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Integriertes Entwicklungsprogramm in der ländlichen Gemeinde Bossofala, 2. Phase Integrated Development Program for 17 villages in the rural community of Bossofala, Koulikoro, 2nd phase Integriertes Entwicklungsprogramm in der ländlichen Gemeinde Bossofala, 2. Phase Integrated Development Program for 17 villages in the rural community of Bossofala, Koulikoro, 2nd phase Integriertes Projekt in der Gemeinde Bossofala zur Ernährungssicherung mit Schwerpunkten auf Stärkung der Klimawandelresilienz, Verbreitung agrarökologischer Techniken, Frauenförderung unter anderem durch Vernetzung und Einkommen schaffende Maßnahmen, sowie Sensibilisierungskampagnen zu Gleichstellung für Männer. Bildungsförderung durch die Einrichtung von ländlichen Übergangsbildungszentren. Integrated food security project in Bossofala municipality, focusing on strengthening climate change resilience, dissemination of agro-ecological techniques, women's empowerment through networking and income-generating activities, as well as gender awareness campaigns. Promotion of education through the establishment of rural transitional education centres. | Principal gender equality objective |
Assess SE-CCAD proj Bedömn. SE-CCAD proj Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. | No gender equality objective |
Programutveckling 2002 Program development 2002 - Press Clubs The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. | No gender equality objective |
PRISMA 2.0 - Pakistan To understand burden of adverse maternal and infant outcomes in LMIC settings. of PRISMA 2.0 - Pakistan from 07/31/2023 to 12/31/2025. Grantee name: Aga Khan University. | Significant gender equality objective |
WorldBankstudy/Education - WorldBankstudy/NHRD/EC Världsbankstudie/UND Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. | No gender equality objective |
Thai Nguyen distribution Thai Nguyen distribution - Supply contract Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. | No gender equality objective |
Vänort Centralasien 2003 Twincity CAA 2003 The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. | No gender equality objective |
UNIDO Selam Volvo Mechanics PPP 2012-17 UNIDO Selam Volvo Mechanics PPP 2012-17 A PPP-project within Vocational training in ethiopia. The partners are Volvo, Sida, UNIDO and Selam Vocational training academy. The aim of the project is to enable graduating youths to access formal employment within a relevant field one year after graduation. Ett PPP-projekt inom yrkesutbildning i etiopien. Samverkan sker mellan Sida, UNIDO, Volvo och Selam Vocational Training Academy. Projektet syftar till att skapa möjlighet för ungdomar som tar examen att erhålla arbete inom den formella sektorn inom ett år. 1. Provide underprivileged youth with skills enabling them to escape poverty and secure stablelivelihoods.2. Help strengthen vocational training focused on formal employment in modern sectors andthereby respond to unmet demand for skilled technicians playing key roles in the economictransformation in Ethiopia and in the region.3. Engage a major multinational company in active provision of human resource developmentoutside its own organization, thus leveraging funds for development through new forms ofcooperation between a supplier of vocational training and the business sector. | Significant gender equality objective |
Local Cooperation Fund (LCF) in Tanzania The informal sector is a major source of employment for poor and illiterate women in Tanzania. 43% of Tanzanian women derive their income from this sector. Yet in Tanzania informal sector businesses run by women are unregulated and not supported or monitor
ed by the Government. They are characterized by low growth lack of access to markets information land and credit. The project aims to build the capacity of women market traders in order to: to facilitate women in markets to organize themselves as an entry
point to form market women associations, promoting and building the women's leadership, training and supporting women who show potential and interest to become market leaders.The project will promote business and marketing capacities of women market trader
s through facilitating the formation of Village Banking Groups (VICOBA). The project will work to: provide space for women to access information and made some relevant information on policy and guidelines related to running market business, link women with
other services such as legal services HIV/AIDS counselling.Objectives of the activities are: to strengthen and support the capacity of women market groups and associations for leadership and advocacy purposes, to promote business and marketing capacities
of women market traders through skills knowledge and capital building,to facilitate access to information to women traders on legal human rights and policy issues, to improve the interactions and links between women traders traders and market officials for
accountability purposes, to document and disseminate women market model policy legislation and practise change.The final results of the activities are: stronger clearer heard voices of market women groups who are organised, strong women groups formed, wom
en effectively participating in decision making forums within the markets and with market authorities, women saving and credit schems formed, women concerns and demands are articulated and heard by market committees and the Ilala Municipality | Significant gender equality objective |
NATIONAL STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK (NSF) MoE coordination system strengthened to respond to HIV/AIDS in line with National Strategic Framework (NSF) commitments, which contributes to Hiv Prevention. UNICEF aims to achieve this through Systems Strengthening And Institution Building. This contributes to the following Country Programme result: 80% of adolescents have correct information and relevant skills and have
access to services to reduce their risk and vulnerability to HIV | Significant gender equality objective |
Promotion of women’s collective COOPAMEM R.L., beekeepers, in Nicaragua Förderung der Imker-Frauengenossenschaft COOPAMEM R.L. / Nicaragua The purpose of this project is to increase the income of the women’s collective by 40%. The project fund will make possible the purchase of protective suits, beehives and equipment. The collective is assuming the workshops in topics such as basics of accounting, marketing and customer care. Nach Durchführung des Projektes sollen die Einnahmen der Frauen um 40% gestiegen sein. Aus Projektmitteln werden Schutzanzüge, Bienenstöcke und Ausrüstungsgegenstände gekauft. Der Trägerverein wird Schulungen der Genossenschaftsmitglieder in Themen wie Grundlagen der Rechnungsführung, Vermarktung und Kundenbetreuung übernehmen. | Significant gender equality objective |
Women taking the lead in local communities <p>Main objective: Create conditions for women to participate fully and effectively in the development of an equal and democratic society in line with EU-related sector reforms.</p><p>Specific objectives:</p><p>1. Enhanced capacities of WCSOs and women community leaders to fully participate in policy- and decision-making processes and reforms.</p><p>2. Improved access to advocacy opportunities for WCSOs and women community leaders.</p> | Significant gender equality objective |
UN-Worldbank Prevention Study VN-Weltbank Präventionsstudie Implementation of the UN-Worldbank Prevention Study following its publication in various regions. The study looked at how development processes can better interact with diplomacy and mediation, security, and other tools to prevent conflict from becoming violent. Implementierung der VN-Weltbank Präventionsstudie nach Veröffentlichung in unterschiedlichen Regionen. die Studie untersuchte, wie Entwicklungsprozesse besser mit Diplomatie und Mediation, Sicherheitspolitik und anderen Maßnahmen interagieren können, um gewaltsame Konflikte zu verhindern. | Significant gender equality objective |
TANESCO Mangement Support TANESCO Mangement Support The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. | No gender equality objective |
CARE FOR CHILDREN WITH WASTING Girls and boys under five years of age in Somalia have increased and more equitable access to quality nutrition services for early
detection and treatment of wasting by 2025, which contributes to Early Detection And Treatment Of Malnutrition, Early Detection And Treatment Of Malnutrition (Covid). UNICEF aims to achieve this through Developing And Leveraging Resources And Partnerships, Fostering Innovation And Use Of New Technologies, Operational Support To Programme Delivery, Systems Strengthening And Institution Building, Systems Strengthening To Leave No One Behind, United Nations Working Together. This contributes to the following Country Programme result: By 2025, girls and boys under five years of age, adolescent girls and women in Somalia have increased coverage of quality
nutrition services and adoption of appropriate diet and nutrition related behaviors. | Significant gender equality objective |
Mast prog Land Mgmt I - Mast prog land mgmnt1 Mast prog Land Mgmt I Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. | No gender equality objective |
5.1 AWARENESS ON WOMEN AND CHILDREN'S RI 5.1 By 2014 increased awareness on issues relating to the rights of children and women, which contributes to Child Poverty / Public Finance For Children, External Relations And Partnerships, Communication And Resource Mobilization. UNICEF aims to achieve this through Advocacy And Public Engagement, Developing And Leveraging Resources And Partnerships, Evaluations, Research And Data. This contributes to the following Country Programme result: By 2014, Strengthened relevant development partnership platforms and media capacity for increasingly reflecting issues concerning
the rights of children and women in accordance with international ethical standards. | Significant gender equality objective |
Rückkehr- und entwicklungspolitische Bildungsarbeit (BtE Bildung trifft Entwicklung, CHAT der WELTEN, Seminarprogramm) 2019-2020 Return and development education / Education meets Development 2019-2020 Rückkehr- und entwicklungspolitische Bildungsarbeit (BtE Bildung trifft Entwicklung, CHAT der WELTEN, Seminarprogramm) 2019-2020 Return and development education / Education meets Development 2019-2020 Die Bildungsveranstaltungen richteten sich an Zielgruppen verschiedener Altersstufen und Bevölkerungsgruppen sowohl in der formalen Bildung als auch im Bereich der außerschulischen
Bildung. Lehrkräfte, Erzieherinnen und andere Multiplikatorinnen zählen zu den Zielgruppen von
Fortbildungsangeboten. The training sessions were aimed at audiences of different ages and Populations both in formal education and in the field of non-formal Education. Teachers, educators and other multipliers are among the target groups of Training and educational programs. | No gender equality objective |
BIRTH REGISTRATION The national civil registry system improves its ability to guarantee the delivery of the birth certificate within the first month
of birth, which contributes to Birth Registration, Promotion Of Care, Mental Health And Psychosocial Well-Being And Justice, Promotion Of Care, Mental Health And Psychosocial Well-Being And Justice (Covid). UNICEF aims to achieve this through Community Engagement, Social And Behaviour Change, Data, Research, Evaluation And Knowledge Management, Evaluations, Research And Data, Systems Strengthening And Institution Building, Systems Strengthening To Leave No One Behind. This contributes to the following Country Programme result: By 2021, UNICEF will have contributed to ensuring that children, adolescents and families more disadvantages from the country's
priority municipalities have access to improved programmes and services for the care of victims of violence, including gender-based
violence, promoting a culture of peace and good treatment, and the timely registration. | Significant gender equality objective |
Bridge Priority Access Bridge Priority Access The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. | No gender equality objective |
Evaluation rep ALERT Utvärderingsrap. ALERT The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. | No gender equality objective |
Continuation of the Caritas Programme for Training, Counselling and Coordination of Development Work in the Archdiocese of Bulawayo Integrierte Förderung von Kleinbauernfamilien zur Ernährungssicherung in der Erzdiözese Bulawayo Continuation of the Caritas Programme for Training, Counselling and Coordination of Development Work in the Archdiocese of Bulawayo Integrierte Förderung von Kleinbauernfamilien zur Ernährungssicherung in der Erzdiözese Bulawayo Continuation of the Caritas Programme for Training, Counselling and Coordination of Development Work in the Archdiocese of Bulawayo Integrierte Förderung von Kleinbauernfamilien zur Ernährungssicherung in der Erzdiözese Bulawayo | No gender equality objective |
IR 3.1: CHILD PROTECTION SERVICES Specialized child protection services at national and subnational levels are strengthened, which contributes to Access To Justice, Child Protection And Emergencies, Child Protection Systems, Child Protection – Strengthen Families And Communities, Prevention And Response Services For Violence Against Children, Violence, Exploitation And Abuse. UNICEF aims to achieve this through Advocacy And Public Engagement, Developing And Leveraging Resources And Partnerships, Evaluations, Research And Data, Operational Support To Programme Delivery, Systems Strengthening And Institution Building. This contributes to the following Country Programme result: Quality and coverage of child protection services and programmes to prevent violence against children are strengthened and
supported by national policies and budgets | Significant gender equality objective |
Verbesserter Zugang zu Gesundheitsleistungen durch gemeinnützige Krankenversicherungen mit besonderem Fokus auf Frauen und Kinder Improved Access to Health Care through CBHI with special focus on women and children Verbesserter Zugang zu Gesundheitsleistungen durch gemeinnützige Krankenversicherungen mit besonderem Fokus auf Frauen und Kinder Improved Access to Health Care through CBHI with special focus on women and children Verbesserter Zugang zu Gesundheitsleistungen durch gemeinnützige Krankenversicherungen mit besonderem Fokus auf Frauen und Kinder Improved Access to Health Care through CBHI with special focus on women and children | Significant gender equality objective |
Revision konsulter 2003 Audit of consultants 2003 The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. | No gender equality objective |
C4D IN HEALTH Community voices and action help to improve both quality and focus of health facilities to include child and family- friendly
services, which contributes to Early Detection And Treatment Of Malnutrition, Health And Development In Early Childhood And Adolescence, Operations Support To Programme Delivery, Safe And Equitable Water, Sanitation And Hygiene Services And Practices, Strengthening Primary Health Care And High-Impact Health Interventions, Strengthening Primary Health Care And High-Impact Health Interventions (Covid), Water, Sanitation And Hygiene Systems And Empowerment Of Communities. UNICEF aims to achieve this through Community Engagement, Social And Behaviour Change, Systems Strengthening And Institution Building, Systems Strengthening To Leave No One Behind. This contributes to the following Country Programme result: By 2021, pregnant women and new-borns, children and adolescents have equitable access to essential lifesaving health care services | Significant gender equality objective |
Stärkung traditioneller Gesundheitssysteme zur Anpassung an vom Klimawandel verursachte Überschwemmungen im Norden Bihars in Indien Women led traditional health cultures for resilience to climate-change induced disasters in North Bihar, India Stärkung traditioneller Gesundheitssysteme zur Anpassung an vom Klimawandel verursachte Überschwemmungen im Norden Bihars in Indien Women led traditional health cultures for resilience to climate-change induced disasters in North Bihar, India Stärkung traditioneller Gesundheitssysteme zur Anpassung an vom Klimawandel verursachte Überschwemmungen im Norden Bihars in Indien Women led traditional health cultures for resilience to climate-change induced disasters in North Bihar, India | Significant gender equality objective |
Duvar-Exclusive reporting on human rights violations in Turkey The overall objective of the project is to come up with exclusive articles that focus on human rights abuses in today’s Turkey ranging from minorities to women, to children, journalists et al. Duvar English would like to contribute to the country’s objective reporting scene which is very weak at the moment due to heavy government monitoring and pressure over the mainstream media landscape. | Significant gender equality objective |
Stärkung der Gleichstellung von Frauen und Mädchen im Distrikt Chuong My Strengthening gender equality of women and girls in Chuong My District Stärkung der Gleichstellung von Frauen und Mädchen im Distrikt Chuong My Strengthening gender equality of women and girls in Chuong My District Stärkung der Gleichstellung von Frauen und Mädchen im Distrikt Chuong My Strengthening gender equality of women and girls in Chuong My District | Principal gender equality objective |
Women Empowerment Hub (WE-Hub) in Lebanon The Overall Objective (Impact) of this action is to promote advancement and empowerment of women for effective realisation of gender equality. The action will contribue to increasing women¿s leadership and participation in political and public spheres , foster an enabling environment for better engagement of women in the workforce and enhancing key legislative reform and measures that protect women from all forms of violence. The action builds on the achievements of past and on-going EU funded programmes to promote women¿s rights and gives continuity to ongoing efforts in the area of reducing social and legal barriers to women¿s participation in the political and economic sphere. This includes activities addressing social barriers and contributing to lifting reservation on CEDAW articles for which Lebanon made reservations. The action will follow practical approaches recommended to reduce GBV and ensure proper interpretation and application of existing laws as well as harmonization with human rights approaches | Principal gender equality objective |
TIFA Rättshjälp (Indones) TIFA Access to Justice Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. | No gender equality objective |
DMM TF END VAW 2014-2015 UNWOMEN TF Eliminate Violence Against Women | Principal gender equality objective |
Go Bifo - Building a Sustainable and Resilient Future for formerly incarcerated women Go Bifo - Aufbau einer nachhaltigen und beständigen Zukunft für haftentlassene Frauen Building a Sustainable and Resilient Future for formerly incarcerated women through responding to immediate needs of women and girls upon release, strengthening peer-to-peer support network for formerly incarcerated women and
by enhancing the economic status and the general well-being of formerly incarcerated women and girls. Aufbau einer nachhaltigen und beständigen Zukunft für haftentlassene Frauen durch Deckung unmittelbarer Bedürfnisse nach Haftentlassung, Stärkung der gegenseitigen Unterstützungsnetzwerke haftentlassener Frauen und durch Erweiterung der wirtschaftlichen Möglichkeiten und der generellen Lebensumstände haftentlassener Frauen und Mädchen. | Significant gender equality objective |
Nuclear Security 2000 - Nuclear Security Kärnämneskontroll 2000 Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. | No gender equality objective |
IR4.1: IDENTITY & THE PROMOTION OF RIGHT Children and adolescents have access to birth registration and birth certificates., which contributes to Prevention And Response Services For Violence Against Children. UNICEF aims to achieve this through Systems Strengthening And Institution Building. This contributes to the following Country Programme result: A national child protection system, addressing the six prioritized themes in the CPAP, is coordinated and functioning. The system
uses intercultural, gender, generational and community approaches as well as counts on state resources to guarantee its functioning. | Significant gender equality objective |
National Legal Aid Clinic for Women National Legal Aid Clinic for Women - NLACW RBM Capacity Building This is core support to the National Legal Aid Clinic for Women (a program under the Law Association of Zambia) to provide legal aid assistance to poor women and children in Zambia. This is core support to the National Legal Aid Clinic for Women (a program under the Law Association of Zambia) to provide legal aid assistance to poor women and children in Zambia. To improve access to justice and increase legal and human rights knowledge among poor women and children. | Principal gender equality objective |
F.a: UMN Health Care Programme Promoting women's and children's right to health and wellbeing through community women's groups. | Principal gender equality objective |
ZWE Korruptionsstudie ZWE Corruption Study The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. | No gender equality objective |
Donor study Givaranalys Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. | No gender equality objective |
(2012-14) : EPI AND VIT A CAMPAIGNS Each year from 2012-2016, the planned campaigns are conducted with quality and integrate vitamin A supplementation for children 6-
59 months and deworming of children 1-5 years every 6 months., which contributes to Child Health, Immunization. UNICEF aims to achieve this through Advocacy And Public Engagement, Operational Support To Programme Delivery, Systems Strengthening And Institution Building. This contributes to the following Country Programme result: By 2016, at least 60% of girls and boys under-five and pregnant / lactating women use high impact gender-responsive integrated
services (curative, preventive and promotional) in the country for an accelerated reduction of infant and under five mortality and
maternal mortality. | Significant gender equality objective |
GFF: Monitoring & Action for Gender & Equity (MAGE) Project to advance and strengthen the capacity and execution of gender- and equity-intentional monitoring and evaluation and support use of data for improved reproductive, maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health & nutrition outcomes | Significant gender equality objective |
Verbesserte Lebensbedingungen der ländlichen Gemeinden durch klimaangepasste, nachhaltige Landwirtschaft und Etablierung nachhaltiger Lieferketten im Atlantischen Regenwald in Paraguay Improved Livelihoods of Rural Communities through Climate-Adapted, Sustainable Agriculture and the Establishment of Sustainable Supply Chains in the Atlantic Forest of Paraguay Verbesserte Lebensbedingungen der ländlichen Gemeinden durch klimaangepasste, nachhaltige Landwirtschaft und Etablierung nachhaltiger Lieferketten im Atlantischen Regenwald in Paraguay Improved Livelihoods of Rural Communities through Climate-Adapted, Sustainable Agriculture and the Establishment of Sustainable Supply Chains in the Atlantic Forest of Paraguay Verbesserte Lebensbedingungen der ländlichen Gemeinden durch klimaangepasste, nachhaltige Landwirtschaft und Etablierung nachhaltiger Lieferketten im Atlantischen Regenwald in Paraguay Improved Livelihoods of Rural Communities through Climate-Adapted, Sustainable Agriculture and the Establishment of Sustainable Supply Chains in the Atlantic Forest of Paraguay | No gender equality objective |
Omvärlden 2008 - Subcriptions Omvärlden 2008 The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. | No gender equality objective |
Auditing Culture Revision Kultur The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. | No gender equality objective |
OUTPUT 3 Communication for Development (C4D) By 2025, Children, families, caregivers, and communities have increased knowledge, skills and attitudes to prevent, reduce and
respond to violence., which contributes to Cross-Sectoral - Social And Behaviour Change, Cross-Sectoral - Social And Behaviour Change (Covid), Promotion Of Care, Mental Health And Psychosocial Well-Being And Justice, Protection From Violence, Exploitation, Abuse And Neglect. UNICEF aims to achieve this through Advocacy And Public Engagement, Community Engagement, Social And Behaviour Change, Fostering Innovation And Use Of New Technologies, Operational Support To Programme Delivery, Systems Strengthening And Institution Building, Systems Strengthening To Leave No One Behind. This contributes to the following Country Programme result: By 2025, girls & boys increasingly benefit from a functioning child protection system, quality services, and positive behaviours
that prevent and respond to violence and promote a protective environment. | Principal gender equality objective |
IR 3.4: JUSTICE FOR CHILDREN SYSTEMS Justice for children systems increasingly adopt family and community care alternatives for children in contact with the law, which contributes to Access To Justice, Justice For Children. UNICEF aims to achieve this through Operational Support To Programme Delivery, Systems Strengthening And Institution Building. This contributes to the following Country Programme result: Quality and coverage of child protection services and programmes to prevent violence against children are strengthened and
supported by national policies and budgets | Significant gender equality objective |
6.1 ADVOCACY AND COMMUNICATION 6.1 Decision-makers, entrepreneurs, civil society and families are more aware of and involved in advocacy and social mobilization
for the rights of children, which contributes to Operations Support To Programme Delivery, Other Cross-Sectoral Programme Areas. UNICEF aims to achieve this through Advocacy And Public Engagement, Evaluations, Research And Data, Operational Support To Programme Delivery, Systems Strengthening And Institution Building. This contributes to the following Country Programme result: In 2019, decision-makers, entrepreneurs, civil society and families improve their knowledge, practices and attitudes regarding
children's access to their rights | Significant gender equality objective |
Regional Programme to increase women's access to reproductive health services in sub-Saharan Africa To improve women's access to quality, safe, comprehensive abortion care (CAC) in Sub-saharan Africa. | Significant gender equality objective |
Cape/HEPNet 2002-04 Cape/HEPNet 2002-04 - Cap dev health economics Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. | No gender equality objective |
RRF 2008-2009 RRF 2008 -2009 The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. | No gender equality objective |
Postpartum IV iron to treat maternal anemia in the Global Network sites to generate efficacy and safety data on IV iron to treat maternal anemia in the postpartum period in LMIC settings | Significant gender equality objective |
BOL-Asset Mgmt Company BOL-Asset Mgmt Comp Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. | No gender equality objective |
Stöd till DC-CAM Support to DC-CAM Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. | No gender equality objective |
Stärkung von Frauengruppen und -organisationen beim Friedensaufbau in Antioquia Strengthening womens groups and organisations in peacebuilding activities in Antioquia Stärkung von Frauengruppen und -organisationen beim Friedensaufbau in Antioquia Strengthening women's groups and organisations in peacebuilding activities in Antioquia Frauen in Antioquia leisten einen Beitrag zur Überwindung soziokultureller, institutioneller und wirtschaftlicher Praktiken, die zur Fortführung geschlechterbasierter Gewalt beisteuern. Women in Antioquia contribute to overcoming socio-cultural, institutional and economic practices that contribute to the perpetuation of gender-based violence. | Principal gender equality objective |
Workshop urban food prod Workshop urban livsmprod The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. | No gender equality objective |
Evaluation FIAN Utvärdering FIAN The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. | No gender equality objective |
United Nations Population Fund core funding 2016-2018 Contribute to achieving the overall goal of UNFPA’s Strategic Plan (2014-17) ie universal access to sexual and reproductive health, the realization of reproductive rights, and the reduction in maternal mortality. | Significant gender equality objective |
ACC ARHR Alliance for reproductive Health Rights | Significant gender equality objective |
Election monitoring Nango Valövervakning Nangof Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. | No gender equality objective |
IR 605 BUDGET ALLOCATIONS AFFECTING CHIL Child budget analysis and Bi-annual Budget tracking report completed and Shared, which contributes to Child Poverty / Public Finance For Children, Children In Urban Settings / Local Governance, Public Finance And Local Governance. UNICEF aims to achieve this through Advocacy And Public Engagement, Systems Strengthening And Institution Building. This contributes to the following Country Programme result: The rights of children, adolescents and women, especially the most vulne
rable, are prioritised and inclusive in national policy, planning, monit
oring and budgeting processes | Significant gender equality objective |
SI-FLUCHT - Sicherung der Frauen- und Kinderrechte in der Rohingya-Flüchtlingskrise im Unterbezirk Ukhiya in Bangladesch Safeguarding Womens and Childrens Rights in the Rohingya Refugee Crises in Ukhiya Upazila , Bangladesh SI-FLUCHT - Sicherung der Frauen- und Kinderrechte in der Rohingya-Flüchtlingskrise im Unterbezirk Ukhiya in Bangladesch Safeguarding Women's and Children's Rights in the Rohingya Refugee Crises in Ukhiya Upazila , Bangladesh SI-FLUCHT - Sicherung der Frauen- und Kinderrechte in der Rohingya-Flüchtlingskrise im Unterbezirk Ukhiya in Bangladesch Safeguarding Women's and Children's Rights in the Rohingya Refugee Crises in Ukhiya Upazila , Bangladesh | Significant gender equality objective |
3.1 SPPE- PLANNING AND IMPLEMENTATION. 3.1 SPPE- By 2017 improved quality of disaggregated data collection and timely availability at local level for evidenced- based
programme development, planning and implementation, which contributes to Child Poverty / Public Finance For Children, Children In Urban Settings / Local Governance, Cross-Sectoral Communication For Development, Cross-Sectoral Monitoring, Data And Situation Analyses, Learning Outcomes, Maternal And Newborn Health, Operations Support To Programme Delivery, Prevention Of Stunting And Other Forms Of Malnutrition, Sanitation, Technical Excellence In Policy And Programmes, Water. UNICEF aims to achieve this through Advocacy And Public Engagement, Evaluations, Research And Data, Operational Support To Programme Delivery, Systems Strengthening And Institution Building. This contributes to the following Country Programme result: By 2017 strengthening provincial, central and local capacity for evidence-based policy, planning, and programme implementation | Significant gender equality objective |
ADRA - Strategic Plan ADRA - Strategisk plan Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. | No gender equality objective |
Monitoring Legal sector Monitoring Legal sector - Legal sector monitoring Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. | No gender equality objective |
DESA mindre utredningar DESA minor studies - NN Reimbusab Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. | No gender equality objective |
IR 6.3 COORDINATION, ADVOCACY, KNOWLED 6.3 Effective application of global guidelines, and monitoring and reporting in humanitarian, early recovery, and development
contexts is advanced through gender sensitive Child Protection sector working groups, which contributes to Access To Justice, Child Protection And Emergencies, Child Protection Systems, Data And Child Protection, Justice For Children, Prevention And Response Services For Violence Against Children, Violence, Exploitation And Abuse. UNICEF aims to achieve this through Advocacy And Public Engagement, Evaluations, Research And Data, Systems Strengthening And Institution Building. This contributes to the following Country Programme result: Outcome 6: By 2014, MOSA is further developed to implement and monitor the National Plan of Action for Child Protection. Together
with humanitarian partnerships, this will ensure that children who are at risk of, or subject to, all forms of violence,
exploitation, and abuse, benefit from improved services. | Significant gender equality objective |
Financing for gender equality Financing for gender equality - Public and private financing advance gender equality through gender responsive financing policies, strategies, and instruments. | Principal gender equality objective |
12.3. Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV (PMTCT) SERVICES & OVC CARE 12.3. Increased accessibility of Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV (PMTCT) services for HIV infected pregnant mothers and ARVs for HIV infected children and care
for orphans, which contributes to Hiv Prevention, Treatment And Care Of Children Living With Hiv. UNICEF aims to achieve this through Advocacy And Public Engagement, Systems Strengthening And Institution Building. This contributes to the following Country Programme result: Programme Component Results (PCR) 12 By end 2014, Sub-recipients of the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria for HIV/AIDS and Malaria, are
supported in the achievement at least 80% of all agreed results by strengthened fund management by the Principal Recipient | Significant gender equality objective |
007 ECD:105. BASIC EDUCATION AND GENDER EQUALITY Equitable policies and supporting systems in place, with increased provision of quality, inclusive ECCD services, which contributes to Early Learning, Education – General, Equitable Access To Quality Education, Learning And Child-Friendly Schools, Learning Outcomes. UNICEF aims to achieve this through Advocacy And Public Engagement, Developing And Leveraging Resources And Partnerships, Systems Strengthening And Institution Building. This contributes to the following Country Programme result: Increased number and proportion of children accessing and completing quality basic education | Significant gender equality objective |
105 COVID-19 INCREASED CAPACITY OF IPS TO MANAGE OUTBREAK AND VACCINATION CAMPAIG 105 COVID-19 Increased capacity of IPs to manage outbreak and vaccination campaign & provision of supplies, which contributes to Health And Development In Early Childhood And Adolescence, Immunization Services As Part Of Primary Health Care, Immunization Services As Part Of Primary Health Care (Covid), Strengthening Primary Health Care And High-Impact Health Interventions, Strengthening Primary Health Care And High-Impact Health Interventions (Covid). UNICEF aims to achieve this through Community Engagement, Social And Behaviour Change, Data, Research, Evaluation And Knowledge Management, Evaluations, Research And Data, Fostering Innovation And Use Of New Technologies, Systems Strengthening And Institution Building, Systems Strengthening To Leave No One Behind. This contributes to the following Country Programme result: Business and Key Business Stakeholders demonstrate growing willingness, commitment and resource allocation for protecting and
promoting child rights in policy and practice by 2022 | Significant gender equality objective |
Gemeinwesenentwicklung durch Stärkung der Frauenpartizipation in Minas Gerais Community organisation and strengthening of womens civic participation with emphasis on gender equality, Minas Gerais Gemeinwesenentwicklung durch Stärkung der Frauenpartizipation in Minas Gerais Community organisation and strengthening of womens civic participation with emphasis on gender equality, Minas Gerais Gemeinwesenentwicklung durch Stärkung der Frauenpartizipation in Minas Gerais Community organisation and strengthening of womens civic participation with emphasis on gender equality, Minas Gerais | Principal gender equality objective |
IR 3.6 HIV AND AIDS (2014) Country offices and partners are supported by ROSA to contribute to the protection of children, adolescents and women from HIV
infection with a focus on those with high risk of HIV exposure., which contributes to Hiv Prevention, Hiv – General, Policy, Guidance And Technical Support For Country Programming And Reporting. UNICEF aims to achieve this through Operational Support To Programme Delivery, Systems Strengthening And Institution Building. This contributes to the following Country Programme result: Regional support and inter-country initiatives contribute to the quality and impact of policy and programmatic actions – in
development and humanitarian contexts – for the realization of children's rights in South Asia. | Significant gender equality objective |
KAI E.O. for Women in Budget To support equal opportunity unit of the Mo finance | Significant gender equality objective |
Increase poor women's knowledge of food security To increase poor women's and their families' health, though increased knowledge and skills in good nutrition practices. | Significant gender equality objective |
Forskarutb. Zimbabwe 2002 Research training ZWE Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. | No gender equality objective |
UN Women results-based management, monitoring and evaluation standards are implemented. UN Women will promote the culture of results-based management in its program | Principal gender equality objective |
Komm plan 08 Commincation plan 2008 - INEC Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. | No gender equality objective |
Sida-repr TR Burundi Representative TR Burundi Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. | No gender equality objective |
GENDER(02)GENDER EQUALITY FOR GIRLS, BOYS, & IN CARE & SUPPORT FOR WOMEN Gender Equality for Girls, Boys, and in Care and Support for Women, which contributes to Gender Discriminatory Roles And Practices, Other Cross-Sectoral Programme Areas. UNICEF aims to achieve this through Advocacy And Public Engagement, Fostering Innovation And Use Of New Technologies, Systems Strengthening And Institution Building. This contributes to the following Country Programme result: Every Child an Equitable Chance in Life By 2021, UNICEF supported countries apply relevant policies, innovative approaches and
evidence, to design and implement publicly and privately funded development and humanitarian interventions at scale, that give
Every Child an Equitable Chance in Life | Principal gender equality objective |
Empowering Marginalised Nigerian Women Through Livelihood Opportunities and Improved Participation This 36-month project seeks to achieve the overall outcome that: “Marginalised women in Bauchi state have improved livelihoods and increased participation and leadership roles in the local community”. This will be achieved by raising the individual economic and social capabilities of 3,600 marginalised Nigerian women (primary beneficiaries) while tackling gender norms via alliances with male leaders and community members. Secondary beneficiaries total 28,920 - 25,200 members of women’s households and 3,720 men. | Significant gender equality objective |
Accountability for SGBV-crimes against women and girls Unterstützung des Kampfes gegen Straflosigkeit bei sexualisierter Gewalt gegen Frauen und Mädchen The project's aim is to inform women about their rights in the fight against SGBV. Das Projekt soll Frauen über ihre Rechte im Kampf gegen sexualisierte Gewalt informieren und sie bestärken, für diese einzutreten. Das Thema sexualisierte Gewalt in der Region soll überwacht werden, damit aufgeklärt darüber berichtet werden kann. | Significant gender equality objective |
Förderung geschlechtergerechter Strukturen im Bundesstaat Telangana, Indien Promotion of gender-sensitive structures in Telangana, India Förderung geschlechtergerechter Strukturen im Bundesstaat Telangana, Indien Promotion of gender-sensitive structures in Telangana, India Förderung geschlechtergerechter Strukturen im Bundesstaat Telangana, Indien Promotion of gender-sensitive structures in Telangana, India | Principal gender equality objective |
LGA: Mbio Ltd-reintegration of female inmates & rural community women reintegration of female inmates and rural community women in prison. | Significant gender equality objective |
PUBLIC FINANCING FOR CHILDREN National and subnational governments demonstrated increased political commitments towards equity-focused, child-rights-related
budget allocation., which contributes to Reducing Child Poverty. UNICEF aims to achieve this through Advocacy And Communications, Data, Research, Evaluation And Knowledge Management, Partnerships And Engagement: Public And Private, Systems Strengthening To Leave No One Behind. This contributes to the following Country Programme result: By 2027, children benefit from evidence-driven and child-sensitive anti-poverty policies and programmes, including shock-responsive
social protection. | Significant gender equality objective |
Integrale wirtschaftliche Entwicklung und soziale Förderung und Betreuung von Aidswaisen und HIV-/ Aidsprävention für Jugendliche in der Diözese Gokwe Youth awareness raising on HIV and education for life combined with small scale sustainable agriculture for youth Integrale wirtschaftliche Entwicklung und soziale Förderung und Betreuung von Aidswaisen und HIV-/ Aidsprävention für Jugendliche in der Diözese Gokwe Youth awareness raising on HIV and education for life combined with small scale sustainable agriculture for youth Integrale wirtschaftliche Entwicklung und soziale Förderung und Betreuung von Aidswaisen und HIV-/ Aidsprävention für Jugendliche in der Diözese Gokwe Youth awareness raising on HIV and education for life combined with small scale sustainable agriculture for youth | Principal gender equality objective |
Consultancy Fund 06-07 Consultancy Fund 06-07 - LaoNCAW visit to Sweden Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. | No gender equality objective |
Securing Energy Needs and Transition of RUral areas in Myanmar (SENTRUM) Contract related to: Securing Energy Needs and Transition of RUral areas in Myanmar (SENTRUM) - Supply and access to energy is vital to promoting economic growth, overcoming poverty, and facilitating human development. Prior to 2020, Myanmar was one of Asia¿s most rapidly growing economies and the share of the population having access to energy had increased considerably in recent years. However, the combined effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and the political crisis have deeply affected Myanmar¿s population, halting decade of progress on economic development and poverty reduction in the country. The present political, economic and social crisis is expected to last for years. Currently it is estimated that nearly half of Myanmar¿s population is living below the national poverty, a level of impoverishment not seen in the country since 2005[1]. The current political crisis has a major impact on population¿s access to energy, meaning a reliable and affordable access to both clean cooking facilities and to electricity. The overall objective of this action is to achieve sustainable economic development and improve livelihoods in rural Myanmar. The Specific Objective of this action is to improve access to renewable electricity and sustainable energy solutions for businesses and households in rural Myanmar.Output 1 targets the access to sustainable electricity services from renewable sources mainly to the benefit of economic actors and rural MSMEs. Output is focused on access to sustainable energy and housing (equipment, products, practices) solutions for poor households (improved cook stoves, clean cooking fuel etc.). These two outputs will be complemented by Output 3 covering access to awareness raising, training and financing for local companies and end users. The main idea of this action is that the basic access to sustainable energy is ensured and responds to the needs of productive users (pumping - transformation - conservation...) as to services for households (cooking - lighting - communication - housing...) through the promotion, financing and diffusion of affordable and reliable source of renewable energy using renewable biomass value-chains, photovoltaic and hydro energy potential. The results should be then complemented in the third component thanks to access to information, training and financing. To ensure the roll-out of the action which will also target women, the youth and vulnerable communities in in rural areas, the project will mobilize the communities throughout the project cycle. This action contributes primarily to SDG 1. ¿No Poverty¿. It also contributes to SDG 7. ¿Affordable and Clean Energy¿, SDG 5. ¿Gender equality¿ and SDG 13. ¿Climate Action¿. [1] https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/ | Significant gender equality objective |
Promoting Equality & TACKILING HIV/AIDS CSCF 457 Promoting Equality & TACKILING HIV/AIDS CSCF 457 | Significant gender equality objective |
Verbesserung des Zugangs zu alternativer Energie für marginalisierte Bevölkerungsgruppen durch Förderung unternehmerischer Initiativen von Frauen Improving access to clean energy through womens entrepreneurship in Bihar, Indien Verbesserung des Zugangs zu alternativer Energie für marginalisierte Bevölkerungsgruppen durch Förderung unternehmerischer Initiativen von Frauen Improving access to clean energy through women's entrepreneurship in Bihar, Indien Verbesserung des Zugangs zu alternativer Energie für marginalisierte Bevölkerungsgruppen durch Förderung unternehmerischer Initiativen von Frauen Improving access to clean energy through women's entrepreneurship in Bihar, Indien | Significant gender equality objective |
Start-up Förderung Afrika Start-up and Innovation Promotion Programme (STIPP) Mit dem Partech Africa Fund (PAF) wird das Ziel verfolgt, den Zugang zu Eigenkapitalfinanzierungen (bedarfsgerechtes Wachstums-/Risikokapital) für junge, innovative KMU (Start-ups) mit hohem Wachstumspotenzial in Afrika zu verbessern. Der innovative Charakter kann dabei insbesondere in der Nutzung digitaler Technologien, aber auch in innovativen Geschäftsmodellen liegen. Damit soll ein Beitrag zur Schaffung von nachhaltigen Arbeitsplätzen und Wirtschaftswachstum geleistet werden. Die KfW beteiligt sich seit 2018 im Auftrag des BMZ am Partech Africa Fonds. Neben internationalen Entwicklungsfinanzierern wie IFC, EIB, AFDB (Boost Africa) und FMO wird der Fonds von namhaften europäischen und afrikanischen Privatinvestoren wie Orange, L'Oréal, Bertelsmann und Axian Group finanziert. Der Partech Africa Fund ist Teil der Investmentplattform Partech Partners, die 1982 im Silicon Valley gegründet wurde und auf die Finanzierung von Start-ups im Digital- und Technologiesektor spezialisiert ist. The Partech Africa Fund (PAF) aims to improve access to equity financing (growth/venture capital as needed) for young, innovative SMEs (start-ups) with high growth potential in Africa. The innovative character may lie in particular in using digital technologies, but also in innovative business models. This is aimed at helping to crate sustainable jobs and stimulate economic growth. KfW has been participating in the PAF on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) since 2018. In addition to international development finance institutions such as IFC, EIB, AfDB (Boost Africa) and FMO, the fund is financed by renowned European and African private investors such as Orange, L'Oréal, Bertelsmann and Axian Group. The Partech Africa Fund is part pf the Partech Partners investment platform, which was founded in 1982 in Silicon Valley and specialises in financing start-ups in the digital and technology sectors. Ziel der Maßnahme ist die Förderung von Start-ups und damit ein Beitrag zur Schaffung von Beschäftigung und Einkommen. The Partech Africa Fund (PAF) aims to improve access to equity financing (growth/venture capital as needed) for young, innovative SMEs (start-ups) with high growth potential in Africa. The innovative character may lie in particular in using digital technologies, but also in innovative business models. This is aimed at helping to crate sustainable jobs and stimulate economic growth. KfW has been participating in the PAF on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) since 2018. In addition to international development finance institutions such as IFC, EIB, AfDB (Boost Africa) and FMO, the fund is financed by renowned European and African private investors such as Orange, L'Oréal, Bertelsmann and Axian Group. The Partech Africa Fund is part pf the Partech Partners investment platform, which was founded in 1982 in Silicon Valley and specialises in financing start-ups in the digital and technology sectors. | Significant gender equality objective |
PFE COMMUNAUTAIRE À KARA ET SAVANES 1.1 D'ici fin 2018, 80% des ménages des régions de Kara et Savanes ont une connaissance adéquate d'au moins dix des pratiques
familiales essentielles (PFE), which contributes to Adolescent Health And Nutrition, Child Health, Cross-Sectoral Communication For Development, Early Childhood Development, Health Systems Strengthening, Hiv Prevention, Maternal And Newborn Health. UNICEF aims to achieve this through Advocacy And Public Engagement, Operational Support To Programme Delivery, Systems Strengthening And Institution Building. This contributes to the following Country Programme result: 1.1 D'ici fin 2018, 80% des ménages des régions de Kara et Savanes ont une connaissance adéquate d'au moins dix des pratiques
familiales essentielles (PFE) | Principal gender equality objective |
TRC III, Truth & Reconcil TRC III, Sanningskommissi Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. | No gender equality objective |
Sozio-ökonomische Stärkung von Frauen in ländlichen Regionen Zentralalbaniens Socio economic empowerment in rural areas in Central Albania Sozio-ökonomische Stärkung von Frauen in ländlichen Regionen Zentralalbaniens Socio economic empowerment in rural areas in Central Albania Das Projekt trägt zur soziökonomischen Stärkung von Frauen in den ländlichen Gebieten Zentralalbaniens bei. The project strengthen socio economically women living in rural areas in Central Albania. | Principal gender equality objective |
Study environm in evaluat Studie miljö i utvärderin The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. | No gender equality objective |
Weitere Förderung einer gendergerechten Entwicklung in der Erzdiözese Tabora Further Support towards Gender oriented development in the Archdiocese of Tabora Weitere Förderung einer gendergerechten Entwicklung in der Erzdiözese Tabora Further Support towards Gender oriented development in the Archdiocese of Tabora Weitere Förderung einer gendergerechten Entwicklung in der Erzdiözese Tabora Further Support towards Gender oriented development in the Archdiocese of Tabora | Principal gender equality objective |
By 2027, the operational, normative and collaborative potential of the UNCT Cooperation Frameworks to contribute to greater gender equality is fully optimised by UN Women’s interventions. UN System Coordination | Principal gender equality objective |
FIDH 2006-2008 FIDH 2006-2008 The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. | No gender equality objective |
REZ REZ - Forestry Employment The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. | No gender equality objective |
IR07-GUJ-IMPROVED RI COVERAGE IR07-Improved quality and coverage of immunisation among children and pregnant women, which contributes to Immunization. UNICEF aims to achieve this through Systems Strengthening And Institution Building. This contributes to the following Country Programme result: 2012 Programme Component Results (PCR) Reproductive and Child Health | Significant gender equality objective |
Subsets and Splits