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What are the product ids and color descriptions for products with two or more characteristics?
SELECT t1.product_id , t2.color_description FROM products AS t1 JOIN ref_colors AS t2 ON t1.color_code = t2.color_code JOIN product_characteristics AS t3 ON t1.product_id = t3.product_id GROUP BY t1.product_id HAVING count(*) >= 2
İki veya daha fazla özelliğe sahip ürünler için ürün kimlikleri ve renk açıklamaları nelerdir?
How many churches opened before 1850 are there?
SELECT count(*) FROM Church WHERE Open_Date < 1850
1850'den önce kaç kilise açıldı?
For each manufacturer name, what are the names and prices of their most expensive product?
SELECT T1.Name , max(T1.Price) , FROM products AS T1 JOIN Manufacturers AS T2 ON T1.manufacturer = T2.code GROUP BY
Her üretici adı için, en pahalı ürünlerinin isimleri ve fiyatları nelerdir?
Who is the friend of Zach with longest year relationship?
SELECT friend FROM PersonFriend WHERE name = 'Zach' AND YEAR = (SELECT max(YEAR) FROM PersonFriend WHERE name = 'Zach')
En uzun yıl ilişkisi olan Zach'in arkadaşı kimdir?
What are the names and genders of staff who have held the title Sales Person, but never Clerical Staff?
SELECT T1.staff_name , T1.staff_gender FROM staff AS T1 JOIN Staff_Department_Assignments AS T2 ON T1.staff_id = T2.staff_id WHERE T2.job_title_code = "Sales Person" EXCEPT SELECT T1.staff_name , T1.staff_gender FROM staff AS T1 JOIN Staff_Department_Assignments AS T2 ON T1.staff_id = T2.staff_id WHERE T2.job_title_code = "Clerical Staff"
Başlık satış elemanını elinde tutan, ancak asla büro personeli olan personelin isimleri ve cinsiyetleri nelerdir?
Sort the information about course authors and tutors in alphabetical order of the personal name.
SELECT * FROM Course_Authors_and_Tutors ORDER BY personal_name
Kurs yazarları ve öğretmenler hakkındaki bilgileri kişisel adın alfabetik sırasına göre sıralayın.
What are the names and ids of customers whose address contains TN?
SELECT customer_name , customer_id FROM customers WHERE customer_address LIKE "%TN%"
Adresi TN içeren müşterilerin adları ve kimlikleri nelerdir?
List the state in the US with the most invoices.
SELECT billing_state , COUNT(*) FROM invoices WHERE billing_country = "USA" GROUP BY billing_state ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 1;
ABD'deki devleti en çok fatura ile listeleyin.
In which country does Roberto Almeida?
SELECT country FROM customers WHERE first_name = "Roberto" AND last_name = "Almeida";
Roberto Almeida hangi ülkede?
What are the 3 most common cloud covers in the zip code of 94107?
SELECT cloud_cover FROM weather WHERE zip_code = 94107 GROUP BY cloud_cover ORDER BY COUNT (*) DESC LIMIT 3
94107 Posta Kodunda en yaygın 3 bulut kapağı nelerdir?
List the most common result of the musicals.
Müzikallerin en yaygın sonucunu listeleyin.
List the names of all genres in alphabetical oder, together with its ratings.
SELECT g_name , rating FROM genre ORDER BY g_name
Tüm türlerin isimlerini alfabetik sırayla, derecelendirmelerle birlikte listeleyin.
Find the last names of all the teachers that teach GELL TAMI.
SELECT T2.lastname FROM list AS T1 JOIN teachers AS T2 ON T1.classroom = T2.classroom WHERE T1.firstname = "GELL" AND T1.lastname = "TAMI"
Gell Tami'yi öğreten tüm öğretmenlerin soyadlarını bulun.
List the name and gender for all artists who released songs in March.
SELECT T1.artist_name , T1.gender FROM artist AS T1 JOIN song AS T2 ON T1.artist_name = T2.artist_name WHERE T2.releasedate LIKE "%Mar%"
Mart ayında şarkı yayınlayan tüm sanatçılar için ad ve cinsiyet listeleyin.
How many games has each stadium held?
SELECT , count(*) FROM stadium AS T1 JOIN game AS T2 ON = T2.stadium_id GROUP BY
Her stadyum kaç oyun düzenlendi?
Among all the claims, which settlements have a claimed amount that is no more than the average? List the claim start date.
SELECT Date_Claim_Made FROM Claims WHERE Amount_Settled <= ( SELECT avg(Amount_Settled) FROM Claims )
Tüm iddialar arasında, hangi yerleşim yerlerinin ortalamadan daha fazla olmayan iddia edilen bir miktarı var?Talep başlangıç ​​tarihini listeleyin.
Return the full name and phone of the customer who has card number 4560596484842.
SELECT T2.customer_first_name , T2.customer_last_name , T2.customer_phone FROM Customers_cards AS T1 JOIN Customers AS T2 ON T1.customer_id = T2.customer_id WHERE T1.card_number = "4560596484842"
4560596484842 kart numarası olan müşterinin tam adını ve telefonunu döndürün.
What are the names of the technicians that are assigned to repair machines with more point values than 70?
SELECT T3.Name FROM repair_assignment AS T1 JOIN machine AS T2 ON T1.machine_id = T2.machine_id JOIN technician AS T3 ON T1.technician_ID = T3.technician_ID WHERE T2.value_points > 70
70'den daha fazla nokta değeri olan makineleri onarmak için atanan teknisyenlerin isimleri nelerdir?
Find the number of distinct bed types available in this inn.
SELECT count(DISTINCT bedType) FROM Rooms;
Bu handa mevcut farklı yatak türlerinin sayısını bulun.
What is the average distance and average price for flights from Los Angeles.
SELECT avg(distance) , avg(price) FROM Flight WHERE origin = "Los Angeles"
Los Angeles'tan uçuşlar için ortalama mesafe ve ortalama fiyat nedir?
Find the first names of teachers whose email address contains the word "man".
SELECT first_name FROM Teachers WHERE email_address LIKE '%man%'
E -posta adresi "insan" kelimesini içeren öğretmenlerin adlarını bulun.
What are the names of enzymes whose product is not 'Heme'?
SELECT name FROM enzyme WHERE product != 'Heme'
Ürünü 'hem' olmayan enzimlerin isimleri nelerdir?
How many customers are there?
SELECT sum(no_of_customers) FROM bank
Kaç müşteri var?
How many students are attending English courses?
SELECT count(*) FROM courses AS T1 JOIN student_course_attendance AS T2 ON T1.course_id = T2.course_id WHERE T1.course_name = "English"
Kaç öğrenci İngilizce kurslarına katılıyor?
What are the first names of all the different drivers in alphabetical order?
SELECT DISTINCT forename FROM drivers ORDER BY forename ASC
Alfabetik sırayla tüm farklı sürücülerin ilk isimleri nelerdir?
List players' first name and last name who have weight greater than 220 or height shorter than 75.
SELECT name_first , name_last FROM player WHERE weight > 220 OR height < 75
Oyuncuların adını 220'den fazla veya 75'ten daha kısa yüksekliğe sahip olan soyadı listeleyin.
Report the number of students in each classroom.
SELECT classroom , count(*) FROM list GROUP BY classroom
Her sınıftaki öğrenci sayısını bildirin.
What are the id and name of the photos for mountains?
SELECT , FROM mountain AS T1 JOIN photos AS T2 ON = T2.mountain_id WHERE T1.height > 4000
Dağlar için fotoğrafların kimliği ve adı nedir?
Show the height of the mountain climbed by the climber with the maximum points.
SELECT T2.Height FROM climber AS T1 JOIN mountain AS T2 ON T1.Mountain_ID = T2.Mountain_ID ORDER BY T1.Points DESC LIMIT 1
Maksimum puanlarla tırmanıcı tarafından tırmanan dağın yüksekliğini gösterin.
Show the number of accounts.
SELECT count(*) FROM Accounts
Hesap sayısını gösterin.
Which authors have written a paper with title containing the word "Monadic"? Return their last names.
SELECT t1.lname FROM authors AS t1 JOIN authorship AS t2 ON t1.authid = t2.authid JOIN papers AS t3 ON t2.paperid = t3.paperid WHERE t3.title LIKE "%Monadic%"
Hangi yazarlar "monadik" kelimesini içeren bir makale yazdılar?Soyadlarını döndürün.
Find the first and last names of people who payed more than the rooms' base prices.
SELECT T1.firstname , T1.lastname FROM Reservations AS T1 JOIN Rooms AS T2 ON T1.Room = T2.RoomId WHERE T1.Rate - T2.basePrice > 0
Odaların taban fiyatlarından daha fazlasını ödeyen insanların ilk ve soyadlarını bulun.
What is the customer id of the customer with the most accounts, and how many accounts does this person have?
SELECT customer_id , count(*) FROM Accounts GROUP BY customer_id ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 1
Müşterinin en fazla hesabı olan müşteri kimliği nedir ve bu kişinin kaç hesabı var?
List the date the claim was made, the date it was settled and the amount settled for all the claims which had exactly one settlement.
SELECT T1.claim_id , T1.date_claim_made , T1.Date_Claim_Settled FROM Claims AS T1 JOIN Settlements AS T2 ON T1.Claim_id = T2.Claim_id GROUP BY T1.claim_id HAVING count(*) = 1
Talebin yapıldığı tarihi, çözüldüğü tarihi ve tam olarak bir anlaşmaya sahip olan tüm iddialar için tutar çözüldüğünü listeleyin.
Find the number of characteristics that the product "flax" has.
SELECT count(*) FROM products AS t1 JOIN product_characteristics AS t2 ON t1.product_id = t2.product_id JOIN CHARACTERISTICS AS t3 ON t2.characteristic_id = t3.characteristic_id WHERE t1.product_name = "flax"
"Keten" ürününün sahip olduğu özelliklerin sayısını bulun.
Which clubs are located at "AKW"? Return the club names.
SELECT clubname FROM club WHERE clublocation = "AKW"
"Akw" te hangi kulüpler var?Kulüp isimlerini iade edin.
list the first and last names, and the addresses of all employees in the ascending order of their birth date.
SELECT fname , lname , address FROM employee ORDER BY Bdate
Doğum tarihlerinin artan sırasında tüm çalışanların adlarını ve tüm çalışanların adreslerini listeleyin.
Show the most frequently used carrier of the phones.
Telefonların en sık kullanılan taşıyıcısını gösterin.
Show publishers that have more than one publication.
SELECT Publisher FROM publication GROUP BY Publisher HAVING COUNT(*) > 1
Birden fazla yayına sahip yayıncıları gösterin.
What are the full names of customers who do not have any accounts?
SELECT customer_first_name , customer_last_name FROM Customers EXCEPT SELECT T1.customer_first_name , T1.customer_last_name FROM Customers AS T1 JOIN Accounts AS T2 ON T1.customer_id = T2.customer_id
Hesabı olmayan müşterilerin tam adları nelerdir?
How many churches opened before 1850 are there?
SELECT count(*) FROM Church WHERE Open_Date < 1850
1850'den önce kaç kilise açıldı?
What are all the phone numbers?
SELECT customer_phone FROM available_policies
Tüm telefon numaraları nelerdir?
Find number of products which Sony does not make.
SELECT count(DISTINCT name) FROM products WHERE name NOT IN (SELECT FROM products AS T1 JOIN manufacturers AS T2 ON T1.Manufacturer = T2.code WHERE = 'Sony')
Sony'nin yapmadığı ürün sayısını bulun.
Which papers did the author "Olin Shivers" write? Give me the paper titles.
SELECT t3.title FROM authors AS t1 JOIN authorship AS t2 ON t1.authid = t2.authid JOIN papers AS t3 ON t2.paperid = t3.paperid WHERE t1.fname = "Olin" AND t1.lname = "Shivers"
Yazar "Olin Shivers" hangi makaleleri yazdı?Bana kağıt başlıklarını ver.
Who is performing in the back stage position for the song "Der Kapitan"? Show the first name and last name.
SELECT T2.firstname , T2.lastname FROM Performance AS T1 JOIN Band AS T2 ON T1.bandmate = JOIN Songs AS T3 ON T3.SongId = T1.SongId WHERE T3.Title = "Der Kapitan" AND T1.StagePosition = "back"
"Der Kapitan" şarkısı için arka sahne pozisyonunda kim sahne alıyor?Ad ve soyadı gösterin.
How many debates are there?
SELECT count(*) FROM debate
Kaç tartışma var?
Find the distinct driver id and the stop number of all drivers that have a shorter pit stop duration than some drivers in the race with id 841.
SELECT DISTINCT driverid , STOP FROM pitstops WHERE duration < (SELECT max(duration) FROM pitstops WHERE raceid = 841)
ID 841 ile yarıştaki bazı sürücülerden daha kısa bir çukur durak süresi olan tüm sürücülerin farklı sürücü kimliğini ve durdurma sayısını bulun.
Find the names of the customers who have an deputy policy.
SELECT DISTINCT t2.customer_details FROM policies AS t1 JOIN customers AS t2 ON t1.customer_id = t2.customer_id WHERE t1.policy_type_code = "Deputy"
Politikası yardımcısı olan müşterilerin adlarını bulun.
Find the official names of cities with population bigger than 1500 or smaller than 500.
SELECT Official_Name FROM city WHERE Population > 1500 OR Population < 500
1500'den büyük veya 500'den küçük nüfusa sahip şehirlerin resmi isimlerini bulun.
What are the names and descriptions of the products that are of 'Cutlery' type and have daily hire cost lower than 20?
SELECT product_name , product_description FROM products_for_hire WHERE product_type_code = 'Cutlery' AND daily_hire_cost < 20
'Çatal bıçak' tipine sahip ve günlük kiralama maliyeti 20'den düşük olan ürünlerin isimleri ve açıklamaları nelerdir?
List the themes of parties in ascending order of number of hosts.
SELECT Party_Theme FROM party ORDER BY Number_of_hosts ASC
Tarafların temalarını, ev sahibi sayısının artan sırasına göre listeleyin.
Sort the first names of all the authors in alphabetical order.
SELECT fname FROM authors ORDER BY fname
Tüm yazarların ilk adlarını alfabetik sırayla sıralayın.
What is the list of program names, sorted by the order of launch date?
SELECT name FROM program ORDER BY launch
Başlatma tarihine göre sıralanan program adlarının listesi nedir?
How many distinct kinds of camera lenses are used to take photos of mountains in the country 'Ethiopia'?
SELECT count(DISTINCT T2.camera_lens_id) FROM mountain AS T1 JOIN photos AS T2 ON = T2.mountain_id WHERE = 'Ethiopia'
Ülkedeki dağların fotoğraflarını çekmek için kaç farklı kamera lensi kullanılır?
Report the total number of students for each fourth-grade classroom.
SELECT classroom , count(*) FROM list WHERE grade = "4" GROUP BY classroom
Her dördüncü sınıf sınıfı için toplam öğrenci sayısını bildirin.
What are the different album labels listed?
Listelenen farklı albüm etiketleri nelerdir?
What is the duration, file size, and song format for every pop song, ordered by title alphabetically?
SELECT T1.duration , T1.file_size , T1.formats FROM files AS T1 JOIN song AS T2 ON T1.f_id = T2.f_id WHERE T2.genre_is = "pop" ORDER BY T2.song_name
Alfabetik olarak başlık tarafından sipariş edilen her pop şarkısı için süre, dosya boyutu ve şarkı biçimi nedir?
Which allergy type has least number of allergies?
SELECT allergytype FROM Allergy_type GROUP BY allergytype ORDER BY count(*) ASC LIMIT 1
Hangi alerji tipi en az sayıda alerjiye sahiptir?
Find the student ID and middle name for all the students with at most two enrollments.
SELECT T1.student_id , T2.middle_name FROM Student_Course_Enrolment AS T1 JOIN Students AS T2 ON T1.student_id = T2.student_id GROUP BY T1.student_id HAVING COUNT(*) <= 2
En fazla iki kayıtlı tüm öğrenciler için öğrenci kimliğini ve orta adı bulun.
What is all the information about employees with D or S in their first name, ordered by salary descending?
SELECT * FROM employees WHERE first_name LIKE '%D%' OR first_name LIKE '%S%' ORDER BY salary DESC
D veya S olan çalışanlar hakkındaki tüm bilgiler, maaş alçalmasıyla sıralanan ilk adlarında nedir?
What are the teams that have both wrestlers eliminated by Orton and wrestlers eliminated by Benjamin?
SELECT Team FROM Elimination WHERE Eliminated_By = "Orton" INTERSECT SELECT Team FROM Elimination WHERE Eliminated_By = "Benjamin"
Her iki güreşçinin Orton ve Benjamin tarafından elenen güreşçiler tarafından ortadan kaldırılan takımlar nelerdir?
Find the name of the company that has the least number of phone models. List the company name and the number of phone model produced by that company.
SELECT Company_name , count(*) FROM phone GROUP BY Company_name ORDER BY count(*) ASC LIMIT 1;
En az sayıda telefon modeline sahip şirketin adını bulun.Şirket adını ve o şirket tarafından üretilen telefon modeli sayısını listeleyin.
How many songs have vocals of type lead?
SELECT count(DISTINCT title) FROM vocals AS T1 JOIN songs AS T2 ON T1.songid = T2.songid WHERE TYPE = "lead"
Kaç şarkının Vokal Type Lead var?
How many players are there?
SELECT count(*) FROM player
Kaç oyuncu var?
What are the course codes for every class that the student with the last name Smithson took?
SELECT T1.crs_code FROM CLASS AS T1 JOIN enroll AS T2 ON T1.class_code = T2.class_code JOIN student AS T3 ON T3.stu_num = T2.stu_num WHERE T3.stu_lname = 'Smithson'
Smithson'un soyadı olan öğrencinin aldığı her sınıf için kurs kodları nelerdir?
Find the first name of students in the descending order of age.
Öğrencilerin adını azalan yaş sırasında bulun.
Find the name and salary of the instructors who are advisors of any student from History department?
SELECT , T2.salary FROM advisor AS T1 JOIN instructor AS T2 ON T1.i_id = JOIN student AS T3 ON T1.s_id = WHERE T3.dept_name = 'History'
Tarih departmanından herhangi bir öğrencinin danışmanı olan eğitmenlerin adını ve maaşını buldunuz mu?
What are the names of technicians and the machine series that they repair?
SELECT T3.Name , T2.Machine_series FROM repair_assignment AS T1 JOIN machine AS T2 ON T1.machine_id = T2.machine_id JOIN technician AS T3 ON T1.technician_ID = T3.technician_ID
Teknisyenlerin ve onardıkları makine serilerinin isimleri nelerdir?
What is the title of the album that was released by the artist whose name has the phrase 'Led'?
SELECT T2.title FROM artists AS T1 JOIN albums AS T2 ON = T2.artist_id WHERE LIKE '%Led%'
Adı 'LED' ifadesi olan sanatçı tarafından yayınlanan albümün başlığı nedir?
Count the number of products that were never ordered.
SELECT count(*) FROM products WHERE product_id NOT IN ( SELECT product_id FROM Order_items )
Hiç sipariş edilmeyen ürün sayısını sayın.
Show the names of customers who have at least 2 mailshots with outcome code 'Order'.
SELECT T2.customer_name FROM mailshot_customers AS T1 JOIN customers AS T2 ON T1.customer_id = T2.customer_id WHERE outcome_code = 'Order' GROUP BY T1.customer_id HAVING count(*) >= 2
Sonuç kodu 'sipariş' ile en az 2 mailshot olan müşterilerin adlarını gösterin.
Return the total number of deaths and total damange in millions for storms that had a max speed greater than the average.
SELECT sum(number_deaths) , sum(damage_millions_USD) FROM storm WHERE max_speed > (SELECT avg(max_speed) FROM storm)
Maksimum hız ortalamadan daha büyük olan fırtınalar için toplam ölüm sayısını ve toplam hasarı döndürün.
List all different genre types.
Tüm farklı tür türlerini listeleyin.
Give the title and credits for the course that is taught in the classroom with the greatest capacity.
SELECT T3.title , T3.credits FROM classroom AS T1 JOIN SECTION AS T2 ON T1.building = T2.building AND T1.room_number = T2.room_number JOIN course AS T3 ON T2.course_id = T3.course_id WHERE T1.capacity = (SELECT max(capacity) FROM classroom)
En büyük kapasiteye sahip sınıfta öğretilen kurs için başlık ve krediler verin.
What are the degrees conferred in "San Francisco State University" in 2001.
SELECT degrees FROM campuses AS T1 JOIN degrees AS T2 ON = t2.campus WHERE t1.campus = "San Francisco State University" AND t2.year = 2001
2001 yılında "San Francisco Eyalet Üniversitesi" nde verilen dereceler nelerdir.
Count the number of tracks that are of the media type "AAC audio file".
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM MEDIATYPE AS T1 JOIN TRACK AS T2 ON T1.MediaTypeId = T2.MediaTypeId WHERE T1.Name = "AAC audio file"
"AAC Audio Dosyası" medya türü olan parçaların sayısını sayın.
Which college has any student who is a goalie and succeeded in the tryout.
SELECT cName FROM tryout WHERE decision = 'yes' AND pPos = 'goalie'
Hangi üniversitenin kaleci olan ve denemede başarılı olan herhangi bir öğrencisi vardır.
What are names for top three branches with most number of membership?
SELECT name FROM branch ORDER BY membership_amount DESC LIMIT 3
En çok üyeliğe sahip ilk üç şube için isimler nelerdir?
List all the services in the alphabetical order.
SELECT service_name FROM services ORDER BY service_name
Tüm hizmetleri alfabetik sırayla listeleyin.
Show the minimum, average, maximum order quantity of all invoices.
SELECT min(Order_Quantity) , avg(Order_Quantity) , max(Order_Quantity) FROM INVOICES
Tüm faturaların minimum, ortalama, maksimum sipariş miktarını gösterin.
What are the names of the drama workshop groups with address in Feliciaberg city?
SELECT T2.Store_Name FROM Addresses AS T1 JOIN Drama_Workshop_Groups AS T2 ON T1.Address_ID = T2.Address_ID WHERE T1.City_Town = "Feliciaberg"
Feliciareg City'de adresli drama atölye gruplarının isimleri nelerdir?
Count the number of products with the 'hot' charactersitic.
SELECT count(*) FROM products AS t1 JOIN product_characteristics AS t2 ON t1.product_id = t2.product_id JOIN CHARACTERISTICS AS t3 ON t2.characteristic_id = t3.characteristic_id WHERE t3.characteristic_name = "hot"
'Sıcak' karakteristik ürün sayısını sayın.
Find the names of states that have some college students playing in goalie and mid positions.
SELECT T1.state FROM college AS T1 JOIN tryout AS T2 ON T1.cName = T2.cName WHERE T2.pPos = 'goalie' INTERSECT SELECT T1.state FROM college AS T1 JOIN tryout AS T2 ON T1.cName = T2.cName WHERE T2.pPos = 'mid'
Bazı üniversite öğrencilerinin kaleci ve orta pozisyonlarda oynayan eyaletlerin isimlerini bulun.
What is the id for the employee called Ebba?
SELECT employee_ID FROM Employees WHERE employee_name = "Ebba"
Çalışanın EBBA adlı kimliği nedir?
Find the address of all customers that live in Germany and have invoice.
Almanya'da yaşayan ve faturası olan tüm müşterilerin adresini bulun.
What are the names of schools with the top 3 largest size?
En büyük 3 büyüklüğe sahip okulların isimleri nelerdir?
Return the maximum enrollment across all schools.
SELECT max(Enrollment) FROM university
Tüm okullara maksimum kaydı iade edin.
Count the total number of settlements made.
SELECT count(*) FROM Settlements
Yapılan toplam yerleşim sayısını sayın.
Which tests have "Pass" results? Return the dates when the tests were taken.
SELECT date_test_taken FROM Student_Tests_Taken WHERE test_result = "Pass"
Hangi testlerde "geçiş" sonuçları var?Testler yapıldığında tarihleri ​​döndürün.
What are the names of all friends who are from New York?
SELECT FROM Person AS T1 JOIN PersonFriend AS T2 ON = T2.friend WHERE = 'new york city'
New York'tan gelen tüm arkadaşların isimleri nelerdir?
For each zip code, find the ids of all trips that have a higher average mean temperature above 60?
SELECT FROM trip AS T1 JOIN weather AS T2 ON T1.zip_code = T2.zip_code GROUP BY T2.zip_code HAVING avg(T2.mean_temperature_f) > 60
Her posta kodu için, ortalama ortalama sıcaklığa sahip tüm gezilerin kimliklerini 60'ın üzerinde buldunuz mu?
Return the names of teams that have no match season record.
SELECT Name FROM team WHERE Team_id NOT IN (SELECT Team FROM match_season)
Maç sezonu kaydı olmayan takımların adlarını iade edin.
What is the name and country for the artist with most number of exhibitions?
SELECT , FROM exhibition AS T1 JOIN artist AS T2 ON T1.artist_id = T2.artist_id GROUP BY T1.artist_id ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 1
En çok sergiye sahip sanatçı için adı ve ülke nedir?
Return the average and minimum ages across artists from the United States.
SELECT avg(age) , min(age) FROM artist WHERE country = 'United States'
Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nden sanatçılar arasında ortalama ve minimum yaşları döndürün.
What products are available at store named "Miramichi"?
SELECT t1.product FROM product AS t1 JOIN store_product AS t2 ON t1.product_id = t2.product_id JOIN store AS t3 ON t2.store_id = t3.store_id WHERE t3.store_name = "Miramichi"
"Miramichi" adlı mağazada hangi ürünler mevcuttur?
What is the first and last name of the oldest employee?
SELECT emp_fname , emp_lname FROM employee ORDER BY emp_dob LIMIT 1
En eski çalışanın ilk ve soyadı nedir?
What are total transaction amounts for each transaction type?
SELECT transaction_type , sum(transaction_amount) FROM Financial_transactions GROUP BY transaction_type
Her işlem türü için toplam işlem tutarları nelerdir?
Which problems are reported by the staff with last name "Bosco"? Show the ids of the problems.
SELECT T1.problem_id FROM problems AS T1 JOIN staff AS T2 ON T1.reported_by_staff_id = T2.staff_id WHERE T2.staff_last_name = "Bosco"
"Bosco" soyadı olan personel tarafından hangi sorunlar rapor ediliyor?Sorunların kimliklerini gösterin.
What are the ids and full names for employees who work in a department that has someone with a first name that contains the letter T?
SELECT employee_id , first_name , last_name FROM employees WHERE department_id IN ( SELECT department_id FROM employees WHERE first_name LIKE '%T%' )
T harfini içeren bir bölümde çalışan bir bölümde çalışan çalışanlar için kimlikler ve tam isimler nelerdir?
Find the average access counts of documents with functional area "Acknowledgement".
SELECT avg(t1.access_count) FROM documents AS t1 JOIN document_functional_areas AS t2 ON t1.document_code = t2.document_code JOIN functional_areas AS t3 ON t2.functional_area_code = t3.functional_area_code WHERE t3.functional_area_description = "Acknowledgement"
İşlevsel alan "Onay" olan belgelerin ortalama erişim sayılarını bulun. exists but content is empty.
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