3 values
213/04/V, Pesticide Polic 213/04/V Pesticide Polici The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected].
No gender equality objective
UN Women Sudan practices and supports Results Based Management and enhances the capacities of its staff and IPs for results oriented monitoring and reporting UN Women Sudan practices and supports Results Based Management and enhances the capacities of its staff and IPs for results oriented monitoring and reporting
Principal gender equality objective
Integriertes Programm zur Stärkung der Arbeitsrechte von Farmarbeiterinnen, Südafrika Integrated Programme on strengthening women farmworkers labour rights in South Africa Integriertes Programm zur Stärkung der Arbeitsrechte von Farmarbeiterinnen, Südafrika Integrated Programme on strengthening women farmworker's labour rights in South Africa Integriertes Programm zur Stärkung der Arbeitsrechte von Farmarbeiterinnen, Südafrika Integrated Programme on strengthening women farmworker's labour rights in South Africa
Principal gender equality objective
Prog.prep, TEMA 2001 - 241/01 Rev.CODESRIA Insatsförber. 2001, TEMA The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected].
No gender equality objective
Strengthening the role of women and media in standing against hate speech and achieving community peace in Iraq Stärkung der Rolle von Medien und Frauen in Bekämpfung von Hassreden und in Friedensförderung in Irak Strengthening the role of women and women journalists in conflict prevention and peacebuilding and promotion of freedom of opinion and freedom of the press. The project aims to achieve community peace in Iraq through combating hate speech. Ziel des Projekts ist es, die Rolle von Frauen in Konfliktprävention und Friedensförderung sowie die Kapazitäten irakischer Journalistinnen zu stärken und somit zur Förderung der Meinungs- und Pressefreiheit beizutragen. Das Projekt hilft, Hassrede (hate speech) zu bekämpfen und soziale Versöhnung und Frieden zu fördern.
Significant gender equality objective
IR07-JHK-IMPROVED RI COVERAGE IR07-Improved quality and coverage of immunisation among children and pregnant women, which contributes to Immunization, Maternal And Newborn Health. UNICEF aims to achieve this through Evaluations, Research And Data, Systems Strengthening And Institution Building. This contributes to the following Country Programme result: 2012 Programme Component Results (PCR) Reproductive and Child Health
Significant gender equality objective
EDUCATION - M&E Increased evidence generation and data gathering and analysis informs education programming, which contributes to Early Learning, Education – General, Equitable Access To Quality Education, Equity – Focus On Girls' And Inclusive Education, Learning And Child-Friendly Schools, Learning Outcomes. UNICEF aims to achieve this through Evaluations, Research And Data, Operational Support To Programme Delivery. This contributes to the following Country Programme result: By 2021, state and non-state actors at different levels use quality and timely data to inform planning, monitoring, evaluation, decision-making and participatory accountability processes.
Significant gender equality objective
Loc. consultant, SCC, SRI Lok. konsult SCC SRI Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected].
No gender equality objective
Translation developmental Översättning utvf.humbist Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected].
No gender equality objective
Schutz vor sexueller Gewalt besonders gefährdeter Frauen und Minderjähriger, Fortführung Sexual violence prevention and protection for vulnerable women Schutz vor sexueller Gewalt besonders gefährdeter Frauen und Minderjähriger, Fortführung Sexual violence prevention and protection for vulnerable women Schutz vor sexueller Gewalt besonders gefährdeter Frauen und Minderjähriger, Fortführung Sexual violence prevention and protection for vulnerable women
Principal gender equality objective
ICRC appell 2007 ICRC appeal 2007 Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected].
No gender equality objective
Stärkung von interreligiösen Frauengruppen, Geschlechtergerechtigkeit, Frieden und Toleranz, Fortführung Amplifying the voices of Interfaith Women Groups, Asserting the values of Gender Justice, Peace and Tolerance in nationbuilding, continuation Stärkung von interreligiösen Frauengruppen, Geschlechtergerechtigkeit, Frieden und Toleranz, Fortführung Amplifying the voices of Interfaith Women Groups, Asserting the values of Gender Justice, Peace and Tolerance in nationbuilding, continuation Stärkung von interreligiösen Frauengruppen, Geschlechtergerechtigkeit, Frieden und Toleranz, Fortführung Amplifying the voices of Interfaith Women Groups, Asserting the values of Gender Justice, Peace and Tolerance in nationbuilding, continuation
Principal gender equality objective
URB/BC - Environ IEMP & CZMP URB/BC The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected].
No gender equality objective
MIT Capacity Building - MIT Follow-up MIT Capacity Building Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected].
No gender equality objective
QUALITY NUTRITION SERVICES Service providers ensure better quality nutrition services, focussing on prevention of acute and chronic malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies in the most vulnerable districts, and in humanitarian situations., which contributes to Community-Based Management Of Acute Malnutrition, Infant And Young Child Feeding, Micronutrients, Nutrition – General, Prevention Of Stunting And Other Forms Of Malnutrition, Treatment Of Severe Acute Malnutrition. UNICEF aims to achieve this through Systems Strengthening And Institution Building. This contributes to the following Country Programme result: By 2019, newborns, children, and women have increased and equitable access to and use of affordable, high-impact health and nutrition interventions, especially in governorates with high mortality burden and in humanitarian situations.
Significant gender equality objective
Sonderinitiative Eine Welt ohne Hunger III Special Initiative World without Hunger III Sonderinitiative Eine Welt ohne Hunger III Special Initiative World without Hunger III Steigerung der Lebensmittelproduktivität durch die Anwendung (neuer) Innovationen, Technologielösungen und skalierbarem Lernen sowie Aufbau und Ausweitung der Märkte, vor allem durch digitale Kommunikation, zur Erhöhung der Ernährungssicherheit. Raise food productivitäty by applying (new) innovations, technological solutions and scalable knowle3dge as well as building and enlarging markets, particularly through ditital communication, with the aim of increasing food security.
No gender equality objective
ACCORD ACCORD Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected].
No gender equality objective
AHRI, Procuremet of laboratory equipment - Procurement of lab equipment AHRI, Procuremet av laboratorieutrustning Poverty alleviation requires sustained economic growth, good governance and political stability. Education is a key element of the national reduction strategy and the current expansion of higher education institutions has created new conditions in Ethiopia for research and research training compared to earlier program periods. Poverty alleviation requires sustained economic growth, good governance and political stability. Education is a key element of the national reduction strategy and the current expansion of higher education institutions has created new conditions in Ethiopia for research and research training compared to earlier program periods.
Significant gender equality objective
UN Women in the Arab States advances data, trends, organizational, financial, results analysis and management to inform thematic priorities / strategic direction in the region and the regional architecture / office typologies. UN Women in the Arab States advances data, trends, organizational, financial, results analysis and management to inform thematic priorities / strategic direction in the region and the regional architecture / office typologies.
Principal gender equality objective
NED/WMD 3rd Assembly - World Democracy NED/WMD 3rd Assembly The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected].
No gender equality objective
CONTRACT WORKS - Equipment/materials ENTREPRENADARBETEN The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected].
No gender equality objective
ST/Support to IMP 2011 ST/Stöd till IMP 2011 The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected].
No gender equality objective
MAP SICA MAP Prevention of Violence against Women in CA
Significant gender equality objective
Central Administration - Centr Adm Public Relation Centrala administrationen The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected].
No gender equality objective
PC-Fund 98-02 - Special Courses Ethiopia PK-fond 98-02 Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected].
No gender equality objective
Indigene Völker der zentralen Amazonasregion erzieln Rechtssicherheit für ihre angestammten Territorien Indigenious peoples of the central Amazon region achieve legal security for their traditional territories Indigene Völker der zentralen Amazonasregion erzieln Rechtssicherheit für ihre angestammten Territorien Indigenious peoples of the central Amazon region achieve legal security for their traditional territories Das Projekt wird in der zentralen Amazonasregion Perus durchgeführt und beinhaltet die rechtliche und organisatorische Absicherung von indigenen Territorien. Es wendet sich an indigene Völker und ihre Regionalorganisationen, von denen eine auch die Interessen und Belange der in Isolation lebende Ethnie Kakataibo wahrnimmt, in Bezug auf die Einrichtung und rechtliche Absicherung der Reservate. The project is carried out in the central Amazon region of Peru and includes the legal and organizational safeguarding of indigenous territories. It is aimed at indigenous peoples and their regional organizations, one of which is also concerned with the interests of the isolated group Kakataibo, with regard to the establishment and legal protection of the reserves Kakataibo South and North.
No gender equality objective
Preparation forestry ARM Preparation forestry ARM The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected].
No gender equality objective
Advisory services by IUCN for 2022-2023 "Advisory services by IUCN for 2022-2023" is the budget line voted by the World Heritage Committee under the World Heritage Fund for the period 2022-2023, to finance the Monitoring Services, Evaluation Services and other advisory services it requests from IUCN in the implementation of the Convention.
Significant gender equality objective
Seminar Financial Mgmt - M Foster CAPE ODI Seminar finansiell styr Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected].
No gender equality objective
CP SERVICE PROVIDERS ABLE TO DELIVER QUALITY & TIMELY CHILD PROTECTION SERVIC Child Protection service providers are able to deliver quality and timely child protection services, including referrals to other services at all levels., which contributes to Prevention Of Harmful Practice, Promotion Of Care, Mental Health And Psychosocial Well-Being And Justice, Promotion Of Care, Mental Health And Psychosocial Well-Being And Justice (Covid), Protection From Violence, Exploitation, Abuse And Neglect, Protection From Violence, Exploitation, Abuse And Neglect (Covid). UNICEF aims to achieve this through Systems Strengthening And Institution Building, Systems Strengthening To Leave No One Behind. This contributes to the following Country Programme result: By 2023 all girls and boys, including adolescents in all settings, are protected from violence, neglect, abandonment and exploitation.
Significant gender equality objective
RAPP II: media consultant RAPP II: media consultan Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected].
No gender equality objective
Women and Girls First SDC up-scales the “Women and Girls First” program of its priority partner UN Population Fund in southern Shan, where no other donor is present. The program strengthens government, civil society and ethnic health providers’ systems to be responsive to the needs of young people related to sexual reproductive health and rights. It improves access to comprehensive gender-based violence, mental health and psychosocial support services, and enhances social cohesion.
Principal gender equality objective
Textilica Textilica - genomförande Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected].
No gender equality objective
Women, particularly those facing multiple forms of discrimination, increasingly participate in decision-making processes; and influence formulation, implementation and monitoring of national and subnational laws, policies, plans and budgets. IF (i) national and subnational governments, the parliament, political parties and the electoral monitoring body have the capacity to formulate, implement and monitor laws, policies, plans and budgets responsive to the needs of women and girls; and IF (ii) women and gender equality advocates have the capacity to participate in decision-making processes, and to influence formulation, implementation and monitoring of national and subnational laws, policies, plans and budgets to promote women’s rights, leadership and political participation; THEN (iii) women, particularly those facing multiple forms of discrimination, will increasingly participate in decision-making processes, and influence formulation, implementation and monitoring of national and subnational laws, policies, plans and budgets BECAUSE (iv) legal and policy frameworks, institutions, systems, processes and capacities will be in place and inclusive to promote women’s rights, leadership and political participation.
Principal gender equality objective
ASMR funds 2000 ASMR funds 2000 - Law & Society Trust Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected].
No gender equality objective
Democratization and Reform Processes in the Project Region Middle East and North Africa (Ta´ziz) Demokratisierungs- und Reformprozesse in der Projektregion Nahost und Nordafrika (Ta’ziz) Democratization and Reform Processes in the Project Region Middle East and North Africa (Ta´ziz) Demokratisierungs- und Reformprozesse in der Projektregion Nahost und Nordafrika (Ta´ziz)
No gender equality objective
MONITORING IN HEALTH DISTRICTS By 2018, all targeted health districts implement monitoring exercise (L3 monitoring), which contributes to Child Health, Health Systems Strengthening. UNICEF aims to achieve this through Systems Strengthening And Institution Building. This contributes to the following Country Programme result: By 2018, at least 90 % of pregnant women, U5 children living in the targeted most vulnerable areas have access and utilize package of high impact interventions for their survival
Significant gender equality objective
DATA AND EVIDENCE Increased capacity of government in selected areas to collect, compile, analyse and utilize sex- and other disaggregated child protection data for planning, policy, programme and budgetary action., which contributes to Access To Justice, Child Protection Systems, Child Protection – General, Child Protection – Strengthen Families And Communities, Data And Child Protection, Prevention And Response Services For Violence Against Children, Violence, Exploitation And Abuse. UNICEF aims to achieve this through Developing And Leveraging Resources And Partnerships, Evaluations, Research And Data, Operational Support To Programme Delivery, Systems Strengthening And Institution Building. This contributes to the following Country Programme result: By 2020, girls and boys in China, especially the most disadvantaged, increasingly benefit from an equitable and integrated child protection system, including in humanitarian situations.
Principal gender equality objective
Stärkung und Fortbildung weiblicher Familienvorstände in Armutsregionen des Gouvernorats Minya Empowerment of Bredwinner Women for Improving their Life Conditions/Minya Stärkung und Fortbildung weiblicher Familienvorstände in Armutsregionen des Gouvernorats Minya Empowerment of Bredwinner Women for Improving their Life Conditions/Minya Stärkung und Fortbildung weiblicher Familienvorstände in Armutsregionen des Gouvernorats Minya Empowerment of Bredwinner Women for Improving their Life Conditions/Minya
Principal gender equality objective
Soziale und politische Stärkung kleinbäuerlicher Gemeinschaften und ihrer alternativen Wirtschaftsansätze im Osten Antioquias Social and political strengthening of small-scale farmer communities and their alternative economic approaches in the east of Antioquia, Colombia Soziale und politische Stärkung kleinbäuerlicher Gemeinschaften und ihrer alternativen Wirtschaftsansätze im Osten Antioquias Social and political strengthening of small-scale farmer communities and their alternative economic approaches in the east of Antioquia, Colombia Soziale und politische Stärkung kleinbäuerlicher Gemeinschaften und ihrer alternativen Wirtschaftsansätze im Osten Antioquias Social and political strengthening of small-scale farmer communities and their alternative economic approaches in the east of Antioquia, Colombia
No gender equality objective
PRIMARY CARE-GIVERS KNOWLEDGE INCREASED Primary care-givers knowledge increased children aged 0 to 8 that have knowledge and skills on core caring practices increased to 50% by 2015., which contributes to Early Childhood Development, Early Learning, Equitable Access To Quality Education, Learning Outcomes. UNICEF aims to achieve this through Systems Strengthening And Institution Building. This contributes to the following Country Programme result: 11: DRR, Gender & Emergency Preparednessce integration of disaster risk reduction in development programmes, mainstream gender issues and prepare for and respond to emergencies to ensure fulfilment of the core commitments to children in emergencies.
Significant gender equality objective
Unterstützung von gemeindebasierter Rechtsdurchsetzung und alternativen Gemeinschaftsinitiativen zur Minderung der anthropogenen Bedrohungen im Tai-Grebo-Sapo Waldkomplex in Westafrika Support to community based law enforcement and alternative community initiatives to mitigate major anthropogenic threats on the Taï-Grebo-Sapo Forest in West Africa Unterstützung von gemeindebasierter Rechtsdurchsetzung und alternativen Gemeinschaftsinitiativen zur Minderung der anthropogenen Bedrohungen im Tai-Grebo-Sapo Waldkomplex in Westafrika Support to community based law enforcement and alternative community initiatives to mitigate major anthropogenic threats on the Taï-Grebo-Sapo Forest in West Africa Unterstützung von gemeindebasierter Rechtsdurchsetzung und alternativen Gemeinschaftsinitiativen zur Minderung der anthropogenen Bedrohungen im Tai-Grebo-Sapo Waldkomplex in Westafrika Support to community based law enforcement and alternative community initiatives to mitigate major anthropogenic threats on the Taï-Grebo-Sapo Forest in West Africa
No gender equality objective
Supporting women initiatives to strengthen participation and development commitment in the outskirts of Alexandria, Egypt Förderung von Fraueninitiativen zur Stärkung der Partizipation und des Entwicklungsengagements in der Peripherie Alexandrias Supporting women initiatives to strengthen participation and development commitment in the outskirts of Alexandria, Egypt Förderung von Fraueninitiativen zur Stärkung der Partizipation und des Entwicklungsengagements in der Peripherie Alexandrias Supporting women initiatives to strengthen participation and development commitment in the outskirts of Alexandria, Egypt Förderung von Fraueninitiativen zur Stärkung der Partizipation und des Entwicklungsengagements in der Peripherie Alexandrias
Principal gender equality objective
Swedish Saw Blades AB - Wood working equipment Swedish Saw Blades AB The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected].
No gender equality objective
Management Gas Turbines - Consultancy Drift Gasturbiner Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected].
No gender equality objective
503 EDUCATION FOR OUT OF SCHOOL GIRLS AND BOYS Government and partners have increased capacity to deliver gender responsive and equitable, flexible, inclusive quality elementary education for out of school girls and boys, which contributes to Access To Quality Learning Opportunities, Access To Quality Learning Opportunities (Covid), Learning, Skills, Participation And Engagement. UNICEF aims to achieve this through Advocacy And Public Engagement, Community Engagement, Social And Behaviour Change, Data, Research, Evaluation And Knowledge Management, Developing And Leveraging Resources And Partnerships, Evaluations, Research And Data, Fostering Innovation And Use Of New Technologies, Systems Strengthening And Institution Building, Systems Strengthening To Leave No One Behind, United Nations Working Together. This contributes to the following Country Programme result: Business and Key Business Stakeholders demonstrate growing willingness, commitment and resource allocation for protecting and promoting child rights in policy and practice by 2022
Principal gender equality objective
Cafeteria Caféverksamhet The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected].
No gender equality objective
IR21-DEL-PARTNERS' CAPACITY FOR EMERGENC IR21-The capacity of our partner to reduce the risks of the most vulnerable women and children during emergencies is enhanced, which contributes to Equitable Access To Quality Education. UNICEF aims to achieve this through Advocacy And Public Engagement, Evaluations, Research And Data, Systems Strengthening And Institution Building. This contributes to the following Country Programme result: 2012 Programme Component Results (PCR) Education
Significant gender equality objective
Strengthening capacities of law enforcement agencies in GBV/DV Strengthening legal protection for victims of domestic violence and gender-based violence, by increasing the capacity of law enforce-ment agencies and providing free legal aid
Significant gender equality objective
IR62-STRATEGIC KNOWLEDGE DOCUMENTED TO I IR62-Strategic knowledge on MDGs, social inclusion, equity and child rig hts developed, documented and disseminated to inform programming and, which contributes to Child Poverty / Public Finance For Children, Technical Excellence In Policy And Programmes, Water. UNICEF aims to achieve this through Advocacy And Public Engagement, Systems Strengthening And Institution Building. This contributes to the following Country Programme result: 2011 Programme Component Results (PCR) Advocacy & Partnerships
Significant gender equality objective
Zimbabwe Joint Response El Niño 2016 (ZIMJR) The project is addressing gaps identified in 2 priority sectors ’Agriculture & Food Security’ and ‘WASH’ in the most affected areas by the continued draught caused by El Niño. This project is in line with Zimbabwe’s Humanitarian Response Plan 2016 objectives: 1) lifesaving food and nutrition assistance, 2) access to basic services and 3) ensure continuous linkages to resilience and early recovery FSA.SO1 Provide emergency assistance to vulnerable households - Distribution of food: 10kg bag of maize meal, a 1 liter bottle of vegetable oil, a 1 kg bag of dried kapenta fish and 1 kg of sugar beans W.SO1 Improve/restore access to sufficient water. - Construction/repair of boreholes, pumps and pipes at selected health facilities - Boreholes at health facilities benefitting neighboring households W.SO2 Provide access to critical WASH related NFIs - containers and soap, with a focus on the most vulnerable families in the targeted areas - Distribution of storage container and soap Directly target 16,100 pregnant and lactating women (16,100 hh) receiving Ante Natal Care, and their children and Households. Directly target 90,000 severely drought affected households without a reliable and safe water supply who live in the vicinity of 60 health facilities. These targeted health facilities need to meet the RBF standard performance set by Cordaid. Indirectly Cordaid will target the communities living near the selected health facilities
Principal gender equality objective
SRV-WFP/AGO/Logistiker SRSA-WFP/AGO/Logistics Of Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected].
No gender equality objective
Sida policy process Sida Policy Process The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected].
No gender equality objective
KE 2020 GAA: Equal Rights and opportunities for Girls and Young Women In 2020, the GAA project  will build up on the previous achievements to speed up change at policy and practice level of all actors, whilst ensuring sustainability.  The project aims at ending gender based violence and ensuring economic empowered of AGYW.
Principal gender equality objective
LNG Manufacturing Process Development and Optimization at ScinoPharm To increase affordability of contraceptive products for women and girls in Low and Middle Income Countries using Levonorgestrel (LNG) and Etonogeterel (ENG) as the Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient
Principal gender equality objective
Human rights Human rights Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected].
No gender equality objective
Trade Seminars 2004 Handelsseminarium 2004 The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected].
No gender equality objective
BBE FN-representationen NYC, CB BAE Permanent Mission of Sweden to the United Nations NYC, CB The BAE (Bilateral Associate Expert) program was initiated by Sida in 1985, as a complement to the multilateral/UN program, JPO (Junior Professional Officer). The objective of the BAE program is to provide technical assistance to and strengthen capacity of the receiving organization through a young expert. A BAE is a young professional below the age of 33, who holds a university degree and has at least two years of relevant, paid, work experience. In the recruitment process, Sida and the receiving organization look for young professionals with knowledge and skills relevant for the organization, as well as the potential and willingness to learn and grow during the assignment. BAE:s are mainly placed within a cooperating partner organization in the global south, be it local/international NGO:s, public agencies, ministries, etc. working with international development, such as International Planned Parenthood Foundation, Saferworld, Slum Dwellers International, Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association, Agence de l'Environnement et du Développement Durable in Mali, etc. The receiving organization drafts the ToR and is highly involved in the recruitment process, in order to ensure local ownership. Before deployment, all BAE:s undergo a one week onboarding in Sweden, to prepare for their missions. The BAE contract is for maximum three years and before starting the third year, a BAE may relocate to an Embassy working with international development. Sidas BBE-program syftar till att bredda och utveckla den svenska resursbasen för internationellt utvecklingsarbete. Denna insats gäller en BBE-placering vid Sveriges ständiga representation vid FN i New York och kommer att genomföras i enlighet med framtagen Job Description. Beslut och kontrakt gäller initialt två år men kan komma att förlängas med ett tredje år. Inför år tre finns en möjlighet att byta placering, till exempel till någon av Sveriges ambassader för att öka lärandet för BBE.
Significant gender equality objective
SFD - Resilienzprogramm beschäftigungsintensive Maßnahmen Phase V SFD - Strengthening Resilience through Labor Intensive Works Program V Bei dem Projekt handelt es sich um die fünfte Phase des Resilienzprogramms beschäftigungsintensive Maßnahmen (LIWP). Es ist Teil der Sonderinitiative zur Stabilisierung und Entwicklung in Nahost und Nordafrika (SI MENA), die im Jahr 2014 vom BMZ ins Leben gerufen wurde.Die Mittel dieses Vorhabens werden über den FZ-Partner Social Fund for Development (SFD) im Jemen mittels der Cash-for-Work-Methode umgesetzt und sind für arbeitsintensive Maßnahmen mit einem Lohnanteil von mindestens 55 % vorgesehen. Ziel der FZ-Maßnahme ist es, in der gegenwärtigen Krise einen Beitrag zur Stabilisierung des Jemen und zur Verbesserung der Resilienz armer Bevölkerungsgruppen in ländlichen Gebieten des Landes zu leisten. Durch die armutsorientierte Bereitstellung von Basisinfrastruktur in verschiedenen Sektoren (wie bspw. Latrinen, Regenwasserauffangsysteme, ländliche Wege, Rehabilitierung von landwirtschaftlichen Nutzflächen) leistet der SFD einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur Linderung der Folgen der politischen Krise für die Zielgruppe und trägt somit zur wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Stabilisierung im Jemen bei. Phase V of the Labour Intensive Works Programme (LIWP) is part of the Special Initiative for Stabilization and Development in the Middle East and North Africa (SI MENA), which was launched by the BMZ in 2014.The project will be implemented by the FC partner Social Fund for Development (SFD) across Yemen using a cash-for-work approach to support vulnerable population groups in predominantly rural areas. The aim of the FC project is to contribute to the stabilization of Yemen in the current crisis and to improving the resilience of the target groups. By providing poverty-oriented basic infrastructure in various fields (such as latrines, rainwater collection systems, rural roads, rehabilitation of agricultural lands) the SFD makes a significant contribution to alleviating poverty and improving livelihoods of the crisis affected population. The project thus contributes to economic and social stabilization across the whole of Yemen. Ziel des Vorhabens ist es, durch die Schaffung von Arbeits-und Einkommensmöglichkeiten für arme Bevölkerungsgruppenin ländlichen Gebieten des Jemen einen Beitrag zur Verbesserung der Resilienz der Bevölkerung in der gegenwärtigen Krise zu leisten. Phase V of the Labour Intensive Works Programme (LIWP) is part of the Special Initiative for Stabilization and Development in the Middle East and North Africa (SI MENA), which was launched by the BMZ in 2014.The project will be implemented by the FC partner Social Fund for Development (SFD) across Yemen using a cash-for-work approach to support vulnerable population groups in predominantly rural areas. The aim of the FC project is to contribute to the stabilization of Yemen in the current crisis and to improving the resilience of the target groups. By providing poverty-oriented basic infrastructure in various fields (such as latrines, rainwater collection systems, rural roads, rehabilitation of agricultural lands) the SFD makes a significant contribution to alleviating poverty and improving livelihoods of the crisis affected population. The project thus contributes to economic and social stabilization across the whole of Yemen.
No gender equality objective
UNEP, post tsunami rehab UNEP, post tsunami rehab Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected].
No gender equality objective
Rädda Barnen Sverige EU-Jerusalem 2013-2016 Save the Children Sweden EU-Jerusalem 2013-2016 - Save the Children Sweden EU-Jerusalem Det övergripande målet är att stödja en hälsosam utveckling och konstruktiv livsstil bland ungdomar i östra Jerusalem. Projektmålet är att förbättra kvaliteten på den hälsovård som erbjuds palestinska ungdomar och deras familjer i östra Jerusalem, så att de kan uppfylla sin potential och leva drogfritt. The overall objective of the project is to promote healthy development and constructive lifestyle for youth in East Jerusalem. The specific objective is to improve the quality of services provided to Palestinian youth and their families in East Jerusalem to develop their full potential and lead drug free lives.
Significant gender equality objective
Zivilgesellschaftliche Partizipation und Schutz der Lebensgrundlagen indigener und kleinbäuerlicher Bevölkerungsgruppen im Amazonasgebiet Strengthening civic participation and protection of livelihoods of indigenous people and small scale farmers in the north-easter amazon region, Peru Zivilgesellschaftliche Partizipation und Schutz der Lebensgrundlagen indigener und kleinbäuerlicher Bevölkerungsgruppen im Amazonasgebiet Strengthening civic participation and protection of livelihoods of indigenous people and small scale farmers in the north-easter amazon region, Peru Zivilgesellschaftliche Partizipation und Schutz der Lebensgrundlagen indigener und kleinbäuerlicher Bevölkerungsgruppen im Amazonasgebiet Strengthening civic participation and protection of livelihoods of indigenous people and small scale farmers in the north-easter amazon region, Peru
No gender equality objective
Plan Sweden South 2010 Plan Sverige Syd 2010 Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected].
No gender equality objective
Study: Transport & Trade Studie: Transport&Handel The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected].
No gender equality objective
Aufbau nachhaltiger und solidarischer Entwicklungsnetzwerke in Minas Gerais, Brasilien Building sustainable and solidary development networks in Minas Gerais, Brazil Aufbau nachhaltiger und solidarischer Entwicklungsnetzwerke in Minas Gerais, Brasilien Building sustainable and solidary development networks in Minas Gerais, Brazil Aufbau nachhaltiger und solidarischer Entwicklungsnetzwerke in Minas Gerais, Brasilien Building sustainable and solidary development networks in Minas Gerais, Brazil
No gender equality objective
UNICEF Syria Lebanon Girls and young womens education Girls and young womens education, training,TVET, STEM, life skills, Safe spaces and GBV protection, employability in Syria and Lebanon
Significant gender equality objective
ZWE Private sector study ZWE Privatsektor studie Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected].
No gender equality objective
ALLIANCES WITH PRIVATE SECTOR AND MEDIA By the end of 2015, engagement with media and the private sector result in the application of child-rights oriented standards and an increase in financial and non-financial contributions to social inclusion, which contributes to Child Poverty / Public Finance For Children, Corporate External Relations And Partnerships, Communication And Resource Mobilization, Cross-Sectoral Communication For Development, Field Office Oversight, Management And Operations Support, Other Cross-Sectoral Programme Areas, Policy Advocacy – Urban, Civil Society, Parliament, Environment, Private Sector Fundraising, Psfr Modalities Non-Post. UNICEF aims to achieve this through Advocacy And Public Engagement, Developing And Leveraging Resources And Partnerships. This contributes to the following Country Programme result: By the end of 2015, Serbia's child rights infrastructure will be strengthened and civic and private engagement enhanced to realize children's rights
Significant gender equality objective
procurement labour upphandling arb. markn. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected].
No gender equality objective
IR64-MP-EQUITY AND SOCIAL INCLUSION IR64-Evidence, partnerships and pilots developed and used to promote equity and social inclusion objectives and strategies in child related policies and programmes, which contributes to Child Poverty / Public Finance For Children. UNICEF aims to achieve this through Developing And Leveraging Resources And Partnerships, Systems Strengthening And Institution Building. This contributes to the following Country Programme result: 2012 Programme Component Results (PCR) Social Policy, Planning , Monitoring and Evaluation
Significant gender equality objective
AREU-Research/Evalua 2002 AREU-Forskn policy 2002 Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected].
No gender equality objective
Jordan National Action Plan for Women, Peace and Security – Pooled Fund Plan d'action national jordanien pour les femmes, la paix et la sécurité - Fonds commun The project helps promote social cohesion in Jordan through conflict prevention and resolution, thereby reducing social tensions and radicalization and promoting stability. As both agents of change and victims of conflict, women play a critical role in addressing its root causes. Canada supported the 2018-22 Jordan National Action Plan (JONAP) for Women, Peace and Security, which increased women’s representation in the security sectors and access to services for survivors of gender-based violence (GBV). This second phase for JONAP (2022-2025) addresses remaining barriers to women’s participation across the security, military, diplomatic and justice sectors and empowers grassroots women’s organizations to effectively respond to crises and GBV. Le projet contribue à promouvoir la cohésion sociale en Jordanie par la prévention et la résolution des conflits, réduisant ainsi les tensions sociales et la radicalisation et favorisant la stabilité. En tant qu'agents de changement et victimes de conflits, les femmes jouent un rôle essentiel dans la lutte contre les causes profondes de ces derniers. Le Canada a soutenu le Plan d'action national jordanien (JONAP) 2018-22 pour les femmes, la paix et la sécurité, qui a augmenté la représentation des femmes dans les secteurs de la sécurité et l'accès aux services pour les survivants de la violence basée sur le genre (VBG). Cette deuxième phase du JONAP (2022-2025) s'attaque aux obstacles qui subsistent à la participation des femmes dans les secteurs de la sécurité, de l'armée, de la diplomatie et de la justice, et donne aux organisations féminines locales les moyens de répondre efficacement aux crises et à la VBG.
Principal gender equality objective
Armutsreduzierung und Stärkung sozialer Kohäsion durch Stromversorgung im Nord-Kivu mittels lokal verwalteter Wasserkraftwerke Providing locally managed waterdriven energy sources, reducing poverty and strengthening social cohesion in northern Kivu Armutsreduzierung und Stärkung sozialer Kohäsion durch Stromversorgung im Nord-Kivu mittels lokal verwalteter Wasserkraftwerke Providing locally managed waterdriven energy sources, reducing poverty and strengthening social cohesion in northern Kivu Armutsreduzierung und Stärkung sozialer Kohäsion durch Stromversorgung im Nord-Kivu mittels lokal verwalteter Wasserkraftwerke Providing locally managed waterdriven energy sources, reducing poverty and strengthening social cohesion in northern Kivu
No gender equality objective
Forest,Trees & People - SLU-FTPP Forest,Trees & People Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected].
No gender equality objective
ICRC 1999 Syrien ICRC 1999 Syria The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected].
No gender equality objective
Principal gender equality objective
Enhancement of the integral urban and suburban farming program in its main components RAUS - rafforzamento del programma integrale di agricoltura urbana e suburbana nelle sue componenti prioritarie Contribution to sustainable food production at the local level, within the urban and suburban agriculture Program, increasing the production of vegetable seeds and organic fertilizers<br> Contributo alla produzione sostenibile degli alimenti a livello locale, nell’ambito del programma di agricoltura urbana e suburbana, incrementando la produzione di sementi orticole e di concime organico
No gender equality objective
IR14-BIH-VHND IR14-National and state HFW and WCD departments can roll out Village Health and Nutrition Days (VHNDs) with a focus on quality services and coverage with equity, which contributes to Child Health. UNICEF aims to achieve this through Advocacy And Public Engagement, Evaluations, Research And Data, Systems Strengthening And Institution Building. This contributes to the following Country Programme result: 2012 Programme Component Results (PCR) Reproductive and Child Health
Principal gender equality objective
HESAWA PLANNING RESERVE HESAWA PLANNING RESERVE The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected].
No gender equality objective
Verteidigung der Frauenrechte und der Geschlechtergleichstellung im Rahmen der Stärkung der Demokratie Defending womens rights and gender equality within the framework of strengthening democracy Verteidigung der Frauenrechte und der Geschlechtergleichstellung im Rahmen der Stärkung der Demokratie Defending women's rights and gender equality within the framework of strengthening democracy Mitglieder der organisierten feministischen Bewegung in Peru werden dabei unterstützt die Demokratie im Lande zu stärken und als Gegengewicht der politischen Krise und neofaschistische Tendenzen zu agieren. Members of the organized feminist movement in Peru are supported in strengthening democracy in the country and acting as a counterweight to the political crisis and neo-fascist tendencies.
Principal gender equality objective
Aid Accountability Initia Aid Accountability initia The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected].
No gender equality objective
IFPRI IFPRI, CGIAR - IFPRI The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected].
No gender equality objective
KinaKunming Miljöövervak2 CHN Kunming Enviro. Mon 2 The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected].
No gender equality objective
OPC Syd 2000 OPC South 2000 The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected].
No gender equality objective
IR1.2 2012 ACCÉS AU PRIMAIRE Intermediate Results (IR) 1.2, 90% des enfants de 6-8 ans, y compris ceux souffrant de handicap sont admis à l'école dans les zones pédagogiques retenues chaque année., which contributes to Equitable Access To Quality Education, Equity – Focus On Girls' And Inclusive Education, Learning And Child-Friendly Schools, Learning Outcomes. UNICEF aims to achieve this through Advocacy And Public Engagement, Systems Strengthening And Institution Building. This contributes to the following Country Programme result: D'ici fin 2014, 65% des enfants de 3 ¿ 8 ans, surtout les groupes vuln¿r ables*, acc¿dent de fa¿on ¿quitable et participent en majorit¿ ¿ l'¿ ducation en mettant l'accent sur la r¿duction des disparit¿s et les in¿g alités scolaires
Significant gender equality objective
Ref Burmesiska i Thailand Ref Burma-Thailand border The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected].
No gender equality objective
UN Women leads and coordinates support to GE mainstreaming across the UN system in PNG This will be guided by the Gender and Human Rights Strategy of the UN System in PNG and outcome of the Gender Score Card in 2021
Principal gender equality objective
GENDER EQUALITY AND MAINSTREAMING Government and partners have the capacity to identify and respond to gender equality concerns across all areas of UNICEF programme of cooperation, which contributes to Cross Sectoral - Gender Discriminatory Roles And Practices, Unicef Capacity For Programming On Gender. UNICEF aims to achieve this through Advocacy And Communications, Advocacy And Public Engagement, Data, Research, Evaluation And Knowledge Management, Evaluations, Research And Data, Systems Strengthening And Institution Building, Systems Strengthening To Leave No One Behind. This contributes to the following Country Programme result: Child rights and gender equality prioritized in evidence-based public discourse, national policies, budget allocations, legislation, and social protection systems and progressively promoted and protected in social and cultural attitudes, practices and norms, with a focus on the most vulnerable
Principal gender equality objective
ASMR funds 2000 - RASS ASMR funds 2000 Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected].
No gender equality objective
RRF RRF - Eval & Monitoring Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected].
No gender equality objective
Stockholm Internet Forum (SIF14) Stockholm Internet Forum (SIF14) Den 27-28 maj 2014 anordnar Sida tillsammans med UD Stockholm Internet Forum (SIF) som är en konferens som syftar till att fördjupa diskussionerna om hur frihet och öppenhet på Internet kan främja ekonomisk och social utveckling. Det övergripande temat för konferensen 2014 är “Internet — privacy, transparency, surveillance and control”. Forumet kommer 2014 att besökas av närmare 450 deltagare från 90 länder hälften av deltagarna kommer från låg- och medelinkomstländer. I samband med SIF kommer också Sida att annordna ett förseminarium särskilt riktat till deltagare från låg och medelinkomsländer. Syftet med denna del är att ytterligare stärka deltagarnas kunskaper kring frågor om säkerhet och gender samt att ge tillfälle till ökat nätverknde med andra deltagare och Sida personal. The Stockholm Forum on Internet Freedom and Global Development (SIF)Purpose is to create an international meeting for discussion regarding internet freedom, and the role a free internet has for global development. One important aspect of the meeting is to gather a mixed group of people from low, middle, and high income countries. Around 450 people are comming to the stockholm from 90 countries.
Significant gender equality objective
District Kuria District Kuria - Revenue Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected].
No gender equality objective
South African Export Week Sydafrikansk exportvecka The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected].
No gender equality objective
WARFSA Fas 2 - WARFSA 3, services WARFSA Phase 2 Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected].
No gender equality objective
Sakanslagsuppdr Lundström Coop mission Lundström Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected].
No gender equality objective
Verbesserung der Gesundheitssituation durch Stärkung von Selbsthilfeinitiativen im Bereich WASH Improvement of the Health situation through strenghtening self-help initiatives in WASH Verbesserung der Gesundheitssituation durch Stärkung von Selbsthilfeinitiativen im Bereich WASH Improvement of the Health situation through strenghtening self-help initiatives in WASH Verbesserung der Gesundheitssituation durch Stärkung von Selbsthilfeinitiativen im Bereich WASH Improvement of the Health situation through strenghtening self-help initiatives in WASH
No gender equality objective
Uppföljning Centec 2013 Review Centec 2013 The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected].
No gender equality objective
EARLY CHILDHOOD Improved quality of Early Childhood Care and Education (ECE), which contributes to Cross-Sectoral Monitoring, Data And Situation Analyses, Early Childhood Development, Early Learning, Equitable Access To Quality Education, Learning Outcomes. UNICEF aims to achieve this through Advocacy And Public Engagement, Evaluations, Research And Data, Systems Strengthening And Institution Building. This contributes to the following Country Programme result: By 2014 Angolan children, particularly the most vulnerable, will have increased equitable access to quality education and to opportunities to develop lifeskills and healthy life patterns.
Significant gender equality objective
Stärkung indigener Frauen in der RAAN für ihre Beteiligung in klimarelevanten Prozessen Strengthening of indigenous women of the RAAN in their participation in clima relevant processes Stärkung indigener Frauen in der RAAN für ihre Beteiligung in klimarelevanten Prozessen Strengthening of indigenous women of the RAAN in their participation in clima relevant processes Stärkung indigener Frauen in der RAAN für ihre Beteiligung in klimarelevanten Prozessen Strengthening of indigenous women of the RAAN in their participation in clima relevant processes
Principal gender equality objective
NIR PIBF 2008-2011 - Uppföljning NIR PIBF 2008-2011 Aktiviteten saknar beskrivning. Kontakta Sida för mer information. Ring +46 8 698 50 00 eller skicka e-post till [email protected]. The activity does not have a description. You can contact Sida for more information. Call +46 8 698 50 00 or send an e-mail to [email protected].
No gender equality objective