stringlengths 16
| query
stringlengths 18
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What are the product ids and color descriptions for products with two or more characteristics? | SELECT t1.product_id , t2.color_description FROM products AS t1 JOIN ref_colors AS t2 ON t1.color_code = t2.color_code JOIN product_characteristics AS t3 ON t1.product_id = t3.product_id GROUP BY t1.product_id HAVING count(*) >= 2 | İki veya daha fazla özelliğe sahip ürünler için ürün kimlikleri ve renk açıklamaları nelerdir? |
How many churches opened before 1850 are there? | SELECT count(*) FROM Church WHERE Open_Date < 1850 | 1850'den önce kaç kilise açıldı? |
For each manufacturer name, what are the names and prices of their most expensive product? | SELECT T1.Name , max(T1.Price) , FROM products AS T1 JOIN Manufacturers AS T2 ON T1.manufacturer = T2.code GROUP BY | Her üretici adı için, en pahalı ürünlerinin isimleri ve fiyatları nelerdir? |
Who is the friend of Zach with longest year relationship? | SELECT friend FROM PersonFriend WHERE name = 'Zach' AND YEAR = (SELECT max(YEAR) FROM PersonFriend WHERE name = 'Zach') | En uzun yıl ilişkisi olan Zach'in arkadaşı kimdir? |
What are the names and genders of staff who have held the title Sales Person, but never Clerical Staff? | SELECT T1.staff_name , T1.staff_gender FROM staff AS T1 JOIN Staff_Department_Assignments AS T2 ON T1.staff_id = T2.staff_id WHERE T2.job_title_code = "Sales Person" EXCEPT SELECT T1.staff_name , T1.staff_gender FROM staff AS T1 JOIN Staff_Department_Assignments AS T2 ON T1.staff_id = T2.staff_id WHERE T2.job_title_code = "Clerical Staff" | Başlık satış elemanını elinde tutan, ancak asla büro personeli olan personelin isimleri ve cinsiyetleri nelerdir? |
Sort the information about course authors and tutors in alphabetical order of the personal name. | SELECT * FROM Course_Authors_and_Tutors ORDER BY personal_name | Kurs yazarları ve öğretmenler hakkındaki bilgileri kişisel adın alfabetik sırasına göre sıralayın. |
What are the names and ids of customers whose address contains TN? | SELECT customer_name , customer_id FROM customers WHERE customer_address LIKE "%TN%" | Adresi TN içeren müşterilerin adları ve kimlikleri nelerdir? |
List the state in the US with the most invoices. | SELECT billing_state , COUNT(*) FROM invoices WHERE billing_country = "USA" GROUP BY billing_state ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 1; | ABD'deki devleti en çok fatura ile listeleyin. |
In which country does Roberto Almeida? | SELECT country FROM customers WHERE first_name = "Roberto" AND last_name = "Almeida"; | Roberto Almeida hangi ülkede? |
What are the 3 most common cloud covers in the zip code of 94107? | SELECT cloud_cover FROM weather WHERE zip_code = 94107 GROUP BY cloud_cover ORDER BY COUNT (*) DESC LIMIT 3 | 94107 Posta Kodunda en yaygın 3 bulut kapağı nelerdir? |
List the most common result of the musicals. | SELECT RESULT FROM musical GROUP BY RESULT ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 1 | Müzikallerin en yaygın sonucunu listeleyin. |
List the names of all genres in alphabetical oder, together with its ratings. | SELECT g_name , rating FROM genre ORDER BY g_name | Tüm türlerin isimlerini alfabetik sırayla, derecelendirmelerle birlikte listeleyin. |
Find the last names of all the teachers that teach GELL TAMI. | SELECT T2.lastname FROM list AS T1 JOIN teachers AS T2 ON T1.classroom = T2.classroom WHERE T1.firstname = "GELL" AND T1.lastname = "TAMI" | Gell Tami'yi öğreten tüm öğretmenlerin soyadlarını bulun. |
List the name and gender for all artists who released songs in March. | SELECT T1.artist_name , T1.gender FROM artist AS T1 JOIN song AS T2 ON T1.artist_name = T2.artist_name WHERE T2.releasedate LIKE "%Mar%" | Mart ayında şarkı yayınlayan tüm sanatçılar için ad ve cinsiyet listeleyin. |
How many games has each stadium held? | SELECT , count(*) FROM stadium AS T1 JOIN game AS T2 ON = T2.stadium_id GROUP BY | Her stadyum kaç oyun düzenlendi? |
Among all the claims, which settlements have a claimed amount that is no more than the average? List the claim start date. | SELECT Date_Claim_Made FROM Claims WHERE Amount_Settled <= ( SELECT avg(Amount_Settled) FROM Claims ) | Tüm iddialar arasında, hangi yerleşim yerlerinin ortalamadan daha fazla olmayan iddia edilen bir miktarı var?Talep başlangıç tarihini listeleyin. |
Return the full name and phone of the customer who has card number 4560596484842. | SELECT T2.customer_first_name , T2.customer_last_name , T2.customer_phone FROM Customers_cards AS T1 JOIN Customers AS T2 ON T1.customer_id = T2.customer_id WHERE T1.card_number = "4560596484842" | 4560596484842 kart numarası olan müşterinin tam adını ve telefonunu döndürün. |
What are the names of the technicians that are assigned to repair machines with more point values than 70? | SELECT T3.Name FROM repair_assignment AS T1 JOIN machine AS T2 ON T1.machine_id = T2.machine_id JOIN technician AS T3 ON T1.technician_ID = T3.technician_ID WHERE T2.value_points > 70 | 70'den daha fazla nokta değeri olan makineleri onarmak için atanan teknisyenlerin isimleri nelerdir? |
Find the number of distinct bed types available in this inn. | SELECT count(DISTINCT bedType) FROM Rooms; | Bu handa mevcut farklı yatak türlerinin sayısını bulun. |
What is the average distance and average price for flights from Los Angeles. | SELECT avg(distance) , avg(price) FROM Flight WHERE origin = "Los Angeles" | Los Angeles'tan uçuşlar için ortalama mesafe ve ortalama fiyat nedir? |
Find the first names of teachers whose email address contains the word "man". | SELECT first_name FROM Teachers WHERE email_address LIKE '%man%' | E -posta adresi "insan" kelimesini içeren öğretmenlerin adlarını bulun. |
What are the names of enzymes whose product is not 'Heme'? | SELECT name FROM enzyme WHERE product != 'Heme' | Ürünü 'hem' olmayan enzimlerin isimleri nelerdir? |
How many customers are there? | SELECT sum(no_of_customers) FROM bank | Kaç müşteri var? |
How many students are attending English courses? | SELECT count(*) FROM courses AS T1 JOIN student_course_attendance AS T2 ON T1.course_id = T2.course_id WHERE T1.course_name = "English" | Kaç öğrenci İngilizce kurslarına katılıyor? |
What are the first names of all the different drivers in alphabetical order? | SELECT DISTINCT forename FROM drivers ORDER BY forename ASC | Alfabetik sırayla tüm farklı sürücülerin ilk isimleri nelerdir? |
List players' first name and last name who have weight greater than 220 or height shorter than 75. | SELECT name_first , name_last FROM player WHERE weight > 220 OR height < 75 | Oyuncuların adını 220'den fazla veya 75'ten daha kısa yüksekliğe sahip olan soyadı listeleyin. |
Report the number of students in each classroom. | SELECT classroom , count(*) FROM list GROUP BY classroom | Her sınıftaki öğrenci sayısını bildirin. |
What are the id and name of the photos for mountains? | SELECT , FROM mountain AS T1 JOIN photos AS T2 ON = T2.mountain_id WHERE T1.height > 4000 | Dağlar için fotoğrafların kimliği ve adı nedir? |
Show the height of the mountain climbed by the climber with the maximum points. | SELECT T2.Height FROM climber AS T1 JOIN mountain AS T2 ON T1.Mountain_ID = T2.Mountain_ID ORDER BY T1.Points DESC LIMIT 1 | Maksimum puanlarla tırmanıcı tarafından tırmanan dağın yüksekliğini gösterin. |
Show the number of accounts. | SELECT count(*) FROM Accounts | Hesap sayısını gösterin. |
Which authors have written a paper with title containing the word "Monadic"? Return their last names. | SELECT t1.lname FROM authors AS t1 JOIN authorship AS t2 ON t1.authid = t2.authid JOIN papers AS t3 ON t2.paperid = t3.paperid WHERE t3.title LIKE "%Monadic%" | Hangi yazarlar "monadik" kelimesini içeren bir makale yazdılar?Soyadlarını döndürün. |
Find the first and last names of people who payed more than the rooms' base prices. | SELECT T1.firstname , T1.lastname FROM Reservations AS T1 JOIN Rooms AS T2 ON T1.Room = T2.RoomId WHERE T1.Rate - T2.basePrice > 0 | Odaların taban fiyatlarından daha fazlasını ödeyen insanların ilk ve soyadlarını bulun. |
What is the customer id of the customer with the most accounts, and how many accounts does this person have? | SELECT customer_id , count(*) FROM Accounts GROUP BY customer_id ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 1 | Müşterinin en fazla hesabı olan müşteri kimliği nedir ve bu kişinin kaç hesabı var? |
List the date the claim was made, the date it was settled and the amount settled for all the claims which had exactly one settlement. | SELECT T1.claim_id , T1.date_claim_made , T1.Date_Claim_Settled FROM Claims AS T1 JOIN Settlements AS T2 ON T1.Claim_id = T2.Claim_id GROUP BY T1.claim_id HAVING count(*) = 1 | Talebin yapıldığı tarihi, çözüldüğü tarihi ve tam olarak bir anlaşmaya sahip olan tüm iddialar için tutar çözüldüğünü listeleyin. |
Find the number of characteristics that the product "flax" has. | SELECT count(*) FROM products AS t1 JOIN product_characteristics AS t2 ON t1.product_id = t2.product_id JOIN CHARACTERISTICS AS t3 ON t2.characteristic_id = t3.characteristic_id WHERE t1.product_name = "flax" | "Keten" ürününün sahip olduğu özelliklerin sayısını bulun. |
Which clubs are located at "AKW"? Return the club names. | SELECT clubname FROM club WHERE clublocation = "AKW" | "Akw" te hangi kulüpler var?Kulüp isimlerini iade edin. |
list the first and last names, and the addresses of all employees in the ascending order of their birth date. | SELECT fname , lname , address FROM employee ORDER BY Bdate | Doğum tarihlerinin artan sırasında tüm çalışanların adlarını ve tüm çalışanların adreslerini listeleyin. |
Show the most frequently used carrier of the phones. | SELECT Carrier FROM phone GROUP BY Carrier ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 1 | Telefonların en sık kullanılan taşıyıcısını gösterin. |
Show publishers that have more than one publication. | SELECT Publisher FROM publication GROUP BY Publisher HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 | Birden fazla yayına sahip yayıncıları gösterin. |
What are the full names of customers who do not have any accounts? | SELECT customer_first_name , customer_last_name FROM Customers EXCEPT SELECT T1.customer_first_name , T1.customer_last_name FROM Customers AS T1 JOIN Accounts AS T2 ON T1.customer_id = T2.customer_id | Hesabı olmayan müşterilerin tam adları nelerdir? |
How many churches opened before 1850 are there? | SELECT count(*) FROM Church WHERE Open_Date < 1850 | 1850'den önce kaç kilise açıldı? |
What are all the phone numbers? | SELECT customer_phone FROM available_policies | Tüm telefon numaraları nelerdir? |
Find number of products which Sony does not make. | SELECT count(DISTINCT name) FROM products WHERE name NOT IN (SELECT FROM products AS T1 JOIN manufacturers AS T2 ON T1.Manufacturer = T2.code WHERE = 'Sony') | Sony'nin yapmadığı ürün sayısını bulun. |
Which papers did the author "Olin Shivers" write? Give me the paper titles. | SELECT t3.title FROM authors AS t1 JOIN authorship AS t2 ON t1.authid = t2.authid JOIN papers AS t3 ON t2.paperid = t3.paperid WHERE t1.fname = "Olin" AND t1.lname = "Shivers" | Yazar "Olin Shivers" hangi makaleleri yazdı?Bana kağıt başlıklarını ver. |
Who is performing in the back stage position for the song "Der Kapitan"? Show the first name and last name. | SELECT T2.firstname , T2.lastname FROM Performance AS T1 JOIN Band AS T2 ON T1.bandmate = JOIN Songs AS T3 ON T3.SongId = T1.SongId WHERE T3.Title = "Der Kapitan" AND T1.StagePosition = "back" | "Der Kapitan" şarkısı için arka sahne pozisyonunda kim sahne alıyor?Ad ve soyadı gösterin. |
How many debates are there? | SELECT count(*) FROM debate | Kaç tartışma var? |
Find the distinct driver id and the stop number of all drivers that have a shorter pit stop duration than some drivers in the race with id 841. | SELECT DISTINCT driverid , STOP FROM pitstops WHERE duration < (SELECT max(duration) FROM pitstops WHERE raceid = 841) | ID 841 ile yarıştaki bazı sürücülerden daha kısa bir çukur durak süresi olan tüm sürücülerin farklı sürücü kimliğini ve durdurma sayısını bulun. |
Find the names of the customers who have an deputy policy. | SELECT DISTINCT t2.customer_details FROM policies AS t1 JOIN customers AS t2 ON t1.customer_id = t2.customer_id WHERE t1.policy_type_code = "Deputy" | Politikası yardımcısı olan müşterilerin adlarını bulun. |
Find the official names of cities with population bigger than 1500 or smaller than 500. | SELECT Official_Name FROM city WHERE Population > 1500 OR Population < 500 | 1500'den büyük veya 500'den küçük nüfusa sahip şehirlerin resmi isimlerini bulun. |
What are the names and descriptions of the products that are of 'Cutlery' type and have daily hire cost lower than 20? | SELECT product_name , product_description FROM products_for_hire WHERE product_type_code = 'Cutlery' AND daily_hire_cost < 20 | 'Çatal bıçak' tipine sahip ve günlük kiralama maliyeti 20'den düşük olan ürünlerin isimleri ve açıklamaları nelerdir? |
List the themes of parties in ascending order of number of hosts. | SELECT Party_Theme FROM party ORDER BY Number_of_hosts ASC | Tarafların temalarını, ev sahibi sayısının artan sırasına göre listeleyin. |
Sort the first names of all the authors in alphabetical order. | SELECT fname FROM authors ORDER BY fname | Tüm yazarların ilk adlarını alfabetik sırayla sıralayın. |
What is the list of program names, sorted by the order of launch date? | SELECT name FROM program ORDER BY launch | Başlatma tarihine göre sıralanan program adlarının listesi nedir? |
How many distinct kinds of camera lenses are used to take photos of mountains in the country 'Ethiopia'? | SELECT count(DISTINCT T2.camera_lens_id) FROM mountain AS T1 JOIN photos AS T2 ON = T2.mountain_id WHERE = 'Ethiopia' | Ülkedeki dağların fotoğraflarını çekmek için kaç farklı kamera lensi kullanılır? |
Report the total number of students for each fourth-grade classroom. | SELECT classroom , count(*) FROM list WHERE grade = "4" GROUP BY classroom | Her dördüncü sınıf sınıfı için toplam öğrenci sayısını bildirin. |
What are the different album labels listed? | SELECT DISTINCT label FROM Albums | Listelenen farklı albüm etiketleri nelerdir? |
What is the duration, file size, and song format for every pop song, ordered by title alphabetically? | SELECT T1.duration , T1.file_size , T1.formats FROM files AS T1 JOIN song AS T2 ON T1.f_id = T2.f_id WHERE T2.genre_is = "pop" ORDER BY T2.song_name | Alfabetik olarak başlık tarafından sipariş edilen her pop şarkısı için süre, dosya boyutu ve şarkı biçimi nedir? |
Which allergy type has least number of allergies? | SELECT allergytype FROM Allergy_type GROUP BY allergytype ORDER BY count(*) ASC LIMIT 1 | Hangi alerji tipi en az sayıda alerjiye sahiptir? |
Find the student ID and middle name for all the students with at most two enrollments. | SELECT T1.student_id , T2.middle_name FROM Student_Course_Enrolment AS T1 JOIN Students AS T2 ON T1.student_id = T2.student_id GROUP BY T1.student_id HAVING COUNT(*) <= 2 | En fazla iki kayıtlı tüm öğrenciler için öğrenci kimliğini ve orta adı bulun. |
What is all the information about employees with D or S in their first name, ordered by salary descending? | SELECT * FROM employees WHERE first_name LIKE '%D%' OR first_name LIKE '%S%' ORDER BY salary DESC | D veya S olan çalışanlar hakkındaki tüm bilgiler, maaş alçalmasıyla sıralanan ilk adlarında nedir? |
What are the teams that have both wrestlers eliminated by Orton and wrestlers eliminated by Benjamin? | SELECT Team FROM Elimination WHERE Eliminated_By = "Orton" INTERSECT SELECT Team FROM Elimination WHERE Eliminated_By = "Benjamin" | Her iki güreşçinin Orton ve Benjamin tarafından elenen güreşçiler tarafından ortadan kaldırılan takımlar nelerdir? |
Find the name of the company that has the least number of phone models. List the company name and the number of phone model produced by that company. | SELECT Company_name , count(*) FROM phone GROUP BY Company_name ORDER BY count(*) ASC LIMIT 1; | En az sayıda telefon modeline sahip şirketin adını bulun.Şirket adını ve o şirket tarafından üretilen telefon modeli sayısını listeleyin. |
How many songs have vocals of type lead? | SELECT count(DISTINCT title) FROM vocals AS T1 JOIN songs AS T2 ON T1.songid = T2.songid WHERE TYPE = "lead" | Kaç şarkının Vokal Type Lead var? |
How many players are there? | SELECT count(*) FROM player | Kaç oyuncu var? |
What are the course codes for every class that the student with the last name Smithson took? | SELECT T1.crs_code FROM CLASS AS T1 JOIN enroll AS T2 ON T1.class_code = T2.class_code JOIN student AS T3 ON T3.stu_num = T2.stu_num WHERE T3.stu_lname = 'Smithson' | Smithson'un soyadı olan öğrencinin aldığı her sınıf için kurs kodları nelerdir? |
Find the first name of students in the descending order of age. | SELECT Fname FROM STUDENT ORDER BY Age DESC | Öğrencilerin adını azalan yaş sırasında bulun. |
Find the name and salary of the instructors who are advisors of any student from History department? | SELECT , T2.salary FROM advisor AS T1 JOIN instructor AS T2 ON T1.i_id = JOIN student AS T3 ON T1.s_id = WHERE T3.dept_name = 'History' | Tarih departmanından herhangi bir öğrencinin danışmanı olan eğitmenlerin adını ve maaşını buldunuz mu? |
What are the names of technicians and the machine series that they repair? | SELECT T3.Name , T2.Machine_series FROM repair_assignment AS T1 JOIN machine AS T2 ON T1.machine_id = T2.machine_id JOIN technician AS T3 ON T1.technician_ID = T3.technician_ID | Teknisyenlerin ve onardıkları makine serilerinin isimleri nelerdir? |
What is the title of the album that was released by the artist whose name has the phrase 'Led'? | SELECT T2.title FROM artists AS T1 JOIN albums AS T2 ON = T2.artist_id WHERE LIKE '%Led%' | Adı 'LED' ifadesi olan sanatçı tarafından yayınlanan albümün başlığı nedir? |
Count the number of products that were never ordered. | SELECT count(*) FROM products WHERE product_id NOT IN ( SELECT product_id FROM Order_items ) | Hiç sipariş edilmeyen ürün sayısını sayın. |
Show the names of customers who have at least 2 mailshots with outcome code 'Order'. | SELECT T2.customer_name FROM mailshot_customers AS T1 JOIN customers AS T2 ON T1.customer_id = T2.customer_id WHERE outcome_code = 'Order' GROUP BY T1.customer_id HAVING count(*) >= 2 | Sonuç kodu 'sipariş' ile en az 2 mailshot olan müşterilerin adlarını gösterin. |
Return the total number of deaths and total damange in millions for storms that had a max speed greater than the average. | SELECT sum(number_deaths) , sum(damage_millions_USD) FROM storm WHERE max_speed > (SELECT avg(max_speed) FROM storm) | Maksimum hız ortalamadan daha büyük olan fırtınalar için toplam ölüm sayısını ve toplam hasarı döndürün. |
List all different genre types. | SELECT DISTINCT name FROM genres; | Tüm farklı tür türlerini listeleyin. |
Give the title and credits for the course that is taught in the classroom with the greatest capacity. | SELECT T3.title , T3.credits FROM classroom AS T1 JOIN SECTION AS T2 ON T1.building = T2.building AND T1.room_number = T2.room_number JOIN course AS T3 ON T2.course_id = T3.course_id WHERE T1.capacity = (SELECT max(capacity) FROM classroom) | En büyük kapasiteye sahip sınıfta öğretilen kurs için başlık ve krediler verin. |
What are the degrees conferred in "San Francisco State University" in 2001. | SELECT degrees FROM campuses AS T1 JOIN degrees AS T2 ON = t2.campus WHERE t1.campus = "San Francisco State University" AND t2.year = 2001 | 2001 yılında "San Francisco Eyalet Üniversitesi" nde verilen dereceler nelerdir. |
Count the number of tracks that are of the media type "AAC audio file". | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM MEDIATYPE AS T1 JOIN TRACK AS T2 ON T1.MediaTypeId = T2.MediaTypeId WHERE T1.Name = "AAC audio file" | "AAC Audio Dosyası" medya türü olan parçaların sayısını sayın. |
Which college has any student who is a goalie and succeeded in the tryout. | SELECT cName FROM tryout WHERE decision = 'yes' AND pPos = 'goalie' | Hangi üniversitenin kaleci olan ve denemede başarılı olan herhangi bir öğrencisi vardır. |
What are names for top three branches with most number of membership? | SELECT name FROM branch ORDER BY membership_amount DESC LIMIT 3 | En çok üyeliğe sahip ilk üç şube için isimler nelerdir? |
List all the services in the alphabetical order. | SELECT service_name FROM services ORDER BY service_name | Tüm hizmetleri alfabetik sırayla listeleyin. |
Show the minimum, average, maximum order quantity of all invoices. | SELECT min(Order_Quantity) , avg(Order_Quantity) , max(Order_Quantity) FROM INVOICES | Tüm faturaların minimum, ortalama, maksimum sipariş miktarını gösterin. |
What are the names of the drama workshop groups with address in Feliciaberg city? | SELECT T2.Store_Name FROM Addresses AS T1 JOIN Drama_Workshop_Groups AS T2 ON T1.Address_ID = T2.Address_ID WHERE T1.City_Town = "Feliciaberg" | Feliciareg City'de adresli drama atölye gruplarının isimleri nelerdir? |
Count the number of products with the 'hot' charactersitic. | SELECT count(*) FROM products AS t1 JOIN product_characteristics AS t2 ON t1.product_id = t2.product_id JOIN CHARACTERISTICS AS t3 ON t2.characteristic_id = t3.characteristic_id WHERE t3.characteristic_name = "hot" | 'Sıcak' karakteristik ürün sayısını sayın. |
Find the names of states that have some college students playing in goalie and mid positions. | SELECT T1.state FROM college AS T1 JOIN tryout AS T2 ON T1.cName = T2.cName WHERE T2.pPos = 'goalie' INTERSECT SELECT T1.state FROM college AS T1 JOIN tryout AS T2 ON T1.cName = T2.cName WHERE T2.pPos = 'mid' | Bazı üniversite öğrencilerinin kaleci ve orta pozisyonlarda oynayan eyaletlerin isimlerini bulun. |
What is the id for the employee called Ebba? | SELECT employee_ID FROM Employees WHERE employee_name = "Ebba" | Çalışanın EBBA adlı kimliği nedir? |
Find the address of all customers that live in Germany and have invoice. | SELECT DISTINCT T1.Address FROM CUSTOMER AS T1 JOIN INVOICE AS T2 ON T1.CustomerId = T2.CustomerId WHERE = "Germany" | Almanya'da yaşayan ve faturası olan tüm müşterilerin adresini bulun. |
What are the names of schools with the top 3 largest size? | SELECT cName FROM college ORDER BY enr DESC LIMIT 3 | En büyük 3 büyüklüğe sahip okulların isimleri nelerdir? |
Return the maximum enrollment across all schools. | SELECT max(Enrollment) FROM university | Tüm okullara maksimum kaydı iade edin. |
Count the total number of settlements made. | SELECT count(*) FROM Settlements | Yapılan toplam yerleşim sayısını sayın. |
Which tests have "Pass" results? Return the dates when the tests were taken. | SELECT date_test_taken FROM Student_Tests_Taken WHERE test_result = "Pass" | Hangi testlerde "geçiş" sonuçları var?Testler yapıldığında tarihleri döndürün. |
What are the names of all friends who are from New York? | SELECT FROM Person AS T1 JOIN PersonFriend AS T2 ON = T2.friend WHERE = 'new york city' | New York'tan gelen tüm arkadaşların isimleri nelerdir? |
For each zip code, find the ids of all trips that have a higher average mean temperature above 60? | SELECT FROM trip AS T1 JOIN weather AS T2 ON T1.zip_code = T2.zip_code GROUP BY T2.zip_code HAVING avg(T2.mean_temperature_f) > 60 | Her posta kodu için, ortalama ortalama sıcaklığa sahip tüm gezilerin kimliklerini 60'ın üzerinde buldunuz mu? |
Return the names of teams that have no match season record. | SELECT Name FROM team WHERE Team_id NOT IN (SELECT Team FROM match_season) | Maç sezonu kaydı olmayan takımların adlarını iade edin. |
What is the name and country for the artist with most number of exhibitions? | SELECT , FROM exhibition AS T1 JOIN artist AS T2 ON T1.artist_id = T2.artist_id GROUP BY T1.artist_id ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 1 | En çok sergiye sahip sanatçı için adı ve ülke nedir? |
Return the average and minimum ages across artists from the United States. | SELECT avg(age) , min(age) FROM artist WHERE country = 'United States' | Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nden sanatçılar arasında ortalama ve minimum yaşları döndürün. |
What products are available at store named "Miramichi"? | SELECT t1.product FROM product AS t1 JOIN store_product AS t2 ON t1.product_id = t2.product_id JOIN store AS t3 ON t2.store_id = t3.store_id WHERE t3.store_name = "Miramichi" | "Miramichi" adlı mağazada hangi ürünler mevcuttur? |
What is the first and last name of the oldest employee? | SELECT emp_fname , emp_lname FROM employee ORDER BY emp_dob LIMIT 1 | En eski çalışanın ilk ve soyadı nedir? |
What are total transaction amounts for each transaction type? | SELECT transaction_type , sum(transaction_amount) FROM Financial_transactions GROUP BY transaction_type | Her işlem türü için toplam işlem tutarları nelerdir? |
Which problems are reported by the staff with last name "Bosco"? Show the ids of the problems. | SELECT T1.problem_id FROM problems AS T1 JOIN staff AS T2 ON T1.reported_by_staff_id = T2.staff_id WHERE T2.staff_last_name = "Bosco" | "Bosco" soyadı olan personel tarafından hangi sorunlar rapor ediliyor?Sorunların kimliklerini gösterin. |
What are the ids and full names for employees who work in a department that has someone with a first name that contains the letter T? | SELECT employee_id , first_name , last_name FROM employees WHERE department_id IN ( SELECT department_id FROM employees WHERE first_name LIKE '%T%' ) | T harfini içeren bir bölümde çalışan bir bölümde çalışan çalışanlar için kimlikler ve tam isimler nelerdir? |
Find the average access counts of documents with functional area "Acknowledgement". | SELECT avg(t1.access_count) FROM documents AS t1 JOIN document_functional_areas AS t2 ON t1.document_code = t2.document_code JOIN functional_areas AS t3 ON t2.functional_area_code = t3.functional_area_code WHERE t3.functional_area_description = "Acknowledgement" | İşlevsel alan "Onay" olan belgelerin ortalama erişim sayılarını bulun. |
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