert_array_almost_equal(wa, np.array([1, 1]) + 1j * np.array([2, 3])) # Decimal weights from decimal import Decimal values = np.array([1.3, 2.5, 2.3]) weights = np.array([Decimal(1), Decimal(2), Decimal(3)]) # Check with custom bins wa, wb = histogram(values, bins=[0, 2, 3], weights=weights) assert_array_almost_equal(wa, [Decimal(1), Decimal(5)]) # Check with even bins wa, wb = histogram(values, bins=2, range=[1, 3], weights=weights) assert_array_almost_equal(wa, [Decimal(1), Decimal(5)]) def test_no_side_effects(self): # This is a regression test that ensures that values passed to # ``histogram`` are unchanged. values = np.array([1.3, 2.5, 2.3]) np.histogram(values, range=[-10, 10], bins=100) assert_array_almost_equal(values, [1.3, 2.5, 2.3]) def test_empty(self): a, b = histogram([], bins=([0, 1])) assert_array_equal(a, np.array([0])) assert_array_equal(b, np.array([0, 1])) def test_error_binnum_type (self): # Tests if right Error is raised if bins argument is float vals = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, num=100) histogram(vals, 5) assert_raises(TypeError, histogram, vals, 2.4) def test_finite_range(self): # Normal ranges should be fine vals = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, num=100) histogram(vals, range=[0.25,0.75]) assert_raises(ValueError, histogram, vals, range=[np.nan,0.75]) assert_raises(ValueError, histogram, vals, range=[0.25,np.inf]) def test_invalid_range(self): # start of range must be < end of range vals = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, num=100) with assert_raises_regex(ValueError, "max must be larger than"): np.histogram(vals, range=[0.1, 0.01]) def test_bin_edge_cases(self): # Ensure that floating-point computations correctly place edge cases. arr = np.array([337, 404, 739, 806, 1007, 1811, 2012]) hist, edges = np.histogram(arr, bins=8296, range=(2, 2280)) mask = hist > 0 left_edges = edges[:-1][mask] right_edges = edges[1:][mask] for x, left, right in zip(arr, left_edges, right_edges): assert_(x >= left) assert_(x < right) def test_last_bin_inclusive_range(self): arr = np.array([0., 0., 0., 1., 2., 3., 3., 4., 5.]) hist, edges = np.histogram(arr, bins=30, range=(-0.5, 5)) assert_equal(hist[-1], 1) def test_bin_array_dims(self): # gracefully handle bins object > 1 dimension vals = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, num=100) bins = np.array([[0, 0.5], [0.6, 1.0]]) with assert_raises_regex(ValueError, "must be 1d"): np.histogram(vals, bins=bins) def test_unsigned_monotonicity_check(self): # Ensures ValueError is raised if bins not increasing monotonically # when bins contain unsigned values (see #9222) arr = np.array([2]) bins = np.array([1, 3, 1], dtype='uint64') with assert_raises(ValueError): hist, edges = np.histogram(arr, bins=bins) def test_object_array_of_0d(self): # gh-7864 assert_raises(ValueError, histogram, [np.array(0.4) for i in range(10)] + [-np.inf]) assert_raises(ValueError, histogram, [np.array(0.4) for i in range(10)] + [np.inf]) # these should not crash np.histogram([np.array(0.5) for i in range(10)] + [.500000000000001]) np.histogram([np.array(0.5) for i in range(10)] + [.5]) def test_some_nan_values(self): # gh-7503 one_nan = np.array([0, 1, np.nan]) all_nan = np.array([np.nan, np.nan]) # the internal comparisons with NaN give warnings sup = suppress_warnings() sup.filter(RuntimeWarning) with sup: # can't infer range with nan assert_raises(ValueError, histogram, one_nan, bins='auto') assert_raises(ValueError, histogram, all_nan, bins='auto') # explicit range solves the problem h, b = histogram(one_nan, bins='auto', range=(0, 1)) assert_equal(h.sum(), 2) # nan is not counted h, b = histogram(all_nan, bins='auto', range=(0, 1)) assert_equal(h.sum(), 0) # nan is not counted # as does an explicit set of bins h, b = histogram(one_nan, bins=[0, 1]) assert_equal(h.sum(), 2) # nan is not counted h, b = histogram(all_nan, bins=[0, 1]) assert_equal(h.sum(), 0) # nan is not counted def test_datetime(self): begin = np.datetime64('2000-01-01', 'D') offsets = np.array([0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 20]) bins = np.array([0, 2, 7, 20]) dates = begin + offsets date_bins = begin + bins td = np.dtype('timedelta64[D]') # Results should be the same for integer offsets or datetime values. # For now, only explicit bins are supported, since linspace does not # work on datetimes or timedeltas d_count, d_edge = histogram(dates, bins=date_bins) t_count, t_edge = histogram(offsets.astype(td), bins=bins.astype(td)) i_count, i_edge = histogram(offsets, bins=bins) assert_equal(d_count, i_count) assert_equal(t_count, i_count) assert_equal((d_edge - begin).astype(int), i_edge) assert_equal(t_edge.astype(int), i_edge) assert_equal(d_edge.dtype, dates.dtype) assert_equal(t_edge.dtype, td) def do_signed_overflow_bounds(self, dtype): exponent = 8 * np.dtype(dtype).itemsize - 1 arr = np.array([-2**exponent + 4, 2**exponent - 4], dtype=dtype) hist, e = histogram(arr, bins=2) assert_equal(e, [-2**exponent + 4, 0, 2**exponent - 4]) assert_equal(hist, [1, 1]) def test_signed_overflow_bounds(self): self.do_signed_overflow_bounds(np.byte) self.do_signed_overflow_bounds(np.short) self.do_signed_overflow_bounds(np.intc) self.do_signed_overflow_bounds(np.int_) self.do_signed_overflow_bounds(np.longlong) def do_precision_lower_bound(self, float_small, float_large): eps = np.finfo(float_large).eps arr = np.array([1.0], float_small) range = np.array([1.0 + eps, 2.0], float_large) # test is looking for behavior when the bounds change between dtypes if range.astype(float_small)[0] != 1: return # previously crashed count, x_loc = np.histogram(arr, bins=1, range=range) assert_equal(count, [1]) # gh-10322 means that the type comes from arr - this may change assert_equal(x_loc.dtype, float_small) def do_precision_upper_bound(self, float_small, float_large): eps = np.finfo(float_large).eps arr = np.array([1.0], float_small) range = np.array([0.0, 1.0 - eps], float_large) # test is looking for behavior when the bounds change between dtypes if range.astype(float_small)[-1] != 1: return # previously crashed count, x_loc = np.histogram(arr, bins=1, range=range) assert_equal(count, [1]) # gh-10322 means that the type comes from arr - this may change assert_equal(x_loc.dtype, float_small) def do_precision(self, float_small, float_large): self.do_precision_lower_bound(float_small, float_large) self.do_precision_upper_bound(float_small, float_large) def test_precision(self): # not looping results in a useful stack trace upon failure self.do_precision(np.half, np.single) self.do_precision(np.half, np.double) self.do_precision(np.half, np.longdouble) self.do_precision(np.single, np.double) self.do_precision(np.single, np.longdouble) self.do_precision(np.double, np.longdouble) def test_histogram_bin_edges(self): hist, e = histogram([1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 2]) edges = histogram_bin_edges([1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 2]) assert_array_equal(edges, e) arr = np.array([0., 0., 0., 1., 2., 3., 3., 4., 5.]) hist, e = histogram(arr, bins=30, range=(-0.5, 5)) edges = histogram_bin_edges(arr, bins=30, range=(-0.5, 5)) assert_array_equal(edges, e) hist, e = histogram(arr, bins='auto', range=(0, 1)) edges = histogram_bin_edges(arr, bins='auto', range=(0, 1)) assert_array_equal(edges, e) class TestHistogramOptimBinNums(object): """ Provide test coverage when using provided estimators for optimal number of bins """ def test_empty(self): estimator_list = ['fd', 'scott', 'rice', 'sturges', 'doane', 'sqrt', 'auto', 'stone'] # check it can deal with empty data for estimator in estimator_list: a, b = histogram([], bins=estimator) assert_array_equal(a, np.array([0])) assert_array_equal(b, np.array([0, 1])) def test_simple(self): """ Straightforward testing with a mixture of linspace data (for consistency). All test values have been precomputed and the values shouldn't change """ # Some basic sanity checking, with some fixed data. # Checking for the correct number of bins basic_test = {50: {'fd': 4, 'scott': 4, 'rice': 8, 'sturges': 7, 'doane': 8, 'sqrt': 8, 'auto': 7, 'stone': 2}, 500: {'fd': 8, 'scott': 8, 'rice': 16, 'sturges': 10, 'doane': 12, 'sqrt': 23, 'auto': 10, 'stone': 9}, 5000: {'fd': 17, 'scott': 17, 'rice': 35, 'sturges': 14, 'doane': 17, 'sqrt': 71, 'auto': 17, 'stone': 20}} for testlen, expectedResults in basic_test.items(): # Create some sort of non uniform data to test with # (2 peak uniform mixture) x1 = np.linspace(-10, -1, testlen // 5 * 2) x2 = np.linspace(1, 10, testlen // 5 * 3) x = np.concatenate((x1, x2)) for estimator, numbins in expectedResults.items(): a, b = np.histogram(x, estimator) assert_equal(len(a), numbins, err_msg="For the {0} estimator " "with datasize of {1}".format(estimator, testlen)) def test_small(self): """ Smaller datasets have the potential to cause issues with the data adaptive methods, especially the FD method. All bin numbers have been precalculated. """ small_dat = {1: {'fd': 1, 'scott': 1, 'rice': 1, 'sturges': 1, 'doane': 1, 'sqrt': 1, 'stone': 1}, 2: {'fd': 2, 'scott': 1, 'rice': 3, 'sturges': 2, 'doane': 1, 'sqrt': 2, 'stone': 1}, 3: {'fd': 2, 'scott': 2, 'rice': 3, 'sturges': 3, 'doane': 3, 'sqrt': 2, 'stone': 1}} for testlen, expectedResults in small_dat.items(): testdat = np.arange(testlen) for estimator, expbins in expectedResults.items(): a, b = np.histogram(testdat, estimator) assert_equal(len(a), expbins, err_msg="For the {0} estimator " "with datasize of {1}".format(estimator, testlen)) def test_incorrect_methods(self): """ Check a Value Error is thrown when an unknown string is passed in """ check_list = ['mad', 'freeman', 'histograms', 'IQR'] for estimator in check_list: assert_raises(ValueError, histogram, [1, 2, 3], estimator) def test_novariance(self): """ Check that methods handle no variance in data Primarily for Scott and FD as the SD and IQR are both 0 in this case """ novar_dataset = np.ones(100) novar_resultdict = {'fd': 1, 'scott': 1, 'rice': 1, 'sturges': 1, 'doane': 1, 'sqrt': 1, 'auto': 1, 'stone': 1} for estimator, numbins in novar_resultdict.items(): a, b = np.histogram(novar_dataset, estimator) assert_equal(len(a), numbins, err_msg="{0} estimator, " "No Variance test".format(estimator)) def test_limited_variance(self): """ Check when IQR is 0, but variance exists, we return the sturges value and not the fd value. """ lim_var_data = np.ones(1000) lim_var_data[:3] = 0 lim_var_data[-4:] = 100 edges_auto = histogram_bin_edges(lim_var_data, 'auto') assert_equal(edges_auto, np.linspace(0, 100, 12)) edges_fd = histogram_bin_edges(lim_var_data, 'fd') assert_equal(edges_fd, np.array([0, 100])) edges_sturges = histogram_bin_edges(lim_var_data, 'sturges') assert_equal(edges_sturges, np.linspace(0, 100, 12)) def test_outlier(self): """ Check the FD, Scott and Doane with outliers. The FD estimates a smaller binwidth since it's less affected by outliers. Since the range is so (artificially) large, this means more bins, most of which will be empty, but the data of interest usually is unaffected. The Scott estimator is more affected and returns fewer bins, despite most of the variance being in one area of the data. The Doane estimator lies somewhere between the other two. """ xcenter = np.linspace(-10, 10, 50) outlier_dataset = np.hstack((np.linspace(-110, -100, 5), xcenter)) outlier_resultdict = {'fd': 21, 'scott': 5, 'doane': 11, 'stone': 6} for estimator, numbins in outlier_resultdict.items(): a, b = np.histogram(outlier_dataset, estimator) assert_equal(len(a), numbins) def test_scott_vs_stone(self): """Verify that Scott's rule and Stone's rule converges for normally distributed data""" def nbins_ratio(seed, size): rng = np.random.RandomState(seed) x = rng.normal(loc=0, scale=2, size=size) a, b = len(np.histogram(x, 'stone')[0]), len(np.histogram(x, 'scott')[0]) return a / (a + b) ll = [[nbins_ratio(seed, size) for size in np.geomspace(start=10, stop=100, num=4).round().astype(int)] for seed in range(10)] # the average difference between the two methods decreases as the dataset size increases. avg = abs(np.mean(ll, axis=0) - 0.5) assert_almost_equal(avg, [0.15, 0.09, 0.08, 0.03], decimal=2) def test_simple_range(self): """ Straightforward testing with a mixture of linspace data (for consistency). Adding in a 3rd mixture that will then be completely ignored. All test values have been precomputed and the shouldn't change. """ # some basic sanity checking, with some fixed data. # Checking for the correct number of bins basic_test = { 50: {'fd': 8, 'scott': 8, 'rice': 15, 'sturges': 14, 'auto': 14, 'stone': 8}, 500: {'fd': 15, 'scott': 16, 'rice': 32, 'sturges': 20, 'auto': 20, 'stone': 80}, 5000: {'fd': 33, 'scott': 33, 'rice': 69, 'sturges': 27, 'auto': 33, 'stone': 80} } for testlen, expectedResults in basic_test.items(): # create some sort of non uniform data to test with # (3 peak uniform mixture) x1 = np.linspace(-10, -1, testlen // 5 * 2) x2 = np.linspace(1, 10, testlen // 5 * 3) x3 = np.linspace(-100, -50, testlen) x = np.hstack((x1, x2, x3)) for estimator, numbins in expectedResults.items(): a, b = np.histogram(x, estimator, range = (-20, 20)) msg = "For the {0} estimator".format(estimator) msg += " with datasize of {0}".format(testlen) assert_equal(len(a), numbins, err_msg=msg) @pytest.mark.parametrize("bins", ['auto', 'fd', 'doane', 'scott', 'stone', 'rice', 'sturges']) def test_signed_integer_data(self, bins): # Regression test for gh-14379. a = np.array([-2, 0, 127], dtype=np.int8) hist, edges = np.histogram(a, bins=bins) hist32, edges32 = np.histogram(a.astype(np.int32), bins=bins) assert_array_equal(hist, hist32) assert_array_equal(edges, edges32) def test_simple_weighted(self): """ Check that weighted data raises a TypeError """ estimator_list = ['fd', 'scott', 'rice', 'sturges', 'auto'] for estimator in estimator_list: assert_raises(TypeError, histogram, [1, 2, 3], estimator, weights=[1, 2, 3]) class TestHistogramdd(object): def test_simple(self): x = np.array([[-.5, .5, 1.5], [-.5, 1.5, 2.5], [-.5, 2.5, .5], [.5, .5, 1.5], [.5, 1.5, 2.5], [.5, 2.5, 2.5]]) H, edges = histogramdd(x, (2, 3, 3), range=[[-1, 1], [0, 3], [0, 3]]) answer = np.array([[[0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0]], [[0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1]]]) assert_array_equal(H, answer) # Check normalization ed = [[-2, 0, 2], [0, 1, 2, 3], [0, 1, 2, 3]] H, edges = histogramdd(x, bins=ed, density=True) assert_(np.all(H == answer / 12.)) # Check that H has the correct shape. H, edges = histogramdd(x, (2, 3, 4), range=[[-1, 1], [0, 3], [0, 4]], density=True) answer = np.array([[[0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0]], [[0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0]]]) assert_array_almost_equal(H, answer / 6., 4) # Check that a sequence of arrays is accepted and H has the correct # shape. z = [np.squeeze(y) for y in np.split(x, 3, axis=1)] H, edges = histogramdd( z, bins=(4, 3, 2), range=[[-2, 2], [0, 3], [0, 2]]) answer = np.array([[[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]], [[0, 1], [0, 0], [1, 0]], [[0, 1], [0, 0], [0, 0]], [[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]]]) assert_array_equal(H, answer) Z = np.zeros((5, 5, 5)) Z[list(range(5)), list(range(5)), list(range(5))] = 1. H, edges = histogramdd([np.arange(5), np.arange(5), np.arange(5)], 5) assert_array_equal(H, Z) def test_shape_3d(self): # All possible permutations for bins of different lengths in 3D. bins = ((5, 4, 6), (6, 4, 5), (5, 6, 4), (4, 6, 5), (6, 5, 4), (4, 5, 6)) r = np.random.rand(10, 3) for b in bins: H, edges = histogramdd(r, b) assert_(H.shape == b) def test_shape_4d(self): # All possible permutations for bins of different lengths in 4D. bins = ((7, 4, 5, 6), (4, 5, 7, 6), (5, 6, 4, 7), (7, 6, 5, 4), (5, 7, 6, 4), (4, 6, 7, 5), (6, 5, 7, 4), (7, 5, 4, 6), (7, 4, 6, 5), (6, 4, 7, 5), (6, 7, 5, 4), (4, 6, 5, 7), (4, 7, 5, 6), (5, 4, 6, 7), (5, 7, 4, 6), (6, 7, 4, 5), (6, 5, 4, 7), (4, 7, 6, 5), (4, 5, 6, 7), (7, 6, 4, 5), (5, 4, 7, 6), (5, 6, 7, 4), (6, 4, 5, 7), (7, 5, 6, 4)) r = np.random.rand(10, 4) for b in bins: H, edges = histogramdd(r, b) assert_(H.shape == b) def test_weights(self): v = np.random.rand(100, 2) hist, edges = histogramdd(v) n_hist, edges = histogramdd(v, density=True) w_hist, edges = histogramdd(v, weights=np.ones(100)) assert_array_equal(w_hist, hist) w_hist, edges = histogramdd(v, weights=np.ones(100) * 2, density=True) assert_array_equal(w_hist, n_hist) w_hist, edges = histogramdd(v, weights=np.ones(100, int) * 2) assert_array_equal(w_hist, 2 * hist) def test_identical_samples(self): x = np.zeros((10, 2), int) hist, edges = histogramdd(x, bins=2) assert_array_equal(edges[0], np.array([-0.5, 0., 0.5])) def test_empty(self): a, b = histogramdd([[], []], bins=([0, 1], [0, 1])) assert_array_max_ulp(a, np.array([[0.]])) a, b = np.histogramdd([[], [], []], bins=2) assert_array_max_ulp(a, np.zeros((2, 2, 2))) def test_bins_errors(self): # There are two ways to specify bins. Check for the right errors # when mixing those. x = np.arange(8).reshape(2, 4) assert_raises(ValueError, np.histogramdd, x, bins=[-1, 2, 4, 5]) assert_raises(ValueError, np.histogramdd, x, bins=[1, 0.99, 1, 1]) assert_raises( ValueError, np.histogramdd, x, bins=[1, 1, 1, [1, 2, 3, -3]]) assert_(np.histogramdd(x, bins=[1, 1, 1, [1, 2, 3, 4]])) def test_inf_edges(self): # Test using +/-inf bin edges works. See #1788. with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'): x = np.arange(6).reshape(3, 2) expected = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1], [0, 1]]) h, e = np.histogramdd(x, bins=[3, [-np.inf, 2, 10]]) assert_allclose(h, expected) h, e = np.histogramdd(x, bins=[3, np.array([-1, 2, np.inf])]) assert_allclose(h, expected) h, e = np.histogramdd(x, bins=[3, [-np.inf, 3, np.inf]]) assert_allclose(h, expected) def test_rightmost_binedge(self): # Test event very close to rightmost binedge. See Github issue #4266 x = [0.9999999995] bins = [[0., 0.5, 1.0]] hist, _ = histogramdd(x, bins=bins) assert_(hist[0] == 0.0) assert_(hist[1] == 1.) x = [1.0] bins = [[0., 0.5, 1.0]] hist, _ = histogramdd(x, bins=bins) assert_(hist[0] == 0.0) assert_(hist[1] == 1.) x = [1.0000000001] bins = [[0., 0.5, 1.0]] hist, _ = histogramdd(x, bins=bins) assert_(hist[0] == 0.0) assert_(hist[1] == 0.0) x = [1.0001] bins = [[0., 0.5, 1.0]] hist, _ = histogramdd(x, bins=bins) assert_(hist[0] == 0.0) assert_(hist[1] == 0.0) def test_finite_range(self): vals = np.random.random((100, 3)) histogramdd(vals, range=[[0.0, 1.0], [0.25, 0.75], [0.25, 0.5]]) assert_raises(ValueError, histogramdd, vals, range=[[0.0, 1.0], [0.25, 0.75], [0.25, np.inf]]) assert_raises(ValueError, histogramdd, vals, range=[[0.0, 1.0], [np.nan, 0.75], [0.25, 0.5]]) def test_equal_edges(self): """ Test that adjacent entries in an edge array can be equal """ x = np.array([0, 1, 2]) y = np.array([0, 1, 2]) x_edges = np.array([0, 2, 2]) y_edges = 1 hist, edges = histogramdd((x, y), bins=(x_edges, y_edges)) hist_expected = np.array([ [2.], [1.], # x == 2 falls in the final bin ]) assert_equal(hist, hist_expected) def test_edge_dtype(self): """ Test that if an edge array is input, its type is preserved """ x = np.array([0, 10, 20]) y = x / 10 x_edges = np.array([0, 5, 15, 20]) y_edges = x_edges / 10 hist, edges = histogramdd((x, y), bins=(x_edges, y_edges)) assert_equal(edges[0].dtype, x_edges.dtype) assert_equal(edges[1].dtype, y_edges.dtype) def test_large_integers(self): big = 2**60 # Too large to represent with a full precision float x = np.array([0], np.int64) x_edges = np.array([-1, +1], np.int64) y = big + x y_edges = big + x_edges hist, edges = histogramdd((x, y), bins=(x_edges, y_edges)) assert_equal(hist[0, 0], 1) def test_density_non_uniform_2d(self): # Defines the following grid: # # 0 2 8 # 0+-+-----+ # + | + # + | + # 6+-+-----+ # 8+-+-----+ x_edges = np.array([0, 2, 8]) y_edges = np.array([0, 6, 8]) relative_areas = np.array([ [3, 9], [1, 3]]) # ensure the number of points in each region is proportional to its area x = np.array([1] + [1]*3 + [7]*3 + [7]*9) y = np.array([7] + [1]*3 + [7]*3 + [1]*9) # sanity check that the above worked as intended hist, edges = histogramdd((y, x), bins=(y_edges, x_edges)) assert_equal(hist, relative_areas) # resulting histogram should be uniform, since counts and areas are proportional hist, edges = histogramdd((y, x), bins=(y_edges, x_edges), density=True) assert_equal(hist, 1 / (8*8)) def test_density_non_uniform_1d(self): # compare to histogram to show the results are the same v = np.arange(10) bins = np.array([0, 1, 3, 6, 10]) hist, edges = histogram(v, bins, density=True) hist_dd, edges_dd = histogramdd((v,), (bins,), density=True) assert_equal(hist, hist_dd) assert_equal(edges, edges_dd[0]) def test_density_via_normed(self): # normed should simply alias to density argument v = np.arange(10) bins = np.array([0, 1, 3, 6, 10]) hist, edges = histogram(v, bins, density=True) hist_dd, edges_dd = histogramdd((v,), (bins,), normed=True) assert_equal(hist, hist_dd) assert_equal(edges, edges_dd[0]) def test_density_normed_redundancy(self): v = np.arange(10) bins = np.array([0, 1, 3, 6, 10]) with assert_raises_regex(TypeError, "Cannot specify both"): hist_dd, edges_dd = histogramdd((v,), (bins,), density=True, normed=True)
<gh_stars>0 # Copyright 2016-2020 Blue Marble Analytics LLC. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ Simplest implementation with a MWh target """ from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from builtins import next import csv import os.path import pandas as pd from pyomo.environ import Var, Constraint, NonNegativeReals, Expression, value from db.common_functions import spin_on_database_lock from gridpath.auxiliary.db_interface import setup_results_import def add_model_components(m, d, scenario_directory, subproblem, stage): """ :param m: :param d: :return: """ m.RPS_Shortage_MWh = Var( m.RPS_ZONE_PERIODS_WITH_RPS, within=NonNegativeReals ) def violation_expression_rule(mod, z, p): return mod.RPS_Shortage_MWh[z, p] * mod.rps_allow_violation[z] m.RPS_Shortage_MWh_Expression = Expression( m.RPS_ZONE_PERIODS_WITH_RPS, rule=violation_expression_rule ) def rps_target_rule(mod, z, p): """ Total delivered RPS-eligible energy must exceed target :param mod: :param z: :param p: :return: """ return mod.Total_Delivered_RPS_Energy_MWh[z, p] \ + mod.RPS_Shortage_MWh_Expression[z, p] \ >= mod.RPS_Target[z, p] m.RPS_Target_Constraint = Constraint(m.RPS_ZONE_PERIODS_WITH_RPS, rule=rps_target_rule) def export_results(scenario_directory, subproblem, stage, m, d): """ :param scenario_directory: :param subproblem: :param stage: :param m: :param d: :return: """ with open(os.path.join(scenario_directory, str(subproblem), str(stage), "results", "rps.csv"), "w", newline="") as rps_results_file: writer = csv.writer(rps_results_file) writer.writerow(["rps_zone", "period", "discount_factor", "number_years_represented", "rps_target_mwh", "delivered_rps_energy_mwh", "curtailed_rps_energy_mwh", "total_rps_energy_mwh", "fraction_of_rps_target_met", "fraction_of_rps_energy_curtailed", "rps_shortage_mwh"]) for (z, p) in m.RPS_ZONE_PERIODS_WITH_RPS: writer.writerow([ z, p, m.discount_factor[p], m.number_years_represented[p], value(m.RPS_Target[z, p]), value(m.Total_Delivered_RPS_Energy_MWh[z, p]), value(m.Total_Curtailed_RPS_Energy_MWh[z, p]), value(m.Total_Delivered_RPS_Energy_MWh[z, p]) + value(m.Total_Curtailed_RPS_Energy_MWh[z, p]), 1 if float(m.rps_target_mwh[z, p]) == 0 else value( m.Total_Delivered_RPS_Energy_MWh[z, p]) / float(m.rps_target_mwh[z, p]), 0 if (value(m.Total_Delivered_RPS_Energy_MWh[z, p]) + value(m.Total_Curtailed_RPS_Energy_MWh[z, p])) == 0 else value(m.Total_Curtailed_RPS_Energy_MWh[z, p]) / (value(m.Total_Delivered_RPS_Energy_MWh[z, p]) + value(m.Total_Curtailed_RPS_Energy_MWh[z, p])), value(m.RPS_Shortage_MWh_Expression[z, p]) ]) def save_duals(m): m.constraint_indices["RPS_Target_Constraint"] = \ ["rps_zone", "period", "dual"] def summarize_results(scenario_directory, subproblem, stage): """ :param scenario_directory: :param subproblem: :param stage: :return: Summarize RPS policy results """ summary_results_file = os.path.join( scenario_directory, subproblem, stage, "results", "summary_results.txt" ) # Open in 'append' mode, so that results already written by other # modules are not overridden with open(summary_results_file, "a") as outfile: outfile.write( "\n### RPS RESULTS ###\n" ) # All these files are small, so won't be setting indices # Get the main RPS results file rps_df = \ pd.read_csv(os.path.join(scenario_directory, str(subproblem), str(stage), "results", "rps.csv") ) # Get the RPS dual results rps_duals_df = \ pd.read_csv(os.path.join(scenario_directory, str(subproblem), str(stage), "results", "RPS_Target_Constraint.csv") ) # # Get the input metadata for periods # periods_df = \ # pd.read_csv(os.path.join(scenario_directory, "inputs", "periods.tab"), # sep="\t") # Join the above results_df = pd.DataFrame( pd.merge( left=rps_df, right=rps_duals_df, how="left", left_on=["rps_zone", "period"], right_on=["rps_zone", "period"] ) ) results_df.set_index(["rps_zone", "period"], inplace=True, verify_integrity=True) # Calculate: # 1) the percent of RPS energy that was curtailed # 2) the marginal RPS cost per MWh based on the RPS constraint duals -- # to convert back to 'real' dollars, we need to divide by the discount # factor and the number of years a period represents results_df["percent_curtailed"] = pd.Series( index=results_df.index, dtype="float64" ) results_df["rps_marginal_cost_per_mwh"] = pd.Series( index=results_df.index, dtype="float64" ) pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None # default='warn' for indx, row in results_df.iterrows(): if (results_df.delivered_rps_energy_mwh[indx] + results_df.curtailed_rps_energy_mwh[indx]) == 0: pct = 0 else: pct = results_df.curtailed_rps_energy_mwh[indx] \ / (results_df.delivered_rps_energy_mwh[indx] + results_df.curtailed_rps_energy_mwh[indx]) * 100 results_df.percent_curtailed[indx] = pct results_df.rps_marginal_cost_per_mwh[indx] = \ results_df.dual[indx] \ / (results_df.discount_factor[indx] * results_df.number_years_represented[indx]) # Drop unnecessary columns before exporting results_df.drop("discount_factor", axis=1, inplace=True) results_df.drop("number_years_represented", axis=1, inplace=True) results_df.drop("total_rps_energy_mwh", axis=1, inplace=True) results_df.drop("fraction_of_rps_target_met", axis=1, inplace=True) results_df.drop("fraction_of_rps_energy_curtailed", axis=1, inplace=True) results_df.drop("rps_shortage_mwh", axis=1, inplace=True) # Rearrange the columns cols = results_df.columns.tolist() cols = cols[0:3] + [cols[4]] + [cols[3]] + [cols[5]] results_df = results_df[cols] results_df.sort_index(inplace=True) with open(summary_results_file, "a") as outfile: results_df.to_string(outfile, float_format="{:,.2f}".format) outfile.write("\n") def import_results_into_database( scenario_id, subproblem, stage, c, db, results_directory, quiet ): """ :param scenario_id: :param c: :param db: :param results_directory: :param quiet: :return: """ # Delete prior results and create temporary import table for ordering setup_results_import( conn=db, cursor=c, table="results_system_rps", scenario_id=scenario_id, subproblem=subproblem, stage=stage ) # Load results into the temporary table results = [] with open(os.path.join(results_directory, "rps.csv"), "r") as \ rps_file: reader = csv.reader(rps_file) next(reader) # skip header for row in reader: rps_zone = row[0] period = row[1] discount_factor = row[2] number_years = row[3] rps_target = row[4] rps_provision = row[5] curtailment = row[6] total = row[7] fraction_met = row[8] fraction_curtailed = row[9] shortage = row[10] results.append( (scenario_id, rps_zone, period, subproblem, stage, discount_factor, number_years, rps_target, rps_provision, curtailment, total, fraction_met, fraction_curtailed, shortage) ) insert_temp_sql = """ INSERT INTO temp_results_system_rps{} (scenario_id, rps_zone, period, subproblem_id, stage_id, discount_factor, number_years_represented, rps_target_mwh, delivered_rps_energy_mwh, curtailed_rps_energy_mwh, total_rps_energy_mwh, fraction_of_rps_target_met, fraction_of_rps_energy_curtailed, rps_shortage_mwh) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?); """.format(scenario_id) spin_on_database_lock(conn=db, cursor=c, sql=insert_temp_sql, data=results) # Insert sorted results into permanent results table insert_sql = """ INSERT INTO results_system_rps (scenario_id, rps_zone, period, subproblem_id, stage_id, discount_factor, number_years_represented, rps_target_mwh, delivered_rps_energy_mwh, curtailed_rps_energy_mwh, total_rps_energy_mwh, fraction_of_rps_target_met, fraction_of_rps_energy_curtailed, rps_shortage_mwh) SELECT scenario_id, rps_zone, period, subproblem_id, stage_id, discount_factor, number_years_represented, rps_target_mwh, delivered_rps_energy_mwh, curtailed_rps_energy_mwh, total_rps_energy_mwh, fraction_of_rps_target_met, fraction_of_rps_energy_curtailed, rps_shortage_mwh FROM temp_results_system_rps{} ORDER BY scenario_id, rps_zone, period, subproblem_id, stage_id; """.format(scenario_id) spin_on_database_lock(conn=db, cursor=c, sql=insert_sql, data=(), many=False) # Update duals duals_results = [] with open(os.path.join(results_directory, "RPS_Target_Constraint.csv"), "r") as rps_duals_file: reader = csv.reader(rps_duals_file) next(reader) # skip header for row in reader: duals_results.append( (row[2], row[0], row[1], scenario_id, subproblem, stage) ) duals_sql = """ UPDATE results_system_rps SET dual = ? WHERE rps_zone = ? AND period = ? AND scenario_id = ? AND subproblem_id = ? AND stage_id = ?; """ spin_on_database_lock(conn=db, cursor=c, sql=duals_sql, data=duals_results) # Calculate marginal RPS cost per MWh mc_sql = """ UPDATE results_system_rps SET rps_marginal_cost_per_mwh = dual / (discount_factor * number_years_represented) WHERE scenario_id = ? AND subproblem_id = ? and stage_id = ?; """ spin_on_database_lock(conn=db, cursor=c, sql=mc_sql, data=(scenario_id, subproblem, stage), many=False)
<filename>root_gnn/src/models/decay_simulator.py import tensorflow as tf import sonnet as snt from graph_nets import utils_tf from graph_nets import modules from graph_nets import blocks from root_gnn.src.models.base import InteractionNetwork from root_gnn.src.models.base import make_mlp_model from root_gnn.src.models.base import MLPGraphNetwork LATENT_SIZE = 128 # do not change.. should be the same value as in base.py class DecaySimulator(snt.Module): def __init__(self, name="DecaySimulator"): super(DecaySimulator, self).__init__(name=name) self._node_linear = make_mlp_model() self._node_rnn = snt.GRU(hidden_size=LATENT_SIZE, name='node_rnn') self._node_proper = snt.nets.MLP([4], activate_final=False) self._edge_block = blocks.EdgeBlock( edge_model_fn=make_mlp_model, use_edges=False, use_receiver_nodes=True, use_sender_nodes=True, use_globals=False, name='edge_encoder_block' ) self._node_encoder_block = blocks.NodeBlock( node_model_fn=make_mlp_model, use_received_edges=False, use_sent_edges=False, use_nodes=True, use_globals=False, name='node_encoder_block' ) self._global_encoder_block = blocks.GlobalBlock( global_model_fn=make_mlp_model, use_edges=True, use_nodes=True, use_globals=False, nodes_reducer=tf.math.unsorted_segment_sum, edges_reducer=tf.math.unsorted_segment_sum, name='global_encoder_block' ) self._core = MLPGraphNetwork() # self._core = InteractionNetwork( # edge_model_fn=make_mlp_model, # node_model_fn=make_mlp_model, # reducer=tf.math.unsorted_segment_sum # ) # # Transforms the outputs into appropriate shapes. node_output_size = 64 node_fn =lambda: snt.Sequential([ snt.nets.MLP([node_output_size], activation=tf.nn.relu, # default is relu name='node_output')]) global_output_size = 1 global_fn = lambda: snt.Sequential([ snt.nets.MLP([global_output_size], activation=tf.nn.relu, # default is relu name='global_output'), tf.sigmoid]) self._output_transform = modules.GraphIndependent( edge_model_fn=None, node_model_fn=node_fn, global_model_fn=global_fn) def __call__(self, input_op, max_nodes): node_pred = [] global_pred = [] node_hidden_state = tf.zeros([1, LATENT_SIZE], dtype=tf.float32, name='initial_node_hidden') latent = input_op for inode in range(max_nodes): # print("----loopping----", inode) # print(latent.nodes.numpy()) # print(latent.n_node.numpy()) # print(latent.edges.numpy()) # print(latent.senders.numpy()) # print(latent.receivers.numpy()) nodes = latent.nodes # encode nodes, edges and globals # write separately for easily debugging latent = self._node_encoder_block(latent) latent = self._edge_block(latent) latent = self._global_encoder_block(latent) # message passing and output predictions latent = self._core(latent) latent = self._output_transform(latent) node_embedding = self._node_linear(latent.nodes) node_embedding = tf.math.reduce_sum(node_embedding, axis=0, keepdims=True, name='reduce_node_embedding') # print("node embedding:", node_embedding.shape) # print("node hiddent state:", node_hidden_state.shape) node_embedding, node_hidden_state = self._node_rnn(node_embedding, node_hidden_state) node_output = self._node_proper(node_embedding) # save output for loss calculations global_pred.append(latent.globals) node_pred.append(tf.squeeze(node_output)) # update the graph by adding a new node with features as predicted # construct a fully-connected graph # n_node_tobe = [tf.add(latent.n_node[0], 1)] n_nodes = tf.math.reduce_sum(latent.n_node) n_nodes = tf.add(n_nodes, 1) nodes_tobe = tf.concat([nodes, node_output], axis=0, name='add_new_node') rng = tf.range(n_nodes) receivers, senders = tf.meshgrid(rng, rng) n_edge = n_nodes * n_nodes ind = tf.cast(1 - tf.eye(n_nodes), bool) receivers = tf.boolean_mask(receivers, ind) senders = tf.boolean_mask(senders, ind) n_edge -= n_nodes receivers = tf.reshape(tf.cast(receivers, tf.int32), [n_edge]) senders = tf.reshape(tf.cast(senders, tf.int32), [n_edge]) edges = tf.ones([1, 1], dtype=tf.float32) n_edge = tf.reshape(n_edge, [1]) n_node = tf.reshape(n_nodes, [1]) latent = latent.replace(nodes=nodes_tobe, n_node=n_node,\ n_edge=n_edge, edges=edges, senders=senders, receivers=receivers) return node_pred, global_pred
# Copyright 2020 - 2021 MONAI Consortium # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ Wrapper around NVIDIA Tools Extension for profiling MONAI ignite workflow """ from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, Tuple, Union from monai.config import IgniteInfo from monai.utils import ensure_tuple, min_version, optional_import _nvtx, _ = optional_import("torch._C._nvtx", descriptor="NVTX is not installed. Are you sure you have a CUDA build?") if TYPE_CHECKING: from ignite.engine import Engine, Events else: Engine, _ = optional_import("ignite.engine", IgniteInfo.OPT_IMPORT_VERSION, min_version, "Engine") Events, _ = optional_import("ignite.engine", IgniteInfo.OPT_IMPORT_VERSION, min_version, "Events") __all__ = ["RangeHandler", "RangePushHandler", "RangePopHandler", "MarkHandler"] class RangeHandler: """ Attach a NVTX range to a pair of Ignite events. It pushes an NVTX range at the first event and pops it at the second event. Stores zero-based depth of the range that is started. Args: events: a string, pair of Ignite events, pair of Ignite event literals, or pair of Ignite events and literals. If a single string is provided, it should describe the base name of a pair of default Ignite events with _STARTED and _COMPLETED postfix (like "EPOCH" for Events.EPOCH_STARTED and Events.EPOCH_COMPLETED). The accepted events are: BATCH, ITERATION, EPOCH, and ENGINE. If pair of literals, each should be the literal equivalent of an Ignite event, fo instance: ("EPOCH_STARTED" and "EPOCH_COMPLETED"). One can combine events and literals, like (Events.EPOCH_STARTED and "EPOCH_COMPLETED"). For the complete list of Events, check https://pytorch.org/ignite/generated/ignite.engine.events.Events.html. msg: ASCII message to associate with range. If not provided, the name of first event will be assigned to the NVTX range. """ def __init__( self, events: Union[str, Tuple[Union[str, Events], Union[str, Events]]], msg: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: self.events = self.resolve_events(events) if msg is None: if isinstance(events, str): # assign the prefix of the events msg = events else: # combine events' names msg = "/".join([e.name for e in self.events]) self.msg = msg self.depth = None def resolve_events(self, events: Union[str, Tuple]) -> Tuple[Events, Events]: """ Resolve the input events to create a pair of Ignite events """ events = ensure_tuple(events) if len(events) == 1: return self.create_paired_events(events[0]) if len(events) == 2: return (self.get_event(events[0]), self.get_event(events[1])) raise ValueError(f"Exactly two Ignite events should be provided [received {len(events)}].") def create_paired_events(self, event: str) -> Tuple[Events, Events]: """ Create pair of Ignite events from a event prefix name """ event = event.upper() event_prefix = {"": "", "ENGINE": "", "EPOCH": "EPOCH_", "ITERATION": "ITERATION_", "BATCH": "GET_BATCH_"} return (self.get_event(event_prefix[event] + "STARTED"), self.get_event(event_prefix[event] + "COMPLETED")) def get_event(self, event: Union[str, Events]) -> Events: return Events[event.upper()] if isinstance(event, str) else event def attach(self, engine: Engine) -> None: """ Attach an NVTX Range to specific Ignite events Args: engine: Ignite Engine, it can be a trainer, validator or evaluator. """ engine.add_event_handler(self.events[0], self.range_push) engine.add_event_handler(self.events[1], self.range_pop) def range_push(self): self.depth = _nvtx.rangePushA(self.msg) def range_pop(self): _nvtx.rangePop() class RangePushHandler: """ At a specific event, pushes a range onto a stack of nested range span. Stores zero-based depth of the range that is started. Args: msg: ASCII message to associate with range """ def __init__(self, event: Union[str, Events], msg: Optional[str] = None) -> None: self.event = Events[event.upper()] if isinstance(event, str) else event if msg is None: msg = self.event.name self.msg = msg self.depth = None def attach(self, engine: Engine) -> None: """ Push an NVTX range at a specific Ignite event Args: engine: Ignite Engine, it can be a trainer, validator or evaluator. """ engine.add_event_handler(self.event, self.range_push) def range_push(self): self.depth = _nvtx.rangePushA(self.msg) class RangePopHandler: """ At a specific event, pop a previously pushed range. Stores zero-based depth of the range that is started. Args: msg: ASCII message to associate with range """ def __init__(self, event: Union[str, Events]) -> None: self.event = Events[event.upper()] if isinstance(event, str) else event def attach(self, engine: Engine) -> None: """ Pop an NVTX range at a specific Ignite event Args: engine: Ignite Engine, it can be a trainer, validator or evaluator. """ engine.add_event_handler(self.event, self.range_pop) def range_pop(self): _nvtx.rangePop() class MarkHandler: """ Mark an instantaneous event that occurred at some point. Args: msg: ASCII message to associate with range """ def __init__(self, event: Union[str, Events], msg: Optional[str] = None) -> None: self.event = Events[event.upper()] if isinstance(event, str) else event if msg is None: msg = self.event.name self.msg = msg def attach(self, engine: Engine) -> None: """ Add an NVTX mark to a specific Ignite event Args: engine: Ignite Engine, it can be a trainer, validator or evaluator. """ engine.add_event_handler(self.event, self.mark) def mark(self): _nvtx.markA(self.msg)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os from os import listdir from os.path import isfile, join, isdir, basename, split from azure.storage.blob import ContentSettings, BlobServiceClient, BlobClient, ContainerClient, __version__ from typing import List, Set, Dict, Tuple, Optional import mimetypes def help(): print(""" This will contain the help for this monster. Following data is required: * Connection string: AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING * Container name * Source directory * Destination directory - default / This is going to work only with the environment variables. Main reason is that this is meant to be executed from the AKS or Kubernetes cluster. The source directory takes only the last part. E.g. if you have source directory: /home/testuser/source And destination directory is: / Then the destination directory structure will be: /source """) def check_environment_variables(): mandatory = [ 'AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING', 'SOURCE_DIRECTORY', 'AZURE_STORAGE_CONTAINER' ] for variable in mandatory: if variable not in os.environ: print(f'The environment variable {variable} is missing.') exit(1) Files = List[str] def get_files(path : str, current_list : Files = [] ) -> Files: files = [] directories = [ path ] for path in directories: for item in listdir(path): fullpath = join(path, item) if isfile(fullpath): files.append(fullpath) elif isdir(fullpath): directories.append(fullpath) return files def get_prefix(path : str ) -> str: (path, endpart ) = split(path) while not endpart and path: (path, endpart ) = split(path) return path def upload_files(source_dir : str, files : Files, connection_string : str, container : str, destination : str, cache_setting : str ): path_end_position = len(get_prefix('.'+source_dir)) container_client = BlobServiceClient.from_connection_string(connection_string).get_container_client(container) for file in files: target_name=join(destination, file[path_end_position:]) mimetype = mimetypes.guess_type(file)[0] print(f"Copying file {file} to {target_name} of type {mimetype}") with open(file, "rb") as data: blob_client = container_client.upload_blob(name=target_name, data=data, overwrite=True, content_settings=ContentSettings( content_type=mimetype, cache_control = cache_setting) ) def sanitize_destination(path : str) -> str: """ Function removes the leading / characters. They're messing up the directory structure. """ if not path: path = "" while len(path) > 0 and path[0] == '/': path = path[1:] return path def main(): check_environment_variables() connection_string = os.getenv('AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING') source_dir = os.getenv("SOURCE_DIRECTORY") contaner_name = os.getenv("AZURE_STORAGE_CONTAINER") destination_directory = sanitize_destination( os.getenv("DESTINATION_DIRECTORY")) cache_setting = os.getenv("CACHE_CONTROL") blob_service_client = BlobServiceClient.from_connection_string(connection_string) files = get_files(source_dir) upload_files(source_dir, files, connection_string, contaner_name, destination_directory, cache_setting) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
<reponame>alperkamil/csrl """ Omega-Automata """ from subprocess import check_output import random import numpy as np import os import re import importlib from itertools import chain, combinations if importlib.util.find_spec('spot'): import spot else: spot=None class OmegaAutomaton: """Transforms the LTL formula to an omega-automaton (OA) and stores the specifications. Attributes ---------- q0 : int The initial state of the OA. delta : list of dicts The transition function of the OA. delta[q][label_set] is the number of the state that the OA makes a transition to when it consumes the label_set in the state q. eps : list of lists The epsilon-moves of the OA. epsilon_moves[q] is the set of states the OA can nondeterministically make a transition from state q. acc : array, shape (n_qs,n_pairs) The n_qs x n_pairs matrix that represents the accepting condition. If acc[q][i] is false then it means that q belongs to the first set of ith Rabin pair, if it is true, then q belongs to the second set and if it is none q doesn't belong either of them. The Buchi condition is represented by a single Rabin pair. shape : tuple The pair of the number of the Rabin pairs and the number of states in the OA, i.e. : (n_pairs,n_qs) spot_oa : spot.twa_graph The spot twa_graph object of the OA for visualization. Parameters ---------- ltl : str The linear temporal logic (LTL) formula to be transformed to a OA. oa_type : str The type of the OA to be constructed. The default value is 'ldba' """ def __init__(self,ltl,oa_type='ldba'): self.oa_type = oa_type q0, delta, acc, eps, shape, spot_oa = self.ltl2oa(ltl) self.q0 = q0 self.delta = delta self.acc = acc self.shape = shape self.spot_oa = spot_oa self.eps = eps def ltl2oa(self,ltl): """Constructs and returns dictionaries and lists containing the specifications of an OA obtained by translation from the ltl property. It parses the output of ltl2ldba or ltl2dra for the ltl formula and creates a objects that store the specification of the OA. Parameters ---------- ltl : str The linear temporal logic (LTL) formula to be transformed to a OA. Returns ------- out : (q0, delta, acc, eps, shape, spot_oa) The tuple of the initial state q0, the list of dictionaries of transitions delta, the list of dictionaries of the accepting transitions, the list of lists of epsilon-moves, the pair of the number of the Rabin pairs and the number of states and the spot object of the OA. """ # Translate the LTL formula to an OA using Rabinizer 4. out=check_output(['ltl2ldba', '-d', '-e', ltl] if self.oa_type == 'ldba' else ['ltl2dra', '-c', ltl]) # Split the output into two parts: the header and the body header, body = out.decode('utf-8').split('--BODY--\n') # Parse the initial state, the atomic propositions and the number of Rabin pairs for line in header.splitlines(): if line.startswith('Start'): q0 = int(line[7:]) # The initial state elif line.startswith('AP'): char_map = {i:c for i,c in enumerate(re.sub("[^\w]", " ", line[4:]).split()[1:])} # Maps ids to atomic propositions ap_list = [tuple(ap) for ap in self.powerset(sorted(char_map.values()))] # The list of all subsets of AP. elif line.startswith('Acceptance'): n_pairs = int(line.split()[1])//2 # Zero for the Buchi condition body_lines = body.splitlines()[:-1] # Ignore the last line # Get the number of states n_qs = 0 # The number of states for line in reversed(body_lines): # Loop over all states because the states might not be ordered. if line.startswith('State'): n_qs = max(int(line[7:]),n_qs) # Get the maximum of them n_qs += 2 # +1 because the index origin is 0 and +1 for the trap state n_i = max(1,n_pairs) # Because n_pairs is zero for the Buchi condition shape = n_i, n_qs # The transition function delta[q][label] stores the next state The OA makes a transition when the it consumes 'label' at state 'q'. delta = [{ap:n_qs-1 for ap in ap_list} for i in range(n_qs)] # The default target of a transition is the trap state whose index is n_qs-1 acc = [{ap:[None]*n_i for ap in ap_list} for i in range(n_qs)] # The default acceptance value is None, meaning the transition does not belong to any acceptance set. eps = [[] for i in range(n_qs)] # The epsilon moves in the OA. eps[q] is the list of states can be reached from `q` by making an epsilon-transition. # Parse the transitions, acceptance values q=-1 # The state to be parsed for line in body_lines: if line.startswith('State'): q = int(line[7:]) # Update the state to be parsed else: # Parse the transition into three parts _, _label, _dst, _, _acc_set = re.findall('(\[(.*)\])? ?(\d+) ?(\{(.*)\})?',line)[0] dst = int(_dst) # Get the destination if not _label: # If there is no label then the transition is an epsilon-move eps[q].append(dst) else: # Get the acceptance status of the transition acc_set = set([int(a) for a in _acc_set.split()]) # The set of acceptance states that the transition belongs to if not n_pairs: # acc_name == 'Buchi': t_acc = [True if 0 in acc_set else None] # If it is an Buchi set, then it is True and None otherwise else: t_acc = [None]*n_pairs for i in range(n_pairs): # For each Rabin pairs if 2*i+1 in acc_set: t_acc[i] = True # True if it belongs to the second set of the Rabin pair if 2*i in acc_set: t_acc[i] = False # False if it belongs to the first set of the Rabin pair labels = [''] _labels = re.compile('[()]').split(_label) # The transitions might have subformulas for _l in _labels: labels = [l+_ll for l in labels for _ll in _l.split('|')] # Add all the combinations for label in labels: if label == 't': # Means all the transitions label_acc, label_rej = set(()), set(()) else: ls = list(filter(None,re.compile('[\s&]').split(label))) # Get the atoms label_acc = set([char_map[int(l)] for l in ls if not l.startswith('!')]) # Transitions having these atoms label_rej = set([char_map[int(l[1:])] for l in ls if l.startswith('!')]) # Transitions that doesn't have these for ap in delta[q]: # Find all the matching transitions # If matches, update the transition properties if not(label_acc-set(ap)) and (label_rej-set(ap))==label_rej: delta[q][ap] = dst acc[q][ap] = t_acc # Construct a spot object for visualization if spot: filename = self.random_hoa_filename() with open(filename,'wb') as f: f.write(check_output(['ltl2ldba', '-d', ltl] if self.oa_type == 'ldba' else ['ltl2dra', '-c', ltl])) spot.setup() spot_oa = spot.automaton(filename) spot_oa.merge_edges() # For better visualization os.remove(filename) else: spot_oa=None return q0, delta, acc, eps, shape, spot_oa def powerset(self,a): """Returns the power set of the given list. Parameters ---------- a : list The input list. Returns ------- out: str The power set of the list. """ return chain.from_iterable(combinations(a, k) for k in range(len(a)+1)) def _repr_html_(self,show=None): """Returns the string of svg representation of the OA within div tags to plot in a Jupyter notebook. Returns ------- out: str The string of svg representation of the OA within div tags. """ if spot: return '<div>%s</div>' % self.spot_oa.show(show)._repr_svg_() def random_hoa_filename(self): """Returns a random file name. Returns ------- filename: str A random file name. """ filename = 'temp_%032x.hoa' % random.getrandbits(128) while os.path.isfile(filename): filename = 'temp_%032x.hoa' % random.getrandbits(128) return filename
# Copyright 2021 The TensorFlow Probability Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================ """Utilities for inferring and representing seasonality.""" import collections import enum import numpy as np import tensorflow.compat.v2 as tf from tensorflow_probability.python.internal import prefer_static as ps class SeasonTypes(enum.Enum): SECOND_OF_MINUTE = 0, MINUTE_OF_HOUR = 1, HOUR_OF_DAY = 2, DAY_OF_WEEK = 3 MONTH_OF_YEAR = 4 SeasonConversion = collections.namedtuple( 'SeasonConversion', ['num', 'duration']) _SEASONAL_PROTOTYPES = collections.OrderedDict({ SeasonTypes.SECOND_OF_MINUTE: SeasonConversion(num=60, duration=1), SeasonTypes.MINUTE_OF_HOUR: SeasonConversion(num=60, duration=60), SeasonTypes.HOUR_OF_DAY: SeasonConversion(num=24, duration=3600), SeasonTypes.DAY_OF_WEEK: SeasonConversion(num=7, duration=86400) }) def create_seasonal_structure(frequency, num_steps, min_cycles=2): """Creates a set of suitable seasonal structures for a time series. Args: frequency: a Pandas `pd.DateOffset` instance. num_steps: Python `int` number of steps at the given frequency. min_cycles: Python `int` minimum number of cycles to include an effect. Returns: A dictionary of SeasonConversion instances representing different seasonal components. Example 1: For data.index.freq: pd.DateOffset(hours=1) Seasonal components: { SeasonTypes.HOUR_OF_DAY: SeasonConversion(num=24, duration=1), SeasonTypes.DAY_OF_WEEK: SeasonConversion(num=7, duration=24) } Example 2: For data.index.freq: pd.DateOffset(seconds=30) Seasonal components: { SeasonTypes.SECOND_OF_MINUTE: SeasonConversion(num=2, duration=1), SeasonTypes.MINUTE_OF_HOUR: SeasonConversion(num=60, duration=2), SeasonTypes.HOUR_OF_DAY: SeasonConversion(num=24, duration=120), SeasonTypes.DAY_OF_WEEK: SeasonConversion(num=7, duration=2880) } If the frequency is N times per year, for integer 2 <= N <= 12 (e.g., 12 for monthly or 4 for quarterly), then a fixed structure of (N, 1) will be created. """ num_periods = periods_per_year(frequency) if num_periods is not None: # Fixed structure for monthly or quarterly data. return { SeasonTypes.MONTH_OF_YEAR: SeasonConversion(num=num_periods, duration=1) } # Compute seasonal components by cycling through _SEASONAL_PROTOTYPES and # filter out None components. components = { # pylint: disable=g-complex-comprehension k: make_component(v, frequency=frequency, num_steps=num_steps, min_cycles=min_cycles) for k, v in _SEASONAL_PROTOTYPES.items()} return {k: v for (k, v) in components.items() if v is not None} def make_component(season_tuple, frequency, num_steps, min_cycles=2): """Make a seasonal component from a template component. This is a helper function to the _create_seasonal_structure() method. It takes a SeasonConversion instance from _SEASONAL_PROTOTYPES and creates a seasonal component based on the number of observations `num_steps` in the data and the time series frequency `freq_sec`. A custom seasonal component is created if it fulfills 4 conditions: Condition 1: time series must cover at least _MIN_CYCLES full cycles. Condition 2: full cycle must be a multiple of the granularity. Condition 3: if the season is longer than the granularity, it must be a multiple of the granularity. Condition 4: number of seasons must be greater than 1. Args: season_tuple: an `SeasonConversion` instance the number of seasons, and season duration for a template seasonal component e.g. (60, 1) for seconds-of-minute or (60, 60) for minute-of-hour. See _SEASONAL_PROTOTYPES for more details. frequency: a `pd.DateOffset` instance. num_steps: Python `int` number of steps at the given frequency. min_cycles: Python `int` minimum number of cycles to include an effect. Returns: An `SeasonConversion` instance, where num and duration is the inferred structure for the seasonal component. If a seasonal component can not be created it returns None for that component. """ freq_sec = freq_to_seconds(frequency) if not freq_sec: return None num_seasons = season_tuple.num duration_seconds = season_tuple.duration # None component returned if no component can be created below. component = None # Condition 1: time series must cover at least _MIN_CYCLES full cycles. minimum_observations = ((num_seasons * duration_seconds * min_cycles) / freq_sec) cond1 = num_steps >= minimum_observations # Condition 2: full cycle must be a multiple of the granularity. cond2 = (num_seasons * duration_seconds) % freq_sec == 0 # Condition 3: if the season is longer than the granularity, it must be a # multiple of the granularity. cond3 = ((duration_seconds <= freq_sec) or (duration_seconds % freq_sec == 0)) if cond1 and cond2 and cond3: nseasons = min(num_seasons * duration_seconds / freq_sec, num_seasons) season_duration = max(duration_seconds / freq_sec, 1) # Condition 4: number of seasons must be greater than 1. cond4 = ((nseasons > 1) and (nseasons <= num_seasons)) if cond4: component = SeasonConversion( num=int(nseasons), duration=int(season_duration)) return component def _design_matrix_for_one_seasonal_effect(num_steps, duration, period, dtype): current_period = np.int32(np.arange(num_steps) / duration) % period return np.transpose([ ps.where(current_period == p, # pylint: disable=g-complex-comprehension ps.ones([], dtype=dtype), ps.zeros([], dtype=dtype)) for p in range(period)]) def build_fixed_effects(num_steps, seasonal_structure=None, covariates=None, dtype=tf.float32): """Builds a design matrix treating seasonality as fixed-effects regression.""" if seasonal_structure is None: seasonal_structure = {} if seasonal_structure: design_matrix = ps.concat( [ _design_matrix_for_one_seasonal_effect( num_steps, seasonal_effect.duration, seasonal_effect.num, dtype) for seasonal_effect in seasonal_structure.values() ], axis=-1) else: design_matrix = ps.ones([num_steps, 1], dtype=dtype) if covariates: design_matrix = ps.concat( [design_matrix] + [tf.convert_to_tensor(x)[..., :num_steps, :] for x in covariates], axis=-1) return design_matrix def freq_to_seconds(freq): """Converts time series DateOffset frequency to seconds.""" if not freq: return None if not is_fixed_duration(freq): return None freq_secs = 0. for kwds_unit, kwds_value in freq.kwds.items(): switch_to_seconds = { 'weeks': kwds_value * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7, 'days': kwds_value * 60 * 60 * 24, 'hours': kwds_value * 60 * 60, 'minutes': kwds_value * 60, 'seconds': kwds_value } freq_secs += switch_to_seconds[kwds_unit] return freq_secs def periods_per_year(frequency): """Counts number of steps that equal a year, if defined and 2 <= N <= 12.""" # pylint: disable=unused-import,g-import-not-at-top import pandas as pd # Defer import to avoid a package-level Pandas dep. # pylint: enable=unused-import,g-import-not-at-top if is_fixed_duration(frequency): return None # No fixed duration divides both leap and non-leap years. start = pd.Timestamp('1900-01-01') # Align the start date with any constraints imposed by the frequency, e.g., # `pd.offsets.MonthEnd()`. start = (start + frequency) - frequency end = start + pd.DateOffset(years=1) for num_steps in range(2, 13): if start + num_steps * frequency == end: return num_steps return None def is_fixed_duration(frequency): """Determines if a `pd.DateOffset` represents a fixed number of seconds.""" # pylint: disable=unused-import,g-import-not-at-top import pandas as pd # Defer import to avoid a package-level Pandas dep. # pylint: enable=unused-import,g-import-not-at-top # Most Pandas offsets define `self.nanos` if and only if they are # fixed-duration (this is checked below), but `pd.DateOffset` doesn't do # this for some reason, so handle this case explicitly. if type(frequency) == pd.DateOffset: # pylint: disable=unidiomatic-typecheck if frequency.kwds.get('months', 0) != 0: return False if frequency.kwds.get('years', 0) != 0: return False return True # Handle custom frequencies like `pd.offsets.MonthsEnd()`. try: frequency.nanos except ValueError: return False return True
<reponame>sohwaje/oci-ansible-collection<gh_stars>0 #!/usr/bin/python # Copyright (c) 2020, 2021 Oracle and/or its affiliates. # This software is made available to you under the terms of the GPL 3.0 license or the Apache 2.0 license. # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # Apache License v2.0 # See LICENSE.TXT for details. # GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT - MANUAL CHANGES WILL BE OVERWRITTEN from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type ANSIBLE_METADATA = { "metadata_version": "1.1", "status": ["preview"], "supported_by": "community", } DOCUMENTATION = """ --- module: oci_database_migration_job_actions short_description: Perform actions on a Job resource in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure description: - Perform actions on a Job resource in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - "For I(action=abort), note: Deprecated. Use the new resource model APIs instead. Aborts a Migration Job (either Evaluation or Migration)." - "For I(action=resume), note: Deprecated. Use the new resource model APIs instead. Resume a migration Job." version_added: "2.9.0" author: Oracle (@oracle) options: job_id: description: - The OCID of the job type: str aliases: ["id"] required: true wait_after: description: - Name of a migration phase. The Job will wait after executing this phase until Resume Job endpoint is called again. - Applicable only for I(action=resume). type: str choices: - "ODMS_VALIDATE_TGT" - "ODMS_VALIDATE_SRC" - "ODMS_VALIDATE_GG_HUB" - "ODMS_VALIDATE_DATAPUMP_SETTINGS" - "ODMS_VALIDATE_DATAPUMP_SETTINGS_SRC" - "ODMS_VALIDATE_DATAPUMP_SETTINGS_TGT" - "ODMS_VALIDATE" - "ODMS_PREPARE" - "ODMS_INITIAL_LOAD_EXPORT" - "ODMS_DATA_UPLOAD" - "ODMS_INITIAL_LOAD_IMPORT" - "ODMS_POST_INITIAL_LOAD" - "ODMS_PREPARE_REPLICATION_TARGET" - "ODMS_MONITOR_REPLICATION_LAG" - "ODMS_SWITCHOVER" - "ODMS_CLEANUP" action: description: - The action to perform on the Job. type: str required: true choices: - "abort" - "resume" extends_documentation_fragment: [ oracle.oci.oracle, oracle.oci.oracle_wait_options ] """ EXAMPLES = """ - name: Perform action abort on job oci_database_migration_job_actions: job_id: "ocid1.job.oc1..xxxxxxEXAMPLExxxxxx" action: abort - name: Perform action resume on job oci_database_migration_job_actions: job_id: "ocid1.job.oc1..xxxxxxEXAMPLExxxxxx" action: resume """ RETURN = """ job: description: - Details of the Job resource acted upon by the current operation returned: on success type: complex contains: id: description: - The OCID of the Migration Job. returned: on success type: str sample: "ocid1.resource.oc1..xxxxxxEXAMPLExxxxxx" display_name: description: - Name of the job. returned: on success type: str sample: display_name_example migration_id: description: - The OCID of the Migration that this job belongs to. returned: on success type: str sample: "ocid1.migration.oc1..xxxxxxEXAMPLExxxxxx" type: description: - The job type. returned: on success type: str sample: EVALUATION time_created: description: - The time the Migration Job was created. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string returned: on success type: str sample: "2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00" time_updated: description: - The time the Migration Job was last updated. An RFC3339 formatted datetime string returned: on success type: str sample: "2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00" progress: description: - "" returned: on success type: complex contains: current_status: description: - Current status of the job. returned: on success type: str sample: PENDING current_phase: description: - Current phase of the job. returned: on success type: str sample: ODMS_VALIDATE_TGT phases: description: - List of phase status for the job. returned: on success type: complex contains: name: description: - Phase name returned: on success type: str sample: ODMS_VALIDATE_TGT status: description: - Phase status returned: on success type: str sample: PENDING duration_in_ms: description: - Duration of the phase in milliseconds returned: on success type: int sample: 56 progress: description: - Percent progress of job phase. returned: on success type: int sample: 56 unsupported_objects: description: - Database objects not supported. returned: on success type: complex contains: type: description: - Type of unsupported object returned: on success type: str sample: GOLDEN_GATE owner: description: - Owner of the object (regular expression is allowed) returned: on success type: str sample: owner_example object_name: description: - Name of the object (regular expression is allowed) returned: on success type: str sample: object_name_example lifecycle_state: description: - The current state of the migration job. returned: on success type: str sample: ACCEPTED lifecycle_details: description: - A message describing the current state in more detail. For example, can be used to provide actionable information for a resource in Failed state. returned: on success type: str sample: lifecycle_details_example freeform_tags: description: - "Simple key-value pair that is applied without any predefined name, type or scope. Exists for cross-compatibility only. Example: `{\\"bar-key\\": \\"value\\"}`" returned: on success type: dict sample: {'Department': 'Finance'} defined_tags: description: - "Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace. Example: `{\\"foo-namespace\\": {\\"bar-key\\": \\"value\\"}}`" returned: on success type: dict sample: {'Operations': {'CostCenter': 'US'}} system_tags: description: - "Usage of system tag keys. These predefined keys are scoped to namespaces. Example: `{\\"orcl-cloud\\": {\\"free-tier-retained\\": \\"true\\"}}`" returned: on success type: dict sample: {} sample: { "id": "ocid1.resource.oc1..xxxxxxEXAMPLExxxxxx", "display_name": "display_name_example", "migration_id": "ocid1.migration.oc1..xxxxxxEXAMPLExxxxxx", "type": "EVALUATION", "time_created": "2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00", "time_updated": "2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00", "progress": { "current_status": "PENDING", "current_phase": "ODMS_VALIDATE_TGT", "phases": [{ "name": "ODMS_VALIDATE_TGT", "status": "PENDING", "duration_in_ms": 56, "progress": 56 }] }, "unsupported_objects": [{ "type": "GOLDEN_GATE", "owner": "owner_example", "object_name": "object_name_example" }], "lifecycle_state": "ACCEPTED", "lifecycle_details": "lifecycle_details_example", "freeform_tags": {'Department': 'Finance'}, "defined_tags": {'Operations': {'CostCenter': 'US'}}, "system_tags": {} } """ from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible_collections.oracle.oci.plugins.module_utils import ( oci_common_utils, oci_wait_utils, ) from ansible_collections.oracle.oci.plugins.module_utils.oci_resource_utils import ( OCIActionsHelperBase, get_custom_class, ) try: from oci.database_migration import DatabaseMigrationClient from oci.database_migration.models import ResumeJobDetails HAS_OCI_PY_SDK = True except ImportError: HAS_OCI_PY_SDK = False class JobActionsHelperGen(OCIActionsHelperBase): """ Supported actions: abort resume """ @staticmethod def get_module_resource_id_param(): return "job_id" def get_module_resource_id(self): return self.module.params.get("job_id") def get_get_fn(self): return self.client.get_job def get_resource(self): return oci_common_utils.call_with_backoff( self.client.get_job, job_id=self.module.params.get("job_id"), ) def abort(self): return oci_wait_utils.call_and_wait( call_fn=self.client.abort_job, call_fn_args=(), call_fn_kwargs=dict(job_id=self.module.params.get("job_id"),), waiter_type=oci_wait_utils.LIFECYCLE_STATE_WAITER_KEY, operation="{0}_{1}".format( self.module.params.get("action").upper(), oci_common_utils.ACTION_OPERATION_KEY, ), waiter_client=self.get_waiter_client(), resource_helper=self, wait_for_states=self.get_action_desired_states( self.module.params.get("action") ), ) def resume(self): action_details = oci_common_utils.convert_input_data_to_model_class( self.module.params, ResumeJobDetails ) return oci_wait_utils.call_and_wait( call_fn=self.client.resume_job, call_fn_args=(), call_fn_kwargs=dict( job_id=self.module.params.get("job_id"), resume_job_details=action_details, ), waiter_type=oci_wait_utils.LIFECYCLE_STATE_WAITER_KEY, operation="{0}_{1}".format( self.module.params.get("action").upper(), oci_common_utils.ACTION_OPERATION_KEY, ), waiter_client=self.get_waiter_client(), resource_helper=self, wait_for_states=self.get_action_desired_states( self.module.params.get("action") ), ) JobActionsHelperCustom = get_custom_class("JobActionsHelperCustom") class ResourceHelper(JobActionsHelperCustom, JobActionsHelperGen): pass def main(): module_args = oci_common_utils.get_common_arg_spec( supports_create=False, supports_wait=True ) module_args.update( dict( job_id=dict(aliases=["id"], type="str", required=True), wait_after=dict( type="str", choices=[ "ODMS_VALIDATE_TGT", "ODMS_VALIDATE_SRC", "ODMS_VALIDATE_GG_HUB", "ODMS_VALIDATE_DATAPUMP_SETTINGS", "ODMS_VALIDATE_DATAPUMP_SETTINGS_SRC", "ODMS_VALIDATE_DATAPUMP_SETTINGS_TGT", "ODMS_VALIDATE", "ODMS_PREPARE", "ODMS_INITIAL_LOAD_EXPORT", "ODMS_DATA_UPLOAD", "ODMS_INITIAL_LOAD_IMPORT", "ODMS_POST_INITIAL_LOAD", "ODMS_PREPARE_REPLICATION_TARGET", "ODMS_MONITOR_REPLICATION_LAG", "ODMS_SWITCHOVER", "ODMS_CLEANUP", ], ), action=dict(type="str", required=True, choices=["abort", "resume"]), ) ) module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=module_args, supports_check_mode=True) if not HAS_OCI_PY_SDK: module.fail_json(msg="oci python sdk required for this module.") resource_helper = ResourceHelper( module=module, resource_type="job", service_client_class=DatabaseMigrationClient, namespace="database_migration", ) result = resource_helper.perform_action(module.params.get("action")) module.exit_json(**result) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
<reponame>beevans/integrated-manager-for-lustre<filename>chroma_api/log.py # Copyright (c) 2020 DDN. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style # license that can be found in the LICENSE file. from chroma_core.lib.util import normalize_nid from chroma_api.utils import DateSerializer from tastypie import fields from chroma_api.authentication import AnonymousAuthentication, PatchedDjangoAuthorization from chroma_core.models.log import LogMessage, MessageClass from chroma_api.chroma_model_resource import ChromaModelResource class LogAuthorization(PatchedDjangoAuthorization): """ custom authorization class for log retrieval Only users in the superusers and filesystem_administrators groups are allowed to retrieve non-Lustre messages """ def read_list(self, object_list, bundle): request = bundle.request if ( request.user.is_authenticated() and request.user.groups.filter(name__in=["filesystem_administrators", "superusers"]).exists() ): return object_list else: # Lustre messages have a leading space return object_list.filter(message_class__in=[MessageClass.LUSTRE, MessageClass.LUSTRE_ERROR]) class LogResource(ChromaModelResource): """ syslog messages collected by the manager server. """ substitutions = fields.ListField( null=True, help_text="List of dictionaries describing substrings which " "may be used to decorate the 'message' attribute by adding " "hyperlinks. Each substitution has `start`, `end`, `label` " "and `resource_uri` attributes.", ) message_class = fields.CharField( attribute="message_class", help_text="Unicode string. One of %s" % MessageClass.strings(), enumerations=MessageClass.strings(), ) def dehydrate_substitutions(self, bundle): return self._substitutions(bundle.obj) class Meta: queryset = LogMessage.objects.all() filtering = { "fqdn": ChromaModelResource.ALL_FILTER_STR, "datetime": ChromaModelResource.ALL_FILTER_DATE, "message": ChromaModelResource.ALL_FILTER_STR, "message_class": ChromaModelResource.ALL_FILTER_ENUMERATION, "tag": ChromaModelResource.ALL_FILTER_STR, } serializer = DateSerializer() authorization = LogAuthorization() authentication = AnonymousAuthentication() ordering = ["datetime", "fqdn"] list_allowed_methods = ["get"] detail_allowed_methods = ["get"] def dehydrate_message_class(self, bundle): return MessageClass.to_string(bundle.obj.message_class) def build_filters(self, filters=None, **kwargs): # TODO: make the UI filter on FQDN to avoid the need for this mangling host_id = filters.get("host_id", None) if host_id is not None: del filters["host_id"] from chroma_core.models import ManagedHost host = ManagedHost.objects.get(id=host_id) filters["fqdn"] = host.fqdn if "message_class__in" in filters: msg_classes = filters.get("message_class__in") if isinstance(msg_classes, basestring): msg_classes = [msg_classes] filters.set("message_class__in", [MessageClass.from_string(s).__str__() for s in msg_classes]) if "message_class" in filters: filters["message_class"] = MessageClass.from_string(filters["message_class"]) return super(LogResource, self).build_filters(filters, **kwargs) def _substitutions(self, obj): message = obj.message from chroma_api import api_log from chroma_api.urls import api from chroma_core.models import ManagedHost, ManagedTarget import re substitutions = [] def substitute(obj, match, group=1): resource_uri = api.get_resource_uri(obj) substitutions.append( { "start": match.start(group), "end": match.end(group), "label": obj.get_label(), "resource_uri": resource_uri, } ) # TODO: detect other NID types (cray?) nid_regex = re.compile("(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}@(tcp|ib)(_\d+)?") target_regex = re.compile("[^\w](\w{1,8}-(MDT|OST)[\da-f]{4})") for match in nid_regex.finditer(message): nid = match.group(0) nid = normalize_nid(nid) try: host = ManagedHost.get_by_nid(nid) except ManagedHost.DoesNotExist: api_log.warn("No host has NID %s" % nid) continue except ManagedHost.MultipleObjectsReturned: api_log.warn("Multiple hosts have NID %s" % nid) continue if host.state != "removed": substitute(host, match, 0) for match in target_regex.finditer(message): target_name = match.group(1) for target in ManagedTarget.objects.filter(name=target_name)[:1]: substitute(target, match) return sorted(substitutions, key=lambda sub: sub["start"])
# Big Data, Xarxes Neuronals i Màrqueting: la clau de l'èxit? # Treball de recerca (TR) # <NAME> - <NAME> # # # # Copyright (c) 2021, <NAME> # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * Neither the name of the <organization> nor the # names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY MARC VERGÉS ''AS IS'' AND ANY # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL <copyright holder> BE LIABLE FOR ANY # DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES # (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND # ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS # SOFTWARE import pandas as pd import numpy as np from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder from keras.utils import np_utils import keras from keras.models import Sequential from keras.layers import Dense, Dropout from keras.callbacks import EarlyStopping from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix from sklearn.metrics import classification_report import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import instaloader from contrasenyes import usuari, contrasenya def profile_preferences_to_NN(user): L = instaloader.Instaloader() L.login(usuari, contrasenya) list_to_append_csv = [] none = 0 creators_celebrities = 0 personal_gods = 0 local_events = 0 professional_services = 0 restaurants = 0 non_profits = 0 general_interest = 0 publishers = 0 transportation_and_accomodation = 0 business_and_utility = 0 home_services = 0 auto_dealers = 0 food_and_personal_goods = 0 government_agencies = 0 content_apps = 0 grocery = 0 entities = 0 lifestyle_services = 0 geography = 0 profile = instaloader.Profile.from_username(L.context, user) preferences = [] for followee in profile.get_followees(): preferences.append(followee.business_category_name) print(followee.username + " - " + str(followee.business_category_name)) if followee.business_category_name == "None": none += 1 if followee.business_category_name == "Creators & Celebrities": creators_celebrities += 1 if followee.business_category_name == "Personal Goods & General Merchandise Stores": personal_gods += 1 if followee.business_category_name == "Local Events": local_events += 1 if followee.business_category_name == "Professional Services": professional_services += 1 if followee.business_category_name == "Restaurants": restaurants += 1 if followee.business_category_name == "Non-Profits & Religious Organizations": non_profits += 1 if followee.business_category_name == "General Interest": general_interest += 1 if followee.business_category_name == "Publishers": publishers += 1 if followee.business_category_name == "Transportation & Accomodation Services": transportation_and_accomodation += 1 if followee.business_category_name == "Business & Utility Services": business_and_utility += 1 if followee.business_category_name == "Home Services": home_services += 1 if followee.business_category_name == "Auto Dealers": auto_dealers += 1 if followee.business_category_name == "Food & Personal Goods": food_and_personal_goods += 1 if followee.business_category_name == "Government Agencies": government_agencies += 1 if followee.business_category_name == "Content & Apps": content_apps += 1 if followee.business_category_name == "Grocery & Convenience Stores": grocery += 1 if followee.business_category_name == "Entities": entities += 1 if followee.business_category_name == "Lifestyle Services": lifestyle_services += 1 if followee.business_category_name == "Geography": geography += 1 print(preferences) print("None: " + str(none)) print("Creators & Celebrities: " + str(creators_celebrities)) print("Personal Goods & General Merchandise Stores: " + str(personal_gods)) print("Local Events: " + str(local_events)) print("Professional Services: " + str(professional_services)) print("Restaurants: " + str(restaurants)) print("Non-Profits & Religious Organizations: " + str(non_profits)) print("General Interest: " + str(general_interest)) print("Publishers: " + str(publishers)) print("Transportation & Accomodation Services: " + str(transportation_and_accomodation)) print("Business & Utility Services: " + str(business_and_utility)) print("Home Services: " + str(home_services)) print("Auto Dealers: " + str(auto_dealers)) print("Food & Personal Goods: " + str(food_and_personal_goods)) print("Government Agencies: " + str(government_agencies)) print("Content & Apps: " + str(content_apps)) print("Grocery & Convenience Stores: " + str(grocery)) print("Entities: " + str(entities)) print("Lifestyle Services: " + str(lifestyle_services)) print("Geography: " + str(geography)) followers = 0 following = 0 for follower in profile.get_followers(): followers += 1 for follower in profile.get_followees(): following += 1 return preferences def neural_network(list): # url = 'https://gist.githubusercontent.com/curran/a08a1080b88344b0c8a7/raw/639388c2cbc2120a14dcf466e85730eb8be498bb/iris.csv' df = pd.read_csv("data_set3.csv") df = df.sample(frac=1).reset_index(drop=True) Y = df['Tematica'] print(Y) # output X = df.drop(['Tematica'], axis=1) print(X) # input o dataset print(X.shape) print(Y.shape) X = np.array(X) Y.head() encoder = LabelEncoder() encoder.fit(Y) encoded_Y = encoder.transform(Y) dummy_y = np_utils.to_categorical(encoded_Y, 10) print(encoded_Y) print(dummy_y) model = Sequential() model.add(Dense(16, input_shape=(X.shape[1],), activation='relu')) # input shape is (features,) model.add(Dense(16, input_shape=(X.shape[1],), activation='relu')) # input shape is (features,) model.add(Dense(10, activation='softmax')) model.summary() # compile the model model.compile(optimizer='rmsprop', loss='categorical_crossentropy', # this is different instead of binary_crossentropy (for regular classification) metrics=['accuracy']) es = keras.callbacks.EarlyStopping(monitor='val_loss', mode='min', patience=10, restore_best_weights=True) # important - otherwise you just return the last weigths... ''' # now we just update our model fit call history = model.fit(X, dummy_y, callbacks=[es], epochs=200, # you can set this to a big number! batch_size=1, shuffle=True, validation_split=0.2, verbose=1) es = keras.callbacks.EarlyStopping(monitor='val_loss', mode='min', patience=10, restore_best_weights=True) # important - otherwise you just return the last weigths... ''' # now we just update our model fit call history = model.fit(X, dummy_y, callbacks=[es], epochs=50, # you can set this to a big number! batch_size=2, shuffle=True, validation_split=0.2, verbose=1) history_dict = history.history # learning curve # accuracy acc = history_dict['accuracy'] val_acc = history_dict['val_accuracy'] # loss loss = history_dict['loss'] val_loss = history_dict['val_loss'] # range of X (no. of epochs) epochs = range(1, len(acc) + 1) # plot # "r" is for "solid red line" plt.plot(epochs, acc, 'r', label='Training accuracy') # b is for "solid blue line" plt.plot(epochs, val_acc, 'b', label='Validation accuracy') plt.title('Training and validation accuracy') plt.xlabel('Epochs') plt.ylabel('Accuracy') plt.legend() plt.show() preds = model.predict(X) # see how the model did! print(preds[0]) # i'm spreading that prediction across three nodes and they sum to 1 print(np.sum(preds[0])) # sum it up! Should be 1 ## [9.9999988e-01 1.3509347e-07 6.7064638e-16] ## 1.0 # Almost a perfect prediction # actual is left, predicted is top # names can be found by inspecting Y matrix = confusion_matrix(dummy_y.argmax(axis=1), preds.argmax(axis=1)) matrix ## array([[50, 0, 0], ## [ 0, 46, 4], ## [ 0, 1, 49]]) # more detail on how well things were predicted print(classification_report(dummy_y.argmax(axis=1), preds.argmax(axis=1))) model.predict(list, batch_size=1, verbose=1)
# # This file is part of LiteHyperBus # # Copyright (c) 2019 <NAME> <<EMAIL>> # Copyright (c) 2019-2021 <NAME> <<EMAIL>> # Copyright (c) 2021 <NAME> <<EMAIL>> # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause from migen import * from migen.genlib.misc import timeline from litex.build.io import DifferentialOutput from litex.soc.interconnect import wishbone # HyperRAM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class HyperRAM(Module): """HyperRAM Provides a very simple/minimal HyperRAM core that should work with all FPGA/HyperRam chips: - FPGA vendor agnostic. - no setup/chip configuration (use default latency). This core favors portability and ease of use over performance. """ def __init__(self, pads, latency=6): self.pads = pads self.bus = bus = wishbone.Interface() # # # clk = Signal() clk_phase = Signal(2) cs = Signal() ca = Signal(48) ca_active = Signal() sr = Signal(48) dq = self.add_tristate(pads.dq) if not hasattr(pads.dq, "oe") else pads.dq rwds = self.add_tristate(pads.rwds) if not hasattr(pads.rwds, "oe") else pads.rwds dw = len(pads.dq) if not hasattr(pads.dq, "oe") else len(pads.dq.o) assert dw in [8, 16] # Drive rst_n, cs_n, clk from internal signals --------------------------------------------- if hasattr(pads, "rst_n"): self.comb += pads.rst_n.eq(1) self.comb += pads.cs_n[0].eq(~cs) assert len(pads.cs_n) <= 2 if len(pads.cs_n) == 2: self.comb += pads.cs_n[1].eq(1) if hasattr(pads, "clk"): self.comb += pads.clk.eq(clk) else: self.specials += DifferentialOutput(clk, pads.clk_p, pads.clk_n) # Clock Generation (sys_clk/4) ------------------------------------------------------------- self.sync += clk_phase.eq(clk_phase + 1) cases = {} cases[1] = clk.eq(cs) # Set pads clk on 90° (if cs is set) cases[3] = clk.eq(0) # Clear pads clk on 270° self.sync += Case(clk_phase, cases) # Data Shift Register (for write and read) ------------------------------------------------- dqi = Signal(dw) self.sync += dqi.eq(dq.i) # Sample on 90° and 270° self.sync += [ If((clk_phase == 0) | (clk_phase == 2), # Shift on 0° and 180° # During Command-Address, only D[7:0] are used If(ca_active, sr.eq(Cat(dqi[:8], sr[:-8])) ).Else( sr.eq(Cat(dqi, sr[:-dw])) ) ) ] self.comb += [ bus.dat_r.eq(sr), # To Wisbone If(ca_active, dq.o.eq(sr[-8:]), # To HyperRAM, 8-bits mode ).Else( dq.o.eq(sr[-dw:]), # To HyperRAM, 16-bits mode ) ] # Command generation ----------------------------------------------------------------------- self.comb += [ ca[47].eq(~self.bus.we), # R/W# ca[45].eq(1), # Burst Type (Linear) ] if dw == 8: self.comb += [ ca[16:45].eq(self.bus.adr[2:]), # Row & Upper Column Address ca[1:3].eq(self.bus.adr[0:]), # Lower Column Address ca[0].eq(0), # Lower Column Address ] else: self.comb += [ ca[16:45].eq(self.bus.adr[3:]), # Row & Upper Column Address ca[1:3].eq(self.bus.adr[1:]), # Lower Column Address ca[0].eq(self.bus.adr[0]), # Lower Column Address ] # Latency count starts from the middle of the command (it's where -4 comes from). # In fixed latency mode (default), latency is 2*Latency count. # Because we have 4 sys clocks per ram clock: lat = (latency * 8) - 4 # Sequencer -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Command. # -------- dt_seq = [ # DT, Action (3, []), (12, [cs.eq(1), dq.oe.eq(1), sr.eq(ca), ca_active.eq(1)]), # Command: 6 clk (lat, [dq.oe.eq(0), ca_active.eq(0)]), # Latency ] # Write/Read. # ----------- rwdso = Signal(2) self.comb += rwds.o.eq(rwdso) if dw == 8: dt_seq += [ (2, [dq.oe.eq(self.bus.we), # Write/Read data byte: 2 clk sr[:16].eq(0), sr[16:].eq(self.bus.dat_w), rwds.oe.eq(self.bus.we), rwdso[0].eq(~bus.sel[3])]), (2, [rwdso[0].eq(~bus.sel[2])]), # Write/Read data byte: 2 clk (2, [rwdso[0].eq(~bus.sel[1])]), # Write/Read data byte: 2 clk (2, [rwdso[0].eq(~bus.sel[0])]), # Write/Read data byte: 2 clk ] if dw == 16: dt_seq += [ (2, [dq.oe.eq(self.bus.we), # Write/Read data byte: 2 clk sr[:16].eq(0), sr[16:].eq(self.bus.dat_w), rwds.oe.eq(self.bus.we), rwdso[1].eq(~bus.sel[3]), rwdso[0].eq(~bus.sel[2])]), (2, [rwdso[1].eq(~bus.sel[1]), rwdso[0].eq(~bus.sel[0])]), # Write/Read data byte: 2 clk ] # End. # ---- dt_seq += [ (2, [cs.eq(0), rwds.oe.eq(0), dq.oe.eq(0)]), (1, [bus.ack.eq(1)]), (1, [bus.ack.eq(0)]), (0, []) ] # Convert delta-time sequencer to time sequencer t_seq = [] t_seq_start = (clk_phase == 1) t = 0 for dt, a in dt_seq: t_seq.append((t, a)) t += dt self.sync += timeline(bus.cyc & bus.stb & t_seq_start, t_seq) def add_tristate(self, pad): t = TSTriple(len(pad)) self.specials += t.get_tristate(pad) return t
<gh_stars>1-10 import re # The available regex functions in the Python re module fall into the following # three categories: # 1. Searching functions # 2. Substitution functions # 3. Utility functions # Searching functions scan a search string for one or more matches of the # specified regex: # re.search(<regex>, <string>, flags=0) - Scans a string for a regex match print(re.search(r'(\d+)', 'foo123bar')) print(re.search(r'[a-zA-Z]+', '123FOO456')) print(re.search(r'\d+', 'foo.bar')) # The function returns a match object if it finds a match and None otherwise. # re.match(<regex>, <string>, flags=0) - Looks for a regex match at the # beginning of a string. This is identical to re.search(), except that # re.search() returns a match if <regex> matches anywhere in <string>, whereas # re.match() returns a match only if <regex> matches at the beginning of # <string> print() print(re.match(r'\d+', '123foobar')) print(re.match(r'\d+', 'foo123bar')) # re.fullmatch(<regex>, <string>, flags=0) - Looks for a regex match on an # entire string. This is similar to re.search() and re.match(), but # re.fullmatch() returns a match only if <regex> matches <string> in its # entirety print() print(re.fullmatch(r'\d+', '123foo')) print(re.fullmatch(r'\d+', 'foo123')) print(re.fullmatch(r'\d+', '123')) print(re.search(r'^\d+$', '123')) # The re.search() call, in which the \d+ regex is explicitly anchored at the # start and end of the search string, is functionally equivalent # re.findall(<regex>, <string>, flags=0) - Returns a list of all matches of a # regex in a string. re.findall(<regex>, <string>) returns a list of all # non-overlapping matches of <regex> in <string>. It scans the search string # from left to right and returns all matches in the order found print() print(re.findall(r'\w+', ' foo,,,,bar:%$baz//|')) # If <regex> contains a capturing group, then the return list contains only # contents of the group, not the entire match print(re.findall(r'#(\w+)#', '#foo#.#bar#.#baz#')) # In this case, the specified regex is #(\w+)#. The matching strings are # '#foo#', '#bar#', and '#baz#'. But the hash (#) characters don’t appear in the # return list because they’re outside the grouping parentheses print(re.findall(r'(\w+),(\w+)', 'foo,bar,baz,qux,quux,corge')) # If <regex> contains more than one capturing group, then re.findall() returns a # list of tuples containing the captured groups. The length of each tuple is # equal to the number of groups specified # re.finditer(<regex>, <string>, flags=0) - Returns an iterator that yields # regex matches. Scans <string> for non-overlapping matches of <regex> and # returns an iterator that yields the match objects from any it finds. It scans # the search string from left to right and returns matches in the order it finds # them print() for i in re.finditer(r'\w+', ' foo,,,,bar:%$baz//|'): print(i) # re.findall() returns a list, whereas re.finditer() returns an iterator. # The items in the list that re.findall() returns are the actual matching # strings, whereas the items yielded by the iterator that re.finditer() returns # are match objects # Substitution Functions replace portions of a search string that match a # specified regex # re.sub(<regex>, <repl>, <string>, count=0, flags=0) - Returns a new string # that results from performing replacements on a search string. Finds the # leftmost non-overlapping occurrences of <regex> in <string>, replaces each # match as indicated by <repl>, and returns the result. <string> remains # unchanged print() s = 'foo.123.bar.789.baz' print(re.sub(r'\d+', '#', s)) print(re.sub('[a-z]+', '(*)', s)) # Substitution by Function - If you specify <repl> as a function, then re.sub() # calls that function for each match found. It passes each corresponding match # object as an argument to the function to provide information about the match. # The function return value then becomes the replacement string def f(match_obj): s = match_obj.group(0) # The matching string # s.isdigit() returns True if all characters in s are digits if s.isdigit(): return str(int(s) * 10) else: return s.upper() print() print(re.sub(r'\w+', f, 'foo.10.bar.20.baz.30')) # Limiting the Number of Replacements. If you specify a positive integer for the # optional count parameter, then re.sub() performs at most that many # replacements print(re.sub(r'\w+', 'xxx', 'foo.bar.baz.qux', count=2)) # re.subn(<regex>, <repl>, <string>, count=0, flags=0) - Returns a new string # that results from performing replacements on a search string and also returns # the number of substitutions made print() print(re.subn(r'\w+', 'xxx', 'foo.bar.baz.qux')) # Utility Functions - There are two remaining regex functions in the Python re # module that you’ve yet to cover # re.split(<regex>, <string>, maxsplit=0, flags=0) - Splits a string into # substrings. print() print(re.split(r'\s*[,;/]\s*', 'foo,bar ; baz / qux corge')) # splits the specified string into substrings delimited by a comma (,), # semicolon (;), or slash (/) character, surrounded by any amount of whitespace print(re.split(r'(\s*[,;/]\s*)', 'foo,bar ; baz / qux')) # If <regex> contains capturing groups, then the return list includes the # matching delimiter strings as well print(re.split(r'(?:\s*[,;/]\s*)', 'foo,bar ; baz / qux')) # If you need to use groups but don’t want the delimiters included in the # return list, then you can use noncapturing groups # If the optional maxsplit argument is present and greater than zero, then # re.split() performs at most that many splits. The final element in the return # list is the remainder of <string> after all the splits have occurred # Explicitly specifying maxsplit=0 is equivalent to omitting it entirely. If # maxsplit is negative, then re.split() returns <string> unchanged # Refer: https://realpython.com/regex-python-part-2/#re-module-functions
<gh_stars>100-1000 import datetime import math import random import gym import numpy as np from gym import spaces from gym.utils import seeding from stable_baselines3.common.vec_env import DummyVecEnv from finrl_meta.env_fx_trading.util.log_render import render_to_file from finrl_meta.env_fx_trading.util.plot_chart import TradingChart from finrl_meta.env_fx_trading.util.read_config import EnvConfig class tgym(gym.Env): """forex/future/option trading gym environment 1. Three action space (0 Buy, 1 Sell, 2 Nothing) 2. Multiple trading pairs (EURUSD, GBPUSD...) under same time frame 3. Timeframe from 1 min to daily as long as use candlestick bar (Open, High, Low, Close) 4. Use StopLose, ProfitTaken to realize rewards. each pair can configure it own SL and PT in configure file 5. Configure over night cash penalty and each pair's transaction fee and overnight position holding penalty 6. Split dataset into daily, weekly or monthly..., with fixed time steps, at end of len(df). The business logic will force to Close all positions at last Close price (game over). 7. Must have df column name: [(time_col),(asset_col), Open,Close,High,Low,day] (case sensitive) 8. Addition indicators can add during the data process. 78 available TA indicator from Finta 9. Customized observation list handled in json config file. 10. ProfitTaken = fraction_action * max_profit_taken + SL. 11. SL is pre-fixed 12. Limit order can be configure, if limit_order == True, the action will preset buy or sell at Low or High of the bar, with a limit_order_expiration (n bars). It will be triggered if the price go cross. otherwise, it will be drop off 13. render mode: human -- display each steps realized reward on console file -- create a transaction log graph -- create transaction in graph (under development) 14. 15. Reward, we want to incentivize profit that is sustained over long periods of time. At each step, we will set the reward to the account balance multiplied by some fraction of the number of time steps so far.The purpose of this is to delay rewarding the agent too fast in the early stages and allow it to explore sufficiently before optimizing a single strategy too deeply. It will also reward agents that maintain a higher balance for longer, rather than those who rapidly gain money using unsustainable strategies. 16. Observation_space contains all of the input variables we want our agent to consider before making, or not making a trade. We want our agent to “see” the forex data points (Open price, High, Low, Close, time serial, TA) in the game window, as well a couple other data points like its account balance, current positions, and current profit.The intuition here is that for each time step, we want our agent to consider the price action leading up to the current price, as well as their own portfolio’s status in order to make an informed decision for the next action. 17. reward is forex trading unit Point, it can be configure for each trading pair """ metadata = {'render.modes': ['graph', 'human', 'file', 'none']} def __init__(self, df, env_config_file='./neo_finrl/env_fx_trading/config/gdbusd-test-1.json') -> None: assert df.ndim == 2 super(tgym, self).__init__() self.cf = EnvConfig(env_config_file) self.observation_list = self.cf.env_parameters("observation_list") self.balance_initial = self.cf.env_parameters("balance") self.over_night_cash_penalty = self.cf.env_parameters("over_night_cash_penalty") self.asset_col = self.cf.env_parameters("asset_col") self.time_col = self.cf.env_parameters("time_col") self.random_start = self.cf.env_parameters("random_start") self.log_filename = self.cf.env_parameters("log_filename") + datetime.datetime.now( ).strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S') + '.csv' self.df = df self.df["_time"] = df[self.time_col] self.df["_day"] = df["weekday"] self.assets = df[self.asset_col].unique() self.dt_datetime = df[self.time_col].sort_values().unique() self.df = self.df.set_index(self.time_col) self.visualization = False # --- reset value --- self.equity_list = [0] * len(self.assets) self.balance = self.balance_initial self.total_equity = self.balance + sum(self.equity_list) self.ticket_id = 0 self.transaction_live = [] self.transaction_history = [] self.transaction_limit_order = [] self.current_draw_downs = [0.0] * len(self.assets) self.max_draw_downs = [0.0] * len(self.assets) self.max_draw_down_pct = sum(self.max_draw_downs) / self.balance * 100 self.current_step = 0 self.episode = -1 self.current_holding = [0] * len(self.assets) self.tranaction_open_this_step = [] self.tranaction_close_this_step = [] self.current_day = 0 self.done_information = '' self.log_header = True # --- end reset --- self.cached_data = [ self.get_observation_vector(_dt) for _dt in self.dt_datetime ] self.cached_time_serial = ((self.df[["_time", "_day"]].sort_values("_time")) \ .drop_duplicates()).values.tolist() self.reward_range = (-np.inf, np.inf) self.action_space = spaces.Box(low=0, high=3, shape=(len(self.assets),)) # first two 3 = balance,current_holding, max_draw_down_pct _space = 3 + len(self.assets) \ + len(self.assets) * len(self.observation_list) self.observation_space = spaces.Box(low=-np.inf, high=np.inf, shape=(_space,)) print( f'initial done:\n' f'observation_list:{self.observation_list}\n ' f'assets:{self.assets}\n ' f'time serial: {min(self.dt_datetime)} -> {max(self.dt_datetime)} length: {len(self.dt_datetime)}' ) self._seed() def _seed(self, seed=None): self.np_random, seed = seeding.np_random(seed) return [seed] def _history_df(self, i): pass def _take_action(self, actions, done): # action = math.floor(x), # profit_taken = math.ceil((x- math.floor(x)) * profit_taken_max - stop_loss_max ) # _actions = np.floor(actions).astype(int) # _profit_takens = np.ceil((actions - np.floor(actions)) *self.cf.symbol(self.assets[i],"profit_taken_max")).astype(int) _action = 2 _profit_taken = 0 rewards = [0] * len(self.assets) self.tranaction_open_this_step = [] self.tranaction_close_this_step = [] # need use multiply assets for i, x in enumerate(actions): self._o = self.get_observation(self.current_step, i, "Open") self._h = self.get_observation(self.current_step, i, "High") self._l = self.get_observation(self.current_step, i, "Low") self._c = self.get_observation(self.current_step, i, "Close") self._t = self.get_observation(self.current_step, i, "_time") self._day = self.get_observation(self.current_step, i, "_day") _action = math.floor(x) rewards[i] = self._calculate_reward(i, done) if self.cf.symbol(self.assets[i], "limit_order"): self._limit_order_process(i, _action, done) if _action in (0, 1) and not done \ and self.current_holding[i] < self.cf.symbol(self.assets[i], "max_current_holding"): # generating PT based on action fraction _profit_taken = math.ceil( (x - _action) * self.cf.symbol(self.assets[i], "profit_taken_max")) + self.cf.symbol(self.assets[i], "stop_loss_max") self.ticket_id += 1 if self.cf.symbol(self.assets[i], "limit_order"): transaction = { "Ticket": self.ticket_id, "Symbol": self.assets[i], "ActionTime": self._t, "Type": _action, "Lot": 1, "ActionPrice": self._l if _action == 0 else self._h, "SL": self.cf.symbol(self.assets[i], "stop_loss_max"), "PT": _profit_taken, "MaxDD": 0, "Swap": 0.0, "CloseTime": "", "ClosePrice": 0.0, "Point": 0, "Reward": -self.cf.symbol(self.assets[i], "transaction_fee"), "DateDuration": self._day, "Status": 0, "LimitStep": self.current_step, "ActionStep": -1, "CloseStep": -1, } self.transaction_limit_order.append(transaction) else: transaction = { "Ticket": self.ticket_id, "Symbol": self.assets[i], "ActionTime": self._t, "Type": _action, "Lot": 1, "ActionPrice": self._c, "SL": self.cf.symbol(self.assets[i], "stop_loss_max"), "PT": _profit_taken, "MaxDD": 0, "Swap": 0.0, "CloseTime": "", "ClosePrice": 0.0, "Point": 0, "Reward": -self.cf.symbol(self.assets[i], "transaction_fee"), "DateDuration": self._day, "Status": 0, "LimitStep": self.current_step, "ActionStep": self.current_step, "CloseStep": -1, } self.current_holding[i] += 1 self.tranaction_open_this_step.append(transaction) self.balance -= self.cf.symbol(self.assets[i], "transaction_fee") self.transaction_live.append(transaction) return sum(rewards) def _calculate_reward(self, i, done): _total_reward = 0 _max_draw_down = 0 for tr in self.transaction_live: if tr["Symbol"] == self.assets[i]: _point = self.cf.symbol(self.assets[i], "point") # cash discount overnight if self._day > tr["DateDuration"]: tr["DateDuration"] = self._day tr["Reward"] -= self.cf.symbol(self.assets[i], "over_night_penalty") if tr["Type"] == 0: # buy # stop loss trigger _sl_price = tr["ActionPrice"] - tr["SL"] / _point _pt_price = tr["ActionPrice"] + tr["PT"] / _point if done: p = (self._c - tr["ActionPrice"]) * _point self._manage_tranaction(tr, p, self._c, status=2) _total_reward += p elif self._l <= _sl_price: self._manage_tranaction(tr, -tr["SL"], _sl_price) _total_reward += -tr["SL"] self.current_holding[i] -= 1 elif self._h >= _pt_price: self._manage_tranaction(tr, tr["PT"], _pt_price) _total_reward += tr["PT"] self.current_holding[i] -= 1 else: # still open self.current_draw_downs[i] = int( (self._l - tr["ActionPrice"]) * _point) _max_draw_down += self.current_draw_downs[i] if ( self.current_draw_downs[i] < 0 and tr["MaxDD"] > self.current_draw_downs[i] ): tr["MaxDD"] = self.current_draw_downs[i] elif tr["Type"] == 1: # sell # stop loss trigger _sl_price = tr["ActionPrice"] + tr["SL"] / _point _pt_price = tr["ActionPrice"] - tr["PT"] / _point if done: p = (tr["ActionPrice"] - self._c) * _point self._manage_tranaction(tr, p, self._c, status=2) _total_reward += p elif self._h >= _sl_price: self._manage_tranaction(tr, -tr["SL"], _sl_price) _total_reward += -tr["SL"] self.current_holding[i] -= 1 elif self._l <= _pt_price: self._manage_tranaction(tr, tr["PT"], _pt_price) _total_reward += tr["PT"] self.current_holding[i] -= 1 else: self.current_draw_downs[i] = int( (tr["ActionPrice"] - self._h) * _point) _max_draw_down += self.current_draw_downs[i] if ( self.current_draw_downs[i] < 0 and tr["MaxDD"] > self.current_draw_downs[i] ): tr["MaxDD"] = self.current_draw_downs[i] if _max_draw_down > self.max_draw_downs[i]: self.max_draw_downs[i] = _max_draw_down return _total_reward def _limit_order_process(self, i, _action, done): for tr in self.transaction_limit_order: if tr["Symbol"] == self.assets[i]: if tr["Type"] != _action or done: self.transaction_limit_order.remove(tr) tr["Status"] = 3 tr["CloseStep"] = self.current_step self.transaction_history.append(tr) elif (tr["ActionPrice"] >= self._l and _action == 0) or (tr["ActionPrice"] <= self._h and _action == 1): tr["ActionStep"] = self.current_step self.current_holding[i] += 1 self.balance -= self.cf.symbol(self.assets[i], "transaction_fee") self.transaction_limit_order.remove(tr) self.transaction_live.append(tr) self.tranaction_open_this_step.append(tr) elif tr["LimitStep"] + self.cf.symbol(self.assets[i], "limit_order_expiration") > self.current_step: tr["CloseStep"] = self.current_step tr["Status"] = 4 self.transaction_limit_order.remove(tr) self.transaction_history.append(tr) def _manage_tranaction(self, tr, _p, close_price, status=1): self.transaction_live.remove(tr) tr["ClosePrice"] = close_price tr["Point"] = int(_p) tr["Reward"] = int(tr["Reward"] + _p) tr["Status"] = status tr["CloseTime"] = self._t self.balance += int(tr["Reward"]) self.total_equity -= int(abs(tr["Reward"])) self.tranaction_close_this_step.append(tr) self.transaction_history.append(tr) def step(self, actions): # Execute one time step within the environment self.current_step += 1 done = (self.balance <= 0 or self.current_step == len(self.dt_datetime) - 1) if done: self.done_information += f'Episode: {self.episode} Balance: {self.balance} Step: {self.current_step}\n' self.visualization = True reward = self._take_action(actions, done) if self._day > self.current_day: self.current_day = self._day self.balance -= self.over_night_cash_penalty if self.balance != 0: self.max_draw_down_pct = abs( sum(self.max_draw_downs) / self.balance * 100) # no action anymore obs = ([self.balance, self.max_draw_down_pct] + self.current_holding + self.current_draw_downs + self.get_observation(self.current_step)) return np.array(obs).astype(np.float32), reward, done, { "Close": self.tranaction_close_this_step } def get_observation(self, _step, _iter=0, col=None): if (col is None): return self.cached_data[_step] if col == '_day': return self.cached_time_serial[_step][1] elif col == '_time': return self.cached_time_serial[_step][0] col_pos = -1 for i, _symbol in enumerate(self.observation_list): if _symbol == col: col_pos = i break assert col_pos >= 0 return self.cached_data[_step][_iter * len(self.observation_list) + col_pos] def get_observation_vector(self, _dt, cols=None): cols = self.observation_list v = [] for a in self.assets: subset = self.df.query( f'{self.asset_col} == "{a}" & {self.time_col} == "{_dt}"') assert not subset.empty v += subset.loc[_dt, cols].tolist() assert len(v) == len(self.assets) * len(cols) return v def reset(self): # Reset the state of the environment to an initial state self.seed() if self.random_start: self.current_step = random.choice( range(int(len(self.dt_datetime) * 0.5))) else: self.current_step = 0 self.equity_list = [0] * len(self.assets) self.balance = self.balance_initial self.total_equity = self.balance + sum(self.equity_list) self.ticket_id = 0 self.transaction_live = [] self.transaction_history = [] self.transaction_limit_order = [] self.current_draw_downs = [0.0] * len(self.assets) self.max_draw_downs = [0.0] * len(self.assets) self.max_draw_down_pct = sum(self.max_draw_downs) / self.balance * 100 self.episode = -1 self.current_holding = [0] * len(self.assets) self.tranaction_open_this_step = [] self.tranaction_close_this_step = [] self.current_day = 0 self.done_information = '' self.log_header = True self.visualization = False _space = ( [self.balance, self.max_draw_down_pct] + [0] * len(self.assets) + [0] * len(self.assets) + self.get_observation(self.current_step)) return np.array(_space).astype(np.float32) def render(self, mode='human', title=None, **kwargs): # Render the environment to the screen if mode in ('human', 'file'): printout = mode == 'human' pm = { "log_header": self.log_header, "log_filename": self.log_filename, "printout": printout, "balance": self.balance, "balance_initial": self.balance_initial, "tranaction_close_this_step": self.tranaction_close_this_step, "done_information": self.done_information } render_to_file(**pm) if self.log_header: self.log_header = False elif mode == 'graph' and self.visualization: print('plotting...') p = TradingChart(self.df, self.transaction_history) p.plot() def close(self): pass def get_sb_env(self): e = DummyVecEnv([lambda: self]) obs = e.reset() return e, obs
<gh_stars>1-10 #!/usr/bin/python3 import nltk import os, argparse, json, re, math, statistics, sys ### from: http://www.aclweb.org/anthology/P89-1010.pdf # How to calculate PMI: # What is "mutual information"? According to [Fano (1961), p. 28], if # two points (words), x and y, have probabilities P(x) and P(y), then # their mutual information, I(x,y), is defined to be # I(x,y) = log2 (P(x,y) / (P(x) P(y))) # Informally, mutual information compares the probability of observing # x and y together (the joint probability) with the probabilities of # observing x and y independently (chance). If there is a genuine # association between x and y, then the joint probability P(x,y) will be # much larger than chance P(x) P(y), and consequently I(x,y) >> 0. If # there is no interesting relationship between x and y, then P(x,y) ~ # P(x) P(y), and thus, I(x,y) ~ 0. If x and y are in complementary # distribution, then P(x,y) will be much less than P(x) P(y), forcing # I(x,y) << O. # In our application, word probabilities, P(x) and P(y), are estimated # by counting the number of observations of x and y in a corpus, f(x) # and f(y), and normalizing by N, the size of the corpus. (Our # examples use a number of different corpora with different sizes: 15 # million words for the 1987 AP corpus, 36 million words for the 1988 # AP corpus, and 8.6 million tokens for the tagged corpus.) Joint # probabilities, P(x,y), are estimated by counting the number of times # that x is followed by y in a window of w words fw(x,y), and # normalizing by N. # The window size parameter allows us to look at different # scales. Smaller window sizes will identify fixed expressions # (idioms) and other relations that hold over short ranges; larger # window sizes will highlight semantic concepts and other # relationships that hold over larger scales. For the remainder of # this paper, the window size, w, will be set to 5 words as a # compromise; thissettingislargeenough to show some of the constraints # between verbs and arguments, but not so large that it would wash out # constraints that make use of strict adjacency. ### from: https://www.aaai.org/ocs/index.php/AAAI/AAAI16/paper/view/11963 # The PMI solver formalizes a way of computing and applying such # associational knowledge. Given a question q and an answer option ai, # it uses pointwise mutual information (Church and Hanks 1989) to # measure the strength of the associations between parts of q and # parts of ai. Given a large corpus C, PMI for two n-grams x and y is # defined as: # PMI (x, y) = log p(x, y) p(x)p(y) # Here p(x, y) is the joint probability that x and y occur together in # the corpus C, within a certain window of text (we use a 10 word # window). The term p(x)p(y), on the other hand, represents the # probability with which x and y would occur together if they were # statistically independent. The ratio of p(x, y) to p(x)p(y) is thus # the ratio of the observed co-occurrence to the expected # co-occurrence. The larger this ratio, the stronger the association # between x and y. # We extract unigrams, bigrams, trigrams, and skip-bigrams from the # question q and each answer option ai. We use the SMART stop word # list (Salton 1971) to filter the extracted n-grams, but allow # trigrams to have a stop word as their middle word. The answer with # the largest average PMI, calculated over all pairs of question # n-grams and answer option n-grams, is the best guess for the PMI # solver. # need to remove stopwords def split(s, stopwords=None): split = [ x.lower() for x in re.sub(r'\W+', ' ', s).split() ] if stopwords: sw_set = set(stopwords) return [ x.strip() for x in split if x not in sw_set ] return [ x.strip() for x in split ] def count_occurrences(x, corpus, normalized=True): "Count occurrences of n-gram X in CORPUS." total_words = 0 total_occurrences = 0 for (sentence,sentence_len) in corpus: total_occurrences += len(re.findall(x, sentence)) total_words += sentence_len if normalized: return total_occurrences / total_words return total_occurrences def count_co_occurrences(x,y, corpus): x_y = " ".join([x,y]) return count_occurrences(x_y, corpus) def pmi(x,y,corpus): """Compute PMI of X and Y in CORPUS; here X and Y are strings representing n-grams (each gram separated by space) and CORPUS is an array of strings. For this experiment we are considering the window size the extension of each string.""" px = count_occurrences(x, corpus) py = count_occurrences(y, corpus) pxy = count_co_occurrences(x, y, corpus) if pxy == 0: return 0 return math.log( pxy / (px*py), 2)
import hashlib import json import os from time import time from typing import Dict, Optional, Union from flask import Flask, render_template, request from flask.typing import ResponseReturnValue APP_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) STATIC_DIR = os.path.join(APP_DIR, "static") DATA_DIR = os.path.join(APP_DIR, "data") HASHING_ALGORITHM = hashlib.sha3_512 app = Flask(__name__, static_folder=STATIC_DIR) @app.errorhandler(404) def page_not_found(e=None) -> ResponseReturnValue: return "Invalid address!", 404 @app.errorhandler(403) def unauthorized(e=None) -> ResponseReturnValue: return "Unauthorized!", 403 @app.route("/") def index() -> ResponseReturnValue: return render_template("index.html") def _fresh_note(name: str) -> ResponseReturnValue: context = {"name": name, "authorized": True} return render_template("notes.html", context=context) @app.route("/<name>", methods=["GET"]) def get_note(name): context = {"name": name} note_path = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, f"{name}.json") note_existed = os.path.isfile(note_path) if not note_existed: return _fresh_note(name) with open(note_path, "r") as inf: data = json.loads(inf.read()) if (ttl := data.get("ttl")) and ttl < time(): os.remove(note_path) return _fresh_note(name) if data.get("password"): context["message"] = "Note is password-protected" return render_template("notes.html", context=context) context["authorized"] = True context["content"] = data["content"] context["ttl"] = int(data["ttl"] - time()) if data["ttl"] is not None else "" return render_template("notes.html", context=context) @app.route("/<name>", methods=["POST"]) def post_note(name) -> ResponseReturnValue: context = {"name": name} note_path = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, f"{name}.json") note_existed = os.path.isfile(note_path) content = request.form.get("content") get_ttl = request.form.get("ttl", "") try: ttl = int(get_ttl) except ValueError: ttl = None else: if ttl <= 0: return _fresh_note(name) ttl_timestamp = ttl + time() if ttl is not None else None password = "" if (request_password := request.form.get("password")): password = <PASSWORD>_<PASSWORD>(request_password.encode()).hex<PASSWORD>() if not note_existed: return _post_new_note(content, context, note_path, password, ttl_timestamp) return _post_existing_note(content, context, note_path, password, ttl_timestamp) def _post_existing_note( content: Optional[str], context: Dict[str, Union[str, bool, None]], note_path: str, password: str, ttl: Optional[int], ) -> ResponseReturnValue: with open(note_path, "r") as inf: data = json.loads(inf.read()) if (data_ttl := data["ttl"]) is not None and data_ttl < time(): os.remove(note_path) return _fresh_note(context["name"]) if (previous_password := data["password"]) and (previous_password != password): return unauthorized() context["authorized"] = True if content is None: context["content"] = data["content"] return render_template("notes.html", context=context) data = {"content": content, "password": password, "ttl": ttl} with open(note_path, "w") as ouf: ouf.write(json.dumps(data)) context["message"] = "Note saved" context["content"] = content context["ttl"] = context["ttl"] = int(ttl - time()) if ttl is not None else "" return render_template("notes.html", context=context) def _post_new_note( content: Optional[str], context: Dict[str, Union[str, bool, None]], note_path: str, password: str, ttl: Optional[int], ) -> ResponseReturnValue: data = {"content": content, "password": password, "ttl": ttl} with open(note_path, "w") as ouf: ouf.write(json.dumps(data)) context["message"] = "Note saved" context["authorized"] = True context["content"] = content context["ttl"] = int(ttl - time()) if ttl is not None else "" return render_template("notes.html", context=context) if __name__ == "__main__": # Only for debugging while developing app.run(host="", debug=True, port=8001)
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import sys sys.path.append("..") import time import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from tools.Date_Process import time_process from tools.Emoji_Process import filter_emoji from tools.Mysql_Process import mysqlHelper from tools import Cookie_Process from tools.Mysql_Process import get_db url_template = 'https://weibo.cn/{}?page={}' # 要访问的微博搜索接口URL flag = 0 """抓取关键词某一页的数据""" def fetch_weibo_data(wb_userid, wb_username, page_id): cookie = Cookie_Process.read_cookie() # 获取文件中存储的cookie cookies = { "Cookie": cookie} # 通过' https://weibo.cn/%d '网站获取用户微博的信息 url_weibo = "https://weibo.cn/%s?page=%d" % (wb_userid, page_id) r_weibo = requests.get(url_weibo, cookies=cookies) soup_weibo = BeautifulSoup(r_weibo.text, 'lxml') all_contents = soup_weibo.select('.c')[1:-2] wb_count = 0 mblog = [] # 保存处理过的微博 for card in all_contents: wb_id = str(card.get('id')).split("_")[1] wb_content = filter_emoji(card.select_one('.ctt').text) # 微博内容 temp_href = card.select('a') for href in temp_href: if 'comment' in href.get('href') and '原文评论' not in href.text: wb_commentnum = href.text[3:-1] if 'attitude' in href.get('href'): wb_likenum = href.text[2:-1] if 'repost' in href.get('href'): wb_forwardnum = href.text[3:-1] wb_createtime = time_process(card.select_one('.ct').text.split('\xa0')[0]) # 微博内容 print('用户名:' + wb_username) print('用户ID:' + wb_userid) print('微博ID:' + wb_id) print('微博内容:' + wb_content) print('微博评论数:' + wb_commentnum) print('微博点赞数:' + wb_likenum) print('微博转发数:' + wb_forwardnum) print('微博创建时间:' + wb_createtime) print('------------------------------\n') blog = {'wb_userid': wb_userid, # 生成一条微博记录的列表 'wb_username': wb_username, 'wb_id': wb_id, 'wb_content': wb_content, 'wb_createtime': wb_createtime, 'wb_forwardnum': wb_forwardnum, 'wb_commentnum': wb_commentnum, 'wb_likenum': wb_likenum } mblog.append(blog) wb_count = wb_count + 1 # 表示此页的微博数 global flag if (wb_count > 0): print("---------- 第%s页微博爬取完成 ---------- " % page_id + "当前页微博数:" + str(wb_count)) flag = 0 else: flag = 1 print("********** 第%s页微博开始被反爬,程序自动睡眠5秒后进行爬取...... " % page_id) time.sleep(5) print() print() return mblog """抓取关键词多页的数据""" def fetch_pages(user_id): cookie = Cookie_Process.read_cookie() # 获取文件中存储的cookie cookies = { "Cookie": cookie} # 通过' https://weibo.cn/%d '网站微博第一页获取用户的用户名和总页数 url_user = "https://weibo.cn/%s?page=%d" % (user_id, 1) r_user = requests.get(url_user, cookies=cookies) soup_user = BeautifulSoup(r_user.text, 'lxml') # 判断用户是否发表了微博,如没有,则返回 panduan_weibo = soup_user.select_one('.tc').text[3:-1] if panduan_weibo == '0': print('此用户微博数量为0!') return user_contents = soup_user.select_one('.ut').select('.ctt') temp_user = user_contents[0].text.split() wb_username = temp_user[0] # 获取微博用户名 # print(wb_username) try: page_num = int(soup_user.select_one('.pa').text.split()[1].split('/')[1][:-1]) # 获取微博总页数 print('--------- 微博总页数为:' + str(page_num) + ' ---------\n') except Exception as e: page_num = 1 mblogs = [] # 此次时间单位内的搜索全部结果先临时用列表保存,后存入数据库 page_id = 1 while page_id <= page_num: try: mblogs.extend(fetch_weibo_data(user_id, wb_username, page_id)) # 每页调用fetch_data函数进行微博信息的抓取 if (flag == 1): continue except Exception as e: print(e) if (page_id % 50 == 0): # 每多少条数据执行一次 提交 插入数据库操作 # 保存到mysql数据库 mh = mysqlHelper(get_db()[0], get_db()[1], get_db()[2], get_db()[3], get_db()[4], int(get_db()[5])) sql = "insert into user_weibo(wb_userid,wb_username,wb_id,wb_content,wb_createtime,wb_forwardnum,wb_commentnum,wb_likenum) values(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)" mh.open(); for i in range(len(mblogs)): mh.cud(sql, (mblogs[i]['wb_userid'], mblogs[i]['wb_username'], mblogs[i]['wb_id'], filter_emoji(mblogs[i]['wb_content']), mblogs[i]['wb_createtime'], mblogs[i]['wb_forwardnum'], mblogs[i]['wb_commentnum'], mblogs[i]['wb_likenum'])) mh.tijiao(); mh.close() mblogs = [] # 提交数据库之后将列表清空 page_id = page_id + 1 if len(mblogs) > 0: # 将余下的数据提交数据库 # 保存到mysql数据库 mh = mysqlHelper(get_db()[0], get_db()[1], get_db()[2], get_db()[3], get_db()[4], int(get_db()[5])) sql = "insert into user_weibo(wb_userid,wb_username,wb_id,wb_content,wb_createtime,wb_forwardnum,wb_commentnum,wb_likenum) values(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)" mh.open(); for i in range(len(mblogs)): mh.cud(sql, ( mblogs[i]['wb_userid'], mblogs[i]['wb_username'], mblogs[i]['wb_id'], filter_emoji(mblogs[i]['wb_content']), mblogs[i]['wb_createtime'], mblogs[i]['wb_forwardnum'], mblogs[i]['wb_commentnum'], mblogs[i]['wb_likenum'])) mh.tijiao(); mh.close() if __name__ == '__main__': Cookie_Process.write_cookie() user_id = input("请输入要搜索的用户ID:") time_start = time.time() fetch_pages(user_id) time_end = time.time() print('本次操作数据全部爬取成功,爬取用时秒数:', (time_end - time_start))
<gh_stars>0 # Copyright 2019 Google LLC. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Base handler class.""" import abc import json import os import subprocess import sys import tempfile from typing import Any, Collection, Dict, List, Text import click from six import with_metaclass from tfx.dsl.components.base import base_driver from tfx.dsl.io import fileio from tfx.tools.cli import labels from tfx.utils import io_utils class BaseHandler(with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta, object)): """Base Handler for CLI. Attributes: flags_dict: A dictionary with flags provided in a command. """ def __init__(self, flags_dict: Dict[Text, Any]): self.flags_dict = flags_dict self._handler_home_dir = self._get_handler_home() @abc.abstractmethod def create_pipeline(self) -> None: """Creates pipeline for the handler.""" pass @abc.abstractmethod def update_pipeline(self) -> None: """Updates pipeline for the handler.""" pass @abc.abstractmethod def list_pipelines(self) -> None: """List all the pipelines in the environment.""" pass @abc.abstractmethod def delete_pipeline(self) -> None: """Deletes pipeline for the handler.""" pass @abc.abstractmethod def compile_pipeline(self) -> None: """Compiles pipeline for the handler.""" pass @abc.abstractmethod def create_run(self) -> None: """Runs a pipeline for the handler.""" pass @abc.abstractmethod def delete_run(self) -> None: """Deletes a run.""" pass @abc.abstractmethod def terminate_run(self) -> None: """Stops a run.""" pass @abc.abstractmethod def list_runs(self) -> None: """Lists all runs of a pipeline.""" pass @abc.abstractmethod def get_run(self) -> None: """Checks run status.""" pass def _check_pipeline_dsl_path(self) -> None: """Check if pipeline dsl path exists.""" pipeline_dsl_path = self.flags_dict[labels.PIPELINE_DSL_PATH] if not fileio.exists(pipeline_dsl_path): sys.exit('Invalid pipeline path: {}'.format(pipeline_dsl_path)) def _check_dsl_runner(self) -> None: """Check if runner in dsl is same as engine flag.""" engine_flag = self.flags_dict[labels.ENGINE_FLAG] with open(self.flags_dict[labels.PIPELINE_DSL_PATH], 'r') as f: dsl_contents = f.read() runner_names = { labels.AIRFLOW_ENGINE: 'AirflowDagRunner', labels.KUBEFLOW_ENGINE: 'KubeflowDagRunner', labels.BEAM_ENGINE: 'BeamDagRunner', labels.LOCAL_ENGINE: 'LocalDagRunner', } if runner_names[engine_flag] not in dsl_contents: sys.exit('{} runner not found in dsl.'.format(engine_flag)) def _extract_pipeline_args(self) -> Dict[Text, Any]: """Get pipeline args from the DSL. Returns: Python dictionary with pipeline details extracted from DSL. """ # TODO(b/157599419): Consider using a better way to extract pipeline info: # e.g. pipeline name/root. Currently we relies on consulting a env var when # creating Pipeline object, which is brittle. pipeline_dsl_path = self.flags_dict[labels.PIPELINE_DSL_PATH] if os.path.isdir(pipeline_dsl_path): sys.exit('Provide dsl file path.') # Create an environment for subprocess. temp_env = os.environ.copy() # Create temp file to store pipeline_args from pipeline dsl. temp_file = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='cli_tmp_', suffix='_pipeline_args')[1] # Store temp_file path in temp_env. # LINT.IfChange temp_env[labels.TFX_JSON_EXPORT_PIPELINE_ARGS_PATH] = temp_file # LINT.ThenChange( # ../../../orchestration/beam/beam_dag_runner.py, # ../../../orchestration/local/local_dag_runner.py, # ) # Run dsl with mock environment to store pipeline args in temp_file. self._subprocess_call([sys.executable, pipeline_dsl_path], env=temp_env) if os.stat(temp_file).st_size != 0: # Load pipeline_args from temp_file for TFX pipelines with open(temp_file, 'r') as f: pipeline_args = json.load(f) else: # For non-TFX pipelines, extract pipeline name from the dsl filename. pipeline_args = { labels.PIPELINE_NAME: os.path.basename(pipeline_dsl_path).split('.')[0] } # Delete temp file io_utils.delete_dir(temp_file) return pipeline_args def _get_handler_home(self) -> Text: """Sets handler home. Returns: Path to handler home directory. """ engine_flag = self.flags_dict[labels.ENGINE_FLAG] handler_home_dir = engine_flag.upper() + '_HOME' if handler_home_dir in os.environ: return os.environ[handler_home_dir] return os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], 'tfx', engine_flag, '') def _get_deprecated_handler_home(self) -> Text: """Sets old handler home for compatibility. Returns: Path to handler home directory. """ engine_flag = self.flags_dict[labels.ENGINE_FLAG] handler_home_dir = engine_flag.upper() + '_HOME' if handler_home_dir in os.environ: return os.environ[handler_home_dir] return os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], engine_flag, '') def _subprocess_call(self, command: List[Text], env: Dict[Text, Any] = None) -> None: return_code = subprocess.call(command, env=env) if return_code != 0: sys.exit('Error while running "{}" '.format(' '.join(command))) def _format_table(self, header: Collection[Any], data: Collection[Collection[Any]]): def _format_as_strings(items): return [f' {item} ' for item in items] header = _format_as_strings(header) data = [_format_as_strings(row) for row in data] max_widths = [len(s) for s in header] for row in data: max_widths = [ max(c_max, len(item)) for c_max, item in zip(max_widths, row) ] def _make_line(record, widths, sep='|', fill=' '): return (sep + sep.join( item.ljust(width, fill) for item, width in zip(record, widths)) + sep + '\n') empty_data = [''] * len(header) # empty data for horizontal line double_separator = _make_line(empty_data, max_widths, '+', '=') single_separator = _make_line(empty_data, max_widths, '+', '-') result = double_separator result += _make_line(header, max_widths) result += double_separator result += single_separator.join( _make_line(record, max_widths) for record in data) result += double_separator return result def _check_pipeline_existence(self, pipeline_name: Text, required: bool = True) -> None: """Check if pipeline folder exists and if not, exit system. Args: pipeline_name: Name of the pipeline. required: Set it as True if pipeline needs to exist else set it to False. """ handler_pipeline_path = os.path.join(self._handler_home_dir, pipeline_name) # Check if pipeline folder exists. exists = fileio.exists(handler_pipeline_path) if required and not exists: # Check pipeline directory prior 0.25 and move files to the new location # automatically. old_handler_pipeline_path = os.path.join( self._get_deprecated_handler_home(), pipeline_name) if fileio.exists(old_handler_pipeline_path): fileio.makedirs(os.path.dirname(handler_pipeline_path)) fileio.rename(old_handler_pipeline_path, handler_pipeline_path) engine_flag = self.flags_dict[labels.ENGINE_FLAG] handler_home_variable = engine_flag.upper() + '_HOME' click.echo( ('[WARNING] Pipeline "{pipeline_name}" was found in "{old_path}", ' 'but the location that TFX stores pipeline information was moved ' 'since TFX 0.25.0.\n' '[WARNING] Your files in "{old_path}" was automatically moved to ' 'the new location, "{new_path}".\n' '[WARNING] If you want to keep the files at the old location, set ' '`{handler_home}` environment variable to "{old_handler_home}".' ).format( pipeline_name=pipeline_name, old_path=old_handler_pipeline_path, new_path=handler_pipeline_path, handler_home=handler_home_variable, old_handler_home=self._get_deprecated_handler_home()), err=True) else: sys.exit('Pipeline "{}" does not exist.'.format(pipeline_name)) elif not required and exists: sys.exit('Pipeline "{}" already exists.'.format(pipeline_name)) def get_schema(self): pipeline_name = self.flags_dict[labels.PIPELINE_NAME] # Check if pipeline exists. self._check_pipeline_existence(pipeline_name) # Path to pipeline args. pipeline_args_path = os.path.join(self._handler_home_dir, self.flags_dict[labels.PIPELINE_NAME], 'pipeline_args.json') # Get pipeline_root. with open(pipeline_args_path, 'r') as f: pipeline_args = json.load(f) self._read_schema_from_pipeline_root(pipeline_name, pipeline_args[labels.PIPELINE_ROOT]) def _read_schema_from_pipeline_root(self, pipeline_name, pipeline_root): # Check if pipeline root created. If not, it means that the user has not # created a run yet or the pipeline is still running for the first time. if not fileio.exists(pipeline_root): sys.exit( 'Create a run before inferring schema. If pipeline is already running, then wait for it to successfully finish.' ) # If pipeline_root exists, then check if SchemaGen output exists. components = fileio.listdir(pipeline_root) if 'SchemaGen' not in components: sys.exit( 'Either SchemaGen component does not exist or pipeline is still running. If pipeline is running, then wait for it to successfully finish.' ) # Get the latest SchemaGen output. component_output_dir = os.path.join(pipeline_root, 'SchemaGen') schema_dir = os.path.join(component_output_dir, 'schema') schemagen_outputs = fileio.listdir(schema_dir) latest_schema_folder = max(schemagen_outputs, key=int) # Copy schema to current dir. latest_schema_uri = base_driver._generate_output_uri( # pylint: disable=protected-access component_output_dir, 'schema', int(latest_schema_folder)) latest_schema_path = os.path.join(latest_schema_uri, 'schema.pbtxt') curr_dir_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'schema.pbtxt') io_utils.copy_file(latest_schema_path, curr_dir_path, overwrite=True) # Print schema and path to schema click.echo('Path to schema: {}'.format(curr_dir_path)) click.echo('*********SCHEMA FOR {}**********'.format(pipeline_name.upper())) with open(curr_dir_path, 'r') as f: click.echo(f.read())
import csv import sys import os import mapdamage import pysam import itertools import math import logging import time def phred_pval_to_char(pval): """Transforming error rate to ASCII character using the Phred scale""" return chr(int(round(-10*math.log10(abs(pval)))+33)) def phred_char_to_pval(ch): """Transforming ASCII character in the Phred scale to the error rate""" return 10**(-(float(ord(ch))-float(33))/10) def get_corr_prob(folder, rescale_length_5p, rescale_length_3p): """ Reads the damage probability correction file, returns a dictionary with this structure position (one based) - CT - probability - GA - probability """ full_path = os.path.join(folder,"Stats_out_MCMC_correct_prob.csv") if not os.path.isfile(full_path): sys.exit("Missing file, the file \n\tStats_out_MCMC_correct_prob.csv\nshould be in the folder\n\t"+folder+"\nDid you run the MCMC estimates of the parameters?") try: fi_handle = csv.DictReader(open(full_path)) corr_prob = {} for line in fi_handle: if (corr_prob.has_key(line["Position"])): sys.exit('This file has multiple position definitions %s, line %d: %s' % \ (folder, fi_handle.line_num, corr_prob[line["Position"]])) else: corr_prob[int(line["Position"])] = {'C.T':float(line["C.T"]), 'G.A':float(line["G.A"])} # Exclude probabilities for positions outside of user-specified region for key in corr_prob.keys(): if key < -rescale_length_3p or key > rescale_length_5p: corr_prob.pop(key) return corr_prob except csv.Error as e: sys.exit('File %s, line %d: %s' % (os.path.join(folder,"Stats_out_MCMC_correct_prob.csv"), \ fi_handle.line_num, e)) def corr_this_base(corr_prob, nt_seq, nt_ref, pos, length,direction="both"): """ The position specific damaging correction, using the input corr_prob dictionary holding the damage correcting values nt_seq nucleotide in the sequence nt_ref nucleotide in the reference pos relative position from the 5' end length length of the sequence direction which end to consider the rescaling returns the correction probability for this particular set """ if (pos == 0): # not using 0 based indexing raise SystemError if ( nt_seq == "T" and nt_ref == "C" ): # an C to T transition subs = "C.T" elif( nt_seq == "A" and nt_ref == "G" ): # an G to A transition subs = "G.A" else: # other transitions/transversions are not affected by damage return 0 back_pos = pos-length-1 # position from 3' end if corr_prob.has_key(pos): p5_corr = corr_prob[pos][subs] # correction from 5' end else: p5_corr = 0 if corr_prob.has_key(back_pos): p3_corr = corr_prob[back_pos][subs] # correction from 3' end else: p3_corr = 0 if direction == "forward": return p5_corr elif direction == "backward": return p3_corr elif direction == "both": if pos < abs(back_pos) : # then we use the forward correction return p5_corr else : # else the backward correction return p3_corr else: # this should not happen raise SystemExit("Abnormal direction in the rescaling procedure") def initialize_subs(): """Initialize a substitution table, to track the expected substitution counts""" per_qual = dict(zip(range(0,130),[0]*130)) subs = {"CT-before":per_qual.copy(),\ "TC-before":per_qual.copy(),\ "GA-before":per_qual.copy(),\ "AG-before":per_qual.copy(),\ "CT-after":per_qual.copy(),\ "TC-after":per_qual.copy(),\ "GA-after":per_qual.copy(),\ "AG-after":per_qual.copy(),\ "A":0,\ "C":0,\ "G":0,\ "T":0,\ "CT-pvals":0.0,\ "CT-pvals_before":0.0,\ "TC-pvals":0.0,\ "GA-pvals":0.0,\ "GA-pvals_before":0.0,\ "AG-pvals":0.0,\ } return subs def record_subs(subs,nt_seq,nt_ref,nt_qual,nt_newqual,prob_corr): """ record the expected substitution change, prob_corr is the excact version for nt_qual""" if ( nt_seq == "T" and nt_ref == "C"): sub_type = "CT" subs["CT-pvals"] += prob_corr subs["CT-pvals_before"] += 1-phred_char_to_pval(nt_qual) elif ( nt_seq == "A" and nt_ref == "G"): sub_type = "GA" subs["GA-pvals"] += prob_corr subs["GA-pvals_before"] += 1-phred_char_to_pval(nt_qual) elif ( nt_seq == "C" and nt_ref == "T"): sub_type = "TC" subs["TC-pvals"] += 1-phred_char_to_pval(nt_qual) if (nt_qual != nt_newqual): raise SystemError("Internal error: rescaling qualities for the wrong transitions") elif ( nt_seq == "G" and nt_ref == "A"): sub_type = "AG" subs["AG-pvals"] += 1-phred_char_to_pval(nt_qual) if (nt_qual != nt_newqual): raise SystemError("Internal error: rescaling qualities for the wrong transitions") else: sub_type = "NN" if (sub_type != "NN"): # record only transitions subs[sub_type+"-before"][int(ord(nt_qual))-33] += 1 subs[sub_type+"-after"][int(ord(nt_newqual))-33] += 1 if (nt_ref in ["A","C","G","T"]): subs[nt_ref] += 1 def qual_summary_subs(subs): """Calculates summary statistics for the substition table subs""" for i in ["CT-before","TC-before","GA-before","AG-before","CT-after","TC-after","GA-after","AG-after"]: for lv in [0,10,20,30,40]: for qv in subs[i]: if qv >= lv : key = <KEY> if subs.has_key(key): subs[key] += subs[i][qv] else: subs[key] = subs[i][qv] def print_subs(subs): """Print the substition table""" print("\tThe expected substition frequencies before and after scaling using the scaled qualities as probalities:") if subs["C"]!=0: # the special case of no substitutions print("\tCT\t"+str(subs["CT-pvals_before"]/subs["C"])+"\t\t"+str(subs["CT-pvals"]/subs["C"])) else: print("\tCT\tNA\t\tNA") if subs["T"]!=0: print("\tTC\t"+str(subs["TC-pvals"]/subs["T"])+"\t\t"+str(subs["TC-pvals"]/subs["T"])) else: print("\tTC\tNA\t\tNA") if subs["G"]!=0: print("\tGA\t"+str(subs["GA-pvals_before"]/subs["G"])+"\t\t"+str(subs["GA-pvals"]/subs["G"])) else: print("\tGA\tNA\t\tNA") if subs["A"]!=0: print("\tAG\t"+str(subs["AG-pvals"]/subs["A"])+"\t\t"+str(subs["AG-pvals"]/subs["A"])) else: print("\tAG\tNA\t\tNA") print("\tQuality metrics before and after scaling") print("\tCT-Q0 \t"+str(subs["CT-before-Q0"])+"\t\t"+str(subs["CT-after-Q0"])) print("\tCT-Q10 \t"+str(subs["CT-before-Q10"])+"\t\t"+str(subs["CT-after-Q10"])) print("\tCT-Q20 \t"+str(subs["CT-before-Q20"])+"\t\t"+str(subs["CT-after-Q20"])) print("\tCT-Q30 \t"+str(subs["CT-before-Q30"])+"\t\t"+str(subs["CT-after-Q30"])) print("\tCT-Q40 \t"+str(subs["CT-before-Q40"])+"\t\t"+str(subs["CT-after-Q40"])) print("\tGA-Q0 \t"+str(subs["GA-before-Q0"])+"\t\t"+str(subs["GA-after-Q0"])) print("\tGA-Q10 \t"+str(subs["GA-before-Q10"])+"\t\t"+str(subs["GA-after-Q10"])) print("\tGA-Q20 \t"+str(subs["GA-before-Q20"])+"\t\t"+str(subs["GA-after-Q20"])) print("\tGA-Q30 \t"+str(subs["GA-before-Q30"])+"\t\t"+str(subs["GA-after-Q30"])) print("\tGA-Q40 \t"+str(subs["GA-before-Q40"])+"\t\t"+str(subs["GA-after-Q40"])) def rescale_qual_read(bam, read, ref, corr_prob,subs, debug = False,direction="both"): """ bam a pysam bam object read a pysam read object ref a pysam fasta ref file reflengths a dictionary holding the length of the references subs a dictionary holding the corrected number of substition before and after scaling corr_prob dictionary from get_corr_prob returns a read with rescaled quality score Iterates through the read and reference, rescales the quality according to corr_prob """ if not debug: # no need to log when unit testing logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) raw_seq = read.query # external coordinates 5' and 3' , 0-based offset coordinate = mapdamage.align.get_coordinates(read) # fetch reference name, chromosome or contig names chrom = bam.getrname(read.tid) refseq = ref.fetch(chrom, min(coordinate), max(coordinate)).upper() # add gaps to qualities and mask read and reference nucleotides if below desired threshold (seq, qual, refseq) = mapdamage.align.align_with_qual(read.cigar, \ raw_seq, read.qqual, -100, refseq) length_read = len(raw_seq) length_align = len(seq) # reverse complement read and reference when mapped reverse strand if read.is_reverse: refseq = mapdamage.seq.revcomp(refseq) seq = mapdamage.seq.revcomp(seq) qual = qual[::-1] new_qual = [-100]*length_read pos_on_read = 0 number_of_rescaled_bases = 0.0 for (i, nt_seq, nt_ref, nt_qual) in itertools.izip(xrange(length_align), seq, refseq, qual): # rescale the quality according to the triplet position, # pair of the reference and the sequence if ((nt_seq == "T" and nt_ref =="C") or (nt_seq == "A" and nt_ref =="G")): # need to rescale this subs. pdam = 1 - corr_this_base(corr_prob, nt_seq, nt_ref, pos_on_read + 1, length_read,direction=direction) pseq = 1 - phred_char_to_pval(nt_qual) newp = pdam*pseq # this could be numerically unstable newq = phred_pval_to_char(1-newp) number_of_rescaled_bases += 1-pdam else: # don't rescale, other bases newp = 1 - phred_char_to_pval(nt_qual) newq = nt_qual if pos_on_read < length_read: new_qual[pos_on_read] = newq record_subs(subs,nt_seq,nt_ref,nt_qual,new_qual[pos_on_read],newp) if nt_seq != "-": pos_on_read += 1 # done with the aligned portion of the read else: if not debug: logger.warning("Warning: The aligment of the read is longer than the actual read %s",(read.qname)) break new_qual = "".join(new_qual) if read.is_reverse: new_qual = new_qual[::-1] if (read.cigar[0][0] == 4): # check for soft clipping at forward end new_qual = read.qual[0:read.cigar[0][1]] + new_qual if (read.cigar[-1][0] == 4): # the same backwards new_qual = new_qual + read.qual[-read.cigar[-1][1]:] read.qual = new_qual # truncate this to 5 digits number_of_rescaled_bases = float("%.5f" % number_of_rescaled_bases) if read.has_tag("MR"): raise SystemExit("Read: %s already has a MR tag, can't rescale" % read) read.set_tag("MR", number_of_rescaled_bases, 'f') return read def rescale_qual(ref, options,debug=False): """ ref a pysam fasta ref file bam_filename name of a BAM/SAM file to read fi file containing the csv with correction probabilities reflengths dictionary with the reference lengths options options from the command line parsing Iterates through BAM file, makes a new BAM file with rescaled qualities. """ if not debug: # no need to log when unit testing logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.info("Rescaling BAM: '%s' -> '%s'" % (options.filename, options.rescale_out)) start_time = time.time() # open SAM/BAM files bam = pysam.Samfile(options.filename) if debug: write_mode = "wh" else: write_mode = "wb" bam_out = pysam.Samfile(options.rescale_out,write_mode, template = bam) corr_prob = get_corr_prob(options.folder, rescale_length_5p=options.rescale_length_5p, rescale_length_3p=options.rescale_length_3p) subs = initialize_subs() first_pair = True number_of_non_proper_pairs = 0 for hit in bam: if hit.is_unmapped: pass elif not hit.qual and not debug: logger.warning("Cannot rescale base PHRED scores for read '%s'; no scores assigned." % hit.qname) elif hit.is_paired : if first_pair and not debug: # assuming the ends are non-overlapping logger.warning("Warning! Assuming the pairs are non-overlapping, facing inwards and correctly paired.") first_pair=False #5p --------------> 3p #3p <-------------- 5p # pair 1 (inwards) #5p ----> # <---- 5p # A B # pair 2 (outwards), this happens if the reference is RC this is not supported # ----> 3p #3p <---- # A B # Correct outwards pairs from the 3p and inwards pairs with the 5p end if ((not hit.is_reverse) and hit.mate_is_reverse and (hit.pnext>hit.pos) and hit.tid==hit.mrnm): # the inwards case mate A hit = rescale_qual_read(bam, hit, ref, corr_prob,subs,direction="forward",debug=debug) elif (hit.is_reverse and (not hit.mate_is_reverse) and (hit.pnext<hit.pos) and hit.tid==hit.mrnm): # the inwards case mate B hit = rescale_qual_read(bam, hit, ref, corr_prob,subs,direction="forward",debug=debug) else: number_of_non_proper_pairs += 1 # cannot do much with conflicting pairing information else: hit = rescale_qual_read(bam, hit, ref, corr_prob,subs,debug=debug) bam_out.write(hit) if number_of_non_proper_pairs!=0 and not debug: logger.warning("Number of non-rescaled reads due to improper pairing: %d" % number_of_non_proper_pairs) if (subs["TC-before"] != subs["TC-after"] or subs["AG-before"] != subs["AG-after"]): sys.exit("Qualities for T.C and A.G transitions should not change in the rescaling, please contact the authors.") qual_summary_subs(subs) bam.close() bam_out.close() if not options.quiet: print_subs(subs) if not debug: logger.debug("Rescaling completed in %f seconds" % (time.time() - start_time,))
<reponame>dberardi2020/MovieSorter import shutil import subprocess import sys import time from os import path from InquirerPy import inquirer from InquirerPy.base import Choice from Classes import Directories, ANSI, Statistics from Classes.Logger import Logger from Classes.Movie import Movie from definitions import const, helpers upload_limit = 6 def check_name(): check = Directories.downloads.contains("title.mkv") if check and not check.is_locked(): Directories.downloads.print() name = inquirer.text(message="Please rename title.mkv in Downloaded: ", raise_keyboard_interrupt=False).execute() if name: check.rename(name) def change_name(): check_name() # Give selection prompt selected: Movie = inquirer.select( message="Which movie would you like to rename?", choices=[Choice(movie, name=movie.name) for movie in helpers.get_all_movie()] + [Choice(value=None, name="Exit")], show_cursor=False, raise_keyboard_interrupt=False ).execute() if not selected: return name = inquirer.text(message=f"Please provide the new name for {selected.name}: ", raise_keyboard_interrupt=False, default=selected.remove_extension()).execute() if not name: return confirmed = inquirer.confirm( message=f"Are you sure you want to rename {selected.name} to {name}{selected.get_extension()}?", raise_keyboard_interrupt=False).execute() if confirmed: selected.rename(name) def get_external_info(): total, used, free = shutil.disk_usage(const.external_drive) print("Total: %d GB" % (total // (2 ** 30))) print("Free: %d GB" % (free // (2 ** 30))) print("Used: %d GB" % (used // (2 ** 30))) def get_dir_info(): get_external_info() print() Directories.downloads.print() Directories.queued.print() Directories.ready.print() def sort(): sort_downloaded() clean_compression_queue() def sort_downloaded(): check_name() print("Sorting movies in Downloaded...") for movie in Directories.downloads.get_movies(): if movie.is_locked(): continue if movie.size < const.upload_limit: movie.move_to_upload() else: movie.move_to_compression() print() def clean_compression_queue(): print("Cleaning movies in Ready for Compression...") for movie in Directories.queued.get_movies(): if movie.is_compressed(): movie.delete() print() def run_compression(): logger = Logger() eta = Statistics.compression.estimate(Directories.queued.get_size()) logger.log_and_print(f"Compressing movies in Ready for Compression... [ETA: {eta}]") queued = Directories.queued.get_movies() total_tasks = len(queued) current_task = 0 master_start_time = time.time() log_cache = [] for movie in queued: target = 0 current_task += 1 output_path = Directories.ready.append(movie.name).replace(".mkv", ".mp4") handbrake_command = [r"HandBrakeCLI.exe", "-i", f"{movie.path}", "-o", f"{output_path}", "-e", "x264", "-q", "20", "-B", "160"] start_time = time.time() process = subprocess.Popen(handbrake_command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True) for line in process.stdout: if helpers.process_compression_output(movie.name, current_task, total_tasks, line, target, logger): target += 10 compressed_movie_size = helpers.convert_to_gb(path.getsize(output_path)) run_time = helpers.run_time(start_time) Statistics.compression.add_stat(movie.size, run_time) output_log = f"Compressed {movie.name} from {movie.size} GB to {compressed_movie_size} " \ f"GB in {helpers.format_time(run_time)}" log_cache.append(output_log) print() logger.log_and_print( f"Completed {total_tasks} compression(s) in {helpers.format_time(helpers.run_time(master_start_time))}... " f"[ETA: {eta}]") for log in log_cache: logger.log_and_print(log) print() def upload_to_nas(): num_uploads = Directories.ready.get_movies_cnt() uploads_left = Directories.ready.get_movies_cnt() size_total = Directories.ready.get_size() eta = Statistics.upload.estimate(size_total) print(f"Uploading movies in Ready for Upload... [ETA: {eta}]\n") start_time = time.time() for idx, movie in enumerate(Directories.ready.get_movies()): print( f"{ANSI.up_char(idx + 1)}{uploads_left} movie(s) left to upload - [{size_total} GB]{ANSI.clr_char()}{ANSI.down_char(idx)}") uploads_left = uploads_left - 1 if movie.is_locked(): continue movie.upload_to_nas() Statistics.upload.add_stat(movie.size, helpers.run_time(start_time)) size_total = size_total - movie.size print( f"{ANSI.up_char(num_uploads + 1)}{uploads_left} movie(s) left to upload - [{size_total} GB]{ANSI.clr_char()}{ANSI.down_char(num_uploads)}") print(f"\nUploaded {num_uploads} movies in {helpers.format_time(helpers.run_time(start_time))}\n") def dev_func(): Statistics.compression.print_stat() print() Statistics.upload.print_stat() sys.exit() def mark_failure(): check_name() if Directories.downloads.get_movies_cnt() > 0: last_rip = Directories.downloads.get_movies()[0] last_rip_name = last_rip.remove_extension() confirmed = inquirer.confirm(message=f"Are you sure you want to mark {last_rip_name} as a failure?", raise_keyboard_interrupt=False).execute() if confirmed: if helpers.write_failure(last_rip_name): last_rip.delete() else: custom = inquirer.text(message="What is the name of the failure?: ", raise_keyboard_interrupt=False).execute() if custom: helpers.write_failure(custom) else: custom = inquirer.text(message="What is the name of the failure?: ", raise_keyboard_interrupt=False).execute() if custom: helpers.write_failure(custom) def mark_series(): series = inquirer.text(message="What is the name of the series?: ", raise_keyboard_interrupt=False).execute() if series: helpers.write_series(series)
<gh_stars>0 #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Models declaration for application ``django_mailbox``. """ from email.encoders import encode_base64 from email.message import Message as EmailMessage from email.utils import formatdate, parseaddr, parsedate_tz, parsedate_to_datetime from quopri import encode as encode_quopri import base64 import email import logging import mimetypes import os.path import sys import uuid import six from urllib import parse import django from django.conf import settings as django_settings from django.core.files.base import ContentFile from django.core.mail.message import make_msgid from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.utils import timezone from django.db import models from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from django.contrib.contenttypes.fields import GenericForeignKey, GenericRelation from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType from model_utils.managers import InheritanceManager from communication.utils import comm_utils from communication.transports.harvest_transports import HarvestImapTransport, HarvestPop3Transport, HarvestGmailTransport, \ HarvestImapExchangeTransport from communication.transports import transport_exceptions from cryptographic_fields.fields import EncryptedCharField from phonenumber_field.modelfields import PhoneNumberField from oauth2client.contrib.django_util.models import CredentialsField import assets import crm from crm.models import Person from cedar_settings.models import GeneralSetting logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) # For DRF Serializing See: # http://www.django-rest-framework.org/api-guide/relations/#rest-framework-generic-relations class ActiveObjectManager(models.Manager): """ Filters all objects that are not active. Requires a boolean field called 'active' """ def get_queryset(self): return super(ActiveObjectManager, self).get_queryset().filter(active=True) class Communication(models.Model): """ Sort-of parent object for Communication Type (Phone, Fax, Message, etc.) objects. Note: a post_delete signal is attached that will delete the comm_type instance when a Communication instance is deleted. Since CommunicationRelation objects will cascade we don't have to worry about those. """ subject = models.TextField(max_length=1000) date = models.DateTimeField(verbose_name='Date & time of communication.') from_contacts = models.ManyToManyField(crm.models.Person, related_name='from_contact') to_contacts = models.ManyToManyField(crm.models.Person, related_name='to_contact') # Generic foreign keys to communication types (Fax, PhoneCall, Message, etc.) comm_type_ct = models.ForeignKey(ContentType) comm_type_oid = models.PositiveIntegerField() comm_type = GenericForeignKey('comm_type_ct', 'comm_type_oid') class Meta: ordering = ['-date'] def __str__(self): return '{}: {}'.format(self.date, self.subject) @classmethod def create_communication(cls, subject, date, from_contacts, to_contacts, comm_type_obj): """ Takes a communication type object, creates a communication instance and creates a relation between the two. :param subject: :param date: :param from_contacts: :param to_contacts: :param comm_type_obj: PhoneCall, Message, Fax, etc. :return: """ comm = Communication( subject=subject, date=date, ) comm.comm_type = comm_type_obj comm.save() if from_contacts: comm.from_contacts = from_contacts if to_contacts: comm.to_contacts = to_contacts comm.save() return comm @classmethod def create_related_communication(cls, subject, date, from_contacts, to_contacts, comm_type_obj, related_obj): """ Takes a communication type object, creates a communication instance and creates a relation between the two. :param subject: :param date: :param from_contacts: :param to_contacts: :param comm_type_obj: PhoneCall, Message, Fax, etc. :param related_obj: eg HER Prj, DEV Prj, etc. :return: """ comm = Communication( subject=subject, date=date, # comm_type=comm_type_obj ) comm.comm_type = comm_type_obj if from_contacts: comm.from_contacts = from_contacts if to_contacts: comm.to_contacts = to_contacts comm.save() CommunicationRelation( comm=comm, related_object=related_obj ).save() return comm @classmethod def get_communications_related_to(cls, related_object): """ Takes some object (eg development project instance) and returns communication objects related to it. :param related_object: :return: communication queryset """ return Communication.objects.filter( related_communication__related_object_oid=related_object.id, related_communication__related_object_ct=ContentType.objects.get_for_model(related_object) ) def get_absolute_url(self): """ :return:the url to the comm_type object not the parent communication object itself. """ return self.comm_type.get_absolute_url() class CommunicationRelation(models.Model): """ Relates a communication instance to some other model in the database. The expectation for now is that the related_object will be a development project or heritage project. """ comm = models.ForeignKey(Communication, related_name='related_communication') related_object_ct = models.ForeignKey(ContentType) related_object_oid = models.PositiveIntegerField() related_object = GenericForeignKey('related_object_ct', 'related_object_oid') def __str__(self): return "{}: {}: {}".format(self.comm.date, self.comm.comm_type_ct, self.related_object) class CommunicationAsset(assets.models.SecureAsset): """ This is a deprecated model - created prior to generic link assets. """ @property def storage_string(self): return "communication_assets" objects = InheritanceManager() class CommunicationFileRelation(models.Model): """ Provides a method for communication type instances to have a x-many relationship with any (asset) model instance(s). The presumption here is that the "asset" points to an implementation of the assets.SecureAsset class. """ asset_ct = models.ForeignKey(ContentType, related_name='communicationfilerelation_ct') asset_oid = models.PositiveIntegerField() asset = GenericForeignKey('asset_ct', 'asset_oid') # Generic foreign keys to communication types (Fax, PhoneCall, Message, etc.) comm_type_ct = models.ForeignKey(ContentType) comm_type_oid = models.PositiveIntegerField() comm_type = GenericForeignKey('comm_type_ct', 'comm_type_oid') class CommunicationTypeAbstract(models.Model): communication = GenericRelation(Communication, content_type_field='comm_type_ct', object_id_field='comm_type_oid') class Meta: abstract = True class MailAccount(models.Model): protocol_choices = ( ('pop3', 'pop3'), ('imap', 'imap'), ('imap-exchange', 'imap-exchange'), ('gmail', 'imap-gmail') ) email_address = models.EmailField(help_text="Email address for this account. May differ from username.") username = models.CharField( max_length=100, help_text="Username required for login to the mail server.") password = EncryptedCharField(max_length=50, blank=True, null=True) server_address = models.CharField( max_length=300, verbose_name="Address of the server", help_text="Address of the mail server. Eg: www.example.com,, etc.") protocol = models.CharField( max_length=20, choices=protocol_choices, default='imap', help_text="If you use gmail SSL must be enabled." ) ssl = models.BooleanField(default=False) def get_folders(self): """ Queries server via a temp mailbox for folder names :return: list of foldernames on the server. """ # use a temporary mailbox for it's connection: m = Mailbox(mail_account=self) return m.get_mail_folders() def update_folders(self): """ Creates mailboxes for each folder returned from the server. :return: list of names of created folders """ new = [] for folder in self.get_folders(): mbx, created = Mailbox.objects.get_or_create(folder_name=folder, mail_account=self) if created: new.append(mbx) return new def harvest_mail(self): comm_utils.harvest_mailboxes(self.mailbox_set.filter(active=True)) def __str__(self): return '{} - {}'.format(self.username, self.server_address) class Meta: permissions = ( ("harvest_mail_account", "Can run mailharvest on mail account"), ) class Mailbox(models.Model): folder_name = models.CharField(max_length=300, default='INBOX', help_text='This is the un-url-quoted folder name') active = models.BooleanField( _(u'Active'), help_text=(_( "Check this e-mail inbox for new e-mail messages during polling " "cycles. This checkbox does not have an effect upon whether " "mail is collected here when this mailbox receives mail from a " "pipe, and does not affect whether e-mail messages can be " "dispatched from this mailbox. " )), blank=True, default=False, ) mail_account = models.ForeignKey(MailAccount) incoming = models.BooleanField( default=True, verbose_name="Is Incoming", help_text="False if this is an outgoing mailbox (e.g. 'Sent Mail'), True if otherwise.") # hierarchy_delimiter = models.CharField( # max_length=1, # blank=True, # null=True, # verbose_name='IMAP folder hierarchy delimiter. Set automatically by the mailaccount when folders (mailboxes) are created.') objects = models.Manager() @property def uri_template(self): return '{protocol}://{user}:{password}@{server_address}?folder={folder}' @property def uri(self): """ Most important property of mailbox. Everything derives from this. :return: """ if self.mail_account.ssl: protocol = self.mail_account.protocol + "+ssl" else: protocol = self.mail_account.protocol password = None if self.mail_account.password: password = parse.quote(self.mail_account.password) return self.uri_template.format( protocol=protocol, user=parse.quote(self.mail_account.username), password=password, server_address=self.mail_account.server_address, folder=parse.quote(self.folder_name) ) @property def uri_sani_pretty(self): """ Same as uri property but with user/pass excluded and things unquoted. :return: """ return self.uri_template.format( protocol=self.mail_account.protocol, user="username", password="password", server_address=self.mail_account.server_address, folder=self.folder_name ) @property def _protocol_info(self): return parse.urlparse(self.uri) @property def _query_string(self): return parse.parse_qs(self._protocol_info.query) @property def _domain(self): return self._protocol_info.hostname @property def folder(self): """Returns the folder to fetch mail from.""" # return parse.quote(self.folder_name) folder = self._query_string.get('folder', None)[0] # see BUG: https://bugs.python.org/issue13940 # if there are special characters we should quote them ourselves: # folder = '"{}"'.format(folder) return folder @property def folder_pretty(self): # Todo: implement field to store imap folder hierachy delimiter. For now, assume it's a "." f = self.folder return f.split('.')[-1] @property def name(self): return '{}__{}'.format(self.mail_account.username, self.folder) @property def port(self): """Returns the port to use for fetching messages.""" return self._protocol_info.port @property def username(self): """Returns the username to use for fetching messages.""" return parse.unquote(self._protocol_info.username) @property def password(self): """Returns the password to use for fetching messages.""" return parse.unquote(self._protocol_info.password) @property def from_email(self): return self.mail_account.email_address @property def location(self): """Returns the location (domain and path) of messages.""" return self._domain if self._domain else '' + self._protocol_info.path @property def type(self): """Returns the 'transport' name for this mailbox.""" scheme = self._protocol_info.scheme.lower() if '+' in scheme: return scheme.split('+')[0] return scheme @property def use_ssl(self): """Returns whether or not this mailbox's connection uses SSL.""" return '+ssl' in self._protocol_info.scheme.lower() @property def use_tls(self): """Returns whether or not this mailbox's connection uses STARTTLS.""" return '+tls' in self._protocol_info.scheme.lower() @property def archive(self): """Returns (if specified) the folder to archive messages to.""" archive_folder = self._query_string.get('archive', None) if not archive_folder: return None return archive_folder[0] def get_connection(self): """ Decides on the transport required and initiates the connection. :return: """ # Define method-level variable that connect_to_transport() can reference outside of its own scope. # I have doubts that this will work when connect_to_transport() is executed in its own process. transport = None if not self.uri: transport = None elif self.type == 'imap': transport = HarvestImapTransport( self.location, port=self.port if self.port else None, ssl=self.use_ssl, tls=self.use_tls, archive=self.archive, folder=self.folder ) elif self.type == 'imap-exchange': transport = HarvestImapExchangeTransport( self.location, port=self.port if self.port else None, ssl=self.use_ssl, tls=self.use_tls, archive=self.archive, folder=self.folder ) elif self.type == 'gmail': mail_account = self.mail_account credentials = mail_account.gmailcredential.credential transport = HarvestGmailTransport( self.location, port=self.port if self.port else None, ssl=True, archive=self.archive, credentials=credentials, folder=self.folder ) elif self.type == 'pop3': transport = HarvestPop3Transport( self.location, port=self.port if self.port else None, ssl=self.use_ssl ) else: logger.error("Error choosing mail transport class for mailbox:", str(self)) transport = None if transport is None: logger.error("A valid transport class could not be determined for this mailbox:", str(self)) else: try: default_timeout = GeneralSetting.objects.get('communication__mailharvest_get_connection_timeout') transport.connect(self.username, self.password, default_timeout) except (transport_exceptions.ConnectionError, transport_exceptions.LoginError, transport_exceptions.TimeoutError) as e: # The transport will have already logged the error. We should give some user feed back here. # TODO: present to user some error message about failing to connect to the mail server. return None return transport def get_mail_folders(self): """ Connect to this transport and fetch imap folders :param: :return: """ folders = [] connection = self.get_connection() if not connection: return folders else: folders = connection.list_folders() return folders def get_message_ids(self): """ Connect to this transport and fetch message Ids :return: """ connection = self.get_connection() message_ids = [] if not connection: return message_ids for thing in connection.list_message_ids(): message_ids.append(thing) print("message id:", thing) return message_ids def get_message_uids(self): """ Connect to this transport and fetch message UIds :return: """ connection = self.get_connection() message_uids = [] if not connection: return message_uids for thing in connection.list_message_uids(): message_uids.append(thing) return message_uids def harvest_mail(self): """Connect to this transport and fetch new messages.""" new_mail = comm_utils.harvest_mailbox(self) return new_mail def _get_dehydrated_message(self, msg, record): """ Gets the various message pieces of msg (EmailMessage) and stores as Attachments related to record (Message). Called by Mailbox._process_message() Calls itself resursively if the message is MULTIPART. :param msg: EmailMessage object instance :param record: communications.Message model instance :return: EmailMessage object (NOT communication.Message model) """ settings = comm_utils.get_settings() new = EmailMessage() if msg.is_multipart(): for header, value in msg.items(): new[header] = value for part in msg.get_payload(): new.attach( self._get_dehydrated_message(part, record) ) # cedar8 is not using the strip_unnallowed mimetypes setting, no this code is never executed. elif settings['strip_unallowed_mimetypes'] and not msg.get_content_type() in settings['allowed_mimetypes']: for header, value in msg.items(): new[header] = value # Delete header, otherwise when attempting to deserialize the # payload, it will be expecting a body for this. del new['Content-Transfer-Encoding'] new[settings['altered_message_header']] = ( 'Stripped; Content type %s not allowed' % ( msg.get_content_type() ) ) new.set_payload('') elif ( (msg.get_content_type() not in settings['text_stored_mimetypes']) or ('attachment' in msg.get('Content-Disposition', '')) ): filename = None raw_filename = msg.get_filename() if raw_filename: filename = comm_utils.convert_header_to_unicode(raw_filename) if not filename: extension = mimetypes.guess_extension(msg.get_content_type()) else: _, extension = os.path.splitext(filename) if not extension: extension = '.bin' filename_safe = uuid.uuid4().hex + extension if not filename: filename = filename_safe # create a blank attachment instance and copy in some email stuff: attachment = MessageAttachment() attachment.message = record for key, value in msg.items(): attachment[key] = value content_file = ContentFile(six.BytesIO(msg.get_payload(decode=True)).getvalue()) # test the attachment before saving. If it's an image, inline, and small, don't save it. # If we return "new" without setting the EmailMessage's 'attachment_interpolation_header' then I think we're cool. # TODO Implement Message Attachment Blacklist HERE. try: if attachment['Content-Disposition'].startswith('inline') and attachment['Content-Type'].startswith('image'): min_img_size_KB = GeneralSetting.objects.get('communication__mailharvest_min_inline_img_size_KB') if content_file.size/1000 < min_img_size_KB: logger.warning("SKIP attachment: inline image size {} KB is smaller than min image size setting of {} KB." .format(content_file.size/1000, min_img_size_KB)) placeholder = EmailMessage() # return placeholder without the interpolation header: return placeholder except KeyError: # we tried to check a header that wasn't there. that's ok, keep on keepin' on. logger.warning("checking for attachment headers - we referenced a header that wasn't there. that's probably ok.") # if we've made it here, continue with saving and relating the attachment. attachment.save() ''' create temporary CommunicationAssets. "Temporary" because the message hasn't yet been parsed for harvest codes. these will be transferred into related asset classes at that point (if there are found to be related instances, other will remain CommunicationAssets). ''' comm_asset = CommunicationAsset() comm_asset.name = filename comm_asset.save() comm_asset.file.save(filename_safe, content_file) attachment.create_file_relation(comm_asset) placeholder = EmailMessage() placeholder[ settings['attachment_interpolation_header'] ] = str(attachment.pk) new = placeholder else: content_charset = msg.get_content_charset() if not content_charset: content_charset = 'ascii' try: # Make sure that the payload can be properly decoded in the # defined charset, if it can't, let's mash some things # inside the payload :-\ msg.get_payload(decode=True).decode(content_charset) except LookupError: logger.warning( "Unknown encoding %s; interpreting as ASCII!", content_charset ) msg.set_payload( msg.get_payload(decode=True).decode( 'ascii', 'ignore' ) ) except ValueError: logger.warning( "Decoding error encountered; interpreting %s as ASCII!", content_charset ) msg.set_payload( msg.get_payload(decode=True).decode( 'ascii', 'ignore' ) ) new = msg return new def _process_message(self, message): """ This is the guy that does the magic. :param message: :return: msg (Message) """ msg = Message() settings = comm_utils.get_settings() # Get message-id - this is a critical piece, it shouldn't be conditional. # if 'message-id' in message: msg.message_id = message['message-id'].strip() if not msg.message_id: raise AttributeError("Harvest acquired a message without a message id. Message: {}".format(message)) if Message.objects.filter(mailbox=self, message_id=msg.message_id).exists(): logger.error("Problem. A message was about to be processed that already exists in C8. Message id: {}".format(msg.message_id)) return # Set owning mailbox: msg.mailbox = self # Get message date: date = parsedate_to_datetime(message.get('date')) if settings['store_original_message']: msg.eml.save( '%s.eml' % uuid.uuid4(), ContentFile(message.as_string()), save=False ) # Get message subject: if 'subject' in message: msg.subject = comm_utils.convert_header_to_unicode(message['subject'])[0:255] else: msg.subject = '[No subject]' # Get senders: if 'from' in message: msg.from_header = comm_utils.convert_header_to_unicode(message['from']) from_contacts = crm.models.Person.objects.filter(email__in=msg.from_address) else: from_contacts = Person.objects.none() # Get receivers if 'to' in message: msg.to_header = comm_utils.convert_header_to_unicode(message['to']) to_contacts = crm.models.Person.objects.filter(email__in=msg.to_addresses) elif 'Delivered-To' in message: msg.to_header = comm_utils.convert_header_to_unicode(message['Delivered-To']) to_contacts = crm.models.Person.objects.filter(email__in=msg.to_addresses) else: to_contacts = Person.objects.none() msg.save() message = self._get_dehydrated_message(message, msg) msg.set_body(message.as_string()) if message['in-reply-to']: try: msg.in_reply_to = Message.objects.filter( message_id=message['in-reply-to'].strip() )[0] except IndexError: pass msg.save() # Process Message for harvest codes: relations = comm_utils.parse_message_for_entity_relations( harvest_prefixes=HarvestCodePrefix.objects.all(), message=msg ) ''' Use the message/object relations we made in the previous step to set up the Communication, CommunicationRelation, HarvestPrefixRelations. Also, if the message is related to something and it has attachments, then those attachments need to be converted from CommunicationAssets in to whatever asset class the related object suggests (eg. get_asset_class() ''' if relations: # Create the communication object (one message, one comm, but possibly many relations): comm = Communication.create_communication( subject=msg.subject, date=date, from_contacts=from_contacts, to_contacts=to_contacts, comm_type_obj=msg ) for relation in relations: # This HMR step should be dropped in favour of the CR below - but I like it, so don't drop it. HarvestMessageRelation.objects.create( related_object=relation['related_object'], message=relation['message'], # This should be the same as "msg" in this method scope. harvest_code_prefix=relation['harvest_code_prefix'], harvest_code_full=relation['harvest_code_full'] ) CommunicationRelation( comm=comm, related_object=relation['related_object'] ).save() # determine what do to with message attachments' CFRs: if msg.attachments.count() > 0: for attachment in msg.attachments.all(): # save a pointer to the original Communication File Relation attachment_file_relation = attachment.file_relations.first() try: new_asset_instance = relation['related_object'].get_asset_class() except Exception as err: msg = "Could not get asset class for {} when processing message {}. Error: {}" \ .format(relation['related_object'], relation['message'].id, str(err)) logger.warning(msg=msg) continue # transfer attributes to new asset instance: new_asset_instance.name = attachment_file_relation.asset.name new_asset_instance.comment = "Harvested from email on {}. Related message id: {}" \ .format(timezone.now(), msg.id) new_asset_instance.save() content_file = ContentFile(attachment_file_relation.asset.file.read()) attachment_file_relation.asset.file.close() new_asset_instance.file.save(attachment_file_relation.asset.file.name, content_file) attachment.create_file_relation(new_asset_instance) log_msg = "Created asset from email attachment for: {}, message id: {}, filename: {}" \ .format(relation['related_object'], relation['message'].id, new_asset_instance.name) logger.info(msg=log_msg) # Close the asset file attachment_file_relation.asset.file.close() # When the asset linking is done (ie after this loop) we need to clean up generic communications assets as they # are existing on their own, not linked to projects. else: ''' If no relations were discovered then wipe the message. This should only happen for Exchange server messages due to the face that server-side searches are disabled. ''' logger.warning("Wipe disabled for message id: {} in mailbox: {}".format(msg.message_id, msg.mailbox)) # msg.wipe() ''' CLEAN up lingering CommunicationAssets by this point all linkages between messageattachment assets and related project should be done. loop over message attachments again and squanch any that are generic CommunicationAssets ''' for attachment in msg.attachments.all(): for cfr in attachment.file_relations.all(): if isinstance(cfr.asset, CommunicationAsset): cfr.asset.delete() cfr.delete() return msg def __str__(self): return self.folder class Meta: verbose_name_plural = "Mailboxes" permissions = ( ("harvest_mailbox", "Can run mailharvest on mailbox"), ) class Message(CommunicationTypeAbstract): mailbox = models.ForeignKey( Mailbox, related_name='messages', verbose_name=_(u'Mailbox'), ) # Kept subject in Message model to make parsing for Harvest Codes slightly easier. # could be dropped if the parse method were refactored. subject = models.TextField( _(u'Subject'), max_length=1000 ) message_id = models.TextField( _(u'Message ID') ) in_reply_to = models.ForeignKey( 'communication.Message', related_name='replies', blank=True, null=True, verbose_name=_(u'In reply to'), ) from_header = models.CharField( _('From header'), max_length=255, ) to_header = models.TextField( _(u'To header'), ) body = models.TextField( _(u'Body'), ) encoded = models.BooleanField( _(u'Encoded'), default=False, help_text=_('True if the e-mail body is Base64 encoded'), ) processed = models.DateTimeField( _('Processed'), auto_now_add=True ) eml = models.FileField( _(u'Raw message contents'), blank=True, null=True, upload_to="messages", help_text=_(u'Original full content of message') ) harvest_code_prefixes = models.ManyToManyField('HarvestCodePrefix', through='HarvestMessageRelation', related_name='harvest_code_prefixes') objects = models.Manager() @property def from_address(self): """Returns the address (as a list) from which this message was received .. note:: This was once (and probably should be) a string rather than a list, but in a pull request received long, long ago it was changed; presumably to make the interface identical to that of `to_addresses`. """ if self.from_header: return [parseaddr(self.from_header)[1].lower()] else: return [] @property def to_addresses(self): """Returns a list of addresses to which this message was sent.""" addresses = [] for address in self.to_header.split(','): if address: addresses.append( parseaddr( address )[1].lower() ) return addresses # def reply(self, message): # """Sends a message as a reply to this message instance. # # Although Django's e-mail processing will set both Message-ID # and Date upon generating the e-mail message, we will not be able # to retrieve that information through normal channels, so we must # pre-set it. # # """ # if not message.from_email: # if self.mailbox.from_email: # message.from_email = self.mailbox.from_email # else: # message.from_email = django_settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL # message.extra_headers['Message-ID'] = make_msgid() # message.extra_headers['Date'] = formatdate() # message.extra_headers['In-Reply-To'] = self.message_id.strip() # message.send() # return self.mailbox.record_outgoing_message( # email.message_from_string( # message.message().as_string() # ) # ) @property def text(self): """ Returns the message body matching content type 'text/plain'. """ return comm_utils.get_body_from_message( self.get_email_object(), 'text', 'plain' ).replace('=\n', '').strip() @property def html(self): """ Returns the message body matching content type 'text/html'. """ return comm_utils.get_body_from_message( self.get_email_object(), 'text', 'html' ).replace('\n', '').strip() def _rehydrate(self, msg): new = EmailMessage() settings = comm_utils.get_settings() if msg.is_multipart(): for header, value in msg.items(): new[header] = value for part in msg.get_payload(): new.attach( self._rehydrate(part) ) elif settings['attachment_interpolation_header'] in msg.keys(): try: attachment = MessageAttachment.objects.get( pk=msg[settings['attachment_interpolation_header']] ) for header, value in attachment.items(): new[header] = value encoding = new['Content-Transfer-Encoding'] if encoding and encoding.lower() == 'quoted-printable': # Cannot use `email.encoders.encode_quopri due to # bug 14360: http://bugs.python.org/issue14360 output = six.BytesIO() # att_file = attachment.file # file_contents = att_file.read() # att_file.close() # I don't want it to do this very often, and who needs the attachments here anyways? file_contents = ContentFile("File contents not read for optimization").read() encode_quopri( six.BytesIO(file_contents), output, quotetabs=True, header=False, ) new.set_payload( output.getvalue().decode().replace(' ', '=20') ) del new['Content-Transfer-Encoding'] new['Content-Transfer-Encoding'] = 'quoted-printable' else: # att_file = attachment.file # put in a var so the .file property doesn't loop so much. # file_contents = att_file.read() # att_file.close() file_contents = ContentFile("File contents not read due for optimization").read() new.set_payload(file_contents) del new['Content-Transfer-Encoding'] encode_base64(new) except MessageAttachment.DoesNotExist: new[settings['altered_message_header']] = ( 'Missing; Attachment %s not found' % ( msg[settings['attachment_interpolation_header']] ) ) new.set_payload('') else: for header, value in msg.items(): new[header] = value new.set_payload( msg.get_payload() ) return new def get_body(self): """Returns the `body` field of this record. This will automatically base64-decode the message contents if they are encoded as such. """ if self.encoded: return base64.b64decode(self.body.encode('ascii')) return self.body.encode('utf-8') def set_body(self, body): """Set the `body` field of this record. This will automatically base64-encode the message contents to circumvent a limitation in earlier versions of Django in which no fields existed for storing arbitrary bytes. """ if six.PY3: body = body.encode('utf-8') self.encoded = True self.body = base64.b64encode(body).decode('ascii') def get_email_object(self): """Returns an `email.message.Message` instance representing the contents of this message and all attachments. See [email.Message.Message]_ for more information as to what methods and properties are available on `email.message.Message` instances. .. note:: Depending upon the storage methods in use (specifically -- whether ``DJANGO_MAILBOX_STORE_ORIGINAL_MESSAGE`` is set to ``True``, this may either create a "rehydrated" message using stored attachments, or read the message contents stored on-disk. .. [email.Message.Message]: Python's `email.message.Message` docs (https://docs.python.org/2/library/email.message.html) """ if self.eml: self.eml.open() body = self.eml.file.read() else: body = self.get_body() if six.PY3: flat = email.message_from_bytes(body) else: flat = email.message_from_string(body) return self._rehydrate(flat) def wipe(self): """ Deletes all fields and attachments associated with this message. Leaves message_id intact Allows us to keep a record of message-ids that have been downloaded without tracking every email that has ever been sent. :return: """ for attachment in self.attachments.all(): # This attachment is attached only to this message. attachment.delete() wiped_text = 'wiped' self.subject = wiped_text self.in_reply_to = None self.from_header = wiped_text self.to_header = wiped_text self.body = wiped_text self.eml.delete() # for field in self._meta.get_fields(): self.save() def delete(self, *args, **kwargs): """Delete this message and all stored attachments.""" for attachment in self.attachments.all(): # This attachment is attached only to this message. attachment.delete() return super(Message, self).delete(*args, **kwargs) def get_absolute_url(self): return reverse('communication:message-detail', args=[str(self.id)]) def __str__(self): return self.subject class MessageAttachment(models.Model): message = models.ForeignKey( Message, related_name='attachments', null=True, blank=True, verbose_name=_('Message'), ) headers = models.TextField( _(u'Headers'), null=True, blank=True, ) # files = models.Many(CommunicationFileRelation) file_relations = GenericRelation(CommunicationFileRelation, content_type_field='comm_type_ct', object_id_field='comm_type_oid') def _get_rehydrated_headers(self): headers = self.headers if headers is None: return EmailMessage() if sys.version_info < (3, 0): try: headers = headers.encode('utf-8') except UnicodeDecodeError as e: # headers = unicode(headers, 'utf-8').encode('utf-8') logger.error("Unicode error at MessageAttachment._get_rehydrated_headers: {}".format(str(e))) return email.message_from_string(headers) def _set_dehydrated_headers(self, email_object): self.headers = email_object.as_string() def __delitem__(self, name): rehydrated = self._get_rehydrated_headers() del rehydrated[name] self._set_dehydrated_headers(rehydrated) def __setitem__(self, name, value): rehydrated = self._get_rehydrated_headers() rehydrated[name] = value self._set_dehydrated_headers(rehydrated) def get_filename(self): """ :return: original filename of this attachment. """ file_name = self._get_rehydrated_headers().get_filename() if isinstance(file_name, six.string_types): result = comm_utils.convert_header_to_unicode(file_name) if result is None: return file_name return result else: return None def items(self): return self._get_rehydrated_headers().items() def __getitem__(self, name): value = self._get_rehydrated_headers()[name] if value is None: raise KeyError('Header %s does not exist' % name) return value def create_file_relation(self, asset): """ Takes an instantiated asset class, creates a file relation instance for it, and saves a pointer to the file relation. :param asset: an instantiated asset class :return: communication file relation instance """ cfr = CommunicationFileRelation(asset=asset, comm_type=self) cfr.save() return cfr def create_file_relations(self, assets): """ Takes a list of instantiated asset classes, creates file relation instances for them, and saves a pointer to the file relations set. :param assets: an instantiated asset class :return: communication file relation queryset """ cfr_ids = [] for asset in assets: cfr = self.create_file_relation(asset) cfr_ids.append(cfr.id) return CommunicationFileRelation.objects.filter(comm_type=self.message) @property def file(self): """ Provides a short-cut for other mailbox code accessing the related asset's file contents (message hydration) This should only be used by other mailbox code that handles reading file CONTENTS. Do not use this for writing! Note if an asset is deleted, say on a Dev't project, then a CFR instance may not point to anything. :return: file contents """ if self.asset is None: return ContentFile("File {} not found.".format(self.get_filename())) else: return self.asset.file # except Exception as err: # msg = "Failed while trying to return file contents for message attachment id: {}: {}".format(self.id, str(err)) # logger.warning(msg=msg) @property def asset(self): """ Return the FIRST related ASSET that doesn't throw an exception. :return: asset instance """ # for cfr in CommunicationFileRelation.objects.filter(comm_type=self.message): for cfr in self.file_relations.all(): try: # test if there is actually a file attached: cfr.asset.file.name return cfr.asset except Exception as err: msg = "Failed while trying to return the asset instance for message attachment id: {}: {}".format(self.id, str(err)) logger.warning(msg=msg) # If we've gotten here it because we've tried to get an asset attached to this MessageAttachment but # there are none. return None # raise MessageAttachment.DoesNotExist def delete(self, using=None): """ Clean up file relation before deleting. :param using: :return: """ try: for cfr in self.file_relations.all(): # Delete the asset: try: cfr.asset.delete() except AttributeError as e: msg = "MessageAttachment - self delete - tried to delete an asset in a CFR that was None." \ " Most likely the file was already deleted manually by a user." logger.warning(msg) # Delete the communication File Relation record: cfr.delete() except django.db.utils.ProgrammingError as err: logger.error("Error in MessageAttachment.delete() method for id: {}. Error: \'{}\"".format(self.id, str(err))) super(MessageAttachment, self).delete(using=using) def __str__(self): return str(self.get_filename()) class HarvestCodePrefix(models.Model): prefix = models.CharField( max_length=30, verbose_name="Harvest Code Prefix") active = models.BooleanField(default=True) # Removed - too much to manage for now but could be useful in the future. # mailboxes = models.ManyToManyField(Mailbox, verbose_name="Mailboxes that will be checked for this prefix.") content_type = models.ForeignKey(ContentType, verbose_name="Model type that the prefix belongs to.") objects = ActiveObjectManager() admin_objects = models.Manager() class Meta: verbose_name_plural = 'Harvest code prefixes' def __str__(self): return self.prefix class HarvestMessageRelation(models.Model): """ Mailbox._process_message() calls the comm_utils.parse method which creates these relations, but it will be more efficient if only Comm. objects are created directly without te HMRs in the middle. """ content_type = models.ForeignKey(ContentType) object_id = models.PositiveIntegerField() related_object = GenericForeignKey('content_type', 'object_id') message = models.ForeignKey(Message, related_name='related_message') harvest_code_prefix = models.ForeignKey(HarvestCodePrefix) harvest_code_full = models.CharField(max_length=100) def __str__(self): return "{}:{}".format(self.harvest_code_full, self.content_type) class HarvestHistory(models.Model): mailbox = models.ForeignKey(Mailbox) last_harvest = models.DateTimeField(default=timezone.now) message = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True) class Meta: ordering = ['-last_harvest'] verbose_name_plural = 'harvest histories' class PhoneCall(CommunicationTypeAbstract): from_number = PhoneNumberField(blank=True, null=True) to_number = PhoneNumberField(blank=True, null=True) duration = models.FloatField( blank=True, null=True, verbose_name='Duration of phone call in minutes.', help_text='The duration of the phone call in decimal minutes. 1 minute, 30 seconds should be entered as "1.5"') notes = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True) def __str__(self): """ Try to get the from/to numbers first. Failing those, get numbers from contacts. :return: """ from_num = self.from_number or "" to_num = self.to_number or "" if self.from_number is None: if self.communication.first() is not None: for contact in self.communication.first().from_contacts.all(): if contact.phone: from_num = contact.phone break if self.to_number is None: if self.communication.first() is not None: for contact in self.communication.first().to_contacts.all(): if contact.phone: to_num = contact.phone break return "from: {}, to: {}".format(from_num, to_num) def get_absolute_url(self): return reverse('communication:phonecall-detail', kwargs={'pk': self.id}) class Fax(CommunicationTypeAbstract): from_number = PhoneNumberField(blank=True, null=True) to_number = PhoneNumberField(blank=True, null=True) # document = models.ForeignKey(CommunicationAsset, blank=True, null=True) document = models.ForeignKey(CommunicationFileRelation, blank=True, null=True) # document = models.OneToOneField('CommunicationFileRelation', through='CommunicationFileRelation', related_name='asset') # harvest_code_prefixes = models.ManyToManyField('HarvestCodePrefix', through='HarvestMessageRelation', related_name='harvest_code_prefixes') # document_ct = models.ForeignKey(ContentType) # document_oid = models.PositiveIntegerField() # document = GenericForeignKey('document_ct', 'document_oid') notes = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True) class Meta: verbose_name_plural = 'faxes' def __str__(self): """ Try to get the from/to numbers first. Failing those, get numbers from contacts. :return: """ from_num = self.from_number or "" to_num = self.to_number or "" if self.from_number is None: if self.communication.first() is not None: for contact in self.communication.first().from_contacts.all(): if contact.phone: from_num = contact.phone break if self.to_number is None: if self.communication.first() is not None: for contact in self.communication.first().to_contacts.all(): if contact.phone: to_num = contact.phone break return "from: {}, to: {}".format(from_num, to_num) def get_absolute_url(self): return reverse('communication:fax-detail', args=[str(self.id)]) class Letter(CommunicationTypeAbstract): document = models.ForeignKey(CommunicationFileRelation, blank=True, null=True) notes = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True) def __str__(self): return "letter. {}".format(self.document.asset.file.name) def get_absolute_url(self): return reverse('communication:letter-detail', args=[str(self.id)]) # Google GMail OAuth2 helper models class GmailCredential(models.Model): mail_account = models.OneToOneField(MailAccount) credential = CredentialsField() def __str__(self): return "credential for {}".format(self.mail_account)
import pandas as pd import numpy as np import matplotlib as plt import math import random import decimal from sympy import symbols, diff wine = pd.read_csv("winequality-red.csv",delimiter=",") def get_slope(): slope = [] for i in range (0,11): slope.append(float(decimal.Decimal(random.randrange(-30, 30))/100)) return slope def pre_qual(intercept,slope): predict_qual = [] for j in range(0,1599): predict_qual.append(intercept + np.sum(np.multiply(slope,wine.iloc[j,:-1]))) return predict_qual def observed_qual(): observe = [] for i in range(0,1599): observe.append(wine.iloc[:,11][i]) return observe def get_mse(observe,predict): residual = np.subtract(predict,observe) square = np.multiply(residual,residual) sum = np.sum(square) return sum/1600 # def get_partials(observe,predict): # p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9, p10, p11, pi = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 # for i in range(0, 1599): # partial_xi = # pi = pi + partial_xi # partial_x1 = np.subtract(observe,predict)*wine.iloc[i,:-1][0] # p1 = p1 + def get_partials(slope,intercept,observe): p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p8,p9,p10,p11,pi=0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 for i in range (0, 1599): partial_xi = ((intercept + np.sum(np.insert(list(np.multiply(slope,wine.iloc[i,:-1])),0,intercept)))-observe[i])/1600 pi = pi+partial_xi for i in range(0, 1599): partial_x1 = (((intercept + np.sum( np.insert(list(np.multiply(slope, wine.iloc[i, :-1])), 0, intercept))) - observe[i]) \ * wine.iloc[i, :-1][0])/1600 p1 = p1 + partial_x1 for i in range(0, 1599): partial_x2 = (((intercept + np.sum( np.insert(list(np.multiply(slope, wine.iloc[i, :-1])), 0, intercept))) - observe[i]) \ * wine.iloc[i, :-1][1])/1600 p2 = p2 + partial_x2 for i in range(0, 1599): partial_x3 = (((intercept + np.sum( np.insert(list(np.multiply(slope, wine.iloc[i, :-1])), 0, intercept))) - observe[i]) \ * wine.iloc[i, :-1][2])/1600 p3 = p3 + partial_x3 for i in range(0, 1599): partial_x4 = (((intercept + np.sum( np.insert(list(np.multiply(slope, wine.iloc[i, :-1])), 0, intercept))) - observe[i]) \ * wine.iloc[i, :-1][3])/1600 p4 = p4 + partial_x4 for i in range(0, 1599): partial_x5 = (((intercept + np.sum( np.insert(list(np.multiply(slope, wine.iloc[i, :-1])), 0, intercept))) - observe[i]) \ * wine.iloc[i, :-1][4])/1600 p5 = p5 + partial_x5 for i in range(0, 1599): partial_x6 = (((intercept + np.sum( np.insert(list(np.multiply(slope, wine.iloc[i, :-1])), 0, intercept))) - observe[i]) \ * wine.iloc[i, :-1][5])/1600 p6 = p6 + partial_x6 for i in range(0, 1599): partial_x7 = (((intercept + np.sum( np.insert(list(np.multiply(slope, wine.iloc[i, :-1])), 0, intercept))) - observe[i]) \ * wine.iloc[i, :-1][6])/1600 p7 = p7 + partial_x7 for i in range(0, 1599): partial_x8 = (((intercept + np.sum( np.insert(list(np.multiply(slope, wine.iloc[i, :-1])), 0, intercept))) - observe[i]) \ * wine.iloc[i, :-1][7])/1600 p8 = p8 + partial_x8 for i in range(0, 1599): partial_x9 = (((intercept + np.sum( np.insert(list(np.multiply(slope, wine.iloc[i, :-1])), 0, intercept))) - observe[i]) \ * wine.iloc[i, :-1][8])/1600 p9 = p9 + partial_x9 for i in range(0, 1599): partial_x10 = (((intercept + np.sum( np.insert(list(np.multiply(slope, wine.iloc[i, :-1])), 0, intercept))) - observe[i]) \ * wine.iloc[i, :-1][9])/1600 p10 = p10 + partial_x10 for i in range(0, 1599): partial_x11 = (((intercept + np.sum( np.insert(list(np.multiply(slope, wine.iloc[i, :-1])), 0, intercept))) - observe[i]) \ * wine.iloc[i, :-1][10])/1600 p11 = p11 + partial_x11 partials = [pi,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p8,p9,p10,p11] return partials def update_step(partials,intercept,slope): learning_rate = 0.01 lr = [] for i in range (0,12): lr.append(learning_rate) step_size = np.multiply(lr,partials) # print(step_size) newintercept = intercept - step_size[0] newslope = np.subtract(slope,step_size[1:]) return newintercept,newslope def gradient_decent(intercept,slope,observe, predict): for i in range (0,1000): partials = get_partials(slope,intercept,observe) mse = get_mse(observe,predict) intercept,slope = update_step(partials,intercept,slope) print(intercept) print(slope) print("This is iteration: ", i, "The mse is ", mse) predict = pre_qual(intercept,slope) def main(): intercept = 1.0 slope = get_slope() predict = pre_qual(1,slope) # print(predict) observe = observed_qual() # print(slope) # partials = get_partials(slope, intercept, observe) # print(partials) # newintercept,newslope = update_step(partials,intercept,slope) # print(newintercept,newslope) gradient_decent(intercept,slope,observe,predict) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
<filename>web/tests.py import datetime from django.contrib.flatpages.models import FlatPage from django.contrib.sites.models import Site from django.core.files.uploadedfile import SimpleUploadedFile from django.test import TestCase from django.urls import reverse from django_dynamic_fixture import G from accounts.models import Child, DemographicData, User from studies.models import Lab, Study, StudyType class ParticipantAccountViewsTestCase(TestCase): def setUp(self): self.participant_email = "<EMAIL>" self.valid_password = "<PASSWORD>" self.too_short_password = "<PASSWORD>" # Participant Setup self.participant = G( User, username=self.participant_email, is_active=True, is_researcher=False, nickname="Participant family", ) self.participant.set_password(self.valid_password) self.participant.save() self.demographic_orig = G( DemographicData, user=self.participant, languages_spoken_at_home="French", additional_comments="Original comments", previous=None, number_of_children="", number_of_guardians_explanation="", number_of_guardians="2", number_of_books=75, former_lookit_annual_income="", lookit_referrer="Google", ) self.demographic_current = G( DemographicData, user=self.participant, languages_spoken_at_home="Spanish", previous=self.demographic_orig, number_of_children="", number_of_guardians_explanation="", number_of_guardians="2", number_of_books=75, former_lookit_annual_income="", lookit_referrer="Google", ) self.child = G( Child, user=self.participant, existing_conditions=Child.existing_conditions.dyslexia, languages_spoken=Child.languages_spoken.en, birthday=datetime.date.today() - datetime.timedelta(days=10 * 365), ) # Site fixture enabling login self.fake_site = G(Site, id=1) # FlatPage fixture enabling login redirect to work. self.home_page = G(FlatPage, url="/") self.home_page.sites.add(self.fake_site) self.home_page.save() def test_participant_signup_flow(self): response = self.client.post( reverse("web:participant-signup"), { "username": "<EMAIL>", "password1": <PASSWORD>, "password2": <PASSWORD>, "nickname": "Testfamily", }, follow=True, ) # We're redirected successfully to demographic data update self.assertEqual( response.redirect_chain, [(reverse("web:demographic-data-update"), 302)] ) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) # And are a logged-in user with the expected attributes for new participant user = response.wsgi_request.user self.assertFalse(user.is_anonymous) self.assertTrue(user.is_authenticated) self.assertFalse(user.is_researcher) self.assertTrue(user.is_active) self.assertEqual(user.nickname, "Testfamily") self.assertEqual(user.username, "<EMAIL>") self.assertFalse(user.labs.exists()) self.assertFalse(user.user_permissions.exists()) self.assertFalse(user.groups.exists()) self.assertFalse(user.children.exists()) self.assertFalse(user.demographics.exists()) def test_participant_password_requirements(self): response = self.client.post( reverse("web:participant-signup"), { "username": "<EMAIL>", "password1": <PASSWORD>, "password2": <PASSWORD>, "nickname": "Testfamily", }, follow=True, ) # There are form errors... self.assertNotEqual(len(response.context["form"].errors), 0) self.assertIn("This password is too short.", response.content.decode("utf-8")) # We stayed on the same page... self.assertEqual(response.redirect_chain, []) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) # And user isn't logged in self.assertTrue(response.wsgi_request.user.is_anonymous) self.assertFalse(response.wsgi_request.user.is_authenticated) def test_participant_signup_mismatched_passwords(self): response = self.client.post( reverse("web:participant-signup"), { "username": "<EMAIL>", "password1": <PASSWORD>, "password2": <PASSWORD> + "q", "nickname": "Testfamily", }, follow=True, ) # There are form errors... self.assertIn("password2", response.context["form"].errors) self.assertIn( "The two password fields didn’t match.", response.context["form"].errors["password2"], ) # We stayed on the same page self.assertEqual(response.redirect_chain, []) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) # And user isn't logged in self.assertTrue(response.wsgi_request.user.is_anonymous) self.assertFalse(response.wsgi_request.user.is_authenticated) def test_participant_signup_existing_user(self): response = self.client.post( reverse("web:participant-signup"), { "username": "<EMAIL>", "password1": <PASSWORD>, "password2": <PASSWORD>, "nickname": "Testfamily", }, follow=True, ) # There are form errors... self.assertIn("username", response.context["form"].errors) self.assertIn( "User with this Email address already exists.", response.context["form"].errors["username"], ) # We stayed on the same page self.assertEqual(response.redirect_chain, []) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) # And user isn't logged in self.assertTrue(response.wsgi_request.user.is_anonymous) self.assertFalse(response.wsgi_request.user.is_authenticated) def test_participant_signup_invalid_email(self): response = self.client.post( reverse("web:participant-signup"), { "username": "participantmit.edu", "password1": <PASSWORD>, "password2": <PASSWORD>, "nickname": "Testfamily", }, follow=True, ) # There are form errors... self.assertIn("username", response.context["form"].errors) self.assertIn( "Enter a valid email address.", response.context["form"].errors["username"] ) # We stayed on the same page self.assertEqual(response.redirect_chain, []) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) # And user isn't logged in self.assertTrue(response.wsgi_request.user.is_anonymous) self.assertFalse(response.wsgi_request.user.is_authenticated) def test_participant_login_required_views_unauthenticated(self): login_required_views = [ "web:demographic-data-update", "web:children-list", "web:email-preferences", "web:studies-history", "accounts:manage-account", # TODO: move to accounts tests ] for url_name in login_required_views: response = self.client.get(reverse(url_name), follow=True,) # Redirected to login view with next set if unauthenticated self.assertEqual( response.redirect_chain, [(f"{reverse('login')}?next={reverse(url_name)}", 302)], f"Unauthenticated user not redirected to login from {url_name}", ) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) def test_demographic_data_update_authenticated(self): self.client.force_login(self.participant) # Get the form to fill out; check that initial data includes values only # from more recent demographic data response = self.client.get(reverse("web:demographic-data-update")) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) form = response.context["form"] data = form.initial self.assertEqual(data["languages_spoken_at_home"], "Spanish") self.assertNotEqual(data["additional_comments"], "Original comments") # Update data and save data["languages_spoken_at_home"] = "Swahili" cleaned_data = {key: val for (key, val) in data.items() if val is not None} response = self.client.post( reverse("web:demographic-data-update"), cleaned_data, follow=True ) self.assertEqual( response.redirect_chain, [(reverse("web:studies-list"), 302)], ) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) # Make sure we can retrieve updated data response = self.client.get(reverse("web:demographic-data-update")) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) self.assertIn("Swahili", response.content.decode("utf-8")) # or self.assertEqual( response.context["form"].initial["languages_spoken_at_home"], "Swahili" ) # Check we've created an additional demographicdata object for this self.assertEqual(self.participant.demographics.count(), 3) # TODO: ParticipantUpdateView # - check can update password (participant, researcher) # - check can update email but only to unused (otherwise reloads, no update), can update nickname # - check can only get own data # - check can disable/enable 2fa # TODO: ChildrenListView # - check all own children are there, can only see own children # - check can add child # - check if invalid data sent, reloads page & does not create child # TODO: ChildUpdateView # - check can get but only for own child, check can change name, check cannot change DOB # TODO: ParticipantEmailPreferencesView # - check can get but only for own, check can un-check one preference & save class ParticipantStudyViewsTestCase(TestCase): def setUp(self): self.participant_email = "<EMAIL>" self.valid_password = "<PASSWORD>" self.too_short_password = "<PASSWORD>" # Participant Setup self.participant = G( User, username=self.participant_email, is_active=True, is_researcher=False, nickname="Participant family", ) self.participant.set_password(self.valid_password) self.participant.save() self.demographic_orig = G( DemographicData, user=self.participant, languages_spoken_at_home="French", additional_comments="Original comments", previous=None, number_of_children="", number_of_guardians_explanation="", number_of_guardians="2", number_of_books=75, former_lookit_annual_income="", lookit_referrer="Google", ) self.child = G( Child, user=self.participant, existing_conditions=Child.existing_conditions.dyslexia, languages_spoken=Child.languages_spoken.en, birthday=datetime.date.today() - datetime.timedelta(days=10 * 365), ) self.researcher = G( User, is_active=True, is_researcher=True, given_name="Researcher" ) self.lab = G(Lab, name="MIT") self.study_type = G(StudyType, name="default", id=1) small_gif = ( b"\x47\x49\x46\x38\x39\x61\x01\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x21\xf9\x04" b"\x01\x0a\x00\x01\x00\x2c\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x01\x00\x00\x02" b"\x02\x4c\x01\x00\x3b" ) self.thumbnail = SimpleUploadedFile( name="small.gif", content=small_gif, content_type="image/gif" ) self.public_active_study_1 = G( Study, creator=self.researcher, shared_preview=False, study_type=self.study_type, name="PublicActiveStudy1", lab=self.lab, public=True, image=self.thumbnail, ) # Separately set state because it's set to "created" initially self.public_active_study_1.save() self.public_active_study_1.state = "active" self.public_active_study_1.save() self.public_active_study_2 = G( Study, creator=self.researcher, shared_preview=False, study_type=self.study_type, name="PublicActiveStudy2", lab=self.lab, public=True, image=self.thumbnail, ) # Separately set state because it's set to "created" initially self.public_active_study_2.save() self.public_active_study_2.state = "active" self.public_active_study_2.save() self.private_active_study = G( Study, creator=self.researcher, shared_preview=False, study_type=self.study_type, name="PrivateActiveStudy", lab=self.lab, public=False, image=self.thumbnail, ) # Separately set state because it's set to "created" initially self.private_active_study.save() self.private_active_study.state = "active" self.private_active_study.save() self.public_inactive_study = G( Study, creator=self.researcher, shared_preview=False, study_type=self.study_type, name="PublicInactiveStudy", lab=self.lab, public=True, image=self.thumbnail, ) # Separately set state because it's set to "created" initially self.public_inactive_study.save() self.public_inactive_study.state = "submitted" self.public_inactive_study.save() def test_study_list_view(self): response = self.client.get(reverse("web:studies-list")) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) content = response.content.decode("utf-8") # Make sure we see the two public, active studies, but not an inactive or private study self.assertIn("PublicActiveStudy1", content) self.assertIn("PublicActiveStudy2", content) self.assertNotIn("PrivateActiveStudy", content) self.assertNotIn("PublicInactiveStudy", content) self.assertTrue( response.context["study_list"] .filter(uuid=self.public_active_study_1.uuid) .exists() ) self.assertTrue( response.context["study_list"] .filter(uuid=self.public_active_study_2.uuid) .exists() ) self.assertFalse( response.context["study_list"] .filter(uuid=self.private_active_study.uuid) .exists() ) self.assertFalse( response.context["study_list"] .filter(uuid=self.public_inactive_study.uuid) .exists() ) # TODO: StudyDetailView # - check can see for public or private active study, unauthenticated or authenticated # - check context[children] has own children # TODO: StudiesHistoryView # - check can see several sessions where consent frame was completed (but consent not marked), not for someone else's # child, not for consent frame incomplete. # TODO: ExperimentAssetsProxyView # - check have to be authenticated, maybe that's it for now? # TODO: ExperimentProxyView # - check have to be authenticated, has to be own child
<reponame>jlangdev/falconpy """ _______ __ _______ __ __ __ | _ .----.-----.--.--.--.--| | _ | |_.----|__| |--.-----. |. 1___| _| _ | | | | _ | 1___| _| _| | <| -__| |. |___|__| |_____|________|_____|____ |____|__| |__|__|__|_____| |: 1 | |: 1 | |::.. . | CROWDSTRIKE FALCON |::.. . | FalconPy `-------' `-------' OAuth2 API - Customer SDK overwatch_dashboard - Falcon Overwatch Dashboard API Interface Class This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain. Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any means. In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors of this software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the software to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit of the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and successors. We intend this dedication to be an overt act of relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this software under copyright law. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. For more information, please refer to <https://unlicense.org> """ from ._util import force_default, handle_single_argument, process_service_request from ._service_class import ServiceClass from ._endpoint._overwatch_dashboard import _overwatch_dashboard_endpoints as Endpoints class OverwatchDashboard(ServiceClass): """ The only requirement to instantiate an instance of this class is a valid token provided by the Falcon API SDK OAuth2 class, a existing instance of the authentication class as an object or a valid set of credentials. """ @force_default(defaults=["parameters"], default_types=["dict"]) def aggregates_detections_global_counts(self: object, *args, parameters: dict = None, **kwargs) -> dict: """ Get the total number of detections pushed across all customers """ # [GET] https://assets.falcon.crowdstrike.com/support/api/swagger.html# # /Overwatch%20Dashboard/AggregatesDetectionsGlobalCounts return process_service_request( calling_object=self, endpoints=Endpoints, operation_id="AggregatesDetectionsGlobalCounts", keywords=kwargs, params=handle_single_argument(args, parameters, "filter") ) def aggregates_events_collections(self: object, body: list) -> dict: """ Get OverWatch detection event collection info by providing an aggregate query """ # [POST] https://assets.falcon.crowdstrike.com/support/api/swagger.html# # /Overwatch%20Dashboard/AggregatesEventsCollections return process_service_request( calling_object=self, endpoints=Endpoints, operation_id="AggregatesEventsCollections", body=body ) def aggregates_events(self: object, body: list) -> dict: """ Get aggregate OverWatch detection event info by providing an aggregate query """ # [POST] https://assets.falcon.crowdstrike.com/support/api/swagger.html#/Overwatch%20Dashboard/AggregatesEvents return process_service_request( calling_object=self, endpoints=Endpoints, operation_id="AggregatesEvents", body=body ) @force_default(defaults=["parameters"], default_types=["dict"]) def aggregates_incidents_global_counts(self: object, *args, parameters: dict = None, **kwargs) -> dict: """ Get the total number of incidents pushed across all customers. """ # [GET] https://assets.falcon.crowdstrike.com/support/api/swagger.html# # /Overwatch%20Dashboard/AggregatesIncidentsGlobalCounts return process_service_request( calling_object=self, endpoints=Endpoints, operation_id="AggregatesIncidentsGlobalCounts", keywords=kwargs, params=handle_single_argument(args, parameters, "filter") ) @force_default(defaults=["parameters"], default_types=["dict"]) def aggregates_events_global_counts(self: object, *args, parameters: dict = None, **kwargs) -> dict: """ Get the total number of incidents pushed across all customers. """ # [GET] https://assets.falcon.crowdstrike.com/support/api/swagger.html# # /Overwatch%20Dashboard/AggregatesOWEventsGlobalCounts return process_service_request( calling_object=self, endpoints=Endpoints, operation_id="AggregatesOWEventsGlobalCounts", keywords=kwargs, params=handle_single_argument(args, parameters, "filter") ) # These method names align to the operation IDs in the API but # do not conform to snake_case / PEP8 and are defined here for # backwards compatibility / ease of use purposes AggregatesDetectionsGlobalCounts = aggregates_detections_global_counts AggregatesEventsCollections = aggregates_events_collections AggregatesEvents = aggregates_events AggregatesIncidentsGlobalCounts = aggregates_incidents_global_counts AggregatesOWEventsGlobalCounts = aggregates_events_global_counts # The legacy name for this class does not conform to PascalCase / PEP8 # It is defined here for backwards compatibility purposes only. Overwatch_Dashboard = OverwatchDashboard # pylint: disable=C0103
<reponame>MingheCao/pysot # Copyright (c) SenseTime. All Rights Reserved. from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals import numpy as np from pysot.core.config import cfg from pysot.tracker.siamrpn_tracker import SiamRPNTracker import torch from tools.rubost_track import rubost_track from tools.rubost_track import imageSimilarity_deeprank import cv2 class SiamRPNRBTracker(SiamRPNTracker): def __init__(self, model): super(SiamRPNRBTracker, self).__init__(model) self.longterm_state = False self.frame_num = 0 self.state_update = True self.visualize = True self.visualize_gmm = False self.save_img= False self.CONFIDENCE_LOW = 0.985 self.instance_sizes = {x: cfg.TRACK.INSTANCE_SIZE +60 * x for x in range(10)} self.state_update = False self.state_cross = False self.state_lost = False self.state_lost_cnt=0 self.center_std_thre=2.3 self.similar_thre = 1.2 self.cross_count = 0 self.cross_count2=0 self.img_similar=imageSimilarity_deeprank.imageSimilarity_deeprank() def init(self, img, bbox): """ args: img(np.ndarray): BGR image bbox: (x, y, w, h) bbox """ z_crop = self.get_z_crop(img, bbox) self.model.template(z_crop) self.zf_gt = self.model.zf self.zf_global = self.model.zf self.zf_bbox_global=self.img_similar.get_feature( self.crop_bbox(img,bbox)) def get_subwindow_init(self, im, pos, model_sz, original_sz, s_z, avg_chans): if isinstance(pos, float): pos = [pos, pos] sz = original_sz im_sz = im.shape c = (original_sz + 1) / 2 # context_xmin = round(pos[0] - c) # py2 and py3 round context_xmin = np.floor(pos[0] - c + 0.5) context_xmax = context_xmin + sz - 1 # context_ymin = round(pos[1] - c) context_ymin = np.floor(pos[1] - c + 0.5) context_ymax = context_ymin + sz - 1 left_pad = int(max(0., -context_xmin)) top_pad = int(max(0., -context_ymin)) right_pad = int(max(0., context_xmax - im_sz[1] + 1)) bottom_pad = int(max(0., context_ymax - im_sz[0] + 1)) context_xmin = context_xmin + left_pad context_xmax = context_xmax + left_pad context_ymin = context_ymin + top_pad context_ymax = context_ymax + top_pad r, c, k = im.shape if any([top_pad, bottom_pad, left_pad, right_pad]): size = (r + top_pad + bottom_pad, c + left_pad + right_pad, k) te_im = np.zeros(size, np.uint8) te_im[top_pad:top_pad + r, left_pad:left_pad + c, :] = im if top_pad: te_im[0:top_pad, left_pad:left_pad + c, :] = avg_chans if bottom_pad: te_im[r + top_pad:, left_pad:left_pad + c, :] = avg_chans if left_pad: te_im[:, 0:left_pad, :] = avg_chans if right_pad: te_im[:, c + left_pad:, :] = avg_chans im_patch = te_im[int(context_ymin):int(context_ymax + 1), int(context_xmin):int(context_xmax + 1), :] else: im_patch = im[int(context_ymin):int(context_ymax + 1), int(context_xmin):int(context_xmax + 1), :] # patch im_patch[0:int((original_sz - s_z) / 2), :, :] = avg_chans im_patch[:, 0:int((original_sz - s_z) / 2), :] = avg_chans im_patch[int((original_sz + s_z) / 2):original_sz, :, :] = avg_chans im_patch[:, int((original_sz + s_z) / 2):original_sz, :] = avg_chans # if not np.array_equal(model_sz, original_sz): im_patch = cv2.resize(im_patch, (model_sz, model_sz)) im_patch = im_patch.transpose(2, 0, 1) im_patch = im_patch[np.newaxis, :, :, :] im_patch = im_patch.astype(np.float32) im_patch = torch.from_numpy(im_patch) if cfg.CUDA: im_patch = im_patch.cuda() return im_patch def get_z_crop(self, img, bbox): self.center_pos = np.array([bbox[0] + (bbox[2] - 1) / 2, bbox[1] + (bbox[3] - 1) / 2]) self.size = np.array([bbox[2], bbox[3]]) # calculate z crop size w_z = self.size[0] + cfg.TRACK.CONTEXT_AMOUNT * np.sum(self.size) h_z = self.size[1] + cfg.TRACK.CONTEXT_AMOUNT * np.sum(self.size) s_z = round(np.sqrt(w_z * h_z)) # calculate channle average self.channel_average = np.mean(img, axis=(0, 1)) # get crop z_crop = self.get_subwindow(img, self.center_pos, cfg.TRACK.EXEMPLAR_SIZE, s_z, self.channel_average) return z_crop def template(self, img, bbox): z_crop = self.get_z_crop(img, bbox) return self.model.template_rb(z_crop) def template_raw(self, img, bbox): z_crop = self.get_z_crop(img, bbox) return self.model.template_rb_raw(z_crop) def img_tensor2cpu(self,img): return img.permute(2, 3, 1, 0).squeeze().cpu().detach().numpy().astype(np.uint8) def bbox_cwh2xywh(self,bbox): return [bbox[0] - bbox[2]/2, bbox[1] - bbox[3]/2,bbox[2],bbox[3]] @torch.no_grad() def template_upate(self, zf, weight): if weight > 1 or weight < 0: raise ValueError("weight must between 0 and 1.") for idx in range(len(zf)): self.zf_global[idx] = (1 - weight) * self.zf_global[idx] + weight * zf[idx] self.model.zf = self.zf_global def sample_scoremap(self, score_map): num_sample = 2000 X = rubost_track.scoremap_sample_reject(score_map, num_sample) state_sampling = False if len(X) <= int(num_sample / 100) else True return X, state_sampling def get_seg_gmm(self, gmm, labels): label = np.unique(labels) seg_gmm = [] wt_sum = [] for i, lb in enumerate(label): idx = np.where(labels == lb) mu = gmm.means_[idx] weight = gmm.weights_[idx] cov = gmm.covariances_[idx] seg_gmm.append((idx, weight, mu, cov)) wt_sum.append(weight.sum()) wt_sum = np.array(wt_sum) index = np.argsort(wt_sum)[::-1] # sort decent order seg_gmm_sort = [] for idx in index: seg_gmm_sort.append(seg_gmm[idx]) return seg_gmm_sort def cal_gms_meancov(self, X, gmm, seg_gmm): Y_ = gmm.predict(X) meancov = [] point_set = [] for idx, wt, mu, cov in seg_gmm: wt_sum = wt.sum() if wt_sum <= 0.1: continue points = np.empty((0, 2), float) for lb in idx[0]: points = np.vstack((points, X[Y_ == lb, :])) mean = points.mean(axis=0) if not len(points) ==1: cov = np.cov(points.T) v, w = np.linalg.eigh(cov) std = np.sqrt(v[1]) else: cov = np.zeros((2,2)) std= 0 meancov.append((mean, cov, std)) point_set.append(points) # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # plt.figure() # plt.scatter(points[:,0],points[:,1]) # plt.plot(mean[0], mean[1], 'X', color='b') # plt.xlim(-12.5, 12.5) # plt.ylim(-12.5, 12.5) return meancov, point_set def get_respond_idx(self, score_map, point_set): score_size = score_map.shape[0] max_rep_idx = [] for i in range(len(point_set)): if i > 2: break points = point_set[i] + score_size / 2 points = np.round(points).astype(np.int32) z = score_map[points[:, 1], points[:, 0]] pt = points[z.argmax(), :] max_rep_idx.append(np.array([pt[1], pt[0]])) return max_rep_idx def segment_groups(self, score_map): X, self.state_sampling = self.sample_scoremap(score_map) if not self.state_sampling: return 0 gmm = rubost_track.gmm_fit(X, 6) labels = rubost_track.ChineseWhispers_gm(gmm, threhold=5, n_iter=5) self.state_ngroups = len(np.unique(labels)) if self.state_ngroups <= 0: raise ValueError("Groups must greater than 1.") seg_gmm = self.get_seg_gmm(gmm, labels) meancov, point_set = self.cal_gms_meancov(X, gmm, seg_gmm) repond_idx = self.get_respond_idx(score_map, point_set) minstd=float('-inf') for _, _, std in meancov[:2]: if std>minstd: self.center_std=std self.state_std = True if self.center_std < self.center_std_thre else False if self.visualize_gmm: center_label = labels[0] rubost_track.plot_results_cw(X, gmm.predict(X), seg_gmm, meancov, '1,2,2', str(self.frame_num)) return repond_idx def find_pbbox(self,score_nms,pred_bbox_nms,score_size,scale_z): penalty = self.calc_penalty(pred_bbox_nms, scale_z) pscore = self.penalize_score(score_nms, penalty, score_size, True) best_idx = np.argmax(pscore) best_score = score_nms[best_idx] bbox = pred_bbox_nms[:, best_idx] / scale_z lr = penalty[best_idx] * score_nms[best_idx] * cfg.TRACK.LR cx = bbox[0] + self.center_pos[0] cy = bbox[1] + self.center_pos[1] width = self.size[0] * (1 - lr) + bbox[2] * lr height = self.size[1] * (1 - lr) + bbox[3] * lr pbbox = [cx, cy, width, height] return penalty,pbbox def find_proposal_bbox(self, penalty, score_nms,pred_bbox_nms, repond_idx, score_size, scale_z): proposal_bbox = [] if repond_idx !=0: # sampling_state == True for cord in repond_idx: idx = np.ravel_multi_index(cord, (score_size, score_size)) bb = pred_bbox_nms[:, idx] / scale_z lr = penalty[idx] * score_nms[idx] * cfg.TRACK.LR cx = bb[0] + self.center_pos[0] cy = bb[1] + self.center_pos[1] width = self.size[0] * (1 - lr) + bb[2] * lr height = self.size[1] * (1 - lr) + bb[3] * lr proposal_bbox.append([cx , cy , width, height]) return proposal_bbox def merge_bbox(self,img,pbbox,proposal_bbox): def to_lurd(box): return [box[0] - box[2] / 2,box[1] - box[3] / 2, box[0] + box[2] / 2,box[1] + box[3] / 2] filtered_bbox=[] for bb in proposal_bbox: iou_score=rubost_track.cal_iou(to_lurd(pbbox),to_lurd(bb)) # print('iou: %f' %(iou_score)) if iou_score <=0.76: cx, cy, width, height = self._bbox_clip(bb[0], bb[1], bb[2], bb[3], img.shape[:2]) filtered_bbox.append([cx - width/2,cy - height/2,width,height]) return filtered_bbox def score_nms(self,outputs,score_size,anchors): score = self._convert_score(outputs['cls']) pred_bbox = self._convert_bbox(outputs['loc'], anchors) best_score = score[np.argmax(score)] index = np.argmax(score.reshape(5, -1), axis=0) score_nms = score.reshape(5, -1)[index, np.arange(score_size * score_size)] pred_bbox_nms = pred_bbox.reshape(4, 5, -1)[:, index, np.arange(score_size * score_size)] return score_nms,pred_bbox_nms,best_score def calc_penalty(self, pred_bbox, scale_z): def change(r): return np.maximum(r, 1. / r) def sz(w, h): pad = (w + h) * 0.5 return np.sqrt((w + pad) * (h + pad)) # scale penalty s_c = change(sz(pred_bbox[2, :], pred_bbox[3, :]) / (sz(self.size[0] * scale_z, self.size[1] * scale_z))) # ratio penalty r_c = change((self.size[0] / self.size[1]) / (pred_bbox[2, :] / pred_bbox[3, :])) penalty = np.exp(-(r_c * s_c - 1) * cfg.TRACK.PENALTY_K) return penalty def penalize_score(self, score, penalty, score_size, update_state): pscore = penalty * score hanning = np.hanning(score_size) window = np.outer(hanning, hanning) window=window.flatten() # window = np.tile(window.flatten(), self.anchor_num) # window pscore = pscore * (1 - cfg.TRACK.WINDOW_INFLUENCE) + \ window * cfg.TRACK.WINDOW_INFLUENCE return pscore def get_similar_state(self,img,pbbox,filtered_ppbbox): hist_score1, hist_score2 = self.similar_compare_deep(img, pbbox, filtered_ppbbox) hist_score = hist_score1 / np.array(hist_score2) print('----------') print(hist_score1) print(hist_score2) print('----------') # print(hist_score) idx = np.argmax(hist_score) bbox = filtered_ppbbox[idx] similar_state= False if any(hist_score > self.similar_thre) else True return similar_state,bbox def track(self, img): """ args: img(np.ndarray): BGR image return: bbox(list):[x, y, width, height] """ instance_size = self.instance_sizes[0] w_z = self.size[0] + cfg.TRACK.CONTEXT_AMOUNT * np.sum(self.size) h_z = self.size[1] + cfg.TRACK.CONTEXT_AMOUNT * np.sum(self.size) s_z = np.sqrt(w_z * h_z) scale_z = cfg.TRACK.EXEMPLAR_SIZE / s_z score_size = (instance_size - cfg.TRACK.EXEMPLAR_SIZE) // \ cfg.ANCHOR.STRIDE + 1 + cfg.TRACK.BASE_SIZE anchors = self.generate_anchor(score_size) s_x = s_z * (instance_size / cfg.TRACK.EXEMPLAR_SIZE) x_crop = self.get_subwindow(img, self.center_pos, instance_size, round(s_x), self.channel_average) outputs = self.model.track(x_crop) score_nms,pred_bbox_nms,best_score=self.score_nms(outputs,score_size,anchors) score_map = score_nms.reshape(score_size, score_size) penalty, pbbox = self.find_pbbox(score_nms,pred_bbox_nms,score_size,scale_z) repond_idx = self.segment_groups(score_map) if self.visualize: frame = rubost_track.visualize_tracking_heated(self.img_tensor2cpu(x_crop),score_map, instance_size,self.frame_num, best_score) if best_score <= self.CONFIDENCE_LOW or self.state_sampling == False: self.state_update = False self.state_lost = True self.state_lost_cnt+=1 proposal_bbox = self.find_proposal_bbox(penalty, score_nms,pred_bbox_nms, repond_idx, score_size, scale_z) filtered_ppbbox = self.merge_bbox(img, pbbox, proposal_bbox) if self.state_lost: self.state_lost=False return {'bbox': self.bbox,'s_x': s_x,'score_map': score_map} if self.state_update: self.template_upate(self.zf_gt, 0.0626) if self.state_cross: self.cross_count+=1 if self.cross_count2 >=6: self.state_cross=False self.cross_count2=0 if self.cross_count < 3 : self.center_pos = np.array([pbbox[0], pbbox[1]]) self.size = np.array([pbbox[2], pbbox[3]]) cx, cy, width, height = self._bbox_clip(pbbox[0], pbbox[1], pbbox[2], pbbox[3], img.shape[:2]) bbox = [cx - width / 2, cy - height / 2, width, height] self.bbox=bbox return {'bbox': self.bbox, 's_x': s_x, 'score_map': score_map, 'proposal_bbox': filtered_ppbbox} if len(filtered_ppbbox): similar_state,bbox = self.get_similar_state(img, self.bbox_cwh2xywh(pbbox), filtered_ppbbox) if not similar_state: self.center_pos = np.array([bbox[0], bbox[1]]) self.size = np.array([bbox[2], bbox[3]]) self.state_cross=False else: self.center_pos = np.array([pbbox[0], pbbox[1]]) self.size = np.array([pbbox[2], pbbox[3]]) cx, cy, width, height = self._bbox_clip(pbbox[0], pbbox[1], pbbox[2], pbbox[3], img.shape[:2]) bbox = [cx - width / 2, cy - height / 2, width, height] self.bbox=bbox self.state_cross = False self.cross_count = 0 else: self.center_pos = np.array([pbbox[0], pbbox[1]]) self.size = np.array([pbbox[2], pbbox[3]]) cx, cy, width, height = self._bbox_clip(pbbox[0], pbbox[1], pbbox[2], pbbox[3], img.shape[:2]) bbox = [cx - width / 2, cy - height / 2, width, height] self.bbox = bbox self.cross_count2+=1 return {'bbox': self.bbox, 's_x': s_x, 'score_map': score_map, 'proposal_bbox': filtered_ppbbox} self.center_pos = np.array([pbbox[0], pbbox[1]]) self.size = np.array([pbbox[2], pbbox[3]]) cx, cy, width, height = self._bbox_clip(pbbox[0], pbbox[1], pbbox[2], pbbox[3], img.shape[:2]) self.bbox = [cx - width / 2, cy - height / 2, width, height] if self.state_std: if not len(filtered_ppbbox): self.state_update = True else: self.state_update = False self.state_cross=True if self.state_update: self.template_upate(self.template(img, self.bbox), 0.0626) # self.zf_bbox_global=self.feature_mix(self.zf_bbox_global, # self.img_similar.get_feature(self.crop_bbox(img,self.bbox)), # 0.0626) if self.visualize: rubost_track.put_text_update_std(frame,self.center_std,self.state_update) return {'bbox': self.bbox,'s_x': s_x,'score_map': score_map,'proposal_bbox': filtered_ppbbox} def similar_compare_deep(self,img,bbox,filtered_ppbbox): score1 = self.img_similar.similarity_score(self.zf_bbox_global, self.img_similar.get_feature( self.crop_bbox(img,bbox))) if self.visualize: cv2.imshow('1', self.crop_bbox(img, bbox)) if self.save_img: cv2.imwrite('/home/rislab/Workspace/pysot/rb_result/stds/' + str(self.frame_num) + '_1.jpg', self.crop_bbox(img, bbox)) cv2.waitKey(1) score2 = [] for idx,fbbox in enumerate(filtered_ppbbox): fbbox=np.array(fbbox) fbbox[np.where(fbbox < 0 )]=0 score = self.img_similar.similarity_score(self.zf_bbox_global, self.img_similar.get_feature( self.crop_bbox(img, fbbox))) score2.append(score) if self.visualize: cv2.imshow('2', self.crop_bbox(img, fbbox)) if self.save_img: cv2.imwrite('/home/rislab/Workspace/pysot/rb_result/stds/' + str(self.frame_num) + '_'+str(idx)+'_2.jpg', self.crop_bbox(img, fbbox)) cv2.waitKey(1) return score1,score2 def crop_bbox(self,img,bbox): bbox=np.array(bbox) bbox[np.where(bbox < 0)] = 0 return img[int(bbox[1]):int(bbox[1] + bbox[3]), int(bbox[0]):int(bbox[0] + bbox[2]), :] def feature_mix(self,feature1,feature2,wt): return feature1*(1-wt) + feature2*wt
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Thu Mar 24 14:44:33 2022 @author: aknur """ import openseespy.opensees as ops import pandas as pd import csv import os import numpy as np import random import math from functions import * import column import time start_time = time.time() pd.options.display.max_columns = None pd.options.display.max_rows = None # Create an instance of class Column parameters = column.Column() # Loading the dataset df = pd.read_csv("nn_combo1.csv") #df = df[1:] # Adding columns to store gridlines df['w_g']=0 df['d_g']=0 # Directory to store the output response files directory ='.' eps1U = -0.002 # strain at maximum strength of unconfined concrete from Eurocode eps2U = -0.0035 # strain at ultimate stress from Eurocode fy = parameters.fy/parameters.g_s # Yield stress # Lists to track the checks Mz_check = [] My_check = [] As_final = [] As_1 = [] As_2 = [] P_max = [] Spacing = [] numBar = [] # Iterating over the test case prediction designs for index, row in df.iterrows(): print(index) # Reading the predictions, put the dataset columns in the following order colHeight,fc, P, My_red, Mz_red,colWidth, colDepth,As_total, w_g, d_g = row fc = fc/parameters.g_c # Concrete design strength # Rounding down the predicted geometry dimensions colWidth = 0.05*math.floor(colWidth/0.05) colDepth = 0.05*math.floor(colDepth/0.05) P = -P count = 0 passed_check = 0 while passed_check==0: #passed_check=1 # If rounding down make the design fail, round up once if count==1: #colWidth = colWidth + 0.05 colDepth = colDepth + 0.05 print(colWidth, colDepth) count = 2 count = 1 # Iterate over all rebar diameters starting from largest one # since it is more practical from engineering perspective for barDiam in parameters.d_rebars: barDiam = int(1000*barDiam)/1000 As_bar = (math.pi)*(barDiam*barDiam)/4 A_core = colWidth*colDepth As_min = 0.002*A_core As_max = 0.04*A_core # Check the steel area requirements if As_total>=As_min and As_total<As_max: As_1.append(index) numBarsSec = math.ceil(As_total/As_bar) # Check for the number of reinforcements if numBarsSec>= 4: numBar.append(index) # Some variables derived from the parameters coverY = colDepth/2.0 # The distance from the section z-axis to the edge of the cover concrete -- outer edge of cover concrete coverZ = colWidth/2.0 # The distance from the section y-axis to the edge of the cover concrete -- outer edge of cover concrete coreY = coverY - parameters.cover - barDiam/2 # The distance from the section z-axis to the edge of the core concrete -- edge of the core concrete/inner edge of cover concrete coreZ = coverZ - parameters.cover - barDiam/2 # The distance from the section y-axis to the edge of the core concrete -- edge of the core concrete/inner edge of cover concrete dist1 = coverY - parameters.cover/2 dist2 = coverZ - parameters.cover/2 # Scheme with parametrisation using no reinforcement area listDivisorPairs = returnDivisorsPair(numBarsSec) if (len(listDivisorPairs) == 1): listDivisorPairs = returnDivisorsPair(numBarsSec-1) list_w_g = [*range(2, math.ceil(numBarsSec/2)+1, 1)] for w_g in list_w_g: d_g = math.ceil(numBarsSec/2)-w_g+2 w_h = (colWidth-2*barDiam-2.5*parameters.cover)/colWidth d_h = (colDepth-2*barDiam-2.5*parameters.cover)/colDepth rebarZ = np.linspace(-coreZ, coreZ, w_g) rebarY = np.linspace(-coreY, coreY, d_g) spacingZ = (2*coreZ)/(w_g-1) spacingY = (2*coreY)/(d_g-1) # Checking for minimal spacing requirement spacing_min=max(2*barDiam, barDiam+0.032+0.005, barDiam+0.020) #[m] if (spacingZ > spacing_min or spacingY > spacing_min): Spacing.append(index) ops.wipe() # Define model builder ops.model('basic', '-ndm', 3, '-ndf', 6) # Cover concrete (unconfined) ops.uniaxialMaterial('Concrete01', parameters.IDcon, fc, eps1U, fc, eps2U) # Reinforcement material matTag, Fy, E0, b) ops.uniaxialMaterial('Steel01', parameters.IDreinf, fy, parameters.Es, parameters.Bs) # Construct concrete fibers ops.section('Fiber', parameters.SecTag, '-GJ', 1.0e6) ops.patch('quadr', parameters.IDcon, parameters.num_fib, parameters.num_fib, -coreY, coreZ, -coreY, -coreZ, coreY, -coreZ, coreY, coreZ) ops.patch('quadr', parameters.IDcon, 1, parameters.num_fib, -coverY, coverZ, -coreY, coreZ, coreY, coreZ, coverY, coverZ) ops.patch('quadr', parameters.IDcon, 1, parameters.num_fib, -coreY, -coreZ, -coverY, -coverZ, coverY, -coverZ, coreY, -coreZ) ops.patch('quadr', parameters.IDcon, parameters.num_fib, 1, -coverY, coverZ, -coverY, -coverZ, -coreY, -coreZ, -coreY, coreZ) ops.patch('quadr', parameters.IDcon, parameters.num_fib, 1, coreY, coreZ, coreY, -coreZ, coverY, -coverZ, coverY, coverZ) # Inserting rebars hollowY = d_h*coverY hollowZ = w_h*coverZ rebars_YZ = np.empty((0,2)) for ii, Y in enumerate(rebarY): for jj, Z in enumerate(rebarZ): if (abs(Y) < hollowY and abs(Z) < hollowZ): continue rebars_YZ = np.vstack([rebars_YZ, [Y,Z]]) for ii in range(len(rebars_YZ)): ops.fiber(*rebars_YZ[ii], As_bar, parameters.IDreinf) # Check for number of rebars in final configuration numTotRebars = len(rebars_YZ) if (numTotRebars>4 or numTotRebars*As_bar>As_min) : As_2.append(index) eps = fy/parameters.Es # Steel yield strain # Yield curvature # d -- from cover to rebar d_z = colDepth-parameters.cover-barDiam/2 Kz = eps/(0.7*d_z) d_y = colWidth-parameters.cover-barDiam/2 Ky = eps/(0.7*d_y) # Set axial load As = As_bar * numTotRebars Ac = colWidth*colDepth - As Pmax = -parameters.alpha_coef*(parameters.nu_coef*(-fc)*Ac + fy*As) Pmax = Pmax + parameters.unit_weight*colHeight*colDepth*colWidth # Record the bar diameter df.at[index, 'D_rebar'] = barDiam numRebars = w_g*2+(d_g-2)*2 # Record number of rebars df.at[index, 'numRebars'] = numRebars # Check for finas steel area if -0.1*Pmax/fy < As or As>0.002*A_core: # Record final steel area check pass As_final.append(index) # Check for axial load capacity if Pmax<P: # Record the axial load check pass P_max.append(index) strain1 = directory + 'strain1_.txt' strain2 = directory + 'strain2_.txt' strain3 = directory + 'strain3_.txt' strain4 = directory + 'strain4_.txt' strains = [strain1, strain2, strain3, strain4] # Call the section analysis procedure MomentCurvature(parameters, P, Kz, -1, 5, strains, dist1, dist2) indeces = [] if os.path.getsize(strain1)>0: strain1 = pd.read_csv(strain1, sep = ' ', header = None, ) filtered1 = strain1[strain1[2]>= -0.0035] if len(filtered1)> 1: indeces.append(list(filtered1.index)[-1]) if os.path.getsize(strain2)>0: strain2 = pd.read_csv(strain2, sep = ' ', header = None, ) filtered2 = strain2[strain2[2]>= -0.0035] if len(filtered2)> 1: indeces.append(list(filtered2.index)[-1]) if os.path.getsize(strain3)>0: strain3 = pd.read_csv(strain3, sep = ' ', header = None, ) filtered3 = strain3[strain3[2]>= -0.0035] if len(filtered3)> 1: indeces.append(list(filtered3.index)[-1]) if os.path.getsize(strain4)>0: strain4 = pd.read_csv(strain4, sep = ' ', header = None, ) filtered4 = strain4[strain4[2]>= -0.0035] if len(filtered4)> 1: indeces.append(list(filtered4.index)[-1]) if len(indeces)>=1: Moment_ult = min(indeces) My_max = strain1.loc[Moment_ult, [0]] My_max = My_max[0] if My_max> My_red: # Record Mz pass check My_check.append(index) strain21 = directory + 'strain21_.txt' strain22 = directory + 'strain22_.txt' strain23 = directory + 'strain23_.txt' strain24 = directory + 'strain24_.txt' strains2 = [strain21, strain22, strain23, strain24] # Call the section analysis procedure MomentCurvature(parameters, P, Ky, My_red, 6, strains2, dist1, dist2) indeces = [] if os.path.getsize(strain21)>0: strain1 = pd.read_csv(strain21, sep = ' ', header = None) filtered1 = strain1[strain1[2]>= -0.0035] if len(filtered1)> 1: indeces.append(list(filtered1.index)[-1]) if os.path.getsize(strain22)>0: strain2 = pd.read_csv(strain22, sep = ' ', header = None) filtered2 = strain2[strain2[2]>= -0.0035] if len(filtered2)> 1: indeces.append(list(filtered2.index)[-1]) if os.path.getsize(strain23)>0: strain3 = pd.read_csv(strain23, sep = ' ', header = None) filtered3 = strain3[strain3[2]>= -0.0035] if len(filtered3)> 1: indeces.append(list(filtered3.index)[-1]) if os.path.getsize(strain24)>0: strain4 = pd.read_csv(strain24, sep = ' ', header = None) filtered4 = strain4[strain4[2]>= -0.0035] if len(filtered4)> 1: indeces.append(list(filtered4.index)[-1]) if len(indeces)>=1: Moment_ult = min(indeces) Mz_max = strain1.loc[Moment_ult, [0]] Mz_max = Mz_max[0] # Check for Mz capacity if Mz_max> Mz_red: Mz_check.append(index) #Record final design configuration df.at[index, 'Width'] = colWidth df.at[index, 'Depth'] = colDepth df.at[index, 'w_g'] = w_g df.at[index, 'd_g'] = d_g numRebars = w_g*2+(d_g-2)*2 df.at[index, 'numRebars'] = numRebars df.at[index, 'As_total'] = As print("#################################") passed_check = 1 break else: continue break print( len(set(As_1)), len(set(As_2)), len(set(As_final)), len(set(numBar)), len(set(P_max)), len(set(My_check)), len(set(Mz_check))) # Compute the cost of the final designs #df['fc'] = (-1)*df['fc'] fcs = np.asarray([-50.0, -45.0, -40.0, -35.0, -30.0, -25.0]) def price_concrete(row): # Source for prices: https://jcbetons.lv/cenas-en/?lang=en # + 21% VAT if row['fc'] == fcs[0]: return 232 # 95 EUR/m3 - assumed value if row['fc'] == fcs[1]: return 254 # 90 EUR/m3 - assumed value if row['fc'] == fcs[2]: return 275 # 85 EUR/m3 - assumed value if row['fc'] == fcs[3]: return 294 if row['fc'] == fcs[4]: return 311 if row['fc'] == fcs[5]: return 328 return -1 # Prices in EUR/m3 df['price_s'] = 1.38*7850 df['price_c'] = df.apply(lambda row: price_concrete(row), axis=1) df['price'] = df['colHeight']*((df['Width']*df['Depth'] - df['As_total'])*df['price_c'] + df['As_total']*df['price_s']) print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))
<reponame>prateek-77/rcan-it import math from typing import Optional import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F from torch.nn.parameter import Parameter from ._utils import conv3x3, conv1x1, get_activation class ResidualBase(nn.Module): def __init__(self, stochastic_depth: bool = False, prob: float = 1.0, multFlag: bool = True) -> None: super().__init__() self.sd = stochastic_depth if stochastic_depth: self.prob = prob self.multFlag = multFlag def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: identity = x.clone() return self._forward_train(x, identity) if self.training \ else self._forward_test(x, identity) def _forward_train(self, x, identity) -> torch.Tensor: if not self.sd: # no stochastic depth res = self._forward_res(x) return identity + res if torch.rand(1) < self.prob: # no skip for param in self.parameters(): param.requires_grad = True res = self._forward_res(x) return identity + res # This block is skipped during training for param in self.parameters(): param.requires_grad = False return identity def _forward_test(self, x, identity) -> torch.Tensor: res = self._forward_res(x) if self.sd and self.multFlag: res *= self.prob return identity + res def _forward_res(self, _) -> torch.Tensor: # Residual forward function should be # defined in child classes. raise NotImplementedError class PreActBasicBlock(ResidualBase): def __init__(self, planes: int, stochastic_depth: bool = False, act_mode: str = 'relu', prob: float = 1.0, multFlag: bool = True, zero_inti_residual: bool = False, affine_init_w: float = 0.1, **_) -> None: super().__init__(stochastic_depth, prob, multFlag) self.aff1 = Affine2d(planes, affine_init_w) self.conv1 = conv3x3(planes, planes) self.aff2 = Affine2d(planes, affine_init_w) self.conv2 = conv3x3(planes, planes) self.act = get_activation(act_mode) if zero_inti_residual: nn.init.constant_(self.aff2.weight, 0.0) def _forward_res(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: x = self.aff1(x) x = self.act(x) x = self.conv1(x) x = self.aff2(x) x = self.act(x) x = self.conv2(x) return x class PreActBasicBlockDW(ResidualBase): def __init__(self, planes: int, stochastic_depth: bool = False, act_mode: str = 'relu', prob: float = 1.0, multFlag: bool = True, zero_inti_residual: bool = False, affine_init_w: float = 0.1, reduction: int = 8) -> None: super().__init__(stochastic_depth, prob, multFlag) self.aff1 = Affine2d(planes, affine_init_w) self.conv1 = conv3x3(planes, planes, groups=planes) self.se1 = SEBlock(planes, reduction, act_mode) self.aff2 = Affine2d(planes, affine_init_w) self.conv2 = conv3x3(planes, planes, groups=planes) self.se2 = SEBlock(planes, reduction, act_mode) self.act = get_activation(act_mode) if zero_inti_residual: nn.init.constant_(self.aff2.weight, 0.0) def _forward_res(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: x = self.aff1(x) x = self.act(x) x = self.conv1(x) x = self.se1(x) x = self.aff2(x) x = self.act(x) x = self.conv2(x) x = self.se2(x) return x class PreActBottleneck(ResidualBase): def __init__(self, planes: int, stochastic_depth: bool = False, act_mode: str = 'relu', prob: float = 1.0, multFlag: bool = True, zero_inti_residual: bool = False, affine_init_w: float = 0.1, **_) -> None: super().__init__(stochastic_depth, prob, multFlag) self.aff1 = Affine2d(planes, affine_init_w) self.conv1 = conv1x1(planes, planes) self.aff2 = Affine2d(planes, affine_init_w) self.conv2 = conv3x3(planes, planes) self.aff3 = Affine2d(planes, affine_init_w) self.conv3 = conv1x1(planes, planes) self.act = get_activation(act_mode) if zero_inti_residual: nn.init.constant_(self.aff3.weight, 0.0) def _forward_res(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: x = self.aff1(x) x = self.act(x) x = self.conv1(x) x = self.aff2(x) x = self.act(x) x = self.conv2(x) x = self.aff3(x) x = self.act(x) x = self.conv3(x) return x class MBConvBlock(ResidualBase): def __init__(self, planes: int, stochastic_depth: bool = False, act_mode: str = 'relu', prob: float = 1.0, multFlag: bool = True, reduction: int = 8, zero_inti_residual: bool = False, affine_init_w: float = 0.1) -> None: super().__init__(stochastic_depth, prob, multFlag) self.conv1 = conv1x1(planes, planes) self.aff1 = Affine2d(planes, affine_init_w) self.conv2 = conv3x3(planes, planes, groups=planes) # depth-wise self.aff2 = Affine2d(planes, affine_init_w) self.se = SEBlock(planes, reduction, act_mode) self.conv3 = conv1x1(planes, planes) self.aff3 = Affine2d(planes, affine_init_w) self.act = get_activation(act_mode) if zero_inti_residual: nn.init.constant_(self.aff3.weight, 0.0) def _forward_res(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: x = self.conv1(x) x = self.aff1(x) x = self.act(x) x = self.conv2(x) x = self.aff2(x) x = self.act(x) x = self.se(x) x = self.conv3(x) x = self.aff3(x) # no activation return x class EDSRBlock(ResidualBase): def __init__(self, planes: int, bias: bool = True, act_mode: str = 'relu', res_scale: float = 0.1, res_scale_learnable: bool = False, stochastic_depth: bool = False, prob: float = 1.0, multFlag: bool = True, **_): super().__init__(stochastic_depth, prob, multFlag) if res_scale_learnable: self.res_scale = Parameter(torch.ones(1)) nn.init.constant_(self.res_scale, res_scale) else: self.res_scale = res_scale self.body = nn.Sequential( conv3x3(planes, planes, bias=bias), get_activation(act_mode), conv3x3(planes, planes, bias=bias)) def _forward_res(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: x = self.body(x).mul(self.res_scale) return x class RCANBlock(ResidualBase): def __init__(self, planes: int, bias: bool = True, act_mode: str = 'relu', res_scale: float = 0.1, reduction: int = 16, res_scale_learnable: bool = False, stochastic_depth: bool = False, prob: float = 1.0, multFlag: bool = True, normal_init_std: Optional[float] = None, **_): super().__init__(stochastic_depth, prob, multFlag) if res_scale_learnable: self.res_scale = Parameter(torch.ones(1)) nn.init.constant_(self.res_scale, res_scale) else: self.res_scale = res_scale self.body = nn.Sequential( conv3x3(planes, planes, bias=bias), get_activation(act_mode), conv3x3(planes, planes, bias=bias), SEBlock(planes, reduction, act_mode)) # normal initialization if normal_init_std is not None: for idx in [0, 2]: nn.init.normal_(self.body[idx].weight, 0.0, normal_init_std) def _forward_res(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: x = self.body(x).mul(self.res_scale) return x class RCANBlockDW(ResidualBase): """RCAN building block with depth-wise convolution for the second conv layer. """ def __init__(self, planes: int, bias: bool = True, act_mode: str = 'relu', res_scale: float = 0.1, reduction: int = 16, res_scale_learnable: bool = False, stochastic_depth: bool = False, prob: float = 1.0, multFlag: bool = True, **_): super().__init__(stochastic_depth, prob, multFlag) if res_scale_learnable: self.res_scale = Parameter(torch.ones(1)) nn.init.constant_(self.res_scale, res_scale) else: self.res_scale = res_scale self.body = nn.Sequential( conv3x3(planes, planes, bias=bias), get_activation(act_mode), conv3x3(planes, planes, bias=bias, groups=planes), SEBlock(planes, reduction, act_mode)) def _forward_res(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: x = self.body(x).mul(self.res_scale) return x class RCANBlockAllDW(ResidualBase): """RCAN building block with depth-wise convolution for all conv layers. An additional squeeze-and-excitation (SE) block is used for the cross-channel communication. """ def __init__(self, planes: int, bias: bool = True, act_mode: str = 'relu', res_scale: float = 0.1, reduction: int = 16, res_scale_learnable: bool = False, stochastic_depth: bool = False, prob: float = 1.0, multFlag: bool = True, **_): super().__init__(stochastic_depth, prob, multFlag) if res_scale_learnable: self.res_scale = Parameter(torch.ones(1)) nn.init.constant_(self.res_scale, res_scale) else: self.res_scale = res_scale self.body = nn.Sequential( conv3x3(planes, planes, bias=bias, groups=planes), SEBlock(planes, reduction, act_mode), get_activation(act_mode), conv3x3(planes, planes, bias=bias, groups=planes), SEBlock(planes, reduction, act_mode)) def _forward_res(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: x = self.body(x).mul(self.res_scale) return x class SEBlock(nn.Module): def __init__(self, planes: int, reduction: int = 8, act_mode: str = 'relu'): super().__init__() self.squeeze = nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d(1) self.excitation = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(planes, planes // reduction, kernel_size=1), get_activation(act_mode), nn.Conv2d(planes // reduction, planes, kernel_size=1), nn.Sigmoid() ) def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: y = self.squeeze(x) y = self.excitation(y) return x * y class MeanShift(nn.Conv2d): def __init__(self, rgb_range, rgb_mean=(0.4488, 0.4371, 0.4040), rgb_std=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), sign=-1): super(MeanShift, self).__init__(3, 3, kernel_size=1) std = torch.Tensor(rgb_std) self.weight.data = torch.eye(3).view(3, 3, 1, 1) / std.view(3, 1, 1, 1) self.bias.data = sign * rgb_range * torch.Tensor(rgb_mean) / std for p in self.parameters(): p.requires_grad = False class Affine2d(nn.Module): def __init__(self, planes: int, init_w: float = 0.1) -> None: super().__init__() self.weight = Parameter(torch.ones(1, planes, 1, 1)) self.bias = Parameter(torch.zeros(1, planes, 1, 1)) nn.init.constant_(self.weight, init_w) def forward(self, x): return x * self.weight + self.bias class Upsampler(nn.Sequential): def __init__(self, scale: int, planes: int, act_mode: str = 'relu', use_affine: bool = True): m = [] if (scale & (scale - 1)) == 0: # is power of 2 if use_affine: for _ in range(int(math.log(scale, 2))): m.append(conv3x3(planes, 4 * planes)) m.append(nn.PixelShuffle(2)) m.append(Affine2d(planes)) m.append(get_activation(act_mode)) else: for _ in range(int(math.log(scale, 2))): m.append(conv3x3(planes, 4 * planes, bias=True)) m.append(nn.PixelShuffle(2)) m.append(get_activation(act_mode)) elif scale == 3: if use_affine: m.append(conv3x3(planes, 9 * planes)) m.append(nn.PixelShuffle(3)) m.append(Affine2d(planes)) m.append(get_activation(act_mode)) else: m.append(conv3x3(planes, 9 * planes, bias=True)) m.append(nn.PixelShuffle(3)) m.append(get_activation(act_mode)) else: raise NotImplementedError super(Upsampler, self).__init__(*m)
#!/usr/bin/python import subprocess import os import sys import getopt import traceback import shutil import re def Usage(args): print sys.argv[0] + ' [-hp] [-r revision]' print '' print ' -r\t: Specify rocket internal revision number' print ' -p\t: Include python libraries' print ' -s\t: Include full source code and build files' print ' -h\t: This help screen' print '' sys.exit() def CheckVSVars(): if 'VCINSTALLDIR' in os.environ: return if not 'VS90COMNTOOLS' in os.environ: print "Unable to find VS9 install - check your VS90COMNTOOLS environment variable" sys.exit() path = os.environ['VS90COMNTOOLS'] subprocess.call('"' + path + 'vsvars32.bat" > NUL && ' + ' '.join(sys.argv)) sys.exit() def ProcessOptions(args): options = {'ROCKET_VERSION': 'custom', 'BUILD_PYTHON': False, 'FULL_SOURCE': False, 'ARCHIVE_NAME': 'libRocket-sdk'} try: optlist, args = getopt.getopt(args, 'r:phs') except getopt.GetoptError, e: print '\nError: ' + str(e) + '\n' Usage(args) for opt in optlist: if opt[0] == '-h': Usage(args) if opt[0] == '-r': options['ROCKET_VERSION'] = opt[1] if opt[0] == '-p': options['BUILD_PYTHON'] = True if opt[0] == '-s': options['FULL_SOURCE'] = True options['ARCHIVE_NAME'] = 'libRocket-source' return options def Build(project, configs, defines = {}): old_cl = '' if 'CL' in os.environ: old_cl = os.environ['CL'] else: os.environ['CL'] = '' for name, value in defines.iteritems(): os.environ['CL'] = os.environ['CL'] + ' /D' + name + '=' + value for config in configs: cmd = '"' + os.environ['VCINSTALLDIR'] + '\\vcpackages\\vcbuild.exe" /rebuild ' + project + '.vcproj "' + config + '|Win32"' ret = subprocess.call(cmd) if ret != 0: print "Failed to build " + project sys.exit() os.environ['CL'] = old_cl def DelTree(path): if not os.path.exists(path): return print 'Deleting ' + path + '...' for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path, topdown=False): for name in files: os.remove(os.path.join(root, name)) for name in dirs: os.rmdir(os.path.join(root, name)) def CopyFiles(source_path, destination_path, file_list = [], exclude_list = [], preserve_paths = True): working_directory = os.getcwd() source_directory = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(working_directory, os.path.normpath(source_path))) destination_directory = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(working_directory, os.path.normpath(destination_path))) print "Copying " + source_directory + " to " + destination_directory + " ..." if not os.path.exists(source_directory): print "Warning: Source directory " + source_directory + " doesn't exist." return False for root, directories, files in os.walk(source_directory, False): for file in files: # Skip files not in the include list. if len(file_list) > 0: included = False for include in file_list: if re.search(include, file): included = True break; if not included: continue # Determine our subdirectory. subdir = root.replace(source_directory, "") if subdir[:1] == os.path.normcase('/'): subdir = subdir[1:] # Skip paths in the exclude list excluded = False for exclude in exclude_list: if re.search(exclude, file): excluded = True break if excluded: continue # Build up paths source_file = os.path.join(root, file) destination_subdir = destination_directory if preserve_paths: destination_subdir = os.path.join(destination_directory, subdir) if not os.path.exists(destination_subdir): os.makedirs(destination_subdir) destination_file = os.path.join(destination_subdir, file) # Copy files try: shutil.copy(source_file, destination_file) except: print "Failed copying " + source_file + " to " + destination_file traceback.print_exc() return True def Archive(archive_name, path): cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(path + '/..') file_name = archive_name + '.zip' if os.path.exists(file_name): os.unlink(file_name) os.system('zip -r ' + file_name + ' ' + path[path.rfind('/')+1:]) os.chdir(cwd) def main(): CheckVSVars() options = ProcessOptions(sys.argv[1:]) Build('RocketCore', ['Debug', 'Release'], {'ROCKET_VERSION': '\\"' + options['ROCKET_VERSION'] + '\\"'}) Build('RocketControls', ['Debug', 'Release']) Build('RocketDebugger', ['Debug', 'Release']) if options['BUILD_PYTHON']: Build('RocketCorePython', ['Debug', 'Release']) Build('RocketControlsPython', ['Debug', 'Release']) DelTree('../dist/libRocket') CopyFiles('../Include', '../dist/libRocket/Include') CopyFiles('../bin', '../dist/libRocket/bin', ['\.dll$', '^[^_].*\.lib$', '\.py$', '\.pyd$']) CopyFiles('../Samples', '../dist/libRocket/Samples', ['\.h$', '\.cpp$', '\.vcproj$', '\.sln$', '\.vcproj\.user$', '\.rml$', '\.rcss$', '\.tga$', '\.py$', '\.otf$', '\.txt$']) if options['FULL_SOURCE']: CopyFiles('../Build', '../dist/libRocket/Build', ['\.vcproj$', '\.sln$', '\.vsprops$', '\.py$']) CopyFiles('../Source', '../dist/libRocket/Source', ['\.cpp$', '\.h$', '\.inl$']) shutil.copyfile('../changelog.txt', '../dist/libRocket/changelog.txt') Archive(options['ARCHIVE_NAME'] + '-' + options['ROCKET_VERSION'], '../dist/libRocket'); if __name__ == '__main__': main()
<reponame>aghosh92/atomai """ jrvae.py ======= Module for analysis of system "building blocks" with rotationally-invariant variational autoencoders for joint continuous and discrete representations Created by <NAME> (email: <EMAIL>) """ from typing import Optional, Union, List from copy import deepcopy as dc import numpy as np import torch from ...losses_metrics import joint_rvae_loss from ...utils import set_train_rng, to_onehot, transform_coordinates from .vae import BaseVAE class jrVAE(BaseVAE): """ Rotationally-invariant VAE for joint continuous and discrete latent representations. Args: in_dim: Input dimensions for image data passed as (heigth, width) for grayscale data or (height, width, channels) for multichannel data latent_dim: Number of latent dimensions associated with image content discrete_dim: List specifying dimensionalities of discrete (Gumbel-Softmax) latent variables associated with image content nb_classes: Number of classes for class-conditional VAE. (leave it at 0 to learn discrete latent reprenetations) translation: account for xy shifts of image content (Default: True) seed: seed for torch and numpy (pseudo-)random numbers generators **conv_encoder (bool): use convolutional layers in encoder **numlayers_encoder (int): number of layers in encoder (Default: 2) **numlayers_decoder (int): number of layers in decoder (Default: 2) **numhidden_encoder (int): number of hidden units OR conv filters in encoder (Default: 128) **numhidden_decoder (int): number of hidden units in decoder (Default: 128) **skip (bool): uses generative skip model with residual paths between latents and decoder layers (Default: False) Example: >>> input_dim = (28, 28) # intput dimensions >>> # Intitialize model >>> jrvae = aoi.models.jVAE(input_dim, latent_dim=2, discrete_dim=[10], >>> numlayers_encoder=3, numhidden_encoder=512, >>> numlayers_decoder=3, numhidden_decoder=512) >>> # Train >>> jrvae.fit(imstack_train, training_cycles=100, batch_size=100, rotation_prior=np.pi/4) >>> jrvae.manifold2d(origin="upper", cmap="gnuplot2") """ def __init__(self, in_dim: int = None, latent_dim: int = 2, discrete_dim: List[int] = [2], nb_classes: int = 0, translation: bool = True, seed: int = 0, **kwargs: Union[int, bool, str] ) -> None: """ Initializes joint rVAE model (jrVAE) """ coord = 3 if translation else 1 # xy translations and/or rotation args = (in_dim, latent_dim, nb_classes, coord, discrete_dim) super(jrVAE, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) set_train_rng(seed) self.translation = translation self.dx_prior = None self.phi_prior = None self.kdict_ = dc(kwargs) self.kdict_["num_iter"] = 0 def elbo_fn(self, x: torch.Tensor, x_reconstr: torch.Tensor, *args: torch.Tensor, **kwargs: Union[List, int] ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Computes ELBO """ return joint_rvae_loss(self.loss, self.in_dim, x, x_reconstr, *args, **kwargs) def forward_compute_elbo(self, x: torch.Tensor, y: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, mode: str = "train" ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Joint rVAE's forward pass with training/test loss computation """ tau = self.kdict_.get("temperature", .67) x_coord_ = self.x_coord.expand(x.size(0), *self.x_coord.size()) x = x.to(self.device) if mode == "eval": with torch.no_grad(): latent_ = self.encoder_net(x) else: latent_ = self.encoder_net(x) self.kdict_["num_iter"] += 1 z_mean, z_logsd = latent_[:2] z_sd = torch.exp(z_logsd) z_cont = self.reparameterize(z_mean, z_sd) phi = z_cont[:, 0] # angle if self.translation: dx = z_cont[:, 1:3] # translation dx = (dx * self.dx_prior).unsqueeze(1) z_cont = z_cont[:, 3:] # image content else: dx = 0 # no translation z_cont = z_cont[:, 1:] # image content x_coord_ = transform_coordinates(x_coord_, phi, dx) alphas = latent_[2:] z_disc = [self.reparameterize_discrete(a, tau) for a in alphas] z_disc = torch.cat(z_disc, 1) z = torch.cat((z_cont, z_disc), dim=1) if y is not None: targets = to_onehot(y, self.nb_classes) z = torch.cat((z, targets), -1) if mode == "eval": with torch.no_grad(): x_reconstr = self.decoder_net(x_coord_, z) else: x_reconstr = self.decoder_net(x_coord_, z) return self.elbo_fn(x, x_reconstr, z_mean, z_logsd, alphas, **self.kdict_) def fit(self, X_train: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor], y_train: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]] = None, X_test: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]] = None, y_test: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]] = None, loss: str = "mse", **kwargs) -> None: """ Trains joint rVAE model Args: X_train: 3D or 4D stack of training images with dimensions (n_images, height, width) for grayscale data or or (n_images, height, width, channels) for multi-channel data y_train: Vector with labels of dimension (n_images,), where n_images is a number of training images X_test: 3D or 4D stack of test images with the same dimensions as for the X_train (Default: None) y_test: Vector with labels of dimension (n_images,), where n_images is a number of test images loss: reconstruction loss function, "ce" or "mse" (Default: "mse") **translation_prior (float): translation prior **rotation_prior (float): rotational prior **temperature (float): Relaxation parameter for Gumbel-Softmax distribution **cont_capacity (list): List containing (max_capacity, num_iters, gamma) parameters to control the capacity of the continuous latent channel. Default values: [5.0, 25000, 30]. Based on https://arxiv.org/pdf/1804.03599.pdf & https://arxiv.org/abs/1804.00104 **disc_capacity (list): List containing (max_capacity, num_iters, gamma) parameters to control the capacity of the discrete latent channel(s). Default values: [5.0, 25000, 30]. Based on https://arxiv.org/pdf/1804.03599.pdf & https://arxiv.org/abs/1804.00104 **filename (str): file path for saving model after each training cycle ("epoch") """ self._check_inputs(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test) self.dx_prior = kwargs.get("translation_prior", 0.1) self.kdict_["phi_prior"] = kwargs.get("rotation_prior", 0.1) for k, v in kwargs.items(): if k in ["cont_capacity", "disc_capacity", "temperature"]: self.kdict_[k] = v self.compile_trainer( (X_train, y_train), (X_test, y_test), **kwargs) self.loss = loss # this part needs to be handled better if self.loss == "ce": self.sigmoid_out = True # Use sigmoid layer for "prediction" stage self.metadict["sigmoid_out"] = True self.recording = kwargs.get("recording", False) for e in range(self.training_cycles): self.current_epoch = e elbo_epoch = self.train_epoch() self.loss_history["train_loss"].append(elbo_epoch) if self.test_iterator is not None: elbo_epoch_test = self.evaluate_model() self.loss_history["test_loss"].append(elbo_epoch_test) self.print_statistics(e) self.update_metadict() self.save_model(self.filename) def update_metadict(self): self.metadict["num_epochs"] = self.current_epoch self.metadict["num_iter"] = self.kdict_["num_iter"]
<filename>pygmt/tests/test_config.py """ Tests for gmt config. """ import pytest from pygmt import Figure, config from pygmt.helpers.testing import check_figures_equal @pytest.mark.mpl_image_compare def test_config(): """ Test if config works globally and locally. """ fig = Figure() # Change global settings of current figure config(FONT_ANNOT_PRIMARY="blue") fig.basemap( region="0/10/0/10", projection="X10c/10c", frame=["af", '+t"Blue Annotation"'] ) with config(FONT_LABEL="red", FONT_ANNOT_PRIMARY="red"): fig.basemap( region="0/10/0/10", projection="X10c/10c", frame=['xaf+l"red label"', "yaf", '+t"red annotation"'], X="15c", ) fig.basemap( region="0/10/0/10", projection="X10c/10c", frame=["af", '+t"Blue Annotation"'], X="15c", ) # Revert to default settings in current figure config(FONT_ANNOT_PRIMARY="black") return fig @check_figures_equal() def test_config_font_one(): """ Test that setting `FONT` config changes all `FONT_*` settings except `FONT_LOGO`. Specifically, this test only checks that `FONT_ANNOT_PRIMARY`, `FONT_ANNOT_SECONDARY`, `FONT_LABEL`, and `FONT_TITLE` are modified. """ fig_ref = Figure() with config( FONT_ANNOT_PRIMARY="8p,red", FONT_ANNOT_SECONDARY="8p,red", FONT_LABEL="8p,red", FONT_TITLE="8p,red", ): fig_ref.basemap(R="0/9/0/9", J="C3/3/9c", Tm="jTL+w4c+d4.5+l") fig_ref.basemap(Tm="jBR+w5c+d-4.5+l") fig_test = Figure() with config(FONT="8p,red"): fig_test.basemap( region=[0, 9, 0, 9], projection="C3/3/9c", compass="jTL+w4c+d4.5+l" ) fig_test.basemap(compass="jBR+w5c+d-4.5+l") return fig_ref, fig_test @check_figures_equal() def test_config_font_annot(): """ Test that setting `FONT_ANNOT` config changes both `FONT_ANNOT_PRIMARY` and `FONT_ANNOT_SECONDARY`. """ fig_ref = Figure() with config(FONT_ANNOT_PRIMARY="6p,red", FONT_ANNOT_SECONDARY="6p,red"): fig_ref.basemap(R="0/9/0/9", J="C3/3/9c", Tm="jTL+w4c+d4.5") fig_ref.basemap(compass="jBR+w5c+d-4.5") fig_test = Figure() with config(FONT_ANNOT="6p,red"): fig_test.basemap( region=[0, 9, 0, 9], projection="C3/3/9c", compass="jTL+w4c+d4.5" ) fig_test.basemap(compass="jBR+w5c+d-4.5") return fig_ref, fig_test @pytest.mark.mpl_image_compare def test_config_format_time_map(): """ Test that setting `FORMAT_TIME_MAP` config changes both `FORMAT_TIME_PRIMARY_MAP` and `FORMAT_TIME_SECONDARY_MAP`. """ fig = Figure() with config(FORMAT_TIME_MAP="abbreviation"): fig.basemap( region=["2020-1-24T", "2020-1-27T", 0, 1], projection="X6c/1c", frame=["pa1K", "sa1K", "NWse"], ) fig.basemap(frame=["pa1K", "sa1K", "nwSE"]) return fig @pytest.mark.mpl_image_compare def test_config_map_annot_offset(): """ Test that setting `MAP_ANNOT_OFFSET` config changes both `MAP_ANNOT_OFFSET_PRIMARY` and `MAP_ANNOT_OFFSET_SECONDARY`. """ fig = Figure() with config(MAP_ANNOT_OFFSET="15p"): fig.basemap( region=["2020-1-24T", "2020-1-27T", 0, 1], projection="X6c/1c", frame=["pa1d", "sa1d", "NWse"], ) fig.basemap(frame=["pa1d", "sa1d", "nwSE"]) return fig @pytest.mark.mpl_image_compare def test_config_map_grid_cross_size(): """ Test that setting `MAP_GRID_CROSS_SIZE` config changes both `MAP_GRID_CROSS_SIZE_PRIMARY` and `MAP_GRID_CROSS_SIZE_SECONDARY`. """ fig = Figure() with config(MAP_GRID_CROSS_SIZE="3p"): fig.basemap( region=["2020-1-24T21:00", "2020-1-25T00:00", 0, 1], projection="X6c/2c", frame=["pa1Hg", "sa45mg45m", "NWse"], verbose="e", ) fig.basemap(frame=["pa1Hg", "sa45mg45m", "nwSE"], yshift=-3, verbose="e") return fig @pytest.mark.mpl_image_compare def test_config_map_grid_pen(): """ Test that setting `MAP_GRID_PEN` config changes both `MAP_GRID_PEN_PRIMARY` and `MAP_GRID_PEN_SECONDARY`. """ fig = Figure() with config(MAP_GRID_PEN="thick,red"): fig.basemap( region=["2020-1-24T21:00", "2020-1-25T00:00", 0, 1], projection="X6c/2c", frame=["pa1Hg", "sa45mg45m", "NWse"], verbose="e", ) fig.basemap(frame=["pa1Hg", "sa45mg45m", "nwSE"], yshift=-3, verbose="e") return fig @pytest.mark.mpl_image_compare def test_config_map_tick_length(): """ Test that setting `MAP_TICK_LENGTH` config changes both `MAP_TICK_LENGTH_PRIMARY` and `MAP_TICK_LENGTH_SECONDARY`. """ fig = Figure() with config(MAP_TICK_LENGTH="5p"): fig.basemap( region=["2020-1-24T21:00", "2020-1-25T00:00", 0, 1], projection="X6c/2c", frame=["pa1Hg", "sa45mg45m", "NWse"], verbose="e", ) fig.basemap(frame=["pa1Hg", "sa45mg45m", "nwSE"], yshift=-3, verbose="e") return fig @pytest.mark.mpl_image_compare def test_config_map_tick_pen(): """ Test that setting `MAP_TICK_PEN` config changes both `MAP_TICK_PEN_PRIMARY` and `MAP_TICK_PEN_SECONDARY`. """ fig = Figure() with config(MAP_TICK_PEN="thick,red"): fig.basemap( region=["2020-1-24T21:00", "2020-1-25T00:00", 0, 1], projection="X6c/2c", frame=["pa1Hg", "sa45mg45m", "NWse"], verbose="e", ) fig.basemap(frame=["pa1Hg", "sa45mg45m", "nwSE"], yshift=-3, verbose="e") return fig
<filename>wavefront_api_client/__init__.py # coding: utf-8 # flake8: noqa """ Wavefront REST API <p>The Wavefront REST API enables you to interact with Wavefront servers using standard REST API tools. You can use the REST API to automate commonly executed operations such as automatically tagging sources.</p><p>When you make REST API calls outside the Wavefront REST API documentation you must add the header \"Authorization: Bearer &lt;&lt;API-TOKEN&gt;&gt;\" to your HTTP requests.</p> # noqa: E501 OpenAPI spec version: v2 Contact: <EMAIL> Generated by: https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git """ from __future__ import absolute_import # import apis into sdk package from wavefront_api_client.api.access_policy_api import AccessPolicyApi from wavefront_api_client.api.account__user_and_service_account_api import AccountUserAndServiceAccountApi from wavefront_api_client.api.alert_api import AlertApi from wavefront_api_client.api.api_token_api import ApiTokenApi from wavefront_api_client.api.cloud_integration_api import CloudIntegrationApi from wavefront_api_client.api.dashboard_api import DashboardApi from wavefront_api_client.api.derived_metric_api import DerivedMetricApi from wavefront_api_client.api.direct_ingestion_api import DirectIngestionApi from wavefront_api_client.api.event_api import EventApi from wavefront_api_client.api.external_link_api import ExternalLinkApi from wavefront_api_client.api.ingestion_spy_api import IngestionSpyApi from wavefront_api_client.api.integration_api import IntegrationApi from wavefront_api_client.api.maintenance_window_api import MaintenanceWindowApi from wavefront_api_client.api.message_api import MessageApi from wavefront_api_client.api.metric_api import MetricApi from wavefront_api_client.api.metrics_policy_api import MetricsPolicyApi from wavefront_api_client.api.monitored_application_api import MonitoredApplicationApi from wavefront_api_client.api.monitored_service_api import MonitoredServiceApi from wavefront_api_client.api.notificant_api import NotificantApi from wavefront_api_client.api.proxy_api import ProxyApi from wavefront_api_client.api.query_api import QueryApi from wavefront_api_client.api.role_api import RoleApi from wavefront_api_client.api.saved_search_api import SavedSearchApi from wavefront_api_client.api.search_api import SearchApi from wavefront_api_client.api.source_api import SourceApi from wavefront_api_client.api.span_sampling_policy_api import SpanSamplingPolicyApi from wavefront_api_client.api.usage_api import UsageApi from wavefront_api_client.api.user_api import UserApi from wavefront_api_client.api.user_group_api import UserGroupApi from wavefront_api_client.api.webhook_api import WebhookApi # import ApiClient from wavefront_api_client.api_client import ApiClient from wavefront_api_client.configuration import Configuration # import models into sdk package from wavefront_api_client.models.aws_base_credentials import AWSBaseCredentials from wavefront_api_client.models.access_control_element import AccessControlElement from wavefront_api_client.models.access_control_list_read_dto import AccessControlListReadDTO from wavefront_api_client.models.access_control_list_simple import AccessControlListSimple from wavefront_api_client.models.access_control_list_write_dto import AccessControlListWriteDTO from wavefront_api_client.models.access_policy import AccessPolicy from wavefront_api_client.models.access_policy_rule_dto import AccessPolicyRuleDTO from wavefront_api_client.models.account import Account from wavefront_api_client.models.alert import Alert from wavefront_api_client.models.alert_dashboard import AlertDashboard from wavefront_api_client.models.alert_min import AlertMin from wavefront_api_client.models.alert_route import AlertRoute from wavefront_api_client.models.alert_source import AlertSource from wavefront_api_client.models.annotation import Annotation from wavefront_api_client.models.anomaly import Anomaly from wavefront_api_client.models.app_dynamics_configuration import AppDynamicsConfiguration from wavefront_api_client.models.azure_activity_log_configuration import AzureActivityLogConfiguration from wavefront_api_client.models.azure_base_credentials import AzureBaseCredentials from wavefront_api_client.models.azure_configuration import AzureConfiguration from wavefront_api_client.models.chart import Chart from wavefront_api_client.models.chart_settings import ChartSettings from wavefront_api_client.models.chart_source_query import ChartSourceQuery from wavefront_api_client.models.class_loader import ClassLoader from wavefront_api_client.models.cloud_integration import CloudIntegration from wavefront_api_client.models.cloud_trail_configuration import CloudTrailConfiguration from wavefront_api_client.models.cloud_watch_configuration import CloudWatchConfiguration from wavefront_api_client.models.conversion import Conversion from wavefront_api_client.models.conversion_object import ConversionObject from wavefront_api_client.models.customer_facing_user_object import CustomerFacingUserObject from wavefront_api_client.models.dashboard import Dashboard from wavefront_api_client.models.dashboard_min import DashboardMin from wavefront_api_client.models.dashboard_parameter_value import DashboardParameterValue from wavefront_api_client.models.dashboard_section import DashboardSection from wavefront_api_client.models.dashboard_section_row import DashboardSectionRow from wavefront_api_client.models.derived_metric_definition import DerivedMetricDefinition from wavefront_api_client.models.ec2_configuration import EC2Configuration from wavefront_api_client.models.event import Event from wavefront_api_client.models.event_search_request import EventSearchRequest from wavefront_api_client.models.event_time_range import EventTimeRange from wavefront_api_client.models.external_link import ExternalLink from wavefront_api_client.models.facet_response import FacetResponse from wavefront_api_client.models.facet_search_request_container import FacetSearchRequestContainer from wavefront_api_client.models.facets_response_container import FacetsResponseContainer from wavefront_api_client.models.facets_search_request_container import FacetsSearchRequestContainer from wavefront_api_client.models.fast_reader_builder import FastReaderBuilder from wavefront_api_client.models.field import Field from wavefront_api_client.models.gcp_billing_configuration import GCPBillingConfiguration from wavefront_api_client.models.gcp_configuration import GCPConfiguration from wavefront_api_client.models.history_entry import HistoryEntry from wavefront_api_client.models.history_response import HistoryResponse from wavefront_api_client.models.ingestion_policy import IngestionPolicy from wavefront_api_client.models.ingestion_policy_mapping import IngestionPolicyMapping from wavefront_api_client.models.install_alerts import InstallAlerts from wavefront_api_client.models.integration import Integration from wavefront_api_client.models.integration_alert import IntegrationAlert from wavefront_api_client.models.integration_alias import IntegrationAlias from wavefront_api_client.models.integration_dashboard import IntegrationDashboard from wavefront_api_client.models.integration_manifest_group import IntegrationManifestGroup from wavefront_api_client.models.integration_metrics import IntegrationMetrics from wavefront_api_client.models.integration_status import IntegrationStatus from wavefront_api_client.models.json_node import JsonNode from wavefront_api_client.models.kubernetes_component import KubernetesComponent from wavefront_api_client.models.kubernetes_component_status import KubernetesComponentStatus from wavefront_api_client.models.logical_type import LogicalType from wavefront_api_client.models.maintenance_window import MaintenanceWindow from wavefront_api_client.models.message import Message from wavefront_api_client.models.metric_details import MetricDetails from wavefront_api_client.models.metric_details_response import MetricDetailsResponse from wavefront_api_client.models.metric_status import MetricStatus from wavefront_api_client.models.metrics_policy_read_model import MetricsPolicyReadModel from wavefront_api_client.models.metrics_policy_write_model import MetricsPolicyWriteModel from wavefront_api_client.models.module import Module from wavefront_api_client.models.module_descriptor import ModuleDescriptor from wavefront_api_client.models.module_layer import ModuleLayer from wavefront_api_client.models.monitored_application_dto import MonitoredApplicationDTO from wavefront_api_client.models.monitored_cluster import MonitoredCluster from wavefront_api_client.models.monitored_service_dto import MonitoredServiceDTO from wavefront_api_client.models.new_relic_configuration import NewRelicConfiguration from wavefront_api_client.models.new_relic_metric_filters import NewRelicMetricFilters from wavefront_api_client.models.notificant import Notificant from wavefront_api_client.models.notification_messages import NotificationMessages from wavefront_api_client.models.package import Package from wavefront_api_client.models.paged import Paged from wavefront_api_client.models.paged_account import PagedAccount from wavefront_api_client.models.paged_alert import PagedAlert from wavefront_api_client.models.paged_alert_with_stats import PagedAlertWithStats from wavefront_api_client.models.paged_anomaly import PagedAnomaly from wavefront_api_client.models.paged_cloud_integration import PagedCloudIntegration from wavefront_api_client.models.paged_customer_facing_user_object import PagedCustomerFacingUserObject from wavefront_api_client.models.paged_dashboard import PagedDashboard from wavefront_api_client.models.paged_derived_metric_definition import PagedDerivedMetricDefinition from wavefront_api_client.models.paged_derived_metric_definition_with_stats import PagedDerivedMetricDefinitionWithStats from wavefront_api_client.models.paged_event import PagedEvent from wavefront_api_client.models.paged_external_link import PagedExternalLink from wavefront_api_client.models.paged_ingestion_policy import PagedIngestionPolicy from wavefront_api_client.models.paged_integration import PagedIntegration from wavefront_api_client.models.paged_maintenance_window import PagedMaintenanceWindow from wavefront_api_client.models.paged_message import PagedMessage from wavefront_api_client.models.paged_monitored_application_dto import PagedMonitoredApplicationDTO from wavefront_api_client.models.paged_monitored_cluster import PagedMonitoredCluster from wavefront_api_client.models.paged_monitored_service_dto import PagedMonitoredServiceDTO from wavefront_api_client.models.paged_notificant import PagedNotificant from wavefront_api_client.models.paged_proxy import PagedProxy from wavefront_api_client.models.paged_related_event import PagedRelatedEvent from wavefront_api_client.models.paged_report_event_anomaly_dto import PagedReportEventAnomalyDTO from wavefront_api_client.models.paged_role_dto import PagedRoleDTO from wavefront_api_client.models.paged_saved_search import PagedSavedSearch from wavefront_api_client.models.paged_service_account import PagedServiceAccount from wavefront_api_client.models.paged_source import PagedSource from wavefront_api_client.models.paged_span_sampling_policy import PagedSpanSamplingPolicy from wavefront_api_client.models.paged_user_group_model import PagedUserGroupModel from wavefront_api_client.models.point import Point from wavefront_api_client.models.policy_rule_read_model import PolicyRuleReadModel from wavefront_api_client.models.policy_rule_write_model import PolicyRuleWriteModel from wavefront_api_client.models.proxy import Proxy from wavefront_api_client.models.query_event import QueryEvent from wavefront_api_client.models.query_result import QueryResult from wavefront_api_client.models.query_type_dto import QueryTypeDTO from wavefront_api_client.models.raw_timeseries import RawTimeseries from wavefront_api_client.models.related_anomaly import RelatedAnomaly from wavefront_api_client.models.related_data import RelatedData from wavefront_api_client.models.related_event import RelatedEvent from wavefront_api_client.models.related_event_time_range import RelatedEventTimeRange from wavefront_api_client.models.report_event_anomaly_dto import ReportEventAnomalyDTO from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container import ResponseContainer from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_access_policy import ResponseContainerAccessPolicy from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_access_policy_action import ResponseContainerAccessPolicyAction from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_account import ResponseContainerAccount from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_alert import ResponseContainerAlert from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_cloud_integration import ResponseContainerCloudIntegration from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_dashboard import ResponseContainerDashboard from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_derived_metric_definition import ResponseContainerDerivedMetricDefinition from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_event import ResponseContainerEvent from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_external_link import ResponseContainerExternalLink from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_facet_response import ResponseContainerFacetResponse from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_facets_response_container import ResponseContainerFacetsResponseContainer from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_history_response import ResponseContainerHistoryResponse from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_ingestion_policy import ResponseContainerIngestionPolicy from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_integration import ResponseContainerIntegration from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_integration_status import ResponseContainerIntegrationStatus from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_list_access_control_list_read_dto import ResponseContainerListAccessControlListReadDTO from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_list_integration import ResponseContainerListIntegration from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_list_integration_manifest_group import ResponseContainerListIntegrationManifestGroup from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_list_notification_messages import ResponseContainerListNotificationMessages from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_list_service_account import ResponseContainerListServiceAccount from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_list_string import ResponseContainerListString from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_list_user_api_token import ResponseContainerListUserApiToken from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_maintenance_window import ResponseContainerMaintenanceWindow from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_map_string_integer import ResponseContainerMapStringInteger from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_map_string_integration_status import ResponseContainerMapStringIntegrationStatus from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_message import ResponseContainerMessage from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_metrics_policy_read_model import ResponseContainerMetricsPolicyReadModel from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_monitored_application_dto import ResponseContainerMonitoredApplicationDTO from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_monitored_cluster import ResponseContainerMonitoredCluster from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_monitored_service_dto import ResponseContainerMonitoredServiceDTO from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_notificant import ResponseContainerNotificant from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_paged_account import ResponseContainerPagedAccount from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_paged_alert import ResponseContainerPagedAlert from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_paged_alert_with_stats import ResponseContainerPagedAlertWithStats from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_paged_anomaly import ResponseContainerPagedAnomaly from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_paged_cloud_integration import ResponseContainerPagedCloudIntegration from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_paged_customer_facing_user_object import ResponseContainerPagedCustomerFacingUserObject from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_paged_dashboard import ResponseContainerPagedDashboard from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_paged_derived_metric_definition import ResponseContainerPagedDerivedMetricDefinition from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_paged_derived_metric_definition_with_stats import ResponseContainerPagedDerivedMetricDefinitionWithStats from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_paged_event import ResponseContainerPagedEvent from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_paged_external_link import ResponseContainerPagedExternalLink from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_paged_ingestion_policy import ResponseContainerPagedIngestionPolicy from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_paged_integration import ResponseContainerPagedIntegration from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_paged_maintenance_window import ResponseContainerPagedMaintenanceWindow from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_paged_message import ResponseContainerPagedMessage from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_paged_monitored_application_dto import ResponseContainerPagedMonitoredApplicationDTO from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_paged_monitored_cluster import ResponseContainerPagedMonitoredCluster from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_paged_monitored_service_dto import ResponseContainerPagedMonitoredServiceDTO from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_paged_notificant import ResponseContainerPagedNotificant from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_paged_proxy import ResponseContainerPagedProxy from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_paged_related_event import ResponseContainerPagedRelatedEvent from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_paged_report_event_anomaly_dto import ResponseContainerPagedReportEventAnomalyDTO from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_paged_role_dto import ResponseContainerPagedRoleDTO from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_paged_saved_search import ResponseContainerPagedSavedSearch from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_paged_service_account import ResponseContainerPagedServiceAccount from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_paged_source import ResponseContainerPagedSource from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_paged_span_sampling_policy import ResponseContainerPagedSpanSamplingPolicy from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_paged_user_group_model import ResponseContainerPagedUserGroupModel from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_proxy import ResponseContainerProxy from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_query_type_dto import ResponseContainerQueryTypeDTO from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_role_dto import ResponseContainerRoleDTO from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_saved_search import ResponseContainerSavedSearch from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_service_account import ResponseContainerServiceAccount from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_set_business_function import ResponseContainerSetBusinessFunction from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_set_source_label_pair import ResponseContainerSetSourceLabelPair from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_source import ResponseContainerSource from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_span_sampling_policy import ResponseContainerSpanSamplingPolicy from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_string import ResponseContainerString from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_tags_response import ResponseContainerTagsResponse from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_user_api_token import ResponseContainerUserApiToken from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_user_group_model import ResponseContainerUserGroupModel from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_validated_users_dto import ResponseContainerValidatedUsersDTO from wavefront_api_client.models.response_container_void import ResponseContainerVoid from wavefront_api_client.models.response_status import ResponseStatus from wavefront_api_client.models.role_dto import RoleDTO from wavefront_api_client.models.saved_search import SavedSearch from wavefront_api_client.models.schema import Schema from wavefront_api_client.models.search_query import SearchQuery from wavefront_api_client.models.service_account import ServiceAccount from wavefront_api_client.models.service_account_write import ServiceAccountWrite from wavefront_api_client.models.sortable_search_request import SortableSearchRequest from wavefront_api_client.models.sorting import Sorting from wavefront_api_client.models.source import Source from wavefront_api_client.models.source_label_pair import SourceLabelPair from wavefront_api_client.models.source_search_request_container import SourceSearchRequestContainer from wavefront_api_client.models.span import Span from wavefront_api_client.models.span_sampling_policy import SpanSamplingPolicy from wavefront_api_client.models.specific_data import SpecificData from wavefront_api_client.models.stats_model_internal_use import StatsModelInternalUse from wavefront_api_client.models.stripe import Stripe from wavefront_api_client.models.tags_response import TagsResponse from wavefront_api_client.models.target_info import TargetInfo from wavefront_api_client.models.tesla_configuration import TeslaConfiguration from wavefront_api_client.models.timeseries import Timeseries from wavefront_api_client.models.trace import Trace from wavefront_api_client.models.triage_dashboard import TriageDashboard from wavefront_api_client.models.tuple import Tuple from wavefront_api_client.models.tuple_result import TupleResult from wavefront_api_client.models.tuple_value_result import TupleValueResult from wavefront_api_client.models.user_api_token import UserApiToken from wavefront_api_client.models.user_dto import UserDTO from wavefront_api_client.models.user_group import UserGroup from wavefront_api_client.models.user_group_model import UserGroupModel from wavefront_api_client.models.user_group_properties_dto import UserGroupPropertiesDTO from wavefront_api_client.models.user_group_write import UserGroupWrite from wavefront_api_client.models.user_model import UserModel from wavefront_api_client.models.user_request_dto import UserRequestDTO from wavefront_api_client.models.user_to_create import UserToCreate from wavefront_api_client.models.validated_users_dto import ValidatedUsersDTO from wavefront_api_client.models.void import Void from wavefront_api_client.models.vrops_configuration import VropsConfiguration from wavefront_api_client.models.wf_tags import WFTags
<reponame>mikeengland/fireant import itertools import pandas as pd import numpy as np from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple from datetime import timedelta from fireant import ( formats, utils, ) from fireant.dataset.fields import DataType, Field from fireant.dataset.totals import TOTALS_MARKERS from fireant.dataset.references import Reference from fireant.reference_helpers import ( reference_alias, reference_label, reference_prefix, reference_suffix, ) from fireant.utils import alias_selector from .base import HideField, TransformableWidget from .chart_base import ( ChartWidget, ContinuousAxisSeries, ) DEFAULT_COLORS = ( "#DDDF0D", "#55BF3B", "#DF5353", "#7798BF", "#AAEEEE", "#FF0066", "#EEAAEE", "#DF5353", "#7798BF", "#AAEEEE", ) DASH_STYLES = ( "Solid", "Dash", "Dot", "DashDot", "LongDash", "LongDashDot", "ShortDash", "ShortDashDot", "LongDashDotDot", "ShortDashDotDot", "ShortDot", ) MARKER_SYMBOLS = ("circle", "square", "diamond", "triangle", "triangle-down") SERIES_NEEDING_MARKER = (ChartWidget.LineSeries, ChartWidget.AreaSeries) TS_UPPER_BOUND = pd.Timestamp.max - timedelta(seconds=1) ALWAYS_SHARED_TOOLTIP_CHART_TYPES = {ChartWidget.PieSeries.type} def has_only_line_series(axis): return all([isinstance(series_, ChartWidget.LineSeries) for series_ in axis]) class HighCharts(ChartWidget, TransformableWidget): # Pagination should be applied to groups of the 0th index level (the x-axis) in order to paginate series group_pagination = True def __init__( self, title: Optional[str] = None, colors: Optional[List[str]] = None, hide: Optional[List[HideField]] = None, x_axis_visible: bool = True, tooltip_visible: bool = True, split_dimension: Optional[Field] = None, ): super(HighCharts, self).__init__(hide=hide) self.title = title self.colors = colors or DEFAULT_COLORS self.x_axis_visible = x_axis_visible self.tooltip_visible = tooltip_visible self.split_dimension = split_dimension or None def __repr__(self): return ".".join(["HighCharts()"] + [repr(axis) for axis in self.items]) def transform( self, data_frame: pd.DataFrame, dimensions: List[Field], references: List[Reference], annotation_frame: Optional[pd.DataFrame] = None, ): """ - Main entry point - Transforms a data frame into HighCharts JSON format. See https://api.highcharts.com/highcharts/ :param data_frame: The data frame containing the data. Index must match the dimensions parameter. :param dimensions: A list of dimensions that are being rendered. :param references: A list of references that are being rendered. :param annotation_frame: A data frame containing annotation data. :return: A dict or a list of dicts meant to be dumped as JSON. """ result_df = data_frame.copy() hide_aliases = self.hide_aliases(dimensions) self.hide_data_frame_indexes(result_df, hide_aliases) dimension_map = {alias_selector(dimension.alias): dimension for dimension in dimensions} # Nan/None values in the index can break split dimension feature, # because xs method cannot result_df.rename(index={np.nan: formats.BLANK_VALUE}, inplace=True) render_group = [] split_dimension = self.split_dimension if split_dimension and split_dimension.data_type != DataType.date: split_dimension_alias = alias_selector(split_dimension.alias) # Categories method cannot be reused here, given the totals label wouldn't be correctly # mapped to the totals value in the split dimension column. values, _ = self._values_and_dimension(result_df, dimension_map, split_dimension_alias) for value in values: render_group.append( [ result_df.xs(value or '', level=split_dimension_alias, drop_level=False), formats.display_value(value, split_dimension) or value, ] ) if not render_group: render_group = [(result_df, None)] num_charts = len(render_group) charts = [ self._render_individual_chart( chart_df, dimensions, references, annotation_frame=annotation_frame, title_suffix=title_suffix, num_charts=num_charts, ) for chart_df, title_suffix in render_group ] return charts[0] if num_charts == 1 else charts def _render_individual_chart( self, data_frame: pd.DataFrame, dimensions: List[Field], references: List[Reference], annotation_frame: Optional[pd.DataFrame] = None, title_suffix: str = "", num_charts: int = 1, ): result_df = data_frame dimension_map = {alias_selector(dimension.alias): dimension for dimension in dimensions} colors = itertools.cycle(self.colors) is_timeseries = dimensions and dimensions[0].data_type == DataType.date # Timestamp.max is used as a marker for rolled up dimensions (totals). Filter out the totals value for the # dimension used for the x-axis if is_timeseries and len(data_frame) > 0: result_df = self._remove_date_totals(result_df) # Group the results by index levels after the 0th, one for each series # This will result in a series for every combination of dimension values and each series will contain a data set # across the 0th dimension (used for the x-axis) series_data_frames = self._group_by_series(result_df) total_num_series = sum([len(axis) for axis in self.items]) y_axes, series = [], [] for axis_idx, axis in enumerate(self.items): # Tee the colors iterator so we can peek at the next color. The next color in the iterator becomes the # axis color. The first series on each axis should match the axis color, and will progress the colors # iterator. The next axis color should be the next color in the iterator after the last color used by a # series on the current axis in order to get a better variety of color. colors, tee_colors = itertools.tee(colors) axis_color = next(tee_colors) # prepend axes, append series, this keeps everything ordered left-to-right y_axes[0:0] = self._render_y_axis(axis_idx, axis_color if 1 < total_num_series else None, references) series += self._render_series( axis, axis_idx, axis_color, colors, result_df, series_data_frames, dimensions, references, is_timeseries, ) categories = self._categories(result_df, dimension_map) x_axis = self._render_x_axis(dimensions, categories) annotations = [] if has_only_line_series(axis) and annotation_frame is not None: annotations = self._render_annotation(annotation_frame, x_axis) extra = {} if num_charts > 1: extra["title"] = {"text": f"{self.title} ({title_suffix})" if self.title else title_suffix} extra["chart"] = { # Height of 240px is the smallest we can have, while still fully displaying the chart menu. "height": 240 } return { "title": {"text": self.title}, "xAxis": x_axis, "yAxis": y_axes, "colors": self.colors, "series": series, "tooltip": { "useHTML": True, "enabled": self.tooltip_visible, # When only a single datapoint per series is available, shared tooltips should be avoided. # Since it looks clunky and often supersedes most of the chart. "shared": all( [len(item['data']) > 1 or item['type'] in ALWAYS_SHARED_TOOLTIP_CHART_TYPES for item in series] ), }, "legend": {"useHTML": True}, "annotations": annotations, **extra, } def _values_and_dimension( self, data_frame: pd.DataFrame, dimension_map: Dict[str, Field], dimension_alias: Optional[str] = None ): is_mi = isinstance(data_frame.index, pd.MultiIndex) levels = data_frame.index.levels if is_mi else [data_frame.index] first_level = None if dimension_alias: level_index = 0 for i, level in enumerate(levels): if level.name == dimension_alias: level_index = i break first_level = levels[level_index] else: first_level = levels[0] if first_level is not None and first_level.name is not None: dimension_alias = first_level.name dimension = dimension_map[dimension_alias] return [value for value in first_level], dimension return [], None def _categories( self, data_frame: pd.DataFrame, dimension_map: Dict[str, Field], dimension_alias: Optional[str] = None ) -> List[str]: values, dimension = self._values_and_dimension(data_frame, dimension_map, dimension_alias) return [formats.display_value(value, dimension) or value for value in values] def _render_x_axis(self, dimensions: List[Field], categories: List[str]): """ Renders the xAxis configuration. https://api.highcharts.com/highcharts/xAxis :param dimensions: :param categories: :return: """ is_timeseries = dimensions and dimensions[0].data_type == DataType.date if is_timeseries: return {"type": "datetime", "visible": self.x_axis_visible} return { "type": "category", "categories": categories if categories else ["All"], "visible": self.x_axis_visible, } def _render_y_axis(self, axis_idx: int, color: str, references: List[Reference]) -> List[dict]: """ Renders the yAxis configuration. https://api.highcharts.com/highcharts/yAxis :param axis_idx: :param color: :param references: :return: """ axis = self.items[axis_idx] y_axes = [ { "id": str(axis_idx), "title": {"text": None}, "labels": {"style": {"color": color}}, "visible": axis.y_axis_visible, } ] y_axes += [ { "id": "{}_{}".format(axis_idx, reference.alias), "title": {"text": reference.label}, "opposite": True, "labels": {"style": {"color": color}}, "visible": axis.y_axis_visible, } for reference in references if reference.delta ] return y_axes def _render_series( self, axis, axis_idx: int, axis_color: str, colors: List[str], data_frame: pd.DataFrame, series_data_frames, dimensions: List[Field], references: List[Reference], is_timeseries: bool = False, ) -> List[dict]: """ Renders the series configuration. https://api.highcharts.com/highcharts/series :param axis: :param axis_idx: :param axis_color: :param colors: :param series_data_frames: :param dimensions: :param references: :param is_timeseries: :return: """ hc_series = [] for series in axis: # Pie Charts, do not break data out into groups, render all data in one pie chart series if isinstance(series, self.PieSeries): # Pie charts do not group the data up by series so render them separately and then go to the next series for reference in [None] + references: hc_series.append(self._render_pie_series(series.metric, reference, data_frame, dimensions)) continue # For other series types, create a highcharts series for each group (combination of dimension values) symbols = itertools.cycle(MARKER_SYMBOLS) for (dimension_values, group_df), symbol in zip(series_data_frames, symbols): dimension_values = utils.wrap_list(dimension_values) dimension_label = self._format_dimension_values(dimensions[1:], dimension_values) hc_series += self._render_highcharts_series( series, group_df, references, dimension_label, is_timeseries, symbol, axis_idx, axis_color, next(colors), ) return hc_series def _render_highcharts_series( self, series, series_df: pd.DataFrame, references: List[Reference], dimension_label: str, is_timeseries: bool, symbol: str, axis_idx: int, axis_color: str, series_color: str, ): """ Note on colors: - With a single axis, use different colors for each series - With multiple axes, use the same color for the entire axis and only change the dash style :param series: :param series_df: :param references: :param dimension_label: :param is_timeseries: :param symbol: :param axis_idx: :param axis_color: :param series_color: :return: """ if is_timeseries: series_df = series_df.sort_index(level=0) results = [] for reference, dash_style in zip([None] + references, itertools.cycle(DASH_STYLES)): field_alias = utils.alias_selector(reference_alias(series.metric, reference)) metric_label = reference_label(series.metric, reference) if field_alias not in series_df: continue hc_series = { "type": series.type, "name": "{} ({})".format(metric_label, dimension_label) if dimension_label else metric_label, "data": ( self._render_timeseries_data(series_df, field_alias, series.metric) if is_timeseries else self._render_category_data(series_df, field_alias, series.metric) ), "tooltip": self._render_tooltip(series.metric, reference), "yAxis": ( "{}_{}".format(axis_idx, reference.alias) if reference is not None and reference.delta else str(axis_idx) ), "marker": ( {"symbol": symbol, "fillColor": axis_color or series_color} if isinstance(series, SERIES_NEEDING_MARKER) else {} ), "stacking": series.stacking, } if isinstance(series, ContinuousAxisSeries): # Set each series in a continuous series to a specific color hc_series["color"] = series_color hc_series["dashStyle"] = dash_style results.append(hc_series) return results @staticmethod def _render_category_data(group_df: pd.DataFrame, field_alias: str, metric: Field): categories = ( list(group_df.index.levels[0]) if isinstance(group_df.index, pd.MultiIndex) else list(group_df.index) ) series = [] for labels, y in group_df[field_alias].iteritems(): label = labels[0] if isinstance(labels, tuple) else labels if pd.isnull(label): # ignore nans in index continue series.append({"x": categories.index(label), "y": formats.raw_value(y, metric)}) return series @staticmethod def _render_timeseries_data(group_df: pd.DataFrame, metric_alias: str, metric: Field) -> List[Tuple[int, int]]: series = [] for dimension_values, y in group_df[metric_alias].iteritems(): first_dimension_value = utils.wrap_list(dimension_values)[0] # Ignore empty result sets where the only row is totals if first_dimension_value in TOTALS_MARKERS: continue if pd.isnull(first_dimension_value): # Ignore totals on the x-axis. continue series.append( ( formats.date_as_millis(first_dimension_value), formats.raw_value(y, metric), ) ) return series def _render_tooltip(self, metric: Field, reference: Reference) -> dict: return { "valuePrefix": reference_prefix(metric, reference), "valueSuffix": reference_suffix(metric, reference), "valueDecimals": metric.precision, } def _render_pie_series( self, metric: Field, reference: Reference, data_frame: pd.DataFrame, dimension_fields: List[Field] ) -> dict: metric_alias = utils.alias_selector(metric.alias) if self.split_dimension: dimension_fields = [dimension for dimension in dimension_fields if dimension != self.split_dimension] data_frame = data_frame.reset_index(alias_selector(self.split_dimension.alias), drop=True) data = [] for dimension_values, y in data_frame[metric_alias].iteritems(): dimension_values = utils.wrap_list(dimension_values) name = self._format_dimension_values(dimension_fields, dimension_values) data.append({"name": name or metric.label, "y": formats.raw_value(y, metric)}) return { "name": reference_label(metric, reference), "type": "pie", "data": data, "tooltip": { "pointFormat": '<span style="color:{point.color}">\u25CF</span> {series.name}: ' "<b>{point.y} ({point.percentage:.1f}%)</b><br/>", "valueDecimals": metric.precision, "valuePrefix": reference_prefix(metric, reference), "valueSuffix": reference_suffix(metric, reference), }, } def _render_annotation(self, annotation_df: pd.DataFrame, x_axis): """ Group data in the annotation data frame and calculate their positions on the x-axis of the main chart. :param annotation_df: A data frame containing annotation data. :param x_axis: The x-axis of the chart. :return: A list of annotations with label based on the annotation data frame. """ if annotation_df.empty: return [] annotation_alias = annotation_df.columns[0] annotation_df[annotation_alias] = annotation_df[annotation_alias].astype(str) # Group the annotation frame by concatenating the strings in the annotation column for each index value grouped_annotation_df = self._group_annotation_df(annotation_df, annotation_alias).to_frame() # Calculate the annotation label positions for either timeseries or categories annotation_label_positions = self._get_annotation_positions(grouped_annotation_df, annotation_alias, x_axis) annotation = {"labels": []} for annotation_position in annotation_label_positions: label = { "point": {"x": annotation_position["position"], "xAxis": 0}, "text": annotation_position["label"], } annotation["labels"].append(label) return [annotation] def _get_annotation_positions(self, df: pd.DataFrame, dimension_alias: str, axis): if axis["type"] == "datetime": return self._get_timeseries_positions(df, dimension_alias) return self._get_category_positions(df, dimension_alias, axis) @staticmethod def _group_annotation_df(annotation_df: pd.DataFrame, annotation_field_name: str) -> pd.DataFrame: def concatenate_row_values(df): df.fillna("None", inplace=True) return ", ".join(df) return annotation_df.groupby(annotation_df.index.names)[annotation_field_name].apply( lambda x: concatenate_row_values(x) ) @staticmethod def _get_timeseries_positions(df: pd.DataFrame, dimension_alias: str): timeseries_positions = [] for dimensions, dimension_value in df[dimension_alias].iteritems(): datetime = utils.wrap_list(dimensions)[0] timeseries_positions.append({"position": formats.date_as_millis(datetime), "label": dimension_value}) return timeseries_positions @staticmethod def _get_category_positions(df: pd.DataFrame, dimension_alias: str, axis) -> List[dict]: dimension_positions = [] category_positions = {category: index for index, category in enumerate(axis["categories"])} for dimensions, dimension_value in df[dimension_alias].iteritems(): category_label = utils.wrap_list(dimensions)[0] dimension_positions.append( { "position": category_positions[category_label], "label": dimension_value, } ) return dimension_positions @staticmethod def _remove_date_totals(data_frame: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """ This function filters the totals value for the date/time dimension from the result set. There is no way to represent this value on a chart so it is just removed. :param data_frame: :return: """ if isinstance(data_frame.index, pd.MultiIndex): first_index = data_frame.index.get_level_values(0) if isinstance(first_index, pd.DatetimeIndex): index_slice = first_index < TS_UPPER_BOUND return data_frame.loc[index_slice, :] elif isinstance(data_frame.index, pd.DatetimeIndex): return data_frame[data_frame.index < TS_UPPER_BOUND] return data_frame @staticmethod def _group_by_series(data_frame: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: if len(data_frame) == 0 or not isinstance(data_frame.index, pd.MultiIndex): return [([], data_frame)] levels = data_frame.index.names[1:] return data_frame.groupby(level=levels, sort=False) @staticmethod def _format_dimension_values(dimensions: List[Field], dimension_values: list) -> str: return ", ".join( str.strip(formats.display_value(value, dimension) or str(value)) for value, dimension in zip(dimension_values, dimensions) )
<filename>stanCode-projects/Object oriented-Breakout game/breakout_ex.py """ stanCode Breakout Project Adapted from <NAME>'s Breakout by <NAME>, <NAME>, <NAME>, and <NAME>. Name: <NAME> """ from campy.gui.events.timer import pause from breakoutgraphics_ex import BreakoutGraphics # ex import import random FRAME_RATE = 1000 / 120 # 120 frames per second NUM_LIVES = 2 # Number of attempts g = BreakoutGraphics(brick_cols=3) def main(): g.lives = NUM_LIVES # save lives to g.lives g.lives_board.text = f'Lives: {g.lives}' # update lives board while True: # main while loop pause(FRAME_RATE) if g.lives == 0: # lost game condition print(f'game over! left brick:{g.brick_num}') game_over() break if g.brick_num == 0: # Win game condition g.window.remove(g.bonus_ball) game_win() break # run the ball and count lives running_ball() def running_ball(): not_brick = [g.paddle, g.ball, g.score_board, g.lives_board, g.bonus_ball] # not brick list no_rebound = [None, g.score_board, g.lives_board, g.bonus_ball] # no bound list g.bonus_time = 0 # to check bonus state while g.is_running: # while loop of running the ball pause(FRAME_RATE) # frame rate if g.bonus_time > 0 and g.bonus_color == 'green': # while bonus, do something else g.ball.move(g.vx*0.5, g.vy*0.5) # green bonus, slower ball elif g.bonus_time > 0 and g.bonus_color == 'red': g.ball.move(g.vx*2, g.vy*2) # red bonus, faster ball else: g.ball.move(g.vx, g.vy) # normal, ball move per frame rate g.bonus_ball.move(0, 2) # bonus ball fall down v # lost lives if g.ball.y > g.window.height: # when ball falls out of window, lives-1 g.lives -= 1 g.lives_board.text = f'Lives:{g.lives}' # update score g.window.remove(g.bonus_ball) g.is_running = False # update game state break # win game if g.brick_num == 0: # win game condition g.is_running = False # update game state break # 3 wall rebound if not 0 <= g.ball.x <= g.window.width - g.ball.width: g.vx *= -1 if not 0 <= g.ball.y: g.vy *= -1 # def up, down, left ,right 4 point of ball, and get what touched or not ball_u = g.window.get_object_at(g.ball.x + g.ball.width / 2, g.ball.y - 1) ball_d = g.window.get_object_at( g.ball.x + g.ball.width / 2, g.ball.y + g.ball.height + 1) ball_l = g.window.get_object_at(g.ball.x - 1, g.ball.y + g.ball.height / 2) ball_r = g.window.get_object_at( g.ball.x + g.ball.width + 1, g.ball.y + g.ball.height / 2) # check what point touched then rebound, if it's brick, remove it if ball_d not in no_rebound and g.vy > 0: # when ball move down and touch something g.vy *= -1 # y axis rebound if ball_d not in not_brick: eliminate(ball_d) # eliminate point and count brick num & score elif ball_l not in no_rebound and g.vx < 0: g.vx *= -1 if ball_l not in not_brick: eliminate(ball_l) elif ball_r not in no_rebound and g.vx > 0: g.vx *= -1 if ball_r not in not_brick: eliminate(ball_r) elif ball_u not in no_rebound and g.vy < 0: g.vy *= -1 if ball_u not in not_brick: eliminate(ball_u) # bonus ball bonus_ball_d = g.window.get_object_at( # get what bonus ball's down point touched g.bonus_ball.x+g.bonus_ball.width/2, g.bonus_ball.y+g.bonus_ball.height+1) if bonus_ball_d is g.paddle: # when paddle get bonus ball if g.bonus_color == 'black': # black bonus, lives +1 g.lives += 1 g.lives_board.text = f'Lives:{g.lives}' elif g.bonus_color == 'red': # red bonus, more score but move faster g.bonus_score = 2 elif g.bonus_color == 'yellow': # yellow bonus, add score g.score += 50 g.score_board.text = f'Score:{g.score}' g.ball.fill_color = g.bonus_ball.fill_color g.bonus_time = 3*1000/FRAME_RATE g.bonus_ball.y += 100 # fall out of window g.bonus_time -= 1 # subtract bonus time if g.bonus_time <= 0: # when no bonus time, reset bonus state g.ball.fill_color = 'black' g.bonus_score = 1 def eliminate(point): """ :param point: GObject, which need to eliminate, must check before function. """ g.window.remove(point) # eliminate if random.random() < 0.3 and g.bonus_ball.y > g.window.height: # bonus Trigger conditions color = random.choice(['black', 'red', 'green', 'yellow']) # random bonus color g.bonus_color, g.bonus_ball.fill_color = color, color g.window.add(g.bonus_ball, point.x+g.ball.width/2, point.y) g.brick_num -= 1 # count left brick g.score += 10 * g.bonus_score # Scoring g.score_board.text = f'Score:{g.score}' # update score board def menu(): pass def game_over(): # game over animation for y in range(g.brick_rows): # remove left brick by row for x in range(g.brick_cols): down_brick = g.window.get_object_at( x * (g.brick.width + g.brick_spacing), # find brick by row g.brick.y - y * (g.brick.height + g.brick_spacing)) g.window.remove(down_brick) pause(100) g.window.add(g.game_over, # add game over text x=(g.window.width - g.game_over.width) / 2, y=g.window.height / 3) pause(500) g.score_board.font = g.game_over.font # Scale score board ,update and show g.window.add(g.score_board, x=(g.window.width - g.score_board.width) / 2, y=g.window.height / 2) pause(1000) g.score = 0 def game_win(): # game win animation g.window.add(g.game_win, x=(g.window.width - g.game_win.width) / 2, y=g.window.height / 3) pause(500) g.score_board.font = g.game_win.font # Scale score board ,update and show g.window.add(g.score_board, x=(g.window.width - g.score_board.width) / 2, y=g.window.height / 2) pause(500) g.score_board.text = f'Score:{g.score+(100*g.lives)}' # add lives scores pause(1000) g.score = 0 if __name__ == '__main__': main()
#!/usr/bin/env python # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. # Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # pylint: disable=line-too-long from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals import os import sys import tempfile import glob import re import time import fileinput import requests import hashlib from datetime import datetime from subprocess import check_call, check_output, CalledProcessError from uritemplate import URITemplate, expand script_env = {} def add_script_env(name): script_env[name] = os.environ.get(name) add_script_env('REPO_NAME') add_script_env('GITHUB_USER') add_script_env('GITHUB_USER_TOKEN') add_script_env('PYPI_REPO') # although not used directly here, twine env vars are needed for releasing add_script_env('TWINE_USERNAME') add_script_env('TWINE_PASSWORD') # the new version of the CLI add_script_env('CLI_VERSION') add_script_env('AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING') assert (all(script_env[n] != None for n in script_env)), "Not all required environment variables have been set. {}".format(script_env) GITHUB_API_AUTH = (script_env.get('GITHUB_USER'), script_env.get('GITHUB_USER_TOKEN')) GITHUB_API_HEADERS = {'Accept': 'application/vnd.github.v3+json', 'user-agent': 'azure-cli-pypi-github-releaser/v1'} SOURCE_ARCHIVE_NAME = 'source.tar.gz' GITHUB_RELEASE_BODY_TMPL = """ The module has been published to PyPI. View HISTORY.rst of the module for a changelog. {} Full release notes at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cli/azure/release-notes-azure-cli """ COMMAND_MODULE_PREFIX = 'azure-cli-' MODULES_TO_ALWAYS_RELEASE = ['azure-cli'] MODULES_TO_SKIP = ['azure-cli-testsdk'] def give_chance_to_cancel(msg_prefix=''): cancel_time_secs = 10 msg_tmpl = '{}: Starting in {} seconds.' for i in range(cancel_time_secs, 0, -1): print_status(msg_tmpl.format(msg_prefix, i)) time.sleep(1) def print_env_vars(): for n in script_env: print('{} = {}'.format(n, script_env[n])) def print_status(msg=''): print('-- '+msg) def print_heading(heading): print('{0}\n{1}\n{0}'.format('=' * len(heading), heading)) def _get_core_modules_paths(repo_working_dir): for path in glob.glob(repo_working_dir + '/src/*/setup.py'): yield os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(path)), os.path.dirname(path) def _get_command_modules_paths(repo_working_dir, include_prefix=False): for path in glob.glob(repo_working_dir + '/src/command_modules/{}*/setup.py'.format( COMMAND_MODULE_PREFIX)): folder = os.path.dirname(path) name = os.path.basename(folder) if not include_prefix: name = name[len(COMMAND_MODULE_PREFIX):] yield name, folder def _get_all_module_paths(repo_working_dir): return list(_get_core_modules_paths(repo_working_dir)) + list(_get_command_modules_paths(repo_working_dir, include_prefix=True)) def _get_current_module_version(mod_path): mod_version = None with open(os.path.join(mod_path, 'setup.py'), 'r') as fh: version_re = re.compile('VERSION = *') lines = fh.readlines() for _, line in enumerate(lines): if version_re.match(line): mod_version = line.split('=')[1].strip(' "\'').split('+')[0] return mod_version def clone_repo(repo_working_dir): check_call(['git', 'clone', 'https://github.com/{}'.format(script_env.get('REPO_NAME')), repo_working_dir]) check_call(['git', 'checkout', 'master'], cwd=repo_working_dir) def should_release_module(mod_name, mod_path, repo_working_dir): if mod_name in MODULES_TO_ALWAYS_RELEASE: print_status('We always release {}.'.format(mod_name)) return True if mod_name in MODULES_TO_SKIP: print_status('Skipping module {} as in modules to skip list.'.format(mod_name)) return False # Determine if should release based on the current version cur_mod_version = _get_current_module_version(mod_path) r_start = '{}-{}'.format(mod_name, cur_mod_version) revision_range = "{}..{}".format(r_start, 'HEAD') try: module_changes = check_output(["git", "log", "--pretty=format:* %s", revision_range, "--", mod_path, ":(exclude)*/tests/*"], cwd=repo_working_dir) except CalledProcessError: # Maybe the revision_range is invalid if this is a new module. return True if module_changes: print_status('Begin changes in {}'.format(mod_name)) print(str(module_changes, 'utf-8')) print_status('End changes in {}'.format(mod_name)) return True print_status('Skipping module {} as there are no changes.'.format(mod_name)) return False def modify_setuppy_version(mod_name, mod_path): setuppy_path = os.path.join(mod_path, 'setup.py') with open(setuppy_path, 'r') as fh: version_re = re.compile('VERSION = *') lines = fh.readlines() for index, line in enumerate(lines): if version_re.match(line): old_version = line.split('=')[1].strip(' "\'').split('+')[0] major, minor, rev = old_version.split('.') rev = int(rev) + 1 version = '{}.{}.{}'.format(major, minor, rev) lines[index] = 'VERSION = "{}+dev"\n'.format(version) update_setup = lines break else: raise ValueError('In the setup file {}, version is not found.'.format(setuppy_path)) if update_setup: with open(setuppy_path, 'w') as fh: fh.writelines(update_setup) else: raise ValueError('No updated content for setup.py in {}.'.format(mod_name)) return old_version, version def modify_initpy_version(mod_name, mod_path, old_version, new_version): if mod_name == 'azure-cli': path_to_init = os.path.join(mod_path, 'azure', 'cli', '__init__.py') elif mod_name == 'azure-cli-core': path_to_init = os.path.join(mod_path, 'azure', 'cli', 'core', '__init__.py') for _, line in enumerate(fileinput.input(path_to_init, inplace=1)): if line.startswith('__version__'): sys.stdout.write(line.replace(old_version, new_version)) else: sys.stdout.write(line) def modify_historyrst(mod_name, mod_path, old_version, new_version): historyrst_path = os.path.join(mod_path, 'HISTORY.rst') new_history_lines = [] just_seen_unreleased = False contains_unreleased = False with open(historyrst_path, 'r') as fq: lines = fq.readlines() for _, line in enumerate(lines): if 'unreleased' in line.lower() and not line.startswith('* '): contains_unreleased = True if contains_unreleased: for _, line in enumerate(lines): if just_seen_unreleased: # skip the line as it's just a heading for the old unreleased section just_seen_unreleased = False continue if 'unreleased' in line.lower() and not line.startswith('* '): new_heading = '{} ({})'.format(new_version, datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')) line = '{}\n{}\n'.format(new_heading, '+' * len(new_heading)) just_seen_unreleased = True new_history_lines.append(line) else: for index, line in enumerate(lines): if line.startswith('Release History'): begin = index + 2 if old_version in line: end = index break new_heading = '{} ({})'.format(new_version, datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')) line = '{}\n{}\n'.format(new_heading, '+' * len(new_heading)) release_notes = [line] if mod_name in MODULES_TO_ALWAYS_RELEASE: release_notes.append('* no changes\n\n') else: release_notes.append('* minor fixes\n\n') new_history_lines = lines[:begin] + release_notes + lines[end:] with open(historyrst_path, 'w') as fq: fq.writelines(new_history_lines) def release_module(mod_name, mod_path, repo_working_dir): # Change version in setup.py old_version, new_version = modify_setuppy_version(mod_name, mod_path) # Need to modify __init__.py for these modules as well if mod_name in ['azure-cli', 'azure-cli-core']: modify_initpy_version(mod_name, mod_path, old_version, new_version) # Modify HISTORY.rst modify_historyrst(mod_name, mod_path, old_version, new_version) # Create commit with appropriate message. commit_message = 'Release {} {}'.format(mod_name, new_version) check_call(['git', 'commit', '-am', commit_message], cwd=repo_working_dir) commitish = check_output(['git', 'rev-parse', 'HEAD'], cwd=repo_working_dir) commitish = str(commitish, 'utf-8') commitish = commitish.strip() return mod_name, commitish, new_version def install_cli_into_venv(): venv_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() check_call(['virtualenv', venv_dir]) path_to_pip = os.path.join(venv_dir, 'bin', 'pip') extra_index_url = 'https://testpypi.python.org/simple' if script_env.get('PYPI_REPO') == 'https://test.pypi.org/legacy/' else None args = [path_to_pip, 'install', 'azure-cli'] if extra_index_url: args.extend(['--extra-index-url', extra_index_url]) check_call(args) deps = check_output([path_to_pip, 'freeze']) deps = str(deps, 'utf-8') deps = deps.split('\n') cli_components = [] for dep in deps: if dep.startswith('azure-cli'): cli_components.append(dep.split('==')) return cli_components def run_push_to_git(): repo_working_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() clone_repo(repo_working_dir) configure_git(repo_working_dir) commitish_list = [] for mod_name, mod_path in _get_all_module_paths(repo_working_dir): print_heading(mod_name.upper()) if should_release_module(mod_name, mod_path, repo_working_dir): mod_name, commitish, new_version = release_module(mod_name, mod_path, repo_working_dir) commitish_list.append((mod_name, commitish, new_version)) else: print_status('Skipped {}'.format(mod_name)) # Push all commits to master. check_call(['git', 'push', '-f', 'origin', 'master'], cwd=repo_working_dir) return commitish_list def set_up_cli_repo_dir(): working_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() check_call(['git', 'clone', 'https://github.com/{}'.format(script_env.get('REPO_NAME')), working_dir]) check_call(['pip', 'install', '-e', 'tools'], cwd=working_dir) return working_dir def publish_to_pypi(working_dir, commitish_list): # Publish all in commitish list to PyPI assets_dir_map = {} for mod_name, commitish, _ in commitish_list: assets_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() check_call(['git', 'checkout', commitish], cwd=working_dir) check_call(['python', '-m', 'tools.automation.release.run', '-c', mod_name, '-r', script_env.get('PYPI_REPO'), '--dest', assets_dir], cwd=working_dir) assets_dir_map[mod_name] = assets_dir # reset back check_call(['git', 'checkout', 'master'], cwd=working_dir) return assets_dir_map def upload_asset(upload_uri_tmpl, filepath, label): filename = os.path.basename(filepath) upload_url = URITemplate(upload_uri_tmpl).expand(name=filename, label=label) headers = GITHUB_API_HEADERS headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/octet-stream' with open(filepath, 'rb') as payload: requests.post(upload_url, data=payload, auth=GITHUB_API_AUTH, headers=headers) def upload_assets_for_github_release(upload_uri_tmpl, component_name, component_version, assets_dir): for filename in os.listdir(assets_dir): fullpath = os.path.join(assets_dir, filename) if filename == SOURCE_ARCHIVE_NAME: upload_asset(upload_uri_tmpl, fullpath, '{} {} source code (.tar.gz)'.format(component_name, component_version)) elif filename.endswith('.tar.gz'): upload_asset(upload_uri_tmpl, fullpath, '{} {} Source Distribution (.tar.gz)'.format(component_name, component_version)) elif filename.endswith('.whl'): upload_asset(upload_uri_tmpl, fullpath, '{} {} Python Wheel (.whl)'.format(component_name, component_version)) def run_create_github_release(commitish_list, assets_dir_map): # Create Github release (inc. the artifacts .whl etc.). print_heading('Creating GitHub releases') for mod_name, commitish, mod_version in commitish_list: print_status('Publishing GitHub release for {} {}'.format(mod_name, mod_version)) tag_name = '{}-{}'.format(mod_name, mod_version) release_name = "{} {}".format(mod_name, mod_version) if script_env.get('PYPI_REPO') == 'https://upload.pypi.org/legacy/': released_pypi_url = 'https://pypi.org/project/{}/{}'.format(mod_name, mod_version) elif script_env.get('PYPI_REPO') == 'https://test.pypi.org/legacy/': released_pypi_url = 'https://test.pypi.org/project/{}/{}'.format(mod_name, mod_version) else: released_pypi_url = '' payload = {'tag_name': tag_name, "target_commitish": commitish, "name": release_name, "body": GITHUB_RELEASE_BODY_TMPL.format(released_pypi_url), "prerelease": False} r = requests.post('https://api.github.com/repos/{}/releases'.format(script_env.get('REPO_NAME')), json=payload, auth=GITHUB_API_AUTH, headers=GITHUB_API_HEADERS) if r.status_code == 201: upload_url = r.json()['upload_url'] upload_assets_for_github_release(upload_url, mod_name, mod_version, assets_dir_map[mod_name]) print_status('Published GitHub release for {} {}'.format(mod_name, mod_version)) else: print_status('ERROR: Failed to create GitHub release for {} {}'.format(mod_name, mod_version)) def run_create_packaged_release(working_dir): # After releasing, create a new venv, and pip install and verify then create # list of components for the package release step. print_status('Start installing CLI into venv') components_list = install_cli_into_venv() print_status('Finished installing CLI into venv') archive_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() # create the packaged releases automatically args = ['python', '-m', 'tools.automation.release.packaged', '--version', script_env.get('CLI_VERSION'), '--dest', archive_dir, '--components'] for name, version in components_list: # The tag for this module is slightly different so make that change. if name == 'azure-cli-command-modules-nspkg': name = 'azure-cli-command_modules-nspkg' args.append('{}={}'.format(name, version)) print_status(' '.join(args)) check_call(args, cwd=working_dir) print_status('Created packaged release in dir {}'.format(archive_dir)) # Get the sha256sum archive_file_name = os.listdir(archive_dir)[0] archive_file_path = os.path.join(archive_dir, archive_file_name) sha256 = hashlib.sha256() with open(archive_file_path, 'rb') as f: sha256.update(f.read()) computed_hash = sha256.hexdigest() print_status('SHA256 of {} is {}'.format(archive_file_path, computed_hash)) # Upload release archive to Azure Storage check_call(['az', 'storage', 'blob', 'upload', '--file', archive_file_path, '--name', archive_file_name, '--container-name', 'releases', '--connection-string', script_env.get('AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING')]) archive_url = check_output(['az', 'storage', 'blob', 'url', '--name', archive_file_name, '--container-name', 'releases', '--connection-string', script_env.get('AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING'), '--output', 'tsv']) archive_url = str(archive_url, 'utf-8') archive_url = archive_url.strip() print_status('Archive URL is {}'.format(archive_url)) def configure_git(repo_working_dir): check_call(['git', 'config', 'user.email', <EMAIL>'.<EMAIL>(script_env.get('GITHUB_USER'))], cwd=repo_working_dir) check_call(['git', 'config', 'user.name', script_env.get('GITHUB_USER')], cwd=repo_working_dir) check_call(['git', 'remote', 'set-url', 'origin', 'https://{}:{}@github.com/{}'.format(script_env.get('GITHUB_USER'), script_env.get('GITHUB_USER_TOKEN'), script_env.get('REPO_NAME'))], cwd=repo_working_dir) if __name__ == "__main__": print_env_vars() give_chance_to_cancel('Create Git release commits') release_commitish_list = run_push_to_git() cli_repo_dir = set_up_cli_repo_dir() give_chance_to_cancel('Publish to PyPI') release_assets_dir_map = publish_to_pypi(cli_repo_dir, release_commitish_list) give_chance_to_cancel('Create GitHub releases and tags') run_create_github_release(release_commitish_list, release_assets_dir_map) give_chance_to_cancel('Create Packaged Release archive') # We need to clone the repo again as we've now pushed the git tags and we need them to create the packaged release. # (we could do 'git pull' but this is easier and uses a clean directory just to be safe) cli_repo_dir = set_up_cli_repo_dir() run_create_packaged_release(cli_repo_dir) print_status('Done.')
<reponame>Nailim/shuttler #import sys #import os from datetime import datetime import commands # use GeoidEval trough command line import argparse from geographiclib.geodesic import Geodesic #import gpsRangeRing global inputParser # just a reminder, it's used as a global variable global inputArgs # just a reminder, it's used as a global variable def parseInput() : global inputParser global inputArgs inputParser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Parse GPS telemetry from Anemoi autopilot') inputParser.add_argument('sessionFolder', nargs=1) inputArgs = inputParser.parse_args() def processInput() : print inputArgs.sessionFolder #rr = gpsRangeRing.rangeRing() sourceFile_info = open(inputArgs.sessionFolder[0]+"/mission/info.txt", 'r') sourceFile_gps = open(inputArgs.sessionFolder[0]+"/logs/gps.csv", 'r') outputFile = open(inputArgs.sessionFolder[0]+"_processed/logs/gpsTour.kml", 'w') tab_count = 0 speed_min = 0 speed_max = 0 speed_slice = 0 altitude_min = 0 altitude_max = 0 altitude_slice = 0 # get info data sourceFile_info.seek(0) for line in sourceFile_info : if (line.strip().split(" ",-1)[0] == "speed_min:") : speed_min = float(line.strip().split(" ",-1)[1]) if (line.strip().split(" ",-1)[0] == "speed_max:") : speed_max = float(line.strip().split(" ",-1)[1]) if (line.strip().split(" ",-1)[0] == "altitude_min:") : altitude_min = float(line.strip().split(" ",-1)[1]) if (line.strip().split(" ",-1)[0] == "altitude_max:") : altitude_max = float(line.strip().split(" ",-1)[1]) speed_slice = (((speed_max - speed_min) * 1000) / 3600) / 1024 altitude_slice = (altitude_max - altitude_min) / 1024 # document - header outputFile.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"+"\n") outputFile.write("<kml xmlns=\"http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2\" xmlns:gx=\"http://www.google.com/kml/ext/2.2\">"+"\n") # document - body tab_count += 1 outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<Document>"+"\n") # document - metadata tab_count += 1 outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<name>Mission: !!! - GPS log</name>"+"\n") outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<visibility>1</visibility>"+"\n") outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<open>1</open>"+"\n") outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<description>!!! TODO</description>"+"\n") # document - metadata - style altitude line outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<Style id=\"lineTour\">"+"\n") tab_count += 1 outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<LineStyle>"+"\n") tab_count += 1 outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<width>1</width>"+"\n") tab_count -= 1 outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"</LineStyle>"+"\n") outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<LabelStyle>"+"\n") tab_count += 1 outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<scale>0</scale>"+"\n") tab_count -= 1 outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"</LabelStyle>"+"\n") tab_count -= 1 outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"</Style>"+"\n") # document - track raw outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<Placemark>"+"\n") tab_count += 1 outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<name>data: raw</name>"+"\n") outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<visibility>0</visibility>"+"\n") outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<styleUrl>#lineTour</styleUrl>"+"\n") # document - track - icon outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<Style>"+"\n") tab_count += 1 outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<Icon>"+"\n") tab_count += 1 outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<href>http://maps.google.com/mapfiles/kml/shapes/airports.png</href>"+"\n") tab_count -= 1 outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"</Icon>"+"\n") tab_count -= 1 outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"</Style>"+"\n") # document - track - track outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<gx:Track>"+"\n") tab_count += 1 outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<altitudeMode>absolute</altitudeMode>"+"\n") # document - track - track - when sourceFile_gps.seek(0) for line in sourceFile_gps : # for google earth: <when></when> tempString = tab(tab_count) + "<when>" + datetime.fromtimestamp(float(line.split(',',-1)[0][:10])).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') + "</when>" + "\n" outputFile.write(tempString) # document - track - track - angles sourceFile_gps.seek(0) for line in sourceFile_gps : geoid_offset = commands.getoutput("echo " + line.split(',',-1)[1] + " " + line.split(',',-1)[2] + " | GeoidEval -n egm84-15") # for google earth: <gx:coord></gx:coord> tempString = tab(tab_count)+"<gx:coord>"+line.split(',',-1)[2]+" "+line.split(',',-1)[1]+" "+str(float(line.split(',',-1)[3]) - float(geoid_offset))+"</gx:coord>"+"\n" outputFile.write(tempString) # document - track - track - when sourceFile_gps.seek(0) for line in sourceFile_gps : # for google earth: <gx:angles></gx:angles> tempString = tab(tab_count)+"<gx:angles>"+line.split(',',-1)[5]+" "+"0"+" "+"0"+"</gx:angles>"+"\n" outputFile.write(tempString) # document - track - track - coord tab_count -= 1 outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"</gx:Track>"+"\n") # ! document - track tab_count -= 1 outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"</Placemark>"+"\n") # document - track evaluated outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<Placemark>"+"\n") tab_count += 1 outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<name>data: evaluated</name>"+"\n") outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<visibility>0</visibility>"+"\n") outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<styleUrl>#lineTour</styleUrl>"+"\n") # document - track - icon outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<Style>"+"\n") tab_count += 1 outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<Icon>"+"\n") tab_count += 1 outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<href>http://maps.google.com/mapfiles/kml/shapes/airports.png</href>"+"\n") tab_count -= 1 outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"</Icon>"+"\n") tab_count -= 1 outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"</Style>"+"\n") # document - track - track outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<gx:Track>"+"\n") tab_count += 1 outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<altitudeMode>absolute</altitudeMode>"+"\n") # document - track - track - when sourceFile_gps.seek(0) for line in sourceFile_gps : # for google earth: <when></when> tempString = tab(tab_count) + "<when>" + datetime.fromtimestamp(float(line.split(',',-1)[0][:10])).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') + "</when>" + "\n" outputFile.write(tempString) # document - track - track - angles sourceFile_gps.seek(0) for line in sourceFile_gps : geoid_offset = commands.getoutput("echo " + line.split(',',-1)[1] + " " + line.split(',',-1)[2] + " | GeoidEval -n egm84-15") # for google earth: <gx:coord></gx:coord> tempString = tab(tab_count)+"<gx:coord>"+line.split(',',-1)[2]+" "+line.split(',',-1)[1]+" "+str(float(line.split(',',-1)[3]) - float(geoid_offset))+"</gx:coord>"+"\n" outputFile.write(tempString) # document - track - track - when sourceFile_gps.seek(0) for line in sourceFile_gps : # for google earth: <gx:angles></gx:angles> tempString = tab(tab_count)+"<gx:angles>"+line.split(',',-1)[5]+" "+"0"+" "+"0"+"</gx:angles>"+"\n" outputFile.write(tempString) # document - track - track - coord tab_count -= 1 outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"</gx:Track>"+"\n") # ! document - track tab_count -= 1 outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"</Placemark>"+"\n") # document - track used outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<Placemark>"+"\n") tab_count += 1 outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<name>data: used</name>"+"\n") outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<visibility>1</visibility>"+"\n") outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<styleUrl>#lineTour</styleUrl>"+"\n") # document - track - icon outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<Style>"+"\n") tab_count += 1 outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<Icon>"+"\n") tab_count += 1 outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<href>http://maps.google.com/mapfiles/kml/shapes/airports.png</href>"+"\n") tab_count -= 1 outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"</Icon>"+"\n") tab_count -= 1 outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"</Style>"+"\n") # document - track - track outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<gx:Track>"+"\n") tab_count += 1 outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<altitudeMode>absolute</altitudeMode>"+"\n") # document - track - track - when sourceFile_gps.seek(0) for line in sourceFile_gps : # for google earth: <when></when> tempString = tab(tab_count) + "<when>" + datetime.fromtimestamp(float(line.split(',',-1)[0][:10])).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') + "</when>" + "\n" outputFile.write(tempString) # document - track - track - angles sourceFile_gps.seek(0) for line in sourceFile_gps : geoid_offset = commands.getoutput("echo " + line.split(',',-1)[1] + " " + line.split(',',-1)[2] + " | GeoidEval -n egm84-15") # for google earth: <gx:coord></gx:coord> tempString = tab(tab_count)+"<gx:coord>"+line.split(',',-1)[2]+" "+line.split(',',-1)[1]+" "+str(float(line.split(',',-1)[3]) - float(line.split(',',-1)[4]))+"</gx:coord>"+"\n" outputFile.write(tempString) # document - track - track - when sourceFile_gps.seek(0) for line in sourceFile_gps : # for google earth: <gx:angles></gx:angles> tempString = tab(tab_count)+"<gx:angles>"+line.split(',',-1)[5]+" "+"0"+" "+"0"+"</gx:angles>"+"\n" outputFile.write(tempString) # document - track - track - coord tab_count -= 1 outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"</gx:Track>"+"\n") # ! document - track tab_count -= 1 outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"</Placemark>"+"\n") # document - tour - top outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<gx:Tour>"+"\n") tab_count += 1 outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<name>tour: top</name>"+"\n") outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<visibility>0</visibility>"+"\n") outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<gx:Playlist>"+"\n") tab_count += 1 # magic durationCounter = 0.0 timeStamp = 0 timeStampFirst = 0 sourceFile_gps.seek(0) for line in sourceFile_gps : timeStamp = line.split(',',-1)[0] timeStampFirst = line.split(',',-1)[0] break sourceFile_gps.seek(0) for line in sourceFile_gps : durationCounter = (float(line.split(',',-1)[0]) - float(timeStamp)) / 1000 timeStamp = line.split(',',-1)[0] outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<gx:FlyTo>"+"\n") tab_count += 1 outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<gx:duration>"+str(durationCounter)+"</gx:duration>"+"\n") outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<gx:flyToMode>smooth</gx:flyToMode>"+"\n") outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<Camera>"+"\n") tab_count += 1 outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<gx:TimeSpan>"+"\n") tab_count += 1 outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<begin>"+datetime.fromtimestamp(float(timeStampFirst[:10])).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')+"</begin>"+"\n") outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<end>" + datetime.fromtimestamp(float(line.split(',',-1)[0][:10])).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') + "</end>"+"\n") tab_count -= 1 outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"</gx:TimeSpan>"+"\n") outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<altitudeMode>absolute</altitudeMode>"+"\n") outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<longitude>"+line.split(',',-1)[2]+"</longitude>"+"\n") outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<latitude>"+line.split(',',-1)[1]+"</latitude>"+"\n") outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<altitude>"+str(float(line.split(',',-1)[3])+1000.0)+"</altitude>"+"\n") #outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<heading>"+line.split(',',-1)[5]+"</heading>"+"\n") outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<heading>"+str(0)+"</heading>"+"\n") outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<tilt>"+str(0.0)+"</tilt>"+"\n") outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<roll>"+str(0.0)+"</roll>"+"\n") tab_count -= 1 outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"</Camera>"+"\n") tab_count -= 1 outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"</gx:FlyTo>"+"\n") tab_count -= 1 outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"</gx:Playlist>"+"\n") # ! document - tour tab_count -= 1 outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"</gx:Tour>"+"\n") # document - tour - ground outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<gx:Tour>"+"\n") tab_count += 1 outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<name>tour: ground</name>"+"\n") outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<visibility>0</visibility>"+"\n") outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<gx:Playlist>"+"\n") tab_count += 1 # magic durationCounter = 0.0 timeStamp = 0 timeStampFirst = 0 cbf = [] sourceFile_gps.seek(0) for line in sourceFile_gps : timeStamp = line.split(',',-1)[0] timeStampFirst = line.split(',',-1)[0] #firstLatitude = line.split(',',-1)[1] #firstLongitude = line.split(',',-1)[2] heading = float(line.split(',',-1)[5]) + 180.0 if heading > 360.0 : heading = heading - 360 cfb = getCoordinateFromBearing(float(line.split(',',-1)[1]), float(line.split(',',-1)[2]), heading, 10) break sourceFile_gps.seek(0) for line in sourceFile_gps : durationCounter = (float(line.split(',',-1)[0]) - float(timeStamp)) / 1000 timeStamp = line.split(',',-1)[0] inverse = Geodesic.WGS84.Inverse(float(cfb[0][0]), float(cfb[0][1]), float(line.split(',',-1)[1]), float(line.split(',',-1)[2])) outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<gx:FlyTo>"+"\n") tab_count += 1 outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<gx:duration>"+str(durationCounter)+"</gx:duration>"+"\n") outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<gx:flyToMode>smooth</gx:flyToMode>"+"\n") outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<Camera>"+"\n") tab_count += 1 outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<gx:TimeSpan>"+"\n") tab_count += 1 outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<begin>"+datetime.fromtimestamp(float(timeStampFirst[:10])).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')+"</begin>"+"\n") outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<end>" + datetime.fromtimestamp(float(line.split(',',-1)[0][:10])).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') + "</end>"+"\n") tab_count -= 1 outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"</gx:TimeSpan>"+"\n") outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<altitudeMode>relativeToGround</altitudeMode>"+"\n") outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<longitude>"+str(cfb[0][1])+"</longitude>"+"\n") outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<latitude>"+str(cfb[0][0])+"</latitude>"+"\n") outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<altitude>"+str(1.0)+"</altitude>"+"\n") outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<heading>"+str(inverse['azi1'])+"</heading>"+"\n") outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<tilt>"+str(100.0)+"</tilt>"+"\n") outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<roll>"+str(0.0)+"</roll>"+"\n") #tempString = tab(tab_count)+"<gx:angles>"+line.split(',',-1)[5]+" "+"0"+" "+"0"+"</gx:angles>"+"\n" #outputFile.write(tempString) tab_count -= 1 outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"</Camera>"+"\n") tab_count -= 1 outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"</gx:FlyTo>"+"\n") tab_count -= 1 outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"</gx:Playlist>"+"\n") # ! document - tour tab_count -= 1 outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"</gx:Tour>"+"\n") # document - tour - follow outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<gx:Tour>"+"\n") tab_count += 1 outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<name>tour: follow</name>"+"\n") outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<visibility>1</visibility>"+"\n") outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<gx:Playlist>"+"\n") tab_count += 1 # magic durationCounter = 0.0 timeStamp = 0 timeStampFirst = 0 sourceFile_gps.seek(0) for line in sourceFile_gps : timeStamp = line.split(',',-1)[0] timeStampFirst = line.split(',',-1)[0] break sourceFile_gps.seek(0) for line in sourceFile_gps : durationCounter = (float(line.split(',',-1)[0]) - float(timeStamp)) / 1000 timeStamp = line.split(',',-1)[0] outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<gx:FlyTo>"+"\n") tab_count += 1 outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<gx:duration>"+str(durationCounter)+"</gx:duration>"+"\n") outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<gx:flyToMode>smooth</gx:flyToMode>"+"\n") outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<Camera>"+"\n") tab_count += 1 outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<gx:TimeSpan>"+"\n") tab_count += 1 outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<begin>"+datetime.fromtimestamp(float(timeStampFirst[:10])).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')+"</begin>"+"\n") outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<end>" + datetime.fromtimestamp(float(line.split(',',-1)[0][:10])).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') + "</end>"+"\n") tab_count -= 1 outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"</gx:TimeSpan>"+"\n") outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<altitudeMode>absolute</altitudeMode>"+"\n") # calculate point behind the plane heading = float(line.split(',',-1)[5]) + 180.0 if heading > 360.0 : heading = heading - 360; cfb = getCoordinateFromBearing(float(line.split(',',-1)[1]), float(line.split(',',-1)[2]), heading, 500) outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<longitude>"+str(cfb[0][1])+"</longitude>"+"\n") outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<latitude>"+str(cfb[0][0])+"</latitude>"+"\n") outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<altitude>"+str(float(line.split(',',-1)[3])+500.0)+"</altitude>"+"\n") outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<heading>"+line.split(',',-1)[5]+"</heading>"+"\n") outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<tilt>"+str(45.0)+"</tilt>"+"\n") outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"<roll>"+str(0.0)+"</roll>"+"\n") tab_count -= 1 outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"</Camera>"+"\n") tab_count -= 1 outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"</gx:FlyTo>"+"\n") tab_count -= 1 outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"</gx:Playlist>"+"\n") # ! document - tour tab_count -= 1 outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"</gx:Tour>"+"\n") # ! document outputFile.write(tab(tab_count)+"</Document>"+"\n") # ! tab_count -= 1 outputFile.write("</kml>"+"\n") sourceFile_gps.close() outputFile.close() #for filename in os.listdir(inputArgs.sessionFolder[0]): # print filename def tab(count) : tab = "" for c in range(0,count,1) : tab = tab + "\t" return tab def getCoordinateFromBearing(center_lat, center_lon, bearing, distance) : # degrees, degrees, degrees, meters lat_lon = [] line = Geodesic.WGS84.Line(center_lat, center_lon, bearing) point = line.Position(distance) lat_lon.append([point['lat2'], point['lon2']]) return lat_lon def getSpeedLineColor(speed, speed_slice) : #speed_slice = int(round(speed / 0.027126736)) # 1/1024 slice of 0-27.7778 m/s (0-100 km/h) speed range #speed_slice = int(round(speed / 0.034722222)) # 1/1024 slice of 0-35.5556 m/s (0-128 km/h) speed range speed_slice = int(round(speed / speed_slice)) # 1/1024 slice of 0-max speed range if speed_slice <= 0 : return "ffff0000" elif speed_slice <= 255 : return "ffff"+format(speed_slice,'02x')+"00" elif speed_slice <= 511 : return "ff"+format((256-(speed_slice-255)),'02x')+"ff00" #return "ff"+str(hex( 255-(speed_slice-255) ))[2:]+"ff00" elif speed_slice <= 767 : return "ff00ff"+format((speed_slice-511),'02x') #return "ff00ff"+str(hex(speed_slice-511))[2:] elif speed_slice <= 1023 : return "ff00"+format((256-(speed_slice-767)),'02x')+"ff" #return "ff00"+str(hex( 255-(speed_slice-767) ))[2:]+"ff" else : return "ff0000ff" def getAltitudeLineColor(altitude, altitude_slice) : #altitude_slice = int(round(altitude)) # 1/1024 slice altutide (0-1024 m) altitude range altitude_slice = int(round(altitude / altitude_slice)) # 1/1024 slice of 0-max altitude range if altitude_slice <= 0 : return "ffff0000" elif altitude_slice <= 255 : return "ffff"+format(altitude_slice,'02x')+"00" elif altitude_slice <= 511 : return "ff"+format((256-(altitude_slice-255)),'02x')+"ff00" #return "ff"+str(hex( 255-(altitude_slice-255) ))[2:]+"ff00" elif altitude_slice <= 767 : return "ff00ff"+format((altitude_slice-511),'02x') #return "ff00ff"+str(hex(altitude_slice-511))[2:] elif altitude_slice <= 1023 : return "ff00"+format((256-(altitude_slice-767)),'02x')+"ff" #return "ff00"+str(hex( 255-(altitude_slice-767) ))[2:]+"ff" else : return "ff0000ff" if __name__ == "__main__": # this is not a module parseInput() # what do we have to do processInput() # doing what we have to do #test() print "" # for estetic output
<filename>chaco/multi_line_plot.py """ Defines the MultiLinePlot class. """ from __future__ import with_statement # Standard library imports import warnings from math import ceil, floor # Major library imports import numpy as np from numpy import argsort, array, invert, isnan, take, transpose # Enthought library imports from enable.api import black_color_trait, ColorTrait, LineStyle from traits.api import Float, List, Str, Trait, \ Bool, Callable, Property, cached_property, Instance, Array from traitsui.api import Item, View, ScrubberEditor, HGroup from array_data_source import ArrayDataSource from base import arg_find_runs, bin_search from base_xy_plot import BaseXYPlot class MultiLinePlot(BaseXYPlot): """ A plot consisting of multiple lines. The data to be plotted must come from a two-dimensional array with shape M by N stored in a MultiArrayDataSource object. M is the number of lines to be plotted, and N is the number of points in each line. Constructor Parameters ---------------------- index : instance of an ArrayDataSource These are the 'x' or abscissa coordinates. yindex : instance of ArrayDataSource These are the 'y' coordinates. value : instance of a MultiArrayDataSource Note that the `scale`, `offset` and `normalized_amplitude` attributes of the MultiLinePlot control the projection of the traces into the (x,y) plot. In simplest case, `scale=1` and `offset=0`, and `normalized_amplitude` controls the scaling of the traces relative to their base y value. global_min, global_max : float The minimum and maximum values of the data in `value`. For large arrays, computing these could take excessive time, so they must be provided when an instance is created. normalized_amplitude : Float color : ColorTrait color_func : Callable or None If not None, this Callable overrides `color`. The argument to `color_func` will be the integer index of the trace to be rendered. `color_func` must return an RGBA 4-tuple. Default: None orientation : str Must be 'v' or 'h' (for 'vertical' or 'horizontal', respectively). This is the orientation of the index axis (i.e. the 'x' axis). Default: 'h' fast_clip : bool If True, traces whose *base* 'y' coordinate is outside the value axis range are not plotted, even if some of the data in the curve extends into the plot region. Default: False line_width : float Width of the plotted lines. line_style : The style of the trace lines in the plot. The following are from the original LinePlot code, and are untested: selected_color selected_line_style """ # M and N appearing in the comments are as defined in the docstring. yindex = Instance(ArrayDataSource) # amplitude = Float(0.0) # `scale` and `offset` provide a more general transformation, but are currently # untested. scale = Float(1.0) offset = Float(0.0) fast_clip = Bool(False) # The color of the lines. color = black_color_trait # A function that returns the color of lines. Overrides `color` if not None. color_func = Trait(None, None, Callable) # The color to use to highlight the line when selected. selected_color = ColorTrait("lightyellow") # The style of the selected line. selected_line_style = LineStyle("solid") # The name of the key in self.metadata that holds the selection mask metadata_name = Str("selections") # The thickness of the line. line_width = Float(1.0) # The line dash style. line_style = LineStyle use_global_bounds = Bool(True) # Minimum value in the `value` data source. This must be provided # in the call to the constructor. global_min = Float # Maximum value in the `value` data source. This must be provided # in the call to the constructor. global_max = Float # Normalized amplitude is the value exposed to the user. normalized_amplitude = Float(-0.5) amplitude_scale = Property(Float, depends_on=['global_min', 'global_max', 'data', 'use_global_bounds', 'yindex']) amplitude = Property(Float, depends_on=['normalized_amplitude', 'amplitude_scale']) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Private traits #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # The projected 2D numpy array. _trace_data = Property(Array, depends_on=['index', 'index.data_changed', 'value', 'value.data_changed', 'yindex', 'yindex.data_changed', 'amplitude', 'scale', 'offset']) # Cached list of non-NaN arrays of (x,y) data-space points; regardless of # self.orientation, this is always stored as (index_pt, value_pt). This is # different from the default BaseXYPlot definition. _cached_data_pts = List # Cached list of non-NaN arrays of (x,y) screen-space points. _cached_screen_pts = List #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def trait_view(self, obj): """Create a minimalist View, with just the amplitude and color attributes.""" # Minimalist Traits UI View for customizing the plot: only the trace amplitude # and line color are exposed. view = View( HGroup( Item('use_global_bounds'), # Item('normalized_amplitude'), # Item('normalized_amplitude', editor=RangeEditor()), Item('normalized_amplitude', editor=ScrubberEditor(increment=0.2, hover_color=0xFFFFFF, active_color=0xA0CD9E, border_color=0x0000FF)), ), Item("color", label="Trace color", style="simple"), width=480, title="Trace Plot Line Attributes", buttons=["OK", "Cancel"]) return view #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # See base_xy_plot.py for these: ## def hittest(self, screen_pt, threshold=7.0): ## def interpolate(self, index_value): def get_screen_points(self): self._gather_points() scrn_pts_list = [[self.map_screen(ary) for ary in line] for line in self._cached_data_pts] return scrn_pts_list #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Private methods #------------------------------------------------------------------------ @cached_property def _get_amplitude_scale(self): """ If the amplitude is set to this value, the largest trace deviation from its base y coordinate will be equal to the y coordinate spacing. """ # Note: Like the rest of the current code, this ignores the `scale` attribute. if self.yindex is not None: coordinates = self.yindex.get_data() else: coordinates = [] if len(coordinates) > 1: dy = coordinates[1] - coordinates[0] if dy == 0: dy = 1.0 else: # default coordinate spacing if there is only 1 coordinate dy = 1.0 if self.use_global_bounds: max_abs = max(abs(self.global_min), abs(self.global_max)) else: data = self.value._data max_abs = np.max(np.abs(data)) if max_abs == 0: amp_scale = 0.5 * dy else: amp_scale = 0.5 * dy / max_abs return amp_scale @cached_property def _get_amplitude(self): amplitude = self.normalized_amplitude * self.amplitude_scale return amplitude @cached_property def _get__trace_data(self): """Compute the transformed data.""" # Get the array from `value` data = self.value._data coordinates = self.yindex.get_data() channel_data = self.scale*(self.amplitude*data + coordinates[:,np.newaxis]) \ + self.offset return channel_data def _gather_points(self): """ Collects the data points that are within the bounds of the plot and caches them. """ if self._cache_valid: return if not self.index or not self.value: return index = self.index.get_data() varray = self._trace_data if varray.size == 0: self._cached_data_pts = [] self._cached_valid = True return coordinates = self.yindex.get_data() if self.fast_clip: coord_min = float(coordinates[0]) coord_max = coordinates[-1] slice_min = max(0,ceil((varray.shape[0]-1)*(self.value_range.low - coord_min)/(coord_max - coord_min))) slice_max = min(varray.shape[0], 1+floor((varray.shape[0]-1)*(self.value_range.high - coord_min)/(coord_max - coord_min))) varray = varray[slice_min:slice_max] # FIXME: The y coordinates must also be sliced to match varray. # Check to see if the data is completely outside the view region. outside = False # Check x coordinates. low, high = self.index.get_bounds() if low > self.index_range.high or high < self.index_range.low: outside = True # Check y coordinates. Use varray because it is nased on the yindex, # but has been shifted up or down depending on the values. ylow, yhigh = varray.min(), varray.max() if ylow > self.value_range.high or yhigh < self.value_range.low: outside = True if outside: self._cached_data_pts = [] self._cached_valid = True return if len(index) == 0 or varray.shape[0] == 0 or varray.shape[1] == 0 \ or len(index) != varray.shape[1]: self._cached_data_pts = [] self._cache_valid = True return size_diff = varray.shape[1] - len(index) if size_diff > 0: warnings.warn('Chaco.LinePlot: value.shape[1] %d - len(index) %d = %d\n' \ % (varray.shape[1], len(index), size_diff)) index_max = len(index) varray = varray[:,:index_max] else: index_max = varray.shape[1] index = index[:index_max] # Split the index and value raw data into non-NaN chunks. # nan_mask is a boolean M by N array. nan_mask = invert(isnan(varray)) & invert(isnan(index)) blocks_list = [] for nm in nan_mask: blocks = [b for b in arg_find_runs(nm, "flat") if nm[b[0]] != 0] blocks_list.append(blocks) line_points = [] for k, blocks in enumerate(blocks_list): points = [] for block in blocks: start, end = block block_index = index[start:end] block_value = varray[k, start:end] index_mask = self.index_mapper.range.mask_data(block_index) runs = [r for r in arg_find_runs(index_mask, "flat") \ if index_mask[r[0]] != 0] # Check to see if our data view region is between two points in the # index data. If so, then we have to reverse map our current view # into the appropriate index and draw the bracketing points. if runs == []: data_pt = self.map_data((self.x_mapper.low_pos, self.y_mapper.low_pos)) if self.index.sort_order == "none": indices = argsort(index) sorted_index = take(index, indices) sorted_value = take(varray[k], indices) sort = 1 else: sorted_index = index sorted_value = varray[k] if self.index.sort_order == "ascending": sort = 1 else: sort = -1 ndx = bin_search(sorted_index, data_pt, sort) if ndx == -1: # bin_search can return -1 if data_pt is outside the bounds # of the source data continue z = transpose(array((sorted_index[ndx:ndx+2], sorted_value[ndx:ndx+2]))) points.append(z) else: # Expand the width of every group of points so we draw the lines # up to their next point, outside the plot area data_end = len(index_mask) for run in runs: start, end = run if start != 0: start -= 1 if end != data_end: end += 1 run_data = transpose(array((block_index[start:end], block_value[start:end]))) points.append(run_data) line_points.append(points) self._cached_data_pts = line_points self._cache_valid = True return # See base_xy_plot.py for: ## def _downsample(self): ## def _downsample_vectorized(self): def _render(self, gc, line_points, selected_points=None): if len(line_points) == 0: return with gc: gc.set_antialias(True) gc.clip_to_rect(self.x, self.y, self.width, self.height) render = self._render_normal if selected_points is not None: gc.set_stroke_color(self.selected_color_) gc.set_line_width(self.line_width+10.0) gc.set_line_dash(self.selected_line_style_) render(gc, selected_points) if self.color_func is not None: # Existence of self.color_func overrides self.color. color_func = self.color_func else: color_func = lambda k: self.color_ tmp = list(enumerate(line_points)) # Note: the list is reversed for testing with _render_filled. for k, points in reversed(tmp): color = color_func(k) # Apply the alpha alpha = color[-1] if len(color) == 4 else 1 color = color[:3] + (alpha * self.alpha,) gc.set_stroke_color(color) gc.set_line_width(self.line_width) gc.set_line_dash(self.line_style_) render(gc, points) # Draw the default axes, if necessary self._draw_default_axes(gc) def _render_normal(self, gc, points): for ary in points: if len(ary) > 0: gc.begin_path() gc.lines(ary) gc.stroke_path() return def _render_icon(self, gc, x, y, width, height): with gc: gc.set_stroke_color(self.color_) gc.set_line_width(self.line_width) gc.set_line_dash(self.line_style_) gc.set_antialias(0) gc.move_to(x, y+height/2) gc.line_to(x+width, y+height/2) gc.stroke_path() def _alpha_changed(self): self.invalidate_draw() self.request_redraw() return def _color_changed(self): self.invalidate_draw() self.request_redraw() return def _line_style_changed(self): self.invalidate_draw() self.request_redraw() return def _line_width_changed(self): self.invalidate_draw() self.request_redraw() return def _amplitude_changed(self): self.value.data_changed = True self.invalidate_draw() self.request_redraw() return def __getstate__(self): state = super(MultiLinePlot,self).__getstate__() for key in ['traits_view']: if state.has_key(key): del state[key] return state
<filename>sdl2/sdl2_rect.py # Python-SDL2 : Yet another SDL2 wrapper for Python # # * https://github.com/vaiorabbit/python-sdl2 # # [NOTICE] This is an automatically generated file. import ctypes from .api import SDL2_API_NAMES, SDL2_API_ARGS_MAP, SDL2_API_RETVAL_MAP # Define/Macro # Enum # Typedef # Struct class SDL_Point(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [ ("x", ctypes.c_int), ("y", ctypes.c_int), ] class SDL_FPoint(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [ ("x", ctypes.c_float), ("y", ctypes.c_float), ] class SDL_Rect(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [ ("x", ctypes.c_int), ("y", ctypes.c_int), ("w", ctypes.c_int), ("h", ctypes.c_int), ] class SDL_FRect(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [ ("x", ctypes.c_float), ("y", ctypes.c_float), ("w", ctypes.c_float), ("h", ctypes.c_float), ] # Function def setup_symbols(): SDL2_API_NAMES.append('SDL_PointInRect') SDL2_API_ARGS_MAP['SDL_PointInRect'] = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p] SDL2_API_RETVAL_MAP['SDL_PointInRect'] = ctypes.c_int SDL2_API_NAMES.append('SDL_RectEmpty') SDL2_API_ARGS_MAP['SDL_RectEmpty'] = [ctypes.c_void_p] SDL2_API_RETVAL_MAP['SDL_RectEmpty'] = ctypes.c_int SDL2_API_NAMES.append('SDL_RectEquals') SDL2_API_ARGS_MAP['SDL_RectEquals'] = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p] SDL2_API_RETVAL_MAP['SDL_RectEquals'] = ctypes.c_int SDL2_API_NAMES.append('SDL_HasIntersection') SDL2_API_ARGS_MAP['SDL_HasIntersection'] = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p] SDL2_API_RETVAL_MAP['SDL_HasIntersection'] = ctypes.c_int SDL2_API_NAMES.append('SDL_IntersectRect') SDL2_API_ARGS_MAP['SDL_IntersectRect'] = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p] SDL2_API_RETVAL_MAP['SDL_IntersectRect'] = ctypes.c_int SDL2_API_NAMES.append('SDL_UnionRect') SDL2_API_ARGS_MAP['SDL_UnionRect'] = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p] SDL2_API_RETVAL_MAP['SDL_UnionRect'] = None SDL2_API_NAMES.append('SDL_EnclosePoints') SDL2_API_ARGS_MAP['SDL_EnclosePoints'] = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p] SDL2_API_RETVAL_MAP['SDL_EnclosePoints'] = ctypes.c_int SDL2_API_NAMES.append('SDL_IntersectRectAndLine') SDL2_API_ARGS_MAP['SDL_IntersectRectAndLine'] = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p] SDL2_API_RETVAL_MAP['SDL_IntersectRectAndLine'] = ctypes.c_int
<reponame>jskora/scratch-python # simple_repl.py from Tester import Test, Tester import re def tokenize(expression): if expression == "": return [] regex = re.compile("\s*(=>|[-+*\/\%=\(\)]|[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*|[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+)\s*") tokens = regex.findall(expression) return [s for s in tokens if not s.isspace()] class Interpreter: OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE = {"=": 0, "+": 1, "-": 1, "*": 2, "/": 2, "%": 2} OPERATORS = OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE.keys() def __init__(self): self.vars = {} self.functions = {} def input(self, expression): """ The algorithm for evaluating any postfix expression is fairly straightforward: 1 While there are input tokens left 1.1 Read the next token from input. 1.2 If the token is a value 1.2.1 Push it onto the stack. 1.3 Otherwise, the token is an operator (operator here includes both operators and functions). 1.3.1 It is already known that the operator takes n arguments. 1.3.2 If there are fewer than n values on the stack (Error) The user has not input sufficient values in the expression. 1.3.3 Else, Pop the top n values from the stack. 1.3.4 Evaluate the operator, with the values as arguments. 1.3.5 Push the returned results, if any, back onto the stack. 2 If there is only one value in the stack 2.1 That value is the result of the calculation. 3 Otherwise, there are more values in the stack (Error) The user input has too many values. """ if not expression.strip(): return "" rpn = self.infix_to_postfix(expression) # print "expression = %s\nrpn = %s" % (expression, rpn) tokens = tokenize(rpn) stack = [] for token in tokens: if token in self.OPERATORS: if len(stack) >= 2: v1 = stack.pop() v2 = stack.pop() stack.append(self.binary_operation(token, v2, v1)) else: raise RuntimeError("INSUFFICIENT VALUES") elif token.isdigit(): stack.append(int(token)) elif token in self.vars.keys(): stack.append(self.vars[token]) else: stack.append(token) if len(stack) != 1: raise RuntimeError("TOO MANY VALUES: %s -> %s = %s" % (expression, rpn, str(stack))) elif type(stack[-1]) == str: raise RuntimeError("UNKNOWN VARIABLE") # print "%s = %s = %s" % (expression, rpn, str(stack[0])) return stack.pop() def binary_operation(self, op, v1, v2): if op == "+": return v1 + v2 elif op == "-": return v1 - v2 elif op == "*": return v1 * v2 elif op == "/": return v1 / v2 elif op == "%": return v1 % v2 elif op == "=": self.vars[v1] = v2 return v2 def infix_to_postfix(self, infix_expression): """ 1 While there are tokens to be read: 1.1 Read a token. 1.2 If the token is a number, then add it to the output queue. 1.3 If the token is a function token, then push it onto the stack. 1.4 If the token is a function argument separator (e.g., a comma): 1.4.1 Until the token at the top of the stack is a left parenthesis, pop operators off the stack onto the output queue. If no left parentheses are encountered, either the separator was misplaced or parentheses were mismatched. 1.5 If the token is an operator, o1, then: 1.5.1 while there is an operator token o2, at the top of the operator stack and either o1 is left-associative and its precedence is less than or equal to that of o2, or o1 is right associative, and has precedence less than that of o2, pop o2 off the operator stack, onto the output queue; 1.5.2 at the end of iteration push o1 onto the operator stack. 1.6 If the token is a left parenthesis (i.e. "("), then push it onto the stack. 1.7 If the token is a right parenthesis (i.e. ")"): 1.7.1 Until the token at the top of the stack is a left parenthesis, pop operators off the stack onto the output queue. 1.7.2 Pop the left parenthesis from the stack, but not onto the output queue. 1.7.3 If the token at the top of the stack is a function token, pop it onto the output queue. 1.7.4 If the stack runs out without finding a left parenthesis, then there are mismatched parentheses. 2 When there are no more tokens to read: 2.1 While there are still operator tokens in the stack: 2.1.1 If the operator token on the top of the stack is a parenthesis, then there are mismatched parentheses. 2.1.2 Pop the operator onto the output queue. 3 Exit. """ tokens = tokenize(infix_expression) queue = [] stack = [] while tokens: # 1.1 token = tokens[0] tokens = tokens[1:] if not (token in self.OPERATORS or token == "(" or token == ")"): queue.append(token) # 1.5 elif token in self.OPERATORS: # 1.5.1 while stack and stack[-1] in self.OPERATORS and (self.OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[token] <= self.OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[stack[-1]]): queue.append(stack.pop()) stack.append(token) elif token == "(": stack.append(token) elif token == ")": while stack and stack[-1] != "(": queue.append(stack.pop()) if stack and stack[-1] == "(": stack.pop() else: raise RuntimeError("PAREN MISMATCH") while stack and len(stack) > 0: if stack[-1] == "(": raise RuntimeError("PAREN MISMATCH") else: queue.append(stack.pop()) return " ".join(queue) test = Tester() interpreter = Interpreter(); # Basic arithmetic test.assert_equals(interpreter.input("1 + 1"), 2, "1 + 1") test.assert_equals(interpreter.input("2 - 1"), 1, "2 - 1") test.assert_equals(interpreter.input("2 * 3"), 6, "2 * 3") test.assert_equals(interpreter.input("8 / 4"), 2, "8 / 4") test.assert_equals(interpreter.input("7 % 4"), 3, "7 % 4") # Variables test.assert_equals(interpreter.input("x = 1"), 1, "x = 1") test.assert_equals(interpreter.input("x"), 1, "x") test.assert_equals(interpreter.input("x + 3"), 4, "x + 3") test.expect_error("input: 'y'", lambda: interpreter.input("y"))
# Copyright 2020 The Kale Authors # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import pytest import nbformat from kale import Pipeline, Step, NotebookConfig def test_merge_code(dummy_nb_config): """Test the merge code functionality.""" pipeline = Pipeline(NotebookConfig(**dummy_nb_config)) pipeline.add_step(Step(name="test", source=["test1"])) pipeline.get_step("test").merge_code("test2") assert pipeline.get_step("test").source == ["test1", "test2"] _EMPTY_TAG = {"step_names": [], "prev_steps": []} @pytest.mark.parametrize("metadata,target", [ ({}, _EMPTY_TAG), ({"tags": []}, _EMPTY_TAG), ({"other_field": None}, _EMPTY_TAG), # test special tags ({"tags": ["imports"]}, {"step_names": ["imports"], "prev_steps": []}), ({"tags": ["pipeline-parameters"]}, {"step_names": ["pipeline-parameters"], "prev_steps": []}), ({"tags": ["functions"]}, {"step_names": ["functions"], "prev_steps": []}), # test skip tag ({"tags": ["skip"]}, {"step_names": ["skip"], "prev_steps": []}), ({"tags": ["skip", "block:other"]}, {"step_names": ["skip"], "prev_steps": []}), # test that prev tag is ignored when having a special tag ({"tags": ["imports", "prev:step1"]}, {"step_names": ["imports"], "prev_steps": []}), ({"tags": ["functions", "prev:step1"]}, {"step_names": ["functions"], "prev_steps": []}), ({"tags": ["pipeline-parameters", "prev:step1"]}, {"step_names": ["pipeline-parameters"], "prev_steps": []}), # when specifying multiple blocks, only the special block tag name # is returned ({"tags": ["imports", "block:step1"]}, {"step_names": ["imports"], "prev_steps": []}), ({"tags": ["functions", "block:step1"]}, {"step_names": ["functions"], "prev_steps": []}), ({"tags": ["pipeline-parameters", "block:step1"]}, {"step_names": ["pipeline-parameters"], "prev_steps": []}), # test simple block names and prev step names ({"tags": ["block:step1"]}, {"step_names": ["step1"], "prev_steps": []}), ({"tags": ["block:step1", "block:step2"]}, {"step_names": ["step1", "step2"], "prev_steps": []}), ({"tags": ["block:step1", "prev:step2"]}, {"step_names": ["step1"], "prev_steps": ["step2"]}), ]) def test_parse_metadata_success(notebook_processor, metadata, target): """Test parse_metadata function.""" notebook_processor.parse_cell_metadata(metadata) @pytest.mark.parametrize("metadata", [ ({"tags": ["random_value"]}), ({"tags": [0]}), ({"tags": ["prev:step2"]}), ]) def test_parse_metadata_exc(notebook_processor, metadata): """Test parse_metadata exception cases.""" with pytest.raises(ValueError): notebook_processor.parse_cell_metadata(metadata) def test_get_pipeline_parameters_source_simple(notebook_processor): """Test that the function gets the correct pipeline parameters source.""" notebook = nbformat.v4.new_notebook() cells = [ ("0", {}), ("0", {"tags": []}), ("1", {"tags": ["pipeline-parameters"]}), ("1", {}), ] notebook.cells = [nbformat.v4.new_code_cell(source=s, metadata=m) for (s, m) in cells] notebook_processor.notebook = notebook assert notebook_processor.get_pipeline_parameters_source() == "1\n1" def test_get_pipeline_parameters_source_with_step(notebook_processor): """Test that the function gets the correct pipeline parameters source.""" notebook = nbformat.v4.new_notebook() cells = [ ("1", {"tags": ["pipeline-parameters"]}), ("0", {"tags": ["step:test"]}), ("1", {"tags": ["pipeline-parameters"]}), ] notebook.cells = [nbformat.v4.new_code_cell(source=s, metadata=m) for (s, m) in cells] notebook_processor.notebook = notebook assert notebook_processor.get_pipeline_parameters_source() == "1\n1" def test_get_pipeline_parameters_source_skip(notebook_processor): """Test that the function gets the correct pipeline parameters source.""" notebook = nbformat.v4.new_notebook() cells = [ ("1", {"tags": ["pipeline-parameters"]}), ("0", {"tags": ["skip"]}), ("1", {"tags": ["pipeline-parameters"]}), ("1", {"tags": []}), ] notebook.cells = [nbformat.v4.new_code_cell(source=s, metadata=m) for (s, m) in cells] notebook_processor.notebook = notebook assert notebook_processor.get_pipeline_parameters_source() == "1\n1\n1" def test_get_pipeline_parameters_source_followed_reserved(notebook_processor): """Test that the function gets the correct pipeline parameters source.""" notebook = nbformat.v4.new_notebook() cells = [ ("1", {"tags": ["pipeline-parameters"]}), ("0", {"tags": ["imports"]}), ("1", {"tags": ["pipeline-parameters"]}), ("1", {"tags": []}), ] notebook.cells = [nbformat.v4.new_code_cell(source=s, metadata=m) for (s, m) in cells] notebook_processor.notebook = notebook assert notebook_processor.get_pipeline_parameters_source() == "1\n1\n1" def test_get_pipeline_metrics_source_raises(notebook_processor): """Test exception when pipeline metrics isn't at the end of notebook.""" notebook = nbformat.v4.new_notebook() cells = [ ("1", {"tags": ["pipeline-metrics"]}), ("0", {"tags": ["imports"]}), ] notebook.cells = [nbformat.v4.new_code_cell(source=s, metadata=m) for (s, m) in cells] with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"Tag pipeline-metrics tag must be" r" placed on a cell at the end of" r" the Notebook\..*"): notebook_processor.notebook = notebook notebook_processor.get_pipeline_metrics_source()
<filename>emodelrunner/create_cells.py """Functions to create cells.""" # Copyright 2020-2021 Blue Brain Project / EPFL # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import os from emodelrunner.cell import CellModelCustom from emodelrunner.load import ( load_mechanisms, load_syn_mechs, load_unoptimized_parameters, get_sscx_morph_args, get_synplas_morph_args, get_syn_mech_args, ) from emodelrunner.morphology import NrnFileMorphologyCustom, get_axon_hoc def create_cell( unopt_params_path, emodel, add_synapses, morph_args, gid, syn_mech_args=None, use_glu_synapse=False, fixhp=False, syn_setup_params=None, v_init=-80, celsius=34, ): """Create a cell. Args: unopt_params_path (str): path to the unoptimized parameters json file emodel (str): name to give to the cell model add_synapses (bool): whether to add synapses to the cell morph_args (dict): morphology-related configuration gid (int): cell model ID syn_mech_args (dict): synapse-related configuration use_glu_synapse (bool): whether to use GluSynapseCustom class for synapses fixhp (bool): to uninsert SK_E2 for hyperpolarization in cell model syn_setup_params (dict): contains extra parameters to setup synapses when using GluSynapseCustom v_init (int): initial voltage (mV) celsius (int): cell temperature (celsius) Returns: CellModelCustom: cell model """ # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments, too-many-locals # load mechanisms mechs = load_mechanisms(unopt_params_path) # add synapses mechs if add_synapses: mechs += [ load_syn_mechs( syn_mech_args["seed"], syn_mech_args["rng_settings_mode"], os.path.join(syn_mech_args["syn_dir"], syn_mech_args["syn_data_file"]), os.path.join(syn_mech_args["syn_dir"], syn_mech_args["syn_conf_file"]), use_glu_synapse=use_glu_synapse, syn_setup_params=syn_setup_params, ) ] # load parameters params = load_unoptimized_parameters(unopt_params_path, v_init, celsius) # load morphology try: replace_axon_hoc = get_axon_hoc(morph_args["axon_hoc_path"]) except KeyError: replace_axon_hoc = None morph = NrnFileMorphologyCustom( morph_args["morph_path"], do_replace_axon=morph_args["do_replace_axon"], replace_axon_hoc=replace_axon_hoc, ) # create cell cell = CellModelCustom( name=emodel, morph=morph, mechs=mechs, params=params, gid=gid, add_synapses=add_synapses, fixhp=fixhp, ) return cell def create_cell_using_config(config): """Create a cell given configuration. Args: config (configparser.ConfigParser): configuration Returns: CellModelCustom: cell model """ unopt_params_path = config.get("Paths", "unoptimized_params_path") # get synapse config data add_synapses = config.getboolean("Synapses", "add_synapses") syn_mech_args = get_syn_mech_args(config) # get morphology config data morph_args = get_sscx_morph_args(config) # create cell cell = create_cell( unopt_params_path, config.get("Cell", "emodel"), add_synapses, morph_args, config.getint("Cell", "gid"), syn_mech_args, v_init=config.getfloat("Cell", "v_init"), celsius=config.getfloat("Cell", "celsius"), ) return cell def get_postcell( config, fixhp=False, syn_setup_params=None, ): """Return the postcell for synapse plasticity run. Args: config (configparser.ConfigParser): configuration fixhp (bool): to uninsert SK_E2 for hyperpolarization in cell model syn_setup_params (dict): contains extra parameters to setup synapses when using GluSynapseCustom Returns: CellModelCustom: post-synaptic cell model """ emodel = config.get("Cell", "emodel") gid = config.getint("Cell", "gid") base_seed = config.getint("SynapsePlasticity", "base_seed") v_init = config.getfloat("Cell", "v_init") celsius = config.getfloat("Cell", "celsius") unopt_params_path = config.get("Paths", "unoptimized_params_path") syn_mech_args = get_syn_mech_args(config) # rewrite seed and rng setting mode over basic emodelrunner config defaults syn_mech_args["seed"] = base_seed syn_mech_args["rng_settings_mode"] = "Compatibility" morph_args = get_synplas_morph_args(config) add_synapses = True cell = create_cell( unopt_params_path, emodel, add_synapses, morph_args, gid, syn_mech_args, use_glu_synapse=True, fixhp=fixhp, syn_setup_params=syn_setup_params, v_init=v_init, celsius=celsius, ) return cell def get_precell( config, fixhp=False, ): """Return the precell for synapse plasticity pair simulation run. Args: config (configparser.ConfigParser): configuration fixhp (bool): to uninsert SK_E2 for hyperpolarization in cell model Returns: CellModelCustom: pre-synaptic cell model """ emodel = config.get("Cell", "emodel") gid = config.getint("Cell", "gid") v_init = config.getfloat("Cell", "v_init") celsius = config.getfloat("Cell", "celsius") unopt_params_path = config.get("Paths", "precell_unoptimized_params_path") morph_args = get_synplas_morph_args(config, precell=True) add_synapses = False cell = create_cell( unopt_params_path, emodel, add_synapses, morph_args, gid, fixhp=fixhp, v_init=v_init, celsius=celsius, ) return cell
<filename>patch_management/tests/test_cve_scan_utils.py from django.test import TestCase from django.urls import reverse, resolve from ..models import User, SSHProfile, System, Package, CVE from ..tasks import celery_scan_cve class CveScanViewTestCase(TestCase): ''' Test CVE scanning function This test requires an internet connection to consume Redhat CVE public API (https://access.redhat.com/labs/securitydataapi) ''' def setUp(self): # Setup a test account self.user = User.objects.create_user(username='johndoe', email='<EMAIL>', password='<PASSWORD>') self.client.login(username='johndoe', password='<PASSWORD>') # Setup a test SSH profile ssh_setup_url = reverse('setup_ssh') sshProfile = SSHProfile.objects.get(pk=self.user.id) sshProfile.ssh_server_address = '' sshProfile.ssh_username = 'test_user' sshProfile.save() # Setup System information self.system1 = System.objects.create( hostname='test1.server', owner=self.user, connected=True, system_os_name= 'OS1_name', system_os_version= 'OS1_version', system_kernel= 'OS1_kernel_version', system_package_manager= 'yum' # Set to support RPM ) self.system2 = System.objects.create( hostname='test2.server', owner=self.user, connected=True, system_os_name= 'OS2_name', system_os_version= 'OS2_version', system_kernel= 'OS2_kernel_version', system_package_manager= 'apt' # Set to not support RPM ) # Setup package information Package.objects.create(name='openssh.x86_64', current_version='7.4p1-16.el7', new_version=None, active=True, system=self.system1) Package.objects.create(name='openssh.x86_64', current_version='7.4p1-16.el7', new_version=None, active=True, system=self.system2) def test_scan_cve_all_systems(self): celery_scan_cve(self.user.id, None) cves_on_system1 = CVE.objects.filter(system=self.system1) cves_on_system2 = CVE.objects.filter(system=self.system2) ''' Should find CVE info on system 1 as it uses RPM/YUM. Expected CVE-2017-15906 according to openssh-7.4p1-16.el7. (https://access.redhat.com/labs/securitydataapi/cve.json?package=openssh-7.4p1-16.el7) ''' self.assertEquals(len(cves_on_system1), 1) self.assertEquals(cves_on_system1[0].cve_id, 'CVE-2017-15906') self.assertEquals(cves_on_system1[0].affected_package, 'openssh-7.4p1-16.el7') ''' Should not find CVE info on system 2 as it doesn't use RPM/YUM. Thus the scan won't occur. ''' self.assertEquals(len(cves_on_system2), 0) def test_scan_cve_on_RPM_supported_system(self): celery_scan_cve(self.user.id, self.system1.id) cves_on_system1 = CVE.objects.filter(system=self.system1) ''' Should find CVE info on system 1 as it uses RPM/YUM. Expected CVE-2017-15906 according to openssh-7.4p1-16.el7. (https://access.redhat.com/labs/securitydataapi/cve.json?package=openssh-7.4p1-16.el7) ''' self.assertEquals(len(cves_on_system1), 1) self.assertEquals(cves_on_system1[0].cve_id, 'CVE-2017-15906') self.assertEquals(cves_on_system1[0].affected_package, 'openssh-7.4p1-16.el7') def test_scan_cve_on_non_RPM_supported_system(self): celery_scan_cve(self.user.id, self.system2.id) cves_on_system2 = CVE.objects.filter(system=self.system2) ''' Should not find CVE info on system 2 as it doesn't use RPM/YUM. Thus the scan won't occur. ''' self.assertEquals(len(cves_on_system2), 0)
# Copyright 2021 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Prepare TF.Examples for on-device recommendation model. Following functions are included: 1) downloading raw data 2) processing to user activity sequence and splitting to train/test data 3) convert to TF.Examples and write in output location. More information about the movielens dataset can be found here: https://grouplens.org/datasets/movielens/ """ import collections import json import os import random import re from absl import app from absl import flags from absl import logging import pandas as pd import tensorflow as tf FLAGS = flags.FLAGS # Permalinks to download movielens data. MOVIELENS_1M_URL = "https://files.grouplens.org/datasets/movielens/ml-1m.zip" MOVIELENS_ZIP_FILENAME = "ml-1m.zip" MOVIELENS_ZIP_HASH = "a6898adb50b9ca05aa231689da44c217cb524e7ebd39d264c56e2832f2c54e20" MOVIELENS_EXTRACTED_DIR = "ml-1m" RATINGS_FILE_NAME = "ratings.dat" MOVIES_FILE_NAME = "movies.dat" RATINGS_DATA_COLUMNS = ["UserID", "MovieID", "Rating", "Timestamp"] MOVIES_DATA_COLUMNS = ["MovieID", "Title", "Genres"] OUTPUT_TRAINING_DATA_FILENAME = "train_movielens_1m.tfrecord" OUTPUT_TESTING_DATA_FILENAME = "test_movielens_1m.tfrecord" OUTPUT_MOVIE_VOCAB_FILENAME = "movie_vocab.json" OUTPUT_MOVIE_YEAR_VOCAB_FILENAME = "movie_year_vocab.txt" OUTPUT_MOVIE_GENRE_VOCAB_FILENAME = "movie_genre_vocab.txt" OUTPUT_MOVIE_TITLE_UNIGRAM_VOCAB_FILENAME = "movie_title_unigram_vocab.txt" OUTPUT_MOVIE_TITLE_BIGRAM_VOCAB_FILENAME = "movie_title_bigram_vocab.txt" PAD_MOVIE_ID = 0 PAD_RATING = 0.0 PAD_MOVIE_YEAR = 0 UNKNOWN_STR = "UNK" VOCAB_MOVIE_ID_INDEX = 0 VOCAB_COUNT_INDEX = 3 def define_flags(): """Define flags.""" flags.DEFINE_string("data_dir", "/tmp", "Path to download and store movielens data.") flags.DEFINE_string("output_dir", None, "Path to the directory of output files.") flags.DEFINE_bool("build_vocabs", True, "If yes, generate movie feature vocabs.") flags.DEFINE_integer("min_timeline_length", 3, "The minimum timeline length to construct examples.") flags.DEFINE_integer("max_context_length", 10, "The maximum length of user context history.") flags.DEFINE_integer("max_context_movie_genre_length", 10, "The maximum length of user context history.") flags.DEFINE_integer( "min_rating", None, "Minimum rating of movie that will be used to in " "training data") flags.DEFINE_float("train_data_fraction", 0.9, "Fraction of training data.") class MovieInfo( collections.namedtuple( "MovieInfo", ["movie_id", "timestamp", "rating", "title", "genres"])): """Data holder of basic information of a movie.""" __slots__ = () def __new__(cls, movie_id=PAD_MOVIE_ID, timestamp=0, rating=PAD_RATING, title="", genres=""): return super(MovieInfo, cls).__new__(cls, movie_id, timestamp, rating, title, genres) def download_and_extract_data(data_directory, url=MOVIELENS_1M_URL, fname=MOVIELENS_ZIP_FILENAME, file_hash=MOVIELENS_ZIP_HASH, extracted_dir_name=MOVIELENS_EXTRACTED_DIR): """Download and extract zip containing MovieLens data to a given directory. Args: data_directory: Local path to extract dataset to. url: Direct path to MovieLens dataset .zip file. See constants above for examples. fname: str, zip file name to download. file_hash: str, SHA-256 file hash. extracted_dir_name: str, extracted dir name under data_directory. Returns: Downloaded and extracted data file directory. """ if not tf.io.gfile.exists(data_directory): tf.io.gfile.makedirs(data_directory) path_to_zip = tf.keras.utils.get_file( fname=fname, origin=url, file_hash=file_hash, hash_algorithm="sha256", extract=True, cache_dir=data_directory) extracted_file_dir = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(path_to_zip), extracted_dir_name) return extracted_file_dir def read_data(data_directory, min_rating=None): """Read movielens ratings.dat and movies.dat file into dataframe.""" ratings_df = pd.read_csv( os.path.join(data_directory, RATINGS_FILE_NAME), sep="::", names=RATINGS_DATA_COLUMNS, encoding="unicode_escape") # May contain unicode. Need to escape. ratings_df["Timestamp"] = ratings_df["Timestamp"].apply(int) if min_rating is not None: ratings_df = ratings_df[ratings_df["Rating"] >= min_rating] movies_df = pd.read_csv( os.path.join(data_directory, MOVIES_FILE_NAME), sep="::", names=MOVIES_DATA_COLUMNS, encoding="unicode_escape") # May contain unicode. Need to escape. return ratings_df, movies_df def convert_to_timelines(ratings_df): """Convert ratings data to user.""" timelines = collections.defaultdict(list) movie_counts = collections.Counter() for user_id, movie_id, rating, timestamp in ratings_df.values: timelines[user_id].append( MovieInfo(movie_id=movie_id, timestamp=int(timestamp), rating=rating)) movie_counts[movie_id] += 1 # Sort per-user timeline by timestamp for (user_id, context) in timelines.items(): context.sort(key=lambda x: x.timestamp) timelines[user_id] = context return timelines, movie_counts def generate_movies_dict(movies_df): """Generates movies dictionary from movies dataframe.""" movies_dict = { movie_id: MovieInfo(movie_id=movie_id, title=title, genres=genres) for movie_id, title, genres in movies_df.values } movies_dict[0] = MovieInfo() return movies_dict def extract_year_from_title(title): year = re.search(r"\((\d{4})\)", title) if year: return int(year.group(1)) return 0 def generate_feature_of_movie_years(movies_dict, movies): """Extracts year feature for movies from movie title.""" return [ extract_year_from_title(movies_dict[movie.movie_id].title) for movie in movies ] def generate_movie_genres(movies_dict, movies): """Create a feature of the genre of each movie. Save genre as a feature for the movies. Args: movies_dict: Dict of movies, keyed by movie_id with value of (title, genre) movies: list of movies to extract genres. Returns: movie_genres: list of genres of all input movies. """ movie_genres = [] for movie in movies: if not movies_dict[movie.movie_id].genres: continue genres = [ tf.compat.as_bytes(genre) for genre in movies_dict[movie.movie_id].genres.split("|") ] movie_genres.extend(genres) return movie_genres def _pad_or_truncate_movie_feature(feature, max_len, pad_value): feature.extend([pad_value for _ in range(max_len - len(feature))]) return feature[:max_len] def generate_examples_from_single_timeline(timeline, movies_dict, max_context_len=100, max_context_movie_genre_len=320): """Generate TF examples from a single user timeline. Generate TF examples from a single user timeline. Timeline with length less than minimum timeline length will be skipped. And if context user history length is shorter than max_context_len, features will be padded with default values. Args: timeline: The timeline to generate TF examples from. movies_dict: Dictionary of all MovieInfos. max_context_len: The maximum length of the context. If the context history length is less than max_context_length, features will be padded with default values. max_context_movie_genre_len: The length of movie genre feature. Returns: examples: Generated examples from this single timeline. """ examples = [] for label_idx in range(1, len(timeline)): start_idx = max(0, label_idx - max_context_len) context = timeline[start_idx:label_idx] # Pad context with out-of-vocab movie id 0. while len(context) < max_context_len: context.append(MovieInfo()) label_movie_id = int(timeline[label_idx].movie_id) context_movie_id = [int(movie.movie_id) for movie in context] context_movie_rating = [movie.rating for movie in context] context_movie_year = generate_feature_of_movie_years(movies_dict, context) context_movie_genres = generate_movie_genres(movies_dict, context) context_movie_genres = _pad_or_truncate_movie_feature( context_movie_genres, max_context_movie_genre_len, tf.compat.as_bytes(UNKNOWN_STR)) feature = { "context_movie_id": tf.train.Feature( int64_list=tf.train.Int64List(value=context_movie_id)), "context_movie_rating": tf.train.Feature( float_list=tf.train.FloatList(value=context_movie_rating)), "context_movie_genre": tf.train.Feature( bytes_list=tf.train.BytesList(value=context_movie_genres)), "context_movie_year": tf.train.Feature( int64_list=tf.train.Int64List(value=context_movie_year)), "label_movie_id": tf.train.Feature( int64_list=tf.train.Int64List(value=[label_movie_id])) } tf_example = tf.train.Example(features=tf.train.Features(feature=feature)) examples.append(tf_example) return examples def generate_examples_from_timelines(timelines, movies_df, min_timeline_len=3, max_context_len=100, max_context_movie_genre_len=320, train_data_fraction=0.9, random_seed=None, shuffle=True): """Convert user timelines to tf examples. Convert user timelines to tf examples by adding all possible context-label pairs in the examples pool. Args: timelines: The user timelines to process. movies_df: The dataframe of all movies. min_timeline_len: The minimum length of timeline. If the timeline length is less than min_timeline_len, empty examples list will be returned. max_context_len: The maximum length of the context. If the context history length is less than max_context_length, features will be padded with default values. max_context_movie_genre_len: The length of movie genre feature. train_data_fraction: Fraction of training data. random_seed: Seed for randomization. shuffle: Whether to shuffle the examples before splitting train and test data. Returns: train_examples: TF example list for training. test_examples: TF example list for testing. """ examples = [] movies_dict = generate_movies_dict(movies_df) progress_bar = tf.keras.utils.Progbar(len(timelines)) for timeline in timelines.values(): if len(timeline) < min_timeline_len: progress_bar.add(1) continue single_timeline_examples = generate_examples_from_single_timeline( timeline=timeline, movies_dict=movies_dict, max_context_len=max_context_len, max_context_movie_genre_len=max_context_movie_genre_len) examples.extend(single_timeline_examples) progress_bar.add(1) # Split the examples into train, test sets. if shuffle: random.seed(random_seed) random.shuffle(examples) last_train_index = round(len(examples) * train_data_fraction) train_examples = examples[:last_train_index] test_examples = examples[last_train_index:] return train_examples, test_examples def generate_movie_feature_vocabs(movies_df, movie_counts): """Generate vocabularies for movie features. Generate vocabularies for movie features (movie_id, genre, year), sorted by usage count. Vocab id 0 will be reserved for default padding value. Args: movies_df: Dataframe for movies. movie_counts: Counts that each movie is rated. Returns: movie_id_vocab: List of all movie ids paired with movie usage count, and sorted by counts. movie_genre_vocab: List of all movie genres, sorted by genre usage counts. movie_year_vocab: List of all movie years, sorted by year usage counts. """ movie_vocab = [] movie_genre_counter = collections.Counter() movie_year_counter = collections.Counter() for movie_id, title, genres in movies_df.values: count = movie_counts.get(movie_id) or 0 movie_vocab.append([movie_id, title, genres, count]) year = extract_year_from_title(title) movie_year_counter[year] += 1 for genre in genres.split("|"): movie_genre_counter[genre] += 1 movie_vocab.sort(key=lambda x: x[VOCAB_COUNT_INDEX], reverse=True) # by count movie_year_vocab = [0] + [x for x, _ in movie_year_counter.most_common()] movie_genre_vocab = [UNKNOWN_STR ] + [x for x, _ in movie_genre_counter.most_common()] return (movie_vocab, movie_year_vocab, movie_genre_vocab) def write_tfrecords(tf_examples, filename): """Writes tf examples to tfrecord file, and returns the count.""" with tf.io.TFRecordWriter(filename) as file_writer: length = len(tf_examples) progress_bar = tf.keras.utils.Progbar(length) for example in tf_examples: file_writer.write(example.SerializeToString()) progress_bar.add(1) return length def write_vocab_json(vocab, filename): """Write generated movie vocabulary to specified file.""" with open(filename, "w", encoding="utf-8") as jsonfile: json.dump(vocab, jsonfile, indent=2) def write_vocab_txt(vocab, filename): with open(filename, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: for item in vocab: f.write(str(item) + "\n") def generate_datasets(extracted_data_dir, output_dir, min_timeline_length, max_context_length, max_context_movie_genre_length, min_rating=None, build_vocabs=True, train_data_fraction=0.9, train_filename=OUTPUT_TRAINING_DATA_FILENAME, test_filename=OUTPUT_TESTING_DATA_FILENAME, vocab_filename=OUTPUT_MOVIE_VOCAB_FILENAME, vocab_year_filename=OUTPUT_MOVIE_YEAR_VOCAB_FILENAME, vocab_genre_filename=OUTPUT_MOVIE_GENRE_VOCAB_FILENAME): """Generates train and test datasets as TFRecord, and returns stats.""" logging.info("Reading data to dataframes.") ratings_df, movies_df = read_data(extracted_data_dir, min_rating=min_rating) logging.info("Generating movie rating user timelines.") timelines, movie_counts = convert_to_timelines(ratings_df) logging.info("Generating train and test examples.") train_examples, test_examples = generate_examples_from_timelines( timelines=timelines, movies_df=movies_df, min_timeline_len=min_timeline_length, max_context_len=max_context_length, max_context_movie_genre_len=max_context_movie_genre_length, train_data_fraction=train_data_fraction) if not tf.io.gfile.exists(output_dir): tf.io.gfile.makedirs(output_dir) logging.info("Writing generated training examples.") train_file = os.path.join(output_dir, train_filename) train_size = write_tfrecords(tf_examples=train_examples, filename=train_file) logging.info("Writing generated testing examples.") test_file = os.path.join(output_dir, test_filename) test_size = write_tfrecords(tf_examples=test_examples, filename=test_file) stats = { "train_size": train_size, "test_size": test_size, "train_file": train_file, "test_file": test_file, } if build_vocabs: (movie_vocab, movie_year_vocab, movie_genre_vocab) = ( generate_movie_feature_vocabs( movies_df=movies_df, movie_counts=movie_counts)) vocab_file = os.path.join(output_dir, vocab_filename) write_vocab_json(movie_vocab, filename=vocab_file) stats.update({ "vocab_size": len(movie_vocab), "vocab_file": vocab_file, "vocab_max_id": max([arr[VOCAB_MOVIE_ID_INDEX] for arr in movie_vocab]) }) for vocab, filename, key in zip([movie_year_vocab, movie_genre_vocab], [vocab_year_filename, vocab_genre_filename], ["year_vocab", "genre_vocab"]): vocab_file = os.path.join(output_dir, filename) write_vocab_txt(vocab, filename=vocab_file) stats.update({ key + "_size": len(vocab), key + "_file": vocab_file, }) return stats def main(_): logging.info("Downloading and extracting data.") extracted_data_dir = download_and_extract_data(data_directory=FLAGS.data_dir) stats = generate_datasets( extracted_data_dir=extracted_data_dir, output_dir=FLAGS.output_dir, min_timeline_length=FLAGS.min_timeline_length, max_context_length=FLAGS.max_context_length, max_context_movie_genre_length=FLAGS.max_context_movie_genre_length, min_rating=FLAGS.min_rating, build_vocabs=FLAGS.build_vocabs, train_data_fraction=FLAGS.train_data_fraction, ) logging.info("Generated dataset: %s", stats) if __name__ == "__main__": define_flags() app.run(main)
<reponame>vtmoreau/doccano from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.auth.models import User from model_mommy import mommy from rest_framework import status from rest_framework.reverse import reverse from rest_framework.test import APITestCase from .utils import (assign_user_to_role, create_default_roles, remove_all_role_mappings) class TestCommentListAPI(APITestCase): @classmethod def setUpTestData(cls): cls.project_member_name = 'project_member_name' cls.project_member_pass = '<PASSWORD>' cls.another_project_member_name = 'another_project_member_name' cls.another_project_member_pass = '<PASSWORD>' cls.non_project_member_name = 'non_project_member_name' cls.non_project_member_pass = '<PASSWORD>' create_default_roles() cls.project_member = User.objects.create_user(username=cls.project_member_name, password=cls.<PASSWORD>member_<PASSWORD>) another_project_member = User.objects.create_user(username=cls.another_project_member_name, password=<PASSWORD>) User.objects.create_user(username=cls.non_project_member_name, password=cls.non_project_member_pass) main_project = mommy.make('SequenceLabelingProject', users=[cls.project_member, another_project_member]) main_project_doc = mommy.make('Document', project=main_project) cls.comment = mommy.make('Comment', document=main_project_doc, text='comment 1', user=cls.project_member) mommy.make('Comment', document=main_project_doc, text='comment 2', user=cls.project_member) mommy.make('Comment', document=main_project_doc, text='comment 3', user=another_project_member) cls.url = reverse(viewname='comment_list_doc', args=[main_project.id, main_project_doc.id]) cls.url_project = reverse(viewname='comment_list_project', args=[main_project.id]) assign_user_to_role(project_member=cls.project_member, project=main_project, role_name=settings.ROLE_ANNOTATOR) assign_user_to_role(project_member=another_project_member, project=main_project, role_name=settings.ROLE_ANNOTATOR) def test_returns_comments_to_project_member(self): self.client.login(username=self.project_member_name, password=self.project_member_pass) response = self.client.get(self.url, format='json') self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK) self.assertEqual(len(response.data), 3) self.client.login(username=self.another_project_member_name, password=<PASSWORD>) response = self.client.get(self.url, format='json') self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK) self.assertEqual(len(response.data), 3) def test_does_not_return_comments_to_non_project_member(self): self.client.login(username=self.non_project_member_name, password=self.non_project_member_pass) response = self.client.get(self.url, format='json') self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN) def test_does_not_allow_deletion_by_non_project_member(self): self.client.login(username=self.non_project_member_name, password=self.non_project_member_pass) response = self.client.delete('{}/{}'.format(self.url, self.comment.id), format='json') self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN) def test_does_not_allow_deletion_of_non_owned_comment(self): self.client.login(username=self.another_project_member_name, password=<PASSWORD>member_<PASSWORD>) response = self.client.delete('{}/{}'.format(self.url, self.comment.id), format='json') self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN) def test_create_update_delete_comment(self): self.client.login(username=self.project_member_name, password=<PASSWORD>.project_member_<PASSWORD>) response = self.client.post(self.url, format='json', data={'text': 'comment'}) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_201_CREATED) self.assertEqual(response.data['user'], self.project_member.id) self.assertEqual(response.data['text'], 'comment') url = '{}/{}'.format(self.url, response.data['id']) # check if all comments are fetched response = self.client.get(self.url, format='json') self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK) self.assertEqual(len(response.data), 4) # update comment response = self.client.patch(url, format='json', data={'text': 'new comment'}) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK) self.assertEqual(response.data['text'], 'new comment') # delete comment response = self.client.delete(url) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT) response = self.client.get(self.url, format='json') self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK) self.assertEqual(len(response.data), 3) def test_returns_project_comments_to_project_member(self): self.client.login(username=self.project_member_name, password=<PASSWORD>.project_member_<PASSWORD>) response = self.client.get(self.url_project, format='json') self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK) self.assertEqual(len(response.data), 3) self.client.login(username=self.another_project_member_name, password=<PASSWORD>) response = self.client.get(self.url, format='json') self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK) self.assertEqual(len(response.data), 3) def test_does_not_return_project_comments_to_non_project_member(self): self.client.login(username=self.non_project_member_name, password=<PASSWORD>) response = self.client.get(self.url_project, format='json') self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN) @classmethod def doCleanups(cls): remove_all_role_mappings()
<gh_stars>0 #!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: latin-1 -*- import os import sys # import psycopg2 import json from bson import json_util from pymongo import MongoClient from flask import Flask, request, session, g, redirect, url_for, abort, \ render_template, flash def strip_quotes(word): """Strip all quotations marks from a word""" return str(word).strip("\"\'") def json_to_str(results): """Return a plain string with a json dict""" return str(json_util.dumps(results, sort_keys=True, indent=4)) def create_app(): app = Flask(__name__) return app app = create_app() # REPLACE WITH YOUR DATABASE NAME MONGODATABASE = "dbEscuchas" MONGOSERVER = "localhost" MONGOPORT = 27017 client = MongoClient(MONGOSERVER, MONGOPORT) mongodb = client[MONGODATABASE] ''' # Uncomment for postgres connection # REPLACE WITH YOUR DATABASE NAME, USER AND PASS POSTGRESDATABASE = "mydatabase" POSTGRESUSER = "myuser" POSTGRESPASS = "<PASSWORD>" postgresdb = psycopg2.connect( database=POSTGRESDATABASE, user=POSTGRESUSER, password=<PASSWORD>) ''' #Cambiar por Path Absoluto en el servidor QUERIES_FILENAME = '/var/www/FlaskApp/queries' @app.route("/") def home(): with open(QUERIES_FILENAME, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as queries_file: json_file = json.load(queries_file) pairs = [(x["name"], x["database"], x["description"], x["query"]) for x in json_file] return render_template('file.html', results=pairs) @app.route("/mongo") def mongo(): query = request.args.get("query") if query is None or "find" not in query: return "no query" results = eval('mongodb.'+query) results = json_util.dumps(results, sort_keys=True, indent=4) return render_template('mongo.html', results=results) @app.route("/word") def search_by_word(): """Provide a url to search word in 'contenido'""" word = request.args.get("word") if word is None: return "[]" # No query results = mongodb.colEscuchas.find({"$text":{"$search": word}}) return json_to_str(results) @app.route("/date") def search_by_date(): """Provide a url to search phone numbers by date""" date = request.args.get("date") if date is None: return "[]" # No query results = mongodb.colEscuchas.find({"fecha": strip_quotes(date)}, {"_id":0, "numero":1}) return json_to_str(results) @app.route("/number") def search_by_number(): """Provide a url to search the last k messages of a given number""" number = request.args.get("number") if number is None: return "[]" # No query k = request.args.get("k") try: k = int(k) except: # k is None or malformed k = 1 # defaults to one message results = mongodb.colEscuchas.find({"numero": strip_quotes(number)}).limit(k).sort("fecha", -1) return json_to_str(results) @app.route("/postgres") def postgres(): return "Postgres API is not available" query = request.args.get("query") if not query is None: cursor = postgresdb.cursor() cursor.execute(query) results = [[a for a in result] for result in cursor] print(results) return render_template('postgres.html', results=results) else: return "no query" @app.route("/example") def example(): return render_template('example.html') if __name__ == "__main__": app.run()
<filename>cogs/mod_mail.py import config import discord from discord.ext import commands from discord.ext.commands import Cog from helpers.checks import check_if_verified_or_dms from helpers.userlogs import get_blank_userlog, get_userlog, set_userlog import json import time class ModMail(Cog): def __init__(self, bot): self.bot = bot def add_mail_log(self, uid, message): userlogs = get_userlog() uid = str(uid) if uid not in userlogs: userlogs[uid] = get_blank_userlog() userlogs[uid]["mail"].append(message) set_userlog(json.dumps(userlogs)) def build_embed(self, author, message): embed = discord.Embed(description=message["body"],) embed.set_author( name=f"{author.name}#{author.discriminator}", icon_url=author.avatar_url ) embed.colour = self.get_message_color(message) embed.set_footer(text=f"{self.get_message_icon(message)} - {author.id}") return embed def get_message_color(self, message): if message["resolved"] == True: return 0x4CAF50 elif message["replier_id"] != 0: return 0x2196F3 else: return 0xE91E63 def get_message_icon(self, message): if message["resolved"] == True: return "✔️" elif message["replier_id"] != 0: return "↩️" else: return "✉️" # Commands @commands.check(check_if_verified_or_dms) @commands.command(aliases=["creport"]) async def modmail(self, ctx, *, body: str = ""): """Sends a mod mail message""" # We should probably delete the message for privacy. if ctx.guild: await ctx.message.delete() # Prevent sending of blank messages. if len(body.strip()) == 0: await ctx.send("A message can not be empty.") return if len(body.strip()) > 2048: await ctx.send("A message can not be longer than 2048 characters.") return logs = get_userlog() uid = str(ctx.author.id) # Get the timeout from the config and default it to 15 seconds. timeout = getattr(config, "modmail_timeout", 15) # Make sure our user exists in the userlog, and they've sent a message before. if uid in logs and "mail" in logs[uid] and len(logs[uid]["mail"]) != 0: last_message = logs[uid]["mail"][-1] # Prevents sending the same message. if last_message["body"].strip() == body.strip(): await ctx.send("Unable to send message.") return # Rate limit messages. delta_time = int(time.time()) - last_message["timestamp"] if delta_time < timeout: await ctx.send( f"Please wait {timeout - delta_time} seconds before sending another message." ) return message = { "body": body.strip(), "timestamp": int(time.time()), "resolved": False, "replier_id": 0, "replier_name": "", "message_id": 0, } # Send message modmail_channel = self.bot.get_channel(config.modmail_channel) message["message_id"] = ( await modmail_channel.send(embed=self.build_embed(ctx.author, message)) ).id # Log messages to the userlog. self.add_mail_log(uid, message) await ctx.send(f"{ctx.author.mention} - Message sent.") @commands.check(check_if_verified_or_dms) @commands.command(aliases=["solved", "completed"]) async def resolved(self, ctx): """Marks your last mod mail message as resolved""" # We should probably delete the message for privacy. await ctx.message.delete() logs = get_userlog() uid = str(ctx.author.id) if uid not in logs or "mail" not in logs[uid] or len(logs[uid]["mail"]) == 0: await ctx.send("No mod mail message to mark as resolved.") return if logs[uid]["mail"][-1]["resolved"]: await ctx.send("Last mod mail message is already marked as resolved.") return logs[uid]["mail"][-1]["resolved"] = True set_userlog(json.dumps(logs)) modmail_channel = self.bot.get_channel(config.modmail_channel) message = await modmail_channel.fetch_message(logs[uid]["mail"][-1]["message_id"]) await message.edit(embed=self.build_embed(ctx.author, logs[uid]["mail"][-1])) await ctx.send(f"{ctx.author.mention} - Message marked as resolved.") def setup(bot): bot.add_cog(ModMail(bot))
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod import sys import traceback from ..utility.text import colour_text as coloured def _model_wrapper(dependency=None, message=None, complete=None): def private(self, key, default=None): return getattr(self,'_%s%s'%(self.__class__.__name__,key),default) def private_set(self, key, data): args = tuple() kwargs = {} if data is None: pass elif isinstance(data, tuple): if len(data) == 2 and isinstance(data[0], tuple) and isinstance(data[1],dict): args = data[0] kwargs = data[1] else: args = data elif isinstance(data, dict): kwargs = data else: args = (data,) setattr(self, '_%s%s_args'%(self.__class__.__name__,key), args) setattr(self, '_%s%s_kwargs'%(self.__class__.__name__,key), kwargs) setattr(self, '_%s%s'%(self.__class__.__name__,key), True) def public_output(args, kwargs): if len(args) == 0 and len(kwargs) == 0: return None elif len(kwargs) == 0: if len(args) == 1: return args[0] else: return args elif len(args) == 0: return kwargs else: return args, kwargs def wrap(f): fname = f.__name__ if fname.startswith('__'): fname = fname[2:] def wrapped(self, *args, **kwargs): # If arguments provided, use them if len(args) > 0 or len(kwargs) > 0: return f(self, *args, **kwargs) # Otherwise, use the existing results, generating them as required if not private(self, '__%s'%fname, False): if dependency is not None: dependency_f = getattr(self, dependency, None) if dependency_f is None: raise ValueError("Unknown method: %s" % dependency) if private(self, '__%s'%dependency) is None: dependency_f() if message is not None: print coloured(message, "YELLOW", True), sys.stdout.flush() try: private_set(self, '__%s'%fname, f(self, *private(self,'__%s_args'%dependency,[]), **private(self,'__%s_kwargs'%dependency,{})) ) except Exception, e: print coloured("Error", "RED", True) traceback.print_exc() sys.exit() if complete is not None: print coloured("DONE" if complete is None else complete, "GREEN", True) return public_output(private(self, '__%s_args'%fname), private(self, '__%s_kwargs'%fname)) return wrapped return wrap class ModelAnalysis(object): ''' `ModelAnalysis` is a helper class that can simplify the routine of running simulations, processing the results, and then plotting (or otherwise outputting) them. One simply need subclass `ModelAnalysis`, and implement the following methods: - prepare(self, *args, **kwargs) - simulate(self, *args, **kwargs) - process(self, *args, **kwargs) - plot(self, *args, **kwargs) Each of these methods is guaranteed to be called in the order specified above, with the return values of the previous method being fed forward to the next. Calling `process` (with no arguments), for example, will also call `prepare` and `simulate` in order, with the return values of `prepare` being passed to `simulate`, and the return values of `simulate` being passed to `process`. If a method is called directly with input values, then this chaining does not occur, and the method simply returns what it should. It is necessary to be a little bit careful about what one returns in these methods. In particular, this is the way in which return values are processed: - If a tuple is returned of length 2, and the first element is a tuple and the second a dict, then it is assumed that these are respectively the `args` and `kwargs` to be fed forward. - If a tuple is returned of any other length, or any of the above conditions fail, then these are assumed to be the `args` to be fed forward. - If a dictionary is returned, then these are assumed to be the `kwargs` to be fed forward. - Otherwise, the result is fed forward as the first non-keyword argument. .. note:: It is not necessary to return values at these steps, if it is unnecessary or if you prefer to save your results as attributes. .. note:: Return values of all of these methods will be cached, so each method will only be run once. ''' __metaclass__ = ABCMeta def __getattribute__(self, name): if name in ['prepare', 'process', 'simulate', 'plot']: return object.__getattribute__(self, '_ModelAnalysis__%s' % name ) else: return object.__getattribute__(self, name) @_model_wrapper(dependency=None, message="Preparing...", complete="DONE") def __prepare(self, *args, **kwargs): return object.__getattribute__(self, 'prepare')(*args, **kwargs) @_model_wrapper(dependency="prepare", message="Simulating...", complete="DONE") def __simulate(self, *args, **kwargs): return object.__getattribute__(self, 'simulate')(*args, **kwargs) @_model_wrapper(dependency="simulate", message="Processing...", complete="DONE") def __process(self, *args, **kwargs): return object.__getattribute__(self, 'process')(*args, **kwargs) @_model_wrapper(dependency="process", message="Plotting...", complete="DONE") def __plot(self, *args, **kwargs): return object.__getattribute__(self, 'plot')(*args, **kwargs) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.prepare(*args, **kwargs) @abstractmethod def prepare(self, *args, **kwargs): ''' This method should prepare the `ModelAnalysis` instance for calling the rest of the methods. It is invoked on class initialisation, with the arguments passed to the constructor. Any return values will be passed onto `simulate` if it is ever called with no arguments. ''' pass @abstractmethod def simulate(self, *args, **kwargs): ''' This method should perform whichever simulations are required. Any values returned will be passed onto `process` if it is ever called with no arguments. ''' pass @abstractmethod def process(self, *args, **kwargs): ''' This method should perform whatever processing is interesting on return values of `simulate`. Any values returned will be passed onto `plot` if it is ever called with no arguments. ''' pass @abstractmethod def plot(self, *args, **kwargs): ''' This method should perform whatever plotting/output is desired based upon return values of `process`. ''' pass
import dtlpy as dl import os import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def deploy_predict(package): input_to_init = { 'package_name': package.name, } logger.info('deploying package . . .') service_obj = package.services.deploy(service_name='predict', module_name='predict_module', package=package, runtime={'gpu': False, 'numReplicas': 1, 'concurrency': 2, 'runnerImage': 'buffalonoam/zazu-image:0.3' }, is_global=True, execution_timeout=60 * 60 * 1e10, init_input=input_to_init) return service_obj def deploy_model(package): input_to_init = { 'package_name': package.name, } logger.info('deploying package . . .') service_obj = package.services.deploy(service_name='trial', module_name='models_module', package=package, runtime={'gpu': True, 'numReplicas': 1, 'concurrency': 1, 'runnerImage': 'buffalonoam/zazu-image:0.3' }, is_global=True, execution_timeout=60 * 60 * 1e10, init_input=input_to_init) return service_obj def deploy_zazu(package): input_to_init = { 'package_name': package.name } logger.info('deploying package . . .') service_obj = package.services.deploy(service_name='zazu', module_name='zazu_module', package=package, runtime={'gpu': False, 'numReplicas': 1, 'concurrency': 2, 'runnerImage': 'buffalonoam/zazu-image:0.3' }, is_global=True, execution_timeout=60 * 60 * 1e10, init_input=input_to_init) return service_obj def deploy_zazu_timer(package, init_inputs): logger.info('deploying package . . .') service_obj = package.services.deploy(service_name='timer', module_name='zazu_timer_module', package=package, runtime={'gpu': False, 'numReplicas': 1, 'concurrency': 2, 'runnerImage': 'buffalonoam/zazu-image:0.3' }, is_global=True, execution_timeout=60*60*1e10, init_input=init_inputs) return service_obj def deploy_predict_item(package, model_id, checkpoint_id): input_to_init = {'model_id': model_id, 'checkpoint_id': checkpoint_id} service_obj = package.services.deploy(service_name='predict', module_name='predict_item_module', package=package, runtime={'gpu': False, 'numReplicas': 1, 'concurrency': 2, 'runnerImage': 'buffalonoam/zazu-image:0.3', 'podType': 'gpu-k80-m' }, is_global=True, execution_timeout=60 * 60 * 1e10, init_input=input_to_init) return service_obj def push_package(project): dataset_input = dl.FunctionIO(type='Dataset', name='dataset') train_query_input = dl.FunctionIO(type='Json', name='train_query') val_query_input = dl.FunctionIO(type='Json', name='val_query') hp_value_input = dl.FunctionIO(type='Json', name='hp_values') model_specs_input = dl.FunctionIO(type='Json', name='model_specs') checkpoint_path_input = dl.FunctionIO(type='Json', name='checkpoint_path') package_name_input = dl.FunctionIO(type='Json', name='package_name') configs_input = dl.FunctionIO(type='Json', name='configs') time_input = dl.FunctionIO(type='Json', name='time') test_dataset_input = dl.FunctionIO(type='Json', name='test_dataset_id') query_input = dl.FunctionIO(type='Json', name='query') item_input = dl.FunctionIO(type='Item', name='item') model_input = dl.FunctionIO(type='Json', name='model_id') checkpoint_input = dl.FunctionIO(type='Json', name='checkpoint_id') predict_inputs = [dataset_input, val_query_input, checkpoint_path_input, model_specs_input] model_inputs = [dataset_input, train_query_input, val_query_input, hp_value_input, model_specs_input] zazu_inputs = [configs_input] predict_function = dl.PackageFunction(name='run', inputs=predict_inputs, outputs=[], description='') model_function = dl.PackageFunction(name='run', inputs=model_inputs, outputs=[], description='') zazu_search_function = dl.PackageFunction(name='search', inputs=zazu_inputs, outputs=[], description='') zazu_predict_function = dl.PackageFunction(name='predict', inputs=zazu_inputs, outputs=[], description='') timer_update_function = dl.PackageFunction(name='update_time', inputs=time_input, outputs=[], description='') predict_item_function = dl.PackageFunction(name='predict_single_item', inputs=[item_input], outputs=[], description='') load_checkpoint_function = dl.PackageFunction(name='load_new_inference_checkpoint', inputs=[model_input, checkpoint_input], outputs=[], description='') predict_module = dl.PackageModule(entry_point='dataloop_services/predict_module.py', name='predict_module', functions=[predict_function], init_inputs=[package_name_input]) models_module = dl.PackageModule(entry_point='dataloop_services/trial_module.py', name='models_module', functions=[model_function], init_inputs=[package_name_input]) zazu_module = dl.PackageModule(entry_point='dataloop_services/zazu_module.py', name='zazu_module', functions=[zazu_search_function, zazu_predict_function], init_inputs=package_name_input) zazu_timer_module = dl.PackageModule(entry_point='dataloop_services/zazu_timer_module.py', name='zazu_timer_module', functions=[timer_update_function], init_inputs=[configs_input, time_input, test_dataset_input, query_input]) predict_item_module = dl.PackageModule(entry_point='dataloop_services/prediction_module.py', name='predict_item_module', functions=[predict_item_function, load_checkpoint_function], init_inputs=[model_input, checkpoint_input]) package_obj = project.packages.push( package_name='zazuml', src_path=os.getcwd(), modules=[predict_module, models_module, zazu_module, zazu_timer_module, predict_item_module]) return package_obj def update_service(project, service_name): package_obj = project.packages.get('zazuml') service = project.services.get(service_name) service.package_revision = package_obj.version service.update()
# this program use SymPy to symbolically derive several quantities that are described # in the notes: the (1) relaxation and buoyancy transfer functions, (2) the velocity # solutions, and (3) a limiting value of one of the eigenvalues of the problem. # # all of the printing is commented out; this file is best read/used in conjunction # with the derivation in the appendix. #---------------------- 1. ELEVATION SOLUTIONS---------------------------------- import sympy as sp import matplotlib.pyplot as plt nu = sp.Symbol('n') mu = sp.exp(nu) # use this matrix for floating ice: M = sp.Matrix(( [mu, -1/mu, nu*mu,-nu/mu], [mu, 1/mu, mu*(nu+1),(nu-1)/mu], [1, 1, 1,-1],[1,-1,0,0] )) b1 = sp.Symbol('b1') # proportional to h b2 = sp.Symbol('b2') # proportional to s # solution vector A,B,C,D = sp.symbols('A,B,C,D') # rhs vector: b = sp.Matrix(4,1,[b1,0,0,b2]) sol, = sp.linsolve((M,b),[A,B,C,D]) # vertical velocity at upper surface of ice sheet w_h = mu*sol[0] + (1/mu)*sol[1] + nu*mu*sol[2] + (nu/mu)*sol[3] # # print the result (modulo a 1/k factor) for floating ice: # sp.pprint(sp.collect(sp.collect(sp.collect(sp.simplify(w_h),b1),b2),mu) ) # Also need to print w_b for floating ice, since it is part of the solution # (modulo a 1/k factor) w_b = sol[0]+sol[1] # # print this: # sp.pprint(sp.collect(sp.collect(sp.collect(sp.simplify(w_b),b1),b2),mu) ) #---------------------- 2. VELOCITY SOLUTIONS------------------------------------ # # we also need the vertical velocity at an arbitrary depth z, which we can # # compute as follows: z = sp.Symbol('z') # w(z) modulo a 1/k factor w = sp.exp(nu*z)*sol[0] + (1/sp.exp(nu*z))*sol[1] + nu*z*sp.exp(nu*z)*sol[2] + nu*z*sol[3]/sp.exp(nu*z) # # print this: # sp.pprint(sp.simplify(sp.collect(sp.collect(sp.simplify(w.subs(b1,0)),b1),b2)) ) # coefficients from the elevation solution problem A,B,C,D = sol k = sp.Symbol('k') wb = (A+B)/k # w at z=0 wh = (A*mu + B/mu + nu*mu*C + nu*D/mu)/k # w at z=H wz0 = A-B+C+D # dw/dz at z=0 wzh = A*mu -B/mu +C*mu +C*nu*mu -D*nu/mu + D/mu # dw/dz at z=H # second derivative at z=H wzzh = A*k*mu + B*k/mu + 2*C*k*mu + C*k*nu*mu + D*k*nu/mu -2*D*k/mu # second derivative at z=0 wzz0 = k*(A+B+2*C-2*D) Ph = wzh - wz0*(mu+1/mu)/2- wzz0*(1/k)*(mu-1/mu)/2 # P(H) Pzh = wzzh - wz0*k*(mu-1/mu)/2 - wzz0*(mu+1/mu)/2 # P_z(H) b3 = -(k*wh + Pzh/k) # first rhs vector entry b4 = -(k*wb) # 2nd rhs vector entry # Matrix for horizontal surface velocity solutions M2 = sp.Matrix(( [mu, -1/mu],[1, -1])) # solution vector E,F = sp.symbols('E,F') # RHS vector: d = sp.Matrix(2,1,[b3,b4]) sol2, = sp.linsolve((M2,d),[E,F]) uh = Ph + sol2[0]*mu + sol2[1]/mu wz = A*sp.exp(nu*z) - B*sp.exp(-nu*z) + C*(1+nu*z)*sp.exp(nu*z)+ D*(1-nu*z)*sp.exp(-nu*z) coshkz = (sp.exp(nu*z) + sp.exp(-nu*z))/2 sinhkz = (sp.exp(nu*z) - sp.exp(-nu*z))/2 P = wz -wz0*coshkz- wzz0*sinhkz/k u = P + sol2[0]*sp.exp(nu*z) + sol2[1]*sp.exp(-nu*z) ## print velocity response functions # sp.pprint(sp.simplify((sp.collect(sp.collect(u.subs(b2,0),b1),b2)))) #----------------------- 3. EIGENVALUE LIMIT------------------------------------ k = sp.Symbol('k',positive=True) d = sp.Symbol('delta',positive=True) mu = sp.exp(k) R0 = (mu**4)+4*k*(mu**2)-1 D = k*(mu**4-2*(1+2*k**2)*(mu**2)+1) B0 = 2*(k+1)*(mu**3) + 2*(k-1)*mu R = R0/D B = B0/D # symbolic expression for the larger eigenvalue in the problem: lamda = -(d+1)*R*(1- sp.sqrt((4*d/(d+1)**2)*((B0/R0)**2 -1) + 1))/2 # take the limit as k --> 0: L = sp.limit(lamda,k,0) # # print the limit: # sp.pprint(sp.factor(sp.simplify(L)))
<reponame>JustM3Dev/Minecraft # Imports, sorted alphabetically. # Python packages import random # Third-party packages # Nothing for now... # Modules from this project from blocks import * # # Base # class SmallPlant: block = None grows_on = grass_block, dirt_block @classmethod def add_to_world(cls, world, position, sync=False): world.add_block(position, cls.block, sync=sync) class Trunk: block = None height_range = 4, 8 grows_on = () def __init__(self, position, block=None, height_range=None): if block is not None: self.block = block if height_range is not None: self.height_range = height_range x, y, z = position self.height = random.randint(*self.height_range) self.blocks = {} for dy in range(self.height): self.blocks[(x, y + dy, z)] = self.block @classmethod def add_to_world(cls, world, position, sync=False): trunk = cls(position) for item in list(trunk.blocks.items()): world.add_block(*item, sync=sync) class Tree: trunk_block = None leaf_block = None trunk_height_range = 4, 8 grows_on = grass_block, dirt_block, snowgrass_block @classmethod def add_to_world(cls, world, position, sync=False): trunk = Trunk(position, block=cls.trunk_block, height_range=cls.trunk_height_range) for item in list(trunk.blocks.items()): world.add_block(*item, force=False, sync=sync) x, y, z = position height = trunk.height treetop = y + height # Leaves generation d = height // 3 + 1 for xl in range(x - d, x + d): dx = abs(xl - x) for yl in range(treetop - d, treetop + d): for zl in range(z - d, z + d): # Don't replace existing blocks if (xl, yl, zl) in world: continue # Avoids orphaned leaves if not world.has_neighbors((xl, yl, zl), set((cls.trunk_block, cls.leaf_block))): continue dz = abs(zl - z) # The farther we are (horizontally) from the trunk, # the least leaves we can find. if random.uniform(0, dx + dz) > 0.6: continue world.add_block((xl, yl, zl), cls.leaf_block, force=False, sync=sync) # # Small plants # class WaterMelon(SmallPlant): block = melon_block grows_on = grass_block, dirt_block, snowgrass_block class Pumpkin(SmallPlant): block = pumpkin_block grows_on = grass_block, dirt_block, snowgrass_block class YFlowers(SmallPlant): block = yflowers_block class Potato(SmallPlant): block = potato_block class Carrot(SmallPlant): block = carrot_block class Rose(SmallPlant): block = rose_block class TallGrass(SmallPlant): block = fern_block class TallGrass0(SmallPlant): block = wildgrass0_block grows_on = grass_block, dirt_block class TallGrass1(SmallPlant): block = wildgrass1_block grows_on = grass_block, dirt_block class TallGrass2(SmallPlant): block = wildgrass2_block grows_on = grass_block, dirt_block class TallGrass3(SmallPlant): block = wildgrass3_block grows_on = grass_block, dirt_block class TallGrass4(SmallPlant): block = wildgrass4_block grows_on = grass_block, dirt_block class TallGrass5(SmallPlant): block = wildgrass5_block grows_on = grass_block, dirt_block class TallGrass6(SmallPlant): block = wildgrass6_block grows_on = grass_block, dirt_block class TallGrass7(SmallPlant): block = wildgrass7_block grows_on = grass_block, dirt_block class DeadBush(SmallPlant): block = deadbush_block grows_on = sand_block, sandstone_block class DesertGrass(SmallPlant): block = desertgrass_block grows_on = sand_block, sandstone_block # # Tall plants # class Cactus(Trunk): block = cactus_block height_range = 1, 4 grows_on = sand_block, sandstone_block class TallCactus(Trunk): block = tallcactus_block height_range = 1, 10 grows_on = sand_block, sandstone_block class Reed(Trunk): block = reed_block height_range = 1, 4 grows_on = sand_block, dirt_block # # Trees # class OakTree(Tree): trunk_block = oakwood_block leaf_block = oakleaf_block class JungleTree(Tree): trunk_block = junglewood_block leaf_block = jungleleaf_block trunk_height_range = 8, 12 class BirchTree(Tree): trunk_block = birchwood_block leaf_block = birchleaf_block trunk_height_range = 5, 7 SMALL_PLANTS = set(( WaterMelon, Pumpkin, YFlowers, Potato, Carrot, Rose, TallGrass, TallGrass0, TallGrass1, TallGrass2, TallGrass3, TallGrass4, TallGrass5, TallGrass6, TallGrass7, DeadBush, DesertGrass, )) TALL_PLANTS = set(( Cactus, TallCactus, Reed, )) PLANTS = SMALL_PLANTS | TALL_PLANTS TREES = set(( OakTree, JungleTree, BirchTree, )) VEGETATION = PLANTS | TREES TREE_BLOCKS = set(tree.trunk_block for tree in TREES) LEAF_BLOCKS = set(tree.leaf_block for tree in TREES) PLANT_BLOCKS = set(plant.block for plant in PLANTS) VEGETATION_BLOCKS = PLANT_BLOCKS | TREE_BLOCKS | LEAF_BLOCKS