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But uh, think about it. | यह कुछ भी नहीं है जिसके बारे में आप सोचना चाहेंगे। | 2 |
But uh, think about it. | यह सोचने के लिए कुछ है। | 0 |
They took Joe with them, and my Granny said, she said it was such a sad time in the house because, you know, everybody was missing Joe and they didn't know what to do. | घर में हर कोई मोपिंग कर रहा था क्योंकि वे जो बहुत याद करते थे। | 0 |
They took Joe with them, and my Granny said, she said it was such a sad time in the house because, you know, everybody was missing Joe and they didn't know what to do. | हर कोई बहुत खुश था! | 2 |
They took Joe with them, and my Granny said, she said it was such a sad time in the house because, you know, everybody was missing Joe and they didn't know what to do. | जो मर गया और यह वास्तव में निराशाजनक था। | 1 |
The part was, there was 158 parts to it and we had to break it down put it back together break it down and never make a mistake. | हमें इसे अलग करना था और इसे फिर से इकट्ठा करना था। | 0 |
The part was, there was 158 parts to it and we had to break it down put it back together break it down and never make a mistake. | हमें जेट्स को अलग करना था और फिर उन्हें वापस एक साथ रखना था। | 1 |
The part was, there was 158 parts to it and we had to break it down put it back together break it down and never make a mistake. | हमें इसे छूने की अनुमति नहीं थी। | 2 |
I don't want to go into the Third SS that's Third Strategic Support Squadron. | मैं तीसरे एसएस में जाने के लिए इंतजार नहीं कर सकता था। | 2 |
I don't want to go into the Third SS that's Third Strategic Support Squadron. | मैं तीसरे एसएस का हिस्सा नहीं बनना चाहता। | 0 |
I don't want to go into the Third SS that's Third Strategic Support Squadron. | तीसरा एसएस सबसे खराब संभव स्क्वाड्रन है। | 1 |
It wasn't nothing but a desert; there was sagebrush out on the runway. | यह एक उष्णकटिबंधीय वर्षावन था। | 2 |
It wasn't nothing but a desert; there was sagebrush out on the runway. | क्षेत्र में बहुत सारे स्क्रैबी पत्ते थे। | 0 |
It wasn't nothing but a desert; there was sagebrush out on the runway. | वहाँ रनवे के पार उड़ा रहे थे। | 1 |
He didn't say a time again, so he just got me over there stressing out, and I really don't even know when it's needed. | मैं चिंतित था क्योंकि मुझे नहीं पता था कि समय क्या है। | 0 |
He didn't say a time again, so he just got me over there stressing out, and I really don't even know when it's needed. | मुझे चिंता थी कि मैं शो को याद करूंगा क्योंकि मुझे नहीं पता था कि यह क्या समय था। | 1 |
He didn't say a time again, so he just got me over there stressing out, and I really don't even know when it's needed. | मैं बिल्कुल भी चिंतित नहीं था, यह तब होगा जब यह हुआ। | 2 |
He is from Greece and he is from a small village in Greece called Tokalleka and he came to America and I believe it was 1969 or 1970 and he shortly got married. | वह एक ग्रीक व्यक्ति है जो कोई अंग्रेजी नहीं बोलता है। | 1 |
He is from Greece and he is from a small village in Greece called Tokalleka and he came to America and I believe it was 1969 or 1970 and he shortly got married. | वह एक ग्रीक आदमी है। | 0 |
He is from Greece and he is from a small village in Greece called Tokalleka and he came to America and I believe it was 1969 or 1970 and he shortly got married. | वह आयरलैंड से है। | 2 |
So anyhow, I call Ramona back because I had a question about, I was like, All right, let me hurry up on with it, and I had a question about something I was doing. | मैंने रमोना को फोन करने की जहमत नहीं उठाई। | 2 |
So anyhow, I call Ramona back because I had a question about, I was like, All right, let me hurry up on with it, and I had a question about something I was doing. | मुझे सवाल पूछने का मौका कभी नहीं मिला। | 1 |
So anyhow, I call Ramona back because I had a question about, I was like, All right, let me hurry up on with it, and I had a question about something I was doing. | मैं रमोना से एक सवाल पूछना चाहता था। | 0 |
Little things like that made a big difference in what I was trying to do. | मैंने इसे करने की कोशिश भी नहीं की। | 2 |
Little things like that made a big difference in what I was trying to do. | मैं कुछ पूरा करने की कोशिश कर रहा था। | 0 |
Little things like that made a big difference in what I was trying to do. | मैं कक्षा के लिए अपना पोस्टर खत्म करने की कोशिश कर रहा था और नए मार्करों ने मदद की। | 1 |
Well, there's nobody there to help me. | मैं इसे अपने दम पर नहीं कर पा रहा हूं। | 1 |
Well, there's nobody there to help me. | वहाँ मेरी मदद करने के लिए बहुत सारे लोग हैं। | 2 |
Well, there's nobody there to help me. | मेरी सहायता करने के लिए उस जगह में कोई नहीं है। | 0 |
The CIA unloaded the, the film, taken them to the United Nations the next day. | सीआईए ने फिल्म को संयुक्त राष्ट्र में लाया। | 0 |
The CIA unloaded the, the film, taken them to the United Nations the next day. | सीआईए ने फिल्म को अपने लिए रखा। | 2 |
The CIA unloaded the, the film, taken them to the United Nations the next day. | सीआईए ने सोचा कि संयुक्त राष्ट्र को फिल्म को तुरंत देखने की जरूरत है। | 1 |
I already told him, I tried to explain to him that I was frustrated I didn't have all the information I needed. | मैंने उससे कहा कि मैं कुछ और सुनना नहीं चाहता। | 2 |
I already told him, I tried to explain to him that I was frustrated I didn't have all the information I needed. | मैंने उससे कहा कि मुझे यह तय करने के लिए अधिक जानकारी की आवश्यकता है कि नौकरी के साथ क्या करना है। | 1 |
I already told him, I tried to explain to him that I was frustrated I didn't have all the information I needed. | मैंने उससे कहा कि मुझे अधिक जानकारी की आवश्यकता है। | 0 |
That's why I didn't graduate college, but I never, I never read any of the books I was supposed to. | मैंने कॉलेज खत्म नहीं किया। | 0 |
That's why I didn't graduate college, but I never, I never read any of the books I was supposed to. | मैंने सम्मान के साथ कॉलेज समाप्त किया। | 2 |
That's why I didn't graduate college, but I never, I never read any of the books I was supposed to. | मैं 2002 में कॉलेज से बाहर हो गया। | 1 |
Um, and so they just left town, and she, she never did see her sister again, never saw her sister again. | वह टेक्सास चली गई और अपनी बहन को फिर कभी नहीं देखा। | 1 |
Um, and so they just left town, and she, she never did see her sister again, never saw her sister again. | उसने उसके बाद अपनी बहन को कभी नहीं देखा। | 0 |
Um, and so they just left town, and she, she never did see her sister again, never saw her sister again. | उसने हर दिन अपनी बहन को देखा। | 2 |
So Granny got up, and she kind of walked down the steps off the porch and she was walking up towards the road and she then just stood there. | दादी पोर्च पर रही। | 2 |
So Granny got up, and she kind of walked down the steps off the porch and she was walking up towards the road and she then just stood there. | दादी घर से 100 फीट की दूरी पर चली गई। | 1 |
So Granny got up, and she kind of walked down the steps off the porch and she was walking up towards the road and she then just stood there. | दादी घर से दूर चली गई। | 0 |
The story I shall talk about today is about my father and the culture diversities he had when he moved to America. | मैं अपने माता -पिता के बारे में बात नहीं करना चाहता। | 2 |
The story I shall talk about today is about my father and the culture diversities he had when he moved to America. | मैं आपको एक आप्रवासी के रूप में अपने पिता के अनुभव के बारे में बताऊंगा। | 0 |
The story I shall talk about today is about my father and the culture diversities he had when he moved to America. | मैं आपको बताऊंगा कि जब मेरे पिताजी मेक्सिको से यहां चले गए तो क्या हुआ। | 1 |
It was still cultural area but suburbs was still the dominant form. | यह सब बहुत शहरी था। | 2 |
It was still cultural area but suburbs was still the dominant form. | अधिकांश क्षेत्र सस्ते घरों से भरा था। | 1 |
It was still cultural area but suburbs was still the dominant form. | अधिकांश क्षेत्र उपनगर था। | 0 |
And then I heard him leave, so I'm still finishing what I had to do. | मैं वही कर रहा हूं जो मुझे आज करने की आवश्यकता है। | 0 |
And then I heard him leave, so I'm still finishing what I had to do. | मैं उन महत्वपूर्ण काम कर रहा हूं जो मुझे आज सुबह सौंपा गया था। | 1 |
And then I heard him leave, so I'm still finishing what I had to do. | मैं इस सामान को करने से परेशान नहीं हूं। | 2 |
And they found this house or this apartment building or whatever it was that they could live in, and it was right on the edge of Broad Street. | वे ब्रॉड स्ट्रीट पर एक व्हाइट हाउस में रहते थे। | 1 |
And they found this house or this apartment building or whatever it was that they could live in, and it was right on the edge of Broad Street. | वे ब्रॉड स्ट्रीट पर रहते थे। | 0 |
And they found this house or this apartment building or whatever it was that they could live in, and it was right on the edge of Broad Street. | वे एक तम्बू में मेन स्ट्रीट पर रहते थे। | 2 |
It would not explode without the trigger. | ट्रिगर इसे विस्फोट करता है। | 0 |
It would not explode without the trigger. | ट्रिगर बम विस्फोट करता है ।। | 1 |
It would not explode without the trigger. | खींचने के लिए कोई ट्रिगर नहीं है। | 2 |
And so when they told her she had to go home with this guy, she said, Go home with him? | उन्होंने कहा कि वह अभी तक कहीं नहीं जा सकती | 2 |
And so when they told her she had to go home with this guy, she said, Go home with him? | उन्होंने उसे बताया कि उसे आदमी के साथ सोना है। | 1 |
And so when they told her she had to go home with this guy, she said, Go home with him? | उन्होंने उसे आदमी के साथ छोड़ने के लिए कहा। | 0 |
And our father always told us not to say they are animals. | हमारे पिताजी ने कहा कि उन्हें जानवरों को नहीं बुलाया। | 0 |
And our father always told us not to say they are animals. | हमारे पिताजी ने कहा कि वे जानवर थे। | 2 |
And our father always told us not to say they are animals. | हमारे पिताजी ने कहा कि वे प्राणी थे, जानवर नहीं। | 1 |
I don't care if you don't know anything about it. | मुझे पता है कि आप इसके प्रति जुनूनी नहीं हैं। | 1 |
I don't care if you don't know anything about it. | मुझे लगता है कि आपको अपना दिमाग बदलना चाहिए और इसमें बहुत दिलचस्पी होनी चाहिए! | 2 |
I don't care if you don't know anything about it. | मुझे चिंता नहीं है अगर आपको इसके बारे में कुछ भी नहीं पता है। | 0 |
Even though I don't see how he could have expected me to have it done. | मुझे समझ नहीं आ रहा है कि उसने मुझे आज ड्राइंग खत्म करने की उम्मीद क्यों की है | 1 |
Even though I don't see how he could have expected me to have it done. | मुझे समझ नहीं आता कि उसने क्यों सोचा कि मैं इसे खत्म कर दूंगा। | 0 |
Even though I don't see how he could have expected me to have it done. | मुझे पता है कि वह जानता था कि मैं आज रात को खत्म नहीं करूंगा। | 2 |
I never did see, and don't know yet why, unless it was just ex, ex, expressing the, the, the need to know what you was a doing and whatever. | मैंने इसे नहीं देखा। | 0 |
I never did see, and don't know yet why, unless it was just ex, ex, expressing the, the, the need to know what you was a doing and whatever. | मैंने यह नहीं देखा कि वह व्यक्ति सोमवार को क्या कर रहा था। | 1 |
I never did see, and don't know yet why, unless it was just ex, ex, expressing the, the, the need to know what you was a doing and whatever. | मैंने इसे हर बिट देखा! | 2 |
They asked a few questions and I answered them and they said, Get your baggage and leave there immediately, and come to the address you were supposed to when you arrived in Washington. | उन्होंने मुझे बताया कि मुझे घर पर रहना चाहिए। | 2 |
They asked a few questions and I answered them and they said, Get your baggage and leave there immediately, and come to the address you were supposed to when you arrived in Washington. | उन्होंने मुझे अपने बैग पकड़ने के लिए कहा। | 0 |
They asked a few questions and I answered them and they said, Get your baggage and leave there immediately, and come to the address you were supposed to when you arrived in Washington. | उन्होंने मुझे सफेद सूटकेस द्वारा लेने के लिए कहा। | 1 |
Come to find out it was a U2 aircraft but we couldn't, we could not say one word about what it was; nothing to our wives, kids or anybody. | हम किसी को भी नहीं बता सकते थे कि U2 उतरा था। | 1 |
Come to find out it was a U2 aircraft but we couldn't, we could not say one word about what it was; nothing to our wives, kids or anybody. | हमने सभी को इसके बारे में बताया। | 2 |
Come to find out it was a U2 aircraft but we couldn't, we could not say one word about what it was; nothing to our wives, kids or anybody. | हमें U2 के बारे में बात करने की अनुमति नहीं थी। | 0 |
If, if your hand was exposed outside of the pressure suit, your hands would go to about five times the size, if you had a decompression. | आपकी त्वचा में कोई बदलाव नहीं होगा। | 2 |
If, if your hand was exposed outside of the pressure suit, your hands would go to about five times the size, if you had a decompression. | यदि यह सूट के बाहर उजागर होता तो आपका हाथ आकार बदल सकता है। | 0 |
If, if your hand was exposed outside of the pressure suit, your hands would go to about five times the size, if you had a decompression. | यदि आप चाँद पर थे तो आपका हाथ एक टन बढ़ेगा और आप इसे सूट से बाहर कर देते हैं। | 1 |
Is there any reason why she didn't tell you? | मुझे पता है कि कोई कारण नहीं है कि वह आपको नहीं बताएगा। | 2 |
Is there any reason why she didn't tell you? | वह आपको इसके बारे में क्यों नहीं बताएगी? | 0 |
Is there any reason why she didn't tell you? | वह आपको बच्चे के बारे में क्यों नहीं बताएगी? | 1 |
They had wound up starting out to New York to visit some relatives of this, this cousin, and they just stayed and he didn't know how to get back, so he just stayed with them. | उन्होंने कभी अपने परिवार का दौरा नहीं किया। | 2 |
They had wound up starting out to New York to visit some relatives of this, this cousin, and they just stayed and he didn't know how to get back, so he just stayed with them. | वह अपने परिवार के साथ ब्रुकलिन में रुके थे। | 1 |
They had wound up starting out to New York to visit some relatives of this, this cousin, and they just stayed and he didn't know how to get back, so he just stayed with them. | वह न्यूयॉर्क में उनके साथ रहे। | 0 |
No, it was just that one time in the morning, and she said that she was going to come back to the office. | उसने उल्लेख नहीं किया कि वह लौटने जा रही है या नहीं। | 2 |
No, it was just that one time in the morning, and she said that she was going to come back to the office. | उसने कहा कि वह बाद में लौटने जा रही थी। | 0 |
No, it was just that one time in the morning, and she said that she was going to come back to the office. | उसने कहा कि वह दोपहर के भोजन के साथ कार्यालय में वापस आ जाएगी। | 1 |
We didn't know what a U2 was and nobody knew anything about a U2. | हमें नहीं पता था कि हेक ए यू 2 क्या था। | 0 |
We didn't know what a U2 was and nobody knew anything about a U2. | हमें नहीं पता था कि हवा में हमने जो चीज़ देखी थी उसे क्या कॉल करना है। | 1 |
We didn't know what a U2 was and nobody knew anything about a U2. | हम सब U2 के बारे में जानते थे! | 2 |
My grandmother was born in 1910, she was a little girl. | मेरी दादी का जन्म शताब्दी के मोड़ के 10 साल बाद हुआ था। | 0 |
My grandmother was born in 1910, she was a little girl. | मेरी दादी का जन्म 1899 में हुआ था। | 2 |
My grandmother was born in 1910, she was a little girl. | मेरी दादी का जन्म 1 जुलाई, 1910 को हुआ था। | 1 |
So he stayed in Augusta after that? | क्या वह ऑगस्टा में रहा? | 0 |
So he stayed in Augusta after that? | क्या वह दंगा के बाद ऑगस्टा में रहा? | 1 |
Subsets and Splits