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Find the names of accounts whose checking balance is above the average checking balance, but savings balance is below the average savings balance. | SELECT FROM accounts AS T1 JOIN checking AS T2 ON T1.custid = T2.custid WHERE T2.balance > (SELECT avg(balance) FROM checking) INTERSECT SELECT FROM accounts AS T1 JOIN savings AS T2 ON T1.custid = T2.custid WHERE T2.balance < (SELECT avg(balance) FROM savings) | Kontrol bakiyesi ortalama kontrol bakiyesinin üzerinde olan hesapların adlarını bulun, ancak tasarruf bakiyesi ortalama tasarruf bakiyesinin altında. |
What are the mission codes, fates, and names of the ships involved? | SELECT T1.Code , T1.Fate , T2.Name FROM mission AS T1 JOIN ship AS T2 ON T1.Ship_ID = T2.Ship_ID | İlgili gemilerin görev kodları, kaderleri ve isimleri nelerdir? |
What are all the album titles, in alphabetical order? | SELECT Title FROM ALBUM ORDER BY Title | Alfabetik sırayla tüm albüm başlıkları nelerdir? |
Count the number of artists. | SELECT count(*) FROM artist | Sanatçı sayısını sayın. |
What are the locations that have both tracks with more than 90000 seats, and tracks with fewer than 70000 seats? | SELECT LOCATION FROM track WHERE seating > 90000 INTERSECT SELECT LOCATION FROM track WHERE seating < 70000 | Her ikisi de 90000'den fazla koltuklu ve 70000'den az koltuklu pistlere sahip yerler nelerdir? |
What is the first and last name of the youngest student with a GPA above 3, and what is their GPA? | SELECT stu_fname , stu_lname , stu_gpa FROM student WHERE stu_gpa > 3 ORDER BY stu_dob DESC LIMIT 1 | 3'ün üzerinde not ortalaması olan en genç öğrencinin ilk ve soyadı nedir ve GPA'ları nedir? |
What is the total credit does each department offer? | SELECT sum(crs_credit) , dept_code FROM course GROUP BY dept_code | Her departmanın sunduğu toplam kredi nedir? |
Show names of musicals and the number of actors who have appeared in the musicals. | SELECT T2.Name , COUNT(*) FROM actor AS T1 JOIN musical AS T2 ON T1.Musical_ID = T2.Musical_ID GROUP BY T1.Musical_ID | Müzikallerin isimlerini ve müzikallerde yer alan aktörlerin sayısını gösterin. |
Find the number of different product types. | SELECT count(DISTINCT product_type_code) FROM products | Farklı ürün türlerinin sayısını bulun. |
Show the account id and name with at least 4 transactions. | SELECT T1.account_id , T2.account_name FROM Financial_transactions AS T1 JOIN Accounts AS T2 ON T1.account_id = T2.account_id GROUP BY T1.account_id HAVING count(*) >= 4 | Hesap kimliğini ve adını en az 4 işlemle gösterin. |
What are the dates that had the top 5 cloud cover rates? Also tell me the cloud cover rate. | SELECT date , cloud_cover FROM weather ORDER BY cloud_cover DESC LIMIT 5 | En iyi 5 bulut kapak oranına sahip tarihler nelerdir?Ayrıca bana bulut kapak oranını söyle. |
What is the label with the most albums? | SELECT label FROM albums GROUP BY label ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 1 | En çok albümün etiketi nedir? |
Find the average room count of the apartments that have the "Studio" type code. | SELECT avg(room_count) FROM Apartments WHERE apt_type_code = "Studio" | "Stüdyo" türü koduna sahip dairelerin ortalama oda sayısını bulun. |
What are the names of all students who tried out in alphabetical order? | SELECT T1.pName FROM player AS T1 JOIN tryout AS T2 ON T1.pID = T2.pID ORDER BY T1.pName | Alfabetik sırayla deneyen tüm öğrencilerin isimleri nelerdir? |
How many papers have "Atsushi Ohori" published? | SELECT count(*) FROM authors AS t1 JOIN authorship AS t2 ON t1.authid = t2.authid JOIN papers AS t3 ON t2.paperid = t3.paperid WHERE t1.fname = "Atsushi" AND t1.lname = "Ohori" | Kaç makale "Atsushi Ohori" yayınlandı? |
What is the title of the newest movie? | SELECT title FROM Movie WHERE YEAR = (SELECT max(YEAR) FROM Movie) | En yeni filmin başlığı nedir? |
What campus has the most degrees conferrred over its entire existence? | SELECT campus FROM degrees GROUP BY campus ORDER BY sum(degrees) DESC LIMIT 1 | Hangi kampüs en çok tüm varlığı üzerinde verilen dereceye sahiptir? |
Find the name of the person who has no student friends. | SELECT name FROM person EXCEPT SELECT FROM Person AS T1 JOIN PersonFriend AS T2 ON = T2.friend WHERE T1.job = 'student' | Öğrenci arkadaşı olmayan kişinin adını bulun. |
Find the distinct driver id of all drivers that have a longer stop duration than some drivers in the race whose id is 841? | SELECT DISTINCT driverid , STOP FROM pitstops WHERE duration > (SELECT min(duration) FROM pitstops WHERE raceid = 841) | Race'de kimliği 841 olan bazı sürücülerden daha uzun bir durma süresi olan tüm sürücülerin farklı sürücü kimliğini buldunuz mu? |
How many characteristics does the product named "laurel" have? | SELECT count(*) FROM products AS t1 JOIN product_characteristics AS t2 ON t1.product_id = t2.product_id JOIN CHARACTERISTICS AS t3 ON t2.characteristic_id = t3.characteristic_id WHERE t1.product_name = "laurel" | "Laurel" adlı ürünün kaç özelliği var? |
Which employees do not destroy any document? Find their employee ids. | SELECT employee_id FROM Employees EXCEPT SELECT Destroyed_by_Employee_ID FROM Documents_to_be_destroyed | Hangi çalışanlar herhangi bir belgeyi yok etmez?Çalışan kimliklerini bulun. |
Find the number of teachers who teach the student called MADLOCK RAY. | SELECT count(*) FROM list AS T1 JOIN teachers AS T2 ON T1.classroom = T2.classroom WHERE T1.firstname = "MADLOCK" AND T1.lastname = "RAY" | Madlock Ray adlı öğrenciye öğreten öğretmen sayısını bulun. |
display the full name (first and last), hire date, salary, and department number for those employees whose first name does not containing the letter M and make the result set in ascending order by department number. | SELECT first_name , last_name , hire_date , salary , department_id FROM employees WHERE first_name NOT LIKE '%M%' ORDER BY department_id | Adı M harfini içermeyen çalışanlar için tam adı (ilk ve son), kiralama tarihi, maaş ve departman numarasını görüntüleyin ve sonucu departman numarasına göre artan sırada ayarlayın. |
Find the entry name of the catalog with the highest price (in USD). | SELECT catalog_entry_name FROM catalog_contents ORDER BY price_in_dollars DESC LIMIT 1 | En yüksek fiyata (USD cinsinden) katalogun giriş adını bulun. |
For each fourth-grade classroom, show the classroom number and the total number of students using it. | SELECT classroom , count(*) FROM list WHERE grade = "4" GROUP BY classroom | Her dördüncü sınıf sınıfı için sınıf numarasını ve kullanan toplam öğrenci sayısını gösterin. |
Find employee with ID and name of the country presently where (s)he is working. | SELECT T1.employee_id , T4.country_name FROM employees AS T1 JOIN departments AS T2 ON T1.department_id = T2.department_id JOIN locations AS T3 ON T2.location_id = T3.location_id JOIN countries AS T4 ON T3.country_id = T4.country_id | Şu anda çalıştığı yerlerde kimlik ve ülkenin adı ile çalışanı bulun. |
What are the different names of all songs without back vocals? | SELECT DISTINCT title FROM vocals AS t1 JOIN songs AS t2 ON t1.songid = t2.songid EXCEPT SELECT t2.title FROM vocals AS t1 JOIN songs AS t2 ON t1.songid = t2.songid WHERE TYPE = "back" | Back vokalleri olmayan tüm şarkıların farklı isimleri nelerdir? |
Find the department name and room of the course INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER SCIENCE. | SELECT T2.Dname , T2.Room FROM COURSE AS T1 JOIN DEPARTMENT AS T2 ON T1.DNO = T2.DNO WHERE T1.CName = "INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER SCIENCE" | Bilgisayar Bilimine Giriş Dersin Departman Adını ve Odasını Bulun. |
Return all the information for all employees without any department number. | SELECT * FROM employees WHERE department_id = "null" | Herhangi bir departman numarası olmadan tüm çalışanlar için tüm bilgileri iade edin. |
What are the employee ids, full names, and job ids for employees who make more than the highest earning employee with title PU_MAN? | SELECT employee_id , first_name , last_name , job_id FROM employees WHERE salary > ( SELECT max(salary) FROM employees WHERE job_id = 'PU_MAN' ) | PU_MAN başlığı olan en yüksek kazançlı çalışanlardan daha fazlasını yapan çalışanlar için çalışan kimlikleri, tam adlar ve iş kimlikleri nelerdir? |
Find the name of customers who do not have a loan with a type of Mortgages. | SELECT cust_name FROM customer EXCEPT SELECT T1.cust_name FROM customer AS T1 JOIN loan AS T2 ON T1.cust_id = T2.cust_id WHERE T2.loan_type = 'Mortgages' | Bir tür ipotek içeren kredisi olmayan müşterilerin adını bulun. |
What is the total revenue of all companies whose main office is at Tokyo or Taiwan? | SELECT sum(revenue) FROM manufacturers WHERE Headquarter = 'Tokyo' OR Headquarter = 'Taiwan' | Ana ofisi Tokyo veya Tayvan'da olan tüm şirketlerin toplam geliri nedir? |
What are the dates of the assessment notes? | SELECT date_of_notes FROM Assessment_Notes | Değerlendirme notlarının tarihleri nelerdir? |
Return the different classes of races. | SELECT DISTINCT CLASS FROM race | Farklı yarış sınıflarını döndürün. |
What is the location of the perpetrator with the largest kills. | SELECT LOCATION FROM perpetrator ORDER BY Killed DESC LIMIT 1 | En büyük öldürmelere sahip failin yeri nedir? |
What is the sex of the candidate who had the highest unsure rate? | SELECT FROM people AS t1 JOIN candidate AS t2 ON t1.people_id = t2.people_id GROUP BY ORDER BY avg(t2.unsure_rate) DESC LIMIT 1 | En yüksek kesin orana sahip olan adayın cinsiyeti nedir? |
Show names for all employees who do not have certificate of Boeing 737-800. | SELECT name FROM Employee EXCEPT SELECT FROM Employee AS T1 JOIN Certificate AS T2 ON T1.eid = T2.eid JOIN Aircraft AS T3 ON T3.aid = T2.aid WHERE = "Boeing 737-800" | Boeing 737-800 sertifikası olmayan tüm çalışanlar için isimleri gösterin. |
List the name of technicians whose team is not "NYY". | SELECT Name FROM technician WHERE Team != "NYY" | Ekibi "NYY" olmayan teknisyenlerin adını listeleyin. |
Find the count and code of the job has most employees. | SELECT emp_jobcode , count(*) FROM employee GROUP BY emp_jobcode ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 1 | İşin sayısını ve kodunun çoğu çalışanı bulun. |
Count the number of items store 1 has in stock. | SELECT count(*) FROM inventory WHERE store_id = 1 | Mağaza 1'in stokta olduğu ürün sayısını sayın. |
What are the last names and ages of the students who are allergic to milk and cat? | SELECT lname , age FROM Student WHERE StuID IN (SELECT StuID FROM Has_allergy WHERE Allergy = "Milk" INTERSECT SELECT StuID FROM Has_allergy WHERE Allergy = "Cat") | Süt ve kediye alerjisi olan öğrencilerin soyadı ve yaşları nelerdir? |
How many journalists are there? | SELECT count(*) FROM journalist | Kaç gazeteci var? |
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