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And he said, Mama, I'm home. | जैसे ही स्कूल बस ने उसे छोड़ दिया, उसने अपनी माँ को फोन किया। | 1 |
And he said, Mama, I'm home. | उसने एक शब्द नहीं कहा। | 2 |
And he said, Mama, I'm home. | उसने अपनी माँ को बताया कि वह घर ले गया था। | 0 |
I didn't know what I was going for or anything, so was to report to a designated place in Washington. | मैं कभी वाशिंगटन नहीं गया था इसलिए जब मुझे वहां सौंपा गया तो मैं जगह खोजने की कोशिश में खो गया। | 1 |
I didn't know what I was going for or anything, so was to report to a designated place in Washington. | मुझे पता था कि मुझे वाशिंगटन के लिए मार्च करने के लिए मुझे क्या करना था। | 2 |
I didn't know what I was going for or anything, so was to report to a designated place in Washington. | मैं बिल्कुल निश्चित नहीं था कि मैं क्या करने जा रहा था इसलिए मैं वाशिंगटन गया था जहां मुझे रिपोर्ट करने के लिए सौंपा गया था। | 0 |
He didn't get to go. | वह सबसे पहले आमंत्रित किया गया और अनुभव का आनंद लिया। | 2 |
He didn't get to go. | उसे उपस्थित होने की अनुमति नहीं थी। | 0 |
He didn't get to go. | उन्हें संग्रहालय के उद्घाटन में जाने की अनुमति नहीं थी। | 1 |
And I was like OK, and that was it! | मैंने कहा कि हाँ, यह समाप्त हो गया। | 0 |
And I was like OK, and that was it! | मैंने कहा नहीं और यह और पर घसीटा गया। | 2 |
And I was like OK, and that was it! | जब मैंने हां कहा, तो हमने फैसला किया कि हम उस दिन शादी करेंगे। | 1 |
I was just there just trying to figure it out. | मैंने इसे शुरू से ही अच्छी तरह से समझा। | 2 |
I was just there just trying to figure it out. | मैं यह समझने की कोशिश कर रहा था कि पैसा कहां गया। | 1 |
I was just there just trying to figure it out. | मैं समझने की कोशिश कर रहा था। | 0 |
And, uh, they kind of actually stopped visiting the family because they were just, just determined that they were going to be white. | वे हर दिन यात्रा करते रहे। | 2 |
And, uh, they kind of actually stopped visiting the family because they were just, just determined that they were going to be white. | वे अब परिवार से नहीं मिले। | 0 |
And, uh, they kind of actually stopped visiting the family because they were just, just determined that they were going to be white. | नस्लीय तनाव शुरू होने पर उन्होंने परिवार का दौरा करना बंद कर दिया। | 1 |
And Granny used to tell the story about how her sister and her sister's husband decided that they were going to move to the city, to Augusta, and pass for white. | दादी की बहन सफेद थी और टेक्सास चली गई। | 2 |
And Granny used to tell the story about how her sister and her sister's husband decided that they were going to move to the city, to Augusta, and pass for white. | दादी की बहन सफेद नहीं थी। | 0 |
And Granny used to tell the story about how her sister and her sister's husband decided that they were going to move to the city, to Augusta, and pass for white. | दादी की बहन सफेद नहीं थी, लेकिन वह चाहती थी कि वह स्कूल जा सके। | 1 |
Michael Santo of, of Firewell and Company, of Buffalo, NY, they was the one that uh, manufactured, uh, invented the high O2 regulator before that they built fire control on the stove well. | सैंटो न्यूयॉर्क में रहते थे और उच्च O2 नियामक पर काम करते थे। | 0 |
Michael Santo of, of Firewell and Company, of Buffalo, NY, they was the one that uh, manufactured, uh, invented the high O2 regulator before that they built fire control on the stove well. | सैंटो ने अग्नि सुरक्षा में विशेषज्ञता हासिल की क्योंकि यह एक ऐसा मुद्दा था जो उसे प्रिय था। | 1 |
Michael Santo of, of Firewell and Company, of Buffalo, NY, they was the one that uh, manufactured, uh, invented the high O2 regulator before that they built fire control on the stove well. | सैंटो ने डिज्नी के लिए काम किया और चाय कप संचालित किया। | 2 |
But he was, you know, in a lot of ways, just like a plantation owner's son because he was the son of this guy who owned a lot of property. | उनके पिता ने अपने जीवन में कभी कुछ नहीं किया था। | 2 |
But he was, you know, in a lot of ways, just like a plantation owner's son because he was the son of this guy who owned a lot of property. | उनके पिता के पास 2000 एकड़ का खेत था। | 1 |
But he was, you know, in a lot of ways, just like a plantation owner's son because he was the son of this guy who owned a lot of property. | उनके पिता के पास बहुत सारी संपत्ति थी। | 0 |
But my job was to put parachutes on it and life preservers when we would load it and start to an overseas location. | मेरे पास नौकरी नहीं थी इसलिए मैंने घर पर सभी बक्से बनाए रखे। | 2 |
But my job was to put parachutes on it and life preservers when we would load it and start to an overseas location. | मैंने बक्से को जापान में भेज दिया। | 1 |
But my job was to put parachutes on it and life preservers when we would load it and start to an overseas location. | मैंने उन्हें बाहर भेज दिया। | 0 |
Now that's how, uh, I stay buckled in. | मैंने सुनिश्चित किया कि बकसुआ तंग पर था इसलिए मैं सुरक्षित रहूंगा। | 1 |
Now that's how, uh, I stay buckled in. | ठीक यही है कि मैं कैसे अनहोनी हो गई। | 2 |
Now that's how, uh, I stay buckled in. | यह ठीक है कि मैं कैसे उपवास किया गया। | 0 |
And he was a philanderer, an d oh yeah, he was like out there . And, ah, so, you know, I didn't like him, but anyway those are my stories. | वह बहुत वफादार और अच्छा था। | 2 |
And he was a philanderer, an d oh yeah, he was like out there . And, ah, so, you know, I didn't like him, but anyway those are my stories. | मैं उससे नफरत करता था क्योंकि वह बहुत घमंडी था। | 1 |
And he was a philanderer, an d oh yeah, he was like out there . And, ah, so, you know, I didn't like him, but anyway those are my stories. | मैं उसका प्रशंसक नहीं था। | 0 |
When I pull, when he pulls the canopy for me to start getting him out, he points to two instruments on the left side of the aircraft that had actually melted during the flight. | विमान के सभी उपकरण बरकरार थे। | 2 |
When I pull, when he pulls the canopy for me to start getting him out, he points to two instruments on the left side of the aircraft that had actually melted during the flight. | उसे बाहर निकालना मुश्किल था। | 1 |
When I pull, when he pulls the canopy for me to start getting him out, he points to two instruments on the left side of the aircraft that had actually melted during the flight. | विमान में ऐसे उपकरण थे जो पिघल गए थे। | 0 |
And, she didn't really understand. | काश, वह एक भाषा बाधा के कारण स्पष्ट रूप से समझ नहीं पा रही थी। | 1 |
And, she didn't really understand. | वास्तव में, वह समझ नहीं पाई। | 0 |
And, she didn't really understand. | वह ठीक -ठीक जानती थी कि हम किस बारे में बात कर रहे थे। | 2 |
Maybe she told everyone else and I wasn't paying attention at that particular time. | मैंने उसे तब नहीं सुना जब उसने बाकी सभी को बताया। | 0 |
Maybe she told everyone else and I wasn't paying attention at that particular time. | मैंने वह सब कुछ सुना जो उसने कहा। | 2 |
Maybe she told everyone else and I wasn't paying attention at that particular time. | मैं उस समय किसी और से बात कर रहा था। | 1 |
Only lost two, three aircraft while we was there, and, uh, test phase. | मौसम के कारण कुछ विमान खो गए। | 1 |
Only lost two, three aircraft while we was there, and, uh, test phase. | विमान के एक जोड़े खो गए थे। | 0 |
Only lost two, three aircraft while we was there, and, uh, test phase. | हमने कभी कोई विमान नहीं खोया है। | 2 |
I need you to do something for me. | मुझे किसी भी मदद की ज़रूरत नहीं है। | 2 |
I need you to do something for me. | यह एक बड़ा काम है जो मुझे करने की आवश्यकता है। | 1 |
I need you to do something for me. | कुछ ऐसा है जो मुझे करने की जरूरत है। | 0 |
Different, totally different types parachutes and in an bird that flies, uh, three times the speed of sound, over 22,000 miles an hour. | यह 20,000 मील प्रति घंटे से अधिक उड़ता है। | 0 |
Different, totally different types parachutes and in an bird that flies, uh, three times the speed of sound, over 22,000 miles an hour. | यह केवल 10,000 मील प्रति घंटे की यात्रा करता है। | 2 |
Different, totally different types parachutes and in an bird that flies, uh, three times the speed of sound, over 22,000 miles an hour. | जेट एक घंटे में 20,000 मील की दूरी पर उड़ता है। | 1 |
It was, uh, which we, uh, had Rudolph Anderson in a, a formulation of three U2's. | रूडोल्फ एंडरसन कहीं नहीं पाया गया था, इसलिए हमारे पास केवल एक U2 था। | 2 |
It was, uh, which we, uh, had Rudolph Anderson in a, a formulation of three U2's. | रूडोल्फ एंडरसन तीन U2 का हिस्सा थे। | 0 |
It was, uh, which we, uh, had Rudolph Anderson in a, a formulation of three U2's. | हमें यू 2 के साथ रूडोल्फ एंडरसन की मदद करने के लिए धन्य था। | 1 |
She was still in there. | वह बिना ट्रेस के चली गई थी। | 2 |
She was still in there. | वह अभी भी आसपास के क्षेत्र में थी। | 0 |
She was still in there. | हमें लगा कि वह छोड़ गई है लेकिन वह बनी हुई है। | 1 |
Also, oh, let me go through this. | मुझे इससे निपटने की जरूरत नहीं है। | 2 |
Also, oh, let me go through this. | मैं इसके माध्यम से देखूंगा। | 0 |
Also, oh, let me go through this. | मैं इन रिपोर्टों के माध्यम से देखूंगा। | 1 |
But all of a sudden, we was called out to look at what was flying. | हम फ्लाइंग प्लेन को देखने वाले थे। | 1 |
But all of a sudden, we was called out to look at what was flying. | हम देखने वाले थे कि क्या उड़ रहा था। | 0 |
But all of a sudden, we was called out to look at what was flying. | हमें कहा गया था कि हम बाहर न देखें। | 2 |
He would tear the, the paper up and put it in the sand, ashtray sand, set it on a fire and burn it, and then stir the ashes up like that. | वह कुछ भी जलाने से बहुत डरता था इसलिए उसने बस उसे फ्लश किया। | 2 |
He would tear the, the paper up and put it in the sand, ashtray sand, set it on a fire and burn it, and then stir the ashes up like that. | वह कागज जला देगा। | 0 |
He would tear the, the paper up and put it in the sand, ashtray sand, set it on a fire and burn it, and then stir the ashes up like that. | वह कागज पर एक सपना लिखता और फिर उसे जला देता। | 1 |
Um, You need to call Ramona at Concord, mind you she's at an office, actually she's in a client, all the way across town, we're in Monroe, she's in Concord. | रमोना अपने पूरे जीवन में कॉनकॉर्ड में रह चुके हैं। | 1 |
Um, You need to call Ramona at Concord, mind you she's at an office, actually she's in a client, all the way across town, we're in Monroe, she's in Concord. | रमोना कभी भी कॉनकॉर्ड नहीं रही। | 2 |
Um, You need to call Ramona at Concord, mind you she's at an office, actually she's in a client, all the way across town, we're in Monroe, she's in Concord. | रमोना कॉनकॉर्ड में स्थित है। | 0 |
That's kind of unique in that I, uh, spent, uh, about 16 years of my career in Special Activities. | मैं वर्षों से विशेष गतिविधियों में था। | 0 |
That's kind of unique in that I, uh, spent, uh, about 16 years of my career in Special Activities. | मैंने कभी नौकरी नहीं की। | 2 |
That's kind of unique in that I, uh, spent, uh, about 16 years of my career in Special Activities. | मेरी पसंदीदा नौकरी विशेष गतिविधियों में थी। | 1 |
I think that's why I remember that. | मुझे यह बिल्कुल याद नहीं था। | 2 |
I think that's why I remember that. | शायद यही कारण है कि मुझे उसका नाम याद आया। | 1 |
I think that's why I remember that. | शायद इसीलिए मुझे याद आया। | 0 |
And it makes you feel just awful. | यह आपको बहुत अच्छा महसूस कराता है। | 2 |
And it makes you feel just awful. | यह आपको भयानक लगता है। | 0 |
And it makes you feel just awful. | आप एक घंटे के बाद बेहतर महसूस करते हैं। | 1 |
You don't have to stay there. | यदि आप चाहें तो आप घर जा सकते हैं। | 1 |
You don't have to stay there. | आपका यहाँ कोई काम नहीं है। | 0 |
You don't have to stay there. | आपको उस सटीक स्थान पर रहने की आवश्यकता है! | 2 |
That was, that was a pretty scary day. | यह एक आरामदायक दिन था। | 2 |
That was, that was a pretty scary day. | यह वास्तव में डरावना था जब बवंडर शहर में आया था। | 1 |
That was, that was a pretty scary day. | उस दिन वास्तव में मुझे डरा दिया। | 0 |
Uh, well it's, uh, the speeds got faster, faster, and faster until we deployed overseas. | यह तेजी से बढ़ता रहा। | 0 |
Uh, well it's, uh, the speeds got faster, faster, and faster until we deployed overseas. | यह हमेशा के लिए लेने के लिए लग रहा था। | 2 |
Uh, well it's, uh, the speeds got faster, faster, and faster until we deployed overseas. | गति मुझे परेशान कर रही थी। | 1 |
So, well I, uh, anyway, uh, uh, this is the three, uh, U2 pilots that, uh, President Kennedy's office in Washington with General May. | जनरल मई और पायलटों के पास कार्यालय का दौरा करने में एक महान समय था। | 1 |
So, well I, uh, anyway, uh, uh, this is the three, uh, U2 pilots that, uh, President Kennedy's office in Washington with General May. | जनरल कभी भी राष्ट्रपति कैनेडी के कार्यालय में नहीं गए। | 2 |
So, well I, uh, anyway, uh, uh, this is the three, uh, U2 pilots that, uh, President Kennedy's office in Washington with General May. | यह राष्ट्रपति कैनेडी के कार्यालय में सामान्य मई और तीन यू 2 पायलट हैं। | 0 |
Before you give me a spanking, why don't you just let me have one big glass of chocolate milk first? | मैं दूध नहीं पी सकता। | 2 |
Before you give me a spanking, why don't you just let me have one big glass of chocolate milk first? | मुझे एक गिलास चॉकलेट दूध चाहिए। | 0 |
Before you give me a spanking, why don't you just let me have one big glass of chocolate milk first? | मुझे कुछ चॉकलेट दूध पीना अच्छा लगेगा और थोड़ा आराम करना चाहिए क्योंकि मुझे पता है कि मैंने गड़बड़ कर दी है। | 1 |
And then once you get everything entered you can go on from there. | सब कुछ दर्ज करने के बाद आप जारी रख सकते हैं। | 0 |
And then once you get everything entered you can go on from there. | डेटाबेस में जानकारी दर्ज करने के बाद आप जारी रख सकते हैं। | 1 |
And then once you get everything entered you can go on from there. | आपको अभी रुकना चाहिए। | 2 |
But uh, think about it. | मैं इसके बारे में अक्सर सोचता हूं। | 1 |
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