translation | laser_score
float32 1.05
| source_sentence_lid
float32 0.5
| target_sentence_lid
float32 0.95
"afr": "Dit is maklik om te sien dat almal op die metro voel ook geïrriteerd.",
"eng": "It was easy to see that everyone else on the subway felt irritated, too."
} | 1.11223 | 0.99999 | 1.00001 |
"afr": "Die AU het byvoorbeeld die de facto-staatsgreep in Zimbabwe in 2017 geïgnoreer.",
"eng": "For example, the AU turned a blind eye to the de facto coup in Zimbabwe in 2017."
} | 1.11223 | 0.98762 | 0.99958 |
"afr": "Ek was toe maar vir 2 weke 'n vegetariër.",
"eng": "I was a vegetarian for 2 weeks."
} | 1.11223 | 1.00001 | 0.99998 |
"afr": "U wil nie net 'n ewekansige YouTube -kanaal skep nie - u wil 100 000 intekenare bereik.",
"eng": "You don't want to just create a random YouTube channel - you want to get to 100,000 subscribers."
} | 1.11223 | 0.99981 | 0.99867 |
"afr": "\"Ons het op rekord gesê ons is oop vir deelname van die privaat sektor.",
"eng": "\"We are on record, saying we are open to the participation of the private sector."
} | 1.11223 | 1.00001 | 1 |
"afr": "Racing in Car is die beste mobiele racing game jy is op soek na.",
"eng": "Racing in a car is the best mobile racing game you are looking for."
} | 1.11223 | 0.98385 | 1 |
"afr": "Meer spesifiek, Dit is geleë in die staat van Baden-Württemberg en beslaan 'n beduidende gedeelte van dit.",
"eng": "Mais especificamente, it's located in the state of Baden-Wurttemberg and occupies a significant portion of it."
} | 1.11223 | 0.99769 | 0.99664 |
"afr": "Dit word in die statuspaneel vertoon en mag ook gevind word \"",
"eng": "This is shown in the status pane, and may also be found by \""
} | 1.11223 | 1 | 1.00001 |
"afr": "U kan San Siro bereik met die M5-metro vanaf die middestad van Milaan.",
"eng": "You can reach San Siro by the M5 metro line from Milan central."
} | 1.112229 | 0.99028 | 0.99981 |
"afr": "Op Rosh Hashanah, moet ons ontwaak en openhartig en onpartydig wees oor ons lewens: Wie ons is, waar ons was, en in watter rigting ons oppad is.",
"eng": "On Rosh Hashanah, we need to wake up and be honest and objective about our lives: Who we are, where we've been, and which direction we're headed."
} | 1.112229 | 0.99999 | 0.99992 |
"afr": "Om dié rede het die EU verbind € 400 miljoen om hulle te help met die hervormings wat nodig is om te voldoen aan die deur die ooreenkoms uiteengesit reëls.",
"eng": "For that reason, the EU has committed €400 million to assist them with the reforms needed to comply with the rules set by the agreement."
} | 1.112229 | 1.00001 | 1.00001 |
"afr": "Danny is probeer om jou te vertel sy vriend se suster, Nicole Aniston, oor sy reis na Argentinië maar hou sy onderbreek hom.",
"eng": "Danny is trying to tell his friend's sister, Nicole Aniston, about his trip to Argentina but she keeps interrupting him."
} | 1.112229 | 1 | 0.99989 |
"afr": "\"Ons het nuwe komplikasies geskep [die widgets wat direk op die horlosie kan word] \"Dat meer detail te wys,\"Voeg hy by.",
"eng": "\"We've created new complications [the widgets that can be put directly on the watch face] \"that show more detail,\"Ол қосады."
} | 1.112229 | 1 | 0.99884 |
"afr": "Dit help wetstoepassing op so 'n manier dat ontmoetings op 'n lae vlak maklik afgehandel word eerder as om eskaleer tot 'n soort waar die gebruik van geweld nodig word.",
"eng": "It aids law enforcement in such a way that low-level encounters are settled easily rather than escalating to a kind where the use of force becomes necessary."
} | 1.112229 | 0.99912 | 1 |
"afr": "Hulle het meer gefokus op die voorkoming van mislukking as wat hulle besig is om 'n goeie uitkoms te behaal.",
"eng": "They've been more focused on avoiding failure than they are on achieving a good outcome."
} | 1.112229 | 1.00001 | 1 |
"afr": "Ons kan stilte oefen.",
"eng": "We can practice stillness."
} | 1.112229 | 0.98504 | 0.99821 |
"afr": "Dan vanaf 00: 00 van die volgende dag by sy aankoms in China, kan hy / sy in die aangewese gebiede bly sonder 'n Chinese visum vir 72 / 144 uur.",
"eng": "Then from 00:00 of the next day upon his/her arrival in China, he/she can stay in the designated areas without a Chinese visa for 72/144 hours."
} | 1.147787 | 1.00001 | 0.99992 |
"afr": "Dit kan vir die onderwyser wees om dit saam met sy gesin te geniet of om die hele klas bymekaar te kry (dit kan baie koördinasie behels en soek na vrye ruimtes in die ouers se agenda sodat almal saamstem).",
"eng": "It can be for the teacher to enjoy it with his family or to get the whole class together (this can involve a great deal of coordination and search for free spaces in the parents' agendas so that everyone agrees)."
} | 1.112229 | 1.00001 | 1 |
"afr": "\"Vertel jou vriende waar hulle ook al is om na Pretoria te kom en na die Uniegebou op te ruk.",
"eng": "Tell your friends from wherever they are, to come to Pretoria and we march to the Union Buildings."
} | 1.112229 | 1.00001 | 0.99996 |
"afr": "\"Ons het gekyk na 'n aantal verskillende dieet blootstelling en geharde vleis het regtig uitgestaan.\"",
"eng": "\"We looked at a number of different dietary exposures, and cured meat really stood out."
} | 1.112229 | 0.99977 | 0.99995 |
"afr": "\"'n Verstandelik gestremde tiener en 'n 66-jarige pensioenaris wat deur twee ervare polisiebeamptes verkrag is.",
"eng": "\"A mentally ill teenager and a 66-year-old pensioner having been raped by two experienced police officials."
} | 1.112229 | 0.99955 | 0.99995 |
"afr": "in 2003, die Universiteit van Newcastle, saam met vyf ander Australiese universiteite (Macquarie, La Trobe, Flinders, Griffith en Murdoch) gestig Innoverende navorsingsuniversiteite Australië (gees).",
"eng": "In 2003, the University of Newcastle, together with five other Australian universities (Macquarie, La Trobe, Flinders, Griffith and Murdoch) established Innovative Research Universities Australia (IRUA)."
} | 1.112228 | 0.98414 | 0.9925 |
"afr": "Jy kan sê \"Jy is altyd so lief vir vreemdelinge op die straat.",
"eng": "You can say, \"You're always so kind to strangers on the street."
} | 1.147787 | 1.00001 | 0.99957 |
"afr": "'Jy sien, jy moet jou nie skaam om oud te word nie, jy speel nie net die slim man nie, maar alle antieke artikels soos jy het ook baie waarde!",
"eng": "\"You see, you should not be ashamed of growing old, not only you get to play the smart guy all the time, but all antiques like you also have great value!"
} | 1.112228 | 1.00001 | 1 |
"afr": "nuwe geskiedenis vir die nasie en die hele mensdom.",
"eng": "new history for the nation and all humankind."
} | 1.112228 | 1.00001 | 0.99923 |
"afr": "Wat is die klant se lewenswaarde (CLV of CLTV) of die lewenswaarde (LTV)?",
"eng": "What is Customer Lifetime Value (CLV or CLTV) or Lifetime Value (LTV)?"
} | 1.112228 | 1 | 0.99936 |
"afr": "Kan nie digitale produkte verkoop nie",
"eng": "Can't sell digital products"
} | 1.112228 | 1 | 0.98637 |
"afr": "Hierdie stuk herinner my aan James Joyce se bekende uitdrukking \"modern man has an epidermis rather than a soul.\"",
"eng": "The Book of Skin bears out James Joyce's claim that \"modern man has an epidermis rather than a soul."
} | 1.112228 | 0.97081 | 0.99934 |
"afr": "In ons natuurlike staat is ons verwyderd van God.",
"eng": "In our natural state, we are disconnected from God."
} | 1.147786 | 0.99989 | 1 |
"afr": "In Desember 2011, nadat die Kongres gereed was om 'n ses maande moratorium op sluiting op te lê, het die USPS-bestuur vrywillig 'n vries van dieselfde lengte aanvaar.",
"eng": "In December 2011, after Congress appeared ready to impose a six-month moratorium on closures USPS management voluntarily adopted a freeze of the same length."
} | 1.112227 | 0.99679 | 0.99927 |
"afr": "Dakota Blue Richards is n Engelse aktrise.",
"eng": "Dakota Blue Richards is an English actress."
} | 1.112227 | 0.90227 | 0.9992 |
"afr": "Hulle getal sal aansienlik aangroei nadat die ongelowige meerderheid na hul land teruggekeer en sommiges van hulle ook geestelik herleef het:",
"eng": "Their numbers will be considerably increased after the unbelieving majority have been restored to their land and some of them also spiritually revived:"
} | 1.112227 | 1.00001 | 1.00001 |
"afr": "Verbeter jou vlotheid in Engels met die mees up-to-date leerder se woordeboek op jou vingers.",
"eng": "Improve your fluency in English with the most up-to-date learner's dictionary at your fingertips."
} | 1.112227 | 0.997 | 0.99954 |
"afr": "Soos 'n feniks wat uit sy as opkom, begin Duvan sy volle potensiaal om op Atlanta, 'n klub waaraan Sampdoria aan hom verkoop is nadat die Italiaanse span besluit het dat hy nie meer nodig is nie.",
"eng": "Like a phoenix that rises from its ashes, Duvan began exhibiting his full potential at Atlanta, a club that he was sold to by Sampdoria after the Italian side decided that he was no longer needed."
} | 1.112227 | 0.99998 | 1.00001 |
"afr": "Maar mense benodig ook baie noodsaaklike mikro- en makrovoedingstowwe vir goeie gesondheid.",
"eng": "But humans also need many essential micro- and macronutrients for good health."
} | 1.112227 | 1.00001 | 0.99996 |
"afr": "roete Donald se neem jy aan die linkerkant, sodat jy nooit te sien wat aan die einde van die pad.",
"eng": "Donald's route takes you to the left, so you never see what's at the end of the road."
} | 1.112227 | 1.00001 | 1 |
"afr": "Het doel van alle geleerdheid is de erkenning van Hem Die het Oogmerk is van alle kennis",
"eng": "The end of all learning is the recognition of Him Who is the Object of all knowledge"
} | 1.147785 | 0.72174 | 1 |
"afr": "Maar vir die meeste van ons sal daar altyd 'n paar items oorbly wat ons nie voltooi het nie.",
"eng": "But for most of us, there will always be a few items leftover every day that we didn't get completed."
} | 1.112227 | 1.00001 | 0.99994 |
"afr": "\"Ons wil 'n duidelike bevestiging van die vordering wat gemaak is\" in die gesprekke, Griekeland se premier Alexis Tsipras het gister aan 'n kabinetsvergadering gesê.",
"eng": "\"We want a clear confirmation of the progress that has been made\" in the talks, Greece's Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras told a cabinet meeting yesterday."
} | 1.112227 | 0.99879 | 0.99948 |
"afr": "Waarom nie 'n geleentheid, drankies, middagete hou of bel om een van die vele kundiges wat Wêreldvrugbaarheidsdag ondersteun op 2 November tussen 12vm en 5:XNUMX te vra nie?",
"eng": "Why not hold an event, a drinks, a lunch or call in to ask one of the many experts supporting World Fertility Day on 2 November between 12 pm and 5 pm."
} | 1.112227 | 0.99878 | 0.99992 |
"afr": "Nog steeds partytime met Andrew W.K.",
"eng": "Still Partying with Andrew W.K."
} | 1.112227 | 0.90594 | 0.99946 |
"afr": "The Book of Antelopes.",
"eng": "The book of antelopes."
} | 1.112227 | 0.58248 | 0.9797 |
"afr": "Latyns-musiek is so ryk, diverse en stimulerend as sy kultuur.",
"eng": "Latin music is as rich, diverse and stimulating as its culture."
} | 1.112227 | 1 | 0.99993 |
"afr": "Raphaël is 'n klein JavaScript-biblioteek wat jou werk met vektorgrafika op die web moet vereenvoudig.",
"eng": "\"Raphaël is a small JavaScript library that should simplify your work with vector graphics on the web."
} | 1.112226 | 0.98319 | 0.99995 |
"afr": "Volgens die Regulasie op bilaterale beleggingsooreenkoms Ooreenkomste, Deur die Europese Parlement en die Raad op 12 Desember 2012 (aangeneemIP / 12 / 1362), Sal bilaterale belegging ooreenkomste wat tans bied beskerming van die belegging na verskeie Europese beleggers bewaar totdat hulle vervang deur die EU-ooreenkomste.",
"eng": "According to the Regulation on Bilateral Investment Agreements, adopted by the European Parliament and the Council on 12 December 2012 (IP/12/1362), bilateral Investment Agreements that currently offer investment protection to many European investors will be preserved until they are replaced by EU agreements."
} | 1.112226 | 0.99983 | 0.99959 |
"afr": "Het jy die regte ruimte vir 'n groot hond?",
"eng": "Do you have space for a large dog?"
} | 1.112226 | 1.00001 | 0.99999 |
"afr": "Vernoem na vroeë oorwinnings Napoleon se by die slag van Rivoli, hierdie pragtige boulevard is die tuiste van die Louvre en die Tuileries Garden.",
"eng": "Named after Napoleon's early victories at the battle of Rivoli, this beautiful boulevard is home to the Louvre and the Tuileries Garden."
} | 1.112226 | 1.00001 | 0.9995 |
"afr": "Mirra Alfassa - die Mutter",
"eng": "Mirra Alfassa, known as The Mother"
} | 1.112226 | 0.64763 | 0.99999 |
"afr": "\"Ons kan doen wat ons gedoen het, wat 'n meer geslote samelewing geword het, die regering magtig om ons e-pos te lees, in ons telefoongesprekke te luister, mense sonder gevangenisse in die tronk te sit, wette op te stel wat dit makliker maak vir die regering om doen daardie soort dinge.",
"eng": "\"We can do what we've been doing, which is become a more closed society, authorize the government to read our emails, listen in our telephone calls, put people in prison without charges, enact laws that make it easier for the government to do those sorts of things."
} | 1.112226 | 0.99999 | 0.99997 |
"afr": "Dever, William G. Wat het die Bybelse skrywers geweet en wanneer het hulle dit geweet ?: Watter argeologie kan ons vertel oor die werklikheid van die antieke Israel.",
"eng": "Dever, William G. What Did the Biblical Writers Know, and When Did They Know It?: What Archaeology Can Tell Us About the Reality of Ancient Israel."
} | 1.112226 | 1.00001 | 0.99187 |
"afr": "Op die langtermyn word sedentêre gedrag geassosieer met 'n reeks fisiese gesondheidsprobleme, Met inbegrip van hoër kankerrisiko's.",
"eng": "In the long run, sedentary behavior is associated with a range of physical health problems, including higher cancer risks."
} | 1.112225 | 0.99997 | 0.99989 |
"afr": "LottoAgent het reeds ongeveer $ 70 miljoen aan pryse uitgedeel.",
"eng": "LottoAgent already distributed around $70 million in prizes."
} | 1.112225 | 0.8247 | 0.99913 |
"afr": "Fusies en verkrygingsondernemings - om navorsing en opvoeding aan M & A-ondernemings te bied, sal ideaal wees.",
"eng": "Mergers & Acquisition Firms - providing research and education to M&A firms would be ideal."
} | 1.112225 | 0.99971 | 0.99828 |
"afr": "Hierdie generator werk in alle lande.",
"eng": "This generator works in all countries."
} | 1.147784 | 0.99274 | 0.99947 |
"afr": "Hoe te Make A Hand Warmer",
"eng": "How to make a Hand Warmer"
} | 1.112225 | 0.71861 | 0.9999 |
"afr": "Dit is ook belangrik dat daar besef word dat daar geen volmaakte dissiplinêre stelsel bestaan nie en dat meriete, diskresie en menslikheid altyd in ag geneem moet word.",
"eng": "It is also important to realise that no perfect disciplinary system exists and that merit, discretion and humanity always have to be taken into account."
} | 1.112225 | 0.99989 | 0.99999 |
"afr": "Kwaliteit aanlyn mediese faktuur kursusse bestaan en dit is maklik om te leer wat betrokke is en hoe om 'n goeie program te vind.",
"eng": "Quality online medical billing courses exist and it's easy to learn what's involved and how to find a good program."
} | 1.112225 | 0.99993 | 0.99986 |
"afr": "Ek gaan u 'n paar idees gee sodat u u meesterklas in die sitkamer van u huis kan instel en die beste Engels-onderwyser vir u kinders kan word.",
"eng": "I'm going to give you some ideas so that you can set up your masterclass in the very living room of your home and tea become the best English teacher for your children."
} | 1.112225 | 0.99984 | 1.00001 |
"afr": "Soos in die film, sal die kind beantwoord die vrae.",
"eng": "As in the movie, the child will answer questions."
} | 1.112225 | 0.99999 | 0.99985 |
"afr": "Neem byvoorbeeld die probleem om betroubare data te kry - 'n belangrike bate om enige reaksie te bestuur.",
"eng": "Take, for example, the problem of getting reliable data - a crucial asset in managing any response."
} | 1.112225 | 0.99996 | 0.99865 |
"afr": "Die vier word ondersoek vir verbode opkikkermetodes tussen 2012 en 2017.",
"eng": "The four are under investigation for employing prohibited doping methods between 2012 and 2017."
} | 1.112225 | 0.99995 | 0.99997 |
"afr": "Jou toekoms is net so belangrik soos die rekeninge wat jy nou moet betaal.",
"eng": "\"Your future is just as important as the bills you have to pay now."
} | 1.147783 | 1.00001 | 1.00001 |
"afr": "Elke spel van Hoyle, die # 1 merk in ontspanspeletjies, is maklik om te leer en pret om te speel.",
"eng": "Each game from Hoyle, the 1 brand in casual games, is easy to learn and fun to play."
} | 1.112225 | 0.99942 | 1 |
"afr": "Sedert die Tweede Wêreldoorlog het Ethiopië 'n aktiewe rol in wêreld- en Afrika-aangeleenthede gespeel.",
"eng": "Since World War II, it has taken an active role in world and African affairs."
} | 1.112224 | 0.99998 | 0.99876 |
"afr": "Ek het nie soos die titel, maar kon nie kom met iets anders.",
"eng": "I didn't like that title but couldn't come up with something else."
} | 1.112224 | 1.00001 | 1 |
"afr": "Die boom van die oostelike hemlock is inheems aan die noordooste van Noord-Amerika, waar hy sy lewe as 'n understory-boom begin.",
"eng": "The eastern hemlock tree is native to northeastern North America, where it starts its life as an understory tree."
} | 1.112224 | 1.00001 | 0.99999 |
"afr": "In hierdie wonderlike spel wat jy moet kies een van die Bratz karakter, wat is in 'n skoonheidsalon moet omskep word.",
"eng": "In this wonderful game you should choose one of the Bratz character, who in the beauty salon must be transformed."
} | 1.112224 | 0.99999 | 0.99998 |
"afr": "Alle operateurs het 'n pet op hoeveel data kan afgelaai per maand en dit is duur om meer bedrag van data te koop wanneer dit loop uit. veeleisende aanlyn (rekenaar- en video-speletjies) Jy kan nie speel op mobiele breëband.",
"eng": "All operators have a cap on how much data can be downloaded per month and it is expensive to buy more amount of data when it runs out. demanding online (computer- and video games) You can not play on mobile broadband."
} | 1.112224 | 0.99485 | 0.99993 |
"afr": "Ek ondersteun hierdie mense.",
"eng": "\"I support these people."
} | 1.112224 | 1.00001 | 0.99999 |
"afr": "My life, has a story, it just comes in poetry.: wat maak jou gelukkig",
"eng": "My life, has a story, it just comes in poetry.: Gift to me."
} | 1.112224 | 0.79198 | 0.99986 |
"afr": "Dit is moontlik met steroïede.",
"eng": "It is possible with Steroids."
} | 1.112224 | 1.00001 | 0.99999 |
"afr": "Alle wit Amerikaners is nie in dieselfde boot nie, en ook nie alle wit Amerikaners het toegang tot dieselfde opvoedkundige of werksgeleenthede nie, en ook nie alle blankes woon in dieselfde wyk nie.",
"eng": "All white Americans are not in the same boat, nor do all white Americans have access to the same educational or job opportunities, nor do all whites live in the same neighborhoods."
} | 1.147783 | 0.99983 | 0.99991 |
"afr": "Wat is een Murder Mystery Party Game?",
"eng": "What is a Murder Mystery Party?"
} | 1.112224 | 0.50303 | 0.99977 |
"afr": "Byvoorbeeld: As die groei van jou besigheid 'n groter behoefte aan kantoorruimte tot gevolg gehad het, moet jy enkele eenvoudige bedrywighede soos telemarketing of data-invoer uitkontrakteer om die behoefte aan ruimte te verminder.",
"eng": "Example: If the growth of your business has resulted in an increased need for office space, outsource some simple operations such as telemarketing or data entry to reduce the need for space."
} | 1.112224 | 0.99959 | 1 |
"afr": "Bowendien word \"steeds groen\" steeds belangriker in ons samelewing - en herwinning is 'n hoeksteen van groen lewe.",
"eng": "Besides, \"going green\" continues to be increasingly important in our society - and recycling is a cornerstone of green living."
} | 1.112224 | 0.99876 | 0.99976 |
"afr": "As hulle ontslae oopgemaak vir een of ander rede, they will be far more painful and susceptible to bacterial infection.",
"eng": "If they get opened for any reason , they will be far more painful and susceptible to bacterial infection ."
} | 1.112224 | 0.5578 | 0.99998 |
"afr": "Vang al u data in 'n geïntegreerde onderneminghulpbronbeplanningstelsel (ERP) vir klein ondernemings en klein ondernemings in.",
"eng": "Capture all your data in an integrated enterprise resource planning (ERP) system for small businesses and midsize companies."
} | 1.112224 | 0.97963 | 0.99858 |
"afr": "Saam sal ons voorstelle die nodige veranderinge aanspoor, alle burgers in staat stel om die voordele van klimaatsoptrede so gou moontlik te ervaar en ondersteuning te bied aan die kwesbaarste huishoudings.",
"eng": "Together, our proposals will spur the necessary changes, enable all citizens to experience the benefits of climate action as soon as possible, and provide support to the most vulnerable households."
} | 1.112224 | 0.9996 | 0.99955 |
"afr": "Regeringsubsidies het die stigting van Australië se 38 universiteite ondersteun en alhoewel 'n aantal private universiteite ook gestig is, ontvang die meerderheid fondse van die regering.",
"eng": "Government grants have supported the establishment of Australia's 38 universities and although several private universities have been established, the majority receive government funding."
} | 1.112224 | 0.99528 | 0.99991 |
"afr": "In die vorm van 'n 'L' op haar voorkop",
"eng": "In the shape of an \"L\" on her forehead"
} | 1.112224 | 0.97858 | 1.00001 |
"afr": "Hy het bygevoeg dat sy kantoor ʼn aantal versoeke van Ethiopiese burgers ontvang het wat vrees vir hul lewens.",
"eng": "He added that his office had received a number of pleas for help from Ethiopian citizens who feared for their lives."
} | 1.112224 | 1.00001 | 1.00001 |
"afr": "Dit verg egter meer as toeval om die woord \"church\" af te lei van 'n minder belangrike figuur in die Griekse mitologie, of dit nou gekoppel is aan 'n belangrike mitologiese songod of nie.",
"eng": "However, it takes more than coincidence to derive the word \"church\" from a minor figure in Greek mythology, whether connected to a major mythological sun god or not."
} | 1.112224 | 0.99998 | 0.99998 |
"afr": "Maak seker dat jy nie die konsole oopmaak of sigbare skade veroorsaak nie, as jy die konsole moet herstel vir herstel.",
"eng": "Make sure not to open the console, or cause visible damage, in case you need to send the console back for repairs."
} | 1.112224 | 1.00001 | 0.99993 |
"afr": "Meer Trump: Ons het nog nie met Kanada begin nie.",
"eng": "As far Canada is concerned, we haven't started with Canada yet."
} | 1.112223 | 0.99974 | 0.99961 |
"afr": "Elizabeth Jordan Carr is die eerste baba van die Verenigde State gebore uit die in-vitro-bevrugtingsprosedure en die 15de in die wêreld.",
"eng": "Elizabeth Jordan Carr is the United States' first baby born from the in-vitro fertilization procedure and the 15th in the world."
} | 1.112223 | 0.99992 | 0.99974 |
"afr": "Hulle is aangeraai om Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) te probeer, maar na 'n jaar se probeer het hulle nog nie swanger geword nie.",
"eng": "They were advised to try Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), but after a year of trying, they still hadn't conceived."
} | 1.112223 | 0.99998 | 0.99949 |
"afr": "Dit het my vanoggend tot vieruur die oggend bygehou, maar die nuwe webwerf is eenvoudig, tot op die punt en bied al die inligting wat iemand nodig het oor wat dit is DK New Media doen.",
"eng": "It kept me up until about 4 in the morning this morning, but the new site is simple, to the point, and provides all the information someone needs about what it is that DK New Media does."
} | 1.112223 | 0.9999 | 0.99999 |
"afr": "'10), verloor net om die upscale Aprilia RSV4 Factory model.",
"eng": "'10), losing out only to the upscale Aprilia RSV4 Factory model ."
} | 1.147782 | 0.96136 | 0.99471 |
"afr": "Antwoord: Teleurstelling in God is nie noodwendig verkeerd of sondig nie; eerder, dit is deel van die menslike toestand.",
"eng": "Answer: Disappointment with God is not necessarily wrong or sinful; rather, it is a part of the human condition."
} | 1.112223 | 0.99898 | 1 |
"afr": "Wat oor 'n hand?",
"eng": "\"How's about a hand?"
} | 1.112223 | 0.91998 | 0.9991 |
"afr": "Onderwyser woon en werk tans in sy villa op die eiland Capri.",
"eng": "Teacher currently lives and works in his villa on the island of Capri."
} | 1.112223 | 0.99999 | 1.00001 |
"afr": "Die paparazzi is honger vir die wulpse oomblikke, sodat jy moet sneaky wees.",
"eng": "The paparazzi are hungry for salacious moments, so you'll have to be sneaky."
} | 1.112223 | 1 | 0.99905 |
"afr": "17) van haar huis.",
"eng": "712) from her home."
} | 1.112223 | 0.58861 | 1.00001 |
"afr": "Welkom by ons Aansoek is die kollektiewe interaktiwiteit.",
"eng": "Welcome to our Application is the collective interactivity."
} | 1.147782 | 1.00001 | 0.99555 |
"afr": "Hulle word binnelands gereguleer en het ook 'n aansoek by CySec in Europa (en verwante MiFID-nakoming) ingedien.",
"eng": "They are regulated domestically and have also lodged an application with CySec in Europe (and related MiFID compliance)."
} | 1.112223 | 0.999 | 0.99996 |
"afr": "Wat dit verg om 600 (of 30) in SAT -leeswerk te kry",
"eng": "What It Takes to Get a 600 (or 30) in SAT Reading"
} | 1.112223 | 0.99771 | 0.99765 |
"afr": "Osteen het gesê: \"Jy weet, ek is baie versigtig om te sê wie hemel toe sal gaan en wie nie.",
"eng": "Osteen's response: \"You know I'm very careful about saying who would and wouldn't go to heaven."
} | 1.112223 | 1.00001 | 0.99994 |
"afr": "Die Universiteit het bestaan uit twee afdelings (fakulteite): filosofiese en teologiese.",
"eng": "The University consisted of two departments (fakultate): philosophical and theological ."
} | 1.112223 | 0.99971 | 0.99903 |
"afr": "Dit is bekend as geprogrammeer dood 1 (PD1) en, sedert sy ontdekking, navorsers het probeer om sy funksie te ontwrig.",
"eng": "It is known as programmed death 1 (PD1) и, since its discovery, researchers have been trying to disrupt its function."
} | 1.112223 | 0.99998 | 0.99998 |
"afr": "Sy voel al die ouens rond en kan nie vind wat sy wil hê.",
"eng": "She feels out all the guys around and can't find what she wants."
} | 1.112223 | 1.00001 | 1.00001 |
Subsets and Splits