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5,501 | health | 29 countries with life expectancy over 80 years in 2015 compared to 15 in 2007 Life expectancy gain has been greatest in the African region – five and a half more years in a period of just eight years. | 29 markanakaw 2015 maran jakaw ur 80 mara jakañ suyt'apxi, 15 kikipt'awin niya ukham 2007 marana uñjasiraki. Jakaw jiltawix africa uksa tuqun mä juk`amp phisqa chikatan mara niya kimsaqallq mar mirantarakitäna. |
5,502 | health | Firstly, it is heavily used as a growth promoter in animal feed, particularly pigs. | Näyraqatx, jilayasir kast manq’anakax , utjayamxi ukampirusa aka khuchhinakatakirakiwa. |
5,503 | health | Such water-treating household appliances supply tap water as a cost-effective and no less healthy alternative to water from plastic bottles. | Pilat um apaqasaw suma umar tukuyir uka electrodomesticonakax apnaqasi, janiw plástico botellanakat um ukar uchasiñapäkiti. |
5,504 | health | These medical schools in Georgia also fulfill the education licensing requirements for physicians. | Georgia markankir uka escuelas de medicinanakaxa, licencia de educación para médicos ukatakix requisitonak phoqapxarakiwa. |
5,505 | health | Memory may be insufficient, the file may be missing or in use, or the quarantine list may be full. | Memoriax juk’akïspawa, uka archivox faltaspawa jan ukax apnaqasiskaspawa, jan ukasti cuarentena listax phoqantatäspawa. |
5,506 | health | Health effects associated with exposure to hex chrome can include irritation or damage to the skin and eyes. | Cromo hexagonal ukanïki uka lugaranakankkasaxa, jañchisaru jan ukax nayranakasaruw usuchjistaspa jan ukax jan walt’ayaspa. |
5,507 | health | Once a patient’s disease has progressed, long-term follow-up will be initiated every 3 months. | Mä jaqix usupattï waliptaskchi ukhaxa, sapa 3 phaxsinakakiw uñjayasxañapa. |
5,508 | health | “Our study was the first to demonstrate that the presence and severity of coronary blockages do not go away with quitting smoking, but that the risk of heart attack and death does,” revealed Dr James K. Min, one of the study’s authors. | “Bloqueos coronaries ukanakan utjatapasa jan ukax ukanakan peort’atapax janiw maynix jan fumxi ukhax chhaqtkiti, jan ukasti uka jaqir jan mä ataque cardíaco uk churañapataki jan ukax jan jiwañapatakiw yanapt’i, ukanak nanakaw nayraqat yatxatapxta” sasaw James K. Min doctorax säna, jupax uka estudio luririnakat maynirïnwa. |
5,509 | health | Focus: Chronic diseases - new global challenge — Medicus Mundi Switzerland | Wakiskiri: Jaya tiempotaki usunaka: ukax uraqpachan atipjañaw wakisi — Suiza markankir Medicus Mundi |
5,510 | health | Whereas, in order to be able to respond more effectively to requests addressed to them, Community bodies, the Member States and those involved in the field should be able to have recourse to an Agency in order to obtain technical, scientific and economic data of use in the field of health and safety | Ak amuyt’apxañäni, apayapki uka solicitudanakar juk’amp sum jaysañatakixa, ukankir Estadonakasa uka tuqin yanapt’irinakas ukax kunjamsa luraña uk yatiñatakisa, científico tuqit yatiñatakisa, salud y seguridad ukan qullqi tuqit kunjamasa uk yatiñatakisa mä Agenciampiw yanapt’ayasipxaspa |
5,511 | health | 18 healthy women and 18 women with major depressive disorder were exposed and sham-exposed in randomized order. | Q’umara 18 warminakampi trastorno depresivo ukani 18 warminakampixa, exponita jan ukax mä juk’a exponitaw uñjasipxäna, jupanakarus ukwa amuyayapxäna. |
5,512 | health | The agreement with Hetero is focused on providing oseltamivir for government pandemic use and will have an immediate effect on the availability in India and developing countries – both directly and through further agreements with local companies. | Hetero ukaxa oseltamivir uk pandemiataki gobiernor jan faltayañatakiw ch’amachasi, ukax India markana ukhamarak qullqi tuqit jiltaskir yaqha markanakanwa yanapt’ani, uka qulla utjañapatakiw yanapt’ani ukatxa uka markankir empresanakampi acuerdonak lurañatakiw yanapt’ani. |
5,513 | health | It is cheap. | Wali iraqatarakiwa. |
5,514 | health | It's the only way to make sure the virus is eradicated. | Ukhamatakwa uka virusax wiñayatak chhaqtayasispa. |
5,515 | health | The skin will feel soft and supple and have a healthy appearance. | Jañchisax juk’amp quñäniwa janirakiw qhulükaniti, janiw ukakïkiti wali sumwa uñnaqarakini. |
5,516 | health | In May 2007, at a staff medical check-up, the doctor diagnosed my sister with mid to late stage cirrhosis of the liver. | 2007 maran mayo phaxsinxa, doctoranakax kunjamäsipkisa ukwa uñjasïna, ukhaxa kullakajarux cirrosis hepática ukanïtapa mä juk’a avanzatarakïtapwa yatiyapxäna. |
5,517 | health | Medical or dental treatment chair according to any of claims 7 to 9, characterized in that, the actuating member (41) is a grip nose (72) or a grip strip extending in particular transversely to the vertical longitudinal middle plane of the treatment chair. | Doctorampi jan ukax dentistampi atiendiyasiñatak silla, ukanakax 7 ukat 9 ukakam reivindicaciones satäki ukarjamawa, lurki ukaxa (41) katt’añatak mä nasawa (72) jan ukax qullañatak sillat plano medio longitudinal vertical ukjat katt’asi. |
5,518 | health | Healthy animals, which have been acclimated to laboratory conditions for at least five days and have not been subjected to previous experimental procedures, should be used. | Janiw usuntat animalanakax apnaqasiñapäkiti, ukatxa laboratorion jichüxañapatakix mä phisqa urunak ukankxañapa, janiw ukakïkiti nayrax janiw kuna experimentonak luratäñapäkiti. |
5,519 | health | Gael, I know you wouldn't have been exposed to the virus if it wasn't for me. | Gael, janitï nayäkiriskayätxa janiw uka virusamp contagiatäkasmänti. |
5,520 | health | Receive medical treatment immediately without attempting to throw up forced. | Ratukiw doctoranakamp atiendiyasiñama, janirakiw waq’aqsuñatak obligasiñamäkiti. |
5,521 | health | So “citizenship rights,” but no health care? | Ukhamax ¿”derechos de ciudadano” ukanïsas janit doctoranakamp atiendiyaskaspa? |
5,522 | health | Together with the Faculty Health and the Faculty Automotive Engineering we are the Campus Wolfsburg. | Facultad de Salud ukampi Facultad de Ingeniería Automotriz ukampix Campus Wolfsburg ukäpxtwa. |
5,523 | health | These diseases are media illnesses, infest our thoughts and spread through the newspaper, through television and over the radio. | Uka usunakaxa enfermedades mediáticas ukanakawa, amuyusaruw jan walt’ayi ukatxa periódico, televisión, radio tuqnamaw miratattaraki. |
5,524 | health | Secondly, it is a last-line-of-defense antibiotic in treating seriously-ill patients whose infection is resistant to other antibiotics. | Päyiripansti aka usu qullaxa iñaw janchinak qullanakampiw wali jan walt’ir usutanak qullasiskaraki, wali askirakiwa yaqha jan iñawtir qullanakampitsa. |
5,525 | health | Transmission In clinical trials with ZOSTAVAX, transmission of the vaccine virus has not been reported. | Katkatayaña ZOSTAVAX ukampi luraski uka investigacionanakarjamaxa, vacunaski uka virusax janiw mayninakar contagiatap yatiyaskiti. |
5,526 | health | Inflammatory bowel disease. | Jiphillanakan inflamatorio usu. |
5,527 | health | The Tepidarium is a regenerating bath at 40 to 45 °C which strengthens the immune system by triggering a “healthy fever” | Tepidarium ukax bañasiñatakiwa 40 ukjat 45 °C ukjakam junt’urakiwa, ukaxa “sumaptayir calentura” churayasax sistema inmunológico ukarux ch’amañchiwa |
5,528 | health | Power Plate keeps you healthy, fit, and in shape. | Power Plate ukax jan usuntañamatakiw yanapt’tamxa, jan lik’iptañatakiw yanapt’araktamxa. |
5,529 | health | We provide health services, medical care adults and children completed simple laboratory examens special occupational medicine services to mining companies. | Laboratorion fácil lurañanak lurayasipki uka jilïr jaqinakarusa wawanakarusa qullañ kastanakat atiendipxta, doctorampis uñjapxaraktwa, minero empresanakarus mineronakarux kunat uñjañti wakiskaspa ukanak kastat doctoramp uñjayapxaraktwa. |
5,530 | health | Svetlana Dobronravova sued the government of the capital, Emergency Situations and Health Ministry. | Svetlana Dobronravova jupaxa capitalankir gobiernoru, situaciones de emergencia ukaru, Ministerio de Salud ukanakaruw demandäna. |
5,531 | health | The Member States shall ensure that prior to launch the Marketing Authorisation Holder provides health care professionals in dialysis centres and retail pharmacies with: | Ukankir Estadonakaxa, janïr mistkipan aljasiñapataki autorizatäki uka encaragatax qullasin trabajipki ukanakar diálisis luraski ukanaka, jisk’a farmacianak churañapwa uñjaskani: |
5,532 | health | The company has also acquired the occupational health and safety certifi cation OHSAS 18001:2007. | Empresaxa OHSAS 18001:2007 uka irnaqäwin seguridad y salud ukat mä certificado katuqawayaraki. |
5,533 | health | Responding to AIDS at the workplace involves prevention, medical care and a supportive, unprejudiced working environment. | SIDA ukanïpki ukanakar uñjasaxa trabajo lugaran jan uk katuñatak cuidasiñaw wakisi, doctoranakaw atiendipxañaparaki, lugaranxa usutar yanapt’apxañapawa janirakiw yaqhachapxañapäkiti. |
5,534 | health | Moreover, the US has one of the highest rates of childhood poverty among the advanced countries (which was especially true before austerity policies dramatically increased poverty in several European countries), and lack of nutrition and health care in childhood has lifelong effects. | Janiw ukakïkiti, wali nayrankapki uka markanakat sipansa Estados Unidos markan walja pobre wawanakaw utji (políticas de austeridad ukanak Europa markankir walja markanakan pobreza utjaykäna uka tiempot nayraw juk’ampix ukhamäna), mä wawatï jan sum alimentaskani doctorampis jan uñjayaskarakini ukhax jilïrkamaw ukax afectani. |
5,535 | health | This is typical of the story of antimicrobial resistance more generally: an antibiotic used in veterinary and agricultural practice in animals produces drug-resistant strains of the infective organism, and when people acquire similar infections they face a situation in which the antibiotic will not work. | Aka antivacteriano sat qullanakax taqpach: mä jan iñawtayir qullañatakiw aptataskaraki aka uywanak qullirinakaw ukampirus quqanakat uñjirinakampiw apnaqataski iñawitir usunakax aka qullanakarux inapachax wali timtkatasraki, janiw qullaskarakiti. |
5,536 | health | After they break an insect on a stone and, without causing harm to their health, they swallow it. | Mä laq’uru jan usuchjasa qalar pachjasaxa manq’antapxiwa. |
5,537 | health | javascript:void(0); View Virus Log | javascript:void(0); Virusat kuna registronakas utji uk uñjatam |
5,538 | health | Click Restore from Quarantine . | Cuarentena siski ukjatxa Restaurar siski uka chiqar llimt’am. |
5,539 | health | We know that a safe, comfortable and healthy working environment is critical when it comes to developing creative, high-value professionals. | Sum amuyt’asiri, trabajup wali sum luriri profecionalanak utjañapatakixa, trabajiñatak lugaranakax seguröpxañapawa, sumäpxañapawa, janirakiw ukan trabajirinakarux usuntaykañapäkiti. |
5,540 | health | Infected individuals and any individuals who have come into contact with them are instructed to quarantine themselves, or will be forcibly quarantined. | Contagiata jaqinakarusa, contagiatampi chikäpkana uka jaqinakarus cuarentenankapxañamawa, jan ist’asipkäta ukhax mun jan munaw cuarentenar uchapxäma sasaw sapxi. |
5,541 | health | No matter whether the work involves protecting the health of your employees, protecting the environment or fulfilling legal requirements: we specialise in dealing with medical waste and fulfil the highest standards – along the whole of the supply chain. | Trabajutï trabajirinakan jan usuntapxañapatak uñjañasa, aka uraqir cuidañasa jan ukax liyinakax kun lurapxañaptï mayki uk phuqayañas wakischixa walikïskaniwa: nanakax cadena de suministro uñt’atäki ukanak lurasaxa, qullañatak apnaqaskäna jichhax liwtasxaraki ukanakwa sumachapxta, mayiski ukarjamaw phuqapxarakta. |
5,542 | health | youth alcohol - increased risk of homicide health precaution | wayn tawaqunakan alcohol umapxatapa: uk lurasaxa cuerpop sumäñap contraw sayt’asipkaspa |
5,543 | health | Their special fields are health, Wellness, medicine, psychology, creativity, work and occupation. | Akanakan especializatawa: qullañ tuqita, jaqinakan jan usuntapxañapataki, psicología tuqita, suma amuyt’asiripxañap tuqita, trabajuna, lurañanak tuqina. |
5,544 | health | Away from a healthy, active life? | ¿Janit q’umaräkta ni ejercicionaksa lurkarakta? |
5,545 | health | For me personally, a bike is much more than just a way to get from A to B. Cycling is a fantastic way to get fit and stay healthy. | Nayatakixa bicicletax janiw mä lugarat yaqha lugarar sarañatakïkiti. Biciclet apnaqañax cuerposan sumäñapataki jan usuntañatakiw yanapt’istu. |
5,546 | health | The researchers found a resistance gene (MCR-1) in the E. | Uñakipiranakax (MCR-1) E. ukanrak jikxatapxatayna. |
5,547 | health | Do you anticipate to obtain amazing physique and health and wellness? | ¿Jan lik’ïña, jan usuntaña, sumäñti amtta? |
5,548 | health | Finally, many countries are recognising that the indebtedness of developing countries is an intolerable burden on their economies and acts as a brake on their capacity to combat poverty effectively, let alone the pandemic. | Tukuyañayaki, jichhak nayrar sartasipki uka markanakan manunakapax pobreza jan utj-xañapatakisa, pandemia chhaqtayañatakis janiw yanapt’kiti sasaw walja markanakax amuyapxi. |
5,549 | health | A new understanding of human disease | Jaqinakan usunakapat jichhax ukhamaw amuyasxi |
5,550 | health | Accepted students cover their expenses for flights, medical examination (mandatory part of the application) and travel health insurance. | Aceptatäpki uka yatiqirinakax avionat sarañatakisa, doctoramp mä examen lurayasiñatakisa (solicitudan ukax obligatoriowa), seguro de salud de viaje uksa jupanakaw pagasipxañapa. |
5,551 | health | Therefore it is important to keep your bowels healthy. | Ukhamaxa, jiphillañanakapan sumäskakiñapataki uñjañax wali wakiskiriwa. |
5,552 | health | If your BMI is 40 or more - your health is at risk EXTREME (death!). | Juman IMC ukamatï 40 ukjat jilächi ukhax JAN WALIPUNIWA (¡jiwasmawa!). |
5,553 | health | On numerous occasions our country has had to face up to new diseases affecting people, plantations and herds, many of them deliberately introduced. | Walja kutixa, markasax jaqinakana, quqanakana, uywanakan usunakaparuw saykatawayi, uka usunakat jilapartix amanutwa utjayasiwayi. |
5,554 | health | A healthy intestinal flora and important for the skin, nails and hair. | Janchisana, sillunakasana, ñik’utasan sumäñapatakixa, flora intestinal satäki ukax q’umaräñapawa. |
5,555 | health | If this continues, the result will be animal suffering on an even greater scale than now exists in the West, as well as more environmental damage and a rise in heart disease and cancers of the digestive system. | Ukhamakïskani ukhaxa, Occidente ukhan utji ukat sipansa uka animalanakax juk’ampiw t’aqisipxani, uraqirus jan walt’ayarakiniwa, cardíaco usunakasa sistema digestivo ukan utjki uka canceranakas juk’ampirakiw jilxattaspa. |
5,556 | health | secrets of centenarians health precaution. | patak maranïxapxi ukanakan jan usunpxañapatak cuidadonaka. |
5,557 | health | coli bacterium in pigs. | Kuli iñawtir usunak khuchhinakata. |
5,558 | health | They must have side effects that risk your health. | Ukanakax cuerposar mä tiempot jan walt’ayañapawa. |
5,559 | health | a ban on medical or scientific experiments on people with disabilities | discapacidadanïpki ukanakarux qullañ tuqita ciencia tuqit experimentonak lurañ prohibitäñapawa |
5,560 | health | 1. Where a Member State has valid reasons to consider that a product which it has authorized or is bound to authorize under Article 10 constitutes a risk to human or animal health or the environment, it may provisionally restrict or prohibit the use and/or sale of that product on its territory. | 1. Kunapachatï ukankir mä Estadux kunatï nayrax autorizaciwaykäna jan ukax artículo 10 ukarjam autorizañapatak obligawayapkäna ukanakax uraqiru, jaqinakaru jan ukax animalanakaru jan walt’ayatap amuyani ukhax ukan apnaqasiñapsa aljasiñapsa markapan prohibiñapawa. |
5,561 | health | A crucial issue under discussion is the situation of Austrian artists in relation to health insurance and social security for artists as well as the debate on an 'extended notion of art'. | Austria markankir artistanakataki seguro de salud ukampita artistanakataki seguridad social ukampit mä acuerdor mantañatakiw parlasiski, “noción extendida de arte” siski ukatsa parlasiskarakiwa. |
5,562 | health | The glucose and fat metabolism as well as the energy balance differ in healthy women and men, especially as far as various disorders such as obesity and diabetes are concerned. | Q’umara chachanakana warminakana equilibrio energético sasin uñt’atäki ukasa grasanakana glucosa ukan metabolismopasa janiw igualäkiti, wali lik’ïñasa diabetes usunïñas chachanaknsa warminakans janirakiw igualäkiti. |
5,563 | health | Sustained response rates with PegIntron + ribavirin (by ribavirin dose, genotype and viral load) | PegIntron + ribavirina (ribavirina ukat sapa dosis uchasaxa, genotipo ukampi carga viral ukampiw uchasiñapa) ukax tasas de respuesta ukampiw mentenisi. |
5,564 | health | A method according to claim 258, wherein a co - morbidity chronic kidney disease after the administration of the polymer and of the base is reduced or is shining. | Reivindicación 258 ukarjamaxa, riñonanakan jaya tiempo usunakat paya jan ukax juk’amp usunakani jaqinakarux polímero ukampi base ukamp uchasi ukhax juk’aptiwa jan ukax juk’amp llijkiriwa. |
5,565 | health | Whereas the provisions of this Directive apply without prejudice to Community provisions on health and safety at the workplace, | Jichha Directivan normanakapax jan yaqhachasaw kunanakatï markachirinakax churapki uka trabajo lugaran salud y seguridad ukanak apnaqapxi, |
5,566 | health | It is effective in treating different types of infections caused by bacteria such as infections of the upper and lower respiratory tracts (tonsillitis, pneumonia, Legionnaire's disease, bronchitis, pertuss | Kunayman infeccionanakwa qullapxi, infecciones de las vías respiratorias superiores e inferiores ukanakwa qulli (amigdalitis, neumonía, legionelosis, bronquitis, tos ferina ukanaka |
5,567 | health | You may recall that only a few years ago SARS, avian flu, swine flu and its reissue as N1H1 happened in turn, with global publicity about "a feared pandemic" after the first diagnosis of each disease; and, ever so handily, vaccines were at the ready. | Mä qhawqha maranak nayraxa SARS, gripe aviar, gripe porcina ukat jutiri N1H1 usunakaw qalltaskäna, ukatxa sapa usu utjatap yatisax “wali axsarkañ pandemia” utjani sasaw uraqpachan yatiyasïna; ukampis vacunanakax facilakiw taqi ukanakatak lurasïna. |
5,568 | health | The gene also had the dangerous capability to transfer and confer resistance on other bacteria. | Gen satax wali jan waliw ruqakiptatayna wali ch’ulxiw aka iñawtir usunakatak lurasiritayna. |
5,569 | health | The increasing life expectancy and the improved health of older people over a longer period are also attributable to therapeutic and preventive measures, in addition to other factors. | Chuymankipstat jaqenakan juk’amp jaya tiempo jakapxañapatakisa, juk'amp sum jakasipxañapatakisa, usunakap qollañataki jan ukax jutïrin jan usuñapatak tratamientonak luraña ukat yaqha ukhamanakaw yanapt’aspa. |
5,570 | health | Attention to the spine and joints with American manual techniques, chiropractic care for the maintenance or restoration of health in general, back pain, neck pain and head. | Columna vertebral, articulaciones ukanak América tuqit jutir técnicas manuales ukanakampiw atiendisi, jikhanita, kunkata, p’eqeta jan ukax cuerpot sumäskakiñatakisa jan ukax walirtañatakis cuidado quiropráctico uk lurasiraki. |
5,571 | health | Falling hCG may indicate that trophoblastic disease or germ cell tumors of the testes are responding to treatment; rising hCG may indicate that cancer is not responding to therapy | hCG ukan juk’akïtapaxa, trofoblástica usuna jan ukax testiculonakan células germinales ukan tumoranakapax qollasiskatapwa uñacht’ayi; hCG ukan jilxatatapax cancerax terapiampi qollasiñatak jan funcionatapwa uñacht’ayaspa |
5,572 | health | Citrix Health Monitoring and Recovery | Citrix ukax kunjamäskisa uk supervisañataki ukhamarak recuperañataki |
5,573 | health | The greatest humanitarian need is for water and food supplies, as well as accommodation and medical care. | Taqi jaqinakatakixa uma ukhamarak manq’añanakwa juk’amp wakiskirixa, ukatxa mä alojamientosa qullayasiñas wali wakiskirirakiwa. |
5,574 | health | Health direct insurance business pursued on a non–similar technical basis to life insurance shall be segmented into Non–Life line of business 1 to 3. | Utjki uka seguros directos de salud uka negocionakat kawkiritï seguros de vida ukat sipan mayja lurapkani ukanakax negocio de no vida 1 uka 3 ukakam listanwa uchasini. |
5,575 | health | To promote new findings to enhance human functioning and to reduce the impact of health conditions on people’s lives | Cuerposan sum funcionañapatakisa usunak utjipan jaqinakax jan aynacht’apxañapatakis machaq investigacionanak lurañawa wakisi |
5,576 | health | The ankle joint swells and it hurts: how to treat diseases? | Mä ch’akhampi yaqha ch’akhampi mayachki uka tobilloxa p’usuntiwa, usurakiwa: ¿kunjamsa ukanakax qullasispa? |
5,577 | health | It is mandatory to inform and obtain written consent from the patients in order to obtain ethically, legally and medically substantiated samples. | Janïr uk lurkasax pacienterux yatiyañasapuniwa ukatxa permisop qillqatwa katuqañasaraki, ukhamatakwa leyinakarjama, muestras certificadas ética, muestras médicas ukanak lursna. |
5,578 | health | The substantial reported increase in sales at Consumer Health was mainly attributable to sales of products acquired from Merck & Co., Inc., United States, and to currency effects. | Consumer Health ukan juk’amp aljasitapaxa, Estados Unidos markankir Merck & Co., Inc., ukat kunanakatï alasiwayki ukanakaw alirinak jilxattayawayi, qullqin cambionak utjatapas yanapt’awayarakiwa. |
5,579 | health | In response to this research, in November 2016, the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture banned the use of colistin as an animal feed additive. | Aka uñakipat jiskt’awiruw, lapakphaxsin aka 2016 märanwa Uraqit uñjirinakaw Chinunakaw waki jark’asiwayapxarakitayna uywanak jan churañapataki. |
5,580 | health | Depending on the results of the follow-up tests and examinations, some participants may receive additional telephone follow-up calls from the study staff, or come in for additional medical tests and examinations. | Pruebanakapasa exámenes de seguimiento ukanakapas kunjamas mistuni ukarjamaw yaqhip pacientenakax llamadanak tuqiti seguimiento lurasispa jan ukax pruebanakampi exámenes médicos ukanakamp lurayasiñatak jutañapach wakisi uk amuyasini. |
5,581 | health | This is to serve for your safety, too, in order to definitely exclude potential hidden diseases before your participating in a study. | Ukax juman seguröñamatakiw yanapt’araki, ukhamat janïra mä estudio lurayaskasin jan kuna usu utjatapat jan pächasiñataki. |
5,582 | health | A pharmaceutical composition according to claim 1 or 12, characterized in that the virus is provided as a whole virus, a virus-like particle or a virus-cleaving product. | Composición farmacéutica ukax reivindicación 1 jan ukax 12 ukarjamawa, virusan phuqatätapaw ukan juk’amp qhansti, virusar uñtata jan ukax virusat jutir jaljtat mä jisk’a particulawa. |
5,583 | health | Before utilizing gynexin individuals may question Is Gynexin good to health. | Gynexin uk jaqinakar janïr uchkasaxa, Gynexin ukax jaqinakar jan walt’ayaspati ukwa amuyapxañapa. |
5,584 | health | K: Basically I see my medical foundations and my time at the hospital as part of my artistic education so obviously biological-scientific issues do come up in my current work. | K: Nayatakixa, qullirjamax kuna funamentonakas utjitu ukasa hospitalan qhawqha tiempotï trabajkta ukasa mä artistjam formasiñatakiw yanapt’itu, cheqans ukaxa biológico-científicos uka tuqinakanwa trabajojan problemanak utjayi. |
5,585 | health | Jobs in Health care/Social services (Sector) - | Salud tuqin trabajonaka/Servicios Sociales (Sector) - |
5,586 | health | There are many stories in the Lyme disease patient community of people going misdiagnosed and remaining that way for many months or even years with a chronic and incurable illness such as MS or ALS when their symptoms are actually caused by a curable infection, Lyme disease. | Lyme usu taypinkirinakatxa waljaniw nayraqatax usup ratuk jan katjapkänti, jupanakax walja phaxsinaka jan ukax walja maranakaw EM jan ukax ELA uka jan qullqaya crónico usunïpxatap amuyapxi, ukampis jan qullkay infeccionanïpxatap laykuw ukham jikxatasipxi, Lyme usu causaw ukham jikxatasipxi. |
5,587 | health | These types of male enhancement pills are generally safe, all-natural, you will not need a prescription or need to see a medical doctor, and they are so affordable. | Chachanakar yanapt’ir uka pildoranak umañax jilapartix janiw maynirux jan walt’aykaspati, naturalanakawa, janiw receta churatakix umkasmati, ni doctorar jiskt’añamas wakiskaniti, janirakiw walja qullqitakïkisa. |
5,588 | health | Patients can access the virtual medical centre from their smartphones, specifically the eedoctors app, which has been available since May 2017. | Smartphones celularanakapatpachwa pacientenakax doctoramp atiendiyasipxaspa, eedoctors sat aplicación tuqiw conectasipxaspa, ukaxa mayo de 2017 ukjatpachaw funcionxi. |
5,589 | health | WHO supports the work of the Ministry of Health and coordinates the activities of national and international health partners serving the Syrian population in Turkey. | OMS ukaxa kuntï Ministerio de Salud ukax lurki ukarux apoyiwa ukatxa markankiri ukhamarak yaqha markanakankiri asocitanakax kunjamsa Turquía markan jakir sirionakaru salud tuqit yanapt’asini ukwa organist’i. |
5,590 | health | One of the lead researchers, Professor Jianzhong Shen, of Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Food Nutrition and Human Health, said: “The antibiotic usage in food animals is indeed becoming a global issue associated with food safety and public health. | Mä uñakipir jaqinakax näyraqat, Jianzhong Shen,sat yatichiriw Centro de Inovacion Avanzada sat irptirinakaw aka manq’anakat Beijin markanaktpachwa suma jakkir manq’anakampiwa jaqinakar suma ch’amanchayapxi. |
5,591 | health | (e) throughout the production process the fresh meat shall be clearly identified, and transported and stored separately from meat of different animal health status in accordance with this Directive. | e) taqi kun luraskipanxa, fresco aychax suma uñt’kayäñapawa, ukatxa kawkir aychanakatï uka aychat sipan mayjäpki ukampix janiw mä pachpaki ma lugarat yaqha lugararux apasiñapäkiti ni imasiñapäkisa, ukham lurasax jichha Directivax siski ukarjamäniwa. |
5,592 | health | One of these studies, an analysis of 40 Parkinson's patients compiled by French researchers, shows that the respiratory function of those with the disease is significantly weaker than that of healthy individuals.It appears that in the early stages of the disease, the function of the muscles involved | Mä yatxatäwirjamaxa, Parkinson usuni 40 pacientenakaruw mä análisis lurasïna Francia markat jutiri investigadoranakampi kunaw ukax lurasïna, análisis luraskäna ukarjamaxa, usutäpki ukanakax janiw q’umara jaqinakjam sum samsupkiti. Amuyatax usux jichhak qalltaski ukhaxa, ukar yanapt’apki uka musculonakax |
5,593 | health | There is then the added benefit for the health of the brain. | Ukatxa p’iqisan sum funcionañapatakiw yanapt’araki. |
5,594 | health | Formaldehyde is, moreover, a volatile substance so that there is also a health risk by inhalation. | Formaldehído ukaxa ratukiw evaporacirakispa, ukhamax uk samsuñax cuerposaruw jan walt’ayarakispa. |
5,595 | health | Timely treatment of osteoporosis - a disease that causes refinement and brittleness of the bones - can save from the fracture of the spine. | Osteoporosis usuxa ch’akhanakarux refinamiento churayi facilak p’akisir ch’akhanakaruw tukuyaraki, ukhamax horasapar tratamiento churañax columna vertebralan jan p’akisiñapatakiw yanapt’aspa. |
5,596 | health | Majority of patients with developed atheroma are men and the risk of the disease increases with age. | Ateroma avanzata uka usunïpki ukanakat jilapartix chachanakawa, ukhamarus maynix juk’amp edadanïxi ukhax uka usux peort’aspawa. |
5,597 | health | In any event, take the employee health-care burden off employers. | Kunjamäpansa, trabajo churirinakarux trabajirinakapar doctoranakamp uñjayapki uka trabajo apaqam. |
5,598 | health | Contaminated water or food can cause a variety of diseases that range from mild and short-lived symptoms (e.g. vomiting, diarrhoea) to longer and more severe diseases (e.g. cholera, typhoid, hepatitis A). | Contanimata umasa manq’añanakasa kunayman usunakaw utjayapxaspa, yaqhipanakax janiw sintïkaspati juk’a tiempotakirakispawa (sañäni, diarrea, vomitonaka), yaqhipax juk’amp jan walïspawa jaya tiempotakirakïspawa (sañäni, cólera, fiebre tifoidea, hepatitis A ukanaka). |
5,599 | health | It is important to attend all medical appointments while taking this medication. | Uka qulla umkäta uka tiemponxa, doctorampi uñjayasiri sarañamax wali wakiskiriwa. |
5,600 | health | June 2005 as a therapy for Castleman's disease; in April 2008, additional indications for rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile idiopathic arthritis and systemic-onset juvenile idiopathic arthritis were also approved in Japan. | Junio de 2005 Castleman usu qullañatak terapia; abril de 2008 maranxa, artritis reumatoide, artritis idiopática juvenil, artritis idiopática juvenil de inicio sistémico ukanakatakix Japón markan juk’amp indicacionanak churasiñapatakiw aprobacïna. |
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