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### HUMAN: Hi there! Movies are my go-to for relaxation.### ASSISTANT: Awesome, what kinds of movies that you like?### HUMAN: I like thrillers.### ASSISTANT: What is it about thrillers that you like?### HUMAN: they keep you on you toes while you're are watching, coz you know assuming what's going to happen. You know its interesting especially if its a mystery thriller, trying to figure out the solution before the characters in the movie do.### ASSISTANT: Is there a particular movie you like?### HUMAN: I like Dial M for Murder a lot.### ASSISTANT: Why do you like that movie?### HUMAN: It's just well written, and it's an interesting story and a neat idea. It's just well executed. I like Alfred Hitchcock movies a lot, so.### ASSISTANT: interesting, how about a movie you did not like?### HUMAN: I didn't like A Knight's Tale.### ASSISTANT: Why not?### HUMAN: I don't remember exactly. We watched it in highschool and I just remember really being bored with it when everyone else liked it and I didn't get why people liked it. It was like a modern tale and fantasy story and I just didn't like it.### ASSISTANT: I see, have you then seen Chappie?### HUMAN: No, I have not.### ASSISTANT: have you heard of that movie?### HUMAN: I've heard of it. Yeah.### ASSISTANT: have you seen Forrest Gump ?### HUMAN: Yep, I've seen Forrest Gump.### ASSISTANT: What was it about that kind of movie that you liked or dislike? |
### HUMAN: Hey! Watching movies is one of my favorite pastimes.### ASSISTANT: What kind of movies to you like, and why do you like this type of movie?### HUMAN: Type of movies I like, I like How can I describe it? Like Like the Marvel movies, like like like Avengers and stuff like that.### ASSISTANT: Can you name a particular movie that you like?### HUMAN: I think Thor was a really good movie.### ASSISTANT: Can you give me a couple of reasons why you like this movie?### HUMAN: I guess it was like high energy, and I guess the main characters just really appeal to me.### ASSISTANT: Can you name a movie that you do not like?### HUMAN: I think Venom was pretty bad. I think Venom was quite bad.### ASSISTANT: What do you dislike about this movie? Please give me 2 reasons.### HUMAN: The first reason? Probably have to say is the the acting doesn't seem like good and the writing was poor.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie The Avengers?### HUMAN: Yeah, I do.### ASSISTANT: What do you like about this movie? Please give me 2 reasons.### HUMAN: I like how the actors are grouped together. I just think it's really cool.### ASSISTANT: and what is your 2nd reason?### HUMAN: Second reason is getting the actors together. I think it's I think it's really cool.### ASSISTANT: other than the actors and actresses, what are the 2 reasons you like about this moive?### HUMAN: I think I really like Stan Lee. And I think He's a really good I like the universe he makes. I've just been a longtime fan since I was young.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie Sicario: Day of the Soldado ?### HUMAN: I've seen the trailer but I've never watched it.### ASSISTANT: Would you go see it?### HUMAN: Probably not. It's just isn't like something I'm interested in.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie Rambo III?### HUMAN: Yeah, I think that looks pretty good.### ASSISTANT: What do you like about this movie? Please give me 2 reasons.### HUMAN: I think the actor looks really cool, and I like the setting. I think the setting still looks good.### ASSISTANT: other than the actors, what do you like about this movie?### HUMAN: I think I think fighting's pretty cool.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie The First Purge ?### HUMAN: I've never seen it.### ASSISTANT: Have you heard of this movie?### HUMAN: No.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie Fifty Shades Freed?### HUMAN: Never seen it.### ASSISTANT: Have you heard of this movie?### HUMAN: No.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie Iron Man 3 ?### HUMAN: Yes. I really do I really do like that movie.### ASSISTANT: What do you like about this movie? Please give me 2 reasons.### HUMAN: Tony Stark I think's a really good actor, and I'm a big fan of technology. I like how he utilizes it to be pretty powerful.### ASSISTANT: other than the actor, what else do you like?### HUMAN: The technology part. That's what I like.### ASSISTANT: Thank you for your feedback. Enjoy your evening. |
### HUMAN: Hey! Watching movies is one of my favorite pastimes.### ASSISTANT: Do you like movies like bridesmaids?### HUMAN: Oh, love bridesmaids.### ASSISTANT: Ok. What is it about this type of movie that you like?### HUMAN: Well, the cast was perfect. At the time, these were well known actresses but not superstars. They best became superstars after the movie. But they still cast it correctly and didn't try to go for a bigger name and that net didn't necessarily hit the rocks, so that part they got completely correct. It was It's also more of a body comedy, it's not little Not afraid to be. Raunchy, real, definitely a more realistic way of how women talk when they're just by themselves together. Love the whole movie, love the cast love the movie.### ASSISTANT: what about movies like superbad?### HUMAN: Superbad was okay.### ASSISTANT: Can you say a little more about that please?### HUMAN: Sure, when I saw Superbad I was probably. in my very late 20s or maybe early 30s. So I was sort of out of the time when that was probably if I was maybe 10 years younger, I may have loved it. But it was a little juvenile for me even though it was funny, it did not resonate with why they were so obsessed with it. But it was funny, it was entertaining, it just wasn't didn't I didn't come away with it being a favorite or anything. It is sort of a it's a high school tale and that doesn't usually affect. What age I see that at I can remember high school too right now even though I'm nowhere near my high school age but that one was just okay for me.### ASSISTANT: okay. what about movies like transformers?### HUMAN: I don't like Transformers.### ASSISTANT: Ok. What is it about this type of movie that you dislike?### HUMAN: Well, I love action movies. And in theory I could love Transformers, however Transformers is way more about sort of the action the you know the imagery that they're putting on film as opposed to making an actually good film. They're more they're more concerned with like the pyrotechnics, and the getting the action sequences right which can be exciting but in terms of trying to get through 2 hours it's not. you would want to watch again. So it's It's okay. It's not It's sort of light on entertainment. There are other movies that I sort of that summer blockbuster that could have used a lot more time focusing on the script to make it into a more complete movie.### ASSISTANT: okay. thank you. |
### HUMAN: Hi there! Movies are my go-to for relaxation.### ASSISTANT: What types of movies do you usually see?### HUMAN: I really enjoy comedies. They're my favorite.### ASSISTANT: Is there a movie you really liked?### HUMAN: Well. I liked 21 Jump Street the most recent one but. I like a lot of movies with. your typical comedy actors.### ASSISTANT: Cool. What did you like about it?### HUMAN: It was funny, and it had some witty and clever scenes in it that really made me laugh. I enjoy adult humor as well.### ASSISTANT: Got it. What’s one of the worst movie you’ve seen?### HUMAN: I believe one of the worst movies I've seen was I think I believe it was Night of the Living Dead. I really didn't care for that movie.### ASSISTANT: Why didn’t you like it?### HUMAN: I thought it was a bit cheesy, and the graphics or special effects were terrible, and the plot just wasn't very good.### ASSISTANT: OK. Did you like Hotel Artemis?### HUMAN: I don't believe I've watched that movie.### ASSISTANT: ok, how about The Commuter?### HUMAN: I'm not sure if I've watched that one either. I think I would have to know a little bit more about it to recall.### ASSISTANT: did you see Birdman?### HUMAN: Yes, I did.### ASSISTANT: Great. What did you like about that kind of movie?### HUMAN: Well, I felt like Birdman was It was interesting. It was funny. Well, you know, it has some funny parts in it and I liked Michael Keaton.### ASSISTANT: Is there something else that stands out about this kind of movie?### HUMAN: well. You know, I like the superhero concept of it. So I thought that was pretty good.### ASSISTANT: Alright, did you like Captain America: Civil War?### HUMAN: Yeah, I liked Captain America: Civil War. I thought it was pretty good, interesting, you know, it's always great when the good guy wins at the end of the day.### ASSISTANT: Okay. Can you think of anything else about this kind of movie that you liked?### HUMAN: Well, yeah. I just I enjoy whenever good versus bad and, you know, good wins. And, you know, when people have the superheroes have other special abilities.### ASSISTANT: okay. thank you for your time. |
### HUMAN: Hi there! I love immersing myself in a good movie.### ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you enjoy and why?### HUMAN: I really like movies based on historical events.### ASSISTANT: Is there a particular film you enjoy?### HUMAN: I really love Hotel Rwanda.### ASSISTANT: What did you like about that kind of film?### HUMAN: There's a ton of, you know, character development, emotional death, showing the atrocities from that civil war, and genocide. It really tugs at your heartstrings.### ASSISTANT: Is there a particular movie you don't enjoy?### HUMAN: I didn't like Titanic. They embellished the romance that has been too much and a lot of inaccuracies in the movie.### ASSISTANT: What didn't you like about that kind of film?### HUMAN: There is a lot of inaccurate things. And they focused a bit too much on the romance, rather than the historical aspect of it.### ASSISTANT: Have you heard about the movie Downfall?### HUMAN: I have not. What's it about?### ASSISTANT: Have you seen the movie The Patriot?### HUMAN: I have. The Patriot's a really good movie.### ASSISTANT: What did you enjoy about this kind of movie? |
### HUMAN: Hey! Watching movies is one of my favorite pastimes.### ASSISTANT: Can you tell me what types of movies you enjoy watching?### HUMAN: Lately I've been really into movies that are documentary and especially ones that show what's happening behind the scenes, what's involved in making film.### ASSISTANT: Alright, what’s one of your favorite movies?### HUMAN: Let me think of one. I really liked Okay, it's by Richard Linklater. I can't remember the name of it. But it was the one where like there were four different movies happening on the screen at once. Do you know the name of it?### ASSISTANT: Hmm, let me think..### HUMAN: Oh, oh, I know what it was. It was Waking Life.### ASSISTANT: Ahhh, okay.### ASSISTANT: And you said you really liked it because..?### HUMAN: It was just technically really interesting because there were there were four different movies happening on the screen at once like the screen was segmented and there were four different things happening at once.### ASSISTANT: That sounds pretty cool!### ASSISTANT: OK. Now tell me about a movie you didn’t like.### HUMAN: Let's see. I didn't like Skyscraper. I thought that was kind of boring.### ASSISTANT: What did you not like about that one?### HUMAN: I just don't think the plot was very good. I thought it was it was just super super formulaic and predictable.### ASSISTANT: I see. Have you seen the movie Ant-Man?### HUMAN: Yes, I have. Liked it very much. Paul Rudd is a little bit of an antihero. No pun intended.### ASSISTANT: Haha And what did you like about that kind of movie?### HUMAN: I like antihero movies like Ant-Man, Ant-Man and the Wasp, Deadpool, Deadpool 2, stuff like that. I like the dark comedy.### ASSISTANT: Oh, Ok. How about Hotel Transylvania? Have you seen that one?### HUMAN: Is that Tim Burton?### ASSISTANT: It's an animated movie. Let me see if it's the one you're thinking of.### ASSISTANT: It's by Genndy Tartakovsky.### HUMAN: Really? Interesting. No, I haven't seen it. I'd like to though.### ASSISTANT: Alright, have you see Iron Man?### HUMAN: Yes.### ASSISTANT: What did you think of it?### HUMAN: I like that very much. I like like Robert Downey Jr.### ASSISTANT: Aside from the actor, was there anything else you enjoyed?### HUMAN: I liked the dialog. I think the script was really well written, and it was well directed, too. I can't remember the name of the guy who directed it, but I think he was in it, also.### ASSISTANT: Jon Favreau directed it. |
### HUMAN: Hey! Watching movies is one of my favorite pastimes.### ASSISTANT: can you tell me what type of movies you like?### HUMAN: I like comedy movies.### ASSISTANT: why do you like comedy movies?### HUMAN: Because they make me laugh and they keep me entertained, and. That's why.### ASSISTANT: great, can you name a comedy movie you really like?### HUMAN: Dirty Grandpa.### ASSISTANT: great, can you name a movie you really don't like?### HUMAN: Project x.### ASSISTANT: why didn't you like that movie?### HUMAN: Because it just it didn't have much of a plot. Just a bunch of people running around naked. There wasn't a lot of dialog. I think think there was There was dialog missing. There should have been more people talking. That's why.### ASSISTANT: got it, have you watched the lord of the rings, fellowship of the ring?### HUMAN: Yes, I have.### ASSISTANT: did you like that movie? |
### HUMAN: Greetings! I'm a fan of all kinds of movies.### ASSISTANT: what kind of movies do u enjoy?### HUMAN: I enjoy romance comedies the most.### ASSISTANT: can u name a movie that fits rom com that you thoroughly enjoyed?### HUMAN: I really liked 50 First Dates with Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore.### ASSISTANT: what about 50 first dates did you like?### HUMAN: I love the. slapstick comedy of it, I like that it's light. I also like the love story and the ending is really heartfelt.### ASSISTANT: thanks for sharing. can you name a movie that you didn't like that is a rom com?### HUMAN: A movie I didn't like as a rom com was Isn't It Romantic.### ASSISTANT: what qualities of the movie Isn't It Romantic didn't you enjoy?### HUMAN: I didn't like how the movie. It just wasn't good. It didn't have any really funny jokes to it. There wasn't anything in it that I found appealing.### ASSISTANT: was it that story line bore you?### HUMAN: Yes, it was.### ASSISTANT: was there anything else that was bad about the movie?### HUMAN: Characters weren't believable.### ASSISTANT: got it. thanks. have u seen la la land?### HUMAN: Yes, I have.### ASSISTANT: did you like this type of film?### HUMAN: Yes.### ASSISTANT: what about it did you enjoy? |
### HUMAN: Hello! I find joy in experiencing different movies.### ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you normally watch?### HUMAN: comedy, horror, and action.### ASSISTANT: Have you seen Rampage?### HUMAN: Oh, no actually. I haven't seen that.### ASSISTANT: Have you seen Fifty Shades of Grey?### HUMAN: No, I haven't seen that.### ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you stay away from?### HUMAN: Yeah, I won't I will never watch a romance movie, so Fifty Shades of Grey isn't something that I would watch, for example.### ASSISTANT: What makes you stay away from those movies?### HUMAN: I just don't like the stories. I find them cheesy, I guess.### ASSISTANT: Have you seen Spectre?### HUMAN: No, I haven't seen that.### ASSISTANT: Have you seen The Avengers?### HUMAN: Oh yeah. I have seen that. That's probably one of my favorite movies, all of them.### ASSISTANT: What do you like the most about The Avengers.### HUMAN: Just the action and I love superheroes so. I like seeing them in action.### ASSISTANT: What is a movie that you dislike?### HUMAN: I wouldn't say I really dislike any movie but there's one I could name. Probably be Rubber which is about a tire that goes around killing people.### ASSISTANT: What makes you not like Rubber?### HUMAN: I guess it was funny but it was just too bizarre. I don't know. The story was over the top, ridiculous.### ASSISTANT: Thank you for your input, have a nice day. |
### HUMAN: Hello! I find joy in experiencing different movies.### ASSISTANT: hello. Can you tell me, What type of movies do you like?### HUMAN: I like thrillers. And fantasy movies.### ASSISTANT: okay. Great. Why do you like fantasy movies?### HUMAN: They are fun and I escape this, I guess. They're pretty, usually, and interesting premise.### ASSISTANT: so do you like movies like harry potter?### HUMAN: Yeah.### ASSISTANT: do you like the lore?### HUMAN: the lore of Harry Potter.### ASSISTANT: yeah.### HUMAN: Yeah.### ASSISTANT: Can you tell me the title of one of your favorite movies?### HUMAN: I really like. I like Baby Driver. That was pretty good.### ASSISTANT: what did you like about baby driver?### HUMAN: All the music matching up with everything is pretty nice. The plot was interesting and the characters were interesting. Mostly the music and the visuals were really nice.### ASSISTANT: what did you think of the ending?### HUMAN: The ending was pretty satisfying. Like it was nice to see him get off his ear because he gave the old lady her purse. It's nice that he got out of jail and that he got out of the driving business or whatever.### ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you not like?### HUMAN: I don't really like old movies, either. Stuff with low production value.### ASSISTANT: is it because they try too hard to make you laugh?### HUMAN: No, it's because they don't try hard enough.### ASSISTANT: okay. thanks. |
### HUMAN: Hi there! I love immersing myself in a good movie.### ASSISTANT: What kinds of movies do you like?### HUMAN: I really like action movies.### ASSISTANT: Why do you like action movies?### HUMAN: I like the special effects and the fighting scenes.### ASSISTANT: Alright, how about a movie you liked?### HUMAN: I really liked The Matrix.### ASSISTANT: Why did you like that movie?### HUMAN: I liked The Matrix because of the special effects and the slow motion and the science fiction story line.### ASSISTANT: Interesting, is there a movie you did not like?### HUMAN: I did not like. The Parent Trap.### ASSISTANT: Oh. Why not?### HUMAN: I thought it was boring and not interesting.### ASSISTANT: Ok, then have you seen the movie John Wick?### HUMAN: I have not seen John Wick.### ASSISTANT: Have you heard of it?### HUMAN: I have heard of it, and I I do want to see it because it stars Keanu Reeves.### ASSISTANT: Ok, then have you seen the movie Creed Ii.### HUMAN: I have not seen Creed II, but I just heard about it from some friends who who wanted to see it in theater.### ASSISTANT: Ok, how about die hard.### HUMAN: I have seen part of Die Hard.### ASSISTANT: What is it about these kinds of movies that you like or dislike?### HUMAN: I just like a movie that is fast paced, and has actions, good cinematography, and a storyline that makes sense. I often like science fiction.### ASSISTANT: Wonderful. thank you for sharing. Good bye. |
### HUMAN: Hello! I appreciate a good movie whenever I can.### ASSISTANT: Tell me what kind of movies you dislike?### HUMAN: I don't really like romantic movies.### ASSISTANT: why's that?### HUMAN: I find them boring and uninteresting, most likely because I don't just don't enjoy them.### ASSISTANT: what makes you feel that way?### HUMAN: I lose interest in a movie real fast. It just doesn't catch my eye so to speak, and sometimes I even doze off. So, I try to stop to watch them.### ASSISTANT: I see. So what kind of movies do you like?### HUMAN: I like more action and science fiction movies.### ASSISTANT: Why do you like those kinds of movies?### HUMAN: I find it interesting science fiction to speculate on the future, and they keep my mind entertained and engrossed in the movie.### ASSISTANT: Great. And what's a kind of movie you're intereseted in seeing soon?### HUMAN: I actually haven't seen the new Spider-Man movie yet that came out a while ago, and I'm interested in seeing that if I get some free time.### ASSISTANT: why's that?### HUMAN: I like Spider-Man. I like the action hero universe.### ASSISTANT: Great. And what's a movie you've seen that you liked?### HUMAN: I really like really older movies. Terminator 2, that was a really good action movie with a great plot.### ASSISTANT: What about it was good?### HUMAN: Great action scenes, the plot also made sense even though there is time travel and other things involved. And it seems like something that could become realistic.### ASSISTANT: Great. Now what's a movie you've seen that you didn't like that much?### HUMAN: Dumb and Dumber. It was supposed to be funny, but I guess it lived up to its name. It was really dumb.### ASSISTANT: Given what you've said i'm curious if you saw Thor: the dark world.### HUMAN: I have not, although I want to see it at some point. The lack of time for watching movies is my big problem.### ASSISTANT: I see. Have you seen the Fifth element?### HUMAN: Yes.### ASSISTANT: What did you like?### HUMAN: It was really strange, actually, but I enjoyed the action and the different plots and the visuals in the movie. I think the director did a really good job in framing the shots and making it look spectacular.### ASSISTANT: Wonderful. Thank you so much for your time. You've been a great help. |
### HUMAN: Hi there! Movies are my go-to for relaxation.### ASSISTANT: What kinds of movies do you typically enjoy?### HUMAN: My favorite are romantic comedies.### ASSISTANT: What do you enjoy about those kinds of movies?### HUMAN: I love the happy ending. I love that it's fun funny, a little bit of romance, and nice and light hearted very easy to watch.### ASSISTANT: Okay that's great. Now what's a movie you've seen that you really liked? Maybe your favorite movie or something that was just fun for you?### HUMAN: You've Got Mail is one of my all-time favorites.### ASSISTANT: Why did you like that kind of movie?### HUMAN: The casting is excellent, and the writing is so great. It's like endearing, but it's also funny. It's also clever. Has some Even though romantic comedies are kind of predictable, there's still some sort of twists and turns that you don't necessarily see coming, so it's a very enjoyable watch. I can watch it at any time, rewatch it, and it always puts me in a good mood.### ASSISTANT: Great. Now can you name for me a movie you didn't particularly enjoy?### HUMAN: Sure, Ugly Truth that's just a bad movie it's a they built it as a romantic comedy but really it was sort of like a gross out of comedy and it was definitely surrounding a relationship but it was just bad. The acting which they had good actors in it but the writing was terrible, the direction was terrible, what they were going for was anything but what a romantic comedy gives off. It was not endearing it was not something. that you root for. And what they made that they thought were jokes were not funny.### ASSISTANT: I see. that's very helpful. Are there any kinds of movies you tend to avoid because of this movie? Or just in general you don't like?### HUMAN: Yes, I do avoid movies with Gerard Butler he's with the stars of this movie and this movie along with a few others have convinced me I just I'm not a fan of his acting. He's not as dynamic as people try to say he is. He's acting is average at best but really he's missing a sort of charisma an on air presence that I really that I can sort of get behind.### ASSISTANT: I see. Are there any movies coming out soon that you're interested in seeing?### HUMAN: Captain Marvel looks good.### ASSISTANT: Why does it look good to you?### HUMAN: I think I like Brie I like Brie Larson, she's a star. I like the. I think that I like a super hero movie so I think I will like this. The action, the excitement, Usually super hero movies have better story lines than regular action movie so I look forward to that too. I don't really know the Captain Marvel story, but I think that will be good.### ASSISTANT: Oh cool, speaking of superhero movies, did you see the Incredibles 2?### HUMAN: I like the first one a lot. It's an animated movie, which can be very juvenile. But this one was very easy to like as an adult. It's just funny and cute, it definitely worked. So, I'm definitely interested in seeing a second one.### ASSISTANT: Okay great, that's very good to know. Now what about Batman v. Superman? Did you see it? |
### HUMAN: Hi there! I love immersing myself in a good movie.### ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you like?### HUMAN: I like horror movies.### ASSISTANT: Why do you like those kinds of movie?### HUMAN: I like these kinds of movies because. Keeps me at the edge of my seat makes me. It makes me wonder what's going to happen next. I just love the I just love the killings and the people like getting killed and all that all that type of stuff.### ASSISTANT: What particular movie did you like.### HUMAN: Yeah, Jason X. I like Jason X. I like Jason X.### ASSISTANT: Why did you like that movie?### HUMAN: because Jason just looks so powerful when he just He just goes on a mission kill everyone inside a spaceship, so And the way that he kills people is just makes me excited. And I just like how everyone's out to get Jason, but he won't die. He just keeps on returning, and he just keeps on killing people. Just find that amusing.### ASSISTANT: That's awesome.### ASSISTANT: What particular movie did you not like?### HUMAN: I didn't like the movie called Pokémon: The First Movie.### ASSISTANT: What about the movie did you dislike?### HUMAN: I didn't like that it didn't have much of a dialog. It didn't have a plot much to it. Just a bunch of Pokémons Just a bunch Just a bunch of Pokémons getting scared of Mewtoo Just getting scared of Mewtoo and And I just didn't really do It didn't really do much in a It just didn't have much character development, just the same old thing. I think the TV shows were better than the movie than the first than the first Pokémon movie. Just not a fan of it. It didn't really made me feel like wow, this is a good movie. It just didn't make me feel excited about it.### ASSISTANT: Alright, well have you seen The Nun?### HUMAN: No, I've never seen that movie before. |
### HUMAN: Hello! I find joy in experiencing different movies.### ASSISTANT: hello.### ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you like?### HUMAN: I like documentaries.### ASSISTANT: Why do you like documentaries?### ASSISTANT: What did you like about that documentary?### ASSISTANT: Can you tell me a movie you did not like?### HUMAN: Yeah, I watched about the first 5 minutes of the Ali G movie. I don't remember the title of it, but it was just absolutely terrible, gut wrenching, just absolutely awful, absolutely awful. I'm not I don't want to watch something if it's that bad, you know. I watched the first 10 minutes. I thought, this is not going to be good, so I just sort of left it at that, even though I love the TV show. It was kind of weird, because I thought it would be a lot better than what it was.### ASSISTANT: I see.### HUMAN: Yeah, I see a lot I see that with a lot of movies, too. Like I haven't seen that Amy Schumer movie, the one with her with the alcohol bottle, but I heard that was really bad, as well.### ASSISTANT: How do you feel about the matrix?### HUMAN: I have not seen The Matrix, but I like the I've heard about it so much, but like I've never actually seen it myself. But I hear about like the pills, and like I hear references to it, but I've never actually seen it on TV.### ASSISTANT: Oh. What about Wonder woman?### HUMAN: Wonder Woman, I've never seen, either. But I've heard the TV show is pretty good for the Wonder Woman.### ASSISTANT: What about The god father?### HUMAN: I have seen The Godfather, and that is a good piece of cinematic work. That is really really good. I really enjoyed it. It was really creative and inventive.### ASSISTANT: Gotcha. Thanks for the input today. |
### HUMAN: Greetings! Movies always manage to capture my attention.### ASSISTANT: Hello, can you please name one of your favourite movie?### HUMAN: Saving Private Ryan.### ASSISTANT: What is it about this type of movie that you like?### HUMAN: I enjoy historical movies, and war movies, action movies, and the first 20 minutes of that movie are some of the most visceral war movie making ever, and the rest of it is just a good story that shot well, and. I think makes you feel what felt like to be in World War II, maybe.### ASSISTANT: Ok. now. Could you tell the name of a movie that you dislike?### HUMAN: There's a movie by I can't remember his name now. It's called Spartan. Oh, yeah, It's written by David Mamet. And the reason I don't like it is Mamet is a very stylized writer, and I thought it was laughable what he wrote our house part the dialogue and everything. It was awful.### ASSISTANT: Have you watched the movie The Hunger Games ?### HUMAN: Seen the first one and I think the second one. And they're all right. They're not. I like them fine, but you know, because I stop at two, clearly they didn't There was no momentum that I wanted to finish the series.### ASSISTANT: Anything about this kind of movie that you dislike ?### HUMAN: about Hunger Games. Maybe it's a I would have to really think about that one, but if I had to guess, it was probably because it's a I think it was a PG-13 movie, and I feel like the premise warrants a more of a rated R mature look at the story. I think it tried to be It undercut its purpose in what it was trying to say about the dystopia by being a PG-13 movie for teenagers, if I had to guess, but.### ASSISTANT: ok. now. Have you watched the movie Dunkirk ?### HUMAN: Yes.### ASSISTANT: did you like it?### HUMAN: I thought the Nolan does really well with sound design and manipulating you through sound and visual, but he broke it up the narrative of it and it was it was unnecessarily hard to follow. It made sense by the end, but it didn't help the story, and I thought it took away from what he was trying to get across. And he kept taking me out of the movie, whereas some might say even Wright Ryan that is very impassive, I thought Don Cork was the opposite of that except for the sounds and it was shot well. But there is very little character development, I can't name you any other characters or really any of the stories of the characters were. So, I would say I'm kind of in the middle on that movie, but slightly to the negative.### ASSISTANT: Alright. Thank you for the information. |
### HUMAN: Greetings! I'm a fan of all kinds of movies.### ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you like?### HUMAN: Comedies.### ASSISTANT: okay what do you like about comedies?### HUMAN: That they make me happy when I don't feel like I have any other reason to be happy. They give distract.### ASSISTANT: Can you tell me the title of one of your favorite movies?### HUMAN: White Chicks.### ASSISTANT: Can you say why you like that type of movie?### HUMAN: It's just a funny. Like nonchalant, non-being too serious type of a movie that I appreciate about the commentary of where we are as a state of Americans.### ASSISTANT: do you like movies like goodfellas?### HUMAN: Yes.### ASSISTANT: what about movies like Alien?### HUMAN: Yes.### ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you not like?### HUMAN: I don't I don't like historical movies.### ASSISTANT: why?### HUMAN: They're boring. I don't care about what happened in the past, I'm here in the future. Those things just have nothing relevant to my life.### ASSISTANT: so you like movies that are relatable?### HUMAN: Yes.### ASSISTANT: okay. thanks. |
### HUMAN: Hello! I appreciate a good movie whenever I can.### ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you like?### HUMAN: I like horror movies.### ASSISTANT: Why is that?### HUMAN: I just like the psychological parts of it. I like the psychological horrors over the gory stuff.### ASSISTANT: What is one of your favorite movies?### HUMAN: One of my favorite movies is 1408 by Stephen King. Well, based on a Stephen King book.### ASSISTANT: what did you like about this movie?### HUMAN: Well, everything like like I said it was a psychological horror and you never knew what was going to happen, but it was scary at the same time not just a dramatic but frightening. I like being scared.### ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you not like?### HUMAN: I don't like action movies.### ASSISTANT: why?### HUMAN: I just find the scenes boring where they're fighting or chasing. and pointless.### ASSISTANT: have you seen the movie pan's labyrinth?### HUMAN: No.### ASSISTANT: how about the sixth sense?### HUMAN: Yes.### ASSISTANT: What did you like about this kind of movie?### HUMAN: I like the suspense of not knowing what's going on and then finally finding out near the end.### ASSISTANT: okay. what about the movie the babadook?### HUMAN: No. I have not seen that.### ASSISTANT: okay. thank you. |
### HUMAN: Hey! Movies are such a wonderful form of art.### ASSISTANT: lets start with some of your favorite kinds of movies.### HUMAN: Okay. I like documentaries, drama movies. comedies.### ASSISTANT: I see, why do you like those kinds of movies?### HUMAN: Well, I like documentaries because they're usually informative and provide information on a topic I may not be aware of. I like drama. Just a genre that I prefer. It's always something interesting or something that holds my attention. And I like comedies because they make me laugh.### ASSISTANT: That's great, now if you can help me by telling me about a recent movie experience you've had I'd appreciate it.### HUMAN: Okay, my husband and I recently watched White Boy Rick and I found that to be very entertaining and interesting because it's based on a true story.### ASSISTANT: Would you say you like that kind of movie a lot?### HUMAN: Yes.### ASSISTANT: Excellent. Now can we talk about movies you dislike in general?### HUMAN: Sure. Don't really like horror movies or scary movies. They seem to give me bad dreams. Not too big on action movies where everybody's either shooting or stealing cars all the time.### ASSISTANT: why don't you like those kinds of films?### HUMAN: Well horror movies Don't like to think about it. They give me bad dreams. I had an uncle who used to make me watch them when I was a child. And action movies, I don't feel like there's enough of a story line there sometimes. It's just all about what's going on in the movie at that moment, but no real substance to it.### ASSISTANT: THat makes sense to me. It's a fair reason.### HUMAN: Okay.### ASSISTANT: Based on what you've said I'm curious if you saw the recent Marry poppins movie.### HUMAN: No, I don't watch a lot of children based movies. Animated or I see those movies as more for children. I might watch one with my niece or something, but not by myself.### ASSISTANT: SO you'd consider seeing it if your niece wanted to but otherwise it's not really your style right?### HUMAN: Right.### ASSISTANT: Have you heard of If beale street could talk, which was based on historic instances.### HUMAN: I have heard of that, I'm actually interested in checking that out sometime.### ASSISTANT: Why would you be interested in it? |
### HUMAN: Greetings! Movies always manage to capture my attention.### ASSISTANT: What kind of movies to you like, and why do you like this type of movie?### HUMAN: I like thrillers because they leave me on the edge of my sit.### ASSISTANT: Can you name a particular movie that you like?### HUMAN: You Were Never Really Here.### ASSISTANT: Can you give me a couple of reasons why you like this movie?### HUMAN: It was pretty intense and the acting was really good.### ASSISTANT: Can you name a movie that you do not like?### HUMAN: Frozen.### ASSISTANT: What do you dislike about this movie? Please give me 2 reasons.### HUMAN: There's too much singing and it's like kids movie.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie Split ?### HUMAN: Yes.### ASSISTANT: What do you like about this movie? Please give me 2 reasons.### HUMAN: I like M. Night Shyamalan, and the acting was really good.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie Doctor Strange?### HUMAN: Never seen it.### ASSISTANT: Have you heard of this movie?### HUMAN: No.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie Hereditary ?### HUMAN: Yes.### ASSISTANT: What do you like about this movie? Please give me 2 reasons.### HUMAN: I like horror movies, and the story was good.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie The Equalizer 2?### HUMAN: I have not seen it.### ASSISTANT: Have you heard of this movie?### HUMAN: Yes.### ASSISTANT: Would you go see it?### HUMAN: Yes.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie Bird Box?### HUMAN: Never heard of it.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie .Solo: A Star Wars Story?### HUMAN: I have not seen it.### ASSISTANT: Thank you for your feedback. |
### HUMAN: Hey! Movies are such a wonderful form of art.### ASSISTANT: can you tell me what types of movies you like?### HUMAN: I like war movies.### ASSISTANT: ok, what about war movies do you like?### HUMAN: They generally seem. more They seem more factual. Like I know they're not necessarily more factual, but they seem less exaggerated than other types of movies that are fictional in nature.### ASSISTANT: got it, can you name a specific film you enjoyed?### HUMAN: I would say Full Metal Jacket. And I like that movie just cuz, well, you know, that kind of points out what I was talking about. Like how Like the first half of the movie is just the the. Soldiers and boot camp, you know, like. There's It seemed pretty authentic to the whole Vietnam War. Like. Yeah.### ASSISTANT: ok, can you tell me what genres of movies you don't like?### HUMAN: I don't really like. Romance movies just because I don't I don't really give in to the whole romance thing. like romantic comedies are one thing, but I'm talking just talking like straight romance. You know, where it's not it's a serious romance film. I don't. I don't know, it doesn't appeal to me. But I'm a guy so I mean I guess I kind of make sense. I'm not really fixated on relationships the same way that a lot of women are that those kind movies appeal to.### ASSISTANT: ok, can you name a specific film you didn't like? it doesn't have to be a romantic movie but it can be.### HUMAN: I can't think of any particular movie I didn't like. I mean, yeah. I can't really think of a specific movies. I can think of types of movies, and I can think of You know, but yeah, I can't really think of anything specific.### ASSISTANT: no problem, can you tell me have you seen the movie aquaman? |
### HUMAN: Hey! Watching movies is one of my favorite pastimes.### ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you like?### HUMAN: I like science fiction movies.### ASSISTANT: Why do you like those genres?### HUMAN: Because it's out of this world. It talks about It talks about unusual stuff that happens like E.T. talks about aliens and such and so forth.### ASSISTANT: What's one of your favorite movies?### HUMAN: One of my favorite movies is Space Jam.### ASSISTANT: Do you like movies like The Matrix?### HUMAN: Yeah, I like it.### ASSISTANT: what about movies like Alien?### HUMAN: I've never seen that movie before.### ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you not like?### HUMAN: Let's see, movies I don't like. Crossroads, the movie with Britney Spears in it. I didn't like it because it just. Didn't have much of a dialog. It was just too self-centered around Britney Spears. I didn't like it because of that reason.### ASSISTANT: do you not like musicals?### HUMAN: I don't think I've ever seen a musical movie before. So I'm not really a fan of that.### ASSISTANT: Do you like movies like The Godfather?### HUMAN: Yeah, if I like movies I pick out because there is a lot of action, guns, shooting, violence, yeah. Keeps me on the edge of my seat. So, yeah, it's good.### ASSISTANT: there's also good dialogue too.### HUMAN: Yep.### ASSISTANT: okay. thank you. |
### HUMAN: Hey! I really enjoy watching movies.### ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you like?### HUMAN: I'm not too I'm not too picky about movies, but I like sci-fi or animation, sometimes comedy, but nowadays, comedy isn't as good as it used to be, I don't think. I love action movies and and drama movies. On occasion, a romance movie, but not too much with romance. I really don't care for movies that are medieval type. movies, I don't know, I just never took an interest in like, you know, The Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter, and they're okay but they are not my favorites.### ASSISTANT: Nice, why do you like sci-fi?### HUMAN: I like It's interesting, usually good graphics, good story line. You know, you got stuff like alien movies, and you've got dinosaur movies. You've got Neverending Story and Edward Scissorhands almost, and it's pretty cool, and they're usually good movies to watch, and they they draw you into them.### ASSISTANT: Is there a particular movie that you like?### HUMAN: I like some old movies like The Return to Oz. I like Edward Scissorhands. I like Neverending Story, and that's pretty much it for that genre.### ASSISTANT: Why did you like Return to Oz.### HUMAN: It's It's a little bit more scary than The Wizard of Oz. It's unique, and it's different, and and it used to kind of creep me out when I when I was a kid, but I still enjoy it.### ASSISTANT: alright, how about a movie you did not like?### HUMAN: I guess I didn't really care for the Lord of the Rings that much. I think it was It was too much of a hype into it. It was It was good, but it wasn't my favorite, but a lot of people liked it. I just wasn't into that kind of stuff. It's not my type of movie?### ASSISTANT: Well, have you seen Forrest Gump ?### HUMAN: Oh yes, I have.### ASSISTANT: What is it about these kinds of movies that you like or dislike?### HUMAN: Usually they have a a unique story adventure type that you know I'm not bored, and I'm like not drifting off into like daydreaming or something or wanting to take a nap while the movie's playing. That's usually how I judge if I like it or not.### ASSISTANT: Wonderful thank you for sharing. |
### HUMAN: Hello! I appreciate a good movie whenever I can.### ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you like?### HUMAN: I really like romantic comedies.### ASSISTANT: Why do you enjoy this genre and is there a specific film?### HUMAN: Yes. The genre is one that is Well, it's funny. So you're going to have more lighthearted comedy, which is great. You So you kind of come away with a happy ending. It's focused around a romance. It's just a It's a good time. It's lighthearted. It's a really great escape. In terms of a favorite, one of my favorites is called. one of my favorites is called Catch and Release, and that's actually a more That's a romantic Yeah, it's It's different. It's sort of It is a romantic comedy, but it has a little more seriousness to it because at the start of it, it's goes off of following somebody's death, so it's sort of like a quieter movie, and it's not as laugh out loud as a lot of comedies. but it's still very funny. It's humorous I should say. It has very humorous parts and it has really really enduring characters and they are totally rooting for the romance to happen and it's just It really is Even though it started with a death, it's very fun and light-hearted movie that ends fantastically.### ASSISTANT: Is there a movie you dislike?### HUMAN: I really didn't like A Good Day to Die Hard.### ASSISTANT: What makes you dislike it?### HUMAN: So A Good Day to Die Hard is a movie I dislike. That is a action movie, but I usually like action movies, and in fact, A Good Day to Die Hard is part of a series of movies, the Die Hard series. So I thought I thought I would like it, except this one is terrible. It has It does have good technical action sequences, but the storyline is terrible. They don't use the main character from entire series well. The supporting characters basically just terrible. There's there's there's use of subtitles a lot which is kind of strange given that it's coming in series that's all spoken in English. It's It was really really disappointing. It wasn't a very well thought out movie. And it also very I guess gloomy. Sort of the way was short. It was It was It was. very gloomy. It was really disappointing. It was bad but it was even more disappointing.### ASSISTANT: Have you seen the movie Crazy Rich Asians?### HUMAN: I haven't seen that yet but I really want to.### ASSISTANT: Have you seen the movie The Wife?### HUMAN: No, I don't think so.### ASSISTANT: Have you seen the movie Bridesmaids?### HUMAN: Absolutely.### ASSISTANT: Did you enjoy this film?### HUMAN: I love Bridesmaids.### ASSISTANT: What do you like about it?### HUMAN: You know what? Bridesmaids is funny from start to finish. And they really really nailed the cast. At the time, some of them were kind of more unknown, especially in a movie context. But they really nailed the cast, and even though the movie itself got attention for the true laugh out loud moments, some of the more quieter moments, the sort of humorous, maybe not laugh out loud things were some of my favorite parts of the movie. So But it really. works start to finish. It's a great movie.### ASSISTANT: Have you seen the movie The Shape of Water?### HUMAN: I have not.### ASSISTANT: Have you seen the movie Star Wars?### HUMAN: Yes, of course.### ASSISTANT: What did you think about this film?### HUMAN: Star Wars is iconic. It is epic. I love I love the Star Wars films. It's It's an event. You know, you go It's It's really It really is an immersive experience in a completely different world. But it It's It's a lot of fun. You have to You have to just immerse yourself in it and enjoy the ride.### ASSISTANT: See you later. |
### HUMAN: Hi there! Movies are my go-to for relaxation.### ASSISTANT: when you look to watch a movie, what kind of movie is it usually?### HUMAN: Something interesting and different. It doesn't have to be recent, and I like it usually I'll look at the reviews to make sure that it's not a bad movie that'll waste my time.### ASSISTANT: Do you use things like Rotten tomato scores??### HUMAN: Yes, I do. Yep. And I'd like to get an input from other people, not not movie critics most of the time.### ASSISTANT: okay, do you have a movie or multiple, you like rewatching?### HUMAN: Yeah, I have a few. I like re-watching Back to the Future and the original Ghostbusters and the original Spider-Man.### ASSISTANT: Interesting! those are some older action movies, right?### HUMAN: Yes, they're actually great.### ASSISTANT: how come you like those over the remakes?### HUMAN: The remakes aren't as It feels empty. It feels like the storyline isn't there, like it feels like it compromises in some ways. It just isn't as just interesting to watch. Though that may be because I watched them years ago, and it just seems better than you know, they would be if you'd seen them the first time.### ASSISTANT: interesting! too bad the remakes aren't even better than the originals.### ASSISTANT: that seem to be a trend, doesn't it.### HUMAN: Yes.### ASSISTANT: Hmm.. yeah, i agree... okay, let's see.. keeping that in mind, do you have a movie in mind, you really don't like.### ASSISTANT: or not care to watch in the first place?### HUMAN: Well, talking about action movies and superheroes, I really really dislike the Catwoman movie.### ASSISTANT: Wow, catwoman! okay that one is also a bit older. what did you not like about it?### HUMAN: It wasn't true to the original storyline, like how the character was thought out. And they changed everything about it, and just made I think they just made it for the box office. And it just wasn't entertaining at all.### ASSISTANT: Did you read the original comic?### HUMAN: Yes, I did.### ASSISTANT: And it didn't compare to it at all, did it.### HUMAN: No, the movie had its own script that was written by like 20 different people, I believe. It was really just wasn't good.### ASSISTANT: oh boy, that is very unfortunate.. maybe also the reason a remake hasn't come out yet.### HUMAN: Right, I don't think it will ever come out.### ASSISTANT: Why do you think that??### HUMAN: It was It was universally hated, as far as I know. |
### HUMAN: Hello! I find joy in experiencing different movies.### ASSISTANT: What kind of movies to you like, and why do you like this type of movie?### HUMAN: Fantasy movies. I like fantasy movies because they. They make me see the world from They make me see what's what's beyond planet Earth.### ASSISTANT: can you give me one more reason?### HUMAN: They are educated movies.### ASSISTANT: Can you name a particular movie that you like?### HUMAN: Space Jam.### ASSISTANT: Can you give me 2 reasons why you like this movie?### HUMAN: Because it has my favorite player, Michael Jordan in it and it's a it's a it's a feel-good story of good versus evil because trying to get rid of the evilness.### ASSISTANT: One more reason please, other than the actors.### HUMAN: It's a basketball movie. My favorite sport's basketball. That's why I liked it. And.### ASSISTANT: Can you name a movie that you do not like?### HUMAN: Movie that I don't like. Pokémon: The First Movie.### ASSISTANT: What do you dislike about this movie? Please give me 2 reasons.### HUMAN: It didn't have much of a plot. It was the same old characters time and time and after.### ASSISTANT: One more reason please.### HUMAN: It wasn't that long, and and there was lack of character development.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1?### HUMAN: Yes, I do like it because there's a lot of action in it.### ASSISTANT: One more reason, other than the actions.### HUMAN: There's lots of weapons. There's lots of weapons in the movie. I like weapons.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie Spider-Man: Homecoming ? |
### HUMAN: Greetings! I'm a fan of all kinds of movies.### ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you like?### HUMAN: I like historical dramas.### ASSISTANT: Why historical dramas?### HUMAN: I like seeing the costumes and scenery from a different time period.### ASSISTANT: I see. Can you tell me a specific historical drama you liked that i should watch?### HUMAN: I liked watching Elizabeth.### ASSISTANT: what did you like about it?### HUMAN: I liked that it told the story of Elizabeth I.### ASSISTANT: Can you tell me a little bit about it?### HUMAN: It was the story of Elizabeth Tudor, who became the queen of England in 1558.### ASSISTANT: Is there a movie you did not like?### HUMAN: I didn't like Mary, Queen of Scots.### ASSISTANT: how come?### HUMAN: It was made in the '70s, and it wasn't very good production quality.### ASSISTANT: I see. How did you feel about mamma mia?### HUMAN: I've never seen it.### ASSISTANT: what about aladdin?### HUMAN: I liked it.### ASSISTANT: So you enjoy disney movies?### HUMAN: Yes.### ASSISTANT: Gotcha. Thanks for you input. |
### HUMAN: Hello! I find joy in experiencing different movies.### ASSISTANT: Can you tell me what types of movies you like?### HUMAN: I really like comedies.### ASSISTANT: ok, why do you like comedies?### HUMAN: I like to laugh. I like the lightheartedness of it, you know, nothing too serious, a true escape from everyday life. And just puts you in a good mood, and that's how I would prefer to be.### ASSISTANT: got it, can you name a specific movie you really liked?### HUMAN: Sure, Best in Show is one of my absolute favorites.### ASSISTANT: ok, why do you like that movie?### HUMAN: Oh gosh. It's like I'ts perfect. It's a mockumentary style film and they are mocking the dog show world. So, the dog show world that they show is like a carbon copy of the real thing because it's inherently funny, so they don't have to really max with it. And a lot of the player they it there's a script for the movie but it's also ad libed. It's just hilarious. It's so original. So much, so different, and just so funny. It makes you laugh every time you watch it.### ASSISTANT: ok, would you say you enjoy satire?### HUMAN: Yeah.### ASSISTANT: ok, can you name a film you dislike?### HUMAN: Sure, Bounty Hunter.### ASSISTANT: why didn't you like that movie?### HUMAN: It was supposed to be a comedy, and not only was it not funny, it was confusing what they were going for. I think it was miscast. It's Jennifer Aniston and I can't even think of his name, but somebody who I don't really care for. But I do like Jennifer usually, and it wasn't a good fit for her. Neither role really fit the actor, like they were sort of playing against type in both roles. I think it was kind of supposed to be almost like a almost like a buddy comedy, but or Cuz it was really focused on two people, but not really buddies, but they were in conflict. It wasn't funny. It kind of had like a more dramatic feel to it because it wasn't funny. It was just It was odd. Really.### ASSISTANT: was the acting bad?### HUMAN: It wasn't great. It was not great.### ASSISTANT: ok, can you tell me have you watched the movie the shawshank redemption?### HUMAN: Oh, yes.### ASSISTANT: do you like that movie?### HUMAN: It's a excellent movie.### ASSISTANT: ok, what about the movie did you enjoy?### HUMAN: It really has a different feel to it. It's despite them being, you know, prisoners, they create very endearing characters who you rooting for, who you want to see have a better life. It is a You're transported to a different time so you can sort of capture what was going on better. It very moving, it very and and it's very touching which usually does not happen with something that's sort of a prison drama. I don't you ever really view them as true prisoners some of whom shouldn't really have gotten as steep of sentences as they do or like somebody who walks who was there far too long for what it sounded like he was in for and then couldn't live in the real world having been locked up so long. So, it's it's it's a it's just a it's a excellent film. |
### HUMAN: Hi there! Movies are my go-to for relaxation.### ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you like, and why do you like this type of movie?### HUMAN: I like comedies because they make me laugh.### ASSISTANT: Can you name a particular movie that you like?### HUMAN: I like the movie Superbad.### ASSISTANT: Can you give me a couple of reasons why you like this movie?### HUMAN: I think the actors in are pretty funny and the plot was entertaining.### ASSISTANT: Can you name a movie that you do not like?### HUMAN: I don't like the movie Super Troopers.### ASSISTANT: What do you dislike about this movie? please give me 2 reasons.### HUMAN: I don't think the jokes are funny and I don't like anything about it.### ASSISTANT: can you give me one more reason?### HUMAN: It didn't make me laugh.### ASSISTANT: that's like the jokes are not funny. what other philosophical reason do you not like about that movie?### HUMAN: I think some of the jokes are unethical.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie Finding Nemo ?### HUMAN: I do like the movie Finding Nemo.### ASSISTANT: What do you like about this movie? 2 reasons please.### HUMAN: I loved the cute fish in it, and I loved the cute little story.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire ?### HUMAN: I haven't seen that movie.### ASSISTANT: Have you heard of this movie?### HUMAN: No.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie The Spy Who Dumped Me ?### HUMAN: I did like that movie.### ASSISTANT: What do you like about this movie? 2 reasons please.### HUMAN: I think Kate McKinnon is funny in it and I like their friendship.### ASSISTANT: other than the actress, what other philosophical reason do you like about it.### HUMAN: I like how they changed the spy genre into something comedic.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie The Hate U Give?### HUMAN: I haven't seen it.### ASSISTANT: Have you heard of this movie?### HUMAN: No.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie The Avengers?### HUMAN: I have not seen it.### ASSISTANT: Have you heard of this movie?### HUMAN: Yes.### ASSISTANT: Would you go see it?### HUMAN: Yeah, I will go see it.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again ?### HUMAN: I haven't seen that.### ASSISTANT: Have you heard of this movie?### HUMAN: Yes, I've heard of it.### ASSISTANT: Would you go see it?### HUMAN: No.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End ?### HUMAN: I have never seen that, sorry.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie The Grinch ?### HUMAN: Yes.### ASSISTANT: What do you like about this movie? 2 reasons please.### HUMAN: I like the story that it's based on, and I like that it's such a classic that keeps getting made over and over.### ASSISTANT: Thank you for your feedback. Enjoy your evening. |
### HUMAN: Hi there! I love immersing myself in a good movie.### ASSISTANT: can you tell me what types of movies you like?### HUMAN: I like documentaries, biographies, and horror, like vintage horror movie British.### ASSISTANT: ok, why do you like those types of movies?### HUMAN: I get a sense of nostalgia, and there isn't things flying through the air. And they use real people, real scenes, and no green screen. And there aren't like superhuman powers in the movies. Like I can relate to these movies better because they show real people doing real things, or they're in real houses.### ASSISTANT: got it, you like more realistic movies.### HUMAN: Yeah. Yes.### ASSISTANT: ok, can you name a film you really liked?### HUMAN: Tales from the Crypt The Haunting. There's many others. Yeah, The Haunting. The original Haunting that came out in 1963 or '62.### ASSISTANT: ok, why did you like the haunting?### HUMAN: Because there wasn't anything scary in it, but the whole The atmosphere was very scary. It was filmed in a house that was a real mansion. The outside was a real mansion, and the outside house was in a a real estate was a real estate and was used in another movie, horror movie, that was made in the early '70s. It was very suspenseful.### ASSISTANT: great, can you name a film you dislike?### HUMAN: Yeah, the the remake of The Haunting.### ASSISTANT: ok, why didn't you like that movie?### HUMAN: I don't know. It wasn't as good as the first one. The first one was almost like a Hitchcock movie. It was so well done. Nothing ever happened in the movie, but you just there was so much suspense, and you just imagined so much. The movie made you imagine. And the original movie was in black and white. It was just a really good concept, and it was so well done.### ASSISTANT: got it, so the remake didn't have the same qualities as the original.### HUMAN: Yes. So, yeah, you could say that. I could tell you another movie that I really liked that I just thought of.### ASSISTANT: sure.### HUMAN: It's the house that drip blood that was with Rodney McDowell. It was a British movie and it took place in a real mansion. Like the outside, they showed the real outside. I don't know maybe the inside was the set. But, they also had I think this was the movie that also had likein the beginning it. had the Winchester estate, not the Winchester estate, Churchill Winston Churchill's estate. There was a picture of someone in Winston Churchill's estate. There was a video of someone in Winston Churchill's estate at the beginning of this movie. That That's a real place. They don't make movies like that anymore. The The last documentary sort of miniseries they made was not Brideshead Revisited. |
### HUMAN: Greetings! I'm a fan of all kinds of movies.### ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you like?### HUMAN: I like dramas.### ASSISTANT: what type of dramas?### HUMAN: Usually, I like more family or friend dramas more so than ones that are sort of tearful.### ASSISTANT: why is that?### HUMAN: I I really appreciate a slice of life drama, but I don't necessarily want to be brought to tears. I don't need it to be a sad I don't know where somebody is has a illness or something like that which can be a lot of focuses of many dramas. But, there are plenty that are more of a slice of life and there're executed really well so it's a very nice It still provides an escape despite. being realist and drama based.### ASSISTANT: What is one of your favorite movies?### HUMAN: But The Usual Suspects is one of my favorite movies.### ASSISTANT: i really liked that movie. what did u think of the ending?### HUMAN: It's still shocking. I I mean it it was so long ago and it's still one of the best executed movies that has ever been where you just did not see the ending coming. It's amazing.### ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you not like?### HUMAN: I'm not crazy about sci-fi movies.### ASSISTANT: because?### HUMAN: Because. Sometimes they are a little too overreaching. They are creating a world, like a maybe a dystopian or futuristic, or some kind apocalyptic world, and so it can become very, very complicated. And some of them are really done well, but the majority of them seem to overreach, and so you have to sort of figure out one part of the movie to like because the rest is sort of a mess.### ASSISTANT: that's very true.### ASSISTANT: have you heard of the movie the greatest showman?### HUMAN: Yes.### ASSISTANT: what did you like or dislike about this kind of movie?### HUMAN: I like musicals. So, that really is basically a musical, and so it really does fall into that category. I like the sort of grandness of what they're going for, and it's a really great cast. Really It's an interesting story but a really great cast.### ASSISTANT: okay. have you seen the movie love actually?### HUMAN: Oh, yes.### ASSISTANT: What did you like about this kind of movie?### HUMAN: That's an all-time favorite, so it is a a romantic comedy. But it's actually I think it's nine romantic comedies in one movie, so it's like nine vignettes put together in one movie. And despite it being split up into so many different stories, every single one feels very complete. You don't feel like it's lacking, so it's a it's a little bit of a longer movie. But it's appropriately long, it's so. fun. So heart-warming and just a a wonderful movie. You could watch it a million times, and it's absolutely great to watch near the holidays.### ASSISTANT: definitely a classic. i liked seeing each story.### HUMAN: Yes. Yes.### ASSISTANT: okay. thank you so much. |
### HUMAN: Hey! I really enjoy watching movies.### ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you like?### HUMAN: I love action movies, I absolutely love action movies.### ASSISTANT: what do you like about action movies?### HUMAN: Like for instance for the action, you know? I love the action, I love the lines. Lines are always big charismatic lines. They're always super super fun, they can use if you like if you've seen any of the Transformers movies, those lines are lit.### ASSISTANT: do you like superhero movies?### HUMAN: Oh yeah. Yeah, spot on, dude. Spot on. I just loved The Ant-Man on Amazon. I love that movie. Who would have thought an Amazon-produced movie could have been good, right? Well as it turns out, they got us, cuz that's a really good movie.### ASSISTANT: what did u like about it?### HUMAN: I love the the superhero itself. It's such an interesting concept for a superhero, the Ant-Man. The Ant-Man, I mean think about that for a second. Who could have pitched that to a studio and they would have been like, yeah, that's a good idea. I mean, it's such a phenomenal movie, such a phenomenal plot. If you haven't seen it. Go out and see it because it's a really good movie.### ASSISTANT: will do.### HUMAN: All right.### ASSISTANT: Can you name me a movie you didn't like?### HUMAN: Yeah, I didn't like the Suicide Squad movie. I really I really didn't like that movie I thought that one was like they sold out of it on that one. They just like they are delivering these lines they like I didn't really find good or funny. I don't think the plot was good. Some of the plot like they forced people to appear and you can tell like they are setting up for a sequel like when they say when they say like Well, you can just tell they are setting up for a sequel and then. came out with the sequel, and I didn't go see that, because I thought the first one's worse. Like I'm not going to sit through something so terrible. And it's just the properties too, like none of the actors I'm not saying the actors aren't good or the plot isn't good or the story isn't good, but a lot of that's tertiary to the to the sale, you know?### ASSISTANT: yeah, i see what u mean.### ASSISTANT: have you heard of the movie Inception?### HUMAN: I've heard of that movie, but I've not seen it. I heard One of my friends talked about he liked it, but I haven't seen it, myself. I heard it didn't age well, but you know, I don't know.### ASSISTANT: what about the movie Batman Begins?### HUMAN: Yeah. Love that movie. Love that movie. Saw it with my now ex girlfriend, at the cinema on 42nd avenue down in Long Beach, and I loved it. Loved it. Loved it.### ASSISTANT: what did you like about it? |
### HUMAN: Hello! Movies are a great source of entertainment for me.### ASSISTANT: hello.### HUMAN: Hi.### ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you like?### HUMAN: I like animated movies.### ASSISTANT: Why do you like those kinds of movies?### HUMAN: Because they make me laugh. It also was. me being me being young again, because I'm currently 28. Makes me feel like I'm young, like I'm 10 or 11, 12.### ASSISTANT: Can you name a particular movie you like?### HUMAN: Particular movie I like, huh? Billy Madison.### ASSISTANT: What did you like about that movie?### HUMAN: I like that movie is that it's it's a story about a guy who didn't do well in school, but has a second chance at doing better in life by taking school seriously and passing all of his grades that he has to under contact with his dad, and he has to pass all his grades and Even though there's someone that's trying to not make that happen. It's a story about good versus evil so I like it a lot.### ASSISTANT: I see. Can you tell me a movie you did not like?### HUMAN: movie I didn't like was Pokémon the first movie.### ASSISTANT: How come you did not like it?### HUMAN: I don't like it because it was too cartoon-ish, the plot wasn't that good. It wasn't that different from the the episodes that I watched. It wasn't really mind-blowing like episodes during the Pokémon series that I had going, so. It didn't leave me in awe or feeling so happy that I just watched it. It just felt mediocre to me.### ASSISTANT: What about Thor, how did you feel about that?### HUMAN: I felt good about movie. It's more like real life. The characters are more like real life not animated like Pokemon the first movie. So So, yeah so much action , good for receival. Yeah, I liked it.### ASSISTANT: what do you like about super hero movies?### HUMAN: I like about superhero movies is they bring out the good versus evil. They want to look for the good person in the movie, good people in the movie. Just action, suspense leaves you on the edge of the seat because you want to know how it ends. You want to know, if the good guys beat the bad guys or whether the result's for real. Yeah, so I like the action.### ASSISTANT: gotcha. Thank you.### ASSISTANT: See you later. |
### HUMAN: Greetings! Movies always manage to capture my attention.### ASSISTANT: hello. Can you tell me, What type of movies do you like?### HUMAN: I really like thriller movies.### ASSISTANT: OK. Great. Why do you like thrillers?### HUMAN: They make you think through it all.### ASSISTANT: Can you tell me the title of one of your favorite movies?### HUMAN: I really liked The Loft.### ASSISTANT: Ok. What is it about this type of movie that you like?### HUMAN: It has a lot of back and forth action that's going on that you really aren't ready for, and it just kind of hits you.### ASSISTANT: do you like movies like the matrix?### HUMAN: I love The Matrix.### ASSISTANT: what about movies like Alien?### HUMAN: Alien's pretty good. I like Alien, too.### ASSISTANT: what did you like about it?### HUMAN: It was a different type of action movie, but it was still really good.### ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you not like?### HUMAN: I don't really like horror movies.### ASSISTANT: what is it that you don't like about horror?### HUMAN: I just don't really like the like scared feeling that people get.### ASSISTANT: Do you like movies like The Godfather?### HUMAN: Yeah, I liked The Godfather. I thought that was pretty good.### ASSISTANT: Until next time. |
### HUMAN: Hi there! Movies are my go-to for relaxation.### ASSISTANT: what kinds of movies do you typically enjoy?### HUMAN: I typically enjoy a lot of documentaries. And I also like mostly comedies. Some thrillers are not that bad. And a little bit of drama.### ASSISTANT: What do you like about those kinds of movies?### HUMAN: How the the writers put into the storylines and I also like. Like especially with documentaries, I like the detail that they go into. The ability to get different perspectives of the people involved. And in actual movies, besides documentaries, the characters being, you know, driven emotionally and physically, sometimes, in certain movies. And just how far some characters can be pushed such as like in The Terminator, the Rocky movies are cool. They're kind of inspirational, so that's about it.### ASSISTANT: I see. So tell me about the terminator. what did you think about it specifically?### HUMAN: Oh, the whole The only one that I I didn't really get into was Genesis because they made John Carter come back and go and go into the future and then go into another time and things just changed around too much, but Terminator 1 was really good cuz they introduced him as a hero, as a bad guy and then Terminator 2 he kind of turned into a good guy and just the the the like the technology they used, how futuristic it was was really cool. Yeah.### ASSISTANT: Great, and do you generally like sci-fi movies like that?### HUMAN: Yeah. I mean, it it just depends. Like I like Spawn. Armageddon was all right. You know, movies with Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger are pretty good. Jumper, that was a good movie.### ASSISTANT: I see. and what kinds of movies do you tend to dislike or avoid?### HUMAN: I don't like some family movies. I don't like there's a lot of animated movies that I wasn't impressed by besides like Avatar, that was okay. Toy Story was good. Some certain movies that have cell shade, I kind of don't really like that a lot. It's It's not interesting to see that. And some of the newer Adam Sandler movies are kind of not as good as they used to be so. Some comedy movies aren't as funny as they were.### ASSISTANT: What is cell shading?### HUMAN: So, shading is kind of like It's a certain style of animation, then it's like a filtering process of Like if you look at the video game 13 or at the movie A Scanner Darkly. That will mean That That The story telling in that one is pretty good. It's just It's the cell shade style of directing of animation is not I just don't find it appealing. It looks like there's polygons over people's faces. So, it's like a kind of texture.### ASSISTANT: I see. And what's a movie you've seen that you really didn't like?### HUMAN: I guess I'd say Ghost Fighter 2 cuz they really didn't really didn't let him talk the story of it wasn't as good as the first. It kind of just It it didn't expand on. Like emotionally and what was going on and what he was going through so as much as first. Totally, could have been a lot better.### ASSISTANT: I see do you dilsike that kind of movie?### HUMAN: Yeah, those types of movies are just. I mean they could rewrite them better or write them better.### ASSISTANT: Great, thank you. Now I'm curious. Did you see Dr. Strange?### HUMAN: Yep. |
### HUMAN: Hi there! I love immersing myself in a good movie.### ASSISTANT: what kind of movies do you like?### HUMAN: drama.### ASSISTANT: why do you like drama.### HUMAN: I like the stories, like a beginning, middle, and end, figuring out what's going to happen.### ASSISTANT: can you name a particular drama movie you like?### HUMAN: The Martian.### ASSISTANT: what exactly is it about the Martians that you like.### HUMAN: I like the the main protagonist trying to get through everything. solving all the little problems.### ASSISTANT: can you name a particular movie you do not like?### ASSISTANT: what about this movie that you dislike?### HUMAN: Just the The acting wasn't great. The story was kind of predictable.### ASSISTANT: do you like the movie Whiplash?### HUMAN: I haven't seen it.### ASSISTANT: How about Thor?### HUMAN: Thor was good. It was fun.### ASSISTANT: what do you like about Thor?### HUMAN: It was kind of goofy. I always like superhero movies, though. Those are usually fun.### ASSISTANT: Do you like Spotlight?### HUMAN: I haven't seen it.### ASSISTANT: What about Jason Bourne?### HUMAN: I saw I think I've seen two or three of them. They were all right.### ASSISTANT: What do you like about them?### HUMAN: Not so much like I mean it's a way to pass the time watching them. They weren't great, just kind of average spy stuff.### ASSISTANT: anything you wish were done differently?### HUMAN: A more unique story will be fun, not you know, spy agency goes after ex-spy.### ASSISTANT: Thank you very much. Good bye. |
### HUMAN: Hello! I find joy in experiencing different movies.### ASSISTANT: what kind of movies do u like to watch.### HUMAN: I like horror movies.### ASSISTANT: why is that.### HUMAN: They're scary.### ASSISTANT: i know horror movies are scary.### ASSISTANT: why else do u like them.### HUMAN: I like a murder and mystery.### ASSISTANT: in order for me to learn, i need someone who can be more descriptive about why they like the things they like.### HUMAN: It's Sci-Fi and I like the special effects.### ASSISTANT: name a movie that fits one of the categories you mentioned, and tell me why you liked that kind of movie.### HUMAN: I like Pan's Labyrinth by Guillermo del Toro. It has a bunch of different characters. It's very sci-fi and scary.### ASSISTANT: could you explain more.### HUMAN: I like the mystery about it, and it's just the characters are unique very unique.### ASSISTANT: how so.### HUMAN: They are just almost bizarre. It's There's a character that has eyes on his hands, and it's just bizarre and weird. And I like it.### ASSISTANT: name a movie that fits one of the categories you mentioned that you don't like, and tell me why you didn't like that type of movie.### HUMAN: I like. I like Tim Burton's the Nightmare Before Christmas.### ASSISTANT: why.### HUMAN: It has many characters. It has the bogeyman. It has the werewolf, a skeleton, and for some odd reason, it even has Santa Claus.### ASSISTANT: please tell me about a movie you didn't like.### HUMAN: I didn't like The Notebook or Titanic.### ASSISTANT: why don't you like those type of movies.### HUMAN: The Titanic was very, very long, and it was almost like too romantic. I don't really like romance.### ASSISTANT: have you seen the movie ant man.### HUMAN: I have not.### ASSISTANT: how about the grinch.### HUMAN: I have I love it.### ASSISTANT: why do u like that type of movie? |
### HUMAN: Hey! Movies are such a wonderful form of art.### ASSISTANT: What kinds of movies do you like?### HUMAN: I like many different types types of movies.### ASSISTANT: What kinds of movies do you like specifically?### HUMAN: I like drama, comedy, fantasy, action, superhero, foreign films.### ASSISTANT: Why do you like Dramas?### HUMAN: I like emotionally moving films.### ASSISTANT: Is there a reason you like those kinds of films?### HUMAN: I just think they're interesting, and they give you something to think about, and you can sometimes relate them to your own life.### ASSISTANT: Can you name a drama movie you like?### HUMAN: I liked the film Stealing Beauty.### ASSISTANT: Why did you like the movie Stealing beauty?### HUMAN: I enjoyed Liv Tyler as an actress. I liked the setting of the film in Italy. I just thought it was an interesting story.### ASSISTANT: Alright, how about a movie you do not like?### HUMAN: a movie I a movie I do not like. I can't think of one off the top of my head.### ASSISTANT: Well, have you seen the movie The Incredibles?### HUMAN: I've seen the movie The Incredibles.### ASSISTANT: Did you like or dislike this movie?### HUMAN: I like that movie very much.### ASSISTANT: What is it about this kind of movie that you liked? |
### HUMAN: Hello! Movies are a great source of entertainment for me.### ASSISTANT: What kinds of movies do you like?### HUMAN: I like adventure movies.### ASSISTANT: Well, tell me why do you like adventure movies.### HUMAN: Mostly because it's always a lot of action, a lot of If you're talking about Westerns, there's a lot of horses going around, a lot of gunshots, but adventure and exploring is very important.### ASSISTANT: cool, how about a movie you liked?### HUMAN: I think I like the Mission: Impossible one. It was very very quick and fast-paced.### ASSISTANT: Interesting, is there a movie you did not like?### HUMAN: I did not like the latest Jumanji movie that came out recently. It was a little lot childish.### ASSISTANT: Ok, then have you seen the movie John Wick?### HUMAN: Yes, I believe I did see that one. That was a very good movie.### ASSISTANT: What is it about this kinds of movies that you like or dislike?### HUMAN: I think it's the fast-paced action that's going on that I really like about it so much.### ASSISTANT: Wonderful. thank you for sharing. Good bye. |
### HUMAN: Hey! Watching movies is one of my favorite pastimes.### ASSISTANT: what kind of movies do u generally like watching.### HUMAN: I prefer horror movies myself and also some action movies.### ASSISTANT: why do u like horror and action.### HUMAN: I like to be scared and I like be I like to think a lot and I like a good story and a lot of those type of movies that are in horror. Also have good acting because the costumes and such are kind of difficult to buy so I have to rely more on acting. then effects.### ASSISTANT: could u name a specific movie that fits one of those categories that you did like, and why you liked that kind of movie.### HUMAN: Let me think. The Houses October Built would be a good horror movie that I like.### ASSISTANT: why did u like that kind of movie.### HUMAN: It felt realistic, it was scary but it also felt like it could really happen in the real world. And it also made you think too, and the acting I thought was pretty decent given that it was a low budget movie.### ASSISTANT: thanks for sharing. could u name a movie that you didn't like that fits that category, and why you didn't like that type of movie.### ASSISTANT: have you seen xmen?### HUMAN: The old X-Men that came out several years ago not any of the new not any of the new ones.### ASSISTANT: did you like this kind of movie? |
### HUMAN: Hi there! I love immersing myself in a good movie.### ASSISTANT: what kind of movies do you like?### HUMAN: I like horror movies.### ASSISTANT: what do you like about horror movies?### HUMAN: movie I liked a lot. I like Jason X. I like the movie Jason X.### ASSISTANT: what did you like about it?### HUMAN: What I liked about Jason X was that. Just like the killings are like just kill just just wakes up from a from a He just wakes up from this sleep, and he just kills people, and a machete he uses and blood. Just chasing around civilians inside a spaceship, just the suspense of what's going to happen next.### ASSISTANT: how about the movies that you don't like, can you tell me more?### HUMAN: Movies I don't like. I didn't like the Titanic.### ASSISTANT: what did you dislike about it?### HUMAN: just too much romance, just too much kissing, people trying to get to know each other, there wasn't that much action, just people dying in the water, just some just water overflowing a ship, just. Not a lot of Not a lot of characters in the movie, just a couple of people trying to trying to find love and getting killed in the end.### ASSISTANT: ok, have you seen the fast and the furious? |
### HUMAN: Hey! Watching movies is one of my favorite pastimes.### ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you like?### HUMAN: I like dramas a lot. I think those are the most interesting to me.### ASSISTANT: What's one of your favorite movies?### HUMAN: Apollo 13### ASSISTANT: What is it about this type of movie that you like?### HUMAN: Well Apollo 13's just a really interesting story. It's one of those movies that if it was made and you didn't know it was a true story, you wouldn't think it was true, just cuz of how ridiculous it is. But it's really neat cuz I like space travel movies, and it has Tom Hanks, so that's always a plus.### ASSISTANT: Do you like movies like The Matrix?### ASSISTANT: If so, can you say why you like that type of movie?### HUMAN: It's an interesting way to look at the world. It kind of I saw it when I was a teenager. It just kind of makes you think more philosophically and look at the world differently.### ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you not like?### HUMAN: Movies I don't like, I guess foreign films. I don't really like foreign films that much.### ASSISTANT: is it because the plot is not great?### HUMAN: No, it's mostly cuz I don't like reading the subtitles during it, and if it's like dubbed with English voice actors, it just doesn't It ruins the immersion and just sounds terrible, so I can never get into them.### ASSISTANT: okay. thanks. |
### HUMAN: Greetings! Movies always manage to capture my attention.### ASSISTANT: hello. Can you tell me, What type of movies do you like?### HUMAN: I like comedies.### ASSISTANT: OK. Great. Why do you like comedies?### HUMAN: I like sort of the lighthearted aspect, not taking itself too seriously. It's a real escape from you know, regular life. Just a a chance to have just a lighthearted moment that can be enjoyable.### ASSISTANT: so i'm guessing you don't like dramas?### HUMAN: I do like dramas. I just don't like them as much as I like comedies.### ASSISTANT: Can you tell me the title of one of your favorite movies?### HUMAN: Sure, like the Wedding Crashers. or Horrible Bosses.### ASSISTANT: Ok. What is it about this type of movie that you like?### HUMAN: Well those are. extremely well cast and the writing is excellent. So, it's not like even though they're hilarious, like start to finish hilarious, they're not completely over the top. Even though they were clearly going for laughs, they there's it's not just like to the point of ridiculous, where they're trying so hard throughout, its too much, so they really balance out the how the movie flows.### ASSISTANT: do you like movies like Bridesmaids?### HUMAN: I love Bridesmaids. It's a great movie. It's very funny.### ASSISTANT: it was pretty funny.### ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you not like?### HUMAN: I really don't like scary movies. Like scary or horror. I'm very selective about the kind of sci-fi I watch cuz those can definitely tend to be scary, as well.### ASSISTANT: you don't like being scared?### HUMAN: Exactly.### ASSISTANT: i understand. i have an overactive imagination.### ASSISTANT: do you like movies like thor?### HUMAN: I love Thor.### ASSISTANT: okay. thank you so much. |
### HUMAN: Greetings! Movies always manage to capture my attention.### ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you like?### HUMAN: I enjoy action movies and comedy movies.### ASSISTANT: What was the last movie you really enjoyed?### HUMAN: The last movie that I really enjoyed was Star Wars: The Last Jedi.### ASSISTANT: What did you like about it?### HUMAN: The movie was exciting. It had a lot of plot twists. I enjoyed the characters, and I enjoyed the epic scope of the story.### ASSISTANT: What is a movie that you recently watched that you disliked?### HUMAN: See, I recently watched Crazy Rich Asians and I was not a big fan.### ASSISTANT: What did you not like about it?### HUMAN: I could not relate to the comedy. I felt a lot of it was very stereotypical and forced. I was not a big fan of the execution of the movie.### ASSISTANT: Have you seen Black Klansman?### HUMAN: No.### ASSISTANT: How do you feel about the movie Aliens?### HUMAN: I don't know very much about the movie. The topic sounds interesting.### ASSISTANT: Did you like the movie Wonder Woman?### HUMAN: Yes.### ASSISTANT: What was your favorite part of that movie?### HUMAN: My favorite part was the ending of the movie. I felt that it was very well done.### ASSISTANT: Is there anything you didnt like about it?### HUMAN: No, I thought that the movie was very well done and I thought that Gal Gadot played the role of wonder woman very well, I enjoyed the entire movie.### ASSISTANT: Thank you for your input, have a great day. |
### HUMAN: Hi there! Movies are my go-to for relaxation.### ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you enjoy and why?### HUMAN: I really like dramas and romantic comedies. And I like them because I can relate to them and they help me escape from the reality of real life.### ASSISTANT: Is there a particular film you enjoy?### HUMAN: I really like The Godfather and Star Wars.### ASSISTANT: What did you like about those films?### HUMAN: I just They were very entertaining. The acting was great. I really got into the movie, and it made me like feel like I was you know, with the characters.### ASSISTANT: Is there a particular movie you don't enjoy?### HUMAN: There, you know I really I really don't like Well, I like science fiction. I don't really like horror movies. I just find them very scary.### ASSISTANT: Is there a specific movie?### HUMAN: I really don't like any horror movies but. The movie that I really hated was It comes at night. It's just really scary.### ASSISTANT: What didn't you like about the film?### HUMAN: Oh, it just wasn't acted that well, and it wasn't very convincing.### ASSISTANT: Have you heard about the movie Fifty Shades Grey ?### HUMAN: I've heard of it, yes.### ASSISTANT: Would you go see the movie?### HUMAN: I might. I haven't seen any of the other movies in that series.### ASSISTANT: What did you like about that kind of movie? |
### HUMAN: Greetings! I'm a fan of all kinds of movies.### ASSISTANT: What kinds of movies do you like?### HUMAN: I like movies that have a good storyline and artsy flair to them, usually funny.### ASSISTANT: Is there a specific genre you like?### HUMAN: I like I like comedy.### ASSISTANT: Why do you like comedy?### HUMAN: I like comedy cuz it makes me laugh and makes me happy.### ASSISTANT: cool, how about a movie you liked?### HUMAN: I like Superbad.### ASSISTANT: alright, Why did you like that movie?### HUMAN: I like that movie cuz it had a really silly storyline in it, and it was believable and hilarious.### ASSISTANT: Interesting, is there a movie you did not like?### HUMAN: I don't like scary movies.### ASSISTANT: is there one that you least like?### HUMAN: I least like the movie Hostel.### ASSISTANT: oh, Why not?### HUMAN: Because it was terrifying, and it was very bloody.### ASSISTANT: Ok, then have you seen the movie Inside Out.### HUMAN: Yes.### ASSISTANT: What is it about this kinds of movies that you like or dislike?### HUMAN: I liked it because it was kid-friendly, and it was cute. It had a good message to it. But I'm not a big fan of children's movies when I'm going to watch a movie.### ASSISTANT: Wonderful. thank you for sharing. Good bye. |
### HUMAN: Hi there! I love immersing myself in a good movie.### ASSISTANT: What kinds of movies do you like?### HUMAN: I like dramas and comedies.### ASSISTANT: Why do you like Comedies?### HUMAN: It's nice to escape and watch something light-hearted every once in a while.### ASSISTANT: interesting, is there a comedy movie you like?### HUMAN: I think Bridesmaids is pretty funny.### ASSISTANT: Why did you like Bridesmaids?### HUMAN: It's just goofy and fun.### ASSISTANT: Interesting, is there a movie you do not like?### HUMAN: I'm not a huge fan of action movies.### ASSISTANT: Why don't you like action movies?### HUMAN: There was really no story line to follow, and I find that pretty uninteresting.### ASSISTANT: Well, have you seen The Incredibles?### HUMAN: I have not.### ASSISTANT: How about Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald.### HUMAN: I have not even heard of that.### ASSISTANT: Then surely you have seen Finding Nemo.### HUMAN: Yes, I have seen Finding Nemo.### ASSISTANT: What is it about this kind of movie that you like or dislike?### HUMAN: I'm not a particular big fan of the movie but it's something I like watching with my children and they always enjoy it.### ASSISTANT: Why don't you enjoy it?### HUMAN: I don't find cartoons particularly interesting.### ASSISTANT: Wonderful, thank you for sharing. good bye. |
### HUMAN: Hey! Movies are such a wonderful form of art.### ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you enjoy?### HUMAN: I love documentaries.### ASSISTANT: What appeals to you with these type of movies?### HUMAN: That's a great great question, wow. Right of the bat, smart guy. Hey, I love the fact that they're based in real life. That definitely gives a sense of realism to the film. It makes me feel like I can I can actually go out and change something that was shown in the film, but you probably can honestly. A lot of the documentaries, some of the follow one person's life like Bob in the Trees, but others just follow like generally like the Earth. I give the planet Earth series from the BBC. You have some documentaries that are kind of funny like by Louis Theroux, and I'm really a big fan of usually any documentary on something I haven't seen before.### ASSISTANT: Is there a specific movie you enjoy from this genre?### HUMAN: Oh, totally, yeah. No, totally totally. I'm such a big fan of the movie Miami Mega Jail, it's not such a movie, it's like an hour long documentary, it's sort of movie. It's an hour long documentary by Louis Theroux and it's fair to say that I'm a really really big fan of his. And it was just so funny because there was the one scene I remember there was this guy. describing to him the fights he would get in in prison. And he's like, we fight for shoes in here. And he's like, I want them shoes. And he asked him if he wants to fight, the host of the presentation, he asked him if he wants to fight, and Louie said, "What do you think?" And he just stared at him, and then he got out of there. He He went into the cell with no security. I mean, it was It was It was really really crazy.### ASSISTANT: Are there any type of movies that you don't enjoy?### HUMAN: Absolutely. Absolutely. I totally understand. I really don't like I mentioned A little before, I mentioned I don't like Marvel movies, but I also just generally don't like action movies. Like I don't know if Transformers I don't think Transformers is a Marvel movie, but I really just don't like that general like action and action type movie. It's just so like It's not plot driven at all. There's no internal. values driving anything. And I totally understand that's fine for some people and some people love that and get enjoyment out of it, but I'm just not one of those kind of people. Like Michael Bay films just never work for me.### ASSISTANT: Is there a specific movie that you heavily dislike?### HUMAN: Yeah I would say I would say like Fast and Furious 2 especially in the later later Fast and Furious films. Fast and Furious maybe 3, I really didn't like that one. Again, probably I don't even know why I watched it, I had a girl over and like she wanted to see it, I'm like, all right. But it was such a bad movie, you know.### ASSISTANT: Have you seen Supersize Me.### HUMAN: I have. I love that film. That's such a good film, wow. Wow. I love Yeah, I love that it's just another Spurlock documentary. He's been really good. I think that's his most famous one though, but he's been really good, especially after that. He's done a lot of good things, as well.### ASSISTANT: Thank you for your help and have a wonderful day! |
### HUMAN: Hello! Movies are a great source of entertainment for me.### ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you like?### HUMAN: I like science fiction movies.### ASSISTANT: Why do you like those kinds of movies?### HUMAN: I think they're very different from traditional movies, and I find them to be very interesting.### ASSISTANT: I see. Can you name a particular movie you like?### HUMAN: A particular movie that I like is Aliens.### ASSISTANT: What did you like about aliens?### HUMAN: I really liked how it is different from how traditional nonscience fiction movies are, where there are different features and different uses of technology in movies like the Aliens.### ASSISTANT: Gotcha. Can you tell me a movie you did not like?### HUMAN: A movie that I did not like. I think a movie that I didn't like was Twilight.### ASSISTANT: How come you did not like twilight?### HUMAN: I felt like I had an expectation of how the movie was going to be based on reading the books, but it did not really translate to the movie, so I didn't find myself enjoying it as much as I thought I might have.### ASSISTANT: I see. How do you feel about super hero movies?### HUMAN: I enjoy super hero movies. I think that in the past I didn't, but with the more recent super hero movies they have been pretty entertaining and exciting to watch.### ASSISTANT: Did you like Green Lantern?### HUMAN: I felt like Green Lantern was not as good as some of the other super hero movies, but it was not bad either.### ASSISTANT: I see. Thanks for your input today. |
### HUMAN: Hello! I appreciate a good movie whenever I can.### ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you like?### HUMAN: I really like action movies.### ASSISTANT: why is that?### HUMAN: Usually the scenes are really exciting, and there's a lot of cool action stunts and just really cool characters, and you don't really have to dive too deep into the message of the movie. You just It's just a lot of fun.### ASSISTANT: What is one of your favorite movies?### HUMAN: I really like Crank with Jason Statham, a lot of fun scenes there and just nonstop action the entire time.### ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you not like?### HUMAN: I really don't like romance movies or like too deep. I just like to sit back and just watch fun themes rather than brewing a lot of emotions and overthinking it.### ASSISTANT: have you seen the movie Inception?### HUMAN: I have seen Inception. Inception was pretty good.### ASSISTANT: What did you like about this kind of movie?### ASSISTANT: have you seen the movie pulp fiction?### HUMAN: I have seen Pulp Fiction. It's classic. Lots of great lines there, and just really great movie.### ASSISTANT: okay. thank you. |
### HUMAN: Hi there! I love immersing myself in a good movie.### ASSISTANT: In general what kinds of movies do you like to watch?### HUMAN: I really like romantic comedies.### ASSISTANT: why is that?### HUMAN: They are sort of fun and happy movies. They have a happy ending. They make you laugh, usually. They're heartwarming, sort of more of a more of a good natured, so you're not like depressed or anything watching it. It's It's rarely like a sad film. It's usually just something that will make you feel good.### ASSISTANT: I see. is there a particular movie like that you remember?### HUMAN: Yes. Sleepless in Seattle's one of my favorite movies.### ASSISTANT: Can you tell me the things about that type of movie you remember liking?### HUMAN: Sure. Sleepless in Seattle is fantastic, especially because of the actors and the writing. The actors are at this point considered like legends, and although neither one of them really makes this kind of movie anymore, they really were the best at it for well over a decade. And the writing is clever and heartwarming and relatable, so it all really worked to make really funny films that you can watch. I still Even though that movie's 25 years old, I still watch it almost every year.### ASSISTANT: Got it! Sounds great. ok, now I am going to ask you about a movie in particular, ok?### HUMAN: Yes, okay.### ASSISTANT: have you seen Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.### HUMAN: No, I have not. I haven't seen any of the Harry Potter movies.### ASSISTANT: have you seen Interstellar.### HUMAN: No, I don't even know which one that is.### ASSISTANT: Avengers: Age of Ultron.### HUMAN: Yes. That's a good movie. It is It's a superhero movie and But it's a superhero megamovie where a lot of superheroes are in it. It is good. It is entertaining, but it probably has The Avengers movies are probably are not my favorite superhero movies, strictly because it's such a large cast of characters. So there's a lot going on. it ends up being longer than I wish it would be. But in general, it's an easy thing to watch, and it's at the very least somewhat enjoyable, if not very enjoyable. Sometimes it can be very enjoyable.### ASSISTANT: I see. what else about that type of movie did you not like in particular?### HUMAN: You know, I really just don't like I think the length. It doesn't feel as sort of tight and edited as the better superhero movies are. It just feels like it it's sort of going on. And also that one, the first one too, they can get a little complicated. You know, I think they're trying to offer something completely different, and sometimes it's just not the most simple story line, and it works against the movie being more enjoyable.### ASSISTANT: All right. Interesting. Are there types of movies you don't like? If so, tell me what about those types you don't like?### HUMAN: Sure. I don't like horror movies. I just don't like scaring myself and got so going to a horror movie is certainly going to do that. I know it's fake and for me to sort of get through it I have to almost tell myself that it's fake which defeats the purpose of going. Most people who like horror films like being scared so I I don't like being scared. It can cause me to have nightmares. So it's just the kind of movie I avoid and it's not something I enjoy.### ASSISTANT: Ok. I can understand that. |
### HUMAN: Greetings! Movies always manage to capture my attention.### ASSISTANT: hello. Can you tell me, What type of movies do you like?### HUMAN: I like action movies.### ASSISTANT: OK. Great. Why do you like action?### HUMAN: I like the high activity, how it's, like, Fast and Furious, how it, like, always is a go, go, go and the action and direction is cool.### ASSISTANT: Can you tell me the title of one of your favorite movies?### HUMAN: Fast and the Furious.### ASSISTANT: Ok. What is it about this type of movie that you like?### HUMAN: I like the directors and like how cool everybody is and just like the vibe of how it's shot, and then the writing.### ASSISTANT: Do you like movies like The Matrix?### HUMAN: Yes.### ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you not like?### HUMAN: I don't like romantic comedies.### ASSISTANT: why is that?### HUMAN: I don't think it's believable. Like nobody falls in love that way.### ASSISTANT: do you like movies like crazy rich asians?### HUMAN: Yes, I do. I loved it.### ASSISTANT: what did you think of the wedding scene?### HUMAN: Oh I loved it so much. I cried like profusely. Like I just thought it was beautiful. It made me inspired to be to have love.### ASSISTANT: okay. thank you. |
### HUMAN: Greetings! I'm a fan of all kinds of movies.### ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you like?### HUMAN: I like romantic comedies.### ASSISTANT: Can you name a particular movie you like?### HUMAN: The Wedding Singer.### ASSISTANT: What did you like about the wedding singer?### HUMAN: familiarity with the story made me feel connected to the character, and I was just happy to see myself reflected.### ASSISTANT: I see. Can you tell me a movie you did not like?### HUMAN: I did not like The Justice League.### ASSISTANT: How come you did not justice league?### HUMAN: It just wasn't like a good movie to me. It was not like.### ASSISTANT: is it super hero movies in general you do not like?### HUMAN: No, just that one. That was just a bad one.### ASSISTANT: I see . can you tell me about a super hero movie you did like?### HUMAN: Wonder Woman.### ASSISTANT: what did you like about it?### HUMAN: That it was female-based and strong characters.### ASSISTANT: got it. thanks for the input. |
### HUMAN: Greetings! Movies always manage to capture my attention.### ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you enjoy and why?### HUMAN: I like horror movies.### ASSISTANT: Is there a particular film you enjoy?### HUMAN: Friday the 13th.### ASSISTANT: What did you like about that kind of film?### HUMAN: It was suspenseful and gory. A lot of killing. Many killing. A whole lot of killing.### ASSISTANT: Is there a particular movie you don't enjoy?### HUMAN: You know I don't like sci fi movies. They're too fake, you know?### ASSISTANT: What didn't you like about that kind of film?### HUMAN: I don't like. They're too fake, you know, not enough goriness to it. Some of it not all.### ASSISTANT: Have you heard about the movie Saw?### HUMAN: Yes.### ASSISTANT: Have you already watched this movie?### HUMAN: Many times.### ASSISTANT: What did you like about this kind of film?### HUMAN: Suspenseful, kind of mysterious. |
### HUMAN: Hi there! Movies are my go-to for relaxation. Hi.### ASSISTANT: Hello, can you please name one of your favourite movie?### HUMAN: One of my favorite movies is Dumb and Dumber.### ASSISTANT: What is it about this type of movie that you like?### HUMAN: I like it because it's comedy, and it's about a story. It's kind of like a like a comedy and love story about a guy who meets a woman in an in a limousine, finds her finds her briefcase and tries to tries to bring it to her in Aspen, Colorado. So yeah, I just find it It's a feel good story. It's a romantic story kind of, because. Because he's trying to find love by meeting up with her. So yeah, it's also a comedy because they do crazy things. They do laughable things together, the two friends.### ASSISTANT: Ok. now. Could you tell the name of a movie that you dislike?### HUMAN: movie that I don't like is Avatar. I had started for like 10 minutes, it was just a bunch of blue blue creatures running around the forest. I just did not I just did not understand it.### ASSISTANT: What is it about this type of movie that you dislike?### HUMAN: Just It was too animated. if It didn't have a plot to it. I just saw it for 10 minutes, and it didn't have any plot to it, and. Just Just a bunch of creatures running around. So yeah.### ASSISTANT: Have you watched the movie Whiplash ?### HUMAN: Never heard of it.### ASSISTANT: what about Dunkirk.### HUMAN: Nope, I haven't heard of that movie, either.### ASSISTANT: how about The Shape of Water.### HUMAN: Oh yeah, I've seen I've seen some of that movie. It's It's about some creature fell in love with a with a human. entertaining.### ASSISTANT: Did you like it?### HUMAN: Yes, I did like it.### ASSISTANT: What is it about this kind of movie that you like the most?### HUMAN: It's a never before seen type of movie. It applies to you. The characters are I like I like it's a movie that I've never seen before. It's full of suspense. That's it.### ASSISTANT: have you watched the movie The Heist.### HUMAN: I can't say that I have.### ASSISTANT: what about The Godfather.### HUMAN: Yeah, I watched a little bit about that.### ASSISTANT: Reservoir Dogs.### HUMAN: No, I haven't watched that movie.### ASSISTANT: how about Spotlight.### HUMAN: No, I haven't. I haven't seen the movie.### ASSISTANT: Jason Bourne.### HUMAN: Jason Bourne, yep, I've seen that movie. Incredible. I like the action.### ASSISTANT: what else did you like other than the action?### HUMAN: I like that. He's trying He's trying to fight the evilness of of the He's trying He's trying overcome the evil evil characters in the movie. He's trying He's trying to fight for the goodness. It's just a. great character.### ASSISTANT: Anything about this kind of movie that you dislike ?### HUMAN: Um, it may not be proper for young children, because there's guns and violence.### ASSISTANT: Alright. Thank you for the information.### HUMAN: Thank you.### ASSISTANT: goodbye. |
### HUMAN: Hello! Movies are a great source of entertainment for me.### ASSISTANT: hello.### ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you like?### HUMAN: I like action movies.### ASSISTANT: why do you like action movies?### HUMAN: They're entertaining and the storyline is packed full of excitement.### ASSISTANT: Can you name a particular movie you like?### HUMAN: like Die Hard. The storyline was really good, and I liked the actors.### ASSISTANT: can you tell me about the story line?### HUMAN: It's about kind of a normal guy trying to stop a terrorist from blowing up people.### ASSISTANT: I see. Can you tell me a movie you did not like?### HUMAN: Probably Titanic.### ASSISTANT: how come you didn't like titanic?### HUMAN: It just wasn't my kind of movie. I didn't like the actors. Storyline wasn't the best. Its sad.### ASSISTANT: I see. Did you like the incredibles?### HUMAN: Yeah, The Incredibles are pretty good. Classic Pixar superhero movie.### ASSISTANT: I see. Thanks for the input. |
### HUMAN: Hello! Movies are a great source of entertainment for me.### ASSISTANT: What sort of movies do you like?### HUMAN: I generally like documentary movies.### ASSISTANT: ok, what about documentaries do you like?### HUMAN: I like that they're informative and that they allow me to learn while I'm I I like that I can learn without totally tying myself up with something or. I like that I can learn without tying myself up, so that I can do something else. I really enjoyed the I don't remember what it was called, but the Minecraft about Or the documentary about Minecraft was really good. We are kind of focusing on the guy who created it. What he was doing shortly before, how he created Minecraft, the other people that helped him all that. That was That was really cool movie for me. I don't like horror movies. And particularly, I don't like them because I usually find them to be cliché, predictable, and I I don't know. I don't I don't really enjoy being scared. I already have a lot of anxiety as it is. And while they don't typically scare me, I just I don't like feeling like my anxiety is amplified for the sake of of entertainment.### ASSISTANT: ok, would you say the plot is typically not good in horror movies?### HUMAN: Yeah, generally speaking. I mean, there might be exceptions, but since I don't watch a lot of them, a lot of what I can base my information on is. Over played story lines in those types of movies, you know? Some bad thing is going after some unsuspecting person. Unsuspecting person traps themselves unintentionally in an enclosed space with this thing. You know, they get killed. Rinse, repeat, until they finally figure out how to beat it or escape. And yeah, it's just.### ASSISTANT: got it, can you name a particular movie you didn't like? it doesn't have to be horror but it can be.### HUMAN: I don't remember what the last Saw movie was. I think that I saw it was like four or five. It was just I didn't really care for that. Just cuz, like, I like the Saw movies, I got into it when it first came out. It was really cool cuz it was like. hey, here's a movie that's centered around not not necessarily scary like somethings watching me or hunting me, but like people stuck in these crazy fortress positions. I thought it was kind of cool but by like the fifth one, it just started to get stale. It was like you know, it was like any other horror movie. It just went completely over the top, but instead of over the top cliche. instead of over the top cliché You know, still basically the same tired plot. People are trapped in a room, they have to decide to torture themselves or they won't get out. And I think it just became, "Oh, we're just going to torture them anyways. |
### HUMAN: Hi there! Movies are my go-to for relaxation.### ASSISTANT: hello.### ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you like?### HUMAN: I really really like horror movies. They're my favorite genre.### ASSISTANT: Why do you like horror movies?### HUMAN: I like horror movies because I like to be scared, but I don't like being in danger, so it gives me that feeling and the adrenaline of being scared without actually being in any sort of danger in real life.### ASSISTANT: I see. Can you name a particular movie you like?### HUMAN: I just went and saw The Nun at the movies the other night, and I really liked that movie.### ASSISTANT: Cool! What did you like about that movie?### HUMAN: I liked the story behind it. I really like scary like religious demonic type of movies, and I also liked that it had a lot of jump scares. It kept me scared the whole time, and the visuals in it were really good, too.### ASSISTANT: I see. Can you tell me a movie you did not like?### HUMAN: I didn't like any of the Die Hard movies or the actiony movies like that, I don't like.### ASSISTANT: How come you did not like them?### HUMAN: I don't really like action movies. My husband watches them all the time, and I just can never get into them. I don't like watching guys shooting at each other. It just never has captured my interest.### ASSISTANT: Gotcha. How do you feel about marvel movies, like thor?### HUMAN: I'm not a big fan of Marvel movies. I've never really liked the superhero stuff. I will watch them once, like because my husband might want to, and sometimes there's really good visuals, but I'm not a big fan of the story lines.### ASSISTANT: Is it just the story line, or is there other things you dislike?### HUMAN: No, it's pretty much the story line, it's just I I don't feel like not that the story are told well, it's just not the kind of story that I'm into.### ASSISTANT: I see. Thanks for your input today. |
### HUMAN: Hello! I appreciate a good movie whenever I can.### ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you like?### HUMAN: I like war movies.### ASSISTANT: what do you like about war movies?### HUMAN: Well, I like the action, the fact that the stories are usually based in reality.### ASSISTANT: can you think of one of your favorite movies?### HUMAN: Saving Private Ryan.### ASSISTANT: how is it one of your favorites?### HUMAN: I don't remember specifics, but I do remember watching it a while ago, like quite a few years ago, and I really enjoyed it. The actors were good.### ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you not like?### HUMAN: I don't like drama movies.### ASSISTANT: why? because they're boring?### HUMAN: That, and because I already have enough problems in my life. I don't want to deal with anybody else's.### ASSISTANT: have you watched the movie Deadpool?### HUMAN: I watched part of it, I wasn't really entertained.### ASSISTANT: What did you dislike about this kind of movie?### HUMAN: I don't know, I just felt like it was a bit overrated, and I didn't really care for it.### ASSISTANT: okay. thanks. |
### HUMAN: Greetings! I'm a fan of all kinds of movies.### ASSISTANT: Do you like movies like Star Wars; or........... Trainwreck or............. Spotlight.### HUMAN: Yeah. I like movies like Star Wars a lot. I like Sci-Fi movies in general.### ASSISTANT: Okay. what is it about this type of movie that you like the most?### HUMAN: I think it's neat getting to see all the creative ways people come up with to use technology and just the different ideas they have about what could happen in the future.### ASSISTANT: what......else?### HUMAN: I also think they usually have interesting stories cuz there's usually alien races or different types of people, so it's just me getting to see the different perspectives of those races.### ASSISTANT: anything about this type of movie that you dislike?### HUMAN: They can be kind of generic. Like just, they can feel very same-y. If it's a bad sci-fi movie, you can tell there's just standard sci-fi tropes that get annoying.### ASSISTANT: alright. now what the other 2 movies Trainwreck or............. Spotlight.### HUMAN: I've never even heard of those movies, so I don't know.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie Thor or........ Good Will Hunting.### HUMAN: I like Good Will Hunting.### ASSISTANT: What is it about this type of movie that you like?### HUMAN: And I tend to like more drama and serious movies and also that's Robin Williams in it. And I like most movies that Robin Williams is in.### ASSISTANT: anything about this type of movie that you dislike?### HUMAN: Honestly not really that I can think of of the top of my head.### ASSISTANT: what about the movie Thor. Do you like that?### HUMAN: I'm not a big fan of comic book movies, so no.### ASSISTANT: Alright. Thank you for the information. |
### HUMAN: Hey! Movies are such a wonderful form of art.### ASSISTANT: What type of movies are you interested in?### HUMAN: action movies.### ASSISTANT: Is there a specific title that you like?### HUMAN: I really like John Wick.### ASSISTANT: What about John Wick interested you?### HUMAN: Really good fight scenes and the story was really good for an action movie. And it was pretty dark.### ASSISTANT: I can definitely see why that would be appealing.### ASSISTANT: Are there any type of movies that you don't like?### HUMAN: I'm usually not a fan of just comedy movies. Most of them are pretty bad, so I just usually avoid all of them.### ASSISTANT: Is it because of the story writing?### HUMAN: Yeah. And the jokes are usually old and done in every single movie.### ASSISTANT: So do you feel the jokes lack originality.### HUMAN: Yes.### ASSISTANT: Is there any specific title that you're not too fond of?### HUMAN: comedy movies particularly. Can't think of any off the top of my head now.### ASSISTANT: Have you seen Dumb and Dumber?### HUMAN: Oh god, yes. And that is horrible.### ASSISTANT: Why did you find this movie horrible?### HUMAN: The characters were annoying and extremely awkward and the jokes were weren't good and I mean they weren't about fart jokes at this price.### ASSISTANT: I can definitely see why you didn't like it.### ASSISTANT: Thank you for that! |
### HUMAN: Greetings! I'm a fan of all kinds of movies.### ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you like?### HUMAN: I like comedy and documentary-type movies.### ASSISTANT: OK. Great. Why do you like documentaries?### HUMAN: Well they're usually informative and that's always a nice thing, I like learning. Yeah.### ASSISTANT: Can you tell me the title of one of your favorite documentaries?### HUMAN: I believe it's called AFK. It was about The Pirate Bay. I think it was, like, about how it came to be and, like, the legal issues that it faced, etc etc.### ASSISTANT: do you like movies like Christopher Robin?### HUMAN: Don't really know what that is.### ASSISTANT: what about movies like Star Wars?### HUMAN: No, I don't like Star Wars. I never really got into it. Not really sure why, either. I guess I'm just not into the whole outer space thing.### ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you not like?### HUMAN: Well, most movies probably drama.### ASSISTANT: why is that? |
### HUMAN: Greetings! Movies always manage to capture my attention.### ASSISTANT: What kinds of movies do you like?### HUMAN: I like movies that's not boring to watch.### ASSISTANT: So do you like action movies?### HUMAN: Yes, I like action movies.### ASSISTANT: How about thrillers?### ASSISTANT: Well can you tell me why you like thrillers?### HUMAN: I like thrillers because they're exciting to watch.### ASSISTANT: Alright, what is your favorite movie?### HUMAN: My favorite movie is Home Alone 2.### ASSISTANT: ok why did you like that movie.### HUMAN: I like that movie because it shows how a little boy defeated a bunch of robbers single-handedly, with nothing but his wits.### ASSISTANT: Interesting, is there a movie you did not like?### HUMAN: I don't like. I don't like I don't like zombie movies.### ASSISTANT: Is there a specific zombie movie you did not like?### HUMAN: zombie movie let's say World War z.### ASSISTANT: Why did you not like world war z.### ASSISTANT: Ok, then have you seen the movie Deadpool.### HUMAN: Yeah, I I saw it. I've seen it.### ASSISTANT: What is it about this kinds of movies that you like or dislike?### HUMAN: I like that. Probably there's a a lot of action in. It was all It was all about fighting bad people. He was He was the superhero. And it was funny. |
### HUMAN: Hello! Movies are a great source of entertainment for me.### ASSISTANT: can you tell me what types of movies you like?### HUMAN: I like dramas quite a bit.### ASSISTANT: ok, what about dramas do you like?### HUMAN: Usually the story, they're interesting. And it's easy to get involved with them. Just cuz it's an important story, it's not just mindless action or just something that doesn't matter.### ASSISTANT: got it, can you name a specific film you enjoyed?### HUMAN: Shawshank Redemption was really good.### ASSISTANT: what about shawshank redemption did you like?### ASSISTANT: ok, can you please tell me what genres of movies you don't like?### HUMAN: I'm not a big fan of war movies.### ASSISTANT: what about war movies don't you like?### HUMAN: I just generally don't think they're that interesting. There's a couple exceptions. Like I really like Saving Private Ryan. But most of the other ones I've seen just aren't that interesting. And it just they all kind of blend together and feel the same. And I just never get attached to anything that's going on.### ASSISTANT: ok, can you name a film you didn't like? it doesn't have to be a war movie but it can be. |
### HUMAN: Hello! I find joy in experiencing different movies.### ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you watch?### HUMAN: I really like teen movies.### ASSISTANT: Do you have a favorite Teen movie?### HUMAN: My favorite is probably She's the Man.### ASSISTANT: What did you like about that movie?### HUMAN: It's actually It's It's really fun to watch. It is actually a take off of a Shakespeare novel, and so the lead character is undercover impersonating her twin brother, and basically falls in love with another student who doesn't know that she's posing as a guy. And it's just a lot of fun. The actors are extremely likable. At the time, they were somewhat unknown. Amanda Bynes, who was the star, was not unknown, but the male lead, Channing Tatum was very unknown at the time, who's now a superstar. And it's just It's It's a lot of fun. The friends are a lot of fun. It's just sort of entertaining and sort of harmless fun, I guess.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie She's All That?### HUMAN: I do like the movie She's All That.### ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you not like?### HUMAN: For the most part I don't like scary movies or like horror movies. Some sci-fi doesn't work for me.### ASSISTANT: What do you not like about Sci-Fi movies?### HUMAN: I don't dislike all sci-fi movies, but it's kind of particular which ones I like. I think the storylines can get very very complicated in a way that's almost unnecessary, like they should channel their focus more into one aspect or three aspects instead of you know, trying to tackle 20. And then sometimes I think about sci-fi, it's just you have to really stick the landing in the movie and. If you don't, it's like a really It just doesn't come off well. So because it's such a It's sort of a concept movie where it's not It's not based in reality, there's a lot going on. When it's lacking, the whole thing falls apart. So if it doesn't come together on almost every way the way other movies don't need to, maybe there's a bad character, a plot point that doesn't really make sense, but it's no big deal. In sci-fi, it has to all work. In order for it all to make sense and for the movie to be good, because already you're all in a alternate reality.### ASSISTANT: What movie did you last watch that was disappointing?### HUMAN: Any movie? I mean, last I could tell you a sci fi movie that's disappointing is Thirteenth Floor. That's terrible. But if you're talking about any movie in general that was bad I recently watched A Good Day to Die Hard and that was not good.### ASSISTANT: Have you seen Ant Man?### HUMAN: I have.### ASSISTANT: Did you like or dislike that movie?### HUMAN: I liked the Ant Man. It was surprisingly good.### ASSISTANT: What was one thing that made you like the film?### HUMAN: The lead actor Paul Rudd is fantastic in it. It's Really suits him.### ASSISTANT: Have you seen Searching?### HUMAN: No.### ASSISTANT: Have you seen Aladdin?### HUMAN: Yes.### ASSISTANT: What is something you did not like about that movie? |
### HUMAN: Hey! Movies are such a wonderful form of art.### ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you like?### HUMAN: I like documentaries.### ASSISTANT: Why do you like those type of movies?### HUMAN: cuz they're about things that happen in real life and I'm interested in stuff like that, like, I like non-fiction books for similar to to documentaries.### ASSISTANT: Are there any particular documentaries that you like?### HUMAN: I like documentaries about nature. I also like documentaries about artists, filmmakers, painters, things like that.### ASSISTANT: Is there a specific movie that you liked?### HUMAN: No.### ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you dislike?### HUMAN: I don't like horror movies.### ASSISTANT: Is there any particular reason why?### HUMAN: Cuz they scare me. They They give me bad dreams.### ASSISTANT: Have you seen Thor?### HUMAN: No.### ASSISTANT: How about Jurassic World?### HUMAN: Nope, haven't seen that, either.### ASSISTANT: Are there any new movies that you have seen recently?### HUMAN: Let me see, I saw Deadpool 2 recently.### ASSISTANT: What did you enjoy about it? |
### HUMAN: Greetings! Movies always manage to capture my attention.### ASSISTANT: Hello. I’d like to discuss your movie preferences. Ok?### HUMAN: Okay. Sounds good.### ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you like?### HUMAN: action movies and science fiction based movies I guess.### ASSISTANT: Why do you enjoy this genre and is there a specific film?### HUMAN: I like the world building, and science fiction, and being able to kind of go to a different place in time, or or the imagination that's in it. I like The Matrix.### ASSISTANT: Is there a reason why you enjoy that movie?### HUMAN: That combines the science fiction and the action I guess and it's. It does a really good job of storytelling within that.### ASSISTANT: Is there a movie genre you dislike?### HUMAN: I sort of don't like I guess documentaries to an extent cuz. Or some documentaries cuz I find them kind off dry and they maybe remind me too much stuff I saw in school.### ASSISTANT: Is there a specific documentary you dislike?### HUMAN: Hm. Coming up with names is difficult. Maybe any of the ones I've seen or what the History Channel used to show. The very dry black and white footage with the very kind of monotone British announcer guy. At least, that's what I think of when I think of bad documentaries.### ASSISTANT: Have you seen Searching?### HUMAN: No. Is that one where it's all on the computer screens?### ASSISTANT: Have you seen the movie Jason Bourne ?### HUMAN: Yes. One of my favorite series.### ASSISTANT: What makes you enjoy these films?### HUMAN: I like the director, Greengrass, and the actor, Damon, and I think they're just distilled down to their pure best parts of what an action film spy film is.### ASSISTANT: Have you seen the film Frozen?### HUMAN: The Disney animated thing? Yes. I don't remember anything but the song, and I think that's just because it was played everywhere or talked about everywhere.### ASSISTANT: Did you enjoy it?### HUMAN: Well, I don't remember much about it but. It was all right. I tend to enjoy the Disney animated films as much as anyone else. They're kind of hard not to like I guess.### ASSISTANT: What makes you like them?### HUMAN: They all kind of have the same formula I guess of the underdog or somebody making something right or making a wrong right. And they have good comedy and I'm in music I guess thing's pretty much universal appeal.### ASSISTANT: See you later. |
### HUMAN: Hello! Movies are a great source of entertainment for me.### ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you enjoy?### HUMAN: I like I like comedies quite a bit. I think I think they're underrated.### ASSISTANT: What appeals to you with these type of movies?### HUMAN: I mean they're just fine and you can laugh and have a good time and the subject matter is light and, you know, it's generally just about see seeing some funny.### ASSISTANT: Is there a specific movie you enjoy from this genre?### HUMAN: Well one of them that I think is funny is the movie Hot Rod. Yeah. It's just It's just so ridiculous, right? So, there is like this crazy fighting between a father and son, and it's really over the top, and silly, and you'll just never even think that would that you would see something like that in a movie, and I'm just laughing thinking about it.### ASSISTANT: Are there any type of movies that you don't enjoy?### HUMAN: You know lately I'm not really a big fan of documentaries. I was one time but now I feel like they are all so similar.### ASSISTANT: Have you seen Forrest Gump?### HUMAN: Yeah, I saw Forrest Gump. Lot of memorable scenes from that movie.### ASSISTANT: What did you like or dislike about this title?### HUMAN: You know, I thought it was I thought his character was a little bit one dimensional. But there were a lot of cool kind of iconic images from history that they that they spliced him into and I thought that was kind of neat.### ASSISTANT: Thank you for your time and have a great day! Bye! |
### HUMAN: Hello! I appreciate a good movie whenever I can.### ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you like?### HUMAN: I really like science fiction and action movies a lot.### ASSISTANT: what do you like about these kinds of movies?### HUMAN: They are interesting to see what things they come up with and how they think the future will look.### ASSISTANT: is there any particular movie that you've liked a lot?### HUMAN: Yeah, really liked Back to the Future which is an older movie, but I thought it had a great plot with an interesting premise.### ASSISTANT: what did you like about it?### HUMAN: I thought the story of a mad scientist and time travel was interesting and something that you could feel could really happen.### ASSISTANT: nice. how about the movies that you don't like, can you tell me more about them?### HUMAN: Yeah, any movies that are boring and that are long winded, so to speak. So anything that is boring. I guess romantic movies fall under that. I just think they're boring.### ASSISTANT: can you name a movie that you didn't like at all?### HUMAN: A recent one? Dumb and Dumber, I didn't like. Just wasn't interesting and it wasn't funny at all. It didn't make me laugh.### ASSISTANT: what did you dislike about it?### HUMAN: It just felt like they kept recycling the same joke and and and there was really no plot in it. I thought at least it would make me laugh which it didn't.### ASSISTANT: have you seen the fifth element?### HUMAN: Yes.### ASSISTANT: did you like this movie?### HUMAN: Yes. I thought it was really great.### ASSISTANT: what did you like about it? |
### HUMAN: Greetings! I'm a fan of all kinds of movies.### ASSISTANT: would you mind telling me about the kinds of movies you like?### HUMAN: I like movie I like comic hero movies, I like action movies. I like terrorist-attack movies. I like movies about zombies or movies regarding viral infections.### ASSISTANT: Why exactly do you like those?### HUMAN: Cuz they are exciting, and you never know what's going to happen when there's a large disaster. Or the a zombie movie there is a lot of excitement and you have thousands of zombies some times chasing people, and it's super exciting.### ASSISTANT: Great, now what's a movie you've seen that you really liked?### HUMAN: I liked Zombieland. or World War z.### ASSISTANT: Why did you like Zombieland?### HUMAN: Because, it had zombies and it was super funny as well. It's very interesting. There was a lot of action and it also had comic comical moments.### ASSISTANT: Oh, like what?### HUMAN: Just the different ways that people died and things like that sometimes were funny.### ASSISTANT: Cool, thanks.### ASSISTANT: and what kind of movies do you tend to avoid or dislike?### HUMAN: animation films. sometimes they are boring.### ASSISTANT: why do you think that? What makes an animation film boring to you?### HUMAN: It depends on a film, but I like I like films that are more realistic and have more realistic effects.### ASSISTANT: I see. What's a movie you saw that you disliked?### HUMAN: Pulp Fiction.### ASSISTANT: why is that?### HUMAN: Cuz, I found it very stupid, and I didn't like how it was made. I found out it was unrealistic, and it was and sometimes it was just It wasn't very as funny as many people made it out to be.### ASSISTANT: I see. I didn't think pulp fiction was supposed to be funny. I thought it was an action flick.### HUMAN: Yeah, that's that's true. Pulp Fiction was was a pretty drawn in action flick, but I just was not a fan of it. It was I thought it was more popular and overrated.### ASSISTANT: I see. Does a film being popular make it overrated to you.### HUMAN: No. If it If it has the right If it has the the right concepts, and it is enjoyable to me, it doesn't matter to me if it's popular or not. But if it's popular, and yet it has bad reviews, that makes it over overrated. Or if there's a lot of people that don't like the film, but it has a high box office, that makes the film kind of overrated.### ASSISTANT: Okay... now I'm curious. Did you see the movie inception?### HUMAN: Yes, I thought it was very interesting. I liked how it had so many different You couldn't really find It was very confusing to find out what was real and what wasn't real. And you didn't know when it was false or not.### ASSISTANT: Really, that's interesting. Why else did you like it?### HUMAN: Because of the concept of you're in a dream within a dream.### ASSISTANT: Cool. Did you also see Batman: Dark Knight Rises?### HUMAN: No, is that a good movie?### ASSISTANT: I hear good things and bad things about it. I was just curious since it's a gritty action movie and that's what you seem to like. |
### HUMAN: Greetings! I'm a fan of all kinds of movies.### ASSISTANT: what kind of movies do you like?### HUMAN: I like movies such as like Schindler's List, Shawshank Redemption, basically anything that's drama, that's like based on a real story is interesting. I like you know, action movies. I like comedies, and you know, movies like Titanic.### ASSISTANT: what do you like about these kinds of movies?### HUMAN: Well, I like that they're like based on realistic ideas and that the story like happened in real life. I like the acting usually, I like the scenery, I like how everything is very convincing and realistic.### ASSISTANT: so you like serious movies?### HUMAN: I do like serious movies.### ASSISTANT: nice. can you name a movie you liked?### HUMAN: I like movies like like the Titanic, and I loved E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial that's a fun movie, and Forrest Gump.### ASSISTANT: what did you like about these movies?### HUMAN: I just like the storylines, the the acting. that you know couple of the movies are like based on real things as well, like real life happenings.### ASSISTANT: nice. how about the kind of movies that you don't like?### HUMAN: Movies that I don't like are usually ones that have really bad acting that are like kind of goofy, that are just like kind of silly and stupid.### ASSISTANT: so you're not a fan of cheesy comedies?### HUMAN: Not at all. Don't have time for cheesy comedies.### ASSISTANT: what do you dislike about them?### HUMAN: Well, they're usually, you know, small productions, they're not well made, the acting is terrible.### ASSISTANT: can you name a movie that you did not enjoy? |
### HUMAN: Hey! Watching movies is one of my favorite pastimes.### ASSISTANT: can you tell me what types of movies you like?### HUMAN: horror. action, adventure, comedy.### ASSISTANT: ok, what about those genres do you like?### HUMAN: I like them. I don't know what to say. they're funny, excitement.### ASSISTANT: ok, can you name a specific film you liked?### HUMAN: Halloween 2018### ASSISTANT: what about that movie did you particularly enjoy?### HUMAN: It was a nice reboot and nostalgia to the franchise. And overall, and it was just enjoyable.### ASSISTANT: got it, can you tell me what types of movies you don't like?### HUMAN: documentaries depending, romantic comedies.### ASSISTANT: what about documentaries and romance movies don't you enjoy?### HUMAN: I don't know, can't think of anything off the top my head. Find them boring and cheesy, not fun to watch. Just not interesting in general.### ASSISTANT: ok, can you name a move you didn't like? it doesn't have to be a documentary or romance movie but it can be.### HUMAN: The Pink Panther.### ASSISTANT: ok, did you find the movie to be boring?### HUMAN: Yes.### ASSISTANT: got it, can you tell me have you seen the movie black panther?### HUMAN: No.### ASSISTANT: how about jurrasic world: fallen kingdom?### HUMAN: Yes.### ASSISTANT: what did you think about that movie? |
### HUMAN: Hello! I find joy in experiencing different movies.### ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you like? Any specific genre?### HUMAN: Comedies are one of my favorites.### ASSISTANT: Is there a movie you can name that you really liked?### HUMAN: Sure. Best in Show is one of my all-time favorite movies.### ASSISTANT: Don't think I've seen it. And can you tell me what you liked about those types of movies?### HUMAN: Sure, that is a Best in Show as a mockumentary style movie and it is from Christopher Guest, his other ones are fantastic as well like Waiting for Guffman. And they are all sort of trying to stay true to what they are in mocking but also trying to have a comedic turn. So, this one is a dog show and is just hilarious it is it does really. as like the Westminster Dog Show, but with the humor attached in of all the owners and the dogs and the people running it, and how serious it is, and just it's hilarious. It's sort of the There are movies that have like a cult following. The acting is fantastic. There's a lot of improvisation with the script. It's much more original than a typical movie. But they're fantastic movies.### ASSISTANT: Sounds funny! I'll add it to my movie queue. Okay Google, add Best in Show to my Movie queue. Done.### HUMAN: You should.### ASSISTANT: Perfect, now that I know what movie you like, can you name one you don't like? What would be last on your list?### HUMAN: Like Dude, Where's My Car?, that was terrible.### ASSISTANT: What about that kind of movie didn't you like?### HUMAN: It's a comedy and it knows it's dumb, but it's too dumb. So it's the The script is limited at best, where they're saying you know, "Dude, dude, dude." constantly, and it's just It's sort of like in the vein of like a Dumb and Dumber or Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure. It's Like you know what they're going for, but it's just too dumb. The other two are too dumb for me, too. Just very simple and not. harmful and you can actually watch it, but it's just not a good time. It's just It's just so simple and really when you look back the actors that are in it are too good for that kind of sort of simplistic scripts.### ASSISTANT: You don't like quantity of laughs over quality of laughs. Does that sound right?### HUMAN: It does.### ASSISTANT: Perfect. By any chance have you seen Thor? It's action adventure with some comedy.### HUMAN: I absolutely have seen Thor.### ASSISTANT: Did you like it?### HUMAN: Yes, I really like Thor.### ASSISTANT: What did you like about it?### HUMAN: It is The action is good. The You know, the lore that they're creating is interesting. The romance between Thor and Jane is very good, and it has lighthearted moments, like you said, and those really work, and they do work to sort of break up the different moments of There's parts in Jane's life that are a little lighthearted, and parts in Thor's life with his. his friend, so there's there's definitely It's a good balance.### ASSISTANT: chris hemsworth who plays thor is pretty gorgeous as well.### HUMAN: It doesn't hurt, he really is gorgeous.### ASSISTANT: Have you seen Wonder Woman? Similar, but not as funny.### HUMAN: I have not seen Wonder Woman yet, but I expect to like it when I do. And I didn't think it would be that funny but it's okay I do like action adventure quite a bit.### ASSISTANT: Have you seen Bridesmaids? It's not action, but it is pretty funny.### HUMAN: I I have definitely seen bridesmaids and I love bridesmaids.### ASSISTANT: And why's that?### HUMAN: It is a very funny movie, really well written, the execution of it is top notch, it was well cast. At the time the entire cast was not like a famous cast, but they were really perfect for their roles, so it really worked and they really worked together. And it was Definitely at the time, it was definitely a little more original that they were taking that they were doing that kind of movie. women, so that was nice. But, it's just a It's a good time. It's a You definitely laugh quite a bit, and you just I think you come away liking everybody in it.### ASSISTANT: Thanks so much for your input! It's been very well descriptive! it Helps tremendously. |
### HUMAN: Hi there! I love immersing myself in a good movie.### ASSISTANT: What kind of movies to you like, and why do you like this type of movie?### HUMAN: I like comedies and epics, like Lord of the Rings.### ASSISTANT: Can you name a particular movie that you like?### HUMAN: Lord of the Rings: Return of the King.### ASSISTANT: Can you give me a couple of reasons why you like this movie?### HUMAN: I really like all the cool fights in it. I like Frodo as a character. He's really interesting.### ASSISTANT: Can you name a movie that you do not like?### HUMAN: How about. Glow or whatever that movie was with the girl figure skaters.### ASSISTANT: What do you dislike about this movie? Please give me 2 reasons.### HUMAN: I don't like the chick flicks. The humor doesn't really do it for me, and it's just really boring. The pacing is really bad.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie Forrest Gump?### HUMAN: Yeah, that's a great movie.### ASSISTANT: What do you like about this movie? Please give me 2 reasons.### HUMAN: I like that it's pretty much every kind of movie in one and the story was really engaging.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie Pulp Fiction?### HUMAN: Yeah. Yes, I do.### ASSISTANT: What do you like about this movie? Please give me 2 reasons.### HUMAN: I like I like the different stories that they follow and the cliffing ending and I really like John Travolta's acting in it.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie V?### HUMAN: I'm not sure what that movie is.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald?### HUMAN: No.### ASSISTANT: Why do you dislike this movie? Please give 2 reasons.### HUMAN: I really don't like the Harry Potter universe. It's dumb to me, and it was way too long for what it was.### ASSISTANT: Thank you for your feedback. Enjoy your evening. |
### HUMAN: Hello! I appreciate a good movie whenever I can.### ASSISTANT: Hello, can you please name one of your favourite movie?### HUMAN: One of my favorite movies is Remember the Titans.### ASSISTANT: Great! now. What is it about this type of movie that you like?### HUMAN: I like it because it's a sports movie.### ASSISTANT: and what else other than being a sports movie?### HUMAN: I like that, it's funny.### ASSISTANT: what else?### HUMAN: I like the music that plays in the movie.### ASSISTANT: what is it about sports movies that you like the most?### HUMAN: I like sports movies that are true stories rather sports movies that watch true stories.### ASSISTANT: what else?### HUMAN: Honestly, I like sports movies because I love sports.### ASSISTANT: Ok. now. Could you tell the name of a movie that you dislike?### HUMAN: I dislike the movie Chucky.### ASSISTANT: What is it about this type of movie that you dislike?### HUMAN: I dislike this movie because is a horror movie, and I don't like horror movies.### ASSISTANT: Can you tell me more about that please?### HUMAN: I dislike horror movies because they're really dark, and there's usually a lot of blood, and they're generally scary. I'm not fond of scary movies.### ASSISTANT: now Have you watched the movie The Godfather ?### HUMAN: Yes, I have watched the movie The Godfather.### ASSISTANT: did you like it?### HUMAN: I did. Yes.### ASSISTANT: what is it about this type of movie that you like the most.### HUMAN: I like it because it is a mobster movie. I like I also like movies that are from that time period that revolve around like the mob and stuff like that.### ASSISTANT: Anything about this kind of movie that you dislike ?### HUMAN: Sometimes I dislike the the language that they use. Sometimes there's a lot of cursing.### ASSISTANT: other than that anything else?### HUMAN: No.### ASSISTANT: Alright. Thank you for the information.### ASSISTANT: Goodbye. |
### HUMAN: Hey! Movies are such a wonderful form of art.### ASSISTANT: I'd like to discuss your movie preferences.### HUMAN: I like musical movies. They transform me into a world that I didn't know existed, and it makes me peaceful, happy, and like I believe that I can do anything I want. The Wizard of Oz.### ASSISTANT: what did you like about it?### HUMAN: It made me believe in the ever-after in another word that I have just dreamed about. I did not like scary movies like Screams. Scream was not one of my favorites.### ASSISTANT: what did you dislike about it?### HUMAN: It was just really scary, I don't like people dying in films.### ASSISTANT: so you don't like horror movies?### HUMAN: No.### ASSISTANT: have you seen avatar?### HUMAN: Yes.### ASSISTANT: did you like it?### HUMAN: No. I thought it was long, and just like I didn't like the animation. Just was boring to me.### ASSISTANT: have you seen cinderella?### HUMAN: Yes.### ASSISTANT: what did you think of it?### HUMAN: Loved it.### ASSISTANT: why.### HUMAN: I like. The fairy tale-ness made me believe in like happiness and just like the colors was good.### ASSISTANT: great. |
### HUMAN: Hello! Movies are a great source of entertainment for me.### ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you watch?### HUMAN: I watch fantasy and fiction.### ASSISTANT: Why do you like those movies?### HUMAN: It just it takes to a whole another world and you get to live a life that you can never live in the real world and that's just amazing and incredibly interesting.### ASSISTANT: What was the last movie you saw that you liked?### HUMAN: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.### ASSISTANT: What did you like about that movie?### HUMAN: There was a menacing evil that was taking control and it looked like a losing situation and heroines were fleeing for half the movie until they figured they finally got the courage to strike back at the evil and defeat it. I mean that that that one did.### ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you stay away from?### HUMAN: I stay away from romantic movies. About love and stuff and that's the core idea.### ASSISTANT: What do you not like those movies?### HUMAN: I just don't think like love is that interesting. It's boring and that's all they're talking about.### ASSISTANT: Have you seen The Dark Knight Rises?### HUMAN: I have. Many years ago.### ASSISTANT: What did you like about that movie?### HUMAN: The action was good. I think the theme was pretty good. The villain was compelling Mr. Baine. It was a pretty decently composed movie.### ASSISTANT: What did you not like about the movie?### HUMAN: It was long, and it didn't need to be that long, and I just don't. It wasn't I guess contiguous like plot where you kind of like you are excited the whole time or, you know, like things slow down and you feel good and then ramp up. But it's like it's boring for lots of part many parts of the movie.### ASSISTANT: Have you seen The Purge?### HUMAN: Yeah, I've seen most most Purge movies.### ASSISTANT: What do you not like about The Purge movies?### HUMAN: I I think they're not that well done. It's like it's not that scary. A lot of the acting doesn't seem super believable as the line. There's a whole lot that I don't like about this movies.### ASSISTANT: Thank you for your input, have a great day. |
### HUMAN: Hello! I appreciate a good movie whenever I can.### ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you enjoy?### HUMAN: I enjoy scary movies.### ASSISTANT: What appeals to you with these type of movies?### HUMAN: They scare me and I love being scared.### ASSISTANT: Is there a specific movie you enjoy from this genre?### HUMAN: I do like Child's Play. I've been watching a lot of that lately. I love Chucky.### ASSISTANT: What did you like about this movie?### HUMAN: It used to scare me a lot when I was a kid. And yeah, I Just a very nostalgic movie for me.### ASSISTANT: Are there any type of movies that you don't enjoy?### HUMAN: Romantic movies.### ASSISTANT: What about these movies is unappealing?### HUMAN: I don't know, I just think it's kind of cheesy in the in the wrong way.### ASSISTANT: Is there a specific movie that you heavily dislike?### ASSISTANT: Have you seen Black panther.### HUMAN: Yes.### ASSISTANT: What did you enjoy or not enjoy about this movie? |
### HUMAN: Hey! Watching movies is one of my favorite pastimes.### ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you like?### HUMAN: I really like teen movies.### ASSISTANT: What is it about teen movies do you like?### HUMAN: Teen movies, especially the ones that I like, are usually like mini romantic comedies or mini comedies. So almost always they're comedies, and because they're high school based, they are or high school age based, it's a simpler time in almost everybody's life, so the movie is very focused, and it's much more contained, and it's in some ways easier to get right, so there are a decent number. of good ones for that time period. It's They're usually fun. They're usually easy to watch. They're usually lighthearted and funny, so it really works on all around.### ASSISTANT: Well, which teen movie did you like?### HUMAN: 10 Things I Hate About You is one of my favorites.### ASSISTANT: What is it about that movie did you like?### HUMAN: 10 Things I Hate About You is actually a more sort of deeper teen movie than it's typical, which is good. So, they they it's actually based of a Shakespeare's play. So, it has a little more to go with it. The writing of the movie is really good, very funny, both appealing to sort of younger and a little bit older. And the acting was. across the board. At the time that the the actors were known to people like me who were younger and followed who had seen a few movies with some of these people in it, but later on, almost every one of the people in this movie has become a huge star.### ASSISTANT: OK, well how about a movie you did not like?### HUMAN: I didn't really care for Superbad.### ASSISTANT: What is it about Superbad did you not like?### HUMAN: Superbad was sort of a it was a comedy. It was a teen comedy that was fairly height as being great and you saw Turner commercials for it and everything and upon seeing it it was really a lock down. I think the funniest lines were literally in the commercials and that's what it had in it. It had a couple of funny lines. I think the the overall There we funny things in it but as a cohesive movie it didn't work so it was not. all funny, it just had a couple funny lines in it. It had good actors, but they weren't used all that great. It was a very stilted and extremely Despite being a teen movie, they don't usually come off quite as juvenile. This came off juvenile.### ASSISTANT: wow, ok, have you then seen Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince?### HUMAN: No. I haven't seen Harry Porter movies.### ASSISTANT: Have you heard of them?### HUMAN: Oh absolutely. Yes. I have heard of them.### ASSISTANT: Would you want to see Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince?### HUMAN: No, not particularly.### ASSISTANT: Have you seen then Ready Player One.### HUMAN: Yes.### ASSISTANT: What is it about Ready Player One did you like or dislike?### HUMAN: I like that it is a good mythology, so it's based of of a book. So, I really like movies that are based of of books. It is a good way to It's a good base to build the movie of of because sometimes a story a script can me underwhelming in that end and a book is always going to have more details than a movie so. There's a lot to build off of. So in that way, I think it worked. It is not my favorite movie, but I like what Steven Spielberg was going for. It has a good deal of fantasy and imagery in it, so it worked. It was It was very well directed, it just wasn't my favorite content. But I never I didn't go into it expecting to love it.### ASSISTANT: So you like kinds of movies base off of books?### HUMAN: I do.### ASSISTANT: Ok, thank you for sharing.### ASSISTANT: have a nice day. |
### HUMAN: Hello! Movies are a great source of entertainment for me.### ASSISTANT: Can you tell me what type of movies you like?### HUMAN: I like comedies and I like historical movies.### ASSISTANT: Great, what about historical movies do you enjoy?### HUMAN: You know, usually we really love histories like especially history that happened before film was invented. We read about it in books and I really enjoy being able to see it brought to life in a movie.### ASSISTANT: So you like learning new things and being able to put an image to some of those events. Is that right?### HUMAN: Exactly. Exactly.### ASSISTANT: I see. Can you tell me a movie you really like?### HUMAN: Dunkirk.### ASSISTANT: I haven't seen that one. What did you like about it?### HUMAN: The the costumes and actually everything. The setting was very true to the time period and had really good acting in it. I like Mark Rylance, and I like Kenneth Branagh.### ASSISTANT: OK. Now, tell me about the types of movies you don't like.### HUMAN: Types of movies I don't like. I don't like movies like the Jackass movies, not my cup of tea.### ASSISTANT: I see. Are there any other types of movies you don't enjoy as much?### HUMAN: No, I can't think of anything else.### ASSISTANT: Alright, and what about those particular ones you named do you dislike?### HUMAN: Oh, Jackass To me, Jackass was just really boring. It was just It was just boring. It was dull. It wasn't funny or cool or interesting to me.### ASSISTANT: Nothing to really learn from those, huh?### HUMAN: Yeah, exactly.### ASSISTANT: Have you seen the new movie A Star is Born?### HUMAN: No, I I haven't seen it and I would like to see it.### ASSISTANT: What about Mamma Mia?### HUMAN: Haven't seen that, and I think that would be a fun one to see, also.### ASSISTANT: If you like musicals, you'll enjoy it.### HUMAN: Okay. Thanks for the recommendation.### ASSISTANT: Have you seen any new movies lately?### HUMAN: Yeah, I saw Venom.### ASSISTANT: And what did you think about that one?### HUMAN: It's okay. I like Tom Hardy, but I felt the plot was a little I thought the writing wasn't as good as could have been. Could have been a little better. I was disappointed.### ASSISTANT: Oh, no! Sorry to hear that.### HUMAN: It's okay.### ASSISTANT: Well, thanks for being such a good sport and discussing your movie preferences with me today.### HUMAN: Sure thing.### ASSISTANT: Have a great day! |
### HUMAN: Hi there! Movies are my go-to for relaxation.### ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you enjoy?### HUMAN: I like critical clean documentaries.### ASSISTANT: What do you enjoy about them?### HUMAN: I like how they highlight the humanity of real life in giving me a window to the real things that are going on in the world that I don't know about.### ASSISTANT: What specific movie from that genre do you enjoy?### HUMAN: I liked the new Mr. Rodgers movie. It made me cry much.### ASSISTANT: What did you like about that movie?### HUMAN: It just showed how good he is was as a person, as a man, and how he helped everyone in the world become better people, to always strive to be good people.### ASSISTANT: I can see the appeal in that.### HUMAN: Yeah, it was great.### ASSISTANT: Are there any type of movies that you dislike?### HUMAN: I don't like horror movies.### ASSISTANT: What do you not like about it?### HUMAN: They are scary to me and they just don't represent a reality that I want to believe that's real. I just would rather it be fake and just like not even come to life as a real thing.### ASSISTANT: It definitely is a frightening thing.### ASSISTANT: Is there a particular movie that you dislike?### HUMAN: Yep. The Ring.### ASSISTANT: What do you not like about it?### HUMAN: I don't like how it could be something that could really happen in real life and that it just was like really demonic and witchcraft stuff that I just would like to believe is not a real thing.### ASSISTANT: Have you seen the movie Frozen?### HUMAN: Yes. I love Frozen.### ASSISTANT: What did you like or not like about it?### HUMAN: I love Frozen. Frozen was like uplifting sisterhood family kind of a like like real life show that just highlighted the powership of women, of sisters, and a bond of staying together, and I love that part of it. I love the music and the costumes.### ASSISTANT: Definitely see why you enjoyed it, it was a big craze for a lot of people.### HUMAN: Yep. Loved it.### ASSISTANT: Thank you for your feedback.### ASSISTANT: See you later. |
### HUMAN: Greetings! I'm a fan of all kinds of movies.### ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you like?### HUMAN: I like comedy a lot.### ASSISTANT: Why do you like those kinds of movie?### HUMAN: They are entertaining and funny and they just make you feel good when you're feeling down. And they're really fun to watch with a group just cuz everyone is having a good time and they're also very quotable. I guess they'll quote comedies from years ago.### ASSISTANT: That's awesome.### ASSISTANT: What particular movie did you like.### HUMAN: I like Christmas Vacation a lot, the Chevy Chase movie.### ASSISTANT: What about the movie did you like?### HUMAN: I like Christmas movies in general, just cuz Especially this time of year, it's like a wholesome I mean it's not a wholesome movie, but it's a family movie and it's funny, and it's just really entertaining.### ASSISTANT: I can relate to that.### ASSISTANT: What particular movie did you not like?### HUMAN: A movie I didn't like I didn't like The Adventures of Pluto Nash.### ASSISTANT: What about the movie did you dislike?### HUMAN: It was a terrible movie. It wasn't funny. It was the worst movie I've ever seen. It was supposed to be a comedy, and I never laughed once.### ASSISTANT: That's sad to hear.### HUMAN: Yep.### ASSISTANT: Well, have you seen Venom?### HUMAN: No, I have not.### ASSISTANT: Well, have you seen Star Wars?### HUMAN: Yeah. I've seen all of them.### ASSISTANT: What about Star Wars did you like or dislike?### HUMAN: They're just entertaining movies, and they're I like sci-fi movies in general. So it's neat to see the technology, and the story is cool. Although the more recent ones aren't as good as the older ones, but that's all right.### ASSISTANT: Well, thank you. |
### HUMAN: Hello! I find joy in experiencing different movies.### ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you like?### HUMAN: I really like comedy movies.### ASSISTANT: what about comedies movies do you like?### HUMAN: I just like how entertaining they are and they usually have a lot of good jokes and the actors are funny.### ASSISTANT: Can you tell what is your favorite movie?### HUMAN: I'd probably have to say Billy Madison's my favorite movie.### ASSISTANT: What about that type of movie did you like?### HUMAN: It's just really silly, has a lot of dumb humor in it, but it It just kind of gets you to smile and laugh and just kind of makes you have a good day, honestly.### ASSISTANT: Have you seen The Mask?### HUMAN: I have. And I thought that movie was really really good too cuz of Jim Carrey.### ASSISTANT: Can you say why you like that TYPE of movie?### HUMAN: And again it's just got a lot of silly humor. The plot's pretty good and then like actors like Jim Carrey just carry the movie.### ASSISTANT: How about type of movies you dislike?### HUMAN: Probably romance movies overall. They just don't really interest me. It's not something I kind of enjoy.### ASSISTANT: What about romance movie did you not like?### HUMAN: Usually the story lines is really unrealistic and boring to me.### ASSISTANT: Awsome. Thank you so much. Good Bye. |
### HUMAN: Hey! Watching movies is one of my favorite pastimes.### ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you like?### HUMAN: I guess thrillers or kind of mystery movies, things where people are trying to solve a mystery or an issue.### ASSISTANT: do you like twists at the end?### HUMAN: Half the twists are good, but it's now I don't I'd rather have no twist than a bad twist.### ASSISTANT: what about scary movies? do you like these types of movies?### HUMAN: Not particularly.### ASSISTANT: What's one of your favorite type movies?### HUMAN: Okay, what type of movie? Like I said, I guess mystery or thrillers.### ASSISTANT: what is one of your least favorite type of movies?### HUMAN: probably romantic comedy.### ASSISTANT: why do you not like romantic comedies?### HUMAN: That is really cliche, and boring, and they all seem the same to me.### ASSISTANT: what if it didn't have a stereotypical ending?### HUMAN: Be weird, but I don't think I would sit and make up for the rest of it just cuz they had a weird ending or unexpected ending.### ASSISTANT: that's true.### ASSISTANT: Do you like movies like Thor?### HUMAN: I've never seen Thor. I'm not a big fan of comic book movies.### ASSISTANT: what about movies similar to good will hunting?### HUMAN: I like Good Will Hunting, I would probably like movies you would consider similar to it.### ASSISTANT: okay. thanks for your help. |
### HUMAN: Hello! I appreciate a good movie whenever I can.### ASSISTANT: what kind of movies do u like watching.### HUMAN: I generally like sci-fi and fantasy, and on occasion I like documentaries.### ASSISTANT: why do you like those type of movies.### HUMAN: Basically, it's an extension of what I like to read in books. I love Sci-Fi fantansy and I like historical fiction and things like that.### ASSISTANT: could you name a specific movie that fits that category and tell me why you like that kind of movie.### HUMAN: I As far as sci-fi goes, I really like Blade Runner. It feels like a very good classic movie that embodies everything I like about sci-fi. Basically anything Asimov I really like.### ASSISTANT: thanks so much. is there a movie you could name for me that fits that category, but you didn't like, and tell me why you didn't like that type of movie.### HUMAN: Well, I can't think of any specific movie, but I generally Sci-fi and fantasy tend to have like Whenever you look at movies that are classified by that genre, they're generally for children. So I tend to avoid those types of movies.### ASSISTANT: got it, makes sense.### ASSISTANT: have you seen the movie iron man.### HUMAN: No.### ASSISTANT: have you seen logan?### HUMAN: I've seen Logan.### ASSISTANT: did you like this kind of movie.### HUMAN: I did. I'd already read the comic beforehand.### ASSISTANT: what did you like about this kind of movie? |
### HUMAN: Hi there! Movies are my go-to for relaxation.### ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you like?### HUMAN: I like animation movies.### ASSISTANT: What is an animated movie that you like?### HUMAN: I like the movie Wall-E.### ASSISTANT: why do you like the movie Wall-e.### HUMAN: I love the whole story line and it was sort of realistic. It's something that can happen to us actually in the future and I love the characters.### ASSISTANT: Is there any type of movie that you dislike?### HUMAN: I don't like to watch science fiction films. It's my least favorite genre.### ASSISTANT: Is there a title in that genre that you don't like specifically?### HUMAN: Don't really have much interest for Star Wars.### ASSISTANT: What don't you like about science fiction and Star Wars?### HUMAN: I think the story line is just too much to take in, and sometimes it gets a little bit too boring for me.### ASSISTANT: What makes these movies boring for you?### HUMAN: I think it's like the whole science aspect of it. It's just that it's too fictional for me I guess. It's. It's just too unrealistic for me.### ASSISTANT: I can understand that.### ASSISTANT: Have you seen Moana?### HUMAN: Yes, I have seen Moana.### ASSISTANT: Did you like it?### HUMAN: I really did like it.### ASSISTANT: What did you enjoy about that movie? |
### HUMAN: Greetings! Movies always manage to capture my attention.### ASSISTANT: Hello.### ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you normally watch?### HUMAN: I like comedies a lot.### ASSISTANT: Comedies like Dumb and Dumber?### HUMAN: It was okay, but I don't particularly like comedies about people doing dumb stuff.### ASSISTANT: What was the last comedy you watched that you enjoyed?### HUMAN: Oh, wow! The last one I watched? Oh I guess Deadpool was pretty good.### ASSISTANT: What did you like about Deadpool?### HUMAN: That was pretty sarcastic, the hero didn't take himself too seriously I liked that.### ASSISTANT: What didn't you like about Deadpool?### HUMAN: What didn't I like about it? I liked it pretty good, so there wasn't much about it I didn't like.### ASSISTANT: Did you like Thor:Ragmarok?### HUMAN: I haven't seen it. I like actions movies, but they've made so many of them now and seems like it's kind of the same formula over and over and over again. They're often very loud as well, which I don't particularly enjoy. They're not very subtle, either.### ASSISTANT: Did you see The Incredibles 2?### ASSISTANT: And did you like the first one?### HUMAN: Sure.### ASSISTANT: What made it entertaining?### HUMAN: Well, he had funny costumes, doing thing you wouldn't expect them to do. I mean, they still loved each other a while, had each other backs. but. They still made mistakes, and they were somewhat human, even though they were doing incredible things, so I liked that part about it.### ASSISTANT: Thank you for your input, have a great day. |
### HUMAN: Hi there! Movies are my go-to for relaxation.### ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you like? what is it you like about these types of genres?### HUMAN: Superhero movies cuz there's a lot of action in them, a lot of action. That's why I like them.### ASSISTANT: Is there a movie you can name that you really like?### HUMAN: Avengers Infinity War, it had love, romance, action, adventure. It was just a great story.### ASSISTANT: Awesome! The ending was amazing!### HUMAN: Right, the ending was really something but.### ASSISTANT: Perfect, now that I know what movie you like, can you name one you don't like? What would be last on your list?### HUMAN: I don't like Westerns. I wasn't a fan of the Lone Ranger. It just felt old.### ASSISTANT: What about this movie didn't you like?### HUMAN: They played up Tonto, Johnny Depp Tonto too much. They made the Lone Ranger look like a comic like a sidekick instead of him being the star.### ASSISTANT: Thanks for that. By any chance, have you seen the movie Dumb and Dumber?### HUMAN: Oh yeah, I like Dumb and Dumber. That was funny.### ASSISTANT: What about it did you like?### HUMAN: I thought Jim Carrey was hilarious in that movie. I loved his line, "I think I liked you a lot." Every time I seen that, I cracked up. Plus I love their haircuts. Their haircuts look pretty wild.### ASSISTANT: It's an all time classic!### HUMAN: right.### ASSISTANT: How about the movie Thor?### HUMAN: Thor was awesome. I loved it. What action! What romance! What adventure! They did a good job with it.### ASSISTANT: Ragnarok is one of my favorites. They got rid of the love story.### HUMAN: Right. That was a great movie with Loki. Loki really was I thought the star of that movie. I thought it was great.### ASSISTANT: Absolutely. well Thank you so much for your input! It helps tremendously. I appreciate it. Have a great day! |
### HUMAN: Hi there! Movies are my go-to for relaxation.### ASSISTANT: Do you like movies like Superbad?### HUMAN: I don't remember what the exact premise of the movie is, but I I did like Superbad. I thought it was really funny and original.### ASSISTANT: Ok. What is it about this type of movie that you like?### HUMAN: With Superbad, it was just the ridiculous humor, the irreverent jokes, and just something that was sort of plausible but not really. It just took It took something that was kind of plausible, the whole premise of the movie, and then went way over the top with it and made it just kind of crazy.### ASSISTANT: Do you like movies like Thor?### HUMAN: Oh yeah, I love superhero movies. Haven't seen a really bad one, although Suicide Squad wasn't very good, but it wasn't super It wasn't bad. It was But the Marvel movies are I loved all of those. Especially the Thor part of the series.### ASSISTANT: Do you like movies like The Hunger Games?### HUMAN: I enjoyed the first Hunger Games a lot. The second one was pretty good, but then when they split the book up into two sections, the the third and fourth one just kind of was so slow to me. I mean I went I went and saw them, but they weren't nowhere near as good as the first two. Just like splitting that last movie up just kind of really ruined the franchise.### ASSISTANT: Can you say a little more about that please?### HUMAN: I don't know. I mean, I just didn't like the I like The Hunger Games, but I didn't like the way it was presented the last two movies, split up like that. It just wasn't very good. I liked the first two though a lot, especially the first one. The first one was really good and stayed true to the book, but the third and then the fourth one just wasn't very good.### ASSISTANT: thank you.### ASSISTANT: Talk to you next time. |
### HUMAN: Greetings! I'm a fan of all kinds of movies.### ASSISTANT: What kind of movies to you like, and why do you like this type of movie?### HUMAN: I love romantic comedies, and I also love comedies.### ASSISTANT: Why do you like romantic comedies?### HUMAN: Oh well, I really like these kind of movies because they make me forget about what is going on around me. I really like to be entertained, and I really like to laugh.### ASSISTANT: Can you name a particular movie that you like?### HUMAN: Yeah, sure. Let me see. Let's see. One of my favorite movies is Forgetting Sarah Marshall.### ASSISTANT: Can you give me a couple of reasons why you like this movie?### ASSISTANT: Can you name a movie that you do not like?### HUMAN: Yeah, let me see. Let me think about that for a moment. It's one of the worst movies was a movie called Cheerleader Ninjas. It was like the worst movie and just was kind of a worthless movie and not very well-acted.### ASSISTANT: What do you dislike about this movie? Can you give me one more reason?### HUMAN: Oh, it just didn't keep my interest and it was kind of boring. Just a boring movie.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie The Ballad of Buster Scruggs ?### HUMAN: I haven't seen it. I haven't heard of that movie.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie Gone Girl?### HUMAN: Oh yeah, I liked Gone Girl, that was a great movie.### ASSISTANT: Can you give me a couple of reasons why you like this movie?### HUMAN: Gone Girl it's. It's The acting is really good. It's It's keeps your interest. Kind of It's kind of a a crime film that is is dramatic, so it's just something very interesting that keeps my interest.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie Murder on the Orient Express ?### HUMAN: Oh, yeah. That's a classic. I really like that one.### ASSISTANT: Can you give me a couple of reasons why you like this movie?### HUMAN: Murder on the Orient Express is is a classic film. I like all the actors in it, Penélope Cruz, Willem Dafoe, these are great actors. Yeah.### ASSISTANT: Can you give me one more reason? |
### HUMAN: Hello! I find joy in experiencing different movies.### ASSISTANT: What sort of movies to you like?### HUMAN: I like action movies and I like comedy movies kind of like Happy Gilmore Billy Billy Madison.### ASSISTANT: Can you give me some more details?### HUMAN: like action movies in the sense of something that kind of gives you thrill or. has kind of like superheroes in it per say maybe like Captain America movies or like Iron Man movies.### ASSISTANT: what was the last movie you watched.### HUMAN: the new Avengers movie.### ASSISTANT: What about movies you don't like?### HUMAN: Anything like romance-related, so like The Notebook, I just don't relate to them very much, and it's just really unappealing.### ASSISTANT: What do you check for when picking a movie?### HUMAN: Normally if it's got like really good reviews or not.### ASSISTANT: Thank you. Good bye. |
### HUMAN: Hey! Movies are such a wonderful form of art.### ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you enjoy and why?### HUMAN: I like dramas just because they're central to real life experiences.### ASSISTANT: Is there a particular film you enjoy?### HUMAN: the hate you The Hate U Give.### ASSISTANT: What did you like about that kind of film?### HUMAN: It was depicting real life. And definitely the the information that was done with race, I thought it was needed to be known.### ASSISTANT: Is there a particular movie you don't enjoy?### HUMAN: I don't like biographies.### ASSISTANT: What didn't you like about that kind of film?### HUMAN: I didn't think it was being real authentic because if it's like something from the past, how could they actually know what happened? So, I just felt like it was fake.### ASSISTANT: Have you heard about the movie Searching?### HUMAN: Yes. Yes. I have.### ASSISTANT: Have you watched the movie before?### HUMAN: Yeah.### ASSISTANT: What did you like about that kind of movie?### HUMAN: I like the acting, the real life story, the directing was great, and I think it was suspenseful.### ASSISTANT: Talk to you next time. |
### HUMAN: Greetings! Movies always manage to capture my attention.### ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you like?### HUMAN: I like all different types of movies.### ASSISTANT: Why is that?### HUMAN: They're quite fun to watch. A lot of different genres out there to pick from, so you can never really get too bored.### ASSISTANT: any least favorite genres?### HUMAN: My least favorite is probably horror, not a huge fun of scary movies.### ASSISTANT: do u get scared easily?### HUMAN: Yeah, probably. I'd say so.### ASSISTANT: What is one of your favorite movies?### HUMAN: One of my favorite movies is Big Hero 6.### ASSISTANT: why is that?### HUMAN: There was kid following him so I was able to go with like my little nephews and stuff and I was just the shots are really well done wealthy was an animated movie and just sort of form.### ASSISTANT: Can you name me a movie you didn't like?### HUMAN: I didn't like IT.### ASSISTANT: the remake or the original?### HUMAN: I never saw the original, I saw the remake.### ASSISTANT: what didn't you like about it?### HUMAN: It didn't really feel scary. I I was in the mood for a scary movie, but it's just never scared me. It was only like drama scaring rather than psychological scaring.### ASSISTANT: have you watched Ocean's 11?### HUMAN: No, I have not seen Ocean's Eleven.### ASSISTANT: what about crazy Rich Asians?### ASSISTANT: what did you enjoy about the movie?### HUMAN: It was very extravagant like I thought it would be more comedy but it wasn't quite a comedy but it was very grand in the way I imagined crazy roachings.### ASSISTANT: okay. thanks. |
### HUMAN: Hi there! Movies are my go-to for relaxation.### ASSISTANT: What kind of movies to you like, and why do you like this type of movie?### HUMAN: I like action movies that are relevant today.### ASSISTANT: Can you name a particular movie that you like?### HUMAN: Guardians of the Galaxy. That one was out a few years ago, but I was disappointed with the ending.### ASSISTANT: Can you give me a couple of reasons why you like this movie?### HUMAN: It has It has modern actors in it so it's kind of a new age action movie, but I'm looking forward to newer movies that are coming out.### ASSISTANT: Can you name a movie that you do not like?### HUMAN: I didn't like the ending to Guardians of the Galaxy. They gave up on saving the world or saving the galaxy or so it seemed even though they saved it. They saved the galaxy at the end of the movie, but the theme of the story was that. was that it was It was a joke, and they didn't actually save the universe.### ASSISTANT: Can you name a movie that you do not like?### HUMAN: Guardians of the Galaxy.### ASSISTANT: I thought you like this movie but not its ending.### HUMAN: Yes. I didn't like the theme of the movie. So, it was enjoyable because of the actors and the story. But the theme of the story and the moral behind the ending of it. It wasn't that great. So it was enjoyable at first, but it turned out to be a movie I wouldn't watch again.### ASSISTANT: Can you name another movie, and one that you do not like?### HUMAN: What's the remake to Children of the Corn? I couldn't even watch that movie. It isn't the same.### ASSISTANT: What is it about this movie that you dislike?### HUMAN: It's a rehash of the old movie, and it wasn't as exciting. I guess I'm not involved in the world as much as I was when I was a kid. People paid more attention, so when you see a movie that comes out, you're already in it. And it just isn't the same today. You're waiting and waiting for a call, and you secretly make some movies, and you think they're relevant, but they aren't. So it was not an enjoyable movie.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie The Shape of Water?### HUMAN: I haven't seen it.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie Star Wars?### HUMAN: sort of. But I don't know anything about it.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie Nocturnal Animals ?### HUMAN: I haven't heard of it. But it sounds like something I would like.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie Black Klansman?### HUMAN: No. I don't like the name. I don't know anything about it.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie The Drop?### HUMAN: It doesn't sound that great. I haven't heard of it though.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie Star Wars?### HUMAN: Who doesn't? The remakes are trailing off a little bit.### ASSISTANT: What do you like or dislike about this movie?### HUMAN: I dislike that it's trailing off. I didn't feel it when when the new ones came out and I'm sure there's still more, but. It doesn't permeate culture as much as it should, or at least my culture.### ASSISTANT: Can you give a couple of reasons why you like or dislike this kind of movie?### HUMAN: It doesn't permeate culture as much as I think it should. There's no involvement in the movies so we're left as watchers that don't really have a role and. in viewing the movies. at least in my culture. So, it's boring. It's very boring. Comedy acts seen to be very good, but there's no real modern good comedy acts. If you want to see anything that's quality, it's probably aged and that's kind of No no, I don't like the modern movies. Aren't good anymore. and the older movies We're encouraged to watch older movies, but they don't get the respect they were supposed to get. |
### HUMAN: Hello! I find joy in experiencing different movies.### ASSISTANT: What kind of movies to you like, and why do you like this type of movie?### HUMAN: I like sci-fi or fantasy movies because it's a escape, and I enjoy settings of that that type.### ASSISTANT: Can you name a particular movie that you like?### HUMAN: Oh yes, Interstellar.### ASSISTANT: Can you give me a couple of reasons why you like this movie? Please do not bring up directors, actors or genres.### HUMAN: It has a very good story that with a twist at the end and it uses pseudoscience that we might that might actually be true.### ASSISTANT: Can you name a movie that you do not like?### HUMAN: Titanic.### ASSISTANT: Can you give me a couple of reasons why you dislike this movie? Please do not bring up directors, actors or genres.### HUMAN: I found the love story unnecessary and also some of the acting in in the movie I was was bad. The story was okay but I could do without the other love story.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom ?### HUMAN: Yes, I though it was quite action-packed and good. Yes, I did.### ASSISTANT: Can you give me a couple of reasons why you like this movie? Please do not bring up directors, actors or genres.### HUMAN: It was action-packed, and I like the story line. And And there was a lot of very good special effects that made the the dinosaurs seem real.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie Justice League ?### HUMAN: I have not seen it, so I don't have an opinion.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie Elf?### HUMAN: I've not seen Elf either.### ASSISTANT: Have you heard of this movie?### HUMAN: Yes.### ASSISTANT: Would you go see it?### HUMAN: No.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie Pacific Rim: Uprising?### HUMAN: Yes.### ASSISTANT: Can you give me a couple of reasons why you like this movie? Please do not bring up directors, actors or genres.### HUMAN: It's just mindless fun. The special effects with all the marks, and the fighting, and stuff was really cool. it just it just a mindless fun, action movie. So, I enjoyed it.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie Ant-Man?### HUMAN: I have not seen it.### ASSISTANT: Have you heard of this movie?### HUMAN: Yes.### ASSISTANT: Would you go see it? |
### HUMAN: Hi there! Movies are my go-to for relaxation.### ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you like?### HUMAN: I like action, adventure movies, comedy, like something like like a 21 Jump Street, 22 Jump Street. I do like parody movies sometimes, depending on who's in the movie. Documentaries are good, depending on the subject. Drama movies are good. And I'm pretty I'm pretty into like fantasy story like Star Wars and Star Trek movies. Those are pretty interesting to me. I like something with a good narrative, a good storyline, and good character growth.### ASSISTANT: what do you like about these kinds of movies?### HUMAN: That really depends. Like if it's a good actor and I really appreciate their movies I'll watch it. But if if it's like a new actor I'll want to see how the story is. And if the story is good, their growth as a character, the main plot, if it's not a cliche plot. If it's something I'm into since If it's like a Trilogy and I've been into it since the first movie, I'll continue to watch it to understand the storyline. And if it's a continuous story that continues within the first two movie that is within first two movies, that really helped me, I'll watch them.### ASSISTANT: how about the movies that you don't like, can you tell me more about them?### HUMAN: I don't like horror movies or thriller movies at all. Those are the two genres that I I will stay away from a lot.### ASSISTANT: what did you dislike about these genres?### HUMAN: scared of me? Most of the time I'm home at night by myself and I get paranoid and if you live in a big house alone, you just don't expect anything and you're like worried that something will happen. Stuff like Chucky's scared me as a little kid and I still like freaks me out as an adult. I'm not really into clowns cuz they scare me too so i avoid it. There are some movies are they're like funny movies. Like if it's scary movie 1, 2, or 3, I'm like, "Okay I'm watching it." Cuz it's funny but at the same it's scary but at the same time it's not it is funny.### ASSISTANT: can you name a movie that you really liked?### HUMAN: A movie that I really like recently or in general?### ASSISTANT: whatever comes to your mind!### HUMAN: Recently, I think I liked Avengers: Infinity War a lot. Yeah, that's that's the most recent one I liked. In general, there's this movie called The Town, has Ben Affleck. It's a pretty solid movie, and I enjoyed it from start to end. It's probably my most favorite movie. It's up there like my top three favorite movies of all time.### ASSISTANT: what did you like about these movies?### HUMAN: I liked Avengers: Infinity War because it's a superhero movie, of course. It had really everything that I enjoyed from the past 10 years of the Marvel Universe, cuz Iron Man's my favorite hero in the Marvel Universe, and then Spider-Man's next to him. And it was pretty amazing, the storyline was pretty good, it hit your emotional cores when it gets there, and the character growth. What was going on was pretty good, too. The Town and I loved it so much because it's like it's a bank heist movie, but it's like really good. It was written really well. And the direction of the from the director was pretty solid. And I enjoyed Ben Affleck's performance in the entire movie.### ASSISTANT: cool. can you name a movie that you didn't like at all?### ASSISTANT: any movie that you didn't like, if you can name it.### HUMAN: I would say Venom. It was disappointing. I didn't I'm not going to say I didn't like it. It was just disappointing on what I've seen versus than what I expected.### ASSISTANT: what did you dislike about it? |
### HUMAN: Hi there! I love immersing myself in a good movie.### ASSISTANT: What kind of movies to you like, and why do you like this type of movie?### HUMAN: I like mysteries and thrillers, just cuz they're exciting and they keep you on the edge of your seat, and they also While you're watching them, you're trying to think of who If it's a murder mystery type thing, it's like who did it and how are they responsible? And it's a neat little kind of like a puzzle while you're watching the movie.### ASSISTANT: Can you name a particular movie that you like?### HUMAN: I like Zodiac a lot, if we're talking thrillers.### ASSISTANT: Can you give me a couple of reasons why you like this movie?### HUMAN: It's based on a true story. It's about a serial killer, and it's just really interesting to see the investigation and how they tried to catch him, even though they never ended up catching him. It was neat to see the process the police took and how they tried to go about it and how he evaded getting captured repeatedly.### ASSISTANT: Can you name a movie that you do not like?### HUMAN: Epic Movie was a really bad movie that I saw in college.### ASSISTANT: What is it about this movie that you dislike?### HUMAN: humor. It was so bad. It was meant to be like a parody of fantasy movies like Lord of the Rings cuz those were popular at the time when it came out. It was just so stupid. It wasn't funny at all.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie Spotlight?### HUMAN: I haven't seen it.### ASSISTANT: Have you seen Ant Man?### HUMAN: Yep.### ASSISTANT: Do you like it or dislike it, and why?### HUMAN: It was all right. I'm not a big comic book movie person but I like Paul Redwood, so I was all right with it.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie Mission Impossible?### HUMAN: I haven't seen it.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie Venom? |
### HUMAN: Hi there! I love immersing myself in a good movie.### ASSISTANT: hello. What type of movies do you like?### HUMAN: I like superhero movies.### ASSISTANT: Why do you like superhero movies?### HUMAN: They have great action great plots. lots of great CGI, lots of great special effects, lot of humor, lot of life and death, more questions.### ASSISTANT: so do you prefer movies that are more realistic or ficitional?### HUMAN: I like a little of both depending on the mood I'm in. Sometimes I like realistic movies, and sometimes I like the other kind. Just depend what the mood is, and who I'm with.### ASSISTANT: What's one of your favorite movies?### HUMAN: I just came back and I saw Deadpool. That was a real good one, Deadpool 2. It had a lot of fun, lot of black humor. It was pretty good. Dark. Dark but funny. Made me think. And laugh too, though.### ASSISTANT: did you prefer the first deadpool or the sequel?### HUMAN: I honestly liked the second one better, which kind of shocked me, cuz I loved the first movie, and the second one was a little better the way they played with that team called X-Force. I like Cable, too. Cable was pretty interesting.### ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you not like?### HUMAN: Well I got to say it's not probably a popular opinion, but I don't like the Twilight movies. I tried to watch them with my girlfriend, and the first one was all right, but after a while it becomes too much of a soap opera for me, and I didn't really go for them. I know they're tremendously popular though. First one I I liked, and then went downhill after that. Seemed like to me the same thing every every movie. They just changed the title after a while.### ASSISTANT: did you ever finish the series?### HUMAN: No. I think I got to the wedding. I got to the wedding. I started getting confused when they brought in the werewolf character.### ASSISTANT: Do you like movies like Superbad?### HUMAN: I haven't seen Superbad yet, I heard that's really funny. A lot of my friends recommended me to try that out. That's something I should try out.### ASSISTANT: it's definitely a must see. it's very funny and amusing.### HUMAN: That'd be a good one to watch over the summer. I'm definitely going to put that on my my list.### ASSISTANT: okay. thanks for your help. |
### HUMAN: Hi there! Movies are my go-to for relaxation.### ASSISTANT: What kind of movies to you like, and why do you like this type of movie?### HUMAN: Let's see. I like action-adventure and I like those types of movies because I'm always on the edge of my seat and they're really exciting to watch.### ASSISTANT: Can you name a particular movie that you like?### HUMAN: The Beach.### ASSISTANT: Can you give me a couple of reasons why you like this movie?### HUMAN: Yeah. It's kind of like action adventure with a little bit of mystery added in and throughout the movie you're just trying to figure out who's committing murders, and it's just super exciting and just a lot under watch and kind of, you know? While you're watching you're just of trying to figure everything out. before the end of the movie comes.### ASSISTANT: Can you name a movie that you totally dislike?### HUMAN: Yeah. Let's see. I don't like science fiction, also. I'll say. Let's see. Avengers.### ASSISTANT: What do you dislike about this movie? Please give me 2 reasons.### HUMAN: I don't like the whole superhero thing and I don't like the fantasy aspect of it that it's not true to life at all.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie The Hate U Give?### HUMAN: You know what? I've never heard of it.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie deadpool 2?### HUMAN: It's okay. It's kind of up there with Avengers, but I could leave at that.### ASSISTANT: what is it about this movie that you are unsure of?### HUMAN: To be honest, I thought it had a lot a lot of profanity. The The both the first and second Deadpools, and I don't know, that's just not my thing. I thought it was a little over the top in that way, and it kind of really took away from the rest of the movie.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie Papillon?### HUMAN: Yes.### ASSISTANT: What do you like about this movie? Please give me 2 reasons.### HUMAN: And let's see. Her adventure and drama, I thought they were both relevant to the story.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie A Quiet Place?### HUMAN: Yes, absolutely.### ASSISTANT: what are the 2 things you like best about it?### HUMAN: The cast was great, and the story line.### ASSISTANT: other than the cast, what do you like about it?### HUMAN: I like that it was different from all so many other movies and that there was no really no sound. I mean very little sound. I thought that was kind of a really interesting twist that they used in the movie.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie Halloween?### HUMAN: Yeah. Yeah. That was pretty good.### ASSISTANT: What do you like about this movie? Please give me 2 reasons.### HUMAN: It's scary without being over the top scary and then and also it's kind of focused on older or younger people rather than older people.### ASSISTANT: Thank you for your feedback. Enjoy your evening. |
### HUMAN: Hey! I really enjoy watching movies.### ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you enjoy?### HUMAN: a drama films.### ASSISTANT: What appeals to you with these type of movies?### HUMAN: I like how human they are. And I like how I can relate to the characters, and the troubles they're going through.### ASSISTANT: Is there a specific movie you enjoy from this genre?### HUMAN: The Descendants.### ASSISTANT: What did you like about this movie?### HUMAN: I really like the characters, and I empathized a lot with how they were feeling, and. Just the whole experience they were going through and the way they were dealing with that as humans.### ASSISTANT: Are there any type of movies that you don't enjoy?### HUMAN: I don't particularly like romantic comedies or animated trombone songs.### ASSISTANT: What about these movies is unappealing?### HUMAN: I think they're frequently very frivolous and use stock plots and tropes. And things that don't really excite me or interest me.### ASSISTANT: Is there a specific movie that you heavily dislike?### HUMAN: Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs.### ASSISTANT: What do you dislike about this movie?### HUMAN: I think the animation is awful. I don't particularly like the characters in the story and I I think it's very one moded the humor.### ASSISTANT: Have you seen Forrest Gump?### HUMAN: Yes.### ASSISTANT: What did you enjoy or not enjoy about this movie?### HUMAN: I like the characters and the overall tone of it, but I thought it was over long.### ASSISTANT: Thank you for your help and have a wonderful day! |
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