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### HUMAN: Hey! Watching movies is one of my favorite pastimes.### ASSISTANT: generally speaking what type of movies do you watch?### HUMAN: I like thrillers a lot.### ASSISTANT: thrillers? for example?### HUMAN: Zodiac's one of my favorite movies. Zodiac the movie about a serial killer from the '60s or '70s, around there.### ASSISTANT: Zodiac? oh wow ok, what do you like about that movie.### HUMAN: And I just think serial killers, in general, are interesting, so the movie was really good. And it was just neat to see that world. Like it went really in-depth. It was like almost 3 hours long, so you got to really feel like you were a part of that world and time period. And see what the detectives and the police did and the investigators.### ASSISTANT: so you feel like you were part of that world ?### HUMAN: Yeah. It was really an immersive movie.### ASSISTANT: if you were in the movie what character do you feel most relatable.### HUMAN: Probably the main character, Robert Graysmith, just cuz he's awkward and bumbly. So, I guess that's the one I would be the closest to.### ASSISTANT: what scene do you like the best.### HUMAN: Probably the most memorable one is the murder at the lake. Just cuz it's really vivid and horrific to watch. But it's very memorable.### ASSISTANT: ok nice, any other similiar movies you have seen recently?### HUMAN: Not that I can think of.### ASSISTANT: how about different type of movies like Once Upon a Deadpool.### HUMAN: I haven't seen that.### ASSISTANT: have you heard of that movie.### HUMAN: I've heard of it, but I haven't seen it.### ASSISTANT: would you be interested to watch it.### HUMAN: Not particularly. I don't really like comic book movies that much. But I really wanted to see Deadpool, so I'd probably be more willing to watch that than most comic book movies.### ASSISTANT: oh what makes deadpool different than the others?### HUMAN: I don't know. It just seems a unique concept and different, not just the standard superhero movie. And it's more of a comedy, so that's unique.### ASSISTANT: ok so you enjoy comedy as well, correct?### HUMAN: Yep, I think most people do.### ASSISTANT: what type of movie you don't enjoy?### HUMAN: I'm not a big action movie fan like Die Hard or like Rambo movies. I don't hate them, I just think they're boring. Like I can't watch a lot of them, or else I get sick of them.### ASSISTANT: what about mission impossible?### HUMAN: Never seen it. I know what it is, but I haven't seen it.### ASSISTANT: do you care who acts in the movie?### HUMAN: Just in general? I'm not I'm not picky about actors. Like I won't see a movie just cuz I don't like the actor in it.### ASSISTANT: oh ok so you dont have a favorite actor is that right.### HUMAN: I mean I like certain actors more than others, but I wouldn't say I have a favorite actor.### ASSISTANT: ok who came to your mind when it comes to actors you like to see in the movie.### ASSISTANT: what is your favorite Tom Hanks movie?### HUMAN: Catch Me If You Can.### ASSISTANT: what so great about that movie.### HUMAN: It's just an interesting story and it's based on a true story and it's got Leonardo Dicaprio in it, another good actor.### ASSISTANT: do you think that movie is exciting?### HUMAN: Yep.### ASSISTANT: Cool. |
### HUMAN: Hi there! I love immersing myself in a good movie.### ASSISTANT: what kind of movies do you generally like?### HUMAN: Yeah, I mostly like comedy movies.### ASSISTANT: I see. Why do you like that kind of movie?### HUMAN: Well I like that kind of movie because you know, it'll make me laugh, and I often watch movies with my girlfriend, and I want to make sure whatever we watch, it's something we can both enjoy and and relax while watching.### ASSISTANT: That seems really nice. Can you think of a movie you really enjoyed recently?### HUMAN: Yeah, I really enjoyed The Longest Yard with Adam Sandler.### ASSISTANT: What did you like about that movie?### HUMAN: I liked the acting. It's a lot of humor and gags in the movie. It had a good pace, good pacing. The story made sense. Yeah, very funny movie.### ASSISTANT: I see. That's really helpful.### HUMAN: Oh great.### ASSISTANT: Now I'd like to know what kinds of movies you dislike if that's okay?### HUMAN: Yeah, sure. Good question. Not really a fan of Hallmark movies, that kind of romantic comedy. Mostly because they typically have pretty bad acting. Yeah, not for me.### ASSISTANT: Why else don't you like those?### HUMAN: Well, I guess another reason would be that the stories are all typically same or very similar. There's no. It's just it's just very boiler plate. There's nothing There's not much new about each new Hallmark movie.### ASSISTANT: I see. They're pretty cookie-cutter it sounds like.### HUMAN: That's exactly right.### ASSISTANT: So based on what you told me, I'm curious, did you see Jurassic World?### HUMAN: I have not seen Jurassic World, no. But I saw the original Jurassic Park.### ASSISTANT: What did you think of the original?### HUMAN: I liked the original a lot. Very creative movie. Very ahead of it's time with the computer generated imagery CGI. Yeah, it is it still holds up. It's still is a great movie even compared to anything that that's coming out today.### ASSISTANT: That's great. |
### HUMAN: Hey! Watching movies is one of my favorite pastimes.### ASSISTANT: What kinds of movies do you like?### HUMAN: I really like comedy movies.### ASSISTANT: Why do you like comedies?### HUMAN: I love to laugh and comedy movies, that's their whole purpose. Make you laugh.### ASSISTANT: Alright, how about a movie you liked?### HUMAN: I liked Step Brothers.### ASSISTANT: Why did you like that movie?### HUMAN: Had some amazing one-liners that still get used today even though the movie was made awhile ago.### ASSISTANT: Well, is there a movie you did not like?### HUMAN: I don't like RV.### ASSISTANT: Why not?### HUMAN: And I just didn't It was just so slow and boring. I didn't like it.### ASSISTANT: Ok, then have you seen the movie Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom.### HUMAN: I have seen the movie Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom.### ASSISTANT: What is it about these kinds of movies that you like or dislike? |
### HUMAN: Hey! I really enjoy watching movies.### ASSISTANT: Hello. What kind of movies do you like?### HUMAN: Hello. I like horror movies.### ASSISTANT: can you give two reasons why you like horror movies.### HUMAN: I like to feel that inside of you that scares you to death, but you still want to continue watching the movie. I like when I feel goosies all over my arms, you know? That's the reason why I like it.### ASSISTANT: Can you name a particular movie that you like?### HUMAN: Saw.### ASSISTANT: What are the 2 reasons you like Saw?### HUMAN: Because it was sad, it was a horror movie and it was like playing a game, you want to play a game with me and they will catch people and put them in a home let's say in a house and they will lock them and they need to find the way to leave. But in order to leave a place they will have to end up dead.### ASSISTANT: Can you name a movie that you do not like?### HUMAN: But I do like all the movies.### ASSISTANT: Surely, there must be one movie you can't stand or thought was poorly done.### HUMAN: Let me think. Well, I don't know. Emily Rose, maybe. Emily Rose.### ASSISTANT: What are the 2 things that you dislike about this movie?### HUMAN: It was fake. You could tell that it was poorly made, and I didn't get scared at all.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie Aliens?### HUMAN: I have not watched that movie.### ASSISTANT: What about Hunger Games?### HUMAN: I have not watched that movie, either.### ASSISTANT: How about the Matrix?### HUMAN: I did watch it.### ASSISTANT: How did you feel about it?### HUMAN: kind of cool, but not my cup of tea.### ASSISTANT: What 2 things were kinda cool about it?### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie Dunkirk?### HUMAN: I have not watched that movie.### ASSISTANT: How about Wonder Woman?### HUMAN: Oh yeah. I watched that movie.### ASSISTANT: How did you feel about it?### HUMAN: I loved it because it was a woman, the powerful one in the movie, finally. And it's always just the guy doing everything, you know what I'm saying?### ASSISTANT: One last question.... what 2 other things do you like about the movie in particular?### HUMAN: She was very beautiful, her hair was amazing.### ASSISTANT: That's great. |
### HUMAN: Hey! I really enjoy watching movies.### ASSISTANT: What kind of movies are you drawn to?### HUMAN: I am drawn to romances.### ASSISTANT: Have you seen Fifty Shade of Grey?### HUMAN: I have not. I know of it very well, but I have not seen it.### ASSISTANT: What was a movie that you last watched that surprised you?### HUMAN: Maybe White House Down was surprising for me.### ASSISTANT: What made you like the movie?### HUMAN: I didn't go into it with high expectations at all. I thought it was just going to be I don't know, a lot of blowing up, pretty dumb, but was it It was I think when I watched it, it was summer day or summer night where almost nothing seemed to be on cable, and I was just looking for something to watch, and I thought, oh, okay, it stars Channing Tatum. I'll watch that. Or I'll turn to that. I probably won't be there for too long. It ended up being a ton of fun. It was like a new version of Die Hard. They had a lot of fun with the movie. And despite it being like unrealistic and they're blowing things up, it was great. It was just a really fun hour and a half.### ASSISTANT: Have you seen Dawn of the Planet of the Apes?### HUMAN: No.### ASSISTANT: Have you seen Avatar?### HUMAN: Yeah.### ASSISTANT: What didnt you like about that movie?### HUMAN: You know, epics like that are a hard sell for me. It's very long. I wasn't nearly as charmed by the blue people that they were that most other people were. I don't know. It seemed to be lacking in finesse and It just seemed very over the top. It really did seem like an event movie, and maybe if I had seen it in the theater, I would have sort of fallen in love with it like other people did, but. It just It was underwhelming. The direction wasn't nearly as good as I thought it was going to be and I just thought it was going to be something more exciting and more appealing that it ended up being for me.### ASSISTANT: Have you seen John Wick?### HUMAN: No, but I know I know what that movie is, yeah.### ASSISTANT: Have you seen Halloween?### HUMAN: I mean, sure.### ASSISTANT: What do you like about the Halloween movies?### HUMAN: I don't like the Halloween movies. I don't like scary movies. So, when I watched that that was just like at a party with friends. And that's what they wanted to watch. I just don't enjoy scaring myself like that. So, the first Halloween the one that originally has Jamie Curtis from back in the day, that is a much better movie than the other Halloweens were. But, I still They are still not my favorite. Too scary. and outside of the first one. And apparently I ha I haven't seen up the most recent one that is sort of a direct sequel to the first one. Those That is a lot of gore, a lot of blood, a lot of trying to scare and not a lot of story line in movie.### ASSISTANT: Thank you for your input, have a great day! |
### HUMAN: Hey! Watching movies is one of my favorite pastimes.### ASSISTANT: hello. What type of movies do you like?### HUMAN: I usually like action drama movies.### ASSISTANT: what do you like about those genres?### HUMAN: Well, I like watching fast paced movies and I also like watching movies that have well developed story lines and characters.### ASSISTANT: okay. so do you like movies like star wars?### HUMAN: Yeah, so I like movies like Star Wars.### ASSISTANT: what do you like about movies like that?### HUMAN: Movies like that tend to have very well developed universes, lots of characters, lots going on, lots to do with the story.### ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you not like?### HUMAN: I'm not too big on comedy movies.### ASSISTANT: why is that?### HUMAN: I feel that the humor in comedy tends to be -- mostly a miss with me when i watch them in movies. They tend to be very topical humor. Mostly humor that just doesn't appeal to my interests.### ASSISTANT: what type of humor do you prefer?### HUMAN: I usually prefer dark humor and humor that's kind of well thought out, well developed.### ASSISTANT: Do you like movies like Good Will Hunting?### HUMAN: Yes, I like movies like Good Will Hunting.### ASSISTANT: what do you like about movies similar to good will hunting?### HUMAN: Movies like that tend to have humor that's very witty and sharp.### ASSISTANT: okay. thanks for your help. |
### HUMAN: Hi there! I love immersing myself in a good movie.### ASSISTANT: Do you like movies like Star Wars; or Trainwreck or Spotlight.### HUMAN: I like movies like Spotlight, so I'm looking for something that's meaningful like a good Spotlight kind of a movie.### ASSISTANT: Ok. What is it about this type of movie that you like the most?### HUMAN: The connection between being young, gay and black.### ASSISTANT: Can you say a little more about that please?### HUMAN: I like that it highlights being African American and what it means to be gay and like all the hardships that go along with that because of it.### ASSISTANT: Anything about this type of movie that you dislike?### HUMAN: It's too short. I want it to be longer maybe some comedy inside of it also.### ASSISTANT: Do you like movies like Star Wars; or........... Trainwreck?### HUMAN: Star Wars.### ASSISTANT: Ok. What is it about this type of movie that you like?### HUMAN: It's action-packed, and it deals with like a lot of science fiction, but also like reality.### ASSISTANT: Is there anything about this type of movie that you dislike?### HUMAN: It's really high budget. It could be a little bit less budget. It could be a little bit slower paced, but it's really fast.### ASSISTANT: have a you seen Trainwreck? if so did you like it ?### HUMAN: Yes, that was really funny. Pretty cool.### ASSISTANT: what is it about this type of movie that you like?### HUMAN: I like the actors, and I like that there's conversations between the main characters and the slot part of the characters, and that it's just like a cool funny movie and relates to everyone.### ASSISTANT: anything else?### HUMAN: That's all.### ASSISTANT: Ok. Anything about this type of movie that you dislike?### HUMAN: Not really. I mean it's short, it could be longer, it could be more people of color inside of the movie but that's about it.### ASSISTANT: Alright. Thank you for the information. |
### HUMAN: Hello! Movies are a great source of entertainment for me.### ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you like?### HUMAN: I like comedies a lot.### ASSISTANT: OK. Great. Why do you like comedies?### HUMAN: I like the I like to laugh. I like the lighthearted nature of comedies. They kind of make you happy. There's nothing depressing about them. So you're always in a good mood after you watch them.### ASSISTANT: Interesting, what is your favorite movie ?### HUMAN: Probably The First Wives Club.### ASSISTANT: What is it about this type of movie that you like?### HUMAN: This movie is The cast is superb and about It's perfect as it gets for what they were going for. It's very original and just hilarious. You kind of don't know what's going to happen from moment to moment as they try to get revenge and rebuild their lives but it's a lot of fun and just You laugh throughout the entire movie.### ASSISTANT: Well, have you seen Bridesmaids?### HUMAN: I have.### ASSISTANT: Can you say why you like that type of movie?### HUMAN: Sure. Bridesmaids Actually, not too dissimilar in terms of what it's going for with First Wives Club, that was a really funny movie with a great cast, and it was doing things a little bit differently in that it was sort of like laugh out loud, bawdy comedy, but all starring all women, which was new at the time. So But it's It's a great movie with a The writing is great. Very funny.### ASSISTANT: Indeed, great writing and was a great movie. |
### HUMAN: Hey! I really enjoy watching movies.### ASSISTANT: What kinds of movies do you like?### HUMAN: I like a romantic comedies.### ASSISTANT: What about romantic comedy do you like?### HUMAN: I like when it makes me laugh, and also the romance story line. I like movies with a happy ever after.### ASSISTANT: Awesome, Can you name a romantic comedy that you liked?### HUMAN: I liked Bridesmaids.### ASSISTANT: And, why did you like Bridesmaids?### HUMAN: It was funny and there was also some romance in it, so it was perfect.### ASSISTANT: OK, well how about a movie you did not like?### HUMAN: I didn't really like Crazy Stupid Love.### ASSISTANT: What about these kinds of movie did you not like?### HUMAN: It was just a bit boring and not very funny.### ASSISTANT: alright, have you seen To All the Boys I've Loved Before.### HUMAN: Yes, I've seen it.### ASSISTANT: What is it about this movie did you like? |
### HUMAN: Hi there! I love immersing myself in a good movie.### ASSISTANT: I'd like to discuss your movie preferences.### HUMAN: Okay. I generally prefer comedies.### ASSISTANT: what do you like about comedies?### ASSISTANT: nice, so you think they are good distractions?### HUMAN: Yeah. Yeah. In moderation, they are.### ASSISTANT: can you name a comedy that you really liked?### HUMAN: Yeah, Superbad.### ASSISTANT: what did you like about it?### HUMAN: I like the acting the actors that were in it.### ASSISTANT: what kind of movies you dislike?### HUMAN: Let's say action movies. Just because they're typically a little too over the top for me until I become immersed in it.### ASSISTANT: can you name a movie that you did not like?### HUMAN: Not off the top of my head.### ASSISTANT: have you seen the grinch?### HUMAN: Yeah, like years and years ago.### ASSISTANT: did you like it?### HUMAN: I liked it at the time. I definitely liked it.### ASSISTANT: Glad you liked it. |
### HUMAN: Hi there! I love immersing myself in a good movie.### ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you enjoy?### HUMAN: From time to time, I really like to watch some indie films.### ASSISTANT: What appeals to you with these type of movies?### HUMAN: They usually have off pitch stories and interesting characters. So, it's kind of off the beaten path.### ASSISTANT: Is there a specific movie you enjoy from this genre?### HUMAN: One that comes to mind is Oldboy.### ASSISTANT: What did you like about this movie?### HUMAN: It was really It was really crazy. I mean, just there's a lot of crazy things that happen in it. And the you know It was just a really intriguing story.### ASSISTANT: Are there any type of movies that you don't enjoy?### HUMAN: Yeah, I'm not a huge fun of of live action family movies.### ASSISTANT: What about these movies is unappealing?### HUMAN: They're usually just too silly for me to take seriously. I You know, the plots are usually one-dimensional.### ASSISTANT: Is there a specific movie that you heavily dislike?### HUMAN: A movie that I heavily dislike? Let me think for a minute. I think something like. Like Beauty and the Beast.### ASSISTANT: What do you dislike about this movie?### HUMAN: I I thought it was not a good remake of the original animation. I thought the I thought the It just uses so much CG that it just might as well be animated. And if you're going to animate it, you may as well watch the original movie.### ASSISTANT: Have you seen Murder on the Orient Express.### HUMAN: I have not seen that, but I have heard of it.### ASSISTANT: Have you seen The Matrix.### HUMAN: Yeah, I've definitely seen The Matrix.### ASSISTANT: What did you enjoy or not enjoy about this movie?### HUMAN: When I originally saw it, I really liked the kind of the world the world-building that was created. Like like, you know, there's this whole world beneath our world. There's the whole matrix, right? There's reality, and then there's the matrix. I really liked how they explored that topic.### ASSISTANT: Thank you for your help and have a wonderful day! |
### HUMAN: Hi there! Movies are my go-to for relaxation.### ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you enjoy?### HUMAN: action.### ASSISTANT: Is there a specific movie you enjoy from this genre?### HUMAN: Yes, there's many actually. I like The Day After Tomorrow.### ASSISTANT: What did you like about this movie?### HUMAN: It was suspenseful, had a lot of action in it, a lot of death. It was dark.### ASSISTANT: Are there any type of movies that you don't enjoy?### HUMAN: Yes, I'm not into Disney movies per say. Kid movies, I don't like.### ASSISTANT: What about these movies is unappealing?### HUMAN: For me at my age they're kind of boring. They don't relate to me.### ASSISTANT: Is there a specific movie that you heavily dislike?### HUMAN: Yeah The Lion King, I don't like that movie. boring.### ASSISTANT: What do you dislike about this movie?### HUMAN: Boring.### ASSISTANT: Have you seen the shawshank redemption.### HUMAN: I have.### ASSISTANT: What did you enjoy or not enjoy about this movie?### HUMAN: I enjoyed that movie about an innocent man that goes to prison.### ASSISTANT: Thank you for your help and have a wonderful day! |
### HUMAN: Hey! Movies are such a wonderful form of art.### ASSISTANT: Do you like movies like The Hunger Games?### HUMAN: Yes, I do.### ASSISTANT: Ok. What is it about this type of movie that you like?### HUMAN: I like that it has a lot of action.### ASSISTANT: so do you like action movies like jason bourne?### HUMAN: I do like action movies. I'm actually not a huge fan of the the Bourne series.### ASSISTANT: Ok. What is it about this type of series that you dislike?### HUMAN: I think I actually dislike kind of the seriousness of them, and also they're really long, and they tend to have a lot of aspects to them that if you're not paying super close attention to, you kind of miss them. Like they're They're kind of movies that you have to watch a few times to actually get them.### ASSISTANT: Do you like movies like Thor?### HUMAN: Yes, I love Thor.### ASSISTANT: have you seen the newest avengers movie?### HUMAN: I have, yeah. Infinity Wars was awesome.### ASSISTANT: Ok. What is it about this type of movie that you like?### HUMAN: I like that there's a lot of powers and fantasy.### ASSISTANT: ok. thank you. |
### HUMAN: Hello! I find joy in experiencing different movies.### ASSISTANT: what are some movie genres that you like?### HUMAN: I really enjoy animated movies, romantic comedies, and thrillers.### ASSISTANT: why romantic comedies?### HUMAN: They usually tend to be feel-good type movies with happy endings, and I really like a happy ending.### ASSISTANT: What is one of your favorite movies?### HUMAN: Pretty Woman.### ASSISTANT: what did you like about that movie?### HUMAN: I really liked the comedy factor, and I think the chemistry between Richard Gere and Julia Roberts was just spot on. The writing was excellent. And I just think the movie was all around outstanding. I I just think it was really well made.### ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you not like?### HUMAN: science fiction movies. the the superhero movies types like that.### ASSISTANT: have you seen the movie Love Actually?### HUMAN: I don't think I have. Who's in that one?### ASSISTANT: let me check.### HUMAN: Great.### ASSISTANT: Starring Hugh Grant Liam Neeson Colin Firth.### HUMAN: No. You know what, I haven't seen that one.### ASSISTANT: what about 500 Days of Summer?### HUMAN: No. I haven't seen that one.### ASSISTANT: what about the holiday?### HUMAN: Yes, I've seen that one. That's a good one.### ASSISTANT: What did you like about this kind of movie?### HUMAN: What did you like about. I really liked the all-star cast in it, and instead of there being one star, it was an ensemble cast. I really enjoyed that.### ASSISTANT: have you seen 13 going on 30?### HUMAN: Yes, really cute movie.### ASSISTANT: what else did u like about this kind of movie?### HUMAN: I liked that it was like a fantasy but not too farfetched. It was It was really cute. And I think Jennifer Garner is the perfect actress to have played the part of the lead because her humor just really fit well with this type of movie, and I just thought it was really just really cute and enjoyable.### ASSISTANT: okay. thank you. |
### HUMAN: Hi there! Movies are my go-to for relaxation.### ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you like?### HUMAN: action movies.### ASSISTANT: What kind of action movies do you like?### HUMAN: Hunger Games.### ASSISTANT: What do you like about Hunger Games?### HUMAN: The live action of it and the storytelling, and just how it's just like out of this world. It's kind of my favorite genre, and I love it.### ASSISTANT: What about X-Men: Apocalypse?### HUMAN: Yeah, loved that. It's one of my favorites. Live action is so fun.### ASSISTANT: What about The Spy Who Dumped Me?### HUMAN: Yep, love that one, too. I like that it's funny, and it's cool, and I would see that, definitely.### ASSISTANT: Have you seen Halloween?### HUMAN: I haven't seen it yet, but I want to.### ASSISTANT: What kind of movies are you not looking for?### HUMAN: I don't want see any romance movies. That's not my good type of movies. I hate romantic comedies.### ASSISTANT: What do you dislike about Romantic Comedies?### HUMAN: I'm single, and it makes me depressed, and I just don't think it's a realistic expectation of what's really going to go on in the world.### ASSISTANT: Thank you for your input, have a nice day. |
### HUMAN: Hello! Movies are a great source of entertainment for me.### ASSISTANT: What kinds of movies do you like?### HUMAN: I really like romance movies.### ASSISTANT: Well, tell me why do you like romance movies?### HUMAN: Just really pulls at my heart strings and, you know, makes me wish sometimes I can be in that situation.### ASSISTANT: cool, what is your favorite movie?### HUMAN: My favorite movie would probably be sunshine and the eternal mind.### ASSISTANT: alright, Why is that your favorite movie?### HUMAN: It's just a roller coaster of emotions, and the story's great. And just get to experience a lot of emotions throughout the movie.### ASSISTANT: Interesting, is there a movie you do not like?### HUMAN: I really don't like 50 First Dates.### ASSISTANT: oh, Why not?### HUMAN: It just felt really repetitive. Like experiencing the same day every day. Just There wasn't really anything new, and I just felt bad for the main character.### ASSISTANT: Ok, then have you seen the movie The Spy Who Dumped Me.### HUMAN: I have not.### ASSISTANT: have you heard of it?### HUMAN: I have not. I have heard of it, but I have not seen it.### ASSISTANT: Then surely you have seen Logan.### HUMAN: Yes, I have. Logan is a great movie.### ASSISTANT: What is it about this kinds of movies that you like or dislike?### HUMAN: Well, I was hoping there wasn't any romance, but it was a really heartfelt story and sad in the end, and I really liked the character development they went through.### ASSISTANT: Wonderful. thank you for sharing. Good bye. |
### HUMAN: Hey! Movies are such a wonderful form of art.### ASSISTANT: Tell me what type of movies you like.### HUMAN: I like horror movies, especially supernatural horror.### ASSISTANT: Would you care to elaborate about that genre?### HUMAN: I like horror, but I don't like slasher types or anything with a natural enemy. I like ghosts, hauntings, that type of thing.### ASSISTANT: Perfect! Now, what would be one of your favorite movies?### HUMAN: The Ring, the Japanese version.### ASSISTANT: And could you tell me about why you like the ring?### HUMAN: It really reinvigorated the horror genre at a time when horror was stale. It introduced to the entire world the Asian aesthetic of making horror movies, and it fits the supernatural part that I like in horror.### ASSISTANT: Thanks! Is there anything else about that type of genre you really like?### HUMAN: No, not that I can think of.### ASSISTANT: Ok thanks. How about a movie you really didn't like?### HUMAN: Saving Christmas.### ASSISTANT: And again, what exactly didn't you like about that one?### HUMAN: Everything about it was terrible. The cinematography was terrible, the script was horrible, and the acting was just completely awful.### ASSISTANT: So would you enjoy a movie like Spider-Man: Homecoming ?### HUMAN: I would mildly enjoy it. It's not my favorite genre, but it's fun to watch.### ASSISTANT: thanks...### ASSISTANT: and how about.### ASSISTANT: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring.### HUMAN: I enjoyed it. It was an entertaining movie, but once again not my favorite genre.### ASSISTANT: let's see, can we try one more movie?### HUMAN: Sure.### ASSISTANT: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.### HUMAN: I have no interest in Harry Potter, but that's more specifically about Harry Potter as a franchise, and not the genre.### ASSISTANT: oh ok... so the genre is ok?### HUMAN: Yes.### ASSISTANT: anything good or not good about that genre?### HUMAN: The genre itself is fine. There's nothing I particularly dislike about it.### ASSISTANT: Ok thanks so much for your feedback. |
### HUMAN: Hey! Movies are such a wonderful form of art.### ASSISTANT: Hello, can you please name one of your favourite movie?### HUMAN: Deadpool.### ASSISTANT: What is it about this kind of movie that you like?### HUMAN: It's funny. It's got some cool action and effects, and I really like all the actors in it.### ASSISTANT: Ok. now. Could you tell the name of a movie that you dislike?### HUMAN: The Last Airbender.### ASSISTANT: What is it about this type of movie that you dislike?### HUMAN: Well, the acting is not good, the effects aren't great, and it pretty much butchers a very long TV series.### ASSISTANT: What else?### HUMAN: There were a lot of plot holes, and even the music wasn't great, and there were some like really stupid moments that didn't make any sense.### ASSISTANT: Have you watched the movie Aliens ?### HUMAN: Yes.### ASSISTANT: did you like it or dislike it.### HUMAN: I liked it.### ASSISTANT: What is it about this kind of movie that you like the most?### HUMAN: The atmosphere is really cool its like claustrophobic and there's sorts of broken down machinery everywhere and the overall design.### ASSISTANT: what else?### HUMAN: The actors are really good in it and everyone seems like they are genuinely framed while also been reacting realistically.### ASSISTANT: Anything about this kind of movie that you dislike ?### HUMAN: It can be a little slow paces, I guess.### ASSISTANT: Alright. next. Have you watched the movie Whiplash ?### HUMAN: No.### ASSISTANT: what about Dunkirk.### HUMAN: No.### ASSISTANT: how about The Shape of Water.### HUMAN: No.### ASSISTANT: The Heist.### HUMAN: No.### ASSISTANT: Spotlight.### HUMAN: No.### ASSISTANT: Goodfellas.### HUMAN: No.### ASSISTANT: what about Jason Bourne.### HUMAN: Yes.### ASSISTANT: did you like the movie Jason Bourne?### HUMAN: Yeah, I guess.### ASSISTANT: What is it about this kind of movie that you like the most?### HUMAN: The action is a lot of fun, and the cinematography helps the action seem a lot bigger and more fun.### ASSISTANT: Anything about this kind of movie that you dislike ?### HUMAN: There tends to be quite a bit of pot holes, and the story can get a little bit on the silly side.### ASSISTANT: Alright. Thank you for the information. |
### HUMAN: Hello! Movies are a great source of entertainment for me.### ASSISTANT: what kind of movies do you like?### HUMAN: I love comedies. They're fantastic. I love to laugh.### ASSISTANT: what do you like about them?### HUMAN: That I can laugh with my family, and they I can really share beautiful moments with them. Comedies bring people together and make them laugh.### ASSISTANT: can you name a movie that you liked?### HUMAN: The Waterboy was fantastic. I always loved The Waterboy.### ASSISTANT: what did you like about it?### HUMAN: Adam Sandler was hilarious, and there was just Yeah, there was moments in that movie that just always make me just die laughing. Adam Sandler was the best part. It was a classic.### ASSISTANT: nice. how about the kinds of movies that you dislike?### HUMAN: I hate Twilight, and I don't like overly-dramatic romantic movies.### ASSISTANT: what do you dislike about them?### HUMAN: That they are overly dramatic and unrealistic and that they are they exaggerate emotions, and they like twilight with some mean they are just focused on playing on female's emotions.### ASSISTANT: have you seen the matrix?### HUMAN: Yes, Matrix was awesome.### ASSISTANT: what did you like about it? |
### HUMAN: Hi there! I love immersing myself in a good movie.### ASSISTANT: Is there a specific type of movie that you like?### HUMAN: science fiction.### ASSISTANT: What sci fi title is one that you like?### HUMAN: Blade Runner.### ASSISTANT: What interests you about science fiction and this movie in particular.### HUMAN: The psychological aspects and the cinematography.### ASSISTANT: I see, have you see Ender's Game?### HUMAN: No.### ASSISTANT: This might be one that interests you.### HUMAN: Okay, thank you.### ASSISTANT: Are there any type of movies that you dislike?### HUMAN: I don't like romantic comedies.### ASSISTANT: What do you find uninteresting about Romantic comedies?### HUMAN: They are very formulaic, have the same sorts of characters and boring plots.### ASSISTANT: So nothing creative and bland writing, is there a specific title that you extremely dislike?### HUMAN: No, not in specific.### ASSISTANT: Have you seen the movie Arrival?### HUMAN: Yes.### ASSISTANT: Did you like that movie?### HUMAN: Yes, I did.### ASSISTANT: What did you enjoy about it?### HUMAN: I liked the narrative, I liked that it didn't pull punches and didn't have unnecessary action scenes, I thought it was very psychological and well constructed.### ASSISTANT: I can definitely see the appeal in those characteristics. |
### HUMAN: Hey! I really enjoy watching movies.### ASSISTANT: Can you tell me what types of movies you like?### HUMAN: I like comedy movies. I like comedy movies because they make me laugh. They are enjoyable to watch, interesting characters in it, the joking inside the movies. Yeah, that's why.### ASSISTANT: ok, can you name a movie you really liked?### HUMAN: Dumb and Dumber.### ASSISTANT: why do you like that movie?### HUMAN: Because I like the plot. I like I like the way they that they that they're chasing the girl. And they pull they pull pranks on each other and just to get the girl to like them. I like I like how there is suspense in the movie. Like at the end, there's a bad guy that shows up with a gun and and tries to tries to take the money and just. just an interesting movie.### ASSISTANT: ok, can you tell me about a movie you dislike?### HUMAN: A movie that I dislike? Project X.### ASSISTANT: ok, why didn't you like that movie?### HUMAN: There was nudity in the movie and it didn't really explain why people were taking off their shirts why girls were taking off their shirts just. Just a bad plot.### ASSISTANT: ok, can you tell me have you seen the movie coco?### HUMAN: No, I haven't seen it.### ASSISTANT: ok, have you seen the predator?### HUMAN: There's action in it, there's there's gore, there's there's killings, there's violence.### ASSISTANT: and did you like that?### HUMAN: I didn't like it. I don't like science fiction movies.### ASSISTANT: ok, thank you for your responses, have a nice day. |
### HUMAN: Greetings! I'm a fan of all kinds of movies.### ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you normally watch?### HUMAN: I really like romantic comedies, dramas, adventures, and mysteries.### ASSISTANT: What makes you like Rom Com movies?### HUMAN: I don't know if I really like comedy, and I like the romance aspect of it. I guess on top of romantic comedies, just romance movies, too.### ASSISTANT: Have you seen The Shape of Water?### HUMAN: No, I haven't.### ASSISTANT: What Genre of movies do you stay away from?### HUMAN: Syfy and animation.### ASSISTANT: What makes you not like Animated movies?### HUMAN: I just I can't I don't really get into the story. I just They just don't interest me. Like there's no real plot and. I don't know. I'm so bored by them.### ASSISTANT: What was a movie that you last watched that was disappointing?### HUMAN: Let's see. I would say. Captain Underpants.### ASSISTANT: What didnt you like about that movie?### HUMAN: It was just really uninteresting and ridiculous and hard to follow.### ASSISTANT: Have you seen The Incredibles?### HUMAN: Yes, but not the second one. I really liked The Incredibles. That's like one of the few animated movies that I've liked.### ASSISTANT: What made you enjoy it so much?### HUMAN: The story. I liked the idea of Mr. and Mrs. Incredible being a husband and wife team, and that they were superheroes. I liked the whole family dynamic in the story.### ASSISTANT: Have you seen Ant Man? |
### HUMAN: Hey! Movies are such a wonderful form of art.### ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you like?### HUMAN: I really like romantic movies like Hallmark Movies.### ASSISTANT: why is that?### HUMAN: Well, I just I just love the love stories, and I like movies that have a happy ending. And there's not too much violence or or drugs. Or bad things like that.### ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you not like?### HUMAN: I don't like violent movies and I don't like movies about gangs or criminals or just bad things.### ASSISTANT: What is one of your favorite movies?### HUMAN: One of my favorite movies was probably Oh gosh. What was it called? It was called Love on the Sidelines, and now it's a really good Hallmark movie.### ASSISTANT: have you watch the movie The Matrix?### HUMAN: Yes, I have seen The Matrix.### ASSISTANT: what did you like or dislike about this kind of movie?### HUMAN: That movie was okay, but it was too violent and. Yeah, not really much romance.### ASSISTANT: what about the movie Love Actually?### HUMAN: Yeah, I have seen that.### ASSISTANT: What did you like about this kind of movie?### HUMAN: Oh, it has everything that I like. It has a great love story, nothing X rated or R rated. Just a a good movie with some some drama but a a nice happy ending.### ASSISTANT: okay. thank you. |
### HUMAN: Greetings! I'm a fan of all kinds of movies.### ASSISTANT: What kinds of movies do you like?### HUMAN: I I like dramas, like historical dramas.### ASSISTANT: why do you like this type of movie?### HUMAN: Cuz it allows me to learn something that I wouldn't have known in previous. I love to learn anything that I can.### ASSISTANT: Can you name a particular movie that you like?### HUMAN: I love. X-Men.### ASSISTANT: Can you give me a couple of reasons why you like this movie?### HUMAN: I like how it parallels reality to fantasy. Also, I like the graphics of it. The design is superb, and it just makes me laugh.### ASSISTANT: Can you name a movie that you do not like?### HUMAN: I don't like Suicide Squad.### ASSISTANT: What do you dislike about this movie? Please give me 2 reasons.### HUMAN: It was poorly managed as far as timing and then the plot did not make sense. I also did not like the line design of the movie altogether.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie Batman Begins?### HUMAN: No.### ASSISTANT: Have you heard of this movie?### HUMAN: Yes.### ASSISTANT: Would you go see it?### HUMAN: I know.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie Finding Nemo?### HUMAN: Yes.### ASSISTANT: What do you like about this movie? 2 reasons please.### HUMAN: I like I like graphics. I like the message. I like the general consistency of it.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie Star Wars: The Force Awakens?### HUMAN: Yes.### ASSISTANT: What do you like about this movie? 2 reasons please.### HUMAN: I like the I like the plot and I like the direction. I like how it gives you something to feel, but also lets you be imaginative in the fairy tale aspect of it. And it's just like a fun movie that's really cool to escape the realities of the world.### ASSISTANT: Thank you for your feedback. Enjoy your evening. |
### HUMAN: Hi there! I love immersing myself in a good movie.### ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you like?### HUMAN: I really like romantic comedies.### ASSISTANT: Why do you enjoy about them?### HUMAN: They are sort of happy movies. They're funny. There's a happy ending. So you laugh. It's sort of lighter in tone. So it's very easy to watch. They're very enjoyable.### ASSISTANT: Is there a specific movie that you liked from this genre?### HUMAN: Yes, like The Holiday is one of my favorites.### ASSISTANT: What did you like about it?### HUMAN: It is has a fantastic cast first of all, and great writing, and it is endearing yet funny. Has different parts that you're not expecting and just really likable characters and you just sort of fall in love with the the scenery is fantastic, the characters are so likable you just you just take it away and you love the characters and let them be happy at the end.### ASSISTANT: I can definitely understand the appeal of that, is there any specific type of movie that you don't like?### HUMAN: I really don't like horror movies. Like scary movies.### ASSISTANT: Why is that?### HUMAN: I don't They Basically, I'm a scaredy cat and they just scare me. I don't want to help myself have nightmares.### ASSISTANT: Is there a horror movie that you really dislike?### HUMAN: Horror movie that I mean, for the most part I just don't watch them. Like Halloween is a no go.### ASSISTANT: I can see why, it is a terrifying movie!### HUMAN: Exactly.### ASSISTANT: Have you seen Mamma Mia?### HUMAN: No, I have not.### ASSISTANT: How about Bridesmaid?### HUMAN: Sure, that's a great movie.### ASSISTANT: What did you like or dislike about this movie?### HUMAN: Bridesmaids has a fantastic cast and it is very funny writing but even though they're sort of They got more attention for to laugh out loud and sort of shocking moments. It also has more sort of quiet moments that are really funny. Like you have to You might be miss the first time around. It just really works. It's a It's a really funny movie and unexpected. It was pretty original at the time. to have that kind of that kind of comedy and starring all women.### ASSISTANT: Most definitely thank you for that!### ASSISTANT: Until next time. |
### HUMAN: Hey! Movies are such a wonderful form of art.### ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you like?### HUMAN: I like comedies and dramas.### ASSISTANT: Why do you like those kinds of movies?### HUMAN: I like comedies because they are not too serious and I like dramas for their suspense and adventure in them.### ASSISTANT: Can you name a particular movie you like?### HUMAN: I like the movie White Chicks. It's about two agents who are black, and they dress up in disguise as two white girls to try to solve a mystery. It's a comedy.### ASSISTANT: I see. What did you like about that?### HUMAN: It was pretty much just stupid and hilarious.### ASSISTANT: Gotcha. Can you tell me a movie you did not like?### HUMAN: I didn't like Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull.### ASSISTANT: how come?### HUMAN: I thought the ending was unrealistic and ruined the rest of the movie for me.### ASSISTANT: I see. How do you feel about Sci Fi?### HUMAN: Sometimes I like it.### ASSISTANT: Did you like the Matrix?### HUMAN: It was all right.### ASSISTANT: can you elaborate on that?### HUMAN: It was something that I watched and it's not that I didn't enjoy it, but I wouldn't pick it out as a movie to watch in my free time.### ASSISTANT: have good one. |
### HUMAN: Hello! Movies are a great source of entertainment for me.### ASSISTANT: what are some type of movies that you like?### HUMAN: I like dramas, I like romantic comedies.### ASSISTANT: why do you like dramas?### HUMAN: Because I find them really interesting, and I really get absorbed in the plot.### ASSISTANT: What is one of your favorite movies?### HUMAN: I love the movie Top Gun. I also love the movie Con Air.### ASSISTANT: what did you like about those types of movies?### HUMAN: They had me on the edge of my seat. I thought the acting was incredible. There was a lot of action and there was always something going on.### ASSISTANT: ok. Can you name me a movie you didn't like?### HUMAN: I'm just trying to think of a movie I did not like. I didn't like Avengers. I also don't like Star Wars or Star Trek.### ASSISTANT: is it because they have a lot of films in their series?### HUMAN: I just think that they are overrated and too unrealistic. I just don't really care for Sci-Fi I guess.### ASSISTANT: have you heard of the movie The Grinch?### HUMAN: Yes, I have.### ASSISTANT: what did you like about this kind of movie?### HUMAN: And I have not seen The Grinch, but I think it would be funny. I've just heard of it.### ASSISTANT: what about the movie Forrest Gump?### HUMAN: Oh, I loved Forrest Gump.### ASSISTANT: What did you like about this kind of movie?### HUMAN: I just thought that there was a lot going on all the time. It was funny, but there It was also emotional. I I really like the story line. There was something to it.### ASSISTANT: okay. thank you.### ASSISTANT: Until next time. |
### HUMAN: Hey! I really enjoy watching movies.### ASSISTANT: what kind of movies do you like?### HUMAN: i like thriller. I like horror movies a lot. I liked Psycho. I liked American Psycho. I liked the chainsaw massacre series.### ASSISTANT: what do you like about these movies?### HUMAN: They are fun, you know? They're They're good time, they're a great day. Yeah, I mean they're just.### ASSISTANT: what kind of movies do you dislike?### HUMAN: Yeah, I don't like. I don't I would say bad movies. I don't like anything with a bad critical review I don't like. I But I I don't like bad critically reviewed movies.### ASSISTANT: can you name a movie that you didn't like?### HUMAN: didn't like. The Simpsons Movie I didn't like.### ASSISTANT: what did you dislike about it?### HUMAN: Didn't like the acting, I thought the plot was kind of old and stale.### ASSISTANT: have you seen Deadpool?### HUMAN: No.### ASSISTANT: how about The Matrix? |
### HUMAN: Hi there! I love immersing myself in a good movie. Hi.### ASSISTANT: hello. What type of movies do you like?### HUMAN: I like superhero movies and some of the action movies, not all of them, but really seen a lot of superhero movies lately. Science fiction's good, too.### ASSISTANT: so do you like movies like the avengers?### HUMAN: Oh, yeah. Last one was really good. The second Avengers. It was It was okay, but it wasn't as good as the first one or the last one. And I can't wait for the next one next year.### ASSISTANT: that's true. the last one had a good ending.### HUMAN: Yeah, kind of makes you know want to hardly wait to see the next one.### ASSISTANT: very true. Why do you like those types of genres?### HUMAN: Well, because they're so really well done. The casting is really good and I have read a lot of those com books when I was growing up, and the casting for all those has been very good so far. They are just fun movies to watch and. I don't know. It's just quality. I haven't seen a really really bad one yet. And I've seen most of them.### ASSISTANT: Do you like movies like Star Wars?### HUMAN: Yeah, I like Star Wars. I even like that Han Solo story that a lot of people didn't like. I've seen all those, too. and. They're just almost as good as Well, most of those are as good, except for the second trilogy. The Those movies are almost as good as the superhero movies.### ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you not like?### HUMAN: I'm not a big fan of horror movies. Not because they're scary, just cuz I don't I'm not a fan of the genre. It's not. I don't know, it just doesn't. Its not my idea of a good time, most of those movies I have seen a few but I don't usually. If have seen them, it's usually been not in the theaters, on DVDs. I just don't really enjoy them.### ASSISTANT: is it because the plot isn't that good?### HUMAN: A lot of times, plus a lot of it's already been done. A lot of it's just rehashing stuff that's been done. You know, it's like movie number eight or movie number nine or something you know, something crazy. I don't know. I mean, I've seen some of the early ones. But, I'm just not a fan of the stuff that's coming out now.### ASSISTANT: that's true. a lot of the same stories.### ASSISTANT: okay. thanks for your help. |
### HUMAN: Hey! Watching movies is one of my favorite pastimes.### ASSISTANT: What types of movies do you usually see?### HUMAN: war movies.### ASSISTANT: any other types?### HUMAN: action movies.### ASSISTANT: Give me one of your top 5 movies.### HUMAN: Saving Private Ryan also like Marvels. Can't even think here. Spider-Man Batman.### ASSISTANT: Great. Why did you like it?### HUMAN: Why do I like it? It's the. They're box offices. They're nice movies.### ASSISTANT: Is there something specific you liked?### HUMAN: Well I like Saving Private Ryan. I mean, the best That's like one of my best movies because it really depicts World War II, and it's very action-packed. The actress did a good job and the sceneries and everything are really authentic. That's about it.### ASSISTANT: Got it. Now can you give me an awful movie?### HUMAN: An awful movie. Fifty shaded gray or something, whatever the name.### ASSISTANT: Why you didn’t you like it?### HUMAN: Fifty Shades of Grey or something, yeah, that's a awful movie. Well, it was because it's boring. I mean, there's no action. It's just drama movie. I I don't like watching dramas.### ASSISTANT: Okay. Have you seen Ant Man?### HUMAN: Yeah, I've seen Ant-Man. I've seen part one. I've seen part two. Pretty good movie.### ASSISTANT: what about it did you like?### HUMAN: A lot of characters from It's a lot of characters from X-Men, from Marvels.### ASSISTANT: Okay, so have you seen Skyscraper?### HUMAN: Yeah, I've seen Skyscraper. It's an all right movie. I didn't really enjoy it much.### ASSISTANT: why not?### HUMAN: Well, I mean I like The Rock, you know, he always make pretty good movies, but I just didn't like the story in the Skyscraper. It's kinda lame.### ASSISTANT: Got it. Is there anything else that came to mind about this kind of movie?### HUMAN: Not really.### ASSISTANT: okay. thank you for your time. |
### HUMAN: Hello! Movies are a great source of entertainment for me.### ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you enjoy?### HUMAN: I like musicals and horror movies.### ASSISTANT: What appeals to you with these type of movies?### HUMAN: Usually, the music and the songs, but sometimes the suspense.### ASSISTANT: Is there a specific movie you enjoy from this genre?### HUMAN: Xanadu.### ASSISTANT: What did you like about this movie?### HUMAN: It had really good actors and I liked the music.### ASSISTANT: Are there any type of movies that you don't enjoy?### HUMAN: Some horror movies, some drama and action.### ASSISTANT: What about these movies is unappealing?### HUMAN: Usually they're kind of boring.### ASSISTANT: Is there a specific movie that you heavily dislike?### HUMAN: The Exorcist.### ASSISTANT: What do you dislike about this movie?### HUMAN: I don't like how anxious it makes me.### ASSISTANT: Have you seen shawshank redemption.### HUMAN: No.### ASSISTANT: Have you seen o brother where art thou?### HUMAN: Yes.### ASSISTANT: What did you enjoy or not enjoy about this movie?### HUMAN: I really liked the way they changed all of the colors in the movie to look kind of old.### ASSISTANT: Thank you for your help and have a wonderful day! |
### HUMAN: Hey! Watching movies is one of my favorite pastimes.### ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you watch?### HUMAN: Well, I like comedies, dramas, fantasy movies, the action adventure. things like that.### ASSISTANT: What was the last movie that you watched that you enjoyed?### HUMAN: One of last movies I watched that I enjoyed was Black Panther.### ASSISTANT: What did you like the most about that movie?### HUMAN: I liked that it had a largely African-American cast, and I like the story line.### ASSISTANT: What about a movie that you didn't enjoy?### HUMAN: I did not enjoy the movie Cars from Disney.### ASSISTANT: What was disappointing about that movie?### HUMAN: I thought the story line was kind of silly, and I don't think it's one of the best films that has come from that studio.### ASSISTANT: Have you seen Mad Max: Fury Road?### HUMAN: I have not seen that movie.### ASSISTANT: Have you seen The Predator.### HUMAN: No, that movie does not sound familiar.### ASSISTANT: Have you see The Shape of Water?### HUMAN: Yes, I have seen that movie.### ASSISTANT: What did you like about that movie?### HUMAN: I enjoyed the storyline. I thought the acting was excellent and it was a very emotionally moving film.### ASSISTANT: Thank you for your input, have a great day. |
### HUMAN: Hey! Movies are such a wonderful form of art.### ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you like?### HUMAN: I really like. romantic comedies.### ASSISTANT: Why do you like rom coms?### HUMAN: Rom coms make me happy. They put me in a position of like pure bliss, and I don't have to think about the bad stuff that's going on in the world.### ASSISTANT: Can you name a particular movie you like?### HUMAN: Maid in Manhattan.### ASSISTANT: What did you like about Maid in Manhattan?### HUMAN: I love Jennifer Lopez, and I just like the comedy of it, and it just reminded me that if you believe in love, anything can happen, just keep the faith.### ASSISTANT: I see. Can you tell me a movie you did not like?### HUMAN: I did not like The Wedding Singer.### ASSISTANT: How come you did not like the wedding singer?### HUMAN: It was boring, I don't I didn't find it realistic, I didn't find the people in it attractive and the writing was bad.### ASSISTANT: I see. Did you like bridesmaids?### HUMAN: Yes, I liked Bridesmaids. That was a good one.### ASSISTANT: awesome. Thanks for the input today. |
### HUMAN: Hey! Movies are such a wonderful form of art.### ASSISTANT: what kind of movies do u like.### HUMAN: I really like movies in a science fiction setting. Or fantasy are my favorites.### ASSISTANT: can u name a particular movie that fits that category that you liked, and some qualities about it that you liked.### HUMAN: The Matrix, for one, has a bit of action but in a futuristic-type setting. and with well-developed characters.### ASSISTANT: thanks for describing that. and could u tell me about a movie that fits that category but you didn't like.### HUMAN: Let me think. I would say the first Alien.### ASSISTANT: what didn't you like about it.### HUMAN: The pacing was slow. They try to make it into a horror flack instead of a syfy flaking. The robotics and stuff weren't that good in my opinion. I think its an overrated movie.### ASSISTANT: thanks for sharing. have you seen guardian of the galaxy? |
### HUMAN: Hey! I really enjoy watching movies.### ASSISTANT: Do you like movies like The Hunger Games?### HUMAN: I do. I do like The Hunger Games.### ASSISTANT: Ok. What is it about this type of movie that you like?### HUMAN: it's complex but it's very well done.### ASSISTANT: Can you say a little more about that please?### HUMAN: Sure. It's not a simple movie. You've to pay attention in order to follow what's going on but movies like The Hunger Games it's very it's done very well. It's a high quality movie so it really pulls off transferring what's in the book on to screen.### ASSISTANT: Do you like movies like Good Will Hunting?### HUMAN: I love Good Will Hunting.### ASSISTANT: Ok. What is it about this type of movie that you like?### HUMAN: Well, the acting is fantastic like bow down fantastic across the board. And it's a touching story, it has some sort of sort of like a coming of age feel to it in some ways, very original, but also it has it's very serious. Many times it's it has a true impact on the characters lives, but definitely plenty of moments to laugh and laugh at it even though it's more. so plenty of moments to sort of enjoy what's going on and not just have it be a serious tale of a transformation of a character.### ASSISTANT: Can you say a little more about that please?### HUMAN: Sure like there's like famous lines from the movie and most of those famous lines they're comedic lines. Like how about them apples, and you know I went to go see you know he stole my line, I went to go see about a girl those are the lighter moments of the film. They don't really have much to do with truly really what happens in the film, but they're memorable and they're really fun parts of the film that were made the balance of the film.### ASSISTANT: Do you like movies like The Help?### HUMAN: Not really.### ASSISTANT: Ok. What is it about this type of movie that you dislike?### HUMAN: Well, the acting is very good, but for me, I have very little interest about the sort of white people writing about you know, black people who you know, uplifting stories and you know, oh how we helped the how oh us you know, do-gooding white people helped these small black people succeed, and that kind of thing. Not my thing at all. Definitely not something I think do I need to be sitting around for 2 hours watching.### ASSISTANT: Can you say a little more about that please?### HUMAN: Sure I'm black. I don't need to sit through a movie explaining how white people help black people get out of poverty or servant roles or anything like that. I don't need to watch The Help. My great-grandparents lived The Help. I don't need to watch a movie by white people about The Help.### ASSISTANT: Thank you for your most insightful critique. Have a nice weekend. |
### HUMAN: Hi there! I love immersing myself in a good movie.### ASSISTANT: hello. Can you tell me, What type of movies do you like?### HUMAN: Usually I like action movies or romantic comedies. I tend to really enjoy love stories.### ASSISTANT: OK. Great. Why do you like romantic comedies?### ASSISTANT: Can you tell me the title of one of your favorite movies?### HUMAN: Avatar and. Seeking a Friend for the End of the World had to be my two favorite movies.### ASSISTANT: why is avatar one of your favorite movies?### HUMAN: What about you?### ASSISTANT: my favorite movie is a walk to remember.### HUMAN: What is that movie about?### ASSISTANT: it's about a delinquent boy who falls in love with a good girl.### HUMAN: That sounds pretty cute, especially if he actually turns good for her for her falling for him, and then he just stays the same.### ASSISTANT: yeah, it was a good movie, a classic.### HUMAN: What year was that movie made?### ASSISTANT: 2002### HUMAN: Do you know the average rating of that movie?### ASSISTANT: 7.4/10### HUMAN: I actually may watch that myself.### ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you not like?### HUMAN: Ah. The movies I usually don't like have to be the movies that end and don't have a point. Or they Or it felt like it ended too early. There are some movies that try to be artsy and they're pointless, but they're not funny pointless like Seinfeld. They're just pointless, and they're trying to take snippets of life, and it feels like it's just wasting my time or it did waste 2 hours of my time.### ASSISTANT: i see. do you like movies like bridesmaids?### HUMAN: I actually never heard of Bridesmaids, could you tell me about it?### ASSISTANT: sure.### HUMAN: Are you going to tell me anything about it?### ASSISTANT: Annie is a single woman whose own life is a mess, but when she learns that her lifelong best friend, Lillian (), is engaged, she has no choice but to serve as the maid of honor.### HUMAN: That sounds like a new like a movie for middle-aged women.### ASSISTANT: okay. thank you.### ASSISTANT: Talk to you next time. |
### HUMAN: Hey! Watching movies is one of my favorite pastimes.### ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you enjoy?### HUMAN: I like most movies, but I really like movies that are based on true stories.### ASSISTANT: Is there a specific reason why?### HUMAN: I think it's just easier to get invested in the story when you know it's at least partially true, whereas if it's all fiction Like I like fiction movies, but if they're true, it's easier to believe it cuz it actually happened.### ASSISTANT: I can definitely understand that.### ASSISTANT: Is there a specific movie that you enjoy?### HUMAN: I really like Zodiac. That's one of my favorite movie.### ASSISTANT: That was a great movie, what did you enjoy about it?### HUMAN: I just really like true crime, and it's a really good movie. It's probably the best true crime movie I've ever seen, and it's just really interesting, and Jake Gyllenhaal's really a good actor in it.### ASSISTANT: A lot of people do enjoy his acting. Are there any types of movies that you dislike?### HUMAN: I don't really like romantic comedies that much.### ASSISTANT: Is there a reason why?### HUMAN: I just think they all feel the same, like they're all very cliched.### ASSISTANT: I see, you feel like they all follow the same formula. Is there a specific movie that you don't enjoy?### HUMAN: Yep. Probably the worst movie I've ever seen was The Adventures of Pluto Nash. I don't think there's any movie that's worse than that.### ASSISTANT: That is a pretty bad movie and a lot of people mutually agree on that. Is there one big reason why you don't enjoy it?### HUMAN: I mean it's not a funny movie. Meant to be a comedy, but I saw it when I was like 10. I didn't laugh once. If you can't make a 10-year-old laugh, then you got problem.### ASSISTANT: That is funny, and I can agree with that. Have you seen the movie Tag?### HUMAN: Nope. I have not.### ASSISTANT: How about a Star is born?### HUMAN: No. I haven't that either.### ASSISTANT: John Wick 2? |
### HUMAN: Greetings! Movies always manage to capture my attention.### ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you enjoy?### HUMAN: comedy movies.### ASSISTANT: What appeals to you with these type of movies?### HUMAN: Well, they don't have to have a sensible plotline usually, and they make me laugh.### ASSISTANT: Is there a specific movie you enjoy from this genre?### HUMAN: [inaudible]### ASSISTANT: What did you like about this movie?### HUMAN: I just thought it was funny overall.### ASSISTANT: Are there any type of movies that you don't enjoy?### HUMAN: I don't like drama.### ASSISTANT: What about these movies is unappealing?### HUMAN: Well, I have enough drama in my life as it is, and I just don't like the thought of thinking about other people's problems. Not superficial, you know, the cliche problems in drama.### ASSISTANT: Is there a specific movie that you heavily dislike?### HUMAN: I can't think of any at the moment.### ASSISTANT: Have you seen Stepbrothers.### HUMAN: Yes.### ASSISTANT: What did you enjoy or not enjoy about this movie?### HUMAN: I thought the lead actors, Will Ferrell and I don't know what the other guy's name is I think that they are a good combination. So, I liked just because of that.### ASSISTANT: Thank you for your help and have a wonderful day! |
### HUMAN: Hi there! Movies are my go-to for relaxation.### ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you enjoy?### HUMAN: I enjoy all kinds, but I really like you know, superhero movies, action movies, stuff like that.### ASSISTANT: What do you enjoy about them?### HUMAN: The action and the characters, you know, civil era movies is kind self explanatory, but I kind of like the villains too sometimes especially if it's a good actor play and a good villain and, you know, just like regular action movies. If there's a good character if it's fun, you know, not somebody that just kills a lot of people, but somebody that, you know, is fun to watch kind of like Bruce Willis. The Die Hard movies or Stallone in pretty much anything, action movie he's been in, or Schwarzenegger, you know, with the quippy phrases, like in Terminator.### ASSISTANT: I can definitely see the appeal in that.### ASSISTANT: What specific movie from that genre do you enjoy?### HUMAN: Well, I like the new the Marvel movies are really good probably the best of the superhero ones at least so far. Just regular action movies I kind of like I kind of like the old ones the fun ones with Schwarzenegger and, you know, like the Terminator movies and the Rambo movies were all good. The older ones not the not the last one and they got one kind of out soon. I don't know what it'll be. You know I just this kinds of movies.### ASSISTANT: What did you like about those movies?### HUMAN: Well, you didn't have to really think about what was going on. It was Usually you know, I mean, they're all kind of the same plot, except for the superhero movies. But the action movies, they're all kind of the same plot. It's like You know, some kind of crazy thing happens, and then they have to go on a rampage and kill a bunch of people. The superhero movies though, I like those because the plots are so intricate nowadays. It's not like You know, like the early Superman movies. were kind of fluff and stuff and now the the newer ones have complicated story lines and complicated characters.### ASSISTANT: It does seem like those movies have evolved.### ASSISTANT: Are there any type of movies that you dislike?### HUMAN: I'm not a real big fan of horror movies. I just Not because they're scary or anything, just because they're just not I don't know. They just don't really appeal to me. Like I guess the last good one I saw was probably the first Ring, maybe. But nowadays they're just so cookie cutter and. Kind of blah. If If You know, if there was a really good smart one that came out, I'd probably watch it, but I generally just avoid car movies altogether cuz they're just too It's like watching the same movie over and over again.### ASSISTANT: A lot of people feel the same way and think they lack substance.### ASSISTANT: Is there a particular movie that you dislike?### HUMAN: Nothing in particular. I just Like I said I don't I don't generally watch a lot of I can't think of a really bad movie I have seen lately. I must have seen good ones. But I can't think of a really bad movie that I've seen. Is that I don't watch but I try to watch try to make sure the movies are good before I can see them.### ASSISTANT: Have you seen Ant Man?### HUMAN: Yeah, I saw that. It was It was pretty good. It was better than the first one, I thought. But you know, it's it's it's not as good as some of the other Marvel movies. But it was fun. I like.### ASSISTANT: What did you like or dislike about it?### HUMAN: I liked it was it was kind of smart. It was. It was a little better than the first one. I don't know, it was fun to watch, but. I mean really not like anything about it. It's just It's just not quite as a compelling He's not quite as a compelling character as some of the other Marvel Superheroes.### ASSISTANT: I can definitely understand that, thanks for your feedback!### ASSISTANT: Until next time. |
### HUMAN: Hey! Movies are such a wonderful form of art.### ASSISTANT: what type of movies do u enjoy?### HUMAN: I like watching entertaining movies, mostly animation movies.### ASSISTANT: can u name a movie that fits that category that you thoroughly enjoyed?### HUMAN: Yes, recently I watched, well, last year a movie called Your Name which was a movie with a great plot that was very interesting.### ASSISTANT: what qualities about your name did u enjoy? besides the plot.### HUMAN: The the depiction of characters and how the director played with different timelines in one movie. Kinda don't want to if you've never seen it spoiler, but the way that you walk up to the climax at the end was masterfully done.### ASSISTANT: thanks for describing that for me. is there a movie that fits the category you mentioned that you didn't enjoy.### HUMAN: A lot of people like this movie, but I really hated it. Space Jam, it was a mixture of animation and basketball.### ASSISTANT: what about it did u hate?### HUMAN: I just I just thought the story was really weird. Like I said, a lot of people love it. I'm just not one of them.### ASSISTANT: was it just the mix of animation and real life that u didn't like?### HUMAN: The plot was also weird. Like, it doesn't have to be super realist, but it has to make sense and in my mind it was kind of cobbled together. It wasn't really a good movie.### ASSISTANT: thanks for confirming. this is a bit of a tangent, but have u seen the movie get out?### HUMAN: I have not.### ASSISTANT: how about avengers?### HUMAN: Yes, so I have seen The Avengers movie.### ASSISTANT: did u like this type of movie?### HUMAN: Yeah. Super hero movies can be great at times, yeah.### ASSISTANT: what makes a good super hero movie in your opinion? |
### HUMAN: Hey! I really enjoy watching movies.### ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you enjoy and why?### HUMAN: I like dramatic movies. Because they make me like feel like I'm not alone in the world, or the world is just like interesting and fun. Not fun.### ASSISTANT: Is there a particular film you enjoy?### HUMAN: I like Set It Off.### ASSISTANT: What did you like about that kind of film?### HUMAN: I thought it was like a cool real life story, and it made be connected to black people, which I am black, so I liked it.### ASSISTANT: Is there a particular movie you don't enjoy?### HUMAN: I don't enjoy biographies.### ASSISTANT: What didn't you like about that kind of film?### HUMAN: I would like to read it instead of seeing it, and I don't always think they're being authentic to the story that really happened.### ASSISTANT: Have you heard about the movie Get Out?### HUMAN: Yes.### ASSISTANT: Have you seen this movie?### HUMAN: Yes. Loved it. Made me happy. Love the music. Connected to the reality of the world.### ASSISTANT: Have you heard about the movie Black Panther?### HUMAN: Yes.### ASSISTANT: Have you seen this movie?### HUMAN: Yes.### ASSISTANT: What did you think about this movie? |
### HUMAN: Greetings! Movies always manage to capture my attention.### ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you like?### HUMAN: I like drama and comedy movies.### ASSISTANT: why drama?### HUMAN: I like movies that have a rich plot line, and drama movies usually do have a rich and interesting plot. And I don't really like action so drama movies tend to be less action oriented.### ASSISTANT: What is one of your favorite movies?### HUMAN: One of my favorite movies that comes to mind is actually kind of a romantic comedy and that's You've Got Mail. It's a super old movie, but I still really like it.### ASSISTANT: what do you like about it?### HUMAN: It's funny, and it's kind of dated now. But it's funny, and it's well-written. And I'm a fan Tom Hanks, especially when he was young. So, that's one of my favorite movies of his, as cheesy as it is.### ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you not like?### HUMAN: I really don't like horror movies, and I don't really like thriller movies, either.### ASSISTANT: why not horror? |
### HUMAN: Hello! I appreciate a good movie whenever I can.### ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you enjoy?### HUMAN: Animated films.### ASSISTANT: What appeals to you with these type of movies?### HUMAN: They are fun, fanciful, and can do things that you can't do live action.### ASSISTANT: Is there a specific movie you enjoy from this genre?### HUMAN: Wreck-It Ralph.### ASSISTANT: What did you like about this movie?### HUMAN: I thought it was funny, charming. I enjoyed the jokes, the meta humor, and the characters.### ASSISTANT: Are there any type of movies that you don't enjoy?### HUMAN: I don't like crime films.### ASSISTANT: What about these movies is unappealing?### HUMAN: I think they tend to be too gritty, too dark and a little mucky.### ASSISTANT: Is there a specific movie that you heavily dislike?### HUMAN: the The Room.### ASSISTANT: What do you dislike about this movie?### HUMAN: Everything about it is bad.### ASSISTANT: Have you seen The Incredibles.### HUMAN: Yes.### ASSISTANT: What did you enjoy or not enjoy about this movie?### HUMAN: I like the characters and the humor, I also like the story and the overall tone.### ASSISTANT: Thank you for your help and have a wonderful day! |
### HUMAN: Hey! I really enjoy watching movies.### ASSISTANT: What types of movies do you dislike or not enjoy at all?### ASSISTANT: Why don't you enjoy these types of movies?### ASSISTANT: Is there a specific title from this category that you dislike heavily?### HUMAN: Sure. Out for Justice is terrible.### ASSISTANT: What did you like or dislike about this film?### HUMAN: Good God. So, the acting is abysmal. The story line is both simple and bad at the same time. They have Steven Seagal doing entirely too much on his own. They have supporting cast that basically is as bad actor as Steven Seagal is maybe to not make him stand out too much. When you can get to a fight scene, they're okay. But it's It's just a lot to go through. It's dark. It's It's just not bad It's amazing to me he's had such a successful career.### ASSISTANT: Have you seen Shawshank Redemption?### HUMAN: Oh, absolutely.### ASSISTANT: What did you like or dislike about this film?### HUMAN: Shawshank is an excellent film, excellent. Should have won the Oscar. It is just superbly acted. The script is brilliant. It is It's really pulling you in and making you care about people who you otherwise may not. It's making certain characters sympathetic who otherwise wouldn't be. There are moments that are completely touching, which is amazing cuz you're watching something in a prison. then make a reading for the characters, if you there there really is a delineation between good and evil despite being in a prison. It's just that it's a phenomenal movie and the acting, and the writing, and the direction are top notch.### ASSISTANT: A lot of people will agree with your point and would go as far as saying it's one of the best movies of all time if not the best.### HUMAN: Yes, and they would be correct.### ASSISTANT: Thank you for your help and have a wonderful day. |
### HUMAN: Greetings! I'm a fan of all kinds of movies.### ASSISTANT: Could u tell me what kind of movies you generally like watching.### HUMAN: I like teen comedies a lot.### ASSISTANT: why is that.### HUMAN: They are. They're like They're like regular comedies in that they're funny, but because they focus on high school, they usually incorporate some kind of A lot of times there's a romance in it. There's something sort of nice and simplistic about that time because there's only so much teens are sort of focused on. It's usually very much. you know, about a specific period of time, couple years, you know, they're 17. They're 16. It's funny. The romances are usually simple and cute, and nothing too overboard. They It doesn't usually veer off too much into where a movie doesn't necessarily need to go, and it takes away from the rest. But they're They're fun. They're enjoyable.### ASSISTANT: simple and cute. nice, i like it. could u name a specific movie you love that fits that category, and what u liked about this kind of movie.### HUMAN: There's a great movie recently called To All the Boys I Loved Before, and that's a really sort of fun and funny and endearing. Teen comedy it has a great lead and it doesn't always happen but this one is pretty original which helped a lot. And it was just it was definitely fun the these are getting harder to come by at this point. They used to make them so much more often. So, when you find a good one like this it's it's a rare gem.### ASSISTANT: thanks for sharing. could u also name a specific movie that fits one of those categories and tell me why you didn't like that kind of movie?### HUMAN: Sure. What is that? John Tucker Must Die, that's not a good one. That is a still a teen movie, but. That sort of That's one that sort of went off the rails. It's doing too much, trying too hard.### ASSISTANT: have you heard of the movie a walk to remember.### HUMAN: Sure.### ASSISTANT: have you seen it.### HUMAN: Yes.### ASSISTANT: do u like these types of movies.### HUMAN: A Walk to Remember is not my favorite movie. I guess It depends on like these kinds of movies. I am not the biggest fan of the author of that movie. It's based on a book. And he kills almost everybody in his movies, so that's why I'm not really a fan. A Walk to Remember has The lead dies, so it's Even though it's a teen movie, it's very sad. It's a drama. not a comedy, and she's sick. She's sick throughout the entire movie. There is sort of a nice, endearing teen love story, and you do get involved with the character, but she has cancer. She's dying, and she does die in the movie. And it's It's kind of heavy, so it's not really It's not fun. I can like these movies, but. They're the kind of movie Let's say if I see it, I don't keep watching it. So, It's not my favorite to watch repeatedly at any strech.### ASSISTANT: got it. how about the movie crazy rich asians, have you seen this movie?### HUMAN: Yes.### ASSISTANT: did u like this kind of movie.### HUMAN: Yes. Love this kind of movie.### ASSISTANT: why is that? |
### HUMAN: Hello! I find joy in experiencing different movies.### ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you like?### HUMAN: I like action-packed movies.### ASSISTANT: why ?### HUMAN: That has a lot of action in it for one. And I like fast paced movies, you know.### ASSISTANT: What is one of your favorite movies?### HUMAN: Blade Runner 2014, hey I like like that one.### ASSISTANT: what did you like about it?### HUMAN: What's not to like? Action, fast pace, all the way around a good movie.### ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you not like?### HUMAN: I'm not into love stories. You know, and kind of slow, not interesting, you know.### ASSISTANT: okay. have you seen the movie mission impossible?### HUMAN: I have. Yes.### ASSISTANT: What did you like about this kind of movie?### HUMAN: It's like kind of the American James Bond movie. I mean it's it's a lot of action, a lot of suspense, a lot of technology you know, that may or may not be fake. So, yeah, good movie.### ASSISTANT: have you seen the movie the mummy?### HUMAN: And Yes, I've seen that one.### ASSISTANT: what did you like or dislike about this kind of movie? |
### HUMAN: Hey! Watching movies is one of my favorite pastimes.### ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you normally watch?### HUMAN: I really like superhero movies.### ASSISTANT: Have you seen Ant-Man?### HUMAN: Yes, I have.### ASSISTANT: What did you like about Ant-Man?### HUMAN: I love Paul Rudd, that's the lead, and he was great in it. A very good fit for the more humorous take that they were going for. And it It was sort of a lower key superhero movie, like not like heavy on the action, but that worked given the cast and the kind of superhero they were doing. It was really quite different, for a superhero movie, so it was good.### ASSISTANT: Have you seen Solo: A Star Wars Story?### HUMAN: Yes.### ASSISTANT: What did you not like about that movie?### HUMAN: I do like that movie. I don't like personally don't like the newer Star Wars movies as much as I like the originals from the '70s and the '80s, but I do think that these are good, that these are well thought out and continue the the imagery and the story very well. And they're very captivating, very engaging, with good action and good storytelling.### ASSISTANT: Are there movies you tend to stay away from?### HUMAN: I usually am not the biggest sci-fi fan.### ASSISTANT: What makes you stay away from those movies?### HUMAN: So, sci-fi is not my favorite, they usually have aspects in it that are for one are a little scarier which is definitely not my favorite. And they are very science based which isn't necessarily the worst thing in the world, but sometimes they go a little too far into the world that they're trying to create and seem to almost confuse themselves with their cleverness. So, when sci-fi is well done I I certainly like. But more often than not, it seems that they bungle it, and it is a mess.### ASSISTANT: What do you think about Forrest Gump? |
### HUMAN: Hello! I appreciate a good movie whenever I can.### ASSISTANT: What sort of movies to you like?### HUMAN: I like drama. I love a good drama, you know?### ASSISTANT: What about drama movies do you like?### HUMAN: A good storyline. Usually most dramas have good storylines. I like that.### ASSISTANT: What about movies you don't like?### HUMAN: I don't like action movies because it looks too fake to me. You know. I don't like I don't watch them.### ASSISTANT: Can you give me an example of something you remember liking? |
### HUMAN: Hey! I really enjoy watching movies.### ASSISTANT: Hello,What sort of movies do you like to watch?### HUMAN: Hello, I really enjoy comedy and action movies quite a bit.### ASSISTANT: Can you give me some more details?### HUMAN: My movies in particular, like comedy-wise, I like Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore, like action movies, I really enjoy like superhero movies.### ASSISTANT: do you like just comedy or romantic comedy as well?### HUMAN: Some romantic comedies it just depends on who's in it and what it's kind of about.### ASSISTANT: What else?### HUMAN: I mean, it I like movies that have good reviews, kind of more mainstream ones. I'm not really into like indie movies.### ASSISTANT: can you tell me what do you like most about these movies.### HUMAN: Just that they're really entertaining, and they've kind of got a good plot to them.### ASSISTANT: Is there any actor’s movie that you wouldn’t want to miss watching?### HUMAN: Maybe something with Adam Sandler in it.### ASSISTANT: can you name one of your favorite movie.### HUMAN: Billy Mason.### ASSISTANT: What about movies you don't like?### HUMAN: Any kind of like romance movie like the Note Book.### ASSISTANT: Any particular genre that you don't like to watch at all?### HUMAN: Horror movies, they just don't really interest me very much.### ASSISTANT: could you tell me why you don't like romantic and horror movies?### HUMAN: They don't really interest me. I can't really get into them very well.### ASSISTANT: What do you check for when picking a movie?### HUMAN: Good reviews mainly, if talk around like work and my friends is good.### ASSISTANT: Okay. Do you tend to watch trailer when picking a movie? |
### HUMAN: Hi there! I love immersing myself in a good movie.### ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you enjoy and why?### HUMAN: I like historical drama movies. I like them because they're based on true stories, and they have usually have a great screenplay, and they can't make a sequel out of those.### ASSISTANT: Is there a particular film you enjoy?### HUMAN: I like the movie Schindler's List and I like the movie Lincoln.### ASSISTANT: What did you like about that kind of film?### HUMAN: I liked them As I said, I liked them for the fact that they're based on true stories. I liked that they had very good acting, and. They were just very very intriguing.### ASSISTANT: Is there a particular movie you don't enjoy?### HUMAN: I don't really like romantic comedies. If I want to name a movie 10 Things I Hate About You.### ASSISTANT: What didn't you like about that kind of film?### HUMAN: I didn't really like the writing in the movie. And I didn't like the story, and I didn't like the acting.### ASSISTANT: Have you heard about the movie Get Out?### HUMAN: Yes.### ASSISTANT: Have you seen this film?### HUMAN: Yes, I have seen it.### ASSISTANT: What did you like about that kind of movie?### HUMAN: I thought it was very well-written. I thought that the that the story was very intense and very appealing. And I thought the director did a great job.### ASSISTANT: Until next time. |
### HUMAN: Greetings! I'm a fan of all kinds of movies.### ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you enjoy?### HUMAN: I like action movies.### ASSISTANT: What appeals to you with these type of movies?### HUMAN: like the cinematography, the scenes, the fight choreography, characters, all that kind of stuff.### ASSISTANT: Is there a specific movie you enjoy from this genre?### HUMAN: Yes. So, I like the Mad Max: Fury Road.### ASSISTANT: What did you like about this movie?### HUMAN: I thought the story, characters, and the action were all very entertaining.### ASSISTANT: Are there any type of movies that you don't enjoy?### HUMAN: No.### ASSISTANT: Is there a specific movie that you heavily dislike?### HUMAN: I wasn't a big fan of the newer Spider-Man movie.### ASSISTANT: What do you dislike about this movie?### HUMAN: I didn't like the story for most of the movie, and I found the actor that they chose to play Spider-Man to be kind of weak overall.### ASSISTANT: Have you seen The Matrix.### HUMAN: Yes.### ASSISTANT: What did you enjoy or not enjoy about this movie?### HUMAN: I thought the story was fascinating, good characters, great special effects.### ASSISTANT: Thank you for your help and have a wonderful day! |
### HUMAN: Hello! I appreciate a good movie whenever I can.### ASSISTANT: well what kinds of movies do you like?### HUMAN: I like action movies.### ASSISTANT: why do you like action movies?### HUMAN: Because they're so much fun, and there's fighting. I just love it.### ASSISTANT: cool, how about a movie you liked?### HUMAN: Any Marvel movie, really.### ASSISTANT: Any specific one you like the most?### HUMAN: Avengers: Infinity War.### ASSISTANT: alright, Why did you like that movie?### HUMAN: Cuz it had all my favorite characters in it and all action in it cool moments.### ASSISTANT: Interesting, is there a movie you did not like?### HUMAN: None of them I can think of right now. I can't think of anything right now.### ASSISTANT: no worries.### ASSISTANT: how about Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.### HUMAN: Yes and I have seen that movie.### ASSISTANT: What is it about this kinds of movies that you like or dislike?### HUMAN: I like the magical aspect of it. I love the characters. I just love it overall.### ASSISTANT: Wonderful. thank you for sharing. Good bye. |
### HUMAN: Hey! Watching movies is one of my favorite pastimes.### ASSISTANT: what kind of movies do you enjoy watching.### HUMAN: comedy.### ASSISTANT: why is that.### HUMAN: They are funny and entertaining.### ASSISTANT: name a specific movie that fits that category that you like, and tell me why you like it.### HUMAN: I like the movie Step Brothers with Will Ferrell and the other man. It was very funny, humorous movie. I was laughing the entire time.### ASSISTANT: i'm well aware of words like funny and humorous already. please add more description so i can learn more vocabulary.### HUMAN: The movie had a great story, and the characters were all very unique, and each one had their own way of being funny.### ASSISTANT: thanks. and could you talk about a movie you didn't like that fit that movie category.### HUMAN: That would be. Probably it's the movie Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle.### ASSISTANT: why didn't you like that type of movie.### HUMAN: I didn't like the characters. There was nothing interesting about them. And I didn't find the movie funny.### ASSISTANT: have you seen the movie x men.### HUMAN: Yes.### ASSISTANT: did you like this kind of movie.### HUMAN: Yes.### ASSISTANT: why is that.### HUMAN: It was an action movie, interesting characters, good. good acting good action scenes.### ASSISTANT: what does good acting and good actions scenes mean to you? |
### HUMAN: Hi there! I love immersing myself in a good movie.### ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you like?### HUMAN: I like romantic comedies.### ASSISTANT: what do you like about romantic comedies?### HUMAN: I just I like the story, and I like happy endings, and I just like the stories about you know, how different people are falling in love and the comedic aspects.### ASSISTANT: So do you like movies like bridesmaids?### HUMAN: Yeah, that's a romantic comedy. I love Bridesmaids.### ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you not like?### HUMAN: I really don't like science fiction very much.### ASSISTANT: why is that?### HUMAN: Oh, science fiction movies are for geeks, and they're kind of boring. They're kind of boring, and I'm really not interested in the storylines. They're not very realistic.### ASSISTANT: so i'm guessing you don't like movies like star wars??### HUMAN: No, I hate Star Wars.### ASSISTANT: okay. thank you for your help. |
### HUMAN: Hello! I appreciate a good movie whenever I can.### ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you enjoy?### HUMAN: comedies.### ASSISTANT: What appeals to you with these type of movies?### HUMAN: I like a movie where I can enjoy it, and laugh, and just have an escape.### ASSISTANT: Is there a specific movie you enjoy from this genre?### HUMAN: I like Woody Allen movies. I like Annie Hall.### ASSISTANT: Are there any type of movies that you don't enjoy?### HUMAN: I don't like horror movies. or scary movies.### ASSISTANT: What about these movies is unappealing?### HUMAN: They're just a little too scary for me, too realistic.### ASSISTANT: Is there a specific movie that you heavily dislike?### HUMAN: I don't like No, I just don't like too much blood and gory type movies.### ASSISTANT: Have you seen One flew over the cukoos nest.### HUMAN: Yes, I have.### ASSISTANT: What did you like or dislike about this title?### HUMAN: Well, I like the title, but I also like the movie. I thought it was a great movie. I thought the acting was superb, and I thought the story by Ken Kesey was exceptional. So love the movie.### ASSISTANT: Thank you for your time and have a great day! Bye! |
### HUMAN: Hey! Movies are such a wonderful form of art.### ASSISTANT: What are some types of movies do you like?### HUMAN: I really like I like thrillers, and I like movies that have a lot of suspense and things that keep me guessing.### ASSISTANT: why else do you like thrillers?### HUMAN: Because they They tend to really keep me interested in the plot, and I really like I like the the pace and how it makes me feel excited.### ASSISTANT: what do you think mystery movies?### HUMAN: They can be good sometimes, so long as they aren't too obvious or they aren't too complicated. I think sometimes they can go overboard, but I like a mystery every now and again.### ASSISTANT: What is one of your favorite movies?### HUMAN: Actually I just saw a movie that I really liked called Suspiria. It was a horror movie and it was really good.### ASSISTANT: what did you like about it?### HUMAN: The tone of the movie was incredible, and I thought it was the camera work was really good, they had a lot of really pretty pretty and visual visually appealing shots in the movie.### ASSISTANT: was it really scary ?### HUMAN: There were some parts that were pretty frightening. Yeah and the overall plot of the movie was pretty terrifying.### ASSISTANT: did it end well?### HUMAN: The ending was good, but I wouldn't say that it was a happy ending.### ASSISTANT: most horror movies never end well.### HUMAN: Yeah. That's true. They they tend to be kind of a mixed bag at the end.### ASSISTANT: Can you name me a movie you didn't like?### HUMAN: A movie that I didn't like I didn't like the movie Crush.### ASSISTANT: what didn't you like about it? the way every character was connected?### HUMAN: You know, that didn't bother me so much as I thought it felt forced. It felt It didn't feel like the stories naturally went together, and I just thought it was It was I didn't like the writing. I thought the writing wasn't good.### ASSISTANT: have you watched crazy rich asians?### HUMAN: I haven't I have not seen that yet. I have I've heard a little bit about it. I roughly know what it's about. I know it's based on a book, but I haven't read the book or seen the movie yet, no.### ASSISTANT: what about the movie The Grinch?### HUMAN: I saw The Grinch a while back. I do like I do like it, and I thought it was well done.### ASSISTANT: what did you like about it?### HUMAN: I thought I thought the makeup and costume was really good, and you know, I'm a big Dr. Seuss fan too, so I thought that worked really well.### ASSISTANT: okay. thank you. |
### HUMAN: Hey! I really enjoy watching movies.### ASSISTANT: what are some types of movies you like?### HUMAN: I like comedies and not dramas comedies and war movies.### ASSISTANT: what do you like about war movies?### HUMAN: I like that they're like dramatic, but in a real world sense, like they feel more real than say, a regular drama, because well, it's about war. And even when they go a little further than than what actually happens it still ties them to it. It doesn't feel It doesn't usually feel like it's being blown out of proportion to to a just just believable proportion. I guess. Oh, yeah.### ASSISTANT: What is one of your favorite movies?### HUMAN: Full Metal Jacket was a good movie, so was Saving Private Ryan. So, either one of those.### ASSISTANT: what did you like about Saving Private Ryan?### HUMAN: Well, I liked that it was a deep movie. It just I don't know. It really sucked me in in a way that not many other movies can do, or that have done.### ASSISTANT: Can you name me a movie you didn't like?### HUMAN: A movie I didn't like. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, that's that's one that I definitely did not like.### ASSISTANT: what didn't you like about it?### HUMAN: Well, for one I'm kind of biased against Tim Burton movies. I don't really care for them that much, I mean I'm totally for the whole dark and dreary atmosphere kind of thing but it almost seems too exaggerated in some ways. And I mean it just it departed to much from the original Willy Wonka cuz I know that was. like sequel-ish kind of movie to it, and it was like It just didn't sit with me very well. I didn't I didn't care for the the art style. I didn't care for the plot. I just didn't really like it.### ASSISTANT: that's true. it was a lot more different than the original.### HUMAN: Heck yeah, it was.### ASSISTANT: have you watched the movie Halloween?### HUMAN: I may have, but I don't remember. I don't think I did.### ASSISTANT: what about a quiet place?### HUMAN: Quiet Place. No, I've never seen that.### ASSISTANT: okay thanks. |
### HUMAN: Hi there! Movies are my go-to for relaxation.### ASSISTANT: What kinds of movie do you like?### HUMAN: I like horror movies.### ASSISTANT: Why do you like horror movies?### HUMAN: Because I think life is really scary and horror movies allow me to be scared in a safe space.### ASSISTANT: Is there a horror movie you like?### HUMAN: I like Poltergeist.### ASSISTANT: why did you like Poltergeist.### HUMAN: I like the dynamic with the family, and I thought it was really really scary just the way just what happened to the little girl in it cuz she was really young and vulnerable.### ASSISTANT: Interesting, is there a movie you do not like?### HUMAN: I don't like Night of the Living Dead.### ASSISTANT: What is it about those kinds of movie you do not like?### HUMAN: It's too slow-paced, and I don't like the zombies in it.### ASSISTANT: well, have you seen Twilight?### HUMAN: Yes.### ASSISTANT: What is it about this movie that you like or dislike? |
### HUMAN: Hey! Watching movies is one of my favorite pastimes.### ASSISTANT: Do you like movies like Jason Bourne, or Inside Man or Superbad.### HUMAN: super bad.### ASSISTANT: Ok. What is it about this type of movie that you like the most?### HUMAN: I like that it's funny, and it's all-inclusive, and it's just like a good like journey that you go on, but also high action-packed.### ASSISTANT: Can you say a little more about that please?### HUMAN: It's fun and it's like action packed and there's comedy, but action and there's like cool costumes.### ASSISTANT: what is it about this type of movie that you dislike?### HUMAN: It's a lot of profanity and there's a lot of young people in it and I wish there wasn't and I want it to be more like all inclusive.### ASSISTANT: ok. have you watched the movies Jason Bourne, or Inside Man.### HUMAN: Jason Bourne.### ASSISTANT: did you like it.### HUMAN: No. I didn't like it.### ASSISTANT: what is it about this type of movie that you dislike?### HUMAN: It's just like a stupid actor and then it's like boring and it's like I don't believe anybody and the characters, and like everything to me seems fake.### ASSISTANT: Can you say a little more about that please?### HUMAN: It's just like really annoying and it's just like I don't like the main actor in it and I just wish it wasn't like that.### ASSISTANT: alright ! what about the movie Inside Man.### HUMAN: I didn't like that one either.### ASSISTANT: and what is it about this type of movie that you dislike?### HUMAN: I think that plot is not realistic and it just doesn't seem like something that people would want to go see, and I don't just like the graphics or nothing like that.### ASSISTANT: what else?### HUMAN: It's just boring and it's just like silly actors and I just don't like it. It's not my type of movie.### ASSISTANT: anything about this type of movie that you may like?### HUMAN: Maybe comedy or the action in it.### ASSISTANT: Alright. Thank you for the information.### ASSISTANT: See you later. |
### HUMAN: Hello! I find joy in experiencing different movies.### ASSISTANT: Can you tell me what type of movies you like?### HUMAN: I like comedy. I like action. I like sci-fi. I like fantasy.### ASSISTANT: OK, what about those types of movies do you enjoy?### HUMAN: I mostly like new, interesting situations. That's why I in particular like funny comedies, because they tell The good comedies tell new jokes never heard. The fantasy and sci-fi I really like because it's just completely different imagined worlds.### ASSISTANT: Great! What's one of your favorite movies?### HUMAN: That's a tough one. Let's go. I like My fun movie is The Matrix.### ASSISTANT: That's a good one!### ASSISTANT: What did you enjoy about The Matrix?### HUMAN: It just blew my mind. I really like the the movie unraveled. So, you think you're in one universe but you're in a whole another universe the movie is slowly The plot slowly unravels. It's really deep.### ASSISTANT: I agree. Now, can you tell me what type of movies you don't like?### HUMAN: I don't like scary movies. I just don't like. To be surprised and make myself jump just for no reason. I just didn't really find that fun.### ASSISTANT: I see. Can you tell me a movie you've seen and didn't like?### HUMAN: I can think about that for a bit. It's been a long time.### ASSISTANT: Take your time.### HUMAN: It's hard. I'm just going to say movies that I kind of didn't like. How about that? Blair Witch Project.### ASSISTANT: Sure.### ASSISTANT: And what did you not like about it?### HUMAN: It was just it was it was dumb and it was just like trying to surprise you and the camera quality was bad.### ASSISTANT: Fair enough. Have you seen the movie Venom?### HUMAN: I have not. It just came out.### ASSISTANT: Would you be interested to watch it?### HUMAN: I heard it hasn't been reviewing that well, but I guess I wouldn't mind seeing it.### ASSISTANT: OK, what about Crazy Rich Asians. Have you seen that one?### HUMAN: Yes, I have seen it.### ASSISTANT: And what did you think?### HUMAN: It was okay. I wasn't completely bored. It was kind of interesting, but it wasn't that great.### ASSISTANT: What did you like or dislike about that movie?### HUMAN: I like that it took place in Singapore about a Asian family a rich Asian family which I guess we don't really see that much in any other movies or TV shows. But, I dislike the bias. I just don't think like they Like it try to be funny it it wasn't really genuinely funny. I don't think the plot was super good.### ASSISTANT: I see. Now, have you seen any of the Jason Bourne movies?### HUMAN: Yeah, I seen most of them. Maybe all of them. I don't know. I've seen three of them.### ASSISTANT: What did you think about those?### HUMAN: They're pretty good. Maybe a little bit overrated, but I still enjoyed watching them.### ASSISTANT: Anything in particular that stood out to you?### ASSISTANT: Good or bad.### HUMAN: I guess I focus on the bad, cuz that's what comes to my mind immediately. I just remember the camera work, and I think maybe it's the third one, or maybe there's a fourth one. The The last one that I saw, the camera work is horrible, like I could not tell what was happening in the action scenes. Too shaky.### ASSISTANT: Kind of gives you the sensation of motion sickness, huh?### HUMAN: Yeah, I guess. It also gave me a headache.### ASSISTANT: Yeah, you don't want to watch a movie that leaves you with a headache!### HUMAN: Nope. Movies are entertainment, not pain.### ASSISTANT: I agree.### ASSISTANT: Well, thanks for telling me about your movie likes and dislikes. Have a great day!### HUMAN: All right, thanks for talking to me. Bye-bye.### ASSISTANT: Goodbye. |
### HUMAN: Hi there! I love immersing myself in a good movie.### ASSISTANT: What kinds of movies do you like?### HUMAN: Oh you know, I like spy films, and I like Sci-Fi and. I like anything with a lot of action in it.### ASSISTANT: Well, tell me why do you like science fiction movies?### HUMAN: I like to think about the what we could have in the future that that we don't have now. Yeah, and at the same how when the future they will have the same problems that we do just with better technology. That is interesting to me. It's kind of the human condition always always continues.### ASSISTANT: cool, what is your favorite movie?### HUMAN: Oh man, my favorite movie? It changes. I don't have a favorite movie. I mean. Dr. Strangelove might be my favorite. Full Metal Jacket might be my favorite.### ASSISTANT: alright, Why might full metal jacket be your favorite movie?### HUMAN: Let's see. Well, it's written by Stanley Kubrick. Which is important cuz he's my favorite director. It's got a boot camp scene in the Half the movie's the boot camp and then half the movie's the stuff in Vietnam. And it just It's a It's an anti-war film. It's just really well done. The acting is fantastic. And it's really really intense.### ASSISTANT: Interesting, is there a movie you do not like?### HUMAN: man. Bowling for Columbine or anything by that guy. I can't remember the director.### ASSISTANT: oh, Why not?### HUMAN: I don't like the director. I I think he's pretentious, and that says something cuz considering I'm pretentious. So, he's just. He's just annoying, so the movie's annoying.### ASSISTANT: Ok, then have you seen the movie The Accountant ?### HUMAN: I may have but I I can't remember the plot.### ASSISTANT: how about, then have you seen the movie Pulp Fiction.### HUMAN: I have seen the movie. Yes.### ASSISTANT: What is it about this kinds of movies that you like or dislike?### HUMAN: A Pulp Fiction is great. It just got this it's wonderfully violent, it's humorous, the cast is fantastic. Well if you're you got the same objection and principles as in it I think I might they made the first time they were together were they were also in Die Hard from together they they worked great together. And just add little sub stories in in Pulp Fiction make just a fantastic film.### ASSISTANT: Wonderful. thank you for sharing. Good bye. |
### HUMAN: Hey! I really enjoy watching movies.### ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you like?### HUMAN: I like romantic movies, and I like comedies.### ASSISTANT: why do you like romantic movies?### HUMAN: I get really engaged in them. I like the love stories. It takes me away from my boring old love story.### ASSISTANT: What is one of your favorite movies?### HUMAN: One of my favorite movies would be Titanic.### ASSISTANT: why's that?### HUMAN: because it has a really great love story. It keeps you engaged the whole time. The only bad part about it is the ending when the guy dies. Other than that, it's a good movie.### ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you not like?### HUMAN: I don't like horror movies.### ASSISTANT: is it because you don't like being scared?### HUMAN: Yes, I don't like being scared at all. And I also Any of the scary scenes, like if someone jumps out of a doorway in the dark, every time I walk through my house at night, I can just picture that happening.### ASSISTANT: okay, that's undherstandable.### ASSISTANT: have you seen the movie elf?### HUMAN: Yes, I have.### ASSISTANT: what did you like or dislike about this kind ofmovie?### HUMAN: I thought it was a cute movie. I liked it, except for Will Ferrell. That actor that plays the elf is, he drives me crazy. He's really annoying, so that's what threw it off for me. But it's a good like one-time, maybe two-time, movie.### ASSISTANT: okay. Have you seen the movie Incredibles 2?### HUMAN: Yes.### ASSISTANT: what did you like about this kind of movie?### HUMAN: I liked that it was a cute family movie. I liked that the family fights crime together. It was a nice sequel to the first one. Me and my kids really enjoyed it.### ASSISTANT: okay. thank you. |
### HUMAN: Hi there! I love immersing myself in a good movie.### ASSISTANT: What kinds of movies do you like?### HUMAN: romance.### ASSISTANT: Why do you like romance movies?### HUMAN: Because they make you feel good.### ASSISTANT: Is there a romance movie you like?### HUMAN: How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days.### ASSISTANT: and why did you like that movie?### HUMAN: I liked it because it was cute and it was a little bit funny.### ASSISTANT: interesting, is there a movie you do not like?### HUMAN: I don't like 10 Things I Hate About You.### ASSISTANT: What about those kinds of movies you do not like?### HUMAN: I didn't like it because it was based in high school and I don't really think that's suitable for my age.### ASSISTANT: ok, have you seen the movie Mission: Impossible.### HUMAN: No.### ASSISTANT: How about the movie Finding Nemo ?### HUMAN: Yeah.### ASSISTANT: What is it about these kinds of movies that you like or dislike?### HUMAN: I like them because they're fun and cute and funny.### ASSISTANT: ok, thank you for sharing.### ASSISTANT: good bye. |
### HUMAN: Greetings! I'm a fan of all kinds of movies.### ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you like?### HUMAN: I like comedies and action movies.### ASSISTANT: Why's that?### HUMAN: Because I like lighthearted movies. And I also like it when there are a lot of things going on when I'm watching a film.### ASSISTANT: I see. Why's that important to you?### HUMAN: Well, I feel like I should be enjoying myself when participating in entertainment.### ASSISTANT: Okay. And what kind of movies do you dislike ?### HUMAN: I dislike musicals and horror movies.### ASSISTANT: Why's that?### HUMAN: Musicals because singing doesn't really catch my attention, and horror movies because I always find them hard to believe.### ASSISTANT: Okay. And why's that?### HUMAN: It's cuz some of the things I go on in horror movies are just too extreme and very difficult to imagine.### ASSISTANT: okay. So what's a movie you've seen that you liked?### HUMAN: The Avengers.### ASSISTANT: why did you like it?### HUMAN: Because it had a large amount of action and also mixed in good amounts of comedy, making it an entertaining movie.### ASSISTANT: And what's a movie you disliked?### ASSISTANT: why did you dislike it?### HUMAN: Because it was overly graphic.### ASSISTANT: How so?### HUMAN: It had a lot of disturbing scenes that involved needles and knives and gore.### ASSISTANT: I see.### ASSISTANT: So based on what you've said, did you like Guardians of the Galaxy?### HUMAN: Yes. I like Guardians of the Galaxy. I like superhero movies.### ASSISTANT: Why did you like that kind of movie?### HUMAN: Because it had a good cast and a good story line, with lots of action.### ASSISTANT: Great. and what about Logan, did you see that?### HUMAN: Yes, I liked that movie, too.### ASSISTANT: Why? |
### HUMAN: Greetings! I'm a fan of all kinds of movies.### ASSISTANT: What sort of movies do you like?### HUMAN: I like romantic comedies, I like action movies.### ASSISTANT: Can you give me an example of a movie you remember liking?### HUMAN: Sure. For romantic comedies, Pretty Woman, 27 dresses, Bridget Jones Diary. Someone Like You. For comedies, regular comedies? I like First Wives Club. Oh, another romantic comedy that I love is The Holiday, another one is Picture Perfect. Two Can Play That Game. For regular comedies, I love 40-Year-Old Virgin. Waiting for Guffman, Best in Show.### ASSISTANT: What did you like about first wive's club?### HUMAN: That's like a female central comedy that is just hilarious. And it's The plotting, the scheming it's a kind of a revenge comedy I guess you could call it. It's just a lot of fun and like really had fun making it and it came across for that just 2 hours of fun. The actors are fantastic in that movie which is really what makes it a good movie probably.### ASSISTANT: who's your favorite actor or actress?### HUMAN: Favorite actor favorite actress is probably Sandra Bullock, maybe Julia Roberts, favorite actor not not for comedies but Tom Cruise. It's definitely up there as a favorite.### ASSISTANT: What do you check for when picking a movie?### HUMAN: I usually check for the cast, who's in it is definitely going to help determine if I see it. The general description what is supposed to be going on in the movie if that sounds appealing or not. I will check for the director a lot of times I will check one time many times, and I also usually check reviews even though that doesn't. necessarily determine whether or not I go, from both critics and moviegoers. I always check moviegoer reviews, not never just critics, and I usually check an IMDb rating.### ASSISTANT: thank you. |
### HUMAN: Greetings! I'm a fan of all kinds of movies.### ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you enjoy and why?### HUMAN: I enjoy action movies. Because they're fun to watch.### ASSISTANT: Is there a particular film you enjoy?### HUMAN: Yes. I enjoy watching the the Ninja Turtle movie.### ASSISTANT: What did you like about that film?### HUMAN: That film has a lot of action in it. It has a lot of action where it's fighting bad guys. first time in the world.### ASSISTANT: Is there a particular movie you don't enjoy?### HUMAN: I do not enjoy. 2010 Moby Dick.### ASSISTANT: What didn't you like about the film?### HUMAN: The film was boring. It was on It was on It was on a ship. It was just on the submarine. It just wasn't wasn't fun to watch. That's why it's not a good movie.### ASSISTANT: Have you heard about the movie Deadpool?### HUMAN: Yes. I have heard of it, and I also watched it.### ASSISTANT: Did you enjoy those films?### HUMAN: Yes, I enjoyed them. They were good films. Very funny, very dramatic.### ASSISTANT: What did you enjoy about them?### HUMAN: gun movies. It has a lot of action a lot of killing bad people. And when Deadpool get his arms chopped off he he can regenerate his limbs.### ASSISTANT: Goodbye. |
### HUMAN: Hey! I really enjoy watching movies.### ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you like?### HUMAN: I like movies that are kind of artsy. For example The Grand Budapest Hotel is one of my favorite movies. I like movies that have a good plot and a unique story.### ASSISTANT: when you say artsy do you mean good visuals?### HUMAN: Yes, given those unique maybe different color contrasts. and with good music.### ASSISTANT: What is one of your favorite movies?### HUMAN: And The Grand Budapest Hotel and Inception.### ASSISTANT: why do you like inception?### HUMAN: I like Inception because it had really good music. It had a unique story line. That was something I've never seen before, and the visuals in the movie were really awesome. A lot of cool architecture.### ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you not like?### HUMAN: I'm not a big superhero movie fan or action. I do not like horror movies either.### ASSISTANT: why don't you like horror movies?### HUMAN: Because they scare me, make me feel bad.### ASSISTANT: have you heard of the movie Guardians of the Galaxy?### HUMAN: Yes.### ASSISTANT: What did you like about this kind of movie?### HUMAN: I like the movie because it had good music in it. It was It was a superhero movie, which I don't really care for too much. But it was a unique one. The story was really cool.### ASSISTANT: have you seen zootopia?### HUMAN: Yes.### ASSISTANT: what did you like or dislike about this kind of movies?### HUMAN: I liked it. I thought it was pretty average. It was cute. It was a child movie. It had a good message on it. And it was a little bit, you know, simple and childlike for me. But overall it was it was all right. It was good.### ASSISTANT: okay, thanks. |
### HUMAN: Hi there! I love immersing myself in a good movie.### ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you enjoy?### HUMAN: comedies, thrillers, suspense.### ASSISTANT: What appeals to you with these type of movies?### HUMAN: I like to laugh, I like to be in suspense, and I like thrillers.### ASSISTANT: Is there a specific movie you enjoy from these genres?### HUMAN: The Avengers.### ASSISTANT: What did you like about this movie?### HUMAN: I like that it's sci-fi. I've always liked Marvel comics and the characters.### ASSISTANT: Are there any type of movies that you don't enjoy?### HUMAN: dramas. musicals.### ASSISTANT: What about these movies is unappealing?### HUMAN: Dramas tend to make me cry, and I don't like to get emotional.### ASSISTANT: Is there a specific movie that you heavily dislike?### HUMAN: No.### ASSISTANT: Have you seen Thor: Ragnarok.### HUMAN: Yes.### ASSISTANT: What did you enjoy or not enjoy about this movie?### HUMAN: I've always enjoyed the Marvel comics. And I used to read Thor as a kid, and I love the action in it.### ASSISTANT: Thank you for your help and have a wonderful day! |
### HUMAN: Hello! I find joy in experiencing different movies.### ASSISTANT: Hello. I’d like to discuss your movie preferences. OK?### HUMAN: Yeah, I like superhero movies.### ASSISTANT: what do you like about them?### HUMAN: I like the fantasy, how it brings me to a greater joy and puts the ability of thinking that you can do anything if you put your mind to it.### ASSISTANT: Whats your favorite superhero movie?### HUMAN: Superman.### ASSISTANT: why is that your favorite?### HUMAN: He always does the right thing, even though he could just kill people. He just tries to uplift them and like make them be better, and just is a good person, and that just gives me hope for humanity.### ASSISTANT: Nice. Can you tell me a movie you did not like?### HUMAN: I did not like Weekend at Bernie's.### ASSISTANT: how come?### HUMAN: It just I don't like the idea of death and how it like franchises it or makes it like a cool thing and funny. It shouldn't be like that when you're dealing with someone who's dying.### ASSISTANT: I see. How did you feel about Venom?### HUMAN: I haven't seen it yet, but I will go and see it cuz it seems like it might be It's going to be up my alley with stuff that I watch and like.### ASSISTANT: hmm. What about Bridesmaids?### HUMAN: Yeah, loved it. It was like one of my favorite things ever. So funny and just like bad ass.### ASSISTANT: Awesome. Thanks for your input today. |
### HUMAN: Hello! I find joy in experiencing different movies.### ASSISTANT: can you tell me what types of movies you like?### HUMAN: I like mystery movies, not romance movies, and yeah.### ASSISTANT: ok, what about those types of movies do you like?### HUMAN: Oh, I love romance movies, love them. Love the plot, I love you know, the acting is great. I love the female driven characters and i love the resolutions.### ASSISTANT: got it, can you name a specific film you really enjoyed and why you enjoyed it?### HUMAN: Yeah. I liked 40-Year-Old Virgin. Really like that movie because it was a really funny, good Steve Carell flick. I watched it on a network. I didn't like watched it on online or out of theater I watched it on a TV network.### ASSISTANT: ok, can you tell me what types of movies you don't like?### HUMAN: Well, I can tell you I don't like action movies. Too much action for this soul.### ASSISTANT: ok, the action scenes don't excite you?### HUMAN: No. No, they don't They don't do it for me. No, I never get stimulated at the action scenes.### ASSISTANT: got it, can you name a film you didn't like? it doesn't have to be an action movie but it can be.### HUMAN: I didn't like. Let me Let me think, a movie I didn't like. I try not to watch like bad movies. Oh, I didn't like Sandlot I guess. That's way back though.### ASSISTANT: ok, no problem, can you tell me have you seen the movie star wars.### HUMAN: Oh yes. I like Star Wars, yeah. Yeah, I saw the first one for a a class I took in college, but I never I never saw I don't think I saw any of the rest of them, but now the first one. Now the first one was really good. First one was really good but. I don't know. I think they're still coming out with Star Wars movies in today.### ASSISTANT: ok, what about the first movie did you like? |
### HUMAN: Hi there! Movies are my go-to for relaxation.### ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you enjoy?### HUMAN: I really like action movies.### ASSISTANT: What appeals to you with these type of movies?### HUMAN: They are exciting, sort of like nonstop, has a really good sort of speed to them. They're just not at all boring. They're also They don't tend to be realistic, so they don't remind you of anything about everyday life, so it's a good escape, and usually an exciting one that you can really ride out and you know, and watch and be engaged for 2 hours.### ASSISTANT: The adrenaline rush from these movies definitely draws people in.### HUMAN: Exactly.### ASSISTANT: Is there a specific movie you enjoy from this genre?### HUMAN: Sure. I love Gone in 60 Seconds.### ASSISTANT: What did you like about this movie?### HUMAN: that has an ensemble cast that really works. It's clever we don't have a ton or at the time we didn't have a ton of action movies that were based around cars and car chases. So, it was a little different. And so the action was a little bit different and it was sort it was exciting to watch the car chases. So, it really worked. And it was it was pretty well written. I mean the acting was excellent, and the writing was pretty good, so it was it was enjoyable action film but also one that was not as familiar as they had been making at that point. We had way more in recent years but at that time it was fairly original.### ASSISTANT: A cast can definitely factor into a movie's success and a great story definitely needs to be there too.### HUMAN: Yes.### ASSISTANT: Are there any type of movies that you don't enjoy?### HUMAN: I don't like horror films.### ASSISTANT: What about these movies is unappealing?### HUMAN: I'm not really a fan of scaring myself while watching a film. I like to just be able to enjoy it. And for the most part, a scary movie will literally scare me, possibly cause nightmares, so it's not something that I typically go into enjoying. It's something I go into with trepidation. So it sort of defeats the purpose. I I consider movies an enjoyment, so it really does defeat the purpose for me to be watching a scary movie.### ASSISTANT: Is there a specific movie that you heavily dislike?### ASSISTANT: What do you dislike about this movie?### HUMAN: So Olympus has Fallen is a action film that is around the white house that's not particularly good and it takes itself way too seriously. So even if it was decent enough it's not realistic enough for it to be taken as seriously as it was taking itself. So, it doesn't really work. I I completely confused the cast. The supporting cast is better than the leaders.### ASSISTANT: Have you seen Black Panther?### HUMAN: I have.### ASSISTANT: What did you like or dislike about this title?### HUMAN: Black Panther is excellent. It's fantastic that it was a black cast, African American cast that is a superhero. It's just never They never have done it before. So it was refreshing. It was great to see. It was inspiring to see, and the movie was actually great. It wasn't even like it was some sort of a downgrade. It was an upgrade for superhero movies. So, the the acting is fantastic, the story line fantastic, it was all around excellent movie.### ASSISTANT: It's definitely nice to see something new that is uplifting for people.### HUMAN: Yes.### ASSISTANT: Thank you for your time and have a great day! Bye! |
### HUMAN: Hello! I appreciate a good movie whenever I can.### ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you normally watch?### HUMAN: I watch a lot of comedies.### ASSISTANT: Whats your favorite comedy movie?### HUMAN: My favorite is going to probably be Best in Show. But that's a pretty that's I don't know, it's a smaller movie. I can name a more well known movie too.### ASSISTANT: Why is it your favorite?### HUMAN: It is so excellent. It's hilarious while being clever and sort of subtle. It's The style of the movie is a mockumentary, so what it's mocking it pulls off extremely well, and the cast is just superb.### ASSISTANT: What movies do you tend to stay away from?### HUMAN: if there's a certain type that I stay away from, outside of I stay away from horror films for sure. Scary kind of movies are not my thing. I'm also not the biggest fan of tear jerkers.### ASSISTANT: What was the last movie that was disappointing?### HUMAN: Die Hard 5. A Good Day to Die Hard. That was disappointing.### ASSISTANT: What made it so bad?### HUMAN: So A Good Day to Day Hard is the part of Die Hard series so this is actually the fifth movie in the series, not only is it by far the worst, it is. Probably the weakest storyline, the one that doesn't use the sort of lead character of the series, John McClane, which is played by Bruce Willis well. It had good action. That was basically all it had going for it, but even then, it just It just wasn't great. It was I think the wrong setting. I think a lot of A lot of bad choices for that movie.### ASSISTANT: Have you seen Reservoir Dogs?### HUMAN: No, I've seen plenty of other Tarantino movies, but not that one.### ASSISTANT: What do you think about the movie Aliens?### HUMAN: Woo, really too scary for me. I know it's an excellent movie, but too scary for me in general.### ASSISTANT: What did you like about it?### HUMAN: Not much. I really haven't seen the entire thing. Sigourney Weaver's excellent, but in general, entirely too scary for me. I'd I'd have nightmares about that.### ASSISTANT: Thank you for your input, have a great day. |
### HUMAN: Greetings! I'm a fan of all kinds of movies.### ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you enjoy and why?### HUMAN: What kind of movie. I've always Well, I can't say I've always, but I like westerns now. I used to not like them as a child and now as an adult, I oddly have grown to very much enjoy a good western.### ASSISTANT: Is there a particular film you enjoy?### HUMAN: Well, I used to not like the movie Tombstone with Dark Holiday and well Whiteout played by I can't think of the actors name now. Kurt Russell and I forgot who played Dark Holiday, but as a kid I always thought it was boring but.### ASSISTANT: What did you like about that kind of film?### HUMAN: For Westerns, I think it's how simple and It's always kind of just about a single moral or I mean, sometimes you can have it where there's fantastical elements to it that lend kind of itself to like the American fairy tale, sort of. But they're always very simple stories with a little bit There's almost. It's always action in there somewhere, and they are they are kind of relaxing to watch as well. And also, I'm interested in that that world that they exist in that that western world.### ASSISTANT: Is there a particular movie you don't enjoy?### HUMAN: Whereas the genre of romantic comedies I've I like the comedy part, but the romance once are always like there's a meet cute moment and then there is, you know, they they don't get together until the very end. It's very formulated kind of I guess I've just kind of bored by the formula, but if they focus more on the comedy, I like it. I like them more.### ASSISTANT: What didn't you like about that kind of film?### HUMAN: Kind of was saying that the they very formulaic. They they don't necessarily take chances, you know what's coming. I mean they're good for probably to watch when is maybe raining on cable or something on TV, but I'm not ever going to like pay money to go to a theater to watch it unless I have to.### ASSISTANT: Have you heard about the movie True Grit?### HUMAN: Yes, and I like the the co in remake and the original with Wayne.### ASSISTANT: Would you go see the movie ?### HUMAN: In the theater, yes. I think I did, the remake. I don't remember. I know I've seen it, though. Yes.### ASSISTANT: Have you watched the movie before? |
### HUMAN: Hello! I find joy in experiencing different movies.### ASSISTANT: What are some movie genres that you like?### HUMAN: I like I like prison movies.### ASSISTANT: like what?### HUMAN: Like Like The Great Escape, so it's a movie about guys who ran a prison camp in World War II.### ASSISTANT: why is it one of your favorite movies?### HUMAN: The acting is really good in it, and I really like the plot. You know, there's a lot of plotting and planning by the by the prisoners to get out, and watching them work is a lot of fun.### ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you not like?### HUMAN: Not a really big fan of of family movies.### ASSISTANT: why is that?### HUMAN: You know it it seems like when they say family movies it's mostly for kids and you know they just don't. They just don't really appeal to me that much. They're They're They're normally very low-level plots.### ASSISTANT: have you heard of the movie Saw?### HUMAN: Yeah, I have. Yeah, I've seen I've seen a few of them.### ASSISTANT: what did you like or dislike about this kind of movie?### HUMAN: I liked the first one because it was kind of novel in that you know, you were waiting to see what the twist was, or like if there was a twist, or how they were going to get out of it. So I think it was It was a simple but effective plot.### ASSISTANT: ok thank you. |
### HUMAN: Hey! I really enjoy watching movies.### ASSISTANT: can you tell me what types of movies you like?### HUMAN: I like watching comedies, action, dramas sometimes. When I get spare time I like double into something new like documentaries or biopics.### ASSISTANT: ok, why do you like those genres of movies?### HUMAN: They're entertaining to me, I like the aspect of being. like action a lot because there's a lot of things going on at once, and when there's a lot of things going on, it catches my attention. Like I have to know what's going to happen next.### ASSISTANT: great, can you name a specific film you really enjoyed?### HUMAN: Specific film I really enjoyed recently was Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse.### ASSISTANT: what about it did you like?### HUMAN: It was different. It was a different animation. It It was like a different cartoon kind of a movie. It had elements of comic books in it, and it explored a different super a Spider-Man that everybody wasn't used to, and it told a different story, instead of the same old story. And it dabbled into like the multiverse and different universes in the world.### ASSISTANT: got it, can you tell me what types of movies you don't like?### HUMAN: I don't like thriller or horror movies at all. That's about it.### ASSISTANT: why don't you enjoy those types of movies?### ASSISTANT: ok, can you name a specific film you didn't like?### HUMAN: I did not like I don't like any of the Chucky movies at all.### ASSISTANT: got it, can you tell me have you seen iron man 3? |
### HUMAN: Hey! Watching movies is one of my favorite pastimes.### ASSISTANT: what are some movie genres that you like?### HUMAN: I like action films, drama, mystery.### ASSISTANT: Why is that?### HUMAN: Well, often I want just simple entertainment, but then sometimes if it's a drama, I like intelligent dialog, serious situations, that sort of thing.### ASSISTANT: What is one of your favorite movies?### HUMAN: The Man for All Seasons. Now that indeed was a serious drama, and I like the intelligent dialog in it.### ASSISTANT: aside from the dialogue, what else did you like about it?### HUMAN: Well overall, it was well acted. The action was very believable. You got to understand the characters' motivation, so it was a very compelling story.### ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you not like?### HUMAN: I I don't like horror films, although I do like Vincent Price, so occasionally I would watch one of those, but normally I don't like horror films. I also usually don't like animation, and actually, even though I like comedy, I don't like probably most comedy films.### ASSISTANT: why don't you like most comedy films?### HUMAN: I I feel they're too simple. They're sort of geared toward the lowest element, as far as the situation and dialog goes, so they lack the sophistication The old classic comedies had more meaningful situations than today.### ASSISTANT: what did you think of the movie Pulp Fiction?### HUMAN: I Yeah, I I guess maybe because I had seen such good reviews for it, that I was expecting more from it than I actually got. I didn't particular care for it.### ASSISTANT: what about the movie The Shawshank Redemption?### HUMAN: Yes, I I like that. Once again, that that was a good drama with good characters good character personalities in it.### ASSISTANT: ok, thanks. |
### HUMAN: Hi there! I love immersing myself in a good movie.### ASSISTANT: i would like to know what kind of movies you like.### HUMAN: Ranges from science fiction, comedy, action-adventure, political thriller, thriller, horror to an extent. The only, really, I I've even I used to not like Westerns, and I even like Westerns now. The only thing, really, I don't like are like Hallmark-type sappy movies. And maybe some rom-coms. Or musicals musicals too I don't mind.### ASSISTANT: what do you like about these movies?### HUMAN: I think it's the imagination in the the the thing that people like about going to the movies it transports you to a different world. First, at least that mean obviously for the science fiction genre. But it's a way to I can really lose myself in the stories and the excitement whereas the genres I don't like. For musicals there's not much plot usually, and I don't like the way stories are told through the music. I feel like it loses the point. It's not something that I enjoy. I don't like the songs usually and. I think that's what most people like about those movies.### ASSISTANT: can you name a movie that you liked a lot?### HUMAN: Let's see. Well, recently just cuz it the third one just came out but the and I didn't really say it but animated movies like Pixar-type movies How to Train Your Dragon, that series is a underappreciated series I think in comparison to like Toy Story and other Pixar movies. Toy Story would also be up there for me in terms of movies I like or a movie series I like.### ASSISTANT: nice. how about a movie that you didn't like. can you name one?### HUMAN: I want to say it's called It's kind a bit of musical. Across the Universe or it's the one where I forgotten the name. It's something with universe, and I think it's Beatles reference, because all the songs in the movie are Beatles songs. But, it's like a romantic story or something. Which also, I don't really like romantic comedies. I'm not sure it's a comedy, but it's definitely a musical. And I I just But name a musical, and I I probably do not like it. Little Shop Horrors, I didn't like. Though, parts of it, I kind of liked. I liked the plot of it. I just didn't like the music of it.### ASSISTANT: got it, so no musicals, even if it's about the beatles!### HUMAN: That's right. I like The Beatles music but not in a movie form. I think it's just repetition of it. It gets tiresome. Like if there's one song or two songs in the movie, maybe I can that's fine. But when it's like every 5-10 minutes or whatever, it breaks down to it gets tiresome. But I also don't like to listen to the same type of music. Like I don't listen. to a whole album because I get bored by the end of it. So, it's probably just my preferences or you know.### ASSISTANT: have you seen pulp fiction? |
### HUMAN: Hey! Movies are such a wonderful form of art.### ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you like, and why do you like this type of movie?### HUMAN: I like science fiction movies. I like science fiction movies because they always have interesting stories, and they deal with crazy new technologies or futuristic technologies.### ASSISTANT: Can you name a particular movie that you like?### HUMAN: Blade Runner, I really like Blade Runner a lot.### ASSISTANT: Can you give me a couple of reasons why you like this movie?### HUMAN: It's It's about cyborgs and it has Harrison Ford in it and I really like that and he's a bounty hunter and I've really liked the concept of bounty hunters. I think it's fun.### ASSISTANT: Can you name a movie that you do not like?### HUMAN: A movie that I don't like Let see, a movie that I don't like was the. Love, Actually.### ASSISTANT: What do you dislike about this movie? please give me 2 reasons.### HUMAN: Well I thought I thought it was really cheesy. I mean, I think the story was silly, and then And it's also just about Christmas, which I don't really like Christmas movies that much.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie Ocean's Eleven ?### HUMAN: I like the Ocean's Eleven, and I thought it was fun. It's It's fun how they get the get the whole group together.### ASSISTANT: What do you dislike about this movie? please give me 2 reasons.### HUMAN: So, about Ocean's Eleven I thought I thought although I liked it I thought the. I thought the ending could have been better. I mean, so I didn't I didn't like how they They spent too much time I think pulling the team together, even though that part was fun. It just kind of It's almost the whole movie. And then another thing I did not like was you you only get to see how they did everything at the very end.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie Crazy Rich Asians ?### HUMAN: I haven't seen Crazy Rich Asians, I have heard a lot about it though.### ASSISTANT: Would you go see it?### HUMAN: I would I would go see it. I mean I don't have anything against it.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie War for the Planet of the Apes ?### HUMAN: Actually, I did not like that movie very much.### ASSISTANT: Why do you dislike this movie? 2 reasons please.### HUMAN: I don't like the acting of Andy Serkis. I think he looks like he's mimicking an ape instead of them just using features that facial expressions an ape would make, and I also thought that the plot was stupid.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie Christopher Robin ?### HUMAN: I don't know about that movie. I have not heard of it.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring ?### HUMAN: Yeah, I liked that movie. It was incredible.### ASSISTANT: What do you like about this movie? 2 reasons please. |
### HUMAN: Hello! I find joy in experiencing different movies.### ASSISTANT: what are the certain types of features you look for in movies?### HUMAN: I like action, and I like dialog, and I like the quality of actors. If that means anything.### ASSISTANT: does the ending impact how much you like a film.### HUMAN: Well, no, cuz I like a surprise ending, so the ending doesn't have any impact on me.### ASSISTANT: Why do you like those genres?### HUMAN: because. That's what I like. I don't know. It's just my taste, I guess.### ASSISTANT: What's one of your favorite movies?### HUMAN: I'd have to say the one who flew over the cuckoo's nest. Have you ever watched it? It's very good.### ASSISTANT: no. i haven't. what did you like about that type of movie?### HUMAN: It is comical, for one, and has one of my favorite actors in it, for two, and.### ASSISTANT: who's your favorite actor.### HUMAN: I have to go with Denzel Washington. He's my favorite actor as of right now. And I like Matt Damon. He's good.### ASSISTANT: have you watched the equalizer?### HUMAN: I have. Very good movie. I've highly recommend it.### ASSISTANT: there's a sequel that just came out. are you planning on watching it?### HUMAN: I do. When it comes out online, I plan on getting right on it and watching it that very day.### ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you not like?### HUMAN: I don't like a love story, I think they're boring. And am just not the love story kind of a guy, I think they're chick flick, you know.### ASSISTANT: what if it was an action movie with a love story?### HUMAN: Maybe if you got like action so I might do it if they have good mixture, and yes. And mystery. It had a little bit of mystery in it too, you know.### ASSISTANT: Do you like movies like The Hunger Games?### HUMAN: I like The Hunger Games. I watched them all. They were all pretty good.### ASSISTANT: Do you like movies like dumb and dumber?### HUMAN: Who doesn't like Dumb and Dumber? That's very funny. I mean Jim Carrey in it was excellent.### ASSISTANT: okay. thanks for your help today. |
### HUMAN: Greetings! Movies always manage to capture my attention.### ASSISTANT: What kinds of movies do you like?### HUMAN: Sci-Fi superhero. fantasy.### ASSISTANT: Well tell me why do you like Sci-fi movies?### HUMAN: Cuz they're really exciting and different than real life.### ASSISTANT: Alright, how about a movie you liked?### HUMAN: Chronicles of Riddick.### ASSISTANT: Oh nice.### ASSISTANT: Why did you like that movie?### HUMAN: Cuz Vin Diesel's awesome, and it was a really good movie. very cohesive plot, at least I thought. I know other people didn't like it.### ASSISTANT: well I agree, is there a movie you did not like?### HUMAN: I can't think of one. No. Not that I can think of off the top of my head now.### ASSISTANT: No worries.### ASSISTANT: Ok, then have you seen the movie Inception.### HUMAN: Yes, saw that. That was okay. Leonardo DiCaprio.### ASSISTANT: What is it about these kinds of movies that you like or dislike?### HUMAN: I like Escapism. I'm a tech and I work in computers and. So, futuristic stuff appeals to me. It's different than real life. It's kind of for better or worse, it's in the future.### ASSISTANT: Wonderful. thank you for sharing. Good bye. |
### HUMAN: Hi there! I love immersing myself in a good movie.### ASSISTANT: What type of movies do you enjoy?### HUMAN: I like comedy movies.### ASSISTANT: What appeals to you with these type of movies?### HUMAN: I like to laugh out loud and enjoy them with friends.### ASSISTANT: Is there a specific movie you enjoy from this genre?### HUMAN: One movie is Panama Express.### ASSISTANT: What did you like about this movie?### HUMAN: I like the kind of crude humor with references to modern culture.### ASSISTANT: Are there any type of movies that you don't enjoy?### HUMAN: I don't really like romance.### ASSISTANT: What about these movies is unappealing?### HUMAN: They're a little too sappy for my liking. I like to be either serious or laughing.### ASSISTANT: Is there a specific movie that you heavily dislike?### HUMAN: I can't think of one right now.### ASSISTANT: Have you seen Stepbrothers.### HUMAN: Yes.### ASSISTANT: What did you enjoy or not enjoy about this movie? |
### HUMAN: Hello! Movies are a great source of entertainment for me.### ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you like?### HUMAN: I think anything with either has some action or explosions, just cuz on the big screen that you know, that's something you really get to It feels like you're experiencing it. Or something with a good plot, like a thriller or something with a surprise ending, kind of like the movie Se7en, something like that.### ASSISTANT: cool, Is there an action movie that you like?### HUMAN: Well, at this time of the year I always try to watch Die Hard probably 100 times.### ASSISTANT: What about Die hard, did you like?### HUMAN: I think it's the. how realistic it is. It doesn't feel dumb. It feels like a guy would actually be making these decisions. He's not doing anything stupid. He's trying to It's a normal guy in a extraordinary situation, and he has to figure out his way out, and everything in it feels natural or I mean, it's heightened, cuz it is an action movie, but it It It doesn't make you feel dumb watching it, which a lot of action films I think do.### ASSISTANT: OK, well how about a movie you did not like?### HUMAN: Well more recently, The Cloverfield Paradox on Netflix, which I I tend to like sci-fi, which is why I And I like the Cloverfield movies, but Cloverfield Paradox just was It didn't make any sense. It clearly felt like a It had a good cast. It had It looked good, but it was clearly a dump. by the studio cuz it is not a good movie. It just didn't work, and I felt like I got suckered in by marketing.### ASSISTANT: Interesting, in that case have you seen Inglourious Basterds.### HUMAN: Yes and I like all assuming you mean the Tarantino remaker version of the of the movie and yes I like pretty much any Tarantino movies.### ASSISTANT: What is it about these kinds of movies , did you like?### HUMAN: Tarantino movies or Inglourious Basterds?### ASSISTANT: Tarantino.### HUMAN: rapid fire kind of dialog and there's sterilized dialog with the violence. And you can tell that he really love the what he is doing that and I think that comes in the screen and the dialog and the characters and the way it's acted. And the stories are usually just simple but unique in their own way. Like Pulp Fiction is, you know, revolutionized movies and are not. and many are story telling kind of way and, yeah. It's You never know what you are going to get but you also kind of knows it feels familiar. Like every Tarantino film feels like a Tarantino film and but you never know what he is going to do next. And so it's always a fun little adventure with him.### ASSISTANT: Awesome, thank you for sharing. Have a Great day! |
### HUMAN: Hey! I really enjoy watching movies.### ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you like, and why do you like this type of movie?### HUMAN: I like comedy cuz I like to laugh a lot and have fun.### ASSISTANT: Can you name a particular movie that you like?### HUMAN: Oh my gosh. methinks. The Spy Who Dumped Me. Deadpool, Game Night.### ASSISTANT: Can you give me a couple of reasons why you like this movie?### HUMAN: Well, Crazy Rich Asians had like a romantic vibe to it and made me laugh.### ASSISTANT: Can you name a movie that you do not like?### HUMAN: No.### ASSISTANT: Not even one?### HUMAN: I can't think of one. Maybe Juno? It's been that long.### ASSISTANT: ok. what 2 things did you dislike about Juno.### HUMAN: I guess it's the storyline and I thought it was more dumb than than funny.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie Jurassic World ?### HUMAN: Yes.### ASSISTANT: Can you give me a couple of reasons why you like this movie?### HUMAN: I like the suspense.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie Mad Max: Fury Road ?### HUMAN: I don't recall seeing that one.### ASSISTANT: Have you heard of this movie?### HUMAN: No.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie Avengers: Infinity War ?### HUMAN: It was all right. I don't think I saw the whole thing.### ASSISTANT: What do you like about this movie? 2 reasons please.### HUMAN: All the characters. I guess I liked Loki.### ASSISTANT: please give me one more reason.### HUMAN: Well it was fantasy. I like the fantasy element.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie Doctor Strange ?### HUMAN: No.### ASSISTANT: Why do you dislike this movie? 2 reasons please.### HUMAN: I didn't see it, and I don't recall it.### ASSISTANT: Have you heard of this movie?### HUMAN: No.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie Ocean's Eight ?### HUMAN: Yes. It came out last year.### ASSISTANT: What do you like about this movie? 2 reasons please.### HUMAN: It's a Christian movie, and it's clean.### ASSISTANT: Thank you for your feedback. Enjoy your evening. |
### HUMAN: Hi there! Movies are my go-to for relaxation.### ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you like?### HUMAN: comedy movies.### ASSISTANT: Why do you like those kinds of movies?### HUMAN: They're really entertaining, and they make me laugh.### ASSISTANT: Can you name a particular movie you like?### HUMAN: Billy Madison.### ASSISTANT: What did you like about it?### HUMAN: It's funny, and the storyline's pretty good.### ASSISTANT: can you tell me about it? I've never seen it.### HUMAN: Its about a guy that proves to himself, and his father, and friends, and family that he can go back to school and succeed.### ASSISTANT: ok. Can you tell me a movie you did not like?### HUMAN: Probably Titanic.### ASSISTANT: why didnt you like Titanic?### HUMAN: It just wasn't the genre of movie that I like.### ASSISTANT: anything else?### HUMAN: No. I mean, it it just wasn't really the kind of movie I like to watch.### ASSISTANT: Ok. What about Wonder woman, did you enjoy that?### HUMAN: Yeah. That's really good.### ASSISTANT: So we're super hero fans?### HUMAN: Yes, I'm a superhero movie fan.### ASSISTANT: why do you like super hero movies?### HUMAN: The storyline I can relate to, and they're really entertaining.### ASSISTANT: can you please tell me more?### HUMAN: I like how engaging they are.### ASSISTANT: anything else?### HUMAN: No.### ASSISTANT: ok thanks for the input. |
### HUMAN: Greetings! Movies always manage to capture my attention.### ASSISTANT: What kind of movies to you like, and why do you like this type of movie?### HUMAN: I really like dramas. I don't like every single drama but I do like that that they can take sort of a slice of life and make something special out of it. Dramas are usually the most realistic and the most ordinary type of movies that you can go and see. So, there are makers who can make something special out of sort of an ordinary is quite an accomplishment and enjoyable to watch.### ASSISTANT: Can you name a particular movie that you like?### HUMAN: Sure. Good Will Hunting is one of my favorite movies.### ASSISTANT: Can you give me a couple of reasons why you like this movie?### HUMAN: Sure. The cast is excellent. The writing is superb. It is really It was so original and so insightful for who the characters were. Very And the movie was incredibly endearing and incredibly touching.### ASSISTANT: Can you name a movie that you do not like?### HUMAN: Sure. I don't like the Titanic.### ASSISTANT: What do you dislike about this movie? Please give me 2 reasons.### HUMAN: Sure. It is an epic film, and to me, it doesn't do well with its epicness. It is rather ordinary, and the two main characters, while likable, would have been better suited for something of a smaller scale, despite the overall grand nature of the story they were trying to tell in the historical aspect. And the other thing is that it just. It's It's so such a over hyped movie and it's just, I don't know, ordinary. It's not something that's overly enjoyable and it's nothing that you want to keep watching over and over again. It having a good soundtrack or two likable characters out of, I don't know, a hundred isn't something that you should should get loaded over so much.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie Insurgent?### HUMAN: I do.### ASSISTANT: What do you like about this movie? Please give me 2 reasons.### HUMAN: Sure. Insurgent is a sequel to Divergent and it I like the first one and the second one is very good. It is a good a really good continuation of the of the story and it's a a nice sort of second look into the characters that we met the first time but in a really showing them in a completely different not a completely different make but in a different light that we saw. first one In the first one they were battling for something competitively different than in the second one even thought they are related, so it really did carry a long the imagery well. It was very enjoyable.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie Interstellar ?### HUMAN: I haven't seen Interstellar.### ASSISTANT: Have you heard of this movie?### HUMAN: I have.### ASSISTANT: Would you go see it?### HUMAN: I would, but it's probably something that I would It's more likely that I would see with a friend who wanted to see it more than I did.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie Solo: A Star Wars Story?### HUMAN: Yeah, I I like Star Wars movies. Yes.### ASSISTANT: What do you like about this movie? Please give me 2 reasons.### HUMAN: Sure. It is Star Wars mythology and the world that they create is really something special, and this definitely continues that. The other thing is that it's just It's quite a world that they've created, so it's exciting. So it really is a nice escape, and it's incredibly detailed, so it helps to sort of create this other world. It's a lot to follow, but it is enjoyable.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice ?### HUMAN: It's not my favorite. No.### ASSISTANT: Why do you dislike this movie? Please give 2 reasons.### HUMAN: Sure. I think it was poorly thought out. I think the So I think it was poorly thought out, and the writing, because it was poorly thought out, suffered. Like they didn't They knew they were trying to do a movie that included both characters, so they were trying for something interesting, but they didn't have anything that really connected them that warranted making a movie.### ASSISTANT: Thank you for your feedback. Enjoy your evening. |
### HUMAN: Hey! Watching movies is one of my favorite pastimes.### ASSISTANT: What sort of movies do you like?### HUMAN: I like dramas.### ASSISTANT: Have you seen the Shape of Water?### HUMAN: Yes.### ASSISTANT: What did you like about that movie?### HUMAN: I like the fantasy aspect of it and it's just like a different world that was fun to watch.### ASSISTANT: What is a movie that you have seen recently that you really liked?### HUMAN: Cameron The Miseducation of Cameron Post.### ASSISTANT: And what was the reason that you liked that movie so much.### HUMAN: I think it was fun because I'm in a gay community and I think it was an accurate interpretation of what's happening. And how it goes about how I believe that, the rightness of coming out.### ASSISTANT: What about a movie you have seen recently that you didnt like.### HUMAN: I did not like Sorry to Bother You.### ASSISTANT: What didn't you like about it?### HUMAN: I thought it was inappropriate, and it wasn't realistic, and it just made me feel weird. I thought it could have been really simplified.### ASSISTANT: Have you seen Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets?### HUMAN: Yes, I have. I loved it.### ASSISTANT: What didnt you like about that movie. |
### HUMAN: Greetings! I'm a fan of all kinds of movies.### ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you like to watch.### HUMAN: My favorite kinds of movies are romantic comedies.### ASSISTANT: can you name a specific movie that fits that category, and tell me why you like that movie type.### HUMAN: Sure, like. Notting Hill it is. Sort of heart-warming and funny, and it has a happy ending. And the romance is always fun to watch develop and play out. I really like the lightheartedness and the comedy of the movies. I There's sort of enough bad things going on in the world, that I don't need to watch a ton of it in a movie. So, I like lighter, funnier comedies, and romantic comedies are my favorite kind of.### ASSISTANT: thanks so much. how about a movie that fits that movie category that u didnt like, and describe what factors you didn't like about that type of movie.### HUMAN: Sure. So like Love Adores is a easily one of the worst movies I have ever seen in my life. It is It has actually a very good cast, but the script and whatever they are trying to do in a movie is so flawed. That one is an approach where they have two women who are sort of friends and they are traveling together and they're. embarking on sort of a new part of their life, but to say it doesn't work is an understatement. It's It's very bizarre. It sort of starts as like a romantic comedy and turns into a bit of a thriller, which It's based on a book, and I never read the book, so I don't think that's how the book turns out, but it's completely unexpected and not how they sold the movie. And So that was bad writing, really bad directing, and just a bad idea in general, despite having. Sort of a well known and trustworthy cast to pull it off, but you can't pull off something that's this bad.### ASSISTANT: thanks for the description on why you didn't like that movie type. have you seen the movie to all the boys i've loved before.### HUMAN: I have.### ASSISTANT: did you like that kind of movie.### HUMAN: I love that kind of movie.### ASSISTANT: why is that.### HUMAN: That's more like a teen movie, another favorite genre of mine. I love teen movies. They are sort of like They actually are almost, in many ways, either a mini comedy or a mini romantic comedy. Except, because they're teen-focused, they are even more simplistic, because they, you know, they're young, they only have so many things going on, you know, it'll be it's like sort of, you know, their problems are limited to. Mostly boys' school, girls', maybe getting into college, that kind of thing. But, they don't have a a ton of real life problems going on. So, it's pretty simple. And So But, there's still a lot you can do. And it's good for the audience because we all had to go through that time, so it's something easy to look back and laugh on. But, yeah. In the movie in particular, unknown to me, the girl who stars in it was really good.### ASSISTANT: Yes, the girl who stars was really good. |
### HUMAN: Hello! I find joy in experiencing different movies.### ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you like, and why do you like this type of movie?### HUMAN: I like action movies because they get me hyped and pumped up.### ASSISTANT: Can you name a particular movie that you like?### HUMAN: Die Hard.### ASSISTANT: Can you give me a couple of reasons why you like this movie?### HUMAN: I enjoyed the acting story and the type of characters in the movie itself.### ASSISTANT: Can you name a movie that you do not like?### HUMAN: I didn't enjoy Casino very well.### ASSISTANT: What do you dislike about this movie? please give me 2 reasons.### HUMAN: I thought that the movie was just way too long and the story was too complicated of all.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie Interstellar?### HUMAN: Yes.### ASSISTANT: What do you like about this movie? 2 reasons please.### HUMAN: I thought the special effects were fantastic, and I thought the acting overall was very believable.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie Rambo: First Blood Part II ?### HUMAN: Yes I do.### ASSISTANT: What do you like about this movie? 2 reasons please.### HUMAN: I really enjoyed the action scenes and I thought the story was excellent overall.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie Forrest Gump?### HUMAN: Yes, I do.### ASSISTANT: What do you like about this movie? 2 reasons please.### HUMAN: I thought the story and characters in the movie was great overall.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie Avengers: Age of Ultron ?### HUMAN: Yes, I do.### ASSISTANT: What do you like about this movie? 2 reasons please.### HUMAN: I really enjoyed the special effects, and I like seeing the the mixture of different type of characters in this movie.### ASSISTANT: Thank you for your feedback. Enjoy your evening. |
### HUMAN: Hello! I find joy in experiencing different movies.### ASSISTANT: hello.### HUMAN: Hello.### ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you like?### HUMAN: Dramas, mostly.### ASSISTANT: Why do you like those kinds of movies?### HUMAN: If they are written well then the story and the character are usually engaging and I find it to be a good exploration of the human condition.### ASSISTANT: Can you name a particular movie you like?### HUMAN: Yeah, Her.### ASSISTANT: What did you like about that movie?### HUMAN: I loved that it was I mean, even in a somewhat not too distant future or whatever, with a lot of technological convenience and you know, relative prosperity, that people can still end up alone somehow. I think that's incredibly valuable and worth exploring.### ASSISTANT: I see. Can you tell me a movie you did not like?### HUMAN: Sure. Let's say the 50 Shades series. I didn't like any of those.### ASSISTANT: How come you did not like those?### HUMAN: I thought that the I think that the material is terrible. I think that it should not have been green lit either as a book or as a movie. And, I am disappointed in at least American audiences that it has made as much money as it has as a series.### ASSISTANT: did you like the incredibles?### HUMAN: Yeah, I did.### ASSISTANT: nice. How come you like superhero movies?### HUMAN: I Well truthfully, I really enjoy seeing the visual effects and the sound design. I'm always I'm always mesmerized by the things that you know, visual artists and animators are able to come up with. Plus there's sort of an element of I like to put myself in the shoes of a superhero and imagine that I'm them, but I don't get too carried away with stuff like that, usually.### ASSISTANT: thanks for your input.### HUMAN: You're welcome.### ASSISTANT: Until next time.### ASSISTANT: Bye. |
### HUMAN: Hello! I find joy in experiencing different movies.### ASSISTANT: Hello. What kind of movies do you like?### HUMAN: I like action movies.### ASSISTANT: Why do you like actions?### HUMAN: Because of the guns.### ASSISTANT: what else?### HUMAN: the scenes.### ASSISTANT: Can you name a particular movie that you like?### HUMAN: Tropic Thunder.### ASSISTANT: What are the 2 things that you like about this movie?### HUMAN: the actors and the action. Robert Downey Jr.'s really good in it, and so is Jack Black.### ASSISTANT: Other than the actors and actions, what other 2 things?### HUMAN: The stage set up and the coloring.### ASSISTANT: Can you name a movie that you do not like?### HUMAN: I don't like any of the Halloween movies.### ASSISTANT: What are the 2 things that you dislike about halloween movies?### HUMAN: I just don't I they're really cheesy. I think that they could be more fleshed out, better written. I think that a lot of like the things that people like about those movies are the things that turn me off about it.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie Christopher Robin?### HUMAN: I haven't seen that movie, so I can't comment on it.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie Mission Impossible?### HUMAN: Yeah, I like that movie.### ASSISTANT: Can you give a couple of reasons why you like this movie?### HUMAN: I like the action and I like how it was shot.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie Reservoir Dogs?### HUMAN: Yes.### ASSISTANT: Can you give a couple of reasons why you like this movie?### HUMAN: I like the action scenes, I like the actors, I like the director, and I like how it was shot.### ASSISTANT: Thank you for the feedback. Good night. |
### HUMAN: Hello! Movies are a great source of entertainment for me.### ASSISTANT: What kinds of movies do you like?### HUMAN: I like romantic comedies. I like comedies and dramas.### ASSISTANT: Cool, why do you like romantic comedies?### HUMAN: Oh, I can just relate to them. They keep my interest. They make me forget about you know, my real problems in life.### ASSISTANT: I see, is there a particular movie that you like?### HUMAN: Nothing specific. I just really like them all.### ASSISTANT: Well, how about a movie you disliked?### HUMAN: Let me think about that for a minute. I didn't really like. Crazy Stupid Love, that was not a very good movie.### ASSISTANT: Why didn't you like crazy stupid love?### HUMAN: The acting wasn't very good and it wasn't very convincing.### ASSISTANT: Alright, have you then seen Crazy Rich Asians ?### HUMAN: I haven't but I heard it was good.### ASSISTANT: How about Die Hard?### HUMAN: Die Hard I saw it long time ago. Yeah, I've seen that.### ASSISTANT: Was there something you liked or disliked about these kinds of movies? |
### HUMAN: Hey! I really enjoy watching movies.### ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you normally watch?### HUMAN: Now I watch a lot of different types of movies, but I like mysteries and thrillers quite a bit.### ASSISTANT: What was the last movie that surprised you?### HUMAN: The last one I watched was called Prisoners.### ASSISTANT: What made the movie surprise you?### HUMAN: It just had an unexpected twist at the end that I didn't see coming.### ASSISTANT: What movie did you see last that was disappointing?### HUMAN: Can't really think of any off the top of my head that I saw recently that were disappointing.### ASSISTANT: Have you seen Bridesmaids?### HUMAN: Nope.### ASSISTANT: Have you seen Ant Man?### HUMAN: Yep.### ASSISTANT: What did you like the most about that movie?### HUMAN: I guess I liked that it was a comic book movie about not a standard like superhero. It wasn't like a Superman or a Batman or like one of the more famous ones. And it had Paul Rudd, and I like Paul Rudd a lot, so that was a plus.### ASSISTANT: Have you seen Aladdin?### HUMAN: Yes, I have.### ASSISTANT: What don't you like about Aladdin? |
### HUMAN: Hey! Watching movies is one of my favorite pastimes.### ASSISTANT: what are some type of movies that you like?### HUMAN: I like drama films, and I also like films about sports.### ASSISTANT: what do you like about dramas?### HUMAN: I like their plot. I like the romance in them. You know, it's interesting you should ask that, because I I really do enjoy the drama films. And they go back to like the core of acting too, like there's not a whole lot of like action in there. Like I really liked About Schmidt. I don't know if you could call that a drama film, but there's a lot of drama in that film.### ASSISTANT: so aside from the drama what else did you like about that movie.### HUMAN: The deadpan acting from the lead character is really funny. Well, the film is a lot funnier than people like actually think it is. Some of it Some of it did get a little like over the top like the guy the like before the wedding he took like a ton of prescription pills and like that's not realistic. But it was really really funny.### ASSISTANT: Can you name me a movie you didn't like?### HUMAN: Yeah, I didn't like. Jeez, The Bye Bye Man I really didn't like. Just such a stupid idea. I heard one of my co-workers say like, oh, it's a bad film. It's a bad film. It's a really pathetically named film. It's really awful. I'm like, all right, I should go see it. Then. Of course I go see it and it turns out to be absolutely a hot pile of garbage.### ASSISTANT: so your coworker was right then.### HUMAN: Yeah, absolutely. She was absolutely right.### ASSISTANT: have you heard of the movie Big Hero 6?### HUMAN: No, I haven't heard of that movie. I don't watch like a lot of new movies, I don't really watch a lot of. I like some of the older movies, but I I really haven't watched movies in a long time.### ASSISTANT: okay. Have you seen the movie Inglorious Bastards?### HUMAN: No, I haven't seen that movie.### ASSISTANT: what about black swan?### HUMAN: No, I haven't seen Black Swan. I've seen. Oh, The Burmese Harp. I saw I saw The Burmese Harp.### ASSISTANT: how was that?### HUMAN: That was a really good movie. That was a piece on when the Japanese invaded I think Indonesia back in the '40s or '50s like during World War II. It follows this guy who like finds this Buddhist monk and they play the harp. There is no real harp in it, but they do sing like Home Sweet Home. It's a period piece, it's really gorgeously done. I thought it was really good. It's dubbed in English. It's not dubbed like it has subtitles in English. I think it's spoken in Japanese.### ASSISTANT: what did you think of the ending?### HUMAN: The ending, oh, the ending was was really good. Like, I think he goes home. I don't think there's like a love interest in the story per se. It's about war, you know, it's about war. And he goes on this beach once. I think it ends it ends on a ship with his like wise Buddhist giving a statement of like He might be reading, no, he's reading he's reading the guys that he's reading the protagonist letter as all the Japanese troops on the ship go home.### ASSISTANT: okay. thanks. |
### HUMAN: Hey! Watching movies is one of my favorite pastimes.### ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you like?### HUMAN: comedy. I like funny movies.### ASSISTANT: What is your favorite comedy?### HUMAN: The Hot Chick. My favorite comedy is The Hot Chick.### ASSISTANT: What is a movie that you recently watched that disappointed you?### HUMAN: A movie that I watched recently that disappointed me? That's a hard one, I have to think about that. Maybe the movie Samson.### ASSISTANT: What did you dislike about it?### HUMAN: How they treated Samson so badly.### ASSISTANT: Have you seen the movie The Matrix?### HUMAN: The Matrix. I've seen bits and pieces of it. It's pretty old.### ASSISTANT: What do you not like about The Matrix?### HUMAN: It's not that I don't like. I just never really got into it. I've only seen bits and pieces. I mean, Keanu Reeves is pretty good looking. What's there not to like?### ASSISTANT: Have you seen The Hunger Games? |
### HUMAN: Hey! I really enjoy watching movies.### ASSISTANT: Can you tell me what types of movies you enjoy watching?### HUMAN: drama, fantasy, documentaries. Sometimes family, but that's about it.### ASSISTANT: And what do you like about those types of movies?### HUMAN: The storytelling if it's pretty good. I like how detailed and creative that people can get with different characters and different plot making, so I think you can really make up a lot of stuff.### ASSISTANT: Alright, what’s one of your favorite movies?### HUMAN: Well, Back to the Future, the whole trilogy, I guess.### ASSISTANT: And what was it about those movies that made it enjoyable?### HUMAN: Just the storytelling and the characters and how over time like what happened. Like it was a lot of surprises, and the heroism of the main characters.### ASSISTANT: OK. Now tell me about a movie you didn’t like.### HUMAN: I guess Super Troopers, cuz it was kind of one of those movies that the comedy wasn't as good as it could have been, and it was It just really wasn't funny. It was corny and dorky, and how they initiated and executed like you know, just parts of the story of. So it wasn't that great.### ASSISTANT: I see.### ASSISTANT: Have you seen the Guardians of the Galaxy?### HUMAN: Yes. First one.### ASSISTANT: What did you think of it?### HUMAN: I'm I'm glad that they included a lot of the characters that are a part of the comics and But, they could have made the part a little bit better towards the end. I didn't like the outcome and. But the second one is better. But yeah, the first one was kind of I didn't really care. I saw bits I saw more bits of the second one. I didn't see all of it, but from what I saw, it was better.### ASSISTANT: Ok. And have you seen A Space Odyssey?### HUMAN: I've not seen the Space Odyssey.### ASSISTANT: Have you heard of it?### HUMAN: No. I don't think I've heard of that.### ASSISTANT: Alright, What about the Justice League? Have you seen that one?### HUMAN: I haven't seen that one yet. I heard the end of it wasn't that great. Like Spider-Man dies or something.### ASSISTANT: Aw, man! So not very interested to see it?### HUMAN: Not really. I'm more interested in like the single comic book characters like Batman, like Dark Knight. I saw those. Superman one was okay. Like Man of Steel. Captain America.### ASSISTANT: Fair enough. What did you think of Captain America?### HUMAN: I like I like how they built up the story and how he went to the army and just the cinematics of it was very good.### ASSISTANT: I agree!### HUMAN: It went into more details in his story. They were like like the new Spider-Man: Homecoming I think with the the kind of I don't know. It was cheesy. It wasn't like more serious, like even the first The second one with Andrew Garfield was pretty good. It showed Gwen Stacy instead of Mary Jane, so but they were still both serious installments.### ASSISTANT: I get it.### ASSISTANT: Well, thanks for being such a good sport and discussing your movie preferences with me today.### HUMAN: I enjoyed it. That was pretty good talking about some movies. I hope you enjoy rest of your day.### ASSISTANT: Thanks you as well! |
### HUMAN: Hello! I find joy in experiencing different movies.### ASSISTANT: What kind of movies to you like, and why do you like this type of movie?### HUMAN: I like action movies. They are sort of exciting, usually fun and really quite an escape from, you know, your real life. It's usually not something you are going to be encountering. So it's really an experience you are not going to be you can really embrace yourself and and not think, "Oh, this is real life and it's about to happen." So it's it could be a lot of fun, very exciting. And sort of a real thing you can immerse yourself in for a few hours.### ASSISTANT: Can you name a particular movie that you like?### HUMAN: Sure. I love Bourne Ultimatum.### ASSISTANT: Can you give me a couple of reasons why you like this movie?### HUMAN: Sure. Bourne Ultimatum is a excellent movie on literally every front. It is a excellent acting, excellent writing, excellent direction. The direction is usually overlooked but the directing is phenomenal and it helps make the movie absolutely perfect. It is a very tight movie. There is barely a a a second that is wasted. and I don't know. Let's say the movie is like 2 hours or 2 hours and 20 minutes or something. It feels like it goes by so quickly because it's just It has such a rhythm to it, and you're just immersed and involved with what's going on. And it's a character you can root for, and just people you like And this is a continuing series, so you really know the character already, and you're really there to root them on.### ASSISTANT: Can you name a movie that you do not like?### HUMAN: Yes, unlike so many I did not like Dark Knight.### ASSISTANT: What do you dislike about this movie? Please give me 2 reasons.### HUMAN: Sure, Dark Knight is a Batman movie, and Batman already had an original, and it's so the problem of Dark Knight for me is is not true to the comic, and we saw a movie that was great and true to the comic. So, I don't like the joker character, it's not that bad. Keith Ledger was bad as the joker necessarily, not exactly, it's that it was not written very poorly. It was so dark. So the two things I really don't like are it wasn't funny which is what the joke was supposed to be and the writing was extremely disappointing and very dark so just it was a a just bad all around for me.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie Guardians of the Galaxy?### HUMAN: That's not a movie I have seen, but it's the kind of movie that I would like, that's a superhero movie.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie The Purge?### HUMAN: Oh God! No.### ASSISTANT: What do you dislike about this movie? Please give me 2 reasons.### HUMAN: Sure. I don't like horror movies, so I don't like scary things, and I don't like sort of things that are meant to just sort of scare and gross you out, which is what The Purge is trying to do.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie It's Christmas, Eve?### HUMAN: I'm not sure I know that movie.### ASSISTANT: Have you heard of this movie?### HUMAN: I don't think so.### ASSISTANT: Would you go see it?### HUMAN: It kind of sounds like something that I would see, yes! It does.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie The Nutcracker and the Four Realms?### HUMAN: I like the Nutcracker. I'm not sure what the Four Realms is. I was at the new one. Yes, that would be something that I would see.### ASSISTANT: Do you like the movie Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince ?### HUMAN: No.### ASSISTANT: Why do you dislike this movie? Please give 2 reasons.### HUMAN: Sure. First real reason is I am not a Harry Porter reader therefore not really a Harry Porter fan and in general I don't like fantasy movies not a rule but they're not my favorite type of movies.### ASSISTANT: Thank you for your most insightful feedback. Enjoy your evening. |
### HUMAN: Hi there! I love immersing myself in a good movie.### ASSISTANT: Awesome, well what kinds of movies do you like?### HUMAN: I really love comedy movies.### ASSISTANT: Well, tell me why do you like comedy movies.### HUMAN: You know there's a lot of stress in life and I just like to kickback, put on a funny movie and just laugh a lot.### ASSISTANT: cool, what is your favorite movie.### HUMAN: I really love road trip.### ASSISTANT: alright, Why is that your favorite movie.### HUMAN: The characters getting in a lot of silly situation and I just pretty much laugh the entire situation.### ASSISTANT: Interesting, is there a movie you do not like.### HUMAN: I don't like Paul Blart: Mall Cop.### ASSISTANT: oh, Why not.### HUMAN: Didn't really like the main character and just the entire situation of the movie just didn't really sit with me.### ASSISTANT: Ok, then have you seen the movie Johnny English Strikes Again.### HUMAN: I have.### ASSISTANT: What is it about this kinds of movies that you like or dislike?### HUMAN: It was really interesting to see a character. completely oblivious in serious situations, and I laughed a lot during the movie.### ASSISTANT: Wonderful. thank you for sharing. Good bye.. |
### HUMAN: Hello! Movies are a great source of entertainment for me.### ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you enjoy and why?### HUMAN: I like the really like the thrillers, you know, stuff like Memento or you know, something that's got some twists and turns in it. Maybe it makes you think it's going to end one way and then ends the other. I like The Sixth Sense or that Gone Girl was pretty good, even though it was kind of. It was kind of easy to tell it was going, but it was still still pretty good. Also trying to think of another one.### ASSISTANT: Is there a particular film you enjoy?### HUMAN: Yeah, The Usual Suspects, because Mainly because I really When I watched it the first time, it's one of those movies that you can't really I mean, you can watch it more than once, but you The first time you watch, you won't know the twist, so it really kind of grabs you. And with that one, I really didn't have any clue. I mean, usually you might have some kind of inkling of what's going to happen, but with that movie to me, it just really kind of grabbed me, and I was like, man. It left me kind of speechless at the end.### ASSISTANT: What did you like about that film?### HUMAN: I liked that I didn't I couldn't predict the ending of it. You know, like I said just a second ago. You know, it was really a unique movie, and you know, just had a a great ending that you really just did not expect at all.### ASSISTANT: Is there a particular movie you don't enjoy?### HUMAN: I wasn't a huge fan of the Harry Porter movies. It's not that I didn't enjoy them so much, it's just, I don't know, I just wasn't I never read the books I guess I just wasn't as interested in them as everybody else. I actually. I don't think I've seen all of them to be honest. I never watched the first couple.### ASSISTANT: What didn't you like about those films?### HUMAN: Oh. I don't know. It's nothing really particularly You know, not any one particular thing. To me, they were just kind of boring and I don't know. I mean I It's odd because I generally like those kinds of types of things, but to me something I guess maybe if I would have read the books as a kid, then I would probably you know like it more. But it just wasn't all that interesting to me.### ASSISTANT: Have you heard about the movie Get Out?### HUMAN: Yeah, I actually haven't seen it. I'm not a big horror movie kind of guy, either. But I heard it was good. I probably will watch it. Like I said.### ASSISTANT: Would you go see the movie Get Out?### HUMAN: I might Netflix it. I didn't go see it when it was out, or I don't know. You know, now that you're saying it, maybe I should go to the box and rent it tonight, cuz I'm pretty sure it's up there. But I had heard it was good. It just didn't. It's just not my kind of thing, really.### ASSISTANT: Did you see the movie the movie Overlord?### HUMAN: Is that the one. With the Nazis and zombies, I think. If it is, I haven't seen it. I think I saw the preview for it at something I went to not too long ago. Yeah, it's not generally something I would probably go to the movies and see. But I would probably I think it was either directed by Eli Roth or If it's the one I'm thinking about, or he was a producer. So I probably would watch that one, but no, that's not something that I would go to the theaters and see.### ASSISTANT: Have you heard about the movie Thor?### HUMAN: Yeah, I saw that. I've seen all the Thors. I like it. The last one I thought was really good, probably the best of all of them.### ASSISTANT: What did you like about that kind of movie?### HUMAN: Just the hero kind of thing and you know I like the moral universe movies, they are really good.### ASSISTANT: See you later. |
### HUMAN: Greetings! I'm a fan of all kinds of movies.### ASSISTANT: What kind of movies do you like?### HUMAN: Maybe sci-fi and action, probably my two favorites.### ASSISTANT: Why do you like sci-fi?### HUMAN: I don't know. It tends to be I guess the most interesting to me. It's difficult to explain exactly why that would be. But I'll think of something else. I'm interested in future and technology, so perhaps it relates to that.### ASSISTANT: Is there a particular movie that you like?### HUMAN: The Matrix jumps to mind.### ASSISTANT: Why did you like the matrix?### HUMAN: It was really good, the action was great, the dialog was good but most importantly the concept was pretty unique and interesting and.### ASSISTANT: Nice, how about a movie you did not like?### HUMAN: I have never really liked any horror movies, with possibly one exception for The Ring, which was pretty good. But for the most part I would pass on all those.### ASSISTANT: Why don't you like horror movies?### HUMAN: They are just terrible, I don't understand why anyone would like them. Why would you want to scare yourself?### ASSISTANT: Well, then have you seen the movie Deadpool?### HUMAN: Deadpool I think had a couple of sequels. I think I saw the first one, but I'm not sure if I'm getting it confused with one of the later ones.### ASSISTANT: Ok, what was it about deadpool you liked or dislike? |
### HUMAN: Hey! Movies are such a wonderful form of art.### ASSISTANT: What kinds of movies do you like?### HUMAN: I like comedy and action, sci-fi, animation, and horror movies.### ASSISTANT: Why do you like action movies?### HUMAN: They get you into them that you feel involved in the movie when you watch it.### ASSISTANT: Is there an action movie that you liked?### HUMAN: Right now am watching Skyscraper. And I liked the the Marvel movies as well.### ASSISTANT: What is it about Skyscraper that you liked?### HUMAN: I haven't seen all of it yet but it looks interesting.### ASSISTANT: Ok, how about a movie you do not like?### HUMAN: I don't like too much the medieval movies, you know and stuff like Harry Potter. I wasn't that big into and and stuff from that age in time.### ASSISTANT: well, Do you not like fantasy movies?### HUMAN: It depends what the fantasy movies are about. And I'm not into Western movies, either.### ASSISTANT: ok, have you seen Inception?### HUMAN: No, I haven't seen that one, yet.### ASSISTANT: Have you heard of it?### HUMAN: Yes.### ASSISTANT: Do you plan on watching it?### HUMAN: I might get to it eventually. It seems interesting.### ASSISTANT: Ok, have you seen Ocean's Eleven?### HUMAN: No, I have not seen that one.### ASSISTANT: Have you then seen black panther?### HUMAN: Yes, I like that one. That was good.### ASSISTANT: What is it about thee kinds of movies did you like?### HUMAN: They make you feel involved in the movie, and you're interested in watching them. You don't get bored, and you don't feel like you want to get up and and do stuff around the house, or anything.### ASSISTANT: and what about it do you dislike?### HUMAN: I guess just ones that are kind of boring and make you wish you were doing something else instead of sitting there watching it.### ASSISTANT: Awesome. thank you for sharing.good bye. |
End of preview. Expand
in Data Studio
A modified dataset of English dialogs between a user and an assistant discussing movie preferences in natural language. In the foundational dataset, it initially had 502 records.
Dataset Information
- Name: ccpemv2.jsonl
- Version: Version 0.2
- Modifications Included: Transformed to ### User:... ### Assistant:... format
- Language: English
- License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
Original Dataset Citation
title = {Coached Conversational Preference Elicitation: A Case Study in Understanding Movie Preferences},
author = {Filip Radlinski and Krisztian Balog and Bill Byrne and Karthik Krishnamoorthi},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue ({SIGDIAL})},
year = 2019
- Downloads last month
- 142