2 values
639 values
1 class
1 value
This recommendation has been, without any doubt, a cornerstone of European policy measures on youth employment.
this recommendation has been without any doubt a cornerstone of european policy measures on youth employment.
[ "this", "recommendation", "has", "been", "without", "any", "doubt", "a", "cornerstone", "of", "european", "policy", "measures", "on", "youth", "employment." ]
[ "this", "recommendation", "has", "been", "without", "any", "doubt", "a", "cornerstone", "of", "european", "policy", "measures", "on", "youth", "employment" ]
[ "t h i s", "r e c o m m e n d a t i o n", "h a s", "b e e n", "w i t h o u t", "a n y", "d o u b t", "a", "c o r n e r s t o n e", "o f", "e u r o p e a n", "p o l i c y", "m e a s u r e s", "o n", "y o u t h", "e m p l o y m e n t" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 2114, 1335, 1335, 2327, 2327, 914, 914, 1457, 524, 524, 75, 3958, 2026, 3958, 331, 3163, 4461, 138, 3759, 4631, 1542, 1599, 3786, 658, 4590, 1626, 1827, 4191, 831, 831, 831, 831, 1665, 381, 1733, 903, 155, 155, 2733, 1404, 202, 2484, 2484, 2484, 3687, 4108, 2682, 5, 3496, 1283, 1198, 1808, 1808, 3690, 3690, 1573, 19, 3430, 225, 4780, 1275, 1840, 222, 821, 821, 54, 2824, 4044, 4044, 1149, 3072, 3072, 1007, 395, 395, 149, 149, 4674, 4674, 4674, 2859, 1289, 298, 2535, 2940, 3930, 4894, 4894, 276, 2741, 221, 1264, 1264, 1264, 1264, 1264, 3171, 2168, 2160, 2160, 2160, 824, 3159, 3485, 3896, 2697, 2697, 3204, 29, 4807, 1284, 318, 1140, 1140, 3748, 4055, 3833, 299, 757, 757, 757, 757, 757, 2075, 58, 2029, 2636, 977, 4571, 245, 890, 163, 1045, 187, 3406, 297, 2365, 3426, 3212, 506, 2537, 4054, 4054, 4202, 231, 433, 3496, 902, 4441, 4441, 4441, 4441, 4441, 2075, 2075, 771, 771, 4524, 445, 3711, 977, 3472, 3190, 1481, 2593, 3557, 1252, 1943, 1943, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245, 72, 1400, 3844, 1436, 1436, 1066, 1886, 2026, 231, 1510, 859, 859, 1513, 1513, 1513, 1999, 4305, 581, 581, 742, 310, 1579, 1579, 1371, 1371, 2935, 2935, 2935, 1871, 2310, 1977, 69, 1005, 1502, 3794, 4472, 1001, 4876, 1275, 382, 1084, 3065, 3271, 2559, 47, 1555, 2815, 2815, 2815, 2815, 2815, 605, 605, 2487, 3764, 269, 2160, 3159, 2002, 758, 197, 2939, 2939, 2331, 2331, 4789, 4789, 4789, 2968, 3912, 745, 137, 137, 3849, 1635, 4429, 1635, 2026, 122, 122, 1604, 122, 1604, 166, 166, 3744, 3744, 1792, 4340, 4423, 992, 2775, 2144, 2144, 1004, 1004, 2262, 3648, 1853, 1853, 583, 4907, 2812, 2812, 4643, 439, 784, 784, 784, 784, 3392, 3392, 4465, 4465, 2168, 522, 830, 4591, 2812, 742, 3170, 452, 116, 4422, 4422, 4422, 4422, 4147, 4033, 196, 196, 4214, 237, 1275, 121, 655, 2503, 2503, 3043, 4101, 438, 3846, 1593, 202, 308, 2993, 3937, 3937, 3937, 3937, 93, 3967, 2504, 18, 3405, 3061, 1783, 4239, 4239, 2401, 2401, 2401, 2038, 2038, 292, 3385, 2535, 1011, 1311, 634, 71, 4665, 4665, 4243, 4243, 3913, 3913, 532, 3844, 3844, 1103, 1103, 4195, 3744, 1886, 2281, 2281, 2789, 2263, 3180, 4430, 4430, 4430, 3777, 105, 2177, 2177, 4768, 2160, 2160, 3159, 3896, 3896, 3896, 3896, 338, 4423, 4423, 992, 992, 2775, 2775, 4872, 4872, 4872, 4872, 1819, 1819, 1819, 1551, 4345, 4061, 2226, 4966, 4966, 2035, 872, 1365, 983, 983, 983, 781, 191, 191, 820, 3563, 4508, 4591, 2812, 2559, 4932, 263, 4075, 2050, 2050, 2050, 1269, 1269, 4992, 3144, 2944, 1404, 1067, 2539, 249, 1146, 3346, 163, 4114, 4114, 836, 4284, 3140, 4673, 2152, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.5211801470588235, 1.423222709276018, 1.7639943438914027, 2.104765978506787, 2.645991515837104, 2.9065815893665157, 3.4878979072398186, 3.8487149321266965, 4.730712104072397, 5.1516652997737555, 5.873299349547511, 6.334343325791855, 7.096068156108597, 7.597202912895927, 8.098337669683257 ]
[ 0.5211801470588235, 1.423222709276018, 1.7639943438914027, 2.104765978506787, 2.645991515837104, 2.9065815893665157, 3.4878979072398186, 3.8487149321266965, 4.730712104072397, 5.1516652997737555, 5.873299349547511, 6.334343325791855, 7.096068156108597, 7.597202912895927, 8.098337669683257, 8.840017109728505 ]
Mr Barroso had to propose an emergency food regulation about two years ago.
mr barroso had to propose an emergency food regulation about two years ago.
[ "mr", "barroso", "had", "to", "propose", "an", "emergency", "food", "regulation", "about", "two", "years", "ago." ]
[ "mr", "barroso", "had", "to", "propose", "an", "emergency", "food", "regulation", "about", "two", "years", "ago" ]
[ "m r", "b a r r o s o", "h a d", "t o", "p r o p o s e", "a n", "e m e r g e n c y", "f o o d", "r e g u l a t i o n", "a b o u t", "t w o", "y e a r s", "a g o" ]
[ 4079, 3409, 2026, 3409, 331, 4924, 1934, 943, 943, 2505, 2505, 3016, 2187, 242, 212, 2683, 3175, 3175, 3683, 1060, 104, 1373, 2782, 3561, 593, 2729, 4274, 3728, 970, 970, 4244, 4322, 1051, 2881, 4697, 2963, 4433, 121, 4372, 170, 280, 280, 280, 3128, 4563, 57, 57, 1873, 1873, 4450, 3040, 2593, 399, 399, 2220, 1128, 1128, 72, 1286, 110, 110, 4195, 4195, 912, 3692, 395, 1718, 1718, 3369, 3369, 2307, 1200, 381, 1058, 1954, 1401, 1292, 1292, 1395, 2768, 1478, 2812, 2559, 1673, 3407, 3167, 285, 750, 1210, 2026, 3170, 2973, 1663, 1530, 1530, 1118, 1118, 1118, 1118, 847, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 3689, 3689, 3559, 4287, 67, 67, 4077, 1311, 1311, 2967, 2593, 3557, 2220, 2220, 1286, 110, 4195, 4195, 1586, 231, 2754, 4718, 2687, 3398, 4840, 3165, 2816, 202, 308, 939, 2302, 4212, 4212, 4212, 425, 2121, 514, 4843, 1722, 3536, 2556, 2556, 3839, 194, 3919, 3989, 121, 4372, 2503, 3043, 4054, 3293, 563, 1815, 2400, 43, 2923, 4953, 4436, 4436, 4436, 44, 4706, 825, 1296, 843, 4590, 2729, 4191, 2563, 2563, 2563, 3457, 3879, 894, 844, 844, 1691, 1691, 143, 1230, 227, 1198, 1808, 1808, 3690, 1573, 1573, 3430, 225, 4780, 4077, 3405, 419, 222, 4392, 3534, 3534, 3122, 2288, 2649, 2160, 4681, 2210, 4401, 1716, 1716, 1128, 1128, 163, 1128, 1357, 1357, 1357, 110, 4195, 3744, 3744, 981, 4575, 1961, 3327, 1373, 3110, 2189, 2189, 278, 2075, 58, 2029, 1200, 3189, 1058, 4375, 985, 873, 873, 873, 260, 4216, 790, 39, 3779, 799, 799, 799, 173, 525, 4499, 1764, 1360, 1360, 472, 1008, 2471, 1710, 777, 2272, 1253, 1253, 1253, 1253, 3066, 201, 1628, 3607, 3607, 3487, 2737, 2737, 2204 ]
[ 0, 0.381372509057971, 1.0437563405797101, 1.425128849637681, 1.6057789855072462, 2.388596240942029, 2.5893186141304345, 3.13126902173913, 3.432352581521739, 4.315531023550724, 4.737048007246376, 4.897625905797101, 5.158564990942029 ]
[ 0.381372509057971, 1.0437563405797101, 1.425128849637681, 1.6057789855072462, 2.388596240942029, 2.5893186141304345, 3.13126902173913, 3.432352581521739, 4.315531023550724, 4.737048007246376, 4.897625905797101, 5.158564990942029, 5.519865262681159 ]
including in relation to remedies.
including in relation to remedies.
[ "including", "in", "relation", "to", "remedies." ]
[ "including", "in", "relation", "to", "remedies" ]
[ "i n c l u d i n g", "i n", "r e l a t i o n", "t o", "r e m e d i e s" ]
[ 4079, 3409, 3409, 3409, 3409, 2026, 2026, 1249, 4364, 4364, 1405, 1405, 1405, 2218, 3832, 3918, 3918, 3918, 2659, 2659, 2099, 4591, 581, 894, 310, 3317, 305, 305, 2445, 2445, 2445, 2445, 1998, 1998, 1998, 1998, 1998, 1819, 1819, 1819, 365, 825, 825, 2171, 104, 2073, 2402, 1605, 1182, 160, 2610, 4914, 7, 598, 1638, 1638, 150, 775, 775, 775, 4153, 4276, 166, 166, 1262, 163, 3744, 2666, 3125, 3867, 3867, 1949, 1949, 3832, 3832, 4190, 3031, 3031, 2603, 1330, 3260, 4552, 4552, 4552, 2128, 1107, 143, 5, 227, 1179, 1179, 1179, 1179, 1573, 19, 3430, 225, 4780, 4077, 3405, 419, 419, 222, 4392, 3534, 3534, 60, 3122, 2649, 809, 809, 4655, 2292, 991, 3830, 4077, 3830, 2898, 2898, 162, 3414, 4398, 634, 4811, 3557, 4389, 1286, 2778, 2778, 4195, 1416, 2670, 2026, 381, 1954, 665, 3419, 3419, 1395, 1395, 3011, 3011, 3011, 4298, 4298, 80, 3800, 742, 1792, 4941, 448, 448, 448, 2729, 1988, 4191, 2710, 4283, 4283, 1947, 1947, 2618, 1777, 2406, 2322, 1090, 3665, 231, 3249, 2073, 1408, 1408, 1408, 3859, 3859, 3859, 608, 608, 536, 536, 2091, 1011, 3954, 2152, 918 ]
[ 0, 1.2467027027027024, 1.528216216216216, 2.433081081081081, 2.915675675675675 ]
[ 1.2467027027027024, 1.528216216216216, 2.433081081081081, 2.915675675675675, 3.699891891891891 ]
Rights like maternity and paternity leave, equal treatment for part time, full—time and agency workers and the right to paid holiday are all underpinned by EU law, avoiding a race to the bottom.
rights like maternity and paternity leave equal treatment for part time fulltime and agency workers and the right to paid holiday are all underpinned by eu law avoiding a race to the bottom.
[ "rights", "like", "maternity", "and", "paternity", "leave", "equal", "treatment", "for", "part", "time", "fulltime", "and", "agency", "workers", "and", "the", "right", "to", "paid", "holiday", "are", "all", "underpinned", "by", "eu", "law", "avoiding", "a", "race", "to", "the", "bottom." ]
[ "rights", "like", "maternity", "and", "paternity", "leave", "equal", "treatment", "for", "part", "time", "fulltime", "and", "agency", "workers", "and", "the", "right", "to", "paid", "holiday", "are", "all", "underpinned", "by", "eu", "law", "avoiding", "a", "race", "to", "the", "bottom" ]
[ "r i g h t s", "l i k e", "m a t e r n i t y", "a n d", "p a t e r n i t y", "l e a v e", "e q u a l", "t r e a t m e n t", "f o r", "p a r t", "t i m e", "f u l l t i m e", "a n d", "a g e n c y", "w o r k e r s", "a n d", "t h e", "r i g h t", "t o", "p a i d", "h o l i d a y", "a r e", "a l l", "u n d e r p i n n e d", "b y", "e u", "l a w", "a v o i d i n g", "a", "r a c e", "t o", "t h e", "b o t t o m" ]
[ 38, 4598, 76, 76, 4544, 2026, 3156, 520, 520, 3547, 3547, 2888, 2888, 1827, 926, 926, 3518, 3518, 3518, 3518, 3518, 495, 1236, 2122, 518, 518, 3795, 1136, 742, 538, 4505, 273, 4433, 4266, 1836, 1836, 426, 1230, 1596, 854, 1596, 854, 4164, 4164, 1173, 2430, 3795, 2408, 4997, 46, 3807, 1130, 4011, 1584, 1584, 1584, 3336, 270, 1359, 4077, 2657, 541, 4667, 4667, 4667, 4667, 1366, 1366, 839, 1005, 3005, 2322, 2322, 1090, 2390, 1268, 1268, 513, 2017, 1036, 2540, 2540, 4850, 2443, 3564, 4181, 4418, 4508, 4591, 3407, 2828, 324, 1623, 270, 944, 1359, 2657, 4667, 4667, 4667, 1366, 1366, 1366, 496, 314, 4116, 192, 1268, 4077, 2017, 3043, 3043, 4101, 1107, 143, 1230, 4958, 4958, 770, 770, 770, 4619, 4619, 3322, 3322, 2248, 2248, 3654, 718, 142, 2593, 2593, 4665, 4243, 4243, 1943, 1943, 1245, 1245, 1245, 3913, 3913, 23, 23, 2030, 3268, 312, 4826, 4826, 2666, 2552, 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518, 1665, 1665, 2533, 3815, 3815, 3815, 3325, 3325, 3325, 1187, 3758, 1623, 3237, 4374, 18, 3826, 3826, 3433, 4957, 4957, 4957, 4957, 1350, 3795, 2408, 4997, 4997, 3694, 1067, 2539, 249, 1146, 1146, 4418, 4994, 2408, 4587, 1368, 4635, 526, 526, 838, 1344, 4746, 4746, 2261, 1210, 2607, 3170, 1082, 1663, 116, 778, 778, 3871, 3871, 865, 2883, 2883, 616, 2068, 571, 1588, 3249, 944, 1359, 1359, 2657, 541, 625, 625, 2113, 2113, 2113, 2113, 2113, 887, 887, 887, 2016, 3187, 3187, 3187, 3999, 3634, 2139, 4401, 3040, 71, 4665, 1252, 4243, 1943, 1245, 1245, 1245, 3913, 1357, 3913, 3913, 532, 828, 710, 1586, 2850, 2850, 1604, 1792, 4658, 785, 785, 3524, 43, 2595, 1015, 1015, 1015, 1015, 3092, 1187, 3758, 3729, 894, 944, 1359, 2657, 625, 625, 625, 2113, 2113, 2113, 887, 887, 887, 3187, 3187, 3187, 1030, 1670, 2641, 786, 1842, 1492, 3143, 4381, 2479, 1123, 2838, 834, 4990, 4990, 2875, 2972, 2972, 231, 1045, 187, 1699, 1699, 1699, 1699, 3413, 565, 514, 4843, 4843, 1722, 3536, 2556, 2556, 2556, 3839, 277, 3919, 3919, 3989, 121, 655, 4372, 2503, 2503, 1745, 4601, 438, 2478, 3649, 1345, 1851, 4814, 4814, 441, 441, 441, 1580, 1580, 769, 4012, 1743, 2559, 1733, 903, 2232, 2232, 2232, 3804, 3804, 3804, 608, 4287, 2091, 4077, 1011, 3294, 1311, 634, 2593, 3557, 3557, 3796, 3796, 3587, 3587, 3587, 3587, 3587, 3587, 4796, 4796, 4796, 4796, 4796, 4796, 4796, 3, 3, 3, 3673, 3673, 3673, 2154, 28, 3958, 1910, 4125, 1586, 1249, 4112, 4112, 591, 591, 591, 4694, 4768, 662, 662, 4055, 3291, 3513, 177, 4354, 1449, 2888, 2888, 1827, 926, 926, 3518, 3518, 3518, 3518, 495, 495, 1236, 2122, 246, 3795, 3795, 1588, 4429, 1129, 4397, 974, 1058, 3076, 3076, 1401, 198, 198, 198, 2575, 2575, 755, 2133, 2133, 4336, 1478, 687, 3189, 3170, 1082, 1644, 1730, 1730, 1207, 1207, 1207, 1207, 2807, 4583, 565, 565, 4540, 4540, 754, 743, 759, 1149, 3072, 369, 369, 4307, 2417, 2417, 2417, 2141, 4147, 1197, 478, 4610, 2406, 1090, 2171, 2073, 2073, 4412, 4412, 1094, 1094, 1094, 1094, 4545, 4545, 3173, 3173, 153, 1248, 2377, 4409, 3087, 315, 742, 399, 1128, 1943, 1943, 3913, 3913, 532, 3844, 3268, 28, 1910, 30, 1586, 4575, 766, 2737, 2395, 2165, 80, 80, 2972, 2972, 2972, 742, 1249, 561, 938, 938, 493, 2023, 2023, 3918, 3793, 3793, 2682, 2219, 1771, 4704, 910, 750, 1210, 231, 2973, 1644, 1119, 1119, 2803, 3008, 3008, 3008, 3008, 3008, 4776, 2549, 2549, 1282, 4210, 4394, 37, 412, 5, 4497, 2205, 455, 1365, 245, 2972, 1262, 163, 2789, 4918, 1259, 1354, 1354, 1354, 1354, 4129, 4129, 4481, 3186, 1566, 1197, 4833, 4778, 4778, 2997, 2184, 3855, 199, 721, 165, 1767, 1767, 723, 723, 723, 723, 304, 2876, 2876, 893, 2139, 775, 775, 2697, 1435, 4500, 2026, 739, 1976, 1976, 2779, 2779, 115, 115, 553, 553, 2301, 2301, 587, 1247, 80, 890, 231, 2666, 2552, 4228, 4228, 4228, 4228, 4228, 2092, 2092, 2092, 2092, 2092, 3174, 3174, 3174, 3174, 4172, 132, 1170, 4052, 669, 669, 2336, 2420, 1314, 1314, 1314, 1314, 1314, 1314, 3787, 3787, 3787, 3340, 3340, 3340, 3991, 4450, 4620, 3087, 315, 3295, 399, 2220, 2220, 1286, 1286, 110, 4195, 4195, 1886, 2026, 1249, 4575, 1594, 1594, 1677, 1928, 1928, 3612, 3612, 3372, 3217, 3217, 3217, 3217, 3217, 1269, 4992, 4992, 565, 565, 4540, 2171, 2171, 2073, 2073, 2402, 1182, 1182, 2610, 2610, 4914, 7, 150, 2002, 758, 197, 894, 2746, 4945, 4945, 3836, 1449, 1449, 1827, 1988, 1549, 2890, 2890, 2890, 1816, 4269, 4269, 1037, 3630, 4077, 4440, 462, 6, 1139, 4229, 1058, 63, 665, 698, 2655, 437, 424, 3102, 177, 1060, 3327, 1373, 4427, 4346, 4346, 4346, 4346, 4346, 370, 370, 2390, 104, 2646, 513, 1356, 3633, 990, 990, 990, 2846, 304, 2876, 1225, 2039, 922, 922, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.6807709935897436, 1.001133814102564, 1.641859455128205, 1.761995512820513, 2.262562419871795, 2.8031746794871797, 3.323764262820513, 3.8443538461538465, 4.024557932692308, 4.36494342948718, 5.0857597756410255, 5.9667575320512825, 6.207029647435897, 6.807709935897437, 7.708730368589744, 8.209297275641026, 8.329433333333334, 8.72988685897436, 8.990181650641025, 9.450703205128205, 10.191542227564103, 10.531927724358974, 10.63204110576923, 11.833401682692307, 12.594263381410258, 12.994716907051282, 13.475261137820512, 14.376281570512822, 14.496417628205128, 14.856825801282051, 14.956939182692308, 15.077075240384616 ]
[ 0.6807709935897436, 1.001133814102564, 1.641859455128205, 1.761995512820513, 2.262562419871795, 2.8031746794871797, 3.323764262820513, 3.8443538461538465, 4.024557932692308, 4.36494342948718, 5.0857597756410255, 5.9667575320512825, 6.207029647435897, 6.807709935897437, 7.708730368589744, 8.209297275641026, 8.329433333333334, 8.72988685897436, 8.990181650641025, 9.450703205128205, 10.191542227564103, 10.511905048076924, 10.63204110576923, 11.833401682692307, 12.594263381410258, 12.994716907051282, 13.475261137820512, 14.376281570512822, 14.496417628205128, 14.856825801282051, 14.956939182692308, 15.077075240384616, 15.597664823717949 ]
The complainant's lawyer in Sweden has reportedly stated that the ladies themselves cannot tell if the acts in question constituted rapes, because they are not lawyers.
the complainant's lawyer in sweden has reportedly stated that the ladies themselves cannot tell if the acts in question constituted rapes because they are not lawyers.
[ "the", "complainant's", "lawyer", "in", "sweden", "has", "reportedly", "stated", "that", "the", "ladies", "themselves", "cannot", "tell", "if", "the", "acts", "in", "question", "constituted", "rapes", "because", "they", "are", "not", "lawyers." ]
[ "the", "complainant's", "lawyer", "in", "sweden", "has", "reportedly", "stated", "that", "the", "ladies", "themselves", "cannot", "tell", "if", "the", "acts", "in", "question", "constituted", "rapes", "because", "they", "are", "not", "lawyers" ]
[ "t h e", "c o m p l a i n a n t ' s", "l a w y e r", "i n", "s w e d e n", "h a s", "r e p o r t e d l y", "s t a t e d", "t h a t", "t h e", "l a d i e s", "t h e m s e l v e s", "c a n n o t", "t e l l", "i f", "t h e", "a c t s", "i n", "q u e s t i o n", "c o n s t i t u t e d", "r a p e s", "b e c a u s e", "t h e y", "a r e", "n o t", "l a w y e r s" ]
[ 38, 4598, 4598, 4598, 3154, 1620, 1620, 1620, 1620, 1620, 2026, 4491, 4491, 75, 75, 2026, 1504, 489, 492, 124, 91, 3766, 560, 4560, 4560, 1277, 1277, 3563, 4508, 4591, 2559, 3170, 4932, 263, 263, 3342, 3108, 3108, 3108, 3108, 3214, 3214, 3214, 3613, 3613, 4971, 3951, 2072, 4994, 4883, 1899, 1899, 3411, 3411, 1836, 2251, 738, 669, 2336, 2420, 2420, 4211, 3760, 3760, 3760, 4875, 4875, 4992, 3903, 3903, 1244, 4767, 1907, 1907, 1907, 694, 3991, 3991, 3013, 2358, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 2220, 3295, 2220, 122, 122, 110, 3744, 163, 981, 4826, 287, 2793, 1949, 3832, 1748, 760, 4876, 4077, 382, 3708, 3708, 1713, 4858, 4858, 4227, 3074, 3074, 3074, 1350, 1350, 1350, 4196, 2171, 4597, 1175, 1175, 3000, 3000, 3000, 4844, 4681, 4681, 775, 3422, 1149, 3692, 395, 149, 149, 2859, 2859, 3786, 658, 4590, 1330, 937, 4988, 713, 750, 1210, 742, 3189, 3170, 1082, 2758, 4343, 4343, 4343, 4343, 2735, 2735, 365, 1442, 3078, 2415, 341, 810, 1822, 921, 1113, 2731, 1112, 663, 4324, 438, 1914, 4876, 9, 1084, 3271, 47, 1643, 1690, 1690, 911, 911, 911, 1086, 3413, 246, 1878, 3078, 2646, 341, 341, 2381, 2381, 1558, 3198, 1110, 1110, 4102, 142, 2593, 2593, 163, 4389, 4389, 1128, 1286, 1286, 322, 2778, 2030, 4195, 2026, 331, 5, 949, 3544, 3544, 1165, 571, 1862, 2566, 1448, 492, 2059, 4828, 4052, 669, 2336, 486, 2934, 2934, 2934, 2934, 2934, 3413, 4196, 2073, 357, 1408, 500, 3797, 3797, 1764, 1216, 4247, 1477, 2938, 1844, 1844, 1767, 723, 2633, 2633, 258, 782, 760, 4876, 158, 3702, 1069, 3914, 2704, 1608, 490, 490, 490, 490, 490, 490, 490, 1032, 1032, 1032, 4478, 4478, 4478, 4478, 4289, 4287, 32, 2091, 1011, 3294, 1311, 634, 2593, 3557, 1128, 1286, 1286, 110, 4195, 912, 2670, 1784, 4633, 678, 1539, 2891, 2891, 2891, 2891, 839, 1005, 1021, 389, 389, 1183, 571, 1588, 231, 270, 1359, 1359, 2657, 326, 326, 326, 326, 1437, 1940, 4333, 1202, 474, 4159, 745, 3855, 721, 1844, 832, 1064, 100, 210, 1323, 4317, 3907, 4007, 1640, 1640, 1640, 3218, 4648, 4648, 4786, 4786, 381, 3223, 2354, 3773, 3954, 3954, 3954, 162, 2324, 245, 890, 890, 2666, 287, 2793, 4856, 712, 1185, 2099, 4591, 310, 310, 2902, 3696, 3696, 2418, 2418, 827, 827, 827, 1281, 2504, 4077, 2187, 4270, 4270, 4270, 4270, 4632, 4632, 821, 54, 522, 2659, 2099, 3189, 3766, 3718, 256, 1199, 1199, 2545, 2545, 1778, 1926, 3989, 4433, 2187, 3813, 3813, 3813, 3813, 89, 944, 3311, 3592, 3592, 3592, 3592, 3592, 4706, 1878, 3078, 2415, 341, 810, 4434, 921, 3883, 2190, 1626, 2888, 1827, 1988, 1549, 2710, 3847, 3847, 3847, 1086, 2122, 3209, 3209, 2808, 4421, 4421, 4421, 3773, 3773, 2898, 1311, 1311, 142, 2593, 4811, 4389, 4389, 3401, 3401, 327, 327, 3415, 2827, 2827, 1586, 3958, 2026, 1018, 1908, 3060, 848, 848, 91, 894, 560, 3718, 3603, 888, 888, 888, 4438, 4708, 4440, 3994, 3994, 2268, 1844, 2546, 3256, 3256, 409, 3168, 4317, 3921, 1464, 1464, 766, 1927, 2008, 152, 411, 1021, 1021, 2895, 1614, 1614, 1183, 3276, 3276, 1588, 4429, 1262, 166, 166, 163, 3189, 229, 738, 1430, 2336, 2420, 3760, 3760, 3760, 1269, 4875, 4992, 3903, 3903, 2232, 2232, 3804, 3804, 608, 608, 536, 2091, 2898, 2898, 621, 2152, 4625, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.4007448789571695, 1.1020484171322162, 1.683128491620112, 1.983687150837989, 2.5246927374301675, 2.745102420856611, 3.386294227188082, 4.047523277467412, 4.348081936685289, 4.46830540037244, 4.8890875232774675, 5.730651769087523, 6.17147113594041, 6.391880819366854, 6.4920670391061455, 6.652364990689013, 7.053109869646184, 7.23344506517691, 7.75441340782123, 8.475754189944135, 9.03679702048417, 9.557765363128492, 9.71806331471136, 9.85832402234637, 10.138845437616387 ]
[ 0.4007448789571695, 1.1020484171322162, 1.683128491620112, 1.983687150837989, 2.5246927374301675, 2.745102420856611, 3.386294227188082, 4.047523277467412, 4.348081936685289, 4.46830540037244, 4.8890875232774675, 5.730651769087523, 6.17147113594041, 6.391880819366854, 6.4920670391061455, 6.652364990689013, 7.053109869646184, 7.23344506517691, 7.75441340782123, 8.475754189944135, 9.03679702048417, 9.557765363128492, 9.71806331471136, 9.85832402234637, 10.138845437616387, 10.739962756052142 ]
For instance, let me point to the Ten Principles on integrated child protection systems, which were debated in the last European Forum on the Rights of the Child and which are also mentioned in your draft resolution.
for instance let me point to the ten principles on integrated child protection systems which were debated in the last european forum on the rights of the child and which are also mentioned in your draft resolution.
[ "for", "instance", "let", "me", "point", "to", "the", "ten", "principles", "on", "integrated", "child", "protection", "systems", "which", "were", "debated", "in", "the", "last", "european", "forum", "on", "the", "rights", "of", "the", "child", "and", "which", "are", "also", "mentioned", "in", "your", "draft", "resolution." ]
[ "for", "instance", "let", "me", "point", "to", "the", "ten", "principles", "on", "integrated", "child", "protection", "systems", "which", "were", "debated", "in", "the", "last", "european", "forum", "on", "the", "rights", "of", "the", "child", "and", "which", "are", "also", "mentioned", "in", "your", "draft", "resolution" ]
[ "f o r", "i n s t a n c e", "l e t", "m e", "p o i n t", "t o", "t h e", "t e n", "p r i n c i p l e s", "o n", "i n t e g r a t e d", "c h i l d", "p r o t e c t i o n", "s y s t e m s", "w h i c h", "w e r e", "d e b a t e d", "i n", "t h e", "l a s t", "e u r o p e a n", "f o r u m", "o n", "t h e", "r i g h t s", "o f", "t h e", "c h i l d", "a n d", "w h i c h", "a r e", "a l s o", "m e n t i o n e d", "i n", "y o u r", "d r a f t", "r e s o l u t i o n" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 1335, 1335, 2327, 2327, 2327, 2327, 2327, 2327, 914, 914, 914, 524, 524, 2677, 4658, 104, 3106, 840, 1883, 1883, 247, 4081, 1857, 1153, 4028, 459, 2614, 2614, 2614, 277, 1926, 3989, 1275, 9, 2187, 242, 3271, 1191, 1643, 4294, 4294, 596, 596, 4609, 2072, 624, 3264, 3234, 3234, 1834, 3989, 3954, 3954, 162, 162, 4398, 1668, 4811, 4852, 4852, 1792, 229, 738, 1688, 2971, 2971, 2971, 4556, 2307, 2559, 1145, 2612, 1204, 1014, 3768, 2170, 3504, 4054, 182, 1478, 1210, 2812, 742, 4643, 452, 2758, 3474, 3474, 3474, 3474, 3474, 3089, 3089, 3089, 2215, 4744, 4792, 4792, 2508, 4229, 3189, 1954, 665, 3419, 698, 2655, 437, 1414, 4416, 4141, 3513, 2131, 1469, 3336, 1623, 687, 104, 2877, 2374, 3929, 666, 1331, 3453, 522, 830, 830, 4591, 4643, 1673, 1673, 2790, 667, 667, 667, 667, 1164, 277, 1926, 4351, 1275, 655, 2874, 1120, 1120, 1120, 4231, 595, 2026, 1059, 1916, 371, 371, 371, 900, 900, 4289, 292, 3385, 3830, 3954, 3954, 162, 872, 245, 2939, 2939, 2331, 4789, 4789, 4789, 2968, 3912, 745, 137, 137, 3632, 3849, 3800, 1262, 1262, 1604, 2026, 1586, 2666, 2666, 4364, 4967, 1405, 3908, 2218, 4108, 685, 1447, 3249, 3567, 2877, 3344, 3344, 891, 1710, 4124, 126, 1681, 406, 4201, 3521, 871, 871, 934, 934, 4196, 1878, 860, 192, 3109, 341, 2381, 1822, 1822, 364, 3054, 4397, 687, 2607, 1902, 4522, 1317, 3693, 1326, 1326, 1896, 2216, 4453, 3834, 3729, 3054, 1897, 231, 1673, 2790, 3167, 285, 285, 285, 4183, 860, 860, 2607, 2877, 4722, 4722, 703, 4076, 1328, 628, 556, 556, 3405, 419, 222, 4392, 60, 60, 1055, 1055, 2527, 4834, 760, 1275, 3505, 552, 464, 853, 853, 853, 853, 3016, 237, 2187, 242, 1641, 1191, 2751, 3633, 3633, 990, 990, 2846, 375, 2876, 3226, 836, 836, 991, 3830, 2898, 3294, 1311, 634, 742, 3557, 1252, 1252, 1943, 1943, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245, 3, 3, 1400, 1400, 3673, 3844, 1436, 2677, 1586, 924, 29, 56, 405, 405, 405, 3009, 3009, 1974, 1974, 358, 1217, 1217, 3355, 3355, 4973, 4973, 763, 4870, 4870, 4870, 4870, 2667, 696, 1516, 1516, 693, 2365, 1339, 3522, 572, 1353, 1353, 182, 3327, 3327, 276, 739, 1622, 1622, 1622, 1622, 1622, 1086, 246, 1878, 4023, 381, 3567, 341, 2381, 2381, 1558, 1558, 364, 131, 2636, 743, 1365, 245, 197, 197, 287, 3867, 1446, 1446, 1949, 1625, 3364, 2316, 2352, 4820, 3347, 3347, 3513, 3513, 2059, 4828, 1607, 1230, 2336, 1595, 1595, 1595, 1595, 4140, 4140, 1303, 997, 2881, 3717, 1275, 1458, 1458, 1458, 2333, 368, 368, 4454, 1659, 2867, 2867, 4403, 2144, 1004, 1004, 2262, 448, 3648, 1853, 3593, 3593, 583, 4907, 595, 4643, 439, 3392, 916, 4465, 4465, 3687, 2435, 50, 1368, 4120, 2400, 2832, 1615, 2595, 2108, 2108, 2637, 2637, 2046, 1772, 719, 719, 4081, 1857, 1153, 2577, 2862, 2862, 1590, 4904, 4904, 3634, 893, 2139, 2210, 4401, 2593, 586, 4665, 1252, 4243, 4243, 234, 234, 3913, 3913, 532, 3844, 1436, 3268, 981, 30, 2331, 4789, 2968, 2997, 3855, 4561, 2158, 3347, 3102, 3513, 729, 4354, 448, 448, 2729, 926, 926, 3518, 3518, 3518, 495, 495, 1173, 3373, 445, 3711, 2985, 65, 4944, 2939, 64, 3516, 4789, 2997, 3315, 4561, 2849, 2607, 3347, 4141, 10, 729, 1469, 3336, 1623, 2607, 4291, 1902, 4522, 1317, 3693, 3693, 1326, 1326, 1326, 1326, 1896, 2312, 2901, 2901, 4453, 402, 4771, 4771, 2007, 154, 142, 2593, 71, 1252, 1252, 1943, 1943, 1943, 1245, 1245, 1245, 4796, 1357, 1357, 23, 852, 1436, 3268, 1066, 1586, 2026, 1249, 1510, 4112, 4105, 591, 591, 1226, 4694, 4694, 3980, 3980, 3980, 412, 4728, 381, 977, 1340, 1340, 936, 3800, 890, 163, 1792, 4941, 1683, 29, 29, 56, 56, 405, 405, 405, 3009, 1056, 1974, 358, 1217, 3404, 245, 983, 332, 1464, 1464, 1464, 1464, 3876, 1316, 1316, 2325, 2165, 381, 534, 4918, 2525, 3297, 3297, 3297, 1933, 2385, 3928, 3928, 1666, 121, 3762, 3762, 2066, 3380, 3128, 3128, 2768, 3846, 1593, 4011, 308, 939, 2510, 2510, 2510, 2854, 2854, 4116, 3155, 3155, 18, 419, 1840, 222, 2282, 2282, 2282, 2649, 2649, 37, 412, 4497, 2205, 4571, 245, 197, 287, 3867, 1446, 1446, 1949, 3832, 834, 3284, 2867, 779, 779, 4476, 3596, 3596, 4026, 1316, 693, 3049, 1568, 2607, 1352, 1352, 1320, 3253, 3253, 2625, 2625, 2625, 4140, 4140, 451, 451, 2405, 2405, 4154, 4154, 1524, 4454, 1659, 2800, 2425, 448, 448, 4191, 4235, 4235, 4235, 613, 3207, 472, 3412, 3412, 3412, 3412, 3412, 1078, 2680, 2680, 2680, 2680, 3835, 225, 225, 4780, 3405, 419, 1840, 222, 4392, 3534, 3122, 3122, 1979, 1979, 443, 922, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.50066401062417, 1.201593625498008, 1.4619389110225764, 1.6221513944223107, 2.00265604249668, 2.1628685258964144, 2.323081009296149, 2.543373173970784, 3.304382470119522, 3.624807436918991, 4.485949535192564, 4.766321381142098, 5.387144754316069, 6.208233731739708, 6.708897742363878, 6.989269588313413, 7.650146082337317, 7.830385126162018, 7.990597609561753, 8.431181938911022, 8.931845949535193, 9.592722443559095, 9.893120849933599, 10.053333333333335, 10.39378486055777, 10.533970783532537, 10.69418326693227, 11.335033200531209, 11.95585657370518, 12.33636122177955, 12.57667994687915, 12.937158034528553, 13.497901726427623, 13.678140770252325, 13.898432934926959, 14.318990703851261 ]
[ 0.50066401062417, 1.201593625498008, 1.4619389110225764, 1.6221513944223107, 2.00265604249668, 2.1628685258964144, 2.323081009296149, 2.543373173970784, 3.304382470119522, 3.624807436918991, 4.485949535192564, 4.766321381142098, 5.387144754316069, 6.208233731739708, 6.708897742363878, 6.989269588313413, 7.650146082337317, 7.830385126162018, 7.990597609561753, 8.431181938911022, 8.931845949535193, 9.592722443559095, 9.893120849933599, 10.053333333333335, 10.39378486055777, 10.533970783532537, 10.69418326693227, 11.335033200531209, 11.95585657370518, 12.33636122177955, 12.57667994687915, 12.937158034528553, 13.497901726427623, 13.678140770252325, 13.898432934926959, 14.318990703851261, 15.059973439575034 ]
But they have long ago accepted the principles of the Gulf Cooperation Council's initiative.
but they have long ago accepted the principles of the gulf cooperation council's initiative.
[ "but", "they", "have", "long", "ago", "accepted", "the", "principles", "of", "the", "gulf", "cooperation", "council's", "initiative." ]
[ "but", "they", "have", "long", "ago", "accepted", "the", "principles", "of", "the", "gulf", "cooperation", "council's", "initiative" ]
[ "b u t", "t h e y", "h a v e", "l o n g", "a g o", "a c c e p t e d", "t h e", "p r i n c i p l e s", "o f", "t h e", "g u l f", "c o o p e r a t i o n", "c o u n c i l ' s", "i n i t i a t i v e" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 4720, 4720, 3409, 3409, 3958, 2026, 2026, 1586, 1389, 1389, 125, 4242, 577, 2307, 2712, 3945, 3189, 2566, 4461, 3256, 3256, 409, 4137, 4137, 4137, 2184, 4567, 2251, 738, 3969, 1430, 2336, 188, 3019, 3019, 3019, 2426, 2426, 2426, 1490, 1490, 3455, 3789, 2313, 3566, 2323, 2471, 1710, 2559, 2272, 1253, 1253, 1253, 1253, 3066, 3066, 3211, 1628, 3607, 3607, 801, 265, 3241, 2543, 2543, 2701, 2279, 2119, 1150, 2811, 2704, 190, 4205, 3488, 4076, 4648, 3189, 4786, 2842, 1339, 341, 810, 810, 921, 12, 742, 2566, 4141, 3513, 4730, 2261, 2812, 742, 3170, 4660, 654, 2149, 667, 667, 667, 667, 2854, 277, 3149, 4351, 3989, 4077, 121, 2874, 1120, 1120, 1120, 4231, 4643, 1916, 1916, 371, 371, 900, 900, 4289, 4289, 1764, 296, 4077, 2213, 606, 2446, 1512, 3869, 3315, 721, 721, 3102, 177, 2481, 777, 231, 2272, 3070, 3354, 3354, 3354, 3092, 1062, 683, 2665, 2277, 213, 1829, 231, 560, 4293, 4293, 4293, 3810, 2577, 507, 507, 3672, 4907, 4183, 3189, 1059, 1380, 1380, 4469, 1198, 3690, 3690, 19, 3430, 4780, 3405, 18, 1840, 4392, 636, 1055, 488, 488, 2099, 3766, 3718, 3387, 3387, 592, 1583, 1583, 1583, 1583, 1585, 1585, 277, 277, 1926, 3989, 4433, 655, 4372, 776, 2053, 900, 2267, 2267, 296, 296, 257, 1008, 2762, 2762, 2146, 1559, 25, 1124, 1124, 1124, 2986, 603, 18, 3061, 3061, 1121, 1121, 4777, 1577, 163, 192, 513, 513, 3894, 3894, 3894, 2861, 3346, 3346, 4114, 4114, 4114, 4625, 4625, 4625, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.3413864329268293, 0.48195731707317074, 0.6024466463414634, 0.9036699695121951, 1.1647301829268293, 1.747095274390244, 1.8675846036585366, 2.570439024390244, 2.670846798780488, 2.771254573170732, 3.0323147865853657, 3.674924542682927, 4.197044969512195 ]
[ 0.3413864329268293, 0.461875762195122, 0.6024466463414634, 0.9036699695121951, 1.1647301829268293, 1.747095274390244, 1.8675846036585366, 2.570439024390244, 2.670846798780488, 2.771254573170732, 3.0323147865853657, 3.674924542682927, 4.197044969512195, 4.919980945121952 ]
When this principle is violated, as it has been, we are all less secure in our continent and the events in the Sea of Azov are a demonstration of this. When the basic rules of peaceful coexistence are disregarded, instability and tensions are bound to rise. The construction of the Kerch Bridge between the Crimean Peninsula and the Russian Federation took place without Ukraine's consent and it constitutes another violation of Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity.
when this principle is violated as it has been we are all less secure in our continent and the events in the sea of azov are a demonstration of this. when the basic rules of peaceful coexistence are disregarded instability and tensions are bound to rise. the construction of the kerch bridge between the crimean peninsula and the russian federation took place without ukraine's consent and it constitutes another violation of ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity.
[ "when", "this", "principle", "is", "violated", "as", "it", "has", "been", "we", "are", "all", "less", "secure", "in", "our", "continent", "and", "the", "events", "in", "the", "sea", "of", "azov", "are", "a", "demonstration", "of", "this.", "when", "the", "basic", "rules", "of", "peaceful", "coexistence", "are", "disregarded", "instability", "and", "tensions", "are", "bound", "to", "rise.", "the", "construction", "of", "the", "kerch", "bridge", "between", "the", "crimean", "peninsula", "and", "the", "russian", "federation", "took", "place", "without", "ukraine's", "consent", "and", "it", "constitutes", "another", "violation", "of", "ukraine's", "sovereignty", "and", "territorial", "integrity." ]
[ "when", "this", "principle", "is", "violated", "as", "it", "has", "been", "we", "are", "all", "less", "secure", "in", "our", "continent", "and", "the", "events", "in", "the", "sea", "of", "azov", "are", "a", "demonstration", "of", "this", "when", "the", "basic", "rules", "of", "peaceful", "coexistence", "are", "disregarded", "instability", "and", "tensions", "are", "bound", "to", "rise", "the", "construction", "of", "the", "kerch", "bridge", "between", "the", "crimean", "peninsula", "and", "the", "russian", "federation", "took", "place", "without", "ukraine's", "consent", "and", "it", "constitutes", "another", "violation", "of", "ukraine's", "sovereignty", "and", "territorial", "integrity" ]
[ "w h e n", "t h i s", "p r i n c i p l e", "i s", "v i o l a t e d", "a s", "i t", "h a s", "b e e n", "w e", "a r e", "a l l", "l e s s", "s e c u r e", "i n", "o u r", "c o n t i n e n t", "a n d", "t h e", "e v e n t s", "i n", "t h e", "s e a", "o f", "a z o v", "a r e", "a", "d e m o n s t r a t i o n", "o f", "t h i s", "w h e n", "t h e", "b a s i c", "r u l e s", "o f", "p e a c e f u l", "c o e x i s t e n c e", "a r e", "d i s r e g a r d e d", "i n s t a b i l i t y", "a n d", "t e n s i o n s", "a r e", "b o u n d", "t o", "r i s e", "t h e", "c o n s t r u c t i o n", "o f", "t h e", "k e r c h", "b r i d g e", "b e t w e e n", "t h e", "c r i m e a n", "p e n i n s u l a", "a n d", "t h e", "r u s s i a n", "f e d e r a t i o n", "t o o k", "p l a c e", "w i t h o u t", "u k r a i n e ' s", "c o n s e n t", "a n d", "i t", "c o n s t i t u t e s", "a n o t h e r", "v i o l a t i o n", "o f", "u k r a i n e ' s", "s o v e r e i g n t y", "a n d", "t e r r i t o r i a l", "i n t e g r i t y" ]
[ 1101, 361, 1143, 1143, 1143, 1143, 1143, 1143, 3, 1143, 3, 914, 3673, 3673, 1103, 524, 2725, 1586, 1162, 924, 582, 582, 4812, 4812, 4249, 4190, 2352, 3799, 42, 1655, 138, 3759, 3759, 647, 1542, 1599, 923, 923, 2821, 4241, 687, 2927, 1673, 654, 2149, 667, 667, 667, 1164, 277, 4351, 3989, 2905, 1120, 1120, 1120, 4231, 3189, 1916, 646, 371, 371, 668, 4808, 471, 1492, 3963, 580, 3077, 2791, 706, 3930, 607, 479, 479, 3372, 2550, 2550, 2550, 4417, 3903, 3903, 3510, 3510, 1072, 3818, 1078, 3521, 871, 871, 871, 934, 934, 1878, 89, 341, 4901, 2381, 2381, 1558, 3198, 742, 1686, 977, 3472, 1340, 1340, 4153, 4153, 1262, 1262, 2026, 4641, 781, 4950, 2482, 1525, 659, 176, 3886, 257, 886, 886, 679, 2676, 2676, 1149, 1007, 395, 149, 149, 4674, 4674, 2859, 2859, 4511, 4511, 3863, 2821, 4241, 2927, 2927, 381, 221, 1264, 1264, 1264, 1888, 4776, 4776, 2549, 269, 151, 151, 443, 2039, 2039, 2039, 315, 315, 1704, 4974, 163, 374, 374, 163, 2760, 2760, 2135, 3458, 3458, 3305, 3305, 3305, 3305, 453, 453, 3415, 3415, 2154, 28, 912, 912, 912, 924, 3677, 487, 487, 2863, 4317, 3921, 3921, 1464, 3876, 3876, 2325, 2165, 2165, 3189, 534, 4918, 1354, 1354, 1354, 1354, 4129, 4129, 4129, 4481, 3186, 3186, 3186, 768, 670, 3013, 3422, 936, 4852, 890, 4852, 4852, 890, 1792, 229, 1230, 1276, 2737, 2737, 3014, 93, 4708, 1807, 923, 121, 655, 4721, 947, 1746, 891, 4183, 1206, 189, 189, 3642, 3642, 3642, 2011, 2011, 2792, 2792, 2792, 1316, 1316, 1316, 414, 1484, 3013, 3422, 4153, 890, 163, 3963, 287, 2793, 2793, 366, 2707, 1570, 4909, 342, 3924, 4849, 3996, 1694, 2559, 559, 3718, 805, 1199, 680, 2545, 2545, 1778, 2854, 4116, 1447, 860, 1830, 1356, 573, 573, 1794, 1794, 3613, 3493, 596, 3951, 2072, 498, 498, 1709, 1725, 977, 3472, 4891, 1340, 4153, 4153, 1904, 1510, 2754, 108, 108, 108, 4694, 4694, 3980, 3980, 824, 2352, 3470, 2158, 3347, 1064, 100, 210, 2443, 4840, 4840, 3497, 479, 479, 3372, 4799, 4799, 4799, 4799, 1331, 496, 3264, 3264, 3264, 3234, 991, 991, 1275, 3954, 3954, 2214, 162, 2324, 2324, 245, 197, 3963, 287, 1446, 1949, 1625, 2316, 2316, 4035, 3102, 10, 3368, 1109, 3374, 1275, 1069, 313, 313, 2429, 416, 416, 416, 1556, 2081, 4850, 2443, 1971, 3516, 3516, 283, 4929, 161, 1276, 3728, 2228, 2228, 4322, 4322, 4322, 2562, 4032, 1360, 472, 1479, 3312, 3312, 3312, 3312, 451, 2217, 1271, 1147, 1147, 137, 1581, 1581, 1365, 4153, 890, 332, 794, 1464, 1464, 1464, 1464, 3876, 385, 385, 385, 414, 414, 414, 414, 414, 3013, 3013, 1472, 3295, 3295, 4852, 3295, 890, 2746, 4614, 3683, 1617, 3665, 3522, 1931, 1931, 1947, 4134, 4479, 4479, 4479, 1001, 1666, 3065, 3065, 2314, 347, 4550, 4550, 3690, 1573, 19, 225, 4780, 1840, 222, 821, 636, 366, 2707, 1971, 3516, 3869, 3315, 4561, 2268, 2047, 138, 2495, 2495, 2495, 4273, 4273, 2640, 3530, 542, 542, 4100, 4100, 4100, 145, 621, 3414, 881, 61, 4811, 2026, 362, 2699, 2699, 4823, 4823, 4823, 574, 574, 4796, 4796, 4796, 4796, 4796, 157, 3673, 3673, 3673, 1103, 28, 2026, 2026, 924, 842, 582, 4812, 410, 2316, 3799, 3347, 492, 177, 1060, 3327, 42, 3574, 3597, 3597, 3597, 3597, 1816, 1037, 1554, 2905, 2905, 4989, 2773, 2773, 1190, 3176, 4186, 1616, 4590, 1681, 2729, 52, 3118, 3118, 3118, 3118, 717, 717, 717, 967, 967, 4289, 4289, 292, 3385, 3830, 3954, 3954, 3954, 3954, 3954, 3954, 3954, 162, 162, 162, 162, 4398, 4398, 1668, 1668, 4852, 4756, 890, 2789, 2331, 2331, 4789, 2968, 2968, 3912, 2277, 917, 687, 742, 1724, 452, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1350, 1037, 3626, 4511, 462, 3838, 875, 2396, 3259, 413, 413, 413, 36, 1187, 3729, 3729, 742, 4183, 714, 4293, 4293, 4293, 2222, 801, 265, 1160, 3241, 2701, 2279, 2279, 313, 464, 2276, 2276, 2276, 4435, 3016, 3626, 2187, 2187, 242, 4092, 4294, 4294, 4294, 3285, 624, 3264, 3234, 3234, 1834, 991, 1011, 3954, 3954, 162, 162, 162, 4398, 1668, 1365, 912, 4641, 332, 1464, 1464, 1464, 3876, 1316, 4383, 693, 2849, 2849, 3522, 837, 837, 618, 279, 4318, 4511, 658, 658, 4590, 1330, 937, 4552, 4626, 1710, 777, 2272, 3070, 1381, 1381, 1381, 1381, 2675, 2914, 1977, 1977, 2171, 1686, 2073, 4901, 2381, 1558, 3198, 3240, 2732, 1686, 977, 3472, 1340, 142, 3295, 2593, 399, 4389, 4389, 4389, 2778, 2778, 2778, 2778, 2778, 4195, 4195, 4195, 912, 912, 2788, 2666, 4364, 3867, 459, 1917, 2218, 2614, 2527, 1926, 923, 923, 3065, 3065, 1191, 1643, 2095, 764, 764, 3327, 3537, 1632, 1661, 1661, 1661, 1661, 1940, 478, 3005, 2322, 2322, 1090, 4023, 231, 3538, 2017, 1036, 3684, 2540, 311, 884, 1247, 1247, 3800, 3800, 890, 890, 890, 890, 4641, 1097, 4381, 4381, 1461, 2838, 1185, 685, 1546, 860, 231, 2877, 2374, 3929, 3929, 1331, 1331, 2854, 2854, 4116, 3155, 3155, 3405, 419, 1840, 4392, 1411, 4532, 4532, 809, 4655, 836, 991, 3830, 3830, 2898, 2898, 162, 1311, 634, 163, 4811, 3557, 1351, 4389, 1286, 1286, 1286, 2778, 110, 1103, 3268, 912, 912, 912, 2789, 1464, 1464, 3876, 1316, 1316, 1591, 276, 3537, 53, 4427, 1053, 1053, 217, 217, 975, 3067, 314, 300, 4895, 1550, 1401, 2761, 1395, 2006, 1449, 1681, 2729, 2729, 926, 4981, 4981, 4981, 1192, 167, 282, 3314, 266, 2640, 3385, 3830, 542, 4100, 4100, 4100, 145, 145, 621, 3414, 881, 61, 362, 374, 374, 374, 374, 374, 374, 374, 2135, 2135, 3993, 3736, 3736, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 3, 453, 3673, 3673, 3673, 2154, 912, 912, 912, 4182, 2594, 489, 492, 729, 891, 3238, 3238, 909, 4095, 1666, 3065, 3065, 347, 347, 4512, 1265, 1265, 1265, 4076, 1328, 556, 556, 3405, 419, 222, 4392, 821, 821, 821, 2649, 4844, 4844, 4844, 824, 834, 2002, 80, 1206, 2939, 2331, 4789, 4789, 2997, 4561, 3799, 4035, 3102, 124, 2, 231, 559, 714, 805, 2497, 2157, 2157, 2945, 2945, 1977, 1977, 1923, 860, 3646, 4797, 733, 2103, 2103, 2324, 3849, 4894, 276, 276, 1498, 323, 1700, 1700, 1700, 1700, 2582, 2432, 2432, 3326, 3235, 733, 733, 1117, 1117, 1217, 3849, 2697, 276, 3537, 1908, 3060, 1257, 324, 4023, 114, 4738, 2196, 2196, 3188, 3188, 3188, 3171, 2168, 2160, 2316, 3799, 2047, 4141, 729, 124, 91, 340, 2000, 1052, 1122, 4085, 440, 440, 1947, 4134, 3909, 3085, 4251, 916, 4609, 4465, 2298, 830, 4591, 4643, 4643, 2828, 2828, 4959, 1794, 1559, 4519, 4501, 4501, 4501, 277, 3149, 4351, 3989, 1666, 655, 4372, 3412, 3412, 1072, 1078, 1078, 979, 3520, 3520, 3032, 3032, 129, 3991, 3013, 4153, 197, 781, 1097, 2479, 1461, 2316, 3799, 3347, 2086, 4354, 448, 2729, 2613, 2613, 2613, 2613, 3967, 603, 1275, 1840, 4392, 4741, 1055, 2435, 1368, 3290, 1075, 4916, 4916, 4916, 3665, 4184, 3620, 3620, 4081, 4469, 1198, 1808, 3690, 3690, 1573, 225, 4780, 3405, 419, 222, 821, 60, 1055, 300, 1546, 860, 114, 1954, 4094, 861, 861, 891, 2664, 1897, 2812, 742, 1724, 263, 3342, 626, 626, 626, 626, 626, 4269, 1037, 3630, 4511, 2940, 2940, 3849, 4852, 4852, 1683, 1683, 29, 29, 1284, 318, 1140, 1140, 3748, 540, 42, 3833, 299, 757, 757, 757, 757, 757, 2365, 2075, 771, 771, 4524, 131, 2732, 2732, 977, 3472, 3472, 3472, 1340, 1340, 3087, 3295, 3295, 3295, 122, 122, 122, 122, 122, 122, 122, 166, 166, 1151, 1151, 1262, 2026, 4122, 4423, 2775, 4403, 4384, 4384, 1992, 891, 4183, 2000, 2000, 1052, 4085, 3828, 4970, 4970, 4970, 4970, 2706, 3171, 2168, 1899, 1899, 4511, 3838, 2019, 1829, 4986, 4986, 4690, 4690, 1802, 4834, 760, 2535, 313, 2704, 1608, 3233, 3233, 3233, 3233, 3233, 496, 3034, 2215, 2215, 1709, 1686, 3472, 4891, 3190, 97, 142, 315, 315, 15, 15, 4389, 2691, 2691, 2760, 2760, 2778, 2778, 3075, 3458, 3740, 3740, 28, 1886, 1586, 2026, 4641, 1510, 4112, 591, 591, 591, 1226, 4694, 3980, 3980, 4728, 2007, 80, 1630, 3963, 3357, 679, 891, 581, 559, 714, 805, 680, 2545, 2545, 1778, 1926, 1554, 2187, 242, 2751, 3813, 3813, 3813, 324, 4023, 1550, 3865, 3592, 3592, 3592, 3592, 44, 4706, 3373, 445, 3711, 2027, 2027, 3954, 3954, 162, 2324, 1365, 4756, 4756, 742, 4641, 4575, 4945, 4217, 4959, 152, 42, 2142, 4062, 4062, 4062, 4062, 1237, 4537, 963, 568, 910, 1677, 1928, 479, 2868, 3372, 2550, 2550, 2550, 3903, 3903, 3510, 3510, 1072, 1072, 143, 227, 1198, 1808, 3690, 3690, 19, 225, 4780, 4780, 3405, 419, 1840, 4392, 3534, 3534, 3122, 2649, 4681, 2210, 4401, 2593, 2593, 399, 1639, 1639, 1707, 1286, 1286, 1286, 3415, 828, 2827, 852, 1103, 28, 3958, 1586, 30, 2331, 4789, 4789, 2968, 2744, 2867, 992, 2775, 4384, 4384, 1992, 891, 4186, 2000, 2174, 4085, 4085, 3828, 4970, 4609, 3453, 2168, 2527, 4834, 3374, 2535, 313, 2704, 3916, 3916, 3916, 982, 1274, 3266, 2439, 1071, 2845, 818, 339, 4116, 1447, 1550, 1359, 2017, 2017, 1036, 3684, 2540, 311, 587, 1247, 3143, 3143, 2479, 1123, 685, 4895, 114, 2877, 3030, 3030, 4081, 1153, 1826, 324, 1550, 3567, 3968, 2344, 2365, 2344, 4081, 1153, 3304, 183, 183, 2041, 289, 4659, 3908, 2541, 4109, 685, 1206, 3567, 2877, 2095, 3344, 3344, 3457, 3879, 3957, 406, 406, 2305, 2322, 1090, 1577, 1550, 1268, 2017, 1036, 3684, 3684, 4980, 1496, 730, 1496, 255, 255, 2756, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.5203198650427914, 0.7604674950625412, 1.3007996626069782, 1.440885780118499, 2.161328670177749, 2.4014763001974986, 2.5215501152073734, 2.781710047728769, 3.362066820276498, 3.78232517281106, 3.982448197827518, 4.362681945358789, 4.64285418038183, 5.163174045424622, 5.3432847679394335, 5.483370885450955, 6.123764565503621, 6.383924498025017, 6.524010615536538, 7.024318178077683, 7.184416598090849, 7.32450271560237, 7.56465034562212, 7.724748765635287, 8.185031723173141, 8.605290075707702, 8.765388495720869, 9.325732965766953, 9.425794478275183, 9.986138948321264, 10.426409603357472, 10.526471115865702, 10.906704863396971, 11.467049333443056, 11.787246173469388, 12.267541433508889, 13.148082743581304, 13.388230373601054, 14.348820893680053, 15.429485228768927, 15.689645161290322, 16.43010035385122, 16.770309496379195, 17.03046942890059, 17.13053094140882, 17.890998436471364, 18.39130599901251, 19.01168737656353, 19.171785796576696, 19.29185961158657, 19.67209335911784, 20.072339409150757, 20.45257315668203, 20.572646971691903, 20.93286841672153, 21.5332374917709, 21.713348214285713, 21.793397424292298, 22.07356965931534, 22.593889524358133, 22.79401254937459, 23.174246296905856, 23.954726094470047, 24.65515668202765, 25.395611874588546, 25.8558948321264, 25.99598094963792, 26.696411537195523, 27.116669889730083, 27.937174292297563, 28.277383434825545, 28.657617182356816, 29.137912442396313, 29.277998559907836, 29.718269214944044 ]
[ 0.5203198650427914, 0.7604674950625412, 1.3007996626069782, 1.440885780118499, 2.161328670177749, 2.4014763001974986, 2.5215501152073734, 2.781710047728769, 3.362066820276498, 3.78232517281106, 3.982448197827518, 4.362681945358789, 4.64285418038183, 5.163174045424622, 5.3432847679394335, 5.483370885450955, 6.123764565503621, 6.383924498025017, 6.524010615536538, 7.024318178077683, 7.184416598090849, 7.32450271560237, 7.56465034562212, 7.724748765635287, 8.185031723173141, 8.605290075707702, 8.765388495720869, 9.325732965766953, 9.425794478275183, 9.986138948321264, 10.426409603357472, 10.526471115865702, 10.906704863396971, 11.467049333443056, 11.787246173469388, 12.267541433508889, 13.148082743581304, 13.388230373601054, 14.348820893680053, 15.429485228768927, 15.689645161290322, 16.43010035385122, 16.770309496379195, 17.03046942890059, 17.13053094140882, 17.890998436471364, 18.39130599901251, 19.01168737656353, 19.171785796576696, 19.29185961158657, 19.67209335911784, 20.072339409150757, 20.45257315668203, 20.572646971691903, 20.93286841672153, 21.5332374917709, 21.713348214285713, 21.793397424292298, 22.07356965931534, 22.593889524358133, 22.79401254937459, 23.174246296905856, 23.954726094470047, 24.65515668202765, 25.395611874588546, 25.8558948321264, 25.99598094963792, 26.696411537195523, 27.116669889730083, 27.937174292297563, 28.277383434825545, 28.657617182356816, 29.137912442396313, 29.277998559907836, 29.718269214944044, 30.378675197498357 ]
In an effort to improve market transparency, the Commission has established a dedicated sheep and goatmeat dashboard, which is published on its website.
in an effort to improve market transparency the commission has established a dedicated sheep and goatmeat dashboard which is published on its website.
[ "in", "an", "effort", "to", "improve", "market", "transparency", "the", "commission", "has", "established", "a", "dedicated", "sheep", "and", "goatmeat", "dashboard", "which", "is", "published", "on", "its", "website." ]
[ "in", "an", "effort", "to", "improve", "market", "transparency", "the", "commission", "has", "established", "a", "dedicated", "sheep", "and", "goatmeat", "dashboard", "which", "is", "published", "on", "its", "website" ]
[ "i n", "a n", "e f f o r t", "t o", "i m p r o v e", "m a r k e t", "t r a n s p a r e n c y", "t h e", "c o m m i s s i o n", "h a s", "e s t a b l i s h e d", "a", "d e d i c a t e d", "s h e e p", "a n d", "g o a t m e a t", "d a s h b o a r d", "w h i c h", "i s", "p u b l i s h e d", "o n", "i t s", "w e b s i t e" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 2114, 2026, 3154, 139, 139, 139, 1741, 1741, 294, 294, 294, 294, 1457, 1457, 1457, 852, 852, 3268, 28, 2026, 981, 3867, 3867, 712, 3398, 289, 1812, 589, 3398, 2707, 1169, 1169, 1169, 1111, 3279, 3319, 4127, 4127, 364, 894, 3026, 885, 885, 564, 2222, 2409, 2378, 820, 4508, 3170, 1673, 2790, 2044, 2044, 2044, 2044, 1819, 880, 283, 2020, 46, 202, 148, 2993, 1497, 1497, 1494, 1977, 4012, 1743, 3238, 2714, 2714, 1992, 364, 4183, 3237, 4374, 3433, 1717, 1717, 3812, 3812, 1164, 1926, 1926, 2535, 4308, 3987, 2607, 2192, 3303, 1070, 4836, 4040, 4040, 2392, 4081, 2639, 2639, 3839, 3839, 194, 3919, 3989, 4955, 2503, 2503, 2503, 4054, 2924, 4416, 3347, 2632, 124, 2, 2607, 560, 805, 434, 155, 2733, 202, 2375, 504, 504, 2986, 603, 18, 1840, 222, 636, 636, 3398, 289, 2708, 2708, 2859, 1705, 2906, 4607, 829, 829, 1544, 3065, 3271, 47, 1643, 2493, 2493, 2493, 2493, 2283, 1925, 1925, 2473, 3506, 3506, 1984, 1631, 3362, 4995, 4576, 95, 95, 1617, 231, 104, 2231, 3025, 3025, 4348, 4348, 4070, 1708, 4219, 1826, 3344, 3006, 1665, 2533, 2903, 3112, 2560, 2560, 871, 871, 934, 1964, 3373, 89, 2665, 341, 1256, 1256, 3198, 364, 3492, 3472, 1340, 142, 2593, 399, 399, 1639, 1286, 1707, 2778, 2778, 2827, 2827, 2026, 4195, 912, 912, 4494, 4494, 171, 171, 4507, 4507, 4783, 897, 1013, 1013, 1013, 1013, 3209, 3209, 1761, 381, 1721, 1721, 455, 758, 197, 197, 781, 1097, 4381, 1461, 2838, 4117, 2647, 2647, 5, 2272, 3070, 3070, 1698, 1698, 2797, 4563, 825, 1923, 3054, 3054, 231, 46, 1014, 2990, 2990, 3063, 3063, 3063, 1350, 3373, 1100, 3054, 4397, 4397, 1435, 742, 231, 433, 1283, 4817, 4817, 4817, 4817, 3967, 3967, 1984, 1984, 2103, 2843, 2821, 4241, 2927, 2192, 1373, 1338, 1338, 1338, 1338, 1871, 908, 1977, 1296, 754, 3883, 3355, 2620, 56, 405, 405, 3009, 1974, 358, 18, 3079, 2148, 3077, 2791, 3976, 4969, 2821, 4241, 3170, 452, 3084, 3084, 3084, 3084, 2283, 1925, 2473, 3506, 3506, 1527, 1631, 3362, 381, 4576, 175, 1932, 1932, 366, 1790, 4226, 726, 726, 3668, 3668, 2940, 2186, 551, 1345, 2668, 4574, 4574, 4574, 3323, 2283, 3821, 3821, 4523, 4077, 655, 1479, 1729, 1729, 2656, 2656, 266, 266, 4114, 4114, 4673, 922, 4625, 4625, 4625, 163, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.5414285714285715, 0.6216402116402117, 0.8422222222222223, 0.9224338624338625, 1.2432804232804233, 1.5440740740740742, 2.245925925925926, 2.3662433862433865, 2.7271957671957674, 2.847513227513228, 3.308730158730159, 3.3688888888888893, 4.211111111111111, 4.732486772486773, 4.933015873015874, 5.474444444444444, 6.055978835978836, 6.256507936507936, 6.376825396825398, 6.7377777777777785, 6.817989417989418, 6.978412698412699 ]
[ 0.5414285714285715, 0.6216402116402117, 0.8422222222222223, 0.9224338624338625, 1.2432804232804233, 1.5440740740740742, 2.245925925925926, 2.3662433862433865, 2.7271957671957674, 2.847513227513228, 3.308730158730159, 3.3688888888888893, 4.211111111111111, 4.732486772486773, 4.933015873015874, 5.474444444444444, 6.055978835978836, 6.256507936507936, 6.376825396825398, 6.7377777777777785, 6.817989417989418, 6.978412698412699, 7.559947089947091 ]
in. And that is not Italy, it is not Malta, among the first five.
in. and that is not italy it is not malta among the first five.
[ "in.", "and", "that", "is", "not", "italy", "it", "is", "not", "malta", "among", "the", "first", "five." ]
[ "in", "and", "that", "is", "not", "italy", "it", "is", "not", "malta", "among", "the", "first", "five" ]
[ "i n", "a n d", "t h a t", "i s", "n o t", "i t a l y", "i t", "i s", "n o t", "m a l t a", "a m o n g", "t h e", "f i r s t", "f i v e" ]
[ 2204, 2204, 3770, 1021, 2895, 1614, 1614, 1183, 3965, 860, 3249, 4952, 4197, 3099, 3099, 3099, 2390, 231, 192, 2415, 2866, 2866, 2866, 224, 1112, 4954, 4954, 814, 3843, 153, 2427, 2427, 2427, 1668, 3388, 2026, 3388, 1586, 981, 1297, 3357, 679, 3421, 3449, 94, 94, 2791, 3786, 480, 1693, 2142, 1021, 2895, 1614, 1183, 2029, 3054, 381, 1145, 2612, 1204, 4011, 1456, 995, 2240, 2240, 2240, 2046, 1062, 2239, 3965, 860, 2026, 231, 1830, 2476, 4767, 1287, 1907, 3032, 3991, 3013, 20, 72, 4665, 3134, 1286, 532, 1436, 3268, 1586, 981, 4575, 1594, 1961, 2816, 3948, 3889, 980, 980, 980, 3682, 1490, 3771, 4820, 4416, 3102, 177, 2690, 1815, 4077, 2400, 2811, 671, 3236, 3236, 3236, 3236, 1580, 769, 2227, 515, 3362, 4995, 1659, 875, 4983, 2832, 2400, 43, 2043, 972, 972, 972, 167, 167, 282, 1473, 2248, 2248, 4233, 4114, 367, 4625, 4625, 4625, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.06040287162162162, 0.12080574324324324, 0.22147719594594595, 0.261745777027027, 0.3422829391891892, 0.6644315878378378, 0.8859087837837838, 0.9664459459459459, 1.1879231418918919, 1.7114146959459458, 2.093966216216216, 2.2147719594594597, 2.5167863175675675 ]
[ 0.040268581081081084, 0.10067145270270271, 0.20134290540540542, 0.24161148648648648, 0.32214864864864867, 0.6644315878378378, 0.8859087837837838, 0.9664459459459459, 1.1879231418918919, 1.7114146959459458, 2.093966216216216, 2.2147719594594597, 2.5167863175675675, 2.9597407094594597 ]
Turning to responsibility we want to work with our Arctic partners and with the private sector to develop environmentally friendly, low risk technologies that could be used by the extractive industries and the shipping industry.
turning to responsibility we want to work with our arctic partners and with the private sector to develop environmentally friendly low risk technologies that could be used by the extractive industries and the shipping industry.
[ "turning", "to", "responsibility", "we", "want", "to", "work", "with", "our", "arctic", "partners", "and", "with", "the", "private", "sector", "to", "develop", "environmentally", "friendly", "low", "risk", "technologies", "that", "could", "be", "used", "by", "the", "extractive", "industries", "and", "the", "shipping", "industry." ]
[ "turning", "to", "responsibility", "we", "want", "to", "work", "with", "our", "arctic", "partners", "and", "with", "the", "private", "sector", "to", "develop", "environmentally", "friendly", "low", "risk", "technologies", "that", "could", "be", "used", "by", "the", "extractive", "industries", "and", "the", "shipping", "industry" ]
[ "t u r n i n g", "t o", "r e s p o n s i b i l i t y", "w e", "w a n t", "t o", "w o r k", "w i t h", "o u r", "a r c t i c", "p a r t n e r s", "a n d", "w i t h", "t h e", "p r i v a t e", "s e c t o r", "t o", "d e v e l o p", "e n v i r o n m e n t a l l y", "f r i e n d l y", "l o w", "r i s k", "t e c h n o l o g i e s", "t h a t", "c o u l d", "b e", "u s e d", "b y", "t h e", "e x t r a c t i v e", "i n d u s t r i e s", "a n d", "t h e", "s h i p p i n g", "i n d u s t r y" ]
[ 1101, 3339, 3339, 3339, 3339, 2026, 4491, 3861, 3861, 3861, 2925, 322, 1692, 2670, 2026, 193, 1781, 2877, 1251, 1251, 1251, 1251, 1251, 1251, 3664, 69, 69, 3613, 3169, 1605, 160, 2610, 7, 3660, 150, 300, 1546, 687, 1550, 1954, 665, 3419, 198, 2006, 2603, 1330, 937, 4552, 713, 1001, 1666, 4019, 2173, 3987, 3189, 3303, 3320, 3320, 3320, 3320, 3320, 2548, 277, 3149, 4351, 2535, 655, 2874, 2480, 2480, 1820, 336, 1661, 1661, 1661, 1661, 3011, 478, 3005, 2322, 2322, 1090, 89, 1268, 2017, 2017, 1036, 3684, 3346, 3346, 3346, 4980, 4980, 4980, 730, 15, 15, 374, 374, 374, 742, 374, 4222, 374, 2756, 374, 2756, 2756, 2026, 2756, 3993, 3993, 3993, 2200, 2200, 2200, 2200, 107, 107, 107, 107, 107, 107, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 3416, 2026, 2490, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 1280, 1280, 1280, 1280, 1280, 1280, 1981, 4570, 4570, 4570, 4570, 4570, 88, 774, 2925, 2085, 4321, 2234, 1683, 29, 3677, 3677, 487, 487, 2863, 1766, 579, 179, 3700, 2111, 2111, 2111, 2111, 2548, 2548, 4744, 1447, 3249, 3026, 219, 3490, 2006, 4725, 4714, 1346, 144, 1851, 1552, 1552, 4814, 441, 441, 441, 1977, 1977, 3399, 3176, 3189, 1616, 1616, 396, 4973, 1284, 318, 3044, 1140, 2450, 298, 1275, 923, 923, 3404, 4944, 332, 332, 4909, 4909, 4909, 342, 342, 4849, 1316, 1316, 2165, 2165, 534, 561, 2557, 1597, 1597, 1597, 3983, 3983, 1977, 1923, 4012, 2159, 1524, 1550, 2948, 4989, 2773, 4336, 4183, 4429, 4429, 687, 687, 1339, 1082, 452, 116, 1104, 778, 244, 244, 2914, 2914, 2121, 1923, 3965, 3054, 1895, 268, 268, 1321, 1321, 2232, 2193, 3804, 968, 1238, 3385, 298, 923, 3954, 2213, 3376, 3136, 2479, 2479, 1234, 954, 3691, 4014, 4807, 318, 318, 3044, 3748, 4416, 3833, 3540, 3540, 95, 4187, 1478, 2812, 2812, 3189, 3170, 4660, 654, 1215, 2917, 2917, 2917, 2917, 2917, 1654, 1654, 4406, 4406, 306, 2609, 4542, 364, 1100, 3054, 1172, 2951, 4523, 2119, 3505, 552, 190, 2511, 2511, 4076, 2802, 2359, 2159, 367, 1163, 2948, 653, 3184, 86, 86, 3941, 4234, 4018, 2183, 231, 1954, 1401, 2761, 3494, 1617, 231, 433, 572, 1353, 1353, 3497, 952, 3609, 2383, 2383, 2383, 2383, 1197, 1012, 2431, 2431, 3296, 1761, 4675, 4675, 1721, 245, 197, 3963, 191, 191, 661, 3123, 856, 3878, 3612, 2868, 1309, 1309, 1309, 1309, 1309, 1660, 2879, 2051, 2051, 2051, 2051, 2944, 1404, 1067, 1067, 2539, 2765, 1146, 339, 2215, 1447, 192, 1830, 2948, 1479, 2645, 183, 3938, 3938, 1992, 1992, 3834, 563, 4120, 623, 2832, 1206, 3953, 3785, 4662, 4662, 2702, 4171, 4171, 496, 2854, 3793, 3793, 4728, 3509, 3509, 2731, 4119, 3533, 3533, 814, 814, 311, 884, 2377, 4409, 3087, 3087, 3087, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 315, 15, 15, 15, 15, 4389, 15, 163, 374, 4389, 2691, 2691, 2691, 4621, 4621, 4621, 4621, 4621, 4621, 4621, 4621, 3754, 3754, 1981, 3754, 1981, 3754, 3215, 1981, 1981, 2490, 1981, 1864, 1864, 1864, 1864, 1864, 1864, 1864, 1864, 1864, 1864, 1714, 88, 88, 2982, 2982, 2085, 2085, 2234, 229, 229, 738, 669, 1688, 2420, 1968, 1968, 1968, 3066, 3066, 2621, 201, 4042, 4042, 4042, 22, 1074, 1449, 1132, 2888, 1827, 1988, 1467, 1467, 3743, 3743, 4435, 3016, 3717, 2535, 1458, 1396, 1396, 4043, 4043, 3223, 2354, 3773, 3954, 162, 2324, 1139, 84, 3189, 1641, 2877, 2204, 808, 808, 891, 2138, 1412, 1412, 268, 4766, 3798, 360, 2141, 1078, 478, 3719, 3719, 3719, 514, 3638, 3638, 1722, 3536, 1408, 1408, 500, 500, 500, 3797, 3797, 3797, 292, 292, 3385, 2535, 1011, 3954, 3954, 162, 162, 4398, 4398, 4398, 4398, 4811, 4811, 4811, 4811, 166, 372, 166, 742, 165, 949, 1696, 2965, 2965, 2965, 2965, 1531, 2743, 2307, 131, 231, 2636, 1806, 213, 1829, 742, 1000, 2080, 4868, 4868, 4951, 1972, 3883, 2970, 276, 3326, 221, 2958, 566, 566, 3686, 4216, 790, 790, 992, 992, 2775, 1135, 1135, 1135, 1135, 1135, 1135, 1135, 3952, 3952, 3742, 356, 356, 2227, 2227, 923, 3954, 3954, 4067, 4067, 2333, 2333, 368, 4049, 3189, 1058, 2948, 3436, 3436, 3436, 3436, 640, 2133, 2133, 1591, 1591, 276, 276, 4055, 1373, 1976, 2779, 2779, 4160, 115, 115, 115, 282, 282, 1736, 1307, 1414, 1414, 3347, 4141, 2086, 2575, 2575, 2575, 2133, 2133, 1501, 80, 197, 3963, 801, 265, 265, 3241, 163, 3326, 2701, 2279, 2279, 4067, 4067, 120, 1172, 4049, 4049, 3189, 3237, 347, 4374, 4512, 4274, 3459, 4076, 4076, 2802, 1328, 3249, 2138, 2159, 2159, 1550, 1550, 513, 3894, 466, 466, 2861, 2861, 2217, 745, 745, 3632, 80, 890, 4967, 459, 1917, 2218, 4109, 4108, 2682, 2158, 3522, 3601, 3601, 3601, 4214, 237, 4440, 2187, 4270, 2314, 2314, 347, 352, 352, 27, 500, 500, 500, 3797, 3797, 292, 292, 3385, 4077, 2898, 3294, 1311, 1311, 634, 4811, 4811, 4811, 4811, 4389, 4389, 4389, 4389, 4389, 4389, 2691, 163, 2691, 2691, 2691, 2691, 2691, 408, 408, 408, 2691, 408, 408, 408, 562, 562, 3740, 562, 3740, 1864, 88, 88, 3740, 88, 2925, 2982, 1886, 2026, 1886, 193, 1510, 4112, 4112, 108, 1461, 4694, 4117, 2316, 2352, 3326, 3347, 1448, 10, 2131, 1109, 2878, 171, 4507, 4507, 699, 2151, 2151, 3323, 251, 595, 2419, 3637, 1875, 160, 2308, 7, 3086, 2644, 3789, 3789, 2313, 4028, 191, 1917, 2218, 4108, 2682, 42, 3496, 3601, 3601, 3601, 3601, 4708, 4440, 2187, 242, 242, 2314, 347, 352, 352, 27, 27, 1418, 153, 4980, 4917, 730, 4625, 1496, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.7407845522803115, 0.8609117769744159, 2.5627141268075637, 3.483689516129032, 3.7239439655172415, 3.8240499860956616, 4.164410456062291, 4.424686109566184, 4.684961763070078, 5.105407049499444, 5.7060431729699665, 5.846191601779755, 6.006361234705228, 6.126488459399332, 6.60699735817575, 7.007421440489432, 7.147569869299221, 7.588036359844271, 8.448948136818686, 9.610177975528364, 10.5711957730812, 11.031683467741935, 12.012722469410456, 12.453188959955504, 12.693443409343715, 12.893655450500555, 13.554355186318132, 13.934758064516128, 14.154991309788652, 15.095987903225804, 16.217175333704116, 16.81781145717464, 16.93793868186874, 17.35838396829811 ]
[ 0.7407845522803115, 0.8609117769744159, 2.5627141268075637, 3.483689516129032, 3.7239439655172415, 3.8240499860956616, 4.164410456062291, 4.424686109566184, 4.684961763070078, 5.105407049499444, 5.7060431729699665, 5.846191601779755, 6.006361234705228, 6.126488459399332, 6.60699735817575, 7.007421440489432, 7.147569869299221, 7.588036359844271, 8.448948136818686, 9.610177975528364, 10.5711957730812, 11.031683467741935, 12.012722469410456, 12.453188959955504, 12.693443409343715, 12.893655450500555, 13.554355186318132, 13.934758064516128, 14.154991309788652, 15.095987903225804, 16.217175333704116, 16.81781145717464, 16.93793868186874, 17.35838396829811, 17.979041295884315 ]
But could we realistically see a radical solution accepted either by this House or by the Council?
but could we realistically see a radical solution accepted either by this house or by the council?
[ "but", "could", "we", "realistically", "see", "a", "radical", "solution", "accepted", "either", "by", "this", "house", "or", "by", "the", "council?" ]
[ "but", "could", "we", "realistically", "see", "a", "radical", "solution", "accepted", "either", "by", "this", "house", "or", "by", "the", "council" ]
[ "b u t", "c o u l d", "w e", "r e a l i s t i c a l l y", "s e e", "a", "r a d i c a l", "s o l u t i o n", "a c c e p t e d", "e i t h e r", "b y", "t h i s", "h o u s e", "o r", "b y", "t h e", "c o u n c i l" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 3154, 3154, 4544, 4544, 1039, 2811, 1039, 3458, 1922, 1922, 1922, 914, 914, 1457, 852, 524, 28, 3958, 2026, 2026, 1018, 1389, 125, 4242, 2307, 2959, 4485, 2559, 714, 2080, 4302, 4302, 1972, 2190, 3355, 4471, 487, 2863, 2863, 2478, 1074, 2603, 3260, 1633, 1633, 3874, 3874, 1184, 1107, 143, 1688, 4514, 1884, 1884, 1884, 3016, 4440, 2187, 242, 1191, 2751, 4989, 2773, 2773, 1190, 383, 2533, 2770, 2731, 1112, 4541, 663, 4324, 438, 2622, 1914, 4876, 4876, 3702, 3702, 3702, 1069, 1069, 3914, 2429, 2429, 1080, 1080, 1080, 1556, 1556, 2416, 1906, 1906, 587, 587, 1247, 197, 781, 859, 859, 1513, 1513, 1074, 135, 2888, 1827, 4191, 2296, 2296, 2296, 509, 4515, 4219, 4617, 4617, 1190, 383, 2559, 517, 4071, 4071, 36, 1187, 2542, 1544, 1666, 1666, 4721, 947, 4572, 4572, 143, 1688, 2680, 2680, 2680, 3835, 225, 4780, 1275, 419, 222, 4392, 821, 54, 366, 1790, 801, 265, 3241, 2701, 2701, 2119, 3505, 552, 1608, 1856, 1856, 1856, 1856, 3323, 3737, 2842, 2842, 742, 1163, 1163, 341, 2381, 2381, 1558, 3198, 1523, 3240, 977, 977, 977, 3472, 1340, 1365, 1365, 983, 742, 1904, 2789, 2557, 1235, 1235, 1235, 1235, 1040, 2844, 963, 568, 4232, 1288, 2009, 3327, 276, 104, 1976, 2779, 115, 115, 553, 49, 1414, 4377, 165, 1655, 138, 4490, 4490, 1507, 1599, 1031, 1275, 462, 1785, 1785, 1149, 1347, 725, 725, 2586, 2586, 2586, 2586, 2586, 2709, 2709, 2709, 1869, 1869, 2640, 3530, 542, 3954, 3954, 162, 162, 2324, 1365, 4944, 197, 4326, 4326, 113, 113, 3511, 4026, 1591, 3327, 104, 1373, 1976, 2779, 2779, 115, 553, 1736, 1307, 4416, 4141, 10, 124, 91, 3766, 678, 708, 592, 1583, 1583, 1583, 1627, 1627, 1585, 1926, 1666, 1666, 655, 4372, 776, 776, 668, 3346, 4980, 922, 922, 4625, 4625, 4625, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.561885521885522, 0.7224242424242425, 0.8428282828282829, 1.6053872053872056, 1.9665993265993267, 2.107070707070707, 2.548552188552189, 2.9900336700336703, 3.6723232323232327, 4.013468013468014, 4.1940740740740745, 4.454949494949496, 4.936565656565657, 5.1171717171717175, 5.277710437710438, 5.398114478114478 ]
[ 0.561885521885522, 0.7224242424242425, 0.8428282828282829, 1.6053872053872056, 1.9665993265993267, 2.107070707070707, 2.548552188552189, 2.9900336700336703, 3.6723232323232327, 4.013468013468014, 4.1940740740740745, 4.454949494949496, 4.936565656565657, 5.1171717171717175, 5.277710437710438, 5.398114478114478, 5.93993265993266 ]
Surely, rewarding good governance and refusing to reward bad governance should be the ethos of development aid.
surely rewarding good governance and refusing to reward bad governance should be the ethos of development aid.
[ "surely", "rewarding", "good", "governance", "and", "refusing", "to", "reward", "bad", "governance", "should", "be", "the", "ethos", "of", "development", "aid." ]
[ "surely", "rewarding", "good", "governance", "and", "refusing", "to", "reward", "bad", "governance", "should", "be", "the", "ethos", "of", "development", "aid" ]
[ "s u r e l y", "r e w a r d i n g", "g o o d", "g o v e r n a n c e", "a n d", "r e f u s i n g", "t o", "r e w a r d", "b a d", "g o v e r n a n c e", "s h o u l d", "b e", "t h e", "e t h o s", "o f", "d e v e l o p m e n t", "a i d" ]
[ 4079, 3409, 3409, 2026, 3409, 3861, 252, 4494, 4494, 2878, 2878, 171, 171, 171, 171, 4507, 4507, 4783, 897, 897, 3621, 3621, 3621, 2157, 2792, 1343, 4391, 4391, 4391, 224, 4809, 4809, 3100, 2055, 2055, 98, 98, 814, 814, 3843, 153, 2689, 2689, 1248, 1248, 3087, 3295, 315, 315, 315, 163, 4618, 1707, 4389, 4389, 1707, 1707, 2778, 2778, 3075, 4195, 1416, 2026, 2234, 2026, 3547, 1330, 937, 2284, 2284, 2284, 4626, 3649, 3649, 4714, 1346, 2783, 1851, 1552, 1552, 1552, 1552, 1552, 2735, 2735, 365, 616, 2171, 2073, 883, 1875, 1875, 1875, 3359, 3687, 3832, 2659, 2659, 2647, 2647, 3899, 3899, 687, 231, 2272, 2272, 692, 692, 4835, 4835, 4835, 4951, 754, 3883, 4485, 1829, 742, 41, 2272, 3070, 2087, 2087, 2087, 1274, 3094, 1788, 1308, 1701, 1794, 1794, 3613, 4519, 596, 596, 596, 1146, 624, 624, 3264, 3264, 3264, 3234, 4883, 4883, 4284, 4284, 3773, 542, 4100, 4100, 4100, 3414, 1311, 634, 163, 4811, 3557, 1351, 1639, 1639, 3401, 3401, 1357, 1254, 1357, 2778, 2778, 1436, 3268, 1066, 1586, 231, 1510, 2754, 108, 108, 108, 68, 2838, 4117, 954, 3031, 3031, 135, 1330, 937, 2284, 2284, 4626, 713, 563, 563, 4120, 146, 146, 146, 146, 146, 1615, 5, 1093, 1093, 1093, 1093, 1093, 4639, 4639, 4639, 4639, 307, 307, 4706, 4922, 4922, 4922, 4032, 4032, 1360, 472, 3845, 3097, 1875, 3203, 3203, 3359, 2649, 2160, 2160, 4846, 4846, 775, 4895, 270, 1058, 63, 1401, 885, 885, 1292, 2006, 2603, 1330, 937, 2284, 2284, 4626, 3649, 1346, 1346, 1851, 1552, 1552, 1552, 1552, 1552, 2735, 2735, 365, 616, 1296, 754, 2959, 3895, 1897, 4500, 687, 4500, 3189, 739, 3574, 4573, 4573, 4573, 4573, 509, 2930, 2014, 3883, 2959, 4485, 687, 894, 2272, 3070, 2087, 2087, 2087, 1274, 3094, 1788, 1308, 1701, 1794, 3613, 4519, 2597, 596, 3285, 3285, 1146, 624, 624, 3264, 3264, 3234, 4883, 4883, 4284, 4284, 3773, 4433, 4100, 4100, 3294, 1311, 634, 2967, 3557, 3557, 1639, 140, 72, 140, 1357, 1357, 828, 2030, 710, 912, 912, 4494, 1212, 18, 3586, 3586, 920, 4225, 3330, 1972, 843, 1897, 2607, 2741, 221, 2958, 566, 3686, 2924, 1307, 4416, 4416, 4141, 3513, 1445, 1445, 4885, 1687, 2875, 2972, 2972, 1, 3441, 2552, 2552, 4228, 4228, 4228, 4228, 2081, 2081, 3293, 1227, 3279, 3524, 3524, 2574, 2619, 3460, 3460, 3312, 3312, 3312, 3428, 1879, 1879, 1879, 997, 997, 2640, 2640, 3530, 4077, 542, 4100, 3294, 1311, 1311, 634, 4811, 4811, 3557, 2220, 1286, 110, 110, 110, 912, 912, 14, 64, 1776, 169, 384, 3652, 917, 231, 4055, 572, 572, 1353, 3497, 1928, 1928, 104, 3612, 3609, 3372, 2383, 2383, 2383, 2383, 317, 317, 1012, 1012, 2431, 3296, 4997, 4997, 1067, 2539, 249, 4813, 1146, 339, 339, 2215, 4994, 1588, 4397, 742, 974, 184, 452, 1207, 1207, 1207, 1207, 3254, 3254, 3254, 4583, 4583, 4583, 4583, 266, 266, 266, 4540, 3240, 4497, 918 ]
[ 0, 1.0221610169491524, 2.004237288135593, 2.284830508474576, 3.246864406779661, 3.6276694915254235, 4.609745762711864, 4.790127118644067, 5.271144067796611, 5.591822033898304, 6.453644067796609, 6.834449152542373, 6.954703389830508, 7.1952118644067795, 8.036991525423728, 8.317584745762712, 9.05915254237288 ]
[ 1.0221610169491524, 2.004237288135593, 2.284830508474576, 3.246864406779661, 3.6276694915254235, 4.609745762711864, 4.790127118644067, 5.271144067796611, 5.591822033898304, 6.453644067796609, 6.834449152542373, 6.954703389830508, 7.1952118644067795, 8.036991525423728, 8.317584745762712, 9.05915254237288, 9.439957627118643 ]
There are a few weeks now to put things right.
there are a few weeks now to put things right.
[ "there", "are", "a", "few", "weeks", "now", "to", "put", "things", "right." ]
[ "there", "are", "a", "few", "weeks", "now", "to", "put", "things", "right" ]
[ "t h e r e", "a r e", "a", "f e w", "w e e k s", "n o w", "t o", "p u t", "t h i n g s", "r i g h t" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 2114, 4720, 4720, 28, 3958, 2026, 4024, 3614, 379, 780, 4585, 4929, 4902, 2148, 1575, 1370, 1370, 4740, 212, 1150, 4607, 95, 432, 2472, 2400, 4077, 1093, 1093, 4369, 4369, 4369, 307, 2801, 132, 22, 4714, 1345, 2668, 1970, 2814, 2814, 2814, 2430, 3176, 4739, 4739, 273, 3503, 4077, 480, 1693, 411, 2142, 2785, 2785, 2338, 2338, 2338, 2338, 2423, 2423, 2423, 3211, 3211, 3211, 1873, 4018, 2183, 3189, 3026, 219, 2491, 2261, 2812, 3189, 742, 3170, 452, 2466, 2466, 2466, 2046, 2969, 571, 4739, 2463, 2463, 2574, 4466, 964, 3146, 3146, 3931, 7, 3086, 594, 594, 2292, 4599, 4077, 4590, 1626, 1827, 926, 926, 3518, 3518, 3518, 3518, 3518, 495, 1236, 2122, 2122, 518, 3795, 1136, 231, 1725, 977, 4673, 4673, 2152, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.3023735119047619, 0.4434811507936508, 0.5039558531746031, 0.7256964285714286, 1.0482281746031745, 1.3506016865079364, 1.5118675595238094, 1.753766369047619, 2.0561398809523808 ]
[ 0.3023735119047619, 0.4434811507936508, 0.5039558531746031, 0.7256964285714286, 1.0482281746031745, 1.3506016865079364, 1.5118675595238094, 1.753766369047619, 2.0561398809523808, 2.519779265873016 ]
Madam President, I voted against this measure on patients' rights in cross border healthcare because it will only mean another massive burden on the British taxpayer and on the National Health Service.
madam president i voted against this measure on patients' rights in cross border healthcare because it will only mean another massive burden on the british taxpayer and on the national health service.
[ "madam", "president", "i", "voted", "against", "this", "measure", "on", "patients'", "rights", "in", "cross", "border", "healthcare", "because", "it", "will", "only", "mean", "another", "massive", "burden", "on", "the", "british", "taxpayer", "and", "on", "the", "national", "health", "service." ]
[ "madam", "president", "i", "voted", "against", "this", "measure", "on", "patients'", "rights", "in", "cross", "border", "healthcare", "because", "it", "will", "only", "mean", "another", "massive", "burden", "on", "the", "british", "taxpayer", "and", "on", "the", "national", "health", "service" ]
[ "m a d a m", "p r e s i d e n t", "i", "v o t e d", "a g a i n s t", "t h i s", "m e a s u r e", "o n", "p a t i e n t s '", "r i g h t s", "i n", "c r o s s", "b o r d e r", "h e a l t h c a r e", "b e c a u s e", "i t", "w i l l", "o n l y", "m e a n", "a n o t h e r", "m a s s i v e", "b u r d e n", "o n", "t h e", "b r i t i s h", "t a x p a y e r", "a n d", "o n", "t h e", "n a t i o n a l", "h e a l t h", "s e r v i c e" ]
[ 4079, 3156, 3156, 2026, 3156, 308, 4581, 4581, 4581, 4581, 4515, 4219, 1590, 990, 4418, 4508, 367, 3189, 4660, 654, 4038, 2054, 2054, 2054, 3900, 2562, 1360, 472, 765, 765, 3543, 1221, 3493, 3493, 3839, 151, 4980, 3087, 3295, 3295, 2447, 1511, 1716, 1128, 1357, 1357, 828, 828, 3268, 3744, 742, 981, 4559, 4559, 1002, 1002, 1002, 1002, 1002, 1002, 755, 2133, 1773, 1773, 824, 824, 1501, 4852, 890, 890, 890, 890, 794, 109, 109, 109, 4760, 4137, 1677, 1928, 3612, 2868, 3372, 3225, 3225, 3225, 3225, 3153, 1878, 3078, 2415, 341, 810, 1256, 921, 1313, 430, 2471, 2481, 894, 1223, 1057, 1211, 1211, 1211, 1211, 496, 277, 4691, 4691, 462, 3994, 4761, 138, 138, 4490, 647, 1542, 1031, 4077, 2940, 4208, 1204, 1014, 308, 939, 2993, 3937, 3937, 3937, 3937, 3900, 4221, 4221, 4221, 1775, 1775, 4239, 4239, 1907, 740, 740, 3050, 3050, 80, 890, 890, 2789, 2263, 3017, 3180, 4430, 4430, 3777, 3777, 4418, 4508, 4591, 231, 2973, 1663, 2803, 2576, 2576, 2576, 3413, 3430, 225, 3405, 4077, 4707, 4707, 2072, 3839, 4739, 1899, 3411, 4433, 658, 4590, 2729, 926, 926, 3518, 3518, 3518, 3518, 495, 282, 290, 4818, 4505, 273, 4266, 4266, 872, 1365, 197, 287, 3867, 4856, 253, 488, 2099, 3189, 310, 2000, 2174, 1052, 1122, 1383, 3428, 1051, 4708, 4440, 462, 4308, 4241, 2927, 2559, 1373, 81, 1338, 1338, 2735, 365, 4736, 4219, 1992, 1992, 2367, 13, 3072, 1007, 1415, 2521, 2521, 2521, 3616, 3092, 4061, 4966, 4183, 367, 1172, 1172, 1172, 1172, 3849, 1435, 163, 3766, 4633, 678, 708, 3750, 3750, 3750, 3750, 700, 700, 2078, 2078, 4961, 740, 3991, 3040, 2593, 4665, 4243, 3134, 3134, 532, 828, 110, 3744, 742, 1018, 3060, 848, 848, 91, 3766, 1000, 3603, 888, 888, 4438, 4438, 237, 2365, 257, 886, 886, 886, 3880, 168, 1952, 3570, 1099, 1099, 1099, 3938, 3938, 3938, 3938, 824, 824, 824, 3938, 3938, 3938, 3938, 3938, 3846, 202, 308, 2334, 2334, 2334, 2334, 2334, 2334, 1953, 1953, 1953, 3171, 1882, 834, 2002, 758, 197, 2939, 2746, 4945, 4945, 4217, 4959, 152, 152, 152, 5, 2142, 4062, 4062, 4062, 4062, 4062, 1237, 2844, 568, 568, 910, 3996, 3846, 1593, 1130, 1130, 1130, 202, 308, 2993, 789, 4912, 3671, 3671, 2881, 4708, 121, 655, 4372, 3894, 3894, 466, 2861, 2217, 745, 1300, 917, 1897, 4500, 742, 739, 4427, 3053, 3053, 3053, 3053, 3053, 4487, 1580, 1580, 616, 2171, 4597, 1175, 1175, 3000, 3000, 4844, 4681, 2210, 4401, 2593, 2593, 4665, 3134, 3134, 3134, 1286, 828, 828, 4195, 28, 3958, 2026, 981, 30, 2263, 3180, 3180, 4430, 4430, 4189, 3364, 662, 3291, 177, 4730, 3327, 231, 1498, 1700, 1700, 1700, 1708, 4128, 4128, 2564, 2564, 1984, 2103, 2103, 1139, 84, 894, 1781, 2657, 2374, 808, 808, 808, 808, 96, 4648, 4648, 2543, 649, 649, 3411, 3930, 2821, 4241, 2973, 1644, 2803, 1207, 1207, 1207, 550, 550, 3903, 3903, 1342, 1907, 1907, 694, 1773, 3040, 3087, 2593, 399, 2220, 2220, 2220, 110, 110, 163, 2026, 30, 2754, 2479, 68, 3398, 3201, 4430, 4430, 3777, 3364, 662, 3291, 3102, 2131, 4959, 152, 411, 3041, 2249, 2249, 2249, 2249, 2249, 3967, 2504, 3405, 2256, 2256, 3300, 2309, 2309, 4357, 3325, 1177, 4207, 13, 1007, 3934, 1415, 2521, 2521, 2521, 3616, 1062, 683, 683, 316, 4077, 4037, 3914, 552, 1608, 309, 1397, 1397, 1397, 1580, 1580, 4406, 3094, 306, 4565, 4565, 968, 1238, 3530, 3830, 3294, 2152, 2152, 4625, 2026, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.3205239786856128, 1.1218339253996448, 1.5625543960923625, 1.9231438721136769, 2.2436678507992895, 2.4239625888099465, 2.924781305506217, 3.125108792184725, 3.5858620115452933, 3.9264187388987573, 4.0666479795737125, 4.347106460923624, 4.627564942273535, 5.408842140319717, 5.849562611012434, 5.929693605683837, 6.089955595026643, 6.290283081705151, 6.610807060390765, 7.131658525754885, 7.592411745115453, 8.193394205150977, 8.493885435168739, 8.594049178507994, 8.894540408525756, 9.655784857904086, 9.916210590586147, 9.996341585257548, 10.096505328596802, 10.47712755328597, 10.75758603463588 ]
[ 0.3205239786856128, 1.1218339253996448, 1.5625543960923625, 1.9231438721136769, 2.2436678507992895, 2.4239625888099465, 2.924781305506217, 3.125108792184725, 3.5858620115452933, 3.9264187388987573, 4.0666479795737125, 4.347106460923624, 4.627564942273535, 5.408842140319717, 5.849562611012434, 5.929693605683837, 6.069922846358792, 6.290283081705151, 6.610807060390765, 7.131658525754885, 7.592411745115453, 8.193394205150977, 8.493885435168739, 8.594049178507994, 8.894540408525756, 9.655784857904086, 9.896177841918295, 9.996341585257548, 10.096505328596802, 10.47712755328597, 10.75758603463588, 11.258404751332149 ]
First of all, I want to say something about the poisoning of people in Salisbury.
first of all i want to say something about the poisoning of people in salisbury.
[ "first", "of", "all", "i", "want", "to", "say", "something", "about", "the", "poisoning", "of", "people", "in", "salisbury." ]
[ "first", "of", "all", "i", "want", "to", "say", "something", "about", "the", "poisoning", "of", "people", "in", "salisbury" ]
[ "f i r s t", "o f", "a l l", "i", "w a n t", "t o", "s a y", "s o m e t h i n g", "a b o u t", "t h e", "p o i s o n i n g", "o f", "p e o p l e", "i n", "s a l i s b u r y" ]
[ 4079, 4598, 4598, 715, 1620, 1620, 1620, 2026, 4491, 1511, 2026, 3861, 75, 4658, 785, 785, 2400, 43, 3236, 3236, 3236, 3236, 769, 1281, 2963, 4440, 1191, 874, 874, 874, 4929, 161, 2271, 481, 481, 4129, 3456, 1566, 3246, 4760, 4760, 4760, 4929, 3700, 2111, 2111, 2111, 2111, 4744, 3249, 192, 3026, 219, 2491, 3494, 3210, 4876, 1010, 1069, 3914, 2704, 793, 793, 793, 793, 793, 2807, 83, 565, 3910, 3910, 2622, 1914, 4077, 3702, 1069, 3505, 2704, 4887, 250, 250, 250, 2904, 2904, 4001, 1157, 1157, 1368, 2463, 5, 2574, 964, 964, 749, 749, 349, 349, 3931, 4848, 4848, 4848, 3660, 3660, 150, 150, 2210, 2210, 4401, 2593, 163, 399, 399, 399, 1128, 4389, 4389, 3401, 1286, 2778, 2778, 2778, 2827, 3740, 28, 4195, 1886, 2026, 2281, 1510, 4559, 1594, 1594, 1961, 1060, 104, 739, 3110, 3110, 2189, 2189, 2189, 278, 278, 278, 2075, 2075, 58, 2068, 571, 571, 1588, 1129, 3470, 742, 165, 1655, 832, 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209, 569, 569, 569, 569, 569, 569, 569, 569, 2377, 4409, 3087, 3087, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 122, 122, 4389, 2778, 2778, 2778, 2778, 2778, 4195, 1586, 2670, 2670, 2026, 1784, 1082, 1663, 1663, 2758, 3318, 3318, 3318, 3318, 3318, 4992, 3314, 4922, 4032, 1360, 1360, 1272, 4388, 4388, 4388, 4055, 4519, 1605, 1182, 1182, 1697, 1697, 4914, 4914, 3660, 3660, 4200, 435, 1971, 4526, 169, 965, 2184, 2277, 917, 3189, 104, 2973, 1154, 211, 211, 211, 1532, 4093, 251, 231, 1916, 1916, 371, 2041, 1566, 4333, 284, 4856, 4856, 712, 1185, 2527, 4834, 760, 4077, 3702, 1069, 3914, 552, 1608, 2403, 2403, 2568, 4871, 3763, 2046, 2046, 2046, 967, 967, 900, 4289, 683, 991, 3411, 3411, 4308, 2821, 4241, 742, 2529, 4879, 4879, 3884, 27, 1418, 1418, 3843, 153, 153, 1248, 922, 922, 4625, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.5417894295302014, 0.6220545302013424, 0.7825847315436242, 0.8628498322147651, 1.0033137583892617, 1.123711409395973, 1.4247055369127517, 2.3276879194630875, 3.0500738255033557, 3.511598154362416, 4.474779362416108, 4.615243288590604, 4.976436241610739, 5.116900167785235 ]
[ 0.5417894295302014, 0.6220545302013424, 0.7825847315436242, 0.8427835570469799, 1.0033137583892617, 1.123711409395973, 1.4247055369127517, 2.3276879194630875, 3.0500738255033557, 3.511598154362416, 4.474779362416108, 4.615243288590604, 4.976436241610739, 5.116900167785235, 5.959683724832216 ]
He had to sign a document stating that he would not disclose what he read, he had to hand over electronic gadgets and cameras, he was only allowed a pen, no paper, he was in a windowless cell and he was issued with special blank paper which could not be photocopied.
he had to sign a document stating that he would not disclose what he read he had to hand over electronic gadgets and cameras he was only allowed a pen no paper he was in a windowless cell and he was issued with special blank paper which could not be photocopied.
[ "he", "had", "to", "sign", "a", "document", "stating", "that", "he", "would", "not", "disclose", "what", "he", "read", "he", "had", "to", "hand", "over", "electronic", "gadgets", "and", "cameras", "he", "was", "only", "allowed", "a", "pen", "no", "paper", "he", "was", "in", "a", "windowless", "cell", "and", "he", "was", "issued", "with", "special", "blank", "paper", "which", "could", "not", "be", "photocopied." ]
[ "he", "had", "to", "sign", "a", "document", "stating", "that", "he", "would", "not", "disclose", "what", "he", "read", "he", "had", "to", "hand", "over", "electronic", "gadgets", "and", "cameras", "he", "was", "only", "allowed", "a", "pen", "no", "paper", "he", "was", "in", "a", "windowless", "cell", "and", "he", "was", "issued", "with", "special", "blank", "paper", "which", "could", "not", "be", "photocopied" ]
[ "h e", "h a d", "t o", "s i g n", "a", "d o c u m e n t", "s t a t i n g", "t h a t", "h e", "w o u l d", "n o t", "d i s c l o s e", "w h a t", "h e", "r e a d", "h e", "h a d", "t o", "h a n d", "o v e r", "e l e c t r o n i c", "g a d g e t s", "a n d", "c a m e r a s", "h e", "w a s", "o n l y", "a l l o w e d", "a", "p e n", "n o", "p a p e r", "h e", "w a s", "i n", "a", "w i n d o w l e s s", "c e l l", "a n d", "h e", "w a s", "i s s u e d", "w i t h", "s p e c i a l", "b l a n k", "p a p e r", "w h i c h", "c o u l d", "n o t", "b e", "p h o t o c o p i e d" ]
[ 1101, 502, 4544, 645, 1714, 75, 3958, 2026, 1162, 2579, 2142, 2785, 2338, 2338, 2423, 3211, 1832, 3519, 3519, 1797, 1797, 2150, 4911, 4911, 3805, 395, 1450, 1718, 1718, 1718, 3369, 2014, 1200, 1200, 114, 3026, 1401, 219, 2491, 630, 3210, 3374, 158, 3702, 3702, 1069, 1069, 313, 1892, 1608, 3104, 3104, 3104, 3104, 3104, 232, 232, 4065, 4065, 1341, 1538, 3171, 2168, 3364, 662, 4035, 3102, 2131, 1469, 1367, 55, 2212, 902, 2353, 2353, 2353, 4827, 4648, 4786, 383, 4186, 2903, 4121, 4121, 4121, 2944, 436, 1067, 2539, 249, 1146, 624, 2215, 1709, 2951, 4523, 4523, 158, 9, 1084, 3194, 3271, 4092, 1643, 1690, 911, 911, 911, 1086, 565, 1878, 2390, 3078, 2415, 2402, 1875, 473, 156, 156, 3252, 949, 1696, 3544, 1165, 4023, 1686, 2415, 2198, 3519, 1797, 2150, 1766, 45, 2833, 1952, 845, 3381, 482, 1972, 1895, 1895, 1315, 1315, 4480, 4480, 1471, 1021, 389, 389, 389, 389, 1183, 2068, 571, 1588, 1129, 367, 3522, 572, 837, 618, 618, 3626, 4077, 4308, 521, 205, 205, 3326, 2445, 2445, 826, 1070, 4467, 4467, 3956, 3956, 3153, 3742, 3559, 4594, 706, 4599, 2186, 551, 1751, 2928, 2928, 393, 2390, 1686, 2415, 1422, 2198, 1797, 1797, 2652, 4540, 1367, 4184, 3938, 2800, 2425, 135, 135, 1681, 3476, 1988, 3584, 3584, 3584, 3584, 3584, 1750, 1750, 3333, 3240, 3189, 1206, 2205, 3472, 3472, 4891, 97, 2500, 4811, 315, 15, 163, 15, 15, 4389, 4389, 4389, 3401, 327, 327, 3305, 327, 327, 327, 327, 23, 23, 2827, 527, 28, 2026, 1162, 4319, 51, 1797, 1797, 2652, 4911, 3805, 395, 1450, 1718, 1718, 3369, 2014, 1200, 1550, 3026, 219, 2491, 2367, 13, 1007, 1007, 3934, 3139, 3139, 3139, 2451, 913, 463, 37, 2513, 1686, 4713, 2740, 822, 1664, 1664, 1664, 1571, 695, 3266, 147, 3888, 223, 111, 111, 2667, 2128, 2128, 2921, 4033, 2597, 1739, 549, 4648, 4786, 2842, 742, 114, 3237, 2952, 3045, 2496, 2496, 2496, 839, 293, 2773, 2773, 2773, 571, 1129, 1129, 742, 559, 1223, 1057, 3375, 3375, 3488, 509, 600, 514, 4843, 4843, 1722, 1213, 1213, 215, 4542, 4818, 3711, 4505, 273, 4266, 4260, 3376, 4181, 4181, 253, 488, 2099, 55, 559, 678, 678, 708, 592, 3978, 3978, 3978, 3101, 913, 1947, 697, 2104, 2104, 652, 4469, 2749, 2232, 3804, 3804, 3804, 4499, 4287, 2091, 4433, 1011, 2898, 3294, 3294, 1311, 634, 4811, 4811, 4811, 4811, 4389, 4389, 4389, 4389, 4389, 3401, 3401, 327, 327, 327, 327, 327, 327, 570, 2827, 2827, 3740, 527, 3958, 912, 3117, 2198, 51, 1797, 2150, 1766, 179, 1909, 1909, 855, 4318, 706, 3404, 3404, 2875, 2972, 742, 4641, 561, 731, 731, 731, 731, 3437, 3437, 1263, 1263, 4541, 2628, 2628, 4946, 2443, 3566, 4840, 1324, 143, 275, 275, 486, 2745, 2745, 2745, 2745, 2745, 2075, 58, 1296, 1686, 1686, 175, 95, 432, 2261, 62, 2812, 3189, 1724, 102, 1644, 1730, 1730, 2803, 1070, 3721, 3721, 3721, 4776, 4776, 1964, 2549, 2549, 1282, 269, 4844, 4681, 2210, 4401, 3087, 3087, 3295, 3295, 166, 3295, 166, 122, 166, 166, 166, 2026, 2234, 1858, 2579, 4480, 4480, 212, 2142, 1299, 1838, 1838, 230, 4888, 3956, 3153, 3153, 4495, 1478, 1478, 687, 3189, 1724, 1644, 1730, 1730, 450, 450, 450, 450, 450, 3413, 3413, 3209, 4093, 251, 3189, 2559, 2820, 2419, 4767, 1907, 1907, 1907, 694, 740, 3991, 3040, 3087, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 166, 166, 3295, 166, 163, 3117, 2198, 51, 1797, 2150, 1766, 579, 2102, 1909, 855, 2713, 4077, 3886, 257, 284, 284, 1949, 712, 2298, 3799, 4184, 2086, 2575, 3116, 3116, 2769, 1501, 3896, 3896, 4941, 1683, 3204, 3204, 3204, 2783, 4477, 2668, 2910, 864, 3852, 3852, 3852, 2854, 3918, 3793, 2682, 5, 1686, 4713, 4825, 3794, 3794, 1072, 1107, 143, 4133, 1965, 1965, 1965, 1965, 1965, 1238, 159, 3530, 4433, 542, 542, 3954, 3954, 162, 162, 2324, 4398, 1668, 166, 166, 166, 2404, 2404, 101, 101, 3702, 3702, 3702, 3702, 1069, 1069, 313, 1892, 1608, 190, 1070, 4504, 4504, 4504, 4504, 4504, 1796, 1796, 1796, 1796, 3477, 2851, 2851, 2851, 1873, 4450, 4450, 3087, 3087, 3295, 315, 399, 4389, 4389, 4389, 3401, 3401, 3401, 327, 327, 327, 1357, 1357, 23, 23, 852, 3268, 312, 2026, 2391, 2754, 108, 68, 604, 1634, 3519, 3519, 2150, 1766, 579, 179, 1909, 373, 2713, 4318, 3886, 257, 4197, 3703, 3703, 1124, 1124, 2504, 603, 3405, 3061, 3035, 3035, 3035, 3035, 2518, 2518, 1863, 3058, 1206, 3883, 3355, 1569, 4807, 318, 3044, 3044, 3748, 540, 316, 4523, 4876, 3702, 9, 4019, 4019, 2173, 3987, 742, 1049, 3303, 3746, 3746, 3746, 3746, 3967, 2504, 18, 603, 3405, 3061, 1273, 1273, 1273, 4357, 3325, 3325, 4808, 4808, 2851, 1873, 3485, 3485, 3800, 4852, 166, 166, 166, 163, 3537, 2534, 2534, 2980, 957, 676, 676, 1355, 1355, 1355, 3970, 1624, 2489, 2489, 4886, 4786, 383, 935, 1616, 798, 2852, 1435, 687, 231, 102, 1644, 1730, 450, 450, 450, 450, 3413, 3413, 4093, 251, 742, 2820, 2820, 4767, 1907, 1907, 1907, 740, 2769, 45, 2833, 2833, 56, 405, 405, 3009, 358, 358, 1217, 213, 1829, 3326, 559, 2080, 2080, 4868, 4868, 1972, 1895, 1895, 1315, 1471, 1021, 389, 389, 1183, 2068, 4587, 4587, 1897, 3537, 221, 2958, 566, 3686, 4305, 4336, 4183, 1172, 1172, 1172, 146, 3524, 1096, 1096, 3446, 3460, 3443, 3443, 3956, 3153, 1442, 1686, 1686, 4084, 4084, 4183, 4183, 1206, 340, 805, 3428, 3428, 3428, 3672, 4907, 3189, 2820, 2419, 301, 4400, 4400, 2656, 1558, 3198, 3198, 3240, 231, 377, 2205, 4891, 97, 2962, 4625, 4625, 4625, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.4404695494994439, 0.6807256674082314, 0.8408964126807565, 1.301387305339266, 1.3814726779755286, 1.9220489432703005, 2.4025611790878756, 2.522689238042269, 2.622795953837598, 2.8430307285873195, 3.083286846496107, 3.6639057981090106, 3.8240765433815356, 4.004268631813126, 4.684994299221358, 5.065399819243605, 5.265613250834261, 5.365719966629589, 5.646018770856507, 5.886274888765295, 6.426851154060068, 6.887342046718577, 7.027491448832037, 7.848366518353727, 8.24879338153504, 8.449006813125695, 8.769348303670746, 9.129732480533926, 9.20981785317019, 9.810458147942159, 10.210885011123471, 10.911632021690767, 11.151888139599556, 11.312058884872082, 11.45220828698554, 11.612379032258065, 12.573403503893216, 13.37425723025584, 13.774684093437154, 13.83474812291435, 14.014940211345941, 14.415367074527254, 14.61558050611791, 15.236242144048946, 15.736775723025584, 16.217287958843162, 16.457544076751947, 16.657757508342605, 16.837949596774195, 17.018141685205784 ]
[ 0.4404695494994439, 0.6807256674082314, 0.8408964126807565, 1.301387305339266, 1.3814726779755286, 1.9220489432703005, 2.38253983592881, 2.522689238042269, 2.622795953837598, 2.8430307285873195, 3.083286846496107, 3.6639057981090106, 3.8240765433815356, 4.004268631813126, 4.684994299221358, 5.065399819243605, 5.265613250834261, 5.365719966629589, 5.646018770856507, 5.886274888765295, 6.426851154060068, 6.887342046718577, 7.027491448832037, 7.848366518353727, 8.24879338153504, 8.449006813125695, 8.769348303670746, 9.129732480533926, 9.20981785317019, 9.810458147942159, 10.210885011123471, 10.911632021690767, 11.151888139599556, 11.312058884872082, 11.45220828698554, 11.612379032258065, 12.573403503893216, 13.37425723025584, 13.774684093437154, 13.83474812291435, 14.014940211345941, 14.415367074527254, 14.61558050611791, 15.236242144048946, 15.736775723025584, 16.217287958843162, 16.457544076751947, 16.657757508342605, 16.837949596774195, 17.018141685205784, 17.979166156840936 ]
I will conclude my remarks therefore now, although I look forward to making a brief intervention at the end of the debate when I will be happy to address any issues raised, and to make a few comments regarding the two key amendments I have tabled to the resolution for a vote.
i will conclude my remarks therefore now although i look forward to making a brief intervention at the end of the debate when i will be happy to address any issues raised and to make a few comments regarding the two key amendments i have tabled to the resolution for a vote.
[ "i", "will", "conclude", "my", "remarks", "therefore", "now", "although", "i", "look", "forward", "to", "making", "a", "brief", "intervention", "at", "the", "end", "of", "the", "debate", "when", "i", "will", "be", "happy", "to", "address", "any", "issues", "raised", "and", "to", "make", "a", "few", "comments", "regarding", "the", "two", "key", "amendments", "i", "have", "tabled", "to", "the", "resolution", "for", "a", "vote." ]
[ "i", "will", "conclude", "my", "remarks", "therefore", "now", "although", "i", "look", "forward", "to", "making", "a", "brief", "intervention", "at", "the", "end", "of", "the", "debate", "when", "i", "will", "be", "happy", "to", "address", "any", "issues", "raised", "and", "to", "make", "a", "few", "comments", "regarding", "the", "two", "key", "amendments", "i", "have", "tabled", "to", "the", "resolution", "for", "a", "vote" ]
[ "i", "w i l l", "c o n c l u d e", "m y", "r e m a r k s", "t h e r e f o r e", "n o w", "a l t h o u g h", "i", "l o o k", "f o r w a r d", "t o", "m a k i n g", "a", "b r i e f", "i n t e r v e n t i o n", "a t", "t h e", "e n d", "o f", "t h e", "d e b a t e", "w h e n", "i", "w i l l", "b e", "h a p p y", "t o", "a d d r e s s", "a n y", "i s s u e s", "r a i s e d", "a n d", "t o", "m a k e", "a", "f e w", "c o m m e n t s", "r e g a r d i n g", "t h e", "t w o", "k e y", "a m e n d m e n t s", "i", "h a v e", "t a b l e d", "t o", "t h e", "r e s o l u t i o n", "f o r", "a", "v o t e" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 1335, 1335, 139, 139, 139, 139, 294, 294, 72, 1913, 1913, 955, 955, 955, 955, 1167, 981, 30, 794, 109, 109, 4193, 2719, 579, 179, 1099, 1099, 1099, 1177, 1694, 2533, 1000, 4560, 909, 909, 3389, 488, 2099, 4591, 742, 3317, 305, 2445, 2445, 1998, 1998, 1998, 1998, 1998, 44, 3742, 1296, 2014, 843, 46, 1014, 3948, 148, 737, 737, 737, 4733, 429, 1736, 1074, 2603, 1330, 937, 4988, 4988, 4245, 2816, 3948, 1456, 995, 995, 1497, 1497, 1497, 1497, 1497, 1494, 1494, 2883, 2883, 2883, 823, 823, 823, 815, 3223, 3223, 2354, 3773, 3773, 3954, 162, 2324, 2324, 936, 4941, 1795, 4055, 165, 1655, 1038, 1038, 1038, 1038, 4961, 4961, 4961, 3996, 3232, 3279, 497, 838, 398, 398, 398, 4026, 4026, 1927, 152, 411, 2142, 2785, 2785, 2338, 2338, 2338, 2338, 2338, 2423, 2423, 2423, 2423, 3211, 3211, 57, 57, 1873, 4450, 3040, 3087, 2593, 399, 399, 4389, 4389, 4389, 1286, 2778, 2778, 2778, 2827, 28, 2026, 3744, 981, 4326, 3988, 3988, 3988, 1307, 4416, 1769, 2125, 2125, 1628, 3607, 2137, 4760, 1065, 4193, 2719, 4052, 669, 1688, 1929, 1929, 1929, 1929, 4786, 4786, 2734, 4120, 2832, 2832, 43, 2108, 1441, 1441, 1441, 1441, 2735, 2735, 2735, 2860, 1171, 693, 1200, 1058, 3026, 198, 198, 1720, 1593, 202, 185, 1560, 1560, 1560, 418, 418, 2663, 2903, 2903, 454, 2653, 2653, 473, 156, 435, 2443, 2660, 546, 432, 4187, 2164, 2164, 3133, 742, 739, 1498, 323, 323, 4323, 4323, 4323, 4323, 1013, 1350, 3680, 2217, 745, 1966, 161, 4028, 1917, 2218, 4109, 1447, 192, 4097, 1740, 1740, 3497, 3497, 4055, 2868, 3372, 4799, 4799, 4799, 4799, 1331, 496, 496, 2854, 277, 3155, 3155, 3405, 419, 1840, 222, 4392, 821, 636, 2649, 834, 2002, 3143, 2127, 2127, 4131, 1862, 381, 3347, 1064, 100, 210, 4317, 4758, 4758, 4758, 4758, 1986, 2854, 2682, 2219, 3827, 3827, 437, 437, 424, 2632, 2632, 1617, 4055, 3522, 1353, 1353, 1060, 3327, 742, 739, 3574, 1622, 1622, 1622, 1622, 1622, 1622, 1086, 1086, 518, 518, 518, 421, 1725, 3492, 3472, 3472, 3190, 1481, 2593, 399, 399, 1639, 1707, 3401, 1707, 1254, 72, 2827, 1103, 28, 3958, 2026, 924, 842, 3331, 2596, 2596, 2524, 3618, 3246, 4547, 4547, 2062, 3299, 3431, 2741, 221, 566, 566, 3686, 4911, 4911, 3805, 1007, 3934, 3402, 3402, 3402, 3402, 3402, 2467, 595, 231, 2419, 1562, 1562, 4601, 438, 4202, 2183, 3026, 1401, 885, 564, 2222, 3566, 4840, 3165, 1617, 381, 1352, 1320, 1320, 3253, 932, 932, 932, 932, 932, 93, 858, 858, 4708, 1031, 4077, 3954, 2214, 872, 1365, 245, 197, 781, 187, 3406, 297, 297, 3426, 3426, 2501, 506, 3722, 4946, 3590, 3590, 3590, 3703, 1124, 1124, 1124, 2504, 4077, 3061, 3035, 3035, 3035, 2518, 2518, 4499, 1764, 4050, 4969, 4599, 658, 1626, 2888, 1827, 1988, 1549, 1549, 4984, 528, 528, 528, 528, 4583, 4583, 3322, 3322, 3322, 3559, 3559, 4594, 4740, 4301, 4301, 368, 368, 346, 346, 1481, 2967, 4811, 3557, 3557, 1639, 4310, 4310, 4310, 1707, 4310, 4310, 4310, 4310, 1818, 4310, 4310, 981, 2754, 108, 3610, 68, 3398, 2740, 2525, 3297, 3297, 1933, 2385, 3928, 1666, 1150, 3762, 3380, 3380, 1720, 3997, 308, 185, 1560, 1560, 418, 2663, 1743, 1733, 2313, 546, 95, 2690, 563, 623, 1615, 2923, 1093, 4369, 1459, 307, 4706, 571, 4300, 4997, 46, 308, 185, 1560, 1560, 1560, 418, 2663, 1743, 1733, 2313, 95, 95, 2690, 563, 104, 1615, 1093, 1093, 4369, 4369, 4369, 307, 2801, 132, 1694, 581, 3766, 560, 3718, 256, 1199, 4347, 4347, 4347, 2273, 1947, 2618, 1777, 3555, 3555, 3555, 624, 3264, 3234, 3234, 991, 1011, 1011, 3294, 1311, 634, 2593, 3557, 1252, 1128, 1128, 1357, 1357, 532, 828, 2030, 710, 2725, 2026, 924, 1330, 937, 4988, 713, 2481, 4124, 3070, 3070, 1381, 1381, 1381, 1381, 1381, 2883, 2883, 616, 2171, 2073, 3169, 501, 501, 473, 7, 3771, 3252, 424, 3102, 3513, 1469, 3336, 1623, 2559, 270, 3076, 4077, 985, 985, 873, 873, 2536, 2801, 2801, 132, 1999, 4305, 231, 560, 4633, 678, 3272, 3272, 3272, 3272, 1232, 4850, 2443, 2443, 3566, 3165, 4684, 1593, 4493, 2158, 308, 939, 2484, 2484, 2484, 615, 1331, 2057, 516, 1695, 1695, 741, 1067, 2539, 249, 249, 1146, 1146, 624, 3234, 3234, 4505, 3773, 4077, 3954, 3294, 1311, 1311, 2967, 4811, 3557, 1639, 1286, 1286, 2827, 28, 3958, 1586, 30, 794, 109, 109, 857, 1847, 49, 3267, 917, 3189, 894, 1781, 2657, 2374, 4529, 4529, 4529, 3413, 3413, 732, 2759, 336, 2715, 371, 3325, 3758, 3729, 3026, 665, 698, 2655, 437, 4416, 4141, 177, 4354, 2603, 4191, 4191, 4235, 4235, 4235, 2562, 4032, 472, 3412, 3412, 3412, 1107, 143, 1688, 2680, 2680, 2680, 2680, 2680, 3835, 225, 225, 4780, 3405, 419, 1840, 4392, 3534, 60, 3122, 3122, 2649, 4681, 2210, 4401, 20, 163, 2220, 2220, 2220, 110, 4195, 4195, 785, 785, 838, 1344, 1344, 2524, 2524, 3877, 546, 432, 1677, 1928, 104, 2868, 3372, 3225, 3225, 3225, 3225, 3956, 3956, 4353, 4524, 4524, 1136, 1152, 1725, 377, 4673, 4673, 4625, 4625, 4625, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.5005778588807785, 0.6407396593673966, 1.1413175182481752, 1.3415486618004866, 2.002311435523114, 2.502889294403893, 3.023490267639903, 3.5040450121654505, 3.5641143552311436, 3.7643454987834546, 4.084715328467153, 4.164807785888078, 4.525223844282238, 4.625339416058394, 4.985755474452555, 5.6865644768856445, 5.806703163017032, 5.9068187347931875, 6.067003649635037, 6.167119221411192, 6.247211678832117, 6.887951338199513, 7.208321167883212, 7.2683905109489055, 7.368506082725061, 7.428575425790755, 7.768968369829684, 7.909130170316302, 8.40970802919708, 8.690031630170317, 9.09049391727494, 9.751256690997566, 10.131695863746957, 10.552181265206812, 11.052759124087592, 11.112828467153285, 11.333082725060827, 11.973822384428225, 12.634585158150852, 12.754723844282237, 13.035047445255476, 13.255301703163017, 14.076249391727494, 14.296503649635037, 14.396619221411193, 14.737012165450121, 14.797081508515815, 14.89719708029197, 15.658075425790754, 15.91837591240876, 15.978445255474453 ]
[ 0.5005778588807785, 0.6407396593673966, 1.1413175182481752, 1.3415486618004866, 2.002311435523114, 2.502889294403893, 3.023490267639903, 3.5040450121654505, 3.5641143552311436, 3.7643454987834546, 4.084715328467153, 4.164807785888078, 4.525223844282238, 4.625339416058394, 4.985755474452555, 5.6865644768856445, 5.806703163017032, 5.9068187347931875, 6.067003649635037, 6.147096107055962, 6.247211678832117, 6.887951338199513, 7.208321167883212, 7.248367396593674, 7.34848296836983, 7.428575425790755, 7.768968369829684, 7.909130170316302, 8.40970802919708, 8.690031630170317, 9.09049391727494, 9.751256690997566, 10.131695863746957, 10.552181265206812, 11.052759124087592, 11.112828467153285, 11.333082725060827, 11.973822384428225, 12.634585158150852, 12.754723844282237, 13.035047445255476, 13.255301703163017, 14.076249391727494, 14.276480535279806, 14.37659610705596, 14.71698905109489, 14.797081508515815, 14.89719708029197, 15.658075425790754, 15.91837591240876, 15.978445255474453, 16.43897688564477 ]
Thank you very much for these debates.
thank you very much for these debates.
[ "thank", "you", "very", "much", "for", "these", "debates." ]
[ "thank", "you", "very", "much", "for", "these", "debates" ]
[ "t h a n k", "y o u", "v e r y", "m u c h", "f o r", "t h e s e", "d e b a t e s" ]
[ 2204, 2204, 4936, 4936, 1870, 1186, 2782, 2228, 519, 519, 1857, 1153, 4902, 1983, 4054, 3144, 3846, 3948, 894, 148, 751, 751, 2448, 2448, 231, 1974, 4797, 4077, 2396, 4635, 3106, 2595, 1883, 1508, 1508, 1508, 1508, 2046, 2046, 2046, 3340, 3340, 3340, 3340, 3340, 3340, 2133, 1501, 3896, 1795, 231, 3163, 4463, 4428, 4428, 475, 1293, 3786, 4247, 4433, 1191, 3522, 337, 1575, 3757, 4936, 1591, 2164, 3133, 2026, 739, 3574, 1070, 1622, 1622, 1622, 2807, 565, 3373, 445, 2559, 2535, 2804, 1479, 1729, 3872, 3872, 3872, 1499, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.12133333333333333, 0.20222222222222222, 0.32355555555555554, 0.5662222222222222, 0.91, 1.193111111111111 ]
[ 0.12133333333333333, 0.182, 0.32355555555555554, 0.5662222222222222, 0.91, 1.193111111111111, 1.7997777777777777 ]
I have no confidence whatsoever in the so called Independent Commission of Inquiry.
i have no confidence whatsoever in the so called independent commission of inquiry.
[ "i", "have", "no", "confidence", "whatsoever", "in", "the", "so", "called", "independent", "commission", "of", "inquiry." ]
[ "i", "have", "no", "confidence", "whatsoever", "in", "the", "so", "called", "independent", "commission", "of", "inquiry" ]
[ "i", "h a v e", "n o", "c o n f i d e n c e", "w h a t s o e v e r", "i n", "t h e", "s o", "c a l l e d", "i n d e p e n d e n t", "c o m m i s s i o n", "o f", "i n q u i r y" ]
[ 4079, 30, 109, 109, 4193, 3168, 3168, 1821, 3273, 1434, 2573, 3267, 2184, 4567, 1315, 2811, 2142, 1299, 1838, 1838, 230, 4888, 1193, 2768, 1694, 231, 560, 3718, 256, 1199, 4996, 4996, 4996, 1778, 4001, 1157, 3535, 3535, 4165, 4165, 4165, 1221, 3285, 3285, 2072, 3264, 3234, 3989, 4077, 3411, 2186, 3629, 551, 1751, 1751, 3858, 3858, 393, 393, 2029, 2951, 4523, 1010, 655, 3762, 446, 3380, 1628, 1628, 4759, 4759, 4956, 4956, 4956, 835, 3094, 484, 3888, 1782, 1782, 1426, 2112, 1484, 2358, 2593, 163, 399, 1128, 1128, 72, 1357, 3913, 532, 3844, 3268, 2026, 981, 287, 1446, 1625, 662, 40, 3102, 2131, 3368, 1417, 4077, 1010, 3914, 552, 1608, 788, 788, 4678, 201, 201, 1193, 1694, 581, 231, 560, 3718, 3873, 1885, 1885, 1885, 1885, 1885, 2755, 2755, 1115, 3456, 1636, 402, 104, 4571, 4571, 197, 3963, 4967, 459, 459, 2218, 4109, 4108, 4055, 3522, 572, 1353, 750, 1210, 3189, 231, 1644, 4605, 4605, 4605, 4605, 1331, 496, 2682, 2219, 4971, 4971, 2072, 339, 4744, 2959, 2607, 3766, 1000, 4560, 434, 2733, 1404, 2375, 504, 504, 504, 2504, 18, 419, 222, 821, 636, 366, 1971, 4526, 384, 2997, 701, 4028, 2378, 2541, 253, 2099, 4591, 310, 2902, 3696, 1649, 1649, 2693, 2693, 2693, 2908, 2908, 3903, 1342, 1466, 1466, 3884, 3884, 27, 1418, 3843, 311, 884, 2377, 922, 4625, 4625, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.12053236607142856, 0.2812421875, 0.4419520089285714, 1.024525111607143, 1.7678080357142856, 2.0088727678571425, 2.129405133928571, 2.3302924107142853, 2.752155691964285, 3.3749062499999996, 3.7365033482142853, 3.816858258928571 ]
[ 0.12053236607142856, 0.2812421875, 0.4419520089285714, 1.024525111607143, 1.7678080357142856, 2.0088727678571425, 2.129405133928571, 2.3302924107142853, 2.752155691964285, 3.3749062499999996, 3.7365033482142853, 3.816858258928571, 4.479786272321428 ]
We insist that a full and transparent investigation take place and all allegations of politically motivated action behind the tragedy be taken seriously. I would also like to express our solidarity and sympathy to all those who continue day by day their struggle for democracy and social justice in Egypt.
we insist that a full and transparent investigation take place and all allegations of politically motivated action behind the tragedy be taken seriously. i would also like to express our solidarity and sympathy to all those who continue day by day their struggle for democracy and social justice in egypt.
[ "we", "insist", "that", "a", "full", "and", "transparent", "investigation", "take", "place", "and", "all", "allegations", "of", "politically", "motivated", "action", "behind", "the", "tragedy", "be", "taken", "seriously.", "i", "would", "also", "like", "to", "express", "our", "solidarity", "and", "sympathy", "to", "all", "those", "who", "continue", "day", "by", "day", "their", "struggle", "for", "democracy", "and", "social", "justice", "in", "egypt." ]
[ "we", "insist", "that", "a", "full", "and", "transparent", "investigation", "take", "place", "and", "all", "allegations", "of", "politically", "motivated", "action", "behind", "the", "tragedy", "be", "taken", "seriously", "i", "would", "also", "like", "to", "express", "our", "solidarity", "and", "sympathy", "to", "all", "those", "who", "continue", "day", "by", "day", "their", "struggle", "for", "democracy", "and", "social", "justice", "in", "egypt" ]
[ "w e", "i n s i s t", "t h a t", "a", "f u l l", "a n d", "t r a n s p a r e n t", "i n v e s t i g a t i o n", "t a k e", "p l a c e", "a n d", "a l l", "a l l e g a t i o n s", "o f", "p o l i t i c a l l y", "m o t i v a t e d", "a c t i o n", "b e h i n d", "t h e", "t r a g e d y", "b e", "t a k e n", "s e r i o u s l y", "i", "w o u l d", "a l s o", "l i k e", "t o", "e x p r e s s", "o u r", "s o l i d a r i t y", "a n d", "s y m p a t h y", "t o", "a l l", "t h o s e", "w h o", "c o n t i n u e", "d a y", "b y", "d a y", "t h e i r", "s t r u g g l e", "f o r", "d e m o c r a c y", "a n d", "s o c i a l", "j u s t i c e", "i n", "e g y p t" ]
[ 1101, 361, 361, 1143, 1143, 1143, 1457, 1457, 1457, 524, 524, 75, 2026, 3958, 924, 3677, 236, 236, 111, 2409, 2541, 661, 1748, 4834, 760, 1010, 313, 1892, 620, 3774, 3774, 3774, 279, 279, 4247, 1477, 2849, 42, 753, 1696, 133, 133, 1531, 577, 2307, 1145, 2734, 4120, 3524, 1096, 3446, 2595, 1015, 1015, 1015, 1015, 1015, 967, 2851, 2851, 471, 1492, 1630, 3143, 3136, 2479, 2479, 3453, 4108, 1546, 3237, 4374, 4374, 1717, 1717, 1717, 3812, 194, 1926, 4511, 4511, 4308, 2173, 3987, 742, 1049, 3303, 4836, 4836, 4836, 1660, 1660, 3558, 2639, 2639, 2639, 3453, 4744, 1686, 3567, 175, 191, 2541, 2541, 735, 856, 3878, 479, 3609, 4041, 4041, 4041, 1281, 1554, 3626, 3065, 242, 4092, 2751, 2442, 2442, 2442, 1710, 559, 1057, 1198, 1808, 1808, 3690, 3690, 1573, 19, 225, 4780, 18, 1840, 222, 821, 60, 1055, 4744, 1546, 860, 231, 2877, 1070, 1070, 1852, 4299, 565, 2357, 279, 2027, 1275, 4308, 2821, 4241, 687, 3189, 102, 263, 3342, 626, 626, 626, 626, 1816, 1816, 565, 2648, 3630, 4511, 2535, 2905, 4260, 3376, 3136, 3136, 2479, 1234, 604, 4728, 2781, 4571, 4355, 4285, 3116, 2577, 2577, 4881, 2558, 2558, 332, 3116, 3798, 2095, 1940, 4033, 4610, 4701, 3006, 3665, 3326, 1223, 1057, 1198, 1808, 3690, 3690, 1573, 19, 225, 4780, 4780, 3405, 419, 222, 4392, 60, 60, 60, 194, 194, 1926, 991, 4511, 923, 2905, 4260, 1479, 1008, 1961, 1961, 3327, 3537, 53, 3110, 2189, 2189, 2737, 278, 58, 58, 2029, 3054, 4397, 687, 687, 742, 1673, 3739, 3739, 3739, 1107, 143, 1688, 3378, 3378, 3378, 4023, 231, 3567, 4989, 4617, 4617, 1190, 4183, 1686, 2804, 1112, 4541, 4054, 4054, 3846, 436, 1134, 148, 4991, 3798, 3798, 825, 4023, 231, 3567, 3109, 466, 466, 2861, 1870, 1870, 701, 3521, 1070, 871, 871, 2807, 565, 1878, 4023, 3567, 3109, 1256, 1256, 364, 4023, 3567, 175, 4197, 4007, 703, 3218, 3218, 2543, 2543, 556, 3405, 419, 1840, 222, 821, 60, 1006, 4418, 4819, 42, 1908, 3060, 4486, 4593, 4911, 3805, 1347, 2474, 2474, 4558, 4558, 1341, 314, 2316, 3799, 3347, 2086, 2632, 324, 1623, 114, 3237, 4374, 3826, 3433, 3433, 3459, 3459, 3459, 600, 514, 3646, 3646, 3536, 3536, 1213, 4777, 3543, 3665, 2073, 1036, 3684, 3684, 3843, 884, 4409, 71, 71, 4665, 1252, 4243, 1128, 1357, 1357, 828, 2030, 4195, 912, 3744, 742, 924, 1952, 3570, 1099, 1099, 3299, 3431, 3431, 3537, 2958, 566, 566, 4202, 4023, 231, 2877, 2877, 1852, 1852, 1852, 4299, 2430, 2663, 1206, 4186, 2679, 1540, 4741, 1055, 1748, 4834, 3374, 158, 313, 620, 2739, 2739, 2739, 2739, 2161, 470, 4080, 3304, 3304, 3720, 3619, 3619, 1798, 1554, 4511, 2905, 1987, 1987, 2731, 494, 2055, 98, 814, 153, 4409, 588, 2026, 92, 92, 3796, 3587, 3587, 3587, 3587, 3587, 574, 574, 574, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1280, 1280, 1280, 1280, 1280, 1280, 1280, 2822, 570, 214, 214, 214, 3740, 3740, 2982, 2026, 912, 2391, 794, 109, 4760, 4760, 579, 2577, 845, 3381, 482, 1972, 1113, 426, 2336, 1596, 1596, 1596, 1596, 4164, 2663, 3176, 2664, 1635, 4429, 1635, 1635, 687, 1206, 3076, 1401, 885, 885, 1019, 2165, 2875, 231, 1630, 561, 2525, 2525, 3297, 3297, 3297, 1933, 2385, 3928, 3928, 1666, 3762, 3380, 3380, 3380, 2222, 4659, 265, 2701, 2279, 1275, 4308, 4019, 2173, 3987, 2559, 1049, 4802, 689, 689, 689, 93, 1281, 1554, 4511, 2905, 2905, 752, 4020, 4020, 4909, 342, 342, 4849, 4849, 4849, 4446, 2542, 3374, 313, 313, 1892, 190, 2568, 2568, 2568, 4147, 4033, 1642, 1642, 1642, 1826, 364, 1206, 3496, 3496, 4915, 4040, 4040, 2945, 1660, 123, 3558, 2907, 2322, 364, 4023, 367, 3567, 175, 4359, 4359, 2479, 3453, 194, 1926, 760, 1275, 313, 1892, 620, 2318, 2318, 2318, 3563, 1157, 595, 2820, 2782, 2882, 2882, 364, 4023, 1686, 3109, 3043, 3043, 4054, 4023, 1686, 1954, 665, 3419, 1019, 2165, 2875, 3803, 1630, 534, 4918, 1259, 1354, 1354, 1354, 4129, 4129, 3456, 2477, 2477, 3799, 753, 1655, 4592, 1363, 1363, 1363, 3801, 3801, 1476, 3742, 292, 4511, 2535, 923, 1785, 4637, 4637, 1377, 1377, 186, 3111, 2768, 1694, 581, 231, 559, 4560, 4986, 4690, 3389, 735, 685, 1546, 2607, 114, 136, 1994, 1994, 1994, 1994, 1994, 1548, 2070, 4765, 4765, 2518, 260, 693, 3049, 2849, 2212, 2212, 4412, 1094, 1094, 1997, 1997, 565, 3910, 182, 3327, 276, 5, 53, 1976, 2779, 115, 115, 553, 2301, 2301, 2301, 3910, 693, 2849, 2849, 2212, 1283, 4412, 1094, 1094, 1094, 1997, 4545, 83, 83, 569, 3910, 2924, 693, 2849, 3326, 753, 2546, 3248, 3248, 3986, 3248, 8, 8, 1316, 4383, 3408, 2542, 3374, 923, 382, 1084, 120, 2314, 347, 347, 609, 3253, 1803, 1803, 1803, 3879, 4124, 2098, 4264, 183, 183, 3142, 3232, 3232, 3290, 3106, 840, 1883, 1883, 247, 4026, 693, 3665, 4184, 572, 1353, 1353, 4684, 436, 148, 2407, 2407, 2407, 2407, 4012, 1743, 3189, 2000, 2000, 3647, 3647, 3647, 3647, 4214, 1554, 1554, 1275, 4372, 2503, 3043, 4946, 111, 3136, 2479, 1123, 194, 2527, 760, 1666, 313, 79, 190, 3946, 3946, 3946, 644, 225, 603, 3405, 3061, 1273, 1273, 183, 1992, 2365, 2849, 1967, 3138, 286, 2097, 226, 226, 226, 226, 1281, 3626, 2187, 242, 1191, 2751, 4356, 4356, 4356, 4209, 1554, 4511, 2905, 4260, 4659, 2793, 4856, 712, 2298, 4990, 1889, 1630, 187, 3907, 4628, 4628, 90, 600, 514, 3646, 1722, 3536, 1213, 1213, 3346, 3240, 3974, 2026, 3974, 2007, 4673, 255, 1586, 1081, 1081, 329, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.3804241071428571, 0.7208035714285713, 0.9010044642857142, 0.941049107142857, 1.221361607142857, 1.3815401785714285, 2.002232142857143, 2.823147321428571, 3.103459821428571, 3.5039062499999996, 3.6640848214285713, 3.8242633928571426, 4.645178571428571, 4.925491071428571, 5.486116071428571, 6.126830357142857, 6.467209821428571, 6.807589285714285, 6.88767857142857, 7.6084821428571425, 7.968883928571428, 8.329285714285714, 9.330401785714285, 9.830959821428571, 9.97111607142857, 10.051205357142857, 10.23140625, 10.772008928571427, 11.2125, 11.432745535714284, 12.073459821428571, 12.193593749999998, 12.634084821428571, 12.814285714285713, 13.034531249999999, 13.374910714285713, 13.515066964285714, 14.055669642857142, 14.275915178571427, 14.536205357142856, 14.836540178571427, 15.136874999999998, 15.577366071428571, 15.737544642857141, 16.338214285714283, 16.458348214285714, 16.81875, 17.279263392857143, 17.419419642857143 ]
[ 0.3804241071428571, 0.7208035714285713, 0.8809821428571428, 0.941049107142857, 1.221361607142857, 1.3815401785714285, 2.002232142857143, 2.823147321428571, 3.103459821428571, 3.5039062499999996, 3.6640848214285713, 3.8242633928571426, 4.645178571428571, 4.925491071428571, 5.486116071428571, 6.126830357142857, 6.467209821428571, 6.807589285714285, 6.88767857142857, 7.6084821428571425, 7.968883928571428, 8.329285714285714, 9.330401785714285, 9.830959821428571, 9.95109375, 10.031183035714285, 10.23140625, 10.772008928571427, 11.2125, 11.432745535714284, 12.073459821428571, 12.193593749999998, 12.634084821428571, 12.814285714285713, 13.034531249999999, 13.374910714285713, 13.515066964285714, 14.055669642857142, 14.275915178571427, 14.536205357142856, 14.836540178571427, 15.136874999999998, 15.577366071428571, 15.737544642857141, 16.338214285714283, 16.458348214285714, 16.81875, 17.279263392857143, 17.419419642857143, 17.919977678571428 ]
At present the amount of time that we have given to national parliaments to respond is simply not long enough.
at present the amount of time that we have given to national parliaments to respond is simply not long enough.
[ "at", "present", "the", "amount", "of", "time", "that", "we", "have", "given", "to", "national", "parliaments", "to", "respond", "is", "simply", "not", "long", "enough." ]
[ "at", "present", "the", "amount", "of", "time", "that", "we", "have", "given", "to", "national", "parliaments", "to", "respond", "is", "simply", "not", "long", "enough" ]
[ "a t", "p r e s e n t", "t h e", "a m o u n t", "o f", "t i m e", "t h a t", "w e", "h a v e", "g i v e n", "t o", "n a t i o n a l", "p a r l i a m e n t s", "t o", "r e s p o n d", "i s", "s i m p l y", "n o t", "l o n g", "e n o u g h" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 1335, 4720, 4720, 4720, 1457, 1457, 1457, 3861, 3861, 2026, 75, 75, 1886, 2026, 2281, 2789, 794, 898, 898, 3018, 577, 1100, 1100, 3251, 3251, 3251, 1635, 1635, 1635, 1635, 1635, 1635, 1586, 687, 2559, 1673, 4660, 654, 4038, 2673, 2673, 2673, 3900, 2562, 1360, 1360, 1272, 2813, 2813, 2813, 3951, 2072, 624, 2215, 2215, 1709, 3249, 1725, 3472, 3472, 1340, 798, 3849, 3849, 4852, 1795, 1795, 4377, 2811, 489, 1448, 492, 2059, 4354, 1449, 1132, 1132, 1132, 2888, 1827, 1988, 926, 3518, 3518, 3518, 3518, 495, 1236, 2122, 2122, 518, 3373, 131, 1725, 3492, 3472, 3472, 1340, 1365, 245, 983, 163, 2939, 64, 4526, 169, 965, 2184, 2277, 917, 62, 62, 2026, 104, 1359, 136, 2657, 541, 625, 2113, 2113, 2113, 2113, 2113, 2113, 887, 887, 3187, 3187, 3187, 2887, 3999, 1670, 3905, 2352, 4820, 165, 949, 1696, 612, 1531, 1165, 2307, 4152, 1145, 3629, 551, 4807, 3677, 487, 487, 2863, 4850, 1821, 3273, 3273, 3267, 3652, 3899, 2559, 1223, 3281, 3281, 2553, 3056, 3056, 1788, 2873, 1540, 1540, 54, 4108, 4895, 381, 1058, 63, 665, 198, 630, 4959, 2146, 411, 2142, 3041, 2249, 2249, 2249, 3967, 2504, 603, 18, 2256, 2256, 3300, 3300, 2309, 2309, 4357, 3325, 36, 1187, 1177, 1478, 2812, 742, 4643, 2973, 1663, 1663, 3735, 3301, 3301, 3301, 3301, 2883, 2883, 317, 1197, 1989, 1989, 1989, 2944, 1404, 1067, 2539, 249, 249, 1146, 624, 2215, 1709, 1709, 538, 4505, 3773, 1011, 3954, 3411, 6, 6, 1139, 4229, 742, 1058, 3076, 1401, 885, 1292, 1292, 1292, 1292, 1551, 1551, 1551, 1551, 1074, 135, 135, 2888, 1330, 937, 2284, 4626, 1001, 1417, 4077, 4876, 9, 4019, 2173, 3987, 2927, 2927, 3303, 2784, 2784, 2784, 2784, 2784, 2784, 24, 24, 3034, 3034, 4210, 4210, 4394, 412, 4497, 2205, 142, 71, 586, 4665, 4243, 4243, 4243, 234, 3913, 3913, 3913, 532, 3844, 3268, 3744, 3744, 4826, 3125, 580, 580, 3077, 2791, 206, 4433, 1807, 4037, 4037, 1069, 1069, 3505, 552, 620, 2318, 2318, 2318, 2318, 2318, 4001, 4001, 1157, 1157, 595, 3189, 2770, 2770, 2731, 4119, 3100, 4541, 663, 4324, 4324, 438, 1658, 2008, 152, 4480, 4480, 104, 2142, 1021, 2895, 2895, 1614, 1614, 1183, 2068, 4818, 131, 742, 1725, 743, 3472, 1806, 798, 798, 2697, 2697, 4340, 229, 738, 738, 1430, 2336, 2420, 3019, 3019, 3019, 3019, 2426, 2426, 3682, 3682, 1490, 1490, 3660, 2644, 2644, 3789, 3789, 3849, 1472, 1472, 166, 2026, 1262, 1262, 1904, 2666, 3125, 2762, 2762, 2762, 2762, 2146, 2146, 1559, 1662, 1662, 1662, 1662, 1662, 1662, 451, 1271, 1271, 1147, 1147, 1147, 1147, 1147, 1147, 2152, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.601338028169014, 1.2828544600938967, 1.483300469483568, 2.024504694835681, 2.2449953051643194, 2.7461103286384976, 2.9265117370892018, 3.066823943661972, 3.2271807511737087, 3.4877605633802817, 3.6280727699530515, 4.089098591549296, 4.83074882629108, 5.111373239436619, 6.01338028169014, 6.3741830985915495, 6.935431924882629, 7.376413145539906, 7.937661971830986 ]
[ 0.601338028169014, 1.2828544600938967, 1.4632558685446009, 2.024504694835681, 2.2449953051643194, 2.7461103286384976, 2.9265117370892018, 3.066823943661972, 3.2271807511737087, 3.4877605633802817, 3.6280727699530515, 4.089098591549296, 4.83074882629108, 5.111373239436619, 6.01338028169014, 6.3741830985915495, 6.935431924882629, 7.376413145539906, 7.937661971830986, 8.518955399061033 ]
The solution can only lie in a coordinated and wide enough use of policy instruments, such as development of fair and effective taxation systems, creation of good jobs, and investment in quality early education that is accessible to all, as well as in continuous skill development enabling upward
the solution can only lie in a coordinated and wide enough use of policy instruments such as development of fair and effective taxation systems creation of good jobs and investment in quality early education that is accessible to all as well as in continuous skill development enabling upward
[ "the", "solution", "can", "only", "lie", "in", "a", "coordinated", "and", "wide", "enough", "use", "of", "policy", "instruments", "such", "as", "development", "of", "fair", "and", "effective", "taxation", "systems", "creation", "of", "good", "jobs", "and", "investment", "in", "quality", "early", "education", "that", "is", "accessible", "to", "all", "as", "well", "as", "in", "continuous", "skill", "development", "enabling", "upward" ]
[ "the", "solution", "can", "only", "lie", "in", "a", "coordinated", "and", "wide", "enough", "use", "of", "policy", "instruments", "such", "as", "development", "of", "fair", "and", "effective", "taxation", "systems", "creation", "of", "good", "jobs", "and", "investment", "in", "quality", "early", "education", "that", "is", "accessible", "to", "all", "as", "well", "as", "in", "continuous", "skill", "development", "enabling", "upward" ]
[ "t h e", "s o l u t i o n", "c a n", "o n l y", "l i e", "i n", "a", "c o o r d i n a t e d", "a n d", "w i d e", "e n o u g h", "u s e", "o f", "p o l i c y", "i n s t r u m e n t s", "s u c h", "a s", "d e v e l o p m e n t", "o f", "f a i r", "a n d", "e f f e c t i v e", "t a x a t i o n", "s y s t e m s", "c r e a t i o n", "o f", "g o o d", "j o b s", "a n d", "i n v e s t m e n t", "i n", "q u a l i t y", "e a r l y", "e d u c a t i o n", "t h a t", "i s", "a c c e s s i b l e", "t o", "a l l", "a s", "w e l l", "a s", "i n", "c o n t i n u o u s", "s k i l l", "d e v e l o p m e n t", "e n a b l i n g", "u p w a r d" ]
[ 1101, 645, 75, 2026, 3958, 912, 1504, 489, 492, 4631, 3368, 1599, 1544, 4037, 4037, 3505, 552, 4721, 4572, 4572, 4572, 143, 1688, 2680, 2680, 2680, 2680, 2680, 3835, 225, 4780, 18, 3405, 3405, 1840, 222, 4392, 821, 821, 3122, 2649, 2160, 4846, 2659, 1546, 581, 231, 4633, 1539, 4729, 4729, 2891, 3790, 366, 834, 4355, 534, 731, 731, 731, 731, 3437, 3437, 1263, 1263, 2628, 2628, 4054, 1170, 4052, 4052, 669, 2336, 4288, 4288, 4288, 4288, 4288, 4288, 533, 3172, 282, 2301, 4185, 4185, 2793, 4856, 712, 3832, 3123, 2659, 4591, 581, 231, 714, 805, 805, 1261, 1261, 1261, 1261, 1977, 4383, 693, 3665, 3665, 2073, 1826, 1826, 1826, 1794, 1559, 2560, 871, 871, 871, 934, 565, 1878, 4023, 2559, 3567, 341, 2381, 2381, 921, 364, 1100, 2007, 4571, 4944, 3143, 4381, 4381, 1461, 2838, 1185, 4190, 856, 3878, 1870, 4055, 1870, 3372, 1104, 4824, 4824, 4824, 744, 1654, 167, 282, 282, 3463, 3058, 1100, 1100, 2007, 3849, 80, 381, 3963, 2762, 2762, 4959, 1559, 4519, 1662, 1662, 1662, 1662, 1662, 451, 2217, 1271, 1271, 1147, 1147, 1147, 1581, 142, 1915, 3557, 92, 1252, 1128, 140, 140, 140, 3305, 3305, 72, 3305, 3305, 3305, 3305, 3305, 3305, 3305, 3305, 1572, 1572, 2822, 570, 570, 570, 2154, 527, 527, 3958, 2026, 4122, 4423, 4423, 2775, 1135, 1135, 1135, 1135, 3952, 3742, 3742, 279, 1705, 2906, 872, 4944, 64, 3516, 4789, 2968, 3912, 745, 2277, 2277, 917, 2812, 742, 452, 116, 4422, 4422, 4422, 2141, 4147, 478, 196, 196, 4214, 237, 298, 4955, 4955, 655, 2503, 3043, 3043, 3590, 3590, 459, 1917, 2614, 2614, 277, 1926, 3989, 1275, 2187, 1191, 2751, 4265, 4265, 4265, 2944, 1404, 1067, 2539, 249, 249, 1146, 1146, 624, 3264, 3234, 3234, 4505, 3773, 3954, 4037, 4037, 4037, 3914, 2704, 3020, 2889, 2889, 2889, 2889, 1056, 1974, 358, 3197, 3197, 2946, 2946, 2946, 2946, 176, 3786, 1477, 1477, 4055, 3522, 572, 1353, 1353, 952, 1928, 3612, 2868, 2383, 2383, 2383, 2383, 2383, 4147, 1012, 1012, 2431, 3296, 3296, 1895, 4775, 3694, 1067, 2539, 249, 249, 1146, 1146, 339, 2215, 1709, 2559, 3567, 2723, 3516, 4789, 2968, 3912, 3275, 3275, 3275, 2832, 2832, 2400, 2158, 671, 4953, 4998, 4998, 4998, 4998, 700, 4861, 4861, 4203, 3417, 3417, 2325, 3050, 4185, 3143, 4381, 4381, 1461, 1234, 2316, 4820, 4184, 1353, 1353, 2690, 563, 1815, 2832, 43, 4155, 948, 948, 948, 4076, 2802, 2359, 2359, 1524, 381, 3109, 3894, 466, 2861, 3912, 745, 1300, 1139, 1191, 1191, 2877, 808, 808, 808, 2802, 2543, 2543, 649, 4955, 4955, 3505, 4372, 1198, 1808, 3690, 3690, 1573, 225, 4780, 18, 3405, 1840, 222, 821, 60, 1055, 1055, 2527, 760, 1417, 1275, 3914, 655, 464, 853, 853, 853, 3016, 237, 4440, 2187, 2187, 1191, 2751, 3633, 3633, 990, 375, 375, 2876, 258, 978, 4421, 991, 3830, 3411, 3411, 2324, 213, 1829, 310, 2174, 2174, 1052, 3828, 4628, 3847, 2807, 2807, 19, 225, 4780, 4780, 3405, 419, 1840, 222, 4392, 821, 636, 366, 2707, 1971, 4526, 384, 3912, 745, 2277, 4894, 3899, 3899, 41, 2272, 692, 692, 2204, 1992, 364, 2970, 2970, 894, 1967, 3138, 286, 2097, 2097, 1526, 1526, 1526, 3428, 1879, 59, 4385, 1761, 2808, 4421, 2354, 3773, 3773, 2898, 4100, 145, 1311, 634, 4811, 3557, 3557, 1252, 3796, 1943, 3587, 140, 140, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1357, 72, 3913, 1357, 23, 23, 2030, 3268, 742, 14, 2754, 1406, 3610, 68, 2838, 604, 1634, 4184, 4659, 3908, 2541, 661, 735, 856, 856, 3878, 3612, 2868, 4041, 4041, 4041, 4041, 4041, 1281, 4708, 4697, 4440, 462, 2843, 2843, 4775, 3694, 2539, 2539, 4813, 1146, 339, 2215, 1709, 977, 4952, 4659, 2793, 2793, 712, 3832, 1185, 2659, 2099, 4591, 3766, 2902, 3696, 1649, 3274, 3274, 3274, 2141, 4147, 1940, 478, 3005, 2322, 1090, 4023, 860, 860, 3538, 2017, 3043, 3043, 4946, 111, 4185, 111, 813, 813, 813, 813, 2945, 4391, 2561, 1112, 3533, 2628, 4946, 2443, 1169, 2147, 600, 514, 4184, 4184, 1826, 3006, 3006, 3006, 581, 3189, 3766, 3112, 181, 181, 3690, 3690, 3690, 1573, 3430, 225, 4780, 3405, 3405, 419, 1840, 222, 4392, 3534, 3122, 3122, 2649, 1979, 4681, 2210, 4401, 931, 315, 742, 399, 1351, 1351, 1707, 3401, 3401, 3401, 3401, 322, 1716, 1357, 3415, 2827, 28, 1416, 3958, 2026, 1504, 4461, 1696, 2965, 2965, 2965, 2307, 1550, 1550, 1550, 4952, 2148, 2148, 3483, 3483, 1370, 2791, 3578, 67, 923, 2214, 2324, 3849, 4852, 367, 781, 801, 265, 265, 3241, 2543, 2701, 2279, 2279, 3505, 552, 2704, 190, 491, 491, 491, 491, 1281, 4697, 2963, 121, 655, 2874, 2480, 727, 1820, 336, 336, 2715, 646, 646, 1463, 36, 1187, 3758, 2183, 860, 742, 1954, 665, 3419, 1395, 1019, 1019, 3607, 2271, 1354, 1354, 1354, 1354, 1354, 4129, 4129, 1115, 3477, 2851, 2851, 1873, 4450, 4450, 4620, 3087, 315, 315, 315, 315, 399, 4389, 4389, 1707, 1707, 1707, 1707, 2691, 2026, 408, 2778, 570, 2827, 3740, 527, 28, 1586, 2281, 14, 2834, 3292, 3292, 176, 3976, 3786, 4247, 658, 607, 1870, 1870, 4973, 1543, 1543, 1543, 1543, 1543, 709, 719, 684, 4333, 4333, 4890, 261, 261, 261, 659, 3385, 3385, 923, 923, 3954, 3954, 3954, 162, 162, 4398, 634, 2967, 4811, 3557, 4665, 3134, 3134, 1357, 110, 110, 4195, 2026, 14, 3867, 2793, 712, 3832, 2659, 2099, 4591, 687, 894, 714, 4560, 4986, 4690, 3389, 735, 685, 685, 1546, 231, 1781, 136, 2260, 1994, 1994, 1994, 1994, 1994, 1548, 1548, 2070, 4765, 4765, 4765, 3619, 3619, 4899, 4209, 159, 1807, 1275, 4037, 9, 4019, 521, 205, 381, 2809, 4451, 4451, 4451, 420, 2825, 2825, 2851, 1187, 3758, 2849, 2849, 3522, 572, 1353, 1353, 3497, 1928, 3612, 2868, 2383, 2383, 2383, 2383, 2383, 4147, 1012, 1012, 1012, 3296, 3296, 3054, 1895, 3694, 3694, 2539, 2539, 249, 249, 1146, 624, 2215, 1709, 1709, 2636, 977, 1365, 245, 4756, 1262, 231, 1904, 781, 1097, 191, 191, 3453, 3212, 2707, 4197, 4197, 3639, 3639, 2502, 732, 732, 2759, 336, 1925, 1855, 4133, 3514, 160, 160, 2610, 7, 3086, 2644, 3789, 2002, 2330, 332, 561, 1712, 1712, 3560, 3560, 3737, 595, 367, 184, 2782, 2860, 2860, 1171, 3345, 3042, 2032, 1818, 1818, 1818, 1818, 1818, 1818, 1818, 1003, 1818, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.24021269762845848, 0.8607621665019761, 1.1209925889328063, 1.3812230113636363, 1.6614711585968378, 1.781577507411067, 1.8416306818181816, 2.5822864995059285, 2.782463747529644, 3.202835968379446, 3.90345633646245, 4.524005805335968, 4.704165328557312, 5.144555274209486, 5.785122467885375, 6.045352890316205, 6.205494688735177, 6.906115056818181, 7.046239130434782, 7.4065581768774695, 7.586717700098813, 8.087160820158102, 8.727728013833993, 9.308242033102767, 9.768649703557312, 9.908773777173913, 10.14898647480237, 10.809571393280631, 11.229943614130434, 11.890528532608695, 12.050670331027666, 12.531095726284583, 12.811343873517783, 13.732159214426876, 14.17254916007905, 14.412761857707508, 15.193453124999998, 15.333577198616599, 15.87405576828063, 16.314445713932805, 16.614711585968376, 16.975030632411066, 17.27529650444664, 17.975916872529645, 18.296200469367587, 19.056874011857705, 19.697441205533597 ]
[ 0.24021269762845848, 0.8607621665019761, 1.1209925889328063, 1.3812230113636363, 1.6614711585968378, 1.781577507411067, 1.8416306818181816, 2.5822864995059285, 2.782463747529644, 3.202835968379446, 3.90345633646245, 4.524005805335968, 4.704165328557312, 5.144555274209486, 5.785122467885375, 6.045352890316205, 6.205494688735177, 6.906115056818181, 7.046239130434782, 7.4065581768774695, 7.586717700098813, 8.087160820158102, 8.727728013833993, 9.308242033102767, 9.768649703557312, 9.908773777173913, 10.14898647480237, 10.809571393280631, 11.229943614130434, 11.890528532608695, 12.050670331027666, 12.531095726284583, 12.811343873517783, 13.732159214426876, 14.17254916007905, 14.412761857707508, 15.193453124999998, 15.333577198616599, 15.87405576828063, 16.314445713932805, 16.614711585968376, 16.975030632411066, 17.27529650444664, 17.975916872529645, 18.296200469367587, 19.056874011857705, 19.697441205533597, 20.237919775197625 ]
While my country, Ireland, has constructively engaged in the CCCTB process to ensure that all the arguments are looked at closely, I would like to stress two issues of EU law.
while my country ireland has constructively engaged in the ccctb process to ensure that all the arguments are looked at closely i would like to stress two issues of eu law.
[ "while", "my", "country", "ireland", "has", "constructively", "engaged", "in", "the", "ccctb", "process", "to", "ensure", "that", "all", "the", "arguments", "are", "looked", "at", "closely", "i", "would", "like", "to", "stress", "two", "issues", "of", "eu", "law." ]
[ "while", "my", "country", "ireland", "has", "constructively", "engaged", "in", "the", "ccctb", "process", "to", "ensure", "that", "all", "the", "arguments", "are", "looked", "at", "closely", "i", "would", "like", "to", "stress", "two", "issues", "of", "eu", "law" ]
[ "w h i l e", "m y", "c o u n t r y", "i r e l a n d", "h a s", "c o n s t r u c t i v e l y", "e n g a g e d", "i n", "t h e", "c c c t b", "p r o c e s s", "t o", "e n s u r e", "t h a t", "a l l", "t h e", "a r g u m e n t s", "a r e", "l o o k e d", "a t", "c l o s e l y", "i", "w o u l d", "l i k e", "t o", "s t r e s s", "t w o", "i s s u e s", "o f", "e u", "l a w" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 3409, 3409, 3409, 1586, 1586, 981, 4559, 2395, 2395, 2395, 1501, 3896, 168, 29, 1346, 548, 548, 2977, 2977, 2977, 2794, 768, 3834, 1125, 148, 3069, 737, 737, 4733, 429, 2301, 1999, 4305, 2559, 560, 3387, 256, 1083, 1083, 1083, 2548, 2854, 2373, 192, 2952, 2952, 3045, 2987, 352, 1983, 1983, 587, 2165, 1889, 2875, 1045, 561, 2557, 1309, 1309, 1309, 1309, 2945, 2945, 4391, 4391, 3243, 4033, 2369, 2369, 2369, 2369, 339, 37, 1709, 4713, 759, 395, 395, 149, 149, 2859, 2859, 3976, 4969, 2019, 213, 3189, 560, 4560, 4986, 909, 3389, 1748, 4834, 760, 1666, 382, 382, 120, 2314, 231, 347, 347, 609, 1265, 1265, 1265, 2802, 2359, 2842, 1163, 3109, 4642, 4642, 4642, 2744, 4567, 2731, 1112, 4541, 663, 663, 4324, 4850, 2443, 2409, 2378, 2541, 253, 253, 2647, 2647, 894, 1223, 1057, 3641, 3641, 3641, 3641, 3641, 3641, 3641, 4583, 4583, 565, 1810, 1810, 2060, 3442, 4762, 4762, 1631, 1631, 4454, 4995, 346, 3190, 2967, 3557, 4665, 1252, 1943, 1943, 72, 1245, 1357, 1357, 1357, 1357, 23, 23, 2030, 3268, 3958, 2026, 4826, 4826, 287, 3867, 1446, 1949, 1625, 3364, 2316, 4820, 3347, 832, 1209, 1209, 3280, 2622, 1544, 4077, 3914, 552, 2429, 416, 3922, 1232, 2081, 2081, 2622, 1914, 1544, 1010, 3914, 2429, 2429, 3922, 1556, 2081, 2081, 2622, 1914, 1544, 1010, 3505, 552, 2429, 416, 416, 1232, 1556, 2081, 2081, 4202, 2183, 1623, 2607, 1781, 136, 2260, 3922, 1232, 1232, 3757, 4202, 4184, 337, 3922, 3922, 1232, 2081, 438, 2753, 1478, 2812, 2607, 3170, 4660, 654, 1215, 1215, 2694, 2694, 2694, 982, 1051, 2881, 4697, 121, 121, 655, 1208, 1208, 1208, 1208, 1208, 858, 1238, 159, 923, 4077, 6, 1139, 4229, 1058, 1954, 885, 885, 564, 2222, 2541, 2541, 735, 2527, 4414, 2878, 171, 171, 4507, 4783, 897, 987, 987, 987, 987, 987, 2792, 2792, 2792, 1753, 1753, 385, 385, 2112, 1484, 3040, 2593, 399, 399, 399, 1128, 1128, 140, 140, 140, 140, 140, 72, 1357, 1357, 532, 828, 2030, 4195, 2026, 1504, 949, 1696, 133, 1531, 1529, 2740, 2740, 2271, 1259, 537, 537, 4481, 4481, 719, 3186, 4873, 4184, 1064, 210, 2365, 4317, 822, 822, 1597, 1597, 3983, 3983, 2914, 3457, 3879, 4124, 428, 4121, 2944, 1404, 1067, 4813, 4813, 1146, 624, 4655, 3234, 2985, 2906, 752, 4760, 4760, 1107, 143, 1230, 1929, 1929, 1929, 4012, 2359, 2607, 4454, 4576, 175, 898, 2127, 3018, 891, 4485, 231, 310, 3317, 305, 3701, 3701, 826, 2995, 2995, 2995, 2797, 644, 644, 4853, 2963, 4077, 1987, 1987, 2731, 4119, 2055, 2055, 98, 814, 814, 884, 884, 4409, 3040, 2593, 2593, 399, 1128, 1128, 1128, 140, 140, 1357, 1357, 532, 828, 2030, 3268, 312, 1586, 981, 794, 4760, 4760, 4760, 482, 1113, 1113, 1688, 1596, 1596, 1596, 4164, 1173, 2664, 231, 1163, 219, 2491, 2491, 3210, 1544, 9, 3065, 2314, 2559, 347, 347, 4512, 3420, 3420, 3420, 3420, 93, 858, 4708, 1031, 4077, 923, 3954, 2324, 2324, 936, 4756, 166, 166, 166, 166, 1435, 1435, 687, 1784, 3076, 4375, 985, 985, 873, 873, 2801, 1628, 1628, 3607, 3703, 1124, 1124, 1124, 1124, 2504, 603, 3405, 3405, 3061, 3035, 3035, 3035, 2518, 2518, 2518, 4499, 4499, 1764, 67, 1011, 3294, 2324, 634, 1668, 4811, 4811, 2220, 2220, 110, 110, 3744, 2026, 30, 64, 2331, 1776, 169, 2997, 2184, 3632, 2330, 3441, 2552, 4228, 4228, 4228, 4228, 4228, 2092, 2092, 992, 992, 3174, 3174, 3174, 4172, 4172, 132, 4495, 4052, 4052, 669, 2158, 2420, 2420, 1314, 1314, 1314, 1314, 1314, 1314, 3787, 3787, 3787, 3787, 129, 129, 391, 922, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.5208919382504289, 0.6811663807890224, 1.1419554030874786, 1.5626758147512865, 1.7630188679245284, 2.5243224699828475, 3.3857975986277875, 3.726380789022299, 3.886655231560892, 4.908404802744426, 5.549502572898799, 5.689742710120069, 6.370909090909091, 6.751560891938251, 6.931869639794169, 7.052075471698114, 7.512864493996569, 7.613036020583191, 7.793344768439108, 7.913550600343053, 8.6147512864494, 8.895231560891938, 8.99540308747856, 9.135643224699828, 9.235814751286451, 9.696603773584906, 10.057221269296742, 10.598147512864495, 10.898662092624358, 11.23924528301887 ]
[ 0.5208919382504289, 0.6811663807890224, 1.1419554030874786, 1.5626758147512865, 1.7630188679245284, 2.5243224699828475, 3.3857975986277875, 3.726380789022299, 3.886655231560892, 4.908404802744426, 5.549502572898799, 5.689742710120069, 6.370909090909091, 6.751560891938251, 6.931869639794169, 7.052075471698114, 7.512864493996569, 7.593001715265866, 7.793344768439108, 7.913550600343053, 8.6147512864494, 8.875197255574614, 8.975368782161235, 9.135643224699828, 9.235814751286451, 9.696603773584906, 10.057221269296742, 10.598147512864495, 10.898662092624358, 11.23924528301887, 11.659965694682676 ]
Madam President, the legal act that we are adopting today deals with questions of life and death for the most vulnerable population in the world refugees. I should be happy but I am not, because it has taken us two years to reach this compromise.
madam president the legal act that we are adopting today deals with questions of life and death for the most vulnerable population in the world refugees. i should be happy but i am not because it has taken us two years to reach this compromise.
[ "madam", "president", "the", "legal", "act", "that", "we", "are", "adopting", "today", "deals", "with", "questions", "of", "life", "and", "death", "for", "the", "most", "vulnerable", "population", "in", "the", "world", "refugees.", "i", "should", "be", "happy", "but", "i", "am", "not", "because", "it", "has", "taken", "us", "two", "years", "to", "reach", "this", "compromise." ]
[ "madam", "president", "the", "legal", "act", "that", "we", "are", "adopting", "today", "deals", "with", "questions", "of", "life", "and", "death", "for", "the", "most", "vulnerable", "population", "in", "the", "world", "refugees", "i", "should", "be", "happy", "but", "i", "am", "not", "because", "it", "has", "taken", "us", "two", "years", "to", "reach", "this", "compromise" ]
[ "m a d a m", "p r e s i d e n t", "t h e", "l e g a l", "a c t", "t h a t", "w e", "a r e", "a d o p t i n g", "t o d a y", "d e a l s", "w i t h", "q u e s t i o n s", "o f", "l i f e", "a n d", "d e a t h", "f o r", "t h e", "m o s t", "v u l n e r a b l e", "p o p u l a t i o n", "i n", "t h e", "w o r l d", "r e f u g e e s", "i", "s h o u l d", "b e", "h a p p y", "b u t", "i", "a m", "n o t", "b e c a u s e", "i t", "h a s", "t a k e n", "u s", "t w o", "y e a r s", "t o", "r e a c h", "t h i s", "c o m p r o m i s e" ]
[ 4079, 3156, 3156, 3409, 3409, 1692, 231, 30, 3017, 3017, 3017, 2737, 3581, 2548, 1100, 367, 367, 367, 2948, 337, 1575, 3757, 3144, 3846, 3948, 4039, 81, 417, 417, 4563, 4929, 1777, 4936, 4936, 2665, 2948, 1479, 1729, 4936, 364, 4184, 1729, 2228, 2228, 3581, 4929, 2032, 1276, 2228, 2228, 2228, 3872, 3872, 4628, 4628, 3872, 4936, 4936, 4936, 4936, 279, 4740, 3140, 3140, 3140, 3140, 3140, 3140, 3140, 2447, 3140, 881, 2447, 1711, 1711, 163, 2447, 4974, 3042, 3042, 3042, 4974, 4974, 4180, 4180, 4180, 4974, 4974, 374, 15, 4180, 4974, 4974, 4974, 4974, 4180, 4974, 3071, 4180, 4180, 4180, 3042, 3042, 3042, 3042, 3042, 945, 3042, 945, 3579, 4180, 4180, 4180, 2116, 4180, 945, 3042, 3042, 3042, 3042, 3042, 945, 945, 3042, 945, 945, 3042, 945, 4180, 4180, 3042, 3042, 3579, 4180, 2116, 4180, 4180, 4180, 163, 4180, 4180, 4180, 4180, 4180, 3042, 3042, 3052, 4180, 945, 4180, 4180, 4180, 945, 945, 945, 945, 4180, 4180, 4180, 3042, 945, 945, 945, 945, 4180, 4180, 3042, 4180, 4180, 4180, 4180, 3042, 3042, 3042, 945, 3042, 3042, 945, 945, 3042, 3042, 4180, 945, 945, 4180, 945, 945, 945, 945, 945, 945, 945, 945, 945, 3042, 945, 4180, 4180, 4180, 4180, 4180, 4180, 4180, 4180, 4180, 4180, 4180, 4180, 4180, 4180, 4180, 4180, 4180, 4180, 4180, 4180, 4310, 4180, 4180, 4180, 4180, 4180, 4180, 4180, 4180, 4180, 4180, 4180, 3052, 4180, 4180, 4180, 4180, 4180, 4180, 4180, 4180, 4180, 945, 4180, 4180, 4180, 4180, 4180, 4180, 4180, 4180, 3075, 4180, 4180, 4180, 4180, 4180, 945, 4180, 4180, 4180, 4180, 945, 945, 945, 945, 945, 945, 945, 945, 3042, 1692, 1692, 3744, 367, 3614, 2990, 4628, 2667, 2667, 3581, 4446, 4697, 2535, 655, 4372, 3043, 3043, 3144, 1404, 4039, 4581, 4581, 4581, 4184, 1276, 2228, 1545, 3453, 1295, 258, 4437, 2921, 2606, 2606, 2606, 2753, 4183, 367, 1673, 3644, 3644, 2054, 2054, 2054, 2562, 1360, 472, 765, 765, 3543, 3496, 1221, 3493, 2496, 2496, 24, 24, 2548, 2215, 1709, 977, 977, 2214, 3414, 1311, 61, 163, 1711, 1711, 4389, 4389, 4389, 4389, 4389, 4974, 2691, 4389, 4974, 2691, 574, 2691, 2691, 2691, 2691, 574, 2116, 2116, 2116, 2116, 2116, 2116, 4002, 4002, 4002, 4002, 4002, 4002, 955, 955, 1692, 1692, 3744, 1692, 2001, 4182, 2592, 337, 2452, 2452, 2452, 3769, 696, 2009, 1694, 581, 2559, 714, 805, 81, 81, 81, 2141, 2046, 2393, 1940, 3391, 3391, 3391, 3280, 3879, 3223, 292, 273, 2535, 3994, 1477, 2849, 4132, 2592, 2086, 729, 4828, 4052, 1230, 4958, 770, 770, 3757, 3879, 428, 2645, 2645, 183, 2041, 4033, 4333, 3487, 4007, 1640, 1640, 3218, 3218, 2802, 2138, 2159, 3711, 4505, 923, 3411, 2324, 3849, 986, 3189, 4132, 753, 1696, 133, 2965, 1531, 2307, 2636, 1145, 3629, 551, 4471, 487, 487, 2863, 1323, 4317, 3921, 1464, 1464, 1464, 3876, 1316, 1153, 3877, 3566, 4851, 693, 3665, 4184, 3496, 3995, 3995, 3995, 3995, 2467, 3737, 2842, 1163, 3109, 1875, 1875, 2379, 156, 300, 1550, 5, 1401, 4149, 4149, 260, 1313, 4412, 4412, 1094, 1094, 1094, 4545, 83, 3173, 2689, 884, 2377, 20, 2026, 1586, 4665, 1252, 1128, 1128, 1286, 163, 110, 2778, 110, 4195, 4195, 4195, 3744, 1787, 4182, 4055, 2389, 1098, 1098, 1098, 2794, 3142, 3142, 4213, 4050, 4969, 4599, 3629, 4807, 1284, 1140, 1140, 3748, 540, 2035, 213, 1829, 367, 2902, 3696, 2418, 2418, 827, 827, 827, 2504, 603, 1275, 1840, 4632, 1411, 1411, 4532, 194, 4655, 2292, 296, 4260, 606, 3516, 4789, 4789, 2968, 2184, 4567, 2251, 426, 2420, 240, 240, 240, 495, 3680, 2217, 3279, 1966, 1966, 3136, 2479, 2479, 1234, 4108, 3925, 894, 3496, 3025, 772, 772, 772, 772, 3137, 719, 4061, 2226, 4966, 3891, 3891, 3891, 1581, 142, 2967, 2026, 3557, 1252, 1128, 1128, 31, 1286, 2778, 110, 2778, 1033, 4195, 3744, 163, 30, 2331, 2331, 4789, 2968, 3912, 3855, 4561, 4132, 2086, 2086, 729, 3683, 1593, 3948, 1456, 995, 417, 3438, 3438, 3438, 3438, 644, 356, 2227, 2535, 1666, 3863, 607, 607, 231, 1870, 2868, 3372, 2763, 2763, 2763, 4652, 4652, 3212, 431, 3620, 4306, 4306, 1820, 4929, 4929, 646, 1463, 3325, 3325, 1187, 1177, 1478, 3189, 1673, 452, 3552, 3552, 3552, 3672, 4907, 231, 1059, 844, 1691, 1691, 3818, 1078, 1198, 1198, 1808, 3690, 19, 4780, 1275, 1840, 222, 821, 60, 54, 366, 3398, 4659, 2793, 1270, 1625, 2316, 3799, 4132, 2086, 4095, 3011, 144, 1851, 81, 1866, 81, 2046, 2046, 967, 807, 402, 4771, 2607, 2636, 2007, 798, 4590, 1626, 1681, 2729, 4191, 4191, 831, 831, 831, 3581, 2472, 3279, 3535, 1763, 1763, 1763, 2582, 3638, 3638, 1722, 3536, 4839, 4839, 4839, 3859, 292, 536, 3830, 2535, 2898, 3294, 1311, 2967, 4811, 4811, 4389, 3796, 1128, 1128, 3401, 3401, 3401, 1033, 3401, 1254, 1254, 1254, 408, 3740, 3740, 2827, 3740, 3740, 3740, 2982, 1586, 2026, 2281, 1249, 794, 794, 109, 109, 857, 2719, 4246, 2878, 1212, 1275, 3586, 1376, 4225, 4225, 3330, 3299, 1100, 2970, 2970, 221, 2958, 566, 3686, 4911, 4911, 3805, 1007, 3934, 3402, 3402, 3402, 3402, 3402, 509, 2467, 251, 595, 3189, 2419, 1562, 2204 ]
[ 0, 5.986086399276236, 7.307429885404102, 8.188325542822678, 8.46861052472859, 8.728875150784077, 8.989139776839565, 9.129282267792522, 9.2894451145959, 9.709872587454765, 10.21038148371532, 10.67084966827503, 10.831012515078408, 11.291480699638118, 11.411602834740652, 11.651847104945718, 11.77196924004825, 12.072274577804585, 12.552763118214717, 12.692905609167672, 13.013231302774427, 13.493719843184559, 14.094330518697225, 14.174411942098914, 14.274513721351026, 14.574819059107359, 15.13538902291918, 15.155409378769601, 15.275531513872135, 15.31557222557298, 15.435694360675512, 15.49575542822678, 15.515775784077201, 15.555816495778046, 15.615877563329311, 15.756020054282267, 15.79606076598311, 15.856121833534377, 15.95622361278649, 15.996264324487335, 16.0563253920386, 16.156427171290712, 16.196467882991556, 16.31659001809409, 16.39667144149578 ]
[ 5.986086399276236, 7.307429885404102, 8.188325542822678, 8.46861052472859, 8.728875150784077, 8.989139776839565, 9.129282267792522, 9.2894451145959, 9.709872587454765, 10.21038148371532, 10.67084966827503, 10.831012515078408, 11.291480699638118, 11.411602834740652, 11.651847104945718, 11.77196924004825, 12.052254221954161, 12.552763118214717, 12.692905609167672, 13.013231302774427, 13.493719843184559, 14.094330518697225, 14.174411942098914, 14.274513721351026, 14.574819059107359, 15.115368667068756, 15.13538902291918, 15.255511158021713, 15.295551869722559, 15.41567400482509, 15.475735072376358, 15.49575542822678, 15.535796139927623, 15.59585720747889, 15.735999698431845, 15.776040410132689, 15.836101477683956, 15.936203256936068, 15.976243968636913, 16.03630503618818, 16.13640681544029, 16.176447527141132, 16.296569662243666, 16.376651085645356, 16.576854644149577 ]
This is why a Multilateral Investment Court could be the optimal reform of the system. The Council and its Member States have broadly welcomed this and they have expressed political support. The Commission adopted a recommendation for a Council Decision on 13 September, authorising the opening of negotiations for a Convention establishing the Multilateral Court.
this is why a multilateral investment court could be the optimal reform of the system. the council and its member states have broadly welcomed this and they have expressed political support. the commission adopted a recommendation for a council decision on thirteen september authorising the opening of negotiations for a convention establishing the multilateral court.
[ "this", "is", "why", "a", "multilateral", "investment", "court", "could", "be", "the", "optimal", "reform", "of", "the", "system.", "the", "council", "and", "its", "member", "states", "have", "broadly", "welcomed", "this", "and", "they", "have", "expressed", "political", "support.", "the", "commission", "adopted", "a", "recommendation", "for", "a", "council", "decision", "on", "thirteen", "september", "authorising", "the", "opening", "of", "negotiations", "for", "a", "convention", "establishing", "the", "multilateral", "court." ]
[ "this", "is", "why", "a", "multilateral", "investment", "court", "could", "be", "the", "optimal", "reform", "of", "the", "system", "the", "council", "and", "its", "member", "states", "have", "broadly", "welcomed", "this", "and", "they", "have", "expressed", "political", "support", "the", "commission", "adopted", "a", "recommendation", "for", "a", "council", "decision", "on", "thirteen", "september", "authorising", "the", "opening", "of", "negotiations", "for", "a", "convention", "establishing", "the", "multilateral", "court" ]
[ "t h i s", "i s", "w h y", "a", "m u l t i l a t e r a l", "i n v e s t m e n t", "c o u r t", "c o u l d", "b e", "t h e", "o p t i m a l", "r e f o r m", "o f", "t h e", "s y s t e m", "t h e", "c o u n c i l", "a n d", "i t s", "m e m b e r", "s t a t e s", "h a v e", "b r o a d l y", "w e l c o m e d", "t h i s", "a n d", "t h e y", "h a v e", "e x p r e s s e d", "p o l i t i c a l", "s u p p o r t", "t h e", "c o m m i s s i o n", "a d o p t e d", "a", "r e c o m m e n d a t i o n", "f o r", "a", "c o u n c i l", "d e c i s i o n", "o n", "t h i r t e e n", "s e p t e m b e r", "a u t h o r i s i n g", "t h e", "o p e n i n g", "o f", "n e g o t i a t i o n s", "f o r", "a", "c o n v e n t i o n", "e s t a b l i s h i n g", "t h e", "m u l t i l a t e r a l", "c o u r t" ]
[ 361, 2754, 3610, 68, 4249, 4820, 3196, 138, 3759, 3759, 647, 1542, 1554, 1275, 2905, 3715, 94, 94, 2791, 4318, 706, 4599, 2186, 3355, 1569, 3204, 4477, 1851, 548, 2181, 2181, 2181, 2181, 2181, 4804, 4804, 4804, 3172, 2016, 2301, 2301, 587, 1247, 1247, 80, 1, 1630, 2746, 4945, 4945, 4945, 2816, 1593, 1130, 1130, 42, 995, 2380, 2240, 2240, 2240, 4453, 4453, 3834, 3729, 860, 860, 687, 1686, 1830, 337, 3794, 3794, 1107, 1230, 227, 3488, 4445, 4445, 509, 370, 3965, 860, 628, 1686, 2952, 3045, 4357, 4357, 183, 2041, 670, 4185, 3963, 1405, 3908, 3908, 661, 1185, 856, 3878, 479, 3372, 4041, 4041, 4041, 1281, 3626, 2187, 242, 1191, 1191, 4084, 4775, 4775, 3694, 2539, 4813, 339, 4744, 1686, 2959, 4485, 687, 55, 340, 1579, 1371, 2935, 2935, 2935, 2735, 2735, 365, 4524, 131, 1152, 1725, 1686, 3472, 3190, 1481, 2967, 71, 4665, 1128, 1128, 1357, 1357, 1357, 828, 2030, 2827, 710, 4195, 2670, 2026, 1586, 340, 340, 2080, 2080, 4868, 2398, 4868, 4951, 1972, 3883, 2800, 3895, 3133, 3537, 221, 2958, 3697, 3697, 3697, 3686, 569, 569, 2924, 1414, 3350, 832, 1064, 100, 4885, 1889, 534, 561, 507, 507, 3672, 1761, 4250, 3821, 2842, 1524, 1163, 2751, 573, 573, 2944, 436, 2618, 4039, 183, 183, 2041, 768, 3427, 3427, 135, 1330, 937, 4552, 713, 4626, 563, 1815, 1096, 1096, 2595, 3501, 3501, 3501, 3501, 3501, 2235, 2235, 4788, 4904, 3634, 3634, 3905, 3216, 2002, 80, 4852, 4852, 1262, 983, 1630, 2789, 2331, 2331, 4789, 4789, 3202, 3202, 1601, 3855, 199, 721, 4035, 4141, 10, 2131, 3368, 3374, 1275, 1010, 313, 464, 853, 853, 853, 4435, 1554, 3626, 2187, 242, 242, 4092, 2751, 3633, 990, 3346, 3346, 1979, 4980, 1393, 1393, 4710, 4710, 374, 374, 2756, 2026, 2756, 2756, 2756, 2756, 2756, 322, 3306, 2135, 1619, 2135, 2135, 3458, 3458, 3458, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 1400, 3673, 3673, 3673, 2677, 2677, 193, 1162, 2594, 1448, 492, 124, 91, 3326, 559, 678, 592, 1583, 1583, 1583, 1583, 1583, 1627, 3067, 277, 1926, 4351, 3989, 121, 2905, 776, 776, 776, 776, 2041, 768, 670, 2210, 775, 1472, 2447, 4852, 890, 3189, 4641, 4112, 591, 591, 591, 1226, 2838, 604, 1634, 3449, 4226, 726, 726, 3444, 3668, 1275, 3863, 4208, 4208, 1014, 1134, 939, 615, 615, 615, 516, 1695, 741, 2872, 910, 910, 1001, 1554, 3065, 3065, 4092, 1643, 1690, 911, 911, 911, 246, 3373, 3711, 4505, 4266, 1785, 889, 889, 635, 635, 3267, 3652, 2970, 1206, 1498, 1498, 323, 4331, 1675, 2365, 1675, 1675, 2735, 365, 1296, 1100, 1113, 3509, 4541, 663, 4054, 2478, 3649, 4714, 4477, 2668, 3782, 3782, 3782, 3782, 4453, 3729, 1743, 383, 1206, 903, 1515, 990, 990, 990, 2876, 893, 1225, 2210, 20, 586, 4665, 4665, 4243, 1128, 1245, 1357, 23, 23, 852, 1436, 3268, 1066, 3958, 2391, 4559, 4559, 4559, 640, 1002, 1002, 1002, 755, 755, 755, 2133, 1501, 4941, 4941, 1795, 1414, 42, 3196, 138, 2495, 2495, 647, 4273, 1599, 3530, 1275, 542, 542, 3954, 3954, 3954, 162, 2324, 1365, 245, 245, 983, 193, 4641, 4559, 4559, 4559, 640, 1002, 1002, 1002, 1002, 1002, 1002, 755, 1002, 755, 755, 755, 755, 2133, 1773, 1773, 1773, 3800, 2607, 4623, 1510, 1406, 108, 3610, 68, 4249, 2316, 42, 4461, 3256, 3256, 409, 4911, 4770, 4770, 889, 635, 635, 2573, 2744, 701, 265, 265, 2559, 2701, 2701, 2279, 4308, 2173, 3987, 2927, 1049, 4802, 689, 689, 689, 93, 4708, 3626, 515, 3362, 1659, 3545, 3895, 4241, 742, 1724, 102, 3739, 3739, 3739, 143, 1688, 3378, 3378, 3378, 3378, 2390, 2390, 3326, 2415, 4617, 4617, 4183, 4183, 517, 4071, 4071, 4071, 2041, 768, 768, 670, 1501, 936, 4852, 4852, 4852, 4852, 4852, 2404, 2404, 101, 2110, 2110, 313, 4721, 947, 1746, 750, 2096, 55, 1724, 2758, 1689, 1689, 1689, 1689, 2735, 365, 1923, 3974, 3974, 2026, 3974, 377, 3472, 3472, 4891, 97, 61, 362, 362, 1375, 4222, 4222, 2760, 2760, 2760, 2760, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 2135, 3458, 3458, 3458, 3458, 803, 803, 3, 3, 3, 3, 453, 453, 3673, 852, 852, 2677, 3958, 2026, 2594, 489, 492, 124, 2, 55, 559, 714, 434, 155, 2733, 436, 1134, 2375, 504, 504, 504, 2986, 603, 3405, 419, 1840, 222, 821, 60, 54, 366, 293, 175, 4851, 4851, 324, 1367, 2212, 3496, 3995, 3995, 3995, 3672, 4250, 4250, 2842, 1524, 1163, 341, 810, 810, 4434, 921, 1686, 4571, 4571, 245, 983, 1, 4641, 2666, 859, 859, 1513, 1513, 1513, 2081, 569, 3910, 1074, 1074, 3476, 2729, 831, 831, 831, 891, 383, 231, 4186, 903, 155, 155, 2733, 4134, 1777, 2484, 2484, 3453, 4108, 2682, 42, 3496, 1198, 1070, 1808, 4799, 3690, 1573, 19, 19, 3430, 225, 4780, 1275, 3405, 1840, 222, 4392, 3534, 3122, 2649, 2649, 2160, 4681, 3159, 50, 1368, 526, 526, 838, 840, 1883, 247, 2524, 2524, 3877, 546, 432, 2, 55, 559, 678, 592, 2067, 1583, 1583, 1583, 1627, 194, 1926, 1926, 1666, 4372, 776, 4095, 4095, 3729, 3665, 4184, 572, 837, 618, 1001, 2665, 1275, 2665, 1479, 3365, 3365, 3365, 2986, 2504, 603, 3405, 419, 222, 4392, 3534, 60, 3122, 2288, 2160, 2160, 4681, 4681, 775, 775, 1472, 1472, 4703, 4340, 1795, 1795, 2158, 4035, 3513, 729, 2131, 380, 2463, 2774, 3326, 2619, 1813, 1813, 1813, 1813, 1580, 1923, 3965, 860, 3326, 3538, 208, 3051, 3051, 3051, 3051, 3280, 4061, 2226, 4966, 3891, 3891, 3891, 1365, 245, 983, 983, 2939, 64, 2331, 4789, 4789, 3202, 1601, 1601, 2184, 316, 316, 4876, 313, 4367, 4721, 947, 1746, 4373, 4250, 3821, 2842, 114, 136, 2657, 3250, 3250, 3250, 3250, 2057, 516, 1695, 42, 2872, 4769, 1782, 1782, 414, 2112, 1484, 1773, 3087, 3087, 399, 399, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 3458, 3458, 3458, 3458, 1245, 1245, 4796, 1357, 1357, 1357, 453, 23, 3415, 2154, 2154, 28, 3958, 2026, 2234, 2789, 4918, 3007, 3007, 3007, 3927, 365, 769, 2998, 2463, 2574, 499, 2948, 4723, 4731, 4855, 4855, 4855, 4285, 4855, 4469, 3010, 3010, 3010, 3010, 1192, 1192, 1192, 3314, 3314, 3314, 4594, 4032, 1360, 1360, 3845, 3097, 3097, 160, 2610, 2610, 7, 3660, 150, 2002, 3896, 3896, 1795, 4377, 2047, 832, 1064, 100, 4885, 4355, 534, 762, 762, 762, 2004, 2004, 2462, 595, 595, 2933, 2820, 953, 953, 1794, 293, 3263, 1182, 1697, 2610, 4976, 4200, 2002, 1971, 1776, 169, 2997, 3997, 268, 1471, 3286, 3286, 3286, 1710, 42, 428, 3946, 3946, 3946, 4446, 1554, 1554, 2535, 271, 271, 271, 3720, 1198, 1808, 3690, 3690, 1573, 3430, 225, 4780, 3405, 3405, 1840, 222, 1411, 1411, 1411, 4532, 4655, 4655, 2292, 991, 3411, 3838, 875, 2396, 526, 838, 840, 1883, 2441, 2524, 3877, 546, 432, 91, 581, 559, 1000, 4560, 4986, 4690, 3389, 735, 856, 3878, 479, 3609, 4799, 4799, 4799, 4799, 496, 2854, 277, 3155, 3155, 4780, 3405, 3405, 419, 222, 4392, 3534, 3534, 2649, 1979, 1979, 151, 4980, 1472, 3382, 1262, 1262, 1262, 4641, 4614, 829, 1001, 1554, 3065, 3065, 3271, 4092, 1555, 2493, 2493, 2493, 2493, 4175, 2283, 1925, 2473, 3506, 3506, 3506, 1527, 603, 3405, 3197, 3845, 3097, 501, 473, 2379, 156, 2352, 3799, 2047, 4035, 3102, 177, 1720, 436, 148, 2240, 2240, 2240, 2240, 4453, 2239, 3965, 1686, 1830, 2948, 573, 4095, 1107, 1230, 1276, 4445, 4445, 509, 509, 370, 3965, 1206, 3237, 2952, 3045, 3045, 4357, 2041, 768, 3834, 1694, 581, 55, 340, 1579, 1371, 2935, 2935, 2935, 2935, 2735, 365, 4524, 3974, 3974, 3974, 193, 377, 3472, 4891, 97, 1481, 2967, 1081, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.30024549918166943, 0.46037643207855977, 0.8607037643207857, 1.020834697217676, 1.8615220949263502, 2.462013093289689, 2.9624222585924715, 3.382765957446809, 3.5629132569558104, 3.763076923076923, 4.223453355155483, 4.7839116202945995, 5.0441243862520455, 5.184238952536825, 5.964877250409166, 6.4252536824877255, 7.0057283142389535, 7.245924713584289, 7.4260720130932905, 7.706301145662848, 7.986530278232407, 8.146661211129297, 8.526972176759411, 9.287594108019642, 10.188330605564648, 10.66872340425532, 10.788821603927989, 10.948952536824878, 11.409328968903438, 12.069869067103111, 12.990621931260229, 13.4710147299509, 13.951407528641571, 14.451816693944355, 14.651980360065467, 15.612765957446811, 15.832945990180034, 15.892995090016367, 16.273306055646483, 16.833764320785598, 16.993895253682492, 17.894631751227497, 18.775351882160393, 19.996350245499183, 20.15648117839607, 20.596841243862524, 20.696923076923078, 21.537610474631755, 21.697741407528643, 21.777806873977088, 22.478379705400986, 23.19896890343699, 23.319067103109656, 23.99962356792144 ]
[ 0.30024549918166943, 0.46037643207855977, 0.8607037643207857, 1.020834697217676, 1.8615220949263502, 2.462013093289689, 2.9624222585924715, 3.382765957446809, 3.5629132569558104, 3.763076923076923, 4.223453355155483, 4.7839116202945995, 5.0441243862520455, 5.184238952536825, 5.964877250409166, 6.4252536824877255, 7.0057283142389535, 7.245924713584289, 7.4260720130932905, 7.706301145662848, 7.986530278232407, 8.146661211129297, 8.526972176759411, 9.287594108019642, 10.188330605564648, 10.66872340425532, 10.788821603927989, 10.948952536824878, 11.409328968903438, 12.069869067103111, 12.990621931260229, 13.4710147299509, 13.951407528641571, 14.451816693944355, 14.651980360065467, 15.612765957446811, 15.832945990180034, 15.892995090016367, 16.273306055646483, 16.833764320785598, 16.993895253682492, 17.894631751227497, 18.775351882160393, 19.996350245499183, 20.15648117839607, 20.596841243862524, 20.696923076923078, 21.537610474631755, 21.697741407528643, 21.777806873977088, 22.478379705400986, 23.19896890343699, 23.319067103109656, 23.99962356792144, 24.439983633387893 ]
Shortcomings in the architecture of the Economic and Monetary Union came to the surface.
shortcomings in the architecture of the economic and monetary union came to the surface.
[ "shortcomings", "in", "the", "architecture", "of", "the", "economic", "and", "monetary", "union", "came", "to", "the", "surface." ]
[ "shortcomings", "in", "the", "architecture", "of", "the", "economic", "and", "monetary", "union", "came", "to", "the", "surface" ]
[ "s h o r t c o m i n g s", "i n", "t h e", "a r c h i t e c t u r e", "o f", "t h e", "e c o n o m i c", "a n d", "m o n e t a r y", "u n i o n", "c a m e", "t o", "t h e", "s u r f a c e" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 2114, 3154, 4720, 4720, 4720, 2026, 524, 524, 2026, 912, 252, 4494, 1212, 171, 4507, 4783, 897, 2796, 2796, 2796, 865, 1977, 1923, 1923, 3054, 3054, 2959, 4485, 2559, 714, 714, 3489, 3310, 3310, 3310, 601, 1947, 1404, 2618, 3637, 1182, 1182, 1697, 2610, 4914, 4914, 3660, 3660, 3660, 594, 594, 836, 836, 32, 991, 1275, 3954, 3954, 3954, 162, 162, 2324, 1365, 4756, 1586, 2026, 1904, 2666, 287, 2793, 2793, 2793, 2793, 3832, 2316, 3799, 753, 2086, 1445, 210, 1323, 4317, 111, 3983, 3983, 4383, 891, 383, 383, 231, 2903, 4443, 1826, 1826, 324, 4023, 742, 2559, 2877, 4722, 4722, 4722, 703, 4076, 2802, 1328, 742, 1974, 556, 1275, 3311, 1783, 4239, 4239, 4239, 86, 86, 1343, 414, 414, 414, 414, 414, 3050, 3050, 758, 1492, 197, 2939, 2939, 64, 2331, 4789, 4789, 2968, 2997, 1601, 3855, 4561, 4132, 3347, 1445, 1445, 1209, 1845, 4305, 3189, 3766, 714, 2720, 2720, 4959, 1559, 1559, 4766, 1780, 1780, 1780, 2273, 3231, 1404, 2618, 2773, 2773, 2773, 1190, 4183, 381, 1733, 2313, 4439, 2479, 1123, 3832, 704, 704, 3948, 1456, 995, 2380, 2738, 2738, 2273, 69, 839, 1005, 2406, 2406, 1090, 4023, 860, 3567, 2877, 4915, 4915, 4915, 2245, 2245, 2392, 1857, 1153, 1983, 1983, 1983, 4216, 790, 790, 992, 2775, 558, 558, 558, 558, 2348, 69, 1548, 1548, 2070, 2070, 2070, 1148, 1148, 1148, 2626, 2626, 4609, 2288, 1282, 2160, 2160, 775, 775, 4429, 4429, 687, 687, 163, 3189, 4633, 678, 442, 442, 3021, 3021, 3021, 3021, 529, 2887, 2887, 1030, 1995, 1670, 3905, 2139, 775, 775, 775, 775, 775, 4429, 4429, 1435, 2026, 3189, 1954, 1954, 3419, 1395, 3210, 1417, 4876, 2535, 3914, 552, 309, 309, 3192, 3192, 3192, 425, 4267, 2472, 3279, 5, 3279, 3535, 4953, 3598, 3598, 2656, 2807, 266, 266, 266, 4284, 3830, 2535, 2898, 145, 2152, 2152, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 1.2841967213114753, 1.524983606557377, 1.6654426229508197, 2.5683934426229507, 2.7891147540983607, 2.9095081967213114, 3.4312131147540983, 3.551606557377049, 4.193704918032787, 4.695344262295081, 5.2170491803278685, 5.417704918032786, 5.4979672131147534 ]
[ 1.2841967213114753, 1.524983606557377, 1.6654426229508197, 2.5683934426229507, 2.7891147540983607, 2.9095081967213114, 3.4312131147540983, 3.551606557377049, 4.193704918032787, 4.695344262295081, 5.2170491803278685, 5.417704918032786, 5.477901639344261, 6.099934426229508 ]
These are very sensitive issues and economically very important. The protection of the rights of indigenous peoples against, among others, land grabbing is of central concern.
these are very sensitive issues and economically very important. the protection of the rights of indigenous peoples against among others land grabbing is of central concern.
[ "these", "are", "very", "sensitive", "issues", "and", "economically", "very", "important.", "the", "protection", "of", "the", "rights", "of", "indigenous", "peoples", "against", "among", "others", "land", "grabbing", "is", "of", "central", "concern." ]
[ "these", "are", "very", "sensitive", "issues", "and", "economically", "very", "important", "the", "protection", "of", "the", "rights", "of", "indigenous", "peoples", "against", "among", "others", "land", "grabbing", "is", "of", "central", "concern" ]
[ "t h e s e", "a r e", "v e r y", "s e n s i t i v e", "i s s u e s", "a n d", "e c o n o m i c a l l y", "v e r y", "i m p o r t a n t", "t h e", "p r o t e c t i o n", "o f", "t h e", "r i g h t s", "o f", "i n d i g e n o u s", "p e o p l e s", "a g a i n s t", "a m o n g", "o t h e r s", "l a n d", "g r a b b i n g", "i s", "o f", "c e n t r a l", "c o n c e r n" ]
[ 38, 4598, 3154, 3154, 3154, 139, 139, 139, 1741, 1741, 1741, 1741, 1741, 1741, 2203, 2203, 2203, 2203, 204, 1511, 1511, 1511, 1511, 2885, 2116, 4002, 4002, 4002, 1692, 1692, 1692, 1692, 1692, 331, 3614, 3256, 409, 111, 3921, 3921, 766, 766, 3996, 1677, 3612, 2868, 631, 2460, 519, 519, 1857, 1153, 1041, 1041, 4054, 1914, 1544, 2535, 3914, 2704, 1091, 1091, 1229, 1229, 1331, 496, 194, 3149, 3989, 655, 2874, 4777, 4777, 1090, 4023, 3189, 3567, 3109, 466, 466, 466, 2861, 283, 701, 161, 3703, 3703, 3703, 1124, 2504, 603, 1275, 3061, 3035, 3035, 2518, 1819, 3604, 292, 292, 3385, 3830, 3830, 3954, 162, 2324, 2324, 4153, 3143, 3136, 2479, 2479, 289, 289, 2095, 2095, 891, 1743, 381, 714, 2720, 2720, 2720, 4959, 1559, 4519, 4766, 1780, 1780, 1780, 2273, 1947, 2618, 1777, 1777, 4617, 1190, 1190, 4183, 2533, 517, 2645, 2645, 224, 1112, 4541, 663, 4324, 4054, 2357, 1677, 1870, 1870, 3609, 631, 519, 519, 519, 1857, 1153, 4902, 3590, 3908, 3908, 820, 4508, 4591, 2812, 742, 452, 619, 619, 619, 1871, 1977, 3965, 860, 1152, 3567, 4510, 4510, 3346, 4114, 4276, 4114, 163, 288, 288, 599, 4618, 4618, 1706, 1706, 1706, 3740, 2071, 2071, 3740, 1416, 2026, 3958, 3163, 2592, 2632, 3683, 2261, 1673, 3407, 3167, 285, 324, 860, 2559, 3567, 4722, 4722, 4722, 703, 4076, 1328, 556, 556, 1840, 222, 821, 636, 366, 2707, 3516, 3516, 1992, 437, 4416, 3347, 2086, 729, 4354, 448, 1681, 1681, 1827, 926, 3518, 3518, 3518, 495, 1173, 3373, 3711, 3711, 273, 4260, 606, 3516, 3516, 2968, 283, 283, 3938, 4659, 4659, 3908, 3908, 4109, 4108, 3522, 3496, 337, 2992, 3757, 514, 3638, 1722, 3536, 4632, 641, 1794, 3613, 289, 3619, 4899, 279, 298, 3930, 2821, 4241, 367, 2192, 1154, 211, 211, 1532, 4093, 251, 2559, 1916, 1916, 371, 371, 371, 668, 900, 900, 4289, 4289, 3289, 3830, 3830, 621, 881, 61, 2447, 315, 15, 163, 15, 15, 4389, 4389, 3796, 3796, 3587, 3587, 3587, 3587, 3587, 4796, 4796, 4796, 4796, 4796, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3673, 3673, 3673, 2154, 710, 3958, 2026, 981, 4826, 4614, 4851, 2471, 2481, 1710, 4055, 1223, 1057, 2252, 4074, 4074, 1211, 1211, 4271, 3214, 3214, 3171, 2168, 3454, 1926, 1926, 298, 2535, 923, 923, 162, 1340, 4790, 4790, 4790, 4790, 4153, 4153, 2746, 1594, 1961, 2816, 3948, 1456, 3889, 980, 980, 980, 3682, 4200, 435, 1557, 3423, 3423, 457, 457, 1237, 4537, 963, 568, 568, 3804, 3804, 3804, 292, 3385, 298, 1275, 3954, 3954, 3954, 162, 162, 4398, 4398, 4398, 4790, 4790, 4790, 1651, 1651, 1651, 163, 1716, 1716, 1716, 2778, 163, 3075, 3075, 1511, 912, 1416, 1416, 331, 229, 738, 2336, 486, 1760, 1760, 1545, 1545, 913, 463, 1006, 488, 488, 2647, 2647, 5, 126, 4622, 4622, 1801, 4201, 4274, 3856, 3856, 3488, 509, 4175, 4175, 1632, 3637, 3637, 1182, 1697, 2610, 4914, 4914, 3660, 150, 150, 775, 775, 3087, 2447, 2447, 2447, 2447, 3042, 3042, 1511, 1511, 1716, 2447, 2447, 122, 122, 163, 122, 3388, 1706, 1706, 1706, 2071, 2071, 1151, 2281, 4755, 4755, 4364, 4364, 4364, 3483, 3483, 1370, 2791, 3786, 3207, 2906, 752, 3516, 3516, 4789, 2968, 3912, 316, 316, 1666, 1010, 3914, 2704, 1091, 1091, 1229, 1229, 1331, 2548, 4116, 1447, 3567, 3567, 2342, 2342, 4357, 4357, 183, 3142, 1177, 1694, 742, 2533, 714, 4986, 4690, 4690, 1802, 194, 4834, 760, 1010, 3914, 552, 1608, 3424, 3424, 3424, 3424, 3424, 1366, 4081, 4383, 1978, 151, 151, 151, 775, 922, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.7813410467128028, 0.9015473615916956, 1.1018912197231834, 1.7029227941176472, 2.1236448961937717, 2.2839199826989622, 3.005157871972319, 3.2455705017301044, 3.8466020761245683, 4.087014705882353, 4.547805579584776, 4.64797750865052, 4.768183823529412, 5.048665224913495, 5.188905925605537, 5.709799956747405, 6.611347318339101, 7.6331009948096895, 7.993719939446367, 8.59475151384083, 9.135679930795849, 9.91702097750865, 10.397846237024224, 10.538086937716264, 10.978843425605538 ]
[ 0.7813410467128028, 0.8815129757785468, 1.1018912197231834, 1.7029227941176472, 2.1236448961937717, 2.2839199826989622, 3.005157871972319, 3.2455705017301044, 3.8466020761245683, 4.087014705882353, 4.547805579584776, 4.64797750865052, 4.768183823529412, 5.048665224913495, 5.188905925605537, 5.709799956747405, 6.611347318339101, 7.6331009948096895, 7.993719939446367, 8.59475151384083, 9.135679930795849, 9.91702097750865, 10.397846237024224, 10.538086937716264, 10.978843425605538, 11.559840614186852 ]
We also considered that a visit by Mr Juan Méndez, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment or punishment would be a particularly important signal to measure the progress accomplished.
we also considered that a visit by mr juan mndez the united nations special rapporteur on torture and other cruel inhumane or degrading treatment or punishment would be a particularly important signal to measure the progress accomplished.
[ "we", "also", "considered", "that", "a", "visit", "by", "mr", "juan", "mndez", "the", "united", "nations", "special", "rapporteur", "on", "torture", "and", "other", "cruel", "inhumane", "or", "degrading", "treatment", "or", "punishment", "would", "be", "a", "particularly", "important", "signal", "to", "measure", "the", "progress", "accomplished." ]
[ "we", "also", "considered", "that", "a", "visit", "by", "mr", "juan", "mndez", "the", "united", "nations", "special", "rapporteur", "on", "torture", "and", "other", "cruel", "inhumane", "or", "degrading", "treatment", "or", "punishment", "would", "be", "a", "particularly", "important", "signal", "to", "measure", "the", "progress", "accomplished" ]
[ "w e", "a l s o", "c o n s i d e r e d", "t h a t", "a", "v i s i t", "b y", "m r", "j u a n", "m n d e z", "t h e", "u n i t e d", "n a t i o n s", "s p e c i a l", "r a p p o r t e u r", "o n", "t o r t u r e", "a n d", "o t h e r", "c r u e l", "i n h u m a n e", "o r", "d e g r a d i n g", "t r e a t m e n t", "o r", "p u n i s h m e n t", "w o u l d", "b e", "a", "p a r t i c u l a r l y", "i m p o r t a n t", "s i g n a l", "t o", "m e a s u r e", "t h e", "p r o g r e s s", "a c c o m p l i s h e d" ]
[ 1101, 361, 361, 1143, 1143, 4462, 4462, 1143, 4462, 1143, 1143, 1457, 1457, 1457, 2154, 524, 527, 2026, 3958, 331, 924, 3677, 487, 2863, 4317, 4317, 2525, 3297, 3297, 1933, 2385, 3928, 121, 121, 3762, 2066, 3380, 3128, 1193, 2768, 1694, 714, 805, 4986, 4986, 4690, 1802, 735, 4834, 4351, 1666, 655, 4517, 1541, 1541, 1541, 2171, 2073, 1502, 1502, 2523, 2864, 437, 4416, 3347, 1696, 3544, 1165, 364, 1313, 2724, 2086, 729, 432, 1677, 1928, 479, 3609, 3230, 3230, 3230, 2562, 4032, 1275, 472, 472, 215, 215, 215, 215, 3817, 421, 131, 131, 2732, 2732, 742, 2636, 977, 977, 3472, 3472, 3472, 1340, 1340, 1365, 4756, 4756, 1262, 1, 2939, 2331, 4789, 4789, 2968, 3912, 745, 2020, 2020, 1014, 2990, 943, 2505, 2505, 3016, 2187, 242, 2751, 2683, 3175, 910, 2367, 4207, 4207, 4207, 2862, 2862, 3810, 3666, 3666, 3728, 1545, 1545, 1545, 2177, 4768, 704, 704, 4011, 308, 939, 2095, 4609, 3453, 4768, 4108, 4108, 2682, 894, 3496, 1276, 4628, 772, 4628, 93, 93, 858, 2640, 3530, 3530, 542, 542, 1458, 4067, 162, 3891, 3849, 986, 3849, 986, 742, 1435, 4125, 1435, 1586, 489, 832, 1445, 1445, 4403, 4384, 4384, 4384, 3471, 1559, 4519, 895, 895, 895, 895, 895, 495, 1878, 3965, 2559, 3567, 1256, 1256, 4095, 4336, 4183, 367, 1895, 1895, 268, 4519, 3041, 4841, 4841, 4841, 4841, 19, 225, 225, 4780, 3405, 419, 1840, 222, 4392, 3534, 60, 60, 2649, 2649, 2160, 4844, 4844, 4681, 4655, 2527, 2404, 101, 1275, 3702, 382, 4019, 2173, 2173, 3987, 2927, 2607, 3303, 3746, 3746, 3746, 3967, 3967, 2504, 3405, 3405, 3061, 1273, 1273, 1273, 183, 4855, 4855, 4274, 2228, 2737, 3672, 4907, 4907, 742, 1673, 2782, 81, 81, 1871, 1977, 1923, 4023, 104, 2948, 2476, 4767, 4767, 86, 2157, 1343, 1343, 1343, 1343, 1426, 414, 414, 2112, 1484, 1484, 3087, 2593, 315, 315, 399, 399, 4389, 4389, 4389, 4389, 4389, 2778, 2778, 2827, 2827, 2827, 527, 1416, 3958, 2026, 2281, 2263, 3180, 4430, 3777, 2548, 4117, 685, 1546, 2559, 1781, 2877, 2287, 2371, 81, 2371, 2371, 1871, 908, 1977, 1977, 1923, 1657, 1974, 614, 3311, 3311, 1783, 1783, 4239, 4239, 1782, 3941, 414, 414, 1484, 3013, 3087, 3087, 3295, 3295, 3295, 166, 166, 166, 166, 890, 3744, 1904, 1097, 4381, 4381, 1461, 2838, 834, 4990, 2330, 534, 561, 3423, 3423, 3423, 457, 1237, 2844, 963, 568, 4232, 4232, 1288, 1694, 91, 581, 231, 2000, 2174, 1052, 2178, 2178, 2178, 2178, 2178, 717, 4285, 183, 183, 183, 668, 4808, 4808, 4808, 2851, 2851, 1873, 4450, 4450, 3087, 315, 163, 399, 1716, 399, 4389, 1716, 4389, 4389, 4389, 4389, 1716, 1716, 2778, 955, 955, 2778, 2827, 2827, 3740, 1151, 1416, 2026, 1886, 2788, 2666, 4364, 4967, 459, 459, 1917, 2218, 3832, 3918, 4188, 2485, 2775, 4548, 4548, 3669, 3669, 3669, 3231, 697, 1404, 4867, 773, 1260, 2626, 1379, 2649, 2160, 4844, 4844, 4681, 3159, 3159, 4401, 2593, 3295, 3295, 399, 4389, 1128, 1128, 1286, 322, 1716, 1716, 1286, 2778, 2778, 2778, 2778, 912, 912, 912, 912, 912, 1249, 4326, 4350, 4350, 4350, 2046, 3511, 908, 1977, 4018, 1367, 3522, 572, 1353, 1353, 2481, 41, 126, 4622, 4201, 4201, 1073, 1073, 934, 934, 4196, 1313, 3169, 1605, 2308, 2308, 7, 3660, 3660, 2644, 2644, 3789, 367, 3789, 3789, 3213, 1172, 1340, 4881, 936, 4852, 166, 1435, 1435, 1435, 742, 1784, 3237, 4374, 3826, 3826, 4957, 4957, 4957, 4957, 4957, 1350, 1878, 4023, 2636, 1145, 2843, 4775, 3694, 3694, 1067, 2539, 249, 249, 1146, 624, 4210, 4210, 4210, 2215, 2215, 2215, 1709, 3974, 1152, 377, 1340, 1203, 4153, 1262, 1262, 1904, 4326, 113, 113, 3511, 3511, 2009, 2753, 2812, 2559, 452, 116, 3721, 3721, 3721, 1005, 3479, 3329, 3329, 1527, 603, 2103, 2843, 4775, 4775, 3694, 2539, 2539, 249, 249, 1146, 1374, 2215, 2215, 2215, 1709, 4497, 2205, 97, 142, 315, 1704, 1704, 288, 288, 163, 2699, 163, 1016, 1016, 3401, 3811, 3811, 3305, 3305, 3305, 1254, 1254, 1254, 1254, 570, 570, 570, 214, 214, 3740, 3740, 3740, 527, 2026, 2234, 1683, 29, 29, 29, 29, 845, 845, 845, 3381, 3381, 482, 1972, 3883, 2800, 2800, 276, 276, 221, 2958, 3697, 3697, 3697, 3686, 569, 569, 587, 1247, 1492, 197, 2939, 4575, 4945, 432, 4187, 1478, 62, 62, 687, 3189, 452, 116, 778, 244, 244, 2914, 1923, 3965, 3078, 3109, 1305, 1305, 1190, 3238, 2179, 2179, 3386, 3386, 4930, 4930, 1218, 1218, 1218, 1218, 224, 4809, 4809, 4809, 2158, 4541, 663, 663, 663, 4324, 587, 1247, 1247, 80, 80, 890, 3189, 2666, 4967, 1405, 1405, 820, 820, 4508, 4591, 2812, 2607, 2973, 1663, 2758, 619, 619, 619, 619, 619, 365, 365, 1442, 4023, 192, 1356, 4510, 4510, 3839, 339, 4744, 2951, 2951, 4523, 3702, 1069, 3914, 2704, 620, 2370, 2370, 2370, 3879, 1412, 1412, 268, 268, 2365, 2365, 1419, 1419, 668, 195, 195, 391, 391, 391, 4620, 272, 1711, 1302, 3098, 3098, 374, 374, 2756, 2756, 374, 2756, 2756, 2756, 2756, 2200, 2200, 107, 107, 107, 107, 107, 107, 107, 107, 1280, 1280, 1280, 1280, 1280, 1280, 570, 1981, 214, 3740, 88, 88, 2925, 1416, 2026, 1784, 1784, 1954, 885, 1395, 1395, 1720, 1593, 4493, 202, 308, 939, 3937, 3937, 3937, 3900, 4221, 4221, 4221, 4221, 1775, 1775, 4239, 4239, 1782, 3941, 414, 414, 414, 1484, 3013, 3013, 3800, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 2447, 122, 122, 122, 122, 122, 122, 166, 166, 166, 4377, 165, 1448, 1448, 177, 4730, 2261, 62, 62, 62, 974, 974, 4660, 4660, 654, 1215, 1685, 1685, 1685, 982, 3879, 4124, 41, 126, 406, 406, 4457, 4457, 4457, 4457, 4457, 93, 858, 159, 3530, 1275, 542, 3954, 3954, 3954, 3954, 162, 4398, 4398, 1365, 1668, 890, 1262, 1262, 890, 1904, 2746, 1594, 4851, 891, 91, 2533, 714, 805, 680, 680, 680, 1802, 4001, 4001, 1157, 1157, 1925, 1925, 2473, 3506, 3506, 3506, 3506, 1527, 1984, 1984, 4762, 4762, 1631, 368, 368, 3974, 742, 346, 346, 4673, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.4804701030927835, 0.7607443298969072, 1.2812536082474226, 1.4013711340206185, 1.4814494845360824, 2.0419979381443296, 2.3623113402061855, 2.6425855670103093, 2.9428793814432987, 3.543467010309278, 3.78370206185567, 4.244152577319587, 4.844740206185566, 5.32521030927835, 6.166032989690722, 6.566424742268041, 7.247090721649484, 7.547384536082474, 7.827658762886597, 8.548363917525773, 9.689480412371132, 10.109891752577319, 10.790557731958762, 11.691439175257731, 11.891635051546391, 12.852575257731958, 13.473182474226803, 13.673378350515462, 13.873574226804124, 14.714396907216493, 15.415082474226804, 16.255905154639173, 16.796434020618555, 17.45708041237113, 17.81743298969072, 18.538138144329896 ]
[ 0.4804701030927835, 0.7607443298969072, 1.2612340206185566, 1.4013711340206185, 1.4814494845360824, 2.0419979381443296, 2.3623113402061855, 2.6425855670103093, 2.9428793814432987, 3.543467010309278, 3.78370206185567, 4.244152577319587, 4.844740206185566, 5.32521030927835, 6.166032989690722, 6.566424742268041, 7.247090721649484, 7.547384536082474, 7.827658762886597, 8.548363917525773, 9.689480412371132, 10.109891752577319, 10.790557731958762, 11.691439175257731, 11.891635051546391, 12.852575257731958, 13.473182474226803, 13.673378350515462, 13.873574226804124, 14.714396907216493, 15.415082474226804, 16.255905154639173, 16.796434020618555, 17.45708041237113, 17.81743298969072, 18.538138144329896, 19.398980412371134 ]
They are by catches to normal fishery operations and instead of them being thrown back into the water, why not allow them to be landed and pay for the cost of catch not a market price, but the cost of catch.
they are by catches to normal fishery operations and instead of them being thrown back into the water why not allow them to be landed and pay for the cost of catch not a market price but the cost of catch.
[ "they", "are", "by", "catches", "to", "normal", "fishery", "operations", "and", "instead", "of", "them", "being", "thrown", "back", "into", "the", "water", "why", "not", "allow", "them", "to", "be", "landed", "and", "pay", "for", "the", "cost", "of", "catch", "not", "a", "market", "price", "but", "the", "cost", "of", "catch." ]
[ "they", "are", "by", "catches", "to", "normal", "fishery", "operations", "and", "instead", "of", "them", "being", "thrown", "back", "into", "the", "water", "why", "not", "allow", "them", "to", "be", "landed", "and", "pay", "for", "the", "cost", "of", "catch", "not", "a", "market", "price", "but", "the", "cost", "of", "catch" ]
[ "t h e y", "a r e", "b y", "c a t c h e s", "t o", "n o r m a l", "f i s h e r y", "o p e r a t i o n s", "a n d", "i n s t e a d", "o f", "t h e m", "b e i n g", "t h r o w n", "b a c k", "i n t o", "t h e", "w a t e r", "w h y", "n o t", "a l l o w", "t h e m", "t o", "b e", "l a n d e d", "a n d", "p a y", "f o r", "t h e", "c o s t", "o f", "c a t c h", "n o t", "a", "m a r k e t", "p r i c e", "b u t", "t h e", "c o s t", "o f", "c a t c h" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 1335, 1335, 1335, 2327, 2327, 914, 914, 1457, 524, 524, 2677, 3227, 2026, 3958, 1504, 4461, 3256, 409, 418, 2357, 2663, 3238, 1172, 4095, 3896, 4852, 4852, 1795, 2268, 165, 4461, 2546, 677, 677, 8, 172, 1591, 2164, 2164, 1440, 3133, 3133, 739, 4427, 4943, 4160, 2175, 2175, 2301, 2301, 3910, 4305, 231, 560, 678, 678, 708, 592, 2817, 2817, 2817, 2817, 4513, 4513, 1657, 1974, 614, 614, 3311, 3197, 1609, 650, 70, 70, 67, 4433, 3411, 6, 4229, 687, 2559, 3076, 665, 3419, 564, 564, 2222, 1488, 1927, 2008, 152, 152, 2142, 3041, 3126, 3126, 3126, 3126, 3126, 3126, 2235, 3231, 3231, 697, 1777, 4357, 2041, 2041, 670, 3013, 1472, 4852, 166, 166, 146, 146, 3524, 2400, 2923, 4664, 4664, 4664, 2986, 603, 4077, 3061, 994, 994, 1466, 3884, 1983, 4946, 1323, 4317, 3487, 507, 507, 3672, 3672, 595, 231, 1059, 1380, 1380, 1380, 1380, 593, 4469, 1198, 1808, 3690, 3690, 1573, 19, 225, 4780, 18, 419, 222, 4392, 3534, 3122, 2649, 151, 2210, 4401, 2593, 163, 92, 1252, 1943, 1943, 1245, 234, 234, 3913, 1400, 3844, 1436, 3268, 312, 981, 2754, 108, 68, 3398, 1790, 4028, 2541, 661, 1748, 4834, 760, 1010, 4433, 3914, 47, 2922, 2922, 2922, 90, 4515, 4652, 4095, 4095, 4873, 4873, 4095, 4408, 2942, 4418, 4819, 4819, 221, 841, 841, 841, 3565, 3359, 4108, 685, 4895, 3237, 4374, 4374, 3826, 2570, 4745, 2871, 605, 605, 3755, 3764, 4418, 4819, 3925, 3133, 739, 1455, 1455, 4692, 4692, 4692, 96, 2547, 1743, 3249, 2903, 2313, 422, 1048, 1048, 1048, 4109, 4895, 1550, 1843, 4057, 4057, 4057, 437, 437, 424, 3102, 177, 4725, 4725, 4714, 144, 1851, 376, 376, 376, 376, 2153, 1442, 1061, 2140, 2476, 3840, 1782, 1782, 2112, 2112, 1484, 931, 2026, 3808, 92, 3796, 4823, 140, 31, 3913, 157, 532, 532, 1103, 1103, 1103, 1103, 2725, 3958, 2026, 2620, 2620, 548, 548, 2181, 2181, 4804, 4804, 2301, 1658, 3471, 1559, 1021, 2895, 389, 389, 1183, 1061, 2140, 1008, 1008, 1324, 1107, 1230, 1688, 2745, 2745, 2745, 4563, 4563, 2477, 1414, 4416, 1767, 723, 2942, 4108, 300, 894, 3026, 4906, 2130, 4696, 221, 566, 566, 3686, 3686, 1170, 4052, 669, 669, 669, 2336, 1760, 1760, 1760, 1760, 1760, 2451, 496, 2854, 3793, 3793, 2682, 2158, 2219, 4901, 2381, 4434, 1558, 3198, 3240, 1152, 2205, 3190, 1481, 2593, 2593, 3557, 1252, 1943, 1943, 1245, 1245, 3913, 532, 1436, 1436, 3268, 1066, 3958, 1904, 1249, 1510, 2754, 108, 108, 3610, 2838, 604, 104, 4192, 4192, 3895, 3040, 71, 4665, 3134, 3134, 110, 110, 110, 4195, 122, 4940, 1604, 1604, 1604, 1604, 2670, 1586, 2670, 3170, 1082, 1644, 1644, 1119, 1207, 1207, 1207, 1207, 1207, 2807, 83, 83, 3910, 3910, 3293, 4635, 526, 3106, 840, 1344, 2441, 2864, 4416, 424, 3513, 124, 2, 91, 381, 3766, 3718, 1579, 3387, 3387, 3873, 3873, 1603, 1603, 1603, 4244, 1051, 2881, 3717, 4077, 4440, 515, 3362, 4995, 1659, 1365, 245, 983, 983, 1, 64, 1776, 169, 2968, 3912, 2277, 917, 1829, 381, 4633, 678, 678, 708, 592, 592, 2817, 2817, 2817, 2817, 2817, 4513, 4513, 2461, 2461, 3235, 3235, 733, 733, 1117, 1117, 1117, 1117, 4398, 4811, 4811, 3557, 2220, 2220, 4389, 1286, 1286, 2778, 110, 4195, 163, 4195, 2234, 1858, 2579, 4480, 411, 2142, 1021, 2895, 1614, 1614, 1183, 1183, 1061, 3078, 2140, 4952, 4614, 95, 4684, 2816, 3948, 148, 995, 1497, 1497, 1497, 1494, 4267, 4012, 1743, 1733, 2714, 2714, 4542, 364, 4183, 687, 3189, 1673, 654, 3706, 3706, 4699, 4699, 1765, 1765, 3314, 3630, 3530, 1011, 65, 3849, 4429, 388, 3295, 166, 166, 166, 166, 742, 560, 3718, 3387, 3873, 1603, 1603, 4244, 1051, 2881, 4708, 4433, 515, 3362, 368, 4995, 4576, 2723, 4526, 384, 2184, 2277, 917, 381, 4633, 678, 708, 592, 2817, 2817, 2817, 2817, 509, 4513, 2461, 2461, 3235, 3235, 733, 733, 1117, 1117, 2152, 2152, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.5408477362204724, 0.801255905511811, 1.0616640748031496, 1.602511811023622, 1.7827943897637797, 2.2835793307086614, 2.704238681102362, 3.5054945866141733, 3.765902755905512, 4.106436515748031, 4.1464993110236215, 4.286719094488189, 4.467001673228347, 4.74744124015748, 5.007849409448819, 5.248226181102362, 5.368414566929133, 5.909262303149607, 6.329921653543307, 6.490172834645669, 6.7305496062992125, 6.8707693897637805, 6.970926377952757, 7.091114763779528, 7.812245078740157, 8.373124212598427, 8.873909153543307, 9.054191732283465, 9.174380118110237, 9.635102263779528, 9.815384842519684, 10.476420964566929, 10.917111712598425, 10.997237303149607, 11.337771062992125, 11.65827342519685, 11.758430413385828, 11.838556003937008, 12.118995570866142, 12.239183956692914 ]
[ 0.5408477362204724, 0.801255905511811, 1.0616640748031496, 1.602511811023622, 1.7827943897637797, 2.2835793307086614, 2.704238681102362, 3.5054945866141733, 3.765902755905512, 4.086405118110236, 4.1464993110236215, 4.286719094488189, 4.467001673228347, 4.74744124015748, 5.007849409448819, 5.248226181102362, 5.368414566929133, 5.909262303149607, 6.329921653543307, 6.490172834645669, 6.7305496062992125, 6.8707693897637805, 6.970926377952757, 7.091114763779528, 7.812245078740157, 8.373124212598427, 8.873909153543307, 9.054191732283465, 9.174380118110237, 9.635102263779528, 9.815384842519684, 10.476420964566929, 10.917111712598425, 10.997237303149607, 11.337771062992125, 11.638242027559055, 11.758430413385828, 11.818524606299214, 12.118995570866142, 12.239183956692914, 12.699906102362204 ]
This is not to do with abortion because a woman's life is in danger, or because she is in danger of having a back street abortion.
this is not to do with abortion because a woman's life is in danger or because she is in danger of having a back street abortion.
[ "this", "is", "not", "to", "do", "with", "abortion", "because", "a", "woman's", "life", "is", "in", "danger", "or", "because", "she", "is", "in", "danger", "of", "having", "a", "back", "street", "abortion." ]
[ "this", "is", "not", "to", "do", "with", "abortion", "because", "a", "woman's", "life", "is", "in", "danger", "or", "because", "she", "is", "in", "danger", "of", "having", "a", "back", "street", "abortion" ]
[ "t h i s", "i s", "n o t", "t o", "d o", "w i t h", "a b o r t i o n", "b e c a u s e", "a", "w o m a n ' s", "l i f e", "i s", "i n", "d a n g e r", "o r", "b e c a u s e", "s h e", "i s", "i n", "d a n g e r", "o f", "h a v i n g", "a", "b a c k", "s t r e e t", "a b o r t i o n" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 2114, 1335, 4720, 4720, 1457, 524, 3958, 3958, 2026, 2026, 1504, 138, 3759, 3759, 647, 1599, 4077, 2213, 2148, 94, 3077, 3207, 1693, 3770, 2142, 1021, 2895, 2895, 1614, 1183, 1183, 2029, 1200, 381, 1954, 219, 3494, 1617, 894, 2389, 3348, 3208, 3208, 3208, 2801, 132, 179, 1284, 318, 1140, 1313, 3540, 95, 4187, 1060, 3133, 231, 739, 4427, 81, 1104, 81, 4661, 908, 2310, 1977, 225, 603, 4077, 1840, 222, 60, 1055, 4418, 4819, 1908, 3060, 848, 891, 2607, 560, 3603, 888, 888, 4438, 2562, 1705, 2906, 4607, 432, 4725, 4714, 1346, 2031, 397, 397, 397, 1947, 4867, 4867, 1260, 54, 2267, 1899, 1899, 4247, 1836, 1836, 2251, 669, 2336, 2420, 240, 240, 240, 240, 1236, 1173, 3680, 2217, 3279, 1966, 2148, 3077, 3077, 2791, 296, 2906, 3376, 4856, 4856, 1234, 1185, 2410, 3925, 2559, 433, 1283, 3025, 578, 578, 578, 578, 578, 578, 3214, 3214, 3454, 3454, 2166, 2166, 1722, 1775, 4239, 4239, 4239, 1782, 1426, 1426, 414, 2112, 1484, 3040, 231, 71, 399, 1252, 1128, 1128, 3401, 3401, 3401, 31, 31, 31, 157, 72, 157, 157, 157, 3415, 852, 1103, 28, 3958, 2026, 981, 30, 4326, 113, 113, 3511, 2009, 3431, 2741, 1908, 3060, 848, 848, 91, 3766, 3718, 3387, 3603, 888, 888, 888, 4438, 4438, 2456, 3578, 206, 18, 1212, 2638, 1872, 1715, 1027, 3353, 3353, 1705, 2906, 3376, 4856, 4856, 1234, 4108, 2410, 5, 3496, 3025, 578, 578, 578, 578, 578, 3214, 3214, 3454, 2166, 2166, 1722, 1775, 4106, 4106, 966, 1971, 1493, 384, 3912, 745, 1149, 3072, 1007, 395, 3939, 4332, 4332, 2573, 701, 3637, 501, 501, 2379, 156, 3771, 830, 4819, 1440, 1440, 163, 3133, 739, 1455, 4692, 4692, 4656, 96, 2547, 2802, 1328, 2138, 649, 1666, 9, 3065, 2314, 347, 347, 2100, 2100, 2100, 2100, 3373, 1061, 2140, 1008, 3165, 4187, 3327, 3133, 1373, 4427, 4427, 1338, 1338, 81, 81, 908, 908, 1977, 225, 4780, 18, 1840, 222, 1411, 4532, 1055, 4655, 991, 1011, 1011, 1311, 634, 4625, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.3811191287878788, 0.5014725378787879, 0.6820026515151515, 0.782297159090909, 0.9227094696969697, 1.0831806818181817, 1.5244765151515152, 1.8053011363636362, 1.8654778409090909, 2.186420265151515, 2.487303787878788, 2.587598295454545, 2.728010606060606, 3.510307765151515, 3.9114857954545457, 4.292604924242424, 4.392899431818182, 4.493193939393939, 4.5934884469696975, 4.9545486742424245, 5.074902083333334, 5.415903409090909, 5.476080113636363, 5.6967280303030305, 5.957493749999999 ]
[ 0.3811191287878788, 0.5014725378787879, 0.6820026515151515, 0.782297159090909, 0.9227094696969697, 1.0831806818181817, 1.5244765151515152, 1.8053011363636362, 1.8654778409090909, 2.186420265151515, 2.487303787878788, 2.587598295454545, 2.728010606060606, 3.510307765151515, 3.9114857954545457, 4.292604924242424, 4.392899431818182, 4.493193939393939, 4.5934884469696975, 4.9545486742424245, 5.074902083333334, 5.415903409090909, 5.456021212121212, 5.6967280303030305, 5.957493749999999, 6.599378598484848 ]
Despite the fact that he wants people to stand up against this government, he said, remember, however, that the PiS electorate are our mothers, brothers, neighbours, colleagues and friends'.
despite the fact that he wants people to stand up against this government he said remember however that the pis electorate are our mothers brothers neighbours colleagues and friends'.
[ "despite", "the", "fact", "that", "he", "wants", "people", "to", "stand", "up", "against", "this", "government", "he", "said", "remember", "however", "that", "the", "pis", "electorate", "are", "our", "mothers", "brothers", "neighbours", "colleagues", "and", "friends'." ]
[ "despite", "the", "fact", "that", "he", "wants", "people", "to", "stand", "up", "against", "this", "government", "he", "said", "remember", "however", "that", "the", "pis", "electorate", "are", "our", "mothers", "brothers", "neighbours", "colleagues", "and", "friends'" ]
[ "d e s p i t e", "t h e", "f a c t", "t h a t", "h e", "w a n t s", "p e o p l e", "t o", "s t a n d", "u p", "a g a i n s t", "t h i s", "g o v e r n m e n t", "h e", "s a i d", "r e m e m b e r", "h o w e v e r", "t h a t", "t h e", "p i s", "e l e c t o r a t e", "a r e", "o u r", "m o t h e r s", "b r o t h e r s", "n e i g h b o u r s", "c o l l e a g u e s", "a n d", "f r i e n d s '" ]
[ 2204, 3156, 3303, 2101, 2101, 2101, 2101, 495, 1173, 3373, 2029, 2712, 2268, 2566, 2086, 2632, 2690, 563, 1815, 2832, 2400, 2923, 4155, 3469, 3469, 3469, 4076, 1328, 2664, 742, 4132, 949, 133, 3544, 1165, 1708, 2818, 51, 3519, 2150, 1766, 4714, 1346, 1345, 2031, 2111, 2111, 2111, 3623, 2548, 277, 2197, 2027, 3411, 3930, 4241, 4241, 3189, 452, 1154, 211, 1532, 4093, 251, 2607, 1916, 371, 371, 324, 2183, 894, 3026, 219, 3490, 3494, 3210, 1417, 1275, 9, 1084, 3194, 3271, 1641, 1643, 590, 2669, 2669, 2669, 2669, 913, 314, 2513, 2219, 883, 3090, 3090, 1712, 1712, 3560, 1761, 231, 2419, 1567, 430, 2471, 2481, 777, 1223, 1057, 1211, 1211, 1211, 1211, 1211, 1164, 277, 4691, 4691, 923, 3863, 3994, 986, 986, 2026, 2566, 138, 4490, 4490, 1507, 1599, 4969, 2019, 213, 231, 2272, 2272, 2087, 2087, 2087, 2087, 1274, 3094, 1308, 1308, 1308, 2944, 1404, 1067, 2539, 249, 249, 1146, 4744, 1709, 759, 2535, 2198, 51, 1797, 2150, 2622, 1544, 2119, 2119, 3505, 2704, 1608, 554, 554, 554, 554, 1750, 2930, 1110, 3249, 2205, 142, 142, 3295, 399, 163, 1128, 140, 31, 31, 3913, 3913, 532, 828, 2030, 3958, 2026, 924, 3547, 937, 937, 2284, 4626, 4245, 1593, 4493, 308, 939, 3195, 3195, 3195, 3195, 3195, 2057, 516, 1695, 741, 2872, 3888, 1907, 910, 223, 3261, 13, 1007, 395, 611, 611, 611, 611, 611, 611, 1628, 2165, 1889, 1291, 4533, 4533, 4533, 4533, 835, 835, 3094, 3094, 484, 3888, 3888, 1907, 1907, 694, 694, 740, 3991, 3013, 3040, 2593, 399, 4665, 4243, 3134, 234, 1400, 3844, 2030, 2677, 3744, 1504, 949, 1696, 133, 1531, 1165, 3054, 2712, 231, 2566, 2086, 729, 4730, 2261, 1210, 742, 4643, 2973, 1119, 1159, 1159, 1159, 3757, 1350, 1037, 3630, 3503, 1150, 3404, 4944, 3963, 2762, 2128, 1107, 143, 1230, 1739, 1739, 1739, 1739, 549, 2802, 2359, 2359, 556, 614, 18, 3311, 1783, 994, 652, 652, 4469, 4855, 4285, 2656, 2656, 2656, 1964, 1523, 1100, 1152, 2007, 142, 2593, 399, 1128, 1128, 1128, 3913, 3913, 3913, 532, 1436, 3268, 1066, 1586, 1249, 794, 1464, 1464, 4909, 766, 3924, 2165, 332, 332, 1570, 1570, 3924, 3924, 3924, 4026, 3846, 1593, 4493, 1456, 995, 1465, 1465, 1465, 1465, 1237, 2844, 2844, 963, 568, 3804, 3804, 2267, 3385, 1666, 2940, 2821, 4241, 687, 742, 1498, 323, 1079, 1079, 1079, 1079, 1079, 1040, 2844, 963, 568, 2232, 3804, 3804, 292, 298, 2535, 923, 3863, 480, 1315, 4480, 5, 2142, 3041, 2372, 2372, 2372, 2372, 3413, 732, 2759, 4055, 2872, 2232, 3804, 3804, 292, 3503, 3503, 923, 2019, 213, 687, 3766, 560, 1579, 3387, 3873, 3873, 360, 360, 2141, 2141, 4147, 1940, 3391, 3391, 3391, 3391, 2317, 4183, 3711, 273, 65, 872, 4944, 3143, 1097, 4381, 1461, 1234, 2435, 50, 4120, 4077, 2832, 1615, 1615, 3953, 3785, 3785, 4662, 2702, 2702, 2702, 4171, 4171, 2549, 3034, 3226, 3226, 836, 4284, 4284, 1011, 1011, 2152, 2152, 2152, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.26054110125260954, 0.3607492171189979, 0.6012486951983298, 0.7214984342379958, 0.8217065501043841, 1.1022892745302713, 1.402913622129436, 1.5031217379958246, 1.8638709551148225, 2.0442455636743215, 2.4450780271398744, 2.645494258872651, 3.0864099686847597, 3.2267013308977033, 3.6876586638830897, 4.36907385177453, 5.070530662839248, 5.371155010438414, 5.511446372651357, 5.812070720250522, 6.633777270354905, 6.954443241127349, 7.11477622651357, 7.515608689979123, 7.956524399791231, 8.417481732776618, 8.89848068893528, 9.07885529749478 ]
[ 0.26054110125260954, 0.3607492171189979, 0.6012486951983298, 0.7214984342379958, 0.8217065501043841, 1.1022892745302713, 1.402913622129436, 1.5031217379958246, 1.8638709551148225, 2.0442455636743215, 2.4450780271398744, 2.645494258872651, 3.0864099686847597, 3.2267013308977033, 3.6876586638830897, 4.36907385177453, 5.070530662839248, 5.371155010438414, 5.511446372651357, 5.812070720250522, 6.633777270354905, 6.954443241127349, 7.11477622651357, 7.515608689979123, 7.956524399791231, 8.417481732776618, 8.89848068893528, 9.07885529749478, 9.579895876826722 ]
We need to change a culture where some law enforcement officers, be they police or prosecutors or something else, think that money laundering is second division crime and not important.
we need to change a culture where some law enforcement officers be they police or prosecutors or something else think that money laundering is second division crime and not important.
[ "we", "need", "to", "change", "a", "culture", "where", "some", "law", "enforcement", "officers", "be", "they", "police", "or", "prosecutors", "or", "something", "else", "think", "that", "money", "laundering", "is", "second", "division", "crime", "and", "not", "important." ]
[ "we", "need", "to", "change", "a", "culture", "where", "some", "law", "enforcement", "officers", "be", "they", "police", "or", "prosecutors", "or", "something", "else", "think", "that", "money", "laundering", "is", "second", "division", "crime", "and", "not", "important" ]
[ "w e", "n e e d", "t o", "c h a n g e", "a", "c u l t u r e", "w h e r e", "s o m e", "l a w", "e n f o r c e m e n t", "o f f i c e r s", "b e", "t h e y", "p o l i c e", "o r", "p r o s e c u t o r s", "o r", "s o m e t h i n g", "e l s e", "t h i n k", "t h a t", "m o n e y", "l a u n d e r i n g", "i s", "s e c o n d", "d i v i s i o n", "c r i m e", "a n d", "n o t", "i m p o r t a n t" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 2114, 3154, 4544, 4544, 530, 530, 4544, 4755, 4755, 3227, 2026, 1683, 3677, 3677, 236, 236, 3471, 3471, 25, 1421, 1421, 1421, 1350, 1350, 3058, 1200, 894, 3026, 1401, 219, 3490, 3494, 3336, 2607, 4291, 1902, 720, 720, 720, 4522, 3181, 3181, 3452, 3452, 3452, 578, 3214, 3214, 3454, 3454, 2166, 1722, 3079, 95, 432, 2, 581, 581, 231, 560, 1579, 3387, 3387, 3873, 2109, 2109, 3219, 3219, 4892, 4892, 4524, 4524, 1388, 1388, 270, 614, 614, 3311, 3311, 1783, 1783, 4239, 1907, 1907, 694, 694, 694, 3991, 3991, 20, 2593, 399, 1252, 1252, 1128, 1943, 3913, 3913, 532, 828, 710, 4195, 2026, 3744, 924, 29, 3331, 2596, 2596, 2208, 423, 4446, 2542, 1417, 3702, 3702, 3702, 1069, 3914, 552, 4887, 3239, 3239, 1310, 1310, 1310, 1800, 304, 1295, 3905, 258, 85, 1230, 2420, 1314, 1314, 1314, 1314, 2577, 3877, 2409, 2378, 661, 735, 50, 1368, 104, 2400, 2595, 2108, 2637, 2637, 2637, 2735, 365, 769, 2227, 4433, 2940, 2843, 4775, 3694, 2539, 4813, 1146, 4994, 350, 332, 1574, 1574, 1574, 1574, 1111, 3279, 3535, 3535, 3822, 3822, 3822, 4214, 237, 4077, 121, 655, 4372, 2232, 2232, 2232, 3804, 70, 4499, 1764, 3786, 2186, 4973, 4973, 4386, 4386, 4537, 2844, 963, 963, 568, 2667, 2667, 4961, 3996, 1478, 2812, 2812, 231, 1082, 3739, 3739, 3739, 143, 4055, 1688, 1420, 1420, 1420, 1420, 1420, 4269, 1037, 3630, 4740, 1666, 4260, 3376, 113, 113, 4026, 1478, 2812, 742, 3170, 4660, 1215, 1215, 2132, 2132, 982, 4853, 2963, 4433, 2874, 343, 343, 3006, 4183, 2533, 189, 4004, 4004, 4004, 4004, 4706, 1878, 3078, 2415, 2232, 2232, 4472, 1216, 2906, 4260, 2363, 2363, 4446, 1001, 4433, 552, 4887, 250, 250, 250, 2904, 4001, 1157, 1157, 964, 964, 349, 349, 4976, 4200, 435, 4197, 4314, 4314, 4314, 4314, 2216, 1869, 683, 3530, 1011, 1311, 634, 2593, 3557, 1252, 4243, 1943, 1943, 1245, 234, 234, 234, 1400, 1400, 3844, 3844, 710, 742, 4658, 4658, 2774, 2811, 2574, 2619, 971, 971, 4579, 4579, 2489, 4994, 3252, 40, 1696, 3544, 1165, 2816, 1593, 1130, 202, 148, 691, 691, 691, 691, 839, 1005, 357, 1745, 4101, 1170, 4052, 1230, 2420, 2526, 2526, 2526, 24, 825, 2469, 2682, 2519, 652, 4358, 651, 2308, 2379, 4200, 435, 2148, 3077, 1723, 279, 206, 1807, 3702, 3702, 3702, 1069, 1069, 552, 2704, 190, 722, 722, 722, 2802, 383, 2559, 903, 2679, 2679, 818, 4108, 2410, 3925, 3522, 572, 1353, 3497, 952, 3612, 3609, 602, 602, 602, 2986, 4221, 4221, 1840, 4392, 821, 54, 1055, 488, 2099, 310, 2000, 2174, 1052, 1122, 4169, 4169, 4169, 4169, 887, 887, 3187, 3999, 1030, 2641, 786, 3564, 295, 295, 4608, 4608, 411, 2142, 1021, 2895, 1614, 1614, 1183, 3078, 2646, 2415, 4952, 4028, 2378, 820, 3563, 4591, 2812, 742, 2973, 452, 2758, 619, 619, 619, 2735, 365, 1442, 2390, 192, 2646, 1356, 4510, 596, 2072, 1979, 2215, 498, 922, 4625, 4625, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.36070842050209206, 0.5611019874476988, 0.7013774843096234, 1.1021646182008369, 1.1622826882845188, 1.9638569560669457, 2.3446047332635986, 2.6652344403765693, 2.8255492939330544, 3.386651281380753, 3.9076745554393306, 3.987831982217573, 4.188225549163181, 4.629091396443515, 4.729288179916318, 5.370547594142259, 5.450705020920503, 5.811413441422594, 6.212200575313807, 6.612987709205021, 6.753263206066945, 7.013774843096234, 7.354443906903766, 7.514758760460252, 7.895506537656904, 8.296293671548117, 8.636962735355649, 8.737159518828452, 8.93755308577406 ]
[ 0.36070842050209206, 0.5611019874476988, 0.7013774843096234, 1.1021646182008369, 1.1622826882845188, 1.9638569560669457, 2.3446047332635986, 2.6652344403765693, 2.8255492939330544, 3.386651281380753, 3.9076745554393306, 3.987831982217573, 4.188225549163181, 4.629091396443515, 4.729288179916318, 5.370547594142259, 5.450705020920503, 5.811413441422594, 6.212200575313807, 6.612987709205021, 6.753263206066945, 7.013774843096234, 7.354443906903766, 7.514758760460252, 7.895506537656904, 8.296293671548117, 8.636962735355649, 8.737159518828452, 8.93755308577406, 9.558773143305439 ]
And here, as I said, we are working with the US and Japan, but also with other countries.
and here as i said we are working with the us and japan but also with other countries.
[ "and", "here", "as", "i", "said", "we", "are", "working", "with", "the", "us", "and", "japan", "but", "also", "with", "other", "countries." ]
[ "and", "here", "as", "i", "said", "we", "are", "working", "with", "the", "us", "and", "japan", "but", "also", "with", "other", "countries" ]
[ "a n d", "h e r e", "a s", "i", "s a i d", "w e", "a r e", "w o r k i n g", "w i t h", "t h e", "u s", "a n d", "j a p a n", "b u t", "a l s o", "w i t h", "o t h e r", "c o u n t r i e s" ]
[ 2204, 3156, 332, 4950, 2482, 2482, 2482, 659, 176, 1705, 2906, 3246, 1065, 4193, 2719, 4246, 1544, 1275, 1010, 552, 1608, 554, 554, 554, 554, 1750, 1523, 1110, 3249, 2205, 142, 2593, 4665, 4665, 3134, 1400, 3844, 1103, 1103, 2725, 2026, 1586, 1683, 29, 3677, 487, 487, 2863, 4850, 1323, 4317, 3921, 1464, 1464, 766, 766, 2769, 2769, 4714, 3204, 1346, 1851, 4814, 441, 441, 441, 441, 1580, 4012, 1743, 383, 742, 383, 2903, 454, 2653, 2653, 2653, 2610, 4914, 7, 3660, 150, 4401, 3040, 1915, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 3458, 3458, 3458, 532, 532, 1436, 3268, 312, 2026, 14, 4559, 4559, 2395, 640, 1002, 2395, 2395, 2133, 2133, 3896, 3896, 3204, 2811, 2783, 1284, 318, 1140, 1140, 3748, 540, 3833, 337, 1445, 1445, 4216, 790, 4403, 4403, 4384, 4384, 4384, 1628, 1628, 3607, 3487, 1894, 1894, 1894, 1894, 1894, 858, 858, 159, 1031, 2535, 65, 872, 1365, 4944, 781, 1097, 4112, 4381, 591, 1226, 4694, 4694, 2160, 824, 2002, 2002, 936, 4941, 2425, 2425, 1787, 3925, 1967, 286, 2097, 4805, 4805, 4456, 750, 1210, 4643, 452, 4402, 4402, 4402, 4402, 1545, 1545, 1390, 463, 4190, 4819, 3925, 1373, 1389, 4296, 4296, 4242, 577, 4184, 2740, 2271, 2271, 3297, 3297, 1933, 1933, 2385, 2385, 3928, 1275, 121, 3762, 2066, 2066, 2066, 3128, 3128, 1193, 4450, 3040, 71, 4665, 4665, 3134, 3134, 532, 3844, 1103, 4195, 3744, 163, 1683, 29, 1284, 318, 1140, 1140, 1140, 1140, 3748, 540, 540, 2035, 3849, 245, 890, 890, 1, 1045, 3017, 3017, 3423, 3423, 457, 457, 1237, 4537, 4132, 963, 568, 4232, 910, 2009, 91, 3189, 3766, 3718, 2497, 1083, 1083, 1083, 1083, 2854, 4116, 2373, 231, 3237, 2952, 352, 352, 27, 500, 500, 3797, 292, 3385, 1011, 1011, 3294, 1311, 634, 3557, 4665, 2976, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.06020618556701031, 0.16054982817869415, 0.24082474226804124, 0.34116838487972506, 0.7224742268041237, 0.9833676975945017, 1.1840549828178693, 1.9466666666666668, 2.428316151202749, 2.5286597938144326, 2.970171821305842, 3.2712027491408935, 3.732783505154639, 3.933470790378007, 4.395051546391753, 4.876701030927835, 5.1978006872852225 ]
[ 0.04013745704467354, 0.1404810996563574, 0.24082474226804124, 0.34116838487972506, 0.7224742268041237, 0.9833676975945017, 1.1840549828178693, 1.9466666666666668, 2.4082474226804123, 2.5286597938144326, 2.970171821305842, 3.2712027491408935, 3.732783505154639, 3.933470790378007, 4.395051546391753, 4.876701030927835, 5.1978006872852225, 5.819931271477663 ]
I know that the stupidity and greed of Irish politicians has a lot to do with this.
i know that the stupidity and greed of irish politicians has a lot to do with this.
[ "i", "know", "that", "the", "stupidity", "and", "greed", "of", "irish", "politicians", "has", "a", "lot", "to", "do", "with", "this." ]
[ "i", "know", "that", "the", "stupidity", "and", "greed", "of", "irish", "politicians", "has", "a", "lot", "to", "do", "with", "this" ]
[ "i", "k n o w", "t h a t", "t h e", "s t u p i d i t y", "a n d", "g r e e d", "o f", "i r i s h", "p o l i t i c i a n s", "h a s", "a", "l o t", "t o", "d o", "w i t h", "t h i s" ]
[ 2204, 3041, 4921, 4921, 1744, 1744, 1744, 1744, 1744, 2621, 4353, 4353, 4353, 4353, 4353, 4353, 391, 391, 3087, 3295, 945, 945, 945, 15, 945, 15, 15, 4389, 15, 4389, 163, 2691, 3305, 3305, 3305, 3305, 1254, 1254, 1254, 2822, 2822, 570, 4024, 214, 214, 28, 3958, 2026, 331, 3163, 1696, 3544, 1165, 1862, 424, 1448, 2131, 1109, 4876, 4077, 3065, 212, 47, 4793, 4793, 4793, 750, 1210, 231, 2973, 452, 2937, 3575, 4070, 1708, 4219, 3005, 2322, 1090, 89, 1268, 2017, 1036, 2540, 4946, 4850, 2443, 3564, 295, 1123, 253, 488, 2647, 777, 41, 126, 4622, 1801, 4201, 4201, 2941, 2941, 2941, 4268, 2416, 2416, 3322, 3322, 3322, 3322, 4540, 4540, 1110, 4102, 154, 2593, 163, 2220, 3134, 3134, 1436, 312, 742, 30, 64, 1776, 169, 2997, 161, 822, 3724, 4878, 4878, 4878, 4878, 2908, 2392, 470, 4726, 4726, 4726, 2564, 1984, 2103, 2821, 687, 231, 2973, 452, 4422, 4422, 4422, 2141, 4147, 2583, 196, 1090, 1577, 1550, 136, 3245, 3245, 3245, 3245, 2986, 603, 4077, 419, 222, 1411, 1411, 4532, 4532, 809, 4655, 2985, 1785, 395, 149, 4674, 2859, 3207, 4607, 546, 1324, 1107, 227, 4313, 4313, 4313, 2068, 571, 1129, 1550, 3026, 219, 3490, 3494, 1617, 3496, 3348, 3208, 3208, 3208, 3208, 3153, 132, 45, 1284, 318, 4562, 3044, 3748, 3942, 2268, 2268, 138, 2495, 2495, 2495, 4273, 1238, 2640, 3530, 3530, 4077, 302, 145, 2152, 2152, 4625, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.020084495708154505, 0.6025348712446351, 1.0644782725321889, 1.1649007510729614, 1.707182135193133, 1.867858100858369, 2.369970493562232, 2.6310689377682404, 2.9122518776824036, 3.534871244635193, 3.65537821888412, 3.695547210300429, 3.856223175965665, 3.976730150214592, 4.1173216201716745, 4.318166577253219 ]
[ 0, 0.6025348712446351, 1.0644782725321889, 1.1649007510729614, 1.707182135193133, 1.867858100858369, 2.369970493562232, 2.6310689377682404, 2.9122518776824036, 3.534871244635193, 3.65537821888412, 3.695547210300429, 3.856223175965665, 3.976730150214592, 4.1173216201716745, 4.318166577253219, 4.659603004291846 ]
The transatlantic relationship is evolving.
the transatlantic relationship is evolving.
[ "the", "transatlantic", "relationship", "is", "evolving." ]
[ "the", "transatlantic", "relationship", "is", "evolving" ]
[ "t h e", "t r a n s a t l a n t i c", "r e l a t i o n s h i p", "i s", "e v o l v i n g" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 2114, 4544, 3409, 3409, 3958, 3958, 2026, 331, 3614, 2632, 324, 3237, 4512, 4512, 1717, 1717, 2548, 1926, 3989, 121, 1479, 2095, 1992, 4023, 3567, 2877, 1276, 1545, 1545, 1545, 2548, 1447, 3249, 3567, 4989, 2773, 2773, 1190, 4183, 1616, 4590, 1330, 3260, 4988, 1107, 143, 1688, 1179, 1179, 1179, 19, 19, 2504, 3405, 1275, 1840, 4392, 821, 1055, 1748, 4414, 4414, 1212, 4507, 699, 699, 2151, 2151, 1137, 1761, 4675, 742, 1721, 3849, 890, 1262, 1262, 166, 1262, 1262, 231, 3125, 3483, 3483, 3483, 1370, 3976, 296, 2906, 1008, 2762, 3497, 952, 3612, 2868, 3372, 2684, 2684, 2684, 2684, 2046, 3092, 4478, 4406, 1870, 212, 1788, 3637, 1182, 1182, 1697, 4914, 598, 598, 151, 922, 922, 4625, 4625, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.2419451219512195, 0.8468079268292682, 1.5726432926829266, 1.8145884146341462 ]
[ 0.2419451219512195, 0.8468079268292682, 1.5726432926829266, 1.8145884146341462, 2.459775406504065 ]
of particular concern is the investor state dispute settlement mechanism that would allow private companies to sue governments in tribunals should those governments try to protect their national interests.
[ "of", "particular", "concern", "is", "the", "investor", "state", "dispute", "settlement", "mechanism", "that", "would", "allow", "private", "companies", "to", "sue", "governments", "in", "tribunals", "should", "those", "governments", "try", "to", "protect", "their", "national", "interests." ]
[ "of", "particular", "concern", "is", "the", "investor", "state", "dispute", "settlement", "mechanism", "that", "would", "allow", "private", "companies", "to", "sue", "governments", "in", "tribunals", "should", "those", "governments", "try", "to", "protect", "their", "national", "interests" ]
[ "o f", "p a r t i c u l a r", "c o n c e r n", "i s", "t h e", "i n v e s t o r", "s t a t e", "d i s p u t e", "s e t t l e m e n t", "m e c h a n i s m", "t h a t", "w o u l d", "a l l o w", "p r i v a t e", "c o m p a n i e s", "t o", "s u e", "g o v e r n m e n t s", "i n", "t r i b u n a l s", "s h o u l d", "t h o s e", "g o v e r n m e n t s", "t r y", "t o", "p r o t e c t", "t h e i r", "n a t i o n a l", "i n t e r e s t s" ]
[ 4079, 467, 2114, 1335, 1335, 502, 502, 502, 914, 1457, 3861, 3861, 1692, 1692, 2026, 2281, 2789, 2331, 2331, 4789, 4789, 2968, 2184, 2277, 917, 231, 3170, 3407, 2828, 2828, 324, 1623, 2559, 944, 1359, 136, 1305, 1305, 1305, 1305, 3829, 1665, 2533, 2903, 189, 844, 2179, 3386, 3386, 4033, 4930, 910, 910, 2, 2559, 3766, 1000, 4560, 909, 909, 3389, 735, 1748, 4834, 760, 4077, 1069, 1069, 3914, 2704, 1608, 3424, 3424, 3424, 3424, 3424, 3424, 3424, 1366, 1366, 1366, 2118, 2118, 2118, 209, 209, 209, 269, 269, 2911, 4681, 2210, 4401, 3087, 315, 163, 399, 399, 1639, 1639, 140, 31, 31, 1357, 23, 828, 828, 2030, 28, 2026, 2026, 4826, 3125, 3125, 580, 580, 3077, 2791, 3976, 4969, 1477, 4761, 1844, 832, 1064, 1209, 4885, 1687, 1687, 3441, 3963, 1405, 1405, 1405, 661, 735, 856, 856, 3878, 2870, 3612, 2868, 3372, 4041, 4041, 4041, 4041, 93, 858, 4708, 4708, 4440, 4440, 2187, 1191, 1191, 1479, 1729, 1729, 1992, 1992, 4446, 1417, 4876, 9, 382, 1084, 3194, 3271, 104, 1643, 1690, 1690, 911, 911, 911, 1086, 1086, 246, 3795, 1588, 1588, 1129, 1129, 1787, 2089, 2089, 687, 3189, 433, 2389, 837, 837, 837, 618, 3016, 3016, 4077, 462, 4308, 4308, 2173, 3987, 3189, 2192, 3865, 3551, 3551, 3551, 3551, 44, 4345, 4524, 2869, 1588, 4739, 2951, 4523, 4523, 3702, 3702, 1069, 3505, 2704, 1608, 190, 3705, 3705, 4556, 3965, 3249, 192, 2457, 2457, 469, 469, 2944, 1404, 1404, 2539, 4813, 4813, 1146, 339, 339, 4994, 4994, 4997, 4055, 4011, 308, 2993, 4919, 4919, 4919, 891, 1743, 231, 903, 2748, 2748, 1794, 1794, 4519, 3242, 3242, 3242, 3242, 2562, 1360, 1360, 1272, 1272, 990, 990, 990, 375, 2876, 893, 2139, 4401, 4401, 2593, 399, 399, 1252, 1128, 1943, 1943, 1245, 72, 1357, 1357, 828, 3415, 2827, 2827, 4195, 912, 3958, 2026, 1504, 4461, 1696, 2965, 2965, 2965, 2969, 168, 168, 1952, 845, 3381, 482, 1313, 883, 1008, 1324, 3818, 143, 227, 486, 2745, 2745, 2745, 2745, 2423, 3211, 3211, 4905, 2753, 367, 367, 367, 4660, 654, 1215, 2917, 2917, 2917, 2917, 2917, 1654, 1912, 4406, 3094, 306, 2609, 4542, 4542, 571, 1588, 367, 367, 367, 367, 3718, 2497, 4965, 4965, 4965, 4965, 4001, 4001, 1157, 5, 1059, 1611, 1611, 1611, 1794, 3613, 4564, 4564, 4564, 500, 3859, 3797, 3979, 4287, 536, 2091, 4077, 1011, 3294, 1311, 634, 4811, 2593, 2593, 399, 1128, 1128, 1128, 1357, 1286, 828, 2030, 4195, 3744, 912, 912, 1550, 1401, 219, 2491, 630, 3210, 1109, 1417, 4876, 3702, 3702, 1069, 3914, 4671, 3865, 2520, 2520, 2520, 2520, 2520, 307, 4669, 2801, 132, 132, 4753, 777, 4055, 2272, 3070, 3070, 2087, 2087, 2087, 2087, 2087, 1274, 3094, 1308, 1308, 1308, 2944, 2944, 1404, 1067, 2539, 249, 249, 1146, 624, 3264, 2215, 4883, 4883, 4505, 3773, 3773, 2898, 2898, 3294, 1311, 1311, 634, 742, 3557, 1252, 3134, 3134, 1286, 23, 2030, 2030, 28, 3958, 2281, 4826, 287, 3867, 1949, 3832, 685, 4895, 3237, 4374, 4374, 3826, 3433, 3433, 4898, 4898, 4898, 4898, 1654, 1736, 1736, 2759, 3327, 212, 3909, 3865, 3865, 3358, 1452, 1452, 2348, 2348, 2348, 69, 3613, 1005, 289, 271, 271, 4251, 4251, 3741, 3741, 3741, 3741, 183, 183, 3604, 900, 900, 900, 4289, 4289, 536, 2091, 3830, 2898, 3294, 1311, 634, 4811, 4811, 4811, 4389, 163, 1707, 1707, 2778, 2778, 2827, 3740, 3740, 2026, 252, 912, 4494, 4494, 1212, 1212, 4507, 4507, 3586, 920, 4225, 4225, 4225, 3330, 1972, 2199, 2712, 3470, 3470, 165, 1655, 4592, 4592, 4592, 1363, 1363, 3864, 3864, 1293, 1293, 3786, 2019, 213, 2559, 2272, 3070, 2087, 2087, 2087, 2087, 2087, 1274, 1308, 1308, 1308, 1308, 1308, 1404, 1067, 1067, 2539, 249, 1146, 624, 3234, 4883, 4505, 273, 3411, 1139, 1139, 3237, 3237, 4374, 3826, 3433, 117, 117, 117, 117, 117, 167, 282, 1736, 2183, 1550, 3026, 1401, 219, 3494, 4696, 2812, 4643, 3407, 3167, 3167, 285, 3336, 1623, 1550, 1359, 1359, 136, 2374, 4722, 4722, 4722, 703, 703, 4076, 4648, 4648, 4786, 1588, 3945, 4429, 742, 2268, 1655, 2546, 3248, 3248, 3248, 4961, 3996, 2008, 152, 152, 411, 3041, 2249, 2249, 2249, 2249, 2249, 2249, 3967, 2504, 603, 3405, 2256, 2256, 3300, 3300, 3300, 2309, 4357, 4357, 3325, 3325, 471, 471, 80, 1262, 890, 2972, 3803, 2666, 4967, 459, 459, 1917, 2218, 4109, 2373, 2373, 3237, 2952, 2952, 3826, 2015, 2015, 2015, 1850, 1850, 1850, 1850, 93, 1238, 2640, 3717, 1458, 1458, 2333, 368, 3189, 1191, 346, 4673, 2152, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.48063082191780826, 1.0814193493150686, 2.042680993150685, 2.403154109589041, 2.5833906678082195, 3.264284332191781, 3.7048625856164383, 4.38575625, 4.94649220890411, 5.787596147260274, 6.168095547945206, 6.328305821917808, 6.608673801369863, 7.069278339041096, 7.850303424657534, 8.190750256849315, 8.551223373287671, 9.392327311643836, 9.672695291095891, 10.854246061643837, 11.334876883561645, 11.635271147260275, 12.196007106164386, 12.47637508561644, 12.59653279109589, 13.097189897260273, 13.317479023972604, 13.878214982876713 ]
[ 0.48063082191780826, 1.0814193493150686, 2.042680993150685, 2.403154109589041, 2.5833906678082195, 3.264284332191781, 3.7048625856164383, 4.38575625, 4.94649220890411, 5.787596147260274, 6.168095547945206, 6.328305821917808, 6.608673801369863, 7.069278339041096, 7.850303424657534, 8.190750256849315, 8.551223373287671, 9.392327311643836, 9.672695291095891, 10.854246061643837, 11.334876883561645, 11.635271147260275, 12.196007106164386, 12.47637508561644, 12.59653279109589, 13.097189897260273, 13.317479023972604, 13.878214982876713, 14.599161215753426 ]
Extraction of fossil fuels has to stop.
extraction of fossil fuels has to stop.
[ "extraction", "of", "fossil", "fuels", "has", "to", "stop." ]
[ "extraction", "of", "fossil", "fuels", "has", "to", "stop" ]
[ "e x t r a c t i o n", "o f", "f o s s i l", "f u e l s", "h a s", "t o", "s t o p" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 2114, 1335, 4720, 4720, 524, 312, 2026, 981, 801, 801, 265, 3241, 2701, 2701, 2279, 4308, 120, 2314, 1641, 347, 609, 3433, 3459, 3459, 3459, 96, 96, 2547, 4648, 3249, 2543, 556, 556, 3405, 419, 222, 4392, 821, 821, 366, 366, 2707, 1971, 4526, 384, 965, 3275, 623, 3524, 2811, 2595, 2043, 3428, 3428, 3428, 1051, 683, 4697, 4955, 121, 4372, 776, 776, 3325, 4563, 1177, 3232, 1815, 2400, 894, 2923, 1093, 1459, 1459, 1459, 307, 717, 717, 717, 717, 900, 900, 4289, 4289, 991, 1011, 2535, 1785, 1785, 3072, 1007, 395, 149, 149, 4674, 4674, 2859, 1281, 298, 4077, 1139, 4229, 742, 1058, 2948, 337, 1575, 3280, 3210, 82, 4876, 9, 382, 382, 3194, 3271, 4049, 2559, 47, 1643, 1555, 3460, 3460, 81, 2266, 2046, 2046, 2046, 2046, 1879, 2585, 2585, 922, 4625, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.8661345108695653, 0.9869904891304349, 1.38984375, 1.8128396739130435, 2.074694293478261, 2.2559782608695653 ]
[ 0.8661345108695653, 0.9869904891304349, 1.38984375, 1.8128396739130435, 2.074694293478261, 2.2559782608695653, 2.759544836956522 ]
There is good news definitely, the idea that farmers will not be paid for what they did decades ago that's a good move.
there is good news definitely the idea that farmers will not be paid for what they did decades ago that's a good move.
[ "there", "is", "good", "news", "definitely", "the", "idea", "that", "farmers", "will", "not", "be", "paid", "for", "what", "they", "did", "decades", "ago", "that's", "a", "good", "move." ]
[ "there", "is", "good", "news", "definitely", "the", "idea", "that", "farmers", "will", "not", "be", "paid", "for", "what", "they", "did", "decades", "ago", "that's", "a", "good", "move" ]
[ "t h e r e", "i s", "g o o d", "n e w s", "d e f i n i t e l y", "t h e", "i d e a", "t h a t", "f a r m e r s", "w i l l", "n o t", "b e", "p a i d", "f o r", "w h a t", "t h e y", "d i d", "d e c a d e s", "a g o", "t h a t ' s", "a", "g o o d", "m o v e" ]
[ 2204, 379, 780, 4585, 3445, 3618, 4902, 2148, 4693, 4693, 4693, 4693, 1370, 1370, 3578, 67, 1011, 1011, 2214, 2324, 3849, 3849, 4852, 4852, 4340, 1787, 1435, 2670, 2026, 41, 2272, 692, 692, 692, 4835, 4835, 825, 4951, 1100, 1895, 1895, 4188, 2362, 2362, 2512, 2512, 2512, 2538, 307, 4669, 3952, 3952, 3742, 3559, 3385, 298, 4077, 923, 1139, 84, 84, 4055, 2231, 1283, 3025, 4348, 4348, 4348, 4348, 1111, 1111, 3279, 3279, 3535, 1701, 1701, 1794, 1005, 4546, 4546, 4546, 1577, 231, 3509, 3509, 2731, 494, 2055, 98, 814, 311, 884, 4409, 742, 71, 4665, 4243, 4243, 72, 1245, 3913, 3913, 532, 828, 2030, 2677, 2026, 1586, 1504, 832, 1064, 210, 1323, 4317, 3115, 3115, 3115, 3115, 3115, 49, 4202, 1367, 433, 2389, 3853, 2188, 2188, 2188, 2188, 2188, 4251, 1244, 979, 223, 223, 1854, 1414, 4416, 1655, 2926, 2926, 4817, 4817, 3488, 4322, 3581, 2665, 2665, 4433, 2665, 1172, 798, 4120, 146, 2832, 2832, 2158, 671, 2043, 1104, 180, 180, 180, 4935, 2945, 4788, 4788, 697, 2618, 2005, 2950, 525, 4499, 1764, 296, 2186, 551, 4807, 1952, 1099, 1099, 3299, 768, 2008, 4480, 4480, 411, 2142, 1021, 389, 389, 389, 389, 1183, 1183, 2068, 4587, 1897, 742, 2741, 221, 2958, 566, 3686, 182, 2753, 2812, 231, 2973, 1119, 1119, 1207, 1207, 1207, 1207, 1207, 2807, 1964, 1964, 4540, 4540, 3883, 2734, 4635, 3106, 838, 1344, 2441, 2117, 45, 1345, 1751, 2928, 2928, 2928, 393, 2743, 2428, 2712, 2268, 2566, 3256, 3256, 409, 409, 2357, 4202, 1568, 433, 2389, 3853, 3029, 3029, 3029, 3029, 3029, 1964, 4540, 1523, 1110, 2205, 2205, 142, 71, 3557, 4665, 4243, 234, 3913, 532, 828, 2030, 4195, 2026, 3958, 1787, 1787, 2089, 433, 2231, 1283, 3025, 3025, 3039, 3039, 3039, 3039, 2802, 1743, 2559, 1733, 2903, 1515, 1470, 1470, 2656, 2656, 1964, 3345, 1737, 3711, 273, 4077, 2906, 1008, 1008, 1992, 2481, 4124, 2272, 2531, 3116, 81, 81, 2046, 4170, 4170, 4170, 3340, 1873, 4450, 3040, 3087, 3295, 166, 166, 166, 166, 2026, 1504, 4461, 2229, 320, 3183, 3183, 804, 2029, 1285, 1285, 273, 4433, 2213, 4607, 95, 95, 2481, 777, 381, 2272, 692, 692, 692, 4835, 4835, 267, 4951, 2199, 1895, 46, 46, 4011, 202, 995, 1589, 1589, 4653, 4653, 4653, 4653, 3952, 3952, 3952, 880, 880, 880, 3654, 3654, 718, 718, 2152, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.1403458769633508, 0.4611364528795812, 0.801976439790576, 1.1829152486910997, 1.9648422774869114, 2.3056822643979062, 2.6866210732984297, 3.0274610602094243, 3.50864692408377, 3.7091410340314144, 3.9697833769633513, 4.1101292539267025, 4.450969240837697, 4.591315117801048, 4.771759816753927, 4.932155104712043, 5.373242146596859, 6.095020942408378, 6.4358609293193725, 6.856898560209426, 6.9370962041884825, 7.177689136125656 ]
[ 0.1403458769633508, 0.4611364528795812, 0.801976439790576, 1.1829152486910997, 1.9648422774869114, 2.3056822643979062, 2.6866210732984297, 3.0274610602094243, 3.50864692408377, 3.7091410340314144, 3.9697833769633513, 4.1101292539267025, 4.450969240837697, 4.591315117801048, 4.771759816753927, 4.932155104712043, 5.373242146596859, 6.095020942408378, 6.4358609293193725, 6.856898560209426, 6.9370962041884825, 7.177689136125656, 7.638825589005237 ]
Well, for many reasons.
well for many reasons.
[ "well", "for", "many", "reasons." ]
[ "well", "for", "many", "reasons" ]
[ "w e l l", "f o r", "m a n y", "r e a s o n s" ]
[ 1499, 1499, 1499, 1499, 1499, 1499, 1499, 1499, 1499, 1499, 1499, 1499, 1499, 1499, 1499, 1499, 231, 1499, 1499, 1499, 1499, 1499, 1499, 1499, 2559, 1499, 1499, 1499, 1499, 4024, 1499, 1499, 1499, 1499, 1499, 1499, 1499, 1499, 1499, 1499, 1499, 1499, 1499, 1499, 1499, 1499, 1499, 1499, 1499, 1499, 1499, 1499, 1186, 1499, 1499, 1499, 1499, 1499, 1499, 1499, 1499, 1499 ]
[ 0, 0.26420665322580644, 0.4471189516129032, 0.6910020161290323 ]
[ 0.26420665322580644, 0.4471189516129032, 0.6910020161290323, 1.2397389112903228 ]
They want to strip you of your voting rights, they want to stop giving you European funding, and all of it because you have the audacity to stand up to George Soros, the man who has poured USD 15 billion all over the world in trying to break down the nation states and to get rid of our traditional forms of democracy. In Hungary he spent money to promote illegal immigration into your country and you, quite rightly, have stood up to him and closed him down.
they want to strip you of your voting rights they want to stop giving you european funding and all of it because you have the audacity to stand up to george soros the man who has poured usd fifteen billion all over the world in trying to break down the nation states and to get rid of our traditional forms of democracy. in hungary he spent money to promote illegal immigration into your country and you quite rightly have stood up to him and closed him down.
[ "they", "want", "to", "strip", "you", "of", "your", "voting", "rights", "they", "want", "to", "stop", "giving", "you", "european", "funding", "and", "all", "of", "it", "because", "you", "have", "the", "audacity", "to", "stand", "up", "to", "george", "soros", "the", "man", "who", "has", "poured", "usd", "fifteen", "billion", "all", "over", "the", "world", "in", "trying", "to", "break", "down", "the", "nation", "states", "and", "to", "get", "rid", "of", "our", "traditional", "forms", "of", "democracy.", "in", "hungary", "he", "spent", "money", "to", "promote", "illegal", "immigration", "into", "your", "country", "and", "you", "quite", "rightly", "have", "stood", "up", "to", "him", "and", "closed", "him", "down." ]
[ "they", "want", "to", "strip", "you", "of", "your", "voting", "rights", "they", "want", "to", "stop", "giving", "you", "european", "funding", "and", "all", "of", "it", "because", "you", "have", "the", "audacity", "to", "stand", "up", "to", "george", "soros", "the", "man", "who", "has", "poured", "usd", "fifteen", "billion", "all", "over", "the", "world", "in", "trying", "to", "break", "down", "the", "nation", "states", "and", "to", "get", "rid", "of", "our", "traditional", "forms", "of", "democracy", "in", "hungary", "he", "spent", "money", "to", "promote", "illegal", "immigration", "into", "your", "country", "and", "you", "quite", "rightly", "have", "stood", "up", "to", "him", "and", "closed", "him", "down" ]
[ "t h e y", "w a n t", "t o", "s t r i p", "y o u", "o f", "y o u r", "v o t i n g", "r i g h t s", "t h e y", "w a n t", "t o", "s t o p", "g i v i n g", "y o u", "e u r o p e a n", "f u n d i n g", "a n d", "a l l", "o f", "i t", "b e c a u s e", "y o u", "h a v e", "t h e", "a u d a c i t y", "t o", "s t a n d", "u p", "t o", "g e o r g e", "s o r o s", "t h e", "m a n", "w h o", "h a s", "p o u r e d", "u s d", "f i f t e e n", "b i l l i o n", "a l l", "o v e r", "t h e", "w o r l d", "i n", "t r y i n g", "t o", "b r e a k", "d o w n", "t h e", "n a t i o n", "s t a t e s", "a n d", "t o", "g e t", "r i d", "o f", "o u r", "t r a d i t i o n a l", "f o r m s", "o f", "d e m o c r a c y", "i n", "h u n g a r y", "h e", "s p e n t", "m o n e y", "t o", "p r o m o t e", "i l l e g a l", "i m m i g r a t i o n", "i n t o", "y o u r", "c o u n t r y", "a n d", "y o u", "q u i t e", "r i g h t l y", "h a v e", "s t o o d", "u p", "t o", "h i m", "a n d", "c l o s e d", "h i m", "d o w n" ]
[ 1564, 3256, 3256, 409, 49, 3649, 2833, 2031, 2111, 2111, 2111, 4652, 1313, 2491, 2491, 1723, 1109, 4876, 9, 382, 1084, 120, 2314, 347, 609, 609, 3088, 3088, 3088, 3323, 4648, 3737, 3737, 1721, 2867, 2867, 3591, 2191, 2191, 4645, 4645, 4645, 4342, 4342, 4342, 4450, 4409, 3087, 3087, 3295, 3295, 3295, 122, 122, 122, 2778, 2778, 2778, 852, 322, 1151, 1586, 1151, 2281, 2789, 2331, 2331, 4789, 4789, 4789, 3202, 1601, 3466, 2867, 2867, 992, 779, 4476, 3596, 3596, 3596, 4026, 4026, 1677, 1928, 479, 2868, 3225, 3225, 3225, 3225, 2797, 3153, 1878, 3078, 2646, 4433, 513, 2402, 4687, 4687, 2308, 7, 3086, 3771, 3031, 3031, 1827, 1988, 926, 3518, 3518, 3518, 3518, 495, 495, 2122, 2122, 445, 445, 538, 4505, 3773, 4077, 3954, 3954, 162, 2324, 3849, 986, 1504, 4461, 3256, 3256, 409, 49, 3649, 1346, 1345, 2031, 2111, 2111, 2111, 2111, 2548, 2548, 4744, 1550, 1550, 2948, 1401, 1292, 1292, 1292, 1292, 1551, 3938, 3938, 4881, 1172, 1172, 1172, 2404, 101, 382, 382, 1084, 3194, 1339, 47, 1555, 2266, 2266, 2266, 2266, 2266, 1879, 4385, 2808, 2808, 4675, 1721, 2436, 142, 142, 2593, 2593, 399, 399, 1128, 1128, 1357, 1357, 23, 110, 2030, 4195, 2670, 2026, 1784, 1223, 3281, 2553, 2553, 2553, 3056, 3266, 3637, 501, 501, 473, 2379, 7, 2485, 2485, 3591, 3591, 2191, 2191, 4645, 4645, 4645, 4669, 4342, 4342, 4342, 1551, 1873, 3040, 3087, 2593, 71, 2220, 2220, 2220, 3134, 110, 110, 110, 4195, 3744, 4122, 4423, 4423, 992, 2775, 2144, 1004, 1004, 2262, 2262, 470, 3648, 4566, 1853, 3593, 583, 4907, 2096, 231, 4643, 439, 784, 784, 784, 3392, 3392, 1244, 916, 916, 2626, 4465, 54, 2649, 2160, 2210, 4401, 3087, 3295, 3295, 166, 166, 166, 166, 4658, 785, 1096, 43, 2043, 1553, 1553, 1553, 1553, 1942, 2548, 3793, 3793, 2682, 2219, 4825, 1182, 1182, 1182, 1182, 1697, 4914, 4914, 598, 1773, 2210, 2210, 2039, 3087, 315, 315, 315, 15, 4389, 2760, 2760, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 3458, 3458, 3458, 453, 453, 453, 453, 852, 1436, 3268, 1066, 1586, 1249, 108, 108, 68, 2707, 2740, 2271, 1354, 1354, 1354, 4129, 4129, 4129, 3186, 1566, 4333, 874, 4778, 2997, 1993, 1266, 1266, 4156, 2969, 4587, 4587, 3133, 1908, 1257, 1257, 891, 91, 3766, 4633, 3718, 3603, 888, 888, 888, 888, 888, 888, 719, 719, 719, 2456, 2456, 2456, 536, 67, 67, 2898, 2898, 4100, 621, 621, 3414, 881, 881, 61, 1302, 15, 15, 15, 4710, 374, 374, 374, 374, 374, 4222, 2756, 2756, 2756, 2756, 3215, 2200, 2200, 2200, 2200, 107, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1280, 1280, 1280, 1280, 1280, 1280, 1280, 2490, 214, 1864, 1864, 1864, 88, 88, 88, 2982, 2925, 2925, 4063, 4122, 4423, 4423, 4423, 512, 512, 988, 988, 988, 988, 988, 988, 988, 4669, 4669, 4342, 4342, 4342, 1846, 1846, 1846, 1846, 1846, 322, 1873, 1482, 1482, 3422, 2447, 3295, 3295, 3295, 166, 166, 166, 3744, 1792, 4774, 395, 3939, 3939, 999, 1434, 1434, 2573, 3466, 199, 721, 4141, 1064, 100, 210, 1323, 822, 3007, 3007, 3798, 3798, 4026, 693, 3049, 2089, 42, 433, 2231, 3025, 2421, 2421, 2421, 2421, 3671, 2881, 2881, 4697, 4955, 4955, 4955, 2874, 3005, 2322, 1090, 1090, 1577, 1268, 1268, 513, 2017, 1036, 3684, 3684, 3684, 3843, 153, 153, 1248, 1248, 2427, 3087, 315, 315, 315, 315, 15, 15, 15, 374, 374, 374, 374, 374, 238, 4621, 4621, 4621, 4621, 4621, 3164, 1280, 1280, 1280, 1280, 1981, 214, 214, 214, 2982, 2982, 2026, 1784, 1784, 1401, 3490, 3490, 3210, 1109, 158, 9, 1084, 1084, 3271, 1641, 1643, 590, 2669, 2669, 2669, 2669, 2669, 2669, 2451, 1390, 463, 314, 2513, 2781, 883, 2740, 3090, 1712, 1712, 1712, 1712, 1712, 3560, 3560, 2808, 4675, 2732, 1721, 2436, 2436, 2447, 122, 3295, 3295, 122, 122, 2778, 2778, 110, 4195, 4195, 4063, 1784, 63, 198, 198, 630, 1617, 3049, 1967, 3138, 286, 2097, 2097, 2635, 2635, 2635, 2635, 2635, 2735, 365, 365, 1810, 2060, 3442, 4797, 3553, 4077, 1069, 313, 3914, 2704, 3460, 3460, 1104, 2361, 2361, 4942, 4942, 470, 470, 2749, 2749, 2311, 660, 968, 1238, 2640, 3530, 542, 542, 4100, 162, 2324, 2324, 3849, 986, 742, 1504, 1448, 492, 177, 2816, 4493, 308, 235, 235, 3955, 3955, 3955, 3955, 3955, 3448, 3448, 3448, 4489, 4489, 209, 1282, 269, 4681, 2210, 4401, 3087, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 15, 15, 15, 4389, 2691, 2135, 4974, 2691, 2116, 408, 408, 408, 2885, 4002, 408, 4940, 4002, 4002, 4002, 4002, 4002, 1714, 1692, 4755, 4063, 3117, 1377, 1377, 186, 3111, 579, 179, 2102, 2708, 2708, 2713, 4318, 3930, 2821, 4241, 3326, 2973, 452, 2758, 2837, 2837, 2837, 178, 178, 2735, 3340, 3340, 365, 1296, 2199, 3883, 2734, 4120, 623, 1206, 43, 4953, 3549, 3549, 3549, 3549, 3549, 2405, 2405, 4339, 4154, 1524, 367, 47, 208, 3051, 3051, 3051, 3051, 35, 1953, 3171, 2168, 522, 4846, 830, 1440, 1440, 1440, 1440, 3133, 739, 2295, 2295, 2295, 2295, 2295, 2561, 4146, 4146, 1126, 1126, 916, 2626, 2626, 4741, 3687, 522, 3918, 4846, 2410, 42, 2231, 902, 902, 360, 360, 360, 360, 2141, 317, 1197, 2583, 4930, 2232, 3804, 3804, 3804, 3804, 608, 4287, 4287, 4287, 67, 67, 4433, 2898, 2898, 145, 621, 1311, 61, 4811, 4811, 4389, 4389, 1357, 1357, 2778, 2778, 2778, 2827, 3740, 2982, 1886, 1886, 1586, 2281, 4918, 1354, 1354, 1354, 1354, 1354, 4129, 4129, 3186, 4333, 2740, 1664, 1664, 1664, 1664, 1571, 1571, 695, 147, 147, 2864, 437, 4141, 177, 2059, 4725, 4714, 144, 1851, 4814, 1866, 1866, 1866, 1866, 1866, 1866, 1866, 1866, 3324, 3324, 3324, 3324, 807, 807, 807, 807, 807, 402, 402, 4497, 2205, 3190, 2593, 2593, 399, 1128, 1128, 1128, 1357, 1357, 852, 1436, 1066, 2026, 2281, 1249, 3125, 3867, 2793, 1949, 3832, 1185, 2099, 3237, 4374, 4374, 3826, 117, 117, 117, 117, 117, 4082, 4082, 2397, 2397, 156, 300, 3326, 3026, 219, 2491, 630, 1060, 2164, 2164, 231, 1498, 1498, 323, 323, 3258, 3258, 3258, 418, 246, 2663, 4786, 1588, 2664, 1129, 2849, 433, 2231, 485, 485, 2912, 2912, 2912, 1877, 1877, 975, 3067, 314, 662, 40, 3291, 10, 4959, 4959, 4519, 4841, 4841, 4841, 4841, 3430, 225, 4780, 18, 1840, 222, 636, 636, 1055, 1748, 2527, 760, 4077, 9, 1084, 3271, 47, 1643, 1690, 911, 911, 911, 1086, 1086, 518, 518, 445, 1136, 538, 538, 4505, 3773, 3773, 4100, 4100, 4100, 162, 1311, 634, 3557, 3557, 3557, 1128, 234, 234, 3913, 3844, 3844, 2677, 2725, 1784, 1058, 1401, 3490, 3490, 2481, 1223, 3024, 3024, 3725, 1024, 1024, 2068, 2969, 2408, 1752, 1752, 1132, 1132, 1827, 1827, 1467, 1467, 1467, 1467, 1467, 267, 3333, 1523, 1110, 977, 2205, 1340, 142, 2593, 399, 1128, 1128, 1128, 1128, 1128, 1286, 1286, 1286, 110, 1436, 3268, 3744, 1249, 64, 1493, 2997, 701, 161, 1570, 3924, 3924, 3996, 4652, 89, 4095, 2588, 2588, 4095, 1313, 3496, 3224, 3224, 3224, 2986, 2504, 603, 2256, 2256, 3300, 3300, 2309, 4357, 3325, 3325, 1187, 1177, 563, 623, 1096, 43, 2595, 2108, 3484, 3484, 3484, 3484, 2235, 2235, 3340, 4904, 4904, 3634, 3905, 3905, 978, 1985, 32, 2091, 4077, 3294, 1311, 634, 4811, 4811, 2220, 3134, 1286, 1436, 312, 742, 2281, 64, 1776, 169, 965, 3652, 42, 3522, 1353, 1353, 4684, 4929, 2407, 2407, 2407, 2407, 2407, 4648, 383, 231, 2000, 406, 3647, 3647, 3647, 3647, 1554, 4077, 121, 655, 2503, 2503, 3684, 3684, 311, 884, 3040, 71, 4665, 3134, 3134, 1436, 1436, 3268, 312, 1249, 1510, 108, 108, 3610, 1313, 1313, 289, 4359, 3938, 4044, 1149, 1347, 4307, 1431, 1431, 1431, 1431, 3682, 1290, 3455, 3455, 2098, 4723, 1466, 3884, 27, 1983, 4850, 2443, 1971, 1493, 965, 2277, 581, 55, 560, 2497, 4426, 4426, 4426, 4426, 4426, 2735, 2735, 365, 1869, 356, 3530, 4433, 3954, 3954, 162, 1311, 634, 4811, 3557, 3557, 1128, 1128, 3913, 3913, 532, 1436, 1436, 1436, 312, 312, 2198, 51, 1797, 2652, 1166, 2622, 1914, 4077, 9, 4019, 3987, 2607, 3303, 2510, 2510, 2510, 1331, 496, 4994, 4300, 4300, 4997, 3807, 4011, 1456, 995, 691, 691, 691, 691, 2300, 3613, 357, 357, 1848, 1848, 3843, 311, 884, 2377, 2377, 3040, 2593, 2593, 399, 2220, 2220, 2220, 2778, 2778, 110, 4195, 4195, 1784, 1784, 1359, 1401, 2491, 2491, 630, 2261, 1210, 2559, 1724, 4660, 3407, 3167, 3167, 285, 285, 4684, 1593, 1130, 1130, 1130, 202, 995, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 3345, 3153, 4345, 4524, 4524, 1136, 2732, 1725, 3472, 3472, 1340, 1340, 142, 2220, 2220, 2220, 1286, 2778, 110, 4195, 4195, 1886, 1586, 2281, 1249, 1845, 1845, 2128, 4052, 3969, 3969, 275, 1688, 4958, 770, 770, 770, 770, 1350, 1350, 3879, 3879, 4124, 2098, 2645, 2645, 183, 183, 668, 668, 4808, 4808, 4808, 1873, 4450, 3040, 3087, 2220, 2220, 166, 166, 1262, 163, 163, 1249, 2666, 459, 2855, 2855, 1947, 4134, 1777, 3344, 3344, 3344, 2481, 777, 126, 406, 4201, 3688, 3688, 3688, 3688, 1573, 1573, 3430, 225, 4780, 3405, 419, 1840, 222, 3534, 3534, 60, 54, 2649, 2160, 824, 2002, 80, 890, 742, 2666, 4967, 1048, 1048, 1048, 1048, 4109, 4109, 4895, 1843, 4057, 4057, 4057, 4216, 790, 779, 4476, 3596, 3596, 3596, 4026, 4026, 1694, 1694, 231, 559, 3718, 2497, 1083, 1083, 1083, 1083, 1083, 2854, 2854, 2373, 2373, 2373, 2952, 2952, 2952, 352, 352, 27, 27, 1418, 2540, 311, 587, 1247, 80, 983, 231, 781, 1406, 108, 3610, 68, 2838, 1185, 2485, 338, 4423, 992, 512, 512, 988, 988, 988, 988, 988, 4669, 4669, 4342, 4342, 1846, 1846, 1873, 4450, 3040, 3087, 2593, 399, 399, 1128, 1128, 1128, 2220, 1286, 1286, 110, 110, 110, 4195, 4195, 2670, 1784, 310, 2902, 3696, 3696, 1649, 1703, 1703, 1703, 1703, 1703, 1703, 1173, 3795, 2408, 2408, 1752, 1752, 2888, 1827, 926, 926, 3518, 3518, 3518, 495, 495, 1173, 246, 3795, 3998, 1588, 2278, 4119, 4119, 494, 2055, 98, 98, 814, 311, 311, 2689, 884, 2377, 4409, 2593, 2593, 399, 399, 1128, 1128, 1286, 1286, 1286, 110, 110, 312, 312, 3614, 3273, 3273, 3267, 316, 316, 158, 3702, 3702, 3702, 382, 382, 1084, 3194, 1641, 47, 1731, 1731, 1731, 1731, 1529, 4073, 3090, 1712, 1712, 1712, 3560, 4818, 3737, 4903, 4903, 114, 3026, 665, 3179, 3179, 564, 4087, 2222, 4408, 3977, 3977, 322, 2846, 2876, 893, 893, 2139, 4401, 3087, 2593, 399, 2220, 2220, 3134, 1436, 1436, 3268, 890, 742, 1249, 1097, 108, 3610, 68, 253, 488, 2099, 2099, 2559, 310, 3317, 305, 305, 3701, 826, 826, 4467, 4467, 4467, 3956, 3153, 3153, 3742, 3559, 4594, 4301, 3362, 4995, 4576, 1682, 3977, 3977, 3977, 375, 258, 258, 2410, 2158, 2231, 1283, 485, 485, 2912, 2912, 2912, 1877, 1877, 217, 975, 975, 975, 2487, 3764, 151, 443, 3087, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.10004978510028653, 0.2401194842406877, 0.32015931232091693, 0.6803385386819484, 1.0805376790830947, 1.4607268624641834, 1.6608264326647566, 2.1210554441260747, 2.541264541547278, 2.7213541547277935, 2.941463681948424, 3.1815831661891116, 3.781881876790831, 4.302140759312321, 4.662319985673353, 5.582778008595988, 6.4832260744985675, 6.883425214899714, 7.06351482808023, 7.143554656160458, 7.263614398280803, 8.40418194842407, 9.424689756446991, 9.864908810888252, 9.984968553008596, 11.105526146131806, 11.605775071633238, 12.045994126074499, 12.406173352435529, 12.686312750716331, 13.08651189111748, 13.626780730659025, 13.786860386819484, 14.447188968481376, 14.887408022922637, 15.067497636103152, 15.407666905444126, 15.507716690544413, 16.027975573065902, 16.988453510028652, 17.668792048710603, 17.888901575931232, 17.988951361031518, 18.629269985673353, 18.909409383954156, 19.229568696275074, 19.329618481375356, 19.66978775071633, 19.949927148997137, 20.04997693409742, 20.390146203438395, 20.850375214899717, 21.130514613180516, 21.270584312320917, 21.49069383954155, 21.950922851002865, 22.231062249283667, 22.331112034383953, 22.81135100286533, 23.391639756446992, 23.591739326647566, 24.332107736389684, 24.612247134670486, 25.33260558739255, 25.852864469914042, 26.17302378223496, 26.633252793696276, 26.953412106017193, 27.71379047277937, 28.534198710601718, 29.41463681948424, 29.7147861747851, 29.914885744985675, 30.435144627507164, 30.695274068767908, 31.13549312320917, 31.71578187679083, 32.336090544412606, 32.7162797277937, 32.9964191260745, 33.156498782234955, 33.2765585243553, 33.61672779369628, 33.91687714899713, 34.3570962034384, 34.49716590257879 ]
[ 0.10004978510028653, 0.2401194842406877, 0.32015931232091693, 0.6803385386819484, 1.0805376790830947, 1.4607268624641834, 1.6608264326647566, 2.1210554441260747, 2.541264541547278, 2.7213541547277935, 2.941463681948424, 3.1815831661891116, 3.781881876790831, 4.302140759312321, 4.662319985673353, 5.582778008595988, 6.4832260744985675, 6.883425214899714, 7.06351482808023, 7.143554656160458, 7.263614398280803, 8.40418194842407, 9.424689756446991, 9.864908810888252, 9.984968553008596, 11.105526146131806, 11.605775071633238, 12.045994126074499, 12.406173352435529, 12.686312750716331, 13.08651189111748, 13.626780730659025, 13.786860386819484, 14.447188968481376, 14.887408022922637, 15.067497636103152, 15.407666905444126, 15.487706733524355, 16.027975573065902, 16.988453510028652, 17.668792048710603, 17.888901575931232, 17.988951361031518, 18.629269985673353, 18.909409383954156, 19.229568696275074, 19.329618481375356, 19.66978775071633, 19.949927148997137, 20.04997693409742, 20.390146203438395, 20.850375214899717, 21.130514613180516, 21.270584312320917, 21.49069383954155, 21.950922851002865, 22.231062249283667, 22.311102077363895, 22.81135100286533, 23.391639756446992, 23.591739326647566, 24.332107736389684, 24.612247134670486, 25.33260558739255, 25.852864469914042, 26.17302378223496, 26.633252793696276, 26.953412106017193, 27.71379047277937, 28.534198710601718, 29.41463681948424, 29.7147861747851, 29.914885744985675, 30.435144627507164, 30.695274068767908, 31.13549312320917, 31.71578187679083, 32.336090544412606, 32.7162797277937, 32.9964191260745, 33.156498782234955, 33.2765585243553, 33.61672779369628, 33.91687714899713, 34.3570962034384, 34.49716590257879, 34.89736504297994 ]
Mr President, in the Anglo American world, the primary purpose of the law is to protect people from random arrest and arbitrary imprisonment.
mr president in the anglo american world the primary purpose of the law is to protect people from random arrest and arbitrary imprisonment.
[ "mr", "president", "in", "the", "anglo", "american", "world", "the", "primary", "purpose", "of", "the", "law", "is", "to", "protect", "people", "from", "random", "arrest", "and", "arbitrary", "imprisonment." ]
[ "mr", "president", "in", "the", "anglo", "american", "world", "the", "primary", "purpose", "of", "the", "law", "is", "to", "protect", "people", "from", "random", "arrest", "and", "arbitrary", "imprisonment" ]
[ "m r", "p r e s i d e n t", "i n", "t h e", "a n g l o", "a m e r i c a n", "w o r l d", "t h e", "p r i m a r y", "p u r p o s e", "o f", "t h e", "l a w", "i s", "t o", "p r o t e c t", "p e o p l e", "f r o m", "r a n d o m", "a r r e s t", "a n d", "a r b i t r a r y", "i m p r i s o n m e n t" ]
[ 4079, 3156, 3156, 4559, 4559, 4559, 1002, 1002, 1002, 1002, 1002, 1002, 3875, 129, 129, 129, 3991, 4702, 4702, 4702, 4702, 4790, 2012, 945, 945, 945, 945, 945, 945, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 4710, 4710, 4710, 4710, 4710, 3579, 3579, 3579, 2654, 2654, 2654, 2135, 2654, 1922, 2654, 2654, 2885, 4310, 570, 4002, 570, 214, 214, 4310, 4310, 4310, 2085, 1886, 4321, 1886, 1249, 4826, 3867, 3867, 1446, 1949, 1625, 3364, 662, 832, 1064, 100, 210, 1323, 4317, 4197, 3907, 4086, 3502, 3502, 3502, 1624, 1624, 1290, 1290, 3455, 3455, 3957, 3809, 3809, 4133, 783, 783, 280, 4363, 3956, 3153, 401, 2222, 3566, 1488, 4684, 1593, 4493, 1130, 202, 308, 2993, 2302, 2302, 2302, 1660, 470, 3558, 3558, 4395, 4395, 1190, 1743, 2533, 903, 903, 4439, 4439, 4741, 54, 522, 3123, 954, 3691, 4714, 1346, 1346, 1851, 1851, 1866, 1866, 1866, 1866, 1866, 1866, 1866, 3324, 3324, 3324, 807, 807, 807, 807, 807, 807, 807, 807, 807, 402, 402, 4771, 2205, 2205, 97, 97, 2500, 2500, 73, 288, 3098, 163, 374, 599, 374, 238, 2691, 2691, 1003, 2135, 3993, 2135, 3305, 3305, 3305, 3305, 453, 3415, 2154, 214, 3740, 4195, 3227, 3227, 2559, 489, 1448, 492, 4730, 2261, 1210, 2812, 3170, 3170, 4660, 4660, 4660, 4660, 654, 654, 654, 654, 3706, 3706, 2366, 2366, 2366, 2366, 4417, 1341, 1341, 2887, 2887, 1030, 697, 3529, 3529, 2987, 3884, 1983, 1983, 1041, 438, 182, 1478, 1478, 62, 687, 2559, 2973, 1644, 1663, 996, 3352, 3352, 3352, 3352, 3352, 1580, 2467, 251, 595, 1059, 2419, 4565, 4565, 4565, 4565, 968, 1238, 3530, 4077, 542, 542, 3954, 162, 162, 872, 245, 245, 983, 983, 2789, 2331, 2331, 4789, 4789, 4789, 2968, 1601, 3855, 199, 721, 721, 4141, 10, 2059, 4828, 4828, 4052, 669, 1430, 2420, 1314, 1314, 1314, 1314, 1314, 1314, 1314, 3787, 3787, 3787, 4170, 4170, 4170, 3340, 3340, 1873, 4450, 2358, 610, 4276, 1915, 3458, 3458, 1128, 140, 140, 1245, 327, 23, 23, 23, 2827, 3740, 1586, 1416, 3958, 1886, 2026, 1249, 3125, 580, 580, 3077, 2791, 4969, 4077, 6, 1139, 4229, 4229, 1058, 1401, 219, 3490, 630, 2261, 1210, 2607, 3170, 3407, 3167, 3167, 285, 324, 3336, 1623, 62, 62, 974, 270, 1359, 1359, 2657, 541, 4722, 4722, 4722, 703, 703, 4648, 4786, 2359, 2842, 3972, 743, 3545, 3895, 4241, 2812, 104, 2973, 1154, 211, 211, 211, 1532, 1532, 4093, 595, 3249, 1916, 1916, 371, 371, 371, 668, 668, 195, 195, 195, 4450, 4620, 931, 610, 588, 2026, 3808, 1351, 4823, 3401, 31, 31, 31, 31, 157, 157, 157, 828, 828, 2030, 3958, 4658, 785, 2400, 2943, 4629, 4329, 906, 4255, 2052, 2052, 4567, 1626, 1626, 1132, 1132, 1827, 1988, 2710, 2710, 2347, 2347, 2347, 2347, 913, 1585, 463, 3793, 2682, 5, 3633, 990, 990, 375, 3905, 3216, 2002, 2002, 80, 983, 742, 2746, 1594, 1594, 3836, 3836, 1449, 1132, 2888, 1827, 4191, 4161, 4161, 4161, 4161, 93, 858, 4708, 3717, 4440, 1458, 1458, 1458, 1458, 2333, 368, 4995, 346, 1365, 245, 983, 890, 781, 1097, 2479, 1123, 4117, 4990, 2330, 2875, 2972, 742, 1045, 561, 2557, 1597, 1597, 1597, 865, 2883, 2883, 4175, 2759, 1632, 2882, 2882, 1090, 4183, 4183, 3237, 2952, 2952, 2952, 352, 352, 27, 27, 1983, 4601, 587, 1247, 1247, 231, 3963, 4967, 1405, 2378, 661, 1185, 830, 4591, 2812, 2559, 3170, 4660, 2149, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2562, 4032, 1360, 1272, 4388, 2944, 2944, 1067, 1067, 2539, 249, 249, 1146, 498, 498, 498, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.04006391797556719, 1.0416618673647466, 1.5023969240837696, 1.6626525959860383, 2.0833237347294933, 2.764410340314136, 3.6257845767888304, 4.0664876745200695, 4.767606239092495, 5.46872480366492, 5.68907635253054, 5.849332024432809, 6.430258835078534, 6.870961932809772, 7.031217604712041, 7.652208333333332, 8.333294938917973, 8.773998036649214, 9.294828970331588, 9.915819698952879, 10.156203206806282, 10.75716197643979 ]
[ 0.04006391797556719, 1.0416618673647466, 1.5023969240837696, 1.6626525959860383, 2.0833237347294933, 2.764410340314136, 3.6257845767888304, 4.0664876745200695, 4.767606239092495, 5.46872480366492, 5.68907635253054, 5.849332024432809, 6.430258835078534, 6.870961932809772, 7.031217604712041, 7.652208333333332, 8.333294938917973, 8.773998036649214, 9.294828970331588, 9.915819698952879, 10.156203206806282, 10.75716197643979, 11.458280541012215 ]
We talked about funding
we talked about funding;
[ "we", "talked", "about", "funding;" ]
[ "we", "talked", "about", "funding" ]
[ "w e", "t a l k e d", "a b o u t", "f u n d i n g" ]
[ 1499, 1499, 1499, 1499, 2026, 1499, 1499, 3872, 3872, 3872, 3872, 3872, 1499, 1499, 1499, 231, 2559, 1499, 1499, 3872, 3872, 3872, 1499, 1499, 231, 1499, 3872, 3872, 3872, 3872, 3872, 3872, 1499, 1499, 231, 1499, 1499, 4077, 1499, 1499, 1499, 3872, 3872, 3872, 3872, 3872, 3872, 1499, 1499, 1499, 1499, 1499, 1499, 2811, 1499, 3872, 1499, 1499, 1499, 1499, 1499, 1499, 1499, 1499, 1499, 1499, 1499, 1499, 1499 ]
[ 0, 0.06086684782608696, 0.42606793478260874, 0.7506911231884059 ]
[ 0.06086684782608696, 0.4057789855072464, 0.7506911231884059, 1.3796485507246377 ]
Let me mention, of course, the EU Social Fund, which is used to improve employment opportunities, promote education and lifelong learning and develop active inclusion policies.
let me mention of course the eu social fund which is used to improve employment opportunities promote education and lifelong learning and develop active inclusion policies.
[ "let", "me", "mention", "of", "course", "the", "eu", "social", "fund", "which", "is", "used", "to", "improve", "employment", "opportunities", "promote", "education", "and", "lifelong", "learning", "and", "develop", "active", "inclusion", "policies." ]
[ "let", "me", "mention", "of", "course", "the", "eu", "social", "fund", "which", "is", "used", "to", "improve", "employment", "opportunities", "promote", "education", "and", "lifelong", "learning", "and", "develop", "active", "inclusion", "policies" ]
[ "l e t", "m e", "m e n t i o n", "o f", "c o u r s e", "t h e", "e u", "s o c i a l", "f u n d", "w h i c h", "i s", "u s e d", "t o", "i m p r o v e", "e m p l o y m e n t", "o p p o r t u n i t i e s", "p r o m o t e", "e d u c a t i o n", "a n d", "l i f e l o n g", "l e a r n i n g", "a n d", "d e v e l o p", "a c t i v e", "i n c l u s i o n", "p o l i c i e s" ]
[ 2204, 2971, 2971, 4556, 2307, 3054, 1145, 4973, 2170, 3504, 4054, 3144, 1593, 202, 308, 2993, 2510, 2510, 2510, 1331, 194, 194, 3155, 3405, 3405, 1840, 4392, 60, 60, 366, 2707, 1971, 3516, 1493, 2968, 3912, 2277, 917, 3189, 2559, 714, 4426, 4426, 4426, 2046, 2046, 3142, 279, 4740, 1477, 986, 4132, 2592, 1575, 1445, 4216, 790, 2092, 2092, 1135, 1135, 1135, 4172, 3142, 3142, 683, 298, 2535, 79, 1479, 3460, 2228, 3946, 4563, 644, 644, 225, 603, 1275, 3061, 1273, 183, 183, 4609, 1006, 3834, 3834, 1368, 623, 1186, 43, 671, 1553, 2228, 2228, 1545, 1545, 3453, 2548, 3918, 4190, 4190, 4728, 775, 4429, 163, 4852, 4941, 4658, 623, 212, 43, 671, 2228, 2228, 1545, 1545, 1545, 3453, 2548, 4744, 1709, 2636, 1145, 3629, 551, 3700, 56, 405, 405, 3009, 1974, 358, 3197, 2148, 94, 3077, 1289, 298, 4671, 4671, 2867, 2775, 1135, 1135, 1135, 1135, 3742, 356, 2227, 515, 1139, 231, 1641, 1954, 885, 1395, 1019, 4659, 3908, 3908, 3908, 820, 4508, 4591, 3170, 4660, 4660, 654, 2044, 2044, 2044, 2044, 1819, 880, 2217, 745, 745, 3632, 197, 3963, 1405, 3908, 820, 3563, 4508, 3925, 1673, 4932, 263, 4075, 2050, 2050, 2050, 1269, 1269, 1912, 3144, 1404, 1067, 2539, 4813, 4813, 3453, 4744, 4744, 3567, 3109, 175, 507, 3672, 4907, 4643, 1059, 2303, 2303, 324, 4023, 894, 2877, 1996, 1996, 1996, 2348, 69, 3613, 3005, 3005, 2322, 1090, 89, 89, 1408, 1408, 3859, 3859, 292, 3385, 3830, 1275, 3294, 634, 2967, 3557, 3557, 1252, 1128, 1245, 1245, 1245, 3913, 1357, 828, 2030, 710, 2725, 3958, 2026, 1586, 3170, 4660, 3167, 3167, 3167, 285, 4684, 2816, 3948, 4039, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 2797, 771, 825, 1442, 3249, 3109, 175, 1169, 600, 514, 3638, 3536, 2580, 3006, 3006, 91, 3189, 4633, 3112, 181, 3690, 3690, 3690, 1573, 3430, 225, 4780, 18, 1840, 4392, 636, 636, 3212, 2707, 289, 2479, 2479, 1123, 4190, 4190, 4190, 4190, 2251, 738, 1230, 2420, 3019, 3019, 3019, 3019, 2426, 1598, 1301, 1490, 2644, 775, 3800, 4852, 890, 163, 4852, 4941, 229, 669, 1230, 240, 240, 240, 240, 1236, 1173, 2217, 1271, 1300, 1300, 3809, 426, 1230, 3019, 3019, 2426, 3682, 1490, 2644, 3789, 1616, 3809, 426, 1230, 1230, 1070, 4060, 4060, 4060, 4060, 1977, 1977, 69, 3613, 3169, 1605, 1182, 1697, 4914, 2644, 2644, 3249, 3789, 142, 142, 2593, 4665, 4243, 4243, 234, 234, 234, 532, 3844, 1436, 3268, 1066, 2026, 2026, 1510, 2754, 108, 3610, 68, 4117, 2410, 3925, 3522, 572, 1353, 1353, 1928, 1928, 3612, 2868, 2383, 2383, 2383, 2383, 4147, 4033, 2431, 2431, 2431, 1761, 3737, 2732, 1721, 3632, 245, 890, 890, 2411, 2411, 4007, 1640, 3218, 2802, 3249, 2138, 2159, 1524, 1524, 1163, 3894, 466, 2861, 283, 1966, 4659, 4659, 3908, 3908, 488, 488, 4591, 310, 3317, 2445, 1998, 1998, 1998, 4563, 825, 4221, 4221, 4221, 4632, 60, 4359, 4359, 1055, 2160, 824, 824, 824, 775, 775, 3800, 3800, 3800, 890, 3800, 4340, 1435, 1435, 1586, 3170, 1673, 4660, 654, 654, 1215, 2132, 2132, 80, 80, 1, 2558, 4285, 4285, 4285, 4285, 1992, 2753, 4907, 742, 381, 452, 116, 4422, 4422, 2141, 4147, 1940, 478, 196, 196, 4214, 237, 1275, 121, 4372, 901, 901, 3346, 3346, 292, 3830, 2898, 2898, 145, 2152, 2152, 4625, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.12022429906542055, 0.2404485981308411, 0.6211588785046729, 0.7614205607476635, 1.0018691588785045, 1.1421308411214952, 1.282392523364486, 1.963663551401869, 2.4645981308411216, 2.685009345794392, 2.845308411214953, 3.0657196261682245, 3.165906542056075, 3.6067289719626165, 4.1477383177570095, 4.989308411214953, 5.590429906542055, 6.131439252336449, 6.51214953271028, 7.193420560747663, 7.794542056074766, 8.095102803738317, 8.576, 8.976747663551402, 9.758205607476635 ]
[ 0.12022429906542055, 0.2404485981308411, 0.6211588785046729, 0.7614205607476635, 1.0018691588785045, 1.1421308411214952, 1.282392523364486, 1.963663551401869, 2.4645981308411216, 2.685009345794392, 2.845308411214953, 3.0657196261682245, 3.165906542056075, 3.6067289719626165, 4.1477383177570095, 4.989308411214953, 5.590429906542055, 6.131439252336449, 6.51214953271028, 7.193420560747663, 7.794542056074766, 8.095102803738317, 8.576, 8.976747663551402, 9.758205607476635, 10.699962616822429 ]
The partition of Ireland is not only a problem for us in Ireland.
the partition of ireland is not only a problem for us in ireland.
[ "the", "partition", "of", "ireland", "is", "not", "only", "a", "problem", "for", "us", "in", "ireland." ]
[ "the", "partition", "of", "ireland", "is", "not", "only", "a", "problem", "for", "us", "in", "ireland" ]
[ "t h e", "p a r t i t i o n", "o f", "i r e l a n d", "i s", "n o t", "o n l y", "a", "p r o b l e m", "f o r", "u s", "i n", "i r e l a n d" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 2114, 1335, 1335, 1400, 1400, 914, 524, 2677, 3958, 2026, 1504, 489, 1448, 492, 4730, 2261, 1210, 4643, 3407, 2828, 2828, 324, 231, 270, 944, 136, 2260, 1070, 1070, 3245, 3245, 2986, 225, 603, 4077, 419, 1840, 4392, 821, 821, 366, 3212, 2707, 1971, 4526, 4526, 2997, 5, 701, 161, 3487, 1309, 1309, 1309, 1309, 1309, 1309, 2908, 2945, 2945, 4391, 4391, 4391, 2561, 4033, 2369, 2369, 2369, 2369, 2369, 2288, 37, 2513, 4497, 2205, 3190, 142, 71, 4665, 3134, 3134, 3134, 3913, 3844, 1436, 312, 742, 14, 1510, 4364, 580, 580, 580, 1370, 2791, 3976, 4969, 4247, 480, 1693, 1315, 4480, 411, 2142, 1021, 2895, 2895, 2895, 1614, 1614, 1614, 1183, 2743, 2029, 131, 894, 743, 4571, 2330, 534, 534, 4918, 731, 731, 731, 731, 3437, 3437, 3437, 1263, 1263, 1263, 1112, 4541, 2628, 2628, 4946, 4850, 2443, 546, 546, 432, 4187, 1210, 2812, 231, 3170, 4660, 654, 654, 1215, 1215, 2132, 2132, 2132, 2132, 982, 982, 719, 4175, 2283, 2283, 1925, 3698, 3038, 3038, 892, 892, 892, 375, 3905, 3905, 4846, 50, 1368, 4635, 4077, 3106, 838, 840, 1883, 2441, 2441, 2441, 385, 2325, 2325, 2165, 2875, 742, 1, 561, 3017, 2361, 2361, 2361, 1051, 683, 4697, 4697, 923, 923, 121, 121, 2213, 1479, 3376, 4359, 4359, 4359, 3453, 3212, 3398, 2707, 3487, 1309, 1309, 1309, 1309, 1309, 2908, 2908, 2945, 4391, 4391, 4391, 2561, 4033, 2369, 2369, 2369, 1379, 3034, 4394, 4394, 412, 4497, 4673, 142, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.341394804526749, 0.8836100823045268, 1.0844305555555556, 1.666809927983539, 2.028286779835391, 2.429927726337449, 2.7914045781893004, 2.891814814814815, 3.514358281893004, 3.8155889917695474, 4.156983796296297, 4.3979683641975305 ]
[ 0.341394804526749, 0.8836100823045268, 1.0844305555555556, 1.666809927983539, 2.028286779835391, 2.429927726337449, 2.7914045781893004, 2.891814814814815, 3.514358281893004, 3.8155889917695474, 4.156983796296297, 4.3979683641975305, 4.859855452674898 ]
Therefore I thank you very much for giving me the floor in order to intervene at the beginning of this item on your agenda.
therefore i thank you very much for giving me the floor in order to intervene at the beginning of this item on your agenda.
[ "therefore", "i", "thank", "you", "very", "much", "for", "giving", "me", "the", "floor", "in", "order", "to", "intervene", "at", "the", "beginning", "of", "this", "item", "on", "your", "agenda." ]
[ "therefore", "i", "thank", "you", "very", "much", "for", "giving", "me", "the", "floor", "in", "order", "to", "intervene", "at", "the", "beginning", "of", "this", "item", "on", "your", "agenda" ]
[ "t h e r e f o r e", "i", "t h a n k", "y o u", "v e r y", "m u c h", "f o r", "g i v i n g", "m e", "t h e", "f l o o r", "i n", "o r d e r", "t o", "i n t e r v e n e", "a t", "t h e", "b e g i n n i n g", "o f", "t h i s", "i t e m", "o n", "y o u r", "a g e n d a" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 3409, 3409, 3409, 3861, 75, 2026, 2026, 2281, 1904, 2754, 108, 108, 3610, 4249, 2316, 3799, 4132, 2592, 1038, 1038, 1038, 8, 2009, 3232, 1870, 2535, 398, 398, 398, 398, 1772, 2524, 3618, 3246, 1065, 4193, 1847, 49, 1227, 2463, 231, 4466, 4466, 449, 449, 2988, 449, 1624, 2489, 4886, 2903, 2903, 2867, 3591, 2191, 2191, 4645, 4645, 1551, 1551, 1873, 4450, 4702, 4620, 4620, 3087, 315, 403, 1033, 122, 4618, 4618, 4618, 4618, 4618, 2778, 1716, 1716, 1511, 3042, 520, 945, 520, 3042, 3042, 3042, 4559, 4559, 4559, 1002, 1002, 1002, 1002, 1002, 755, 755, 2133, 2133, 1677, 1928, 5, 2868, 631, 2460, 2460, 519, 519, 274, 3144, 3846, 3948, 148, 751, 751, 751, 2448, 1056, 4797, 2103, 875, 4635, 4635, 3106, 840, 1883, 1883, 1508, 247, 247, 385, 385, 3142, 4234, 4234, 4753, 381, 1223, 3281, 2553, 2553, 3056, 4929, 3637, 501, 473, 2379, 156, 3771, 74, 3768, 2170, 3504, 4054, 1307, 4132, 2724, 2086, 3683, 563, 1815, 2832, 2832, 1615, 1615, 1394, 1394, 2980, 1920, 1920, 1920, 1920, 2787, 2787, 1753, 1316, 1484, 3040, 2593, 71, 399, 399, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 2691, 2778, 1003, 4940, 562, 3740, 3740, 3740, 3740, 3740, 2982, 2982, 1886, 3958, 981, 4826, 3867, 3867, 1949, 366, 2707, 822, 2394, 2394, 2394, 3403, 4736, 2171, 2073, 1502, 1975, 1288, 4018, 4023, 1954, 885, 1395, 564, 2222, 2409, 3908, 4109, 1447, 2559, 3567, 4097, 1740, 1740, 1740, 1740, 1977, 952, 1870, 3609, 3788, 3788, 35, 3214, 69, 3398, 289, 2127, 4131, 1100, 381, 4132, 2086, 3683, 2741, 1908, 848, 848, 1710, 3238, 4411, 4411, 4411, 3613, 3169, 1605, 1697, 1697, 4914, 3660, 2644, 2644, 3789, 3789, 3213, 1340, 1481, 2593, 742, 399, 1639, 4389, 4389, 1286, 2778, 2778, 2778, 2778, 2778, 2778, 2778, 2071, 4310, 2026, 912, 1511, 912, 231, 30, 2331, 2331, 4789, 2968, 1601, 1601, 3855, 4561, 381, 4132, 138, 4490, 4631, 1507, 1542, 1599, 923, 1275, 3954, 3954, 3954, 162, 162, 2324, 1203, 936, 4756, 742, 1792, 2404, 101, 1275, 3914, 2704, 190, 3091, 3091, 3091, 4373, 3287, 3287, 3287, 104, 1722, 3288, 3288, 3288, 2802, 2533, 2138, 2159, 1524, 1550, 2877, 3460, 4174, 4174, 3777, 2548, 1548, 2070, 2070, 291, 3596, 3596, 4285, 696, 1857, 1153, 4274, 2737, 4851, 1992, 514, 3638, 3536, 2097, 666, 666, 666, 3453, 2854, 3793, 2682, 2219, 4825, 3520, 3520, 3032, 3991, 4702, 922, 922, 922, 4625, 4625, 4625, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.7216985294117646, 0.8219344362745098, 1.0825477941176471, 1.6238216911764705, 2.225237132352941, 2.4257089460784313, 2.6863223039215685, 3.0070772058823527, 3.1073131127450977, 3.227596200980392, 3.8891531862745095, 4.350238357843137, 4.570757352941176, 4.691040441176471, 5.152125612745098, 5.212267156862745, 5.292455882352941, 5.93396568627451, 6.334909313725491, 6.876183210784314, 7.257079656862745, 7.397409926470588, 7.57783455882353 ]
[ 0.7216985294117646, 0.8219344362745098, 1.0825477941176471, 1.6238216911764705, 2.225237132352941, 2.4257089460784313, 2.6863223039215685, 3.0070772058823527, 3.1073131127450977, 3.227596200980392, 3.8891531862745095, 4.350238357843137, 4.570757352941176, 4.691040441176471, 5.152125612745098, 5.212267156862745, 5.292455882352941, 5.93396568627451, 6.334909313725491, 6.876183210784314, 7.257079656862745, 7.397409926470588, 7.57783455882353, 8.15920281862745 ]
That said, Tunisia is a country in a particularly unstable region where our potential value added is commensurate with the size of the country and the crucial period of change the country is going through.
that said tunisia is a country in a particularly unstable region where our potential value added is commensurate with the size of the country and the crucial period of change the country is going through.
[ "that", "said", "tunisia", "is", "a", "country", "in", "a", "particularly", "unstable", "region", "where", "our", "potential", "value", "added", "is", "commensurate", "with", "the", "size", "of", "the", "country", "and", "the", "crucial", "period", "of", "change", "the", "country", "is", "going", "through." ]
[ "that", "said", "tunisia", "is", "a", "country", "in", "a", "particularly", "unstable", "region", "where", "our", "potential", "value", "added", "is", "commensurate", "with", "the", "size", "of", "the", "country", "and", "the", "crucial", "period", "of", "change", "the", "country", "is", "going", "through" ]
[ "t h a t", "s a i d", "t u n i s i a", "i s", "a", "c o u n t r y", "i n", "a", "p a r t i c u l a r l y", "u n s t a b l e", "r e g i o n", "w h e r e", "o u r", "p o t e n t i a l", "v a l u e", "a d d e d", "i s", "c o m m e n s u r a t e", "w i t h", "t h e", "s i z e", "o f", "t h e", "c o u n t r y", "a n d", "t h e", "c r u c i a l", "p e r i o d", "o f", "c h a n g e", "t h e", "c o u n t r y", "i s", "g o i n g", "t h r o u g h" ]
[ 38, 4598, 4598, 2026, 4544, 75, 75, 75, 3958, 1586, 3163, 4461, 2229, 3183, 3183, 3183, 4556, 1285, 1285, 1285, 1666, 1666, 1479, 1479, 1070, 1070, 4628, 2667, 2667, 2667, 1964, 1523, 1100, 131, 2636, 977, 3190, 1340, 3087, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 163, 3295, 4389, 4389, 140, 140, 140, 4796, 4796, 4796, 1357, 1357, 3415, 3415, 2154, 2827, 4195, 2725, 3958, 2026, 381, 1954, 2090, 2090, 2090, 4959, 3471, 1559, 25, 4502, 4502, 3757, 3757, 3757, 1350, 225, 4221, 4221, 3061, 271, 271, 3720, 979, 979, 223, 223, 4185, 4185, 2148, 3483, 3483, 2791, 1289, 1275, 2213, 4607, 4607, 95, 95, 4187, 91, 581, 687, 231, 714, 3718, 2497, 1083, 1083, 1083, 2548, 2854, 2373, 2373, 860, 381, 2342, 2342, 352, 3043, 4946, 4946, 1270, 2942, 3212, 1790, 2660, 95, 432, 2261, 4907, 2607, 1673, 3949, 2828, 2828, 324, 1623, 860, 860, 2607, 2877, 1305, 1305, 1305, 1665, 3238, 2179, 2179, 2179, 3386, 1078, 4930, 1218, 1218, 1218, 224, 1112, 4541, 663, 4324, 587, 2165, 80, 2875, 742, 1045, 561, 938, 938, 938, 2023, 4768, 1748, 4834, 760, 1275, 3065, 3065, 3065, 47, 1643, 1690, 4910, 4529, 2807, 3413, 732, 2759, 1632, 4264, 2041, 2041, 1187, 3427, 3644, 448, 3548, 3548, 1517, 1517, 1517, 1350, 19, 3638, 3638, 1722, 3311, 1840, 4632, 4632, 60, 60, 2649, 4681, 4681, 1773, 4401, 2593, 2593, 2135, 3458, 3458, 3458, 1943, 1943, 1943, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245, 4796, 4796, 4796, 1357, 23, 828, 3415, 852, 1103, 28, 3958, 2026, 2234, 1683, 29, 3331, 3331, 2596, 2596, 423, 4961, 4705, 2165, 332, 3017, 4909, 4909, 4909, 342, 342, 904, 904, 4849, 4849, 4849, 223, 3996, 4187, 1478, 1478, 687, 1673, 3407, 3798, 3798, 324, 1623, 860, 860, 3189, 2877, 2877, 3929, 2510, 2510, 1331, 496, 194, 3155, 3155, 3405, 18, 3061, 1273, 1273, 1273, 2041, 1187, 1187, 1177, 1870, 1870, 2868, 3372, 4096, 4096, 2961, 2561, 4146, 4146, 3606, 3606, 3775, 2518, 1019, 111, 4185, 2667, 4628, 1814, 1814, 3581, 2171, 104, 2073, 4901, 2381, 4378, 3198, 364, 131, 3189, 2636, 2205, 142, 142, 2593, 3295, 163, 399, 399, 4389, 1128, 1128, 1286, 23, 110, 110, 3268, 3744, 3744, 4826, 3125, 580, 3483, 3077, 1289, 298, 923, 2019, 213, 1829, 3766, 560, 805, 155, 155, 155, 2733, 4493, 202, 308, 3555, 3555, 3555, 1331, 1164, 194, 1926, 3207, 1666, 2948, 1479, 4723, 3620, 3620, 4081, 3644, 1153, 2667, 2667, 871, 2807, 934, 565, 3373, 421, 131, 2732, 2636, 2007, 798, 2697, 4852, 2697, 2697, 4807, 1284, 318, 3044, 1140, 3748, 540, 1477, 4761, 4761, 2086, 2086, 2632, 3368, 1109, 4876, 1010, 3914, 552, 2704, 4528, 4528, 4806, 2931, 2931, 533, 167, 167, 282, 282, 3314, 3314, 4594, 296, 2213, 4260, 2446, 1512, 3869, 3912, 4561, 4561, 4132, 3347, 2632, 124, 2, 231, 560, 3718, 2497, 1083, 1083, 1083, 2548, 2854, 2373, 2373, 860, 2559, 3567, 2342, 352, 27, 27, 1418, 1418, 884, 1773, 1773, 3087, 3087, 315, 399, 3458, 3458, 3458, 1128, 1128, 1128, 1245, 1245, 1245, 327, 327, 23, 2778, 852, 852, 852, 28, 3744, 163, 981, 14, 1406, 1406, 3610, 4249, 2316, 1186, 2724, 2086, 1445, 891, 91, 231, 310, 2000, 2000, 2342, 2790, 2178, 2178, 2178, 2178, 644, 644, 356, 2504, 3061, 1273, 1273, 1273, 2041, 3834, 1177, 1478, 1478, 62, 62, 687, 742, 1673, 3865, 4064, 4064, 4064, 4064, 4064, 2161, 4081, 1153, 3304, 3304, 3720, 3720, 2937, 2937, 2937, 4542, 1296, 1100, 860, 742, 2007, 1365, 197, 2939, 2939, 2331, 4789, 2968, 3912, 3912, 745, 2277, 917, 917, 270, 4291, 1902, 1275, 4522, 1317, 3181, 3452, 3452, 3452, 3452, 3452, 578, 529, 529, 262, 3454, 3454, 3454, 3442, 3442, 3235, 733, 733, 1117, 1117, 4398, 4398, 634, 4811, 4811, 4811, 3557, 4389, 1128, 1128, 1357, 828, 828, 2827, 2827, 3958, 1416, 3958, 2026, 1504, 2592, 492, 124, 2, 581, 381, 560, 3718, 2497, 1083, 1083, 1083, 1083, 2548, 4116, 2373, 860, 860, 3567, 2342, 352, 3043, 3043, 111, 111, 3483, 3077, 1289, 2535, 923, 2019, 213, 1829, 41, 2272, 2531, 1809, 4670, 4670, 4670, 1887, 1887, 2397, 1817, 7, 2605, 782, 760, 1666, 1666, 1666, 1479, 1479, 788, 3116, 788, 4563, 1819, 4042, 4042, 391, 922, 922, 922, 4625, 4625, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.380546626984127, 0.9613809523809524, 1.782560515873016, 1.9628194444444447, 2.062963293650794, 2.4835674603174605, 2.58371130952381, 2.643797619047619, 3.3448045634920636, 3.965696428571429, 4.646674603174604, 5.147393849206349, 5.427796626984128, 6.068717261904762, 6.40920634920635, 6.9299543650793645, 7.290472222222222, 8.151709325396826, 8.372025793650794, 8.512227182539682, 8.91280257936508, 9.032975198412698, 9.133119047619047, 9.814097222222223, 10.21467261904762, 10.314816468253968, 10.795506944444446, 11.3563125, 11.576628968253969, 12.277635912698413, 12.59809623015873, 12.998671626984127, 13.138873015873015, 13.459333333333333 ]
[ 0.380546626984127, 0.9613809523809524, 1.782560515873016, 1.9628194444444447, 2.062963293650794, 2.4835674603174605, 2.58371130952381, 2.643797619047619, 3.3448045634920636, 3.965696428571429, 4.646674603174604, 5.147393849206349, 5.427796626984128, 6.068717261904762, 6.40920634920635, 6.9299543650793645, 7.290472222222222, 8.151709325396826, 8.372025793650794, 8.512227182539682, 8.91280257936508, 9.032975198412698, 9.133119047619047, 9.814097222222223, 10.21467261904762, 10.314816468253968, 10.795506944444446, 11.3563125, 11.576628968253969, 12.277635912698413, 12.59809623015873, 12.998671626984127, 13.138873015873015, 13.459333333333333, 13.859908730158729 ]
The guiding principle should be careful, analytical policymaking on the basis of forward looking objectives but also of realistic expectations.
the guiding principle should be careful analytical policymaking on the basis of forward looking objectives but also of realistic expectations.
[ "the", "guiding", "principle", "should", "be", "careful", "analytical", "policymaking", "on", "the", "basis", "of", "forward", "looking", "objectives", "but", "also", "of", "realistic", "expectations." ]
[ "the", "guiding", "principle", "should", "be", "careful", "analytical", "policymaking", "on", "the", "basis", "of", "forward", "looking", "objectives", "but", "also", "of", "realistic", "expectations" ]
[ "t h e", "g u i d i n g", "p r i n c i p l e", "s h o u l d", "b e", "c a r e f u l", "a n a l y t i c a l", "p o l i c y m a k i n g", "o n", "t h e", "b a s i s", "o f", "f o r w a r d", "l o o k i n g", "o b j e c t i v e s", "b u t", "a l s o", "o f", "r e a l i s t i c", "e x p e c t a t i o n s" ]
[ 4079, 4598, 4598, 2026, 4544, 4544, 1620, 4491, 3861, 75, 3958, 2234, 4182, 489, 492, 124, 2481, 3899, 777, 41, 2272, 3070, 543, 543, 543, 543, 167, 282, 3463, 2171, 4184, 1605, 4687, 2308, 3086, 830, 4591, 3189, 1673, 1673, 667, 667, 667, 667, 194, 1926, 121, 1275, 2874, 1120, 1120, 4231, 4929, 371, 2041, 2041, 3834, 2542, 2878, 1212, 1212, 3586, 920, 4225, 4225, 3330, 843, 2970, 2741, 2958, 566, 566, 3686, 1999, 4336, 4336, 1635, 1635, 1635, 1604, 1435, 2670, 2026, 4633, 1223, 708, 3750, 3750, 3750, 3750, 2945, 1516, 4383, 2472, 497, 497, 2158, 3259, 3259, 413, 413, 1463, 668, 2851, 2851, 4450, 4450, 1472, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 122, 122, 122, 122, 2778, 2778, 2778, 2778, 1886, 1886, 2281, 2026, 1510, 4112, 4086, 4086, 4249, 3398, 1005, 3096, 2128, 1107, 1230, 4514, 3378, 3378, 4070, 4023, 3567, 3109, 4617, 4617, 1190, 2559, 517, 517, 4071, 4071, 2041, 768, 3834, 1478, 2812, 231, 452, 3739, 3739, 3739, 4033, 4902, 1826, 4472, 4214, 237, 2535, 121, 655, 2503, 3043, 4054, 1720, 1593, 202, 939, 185, 1560, 1560, 1560, 418, 2430, 2663, 383, 1733, 2903, 454, 1182, 1182, 2610, 4914, 3660, 150, 2002, 758, 983, 2939, 2263, 3180, 4430, 3777, 2316, 2316, 3347, 2086, 177, 4730, 1060, 2164, 381, 739, 3574, 3597, 3597, 3597, 3597, 1816, 1037, 4853, 2963, 121, 3715, 901, 901, 901, 4209, 159, 298, 923, 65, 872, 245, 2939, 64, 3516, 169, 2968, 3912, 745, 3632, 3849, 1262, 4852, 1792, 4658, 4120, 4120, 2832, 1615, 1615, 2595, 2108, 1441, 1441, 1441, 2013, 2013, 2145, 1171, 1171, 1923, 4023, 3189, 3509, 3809, 426, 1929, 1929, 1929, 1743, 894, 2903, 454, 2653, 2308, 2379, 2002, 2002, 332, 3798, 507, 507, 4373, 3287, 3287, 1967, 3138, 2097, 2830, 2830, 2830, 4076, 2802, 2359, 2842, 1524, 1163, 3894, 3894, 466, 2861, 2861, 4072, 4072, 2535, 2898, 3294, 1311, 634, 2593, 3557, 3557, 1252, 1943, 1943, 140, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1357, 1357, 23, 828, 2030, 4195, 2725, 2026, 1018, 1389, 125, 4242, 4242, 2307, 2636, 2007, 2875, 534, 4918, 2525, 2525, 3297, 3297, 3297, 1933, 2385, 2385, 3928, 1666, 121, 3762, 3762, 2066, 2066, 3128, 3128, 4298, 2165, 2939, 64, 2331, 4789, 4789, 3912, 745, 745, 3632, 3896, 4941, 448, 448, 3548, 1633, 1633, 1633, 3874, 3874, 1072, 1078, 4033, 1884, 1884, 1884, 4435, 237, 1275, 2187, 1191, 2751, 4989, 2773, 2773, 1190, 3176, 4183, 935, 1365, 4756, 1262, 1262, 1262, 742, 1249, 801, 4679, 4679, 3241, 2701, 2279, 2279, 4308, 2173, 2192, 3303, 2470, 3119, 3119, 1328, 2138, 1524, 742, 3567, 2877, 181, 1808, 3690, 1573, 19, 225, 4780, 3405, 419, 222, 1411, 1411, 3346, 836, 836, 4284, 3830, 2898, 2898, 2152, 2152, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.3407599495515696, 0.7416540078475337, 1.162592769058296, 1.3630397982062783, 1.543442124439462, 2.3051408352017937, 3.066839545964126, 3.9087170683856507, 4.049029988789238, 4.169298206278027, 4.610281670403587, 4.850818105381166, 5.271756866591929, 5.572427410313901, 6.334126121076234, 6.755064882286996, 7.135914237668162, 7.356405969730942, 7.997836463004485 ]
[ 0.3407599495515696, 0.7416540078475337, 1.162592769058296, 1.3630397982062783, 1.543442124439462, 2.3051408352017937, 3.066839545964126, 3.9087170683856507, 4.049029988789238, 4.169298206278027, 4.610281670403587, 4.850818105381166, 5.271756866591929, 5.572427410313901, 6.334126121076234, 6.755064882286996, 7.135914237668162, 7.356405969730942, 7.997836463004485, 8.919892797085202 ]
But the reasons why it was right for Bulgaria to accede at that time were absolutely correct and remain correct.
but the reasons why it was right for bulgaria to accede at that time were absolutely correct and remain correct.
[ "but", "the", "reasons", "why", "it", "was", "right", "for", "bulgaria", "to", "accede", "at", "that", "time", "were", "absolutely", "correct", "and", "remain", "correct." ]
[ "but", "the", "reasons", "why", "it", "was", "right", "for", "bulgaria", "to", "accede", "at", "that", "time", "were", "absolutely", "correct", "and", "remain", "correct" ]
[ "b u t", "t h e", "r e a s o n s", "w h y", "i t", "w a s", "r i g h t", "f o r", "b u l g a r i a", "t o", "a c c e d e", "a t", "t h a t", "t i m e", "w e r e", "a b s o l u t e l y", "c o r r e c t", "a n d", "r e m a i n", "c o r r e c t" ]
[ 2204, 2204, 3211, 3211, 57, 1873, 4450, 3040, 2593, 71, 2220, 3134, 914, 524, 524, 3744, 3744, 163, 1018, 1389, 125, 125, 577, 1862, 1862, 2268, 489, 3513, 2059, 2059, 4354, 1449, 1132, 1132, 1827, 1827, 3548, 1517, 1517, 1517, 1517, 1517, 1517, 4922, 4922, 4922, 4032, 4077, 1360, 1272, 1272, 1521, 1521, 4532, 4532, 2649, 809, 809, 809, 3226, 4655, 1985, 2292, 991, 4050, 4077, 2940, 2186, 1569, 1345, 1851, 548, 2181, 2181, 2181, 2181, 4804, 4804, 4804, 3172, 2016, 2016, 2016, 2172, 2172, 2172, 1248, 4409, 610, 742, 288, 288, 4389, 4389, 3401, 3305, 3305, 1357, 2778, 2827, 28, 28, 2026, 1586, 14, 1297, 3357, 679, 3880, 168, 168, 2102, 1909, 1909, 855, 2713, 3786, 4599, 658, 1626, 2888, 1827, 1988, 926, 3518, 3518, 3518, 495, 495, 1173, 1173, 3795, 4934, 1588, 2734, 497, 497, 497, 3259, 413, 413, 3325, 1187, 1177, 3327, 3189, 2811, 1373, 4498, 4498, 2862, 4563, 1187, 4753, 4753, 381, 1223, 1057, 1057, 4040, 4040, 4040, 4040, 1660, 470, 870, 4080, 3304, 3720, 3720, 979, 223, 3996, 2183, 3189, 2559, 3026, 219, 885, 564, 2222, 801, 801, 265, 3241, 4739, 4739, 2279, 158, 1010, 1069, 3914, 620, 620, 1960, 1960, 1960, 1960, 1350, 1350, 4540, 2671, 754, 883, 175, 2127, 2127, 2127, 3464, 1588, 1862, 381, 2566, 2229, 2229, 320, 320, 3183, 804, 804, 571, 1588, 4397, 4397, 104, 1781, 2657, 625, 625, 2113, 2113, 2113, 2113, 2113, 887, 887, 3187, 3187, 3999, 3634, 3905, 2210, 3040, 2593, 399, 399, 1128, 1128, 1286, 1357, 2778, 110, 4195, 4195, 3958, 2026, 924, 763, 3361, 3361, 4705, 1889, 1291, 2411, 2124, 2124, 2124, 2124, 2124, 3287, 3287, 3821, 4077, 158, 655, 2874, 3412, 3412, 3412, 3412, 1107, 4033, 2572, 2572, 2572, 2572, 2572, 4706, 3998, 3998, 1588, 367, 1112, 4541, 663, 4324, 4324, 1999, 581, 742, 3766, 560, 3718, 4560, 3868, 3868, 3868, 3868, 593, 2729, 3828, 2269, 2269, 2269, 2269, 4076, 4076, 4648, 4786, 4786, 2842, 1524, 3972, 4952, 3376, 3136, 4181, 1123, 3123, 3031, 3031, 1330, 937, 4988, 713, 4245, 1593, 4493, 202, 939, 2058, 2058, 2058, 2058, 4271, 4271, 3214, 3171, 2168, 522, 2659, 2659, 2099, 742, 560, 560, 3718, 3868, 3868, 3868, 3868, 593, 593, 3828, 3828, 2269, 2269, 2269, 2269, 2269, 4076, 823, 2585, 2585, 1136, 3974, 742, 377, 4673, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.4812631578947369, 0.6216315789473684, 1.3234736842105266, 1.8849473684210527, 2.2057894736842107, 2.3662105263157898, 2.707105263157895, 2.8875789473684215, 3.469105263157895, 3.609473684210527, 4.0907368421052634, 4.211052631578948, 4.451684210526316, 4.973052631578947, 5.273842105263158, 5.975684210526316, 6.477000000000001, 6.617368421052632, 7.038473684210527 ]
[ 0.4812631578947369, 0.6216315789473684, 1.3234736842105266, 1.8849473684210527, 2.2057894736842107, 2.3662105263157898, 2.707105263157895, 2.8875789473684215, 3.469105263157895, 3.609473684210527, 4.0907368421052634, 4.211052631578948, 4.451684210526316, 4.973052631578947, 5.273842105263158, 5.975684210526316, 6.477000000000001, 6.617368421052632, 7.038473684210527, 7.599947368421053 ]
Europe needs no lectures from the British Government about what must be done to get out of this crisis.
europe needs no lectures from the british government about what must be done to get out of this crisis.
[ "europe", "needs", "no", "lectures", "from", "the", "british", "government", "about", "what", "must", "be", "done", "to", "get", "out", "of", "this", "crisis." ]
[ "europe", "needs", "no", "lectures", "from", "the", "british", "government", "about", "what", "must", "be", "done", "to", "get", "out", "of", "this", "crisis" ]
[ "e u r o p e", "n e e d s", "n o", "l e c t u r e s", "f r o m", "t h e", "b r i t i s h", "g o v e r n m e n t", "a b o u t", "w h a t", "m u s t", "b e", "d o n e", "t o", "g e t", "o u t", "o f", "t h i s", "c r i s i s" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 3409, 3409, 2026, 4122, 4122, 2775, 2144, 833, 833, 833, 2262, 3648, 4566, 1398, 1398, 1137, 3737, 742, 4429, 1895, 1315, 4188, 25, 1421, 1421, 1421, 1421, 4540, 3058, 2197, 2027, 273, 3411, 480, 1693, 1315, 4480, 4480, 2811, 1299, 1838, 1838, 1838, 4888, 4888, 3153, 1193, 1170, 4052, 669, 1688, 486, 1739, 549, 549, 2802, 742, 2359, 1524, 742, 614, 3311, 1783, 2232, 3804, 3804, 4499, 1764, 4050, 4077, 2396, 4629, 264, 264, 2052, 3252, 40, 3102, 177, 1060, 2164, 742, 739, 1498, 1700, 1700, 1313, 4128, 2564, 2564, 1527, 1984, 2103, 1217, 213, 1829, 742, 2272, 3070, 2087, 2087, 2087, 2087, 1274, 1308, 1308, 1308, 1308, 1404, 1067, 2539, 249, 4813, 339, 1709, 4713, 175, 430, 1961, 742, 1373, 3110, 2189, 2189, 278, 278, 58, 2068, 2408, 1752, 1346, 1345, 1751, 2928, 2928, 393, 2969, 742, 4997, 4997, 363, 363, 4650, 237, 4440, 3930, 4241, 2927, 221, 2958, 566, 3686, 4202, 1568, 231, 2231, 902, 1451, 1451, 1451, 1451, 2177, 4768, 300, 4895, 1058, 1401, 3490, 3494, 3189, 104, 3024, 3725, 1024, 1529, 4073, 2740, 299, 4815, 4815, 4015, 4015, 4736, 2140, 3827, 3827, 3827, 437, 424, 138, 4490, 1507, 1599, 1031, 4433, 2019, 213, 163, 3189, 310, 2000, 2174, 1052, 1052, 1122, 4699, 4699, 1765, 1765, 1037, 4853, 2963, 2963, 121, 121, 655, 901, 901, 901, 968, 1238, 2640, 3530, 542, 2898, 2898, 2152, 2152, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.44186309523809525, 0.7431333874458875, 0.9640649350649351, 1.4260127164502163, 1.5666055194805195, 1.6469442640692642, 1.9482145562770563, 2.3699929653679654, 2.631093885281385, 2.8118560606060603, 2.992618235930736, 3.0930416666666667, 3.3340579004329007, 3.414396645021645, 3.5750741341991343, 3.7357516233766233, 3.796005681818182, 3.9767678571428573 ]
[ 0.44186309523809525, 0.7431333874458875, 0.9640649350649351, 1.4260127164502163, 1.5465208333333333, 1.6469442640692642, 1.9482145562770563, 2.3699929653679654, 2.631093885281385, 2.8118560606060603, 2.992618235930736, 3.0930416666666667, 3.3340579004329007, 3.414396645021645, 3.5750741341991343, 3.7357516233766233, 3.796005681818182, 3.9767678571428573, 4.619477813852813 ]
Secondly, we need real structural reforms not only the announcement of structural reforms in the near future.
secondly we need real structural reforms not only the announcement of structural reforms in the near future.
[ "secondly", "we", "need", "real", "structural", "reforms", "not", "only", "the", "announcement", "of", "structural", "reforms", "in", "the", "near", "future." ]
[ "secondly", "we", "need", "real", "structural", "reforms", "not", "only", "the", "announcement", "of", "structural", "reforms", "in", "the", "near", "future" ]
[ "s e c o n d l y", "w e", "n e e d", "r e a l", "s t r u c t u r a l", "r e f o r m s", "n o t", "o n l y", "t h e", "a n n o u n c e m e n t", "o f", "s t r u c t u r a l", "r e f o r m s", "i n", "t h e", "n e a r", "f u t u r e" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 72, 3409, 3409, 3409, 912, 4494, 2110, 3914, 2704, 722, 722, 722, 722, 1665, 1733, 2679, 2679, 818, 818, 4744, 4728, 2559, 3509, 2731, 1112, 494, 98, 814, 814, 311, 2478, 2478, 45, 1346, 3677, 3677, 487, 487, 2863, 2863, 1658, 1658, 152, 4188, 4055, 25, 1421, 1421, 1421, 1421, 1421, 1421, 1350, 3058, 1100, 860, 860, 2559, 2948, 2948, 3436, 3436, 3436, 2575, 2575, 2133, 3040, 71, 71, 2220, 2220, 2220, 110, 110, 3744, 163, 2234, 4340, 3547, 1132, 1132, 1132, 1827, 3548, 1633, 1633, 1633, 1633, 3874, 1789, 1789, 4285, 3142, 3834, 1001, 1666, 3065, 3065, 367, 367, 2342, 4512, 4512, 1265, 1265, 4076, 1328, 4183, 1524, 184, 2804, 925, 4081, 1857, 4357, 4357, 3325, 3142, 3427, 3427, 1681, 3260, 3260, 4552, 4552, 4626, 3293, 3293, 1815, 623, 2400, 1615, 2595, 3501, 3501, 3484, 3501, 378, 2235, 2235, 1030, 1670, 978, 991, 4740, 2365, 520, 1858, 3770, 1021, 2895, 2895, 1614, 1183, 2029, 1100, 3189, 2007, 2330, 890, 890, 1045, 3017, 731, 731, 731, 731, 3437, 3437, 1263, 1263, 4541, 2628, 2628, 4101, 1687, 1889, 890, 2411, 4851, 4851, 4851, 4959, 2146, 152, 152, 2811, 3041, 3095, 4110, 4110, 4110, 4110, 4110, 1627, 1627, 3067, 3067, 277, 277, 1926, 1926, 3989, 923, 2535, 3954, 3863, 2843, 4775, 4775, 3694, 1067, 2539, 249, 249, 1146, 1146, 2215, 2215, 1709, 2732, 2732, 977, 142, 142, 2593, 163, 4665, 3134, 3134, 3134, 532, 110, 110, 3744, 912, 1586, 64, 2331, 4789, 4789, 2968, 3912, 316, 1275, 382, 3065, 2314, 47, 2342, 4512, 1265, 1265, 1265, 2802, 1328, 2842, 742, 1524, 2948, 4239, 994, 4081, 1153, 4357, 4357, 3325, 3325, 1187, 3427, 135, 2603, 3260, 3260, 3316, 3316, 4626, 3293, 3293, 1815, 623, 1742, 43, 2595, 3501, 3501, 3501, 3501, 3484, 2235, 2235, 4904, 3634, 3634, 3226, 836, 836, 4284, 3830, 1275, 2898, 1311, 1311, 2967, 2026, 3808, 1351, 1639, 1357, 1357, 828, 2030, 28, 2026, 3958, 30, 4559, 4559, 640, 1002, 1002, 1002, 1002, 755, 2133, 2133, 1501, 80, 890, 890, 231, 2666, 4364, 3867, 3867, 2793, 2793, 1949, 712, 2160, 834, 834, 2002, 3800, 163, 742, 781, 2395, 2395, 1729, 3581, 693, 3665, 3665, 337, 337, 4359, 1794, 4519, 1575, 3757, 1575, 4936, 283, 1815, 1666, 1093, 4639, 4639, 2090, 4706, 1657, 614, 3311, 1783, 1729, 1992, 4081, 4185, 1291, 3907, 666, 387, 3453, 4108, 4740, 2204, 2204 ]
[ 0, 0.6416358974358974, 0.8621982371794872, 1.4035785256410256, 1.9249076923076922, 2.4462368589743586, 2.9675660256410255, 3.248281730769231, 3.5289974358974354, 3.629253044871795, 4.631809134615384, 4.91252483974359, 5.453905128205128, 6.376256730769231, 6.977790384615384, 7.178301602564102, 7.338710576923076 ]
[ 0.6416358974358974, 0.8621982371794872, 1.4035785256410256, 1.9249076923076922, 2.4462368589743586, 2.9675660256410255, 3.248281730769231, 3.5289974358974354, 3.629253044871795, 4.631809134615384, 4.91252483974359, 5.453905128205128, 6.376256730769231, 6.977790384615384, 7.178301602564102, 7.338710576923076, 7.7998863782051275 ]
When we adopted my first report, in June 2011, we called for renewed commitment to smart regulations from all sides, sectorial plans for reducing administrative burdens, assessment of competitiveness in impact assessments, and exemptions for Europe's smallest businesses from regulation where not necessary.
when we adopted my first report in june two thousand and eleven we called for renewed commitment to smart regulations from all sides sectorial plans for reducing administrative burdens assessment of competitiveness in impact assessments and exemptions for europe's smallest businesses from regulation where not necessary.
[ "when", "we", "adopted", "my", "first", "report", "in", "june", "two", "thousand", "and", "eleven", "we", "called", "for", "renewed", "commitment", "to", "smart", "regulations", "from", "all", "sides", "sectorial", "plans", "for", "reducing", "administrative", "burdens", "assessment", "of", "competitiveness", "in", "impact", "assessments", "and", "exemptions", "for", "europe's", "smallest", "businesses", "from", "regulation", "where", "not", "necessary." ]
[ "when", "we", "adopted", "my", "first", "report", "in", "june", "two", "thousand", "and", "eleven", "we", "called", "for", "renewed", "commitment", "to", "smart", "regulations", "from", "all", "sides", "sectorial", "plans", "for", "reducing", "administrative", "burdens", "assessment", "of", "competitiveness", "in", "impact", "assessments", "and", "exemptions", "for", "europe's", "smallest", "businesses", "from", "regulation", "where", "not", "necessary" ]
[ "w h e n", "w e", "a d o p t e d", "m y", "f i r s t", "r e p o r t", "i n", "j u n e", "t w o", "t h o u s a n d", "a n d", "e l e v e n", "w e", "c a l l e d", "f o r", "r e n e w e d", "c o m m i t m e n t", "t o", "s m a r t", "r e g u l a t i o n s", "f r o m", "a l l", "s i d e s", "s e c t o r i a l", "p l a n s", "f o r", "r e d u c i n g", "a d m i n i s t r a t i v e", "b u r d e n s", "a s s e s s m e n t", "o f", "c o m p e t i t i v e n e s s", "i n", "i m p a c t", "a s s e s s m e n t s", "a n d", "e x e m p t i o n s", "f o r", "e u r o p e ' s", "s m a l l e s t", "b u s i n e s s e s", "f r o m", "r e g u l a t i o n", "w h e r e", "n o t", "n e c e s s a r y" ]
[ 1101, 1457, 524, 524, 75, 3958, 1586, 924, 842, 582, 582, 4812, 4812, 4418, 1155, 1155, 1155, 3204, 4477, 3677, 3677, 487, 487, 2863, 2863, 2863, 2416, 1906, 1906, 1906, 569, 569, 569, 587, 1247, 758, 758, 2558, 2558, 2558, 2558, 2558, 2558, 2746, 3165, 324, 3326, 2212, 1283, 3995, 3995, 3995, 3672, 1761, 3737, 2842, 1163, 1163, 341, 810, 921, 364, 843, 1014, 3069, 737, 4733, 429, 1736, 563, 1815, 623, 2832, 1206, 671, 3236, 3236, 3236, 3236, 769, 4708, 3626, 4440, 462, 2940, 658, 658, 4590, 1330, 937, 4988, 713, 750, 2096, 2812, 3189, 4643, 2758, 2758, 4343, 4343, 4343, 4343, 2735, 2735, 365, 1442, 1442, 3078, 2415, 3376, 4659, 2793, 2793, 253, 2410, 2410, 3925, 3326, 3138, 3138, 2097, 4586, 4586, 4586, 4586, 44, 2805, 3755, 3764, 3764, 522, 4846, 1546, 1546, 687, 742, 114, 3076, 3076, 4375, 985, 873, 873, 873, 2801, 260, 1227, 380, 2463, 2774, 3326, 4466, 2619, 4682, 4682, 4682, 4682, 1267, 1267, 1267, 2709, 2709, 4922, 4922, 4032, 4032, 1360, 1272, 4218, 4218, 4218, 4218, 2649, 2160, 37, 2781, 3284, 455, 758, 983, 742, 1904, 781, 2411, 4112, 4112, 591, 591, 1226, 1226, 4694, 4694, 3980, 3980, 2781, 4571, 758, 80, 197, 3441, 2666, 2666, 2762, 2762, 2762, 2762, 1107, 4052, 3969, 3969, 669, 2158, 2336, 638, 638, 638, 638, 638, 1274, 3266, 2873, 4795, 4795, 1379, 2288, 2288, 269, 4681, 2210, 4401, 2593, 2593, 399, 399, 1252, 1128, 1252, 1943, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245, 3913, 532, 532, 828, 3844, 1103, 2677, 2026, 924, 29, 3677, 487, 487, 2863, 1999, 91, 628, 559, 3718, 3873, 1385, 1385, 1385, 1385, 1385, 1385, 3763, 967, 967, 967, 1636, 402, 4771, 2734, 2734, 4635, 4635, 1096, 840, 1883, 1883, 1508, 1508, 1508, 1508, 3340, 3340, 3340, 3340, 1501, 1501, 3896, 3547, 3547, 1132, 1132, 1132, 1330, 937, 4988, 4988, 713, 4959, 2146, 4188, 2362, 4845, 4845, 4845, 4613, 2538, 2538, 3952, 3952, 3952, 869, 1296, 1296, 2959, 4485, 62, 687, 231, 559, 3718, 4560, 434, 434, 2733, 2733, 4493, 1134, 2375, 2375, 2484, 2484, 2484, 3938, 3938, 4336, 824, 4994, 1588, 4429, 4429, 4997, 3694, 2539, 2539, 4813, 1146, 1146, 624, 2215, 2215, 1709, 1709, 4397, 4397, 687, 742, 974, 3076, 3076, 3076, 63, 1401, 885, 1292, 1292, 1292, 1292, 2536, 4342, 1551, 1551, 1551, 3485, 2404, 2404, 101, 101, 382, 1084, 3194, 3271, 4092, 1555, 1678, 1678, 1678, 1678, 3871, 2883, 2883, 365, 4818, 2029, 3883, 1145, 1626, 1626, 3476, 1988, 2563, 2563, 2563, 3879, 4124, 1206, 844, 844, 1691, 1691, 143, 1230, 1198, 1808, 1808, 3690, 3690, 1573, 3430, 225, 4780, 4077, 419, 419, 222, 4392, 1411, 1411, 4532, 4532, 809, 809, 4655, 1985, 2292, 991, 1011, 3411, 3838, 2396, 2396, 526, 3106, 4629, 1399, 4329, 3539, 3539, 4255, 304, 2052, 3216, 3216, 775, 3800, 1262, 890, 2026, 4641, 4918, 81, 81, 81, 2046, 4170, 967, 1187, 4905, 2542, 3374, 1666, 3505, 4367, 2704, 190, 4528, 2931, 2931, 2931, 2931, 533, 3172, 2016, 1473, 1473, 4540, 1110, 4102, 142, 2593, 163, 1252, 1252, 4243, 1943, 1245, 1245, 1245, 3913, 1357, 157, 828, 2030, 710, 322, 912, 252, 1332, 101, 2110, 4367, 2704, 190, 2511, 2511, 4076, 2802, 2138, 2842, 2559, 114, 136, 3968, 2344, 2344, 2344, 2344, 4942, 470, 2879, 2365, 3304, 3720, 1789, 4357, 4357, 3325, 1187, 1177, 2753, 1478, 687, 687, 1724, 4932, 263, 263, 3342, 2320, 2320, 2320, 2320, 2320, 2320, 1390, 463, 809, 809, 4655, 2292, 2292, 706, 3838, 875, 2396, 2396, 838, 1344, 1344, 2441, 2524, 2603, 937, 4988, 713, 324, 3665, 2212, 3865, 1582, 1582, 1582, 1582, 4706, 4706, 4853, 2963, 4077, 4955, 655, 3845, 3097, 3097, 501, 2610, 7, 150, 2002, 2002, 80, 197, 197, 4379, 4379, 4448, 843, 46, 46, 1134, 2299, 2299, 3298, 3298, 3479, 2580, 2580, 3016, 3626, 2187, 2187, 4270, 347, 3045, 4550, 1121, 1121, 3078, 3078, 2140, 3894, 466, 2861, 2861, 3652, 4894, 1440, 3133, 3537, 53, 394, 3053, 3053, 3053, 3053, 1580, 1580, 616, 2171, 2073, 2073, 4206, 4206, 2626, 1379, 2288, 4532, 809, 809, 1985, 1985, 32, 1011, 1011, 3294, 1311, 2593, 71, 4665, 1252, 4243, 1943, 1943, 1245, 3913, 3913, 532, 532, 3844, 3268, 312, 1586, 4575, 829, 829, 1109, 3374, 158, 1069, 1069, 4367, 1892, 190, 491, 491, 491, 93, 1281, 4697, 4697, 462, 3863, 2843, 4775, 4775, 3694, 1067, 2539, 249, 1146, 1146, 2215, 2215, 1709, 1686, 3472, 1340, 1365, 245, 245, 2939, 2939, 64, 2331, 4789, 4789, 4789, 3202, 1601, 2184, 2277, 2277, 917, 3189, 340, 3718, 4560, 4986, 1277, 4690, 1802, 3563, 4508, 4591, 2812, 2812, 1724, 452, 2803, 2803, 90, 90, 3965, 55, 2415, 4777, 4777, 4777, 89, 2140, 3894, 3894, 466, 2861, 2861, 3466, 4567, 2020, 268, 1321, 1321, 2193, 2193, 2193, 968, 159, 3530, 4433, 3954, 2214, 2324, 1365, 245, 983, 163, 1630, 2666, 287, 287, 3867, 1949, 1949, 712, 3832, 2160, 834, 2002, 2002, 3800, 742, 1904, 1904, 2666, 4967, 2855, 2855, 2855, 820, 3563, 4508, 4508, 4591, 2812, 381, 2973, 1730, 1602, 1602, 1602, 1602, 4076, 4648, 4786, 2359, 1108, 4454, 3972, 1806, 1365, 245, 1904, 197, 2746, 829, 829, 1109, 3374, 4876, 3702, 1069, 1069, 552, 2704, 190, 491, 491, 491, 93, 4708, 4697, 4440, 462, 2843, 2843, 4775, 3694, 1067, 2539, 249, 249, 1146, 624, 3264, 3234, 538, 4505, 4505, 3773, 2898, 4100, 145, 3414, 1311, 634, 4811, 4811, 3557, 3796, 3796, 1128, 140, 140, 4796, 4796, 4796, 157, 157, 3415, 3415, 852, 852, 3268, 1586, 3958, 14, 801, 265, 1160, 1160, 1312, 1312, 1312, 4424, 4424, 2345, 3990, 3250, 3250, 3250, 1331, 4001, 4001, 4883, 4786, 3155, 556, 3405, 3405, 419, 1840, 222, 1411, 1411, 60, 4532, 4532, 809, 4655, 2292, 991, 4511, 3838, 3838, 2396, 2396, 526, 838, 1344, 4746, 4746, 4216, 790, 790, 992, 992, 2775, 2144, 2144, 833, 833, 833, 833, 2262, 2262, 470, 470, 4566, 4566, 1398, 1398, 1137, 1137, 3737, 4675, 4429, 4421, 1899, 4523, 4523, 3702, 3702, 3702, 3702, 3702, 382, 382, 3708, 4382, 4382, 1429, 1429, 1429, 4338, 4338, 1610, 1610, 1610, 1610, 1610, 1610, 4170, 2393, 2393, 1566, 4960, 4960, 4534, 4534, 4534, 3569, 3569, 159, 3717, 1031, 462, 462, 462, 2324, 3849, 3849, 2447, 166, 166, 687, 687, 687, 742, 53, 3574, 1325, 1325, 1325, 1325, 4032, 1360, 4088, 4088, 4088, 1321, 1321, 2193, 2193, 4214, 1554, 4955, 4955, 655, 3715, 4832, 4832, 650, 650, 70, 70, 4287, 536, 67, 1011, 3294, 1311, 634, 742, 3557, 3557, 3796, 1943, 1943, 1245, 3913, 532, 828, 828, 2030, 710, 3958, 2026, 1206, 3106, 2943, 4329, 4329, 906, 4255, 2052, 3031, 135, 3476, 1988, 2563, 2563, 2563, 2563, 3879, 4124, 4124, 844, 844, 1691, 1691, 1107, 143, 1230, 1198, 1808, 1808, 3690, 3690, 1573, 3430, 3430, 225, 4780, 3405, 419, 419, 1840, 4392, 3534, 3534, 3534, 3122, 2288, 1282, 2160, 2160, 3159, 3159, 936, 3896, 1683, 1683, 3204, 3204, 2783, 1851, 3331, 2596, 423, 423, 423, 4961, 4961, 3996, 1927, 2008, 152, 152, 1471, 2142, 1021, 2895, 1614, 1614, 1614, 1183, 2068, 4818, 131, 231, 1725, 743, 1806, 1806, 798, 4340, 4340, 4340, 1858, 1858, 4480, 1471, 2142, 1158, 1158, 1158, 1158, 1281, 4697, 121, 121, 1487, 1487, 1487, 1487, 4214, 1554, 4955, 4367, 4372, 4372, 2245, 2245, 2245, 2987, 470, 870, 3884, 1034, 1418, 1418, 153, 153, 2427, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.3202541666666667, 0.66052421875, 1.2409848958333332, 1.4011119791666666, 1.7213661458333334, 2.1817315104166664, 2.321842708333333, 2.70214453125, 2.962351041666667, 3.6228752604166665, 3.9831611979166666, 4.783796614583333, 5.144082552083333, 5.5644161458333325, 5.864654427083333, 6.465130989583333, 7.26576640625, 7.5860205729166665, 8.066401822916667, 8.907069010416667, 9.2473390625, 9.507545572916666, 10.128038020833333, 10.948689322916668, 11.4090546875, 11.549165885416667, 12.1296265625, 12.8501984375, 13.590786197916666, 14.511516927083333, 14.751707552083333, 15.79253359375, 16.112787760416666, 16.713264322916668, 17.513899739583334, 17.894201562499997, 18.774900520833334, 18.995075260416666, 19.55552005208333, 20.376171354166665, 21.2568703125, 21.637172135416666, 22.477839322916665, 22.838125260416664, 23.21842708333333 ]
[ 0.3202541666666667, 0.66052421875, 1.2409848958333332, 1.4011119791666666, 1.7213661458333334, 2.1817315104166664, 2.321842708333333, 2.70214453125, 2.962351041666667, 3.6228752604166665, 3.9831611979166666, 4.783796614583333, 5.144082552083333, 5.5644161458333325, 5.864654427083333, 6.465130989583333, 7.26576640625, 7.5860205729166665, 8.066401822916667, 8.907069010416667, 9.2473390625, 9.507545572916666, 10.128038020833333, 10.948689322916668, 11.4090546875, 11.549165885416667, 12.1296265625, 12.8501984375, 13.590786197916666, 14.511516927083333, 14.751707552083333, 15.79253359375, 16.112787760416666, 16.713264322916668, 17.493883854166665, 17.894201562499997, 18.774900520833334, 18.995075260416666, 19.55552005208333, 20.376171354166665, 21.2568703125, 21.637172135416666, 22.477839322916665, 22.838125260416664, 23.21842708333333, 23.999046614583335 ]
On 8 February the High Representative discussed the situation in a phone call with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.
on eight february the high representative discussed the situation in a phone call with palestinian president mahmoud abbas.
[ "on", "eight", "february", "the", "high", "representative", "discussed", "the", "situation", "in", "a", "phone", "call", "with", "palestinian", "president", "mahmoud", "abbas." ]
[ "on", "eight", "february", "the", "high", "representative", "discussed", "the", "situation", "in", "a", "phone", "call", "with", "palestinian", "president", "mahmoud", "abbas" ]
[ "o n", "e i g h t", "f e b r u a r y", "t h e", "h i g h", "r e p r e s e n t a t i v e", "d i s c u s s e d", "t h e", "s i t u a t i o n", "i n", "a", "p h o n e", "c a l l", "w i t h", "p a l e s t i n i a n", "p r e s i d e n t", "m a h m o u d", "a b b a s" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 1335, 1335, 4544, 4544, 467, 1922, 1457, 524, 3861, 75, 75, 2026, 1586, 30, 2263, 4430, 4430, 3777, 4117, 2435, 1368, 623, 5, 2923, 4953, 2326, 2326, 2326, 2326, 2283, 2283, 1632, 2439, 2439, 2987, 2987, 2987, 3884, 1983, 1983, 1983, 1687, 1889, 2875, 231, 1045, 187, 4253, 2083, 2083, 2083, 2083, 1086, 518, 3373, 131, 2636, 977, 977, 977, 3472, 3472, 4891, 3414, 4398, 61, 61, 362, 4811, 15, 374, 599, 599, 599, 2026, 2699, 2699, 4222, 1716, 4823, 3042, 3042, 3042, 3042, 945, 945, 2116, 2116, 2116, 945, 945, 945, 2116, 2116, 2116, 2116, 2116, 2116, 2116, 2822, 2822, 2822, 2822, 4002, 214, 163, 2982, 4195, 3958, 1586, 1504, 489, 492, 2412, 13, 4307, 2551, 2551, 4695, 2175, 2175, 1912, 448, 1153, 3260, 831, 3683, 4907, 4643, 1673, 4879, 4173, 4173, 4173, 613, 1705, 2345, 3904, 3904, 3904, 3904, 496, 4116, 3567, 3109, 4777, 4777, 89, 3109, 3894, 3894, 2861, 283, 3855, 2849, 894, 3522, 572, 837, 837, 618, 82, 1275, 9, 4308, 521, 205, 4049, 742, 560, 2809, 2497, 1672, 1672, 1672, 1672, 1672, 4322, 719, 858, 279, 4247, 1477, 986, 367, 4132, 2592, 2086, 729, 279, 1001, 298, 2535, 4084, 4257, 4084, 367, 4291, 3311, 460, 460, 3870, 3870, 3810, 1198, 1808, 3690, 3690, 1573, 19, 225, 4780, 3405, 419, 222, 4392, 821, 821, 366, 3398, 2707, 3564, 1270, 366, 3398, 1790, 2660, 432, 2690, 563, 623, 2400, 43, 671, 2043, 3443, 3443, 3443, 24, 24, 3755, 3755, 488, 2099, 4591, 2607, 560, 714, 805, 1385, 1385, 1385, 1385, 2755, 2755, 1115, 3456, 3186, 4785, 670, 3040, 20, 2593, 399, 399, 399, 399, 1128, 1128, 1128, 140, 140, 140, 140, 140, 1357, 1254, 1254, 1039, 1039, 2760, 2026, 530, 562, 562, 3740, 3740, 2071, 3075, 4755, 4755, 912, 924, 1284, 318, 3044, 2450, 2035, 917, 2812, 742, 3170, 452, 1104, 4933, 1437, 4147, 4033, 4610, 3794, 1281, 237, 2187, 3065, 1191, 1191, 2751, 2260, 4502, 4286, 1794, 1548, 1548, 2070, 1126, 916, 4465, 1006, 830, 1546, 4591, 2812, 231, 1673, 4660, 4038, 4038, 2054, 2054, 1281, 237, 2535, 655, 2874, 765, 765, 3543, 3665, 1221, 3493, 3493, 3493, 2072, 339, 4744, 1709, 3054, 1895, 367, 1014, 148, 2380, 2380, 2412, 4207, 3608, 3997, 3948, 4039, 2862, 2862, 2862, 825, 3665, 3496, 1276, 1287, 1287, 2361, 3996, 1591, 2164, 3133, 894, 1373, 1104, 1104, 1104, 970, 970, 4322, 4322, 997, 2640, 3530, 2535, 542, 542, 4100, 145, 2152, 2152, 2152, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.380935960591133, 0.48118226600985214, 1.5437931034482757, 2.325714285714285, 2.50615763546798, 3.147733990147783, 3.749211822660098, 3.849458128078817, 4.430886699507389, 4.551182266009851, 4.631379310344827, 4.932118226600984, 5.5536453201970435, 6.034827586206895, 6.656354679802955, 7.197684729064039, 7.558571428571428 ]
[ 0.3608866995073891, 0.4611330049261083, 1.5437931034482757, 2.325714285714285, 2.50615763546798, 3.147733990147783, 3.729162561576354, 3.849458128078817, 4.430886699507389, 4.551182266009851, 4.631379310344827, 4.932118226600984, 5.5536453201970435, 6.034827586206895, 6.656354679802955, 7.197684729064039, 7.558571428571428, 8.119950738916256 ]
Therefore, even bilateral agreements would be beneficial if we fail to persuade all G20 participants to follow.
therefore even bilateral agreements would be beneficial if we fail to persuade all g twenty participants to follow.
[ "therefore", "even", "bilateral", "agreements", "would", "be", "beneficial", "if", "we", "fail", "to", "persuade", "all", "g", "twenty", "participants", "to", "follow." ]
[ "therefore", "even", "bilateral", "agreements", "would", "be", "beneficial", "if", "we", "fail", "to", "persuade", "all", "g", "twenty", "participants", "to", "follow" ]
[ "t h e r e f o r e", "e v e n", "b i l a t e r a l", "a g r e e m e n t s", "w o u l d", "b e", "b e n e f i c i a l", "i f", "w e", "f a i l", "t o", "p e r s u a d e", "a l l", "g", "t w e n t y", "p a r t i c i p a n t s", "t o", "f o l l o w" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 2114, 4720, 4720, 524, 3958, 3958, 2026, 1504, 4461, 1038, 1038, 1038, 4961, 3996, 2472, 526, 5, 840, 398, 398, 1772, 4026, 2165, 1889, 3441, 2552, 1369, 1369, 1369, 2351, 2351, 3073, 3094, 2037, 2037, 2037, 3687, 522, 4190, 830, 3470, 4500, 4500, 742, 739, 1373, 4943, 4160, 4160, 4160, 4160, 1654, 282, 2301, 1912, 1170, 4052, 1230, 486, 4445, 4445, 4445, 509, 370, 370, 2390, 2646, 2415, 2476, 3045, 4357, 4357, 2041, 1078, 4333, 3566, 3165, 2481, 777, 41, 4622, 1801, 984, 984, 4525, 4525, 4525, 3144, 3144, 1404, 1067, 2539, 249, 249, 1146, 624, 3234, 2292, 991, 4266, 2940, 551, 551, 1952, 3381, 482, 1972, 3327, 2741, 2958, 566, 3686, 182, 3327, 739, 3574, 4259, 4259, 4259, 4259, 839, 1005, 3096, 3096, 4606, 2472, 623, 104, 2923, 702, 702, 702, 702, 2504, 603, 4077, 3061, 3061, 1273, 1273, 1273, 4357, 668, 668, 195, 195, 4450, 3040, 163, 71, 1252, 1128, 140, 1245, 1245, 3913, 3913, 3913, 3844, 2030, 312, 2026, 14, 4826, 1202, 474, 474, 4159, 745, 396, 396, 3677, 487, 2863, 2863, 3293, 1815, 3524, 894, 43, 4953, 959, 959, 959, 959, 1789, 1789, 2312, 2901, 3758, 3729, 3026, 2761, 2761, 4183, 381, 3949, 2828, 2828, 1001, 4077, 4308, 1713, 367, 4858, 4858, 4857, 4857, 4857, 4857, 2807, 4583, 565, 4540, 2671, 754, 4571, 2330, 2875, 2972, 742, 1045, 4918, 1354, 1354, 1354, 1354, 4129, 4129, 4129, 3456, 3456, 3758, 3758, 3049, 1568, 1967, 3138, 286, 728, 728, 1232, 3757, 2081, 4202, 1623, 944, 4738, 2839, 2839, 3650, 3650, 1938, 1938, 1938, 496, 2854, 4116, 1447, 1830, 2979, 2979, 3685, 182, 1478, 687, 231, 2973, 2828, 2828, 324, 3336, 270, 1359, 2260, 3245, 3245, 4435, 3016, 4955, 4955, 2874, 4962, 4962, 4231, 4231, 2607, 1059, 2419, 596, 596, 2072, 624, 3264, 4883, 4505, 273, 4077, 6, 1139, 2607, 1954, 1401, 219, 630, 2690, 1815, 3524, 381, 43, 2043, 1241, 1241, 1241, 1241, 2141, 1940, 2847, 2847, 2766, 2766, 4363, 4353, 4353, 57, 391, 922, 4625, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.5415655120481928, 0.8424352409638555, 1.544464608433735, 2.045914156626506, 2.206378012048193, 2.2866099397590363, 3.129045180722892, 3.4299149096385544, 3.5502628012048194, 3.8511325301204824, 3.9514224397590363, 4.4528719879518075, 4.713625753012049, 4.874089608433736, 5.335423192771084, 6.037452560240964, 6.17785843373494 ]
[ 0.5415655120481928, 0.8424352409638555, 1.544464608433735, 2.045914156626506, 2.206378012048193, 2.2866099397590363, 3.129045180722892, 3.4299149096385544, 3.5502628012048194, 3.8511325301204824, 3.9514224397590363, 4.4528719879518075, 4.713625753012049, 4.874089608433736, 5.335423192771084, 6.037452560240964, 6.17785843373494, 6.63919201807229 ]
More work needs to be done to protect the single market.
more work needs to be done to protect the single market.
[ "more", "work", "needs", "to", "be", "done", "to", "protect", "the", "single", "market." ]
[ "more", "work", "needs", "to", "be", "done", "to", "protect", "the", "single", "market" ]
[ "m o r e", "w o r k", "n e e d s", "t o", "b e", "d o n e", "t o", "p r o t e c t", "t h e", "s i n g l e", "m a r k e t" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 1742, 3409, 3409, 1620, 3740, 75, 3958, 2026, 2234, 2234, 2767, 1934, 1456, 203, 4838, 4838, 4838, 1413, 34, 34, 4026, 22, 4714, 4055, 1345, 1851, 4814, 4814, 441, 441, 441, 441, 441, 1580, 1580, 823, 4012, 231, 1733, 2903, 2148, 2148, 3077, 3077, 3976, 4077, 4247, 480, 1315, 411, 25, 25, 1421, 1421, 1421, 1421, 1350, 4196, 2171, 2073, 341, 1256, 1256, 921, 112, 2607, 2559, 1058, 1401, 4906, 2130, 4696, 4696, 2741, 2958, 566, 566, 438, 3049, 1568, 433, 2231, 902, 1451, 1451, 1451, 1451, 1451, 1942, 2177, 4768, 3918, 300, 300, 4895, 2559, 3026, 219, 3490, 630, 2261, 2607, 4643, 1673, 3407, 3167, 285, 324, 3336, 1186, 944, 2657, 2374, 4722, 4722, 4722, 703, 703, 4648, 4648, 4786, 1588, 3189, 1129, 2268, 4141, 2632, 3368, 1109, 4077, 1010, 3505, 552, 620, 1076, 1076, 1076, 1076, 1290, 1290, 3455, 3455, 2098, 4071, 3325, 3325, 1187, 3846, 1593, 3948, 1456, 995, 995, 1497, 1497, 1497, 1497, 1494, 1494, 1494, 2883, 4827, 4012, 1743, 383, 381, 1733, 2714, 2714, 2714, 215, 215, 215, 3817, 3817, 2585, 1136, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.5026243093922652, 0.9248287292817678, 1.3671381215469613, 1.4676629834254142, 1.6083977900552486, 1.9300773480662983, 2.050707182320442, 2.513121546961326, 2.6337513812154696, 3.015745856353591 ]
[ 0.5026243093922652, 0.9248287292817678, 1.3671381215469613, 1.4676629834254142, 1.6083977900552486, 1.9300773480662983, 2.050707182320442, 2.513121546961326, 2.6337513812154696, 3.015745856353591, 3.6188950276243093 ]
It is a disgrace in light of the tens of thousands of people that have been killed.
it is a disgrace in light of the tens of thousands of people that have been killed.
[ "it", "is", "a", "disgrace", "in", "light", "of", "the", "tens", "of", "thousands", "of", "people", "that", "have", "been", "killed." ]
[ "it", "is", "a", "disgrace", "in", "light", "of", "the", "tens", "of", "thousands", "of", "people", "that", "have", "been", "killed" ]
[ "i t", "i s", "a", "d i s g r a c e", "i n", "l i g h t", "o f", "t h e", "t e n s", "o f", "t h o u s a n d s", "o f", "p e o p l e", "t h a t", "h a v e", "b e e n", "k i l l e d" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 2114, 3154, 4544, 2811, 530, 530, 530, 530, 524, 28, 2026, 2281, 1297, 3357, 4328, 1285, 1285, 273, 2213, 4607, 95, 3683, 1617, 3522, 572, 837, 837, 618, 82, 4876, 4077, 382, 4019, 521, 521, 381, 2809, 126, 4622, 1801, 4201, 2941, 2941, 2941, 2941, 1816, 4269, 4269, 2648, 3630, 3530, 4077, 542, 542, 4100, 162, 162, 4398, 4398, 634, 2593, 4811, 3557, 1252, 1943, 1245, 72, 1245, 3913, 23, 23, 3844, 1436, 28, 1586, 231, 4826, 3125, 3867, 1949, 712, 85, 85, 669, 2336, 2420, 4824, 4764, 4764, 4764, 495, 1173, 216, 3449, 3827, 1493, 2997, 3855, 4561, 721, 4141, 3513, 1469, 3336, 1623, 687, 687, 381, 1781, 136, 2374, 2374, 3929, 3929, 3929, 1331, 3917, 3034, 809, 4655, 2292, 296, 65, 872, 4944, 2464, 384, 965, 745, 2321, 2774, 742, 4466, 2619, 4682, 4682, 4682, 4682, 1267, 1267, 1267, 644, 4922, 4922, 1360, 1272, 4218, 4218, 4218, 1055, 4655, 2985, 65, 872, 4944, 2464, 384, 3912, 2277, 917, 2812, 231, 2973, 1154, 211, 211, 211, 1532, 4093, 595, 2026, 1059, 1916, 371, 371, 371, 668, 4808, 4808, 195, 1873, 4450, 1472, 388, 2026, 3744, 1504, 949, 612, 612, 1165, 2676, 3805, 3805, 889, 635, 635, 635, 4484, 2573, 3652, 3652, 2741, 221, 1888, 1264, 1264, 253, 488, 2099, 4591, 62, 687, 894, 4633, 678, 708, 420, 420, 420, 2825, 2825, 1796, 807, 807, 402, 4771, 894, 2205, 2205, 4673, 4891, 97, 4673, 2152, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.361482740585774, 0.44181223849372386, 0.48197698744769873, 1.3656014644351464, 1.6869194560669454, 1.927907949790795, 1.9881550732217572, 2.1488140690376567, 2.510296809623431, 2.650873430962343, 3.1127680439330545, 3.233262290794979, 3.69515690376569, 3.8959806485355646, 4.0968043933054386, 4.277545763598326 ]
[ 0.361482740585774, 0.44181223849372386, 0.48197698744769873, 1.3656014644351464, 1.6869194560669454, 1.927907949790795, 1.9881550732217572, 2.1488140690376567, 2.510296809623431, 2.650873430962343, 3.1127680439330545, 3.233262290794979, 3.69515690376569, 3.8959806485355646, 4.0968043933054386, 4.277545763598326, 4.7796051255230125 ]
The EU has created the perfect environment for trafficking to flourish.
the eu has created the perfect environment for trafficking to flourish.
[ "the", "eu", "has", "created", "the", "perfect", "environment", "for", "trafficking", "to", "flourish." ]
[ "the", "eu", "has", "created", "the", "perfect", "environment", "for", "trafficking", "to", "flourish" ]
[ "t h e", "e u", "h a s", "c r e a t e d", "t h e", "p e r f e c t", "e n v i r o n m e n t", "f o r", "t r a f f i c k i n g", "t o", "f l o u r i s h" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 2114, 1335, 1335, 4720, 914, 914, 914, 524, 524, 3958, 2026, 1504, 489, 492, 1445, 4885, 1687, 1, 3441, 2552, 4228, 4228, 4228, 4228, 2092, 2092, 2092, 2092, 3174, 3174, 3174, 4172, 4172, 401, 3261, 3261, 1149, 3072, 395, 395, 149, 149, 2859, 2859, 4969, 4077, 2940, 213, 1829, 3189, 310, 2000, 2174, 1052, 2517, 2517, 2517, 2517, 1687, 2875, 742, 3189, 1045, 2560, 871, 871, 934, 934, 565, 1878, 89, 1339, 2415, 513, 341, 2381, 921, 364, 12, 2268, 2566, 3102, 177, 2261, 1210, 742, 2559, 2973, 1644, 1730, 996, 996, 996, 996, 1580, 769, 3279, 2811, 2437, 2698, 2698, 364, 2359, 231, 3972, 4952, 4659, 2541, 2541, 820, 3563, 856, 3878, 4055, 2868, 3372, 1309, 1309, 1309, 1309, 1309, 1654, 719, 2051, 2051, 2051, 2944, 1404, 1067, 2539, 249, 249, 1146, 339, 4994, 4429, 4429, 742, 838, 1344, 4746, 4746, 3336, 1623, 974, 270, 4374, 4374, 3826, 3433, 3459, 3459, 3459, 509, 1111, 3279, 3279, 2437, 2437, 2773, 1190, 4183, 3189, 1733, 903, 454, 160, 160, 2379, 3086, 2605, 300, 4895, 1058, 1401, 2491, 3494, 1368, 3524, 2400, 1615, 1394, 2980, 3670, 3670, 2829, 2829, 746, 4942, 2879, 2879, 3558, 3506, 3329, 3329, 1527, 1527, 1984, 1984, 1117, 1117, 1117, 2152, 2152, 4625, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.3818181818181819, 0.7234449760765551, 0.9846889952153112, 1.6076555023923447, 1.7282296650717706, 2.1703349282296656, 2.7732057416267946, 2.9138755980861246, 3.4765550239234453, 3.5971291866028716 ]
[ 0.3818181818181819, 0.7234449760765551, 0.9846889952153112, 1.6076555023923447, 1.7282296650717706, 2.1703349282296656, 2.7732057416267946, 2.9138755980861246, 3.4765550239234453, 3.5971291866028716, 4.179904306220096 ]
They can only do this if the market allows for it, if they can find qualified workers, if labour markets are sufficiently flexible and if they are not over burdened with regulation.
they can only do this if the market allows for it if they can find qualified workers if labour markets are sufficiently flexible and if they are not over burdened with regulation.
[ "they", "can", "only", "do", "this", "if", "the", "market", "allows", "for", "it", "if", "they", "can", "find", "qualified", "workers", "if", "labour", "markets", "are", "sufficiently", "flexible", "and", "if", "they", "are", "not", "over", "burdened", "with", "regulation." ]
[ "they", "can", "only", "do", "this", "if", "the", "market", "allows", "for", "it", "if", "they", "can", "find", "qualified", "workers", "if", "labour", "markets", "are", "sufficiently", "flexible", "and", "if", "they", "are", "not", "over", "burdened", "with", "regulation" ]
[ "t h e y", "c a n", "o n l y", "d o", "t h i s", "i f", "t h e", "m a r k e t", "a l l o w s", "f o r", "i t", "i f", "t h e y", "c a n", "f i n d", "q u a l i f i e d", "w o r k e r s", "i f", "l a b o u r", "m a r k e t s", "a r e", "s u f f i c i e n t l y", "f l e x i b l e", "a n d", "i f", "t h e y", "a r e", "n o t", "o v e r", "b u r d e n e d", "w i t h", "r e g u l a t i o n" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 3154, 3154, 3154, 139, 139, 2327, 2327, 914, 914, 914, 1457, 524, 2677, 3958, 2026, 1504, 4461, 3256, 3256, 409, 409, 49, 4305, 2559, 560, 1539, 1539, 4729, 3790, 3790, 834, 4990, 2330, 2875, 231, 1045, 187, 731, 731, 731, 3437, 3437, 3437, 1263, 1263, 1263, 4541, 2628, 2628, 4324, 438, 4202, 3049, 2089, 1568, 381, 433, 3348, 3348, 3208, 3208, 3208, 3208, 2801, 2801, 132, 2924, 1414, 165, 1655, 138, 2495, 2495, 2495, 2495, 4273, 4273, 1238, 2640, 3530, 4077, 542, 542, 2214, 2214, 2214, 2214, 2324, 1365, 4756, 890, 742, 2666, 1202, 474, 474, 4159, 745, 3855, 2938, 721, 424, 3102, 177, 2816, 3948, 3948, 148, 995, 1497, 1497, 1497, 1494, 1494, 4827, 4012, 3249, 1733, 2714, 2714, 2714, 4542, 3078, 2415, 175, 1008, 1324, 2128, 4052, 669, 2336, 2745, 2745, 2745, 2745, 2745, 2423, 2709, 2709, 3742, 4213, 4213, 4050, 3503, 4433, 3838, 3838, 2396, 4983, 838, 840, 1883, 1508, 1508, 247, 3445, 2524, 1993, 1266, 1266, 1266, 2424, 3817, 1136, 1136, 2732, 1725, 377, 3190, 1481, 2593, 399, 399, 1128, 4389, 327, 327, 327, 1033, 327, 23, 23, 2030, 3268, 1586, 4826, 3125, 1202, 474, 4159, 4159, 4433, 3942, 4461, 3256, 3256, 409, 409, 1999, 4305, 894, 1000, 1539, 4729, 3790, 3687, 1185, 2435, 50, 1368, 2832, 3524, 2811, 43, 1547, 1547, 4781, 4781, 4781, 4781, 1341, 1341, 1538, 314, 2513, 4192, 4485, 687, 3189, 310, 2902, 2902, 3696, 3696, 3274, 3274, 3274, 3274, 2141, 4147, 4033, 478, 4610, 4606, 4606, 2472, 1815, 381, 43, 4794, 4794, 4794, 4794, 167, 167, 282, 3463, 2014, 3883, 3355, 1569, 1569, 144, 1851, 4814, 4814, 441, 441, 441, 1580, 1580, 1580, 4012, 1743, 231, 1733, 903, 1515, 2232, 2232, 2232, 3804, 3804, 70, 4287, 4287, 4287, 536, 2091, 1011, 302, 145, 145, 1311, 634, 163, 3557, 3796, 3796, 3401, 3401, 3401, 574, 574, 574, 327, 322, 4796, 1357, 453, 23, 852, 852, 3268, 1066, 2026, 14, 2754, 108, 108, 68, 604, 1634, 1634, 3449, 1202, 474, 474, 4159, 745, 745, 2251, 2251, 669, 1688, 486, 4529, 4529, 3413, 3413, 732, 1632, 2872, 910, 910, 1720, 2816, 1456, 995, 1497, 1497, 1497, 1494, 1494, 2883, 4012, 4012, 3249, 2903, 2714, 2714, 2714, 215, 3817, 571, 3711, 4505, 4266, 2213, 4260, 766, 766, 766, 4446, 1544, 4077, 3505, 4721, 947, 1746, 1746, 2472, 3279, 3535, 3572, 3572, 3572, 3572, 2504, 603, 4077, 4707, 4707, 3839, 3998, 3998, 2278, 4541, 663, 4054, 3293, 1815, 3524, 1615, 1394, 3670, 2975, 2975, 2975, 4076, 4648, 4786, 2543, 649, 4955, 4955, 2874, 2480, 2480, 1820, 336, 336, 2715, 646, 1463, 1463, 668, 668, 195, 195, 391, 4620, 4620, 315, 315, 315, 15, 163, 15, 163, 374, 374, 4222, 4222, 4222, 4621, 2760, 2135, 3458, 3458, 3458, 3736, 1572, 453, 453, 453, 3673, 1436, 3268, 1066, 1886, 2026, 2281, 1510, 4112, 4112, 591, 591, 591, 591, 591, 591, 591, 1226, 4489, 4489, 209, 3034, 3034, 4210, 4210, 4210, 4394, 4394, 412, 4497, 2205, 154, 20, 2593, 4665, 3134, 3134, 110, 110, 110, 3744, 981, 3125, 1202, 474, 474, 4159, 3855, 4761, 1655, 2546, 2546, 3248, 3248, 4961, 4961, 3996, 1927, 152, 152, 411, 1021, 2895, 2895, 1614, 1614, 1614, 1183, 2068, 4818, 1588, 743, 245, 2972, 890, 742, 1045, 187, 1664, 1664, 1664, 1664, 1571, 1571, 695, 695, 147, 3888, 910, 910, 1591, 3133, 3189, 739, 3574, 3053, 3053, 3053, 3053, 4487, 1580, 1580, 616, 616, 4597, 4597, 1175, 1175, 3000, 1055, 37, 2513, 4192, 3355, 1284, 318, 3044, 2450, 540, 4567, 4590, 1827, 4191, 2563, 2563, 2563, 4124, 4124, 844, 844, 1691, 1691, 1230, 227, 1198, 1808, 3690, 3690, 1573, 3430, 225, 4780, 4780, 3405, 419, 1840, 222, 4392, 3534, 3122, 1979, 1979, 1979, 922, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.4807830342577487, 0.7011419249592169, 1.0817618270799345, 1.322153344208809, 1.8029363784665577, 2.0032626427406197, 2.143491027732463, 2.5241109298531805, 2.964828711256117, 3.2052202283849915, 3.5457748776508966, 3.8662969004893957, 4.026557911908646, 4.226884176182707, 4.587471451876019, 5.248548123980423, 6.190081566068515, 6.670864600326263, 6.971353996737356, 7.432104404567699, 7.552300163132136, 8.073148450244698, 9.014681892332788, 9.896117455138661, 10.116476345840129, 10.256704730831972, 10.356867862969004, 10.657357259380097, 10.997911908646001, 11.438629690048938, 11.578858075040781 ]
[ 0.4807830342577487, 0.7011419249592169, 1.0817618270799345, 1.322153344208809, 1.8029363784665577, 2.0032626427406197, 2.143491027732463, 2.5241109298531805, 2.964828711256117, 3.2052202283849915, 3.5457748776508966, 3.8662969004893957, 4.026557911908646, 4.226884176182707, 4.587471451876019, 5.248548123980423, 6.190081566068515, 6.670864600326263, 6.971353996737356, 7.432104404567699, 7.552300163132136, 8.073148450244698, 9.014681892332788, 9.896117455138661, 10.116476345840129, 10.256704730831972, 10.356867862969004, 10.657357259380097, 10.997911908646001, 11.438629690048938, 11.578858075040781, 12.259967373572591 ]
Knowing that there are Member States in the Council that still consider that these proposals go too far is to me quite depressing, to tell the truth.
knowing that there are member states in the council that still consider that these proposals go too far is to me quite depressing to tell the truth.
[ "knowing", "that", "there", "are", "member", "states", "in", "the", "council", "that", "still", "consider", "that", "these", "proposals", "go", "too", "far", "is", "to", "me", "quite", "depressing", "to", "tell", "the", "truth." ]
[ "knowing", "that", "there", "are", "member", "states", "in", "the", "council", "that", "still", "consider", "that", "these", "proposals", "go", "too", "far", "is", "to", "me", "quite", "depressing", "to", "tell", "the", "truth" ]
[ "k n o w i n g", "t h a t", "t h e r e", "a r e", "m e m b e r", "s t a t e s", "i n", "t h e", "c o u n c i l", "t h a t", "s t i l l", "c o n s i d e r", "t h a t", "t h e s e", "p r o p o s a l s", "g o", "t o o", "f a r", "i s", "t o", "m e", "q u i t e", "d e p r e s s i n g", "t o", "t e l l", "t h e", "t r u t h" ]
[ 4079, 1249, 1510, 4112, 108, 108, 68, 2838, 4117, 4608, 4608, 4608, 4480, 411, 2142, 3041, 4921, 4921, 1744, 1744, 1744, 1744, 2621, 2621, 4042, 4042, 1628, 1628, 4087, 4087, 1887, 1182, 160, 160, 160, 160, 2610, 4914, 4914, 598, 598, 1638, 1638, 2210, 2210, 2039, 3087, 3087, 3087, 315, 315, 15, 15, 163, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 374, 374, 374, 374, 374, 2756, 2756, 2756, 2756, 2756, 238, 2756, 3754, 3754, 3215, 3754, 3754, 3754, 2026, 3754, 2885, 2490, 2490, 2490, 3416, 2490, 2490, 2490, 1864, 1864, 1864, 1864, 1864, 1864, 1714, 88, 2982, 2026, 2085, 3227, 3227, 4182, 5, 4461, 1696, 133, 133, 1165, 2307, 2712, 2712, 231, 4461, 379, 780, 4585, 3445, 2524, 3921, 3921, 3876, 3876, 3876, 3846, 1593, 4493, 4493, 202, 939, 939, 615, 615, 615, 615, 516, 516, 1695, 1695, 741, 2872, 4769, 1975, 1288, 3408, 2542, 4876, 1275, 9, 9, 1084, 3271, 742, 47, 1690, 1690, 911, 911, 911, 1086, 3373, 445, 3249, 3711, 273, 4266, 4260, 3376, 4856, 712, 3832, 2659, 2659, 2099, 742, 3766, 3718, 3387, 2497, 592, 1583, 1583, 1583, 1583, 1627, 3067, 3067, 277, 277, 3149, 4351, 4955, 4955, 655, 4372, 776, 776, 776, 2041, 2041, 3758, 4873, 2268, 949, 612, 2965, 2965, 1165, 2307, 2951, 4523, 4523, 3702, 3702, 9, 1084, 3194, 3271, 47, 1643, 2194, 2194, 2194, 2194, 2794, 768, 3834, 3729, 581, 742, 560, 3718, 4986, 4986, 4690, 4690, 1802, 735, 4834, 760, 1544, 2535, 2119, 2119, 3505, 620, 4517, 1541, 1541, 1541, 216, 1708, 4166, 1502, 910, 2864, 1307, 1414, 2268, 1655, 4463, 4428, 4428, 4631, 475, 1293, 298, 1275, 3930, 2821, 4241, 2927, 742, 3407, 3167, 3167, 285, 750, 1210, 2812, 4643, 1082, 452, 1530, 1118, 1118, 1118, 1118, 1118, 1476, 644, 683, 4853, 1666, 1666, 4955, 1150, 1479, 776, 776, 2046, 900, 3142, 292, 3385, 2535, 6, 6, 4229, 4229, 63, 1401, 885, 1292, 2006, 1710, 777, 2272, 2531, 896, 896, 1809, 1809, 201, 1193, 1193, 4495, 2183, 860, 3189, 1058, 4375, 985, 3624, 3624, 3624, 1819, 1819, 3011, 2768, 3232, 4120, 4120, 2832, 381, 43, 671, 2043, 1180, 1180, 1180, 1180, 4752, 4752, 1653, 1753, 1753, 1316, 1316, 1484, 1484, 3087, 3087, 3295, 3295, 399, 399, 3295, 399, 163, 1128, 1128, 72, 31, 1357, 1357, 532, 23, 1436, 1436, 3268, 981, 4826, 3125, 3483, 3483, 3483, 279, 4050, 3411, 6, 1139, 894, 1954, 63, 3419, 3419, 3179, 1720, 1593, 4493, 3768, 3768, 878, 878, 878, 2315, 2315, 569, 3910, 3910, 4305, 581, 3189, 310, 2902, 2902, 3696, 1649, 1703, 1703, 1703, 1703, 495, 1173, 2665, 1200, 2732, 381, 3522, 572, 1353, 750, 2261, 3189, 3189, 4660, 4660, 654, 4038, 2246, 2246, 2246, 93, 1281, 4708, 2535, 4955, 4955, 655, 3845, 3097, 1182, 2308, 7, 2605, 300, 4895, 1058, 1954, 219, 3490, 630, 3336, 1623, 381, 1781, 2657, 2374, 326, 326, 326, 326, 2216, 2064, 2064, 4146, 3591, 2191, 2453, 2864, 437, 4416, 4141, 10, 2131, 1469, 3336, 381, 3237, 4374, 3826, 3826, 1667, 1667, 1667, 44, 4345, 4345, 4061, 2226, 2732, 3891, 3891, 3891, 163, 4673, 2152, 4625, 4625, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 1.4227701810176128, 2.184252813111546, 2.3646039628180042, 2.50487707925636, 2.9056574119373777, 3.3064377446183952, 3.4066328277886497, 3.4867888943248535, 4.007803326810176, 4.208193493150685, 4.54885677592955, 5.109949241682974, 5.23018334148728, 5.390495474559687, 6.212095156555773, 6.492641389432485, 6.8132656555772995, 7.4144361545988255, 7.8152164872798435, 7.9554896037182, 8.17591878669276, 8.556660102739727, 9.137791585127202, 9.258025684931507, 9.558610934442271, 9.738962084148728 ]
[ 1.4227701810176128, 2.184252813111546, 2.3646039628180042, 2.50487707925636, 2.9056574119373777, 3.3064377446183952, 3.4066328277886497, 3.4867888943248535, 4.007803326810176, 4.208193493150685, 4.54885677592955, 5.109949241682974, 5.23018334148728, 5.390495474559687, 6.212095156555773, 6.492641389432485, 6.8132656555772995, 7.4144361545988255, 7.8152164872798435, 7.9554896037182, 8.17591878669276, 8.556660102739727, 9.137791585127202, 9.258025684931507, 9.558610934442271, 9.738962084148728, 10.219898483365949 ]
Eight of the ten leading causes of disability are mental health issues, and mental health problems have a huge effect on those not directly affected.
eight of the ten leading causes of disability are mental health issues and mental health problems have a huge effect on those not directly affected.
[ "eight", "of", "the", "ten", "leading", "causes", "of", "disability", "are", "mental", "health", "issues", "and", "mental", "health", "problems", "have", "a", "huge", "effect", "on", "those", "not", "directly", "affected." ]
[ "eight", "of", "the", "ten", "leading", "causes", "of", "disability", "are", "mental", "health", "issues", "and", "mental", "health", "problems", "have", "a", "huge", "effect", "on", "those", "not", "directly", "affected" ]
[ "e i g h t", "o f", "t h e", "t e n", "l e a d i n g", "c a u s e s", "o f", "d i s a b i l i t y", "a r e", "m e n t a l", "h e a l t h", "i s s u e s", "a n d", "m e n t a l", "h e a l t h", "p r o b l e m s", "h a v e", "a", "h u g e", "e f f e c t", "o n", "t h o s e", "n o t", "d i r e c t l y", "a f f e c t e d" ]
[ 4079, 3156, 1249, 187, 4253, 2083, 2083, 2083, 1086, 246, 246, 421, 1725, 3289, 743, 4571, 245, 983, 742, 2939, 2331, 4789, 4789, 2968, 3912, 745, 4561, 986, 3189, 2268, 3347, 3513, 2131, 1469, 1623, 1623, 381, 1781, 2657, 541, 2374, 3929, 3929, 3929, 1331, 3917, 1282, 3918, 3918, 85, 85, 669, 669, 1688, 4958, 770, 770, 770, 1350, 4196, 2171, 2073, 1605, 4687, 2308, 2379, 3086, 488, 4591, 4591, 310, 1579, 1579, 1371, 1603, 1603, 1603, 1603, 1603, 2735, 2735, 365, 4922, 4032, 1360, 472, 1519, 4832, 650, 650, 70, 70, 1764, 1705, 3503, 2213, 752, 606, 3516, 4789, 2968, 1601, 2184, 917, 917, 231, 3522, 572, 837, 618, 618, 3503, 4077, 4955, 2874, 4962, 4962, 764, 764, 3327, 739, 3574, 1661, 1661, 1661, 4147, 4033, 478, 3005, 2322, 1090, 1577, 1550, 1268, 1268, 2017, 1036, 1036, 3684, 3843, 311, 153, 2377, 4409, 2593, 71, 399, 1252, 1128, 1128, 1128, 1286, 157, 828, 828, 1103, 28, 2026, 30, 30, 2789, 1464, 1464, 1464, 3924, 865, 1464, 719, 3996, 1125, 4493, 202, 308, 2765, 2765, 2765, 2765, 2854, 4116, 1447, 1447, 1830, 2457, 2645, 4357, 3325, 3325, 1187, 3261, 13, 1347, 1415, 2521, 2521, 2521, 2216, 3092, 1062, 683, 4740, 1150, 1150, 1479, 1479, 3703, 3703, 1124, 1124, 2504, 4077, 18, 3061, 3035, 3035, 3035, 3035, 2518, 2518, 4342, 608, 608, 536, 3140, 3503, 3140, 1311, 2967, 2026, 3557, 3796, 3587, 3587, 31, 31, 31, 72, 157, 532, 3844, 1436, 312, 1586, 14, 1406, 108, 3610, 2838, 4117, 704, 74, 4493, 202, 939, 2765, 2765, 2765, 496, 2854, 4116, 1447, 1186, 1830, 2457, 2457, 4357, 3325, 36, 3261, 3261, 13, 1347, 1415, 2521, 2521, 2521, 3616, 3092, 1062, 683, 4740, 2035, 2821, 4241, 4643, 1673, 654, 1215, 2132, 2132, 2132, 2283, 2283, 1925, 1925, 3038, 3038, 892, 892, 375, 978, 978, 2292, 991, 3503, 1150, 1785, 395, 3939, 1434, 1434, 2573, 2744, 701, 1567, 95, 95, 4216, 3349, 3349, 3349, 3349, 1606, 1606, 1606, 4548, 4548, 4548, 4548, 307, 307, 307, 3952, 3952, 1810, 2060, 3249, 3235, 3197, 3079, 1008, 1008, 3165, 563, 623, 3524, 3524, 2400, 671, 4155, 948, 948, 948, 948, 4076, 4076, 4648, 4786, 2359, 2842, 742, 4454, 3190, 1481, 142, 742, 4665, 4243, 4243, 1943, 3913, 532, 3844, 1103, 28, 2026, 1586, 30, 2331, 4789, 2968, 3912, 4561, 3470, 1586, 231, 3163, 4592, 4592, 1363, 1363, 3864, 3864, 3742, 3742, 1293, 4050, 3503, 480, 1693, 1693, 3770, 2142, 2895, 2895, 1614, 1183, 2068, 2068, 571, 1129, 1568, 104, 2231, 1283, 976, 976, 976, 976, 593, 593, 4469, 2269, 2269, 2269, 2269, 4076, 4648, 4786, 2842, 212, 2770, 2731, 2731, 4541, 663, 663, 4324, 311, 587, 1247, 80, 983, 2746, 1594, 3165, 2690, 1815, 623, 742, 2400, 671, 4155, 948, 948, 948, 4076, 4648, 4786, 4786, 2842, 2842, 2559, 1163, 341, 2381, 2381, 2381, 1558, 3198, 3240, 2205, 4673, 142, 4625, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.34066294642857137, 0.5210139180672269, 0.6813258928571427, 1.0019498424369746, 1.382690782563025, 1.9037047006302519, 2.064016675420168, 3.0058495273109243, 3.3865904674369744, 3.7673314075630246, 4.0679163602941175, 4.669086265756302, 4.9897102153361335, 5.370451155462184, 5.630958114495797, 6.091855042016806, 6.2922450105042005, 6.372400997899159, 6.793219931722689, 7.374350840336134, 7.654896796218487, 7.975520745798319, 8.195949711134453, 8.797119616596637 ]
[ 0.34066294642857137, 0.5210139180672269, 0.6813258928571427, 1.0019498424369746, 1.382690782563025, 1.9037047006302519, 2.064016675420168, 3.0058495273109243, 3.3865904674369744, 3.7673314075630246, 4.0679163602941175, 4.669086265756302, 4.9897102153361335, 5.370451155462184, 5.630958114495797, 6.091855042016806, 6.2922450105042005, 6.372400997899159, 6.793219931722689, 7.374350840336134, 7.654896796218487, 7.975520745798319, 8.195949711134453, 8.797119616596637, 9.51852350315126 ]
These are very important questions to be urgently answered by Facebook.
these are very important questions to be urgently answered by facebook.
[ "these", "are", "very", "important", "questions", "to", "be", "urgently", "answered", "by", "facebook." ]
[ "these", "are", "very", "important", "questions", "to", "be", "urgently", "answered", "by", "facebook" ]
[ "t h e s e", "a r e", "v e r y", "i m p o r t a n t", "q u e s t i o n s", "t o", "b e", "u r g e n t l y", "a n s w e r e d", "b y", "f a c e b o o k" ]
[ 2204, 4428, 4428, 4428, 475, 4922, 4032, 1705, 2906, 752, 3921, 3921, 766, 766, 766, 755, 740, 2133, 3013, 3040, 2593, 2593, 399, 399, 1128, 1128, 1128, 1128, 1357, 1357, 72, 1254, 3415, 3415, 2827, 2026, 3740, 3740, 3740, 1416, 3227, 2670, 2026, 2870, 2870, 2868, 631, 631, 2460, 2460, 2460, 519, 519, 3309, 470, 870, 4080, 274, 274, 1041, 1041, 587, 4185, 3963, 1405, 1405, 820, 3563, 4508, 4591, 2812, 742, 2559, 2973, 452, 2758, 619, 619, 619, 619, 2735, 365, 825, 1358, 4510, 4510, 4609, 1006, 488, 2099, 104, 310, 2902, 2902, 3696, 2418, 2418, 827, 827, 827, 1281, 2504, 603, 4077, 419, 222, 1411, 1411, 4532, 809, 4655, 2292, 3411, 1139, 231, 1954, 4906, 2130, 2130, 4696, 2741, 221, 2958, 566, 4054, 4705, 1889, 534, 561, 4877, 4877, 4877, 4877, 1580, 600, 514, 1722, 3536, 4632, 3951, 3951, 2072, 339, 4744, 3509, 2731, 4119, 4541, 663, 1687, 1889, 2559, 1045, 187, 3907, 3947, 3947, 3947, 3947, 3947, 1164, 277, 4351, 3989, 655, 2523, 2523, 2523, 2014, 843, 2970, 2811, 1373, 1976, 2779, 115, 115, 553, 1736, 4246, 563, 623, 2400, 43, 671, 1890, 1890, 1890, 1816, 3314, 279, 298, 4077, 3930, 2821, 184, 184, 2782, 2042, 2042, 2042, 3399, 3780, 742, 1152, 935, 4673, 4673, 4625, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.2009152843601896, 0.6228373815165877, 1.2456747630331755, 1.8082375592417064, 2.290434241706161, 2.390891883886256, 2.5315325829383886, 3.053912322274882, 3.435651362559242, 3.6164751184834127 ]
[ 0.2009152843601896, 0.6228373815165877, 1.2456747630331755, 1.8082375592417064, 2.290434241706161, 2.390891883886256, 2.5315325829383886, 3.053912322274882, 3.435651362559242, 3.6164751184834127, 4.219220971563981 ]
In short, to further promote the growth of e commerce, we have to make sure that the off line structure on which it is built works at its
in short to further promote the growth of e commerce we have to make sure that the off line structure on which it is built works at its
[ "in", "short", "to", "further", "promote", "the", "growth", "of", "e", "commerce", "we", "have", "to", "make", "sure", "that", "the", "off", "line", "structure", "on", "which", "it", "is", "built", "works", "at", "its" ]
[ "in", "short", "to", "further", "promote", "the", "growth", "of", "e", "commerce", "we", "have", "to", "make", "sure", "that", "the", "off", "line", "structure", "on", "which", "it", "is", "built", "works", "at", "its" ]
[ "i n", "s h o r t", "t o", "f u r t h e r", "p r o m o t e", "t h e", "g r o w t h", "o f", "e", "c o m m e r c e", "w e", "h a v e", "t o", "m a k e", "s u r e", "t h a t", "t h e", "o f f", "l i n e", "s t r u c t u r e", "o n", "w h i c h", "i t", "i s", "b u i l t", "w o r k s", "a t", "i t s" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 1335, 4720, 4720, 524, 28, 3958, 912, 4826, 4826, 3125, 4364, 3867, 2793, 1949, 712, 3832, 2435, 4834, 4414, 1275, 171, 171, 171, 171, 4507, 4783, 897, 897, 2796, 2796, 2796, 2796, 2735, 2735, 365, 4524, 4524, 131, 2732, 742, 1725, 3472, 4891, 97, 4917, 315, 1704, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 2135, 2135, 3458, 4823, 4823, 3401, 3305, 1357, 157, 3415, 3415, 2154, 1586, 3958, 912, 912, 193, 1784, 1954, 885, 885, 1395, 2753, 1210, 2812, 894, 1673, 3407, 3167, 3167, 285, 285, 1125, 3948, 148, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 4563, 644, 825, 2029, 2636, 2734, 2734, 4120, 2832, 2832, 1615, 2923, 671, 1868, 1868, 1868, 1868, 1868, 1868, 1580, 1580, 1040, 4537, 3665, 963, 568, 568, 1907, 1907, 1907, 694, 740, 4234, 1773, 1773, 1773, 4852, 4852, 3470, 2268, 3347, 1448, 729, 124, 2481, 1710, 2559, 126, 126, 2790, 2790, 4201, 629, 629, 629, 4563, 644, 644, 356, 2227, 1666, 1666, 1666, 162, 872, 1365, 245, 2939, 64, 2331, 3516, 4789, 2968, 3912, 3912, 745, 3632, 2330, 3441, 3441, 2552, 4228, 4228, 4228, 3757, 1999, 4305, 581, 742, 560, 714, 805, 680, 680, 680, 2273, 1947, 2618, 4039, 2597, 4151, 4151, 4151, 1516, 1516, 4383, 2665, 3830, 3830, 3830, 3830, 2214, 3294, 1311, 4398, 4811, 4811, 4811, 4811, 4389, 1039, 1039, 3458, 3458, 140, 140, 72, 1245, 4796, 1357, 23, 828, 2030, 710, 1586, 3958, 1910, 2001, 2425, 4973, 4471, 487, 236, 2863, 2863, 4911, 3805, 3805, 395, 3939, 1434, 1434, 1434, 2573, 2405, 2365, 3289, 4154, 367, 1550, 1550, 2948, 1401, 885, 1395, 2006, 1720, 1593, 202, 308, 185, 1560, 1560, 1560, 418, 2663, 3176, 2138, 4414, 2878, 2878, 171, 171, 4507, 4783, 897, 3621, 3621, 3621, 3621, 2792, 2792, 3340, 3340, 3340, 3340, 4450, 1773, 1773, 3087, 315, 315, 315, 315, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 3458, 3458, 3458, 3458, 3401, 1254, 72, 1254, 1254, 3415, 3415, 2827, 2827, 527, 1416, 3958, 2026, 1504, 949, 1696, 133, 133, 1165, 1862, 5, 3347, 1064, 100, 4885, 1687, 1889, 534, 4918, 4918, 3798, 3798, 3798, 1111, 1111, 3279, 745, 1300, 3809, 3809, 426, 227, 1276, 958, 958, 232, 1341, 1006, 194, 194, 1926, 2535, 3065, 3065, 1641, 47, 4512, 1265, 1265, 1265, 1265, 4076, 2802, 2359, 2842, 231, 614, 614, 3311, 1783, 4239, 4239, 1907, 1907, 740, 3991, 3013, 80, 3800, 890, 890, 1904, 2263, 3180, 3180, 4430, 4430, 3777, 4768, 3123, 3123, 4437, 4973, 56, 2954, 2954, 2954, 3009, 1974, 358, 3197, 3079, 886, 886, 3421, 3421, 4152, 3109, 2148, 94, 3077, 2791, 3976, 3786, 3930, 4894, 4894, 1440, 3133, 4055, 3574, 1509, 1509, 1509, 1509, 1509, 2825, 4453, 4644, 4644, 2239, 1709, 3249, 977, 3472, 3190, 1481, 2593, 2593, 399, 2220, 1639, 2220, 1286, 1286, 2778, 2778, 2778, 955, 4195, 372, 1416, 1416, 1586, 1870, 4973, 4973, 4814, 441, 441, 441, 441, 1516, 4383, 3399, 3176, 381, 3223, 2027, 3773, 2535, 3954, 2214, 2214, 162, 4398, 4398, 1668, 1668, 1668, 3388, 3388, 3388, 3388, 1151, 1151, 1151, 220, 2026, 1904, 781, 2834, 898, 898, 898, 3018, 1708, 3449, 3449, 4226, 726, 726, 3444, 3444, 3668, 4266, 4247, 3930, 4241, 4241, 193, 739, 3574, 4750, 3397, 3397, 3397, 3397, 858, 2640, 1275, 3717, 1458, 1458, 1458, 2333, 368, 368, 4454, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.420782122905028, 0.8215270018621975, 0.881638733705773, 1.562905027932961, 2.5447299813780266, 2.785176908752328, 3.205959031657356, 3.4464059590316576, 3.586666666666667, 4.388156424581006, 4.788901303538176, 5.049385474860335, 5.2096834264432035, 5.490204841713222, 6.091322160148976, 6.532141527001863, 6.69243947858473, 6.912849162011174, 7.173333333333334, 7.75441340782123, 7.9547858472998145, 8.175195530726258, 8.295418994413408, 8.475754189944135, 9.016759776536313, 9.798212290502793, 10.11880819366853 ]
[ 0.420782122905028, 0.8215270018621975, 0.8616014897579144, 1.562905027932961, 2.5447299813780266, 2.785176908752328, 3.205959031657356, 3.4464059590316576, 3.586666666666667, 4.388156424581006, 4.788901303538176, 5.049385474860335, 5.2096834264432035, 5.490204841713222, 6.091322160148976, 6.532141527001863, 6.69243947858473, 6.912849162011174, 7.173333333333334, 7.75441340782123, 7.9547858472998145, 8.175195530726258, 8.295418994413408, 8.475754189944135, 9.016759776536313, 9.798212290502793, 10.11880819366853, 10.739962756052142 ]
extent possible, be taken into consideration in all its aspects before the adoption of the final text.
extent possible be taken into consideration in all its aspects before the adoption of the final text.
[ "extent", "possible", "be", "taken", "into", "consideration", "in", "all", "its", "aspects", "before", "the", "adoption", "of", "the", "final", "text." ]
[ "extent", "possible", "be", "taken", "into", "consideration", "in", "all", "its", "aspects", "before", "the", "adoption", "of", "the", "final", "text" ]
[ "e x t e n t", "p o s s i b l e", "b e", "t a k e n", "i n t o", "c o n s i d e r a t i o n", "i n", "a l l", "i t s", "a s p e c t s", "b e f o r e", "t h e", "a d o p t i o n", "o f", "t h e", "f i n a l", "t e x t" ]
[ 4079, 4598, 3409, 2026, 1904, 1904, 1510, 801, 265, 3241, 3241, 2543, 2701, 2279, 2535, 3065, 3065, 3271, 231, 47, 1643, 1386, 1386, 1386, 1386, 1331, 496, 339, 2215, 1709, 4728, 2636, 2007, 798, 2852, 4429, 1435, 166, 1435, 1435, 687, 974, 2973, 1663, 116, 4455, 3860, 3860, 767, 1051, 1281, 2963, 2535, 655, 2874, 1826, 2480, 727, 1820, 367, 336, 2715, 646, 1463, 183, 4785, 4785, 670, 3896, 1435, 687, 3189, 381, 221, 2958, 566, 3686, 4202, 1623, 1339, 62, 687, 231, 1781, 2657, 4046, 4046, 1852, 1852, 4299, 4299, 418, 2663, 1743, 383, 2811, 2679, 1540, 1540, 54, 366, 1790, 4659, 1048, 364, 4023, 4183, 860, 1843, 3595, 1395, 2006, 1694, 3189, 2607, 714, 1579, 805, 4293, 4986, 155, 4690, 4081, 1516, 4383, 3938, 4336, 3249, 2951, 4523, 1666, 1666, 655, 4517, 1541, 1541, 4070, 3665, 2073, 4166, 3620, 3620, 3620, 1857, 1857, 1198, 1808, 1808, 3690, 3690, 1573, 19, 225, 4780, 3405, 419, 1840, 4392, 3534, 60, 60, 3122, 2649, 4681, 2210, 4401, 2593, 2593, 399, 399, 3796, 3796, 3796, 3587, 3587, 140, 140, 140, 140, 574, 3305, 574, 3305, 3305, 3305, 3305, 3305, 3164, 3305, 3164, 3164, 1849, 1849, 1280, 1280, 1280, 1280, 1280, 1280, 570, 570, 570, 570, 852, 852, 2925, 3958, 2026, 3958, 4826, 4826, 4364, 3867, 2793, 2793, 2793, 712, 411, 2707, 2740, 2271, 1259, 1354, 1354, 537, 537, 4481, 3186, 3186, 768, 670, 471, 4185, 80, 197, 3441, 2666, 4226, 4226, 726, 726, 3444, 3668, 3668, 273, 4266, 2213, 1479, 3487, 3487, 3671, 3671, 3671, 1051, 4708, 4697, 1275, 4308, 4308, 3987, 3987, 3189, 3303, 2470, 2470, 3119, 4076, 2802, 1328, 383, 381, 2354, 2354, 1011, 2214, 2214, 162, 2324, 4398, 1668, 1668, 4811, 122, 122, 122, 122, 742, 1604, 2778, 1151, 2670, 2670, 1586, 1784, 1018, 3060, 2343, 2343, 2343, 3293, 563, 1815, 2400, 1615, 1615, 2595, 2049, 2049, 2093, 2093, 2093, 2093, 2093, 2093, 1772, 1772, 3340, 1753, 1316, 1516, 4383, 3013, 1472, 3087, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 166, 166, 166, 1795, 4182, 2592, 1064, 100, 210, 4317, 3566, 4851, 4851, 324, 3049, 1568, 894, 3496, 902, 3995, 3995, 3995, 3995, 3672, 3737, 3821, 3821, 556, 3405, 3405, 419, 1840, 4392, 4392, 60, 60, 3122, 2649, 151, 2210, 4401, 2593, 2593, 163, 399, 4389, 4389, 1707, 2778, 2778, 2778, 2778, 1103, 1103, 1103, 1103, 3958, 3958, 2026, 981, 30, 2331, 4789, 4789, 2968, 1601, 3855, 4561, 4132, 3347, 1064, 1209, 4054, 3293, 1815, 2400, 43, 671, 2043, 1547, 1384, 1384, 1384, 1384, 1341, 1341, 1538, 69, 3212, 3212, 431, 1419, 1419, 183, 183, 768, 3834, 3729, 4397, 687, 742, 2559, 1781, 2657, 2374, 808, 808, 808, 808, 4076, 2802, 2543, 2543, 649, 1458, 1458, 2333, 2333, 368, 368, 2732, 4673, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.7215964523281596, 1.383059866962306, 1.5835033259423503, 2.024478935698448, 2.244966740576497, 3.748292682926829, 4.38971175166297, 4.690376940133038, 4.9509534368070955, 5.692594235033259, 6.534456762749445, 6.7549445676274935, 7.556718403547671, 7.897472283813747, 8.037782705099778, 8.558935698447893 ]
[ 0.7215964523281596, 1.383059866962306, 1.5835033259423503, 2.024478935698448, 2.244966740576497, 3.748292682926829, 4.38971175166297, 4.690376940133038, 4.9509534368070955, 5.692594235033259, 6.534456762749445, 6.7549445676274935, 7.556718403547671, 7.897472283813747, 8.037782705099778, 8.558935698447893, 9.019955654101995 ]
There was also a convergence of views from early on with the ACP side that the new framework needs to be adapted to the new reality so that we can address global challenges more efficiently.
there was also a convergence of views from early on with the acp side that the new framework needs to be adapted to the new reality so that we can address global challenges more efficiently.
[ "there", "was", "also", "a", "convergence", "of", "views", "from", "early", "on", "with", "the", "acp", "side", "that", "the", "new", "framework", "needs", "to", "be", "adapted", "to", "the", "new", "reality", "so", "that", "we", "can", "address", "global", "challenges", "more", "efficiently." ]
[ "there", "was", "also", "a", "convergence", "of", "views", "from", "early", "on", "with", "the", "acp", "side", "that", "the", "new", "framework", "needs", "to", "be", "adapted", "to", "the", "new", "reality", "so", "that", "we", "can", "address", "global", "challenges", "more", "efficiently" ]
[ "t h e r e", "w a s", "a l s o", "a", "c o n v e r g e n c e", "o f", "v i e w s", "f r o m", "e a r l y", "o n", "w i t h", "t h e", "a c p", "s i d e", "t h a t", "t h e", "n e w", "f r a m e w o r k", "n e e d s", "t o", "b e", "a d a p t e d", "t o", "t h e", "n e w", "r e a l i t y", "s o", "t h a t", "w e", "c a n", "a d d r e s s", "g l o b a l", "c h a l l e n g e s", "m o r e", "e f f i c i e n t l y" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 467, 467, 467, 2327, 2327, 2327, 2327, 2327, 2327, 2327, 914, 914, 914, 914, 524, 524, 2677, 2026, 1586, 1504, 379, 780, 780, 780, 4585, 1516, 579, 579, 3700, 4144, 1613, 2335, 2335, 2713, 298, 3503, 4955, 2213, 1479, 752, 2271, 2525, 3297, 3297, 1933, 1933, 2385, 3928, 3928, 1666, 3762, 3762, 3380, 3380, 3128, 2577, 1488, 4187, 581, 742, 104, 714, 805, 4986, 4690, 4690, 1802, 1802, 4418, 856, 3878, 3612, 2868, 3372, 2786, 2786, 2786, 2786, 425, 1977, 1923, 514, 3638, 3638, 1722, 3536, 4632, 596, 3285, 2072, 194, 194, 1926, 3989, 2535, 4955, 2213, 1479, 606, 1729, 4526, 384, 283, 1928, 2870, 2870, 1870, 344, 344, 4126, 4126, 307, 1135, 1819, 1819, 3742, 292, 3385, 923, 2535, 3838, 875, 2396, 526, 3106, 2943, 1399, 4329, 4329, 3539, 4255, 2052, 3216, 2002, 80, 2972, 2972, 742, 1, 1045, 561, 4918, 2157, 813, 813, 813, 2945, 2945, 1316, 4383, 224, 4809, 4809, 2921, 2365, 4954, 4954, 4400, 3843, 311, 884, 2377, 4409, 3087, 315, 315, 315, 315, 315, 2760, 2760, 1039, 1039, 1039, 3458, 3458, 3458, 3458, 3587, 4796, 4796, 4796, 4796, 4796, 4796, 803, 803, 1572, 1572, 1572, 1572, 1572, 1572, 1572, 2822, 72, 2822, 2822, 2822, 2822, 570, 214, 214, 1586, 3740, 2982, 2085, 2026, 2281, 30, 2263, 3180, 4430, 3777, 2548, 4117, 3123, 954, 3700, 2668, 2910, 1575, 3778, 3757, 3373, 421, 894, 2636, 2007, 2425, 2425, 693, 2849, 3665, 337, 3922, 4251, 1244, 4628, 4628, 2807, 2807, 2357, 1037, 4697, 4955, 655, 655, 3922, 3757, 3757, 4907, 4907, 2812, 2812, 439, 3922, 3922, 3757, 3280, 1914, 1544, 2119, 2119, 2119, 3505, 552, 1608, 1276, 1104, 4824, 4764, 4764, 4764, 4764, 4764, 282, 282, 2122, 3373, 131, 131, 231, 2636, 3190, 1340, 4790, 4790, 4790, 4790, 4790, 3382, 4703, 4182, 2849, 3163, 1696, 133, 133, 1531, 1165, 2307, 2849, 2849, 4132, 2086, 729, 729, 4959, 2146, 4188, 2362, 4845, 4845, 2538, 260, 3232, 1815, 1815, 1615, 3953, 3785, 3785, 1017, 1017, 1017, 1017, 3214, 2887, 1030, 1670, 1155, 1155, 144, 3700, 4814, 441, 441, 441, 1316, 3399, 4012, 3176, 2533, 1616, 2612, 1693, 1315, 4188, 25, 1421, 1421, 1421, 1421, 1421, 1350, 3058, 3711, 3711, 2027, 1275, 6, 1139, 4229, 3189, 1954, 4906, 2130, 2130, 4696, 276, 221, 2958, 566, 3686, 2443, 3566, 4851, 4851, 1617, 2849, 4055, 3496, 1283, 3995, 3995, 3995, 3323, 2467, 1761, 3737, 3737, 3945, 1635, 1635, 1635, 1635, 1635, 1635, 1635, 163, 1172, 1172, 4881, 2850, 2395, 2395, 2395, 2395, 2133, 1501, 1501, 983, 381, 2558, 2746, 4851, 324, 3665, 104, 3496, 3995, 3995, 3995, 3323, 1761, 3737, 3737, 2842, 1524, 2158, 3567, 1256, 1256, 921, 364, 860, 860, 860, 231, 2636, 977, 1806, 3436, 455, 1340, 4790, 4790, 4790, 4790, 798, 2508, 2852, 1435, 3803, 974, 270, 1954, 3419, 1395, 1395, 1819, 1819, 4042, 4042, 4042, 4042, 4298, 1501, 3896, 4340, 860, 3189, 2607, 1954, 3419, 3419, 2655, 1333, 4132, 3347, 2086, 729, 729, 4959, 2008, 4188, 2362, 4845, 4845, 4845, 4845, 2538, 2538, 1819, 2768, 3013, 4336, 3087, 3800, 3800, 3800, 3295, 166, 4755, 4852, 1904, 4941, 2425, 2425, 2603, 3260, 1633, 1633, 1633, 1244, 4604, 4604, 4604, 4604, 4604, 684, 317, 317, 478, 3005, 2322, 1090, 1577, 860, 860, 3538, 1036, 3043, 4054, 2622, 1914, 1544, 1275, 3914, 552, 79, 446, 446, 3128, 3128, 4563, 1854, 693, 2849, 4132, 753, 1696, 4521, 4521, 1165, 2307, 2559, 1145, 4973, 4471, 236, 2863, 1999, 91, 742, 4633, 1539, 1539, 4729, 4729, 3790, 366, 1790, 3566, 4851, 3165, 1617, 3665, 4184, 2342, 2342, 1320, 932, 932, 932, 932, 93, 858, 279, 1705, 4247, 2019, 4894, 2849, 1322, 4549, 4549, 2509, 2509, 2509, 2361, 2283, 2283, 1632, 3116, 3325, 3325, 1187, 3729, 1623, 860, 270, 1902, 4522, 1317, 2286, 2286, 2286, 4442, 684, 317, 1197, 4488, 4488, 4488, 2582, 3454, 2166, 104, 1722, 3536, 1609, 4839, 4839, 70, 3385, 298, 2535, 2214, 1311, 71, 586, 4665, 4243, 1943, 1943, 1245, 3913, 532, 532, 3844, 2030, 2677, 2725, 2026, 4924, 1934, 1456, 203, 4838, 4838, 4838, 1413, 1205, 908, 1316, 1316, 2325, 80, 80, 983, 1045, 2746, 4614, 2762, 2690, 563, 623, 2400, 2923, 3572, 3572, 3572, 3572, 2986, 603, 1275, 3405, 3061, 4707, 4707, 3951, 3951, 339, 4744, 1709, 2636, 3509, 3509, 2731, 494, 2055, 98, 153, 153, 1248, 922, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.6008426966292135, 0.8011235955056181, 1.1215730337078653, 1.2217134831460676, 1.9827808988764049, 2.122977528089888, 2.4634550561797757, 2.763876404494382, 3.725224719101124, 4.366123595505618, 4.646516853932585, 4.786713483146068, 5.227331460674158, 5.828174157303372, 6.088539325842698, 6.22873595505618, 6.368932584269664, 6.969775280898877, 7.310252808988765, 7.430421348314607, 7.931123595505619, 9.152837078651686, 9.613483146067416, 9.753679775280899, 10.094157303370789, 10.775112359550564, 10.975393258426967, 11.215730337078652, 11.335898876404496, 11.51615168539326, 11.896685393258428, 12.257191011235957, 13.018258426966293, 13.478904494382025 ]
[ 0.6008426966292135, 0.8011235955056181, 1.1215730337078653, 1.2217134831460676, 1.9827808988764049, 2.122977528089888, 2.4634550561797757, 2.763876404494382, 3.725224719101124, 4.366123595505618, 4.646516853932585, 4.786713483146068, 5.227331460674158, 5.828174157303372, 6.088539325842698, 6.22873595505618, 6.368932584269664, 6.969775280898877, 7.310252808988765, 7.430421348314607, 7.931123595505619, 9.152837078651686, 9.613483146067416, 9.753679775280899, 10.094157303370789, 10.775112359550564, 10.975393258426967, 11.215730337078652, 11.335898876404496, 11.51615168539326, 11.896685393258428, 12.257191011235957, 13.018258426966293, 13.478904494382025, 14.239971910112361 ]
Unfortunately, in this case, the proceedings appear to be politically motivated a kind of collective punishment primarily aimed at weakening the Kurdish majority HDP.
unfortunately in this case the proceedings appear to be politically motivated a kind of collective punishment primarily aimed at weakening the kurdish majority hdp.
[ "unfortunately", "in", "this", "case", "the", "proceedings", "appear", "to", "be", "politically", "motivated", "a", "kind", "of", "collective", "punishment", "primarily", "aimed", "at", "weakening", "the", "kurdish", "majority", "hdp." ]
[ "unfortunately", "in", "this", "case", "the", "proceedings", "appear", "to", "be", "politically", "motivated", "a", "kind", "of", "collective", "punishment", "primarily", "aimed", "at", "weakening", "the", "kurdish", "majority", "hdp" ]
[ "u n f o r t u n a t e l y", "i n", "t h i s", "c a s e", "t h e", "p r o c e e d i n g s", "a p p e a r", "t o", "b e", "p o l i t i c a l l y", "m o t i v a t e d", "a", "k i n d", "o f", "c o l l e c t i v e", "p u n i s h m e n t", "p r i m a r i l y", "a i m e d", "a t", "w e a k e n i n g", "t h e", "k u r d i s h", "m a j o r i t y", "h d p" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 1335, 4720, 524, 3268, 312, 981, 30, 3017, 938, 938, 2023, 4117, 2435, 50, 1368, 2400, 2400, 2595, 2108, 4431, 4431, 4431, 4431, 1491, 365, 1923, 1388, 1974, 614, 2256, 2256, 3300, 3300, 2143, 2143, 2143, 2143, 1112, 494, 98, 98, 4946, 2443, 422, 1270, 1270, 1234, 662, 2352, 5, 138, 138, 4490, 647, 647, 1599, 1031, 4077, 3863, 213, 1829, 1339, 560, 678, 708, 3523, 3523, 3523, 3523, 3523, 1816, 4269, 4269, 2648, 3630, 3530, 4077, 542, 4100, 3294, 1311, 634, 4276, 3557, 1252, 1943, 1943, 234, 234, 1400, 1400, 3844, 2030, 2677, 3744, 489, 492, 4730, 2261, 2812, 4643, 3407, 3167, 3167, 285, 285, 1001, 4876, 4433, 1069, 3914, 552, 1960, 1960, 1960, 1960, 1960, 1960, 1350, 4196, 4196, 2171, 2073, 3169, 1605, 1605, 160, 1697, 2610, 4914, 3086, 594, 2292, 1216, 296, 2906, 4607, 1008, 3165, 4187, 1210, 687, 3189, 2973, 1119, 1576, 1576, 1576, 1576, 173, 3769, 4961, 4961, 4018, 1550, 3026, 4906, 4906, 2130, 4696, 2741, 221, 2958, 566, 3686, 182, 1478, 687, 367, 163, 1673, 3407, 3739, 3739, 1107, 143, 1230, 1688, 3378, 3378, 3378, 4070, 2390, 3078, 2415, 4989, 4617, 4617, 1190, 4124, 381, 2731, 1112, 663, 663, 4324, 182, 3846, 202, 308, 939, 4991, 4991, 4991, 4991, 2797, 4706, 1878, 3078, 2415, 2476, 3894, 3794, 3497, 952, 1788, 3609, 2560, 871, 871, 871, 934, 934, 4196, 1878, 3249, 2646, 341, 2381, 2381, 1558, 3198, 1110, 4102, 142, 2593, 71, 4665, 4243, 234, 3134, 3913, 532, 3844, 3268, 312, 14, 4575, 4945, 2, 91, 2559, 560, 3718, 2497, 2079, 2079, 2079, 2079, 4065, 314, 314, 2219, 2723, 2464, 384, 1694, 3189, 104, 560, 3718, 3432, 3432, 3432, 3432, 143, 227, 1739, 407, 407, 407, 4076, 4648, 4786, 2842, 2842, 1163, 1830, 513, 3894, 3894, 466, 2861, 283, 3652, 917, 687, 3189, 4643, 1082, 116, 3721, 3721, 3721, 3721, 839, 1005, 3479, 3506, 3506, 1527, 1984, 3405, 2103, 2843, 2843, 4775, 4775, 3694, 2539, 249, 249, 249, 1146, 624, 2215, 1709, 1709, 1725, 3472, 3472, 3190, 634, 4811, 3557, 3557, 1128, 1128, 1943, 1245, 1245, 3913, 157, 157, 157, 3415, 3415, 2030, 2030, 2670, 1586, 2670, 2026, 1784, 4660, 3706, 2366, 2366, 2366, 2366, 4417, 1912, 2365, 3997, 4493, 308, 3360, 3360, 4743, 2245, 1660, 1660, 870, 1218, 1218, 1112, 4541, 663, 663, 4324, 1687, 1889, 1889, 1291, 1291, 187, 4215, 4215, 4215, 4773, 4773, 4773, 2887, 2887, 1670, 4224, 4224, 4713, 175, 2127, 2127, 3464, 2969, 168, 168, 3204, 1346, 2783, 2668, 1970, 2814, 2814, 2814, 1350, 2430, 1665, 383, 383, 742, 1412, 953, 268, 3613, 4519, 1605, 1182, 1182, 1697, 2610, 4914, 4914, 598, 3660, 150, 2210, 4401, 2593, 4665, 4665, 4243, 4243, 1128, 3913, 3913, 3913, 532, 828, 2030, 4195, 742, 1504, 489, 492, 124, 2, 581, 231, 560, 3718, 3387, 2497, 1070, 4487, 4487, 1580, 1580, 616, 4652, 4033, 4128, 4128, 4472, 159, 4740, 3930, 4208, 367, 3997, 1584, 1584, 1584, 1617, 1967, 3138, 286, 2097, 2777, 2777, 2777, 2777, 2777, 4942, 2879, 2907, 2907, 2907, 1090, 1577, 192, 1268, 2017, 1036, 1036, 2540, 2540, 311, 569, 587, 587, 1247, 80, 197, 1291, 187, 187, 4253, 4253, 2502, 2502, 565, 4513, 1388, 3235, 4797, 4077, 2103, 1139, 4229, 1191, 2389, 3922, 3922, 1232, 1232, 438, 182, 1478, 2812, 687, 742, 2973, 1119, 1232, 1232, 1232, 1232, 1232, 2416, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.8815921052631579, 1.0018092105263157, 1.2222072368421053, 1.7631842105263158, 2.023654605263158, 2.7649934210526315, 3.125644736842105, 3.225825657894737, 3.366078947368421, 3.9872006578947365, 4.848756578947368, 5.049118421052632, 5.309588815789473, 5.389733552631579, 5.970782894736842, 6.852375, 7.713930921052632, 8.014473684210525, 8.134690789473684, 8.876029605263158, 9.156536184210527, 9.55725986842105, 10.318634868421052 ]
[ 0.8815921052631579, 1.0018092105263157, 1.2222072368421053, 1.7631842105263158, 2.023654605263158, 2.7649934210526315, 3.125644736842105, 3.225825657894737, 3.366078947368421, 3.9872006578947365, 4.848756578947368, 5.049118421052632, 5.309588815789473, 5.389733552631579, 5.970782894736842, 6.852375, 7.713930921052632, 8.014473684210525, 8.134690789473684, 8.876029605263158, 9.156536184210527, 9.55725986842105, 10.318634868421052, 11.019901315789474 ]
European silence, European efforts to treat the mullahs as if they were snowflakes, will not change the nature of the morally corrupt Iranian machine.
european silence european efforts to treat the mullahs as if they were snowflakes will not change the nature of the morally corrupt iranian machine.
[ "european", "silence", "european", "efforts", "to", "treat", "the", "mullahs", "as", "if", "they", "were", "snowflakes", "will", "not", "change", "the", "nature", "of", "the", "morally", "corrupt", "iranian", "machine." ]
[ "european", "silence", "european", "efforts", "to", "treat", "the", "mullahs", "as", "if", "they", "were", "snowflakes", "will", "not", "change", "the", "nature", "of", "the", "morally", "corrupt", "iranian", "machine" ]
[ "e u r o p e a n", "s i l e n c e", "e u r o p e a n", "e f f o r t s", "t o", "t r e a t", "t h e", "m u l l a h s", "a s", "i f", "t h e y", "w e r e", "s n o w f l a k e s", "w i l l", "n o t", "c h a n g e", "t h e", "n a t u r e", "o f", "t h e", "m o r a l l y", "c o r r u p t", "i r a n i a n", "m a c h i n e" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 1335, 1335, 1335, 2327, 2327, 2327, 914, 914, 914, 914, 524, 524, 2677, 742, 4122, 4423, 2775, 2144, 2144, 1004, 2262, 2262, 3648, 3648, 1853, 1853, 583, 583, 4907, 2812, 381, 2973, 439, 784, 784, 784, 3392, 3392, 1953, 4465, 2168, 522, 1748, 2527, 760, 4876, 1275, 1069, 3914, 2704, 1608, 4528, 2886, 2886, 2886, 2886, 4417, 4417, 1912, 3243, 1940, 1940, 956, 956, 3285, 2072, 624, 3234, 3234, 1834, 1834, 4284, 3773, 542, 4100, 4100, 4100, 4100, 4100, 145, 145, 145, 3414, 3414, 4398, 634, 2967, 403, 3808, 1286, 1286, 110, 4195, 1416, 2026, 3958, 4122, 4423, 4423, 2775, 2144, 1004, 1004, 2262, 3648, 1853, 1853, 583, 4907, 2812, 2559, 439, 784, 784, 784, 3392, 3392, 4465, 4465, 2168, 4990, 4990, 1291, 1291, 187, 1169, 1169, 1169, 1111, 1111, 3279, 3279, 3279, 1742, 3535, 4127, 4127, 4127, 4127, 4127, 2730, 1977, 1923, 445, 3249, 3711, 4505, 273, 3773, 3954, 3954, 6, 1139, 4229, 4229, 1954, 1401, 885, 1395, 3494, 3336, 1623, 270, 3237, 4374, 4374, 4374, 3826, 3433, 4957, 4957, 4957, 4957, 1350, 1350, 3373, 3373, 1100, 3054, 3945, 3945, 3470, 2268, 3347, 1448, 3513, 177, 4730, 1593, 4493, 4493, 202, 995, 2380, 2380, 2380, 2141, 1437, 1940, 1197, 2583, 1287, 1287, 2361, 4322, 1238, 2640, 3530, 3830, 542, 542, 542, 4100, 4100, 4100, 4100, 4100, 145, 621, 3414, 634, 2967, 2967, 3557, 92, 3796, 3796, 3587, 3587, 3587, 3587, 3587, 4796, 4796, 4796, 4796, 4796, 4796, 4796, 4796, 803, 1572, 1572, 1572, 1572, 2822, 570, 570, 570, 570, 570, 852, 852, 28, 1886, 2281, 1249, 1510, 4950, 4950, 2482, 261, 261, 659, 176, 298, 1275, 65, 872, 4944, 1202, 474, 474, 4159, 4159, 745, 3855, 4561, 2268, 165, 1655, 3256, 3256, 409, 409, 409, 3910, 2478, 3649, 45, 179, 763, 763, 4870, 4870, 4870, 4870, 385, 2956, 4383, 693, 2542, 1417, 2535, 3702, 9, 9, 3708, 4382, 4382, 1429, 2142, 4275, 4275, 4275, 4275, 201, 201, 1193, 3232, 563, 1815, 2400, 1615, 1394, 1394, 3670, 3670, 4254, 3847, 3847, 1086, 2430, 2430, 815, 815, 1152, 381, 3223, 2354, 1275, 3773, 4100, 4100, 4100, 4100, 4100, 145, 621, 3414, 3414, 881, 61, 362, 362, 4811, 2699, 1351, 1016, 1016, 72, 3811, 1254, 3811, 1254, 1254, 1254, 570, 570, 570, 214, 2154, 527, 3958, 1586, 2234, 1683, 29, 842, 3570, 3570, 1279, 1279, 1279, 2794, 768, 768, 3834, 3834, 3770, 411, 2142, 1021, 389, 389, 389, 1183, 1183, 2029, 381, 2636, 4291, 1902, 1902, 720, 720, 4522, 3181, 3181, 3452, 3452, 3452, 3452, 3452, 578, 529, 3214, 3171, 3454, 3454, 3442, 3442, 3235, 733, 733, 733, 1117, 1117, 1117, 1117, 1117, 1117, 4398, 4398, 1668, 1668, 122, 3388, 3388, 3388, 1151, 1151, 1151, 2026, 331, 489, 1448, 492, 2131, 4959, 2146, 104, 2142, 3041, 3622, 3622, 3622, 3622, 3622, 246, 1657, 1657, 1974, 614, 614, 3311, 3311, 1783, 1783, 4239, 4239, 4239, 1782, 1782, 1426, 1426, 1426, 2112, 2112, 1484, 2358, 3087, 315, 315, 399, 1351, 4389, 1639, 1639, 3401, 3401, 31, 157, 157, 532, 852, 852, 852, 1103, 1066, 1886, 2026, 2281, 2789, 2331, 2331, 4789, 4789, 4789, 4789, 3202, 1601, 3855, 3855, 721, 424, 1448, 729, 2575, 2575, 4684, 2816, 3948, 1456, 148, 203, 203, 1413, 1413, 1413, 34, 4942, 4942, 470, 470, 4855, 2749, 1218, 1218, 224, 4809, 1112, 4541, 663, 663, 4324, 4324, 438, 1999, 4305, 581, 3189, 310, 1579, 3868, 3868, 3868, 3868, 593, 593, 1988, 4482, 4482, 4482, 4482, 4482, 1761, 1761, 3737, 231, 3821, 2159, 2159, 1524, 2732, 231, 977, 3472, 1340, 1340, 1340, 3849, 2447, 1262, 1262, 1262, 1262, 1904, 4614, 4384, 1004, 1449, 1449, 1827, 2729, 3828, 3898, 3898, 3898, 4970, 3214, 3214, 69, 5, 271, 271, 271, 3720, 916, 916, 2626, 4609, 3453, 2160, 2160, 824, 775, 3896, 2697, 2268, 1681, 3260, 3260, 1584, 713, 2504, 603, 3405, 4507, 4783, 1674, 1674, 1674, 1674, 1674, 35, 1953, 262, 1882, 2764, 2764, 151, 443, 922, 922, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.9213487654320989, 1.8026388888888891, 2.5036651234567904, 3.0845154320987658, 3.2447500000000002, 3.645336419753087, 3.8055709876543213, 4.746949074074075, 5.407916666666667, 5.568151234567902, 5.7884737654321, 6.088913580246914, 7.250614197530864, 7.811435185185186, 8.071816358024693, 8.75281327160494, 9.053253086419755, 9.874455246913582, 10.295070987654322, 10.455305555555556, 11.016126543209877, 11.67709413580247, 12.378120370370372 ]
[ 0.9213487654320989, 1.8026388888888891, 2.5036651234567904, 3.0845154320987658, 3.2447500000000002, 3.645336419753087, 3.8055709876543213, 4.746949074074075, 5.407916666666667, 5.568151234567902, 5.7884737654321, 6.088913580246914, 7.250614197530864, 7.811435185185186, 8.071816358024693, 8.75281327160494, 9.053253086419755, 9.874455246913582, 10.295070987654322, 10.455305555555556, 11.016126543209877, 11.67709413580247, 12.378120370370372, 12.958970679012348 ]
everywhere in society.
everywhere in society.
[ "everywhere", "in", "society." ]
[ "everywhere", "in", "society" ]
[ "e v e r y w h e r e", "i n", "s o c i e t y" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 2114, 1335, 1335, 72, 4720, 72, 231, 72, 23, 524, 3268, 2026, 1586, 381, 187, 4630, 4630, 1092, 3228, 4929, 274, 274, 2478, 2117, 45, 3700, 3331, 3940, 3940, 3940, 423, 4861, 696, 414, 3050, 1492, 3963, 287, 4856, 1949, 3832, 1748, 4834, 760, 4077, 1666, 4721, 947, 1746, 1746, 3210, 1001, 1010, 4433, 3914, 4113, 4113, 4297, 4297, 1138, 1138, 3903, 3599, 3599, 1577, 860, 231, 1186, 3567, 2017, 1036, 3684, 3684, 266, 266, 922, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.7695300632911393, 0.8910348101265824 ]
[ 0.7695300632911393, 0.8910348101265824, 1.5795617088607596 ]
fair for everyone, including those in disadvantaged areas and those who were hit hard by the crisis. Together we will come out of the crisis. The Conference on the Future
i look forward to the joint declaration by the parliament the council and the commission and later as soon as possible to launching the conference on the future of europe.
[ "i", "look", "forward", "to", "the", "joint", "declaration", "by", "the", "parliament", "the", "council", "and", "the", "commission", "and", "later", "as", "soon", "as", "possible", "to", "launching", "the", "conference", "on", "the", "future", "of", "europe." ]
[ "i", "look", "forward", "to", "the", "joint", "declaration", "by", "the", "parliament", "the", "council", "and", "the", "commission", "and", "later", "as", "soon", "as", "possible", "to", "launching", "the", "conference", "on", "the", "future", "of", "europe" ]
[ "i", "l o o k", "f o r w a r d", "t o", "t h e", "j o i n t", "d e c l a r a t i o n", "b y", "t h e", "p a r l i a m e n t", "t h e", "c o u n c i l", "a n d", "t h e", "c o m m i s s i o n", "a n d", "l a t e r", "a s", "s o o n", "a s", "p o s s i b l e", "t o", "l a u n c h i n g", "t h e", "c o n f e r e n c e", "o n", "t h e", "f u t u r e", "o f", "e u r o p e" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 1335, 1335, 2327, 2327, 72, 914, 914, 914, 914, 524, 524, 524, 1066, 193, 981, 30, 794, 2376, 109, 857, 857, 1847, 2301, 2478, 1107, 143, 1688, 1929, 1929, 1929, 1929, 4012, 383, 2138, 1616, 2734, 4635, 1615, 43, 2108, 1441, 1441, 1441, 1441, 1772, 2013, 4929, 2145, 1171, 1171, 1316, 1923, 1200, 860, 894, 1954, 3419, 698, 2655, 437, 3347, 2086, 2632, 1469, 1617, 1967, 1967, 3138, 286, 2097, 2242, 2242, 2242, 1269, 1269, 3089, 3089, 194, 4744, 3799, 4132, 337, 2095, 4348, 891, 91, 3249, 3317, 305, 2445, 826, 3620, 3620, 3620, 4731, 593, 4469, 1198, 1808, 1808, 3690, 3690, 1573, 19, 3430, 225, 4780, 3405, 419, 222, 4392, 3534, 60, 2649, 2649, 151, 443, 443, 2039, 1393, 3087, 315, 315, 315, 315, 15, 15, 15, 15, 374, 1033, 374, 374, 4008, 4008, 2250, 637, 637, 2756, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 2578, 2578, 2578, 2578, 2578, 2578, 863, 531, 863, 863, 863, 863, 863, 2490, 4987, 863, 2490, 3215, 2490, 3215, 2490, 2490, 2490, 2490, 2490, 1864, 1864, 1864, 1864, 88, 3215, 1864, 88, 2982, 2982, 2925, 4063, 520, 2001, 1787, 276, 1373, 1976, 2779, 2779, 115, 115, 553, 2301, 2301, 2924, 1414, 2724, 1445, 1445, 1004, 1004, 1004, 448, 3648, 1853, 3593, 3593, 583, 4907, 2812, 4643, 439, 784, 784, 784, 3392, 916, 4465, 4465, 1006, 4418, 4508, 4591, 2812, 742, 452, 452, 3735, 3301, 3301, 3301, 3301, 1977, 1940, 1940, 1989, 1989, 2944, 1404, 1067, 2539, 249, 1146, 1146, 2215, 1709, 1709, 894, 2007, 142, 1668, 166, 166, 166, 742, 166, 166, 4941, 4941, 1795, 4377, 4377, 1186, 212, 165, 1448, 2575, 2575, 2575, 2, 4305, 581, 231, 3766, 3718, 2497, 592, 592, 3488, 1583, 1583, 1583, 1583, 1627, 3067, 3067, 3067, 194, 1926, 3989, 121, 121, 121, 4372, 776, 776, 1575, 183, 2794, 768, 670, 471, 758, 80, 983, 2972, 1, 781, 4112, 4112, 591, 591, 1226, 1226, 2838, 2316, 3799, 3347, 2086, 729, 2, 91, 381, 714, 805, 155, 155, 155, 2733, 1947, 1404, 2375, 2375, 504, 504, 504, 2986, 4780, 3405, 1275, 419, 1840, 222, 4392, 636, 1979, 1979, 151, 2210, 4401, 2593, 399, 92, 3796, 3796, 3796, 3587, 3587, 3587, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3673, 3673, 852, 1436, 3268, 1066, 2026, 14, 1510, 4112, 108, 108, 3610, 68, 4117, 604, 1113, 2251, 738, 669, 1688, 1179, 1179, 1179, 1179, 1179, 565, 4196, 1878, 860, 2559, 3567, 2476, 2476, 4767, 86, 86, 3941, 414, 1316, 414, 1773, 1773, 1773, 3087, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 4389, 122, 122, 15, 122, 122, 122, 122, 122, 2691, 2691, 1716, 1511, 1716, 3075, 4310, 3075, 4755, 4755, 4755, 4755, 2281, 1904, 1510, 2834, 4950, 3292, 3292, 3292, 176, 3578, 206, 1807, 1275, 4037, 1069, 3914, 79, 1520, 1520, 1520, 1520, 1819, 3755, 69, 3398, 2707, 1759, 1759, 1759, 1759, 1759, 298, 923, 923, 3930, 4241, 687, 367, 452, 116, 767, 767, 767, 767, 1051, 1281, 2963, 1275, 655, 2480, 2480, 2480, 336, 2715, 646, 2041, 2041, 768, 670, 670, 3729, 860, 3189, 381, 1954, 665, 198, 1395, 1107, 4052, 4588, 2336, 2526, 2526, 2526, 2526, 2526, 24, 2548, 4116, 1447, 1974, 614, 3197, 3845, 3097, 473, 2379, 156, 3771, 3799, 2724, 2086, 2632, 2, 581, 231, 714, 805, 256, 680, 680, 2545, 1778, 1778, 4418, 1368, 3535, 3319, 1071, 1071, 1071, 3285, 3285, 194, 1926, 3989, 4266, 4260, 3376, 2479, 2479, 1006, 2316, 3347, 2086, 2632, 2690, 563, 2400, 1615, 2923, 1093, 4639, 4639, 4639, 4706, 825, 1657, 3638, 614, 18, 1783, 1783, 86, 1488, 1488, 283, 283, 2867, 4403, 2144, 833, 833, 1857, 3648, 4566, 1398, 1137, 1137, 4675, 4675, 315, 315, 315, 315, 315, 315, 163, 4625, 4625, 1486, 99, 99, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.5008038585209003, 0.7411897106109325, 1.1017684887459807, 1.2019292604501606, 1.3421543408360128, 1.6226045016077169, 3.044887459807074, 3.9263022508038583, 4.447138263665594, 5.148263665594856, 5.468778135048231, 6.169903536977492, 6.390257234726688, 6.490418006430867, 7.351800643086817, 7.852604501607717, 8.653890675241156, 9.19475884244373, 9.475209003215435, 9.655498392282958, 10.176334405144695, 10.316559485530545, 10.757266881028938, 10.857427652733119, 11.338199356913183, 11.418327974276526, 11.518488745980706, 11.879067524115754, 11.939163987138263 ]
[ 0.5008038585209003, 0.7411897106109325, 1.1017684887459807, 1.2019292604501606, 1.3421543408360128, 1.6226045016077169, 3.044887459807074, 3.9263022508038583, 4.447138263665594, 5.148263665594856, 5.468778135048231, 6.169903536977492, 6.390257234726688, 6.490418006430867, 7.351800643086817, 7.852604501607717, 8.653890675241156, 9.19475884244373, 9.475209003215435, 9.655498392282958, 10.176334405144695, 10.316559485530545, 10.757266881028938, 10.857427652733119, 11.338199356913183, 11.418327974276526, 11.518488745980706, 11.85903536977492, 11.939163987138263, 12.439967845659163 ]
talked about today is effective inclusion.
talked about today is effective inclusion.
[ "talked", "about", "today", "is", "effective", "inclusion." ]
[ "talked", "about", "today", "is", "effective", "inclusion" ]
[ "t a l k e d", "a b o u t", "t o d a y", "i s", "e f f e c t i v e", "i n c l u s i o n" ]
[ 4079, 4598, 4598, 715, 4544, 4544, 1161, 3861, 3740, 2026, 3861, 75, 2670, 2670, 2670, 1586, 1781, 2877, 3460, 4518, 4518, 4518, 4827, 3399, 2138, 1108, 4454, 4576, 1008, 430, 764, 1373, 3110, 2189, 2189, 278, 278, 278, 3581, 1923, 1100, 1200, 3189, 270, 1058, 1401, 4149, 4149, 4149, 1617, 4055, 3496, 4412, 4412, 1094, 1094, 1094, 1094, 4545, 83, 83, 83, 2689, 884, 884, 2377, 20, 2593, 71, 399, 1252, 1252, 1943, 72, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245, 3913, 3913, 23, 23, 2030, 2030, 4195, 3744, 2026, 4826, 3125, 3483, 3483, 2791, 3786, 2365, 2849, 4055, 3347, 832, 1445, 1445, 1687, 1889, 2875, 2972, 231, 1045, 2411, 3907, 4851, 4851, 4851, 1111, 3279, 2535, 2832, 2811, 671, 4155, 948, 948, 4076, 2802, 1328, 2138, 2159, 1524, 381, 1163, 3109, 466, 466, 2861, 283, 283, 161, 4659, 3908, 3908, 253, 253, 2099, 4591, 894, 3317, 2445, 2445, 1998, 1998, 1998, 1998, 3835, 3835, 4922, 4221, 4221, 1275, 4221, 4392, 3534, 3534, 60, 3122, 2288, 1979, 2911, 2911, 443, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.56334375, 0.845015625, 1.5089564732142857, 2.011941964285714, 2.716121651785714 ]
[ 0.56334375, 0.845015625, 1.5089564732142857, 2.011941964285714, 2.716121651785714, 3.3599430803571426 ]
We already have a European Defence Agency
we already have a european defence agency;
[ "we", "already", "have", "a", "european", "defence", "agency;" ]
[ "we", "already", "have", "a", "european", "defence", "agency" ]
[ "w e", "a l r e a d y", "h a v e", "a", "e u r o p e a n", "d e f e n c e", "a g e n c y" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 2114, 1335, 1335, 2327, 2327, 914, 3673, 3673, 1103, 1103, 28, 3958, 3958, 2026, 331, 842, 3677, 487, 2863, 1323, 4317, 2271, 2525, 241, 241, 241, 2013, 2013, 1449, 2729, 4191, 2598, 2598, 2598, 4390, 357, 4601, 4101, 4911, 4911, 3805, 395, 3939, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 4484, 4484, 4484, 4484, 3166, 3166, 3654, 718, 718, 718, 142, 2593, 2593, 2220, 72, 3134, 532, 110, 3268, 163, 2281, 4575, 4945, 4216, 790, 2775, 4403, 2144, 1004, 1004, 3648, 3648, 4566, 1853, 583, 4907, 231, 2559, 439, 784, 784, 784, 3392, 3392, 916, 4465, 4465, 3687, 4108, 3925, 212, 572, 1353, 2690, 104, 43, 4447, 3185, 3185, 3185, 496, 277, 381, 4351, 4433, 2213, 752, 4197, 1699, 1699, 1699, 1699, 565, 514, 4843, 1722, 3536, 2556, 2556, 2556, 3839, 277, 4883, 3919, 3919, 4077, 121, 655, 4372, 2503, 2503, 3684, 1418, 153, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.42288749999999997, 0.8055, 1.2888, 1.490175, 1.9936125, 2.376225 ]
[ 0.42288749999999997, 0.8055, 1.2888, 1.490175, 1.9936125, 2.376225, 2.8998 ]
We have developed ideas on how to position ourselves vis vis China and where to fine tune them further.
we have developed ideas on how to position ourselves vis vis china and where to fine tune them further.
[ "we", "have", "developed", "ideas", "on", "how", "to", "position", "ourselves", "vis", "vis", "china", "and", "where", "to", "fine", "tune", "them", "further." ]
[ "we", "have", "developed", "ideas", "on", "how", "to", "position", "ourselves", "vis", "vis", "china", "and", "where", "to", "fine", "tune", "them", "further" ]
[ "w e", "h a v e", "d e v e l o p e d", "i d e a s", "o n", "h o w", "t o", "p o s i t i o n", "o u r s e l v e s", "v i s", "v i s", "c h i n a", "a n d", "w h e r e", "t o", "f i n e", "t u n e", "t h e m", "f u r t h e r" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 2114, 72, 1335, 139, 2327, 2327, 294, 914, 1457, 1457, 1457, 3861, 75, 75, 2026, 4321, 1683, 29, 3677, 487, 236, 236, 111, 1821, 3273, 3273, 2573, 283, 4561, 4055, 3522, 572, 1353, 1353, 3280, 1870, 1870, 3609, 3372, 1070, 2383, 2383, 2383, 4033, 1012, 2431, 2431, 3296, 3737, 1108, 1108, 2007, 4944, 332, 2411, 3115, 3115, 3115, 3115, 3115, 2301, 49, 4202, 2849, 5, 433, 3853, 2188, 2188, 2188, 2188, 2188, 3085, 3769, 3769, 3769, 3769, 3804, 3804, 292, 3385, 3830, 2535, 3954, 162, 2324, 245, 890, 2939, 3180, 4430, 4430, 3777, 4768, 2824, 4044, 1149, 3072, 369, 369, 3105, 1348, 1348, 1348, 1348, 1348, 4090, 4090, 3211, 4042, 1193, 4495, 2183, 860, 687, 860, 1954, 885, 1395, 2006, 2753, 2812, 742, 4643, 452, 2828, 2828, 2828, 613, 613, 1275, 4424, 2345, 3767, 3767, 3767, 2986, 603, 1275, 419, 222, 4392, 821, 60, 366, 366, 2707, 3487, 1570, 4272, 342, 342, 3142, 2542, 1417, 1275, 1010, 3914, 1608, 490, 490, 490, 490, 490, 1032, 1032, 4478, 683, 4740, 1666, 1666, 2948, 2804, 337, 1575, 3280, 279, 3207, 3207, 1729, 1729, 2737, 2737, 3581, 1870, 1788, 4902, 1575, 3280, 3280, 4023, 4397, 4291, 4291, 1902, 720, 4522, 1317, 3334, 3334, 3334, 3334, 3334, 1654, 1341, 1341, 69, 3613, 3613, 431, 3520, 3520, 3032, 3991, 4980, 4980, 315, 315, 315, 15, 163, 3098, 163, 3098, 374, 374, 374, 4008, 637, 2756, 2756, 2756, 2756, 2578, 2756, 2756, 2578, 4782, 3754, 863, 863, 3754, 863, 3754, 863, 3416, 3993, 2885, 3416, 1981, 1981, 1981, 1981, 2026, 1981, 1981, 570, 570, 1864, 88, 2982, 2925, 2026, 4063, 331, 1683, 3677, 3677, 236, 111, 111, 1821, 3273, 2573, 2665, 4561, 894, 3522, 337, 1353, 3293, 563, 1815, 2400, 43, 2043, 1547, 1547, 4781, 4781, 4781, 1341, 3171, 314, 4108, 1546, 3189, 270, 4291, 2948, 2804, 3865, 1459, 2681, 3741, 2681, 1819, 1819, 1819, 3755, 3764, 2316, 3799, 753, 753, 1767, 4408, 375, 375, 258, 50, 1368, 4120, 2832, 2832, 1615, 1615, 2595, 1868, 1868, 1868, 1868, 1868, 1868, 1868, 1580, 1040, 4537, 4537, 568, 568, 1907, 3346, 4980, 922, 922, 922, 4625, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.4613068181818181, 0.6217613636363636, 1.1432386363636362, 1.7649999999999997, 1.9655681818181816, 2.2664204545454547, 2.446931818181818, 2.988465909090909, 3.469829545454545, 3.670397727272727, 3.931136363636363, 4.29215909090909, 5.375227272727272, 5.575795454545454, 5.676079545454545, 5.976931818181818, 6.317897727272727, 6.49840909090909 ]
[ 0.4613068181818181, 0.6217613636363636, 1.1432386363636362, 1.7649999999999997, 1.9655681818181816, 2.2664204545454547, 2.446931818181818, 2.988465909090909, 3.469829545454545, 3.670397727272727, 3.911079545454545, 4.29215909090909, 5.355170454545454, 5.575795454545454, 5.676079545454545, 5.976931818181818, 6.297840909090908, 6.49840909090909, 7.039943181818181 ]
There are updated provisions regarding the scope of exports and imports and the storage of mercury waste.
there are updated provisions regarding the scope of exports and imports and the storage of mercury waste.
[ "there", "are", "updated", "provisions", "regarding", "the", "scope", "of", "exports", "and", "imports", "and", "the", "storage", "of", "mercury", "waste." ]
[ "there", "are", "updated", "provisions", "regarding", "the", "scope", "of", "exports", "and", "imports", "and", "the", "storage", "of", "mercury", "waste" ]
[ "t h e r e", "a r e", "u p d a t e d", "p r o v i s i o n s", "r e g a r d i n g", "t h e", "s c o p e", "o f", "e x p o r t s", "a n d", "i m p o r t s", "a n d", "t h e", "s t o r a g e", "o f", "m e r c u r y", "w a s t e" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 2114, 3154, 3154, 212, 4720, 2327, 914, 914, 1457, 72, 524, 75, 75, 2026, 2026, 331, 1504, 4461, 379, 780, 780, 780, 4585, 3445, 3618, 3618, 3921, 1464, 1464, 1464, 1464, 1464, 719, 719, 3445, 3618, 3090, 3681, 3681, 3560, 4648, 3737, 4903, 231, 433, 2231, 1283, 4278, 4278, 4278, 4278, 1086, 246, 1878, 3078, 2415, 1256, 1256, 3683, 1478, 2812, 742, 1673, 3167, 3167, 285, 952, 3612, 2868, 602, 602, 602, 602, 2562, 4221, 18, 222, 4392, 1411, 4532, 809, 4655, 4655, 2292, 4599, 658, 4590, 937, 4988, 713, 1710, 41, 2272, 4138, 1381, 1381, 1381, 865, 616, 4515, 1708, 3169, 501, 473, 156, 156, 4820, 3347, 3102, 2131, 1109, 4876, 4077, 4019, 521, 742, 2809, 2809, 2206, 2206, 2206, 3956, 3209, 1761, 4183, 2419, 4263, 4526, 4024, 701, 161, 4197, 4679, 4679, 4679, 4679, 4648, 742, 2543, 649, 462, 4308, 4241, 2927, 1742, 2758, 4343, 4343, 4343, 2735, 365, 4818, 4739, 4505, 4266, 4260, 3376, 4181, 2687, 3398, 4197, 4028, 2855, 2855, 820, 3563, 4508, 4508, 4643, 3170, 1082, 2758, 4343, 4343, 4343, 4343, 2735, 2735, 365, 365, 4818, 4739, 4505, 273, 4266, 4260, 3376, 3136, 2479, 1461, 3364, 662, 40, 3102, 2632, 3368, 1109, 4876, 4433, 1084, 3194, 3271, 47, 1555, 3550, 3550, 3550, 4942, 4942, 470, 4469, 3558, 4136, 4136, 2582, 2060, 1722, 3536, 2723, 4526, 384, 3652, 2020, 46, 4011, 308, 2993, 4212, 4212, 4487, 1580, 769, 4648, 383, 894, 2903, 189, 1903, 1903, 1903, 4731, 135, 3884, 27, 1983, 1745, 4101, 2478, 3649, 1346, 1346, 2783, 2668, 3651, 3651, 4237, 4237, 4237, 1816, 1816, 4269, 2648, 2648, 2640, 3717, 3717, 1458, 1458, 1458, 1458, 1458, 2333, 368, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.5620279783393501, 0.7627522563176895, 1.244490523465704, 1.7463012184115523, 2.167822202166065, 2.2681843411552345, 2.5692707581227436, 2.669632897111913, 3.151371164259928, 3.271805731046931, 3.753543998194946, 3.8940509927797833, 3.994413131768953, 4.4360065433213, 4.5162962545126355, 5.018106949458484 ]
[ 0.5620279783393501, 0.7627522563176895, 1.244490523465704, 1.7463012184115523, 2.167822202166065, 2.2681843411552345, 2.5692707581227436, 2.669632897111913, 3.151371164259928, 3.271805731046931, 3.753543998194946, 3.8940509927797833, 3.994413131768953, 4.415934115523466, 4.5162962545126355, 5.018106949458484, 5.5399900722021655 ]
That comes close to the 20 minute test cycle, so we have seen that the problem is much bigger than just Volkswagen and that is something that we have to explore further on.
that comes close to the twenty minute test cycle so we have seen that the problem is much bigger than just volkswagen and that is something that we have to explore further on.
[ "that", "comes", "close", "to", "the", "twenty", "minute", "test", "cycle", "so", "we", "have", "seen", "that", "the", "problem", "is", "much", "bigger", "than", "just", "volkswagen", "and", "that", "is", "something", "that", "we", "have", "to", "explore", "further", "on." ]
[ "that", "comes", "close", "to", "the", "twenty", "minute", "test", "cycle", "so", "we", "have", "seen", "that", "the", "problem", "is", "much", "bigger", "than", "just", "volkswagen", "and", "that", "is", "something", "that", "we", "have", "to", "explore", "further", "on" ]
[ "t h a t", "c o m e s", "c l o s e", "t o", "t h e", "t w e n t y", "m i n u t e", "t e s t", "c y c l e", "s o", "w e", "h a v e", "s e e n", "t h a t", "t h e", "p r o b l e m", "i s", "m u c h", "b i g g e r", "t h a n", "j u s t", "v o l k s w a g e n", "a n d", "t h a t", "i s", "s o m e t h i n g", "t h a t", "w e", "h a v e", "t o", "e x p l o r e", "f u r t h e r", "o n" ]
[ 4079, 3156, 3156, 3156, 2592, 1696, 2965, 2965, 1531, 2307, 3054, 2026, 4429, 1635, 1635, 687, 2026, 560, 3718, 3489, 3310, 3310, 601, 1295, 258, 2197, 2197, 923, 3411, 2019, 213, 2559, 3317, 305, 2445, 826, 2995, 2995, 2995, 2995, 3153, 644, 356, 2227, 3411, 6, 4229, 3189, 1954, 665, 3419, 3857, 1395, 1333, 2724, 2086, 729, 1469, 3336, 2559, 944, 4738, 2839, 2839, 3650, 1938, 1938, 1938, 1938, 839, 3613, 2979, 3685, 3685, 3144, 1593, 4493, 2990, 2990, 4396, 4396, 3298, 1005, 1005, 3379, 3379, 4542, 2307, 3054, 4397, 742, 1781, 2877, 2374, 2909, 2909, 93, 1281, 4697, 1275, 4037, 4037, 1069, 3914, 2704, 190, 3568, 3568, 3568, 3568, 3568, 495, 1173, 1173, 2663, 4183, 3189, 517, 517, 2053, 2053, 668, 668, 4808, 1873, 3040, 2593, 2593, 4665, 1252, 4243, 1943, 1943, 1943, 1245, 3913, 3913, 3913, 3913, 532, 828, 828, 710, 163, 912, 912, 1332, 2110, 79, 446, 446, 446, 3011, 45, 45, 3677, 487, 487, 2863, 4415, 4137, 4137, 4137, 3267, 316, 4523, 1010, 1069, 3914, 2429, 1176, 1176, 1176, 1176, 1176, 1953, 3171, 2168, 522, 2352, 753, 1696, 133, 133, 1165, 2428, 3249, 2724, 2086, 2632, 3683, 1210, 2812, 3189, 742, 4660, 1215, 1215, 2132, 2132, 2132, 982, 2283, 2283, 1925, 3698, 3038, 3038, 892, 375, 2641, 4055, 786, 2148, 3483, 3077, 2791, 298, 4969, 3930, 4208, 1204, 4011, 148, 751, 751, 751, 2448, 1056, 1974, 4797, 2103, 1217, 4894, 276, 276, 381, 3574, 2370, 2370, 2370, 2370, 3879, 428, 2106, 303, 3313, 3313, 3941, 1854, 1854, 2849, 894, 753, 1980, 1980, 1980, 1980, 1461, 2838, 4108, 3925, 1967, 3138, 4831, 817, 2658, 4168, 4168, 862, 159, 298, 923, 462, 2333, 3362, 368, 4429, 3849, 3849, 4120, 4120, 2400, 2400, 43, 2043, 81, 81, 4678, 2046, 2046, 3399, 381, 3223, 649, 3411, 4599, 3355, 1569, 1345, 2668, 3856, 3856, 3856, 3856, 3457, 3879, 428, 428, 4439, 1379, 1379, 2649, 2160, 4844, 4681, 4681, 3159, 1842, 3143, 1406, 1406, 3610, 4249, 1333, 289, 1696, 2965, 1531, 1529, 1708, 3449, 2148, 3280, 3280, 1289, 1807, 4433, 4037, 1069, 552, 2704, 4887, 250, 250, 2904, 2904, 4001, 1157, 1157, 2574, 964, 964, 349, 349, 2379, 156, 1333, 753, 1696, 612, 2965, 1165, 1100, 3189, 2190, 4471, 487, 487, 2863, 4911, 4911, 4770, 3939, 3939, 1434, 1434, 1434, 2573, 2405, 4339, 4154, 5, 1954, 1401, 885, 1292, 1292, 1292, 1551, 1551, 1551, 1551, 4881, 1501, 80, 2558, 1904, 2746, 801, 265, 3241, 3241, 2543, 2701, 2279, 1275, 382, 4019, 2173, 3987, 2927, 2026, 2192, 2534, 2980, 1920, 1920, 1920, 1920, 178, 2787, 908, 385, 385, 172, 2009, 3232, 4120, 4120, 2832, 1615, 2923, 4953, 1868, 1868, 1868, 1868, 1868, 1977, 825, 1333, 3177, 4232, 4106, 4106, 3445, 3445, 3618, 3618, 1222, 1222, 1222, 1222, 1222, 1222, 1222, 105, 24, 209, 1978, 269, 2764, 151, 151, 922, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.26052716809421844, 0.5811759903640257, 0.921865364025696, 1.0421086723768738, 1.1623519807280513, 1.5030413543897216, 1.803649625267666, 2.024095690578158, 2.7054744379014988, 3.046163811563169, 3.18644767130621, 3.3267315310492505, 3.587258699143469, 3.7275425588865096, 3.8477858672376875, 4.248596895074947, 4.40892130620985, 4.689489025695932, 5.010137847965739, 5.230583913276231, 5.591313838329764, 6.332814239828694, 6.51317920235546, 6.633422510706638, 6.773706370449679, 7.174517398286938, 7.294760706638116, 7.415004014989294, 7.635450080299786, 7.875936697002141, 8.557315444325482, 8.998207574946468 ]
[ 0.26052716809421844, 0.5811759903640257, 0.921865364025696, 1.0421086723768738, 1.1623519807280513, 1.5030413543897216, 1.803649625267666, 2.024095690578158, 2.7054744379014988, 3.046163811563169, 3.18644767130621, 3.3267315310492505, 3.587258699143469, 3.7275425588865096, 3.8477858672376875, 4.248596895074947, 4.40892130620985, 4.689489025695932, 5.010137847965739, 5.230583913276231, 5.591313838329764, 6.332814239828694, 6.493138650963598, 6.633422510706638, 6.773706370449679, 7.174517398286938, 7.294760706638116, 7.415004014989294, 7.635450080299786, 7.875936697002141, 8.557315444325482, 8.998207574946468, 9.338896948608136 ]
2015. Let me also say that we are all afraid of this looking into low ambition' and for many good reasons, also many developing countries are very concerned about that.
two thousand and fifteen let me also say that we are all afraid of this looking into low ambition' and for many good reasons also many developing countries are very concerned about that.
[ "two", "thousand", "and", "fifteen", "let", "me", "also", "say", "that", "we", "are", "all", "afraid", "of", "this", "looking", "into", "low", "ambition'", "and", "for", "many", "good", "reasons", "also", "many", "developing", "countries", "are", "very", "concerned", "about", "that." ]
[ "two", "thousand", "and", "fifteen", "let", "me", "also", "say", "that", "we", "are", "all", "afraid", "of", "this", "looking", "into", "low", "ambition'", "and", "for", "many", "good", "reasons", "also", "many", "developing", "countries", "are", "very", "concerned", "about", "that" ]
[ "t w o", "t h o u s a n d", "a n d", "f i f t e e n", "l e t", "m e", "a l s o", "s a y", "t h a t", "w e", "a r e", "a l l", "a f r a i d", "o f", "t h i s", "l o o k i n g", "i n t o", "l o w", "a m b i t i o n '", "a n d", "f o r", "m a n y", "g o o d", "r e a s o n s", "a l s o", "m a n y", "d e v e l o p i n g", "c o u n t r i e s", "a r e", "v e r y", "c o n c e r n e d", "a b o u t", "t h a t" ]
[ 2204, 2017, 3043, 1575, 4054, 3293, 3275, 623, 2158, 43, 2923, 3549, 3549, 3549, 3549, 3466, 4339, 4154, 1524, 1550, 1359, 1359, 208, 208, 3051, 3051, 3051, 35, 35, 1953, 3171, 1882, 2764, 151, 443, 2039, 1393, 730, 555, 288, 288, 288, 2135, 1003, 3458, 3458, 3458, 3458, 4823, 574, 574, 574, 574, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 453, 453, 453, 3673, 3673, 2154, 2677, 2725, 2026, 331, 3614, 2971, 2971, 2971, 577, 3997, 3768, 2170, 3504, 111, 4317, 822, 2577, 2525, 3297, 1933, 1933, 2385, 3729, 3729, 1550, 1666, 2948, 3380, 3380, 3380, 1992, 4446, 1001, 1150, 2535, 2119, 3505, 552, 1608, 793, 793, 793, 793, 793, 550, 83, 83, 83, 3910, 693, 3470, 3470, 2268, 165, 949, 1696, 2926, 2926, 2926, 2926, 2926, 1531, 1930, 2743, 2869, 131, 2636, 3190, 142, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 4389, 3458, 3458, 3458, 3458, 327, 3305, 327, 3305, 327, 453, 453, 453, 23, 23, 852, 852, 1103, 28, 3958, 3958, 1683, 29, 29, 3677, 487, 487, 2863, 2863, 1323, 3921, 3921, 766, 766, 766, 4705, 2165, 2875, 2972, 890, 742, 1045, 4918, 1259, 1259, 1259, 537, 537, 537, 4481, 719, 719, 3186, 768, 670, 3050, 1492, 1492, 2746, 2746, 1594, 2690, 563, 1815, 1275, 1615, 3953, 3785, 557, 557, 557, 2667, 2667, 2667, 1964, 1964, 1964, 1296, 754, 2007, 4571, 758, 983, 890, 742, 1, 64, 2331, 2331, 4789, 4789, 2968, 1601, 1601, 137, 137, 1172, 1172, 1172, 1172, 3849, 2447, 2447, 2447, 122, 122, 122, 122, 122, 122, 122, 122, 1604, 1604, 1151, 2026, 1792, 4340, 4182, 4182, 3163, 1655, 138, 3759, 3759, 3759, 647, 4273, 1542, 1599, 3503, 3503, 2214, 2214, 2324, 2324, 3849, 936, 742, 4941, 4941, 738, 738, 738, 3969, 3969, 669, 2336, 2420, 3460, 2361, 2361, 2361, 4827, 4012, 2607, 104, 2903, 2903, 454, 2402, 160, 2610, 2379, 7, 3086, 4200, 2002, 4185, 3963, 21, 21, 21, 712, 3832, 3918, 3918, 824, 824, 4846, 1546, 1546, 1550, 1550, 3076, 3076, 4375, 4375, 3595, 3857, 3624, 3624, 2536, 2801, 1551, 1551, 132, 1170, 4052, 669, 669, 1688, 486, 1968, 1968, 1968, 1968, 3066, 201, 201, 4042, 401, 4298, 2165, 80, 1, 781, 1612, 1612, 1612, 764, 4508, 2164, 381, 739, 3574, 2643, 2643, 2643, 2986, 2504, 1275, 3405, 419, 1840, 222, 4392, 3534, 3122, 3122, 1979, 1979, 443, 443, 1393, 1393, 730, 315, 163, 15, 15, 15, 15, 374, 374, 374, 374, 374, 238, 2026, 238, 238, 238, 238, 238, 3841, 3754, 3754, 3841, 3754, 3841, 2026, 1864, 1864, 3740, 1864, 1864, 1864, 1714, 4755, 4755, 4755, 1249, 2754, 3610, 68, 4233, 1368, 526, 838, 1344, 4746, 4746, 4746, 4336, 4336, 3251, 3251, 3251, 3251, 3251, 3251, 3251, 3251, 2767, 2767, 202, 1043, 3157, 3157, 3157, 2501, 506, 3722, 3722, 1999, 1710, 41, 2272, 692, 692, 4835, 4951, 1972, 2190, 1626, 2888, 1988, 3548, 1517, 1517, 1517, 1350, 4922, 1360, 2535, 1272, 1521, 1521, 4532, 809, 4655, 2365, 296, 2906, 752, 2271, 2525, 3297, 1933, 1933, 2385, 3928, 1666, 3762, 3380, 3380, 3128, 1720, 1593, 202, 308, 1043, 3157, 3157, 2501, 506, 3722, 4054, 4054, 1367, 381, 3522, 572, 1353, 3497, 952, 3612, 2868, 2383, 2383, 2383, 2383, 1012, 1012, 2431, 3296, 3296, 2419, 3637, 4687, 2308, 7, 488, 2099, 3189, 3766, 3718, 2497, 1083, 1083, 1083, 1083, 2854, 2373, 2373, 3237, 1275, 2952, 2952, 352, 352, 27, 3859, 3859, 70, 4287, 67, 1705, 65, 872, 4944, 197, 3803, 3803, 766, 766, 766, 1677, 1928, 2870, 2870, 2870, 2868, 631, 631, 2460, 2460, 3309, 4080, 274, 274, 1041, 4305, 894, 560, 1000, 4986, 4986, 4690, 3389, 194, 4834, 760, 1010, 2535, 3914, 2704, 3424, 3424, 3424, 3424, 1366, 3664, 314, 2513, 2219, 883, 430, 1961, 1961, 1373, 3110, 2189, 2189, 2189, 278, 278, 2075, 58, 58, 1862, 231, 2566, 2229, 2229, 320, 320, 804, 804, 3817, 2869, 2732, 2007, 922, 922, 4625, 4625, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.10015313935681469, 0.2603981623277182, 0.320490045941807, 1.1016845329249616, 1.662542113323124, 1.7626952526799387, 2.1232465543644716, 2.4637672281776415, 3.1448085758039817, 3.6455742725880547, 3.865911179173047, 4.186401225114854, 4.727228177641653, 5.187932618683001, 5.828912710566615, 6.429831546707503, 6.970658499234302, 7.331209800918836, 8.392833078101072, 8.813476263399693, 9.053843797856048, 9.374333843797855, 9.574640122511484, 9.975252679938743, 10.23565084226646, 10.476018376722818, 10.97678407350689, 11.497580398162327, 11.697886676875957, 11.93825421133231, 12.439019908116384, 12.699418070444102 ]
[ 0.08012251148545176, 0.24036753445635525, 0.3004594180704441, 1.1016845329249616, 1.662542113323124, 1.7626952526799387, 2.1232465543644716, 2.4637672281776415, 3.1448085758039817, 3.6455742725880547, 3.865911179173047, 4.186401225114854, 4.727228177641653, 5.187932618683001, 5.828912710566615, 6.429831546707503, 6.970658499234302, 7.331209800918836, 8.392833078101072, 8.813476263399693, 9.053843797856048, 9.374333843797855, 9.574640122511484, 9.975252679938743, 10.23565084226646, 10.476018376722818, 10.97678407350689, 11.497580398162327, 11.697886676875957, 11.93825421133231, 12.439019908116384, 12.699418070444102, 13.059969372128634 ]
There is still a lot that needs to be done, but we must remember that one—size—fits—all solutions are not the answer.
there is still a lot that needs to be done but we must remember that onesizefitsall solutions are not the answer.
[ "there", "is", "still", "a", "lot", "that", "needs", "to", "be", "done", "but", "we", "must", "remember", "that", "onesizefitsall", "solutions", "are", "not", "the", "answer." ]
[ "there", "is", "still", "a", "lot", "that", "needs", "to", "be", "done", "but", "we", "must", "remember", "that", "onesizefitsall", "solutions", "are", "not", "the", "answer" ]
[ "t h e r e", "i s", "s t i l l", "a", "l o t", "t h a t", "n e e d s", "t o", "b e", "d o n e", "b u t", "w e", "m u s t", "r e m e m b e r", "t h a t", "o n e s i z e f i t s a l l", "s o l u t i o n s", "a r e", "n o t", "t h e", "a n s w e r" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 2114, 1335, 1335, 2327, 2327, 914, 914, 914, 524, 2677, 3958, 2026, 1504, 3163, 379, 780, 780, 4081, 1153, 2148, 94, 2791, 1289, 2535, 9, 9, 3065, 3065, 4049, 231, 47, 1643, 2194, 2194, 2194, 2194, 2194, 2825, 2794, 768, 4785, 4785, 4785, 670, 670, 670, 775, 775, 3800, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 163, 166, 163, 166, 4755, 4623, 4623, 4575, 4945, 4945, 4828, 1607, 3969, 3969, 1430, 2336, 4313, 4313, 4313, 4313, 1879, 1879, 2029, 131, 2636, 2636, 4792, 2508, 4894, 2849, 4132, 753, 612, 2965, 2965, 2965, 2307, 3054, 2365, 2732, 381, 1895, 1693, 3770, 4188, 25, 1421, 1421, 1421, 1350, 3373, 3058, 2027, 2027, 273, 923, 6, 1139, 4229, 1954, 4906, 2130, 2130, 4696, 3327, 221, 2958, 566, 566, 3686, 1617, 1568, 1568, 894, 2231, 1283, 1451, 1451, 1451, 1451, 1451, 1942, 2177, 1282, 2160, 4844, 4844, 4844, 4844, 4681, 4681, 2039, 2039, 3087, 3087, 315, 163, 163, 399, 3458, 3458, 3458, 1245, 1245, 1245, 3913, 532, 3844, 2030, 710, 3958, 2026, 1787, 1787, 276, 739, 1389, 3854, 3854, 3854, 4242, 2029, 3249, 2636, 1145, 3629, 3629, 4471, 3677, 487, 487, 2863, 2863, 3846, 1593, 1130, 3948, 1456, 363, 363, 363, 4650, 4650, 4697, 3503, 1150, 3863, 2948, 2948, 3260, 4552, 4245, 4245, 3948, 308, 3195, 3195, 3195, 3195, 1695, 741, 2872, 3888, 910, 2864, 1333, 753, 1696, 133, 1531, 4023, 231, 4152, 2804, 1729, 4359, 3938, 4437, 3649, 4714, 4714, 2158, 2031, 130, 3583, 1600, 1600, 33, 2177, 2548, 194, 2527, 1926, 3503, 2119, 2119, 3505, 552, 1608, 4528, 4824, 4824, 4764, 4764, 2175, 282, 3314, 3314, 279, 4740, 3503, 3503, 1150, 923, 3838, 875, 875, 4983, 146, 146, 1615, 2923, 2923, 4953, 3575, 3575, 3575, 4556, 131, 131, 2636, 977, 977, 3472, 2324, 3849, 4852, 4326, 4326, 1354, 1354, 4129, 3142, 3834, 3729, 1666, 1275, 1666, 4721, 4721, 4572, 4572, 1107, 143, 1688, 2680, 2680, 2680, 2680, 3835, 3835, 225, 4780, 1275, 3405, 419, 1840, 222, 4392, 1411, 60, 60, 60, 4609, 4532, 194, 4655, 2292, 991, 3503, 3503, 3140, 1311, 2593, 71, 3557, 1252, 1943, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245, 3913, 1357, 532, 3844, 1436, 3268, 1066, 1886, 1886, 2281, 2026, 2789, 2789, 1464, 1464, 1464, 1464, 766, 719, 1927, 2008, 2008, 152, 4480, 411, 2142, 1021, 2895, 1614, 1614, 1614, 1183, 2029, 2732, 2636, 977, 1806, 1806, 2508, 2508, 1795, 2849, 2849, 2592, 1064, 100, 210, 210, 4317, 4197, 3487, 3947, 3947, 1545, 1585, 194, 277, 1926, 4351, 4351, 4955, 4955, 4955, 4372, 4767, 4767, 86, 86, 3346, 3346, 922, 922, 4625, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.42094722877358487, 0.5412178655660378, 1.062390625, 1.3630672169811322, 1.6837889150943395, 1.964420400943396, 2.285142099056604, 2.4054127358490565, 2.5657735849056604, 3.147081662735849, 3.6482093160377356, 3.828615271226415, 4.089201650943396, 4.4500135613207545, 4.710599941037735, 6.0536220518867925, 6.995742040094339, 7.436734375, 7.777501179245283, 7.957907134433961 ]
[ 0.42094722877358487, 0.5412178655660378, 1.062390625, 1.3630672169811322, 1.6837889150943395, 1.964420400943396, 2.285142099056604, 2.4054127358490565, 2.5657735849056604, 3.147081662735849, 3.6482093160377356, 3.828615271226415, 4.089201650943396, 4.4500135613207545, 4.710599941037735, 6.0536220518867925, 6.995742040094339, 7.436734375, 7.777501179245283, 7.957907134433961, 8.479079893867924 ]
Let me end on this, talking about the very, very difficult case of refugees.
let me end on this talking about the very very difficult case of refugees.
[ "let", "me", "end", "on", "this", "talking", "about", "the", "very", "very", "difficult", "case", "of", "refugees." ]
[ "let", "me", "end", "on", "this", "talking", "about", "the", "very", "very", "difficult", "case", "of", "refugees" ]
[ "l e t", "m e", "e n d", "o n", "t h i s", "t a l k i n g", "a b o u t", "t h e", "v e r y", "v e r y", "d i f f i c u l t", "c a s e", "o f", "r e f u g e e s" ]
[ 2204, 2204, 4317, 666, 4758, 4758, 1986, 496, 3918, 3793, 2219, 883, 3201, 1932, 4430, 3777, 2548, 2316, 2352, 4055, 138, 138, 2495, 647, 4273, 1599, 1031, 4077, 542, 3954, 3954, 3954, 162, 2324, 2324, 3849, 2852, 687, 231, 1781, 2877, 4518, 4518, 4518, 4518, 4012, 2533, 2903, 454, 2653, 2653, 2379, 4976, 4200, 435, 430, 1961, 1961, 4055, 1373, 3110, 2189, 2189, 2189, 278, 278, 2075, 58, 4818, 4818, 3492, 977, 3472, 3472, 4891, 1340, 142, 3295, 3295, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 4389, 4389, 4389, 4389, 2691, 2691, 163, 2691, 2691, 2691, 2691, 4621, 4621, 4621, 4621, 4621, 4621, 1003, 408, 1981, 1981, 1981, 1981, 1981, 1981, 1981, 1981, 1981, 1864, 1981, 1864, 1864, 1714, 88, 1864, 88, 2925, 2982, 2085, 2026, 2026, 2281, 1249, 4559, 2395, 2395, 640, 640, 2133, 1501, 1501, 1501, 3800, 3800, 3295, 163, 3800, 3800, 3295, 122, 4852, 122, 163, 2850, 166, 2850, 2850, 4340, 4340, 2870, 5, 2870, 3612, 2868, 631, 631, 2460, 2460, 519, 3309, 870, 274, 1041, 1041, 4101, 3485, 1677, 1928, 2870, 2868, 631, 2460, 2460, 2460, 3309, 870, 4080, 274, 1041, 1041, 2357, 2377, 2377, 2427, 3087, 3087, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 15, 15, 15, 163, 15, 122, 15, 122, 2691, 2691, 2691, 2691, 2691, 2691, 2691, 2691, 2691, 2691, 2691, 4940, 4940, 3740, 562, 3740, 4940, 3740, 3740, 3740, 2026, 2670, 2670, 2670, 2026, 433, 2231, 3853, 3695, 3695, 1195, 3279, 4433, 3535, 2437, 2650, 2650, 1190, 231, 2533, 517, 3219, 3219, 1187, 571, 4587, 4397, 2559, 3766, 4633, 3523, 3523, 3523, 3523, 1816, 1037, 4853, 2963, 2535, 4084, 4084, 4084, 4095, 2906, 606, 2464, 384, 965, 3652, 4567, 1681, 2729, 4191, 831, 831, 831, 2472, 18, 3535, 3535, 1763, 1763, 1763, 324, 514, 381, 4843, 1722, 728, 728, 728, 3531, 1232, 2416, 2416, 266, 266, 3979, 608, 536, 536, 2091, 2898, 2152, 2152, 2152, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.08025725806451614, 0.12038588709677421, 0.24077177419354842, 0.3611576612903226, 0.6621223790322581, 1.083472983870968, 1.9663028225806454, 2.869196975806452, 3.4109334677419354, 4.1131844758064515, 4.996014314516129, 5.317043346774194, 5.477557862903226 ]
[ 0.060192943548387105, 0.12038588709677421, 0.24077177419354842, 0.3611576612903226, 0.6621223790322581, 1.083472983870968, 1.9663028225806454, 2.869196975806452, 3.4109334677419354, 4.1131844758064515, 4.996014314516129, 5.317043346774194, 5.477557862903226, 6.199873185483872 ]
I stress that the decision to accept inmates must be the sovereign one of the Member State. It cannot be forced upon a Member State by the EU, but neither can it be made in isolation.
i stress that the decision to accept inmates must be the sovereign one of the member state. it cannot be forced upon a member state by the eu but neither can it be made in isolation.
[ "i", "stress", "that", "the", "decision", "to", "accept", "inmates", "must", "be", "the", "sovereign", "one", "of", "the", "member", "state.", "it", "cannot", "be", "forced", "upon", "a", "member", "state", "by", "the", "eu", "but", "neither", "can", "it", "be", "made", "in", "isolation." ]
[ "i", "stress", "that", "the", "decision", "to", "accept", "inmates", "must", "be", "the", "sovereign", "one", "of", "the", "member", "state", "it", "cannot", "be", "forced", "upon", "a", "member", "state", "by", "the", "eu", "but", "neither", "can", "it", "be", "made", "in", "isolation" ]
[ "i", "s t r e s s", "t h a t", "t h e", "d e c i s i o n", "t o", "a c c e p t", "i n m a t e s", "m u s t", "b e", "t h e", "s o v e r e i g n", "o n e", "o f", "t h e", "m e m b e r", "s t a t e", "i t", "c a n n o t", "b e", "f o r c e d", "u p o n", "a", "m e m b e r", "s t a t e", "b y", "t h e", "e u", "b u t", "n e i t h e r", "c a n", "i t", "b e", "m a d e", "i n", "i s o l a t i o n" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 4720, 4720, 524, 1066, 1066, 1886, 2026, 2281, 1249, 794, 2376, 2376, 2376, 2376, 857, 857, 1847, 2301, 4246, 4246, 1914, 4876, 158, 382, 1084, 120, 2314, 104, 347, 609, 609, 3420, 3420, 3420, 93, 93, 93, 858, 2640, 3717, 4440, 3994, 2938, 742, 1844, 949, 3544, 3544, 1165, 1862, 231, 3522, 2086, 2632, 1469, 1617, 4055, 3522, 572, 837, 618, 82, 1544, 158, 1010, 552, 620, 3365, 3365, 3365, 3365, 2986, 4221, 4077, 222, 4392, 821, 636, 1055, 300, 300, 270, 3076, 1401, 885, 1292, 564, 2222, 801, 801, 265, 3241, 3241, 2543, 2701, 2279, 2279, 3505, 2704, 1856, 1856, 1856, 1856, 3323, 3323, 3737, 742, 1108, 3972, 3404, 4944, 3963, 4364, 459, 2855, 2218, 4418, 1593, 74, 202, 308, 939, 4672, 4672, 2807, 2807, 3795, 4739, 3711, 273, 4266, 3411, 3930, 4208, 2612, 3807, 1130, 1130, 1130, 1130, 202, 148, 363, 363, 363, 4650, 4650, 4708, 3503, 3503, 3863, 3930, 4241, 367, 2741, 2958, 566, 3686, 2924, 1307, 4416, 4141, 3513, 2131, 3368, 1109, 4876, 4876, 3702, 3702, 2119, 3505, 2704, 190, 3916, 3916, 3916, 3916, 3916, 4406, 3094, 2439, 2439, 2439, 2439, 4879, 4879, 1749, 4741, 54, 3687, 954, 3691, 1346, 1345, 2031, 2686, 2686, 787, 787, 24, 2177, 2365, 834, 2002, 1492, 64, 1776, 3869, 2997, 199, 3189, 2268, 4141, 10, 177, 2816, 1593, 202, 308, 2993, 615, 615, 615, 2057, 516, 1695, 741, 741, 2872, 910, 910, 1001, 1544, 4077, 9, 1084, 3194, 3271, 742, 1643, 1690, 1690, 1690, 911, 911, 911, 911, 1086, 4583, 1086, 518, 518, 2585, 1136, 3974, 742, 1725, 377, 3472, 1481, 4811, 4811, 3557, 3796, 1128, 140, 72, 1245, 234, 1400, 1400, 1400, 1436, 3268, 312, 981, 1297, 3357, 3357, 679, 571, 4587, 581, 231, 560, 678, 1539, 2891, 2891, 2891, 2891, 2891, 2300, 3212, 1559, 1021, 389, 389, 389, 2068, 571, 1129, 2970, 4055, 221, 566, 566, 3293, 3293, 563, 623, 2832, 2400, 2595, 2108, 2637, 2637, 2637, 1491, 2735, 365, 356, 2227, 4440, 515, 3362, 4995, 4576, 430, 1961, 2261, 1210, 3189, 452, 849, 2236, 2236, 2236, 4189, 3398, 1790, 2660, 432, 4684, 1593, 3948, 308, 939, 615, 615, 615, 2057, 516, 1695, 741, 2872, 910, 910, 4446, 1417, 4077, 9, 3065, 3271, 742, 1643, 1690, 1690, 911, 911, 1086, 246, 3795, 571, 1588, 1897, 687, 742, 1373, 1976, 2779, 2779, 115, 115, 553, 1736, 1307, 4416, 424, 832, 1064, 1445, 4885, 1687, 3441, 3441, 2552, 4228, 4228, 4228, 4228, 2092, 2092, 2092, 2092, 2092, 2092, 3174, 3174, 3174, 3174, 3174, 3174, 4669, 4669, 4342, 4342, 4342, 1846, 1873, 391, 4401, 931, 1586, 3808, 92, 1252, 1252, 3587, 140, 4796, 4796, 4796, 3913, 3913, 532, 3844, 2030, 2677, 3958, 2026, 2026, 1018, 1389, 125, 4242, 577, 4300, 4300, 1858, 4480, 4480, 4480, 5, 2142, 3041, 1235, 1235, 1235, 1235, 1235, 1235, 1912, 1912, 1040, 2844, 963, 568, 910, 910, 2, 742, 560, 3718, 1539, 319, 319, 319, 319, 2300, 3398, 1790, 886, 886, 3880, 571, 1129, 381, 221, 2958, 566, 3686, 182, 3846, 4493, 202, 308, 185, 4349, 4349, 4349, 672, 672, 4583, 565, 4540, 2671, 754, 4571, 4944, 3963, 3867, 4856, 712, 366, 4990, 1889, 1291, 561, 3028, 3028, 3028, 1765, 1173, 1037, 4853, 158, 121, 4955, 655, 2874, 3412, 3412, 1072, 1078, 1230, 227, 1198, 1808, 1808, 3690, 1573, 1573, 3430, 225, 4780, 4780, 3405, 3405, 419, 419, 222, 4392, 3534, 3534, 3122, 2288, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.4407818627450981, 0.8815637254901962, 1.0218125, 1.1420257352941179, 1.6429142156862746, 1.7831629901960786, 2.243980392156863, 2.74486887254902, 3.0854730392156866, 3.2056862745098043, 3.386006127450981, 3.9269656862745106, 4.147356617647059, 4.247534313725492, 4.387783088235294, 4.728387254901961, 5.409595588235295, 5.710128676470589, 6.110839460784315, 6.251088235294119, 6.631763480392158, 6.852154411764707, 6.932296568627452, 7.2528651960784325, 7.593469362745099, 7.793824754901962, 7.974144607843138, 8.575210784313727, 9.076099264705885, 9.496845588235296, 9.697200980392159, 9.79737867647059, 9.937627450980393, 10.258196078431375, 10.438515931372551 ]
[ 0.4407818627450981, 0.8815637254901962, 1.0218125, 1.1420257352941179, 1.6429142156862746, 1.7831629901960786, 2.243980392156863, 2.74486887254902, 3.0854730392156866, 3.2056862745098043, 3.386006127450981, 3.9269656862745106, 4.147356617647059, 4.247534313725492, 4.387783088235294, 4.728387254901961, 5.409595588235295, 5.710128676470589, 6.110839460784315, 6.251088235294119, 6.631763480392158, 6.852154411764707, 6.932296568627452, 7.2528651960784325, 7.593469362745099, 7.793824754901962, 7.974144607843138, 8.575210784313727, 9.076099264705885, 9.496845588235296, 9.697200980392159, 9.79737867647059, 9.937627450980393, 10.258196078431375, 10.438515931372551, 11.219901960784314 ]
We have reacted in a firm, decisive and united manner to protect at the same time our security interests, and let me say, in this way, our economic sovereignty.
we have reacted in a firm decisive and united manner to protect at the same time our security interests and let me say in this way our economic sovereignty.
[ "we", "have", "reacted", "in", "a", "firm", "decisive", "and", "united", "manner", "to", "protect", "at", "the", "same", "time", "our", "security", "interests", "and", "let", "me", "say", "in", "this", "way", "our", "economic", "sovereignty." ]
[ "we", "have", "reacted", "in", "a", "firm", "decisive", "and", "united", "manner", "to", "protect", "at", "the", "same", "time", "our", "security", "interests", "and", "let", "me", "say", "in", "this", "way", "our", "economic", "sovereignty" ]
[ "w e", "h a v e", "r e a c t e d", "i n", "a", "f i r m", "d e c i s i v e", "a n d", "u n i t e d", "m a n n e r", "t o", "p r o t e c t", "a t", "t h e", "s a m e", "t i m e", "o u r", "s e c u r i t y", "i n t e r e s t s", "a n d", "l e t", "m e", "s a y", "i n", "t h i s", "w a y", "o u r", "e c o n o m i c", "s o v e r e i g n t y" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 1335, 4720, 4720, 524, 524, 2677, 252, 1332, 2110, 2110, 79, 446, 446, 446, 3128, 201, 2013, 45, 3677, 487, 236, 4946, 1821, 3273, 635, 3273, 3267, 2184, 4567, 2603, 3260, 3260, 3316, 1323, 4317, 3487, 4007, 1640, 1640, 3218, 3218, 2802, 2138, 2159, 2842, 1524, 894, 341, 4901, 2381, 4434, 1558, 3198, 1100, 2732, 2636, 977, 3472, 3472, 3472, 3472, 1340, 1340, 1203, 1203, 4153, 4756, 742, 1, 2666, 4364, 3867, 3867, 2793, 1949, 712, 3398, 2660, 546, 432, 2690, 563, 4120, 2832, 2832, 2400, 1615, 2923, 671, 4123, 4123, 4123, 4123, 4123, 4123, 2237, 4788, 4788, 4788, 4788, 3634, 3905, 2139, 2139, 2139, 775, 775, 1472, 1472, 819, 2447, 3382, 166, 166, 4340, 1787, 1787, 2849, 3522, 572, 837, 618, 82, 4876, 1275, 1069, 552, 2704, 190, 4528, 3028, 3028, 3028, 1765, 282, 1173, 3314, 4032, 1360, 1360, 472, 3894, 3894, 3894, 2861, 2861, 3466, 3654, 3632, 1365, 3800, 890, 3800, 3800, 163, 1604, 1604, 1604, 1604, 220, 2026, 2281, 1249, 1510, 1097, 4381, 4381, 1461, 4249, 2365, 992, 4403, 4384, 4384, 4384, 4959, 411, 2142, 895, 895, 895, 895, 895, 495, 1173, 4196, 1878, 2140, 4901, 1256, 1822, 364, 754, 3883, 46, 3807, 202, 939, 3130, 3130, 3130, 3130, 2300, 839, 3613, 431, 3840, 3184, 1782, 1782, 1426, 2112, 1484, 1484, 2358, 3087, 627, 315, 315, 315, 315, 742, 1039, 3458, 3458, 3458, 140, 4796, 4796, 4796, 4796, 4796, 157, 828, 828, 2154, 710, 1416, 3958, 2670, 2026, 1784, 1954, 885, 1395, 1395, 2261, 4643, 1673, 3407, 3167, 3167, 285, 285, 324, 1623, 860, 2559, 2877, 4722, 4722, 4722, 703, 703, 4076, 2802, 1328, 2159, 1108, 3189, 4454, 977, 1806, 1365, 983, 2939, 898, 898, 3018, 4131, 1862, 3347, 3102, 2632, 3368, 1544, 1275, 1010, 3914, 2704, 2088, 2088, 2088, 2088, 4271, 2887, 1670, 258, 300, 1546, 5, 1781, 2657, 625, 625, 2113, 2113, 2113, 2113, 2113, 887, 887, 3187, 3187, 3187, 3999, 3634, 3216, 2002, 758, 2939, 332, 3017, 4909, 342, 342, 904, 4849, 4849, 696, 1316, 3408, 1417, 4876, 1010, 4721, 947, 1746, 1746, 91, 2559, 189, 3642, 3642, 2011, 2011, 2011, 4081, 1153, 3005, 2322, 2322, 1577, 89, 3538, 3043, 3043, 4054, 3590, 3590, 459, 459, 2218, 4109, 4116, 2373, 3237, 2952, 2952, 2015, 2015, 2015, 1850, 1850, 1850, 1238, 3717, 1275, 515, 3396, 3396, 3396, 3396, 3773, 3773, 3773, 4100, 145, 162, 3414, 3414, 4398, 61, 362, 4811, 362, 3388, 3388, 1586, 1151, 1886, 1886, 2281, 1249, 1510, 4112, 591, 591, 591, 1226, 4694, 3034, 3980, 3980, 412, 2781, 3472, 2535, 1340, 1340, 1340, 2500, 3087, 3295, 3295, 163, 4389, 4389, 4389, 4389, 4389, 3401, 574, 3305, 3305, 1254, 1572, 1572, 1572, 1572, 2822, 3415, 214, 214, 527, 527, 2026, 1586, 2234, 229, 1688, 2971, 2971, 2971, 4556, 577, 4300, 46, 46, 202, 2170, 2170, 3504, 3504, 2315, 569, 569, 569, 587, 2377, 2365, 3422, 3422, 3382, 2404, 2404, 1275, 2110, 2704, 793, 793, 793, 793, 2807, 565, 2357, 693, 4023, 4132, 138, 4631, 4631, 1542, 1599, 4969, 4599, 2186, 3355, 1345, 2668, 1945, 2082, 2082, 2082, 2082, 4545, 4545, 3173, 3173, 3173, 2689, 884, 2377, 1773, 1773, 3087, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 122, 122, 122, 3075, 122, 122, 110, 3388, 4195, 4195, 4195, 30, 30, 2789, 3017, 4909, 4909, 4909, 342, 342, 342, 904, 904, 4849, 4849, 4849, 696, 1316, 1316, 1316, 4234, 3485, 80, 742, 197, 4614, 1845, 1845, 91, 2533, 714, 2720, 2720, 2720, 1794, 1559, 4766, 1780, 1780, 1780, 2273, 1947, 2618, 1777, 2773, 2773, 1391, 3176, 3176, 1616, 3849, 2404, 2404, 101, 2110, 3914, 2704, 190, 3916, 3916, 3916, 1274, 3094, 1788, 2439, 1071, 2845, 2845, 818, 624, 498, 1447, 231, 192, 1268, 2017, 2017, 3684, 3346, 3346, 922, 922, 922, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.46074201051779934, 0.621000101132686, 1.3020969862459546, 1.5625163834951457, 1.6626776901294498, 2.2235810072815534, 3.165097289644013, 3.4655812095469254, 3.9263232200647247, 4.567355582524272, 4.968000809061488, 5.508871864886731, 5.649097694174757, 5.769291262135922, 6.029710659385113, 6.45038814724919, 6.69077528317152, 7.211614077669903, 7.952807746763754, 8.694001415857604, 9.194807949029126, 9.455227346278315, 9.735679004854369, 9.815808050161811, 9.976066140776698, 10.51693719660194, 11.117905036407766, 11.69884061488673 ]
[ 0.46074201051779934, 0.621000101132686, 1.3020969862459546, 1.5625163834951457, 1.6626776901294498, 2.2235810072815534, 3.165097289644013, 3.4655812095469254, 3.9263232200647247, 4.567355582524272, 4.968000809061488, 5.508871864886731, 5.649097694174757, 5.769291262135922, 6.029710659385113, 6.45038814724919, 6.69077528317152, 7.211614077669903, 7.952807746763754, 8.694001415857604, 9.194807949029126, 9.455227346278315, 9.735679004854369, 9.795775788834952, 9.976066140776698, 10.51693719660194, 11.117905036407766, 11.69884061488673, 12.359905238673138 ]
I am also very glad that it was possible to have a very swift adoption of this directive.
i am also very glad that it was possible to have a very swift adoption of this directive.
[ "i", "am", "also", "very", "glad", "that", "it", "was", "possible", "to", "have", "a", "very", "swift", "adoption", "of", "this", "directive." ]
[ "i", "am", "also", "very", "glad", "that", "it", "was", "possible", "to", "have", "a", "very", "swift", "adoption", "of", "this", "directive" ]
[ "i", "a m", "a l s o", "v e r y", "g l a d", "t h a t", "i t", "w a s", "p o s s i b l e", "t o", "h a v e", "a", "v e r y", "s w i f t", "a d o p t i o n", "o f", "t h i s", "d i r e c t i v e" ]
[ 4079, 4598, 2114, 467, 467, 467, 2327, 2327, 2327, 914, 914, 914, 524, 1436, 1066, 2281, 2026, 794, 794, 109, 3335, 3335, 3335, 1174, 1174, 2641, 202, 1557, 1557, 2525, 2525, 3297, 3297, 1933, 2385, 3729, 3928, 3928, 1010, 121, 3914, 3762, 2066, 2066, 2066, 2066, 3128, 3128, 201, 4042, 401, 4298, 1501, 1501, 890, 4852, 4941, 4941, 2870, 2870, 3612, 2868, 631, 631, 2460, 2460, 2460, 3309, 3309, 870, 4080, 274, 1041, 1041, 4101, 1999, 4753, 381, 41, 1322, 1322, 4549, 4549, 957, 2350, 2350, 2350, 2350, 2350, 2350, 4573, 1930, 2930, 1523, 1110, 1110, 2732, 2732, 2732, 977, 3472, 1340, 1203, 4852, 890, 3295, 890, 163, 166, 1792, 1795, 2268, 3163, 949, 133, 133, 1531, 1165, 1708, 3449, 886, 3357, 679, 2601, 3249, 1145, 1145, 3355, 1569, 4807, 4144, 4144, 1613, 1613, 2335, 2335, 1289, 298, 1275, 923, 3863, 2821, 2821, 4241, 2927, 3189, 452, 116, 767, 767, 767, 767, 1281, 2963, 1275, 121, 2874, 2480, 2480, 2480, 1820, 336, 336, 2715, 646, 1463, 2041, 768, 3729, 2183, 742, 1954, 1401, 885, 1395, 1395, 3261, 1832, 3805, 3939, 3939, 999, 1434, 4484, 2573, 3466, 701, 1567, 1567, 95, 432, 1677, 1928, 3612, 2868, 631, 631, 2460, 2460, 519, 519, 4081, 1153, 274, 274, 1041, 1041, 4601, 569, 884, 2377, 3040, 2593, 71, 399, 399, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 163, 1039, 3075, 3075, 4195, 4195, 252, 1332, 101, 2110, 2110, 3708, 3708, 1713, 4858, 4858, 1468, 1468, 1468, 1468, 2217, 2217, 2405, 2405, 4339, 4339, 4154, 1524, 2732, 4454, 4571, 245, 163, 742, 2789, 3017, 4851, 4851, 600, 3665, 5, 3496, 902, 3995, 3995, 3672, 4907, 3737, 2842, 2842, 742, 104, 2877, 2374, 181, 1808, 3690, 3690, 1573, 3430, 225, 4780, 3405, 3405, 419, 1840, 222, 4392, 821, 821, 2649, 834, 2002, 2002, 742, 2939, 64, 2331, 4789, 4789, 2968, 3912, 3855, 4561, 4561, 3942, 165, 1655, 138, 4631, 4631, 4631, 1542, 1599, 3530, 1275, 2535, 542, 3294, 1311, 634, 742, 3557, 3557, 1252, 72, 1128, 1128, 1357, 1357, 1357, 828, 828, 2827, 28, 3958, 2026, 981, 14, 4559, 4559, 640, 640, 640, 640, 755, 696, 2133, 693, 1568, 894, 2231, 1283, 976, 976, 976, 976, 2175, 1736, 593, 593, 2729, 2269, 2269, 2269, 2269, 2802, 1328, 2359, 2842, 1524, 3189, 1163, 4576, 175, 1575, 2762, 2762, 952, 1870, 1788, 3609, 666, 666, 3453, 3453, 2204 ]
[ 0, 0.46118556701030927, 0.5614432989690722, 1.042680412371134, 1.5038659793814433, 2.065309278350515, 2.406185567010309, 2.5465463917525772, 2.8272680412371134, 3.3887113402061853, 3.5290721649484533, 3.749639175257732, 3.8298453608247423, 4.371237113402062, 5.073041237113402, 5.91520618556701, 6.095670103092783, 6.697216494845361 ]
[ 0.44113402061855667, 0.5614432989690722, 1.042680412371134, 1.5038659793814433, 2.065309278350515, 2.406185567010309, 2.5465463917525772, 2.8272680412371134, 3.3887113402061853, 3.5290721649484533, 3.749639175257732, 3.8298453608247423, 4.371237113402062, 5.073041237113402, 5.91520618556701, 6.095670103092783, 6.697216494845361, 7.7599484536082475 ]
I warn you all of the dangers of populism.
i warn you all of the dangers of populism.
[ "i", "warn", "you", "all", "of", "the", "dangers", "of", "populism." ]
[ "i", "warn", "you", "all", "of", "the", "dangers", "of", "populism" ]
[ "i", "w a r n", "y o u", "a l l", "o f", "t h e", "d a n g e r s", "o f", "p o p u l i s m" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 2114, 1335, 4720, 4720, 914, 914, 524, 524, 3861, 955, 955, 1886, 1586, 2026, 2789, 794, 109, 109, 4193, 1847, 2719, 3649, 4714, 1346, 2811, 1851, 1552, 1552, 1552, 1552, 2688, 2688, 908, 1977, 3664, 3764, 314, 2485, 2485, 2485, 3591, 2191, 2191, 4645, 3161, 1628, 1628, 3607, 822, 2271, 1259, 481, 481, 481, 481, 481, 481, 4481, 1115, 1115, 1115, 1115, 3477, 2851, 195, 195, 195, 670, 3042, 3042, 945, 2447, 2447, 163, 2447, 2447, 2447, 2447, 2447, 3075, 1003, 3075, 3075, 1003, 912, 912, 912, 2026, 1249, 64, 1493, 3869, 3315, 199, 721, 721, 4141, 10, 1469, 1617, 1568, 4055, 433, 2231, 3025, 578, 578, 578, 578, 3214, 3214, 2854, 3454, 2166, 2166, 1722, 1775, 4239, 2401, 525, 1764, 1216, 4077, 2906, 2446, 4526, 384, 3652, 917, 2812, 742, 894, 2973, 1082, 116, 3552, 3552, 3552, 3672, 3672, 1588, 595, 231, 4643, 844, 1691, 1072, 3818, 4960, 227, 3242, 3242, 3242, 3242, 3242, 4032, 4433, 1360, 1272, 3633, 990, 990, 375, 2876, 2876, 1225, 443, 2039, 922, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.4827658959537572, 0.8046098265895953, 1.0057622832369941, 1.5689891618497112, 1.910948338150289, 2.0517550578034682, 2.5144057080924855, 2.635097182080925 ]
[ 0.4827658959537572, 0.8046098265895953, 1.0057622832369941, 1.5689891618497112, 1.910948338150289, 2.0517550578034682, 2.5144057080924855, 2.635097182080925, 3.45982225433526 ]
And we have been receiving weaker data than expected now for a longer time than we had expected a few months
and we have been receiving weaker data than expected now for a longer time than we had expected a few months
[ "and", "we", "have", "been", "receiving", "weaker", "data", "than", "expected", "now", "for", "a", "longer", "time", "than", "we", "had", "expected", "a", "few", "months" ]
[ "and", "we", "have", "been", "receiving", "weaker", "data", "than", "expected", "now", "for", "a", "longer", "time", "than", "we", "had", "expected", "a", "few", "months" ]
[ "a n d", "w e", "h a v e", "b e e n", "r e c e i v i n g", "w e a k e r", "d a t a", "t h a n", "e x p e c t e d", "n o w", "f o r", "a", "l o n g e r", "t i m e", "t h a n", "w e", "h a d", "e x p e c t e d", "a", "f e w", "m o n t h s" ]
[ 4079, 3409, 3409, 3409, 3409, 1586, 2026, 75, 3861, 3958, 1586, 1886, 2281, 1249, 1510, 4112, 4112, 4112, 4105, 4105, 4105, 1226, 1226, 1964, 4694, 4694, 3980, 604, 4728, 4728, 104, 4713, 3436, 3436, 640, 640, 640, 640, 1002, 755, 755, 755, 755, 2133, 2133, 1501, 1501, 3800, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 163, 122, 122, 122, 122, 122, 122, 2026, 2850, 1683, 544, 544, 1683, 1683, 1683, 1683, 29, 29, 3677, 3677, 487, 236, 2863, 2863, 2863, 182, 3431, 276, 2741, 221, 1264, 1264, 1264, 1264, 2357, 1006, 4437, 2603, 2603, 1330, 937, 2284, 4552, 4626, 1001, 1275, 1010, 1069, 3914, 552, 620, 218, 218, 218, 218, 218, 4619, 4619, 4619, 4406, 4406, 1788, 1788, 3637, 1875, 1875, 4810, 3359, 3359, 2160, 150, 834, 455, 936, 3896, 4941, 1683, 29, 3204, 3204, 3204, 144, 2783, 2668, 2910, 1970, 2814, 2814, 3757, 3757, 2430, 1665, 1743, 3189, 1733, 2903, 3112, 303, 303, 86, 86, 86, 1516, 1516, 4383, 693, 2849, 2849, 2559, 3496, 1283, 3025, 4278, 4278, 4278, 4278, 565, 565, 4196, 1878, 860, 2559, 192, 2476, 2476, 1287, 1287, 1287, 223, 3032, 3032, 129, 4234, 1501, 3896, 4340, 1795, 2849, 3470, 4377, 4377, 4377, 5, 1655, 1980, 1980, 1980, 4742, 4742, 1980, 989, 3917, 2300, 3398, 2707, 801, 801, 265, 3241, 2543, 2701, 2279, 1275, 9, 9, 4019, 2173, 3987, 2927, 3303, 2470, 2470, 2470, 3119, 3119, 3119, 4076, 2802, 1328, 2359, 2842, 1524, 742, 1163, 341, 4901, 1256, 1256, 921, 364, 1100, 1895, 1315, 152, 411, 2142, 2785, 2785, 2338, 2338, 2338, 2338, 2338, 2338, 2423, 2423, 2423, 2423, 2423, 3211, 3211, 3211, 57, 1873, 1873, 4450, 3040, 2593, 71, 4665, 1128, 3134, 3134, 3134, 532, 3844, 1103, 3744, 3744, 4658, 785, 785, 785, 2832, 3106, 3106, 2595, 1883, 1883, 1508, 1508, 1508, 1508, 247, 247, 2524, 2524, 3618, 3877, 859, 859, 859, 95, 2128, 4052, 4052, 4052, 3969, 3969, 3969, 3969, 669, 669, 2336, 2420, 3019, 3019, 3019, 3019, 3019, 2426, 2426, 2426, 3682, 1490, 1490, 3455, 3455, 3455, 3789, 2098, 303, 303, 303, 86, 1516, 4383, 3729, 1623, 687, 687, 3189, 270, 136, 541, 625, 625, 2113, 2113, 2113, 2113, 2113, 2113, 2113, 2113, 887, 887, 887, 4065, 3187, 3187, 3187, 3187, 3187, 3999, 3999, 3999, 3999, 3634, 3634, 893, 893, 1225, 2139, 1482, 1482, 1482, 1482, 4790, 2012, 1651, 1651, 1302, 3388, 3388, 3388, 2026, 1151, 1586, 3958, 2001, 4182, 4182, 4055, 3163, 4461, 1980, 1980, 1980, 1980, 1980, 3917, 410, 3123, 954, 3691, 4014, 3677, 487, 487, 487, 2863, 2863, 2863, 4911, 4911, 3805, 4770, 3699, 3699, 3127, 2920, 4569, 2014, 3665, 2073, 883, 801, 801, 265, 3241, 3241, 2701, 2701, 2279, 158, 4308, 2173, 3987, 742, 2192, 3303, 2470, 2470, 3119, 3119, 3119, 4076, 2802, 2359, 2842, 1524, 1524, 231, 341, 810, 1256, 921, 364, 2199, 3883, 2734, 4120, 526, 2400, 2923, 4369, 4369, 4369, 307, 2801, 2768, 1125, 3948, 148, 995, 4999, 4999, 4999, 4999, 1585, 277, 3149, 3989, 1275, 121, 2874, 1008, 1008, 2471, 1710, 777, 2272, 2531, 1253, 1253, 1253, 1253, 3066, 3066, 2046, 57, 195, 391, 922, 922, 918 ]
[ 0, 1.042023346303502, 1.6031128404669261, 1.703307392996109, 1.883657587548638, 2.645136186770428, 3.266342412451362, 3.8274319066147857, 4.228210116731518, 4.989688715953307, 5.590856031128404, 6.111867704280155, 6.272178988326848, 6.933463035019455, 7.795136186770428, 8.235992217898833, 8.4363813229572, 8.696887159533075, 9.35817120622568, 9.418287937743191, 9.59863813229572 ]
[ 1.042023346303502, 1.5830739299610896, 1.6832684824902724, 1.883657587548638, 2.645136186770428, 3.266342412451362, 3.8274319066147857, 4.228210116731518, 4.989688715953307, 5.590856031128404, 6.111867704280155, 6.272178988326848, 6.933463035019455, 7.795136186770428, 8.235992217898833, 8.4363813229572, 8.696887159533075, 9.35817120622568, 9.418287937743191, 9.59863813229572, 10.279961089494163 ]
The legislative package you are currently negotiating with the Council reflects the central role given to consumers in all aspects innovative services, technology, products and integration methodologies.
the legislative package you are currently negotiating with the council reflects the central role given to consumers in all aspects innovative services technology products and integration methodologies.
[ "the", "legislative", "package", "you", "are", "currently", "negotiating", "with", "the", "council", "reflects", "the", "central", "role", "given", "to", "consumers", "in", "all", "aspects", "innovative", "services", "technology", "products", "and", "integration", "methodologies." ]
[ "the", "legislative", "package", "you", "are", "currently", "negotiating", "with", "the", "council", "reflects", "the", "central", "role", "given", "to", "consumers", "in", "all", "aspects", "innovative", "services", "technology", "products", "and", "integration", "methodologies" ]
[ "t h e", "l e g i s l a t i v e", "p a c k a g e", "y o u", "a r e", "c u r r e n t l y", "n e g o t i a t i n g", "w i t h", "t h e", "c o u n c i l", "r e f l e c t s", "t h e", "c e n t r a l", "r o l e", "g i v e n", "t o", "c o n s u m e r s", "i n", "a l l", "a s p e c t s", "i n n o v a t i v e", "s e r v i c e s", "t e c h n o l o g y", "p r o d u c t s", "a n d", "i n t e g r a t i o n", "m e t h o d o l o g i e s" ]
[ 4079, 3156, 3163, 1448, 729, 2059, 4828, 4588, 1688, 4977, 4977, 4977, 324, 4221, 18, 3536, 3536, 728, 1575, 3280, 3280, 279, 3207, 1987, 3809, 4133, 1121, 1121, 1090, 4023, 860, 3567, 3109, 466, 466, 2861, 965, 745, 2277, 917, 62, 3189, 3189, 2973, 1730, 2356, 2356, 2356, 96, 2802, 1743, 231, 1733, 903, 1515, 4136, 4136, 4136, 2582, 1810, 2432, 3235, 4797, 733, 2103, 4671, 2425, 2425, 4423, 512, 512, 3741, 632, 3596, 3511, 1316, 2009, 1694, 581, 3189, 974, 3766, 3718, 3387, 2264, 2264, 2264, 2264, 2264, 2879, 2639, 2639, 3951, 2072, 339, 4744, 3509, 3509, 2731, 3100, 4541, 663, 4054, 2357, 3471, 1559, 3286, 3286, 3286, 1710, 894, 2272, 3070, 3946, 3946, 3946, 3946, 356, 2504, 603, 3405, 3061, 3061, 271, 271, 271, 2560, 871, 871, 871, 934, 4196, 1878, 2559, 2415, 2402, 501, 501, 2379, 7, 2605, 3771, 3789, 4973, 1284, 318, 1140, 3748, 3748, 3347, 3540, 729, 124, 2, 581, 3189, 2607, 560, 3718, 592, 1583, 1583, 1583, 1583, 1627, 3067, 194, 1926, 2963, 121, 121, 4372, 4372, 776, 776, 776, 36, 2851, 670, 4450, 3040, 71, 4665, 1252, 1943, 1943, 1943, 31, 31, 31, 157, 828, 828, 2030, 2030, 28, 3958, 2026, 331, 3547, 1330, 937, 4552, 4552, 4626, 3293, 563, 623, 146, 146, 146, 2400, 1615, 1394, 1394, 2980, 3562, 3562, 3562, 3562, 3562, 4076, 1328, 1328, 3223, 2027, 2027, 273, 3954, 3863, 3994, 2938, 2158, 1844, 3347, 2086, 729, 3368, 1109, 4876, 3702, 1069, 3914, 552, 1479, 1091, 1091, 1229, 1229, 1331, 496, 4116, 2373, 1550, 2952, 2952, 3045, 1273, 4357, 4357, 3325, 3427, 3427, 1449, 1449, 2888, 1827, 52, 2798, 1382, 1382, 1382, 1382, 3763, 3763, 4170, 4170, 4170, 967, 4808, 1873, 4450, 2593, 71, 4665, 1252, 1128, 1943, 1943, 31, 72, 532, 828, 2030, 710, 3958, 3958, 2234, 1787, 1787, 4055, 1223, 3281, 2553, 2553, 3056, 1274, 1788, 2873, 1540, 1540, 3687, 522, 300, 1546, 2607, 1954, 665, 198, 3494, 91, 231, 714, 4560, 909, 909, 3389, 194, 1926, 760, 1666, 1666, 3914, 4671, 2003, 2003, 2003, 2003, 2003, 3231, 697, 697, 2618, 2005, 2005, 2950, 2401, 2401, 525, 2038, 292, 3385, 3385, 1011, 3294, 2324, 2324, 1365, 245, 983, 2666, 287, 2793, 2793, 2793, 1949, 3832, 834, 4990, 2330, 534, 534, 4918, 1354, 1354, 1354, 1354, 1354, 4129, 3456, 2851, 1566, 3607, 3487, 3487, 3907, 3671, 3671, 3671, 3671, 2881, 4708, 4440, 462, 4308, 2173, 3987, 742, 3303, 2470, 2470, 3119, 3119, 4076, 1328, 2359, 2159, 2732, 538, 4505, 3773, 1275, 3294, 1311, 634, 1915, 3557, 1252, 1943, 1245, 1245, 3913, 3913, 23, 3844, 2030, 312, 2026, 981, 3125, 2793, 2793, 712, 3832, 4608, 4608, 4480, 411, 411, 2142, 3460, 3992, 3992, 2361, 2046, 1274, 1788, 306, 1121, 1090, 1577, 4023, 3567, 3109, 466, 466, 2861, 283, 316, 316, 1275, 3702, 1069, 3914, 2704, 309, 309, 1397, 1397, 1397, 425, 4267, 4406, 3094, 1788, 306, 4565, 4565, 4214, 237, 237, 121, 3715, 4832, 4832, 650, 70, 3385, 3385, 3830, 162, 2324, 1139, 1435, 2026, 1784, 2877, 2374, 808, 808, 4076, 1328, 383, 1412, 1412, 1315, 411, 2142, 4766, 360, 360, 360, 360, 2141, 317, 1197, 3719, 3719, 3719, 3719, 2582, 4843, 1722, 1722, 3536, 3684, 3684, 3684, 3843, 153, 4980, 1472, 166, 166, 166, 166, 1435, 1435, 2670, 1586, 1673, 1673, 1215, 1215, 2132, 2132, 982, 982, 825, 3665, 2073, 3496, 1528, 1528, 1528, 1391, 445, 2359, 2732, 538, 4505, 3773, 3411, 3294, 1311, 634, 163, 4665, 1252, 4243, 234, 3913, 3913, 532, 3844, 3268, 312, 2026, 14, 1097, 4381, 3610, 1461, 3398, 1790, 4659, 3908, 3908, 2218, 4116, 1447, 894, 4097, 1740, 3344, 3344, 1710, 41, 4622, 1801, 4201, 3688, 3688, 3688, 3688, 1573, 3430, 225, 4780, 18, 419, 1840, 222, 821, 60, 2649, 2160, 2160, 4681, 775, 775, 4340, 2767, 2767, 1130, 1130, 202, 2365, 2993, 2993, 3937, 3937, 4556, 2998, 4966, 4966, 2574, 1479, 3794, 3794, 1617, 4055, 3496, 3496, 3460, 360, 360, 360, 2141, 317, 1197, 2583, 3719, 3719, 3719, 2582, 4843, 1722, 1722, 3536, 1408, 1408, 3859, 3859, 608, 3385, 3830, 3830, 2898, 3294, 2152, 2152, 4625, 4625, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.12016833333333332, 0.8011222222222222, 1.3218516666666664, 1.482076111111111, 1.5822163888888887, 2.062889722222222, 2.8439838888888884, 3.004208333333333, 3.104348611111111, 3.765274444444444, 4.606452777777777, 4.786705277777777, 5.287406666666666, 5.808136111111111, 6.268781388888889, 6.408977777777777, 7.170043888888888, 7.410380555555554, 7.690773333333333, 8.431811388888887, 9.23293361111111, 9.853803333333333, 10.67495361111111, 11.436019722222222, 11.716412499999999, 12.437422499999998 ]
[ 0.12016833333333332, 0.8011222222222222, 1.3218516666666664, 1.482076111111111, 1.5822163888888887, 2.062889722222222, 2.8439838888888884, 2.9841802777777775, 3.104348611111111, 3.765274444444444, 4.606452777777777, 4.786705277777777, 5.287406666666666, 5.808136111111111, 6.268781388888889, 6.408977777777777, 7.170043888888888, 7.410380555555554, 7.690773333333333, 8.431811388888887, 9.23293361111111, 9.853803333333333, 10.67495361111111, 11.436019722222222, 11.716412499999999, 12.437422499999998, 13.498909444444443 ]
For the future, I agree with what has been said today both by Catherine Ashton and by my own group, that we need to keep the multilateral track open and we need to put an emphasis on civil society and support for it.
for the future i agree with what has been said today both by catherine ashton and by my own group that we need to keep the multilateral track open and we need to put an emphasis on civil society and support for it.
[ "for", "the", "future", "i", "agree", "with", "what", "has", "been", "said", "today", "both", "by", "catherine", "ashton", "and", "by", "my", "own", "group", "that", "we", "need", "to", "keep", "the", "multilateral", "track", "open", "and", "we", "need", "to", "put", "an", "emphasis", "on", "civil", "society", "and", "support", "for", "it." ]
[ "for", "the", "future", "i", "agree", "with", "what", "has", "been", "said", "today", "both", "by", "catherine", "ashton", "and", "by", "my", "own", "group", "that", "we", "need", "to", "keep", "the", "multilateral", "track", "open", "and", "we", "need", "to", "put", "an", "emphasis", "on", "civil", "society", "and", "support", "for", "it" ]
[ "f o r", "t h e", "f u t u r e", "i", "a g r e e", "w i t h", "w h a t", "h a s", "b e e n", "s a i d", "t o d a y", "b o t h", "b y", "c a t h e r i n e", "a s h t o n", "a n d", "b y", "m y", "o w n", "g r o u p", "t h a t", "w e", "n e e d", "t o", "k e e p", "t h e", "m u l t i l a t e r a l", "t r a c k", "o p e n", "a n d", "w e", "n e e d", "t o", "p u t", "a n", "e m p h a s i s", "o n", "c i v i l", "s o c i e t y", "a n d", "s u p p o r t", "f o r", "i t" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 1335, 1335, 2327, 2327, 2327, 2327, 2327, 914, 914, 914, 524, 2677, 1692, 4321, 4658, 785, 3106, 838, 1344, 4746, 4746, 437, 424, 3102, 492, 3368, 563, 2400, 1615, 2923, 1093, 4639, 4639, 4639, 4639, 4706, 4513, 1657, 1974, 614, 3311, 3311, 1783, 1783, 4239, 86, 3445, 966, 2137, 1065, 4760, 111, 111, 3566, 4840, 2481, 777, 3189, 41, 126, 4622, 984, 984, 984, 4525, 4525, 4525, 584, 2081, 3910, 2478, 4973, 3700, 1284, 3011, 2365, 2365, 2365, 4852, 4852, 4852, 4852, 3896, 1683, 1284, 318, 1140, 1140, 540, 2035, 3629, 551, 1751, 2928, 2928, 393, 1708, 3449, 2708, 2708, 2708, 1289, 4969, 3930, 4241, 2741, 221, 1264, 1264, 1264, 2168, 1748, 4834, 760, 4077, 1010, 552, 1608, 554, 554, 554, 554, 2014, 1200, 1200, 1058, 3026, 4149, 4149, 4149, 324, 104, 3496, 4412, 1094, 1094, 1094, 4545, 83, 2301, 3910, 3431, 2559, 1373, 1976, 1976, 4327, 4327, 4327, 3153, 4061, 4966, 2035, 4241, 687, 2741, 1976, 2779, 115, 553, 49, 4305, 2559, 3766, 4633, 708, 592, 4963, 3488, 4322, 2998, 3279, 2574, 2804, 271, 271, 4251, 1244, 3728, 3488, 3488, 3671, 3967, 2504, 603, 3405, 3405, 2187, 4270, 242, 104, 2751, 4206, 4206, 2626, 1379, 2288, 2160, 4681, 2210, 775, 3159, 758, 758, 983, 742, 1904, 781, 4112, 591, 591, 591, 591, 4694, 4418, 4418, 4819, 3925, 2158, 1976, 2779, 2779, 2779, 553, 1736, 1736, 1125, 3948, 148, 3069, 737, 4733, 429, 3168, 4317, 4197, 1900, 1900, 1900, 1900, 1006, 522, 488, 2647, 1339, 41, 126, 4622, 1801, 4201, 4256, 4256, 4256, 4256, 3956, 4353, 4345, 3209, 2808, 2732, 4675, 1721, 2436, 142, 315, 315, 315, 4389, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 3458, 3458, 4796, 4796, 4796, 4796, 4796, 4796, 4796, 3913, 3, 453, 3673, 3415, 2827, 710, 4195, 2026, 3958, 348, 1504, 1504, 949, 1696, 3544, 1165, 2969, 168, 1346, 4807, 3677, 487, 487, 2863, 1658, 2008, 152, 152, 411, 25, 1421, 1421, 1421, 1421, 1421, 2081, 3322, 3058, 112, 1200, 2607, 1058, 3076, 63, 219, 3490, 630, 3494, 91, 104, 4633, 678, 2180, 2180, 2180, 2180, 2180, 3209, 3795, 1588, 2268, 2268, 1844, 4141, 177, 2816, 3948, 148, 995, 2240, 2240, 2240, 3219, 644, 1442, 2646, 2646, 513, 2979, 3043, 1826, 1107, 143, 227, 1276, 3488, 3488, 3488, 3218, 4648, 1388, 1388, 1388, 614, 3311, 3311, 1273, 4357, 3325, 1187, 3758, 2183, 894, 3237, 4374, 4374, 3826, 3433, 3459, 3459, 3459, 96, 2547, 4012, 383, 1733, 1733, 2313, 3487, 822, 762, 762, 762, 2004, 3153, 251, 595, 742, 4643, 2419, 2306, 2306, 2306, 1379, 1379, 2288, 2649, 2160, 4681, 2210, 4401, 610, 315, 742, 399, 1351, 1639, 1639, 31, 3913, 532, 828, 2030, 710, 1586, 981, 14, 2754, 108, 108, 3610, 4418, 1155, 1346, 4807, 3677, 487, 2863, 1658, 2008, 4188, 25, 25, 1421, 1421, 1421, 1421, 1350, 4540, 3058, 1200, 231, 1058, 3026, 219, 3490, 630, 2261, 231, 3170, 1082, 2466, 2466, 2466, 1918, 3276, 3276, 3276, 197, 2746, 1812, 1812, 589, 2687, 2707, 4197, 387, 387, 387, 2057, 4001, 1157, 1157, 1368, 497, 3535, 1075, 2882, 2882, 4214, 237, 237, 4077, 655, 4372, 901, 901, 901, 901, 968, 968, 2640, 2640, 3530, 542, 3954, 3954, 162, 2324, 1365, 245, 983, 742, 2263, 3180, 4430, 4430, 3777, 1006, 1748, 4834, 760, 4523, 158, 3914, 2704, 2718, 2718, 2718, 1274, 3094, 1788, 4264, 4264, 2053, 3325, 4808, 4808, 4808, 1873, 3485, 936, 1792, 742, 4941, 2404, 101, 2110, 3914, 4721, 947, 1746, 1746, 1001, 1010, 4433, 552, 4113, 4297, 4297, 4297, 4297, 1138, 1138, 3599, 3599, 3599, 3599, 1577, 2390, 1268, 1268, 513, 2017, 1036, 1036, 3684, 2540, 311, 587, 1247, 1492, 197, 3143, 1097, 4381, 1461, 1461, 4117, 1748, 4834, 760, 4876, 1010, 1069, 4721, 4721, 947, 1746, 750, 1210, 4643, 3170, 1082, 2758, 1689, 1689, 1689, 1689, 2735, 2735, 365, 4818, 1588, 2026, 1588, 4658, 4120, 2832, 2832, 3106, 840, 1883, 1508, 1508, 1508, 1508, 247, 4942, 470, 4469, 3558, 1993, 1266, 1266, 2424, 3817, 2585, 1480, 4625, 4625, 4625, 2026, 4625, 3367, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.460661119515885, 0.5608048411497731, 1.021465960665658, 1.1015809379727683, 1.5622420574886535, 1.8626732223903177, 1.9828456883509833, 2.1030181543116493, 2.303305597579425, 2.523621785173979, 2.864110438729198, 3.1044553706505296, 3.2646853252647503, 3.6051739788199697, 4.10589258698941, 4.366266263237518, 4.566553706505295, 4.726783661119516, 4.907042360060514, 5.567990922844175, 6.068709531013615, 6.208910741301059, 6.509341906202724, 6.649543116490166, 6.909916792738275, 7.030089258698942, 7.7511240544629345, 8.071583963691376, 8.652417549167927, 8.97287745839637, 9.093049924357034, 9.333394856278366, 9.453567322239032, 9.673883509833585, 9.814084720121029, 10.495062027231466, 10.7354069591528, 11.156010590015129, 11.897074130105901, 12.13741906202723, 12.638137670196672, 12.938568835098335 ]
[ 0.460661119515885, 0.5608048411497731, 1.021465960665658, 1.1015809379727683, 1.5622420574886535, 1.84264447806354, 1.9828456883509833, 2.1030181543116493, 2.303305597579425, 2.523621785173979, 2.864110438729198, 3.1044553706505296, 3.2646853252647503, 3.6051739788199697, 4.10589258698941, 4.366266263237518, 4.566553706505295, 4.726783661119516, 4.907042360060514, 5.567990922844175, 6.068709531013615, 6.208910741301059, 6.509341906202724, 6.649543116490166, 6.909916792738275, 7.030089258698942, 7.7511240544629345, 8.071583963691376, 8.652417549167927, 8.97287745839637, 9.093049924357034, 9.333394856278366, 9.453567322239032, 9.673883509833585, 9.814084720121029, 10.495062027231466, 10.7354069591528, 11.156010590015129, 11.897074130105901, 12.13741906202723, 12.638137670196672, 12.938568835098335, 13.218971255673221 ]
Frontex complements the EUNAVFOR MED operation Sophia, to which it provides solid intelligence.
frontex complements the eunavfor med operation sophia to which it provides solid intelligence.
[ "frontex", "complements", "the", "eunavfor", "med", "operation", "sophia", "to", "which", "it", "provides", "solid", "intelligence." ]
[ "frontex", "complements", "the", "eunavfor", "med", "operation", "sophia", "to", "which", "it", "provides", "solid", "intelligence" ]
[ "f r o n t e x", "c o m p l e m e n t s", "t h e", "e u n a v f o r", "m e d", "o p e r a t i o n", "s o p h i a", "t o", "w h i c h", "i t", "p r o v i d e s", "s o l i d", "i n t e l l i g e n c e" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 467, 1335, 4720, 4720, 1457, 524, 3861, 75, 2026, 4658, 4658, 785, 1615, 1615, 3953, 2790, 3785, 3205, 4174, 4174, 24, 2548, 4116, 1447, 860, 3567, 2877, 1729, 4628, 4076, 3176, 894, 3223, 649, 1275, 2019, 213, 231, 714, 805, 680, 680, 2548, 4336, 1588, 1588, 4852, 2558, 2850, 2850, 2395, 2395, 2395, 2395, 2357, 91, 2607, 3766, 714, 256, 680, 2545, 1802, 4001, 595, 231, 1925, 263, 3150, 3150, 3150, 2944, 1404, 1067, 4813, 2765, 1146, 624, 2215, 1709, 1709, 3711, 2027, 2027, 3954, 3954, 3954, 3954, 162, 2324, 1365, 4756, 742, 1792, 4941, 2425, 1795, 4132, 3347, 1448, 729, 1445, 1687, 3441, 2552, 2552, 4228, 4228, 4228, 2092, 2092, 4251, 3741, 4172, 4172, 4563, 69, 1559, 4519, 1276, 2228, 2361, 2361, 3232, 563, 3275, 4635, 526, 2400, 838, 1883, 1883, 247, 1316, 1316, 4383, 3427, 3846, 1593, 4493, 202, 2990, 4628, 4628, 90, 3581, 1100, 1100, 2849, 2811, 4184, 3460, 3798, 507, 3672, 4907, 1059, 1380, 1380, 1857, 1153, 1808, 3690, 19, 225, 4780, 1840, 222, 636, 1055, 194, 2527, 760, 1666, 3914, 79, 190, 2403, 4678, 4678, 4563, 1111, 3279, 3279, 3535, 2923, 301, 271, 3720, 1244, 979, 3520, 3032, 3032, 3991, 3013, 931, 742, 399, 399, 399, 4389, 1639, 140, 140, 140, 140, 1357, 1357, 1357, 828, 828, 710, 3958, 2725, 2670, 2026, 1586, 1954, 1954, 3419, 1395, 2006, 45, 1345, 56, 2954, 2954, 2954, 3009, 1974, 4797, 733, 733, 1117, 1117, 2324, 245, 197, 197, 1297, 3357, 679, 2601, 2959, 1897, 742, 4643, 1673, 3407, 3167, 3167, 285, 285, 952, 952, 2868, 3257, 3257, 3257, 3257, 2175, 565, 565, 3373, 1737, 3711, 2027, 2027, 1011, 3954, 162, 2324, 936, 4852, 1262, 742, 2404, 2404, 101, 158, 2110, 552, 2704, 190, 2568, 2568, 2141, 4147, 1940, 2583, 1642, 1642, 1642, 1822, 1100, 1100, 3189, 2636, 3289, 3289, 3289, 3289, 3963, 4659, 1405, 3908, 661, 685, 1546, 231, 367, 3289, 2877, 2374, 1881, 1881, 1437, 1940, 478, 3719, 3719, 2582, 514, 4843, 1722, 3536, 4632, 3285, 3285, 3285, 3346, 498, 836, 4284, 4284, 3830, 2898, 621, 2152, 2152, 2152, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.9226506502890175, 1.8653589234104047, 2.1060503973988443, 2.7880095736994224, 3.0487586705202316, 3.49002637283237, 4.131870303468208, 4.492907514450868, 4.793771856936417, 4.9542328395953765, 5.576019147398845, 6.077459718208093 ]
[ 0.9226506502890175, 1.8653589234104047, 2.1060503973988443, 2.7880095736994224, 3.0487586705202316, 3.49002637283237, 4.131870303468208, 4.492907514450868, 4.793771856936417, 4.9542328395953765, 5.576019147398845, 6.077459718208093, 6.919879877167631 ]
For the first time in its history we are closest to a gender balanced college.
for the first time in its history we are closest to a gender balanced college.
[ "for", "the", "first", "time", "in", "its", "history", "we", "are", "closest", "to", "a", "gender", "balanced", "college." ]
[ "for", "the", "first", "time", "in", "its", "history", "we", "are", "closest", "to", "a", "gender", "balanced", "college" ]
[ "f o r", "t h e", "f i r s t", "t i m e", "i n", "i t s", "h i s t o r y", "w e", "a r e", "c l o s e s t", "t o", "a", "g e n d e r", "b a l a n c e d", "c o l l e g e" ]
[ 38, 4598, 4598, 467, 467, 467, 139, 2327, 2327, 2327, 914, 1457, 524, 524, 75, 3958, 2026, 785, 3106, 840, 1883, 1883, 247, 2864, 1333, 1333, 2724, 2086, 729, 4730, 2690, 1815, 623, 3524, 3524, 2811, 43, 671, 3236, 3236, 3236, 3236, 3236, 3236, 2848, 2848, 356, 2227, 4440, 462, 462, 462, 3863, 1139, 4229, 381, 1781, 2657, 541, 625, 625, 2113, 2113, 2113, 2113, 2113, 2113, 887, 887, 4065, 3187, 3187, 3187, 3187, 3999, 3999, 2641, 2641, 786, 1270, 1270, 712, 3398, 1790, 4226, 726, 726, 3444, 3668, 3668, 4266, 4433, 65, 1785, 1785, 1422, 3934, 3366, 3366, 3366, 3366, 3016, 237, 1275, 462, 2187, 2187, 242, 242, 2314, 4270, 347, 994, 994, 352, 352, 27, 27, 27, 3843, 3843, 311, 884, 2377, 4409, 1915, 586, 4665, 4243, 4243, 3913, 3913, 3913, 532, 828, 2030, 710, 4195, 2026, 2234, 2425, 4471, 236, 236, 236, 1323, 4317, 3921, 1464, 1464, 3876, 3876, 1316, 2009, 1694, 581, 581, 62, 687, 742, 381, 3317, 305, 305, 2445, 2445, 2445, 826, 2995, 2995, 2995, 2995, 2995, 644, 644, 356, 4853, 2963, 2535, 121, 655, 4372, 4534, 4534, 4534, 3569, 3569, 968, 1238, 159, 3717, 1458, 2333, 3362, 368, 3189, 142, 142, 3557, 4665, 1128, 3134, 1286, 828, 110, 710, 4195, 4195, 2026, 1784, 1058, 63, 665, 3419, 564, 564, 2222, 2222, 546, 546, 432, 1617, 3049, 2089, 1568, 894, 1967, 286, 2097, 1070, 666, 666, 666, 496, 2548, 2854, 3793, 2682, 4055, 2219, 4825, 4767, 910, 223, 3996, 1591, 2164, 2164, 1440, 4055, 1373, 394, 3640, 3640, 3640, 3640, 3640, 4147, 1940, 4033, 956, 956, 3285, 2072, 194, 194, 1926, 3989, 1275, 462, 515, 3362, 1641, 1659, 4485, 1829, 974, 560, 1579, 3387, 3873, 360, 360, 360, 2141, 2141, 4147, 1940, 4033, 2583, 4136, 4136, 4136, 4136, 2582, 2582, 2432, 2432, 742, 3235, 3235, 733, 1117, 2152, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.4815737704918033, 0.6220327868852459, 1.0835409836065573, 1.5651147540983608, 1.6855081967213115, 1.8660983606557378, 2.5884590163934424, 2.9295737704918032, 3.150295081967213, 4.053245901639344, 4.334163934426229, 4.45455737704918, 4.936131147540983, 5.518032786885246 ]
[ 0.4815737704918033, 0.6220327868852459, 1.0835409836065573, 1.5651147540983608, 1.6855081967213115, 1.8660983606557378, 2.5884590163934424, 2.9295737704918032, 3.150295081967213, 4.053245901639344, 4.334163934426229, 4.45455737704918, 4.936131147540983, 5.518032786885246, 6.099934426229508 ]
I am working with my constituents to gain help from the Solidarity Fund for the cost of the clean up, devolution of powers to local government to speed up response to emergencies, and urgent investment in water management schemes.
i am working with my constituents to gain help from the solidarity fund for the cost of the clean up devolution of powers to local government to speed up response to emergencies and urgent investment in water management schemes.
[ "i", "am", "working", "with", "my", "constituents", "to", "gain", "help", "from", "the", "solidarity", "fund", "for", "the", "cost", "of", "the", "clean", "up", "devolution", "of", "powers", "to", "local", "government", "to", "speed", "up", "response", "to", "emergencies", "and", "urgent", "investment", "in", "water", "management", "schemes." ]
[ "i", "am", "working", "with", "my", "constituents", "to", "gain", "help", "from", "the", "solidarity", "fund", "for", "the", "cost", "of", "the", "clean", "up", "devolution", "of", "powers", "to", "local", "government", "to", "speed", "up", "response", "to", "emergencies", "and", "urgent", "investment", "in", "water", "management", "schemes" ]
[ "i", "a m", "w o r k i n g", "w i t h", "m y", "c o n s t i t u e n t s", "t o", "g a i n", "h e l p", "f r o m", "t h e", "s o l i d a r i t y", "f u n d", "f o r", "t h e", "c o s t", "o f", "t h e", "c l e a n", "u p", "d e v o l u t i o n", "o f", "p o w e r s", "t o", "l o c a l", "g o v e r n m e n t", "t o", "s p e e d", "u p", "r e s p o n s e", "t o", "e m e r g e n c i e s", "a n d", "u r g e n t", "i n v e s t m e n t", "i n", "w a t e r", "m a n a g e m e n t", "s c h e m e s" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 2114, 3154, 1335, 139, 2327, 2327, 4462, 2327, 4462, 4462, 914, 914, 914, 1457, 524, 524, 1586, 981, 30, 109, 109, 857, 857, 3168, 1755, 1755, 1755, 1174, 1174, 1155, 1155, 1345, 1851, 4814, 441, 441, 441, 4012, 4012, 2903, 454, 454, 2653, 2379, 156, 4014, 1284, 318, 3044, 2450, 1100, 2020, 1014, 3069, 3069, 737, 4733, 429, 2301, 49, 4305, 3766, 1000, 4560, 909, 3389, 735, 1748, 4834, 4876, 4433, 1084, 3194, 3271, 47, 3813, 3813, 3813, 3813, 1657, 4183, 614, 614, 460, 460, 3870, 596, 596, 2072, 3839, 3264, 3234, 1834, 273, 3411, 6, 1139, 2811, 1401, 2491, 630, 2481, 3899, 231, 41, 1223, 3024, 4074, 4074, 4074, 4271, 4271, 3171, 2168, 2824, 4044, 1149, 1007, 1007, 1415, 1102, 1102, 1102, 3616, 1062, 2462, 3737, 3737, 4903, 4903, 163, 526, 2943, 1399, 4329, 4329, 4255, 2052, 2052, 3252, 40, 3102, 10, 3368, 1109, 4876, 1010, 3914, 2704, 190, 2568, 2568, 2141, 317, 1197, 2583, 1642, 1642, 1642, 2171, 3496, 1276, 1402, 1402, 1402, 1660, 470, 3558, 2907, 2322, 1577, 3567, 3538, 1036, 3043, 4101, 3293, 563, 1815, 2832, 2832, 2832, 43, 671, 1553, 1553, 1553, 1553, 1942, 3034, 4210, 4210, 4394, 412, 4497, 4192, 2734, 4635, 4635, 838, 1344, 4746, 437, 424, 3102, 2131, 2, 4336, 62, 62, 742, 381, 714, 2497, 3873, 1603, 3428, 3428, 1051, 4708, 3717, 3717, 1458, 1458, 1458, 2333, 368, 368, 3189, 346, 142, 2593, 3557, 3134, 3134, 1286, 110, 3268, 312, 981, 64, 1776, 1512, 2997, 199, 721, 721, 3102, 177, 124, 91, 581, 231, 3317, 305, 2445, 4027, 4027, 4027, 35, 3214, 69, 431, 431, 3681, 567, 3681, 3346, 4114, 4114, 315, 4429, 315, 315, 315, 163, 15, 15, 4389, 4389, 163, 4823, 3811, 574, 574, 3305, 3305, 3305, 3305, 3305, 453, 453, 3415, 2154, 2154, 3958, 2026, 2670, 2026, 1784, 2389, 3853, 1232, 1232, 1013, 1350, 4406, 3094, 1788, 3609, 1072, 1072, 3818, 143, 1688, 2680, 2680, 2680, 3835, 225, 4780, 3405, 419, 1840, 222, 821, 636, 3398, 1971, 4526, 384, 3652, 3652, 917, 62, 687, 742, 2973, 1730, 1730, 3410, 3410, 3410, 3410, 4069, 4069, 904, 904, 4475, 4475, 4475, 2401, 2401, 525, 4499, 1764, 4050, 4077, 6, 1139, 4229, 1954, 665, 198, 198, 4828, 4052, 4588, 1688, 4320, 4320, 4320, 4892, 1743, 2533, 517, 4071, 3325, 3325, 1187, 1177, 3899, 777, 2559, 2272, 3070, 2087, 2087, 2087, 2087, 3094, 1308, 1308, 1308, 2944, 1404, 1067, 2539, 249, 1146, 339, 2215, 4994, 1588, 742, 1058, 3026, 1401, 3490, 630, 3210, 1417, 158, 3702, 3702, 382, 382, 4019, 2173, 3987, 742, 2192, 3303, 3135, 3135, 1013, 1350, 4196, 754, 883, 2740, 3090, 567, 1712, 3560, 3560, 1588, 1588, 4429, 4429, 1752, 3547, 1330, 937, 4988, 713, 713, 1417, 4433, 3702, 382, 4019, 4019, 2173, 3987, 3189, 2192, 3303, 3320, 3320, 3320, 3320, 24, 1164, 3264, 3264, 3234, 3234, 1834, 1834, 3773, 542, 3954, 3954, 3954, 162, 162, 4398, 634, 4811, 4811, 3557, 4665, 4243, 3134, 532, 3844, 2030, 2677, 3958, 2026, 1058, 665, 3419, 3857, 564, 2222, 3566, 4840, 4684, 2816, 4493, 202, 939, 4212, 4212, 4212, 4212, 2121, 514, 4843, 1722, 1722, 3536, 2556, 2556, 2556, 3839, 277, 3919, 3919, 3989, 4077, 121, 655, 2503, 2503, 2503, 3684, 500, 500, 3797, 3979, 4287, 536, 2091, 1011, 3294, 1311, 634, 2593, 3557, 1252, 3134, 3913, 3913, 532, 1436, 312, 981, 2754, 108, 3610, 4249, 1634, 4192, 2330, 2875, 1, 2972, 1, 1045, 4877, 4877, 4877, 4877, 4877, 4877, 425, 2121, 514, 514, 4843, 1722, 3536, 4632, 4707, 3951, 3839, 339, 2215, 4744, 4497, 4952, 175, 4028, 2378, 661, 735, 1185, 856, 3878, 2868, 3372, 4041, 4041, 4041, 4041, 1281, 4708, 4697, 462, 2843, 2843, 4775, 3694, 1067, 2539, 4813, 1146, 2215, 4744, 883, 422, 284, 4856, 712, 3123, 3691, 1346, 1346, 144, 882, 376, 376, 376, 2153, 1442, 1061, 2140, 2476, 2476, 1975, 3941, 2009, 1593, 4493, 202, 308, 2993, 3130, 3130, 3130, 839, 3479, 3479, 4136, 2582, 3638, 3638, 2103, 2843, 2843, 4775, 3694, 2539, 4813, 1146, 2215, 1709, 231, 2951, 4523, 4523, 3702, 3702, 382, 4019, 521, 205, 2927, 2809, 4451, 682, 682, 682, 682, 1953, 266, 2764, 2764, 2764, 2764, 2764, 2764, 3226, 836, 836, 836, 836, 4284, 2898, 2152, 2152, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.5206691176470589, 0.6408235294117648, 0.9612352941176471, 1.081389705882353, 1.241595588235294, 1.942496323529412, 2.0826764705882357, 2.3430110294117648, 2.6233713235294123, 2.8236286764705882, 2.943783088235294, 3.584606617647059, 3.9450698529411765, 4.105275735294118, 4.225430147058823, 4.726073529411765, 4.926330882352941, 5.066511029411765, 5.306819852941176, 5.727360294117648, 6.608492647058824, 6.72864705882353, 7.229290441176471, 7.349444852941176, 7.669856617647059, 8.130448529411765, 8.290654411764706, 8.651117647058824, 8.831349264705883, 9.692455882352942, 9.952790441176472, 10.91402573529412, 11.2344375, 11.735080882352943, 12.295801470588236, 12.435981617647059, 12.756393382352943, 13.317113970588236 ]
[ 0.5206691176470589, 0.6408235294117648, 0.9612352941176471, 1.081389705882353, 1.241595588235294, 1.942496323529412, 2.0826764705882357, 2.3430110294117648, 2.6233713235294123, 2.8236286764705882, 2.943783088235294, 3.584606617647059, 3.9450698529411765, 4.08525, 4.225430147058823, 4.726073529411765, 4.926330882352941, 5.066511029411765, 5.306819852941176, 5.727360294117648, 6.608492647058824, 6.72864705882353, 7.229290441176471, 7.349444852941176, 7.669856617647059, 8.130448529411765, 8.290654411764706, 8.651117647058824, 8.831349264705883, 9.692455882352942, 9.952790441176472, 10.91402573529412, 11.2344375, 11.735080882352943, 12.295801470588236, 12.435981617647059, 12.756393382352943, 13.317113970588236, 13.937911764705882 ]
Europe's new Green Deal promises prevention of environmental damage that harms us now and endangers our children's future.
europe's new green deal promises prevention of environmental damage that harms us now and endangers our children's future.
[ "europe's", "new", "green", "deal", "promises", "prevention", "of", "environmental", "damage", "that", "harms", "us", "now", "and", "endangers", "our", "children's", "future." ]
[ "europe's", "new", "green", "deal", "promises", "prevention", "of", "environmental", "damage", "that", "harms", "us", "now", "and", "endangers", "our", "children's", "future" ]
[ "e u r o p e ' s", "n e w", "g r e e n", "d e a l", "p r o m i s e s", "p r e v e n t i o n", "o f", "e n v i r o n m e n t a l", "d a m a g e", "t h a t", "h a r m s", "u s", "n o w", "a n d", "e n d a n g e r s", "o u r", "c h i l d r e n ' s", "f u t u r e" ]
[ 4079, 4598, 4598, 3154, 4544, 4544, 1620, 1620, 2026, 3861, 3861, 75, 2026, 3227, 1586, 4122, 4423, 2775, 2144, 2144, 833, 833, 2262, 2262, 470, 2879, 4566, 4566, 1398, 1398, 1137, 1761, 4421, 4421, 1899, 3411, 3411, 480, 1693, 1315, 4188, 2362, 2362, 1046, 1046, 4845, 1046, 2538, 4342, 4342, 4342, 1551, 1551, 1551, 775, 3040, 2593, 3295, 2220, 2220, 122, 122, 4195, 1151, 4195, 3958, 1784, 520, 4622, 1801, 3828, 3676, 1575, 3757, 3757, 3757, 156, 4744, 1546, 860, 894, 2389, 337, 337, 1575, 1575, 3085, 4415, 508, 1789, 2312, 3116, 967, 1187, 1177, 1478, 1478, 742, 3170, 4660, 654, 1215, 1215, 2694, 2694, 982, 1947, 1404, 2618, 1561, 1561, 1561, 4214, 237, 4077, 655, 3715, 4908, 4908, 4908, 3976, 4599, 2821, 4241, 742, 1673, 3407, 3167, 3167, 285, 3497, 1928, 2559, 2868, 4799, 4799, 4799, 4799, 1331, 496, 2854, 277, 4883, 4883, 3155, 3405, 18, 419, 222, 4392, 821, 60, 366, 3398, 1971, 4526, 384, 1313, 289, 4028, 2378, 2541, 253, 856, 3878, 3612, 3372, 3372, 1309, 1309, 1309, 1309, 2908, 2908, 1342, 2051, 2051, 2944, 1404, 1067, 2539, 2765, 2765, 496, 4116, 1447, 1550, 2948, 2645, 2363, 1992, 1617, 367, 367, 2231, 1283, 3025, 1070, 4025, 4025, 4025, 3231, 1947, 2618, 3229, 3229, 4136, 4136, 2582, 2060, 3189, 3235, 4797, 2103, 1217, 3938, 3938, 612, 612, 2969, 3276, 2408, 367, 4207, 3072, 369, 4307, 4307, 3678, 3678, 3678, 3871, 2883, 2883, 2883, 304, 1670, 3905, 978, 2197, 2197, 1360, 257, 2311, 2311, 2311, 3461, 3461, 159, 1031, 4077, 3954, 162, 1311, 2593, 3557, 4665, 4243, 1128, 3913, 532, 2030, 2030, 4195, 2026, 2670, 4924, 2579, 2142, 2785, 2785, 2338, 2338, 2338, 2338, 2338, 2423, 2423, 2423, 3211, 1628, 3607, 3564, 295, 1123, 3398, 1790, 4028, 1405, 661, 253, 2410, 2089, 1568, 231, 433, 1283, 3025, 578, 578, 578, 578, 578, 3214, 3454, 3454, 5, 1722, 1775, 2232, 4908, 4213, 1216, 2906, 752, 1570, 1570, 3924, 3924, 3996, 3336, 3249, 1902, 720, 720, 1317, 1361, 1361, 1361, 4784, 4784, 4405, 2519, 2519, 2519, 2115, 2115, 1749, 54, 1055, 2267, 1899, 1899, 3411, 875, 4983, 381, 43, 2923, 1093, 4639, 4639, 4639, 4639, 4706, 1657, 1388, 231, 1974, 614, 3311, 3311, 1783, 4239, 4239, 1907, 1907, 694, 694, 694, 3991, 922, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.7620375335120643, 1.1631099195710453, 1.5641823056300266, 1.9050938337801606, 2.4665951742627343, 3.0682037533512063, 3.168471849865951, 3.8502949061662193, 4.291474530831098, 4.451903485254691, 4.873029490616621, 5.193887399463806, 5.615013404825737, 5.755388739946381, 6.296836461126005, 6.437211796246649, 6.918498659517425 ]
[ 0.7620375335120643, 1.1631099195710453, 1.5641823056300266, 1.9050938337801606, 2.4665951742627343, 3.0682037533512063, 3.168471849865951, 3.8502949061662193, 4.291474530831098, 4.451903485254691, 4.873029490616621, 5.193887399463806, 5.615013404825737, 5.755388739946381, 6.296836461126005, 6.437211796246649, 6.918498659517425, 7.459946380697049 ]
The Irish Parliament, through a special committee, identified the concerns of the people following the first referendum and the government got guarantees on these matters from our partners and, crucially, the change in relation to the future composition of the Commission.
the irish parliament through a special committee identified the concerns of the people following the first referendum and the government got guarantees on these matters from our partners and crucially the change in relation to the future composition of the commission.
[ "the", "irish", "parliament", "through", "a", "special", "committee", "identified", "the", "concerns", "of", "the", "people", "following", "the", "first", "referendum", "and", "the", "government", "got", "guarantees", "on", "these", "matters", "from", "our", "partners", "and", "crucially", "the", "change", "in", "relation", "to", "the", "future", "composition", "of", "the", "commission." ]
[ "the", "irish", "parliament", "through", "a", "special", "committee", "identified", "the", "concerns", "of", "the", "people", "following", "the", "first", "referendum", "and", "the", "government", "got", "guarantees", "on", "these", "matters", "from", "our", "partners", "and", "crucially", "the", "change", "in", "relation", "to", "the", "future", "composition", "of", "the", "commission" ]
[ "t h e", "i r i s h", "p a r l i a m e n t", "t h r o u g h", "a", "s p e c i a l", "c o m m i t t e e", "i d e n t i f i e d", "t h e", "c o n c e r n s", "o f", "t h e", "p e o p l e", "f o l l o w i n g", "t h e", "f i r s t", "r e f e r e n d u m", "a n d", "t h e", "g o v e r n m e n t", "g o t", "g u a r a n t e e s", "o n", "t h e s e", "m a t t e r s", "f r o m", "o u r", "p a r t n e r s", "a n d", "c r u c i a l l y", "t h e", "c h a n g e", "i n", "r e l a t i o n", "t o", "t h e", "f u t u r e", "c o m p o s i t i o n", "o f", "t h e", "c o m m i s s i o n" ]
[ 38, 4598, 4598, 467, 2026, 139, 1741, 1741, 1741, 1741, 72, 4462, 294, 72, 1457, 1457, 524, 75, 3227, 3227, 2026, 489, 1064, 210, 4317, 4317, 4878, 4878, 4878, 1309, 2908, 2392, 470, 4726, 4726, 4726, 1527, 1984, 1217, 2821, 4241, 4643, 1082, 1663, 3735, 3735, 3301, 3301, 3301, 3301, 865, 684, 3243, 1989, 1989, 1067, 2539, 4813, 1146, 339, 4744, 1200, 367, 499, 2034, 3589, 1592, 1592, 1628, 2222, 95, 95, 1723, 4876, 9, 4019, 2173, 3987, 742, 3303, 3303, 3746, 3746, 3746, 3746, 3967, 603, 3405, 1273, 1273, 4357, 2041, 3834, 3729, 367, 381, 1000, 434, 434, 2733, 202, 2375, 2678, 2678, 2678, 4070, 3078, 2140, 2017, 1848, 1848, 3843, 311, 884, 2377, 4409, 2593, 2593, 399, 399, 399, 1128, 1128, 1128, 1128, 1128, 1357, 1357, 828, 2030, 4195, 2026, 981, 4575, 4614, 829, 1617, 1568, 1568, 433, 2231, 3025, 2510, 2510, 2510, 1331, 4116, 1447, 4184, 3109, 4606, 4606, 2472, 1815, 623, 43, 4794, 4794, 4794, 4794, 4794, 167, 282, 3463, 3058, 4132, 2086, 2632, 124, 3189, 1000, 4560, 909, 3389, 735, 1748, 4834, 1010, 4077, 3914, 2704, 1608, 3424, 3424, 3424, 3424, 3424, 1366, 3664, 3664, 463, 809, 809, 4655, 2292, 1216, 296, 872, 4944, 2939, 64, 64, 1776, 3869, 2997, 4561, 721, 3347, 3102, 177, 2261, 3189, 3170, 2973, 1644, 1154, 211, 211, 211, 1532, 1532, 4093, 4093, 595, 231, 1916, 1916, 371, 371, 371, 668, 4785, 4785, 4450, 3040, 2593, 742, 399, 399, 399, 1128, 1128, 1128, 1286, 828, 4195, 4195, 4195, 4658, 785, 785, 2832, 43, 2043, 1241, 1241, 1241, 4928, 2141, 317, 2077, 2077, 2077, 4087, 1887, 501, 473, 156, 2316, 4132, 2086, 2632, 2690, 1815, 623, 43, 2595, 3236, 3236, 3236, 3236, 3236, 2848, 356, 2227, 462, 515, 2022, 1191, 4590, 2729, 4191, 831, 831, 831, 1111, 3279, 3535, 3319, 1380, 652, 4469, 3828, 666, 666, 666, 1331, 463, 3793, 3793, 2682, 894, 4825, 1590, 990, 990, 375, 893, 2139, 4401, 3040, 2593, 2593, 399, 1128, 322, 1128, 1286, 1286, 828, 1436, 3268, 2026, 981, 1510, 2754, 108, 3610, 4249, 2316, 4820, 2086, 492, 124, 1710, 381, 2272, 3070, 2087, 2087, 2087, 2087, 2087, 1308, 1308, 1308, 1308, 2051, 2944, 1067, 2539, 249, 4813, 1146, 339, 4744, 2959, 4485, 41, 2272, 4138, 1439, 1439, 3653, 3653, 2029, 3054, 3054, 2959, 4485, 231, 2272, 3070, 3375, 3375, 1402, 1402, 1660, 470, 2845, 2845, 2845, 2845, 4108, 685, 1546, 3249, 1781, 136, 2260, 2260, 1232, 1232, 1232, 1232, 500, 2416, 3797, 3797, 4499, 1764, 67, 923, 65, 3404, 983, 890, 742, 1045, 561, 3180, 3180, 3180, 4430, 4430, 3777, 4189, 4768, 3918, 2352, 2352, 4055, 753, 4463, 4428, 4428, 4428, 4428, 475, 475, 1293, 3786, 4247, 4208, 4208, 3807, 4011, 939, 789, 789, 789, 789, 789, 509, 1061, 2140, 3840, 3840, 2401, 2401, 525, 4499, 292, 67, 2535, 3294, 1311, 142, 2593, 2593, 399, 2220, 1128, 1128, 1128, 1286, 110, 110, 4195, 3744, 4658, 785, 785, 2832, 2158, 3953, 1399, 1399, 3539, 3539, 3539, 3539, 3539, 304, 304, 3905, 3905, 3216, 758, 1492, 332, 1570, 1570, 4272, 4272, 3924, 172, 2009, 1478, 231, 3170, 1082, 1663, 1663, 116, 778, 778, 244, 244, 244, 2914, 2914, 2121, 1442, 1895, 1895, 268, 268, 1321, 2950, 3184, 2401, 2401, 2038, 4499, 1764, 4050, 3294, 1311, 142, 2593, 2593, 399, 1128, 1128, 1286, 1286, 828, 1436, 3268, 2026, 981, 30, 1510, 4112, 4112, 108, 1461, 1006, 488, 2099, 4591, 310, 2000, 2174, 2174, 2174, 1052, 2178, 2178, 2178, 2178, 4706, 225, 2504, 1275, 3061, 3061, 4252, 4252, 1218, 224, 1112, 4541, 98, 98, 814, 311, 311, 3910, 4202, 3189, 3347, 2086, 729, 1469, 3336, 4291, 1902, 720, 720, 4522, 3181, 3181, 3452, 3452, 3452, 3452, 578, 578, 529, 529, 262, 3454, 3454, 3454, 3442, 3442, 1722, 3079, 3376, 1270, 1270, 1234, 3031, 1330, 3260, 4988, 713, 143, 1230, 486, 1179, 1179, 1179, 1179, 1573, 3430, 4780, 18, 419, 1840, 222, 4392, 3534, 3122, 2649, 2160, 4681, 2210, 3040, 2593, 2593, 399, 1128, 1128, 1128, 1128, 140, 140, 1357, 1357, 828, 2827, 2030, 4195, 1586, 1586, 1954, 698, 698, 437, 2724, 2086, 177, 4730, 563, 623, 2400, 2923, 1093, 4639, 4639, 4639, 4639, 4706, 1657, 1974, 614, 3311, 1783, 4239, 1975, 1288, 1694, 91, 894, 560, 3718, 256, 1199, 4996, 4996, 1778, 2467, 1157, 1059, 1758, 1758, 1758, 613, 4424, 3767, 3767, 3767, 3767, 2986, 2504, 419, 1840, 222, 636, 636, 1055, 3212, 2723, 2446, 1512, 3869, 199, 721, 4141, 10, 124, 91, 231, 560, 434, 434, 2733, 2733, 2375, 2375, 504, 504, 2986, 2504, 603, 3405, 419, 222, 4392, 3534, 3122, 1979, 1979, 151, 922, 922, 4625, 163, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.5206474442988205, 0.8009960681520315, 1.221519003931848, 1.4217680209698558, 1.4618178243774573, 1.882340760157274, 2.4830878112712975, 3.3041087811271295, 3.384208387942333, 3.9649305373525556, 4.1051048492791615, 4.225254259501966, 4.84602621231979, 5.386698558322411, 5.4667981651376145, 5.767171690694627, 6.528117955439057, 6.808466579292267, 6.888566186107471, 7.349138925294889, 7.589437745740498, 8.350384010484929, 8.590682830930536, 8.91108125819135, 9.491803407601571, 9.992425950196592, 10.1926749672346, 10.933596330275229, 11.23396985583224, 11.794667103538663, 11.93484141546527, 12.415439056356488, 12.49553866317169, 13.156360419397117, 13.416684141546526, 13.536833551769332, 13.937331585845348, 14.518053735255569, 14.618178243774572, 14.698277850589777 ]
[ 0.5206474442988205, 0.8009960681520315, 1.221519003931848, 1.4217680209698558, 1.4618178243774573, 1.882340760157274, 2.4830878112712975, 3.3041087811271295, 3.384208387942333, 3.9649305373525556, 4.1051048492791615, 4.225254259501966, 4.84602621231979, 5.386698558322411, 5.4667981651376145, 5.767171690694627, 6.528117955439057, 6.808466579292267, 6.888566186107471, 7.349138925294889, 7.589437745740498, 8.350384010484929, 8.590682830930536, 8.91108125819135, 9.491803407601571, 9.992425950196592, 10.1926749672346, 10.933596330275229, 11.23396985583224, 11.794667103538663, 11.93484141546527, 12.415439056356488, 12.49553866317169, 13.156360419397117, 13.416684141546526, 13.536833551769332, 13.937331585845348, 14.518053735255569, 14.618178243774572, 14.698277850589777, 15.2589750982962 ]
Allow me also to welcome the call in the report to accelerate the Capital Markets Union in order to deepen financial integration.
allow me also to welcome the call in the report to accelerate the capital markets union in order to deepen financial integration.
[ "allow", "me", "also", "to", "welcome", "the", "call", "in", "the", "report", "to", "accelerate", "the", "capital", "markets", "union", "in", "order", "to", "deepen", "financial", "integration." ]
[ "allow", "me", "also", "to", "welcome", "the", "call", "in", "the", "report", "to", "accelerate", "the", "capital", "markets", "union", "in", "order", "to", "deepen", "financial", "integration" ]
[ "a l l o w", "m e", "a l s o", "t o", "w e l c o m e", "t h e", "c a l l", "i n", "t h e", "r e p o r t", "t o", "a c c e l e r a t e", "t h e", "c a p i t a l", "m a r k e t s", "u n i o n", "i n", "o r d e r", "t o", "d e e p e n", "f i n a n c i a l", "i n t e g r a t i o n" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 1335, 1335, 1335, 2327, 2327, 2327, 2327, 914, 914, 914, 1457, 1457, 524, 28, 2026, 3958, 981, 30, 3017, 3017, 2361, 2577, 2577, 3116, 81, 81, 2046, 2046, 3231, 697, 2618, 4178, 4400, 4054, 587, 1687, 1889, 534, 2525, 3297, 3297, 3297, 1933, 2385, 3928, 1275, 121, 3762, 3380, 3380, 3128, 4563, 22, 45, 4973, 2668, 4553, 3782, 3782, 3782, 3092, 4905, 3399, 3249, 2533, 1733, 1515, 990, 4174, 990, 24, 304, 1670, 258, 2197, 2197, 2810, 2810, 2086, 95, 3683, 91, 581, 231, 714, 805, 1385, 1385, 4677, 3763, 1385, 3763, 967, 4808, 471, 471, 80, 3189, 2666, 287, 2793, 2793, 712, 2316, 3799, 2810, 2810, 2810, 2086, 448, 448, 1857, 4552, 750, 1210, 2812, 2812, 742, 2973, 2758, 4343, 2837, 4343, 4343, 4343, 1871, 908, 908, 1316, 1316, 4383, 131, 131, 742, 1152, 2636, 1806, 2508, 2852, 3189, 3189, 1954, 885, 1395, 1395, 1019, 2165, 231, 1045, 801, 4679, 4679, 3241, 2543, 2701, 2279, 1010, 1275, 3914, 2704, 190, 1881, 1881, 1437, 317, 1197, 2583, 3620, 4081, 1857, 3521, 871, 871, 934, 934, 3373, 1100, 2810, 2810, 2810, 2632, 2632, 2, 3189, 3766, 714, 592, 4107, 4107, 3323, 2467, 595, 4900, 4900, 4900, 1313, 1068, 4357, 3325, 36, 1177, 1125, 3948, 3948, 148, 2380, 1497, 1497, 1494, 4081, 4383, 3289, 3289, 3289, 2714, 4542, 3289, 3289, 3289, 273, 1666, 1666, 3289, 4671, 2867, 2775, 2775, 558, 558, 558, 558, 2348, 1548, 3613, 1148, 1148, 1148, 4609, 2649, 2160, 3284, 3284, 758, 4852, 890, 890, 2558, 4364, 4364, 2793, 2793, 712, 1559, 2707, 822, 2394, 2394, 2394, 2394, 3403, 4383, 4383, 3665, 4184, 1502, 1502, 1502, 1992, 2183, 860, 860, 2559, 1954, 885, 1395, 1395, 1617, 3049, 2849, 2811, 2389, 3853, 1013, 1013, 3757, 3209, 251, 4183, 1059, 2419, 2306, 2282, 2282, 54, 3687, 2160, 4190, 4437, 2810, 2810, 2810, 2086, 729, 729, 2690, 1815, 742, 43, 2084, 2084, 2084, 2084, 2084, 839, 1559, 3475, 3475, 3475, 3475, 1585, 194, 194, 3155, 3405, 3061, 1273, 1273, 1273, 4357, 4357, 36, 2851, 471, 80, 3189, 1, 4967, 3908, 3908, 2218, 4116, 1447, 3567, 4097, 3344, 3344, 2481, 4124, 126, 2790, 1857, 3688, 3688, 3688, 3688, 1573, 19, 19, 225, 4780, 3405, 4024, 1840, 222, 3534, 3534, 3122, 1979, 1979, 443, 922, 922, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.6216489361702128, 0.7620212765957447, 1.0427659574468084, 1.1229787234042554, 1.5440957446808512, 1.684468085106383, 1.9652127659574468, 2.1256382978723405, 2.225904255319149, 2.7673404255319145, 2.967872340425532, 3.609574468085106, 3.709840425531915, 4.0707978723404254, 4.552074468085106, 4.933085106382979, 5.133617021276596, 5.434414893617022, 5.574787234042553, 6.056063829787234, 6.737872340425532 ]
[ 0.6216489361702128, 0.7620212765957447, 1.0427659574468084, 1.1029255319148936, 1.5440957446808512, 1.684468085106383, 1.9652127659574468, 2.1256382978723405, 2.225904255319149, 2.7673404255319145, 2.967872340425532, 3.609574468085106, 3.709840425531915, 4.0707978723404254, 4.552074468085106, 4.933085106382979, 5.133617021276596, 5.434414893617022, 5.574787234042553, 6.056063829787234, 6.737872340425532, 7.519946808510638 ]
If we create the right conditions for each SME, on average, to create one job, we could succeed in our fight against unemployment.
if we create the right conditions for each sme on average to create one job we could succeed in our fight against unemployment.
[ "if", "we", "create", "the", "right", "conditions", "for", "each", "sme", "on", "average", "to", "create", "one", "job", "we", "could", "succeed", "in", "our", "fight", "against", "unemployment." ]
[ "if", "we", "create", "the", "right", "conditions", "for", "each", "sme", "on", "average", "to", "create", "one", "job", "we", "could", "succeed", "in", "our", "fight", "against", "unemployment" ]
[ "i f", "w e", "c r e a t e", "t h e", "r i g h t", "c o n d i t i o n s", "f o r", "e a c h", "s m e", "o n", "a v e r a g e", "t o", "c r e a t e", "o n e", "j o b", "w e", "c o u l d", "s u c c e e d", "i n", "o u r", "f i g h t", "a g a i n s t", "u n e m p l o y m e n t" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 72, 1335, 1335, 2327, 2327, 2327, 914, 914, 524, 524, 3268, 3958, 981, 4826, 1202, 1202, 474, 474, 4159, 745, 745, 745, 1300, 2804, 2425, 4471, 4471, 236, 236, 236, 1999, 4305, 581, 581, 231, 714, 2000, 2517, 2517, 2517, 2517, 4251, 4251, 2560, 871, 871, 871, 934, 934, 3373, 3058, 1100, 2732, 742, 3567, 4437, 2425, 448, 1681, 2729, 926, 3518, 3518, 3518, 495, 1173, 2029, 1100, 2007, 4485, 687, 3189, 714, 4560, 909, 4690, 3389, 4108, 3665, 3496, 3224, 3224, 3224, 2986, 2504, 3405, 419, 1840, 222, 1411, 1411, 1411, 4532, 809, 4655, 836, 991, 3830, 1011, 1011, 162, 2324, 2396, 2396, 2400, 3106, 840, 1883, 1883, 1883, 247, 247, 1316, 2325, 2165, 2875, 2875, 2972, 742, 1, 2666, 2275, 2275, 2275, 2275, 2275, 4513, 1056, 1974, 4797, 2535, 2103, 1217, 1217, 1365, 245, 983, 890, 1904, 781, 187, 1169, 1894, 1894, 3581, 1281, 4697, 2535, 121, 655, 1479, 1070, 4628, 666, 666, 1947, 1404, 2990, 4178, 1232, 1232, 1232, 4415, 4415, 4415, 266, 266, 2377, 1472, 3087, 3295, 166, 166, 166, 890, 1904, 2263, 3180, 4430, 3777, 4189, 3398, 2707, 4197, 3907, 1814, 1814, 3671, 509, 1274, 3094, 484, 2439, 4879, 4879, 4136, 4136, 2582, 3346, 3289, 3289, 3235, 3830, 3140, 3140, 621, 881, 881, 61, 15, 15, 15, 15, 4389, 2691, 4823, 140, 140, 3305, 3305, 3305, 1357, 157, 157, 3415, 2154, 710, 3958, 3958, 2026, 1784, 1954, 885, 1395, 1395, 1694, 91, 381, 310, 2000, 2517, 2517, 2517, 111, 871, 871, 871, 934, 3373, 3054, 3054, 2007, 4571, 4941, 2425, 1345, 2031, 3583, 3583, 1600, 33, 2548, 4108, 2410, 1967, 3138, 286, 2097, 2097, 1526, 1526, 1526, 3428, 1879, 1879, 1879, 3747, 3747, 3499, 1721, 2436, 2436, 3087, 3295, 315, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 374, 374, 374, 2691, 2691, 2691, 2026, 4940, 3841, 1003, 322, 1714, 3740, 4002, 1714, 3594, 3004, 1416, 2026, 331, 924, 4471, 487, 487, 2863, 1166, 1999, 581, 581, 2559, 560, 714, 2080, 2398, 2398, 2398, 2398, 3142, 3142, 693, 1100, 2951, 4523, 4523, 2535, 3914, 4721, 947, 1746, 1746, 1746, 3241, 2701, 2279, 1275, 1010, 552, 620, 1960, 1960, 1960, 1960, 1350, 1350, 4540, 3058, 367, 2732, 977, 977, 3140, 1340, 4153, 4153, 1904, 3963, 2793, 2793, 366, 2707, 3487, 4909, 342, 342, 342, 4849, 4849, 1316, 1316, 3232, 1815, 2832, 2832, 5, 671, 2043, 4747, 4747, 4747, 4747, 495, 495, 1173, 2122, 3373, 131, 2732, 2636, 3190, 4429, 3295, 3295, 3295, 4389, 2447, 2447, 2447, 166, 166, 166, 3744, 3744, 14, 4575, 1594, 2471, 2471, 1710, 1223, 1057, 1211, 1211, 1211, 1211, 1211, 1211, 3171, 2168, 3264, 824, 824, 3234, 4691, 3503, 3503, 2214, 2214, 2324, 3849, 4756, 1586, 1904, 2746, 4718, 2687, 3212, 1790, 4028, 2541, 820, 3563, 4591, 381, 1673, 263, 2050, 2050, 2050, 2050, 1269, 1269, 3144, 697, 1067, 2539, 249, 249, 1146, 498, 498, 4114, 2732, 163, 4673, 4673, 4625, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.4809937888198758, 0.6814078674948242, 1.1022774327122153, 1.1824430641821948, 1.4429813664596274, 2.064265010351967, 2.3849275362318845, 2.845879917184265, 3.427080745341615, 3.7076604554865424, 4.389068322981367, 4.749813664596274, 5.130600414078676, 5.331014492753624, 5.972339544513458, 6.453333333333334, 6.773995859213251, 7.335155279503106, 7.51552795031056, 7.715942028985508, 8.21697722567288, 8.898385093167702 ]
[ 0.4809937888198758, 0.6814078674948242, 1.1022774327122153, 1.1824430641821948, 1.4429813664596274, 2.064265010351967, 2.3849275362318845, 2.845879917184265, 3.427080745341615, 3.7076604554865424, 4.389068322981367, 4.749813664596274, 5.130600414078676, 5.331014492753624, 5.972339544513458, 6.453333333333334, 6.773995859213251, 7.335155279503106, 7.51552795031056, 7.715942028985508, 8.21697722567288, 8.898385093167702, 9.659958592132504 ]
We need to know how effective and efficient these programmes are. I would also like to see better market analysis so relevant opportunities can be offered to young people.
we need to know how effective and efficient these programmes are. i would also like to see better market analysis so relevant opportunities can be offered to young people.
[ "we", "need", "to", "know", "how", "effective", "and", "efficient", "these", "programmes", "are.", "i", "would", "also", "like", "to", "see", "better", "market", "analysis", "so", "relevant", "opportunities", "can", "be", "offered", "to", "young", "people." ]
[ "we", "need", "to", "know", "how", "effective", "and", "efficient", "these", "programmes", "are", "i", "would", "also", "like", "to", "see", "better", "market", "analysis", "so", "relevant", "opportunities", "can", "be", "offered", "to", "young", "people" ]
[ "w e", "n e e d", "t o", "k n o w", "h o w", "e f f e c t i v e", "a n d", "e f f i c i e n t", "t h e s e", "p r o g r a m m e s", "a r e", "i", "w o u l d", "a l s o", "l i k e", "t o", "s e e", "b e t t e r", "m a r k e t", "a n a l y s i s", "s o", "r e l e v a n t", "o p p o r t u n i t i e s", "c a n", "b e", "o f f e r e d", "t o", "y o u n g", "p e o p l e" ]
[ 2204, 2142, 4921, 1744, 1744, 1744, 1744, 2621, 2621, 4042, 401, 1873, 3040, 3040, 71, 2220, 2220, 2220, 110, 524, 312, 163, 981, 30, 3105, 3105, 4020, 4090, 3211, 1628, 2222, 4659, 2762, 2762, 563, 1815, 2832, 2400, 2923, 4155, 948, 948, 948, 4076, 2802, 2359, 2359, 2842, 231, 1163, 3109, 3894, 3894, 466, 466, 466, 2248, 2248, 3466, 3632, 4355, 332, 3017, 938, 938, 2023, 3398, 1790, 2762, 2762, 563, 1815, 2400, 3535, 2923, 3572, 3572, 3572, 2986, 603, 18, 3061, 3061, 4707, 596, 596, 596, 4609, 3453, 2215, 4744, 1709, 4429, 3849, 3849, 1795, 3163, 4463, 4428, 4428, 475, 1293, 4599, 2821, 4241, 4643, 4643, 4660, 654, 1215, 1685, 1685, 1685, 4563, 2768, 4753, 777, 126, 406, 4869, 4869, 4869, 4869, 375, 375, 1670, 978, 2292, 2292, 296, 2906, 752, 752, 3921, 1464, 1464, 1464, 1464, 1464, 2883, 129, 129, 129, 3991, 1773, 3087, 3087, 315, 315, 315, 315, 2760, 2760, 1039, 3458, 3458, 3458, 3458, 3305, 1357, 1357, 3415, 3415, 3415, 28, 28, 2026, 331, 30, 4918, 2525, 3297, 3297, 1933, 2385, 2385, 3928, 3928, 158, 3762, 3762, 2066, 3128, 3128, 2577, 2577, 4760, 4760, 2478, 179, 845, 482, 1107, 1230, 1596, 1596, 4164, 4164, 2663, 2664, 3249, 3567, 3481, 2491, 2491, 3210, 1544, 4077, 1069, 552, 2429, 1080, 1080, 1556, 1556, 2081, 3910, 182, 1591, 2164, 3133, 231, 739, 3574, 394, 2750, 2750, 2750, 4556, 3965, 860, 192, 3109, 4767, 910, 223, 3996, 3846, 1593, 1130, 1130, 1456, 995, 1497, 1497, 1497, 1497, 1494, 1494, 2883, 4827, 4012, 383, 383, 2903, 2714, 2714, 3280, 364, 3249, 4184, 175, 1008, 4217, 4959, 2146, 411, 1559, 3041, 3640, 3640, 3640, 3640, 4442, 684, 1940, 2583, 196, 196, 4214, 237, 4433, 655, 4372, 901, 901, 901, 901, 968, 1238, 3530, 3530, 2535, 542, 4100, 145, 3414, 1311, 634, 4811, 3557, 742, 1639, 3401, 3401, 1357, 1357, 2827, 2827, 4195, 2026, 252, 1332, 2110, 2110, 79, 79, 3116, 3116, 3836, 4383, 1449, 1132, 1132, 1681, 2729, 2729, 1070, 4235, 4235, 4235, 1437, 4147, 1940, 2583, 4610, 4610, 283, 1870, 1870, 2782, 596, 596, 3951, 339, 4744, 883, 822, 507, 507, 3672, 4907, 2559, 1059, 2303, 324, 3336, 944, 944, 136, 1996, 1996, 1996, 1996, 2348, 2348, 69, 1005, 3005, 2322, 1577, 4023, 231, 3538, 1408, 1408, 1408, 500, 3797, 3797, 4499, 1764, 67, 1011, 3294, 1311, 634, 1915, 3557, 4665, 4243, 3134, 1357, 828, 2030, 710, 1586, 2670, 1784, 560, 3718, 1539, 2891, 2891, 2891, 3790, 4418, 4508, 4819, 5, 221, 566, 566, 3686, 1687, 1889, 534, 561, 2557, 1574, 1574, 1574, 1574, 1111, 3279, 3279, 3279, 3535, 3319, 3319, 2523, 2523, 2523, 2523, 3198, 1523, 1110, 2636, 2205, 142, 2220, 2220, 3295, 122, 122, 166, 1151, 4195, 2670, 1784, 3076, 63, 665, 198, 198, 4216, 790, 790, 992, 992, 2025, 2025, 2388, 2388, 2388, 2388, 3682, 3682, 1490, 3660, 3660, 150, 150, 3159, 3040, 2593, 3295, 2220, 2220, 2220, 2220, 110, 122, 4195, 2026, 1586, 2670, 348, 4125, 2973, 1644, 1154, 211, 211, 211, 1532, 4093, 251, 595, 2607, 1916, 1916, 371, 371, 371, 4785, 4785, 4785, 4785, 3284, 1482, 922, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.060116228070175436, 0.16030994152046785, 0.28054239766081873, 0.4809298245614035, 0.6011622807017544, 1.2023245614035087, 1.342595760233918, 1.8636030701754387, 2.084029239766082, 2.6451140350877194, 3.126043859649123, 3.446663742690059, 3.807361111111111, 3.8875160818713455, 4.027787280701755, 4.127980994152047, 4.368445906432749, 4.769220760233918, 5.230111842105264, 6.071739035087719, 6.432436403508772, 6.9534437134502936, 7.835148391812866, 8.155768274853802, 8.316078216374269, 8.877163011695908, 9.137666666666668, 9.598557748538013 ]
[ 0.04007748538011696, 0.14027119883040937, 0.2605036549707602, 0.4608910818713451, 0.6011622807017544, 1.2023245614035087, 1.342595760233918, 1.8636030701754387, 2.084029239766082, 2.6451140350877194, 3.126043859649123, 3.446663742690059, 3.787322368421053, 3.8674773391812867, 4.027787280701755, 4.127980994152047, 4.368445906432749, 4.769220760233918, 5.230111842105264, 6.071739035087719, 6.432436403508772, 6.9534437134502936, 7.835148391812866, 8.155768274853802, 8.316078216374269, 8.877163011695908, 9.137666666666668, 9.598557748538013, 10.259836257309942 ]
Further legal amendments are needed to protect journalists, human rights activists and politicians from prosecution and conviction for the expression of non violent opinion.
further legal amendments are needed to protect journalists human rights activists and politicians from prosecution and conviction for the expression of non violent opinion.
[ "further", "legal", "amendments", "are", "needed", "to", "protect", "journalists", "human", "rights", "activists", "and", "politicians", "from", "prosecution", "and", "conviction", "for", "the", "expression", "of", "non", "violent", "opinion." ]
[ "further", "legal", "amendments", "are", "needed", "to", "protect", "journalists", "human", "rights", "activists", "and", "politicians", "from", "prosecution", "and", "conviction", "for", "the", "expression", "of", "non", "violent", "opinion" ]
[ "f u r t h e r", "l e g a l", "a m e n d m e n t s", "a r e", "n e e d e d", "t o", "p r o t e c t", "j o u r n a l i s t s", "h u m a n", "r i g h t s", "a c t i v i s t s", "a n d", "p o l i t i c i a n s", "f r o m", "p r o s e c u t i o n", "a n d", "c o n v i c t i o n", "f o r", "t h e", "e x p r e s s i o n", "o f", "n o n", "v i o l e n t", "o p i n i o n" ]
[ 4079, 4598, 3409, 3409, 3409, 1003, 1620, 3861, 3958, 3958, 2026, 3614, 2782, 2737, 2737, 2737, 577, 4416, 3347, 2086, 729, 729, 1107, 1230, 4958, 770, 770, 770, 770, 1350, 3879, 4124, 2098, 2645, 4071, 3325, 1566, 4333, 3566, 3566, 4851, 4684, 1593, 4493, 308, 2484, 2484, 2484, 3453, 2548, 4190, 4190, 4437, 3997, 3997, 3694, 1067, 2539, 4813, 2484, 1146, 1146, 3264, 3234, 4505, 4266, 2213, 752, 3921, 1464, 1464, 3876, 1316, 2956, 1927, 152, 411, 25, 1421, 1421, 1421, 1421, 1421, 4196, 216, 106, 4901, 2381, 4434, 921, 112, 1200, 2559, 3026, 1401, 885, 1395, 750, 1210, 2812, 104, 3407, 3167, 3167, 285, 285, 324, 1623, 3189, 1359, 1359, 2374, 4722, 4722, 4722, 703, 703, 4076, 2802, 1152, 2159, 2159, 977, 3472, 3190, 142, 2593, 2593, 4389, 4389, 4389, 4389, 4389, 1286, 2778, 2778, 2778, 2778, 2778, 4195, 3744, 3744, 1692, 1787, 1967, 1967, 3138, 286, 2097, 2589, 2589, 2589, 2589, 2348, 69, 3613, 431, 1419, 2143, 1072, 1078, 4033, 1188, 1188, 1188, 1188, 4209, 159, 298, 2535, 515, 3396, 1150, 1150, 2948, 4671, 2867, 2867, 4548, 3669, 3669, 1947, 1404, 4867, 773, 4741, 3687, 3123, 4437, 2425, 2603, 2729, 926, 926, 3518, 3518, 4764, 495, 495, 1173, 3373, 3711, 273, 2213, 1479, 2095, 2511, 3218, 2802, 2159, 1550, 1550, 3109, 3894, 3894, 2861, 4929, 4902, 1188, 1188, 1188, 1188, 1238, 3717, 2535, 1458, 3396, 3396, 3396, 3396, 3773, 3294, 3294, 1311, 634, 4811, 4811, 15, 4389, 4389, 4389, 4389, 4389, 4389, 4389, 4389, 2691, 2778, 2778, 2778, 2778, 2778, 2778, 3744, 28, 3744, 742, 2281, 1249, 4112, 591, 591, 591, 591, 1226, 4694, 3980, 3980, 4728, 4192, 3545, 4241, 3189, 4643, 452, 4422, 4422, 3739, 4147, 4033, 196, 3378, 1090, 4023, 4183, 3109, 3245, 3245, 3245, 2986, 603, 3405, 419, 222, 4392, 1411, 60, 4532, 4655, 2292, 991, 3838, 2396, 184, 2943, 1399, 4329, 906, 4255, 2052, 4508, 4591, 1673, 1673, 3167, 285, 285, 1001, 237, 1275, 655, 2874, 343, 343, 891, 4183, 231, 714, 4004, 4004, 3592, 3835, 3835, 225, 4780, 3405, 3405, 419, 1840, 4392, 3534, 3534, 3534, 3122, 2288, 2649, 2160, 4844, 4844, 4681, 3159, 1482, 4401, 3087, 315, 315, 315, 4389, 4389, 4389, 4389, 4389, 4389, 2778, 2778, 2778, 3740, 3740, 2026, 3740, 2071, 3958, 2026, 1886, 2281, 1249, 1510, 4112, 591, 591, 591, 1226, 4694, 2838, 3918, 2659, 2659, 2099, 581, 894, 714, 4986, 4986, 4690, 4690, 1802, 735, 856, 3878, 2868, 4509, 4509, 4509, 3829, 2543, 2543, 556, 556, 3405, 419, 1840, 4392, 3534, 3534, 3534, 3122, 2649, 1979, 2911, 2911, 443, 2210, 2039, 931, 315, 288, 288, 4389, 599, 1033, 2691, 2691, 2691, 2250, 2691, 2691, 3740, 562, 562, 3740, 562, 3740, 3740, 2982, 1416, 1416, 4658, 785, 3106, 1883, 1883, 1508, 247, 4026, 2477, 4416, 424, 1064, 1445, 111, 801, 265, 3241, 3241, 2701, 2279, 9, 4019, 2173, 3987, 2927, 231, 3303, 4802, 689, 689, 689, 689, 2504, 2504, 3405, 3405, 419, 1840, 222, 4392, 3534, 3534, 60, 2288, 2649, 2160, 4844, 4844, 3159, 3159, 758, 758, 983, 742, 2939, 64, 2331, 4789, 4789, 2968, 3912, 745, 2277, 1693, 1315, 411, 2142, 3041, 4277, 4277, 4277, 4277, 4277, 24, 24, 2177, 2177, 4768, 2160, 3159, 3159, 3422, 3422, 1472, 4852, 166, 166, 166, 166, 4340, 5, 2868, 3372, 2550, 2550, 2550, 2550, 4417, 2908, 3510, 3510, 3243, 1940, 956, 956, 956, 596, 3951, 2072, 624, 3264, 2215, 1709, 4497, 3472, 3190, 1340, 1203, 388, 403, 1033, 3388, 3388, 1151, 1151, 1262, 2281, 2789, 4575, 3798, 3165, 4907, 4907, 2607, 4643, 439, 4982, 4982, 1880, 4982, 2348, 69, 3613, 2070, 1148, 1148, 1148, 2626, 2626, 2288, 1978, 1979, 2764, 3226, 836, 836, 836, 3140, 2152, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.4407260726072607, 0.7612541254125412, 1.3422112211221122, 1.5024752475247527, 1.823003300330033, 1.9632343234323433, 2.6844224422442244, 3.5258085808580857, 3.7862376237623763, 4.086732673267327, 4.928118811881188, 5.408910891089109, 6.04996699669967, 6.210231023102311, 7.251947194719472, 7.752772277227723, 8.654257425742575, 9.094983498349835, 9.195148514851486, 9.936369636963697, 10.196798679867987, 10.617491749174919, 11.358712871287128 ]
[ 0.4407260726072607, 0.7612541254125412, 1.3422112211221122, 1.5024752475247527, 1.823003300330033, 1.9632343234323433, 2.6844224422442244, 3.5258085808580857, 3.7862376237623763, 4.086732673267327, 4.928118811881188, 5.408910891089109, 6.04996699669967, 6.210231023102311, 7.251947194719472, 7.752772277227723, 8.654257425742575, 9.094983498349835, 9.195148514851486, 9.936369636963697, 10.196798679867987, 10.617491749174919, 11.358712871287128, 12.11996699669967 ]
The rifts in Bahraini society can only be addressed through a deep and inclusive national dialogue where all parties can be heard.
the rifts in bahraini society can only be addressed through a deep and inclusive national dialogue where all parties can be heard.
[ "the", "rifts", "in", "bahraini", "society", "can", "only", "be", "addressed", "through", "a", "deep", "and", "inclusive", "national", "dialogue", "where", "all", "parties", "can", "be", "heard." ]
[ "the", "rifts", "in", "bahraini", "society", "can", "only", "be", "addressed", "through", "a", "deep", "and", "inclusive", "national", "dialogue", "where", "all", "parties", "can", "be", "heard" ]
[ "t h e", "r i f t s", "i n", "b a h r a i n i", "s o c i e t y", "c a n", "o n l y", "b e", "a d d r e s s e d", "t h r o u g h", "a", "d e e p", "a n d", "i n c l u s i v e", "n a t i o n a l", "d i a l o g u e", "w h e r e", "a l l", "p a r t i e s", "c a n", "b e", "h e a r d" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 1335, 1335, 2158, 467, 467, 914, 524, 524, 75, 2026, 3958, 2026, 1504, 2724, 2086, 2632, 4354, 1449, 1449, 1132, 2888, 1827, 2729, 3828, 3828, 4527, 2703, 2992, 2217, 2217, 2535, 4339, 4154, 3396, 3396, 1941, 923, 923, 923, 655, 1479, 1479, 4359, 4359, 4359, 3453, 4418, 3905, 824, 824, 824, 824, 824, 3251, 3251, 3251, 4340, 1787, 276, 739, 1373, 1104, 2228, 2228, 4322, 3644, 3644, 3644, 3644, 3608, 4437, 448, 4274, 1276, 3728, 4824, 4824, 1654, 1654, 2175, 1341, 1341, 69, 3471, 3613, 4564, 4400, 4400, 4601, 3280, 2622, 1417, 1275, 1666, 3914, 4721, 947, 1746, 1746, 1001, 1666, 2535, 3914, 4113, 4297, 4297, 4297, 4297, 1138, 1138, 1138, 3599, 3599, 3599, 2322, 1577, 860, 2559, 3538, 2017, 1036, 1036, 2540, 153, 2377, 3040, 2593, 586, 4665, 1252, 1943, 327, 23, 2030, 2030, 4195, 3958, 3958, 2670, 2026, 1784, 714, 1539, 4729, 4729, 2891, 3790, 4249, 3398, 2707, 289, 289, 3741, 731, 731, 731, 3437, 3437, 3437, 3437, 1263, 1263, 1263, 1112, 4541, 2628, 2628, 4324, 4101, 182, 1591, 3327, 276, 2741, 221, 2958, 566, 3697, 3686, 2081, 569, 587, 1247, 1492, 197, 2746, 4614, 3165, 1617, 3049, 894, 1352, 1352, 1320, 1320, 1320, 3253, 932, 932, 932, 932, 93, 93, 997, 2640, 3717, 2535, 1458, 1458, 1458, 2333, 368, 368, 346, 346, 142, 163, 3557, 1252, 4243, 1943, 3913, 3913, 532, 828, 2030, 955, 3744, 4658, 4658, 499, 499, 499, 499, 2034, 3589, 3589, 1592, 1592, 1592, 1592, 1819, 401, 401, 4298, 2165, 80, 1045, 781, 859, 859, 859, 1513, 1513, 49, 4202, 3049, 2089, 1568, 104, 433, 2389, 3853, 1013, 1013, 1013, 1013, 3209, 1761, 1761, 4675, 4675, 4675, 1721, 2436, 245, 1262, 1262, 1262, 742, 742, 781, 1097, 4381, 1461, 1123, 2838, 834, 4990, 4185, 1405, 3908, 3908, 253, 488, 2099, 4591, 231, 310, 3317, 305, 2445, 2445, 1998, 1998, 1998, 44, 44, 644, 356, 4853, 2963, 1275, 121, 4372, 3894, 3894, 466, 466, 2861, 2861, 3466, 745, 745, 1300, 2612, 1315, 4480, 411, 2142, 3041, 2249, 2249, 2249, 2249, 2249, 3967, 3967, 2504, 603, 3405, 3405, 419, 2256, 2256, 3300, 3300, 2309, 2309, 2309, 4357, 3325, 3325, 1187, 3758, 3758, 2849, 894, 2231, 1283, 902, 3960, 3960, 3960, 3960, 1654, 2908, 3903, 3510, 3510, 3510, 1072, 1072, 2921, 1230, 227, 3307, 3307, 3307, 3307, 1879, 4827, 4012, 815, 935, 935, 142, 2593, 586, 4665, 4243, 1943, 1245, 3913, 532, 532, 3844, 1103, 710, 2725, 2026, 3958, 924, 842, 3331, 2596, 2596, 2596, 8, 172, 2325, 2325, 2165, 2875, 2972, 742, 1045, 4918, 1354, 1354, 1354, 1354, 4129, 4129, 1187, 1177, 2753, 1478, 2812, 3189, 104, 452, 452, 81, 81, 1258, 1258, 1258, 2914, 1977, 1977, 1923, 3965, 3249, 3538, 2017, 1408, 500, 3797, 3797, 3385, 298, 2535, 2019, 213, 1829, 714, 1539, 4729, 4729, 3790, 3790, 4418, 4819, 4819, 221, 2958, 566, 566, 3686, 4911, 3261, 13, 1347, 4432, 4432, 4432, 4432, 4432, 4432, 2237, 4387, 1977, 869, 3240, 3240, 3492, 4673, 4673, 4625, 163, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.4008080808080808, 0.8617373737373737, 1.1022222222222222, 1.8437171717171716, 2.6653737373737374, 3.046141414141414, 3.4469494949494948, 3.667393939393939, 4.489050505050504, 4.990060606060605, 5.150383838383838, 5.571232323232322, 5.8317575757575755, 6.573252525252525, 7.174464646464646, 7.915959595959595, 8.33680808080808, 8.597333333333331, 9.138424242424241, 9.318787878787878, 9.459070707070707 ]
[ 0.4008080808080808, 0.8617373737373737, 1.1022222222222222, 1.8437171717171716, 2.6653737373737374, 3.046141414141414, 3.4469494949494948, 3.667393939393939, 4.489050505050504, 4.990060606060605, 5.150383838383838, 5.571232323232322, 5.8317575757575755, 6.573252525252525, 7.174464646464646, 7.915959595959595, 8.33680808080808, 8.597333333333331, 9.138424242424241, 9.318787878787878, 9.459070707070707, 9.899959595959595 ]
It's high time we broadened its scope to make it a real instrument for development, workers and the environment.
it's high time we broadened its scope to make it a real instrument for development workers and the environment.
[ "it's", "high", "time", "we", "broadened", "its", "scope", "to", "make", "it", "a", "real", "instrument", "for", "development", "workers", "and", "the", "environment." ]
[ "it's", "high", "time", "we", "broadened", "its", "scope", "to", "make", "it", "a", "real", "instrument", "for", "development", "workers", "and", "the", "environment" ]
[ "i t ' s", "h i g h", "t i m e", "w e", "b r o a d e n e d", "i t s", "s c o p e", "t o", "m a k e", "i t", "a", "r e a l", "i n s t r u m e n t", "f o r", "d e v e l o p m e n t", "w o r k e r s", "a n d", "t h e", "e n v i r o n m e n t" ]
[ 2204, 4328, 4328, 1285, 1285, 65, 1785, 1149, 3072, 3072, 369, 4307, 2551, 2551, 2551, 2551, 2551, 2551, 1654, 282, 2301, 2301, 3910, 2183, 270, 136, 2657, 625, 625, 2113, 2113, 2113, 887, 3187, 1030, 1030, 1155, 4471, 4471, 487, 2863, 1166, 1591, 2164, 3133, 742, 894, 1498, 1498, 323, 323, 4331, 1675, 1675, 1675, 1675, 2735, 365, 825, 2171, 754, 2073, 2282, 2282, 818, 37, 2513, 4713, 883, 4226, 4226, 726, 3444, 4739, 4523, 1807, 4077, 4037, 9, 4019, 521, 205, 2809, 2809, 2206, 2206, 2206, 2206, 2206, 3956, 3153, 3153, 2462, 2462, 2808, 4675, 4675, 1721, 1721, 4903, 2852, 974, 270, 3026, 1401, 2761, 3494, 2816, 202, 185, 1560, 1560, 1560, 418, 2663, 2663, 104, 2903, 2313, 1993, 4156, 4156, 3276, 3276, 231, 2746, 4945, 546, 432, 3836, 1449, 1132, 1132, 2888, 1827, 1988, 1633, 1633, 1633, 1633, 3874, 3874, 1789, 2312, 2794, 1566, 1566, 4333, 4028, 459, 1917, 1917, 2614, 2614, 3149, 4351, 3989, 4440, 2187, 2314, 347, 4265, 4265, 4265, 4265, 1404, 1067, 2539, 249, 249, 1146, 1146, 3264, 2215, 4883, 1725, 3472, 3472, 142, 142, 1915, 4665, 4243, 234, 3913, 532, 828, 2030, 2725, 2026, 785, 1186, 838, 1344, 4746, 1617, 4055, 572, 1353, 1353, 952, 3612, 2868, 2383, 2383, 2383, 2383, 2383, 1940, 1012, 1012, 3296, 3296, 4997, 3694, 1067, 2539, 249, 1146, 339, 2215, 2215, 4994, 3849, 3800, 3800, 742, 2697, 4340, 4340, 3204, 3204, 2783, 1851, 4814, 4814, 441, 441, 441, 441, 1580, 1580, 4012, 1743, 2559, 1733, 903, 1515, 2232, 2232, 2232, 3804, 3804, 70, 4287, 4287, 2091, 4077, 1011, 3294, 1311, 1668, 1668, 4811, 122, 166, 3388, 220, 220, 2026, 1249, 1510, 4112, 591, 591, 1461, 2838, 3364, 662, 40, 832, 1064, 210, 210, 2443, 2409, 2378, 820, 3563, 856, 5, 3612, 3372, 1309, 1309, 1309, 1309, 1309, 2908, 2879, 2879, 2051, 2051, 2051, 2944, 1404, 2539, 249, 249, 249, 1146, 624, 498, 498, 381, 1725, 3472, 4673, 2152, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.1404361328125, 0.48149531249999994, 0.7423052734375, 0.8626791015625, 1.3842990234374999, 1.52473515625, 2.00623046875, 2.1266042968749996, 2.3874142578125, 2.5077880859375, 2.608099609375, 2.96922109375, 3.6714017578124998, 3.9322117187499996, 4.534080859375, 5.3165107421875, 5.577320703124999, 5.677632226562499 ]
[ 0.1404361328125, 0.48149531249999994, 0.7423052734375, 0.8626791015625, 1.3842990234374999, 1.52473515625, 2.00623046875, 2.1266042968749996, 2.3874142578125, 2.5077880859375, 2.608099609375, 2.96922109375, 3.6714017578124998, 3.9322117187499996, 4.534080859375, 5.3165107421875, 5.577320703124999, 5.677632226562499, 6.3998751953125 ]
On investment and growth, we discussed and agreed the plan to establish a European Fund for Strategic Investment.
on investment and growth we discussed and agreed the plan to establish a european fund for strategic investment.
[ "on", "investment", "and", "growth", "we", "discussed", "and", "agreed", "the", "plan", "to", "establish", "a", "european", "fund", "for", "strategic", "investment." ]
[ "on", "investment", "and", "growth", "we", "discussed", "and", "agreed", "the", "plan", "to", "establish", "a", "european", "fund", "for", "strategic", "investment" ]
[ "o n", "i n v e s t m e n t", "a n d", "g r o w t h", "w e", "d i s c u s s e d", "a n d", "a g r e e d", "t h e", "p l a n", "t o", "e s t a b l i s h", "a", "e u r o p e a n", "f u n d", "f o r", "s t r a t e g i c", "i n v e s t m e n t" ]
[ 4079, 467, 467, 1335, 1335, 139, 2327, 914, 914, 1457, 1457, 524, 28, 75, 2026, 193, 2789, 2263, 3180, 4430, 4430, 3777, 2548, 3212, 2707, 289, 4659, 3908, 3908, 661, 3832, 4437, 856, 1870, 2868, 4041, 4041, 4041, 93, 4708, 4440, 2187, 1191, 2843, 4775, 4775, 2539, 4813, 4813, 4813, 1146, 339, 2215, 1709, 3189, 2007, 1842, 3136, 3136, 2479, 1123, 3832, 4190, 4728, 4192, 2800, 894, 41, 126, 4622, 2790, 4201, 4274, 629, 629, 629, 629, 2361, 1062, 1062, 266, 266, 3346, 2226, 1147, 1147, 1147, 3140, 1581, 1581, 1581, 881, 61, 15, 15, 15, 15, 374, 2026, 374, 374, 374, 374, 2756, 637, 2200, 2200, 2135, 3993, 87, 87, 87, 87, 3164, 3164, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1280, 1280, 1280, 1280, 1280, 1280, 1280, 1280, 1280, 1280, 2490, 2490, 2490, 1864, 2490, 1864, 1864, 1864, 1864, 1864, 88, 2026, 3740, 88, 1714, 912, 4755, 2234, 2234, 4471, 3677, 236, 236, 4202, 3665, 3522, 837, 837, 618, 82, 298, 1275, 4308, 521, 381, 2809, 2497, 1672, 1672, 1672, 1672, 4140, 1672, 719, 719, 719, 2881, 3717, 4440, 515, 3362, 2732, 4576, 175, 3136, 3136, 2479, 1461, 2838, 3980, 2316, 5, 175, 1008, 3165, 2481, 1710, 41, 4622, 406, 984, 984, 4525, 4525, 4525, 584, 2416, 2416, 3322, 3322, 4540, 3058, 4023, 3189, 1954, 665, 698, 2655, 4132, 2086, 729, 4730, 2261, 1210, 742, 1673, 263, 3342, 2320, 2320, 2320, 2320, 2320, 4776, 1390, 209, 463, 300, 1546, 860, 742, 1954, 885, 1395, 2222, 3566, 829, 829, 1001, 1666, 2535, 3065, 3065, 47, 1643, 2493, 2493, 2493, 2493, 4175, 2283, 2283, 4055, 2473, 3506, 3506, 3506, 1527, 298, 1275, 3197, 872, 4944, 4944, 2746, 4614, 4614, 111, 111, 4216, 4403, 2144, 1004, 2262, 3648, 3593, 3593, 583, 4907, 4183, 439, 784, 784, 3392, 916, 916, 4465, 4465, 2548, 522, 2435, 50, 4120, 2832, 2400, 1615, 671, 2043, 1553, 1553, 2228, 1545, 1545, 1545, 1545, 24, 209, 3034, 4210, 2215, 4728, 2636, 2007, 2396, 3189, 3106, 2943, 3116, 4174, 4174, 4174, 2548, 1748, 2527, 760, 1666, 1275, 3065, 1191, 2342, 4512, 2588, 2588, 2095, 1992, 3965, 231, 3567, 3109, 2095, 1575, 3280, 514, 514, 4843, 1722, 3536, 3536, 2773, 2773, 2773, 1190, 3176, 1635, 1635, 1635, 742, 560, 935, 1515, 3436, 3436, 2395, 2395, 1247, 4185, 3963, 4967, 1405, 2541, 661, 856, 3878, 3612, 3609, 4041, 4041, 4041, 1281, 4697, 3503, 2187, 1191, 1191, 2843, 4775, 3694, 1067, 2539, 249, 1146, 1146, 1979, 498, 498, 922, 922, 922, 4625, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.4811630434782609, 1.122713768115942, 1.3031499094202899, 2.3857667572463765, 3.1275597826086954, 3.7290135869565217, 3.8894012681159422, 4.370564311594203, 4.510903532608695, 4.831678894927536, 4.972018115942029, 5.533375, 5.633617300724637, 6.114780344202898, 6.515749547101449, 6.756331068840579, 7.518172554347826 ]
[ 0.4811630434782609, 1.122713768115942, 1.3031499094202899, 2.3857667572463765, 3.1275597826086954, 3.7290135869565217, 3.8894012681159422, 4.370564311594203, 4.510903532608695, 4.831678894927536, 4.972018115942029, 5.533375, 5.633617300724637, 6.114780344202898, 6.515749547101449, 6.756331068840579, 7.518172554347826, 8.280014039855072 ]
Money that should stay in those countries is brought to Europe and other offshore accounts and hidden away by the elite of those countries.
money that should stay in those countries is brought to europe and other offshore accounts and hidden away by the elite of those countries.
[ "money", "that", "should", "stay", "in", "those", "countries", "is", "brought", "to", "europe", "and", "other", "offshore", "accounts", "and", "hidden", "away", "by", "the", "elite", "of", "those", "countries." ]
[ "money", "that", "should", "stay", "in", "those", "countries", "is", "brought", "to", "europe", "and", "other", "offshore", "accounts", "and", "hidden", "away", "by", "the", "elite", "of", "those", "countries" ]
[ "m o n e y", "t h a t", "s h o u l d", "s t a y", "i n", "t h o s e", "c o u n t r i e s", "i s", "b r o u g h t", "t o", "e u r o p e", "a n d", "o t h e r", "o f f s h o r e", "a c c o u n t s", "a n d", "h i d d e n", "a w a y", "b y", "t h e", "e l i t e", "o f", "t h o s e", "c o u n t r i e s" ]
[ 4079, 3409, 3409, 3409, 3409, 3958, 2026, 2234, 2001, 2767, 2767, 2767, 1130, 1456, 148, 995, 691, 691, 691, 691, 691, 839, 3613, 3613, 357, 357, 1848, 1848, 4601, 4601, 311, 311, 569, 3910, 2924, 1414, 4055, 949, 1696, 2965, 2965, 2965, 1531, 2307, 3054, 2951, 4414, 1212, 18, 4507, 3586, 920, 4225, 4225, 3330, 3330, 1972, 283, 4190, 4437, 1172, 1172, 1172, 1666, 2535, 3065, 3194, 4049, 742, 47, 1643, 688, 688, 688, 688, 550, 2807, 2807, 83, 587, 587, 1247, 80, 3441, 3963, 287, 2793, 2793, 1949, 712, 3832, 2316, 2316, 3799, 4820, 1655, 4592, 1363, 1363, 3801, 3801, 3742, 1293, 4050, 298, 2535, 2019, 213, 1829, 3189, 560, 3718, 3387, 2497, 1083, 1083, 1083, 1083, 2854, 2854, 4116, 2373, 381, 2373, 2952, 2952, 352, 352, 27, 27, 500, 500, 3797, 3797, 3979, 608, 4287, 536, 2091, 4077, 1011, 3294, 3294, 3414, 881, 61, 4811, 4811, 15, 163, 15, 4389, 4389, 140, 140, 140, 140, 3305, 140, 3305, 3305, 3305, 3305, 3305, 1572, 1572, 1572, 2822, 2822, 2822, 2822, 2822, 2822, 214, 214, 3740, 1864, 2026, 4940, 4940, 1864, 1864, 1864, 1864, 88, 88, 2982, 2026, 3958, 761, 981, 30, 3017, 1464, 1464, 766, 766, 719, 3996, 1591, 2164, 2164, 1440, 1440, 5, 739, 1498, 1498, 1498, 323, 1675, 1675, 1675, 1675, 1675, 1675, 1675, 365, 719, 616, 1923, 131, 3054, 4429, 4429, 4429, 687, 687, 367, 1058, 1954, 665, 3419, 1395, 2006, 4216, 790, 992, 2775, 2144, 2144, 833, 833, 833, 833, 2262, 2262, 470, 470, 4566, 4566, 1398, 1398, 1137, 1137, 1761, 4675, 2732, 4429, 2436, 4852, 3295, 890, 781, 4381, 4381, 2479, 1461, 834, 4990, 2330, 534, 1045, 2411, 3423, 3423, 3423, 457, 1237, 4537, 963, 568, 568, 910, 2769, 4298, 2165, 2875, 890, 534, 4918, 2557, 4947, 4947, 2225, 2225, 1051, 1111, 2405, 316, 316, 3553, 171, 171, 4507, 4783, 897, 2796, 2796, 2796, 2792, 2577, 2577, 2577, 3566, 4851, 4851, 3165, 891, 581, 2559, 560, 3718, 2497, 2067, 2067, 2067, 2067, 2067, 2067, 1627, 1627, 771, 771, 771, 3264, 3264, 3264, 3234, 836, 4505, 4284, 3830, 3830, 2898, 2898, 621, 621, 3414, 881, 61, 4811, 4811, 4811, 163, 1351, 3796, 72, 140, 140, 140, 140, 1357, 1357, 1357, 1357, 3415, 3415, 852, 28, 2026, 312, 1586, 14, 2754, 1406, 108, 3610, 68, 2838, 2824, 4044, 3349, 3349, 3349, 1606, 4304, 4304, 4304, 4304, 4304, 1972, 4597, 4597, 1175, 1175, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3212, 3398, 2707, 430, 2323, 2323, 4725, 45, 1345, 1945, 1945, 2082, 2082, 2082, 2082, 2082, 4545, 1964, 1964, 1964, 1964, 740, 884, 2377, 2377, 3087, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 399, 1128, 1128, 1128, 1357, 1357, 532, 532, 828, 110, 4195, 4195, 4195, 3744, 3744, 1787, 276, 276, 1373, 1976, 2779, 2779, 2779, 115, 115, 553, 282, 2301, 2301, 2301, 3910, 3910, 2924, 1414, 4416, 3347, 2086, 729, 729, 2575, 2575, 2357, 1107, 4052, 669, 669, 1688, 4958, 770, 770, 1013, 1013, 1350, 518, 3373, 445, 742, 538, 4505, 4266, 3411, 872, 245, 983, 3189, 64, 1776, 1776, 2968, 2997, 3315, 199, 2849, 2268, 4132, 4592, 4592, 1363, 1363, 3801, 3801, 1293, 2227, 4740, 1666, 2019, 213, 560, 3718, 3387, 2497, 1083, 1083, 1083, 1083, 2854, 2854, 2373, 2373, 2373, 2952, 2952, 2952, 352, 352, 27, 500, 500, 3797, 3797, 608, 608, 536, 3830, 3830, 2898, 2152, 2152, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.621125226860254, 0.901633393829401, 1.242250453720508, 1.6229401088929218, 1.8433393829401086, 2.1639201451905623, 3.326025408348457, 4.027295825771325, 4.508166969147005, 4.708529945553539, 5.229473684210526, 5.449872958257712, 5.770453720508166, 6.291397459165154, 7.193030852994555, 7.6538656987295814, 8.034555353901995, 8.675716878402904, 9.276805807622504, 9.437096188747729, 9.91796733212341, 10.09829401088929, 10.37880217785844 ]
[ 0.621125226860254, 0.901633393829401, 1.242250453720508, 1.6229401088929218, 1.8433393829401086, 2.1639201451905623, 3.326025408348457, 4.027295825771325, 4.508166969147005, 4.708529945553539, 5.229473684210526, 5.449872958257712, 5.770453720508166, 6.291397459165154, 7.193030852994555, 7.6538656987295814, 8.034555353901995, 8.675716878402904, 9.276805807622504, 9.437096188747729, 9.91796733212341, 10.09829401088929, 10.37880217785844, 11.019963702359346 ]
there is no eu china agreement there are twenty six agreements with china and i believe this is a timely review of these arrangements.
[ "there", "is", "no", "eu", "china", "agreement", "there", "are", "twenty", "six", "agreements", "with", "china", "and", "i", "believe", "this", "is", "a", "timely", "review", "of", "these", "arrangements." ]
[ "there", "is", "no", "eu", "china", "agreement", "there", "are", "twenty", "six", "agreements", "with", "china", "and", "i", "believe", "this", "is", "a", "timely", "review", "of", "these", "arrangements" ]
[ "t h e r e", "i s", "n o", "e u", "c h i n a", "a g r e e m e n t", "t h e r e", "a r e", "t w e n t y", "s i x", "a g r e e m e n t s", "w i t h", "c h i n a", "a n d", "i", "b e l i e v e", "t h i s", "i s", "a", "t i m e l y", "r e v i e w", "o f", "t h e s e", "a r r a n g e m e n t s" ]
[ 4079, 3409, 3156, 4461, 780, 780, 3445, 3618, 2148, 94, 4693, 4693, 1370, 2791, 3786, 4247, 480, 1693, 3770, 2142, 1299, 1838, 1838, 230, 4888, 4888, 201, 1193, 4298, 4298, 3441, 3441, 2552, 4228, 4228, 4228, 4228, 4228, 4228, 2092, 2092, 2092, 2092, 3174, 3174, 3174, 3174, 4172, 1551, 132, 4495, 4495, 2183, 4291, 4291, 720, 720, 4522, 1317, 1317, 3334, 3334, 3334, 3334, 1654, 1341, 1341, 69, 3613, 431, 979, 223, 4185, 4185, 2746, 4840, 3165, 2481, 894, 126, 406, 984, 4525, 4525, 4525, 3144, 3144, 1404, 1404, 2539, 4813, 4813, 1146, 339, 4744, 381, 4132, 379, 780, 4585, 4855, 3921, 766, 766, 4018, 1623, 231, 1781, 4738, 2839, 3650, 1938, 1938, 1938, 1938, 496, 4116, 1447, 3109, 2979, 3685, 3685, 2622, 1544, 1010, 1010, 552, 620, 796, 796, 796, 3829, 2543, 2543, 649, 4266, 2213, 2213, 1008, 1008, 3165, 1710, 777, 126, 984, 984, 4525, 4525, 4525, 3144, 3144, 1404, 1404, 1067, 2539, 249, 1146, 624, 624, 3234, 3234, 4284, 3773, 4077, 3294, 1311, 2593, 3557, 3557, 1128, 140, 140, 1357, 1357, 532, 532, 852, 1436, 3268, 2026, 3958, 981, 2558, 4559, 4112, 2667, 108, 2737, 3453, 4418, 4418, 824, 3896, 3896, 3896, 381, 4807, 1284, 318, 1140, 1140, 2307, 1200, 4291, 1902, 1902, 720, 720, 4522, 1317, 3334, 3334, 3334, 3334, 3334, 1654, 4065, 1341, 69, 3613, 3613, 979, 979, 223, 223, 2737, 2479, 2479, 366, 2707, 3246, 2137, 4760, 4760, 1736, 3431, 5, 2590, 2590, 143, 1230, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2248, 2248, 3466, 3855, 986, 231, 4132, 138, 3759, 3759, 647, 1542, 237, 4077, 121, 3715, 2148, 94, 3077, 2791, 3976, 1705, 2906, 4607, 95, 95, 1723, 3336, 1623, 3189, 894, 1781, 2657, 541, 541, 625, 625, 2113, 2113, 2113, 2113, 2113, 887, 887, 3187, 3187, 3999, 1030, 1670, 3529, 3529, 3529, 1112, 3533, 3533, 3533, 814, 814, 311, 311, 884, 884, 2377, 4409, 2593, 163, 399, 399, 1128, 1128, 1128, 140, 1357, 1357, 532, 828, 1103, 710, 2725, 2026, 331, 3547, 1330, 937, 4988, 713, 1677, 1928, 4055, 2868, 344, 4126, 4126, 4126, 4126, 4126, 4669, 2801, 1819, 1846, 401, 401, 4298, 2165, 1492, 332, 2331, 2331, 2331, 4789, 4789, 4789, 3202, 3202, 1601, 4561, 4561, 231, 753, 2592, 4463, 4428, 4428, 4428, 475, 475, 475, 3979, 3559, 4287, 3578, 67, 1011, 1011, 162, 2324, 1365, 245, 983, 231, 1904, 4559, 4559, 640, 640, 640, 640, 755, 2133, 3050, 1492, 2746, 2746, 1594, 3165, 3836, 1449, 2888, 2729, 1549, 4464, 4464, 4464, 4464, 4464, 578, 3214, 3454, 3454, 2166, 3442, 1722, 2843, 2843, 4775, 3694, 2539, 2539, 249, 1146, 339, 1709, 3711, 273, 4671, 2867, 2867, 2775, 3611, 2204 ]
[ 0, 0.18039220183486238, 0.34074082568807335, 0.5812637614678898, 1.0021788990825686, 1.4631811926605502, 1.9041399082568806, 2.04444495412844, 2.1246192660550456, 2.465360091743119, 2.7259266055045868, 3.587800458715596, 4.08888990825688, 4.489761467889908, 4.630066513761468, 4.710240825688072, 5.010894495412844, 5.231373853211008, 5.39172247706422, 5.491940366972477, 6.333770642201834, 6.99520871559633, 7.2557752293577975, 7.7969518348623845 ]
[ 0.18039220183486238, 0.34074082568807335, 0.5812637614678898, 1.0021788990825686, 1.4631811926605502, 1.9041399082568806, 2.024401376146789, 2.1246192660550456, 2.465360091743119, 2.7259266055045868, 3.587800458715596, 4.08888990825688, 4.489761467889908, 4.630066513761468, 4.710240825688072, 5.010894495412844, 5.231373853211008, 5.39172247706422, 5.491940366972477, 6.333770642201834, 6.99520871559633, 7.2557752293577975, 7.7969518348623845, 8.718956422018348 ]
One example from 2008 was the refusal of the Commission to change its stance in an age discrimination case.
one example from two thousand and eight was the refusal of the commission to change its stance in an age discrimination case.
[ "one", "example", "from", "two", "thousand", "and", "eight", "was", "the", "refusal", "of", "the", "commission", "to", "change", "its", "stance", "in", "an", "age", "discrimination", "case." ]
[ "one", "example", "from", "two", "thousand", "and", "eight", "was", "the", "refusal", "of", "the", "commission", "to", "change", "its", "stance", "in", "an", "age", "discrimination", "case" ]
[ "o n e", "e x a m p l e", "f r o m", "t w o", "t h o u s a n d", "a n d", "e i g h t", "w a s", "t h e", "r e f u s a l", "o f", "t h e", "c o m m i s s i o n", "t o", "c h a n g e", "i t s", "s t a n c e", "i n", "a n", "a g e", "d i s c r i m i n a t i o n", "c a s e" ]
[ 38, 4598, 4598, 715, 2026, 4544, 4544, 4544, 1620, 1620, 3861, 3740, 1742, 4755, 3861, 4755, 2001, 1683, 29, 2031, 130, 3583, 1600, 33, 3398, 1790, 801, 265, 1160, 1160, 2543, 1312, 4424, 2345, 3990, 2506, 2506, 2506, 2506, 2057, 4001, 1157, 595, 3189, 1916, 371, 371, 2041, 3142, 3232, 4635, 4635, 3106, 2943, 1399, 4329, 3539, 4255, 258, 4895, 3189, 3567, 2090, 2090, 2090, 380, 2463, 4466, 2619, 4682, 4682, 4682, 1267, 1267, 2562, 3207, 4582, 4218, 4218, 366, 289, 3564, 4181, 1234, 834, 4990, 4355, 1291, 4253, 2083, 2083, 2083, 2083, 1086, 518, 3373, 421, 2732, 894, 377, 3472, 4891, 97, 142, 315, 3295, 3295, 315, 315, 15, 15, 4389, 4389, 4389, 4389, 4389, 3401, 72, 140, 1357, 1357, 1357, 3415, 3415, 3415, 1103, 28, 2026, 3958, 3958, 331, 29, 842, 4144, 1613, 373, 855, 3786, 4247, 1477, 2086, 729, 729, 448, 448, 4552, 4552, 4626, 563, 1815, 2400, 1615, 1615, 1093, 1093, 4639, 4639, 4639, 307, 4706, 4922, 4922, 4032, 472, 776, 776, 776, 1566, 1566, 1971, 3516, 1512, 3869, 3855, 721, 424, 3102, 729, 124, 91, 231, 560, 805, 434, 434, 2733, 1404, 2375, 504, 504, 504, 2986, 603, 4077, 419, 222, 4392, 3534, 3122, 3122, 2649, 2160, 4681, 4681, 2210, 3087, 3087, 315, 315, 3295, 315, 4389, 4389, 4389, 4389, 4389, 3401, 3401, 1357, 828, 3415, 2030, 4195, 4195, 2026, 2026, 1186, 1954, 885, 1395, 3494, 4183, 367, 4291, 1902, 720, 4522, 3181, 3181, 3452, 3452, 3452, 3452, 3452, 578, 529, 529, 529, 262, 3454, 3442, 3442, 1217, 3404, 245, 890, 197, 4226, 726, 726, 3444, 3668, 3668, 158, 1807, 4037, 4037, 382, 1084, 3194, 1641, 47, 1555, 590, 2669, 2669, 4972, 2669, 913, 913, 1390, 463, 3034, 3264, 1926, 991, 298, 2535, 3954, 162, 872, 1365, 245, 890, 197, 287, 1446, 1949, 3398, 1790, 1812, 589, 2687, 4990, 4990, 2875, 163, 381, 187, 3254, 3254, 3254, 3254, 3254, 3254, 4583, 3322, 3322, 1810, 1810, 2060, 3638, 1722, 3079, 606, 3516, 169, 965, 3855, 4561, 3189, 3522, 837, 837, 618, 1001, 4077, 4308, 4336, 3849, 163, 890, 1, 287, 2793, 2793, 712, 3398, 1790, 1812, 589, 2687, 834, 4990, 2875, 1, 1045, 187, 3254, 3254, 3254, 3254, 3254, 565, 565, 1810, 2060, 3638, 3207, 2103, 1139, 4229, 3522, 572, 837, 618, 82, 237, 4308, 521, 205, 2533, 2809, 2342, 2475, 2475, 440, 440, 1404, 1777, 1701, 1701, 1794, 4519, 1198, 1808, 3690, 3690, 1573, 19, 3430, 225, 4780, 419, 1840, 4392, 636, 636, 1055, 2659, 2659, 4591, 3189, 3766, 4633, 708, 3523, 3523, 3523, 3523, 1816, 266, 266, 266, 2640, 3830, 3830, 3830, 3140, 3140, 3140, 3140, 2152, 2152, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.5211916666666666, 0.9822458333333332, 1.1827041666666664, 1.3029791666666666, 1.6237125, 1.7439874999999998, 2.305270833333333, 2.7663249999999997, 2.8665541666666665, 3.387745833333333, 3.4879749999999996, 3.5882041666666664, 4.2697625, 4.6305875, 5.1116874999999995, 5.312145833333333, 6.695308333333332, 6.975949999999999, 7.136316666666666, 7.437004166666665, 8.238837499999999 ]
[ 0.5211916666666666, 0.9822458333333332, 1.1827041666666664, 1.3029791666666666, 1.6036666666666666, 1.7439874999999998, 2.305270833333333, 2.7663249999999997, 2.8665541666666665, 3.387745833333333, 3.4879749999999996, 3.5882041666666664, 4.2697625, 4.6305875, 5.1116874999999995, 5.312145833333333, 6.695308333333332, 6.975949999999999, 7.136316666666666, 7.437004166666665, 8.238837499999999, 8.699891666666666 ]
That is where the line has been crossed and that is where we need legislative action when necessary.
that is where the line has been crossed and that is where we need legislative action when necessary.
[ "that", "is", "where", "the", "line", "has", "been", "crossed", "and", "that", "is", "where", "we", "need", "legislative", "action", "when", "necessary." ]
[ "that", "is", "where", "the", "line", "has", "been", "crossed", "and", "that", "is", "where", "we", "need", "legislative", "action", "when", "necessary" ]
[ "t h a t", "i s", "w h e r e", "t h e", "l i n e", "h a s", "b e e n", "c r o s s e d", "a n d", "t h a t", "i s", "w h e r e", "w e", "n e e d", "l e g i s l a t i v e", "a c t i o n", "w h e n", "n e c e s s a r y" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 3409, 3409, 3958, 3958, 2026, 4055, 4461, 2229, 3183, 3183, 3183, 804, 1529, 3449, 2148, 94, 3077, 2791, 4969, 4599, 2186, 3355, 1569, 1345, 3331, 2596, 2596, 423, 423, 696, 1854, 1414, 894, 4141, 3513, 124, 4336, 742, 1172, 4881, 4881, 4852, 3896, 4340, 229, 738, 1430, 2336, 958, 958, 958, 958, 2175, 1341, 1341, 1538, 3171, 2168, 2824, 4044, 3805, 149, 149, 149, 2859, 3976, 3930, 4241, 742, 2741, 1264, 1264, 1264, 3687, 2659, 2099, 4591, 3766, 310, 2000, 2174, 1052, 1052, 1122, 1383, 1383, 1383, 1383, 1879, 1879, 1051, 997, 2640, 3717, 4077, 1458, 1458, 2333, 2333, 368, 4995, 346, 3472, 1311, 634, 4811, 163, 3557, 1252, 4243, 1943, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245, 3913, 1357, 23, 23, 852, 3268, 312, 231, 14, 2754, 108, 68, 4249, 662, 40, 2229, 320, 3183, 3183, 804, 1529, 3449, 94, 94, 2791, 3786, 4599, 2186, 367, 367, 1346, 3331, 3331, 2596, 423, 423, 8, 1316, 2117, 45, 1346, 3677, 487, 487, 2863, 2863, 1658, 2008, 152, 152, 4188, 25, 1421, 1421, 1421, 1421, 1421, 4540, 3058, 3249, 743, 1806, 455, 4941, 4913, 4913, 2336, 486, 2147, 2147, 2147, 600, 3638, 2580, 2580, 2580, 462, 1987, 1987, 3809, 4133, 1121, 1121, 1090, 2390, 1268, 2415, 3894, 3894, 2861, 2744, 161, 4197, 4007, 1640, 1640, 1640, 3218, 4648, 4648, 4786, 556, 556, 3405, 419, 419, 222, 4392, 3534, 3122, 2649, 1979, 2911, 4681, 2210, 4401, 2593, 2593, 315, 399, 92, 3796, 140, 72, 140, 140, 4796, 4796, 1357, 1357, 3415, 3415, 2154, 2827, 28, 3958, 2026, 1683, 29, 2783, 842, 582, 4812, 4812, 4812, 3917, 3917, 4768, 4608, 4608, 2811, 2142, 1158, 1158, 1158, 1158, 1281, 237, 4077, 121, 1487, 1487, 1487, 4214, 237, 4433, 121, 655, 4372, 2245, 2245, 2245, 2245, 1660, 3884, 4080, 1034, 1418, 1418, 153, 153, 1248, 1248, 922, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.30098391089108906, 0.4414430693069306, 0.662164603960396, 0.8628205445544554, 1.2440668316831682, 1.3845259900990097, 1.5651163366336631, 2.307543316831683, 2.628592821782178, 2.7891175742574257, 2.909511138613861, 3.1502982673267326, 3.31082301980198, 3.611806930693069, 4.253905940594059, 4.8759393564356435, 5.33744801980198 ]
[ 0.30098391089108906, 0.4414430693069306, 0.662164603960396, 0.8628205445544554, 1.2440668316831682, 1.3845259900990097, 1.5651163366336631, 2.307543316831683, 2.628592821782178, 2.7891175742574257, 2.909511138613861, 3.1502982673267326, 3.31082301980198, 3.611806930693069, 4.253905940594059, 4.8759393564356435, 5.33744801980198, 6.059809405940594 ]
We should not forget that it is Afghanistan that should have the ownership of its economic and political processes. Therefore we should particularly support local initiatives and support the infrastructures to improve its citizens' participation in political life.
we should not forget that it is afghanistan that should have the ownership of its economic and political processes. therefore we should particularly support local initiatives and support the infrastructures to improve its citizens' participation in political life.
[ "we", "should", "not", "forget", "that", "it", "is", "afghanistan", "that", "should", "have", "the", "ownership", "of", "its", "economic", "and", "political", "processes.", "therefore", "we", "should", "particularly", "support", "local", "initiatives", "and", "support", "the", "infrastructures", "to", "improve", "its", "citizens'", "participation", "in", "political", "life." ]
[ "we", "should", "not", "forget", "that", "it", "is", "afghanistan", "that", "should", "have", "the", "ownership", "of", "its", "economic", "and", "political", "processes", "therefore", "we", "should", "particularly", "support", "local", "initiatives", "and", "support", "the", "infrastructures", "to", "improve", "its", "citizens'", "participation", "in", "political", "life" ]
[ "w e", "s h o u l d", "n o t", "f o r g e t", "t h a t", "i t", "i s", "a f g h a n i s t a n", "t h a t", "s h o u l d", "h a v e", "t h e", "o w n e r s h i p", "o f", "i t s", "e c o n o m i c", "a n d", "p o l i t i c a l", "p r o c e s s e s", "t h e r e f o r e", "w e", "s h o u l d", "p a r t i c u l a r l y", "s u p p o r t", "l o c a l", "i n i t i a t i v e s", "a n d", "s u p p o r t", "t h e", "i n f r a s t r u c t u r e s", "t o", "i m p r o v e", "i t s", "c i t i z e n s '", "p a r t i c i p a t i o n", "i n", "p o l i t i c a l", "l i f e" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 4720, 524, 524, 2026, 331, 4471, 236, 236, 2878, 3586, 3586, 920, 4225, 3330, 1972, 1895, 3770, 1021, 389, 389, 1183, 2029, 3054, 2734, 4635, 1075, 3343, 3343, 3343, 2481, 1710, 4055, 3024, 3725, 3725, 1024, 4556, 1100, 2810, 2810, 2810, 949, 133, 133, 1531, 2307, 131, 3054, 2636, 2007, 1340, 1203, 4153, 890, 742, 2666, 1297, 3357, 3421, 4023, 4152, 2148, 3483, 94, 3077, 1289, 923, 65, 3404, 2330, 332, 2411, 3017, 2095, 2095, 283, 2365, 2365, 2272, 3070, 3375, 2347, 2300, 839, 3479, 3479, 1826, 1001, 298, 3065, 3271, 5, 47, 1276, 2228, 1545, 1545, 3453, 194, 3799, 2810, 2810, 2810, 612, 612, 1165, 364, 4414, 2878, 1212, 3586, 920, 4225, 4225, 3330, 364, 2007, 4207, 4207, 4207, 4207, 3939, 999, 999, 1434, 4484, 3466, 3654, 137, 137, 142, 2593, 3295, 399, 2220, 3134, 1286, 1286, 2030, 4195, 4195, 163, 331, 3163, 1448, 729, 4705, 1889, 534, 534, 4918, 2162, 2162, 2162, 2162, 825, 69, 3212, 431, 1502, 86, 1316, 2878, 2878, 1212, 4507, 4783, 699, 2151, 2151, 2151, 1761, 3737, 4675, 1721, 983, 2939, 2331, 4789, 4789, 2968, 3912, 745, 745, 3632, 983, 2666, 4364, 4226, 726, 726, 3444, 3668, 923, 65, 3404, 197, 197, 1845, 1845, 891, 2533, 903, 2720, 2720, 2720, 4959, 1559, 4766, 1780, 1780, 1780, 2273, 2618, 1777, 2773, 2773, 1190, 383, 935, 935, 245, 197, 3143, 4381, 1461, 1123, 1185, 1546, 2812, 742, 2559, 452, 3739, 3739, 3739, 143, 4033, 3378, 3378, 3378, 89, 3109, 4617, 4617, 1190, 3238, 2645, 4071, 3325, 1187, 2753, 2812, 4643, 1673, 2790, 1215, 1685, 1685, 1685, 644, 4853, 2963, 655, 2874, 1208, 1208, 4214, 237, 1275, 655, 3715, 4832, 4839, 4839, 70, 298, 1275, 3294, 1311, 634, 3557, 3557, 1252, 140, 140, 1357, 1357, 1357, 828, 2030, 2725, 2026, 2001, 4182, 2810, 2810, 2592, 1038, 1038, 1038, 1038, 8, 1316, 2009, 3232, 1815, 497, 1615, 2595, 398, 398, 398, 398, 1772, 908, 385, 1316, 2117, 4973, 4471, 236, 236, 236, 2878, 2878, 1212, 3586, 920, 4225, 4225, 3330, 1100, 3054, 2812, 742, 1673, 452, 3949, 3949, 324, 3965, 3567, 3109, 1305, 1305, 1305, 381, 2533, 2179, 2179, 3386, 1078, 4930, 4930, 4930, 4081, 4383, 1488, 4054, 2542, 1666, 1666, 4721, 947, 1746, 1746, 750, 1210, 2812, 231, 452, 1689, 1689, 1689, 1689, 1871, 1977, 1923, 1100, 4183, 3509, 2251, 426, 2336, 4320, 4320, 4320, 4320, 3399, 1743, 231, 1733, 517, 2645, 183, 2041, 471, 80, 80, 3963, 4967, 3908, 3908, 3471, 1005, 1124, 1124, 1124, 2504, 18, 3061, 3061, 1121, 111, 1121, 1121, 1121, 1577, 860, 2559, 3567, 466, 466, 466, 466, 2217, 745, 745, 137, 1581, 142, 742, 3557, 1252, 4243, 1245, 1245, 140, 1245, 1357, 1357, 1357, 72, 532, 1436, 3268, 3744, 981, 14, 4112, 108, 108, 1226, 2838, 604, 1546, 3249, 1954, 2761, 2761, 2761, 1666, 1666, 4721, 947, 1746, 1746, 750, 1210, 4643, 452, 2758, 1689, 1689, 1689, 1871, 1977, 4383, 693, 2810, 2810, 2810, 2086, 2575, 2575, 2575, 1687, 80, 890, 3441, 4967, 3908, 3908, 2218, 194, 1447, 1550, 2804, 2342, 4512, 2095, 1992, 1001, 4740, 3065, 860, 47, 2342, 4512, 1265, 1265, 1265, 4076, 2802, 2359, 2842, 614, 3311, 1783, 4239, 86, 4472, 292, 3385, 1666, 1139, 4229, 3189, 1954, 885, 1395, 2222, 2409, 2541, 820, 3563, 4591, 2812, 1673, 1673, 2044, 2044, 2044, 2044, 2044, 880, 880, 3654, 137, 137, 1300, 142, 2593, 71, 4665, 3134, 3134, 532, 110, 2030, 4195, 3958, 2810, 2810, 2592, 2575, 2575, 2575, 4446, 1417, 4876, 1010, 552, 620, 4230, 4230, 4230, 4070, 4023, 3109, 1025, 1025, 1025, 3207, 3207, 1272, 1521, 4609, 4609, 194, 1899, 298, 3863, 2821, 4241, 687, 742, 1673, 3949, 3949, 3949, 4383, 3965, 860, 3567, 3245, 3245, 3245, 3016, 1666, 2874, 4962, 4962, 4962, 4231, 2812, 4643, 2419, 181, 1808, 3690, 1573, 19, 4780, 3405, 419, 222, 4392, 821, 636, 2649, 2210, 3040, 71, 4665, 4665, 3134, 110, 110, 3268, 3744, 2026, 4826, 287, 2793, 2793, 1949, 768, 768, 824, 4881, 3800, 3800, 3800, 166, 1435, 687, 687, 1018, 452, 3739, 3739, 3739, 4147, 4033, 3378, 3378, 3378, 4023, 3567, 4989, 4617, 4617, 4183, 3238, 517, 4071, 183, 4071, 4785, 670, 3040, 2593, 71, 2220, 2220, 2220, 110, 4195, 163, 3744, 229, 738, 1430, 2420, 240, 240, 240, 240, 1236, 2122, 3680, 1271, 1147, 1147, 1147, 1581, 1581, 922, 4625, 4625, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.20024965083798885, 0.3604493715083799, 0.5006241270949721, 0.8009986033519554, 1.0613231494413409, 1.2615728002793296, 1.4217725209497207, 2.022521473463687, 2.202746159217877, 2.402995810055866, 2.743420216480447, 3.0237697276536313, 3.5444188198324023, 3.744668470670391, 3.9649430865921786, 4.465567213687151, 4.625766934357542, 5.086341131284915, 5.767189944134079, 6.428013791899441, 6.528138617318436, 6.728388268156425, 7.269062325418994, 7.689586592178771, 8.030010998603352, 8.851034567039106, 9.231508903631285, 9.65203317039106, 9.812232891061452, 10.57318156424581, 10.693331354748603, 11.173930516759777, 11.47430499301676, 11.954904155027933, 12.815977653631286, 13.136377094972067, 13.797200942737431 ]
[ 0.20024965083798885, 0.3604493715083799, 0.5006241270949721, 0.8009986033519554, 1.0613231494413409, 1.2615728002793296, 1.4217725209497207, 2.022521473463687, 2.202746159217877, 2.402995810055866, 2.743420216480447, 3.0237697276536313, 3.5444188198324023, 3.744668470670391, 3.9649430865921786, 4.465567213687151, 4.625766934357542, 5.086341131284915, 5.767189944134079, 6.428013791899441, 6.528138617318436, 6.728388268156425, 7.269062325418994, 7.689586592178771, 8.030010998603352, 8.851034567039106, 9.231508903631285, 9.65203317039106, 9.812232891061452, 10.57318156424581, 10.693331354748603, 11.173930516759777, 11.47430499301676, 11.954904155027933, 12.815977653631286, 13.136377094972067, 13.797200942737431, 14.3178500349162 ]