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5,401 | health | Therefore, we aim to establish a national dementia registry which should be preferably based on data from the German public health insurance funds. | Ukhamax markan demencianïpki ukanakatak mä registro lurañwa munapxta, ukanakax fondos de seguro de salud públicos alemanes ukanakan baseparjam lurasispa ukhax khusapunïspawa. |
5,402 | health | In September of 2016, Heads of State attending the United Nations General Assembly made a declaration of their political commitment to tackling antimicrobial resistance. | 2016 märanxa jallu pach phaxsinxa,Estaru jach’a mallkunakapax tantachasiwiruw aka Naciones Unidas sataruw aka antibacteriano sat usutwa kunatim wali jani atipxañjamat khananchawayapxi. |
5,403 | health | Publishing company with over 10 years of experience, dedicated to the edition, publication and vein of books for health care (frutoterapia) and implantation of the entrepreneurship. | Uka editerialax 10 maranakwa funcionxe, ukanxa edicionanakwa lurasi, publicasi, ukatxa cuidado de la salud (frutoterapia) e implantación del emprendimiento ukanakat parlir libronakax kunjamänisa ukwa uñjaraki. |
5,404 | health | Serious side effects which require immediate medical attention include appetite loss, flu symptoms, worsening of angina or mood changes. | Maynitï jan manq’añ munxchi, gripenïchi, jan ukax caracterapax ratut mayjt’chi ukhaxa jank’akiw doctoramp uñjayasiñatak sarañapa, ukanakax uka usunïtapwa uñacht’ayaspa. |
5,405 | health | 30 ml of the water for 1 kg of weight — a healthy alkaline environment and safe water resources are provided by the body! | 1 kilotakexa 30 ml ukha umäñapawa: ¡cuerposax qhawqha alcalinotï munaski ukwa utjayi wakiski ukha umwa imaraki! |
5,406 | health | How does Germany get it’s medical cannabis? | ¿Kunjamsa Alemania markax cannabis medicinal uk jikxati? |
5,407 | health | This type of the disease starts in the chest cavity and can then spread to other parts of the body. | Uka usox cavidad torácica satäki uka cheqanwa qallti ukatxa cuerpon yaqha cheqanakaruw miratattarakispa. |
5,408 | health | Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) is a disease affecting multiple organs and consists of the formation of multiple cysts fundamentally in the kidney. | La Enfermedad Renal Poliquística (PKD) uka usoxa, cuerpon kunayman organonakaparuw afectaspa, walja quistenakwa formasispa juk’ampis riñonanwa formasispa. |
5,409 | health | (XLS:) Download Best-Selling Consumer Health Products | (XLS:) Qollañatak apnaqaski ukanakat kawkïrinakas juk’amp aljasiwayi ukanak descargam |
5,410 | health | It is advisable to consult with your doctor before taking any Diet Pill because there are chances of unhealthy side effects. | Peso rebajañatak pildoranak janïr umkasax doctoraruw jiskt’asiñama, ¿kunatsa? Uka pildoranak umañax cuerpomaruw jan walt’ayiristam. |
5,411 | health | I therefore look forward to the Environment Committee's health hearing later in the autumn, which will be dealing with the field of health impact assessment. | Ukhamax Comisión de Medio Ambiente ukamp phajsa tiempo tukuyanakan tantachasiñ wal suyaskta, ukanxa ukax jaqenakarox kunjamt’ayawayisa ukwa qhanañchasiskani. |
5,412 | health | Also, if you're an expecting mother, quitting could increase the possibility of having a healthy baby. | Ukhamarus jumatï usur warmïsta ukhaxa, fumañ jaytasma ukhax inas wawamax usuntata jan naschispa. |
5,413 | health | The Political Declaration of the High-Level Meeting of the UNGA on Antimicrobial Resistance recognizes that prevention and control of infections in humans and animals are essential to tackling antimicrobial resistance. | Qhankatir Pulitikaruw aka tantachawit jach’a mankanakat Naciones Unidas sataruw uka jan atipjañjam antivacteriano sat usurux uñt’asiskiw, qullasiskarakiw jani mirtañapataki aka jaqinakaru ukhamarus uywanakarusa jark’aqasiñataki aka antivacteriano sat usutxa. |
5,414 | health | According to a British research, cardiovascular diseases have a 25% higher percentage of occurring in autumn than in any other seasons. | Gran Bretaña markan lurasiwayki uka investigacionarjamaxa, yaqha pachanakat sipansa cardiovascular usunakampex patakat 25 jaqenakaw phajsa tiempon usuntapxaspa. |
5,415 | health | In this context, we must not forget that certain diseases hamper the development of the world’s poorest countries. | Uka toqet parlkasinxa, ak amtañasawa, yaqhep usunak utjipanxa oraqpachan utjki uka wali pobre markanakarox janiw nayrar sartaykaspati. |
5,416 | health | It was like a virus flu, a kind that attacks the metabolism of the brain, the next state from death. | Contagioso griper uñtasitänwa, ukax lexwin matabolismoparuw jan walt’ayäna, ukatxa jaqex jiwxarakïnwa. |
5,417 | health | slurry must be stored for at least 60 days after the last addition of infective material, unless the competent authorities authorise a reduced storage period for slurry which has been effectively treated in accordance with the instructions given by the official veterinarian so as to ensure the destr | infeccioso materialanak uchaski uka qhepatxa 60 urunakaw purines ukanakax imasiñapa, ukampis veterinarian instruccionanakaparjam purines ukanakar tratamiento lurasini ukhaxa, autorizata autoridädanakatï imasiñapäki ukat sipan juk’a tiempo imasiñap autorisapxani ukhaxa, kuntï ukjarox lurasiñapäki uk lursispawa, ukhamatwa |
5,418 | health | Use according to any one of claims 23, 26, wherein the medicament is an immune response to a tumour or cancer or a virus -, fungus -, bacteria - or parasitic infection increases. | 23 jan ukax 26 uka reivindacacionanakarjamaxa, tumor, cáncer ukanakaru jan ukax mä virusaru -, hongonakaru-, bacterianakaru medicamentox yanapt’aski ukanwa apnaqasispa -jan ukax infección parasitaria ukax jilxatki ukhaw apnaqasirakispa. |
5,419 | health | This process is effected by aging and disease, as both of these conditions result in reduced tissue and blood levels... | Ukaxa maynex jilirëxatap layku jan ukax usutätap laykuw jan sum funcionkaspati, maynex ukhamäki ukhax juk’a tejidonakanikëxewa juk’a wilanikëjxarakiwa. |
5,420 | health | In anticipation of the United Nations Conference on Women in Beijing, I have obtained within the framework of STOA a study on the impact on health of the different contraceptive practices in Europe and the reliability in scientific terms of what is called natural family planning. | Naciones Unidas ukan Beijing markankir Warminakat parlaskani uka Conferenciat amuyt’kasinxa, STOA ukampexa Europa cheqan kuna anticonceptivonakatï apnaqaski ukanakata ukhamarak planificación familiar natural satäki ukax ciencia toqet amuyt’atax confiykañati janicha ukwa yatxatawayta. |
5,421 | health | The EU must take a strong position in order to protect consumers and their health. | UE ukaxa, jaqenakar jark’aqañatakisa salud uk jark’aqañatakis wali firme sayt’asiñapa. |
5,422 | health | - you suffer from a certain type of nervous disease (diabetic autonomic neuropathy), | - nervionakat usunakax utjki ukanakat mayaniwa (ukax neuropatía autonómica diabética satawa), |
5,423 | health | Because the product was to be used in medical applications there could be no variation in quality and at the time of manufacture it was necessary to control tape thickness to within ±2µm (0.002mm). | Niyakexay ukanakax jaqenakar qollasiñapatak apnaqasiñapächixa, calidadax mantenisiñapänwa ukatxa uk luraskäna ukhax cintax ±2μm (0.002mm) ukch’a thurüñapapunïnwa. |
5,424 | health | The importance of affordability of, and access to, existing and new antibiotics and vaccines was also emphasized during the deliberations. | Antutañ maranakanxa lurasiwa killt’atpachaw walipun aka taqi kuna jaqinakan utjañapatakiw aka antibacterianotak jununtasiñ qullanakapiw yakha machaq qullanakampit uñanchayi. |
5,425 | health | Expatriate health insurance in Romania | Rumania markar apatanakataki seguro de salud |
5,426 | health | It is important to note that erectile dysfunction may represent a signal for a cardiac disease. | Ereccionan jan sum funcionatapax cardiaco usunïtamwa uñacht’ayaspa, uk amtañax wali wakiskiriwa. |
5,427 | health | RAF Medical Service Kontakt: | RAF Kontakt ukan Servicio Medicopa: |
5,428 | health | Paradise Gardens provides suitable and appropriate care and/or medical treatment until such time as the animal is healthy and ready for release back into the wild. | Paradise Gardens ukaxa suma atención ukhamarak / jan ukax suma tratamiento churasi, animalax qollatäxe khitarpayatäñatak listöxaraki ukhakamaw ukham uñjasi. |
5,429 | health | Maintaining robust health was of paramount importance for poachers of yore. | Nayra tiempon cazadoranakatakexa, wali q’umaräñax wali wakiskirïnwa. |
5,430 | health | This day by Old Slavic tradition it is necessary to pray to God and to ask for it to grant health and wellbeing not only for itself, but also for all family. | Jichhüroxa, nayra eslava ukan costumbrenakaparjamaxa, mayni pachpataki ukhamarak familpachan q’umaräpjjañapataki sumäsipkañapataki Diosar mayisiñax wali wakiskiriwa. |
5,431 | health | Also, increases the libido and the health sexual of men. | Ukhamarusa, maynimp ikthapiñ munañatakiw chachanakar yanapt’i, chachanakan salud sexual ukansa yanapt’arakiwa. |
5,432 | health | Not for use in food, drug, cosmetic or medical device manufacturing, processing, or packaging or packaging operations. | Fabricañatakisa, manq’añanak lurañatakisa jan ukax envasañatakisa, medicamentonakatakisa, cosmeticonakatakisa, dispositivos médicos jan ukax operaciones de envasado ukanakatakis janiw apnaqasiñapäkiti. |
5,433 | health | For this reason, social factors such as integration, health, quality of life and safety are already taken into account in the building's design. | Ukatwa mayacht’atäñapatakisa, salud utjañapatakisa, sum jakasiñatakisa, seguröñatakisa uka edificiox sum lurt’asiwayi. |
5,434 | health | The problem is that you risk the long term health of the cats. | Ukajja mä tiempotxa phisinakarox jan walt’ayaspawa. |
5,435 | health | Heads of State pledged to: • Strengthen surveillance and regulation on the use and sales of antimicrobial drugs for people and animals • Encourage innovative approaches using alternatives to antimicrobials and new technologies for diagnosis and vaccines • Raise awareness of citizens and health professionals on how to prevent drug resistant infections • Foster increased international cooperation to advance national plans. | Estarun jach’a mallkunakax may may amtäwayapxatayna, ch’aman suma yatxata jach’añchañatak qulla aljañanakatakiw aka antivacteriano jaqinakampitaki uywanakampitakiw uksat aksat taqi kasta qullanakampiw qullasipxi. Markankir jaqinakatakiw suma jakañapatakiw sarnaqawayapxi,suma markanakan näyraqatar sarantañapataki. |
5,436 | health | In Asian countries, tea is the most healthy people drink can never get it. | Asia cheqankiri markanakanxa, jan dañochasiñatakex té umapxe, uk jikxatañax ch’amawa. |
5,437 | health | Conjugated linoleic acid also has a number of health benefits. | Ácido linoleico conjugado ukax cuerposar walja toqenakanwa yanapt’istaspa. |
5,438 | health | «Companion Animals in Human Health», Cindy C. Wilson and Dennis C. Turner, (eds. | «Companion Animals in Human Health», Cindy C. Wilson ukhamarak Dennis C. Turner, (eds. |
5,439 | health | a medicinal product not subject to medical prescription. | doctoramp jan recetata medicamento. |
5,440 | health | Tick the 123Modify subject of virus infected messages456 checkbox and change the text respectively (789default value is ***VIRUS***101112). | 123Modify subject of virus infected messages456 uka lugarar markt’am, ukatxa wakisitarjam letranak cambiam (789 ukan valor predeterminado ukax akawa ***VIRUS***101112). |
5,441 | health | products, medical supply systems and equipment Contact What's new For a pleasant and calm environment | materialanaka, doctoranakax necesitapki ukanak churasiñapataki Contactonaka Novedadanaka Ukhamat uka lugaran sumäñapataki |
5,442 | health | Health & Beauty Lounge realises services in a careful and efficient manner. | Health & Beauty Lounge ukax suma ukhamarak wali amuyumpiw trabajop luri. |
5,443 | health | Occupational health in Yabucoa, Puerto Rico | Yabucoa ukankiri salud ocupacional, ukax Puerto Rico markankiwa |
5,444 | health | As recommended by Parliament, I can also confirm that the Innovation Union initiative under the Europe 2020 strategy will take as its first pilot area for the new European innovation partnership the topic of active and healthy ageing. | Parlamentox uk lurasiñapwa muni, ukatxa Estrategia Europa 2020 ukan Unión por la Innovación uk lurasiñ amtasiwayki ukaxa, Europa cheqan machaq asociación utjañapatak amtasitapwa uñjawayta, ukaxa maynirox jilirëxasin jan aynacht’añapataki ukhamarak q’umaräñapatakiw yanapt’ani. |
5,445 | health | Results of the study by scientists of NICM Health Research Institute of Western Sydney University, Australia, were published in BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine. | Australia markankiri Universidad de Western Sydney ukan Instituto de Investigación de Salud NICM ukankir cientificonakax lurawayapki uka investigacionanakarjamaw BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine ukax publicasiwayi. |
5,446 | health | Speaking after the historic commitment was made, WHO Director-General, Dr Margaret Chan said: “Antimicrobial resistance poses a fundamental threat to human health, development, and security. | Ma suma amtawiw aruskiparakitayna, tirikturan OMS, Margaret Chan sat warmiw satayna: “ Wal pun aka antivacteriano sat usunakatx jarqaqasisktanxa, impiñukiw sarantataski juk’amp qullanak utjañapataki jaqi qullasiñatakixa. |
5,447 | health | With a healthcare day in September, SDK already put the topic of COPD on its agenda. | Septiembre phaxsin pacientenakar atiendisaxa, SDK ukax EPOC uka toqetxa agendapan qellqxänwa. |
5,448 | health | I take the medicine in a dosage of 300 mg, and my health begins to gradually improve. | 300 mg ukjani mä medicamento umta, ukatxa sapürutjamaw juk’amp sum jikxatasta. |
5,449 | health | Bees then die later from secondary infections caused by parasitic intruders, such as bacteria, Nosema, Varoa mite, virus and fungi. | Parasitonakasa, bacterianakasa, Nosema ukasa, Varoa acaronakasa, virusanakasa, hongonakas infeccionanakwa utjayapxe ukatwa abejanakax qhepat jiwxapxe. |
5,450 | health | In March 2016, SEKEM Medical Center, which is located on SEKEM Farm in the governorate Al-Sharkia, was selected to be the focal point of the area for treating Hepatitis C patients coming from the surrounding villages. | Marzo de 2016 ukhajja, Al-Sharki gobernancionan sekem Farm ukankir Centro Médico SEKEM ukaxa, hepatitis C uka usumpi uka jak’anakankir aldeanakat jutir jaqenakar uñjasiñapatakiw seleccionasiwayi. |
5,451 | health | Co-administration of APTIVUS and low dose ritonavir with single dose methadone was demonstrated to decrease methadone pharmacokinetic parameters (AUC0-24h ratio of 0.47 with 90% CI [0.44; 0.51] and Cmax ratio of 0.45 with 90% CI [0.41; 0.49]), in a study conducted in fasted healthy subjects. | Mä juk’a APTIVUS ukampi ritonavir ukampi, ukhamarak mä metadona ukampexa, farmacocinéticos de metadona ukan resultadonakap juk’aptiwa (relación AUC0-24h de 0,47 con IC del 90% [0,44; 0,51] ukhamarak razón Cmax de 0,45 con IC del 90% [0,41; 0,49]), ukana estudionakxa jan usuta jaqenakaruw ayunanakan lurasiwayi. |
5,452 | health | Post-doctoral qualification in pathology 1974.1987 – 2007 Senior Consultant at the Institute for Pathology at Barmbek General Hospital, At the Institute for Pathology at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf since 2007. | Patología ukan Post-doctorado 1974.1987 – 2007 Hospital General de Barmbek ukankki uka Instituto de Patología ukana ukhamarak Hamburgo-Eppendorf ukankir Instituto de Patología del Centro Médico Universitario ukan Consultor Senior 2007 marat jichakama. |
5,453 | health | It is also necessary that they promote health-education campaigns, make the public aware of the importance of early diagnosis and inform people about the available programmes and services. | Jan usuntañatakex jaqenakax kunsa lurapxaspa uk yatipxañapatakisa, kun uskipan ratuk doctoranakamp uñjayasipxañapatakisa ukhamarak kuna programanakasa kuna servicionakas utji uk yatipxañapataki campañanak lurañax wali wakiskiriwa. |
5,454 | health | At some point, the vaccine stockpile will include the more lethal modification of the 1918 H1N1 in its live form. | Mä tiemponxa, imaski uka vacunanak taypinxa maynir jiwaykaspa uka H1N1 de 1918 sat jakkir virusax imasirakiniwa. |
5,455 | health | After that period, health insurance pays 70 percent of your last salary until you either return to work or have to retire because of your health. | Uka tiempo pasxepanxa, seguro de salud ukax patakat 70 ukhaw qhepa pagopat pagui, ukax trabajopar kutt’añapkama jan ukax usutätap layku jubilasiñapax wakisini ukhakamäniwa. |
5,456 | health | All this is a major contribution to the goal of passing on to our children a healthy environment. | Ukaxa wawanakasar jakasipxañapatak mä suma lugar churañ munktan ukatakiw yanapt’ani. |
5,457 | health | The commitments made today must now be translated into swift, effective, lifesaving actions across the human, animal and environmental health sectors. | Uka amtawinakax lurasiñapaw jichurunakaw aka jaqinaka ukhamaraki uywa, quqanakatakisa khispiyasiñapatakiwa. |
5,458 | health | Children with rare diseases are the "orphans of medicine". | Jan suma uñt’ata usunakani wawanakaxa, “medicina toqen wajchanakäkpaspas” ukhamawa. |
5,459 | health | A consequence is the emergence of resistance mechanisms which threaten the treatment of infectious human diseases. | Mä jan walex akäspawa, ukax cuerporox janiw kamachjaspasa infeccioso usunak qollañatakis janiw kun lurañjamäxarakispati. |
5,460 | health | The head of state, Moussa Dadis Camara, was flown to Morocco for urgent medical treatment ... | Moussa Dadis Camara sat jefe de Estadox Marruecos markaruw apasïna ukhamat ratuk mä tratamiento katoqañapataki ... |
5,461 | health | The second test has been made during a health transportation service by ambulance (hospitalization). | Payir pruebaxa ambulanciat sarkasin qollasiskäna (hospitalización) ukhaw lurasïna. |
5,462 | health | A tiny fraction returns to the patient in form of hospital equipment, medicines, health care costs, etc. The consumption of these consumer services yields new profits to the economy and the state. | Taqe ukanakat mä juk’axa equipo hospitalario ukanaka, medicamentonakana, atiendiñatak qollqex wakiski ukanakana ukat yaqha ukhamanakanwa qollayasirirox mä juk’a kutt’i. Ukanakan apnaqasitapaxa, markan qollqe toqet jiltañapatakiw yanapt’i. |
5,463 | health | Food can contain bacteria, viruses or fungi which cause infections. | Manq’añanakaxa bacterianaka, virus jan ukax hongos ukanakanïpxaspawa, ukanakax maynirox infeccionanakwa churayaspa. |
5,464 | health | Such trials have, therefore, always played a major role in the Union's medical research programmes. | Ukhamaxa uka practicanakax Unión ukan luraskäna uka yaqha investigacionanakat sipansa wali wakiskirïnwa nayrankarakïnwa. |
5,465 | health | C$2.42 Per pill Purim Purim helps maintain optimum health through broad and systemic blood purification. | C$2.42 Purim Purim uka sapa pildoraxa, q’umaräñasatakiw yanapt’istu, ukaxa wilaswa wali sum q’omachi. |
5,466 | health | Podiatry concerns itself with preventive and therapeutic measures related to the health of the feet. | Podología ukaxa kayunakasan sumäskañapatakiw yanapt’i, terapéutico toqets sumäskañapatakiw yanapt’araki. |
5,467 | health | Members are divided into the three sections medical and non-medical health care professions and sponsoring members. | Ukankirinakaxa profesiones médicas y no médicas de atención médica ukhamarak jark’aqerinaka uka kimsa gruponakaruw jalanoqasi. |
5,468 | health | We are running out of time.” Important action need not always be big-picture and political. | Jan pachanikiw qamaxtan” Aka amtäwinakax janiw taqinipunitakiti janirakiw pulitikanakatakikisa. |
5,469 | health | Mental health and wellbeing are a major challenge during this century we are living in. | Aka patak maranakanxa, q’eqet sumäñasa, q’umaräñasa wali ch’amawa. |
5,470 | health | In addition to courtesy and respect for personal time from the patient’s health workers will require religious tolerance and “health care patient, taking into account their emotional and physical condition and subject to possible cultural and religious traditions of the patient.” However, this does | Usutar uñjapki uka doctoranakaxa munasiñapiw usutar uñjapxañapa tiempopsa respetapxañaparakiwa, janiw ukakïkiti religionap respetapxañaparakiwa ukatxa “usutax p’eqet kunjamäskisa, cuerpopax kunjamäskarakisa ukarjamaw uñjapxañapa, kuna costumbrenakanisa kuna creencianakanisa uksa respetapxañaparakiwa”. Ukampis ukaxa |
5,471 | health | 5. The authorisation holder shall inform the Commission immediately of any new scientific or technical information which might affect the assessment of the safety of the authorised primary product or derived smoke flavourings in relation to human health. | 5. Ciencia toqetsa jan ukax técnico toqets kuna machaq información utjipanxa ratukiw autorización churañan titularäki ukax Comisionar yatiyañapa, kunapachatï uka producto primario autorizado ukan seguröñapatak uñakipaskani jan ukax jewq’en oloranakapax jaqenakar jan walt’ayaskaspa ukhaw yatiyañapa. |
5,472 | health | Sales of the anti-influenza medicine Tamiflu (oseltamivir) declined sharply in the second half of 2007 due to the completion of most of the existing pandemic stockpiling orders from governments and corporations. | Tamiflu (oseltamivir) uka gripetaki medicamentonakax jichhax janiw walj aljasxeti, 2007 maran tukuya suxta phaxsinakatwa ukhamäxäna, ukhaxa jilaparte gobiernonakasa empresanakas janiw pandemiataki imañatak alasxapxänti. |
5,473 | health | We do not accept the imposition of "official licences" by the Portuguese Medical Association. | Asociación Médica Portuguesa ukax mayki uka “licencias oficiales” ukanakampex janiw acuerdöpkti. |
5,474 | health | Women?s health test? is there an early signs of menopause test? - Women articles - Messaggiamo.Com | ¿Kunjamäsipkisa uk warminakan yatipxañapataki prueba? ¿Janïr tiempökipan menopausianïtap meynex yatisispati? – Warminakataki - Messaggiamo.Com |
5,475 | health | Do not take this medication if you are pregnant or have a liver disease. | Jumatï usur warmïsta jan ukax hepática usunïsta ukhax janiw aka qolla umañamäkiti. |
5,476 | health | In international rankings, TUM regularly places among the best universities in Germany.The Institute of Diabetes Research (IDF) focuses on the understanding of the natural history of type 1 diabetes, on the identification of mechanisms and predictive markers of the disease, and the translation of fi | Kunayman markanakat amuyt’asax khitis nayranki uk yatiñataki, TUM ukax Alemania markan utjki uka mintat universidadanakat maynïriwa. Instituto de Investigación de la Diabetes (FID) ukaxa, diabetes tipo 1 uk amuyañatakiw ch’amachasi, janïr uka usunïsax kunanakas uka usu jutïrin katuñatak apistaspa ukwa uñjaraki, ukatxa traducipxarakiwa |
5,477 | health | Day conference- experiential workshop on the development of virtual communities of learning and practice between members of associations for the management of the intangible European heritage, health and culture - EUROPE DIRECT | Jornälpacha- patrimonio inmaterial europeo ukana, salud y la cultura - EUROPE DIRECT ukan gestionapatakex asociancionankirinakax kunjamsa virtual toqex yateqasipki practicanaksa lurasipki uka toqet parlir taller |
5,478 | health | These diseases included heart attacks, high blood pressure, diabetical circulatory problems, cancer and even diseases like immune deficiencies, including AIDS. | Uka usunakaxa ataques cardíacos, presión arterial alta, circulatorios diabéticos problemanaka, cáncer, deficiencias inmunes uka usunaka ukhamarak SIDA usunïnwa. |
5,479 | health | For example, researchers in the United Kingdom and China collaborated on research to understand resistance to the antibiotic colistin. | Riynu Uniru uñakipirinakampi China markampita sarantatäski suma yatxatañataki aka antivacteriano sat usun atipxañataki. |
5,480 | health | they are infected with a virus and you have chosen to clean them but this has failed and secondary action is to quarantine | Ukanakax mä virusampi contagiatäpxewa, jumasti ukanak q’omachañwa ajlliraktaxa, ukampis ukax janiw sum mistuwaykiti ukhamax cuarentenar uchañaw wakisispa |
5,481 | health | Our services also include assessments (consultations) and second opinions of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, pancreas, chronic inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). | Atiendipkta ukhaxa examenanakwa (consultanakwa) lurapxarakta, janiw ukakïkiti gastrointestinal, hígado, páncreas, enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal crónica (enfermedad de Crohn, colitis ulcerosa usunaka) ukhamarak síndrome del intestino irritable (SII) ukanakat mayampiw doctorar jiskt’asisma. |
5,482 | health | The next thing I would do is propose free universal health courtesy of the federal government. | Ukatxa gobierno federal ukan yanapt’atax salud universal gratuita uk utjañapatakiw mä propuesta lurarakirista. |
5,483 | health | The most frequently observed OI’ s in clinical studies were candidiasis, cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex, Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, and mycobacterium avium complex. | OI ukanakaxa jilapartex candidiasis, citomegalovirus, herpes simple, neumonía por Pneumocystis carinii y complejo Mycobacterium avium ukanakat luraskäna uka estudionakanwa uñjasiwayi. |
5,484 | health | Consider these issues when choosing a location for the Health Guide: | Guía de salud ukataki mä ubicación ajllkasaxa uka jan walinakatwa amuyt’asiñama: |
5,485 | health | Health center or clinic is called a 'unit for that care' (NE). | Centro de salud ukasa clinicasa “uk atiendiñatak unidad” (NE) satawa. |
5,486 | health | safety and health-related education and counselling | Seguridad tuqita salud tuqit yatichañataki ukhamarak asesoramiento churañataki |
5,487 | health | Equipment that is not permitted in the Patient Environment must be at least 3 meters from the device as this characterizes it as office equipment rather than electrical medical equipment. | Kuna equipotï usutäki ukan jan jak’apankañapäki ukax dispositivon 3 metro jayankañapawa, uka equipox janiw equipo médico eléctrico ukäkiti jan ukasti equipo de oficina ukawa. |
5,488 | health | Hundreds of cities have been infected with a terrible virus that turns people into zombies. | Walja markanakaw mä jan wali virusamp contagiasipxi, ukax jaqinakarux zombinakaruw tukuyi. |
5,489 | health | The risk of developing diseases such as diabetes will be much higher. | Ukhamäspa ukhax inas jaqinakax diabetes usu katupxchispa. |
5,490 | health | The importance of this drug is two-fold. | Aka samkayasir qullax päyatakikiwa. |
5,491 | health | The Health Challenge in Emerging-Market Cities | Mercados emergentes ukanakan qullañ tuqit uk atipjañax ch’amawa |
5,492 | health | The systematic analysis of the non-technical project summaries identified specific research fields in need for development of new alternative methods, with a consistently large number of planned projects involving animals, such as the investigation and treatment of human diseases like gastrointestin | Jan tecnicöpki uka proyectonakan análisis sistemático ukanakaxa kawkïr campos de investigación ukanakas machaq métodos alternativos ukanakan desarrollasiñap wakisi ukwa yatxati, animalanakampiw walja proyectonak lurasi, ukaxa investigacionanak lurañataki ukhamarak gastrointestinal ukat yaqha ukham usunak qullañatak tratamiento lurañatakiw apnaqasi |
5,493 | health | In contrast, several studies found no association between aluminum exposure and Alzheimer's disease after significantly higher occupational aluminum exposure (16–18) (Table 2). | Ukat sipansa, aluminiompi walja tiempo trabjkasin aluminiox janiw Alzheimer usu utjaykiti ukwa yatxatasiwayi (16-18) (Tabla 2). |
5,494 | health | The Global Phase 3 studies2 of alectinib include a companion test co-developed with Ventana Medical Systems, Inc., a member of the Roche Group. | Fase 3 de Alectinib ukxat oraqpachan estudionakax 2 luraski ukanakaxa, Grupo Roche ukankir Ventana Medical Systems, Inc., ukampi lurat mä suma pruebamp kunawa. |
5,495 | health | Health actions (annual flu shot and blood donations) | Salud tuqit yanapt’añataki (gripe jan katuñatak sapa mara vacunayasiña, wil donaña) |
5,496 | health | It can also be used to work on a specialized domain of study, i.e.Exam Preparation, Professional French with Business French, French for Law, Health etc. Starting dates Every Day . | Yatxatañataki especialista lugaranakan trabajiñatakix apnaqasirakispawa, sañäni, examenanak wakichañataki, francés profesional ukampi francés de negocios ukamp yatiqañataki, derechotaki francés, salud tuqita ukat yaqha ukhamanak yatiqañataki. Kunapachas qallti Sapüru. |
5,497 | health | for reasons of public interest in the field of public health pursuant to Art. | articulorjama salud pública uka tuqit jaqinakan yatiñ munapxatap layku. |
5,498 | health | The GS mark shows that in normal legal use or in the foreseeable application of the marked product the health of the user will not be put at risk. | GS uka marcaxa, liyinakarjama apnaqasasa jan ukax marcat productot preveniñatak apnaqasasa janiw apnaqirirux usuntaykaniti. |
5,499 | health | If you are healthy enough for usage, while it will certainly take a focused effort, healthy cholesterol can be preserved. | Jumatï uk apnaqañatak jan usutäksta ukhax apnaqasmawa, wal ch’amachasiñas wakiskchinixa, suma colesteroläki ukax mantenisispawa. |
5,500 | health | 5.22. An assessment should be made of the implications of the age structure of the population on resource demand and dependency burdens, ranging from educational expenses for the young to health care and support for the elderly, and on household income generation. | 5.22. Sapa maynix edadaparjamax qhawqsa gasti ukhamarak carga de la dependencia ukarjamaw jalanoqasi ukampis uk mayamp uñakipasiñapaw wakisispa, ukanakaxa wayn tawaqunakax estudionakapan qhawqsa gastapxi, jaqinakar qullañatakix qhawqhas munasi, chuymankipstatanakar yanapt’añataki, jaqinakar qullqenïpxañapatak yanapt’añatakiwa. |
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