2 values
639 values
1 class
1 value
But every bank is different, circumstances are never predictable and so experts also warn us against the tick the box approach.
but every bank is different circumstances are never predictable and so experts also warn us against the tick the box approach.
[ "but", "every", "bank", "is", "different", "circumstances", "are", "never", "predictable", "and", "so", "experts", "also", "warn", "us", "against", "the", "tick", "the", "box", "approach." ]
[ "but", "every", "bank", "is", "different", "circumstances", "are", "never", "predictable", "and", "so", "experts", "also", "warn", "us", "against", "the", "tick", "the", "box", "approach" ]
[ "b u t", "e v e r y", "b a n k", "i s", "d i f f e r e n t", "c i r c u m s t a n c e s", "a r e", "n e v e r", "p r e d i c t a b l e", "a n d", "s o", "e x p e r t s", "a l s o", "w a r n", "u s", "a g a i n s t", "t h e", "t i c k", "t h e", "b o x", "a p p r o a c h" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 2114, 1335, 1335, 2327, 2327, 2327, 2327, 2327, 2327, 914, 914, 914, 524, 524, 3958, 2026, 1018, 1389, 125, 4242, 577, 4152, 3404, 2330, 1291, 187, 4630, 4630, 1092, 1092, 3228, 3228, 3228, 1637, 1637, 1637, 274, 274, 4101, 182, 2164, 3133, 104, 1373, 394, 394, 2599, 2599, 2599, 2599, 3970, 3756, 2489, 2489, 4886, 383, 3189, 1733, 2313, 2313, 3077, 3077, 1289, 3503, 4969, 6, 84, 433, 2389, 3695, 3695, 3695, 3695, 1195, 3279, 3279, 3279, 2158, 3535, 1071, 1071, 1071, 1071, 3951, 3951, 2072, 624, 3264, 2215, 498, 1725, 1725, 3472, 3472, 4891, 1481, 1915, 3557, 3134, 1286, 1286, 110, 742, 4195, 912, 252, 1332, 101, 2110, 3505, 552, 309, 309, 3192, 3192, 1580, 769, 4012, 1743, 2533, 903, 990, 375, 258, 782, 760, 9, 3065, 242, 47, 1555, 3656, 3656, 3656, 3656, 1585, 4883, 3149, 4351, 4077, 3715, 4832, 4832, 70, 1764, 3976, 296, 2906, 4607, 766, 4959, 2008, 152, 4480, 411, 2142, 3041, 4543, 4543, 4543, 1505, 351, 3094, 484, 3888, 910, 3996, 2753, 4183, 367, 4643, 3407, 3167, 285, 324, 1568, 894, 2231, 1283, 4444, 4444, 4076, 4648, 4648, 4786, 2842, 231, 1163, 513, 4084, 727, 727, 336, 2607, 2715, 646, 646, 1463, 1463, 668, 195, 195, 1873, 4401, 20, 2593, 1252, 1252, 4243, 1245, 3913, 1357, 157, 828, 828, 3268, 28, 2026, 981, 2754, 2754, 108, 3610, 68, 4117, 1748, 4834, 760, 1010, 79, 79, 788, 788, 3128, 1628, 4298, 2165, 1291, 1291, 187, 1169, 4679, 4679, 4679, 2802, 4786, 2559, 2701, 649, 2279, 3503, 4308, 2173, 3987, 742, 2192, 2782, 81, 81, 2361, 2361, 3142, 3142, 4524, 4818, 3711, 4505, 273, 3954, 3954, 2324, 3404, 245, 2875, 2972, 890, 1045, 4918, 2525, 2525, 3297, 3297, 3297, 1933, 1933, 2385, 2385, 3928, 3928, 3928, 3702, 3702, 1069, 3914, 3762, 3762, 2066, 2066, 2066, 3128, 3956, 3153, 2117, 4714, 4714, 144, 144, 1851, 1552, 1552, 1552, 1552, 2735, 2735, 365, 69, 3613, 1790, 2597, 4472, 3461, 159, 4955, 2213, 4260, 1008, 430, 2471, 1710, 104, 1223, 1057, 1211, 1211, 1211, 1211, 1164, 4883, 4691, 4691, 4433, 4761, 4761, 4141, 10, 1469, 3336, 1623, 1623, 231, 270, 1781, 2657, 2260, 3498, 3498, 3498, 3829, 4648, 4786, 1152, 935, 1616, 3895, 1897, 4500, 3133, 739, 1373, 4427, 4034, 4034, 4034, 4034, 1879, 3399, 815, 742, 3223, 3223, 649, 4266, 4266, 2213, 4260, 1008, 3165, 2261, 1210, 2812, 2607, 3170, 4660, 654, 654, 2555, 2555, 2555, 2555, 2555, 2555, 3956, 771, 4524, 2461, 2461, 2461, 3235, 3235, 733, 1117, 1117, 1117, 2152, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.5011952937649881, 0.8420080935251799, 1.2028687050359712, 1.3632511990407674, 2.0448767985611513, 2.9871239508393286, 3.1274586330935255, 3.4081279976019188, 4.270183902877697, 4.59094889088729, 4.771379196642686, 5.533196043165468, 6.074486960431655, 6.395251948441248, 6.555634442446044, 6.896447242206236, 7.016734112709832, 7.297403477218226, 7.397642535971223, 7.698359712230216 ]
[ 0.5011952937649881, 0.8420080935251799, 1.2028687050359712, 1.3632511990407674, 2.0448767985611513, 2.9871239508393286, 3.1274586330935255, 3.4081279976019188, 4.270183902877697, 4.59094889088729, 4.771379196642686, 5.533196043165468, 6.074486960431655, 6.395251948441248, 6.555634442446044, 6.896447242206236, 7.016734112709832, 7.297403477218226, 7.377594724220624, 7.698359712230216, 8.339889688249402 ]
On the other hand, however, we have a disappointingly low number of mediation cases throughout the EU and this, I believe, is not what the Commission, Parliament and the Council intended.
on the other hand however we have a disappointingly low number of mediation cases throughout the eu and this i believe is not what the commission parliament and the council intended.
[ "on", "the", "other", "hand", "however", "we", "have", "a", "disappointingly", "low", "number", "of", "mediation", "cases", "throughout", "the", "eu", "and", "this", "i", "believe", "is", "not", "what", "the", "commission", "parliament", "and", "the", "council", "intended." ]
[ "on", "the", "other", "hand", "however", "we", "have", "a", "disappointingly", "low", "number", "of", "mediation", "cases", "throughout", "the", "eu", "and", "this", "i", "believe", "is", "not", "what", "the", "commission", "parliament", "and", "the", "council", "intended" ]
[ "o n", "t h e", "o t h e r", "h a n d", "h o w e v e r", "w e", "h a v e", "a", "d i s a p p o i n t i n g l y", "l o w", "n u m b e r", "o f", "m e d i a t i o n", "c a s e s", "t h r o u g h o u t", "t h e", "e u", "a n d", "t h i s", "i", "b e l i e v e", "i s", "n o t", "w h a t", "t h e", "c o m m i s s i o n", "p a r l i a m e n t", "a n d", "t h e", "c o u n c i l", "i n t e n d e d" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 1335, 4720, 4720, 524, 2677, 2026, 2026, 1018, 1389, 125, 3854, 3854, 3276, 3276, 3276, 2263, 3180, 3180, 4430, 3777, 4189, 662, 832, 100, 210, 4317, 4711, 4711, 1237, 963, 568, 568, 1316, 1316, 3261, 3805, 1007, 3934, 3139, 3139, 3139, 3139, 3139, 2451, 1390, 463, 314, 3123, 954, 4014, 3677, 487, 487, 2863, 4850, 1821, 1821, 3273, 3273, 2744, 701, 1567, 95, 1617, 3049, 1568, 433, 572, 837, 837, 618, 3016, 4077, 121, 2874, 4962, 4962, 2261, 2812, 231, 2973, 2758, 2758, 3474, 3474, 3474, 3474, 3474, 3089, 3089, 4116, 4116, 1447, 2415, 2402, 4687, 2308, 156, 3086, 3529, 3529, 1112, 4541, 663, 4324, 4324, 438, 4052, 3969, 669, 669, 1688, 1968, 1968, 1968, 1968, 3066, 201, 1193, 1193, 4495, 2008, 152, 411, 2142, 3041, 1911, 1911, 1911, 1911, 516, 1695, 1695, 1695, 894, 4769, 4769, 4106, 3417, 1153, 1971, 2464, 384, 965, 2020, 2020, 4011, 2990, 3063, 3063, 3757, 4196, 2073, 271, 271, 271, 1244, 1244, 4628, 4628, 2667, 3581, 364, 2959, 4336, 4336, 1635, 1635, 1635, 742, 4633, 678, 708, 3523, 3523, 3523, 3523, 3523, 1816, 1037, 4853, 2963, 4077, 655, 3715, 4832, 650, 650, 70, 67, 67, 1011, 1311, 634, 2593, 3557, 3557, 1252, 3796, 1943, 3587, 3587, 140, 140, 140, 4796, 1357, 1357, 1357, 3415, 828, 2030, 710, 2026, 4658, 785, 499, 2034, 3589, 3589, 1592, 1592, 1592, 3607, 2577, 4791, 4791, 4791, 4791, 4791, 58, 3795, 571, 1129, 2559, 3347, 1064, 1445, 1445, 4885, 4185, 2552, 2552, 4228, 4228, 4228, 4228, 2092, 2092, 2092, 2092, 3174, 3174, 3174, 3174, 3174, 4172, 4669, 4669, 4342, 4342, 4342, 4342, 391, 391, 2039, 4917, 3087, 315, 315, 315, 315, 315, 742, 15, 374, 2760, 2760, 2135, 3458, 3458, 3458, 3305, 3305, 3305, 3305, 72, 803, 803, 803, 453, 453, 453, 453, 3673, 3673, 1436, 312, 981, 14, 2754, 108, 108, 3610, 4249, 2352, 4820, 4055, 138, 3759, 3759, 3759, 647, 1542, 4697, 3503, 2214, 2214, 2324, 2324, 1365, 245, 197, 332, 794, 2376, 3017, 2376, 857, 857, 1847, 2301, 3431, 3327, 2741, 1908, 2590, 2590, 143, 1230, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 4619, 2248, 3466, 701, 2148, 3077, 2791, 3786, 4247, 480, 1315, 4480, 411, 2142, 1021, 2895, 1614, 1614, 1183, 2408, 231, 168, 1751, 2928, 393, 1862, 1862, 4141, 2632, 124, 91, 4183, 3766, 1000, 4560, 434, 434, 2733, 1947, 2375, 2375, 504, 504, 2986, 2504, 603, 4077, 1840, 222, 821, 60, 1055, 522, 830, 4591, 742, 3170, 1082, 1663, 116, 3735, 3301, 3301, 3301, 3301, 2914, 1977, 1940, 1989, 1989, 1989, 4174, 4813, 4813, 339, 2215, 1709, 2007, 1365, 890, 197, 781, 1097, 2479, 2479, 3364, 40, 3291, 177, 2, 91, 3766, 3718, 3387, 3873, 1583, 680, 1583, 1583, 1627, 194, 194, 1926, 3989, 121, 4372, 776, 776, 1078, 4033, 4333, 191, 191, 2541, 735, 4108, 685, 4895, 1781, 2657, 541, 2374, 3929, 3929, 3929, 3929, 1331, 496, 2854, 3793, 3793, 5, 2219, 4901, 2381, 1558, 1558, 3198, 1110, 104, 2205, 4673, 4625, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.4609368635437882, 0.5410997963340123, 0.7415071283095723, 1.0020366598778003, 1.1423217922606925, 1.1824032586558044, 1.2625661914460287, 1.3226883910386966, 2.184439918533605, 2.4650101832993894, 2.845784114052953, 2.945987780040733, 3.4069246435845217, 4.0883095723014256, 4.709572301425662, 4.86989816700611, 5.591364562118127, 6.1725458248472505, 6.513238289205703, 6.693604887983708, 7.014256619144603, 7.1345010183299395, 7.334908350305499, 7.455152749490835, 7.555356415478616, 8.016293279022403, 8.517311608961304, 8.657596741344197, 8.73775967413442, 9.13857433808554 ]
[ 0.4609368635437882, 0.5410997963340123, 0.7415071283095723, 0.9819959266802445, 1.1222810590631367, 1.1623625254582484, 1.2625661914460287, 1.3226883910386966, 2.184439918533605, 2.4650101832993894, 2.845784114052953, 2.945987780040733, 3.4069246435845217, 4.0883095723014256, 4.709572301425662, 4.86989816700611, 5.591364562118127, 6.1725458248472505, 6.513238289205703, 6.693604887983708, 7.014256619144603, 7.1345010183299395, 7.334908350305499, 7.455152749490835, 7.555356415478616, 8.016293279022403, 8.517311608961304, 8.657596741344197, 8.73775967413442, 9.13857433808554, 9.819959266802444 ]
And I think what we are doing here today is helping to bring that dream into reality for many people across the European Union, but specifically the Roma community.
and i think what we are doing here today is helping to bring that dream into reality for many people across the european union but specifically the roma community.
[ "and", "i", "think", "what", "we", "are", "doing", "here", "today", "is", "helping", "to", "bring", "that", "dream", "into", "reality", "for", "many", "people", "across", "the", "european", "union", "but", "specifically", "the", "roma", "community." ]
[ "and", "i", "think", "what", "we", "are", "doing", "here", "today", "is", "helping", "to", "bring", "that", "dream", "into", "reality", "for", "many", "people", "across", "the", "european", "union", "but", "specifically", "the", "roma", "community" ]
[ "a n d", "i", "t h i n k", "w h a t", "w e", "a r e", "d o i n g", "h e r e", "t o d a y", "i s", "h e l p i n g", "t o", "b r i n g", "t h a t", "d r e a m", "i n t o", "r e a l i t y", "f o r", "m a n y", "p e o p l e", "a c r o s s", "t h e", "e u r o p e a n", "u n i o n", "b u t", "s p e c i f i c a l l y", "t h e", "r o m a", "c o m m u n i t y" ]
[ 2204, 971, 971, 4579, 3756, 2489, 4886, 4886, 935, 935, 3213, 3213, 3213, 1340, 1481, 2962, 4811, 4811, 3557, 4389, 72, 1741, 140, 1143, 1143, 3305, 3305, 4462, 3305, 453, 453, 453, 3673, 2154, 710, 2725, 912, 3614, 3614, 4095, 4095, 184, 2620, 2620, 1751, 2928, 2928, 393, 393, 2029, 1145, 3355, 551, 4471, 487, 487, 236, 111, 111, 766, 766, 693, 3049, 4055, 2389, 3348, 951, 951, 4087, 2397, 1875, 933, 1087, 3480, 3400, 4285, 1992, 693, 2183, 860, 231, 1058, 4149, 4149, 4149, 1617, 3665, 3496, 4412, 4412, 1094, 1094, 1094, 4545, 4545, 3173, 3173, 884, 2377, 1773, 3087, 3087, 315, 315, 315, 3295, 15, 15, 4389, 2760, 1039, 1039, 3458, 3458, 3458, 327, 4796, 3913, 23, 23, 2030, 3268, 2026, 981, 3125, 580, 3077, 2791, 4969, 2535, 1785, 1149, 1007, 1007, 1415, 1102, 1102, 1102, 4453, 4453, 2462, 3737, 595, 3189, 894, 2419, 3637, 1182, 1182, 160, 2610, 4914, 598, 3660, 1638, 1638, 2210, 4401, 3087, 3087, 3295, 3295, 163, 399, 1639, 1639, 1128, 3913, 532, 828, 2030, 710, 2026, 1586, 1784, 1954, 2761, 2761, 4929, 4929, 4902, 716, 716, 1006, 156, 2352, 4820, 1655, 2229, 320, 3183, 3183, 804, 2743, 3492, 3492, 743, 1806, 455, 455, 4941, 4340, 1787, 104, 1352, 1352, 1320, 1320, 3253, 4009, 4009, 4009, 4009, 4009, 35, 1953, 1953, 3999, 3634, 3634, 893, 2139, 2139, 2039, 2039, 3087, 315, 315, 315, 15, 15, 122, 163, 122, 122, 3075, 3075, 3458, 2827, 2827, 28, 2026, 1910, 981, 4826, 287, 1048, 1048, 4109, 685, 4895, 5, 1058, 1843, 3595, 3857, 2006, 2006, 2603, 448, 3260, 1633, 4251, 1244, 4604, 4604, 4604, 4604, 4147, 478, 3005, 2322, 2322, 1577, 1577, 192, 1268, 2017, 1036, 1036, 2540, 311, 3910, 3293, 4635, 4635, 2400, 840, 1883, 247, 1516, 4383, 1593, 202, 308, 1043, 3157, 3157, 839, 2501, 506, 3722, 4101, 182, 1478, 2812, 104, 2973, 1154, 211, 211, 211, 1532, 4093, 251, 595, 231, 1916, 1916, 371, 2041, 768, 4333, 3566, 430, 891, 91, 310, 2000, 1052, 1383, 1383, 2361, 3428, 1051, 1051, 4708, 4440, 515, 3362, 4995, 4671, 2867, 4403, 4403, 2144, 1004, 2262, 1857, 1853, 3593, 583, 4907, 231, 4643, 439, 784, 3392, 3392, 4465, 4465, 1548, 2485, 2485, 2775, 558, 558, 2862, 3011, 4652, 4652, 2597, 2626, 2626, 3453, 2649, 151, 4401, 4401, 610, 315, 399, 92, 3796, 3796, 3587, 3587, 72, 140, 4796, 4796, 157, 157, 828, 2030, 710, 2725, 3958, 2026, 1018, 1389, 125, 125, 4242, 577, 2665, 1172, 2951, 4067, 4067, 158, 4067, 4067, 382, 4019, 2173, 2192, 3303, 3643, 3643, 3643, 237, 4077, 655, 1195, 1195, 1195, 1195, 2665, 2437, 2437, 2773, 2773, 1190, 3176, 383, 2770, 2770, 2731, 494, 2055, 98, 98, 814, 311, 884, 884, 2377, 4409, 3087, 610, 2593, 399, 399, 1128, 1128, 1128, 1286, 1286, 1286, 828, 110, 4195, 3744, 1586, 489, 1448, 729, 4354, 1449, 2729, 52, 3920, 3920, 3920, 2046, 3231, 697, 2618, 4039, 1992, 1992, 891, 3766, 4633, 4633, 434, 434, 2733, 1947, 3909, 1452, 1452, 1452, 2348, 839, 1005, 3005, 2322, 1090, 1577, 1268, 2017, 1036, 3684, 3684, 3843, 153, 1248, 4409, 922, 4625, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.20038910505836577, 0.48093385214007783, 0.8616731517509728, 1.0219844357976653, 1.1422178988326848, 1.2624513618677042, 1.4428015564202334, 1.6031128404669261, 2.204280155642023, 2.605058365758755, 3.2863813229571983, 3.5669260700389103, 3.7272373540856027, 3.987743190661478, 4.649027237354086, 5.15, 5.650972762645915, 5.831322957198444, 6.071789883268482, 6.452529182879377, 6.773151750972763, 6.8933852140077825, 7.274124513618677, 7.755058365758755, 8.19591439688716, 9.077626459143968, 9.398249027237354, 9.65875486381323 ]
[ 0.20038910505836577, 0.48093385214007783, 0.8416342412451362, 1.0219844357976653, 1.1422178988326848, 1.2424124513618677, 1.422762645914397, 1.6031128404669261, 2.204280155642023, 2.605058365758755, 3.2863813229571983, 3.5669260700389103, 3.7272373540856027, 3.987743190661478, 4.649027237354086, 5.15, 5.650972762645915, 5.831322957198444, 6.071789883268482, 6.452529182879377, 6.773151750972763, 6.8933852140077825, 7.274124513618677, 7.755058365758755, 8.19591439688716, 9.077626459143968, 9.398249027237354, 9.65875486381323, 10.279961089494163 ]
it incentivises clearing and improves access to it
it incentivises clearing and improves access to it;
[ "it", "incentivises", "clearing", "and", "improves", "access", "to", "it;" ]
[ "it", "incentivises", "clearing", "and", "improves", "access", "to", "it" ]
[ "i t", "i n c e n t i v i s e s", "c l e a r i n g", "a n d", "i m p r o v e s", "a c c e s s", "t o", "i t" ]
[ 38, 4598, 2026, 715, 4544, 4544, 4544, 4544, 2964, 3740, 4491, 2026, 3004, 3004, 912, 1586, 2026, 4826, 4364, 3357, 4378, 679, 2601, 131, 2559, 2007, 4571, 245, 742, 1249, 781, 666, 387, 3453, 3453, 1748, 2951, 1339, 1275, 552, 1479, 666, 666, 666, 666, 3453, 4116, 1447, 3567, 3109, 1729, 1992, 4929, 4929, 2782, 2228, 2228, 2667, 3581, 3581, 4184, 3207, 1479, 1729, 4472, 1289, 923, 923, 2019, 213, 2927, 3317, 305, 3701, 826, 907, 907, 3658, 3658, 748, 2392, 2392, 4358, 651, 651, 160, 2610, 7, 2644, 2644, 5, 3789, 758, 245, 890, 742, 1045, 781, 4112, 4112, 591, 591, 591, 1226, 1226, 4694, 3980, 4728, 4571, 80, 2559, 3963, 4967, 1405, 3908, 820, 3563, 4591, 2559, 1673, 1673, 2790, 2044, 2044, 2044, 1819, 1819, 1819, 3011, 3142, 292, 3385, 298, 923, 872, 245, 983, 3189, 1045, 2411, 4007, 4007, 3218, 3218, 2802, 2543, 649, 2535, 655, 1479, 1208, 4472, 4472, 1001, 298, 2535, 6, 3065, 1191, 1191, 2948, 3116, 3116, 3116, 1575, 1575, 3280, 421, 131, 381, 2636, 977, 4673, 4673, 1481, 2962, 4811, 4625, 4625, 4625, 918, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.5429670329670331, 1.3875824175824178, 1.9104395604395605, 2.2120879120879127, 2.7550549450549457, 3.157252747252748, 3.298021978021979 ]
[ 0.5429670329670331, 1.3875824175824178, 1.9104395604395605, 2.2120879120879127, 2.7550549450549457, 3.157252747252748, 3.298021978021979, 3.6398901098901106 ]
I would like everybody to speak about the reality.
i would like everybody to speak about the reality.
[ "i", "would", "like", "everybody", "to", "speak", "about", "the", "reality." ]
[ "i", "would", "like", "everybody", "to", "speak", "about", "the", "reality" ]
[ "i", "w o u l d", "l i k e", "e v e r y b o d y", "t o", "s p e a k", "a b o u t", "t h e", "r e a l i t y" ]
[ 38, 4598, 4598, 715, 715, 3057, 3215, 1620, 1161, 4491, 4491, 2026, 3861, 75, 3958, 2026, 30, 30, 794, 109, 109, 4193, 2719, 579, 45, 1952, 845, 3381, 482, 482, 3054, 381, 3509, 2251, 426, 1230, 2336, 1596, 1596, 1596, 1596, 4164, 4164, 1173, 2430, 2663, 3176, 383, 2732, 231, 935, 935, 3213, 3213, 3213, 1340, 4790, 4153, 4153, 1262, 890, 890, 1262, 1904, 742, 1045, 187, 4630, 4630, 1092, 1092, 3228, 3228, 3228, 1637, 1637, 274, 274, 1041, 4054, 1591, 3327, 3133, 2811, 2604, 2604, 2604, 2604, 2171, 2073, 357, 3043, 4054, 4054, 2183, 1623, 3189, 270, 3076, 1401, 885, 1395, 1395, 3210, 1417, 1275, 158, 382, 382, 2173, 3987, 3987, 2927, 2192, 3303, 3135, 3135, 3135, 2430, 2663, 1743, 894, 1733, 2313, 430, 1961, 1961, 3327, 231, 1373, 3110, 2189, 2189, 278, 278, 2075, 771, 58, 2029, 131, 2636, 2636, 977, 2535, 1340, 1340, 2447, 2447, 166, 166, 166, 163, 166, 166, 4658, 2810, 2810, 2810, 2810, 2810, 2086, 729, 729, 2575, 4081, 448, 448, 2603, 1330, 3548, 1633, 1633, 1633, 4251, 4251, 1244, 4604, 4604, 4604, 4604, 4604, 4147, 1940, 4033, 478, 3005, 2322, 2322, 1577, 860, 860, 3189, 1268, 513, 2017, 2017, 3684, 3684, 153, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.4623, 0.6633000000000001, 1.1859000000000002, 1.8894000000000002, 2.0904000000000003, 2.4723, 2.9748, 3.2964 ]
[ 0.4623, 0.6633000000000001, 1.1859000000000002, 1.8894000000000002, 2.0904000000000003, 2.4723, 2.9748, 3.2964, 3.9999000000000002 ]
So aquaculture, managed properly and properly efficient, has a huge role to play.
so aquaculture managed properly and properly efficient has a huge role to play.
[ "so", "aquaculture", "managed", "properly", "and", "properly", "efficient", "has", "a", "huge", "role", "to", "play." ]
[ "so", "aquaculture", "managed", "properly", "and", "properly", "efficient", "has", "a", "huge", "role", "to", "play" ]
[ "s o", "a q u a c u l t u r e", "m a n a g e d", "p r o p e r l y", "a n d", "p r o p e r l y", "e f f i c i e n t", "h a s", "a", "h u g e", "r o l e", "t o", "p l a y" ]
[ 4079, 3156, 3156, 1150, 2804, 446, 3128, 1019, 2165, 332, 3487, 4007, 1814, 3671, 3457, 1743, 3238, 3238, 2305, 2305, 891, 2533, 2533, 3718, 2497, 2109, 2109, 2109, 2109, 4453, 3834, 3729, 2665, 18, 3405, 3311, 1783, 4239, 4239, 86, 86, 1316, 1316, 4383, 2897, 3087, 3087, 315, 315, 315, 4389, 4389, 4389, 1033, 4389, 1707, 1707, 1707, 2691, 2691, 2691, 4940, 4940, 4940, 4940, 3841, 4940, 3841, 3841, 562, 562, 562, 4940, 3740, 88, 88, 3740, 88, 3215, 2925, 2085, 2085, 4321, 2234, 2767, 2767, 202, 308, 235, 3130, 3130, 3130, 2300, 1005, 3479, 4136, 4136, 4472, 279, 3207, 3930, 2821, 4241, 2559, 3170, 4660, 1215, 2132, 2132, 2132, 982, 251, 595, 1059, 2419, 4769, 4769, 1316, 224, 224, 1112, 494, 2055, 2055, 98, 814, 884, 2377, 2377, 2427, 931, 315, 315, 315, 315, 288, 288, 1351, 1033, 1351, 4823, 4823, 140, 140, 140, 3305, 3305, 3305, 3305, 3305, 3305, 453, 3415, 3415, 214, 214, 214, 3740, 88, 2982, 2925, 2026, 1416, 981, 14, 2754, 1406, 1461, 2838, 830, 4591, 2812, 231, 104, 4660, 1215, 1215, 2132, 2132, 982, 2467, 3249, 1059, 1059, 2439, 2303, 2303, 4383, 224, 224, 1112, 1112, 4541, 663, 4324, 4324, 3590, 3590, 2762, 2762, 2690, 1815, 623, 2400, 2923, 3572, 3572, 3572, 3572, 2504, 603, 3061, 4707, 4707, 3951, 3951, 2072, 2215, 2215, 2811, 1725, 2205, 3190, 1481, 2962, 163, 288, 288, 4389, 3796, 3796, 140, 140, 140, 140, 140, 4796, 72, 4796, 4796, 1357, 23, 3415, 3415, 2827, 214, 4940, 1033, 2982, 2850, 2850, 2850, 520, 2850, 2558, 4774, 4774, 3608, 1007, 1007, 395, 149, 4674, 4674, 4674, 4674, 4674, 4674, 659, 2456, 3578, 3578, 67, 67, 4077, 3954, 3954, 3954, 162, 2324, 4398, 936, 936, 4153, 4756, 1, 1904, 1904, 4614, 4614, 4216, 4207, 1606, 1606, 4548, 4548, 307, 1819, 4624, 1819, 1819, 825, 2060, 3207, 3207, 658, 4590, 1681, 1681, 1681, 52, 1382, 1382, 1382, 1382, 3763, 717, 967, 967, 2851, 2851, 3758, 3729, 2852, 687, 894, 1954, 1401, 885, 3494, 2261, 231, 3170, 4932, 263, 3342, 2726, 2726, 2726, 2726, 2726, 2726, 4545, 83, 3173, 266, 1248, 922, 922, 922, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.16042897727272726, 1.283431818181818, 2.0655230823863637, 2.9077752130681813, 3.429169389204545, 3.9505635653409086, 4.792815696022727, 5.635067826704545, 5.815550426136363, 6.156462002840908, 6.497373579545454, 6.617695312499999 ]
[ 0.16042897727272726, 1.283431818181818, 2.0655230823863637, 2.9077752130681813, 3.429169389204545, 3.9505635653409086, 4.792815696022727, 5.635067826704545, 5.815550426136363, 6.156462002840908, 6.497373579545454, 6.617695312499999, 7.038821377840908 ]
the problem next year will be brazil they have streamlined their approval system down to twenty two months and the problem will not go away.
[ "the", "problem", "next", "year", "will", "be", "brazil", "they", "have", "streamlined", "their", "approval", "system", "down", "to", "twenty", "two", "months", "and", "the", "problem", "will", "not", "go", "away." ]
[ "the", "problem", "next", "year", "will", "be", "brazil", "they", "have", "streamlined", "their", "approval", "system", "down", "to", "twenty", "two", "months", "and", "the", "problem", "will", "not", "go", "away" ]
[ "t h e", "p r o b l e m", "n e x t", "y e a r", "w i l l", "b e", "b r a z i l", "t h e y", "h a v e", "s t r e a m l i n e d", "t h e i r", "a p p r o v a l", "s y s t e m", "d o w n", "t o", "t w e n t y", "t w o", "m o n t h s", "a n d", "t h e", "p r o b l e m", "w i l l", "n o t", "g o", "a w a y" ]
[ 2204, 492, 3683, 3156, 4643, 4660, 654, 1215, 2132, 2132, 2132, 982, 4175, 2283, 1632, 3698, 3698, 3038, 892, 892, 375, 258, 4608, 1559, 3041, 2571, 2571, 2571, 2571, 3189, 2543, 2701, 649, 4433, 515, 3362, 1191, 2858, 39, 3779, 799, 799, 173, 8, 2117, 45, 4014, 1952, 3570, 1279, 1099, 768, 3431, 3327, 4055, 221, 3697, 3697, 3686, 3686, 182, 1591, 231, 739, 1498, 4331, 4331, 613, 613, 4424, 4077, 2345, 3990, 420, 420, 420, 420, 2825, 2794, 4785, 4785, 4785, 4785, 670, 3040, 71, 4665, 4243, 3134, 3134, 532, 110, 4195, 4195, 2026, 2026, 3958, 3163, 4461, 3256, 409, 409, 409, 4911, 4770, 889, 635, 635, 635, 3267, 316, 316, 4077, 9, 382, 120, 2314, 3189, 1641, 347, 609, 3676, 3676, 3676, 3676, 3214, 1030, 1670, 258, 4055, 85, 1230, 958, 958, 958, 232, 232, 1341, 1538, 314, 37, 5, 4820, 2546, 677, 677, 3417, 3445, 966, 3877, 4840, 4187, 1210, 3189, 2607, 4660, 4660, 2149, 2044, 2044, 2044, 880, 880, 3094, 1788, 4264, 183, 2041, 3834, 3729, 4523, 158, 1666, 552, 464, 853, 853, 4435, 3016, 3503, 2187, 242, 231, 2751, 3633, 990, 990, 3687, 258, 2410, 433, 1283, 485, 2912, 2912, 1877, 2667, 3067, 3067, 300, 4895, 1550, 2948, 4077, 2761, 2508, 367, 944, 4738, 2839, 3650, 1938, 1938, 1938, 1938, 4116, 1447, 192, 2415, 2979, 3685, 3685, 3336, 3189, 270, 3076, 985, 985, 873, 873, 2801, 3846, 1125, 1456, 995, 4999, 4999, 4999, 4999, 1164, 3264, 3234, 1834, 4505, 3773, 2535, 2214, 2324, 872, 4944, 3143, 108, 3610, 4249, 2316, 4820, 4141, 177, 4730, 1210, 742, 4643, 4660, 4660, 654, 1215, 1215, 2132, 2132, 2132, 982, 4175, 2283, 2283, 1925, 3698, 3038, 3038, 892, 892, 375, 1155, 1155, 4014, 1952, 3570, 1279, 1279, 768, 768, 2008, 152, 411, 411, 1021, 389, 389, 389, 389, 1183, 1183, 2029, 3054, 2732, 743, 3545, 3895, 1829, 742, 41, 2531, 1809, 1809, 1809, 2577, 2577, 2577, 2577, 2323, 2323, 2323, 4725, 104, 1345, 1945, 1945, 2082, 2082, 2082, 4545, 4545, 4545, 3173, 3173, 2689, 1248, 4409, 2593, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.08023529411764706, 0.44129411764705884, 0.7421764705882352, 0.9026470588235294, 1.0631176470588235, 1.183470588235294, 1.7651764705882353, 2.0660588235294117, 2.2465882352941176, 2.8483529411764708, 2.968705882352941, 3.41, 3.771058823529412, 4.011764705882353, 4.112058823529412, 4.473117647058824, 4.6536470588235295, 4.974588235294118, 5.115, 5.215294117647058, 5.656588235294118, 5.8371176470588235, 6.138, 6.318529411764706 ]
[ 0.08023529411764706, 0.44129411764705884, 0.7421764705882352, 0.9026470588235294, 1.0631176470588235, 1.183470588235294, 1.7651764705882353, 2.0660588235294117, 2.2465882352941176, 2.828294117647059, 2.968705882352941, 3.41, 3.771058823529412, 4.011764705882353, 4.112058823529412, 4.473117647058824, 4.6536470588235295, 4.974588235294118, 5.115, 5.215294117647058, 5.656588235294118, 5.8371176470588235, 6.138, 6.318529411764706, 6.799941176470588 ]
This learning must start in our schools and universities and be nurtured across our societies.
this learning must start in our schools and universities and be nurtured across our societies.
[ "this", "learning", "must", "start", "in", "our", "schools", "and", "universities", "and", "be", "nurtured", "across", "our", "societies." ]
[ "this", "learning", "must", "start", "in", "our", "schools", "and", "universities", "and", "be", "nurtured", "across", "our", "societies" ]
[ "t h i s", "l e a r n i n g", "m u s t", "s t a r t", "i n", "o u r", "s c h o o l s", "a n d", "u n i v e r s i t i e s", "a n d", "b e", "n u r t u r e d", "a c r o s s", "o u r", "s o c i e t i e s" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 2114, 1335, 4720, 4310, 4310, 4310, 1457, 1457, 1457, 4310, 75, 75, 2026, 4924, 4182, 4461, 3759, 4631, 1507, 1599, 2535, 3863, 1836, 1836, 2251, 426, 2336, 2420, 4060, 4060, 4060, 4060, 4060, 4060, 1366, 1366, 616, 69, 3613, 4055, 3169, 3263, 1697, 1697, 4914, 4914, 3660, 2644, 2644, 3789, 3789, 3485, 775, 2447, 3295, 166, 3295, 163, 4924, 148, 363, 363, 4650, 4650, 206, 1807, 2535, 4037, 3065, 3271, 4049, 2559, 47, 1555, 1678, 1678, 1678, 865, 865, 865, 865, 2883, 616, 1442, 3965, 3567, 3109, 284, 1270, 712, 3398, 2707, 3487, 4909, 342, 342, 342, 904, 4849, 4849, 4849, 3996, 4446, 1417, 1666, 1666, 382, 521, 205, 205, 742, 2809, 4700, 4700, 4700, 4700, 717, 717, 717, 967, 3142, 4289, 3385, 1666, 2213, 4260, 3136, 3136, 2479, 1123, 3832, 4190, 289, 3938, 2485, 2485, 4403, 4403, 558, 2348, 839, 1005, 3096, 3096, 3497, 4929, 4929, 2387, 2387, 2387, 2387, 2387, 2387, 769, 769, 2963, 1275, 655, 2874, 2322, 2322, 1090, 1577, 3189, 1268, 3538, 1408, 1408, 1408, 500, 500, 3797, 3797, 3979, 292, 3385, 3830, 302, 302, 302, 145, 145, 3414, 3414, 4398, 163, 4811, 4811, 3388, 3388, 1151, 2026, 1586, 981, 4623, 2754, 1406, 108, 3610, 4249, 4117, 4819, 2811, 2741, 221, 566, 566, 3686, 2357, 1658, 152, 152, 411, 2142, 3041, 4487, 4361, 4487, 4487, 1580, 1977, 1923, 1657, 1657, 104, 614, 3311, 1783, 4239, 4239, 4419, 2523, 2523, 2730, 2730, 869, 1863, 1296, 1110, 1110, 894, 2205, 1340, 1340, 1203, 4153, 3189, 2939, 2746, 1594, 1594, 91, 231, 310, 2000, 1052, 1122, 1383, 1383, 1383, 1051, 683, 2227, 2535, 1666, 2213, 752, 3487, 4909, 342, 342, 904, 4849, 4849, 1316, 4446, 1417, 1666, 4721, 4721, 1746, 1746, 82, 1544, 1275, 3505, 2704, 4113, 4113, 4297, 4297, 4297, 1138, 1138, 2908, 3599, 3599, 3599, 2322, 1577, 860, 742, 3567, 3538, 2017, 1408, 1408, 500, 500, 3797, 3979, 608, 608, 536, 3830, 2152, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.5014890282131661, 1.1032758620689656, 1.3841097178683386, 1.765241379310345, 1.865539184952978, 2.1263134796238248, 2.547564263322884, 2.7281003134796236, 3.791257053291536, 4.072090909090909, 4.2125078369905955, 4.934652037617555, 5.355902821316615, 5.5765579937304075 ]
[ 0.5014890282131661, 1.1032758620689656, 1.3841097178683386, 1.765241379310345, 1.865539184952978, 2.1263134796238248, 2.547564263322884, 2.7281003134796236, 3.791257053291536, 4.072090909090909, 4.2125078369905955, 4.934652037617555, 5.355902821316615, 5.5765579937304075, 6.3789404388714726 ]
For example of course we must respond positively and urgently to the refugee crisis and of course we can and must help the farming sector through a very difficult period, but at the same time it is important that we neither get deflected from nor lose sight of
for example of course we must respond positively and urgently to the refugee crisis and of course we can and must help the farming sector through a very difficult period but at the same time it is important that we neither get deflected from nor lose sight of
[ "for", "example", "of", "course", "we", "must", "respond", "positively", "and", "urgently", "to", "the", "refugee", "crisis", "and", "of", "course", "we", "can", "and", "must", "help", "the", "farming", "sector", "through", "a", "very", "difficult", "period", "but", "at", "the", "same", "time", "it", "is", "important", "that", "we", "neither", "get", "deflected", "from", "nor", "lose", "sight", "of" ]
[ "for", "example", "of", "course", "we", "must", "respond", "positively", "and", "urgently", "to", "the", "refugee", "crisis", "and", "of", "course", "we", "can", "and", "must", "help", "the", "farming", "sector", "through", "a", "very", "difficult", "period", "but", "at", "the", "same", "time", "it", "is", "important", "that", "we", "neither", "get", "deflected", "from", "nor", "lose", "sight", "of" ]
[ "f o r", "e x a m p l e", "o f", "c o u r s e", "w e", "m u s t", "r e s p o n d", "p o s i t i v e l y", "a n d", "u r g e n t l y", "t o", "t h e", "r e f u g e e", "c r i s i s", "a n d", "o f", "c o u r s e", "w e", "c a n", "a n d", "m u s t", "h e l p", "t h e", "f a r m i n g", "s e c t o r", "t h r o u g h", "a", "v e r y", "d i f f i c u l t", "p e r i o d", "b u t", "a t", "t h e", "s a m e", "t i m e", "i t", "i s", "i m p o r t a n t", "t h a t", "w e", "n e i t h e r", "g e t", "d e f l e c t e d", "f r o m", "n o r", "l o s e", "s i g h t", "o f" ]
[ 1101, 361, 361, 1143, 1143, 1143, 1143, 1143, 1143, 1457, 1457, 645, 3958, 3958, 4658, 785, 3106, 840, 1344, 2441, 2441, 2524, 3877, 265, 1160, 1160, 1312, 1312, 4424, 4424, 2345, 3990, 2506, 2506, 2506, 2506, 2506, 2506, 2506, 2883, 1585, 4001, 1157, 1157, 595, 1916, 1916, 371, 371, 668, 668, 3346, 195, 4980, 4980, 315, 15, 15, 15, 15, 163, 15, 15, 374, 374, 2135, 3993, 4222, 374, 4621, 4621, 4621, 4621, 4621, 4621, 4621, 4621, 107, 107, 107, 408, 1981, 1981, 1981, 1981, 1280, 1280, 1981, 1981, 1981, 214, 214, 88, 3740, 2982, 2982, 2026, 2026, 981, 30, 4575, 1493, 1493, 965, 2277, 917, 381, 3766, 3718, 3387, 1371, 4426, 4426, 4426, 4426, 4426, 4426, 2735, 365, 365, 1869, 1869, 2640, 3530, 3530, 542, 542, 3954, 3954, 162, 162, 2152, 322, 4398, 1668, 4811, 166, 166, 166, 163, 166, 1683, 3677, 3677, 487, 2863, 1166, 3846, 3948, 148, 363, 363, 363, 4650, 4708, 4440, 4077, 2940, 658, 658, 4590, 2603, 937, 4988, 4988, 713, 1001, 4876, 9, 4019, 2173, 3987, 1339, 3303, 2784, 2784, 2784, 2784, 24, 2177, 4768, 3918, 37, 830, 830, 2812, 367, 452, 452, 4162, 4162, 4162, 4162, 2562, 1360, 1360, 472, 4777, 4777, 4777, 1090, 1577, 1268, 513, 4642, 4642, 4642, 4642, 283, 283, 2731, 2731, 494, 2055, 98, 814, 311, 587, 1247, 80, 2972, 3189, 781, 1097, 4112, 591, 591, 591, 1226, 2838, 604, 1634, 2740, 2740, 822, 4877, 4877, 4877, 4877, 4877, 1580, 1580, 514, 514, 4843, 1722, 3536, 4707, 3951, 3951, 2072, 339, 4994, 4883, 2732, 381, 3509, 2731, 4119, 494, 2055, 98, 814, 814, 153, 2183, 2183, 193, 1058, 63, 665, 698, 2655, 437, 4416, 424, 10, 4354, 4354, 1827, 1988, 4191, 831, 831, 831, 1111, 3279, 3279, 3535, 1763, 1763, 1763, 1763, 2582, 514, 2559, 4843, 3536, 728, 728, 1232, 1232, 4415, 2081, 3910, 1999, 91, 3766, 2000, 2174, 1052, 1122, 4699, 4699, 4699, 4699, 1765, 282, 3314, 1037, 4853, 2963, 121, 655, 3715, 901, 901, 901, 901, 1238, 1238, 3530, 2898, 4077, 145, 621, 3414, 3414, 61, 362, 362, 374, 374, 4222, 4222, 2756, 2756, 2756, 2200, 1619, 1619, 1619, 1619, 3306, 2135, 3993, 1619, 1619, 1578, 1619, 1619, 1849, 1981, 1981, 1981, 1981, 1864, 1864, 570, 570, 570, 2154, 3268, 312, 331, 30, 2754, 108, 3610, 3398, 1790, 1493, 384, 965, 917, 917, 2607, 560, 3718, 1371, 4426, 4426, 4426, 4426, 4426, 4426, 4426, 2735, 365, 365, 1869, 1869, 2640, 2640, 3530, 542, 542, 4100, 4100, 4100, 621, 621, 3414, 4398, 61, 4811, 4811, 4811, 122, 4389, 4389, 4389, 1707, 3401, 31, 1357, 1357, 1357, 532, 2030, 710, 3958, 3958, 331, 1683, 3677, 3677, 487, 2863, 2863, 4305, 581, 3766, 4633, 678, 1539, 2891, 2891, 2891, 2891, 2891, 2891, 2891, 2891, 1390, 1390, 1282, 834, 2002, 758, 80, 890, 890, 2411, 4112, 4112, 591, 591, 591, 591, 1226, 1226, 4694, 463, 604, 4728, 4728, 4429, 4429, 4429, 1895, 2767, 1130, 1130, 1130, 148, 995, 363, 363, 363, 363, 4650, 4650, 997, 997, 2640, 3717, 4433, 1458, 1458, 1458, 1458, 2333, 2333, 368, 212, 346, 346, 3190, 1481, 4811, 3557, 3557, 2220, 1286, 1286, 110, 110, 4195, 4195, 2026, 3117, 3692, 3692, 1415, 1102, 1102, 1102, 3616, 1062, 2462, 4818, 1588, 4903, 4903, 721, 4141, 3513, 177, 2690, 563, 2400, 43, 671, 2043, 180, 180, 180, 180, 4935, 2883, 2883, 3231, 697, 1404, 3637, 1605, 4687, 2308, 7, 3086, 2605, 782, 782, 760, 4876, 1069, 3914, 552, 1608, 2511, 2511, 2511, 2511, 4076, 4648, 4786, 4786, 2842, 1524, 1163, 1163, 653, 4767, 4767, 1907, 1907, 694, 740, 740, 4234, 380, 2463, 499, 499, 2034, 3589, 3589, 1592, 1592, 1592, 2222, 2222, 546, 432, 1677, 3612, 2868, 631, 2460, 2460, 519, 3309, 870, 4080, 274, 1041, 1041, 4101, 4202, 5, 3496, 3853, 3695, 3695, 3695, 2472, 3290, 2437, 2650, 2650, 2650, 1190, 2533, 517, 4071, 3219, 3219, 3219, 1187, 571, 4587, 4397, 687, 2607, 452, 1119, 4064, 4064, 4064, 4064, 748, 2392, 470, 870, 3304, 3304, 3304, 2937, 2937, 2937, 3346, 3240, 3240, 2205, 154, 2500, 2500, 1711, 15, 374, 1704, 4222, 374, 374, 374, 2250, 2756, 2756, 2756, 2756, 2756, 2026, 2756, 3993, 3993, 3993, 1619, 1578, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 72, 803, 803, 803, 803, 1572, 1572, 1572, 2822, 2822, 2822, 2154, 214, 527, 3958, 2026, 331, 1018, 1389, 125, 125, 4242, 1708, 3449, 175, 2127, 2127, 4131, 4131, 1862, 381, 2566, 4141, 10, 3368, 1109, 4876, 4077, 3914, 2704, 190, 2088, 2088, 2088, 2088, 2088, 2887, 1030, 1670, 258, 300, 4895, 270, 1359, 2657, 625, 625, 2113, 2113, 2113, 2113, 2113, 2113, 887, 887, 887, 3187, 3187, 3999, 3634, 3634, 151, 151, 2447, 2447, 945, 945, 945, 945, 2447, 2447, 2447, 166, 3744, 3744, 4623, 1297, 3357, 3357, 4328, 1285, 1285, 4266, 2213, 257, 4028, 1405, 2378, 820, 3563, 4508, 4591, 3189, 452, 2758, 619, 619, 619, 619, 2735, 365, 365, 1442, 4597, 2722, 2722, 2722, 3839, 339, 4994, 3470, 2559, 2566, 949, 1696, 3544, 3544, 1165, 2969, 168, 168, 168, 3677, 487, 487, 2863, 2863, 1658, 2008, 411, 2142, 3041, 1235, 1235, 1235, 1235, 1235, 1235, 1235, 1040, 2844, 2844, 963, 568, 910, 910, 2481, 777, 2559, 1223, 3024, 3725, 3725, 3725, 1024, 1024, 4818, 3189, 1725, 743, 4792, 1806, 798, 3849, 4852, 4340, 1787, 1787, 433, 572, 572, 1353, 1353, 1353, 563, 1815, 623, 146, 146, 1615, 1615, 1394, 2980, 2980, 3562, 3562, 407, 407, 4076, 4648, 4786, 4786, 2842, 1524, 3249, 1163, 341, 2381, 2381, 2381, 1558, 3198, 2014, 2199, 3883, 2734, 4635, 4635, 1615, 2943, 3953, 1399, 1399, 1399, 3539, 3539, 3539, 3539, 3539, 3539, 1879, 4904, 304, 2876, 893, 893, 2139, 2139, 2210, 4401, 610, 163, 399, 1252, 4243, 4243, 1245, 1245, 3913, 3913, 3913, 532, 828, 110, 4195, 4195, 3744, 1858, 2579, 2579, 2142, 2492, 2492, 2492, 2492, 2492, 4350, 178, 3340, 3340, 4026, 1170, 4052, 669, 669, 4344, 4344, 4344, 4344, 4344, 4344, 4344, 3742, 1293, 1293, 4050, 158, 4037, 4037, 1069, 1069, 3914, 2704, 190, 4528, 321, 321, 321, 321, 321, 495, 1173, 1173, 3373, 1878, 3078, 4952, 2740, 822, 1168, 1168, 1168, 1168, 1168, 1168, 1168, 1168, 1168, 3202, 3202, 3166, 3166, 3166, 718 ]
[ 0, 0.4403911290322581, 1.5213511730205278, 2.1018667521994137, 2.7024001099706743, 2.9426134530791788, 3.2028445747800585, 3.683271260997067, 4.40391129032258, 4.66414241202346, 5.304711326979472, 5.444835777126099, 5.564942448680351, 6.105422470674486, 7.106311400293254, 7.626773643695014, 7.706844758064515, 8.427484787390028, 8.80782258064516, 9.228195931085043, 9.608533724340175, 10.289138196480938, 10.689493768328445, 10.809600439882697, 11.31004490469208, 11.810489369501465, 12.09073826979472, 12.110756048387096, 12.370987170087975, 12.851413856304983, 13.792249450146626, 14.472853922287388, 14.572942815249265, 14.713067265395894, 15.013333944281523, 15.573831744868034, 15.814045087976538, 15.874098423753665, 16.4145784457478, 16.594738453079177, 16.734862903225803, 17.13521847507331, 17.435485153958943, 18.29624963343108, 18.91680076979472, 19.417245234604103, 19.77756524926686, 20.157903042521994 ]
[ 0.4403911290322581, 1.5213511730205278, 2.1018667521994137, 2.7024001099706743, 2.9426134530791788, 3.2028445747800585, 3.683271260997067, 4.40391129032258, 4.66414241202346, 5.304711326979472, 5.444835777126099, 5.564942448680351, 6.105422470674486, 7.106311400293254, 7.606755865102638, 7.706844758064515, 8.427484787390028, 8.80782258064516, 9.228195931085043, 9.608533724340175, 10.289138196480938, 10.689493768328445, 10.809600439882697, 11.31004490469208, 11.810489369501465, 12.070720491202344, 12.110756048387096, 12.370987170087975, 12.851413856304983, 13.792249450146626, 14.472853922287388, 14.572942815249265, 14.713067265395894, 15.013333944281523, 15.573831744868034, 15.794027309384163, 15.874098423753665, 16.4145784457478, 16.594738453079177, 16.734862903225803, 17.13521847507331, 17.435485153958943, 18.29624963343108, 18.91680076979472, 19.417245234604103, 19.77756524926686, 20.157903042521994, 20.45816972140762 ]
Mr President, I am pleased that this motion for a resolution was adopted by the House.
mr president i am pleased that this motion for a resolution was adopted by the house.
[ "mr", "president", "i", "am", "pleased", "that", "this", "motion", "for", "a", "resolution", "was", "adopted", "by", "the", "house." ]
[ "mr", "president", "i", "am", "pleased", "that", "this", "motion", "for", "a", "resolution", "was", "adopted", "by", "the", "house" ]
[ "m r", "p r e s i d e n t", "i", "a m", "p l e a s e d", "t h a t", "t h i s", "m o t i o n", "f o r", "a", "r e s o l u t i o n", "w a s", "a d o p t e d", "b y", "t h e", "h o u s e" ]
[ 4079, 4598, 2026, 76, 76, 76, 1511, 520, 2001, 742, 1504, 4466, 449, 449, 449, 449, 1624, 2489, 4886, 2903, 2453, 2453, 4095, 4929, 943, 943, 2505, 3016, 1666, 1191, 1191, 2683, 3175, 3683, 4183, 1673, 654, 4038, 2054, 2054, 2054, 2054, 3581, 4095, 4084, 367, 1150, 1479, 3493, 3493, 2072, 339, 4744, 89, 4952, 1729, 1729, 2737, 2737, 2395, 2133, 2133, 1501, 80, 890, 890, 2789, 794, 794, 2376, 2376, 857, 857, 1847, 2301, 2301, 2301, 569, 587, 587, 587, 1247, 80, 197, 197, 781, 1755, 1755, 1755, 1755, 1755, 1755, 304, 2876, 3905, 3905, 824, 775, 775, 3800, 3800, 742, 1604, 1792, 1435, 2670, 2026, 381, 4932, 263, 4150, 4150, 103, 103, 103, 103, 4619, 3322, 3322, 3559, 3559, 4594, 3786, 1477, 1477, 5, 949, 1696, 133, 1531, 1165, 2428, 231, 2268, 753, 138, 4490, 647, 1542, 1599, 1031, 4077, 462, 2940, 4208, 1204, 4011, 1456, 995, 4991, 4991, 4563, 644, 225, 4780, 3405, 1840, 222, 636, 1006, 283, 283, 1870, 4095, 1681, 2603, 2729, 4191, 4235, 4235, 2562, 613, 4424, 4424, 472, 3412, 3412, 1107, 1230, 2680, 2680, 2680, 2680, 3835, 225, 4780, 3405, 1840, 222, 821, 636, 2649, 3123, 954, 3691, 3896, 4807, 4807, 4144, 1613, 1613, 2335, 2713, 1705, 4077, 2213, 4607, 1008, 3165, 1617, 894, 433, 1283, 902, 3995, 3995, 3995, 2467, 2405, 2159, 2842, 3189, 1163, 1163, 341, 1256, 921, 364, 3054, 1897, 1897, 2026, 2607, 1373, 1976, 115, 115, 553, 1736, 4416, 424, 3102, 4816, 2412, 2412, 369, 4307, 725, 2586, 2586, 2709, 2709, 644, 683, 2227, 1666, 2204 ]
[ 0, 0.6825549610894941, 1.2848093385214006, 1.6260868190661477, 2.0075145914396884, 2.5093932392996106, 2.649919260700389, 2.8707458657587543, 3.232098492217898, 3.332474221789883, 3.3525493677042797, 3.8945783073929956, 4.115404912451361, 4.617283560311283, 4.777884727626459, 4.878260457198443 ]
[ 0.6825549610894941, 1.2848093385214006, 1.6260868190661477, 2.0075145914396884, 2.5093932392996106, 2.649919260700389, 2.8707458657587543, 3.232098492217898, 3.312399075875486, 3.332474221789883, 3.8945783073929956, 4.115404912451361, 4.617283560311283, 4.777884727626459, 4.878260457198443, 5.139237354085602 ]
Regarding Parliament Bank cooperation, Parliament repeats its call for regular dialogue between its relevant committees and the Bank, similar to the practices with the ECB, and strongly encourages that an interinstitutional agreement be concluded without further delay.
regarding parliament bank cooperation parliament repeats its call for regular dialogue between its relevant committees and the bank similar to the practices with the ecb and strongly encourages that an interinstitutional agreement be concluded without further delay.
[ "regarding", "parliament", "bank", "cooperation", "parliament", "repeats", "its", "call", "for", "regular", "dialogue", "between", "its", "relevant", "committees", "and", "the", "bank", "similar", "to", "the", "practices", "with", "the", "ecb", "and", "strongly", "encourages", "that", "an", "interinstitutional", "agreement", "be", "concluded", "without", "further", "delay." ]
[ "regarding", "parliament", "bank", "cooperation", "parliament", "repeats", "its", "call", "for", "regular", "dialogue", "between", "its", "relevant", "committees", "and", "the", "bank", "similar", "to", "the", "practices", "with", "the", "ecb", "and", "strongly", "encourages", "that", "an", "interinstitutional", "agreement", "be", "concluded", "without", "further", "delay" ]
[ "r e g a r d i n g", "p a r l i a m e n t", "b a n k", "c o o p e r a t i o n", "p a r l i a m e n t", "r e p e a t s", "i t s", "c a l l", "f o r", "r e g u l a r", "d i a l o g u e", "b e t w e e n", "i t s", "r e l e v a n t", "c o m m i t t e e s", "a n d", "t h e", "b a n k", "s i m i l a r", "t o", "t h e", "p r a c t i c e s", "w i t h", "t h e", "e c b", "a n d", "s t r o n g l y", "e n c o u r a g e s", "t h a t", "a n", "i n t e r i n s t i t u t i o n a l", "a g r e e m e n t", "b e", "c o n c l u d e d", "w i t h o u t", "f u r t h e r", "d e l a y" ]
[ 1101, 361, 1143, 1143, 1143, 914, 828, 524, 710, 4195, 2026, 2234, 3547, 3547, 1330, 937, 2284, 2284, 4626, 1710, 1206, 2272, 3070, 1381, 1381, 1381, 1381, 1381, 2914, 2121, 1977, 1923, 2171, 4184, 3169, 501, 473, 2379, 156, 3771, 4591, 2812, 1206, 102, 116, 3735, 3301, 3301, 3301, 2914, 4391, 3243, 4960, 1989, 1989, 2944, 4134, 1067, 2539, 4813, 1146, 339, 4744, 2959, 2970, 276, 2811, 53, 394, 2599, 2599, 2599, 3970, 1624, 2489, 4886, 383, 3189, 714, 805, 4293, 4293, 4293, 1628, 3607, 3302, 3302, 3302, 3672, 3672, 595, 231, 2820, 1380, 1380, 1380, 593, 4469, 1198, 1808, 1808, 3690, 1573, 19, 225, 4780, 3405, 419, 1840, 4392, 3534, 3534, 3122, 2649, 4681, 2210, 2039, 3087, 315, 742, 315, 399, 15, 1711, 1711, 374, 374, 374, 374, 374, 374, 4222, 2756, 2026, 4222, 3042, 3042, 248, 248, 4940, 4940, 4940, 4940, 3215, 2756, 2885, 2885, 4940, 2756, 2756, 4940, 4940, 3416, 2885, 1714, 3740, 3215, 4940, 4940, 3740, 3740, 3740, 1714, 1714, 3740, 520, 3227, 2670, 2670, 2026, 1724, 116, 3735, 3301, 3301, 3301, 2121, 4652, 3243, 1989, 1989, 1989, 2944, 4134, 2539, 249, 2765, 1146, 339, 1709, 1686, 1145, 658, 4590, 2603, 937, 2284, 2284, 4626, 2753, 2096, 2812, 3189, 742, 53, 4964, 4964, 4964, 4964, 1350, 3373, 3711, 2027, 273, 2905, 257, 4226, 726, 3444, 3668, 3668, 3411, 2019, 213, 1829, 559, 805, 3873, 1385, 1385, 1385, 1385, 1385, 2755, 1115, 2851, 2851, 4233, 3040, 2593, 3087, 399, 399, 399, 399, 163, 1128, 4389, 1128, 140, 140, 72, 1357, 1357, 1357, 1357, 3415, 1716, 912, 912, 4195, 3958, 4658, 785, 3106, 3106, 840, 1883, 1883, 247, 1316, 1316, 2325, 1501, 80, 4852, 4852, 2425, 3547, 3547, 1132, 1132, 1132, 3476, 4191, 2563, 2563, 2563, 2563, 3879, 4124, 428, 844, 844, 3386, 3386, 4960, 4960, 4930, 4930, 223, 1992, 693, 2970, 2849, 3326, 2212, 1283, 3960, 3960, 3960, 3960, 4417, 2908, 3510, 3510, 3510, 1072, 3818, 4960, 227, 3307, 3307, 3307, 3307, 3307, 3307, 2317, 2317, 3499, 2664, 2970, 2970, 184, 3060, 3060, 848, 324, 4023, 742, 114, 4738, 2196, 2196, 3188, 3188, 3188, 35, 2168, 2298, 4190, 2002, 3896, 4852, 4941, 2425, 2425, 1626, 1132, 2729, 1988, 4191, 4235, 4235, 4235, 1437, 317, 1197, 4610, 4610, 4929, 4929, 596, 596, 3951, 2072, 339, 4744, 1447, 1686, 4952, 337, 3922, 3922, 3757, 2357, 4907, 4183, 4183, 439, 3922, 3922, 3757, 2081, 438, 4305, 742, 559, 805, 434, 434, 2733, 436, 436, 2375, 2375, 2678, 2678, 4070, 216, 4390, 357, 1408, 500, 3797, 4499, 1764, 67, 706, 706, 872, 245, 890, 890, 890, 890, 4641, 1510, 4112, 591, 591, 591, 591, 1226, 4694, 3980, 4728, 4728, 3470, 2047, 4035, 3102, 177, 4730, 1060, 3327, 53, 3574, 2599, 2599, 2599, 2599, 3970, 1624, 2489, 2489, 4886, 2732, 2732, 935, 3213, 142, 3295, 2593, 4389, 4389, 4389, 2778, 166, 166, 163, 4195, 252, 1332, 101, 2110, 1069, 313, 1892, 620, 2718, 2718, 440, 1947, 2776, 2776, 2776, 2776, 4930, 4930, 910, 1992, 2183, 860, 3567, 665, 698, 2655, 437, 3350, 3347, 2086, 177, 2261, 2096, 231, 1724, 4660, 654, 243, 243, 243, 243, 4076, 2802, 2359, 2842, 1524, 1163, 477, 477, 477, 4214, 1554, 1275, 2905, 3715, 4832, 4839, 650, 70, 4318, 3886, 4599, 2186, 551, 2833, 4973, 318, 1140, 1140, 3748, 283, 2849, 2849, 3347, 832, 1445, 1209, 1209, 4885, 1247, 80, 890, 742, 2666, 2552, 4228, 4228, 4228, 4228, 2081, 2622, 1914, 1010, 2535, 313, 2429, 3922, 416, 416, 1556, 2081, 438, 1591, 3327, 1206, 53, 3922, 1232, 1232, 1232, 2416, 311, 884, 2377, 4409, 3087, 2593, 315, 315, 399, 399, 4389, 4389, 4389, 4389, 4389, 140, 140, 140, 140, 3305, 1357, 1357, 1357, 1039, 1357, 23, 23, 2030, 28, 312, 1586, 2391, 2754, 1406, 108, 68, 4249, 4834, 760, 1275, 382, 382, 120, 2314, 2314, 347, 347, 347, 609, 919, 919, 919, 919, 2426, 1598, 3682, 1490, 3455, 3789, 2731, 4541, 663, 663, 3590, 2409, 2378, 661, 735, 2659, 4591, 3189, 559, 559, 3387, 2497, 4689, 4689, 4689, 4689, 123, 3558, 4136, 4136, 2582, 2582, 3638, 3638, 1722, 3536, 1609, 4908, 4908, 4908, 70, 536, 3830, 3830, 3294, 1311, 634, 4811, 4811, 4811, 4389, 4389, 1128, 1245, 1245, 3913, 3913, 23, 828, 2030, 28, 4195, 2026, 2234, 2001, 2001, 4182, 4377, 949, 1696, 133, 133, 133, 1531, 1529, 4073, 1812, 1812, 4718, 589, 2687, 4190, 4990, 4429, 890, 890, 890, 890, 2666, 4967, 459, 459, 1917, 2614, 194, 3938, 4336, 860, 742, 3567, 4097, 1740, 86, 1975, 3941, 2325, 3050, 80, 1630, 3963, 459, 1917, 2218, 2614, 1926, 1926, 1666, 2187, 3065, 242, 4092, 3813, 3813, 3813, 3813, 4023, 231, 114, 3592, 3592, 3592, 3592, 3592, 3835, 225, 4780, 3405, 1275, 2256, 2256, 3300, 3300, 2309, 2309, 4357, 4357, 2041, 1566, 4333, 3566, 4840, 3165, 2481, 1710, 777, 126, 4622, 984, 984, 4525, 4525, 4525, 1350, 3144, 697, 1067, 2539, 249, 4813, 339, 2215, 1709, 1686, 2007, 3849, 4340, 1787, 1787, 1440, 231, 53, 2958, 3697, 3697, 3686, 2081, 1999, 4305, 4186, 1000, 4986, 909, 909, 3389, 488, 2099, 55, 3317, 305, 2445, 1998, 1998, 1998, 1998, 44, 4706, 4736, 106, 4901, 4434, 4434, 3198, 1110, 1100, 2007, 142, 2593, 3295, 399, 2220, 2220, 2220, 122, 166, 163, 166, 3744, 3744, 3744, 1683, 1683, 29, 1284, 1284, 318, 1140, 1140, 3748, 540, 3326, 3833, 757, 757, 757, 757, 757, 2075, 58, 2029, 131, 2732, 2636, 2007, 3849, 3849, 4852, 3849, 166, 163, 4658, 4120, 4120, 1615, 1615, 2923, 1868, 1868, 1868, 1868, 1868, 1977, 1040, 4537, 3350, 963, 568, 4232, 86, 1501, 1501, 1501, 4852, 4852, 4852, 4340, 1787, 2849, 1206, 3522, 572, 1353, 1353, 2128, 3818, 275, 227, 2105, 2105, 550, 550, 550, 4545, 3173, 3173, 266, 266, 4980, 3087, 315, 315, 315, 315, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.8208208640674394, 1.3013013698630136, 1.5215216016859852, 2.822822971548999, 3.843844046364594, 4.304304531085353, 4.4644646996838775, 5.005005268703899, 5.525525816649104, 6.086086406743941, 6.626626975763962, 7.04704741833509, 7.187187565858799, 7.767768177028451, 8.488488935721813, 8.76876923076923, 8.888889357218124, 9.329329820864068, 9.869870389884088, 9.969970495258167, 10.090090621707061, 10.69069125395153, 10.890891464699683, 11.09109167544784, 11.931932560590093, 12.452453108535302, 12.932933614330874, 13.833834562697577, 14.234234984193888, 14.434435194942044, 15.715716543730244, 16.256257112750262, 16.45645732349842, 17.17717808219178, 17.85785879873551, 18.398399367755534 ]
[ 0.8208208640674394, 1.3013013698630136, 1.5215216016859852, 2.822822971548999, 3.843844046364594, 4.304304531085353, 4.4644646996838775, 5.005005268703899, 5.525525816649104, 6.086086406743941, 6.626626975763962, 7.04704741833509, 7.167167544783983, 7.767768177028451, 8.488488935721813, 8.76876923076923, 8.888889357218124, 9.329329820864068, 9.869870389884088, 9.969970495258167, 10.090090621707061, 10.69069125395153, 10.890891464699683, 11.09109167544784, 11.931932560590093, 12.452453108535302, 12.932933614330874, 13.833834562697577, 14.234234984193888, 14.434435194942044, 15.715716543730244, 16.256257112750262, 16.45645732349842, 17.17717808219178, 17.85785879873551, 18.398399367755534, 18.978979978925185 ]
You give Mr Putin too much credit.
you give mr putin too much credit.
[ "you", "give", "mr", "putin", "too", "much", "credit." ]
[ "you", "give", "mr", "putin", "too", "much", "credit" ]
[ "y o u", "g i v e", "m r", "p u t i n", "t o o", "m u c h", "c r e d i t" ]
[ 4079, 3156, 4122, 4423, 512, 4312, 988, 988, 3161, 2801, 132, 4495, 777, 1186, 1223, 3281, 2553, 2553, 3056, 1318, 3466, 2020, 1014, 202, 943, 943, 2505, 2505, 4440, 2187, 242, 2559, 2683, 3175, 910, 3683, 2261, 231, 3170, 2973, 3865, 1459, 1459, 1459, 307, 44, 44, 4706, 1442, 2607, 270, 2646, 1356, 4359, 4286, 4286, 3687, 4108, 685, 894, 944, 1359, 4375, 985, 3624, 3624, 3624, 2801, 2801, 3846, 1125, 202, 148, 751, 751, 751, 2448, 2448, 1974, 4797, 4077, 2019, 213, 3766, 2000, 2174, 1052, 1122, 2611, 2611, 2611, 2611, 4070, 2171, 2073, 4219, 215, 215, 215, 2656, 3817, 3817, 2869, 1480, 4625, 4625, 2026, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.22198050458715593, 0.44396100917431186, 0.7264816513761467, 1.190622706422018, 1.3924231651376147, 1.6547637614678896 ]
[ 0.22198050458715593, 0.44396100917431186, 0.7264816513761467, 1.190622706422018, 1.3924231651376147, 1.6547637614678896, 2.1794449541284404 ]
capacities and institutions in order to improve the quality of life.
capacities and institutions in order to improve the quality of life.
[ "capacities", "and", "institutions", "in", "order", "to", "improve", "the", "quality", "of", "life." ]
[ "capacities", "and", "institutions", "in", "order", "to", "improve", "the", "quality", "of", "life" ]
[ "c a p a c i t i e s", "a n d", "i n s t i t u t i o n s", "i n", "o r d e r", "t o", "i m p r o v e", "t h e", "q u a l i t y", "o f", "l i f e" ]
[ 2204, 2204, 640, 755, 755, 755, 755, 755, 755, 2133, 2133, 1694, 581, 2026, 3766, 714, 805, 4530, 4530, 750, 1210, 2026, 2973, 452, 2421, 2421, 2421, 2421, 4708, 2963, 121, 655, 2874, 2322, 2322, 1090, 4023, 3189, 3249, 3538, 2017, 1408, 1408, 1408, 3859, 3797, 3797, 4499, 4287, 67, 67, 1011, 872, 1365, 197, 197, 3143, 1097, 3136, 4381, 4381, 1461, 2838, 3980, 3980, 3980, 3980, 4728, 4728, 4728, 2811, 2007, 455, 455, 245, 197, 1904, 2666, 4967, 459, 459, 3908, 2614, 194, 1926, 2535, 3065, 242, 1641, 2751, 3813, 3813, 3813, 324, 4023, 2026, 231, 270, 2877, 3592, 3592, 3592, 3835, 3835, 225, 4780, 3405, 3405, 419, 222, 4392, 1411, 1411, 60, 4532, 4532, 809, 4655, 2292, 991, 67, 1275, 1011, 65, 872, 245, 197, 3963, 287, 2793, 2793, 1949, 366, 1559, 2707, 822, 2394, 2394, 2394, 825, 1313, 1502, 1502, 1502, 1992, 2183, 894, 1550, 2948, 1401, 885, 1292, 1395, 1019, 4185, 4185, 4659, 1405, 3908, 820, 3563, 4508, 4591, 3170, 1673, 2790, 2790, 2044, 2044, 2044, 2044, 880, 880, 1407, 3855, 104, 4132, 2086, 729, 124, 2, 581, 2026, 310, 2902, 3696, 1649, 3274, 3274, 3274, 2141, 4147, 478, 3005, 2322, 1090, 2559, 1268, 1268, 2017, 1036, 1036, 2540, 4946, 587, 1247, 1492, 197, 2939, 64, 2331, 4789, 4789, 4789, 2968, 3912, 745, 137, 137, 137, 1300, 1300, 2251, 426, 1430, 2420, 2420, 240, 240, 240, 240, 1236, 2122, 3680, 3680, 1271, 1271, 1147, 1147, 1147, 1581, 2152, 4625, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 1.0843943877551019, 1.4659405612244896, 2.5101721938775508, 2.710985969387755, 2.911799744897959, 3.0925321428571424, 3.5142410714285712, 3.634729336734693, 4.136763775510203, 4.397821683673469 ]
[ 1.0843943877551019, 1.4659405612244896, 2.5101721938775508, 2.710985969387755, 2.911799744897959, 3.0925321428571424, 3.5142410714285712, 3.634729336734693, 4.136763775510203, 4.397821683673469, 4.89985612244898 ]
And if someone has a different opinion, if President Trump decided on a different approach, it would have to be respected.
and if someone has a different opinion if president trump decided on a different approach it would have to be respected.
[ "and", "if", "someone", "has", "a", "different", "opinion", "if", "president", "trump", "decided", "on", "a", "different", "approach", "it", "would", "have", "to", "be", "respected." ]
[ "and", "if", "someone", "has", "a", "different", "opinion", "if", "president", "trump", "decided", "on", "a", "different", "approach", "it", "would", "have", "to", "be", "respected" ]
[ "a n d", "i f", "s o m e o n e", "h a s", "a", "d i f f e r e n t", "o p i n i o n", "i f", "p r e s i d e n t", "t r u m p", "d e c i d e d", "o n", "a", "d i f f e r e n t", "a p p r o a c h", "i t", "w o u l d", "h a v e", "t o", "b e", "r e s p e c t e d" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 1335, 1335, 4720, 4720, 524, 1066, 1066, 1886, 2026, 2281, 1249, 2666, 4364, 4105, 4105, 4105, 4105, 4105, 4105, 1226, 4776, 4776, 4694, 3034, 4210, 3980, 4728, 4728, 2636, 977, 1275, 3472, 3472, 3472, 3472, 1340, 1340, 4398, 4398, 1668, 1668, 4811, 166, 166, 166, 1262, 912, 1249, 3125, 1202, 1202, 474, 474, 4159, 316, 316, 316, 2110, 2110, 3914, 2704, 4887, 4887, 3239, 1310, 1800, 1295, 1295, 1155, 3700, 2991, 2991, 2991, 2991, 33, 4768, 834, 3284, 4044, 1149, 3805, 395, 395, 3939, 999, 1434, 1434, 2573, 3466, 745, 745, 3632, 2330, 890, 197, 781, 2746, 859, 859, 1513, 1513, 1513, 3910, 4202, 1367, 1568, 2811, 3522, 3695, 3695, 3695, 1195, 2472, 3279, 3535, 3319, 3319, 1071, 1071, 1071, 2639, 3951, 1006, 1006, 1313, 883, 1008, 3165, 4187, 1210, 2812, 742, 4643, 452, 1880, 1880, 1880, 1880, 4982, 2348, 1548, 3613, 2070, 2070, 1148, 1148, 1148, 2626, 2626, 1379, 2288, 1979, 1979, 2911, 443, 443, 2039, 128, 128, 1651, 1651, 1651, 372, 372, 3958, 1886, 2026, 1249, 4826, 1202, 1202, 1202, 474, 474, 4159, 4159, 137, 137, 137, 3849, 1635, 1635, 687, 687, 742, 1673, 2790, 4038, 2673, 2054, 2562, 3207, 3207, 3207, 765, 4359, 4359, 4609, 3453, 339, 4744, 4744, 2559, 4291, 3237, 4374, 4374, 4512, 4274, 2228, 4174, 4174, 4174, 24, 1295, 300, 3799, 3522, 572, 837, 618, 618, 237, 1275, 3914, 2704, 4528, 4528, 2931, 2175, 2175, 3581, 2171, 2171, 106, 1256, 1256, 921, 364, 2734, 2734, 4635, 838, 840, 1883, 1883, 247, 247, 4383, 693, 3665, 3665, 3496, 3695, 3695, 3695, 1195, 2472, 3279, 3535, 3319, 3319, 652, 1071, 1071, 2639, 2639, 2639, 596, 4609, 4609, 624, 3264, 2215, 1709, 1709, 3249, 977, 3472, 3190, 142, 2593, 3557, 1252, 3134, 3134, 1286, 828, 2030, 4195, 912, 1886, 2026, 1249, 1510, 4851, 4851, 4851, 4187, 4907, 2607, 894, 1673, 4660, 654, 654, 2555, 2555, 2555, 2555, 2555, 2555, 2797, 4892, 771, 771, 4524, 2461, 2461, 3235, 3235, 733, 733, 1117, 1117, 4398, 1481, 2967, 163, 3557, 1639, 1286, 23, 2827, 28, 3958, 2026, 2281, 1249, 4364, 4364, 3357, 679, 2601, 1972, 2007, 2676, 1149, 1149, 3072, 1007, 395, 3939, 3939, 1434, 1434, 1434, 4484, 2573, 2405, 4339, 4154, 4229, 1191, 1401, 4906, 2130, 2130, 4696, 2741, 221, 2958, 566, 3686, 1074, 2603, 3260, 937, 4552, 4626, 1001, 1417, 2535, 4308, 2173, 3987, 2927, 2192, 3303, 2470, 2470, 3119, 3119, 4076, 2802, 1328, 2359, 2842, 1524, 2559, 341, 4901, 1256, 1558, 3198, 3198, 3240, 922, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.8219203163017031, 1.1627165450121655, 1.6237937956204378, 1.904449513381995, 2.0848710462287103, 2.565995133819951, 3.267634428223844, 3.648524330900243, 4.089554744525548, 4.370210462287105, 4.891428223844282, 5.011709245742092, 5.031756082725061, 5.77348905109489, 6.675596715328466, 6.9762992700729916, 7.0765334549878345, 7.297048661800486, 7.417329683698297, 7.537610705596107 ]
[ 0.8219203163017031, 1.1627165450121655, 1.6237937956204378, 1.904449513381995, 2.0848710462287103, 2.565995133819951, 3.267634428223844, 3.648524330900243, 4.089554744525548, 4.370210462287105, 4.891428223844282, 4.991662408759123, 5.031756082725061, 5.77348905109489, 6.675596715328466, 6.956252433090024, 7.0564866180048655, 7.297048661800486, 7.417329683698297, 7.537610705596107, 8.219203163017031 ]
With the adoption of the regulation on animal breeding, specific measures have also been introduced, including for the preservation of the genetic diversity in livestock and equidae.
with the adoption of the regulation on animal breeding specific measures have also been introduced including for the preservation of the genetic diversity in livestock and equidae.
[ "with", "the", "adoption", "of", "the", "regulation", "on", "animal", "breeding", "specific", "measures", "have", "also", "been", "introduced", "including", "for", "the", "preservation", "of", "the", "genetic", "diversity", "in", "livestock", "and", "equidae." ]
[ "with", "the", "adoption", "of", "the", "regulation", "on", "animal", "breeding", "specific", "measures", "have", "also", "been", "introduced", "including", "for", "the", "preservation", "of", "the", "genetic", "diversity", "in", "livestock", "and", "equidae" ]
[ "w i t h", "t h e", "a d o p t i o n", "o f", "t h e", "r e g u l a t i o n", "o n", "a n i m a l", "b r e e d i n g", "s p e c i f i c", "m e a s u r e s", "h a v e", "a l s o", "b e e n", "i n t r o d u c e d", "i n c l u d i n g", "f o r", "t h e", "p r e s e r v a t i o n", "o f", "t h e", "g e n e t i c", "d i v e r s i t y", "i n", "l i v e s t o c k", "a n d", "e q u i d a e" ]
[ 2204, 1010, 121, 3762, 3762, 2066, 2066, 3128, 3128, 3128, 57, 57, 391, 391, 3485, 2697, 2697, 4973, 4973, 318, 1140, 1140, 3748, 3207, 4247, 1477, 4132, 3347, 1064, 100, 100, 4885, 1687, 3441, 2746, 4851, 4851, 4851, 1617, 3665, 3496, 902, 3995, 3995, 3995, 3672, 3737, 3821, 3821, 556, 556, 3405, 419, 1840, 222, 4392, 821, 636, 2649, 834, 2707, 64, 3516, 4789, 2968, 2997, 3855, 199, 2268, 3347, 3102, 729, 4354, 448, 448, 2563, 2563, 2563, 2563, 3879, 3249, 4124, 844, 1691, 1691, 1691, 1691, 1078, 1198, 1808, 3690, 3690, 1573, 19, 3430, 225, 1275, 3405, 3405, 419, 222, 4392, 821, 821, 3122, 2649, 2160, 2160, 834, 3284, 758, 1492, 2939, 332, 2263, 3180, 4430, 4430, 3777, 4768, 834, 4990, 1492, 1291, 187, 4086, 4086, 2300, 839, 1005, 465, 465, 465, 1947, 1404, 2618, 2645, 183, 2041, 768, 3834, 1591, 2164, 3133, 2026, 739, 1498, 323, 323, 4323, 4323, 4323, 4268, 1013, 1350, 4196, 4196, 2171, 3665, 2073, 3169, 1605, 1182, 1697, 1697, 4914, 4914, 3660, 3660, 150, 150, 2210, 4401, 2593, 71, 399, 1252, 1943, 72, 1245, 3913, 532, 828, 2030, 4195, 4195, 252, 1332, 101, 4019, 2173, 3987, 2026, 3303, 3643, 3643, 3643, 3643, 237, 1275, 121, 655, 2874, 1195, 1195, 1195, 4907, 2559, 2437, 2773, 2773, 2773, 1190, 2533, 1616, 2612, 1014, 4011, 308, 2993, 3937, 3937, 3937, 4221, 4221, 4221, 1775, 1775, 4239, 2401, 2401, 525, 525, 4499, 1764, 3385, 2535, 65, 1785, 1149, 1149, 1007, 889, 889, 635, 635, 2573, 3267, 3652, 276, 276, 221, 1264, 1264, 1264, 1264, 3171, 2168, 4990, 4185, 4967, 459, 459, 3908, 2218, 4109, 1447, 104, 4097, 1740, 1740, 2588, 324, 3665, 3665, 2389, 1582, 1582, 1582, 1582, 1582, 1582, 1819, 1819, 4345, 1869, 1869, 2640, 3717, 1458, 1458, 1458, 2333, 368, 368, 346, 1481, 1915, 3557, 4243, 234, 234, 234, 1400, 1400, 3844, 3268, 1586, 981, 3125, 1405, 3908, 253, 253, 2099, 4591, 5, 3317, 2445, 2445, 1998, 1998, 1998, 1998, 1998, 1819, 825, 825, 2171, 2073, 2073, 1605, 1182, 160, 2610, 2610, 4914, 3660, 3660, 150, 150, 3896, 3896, 4852, 4941, 4120, 4635, 4635, 3106, 2595, 1883, 1883, 1508, 247, 247, 2477, 1414, 4416, 3347, 2632, 4730, 2261, 2812, 3189, 2607, 1673, 2790, 2054, 2054, 2054, 2562, 1360, 1275, 472, 3093, 3093, 3093, 1516, 3497, 952, 1870, 3609, 1198, 1808, 3690, 3690, 1573, 3430, 3430, 225, 4780, 18, 419, 1840, 222, 4392, 3534, 3534, 3122, 2649, 2649, 4844, 4844, 4844, 4681, 2210, 4401, 2593, 586, 4665, 1252, 1943, 1943, 1245, 1245, 3913, 3913, 532, 3844, 1436, 3268, 2026, 30, 64, 2331, 4789, 2968, 3912, 3855, 4561, 3470, 3470, 742, 2566, 3347, 1448, 2575, 2575, 2575, 2575, 2133, 1501, 3896, 3896, 4340, 2849, 4055, 3138, 286, 2097, 2499, 1334, 666, 2300, 839, 1005, 2597, 3418, 3418, 4542, 1577, 860, 742, 894, 3109, 2773, 2773, 2773, 3176, 2138, 2664, 742, 433, 1283, 976, 976, 976, 976, 1736, 1736, 952, 1870, 2868, 2387, 2387, 2387, 2387, 1580, 769, 4853, 2963, 1275, 121, 655, 2874, 2322, 2322, 1090, 1577, 860, 3189, 3567, 2017, 1036, 3043, 4946, 4705, 80, 742, 3963, 287, 4856, 4856, 1949, 712, 3832, 824, 824, 775, 775, 3800, 3800, 3800, 1604, 122, 1604, 1604, 2026, 1586, 1604, 2281, 229, 738, 2336, 240, 240, 240, 2175, 1173, 2217, 2217, 316, 316, 316, 382, 382, 1084, 3194, 3271, 231, 47, 1555, 2266, 2266, 2266, 4827, 4827, 3176, 383, 383, 935, 1365, 890, 163, 781, 781, 1097, 4381, 4381, 4381, 1461, 4694, 3980, 604, 4728, 4192, 4571, 3800, 1262, 1262, 1262, 890, 1045, 2411, 1169, 1169, 4679, 2802, 1743, 383, 2138, 1616, 1870, 1870, 2782, 4902, 1575, 1826, 4196, 3665, 2073, 3496, 1276, 4824, 4824, 4824, 4824, 533, 3172, 3172, 2016, 266, 922, 922, 4625, 4625, 4625, 1003, 99, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.5008064516129032, 0.6610645161290322, 1.2019354838709677, 1.3221290322580643, 1.4623548387096774, 2.2235806451612903, 2.443935483870968, 2.8445806451612903, 3.585774193548387, 4.3069354838709675, 4.787709677419354, 4.947967741935484, 5.028096774193548, 5.188354838709677, 6.04974193548387, 6.8710645161290325, 7.111451612903226, 7.251677419354838, 8.253290322580645, 8.613870967741935, 8.854258064516129, 9.435193548387097, 10.156354838709676, 10.49690322580645, 11.258129032258065, 11.59867741935484 ]
[ 0.5008064516129032, 0.6610645161290322, 1.2019354838709677, 1.3221290322580643, 1.4623548387096774, 2.2235806451612903, 2.443935483870968, 2.8445806451612903, 3.585774193548387, 4.3069354838709675, 4.787709677419354, 4.927935483870968, 5.008064516129032, 5.188354838709677, 6.04974193548387, 6.8710645161290325, 7.111451612903226, 7.251677419354838, 8.253290322580645, 8.613870967741935, 8.854258064516129, 9.435193548387097, 10.156354838709676, 10.49690322580645, 11.258129032258065, 11.59867741935484, 12.399967741935482 ]
MH17. Handing over one of the key suspects, Mr Tsemakh, to Moscow was very painful, not only for the victims but also for their families.
seventeen handing over one of the key suspects mr tsemakh to moscow was very painful not only for the victims but also for their families.
[ "seventeen", "handing", "over", "one", "of", "the", "key", "suspects", "mr", "tsemakh", "to", "moscow", "was", "very", "painful", "not", "only", "for", "the", "victims", "but", "also", "for", "their", "families." ]
[ "seventeen", "handing", "over", "one", "of", "the", "key", "suspects", "mr", "tsemakh", "to", "moscow", "was", "very", "painful", "not", "only", "for", "the", "victims", "but", "also", "for", "their", "families" ]
[ "s e v e n t e e n", "h a n d i n g", "o v e r", "o n e", "o f", "t h e", "k e y", "s u s p e c t s", "m r", "t s e m a k h", "t o", "m o s c o w", "w a s", "v e r y", "p a i n f u l", "n o t", "o n l y", "f o r", "t h e", "v i c t i m s", "b u t", "a l s o", "f o r", "t h e i r", "f a m i l i e s" ]
[ 2204, 2204, 2260, 1232, 1232, 1232, 1232, 4415, 2416, 1906, 1906, 266, 266, 4980, 4980, 4980, 4980, 2039, 931, 315, 288, 288, 374, 2026, 2250, 92, 3796, 3796, 3587, 3587, 3587, 574, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 72, 803, 1572, 1572, 1572, 1572, 1572, 1572, 1572, 2822, 2822, 2822, 2822, 570, 2822, 2822, 2822, 214, 214, 214, 3740, 774, 2085, 2026, 2026, 3117, 3692, 3934, 3934, 3139, 3139, 3139, 2451, 913, 496, 2854, 3793, 2682, 4055, 4825, 1605, 501, 2610, 2610, 4976, 4200, 435, 2740, 822, 822, 1664, 1664, 1664, 1664, 1571, 1571, 1571, 695, 695, 695, 484, 147, 1403, 1403, 1782, 1782, 1426, 1426, 414, 414, 4234, 2117, 3649, 1346, 1345, 2031, 4860, 4860, 4860, 33, 839, 2707, 4833, 4778, 4778, 3315, 3855, 4561, 4132, 3347, 2632, 124, 2, 91, 581, 3189, 2559, 4633, 3272, 3272, 3272, 3272, 3757, 4415, 2081, 2622, 1914, 4876, 4037, 2119, 3505, 552, 1608, 3460, 2403, 2403, 4244, 1051, 1051, 2881, 4697, 4440, 462, 4308, 2173, 3987, 2927, 231, 3303, 2470, 2470, 4628, 3119, 96, 96, 4076, 823, 3176, 2559, 2354, 3773, 1275, 3411, 2940, 2324, 2612, 1204, 3807, 2990, 943, 943, 2505, 2505, 3016, 2535, 2187, 242, 3249, 1191, 2683, 3175, 910, 1992, 324, 4023, 231, 1550, 4523, 1359, 3914, 2704, 190, 1070, 4628, 4628, 666, 3581, 1947, 1404, 4039, 4039, 3728, 3312, 3312, 970, 4322, 719, 129, 3644, 3644, 3644, 3644, 3644, 4702, 3849, 2852, 166, 687, 742, 1550, 3076, 665, 3419, 1395, 1395, 2006, 1125, 3948, 1456, 995, 2380, 2738, 3428, 1051, 1051, 2227, 4440, 1275, 462, 4308, 4043, 2927, 2809, 2809, 1515, 4337, 3745, 3745, 3745, 3745, 2423, 2423, 2423, 3211, 57, 57, 1873, 3485, 3485, 2697, 2697, 4807, 4144, 1613, 1613, 855, 2713, 1705, 4247, 3930, 607, 2870, 1870, 2868, 631, 2460, 2460, 2460, 519, 3309, 870, 4080, 274, 1041, 1041, 4101, 438, 1478, 2812, 687, 742, 4643, 452, 2803, 1181, 1181, 4271, 4271, 3214, 3214, 2168, 4418, 50, 1368, 497, 497, 497, 2400, 3259, 413, 413, 413, 413, 668, 4808, 4808, 4808, 4808, 1873, 3485, 775, 775, 4852, 2697, 1858, 411, 1021, 2895, 2895, 1614, 1183, 1529, 1708, 4073, 822, 731, 731, 3437, 1263, 1263, 4541, 2628, 4054, 3293, 563, 526, 3106, 838, 1883, 1883, 4746, 1333, 1333, 2086, 2632, 3683, 1677, 1928, 1870, 2868, 3609, 4509, 4509, 4509, 3829, 1328, 742, 2842, 1524, 1524, 1163, 3109, 3633, 990, 990, 4609, 1006, 194, 2292, 991, 4599, 2821, 4241, 742, 2741, 4296, 4296, 4242, 4652, 4073, 2740, 2525, 4678, 3297, 1933, 2385, 3928, 1666, 1666, 3762, 3762, 3380, 3380, 3128, 2768, 3232, 4635, 526, 2158, 840, 1883, 2441, 2864, 1333, 1333, 2724, 677, 3248, 3248, 8, 1677, 1870, 1870, 1870, 1070, 1070, 4628, 2667, 2667, 3581, 283, 4587, 1368, 3524, 1615, 2923, 671, 3752, 3752, 3752, 3752, 3752, 913, 1947, 2618, 4204, 4204, 4204, 224, 2561, 4954, 4954, 1408, 500, 3346, 3346, 3346, 3346, 836, 4284, 3140, 3140, 3140, 2152, 2152, 918 ]
[ 0, 1.3828163265306124, 1.8437551020408163, 2.3046938775510206, 2.5251428571428574, 2.60530612244898, 2.745591836734694, 3.026163265306123, 3.787714285714286, 4.188530612244898, 4.789755102040816, 4.990163265306123, 5.631469387755103, 5.87195918367347, 6.232693877551021, 6.894040816326531, 7.15457142857143, 7.375020408163265, 7.5153061224489806, 7.615510204081633, 8.136571428571429, 8.296897959183674, 8.577469387755103, 8.757836734693878, 9.038408163265307 ]
[ 1.3828163265306124, 1.8437551020408163, 2.3046938775510206, 2.5251428571428574, 2.60530612244898, 2.745591836734694, 3.026163265306123, 3.787714285714286, 4.188530612244898, 4.789755102040816, 4.990163265306123, 5.631469387755103, 5.87195918367347, 6.232693877551021, 6.894040816326531, 7.15457142857143, 7.375020408163265, 7.5153061224489806, 7.615510204081633, 8.136571428571429, 8.296897959183674, 8.577469387755103, 8.757836734693878, 9.038408163265307, 9.79995918367347 ]
The report provides a very useful and timely contribution to the review of the legislation on the Statute for a European Cooperative Society.
the report provides a very useful and timely contribution to the review of the legislation on the statute for a european cooperative society.
[ "the", "report", "provides", "a", "very", "useful", "and", "timely", "contribution", "to", "the", "review", "of", "the", "legislation", "on", "the", "statute", "for", "a", "european", "cooperative", "society." ]
[ "the", "report", "provides", "a", "very", "useful", "and", "timely", "contribution", "to", "the", "review", "of", "the", "legislation", "on", "the", "statute", "for", "a", "european", "cooperative", "society" ]
[ "t h e", "r e p o r t", "p r o v i d e s", "a", "v e r y", "u s e f u l", "a n d", "t i m e l y", "c o n t r i b u t i o n", "t o", "t h e", "r e v i e w", "o f", "t h e", "l e g i s l a t i o n", "o n", "t h e", "s t a t u t e", "f o r", "a", "e u r o p e a n", "c o o p e r a t i v e", "s o c i e t y" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 2114, 1335, 72, 139, 2327, 2327, 2327, 2327, 914, 914, 914, 914, 1436, 2677, 2725, 348, 1504, 489, 1448, 729, 729, 448, 1153, 4552, 4552, 4626, 750, 1210, 2812, 231, 2973, 2758, 4343, 4343, 4343, 4343, 1871, 365, 825, 1923, 3965, 3249, 2959, 1897, 4643, 4643, 3407, 3407, 3167, 3167, 285, 285, 952, 3612, 2868, 3257, 3257, 3257, 3257, 3257, 3257, 167, 167, 282, 282, 1473, 3463, 445, 3711, 2027, 2027, 923, 1011, 3954, 2324, 1365, 936, 4852, 4852, 4941, 785, 3106, 840, 1883, 1883, 247, 4081, 1153, 2660, 859, 432, 1677, 1928, 1928, 2870, 5, 2868, 631, 2460, 2460, 2460, 519, 3309, 1857, 274, 274, 1041, 1041, 4601, 587, 1247, 1247, 3896, 338, 4423, 4423, 992, 992, 2775, 1135, 1135, 1135, 1135, 1135, 1819, 644, 356, 2227, 1275, 462, 3838, 875, 2396, 526, 3259, 3259, 3259, 413, 413, 413, 413, 2041, 3186, 768, 4785, 670, 4401, 3040, 742, 2593, 399, 399, 1128, 1128, 3913, 23, 23, 1436, 312, 1066, 912, 981, 1510, 1097, 4381, 1461, 1123, 4117, 1185, 1546, 1546, 2559, 1781, 136, 2657, 541, 625, 625, 2113, 2113, 2113, 887, 1654, 1654, 3187, 1030, 1670, 1670, 3529, 3529, 1112, 3533, 3533, 4054, 1999, 4183, 381, 560, 805, 256, 680, 680, 2545, 2548, 2373, 2373, 3567, 2342, 3733, 3733, 3733, 764, 2812, 742, 739, 3358, 3358, 3358, 3358, 3835, 3835, 225, 4780, 18, 3405, 419, 1840, 222, 4392, 3534, 3534, 3122, 2288, 2649, 2160, 2911, 4681, 2210, 4401, 2593, 163, 399, 399, 4389, 4389, 4389, 4389, 4389, 2778, 2691, 2778, 1716, 1716, 1716, 1716, 2827, 3740, 2026, 3740, 1416, 1416, 2026, 1784, 1954, 665, 3419, 1395, 2655, 437, 4132, 3347, 729, 729, 2667, 4081, 448, 3260, 4552, 4552, 4626, 952, 1928, 1870, 344, 344, 344, 4126, 4126, 4126, 307, 4126, 1819, 1819, 1819, 1819, 4042, 401, 4298, 4298, 80, 983, 1, 2939, 2331, 4789, 4789, 2968, 3315, 4561, 721, 4141, 729, 729, 1107, 143, 1688, 4977, 2147, 2147, 600, 4843, 4843, 1722, 2580, 2580, 2580, 2580, 1001, 2535, 3863, 3863, 1987, 1196, 3809, 1230, 4978, 4978, 4978, 4978, 4978, 1573, 19, 225, 4780, 3405, 3405, 419, 1840, 222, 4392, 3534, 60, 3122, 2649, 2160, 2160, 4681, 834, 2002, 758, 381, 2263, 3180, 4430, 3777, 4189, 2316, 2316, 3347, 3102, 729, 3368, 1109, 1275, 9, 1084, 3194, 3271, 47, 1643, 1555, 2228, 119, 3488, 4322, 4556, 3965, 3567, 3109, 4902, 4472, 4542, 364, 860, 3249, 2007, 2734, 526, 3106, 840, 1883, 247, 247, 1857, 1153, 2660, 95, 4216, 790, 790, 4403, 2144, 1004, 1004, 2262, 3648, 3593, 3593, 583, 4907, 2812, 2812, 2973, 439, 784, 784, 784, 3392, 3392, 916, 916, 4465, 4465, 1282, 2160, 4681, 4401, 3040, 2593, 742, 4665, 4665, 1128, 1128, 1128, 1357, 532, 532, 110, 110, 4195, 742, 3744, 912, 1784, 714, 1579, 4293, 4293, 3302, 3302, 3672, 3672, 4907, 2812, 4643, 2973, 2803, 2803, 4836, 90, 4081, 1857, 1153, 4395, 1121, 1121, 1090, 4023, 3189, 3567, 3894, 466, 466, 466, 3466, 745, 316, 316, 4523, 2110, 1666, 4721, 4721, 947, 1746, 1746, 3210, 237, 1275, 3914, 552, 4113, 4297, 4297, 4297, 4297, 1138, 1138, 1138, 3599, 3599, 3599, 1577, 860, 3189, 3538, 2017, 1036, 3684, 3843, 3346, 922, 922, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.46085649905123344, 0.9016757590132828, 1.643053605313093, 1.883500474383302, 2.3042824952561674, 3.1258092979127134, 3.4664423624288427, 3.9473361005692604, 5.009309772296016, 5.390017314990513, 5.530277988614801, 6.011171726755219, 6.191506878557875, 6.31173031309298, 7.213406072106262, 7.373703984819735, 7.513964658444023, 7.974821157495256, 8.135119070208729, 8.215268026565465, 8.93660863377609, 9.858321631878558 ]
[ 0.46085649905123344, 0.9016757590132828, 1.643053605313093, 1.883500474383302, 2.3042824952561674, 3.1258092979127134, 3.4664423624288427, 3.9473361005692604, 5.009309772296016, 5.390017314990513, 5.530277988614801, 6.011171726755219, 6.191506878557875, 6.31173031309298, 7.213406072106262, 7.373703984819735, 7.513964658444023, 7.974821157495256, 8.135119070208729, 8.215268026565465, 8.93660863377609, 9.858321631878558, 10.539587760910818 ]
Therefore, a genuine European approach should take into consideration the interconnected character of the banking and financial sectors in Europe and should be a support to the internal market in Europe, also with the aim of avoiding financial fragmentation, especially in times of crisis.
therefore a genuine european approach should take into consideration the interconnected character of the banking and financial sectors in europe and should be a support to the internal market in europe also with the aim of avoiding financial fragmentation especially in times of crisis.
[ "therefore", "a", "genuine", "european", "approach", "should", "take", "into", "consideration", "the", "interconnected", "character", "of", "the", "banking", "and", "financial", "sectors", "in", "europe", "and", "should", "be", "a", "support", "to", "the", "internal", "market", "in", "europe", "also", "with", "the", "aim", "of", "avoiding", "financial", "fragmentation", "especially", "in", "times", "of", "crisis." ]
[ "therefore", "a", "genuine", "european", "approach", "should", "take", "into", "consideration", "the", "interconnected", "character", "of", "the", "banking", "and", "financial", "sectors", "in", "europe", "and", "should", "be", "a", "support", "to", "the", "internal", "market", "in", "europe", "also", "with", "the", "aim", "of", "avoiding", "financial", "fragmentation", "especially", "in", "times", "of", "crisis" ]
[ "t h e r e f o r e", "a", "g e n u i n e", "e u r o p e a n", "a p p r o a c h", "s h o u l d", "t a k e", "i n t o", "c o n s i d e r a t i o n", "t h e", "i n t e r c o n n e c t e d", "c h a r a c t e r", "o f", "t h e", "b a n k i n g", "a n d", "f i n a n c i a l", "s e c t o r s", "i n", "e u r o p e", "a n d", "s h o u l d", "b e", "a", "s u p p o r t", "t o", "t h e", "i n t e r n a l", "m a r k e t", "i n", "e u r o p e", "a l s o", "w i t h", "t h e", "a i m", "o f", "a v o i d i n g", "f i n a n c i a l", "f r a g m e n t a t i o n", "e s p e c i a l l y", "i n", "t i m e s", "o f", "c r i s i s" ]
[ 2204, 1038, 1038, 1038, 8, 8, 2009, 3232, 1815, 2400, 3106, 398, 398, 398, 398, 398, 1772, 908, 385, 385, 414, 3050, 3050, 80, 197, 781, 859, 1513, 1513, 1513, 4202, 3049, 4024, 1967, 3138, 286, 2499, 2499, 1334, 1334, 3679, 3679, 1548, 1548, 2070, 1378, 1378, 3741, 4465, 4465, 3687, 2485, 2485, 4403, 2144, 1004, 1004, 2262, 1853, 3593, 583, 4907, 742, 439, 784, 784, 784, 3392, 916, 4465, 4465, 3453, 3212, 2707, 3566, 4851, 3165, 2261, 1210, 742, 3170, 4660, 3644, 2790, 2555, 2555, 2555, 2555, 2797, 2797, 644, 1923, 2060, 1974, 614, 3553, 3586, 920, 4225, 3330, 324, 4023, 860, 2026, 3567, 2877, 1852, 1852, 4299, 4299, 565, 2663, 1665, 3238, 2313, 4659, 1048, 4109, 300, 1447, 3567, 1843, 3595, 1395, 3683, 91, 231, 714, 4986, 4690, 4690, 735, 1748, 4834, 1666, 655, 4517, 1541, 1541, 3665, 4184, 4166, 3620, 3810, 3810, 1198, 1198, 1808, 3690, 3690, 19, 225, 4780, 1275, 1840, 222, 821, 60, 1055, 2316, 3799, 4132, 2086, 1445, 4705, 3441, 3441, 4967, 459, 459, 2218, 4109, 1447, 3249, 3567, 4097, 1740, 1740, 1992, 1694, 581, 3766, 714, 434, 155, 3389, 2146, 1559, 3041, 4727, 4727, 4727, 4076, 1328, 2159, 1524, 3249, 3109, 1256, 1256, 1822, 364, 2959, 4485, 742, 4633, 4633, 708, 359, 4365, 4365, 4365, 1489, 1489, 3825, 3825, 3825, 4336, 4429, 4429, 2732, 2732, 3189, 184, 4767, 86, 86, 1992, 693, 4305, 581, 231, 4633, 678, 708, 359, 4365, 4365, 1489, 1660, 870, 3558, 3825, 3825, 3825, 2359, 1524, 163, 5, 653, 4767, 86, 86, 86, 2325, 3050, 1492, 2939, 2446, 1512, 3869, 3315, 199, 721, 2086, 2632, 4730, 1060, 276, 894, 739, 394, 2599, 2599, 2599, 2599, 3970, 3970, 1624, 2489, 4886, 1447, 454, 454, 2653, 2308, 4976, 2644, 2002, 1492, 3143, 4381, 2479, 1461, 2838, 4728, 2734, 4635, 1615, 1075, 2084, 2084, 2084, 2084, 69, 3212, 1559, 3475, 3475, 3475, 3475, 496, 4116, 3249, 614, 3061, 1273, 1273, 183, 2041, 3834, 3729, 1417, 1666, 1666, 3505, 2704, 2511, 2511, 2511, 4076, 2802, 2359, 2842, 742, 1163, 653, 3184, 86, 525, 4499, 1764, 1216, 65, 3404, 3963, 3963, 2793, 2793, 1949, 712, 3832, 2485, 2775, 4403, 2144, 833, 833, 833, 2262, 4566, 1398, 1398, 1398, 1137, 4675, 2593, 71, 4665, 4665, 4243, 234, 234, 234, 1400, 532, 532, 3844, 3268, 312, 2026, 14, 1510, 4112, 108, 3610, 68, 4117, 4728, 4728, 4414, 4414, 2535, 3586, 920, 4225, 4225, 3330, 1972, 2970, 2970, 2741, 221, 566, 566, 3686, 1687, 1492, 2939, 4614, 4945, 95, 1723, 1544, 1275, 1666, 4721, 947, 1746, 750, 2261, 1210, 2026, 4643, 452, 1689, 1689, 1689, 1689, 1689, 2735, 365, 908, 1977, 1923, 1923, 2636, 4792, 2508, 687, 687, 3189, 1954, 665, 3419, 1395, 1395, 1307, 4416, 832, 1064, 4885, 4185, 3963, 4967, 1405, 661, 735, 685, 1546, 231, 2877, 2877, 3460, 3460, 4667, 4667, 1366, 69, 69, 3212, 2309, 1419, 183, 2041, 768, 3834, 1125, 3948, 202, 995, 1497, 2380, 1497, 1497, 1494, 2914, 1977, 1977, 4012, 383, 903, 2714, 2714, 4542, 4023, 3189, 3109, 4659, 2793, 2793, 1949, 3832, 2485, 2485, 4403, 2144, 2144, 833, 833, 833, 2262, 4566, 4566, 1398, 1398, 1137, 4250, 1721, 71, 71, 4665, 4243, 4243, 234, 234, 1400, 1400, 532, 532, 828, 828, 4195, 4195, 4195, 2026, 3744, 3803, 4918, 4918, 1354, 3297, 3297, 3297, 1933, 4453, 4453, 2385, 3928, 3928, 2535, 121, 655, 3762, 2066, 2066, 2066, 3128, 3128, 4042, 4042, 3011, 4298, 4298, 3800, 890, 163, 890, 2558, 2395, 2395, 2395, 1501, 1501, 3800, 163, 163, 2558, 2558, 3803, 2365, 1575, 1211, 1211, 1211, 3214, 194, 1926, 4050, 4247, 1477, 1844, 832, 1064, 100, 4885, 1889, 3441, 187, 4215, 4215, 4773, 4773, 4773, 2887, 1030, 2641, 2641, 786, 4263, 3516, 169, 2997, 2744, 3632, 4355, 332, 2746, 4851, 3165, 1677, 1928, 3612, 2868, 3217, 3217, 3217, 3217, 3217, 1269, 4875, 4992, 3463, 2671, 2073, 3169, 1605, 160, 2610, 7, 2605, 50, 50, 4120, 2400, 671, 2084, 2084, 2084, 2084, 1341, 69, 1559, 4519, 3475, 3475, 3475, 496, 2854, 3155, 3155, 3061, 1273, 1273, 183, 2041, 3834, 563, 1815, 1615, 1075, 2095, 3205, 2095, 3457, 3997, 3997, 3694, 1777, 2765, 2765, 339, 1447, 2559, 3567, 2877, 181, 181, 3690, 1573, 19, 3430, 225, 4780, 18, 222, 636, 636, 289, 289, 829, 1001, 298, 1275, 4308, 2173, 3987, 742, 3303, 3746, 3746, 3746, 3746, 2504, 603, 18, 3061, 4252, 4252, 224, 1112, 4541, 2628, 587, 4185, 3441, 287, 2793, 2793, 1949, 4108, 685, 860, 231, 1781, 541, 625, 2113, 2113, 2113, 887, 887, 3187, 1030, 978, 978, 2292, 2906, 606, 2464, 4526, 965, 745, 2277, 687, 367, 2000, 2174, 1052, 1122, 1122, 4699, 4699, 4699, 1765, 282, 3314, 3314, 4032, 1360, 3715, 901, 901, 3280, 3385, 3830, 2535, 2152, 3140, 367, 4466, 1070, 1070, 2988, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.4805636942675159, 0.6207281050955414, 1.0612448248407642, 1.4617145700636942, 1.902231289808917, 2.0624191878980893, 2.302701035031847, 2.4829124203821658, 3.183734474522293, 3.323898885350318, 4.34509673566879, 5.126012738853503, 5.246153662420382, 5.36629458598726, 5.786787818471337, 5.926952229299363, 6.4475628980891715, 6.908103105095541, 7.068291003184713, 7.48878423566879, 7.809160031847134, 8.029418391719744, 8.149559315286623, 8.249676751592357, 8.790310907643311, 8.930475318471338, 9.070639729299362, 9.551203423566879, 9.971696656050955, 10.091837579617833, 10.612448248407643, 11.373340764331209, 11.853904458598725, 11.954021894904457, 12.17428025477707, 12.314444665605095, 12.85507882165605, 13.355666003184712, 13.9964175955414, 14.51702826433121, 14.657192675159235, 14.97756847133758, 15.097709394904458 ]
[ 0.4805636942675159, 0.6207281050955414, 1.0612448248407642, 1.4617145700636942, 1.902231289808917, 2.0624191878980893, 2.302701035031847, 2.4829124203821658, 3.183734474522293, 3.323898885350318, 4.34509673566879, 5.126012738853503, 5.246153662420382, 5.36629458598726, 5.786787818471337, 5.926952229299363, 6.4475628980891715, 6.908103105095541, 7.068291003184713, 7.48878423566879, 7.809160031847134, 8.029418391719744, 8.149559315286623, 8.249676751592357, 8.790310907643311, 8.930475318471338, 9.070639729299362, 9.551203423566879, 9.971696656050955, 10.091837579617833, 10.612448248407643, 11.373340764331209, 11.83388097133758, 11.954021894904457, 12.17428025477707, 12.314444665605095, 12.85507882165605, 13.355666003184712, 13.9964175955414, 14.51702826433121, 14.657192675159235, 14.97756847133758, 15.097709394904458, 15.698414012738853 ]
work. Key topics have included women's empowerment, promotion and protection of human rights in line with international standards, engagement with civil society and co operation on election observation.
work. key topics have included women's empowerment promotion and protection of human rights in line with international standards engagement with civil society and co operation on election observation.
[ "work.", "key", "topics", "have", "included", "women's", "empowerment", "promotion", "and", "protection", "of", "human", "rights", "in", "line", "with", "international", "standards", "engagement", "with", "civil", "society", "and", "co", "operation", "on", "election", "observation." ]
[ "work", "key", "topics", "have", "included", "women's", "empowerment", "promotion", "and", "protection", "of", "human", "rights", "in", "line", "with", "international", "standards", "engagement", "with", "civil", "society", "and", "co", "operation", "on", "election", "observation" ]
[ "w o r k", "k e y", "t o p i c s", "h a v e", "i n c l u d e d", "w o m e n ' s", "e m p o w e r m e n t", "p r o m o t i o n", "a n d", "p r o t e c t i o n", "o f", "h u m a n", "r i g h t s", "i n", "l i n e", "w i t h", "i n t e r n a t i o n a l", "s t a n d a r d s", "e n g a g e m e n t", "w i t h", "c i v i l", "s o c i e t y", "a n d", "c o", "o p e r a t i o n", "o n", "e l e c t i o n", "o b s e r v a t i o n" ]
[ 38, 4598, 4598, 2026, 715, 4544, 1620, 3861, 3861, 75, 3958, 3958, 1784, 4633, 678, 3272, 3272, 3272, 3272, 1232, 2081, 3910, 4202, 1623, 2559, 1781, 136, 2374, 2287, 3460, 3460, 4362, 3428, 3672, 4907, 595, 595, 2419, 3450, 3450, 3450, 1391, 1391, 3176, 4183, 3223, 2354, 2354, 3773, 3954, 3954, 162, 2324, 1785, 4207, 4207, 395, 3934, 3939, 2667, 3939, 999, 635, 4484, 4484, 4484, 2667, 4484, 4484, 3166, 3466, 3632, 1492, 3963, 1405, 1405, 3908, 253, 2099, 104, 3317, 305, 2445, 1998, 1998, 1998, 1998, 1998, 4706, 825, 2171, 2073, 4901, 4901, 4434, 1558, 364, 1110, 1110, 4102, 154, 154, 4401, 2593, 315, 315, 399, 399, 1128, 1128, 1128, 140, 3401, 327, 408, 408, 408, 408, 4940, 1586, 4940, 4940, 3740, 3740, 4940, 3740, 2982, 2982, 2925, 2026, 3958, 2234, 4623, 4559, 4559, 4559, 640, 640, 640, 640, 755, 1002, 755, 755, 755, 755, 755, 755, 2133, 2769, 4973, 4973, 236, 3842, 3842, 1947, 1404, 4867, 1260, 1260, 54, 1748, 2267, 1899, 4511, 2535, 4260, 3376, 191, 191, 820, 3563, 4508, 4591, 2559, 2973, 452, 3460, 81, 81, 81, 2046, 3011, 3011, 4849, 2051, 2051, 2051, 2944, 1125, 1404, 1067, 2539, 249, 249, 249, 1146, 1146, 1374, 3264, 2215, 2215, 1709, 3189, 2636, 3472, 1340, 1340, 97, 1668, 315, 122, 122, 4125, 3388, 3075, 1151, 2670, 3744, 1586, 1673, 4660, 3407, 3167, 285, 285, 4684, 1125, 3948, 1456, 995, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 2797, 644, 644, 225, 4780, 3405, 419, 1840, 222, 4392, 821, 821, 2649, 2160, 834, 2002, 1492, 781, 1097, 4381, 4381, 4381, 1226, 4694, 1006, 830, 4591, 742, 3407, 3167, 285, 324, 3189, 104, 2877, 4722, 4722, 703, 703, 2802, 104, 556, 556, 419, 1840, 222, 4392, 636, 636, 834, 2002, 1492, 64, 3516, 169, 3912, 745, 3713, 4207, 1606, 1606, 4548, 4548, 3669, 3669, 3231, 697, 2618, 773, 773, 773, 1006, 4437, 4437, 3031, 2729, 2729, 926, 926, 3518, 3518, 3518, 3518, 495, 495, 282, 1473, 3373, 3373, 445, 3711, 4505, 4505, 4266, 2213, 3376, 284, 284, 1949, 712, 3832, 4190, 824, 4190, 85, 2921, 1430, 2420, 2420, 958, 958, 958, 958, 232, 232, 232, 4065, 4065, 4065, 1538, 1538, 1882, 2168, 3123, 954, 3691, 4973, 4973, 4973, 1729, 4628, 4984, 2807, 1575, 2357, 279, 279, 1705, 2535, 257, 1842, 3908, 3908, 4109, 1447, 3567, 4097, 1740, 1740, 4959, 2146, 1559, 2249, 2249, 2249, 2249, 2249, 3967, 2504, 603, 18, 2256, 2256, 3300, 3300, 2309, 2309, 1419, 183, 3325, 4905, 2542, 1417, 3065, 3271, 2559, 47, 590, 4972, 4972, 4972, 4972, 1585, 2548, 3793, 2682, 2158, 4825, 2523, 2523, 2523, 2523, 2118, 1964, 2488, 445, 3711, 3711, 4505, 3140, 1311, 1311, 634, 2593, 3557, 3557, 1252, 1128, 140, 140, 140, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245, 3913, 1357, 23, 23, 2030, 3268, 3744, 2026, 3614, 2541, 2541, 2659, 2647, 4055, 1223, 1057, 3641, 3641, 3641, 3641, 565, 514, 3638, 3638, 2843, 4775, 1067, 2539, 4813, 4813, 1146, 4744, 1145, 2190, 3189, 381, 1284, 318, 1140, 2450, 206, 1275, 3702, 3702, 2119, 2119, 3505, 2704, 2718, 2718, 2718, 2718, 4929, 1788, 4264, 183, 183, 36, 3758, 1417, 1544, 1275, 4721, 1746, 1746, 3210, 1544, 1275, 3505, 3505, 4113, 4113, 4297, 4297, 4297, 4297, 1138, 1138, 3599, 3599, 3599, 3599, 1577, 860, 860, 1268, 513, 2017, 1036, 3684, 3684, 2540, 311, 311, 884, 884, 4409, 3040, 2593, 2593, 399, 399, 1128, 1639, 1286, 1286, 828, 2778, 2827, 28, 4195, 2026, 981, 2754, 1406, 4381, 68, 604, 2959, 4485, 231, 310, 805, 4293, 3302, 3302, 3302, 3302, 3302, 3672, 4907, 595, 4643, 1380, 1380, 1380, 4469, 1198, 1198, 1808, 3690, 3690, 19, 19, 225, 4780, 1275, 419, 1840, 222, 821, 821, 3122, 2649, 2160, 2002, 2002, 1492, 534, 561, 2263, 3180, 4430, 4430, 4430, 4430, 4430, 24, 2177, 2177, 834, 2002, 758, 2558, 2558, 2558, 2746, 4614, 4851, 4851, 2128, 3818, 1230, 227, 1739, 1739, 1739, 549, 2802, 1328, 2543, 556, 556, 556, 3405, 3405, 3405, 4067, 1840, 222, 4392, 4392, 636, 636, 2649, 4844, 4844, 4844, 4844, 4844, 834, 3436, 3436, 2395, 2395, 2395, 2133, 1501, 80, 1, 2939, 2263, 507, 507, 4373, 3287, 3855, 2810, 2810, 3990, 3093, 3093, 3093, 3011, 3011, 4929, 1198, 1198, 1808, 1808, 3690, 3690, 19, 3430, 225, 4780, 3405, 419, 1840, 222, 4392, 3534, 636, 1979, 1979, 151, 922, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.2803954802259887, 0.4406214689265537, 1.0414689265536725, 1.4620621468926553, 2.4835028248587574, 3.324689265536723, 4.225960451977401, 5.027090395480226, 5.227372881355933, 5.728079096045198, 5.868276836158192, 6.188728813559322, 6.609322033898305, 6.769548022598871, 7.2101694915254235, 7.490564971751414, 8.131468926553673, 8.952627118644068, 9.67364406779661, 9.893954802259888, 10.214406779661019, 11.055593220338984, 11.396073446327684, 11.536271186440679, 12.17717514124294, 12.477598870056498, 13.318785310734464 ]
[ 0.2803954802259887, 0.4406214689265537, 1.0414689265536725, 1.4620621468926553, 2.4835028248587574, 3.324689265536723, 4.225960451977401, 5.027090395480226, 5.227372881355933, 5.728079096045198, 5.868276836158192, 6.188728813559322, 6.609322033898305, 6.769548022598871, 7.2101694915254235, 7.490564971751414, 8.131468926553673, 8.952627118644068, 9.67364406779661, 9.893954802259888, 10.214406779661019, 11.055593220338984, 11.396073446327684, 11.536271186440679, 12.17717514124294, 12.477598870056498, 13.318785310734464, 14.15997175141243 ]
Of concern last week was the information imparted to a joint Palestine and Israel delegation meeting that Israel is not prioritising a peace process.
of concern last week was the information imparted to a joint palestine and israel delegation meeting that israel is not prioritising a peace process.
[ "of", "concern", "last", "week", "was", "the", "information", "imparted", "to", "a", "joint", "palestine", "and", "israel", "delegation", "meeting", "that", "israel", "is", "not", "prioritising", "a", "peace", "process." ]
[ "of", "concern", "last", "week", "was", "the", "information", "imparted", "to", "a", "joint", "palestine", "and", "israel", "delegation", "meeting", "that", "israel", "is", "not", "prioritising", "a", "peace", "process" ]
[ "o f", "c o n c e r n", "l a s t", "w e e k", "w a s", "t h e", "i n f o r m a t i o n", "i m p a r t e d", "t o", "a", "j o i n t", "p a l e s t i n e", "a n d", "i s r a e l", "d e l e g a t i o n", "m e e t i n g", "t h a t", "i s r a e l", "i s", "n o t", "p r i o r i t i s i n g", "a", "p e a c e", "p r o c e s s" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 2114, 1335, 1335, 2327, 2811, 2327, 2327, 914, 914, 524, 524, 524, 28, 2026, 30, 2331, 2331, 4789, 4789, 2968, 2184, 2277, 917, 2559, 1000, 4560, 909, 3389, 735, 4834, 4834, 1544, 4433, 2119, 3505, 2704, 190, 1070, 1070, 3424, 3424, 3424, 1366, 2667, 2945, 4609, 3764, 4768, 85, 85, 85, 1230, 2420, 1595, 1595, 1595, 1595, 1595, 1303, 1303, 2881, 4697, 3503, 3503, 3863, 3863, 2186, 3629, 367, 1346, 1345, 2910, 1970, 2814, 2814, 2814, 2430, 3176, 815, 1152, 1152, 935, 3213, 3213, 1481, 315, 315, 315, 742, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 3458, 3458, 3913, 3913, 532, 3844, 1103, 2725, 2026, 924, 842, 4144, 1613, 2335, 855, 1289, 3503, 4761, 4761, 832, 1064, 210, 210, 1323, 4317, 459, 459, 1917, 2218, 3563, 4508, 1368, 2400, 3535, 1075, 2856, 2856, 2856, 2856, 697, 1742, 308, 1198, 1808, 1808, 3690, 1573, 19, 3430, 225, 4780, 4077, 419, 1840, 222, 4392, 821, 821, 54, 366, 3398, 1790, 4028, 2378, 2378, 661, 1185, 830, 4591, 2812, 687, 3170, 1082, 1663, 1663, 116, 778, 778, 244, 244, 207, 2914, 2914, 2121, 4736, 1358, 4901, 1256, 1256, 1256, 364, 131, 2636, 977, 3190, 1481, 2593, 3557, 4665, 4243, 3134, 3134, 532, 828, 2030, 710, 4195, 1586, 1784, 63, 665, 3419, 3419, 564, 2222, 2222, 1488, 3165, 1617, 1568, 1967, 3138, 3138, 286, 2097, 1526, 2242, 2242, 2242, 2242, 1269, 4992, 3664, 3089, 314, 37, 1709, 2636, 3545, 3545, 3895, 687, 742, 3170, 1644, 1730, 1730, 4933, 4933, 4933, 4933, 684, 4147, 1197, 2583, 4551, 4551, 4214, 237, 4077, 9, 9, 3065, 3271, 2559, 1643, 1555, 3334, 232, 232, 232, 232, 4065, 1341, 1341, 1538, 262, 3171, 2168, 3212, 3398, 1842, 3136, 295, 1123, 1234, 3212, 3212, 2707, 4197, 867, 867, 867, 867, 867, 3578, 1360, 4433, 2940, 658, 658, 4590, 3121, 3121, 3121, 3121, 3121, 1789, 1789, 2312, 2041, 768, 3834, 3049, 894, 2231, 1283, 3025, 1070, 4348, 4348, 2667, 1184, 4147, 1940, 4701, 4701, 4095, 4183, 4183, 1223, 1057, 1198, 1808, 3690, 3690, 1573, 19, 225, 4780, 18, 419, 1840, 222, 4392, 60, 54, 3687, 4190, 704, 74, 202, 2990, 1575, 4672, 3757, 3757, 4196, 4023, 231, 4597, 1175, 1175, 3000, 3000, 4844, 4844, 4681, 4681, 2210, 2039, 931, 1915, 3458, 92, 3796, 3587, 1245, 1245, 1245, 3913, 3913, 532, 3844, 2030, 2677, 1586, 2559, 949, 1696, 3544, 3544, 1165, 4152, 4152, 4571, 4185, 3703, 867, 867, 867, 867, 2562, 3976, 4969, 658, 658, 4590, 1681, 3121, 3121, 3121, 3121, 3121, 3121, 3121, 1789, 1789, 2794, 2794, 2794, 768, 670, 80, 890, 197, 3963, 3125, 580, 580, 3077, 1370, 2791, 3976, 4969, 4247, 480, 1693, 1315, 4480, 4480, 411, 2142, 1021, 2895, 2895, 1614, 1614, 1614, 1183, 2743, 2029, 3249, 2636, 3545, 3895, 4241, 687, 687, 3170, 4660, 654, 3706, 2366, 2366, 2366, 2366, 2366, 3168, 3168, 1244, 4317, 3083, 3083, 3083, 3083, 3083, 3083, 2879, 2879, 3558, 2907, 2907, 1090, 4023, 381, 944, 2657, 541, 3010, 3010, 3010, 1192, 1192, 2175, 282, 3314, 3314, 3559, 4594, 1360, 4433, 1272, 3203, 3203, 3203, 54, 2160, 834, 2002, 758, 197, 2939, 2746, 4945, 4945, 4187, 2261, 231, 3170, 2973, 1119, 1119, 1159, 2502, 3757, 4269, 1037, 3630, 4077, 2940, 3930, 4241, 2026, 3170, 4660, 1215, 1215, 1685, 1685, 1685, 4892, 644, 4853, 4853, 1666, 1666, 655, 4372, 1208, 1208, 1208, 1208, 1208, 1208, 93, 1964, 1238, 2640, 3530, 3830, 2152, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.46082437275985666, 1.0218279569892474, 1.38247311827957, 1.8633333333333335, 2.223978494623656, 2.3642293906810035, 3.1255913978494623, 3.906989247311828, 4.187491039426524, 4.2676344086021505, 4.7084229390681, 5.52989247311828, 5.690179211469535, 6.171039426523298, 6.892329749103943, 7.453333333333334, 7.834014336917563, 8.395017921146954, 8.655483870967743, 9.016129032258064, 10.138136200716847, 10.238315412186381, 10.55888888888889 ]
[ 0.46082437275985666, 1.0218279569892474, 1.38247311827957, 1.8633333333333335, 2.223978494623656, 2.3642293906810035, 3.1255913978494623, 3.906989247311828, 4.187491039426524, 4.2676344086021505, 4.7084229390681, 5.52989247311828, 5.690179211469535, 6.171039426523298, 6.892329749103943, 7.453333333333334, 7.834014336917563, 8.395017921146954, 8.655483870967743, 9.016129032258064, 10.138136200716847, 10.238315412186381, 10.55888888888889, 11.159964157706094 ]
Then came the excessively aggressive behaviour of successive US administrations and the position of drastic sanctions, which only caused further suffering to ordinary Iranian people and further aggravated their hostile feelings towards the West. Hopefully the new President of the USA, Mr Obama, who has shown signs that he prefers to fight with his brain rather than with his fists, as the previous President, Mr Bush, so unsuccessfully did, will give new hope for the improvement of the likes of the Iranian people and the betterment of relations with the West.
then came the excessively aggressive behaviour of successive us administrations and the position of drastic sanctions which only caused further suffering to ordinary iranian people and further aggravated their hostile feelings towards the west. hopefully the new president of the usa mr obama who has shown signs that he prefers to fight with his brain rather than with his fists as the previous president mr bush so unsuccessfully did will give new hope for the improvement of the likes of the iranian people and the betterment of relations with the west.
[ "then", "came", "the", "excessively", "aggressive", "behaviour", "of", "successive", "us", "administrations", "and", "the", "position", "of", "drastic", "sanctions", "which", "only", "caused", "further", "suffering", "to", "ordinary", "iranian", "people", "and", "further", "aggravated", "their", "hostile", "feelings", "towards", "the", "west.", "hopefully", "the", "new", "president", "of", "the", "usa", "mr", "obama", "who", "has", "shown", "signs", "that", "he", "prefers", "to", "fight", "with", "his", "brain", "rather", "than", "with", "his", "fists", "as", "the", "previous", "president", "mr", "bush", "so", "unsuccessfully", "did", "will", "give", "new", "hope", "for", "the", "improvement", "of", "the", "likes", "of", "the", "iranian", "people", "and", "the", "betterment", "of", "relations", "with", "the", "west." ]
[ "then", "came", "the", "excessively", "aggressive", "behaviour", "of", "successive", "us", "administrations", "and", "the", "position", "of", "drastic", "sanctions", "which", "only", "caused", "further", "suffering", "to", "ordinary", "iranian", "people", "and", "further", "aggravated", "their", "hostile", "feelings", "towards", "the", "west", "hopefully", "the", "new", "president", "of", "the", "usa", "mr", "obama", "who", "has", "shown", "signs", "that", "he", "prefers", "to", "fight", "with", "his", "brain", "rather", "than", "with", "his", "fists", "as", "the", "previous", "president", "mr", "bush", "so", "unsuccessfully", "did", "will", "give", "new", "hope", "for", "the", "improvement", "of", "the", "likes", "of", "the", "iranian", "people", "and", "the", "betterment", "of", "relations", "with", "the", "west" ]
[ "t h e n", "c a m e", "t h e", "e x c e s s i v e l y", "a g g r e s s i v e", "b e h a v i o u r", "o f", "s u c c e s s i v e", "u s", "a d m i n i s t r a t i o n s", "a n d", "t h e", "p o s i t i o n", "o f", "d r a s t i c", "s a n c t i o n s", "w h i c h", "o n l y", "c a u s e d", "f u r t h e r", "s u f f e r i n g", "t o", "o r d i n a r y", "i r a n i a n", "p e o p l e", "a n d", "f u r t h e r", "a g g r a v a t e d", "t h e i r", "h o s t i l e", "f e e l i n g s", "t o w a r d s", "t h e", "w e s t", "h o p e f u l l y", "t h e", "n e w", "p r e s i d e n t", "o f", "t h e", "u s a", "m r", "o b a m a", "w h o", "h a s", "s h o w n", "s i g n s", "t h a t", "h e", "p r e f e r s", "t o", "f i g h t", "w i t h", "h i s", "b r a i n", "r a t h e r", "t h a n", "w i t h", "h i s", "f i s t s", "a s", "t h e", "p r e v i o u s", "p r e s i d e n t", "m r", "b u s h", "s o", "u n s u c c e s s f u l l y", "d i d", "w i l l", "g i v e", "n e w", "h o p e", "f o r", "t h e", "i m p r o v e m e n t", "o f", "t h e", "l i k e s", "o f", "t h e", "i r a n i a n", "p e o p l e", "a n d", "t h e", "b e t t e r m e n t", "o f", "r e l a t i o n s", "w i t h", "t h e", "w e s t" ]
[ 1101, 645, 524, 28, 3958, 2026, 4182, 2594, 2483, 899, 899, 410, 2298, 2659, 4591, 3326, 559, 442, 442, 3021, 3021, 3021, 3021, 2887, 2887, 1030, 258, 3799, 3799, 2592, 1445, 111, 801, 265, 3241, 2543, 2701, 2279, 1275, 1892, 491, 491, 491, 491, 1281, 1554, 2905, 2874, 4642, 4642, 2861, 283, 4567, 2731, 1112, 663, 4946, 111, 4851, 4851, 891, 1710, 3189, 559, 4622, 406, 4457, 4457, 4457, 93, 1554, 1554, 2905, 2874, 466, 4095, 283, 2970, 687, 3189, 3537, 3060, 4486, 4486, 4911, 4207, 4207, 4207, 1470, 1470, 1470, 2667, 2667, 4406, 3266, 3266, 271, 271, 3720, 1244, 2667, 2667, 2667, 4081, 1857, 3116, 3116, 3116, 4446, 1554, 1666, 2905, 1479, 947, 1746, 1746, 3241, 2543, 231, 2701, 2279, 2535, 313, 1892, 491, 491, 491, 491, 93, 1281, 1554, 4511, 2905, 2905, 3894, 466, 466, 2861, 283, 745, 745, 142, 71, 1252, 1128, 1128, 1128, 3913, 532, 23, 2030, 710, 1586, 1162, 4122, 4423, 4403, 4384, 4384, 4384, 2222, 1894, 1894, 1894, 279, 1554, 2905, 1479, 4379, 4379, 4448, 1100, 1895, 46, 1014, 2299, 2299, 3298, 3298, 3479, 2580, 4214, 1554, 2535, 3065, 3065, 2314, 2342, 2342, 4512, 4550, 4550, 1808, 3690, 3690, 1573, 1573, 3430, 225, 4780, 18, 419, 222, 4392, 1411, 1411, 4532, 1979, 3226, 836, 836, 4284, 3830, 3830, 2898, 1311, 634, 2967, 3557, 3557, 1128, 1357, 1357, 23, 23, 3268, 312, 2391, 2754, 1406, 3610, 4249, 2316, 2316, 753, 2592, 1209, 1209, 3683, 2096, 2096, 55, 1724, 3407, 3739, 1758, 1758, 2365, 3207, 4424, 3886, 3767, 3767, 3767, 3767, 3767, 2504, 603, 1840, 222, 821, 821, 366, 293, 1971, 3516, 2968, 965, 3652, 917, 687, 742, 3189, 2342, 2342, 2790, 4512, 4274, 2228, 3486, 1051, 4708, 3626, 2187, 2187, 242, 1524, 4092, 4989, 2773, 2773, 3176, 1686, 2951, 4523, 158, 1069, 313, 1892, 1892, 190, 1355, 1355, 1355, 1624, 2489, 2489, 4886, 556, 556, 556, 3405, 419, 1840, 222, 1411, 1411, 4532, 1979, 3226, 836, 836, 4284, 3830, 3830, 2898, 621, 1311, 4811, 3557, 3557, 3796, 3401, 3401, 4796, 1357, 1357, 532, 3415, 710, 3958, 3958, 2620, 2620, 56, 405, 405, 3009, 3009, 3646, 3197, 752, 822, 731, 731, 731, 3437, 2548, 1263, 1263, 1263, 1112, 4541, 2628, 4324, 438, 1999, 581, 687, 1206, 559, 1579, 3873, 1603, 1603, 1603, 1603, 1603, 1051, 2227, 4511, 515, 1659, 875, 2734, 4120, 146, 146, 3524, 3446, 3446, 671, 1868, 1868, 1868, 1868, 1868, 1516, 4383, 4537, 4537, 4537, 963, 568, 86, 1516, 1516, 2542, 1417, 2535, 313, 313, 1892, 190, 3091, 3091, 3091, 3091, 1111, 1111, 3279, 3290, 3535, 3319, 3620, 4081, 1857, 651, 160, 160, 7, 2644, 3789, 1546, 687, 687, 742, 114, 2761, 2804, 3283, 81, 81, 81, 4081, 4383, 3965, 860, 742, 4184, 4095, 4359, 3212, 293, 289, 2737, 2737, 2737, 4081, 1857, 4902, 1575, 1575, 3741, 3741, 448, 448, 2729, 3898, 4628, 666, 666, 69, 1548, 271, 3720, 916, 4465, 4465, 3453, 2298, 1546, 2096, 3189, 1724, 102, 1154, 211, 211, 1532, 4093, 4093, 2820, 1916, 1916, 371, 371, 371, 668, 4785, 4785, 670, 3040, 71, 71, 4665, 1128, 1128, 1128, 3134, 1286, 1436, 3268, 3744, 2391, 1510, 1406, 108, 3610, 2838, 4117, 4190, 2800, 2800, 4120, 4120, 146, 146, 146, 146, 1096, 3446, 3446, 671, 1070, 4998, 2667, 1868, 1868, 2945, 1516, 1516, 4383, 4537, 4537, 963, 568, 86, 2365, 4081, 4081, 3487, 3487, 2737, 2737, 3218, 3879, 4183, 4186, 126, 2790, 2305, 1857, 2305, 3497, 4929, 4929, 2560, 4628, 871, 871, 2807, 565, 3373, 4023, 1206, 3109, 1256, 2667, 2656, 1558, 364, 1100, 3189, 977, 3849, 455, 936, 4852, 4852, 1795, 3196, 2546, 3248, 3248, 4081, 1516, 4383, 4207, 4207, 4207, 369, 392, 81, 3428, 3428, 1051, 683, 4511, 4511, 3065, 367, 4092, 2069, 2069, 2069, 2175, 2794, 3834, 3729, 1368, 623, 1096, 3446, 4953, 4889, 4889, 4889, 1184, 2561, 4033, 3514, 4687, 1697, 2379, 156, 2292, 991, 6, 1139, 4229, 114, 665, 4149, 2006, 45, 3283, 3283, 3283, 3283, 908, 1923, 4740, 4740, 1477, 986, 2047, 2086, 729, 1445, 4725, 2833, 4477, 2668, 2208, 2208, 2208, 2208, 93, 1238, 2640, 3717, 1458, 1458, 2333, 368, 346, 346, 142, 4811, 288, 3808, 4823, 4823, 140, 4796, 4796, 4796, 1254, 3415, 2154, 322, 3740, 3740, 520, 3692, 3692, 3692, 369, 392, 2458, 2458, 2458, 2458, 4892, 2462, 4250, 3290, 497, 3259, 3259, 413, 1015, 1218, 224, 2561, 1112, 4541, 2628, 814, 4054, 2924, 1414, 42, 3347, 729, 729, 1469, 4959, 4188, 4188, 2362, 4845, 4845, 4845, 2538, 1819, 2768, 2753, 2096, 231, 102, 2790, 4038, 4038, 2054, 2054, 2054, 2562, 3886, 765, 765, 4184, 1221, 3493, 3493, 3453, 2298, 293, 2723, 3516, 4789, 3869, 3315, 4561, 2047, 4035, 3102, 1445, 1445, 790, 790, 4403, 4384, 4384, 4384, 2222, 2222, 1894, 1894, 1894, 1554, 1275, 313, 2905, 1479, 3598, 550, 550, 2807, 2807, 2357, 2357, 3846, 436, 1134, 943, 2505, 2505, 1554, 3065, 1191, 4092, 2683, 3175, 4081, 1516, 3116, 4563, 1591, 3327, 3326, 53, 4427, 1104, 2984, 2984, 970, 2273, 697, 4134, 4039, 4039, 1287, 1287, 3032, 3032, 3991, 3991, 3040, 2593, 399, 399, 399, 4389, 1128, 1128, 1286, 828, 828, 110, 4195, 4195, 4637, 1377, 186, 3111, 2365, 1832, 1832, 889, 149, 2708, 2859, 1289, 4511, 2535, 3553, 3553, 171, 171, 171, 4507, 4507, 897, 3985, 3985, 3985, 3892, 3892, 605, 3755, 3755, 3764, 4846, 2527, 760, 4523, 3702, 1069, 313, 1892, 1608, 3104, 3104, 3104, 3104, 3104, 3104, 4065, 4065, 1341, 1538, 1538, 3171, 4655, 2292, 991, 4511, 1275, 162, 2324, 3849, 3849, 4852, 4852, 4941, 1795, 1795, 2594, 949, 2926, 2926, 1531, 577, 2307, 3054, 3054, 4207, 4207, 2198, 2150, 2150, 3683, 2096, 2096, 231, 1673, 2790, 3776, 3776, 3776, 3776, 563, 3290, 1096, 1096, 3446, 4953, 4123, 4123, 4487, 2667, 2945, 1516, 4383, 3385, 4511, 6, 1139, 2732, 2732, 114, 1401, 885, 1395, 1395, 3232, 563, 146, 146, 3524, 1096, 1096, 3446, 2043, 4747, 4747, 4747, 4747, 4747, 495, 1173, 1173, 3373, 1100, 3054, 2007, 3355, 2833, 1284, 318, 1140, 1140, 3748, 540, 3713, 3349, 3349, 1606, 390, 3837, 3837, 3837, 4473, 4318, 4318, 4247, 4894, 4894, 1440, 1440, 1440, 1440, 55, 53, 1498, 2790, 2790, 2790, 2790, 4331, 4712, 4712, 4712, 4712, 4970, 4271, 4271, 2706, 2706, 262, 262, 262, 1882, 1882, 4844, 4844, 4681, 2210, 2593, 2593, 399, 399, 1128, 3134, 3134, 532, 3844, 312, 1162, 2391, 2425, 448, 448, 448, 2729, 328, 328, 328, 328, 328, 4537, 963, 568, 568, 910, 1992, 693, 2849, 2047, 3196, 1980, 1980, 1545, 1545, 1545, 2177, 2298, 3123, 954, 45, 2833, 318, 1140, 1140, 3748, 540, 2035, 3713, 3349, 3349, 415, 3837, 3837, 3837, 2265, 4473, 4511, 1275, 3838, 875, 875, 875, 146, 146, 146, 146, 146, 2158, 3446, 4953, 4953, 3757, 3743, 3743, 3280, 3280, 1238, 3717, 3717, 2535, 1458, 2333, 2333, 3396, 3396, 3396, 3396, 3396, 3396, 3773, 1275, 2898, 162, 1311, 2967, 3557, 3557, 3557, 1128, 1245, 3913, 1436, 1436, 3268, 312, 2391, 4641, 2834, 1525, 1525, 659, 659, 3578, 3207, 1477, 1477, 2047, 2086, 729, 729, 2261, 1478, 62, 3189, 742, 102, 4660, 2790, 4483, 4483, 4483, 4483, 4406, 3266, 3266, 271, 3720, 3619, 3619, 4209, 279, 4740, 2821, 2821, 687, 742, 1724, 4660, 2790, 4038, 2054, 2054, 2054, 2562, 3207, 3207, 765, 765, 765, 4184, 4184, 3493, 3493, 3453, 2298, 704, 74, 1134, 943, 943, 2505, 2505, 1554, 4511, 3065, 242, 3326, 2683, 3175, 910, 3683, 1060, 2164, 2164, 1440, 1440, 1440, 276, 53, 4427, 4240, 4240, 4240, 4240, 4240, 1527, 1984, 1984, 1984, 1984, 1117, 1117, 1117, 4398, 142, 2967, 4811, 399, 2220, 1128, 1286, 110, 110, 2030, 4195, 2026, 1162, 2833, 4144, 1613, 2335, 2335, 206, 1807, 1275, 1069, 313, 1892, 3001, 427, 427, 427, 201, 1628, 3607, 3487, 938, 938, 2023, 2298, 4834, 2951, 2905, 4721, 947, 1746, 1746, 2543, 2701, 2279, 2535, 1892, 491, 491, 491, 1281, 279, 1554, 875, 2396, 3259, 413, 413, 224, 1112, 4541, 663, 4054, 4202, 3049, 1206, 2212, 3348, 951, 951, 951, 1887, 160, 160, 160, 2610, 7, 3660, 150, 2210, 4401, 3087, 2593, 2593, 399, 1128, 1128, 1128, 1128, 3913, 828, 3844, 2030, 4195, 3744, 2833, 1952, 3570, 1279, 1279, 768, 3834, 3834, 3834, 4336, 3899, 4500, 687, 163, 559, 1223, 3281, 2553, 2553, 2553, 2553, 1318, 3466, 3466, 3266, 2800, 2425, 2425, 3938, 2008, 152, 4480, 4480, 4188, 4188, 2362, 4845, 4845, 4845, 2538, 2538, 1819, 401, 3261, 13, 3072, 369, 1347, 392, 2458, 2458, 2458, 2458, 2458, 2458, 4892, 4892, 2462, 2462, 4250, 1721, 4903, 526, 526, 1096, 840, 1883, 1883, 247, 437, 3350, 3350, 4141, 1445, 1445, 3908, 2541, 4508, 2096, 742, 1724, 4660, 654, 2044, 2044, 2044, 880, 880, 283, 3997, 3694, 1067, 2539, 4813, 4813, 366, 293, 1971, 3516, 1512, 3869, 3315, 4561, 2047, 4035, 3102, 729, 4828, 1107, 275, 275, 2420, 2616, 4764, 4764, 4764, 4764, 282, 3314, 445, 3711, 2354, 273, 2905, 4260, 3516, 3516, 2968, 3315, 4561, 2849, 4035, 832, 1445, 3741, 3741, 448, 448, 3828, 3898, 666, 666, 666, 2300, 1548, 1548, 271, 1126, 916, 916, 4465, 1006, 4744, 1478, 2812, 742, 102, 1154, 1154, 211, 211, 1532, 1532, 4093, 251, 2820, 1916, 371, 371, 371, 668, 4785, 4785, 670, 4401, 71, 71, 4665, 1128, 3134, 3134, 532, 3268, 312, 2391, 14, 2754, 108, 68, 4249, 2316, 42, 3347, 729, 729, 1060, 2164, 4500, 742, 2026, 53, 3574, 2750, 2750, 2750, 370, 860, 2559, 3567, 2476, 86, 86, 1516, 1516, 4383, 436, 1067, 4813, 4813, 4609, 293, 2707, 3516, 3516, 2968, 2744, 4567, 448, 3260, 4552, 713, 143, 1230, 227, 1179, 1179, 1179, 1179, 19, 19, 225, 4780, 419, 222, 4392, 1411, 4532, 809, 4655, 2292, 706, 2186, 551, 1284, 318, 1140, 3748, 1862, 2047, 2086, 729, 729, 4725, 4714, 4477, 2668, 2910, 441, 2208, 2208, 2208, 858, 2640, 3717, 3717, 2535, 1458, 2333, 368, 368, 346, 61, 362, 374, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.2801737012987013, 0.5403349953617811, 0.6403970315398888, 1.1407072124304267, 1.560967764378479, 2.0812903525046385, 2.181352388682746, 2.9818486781076072, 3.3420720083487945, 4.422741999072357, 4.662890885899815, 4.782965329313544, 5.283275510204082, 5.403349953617812, 5.903660134508349, 6.664131609461967, 7.044367346938776, 7.3445534554731, 7.704776785714286, 8.165062152133581, 8.685384740259742, 8.825471590909093, 9.245732142857143, 9.645980287569575, 10.186315282931355, 10.526526205936921, 11.04684879406308, 11.727270640074213, 11.987431934137293, 12.427704893320966, 12.787928223562155, 13.108126739332098, 13.228201182745826, 13.728511363636366, 14.428945616883118, 14.56903246753247, 14.769156539888685, 15.189417091836736, 15.289479128014843, 15.429565978664195, 15.829814123376625, 16.130000231910948, 16.670335227272727, 16.95050892857143, 17.170645408163267, 17.530868738404454, 18.091216141001855, 18.351377435064936, 18.471451878478668, 19.011786873840446, 19.19189853896104, 19.57213427643785, 19.752245941558446, 20.012407235621524, 20.71284148886828, 21.173126855287574, 21.41327574211503, 21.613399814471247, 21.893573515769944, 22.634032583487944, 22.934218692022267, 23.074305542671617, 23.51457850185529, 23.974863868274586, 24.335087198515772, 24.9154470083488, 25.315695153061228, 26.036141813543605, 26.476414772727274, 26.856650510204087, 27.236886247680893, 27.537072356215216, 27.897295686456403, 28.057394944341375, 28.157456980519484, 28.597729939703157, 28.697791975881263, 28.817866419294994, 29.13806493506494, 29.238126971243048, 29.31817660018553, 29.738437152133585, 30.238747333024122, 30.47889621985158, 30.59897066326531, 31.09928084415585, 31.179330473098332, 31.67964065398887, 31.819727504638223, 31.919789540816332 ]
[ 0.2801737012987013, 0.5403349953617811, 0.6403970315398888, 1.1407072124304267, 1.560967764378479, 2.0812903525046385, 2.181352388682746, 2.9818486781076072, 3.3420720083487945, 4.422741999072357, 4.662890885899815, 4.782965329313544, 5.283275510204082, 5.403349953617812, 5.903660134508349, 6.664131609461967, 7.044367346938776, 7.3445534554731, 7.704776785714286, 8.165062152133581, 8.685384740259742, 8.825471590909093, 9.245732142857143, 9.645980287569575, 10.186315282931355, 10.526526205936921, 11.04684879406308, 11.727270640074213, 11.987431934137293, 12.427704893320966, 12.787928223562155, 13.108126739332098, 13.228201182745826, 13.728511363636366, 14.428945616883118, 14.56903246753247, 14.769156539888685, 15.189417091836736, 15.289479128014843, 15.429565978664195, 15.829814123376625, 16.130000231910948, 16.670335227272727, 16.95050892857143, 17.170645408163267, 17.530868738404454, 18.091216141001855, 18.351377435064936, 18.471451878478668, 19.011786873840446, 19.19189853896104, 19.57213427643785, 19.752245941558446, 20.012407235621524, 20.71284148886828, 21.173126855287574, 21.41327574211503, 21.613399814471247, 21.893573515769944, 22.634032583487944, 22.934218692022267, 23.074305542671617, 23.51457850185529, 23.974863868274586, 24.335087198515772, 24.9154470083488, 25.315695153061228, 26.036141813543605, 26.476414772727274, 26.856650510204087, 27.236886247680893, 27.537072356215216, 27.897295686456403, 28.057394944341375, 28.157456980519484, 28.597729939703157, 28.697791975881263, 28.817866419294994, 29.13806493506494, 29.238126971243048, 29.31817660018553, 29.738437152133585, 30.238747333024122, 30.47889621985158, 30.59897066326531, 31.09928084415585, 31.179330473098332, 31.67964065398887, 31.819727504638223, 31.919789540816332, 32.34005009276438 ]
We have created a directive which I know is going to save lives, protect rights, catch criminals and make Europe a safer place for our citizens.
we have created a directive which i know is going to save lives protect rights catch criminals and make europe a safer place for our citizens.
[ "we", "have", "created", "a", "directive", "which", "i", "know", "is", "going", "to", "save", "lives", "protect", "rights", "catch", "criminals", "and", "make", "europe", "a", "safer", "place", "for", "our", "citizens." ]
[ "we", "have", "created", "a", "directive", "which", "i", "know", "is", "going", "to", "save", "lives", "protect", "rights", "catch", "criminals", "and", "make", "europe", "a", "safer", "place", "for", "our", "citizens" ]
[ "w e", "h a v e", "c r e a t e d", "a", "d i r e c t i v e", "w h i c h", "i", "k n o w", "i s", "g o i n g", "t o", "s a v e", "l i v e s", "p r o t e c t", "r i g h t s", "c a t c h", "c r i m i n a l s", "a n d", "m a k e", "e u r o p e", "a", "s a f e r", "p l a c e", "f o r", "o u r", "c i t i z e n s" ]
[ 2204, 2517, 4251, 2560, 871, 871, 934, 934, 1878, 3078, 2415, 810, 1256, 921, 1313, 3665, 1313, 4095, 4095, 1313, 1313, 572, 4470, 4470, 593, 1827, 1988, 2269, 2269, 2269, 4076, 2802, 1328, 2359, 2842, 1524, 1163, 513, 3894, 466, 466, 2861, 283, 3652, 396, 4807, 1876, 1876, 3009, 1974, 358, 3197, 3079, 3246, 2137, 1065, 4193, 1847, 1658, 2008, 152, 4188, 2365, 4921, 4921, 1744, 1744, 1744, 3956, 3956, 4353, 4353, 4353, 4353, 1488, 3483, 3353, 4740, 4740, 2019, 742, 41, 2531, 4670, 4670, 4670, 2397, 2397, 314, 4895, 3481, 219, 3490, 3494, 3210, 4876, 1010, 1069, 552, 2704, 190, 3393, 3393, 3393, 3393, 3413, 565, 2248, 3466, 4183, 4567, 2251, 426, 2336, 2420, 2420, 2616, 2616, 2616, 2616, 2616, 533, 3172, 3172, 2016, 2016, 1473, 1473, 2248, 3636, 3636, 4072, 4072, 2091, 2898, 2898, 621, 621, 4398, 61, 4811, 163, 15, 15, 15, 122, 122, 122, 3525, 4940, 163, 562, 562, 2026, 955, 2071, 2071, 2026, 520, 3958, 2026, 1784, 3407, 3167, 285, 324, 1623, 894, 136, 2374, 4722, 4722, 4722, 703, 4076, 1328, 2359, 2664, 1145, 4590, 1626, 2888, 1827, 926, 926, 3518, 3518, 3518, 3518, 495, 1236, 2122, 518, 445, 445, 538, 538, 538, 4505, 4505, 3773, 3773, 4100, 4100, 4100, 162, 3414, 1311, 634, 4811, 4811, 742, 4811, 4389, 4389, 4389, 3401, 3401, 3401, 3401, 1254, 1254, 1254, 3415, 2827, 2827, 3958, 1416, 1586, 1586, 4633, 678, 708, 592, 2817, 2817, 2817, 2817, 4513, 1056, 231, 2811, 4797, 2103, 1217, 1217, 213, 1829, 742, 310, 2174, 1052, 1122, 440, 440, 440, 1947, 4867, 1701, 1701, 1794, 3613, 1419, 1419, 2053, 2053, 668, 900, 900, 900, 4289, 4289, 1764, 1216, 296, 4260, 3376, 4181, 4181, 1234, 74, 74, 308, 185, 1560, 1560, 1560, 418, 2663, 3189, 1733, 1616, 2867, 2867, 39, 2775, 2144, 833, 833, 2262, 2262, 470, 4566, 4566, 1398, 1137, 1761, 3189, 3189, 2419, 1008, 95, 1723, 1417, 4077, 1010, 1069, 552, 1608, 190, 3393, 3393, 3393, 3413, 3680, 2217, 3279, 1966, 303, 910, 910, 2753, 1210, 231, 4932, 263, 3342, 626, 626, 626, 626, 1816, 4269, 1037, 3630, 298, 462, 3838, 875, 2396, 838, 1344, 1344, 2524, 3618, 3487, 1570, 1570, 3924, 3924, 3996, 4446, 1417, 4876, 1010, 3914, 620, 4230, 4230, 4230, 4070, 1708, 1025, 1025, 1025, 4214, 237, 121, 655, 4646, 1521, 1521, 4532, 1979, 3226, 3226, 3226, 836, 836, 4284, 4284, 2898, 2152, 2152, 2152, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.04009943181818181, 0.18044744318181816, 0.3408451704545454, 0.38094460227272725, 0.8821874999999999, 1.082684659090909, 1.1628835227272725, 1.4435795454545453, 1.5839275568181814, 1.8044744318181816, 1.904723011363636, 2.2455681818181814, 2.947308238636363, 3.608948863636363, 4.330738636363636, 4.932230113636363, 5.513671874999999, 5.633970170454545, 5.874566761363636, 6.215411931818181, 6.275561079545454, 6.656505681818181, 6.977301136363635, 7.137698863636363, 7.278046874999999 ]
[ 0.020049715909090906, 0.16039772727272725, 0.3408451704545454, 0.38094460227272725, 0.8821874999999999, 1.082684659090909, 1.1628835227272725, 1.4435795454545453, 1.5839275568181814, 1.8044744318181816, 1.904723011363636, 2.2455681818181814, 2.947308238636363, 3.608948863636363, 4.330738636363636, 4.932230113636363, 5.513671874999999, 5.633970170454545, 5.874566761363636, 6.215411931818181, 6.275561079545454, 6.656505681818181, 6.977301136363635, 7.137698863636363, 7.278046874999999, 7.9196377840909085 ]
But hopefully, by working together, we will very soon have a system that we can truly be proud of and that we can call a true European asylum system.
but hopefully by working together we will very soon have a system that we can truly be proud of and that we can call a true european asylum system.
[ "but", "hopefully", "by", "working", "together", "we", "will", "very", "soon", "have", "a", "system", "that", "we", "can", "truly", "be", "proud", "of", "and", "that", "we", "can", "call", "a", "true", "european", "asylum", "system." ]
[ "but", "hopefully", "by", "working", "together", "we", "will", "very", "soon", "have", "a", "system", "that", "we", "can", "truly", "be", "proud", "of", "and", "that", "we", "can", "call", "a", "true", "european", "asylum", "system" ]
[ "b u t", "h o p e f u l l y", "b y", "w o r k i n g", "t o g e t h e r", "w e", "w i l l", "v e r y", "s o o n", "h a v e", "a", "s y s t e m", "t h a t", "w e", "c a n", "t r u l y", "b e", "p r o u d", "o f", "a n d", "t h a t", "w e", "c a n", "c a l l", "a", "t r u e", "e u r o p e a n", "a s y l u m", "s y s t e m" ]
[ 4079, 3156, 125, 4242, 577, 3054, 4152, 759, 1347, 1415, 2458, 2458, 2458, 2458, 2462, 4250, 4903, 381, 497, 3259, 413, 1218, 224, 1112, 4541, 2628, 4324, 587, 1247, 3896, 3896, 742, 1345, 2668, 441, 441, 441, 1580, 2547, 4012, 1743, 2903, 454, 2653, 2653, 2379, 156, 300, 860, 270, 3026, 4149, 4149, 4149, 1710, 4055, 1223, 1057, 576, 1762, 1762, 1762, 1762, 4537, 4537, 2811, 963, 568, 568, 4232, 86, 1316, 1316, 1484, 3040, 2593, 71, 4665, 4665, 4243, 3134, 3134, 1400, 3844, 3844, 1103, 4195, 3744, 2026, 924, 3677, 3677, 487, 2863, 1766, 2478, 579, 45, 1345, 3570, 3570, 1279, 1279, 1279, 2794, 768, 768, 670, 1501, 3896, 4852, 4852, 4852, 4340, 1795, 3612, 2868, 631, 2460, 2460, 3309, 870, 4080, 274, 1041, 2622, 1914, 1544, 2535, 1069, 3505, 552, 1520, 1520, 1520, 1520, 1520, 2805, 3755, 151, 151, 4401, 3040, 2593, 2593, 2220, 2220, 2447, 110, 110, 3744, 3744, 3744, 3692, 3692, 395, 3939, 999, 999, 999, 4484, 4484, 2573, 3466, 3654, 1300, 3632, 80, 890, 2746, 4614, 1723, 1001, 1544, 2535, 552, 464, 853, 853, 853, 3016, 1275, 2187, 2187, 242, 3189, 2751, 3633, 3633, 990, 375, 258, 2352, 4820, 949, 1696, 133, 2965, 1165, 2307, 2190, 551, 4471, 236, 236, 891, 3189, 1000, 1539, 4729, 4729, 3790, 685, 1546, 1623, 231, 3237, 4374, 4374, 4374, 3826, 3826, 1667, 1667, 1667, 1667, 2801, 2801, 132, 224, 224, 1112, 1112, 663, 663, 814, 311, 884, 4409, 2593, 2593, 2593, 4665, 4243, 3134, 3134, 110, 110, 4195, 3744, 1586, 1018, 221, 566, 3686, 2753, 1210, 2026, 4643, 4660, 654, 3706, 1250, 1250, 1250, 1250, 1250, 2075, 3211, 771, 1296, 2171, 2073, 883, 1168, 1168, 1168, 1168, 283, 283, 3632, 1492, 781, 1097, 2479, 68, 3364, 4820, 1655, 2229, 3183, 804, 4556, 2307, 1145, 1145, 4973, 236, 236, 891, 4183, 3238, 4729, 4729, 3790, 1006, 4728, 4336, 367, 1172, 1172, 1172, 1172, 1635, 1635, 1635, 163, 1172, 1435, 367, 3189, 714, 805, 1385, 1885, 1385, 1385, 1385, 1385, 4170, 3340, 3186, 768, 670, 758, 80, 3800, 1262, 890, 163, 1904, 2746, 4945, 4945, 432, 4187, 1623, 2026, 894, 3237, 4374, 4374, 3826, 1667, 1667, 1667, 1667, 2801, 2801, 1551, 132, 3485, 3896, 3896, 4852, 338, 992, 4403, 2144, 1004, 1004, 2262, 3648, 1853, 3593, 583, 4907, 2812, 2607, 439, 784, 784, 784, 784, 3392, 916, 916, 4465, 4465, 2160, 834, 2002, 983, 1262, 2026, 1904, 2746, 4851, 4851, 2752, 176, 1705, 752, 4528, 4824, 2069, 4417, 2175, 1912, 1184, 2561, 1940, 1590, 1590, 4609, 375, 151, 4980, 782, 2404, 4523, 158, 3505, 552, 464, 853, 853, 4435, 237, 3065, 242, 367, 2751, 3633, 990, 375, 1979, 4980, 4625, 922, 2569, 3042, 2642, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.14029789325842695, 0.5411490168539326, 0.6012766853932585, 0.9620426966292135, 1.6034044943820227, 1.9040428370786517, 2.204681179775281, 2.5454046348314607, 2.9462557584269664, 3.347106882022472, 3.4473196629213483, 3.848170786516854, 4.008511235955056, 4.108724016853933, 4.289107022471911, 4.870341151685394, 5.110851825842697, 5.471617837078652, 5.631958286516854, 5.772256179775281, 5.892511516853933, 5.992724297752809, 6.273320084269663, 6.754341432584271, 6.934724438202247, 7.275447893258427, 7.876724578651686, 8.397831039325844 ]
[ 0.14029789325842695, 0.5211064606741573, 0.6012766853932585, 0.9620426966292135, 1.6034044943820227, 1.9040428370786517, 2.204681179775281, 2.5454046348314607, 2.9462557584269664, 3.347106882022472, 3.4473196629213483, 3.848170786516854, 4.008511235955056, 4.108724016853933, 4.289107022471911, 4.870341151685394, 5.110851825842697, 5.471617837078652, 5.631958286516854, 5.752213623595506, 5.892511516853933, 5.992724297752809, 6.273320084269663, 6.754341432584271, 6.934724438202247, 7.275447893258427, 7.876724578651686, 8.397831039325844, 8.898894943820226 ]
Research framework programmes are implemented mainly through cost sharing grants based on the reimbursement of eligible actual costs.
research framework programmes are implemented mainly through cost sharing grants based on the reimbursement of eligible actual costs.
[ "research", "framework", "programmes", "are", "implemented", "mainly", "through", "cost", "sharing", "grants", "based", "on", "the", "reimbursement", "of", "eligible", "actual", "costs." ]
[ "research", "framework", "programmes", "are", "implemented", "mainly", "through", "cost", "sharing", "grants", "based", "on", "the", "reimbursement", "of", "eligible", "actual", "costs" ]
[ "r e s e a r c h", "f r a m e w o r k", "p r o g r a m m e s", "a r e", "i m p l e m e n t e d", "m a i n l y", "t h r o u g h", "c o s t", "s h a r i n g", "g r a n t s", "b a s e d", "o n", "t h e", "r e i m b u r s e m e n t", "o f", "e l i g i b l e", "a c t u a l", "c o s t s" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 1335, 1335, 4720, 4720, 524, 524, 3958, 3958, 2026, 4924, 3547, 1827, 3548, 3316, 3316, 3316, 1350, 2622, 1914, 1544, 4433, 3914, 79, 309, 2672, 2672, 2672, 425, 1923, 1056, 1974, 4797, 2103, 1217, 875, 4983, 4983, 2400, 3953, 3785, 1017, 1017, 1017, 1017, 3214, 1030, 1030, 1155, 3700, 3700, 4814, 441, 441, 1977, 4012, 2664, 2664, 3189, 3189, 1673, 654, 1215, 1685, 1685, 1685, 1685, 4563, 2768, 4124, 894, 406, 406, 4869, 4869, 4869, 4869, 4869, 2846, 304, 3905, 978, 978, 1985, 32, 1011, 4077, 65, 872, 245, 983, 742, 2789, 1464, 1464, 3876, 3876, 1316, 2325, 1889, 1, 2666, 4967, 459, 2855, 820, 3563, 4508, 1157, 3249, 4932, 263, 3150, 3150, 3150, 3150, 2944, 202, 308, 2765, 2765, 2765, 2765, 2765, 496, 2854, 4116, 1447, 231, 192, 513, 341, 2381, 2381, 1558, 3198, 3198, 754, 3492, 2205, 3190, 1340, 2593, 3295, 399, 4389, 4389, 163, 4389, 2778, 2778, 2778, 2778, 2778, 2778, 3740, 3740, 1416, 2026, 2234, 4924, 2767, 1130, 1130, 2158, 308, 939, 2058, 2058, 2058, 2058, 4271, 4271, 3214, 3171, 3171, 2168, 4190, 3509, 2731, 1112, 494, 2055, 98, 98, 814, 311, 311, 311, 884, 3910, 3485, 2463, 2463, 2774, 499, 2034, 2034, 3589, 3589, 1592, 1592, 1592, 2801, 1551, 132, 2768, 581, 231, 560, 3718, 3387, 3387, 3873, 1603, 1603, 3428, 4244, 1051, 1051, 2881, 4697, 3717, 1458, 1458, 515, 3362, 4995, 1659, 3553, 3553, 171, 171, 4507, 4783, 897, 876, 876, 876, 876, 700, 2392, 2392, 870, 4358, 651, 651, 2308, 2379, 3086, 2605, 2647, 777, 742, 41, 4622, 1801, 4201, 4201, 3730, 3730, 3730, 1545, 1545, 2290, 4489, 1585, 1374, 3264, 3234, 538, 4505, 3773, 4433, 1011, 3954, 3294, 1311, 634, 2593, 3557, 1252, 3134, 3134, 532, 828, 2030, 2030, 4195, 1586, 2026, 1018, 1373, 3597, 3597, 3597, 3597, 1816, 4269, 1037, 3630, 2535, 515, 515, 3362, 4576, 4576, 3201, 1932, 458, 3777, 4189, 2316, 4820, 4820, 3102, 3513, 4354, 1449, 135, 1827, 3316, 3316, 3316, 3316, 3316, 4850, 2443, 2409, 191, 191, 820, 3563, 3563, 4508, 3925, 3189, 739, 4427, 81, 2157, 2157, 425, 2848, 4853, 4853, 4440, 4440, 462, 3863, 2843, 4775, 4775, 3694, 2539, 2539, 249, 1146, 1146, 2215, 1709, 1725, 743, 3190, 1365, 245, 2939, 64, 2331, 2331, 4789, 4789, 2968, 1601, 3632, 3632, 2875, 1045, 187, 3907, 1169, 1839, 1839, 4147, 1940, 478, 3719, 3719, 2582, 514, 894, 1722, 3536, 4798, 727, 1820, 336, 1632, 2715, 646, 2041, 2041, 768, 471, 80, 890, 231, 1045, 2411, 4007, 4007, 1640, 3218, 3218, 1328, 1328, 2359, 2842, 1524, 614, 614, 3311, 925, 925, 1535, 1535, 1535, 4357, 183, 768, 768, 3834, 3729, 581, 3766, 3718, 3387, 3873, 3873, 1603, 1603, 1603, 4244, 1051, 1051, 997, 2640, 3717, 3717, 1458, 1458, 1458, 2333, 2333, 3396, 3396, 742, 538, 4505, 2152, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.741556682900433, 1.1824822781385282, 1.8238285984848488, 2.0442913961038967, 3.046395021645022, 3.8280358495671, 4.168751082251083, 4.609676677489179, 5.0706443452380965, 5.691948593073594, 6.172958333333334, 6.273168695887447, 6.413463203463205, 7.33539853896104, 7.5558613365800875, 8.177165584415587, 8.698259469696971 ]
[ 0.741556682900433, 1.1824822781385282, 1.8238285984848488, 2.0442913961038967, 3.046395021645022, 3.8280358495671, 4.168751082251083, 4.609676677489179, 5.0706443452380965, 5.691948593073594, 6.172958333333334, 6.273168695887447, 6.413463203463205, 7.33539853896104, 7.5558613365800875, 8.177165584415587, 8.698259469696971, 9.239395427489178 ]
Mr President, first of all I would like to thank the Commission for this proposal, because it's quite a U turn, isn't it?
mr president first of all i would like to thank the commission for this proposal because it's quite a u turn isn't it?
[ "mr", "president", "first", "of", "all", "i", "would", "like", "to", "thank", "the", "commission", "for", "this", "proposal", "because", "it's", "quite", "a", "u", "turn", "isn't", "it?" ]
[ "mr", "president", "first", "of", "all", "i", "would", "like", "to", "thank", "the", "commission", "for", "this", "proposal", "because", "it's", "quite", "a", "u", "turn", "isn't", "it" ]
[ "m r", "p r e s i d e n t", "f i r s t", "o f", "a l l", "i", "w o u l d", "l i k e", "t o", "t h a n k", "t h e", "c o m m i s s i o n", "f o r", "t h i s", "p r o p o s a l", "b e c a u s e", "i t ' s", "q u i t e", "a", "u", "t u r n", "i s n ' t", "i t" ]
[ 4079, 2026, 3156, 3052, 3052, 3052, 3052, 3052, 3052, 3052, 3556, 544, 4120, 146, 146, 2400, 2923, 671, 3236, 3236, 3236, 1580, 769, 4853, 2963, 1666, 1479, 874, 874, 874, 2744, 701, 161, 2271, 481, 481, 481, 3456, 1566, 1566, 4333, 3246, 4760, 4760, 4760, 579, 1346, 1952, 845, 3381, 3381, 482, 1972, 1113, 2251, 1230, 2420, 1596, 1596, 1596, 4164, 1173, 156, 2664, 3249, 3026, 219, 2491, 3494, 380, 2463, 2559, 4466, 449, 2988, 2988, 1624, 2489, 2664, 2664, 1186, 3347, 729, 124, 91, 2026, 3766, 714, 434, 155, 2733, 1593, 4493, 2375, 2375, 504, 504, 504, 2986, 603, 4077, 419, 1840, 4392, 821, 60, 2649, 522, 2435, 1368, 4635, 4635, 3106, 840, 1883, 1883, 247, 4026, 4652, 1153, 4226, 726, 279, 4740, 3930, 2821, 687, 4643, 3407, 3949, 285, 2261, 3189, 2026, 2973, 1644, 1530, 1530, 1118, 1118, 1118, 1118, 1476, 644, 4922, 4922, 4032, 4433, 472, 776, 776, 668, 1187, 1177, 3431, 276, 2741, 3060, 848, 848, 91, 231, 1000, 3603, 888, 888, 4438, 4740, 2213, 257, 886, 4328, 4328, 1285, 1285, 4077, 2019, 213, 1829, 3766, 2902, 3696, 1649, 1703, 1703, 1703, 1703, 1703, 495, 4515, 1708, 2660, 95, 95, 4216, 790, 790, 992, 992, 2775, 3174, 3741, 4172, 4172, 4172, 4706, 825, 2183, 742, 1550, 1359, 1359, 1359, 4375, 2260, 1729, 1729, 1251, 1251, 1366, 1366, 1366, 1366, 2118, 4609, 3764, 3398, 2707, 2148, 4693, 3077, 4032, 4955, 1360, 4279, 4279, 4279, 4609, 339, 1634, 3449, 1993, 1266, 1266, 2424, 3817, 131, 3492, 3472, 3472, 1481, 2593, 163, 3557, 329, 2976, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.04015564202334631, 0.26101167315175106, 0.5421011673151752, 0.642490272373541, 0.8231906614785994, 0.9235797665369652, 1.0842023346303504, 1.3050583657587551, 1.3853696498054477, 1.5861478599221794, 1.686536964980545, 2.188482490272374, 2.369182879377432, 2.5097276264591444, 3.091984435797666, 3.4132295719844366, 3.573852140077822, 3.854941634241246, 3.9553307392996118, 4.1561089494163435, 4.557665369649806, 4.8387548638132305 ]
[ 0.020077821011673155, 0.26101167315175106, 0.5421011673151752, 0.642490272373541, 0.8231906614785994, 0.9235797665369652, 1.0842023346303504, 1.3050583657587551, 1.3853696498054477, 1.5861478599221794, 1.686536964980545, 2.188482490272374, 2.369182879377432, 2.5097276264591444, 3.091984435797666, 3.4132295719844366, 3.573852140077822, 3.854941634241246, 3.9553307392996118, 4.1561089494163435, 4.557665369649806, 4.8387548638132305, 5.139922178988328 ]
For example, we must have the new tools for reinforced economic governance at our disposal as soon as possible.
for example we must have the new tools for reinforced economic governance at our disposal as soon as possible.
[ "for", "example", "we", "must", "have", "the", "new", "tools", "for", "reinforced", "economic", "governance", "at", "our", "disposal", "as", "soon", "as", "possible." ]
[ "for", "example", "we", "must", "have", "the", "new", "tools", "for", "reinforced", "economic", "governance", "at", "our", "disposal", "as", "soon", "as", "possible" ]
[ "f o r", "e x a m p l e", "w e", "m u s t", "h a v e", "t h e", "n e w", "t o o l s", "f o r", "r e i n f o r c e d", "e c o n o m i c", "g o v e r n a n c e", "a t", "o u r", "d i s p o s a l", "a s", "s o o n", "a s", "p o s s i b l e" ]
[ 38, 4598, 2811, 467, 3154, 3154, 4720, 1457, 3861, 75, 3958, 381, 785, 3106, 1883, 1883, 247, 2524, 3877, 801, 265, 1160, 1312, 1312, 4424, 2345, 3990, 2506, 2506, 2506, 2506, 2506, 913, 4001, 1157, 595, 381, 1916, 371, 371, 371, 668, 1873, 4450, 4450, 3087, 3295, 3295, 163, 399, 4389, 4389, 4389, 4389, 3401, 1254, 1254, 1254, 3415, 1103, 1103, 28, 2026, 1586, 924, 3677, 487, 487, 2863, 1166, 3846, 4493, 202, 148, 363, 363, 363, 4650, 1281, 298, 515, 3362, 212, 1785, 4770, 3939, 3939, 999, 1434, 4484, 2573, 3855, 4561, 2849, 2724, 2724, 2086, 729, 729, 3938, 2008, 824, 824, 824, 824, 3251, 3251, 3251, 1635, 1635, 2026, 1635, 1604, 1604, 1586, 1635, 1172, 1172, 1858, 1858, 4188, 2362, 4845, 4845, 4845, 2538, 2538, 4706, 260, 2183, 1623, 860, 231, 1781, 2877, 2681, 2681, 2947, 2947, 717, 717, 717, 4170, 4170, 900, 900, 4289, 4289, 292, 3385, 3830, 3830, 3830, 2214, 162, 1311, 4398, 634, 163, 3557, 1639, 1286, 1286, 828, 2827, 2827, 4195, 1586, 4658, 4658, 785, 2400, 3106, 2595, 1883, 1508, 1508, 378, 247, 247, 1316, 3445, 3445, 4902, 4659, 4659, 3908, 3908, 3832, 4190, 4728, 2734, 4120, 4120, 2832, 1615, 2595, 2595, 2637, 2637, 2637, 1491, 1491, 1316, 4383, 356, 2227, 2535, 1666, 1191, 1479, 4659, 1845, 1845, 891, 4183, 714, 2720, 2720, 2720, 1559, 4766, 1780, 1780, 1780, 2273, 1404, 1777, 2773, 2773, 1190, 1710, 894, 2272, 3070, 2087, 2087, 2087, 2087, 1274, 3094, 1788, 1308, 1308, 4609, 4813, 4813, 4813, 194, 292, 991, 65, 872, 4944, 197, 2834, 898, 2127, 4131, 3249, 3567, 4952, 1570, 4909, 4909, 342, 342, 4849, 4849, 693, 4184, 572, 837, 837, 618, 82, 2535, 4308, 4308, 2173, 3987, 2927, 2192, 1530, 1118, 1118, 1118, 1118, 644, 4922, 4032, 4032, 472, 776, 776, 776, 2053, 668, 2851, 670, 3040, 20, 71, 399, 4665, 1128, 1286, 1286, 1286, 110, 110, 4195, 163, 1904, 1904, 1510, 4950, 3292, 3292, 3292, 3292, 176, 1807, 1275, 4037, 4037, 1069, 3914, 552, 620, 1520, 1520, 1520, 1520, 1520, 1520, 3755, 3755, 3755, 3764, 2160, 4681, 2210, 4401, 3087, 2593, 399, 2220, 2220, 1286, 1286, 110, 110, 3268, 3744, 231, 14, 2834, 1759, 1759, 1759, 1289, 2535, 3863, 2821, 4241, 2927, 2559, 452, 116, 767, 767, 767, 1051, 4853, 2963, 121, 655, 2480, 2480, 2480, 4929, 2715, 646, 646, 1463, 668, 391, 4980, 922, 922, 4625, 4625, 4625, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.36090625, 1.0626684027777777, 1.3834739583333333, 1.6641788194444442, 1.8646822916666665, 2.1854878472222223, 2.6065451388888885, 3.2281059027777776, 3.6491631944444443, 4.230623263888889, 4.651680555555556, 5.092788194444444, 5.233140625, 5.41359375, 6.175506944444444, 6.516362847222222, 6.997571180555556, 7.2983263888888885 ]
[ 0.36090625, 1.0626684027777777, 1.3834739583333333, 1.6641788194444442, 1.8646822916666665, 2.1854878472222223, 2.6065451388888885, 3.2281059027777776, 3.6491631944444443, 4.230623263888889, 4.651680555555556, 5.092788194444444, 5.233140625, 5.41359375, 6.175506944444444, 6.516362847222222, 6.997571180555556, 7.2983263888888885, 7.919887152777777 ]
During the debate, many of you also mentioned energy issues.
during the debate many of you also mentioned energy issues.
[ "during", "the", "debate", "many", "of", "you", "also", "mentioned", "energy", "issues." ]
[ "during", "the", "debate", "many", "of", "you", "also", "mentioned", "energy", "issues" ]
[ "d u r i n g", "t h e", "d e b a t e", "m a n y", "o f", "y o u", "a l s o", "m e n t i o n e d", "e n e r g y", "i s s u e s" ]
[ 2204, 1002, 1002, 1002, 1002, 2133, 2133, 1773, 1773, 1773, 2026, 166, 819, 544, 2001, 1787, 1967, 4184, 2389, 2826, 2826, 2826, 1857, 1153, 2932, 2932, 2379, 156, 3771, 3799, 231, 4132, 2086, 729, 729, 1617, 3665, 3522, 572, 1353, 3683, 3327, 894, 1373, 3574, 394, 1622, 1622, 1622, 1622, 1622, 1086, 1086, 4583, 4583, 565, 518, 518, 3373, 131, 2732, 2732, 742, 2636, 3472, 3472, 3436, 3436, 3436, 3436, 640, 640, 640, 640, 755, 755, 755, 755, 2133, 2133, 1773, 1773, 1773, 4703, 2697, 2767, 2767, 308, 1043, 1043, 3157, 3157, 2501, 2501, 506, 3722, 4946, 2443, 4778, 4778, 3912, 3249, 1966, 2867, 3591, 2191, 2453, 4285, 1019, 2165, 332, 2525, 3297, 3297, 1933, 2385, 2385, 3928, 2535, 3762, 2066, 3380, 3128, 3128, 4026, 1125, 3948, 308, 2993, 2510, 2510, 2510, 496, 2854, 277, 3155, 3405, 1275, 419, 1840, 2282, 2282, 2282, 1055, 4210, 4210, 4210, 4210, 4210, 4210, 37, 37, 37, 412, 412, 2811, 4713, 4713, 3436, 3436, 455, 455, 2558, 2558, 2026, 2558, 4559, 2395, 2395, 1002, 1002, 1002, 755, 755, 2133, 3050, 80, 3189, 381, 1045, 187, 387, 387, 387, 2300, 3613, 1005, 1676, 1676, 1676, 1676, 514, 4843, 104, 1722, 3536, 3536, 3043, 3043, 2540, 587, 1687, 742, 3441, 2552, 3703, 1124, 1124, 1124, 603, 18, 3405, 3061, 3035, 3035, 3035, 3035, 2518, 2518, 2518, 2518, 3604, 3689, 608, 292, 3385, 3830, 3830, 3140, 2152, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.5825108225108225, 0.7231168831168832, 1.5265800865800867, 1.9483982683982686, 2.0488311688311693, 2.1894372294372295, 2.490735930735931, 3.374545454545455, 4.057489177489178 ]
[ 0.5825108225108225, 0.7231168831168832, 1.5265800865800867, 1.9483982683982686, 2.0488311688311693, 2.1894372294372295, 2.490735930735931, 3.374545454545455, 4.057489177489178, 4.619913419913421 ]
Thirty five thousand wind turbines the size of jumbo jets, the biggest desecration of my beautiful island since the Industrial Revolution.
thirty five thousand wind turbines the size of jumbo jets the biggest desecration of my beautiful island since the industrial revolution.
[ "thirty", "five", "thousand", "wind", "turbines", "the", "size", "of", "jumbo", "jets", "the", "biggest", "desecration", "of", "my", "beautiful", "island", "since", "the", "industrial", "revolution." ]
[ "thirty", "five", "thousand", "wind", "turbines", "the", "size", "of", "jumbo", "jets", "the", "biggest", "desecration", "of", "my", "beautiful", "island", "since", "the", "industrial", "revolution" ]
[ "t h i r t y", "f i v e", "t h o u s a n d", "w i n d", "t u r b i n e s", "t h e", "s i z e", "o f", "j u m b o", "j e t s", "t h e", "b i g g e s t", "d e s e c r a t i o n", "o f", "m y", "b e a u t i f u l", "i s l a n d", "s i n c e", "t h e", "i n d u s t r i a l", "r e v o l u t i o n" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 4720, 3409, 3409, 2026, 4658, 4658, 4658, 2774, 2774, 104, 2774, 4466, 2619, 2619, 1813, 1813, 1813, 1813, 1580, 1580, 769, 1442, 3078, 2415, 2979, 2979, 3685, 3685, 438, 3293, 1815, 623, 5, 43, 671, 972, 972, 972, 972, 972, 972, 167, 282, 282, 2301, 2248, 3466, 3275, 3275, 2321, 2774, 104, 4466, 2619, 4682, 4682, 4682, 4682, 4682, 1267, 1267, 1267, 2709, 4922, 4922, 4032, 1360, 1272, 4218, 4218, 4218, 1055, 3123, 3691, 1569, 1346, 2783, 2668, 864, 864, 864, 3008, 4768, 3918, 522, 830, 1546, 1546, 628, 1781, 136, 2657, 541, 2287, 4487, 4487, 4487, 4487, 1580, 1580, 732, 2759, 3327, 1373, 4427, 4943, 232, 232, 232, 232, 4065, 4065, 1341, 1538, 1538, 1882, 809, 809, 1985, 1985, 32, 4284, 1011, 2898, 621, 3414, 3414, 881, 61, 61, 362, 288, 288, 288, 2026, 374, 2699, 4621, 87, 4823, 4823, 574, 574, 4796, 4796, 453, 72, 453, 3673, 3673, 2030, 2677, 2026, 1504, 489, 1448, 492, 2131, 1109, 1417, 158, 1010, 1069, 3914, 2704, 190, 4528, 2931, 2931, 2931, 533, 167, 282, 1473, 3314, 3314, 4594, 1216, 296, 2906, 606, 2446, 4526, 384, 3652, 917, 1568, 1967, 1967, 3138, 286, 2097, 2097, 1526, 3062, 3062, 3062, 2057, 516, 516, 1695, 741, 104, 1373, 170, 280, 4363, 4363, 3956, 1193, 4495, 4018, 3049, 1568, 231, 1967, 3138, 286, 2097, 2097, 3269, 3269, 3269, 3269, 3269, 3137, 2585, 4818, 1136, 2732, 538, 4505, 3773, 4077, 4100, 4100, 4100, 162, 1311, 634, 2447, 2447, 2593, 3557, 1128, 140, 140, 72, 1357, 532, 828, 2030, 4195, 3744, 742, 1504, 489, 492, 3513, 4730, 1060, 2164, 3133, 2559, 739, 3574, 2370, 2370, 2370, 3879, 4124, 428, 4534, 4534, 3569, 3569, 159, 4077, 3863, 1139, 84, 687, 381, 2231, 3025, 3025, 4348, 4348, 4348, 1281, 4708, 4697, 4955, 655, 2874, 4962, 343, 3006, 91, 2607, 310, 2000, 2174, 1052, 1122, 1198, 1808, 3690, 3690, 1573, 3430, 225, 4780, 18, 1840, 222, 636, 636, 636, 3398, 2446, 1512, 2997, 3997, 3997, 148, 3069, 737, 737, 429, 429, 49, 182, 2164, 2164, 3189, 2607, 739, 4118, 4118, 4118, 4118, 4118, 4706, 4736, 89, 960, 960, 960, 960, 2472, 497, 3259, 3259, 413, 413, 183, 1566, 4333, 2740, 822, 4878, 4878, 4878, 4878, 4417, 4417, 1912, 3243, 3243, 4960, 2369, 2369, 2369, 2369, 3034, 4210, 4210, 4394, 412, 4497, 4497, 2205, 3190, 1481, 610, 742, 3808, 1351, 1639, 1128, 140, 3913, 3913, 532, 2030, 710, 912, 4494, 1332, 2110, 3914, 620, 1229, 1229, 1229, 1229, 277, 4883, 4691, 4691, 3411, 3994, 2938, 1844, 832, 1064, 100, 210, 2443, 2409, 2378, 661, 4108, 2410, 1568, 231, 433, 2231, 902, 1201, 1201, 1201, 1201, 1201, 2881, 4708, 4440, 2187, 4270, 2314, 2314, 3045, 3045, 4357, 4357, 3325, 3325, 1187, 1449, 1449, 2888, 1827, 4191, 4283, 4283, 4283, 1274, 1274, 3094, 306, 3412, 3412, 3412, 143, 1230, 227, 2680, 2680, 2680, 2680, 3835, 3835, 225, 4780, 1666, 419, 1840, 222, 3534, 3534, 3122, 1979, 151, 2210, 922, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.621265306122449, 1.0220816326530613, 1.5231020408163267, 1.8036734693877552, 2.8057142857142856, 3.2466122448979595, 3.6474285714285717, 3.767673469387755, 4.268693877551021, 4.9500816326530614, 5.270734693877552, 5.671551020408164, 6.433102040816327, 6.53330612244898, 6.713673469387755, 7.294857142857143, 7.876040816326531, 8.336979591836734, 8.437183673469388, 9.058448979591837 ]
[ 0.621265306122449, 1.0220816326530613, 1.5231020408163267, 1.8036734693877552, 2.8057142857142856, 3.2466122448979595, 3.6474285714285717, 3.767673469387755, 4.268693877551021, 4.9500816326530614, 5.270734693877552, 5.671551020408164, 6.433102040816327, 6.53330612244898, 6.713673469387755, 7.294857142857143, 7.876040816326531, 8.316938775510206, 8.437183673469388, 9.058448979591837, 9.79995918367347 ]
Three candidates are receiving support from the Commission through our Horizon 2020 programme, and Member States are also investing in several candidates.
three candidates are receiving support from the commission through our horizon two thousand and twenty programme and member states are also investing in several candidates.
[ "three", "candidates", "are", "receiving", "support", "from", "the", "commission", "through", "our", "horizon", "two", "thousand", "and", "twenty", "programme", "and", "member", "states", "are", "also", "investing", "in", "several", "candidates." ]
[ "three", "candidates", "are", "receiving", "support", "from", "the", "commission", "through", "our", "horizon", "two", "thousand", "and", "twenty", "programme", "and", "member", "states", "are", "also", "investing", "in", "several", "candidates" ]
[ "t h r e e", "c a n d i d a t e s", "a r e", "r e c e i v i n g", "s u p p o r t", "f r o m", "t h e", "c o m m i s s i o n", "t h r o u g h", "o u r", "h o r i z o n", "t w o", "t h o u s a n d", "a n d", "t w e n t y", "p r o g r a m m e", "a n d", "m e m b e r", "s t a t e s", "a r e", "a l s o", "i n v e s t i n g", "i n", "s e v e r a l", "c a n d i d a t e s" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 1335, 1335, 2327, 2327, 914, 914, 524, 524, 3958, 252, 4658, 2774, 2774, 499, 499, 2034, 1319, 1319, 3434, 3434, 3434, 3434, 584, 584, 584, 569, 569, 569, 587, 2377, 1472, 3087, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 166, 166, 166, 1435, 2026, 1784, 714, 2497, 3978, 3978, 3978, 3978, 913, 2548, 2682, 104, 4825, 2406, 2406, 921, 2171, 2073, 3496, 1729, 1729, 2095, 2656, 2656, 2656, 2656, 3817, 445, 445, 1152, 4505, 4505, 3773, 3773, 3954, 3954, 3954, 3954, 162, 162, 4398, 4756, 4756, 4756, 983, 1, 2789, 1464, 1464, 1464, 1464, 1464, 766, 766, 1074, 593, 2603, 3260, 2284, 4552, 4626, 1001, 1417, 158, 1010, 1069, 552, 620, 218, 218, 218, 4619, 4619, 4406, 4406, 1788, 3637, 3637, 501, 501, 2610, 2610, 4914, 3660, 2644, 2644, 3789, 1152, 3789, 3849, 936, 890, 4852, 2404, 101, 101, 3702, 3702, 1069, 552, 4721, 947, 1746, 1746, 750, 1210, 1210, 2812, 742, 4643, 1082, 452, 2758, 1689, 1747, 1689, 1689, 1689, 1689, 2735, 2735, 2735, 2787, 908, 908, 1977, 1977, 290, 290, 131, 2732, 2732, 2636, 977, 3472, 3472, 1340, 1340, 1340, 1203, 1203, 3382, 1792, 4658, 785, 785, 3106, 3106, 4629, 1399, 4329, 906, 906, 4255, 2052, 3799, 4132, 3347, 3102, 124, 2, 231, 2533, 805, 155, 155, 155, 2733, 4493, 202, 2375, 504, 504, 504, 2986, 2504, 603, 3405, 419, 1840, 4392, 4392, 3534, 60, 60, 4609, 1282, 2160, 4846, 50, 1368, 499, 499, 2034, 3589, 3589, 1592, 1592, 1628, 3607, 2577, 1570, 1570, 1570, 3924, 3924, 1316, 1316, 3261, 13, 1347, 392, 1656, 3798, 3798, 593, 593, 2729, 4274, 4981, 4981, 4981, 2175, 282, 3314, 4922, 4032, 1360, 472, 1272, 1521, 4174, 4609, 3687, 4108, 1546, 381, 3567, 4738, 2839, 3650, 1938, 1938, 1938, 3453, 496, 4116, 1447, 894, 3567, 2979, 4054, 4054, 3336, 231, 3567, 4738, 2839, 3650, 1938, 1938, 1938, 1938, 496, 496, 2854, 4116, 1447, 381, 3567, 2017, 1036, 3684, 2540, 3843, 311, 884, 2377, 4409, 4409, 610, 610, 315, 399, 3796, 3796, 3796, 3587, 3587, 1245, 1245, 3913, 72, 3913, 532, 3844, 3844, 3268, 1586, 2026, 14, 2754, 1406, 108, 3610, 2838, 4117, 704, 74, 2158, 202, 308, 615, 615, 615, 615, 2057, 1695, 741, 2872, 4769, 4769, 3941, 1288, 3408, 4446, 1001, 4876, 9, 1084, 3271, 2559, 47, 1690, 1690, 911, 911, 911, 911, 1086, 1086, 565, 3373, 3373, 445, 3711, 4505, 3773, 1011, 3954, 162, 2324, 1365, 4756, 4756, 1, 2789, 1464, 1464, 1464, 3876, 2524, 2524, 3618, 2271, 2525, 3297, 3297, 1933, 2385, 2385, 3928, 1666, 3762, 3762, 3380, 111, 111, 2409, 3908, 2541, 3832, 4190, 856, 3878, 4055, 2868, 3372, 4041, 4041, 4041, 4041, 1281, 4708, 4440, 1275, 2187, 242, 1191, 2751, 2402, 1182, 160, 2379, 4976, 4200, 4659, 2793, 1949, 1234, 4834, 760, 1275, 3914, 2704, 190, 3732, 3732, 3732, 1274, 3094, 1788, 2439, 3620, 4081, 4357, 4357, 2041, 1187, 3834, 3729, 91, 3766, 714, 592, 3978, 3978, 3978, 3978, 1585, 2469, 2682, 4825, 2406, 2406, 1090, 3543, 3665, 1221, 4335, 215, 2656, 3817, 3817, 1152, 538, 538, 4505, 3773, 302, 4100, 145, 621, 3414, 2152, 2152, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.7013682598039216, 1.6832838235294119, 1.9437920343137254, 2.665199387254902, 3.5869976715686276, 3.9477013480392156, 4.067935906862745, 4.608991421568628, 4.869499632352941, 5.02981237745098, 5.530789705882353, 5.590906985294118, 5.751219730392156, 5.831376102941176, 6.0317670343137255, 6.632939828431373, 7.013682598039216, 7.354347181372549, 7.915441789215686, 8.13587181372549, 8.396380024509805, 8.977513725490196, 9.07770919117647, 9.458451960784314 ]
[ 0.7013682598039216, 1.6832838235294119, 1.9437920343137254, 2.665199387254902, 3.5869976715686276, 3.9477013480392156, 4.067935906862745, 4.608991421568628, 4.869499632352941, 5.02981237745098, 5.510750612745098, 5.570867892156863, 5.7311806372549015, 5.811337009803921, 6.011727941176471, 6.632939828431373, 7.013682598039216, 7.354347181372549, 7.915441789215686, 8.13587181372549, 8.396380024509805, 8.977513725490196, 9.07770919117647, 9.458451960784314, 10.199898406862745 ]
Particular areas of attention include hate crime training, empowering and supporting hate crime victims, and improving recording, as well as data collection and methodologies.
particular areas of attention include hate crime training empowering and supporting hate crime victims and improving recording as well as data collection and methodologies.
[ "particular", "areas", "of", "attention", "include", "hate", "crime", "training", "empowering", "and", "supporting", "hate", "crime", "victims", "and", "improving", "recording", "as", "well", "as", "data", "collection", "and", "methodologies." ]
[ "particular", "areas", "of", "attention", "include", "hate", "crime", "training", "empowering", "and", "supporting", "hate", "crime", "victims", "and", "improving", "recording", "as", "well", "as", "data", "collection", "and", "methodologies" ]
[ "p a r t i c u l a r", "a r e a s", "o f", "a t t e n t i o n", "i n c l u d e", "h a t e", "c r i m e", "t r a i n i n g", "e m p o w e r i n g", "a n d", "s u p p o r t i n g", "h a t e", "c r i m e", "v i c t i m s", "a n d", "i m p r o v i n g", "r e c o r d i n g", "a s", "w e l l", "a s", "d a t a", "c o l l e c t i o n", "a n d", "m e t h o d o l o g i e s" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 1335, 1335, 1335, 2327, 2327, 914, 72, 914, 524, 2677, 912, 912, 912, 1018, 452, 3949, 3949, 3949, 1516, 1516, 3965, 1623, 894, 2877, 1305, 1305, 1305, 3829, 1665, 2533, 2533, 2179, 2179, 2179, 3386, 1078, 4960, 4930, 4930, 4930, 86, 86, 1316, 414, 414, 740, 740, 3013, 3013, 1472, 3087, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 166, 166, 742, 1262, 520, 1904, 1510, 187, 3907, 2692, 4535, 4535, 4535, 4961, 2392, 4081, 870, 870, 4902, 4902, 4902, 4251, 4251, 1244, 1244, 979, 3728, 970, 970, 4322, 4322, 858, 2881, 3530, 542, 2535, 542, 3954, 3954, 3954, 3954, 162, 162, 2324, 1365, 4756, 1262, 193, 2789, 3017, 1464, 1464, 1464, 1464, 1464, 3924, 1316, 1316, 2325, 1501, 1, 3803, 4774, 4774, 1007, 1007, 3934, 4253, 4253, 2502, 1086, 565, 3373, 3965, 2636, 743, 3545, 213, 1829, 231, 310, 2174, 2790, 1052, 1122, 4169, 4169, 4169, 887, 2175, 3187, 3187, 1030, 1030, 3905, 2139, 3159, 3013, 1472, 1472, 166, 166, 1435, 1435, 1435, 1784, 3237, 4374, 3826, 3433, 3433, 4712, 4712, 4712, 4712, 4271, 3214, 3214, 3171, 69, 3613, 3169, 1605, 1182, 160, 2610, 4914, 4914, 3660, 3660, 150, 2210, 2210, 3087, 3087, 3087, 2447, 1711, 1711, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 374, 374, 374, 374, 374, 2250, 374, 374, 374, 4222, 4974, 248, 248, 248, 2756, 2756, 2756, 2026, 2756, 2756, 2200, 3306, 3306, 3306, 3306, 3754, 3754, 3754, 3215, 3754, 3306, 2885, 2885, 2885, 2885, 4059, 2885, 2885, 4059, 2885, 2885, 381, 1511, 2885, 1714, 1003, 1922, 1714, 1714, 4002, 774, 774, 2925, 1692, 912, 2281, 1249, 2754, 191, 191, 820, 3563, 4508, 4591, 2158, 452, 452, 3410, 3410, 3410, 4069, 904, 904, 904, 4849, 86, 86, 4081, 1857, 4358, 651, 160, 160, 2610, 2610, 4914, 7, 150, 150, 775, 758, 983, 1, 781, 1097, 4381, 4381, 1461, 2838, 1748, 2527, 760, 1010, 1275, 79, 4721, 1746, 1746, 750, 1210, 2812, 2812, 231, 452, 1689, 1689, 1689, 1689, 2735, 365, 365, 1923, 3965, 192, 3109, 2402, 501, 501, 2610, 7, 3086, 933, 933, 1149, 3805, 3934, 4253, 4253, 4253, 1086, 246, 1878, 894, 2007, 4485, 4183, 184, 2174, 1052, 1122, 4169, 4169, 2175, 2175, 2887, 1030, 1670, 3905, 856, 3878, 2868, 3609, 4509, 4509, 4509, 1328, 2138, 2159, 1524, 1524, 2607, 1163, 3109, 3633, 3633, 990, 990, 2846, 2876, 2876, 3226, 978, 836, 4284, 991, 1275, 1011, 3954, 4100, 162, 1311, 1311, 634, 4811, 4811, 1351, 1351, 1286, 110, 28, 1886, 2026, 1249, 1510, 4112, 108, 108, 1226, 4694, 604, 604, 4571, 2330, 80, 3963, 4967, 1405, 1405, 820, 820, 3563, 4508, 4591, 2812, 4643, 4643, 1673, 2790, 2790, 2044, 2044, 2044, 2044, 2044, 880, 880, 880, 4406, 3094, 1788, 3637, 1182, 1182, 2610, 2610, 4914, 7, 150, 150, 775, 1472, 3087, 388, 388, 166, 166, 1262, 331, 3547, 3260, 3260, 4552, 4552, 4626, 4305, 581, 62, 62, 742, 104, 714, 1371, 2935, 2935, 2935, 2935, 2735, 365, 365, 616, 825, 2171, 2073, 3169, 1605, 1182, 2610, 2610, 4914, 4914, 3660, 150, 2002, 1492, 197, 781, 4950, 3292, 3292, 3541, 176, 3786, 4599, 2186, 4973, 4553, 4553, 1543, 1543, 709, 2216, 1566, 471, 1492, 197, 2834, 1759, 1525, 1189, 659, 176, 3786, 4247, 4247, 1477, 1477, 4184, 3496, 4278, 4278, 4278, 4278, 565, 1878, 1878, 192, 3109, 979, 223, 1992, 1694, 581, 2607, 714, 4293, 155, 3432, 3818, 1230, 227, 1739, 407, 549, 2802, 1328, 2543, 556, 556, 18, 1840, 222, 821, 60, 54, 522, 522, 704, 74, 148, 2993, 2095, 2095, 324, 4023, 894, 3567, 3460, 3798, 3798, 4652, 3665, 3496, 3460, 360, 360, 2141, 4960, 1197, 3719, 3719, 3719, 2582, 4843, 4843, 1722, 3536, 1408, 1408, 500, 3859, 3797, 608, 536, 536, 1011, 2898, 2898, 145, 2152, 2152, 918 ]
[ 0, 1.1017973856209151, 1.9632026143790848, 2.1234640522875816, 2.5241176470588234, 2.664346405228758, 2.744477124183007, 3.1451307189542486, 4.467287581699346, 5.84954248366013, 6.069901960784314, 6.6708823529411765, 6.931307189542483, 7.211764705882353, 7.952973856209151, 8.293529411764707, 9.09483660130719, 9.916176470588237, 10.07643790849673, 10.316830065359477, 10.497124183006536, 10.837679738562093, 11.338496732026144, 11.398594771241829 ]
[ 1.1017973856209151, 1.9632026143790848, 2.1234640522875816, 2.5040849673202614, 2.6443137254901963, 2.7244444444444444, 3.1451307189542486, 4.467287581699346, 5.84954248366013, 6.069901960784314, 6.6708823529411765, 6.931307189542483, 7.211764705882353, 7.952973856209151, 8.293529411764707, 9.09483660130719, 9.916176470588237, 10.07643790849673, 10.316830065359477, 10.497124183006536, 10.837679738562093, 11.318464052287581, 11.37856209150327, 12.239967320261437 ]
Member States should continue developing and upgrading the points of single contact which, in the long run, should become fully fledged e government centres.
member states should continue developing and upgrading the points of single contact which in the long run should become fully fledged e government centres.
[ "member", "states", "should", "continue", "developing", "and", "upgrading", "the", "points", "of", "single", "contact", "which", "in", "the", "long", "run", "should", "become", "fully", "fledged", "e", "government", "centres." ]
[ "member", "states", "should", "continue", "developing", "and", "upgrading", "the", "points", "of", "single", "contact", "which", "in", "the", "long", "run", "should", "become", "fully", "fledged", "e", "government", "centres" ]
[ "m e m b e r", "s t a t e s", "s h o u l d", "c o n t i n u e", "d e v e l o p i n g", "a n d", "u p g r a d i n g", "t h e", "p o i n t s", "o f", "s i n g l e", "c o n t a c t", "w h i c h", "i n", "t h e", "l o n g", "r u n", "s h o u l d", "b e c o m e", "f u l l y", "f l e d g e d", "e", "g o v e r n m e n t", "c e n t r e s" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 72, 3409, 4720, 524, 75, 2026, 75, 2026, 3958, 4924, 2767, 1934, 202, 939, 2993, 615, 615, 615, 2057, 516, 1695, 741, 2872, 910, 910, 4446, 1001, 1544, 1275, 9, 1084, 3065, 3271, 1641, 1643, 1690, 911, 911, 911, 1086, 3373, 445, 3711, 273, 3411, 3553, 3553, 3553, 171, 171, 4507, 3586, 920, 4225, 4225, 4225, 3330, 1100, 381, 2007, 3545, 213, 687, 3189, 3766, 1579, 1579, 4986, 4986, 4690, 4690, 4690, 735, 735, 685, 1546, 1546, 687, 687, 3189, 1781, 136, 2260, 2260, 1994, 1994, 1994, 1994, 1994, 1994, 1548, 1548, 2485, 2070, 4765, 4765, 4765, 4765, 2518, 2518, 1819, 4042, 1873, 1873, 4980, 3087, 2593, 2593, 399, 399, 399, 1128, 1128, 1128, 1245, 3913, 23, 828, 2030, 4195, 4195, 2670, 2670, 2026, 1784, 433, 572, 1353, 1353, 1353, 1353, 1677, 1928, 2870, 3612, 2868, 2383, 2383, 2383, 2383, 2383, 4147, 1940, 1012, 2431, 2431, 2431, 3296, 4907, 595, 595, 1059, 2419, 1182, 160, 2610, 2379, 3086, 150, 3284, 2002, 1492, 197, 2559, 3143, 4381, 4381, 1461, 2838, 604, 4728, 4571, 4355, 332, 561, 3681, 3681, 3681, 3560, 1761, 3737, 742, 1721, 4903, 2852, 4500, 742, 41, 126, 4622, 1801, 1801, 4201, 4331, 1073, 528, 528, 528, 1086, 565, 565, 565, 4196, 2171, 2171, 2073, 3169, 1605, 1182, 160, 2610, 4914, 598, 598, 1638, 1638, 443, 2210, 4401, 315, 315, 315, 315, 122, 122, 122, 2778, 2778, 955, 4195, 4195, 348, 1586, 3163, 1448, 3513, 4730, 2261, 1210, 2812, 3189, 894, 1082, 2758, 2758, 3474, 3474, 3474, 3474, 3089, 3089, 1164, 4116, 3711, 4505, 4266, 2213, 606, 2464, 4526, 384, 316, 316, 2535, 1010, 3505, 552, 620, 1076, 1076, 1076, 1290, 3455, 2098, 2098, 2645, 2041, 768, 3834, 3729, 581, 231, 560, 3387, 256, 1199, 2545, 2545, 2545, 1778, 4108, 1447, 1447, 192, 2877, 1602, 1602, 1602, 2802, 3176, 2359, 1524, 3189, 3972, 1145, 1569, 1345, 56, 56, 405, 3906, 3009, 3009, 1974, 1974, 4797, 733, 18, 1117, 1217, 1365, 4944, 3963, 287, 1446, 1446, 1625, 2316, 4820, 3102, 3513, 2059, 4828, 4052, 669, 2336, 188, 3019, 3019, 3019, 2426, 2426, 1490, 1490, 1490, 3771, 3031, 1681, 2729, 1988, 4882, 4882, 4882, 4882, 4882, 1942, 2177, 1282, 2160, 4844, 4681, 2210, 4401, 2593, 2593, 3295, 399, 1128, 1128, 1128, 1286, 110, 110, 4195, 3744, 912, 4494, 1212, 1212, 3586, 3586, 920, 4225, 4225, 3330, 1972, 3054, 2970, 1897, 742, 2741, 3060, 3060, 848, 1999, 91, 381, 3766, 3718, 2497, 3489, 3310, 3310, 3310, 601, 601, 304, 304, 3905, 3905, 3216, 2002, 3963, 3963, 287, 1405, 1405, 661, 4108, 2410, 4055, 3522, 3853, 1219, 1219, 1219, 1219, 4415, 1350, 4540, 3058, 754, 2007, 142, 142, 2593, 3295, 2220, 2220, 2220, 2220, 2220, 122, 122, 2778, 2778, 3740, 2026, 4195, 4658, 4658, 4658, 4658, 146, 146, 146, 146, 146, 1615, 2595, 1015, 1015, 1015, 1015, 1015, 1015, 3186, 4644, 768, 768, 4785, 670, 775, 775, 1472, 4429, 4429, 4658, 146, 146, 3524, 1615, 1615, 1394, 2980, 3670, 2829, 2829, 2829, 2829, 600, 4513, 2461, 1974, 3235, 4797, 733, 4762, 4762, 4762, 1631, 1631, 368, 163, 346, 346, 1340, 1668, 4811, 163, 122, 122, 122, 2778, 163, 1151, 1151, 4195, 912, 1586, 912, 2666, 2552, 4228, 4228, 4228, 4228, 4415, 4415, 569, 569, 3910, 4305, 4183, 62, 4500, 381, 2272, 2272, 2087, 2087, 2087, 2087, 1274, 3094, 1308, 1308, 2051, 2051, 2944, 704, 1404, 1067, 4813, 4813, 4813, 1146, 339, 4744, 4744, 760, 4523, 1275, 1069, 3914, 552, 1091, 1091, 1229, 1229, 1331, 496, 2854, 4116, 1447, 5, 1830, 2476, 2232, 2232, 3804, 608, 536, 2091, 2535, 2898, 2898, 145, 2152, 2152, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.5809764309764309, 0.9816498316498317, 1.2821548821548823, 2.303872053872054, 3.2855218855218853, 3.505892255892256, 4.507575757575758, 4.808080808080808, 5.188720538720538, 5.308922558922559, 5.64949494949495, 6.1503367003367, 6.470875420875421, 6.5910774410774415, 6.711279461279461, 6.971717171717172, 7.392424242424243, 7.813131313131314, 8.894949494949495, 9.596127946127947, 10.337373737373738, 10.677946127946129, 11.2989898989899 ]
[ 0.5809764309764309, 0.9816498316498317, 1.2821548821548823, 2.303872053872054, 3.2855218855218853, 3.505892255892256, 4.507575757575758, 4.808080808080808, 5.188720538720538, 5.308922558922559, 5.64949494949495, 6.1503367003367, 6.470875420875421, 6.5910774410774415, 6.711279461279461, 6.971717171717172, 7.392424242424243, 7.813131313131314, 8.894949494949495, 9.596127946127947, 10.337373737373738, 10.677946127946129, 11.2989898989899, 11.87996632996633 ]
If we are serious about tackling poverty, it means putting an end to austerity, it means tackling the power of the 1 in society the speculators, the banks, the big corporations like the energy companies that will profit this winter while thousands die of fuel poverty.
if we are serious about tackling poverty it means putting an end to austerity it means tackling the power of the one in society the speculators the banks the big corporations like the energy companies that will profit this winter while thousands die of fuel poverty.
[ "if", "we", "are", "serious", "about", "tackling", "poverty", "it", "means", "putting", "an", "end", "to", "austerity", "it", "means", "tackling", "the", "power", "of", "the", "one", "in", "society", "the", "speculators", "the", "banks", "the", "big", "corporations", "like", "the", "energy", "companies", "that", "will", "profit", "this", "winter", "while", "thousands", "die", "of", "fuel", "poverty." ]
[ "if", "we", "are", "serious", "about", "tackling", "poverty", "it", "means", "putting", "an", "end", "to", "austerity", "it", "means", "tackling", "the", "power", "of", "the", "one", "in", "society", "the", "speculators", "the", "banks", "the", "big", "corporations", "like", "the", "energy", "companies", "that", "will", "profit", "this", "winter", "while", "thousands", "die", "of", "fuel", "poverty" ]
[ "i f", "w e", "a r e", "s e r i o u s", "a b o u t", "t a c k l i n g", "p o v e r t y", "i t", "m e a n s", "p u t t i n g", "a n", "e n d", "t o", "a u s t e r i t y", "i t", "m e a n s", "t a c k l i n g", "t h e", "p o w e r", "o f", "t h e", "o n e", "i n", "s o c i e t y", "t h e", "s p e c u l a t o r s", "t h e", "b a n k s", "t h e", "b i g", "c o r p o r a t i o n s", "l i k e", "t h e", "e n e r g y", "c o m p a n i e s", "t h a t", "w i l l", "p r o f i t", "t h i s", "w i n t e r", "w h i l e", "t h o u s a n d s", "d i e", "o f", "f u e l", "p o v e r t y" ]
[ 4079, 3614, 474, 4159, 396, 3700, 4471, 632, 632, 3408, 1914, 4876, 158, 313, 620, 2739, 2739, 2739, 2739, 748, 123, 4080, 3304, 3304, 3619, 3619, 4209, 3207, 3207, 4095, 1961, 2741, 1373, 3110, 2189, 278, 1736, 2307, 55, 1781, 2657, 2374, 808, 808, 808, 96, 2547, 1743, 2770, 1855, 3514, 1875, 473, 3086, 3771, 830, 4591, 231, 1082, 116, 3552, 3552, 3552, 982, 1274, 3094, 306, 2303, 3543, 3543, 4390, 1036, 3684, 3843, 311, 2377, 4409, 3087, 2593, 315, 399, 399, 1128, 1128, 1357, 1357, 1357, 23, 1436, 312, 981, 1297, 3357, 4418, 436, 2990, 2334, 2334, 2334, 3171, 2197, 2197, 706, 2821, 4241, 3189, 3170, 452, 2466, 2466, 2466, 1918, 1708, 501, 473, 2379, 435, 1812, 1812, 589, 2687, 2707, 4197, 4758, 4758, 4758, 4758, 4758, 1986, 2549, 3034, 4210, 4210, 37, 2513, 977, 3472, 4433, 1340, 1340, 4811, 2593, 2220, 2220, 1286, 110, 4195, 3958, 1784, 1954, 665, 3419, 564, 1628, 2222, 3798, 829, 4446, 4876, 9, 3065, 1641, 1643, 1555, 4040, 4040, 4040, 1660, 123, 870, 2907, 2907, 2322, 3543, 89, 2017, 1036, 1036, 3843, 311, 884, 2377, 4409, 3087, 2593, 163, 399, 1128, 1128, 1357, 1357, 3844, 2030, 2026, 981, 1297, 3357, 3880, 4418, 202, 2990, 2334, 2334, 2334, 2334, 3171, 2168, 2197, 2197, 3411, 6, 1139, 974, 136, 2657, 2287, 808, 808, 808, 2547, 1328, 2138, 2770, 1855, 3514, 3514, 501, 2379, 156, 2352, 4820, 4141, 3513, 4730, 2261, 742, 3170, 1644, 1730, 3410, 3410, 3410, 3410, 3410, 4069, 904, 4475, 4475, 4475, 4475, 385, 1426, 414, 1484, 1484, 20, 2593, 399, 2220, 3134, 1286, 110, 110, 4195, 3744, 30, 2331, 4789, 2968, 1601, 199, 721, 3102, 3683, 4725, 2833, 3700, 3116, 3116, 4174, 4174, 4418, 4508, 2607, 1673, 3407, 3949, 285, 1001, 1544, 4433, 2704, 1091, 3233, 666, 3233, 1331, 1585, 4116, 1447, 3109, 3376, 4181, 2942, 1748, 4834, 1010, 4721, 947, 1746, 3210, 237, 4077, 3914, 4113, 4113, 4297, 4297, 4297, 1138, 1138, 3903, 3599, 3599, 3599, 3543, 4390, 1036, 1036, 2540, 311, 884, 2377, 4409, 3087, 2593, 2593, 163, 1128, 1128, 1128, 1357, 2030, 710, 2026, 1162, 489, 1448, 2131, 1109, 4876, 9, 4019, 2173, 2927, 2192, 3303, 2470, 3119, 3119, 4076, 1743, 231, 903, 844, 1691, 1691, 1078, 3521, 2560, 871, 871, 934, 1964, 216, 3177, 3184, 2401, 525, 4499, 1216, 4247, 1477, 4035, 3513, 177, 4730, 2164, 2607, 1373, 4427, 1104, 2599, 2599, 2599, 2599, 3970, 1624, 3756, 2489, 2489, 3223, 2354, 2354, 542, 3954, 4100, 4100, 162, 3414, 1311, 634, 4811, 3557, 1128, 1128, 72, 532, 2030, 710, 1586, 2026, 2594, 1448, 2131, 1060, 2164, 2559, 53, 2370, 2370, 2370, 2370, 3879, 112, 742, 560, 1579, 1371, 3302, 3302, 3302, 3302, 3672, 3672, 251, 595, 1380, 1380, 1380, 652, 1198, 1198, 1808, 3690, 1573, 3430, 225, 4780, 419, 222, 1411, 1411, 809, 4655, 2292, 296, 1836, 426, 854, 854, 854, 4164, 2663, 2664, 4184, 1064, 210, 1323, 4197, 4197, 387, 387, 839, 1676, 1676, 1676, 4843, 1722, 3536, 3043, 3043, 4101, 1999, 2607, 560, 3718, 2497, 4965, 4965, 4965, 4001, 4001, 1157, 595, 1611, 1611, 1611, 4390, 4564, 4564, 500, 500, 3797, 4499, 536, 1011, 4077, 3294, 1311, 2593, 2593, 4665, 4243, 234, 3913, 532, 2030, 312, 3958, 949, 612, 2965, 2969, 168, 1952, 1099, 1099, 3299, 1177, 1478, 742, 3170, 4660, 4660, 1215, 1215, 2694, 2694, 2694, 982, 451, 1111, 3279, 3535, 2609, 2609, 3604, 3938, 2665, 2665, 2665, 2665, 4067, 162, 4398, 4811, 4811, 2220, 1286, 110, 4195, 4195, 4125, 1504, 138, 3759, 4490, 647, 1599, 3503, 2940, 2186, 3629, 1569, 1345, 2668, 2910, 3852, 3852, 496, 4116, 1447, 5, 1830, 2476, 4767, 3184, 1782, 1782, 1426, 2112, 1484, 2358, 2593, 2593, 2220, 2220, 2220, 110, 110, 3744, 3744, 924, 548, 548, 2977, 2977, 2977, 2794, 2901, 4905, 3232, 2463, 2774, 4466, 2619, 1070, 4682, 4682, 4682, 1267, 1267, 3153, 3742, 4922, 3207, 4582, 4582, 4218, 1055, 4655, 4655, 2292, 4247, 1139, 84, 894, 2231, 902, 3082, 3082, 3082, 3082, 3082, 533, 3172, 2016, 2172, 2172, 2172, 2172, 884, 2377, 4409, 3087, 3295, 3295, 3295, 2220, 1128, 1286, 1286, 532, 110, 110, 2026, 981, 4326, 81, 81, 4563, 3142, 3232, 1815, 623, 2400, 2923, 1093, 1459, 1459, 1459, 3741, 717, 3325, 3325, 1177, 2753, 2812, 4643, 1082, 116, 3552, 3552, 982, 982, 1274, 3094, 306, 2303, 2322, 3543, 4390, 1036, 3684, 3684, 3843, 884, 2377, 1773, 922, 4625, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.1001251726519337, 0.16020027624309394, 0.2403004143646409, 0.5807260013812156, 0.7809763466850829, 1.1214019337016574, 1.622027796961326, 1.8823532458563537, 2.082603591160221, 2.3429290400552487, 2.463079247237569, 2.8235298687845303, 3.0638302831491715, 3.7246564226519334, 3.9849818715469616, 4.225282285911602, 4.6057579419889505, 4.7058831146408835, 5.186483943370165, 5.40675932320442, 5.526909530386741, 5.887360151933701, 6.107635531767956, 6.7484366367403315, 6.988737051104972, 7.6495631906077355, 7.7496883632596685, 8.270339261049724, 8.530664709944752, 8.710890020718232, 9.351691125690607, 9.531916436464089, 9.591991540055249, 9.872342023480664, 10.473093059392266, 10.693368439226518, 10.833543680939227, 11.354194578729283, 11.67459513121547, 12.135170925414364, 12.475596512430938, 12.936172306629835, 13.416773135359115, 13.697123618784529, 13.957449067679558 ]
[ 0.08010013812154697, 0.14017524171270718, 0.2403004143646409, 0.5807260013812156, 0.7809763466850829, 1.1214019337016574, 1.622027796961326, 1.8823532458563537, 2.082603591160221, 2.3429290400552487, 2.463079247237569, 2.8235298687845303, 3.0638302831491715, 3.7246564226519334, 3.9849818715469616, 4.225282285911602, 4.6057579419889505, 4.7058831146408835, 5.186483943370165, 5.40675932320442, 5.526909530386741, 5.887360151933701, 6.107635531767956, 6.7484366367403315, 6.988737051104972, 7.6495631906077355, 7.7496883632596685, 8.270339261049724, 8.530664709944752, 8.710890020718232, 9.351691125690607, 9.511891401933703, 9.591991540055249, 9.872342023480664, 10.473093059392266, 10.693368439226518, 10.833543680939227, 11.354194578729283, 11.67459513121547, 12.135170925414364, 12.475596512430938, 12.936172306629835, 13.416773135359115, 13.697123618784529, 13.957449067679558, 14.478099965469614 ]
Your contribution, the contribution of Parliament, is vital and your responsibility is great in this matter.
your contribution the contribution of parliament is vital and your responsibility is great in this matter.
[ "your", "contribution", "the", "contribution", "of", "parliament", "is", "vital", "and", "your", "responsibility", "is", "great", "in", "this", "matter." ]
[ "your", "contribution", "the", "contribution", "of", "parliament", "is", "vital", "and", "your", "responsibility", "is", "great", "in", "this", "matter" ]
[ "y o u r", "c o n t r i b u t i o n", "t h e", "c o n t r i b u t i o n", "o f", "p a r l i a m e n t", "i s", "v i t a l", "a n d", "y o u r", "r e s p o n s i b i l i t y", "i s", "g r e a t", "i n", "t h i s", "m a t t e r" ]
[ 38, 4598, 4598, 715, 3057, 3057, 1620, 4491, 4491, 2026, 4491, 4491, 3861, 3740, 3861, 3958, 4024, 4122, 4122, 4423, 779, 779, 3596, 3596, 3596, 3596, 719, 1316, 1316, 1694, 581, 231, 714, 805, 680, 680, 2545, 1778, 4116, 3249, 1550, 2948, 2342, 4512, 3733, 3733, 3733, 764, 2759, 3327, 1632, 3358, 3358, 3358, 3358, 3835, 3835, 3835, 225, 4780, 1275, 419, 1840, 4392, 3534, 3534, 60, 3122, 2649, 4681, 4681, 2210, 775, 2447, 2447, 2447, 2447, 2447, 163, 2447, 122, 122, 2778, 2778, 2778, 2778, 1151, 1692, 3744, 2026, 714, 805, 680, 680, 1778, 4116, 1447, 1550, 2948, 3733, 3733, 3733, 764, 336, 1632, 3358, 3358, 3358, 3835, 3835, 4780, 2256, 2256, 636, 60, 289, 3516, 1006, 3799, 4132, 3347, 2086, 729, 4730, 1210, 2812, 231, 2973, 452, 3735, 3735, 3301, 3301, 3301, 3301, 684, 3243, 1940, 1989, 1989, 1989, 2944, 1404, 1067, 2539, 249, 1146, 624, 2215, 1709, 2559, 2007, 4944, 3125, 3483, 3483, 3483, 1289, 2535, 4247, 607, 607, 2870, 2870, 1870, 2868, 3372, 3372, 2550, 2550, 2550, 2550, 495, 282, 1173, 1878, 3965, 2732, 3567, 2457, 776, 776, 2053, 2851, 4785, 670, 4980, 4980, 3087, 315, 315, 315, 315, 4389, 4389, 4389, 4389, 1707, 4389, 4389, 2778, 2778, 2778, 28, 2026, 231, 14, 2754, 108, 108, 3610, 68, 4117, 4728, 2811, 2858, 2858, 2867, 2775, 779, 4476, 3596, 3596, 3596, 2787, 4026, 1316, 1857, 3260, 4552, 4446, 1001, 1666, 4308, 3987, 2927, 2192, 3320, 3320, 3320, 3320, 194, 1926, 4351, 1275, 655, 2874, 2480, 2480, 764, 336, 1632, 1661, 1661, 1661, 1661, 478, 3005, 2322, 2322, 1577, 4023, 367, 3567, 3538, 1036, 1036, 2540, 2540, 311, 311, 884, 4409, 2593, 2593, 2593, 315, 399, 163, 2778, 2778, 2778, 2778, 4195, 4195, 2026, 1586, 4826, 3125, 580, 3483, 3077, 2791, 4969, 4969, 2019, 213, 1829, 41, 41, 126, 4622, 1801, 1801, 1362, 1362, 4316, 4316, 4316, 4316, 4316, 1086, 565, 3373, 421, 131, 2732, 2732, 977, 977, 1275, 3472, 1340, 142, 2593, 2447, 122, 122, 122, 166, 166, 166, 912, 912, 981, 4826, 287, 3867, 2793, 2793, 712, 2316, 3799, 753, 138, 4631, 4631, 4631, 1542, 1599, 4969, 2940, 4208, 4208, 1204, 4011, 4011, 2993, 789, 789, 789, 789, 4556, 3965, 1550, 1550, 2476, 4767, 4767, 3346, 3346, 1516, 3289, 922, 922, 4625, 3289, 2204, 2204 ]
[ 0, 0.601578166226913, 1.5440506266490766, 1.8047344986807388, 2.3261022427440636, 2.4464178759894457, 3.047996042216359, 3.228469492084433, 3.930310686015831, 4.331362796833774, 4.531888852242744, 5.574624340369393, 5.93557124010554, 6.5572020118733505, 6.83793848944591, 7.078569755936676 ]
[ 0.601578166226913, 1.5440506266490766, 1.7846818931398416, 2.3261022427440636, 2.4464178759894457, 3.047996042216359, 3.228469492084433, 3.930310686015831, 4.331362796833774, 4.531888852242744, 5.574624340369393, 5.93557124010554, 6.5572020118733505, 6.83793848944591, 7.078569755936676, 7.579884894459103 ]
no single indicator, taken in isolation, can fully measure the intricacies of the financial sector and its implications for the real economy.
no single indicator taken in isolation can fully measure the intricacies of the financial sector and its implications for the real economy.
[ "no", "single", "indicator", "taken", "in", "isolation", "can", "fully", "measure", "the", "intricacies", "of", "the", "financial", "sector", "and", "its", "implications", "for", "the", "real", "economy." ]
[ "no", "single", "indicator", "taken", "in", "isolation", "can", "fully", "measure", "the", "intricacies", "of", "the", "financial", "sector", "and", "its", "implications", "for", "the", "real", "economy" ]
[ "n o", "s i n g l e", "i n d i c a t o r", "t a k e n", "i n", "i s o l a t i o n", "c a n", "f u l l y", "m e a s u r e", "t h e", "i n t r i c a c i e s", "o f", "t h e", "f i n a n c i a l", "s e c t o r", "a n d", "i t s", "i m p l i c a t i o n s", "f o r", "t h e", "r e a l", "e c o n o m y" ]
[ 4079, 3156, 2579, 411, 1299, 1838, 230, 4888, 1193, 2542, 1417, 4876, 3702, 3914, 552, 620, 1076, 1076, 1076, 1290, 3455, 3455, 2098, 2645, 4071, 2041, 768, 471, 4185, 4967, 459, 1917, 2218, 2469, 4055, 3522, 3344, 3344, 3006, 581, 3766, 3112, 3112, 2560, 2560, 871, 871, 934, 565, 1878, 3965, 860, 231, 1830, 513, 2476, 3184, 86, 86, 414, 414, 1484, 3040, 71, 4665, 4665, 4243, 4243, 4243, 234, 234, 3913, 3913, 532, 532, 828, 2778, 4195, 3740, 3744, 3744, 2026, 2850, 2558, 2558, 4559, 2395, 640, 640, 640, 755, 755, 2133, 2133, 2183, 1623, 270, 1781, 2657, 4046, 1852, 4299, 4299, 2663, 383, 2903, 2903, 2679, 1540, 3359, 366, 289, 4659, 4659, 1575, 3938, 4336, 137, 137, 137, 137, 137, 137, 137, 137, 3849, 3849, 1904, 4364, 4659, 2793, 2793, 712, 3212, 3284, 3284, 2395, 2395, 4881, 80, 231, 332, 3017, 3028, 3028, 1765, 1173, 3314, 279, 4740, 3207, 3412, 3412, 1072, 1078, 227, 1198, 1808, 3690, 1573, 19, 3430, 4780, 3405, 419, 222, 4392, 821, 1055, 522, 2659, 4485, 3189, 1000, 1539, 4729, 4729, 3790, 2435, 50, 4120, 2832, 2832, 1615, 1615, 2595, 1015, 1015, 1015, 2393, 2561, 2561, 4541, 663, 1575, 2628, 4054, 3846, 1593, 4493, 308, 2993, 3937, 3937, 3937, 2504, 603, 1275, 3405, 3405, 3061, 1783, 4239, 4239, 86, 86, 1426, 414, 414, 1484, 3040, 2593, 71, 4665, 1252, 4243, 1128, 1943, 234, 1245, 1245, 3913, 3913, 532, 532, 1436, 1436, 3268, 3744, 1586, 4941, 1795, 4377, 4377, 165, 832, 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209, 569, 569, 569, 569, 569, 569, 587, 1247, 1247, 1, 2666, 4967, 3908, 3908, 2218, 2373, 944, 3237, 2952, 2588, 2588, 3344, 1665, 894, 903, 1648, 1648, 4472, 4214, 237, 1275, 655, 2503, 2503, 1408, 500, 500, 3797, 3797, 1764, 298, 2535, 65, 872, 4944, 64, 1776, 4789, 2968, 199, 721, 3102, 2632, 2690, 1815, 2400, 1075, 2084, 2084, 2084, 1559, 4519, 3475, 3475, 3475, 3475, 1585, 194, 1926, 3155, 1666, 1273, 1273, 183, 1992, 1001, 1010, 1275, 552, 190, 2511, 2511, 4076, 2802, 1328, 2138, 2159, 1524, 1524, 1163, 653, 3184, 3184, 1782, 3941, 414, 1484, 3040, 2593, 71, 4665, 4665, 1128, 3134, 1286, 1286, 110, 1436, 1436, 1066, 3744, 1586, 742, 1249, 4112, 591, 591, 591, 1226, 4694, 604, 1634, 3449, 4226, 726, 726, 3668, 3668, 3503, 2213, 4659, 4659, 3908, 820, 4508, 4591, 367, 1925, 3150, 3150, 3006, 91, 2559, 4633, 3112, 181, 181, 3690, 3690, 1573, 3430, 3430, 225, 4780, 3405, 3405, 419, 1840, 222, 4392, 3534, 3122, 2649, 2160, 2210, 4401, 3040, 71, 4665, 4665, 1128, 1128, 1357, 532, 532, 532, 1103, 1103, 3268, 1066, 1886, 2026, 2789, 2789, 2263, 3180, 4430, 4430, 4430, 24, 2548, 2160, 824, 3896, 3896, 3896, 1795, 3470, 5, 3347, 3102, 177, 4354, 1449, 2603, 3548, 1633, 1633, 1633, 3874, 1789, 2794, 768, 80, 80, 4614, 2762, 891, 581, 231, 714, 805, 2270, 2270, 2270, 2270, 2300, 3613, 1005, 3023, 3023, 2944, 1404, 4178, 4178, 1418, 153, 1248, 2427, 922, 4625, 4625, 2026, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.1803610412474849, 0.5611232394366197, 1.5631290241448692, 2.404813883299799, 2.7855760814889337, 3.4268597837022132, 3.607220824949698, 3.9479027917505025, 4.629266725352112, 5.1302696177062375, 5.911834129778672, 6.0320748239436615, 6.1322754024144865, 6.573157947686116, 7.154321302816901, 7.495003269617706, 7.655324195171026, 8.537089285714284, 8.937891599597586, 9.098212525150904, 9.338693913480885 ]
[ 0.1803610412474849, 0.5611232394366197, 1.5631290241448692, 2.404813883299799, 2.7855760814889337, 3.4268597837022132, 3.607220824949698, 3.9479027917505025, 4.629266725352112, 5.1302696177062375, 5.911834129778672, 6.0320748239436615, 6.1322754024144865, 6.573157947686116, 7.154321302816901, 7.495003269617706, 7.655324195171026, 8.537089285714284, 8.937891599597586, 9.098212525150904, 9.338693913480885, 9.939897384305834 ]
We need more sharing of data, effective operational cooperation and additional trust—building measures.
we need more sharing of data effective operational cooperation and additional trustbuilding measures.
[ "we", "need", "more", "sharing", "of", "data", "effective", "operational", "cooperation", "and", "additional", "trustbuilding", "measures." ]
[ "we", "need", "more", "sharing", "of", "data", "effective", "operational", "cooperation", "and", "additional", "trustbuilding", "measures" ]
[ "w e", "n e e d", "m o r e", "s h a r i n g", "o f", "d a t a", "e f f e c t i v e", "o p e r a t i o n a l", "c o o p e r a t i o n", "a n d", "a d d i t i o n a l", "t r u s t b u i l d i n g", "m e a s u r e s" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 2114, 3154, 1335, 139, 2327, 2327, 2327, 914, 1457, 1457, 1457, 1457, 524, 75, 3958, 2026, 924, 3677, 3677, 487, 2863, 2863, 1658, 3471, 4188, 25, 1421, 1421, 1421, 1421, 1421, 1350, 3058, 3058, 843, 46, 46, 4011, 1456, 203, 4838, 4838, 1413, 1413, 34, 4026, 4026, 3408, 2542, 2878, 18, 171, 4507, 4783, 897, 876, 876, 876, 876, 700, 2392, 2392, 470, 870, 4358, 651, 1697, 2379, 4976, 4200, 1971, 4526, 384, 965, 3652, 1568, 381, 433, 1283, 4278, 4278, 4278, 4278, 246, 1878, 231, 192, 2415, 2476, 3520, 3520, 694, 694, 3991, 930, 4917, 315, 315, 315, 122, 122, 122, 122, 3075, 1151, 2026, 14, 4826, 4614, 829, 2690, 1815, 623, 2832, 5, 671, 4155, 948, 948, 4076, 2802, 2359, 2842, 1163, 3109, 3894, 3894, 2861, 2861, 3654, 137, 4567, 4881, 4881, 80, 890, 890, 163, 1249, 4918, 81, 3302, 507, 3672, 4907, 742, 1059, 1059, 1380, 1380, 652, 4469, 1198, 1808, 3690, 1573, 3430, 4780, 3405, 419, 2256, 3300, 2309, 2309, 3325, 1187, 1177, 1694, 3189, 3766, 1579, 1579, 1371, 3302, 3302, 3302, 3302, 3672, 4907, 595, 231, 1059, 1380, 1380, 4469, 1198, 1808, 3690, 3690, 1573, 3430, 4780, 4780, 419, 1840, 222, 4392, 3534, 636, 1979, 151, 443, 4980, 163, 315, 315, 4389, 4823, 4823, 140, 140, 140, 1245, 1357, 1357, 1357, 532, 828, 2030, 28, 1586, 1586, 14, 4614, 3165, 324, 3049, 894, 433, 1283, 3224, 3224, 3224, 2986, 2504, 18, 2256, 2256, 3300, 3300, 2309, 4357, 3325, 36, 3758, 3729, 1623, 231, 3237, 4374, 3433, 3486, 3486, 3486, 3486, 2881, 4708, 4077, 515, 2022, 2022, 4241, 163, 2741, 3574, 1509, 1509, 1509, 2825, 1636, 2486, 4055, 851, 1605, 4687, 2308, 7, 3771, 74, 202, 308, 2993, 3937, 3937, 3937, 3900, 4221, 4221, 1775, 2232, 2232, 3804, 3804, 608, 836, 536, 3830, 3830, 2898, 2898, 2898, 621, 2152, 2152, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.4815584415584415, 0.7424025974025974, 1.0233116883116882, 1.4446753246753246, 1.545, 2.0265584415584414, 2.748896103896104, 3.411038961038961, 4.0330519480519476, 4.293896103896103, 4.976103896103896, 5.638246753246753 ]
[ 0.4815584415584415, 0.7424025974025974, 1.0233116883116882, 1.4446753246753246, 1.545, 2.0265584415584414, 2.748896103896104, 3.411038961038961, 4.012987012987013, 4.293896103896103, 4.976103896103896, 5.638246753246753, 6.159935064935064 ]
Briefly, to recap, over the last six months or so we've brought together the Member States election commissioners, cybersecurity experts, data protection experts in the reinforced election cooperation network,
briefly to recap over the last six months or so we've brought together the member states election commissioners cybersecurity experts data protection experts in the reinforced election cooperation network
[ "briefly", "to", "recap", "over", "the", "last", "six", "months", "or", "so", "we've", "brought", "together", "the", "member", "states", "election", "commissioners", "cybersecurity", "experts", "data", "protection", "experts", "in", "the", "reinforced", "election", "cooperation", "network" ]
[ "briefly", "to", "recap", "over", "the", "last", "six", "months", "or", "so", "we've", "brought", "together", "the", "member", "states", "election", "commissioners", "cybersecurity", "experts", "data", "protection", "experts", "in", "the", "reinforced", "election", "cooperation", "network" ]
[ "b r i e f l y", "t o", "r e c a p", "o v e r", "t h e", "l a s t", "s i x", "m o n t h s", "o r", "s o", "w e ' v e", "b r o u g h t", "t o g e t h e r", "t h e", "m e m b e r", "s t a t e s", "e l e c t i o n", "c o m m i s s i o n e r s", "c y b e r s e c u r i t y", "e x p e r t s", "d a t a", "p r o t e c t i o n", "e x p e r t s", "i n", "t h e", "r e i n f o r c e d", "e l e c t i o n", "c o o p e r a t i o n", "n e t w o r k" ]
[ 1101, 645, 75, 2670, 2026, 1018, 1498, 323, 4323, 4323, 4323, 1350, 2217, 2405, 745, 2770, 2770, 2731, 494, 98, 4324, 438, 4202, 3078, 3026, 1401, 219, 3490, 2006, 1449, 2888, 1330, 3316, 3316, 3316, 3316, 2081, 4305, 55, 4633, 678, 708, 592, 592, 4107, 4107, 4107, 119, 119, 96, 1930, 4385, 4385, 2808, 2808, 4675, 1721, 2436, 2436, 2436, 2500, 3087, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 4389, 4389, 4389, 4389, 3401, 3401, 3401, 3305, 3305, 1357, 1254, 3415, 3415, 852, 28, 3268, 3744, 981, 30, 4559, 4559, 1002, 1002, 1002, 755, 2133, 3050, 80, 1, 1045, 561, 1664, 1664, 1664, 1571, 1571, 695, 695, 147, 2864, 4416, 424, 3102, 2059, 4828, 1230, 227, 2420, 1595, 1595, 1595, 1595, 1595, 4140, 4140, 2883, 997, 997, 4708, 3717, 3717, 1458, 1458, 1458, 1458, 2333, 2333, 368, 346, 346, 4891, 4891, 1340, 61, 4811, 4811, 4811, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 163, 2691, 2691, 2691, 2691, 2691, 2691, 408, 2691, 3841, 1981, 1981, 570, 570, 214, 2982, 2925, 4063, 252, 1332, 1332, 2110, 313, 2704, 796, 796, 796, 3829, 381, 2543, 649, 2940, 4208, 1204, 1014, 148, 4999, 4999, 4999, 4999, 1164, 4883, 4883, 1152, 1941, 1941, 273, 4266, 2213, 4260, 2363, 2363, 2363, 2363, 2542, 1417, 158, 1010, 3914, 552, 1608, 788, 788, 788, 788, 788, 3956, 3956, 4353, 4353, 4353, 4353, 4342, 1873, 4450, 4450, 3087, 3087, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 4389, 4389, 4389, 4389, 4389, 4389, 1707, 2778, 2778, 2778, 2827, 2827, 955, 28, 1586, 3958, 981, 30, 4559, 4559, 1002, 1002, 1002, 1002, 755, 2133, 1501, 3896, 3896, 3204, 1346, 3677, 3677, 487, 2863, 2863, 4137, 4137, 4137, 3267, 137, 1635, 1635, 1635, 4500, 4500, 687, 742, 739, 1498, 323, 323, 1675, 1675, 1675, 1675, 2735, 2068, 4818, 1588, 1200, 2559, 1058, 63, 4149, 4149, 2481, 1206, 1223, 1057, 576, 1762, 1762, 1762, 1762, 1040, 2844, 2844, 963, 568, 1907, 1907, 1907, 1907, 694, 740, 740, 740, 740, 740, 740, 3991, 3013, 3013, 3087, 3087, 3295, 3295, 315, 3295, 3295, 3295, 4389, 4389, 1639, 1286, 1286, 1286, 828, 2827, 2778, 4195, 163, 1416, 3744, 1910, 30, 4559, 4559, 640, 1002, 1002, 1002, 755, 2133, 1501, 4336, 3470, 2268, 894, 489, 1448, 177, 4730, 1593, 4493, 202, 939, 615, 615, 615, 2057, 516, 1695, 4055, 2872, 910, 4446, 1417, 4077, 3702, 3702, 9, 1084, 3194, 3194, 47, 1643, 1690, 911, 911, 911, 1086, 1086, 1086, 518, 518, 518, 2585, 1136, 1136, 1136, 2732, 538, 538, 4505, 3773, 3773, 3954, 4100, 4100, 4100, 4100, 4100, 4100, 4100, 162, 621, 3414, 3414, 4398, 634, 4811, 4811, 1716, 4618, 4618, 4618, 2827, 2827, 3740, 2071, 2925, 1416, 1586, 1886, 2281, 30, 4559, 4559, 1002, 1002, 1002, 1002, 1002, 1002, 1002, 1002, 755, 755, 755, 755, 129, 2133, 2133, 1501, 3800, 3800, 2447, 3042, 3042, 3042, 3042, 3042, 945, 945, 945, 3289, 3289, 3289, 2411, 3017, 3017, 2737, 2737, 3818, 3818, 3969, 4588, 227, 1739, 1739, 1739, 549, 4648, 4786, 4786, 4786, 556, 556, 3405, 419, 419, 1840, 222, 4392, 3534, 3122, 3122, 2649, 4844, 4844, 4844, 4844, 4681, 4681, 2210, 775, 3087, 3087, 3295, 3295, 3295, 122, 122, 122, 122, 122, 122, 3388, 1151, 166, 1151, 2670, 2670, 1784, 559, 1000, 434, 434, 2733, 4134, 504, 504, 504, 2986, 2504, 18, 419, 2256, 2256, 3300, 3300, 3613, 431, 2232, 2232, 3804, 3804, 3804, 608, 4287, 536, 2091, 2091, 2898, 2898, 621, 621, 621, 3414, 881, 881, 61, 4811, 4811, 4811, 15, 15, 15, 374, 4389, 2691, 2691, 3401, 3401, 3811, 3811, 1254, 1254, 408, 214, 214, 214, 3740, 2925, 4063, 252, 1332, 101, 2110, 3914, 2704, 190, 4824, 3568, 2175, 1173, 1912, 4183, 2782, 4472, 4472, 1001, 237, 1666, 4721, 947, 1746, 891, 1829, 4633, 189, 189, 189, 3642, 3642, 3642, 2011, 2011, 2011, 470, 470, 3558, 2907, 2322, 1090, 1577, 2390, 1268, 1268, 513, 2017, 1036, 1036, 2540, 2540, 2540, 311, 311, 569, 569, 569, 569, 569, 569, 884, 2377, 2377, 1472, 3087, 3295, 3295, 3295, 166, 166, 110, 1151, 166, 2026, 1262, 4641, 4641, 4679, 4679, 4679, 3241, 231, 2543, 2701, 2279, 4433, 9, 4308, 2173, 3987, 231, 3303, 2529, 4487, 4487, 4487, 4487, 4487, 1580, 1580, 2118, 290, 4818, 4818, 1136, 2732, 538, 4505, 4505, 3773, 3954, 3954, 3954, 3954, 162, 162, 162, 162, 2324, 3849, 3849, 1435, 1435, 1435, 742, 2212, 1283, 1690, 4278, 4278, 246, 1878, 3078, 2415, 4095, 4241, 3189, 1673, 3167, 285, 3336, 944, 136, 4722, 4722, 703, 703, 4648, 4786, 4786, 556, 556, 419, 222, 4392, 636, 366, 2707, 4197, 4197, 4679, 4679, 4679, 4786, 3189, 2701, 649, 2279, 4308, 2173, 3987, 2927, 2192, 3303, 4487, 4487, 4487, 4487, 4487, 1580, 2118, 2118, 2585, 2585, 1136, 1152, 538, 4505, 3773, 3773, 2898, 4100, 145, 621, 3414, 1311, 2967, 1915, 3557, 1252, 140, 140, 1357, 23, 23, 2030, 2030, 28, 1066, 1886, 1886, 1886, 2281, 4826, 4364, 3867, 3867, 3867, 3867, 1949, 1949, 1949, 1282, 1282, 2160, 4846, 2352, 2352, 3470, 2811, 165, 832, 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209, 569, 569, 569, 3910, 2478, 135, 135, 2888, 1827, 3316, 3316, 3316, 3316, 2443, 2409, 2378, 820, 3563, 4508, 50, 1368, 623, 2400, 43, 2595, 2108, 2637, 2637, 2637, 2637, 2637, 2735, 2735, 2735, 3340, 365, 1869, 2640, 3717, 3717, 1458, 1458, 1458, 1458, 1458, 2333, 2333, 368, 4995, 346, 3190, 1481, 2967, 4811, 3557, 1639, 1639, 1639, 3401, 327, 3415, 2827, 2827, 28, 28, 2026, 981, 30, 4575, 4575, 2128, 2128, 3818, 1230, 227, 1739, 1739, 549, 4648, 4786, 4786, 4786, 556, 556, 556, 419, 1840, 222, 4392, 3534, 60, 3122, 2649, 2160, 522, 2659, 2099, 4591, 559, 3718, 805, 3302, 3302, 3302, 3302, 3672, 251, 3189, 1059, 1380, 1380, 1380, 593, 4469, 1198, 1808, 3690, 1573, 1573, 3430, 225, 4780, 3405, 419, 222, 4392, 3534, 60, 54, 2649, 2160, 4846, 4608, 4608, 411, 2142, 3418, 3269, 3269, 3269, 2969, 2408, 4587, 4587, 1346, 1345, 1851, 4814, 441, 441, 441, 441, 441, 1580, 1580, 823, 823, 823, 815, 1152, 935, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.44043421052631576, 0.5805723684210526, 1.5215, 2.142111842105263, 2.2422105263157897, 3.043, 3.623572368421053, 3.9639078947368422, 4.104046052631579, 4.764697368421053, 5.545467105263159, 5.885802631578947, 6.786690789473684, 7.347243421052632, 7.667559210526316, 8.868743421052631, 10.330184210526317, 11.531368421052631, 13.052868421052631, 14.153953947368421, 14.494289473684212, 14.974763157894737, 15.875651315789474, 16.31608552631579, 16.576342105263155, 17.71746710526316, 18.438177631578945, 19.158888157894737 ]
[ 0.44043421052631576, 0.5805723684210526, 1.5215, 2.142111842105263, 2.2422105263157897, 3.043, 3.623572368421053, 3.9639078947368422, 4.104046052631579, 4.764697368421053, 5.545467105263159, 5.885802631578947, 6.786690789473684, 7.347243421052632, 7.667559210526316, 8.868743421052631, 10.330184210526317, 11.531368421052631, 13.052868421052631, 14.153953947368421, 14.494289473684212, 14.974763157894737, 15.875651315789474, 16.31608552631579, 16.576342105263155, 17.71746710526316, 18.438177631578945, 19.158888157894737, 19.759480263157897 ]
I hope the ideas in this report will contribute to that.
i hope the ideas in this report will contribute to that.
[ "i", "hope", "the", "ideas", "in", "this", "report", "will", "contribute", "to", "that." ]
[ "i", "hope", "the", "ideas", "in", "this", "report", "will", "contribute", "to", "that" ]
[ "i", "h o p e", "t h e", "i d e a s", "i n", "t h i s", "r e p o r t", "w i l l", "c o n t r i b u t e", "t o", "t h a t" ]
[ 4079, 3156, 2754, 108, 68, 4249, 3246, 4760, 4760, 4760, 13, 1007, 1347, 2458, 2458, 2458, 2458, 3153, 2462, 1588, 163, 4429, 4429, 4429, 4903, 367, 1844, 1064, 100, 1323, 4317, 3115, 3115, 3115, 3115, 3115, 1736, 4202, 1367, 433, 2389, 2188, 2188, 2188, 2188, 3769, 3769, 3804, 4499, 1216, 296, 3376, 1270, 1270, 3364, 662, 40, 4490, 4490, 1507, 1031, 4077, 658, 4590, 1330, 937, 4988, 750, 1210, 2026, 3170, 1082, 2758, 4343, 4343, 4343, 4343, 2735, 365, 365, 4818, 4818, 894, 743, 3629, 184, 1339, 3570, 1099, 3299, 1694, 231, 1000, 4560, 909, 3389, 685, 4895, 104, 3237, 4374, 3733, 3733, 3733, 2283, 1186, 1632, 3358, 3358, 4542, 4739, 1550, 3026, 665, 698, 2655, 4416, 1655, 2229, 320, 3183, 804, 2585, 1136, 2559, 377, 4673, 97, 4625, 4625, 742, 4625, 4625, 2026, 3367, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.20147058823529415, 0.48352941176470593, 0.6447058823529412, 1.0275, 1.1080882352941177, 1.2491176470588237, 1.6722058823529413, 1.853529411764706, 2.256470588235294, 2.3370588235294116 ]
[ 0.20147058823529415, 0.48352941176470593, 0.6447058823529412, 1.0275, 1.1080882352941177, 1.2491176470588237, 1.6722058823529413, 1.8333823529411766, 2.256470588235294, 2.3370588235294116, 2.719852941176471 ]
The fact is that we are moving.
the fact is that we are moving.
[ "the", "fact", "is", "that", "we", "are", "moving." ]
[ "the", "fact", "is", "that", "we", "are", "moving" ]
[ "t h e", "f a c t", "i s", "t h a t", "w e", "a r e", "m o v i n g" ]
[ 38, 4459, 4598, 4598, 715, 3057, 941, 941, 2026, 1741, 1741, 2203, 2203, 2203, 2203, 72, 294, 294, 294, 294, 294, 294, 570, 1457, 214, 2925, 3958, 2026, 4658, 4658, 785, 1186, 2400, 671, 4155, 3469, 3469, 3469, 4076, 2802, 1328, 3249, 2138, 2159, 2159, 1524, 3189, 2007, 3849, 197, 197, 2666, 4364, 3483, 3483, 3483, 3483, 1370, 1289, 298, 1275, 923, 923, 162, 162, 2324, 4398, 1203, 1668, 1668, 4811, 819, 819, 819, 2697, 4340, 4340, 4340, 4182, 3163, 3163, 1696, 133, 133, 1531, 1165, 2307, 381, 1145, 3629, 551, 1569, 3677, 487, 487, 2863, 4850, 4317, 3921, 3921, 766, 766, 2769, 1125, 3948, 3948, 1456, 1589, 4653, 4653, 880, 3011, 4929, 3637, 160, 160, 2610, 7, 2644, 2644, 3789, 231, 3789, 4673, 4673, 2500, 4625, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.6046511627906976, 1.0077519379844961, 1.4108527131782946, 1.793798449612403, 1.9550387596899226, 2.1162790697674416 ]
[ 0.6046511627906976, 1.0077519379844961, 1.4108527131782946, 1.793798449612403, 1.9550387596899226, 2.1162790697674416, 2.57984496124031 ]
I agree entirely with these priorities so I was proud to vote for the report. In addition, it was good that the amendment to the report, seeking to promote incentives to use mega trucks, was defeated as these are dangerous and unnecessary.
i agree entirely with these priorities so i was proud to vote for the report. in addition it was good that the amendment to the report seeking to promote incentives to use mega trucks was defeated as these are dangerous and unnecessary.
[ "i", "agree", "entirely", "with", "these", "priorities", "so", "i", "was", "proud", "to", "vote", "for", "the", "report.", "in", "addition", "it", "was", "good", "that", "the", "amendment", "to", "the", "report", "seeking", "to", "promote", "incentives", "to", "use", "mega", "trucks", "was", "defeated", "as", "these", "are", "dangerous", "and", "unnecessary." ]
[ "i", "agree", "entirely", "with", "these", "priorities", "so", "i", "was", "proud", "to", "vote", "for", "the", "report", "in", "addition", "it", "was", "good", "that", "the", "amendment", "to", "the", "report", "seeking", "to", "promote", "incentives", "to", "use", "mega", "trucks", "was", "defeated", "as", "these", "are", "dangerous", "and", "unnecessary" ]
[ "i", "a g r e e", "e n t i r e l y", "w i t h", "t h e s e", "p r i o r i t i e s", "s o", "i", "w a s", "p r o u d", "t o", "v o t e", "f o r", "t h e", "r e p o r t", "i n", "a d d i t i o n", "i t", "w a s", "g o o d", "t h a t", "t h e", "a m e n d m e n t", "t o", "t h e", "r e p o r t", "s e e k i n g", "t o", "p r o m o t e", "i n c e n t i v e s", "t o", "u s e", "m e g a", "t r u c k s", "w a s", "d e f e a t e d", "a s", "t h e s e", "a r e", "d a n g e r o u s", "a n d", "u n n e c e s s a r y" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 2114, 1335, 1335, 4720, 4720, 914, 72, 1457, 524, 524, 75, 75, 1886, 2026, 1249, 794, 2376, 2376, 857, 857, 3168, 3168, 3566, 4840, 2481, 1710, 41, 126, 406, 984, 984, 4525, 4525, 4946, 4850, 2409, 2409, 2378, 661, 685, 685, 3249, 1781, 136, 541, 541, 2287, 2364, 2364, 2364, 2364, 2364, 1654, 2908, 2908, 3510, 224, 1112, 4541, 98, 4324, 4101, 579, 4973, 318, 3044, 3748, 2712, 231, 2566, 4463, 4428, 4428, 475, 1293, 3976, 3930, 2821, 4241, 4643, 4660, 654, 3706, 2366, 2366, 2945, 2945, 2945, 4855, 4855, 2879, 2907, 2907, 2322, 1577, 3189, 192, 513, 2017, 1408, 1408, 3859, 3797, 4499, 1764, 206, 1807, 4037, 3914, 79, 79, 446, 3128, 2577, 2577, 3246, 2137, 1065, 4760, 579, 179, 1909, 373, 2713, 4969, 3930, 2821, 4241, 687, 5, 4660, 654, 654, 3706, 1250, 1250, 1250, 1250, 1250, 1250, 616, 616, 3058, 112, 1200, 1058, 3026, 1401, 219, 630, 1677, 1928, 1928, 3612, 2868, 3372, 3225, 3225, 3225, 3225, 3153, 3795, 571, 1588, 2734, 4635, 838, 838, 1344, 4746, 437, 4416, 4141, 10, 4354, 2603, 1330, 937, 4988, 713, 750, 1210, 231, 3170, 1082, 1644, 2758, 2758, 4343, 4343, 4343, 4343, 4343, 2735, 2735, 2735, 2735, 365, 365, 4524, 1136, 1152, 1725, 377, 3472, 4891, 97, 1481, 315, 163, 399, 399, 3796, 4823, 3587, 3587, 72, 4796, 4796, 4796, 3, 3, 3, 453, 453, 23, 852, 1436, 28, 3958, 2026, 2281, 4826, 3867, 3867, 712, 3398, 1790, 2660, 3165, 1617, 1367, 433, 3853, 3224, 3224, 3224, 2986, 603, 4077, 419, 1840, 4392, 636, 366, 3398, 1790, 886, 3357, 679, 3880, 2408, 179, 2102, 1909, 855, 2713, 4433, 4599, 2019, 1829, 3189, 2607, 2272, 692, 692, 4835, 4835, 4951, 2199, 12, 2268, 2268, 949, 3544, 3544, 1165, 571, 1862, 2566, 832, 1064, 100, 210, 2443, 4840, 4840, 4684, 2816, 4493, 202, 308, 2484, 2484, 2484, 2484, 496, 2854, 704, 74, 1067, 2539, 249, 1146, 1146, 339, 4994, 1588, 2559, 1058, 63, 665, 698, 2655, 231, 424, 3102, 177, 4354, 2603, 937, 4988, 4988, 713, 750, 1210, 4643, 3170, 1082, 2758, 2758, 4343, 4343, 4343, 4343, 4343, 2735, 2735, 365, 365, 4818, 1588, 231, 2951, 4523, 4077, 3914, 620, 2757, 2757, 2757, 1350, 1665, 2533, 2903, 454, 2653, 2653, 2379, 156, 300, 4895, 3026, 2761, 2761, 3494, 4696, 3407, 3167, 3167, 285, 4684, 4493, 202, 939, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 3153, 1878, 2390, 192, 2415, 4952, 4028, 2541, 661, 735, 1748, 4834, 760, 1010, 3914, 2704, 1091, 3233, 3233, 1331, 496, 2854, 4116, 1447, 192, 513, 3894, 3894, 466, 2861, 3636, 4072, 273, 6, 1139, 4229, 63, 1401, 219, 3490, 630, 790, 790, 992, 2775, 1135, 1135, 1135, 1135, 1135, 4706, 1293, 4050, 4969, 3930, 4208, 3807, 3807, 1130, 202, 308, 2993, 2993, 90, 90, 3457, 3879, 428, 3794, 3794, 3336, 1623, 381, 3237, 4374, 4374, 3826, 3433, 4274, 3158, 2361, 3158, 823, 4648, 4648, 4786, 3223, 2354, 2354, 3773, 2898, 3294, 1311, 634, 2593, 3557, 1252, 4243, 4243, 234, 3913, 3913, 3913, 532, 3844, 2030, 2677, 2026, 924, 4807, 1613, 373, 855, 2713, 6, 84, 894, 433, 572, 572, 1353, 618, 563, 1815, 2832, 2400, 2923, 1423, 1423, 1423, 1423, 1350, 1350, 1878, 3078, 2646, 513, 341, 341, 2381, 2381, 1558, 1558, 3198, 1523, 754, 2205, 154, 1481, 142, 2593, 399, 4665, 1128, 1128, 1128, 1286, 322, 532, 1436, 1066, 2026, 1586, 1249, 2834, 4614, 2737, 4131, 1862, 4055, 165, 1655, 4463, 4428, 4428, 4428, 475, 475, 3559, 1293, 67, 67, 1011, 65, 1365, 245, 3800, 3800, 3800, 1262, 890, 890, 2281, 1249, 4950, 4950, 261, 261, 261, 659, 176, 4969, 3994, 2938, 2938, 1844, 4463, 4428, 4428, 4428, 475, 3797, 1764, 1705, 2906, 4607, 766, 766, 1617, 1568, 742, 433, 2231, 3025, 578, 578, 578, 578, 578, 3214, 3214, 3454, 3454, 2166, 2166, 1722, 1775, 1775, 652, 3619, 3619, 3619, 4899, 1798, 159, 1031, 121, 2213, 3376, 3136, 295, 1123, 3398, 2707, 2740, 938, 938, 938, 2023, 4768, 4608, 4608, 4608, 2142, 3041, 1158, 1158, 1158, 1158, 4697, 4955, 4955, 655, 1487, 1487, 1487, 1487, 4214, 1544, 1010, 3505, 3505, 2704, 190, 2245, 2245, 2245, 2245, 1660, 123, 123, 4080, 1034, 1418, 1418, 153, 922, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.4606655478955007, 0.7410706640058055, 1.2818519593613933, 1.4220545174165458, 1.6023149492017414, 2.183154118287373, 2.343385613207547, 2.443530297532656, 2.5837328555878085, 2.9242247822931784, 3.0443984034833087, 3.3448324564586356, 3.4650060776487663, 3.545121825108853, 4.386337173439768, 4.786915910740203, 5.167465711175617, 5.267610395500726, 5.4478708272859215, 5.668189132801161, 5.808391690856313, 5.928565312046444, 6.409259796806966, 6.5094044811320755, 6.629578102322206, 7.110272587082728, 7.47079345065312, 7.550909198113207, 7.931458998548621, 8.51229816763425, 8.692558599419447, 8.972963715529753, 9.253368831640056, 9.814179063860667, 10.134642053701016, 11.236233581277213, 11.897188497822931, 12.137535740203193, 12.257709361393323, 12.77846171988389, 12.918664277939042 ]
[ 0.4606655478955007, 0.7410706640058055, 1.2818519593613933, 1.402025580551524, 1.6023149492017414, 2.183154118287373, 2.343385613207547, 2.443530297532656, 2.5837328555878085, 2.9242247822931784, 3.0443984034833087, 3.3448324564586356, 3.4650060776487663, 3.545121825108853, 4.386337173439768, 4.786915910740203, 5.167465711175617, 5.267610395500726, 5.4478708272859215, 5.668189132801161, 5.808391690856313, 5.928565312046444, 6.409259796806966, 6.5094044811320755, 6.629578102322206, 7.110272587082728, 7.47079345065312, 7.550909198113207, 7.931458998548621, 8.51229816763425, 8.692558599419447, 8.972963715529753, 9.253368831640056, 9.814179063860667, 10.134642053701016, 11.236233581277213, 11.897188497822931, 12.137535740203193, 12.257709361393323, 12.77846171988389, 12.918664277939042, 13.779908563134978 ]
they can develop this further since they will benefit from the combination of elimination of tariffs eur two zero saved on a car worth eur twenty five zero and the removal of technical obstacles.
[ "they", "can", "develop", "this", "further", "since", "they", "will", "benefit", "from", "the", "combination", "of", "elimination", "of", "tariffs", "eur", "two", "zero", "saved", "on", "a", "car", "worth", "eur", "twenty", "five", "zero", "and", "the", "removal", "of", "technical", "obstacles." ]
[ "they", "can", "develop", "this", "further", "since", "they", "will", "benefit", "from", "the", "combination", "of", "elimination", "of", "tariffs", "eur", "two", "zero", "saved", "on", "a", "car", "worth", "eur", "twenty", "five", "zero", "and", "the", "removal", "of", "technical", "obstacles" ]
[ "t h e y", "c a n", "d e v e l o p", "t h i s", "f u r t h e r", "s i n c e", "t h e y", "w i l l", "b e n e f i t", "f r o m", "t h e", "c o m b i n a t i o n", "o f", "e l i m i n a t i o n", "o f", "t a r i f f s", "e u r", "t w o", "z e r o", "s a v e d", "o n", "a", "c a r", "w o r t h", "e u r", "t w e n t y", "f i v e", "z e r o", "a n d", "t h e", "r e m o v a l", "o f", "t e c h n i c a l", "o b s t a c l e s" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 2114, 1335, 1335, 2327, 2327, 2327, 914, 914, 914, 1457, 524, 2677, 2725, 2026, 381, 1504, 4461, 3256, 3256, 409, 1999, 4305, 894, 560, 1539, 4729, 4729, 3790, 3790, 4108, 3925, 433, 3522, 572, 1353, 1353, 952, 3612, 2868, 3372, 2383, 2383, 2383, 2383, 4147, 1012, 1012, 2431, 2431, 3296, 4818, 4429, 4429, 4429, 742, 1721, 2436, 4429, 4429, 3295, 166, 166, 3744, 231, 3163, 138, 3759, 3759, 647, 1542, 1599, 4697, 1031, 4433, 923, 3838, 3838, 875, 4983, 4983, 2158, 43, 671, 1868, 1868, 1868, 1868, 1868, 1868, 1580, 1580, 1040, 1040, 2844, 963, 568, 1907, 1907, 694, 4234, 4446, 1544, 2119, 2119, 552, 4721, 1229, 1229, 1229, 194, 4739, 4691, 4761, 4761, 4761, 2546, 3256, 3256, 409, 409, 579, 179, 3570, 1099, 1099, 3299, 1177, 2164, 2164, 4500, 4500, 3189, 2607, 3574, 394, 4259, 4259, 4259, 4259, 2300, 3613, 1005, 3096, 3096, 4606, 2472, 1815, 3279, 2832, 2400, 43, 2923, 3148, 3148, 2656, 3148, 3148, 1964, 3817, 3817, 1136, 1152, 1725, 377, 3472, 3190, 1481, 2593, 163, 399, 1252, 1128, 140, 140, 1357, 1357, 1357, 828, 3744, 912, 912, 3289, 367, 2943, 1399, 4329, 906, 4255, 3252, 3252, 424, 3102, 177, 2, 581, 231, 3766, 3718, 3387, 256, 1199, 680, 2545, 2545, 1802, 516, 741, 2741, 1373, 2882, 1701, 1794, 1794, 1559, 1198, 1808, 1808, 3690, 1573, 1573, 3430, 225, 4780, 4077, 3405, 419, 1840, 222, 222, 821, 821, 636, 2649, 2160, 4681, 2210, 4401, 2593, 2593, 399, 1128, 1128, 1128, 1128, 1357, 1357, 2778, 2778, 2778, 110, 28, 2026, 312, 30, 30, 2331, 2331, 4789, 2997, 2744, 701, 1567, 2762, 2128, 143, 1230, 227, 2259, 2259, 440, 1947, 1777, 1701, 1701, 1794, 1559, 1198, 1808, 1808, 1808, 3690, 1573, 225, 4780, 4077, 419, 1840, 222, 636, 636, 2707, 1971, 4526, 384, 965, 2277, 917, 62, 687, 2607, 1781, 136, 2657, 541, 541, 2287, 2287, 1402, 1402, 1402, 1402, 1660, 470, 470, 4469, 3558, 1779, 1779, 1779, 1779, 2217, 2217, 1271, 1941, 1941, 1941, 1941, 302, 3773, 3773, 302, 302, 302, 2214, 162, 1311, 634, 4811, 4811, 3557, 1252, 1128, 140, 140, 1357, 1357, 1357, 828, 3415, 2827, 2026, 527, 3958, 2670, 2670, 2670, 381, 3076, 3076, 4375, 4375, 985, 985, 873, 873, 873, 873, 2801, 2801, 132, 4495, 380, 2463, 2774, 2774, 2574, 2619, 2619, 4682, 4682, 4682, 4682, 4682, 1267, 1267, 2709, 3742, 4922, 4922, 4032, 1360, 1360, 1272, 4218, 4218, 4218, 4741, 54, 522, 37, 2513, 4728, 4728, 4192, 2867, 2867, 4423, 4423, 992, 2775, 3741, 3741, 3741, 3741, 2792, 2792, 4942, 470, 470, 4469, 2749, 2749, 2749, 280, 280, 3604, 900, 900, 4289, 4289, 1764, 3385, 4077, 1807, 4037, 4037, 4037, 2119, 3505, 3505, 2704, 190, 3393, 3393, 3393, 3393, 4583, 565, 2248, 1534, 1534, 3972, 4571, 4944, 3201, 1932, 3777, 366, 1790, 2660, 546, 432, 2, 2607, 104, 560, 3718, 3387, 3387, 3873, 2163, 2163, 2163, 2163, 2163, 3816, 3816, 1653, 2883, 2883, 129, 129, 129, 129, 4450, 3040, 2593, 2593, 399, 4665, 1128, 1128, 1128, 1286, 1286, 828, 2030, 4195, 4195, 3958, 2026, 924, 3116, 3116, 1992, 3748, 4740, 2035, 1550, 1550, 4738, 4738, 2839, 3650, 1938, 1938, 1938, 1938, 2854, 4116, 1447, 192, 2979, 2979, 3685, 3685, 3293, 1815, 623, 104, 671, 2043, 972, 972, 972, 972, 167, 282, 1736, 2248, 3232, 3275, 2463, 2774, 2774, 1615, 4466, 2619, 4682, 4682, 4682, 4682, 1267, 1267, 1267, 3742, 4922, 4922, 4032, 4032, 1360, 1360, 1272, 4218, 4218, 4218, 3687, 1979, 151, 4744, 4192, 455, 4852, 4852, 4340, 4340, 338, 3865, 2775, 3741, 3741, 3741, 2262, 2262, 470, 4469, 2749, 2749, 280, 280, 4363, 3604, 4289, 608, 536, 536, 2091, 302, 302, 145, 1311, 634, 2967, 4276, 3808, 92, 140, 140, 140, 1357, 1357, 532, 532, 3844, 3268, 312, 1586, 14, 1510, 4112, 591, 591, 591, 1226, 4694, 3364, 662, 40, 3291, 3513, 729, 4354, 2603, 937, 4988, 4988, 4245, 2816, 202, 308, 1589, 4653, 4653, 4653, 4653, 880, 4406, 3094, 3654, 1788, 4264, 4264, 2053, 2053, 668, 4808, 195, 1873, 4450, 3040, 2593, 315, 399, 163, 399, 4389, 4389, 4389, 4389, 2778, 2778, 2778, 2778, 110, 4195, 2026, 981, 30, 64, 1776, 169, 965, 917, 917, 231, 270, 136, 2657, 2374, 808, 808, 808, 808, 4648, 571, 4997, 268, 268, 4519, 4617, 4617, 1190, 2559, 2533, 517, 517, 4071, 4071, 1463, 1463, 36, 4808, 2851, 670, 471, 758, 3800, 1262, 742, 890, 1904, 561, 507, 507, 507, 4373, 3287, 3287, 3821, 3821, 3503, 2187, 2187, 242, 2751, 4460, 4460, 4460, 2533, 2533, 517, 517, 4071, 2053, 2053, 668, 900, 900, 4289, 836, 836, 4284, 302, 302, 302, 2152, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.4606060606060605, 0.6408432147562582, 1.181554677206851, 1.5620553359683793, 2.042687747035573, 2.3230566534914354, 2.443214756258234, 2.6234519104084315, 3.4845849802371536, 3.8250329380764154, 3.925164690382081, 4.906455862977601, 5.246903820816863, 5.867720685111988, 6.00790513833992, 6.668774703557311, 7.169433465085638, 7.750197628458497, 8.671409749670618, 9.111989459815547, 9.232147562582345, 9.292226613965742, 9.692753623188404, 10.113306982872198, 10.213438735177863, 10.57391304347826, 11.054545454545453, 12.135968379446638, 12.576548089591567, 12.676679841897233, 13.397628458498023, 13.71805006587615, 14.398945981554673 ]
[ 0.4606060606060605, 0.6408432147562582, 1.181554677206851, 1.5620553359683793, 2.042687747035573, 2.3230566534914354, 2.443214756258234, 2.6234519104084315, 3.4845849802371536, 3.8250329380764154, 3.925164690382081, 4.906455862977601, 5.246903820816863, 5.867720685111988, 6.00790513833992, 6.648748353096178, 7.169433465085638, 7.750197628458497, 8.671409749670618, 9.111989459815547, 9.232147562582345, 9.292226613965742, 9.692753623188404, 10.093280632411066, 10.19341238471673, 10.57391304347826, 11.054545454545453, 12.135968379446638, 12.576548089591567, 12.676679841897233, 13.397628458498023, 13.71805006587615, 14.398945981554673, 15.179973649538864 ]
We have a responsibility to make sure that we have effective tools to address situations where the right to free expression is deliberately abused to promote violent extremism or discrimination against certain groups in society.
we have a responsibility to make sure that we have effective tools to address situations where the right to free expression is deliberately abused to promote violent extremism or discrimination against certain groups in society.
[ "we", "have", "a", "responsibility", "to", "make", "sure", "that", "we", "have", "effective", "tools", "to", "address", "situations", "where", "the", "right", "to", "free", "expression", "is", "deliberately", "abused", "to", "promote", "violent", "extremism", "or", "discrimination", "against", "certain", "groups", "in", "society." ]
[ "we", "have", "a", "responsibility", "to", "make", "sure", "that", "we", "have", "effective", "tools", "to", "address", "situations", "where", "the", "right", "to", "free", "expression", "is", "deliberately", "abused", "to", "promote", "violent", "extremism", "or", "discrimination", "against", "certain", "groups", "in", "society" ]
[ "w e", "h a v e", "a", "r e s p o n s i b i l i t y", "t o", "m a k e", "s u r e", "t h a t", "w e", "h a v e", "e f f e c t i v e", "t o o l s", "t o", "a d d r e s s", "s i t u a t i o n s", "w h e r e", "t h e", "r i g h t", "t o", "f r e e", "e x p r e s s i o n", "i s", "d e l i b e r a t e l y", "a b u s e d", "t o", "p r o m o t e", "v i o l e n t", "e x t r e m i s m", "o r", "d i s c r i m i n a t i o n", "a g a i n s t", "c e r t a i n", "g r o u p s", "i n", "s o c i e t y" ]
[ 1101, 361, 1143, 72, 1143, 1457, 1457, 1457, 524, 3861, 3958, 3227, 331, 1683, 29, 3677, 3677, 487, 487, 2863, 2863, 4911, 4911, 4207, 3072, 3072, 3072, 395, 3939, 3939, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 4484, 4484, 4484, 4484, 4484, 3166, 3654, 3654, 3654, 137, 137, 137, 3849, 4429, 3608, 3556, 3608, 3556, 3608, 3608, 3436, 2395, 2395, 2395, 2425, 448, 448, 448, 3260, 3260, 4552, 4552, 4626, 1001, 298, 923, 4308, 2173, 3987, 3987, 3189, 2192, 3303, 3320, 3320, 3320, 3320, 3320, 2548, 277, 1926, 1926, 3989, 1275, 655, 2874, 2480, 2480, 764, 336, 1632, 1661, 1661, 1661, 1661, 478, 3005, 3005, 2322, 1577, 860, 860, 742, 3567, 3538, 3043, 3043, 4054, 364, 4023, 1339, 1550, 1401, 885, 885, 1395, 1395, 1720, 1593, 1130, 1130, 1130, 202, 308, 185, 1560, 1560, 1560, 1560, 418, 2430, 3176, 383, 894, 2138, 4414, 2878, 171, 171, 4507, 4507, 4783, 3621, 3621, 3621, 3621, 3621, 2792, 2792, 4855, 4855, 385, 385, 385, 385, 696, 740, 740, 4234, 4234, 3485, 367, 3470, 4377, 165, 949, 1696, 133, 133, 1165, 2307, 3054, 1145, 2190, 551, 4807, 3677, 3677, 487, 487, 2863, 2357, 4911, 4207, 4207, 4207, 4207, 4207, 395, 3939, 999, 999, 999, 4484, 4484, 4484, 3466, 3466, 1870, 161, 4659, 2762, 2762, 2762, 3293, 1815, 623, 2832, 43, 4155, 948, 948, 948, 4076, 2802, 1328, 2559, 2138, 2159, 1524, 1163, 3109, 3894, 466, 466, 2861, 283, 283, 3855, 860, 687, 270, 1359, 2948, 1729, 3460, 2681, 2947, 1819, 717, 717, 967, 967, 900, 4644, 4289, 292, 3385, 298, 923, 923, 6, 4229, 4229, 1058, 1954, 885, 885, 564, 2222, 3566, 4851, 4851, 324, 3665, 354, 1352, 2342, 1320, 4512, 932, 932, 932, 932, 93, 1281, 4697, 298, 923, 923, 4037, 4037, 4067, 4067, 4067, 1479, 620, 4257, 4257, 4257, 324, 4023, 354, 460, 460, 3870, 3870, 3810, 1198, 1198, 3690, 3690, 3690, 1573, 19, 3430, 3430, 225, 4780, 3405, 3405, 419, 1840, 4392, 1411, 1411, 60, 322, 809, 4655, 2292, 991, 991, 2535, 3954, 2940, 3436, 2425, 2425, 2425, 3011, 45, 144, 3331, 3331, 2596, 2596, 423, 423, 423, 423, 696, 696, 696, 1316, 1316, 1316, 4383, 4336, 4429, 4429, 4429, 184, 3608, 3436, 2395, 2395, 4285, 640, 640, 755, 755, 2133, 693, 693, 2849, 2158, 3347, 729, 729, 4354, 4354, 1449, 1681, 2729, 926, 926, 3518, 3518, 3518, 495, 1173, 246, 3373, 131, 2732, 2732, 2636, 977, 977, 977, 977, 3436, 3436, 3436, 3436, 2425, 4336, 860, 687, 742, 974, 3076, 1401, 3419, 1292, 1395, 2006, 3232, 563, 623, 3524, 1615, 1615, 3953, 2591, 2591, 2155, 2155, 2155, 584, 4415, 2081, 2081, 3590, 3590, 801, 265, 1160, 3241, 2701, 1666, 4308, 2173, 3987, 687, 742, 184, 1673, 4802, 4802, 689, 689, 689, 689, 3967, 2504, 603, 3405, 3405, 1840, 222, 4392, 3534, 3534, 60, 2649, 2160, 2160, 2210, 3789, 3608, 4207, 3849, 890, 3614, 4364, 4364, 3483, 3483, 3483, 3483, 3483, 279, 1289, 298, 923, 1139, 1191, 1191, 3522, 572, 1353, 1353, 1107, 143, 143, 1688, 2056, 2056, 2056, 2056, 2283, 1632, 1632, 3620, 3620, 4081, 1857, 4469, 2033, 2033, 2033, 2033, 4542, 364, 1100, 2732, 2732, 2732, 2732, 2732, 3509, 3509, 2731, 1112, 494, 2055, 2395, 2575, 2395, 2133, 1773, 1773, 3087, 2593, 315, 3295, 315, 399, 3458, 3458, 3458, 3458, 1245, 1245, 234, 234, 3913, 1400, 532, 3844, 2030, 312, 2026, 981, 4575, 4614, 4851, 4851, 4187, 3327, 3327, 894, 3865, 3865, 3507, 3507, 1135, 1135, 1819, 1819, 1819, 1819, 1819, 1819, 3742, 3742, 1293, 2227, 2535, 3830, 2333, 3362, 368, 368, 2732, 3849, 1635, 3849, 122, 122, 122, 2447, 122, 122, 1604, 1604, 955, 1604, 2026, 2281, 1249, 4559, 2395, 640, 640, 640, 640, 640, 640, 755, 755, 755, 755, 2133, 4336, 4336, 2732, 2732, 2732, 3295, 3295, 4429, 3295, 3295, 15, 3295, 15, 15, 163, 15, 163, 15, 4940, 374, 4940, 4940, 4940, 4940, 4940, 3754, 4940, 3754, 4940, 1864, 3740, 1864, 1864, 88, 88, 3740, 2982, 2925, 2026, 520, 3052, 3052, 3052, 3052, 3052, 3052, 544, 544, 544, 544, 544, 3251, 1435, 687, 2607, 1954, 1401, 885, 1395, 1395, 2261, 1210, 742, 1673, 3407, 3167, 3167, 285, 285, 2816, 3948, 1456, 995, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 4892, 644, 1923, 131, 742, 2636, 977, 3545, 607, 607, 3612, 2868, 2550, 2550, 2550, 2550, 3903, 3903, 3510, 3510, 1072, 3243, 4033, 956, 956, 3951, 2072, 339, 4728, 860, 742, 3567, 175, 801, 4679, 265, 3241, 2701, 2279, 2279, 3065, 3065, 347, 4512, 4512, 4512, 2095, 440, 1947, 1404, 1777, 1575, 1575, 3280, 3280, 3280, 279, 3385, 3830, 923, 3294, 2324, 3849, 3849, 544, 544, 4011, 1557, 1557, 113, 113, 113, 81, 113, 3511, 719, 696, 1316, 1316, 1516, 4383, 693, 367, 367, 367, 184, 2782, 3436, 3436, 2395, 640, 2133, 693, 3665, 3522, 572, 837, 837, 618, 1554, 4308, 521, 3238, 3238, 2475, 2475, 2475, 440, 1947, 1404, 1701, 1701, 1701, 1559, 4519, 1198, 1808, 1808, 3690, 1573, 19, 3430, 225, 4780, 3405, 419, 1840, 222, 4392, 3534, 3534, 3122, 2649, 2160, 2160, 2210, 2210, 3040, 3087, 166, 166, 166, 166, 742, 1904, 2746, 1594, 2471, 2471, 1710, 894, 1223, 1057, 1211, 1211, 1211, 1211, 1211, 1164, 3264, 4691, 4691, 4691, 1275, 1458, 515, 3362, 368, 368, 3189, 1659, 2404, 2404, 101, 1666, 1666, 79, 1608, 309, 4865, 4865, 4865, 4865, 1580, 1923, 3965, 860, 860, 381, 3567, 4510, 4510, 4741, 3687, 522, 2659, 2647, 3189, 126, 4622, 4622, 1801, 406, 4256, 4256, 4256, 4256, 4892, 2462, 2462, 2808, 231, 4421, 2354, 2354, 3830, 3830, 3294, 3436, 3436, 4612, 4612, 20, 71, 4665, 3134, 3134, 3134, 532, 110, 110, 4195, 1586, 981, 4364, 287, 3867, 2793, 1949, 712, 3832, 3918, 3918, 824, 2527, 4834, 760, 101, 1666, 3914, 4721, 947, 1746, 1746, 3210, 1001, 1666, 1666, 3914, 4113, 4113, 4297, 4297, 4297, 4297, 1138, 3903, 3599, 3599, 3599, 1090, 860, 3189, 860, 1550, 1550, 977, 3538, 2017, 3684, 3859, 3346, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.44043383864337093, 1.0410254367934222, 1.2412226361767729, 2.30226779290853, 2.5024649922918805, 2.882839671120246, 3.3232735097636175, 3.6035495889003077, 3.7837270683453235, 4.144082027235354, 4.744673625385405, 5.1650877440904415, 5.325245503597122, 5.765679342240492, 6.70660617934224, 7.26715833761562, 7.567454136690647, 8.027907695272352, 8.308183774409043, 8.648519013360739, 9.40926837101747, 9.68954445015416, 10.810648766700924, 12.512324961459402, 13.473271518499486, 13.97376451695786, 14.454237795477901, 15.174947713257962, 15.535302672147994, 16.616367548818086, 17.236978866906473, 17.73747186536485, 18.3380634635149, 18.718438142343263 ]
[ 0.44043383864337093, 1.0410254367934222, 1.2412226361767729, 2.30226779290853, 2.5024649922918805, 2.882839671120246, 3.3232735097636175, 3.6035495889003077, 3.7837270683453235, 4.144082027235354, 4.744673625385405, 5.1650877440904415, 5.325245503597122, 5.765679342240492, 6.70660617934224, 7.26715833761562, 7.567454136690647, 8.027907695272352, 8.308183774409043, 8.648519013360739, 9.40926837101747, 9.68954445015416, 10.810648766700924, 12.512324961459402, 13.473271518499486, 13.97376451695786, 14.454237795477901, 15.174947713257962, 15.535302672147994, 16.616367548818086, 17.236978866906473, 17.73747186536485, 18.3380634635149, 18.718438142343263, 19.459167780061662 ]
However, any serious political dialogue between the government and the political opposition in Belarus would necessitate the release and rehabilitation of all political prisoners.
however any serious political dialogue between the government and the political opposition in belarus would necessitate the release and rehabilitation of all political prisoners.
[ "however", "any", "serious", "political", "dialogue", "between", "the", "government", "and", "the", "political", "opposition", "in", "belarus", "would", "necessitate", "the", "release", "and", "rehabilitation", "of", "all", "political", "prisoners." ]
[ "however", "any", "serious", "political", "dialogue", "between", "the", "government", "and", "the", "political", "opposition", "in", "belarus", "would", "necessitate", "the", "release", "and", "rehabilitation", "of", "all", "political", "prisoners" ]
[ "h o w e v e r", "a n y", "s e r i o u s", "p o l i t i c a l", "d i a l o g u e", "b e t w e e n", "t h e", "g o v e r n m e n t", "a n d", "t h e", "p o l i t i c a l", "o p p o s i t i o n", "i n", "b e l a r u s", "w o u l d", "n e c e s s i t a t e", "t h e", "r e l e a s e", "a n d", "r e h a b i l i t a t i o n", "o f", "a l l", "p o l i t i c a l", "p r i s o n e r s" ]
[ 4079, 3409, 3409, 3409, 3117, 3692, 395, 611, 611, 611, 611, 1628, 1628, 4759, 4533, 4533, 4533, 4533, 835, 351, 3094, 484, 3888, 1782, 1782, 414, 1484, 1484, 3087, 3295, 3295, 3295, 166, 166, 166, 163, 3744, 4826, 3406, 297, 297, 3426, 2501, 506, 2537, 4054, 2622, 1914, 1275, 4876, 3702, 1069, 1069, 552, 620, 2739, 2739, 2739, 2739, 2739, 748, 748, 2392, 2392, 870, 4080, 3304, 3304, 3304, 3720, 3619, 3619, 4899, 4899, 4209, 159, 298, 2535, 3954, 3954, 3954, 3954, 162, 162, 2324, 4398, 1668, 4811, 122, 166, 166, 166, 166, 163, 955, 2973, 3739, 3739, 3739, 143, 1688, 3378, 3378, 3378, 4070, 2390, 192, 4617, 4617, 4617, 894, 517, 4071, 4071, 2041, 3834, 3049, 1568, 433, 1283, 3960, 3960, 3960, 3960, 3960, 2908, 3510, 3510, 3510, 3243, 1230, 3307, 3307, 3307, 3307, 3307, 2317, 3499, 3499, 4183, 935, 3213, 3213, 1481, 2593, 2593, 2593, 399, 1252, 1128, 140, 1357, 1357, 828, 2030, 710, 4195, 2026, 331, 1018, 3060, 1257, 324, 4023, 944, 4738, 2196, 3188, 3188, 3188, 3171, 2168, 2316, 4820, 3102, 10, 124, 1710, 41, 2272, 3070, 2087, 2087, 2087, 2087, 1274, 3094, 1308, 1308, 1308, 2051, 2944, 1404, 1067, 2539, 249, 249, 1146, 339, 1709, 1709, 2732, 3189, 977, 3472, 3472, 3472, 1340, 1481, 2593, 3557, 3557, 1252, 1943, 1943, 1245, 1245, 1245, 3913, 3913, 3913, 532, 532, 1436, 1436, 1066, 1066, 981, 1510, 1510, 4112, 591, 591, 1226, 4694, 3364, 2316, 4820, 4141, 3513, 177, 2261, 2812, 381, 2973, 3739, 3739, 3739, 143, 3378, 3378, 3378, 3378, 3965, 860, 231, 192, 4989, 4617, 4617, 2533, 3238, 517, 4071, 4071, 2041, 471, 4355, 507, 507, 3672, 4907, 231, 4643, 1758, 1758, 1758, 613, 4424, 2345, 3767, 3767, 3767, 3767, 2986, 603, 1275, 3405, 1840, 222, 4392, 821, 3122, 2649, 2160, 2002, 1492, 3963, 287, 2793, 712, 1185, 4819, 3925, 1373, 394, 4616, 4616, 4616, 4147, 1940, 2583, 1287, 3620, 4731, 4731, 4469, 3828, 3604, 3604, 3604, 1238, 3530, 3830, 542, 542, 4100, 4100, 145, 1311, 634, 4811, 4811, 3557, 92, 3796, 3587, 140, 140, 140, 140, 140, 574, 4796, 3305, 3305, 3305, 3305, 803, 803, 803, 1849, 1849, 1849, 1849, 1849, 1849, 570, 570, 570, 570, 214, 214, 3740, 3740, 1864, 1864, 1714, 1714, 1714, 2982, 3740, 2925, 3227, 2026, 1683, 29, 845, 845, 3381, 3381, 482, 1972, 2199, 1895, 1895, 1895, 1315, 4480, 4480, 4480, 4055, 25, 1158, 1158, 1158, 1158, 1281, 237, 121, 121, 552, 620, 4634, 4634, 4634, 4634, 1281, 237, 1275, 655, 2874, 2322, 2322, 1090, 1577, 860, 104, 136, 2560, 2560, 871, 871, 934, 246, 421, 3054, 2732, 2636, 2007, 455, 936, 936, 4941, 1795, 2268, 165, 1448, 3513, 177, 4354, 2603, 1330, 937, 4988, 713, 1107, 143, 669, 1230, 4958, 1420, 1420, 1420, 1420, 4619, 4269, 4269, 3680, 1271, 1271, 1147, 1147, 1147, 1147, 1147, 1581, 1581, 4398, 1668, 388, 1151, 2026, 981, 14, 1097, 2479, 1006, 2603, 1681, 3260, 3316, 3316, 111, 111, 2095, 2095, 4929, 4929, 1661, 1661, 4033, 478, 1826, 1090, 1577, 381, 944, 1359, 2657, 181, 181, 3690, 3690, 1573, 3430, 3430, 4780, 3405, 3405, 1840, 222, 4392, 821, 821, 2649, 366, 2707, 2446, 1776, 169, 2997, 2184, 3632, 2875, 890, 2972, 1262, 1262, 1262, 2972, 1262, 742, 2789, 4918, 1354, 1354, 1354, 1354, 1354, 1354, 1354, 4129, 4129, 4129, 4129, 3186, 3186, 4785, 4785, 670, 1472, 3087, 3295, 3295, 166, 3295, 166, 166, 166, 1435, 163, 742, 2973, 3739, 3739, 3739, 3739, 1230, 3378, 3378, 3378, 3378, 370, 2390, 192, 4989, 4617, 4617, 1190, 894, 517, 4071, 4071, 4071, 768, 670, 670, 1472, 388, 2026, 1435, 1435, 3744, 5, 1673, 654, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2562, 4032, 4433, 1272, 4388, 4388, 3346, 3346, 2232, 3346, 3346, 3346, 836, 3830, 3830, 2898, 621, 2152, 2152, 4625, 3215, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.6410272873194222, 0.9615409309791333, 1.722760834670947, 2.3237239165329053, 2.9847833065810594, 3.465553772070626, 3.545682182985554, 4.3269341894061, 4.727576243980739, 4.8477688603531295, 5.348571428571429, 5.929502407704654, 6.049695024077047, 7.01123595505618, 7.752423756019262, 8.6538683788122, 8.814125200642055, 9.37502407704655, 9.595377207062601, 10.356597110754414, 10.596982343499198, 11.117817014446228, 11.798908507223114 ]
[ 0.6410272873194222, 0.9615409309791333, 1.722760834670947, 2.3237239165329053, 2.9847833065810594, 3.465553772070626, 3.545682182985554, 4.3269341894061, 4.727576243980739, 4.8477688603531295, 5.348571428571429, 5.929502407704654, 6.049695024077047, 7.01123595505618, 7.752423756019262, 8.6538683788122, 8.814125200642055, 9.37502407704655, 9.595377207062601, 10.356597110754414, 10.596982343499198, 11.117817014446228, 11.798908507223114, 12.459967897271268 ]
Mr President, my home country of Ireland has a reputation as an enabler of massive tax avoidance for large corporations and the wealthiest in society, and unfortunately the perception is true.
mr president my home country of ireland has a reputation as an enabler of massive tax avoidance for large corporations and the wealthiest in society and unfortunately the perception is true.
[ "mr", "president", "my", "home", "country", "of", "ireland", "has", "a", "reputation", "as", "an", "enabler", "of", "massive", "tax", "avoidance", "for", "large", "corporations", "and", "the", "wealthiest", "in", "society", "and", "unfortunately", "the", "perception", "is", "true." ]
[ "mr", "president", "my", "home", "country", "of", "ireland", "has", "a", "reputation", "as", "an", "enabler", "of", "massive", "tax", "avoidance", "for", "large", "corporations", "and", "the", "wealthiest", "in", "society", "and", "unfortunately", "the", "perception", "is", "true" ]
[ "m r", "p r e s i d e n t", "m y", "h o m e", "c o u n t r y", "o f", "i r e l a n d", "h a s", "a", "r e p u t a t i o n", "a s", "a n", "e n a b l e r", "o f", "m a s s i v e", "t a x", "a v o i d a n c e", "f o r", "l a r g e", "c o r p o r a t i o n s", "a n d", "t h e", "w e a l t h i e s t", "i n", "s o c i e t y", "a n d", "u n f o r t u n a t e l y", "t h e", "p e r c e p t i o n", "i s", "t r u e" ]
[ 38, 4598, 2026, 3409, 3156, 2001, 544, 544, 544, 544, 544, 1681, 1681, 3872, 3872, 3872, 3872, 4652, 3872, 3828, 3872, 4936, 4936, 891, 891, 3189, 104, 714, 1276, 1276, 4628, 3488, 4322, 3581, 3345, 2665, 2665, 1150, 1150, 184, 301, 301, 4400, 4400, 153, 1248, 930, 4980, 4980, 2254, 2254, 315, 15, 15, 15, 15, 163, 15, 15, 15, 374, 374, 374, 374, 2756, 4222, 248, 248, 3306, 3306, 3306, 3306, 3306, 3306, 3306, 3306, 3306, 3306, 3306, 334, 2026, 334, 334, 334, 2413, 2413, 863, 334, 334, 334, 622, 863, 747, 622, 2516, 622, 747, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 894, 2413, 2413, 2413, 2413, 2516, 622, 2413, 622, 2413, 622, 622, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 3215, 2413, 2413, 2413, 2413, 622, 622, 622, 622, 622, 2516, 2516, 622, 622, 622, 2413, 622, 973, 973, 2885, 2413, 2413, 1922, 1922, 1922, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1578, 72, 1849, 1849, 1849, 1849, 1849, 1849, 1849, 1849, 1849, 1849, 1849, 2822, 2822, 3673, 852, 852, 852, 2154, 4310, 912, 912, 1586, 4924, 943, 2505, 2505, 1001, 4740, 2683, 3175, 3175, 3683, 1210, 4643, 4660, 4038, 4038, 2054, 2054, 2054, 2562, 4740, 1705, 765, 765, 765, 3543, 1313, 3493, 3493, 4609, 339, 522, 4744, 704, 4011, 148, 995, 737, 4824, 2175, 2175, 2301, 2301, 49, 4911, 4911, 13, 1347, 392, 3662, 3662, 3662, 2514, 2514, 2514, 2514, 4904, 4904, 304, 3634, 893, 893, 893, 893, 2139, 2139, 775, 3896, 3896, 4941, 4340, 4591, 104, 560, 805, 2497, 1083, 1083, 1083, 2548, 4116, 2373, 1550, 2952, 2952, 352, 1983, 4946, 4850, 1971, 4526, 169, 2997, 701, 161, 1309, 1309, 1309, 1309, 2908, 2908, 1342, 4391, 4652, 2561, 2369, 2369, 2369, 2369, 339, 1709, 4713, 175, 149, 2708, 2752, 176, 1705, 2906, 4607, 95, 3836, 1449, 1827, 4191, 831, 831, 831, 831, 4907, 595, 1059, 3358, 3358, 3358, 3358, 324, 860, 231, 944, 1359, 2260, 2260, 181, 181, 3690, 3690, 3690, 19, 19, 19, 3430, 225, 4780, 4077, 419, 1840, 4392, 3534, 3534, 3534, 3122, 3122, 2649, 2649, 4844, 4844, 4844, 4844, 3159, 3159, 758, 758, 3189, 781, 2411, 4950, 4950, 261, 261, 261, 261, 261, 659, 2456, 3578, 1705, 1705, 4607, 1812, 1812, 589, 366, 1790, 289, 191, 4217, 4217, 2146, 411, 4519, 4197, 1575, 3639, 3639, 3639, 2807, 1964, 732, 2759, 2759, 4055, 1925, 1855, 4930, 2950, 2950, 2950, 3417, 3417, 2524, 3618, 3487, 2331, 2331, 4789, 4789, 3202, 3202, 1601, 1601, 4567, 46, 4011, 202, 148, 2993, 4912, 4912, 3671, 1303, 2881, 4697, 121, 655, 2874, 3894, 3894, 2861, 965, 2184, 917, 742, 381, 1781, 541, 808, 808, 808, 808, 96, 2547, 1328, 2543, 649, 649, 655, 1479, 1008, 1008, 3497, 952, 3612, 2868, 3460, 3217, 3217, 4824, 2175, 2175, 1173, 565, 4196, 2171, 4597, 2722, 2722, 3839, 194, 1926, 991, 4433, 3838, 2396, 3106, 840, 1344, 2441, 172, 1107, 143, 1688, 2420, 3160, 3160, 3160, 3160, 865, 2914, 1977, 1977, 2060, 2060, 4797, 2103, 1217, 213, 3189, 3718, 3387, 3302, 3302, 3302, 3302, 3302, 4267, 251, 3189, 1059, 1380, 1380, 1380, 1380, 4469, 1198, 1808, 1808, 3690, 3690, 19, 19, 225, 4780, 18, 419, 222, 4392, 1411, 1411, 4532, 2649, 809, 4655, 4655, 2292, 1705, 752, 1842, 4112, 591, 591, 1226, 4694, 3364, 2316, 5, 3347, 2086, 177, 4725, 4714, 1345, 2668, 4553, 3782, 3782, 3782, 4453, 4453, 2239, 4023, 381, 301, 1562, 271, 3720, 4534, 4534, 3569, 3569, 159, 4440, 4077, 2333, 368, 4995, 346, 1340, 1481, 4811, 2593, 3557, 1128, 1128, 1128, 1245, 3913, 532, 828, 828, 2030, 4195, 742, 981, 3125, 3867, 3867, 1949, 1949, 3832, 1748, 4834, 760, 4955, 4721, 947, 1746, 1746, 1001, 237, 923, 2204 ]
[ 0, 3.745632298519737, 4.1862949218750005, 4.406626233552632, 4.867318976151317, 5.287951480263159, 5.448192434210527, 5.768674342105263, 5.88885505756579, 5.968975534539474, 6.950451377467106, 7.270933285361843, 7.391114000822369, 7.951957339638159, 8.15225853207237, 8.572891036184211, 8.853312705592106, 9.394125925164476, 9.514306640625001, 9.854818667763158, 10.676053556743422, 10.83629451069079, 10.916414987664474, 11.276957134046054, 11.317017372532897, 11.477258326480266, 11.537348684210526, 11.797740234375002, 11.857830592105266, 12.058131784539475, 12.098192023026316 ]
[ 3.745632298519737, 4.1862949218750005, 4.406626233552632, 4.867318976151317, 5.287951480263159, 5.448192434210527, 5.748644222861842, 5.88885505756579, 5.968975534539474, 6.950451377467106, 7.270933285361843, 7.391114000822369, 7.951957339638159, 8.15225853207237, 8.572891036184211, 8.853312705592106, 9.394125925164476, 9.514306640625001, 9.854818667763158, 10.676053556743422, 10.83629451069079, 10.916414987664474, 11.256927014802633, 11.296987253289474, 11.457228207236843, 11.517318564967107, 11.77771011513158, 11.837800472861844, 12.038101665296054, 12.078161903782897, 12.15828238075658 ]
I was particularly pleased to report that we have been able to provide funding for strategic communications.
i was particularly pleased to report that we have been able to provide funding for strategic communications.
[ "i", "was", "particularly", "pleased", "to", "report", "that", "we", "have", "been", "able", "to", "provide", "funding", "for", "strategic", "communications." ]
[ "i", "was", "particularly", "pleased", "to", "report", "that", "we", "have", "been", "able", "to", "provide", "funding", "for", "strategic", "communications" ]
[ "i", "w a s", "p a r t i c u l a r l y", "p l e a s e d", "t o", "r e p o r t", "t h a t", "w e", "h a v e", "b e e n", "a b l e", "t o", "p r o v i d e", "f u n d i n g", "f o r", "s t r a t e g i c", "c o m m u n i c a t i o n s" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 2114, 2026, 3154, 139, 2327, 2327, 2327, 2327, 2327, 914, 914, 914, 524, 710, 2026, 3958, 1332, 79, 446, 446, 3487, 2228, 4760, 4760, 3581, 279, 4969, 3930, 2821, 4241, 2192, 3407, 2828, 2828, 324, 104, 944, 2657, 1305, 1305, 1305, 1665, 231, 1733, 2179, 2179, 1218, 224, 4541, 663, 663, 4324, 182, 1478, 2812, 742, 2607, 4932, 263, 3342, 4150, 4150, 103, 103, 103, 4619, 3559, 3559, 4050, 6, 4433, 1139, 1191, 1401, 2761, 2006, 2603, 2603, 937, 4988, 713, 750, 1210, 2812, 742, 452, 2758, 4343, 4343, 4343, 4343, 4343, 2735, 2735, 2735, 2735, 365, 365, 4524, 2585, 3492, 3492, 3472, 3472, 1340, 1340, 3849, 4852, 4852, 1795, 2026, 1504, 949, 3544, 3544, 1165, 168, 168, 2365, 924, 3677, 487, 487, 2863, 4137, 4137, 3652, 3189, 2741, 221, 1264, 1264, 1264, 366, 2707, 4197, 4197, 4735, 4735, 4735, 4735, 732, 2759, 2715, 646, 371, 1187, 2183, 894, 3026, 219, 3490, 630, 4696, 4055, 3407, 3167, 285, 285, 952, 3612, 2868, 3257, 3257, 3257, 3257, 3257, 167, 167, 282, 3463, 3463, 754, 2734, 2734, 623, 2400, 43, 671, 1553, 1553, 1553, 1942, 2854, 3793, 3793, 2811, 2219, 1605, 1182, 1697, 2610, 7, 2605, 50, 1368, 526, 838, 1344, 4746, 4746, 4746, 4446, 1417, 4077, 1084, 120, 2314, 347, 347, 2588, 2588, 2588, 324, 1623, 104, 136, 2260, 2465, 2465, 2465, 2465, 4196, 3638, 1722, 3536, 3536, 2773, 2773, 1190, 1588, 3189, 3766, 1000, 4560, 434, 2733, 1404, 3909, 1452, 1452, 1452, 1452, 1452, 1005, 3096, 3096, 3006, 91, 2533, 3112, 181, 181, 181, 3690, 3690, 1573, 3430, 225, 4780, 4077, 419, 419, 222, 4392, 636, 3346, 3346, 4114, 922, 4625, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.5017897727272727, 0.6021477272727273, 1.124009090909091, 1.485297727272727, 1.5655840909090908, 2.167731818181818, 2.3885193181818183, 2.5089488636363635, 2.609306818181818, 2.769879545454545, 3.010738636363636, 3.0910249999999997, 3.5326, 3.9541034090909086, 4.094604545454545, 4.676680681818182 ]
[ 0.5017897727272727, 0.6021477272727273, 1.124009090909091, 1.485297727272727, 1.5655840909090908, 2.167731818181818, 2.3885193181818183, 2.5089488636363635, 2.609306818181818, 2.769879545454545, 3.010738636363636, 3.0910249999999997, 3.5326, 3.9541034090909086, 4.094604545454545, 4.676680681818182, 5.499615909090909 ]
The creative and cultural sector, which is historically seen as female—friendly and where women outnumber men across the sector as a whole, is a sector guilty of gender based discrimination.
the creative and cultural sector which is historically seen as femalefriendly and where women outnumber men across the sector as a whole is a sector guilty of gender based discrimination.
[ "the", "creative", "and", "cultural", "sector", "which", "is", "historically", "seen", "as", "femalefriendly", "and", "where", "women", "outnumber", "men", "across", "the", "sector", "as", "a", "whole", "is", "a", "sector", "guilty", "of", "gender", "based", "discrimination." ]
[ "the", "creative", "and", "cultural", "sector", "which", "is", "historically", "seen", "as", "femalefriendly", "and", "where", "women", "outnumber", "men", "across", "the", "sector", "as", "a", "whole", "is", "a", "sector", "guilty", "of", "gender", "based", "discrimination" ]
[ "t h e", "c r e a t i v e", "a n d", "c u l t u r a l", "s e c t o r", "w h i c h", "i s", "h i s t o r i c a l l y", "s e e n", "a s", "f e m a l e f r i e n d l y", "a n d", "w h e r e", "w o m e n", "o u t n u m b e r", "m e n", "a c r o s s", "t h e", "s e c t o r", "a s", "a", "w h o l e", "i s", "a", "s e c t o r", "g u i l t y", "o f", "g e n d e r", "b a s e d", "d i s c r i m i n a t i o n" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 2114, 1335, 1335, 2327, 2327, 2327, 914, 914, 1457, 524, 524, 3958, 2026, 1504, 489, 1448, 492, 124, 91, 2559, 310, 2174, 2517, 2517, 2517, 111, 111, 2807, 934, 934, 1878, 2390, 2415, 3109, 3894, 466, 466, 2861, 3466, 701, 3564, 4181, 4181, 253, 488, 2099, 4591, 1339, 3718, 3718, 2497, 2109, 2109, 2109, 2109, 3092, 3092, 2239, 1388, 2607, 1388, 614, 4077, 2952, 3045, 4357, 4357, 3325, 36, 1187, 2542, 1417, 158, 2119, 3505, 2704, 190, 2511, 2511, 2511, 2511, 4076, 4648, 4786, 2138, 2159, 1524, 1163, 1830, 653, 4767, 4767, 1907, 1907, 740, 4234, 1832, 2818, 415, 3366, 3366, 3366, 3366, 1001, 9, 3065, 1191, 1643, 1555, 3550, 746, 4942, 2879, 3558, 2907, 4617, 1190, 383, 894, 2770, 2770, 1112, 4541, 663, 4324, 4324, 2622, 2622, 1544, 4433, 2119, 3505, 552, 2429, 1176, 1176, 1176, 1176, 1176, 1176, 1953, 1953, 1953, 262, 3171, 2168, 2160, 834, 2002, 758, 1492, 781, 2834, 4950, 1525, 1525, 176, 3578, 3503, 3503, 4433, 875, 875, 3524, 742, 43, 4953, 4953, 3605, 1232, 1350, 1350, 3144, 697, 1404, 308, 4376, 4376, 4376, 3866, 3866, 2312, 2312, 2901, 4905, 1177, 3232, 1815, 2832, 1615, 3953, 3785, 4662, 4662, 2702, 2702, 4171, 496, 2854, 2854, 3793, 3793, 2513, 4497, 3509, 3509, 2731, 1112, 494, 3533, 3533, 814, 814, 153, 153, 1248, 4409, 742, 586, 586, 1252, 4243, 234, 234, 234, 234, 234, 3913, 3913, 1400, 1400, 532, 3844, 3844, 2677, 2725, 2026, 924, 842, 3331, 2596, 423, 423, 4961, 3996, 3649, 4714, 1345, 2668, 3842, 3842, 3842, 3842, 1947, 4867, 1260, 1260, 1260, 54, 2160, 834, 2002, 2330, 80, 1045, 104, 2411, 2411, 3734, 4815, 1026, 1026, 2075, 58, 58, 4300, 4300, 4997, 1315, 2142, 3041, 1911, 1911, 1911, 2057, 516, 1695, 741, 2872, 2872, 910, 910, 910, 3846, 1593, 4493, 4493, 2158, 308, 2257, 2257, 2257, 2257, 2257, 2257, 2549, 3917, 1282, 2160, 834, 430, 430, 1961, 91, 310, 2000, 1052, 1383, 1383, 1383, 1383, 1051, 4708, 4440, 462, 3994, 4761, 1844, 4141, 10, 3368, 1109, 1544, 4433, 2119, 3505, 2704, 190, 2511, 2511, 2511, 4076, 4648, 4786, 4786, 2138, 2159, 2159, 1163, 2646, 513, 4767, 4767, 1907, 1907, 1907, 694, 740, 740, 3013, 3040, 71, 4665, 4243, 234, 234, 234, 1400, 1400, 1400, 1436, 1066, 1262, 163, 1262, 1262, 1262, 2281, 2789, 2834, 4950, 261, 1525, 659, 176, 1705, 1705, 2906, 4607, 546, 546, 2412, 2412, 13, 13, 3072, 369, 369, 2893, 2893, 3973, 3973, 3973, 3973, 3973, 3973, 3763, 3763, 4170, 4170, 4170, 4170, 195, 2851, 4785, 4450, 4401, 71, 4665, 1252, 4243, 4243, 3913, 3913, 23, 23, 2030, 3268, 4195, 2026, 4826, 4826, 2666, 3125, 4693, 4693, 4693, 4693, 4693, 1370, 2456, 3578, 3578, 67, 2214, 872, 1365, 245, 983, 231, 781, 4614, 4945, 1723, 1109, 1544, 4433, 2119, 3505, 2704, 190, 2511, 2511, 2511, 4076, 4648, 4648, 231, 4786, 2138, 2159, 1524, 1163, 513, 2476, 4767, 1907, 223, 740, 4234, 4753, 4753, 3899, 3899, 3189, 2607, 1223, 1057, 3281, 1509, 1509, 1509, 2825, 3092, 2239, 2239, 2239, 192, 2646, 2646, 513, 2017, 1562, 1848, 2540, 2540, 311, 311, 587, 587, 1247, 758, 983, 742, 2939, 64, 1776, 1776, 169, 965, 1601, 3652, 1568, 2559, 3138, 286, 2097, 2499, 666, 666, 666, 496, 2854, 3793, 3793, 2682, 2219, 4825, 910, 910, 1060, 3327, 3133, 1373, 394, 3597, 3597, 3597, 3597, 1816, 1037, 3630, 3630, 462, 6, 1139, 84, 1641, 3522, 837, 837, 618, 82, 1544, 4077, 4308, 521, 205, 2809, 406, 2475, 2475, 2475, 440, 1947, 1404, 4867, 1701, 1701, 1794, 1559, 4519, 1198, 1808, 1808, 3690, 3690, 1573, 3430, 225, 4780, 18, 3405, 419, 1840, 222, 4392, 3534, 3122, 3122, 2288, 2876, 1225, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.4006600660066007, 0.8614191419141914, 0.9615841584158416, 1.4824422442244225, 1.923168316831683, 2.0233333333333334, 2.0834323432343234, 2.6243234323432345, 3.024983498349835, 3.2653795379537955, 4.2870627062706275, 4.807920792079208, 4.9681848184818485, 5.328778877887789, 5.92976897689769, 6.23026402640264, 6.5507920792079215, 6.711056105610561, 7.412211221122113, 7.812871287128713, 7.9130363036303635, 8.554092409240925, 8.994818481848187, 9.155082508250825, 9.695973597359735, 10.256897689768977, 10.497293729372938, 10.877920792079209, 11.19844884488449 ]
[ 0.4006600660066007, 0.8413861386138614, 0.9615841584158416, 1.4824422442244225, 1.9031353135313531, 2.0233333333333334, 2.0633993399339934, 2.6243234323432345, 3.024983498349835, 3.2653795379537955, 4.2870627062706275, 4.787887788778877, 4.9681848184818485, 5.328778877887789, 5.92976897689769, 6.23026402640264, 6.5507920792079215, 6.711056105610561, 7.412211221122113, 7.812871287128713, 7.9130363036303635, 8.554092409240925, 8.994818481848187, 9.155082508250825, 9.695973597359735, 10.256897689768977, 10.497293729372938, 10.877920792079209, 11.19844884488449, 12.11996699669967 ]
But at the same time Europe cannot and will not isolate itself from the world.
but at the same time europe cannot and will not isolate itself from the world.
[ "but", "at", "the", "same", "time", "europe", "cannot", "and", "will", "not", "isolate", "itself", "from", "the", "world." ]
[ "but", "at", "the", "same", "time", "europe", "cannot", "and", "will", "not", "isolate", "itself", "from", "the", "world" ]
[ "b u t", "a t", "t h e", "s a m e", "t i m e", "e u r o p e", "c a n n o t", "a n d", "w i l l", "n o t", "i s o l a t e", "i t s e l f", "f r o m", "t h e", "w o r l d" ]
[ 4079, 1018, 125, 125, 1529, 3449, 2127, 2127, 4131, 4184, 2724, 2632, 3368, 1109, 158, 4876, 3702, 1069, 3914, 552, 1608, 2088, 2088, 2088, 2088, 4271, 529, 2887, 1670, 258, 300, 4895, 270, 1359, 2657, 625, 625, 2113, 2113, 2113, 2113, 887, 887, 3187, 3187, 3999, 3634, 3634, 2210, 4401, 3087, 2593, 2593, 399, 4389, 1639, 1639, 31, 327, 3415, 2026, 2827, 2030, 4195, 3958, 2026, 4122, 2775, 2144, 833, 2262, 3648, 4566, 1398, 1398, 1137, 283, 4903, 2607, 231, 560, 1539, 4729, 2891, 3790, 3687, 4608, 4608, 4480, 4480, 411, 1021, 1021, 389, 389, 1183, 1183, 2743, 2029, 2007, 4944, 3143, 3136, 295, 1234, 954, 3691, 894, 3570, 1279, 1279, 1279, 3299, 1927, 3471, 2142, 1021, 389, 389, 1183, 2029, 4571, 2330, 2875, 534, 561, 2557, 3028, 3028, 1765, 1765, 1173, 4853, 2963, 655, 2874, 3412, 3412, 1313, 3521, 871, 871, 2357, 1708, 3449, 4226, 726, 237, 4077, 3702, 1069, 3505, 2704, 190, 4975, 4975, 969, 1032, 3328, 3232, 3275, 2811, 2943, 4629, 264, 906, 2052, 3252, 3252, 3291, 10, 2059, 4725, 1346, 1345, 1851, 4814, 1214, 1866, 1866, 3324, 3324, 807, 807, 807, 402, 4771, 4497, 2205, 3190, 142, 742, 4625, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.10051121794871795, 0.1809201923076923, 0.3015336538461539, 0.6231695512820513, 1.1458278846153847, 1.5880772435897437, 2.010224358974359, 2.150940064102564, 2.2916557692307693, 2.512780448717949, 2.9148253205128207, 3.2163589743589744, 3.3570746794871797, 3.4575858974358975 ]
[ 0.10051121794871795, 0.1809201923076923, 0.3015336538461539, 0.6231695512820513, 1.1458278846153847, 1.5880772435897437, 2.010224358974359, 2.150940064102564, 2.2916557692307693, 2.512780448717949, 2.9148253205128207, 3.2163589743589744, 3.3570746794871797, 3.4575858974358975, 3.8998352564102565 ]
It has become an issue of fundamental rights.
it has become an issue of fundamental rights.
[ "it", "has", "become", "an", "issue", "of", "fundamental", "rights." ]
[ "it", "has", "become", "an", "issue", "of", "fundamental", "rights" ]
[ "i t", "h a s", "b e c o m e", "a n", "i s s u e", "o f", "f u n d a m e n t a l", "r i g h t s" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 2114, 4720, 4720, 524, 312, 2026, 4826, 1297, 3357, 3421, 3449, 149, 2708, 2859, 3976, 4969, 3930, 367, 1908, 3060, 848, 91, 2559, 560, 2497, 3489, 3310, 601, 1947, 2641, 786, 1812, 589, 2687, 3284, 4990, 1, 3441, 187, 3703, 1124, 1124, 2986, 603, 4077, 3405, 3061, 3035, 3035, 3035, 3035, 3775, 2518, 2518, 401, 4298, 1492, 64, 1776, 169, 965, 3275, 3275, 2832, 1186, 2043, 1553, 1553, 1553, 2548, 2469, 2682, 2219, 3794, 2944, 2944, 308, 2765, 2765, 2765, 2765, 2854, 4116, 1447, 3249, 1830, 513, 2457, 4357, 183, 183, 4808, 4808, 2851, 670, 3896, 3896, 742, 2697, 3547, 2888, 1988, 926, 3518, 3518, 3518, 495, 2122, 2122, 3373, 445, 3189, 538, 4505, 4505, 1011, 3773, 302, 302, 4100, 4100, 145, 2152, 2152, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.2620408464566929, 0.36282578740157484, 0.6651806102362204, 0.7861225393700787, 1.1691053149606299, 1.2900472440944881, 1.975384842519685 ]
[ 0.24188385826771652, 0.36282578740157484, 0.6651806102362204, 0.7861225393700787, 1.1691053149606299, 1.2900472440944881, 1.975384842519685, 2.5397805118110237 ]
As the rapporteur for the reform of the Dublin Regulation, I am especially proud of the joint commitment from all major political groups in this House to real reform of the Dublin Regulation, which will enable us finally to see a centralised European system where applicants are distributed fairly among EU Member States.
as the rapporteur for the reform of the dublin regulation i am especially proud of the joint commitment from all major political groups in this house to real reform of the dublin regulation which will enable us finally to see a centralised european system where applicants are distributed fairly among eu member states.
[ "as", "the", "rapporteur", "for", "the", "reform", "of", "the", "dublin", "regulation", "i", "am", "especially", "proud", "of", "the", "joint", "commitment", "from", "all", "major", "political", "groups", "in", "this", "house", "to", "real", "reform", "of", "the", "dublin", "regulation", "which", "will", "enable", "us", "finally", "to", "see", "a", "centralised", "european", "system", "where", "applicants", "are", "distributed", "fairly", "among", "eu", "member", "states." ]
[ "as", "the", "rapporteur", "for", "the", "reform", "of", "the", "dublin", "regulation", "i", "am", "especially", "proud", "of", "the", "joint", "commitment", "from", "all", "major", "political", "groups", "in", "this", "house", "to", "real", "reform", "of", "the", "dublin", "regulation", "which", "will", "enable", "us", "finally", "to", "see", "a", "centralised", "european", "system", "where", "applicants", "are", "distributed", "fairly", "among", "eu", "member", "states" ]
[ "a s", "t h e", "r a p p o r t e u r", "f o r", "t h e", "r e f o r m", "o f", "t h e", "d u b l i n", "r e g u l a t i o n", "i", "a m", "e s p e c i a l l y", "p r o u d", "o f", "t h e", "j o i n t", "c o m m i t m e n t", "f r o m", "a l l", "m a j o r", "p o l i t i c a l", "g r o u p s", "i n", "t h i s", "h o u s e", "t o", "r e a l", "r e f o r m", "o f", "t h e", "d u b l i n", "r e g u l a t i o n", "w h i c h", "w i l l", "e n a b l e", "u s", "f i n a l l y", "t o", "s e e", "a", "c e n t r a l i s e d", "e u r o p e a n", "s y s t e m", "w h e r e", "a p p l i c a n t s", "a r e", "d i s t r i b u t e d", "f a i r l y", "a m o n g", "e u", "m e m b e r", "s t a t e s" ]
[ 1101, 1922, 361, 1143, 1143, 1143, 1143, 1143, 914, 3673, 3673, 1436, 3268, 1586, 14, 1510, 4950, 2482, 2482, 2482, 659, 1289, 4740, 1150, 1150, 1150, 1479, 2425, 2425, 1449, 1449, 1827, 1988, 4191, 831, 831, 831, 1111, 4183, 4183, 184, 2782, 3116, 1992, 1090, 4023, 381, 944, 2476, 2476, 3184, 86, 2204, 4855, 414, 4234, 3232, 1815, 4635, 838, 840, 1344, 4746, 437, 1414, 424, 3102, 2632, 4354, 2603, 1330, 937, 2284, 4552, 4626, 3293, 1815, 623, 3524, 2400, 2400, 2595, 3501, 3501, 3501, 3501, 378, 378, 2235, 4788, 4788, 4788, 1030, 3905, 2002, 80, 890, 890, 2789, 2331, 4789, 4789, 3315, 199, 2268, 721, 3102, 3513, 2131, 1469, 3049, 1568, 4055, 2231, 1283, 902, 4068, 4068, 4068, 4175, 2283, 2283, 1925, 1925, 4133, 4286, 4286, 4465, 1006, 3123, 3031, 1681, 2729, 2563, 2563, 2563, 2563, 3879, 2559, 4124, 844, 1691, 1691, 1107, 143, 227, 1198, 1808, 3690, 3690, 3690, 1573, 3430, 225, 4780, 3405, 419, 419, 222, 4392, 3534, 3534, 3122, 2649, 4681, 2210, 4401, 2593, 71, 4665, 4243, 4243, 1943, 3913, 3913, 532, 532, 3844, 1436, 312, 742, 981, 30, 794, 2376, 109, 857, 3335, 1174, 1174, 2641, 786, 4659, 829, 829, 829, 1544, 3503, 2119, 2119, 2119, 4019, 2173, 2173, 3987, 742, 3303, 3746, 3746, 3746, 3746, 3746, 2504, 603, 1275, 3061, 3061, 4252, 4252, 4252, 224, 1112, 4541, 663, 663, 4054, 182, 1478, 2812, 742, 3170, 4660, 4660, 654, 654, 3706, 1250, 1250, 1250, 1250, 1250, 1250, 2423, 2709, 771, 771, 1296, 2671, 883, 883, 3516, 3516, 2968, 1601, 3855, 199, 2268, 3347, 3102, 3513, 1469, 1617, 3049, 381, 1967, 286, 2097, 2242, 2242, 2242, 2242, 1269, 4992, 3089, 3089, 4744, 4192, 3545, 4485, 163, 3189, 714, 805, 155, 155, 155, 2733, 4493, 202, 2375, 2678, 2678, 2678, 3280, 2665, 4023, 3189, 1895, 4775, 3694, 1067, 4813, 1146, 1146, 2215, 4744, 3883, 2734, 4635, 2559, 3106, 2943, 1399, 4329, 906, 4255, 2052, 3216, 2330, 2875, 2972, 742, 1045, 4918, 1354, 1354, 1354, 1354, 1354, 4129, 4129, 4129, 3456, 3186, 768, 3834, 3997, 4493, 202, 308, 2285, 2285, 2285, 2807, 2092, 2092, 1244, 3741, 4285, 3116, 2009, 4753, 2365, 367, 126, 406, 4256, 4256, 4256, 4256, 4892, 2462, 1761, 3189, 4421, 2354, 273, 2213, 606, 2446, 3516, 1512, 2997, 199, 2849, 721, 1655, 4490, 4490, 4490, 1542, 1599, 1031, 3503, 4955, 3863, 1785, 1347, 725, 725, 2586, 2586, 2586, 2586, 2709, 1869, 683, 3530, 3830, 2214, 1311, 2593, 71, 3557, 3557, 1128, 1943, 1943, 1943, 1245, 3913, 1357, 828, 2030, 2030, 4195, 4195, 2026, 1784, 3076, 3076, 1401, 3419, 3419, 1395, 2006, 2006, 1449, 1132, 1132, 1132, 1132, 1132, 1827, 3548, 3548, 1633, 1633, 1633, 1633, 1633, 3874, 1789, 1789, 183, 2041, 768, 3834, 3427, 1074, 2603, 1330, 3260, 4552, 4552, 4626, 3293, 563, 1815, 623, 2832, 2832, 1615, 2595, 2595, 3501, 3501, 3501, 3501, 378, 378, 2235, 908, 4788, 4788, 3999, 3634, 3905, 151, 775, 775, 2447, 2447, 166, 166, 890, 163, 1249, 2331, 2331, 2331, 4789, 4789, 3202, 283, 283, 2849, 3470, 367, 3289, 367, 2268, 4141, 10, 2131, 1617, 1568, 4055, 2231, 902, 4068, 4068, 4068, 4068, 2283, 2283, 1925, 1925, 4133, 4286, 4286, 4465, 1006, 1006, 3031, 135, 1681, 2729, 2563, 2563, 2563, 2563, 4124, 894, 189, 844, 1691, 1691, 1107, 143, 227, 1198, 1808, 3690, 3690, 1573, 1573, 225, 4780, 4780, 3405, 419, 419, 222, 4392, 3534, 3534, 3122, 2649, 2160, 2210, 4401, 2593, 2593, 4665, 1252, 1128, 1245, 3913, 3913, 532, 828, 3844, 1103, 2677, 2026, 1586, 924, 56, 405, 405, 405, 3009, 1974, 4797, 1275, 2103, 1217, 3629, 551, 1952, 3570, 1279, 1279, 2561, 4033, 3566, 191, 191, 191, 366, 1559, 4519, 4197, 3639, 3639, 3639, 3639, 3639, 732, 732, 2759, 1632, 4264, 371, 2041, 1078, 4333, 3487, 2311, 2311, 2311, 3461, 3461, 4708, 298, 923, 6, 1139, 4229, 1191, 1401, 885, 1292, 1395, 260, 3232, 1815, 623, 3189, 2400, 671, 2043, 1547, 1384, 1384, 1384, 1341, 1341, 69, 3212, 2143, 2143, 2143, 224, 1112, 4541, 663, 4054, 4054, 4446, 1001, 1544, 2119, 2119, 2119, 1150, 2429, 1080, 1080, 1556, 1556, 2081, 569, 587, 3050, 1492, 197, 2746, 4945, 1723, 1723, 1417, 1275, 3702, 3702, 3702, 2119, 2119, 3505, 3505, 2704, 190, 1091, 1229, 1229, 1229, 1331, 2854, 2854, 4116, 4116, 1447, 367, 3237, 2952, 2952, 3045, 3045, 4357, 4357, 1072, 1107, 143, 143, 227, 3010, 3010, 3010, 1192, 1192, 282, 3314, 3314, 4594, 4740, 1150, 1150, 1150, 4671, 2858, 4403, 2144, 1004, 1004, 2262, 3648, 1853, 1853, 3593, 583, 4907, 2812, 3189, 439, 784, 784, 784, 784, 3392, 916, 916, 4465, 4465, 522, 1748, 4834, 4523, 1275, 2119, 3505, 2704, 464, 853, 853, 853, 4435, 3016, 1275, 2187, 2187, 242, 742, 2751, 3633, 3633, 990, 990, 375, 3216, 4401, 3040, 71, 71, 4665, 4665, 1128, 1128, 1128, 532, 532, 532, 2030, 2030, 4195, 3744, 2026, 924, 4807, 3331, 2596, 2596, 1316, 2325, 1889, 2875, 2972, 2972, 890, 1045, 187, 3907, 1169, 1169, 3671, 2467, 4907, 595, 595, 3189, 4643, 1925, 2473, 3150, 4701, 4701, 891, 4023, 742, 2559, 2903, 2048, 596, 596, 596, 2072, 624, 3264, 3264, 3234, 3234, 4505, 3773, 1275, 3954, 2214, 2214, 162, 2324, 1365, 983, 163, 2939, 2789, 1464, 1464, 1464, 3876, 1316, 4383, 693, 3049, 2089, 2089, 687, 433, 2389, 837, 837, 837, 618, 3016, 4697, 1275, 1666, 3065, 242, 367, 2751, 2751, 3733, 3733, 3733, 764, 3327, 3665, 1632, 3358, 3358, 3358, 3358, 3358, 307, 4706, 4706, 1878, 860, 231, 1830, 341, 2381, 2381, 921, 2014, 2199, 2734, 2734, 4120, 2832, 2832, 2400, 2923, 4953, 4953, 4998, 4998, 959, 700, 700, 4961, 2392, 4391, 224, 1112, 1112, 4541, 4946, 111, 111, 430, 1961, 1593, 1593, 202, 148, 3889, 980, 980, 980, 3682, 1490, 4200, 2485, 4403, 2144, 1004, 1004, 3648, 1853, 3593, 583, 4907, 4183, 4643, 439, 784, 784, 784, 3392, 916, 4465, 3687, 522, 704, 74, 2158, 308, 2993, 615, 615, 615, 2057, 516, 1695, 741, 2872, 910, 4472, 4446, 1001, 1544, 9, 3065, 3194, 1641, 1643, 1690, 911, 911, 911, 1086, 518, 266, 3974, 742, 538, 4505, 3773, 302, 4433, 145, 145, 2152, 2152, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.4604348258706468, 0.6005671641791046, 1.1210587064676618, 1.2812099502487564, 1.3813044776119405, 1.9218149253731345, 2.061947263681592, 2.2020796019900497, 2.622476616915423, 3.5033084577114426, 3.7635542288557216, 3.843629850746269, 4.5442915422885575, 4.9847074626865675, 5.104820895522388, 5.244953233830846, 5.585274626865672, 6.1658228855721395, 6.426068656716418, 6.72635223880597, 6.906522388059702, 7.086692537313434, 7.366957213930349, 7.467051741293532, 7.707278606965175, 8.187732338308459, 8.568091542288558, 8.98848855721393, 9.669131343283583, 9.969414925373135, 10.12956616915423, 10.50992537313433, 11.350719402985074, 11.751097512437811, 11.931267661691543, 12.39170248756219, 12.671967164179105, 13.232496517412935, 13.27253432835821, 13.532780099502489, 13.692931343283583, 14.633819900497514, 15.15431144278607, 15.774897512437812, 16.17527562189055, 17.016069651741294, 17.256296517412935, 18.157147263681594, 18.577544278606965, 18.85780895522388, 19.138073631840797, 19.598508457711443 ]
[ 0.4604348258706468, 0.6005671641791046, 1.1210587064676618, 1.2812099502487564, 1.3813044776119405, 1.9218149253731345, 2.061947263681592, 2.2020796019900497, 2.622476616915423, 3.5033084577114426, 3.7635542288557216, 3.843629850746269, 4.5442915422885575, 4.9847074626865675, 5.104820895522388, 5.244953233830846, 5.585274626865672, 6.1658228855721395, 6.426068656716418, 6.72635223880597, 6.886503482587066, 7.066673631840796, 7.366957213930349, 7.467051741293532, 7.707278606965175, 8.187732338308459, 8.568091542288558, 8.98848855721393, 9.669131343283583, 9.969414925373135, 10.12956616915423, 10.50992537313433, 11.350719402985074, 11.751097512437811, 11.931267661691543, 12.39170248756219, 12.671967164179105, 13.2124776119403, 13.27253432835821, 13.532780099502489, 13.692931343283583, 14.633819900497514, 15.15431144278607, 15.774897512437812, 16.17527562189055, 17.016069651741294, 17.256296517412935, 18.157147263681594, 18.577544278606965, 18.85780895522388, 19.138073631840797, 19.598508457711443, 20.098981094527364 ]
The track record of final convictions, notably for high level corruption and organised crime, needs to be substantially increased and all alleged cases thoroughly investigated.
the track record of final convictions notably for high level corruption and organised crime needs to be substantially increased and all alleged cases thoroughly investigated.
[ "the", "track", "record", "of", "final", "convictions", "notably", "for", "high", "level", "corruption", "and", "organised", "crime", "needs", "to", "be", "substantially", "increased", "and", "all", "alleged", "cases", "thoroughly", "investigated." ]
[ "the", "track", "record", "of", "final", "convictions", "notably", "for", "high", "level", "corruption", "and", "organised", "crime", "needs", "to", "be", "substantially", "increased", "and", "all", "alleged", "cases", "thoroughly", "investigated" ]
[ "t h e", "t r a c k", "r e c o r d", "o f", "f i n a l", "c o n v i c t i o n s", "n o t a b l y", "f o r", "h i g h", "l e v e l", "c o r r u p t i o n", "a n d", "o r g a n i s e d", "c r i m e", "n e e d s", "t o", "b e", "s u b s t a n t i a l l y", "i n c r e a s e d", "a n d", "a l l", "a l l e g e d", "c a s e s", "t h o r o u g h l y", "i n v e s t i g a t e d" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 2114, 3154, 3154, 139, 139, 1620, 1620, 1620, 1457, 1913, 1913, 3861, 3861, 75, 1586, 2026, 1504, 489, 492, 1469, 3336, 894, 3237, 4374, 4512, 3828, 3039, 831, 4076, 2802, 3249, 1616, 4590, 2729, 3260, 831, 831, 891, 2533, 2533, 1579, 3753, 3753, 4343, 4343, 1871, 1871, 908, 1977, 1296, 1296, 754, 4571, 4944, 2939, 64, 4789, 2968, 3912, 745, 3275, 3275, 146, 146, 146, 146, 3524, 3189, 43, 671, 1547, 1384, 1384, 1384, 1384, 1384, 4065, 1341, 1341, 69, 1005, 1419, 1419, 2041, 3834, 3834, 581, 687, 231, 714, 805, 4986, 4690, 4690, 4690, 2548, 735, 856, 856, 3878, 3609, 4799, 4799, 4799, 496, 2854, 4116, 1447, 3155, 3155, 3405, 419, 1840, 4392, 60, 60, 2649, 2160, 775, 2365, 3803, 3803, 742, 560, 714, 4986, 4986, 4690, 4690, 735, 856, 3878, 2868, 3609, 4509, 4509, 3829, 2543, 2543, 556, 3405, 419, 1840, 4392, 1411, 1411, 4532, 1979, 1979, 3226, 836, 836, 836, 4284, 4284, 2898, 2898, 621, 621, 4398, 61, 4811, 4811, 4811, 163, 599, 599, 599, 2691, 2691, 562, 562, 2026, 3740, 3740, 955, 1692, 520, 1692, 1692, 520, 2001, 2579, 4480, 4480, 411, 2142, 4554, 4554, 4554, 4563, 1442, 3965, 192, 3109, 4798, 4798, 727, 1820, 336, 1925, 1925, 1729, 4054, 4054, 3232, 563, 526, 526, 526, 838, 840, 1883, 1883, 247, 247, 1316, 2325, 3261, 13, 13, 3072, 369, 4307, 4307, 2551, 2551, 2551, 1654, 4417, 1912, 1912, 3243, 1230, 227, 1020, 1020, 4929, 4929, 4264, 183, 3325, 1177, 1694, 4183, 367, 3766, 714, 1579, 3868, 3868, 3868, 3868, 593, 4469, 4482, 4482, 4482, 4482, 2467, 3737, 742, 3821, 556, 556, 3405, 419, 1840, 222, 4392, 3534, 821, 3122, 2649, 2160, 4844, 4844, 4681, 4681, 2002, 758, 983, 890, 890, 1904, 781, 1097, 4381, 4381, 4381, 1461, 2838, 2160, 834, 4990, 758, 983, 2972, 1904, 2789, 4918, 1231, 1231, 1231, 1231, 4383, 3879, 4055, 428, 428, 2748, 2748, 2748, 4519, 3010, 3010, 3010, 1192, 1192, 282, 3314, 3314, 4594, 298, 462, 515, 3362, 2022, 4485, 1829, 742, 310, 2000, 2174, 1052, 1122, 4169, 4169, 4169, 4169, 4169, 4169, 4169, 887, 887, 3187, 3187, 3999, 3999, 3634, 1225, 1482, 4401, 2593, 2593, 399, 399, 399, 163, 3796, 3796, 1128, 140, 140, 3401, 3305, 3305, 3305, 3305, 1254, 1254, 570, 3415, 3415, 2827, 3740, 3740, 1416, 3958, 2234, 4924, 2579, 2579, 212, 4480, 4480, 4480, 411, 25, 1421, 1421, 1421, 1421, 1421, 1350, 3058, 3711, 2027, 2027, 3411, 6, 1139, 4229, 4229, 4906, 4906, 2130, 4696, 2741, 2958, 566, 566, 3686, 2622, 1914, 4876, 2535, 3914, 4721, 947, 1746, 4373, 3287, 3821, 2279, 2535, 3065, 3271, 2559, 47, 590, 3656, 3656, 3656, 3656, 1585, 496, 277, 3155, 3155, 3155, 3405, 3061, 3061, 1273, 1273, 1218, 1218, 4809, 3100, 4541, 663, 4054, 4054, 3049, 1568, 231, 3522, 572, 1353, 3497, 952, 2868, 2383, 2383, 2383, 2383, 4147, 1012, 1012, 2431, 2431, 2431, 3296, 3737, 4675, 1108, 2159, 1108, 3189, 377, 3472, 4891, 1340, 1668, 2447, 122, 122, 122, 122, 4618, 4618, 4618, 2026, 1586, 2071, 1151, 1886, 3958, 2281, 1249, 2754, 108, 108, 3610, 68, 4117, 604, 4728, 5, 4192, 4571, 2330, 2875, 2972, 2972, 2972, 2972, 890, 742, 2789, 4918, 1259, 1354, 1354, 1354, 1354, 1354, 4129, 4129, 4129, 4481, 3456, 3186, 2851, 2851, 2851, 471, 758, 80, 3800, 890, 890, 890, 890, 890, 1045, 2746, 4851, 4851, 4851, 2128, 143, 1230, 486, 2147, 2147, 2147, 514, 3638, 4797, 4762, 4762, 4762, 1631, 3362, 2022, 4429, 2007, 3545, 2852, 1435, 687, 3766, 4633, 678, 708, 3523, 3523, 3523, 3523, 3523, 1816, 4269, 1037, 4853, 2963, 121, 121, 3715, 4832, 4839, 4839, 4839, 70, 70, 292, 3385, 1275, 3294, 1311, 634, 4811, 4811, 3557, 399, 1128, 4389, 4389, 4389, 4389, 3401, 4389, 4389, 2778, 2778, 2778, 2778, 2778, 2778, 3740, 562, 2071, 3740, 3740, 1416, 252, 1332, 1332, 101, 101, 3702, 3702, 1069, 3914, 552, 1608, 2619, 2696, 2696, 2696, 4942, 470, 470, 2749, 2749, 1218, 1218, 1218, 224, 4809, 3100, 4541, 663, 663, 814, 4054, 587, 3013, 3087, 3087, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 122, 122, 122, 122, 122, 166, 1151, 1262, 1886, 2026, 2026, 2666, 4967, 1405, 1405, 2218, 3832, 4190, 4437, 1870, 3609, 4041, 4041, 4041, 1281, 237, 2535, 2187, 242, 1641, 2751, 2442, 2442, 2442, 1710, 1223, 2560, 2560, 871, 871, 871, 934, 934, 1878, 2390, 1550, 1268, 341, 341, 1256, 1558, 1558, 3346, 3240, 4114, 4114, 4625, 4673, 4625, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.44059921448087436, 0.6809260587431694, 1.1014980362021858, 1.2817431693989072, 2.1228871243169403, 3.4446847677595627, 4.165665300546449, 4.426019381830602, 4.706400700136613, 4.9267003073770494, 5.647680840163934, 5.988143869535519, 6.629015454234973, 7.4100776980874326, 8.070976519808744, 8.191139941939891, 8.331330601092898, 9.152447318989072, 9.873427851775958, 10.374108777322405, 10.874789702868853, 11.455579576502732, 12.376832479508197, 13.438276041666668 ]
[ 0.44059921448087436, 0.6809260587431694, 1.1014980362021858, 1.2817431693989072, 2.1228871243169403, 3.4446847677595627, 4.165665300546449, 4.426019381830602, 4.706400700136613, 4.9267003073770494, 5.647680840163934, 5.988143869535519, 6.629015454234973, 7.4100776980874326, 8.070976519808744, 8.191139941939891, 8.331330601092898, 9.152447318989072, 9.873427851775958, 10.374108777322405, 10.874789702868853, 11.455579576502732, 12.376832479508197, 13.438276041666668, 14.639910262978143 ]
We can see the fact that currency policies in some major economies are contributing to the imbalances.
we can see the fact that currency policies in some major economies are contributing to the imbalances.
[ "we", "can", "see", "the", "fact", "that", "currency", "policies", "in", "some", "major", "economies", "are", "contributing", "to", "the", "imbalances." ]
[ "we", "can", "see", "the", "fact", "that", "currency", "policies", "in", "some", "major", "economies", "are", "contributing", "to", "the", "imbalances" ]
[ "w e", "c a n", "s e e", "t h e", "f a c t", "t h a t", "c u r r e n c y", "p o l i c i e s", "i n", "s o m e", "m a j o r", "e c o n o m i e s", "a r e", "c o n t r i b u t i n g", "t o", "t h e", "i m b a l a n c e s" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 3154, 467, 467, 2327, 2327, 2327, 72, 2327, 914, 914, 524, 524, 2677, 2725, 924, 4471, 487, 487, 2863, 1999, 2533, 1539, 4729, 4729, 3790, 3790, 194, 1926, 760, 2535, 3914, 552, 2429, 1080, 1080, 1080, 1556, 1556, 2081, 569, 569, 587, 2377, 1773, 1773, 3087, 3087, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 15, 163, 15, 15, 4389, 4389, 2691, 2691, 2691, 2691, 2691, 2691, 3811, 2691, 2691, 408, 408, 408, 1003, 408, 408, 408, 562, 3740, 3740, 1714, 1714, 1714, 88, 2925, 2085, 2085, 2026, 2001, 4182, 489, 1448, 729, 2131, 2690, 1815, 623, 1186, 43, 671, 4155, 3469, 3469, 3469, 3469, 3469, 96, 96, 2547, 2802, 1328, 2138, 2664, 986, 2268, 949, 1696, 133, 133, 133, 1165, 2307, 2307, 894, 2636, 977, 1340, 142, 142, 3295, 3295, 3295, 2220, 2220, 4389, 110, 110, 4195, 1435, 2670, 2670, 381, 4633, 678, 708, 592, 3488, 3488, 2228, 2945, 1660, 470, 3558, 2639, 2639, 4609, 4609, 194, 1926, 298, 121, 1479, 3043, 1826, 4054, 750, 1210, 2812, 231, 2973, 1082, 116, 4422, 4422, 4422, 4422, 4422, 2141, 4147, 4033, 478, 196, 196, 4214, 4214, 237, 1275, 121, 4372, 2503, 1408, 3859, 3859, 3859, 292, 292, 3385, 3830, 2898, 2898, 2898, 621, 621, 3414, 881, 61, 61, 1711, 15, 15, 15, 15, 3098, 374, 2250, 238, 238, 238, 238, 238, 3841, 3841, 3841, 3841, 3841, 3841, 3841, 3841, 3841, 3740, 562, 88, 3740, 3740, 3458, 4755, 28, 2026, 14, 3125, 3867, 3867, 1949, 1949, 712, 3832, 3918, 824, 824, 4834, 760, 4876, 1275, 1069, 552, 1608, 4887, 3239, 3239, 3239, 1310, 1310, 1310, 1800, 304, 304, 3905, 3905, 4846, 4846, 775, 3896, 3251, 1440, 1440, 367, 739, 3574, 2370, 2370, 2370, 2370, 2370, 2317, 3879, 4124, 4185, 2762, 2762, 891, 891, 3189, 2533, 714, 805, 2270, 2270, 2270, 2270, 2270, 2270, 839, 1005, 3023, 3023, 3023, 2944, 1404, 1404, 4178, 4178, 4178, 500, 3859, 3859, 3797, 292, 536, 2091, 1011, 2898, 2898, 3294, 1311, 1311, 634, 4811, 4811, 4811, 4811, 1351, 1351, 1707, 3401, 3401, 3401, 1254, 157, 157, 852, 1436, 3268, 312, 981, 30, 794, 1464, 1464, 1464, 1464, 1464, 1464, 1464, 1653, 1653, 1653, 385, 385, 414, 414, 1484, 1501, 1501, 3087, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 15, 3295, 15, 1742, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 4940, 4940, 4940, 4940, 4940, 4940, 4940, 4940, 4940, 4940, 3416, 4940, 4940, 4940, 4940, 4940, 4570, 1864, 4570, 88, 88, 2026, 3740, 88, 774, 2925, 2982, 1416, 2670, 193, 1784, 714, 805, 256, 680, 680, 2545, 1778, 2548, 4116, 2373, 3237, 2952, 3733, 3733, 3733, 764, 3327, 2741, 3865, 3358, 3358, 3358, 3358, 44, 4706, 825, 1442, 894, 3109, 2402, 1875, 2379, 156, 300, 104, 1954, 665, 698, 2655, 437, 424, 2086, 1445, 4185, 4185, 1405, 2541, 820, 3563, 4508, 4819, 3925, 4055, 1373, 394, 1228, 3640, 3640, 3640, 3640, 684, 4147, 1940, 956, 956, 3285, 2072, 194, 194, 3919, 3830, 1666, 655, 3715, 4832, 4839, 3346, 3346, 3346, 292, 3830, 3830, 2898, 3140, 2152, 2152, 2152, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.40077416173570013, 0.6011612426035502, 1.3425934418145955, 1.9838321005917157, 2.3445288461538456, 2.725264299802761, 3.4065803747534513, 4.468631903353057, 5.0697931459566075, 5.450528599605522, 5.811225345167652, 6.753044625246547, 7.835134861932938, 9.077534763313608, 9.157689595660747, 9.27792184418146 ]
[ 0.40077416173570013, 0.6011612426035502, 1.3425934418145955, 1.9838321005917157, 2.3445288461538456, 2.725264299802761, 3.4065803747534513, 4.468631903353057, 5.0697931459566075, 5.430489891518737, 5.811225345167652, 6.753044625246547, 7.835134861932938, 9.077534763313608, 9.157689595660747, 9.27792184418146, 10.139586291913215 ]
He is the fifth staff member of ECRF to be arrested since 2016 as part of a crackdown on human rights defenders in Egypt.
he is the fifth staff member of ecrf to be arrested since two thousand and sixteen as part of a crackdown on human rights defenders in egypt.
[ "he", "is", "the", "fifth", "staff", "member", "of", "ecrf", "to", "be", "arrested", "since", "two", "thousand", "and", "sixteen", "as", "part", "of", "a", "crackdown", "on", "human", "rights", "defenders", "in", "egypt." ]
[ "he", "is", "the", "fifth", "staff", "member", "of", "ecrf", "to", "be", "arrested", "since", "two", "thousand", "and", "sixteen", "as", "part", "of", "a", "crackdown", "on", "human", "rights", "defenders", "in", "egypt" ]
[ "h e", "i s", "t h e", "f i f t h", "s t a f f", "m e m b e r", "o f", "e c r f", "t o", "b e", "a r r e s t e d", "s i n c e", "t w o", "t h o u s a n d", "a n d", "s i x t e e n", "a s", "p a r t", "o f", "a", "c r a c k d o w n", "o n", "h u m a n", "r i g h t s", "d e f e n d e r s", "i n", "e g y p t" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 2114, 1335, 1335, 2327, 2327, 2327, 2327, 914, 914, 524, 524, 28, 2026, 3958, 4319, 2198, 51, 1797, 2150, 3590, 3590, 3590, 2148, 94, 94, 1370, 1370, 3578, 67, 3503, 923, 2214, 2324, 3994, 986, 986, 2268, 3163, 1448, 492, 2131, 3368, 2690, 1815, 146, 3524, 894, 5, 2923, 4953, 3549, 3549, 3549, 3549, 2703, 2217, 2217, 2405, 4339, 1941, 1941, 1941, 1941, 4067, 4067, 4067, 4067, 2214, 2324, 2324, 936, 936, 4941, 2404, 2404, 101, 101, 1084, 3065, 3271, 47, 1643, 1555, 1555, 4140, 4140, 4140, 4140, 2883, 719, 451, 2217, 1271, 745, 1300, 1300, 2612, 46, 3807, 202, 939, 615, 615, 615, 615, 2057, 516, 1695, 1695, 741, 4055, 2872, 4769, 1907, 1907, 1907, 694, 694, 694, 740, 3991, 3991, 758, 983, 890, 890, 2939, 2331, 2331, 4789, 2968, 3912, 745, 3632, 2330, 3189, 3441, 2552, 4228, 4228, 4228, 3757, 1037, 1001, 1544, 1275, 121, 655, 3922, 3922, 3922, 4251, 1244, 4317, 3487, 3816, 3816, 3816, 3924, 1316, 1316, 2325, 2165, 1889, 381, 1291, 1894, 1894, 1894, 1894, 1894, 3137, 2217, 2217, 1271, 1271, 1147, 1147, 1147, 1147, 1147, 1581, 1581, 142, 2593, 163, 3557, 1639, 1128, 1128, 1286, 1286, 2827, 2026, 4195, 4195, 955, 955, 1784, 1058, 1401, 4906, 2130, 4696, 3327, 2741, 221, 566, 566, 3686, 4850, 2443, 3566, 4840, 3836, 1074, 2888, 1827, 4191, 4161, 4161, 4161, 93, 1281, 4708, 4697, 4440, 2187, 2187, 242, 3249, 2751, 341, 2381, 4434, 921, 364, 1100, 2951, 2951, 4523, 2119, 3505, 620, 1229, 1229, 1229, 1164, 3264, 277, 1926, 4691, 3411, 1275, 6, 1139, 4229, 1781, 4738, 2839, 3650, 1938, 1938, 1938, 1938, 496, 4116, 1447, 1447, 1830, 2979, 2979, 3043, 4054, 2622, 1001, 1544, 4955, 3505, 620, 464, 796, 796, 3829, 3241, 2543, 649, 649, 3503, 3503, 2187, 3065, 4049, 231, 2751, 208, 3051, 3051, 3051, 35, 35, 1953, 3171, 2168, 2160, 2160, 4681, 2210, 4401, 231, 586, 4665, 4243, 4243, 234, 234, 1400, 1400, 1436, 1436, 312, 1586, 14, 2834, 1525, 1525, 176, 1289, 2535, 3930, 4241, 2812, 4643, 1663, 116, 778, 778, 778, 244, 865, 616, 1923, 4152, 2723, 3827, 1493, 2997, 701, 1567, 1567, 95, 4187, 91, 2559, 310, 2000, 2174, 1052, 1122, 4205, 3488, 4076, 2802, 1328, 2138, 2138, 2159, 1524, 3249, 3496, 485, 2912, 2912, 1877, 1877, 217, 975, 3067, 3764, 2160, 834, 2002, 1492, 2263, 1932, 1932, 3777, 4768, 1185, 2485, 338, 992, 2775, 4548, 3669, 3669, 2348, 1947, 1404, 4867, 773, 773, 54, 3687, 3123, 3031, 2365, 2729, 926, 3518, 3518, 3518, 3518, 495, 1173, 3373, 3373, 3711, 3711, 273, 3411, 6, 4229, 1641, 572, 1353, 1353, 1353, 563, 1815, 2832, 2400, 671, 4447, 3185, 3185, 3185, 496, 2854, 3793, 3793, 2682, 2682, 4825, 2597, 1729, 2656, 2656, 3581, 3385, 3503, 3503, 3503, 2214, 2214, 872, 245, 983, 1, 2666, 287, 2793, 712, 3832, 834, 4990, 2875, 2026, 3441, 2552, 3308, 3308, 3308, 1350, 514, 4843, 4843, 1722, 3536, 699, 2151, 2151, 1137, 1137, 2808, 4675, 1108, 3974, 1152, 377, 3472, 4891, 4673, 2152, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.44082555220883535, 0.7013133785140563, 0.9016886295180723, 1.4427018072289157, 1.943639934738956, 2.484653112449799, 2.7451409387550196, 3.7670547188755017, 4.10769264558233, 4.247955321285141, 4.829043549196787, 5.149643950803212, 5.209756526104417, 5.450206827309237, 5.590469503012049, 6.3318579317269075, 6.652458333333333, 6.912946159638554, 7.013133785140562, 7.093283885542169, 7.694409638554216, 7.8547098393574295, 8.155272715863454, 8.495910642570282, 9.177186495983936, 9.397599272088353 ]
[ 0.44082555220883535, 0.7013133785140563, 0.9016886295180723, 1.4427018072289157, 1.943639934738956, 2.484653112449799, 2.7451409387550196, 3.7670547188755017, 4.10769264558233, 4.247955321285141, 4.829043549196787, 5.129606425702811, 5.189719001004016, 5.450206827309237, 5.590469503012049, 6.3318579317269075, 6.652458333333333, 6.912946159638554, 7.013133785140562, 7.093283885542169, 7.694409638554216, 7.8547098393574295, 8.155272715863454, 8.495910642570282, 9.177186495983936, 9.397599272088353, 9.958649974899597 ]
I ask you to treat this as a priority, to show your willingness to listen to this Parliament and to scientific evidence, and to take this as a first step in a new, enlightened and animal welfare focused animal transport regulation regime.
i ask you to treat this as a priority to show your willingness to listen to this parliament and to scientific evidence and to take this as a first step in a new enlightened and animal welfare focused animal transport regulation regime.
[ "i", "ask", "you", "to", "treat", "this", "as", "a", "priority", "to", "show", "your", "willingness", "to", "listen", "to", "this", "parliament", "and", "to", "scientific", "evidence", "and", "to", "take", "this", "as", "a", "first", "step", "in", "a", "new", "enlightened", "and", "animal", "welfare", "focused", "animal", "transport", "regulation", "regime." ]
[ "i", "ask", "you", "to", "treat", "this", "as", "a", "priority", "to", "show", "your", "willingness", "to", "listen", "to", "this", "parliament", "and", "to", "scientific", "evidence", "and", "to", "take", "this", "as", "a", "first", "step", "in", "a", "new", "enlightened", "and", "animal", "welfare", "focused", "animal", "transport", "regulation", "regime" ]
[ "i", "a s k", "y o u", "t o", "t r e a t", "t h i s", "a s", "a", "p r i o r i t y", "t o", "s h o w", "y o u r", "w i l l i n g n e s s", "t o", "l i s t e n", "t o", "t h i s", "p a r l i a m e n t", "a n d", "t o", "s c i e n t i f i c", "e v i d e n c e", "a n d", "t o", "t a k e", "t h i s", "a s", "a", "f i r s t", "s t e p", "i n", "a", "n e w", "e n l i g h t e n e d", "a n d", "a n i m a l", "w e l f a r e", "f o c u s e d", "a n i m a l", "t r a n s p o r t", "r e g u l a t i o n", "r e g i m e" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 2114, 4720, 72, 524, 524, 28, 2026, 30, 30, 794, 109, 109, 109, 857, 1847, 3168, 4317, 4317, 822, 1088, 1088, 1088, 1088, 1088, 1958, 1958, 2881, 4697, 4440, 462, 1396, 1396, 4043, 4043, 2903, 2867, 3591, 2191, 2191, 2191, 4645, 4645, 4342, 4495, 2183, 1058, 3026, 219, 3490, 3494, 3336, 894, 944, 4374, 4374, 4374, 3826, 3433, 4957, 4957, 4957, 4957, 1350, 3795, 3795, 1588, 1588, 2268, 2566, 138, 2495, 2495, 1542, 1599, 4077, 2213, 4260, 4890, 2752, 2752, 3976, 1705, 4607, 95, 95, 2261, 1210, 2607, 3170, 4660, 3706, 3706, 2366, 2366, 2366, 2366, 2366, 1654, 3168, 1244, 4317, 3083, 3083, 3083, 3083, 3083, 4942, 470, 3558, 2907, 2907, 2322, 1090, 1577, 2390, 1268, 1268, 513, 2017, 2017, 1036, 3684, 3684, 3684, 3843, 153, 153, 153, 1248, 1248, 2377, 2358, 610, 2026, 288, 288, 1351, 4823, 4823, 574, 574, 4796, 4796, 157, 828, 2030, 2030, 2725, 2026, 1954, 1401, 219, 3490, 3210, 2878, 18, 171, 4507, 4507, 897, 3985, 3985, 3985, 3985, 3892, 3892, 3153, 4495, 4216, 790, 779, 779, 4476, 3596, 3596, 4026, 4714, 4714, 1346, 2783, 2668, 1035, 1035, 1035, 1437, 1940, 3514, 4687, 2308, 156, 156, 4055, 1321, 2193, 2193, 2193, 4209, 159, 1031, 6, 6, 1191, 3026, 219, 3490, 630, 1107, 4052, 2921, 1688, 4514, 3002, 3002, 3002, 3016, 237, 4955, 4646, 4646, 2282, 1055, 1055, 4895, 3026, 665, 698, 2655, 437, 4416, 138, 4490, 4490, 1542, 1599, 4433, 3930, 2821, 4241, 2607, 2973, 1663, 116, 3735, 3301, 3301, 3301, 3301, 3301, 2883, 684, 1940, 1989, 1989, 2944, 1404, 1067, 2539, 249, 1146, 1146, 2215, 2215, 1709, 2415, 4952, 2740, 4112, 591, 591, 591, 1226, 4694, 4768, 1748, 2527, 760, 4876, 4077, 1010, 3914, 2704, 3104, 3104, 3104, 3104, 3104, 1654, 3903, 3599, 2845, 4108, 1447, 944, 513, 2260, 1195, 1195, 1195, 2472, 2437, 2437, 2773, 2773, 1190, 1733, 2313, 4197, 4197, 4577, 4577, 4577, 1274, 1788, 306, 4165, 4165, 3665, 2073, 3345, 596, 3285, 596, 3345, 3345, 3289, 3345, 3345, 3345, 3289, 3289, 3289, 302, 4100, 3140, 145, 3414, 1311, 2447, 945, 945, 1716, 1128, 1128, 1943, 1943, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245, 3913, 3913, 3913, 532, 3673, 852, 852, 3268, 1066, 1910, 1886, 1886, 1886, 2026, 1249, 4112, 4112, 591, 591, 591, 591, 591, 591, 1226, 4694, 3034, 3034, 4210, 3980, 3980, 2513, 4497, 977, 4792, 4077, 2508, 2852, 687, 381, 1781, 2657, 4046, 1852, 1852, 1852, 4299, 4299, 246, 571, 1588, 231, 2566, 138, 2495, 2495, 1507, 1599, 1031, 121, 2213, 257, 4359, 4359, 2942, 4336, 4740, 3503, 4761, 1479, 4095, 2365, 2365, 4336, 3524, 3524, 3524, 2026, 3524, 671, 3236, 3236, 3236, 3236, 3236, 3236, 1580, 1580, 769, 4708, 1807, 1807, 4037, 4037, 4037, 9, 1084, 3194, 3271, 1641, 1643, 3615, 3615, 3615, 3615, 3615, 3615, 3615, 4385, 4385, 2585, 2808, 4675, 4675, 4675, 231, 1721, 2436, 1481, 142, 163, 399, 1128, 1128, 1286, 327, 23, 23, 1436, 3268, 4195, 3744, 2026, 1249, 287, 1446, 1949, 3398, 2660, 546, 432, 4959, 152, 152, 411, 2362, 2362, 4845, 4845, 1046, 2538, 2538, 2801, 1628, 2222, 2409, 2378, 661, 85, 85, 669, 2336, 2420, 2024, 2024, 2024, 2024, 3628, 495, 1236, 1173, 1878, 2390, 2390, 2646, 2646, 513, 1356, 2282, 2282, 2282, 2649, 4210, 37, 37, 2781, 2781, 2205, 1365, 4944, 3143, 3136, 1123, 2687, 4990, 4355, 1291, 2411, 4086, 4086, 4086, 2300, 839, 465, 465, 697, 2618, 3325, 3325, 3325, 22, 22, 104, 1345, 2668, 4553, 1543, 3782, 3782, 2216, 3092, 1177, 563, 623, 3524, 43, 4953, 4998, 4998, 4998, 4961, 4961, 3232, 563, 623, 104, 5, 671, 4953, 1304, 1304, 1304, 1304, 3153, 4012, 1743, 628, 1733, 1648, 1648, 1648, 968, 4209, 159, 4433, 4301, 3362, 368, 4995, 346, 1340, 1340, 634, 1915, 3557, 2220, 1286, 110, 3268, 28, 1586, 2558, 1586, 2558, 1904, 2411, 2411, 4086, 4086, 2300, 839, 465, 465, 4929, 4039, 3325, 3325, 3325, 3758, 2183, 270, 3237, 4374, 3826, 3433, 1717, 1717, 1717, 3812, 3812, 1164, 3149, 1926, 3989, 462, 4308, 4308, 3987, 2927, 2927, 452, 2758, 4343, 4343, 4343, 2735, 2735, 365, 4818, 4818, 1152, 1136, 1136, 1172, 1172, 977, 1340, 4881, 2697, 1792, 1604, 1586, 1792, 3547, 2888, 1988, 2563, 2563, 2563, 2563, 3879, 381, 2903, 844, 844, 1691, 1691, 1078, 227, 1198, 1808, 3690, 3690, 19, 225, 4780, 18, 419, 1840, 222, 636, 636, 1055, 3123, 3031, 3031, 1330, 3260, 4988, 127, 613, 4221, 4221, 4221, 4221, 3536, 1674, 1674, 1674, 1674, 1674, 35, 1953, 262, 3999, 2764, 151, 2039, 922, 922, 4625, 4625, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.3805091565860215, 0.7409915154569893, 0.9012058971774194, 1.0413934811827958, 1.3618222446236559, 1.5620902217741937, 1.682251008064516, 1.7623581989247312, 2.743671286962366, 3.1241804435483873, 3.384528813844086, 3.584796790994624, 4.0454131384408605, 4.165573924731183, 4.486002688172043, 4.586136676747312, 4.766377856182796, 5.347154989919355, 5.527396169354839, 5.567449764784946, 6.168253696236559, 7.069459593413979, 7.690290322580646, 7.790424311155914, 8.070799479166666, 8.25104065860215, 8.411255040322581, 8.511389028897849, 8.891898185483871, 9.492702116935485, 9.793104082661289, 9.853184475806453, 10.093506048387097, 10.794443968413978, 10.954658350134409, 11.27508711357527, 11.715676663306452, 12.376560987903225, 12.817150537634408, 13.578168850806453, 14.319160366263441 ]
[ 0.3805091565860215, 0.7409915154569893, 0.9012058971774194, 1.0413934811827958, 1.3618222446236559, 1.5620902217741937, 1.682251008064516, 1.7623581989247312, 2.743671286962366, 3.1241804435483873, 3.384528813844086, 3.584796790994624, 4.0454131384408605, 4.165573924731183, 4.486002688172043, 4.586136676747312, 4.766377856182796, 5.347154989919355, 5.5073693716397845, 5.567449764784946, 6.168253696236559, 7.069459593413979, 7.690290322580646, 7.790424311155914, 8.050772681451612, 8.25104065860215, 8.411255040322581, 8.511389028897849, 8.891898185483871, 9.492702116935485, 9.793104082661289, 9.853184475806453, 10.093506048387097, 10.794443968413978, 10.954658350134409, 11.27508711357527, 11.715676663306452, 12.376560987903225, 12.817150537634408, 13.578168850806453, 14.319160366263441, 14.879910702284946 ]
It is also a collective responsibility for all the EU Member States.
it is also a collective responsibility for all the eu member states.
[ "it", "is", "also", "a", "collective", "responsibility", "for", "all", "the", "eu", "member", "states." ]
[ "it", "is", "also", "a", "collective", "responsibility", "for", "all", "the", "eu", "member", "states" ]
[ "i t", "i s", "a l s o", "a", "c o l l e c t i v e", "r e s p o n s i b i l i t y", "f o r", "a l l", "t h e", "e u", "m e m b e r", "s t a t e s" ]
[ 2204, 2204, 3483, 3077, 2791, 3786, 3404, 4355, 534, 2525, 3297, 3297, 3297, 1933, 2385, 3928, 3928, 4433, 121, 3762, 3762, 2066, 2066, 3128, 3128, 401, 401, 2165, 1492, 781, 859, 859, 1513, 1513, 1999, 4305, 581, 2559, 560, 805, 3432, 3432, 3432, 1107, 143, 669, 1230, 1739, 407, 407, 549, 1328, 2359, 742, 1524, 1163, 3894, 3894, 3894, 2861, 2861, 2184, 745, 4567, 4590, 1330, 937, 2284, 4552, 4626, 1001, 1544, 4308, 4308, 3987, 742, 2192, 3303, 3320, 3320, 3320, 3320, 2548, 277, 3149, 4351, 3989, 4077, 655, 2874, 2480, 2480, 764, 3327, 2741, 3574, 1661, 1661, 1661, 4147, 4033, 478, 3005, 2322, 1577, 2559, 192, 1268, 2017, 1036, 1036, 2540, 311, 884, 4409, 20, 71, 4665, 4243, 3134, 3134, 110, 710, 1586, 4658, 785, 3106, 840, 1883, 1883, 247, 172, 2325, 2875, 2875, 2972, 2972, 2972, 3803, 2026, 1249, 2789, 1259, 1354, 1354, 1354, 1354, 1354, 4129, 4129, 4129, 4129, 1115, 967, 4808, 2851, 1873, 4450, 3040, 742, 71, 2220, 2220, 2220, 2220, 2778, 166, 166, 3744, 742, 1504, 1448, 1064, 1445, 1445, 1687, 2875, 2972, 742, 628, 2552, 4228, 4228, 4228, 4228, 4228, 4228, 4228, 2092, 2092, 2092, 2092, 3174, 3174, 3174, 3174, 4172, 4172, 1819, 1819, 1551, 1873, 4450, 3040, 2593, 71, 2220, 2220, 110, 110, 4195, 2026, 3958, 4924, 2767, 2767, 4011, 2811, 939, 615, 615, 615, 615, 516, 1695, 1695, 4055, 2872, 4769, 1975, 3941, 1288, 3408, 2542, 1807, 4077, 4037, 9, 1084, 3194, 3271, 1641, 1643, 1690, 911, 911, 911, 1086, 1086, 246, 518, 3373, 3711, 3711, 273, 4266, 1479, 257, 4936, 4936, 2204 ]
[ 0, 0.060224856321839076, 0.16059961685823754, 0.521948754789272, 0.6825483716475095, 1.2847969348659003, 2.3688443486590036, 2.7502684386973177, 3.2521422413793104, 3.5733414750957855, 4.135440134099617, 4.6975387931034485 ]
[ 0.040149904214559384, 0.16059961685823754, 0.521948754789272, 0.6825483716475095, 1.2847969348659003, 2.3688443486590036, 2.7502684386973177, 3.2521422413793104, 3.5733414750957855, 4.135440134099617, 4.6975387931034485, 5.21948754789272 ]
more predictable and consistent access to spectrum, able to build a new large scale services based on end to end quality.
more predictable and consistent access to spectrum able to build a new large scale services based on end to end quality.
[ "more", "predictable", "and", "consistent", "access", "to", "spectrum", "able", "to", "build", "a", "new", "large", "scale", "services", "based", "on", "end", "to", "end", "quality." ]
[ "more", "predictable", "and", "consistent", "access", "to", "spectrum", "able", "to", "build", "a", "new", "large", "scale", "services", "based", "on", "end", "to", "end", "quality" ]
[ "m o r e", "p r e d i c t a b l e", "a n d", "c o n s i s t e n t", "a c c e s s", "t o", "s p e c t r u m", "a b l e", "t o", "b u i l d", "a", "n e w", "l a r g e", "s c a l e", "s e r v i c e s", "b a s e d", "o n", "e n d", "t o", "e n d", "q u a l i t y" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 3409, 76, 3409, 3861, 75, 3744, 3744, 2234, 2767, 1934, 203, 203, 4838, 4838, 1413, 1205, 908, 172, 2753, 1478, 1478, 2812, 104, 1673, 2790, 2149, 4483, 4483, 4483, 2081, 4202, 1367, 1568, 433, 3496, 4444, 4444, 4444, 3829, 381, 2138, 2159, 1524, 1550, 3109, 4798, 727, 1820, 336, 336, 336, 2715, 646, 646, 1463, 1463, 668, 668, 195, 195, 391, 391, 4450, 1472, 403, 403, 403, 1706, 1706, 1706, 1151, 3740, 1151, 2026, 2281, 2026, 1249, 1097, 4381, 1461, 2838, 253, 488, 2099, 1546, 1635, 1635, 62, 742, 3766, 714, 805, 4986, 4690, 4690, 1802, 735, 735, 1748, 4834, 760, 1666, 2535, 552, 620, 464, 3774, 3774, 3774, 4435, 3016, 4440, 1275, 2187, 2187, 242, 231, 2751, 2751, 4294, 4294, 3951, 3839, 339, 2215, 4744, 1709, 2636, 2007, 4355, 1291, 2411, 4007, 1640, 1640, 3218, 3218, 1328, 2543, 2701, 649, 121, 4433, 655, 4372, 1208, 1208, 1208, 1208, 968, 1238, 279, 3830, 2535, 3830, 3140, 1311, 634, 163, 3557, 1252, 1252, 1943, 1943, 1245, 532, 828, 2030, 710, 2725, 3958, 2026, 1784, 1954, 665, 3419, 1395, 1395, 3408, 2542, 2665, 1666, 2665, 2173, 2365, 2365, 2192, 3303, 2470, 3119, 3119, 4076, 2802, 1328, 2138, 2159, 1524, 1742, 3237, 2952, 2952, 3045, 3045, 1590, 1590, 1590, 1590, 375, 304, 2876, 893, 893, 2139, 2039, 2039, 3087, 315, 315, 315, 399, 4389, 4389, 4389, 4389, 72, 327, 327, 327, 327, 2778, 852, 28, 3740, 2026, 2982, 1886, 1886, 1886, 2026, 1586, 1249, 187, 4253, 4735, 4735, 4735, 4735, 4735, 4735, 732, 2759, 1632, 2715, 646, 371, 36, 1187, 1187, 2183, 1623, 3189, 1058, 1401, 885, 1395, 1395, 1060, 2164, 2164, 1440, 1440, 742, 2559, 739, 3574, 1509, 1509, 1509, 1509, 1509, 1509, 2825, 2901, 1636, 1636, 4771, 860, 231, 2636, 2724, 2086, 729, 1992, 4959, 2008, 2146, 4188, 2362, 2362, 4845, 4845, 4845, 1046, 2538, 2538, 2538, 2538, 1819, 4042, 4042, 4042, 4042, 4495, 1170, 4052, 4052, 669, 669, 2336, 2420, 3160, 3160, 3160, 3160, 207, 207, 2914, 2914, 1977, 1810, 2060, 2060, 1974, 3235, 4797, 3553, 3553, 3553, 4019, 521, 205, 205, 3189, 2809, 4451, 4451, 4451, 3866, 3866, 1789, 1789, 2312, 2901, 1187, 1187, 3758, 2542, 1666, 1666, 1666, 1666, 2704, 309, 309, 3192, 3192, 3192, 425, 4267, 4406, 3094, 306, 306, 4565, 4565, 4214, 237, 4955, 4955, 655, 3715, 4832, 4832, 650, 650, 650, 70, 70, 67, 3830, 1275, 3294, 1311, 634, 71, 4665, 1252, 1128, 1128, 1128, 1128, 1128, 31, 1357, 72, 2778, 110, 912, 912, 3744, 3744, 1787, 1787, 1186, 739, 3574, 394, 3597, 3597, 3597, 3597, 3597, 1816, 565, 4269, 2648, 3630, 3717, 2535, 515, 3362, 367, 1659, 1365, 4944, 2939, 2263, 3180, 3180, 4430, 4430, 4430, 3777, 2177, 2177, 2160, 2160, 824, 824, 775, 775, 3800, 3800, 890, 166, 1262, 1262, 890, 163, 781, 1097, 4112, 4381, 1461, 2838, 4117, 4108, 1546, 4895, 2636, 2948, 2804, 3011, 3011, 4714, 2783, 2668, 1276, 666, 666, 666, 4609, 496, 2854, 2854, 2215, 4728, 1742, 977, 977, 1806, 798, 213, 367, 310, 2000, 3696, 3696, 3696, 1649, 3274, 3274, 3274, 3274, 4147, 1940, 478, 3005, 2322, 1090, 1577, 742, 894, 1268, 2017, 1036, 1036, 3684, 3843, 153, 1248, 922, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.4408354761904762, 1.4226963095238094, 1.7633419047619048, 2.6249748809523807, 3.306266071428571, 3.6068357142857144, 4.568658571428571, 5.229911785714285, 5.410253571428571, 5.831051071428571, 5.931240952380952, 6.291924523809524, 6.792873928571428, 7.1936334523809515, 8.095342380952381, 8.756595595238096, 9.117279166666668, 9.397810833333333, 9.558114642857143, 9.878722261904763 ]
[ 0.4408354761904762, 1.4226963095238094, 1.7633419047619048, 2.6249748809523807, 3.306266071428571, 3.6068357142857144, 4.568658571428571, 5.229911785714285, 5.410253571428571, 5.831051071428571, 5.931240952380952, 6.291924523809524, 6.792873928571428, 7.1936334523809515, 8.095342380952381, 8.756595595238096, 9.117279166666668, 9.397810833333333, 9.558114642857143, 9.878722261904763, 10.499899523809523 ]
While the current agreement is not perfect and of course no agreement ever is it is economically relevant.
while the current agreement is not perfect and of course no agreement ever is it is economically relevant.
[ "while", "the", "current", "agreement", "is", "not", "perfect", "and", "of", "course", "no", "agreement", "ever", "is", "it", "is", "economically", "relevant." ]
[ "while", "the", "current", "agreement", "is", "not", "perfect", "and", "of", "course", "no", "agreement", "ever", "is", "it", "is", "economically", "relevant" ]
[ "w h i l e", "t h e", "c u r r e n t", "a g r e e m e n t", "i s", "n o t", "p e r f e c t", "a n d", "o f", "c o u r s e", "n o", "a g r e e m e n t", "e v e r", "i s", "i t", "i s", "e c o n o m i c a l l y", "r e l e v a n t" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 2114, 1335, 1335, 2327, 914, 914, 914, 524, 524, 2677, 1586, 2234, 29, 29, 1851, 548, 2977, 2977, 2977, 2977, 2977, 2794, 4453, 3834, 4873, 4132, 1448, 729, 124, 91, 381, 560, 2497, 2497, 2264, 2264, 2264, 4081, 1153, 2639, 2639, 2639, 2072, 339, 4744, 2007, 350, 742, 2939, 2746, 4851, 4851, 4851, 1710, 3249, 126, 4622, 1801, 984, 984, 4525, 4525, 4525, 4415, 3144, 3144, 1404, 1067, 2539, 4813, 4813, 1146, 339, 2215, 1709, 4571, 4944, 3963, 580, 580, 3077, 1289, 4969, 480, 1693, 3770, 2142, 2895, 2895, 1614, 2029, 3054, 3054, 4397, 1897, 62, 687, 2559, 739, 3949, 996, 996, 996, 996, 4267, 2472, 3279, 3535, 2437, 2698, 2698, 2698, 1391, 1328, 2159, 1108, 231, 4454, 3472, 1275, 4891, 4891, 97, 61, 4811, 4811, 122, 163, 4618, 4618, 4618, 4618, 2026, 562, 562, 2071, 2974, 2422, 2422, 2422, 1586, 2788, 1510, 108, 3610, 4249, 3398, 1971, 1493, 2968, 3912, 2277, 917, 3766, 714, 4426, 4426, 4426, 4426, 2310, 2848, 356, 2227, 1275, 2214, 65, 142, 1668, 163, 388, 166, 166, 166, 1151, 3744, 4924, 2579, 4480, 1186, 2142, 1299, 1838, 1838, 230, 4888, 1193, 401, 4298, 1492, 2746, 4851, 4851, 891, 4183, 4183, 2559, 4622, 406, 984, 984, 4525, 4525, 3757, 3144, 3144, 1404, 1067, 2539, 4813, 1146, 1146, 2215, 1709, 2636, 3472, 1340, 1203, 388, 1262, 1262, 1262, 742, 1249, 3600, 4854, 1823, 835, 3094, 484, 3888, 86, 86, 4855, 111, 4902, 4902, 3483, 3483, 3280, 279, 3385, 2535, 1011, 2214, 2214, 1311, 634, 4811, 315, 315, 4389, 4389, 163, 4389, 4389, 2691, 2691, 2778, 2778, 562, 562, 2071, 3740, 2925, 4755, 531, 331, 4826, 1297, 3357, 679, 3421, 3449, 94, 94, 2791, 1289, 3503, 65, 3404, 197, 1845, 1845, 1845, 91, 894, 714, 805, 2720, 2270, 2270, 2270, 2270, 24, 69, 4766, 1780, 1780, 1404, 1777, 4617, 4617, 1190, 383, 3189, 2770, 2731, 2731, 4541, 663, 663, 814, 311, 587, 587, 1247, 80, 3800, 3800, 3803, 4941, 2425, 3547, 1132, 2888, 1827, 1988, 4191, 2710, 4235, 4235, 1437, 4147, 4033, 4610, 4610, 3497, 3094, 1788, 596, 596, 596, 3951, 2072, 498, 498, 1709, 1725, 3472, 4891, 97, 2500, 4625, 4625, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.5414800977653631, 0.6216993715083798, 0.9826861033519553, 1.5642758379888266, 1.7247143854748603, 1.9453173882681563, 2.6472360335195533, 2.988167946927374, 3.088442039106145, 3.4694835893854745, 3.7703058659217876, 4.412060055865922, 4.732937150837989, 5.154088337988826, 5.495020251396648, 5.635403980446927, 6.41754189944134 ]
[ 0.5414800977653631, 0.6216993715083798, 0.9826861033519553, 1.5642758379888266, 1.7247143854748603, 1.9453173882681563, 2.6472360335195533, 2.988167946927374, 3.088442039106145, 3.4694835893854745, 3.7703058659217876, 4.412060055865922, 4.732937150837989, 5.154088337988826, 5.495020251396648, 5.635403980446927, 6.41754189944134, 7.159570181564245 ]
Internet access for all citizens is crucially important and this means that nobody should be excluded, particularly because they happen to live in rural areas. Rural growth is dependent on increased connectivity, and WiFi4EU will help in this regard and perhaps be a blueprint for similar bigger initiatives.
internet access for all citizens is crucially important and this means that nobody should be excluded particularly because they happen to live in rural areas. rural growth is dependent on increased connectivity and wifi four eu will help in this regard and perhaps be a blueprint for similar bigger initiatives.
[ "internet", "access", "for", "all", "citizens", "is", "crucially", "important", "and", "this", "means", "that", "nobody", "should", "be", "excluded", "particularly", "because", "they", "happen", "to", "live", "in", "rural", "areas.", "rural", "growth", "is", "dependent", "on", "increased", "connectivity", "and", "wifi", "four", "eu", "will", "help", "in", "this", "regard", "and", "perhaps", "be", "a", "blueprint", "for", "similar", "bigger", "initiatives." ]
[ "internet", "access", "for", "all", "citizens", "is", "crucially", "important", "and", "this", "means", "that", "nobody", "should", "be", "excluded", "particularly", "because", "they", "happen", "to", "live", "in", "rural", "areas", "rural", "growth", "is", "dependent", "on", "increased", "connectivity", "and", "wifi", "four", "eu", "will", "help", "in", "this", "regard", "and", "perhaps", "be", "a", "blueprint", "for", "similar", "bigger", "initiatives" ]
[ "i n t e r n e t", "a c c e s s", "f o r", "a l l", "c i t i z e n s", "i s", "c r u c i a l l y", "i m p o r t a n t", "a n d", "t h i s", "m e a n s", "t h a t", "n o b o d y", "s h o u l d", "b e", "e x c l u d e d", "p a r t i c u l a r l y", "b e c a u s e", "t h e y", "h a p p e n", "t o", "l i v e", "i n", "r u r a l", "a r e a s", "r u r a l", "g r o w t h", "i s", "d e p e n d e n t", "o n", "i n c r e a s e d", "c o n n e c t i v i t y", "a n d", "w i f i", "f o u r", "e u", "w i l l", "h e l p", "i n", "t h i s", "r e g a r d", "a n d", "p e r h a p s", "b e", "a", "b l u e p r i n t", "f o r", "s i m i l a r", "b i g g e r", "i n i t i a t i v e s" ]
[ 1101, 361, 1143, 1143, 1143, 1143, 1143, 1143, 4462, 1143, 1143, 914, 914, 524, 524, 3268, 312, 2391, 4826, 459, 459, 2218, 4116, 1686, 4097, 1740, 1740, 4959, 293, 4519, 2597, 4628, 4628, 4628, 3938, 2665, 1172, 1172, 2007, 4881, 2330, 80, 890, 163, 1045, 2411, 3907, 4007, 1640, 3218, 3218, 2802, 2543, 2543, 649, 121, 2535, 2905, 1208, 1208, 1208, 1208, 4209, 159, 4511, 2535, 923, 4067, 875, 4635, 4635, 3106, 840, 1344, 2441, 1857, 3618, 2271, 1259, 537, 537, 537, 4481, 4453, 3834, 3729, 760, 1666, 313, 620, 4230, 4230, 4230, 89, 89, 1025, 1025, 1025, 4214, 3207, 3207, 1521, 1521, 1521, 4532, 4532, 809, 4655, 2292, 3207, 2906, 2148, 2148, 3077, 2791, 4318, 3838, 2019, 1829, 1829, 2000, 2174, 1052, 2178, 2178, 2178, 4563, 4706, 2504, 603, 3061, 4252, 4252, 2365, 224, 4541, 4946, 2409, 2409, 820, 3563, 4591, 55, 102, 2758, 619, 619, 619, 619, 1977, 1442, 3965, 860, 628, 4510, 4510, 4510, 3839, 339, 1709, 1709, 977, 3472, 3190, 1481, 4811, 2593, 3557, 92, 3796, 3587, 3587, 3587, 3587, 3587, 3587, 4796, 4796, 4796, 4796, 4796, 4796, 3, 3913, 532, 3673, 3844, 1436, 312, 1586, 2391, 1406, 3610, 68, 4249, 3196, 138, 3759, 3759, 647, 1542, 3626, 2535, 3930, 4208, 1204, 1134, 2334, 2334, 2334, 2334, 2334, 3171, 2168, 2197, 3886, 4761, 1696, 133, 3544, 1165, 2307, 1895, 1315, 1315, 1471, 2142, 1299, 230, 230, 230, 4563, 732, 2759, 1632, 2604, 2604, 2604, 4390, 357, 1848, 1848, 3843, 311, 884, 2377, 2377, 2427, 4790, 3087, 3087, 3295, 122, 122, 122, 3388, 3388, 372, 372, 4494, 1212, 1212, 3586, 920, 4225, 4225, 3330, 843, 2970, 3537, 2958, 566, 566, 4850, 801, 265, 265, 3241, 2701, 2279, 1666, 4308, 521, 367, 2360, 2445, 2445, 1998, 1998, 1998, 44, 825, 2355, 106, 4901, 4434, 4434, 3198, 3240, 3492, 3492, 2205, 97, 1481, 2962, 315, 2026, 92, 3796, 3796, 140, 140, 1245, 1245, 3913, 3913, 532, 828, 710, 2677, 1586, 1162, 102, 3407, 3949, 2828, 324, 114, 2877, 1305, 1305, 1305, 1305, 1665, 4183, 2770, 2179, 4252, 1112, 4541, 2628, 4054, 3431, 3537, 1908, 3060, 848, 891, 3326, 559, 3718, 3603, 888, 888, 888, 888, 4438, 719, 3578, 3207, 1477, 3347, 3256, 409, 409, 1832, 3805, 3934, 1077, 1077, 509, 4484, 2467, 3997, 2942, 2942, 300, 2158, 114, 3026, 219, 2491, 630, 143, 669, 1688, 1924, 1924, 1924, 1924, 1318, 3266, 701, 422, 284, 4856, 712, 2298, 4190, 1471, 4437, 2090, 2862, 2862, 4563, 4652, 4652, 2457, 2041, 768, 471, 4185, 1291, 4535, 4535, 4535, 4535, 2392, 1857, 3304, 3304, 3720, 3720, 979, 3804, 3804, 3804, 292, 3385, 3830, 3830, 2898, 2898, 621, 3414, 881, 61, 61, 4811, 288, 288, 2699, 2699, 4823, 4823, 4823, 3587, 3587, 140, 4796, 4796, 4796, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 1572, 1572, 453, 2822, 2822, 2822, 2154, 2154, 2154, 527, 3227, 2026, 1586, 3547, 1681, 2090, 3118, 3118, 2862, 825, 4652, 4383, 4095, 3834, 3834, 3729, 1172, 1681, 4622, 4622, 1801, 4201, 629, 629, 629, 629, 2797, 4892, 644, 1869, 683, 2665, 2665, 2035, 1365, 4944, 3963, 580, 3077, 2791, 1477, 2212, 572, 1353, 1353, 2096, 55, 1206, 102, 4605, 4605, 4605, 4605, 496, 3793, 2682, 42, 4971, 4971, 3951, 2072, 4744, 1206, 1686, 4952, 3201, 1932, 3777, 4189, 293, 1790, 4028, 2378, 2541, 253, 2099, 3326, 340, 2174, 2174, 1052, 3751, 3751, 3751, 3751, 1350, 1037, 1554, 4077, 515, 1191, 1659, 3545, 1829, 559, 805, 155, 2733, 293, 4519, 4727, 549, 2802, 2842, 231, 114, 3109, 2337, 2337, 2337, 1274, 3266, 3005, 2322, 2322, 1577, 1686, 3538, 2017, 1036, 1036, 3684, 3843, 153, 884, 2377, 4409, 931, 163, 315, 399, 1351, 2026, 3796, 3796, 4823, 3587, 140, 140, 140, 4796, 4796, 4796, 4796, 532, 3673, 1436, 1436, 312, 2026, 2391, 2754, 108, 3610, 4249, 3123, 954, 1134, 148, 2380, 4824, 4824, 2175, 2175, 2301, 4936, 3232, 1815, 1096, 3446, 2043, 2228, 2228, 2175, 2175, 3581, 283, 3275, 1275, 3106, 840, 1883, 2441, 1316, 4216, 790, 992, 3591, 2191, 4645, 4645, 1819, 1819, 4042, 4042, 4042, 22, 22, 2833, 1952, 3570, 1279, 768, 1832, 3805, 1415, 1102, 1102, 1102, 3616, 2462, 4250, 595, 231, 2820, 3376, 4359, 1270, 2298, 3799, 3496, 837, 837, 618, 618, 1554, 2940, 658, 658, 4590, 3260, 4988, 713, 2481, 559, 1223, 3070, 1381, 1381, 1381, 1381, 1381, 2675, 865, 719, 1977, 1977, 1296, 1296, 1110, 4102, 154, 142, 3087, 315, 315, 315, 1351, 1639, 3401, 3401, 3401, 31, 31, 31, 157, 828, 828, 2030, 28, 3958, 2391, 2754, 1406, 3610, 4418, 4508, 1206, 102, 3982, 3982, 3982, 3982, 1832, 4770, 2274, 2274, 2274, 2274, 4929, 3821, 279, 4740, 4511, 2940, 2821, 4241, 3537, 2958, 566, 3686, 2443, 1488, 3683, 3327, 3537, 2534, 1454, 1811, 1811, 44, 1819, 2768, 2753, 2096, 1724, 1673, 654, 2149, 667, 667, 667, 1331, 496, 3264, 2215, 1709, 1206, 377, 3472, 4891, 1340, 1481, 2962, 4811, 4811, 4389, 4389, 1707, 1707, 1707, 1286, 3415, 2827, 2827, 4195, 4195, 4658, 4658, 785, 785, 3106, 3106, 840, 1883, 1883, 247, 247, 247, 247, 385, 385, 1316, 414, 1501, 1501, 1501, 2558, 2558, 2395, 2395, 4446, 1417, 2535, 4067, 4067, 4067, 4067, 4067, 4067, 4067, 4067, 1172, 1172, 3849, 1172, 1172, 1172, 2404, 1332, 158, 4077, 3702, 1069, 313, 620, 2718, 2718, 440, 1947, 4134, 2776, 2776, 2776, 2776, 1078, 4930, 4930, 86, 86, 86, 1316, 1316, 1316, 3013, 3013, 3013, 1501, 3896, 3800, 3800, 3800, 163, 166, 166, 1435, 2026, 1787, 1440, 42, 53, 2370, 2370, 2370, 3879, 4124, 428, 2106, 303, 86, 86, 1316, 1316, 3050, 4185, 2746, 4614, 4217, 4959, 293, 4519, 1124, 1124, 1124, 2504, 603, 3061, 1121, 1121, 1121, 1577, 3326, 1268, 3894, 3894, 3894, 2861, 2861, 3636, 4072, 4072, 3830, 3830, 2898, 621, 621, 3414, 881, 61, 362, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.8208631578947367, 1.3414105263157894, 1.5416210526315788, 1.7218105263157895, 2.222336842105263, 2.342463157894737, 2.7629052631578945, 3.5237052631578947, 3.9041052631578945, 4.084294736842105, 4.324547368421053, 4.464694736842105, 5.005263157894737, 5.3856631578947365, 5.465747368421052, 6.206526315789473, 6.887242105263158, 7.207578947368421, 7.3277052631578945, 7.547936842105263, 7.6680631578947365, 7.868273684210526, 7.968378947368421, 8.248673684210525, 9.029494736842105, 9.710210526315787, 10.090610526315789, 10.190715789473684, 10.67122105263158, 10.791347368421054, 11.231810526315789, 12.112736842105264, 12.513157894736842, 12.91357894736842, 13.093768421052632, 13.27395789473684, 13.474168421052632, 13.674378947368421, 13.774484210526316, 13.954673684210526, 14.59534736842105, 14.935705263157894, 15.296084210526315, 15.39618947368421, 15.456252631578947, 16.17701052631579, 16.91778947368421, 17.798715789473686, 18.2592 ]
[ 0.8208631578947367, 1.3414105263157894, 1.5416210526315788, 1.7218105263157895, 2.222336842105263, 2.342463157894737, 2.7629052631578945, 3.5237052631578947, 3.9041052631578945, 4.084294736842105, 4.304526315789473, 4.464694736842105, 5.005263157894737, 5.3856631578947365, 5.465747368421052, 6.206526315789473, 6.867221052631579, 7.207578947368421, 7.3277052631578945, 7.547936842105263, 7.6680631578947365, 7.868273684210526, 7.968378947368421, 8.248673684210525, 9.029494736842105, 9.710210526315787, 10.090610526315789, 10.190715789473684, 10.67122105263158, 10.791347368421054, 11.231810526315789, 12.112736842105264, 12.513157894736842, 12.91357894736842, 13.093768421052632, 13.27395789473684, 13.474168421052632, 13.674378947368421, 13.774484210526316, 13.954673684210526, 14.59534736842105, 14.935705263157894, 15.296084210526315, 15.39618947368421, 15.456252631578947, 16.17701052631579, 16.91778947368421, 17.798715789473686, 18.2592, 18.999978947368422 ]
I think there is a very clear message coming out from this Parliament tonight concerning the fundamental relationship between the countries in transition and their people and the need to protect human rights. In that context I am pleased to associate myself with all that has been said about the need to ensure that freedom of expression and freedom of religion and belief should be at the heart of
i think there is a very clear message coming out from this parliament tonight concerning the fundamental relationship between the countries in transition and their people and the need to protect human rights. in that context i am pleased to associate myself with all that has been said about the need to ensure that freedom of expression and freedom of religion and belief should be at the heart of
[ "i", "think", "there", "is", "a", "very", "clear", "message", "coming", "out", "from", "this", "parliament", "tonight", "concerning", "the", "fundamental", "relationship", "between", "the", "countries", "in", "transition", "and", "their", "people", "and", "the", "need", "to", "protect", "human", "rights.", "in", "that", "context", "i", "am", "pleased", "to", "associate", "myself", "with", "all", "that", "has", "been", "said", "about", "the", "need", "to", "ensure", "that", "freedom", "of", "expression", "and", "freedom", "of", "religion", "and", "belief", "should", "be", "at", "the", "heart", "of" ]
[ "i", "think", "there", "is", "a", "very", "clear", "message", "coming", "out", "from", "this", "parliament", "tonight", "concerning", "the", "fundamental", "relationship", "between", "the", "countries", "in", "transition", "and", "their", "people", "and", "the", "need", "to", "protect", "human", "rights", "in", "that", "context", "i", "am", "pleased", "to", "associate", "myself", "with", "all", "that", "has", "been", "said", "about", "the", "need", "to", "ensure", "that", "freedom", "of", "expression", "and", "freedom", "of", "religion", "and", "belief", "should", "be", "at", "the", "heart", "of" ]
[ "i", "t h i n k", "t h e r e", "i s", "a", "v e r y", "c l e a r", "m e s s a g e", "c o m i n g", "o u t", "f r o m", "t h i s", "p a r l i a m e n t", "t o n i g h t", "c o n c e r n i n g", "t h e", "f u n d a m e n t a l", "r e l a t i o n s h i p", "b e t w e e n", "t h e", "c o u n t r i e s", "i n", "t r a n s i t i o n", "a n d", "t h e i r", "p e o p l e", "a n d", "t h e", "n e e d", "t o", "p r o t e c t", "h u m a n", "r i g h t s", "i n", "t h a t", "c o n t e x t", "i", "a m", "p l e a s e d", "t o", "a s s o c i a t e", "m y s e l f", "w i t h", "a l l", "t h a t", "h a s", "b e e n", "s a i d", "a b o u t", "t h e", "n e e d", "t o", "e n s u r e", "t h a t", "f r e e d o m", "o f", "e x p r e s s i o n", "a n d", "f r e e d o m", "o f", "r e l i g i o n", "a n d", "b e l i e f", "s h o u l d", "b e", "a t", "t h e", "h e a r t", "o f" ]
[ 4077, 971, 4579, 4579, 2489, 2489, 4886, 2664, 2268, 3189, 2566, 379, 780, 780, 4585, 3445, 3445, 2148, 94, 94, 2791, 3976, 1705, 1705, 2906, 4607, 859, 95, 1677, 1677, 1928, 2870, 104, 2868, 631, 631, 2460, 2460, 2460, 3309, 3309, 870, 4080, 274, 1041, 1041, 4101, 1999, 4305, 581, 687, 3766, 3317, 305, 305, 305, 3701, 2445, 907, 907, 3658, 3658, 3658, 3658, 173, 3769, 3769, 3769, 3769, 694, 694, 740, 3991, 2358, 20, 2593, 315, 399, 163, 4389, 4389, 4389, 4389, 4389, 4389, 4389, 2691, 2691, 2691, 3811, 408, 408, 408, 408, 408, 408, 4002, 570, 2154, 214, 2982, 3958, 2026, 3227, 4924, 2767, 1934, 1934, 939, 3937, 3937, 3937, 3937, 4708, 4697, 4955, 4955, 4955, 4372, 4136, 4136, 4136, 4136, 4136, 1810, 2432, 2432, 3235, 3235, 733, 2103, 2103, 3994, 986, 1844, 949, 612, 612, 1165, 4587, 4587, 231, 560, 3718, 3489, 3489, 3310, 3310, 601, 601, 1295, 978, 2197, 2197, 1705, 2906, 752, 3487, 3487, 3734, 3734, 3734, 1026, 1026, 3153, 58, 4818, 2732, 2732, 2636, 2734, 2734, 4120, 4635, 4635, 2400, 2943, 1399, 1399, 3539, 3539, 3539, 3539, 3539, 3539, 304, 304, 893, 893, 2139, 2139, 775, 3896, 3896, 3896, 3896, 4340, 1795, 2268, 3163, 138, 4490, 4490, 1542, 1599, 4433, 3863, 3930, 2821, 367, 2973, 1082, 1663, 3735, 3735, 3301, 3301, 3301, 3301, 2883, 684, 1197, 1989, 1989, 2944, 1404, 1067, 2539, 249, 1146, 339, 4994, 1129, 4397, 381, 1058, 63, 63, 4149, 4149, 4149, 4959, 2146, 411, 2142, 3041, 1891, 1891, 1891, 1891, 1891, 1891, 3628, 1236, 2122, 2122, 2122, 2585, 1136, 1152, 1725, 377, 4891, 4891, 97, 2962, 4811, 3557, 92, 3796, 3796, 140, 140, 140, 140, 140, 3305, 3305, 3305, 3305, 3305, 3305, 3305, 3305, 3305, 453, 453, 570, 4002, 4002, 1511, 3042, 1511, 520, 1692, 1692, 520, 1000, 4560, 909, 909, 3389, 3389, 735, 4834, 4834, 760, 1010, 3505, 552, 2704, 3424, 3424, 3424, 3424, 3424, 1366, 69, 69, 3613, 3169, 501, 473, 2379, 156, 3771, 2352, 2158, 3347, 3513, 729, 4730, 2690, 4120, 4120, 146, 3524, 894, 43, 1553, 1553, 1553, 1553, 2854, 3793, 3793, 2682, 2219, 4825, 3794, 2944, 2816, 4493, 202, 2765, 2765, 2765, 2765, 2765, 2854, 2854, 4116, 1447, 2559, 1830, 2457, 2457, 2457, 4071, 3325, 36, 36, 4808, 1187, 3427, 3427, 135, 1681, 1330, 937, 4988, 713, 1107, 1230, 486, 1179, 1179, 1179, 1179, 1573, 3430, 225, 18, 3405, 3405, 419, 222, 4392, 821, 636, 1055, 1748, 2527, 4414, 4077, 171, 4507, 4783, 699, 699, 2151, 2151, 2151, 2151, 4385, 4385, 4385, 2808, 4675, 4429, 687, 3189, 1908, 1908, 1257, 1257, 3336, 2607, 270, 1359, 4738, 4738, 2839, 2839, 2196, 2196, 3188, 3188, 3188, 3188, 3188, 35, 1953, 1953, 262, 3171, 1882, 269, 2210, 4401, 3040, 2593, 399, 399, 1252, 1128, 1128, 140, 140, 140, 1357, 1357, 1357, 1357, 1357, 3415, 3415, 2827, 2827, 3740, 4195, 3958, 2026, 1504, 1448, 492, 2131, 1469, 1623, 381, 4291, 3237, 1172, 1172, 1172, 3608, 3608, 4881, 1172, 1635, 1635, 1435, 2670, 231, 3766, 3718, 2497, 1083, 1083, 1083, 1083, 2854, 4116, 2373, 2373, 2952, 352, 352, 3859, 3859, 1764, 1705, 1705, 2906, 257, 4359, 4359, 712, 3832, 1185, 685, 3237, 4374, 4374, 3826, 3433, 1717, 1717, 3812, 3812, 1164, 194, 1926, 4032, 1705, 2345, 3767, 3767, 3767, 3767, 2986, 2504, 603, 3405, 3405, 419, 222, 222, 4392, 3534, 3534, 3122, 2649, 2649, 2160, 322, 2210, 4401, 3040, 2593, 2593, 399, 399, 2220, 742, 110, 110, 2778, 4195, 4195, 4195, 2026, 1504, 4461, 2546, 3248, 3248, 2575, 2357, 4336, 4336, 62, 742, 4643, 2973, 1644, 1644, 1154, 1154, 211, 211, 211, 1532, 4093, 4093, 251, 595, 595, 1059, 1916, 1916, 1916, 371, 371, 371, 668, 668, 4808, 4808, 2851, 1873, 4450, 3040, 2593, 71, 399, 399, 399, 1128, 1128, 1128, 1128, 1357, 1357, 1357, 828, 852, 2827, 852, 4195, 4195, 2026, 981, 30, 1510, 4112, 108, 108, 4249, 3364, 662, 3291, 2632, 4959, 1559, 25, 1421, 1421, 1421, 1421, 1350, 3058, 1200, 270, 2761, 2761, 2761, 4241, 4643, 3407, 3167, 3167, 324, 3336, 4291, 4291, 1359, 136, 2657, 541, 541, 4722, 4722, 4722, 4722, 703, 703, 4076, 4648, 4648, 4786, 4786, 1108, 1524, 894, 377, 3472, 4891, 1340, 1340, 1668, 1668, 4811, 4811, 2026, 163, 1716, 1716, 4940, 322, 1716, 4940, 3740, 2778, 3740, 2071, 3740, 1586, 252, 4494, 3349, 1606, 1606, 4548, 4548, 3669, 3669, 1947, 2618, 773, 773, 773, 3687, 3123, 3031, 3031, 2888, 1988, 926, 926, 3518, 3518, 3518, 3518, 3518, 495, 1236, 2585, 2585, 2585, 1136, 1136, 538, 538, 4505, 4505, 302, 302, 302, 302, 2214, 145, 3414, 2324, 1365, 245, 4756, 220, 220, 742, 1904, 1510, 4112, 4112, 591, 591, 1226, 4694, 2838, 3980, 3980, 3980, 2513, 2781, 4571, 455, 245, 983, 163, 1904, 2666, 287, 1446, 1446, 1625, 3364, 662, 40, 1655, 2229, 320, 320, 3183, 804, 2068, 571, 4587, 1588, 3189, 560, 3718, 256, 256, 1199, 2545, 2545, 2545, 2548, 2854, 4108, 2373, 944, 1359, 1359, 2657, 2374, 2374, 808, 808, 808, 808, 4076, 823, 4648, 815, 2559, 3223, 649, 1458, 1458, 2333, 2333, 368, 346, 1365, 245, 2558, 332, 2789, 794, 2376, 2376, 2376, 2376, 857, 857, 857, 2016, 2172, 2172, 2172, 884, 2377, 4409, 20, 2593, 399, 4665, 4243, 4243, 4243, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1357, 1357, 1357, 1357, 1357, 1357, 852, 852, 852, 28, 912, 912, 14, 14, 2754, 1755, 1174, 1174, 4508, 4591, 2812, 4643, 4932, 263, 4150, 103, 103, 103, 103, 3559, 4594, 3503, 6, 1139, 2761, 2761, 2222, 2222, 1488, 829, 1001, 1544, 4433, 3914, 2704, 1608, 3946, 3946, 3946, 3946, 769, 356, 237, 121, 655, 271, 271, 271, 3720, 2560, 871, 934, 934, 2969, 4997, 202, 3069, 3069, 4733, 4733, 429, 4246, 1914, 1544, 4077, 2119, 3505, 1608, 969, 4975, 4975, 4975, 969, 1032, 3328, 3328, 1300, 2365, 396, 396, 1284, 318, 3044, 2450, 540, 3833, 3404, 2330, 2875, 1, 4918, 4918, 1354, 1354, 1354, 1354, 4129, 4129, 3456, 2477, 4873, 949, 612, 612, 612, 571, 4739, 1285, 3503, 3863, 2821, 4241, 2927, 2741, 1264, 1264, 1264, 1264, 2168, 1748, 2527, 4834, 760, 2119, 2119, 2119, 3505, 2704, 1608, 554, 554, 554, 554, 554, 554, 1750, 1750, 3333, 1523, 754, 754, 883, 430, 430, 1961, 3327, 231, 1373, 3110, 2189, 2189, 278, 2075, 2068, 571, 1862, 2566, 3102, 3513, 2131, 4959, 2146, 4188, 25, 1421, 1421, 1421, 1421, 1350, 4540, 112, 2607, 1058, 3026, 2761, 2761, 564, 2222, 2222, 2409, 2378, 661, 1748, 2527, 4414, 2878, 4077, 171, 4507, 4507, 4783, 987, 987, 987, 987, 987, 2792, 2792, 3340, 3340, 3340, 3340, 4026, 2477, 1414, 4132, 949, 3544, 3544, 2969, 571, 4587, 2734, 4120, 2832, 2832, 1615, 1615, 3953, 2591, 2591, 1156, 1156, 1156, 1350, 1350, 4196, 2073, 3633, 3633, 3633, 990, 375, 2876, 893, 2139, 2139, 4401, 3040, 2593, 2593, 399, 4665, 1128, 1128, 1128, 1128, 1128, 1357, 1357, 1357, 1357, 2778, 2827, 4195, 3268, 3744, 3744, 1249, 30, 2331, 1776, 169, 2744, 701, 801, 265, 3241, 3241, 2701, 2279, 4077, 4308, 2173, 3987, 104, 3303, 4802, 689, 689, 689, 689, 3581, 2504, 603, 3405, 419, 1840, 4392, 4392, 821, 636, 2649, 2160, 4846, 2435, 50, 1368, 4120, 2832, 2832, 1615, 3953, 2591, 2591, 1156, 1156, 1156, 1350, 4196, 4196, 2171, 3633, 3633, 990, 990, 375, 2876, 893, 893, 2139, 2210, 4401, 2593, 2026, 399, 399, 399, 2220, 2220, 2220, 2220, 2778, 122, 2778, 4195, 955, 4195, 3744, 981, 30, 64, 2331, 4789, 2968, 1601, 2184, 4567, 4590, 1330, 937, 4988, 713, 143, 1230, 1650, 1650, 1650, 1650, 514, 3638, 4077, 3536, 4632, 4632, 821, 54, 366, 3212, 3212, 3564, 3564, 4181, 1123, 4418, 4819, 3925, 4055, 1908, 2590, 2590, 1107, 143, 669, 1688, 4958, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 4619, 4269, 3680, 3680, 1271, 1147, 1147, 1147, 1147, 1581, 1581, 142, 2593, 2593, 399, 2220, 2220, 1128, 1286, 1286, 110, 110, 4195, 2026, 3744, 252, 4494, 1212, 1212, 1212, 4507, 3586, 920, 4225, 4225, 3330, 1972, 3962, 1897, 3189, 742, 2741, 221, 2958, 3697, 3697, 3697, 3697, 1906, 569, 569, 569, 587, 1247, 758, 758, 890, 983, 890, 1904, 781, 898, 898, 898, 4131, 2712, 231, 2566, 4141, 3513, 4816, 2412, 2412, 3072, 3072, 3072, 369, 369, 369, 3341, 3341, 4557, 3871, 3871, 3871, 3871, 3871, 2883, 2883, 616, 1442, 2390, 3078, 2646, 4952, 4952, 4952, 822, 822, 1168, 1168, 1168, 1168, 1168, 1168, 3202, 3202, 3166, 3654, 718, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.020013772727272727, 0.16011018181818182, 0.34023413636363636, 0.48033054545454545, 0.5803994090909091, 0.9606610909090909, 1.7411982272727273, 2.721873090909091, 3.162176090909091, 3.4023413636363635, 3.8426443636363636, 4.162864727272727, 4.683222818181818, 5.563828818181818, 6.524489909090909, 6.664586318181818, 7.505164772727273, 8.385770772727271, 9.206335454545455, 9.706679772727274, 10.267065409090907, 10.407161818181818, 11.067616318181818, 11.267754045454545, 11.628001954545454, 12.448566636363635, 12.808814545454545, 12.888869636363635, 13.048979818181818, 13.12903490909091, 13.949599590909092, 14.509985227272727, 15.310536136363636, 15.730825363636363, 15.950976863636363, 16.811569090909092, 17.271885863636363, 17.672161318181818, 17.97236790909091, 18.03240922727273, 18.612808636363635, 19.053111636363635, 19.273263136363635, 19.47340086363636, 19.613497272727273, 19.713566136363635, 19.95373140909091, 20.31397931818182, 20.594172136363635, 20.714254772727273, 20.934406272727273, 21.034475136363636, 21.554833227272727, 21.754970954545453, 22.415425454545453, 22.775673363636365, 23.35607277272727, 23.456141636363636, 24.07656859090909, 24.4368165, 24.8771195, 25.017215909090908, 25.61762909090909, 26.097959636363637, 26.358138681818183, 26.618317727272725, 26.758414136363637, 27.218730909090908 ]
[ 0, 0.16011018181818182, 0.34023413636363636, 0.48033054545454545, 0.5803994090909091, 0.9606610909090909, 1.7411982272727273, 2.721873090909091, 3.162176090909091, 3.4023413636363635, 3.8426443636363636, 4.162864727272727, 4.683222818181818, 5.563828818181818, 6.524489909090909, 6.664586318181818, 7.505164772727273, 8.385770772727271, 9.206335454545455, 9.706679772727274, 10.267065409090907, 10.407161818181818, 11.047602545454545, 11.267754045454545, 11.628001954545454, 12.448566636363635, 12.788800772727273, 12.888869636363635, 13.048979818181818, 13.12903490909091, 13.949599590909092, 14.509985227272727, 15.310536136363636, 15.730825363636363, 15.950976863636363, 16.811569090909092, 17.271885863636363, 17.672161318181818, 17.97236790909091, 18.03240922727273, 18.59279486363636, 19.053111636363635, 19.273263136363635, 19.47340086363636, 19.593483499999998, 19.713566136363635, 19.95373140909091, 20.31397931818182, 20.594172136363635, 20.714254772727273, 20.934406272727273, 21.034475136363636, 21.554833227272727, 21.754970954545453, 22.415425454545453, 22.775673363636365, 23.336059000000002, 23.456141636363636, 24.07656859090909, 24.4368165, 24.8771195, 25.017215909090908, 25.61762909090909, 26.097959636363637, 26.358138681818183, 26.618317727272725, 26.758414136363637, 27.218730909090908, 27.498923727272725 ]
and the prominence of this point was maintained in the Council conclusions of
and the prominence of this point was maintained in the council conclusions of.
[ "and", "the", "prominence", "of", "this", "point", "was", "maintained", "in", "the", "council", "conclusions", "of." ]
[ "and", "the", "prominence", "of", "this", "point", "was", "maintained", "in", "the", "council", "conclusions", "of" ]
[ "a n d", "t h e", "p r o m i n e n c e", "o f", "t h i s", "p o i n t", "w a s", "m a i n t a i n e d", "i n", "t h e", "c o u n c i l", "c o n c l u s i o n s", "o f" ]
[ 4079, 4598, 3154, 3154, 3154, 1620, 1620, 1620, 4491, 2026, 75, 75, 1886, 2026, 2281, 1249, 1510, 4112, 108, 108, 1226, 4694, 4249, 2316, 4820, 2811, 489, 492, 2131, 2261, 1478, 687, 687, 687, 687, 4643, 4660, 4660, 4038, 4038, 2095, 2095, 440, 1947, 1404, 4867, 1701, 1701, 1794, 3613, 4519, 1221, 596, 596, 3285, 2072, 624, 3264, 3264, 3234, 3234, 1834, 1834, 3773, 2535, 3954, 3954, 3954, 162, 162, 4398, 455, 1365, 245, 4756, 983, 890, 1904, 2789, 2331, 2331, 4789, 4789, 2968, 2968, 1601, 3855, 3470, 3470, 3470, 3470, 2559, 3163, 1655, 138, 3759, 647, 647, 1542, 1599, 1275, 462, 462, 462, 2940, 2821, 4241, 687, 3189, 4643, 1082, 1663, 2758, 3474, 3474, 3474, 3474, 3474, 4992, 3089, 3089, 3264, 3264, 2215, 2215, 1709, 2732, 742, 1725, 3472, 1340, 1149, 1149, 1149, 395, 149, 149, 149, 2859, 2859, 3578, 3786, 4969, 3930, 4894, 276, 4055, 221, 1264, 1264, 1264, 1264, 1264, 2168, 2160, 2160, 824, 824, 824, 824, 4881, 4881, 3800, 742, 3800, 1262, 890, 1792, 4340, 1934, 308, 2058, 2058, 2058, 2365, 661, 735, 685, 1546, 2559, 104, 1781, 136, 2374, 2716, 2716, 2716, 2716, 2716, 4271, 4271, 529, 262, 3171, 2168, 37, 2513, 4728, 3883, 1897, 1897, 276, 276, 1373, 1976, 2779, 2779, 2779, 115, 553, 1736, 1307, 4416, 4141, 10, 124, 2, 4183, 3189, 560, 3718, 2497, 592, 1583, 1583, 1583, 1627, 2548, 2854, 277, 277, 3149, 4351, 4351, 4955, 4372, 776, 776, 776, 776, 668, 4785, 670, 3040, 3087, 2593, 399, 399, 399, 4389, 4389, 4389, 4389, 1707, 4389, 4389, 2778, 2778, 2778, 2827, 3740, 3740, 3740, 1416, 1416, 2026, 2026, 560, 805, 4986, 4986, 4690, 4690, 735, 2659, 2099, 104, 3317, 305, 2445, 1998, 1998, 1998, 1998, 3835, 3835, 4221, 4221, 4221, 4632, 1411, 1411, 1411, 4532, 4532, 809, 4655, 836, 4284, 991, 2535, 2898, 3294, 2324, 1365, 245, 983, 1, 2789, 2331, 2331, 2331, 4789, 3202, 3202, 3202, 3166, 3654, 137, 137, 137, 2152, 4625, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.4814815384615385, 0.6419753846153846, 1.4845680769230771, 1.765432307692308, 2.106481730769231, 2.5879632692307695, 3.1095682692307696, 4.0123461538461545, 4.212963461538462, 4.353395576923077, 5.095679615384615, 6.118827884615385 ]
[ 0.4814815384615385, 0.6419753846153846, 1.4845680769230771, 1.765432307692308, 2.106481730769231, 2.5879632692307695, 3.1095682692307696, 4.0123461538461545, 4.212963461538462, 4.353395576923077, 5.095679615384615, 6.118827884615385, 6.50000076923077 ]
Dear Members of Parliament, I am pleased that you welcome these novelties and, more generally, that you agree on the ambition, the architecture and the objectives we propose.
dear members of parliament i am pleased that you welcome these novelties and more generally that you agree on the ambition the architecture and the objectives we propose.
[ "dear", "members", "of", "parliament", "i", "am", "pleased", "that", "you", "welcome", "these", "novelties", "and", "more", "generally", "that", "you", "agree", "on", "the", "ambition", "the", "architecture", "and", "the", "objectives", "we", "propose." ]
[ "dear", "members", "of", "parliament", "i", "am", "pleased", "that", "you", "welcome", "these", "novelties", "and", "more", "generally", "that", "you", "agree", "on", "the", "ambition", "the", "architecture", "and", "the", "objectives", "we", "propose" ]
[ "d e a r", "m e m b e r s", "o f", "p a r l i a m e n t", "i", "a m", "p l e a s e d", "t h a t", "y o u", "w e l c o m e", "t h e s e", "n o v e l t i e s", "a n d", "m o r e", "g e n e r a l l y", "t h a t", "y o u", "a g r e e", "o n", "t h e", "a m b i t i o n", "t h e", "a r c h i t e c t u r e", "a n d", "t h e", "o b j e c t i v e s", "w e", "p r o p o s e" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 2114, 1335, 139, 139, 139, 294, 294, 294, 294, 1457, 1457, 1457, 524, 524, 75, 75, 2026, 4321, 1504, 337, 3085, 3085, 3741, 4081, 4383, 1125, 202, 308, 615, 615, 615, 615, 516, 1695, 2872, 1502, 4095, 3207, 3207, 606, 3516, 4526, 3912, 3912, 2277, 917, 2812, 742, 452, 452, 3735, 3301, 3301, 3301, 3301, 1912, 2561, 1940, 1989, 1989, 1989, 2944, 1067, 2539, 4813, 1146, 339, 1709, 860, 381, 3567, 175, 3487, 4760, 4760, 3335, 3335, 1174, 1174, 3563, 4508, 1546, 62, 62, 687, 742, 4643, 4932, 263, 2980, 3342, 4150, 103, 103, 103, 103, 103, 3322, 4269, 3559, 3630, 3717, 1275, 923, 4301, 3362, 3362, 368, 4454, 346, 977, 1806, 2508, 2508, 986, 1795, 2849, 3163, 949, 1696, 133, 133, 2926, 1531, 1531, 2743, 2307, 131, 2636, 2636, 4671, 2867, 512, 4312, 4312, 3161, 3161, 1819, 3011, 22, 4973, 4973, 2668, 3782, 3782, 3782, 3782, 3782, 4453, 4453, 2239, 1743, 4183, 383, 903, 1515, 990, 990, 375, 1295, 258, 3799, 4820, 3347, 4463, 4428, 4428, 475, 1293, 3786, 4247, 1693, 3770, 3770, 2142, 3992, 3992, 3992, 982, 1274, 3094, 1788, 4264, 2053, 36, 1187, 2239, 4023, 860, 860, 3538, 1408, 1408, 1408, 3859, 3859, 3797, 292, 3385, 3385, 2535, 2535, 3954, 3954, 3954, 3954, 3954, 162, 162, 162, 4398, 4398, 1668, 4756, 4756, 4756, 1262, 1904, 1904, 1904, 1510, 4112, 4112, 591, 591, 591, 591, 1226, 1226, 1226, 4694, 4694, 3980, 4728, 4728, 2636, 977, 3472, 1806, 2612, 1204, 1014, 3948, 203, 4838, 4838, 1413, 1205, 1316, 4018, 3049, 1568, 2607, 1967, 286, 2097, 2499, 1334, 1334, 1334, 3679, 3679, 839, 4734, 4734, 4734, 4734, 1218, 1218, 1218, 1218, 4809, 1112, 494, 2055, 98, 98, 814, 311, 311, 884, 2377, 4409, 3087, 315, 315, 3295, 399, 163, 4389, 1707, 4389, 2778, 2778, 2827, 2827, 527, 1586, 1416, 3958, 2026, 1504, 3163, 1696, 133, 133, 1531, 2307, 3249, 2636, 2858, 512, 4312, 4312, 3161, 3161, 1819, 401, 4298, 4298, 1492, 1492, 2746, 4851, 3165, 2481, 777, 777, 742, 41, 126, 4622, 984, 984, 4525, 4525, 4525, 584, 584, 2081, 587, 587, 1247, 1492, 1492, 2939, 2263, 3180, 4430, 3777, 3364, 2316, 3799, 4055, 3347, 1064, 1064, 1209, 1209, 4885, 587, 1247, 80, 197, 781, 2746, 1612, 1612, 1612, 3563, 4508, 4819, 1440, 1440, 2811, 3574, 2643, 2643, 2643, 2643, 2986, 2504, 603, 18, 3405, 419, 222, 4392, 3534, 60, 2649, 2649, 4681, 2210, 2210, 4401, 3087, 3087, 3295, 399, 4389, 4389, 4389, 4389, 2778, 2778, 2778, 2778, 4195, 1586, 1416, 2026, 331, 4182, 489, 1064, 100, 4885, 1687, 1889, 1889, 534, 534, 561, 1597, 1597, 1597, 3983, 1977, 4012, 383, 1733, 2903, 2714, 2882, 324, 4023, 860, 742, 894, 2877, 4722, 4722, 4722, 703, 4076, 2802, 3249, 2138, 2159, 1524, 614, 614, 1783, 1783, 4239, 4239, 4239, 86, 1316, 1316, 1484, 1484, 3013, 3087, 3087, 315, 3295, 3295, 122, 122, 122, 122, 4618, 3075, 3740, 3740, 1886, 1886, 1886, 1886, 2281, 1249, 4112, 4112, 591, 591, 591, 591, 1226, 4694, 4694, 3980, 3980, 4728, 4728, 3249, 977, 977, 3472, 1340, 1340, 1340, 1668, 1668, 166, 166, 163, 166, 166, 2001, 4182, 4182, 3163, 832, 1064, 1209, 1209, 1209, 569, 1687, 1247, 80, 197, 534, 561, 507, 507, 4373, 4373, 3287, 3287, 1967, 1967, 3138, 286, 2830, 2830, 2830, 2830, 4076, 2802, 2359, 2359, 1524, 3189, 1163, 3894, 3894, 466, 2861, 2217, 745, 4072, 273, 2535, 923, 2940, 2186, 4973, 4471, 236, 3757, 4054, 2753, 1210, 4643, 1673, 3407, 3167, 285, 285, 750, 4907, 3189, 381, 452, 2782, 1118, 1118, 1118, 3604, 3604, 292, 536, 3830, 3830, 2898, 2898, 2898, 621, 2152, 2152, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.5409032088926173, 0.8213715394295301, 0.9415722525167785, 1.4824754614093958, 1.582642722315436, 1.6828099832214765, 2.283813548657718, 2.6243822357382545, 2.8247167575503354, 3.2654527055369127, 3.485820679530201, 4.307192218959731, 4.808028523489932, 5.068463401845637, 5.8297345847315425, 6.250437080536912, 6.430738150167785, 6.911541002516778, 7.0718086199664425, 7.292176593959731, 8.093514681208053, 8.474150272651006, 9.515889786073826, 10.136926803691274, 10.477495490771812, 11.218733221476509, 11.338933934563759 ]
[ 0.5409032088926173, 0.8213715394295301, 0.9415722525167785, 1.4824754614093958, 1.562609270134228, 1.6828099832214765, 2.283813548657718, 2.6243822357382545, 2.8247167575503354, 3.2654527055369127, 3.485820679530201, 4.307192218959731, 4.808028523489932, 5.068463401845637, 5.8297345847315425, 6.250437080536912, 6.430738150167785, 6.911541002516778, 7.0718086199664425, 7.292176593959731, 8.093514681208053, 8.474150272651006, 9.515889786073826, 10.136926803691274, 10.477495490771812, 11.218733221476509, 11.338933934563759, 11.919904047818791 ]
The Commission therefore appreciates the fact that the resolution is very supportive of the Commission line that, in order to allow for later docking' into the GATS, it is necessary to incorporate GATS core articles and concepts in the newly negotiated agreement.
the commission therefore appreciates the fact that the resolution is very supportive of the commission line that in order to allow for later docking' into the gats it is necessary to incorporate gats core articles and concepts in the newly negotiated agreement.
[ "the", "commission", "therefore", "appreciates", "the", "fact", "that", "the", "resolution", "is", "very", "supportive", "of", "the", "commission", "line", "that", "in", "order", "to", "allow", "for", "later", "docking'", "into", "the", "gats", "it", "is", "necessary", "to", "incorporate", "gats", "core", "articles", "and", "concepts", "in", "the", "newly", "negotiated", "agreement." ]
[ "the", "commission", "therefore", "appreciates", "the", "fact", "that", "the", "resolution", "is", "very", "supportive", "of", "the", "commission", "line", "that", "in", "order", "to", "allow", "for", "later", "docking'", "into", "the", "gats", "it", "is", "necessary", "to", "incorporate", "gats", "core", "articles", "and", "concepts", "in", "the", "newly", "negotiated", "agreement" ]
[ "t h e", "c o m m i s s i o n", "t h e r e f o r e", "a p p r e c i a t e s", "t h e", "f a c t", "t h a t", "t h e", "r e s o l u t i o n", "i s", "v e r y", "s u p p o r t i v e", "o f", "t h e", "c o m m i s s i o n", "l i n e", "t h a t", "i n", "o r d e r", "t o", "a l l o w", "f o r", "l a t e r", "d o c k i n g '", "i n t o", "t h e", "g a t s", "i t", "i s", "n e c e s s a r y", "t o", "i n c o r p o r a t e", "g a t s", "c o r e", "a r t i c l e s", "a n d", "c o n c e p t s", "i n", "t h e", "n e w l y", "n e g o t i a t e d", "a g r e e m e n t" ]
[ 38, 4598, 467, 467, 3154, 139, 139, 139, 2327, 2327, 2327, 914, 914, 1457, 524, 524, 3958, 3958, 2026, 3163, 138, 3759, 4631, 4631, 279, 3207, 2148, 2148, 94, 3077, 1289, 4599, 2186, 551, 3700, 2181, 2181, 2181, 4804, 4804, 1736, 1333, 2724, 2086, 729, 124, 891, 2533, 560, 805, 155, 155, 2733, 1404, 2375, 504, 504, 504, 2986, 603, 3405, 2256, 2256, 636, 366, 3398, 289, 4851, 3165, 4907, 4183, 742, 1673, 2790, 2790, 4483, 4483, 2986, 2504, 603, 3061, 3061, 271, 271, 3720, 2560, 871, 871, 871, 934, 934, 3373, 445, 445, 3711, 2027, 2027, 3954, 3954, 3294, 1311, 634, 2593, 2593, 399, 399, 1128, 1128, 1286, 1286, 828, 110, 4195, 3744, 4195, 3744, 2026, 1504, 949, 1696, 133, 3544, 577, 1100, 3249, 4132, 2592, 1445, 1445, 111, 448, 448, 448, 3260, 4235, 4235, 4235, 4235, 2562, 4032, 1360, 472, 3412, 3412, 3412, 1107, 143, 1688, 2680, 2680, 2680, 2680, 2680, 3835, 3835, 225, 4780, 419, 1840, 222, 636, 636, 289, 289, 289, 3077, 3077, 3207, 3786, 1275, 4247, 607, 607, 4973, 631, 631, 2460, 519, 519, 1857, 1153, 274, 1041, 2622, 1001, 1275, 655, 4721, 947, 1746, 750, 2261, 2812, 2812, 2812, 3189, 2758, 1689, 1689, 1689, 1689, 1871, 1977, 1923, 3965, 860, 860, 3567, 3109, 466, 466, 3683, 4183, 4183, 1966, 1932, 1932, 3777, 2316, 3799, 2724, 2086, 124, 2, 581, 560, 714, 155, 155, 155, 2733, 1404, 2375, 504, 504, 504, 2504, 603, 18, 2256, 636, 60, 1006, 194, 1899, 298, 2535, 3863, 1836, 1836, 426, 2336, 2420, 958, 958, 958, 232, 232, 4065, 4065, 1538, 1538, 1882, 2160, 4681, 4401, 2593, 2593, 2593, 3295, 399, 1128, 1128, 1128, 31, 31, 157, 828, 828, 2030, 4195, 4195, 4195, 3744, 1586, 4182, 3163, 1696, 3544, 3544, 1100, 894, 4184, 4659, 4659, 2793, 712, 4990, 4990, 2875, 3189, 534, 4918, 4918, 2394, 2394, 2394, 2394, 2394, 3403, 3403, 4736, 2171, 2073, 1502, 1502, 1502, 1992, 693, 1100, 860, 687, 231, 1954, 885, 1395, 1395, 2222, 2222, 3566, 1488, 2128, 4052, 4588, 1230, 2420, 2745, 2745, 2745, 2745, 2745, 2423, 2423, 3211, 3211, 2768, 3232, 4635, 4635, 838, 840, 1883, 1883, 4746, 3996, 1107, 4052, 669, 1688, 486, 1179, 1179, 1179, 1179, 565, 3373, 1100, 860, 742, 3567, 2476, 910, 910, 1992, 693, 4023, 860, 1339, 687, 5, 2877, 1243, 1243, 1243, 4827, 4827, 4012, 3189, 2903, 454, 2653, 2653, 473, 2379, 3086, 4200, 2002, 3963, 287, 1048, 1048, 1048, 4109, 685, 4895, 1843, 3595, 4057, 2655, 437, 4132, 3347, 3102, 729, 124, 2481, 1710, 231, 1223, 1057, 1070, 3488, 3488, 3488, 3269, 3269, 3581, 3817, 445, 3711, 4505, 3773, 3773, 3954, 2898, 3294, 1311, 1311, 634, 4811, 4811, 399, 1128, 4389, 1943, 3587, 3587, 1245, 4796, 4796, 327, 23, 23, 23, 852, 28, 28, 28, 2026, 1586, 4826, 4826, 1297, 3357, 4328, 4328, 1285, 1285, 1285, 1285, 923, 3954, 162, 2324, 2324, 4756, 4756, 4756, 2026, 1604, 1792, 1792, 4340, 1858, 2579, 2142, 3041, 1158, 1158, 1158, 1158, 1281, 4697, 121, 121, 2874, 1487, 1487, 1487, 4214, 237, 1666, 1666, 4372, 2245, 2245, 2245, 2245, 2245, 1857, 1153, 1034, 1983, 4054, 2183, 860, 1954, 885, 1395, 1019, 2165, 80, 2972, 163, 1, 2666, 4967, 459, 3908, 3908, 253, 2099, 4591, 3189, 3766, 2902, 2902, 4293, 3302, 3302, 3302, 3302, 3672, 3672, 4907, 595, 3189, 1059, 1380, 2342, 3644, 1153, 3521, 871, 871, 934, 364, 1100, 3054, 2959, 4397, 687, 163, 41, 1057, 1070, 4628, 4628, 4628, 3269, 2667, 1964, 3581, 445, 3711, 3711, 273, 923, 3954, 3411, 2019, 213, 1829, 3189, 310, 310, 1579, 1371, 1747, 81, 81, 81, 2046, 2046, 2046, 3340, 3340, 696, 740, 3050, 2165, 80, 890, 890, 561, 561, 2557, 1597, 1597, 1597, 1597, 865, 616, 3965, 860, 3189, 3567, 4989, 4617, 4617, 1190, 4183, 4183, 3238, 517, 4071, 2053, 2053, 900, 900, 4289, 3385, 3830, 1275, 2898, 3294, 3294, 1311, 634, 4811, 4811, 3557, 1252, 1943, 1943, 1245, 3913, 3913, 23, 23, 2030, 28, 2026, 981, 14, 2754, 1406, 4381, 68, 4249, 4728, 4336, 4336, 1635, 1635, 2026, 1604, 1604, 1435, 2026, 1784, 560, 3387, 256, 680, 680, 2545, 2545, 1778, 2548, 4728, 4728, 2951, 4351, 1666, 1666, 655, 1608, 1856, 1856, 1856, 1856, 3323, 1761, 3737, 3711, 3711, 273, 2213, 4260, 4659, 2793, 2793, 712, 2316, 3799, 4132, 2086, 2086, 729, 4959, 2008, 4188, 4188, 2362, 4845, 4845, 4845, 4845, 4613, 2538, 1819, 1819, 1819, 2393, 4809, 1112, 4541, 663, 2628, 4324, 4054, 1247, 3896, 3896, 3896, 1858, 3770, 2142, 3286, 3286, 3286, 3286, 3879, 3879, 4124, 3238, 3946, 3946, 3946, 4446, 2504, 603, 18, 3061, 271, 271, 271, 1244, 2560, 871, 871, 934, 934, 3373, 1878, 4023, 860, 3249, 3109, 2381, 1256, 1256, 364, 3665, 4184, 175, 1008, 3165, 2481, 3249, 41, 1223, 406, 984, 984, 4525, 4525, 4525, 3214, 3144, 697, 1404, 1067, 2539, 249, 249, 1146, 498, 498, 1709, 2732, 4673, 4673, 922, 4625, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.9211030321782179, 1.3215826113861384, 1.521822400990099, 1.9623499381188119, 2.022421875, 2.3227815594059407, 2.442925433168317, 2.6231412438118813, 3.2839325495049505, 3.424100402227723, 3.6844121287128715, 4.285131497524753, 4.385251392326732, 4.485371287128713, 4.9459228032178215, 5.506594214108911, 5.847001856435643, 6.027217667079208, 6.407673267326732, 6.547841120049505, 6.92829672029703, 7.12853650990099, 7.529016089108911, 7.949519647277228, 8.18980739480198, 8.309951268564356, 8.970742574257425, 9.371222153465347, 9.55143796410891, 10.292325185643564, 10.452517017326732, 11.253476175742575, 11.6339317759901, 12.074459313118812, 12.915466429455446, 13.315946008663365, 13.996761293316831, 14.116905167079208, 14.237049040841585, 14.697600556930693, 15.538607673267327 ]
[ 0.9211030321782179, 1.3015586324257427, 1.501798422029703, 1.9423259591584159, 2.002397896039604, 2.3227815594059407, 2.442925433168317, 2.6231412438118813, 3.2839325495049505, 3.424100402227723, 3.6844121287128715, 4.285131497524753, 4.385251392326732, 4.485371287128713, 4.9459228032178215, 5.506594214108911, 5.847001856435643, 6.027217667079208, 6.407673267326732, 6.547841120049505, 6.92829672029703, 7.12853650990099, 7.529016089108911, 7.949519647277228, 8.18980739480198, 8.309951268564356, 8.970742574257425, 9.371222153465347, 9.55143796410891, 10.292325185643564, 10.452517017326732, 11.253476175742575, 11.6339317759901, 12.074459313118812, 12.915466429455446, 13.315946008663365, 13.996761293316831, 14.116905167079208, 14.237049040841585, 14.697600556930693, 15.538607673267327, 16.159351021039605 ]
The UK is, after all, the second largest net contributor to the European budget, so other Member States might benefit from remembering, when they are debating this money, that a large part of it comes from British taxpayers' pockets.
the uk is after all the second largest net contributor to the european budget so other member states might benefit from remembering when they are debating this money that a large part of it comes from british taxpayers' pockets.
[ "the", "uk", "is", "after", "all", "the", "second", "largest", "net", "contributor", "to", "the", "european", "budget", "so", "other", "member", "states", "might", "benefit", "from", "remembering", "when", "they", "are", "debating", "this", "money", "that", "a", "large", "part", "of", "it", "comes", "from", "british", "taxpayers'", "pockets." ]
[ "the", "uk", "is", "after", "all", "the", "second", "largest", "net", "contributor", "to", "the", "european", "budget", "so", "other", "member", "states", "might", "benefit", "from", "remembering", "when", "they", "are", "debating", "this", "money", "that", "a", "large", "part", "of", "it", "comes", "from", "british", "taxpayers'", "pockets" ]
[ "t h e", "u k", "i s", "a f t e r", "a l l", "t h e", "s e c o n d", "l a r g e s t", "n e t", "c o n t r i b u t o r", "t o", "t h e", "e u r o p e a n", "b u d g e t", "s o", "o t h e r", "m e m b e r", "s t a t e s", "m i g h t", "b e n e f i t", "f r o m", "r e m e m b e r i n g", "w h e n", "t h e y", "a r e", "d e b a t i n g", "t h i s", "m o n e y", "t h a t", "a", "l a r g e", "p a r t", "o f", "i t", "c o m e s", "f r o m", "b r i t i s h", "t a x p a y e r s '", "p o c k e t s" ]
[ 4079, 3409, 3409, 2026, 1504, 489, 1445, 1445, 4216, 790, 992, 2775, 2775, 4384, 4384, 4384, 2801, 2768, 1694, 381, 560, 3718, 708, 4290, 4290, 4290, 4290, 4290, 4290, 550, 83, 3168, 2443, 111, 580, 3077, 2791, 1705, 1705, 2906, 752, 822, 4751, 4751, 4751, 4751, 1841, 2405, 4339, 4154, 1524, 1163, 2683, 3175, 3175, 564, 1628, 2271, 1354, 1354, 4129, 4129, 3456, 2477, 4873, 4141, 3513, 2131, 1723, 1417, 158, 3702, 1069, 3914, 2704, 190, 722, 722, 722, 722, 1743, 742, 1733, 903, 2679, 2679, 818, 1055, 37, 2513, 4728, 3509, 2251, 426, 1230, 2420, 3160, 3160, 3160, 3160, 3160, 2883, 616, 514, 4843, 4843, 3536, 4534, 4534, 3569, 4209, 237, 4077, 462, 480, 1693, 1315, 411, 2142, 3418, 3418, 3418, 3269, 3269, 4556, 4818, 742, 1725, 743, 3545, 3895, 1829, 2559, 560, 3387, 256, 1199, 2545, 2545, 1778, 2854, 4883, 2373, 3237, 3237, 2952, 3733, 3733, 3733, 764, 3327, 2741, 3865, 3358, 3358, 3358, 3358, 44, 4706, 1878, 2390, 192, 2646, 513, 2476, 4767, 4767, 1907, 1907, 694, 694, 3991, 3991, 3040, 2593, 399, 4665, 1128, 1128, 140, 1245, 3913, 3913, 72, 532, 532, 828, 2030, 2677, 3958, 2026, 1784, 3076, 665, 3419, 698, 2655, 2655, 4416, 424, 1445, 1445, 4216, 790, 4403, 4403, 2144, 1004, 2262, 2262, 2222, 1853, 1853, 583, 4907, 4643, 4643, 439, 784, 784, 3392, 3392, 3392, 916, 4465, 4465, 4418, 4819, 4819, 3925, 739, 4427, 2929, 2929, 2929, 600, 514, 742, 381, 1722, 3536, 1213, 1213, 1213, 215, 215, 215, 3817, 4818, 4739, 4505, 4266, 4266, 2213, 3376, 3136, 3136, 1461, 366, 2707, 2740, 3487, 3423, 3423, 457, 1237, 2844, 963, 568, 910, 3996, 2816, 4493, 104, 308, 939, 615, 615, 615, 615, 516, 1695, 1695, 4055, 2872, 910, 910, 4446, 1001, 1807, 158, 9, 1084, 3194, 3271, 47, 1690, 1690, 911, 911, 911, 1086, 1086, 3373, 3373, 1388, 3711, 2103, 2103, 3553, 4067, 1172, 1172, 142, 2593, 3557, 1128, 3134, 31, 157, 532, 532, 2030, 2677, 2725, 2026, 3958, 2767, 1934, 148, 1194, 1194, 1194, 1194, 495, 1236, 1173, 3795, 571, 1588, 4429, 4429, 1635, 1635, 1635, 1635, 1635, 1635, 122, 1635, 1635, 163, 4500, 4500, 2026, 739, 3574, 4259, 4259, 4259, 4259, 4259, 2300, 839, 3479, 3096, 3096, 2472, 3279, 3524, 2158, 3535, 3148, 3148, 3148, 3148, 2424, 3817, 571, 571, 4587, 4635, 4635, 3106, 4629, 264, 906, 4255, 4255, 2052, 2603, 2603, 937, 4988, 4988, 4245, 2816, 202, 308, 939, 3195, 3195, 3195, 3195, 3195, 516, 516, 1695, 1695, 741, 741, 2872, 4769, 652, 652, 652, 4358, 651, 651, 651, 2610, 4914, 598, 1638, 4401, 2593, 71, 4665, 4243, 4243, 72, 234, 234, 1400, 532, 3844, 2030, 2677, 2026, 1504, 949, 1696, 3544, 3544, 168, 168, 1346, 1345, 582, 582, 4812, 4812, 4812, 3364, 3364, 662, 40, 2546, 3248, 3248, 3248, 4961, 4202, 1367, 4055, 3522, 572, 1353, 1060, 3327, 3133, 739, 3574, 1622, 1622, 1622, 1622, 1622, 1086, 246, 1878, 1878, 3078, 2646, 2646, 513, 2402, 3097, 501, 473, 2379, 156, 3771, 3252, 40, 138, 4490, 1507, 1542, 1031, 4077, 462, 3863, 4208, 1204, 4011, 148, 691, 691, 691, 691, 691, 3613, 431, 357, 1848, 1848, 3843, 311, 884, 587, 758, 1492, 781, 4575, 4945, 432, 1107, 4052, 669, 2336, 2420, 3160, 3160, 3160, 3160, 3160, 2883, 616, 2060, 2060, 4797, 1217, 2821, 4241, 3189, 2973, 1663, 778, 778, 778, 778, 244, 2883, 616, 1442, 2390, 192, 2415, 4084, 874, 2744, 701, 1993, 4378, 4378, 4156, 2969, 4587, 581, 742, 560, 3718, 3489, 3489, 3310, 3310, 601, 601, 1295, 978, 2197, 2197, 3411, 4433, 2396, 2396, 4629, 4329, 3539, 3539, 2052, 2052, 4508, 4819, 3925, 3133, 739, 323, 1700, 1700, 1700, 2390, 192, 2415, 4128, 2564, 2564, 2564, 1984, 1984, 2103, 6, 1139, 2559, 1781, 2657, 2374, 808, 808, 808, 808, 96, 4648, 4648, 3189, 3223, 649, 3411, 3930, 4241, 367, 1082, 1207, 1207, 550, 2667, 111, 111, 4961, 3804, 2267, 3976, 3503, 3930, 917, 687, 3189, 2973, 1663, 1663, 116, 3428, 3428, 3428, 4827, 1743, 3189, 1733, 903, 2714, 2714, 215, 215, 215, 215, 3817, 2585, 1136, 538, 538, 4505, 3773, 2898, 4100, 4100, 2152, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.22032448377581118, 0.5407964601769911, 0.8011799410029499, 1.1216519174041297, 1.261858407079646, 1.402064896755162, 1.8427138643067844, 2.3234218289085544, 2.603834808259587, 3.6053097345132743, 3.945811209439528, 4.06598820058997, 4.566725663716814, 5.007374631268436, 5.167610619469026, 5.4480235988200585, 5.788525073746312, 6.389410029498524, 6.950235988200589, 7.6112094395280225, 7.81150442477876, 8.712831858407078, 9.09339233038348, 9.213569321533923, 9.273657817109145, 9.874542772861355, 10.074837758112093, 10.355250737463125, 10.555545722713862, 10.615634218289085, 10.896047197640117, 11.17646017699115, 11.276607669616519, 11.39678466076696, 11.697227138643068, 11.897522123893804, 12.278082595870206, 12.979115044247786 ]
[ 0.22032448377581118, 0.5407964601769911, 0.8011799410029499, 1.1216519174041297, 1.261858407079646, 1.402064896755162, 1.8427138643067844, 2.3234218289085544, 2.603834808259587, 3.6053097345132743, 3.945811209439528, 4.06598820058997, 4.566725663716814, 5.007374631268436, 5.167610619469026, 5.4480235988200585, 5.788525073746312, 6.389410029498524, 6.950235988200589, 7.6112094395280225, 7.81150442477876, 8.712831858407078, 9.09339233038348, 9.193539823008848, 9.273657817109145, 9.874542772861355, 10.074837758112093, 10.355250737463125, 10.555545722713862, 10.595604719764012, 10.896047197640117, 11.17646017699115, 11.276607669616519, 11.39678466076696, 11.697227138643068, 11.897522123893804, 12.278082595870206, 12.959085545722713, 13.559970501474925 ]
while twenty seven other countries compete for portfolios and put their brightest and best forward to serve all of europe our government has chosen to leave its seat at the table empty.
[ "while", "twenty", "seven", "other", "countries", "compete", "for", "portfolios", "and", "put", "their", "brightest", "and", "best", "forward", "to", "serve", "all", "of", "europe", "our", "government", "has", "chosen", "to", "leave", "its", "seat", "at", "the", "table", "empty." ]
[ "while", "twenty", "seven", "other", "countries", "compete", "for", "portfolios", "and", "put", "their", "brightest", "and", "best", "forward", "to", "serve", "all", "of", "europe", "our", "government", "has", "chosen", "to", "leave", "its", "seat", "at", "the", "table", "empty" ]
[ "w h i l e", "t w e n t y", "s e v e n", "o t h e r", "c o u n t r i e s", "c o m p e t e", "f o r", "p o r t f o l i o s", "a n d", "p u t", "t h e i r", "b r i g h t e s t", "a n d", "b e s t", "f o r w a r d", "t o", "s e r v e", "a l l", "o f", "e u r o p e", "o u r", "g o v e r n m e n t", "h a s", "c h o s e n", "t o", "l e a v e", "i t s", "s e a t", "a t", "t h e", "t a b l e", "e m p t y" ]
[ 4079, 3409, 3409, 1586, 331, 842, 548, 2977, 2977, 2977, 2977, 2216, 4905, 4905, 1694, 1623, 270, 1781, 4738, 2839, 3650, 1938, 1938, 1938, 496, 4116, 192, 2415, 2979, 3685, 3685, 3685, 2622, 1914, 1010, 4433, 3914, 2704, 190, 638, 638, 638, 638, 1274, 3094, 2873, 4795, 4795, 54, 3687, 2160, 834, 2002, 1492, 332, 3423, 3423, 3423, 457, 1237, 2844, 963, 568, 910, 223, 3996, 1694, 581, 2607, 560, 3718, 2497, 1083, 1083, 1083, 1083, 2854, 4116, 2373, 3237, 2952, 2952, 2952, 352, 352, 352, 27, 27, 500, 500, 3797, 3979, 608, 4287, 536, 2091, 4433, 2898, 3294, 1311, 634, 4811, 3557, 3557, 4389, 4389, 3401, 3401, 3401, 1254, 1254, 1254, 1254, 3415, 3415, 2827, 527, 1416, 1586, 1784, 1784, 1000, 4560, 1277, 1277, 1802, 3563, 4508, 4591, 231, 2973, 1119, 4964, 4964, 4964, 1013, 246, 3795, 4818, 3249, 2734, 4635, 3106, 838, 1344, 4746, 4746, 2009, 1478, 2812, 742, 2973, 2758, 4343, 4343, 4343, 2735, 2735, 365, 4818, 1588, 3883, 2734, 2832, 43, 671, 3443, 3443, 3443, 3443, 3956, 3153, 1184, 2561, 4033, 271, 271, 3720, 1244, 783, 783, 4363, 4363, 3956, 3153, 3689, 4499, 1764, 1216, 2906, 3376, 3136, 295, 1123, 1234, 1185, 830, 4591, 3189, 3170, 452, 2466, 2466, 1918, 1918, 571, 1588, 2712, 2268, 2566, 2546, 3248, 3248, 3248, 4961, 3996, 1591, 2164, 2164, 3133, 742, 1498, 1498, 323, 323, 1893, 1893, 1893, 495, 1173, 1173, 1878, 192, 2415, 1356, 4534, 4534, 3569, 3569, 159, 4077, 1458, 1458, 2333, 368, 368, 346, 3472, 1340, 1340, 1668, 4756, 742, 1904, 781, 1097, 4381, 1461, 1234, 1185, 830, 3925, 3133, 2811, 3574, 4750, 4750, 3397, 3397, 3397, 93, 858, 4708, 3717, 1458, 1458, 515, 3362, 368, 1659, 2734, 4983, 2400, 43, 2595, 2108, 1441, 1441, 1441, 1441, 1441, 2013, 2013, 45, 2145, 2860, 2860, 2860, 1171, 3198, 1523, 1110, 2205, 2205, 142, 2593, 2593, 399, 1128, 1128, 1128, 1128, 140, 140, 72, 1357, 1357, 1357, 828, 2030, 710, 2026, 1784, 1954, 1401, 3490, 630, 3210, 1544, 4433, 3505, 2704, 309, 1397, 1397, 1397, 1397, 1580, 1580, 2248, 3466, 3632, 3632, 2330, 534, 534, 4918, 1354, 1354, 1354, 1354, 4129, 4129, 3186, 3186, 1940, 1971, 1971, 4526, 384, 1601, 4567, 2867, 992, 2775, 2144, 2144, 833, 833, 833, 833, 2262, 470, 4566, 4566, 1398, 1398, 1398, 1137, 2808, 2808, 4675, 1721, 2436, 2436, 1481, 315, 315, 399, 4389, 4389, 3401, 4389, 2691, 2691, 2760, 2760, 2760, 2691, 2691, 408, 562, 562, 3740, 3740, 3740, 2026, 2982, 2982, 1886, 1586, 2281, 1249, 1510, 4909, 4909, 4909, 4909, 3924, 3924, 719, 3996, 4753, 4753, 777, 2272, 3070, 2087, 2087, 2087, 1274, 1308, 1308, 1308, 2944, 1067, 2539, 2539, 249, 1146, 339, 4994, 1152, 1725, 743, 1785, 1149, 889, 149, 2708, 2859, 2859, 3976, 4969, 1139, 84, 84, 4291, 1902, 720, 4522, 1317, 3055, 3055, 3055, 3956, 3153, 3153, 4922, 4032, 1360, 1272, 1272, 1521, 4741, 54, 2649, 4844, 4846, 4846, 300, 1058, 3026, 1401, 219, 3490, 1107, 143, 1688, 4958, 770, 770, 4619, 2248, 3466, 701, 1993, 4226, 726, 726, 3444, 3668, 3668, 4523, 4077, 4037, 4037, 4037, 1069, 3505, 3505, 620, 2757, 2757, 2757, 2757, 1013, 518, 518, 1136, 1152, 1725, 3472, 3190, 3190, 142, 2593, 2220, 2220, 110, 110, 110, 166, 3744, 3744, 14, 2834, 898, 2127, 3018, 1862, 1862, 2268, 4141, 10, 2131, 1469, 1623, 894, 1781, 1359, 2657, 2374, 4529, 4529, 4529, 4529, 4529, 3413, 732, 732, 2759, 1632, 2715, 371, 2053, 668, 4808, 4808, 2851, 1873, 3040, 3087, 2220, 3295, 2220, 166, 3295, 166, 166, 166, 166, 1262, 1262, 742, 1249, 187, 187, 4803, 4803, 4803, 4001, 4001, 4786, 4786, 4786, 3821, 2159, 2159, 1524, 3249, 1268, 513, 2017, 3684, 3684, 3684, 3843, 153, 2689, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.3004449672667758, 0.6609789279869067, 1.0415425531914893, 1.3419875204582652, 2.1632037643207855, 2.8241826923076925, 2.984420008183306, 3.7856065875613747, 3.9458439034369883, 4.1461405482815055, 4.346437193126023, 5.0074161211129296, 5.227742430441898, 5.608306055646481, 6.249255319148936, 6.549700286415712, 6.9102342471358424, 7.130560556464811, 7.270768207855974, 7.991836129296235, 8.472548076923076, 8.913200695581013, 9.113497340425532, 9.594209288052372, 9.734416939443536, 9.954743248772504, 10.15503989361702, 10.595692512274958, 10.836048486088378, 10.976256137479542, 11.577146072013093 ]
[ 0.3004449672667758, 0.6609789279869067, 1.0415425531914893, 1.3419875204582652, 2.1632037643207855, 2.8241826923076925, 2.984420008183306, 3.7856065875613747, 3.9458439034369883, 4.1461405482815055, 4.346437193126023, 5.0074161211129296, 5.227742430441898, 5.608306055646481, 6.249255319148936, 6.549700286415712, 6.9102342471358424, 7.130560556464811, 7.270768207855974, 7.991836129296235, 8.472548076923076, 8.913200695581013, 9.113497340425532, 9.594209288052372, 9.734416939443536, 9.954743248772504, 10.15503989361702, 10.595692512274958, 10.836048486088378, 10.976256137479542, 11.577146072013093, 12.21809533551555 ]
This was the whole idea behind the recast.
this was the whole idea behind the recast.
[ "this", "was", "the", "whole", "idea", "behind", "the", "recast." ]
[ "this", "was", "the", "whole", "idea", "behind", "the", "recast" ]
[ "t h i s", "w a s", "t h e", "w h o l e", "i d e a", "b e h i n d", "t h e", "r e c a s t" ]
[ 2204, 2204, 2204, 4973, 2102, 1613, 2335, 2335, 1289, 3503, 4077, 1477, 2559, 3347, 3513, 729, 4816, 2412, 13, 3072, 3072, 392, 2893, 3973, 3973, 3973, 3973, 3763, 2393, 3186, 2921, 4333, 3487, 3115, 3115, 3115, 49, 1367, 1568, 2559, 2389, 2188, 2188, 3085, 2807, 3769, 223, 1591, 3327, 3327, 2741, 1908, 4486, 4486, 4911, 13, 3805, 1347, 2474, 2474, 4558, 4558, 1341, 3171, 314, 2316, 4024, 3347, 2086, 2632, 4354, 1449, 2888, 2729, 3316, 3316, 3316, 1350, 438, 1999, 581, 581, 2026, 3766, 714, 3873, 2228, 2361, 2361, 2361, 3346, 3346, 3717, 3830, 4077, 1458, 1458, 2333, 2026, 4625, 4625, 918, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.08077184466019416, 0.20192961165048542, 0.3634733009708737, 0.6663677184466019, 0.9692621359223299, 1.3327354368932038, 1.4337002427184464 ]
[ 0.06057888349514562, 0.20192961165048542, 0.3634733009708737, 0.6663677184466019, 0.9692621359223299, 1.3327354368932038, 1.4337002427184464, 2.0596820388349513 ]
We encourage it to deepen the reform momentum further, in particular showing real results in key rule of law areas such as the fight against corruption and organised crime, where it needs to further deliver.
we encourage it to deepen the reform momentum further in particular showing real results in key rule of law areas such as the fight against corruption and organised crime where it needs to further deliver.
[ "we", "encourage", "it", "to", "deepen", "the", "reform", "momentum", "further", "in", "particular", "showing", "real", "results", "in", "key", "rule", "of", "law", "areas", "such", "as", "the", "fight", "against", "corruption", "and", "organised", "crime", "where", "it", "needs", "to", "further", "deliver." ]
[ "we", "encourage", "it", "to", "deepen", "the", "reform", "momentum", "further", "in", "particular", "showing", "real", "results", "in", "key", "rule", "of", "law", "areas", "such", "as", "the", "fight", "against", "corruption", "and", "organised", "crime", "where", "it", "needs", "to", "further", "deliver" ]
[ "w e", "e n c o u r a g e", "i t", "t o", "d e e p e n", "t h e", "r e f o r m", "m o m e n t u m", "f u r t h e r", "i n", "p a r t i c u l a r", "s h o w i n g", "r e a l", "r e s u l t s", "i n", "k e y", "r u l e", "o f", "l a w", "a r e a s", "s u c h", "a s", "t h e", "f i g h t", "a g a i n s t", "c o r r u p t i o n", "a n d", "o r g a n i s e d", "c r i m e", "w h e r e", "i t", "n e e d s", "t o", "f u r t h e r", "d e l i v e r" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 3154, 3154, 1335, 2327, 2327, 2327, 914, 914, 914, 524, 524, 3958, 2026, 1683, 29, 29, 3677, 487, 236, 4946, 2443, 2409, 2378, 2541, 253, 2099, 2099, 581, 687, 742, 560, 3718, 3387, 3387, 2497, 2497, 4689, 4689, 4689, 4689, 4689, 1660, 470, 870, 3558, 4136, 4136, 4136, 2582, 2432, 2432, 3235, 4797, 733, 2103, 1117, 1117, 2324, 1365, 197, 3963, 4378, 4378, 4378, 2424, 421, 131, 2732, 2636, 3472, 1275, 2508, 2508, 4229, 3189, 1058, 63, 1401, 885, 3494, 1617, 3049, 2089, 2089, 2607, 433, 2389, 1013, 1013, 1013, 1013, 3209, 4093, 595, 595, 1059, 2306, 2282, 2282, 54, 2316, 3799, 4132, 2086, 729, 4354, 4354, 2603, 1330, 937, 4552, 713, 3293, 563, 623, 2832, 3524, 43, 2595, 2108, 3501, 3501, 3501, 378, 2235, 4904, 1030, 697, 3948, 3948, 1456, 3798, 2738, 4174, 2300, 1005, 3096, 2944, 2944, 4493, 202, 939, 2765, 2765, 2765, 2765, 2854, 4116, 1447, 894, 1830, 1590, 1590, 375, 1670, 258, 50, 1368, 4120, 2832, 2832, 2400, 2923, 4953, 1868, 1868, 1868, 1868, 1580, 1040, 1040, 2844, 963, 568, 1907, 1907, 694, 740, 3991, 3040, 2593, 71, 4665, 4243, 1943, 72, 3913, 3913, 532, 3844, 3268, 3744, 981, 3125, 3867, 2793, 712, 2435, 4591, 4591, 4643, 3407, 2828, 2828, 324, 1623, 2026, 104, 136, 1305, 1305, 1305, 1305, 1665, 2559, 1733, 2179, 2179, 2179, 1078, 1078, 4930, 910, 910, 1992, 2542, 2878, 1275, 171, 4507, 4507, 4783, 897, 3985, 3985, 3985, 3892, 3892, 1628, 4087, 1887, 501, 473, 2379, 3086, 150, 2002, 3896, 3800, 890, 4852, 4852, 3803, 3547, 1132, 1827, 3548, 1633, 1633, 1633, 1633, 3874, 1789, 2794, 768, 3427, 3427, 2603, 1330, 937, 4552, 4552, 4626, 1001, 1544, 2535, 4955, 3505, 2704, 3990, 1963, 1963, 1963, 1963, 1963, 3219, 1062, 1062, 4453, 2239, 445, 3711, 4505, 3503, 2214, 2214, 2214, 1365, 4944, 3963, 287, 2793, 1949, 3832, 2659, 2959, 1546, 581, 742, 3766, 4633, 678, 3272, 3272, 3272, 3272, 3272, 1232, 3757, 2357, 2478, 1074, 1074, 1449, 52, 52, 3118, 3118, 3118, 3118, 717, 717, 717, 717, 3186, 2851, 4785, 670, 670, 3040, 2593, 4665, 4665, 4243, 3134, 3134, 3134, 532, 3844, 3268, 312, 3744, 64, 2331, 4789, 2968, 3912, 3912, 745, 1300, 4567, 2251, 738, 1430, 2336, 2420, 1314, 1314, 1314, 3787, 3787, 3340, 4298, 2165, 1889, 1291, 187, 4535, 4535, 4535, 4535, 4535, 2392, 470, 4080, 3304, 3304, 3720, 3720, 979, 3804, 3804, 292, 292, 3385, 1275, 2214, 2324, 1365, 936, 4941, 2404, 101, 2119, 2119, 3505, 3020, 2889, 2889, 2889, 2889, 1056, 860, 231, 614, 3197, 3079, 2946, 2946, 2946, 1289, 298, 3503, 1139, 3189, 1954, 2724, 729, 3683, 2690, 563, 623, 2832, 2832, 2158, 671, 2043, 4747, 4747, 4747, 495, 495, 1173, 3965, 860, 231, 3567, 4952, 430, 2471, 1710, 1223, 1057, 1211, 1211, 1211, 1211, 194, 4691, 4691, 3503, 3503, 2019, 1829, 687, 163, 714, 805, 3868, 3868, 3868, 593, 593, 1988, 4482, 4482, 4482, 4482, 2467, 3737, 3821, 3821, 556, 3405, 419, 1840, 222, 4392, 3534, 3122, 2649, 2160, 2210, 4401, 3040, 71, 4665, 1252, 4243, 4243, 234, 234, 234, 3913, 532, 532, 3844, 312, 3744, 14, 1097, 4381, 68, 604, 1634, 4571, 2330, 534, 4918, 3007, 1231, 1231, 1231, 365, 3457, 3879, 428, 428, 2748, 1794, 3212, 1559, 2597, 2597, 4472, 4209, 159, 3503, 3503, 1150, 1150, 4485, 687, 367, 310, 2000, 1052, 1052, 1122, 4169, 4169, 4169, 4169, 887, 887, 3187, 3187, 3999, 3634, 1225, 2139, 2210, 4401, 2593, 315, 315, 15, 3796, 3796, 1128, 3587, 3587, 3401, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 72, 1039, 1039, 3458, 3458, 852, 1436, 28, 2026, 2234, 29, 842, 3331, 2596, 423, 423, 423, 3445, 3445, 3618, 886, 886, 679, 2601, 3054, 3054, 4429, 1895, 1315, 4480, 4188, 25, 1421, 1421, 1421, 1421, 1421, 1350, 3058, 445, 3711, 2027, 273, 3411, 1139, 4229, 1954, 1401, 885, 1395, 2006, 563, 1815, 2400, 2400, 43, 671, 1868, 1868, 1868, 1868, 769, 1040, 2844, 963, 910, 910, 1617, 3665, 3522, 572, 1353, 1353, 1107, 143, 1230, 2056, 2056, 2056, 2056, 1274, 3094, 1788, 484, 3888, 1907, 694, 694, 3991, 4917, 4917, 922, 4625, 163, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.4406498148148148, 1.2017722222222225, 1.4621562037037037, 1.6624515740740742, 2.063042314814815, 2.16319, 2.603839814814815, 3.2047259259259264, 3.745523425925926, 4.005907407407407, 4.586763981481482, 5.047443333333334, 5.387945462962963, 5.988831574074075, 6.169097407407407, 6.4895700000000005, 6.950249351851852, 7.250692407407407, 7.531105925925926, 8.05187388888889, 8.37234648148148, 8.512553240740742, 8.65276, 8.99326212962963, 9.33376425925926, 10.054827592592593, 10.395329722222222, 10.896068148148148, 11.537013333333334, 11.997692685185186, 12.157928981481483, 12.498431111111111, 12.618608333333334, 12.939080925925925 ]
[ 0.4406498148148148, 1.2017722222222225, 1.4621562037037037, 1.6624515740740742, 2.063042314814815, 2.16319, 2.603839814814815, 3.2047259259259264, 3.745523425925926, 4.005907407407407, 4.586763981481482, 5.047443333333334, 5.387945462962963, 5.988831574074075, 6.169097407407407, 6.4895700000000005, 6.950249351851852, 7.250692407407407, 7.531105925925926, 8.05187388888889, 8.37234648148148, 8.512553240740742, 8.65276, 8.99326212962963, 9.33376425925926, 10.054827592592593, 10.395329722222222, 10.896068148148148, 11.537013333333334, 11.997692685185186, 12.157928981481483, 12.498431111111111, 12.618608333333334, 12.939080925925925, 13.499907962962963 ]
the process will be facilitated through the establishment of an eu urban greening platform in two thousand and twenty one in close collaboration with cities and of course mayors.
[ "the", "process", "will", "be", "facilitated", "through", "the", "establishment", "of", "an", "eu", "urban", "greening", "platform", "in", "two", "thousand", "and", "twenty", "one", "in", "close", "collaboration", "with", "cities", "and", "of", "course", "mayors." ]
[ "the", "process", "will", "be", "facilitated", "through", "the", "establishment", "of", "an", "eu", "urban", "greening", "platform", "in", "two", "thousand", "and", "twenty", "one", "in", "close", "collaboration", "with", "cities", "and", "of", "course", "mayors" ]
[ "t h e", "p r o c e s s", "w i l l", "b e", "f a c i l i t a t e d", "t h r o u g h", "t h e", "e s t a b l i s h m e n t", "o f", "a n", "e u", "u r b a n", "g r e e n i n g", "p l a t f o r m", "i n", "t w o", "t h o u s a n d", "a n d", "t w e n t y", "o n e", "i n", "c l o s e", "c o l l a b o r a t i o n", "w i t h", "c i t i e s", "a n d", "o f", "c o u r s e", "m a y o r s" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 1335, 1335, 2327, 2327, 2327, 2327, 914, 914, 1457, 524, 524, 3958, 75, 2026, 4182, 4182, 2592, 2086, 3683, 2261, 1210, 3170, 4660, 654, 1215, 2132, 2132, 982, 982, 4853, 2963, 2535, 655, 1208, 1208, 1208, 4209, 159, 298, 2940, 2186, 551, 1952, 3570, 3570, 1099, 3299, 3834, 2970, 4055, 221, 2958, 566, 3686, 3293, 1815, 2400, 1075, 1075, 4456, 4456, 1001, 1544, 3914, 620, 4220, 4220, 4220, 1940, 478, 3005, 2322, 1090, 4023, 231, 2877, 2560, 871, 871, 934, 934, 1878, 1186, 3567, 341, 1256, 1256, 921, 1100, 3054, 2734, 2774, 2774, 1615, 1615, 3589, 3589, 1592, 1592, 1819, 1819, 825, 693, 3799, 2849, 4132, 2592, 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209, 569, 569, 569, 587, 1247, 1492, 197, 2746, 4851, 829, 1001, 3065, 3065, 3271, 47, 2493, 2493, 2493, 2493, 2493, 2283, 2283, 1925, 2473, 3506, 3506, 1527, 2535, 2843, 2843, 4775, 3694, 2539, 249, 249, 1146, 339, 1709, 1709, 2007, 245, 983, 231, 64, 2331, 4789, 4789, 2968, 3912, 745, 137, 137, 137, 3849, 983, 890, 742, 1249, 4718, 4718, 4718, 4718, 2838, 2160, 834, 4990, 80, 890, 2972, 2552, 4228, 4228, 4228, 2092, 2092, 2092, 2092, 3174, 3174, 3174, 4172, 4172, 1819, 1819, 1819, 4042, 1873, 1873, 3040, 3087, 71, 399, 399, 399, 1128, 1128, 1128, 1639, 3401, 1716, 1254, 1254, 1254, 3415, 3415, 852, 2827, 28, 3740, 1416, 2026, 1886, 1886, 1586, 2789, 4918, 81, 3007, 2157, 1316, 1316, 1977, 4383, 2759, 2759, 1632, 2782, 4174, 4174, 4609, 3687, 522, 2659, 2659, 2647, 777, 126, 4622, 1801, 511, 511, 511, 511, 3214, 69, 3613, 3169, 4687, 2308, 7, 2605, 3771, 4591, 2812, 381, 4932, 263, 676, 676, 119, 119, 509, 2743, 3965, 2734, 2734, 526, 3106, 3501, 3501, 3501, 378, 4904, 304, 3905, 3216, 2002, 3963, 287, 2793, 1949, 3832, 685, 2811, 4738, 4738, 2839, 3650, 3650, 1938, 1938, 496, 4116, 1447, 3109, 2979, 4054, 324, 4023, 3567, 4738, 2839, 3650, 1938, 1938, 1938, 2854, 4116, 1447, 894, 2979, 3685, 4054, 3649, 4714, 1345, 2031, 130, 905, 905, 1600, 33, 2177, 269, 4681, 3159, 4401, 20, 2593, 399, 399, 1128, 1128, 1128, 1128, 31, 31, 23, 2030, 2030, 710, 2026, 912, 4826, 3125, 3867, 2793, 712, 2659, 2659, 4591, 2607, 310, 305, 3701, 826, 2995, 2995, 2995, 2995, 644, 356, 2227, 2940, 2019, 1829, 714, 805, 4293, 3818, 3818, 3798, 3798, 764, 2759, 1632, 1380, 1380, 4469, 1198, 1808, 3690, 1573, 19, 225, 4780, 18, 1840, 222, 821, 636, 1055, 522, 4437, 3355, 4014, 4807, 318, 1140, 1140, 3748, 4023, 2951, 4523, 1010, 3914, 552, 620, 4230, 4230, 4070, 4023, 3249, 3567, 3109, 3859, 3859, 3859, 292, 3385, 298, 1275, 3954, 162, 1311, 634, 4811, 3557, 4665, 1639, 2220, 4389, 1716, 1716, 1716, 1716, 2778, 912, 1151, 1586, 1886, 2281, 1510, 4112, 4112, 1226, 1461, 3398, 2707, 3516, 1493, 2968, 745, 2277, 4183, 3238, 1371, 4426, 4426, 1871, 1316, 2848, 356, 298, 2535, 3863, 4208, 1204, 4011, 939, 2285, 2285, 700, 700, 700, 2078, 696, 696, 1316, 2038, 2038, 292, 536, 3830, 2898, 2898, 621, 881, 4811, 4625, 163, 4625, 4625, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.42082418799212606, 0.8416483759842521, 1.0019623523622048, 1.1221978346456694, 1.863649975393701, 2.1241601870078743, 2.3245526574803153, 3.0860440452755906, 3.346554256889764, 3.6070644685039372, 4.248320374015749, 4.9296547736220475, 5.310400467519686, 5.791342396653544, 5.911577878937009, 5.971695620078741, 6.172088090551181, 6.272284325787402, 6.572873031496064, 6.953618725393701, 7.2742466781496065, 7.574835383858268, 8.135934301181104, 8.356366018700788, 8.917464936023624, 9.258132135826772, 9.33828912401575, 9.598799335629922 ]
[ 0.42082418799212606, 0.8416483759842521, 1.0019623523622048, 1.1221978346456694, 1.863649975393701, 2.1241601870078743, 2.3245526574803153, 3.0860440452755906, 3.346554256889764, 3.6070644685039372, 4.248320374015749, 4.9296547736220475, 5.310400467519686, 5.791342396653544, 5.891538631889764, 5.951656373031496, 6.172088090551181, 6.252245078740158, 6.572873031496064, 6.953618725393701, 7.2742466781496065, 7.574835383858268, 8.135934301181104, 8.356366018700788, 8.917464936023624, 9.258132135826772, 9.33828912401575, 9.598799335629922, 10.159898252952756 ]
That means that we as citizens now have the opportunity to ban this cruel trade.
that means that we as citizens now have the opportunity to ban this cruel trade.
[ "that", "means", "that", "we", "as", "citizens", "now", "have", "the", "opportunity", "to", "ban", "this", "cruel", "trade." ]
[ "that", "means", "that", "we", "as", "citizens", "now", "have", "the", "opportunity", "to", "ban", "this", "cruel", "trade" ]
[ "t h a t", "m e a n s", "t h a t", "w e", "a s", "c i t i z e n s", "n o w", "h a v e", "t h e", "o p p o r t u n i t y", "t o", "b a n", "t h i s", "c r u e l", "t r a d e" ]
[ 2204, 3156, 3156, 3156, 3409, 3409, 163, 955, 3861, 2001, 2001, 2001, 4182, 2026, 4377, 3163, 2229, 2229, 3183, 3183, 804, 2068, 2408, 2408, 381, 4997, 3807, 202, 308, 2334, 2334, 2334, 2334, 2334, 2334, 1953, 3171, 2168, 3660, 594, 594, 2197, 1216, 1705, 4761, 949, 3544, 3544, 1165, 4300, 4300, 1752, 3204, 3204, 1346, 2783, 3677, 487, 487, 2863, 2863, 2081, 2081, 569, 587, 1247, 1492, 197, 332, 2834, 4950, 261, 261, 4446, 206, 1807, 4077, 2119, 3505, 620, 4230, 4230, 4230, 1708, 4219, 1025, 1025, 1025, 4214, 237, 4077, 121, 4646, 1521, 1521, 4532, 809, 4655, 4655, 2292, 1011, 1311, 142, 742, 4665, 3134, 3134, 1286, 110, 110, 110, 912, 2811, 3692, 1007, 395, 3939, 999, 1434, 4484, 2573, 3466, 3466, 4567, 4567, 1693, 3770, 2142, 1021, 81, 81, 2046, 719, 719, 4652, 4873, 4095, 1064, 210, 4317, 822, 507, 507, 3672, 4183, 367, 4643, 1059, 2303, 2303, 324, 3189, 270, 720, 1996, 1996, 1996, 1996, 839, 1005, 3005, 3005, 2322, 1090, 1577, 3189, 1268, 2017, 2017, 1036, 3684, 2540, 311, 884, 2377, 3040, 2593, 4665, 4665, 1128, 1128, 1128, 3913, 532, 532, 110, 4195, 2026, 231, 1058, 1401, 3490, 630, 630, 2164, 3133, 104, 1373, 1104, 2228, 1545, 1545, 1545, 1545, 1545, 24, 2548, 3918, 2352, 4820, 138, 4490, 4490, 1507, 1599, 4077, 2019, 213, 687, 742, 2000, 2174, 1052, 2178, 2178, 2178, 717, 2577, 3325, 3325, 36, 1187, 3758, 4291, 3237, 4374, 4374, 3826, 3433, 1392, 1392, 1392, 1392, 528, 4583, 4583, 4583, 4540, 1296, 4102, 154, 922, 4625, 4625, 2026, 4625, 2204 ]
[ 0, 0.5019455252918289, 0.8834241245136188, 1.0440466926070042, 1.3050583657587551, 1.5259143968871596, 2.0278599221789886, 2.3089494163424127, 2.5900389105058372, 2.8108949416342415, 3.5939299610894944, 3.895097276264592, 4.176186770428017, 4.356887159533075, 4.658054474708172 ]
[ 0.5019455252918289, 0.8834241245136188, 1.0440466926070042, 1.3050583657587551, 1.5259143968871596, 2.0278599221789886, 2.2888715953307397, 2.5900389105058372, 2.8108949416342415, 3.5939299610894944, 3.895097276264592, 4.176186770428017, 4.356887159533075, 4.658054474708172, 5.139922178988328 ]
We have put an ambitious proposal on the table, and I hope for quick and constructive consideration by the co—legislators so that we can soon have a good directive.
we have put an ambitious proposal on the table and i hope for quick and constructive consideration by the colegislators so that we can soon have a good directive.
[ "we", "have", "put", "an", "ambitious", "proposal", "on", "the", "table", "and", "i", "hope", "for", "quick", "and", "constructive", "consideration", "by", "the", "colegislators", "so", "that", "we", "can", "soon", "have", "a", "good", "directive." ]
[ "we", "have", "put", "an", "ambitious", "proposal", "on", "the", "table", "and", "i", "hope", "for", "quick", "and", "constructive", "consideration", "by", "the", "colegislators", "so", "that", "we", "can", "soon", "have", "a", "good", "directive" ]
[ "w e", "h a v e", "p u t", "a n", "a m b i t i o u s", "p r o p o s a l", "o n", "t h e", "t a b l e", "a n d", "i", "h o p e", "f o r", "q u i c k", "a n d", "c o n s t r u c t i v e", "c o n s i d e r a t i o n", "b y", "t h e", "c o l e g i s l a t o r s", "s o", "t h a t", "w e", "c a n", "s o o n", "h a v e", "a", "g o o d", "d i r e c t i v e" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 72, 1335, 4720, 4720, 1457, 524, 524, 2677, 2234, 1683, 29, 29, 29, 4973, 3677, 487, 2863, 2863, 2863, 4415, 2081, 2081, 569, 569, 587, 587, 2377, 4409, 1472, 1472, 388, 388, 388, 166, 166, 166, 3117, 3692, 3692, 395, 3939, 3939, 635, 635, 635, 2573, 3267, 745, 745, 745, 2277, 917, 4241, 687, 742, 1673, 452, 2466, 2466, 2466, 1918, 1918, 131, 131, 2636, 2636, 977, 3472, 1340, 1340, 1668, 1668, 2447, 2447, 1262, 3744, 912, 1904, 1904, 2746, 4718, 4718, 589, 2687, 3398, 1790, 1612, 1612, 1612, 1612, 3563, 4508, 4819, 1440, 1440, 1440, 1440, 1440, 1440, 104, 739, 3574, 2643, 2643, 2643, 2643, 2643, 2504, 2504, 1275, 3405, 3061, 1364, 1364, 4899, 4899, 159, 298, 2940, 3930, 2821, 4241, 381, 1673, 3407, 3167, 3167, 285, 285, 750, 1210, 2812, 2812, 193, 2973, 452, 1530, 1118, 1118, 1118, 1118, 1118, 1118, 3742, 4922, 4922, 4032, 1360, 472, 776, 776, 776, 2041, 2041, 670, 471, 80, 1262, 381, 2939, 2263, 3180, 4430, 3777, 3364, 2316, 4820, 3291, 10, 2131, 3336, 1623, 2607, 270, 136, 2657, 2374, 4529, 4529, 4529, 4529, 4529, 3413, 732, 2759, 336, 2715, 371, 371, 668, 668, 195, 391, 4450, 931, 1704, 1704, 1704, 1704, 374, 374, 374, 2760, 2135, 2135, 3458, 3458, 3458, 3458, 4796, 4796, 4796, 3, 3, 453, 3673, 3673, 1436, 3268, 312, 981, 2754, 2754, 108, 3610, 68, 604, 1634, 3246, 3246, 2137, 4193, 1847, 1847, 49, 4911, 13, 13, 1347, 392, 2458, 2458, 2458, 2458, 2458, 4892, 2462, 2462, 2808, 4675, 1721, 137, 1147, 718, 1581, 142, 142, 1915, 92, 1639, 1286, 1286, 2778, 2778, 2778, 1586, 2071, 1151, 3958, 4658, 785, 785, 2158, 840, 1883, 1883, 247, 2524, 1857, 2660, 95, 2, 2365, 581, 628, 714, 2000, 4973, 4973, 4334, 4334, 4334, 4334, 1391, 3829, 815, 3780, 2933, 935, 935, 3213, 3213, 3213, 1340, 1481, 2447, 2447, 122, 4310, 4618, 4618, 4618, 4618, 2778, 2778, 3075, 912, 912, 912, 912, 2788, 1510, 1510, 4112, 591, 4381, 1226, 4694, 2838, 3980, 4190, 2659, 4485, 367, 714, 805, 4986, 4690, 4690, 1802, 1926, 1926, 760, 9, 3065, 3065, 2314, 347, 347, 609, 1265, 1265, 1265, 4076, 2802, 2359, 2842, 1524, 1524, 3109, 3894, 3894, 2861, 2861, 745, 745, 2277, 1829, 742, 714, 805, 4986, 4690, 4690, 4690, 194, 1926, 3989, 1275, 655, 4517, 4517, 1541, 1541, 2171, 3665, 2073, 4166, 3620, 4731, 4731, 1153, 1198, 1808, 1808, 3690, 3690, 19, 19, 225, 4780, 3405, 419, 1840, 4392, 821, 821, 3122, 2649, 2160, 4681, 2210, 2039, 931, 4276, 288, 288, 1033, 1039, 3458, 3458, 3458, 3401, 31, 327, 157, 828, 2030, 710, 2725, 3958, 2001, 1787, 276, 739, 1373, 2779, 2779, 4160, 115, 115, 553, 282, 2301, 1333, 1333, 2086, 2632, 124, 2, 2533, 714, 714, 81, 81, 81, 81, 4563, 3186, 1940, 1230, 227, 4977, 2147, 2147, 600, 514, 4843, 1722, 3536, 2580, 2580, 2580, 1001, 1275, 462, 1987, 1987, 3809, 426, 2711, 4978, 4978, 4978, 4978, 1086, 565, 4196, 1878, 4023, 3567, 3567, 4767, 3184, 86, 1516, 292, 3385, 1275, 3830, 1011, 3954, 4100, 145, 1311, 634, 2967, 3557, 3557, 1639, 1639, 3401, 140, 327, 1357, 828, 2030, 710, 912, 252, 4494, 2110, 2110, 79, 446, 446, 446, 446, 201, 1854, 1414, 4132, 753, 1696, 133, 2926, 1531, 1531, 2307, 131, 3054, 860, 894, 977, 977, 1806, 2800, 2425, 4973, 4973, 4471, 487, 487, 2863, 2863, 4415, 4415, 569, 569, 569, 2377, 4409, 20, 610, 71, 1716, 1716, 2220, 3388, 2778, 3388, 1151, 1151, 1151, 2670, 2281, 4633, 1539, 4729, 4729, 4729, 3790, 2838, 2824, 4044, 4044, 3805, 395, 3939, 999, 999, 999, 4484, 4484, 2573, 2405, 745, 745, 1300, 316, 4523, 4876, 3702, 3702, 1069, 1069, 3914, 552, 620, 1520, 1520, 1520, 1520, 1819, 1819, 1819, 3755, 3764, 3764, 2160, 4681, 2210, 2039, 4401, 610, 931, 288, 2220, 4618, 4618, 1033, 4618, 4618, 1033, 1706, 2071, 2071, 3740, 2026, 1416, 1886, 531, 1249, 2789, 4575, 4945, 4945, 432, 1710, 777, 894, 2272, 692, 692, 692, 4835, 4951, 364, 131, 2732, 2636, 977, 3472, 3472, 3472, 1340, 1340, 4398, 1668, 1668, 2447, 3388, 3388, 3388, 3388, 1151, 1151, 1003, 1151, 3227, 2001, 1787, 4182, 3496, 902, 976, 976, 976, 976, 1736, 1074, 593, 448, 2269, 2269, 2269, 2269, 4076, 2802, 1328, 3249, 2159, 2159, 1524, 1524, 4454, 3109, 3894, 3894, 466, 2861, 3346, 1147, 1147, 1147, 1147, 4673, 2152, 2152, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.6007894736842105, 1.081421052631579, 1.4819473684210527, 1.762315789473684, 2.4432105263157897, 3.1841842105263156, 3.3443947368421054, 3.4645526315789477, 4.1855, 4.646105263157895, 4.746236842105263, 5.266921052631579, 5.667447368421053, 6.24821052631579, 6.688789473684211, 7.38971052631579, 8.471131578947368, 8.931736842105263, 9.051894736842105, 10.2735, 10.613947368421053, 10.954394736842104, 11.334894736842106, 11.935684210526317, 12.436342105263158, 12.736736842105262, 12.997078947368422, 13.47771052631579 ]
[ 0.6007894736842105, 1.081421052631579, 1.4819473684210527, 1.762315789473684, 2.4432105263157897, 3.1841842105263156, 3.3443947368421054, 3.4645526315789477, 4.1855, 4.646105263157895, 4.746236842105263, 5.266921052631579, 5.667447368421053, 6.24821052631579, 6.688789473684211, 7.38971052631579, 8.471131578947368, 8.931736842105263, 9.051894736842105, 10.2735, 10.613947368421053, 10.954394736842104, 11.334894736842106, 11.935684210526317, 12.436342105263158, 12.736736842105262, 12.997078947368422, 13.47771052631579, 14.438973684210527 ]
of international standards.
of international standards.
[ "of", "international", "standards." ]
[ "of", "international", "standards" ]
[ "o f", "i n t e r n a t i o n a l", "s t a n d a r d s" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 2114, 1335, 1335, 4720, 157, 157, 1457, 3415, 524, 3958, 3958, 2026, 1586, 2789, 2331, 2331, 2331, 4789, 4789, 3202, 3202, 1601, 1601, 3654, 3654, 1340, 3013, 1472, 388, 3295, 388, 122, 166, 1151, 1151, 1586, 1904, 2666, 4967, 3908, 3908, 2218, 4116, 1447, 894, 3567, 1740, 1740, 4959, 1559, 4519, 2249, 2249, 2249, 2249, 3967, 2504, 3405, 1275, 2256, 3300, 2309, 2309, 4357, 183, 1992, 4446, 1001, 1275, 3065, 4049, 742, 231, 47, 1555, 1070, 4972, 4972, 1545, 1545, 913, 463, 2854, 3793, 2682, 212, 4825, 4825, 2667, 2667, 2667, 2667, 3581, 3581, 445, 2732, 538, 4505, 3830, 2898, 2152, 2152, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.6460571428571428, 1.3930607142857143 ]
[ 0.6460571428571428, 1.3930607142857143, 2.099685714285714 ]
At the same time, we acknowledge the international community's responsibility to share part of the burden by offering support to those who so generously host large numbers of refugees.
at the same time we acknowledge the international community's responsibility to share part of the burden by offering support to those who so generously host large numbers of refugees.
[ "at", "the", "same", "time", "we", "acknowledge", "the", "international", "community's", "responsibility", "to", "share", "part", "of", "the", "burden", "by", "offering", "support", "to", "those", "who", "so", "generously", "host", "large", "numbers", "of", "refugees." ]
[ "at", "the", "same", "time", "we", "acknowledge", "the", "international", "community's", "responsibility", "to", "share", "part", "of", "the", "burden", "by", "offering", "support", "to", "those", "who", "so", "generously", "host", "large", "numbers", "of", "refugees" ]
[ "a t", "t h e", "s a m e", "t i m e", "w e", "a c k n o w l e d g e", "t h e", "i n t e r n a t i o n a l", "c o m m u n i t y ' s", "r e s p o n s i b i l i t y", "t o", "s h a r e", "p a r t", "o f", "t h e", "b u r d e n", "b y", "o f f e r i n g", "s u p p o r t", "t o", "t h o s e", "w h o", "s o", "g e n e r o u s l y", "h o s t", "l a r g e", "n u m b e r s", "o f", "r e f u g e e s" ]
[ 4079, 3156, 2127, 4131, 4132, 2086, 729, 3368, 1001, 1666, 1666, 552, 620, 2088, 2088, 2088, 2088, 2887, 1030, 258, 258, 1546, 367, 3189, 1781, 2657, 625, 625, 625, 2113, 2113, 2113, 2113, 887, 887, 3187, 3187, 3187, 3999, 1030, 3634, 893, 2139, 2139, 2039, 1393, 315, 315, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 374, 374, 374, 374, 374, 1003, 2756, 637, 637, 2756, 2756, 2756, 248, 3306, 2756, 3306, 3754, 2756, 2578, 2578, 2026, 3306, 3306, 3306, 3306, 863, 863, 863, 863, 863, 863, 863, 1619, 1619, 1619, 2135, 2135, 1922, 1922, 1922, 803, 803, 803, 453, 453, 453, 2822, 2154, 214, 214, 2925, 912, 3227, 1033, 2001, 1683, 29, 3677, 487, 236, 2863, 1323, 3566, 3566, 4851, 3453, 2008, 4608, 152, 411, 2142, 3041, 360, 360, 360, 360, 360, 360, 2141, 317, 1197, 3719, 3719, 4136, 2582, 2060, 2432, 3235, 4797, 733, 1117, 1117, 2324, 4398, 4398, 2447, 2447, 2447, 2447, 2447, 3388, 166, 372, 372, 372, 3744, 229, 229, 337, 666, 666, 3008, 3453, 4108, 1447, 1447, 3567, 1356, 4206, 4206, 4609, 3453, 4336, 4336, 1635, 1635, 1635, 3251, 544, 544, 1604, 955, 955, 1604, 955, 1033, 3744, 3614, 3614, 2942, 2146, 2146, 1559, 3041, 2249, 2249, 2249, 2249, 3967, 2504, 603, 2256, 3300, 3300, 2309, 2309, 4357, 3325, 3729, 581, 2559, 714, 805, 155, 155, 2733, 1404, 4493, 3909, 1452, 1452, 1452, 1452, 1452, 2348, 2348, 1313, 3005, 2322, 3543, 1313, 3043, 3859, 4472, 279, 298, 1275, 2213, 1479, 3260, 4988, 713, 1001, 4740, 2173, 3987, 742, 2192, 3303, 3320, 3320, 3320, 3320, 1585, 2548, 277, 4351, 4351, 2874, 2480, 2480, 764, 336, 336, 1373, 1661, 1661, 1661, 1661, 1437, 478, 3005, 2322, 1090, 4023, 2559, 3538, 1036, 3043, 4054, 2183, 4023, 231, 1954, 885, 1395, 3494, 1001, 2878, 18, 4507, 4783, 897, 876, 876, 2667, 2945, 696, 2753, 1478, 2812, 2812, 2559, 452, 116, 778, 778, 244, 244, 244, 1977, 1977, 4652, 4184, 2723, 1512, 1512, 2997, 3315, 199, 3347, 4490, 1507, 1507, 3207, 3207, 2425, 4894, 276, 276, 276, 5, 1373, 3053, 3053, 3053, 3053, 3053, 425, 1977, 1923, 4597, 1175, 3000, 3000, 522, 4190, 4819, 276, 276, 1373, 1976, 2779, 115, 115, 553, 1687, 1889, 2875, 2607, 1, 561, 1574, 1574, 1574, 1574, 1574, 451, 1111, 3279, 3535, 3319, 652, 652, 4358, 651, 473, 473, 2379, 2605, 782, 760, 1666, 1666, 4721, 947, 1746, 750, 1210, 2812, 1033, 2607, 2758, 1689, 1689, 1689, 1689, 1871, 2310, 1977, 1923, 1100, 2636, 2007, 142, 3087, 3087, 3295, 3295, 166, 166, 166, 1435, 2026, 974, 1058, 1954, 3419, 698, 2655, 1414, 2849, 894, 1655, 4592, 4592, 1363, 1363, 1363, 3801, 3801, 3742, 3742, 292, 3385, 3830, 2535, 3830, 3294, 1311, 1311, 634, 2593, 288, 288, 163, 1351, 4389, 1016, 3401, 2691, 3401, 3811, 3401, 574, 574, 574, 574, 1254, 1254, 1254, 1254, 3415, 2154, 1586, 527, 2026, 3958, 1377, 186, 186, 3111, 260, 2542, 1666, 2535, 3914, 79, 3001, 427, 427, 427, 201, 4495, 693, 3049, 2089, 2089, 104, 1967, 286, 2499, 1334, 1334, 1334, 3679, 839, 1005, 4734, 3620, 3620, 652, 3619, 3619, 3619, 1798, 159, 1666, 3863, 1987, 1987, 4119, 4541, 663, 663, 4324, 311, 587, 3261, 13, 3072, 1347, 1347, 4285, 4285, 3116, 4285, 3604, 279, 2665, 2665, 3830, 2333, 3362, 368, 2636, 346, 3849, 1604, 122, 122, 1604, 2778, 2778, 2778, 2778, 3075, 3075, 1151, 1151, 1416, 2234, 229, 229, 738, 738, 3969, 3969, 3969, 1430, 2336, 3160, 3160, 3160, 3160, 3160, 865, 865, 616, 2060, 1974, 4797, 2103, 1217, 1693, 1315, 1315, 4480, 3770, 2142, 1911, 1911, 1911, 1911, 516, 1695, 741, 741, 2872, 4769, 4769, 2401, 2401, 525, 292, 3385, 3830, 1275, 872, 245, 1, 2939, 2939, 2331, 2331, 1574, 1574, 3202, 3912, 745, 2535, 745, 4590, 4590, 2729, 2729, 4191, 831, 831, 3581, 2307, 860, 860, 1550, 1093, 1763, 1763, 1763, 3757, 3638, 3638, 3638, 3536, 728, 1232, 1232, 1232, 4415, 4415, 3797, 266, 3385, 3830, 3140, 3140, 2152, 2152, 4625, 1063, 4625, 4625, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.08012158054711246, 0.18027355623100302, 0.4406686930091185, 1.5423404255319149, 2.3435562310030393, 3.0846808510638297, 3.325045592705167, 4.306534954407295, 4.867386018237082, 5.72869300911854, 5.868905775075987, 6.129300911854103, 6.409726443768997, 6.489848024316109, 6.650091185410334, 7.070729483282674, 7.311094224924012, 7.751762917933131, 8.292583586626138, 8.532948328267477, 9.173920972644376, 9.594559270516717, 9.814893617021276, 10.475896656534955, 11.05677811550152, 11.637659574468085, 12.138419452887538, 12.358753799392096 ]
[ 0.08012158054711246, 0.18027355623100302, 0.4406686930091185, 1.5423404255319149, 2.3435562310030393, 3.0846808510638297, 3.325045592705167, 4.306534954407295, 4.867386018237082, 5.72869300911854, 5.868905775075987, 6.129300911854103, 6.409726443768997, 6.489848024316109, 6.650091185410334, 7.070729483282674, 7.311094224924012, 7.751762917933131, 8.292583586626138, 8.532948328267477, 9.173920972644376, 9.594559270516717, 9.814893617021276, 10.475896656534955, 11.05677811550152, 11.637659574468085, 12.138419452887538, 12.358753799392096, 13.159969604863221 ]
a party who want Germany out of the euro.
a party who want germany out of the euro.
[ "a", "party", "who", "want", "germany", "out", "of", "the", "euro." ]
[ "a", "party", "who", "want", "germany", "out", "of", "the", "euro" ]
[ "a", "p a r t y", "w h o", "w a n t", "g e r m a n y", "o u t", "o f", "t h e", "e u r o" ]
[ 4079, 4459, 4459, 715, 3409, 1003, 1003, 1620, 1620, 2827, 3740, 2026, 28, 2026, 981, 4575, 4945, 4945, 4187, 1210, 2812, 742, 1186, 2973, 452, 116, 778, 778, 1258, 1258, 1258, 865, 2914, 1977, 1923, 3965, 860, 3189, 3249, 1268, 513, 2017, 3043, 4400, 2540, 4601, 2478, 3649, 45, 3011, 3011, 3116, 3111, 3011, 45, 1346, 3700, 2111, 2111, 2111, 2111, 3453, 2548, 4744, 1926, 4740, 1275, 2810, 1479, 1729, 1070, 2589, 2589, 2589, 2667, 4961, 3231, 697, 2618, 1701, 1701, 3613, 4564, 1848, 4601, 4601, 4850, 1687, 4355, 1291, 2411, 2411, 4815, 4815, 4815, 4815, 4015, 4015, 58, 693, 2559, 4184, 2723, 2723, 3516, 3869, 2997, 2184, 4561, 3189, 4184, 1445, 1445, 4216, 790, 992, 2775, 2144, 3741, 833, 833, 833, 2262, 3648, 3648, 4566, 4566, 280, 1398, 280, 4363, 4363, 3142, 3142, 1873, 922, 922, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.40285071942446044, 0.9265566546762588, 1.0675544064748201, 1.2891223021582732, 1.7926857014388486, 2.054538669064748, 2.175393884892086, 2.316391636690647 ]
[ 0.40285071942446044, 0.9265566546762588, 1.0675544064748201, 1.2891223021582732, 1.7926857014388486, 2.054538669064748, 2.175393884892086, 2.316391636690647, 2.7796699640287765 ]
The system should be made better and serve the people of Europe better.
the system should be made better and serve the people of europe better.
[ "the", "system", "should", "be", "made", "better", "and", "serve", "the", "people", "of", "europe", "better." ]
[ "the", "system", "should", "be", "made", "better", "and", "serve", "the", "people", "of", "europe", "better" ]
[ "t h e", "s y s t e m", "s h o u l d", "b e", "m a d e", "b e t t e r", "a n d", "s e r v e", "t h e", "p e o p l e", "o f", "e u r o p e", "b e t t e r" ]
[ 4079, 4598, 4598, 715, 4544, 3057, 1620, 4491, 4491, 2026, 4491, 3215, 3861, 75, 1586, 4321, 3614, 3614, 492, 1109, 4876, 158, 1010, 3914, 464, 464, 853, 853, 4435, 3016, 4077, 2187, 242, 1186, 2751, 3633, 3633, 990, 375, 375, 3905, 3905, 2139, 775, 3896, 3800, 4852, 742, 1792, 4941, 2404, 2878, 171, 171, 171, 4507, 3586, 920, 4225, 4225, 4225, 3330, 1972, 843, 2970, 1897, 2741, 221, 2958, 566, 3686, 2816, 4493, 202, 939, 4349, 4349, 4349, 672, 672, 672, 565, 4540, 2014, 843, 1897, 742, 104, 3574, 2750, 2750, 2750, 2750, 2750, 370, 370, 3078, 2646, 2476, 4767, 4767, 1907, 1907, 694, 3991, 3991, 2358, 2358, 610, 163, 315, 399, 4389, 4389, 1639, 3401, 1033, 31, 31, 31, 327, 327, 828, 828, 4195, 3744, 912, 981, 2754, 1406, 3610, 68, 4117, 1748, 4834, 760, 760, 1010, 3914, 552, 2704, 309, 309, 1397, 1397, 1397, 1397, 1580, 1580, 1580, 2248, 3466, 3466, 3855, 3855, 721, 1844, 3102, 177, 4730, 1210, 231, 3170, 1644, 1154, 211, 211, 1532, 1532, 4093, 595, 231, 1916, 1916, 371, 1566, 4333, 1971, 4526, 384, 965, 4567, 2867, 992, 992, 2775, 2144, 833, 833, 833, 2262, 470, 470, 4566, 4566, 1398, 1137, 1137, 3737, 4397, 1897, 3189, 3133, 1373, 3574, 2750, 2750, 2750, 2750, 370, 370, 3078, 2646, 513, 2476, 4767, 1907, 1907, 694, 3991, 3991, 930, 922, 922, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.4218235619469026, 0.9239944690265486, 1.3056443584070796, 1.4261653761061945, 1.7274679203539822, 2.3300730088495576, 2.7318097345132744, 3.093372787610619, 3.23398064159292, 3.5553700221238937, 3.6758910398230085, 4.0374540929203535 ]
[ 0.4218235619469026, 0.9239944690265486, 1.3056443584070796, 1.4261653761061945, 1.7274679203539822, 2.3300730088495576, 2.7318097345132744, 3.093372787610619, 3.23398064159292, 3.5553700221238937, 3.6758910398230085, 4.0374540929203535, 4.519538163716814 ]
We set priorities on a number of pressing matters.
we set priorities on a number of pressing matters.
[ "we", "set", "priorities", "on", "a", "number", "of", "pressing", "matters." ]
[ "we", "set", "priorities", "on", "a", "number", "of", "pressing", "matters" ]
[ "w e", "s e t", "p r i o r i t i e s", "o n", "a", "n u m b e r", "o f", "p r e s s i n g", "m a t t e r s" ]
[ 4079, 4598, 4459, 715, 4544, 4544, 502, 502, 1620, 1003, 3861, 3861, 75, 2026, 1586, 1683, 4807, 3677, 487, 487, 2863, 1166, 2622, 1914, 4876, 1010, 3914, 2704, 3705, 3705, 3705, 3705, 4556, 2307, 3054, 3054, 1897, 1897, 687, 2559, 1673, 654, 3706, 2366, 2366, 2366, 2175, 3168, 4251, 1244, 1244, 3083, 3083, 3083, 4942, 2879, 3558, 2907, 2907, 1090, 1577, 860, 860, 3567, 3538, 1408, 1408, 500, 500, 3797, 3797, 292, 3385, 2535, 3954, 3954, 3954, 162, 162, 3414, 4398, 61, 1668, 4811, 163, 4811, 122, 122, 4618, 4618, 3075, 4618, 1003, 3075, 2778, 2827, 3740, 1886, 3958, 2026, 2281, 2789, 2263, 3180, 4430, 3777, 839, 3398, 2660, 546, 4217, 4959, 152, 1186, 2142, 3041, 1911, 1911, 1911, 1911, 2057, 516, 1695, 1695, 741, 2872, 4769, 86, 86, 1316, 1484, 3013, 1472, 3087, 3295, 3295, 3295, 2447, 2220, 2220, 166, 166, 166, 166, 742, 1904, 64, 2331, 2331, 4789, 2968, 3912, 745, 745, 2277, 917, 917, 687, 687, 2559, 1673, 654, 4038, 2246, 2246, 93, 1281, 2963, 1275, 655, 3845, 3845, 3097, 4687, 2308, 3086, 2605, 3771, 74, 202, 2993, 789, 789, 789, 370, 3965, 231, 3567, 2476, 2476, 3184, 3346, 292, 3830, 3830, 3830, 3830, 2898, 621, 621, 621, 2152, 2152, 2152, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.4421359223300971, 0.7435922330097087, 1.7886407766990289, 2.1704854368932036, 2.2508737864077673, 2.7733980582524267, 3.1150485436893205, 3.5571844660194176 ]
[ 0.4421359223300971, 0.7435922330097087, 1.7886407766990289, 2.1704854368932036, 2.2508737864077673, 2.7733980582524267, 3.1150485436893205, 3.5571844660194176, 4.119902912621359 ]
The EU has played its part in making this come about, with peace funding and constant support for those emerging from this conflict, and long may it continue.
the eu has played its part in making this come about with peace funding and constant support for those emerging from this conflict and long may it continue.
[ "the", "eu", "has", "played", "its", "part", "in", "making", "this", "come", "about", "with", "peace", "funding", "and", "constant", "support", "for", "those", "emerging", "from", "this", "conflict", "and", "long", "may", "it", "continue." ]
[ "the", "eu", "has", "played", "its", "part", "in", "making", "this", "come", "about", "with", "peace", "funding", "and", "constant", "support", "for", "those", "emerging", "from", "this", "conflict", "and", "long", "may", "it", "continue" ]
[ "t h e", "e u", "h a s", "p l a y e d", "i t s", "p a r t", "i n", "m a k i n g", "t h i s", "c o m e", "a b o u t", "w i t h", "p e a c e", "f u n d i n g", "a n d", "c o n s t a n t", "s u p p o r t", "f o r", "t h o s e", "e m e r g i n g", "f r o m", "t h i s", "c o n f l i c t", "a n d", "l o n g", "m a y", "i t", "c o n t i n u e" ]
[ 38, 4598, 467, 467, 1335, 1335, 2327, 2327, 2327, 914, 914, 524, 524, 2677, 3958, 2026, 1586, 1504, 1448, 492, 1445, 1445, 3590, 3590, 3590, 4228, 4228, 4228, 4228, 4228, 4228, 2092, 2092, 2092, 2092, 3174, 3174, 3174, 3174, 3174, 4172, 4172, 4342, 4342, 4342, 4342, 587, 4911, 4911, 3805, 3805, 395, 149, 149, 149, 149, 2859, 3976, 4969, 3503, 3930, 2821, 4241, 742, 3170, 4932, 263, 3342, 3342, 2726, 2726, 2726, 2726, 2726, 528, 565, 565, 565, 4540, 4540, 2671, 883, 175, 4226, 726, 726, 3444, 3668, 3668, 3503, 2535, 3863, 3930, 2821, 4241, 2927, 3170, 1082, 1663, 1663, 778, 778, 778, 244, 244, 244, 244, 2914, 2914, 290, 290, 131, 131, 2732, 1725, 3472, 3190, 1481, 2593, 71, 4665, 1252, 4243, 234, 3913, 3913, 23, 1436, 3268, 312, 1586, 14, 14, 287, 4856, 1949, 2838, 4117, 4117, 704, 704, 202, 202, 308, 185, 1560, 1560, 1560, 1560, 418, 2663, 1743, 894, 903, 3203, 3203, 3203, 3364, 662, 4820, 3347, 138, 4490, 1507, 1542, 1599, 4077, 3503, 2019, 213, 1829, 3766, 3718, 3387, 2497, 3489, 2228, 4347, 601, 601, 1947, 2618, 786, 3794, 430, 1961, 1060, 2607, 4055, 1373, 1276, 2189, 2189, 278, 278, 278, 1236, 2122, 518, 3373, 131, 131, 742, 1725, 377, 3472, 3190, 1481, 2593, 163, 3557, 1252, 1128, 31, 3913, 532, 828, 2030, 710, 28, 3958, 2026, 924, 842, 1284, 318, 318, 3044, 2450, 540, 540, 2035, 2035, 2035, 3895, 917, 62, 687, 687, 3170, 1082, 1644, 1119, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1350, 1037, 3630, 4077, 4697, 3503, 3503, 3863, 3838, 875, 4983, 3524, 381, 671, 2043, 1104, 4174, 4174, 4174, 4174, 2548, 2548, 3918, 3793, 3793, 2682, 2219, 2219, 4825, 1182, 160, 160, 4810, 4810, 3359, 3359, 3212, 3212, 2707, 1842, 3136, 2479, 1123, 253, 488, 2099, 2099, 581, 231, 3766, 560, 3718, 3387, 3387, 256, 1199, 1199, 4996, 4996, 2545, 1778, 2548, 277, 277, 3149, 4351, 4351, 4955, 4955, 655, 2751, 4294, 3839, 3839, 1055, 1748, 4834, 760, 1666, 1666, 2119, 4721, 4721, 947, 1746, 750, 1210, 1210, 2812, 2607, 2973, 1082, 2758, 2758, 1689, 1689, 1689, 1689, 1689, 1871, 908, 2310, 2310, 290, 421, 131, 1152, 381, 377, 3190, 1481, 142, 2593, 3557, 1252, 1943, 1245, 3913, 3913, 532, 828, 2030, 710, 4195, 2725, 785, 2026, 526, 3106, 840, 1883, 1883, 247, 2441, 2864, 1307, 1414, 165, 1655, 4592, 4592, 1363, 1363, 3801, 3801, 3801, 1819, 1819, 3742, 3742, 3742, 1293, 1216, 296, 2213, 257, 257, 2762, 2762, 2762, 3846, 1593, 4493, 202, 308, 939, 2993, 2993, 4212, 4212, 4212, 4212, 2945, 2945, 1977, 1977, 514, 4843, 4843, 1722, 3536, 3845, 3097, 1875, 4810, 3359, 3359, 2160, 4846, 2435, 50, 1368, 4635, 526, 526, 4629, 4329, 4329, 906, 906, 4255, 2052, 3252, 3252, 4820, 4055, 1655, 138, 4490, 4490, 647, 1542, 1599, 4077, 3503, 3863, 2019, 213, 1829, 5, 560, 3718, 3387, 256, 1199, 1199, 4996, 4996, 2545, 1778, 1778, 2854, 2435, 50, 1368, 497, 497, 1615, 1394, 2980, 4254, 4254, 4254, 4254, 4076, 2802, 2359, 2359, 2732, 4454, 377, 3190, 1481, 2593, 71, 4665, 4243, 1943, 3913, 532, 828, 3844, 3268, 312, 1586, 14, 1510, 2754, 4112, 108, 108, 1461, 2838, 4117, 4117, 85, 85, 738, 3969, 669, 669, 2336, 2420, 3019, 3019, 3019, 3019, 3019, 3019, 2426, 2426, 2426, 1598, 1598, 1301, 1490, 1490, 1490, 3771, 3771, 3771, 74, 74, 4011, 308, 4295, 734, 734, 2382, 2382, 2382, 4415, 4850, 2443, 2443, 4378, 4156, 4156, 2307, 131, 2636, 743, 3545, 213, 2607, 560, 4560, 4560, 909, 909, 3389, 735, 685, 3249, 944, 1359, 2657, 2374, 1994, 1994, 1994, 1994, 1994, 1548, 1548, 1548, 2485, 2070, 4765, 4765, 4765, 2518, 2518, 4342, 4342, 1248, 922, 922, 922, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.4607578253706755, 0.8814497528830314, 1.222009884678748, 1.642701812191104, 1.8630642504118617, 2.4640527182866556, 2.7845799011532124, 3.1852388797364086, 3.385568369028007, 3.6660296540362443, 4.267018121911038, 4.707742998352554, 5.12843492586491, 5.709390444810544, 5.8896869851729825, 6.510708401976936, 7.271960461285009, 7.652586490939045, 8.073278418451402, 8.774431630971995, 9.014827018121911, 9.29528830313015, 10.116639209225701, 10.497265238879738, 10.937990115321254, 11.19841845140033, 11.398747940691928 ]
[ 0.4607578253706755, 0.8814497528830314, 1.222009884678748, 1.642701812191104, 1.8630642504118617, 2.4640527182866556, 2.7845799011532124, 3.1852388797364086, 3.385568369028007, 3.6660296540362443, 4.267018121911038, 4.707742998352554, 5.12843492586491, 5.709390444810544, 5.8896869851729825, 6.510708401976936, 7.271960461285009, 7.652586490939045, 8.073278418451402, 8.774431630971995, 9.014827018121911, 9.29528830313015, 10.116639209225701, 10.497265238879738, 10.937990115321254, 11.19841845140033, 11.398747940691928, 12.139967051070842 ]
If we can't allow this kind of activity to be flourishing outside the sphere of political control, then truly we have no limits whatever to our ambition.
if we can't allow this kind of activity to be flourishing outside the sphere of political control then truly we have no limits whatever to our ambition.
[ "if", "we", "can't", "allow", "this", "kind", "of", "activity", "to", "be", "flourishing", "outside", "the", "sphere", "of", "political", "control", "then", "truly", "we", "have", "no", "limits", "whatever", "to", "our", "ambition." ]
[ "if", "we", "can't", "allow", "this", "kind", "of", "activity", "to", "be", "flourishing", "outside", "the", "sphere", "of", "political", "control", "then", "truly", "we", "have", "no", "limits", "whatever", "to", "our", "ambition" ]
[ "i f", "w e", "c a n ' t", "a l l o w", "t h i s", "k i n d", "o f", "a c t i v i t y", "t o", "b e", "f l o u r i s h i n g", "o u t s i d e", "t h e", "s p h e r e", "o f", "p o l i t i c a l", "c o n t r o l", "t h e n", "t r u l y", "w e", "h a v e", "n o", "l i m i t s", "w h a t e v e r", "t o", "o u r", "a m b i t i o n" ]
[ 2204, 3156, 4807, 3677, 487, 2863, 1999, 4305, 894, 560, 3718, 3387, 3435, 3435, 3435, 3435, 3435, 3435, 2290, 1585, 4744, 2636, 4571, 4571, 983, 1, 2558, 332, 2746, 4851, 1594, 2128, 3818, 143, 1230, 2745, 2745, 2745, 2745, 2745, 2423, 3211, 3211, 2477, 693, 3470, 3470, 3470, 4500, 4500, 4500, 2268, 165, 138, 138, 3759, 3759, 647, 1542, 1599, 1031, 4077, 462, 462, 2019, 213, 1829, 231, 560, 2497, 2079, 2079, 2079, 2079, 1341, 1341, 314, 883, 2464, 384, 701, 161, 4007, 4007, 3218, 2802, 2359, 2842, 2559, 1781, 2337, 2337, 2337, 2337, 4929, 3005, 2322, 2322, 3078, 4433, 513, 2017, 1036, 3684, 3843, 153, 4980, 1167, 315, 315, 315, 15, 1711, 4974, 374, 374, 374, 374, 374, 374, 238, 2756, 4621, 3215, 3841, 3740, 1981, 1981, 1981, 1864, 3215, 1714, 88, 2982, 2982, 2925, 2085, 2026, 1784, 3076, 1401, 4906, 2130, 2130, 4696, 3327, 221, 2958, 3697, 3697, 3697, 3686, 569, 569, 884, 4409, 3040, 71, 71, 4665, 4665, 4243, 1128, 1128, 1245, 1245, 1245, 72, 1357, 23, 23, 852, 28, 3744, 3744, 2850, 4559, 4559, 2395, 640, 640, 640, 755, 755, 755, 2133, 2133, 2850, 4941, 4658, 785, 146, 146, 2832, 1186, 1394, 1394, 2980, 3670, 2829, 746, 746, 470, 470, 3558, 3506, 3506, 3506, 1527, 603, 3405, 3061, 3845, 3097, 3097, 1182, 2610, 2379, 3086, 150, 2002, 2330, 2972, 742, 2411, 4815, 4815, 4815, 1026, 2075, 58, 2029, 2951, 4523, 4523, 1010, 1010, 552, 4528, 4528, 2931, 2931, 2931, 167, 3463, 3058, 2199, 199, 721, 4141, 10, 2131, 3368, 1417, 4077, 9, 4019, 875, 4983, 104, 2923, 4925, 4925, 4925, 4925, 173, 3769, 3769, 3769, 3769, 740, 740, 740, 3013, 3013, 3087, 3087, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 122, 122, 122, 163, 2778, 2778, 1151, 1151, 2026, 981, 30, 64, 1776, 169, 169, 2184, 917, 917, 2812, 231, 2973, 3739, 3739, 3739, 143, 3378, 3378, 3378, 3378, 3078, 2140, 4989, 4617, 4617, 1190, 2533, 517, 4071, 4071, 3325, 1187, 1694, 2607, 560, 4560, 909, 909, 3389, 735, 2373, 3237, 4374, 4374, 3826, 2996, 2996, 2996, 2996, 2996, 3763, 3763, 4170, 4170, 4808, 4808, 4450, 3040, 2593, 71, 4665, 2220, 2220, 2220, 163, 110, 110, 110, 4195, 4195, 3744, 331, 1504, 2483, 899, 899, 3917, 410, 4108, 685, 4291, 3237, 3237, 4374, 4374, 3826, 3826, 1667, 1667, 1667, 1667, 2801, 132, 224, 1112, 1112, 98, 98, 4324, 2478, 45, 4807, 3677, 487, 2863, 4911, 4770, 3939, 1434, 1434, 1434, 2573, 3652, 1315, 1315, 4480, 4480, 4480, 4480, 411, 1299, 1838, 1838, 4888, 4888, 1193, 1170, 4052, 669, 1688, 2259, 2259, 2259, 1404, 1777, 2609, 4542, 364, 3711, 273, 3411, 2186, 551, 1751, 1751, 2928, 2928, 393, 4073, 2740, 4956, 4956, 4956, 835, 3094, 484, 3888, 1907, 694, 694, 930, 2897, 627, 627, 288, 3388, 3388, 163, 1706, 3075, 3075, 1586, 1784, 1954, 665, 3419, 564, 3607, 1570, 1570, 4272, 3924, 3924, 2524, 3618, 1612, 1612, 1612, 1612, 3563, 1695, 4055, 3574, 2643, 2643, 2643, 2986, 603, 18, 1840, 222, 4392, 636, 1979, 4980, 922, 922, 2026, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.040084, 0.140294, 0.5010500000000001, 0.9419740000000001, 1.30273, 1.563276, 1.6434440000000001, 2.425082, 2.886048, 3.427182, 4.449324000000001, 4.970416, 5.070626, 5.651844, 5.972516000000001, 6.453524000000001, 7.074826000000001, 7.415540000000001, 7.796338, 7.916590000000001, 8.137052, 8.31743, 8.638102, 9.119110000000001, 9.359614, 9.519950000000001 ]
[ 0.040084, 0.140294, 0.5010500000000001, 0.9419740000000001, 1.30273, 1.563276, 1.6434440000000001, 2.425082, 2.886048, 3.427182, 4.449324000000001, 4.970416, 5.070626, 5.651844, 5.972516000000001, 6.453524000000001, 7.074826000000001, 7.415540000000001, 7.796338, 7.916590000000001, 8.137052, 8.31743, 8.638102, 9.119110000000001, 9.359614, 9.519950000000001, 10.000958 ]
Our sister institutions must recognise that.
our sister institutions must recognise that.
[ "our", "sister", "institutions", "must", "recognise", "that." ]
[ "our", "sister", "institutions", "must", "recognise", "that" ]
[ "o u r", "s i s t e r", "i n s t i t u t i o n s", "m u s t", "r e c o g n i s e", "t h a t" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 2026, 3154, 3154, 4544, 1620, 1620, 3861, 3861, 3861, 1886, 2281, 2026, 2789, 794, 4909, 342, 342, 904, 4849, 4849, 910, 4446, 2542, 1417, 158, 3702, 1069, 3505, 552, 464, 464, 853, 853, 4435, 3016, 4077, 4440, 2187, 2187, 242, 1186, 2751, 653, 4767, 1907, 1907, 740, 3050, 3050, 3441, 3441, 4967, 459, 459, 2218, 2614, 4834, 1926, 3989, 1666, 2187, 242, 1191, 3813, 3813, 3813, 324, 1623, 231, 270, 1902, 720, 4375, 3592, 3592, 3592, 3592, 3592, 3835, 3835, 225, 4780, 3405, 3405, 419, 222, 4392, 1411, 1411, 1411, 4532, 4532, 4532, 809, 809, 3226, 3226, 1985, 1985, 32, 32, 1011, 1011, 3294, 1311, 4276, 3557, 4665, 3134, 3134, 1286, 1286, 828, 2827, 28, 3958, 2026, 2234, 2767, 2767, 1130, 1130, 1130, 1130, 1456, 148, 363, 363, 363, 363, 4650, 4708, 4697, 4440, 462, 462, 515, 3362, 4995, 1659, 4590, 1626, 1626, 1827, 4191, 831, 831, 831, 2802, 2559, 1733, 903, 1770, 1770, 1770, 1770, 4055, 1412, 1412, 268, 1559, 3010, 3010, 3010, 3010, 1192, 1192, 282, 1473, 3314, 4594, 4594, 4050, 4247, 3994, 2938, 1844, 1655, 2229, 320, 320, 3183, 3183, 804, 1930, 2585, 1152, 1725, 377, 4673, 4673, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.5225966494845361, 1.0250934278350514, 2.29138530927835, 2.874281572164948, 3.5375773195876286 ]
[ 0.5225966494845361, 1.0250934278350514, 2.29138530927835, 2.874281572164948, 3.5375773195876286, 3.879275128865979 ]
Managing authorities must inform the Commission in their annual implementation reports of operations that have not met the requirements for the maintenance of investment provided for in that article, and the Commission is to inform the other Member States.
managing authorities must inform the commission in their annual implementation reports of operations that have not met the requirements for the maintenance of investment provided for in that article and the commission is to inform the other member states.
[ "managing", "authorities", "must", "inform", "the", "commission", "in", "their", "annual", "implementation", "reports", "of", "operations", "that", "have", "not", "met", "the", "requirements", "for", "the", "maintenance", "of", "investment", "provided", "for", "in", "that", "article", "and", "the", "commission", "is", "to", "inform", "the", "other", "member", "states." ]
[ "managing", "authorities", "must", "inform", "the", "commission", "in", "their", "annual", "implementation", "reports", "of", "operations", "that", "have", "not", "met", "the", "requirements", "for", "the", "maintenance", "of", "investment", "provided", "for", "in", "that", "article", "and", "the", "commission", "is", "to", "inform", "the", "other", "member", "states" ]
[ "m a n a g i n g", "a u t h o r i t i e s", "m u s t", "i n f o r m", "t h e", "c o m m i s s i o n", "i n", "t h e i r", "a n n u a l", "i m p l e m e n t a t i o n", "r e p o r t s", "o f", "o p e r a t i o n s", "t h a t", "h a v e", "n o t", "m e t", "t h e", "r e q u i r e m e n t s", "f o r", "t h e", "m a i n t e n a n c e", "o f", "i n v e s t m e n t", "p r o v i d e d", "f o r", "i n", "t h a t", "a r t i c l e", "a n d", "t h e", "c o m m i s s i o n", "i s", "t o", "i n f o r m", "t h e", "o t h e r", "m e m b e r", "s t a t e s" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 2114, 3154, 3154, 139, 2327, 914, 294, 1457, 1457, 1457, 524, 524, 3227, 2026, 331, 4924, 1934, 2993, 3130, 3130, 2300, 839, 3479, 4136, 4136, 2582, 3638, 1722, 3536, 3845, 160, 160, 2379, 3086, 2644, 3789, 3011, 3798, 3798, 3798, 380, 380, 2463, 2574, 4466, 2619, 2777, 2777, 2777, 2777, 1857, 1153, 2907, 2322, 2322, 1577, 860, 742, 1268, 3538, 1408, 1408, 1408, 1408, 3859, 3859, 3797, 3979, 4499, 4287, 1764, 67, 4247, 3930, 4208, 3807, 4011, 148, 363, 363, 363, 363, 4650, 4650, 4708, 4440, 2535, 515, 3362, 4995, 1659, 1365, 245, 197, 3963, 1405, 1405, 3908, 820, 253, 50, 1368, 4120, 146, 146, 146, 2158, 43, 2595, 3501, 3501, 3501, 378, 378, 2235, 4904, 4904, 1670, 258, 3799, 4132, 2086, 2632, 124, 2, 367, 714, 805, 155, 155, 155, 2733, 1404, 2375, 504, 504, 2986, 2504, 1275, 419, 1840, 4392, 821, 60, 54, 3398, 1790, 4659, 2793, 2793, 712, 3832, 4108, 2316, 3799, 894, 753, 3248, 3248, 3248, 3248, 3248, 696, 1857, 1153, 4197, 4197, 4086, 4086, 4086, 1548, 1548, 2485, 1378, 1378, 1378, 1535, 183, 183, 2041, 4033, 4902, 4659, 3908, 3908, 4508, 4591, 4591, 4932, 263, 3150, 3150, 3150, 2816, 202, 2765, 2765, 2765, 2765, 496, 4108, 1447, 2559, 3567, 2877, 181, 3690, 19, 19, 225, 4780, 18, 1840, 222, 60, 60, 1992, 1992, 448, 448, 3260, 4552, 4552, 4626, 750, 2812, 742, 3170, 452, 2758, 4343, 4343, 4343, 4343, 2735, 365, 365, 1923, 445, 3711, 4505, 4505, 3773, 3954, 3954, 162, 162, 4398, 4398, 4811, 4811, 166, 166, 166, 890, 30, 4326, 113, 4789, 2968, 3912, 745, 1966, 161, 3798, 507, 3672, 4907, 231, 1059, 1380, 1380, 4081, 1857, 1198, 1808, 3690, 1573, 19, 225, 4780, 3405, 419, 1840, 4392, 1411, 1411, 60, 4532, 4532, 194, 4655, 2292, 67, 67, 1011, 3294, 1311, 1311, 2593, 2593, 399, 399, 3796, 1639, 1639, 3587, 31, 31, 31, 157, 828, 828, 2030, 710, 3958, 2026, 2001, 4182, 4182, 949, 1696, 2965, 2965, 2965, 1165, 4152, 2676, 759, 4770, 889, 635, 635, 635, 2573, 3267, 1601, 4567, 1315, 4480, 4480, 4480, 2142, 1021, 2895, 1614, 1614, 1183, 2029, 231, 2636, 743, 3545, 2612, 1204, 3807, 308, 939, 4370, 4370, 4370, 4556, 2307, 1100, 2970, 2849, 894, 3347, 2086, 729, 448, 3260, 4552, 4552, 4626, 891, 91, 2533, 2902, 3696, 3696, 2693, 2693, 2693, 2693, 259, 2908, 2908, 1912, 2944, 1404, 1067, 2539, 249, 4813, 1146, 624, 2215, 2215, 1709, 2636, 2734, 4635, 4635, 4635, 838, 840, 1883, 1883, 247, 2864, 1333, 4132, 2086, 2086, 3683, 2816, 4493, 202, 308, 939, 2058, 2058, 4271, 3214, 2854, 4116, 1447, 1830, 1356, 573, 573, 1794, 1794, 4519, 596, 3285, 3285, 3285, 194, 194, 1926, 3989, 2213, 4260, 606, 3516, 169, 3912, 745, 1966, 4659, 3908, 3908, 820, 4418, 856, 3878, 3612, 3609, 4041, 4041, 4041, 4041, 4708, 2535, 2187, 515, 2022, 2022, 4775, 3694, 1067, 2539, 249, 249, 1146, 624, 2215, 2215, 1709, 2007, 142, 610, 2593, 399, 1252, 1639, 72, 31, 31, 31, 31, 157, 828, 828, 2030, 2677, 3958, 193, 1018, 1673, 2790, 2790, 285, 285, 3011, 4929, 2868, 3372, 3257, 3257, 3257, 3257, 167, 282, 3463, 3463, 2073, 2073, 2381, 2381, 1558, 3198, 364, 2636, 2007, 2734, 4120, 4120, 2832, 2832, 3106, 840, 1883, 1508, 1508, 1508, 247, 247, 1516, 1516, 4383, 4881, 1501, 3087, 3087, 315, 315, 315, 315, 122, 15, 163, 163, 122, 2760, 1003, 3458, 3458, 2691, 3811, 1254, 1254, 1714, 1714, 3740, 1511, 1714, 1886, 3958, 3958, 1904, 1904, 4826, 287, 3867, 2793, 2793, 1949, 712, 3832, 4190, 2316, 3799, 894, 1655, 2229, 320, 320, 3183, 804, 2029, 3054, 2007, 4571, 2330, 534, 332, 2557, 1597, 1597, 1597, 1597, 865, 1442, 2390, 3078, 4989, 4617, 4617, 1190, 4183, 2533, 517, 2645, 2645, 183, 183, 183, 2041, 4785, 4785, 4785, 1873, 4450, 4917, 3087, 315, 315, 315, 163, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 374, 374, 2135, 3993, 3993, 4222, 374, 1003, 2135, 3993, 3993, 3993, 87, 107, 3164, 3164, 3164, 72, 1578, 1849, 1849, 1572, 1572, 1572, 2822, 72, 852, 852, 28, 1586, 3958, 14, 1510, 2754, 108, 3610, 68, 2316, 3347, 2086, 2632, 2, 91, 2533, 805, 155, 155, 2733, 2733, 2618, 2375, 504, 504, 2986, 2504, 1275, 1840, 222, 4392, 821, 60, 366, 2707, 2148, 3483, 3483, 1370, 1289, 298, 6, 1139, 4229, 1954, 1401, 885, 1292, 2222, 3590, 2409, 3908, 3908, 820, 253, 4508, 1368, 146, 146, 146, 146, 2400, 43, 2595, 3501, 3501, 3501, 3501, 378, 378, 2235, 3340, 4904, 4904, 304, 3905, 3905, 4846, 2352, 3799, 4132, 832, 1064, 100, 4885, 1889, 1889, 534, 534, 561, 3423, 3423, 457, 457, 4537, 4537, 963, 568, 910, 1720, 2816, 308, 939, 615, 615, 615, 2057, 516, 1695, 741, 2872, 910, 4472, 4446, 1001, 1275, 9, 3065, 3271, 47, 1690, 1690, 911, 911, 1086, 1086, 266, 266, 3974, 538, 4505, 4505, 3773, 2898, 2898, 621, 2152, 2152, 2152, 4625, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.7609435334158414, 1.5218870668316828, 1.882334003712871, 2.4230044090346534, 2.5231285581683163, 2.983699644183168, 3.103848623143564, 3.344146581064356, 3.6845686881188113, 4.405462561881188, 5.0462571163366325, 5.306579904084158, 6.187672416460395, 6.608193842821781, 6.828466970915841, 7.108814588490098, 7.329087716584158, 7.4492366955445535, 8.09003125, 8.270254718440592, 8.39040369740099, 8.951098932549503, 9.0712479115099, 9.852216274752475, 10.613159808168316, 11.213904702970297, 11.714525448638613, 11.99487306621287, 12.976089727722771, 13.556809792698017, 13.636909112004949, 14.057430538366335, 14.197604347153463, 14.31775332611386, 14.898473391089107, 15.098721689356433, 15.359044477103959, 15.639392094678216 ]
[ 0.7609435334158414, 1.5218870668316828, 1.882334003712871, 2.4230044090346534, 2.5231285581683163, 2.983699644183168, 3.103848623143564, 3.344146581064356, 3.6845686881188113, 4.405462561881188, 5.0462571163366325, 5.306579904084158, 6.187672416460395, 6.608193842821781, 6.828466970915841, 7.108814588490098, 7.329087716584158, 7.4492366955445535, 8.09003125, 8.270254718440592, 8.39040369740099, 8.951098932549503, 9.0712479115099, 9.852216274752475, 10.613159808168316, 11.213904702970297, 11.714525448638613, 11.99487306621287, 12.976089727722771, 13.556809792698017, 13.636909112004949, 14.057430538366335, 14.197604347153463, 14.31775332611386, 14.898473391089107, 15.098721689356433, 15.359044477103959, 15.639392094678216, 16.160037670173267 ]
Where is the ban, Madam Commissioner? It is wrong to allow Member States to force companies to hold data in one Member State instead of another Member State.
where is the ban madam commissioner? it is wrong to allow member states to force companies to hold data in one member state instead of another member state.
[ "where", "is", "the", "ban", "madam", "commissioner?", "it", "is", "wrong", "to", "allow", "member", "states", "to", "force", "companies", "to", "hold", "data", "in", "one", "member", "state", "instead", "of", "another", "member", "state." ]
[ "where", "is", "the", "ban", "madam", "commissioner", "it", "is", "wrong", "to", "allow", "member", "states", "to", "force", "companies", "to", "hold", "data", "in", "one", "member", "state", "instead", "of", "another", "member", "state" ]
[ "w h e r e", "i s", "t h e", "b a n", "m a d a m", "c o m m i s s i o n e r", "i t", "i s", "w r o n g", "t o", "a l l o w", "m e m b e r", "s t a t e s", "t o", "f o r c e", "c o m p a n i e s", "t o", "h o l d", "d a t a", "i n", "o n e", "m e m b e r", "s t a t e", "i n s t e a d", "o f", "a n o t h e r", "m e m b e r", "s t a t e" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 2114, 3154, 4720, 1620, 1457, 524, 3861, 75, 1586, 4321, 1683, 29, 29, 29, 2783, 842, 3331, 2596, 423, 423, 423, 4961, 4961, 4961, 4961, 3050, 80, 2875, 2972, 231, 1045, 2666, 4693, 4693, 4693, 4693, 1370, 3578, 3786, 3786, 4247, 1477, 2849, 4132, 2724, 337, 2090, 3683, 1060, 3327, 739, 3574, 1070, 666, 666, 666, 666, 1545, 4776, 4776, 209, 1282, 269, 2160, 3159, 4612, 455, 3422, 3896, 4852, 166, 742, 3744, 4340, 2767, 1934, 148, 4581, 4581, 4581, 1529, 4219, 4025, 4025, 1590, 375, 1295, 258, 2099, 4591, 2533, 805, 155, 155, 2733, 1947, 2618, 2375, 504, 504, 2986, 2504, 18, 3405, 1840, 2256, 641, 641, 1794, 3613, 431, 2950, 2950, 2950, 1782, 2112, 2112, 930, 930, 1393, 730, 315, 15, 3098, 3098, 2026, 374, 374, 4, 374, 4, 4083, 254, 2587, 2587, 2587, 2587, 2587, 2587, 2587, 531, 2587, 2587, 863, 863, 863, 863, 3416, 863, 863, 863, 863, 863, 3416, 863, 4987, 4987, 531, 2490, 2490, 2490, 3416, 1981, 3736, 3736, 3736, 3736, 3, 3, 3673, 1436, 3268, 981, 4826, 1297, 3357, 679, 3449, 2148, 94, 94, 2791, 3786, 3786, 4599, 658, 1626, 1626, 2888, 1827, 1988, 3191, 3191, 3191, 3191, 3191, 2426, 1598, 1598, 1301, 1301, 2644, 3249, 2138, 2159, 2852, 270, 1954, 1401, 885, 1395, 1395, 1019, 2165, 1492, 2746, 1594, 1324, 2128, 143, 1230, 2420, 2420, 2745, 2745, 2745, 2745, 2745, 2423, 2423, 3211, 3211, 1125, 3948, 308, 939, 615, 615, 615, 2057, 516, 1695, 741, 2872, 2872, 910, 4472, 4446, 1544, 1544, 9, 9, 1084, 3271, 1191, 1643, 1690, 1690, 911, 911, 911, 1086, 565, 3373, 3373, 3711, 273, 1275, 6, 1139, 4229, 1954, 885, 885, 1395, 2006, 563, 1815, 2832, 2400, 2595, 2595, 2108, 2637, 2637, 2637, 1491, 365, 365, 825, 683, 298, 923, 2940, 2019, 213, 1829, 714, 805, 4965, 4965, 4965, 4965, 2057, 4001, 1157, 1157, 2559, 2419, 1611, 1611, 1611, 1611, 1794, 4564, 4564, 4564, 500, 500, 500, 3797, 292, 3385, 3385, 2535, 3294, 142, 71, 4665, 4243, 4243, 1943, 234, 234, 3913, 532, 3844, 2030, 2677, 742, 1784, 1954, 885, 1292, 1395, 1019, 3261, 3261, 13, 369, 392, 2893, 811, 811, 811, 811, 811, 674, 1636, 1636, 2486, 1100, 2636, 4792, 2800, 2508, 4894, 2849, 2849, 433, 1283, 3025, 4278, 4278, 4278, 4278, 565, 565, 1878, 1878, 860, 860, 231, 192, 513, 2476, 979, 1287, 1287, 3520, 3032, 3032, 129, 3050, 80, 80, 742, 2666, 287, 2793, 1446, 1949, 3832, 3123, 3284, 954, 3691, 4714, 3204, 3204, 2783, 2783, 130, 3583, 3583, 1600, 1600, 1600, 33, 2177, 4768, 834, 3284, 2800, 74, 4493, 308, 939, 615, 615, 615, 615, 516, 1695, 1695, 2158, 2872, 910, 910, 4446, 1001, 1417, 2535, 9, 9, 3065, 3271, 894, 47, 1643, 1690, 1690, 911, 911, 911, 1086, 1086, 1086, 4583, 4583, 3322, 518, 518, 3373, 131, 2732, 3189, 2636, 977, 142, 2593, 71, 3557, 1252, 1943, 234, 3913, 23, 3844, 3268, 312, 981, 4826, 3125, 3867, 1405, 1949, 735, 4834, 4834, 760, 9, 3065, 2751, 2922, 2922, 2922, 2922, 4556, 754, 2007, 4571, 245, 2939, 64, 3516, 4789, 2968, 3912, 3912, 3632, 3632, 2875, 890, 1, 2746, 4614, 4217, 4959, 1559, 4519, 4062, 4062, 4062, 4062, 4537, 4219, 568, 910, 910, 3846, 3948, 939, 2993, 615, 615, 615, 2057, 516, 1695, 741, 2872, 910, 4472, 4446, 1001, 237, 1275, 9, 1084, 3194, 894, 47, 1643, 1690, 911, 911, 911, 911, 1086, 1086, 518, 518, 266, 266, 3974, 3974, 3974, 163, 4673, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.6010013089005234, 0.8614352094240836, 1.001668848167539, 1.402336387434555, 1.8030039267015705, 2.924873036649214, 3.606007853403141, 3.7462414921465967, 4.126875654450261, 4.307176047120418, 4.687810209424083, 5.028377617801047, 5.429045157068063, 5.569278795811518, 5.949912958115183, 6.691147905759161, 6.971615183246072, 7.352249345549737, 7.93321727748691, 8.233717931937171, 8.534218586387432, 8.874785994764398, 9.575954188481674, 10.096821989528795, 10.297155759162303, 10.657756544502616, 10.97829057591623 ]
[ 0.6010013089005234, 0.8614352094240836, 1.001668848167539, 1.402336387434555, 1.8030039267015705, 2.924873036649214, 3.606007853403141, 3.7462414921465967, 4.126875654450261, 4.307176047120418, 4.687810209424083, 5.028377617801047, 5.429045157068063, 5.569278795811518, 5.949912958115183, 6.691147905759161, 6.971615183246072, 7.352249345549737, 7.93321727748691, 8.233717931937171, 8.534218586387432, 8.874785994764398, 9.575954188481674, 10.096821989528795, 10.297155759162303, 10.657756544502616, 10.97829057591623, 11.459091623036647 ]
united. we showed our unity in the position of the twenty seven on additional sanctions on iran which was not self evident and in the very important un resolution on the dialogue between serbia and kosovo extremely important for the western
[ "united.", "we", "showed", "our", "unity", "in", "the", "position", "of", "the", "twenty", "seven", "on", "additional", "sanctions", "on", "iran", "which", "was", "not", "self", "evident", "and", "in", "the", "very", "important", "un", "resolution", "on", "the", "dialogue", "between", "serbia", "and", "kosovo", "extremely", "important", "for", "the", "western" ]
[ "united", "we", "showed", "our", "unity", "in", "the", "position", "of", "the", "twenty", "seven", "on", "additional", "sanctions", "on", "iran", "which", "was", "not", "self", "evident", "and", "in", "the", "very", "important", "un", "resolution", "on", "the", "dialogue", "between", "serbia", "and", "kosovo", "extremely", "important", "for", "the", "western" ]
[ "u n i t e d", "w e", "s h o w e d", "o u r", "u n i t y", "i n", "t h e", "p o s i t i o n", "o f", "t h e", "t w e n t y", "s e v e n", "o n", "a d d i t i o n a l", "s a n c t i o n s", "o n", "i r a n", "w h i c h", "w a s", "n o t", "s e l f", "e v i d e n t", "a n d", "i n", "t h e", "v e r y", "i m p o r t a n t", "u n", "r e s o l u t i o n", "o n", "t h e", "d i a l o g u e", "b e t w e e n", "s e r b i a", "a n d", "k o s o v o", "e x t r e m e l y", "i m p o r t a n t", "f o r", "t h e", "w e s t e r n" ]
[ 1101, 361, 361, 1143, 1143, 502, 1143, 1143, 1143, 1143, 1457, 1457, 524, 524, 3227, 3744, 1162, 924, 3677, 487, 487, 2863, 1166, 2878, 2878, 171, 171, 4507, 4507, 4783, 897, 3985, 3985, 3985, 3892, 3892, 3892, 201, 1476, 771, 1863, 1296, 1100, 2732, 2007, 245, 983, 3189, 1630, 4909, 4909, 4909, 342, 342, 3924, 4849, 2769, 4216, 790, 992, 2775, 2775, 558, 558, 558, 2348, 69, 293, 3479, 3005, 2322, 1090, 1577, 4023, 860, 1686, 3538, 2017, 1036, 1036, 2540, 2540, 311, 311, 3590, 4659, 2793, 1625, 3799, 2158, 753, 2086, 729, 2261, 2096, 231, 102, 3407, 2828, 2828, 1758, 613, 3886, 2345, 3767, 3767, 3767, 3767, 2986, 603, 1275, 1840, 222, 4392, 3534, 3122, 2649, 2160, 4681, 2210, 2210, 4401, 3087, 2447, 3295, 3295, 4389, 1716, 3075, 4389, 3075, 1716, 2778, 2778, 2778, 2778, 110, 4195, 3744, 2391, 30, 64, 2331, 4789, 2968, 3315, 4561, 2724, 2086, 729, 1469, 3336, 3189, 114, 4738, 2839, 3650, 3650, 3650, 1938, 1938, 1938, 2854, 4116, 1447, 3567, 2979, 2979, 3685, 3685, 1914, 3374, 1275, 313, 1892, 1608, 190, 638, 638, 638, 638, 1274, 3266, 3266, 2873, 4795, 4795, 1379, 2649, 2160, 4681, 2210, 2039, 2039, 3087, 315, 315, 315, 163, 15, 15, 15, 15, 374, 374, 374, 374, 238, 2026, 238, 2756, 238, 2756, 2135, 281, 2135, 2135, 2885, 2885, 2885, 1981, 3740, 1981, 1981, 3740, 214, 2982, 2982, 2925, 1886, 2281, 2281, 4641, 2263, 3180, 3180, 4430, 4430, 3777, 2177, 4768, 4990, 4990, 1630, 2746, 4851, 4851, 324, 1617, 1568, 1206, 2212, 3224, 3224, 3224, 3224, 2986, 603, 3405, 3405, 2256, 2256, 3300, 3300, 2309, 2309, 1419, 4357, 183, 2041, 3834, 3729, 4523, 158, 1069, 313, 1892, 1608, 190, 1355, 1355, 1355, 1624, 3756, 2489, 2543, 556, 556, 419, 1840, 222, 1411, 1411, 1411, 4532, 809, 4655, 2292, 991, 3830, 3830, 2898, 3294, 621, 4398, 4398, 1668, 322, 4618, 122, 122, 122, 3388, 2778, 1151, 1151, 1151, 1586, 2281, 2789, 2263, 3180, 4174, 4430, 3777, 2548, 2298, 289, 2867, 4403, 4403, 3741, 3741, 2262, 593, 2729, 4274, 4274, 3728, 2228, 1545, 1545, 1545, 1978, 1978, 1978, 151, 4980, 4980, 4980, 1472, 166, 166, 890, 2697, 4807, 56, 56, 405, 405, 3009, 3646, 358, 1217, 3629, 4973, 4973, 1613, 1613, 2335, 1289, 4511, 480, 1693, 1693, 1471, 1471, 1021, 2895, 1614, 1183, 2029, 3054, 2559, 2007, 1630, 1630, 2411, 3907, 1169, 4577, 4577, 1274, 3290, 3535, 306, 4165, 4165, 4165, 3665, 4184, 1221, 596, 3951, 3346, 498, 498, 3974, 3974, 1686, 377, 4891, 4891, 97, 2500, 1375, 1375, 1375, 2756, 4621, 4621, 4621, 3811, 3736, 3305, 3305, 3305, 3305, 453, 453, 453, 23, 1436, 1066, 1886, 1586, 2026, 4641, 1510, 4112, 4112, 591, 591, 1226, 4694, 3212, 3212, 1790, 4659, 2793, 2793, 2793, 712, 2316, 2316, 753, 2592, 2086, 2575, 2575, 2575, 2575, 2575, 755, 755, 2133, 3013, 3013, 3087, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 122, 122, 166, 166, 3744, 4658, 2870, 2870, 2870, 2870, 1870, 2868, 631, 2460, 2460, 519, 519, 1857, 4080, 274, 1041, 1041, 3590, 3590, 2409, 3908, 820, 3563, 4508, 4591, 2812, 742, 102, 2758, 619, 619, 619, 619, 1871, 1442, 1442, 1206, 3109, 4510, 4510, 3951, 339, 4744, 1709, 2007, 4671, 2867, 2867, 2775, 2775, 4384, 4384, 4172, 3011, 1628, 3607, 2667, 1894, 4609, 3453, 2298, 4437, 448, 3260, 3260, 4235, 4235, 613, 3886, 3886, 472, 3412, 3412, 3412, 1078, 4033, 2680, 2680, 2680, 3835, 3835, 225, 4780, 18, 1840, 4392, 3534, 3534, 3122, 2649, 151, 2210, 2039, 315, 315, 315, 315, 4389, 4389, 4389, 4389, 1707, 3401, 3401, 3401, 3305, 1254, 1254, 3415, 2827, 1103, 28, 1886, 1886, 2026, 4641, 2789, 3180, 4430, 4430, 3777, 2316, 3799, 753, 2086, 729, 2131, 1617, 3049, 1568, 3326, 2212, 1283, 3960, 3960, 3960, 3960, 3960, 1654, 2908, 2908, 3510, 3510, 3510, 3243, 1230, 227, 3307, 3307, 3307, 3307, 3307, 3307, 2317, 3399, 3499, 3189, 935, 3213, 3213, 1481, 3087, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 122, 4389, 2778, 2778, 2778, 2778, 4195, 3744, 4195, 1787, 3537, 1908, 3060, 2343, 848, 3336, 1623, 114, 4738, 2196, 2196, 3188, 3188, 3188, 3188, 3171, 2298, 1748, 4834, 760, 4523, 3702, 3702, 313, 1892, 1608, 309, 309, 3192, 3192, 3192, 3192, 1977, 1977, 2759, 2759, 1632, 271, 271, 271, 3720, 979, 979, 979, 3520, 3032, 3991, 3013, 3087, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3075, 122, 3075, 3075, 3075, 3075, 1151, 1262, 742, 4641, 1510, 4381, 4381, 1461, 2838, 2659, 4485, 581, 231, 559, 714, 805, 3460, 2361, 2361, 1051, 1281, 1554, 1666, 2905, 1479, 3794, 3794, 3794, 3497, 1870, 1870, 2782, 3116, 3116, 3116, 3116, 3604, 3142, 3142, 4450, 4450, 3087, 315, 315, 315, 315, 315, 122, 122, 122, 122, 2691, 2691, 2691, 2691, 562, 2778, 2778, 562, 562, 2071, 2982, 1416, 2026, 1162, 4826, 801, 265, 3241, 3241, 2701, 2279, 158, 382, 120, 2314, 2314, 347, 2342, 4512, 3440, 3440, 3440, 3440, 3440, 35, 1030, 1670, 3529, 1112, 4541, 663, 3590, 3590, 3908, 3908, 820, 4508, 4591, 2812, 231, 452, 2758, 619, 619, 619, 619, 1871, 1442, 1442, 860, 1686, 3109, 4510, 4510, 2072, 339, 498, 2732, 367, 2732, 2205, 1340, 1668, 166, 3388, 372, 372, 785, 785, 3106, 840, 1344, 4746, 2864, 1333, 2724, 2086, 729, 45, 2833, 2668, 2208, 2208, 2208, 4708, 515, 1191, 1191, 4078, 4078, 4078, 3687, 2298, 830, 3925, 53, 4427, 1104, 1104, 2361, 2361, 719, 4827, 4012, 55, 4186, 1515, 1515, 1729, 4609, 1978, 1978, 836, 836, 4284, 3830, 3830, 2898, 621, 621, 621, 2152, 2152, 73, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.3603774834437086, 0.4604823399558499, 0.9409856512141281, 1.2012582781456953, 1.641719646799117, 1.781866445916115, 1.8819713024282563, 2.5827052980132454, 2.9230618101545254, 3.0431876379690954, 3.423586092715232, 4.244445916114791, 4.8650960264900664, 5.445704194260487, 6.226522075055188, 6.546857615894041, 7.007339955849891, 7.287633554083885, 7.467822295805741, 7.688052980132451, 7.848220750551877, 8.488891832229582, 8.96939514348786, 9.089520971302429, 9.469919426048566, 9.9904646799117, 10.591093818984548, 10.891408388520974, 11.71226821192053, 12.092666666666668, 12.212792494481237, 13.013631346578368, 13.594239514348786, 14.274952538631346, 14.635330022075056, 15.416147902869758, 16.277049668874174, 16.89769977924945, 17.11793046357616, 17.198014348785872 ]
[ 0.34035651214128043, 0.4604823399558499, 0.9409856512141281, 1.2012582781456953, 1.641719646799117, 1.781866445916115, 1.8819713024282563, 2.5827052980132454, 2.9230618101545254, 3.0431876379690954, 3.423586092715232, 4.244445916114791, 4.8650960264900664, 5.445704194260487, 6.226522075055188, 6.546857615894041, 7.007339955849891, 7.287633554083885, 7.467822295805741, 7.688052980132451, 7.828199779249449, 8.488891832229582, 8.96939514348786, 9.089520971302429, 9.469919426048566, 9.9904646799117, 10.591093818984548, 10.891408388520974, 11.71226821192053, 12.092666666666668, 12.212792494481237, 13.013631346578368, 13.594239514348786, 14.274952538631346, 14.635330022075056, 15.416147902869758, 16.277049668874174, 16.89769977924945, 17.11793046357616, 17.198014348785872, 18.118979028697574 ]
ADR offers a low cost alternative to formal legal action for both traders and consumers alike. It is an efficient way of resolving disputes, and I hope coverage across the EU improves rapidly.
adr offers a low cost alternative to formal legal action for both traders and consumers alike. it is an efficient way of resolving disputes and i hope coverage across the eu improves rapidly.
[ "adr", "offers", "a", "low", "cost", "alternative", "to", "formal", "legal", "action", "for", "both", "traders", "and", "consumers", "alike.", "it", "is", "an", "efficient", "way", "of", "resolving", "disputes", "and", "i", "hope", "coverage", "across", "the", "eu", "improves", "rapidly." ]
[ "adr", "offers", "a", "low", "cost", "alternative", "to", "formal", "legal", "action", "for", "both", "traders", "and", "consumers", "alike", "it", "is", "an", "efficient", "way", "of", "resolving", "disputes", "and", "i", "hope", "coverage", "across", "the", "eu", "improves", "rapidly" ]
[ "a d r", "o f f e r s", "a", "l o w", "c o s t", "a l t e r n a t i v e", "t o", "f o r m a l", "l e g a l", "a c t i o n", "f o r", "b o t h", "t r a d e r s", "a n d", "c o n s u m e r s", "a l i k e", "i t", "i s", "a n", "e f f i c i e n t", "w a y", "o f", "r e s o l v i n g", "d i s p u t e s", "a n d", "i", "h o p e", "c o v e r a g e", "a c r o s s", "t h e", "e u", "i m p r o v e s", "r a p i d l y" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 1335, 1335, 2327, 4720, 914, 1436, 524, 1066, 1886, 3958, 2026, 2281, 1249, 4253, 2502, 2502, 2502, 3413, 565, 4196, 1367, 2073, 337, 3922, 3922, 4251, 1323, 4317, 822, 822, 3816, 3816, 3816, 3816, 1653, 2883, 719, 129, 129, 3050, 3050, 80, 534, 561, 2557, 1574, 1574, 1574, 1111, 3279, 381, 3319, 3888, 910, 4213, 3976, 296, 4607, 4607, 546, 432, 4052, 669, 1688, 486, 1968, 1968, 3956, 3956, 3153, 3153, 1694, 581, 104, 560, 3387, 3873, 3428, 3428, 3428, 1051, 4708, 4440, 515, 3362, 3249, 4576, 175, 3798, 3219, 3219, 3758, 3729, 3249, 944, 1359, 2657, 4717, 4717, 4717, 4717, 4717, 2300, 839, 1005, 3005, 4777, 1090, 1577, 1268, 513, 3894, 3894, 3894, 2861, 2861, 2184, 1300, 917, 2607, 1058, 665, 198, 630, 2690, 1815, 2400, 2832, 1615, 2595, 2108, 3484, 3484, 3484, 378, 2235, 3231, 697, 2618, 4039, 3325, 3325, 36, 1187, 1607, 669, 1688, 4958, 770, 770, 770, 1350, 3879, 3879, 2098, 2098, 4071, 3325, 36, 471, 2165, 1291, 2411, 4007, 1640, 1640, 1640, 3218, 4648, 4786, 231, 4786, 556, 556, 419, 419, 222, 4392, 3534, 3122, 1979, 1979, 443, 2039, 1393, 315, 315, 315, 15, 4389, 2760, 163, 3458, 3458, 3458, 140, 140, 140, 72, 4796, 4796, 453, 453, 3673, 3844, 2030, 2725, 785, 2811, 3106, 1344, 4746, 4746, 1060, 104, 1373, 4327, 4327, 4327, 4327, 3153, 4061, 4966, 2035, 381, 4291, 3237, 4374, 4374, 3433, 1392, 1392, 1392, 1392, 528, 565, 4196, 2171, 2073, 2232, 4472, 1764, 4050, 4433, 3376, 4181, 4181, 1055, 2659, 2099, 2533, 1000, 4560, 909, 3389, 735, 2527, 760, 1010, 3914, 620, 2003, 2003, 2003, 2003, 4706, 3231, 1404, 2005, 2232, 3804, 1764, 296, 296, 4607, 1008, 1008, 2128, 4052, 1230, 2336, 1596, 1596, 1596, 1596, 4164, 4164, 2122, 2430, 815, 3780, 935, 935, 3213, 3213, 97, 2500, 4811, 15, 163, 4389, 4389, 1016, 2691, 2691, 1016, 3811, 3811, 408, 408, 408, 1981, 2135, 3740, 1714, 570, 570, 852, 852, 28, 3958, 1886, 1886, 2026, 1249, 1297, 3357, 3357, 679, 3421, 4152, 4952, 2148, 94, 94, 2791, 3786, 4607, 589, 589, 3398, 1790, 4840, 3165, 563, 1815, 2832, 2400, 2923, 3572, 3572, 3572, 2986, 603, 18, 3061, 4707, 3951, 3839, 339, 4994, 1752, 1345, 2668, 1945, 2082, 2082, 2082, 3168, 1971, 4526, 384, 2744, 4567, 1330, 937, 127, 613, 4424, 4077, 2345, 3990, 795, 795, 795, 795, 3092, 4406, 1788, 3637, 1875, 156, 3771, 3925, 3522, 572, 837, 618, 237, 4433, 4308, 2173, 2927, 3303, 3551, 3551, 3551, 3551, 4706, 3795, 1136, 538, 4505, 3773, 2898, 3294, 1311, 634, 163, 3557, 1252, 1128, 1128, 1639, 72, 31, 1357, 1357, 322, 852, 1436, 3268, 312, 742, 14, 2754, 108, 3610, 4249, 2707, 3246, 2137, 1065, 1847, 2719, 3805, 4770, 3934, 2458, 2458, 2458, 3153, 571, 1588, 4903, 381, 560, 3718, 2497, 2530, 2530, 2530, 1274, 3094, 3094, 2439, 2439, 652, 4136, 4136, 2582, 2060, 4843, 3197, 3079, 430, 2, 231, 310, 2174, 1052, 1122, 1383, 1383, 1383, 1383, 2881, 2227, 4440, 4433, 3994, 2938, 1844, 2632, 4705, 4705, 3441, 2552, 4228, 4228, 4228, 4228, 2092, 2092, 2092, 2092, 3174, 3174, 3174, 3174, 4669, 4669, 4342, 1551, 3485, 758, 3800, 4852, 2666, 3125, 1405, 1405, 1405, 820, 3563, 4508, 4591, 3170, 4660, 2149, 2044, 2044, 2044, 2044, 44, 880, 1407, 4578, 4578, 3411, 658, 4590, 2729, 1988, 2710, 2296, 2296, 2296, 2467, 251, 231, 2419, 2937, 2937, 2014, 231, 1113, 2731, 4119, 494, 2055, 2055, 153, 1248, 2427, 922, 4625, 4625, 4625, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.8414659685863873, 1.1820593368237347, 1.2621989528795812, 1.4625479930191971, 1.7831064572425828, 2.404188481675393, 2.5444328097731237, 2.9250959860383943, 3.285724258289703, 3.946876090750436, 4.327539267015706, 4.527888307155322, 4.928586387434555, 5.028760907504362, 5.529633507853403, 6.230855148342059, 6.671623036649215, 6.7918324607329845, 6.87197207678883, 7.2927050610820245, 7.432949389179756, 7.513089005235602, 7.933821989528796, 8.554904013961604, 8.875462478184991, 8.955602094240838, 9.155951134380453, 9.536614310645724, 9.837137870855148, 9.99741710296684, 10.33801047120419, 10.878952879581151 ]
[ 0.8414659685863873, 1.1820593368237347, 1.2621989528795812, 1.4625479930191971, 1.7831064572425828, 2.404188481675393, 2.5444328097731237, 2.9250959860383943, 3.285724258289703, 3.946876090750436, 4.327539267015706, 4.527888307155322, 4.928586387434555, 5.028760907504362, 5.529633507853403, 6.230855148342059, 6.671623036649215, 6.7918324607329845, 6.87197207678883, 7.2927050610820245, 7.432949389179756, 7.513089005235602, 7.933821989528796, 8.554904013961604, 8.875462478184991, 8.955602094240838, 9.155951134380453, 9.536614310645724, 9.837137870855148, 9.99741710296684, 10.33801047120419, 10.878952879581151, 11.459965095986037 ]
concept. It is in the e Commerce Directive and we are simply referring
concept. it is in the e commerce directive and we are simply referring
[ "concept.", "it", "is", "in", "the", "e", "commerce", "directive", "and", "we", "are", "simply", "referring" ]
[ "concept", "it", "is", "in", "the", "e", "commerce", "directive", "and", "we", "are", "simply", "referring" ]
[ "c o n c e p t", "i t", "i s", "i n", "t h e", "e", "c o m m e r c e", "d i r e c t i v e", "a n d", "w e", "a r e", "s i m p l y", "r e f e r r i n g" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 2114, 72, 4720, 4720, 4720, 524, 524, 75, 1586, 1886, 1886, 2281, 4826, 4364, 1297, 3357, 3357, 679, 4328, 2601, 131, 2559, 2636, 1285, 977, 3411, 1340, 1340, 1668, 4756, 4756, 890, 1262, 890, 890, 2666, 4364, 4364, 3483, 3483, 1370, 1370, 3016, 298, 1275, 923, 3954, 3954, 162, 872, 245, 983, 890, 1, 2666, 287, 3867, 1446, 1949, 712, 3832, 3918, 4108, 2410, 3799, 5, 753, 2592, 1209, 1232, 1232, 1232, 4415, 2416, 1906, 1906, 569, 884, 2377, 2377, 3087, 3087, 3295, 3295, 3295, 315, 15, 15, 4389, 4389, 4389, 2760, 4389, 4389, 4389, 3401, 2691, 408, 408, 408, 408, 2827, 3740, 3740, 3075, 4755, 1886, 1886, 1886, 2026, 2281, 2789, 4559, 4559, 1002, 1002, 1002, 1002, 1002, 1002, 755, 755, 755, 2133, 2133, 1501, 1501, 1773, 3087, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 122, 3295, 3295, 122, 122, 122, 122, 122, 122, 163, 4940, 4940, 4940, 4940, 3740, 3740, 3740, 2026, 3740, 4755, 1416, 1586, 1886, 2281, 2552, 4228, 4228, 4228, 4415, 2081, 1999, 4305, 581, 231, 560, 714, 805, 805, 680, 680, 155, 1947, 1404, 2618, 4039, 4151, 4151, 4151, 4151, 1977, 2848, 356, 2227, 298, 2535, 3954, 2324, 2324, 798, 4852, 4852, 4852, 4340, 2849, 3163, 3496, 976, 976, 976, 4081, 1857, 227, 2269, 2269, 549, 4076, 1328, 2359, 1524, 381, 1163, 3109, 3894, 3894, 466, 2861, 2861, 745, 745, 745, 1300, 245, 983, 2559, 781, 1097, 108, 1461, 68, 2838, 3123, 4973, 4973, 4471, 487, 236, 2863, 569, 569, 587, 1247, 1247, 80, 3800, 1262, 890, 2558, 332, 1464, 1464, 1464, 766, 766, 3996, 2542, 1417, 1275, 1010, 3914, 2704, 2318, 2318, 2318, 2318, 4001, 1157, 1157, 595, 1059, 2770, 1112, 4541, 663, 2628, 4324, 311, 587, 1247, 3896, 3800, 4852, 163, 4852, 4941, 1330, 3260, 2284, 4552, 4626, 4626, 563, 1815, 4433, 2400, 1615, 2595, 4123, 4123, 4123, 4123, 4123, 2392, 2392, 1153, 1153, 651, 160, 2610, 2379, 150, 775, 775, 3849, 4429, 166, 687, 742, 1954, 665, 3419, 1395, 2655, 1333, 753, 2229, 320, 320, 804, 804, 2743, 2307, 3054, 231, 2007, 3849, 4941, 2425, 3741, 3741, 2204 ]
[ 0, 0.5014450867052023, 0.7822543352601156, 1.0430057803468207, 1.283699421965318, 2.3467630057803466, 3.3496531791907516, 3.9313294797687863, 4.5932369942196525, 4.753699421965318, 4.974335260115606, 5.2551445086705195, 5.716473988439307 ]
[ 0.5014450867052023, 0.7822543352601156, 1.0430057803468207, 1.283699421965318, 2.3467630057803466, 3.3496531791907516, 3.9313294797687863, 4.5932369942196525, 4.753699421965318, 4.974335260115606, 5.2551445086705195, 5.716473988439307, 6.9199421965317915 ]
A bit less power for the European Commission and all its unnecessary quangos is the way that we see it.
a bit less power for the european commission and all its unnecessary quangos is the way that we see it.
[ "a", "bit", "less", "power", "for", "the", "european", "commission", "and", "all", "its", "unnecessary", "quangos", "is", "the", "way", "that", "we", "see", "it." ]
[ "a", "bit", "less", "power", "for", "the", "european", "commission", "and", "all", "its", "unnecessary", "quangos", "is", "the", "way", "that", "we", "see", "it" ]
[ "a", "b i t", "l e s s", "p o w e r", "f o r", "t h e", "e u r o p e a n", "c o m m i s s i o n", "a n d", "a l l", "i t s", "u n n e c e s s a r y", "q u a n g o s", "i s", "t h e", "w a y", "t h a t", "w e", "s e e", "i t" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 1335, 1742, 1436, 1436, 1066, 2026, 4575, 4575, 4945, 4187, 2164, 2559, 1373, 3961, 3961, 3961, 4556, 2408, 3189, 2278, 1688, 3014, 3014, 3014, 93, 4708, 4740, 2821, 4241, 742, 2973, 1663, 1730, 3410, 3410, 3410, 3410, 4069, 4069, 904, 4849, 4475, 910, 2769, 3232, 4635, 3106, 838, 1344, 4746, 2864, 437, 424, 3102, 1445, 4216, 790, 2775, 2144, 2144, 1004, 1004, 2262, 2262, 1857, 1853, 1853, 583, 4907, 4643, 439, 784, 784, 784, 3392, 916, 916, 4465, 4465, 488, 2099, 3766, 1000, 4560, 434, 434, 2733, 2375, 2375, 504, 504, 2986, 2504, 3405, 18, 1840, 222, 4392, 3534, 60, 3122, 2288, 2649, 4681, 4401, 2593, 2593, 2593, 399, 399, 1128, 1128, 1128, 1286, 532, 828, 110, 4195, 3744, 742, 1510, 2754, 108, 68, 3398, 2740, 2271, 1354, 1354, 1354, 4129, 3186, 4033, 4333, 1791, 726, 3668, 1285, 2948, 1479, 3116, 3116, 3116, 2008, 2008, 4608, 2811, 2142, 1158, 1158, 1158, 1281, 237, 121, 2874, 1487, 1487, 4214, 237, 4077, 552, 1608, 2245, 2245, 2245, 2667, 1153, 1153, 1983, 4101, 438, 4183, 3189, 2902, 3696, 1649, 3666, 2228, 1545, 1355, 3338, 1624, 1624, 1290, 3455, 4055, 2272, 170, 170, 280, 1809, 4678, 2046, 1476, 1476, 3689, 4289, 536, 4050, 1011, 3294, 1365, 1668, 166, 163, 1904, 580, 580, 3077, 3976, 1477, 231, 3347, 3513, 2059, 4725, 1345, 1945, 2082, 2082, 2807, 2924, 1307, 949, 133, 2965, 2969, 168, 4055, 1345, 3677, 487, 2863, 2863, 2081, 2622, 4876, 4077, 3914, 2429, 1080, 1080, 1080, 1556, 4251, 2443, 1993, 1266, 2424, 3492, 1550, 977, 3472, 4673, 2500, 4625, 4625, 2026, 4625, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.24091254752851707, 0.4015209125475285, 0.6022813688212928, 0.9234980988593156, 1.0640304182509503, 1.184486692015209, 1.6462357414448667, 2.268593155893536, 2.569733840304182, 2.7102661596958173, 2.850798479087452, 3.4731558935361213, 4.115589353612167, 4.256121673003801, 4.356501901140684, 4.476958174904942, 4.617490494296578, 4.758022813688212, 4.958783269961977 ]
[ 0.24091254752851707, 0.4015209125475285, 0.6022813688212928, 0.9234980988593156, 1.0640304182509503, 1.184486692015209, 1.6462357414448667, 2.268593155893536, 2.569733840304182, 2.7102661596958173, 2.850798479087452, 3.4731558935361213, 4.115589353612167, 4.256121673003801, 4.356501901140684, 4.476958174904942, 4.617490494296578, 4.758022813688212, 4.958783269961977, 5.259923954372622 ]
We need to get these authorities established, ensure that they have high quality staff and, if necessary, add to powers later.
we need to get these authorities established ensure that they have high quality staff and if necessary add to powers later.
[ "we", "need", "to", "get", "these", "authorities", "established", "ensure", "that", "they", "have", "high", "quality", "staff", "and", "if", "necessary", "add", "to", "powers", "later." ]
[ "we", "need", "to", "get", "these", "authorities", "established", "ensure", "that", "they", "have", "high", "quality", "staff", "and", "if", "necessary", "add", "to", "powers", "later" ]
[ "w e", "n e e d", "t o", "g e t", "t h e s e", "a u t h o r i t i e s", "e s t a b l i s h e d", "e n s u r e", "t h a t", "t h e y", "h a v e", "h i g h", "q u a l i t y", "s t a f f", "a n d", "i f", "n e c e s s a r y", "a d d", "t o", "p o w e r s", "l a t e r" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 2114, 1335, 4720, 4720, 1620, 1620, 3861, 75, 75, 3958, 2026, 3958, 924, 842, 3677, 487, 487, 2863, 2863, 1658, 3471, 152, 4188, 25, 1421, 1421, 1421, 1421, 1421, 1421, 1350, 3322, 4540, 3058, 112, 1200, 3189, 1058, 3026, 1401, 219, 3490, 3494, 777, 104, 1223, 3024, 3725, 3725, 1024, 1024, 4556, 571, 571, 1862, 2559, 2566, 4463, 4428, 4428, 475, 3976, 1705, 2906, 4607, 3798, 3798, 380, 380, 2463, 2774, 2774, 5, 2619, 2619, 2777, 2777, 2777, 2777, 2777, 2879, 2879, 2907, 2907, 2322, 1090, 2390, 192, 2415, 1408, 1408, 3859, 1764, 1216, 2906, 257, 1008, 829, 1723, 82, 4077, 9, 9, 1084, 3194, 1641, 1643, 1555, 2493, 2493, 2493, 2493, 2493, 4175, 2283, 2283, 2283, 1925, 1925, 2473, 3506, 3506, 3506, 3506, 3506, 1527, 1527, 1527, 1984, 1984, 1984, 4762, 4762, 4762, 1631, 2333, 368, 368, 4497, 346, 97, 1481, 2962, 163, 288, 2699, 4823, 4823, 574, 574, 574, 4796, 4796, 4796, 72, 23, 23, 23, 2030, 28, 2026, 981, 4826, 3125, 1405, 1405, 661, 735, 2527, 4414, 4414, 2878, 171, 171, 171, 171, 171, 4507, 4783, 4783, 987, 987, 987, 987, 2792, 2792, 2792, 178, 178, 178, 3340, 3340, 3340, 3340, 3340, 3340, 1854, 1854, 1414, 2268, 949, 1696, 3544, 3544, 1165, 2428, 2712, 231, 2268, 2566, 2546, 3256, 3256, 3256, 409, 4911, 4911, 3805, 395, 3939, 3939, 1434, 1434, 2573, 3267, 2184, 1149, 1149, 3072, 3072, 369, 369, 4307, 2551, 2551, 2551, 2551, 2551, 2551, 2551, 2551, 3172, 2016, 2301, 2301, 3910, 3910, 4305, 581, 581, 310, 2902, 2902, 3696, 3696, 3274, 3274, 3274, 3274, 2141, 4147, 4033, 478, 2322, 2322, 1090, 2390, 104, 1268, 2017, 1036, 3043, 4101, 2622, 1914, 158, 158, 9, 9, 1084, 3194, 3271, 47, 1643, 1555, 1555, 4140, 4140, 4140, 4140, 4140, 4140, 4140, 2883, 2883, 2883, 719, 451, 451, 1271, 1271, 1147, 1147, 1147, 1147, 1581, 1581, 1581, 2962, 315, 315, 288, 1351, 4823, 4823, 4823, 574, 31, 4796, 157, 157, 157, 157, 3415, 3415, 3415, 2030, 28, 3958, 2026, 30, 1510, 1406, 108, 3610, 4249, 3398, 1790, 1202, 474, 4159, 2184, 745, 2020, 1693, 1315, 2142, 3041, 1158, 1158, 1158, 1158, 1281, 4697, 4433, 121, 1487, 1487, 1487, 1487, 237, 1010, 1010, 3914, 2704, 1608, 2245, 2245, 2245, 2245, 2245, 2245, 1660, 870, 4080, 1034, 1034, 1418, 1418, 3843, 311, 153, 884, 2377, 4409, 2593, 163, 399, 4665, 1128, 1128, 1128, 1286, 1286, 828, 828, 110, 3268, 1586, 1066, 1586, 1904, 1510, 2411, 3907, 1814, 1814, 1814, 1814, 1814, 1930, 616, 2930, 2014, 112, 1200, 1200, 1058, 1058, 63, 665, 198, 3494, 1210, 3189, 4643, 2973, 1644, 1730, 3410, 3410, 3410, 3410, 3410, 1955, 3410, 4069, 4069, 904, 904, 4475, 4475, 1907, 3804, 3804, 3804, 4499, 4287, 4287, 67, 1011, 4077, 1011, 2214, 162, 2324, 4398, 1668, 4811, 166, 166, 388, 166, 742, 912, 2234, 229, 1230, 1688, 486, 1179, 1179, 1179, 1179, 1086, 246, 1878, 2390, 894, 2646, 2646, 2476, 4767, 4767, 1907, 1907, 694, 3991, 922, 922, 4625, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.42084583333333336, 0.7615305555555556, 0.9018125, 1.1222555555555556, 1.3226583333333333, 1.9439069444444443, 3.0661625, 3.967975, 4.188418055555556, 4.368780555555556, 4.609263888888889, 5.0100694444444445, 5.551156944444445, 6.372808333333333, 6.793654166666666, 6.913895833333333, 7.875829166666667, 8.356795833333333, 8.517118055555555, 9.238568055555556 ]
[ 0.42084583333333336, 0.7615305555555556, 0.9018125, 1.1222555555555556, 1.3226583333333333, 1.9439069444444443, 3.0661625, 3.967975, 4.188418055555556, 4.368780555555556, 4.609263888888889, 5.0100694444444445, 5.551156944444445, 6.372808333333333, 6.793654166666666, 6.913895833333333, 7.875829166666667, 8.356795833333333, 8.517118055555555, 9.238568055555556, 9.899897222222222 ]
Also, it was very proactive during the European Year of Volunteering, so well done to the Commission on that.
also it was very proactive during the european year of volunteering so well done to the commission on that.
[ "also", "it", "was", "very", "proactive", "during", "the", "european", "year", "of", "volunteering", "so", "well", "done", "to", "the", "commission", "on", "that." ]
[ "also", "it", "was", "very", "proactive", "during", "the", "european", "year", "of", "volunteering", "so", "well", "done", "to", "the", "commission", "on", "that" ]
[ "a l s o", "i t", "w a s", "v e r y", "p r o a c t i v e", "d u r i n g", "t h e", "e u r o p e a n", "y e a r", "o f", "v o l u n t e e r i n g", "s o", "w e l l", "d o n e", "t o", "t h e", "c o m m i s s i o n", "o n", "t h a t" ]
[ 4079, 3156, 108, 108, 68, 604, 1634, 2740, 2271, 2525, 3297, 3297, 1933, 1933, 2385, 3729, 3928, 4433, 1666, 3505, 3762, 2066, 2066, 2066, 3128, 3128, 2621, 2621, 4042, 4042, 4042, 4042, 401, 3485, 3050, 758, 2558, 2558, 4559, 2395, 640, 640, 640, 640, 755, 2133, 693, 1414, 212, 4461, 3256, 3256, 409, 1766, 179, 179, 763, 763, 3361, 172, 952, 3612, 631, 2460, 2460, 2460, 3309, 274, 1041, 1041, 2753, 3189, 4643, 1673, 654, 1215, 1685, 1685, 2577, 3607, 3487, 4007, 4007, 3218, 3218, 2802, 2359, 2842, 2026, 1163, 1163, 3894, 3894, 2861, 2184, 745, 2277, 84, 2559, 3138, 286, 2826, 2826, 2826, 2826, 870, 2932, 2932, 2932, 156, 2316, 2811, 3347, 1445, 1445, 4403, 4403, 2144, 1004, 2262, 3648, 3648, 1853, 583, 4907, 231, 4643, 439, 784, 784, 3392, 3392, 2357, 4465, 4465, 2168, 3212, 2485, 39, 39, 3085, 799, 3769, 2945, 3417, 2524, 3618, 3201, 1932, 3777, 4189, 1185, 856, 3878, 3612, 2868, 3372, 1647, 1647, 1647, 2141, 4147, 1197, 2845, 2845, 2845, 3687, 685, 1546, 270, 944, 1359, 2260, 681, 681, 681, 681, 681, 173, 2392, 470, 4469, 4358, 651, 1182, 1697, 1697, 4914, 598, 1638, 4401, 2593, 742, 4665, 4243, 72, 1245, 1245, 1245, 72, 3913, 3913, 532, 2030, 2030, 2026, 3958, 252, 2110, 4077, 3914, 79, 3001, 427, 3128, 201, 45, 1345, 4553, 1543, 1543, 709, 709, 2794, 4453, 3834, 3834, 4184, 3496, 3460, 1451, 1451, 4174, 2177, 4768, 300, 300, 894, 1058, 665, 698, 2761, 437, 424, 4141, 177, 2, 231, 1000, 434, 434, 2733, 308, 2375, 504, 504, 504, 2504, 4077, 3405, 1840, 222, 821, 60, 366, 3398, 2740, 3201, 3201, 4174, 4174, 24, 2548, 3364, 662, 662, 40, 1655, 1276, 2228, 3183, 2228, 3032, 129, 3991, 2665, 3289, 4673, 142, 2593, 4665, 4243, 329, 329, 2976, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.6219964104729729, 1.0232844172297295, 1.2038640202702702, 1.4045080236486485, 1.94624683277027, 2.2271484374999995, 2.3274704391891885, 2.7287584459459455, 2.9294024493243236, 3.0698532516891888, 3.992815667229729, 4.313846072635135, 4.534554476351351, 4.735198479729729, 4.835520481418918, 4.935842483108107, 5.337130489864864, 5.497645692567566 ]
[ 0.6219964104729729, 1.0232844172297295, 1.2038640202702702, 1.4045080236486485, 1.94624683277027, 2.2271484374999995, 2.3274704391891885, 2.7287584459459455, 2.9294024493243236, 3.0698532516891888, 3.992815667229729, 4.313846072635135, 4.534554476351351, 4.735198479729729, 4.835520481418918, 4.935842483108107, 5.337130489864864, 5.497645692567566, 5.918998099662161 ]
Mr President, coming from Northern Ireland, I know only too well the fear and the pain the Nigerian people are suffering as the result of the wanton violence of terrorist groups who kill others because of their religion.
mr president coming from northern ireland i know only too well the fear and the pain the nigerian people are suffering as the result of the wanton violence of terrorist groups who kill others because of their religion.
[ "mr", "president", "coming", "from", "northern", "ireland", "i", "know", "only", "too", "well", "the", "fear", "and", "the", "pain", "the", "nigerian", "people", "are", "suffering", "as", "the", "result", "of", "the", "wanton", "violence", "of", "terrorist", "groups", "who", "kill", "others", "because", "of", "their", "religion." ]
[ "mr", "president", "coming", "from", "northern", "ireland", "i", "know", "only", "too", "well", "the", "fear", "and", "the", "pain", "the", "nigerian", "people", "are", "suffering", "as", "the", "result", "of", "the", "wanton", "violence", "of", "terrorist", "groups", "who", "kill", "others", "because", "of", "their", "religion" ]
[ "m r", "p r e s i d e n t", "c o m i n g", "f r o m", "n o r t h e r n", "i r e l a n d", "i", "k n o w", "o n l y", "t o o", "w e l l", "t h e", "f e a r", "a n d", "t h e", "p a i n", "t h e", "n i g e r i a n", "p e o p l e", "a r e", "s u f f e r i n g", "a s", "t h e", "r e s u l t", "o f", "t h e", "w a n t o n", "v i o l e n c e", "o f", "t e r r o r i s t", "g r o u p s", "w h o", "k i l l", "o t h e r s", "b e c a u s e", "o f", "t h e i r", "r e l i g i o n" ]
[ 38, 467, 467, 467, 3154, 139, 1620, 1620, 1620, 3861, 3861, 3861, 2026, 3227, 4658, 2774, 2774, 4466, 2619, 449, 449, 449, 449, 1624, 2489, 4886, 383, 2903, 2858, 3591, 2191, 4645, 4645, 4645, 4669, 4342, 4342, 4342, 1551, 4342, 1551, 1551, 1501, 1501, 983, 742, 1045, 4559, 2395, 640, 640, 640, 1002, 1002, 755, 755, 755, 2133, 2133, 3896, 3896, 1934, 943, 943, 2505, 3016, 2535, 2187, 242, 2683, 3175, 3175, 2261, 4183, 3170, 654, 4038, 2054, 2054, 2054, 2054, 2562, 1360, 1360, 765, 765, 765, 3543, 1221, 1221, 3493, 3493, 3493, 624, 498, 498, 381, 377, 3190, 1481, 1915, 586, 1252, 3796, 3587, 3587, 3587, 3587, 4796, 4796, 4796, 4796, 4796, 4796, 4796, 453, 453, 453, 453, 3673, 2154, 2154, 28, 3958, 2026, 1784, 3718, 3489, 3310, 3310, 1947, 2618, 3637, 501, 2379, 156, 50, 4635, 4635, 4629, 4629, 4329, 906, 4255, 2052, 258, 4608, 894, 2142, 4506, 4506, 4506, 4874, 4874, 2121, 4061, 4966, 4966, 3833, 4078, 4359, 366, 3398, 2707, 822, 1309, 1309, 1309, 1309, 1309, 2908, 4391, 3243, 1940, 4033, 2369, 2369, 2369, 54, 3034, 37, 2513, 104, 4713, 4713, 1842, 3246, 2137, 1065, 4193, 2719, 3471, 1559, 4921, 4921, 1744, 1744, 1628, 3607, 3607, 2577, 731, 731, 731, 3437, 1263, 1263, 2628, 2628, 4054, 4202, 1172, 1550, 687, 2559, 3076, 4375, 985, 3624, 3624, 3624, 3624, 2801, 22, 4714, 1345, 1851, 4553, 4553, 1543, 1543, 1543, 1543, 709, 709, 709, 1796, 1796, 1796, 4785, 4785, 4785, 670, 4450, 4702, 128, 4790, 4790, 2012, 272, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 288, 2135, 3458, 3458, 4823, 4823, 4796, 4796, 4796, 72, 23, 2154, 2827, 710, 527, 2026, 3958, 1504, 489, 492, 2690, 1815, 3524, 3524, 5, 2923, 4953, 4953, 4925, 4925, 4925, 4925, 3085, 3085, 173, 173, 4203, 4203, 385, 414, 414, 414, 3050, 1492, 3143, 1097, 2479, 1123, 2316, 4055, 3347, 2632, 4730, 2812, 3189, 2973, 1644, 1119, 1119, 1181, 1181, 1181, 4271, 4271, 2706, 3171, 3171, 2168, 3364, 662, 40, 3102, 729, 4959, 2146, 1559, 3041, 3115, 3115, 2175, 2175, 49, 3049, 3189, 1967, 3138, 3536, 2195, 748, 748, 2365, 4855, 4080, 3304, 3304, 3720, 916, 4465, 4465, 522, 522, 830, 4591, 4643, 2973, 1644, 1154, 211, 211, 1532, 4093, 251, 595, 3189, 1916, 1916, 371, 371, 371, 668, 4808, 4808, 4808, 2851, 2851, 670, 4881, 4336, 4336, 1635, 4881, 3800, 1262, 1262, 1262, 163, 1, 2789, 794, 1464, 1464, 1464, 3876, 2956, 2956, 2542, 1417, 4433, 3702, 3702, 1069, 1069, 3505, 2704, 3091, 3091, 3091, 1111, 1111, 3279, 3279, 3319, 3319, 2439, 652, 4358, 4358, 651, 651, 2610, 4914, 4976, 4200, 435, 1842, 4890, 2752, 2752, 4740, 1705, 3207, 4095, 4095, 4354, 2603, 937, 4988, 127, 613, 4424, 4077, 4424, 2345, 3990, 1963, 1963, 1963, 1963, 3092, 2239, 2239, 3965, 860, 742, 1163, 2723, 2723, 4526, 384, 3912, 745, 4429, 396, 396, 3204, 1346, 2783, 2031, 787, 787, 787, 787, 2548, 2854, 4116, 1447, 860, 192, 1830, 1356, 4206, 4741, 4181, 3687, 522, 1185, 856, 3878, 2870, 3612, 3612, 3372, 2550, 2550, 2550, 2550, 2550, 2550, 4417, 2908, 3510, 3510, 3510, 3243, 1940, 4960, 956, 956, 3285, 2072, 624, 3264, 3234, 1834, 3989, 3989, 4266, 2213, 4260, 2446, 4526, 965, 2184, 917, 917, 742, 270, 1781, 2657, 541, 3030, 3030, 3030, 3030, 1660, 2879, 2879, 3558, 4855, 4855, 4395, 4472, 1001, 298, 4433, 4037, 4037, 4067, 3863, 2019, 521, 205, 231, 126, 406, 406, 2475, 3088, 3088, 4385, 4385, 2808, 742, 4421, 4421, 3773, 3773, 542, 4100, 4100, 4100, 145, 3414, 634, 2967, 3557, 3557, 3796, 1943, 3587, 3587, 1245, 1245, 3913, 3913, 3913, 3913, 532, 828, 828, 2030, 4195, 742, 3117, 4637, 1377, 186, 260, 91, 581, 104, 4633, 678, 708, 592, 420, 420, 2825, 2794, 1940, 1230, 4333, 822, 3423, 3423, 3423, 457, 1237, 2844, 2844, 963, 568, 4232, 2401, 2401, 525, 4499, 1764, 4050, 4077, 3411, 2821, 4241, 367, 2741, 3060, 848, 848, 91, 581, 560, 3718, 3603, 888, 888, 2204 ]
[ 0, 1.4622427035330263, 2.223410138248848, 2.7442089093701996, 2.9244854070660526, 3.3250998463901693, 3.725714285714286, 3.8258678955453154, 3.986113671274962, 4.246513056835638, 4.486881720430108, 5.127864823348695, 5.528479262672811, 5.949124423963134, 6.109370199692782, 6.169462365591398, 6.489953917050691, 6.570076804915515, 7.150967741935485, 7.711827956989247, 8.072380952380954, 8.593179723502304, 8.71336405529954, 8.773456221198158, 9.19410138248848, 9.33431643625192, 9.43447004608295, 9.855115207373272, 10.476067588325654, 10.596251920122889, 11.097019969278035, 11.497634408602151, 11.758033794162827, 11.958341013824885, 12.098556067588326, 12.378986175115207, 12.459109062980032, 12.699477726574502 ]
[ 1.4622427035330263, 2.223410138248848, 2.7442089093701996, 2.9244854070660526, 3.3250998463901693, 3.725714285714286, 3.8058371735791092, 3.986113671274962, 4.246513056835638, 4.486881720430108, 5.127864823348695, 5.528479262672811, 5.949124423963134, 6.089339477726575, 6.169462365591398, 6.489953917050691, 6.570076804915515, 7.150967741935485, 7.711827956989247, 8.072380952380954, 8.593179723502304, 8.693333333333333, 8.773456221198158, 9.19410138248848, 9.33431643625192, 9.414439324116744, 9.855115207373272, 10.476067588325654, 10.596251920122889, 11.097019969278035, 11.497634408602151, 11.758033794162827, 11.938310291858679, 12.07852534562212, 12.378986175115207, 12.459109062980032, 12.699477726574502, 13.019969278033795 ]
We really do have to be much more proactive in ensuring that we take boycott action against those countries that continue to treat people in this way.
we really do have to be much more proactive in ensuring that we take boycott action against those countries that continue to treat people in this way.
[ "we", "really", "do", "have", "to", "be", "much", "more", "proactive", "in", "ensuring", "that", "we", "take", "boycott", "action", "against", "those", "countries", "that", "continue", "to", "treat", "people", "in", "this", "way." ]
[ "we", "really", "do", "have", "to", "be", "much", "more", "proactive", "in", "ensuring", "that", "we", "take", "boycott", "action", "against", "those", "countries", "that", "continue", "to", "treat", "people", "in", "this", "way" ]
[ "w e", "r e a l l y", "d o", "h a v e", "t o", "b e", "m u c h", "m o r e", "p r o a c t i v e", "i n", "e n s u r i n g", "t h a t", "w e", "t a k e", "b o y c o t t", "a c t i o n", "a g a i n s t", "t h o s e", "c o u n t r i e s", "t h a t", "c o n t i n u e", "t o", "t r e a t", "p e o p l e", "i n", "t h i s", "w a y" ]
[ 2204, 236, 1074, 2729, 2894, 2894, 2894, 2894, 2561, 4541, 2628, 2628, 4324, 4202, 3049, 1568, 381, 433, 2389, 3348, 1919, 1919, 2801, 2801, 401, 3261, 3261, 3805, 1007, 395, 3939, 1434, 1434, 1434, 4484, 451, 2405, 4154, 1524, 1163, 2761, 2761, 4696, 4929, 221, 2958, 566, 3686, 3846, 1593, 4493, 1456, 148, 751, 751, 751, 2448, 1056, 1974, 4797, 2103, 1217, 4208, 1204, 1014, 1456, 203, 4838, 4838, 4838, 1413, 1205, 4026, 4026, 2753, 1478, 2812, 742, 3170, 4660, 4660, 4660, 654, 1215, 1685, 1685, 1685, 4563, 1628, 3607, 3607, 3487, 4007, 1640, 1640, 3218, 3218, 2802, 1328, 2359, 2842, 3189, 1163, 1163, 3894, 3894, 3894, 3894, 2861, 3166, 3654, 718, 718, 718, 142, 142, 2593, 399, 1252, 1252, 1943, 140, 140, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1357, 1357, 72, 3844, 2030, 3268, 312, 1586, 14, 3867, 3867, 1949, 3398, 1790, 4028, 2378, 2378, 661, 1748, 4414, 4414, 171, 171, 171, 4507, 4783, 987, 987, 987, 987, 2792, 2792, 470, 4469, 4358, 651, 501, 473, 156, 3771, 2352, 4055, 949, 1696, 133, 1531, 2969, 168, 168, 1346, 3677, 487, 487, 2863, 1166, 4202, 3049, 1568, 1568, 433, 2389, 3348, 3208, 3208, 2801, 2801, 132, 4495, 2183, 1623, 894, 1781, 2657, 4046, 4046, 1852, 1852, 1852, 4299, 418, 2663, 3176, 2664, 2664, 4894, 1440, 1440, 1440, 1440, 742, 739, 1373, 4427, 355, 3704, 1269, 2361, 1654, 2175, 4992, 2301, 49, 4305, 4183, 381, 560, 3718, 3387, 3387, 3873, 705, 2228, 2361, 4322, 4322, 2743, 1061, 2140, 4571, 2330, 2972, 3189, 1045, 2411, 4007, 4007, 1640, 1640, 3218, 3218, 2802, 2543, 556, 556, 3405, 419, 1840, 4392, 821, 636, 1055, 366, 2707, 1790, 430, 2471, 2471, 1710, 381, 1223, 1057, 1211, 1211, 1211, 1211, 1211, 1164, 277, 3149, 4691, 4691, 4077, 1458, 515, 3362, 368, 346, 346, 142, 4811, 163, 3557, 1351, 1639, 1286, 1286, 828, 2030, 4195, 2670, 2026, 3958, 1504, 753, 4592, 4592, 1363, 1363, 3801, 3801, 3801, 3742, 1293, 4050, 4969, 2019, 213, 3766, 3718, 3387, 256, 1083, 1083, 1083, 1083, 2854, 4116, 2373, 2373, 2952, 2952, 2952, 352, 352, 27, 27, 500, 3797, 3979, 4287, 2091, 4433, 3294, 1311, 634, 1915, 3557, 1252, 1128, 1128, 1357, 532, 828, 2030, 2677, 1586, 2026, 1504, 949, 2965, 2965, 1531, 891, 581, 3766, 1000, 4986, 909, 3389, 735, 685, 944, 136, 1994, 1994, 1994, 1994, 1548, 1548, 4765, 4765, 4765, 2518, 2518, 4018, 2183, 2559, 3026, 219, 3490, 3494, 3336, 270, 944, 4374, 4374, 3826, 3433, 4957, 4957, 4957, 4957, 1350, 3373, 3492, 3492, 3190, 142, 2593, 2593, 399, 1252, 1128, 1128, 140, 1357, 1357, 23, 828, 2030, 710, 2725, 2670, 2026, 1784, 2973, 1644, 1154, 211, 211, 1532, 1532, 4093, 251, 231, 1059, 1916, 371, 371, 371, 2041, 768, 4785, 670, 471, 758, 80, 3800, 2558, 2558, 2558, 3963, 287, 3867, 1446, 1446, 1949, 3832, 3918, 2316, 2352, 2352, 5, 1655, 138, 4490, 4490, 1507, 1542, 1031, 4077, 2940, 2940, 3629, 551, 1569, 1345, 1945, 1945, 2082, 2082, 2082, 2082, 4545, 4545, 4545, 3173, 3173, 3173, 1248, 922, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.06012024048096193, 0.280561122244489, 0.4809619238476954, 0.7615230460921844, 0.841683366733467, 0.9619238476953909, 1.2625250501002003, 1.5030060120240483, 2.48496993987976, 2.7855711422845695, 3.3266533066132267, 3.486973947895792, 3.7675350701402808, 4.268537074148297, 4.949899799599199, 5.390781563126253, 5.991983967935872, 6.452905811623246, 7.114228456913828, 7.394789579158317, 7.835671342685371, 7.955911823647295, 8.43687374749499, 9.098196392785573, 9.33867735470942, 9.599198396793586 ]
[ 0.06012024048096193, 0.280561122244489, 0.4809619238476954, 0.7615230460921844, 0.841683366733467, 0.9619238476953909, 1.2625250501002003, 1.5030060120240483, 2.48496993987976, 2.7855711422845695, 3.3266533066132267, 3.486973947895792, 3.7675350701402808, 4.268537074148297, 4.949899799599199, 5.390781563126253, 5.991983967935872, 6.452905811623246, 7.114228456913828, 7.394789579158317, 7.835671342685371, 7.955911823647295, 8.43687374749499, 9.098196392785573, 9.33867735470942, 9.599198396793586, 9.97995991983968 ]
Efforts to reignite a political process must be inclusive, involving women and civil society, and must be accompanied by confidence building measures such as the end of indiscriminate bombing and arbitrary arrest or detention,
efforts to reignite a political process must be inclusive involving women and civil society and must be accompanied by confidence building measures such as the end of indiscriminate bombing and arbitrary arrest or detention
[ "efforts", "to", "reignite", "a", "political", "process", "must", "be", "inclusive", "involving", "women", "and", "civil", "society", "and", "must", "be", "accompanied", "by", "confidence", "building", "measures", "such", "as", "the", "end", "of", "indiscriminate", "bombing", "and", "arbitrary", "arrest", "or", "detention" ]
[ "efforts", "to", "reignite", "a", "political", "process", "must", "be", "inclusive", "involving", "women", "and", "civil", "society", "and", "must", "be", "accompanied", "by", "confidence", "building", "measures", "such", "as", "the", "end", "of", "indiscriminate", "bombing", "and", "arbitrary", "arrest", "or", "detention" ]
[ "e f f o r t s", "t o", "r e i g n i t e", "a", "p o l i t i c a l", "p r o c e s s", "m u s t", "b e", "i n c l u s i v e", "i n v o l v i n g", "w o m e n", "a n d", "c i v i l", "s o c i e t y", "a n d", "m u s t", "b e", "a c c o m p a n i e d", "b y", "c o n f i d e n c e", "b u i l d i n g", "m e a s u r e s", "s u c h", "a s", "t h e", "e n d", "o f", "i n d i s c r i m i n a t e", "b o m b i n g", "a n d", "a r b i t r a r y", "a r r e s t", "o r", "d e t e n t i o n" ]
[ 1101, 3339, 2026, 3740, 3740, 3740, 2026, 2085, 912, 520, 1904, 4641, 187, 1169, 1169, 1169, 1169, 1169, 1111, 3290, 2535, 3535, 3319, 4127, 4127, 4127, 4127, 4127, 4127, 4127, 696, 1964, 1964, 1923, 445, 3711, 3711, 273, 2535, 3411, 3411, 4067, 1139, 4229, 4229, 231, 4092, 2948, 885, 1292, 3820, 2090, 2536, 1395, 1819, 1819, 1551, 4042, 4042, 1551, 1873, 1873, 4450, 1472, 1472, 122, 122, 122, 166, 166, 166, 163, 166, 2234, 3547, 3547, 3260, 3316, 3316, 3316, 1687, 3441, 2552, 3757, 1845, 3757, 3879, 4124, 1412, 1412, 268, 1471, 4519, 3041, 3010, 4824, 1891, 4824, 4764, 4764, 4764, 533, 719, 3172, 2016, 2016, 1473, 1473, 3373, 1100, 131, 2732, 2732, 977, 1172, 1172, 1172, 3849, 890, 3849, 3849, 197, 1630, 4614, 4614, 4187, 2096, 2812, 3326, 102, 3739, 81, 81, 4678, 4563, 3142, 3378, 3965, 1686, 3109, 4617, 4617, 4617, 91, 4186, 517, 4071, 4071, 4071, 36, 1187, 1177, 2753, 2096, 231, 1724, 654, 1215, 1685, 1685, 1685, 1685, 4563, 644, 4853, 1554, 1666, 4372, 1208, 1208, 1208, 4472, 279, 4740, 3503, 2324, 3849, 3849, 3849, 166, 890, 2767, 2767, 1134, 148, 363, 363, 363, 363, 4650, 4650, 279, 3886, 3207, 4894, 2970, 276, 3537, 221, 2958, 566, 3590, 3590, 2409, 3908, 3908, 253, 2099, 55, 340, 3317, 3701, 2445, 1998, 1998, 1998, 1998, 4706, 825, 4032, 3886, 3886, 472, 3894, 3894, 466, 466, 466, 2861, 3166, 283, 283, 283, 4980, 3087, 315, 315, 315, 315, 399, 4389, 1639, 140, 140, 140, 1357, 1357, 23, 2827, 955, 4195, 4195, 3958, 2026, 3614, 1405, 2541, 4437, 856, 4929, 4929, 2684, 2684, 2684, 2684, 2684, 2684, 3092, 4478, 283, 3997, 4929, 3637, 651, 160, 2610, 2610, 2379, 7, 2644, 2644, 2644, 3789, 1472, 775, 1472, 2697, 2697, 4703, 4973, 4973, 4973, 2910, 3842, 3842, 3842, 3842, 1947, 4134, 4867, 1260, 1260, 1260, 2649, 2649, 4844, 4844, 4844, 4844, 4681, 4681, 775, 775, 775, 1472, 1472, 4153, 4153, 14, 1097, 4381, 2479, 1123, 1748, 4834, 760, 3374, 1275, 313, 1892, 620, 2718, 2718, 2718, 1274, 4929, 2365, 4264, 3325, 36, 3758, 1554, 1275, 2905, 4721, 1746, 1746, 3210, 3374, 1275, 1010, 4367, 1892, 4113, 4297, 4297, 4297, 4297, 4297, 1138, 1138, 1138, 3599, 3599, 3599, 1090, 1577, 1550, 1268, 3538, 2017, 1036, 3684, 2540, 3843, 311, 884, 884, 2377, 4409, 2593, 2593, 315, 399, 4389, 4389, 3401, 4389, 1716, 1716, 1716, 3305, 1357, 1357, 1254, 2778, 2827, 2827, 28, 28, 3958, 2026, 2281, 2391, 1510, 4112, 4112, 591, 591, 591, 591, 1226, 1226, 4694, 463, 3980, 1634, 883, 1008, 4851, 2, 91, 231, 559, 805, 4965, 4965, 4965, 4965, 1802, 4001, 1157, 55, 2820, 1611, 1611, 1611, 1794, 293, 4519, 2597, 2737, 2737, 2737, 4824, 4824, 1654, 719, 719, 3172, 2016, 1473, 3463, 1296, 3883, 2800, 2970, 276, 42, 53, 1976, 2779, 2779, 2779, 2779, 115, 115, 2016, 2301, 1736, 4234, 1694, 581, 687, 3189, 687, 340, 1579, 3387, 256, 680, 2545, 2545, 2545, 1802, 4001, 1157, 3290, 1075, 4165, 4165, 4165, 2355, 1221, 1221, 596, 3285, 2072, 194, 1926, 3207, 4247, 4894, 276, 3537, 3574, 1509, 1509, 1509, 825, 2486, 851, 3169, 4687, 2308, 2379, 156, 3771, 436, 1134, 939, 3937, 3937, 3937, 3900, 4221, 4221, 1775, 1775, 4767, 86, 2667, 2667, 2667, 2118, 2118, 2118, 2118, 608, 292, 3385, 3830, 3830, 3830, 2898, 145, 621, 1311, 634, 4811, 4811, 4811, 4389, 4389, 4389, 4389, 4389, 4389, 3401, 3305, 3305, 3305, 3305, 1254, 1254, 570, 408, 2026, 214, 3740, 3740, 3740, 252, 4494, 1332, 1332, 2110, 4367, 1892, 3020, 2889, 2889, 2889, 2889, 2889, 4513, 3646, 3646, 3197, 3079, 3079, 2946, 2946, 2946, 2946, 2946, 2946, 2456, 2456, 2456, 3578, 67, 67, 67, 4067, 4067, 4067, 4067, 1477, 2810, 2810, 2810, 1448, 729, 4705, 4705, 1889, 1630, 1291, 187, 4758, 4758, 4758, 4758, 4758, 1986, 1986, 1986, 3034, 37, 37, 2513, 4728, 2781, 4571, 4944, 64, 3516, 3516, 4789, 4789, 2968, 3912, 745, 137, 137, 1300, 3632, 4185, 4967, 3908, 2218, 2218, 4108, 2410, 2811, 572, 837, 837, 618, 1554, 2535, 4308, 521, 2559, 2360, 406, 2475, 2475, 440, 1947, 4134, 1777, 1701, 1701, 1794, 3212, 293, 4519, 2560, 2560, 871, 871, 871, 871, 871, 1964, 1964, 1964, 1964, 1964, 3373, 421, 131, 2732, 2732, 977, 977, 1340, 1340, 2447, 2447, 2447, 2447, 166, 166, 4340, 4340, 1787, 276, 3537, 4427, 1104, 1104, 2984, 617, 24, 24, 516, 1695, 741, 2782, 2782, 4902, 160, 160, 160, 160, 2610, 4914, 4914, 4914, 4848, 3660, 3660, 2644, 2644, 2644, 2644, 3251, 3251, 1635, 1635, 163, 1172, 3223, 2354, 3830, 3140, 3140, 1311, 634, 2967, 3808, 3557, 1351, 140, 140, 3305, 1357, 1357, 3415, 2827, 3740, 28, 28, 2026, 2391, 2391, 1510, 4112, 4112, 591, 591, 591, 1226, 1226, 4694, 4694, 3980, 604, 2781, 4571, 2330, 332, 561, 3017, 1597, 1597, 3983, 3983, 1977, 732, 2759, 1632, 2882, 2882, 324, 4023, 3326, 114, 2476, 3968, 2987, 2987, 2987, 2987, 4855, 4855, 4080, 1983, 1983, 1983, 587, 1247, 1889, 1630, 2746, 2746, 4851, 4851, 2737, 2737, 2945, 2945, 2879, 4469, 3828, 3828, 1188, 4161, 93, 858, 858, 159, 3717, 515, 3362, 3396, 3189, 4505, 4260, 606, 3516, 3516, 2968, 1601, 2184, 4561, 2849, 3326, 3522, 572, 1353, 1992, 324, 1623, 231, 114, 2877, 2374, 3929, 3929, 3929, 1331, 1331, 2854, 277, 3155, 3155, 3155, 1742, 3405, 419, 222, 222, 4392, 636, 636, 2649, 2649, 4844, 4844, 4844, 4844, 4844, 4681, 4681, 2039, 2039, 1393, 627, 627, 2026, 4276, 1704, 1704, 1716, 1016, 1016, 1016, 374, 1016, 2691, 2691, 2026, 4222, 281, 281, 281, 2885, 2116, 3164, 2116, 3164, 2116, 3164, 1280, 2116, 2116, 2116, 1280, 408, 1280, 1280, 2116, 2885, 4002, 2116, 4002, 4002, 1692, 1692, 1692, 1692, 761, 3803, 4326, 4350, 4350, 4350, 2046, 4350, 3340, 3340, 4026, 693, 3799, 2212, 753, 729, 3683, 324, 1623, 3189, 55, 2877, 2374, 3929, 3929, 3929, 3929, 1331, 1331, 496, 277, 277, 3155, 3155, 3405, 3405, 3405, 4067, 4067, 222, 4392, 4392, 60, 636, 2649, 4844, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.8408553971486762, 1.2612830957230141, 2.362403258655805, 2.5225661914460282, 3.0430957230142566, 3.5636252545824845, 3.9239918533604885, 4.024093686354379, 4.864949083503054, 5.7058044806517305, 6.2463543788187375, 6.526639511201629, 6.826945010183299, 7.787922606924643, 8.288431771894093, 8.368513238289205, 8.40855397148676, 9.129287169042769, 9.429592668024439, 10.070244399185336, 10.370549898167006, 11.211405295315682, 11.812016293279022, 12.13234215885947, 12.352566191446028, 12.712932790224032, 12.93315682281059, 14.074317718940936, 15.155417515274948, 15.675947046843177, 16.336619144602853, 16.8371283095723, 18.939266802443992 ]
[ 0.8408553971486762, 1.2612830957230141, 2.362403258655805, 2.5225661914460282, 3.0430957230142566, 3.5636252545824845, 3.9239918533604885, 4.024093686354379, 4.864949083503054, 5.7058044806517305, 6.2463543788187375, 6.526639511201629, 6.826945010183299, 7.787922606924643, 8.268411405295316, 8.348492871690427, 8.388533604887984, 9.129287169042769, 9.429592668024439, 10.070244399185336, 10.370549898167006, 11.211405295315682, 11.812016293279022, 12.13234215885947, 12.352566191446028, 12.712932790224032, 12.93315682281059, 14.074317718940936, 15.155417515274948, 15.675947046843177, 16.336619144602853, 16.8371283095723, 18.939266802443992, 19.63997963340122 ]
The study will evaluate existing control measures and tools, identify the strengths and weaknesses of available solutions, assess the costs and benefits of different options, explore good practices and propose recommendations or guidelines to improve control schemes.
the study will evaluate existing control measures and tools identify the strengths and weaknesses of available solutions assess the costs and benefits of different options explore good practices and propose recommendations or guidelines to improve control schemes.
[ "the", "study", "will", "evaluate", "existing", "control", "measures", "and", "tools", "identify", "the", "strengths", "and", "weaknesses", "of", "available", "solutions", "assess", "the", "costs", "and", "benefits", "of", "different", "options", "explore", "good", "practices", "and", "propose", "recommendations", "or", "guidelines", "to", "improve", "control", "schemes." ]
[ "the", "study", "will", "evaluate", "existing", "control", "measures", "and", "tools", "identify", "the", "strengths", "and", "weaknesses", "of", "available", "solutions", "assess", "the", "costs", "and", "benefits", "of", "different", "options", "explore", "good", "practices", "and", "propose", "recommendations", "or", "guidelines", "to", "improve", "control", "schemes" ]
[ "t h e", "s t u d y", "w i l l", "e v a l u a t e", "e x i s t i n g", "c o n t r o l", "m e a s u r e s", "a n d", "t o o l s", "i d e n t i f y", "t h e", "s t r e n g t h s", "a n d", "w e a k n e s s e s", "o f", "a v a i l a b l e", "s o l u t i o n s", "a s s e s s", "t h e", "c o s t s", "a n d", "b e n e f i t s", "o f", "d i f f e r e n t", "o p t i o n s", "e x p l o r e", "g o o d", "p r a c t i c e s", "a n d", "p r o p o s e", "r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s", "o r", "g u i d e l i n e s", "t o", "i m p r o v e", "c o n t r o l", "s c h e m e s" ]
[ 1101, 467, 1922, 1143, 1143, 1143, 1143, 1143, 914, 914, 524, 524, 2677, 3227, 2026, 2594, 2594, 489, 492, 2632, 3368, 1109, 3374, 9, 1084, 3065, 3271, 2158, 4092, 47, 1555, 4047, 4047, 4047, 4047, 4556, 2171, 2073, 2073, 357, 1848, 1848, 2540, 3843, 311, 569, 569, 3910, 3485, 3649, 45, 2833, 2833, 3570, 3570, 1279, 1279, 1279, 1279, 2794, 768, 670, 4185, 4185, 3963, 2762, 2762, 2762, 1677, 1928, 479, 479, 479, 3372, 802, 4096, 4096, 2961, 2961, 2561, 4146, 4146, 3606, 3606, 3870, 3870, 3870, 3810, 3521, 3521, 871, 871, 871, 934, 934, 565, 246, 3373, 421, 131, 2732, 3189, 1686, 2007, 4571, 197, 197, 3963, 801, 265, 1160, 1160, 1312, 1312, 1275, 4424, 2276, 2276, 2276, 2276, 4435, 1554, 3626, 2187, 242, 4092, 2751, 2402, 2402, 4687, 2308, 2379, 3086, 2605, 1546, 581, 687, 559, 714, 805, 680, 680, 4690, 1802, 4108, 2373, 3237, 3237, 2952, 2952, 3045, 2996, 2996, 2996, 4563, 3142, 1125, 436, 1134, 308, 2993, 3937, 3937, 3937, 4221, 4221, 4221, 1775, 1775, 4239, 86, 86, 86, 2118, 740, 292, 3385, 4511, 4511, 2905, 2905, 4260, 3136, 2479, 666, 2479, 1123, 3980, 4728, 1686, 1686, 4792, 4792, 2508, 2508, 687, 687, 742, 1206, 114, 2877, 3460, 2090, 2681, 2090, 1819, 1819, 1819, 1819, 3604, 3604, 3604, 292, 292, 3385, 3830, 3830, 3830, 302, 145, 145, 621, 3414, 881, 61, 362, 4811, 4276, 2135, 2135, 4823, 4823, 4823, 3587, 3587, 4796, 4796, 4796, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 453, 3673, 3673, 852, 3268, 1066, 912, 193, 4641, 794, 3017, 3115, 3115, 3115, 2175, 2301, 4202, 3665, 2073, 3496, 2510, 2510, 2510, 496, 4116, 1447, 3326, 1830, 3109, 1826, 1826, 4606, 2472, 1815, 1096, 1096, 3446, 4794, 4794, 4794, 4794, 1192, 167, 282, 3314, 4446, 1914, 3374, 9, 9, 3065, 2314, 2314, 347, 4512, 4512, 1070, 1428, 1428, 1428, 3970, 2120, 3756, 3660, 3660, 3660, 3264, 3234, 2354, 2226, 3891, 2214, 2214, 2214, 162, 2324, 1365, 4944, 197, 781, 1097, 4381, 4381, 1461, 1461, 2298, 604, 2781, 2190, 3355, 2833, 2668, 2814, 2814, 2814, 1350, 1665, 1665, 2138, 1412, 268, 268, 1321, 2193, 2193, 4214, 1554, 2535, 4511, 2905, 3715, 4832, 4832, 4839, 4839, 70, 3385, 4511, 1275, 4511, 2905, 4260, 64, 3516, 3516, 4789, 2968, 3912, 745, 745, 3632, 3632, 2558, 2558, 2558, 2746, 2667, 2667, 2807, 2357, 2357, 2561, 2921, 4033, 1729, 4285, 4285, 4285, 3938, 4881, 2365, 3803, 3803, 742, 4641, 4614, 4851, 3497, 952, 479, 2868, 3372, 4198, 4198, 4198, 4198, 565, 1184, 2561, 1940, 4798, 4798, 727, 1820, 336, 1632, 2715, 646, 183, 183, 183, 1992, 4446, 3374, 3374, 2535, 313, 4721, 947, 4572, 4572, 3818, 143, 2680, 2680, 2680, 2680, 2680, 3835, 3835, 225, 4780, 419, 419, 222, 4392, 1411, 1411, 60, 1978, 3346, 836, 836, 4284, 4284, 3830, 2898, 2898, 145, 3414, 3414, 881, 61, 73, 3098, 374, 374, 374, 2250, 4, 4, 4, 2756, 2756, 254, 254, 4083, 254, 2578, 2578, 2578, 3754, 3306, 2413, 863, 863, 863, 2490, 2490, 2490, 2490, 2490, 2490, 1864, 1864, 531, 1864, 88, 1864, 1714, 1714, 1714, 520, 4755, 1886, 742, 4641, 1510, 4851, 4851, 4851, 1723, 3374, 3374, 1069, 4367, 1892, 1608, 491, 4595, 491, 93, 93, 858, 4708, 3626, 462, 3863, 3994, 1477, 2849, 4035, 1448, 729, 729, 124, 91, 581, 62, 1635, 687, 687, 55, 559, 805, 3873, 3873, 2074, 1603, 3428, 1051, 356, 356, 3626, 515, 3396, 3396, 3396, 3396, 273, 872, 4944, 332, 3143, 2479, 2479, 1461, 1234, 1185, 830, 4819, 3925, 3537, 3574, 4259, 4259, 4259, 293, 1005, 3096, 3096, 3096, 2472, 3290, 3290, 3535, 3148, 3148, 3148, 3148, 3280, 445, 445, 3711, 4505, 3773, 3954, 3954, 162, 872, 1365, 2939, 64, 2331, 4789, 2968, 1601, 2744, 4561, 4132, 2212, 572, 3695, 3695, 2472, 3290, 3290, 3319, 3319, 1071, 1071, 1071, 2639, 4609, 1006, 339, 1709, 3326, 2007, 2330, 534, 534, 561, 507, 507, 3672, 4250, 3821, 3821, 556, 3405, 419, 1840, 4392, 1411, 1411, 60, 4532, 1978, 3226, 836, 836, 4284, 3830, 3830, 2898, 145, 621, 621, 3414, 881, 61, 362, 362, 288, 2699, 2699, 4823, 4823, 4823, 574, 574, 4796, 4796, 4796, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 530, 530, 2154, 527, 1416, 2026, 1162, 4826, 801, 265, 265, 3241, 2701, 2701, 2279, 4308, 4308, 2173, 3987, 1049, 2534, 2980, 1920, 1920, 1920, 1920, 2792, 2787, 908, 1316, 1316, 4383, 2009, 4753, 3899, 3899, 340, 2272, 692, 692, 4835, 4835, 4951, 1686, 2959, 4485, 1897, 687, 231, 1724, 654, 243, 243, 243, 243, 4076, 1328, 2842, 231, 1163, 477, 477, 477, 477, 4214, 1554, 4955, 2905, 3715, 3715, 4832, 4839, 4839, 4839, 70, 4287, 67, 3830, 1011, 3954, 162, 2324, 4398, 1365, 4756, 1262, 1262, 2281, 4641, 1097, 4381, 1461, 2838, 4117, 830, 4591, 2096, 628, 1724, 3407, 3167, 285, 285, 750, 2096, 231, 1724, 452, 1530, 1118, 1118, 1118, 4563, 3604, 3742, 279, 4511, 4511, 2940, 455, 936, 4852, 3896, 4941, 3547, 448, 448, 831, 831, 831, 891, 2096, 742, 3326, 714, 805, 155, 155, 2733, 436, 1404, 4134, 1777, 2484, 2484, 2484, 2548, 4108, 4108, 2682, 3326, 2212, 1198, 1808, 1808, 3690, 3690, 19, 225, 4780, 4780, 3405, 419, 1840, 4392, 1411, 1411, 60, 60, 4532, 194, 4655, 2292, 991, 3830, 2214, 2214, 162, 2324, 4944, 4944, 4326, 113, 113, 113, 4026, 2768, 4753, 3899, 3899, 974, 41, 2272, 3070, 543, 543, 543, 543, 1654, 282, 3463, 3058, 1100, 1113, 2251, 669, 275, 2420, 958, 958, 958, 958, 232, 4065, 1341, 1538, 1538, 3171, 1882, 4655, 2292, 991, 4511, 923, 3954, 3954, 2324, 1139, 4229, 4229, 4229, 4092, 1954, 885, 1395, 1395, 1019, 4185, 4185, 4659, 1405, 3908, 3908, 820, 3563, 4508, 1206, 1724, 1673, 2790, 2790, 2790, 2044, 2044, 2044, 2044, 2044, 880, 880, 880, 880, 1407, 3654, 3654, 1300, 142, 71, 2593, 399, 2220, 2220, 1286, 110, 110, 110, 4195, 4195, 2670, 2670, 4321, 559, 340, 805, 680, 680, 2545, 1802, 2548, 2373, 2373, 3237, 2952, 2952, 3045, 2996, 2996, 4285, 4285, 3142, 4446, 2542, 3374, 1275, 9, 4019, 521, 205, 2360, 2360, 2809, 4451, 682, 682, 682, 35, 1953, 1953, 3999, 3999, 3634, 3226, 3226, 836, 836, 4284, 4284, 3830, 302, 302, 145, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.4204083047105005, 0.9208943817468106, 1.281244357212954, 2.1020415235525025, 2.722644259077527, 3.1430525637880273, 3.6235191977428856, 3.8637525147203142, 4.744608010304219, 5.7655996074582925, 5.825657936702649, 6.386202342983317, 6.626435659960746, 7.287077281648675, 7.707485586359176, 8.548302195780177, 9.72944933758587, 10.630324276251228, 10.850538150147203, 11.31098534102061, 11.471140885672229, 12.071724178115801, 12.231879722767419, 12.672307470559371, 13.553162966143278, 14.434018461727185, 14.694271221786064, 15.455010058881257, 15.695243375858684, 16.21574889597645, 17.356857151619234, 17.55705158243376, 18.31779041952895, 18.517984850343474, 19.21866535819431, 19.79922920755643 ]
[ 0.4204083047105005, 0.9208943817468106, 1.281244357212954, 2.1020415235525025, 2.722644259077527, 3.1430525637880273, 3.6235191977428856, 3.8637525147203142, 4.744608010304219, 5.74558016437684, 5.805638493621197, 6.386202342983317, 6.626435659960746, 7.287077281648675, 7.707485586359176, 8.548302195780177, 9.72944933758587, 10.630324276251228, 10.850538150147203, 11.31098534102061, 11.471140885672229, 12.071724178115801, 12.231879722767419, 12.672307470559371, 13.553162966143278, 14.434018461727185, 14.694271221786064, 15.455010058881257, 15.695243375858684, 16.21574889597645, 17.356857151619234, 17.55705158243376, 18.31779041952895, 18.517984850343474, 19.21866535819431, 19.79922920755643, 20.379793056918547 ]
Secondly, what is the Danish position on a Tobin tax', which according to the Commission's latest figures could cost around 130 jobs?
secondly what is the danish position on a tobin tax' which according to the commission's latest figures could cost around one hundred and thirty zero jobs?
[ "secondly", "what", "is", "the", "danish", "position", "on", "a", "tobin", "tax'", "which", "according", "to", "the", "commission's", "latest", "figures", "could", "cost", "around", "one", "hundred", "and", "thirty", "zero", "jobs?" ]
[ "secondly", "what", "is", "the", "danish", "position", "on", "a", "tobin", "tax'", "which", "according", "to", "the", "commission's", "latest", "figures", "could", "cost", "around", "one", "hundred", "and", "thirty", "zero", "jobs" ]
[ "s e c o n d l y", "w h a t", "i s", "t h e", "d a n i s h", "p o s i t i o n", "o n", "a", "t o b i n", "t a x '", "w h i c h", "a c c o r d i n g", "t o", "t h e", "c o m m i s s i o n ' s", "l a t e s t", "f i g u r e s", "c o u l d", "c o s t", "a r o u n d", "o n e", "h u n d r e d", "a n d", "t h i r t y", "z e r o", "j o b s" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 3409, 3409, 3409, 2026, 912, 252, 1332, 1332, 101, 3702, 3702, 1069, 3914, 2704, 1608, 722, 722, 722, 722, 1743, 2559, 1733, 2679, 2679, 2282, 818, 3839, 37, 2513, 3509, 3509, 2731, 4119, 494, 2055, 98, 814, 814, 153, 153, 1248, 1248, 2427, 272, 315, 315, 315, 15, 2026, 374, 374, 374, 374, 2691, 2691, 1003, 3811, 3811, 4823, 3736, 3736, 3736, 3736, 453, 453, 3673, 3673, 1103, 1103, 2677, 2026, 331, 29, 842, 1751, 3858, 3858, 393, 393, 1708, 3449, 2148, 94, 3077, 1289, 3503, 4761, 4761, 2086, 2086, 2131, 1469, 3049, 1568, 1568, 2231, 1283, 3025, 4970, 4970, 4970, 4271, 3214, 3214, 69, 3613, 4128, 2564, 2564, 1527, 1984, 2103, 2103, 2821, 4241, 687, 742, 2973, 3407, 2828, 2828, 3210, 1001, 1275, 1666, 655, 1479, 3767, 3767, 3767, 2986, 2504, 603, 3405, 3405, 419, 1840, 222, 4392, 3534, 60, 3122, 2288, 2649, 2160, 4844, 4844, 4844, 4844, 4844, 4681, 775, 2002, 758, 3189, 2939, 2263, 1932, 3777, 366, 1790, 2660, 95, 4187, 1623, 104, 1781, 2657, 2287, 3460, 4678, 4678, 4892, 2759, 1632, 4902, 1875, 3359, 1055, 830, 1546, 231, 1781, 1359, 2657, 2374, 808, 808, 808, 808, 808, 96, 823, 2802, 815, 3223, 3223, 3773, 1275, 542, 4100, 4100, 4100, 4100, 621, 3414, 3414, 881, 881, 4811, 4811, 4811, 2026, 1351, 4823, 4823, 4823, 574, 574, 574, 574, 574, 4796, 4796, 453, 23, 2030, 710, 3958, 1586, 924, 842, 56, 405, 405, 405, 3009, 3249, 1974, 733, 733, 733, 1117, 1117, 1117, 1117, 1117, 4398, 1365, 4756, 890, 1904, 4575, 1594, 3165, 91, 742, 310, 1579, 1371, 1371, 2935, 2935, 2935, 3403, 4736, 1358, 3169, 1605, 501, 2379, 7, 3086, 150, 150, 3771, 300, 1546, 687, 270, 3076, 3076, 3076, 63, 665, 3419, 3857, 3857, 260, 1307, 1414, 4416, 4141, 2575, 2575, 2575, 2575, 2575, 2133, 2133, 1501, 4336, 4429, 687, 3803, 560, 4560, 434, 434, 2733, 1404, 2375, 504, 504, 504, 2986, 603, 18, 3405, 419, 1840, 222, 4392, 821, 60, 4532, 2649, 809, 809, 809, 4655, 2267, 1899, 991, 1275, 3954, 3954, 162, 4067, 4067, 2324, 2324, 3849, 3849, 4852, 890, 4852, 1792, 4340, 738, 738, 669, 486, 1179, 1179, 1179, 1179, 3413, 246, 1878, 3078, 2415, 2476, 4534, 4534, 3569, 4209, 298, 515, 3362, 4995, 3545, 4983, 4983, 43, 2923, 2370, 2370, 2370, 3879, 4124, 104, 189, 1757, 4239, 3184, 2401, 2401, 525, 2038, 292, 3385, 3830, 2535, 2898, 3294, 1311, 634, 4811, 3557, 399, 399, 1639, 3587, 72, 3587, 31, 31, 327, 1254, 1254, 1254, 3415, 3415, 3415, 2827, 3740, 527, 1416, 2670, 2026, 1784, 4633, 678, 1539, 2891, 2891, 2891, 2891, 2891, 1390, 463, 4768, 522, 2659, 4485, 581, 3189, 560, 3718, 3387, 3873, 3873, 1603, 1603, 1603, 3428, 1051, 1051, 858, 4708, 3717, 1458, 1458, 1458, 2333, 368, 2732, 346, 3472, 3472, 3472, 1340, 1340, 3849, 890, 890, 890, 1904, 2746, 1594, 3836, 2603, 2729, 1460, 1460, 4531, 4531, 4531, 217, 217, 975, 3067, 3764, 3980, 37, 4728, 4728, 2007, 3849, 4852, 890, 890, 4774, 369, 4307, 3577, 3577, 3577, 4647, 2469, 2219, 4219, 1575, 3723, 3280, 380, 2463, 2463, 2774, 137, 137, 1172, 4881, 4852, 163, 520, 4774, 1347, 4307, 3577, 3577, 4647, 2469, 2519, 2519, 1805, 1805, 3723, 3723, 3723, 364, 131, 231, 2007, 4571, 4944, 197, 3143, 1097, 4381, 4381, 1461, 4694, 3980, 3980, 4728, 1546, 2463, 2774, 2774, 2774, 2400, 2574, 2619, 1813, 1813, 1813, 1813, 1813, 1580, 4736, 2171, 2979, 2979, 3685, 4054, 3293, 563, 2463, 2774, 2774, 5, 2619, 2619, 4682, 4682, 4682, 4682, 1267, 1267, 2709, 4922, 4032, 1666, 1272, 4582, 4218, 4218, 1055, 1055, 4744, 1546, 4397, 742, 1967, 3138, 286, 2097, 1526, 1526, 2228, 2228, 2228, 2228, 2361, 719, 719, 3747, 2808, 2732, 4421, 4421, 2354, 3830, 3830, 2898, 2152, 2152, 918 ]
[ 0, 1.1217218649517684, 1.6425213022508038, 1.7627057877813503, 1.9029210209003216, 2.343597467845659, 3.0446736334405142, 3.2449811093247587, 3.325104099678456, 3.665626808681672, 4.466856712218649, 4.987656149517685, 5.588578577170417, 5.808916800643086, 6.04928577170418, 6.910607918006431, 7.491499598070739, 8.212606511254018, 8.773467443729903, 9.314297628617364, 9.89518930868167, 10.275773512861734, 10.776542202572347, 11.036941921221864, 11.637864348874597, 11.958356310289387 ]
[ 1.1217218649517684, 1.6425213022508038, 1.7627057877813503, 1.9029210209003216, 2.343597467845659, 3.0446736334405142, 3.2449811093247587, 3.325104099678456, 3.665626808681672, 4.466856712218649, 4.987656149517685, 5.588578577170417, 5.808916800643086, 6.04928577170418, 6.910607918006431, 7.491499598070739, 8.212606511254018, 8.773467443729903, 9.314297628617364, 9.89518930868167, 10.275773512861734, 10.776542202572347, 11.036941921221864, 11.637864348874597, 11.958356310289387, 12.439094252411575 ]
now, working alongside national authorities and international partners across the
now working alongside national authorities and international partners across the
[ "now", "working", "alongside", "national", "authorities", "and", "international", "partners", "across", "the" ]
[ "now", "working", "alongside", "national", "authorities", "and", "international", "partners", "across", "the" ]
[ "n o w", "w o r k i n g", "a l o n g s i d e", "n a t i o n a l", "a u t h o r i t i e s", "a n d", "i n t e r n a t i o n a l", "p a r t n e r s", "a c r o s s", "t h e" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 1335, 4720, 4720, 524, 1913, 3861, 75, 2026, 3958, 3958, 2234, 29, 29, 842, 3331, 4814, 441, 441, 4081, 1516, 4383, 891, 1743, 383, 2811, 2903, 454, 160, 160, 160, 160, 4914, 7, 3660, 150, 150, 775, 3896, 231, 3800, 3800, 3251, 3251, 520, 1262, 1586, 2026, 1249, 1510, 3017, 3017, 2737, 2128, 4052, 143, 1230, 3460, 188, 81, 3116, 3682, 3682, 1995, 2032, 782, 782, 4523, 1010, 3702, 1069, 3914, 552, 1608, 4528, 4528, 2931, 2931, 2931, 2175, 2175, 2301, 565, 4540, 3058, 3289, 3289, 3289, 367, 4429, 4429, 367, 2447, 2447, 166, 166, 166, 166, 742, 2234, 1858, 2579, 4480, 411, 3041, 2249, 2249, 2249, 2249, 2249, 3967, 603, 18, 2256, 2256, 3300, 3300, 2309, 2309, 1419, 183, 183, 2041, 768, 4333, 3798, 3798, 3798, 380, 2463, 2463, 4466, 2619, 2777, 2777, 2777, 2777, 4081, 1857, 1153, 1826, 2322, 1090, 4184, 4184, 1408, 1408, 1408, 3859, 3797, 1764, 298, 1275, 1311, 634, 71, 3557, 3557, 1128, 1128, 1357, 1357, 23, 23, 2030, 312, 2026, 981, 14, 1097, 4381, 1461, 366, 1790, 4659, 4659, 3908, 693, 1100, 3249, 3567, 3567, 4097, 1740, 1740, 1740, 4652, 2921, 4519, 3041, 2249, 2249, 2249, 3967, 2504, 603, 2256, 2256, 3300, 2309, 2309, 4357, 183, 1992, 2753, 3327, 2812, 894, 452, 116, 778, 2228, 865, 4322, 4652, 3965, 3567, 3567, 1729, 4359, 1794, 289, 2597, 1729, 4472, 279, 298, 4077, 65, 1365, 245, 4756, 1262, 1262, 742, 1904, 1904, 2411, 3017, 3488, 3581, 891, 91, 231, 310, 2000, 2000, 2174, 1052, 1383, 1383, 1383, 2361, 825, 279, 3207, 1477, 1477, 4184, 337, 1826, 1575, 4081, 1857, 1153, 1575, 3757, 3365, 3280, 4221, 4221, 4221, 4632, 4632, 60, 4174, 24, 3346, 151, 4980, 4980, 922, 4625, 4625, 2026, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.3211076388888889, 0.8830460069444444, 1.926645833333333, 2.5287226562499994, 3.2311456163194445, 3.512114800347222, 4.134260850694444, 4.6961992187499995, 5.157791449652778 ]
[ 0.3211076388888889, 0.8830460069444444, 1.926645833333333, 2.5287226562499994, 3.2311456163194445, 3.512114800347222, 4.134260850694444, 4.6961992187499995, 5.157791449652778, 5.7598682725694434 ]
a higher ambition is a strong policy signal leading to more business actors to come on board for the energy transition.
[ "a", "higher", "ambition", "is", "a", "strong", "policy", "signal", "leading", "to", "more", "business", "actors", "to", "come", "on", "board", "for", "the", "energy", "transition." ]
[ "a", "higher", "ambition", "is", "a", "strong", "policy", "signal", "leading", "to", "more", "business", "actors", "to", "come", "on", "board", "for", "the", "energy", "transition" ]
[ "a", "h i g h e r", "a m b i t i o n", "i s", "a", "s t r o n g", "p o l i c y", "s i g n a l", "l e a d i n g", "t o", "m o r e", "b u s i n e s s", "a c t o r s", "t o", "c o m e", "o n", "b o a r d", "f o r", "t h e", "e n e r g y", "t r a n s i t i o n" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 4720, 4720, 3268, 1586, 14, 4575, 4945, 2412, 13, 3072, 369, 4307, 2551, 2551, 2551, 2551, 2551, 1654, 282, 2301, 2357, 448, 1153, 4197, 1612, 1612, 1612, 1612, 3563, 4508, 3925, 104, 739, 3574, 2643, 2643, 2643, 2643, 19, 225, 2504, 18, 18, 1840, 222, 4392, 3534, 60, 60, 2649, 4844, 4844, 4844, 4844, 4681, 2210, 4401, 2593, 163, 4665, 1252, 1252, 1943, 1943, 1245, 1245, 4024, 3913, 532, 828, 2030, 312, 2026, 544, 544, 544, 544, 3251, 3803, 2026, 2558, 4559, 4559, 2395, 2667, 640, 1002, 1002, 1002, 1002, 755, 755, 755, 2133, 1247, 3441, 3125, 3483, 3483, 3077, 2791, 1705, 2906, 4607, 95, 1723, 1723, 1666, 3065, 3065, 4049, 3189, 347, 2342, 4512, 919, 919, 919, 919, 2426, 2426, 1301, 1490, 830, 4591, 2812, 231, 3170, 452, 116, 4422, 4422, 4422, 1857, 4033, 196, 196, 4214, 237, 1275, 655, 1479, 3043, 3043, 4054, 1001, 1417, 2535, 1069, 3914, 552, 620, 190, 2370, 2370, 2370, 3457, 3879, 104, 1412, 1412, 268, 1559, 2309, 1419, 1419, 183, 183, 668, 3477, 195, 195, 4450, 3040, 2593, 586, 1252, 1252, 1943, 3913, 3913, 3913, 532, 3844, 2030, 312, 3744, 229, 738, 212, 4958, 770, 770, 770, 770, 1350, 4196, 2171, 3665, 2073, 3169, 160, 160, 2610, 7, 156, 1546, 4895, 2559, 1058, 665, 3419, 1395, 1720, 3948, 1456, 203, 1589, 4838, 1413, 1413, 34, 3142, 1516, 1516, 4383, 1591, 276, 739, 3574, 1325, 1325, 1325, 1325, 1325, 2562, 4740, 4088, 4088, 1321, 2193, 2193, 4472, 1001, 1666, 1275, 2213, 752, 4197, 4007, 1640, 1640, 1640, 3218, 2802, 1328, 2159, 1524, 1163, 653, 4767, 2232, 2232, 3804, 3804, 292, 3385, 1666, 1139, 4229, 1954, 1401, 885, 1395, 1694, 581, 742, 3766, 3718, 3489, 3310, 3310, 4347, 601, 601, 2641, 786, 1557, 1932, 1932, 3777, 1006, 4418, 4819, 3925, 3133, 1373, 4427, 1338, 1338, 1338, 1338, 1819, 365, 825, 1923, 2665, 2007, 2396, 2396, 838, 1883, 1883, 1883, 247, 2864, 1333, 1333, 2724, 1064, 210, 1323, 4317, 4197, 387, 387, 2300, 839, 1005, 3479, 1676, 1676, 2667, 600, 4843, 3638, 3536, 3043, 3043, 4054, 4023, 2607, 3567, 2342, 4512, 3433, 1717, 1717, 1717, 3812, 194, 1926, 3207, 3207, 472, 3767, 3767, 3767, 3767, 19, 225, 603, 419, 1840, 222, 4392, 636, 1979, 1979, 1979, 2911, 443, 443, 922, 4625, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.20052770448548812, 0.5213720316622691, 1.5240105540897098, 2.0854881266490763, 2.165699208443272, 2.546701846965699, 2.9678100263852243, 3.6295514511873352, 4.191029023746702, 4.311345646437995, 4.57203166226913, 5.013192612137203, 5.414248021108179, 5.554617414248021, 5.795250659630606, 5.935620052770449, 6.216358839050132, 6.3767810026385225, 6.497097625329816, 6.858047493403694 ]
[ 0.20052770448548812, 0.5213720316622691, 1.5240105540897098, 2.0854881266490763, 2.165699208443272, 2.546701846965699, 2.9678100263852243, 3.6295514511873352, 4.191029023746702, 4.311345646437995, 4.57203166226913, 5.013192612137203, 5.414248021108179, 5.554617414248021, 5.795250659630606, 5.935620052770449, 6.216358839050132, 6.3767810026385225, 6.497097625329816, 6.858047493403694, 7.579947229551451 ]
I have looked at the failed system behind the Berlin Wall.
i have looked at the failed system behind the berlin wall.
[ "i", "have", "looked", "at", "the", "failed", "system", "behind", "the", "berlin", "wall." ]
[ "i", "have", "looked", "at", "the", "failed", "system", "behind", "the", "berlin", "wall" ]
[ "i", "h a v e", "l o o k e d", "a t", "t h e", "f a i l e d", "s y s t e m", "b e h i n d", "t h e", "b e r l i n", "w a l l" ]
[ 2204, 2204, 738, 738, 669, 1688, 1929, 1929, 1929, 2185, 2185, 383, 2026, 2359, 1108, 742, 4454, 4576, 175, 898, 898, 3018, 2428, 742, 3567, 3109, 729, 95, 2690, 563, 1815, 623, 146, 3524, 2811, 2400, 671, 4953, 1070, 959, 959, 959, 2807, 3866, 3866, 4583, 565, 1789, 1789, 2794, 2794, 768, 4644, 3834, 3729, 2007, 2800, 3849, 2404, 1150, 3289, 1150, 1150, 1150, 1150, 552, 620, 464, 853, 853, 4435, 3016, 4077, 2535, 2187, 242, 1524, 2559, 2751, 3633, 990, 990, 375, 2876, 2160, 2210, 4401, 2593, 2593, 71, 4665, 1128, 3134, 72, 1286, 110, 4195, 3744, 3744, 1018, 1908, 4486, 4486, 4593, 2367, 1347, 1347, 2474, 2474, 2474, 4558, 4558, 1341, 314, 314, 3799, 104, 2724, 2086, 4730, 1060, 742, 739, 3574, 394, 4040, 4040, 2945, 2945, 2945, 2945, 4395, 3243, 1940, 1230, 227, 4286, 4286, 4609, 3453, 522, 4190, 954, 3691, 1346, 144, 1851, 3823, 3823, 3823, 3823, 2755, 2755, 1115, 3477, 4905, 670, 3040, 2593, 2593, 399, 4625, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.02012157012195122, 0.1006078506097561, 0.3621882621951219, 0.46279611280487803, 0.6036471036585366, 1.2072942073170732, 1.8310628810975609, 2.3341021341463417, 2.4145884146341463, 2.877384527439024 ]
[ 0, 0.08048628048780487, 0.3621882621951219, 0.46279611280487803, 0.6036471036585366, 1.2072942073170732, 1.8310628810975609, 2.3341021341463417, 2.4145884146341463, 2.877384527439024, 3.279815929878049 ]
our leadership is also clear in the mission innovation initiative gathering together twenty two countries and the eu. at the time i was introduced by the us secretary of energy as someone coming from the only country in the world that was able to run for four days straight on renewable energy alone.
[ "our", "leadership", "is", "also", "clear", "in", "the", "mission", "innovation", "initiative", "gathering", "together", "twenty", "two", "countries", "and", "the", "eu.", "at", "the", "time", "i", "was", "introduced", "by", "the", "us", "secretary", "of", "energy", "as", "someone", "coming", "from", "the", "only", "country", "in", "the", "world", "that", "was", "able", "to", "run", "for", "four", "days", "straight", "on", "renewable", "energy", "alone." ]
[ "our", "leadership", "is", "also", "clear", "in", "the", "mission", "innovation", "initiative", "gathering", "together", "twenty", "two", "countries", "and", "the", "eu", "at", "the", "time", "i", "was", "introduced", "by", "the", "us", "secretary", "of", "energy", "as", "someone", "coming", "from", "the", "only", "country", "in", "the", "world", "that", "was", "able", "to", "run", "for", "four", "days", "straight", "on", "renewable", "energy", "alone" ]
[ "o u r", "l e a d e r s h i p", "i s", "a l s o", "c l e a r", "i n", "t h e", "m i s s i o n", "i n n o v a t i o n", "i n i t i a t i v e", "g a t h e r i n g", "t o g e t h e r", "t w e n t y", "t w o", "c o u n t r i e s", "a n d", "t h e", "e u", "a t", "t h e", "t i m e", "i", "w a s", "i n t r o d u c e d", "b y", "t h e", "u s", "s e c r e t a r y", "o f", "e n e r g y", "a s", "s o m e o n e", "c o m i n g", "f r o m", "t h e", "o n l y", "c o u n t r y", "i n", "t h e", "w o r l d", "t h a t", "w a s", "a b l e", "t o", "r u n", "f o r", "f o u r", "d a y s", "s t r a i g h t", "o n", "r e n e w a b l e", "e n e r g y", "a l o n e" ]
[ 1101, 3339, 1003, 2760, 1039, 3458, 1922, 1143, 3, 3, 3, 3673, 3673, 1436, 3268, 312, 2391, 794, 4909, 4909, 342, 342, 4849, 4849, 4849, 4391, 1992, 1170, 4052, 275, 1688, 770, 770, 770, 1350, 4196, 2355, 2355, 1502, 910, 4446, 1001, 2878, 1212, 4507, 699, 699, 2151, 2151, 1761, 4250, 2820, 2148, 3483, 3483, 2791, 4318, 3886, 3886, 752, 2271, 2525, 3297, 3297, 1933, 1933, 2385, 3928, 4511, 2905, 3762, 3380, 3380, 3128, 1694, 581, 581, 742, 55, 3317, 305, 3701, 3701, 907, 907, 907, 3658, 3658, 3658, 3085, 173, 173, 4203, 1782, 1426, 1426, 414, 1484, 1484, 71, 71, 4665, 4243, 4243, 4243, 3913, 3913, 23, 2030, 3268, 312, 2391, 2391, 3867, 2793, 2793, 712, 293, 2660, 95, 4684, 1593, 4493, 4493, 1134, 1134, 2375, 504, 504, 504, 2986, 2504, 603, 18, 1840, 222, 4392, 60, 54, 293, 1790, 4659, 3908, 3908, 293, 1790, 3096, 3096, 3497, 1928, 479, 479, 1198, 1808, 1808, 3690, 1573, 19, 225, 4780, 18, 419, 222, 4392, 821, 54, 293, 293, 4659, 2762, 2762, 4959, 293, 293, 1124, 1124, 1124, 1124, 2504, 603, 3405, 3061, 3061, 1121, 1121, 1121, 1090, 4023, 1206, 1686, 3109, 3894, 466, 466, 466, 2861, 3166, 3654, 3654, 718, 718, 1581, 142, 4811, 3557, 3796, 3796, 3587, 3587, 3587, 4796, 3913, 3913, 532, 532, 3844, 2030, 2725, 2234, 2001, 1787, 42, 1223, 1057, 3375, 3375, 3375, 509, 1040, 2844, 963, 3620, 652, 4358, 651, 501, 2379, 7, 2605, 3771, 1546, 1546, 687, 2559, 114, 4738, 2839, 3650, 1938, 1938, 1938, 1938, 1938, 2854, 2854, 4116, 1447, 1206, 1830, 2979, 2979, 3685, 3685, 438, 2183, 1623, 742, 114, 114, 985, 873, 873, 873, 2801, 132, 1694, 581, 581, 742, 559, 559, 3387, 2497, 1083, 1083, 1083, 1083, 2854, 2854, 2373, 2373, 3237, 2952, 2952, 352, 27, 27, 3859, 3859, 4499, 292, 4511, 1275, 706, 872, 1365, 245, 1630, 1630, 1097, 4112, 4112, 4105, 1226, 1226, 4694, 2298, 3980, 2513, 2811, 883, 4614, 1575, 1575, 4216, 2092, 2092, 2092, 992, 992, 992, 2775, 3174, 3174, 3174, 3174, 3174, 4669, 4669, 4342, 4342, 1846, 1846, 1846, 391, 391, 1393, 1393, 315, 315, 15, 374, 374, 374, 374, 374, 374, 2760, 2760, 2760, 2760, 2760, 1003, 2135, 2135, 3458, 3458, 1922, 453, 453, 453, 3673, 3673, 2154, 312, 1586, 2391, 794, 109, 109, 109, 857, 1847, 2719, 579, 3649, 4714, 4477, 4144, 4144, 1613, 1613, 1613, 2335, 2335, 2456, 3578, 3886, 3886, 3404, 2330, 2330, 1630, 2666, 4967, 4967, 459, 459, 3908, 2218, 4109, 685, 1447, 2373, 1550, 3237, 2952, 2588, 2588, 2588, 2588, 324, 1617, 1206, 2389, 1582, 1582, 1582, 1582, 1582, 1582, 4345, 4345, 1869, 2640, 3717, 1458, 1458, 1458, 1458, 2333, 2333, 368, 368, 346, 346, 4891, 97, 61, 362, 4811, 2026, 1351, 1351, 4823, 1286, 23, 852, 2030, 312, 1586, 2391, 2834, 898, 898, 898, 3018, 3018, 3054, 2712, 1686, 2724, 2086, 2632, 1469, 3336, 1623, 1206, 114, 2657, 625, 625, 2113, 2113, 2113, 2113, 887, 887, 3187, 3187, 1030, 1670, 3905, 4819, 3925, 42, 1976, 2779, 2779, 115, 115, 553, 2924, 3350, 4035, 2365, 3513, 1445, 4216, 790, 790, 4403, 4384, 4384, 4384, 4384, 1628, 3607, 3487, 1894, 1894, 1894, 1894, 1281, 159, 1807, 1275, 4037, 4037, 1069, 313, 1892, 1892, 190, 722, 722, 4076, 1665, 3326, 4186, 4115, 4115, 4115, 4115, 1090, 4023, 1686, 114, 2374, 4915, 4915, 4915, 2245, 1660, 123, 4080, 1034, 1983, 4850, 2443, 1971, 4526, 384, 3912, 3290, 161, 4197, 3907, 387, 387, 387, 2300, 293, 3479, 1676, 1676, 1676, 1090, 3638, 1722, 1722, 3536, 3684, 3684, 3684, 3684, 3843, 153, 884, 2377, 2377, 4409, 742, 399, 586, 1252, 1943, 1943, 1245, 3913, 3913, 23, 2030, 312, 1586, 2391, 2834, 4950, 1525, 261, 659, 176, 1554, 1807, 2535, 1807, 4037, 4037, 3702, 1069, 1069, 313, 1892, 4887, 4887, 3239, 1310, 1310, 1800, 1295, 1155, 1155, 3700, 2031, 2991, 2991, 2991, 2991, 33, 1282, 2160, 2160, 3159, 2659, 1546, 2852, 62, 742, 231, 559, 3718, 3489, 3489, 3310, 3310, 601, 601, 4134, 4134, 3637, 501, 2610, 2379, 7, 3086, 2644, 3789, 50, 4120, 4635, 4635, 1096, 4629, 1399, 4329, 906, 4255, 2052, 258, 3252, 4820, 4035, 1064, 100, 100, 4885, 4885, 790, 992, 992, 1323, 4317, 3460, 81, 81, 4174, 731, 731, 24, 2177, 4768, 1263, 1263, 1263, 4809, 3533, 3533, 3533, 4324, 438, 1999, 4305, 581, 687, 55, 559, 3718, 3387, 2497, 1083, 1083, 1083, 1083, 2854, 4116, 2373, 1206, 3237, 2952, 2952, 352, 352, 352, 27, 1418, 1418, 153, 1248, 4980, 4409, 315, 315, 315, 2026, 1351, 1639, 327, 327, 23, 23, 2030, 312, 1586, 2391, 4826, 4364, 3867, 2793, 2793, 2793, 1949, 3832, 3918, 2316, 3799, 3799, 753, 2086, 2086, 2059, 4725, 4725, 4714, 4477, 1851, 882, 1866, 1866, 1866, 1866, 1866, 3324, 3324, 807, 807, 807, 807, 402, 402, 4771, 4102, 142, 2593, 71, 4665, 3134, 3134, 1286, 1286, 828, 2030, 2677, 3744, 1162, 2594, 1696, 2965, 2965, 2965, 577, 1686, 1145, 2190, 179, 4144, 1613, 1613, 2335, 2713, 4318, 3886, 3886, 752, 4197, 4735, 4735, 4735, 4735, 4735, 732, 2759, 3537, 2715, 646, 371, 36, 1187, 3758, 2183, 55, 114, 1401, 885, 885, 1395, 2006, 1449, 1449, 3476, 3476, 1988, 4882, 4882, 4882, 4882, 4882, 1942, 2177, 1282, 2160, 4846, 2435, 50, 4120, 4635, 4635, 1096, 840, 1883, 1883, 1508, 1508, 247, 1316, 3232, 563, 4120, 4120, 146, 146, 146, 2832, 1096, 2595, 2108, 2108, 2637, 2637, 2637, 1772, 1772, 2787, 908, 385, 385, 385, 4234, 693, 3049, 2849, 2849, 2212, 4412, 4412, 1997, 1997, 1997, 2807, 565, 3910, 2622, 206, 1807, 1807, 4037, 382, 382, 382, 120, 2314, 4049, 347, 347, 347, 609, 609, 4550, 4550, 2100, 2100, 1086, 1086, 1086, 518, 518, 3373, 421, 2732, 742, 1686, 3472, 3190, 142, 2593, 3557, 1252, 1252, 1943, 1245, 31, 157, 532, 828, 3844, 1103, 312, 1586, 2391, 30, 3180, 4430, 4430, 4430, 4189, 2298, 2298, 4190, 4437, 1681, 2603, 3260, 3260, 4552, 4552, 4626, 4626, 2008, 152, 4188, 1471, 2362, 4845, 4845, 4613, 4613, 4613, 3741, 2577, 2577, 2577, 4306, 4306, 727, 1820, 336, 3537, 2715, 646, 1463, 1463, 36, 4808, 2851, 471, 471, 1492, 1630, 1291, 187, 3907, 3907, 387, 387, 387, 2300, 293, 1005, 1676, 1676, 1676, 1676, 514, 3646, 3646, 1722, 18, 3536, 3536, 3684, 3684, 2540, 2540, 311, 569, 587, 1247, 758, 983, 1262, 890, 742, 4641, 2746, 1594, 1594, 1324, 1324, 1607, 4588, 275, 275, 1503, 1503, 1503, 1503, 1503, 1503, 1503, 605, 605, 3755, 2487, 2764, 269, 2911, 2911, 443, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.5404787570224718, 1.0409220505617978, 1.181046172752809, 1.5013298806179776, 2.0818441011235955, 2.3420746137640447, 2.4421632724719102, 2.8024824438202245, 3.36297893258427, 4.22374139747191, 4.804255617977528, 4.964397471910113, 5.284681179775281, 5.544911692415731, 6.125425912921348, 6.385656425561797, 6.545798279494382, 6.745975596910112, 6.786011060393258, 6.86608198735955, 7.3465075491573035, 7.706826720505618, 8.04712816011236, 9.388316186797752, 10.048901334269663, 10.209043188202248, 10.569362359550562, 11.189912043539325, 11.330036165730336, 11.930568117977527, 12.350940484550561, 12.911436973314606, 13.351827071629213, 13.59203985252809, 13.79221716994382, 14.232607268258427, 14.91321014747191, 15.273529318820225, 15.43367117275281, 15.934114466292135, 16.23438044241573, 16.45457549157303, 16.7748591994382, 16.935001053370787, 17.255284761235956, 17.55555073735955, 17.95590537219101, 18.27618908005618, 18.99682742275281, 19.357146594101124, 20.137838132022473, 20.758387816011236 ]
[ 0.5404787570224718, 1.0409220505617978, 1.181046172752809, 1.5013298806179776, 2.0818441011235955, 2.3420746137640447, 2.4421632724719102, 2.8024824438202245, 3.36297893258427, 4.22374139747191, 4.784237886235955, 4.944379740168539, 5.284681179775281, 5.544911692415731, 6.125425912921348, 6.385656425561797, 6.545798279494382, 6.72595786516854, 6.786011060393258, 6.846064255617978, 7.3465075491573035, 7.706826720505618, 8.04712816011236, 9.388316186797752, 10.048901334269663, 10.209043188202248, 10.569362359550562, 11.189912043539325, 11.330036165730336, 11.930568117977527, 12.350940484550561, 12.911436973314606, 13.351827071629213, 13.59203985252809, 13.79221716994382, 14.232607268258427, 14.91321014747191, 15.273529318820225, 15.43367117275281, 15.934114466292135, 16.23438044241573, 16.45457549157303, 16.7748591994382, 16.935001053370787, 17.255284761235956, 17.55555073735955, 17.95590537219101, 18.27618908005618, 18.99682742275281, 19.357146594101124, 20.137838132022473, 20.758387816011236, 21.358919768258428 ]
By signing this resolution, by my vote today, and my continuing work as an activist, as an MEP in my own country and area, I say No.
by signing this resolution by my vote today and my continuing work as an activist as an mep in my own country and area i say no.
[ "by", "signing", "this", "resolution", "by", "my", "vote", "today", "and", "my", "continuing", "work", "as", "an", "activist", "as", "an", "mep", "in", "my", "own", "country", "and", "area", "i", "say", "no." ]
[ "by", "signing", "this", "resolution", "by", "my", "vote", "today", "and", "my", "continuing", "work", "as", "an", "activist", "as", "an", "mep", "in", "my", "own", "country", "and", "area", "i", "say", "no" ]
[ "b y", "s i g n i n g", "t h i s", "r e s o l u t i o n", "b y", "m y", "v o t e", "t o d a y", "a n d", "m y", "c o n t i n u i n g", "w o r k", "a s", "a n", "a c t i v i s t", "a s", "a n", "m e p", "i n", "m y", "o w n", "c o u n t r y", "a n d", "a r e a", "i", "s a y", "n o" ]
[ 4079, 467, 467, 1335, 1335, 2327, 2327, 914, 914, 914, 524, 2677, 2677, 348, 1586, 1018, 1976, 2779, 115, 115, 553, 4246, 1914, 1544, 2119, 2119, 2119, 3505, 2704, 190, 3104, 3104, 3104, 232, 232, 1341, 1341, 69, 3169, 1605, 473, 473, 7, 156, 3771, 4820, 1655, 138, 4490, 4490, 1542, 1599, 3503, 3863, 2940, 658, 1626, 1827, 4191, 4235, 4235, 4235, 4235, 2562, 1360, 1360, 3412, 3412, 3412, 3412, 3818, 4588, 227, 2680, 2680, 2680, 2680, 2680, 3835, 225, 4780, 4433, 4077, 419, 419, 222, 4392, 3534, 3534, 3534, 3122, 3122, 2288, 2649, 2160, 4681, 2210, 2039, 2039, 819, 3087, 315, 315, 15, 15, 122, 2135, 3458, 3458, 3458, 234, 1400, 1400, 3844, 2030, 2677, 3744, 2234, 1787, 1787, 276, 1373, 1976, 2779, 2779, 2779, 115, 115, 553, 2301, 2301, 283, 4336, 2020, 1014, 148, 3069, 737, 737, 4733, 429, 1736, 1677, 1677, 1928, 2870, 2870, 3612, 2868, 3225, 3225, 3225, 3225, 3225, 2797, 771, 3795, 1588, 1588, 1588, 1129, 1058, 3076, 63, 4149, 4149, 4149, 3494, 1617, 4055, 2231, 1283, 4412, 4412, 1094, 1094, 1094, 1094, 4545, 4545, 4545, 4545, 4545, 3173, 3173, 884, 884, 2377, 1773, 4917, 4917, 315, 315, 315, 15, 15, 15, 2760, 742, 1039, 3458, 3458, 3458, 1245, 234, 234, 1400, 1400, 1400, 1436, 3268, 1066, 1586, 231, 1510, 4112, 108, 108, 3610, 4418, 74, 3948, 3069, 737, 4733, 429, 49, 4305, 104, 1000, 4560, 909, 909, 3389, 735, 685, 1186, 944, 136, 2657, 541, 541, 1994, 1994, 1994, 1994, 1994, 1994, 1548, 1548, 2070, 4765, 4765, 4765, 3870, 3810, 4087, 1887, 651, 651, 2610, 2308, 7, 3086, 2605, 3771, 3691, 1155, 1345, 1851, 4814, 4814, 441, 441, 441, 441, 2237, 2237, 4387, 823, 823, 815, 231, 935, 3213, 3213, 1203, 4153, 4153, 4756, 1262, 1262, 163, 1249, 2834, 4950, 261, 659, 659, 1705, 1705, 4607, 1812, 589, 2687, 4990, 2875, 742, 1045, 2411, 4007, 1640, 1640, 1640, 3218, 2547, 1328, 2359, 2842, 1524, 104, 1163, 3894, 3894, 4642, 2861, 3094, 701, 1188, 1188, 1188, 1188, 1188, 968, 1238, 2640, 3717, 4077, 1458, 1458, 1458, 2333, 368, 212, 346, 3190, 1481, 2967, 3557, 3134, 3134, 110, 110, 3268, 312, 14, 1, 2834, 4950, 1525, 659, 176, 1705, 1705, 4607, 1812, 589, 2687, 834, 4990, 3441, 187, 4967, 2992, 440, 1947, 1404, 1777, 4178, 4400, 1745, 4101, 438, 2753, 1478, 3189, 3170, 2973, 1644, 1119, 1119, 1232, 1232, 1232, 1232, 1232, 2416, 2416, 1906, 1906, 1906, 1906, 2689, 884, 2377, 4409, 20, 71, 586, 1252, 4243, 4243, 234, 234, 234, 234, 3913, 1245, 23, 23, 23, 23, 2827, 2827, 2827, 955, 955, 1886, 531, 2281, 1249, 2666, 3867, 3867, 1446, 1949, 712, 704, 704, 74, 148, 3069, 737, 4733, 4733, 429, 3168, 4317, 4317, 1900, 1900, 1900, 1900, 1900, 1900, 1900, 605, 2487, 3764, 2160, 4844, 824, 824, 3159, 3159, 3422, 3422, 4790, 1651, 2447, 122, 3295, 122, 122, 122, 122, 122, 4940, 4940, 4940, 4940, 3740, 1604, 1604, 1604, 3958, 1792, 2670, 1784, 560, 3718, 3387, 2497, 1083, 1083, 1083, 1083, 2854, 4116, 2373, 3237, 2952, 2952, 3826, 352, 352, 27, 27, 1418, 1418, 311, 587, 1247, 1247, 1, 781, 1097, 4112, 4381, 4381, 591, 1226, 1226, 4776, 1390, 209, 209, 1282, 824, 824, 824, 3284, 758, 80, 890, 3189, 2666, 2692, 4535, 4535, 4535, 4535, 1660, 123, 123, 4080, 4080, 3304, 3304, 3304, 3720, 1244, 979, 3520, 3520, 3520, 3032, 3032, 3991, 930, 4917, 4917, 4917, 315, 315, 315, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 374, 374, 1003, 4222, 4222, 2756, 3754, 3754, 2756, 248, 248, 3306, 3754, 531, 1981, 1714, 1714, 1714, 1714, 1714, 1714, 1714, 1714, 4755, 4755, 4755, 1886, 2026, 1249, 794, 2376, 109, 857, 1847, 1847, 49, 4246, 1914, 4433, 2119, 3505, 2704, 793, 793, 793, 793, 793, 49, 1658, 2008, 152, 152, 411, 2142, 1299, 4921, 4921, 1744, 1744, 1744, 1744, 2621, 2621, 2621, 2621, 2621, 57, 57, 391, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.46063392857142854, 0.9012402950310558, 1.1015159161490682, 2.142949145962733, 2.6436381987577637, 2.883968944099379, 3.2044099378881987, 3.985484860248447, 4.406063664596273, 4.546256599378882, 5.3473590838509315, 5.767937888198758, 6.008268633540372, 6.168489130434782, 7.009646739130435, 7.27000504658385, 7.450253105590062, 8.191272903726707, 8.772072204968943, 8.972347826086956, 9.49306444099379, 10.274139363354037, 10.694718167701863, 11.636013586956523, 12.23684045031056, 12.497198757763975 ]
[ 0.46063392857142854, 0.9012402950310558, 1.1015159161490682, 2.142949145962733, 2.6436381987577637, 2.883968944099379, 3.2044099378881987, 3.985484860248447, 4.406063664596273, 4.546256599378882, 5.3473590838509315, 5.767937888198758, 6.008268633540372, 6.168489130434782, 7.009646739130435, 7.27000504658385, 7.450253105590062, 8.191272903726707, 8.772072204968943, 8.972347826086956, 9.49306444099379, 10.274139363354037, 10.694718167701863, 11.636013586956523, 12.23684045031056, 12.497198757763975, 12.877722437888199 ]
It deals with almost two thirds of all greenhouse gases emitted across the EU.
it deals with almost two thirds of all greenhouse gases emitted across the eu.
[ "it", "deals", "with", "almost", "two", "thirds", "of", "all", "greenhouse", "gases", "emitted", "across", "the", "eu." ]
[ "it", "deals", "with", "almost", "two", "thirds", "of", "all", "greenhouse", "gases", "emitted", "across", "the", "eu" ]
[ "i t", "d e a l s", "w i t h", "a l m o s t", "t w o", "t h i r d s", "o f", "a l l", "g r e e n h o u s e", "g a s e s", "e m i t t e d", "a c r o s s", "t h e", "e u" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 1335, 1335, 1335, 2327, 4720, 914, 914, 524, 3268, 312, 1586, 1297, 3357, 3357, 2601, 571, 1129, 231, 2559, 433, 3853, 1098, 1098, 1098, 508, 1789, 2312, 2901, 4213, 4213, 3786, 4599, 2186, 4973, 318, 1140, 1140, 3748, 3833, 2740, 2271, 2525, 241, 241, 241, 3231, 1125, 3948, 148, 3526, 3526, 3526, 3526, 356, 2227, 4077, 6, 1139, 367, 104, 3076, 3076, 4375, 985, 985, 873, 873, 873, 2801, 260, 1227, 2463, 2463, 2774, 2158, 2574, 2619, 1813, 1813, 1813, 1813, 1813, 1813, 1580, 1580, 2118, 2118, 2488, 1737, 2985, 2985, 2906, 606, 2446, 1493, 2997, 2744, 3632, 2330, 2875, 3189, 381, 4918, 1259, 1354, 1354, 1354, 1354, 4129, 4129, 4129, 4129, 3456, 1187, 1177, 4753, 777, 777, 104, 126, 4622, 1801, 511, 511, 511, 511, 35, 35, 3171, 3171, 2168, 2824, 4044, 1149, 3072, 1007, 3934, 725, 725, 2586, 2586, 2586, 2586, 2709, 2709, 1869, 683, 2227, 3503, 3503, 2019, 213, 367, 104, 1223, 1057, 3375, 3375, 3375, 3375, 4939, 1303, 858, 4708, 4697, 4433, 4955, 2213, 872, 1365, 4944, 3963, 2762, 2762, 4684, 1593, 4493, 202, 2375, 2678, 2678, 2678, 3938, 3938, 3938, 3938, 1172, 1172, 1635, 742, 2636, 538, 977, 3472, 4077, 162, 162, 4398, 3849, 1668, 388, 1262, 2026, 2281, 4826, 4364, 2762, 2762, 4684, 1593, 4493, 2990, 2375, 2678, 2678, 4070, 2390, 192, 2415, 341, 2381, 2381, 4434, 2671, 1708, 2660, 430, 2471, 91, 2607, 3766, 2000, 2174, 1122, 1383, 1383, 1383, 1383, 4708, 2227, 4077, 462, 4761, 4761, 4141, 729, 1445, 4705, 1687, 3441, 2552, 4228, 4228, 4228, 4228, 4228, 2092, 2092, 2092, 2092, 2092, 3174, 3174, 3174, 3174, 3174, 4669, 4669, 4342, 4342, 1846, 1846, 391, 922, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.3813504061371842, 0.6824165162454874, 0.8429851083032491, 1.2042644404332132, 1.465188402527076, 1.8866809566787006, 2.0472495487364624, 2.3483156588447653, 3.070874323104693, 3.7934329873646213, 4.55613379963899, 4.877270983754514, 5.037839575812275 ]
[ 0.3813504061371842, 0.6824165162454874, 0.8429851083032491, 1.2042644404332132, 1.465188402527076, 1.8866809566787006, 2.0472495487364624, 2.3483156588447653, 3.070874323104693, 3.7934329873646213, 4.55613379963899, 4.877270983754514, 5.037839575812275, 5.53961642599278 ]
There are already 4 dead as a result of this. The EU must do everything now in its power to help stabilise this fragile country and help bring the perpetrators of these terrorist atrocities to justice.
there are already four zero dead as a result of this. the eu must do everything now in its power to help stabilise this fragile country and help bring the perpetrators of these terrorist atrocities to justice.
[ "there", "are", "already", "four", "zero", "dead", "as", "a", "result", "of", "this.", "the", "eu", "must", "do", "everything", "now", "in", "its", "power", "to", "help", "stabilise", "this", "fragile", "country", "and", "help", "bring", "the", "perpetrators", "of", "these", "terrorist", "atrocities", "to", "justice." ]
[ "there", "are", "already", "four", "zero", "dead", "as", "a", "result", "of", "this", "the", "eu", "must", "do", "everything", "now", "in", "its", "power", "to", "help", "stabilise", "this", "fragile", "country", "and", "help", "bring", "the", "perpetrators", "of", "these", "terrorist", "atrocities", "to", "justice" ]
[ "t h e r e", "a r e", "a l r e a d y", "f o u r", "z e r o", "d e a d", "a s", "a", "r e s u l t", "o f", "t h i s", "t h e", "e u", "m u s t", "d o", "e v e r y t h i n g", "n o w", "i n", "i t s", "p o w e r", "t o", "h e l p", "s t a b i l i s e", "t h i s", "f r a g i l e", "c o u n t r y", "a n d", "h e l p", "b r i n g", "t h e", "p e r p e t r a t o r s", "o f", "t h e s e", "t e r r o r i s t", "a t r o c i t i e s", "t o", "j u s t i c e" ]
[ 2204, 1729, 4285, 4081, 3445, 1488, 1488, 1488, 2603, 2729, 4191, 2598, 2598, 2598, 4515, 4390, 357, 1745, 4101, 3293, 563, 623, 2400, 43, 2108, 2108, 2637, 2637, 2637, 2735, 3340, 4026, 380, 2463, 4466, 2619, 4682, 4682, 4682, 4682, 1267, 1267, 1267, 616, 4922, 4740, 1360, 1272, 4218, 4218, 4218, 3687, 522, 1185, 2410, 2410, 2089, 2559, 2231, 1283, 3025, 4021, 4021, 4021, 4021, 4021, 1750, 1750, 1750, 3333, 1523, 1110, 4102, 154, 142, 2593, 2593, 2220, 2220, 110, 110, 2026, 981, 2834, 4950, 2482, 1525, 659, 176, 1705, 2906, 4607, 4354, 2603, 3260, 4988, 127, 127, 613, 4424, 2345, 3990, 1963, 1963, 1963, 1963, 1963, 3092, 1062, 2239, 2239, 1550, 2646, 4952, 2723, 2446, 1512, 3869, 3315, 199, 4055, 165, 1655, 138, 2495, 2495, 2495, 4273, 4273, 1238, 3530, 542, 4077, 4100, 4100, 621, 3414, 61, 4811, 4811, 4811, 4389, 2760, 1039, 1039, 3458, 3075, 110, 2677, 2026, 1504, 489, 492, 1445, 4885, 1687, 3441, 2552, 4228, 4228, 4228, 4228, 2092, 2092, 2092, 3174, 3174, 3174, 3174, 4172, 132, 3846, 3948, 148, 363, 363, 4650, 4650, 4740, 2022, 3189, 1191, 3348, 3208, 951, 2365, 2165, 1889, 1291, 1291, 4630, 4630, 4630, 1092, 1092, 3228, 1637, 274, 274, 274, 1227, 89, 964, 964, 349, 349, 349, 3086, 3771, 4608, 411, 2785, 2785, 2338, 2338, 2338, 2338, 2423, 2423, 2577, 1270, 2942, 1790, 4226, 4226, 726, 3444, 3668, 4969, 3930, 2821, 4241, 687, 3189, 2973, 1663, 116, 3410, 3410, 3410, 3410, 3410, 4069, 4069, 904, 4849, 4849, 910, 4472, 279, 3503, 1139, 4229, 1191, 1401, 219, 2491, 2367, 2367, 2367, 3805, 1415, 1102, 1102, 1102, 3616, 3616, 2462, 4739, 4739, 316, 4876, 4077, 1084, 3271, 4049, 894, 1643, 1555, 1690, 1470, 4529, 2807, 3413, 732, 2759, 5, 1632, 1072, 1072, 1072, 1078, 227, 3010, 3010, 3010, 3010, 3010, 1192, 1192, 282, 1473, 1473, 3559, 3559, 4594, 4594, 1477, 4761, 4761, 138, 4490, 4490, 1507, 1542, 1031, 4077, 3838, 875, 4983, 4983, 3189, 2192, 3785, 3205, 3205, 3205, 3205, 509, 509, 600, 514, 3638, 1722, 3536, 2069, 2069, 2069, 2069, 2069, 2216, 2901, 3456, 4905, 1694, 581, 231, 560, 3718, 2497, 1083, 1083, 1083, 1083, 2548, 2854, 2373, 2373, 3237, 2952, 2952, 352, 352, 352, 27, 27, 1418, 3843, 311, 884, 884, 4409, 3040, 2593, 71, 4665, 1128, 1128, 3134, 1286, 532, 3844, 312, 981, 2754, 1406, 3610, 4249, 2824, 4044, 3805, 1007, 1415, 1415, 1102, 1102, 3616, 3616, 3092, 2462, 571, 1129, 276, 276, 1498, 323, 716, 716, 716, 156, 3252, 4820, 3347, 3102, 177, 4730, 1210, 2812, 742, 4643, 1082, 1663, 996, 3352, 3352, 3352, 3352, 1580, 2467, 1339, 4643, 1059, 2882, 2882, 324, 3336, 3237, 3237, 2952, 2952, 3826, 4550, 4550, 4550, 871, 934, 934, 565, 3373, 1878, 3189, 2646, 513, 2232, 2232, 3804, 3804, 70, 1764, 67, 4433, 65, 872, 4944, 2939, 1776, 1776, 169, 3869, 3315, 721, 721, 4463, 4428, 4428, 475, 1289, 4969, 1139, 84, 231, 1781, 136, 2657, 3030, 3030, 3030, 3030, 3030, 1660, 2879, 3558, 4855, 4731, 4469, 1188, 1188, 1188, 4209, 2227, 515, 1191, 4576, 1008, 1008, 324, 3336, 1623, 742, 3237, 3826, 3433, 3517, 3517, 3517, 3428, 1051, 4708, 1666, 655, 2874, 2322, 4084, 1577, 3189, 1268, 3538, 1408, 1408, 1408, 500, 3797, 3797, 1764, 67, 4077, 3294, 1311, 142, 71, 4665, 3134, 3134, 110, 110, 4195, 2026, 1586, 1058, 665, 198, 198, 324, 1617, 1967, 3138, 286, 2097, 226, 226, 226, 226, 226, 1281, 4708, 4440, 2187, 2187, 242, 1191, 2751, 4356, 4356, 4356, 4356, 968, 1238, 1238, 3530, 2898, 2898, 2152, 2152, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.1001519691780822, 0.16024315068493153, 0.4006078767123288, 0.7611549657534247, 1.0816412671232876, 1.5623707191780822, 1.7827050513698632, 1.8427962328767125, 2.2634345034246577, 2.403647260273973, 2.824285530821918, 3.1247414383561645, 3.405166952054795, 3.625501284246576, 3.7456836472602744, 4.186352311643836, 4.38665625, 4.466777825342466, 4.6270209760273975, 5.027628852739727, 5.167841609589042, 5.408206335616439, 6.1893916952054795, 6.349634845890411, 6.910485873287672, 7.5113976883561655, 7.811853595890411, 8.052218321917808, 8.252522260273974, 8.352674229452056, 9.274072345890412, 9.39425470890411, 9.614589041095892, 10.07528809931507, 10.836443065068494, 11.056777397260275 ]
[ 0.08012157534246576, 0.14021275684931506, 0.4006078767123288, 0.7611549657534247, 1.0816412671232876, 1.5623707191780822, 1.7827050513698632, 1.8427962328767125, 2.2634345034246577, 2.403647260273973, 2.824285530821918, 3.1247414383561645, 3.405166952054795, 3.625501284246576, 3.7456836472602744, 4.186352311643836, 4.38665625, 4.466777825342466, 4.6270209760273975, 5.027628852739727, 5.167841609589042, 5.408206335616439, 6.169361301369864, 6.349634845890411, 6.910485873287672, 7.5113976883561655, 7.811853595890411, 8.052218321917808, 8.232491866438357, 8.352674229452056, 9.274072345890412, 9.39425470890411, 9.614589041095892, 10.07528809931507, 10.836443065068494, 11.056777397260275, 11.677719606164384 ]
We need to do it in the whole food chain.
we need to do it in the whole food chain.
[ "we", "need", "to", "do", "it", "in", "the", "whole", "food", "chain." ]
[ "we", "need", "to", "do", "it", "in", "the", "whole", "food", "chain" ]
[ "w e", "n e e d", "t o", "d o", "i t", "i n", "t h e", "w h o l e", "f o o d", "c h a i n" ]
[ 2204, 2204, 2204, 25, 1421, 1421, 3757, 1350, 3058, 1200, 231, 1058, 2948, 1401, 3490, 630, 324, 894, 3496, 3348, 3208, 951, 951, 1628, 4087, 1993, 4156, 4542, 754, 4571, 4944, 3963, 284, 1446, 1625, 2316, 2559, 4132, 2086, 4816, 2412, 13, 2400, 392, 2893, 3973, 3973, 3973, 2046, 3142, 3186, 4644, 3729, 3729, 623, 3524, 231, 1186, 2782, 4436, 4436, 2090, 4936, 825, 1100, 2607, 4397, 2026, 4291, 1902, 4077, 4522, 1070, 4628, 4628, 4628, 2667, 4776, 4776, 1978, 1978, 151, 151, 922, 4625, 4625, 918, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.04044886363636364, 0.22246875000000002, 0.3235909090909091, 0.4651619318181819, 0.6067329545454546, 0.7280795454545455, 0.8292017045454546, 1.0921193181818183, 1.355036931818182 ]
[ 0.04044886363636364, 0.22246875000000002, 0.3235909090909091, 0.4651619318181819, 0.6067329545454546, 0.7280795454545455, 0.8292017045454546, 1.0921193181818183, 1.355036931818182, 1.7595255681818183 ]
It is a moment of truth, to see if we are really Europeans and if we are really a Union.
it is a moment of truth to see if we are really europeans and if we are really a union.
[ "it", "is", "a", "moment", "of", "truth", "to", "see", "if", "we", "are", "really", "europeans", "and", "if", "we", "are", "really", "a", "union." ]
[ "it", "is", "a", "moment", "of", "truth", "to", "see", "if", "we", "are", "really", "europeans", "and", "if", "we", "are", "really", "a", "union" ]
[ "i t", "i s", "a", "m o m e n t", "o f", "t r u t h", "t o", "s e e", "i f", "w e", "a r e", "r e a l l y", "e u r o p e a n s", "a n d", "i f", "w e", "a r e", "r e a l l y", "a", "u n i o n" ]
[ 38, 4598, 4598, 715, 715, 715, 3057, 1741, 1741, 1741, 1741, 1741, 1741, 1741, 1578, 1578, 1578, 4462, 1578, 1578, 1578, 4462, 4462, 4462, 4462, 803, 4462, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1849, 1849, 1849, 1280, 1280, 1280, 3416, 2885, 1511, 2885, 1864, 1864, 1864, 4570, 4570, 88, 88, 88, 88, 2982, 2026, 3958, 981, 1297, 1297, 4328, 1285, 4152, 3109, 95, 3683, 2816, 3948, 148, 417, 417, 417, 3231, 1404, 1067, 2028, 2028, 339, 1447, 192, 3109, 2723, 3516, 2968, 3912, 745, 917, 270, 3237, 3237, 4374, 1667, 1667, 1667, 1667, 44, 4345, 4061, 2226, 2226, 3891, 3891, 3891, 3891, 1581, 1581, 2447, 1704, 315, 288, 15, 288, 599, 742, 4389, 599, 4389, 2691, 2691, 2691, 2691, 2691, 2691, 2691, 2691, 2691, 562, 562, 562, 562, 562, 3740, 3740, 3215, 1416, 1416, 2026, 894, 1954, 885, 1395, 3494, 3210, 4876, 1275, 1069, 3914, 2429, 2429, 1080, 1080, 1556, 1556, 2081, 1247, 1492, 3963, 1202, 474, 474, 4159, 745, 745, 396, 396, 4471, 487, 487, 2863, 1323, 4317, 3921, 1464, 1464, 1464, 1464, 3876, 3876, 1316, 414, 414, 414, 414, 3013, 3013, 3087, 3087, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 4389, 4389, 3295, 122, 4389, 15, 122, 122, 122, 2778, 122, 2778, 2778, 2778, 163, 1692, 1692, 1692, 3744, 4340, 3547, 3547, 1827, 2894, 2894, 2894, 3874, 2561, 2561, 4541, 2628, 4216, 790, 4403, 4403, 2144, 1004, 2262, 3648, 3648, 3593, 583, 4907, 2812, 231, 104, 439, 784, 784, 3392, 3392, 916, 916, 2626, 4609, 4532, 809, 809, 4655, 2292, 991, 1011, 1275, 3954, 3954, 3954, 162, 162, 162, 3414, 4398, 4398, 61, 4811, 4811, 2447, 4811, 122, 122, 122, 122, 4618, 122, 4618, 4618, 4618, 4618, 2250, 3075, 3740, 3075, 1151, 1586, 1416, 1586, 14, 104, 1510, 1406, 108, 3610, 68, 4418, 745, 137, 2811, 137, 1172, 4881, 4881, 4881, 4881, 4185, 3441, 3125, 1202, 474, 4159, 745, 745, 396, 396, 4471, 487, 236, 4317, 3921, 1464, 1464, 766, 766, 1316, 2603, 2729, 2894, 2894, 2894, 3874, 2561, 2561, 1112, 2628, 2628, 4946, 111, 111, 95, 432, 4216, 790, 992, 992, 2775, 558, 558, 558, 558, 558, 2348, 1548, 1548, 2070, 1148, 1148, 1148, 2626, 1379, 2288, 1979, 443, 443, 128, 128, 4790, 918 ]
[ 0, 1.1631780821917808, 1.2032876712328766, 1.2233424657534246, 1.5041095890410956, 1.6444931506849314, 2.266191780821918, 2.7675616438356165, 3.008219178082191, 3.188712328767123, 3.309041095890411, 4.251616438356164, 4.452164383561644, 5.414794520547945, 5.996383561643835, 6.216986301369863, 6.317260273972603, 6.497753424657534, 6.698301369863013, 6.818630136986301 ]
[ 1.143123287671233, 1.1832328767123286, 1.2233424657534246, 1.5041095890410956, 1.6444931506849314, 2.266191780821918, 2.7675616438356165, 3.008219178082191, 3.188712328767123, 3.309041095890411, 4.231561643835616, 4.452164383561644, 5.414794520547945, 5.996383561643835, 6.216986301369863, 6.317260273972603, 6.477698630136986, 6.698301369863013, 6.818630136986301, 7.299945205479451 ]
However, tackling globalisation is not possible without adjusting social policies.
however tackling globalisation is not possible without adjusting social policies.
[ "however", "tackling", "globalisation", "is", "not", "possible", "without", "adjusting", "social", "policies." ]
[ "however", "tackling", "globalisation", "is", "not", "possible", "without", "adjusting", "social", "policies" ]
[ "h o w e v e r", "t a c k l i n g", "g l o b a l i s a t i o n", "i s", "n o t", "p o s s i b l e", "w i t h o u t", "a d j u s t i n g", "s o c i a l", "p o l i c i e s" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 1335, 1335, 4720, 914, 914, 524, 2677, 1586, 3117, 3692, 4307, 611, 611, 611, 4929, 701, 4759, 4533, 4533, 835, 835, 1788, 3888, 3888, 1782, 1426, 2112, 2112, 1484, 2897, 3087, 3295, 3295, 3295, 3295, 399, 399, 1639, 140, 1357, 1357, 1357, 1357, 1357, 3415, 3415, 2827, 527, 3958, 2670, 2670, 2026, 1784, 2877, 1070, 4628, 808, 3829, 1743, 2559, 2770, 3809, 4133, 3514, 4286, 2308, 3086, 488, 2647, 4024, 1322, 4549, 957, 2509, 3798, 4563, 2759, 1632, 1072, 1078, 227, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3314, 4594, 4032, 4424, 2345, 1198, 1198, 1808, 3690, 1573, 3430, 225, 4780, 3405, 419, 222, 4392, 821, 636, 2649, 2002, 2002, 890, 2559, 3963, 580, 580, 3077, 2791, 3976, 3786, 4247, 480, 1693, 3770, 411, 1021, 2895, 2895, 1614, 1183, 2029, 381, 2007, 3895, 1897, 62, 687, 742, 2973, 452, 767, 767, 767, 1051, 4853, 1275, 121, 121, 2874, 2480, 2480, 2480, 1820, 336, 2715, 646, 646, 1463, 668, 4785, 4785, 4450, 4450, 1472, 3087, 3295, 3295, 166, 166, 3744, 742, 4973, 1284, 318, 3044, 2450, 540, 3833, 3833, 299, 757, 757, 757, 757, 2075, 2075, 58, 58, 3249, 2007, 4571, 983, 3189, 197, 2746, 4614, 3165, 1617, 4055, 1967, 212, 3138, 286, 2097, 226, 226, 226, 862, 1281, 4708, 4440, 2187, 242, 1191, 2751, 2402, 160, 473, 7, 156, 782, 760, 1010, 3505, 3914, 79, 190, 3946, 3946, 3946, 644, 225, 603, 18, 3061, 1273, 1273, 3325, 1187, 1177, 1478, 2812, 231, 452, 4422, 4422, 4422, 2141, 4033, 478, 196, 196, 4214, 237, 121, 655, 4372, 2503, 901, 901, 3859, 292, 3385, 3830, 2898, 2898, 145, 1311, 634, 2967, 3557, 329, 2976, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.8230147058823529, 1.4051470588235295, 2.1880147058823534, 2.38875, 2.6497058823529414, 3.2920588235294117, 3.79389705882353, 4.416176470588235, 4.797573529411765 ]
[ 0.8230147058823529, 1.4051470588235295, 2.1880147058823534, 2.38875, 2.6497058823529414, 3.2920588235294117, 3.79389705882353, 4.416176470588235, 4.797573529411765, 5.439926470588235 ]
These are initiatives for 10 years and for all Member States.
these are initiatives for ten years and for all member states.
[ "these", "are", "initiatives", "for", "ten", "years", "and", "for", "all", "member", "states." ]
[ "these", "are", "initiatives", "for", "ten", "years", "and", "for", "all", "member", "states" ]
[ "t h e s e", "a r e", "i n i t i a t i v e s", "f o r", "t e n", "y e a r s", "a n d", "f o r", "a l l", "m e m b e r", "s t a t e s" ]
[ 2204, 2395, 640, 640, 640, 755, 755, 755, 755, 2133, 2133, 2133, 693, 2849, 2849, 894, 1186, 3163, 4463, 4428, 4428, 4428, 4428, 475, 475, 475, 475, 3559, 1293, 3578, 67, 67, 923, 3954, 65, 2324, 1365, 4756, 4756, 1262, 1262, 890, 1904, 2789, 2789, 561, 3017, 1464, 1464, 1464, 1464, 1464, 1464, 1464, 1464, 1464, 1464, 1653, 1464, 719, 719, 719, 719, 719, 1857, 1857, 3436, 3436, 2395, 640, 640, 640, 640, 1002, 1002, 755, 755, 755, 755, 755, 2133, 2133, 1773, 3896, 4852, 742, 4623, 3963, 4364, 2762, 2762, 4959, 1559, 1559, 1124, 1124, 1124, 2504, 1275, 3061, 3061, 1121, 1121, 1121, 1090, 4023, 231, 3567, 3109, 3894, 466, 466, 466, 466, 2248, 3636, 4072, 4072, 273, 923, 923, 3838, 875, 2396, 2396, 838, 840, 1883, 1883, 247, 4026, 3336, 1623, 1623, 231, 1781, 2657, 2374, 3929, 3929, 666, 1331, 839, 1548, 2485, 2867, 39, 39, 3779, 799, 799, 799, 799, 3804, 3804, 2118, 2118, 4499, 4287, 536, 2091, 2535, 3294, 1311, 2593, 2593, 3557, 1252, 1943, 31, 31, 31, 31, 157, 828, 828, 3268, 312, 2026, 981, 14, 2754, 1406, 108, 3610, 68, 4117, 2435, 1368, 4635, 4635, 838, 840, 1883, 1883, 247, 4026, 4298, 2165, 534, 534, 4918, 4918, 1354, 1354, 1354, 4129, 4129, 3186, 3186, 768, 3834, 1125, 3948, 202, 939, 4359, 615, 615, 2057, 516, 516, 1695, 741, 2872, 2872, 910, 910, 4446, 1001, 1544, 1275, 9, 3065, 3194, 3189, 47, 1643, 1690, 911, 911, 911, 911, 1086, 1086, 2122, 518, 3373, 445, 1152, 4505, 3773, 2898, 2152, 2152, 2152, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.8231906614785994, 1.5660700389105062, 2.449494163424125, 2.650272373540856, 2.8912062256809343, 3.4333073929961095, 3.774630350194553, 3.9954863813229577, 4.256498054474709, 4.617898832684825 ]
[ 0.8231906614785994, 1.5660700389105062, 2.449494163424125, 2.650272373540856, 2.8912062256809343, 3.4333073929961095, 3.774630350194553, 3.9954863813229577, 4.256498054474709, 4.617898832684825, 5.139922178988328 ]
Doctors Without Borders refuses European funds as a result.
doctors without borders refuses european funds as a result.
[ "doctors", "without", "borders", "refuses", "european", "funds", "as", "a", "result." ]
[ "doctors", "without", "borders", "refuses", "european", "funds", "as", "a", "result" ]
[ "d o c t o r s", "w i t h o u t", "b o r d e r s", "r e f u s e s", "e u r o p e a n", "f u n d s", "a s", "a", "r e s u l t" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 2114, 1335, 4720, 4720, 4720, 1457, 524, 3861, 75, 75, 3227, 2026, 3958, 433, 1283, 902, 2353, 2353, 2353, 4827, 1328, 2359, 894, 1163, 653, 3184, 2401, 525, 3207, 2186, 4973, 318, 3044, 2450, 3748, 3833, 3833, 299, 757, 757, 757, 2075, 58, 58, 1591, 2164, 3133, 3133, 739, 4427, 1338, 1338, 1338, 1338, 1871, 2310, 2121, 4736, 1358, 3177, 3840, 1782, 2401, 2401, 3850, 2038, 4499, 292, 3385, 1011, 4077, 3954, 3294, 162, 4398, 4398, 1668, 4811, 4811, 163, 122, 122, 163, 2778, 1716, 1716, 1716, 1151, 4195, 2026, 331, 3547, 937, 4988, 713, 713, 563, 623, 2400, 2400, 1615, 1093, 1093, 1093, 4639, 4639, 4639, 307, 3952, 3742, 4922, 1293, 1360, 1360, 1519, 4908, 4472, 4472, 1289, 4077, 4671, 2867, 4403, 2144, 1004, 1004, 2262, 2262, 3648, 1853, 1853, 583, 4907, 2812, 4643, 439, 439, 784, 784, 784, 3392, 916, 916, 4465, 3687, 522, 2435, 50, 4120, 623, 3524, 2400, 2811, 671, 2043, 1553, 1553, 1553, 1942, 1942, 2177, 3034, 809, 4655, 2292, 991, 4077, 65, 4944, 4944, 2834, 1525, 1525, 659, 659, 3578, 3786, 4247, 1479, 4095, 2632, 4354, 135, 1330, 937, 2284, 2284, 4626, 4626, 613, 4424, 4424, 2345, 3990, 1963, 1963, 1963, 1963, 1963, 3219, 1062, 1062, 4524, 131, 231, 1725, 977, 3472, 4673, 2152, 2152, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.6429813084112149, 0.9443787967289721, 1.6476396028037383, 2.4714594042056075, 3.01397488317757, 3.4158382009345796, 3.616769859813084, 3.697142523364486 ]
[ 0.6429813084112149, 0.9443787967289721, 1.6476396028037383, 2.4714594042056075, 3.01397488317757, 3.4158382009345796, 3.616769859813084, 3.697142523364486, 4.279844334112149 ]