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Pesta berakhir | Party's over. |
Arrr! | Arrr! |
Arrr! | Arrr! |
Ke mana bajak laut pergi? | Where'd the pirates go? |
Siapa peduli? | Who cares? |
Selama mereka pergi! | As long as they're gone! |
Brenda dan Tommie juga pergi! | Brenda and Tommie are gone, too! |
Mungkin, kalau Shaggy dan Scooby tidak melakukannya Memimpin bajak laut hak untuk klub ... | Well, maybe if Shaggy and Scooby hadn't led the pirates right to the club... |
Seperti, tidak, manusia! | Like, no way, man! |
Kami melihat bajak laut itu berlayar. | We saw those pirates sail off. |
Bagaimana mereka bisa mengapalkan kapal itu? Pergi dan muncul beberapa menit kemudian Di Octo Rock Lounge? | How could they have sailed the ship away and shown up minutes later at the Octo Rock Lounge? |
Oh, sekarang kamu mulai menyelidiki? | Oh, now you start investigating? |
Mungkin kalau kalian berdua belum begitu tertangkap Dalam mencoba membuktikan bahwa Anda bisa menyenangkan, Kami bisa menyelamatkan temanmu | Maybe if you two hadn't been so caught up in trying to prove you could be fun, we could have saved your friends. |
Nah, jika kita sibuk menyelidiki, Mereka tidak akan menjadi teman kita! | Well, if we'd been busy investigating, they wouldn't have been our friends! |
Apa semua keributan itu? | What's all the commotion? |
Saya minta maaf, Mr dan Mrs Holdings. | I'm sorry, Mr. and Mrs. Holdout. |
Kami hanya kesal dengan bajak laut itu. | We're just upset about those pirates. |
Nah, kamu tidak akan mendapatkan Dimanapun dengan pertengkaran | Well, you're not gonna get anywhere by squabbling. |
Kerja tim, itulah kuncinya, Jika Anda ingin menyelesaikannya Kasus kecilmu dari topi yang hilang | Teamwork, that's the key, if you want to solve your little case of the missing hats. |
Betul. | That's right. |
Aku takut kasusnya lebih besar Daripada hanya kehilangan topi sekarang. | I'm afraid the case is bigger than just missing hats now. |
Ini diperluas menjadi dua remaja yang hilang. | It's expanded to two missing teens. |
Dan, seperti, satu perahu napped perahu! | And, like, one boat-napped boat! |
Dua remaja yang hilang? | Two missing teens? |
- Itu tidak mungkin. | - That's impossible. |
- apakah kamu anak yakin | - Are you kids sure? |
Perompak lari dengan Tommie dan Brenda di Octo Rock Lounge malam ini. | The pirates ran off with Tommie and Brenda at the Octo Rock Lounge tonight. |
Octo Rock Lounge, eh? | The Octo Rock Lounge, eh? |
Aku akan memberitahu Sheriff. | I'll let the Sheriff know. |
Kenapa kita tidak mengantarmu anak-anak? Ke kamarmu | Why don't we walk you kids to your rooms? |
Kue? | Cookies? |
Seperti, man, kalau aku tidak menginjakkan kaki Perahu itu lagi, akan terlalu cepat. | Like, man, if I never set foot on that boat again, it'll be too soon. |
Ya. | Yeah. |
Aku tidak pernah begitu bosan dan Begitu ketakutan pada saat bersamaan! | I've never been so bored and so terrified at the same time! |
Bosan? | Bored? |
Di asin asin? | On the Salty Brick? |
Itu tidak mungkin. | That's impossible. |
Saya mengerti Anda dulu memimpin tur Bata Asin, Pak Tuntas. | I understand you used to lead tours of the Salty Brick, Mr. Holdout. |
Oh ya, jalan kembali kapan Sebelum ... kecelakaan itu | Oh yes, way back when before... the accident. |
Apakah itu burung beo Belle dan Bash? | Is that Belle and Bash's parrot? |
Pastilah itu. | It sure is. |
Namanya Aloysius Featherton Scourgebottom Wendellwing Crackers IV. | His name was Aloysius Featherton Scourgebottom Wendellwing Crackers IV. |
Coba katakan itu tiga kali cepat. | Try saying that three times fast. |
Aloysius Featherton Scourgebottom Wendellwing Crackers IV. | Aloysius Featherton Scourgebottom Wendellwing Crackers IV. |
Aloysius Featherton Scourgebottom Wendellwing Crackers IV. | Aloysius Featherton Scourgebottom Wendellwing Crackers IV. |
Aloysius Featherton Scourgebottom Wendellwing Crackers IV. | Aloysius Featherton Scourgebottom Wendellwing Crackers IV. |
Baiklah, saya kira Ini tidak terlalu sulit. | All right, I guess it's not so hard after all. |
Apakah Anda ingat puisi burung beo itu? Anda biasa membaca tur Anda? | Do you remember the parrot's poem you used to recite on your tours? |
Oh itu? | Oh, that? |
Tidak, sudah bertahun-tahun. | No, it's been years. |
Jika Anda anak-anak tidak keberatan, Sudah larut, Dan kita benar-benar harus tidur. | If you kids don't mind, it's getting late, and we really should be getting to bed. |
Yeah, selain itu, Velma dan aku Perlu bangun pagi-pagi. | Yeah, besides, Velma and I need to get up early. |
Kami bersaing di Lomba Bingo Bash Limbo. | We're competing in the Bingo Bash Limbo Contest. |
Bagaimana Anda berdua bisa berpikir Tentang kontes limbo? | How can you two be thinking about a limbo contest? |
Orang hilang | People are missing! |
Ya, seperti, seberapa rendah Anda bisa pergi? | Yeah, like, how low can you go? |
Nah, kalian berdua saja Cemburu Velma itu Dan saya lebih baik bersenang-senang daripada Anda. | Well, you two are just jealous that Velma and I are better at having fun than you. |
Pikirkan semuanya berat Mengangkat Fred dan aku melakukan setiap ... | Think after all the heavy lifting Fred and I do on every... |
Kalian berdua bertingkah laku Seperti beberapa anak manja. | You two are behaving like a couple of spoiled children. |
Bagaimana dengan Daphne itu? Pada kasus kami di luar sana? | How about that Daphne getting on our case out there? |
Yah, aku tidak tahu, Fred. | Well, I don't know, Fred. |
Seperti, mungkin dia ada benarnya. | Like, maybe she has a point. |
Kamu juga? | You too? |
Oh! | Oh! |
Pertama, kita terlalu membosankan Kalian, dan sekarang kami terlalu asyik | First, we're too boring for you guys, and now we're too fun! |
Yang saya katakan adalah Anda bisa menyenangkan Dan bertanggung jawab pada saat bersamaan. | All I'm saying is you can be fun and responsible at the same time. |
- Benar, Scoob? | - Right, Scoob? |
- Uh-eh, tinggalkan aku dari ini | - Uh-uh, leave me out of this. |
Terkadang Anda memilikinya Untuk bertanggung jawab, Dan aku tahu itu kata besar, Bung, Tapi tanggung jawab adalah apa yang Anda butuhkan. | Sometimes you have to take responsibility, and I know that's a big word, dude, but responsibility is what you need. |
Daphne, aku ... | Daphne, I... |
Kami hanya mencoba untuk menunjukkan Bahwa kita tahu bagaimana untuk berpesta. | We were just trying to show that we know how to party down. |
Anda seharusnya menyelidiki. | You were supposed to be investigating. |
Sekarang temanmu hilang dan Kami tidak memiliki petunjuk untuk melanjutkan. | Now your friends are missing and we don't have any clues to go on. |
Bagaimana Anda dan Fred bisa? Jadi tidak peduli tentang ini? | How can you and Fred be so unconcerned about this? |
Anda tidak akan mengerti. | You wouldn't understand. |
Menari malam ini, saya merasa senang. | Dancing tonight, I felt fun. |
Aku hanya menginginkan perasaan itu Untuk bertahan sedikit lebih lama Sebelum saya kembali ke deduktif, Velma yang rasional, berpacu dengan partai. | I just wanted that feeling to last a little longer before I go back to deductive, rational, party-pooping old Velma. |
Oh ya? Nah, jika itu yang Anda rasakan, Mungkin Scoob dan aku harus tidur Keluar di Mystery Machine. | Well, if that's how you feel, maybe Scoob and I should sleep out in the Mystery Machine. |
- Baik. | - Fine. |
- Baik! | - Fine! |
Ayo, Scoob. | Come on, Scoob. |
Scooby? | Scooby? |
Scooby-Doo? | Scooby-Doo? |
Seperti, Scooby-Doo, dimana kamu? | Like, Scooby-Doo, where are you? |
- Disini! | - Over here! |
- apakah itu scooby? | - Was that Scooby? |
Aku di sini | I'm in here. |
Whoa! | Whoa! |
Hah? | Huh? |
Hah? | Huh? |
Kalian bukan Scooby! | You guys aren't Scooby! |
Bagaimana kita bisa melakukannya tanpa dirimu? Kekuatan brilian pengamatan? | How did we ever get by without your brilliant powers of observation? |
Ha ha. | Ha-ha. |
Dimana Scooby? | Where's Scooby? |
Kembali kesini! | Back here! |
Ini pasti terowongan Penyelundup dibangun Kembali saat kota Adalah tempat yang aman untuk bajak laut. | These must be the tunnels the smugglers built back when the city was a safe haven for pirates. |
Neato. | Neato. |
Mari jelajahi. | Let's explore. |
- Saya tidak tahu | - I don't know. |
- Kita harus bangun pagi untuk limbo. | - We do have to be up early for limbo. |
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