stringlengths 18
| data
stringlengths 3
the_stack_data/11364.c | /*
* File: cancel2.c
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Pthreads-win32 - POSIX Threads Library for Win32
* Copyright(C) 1998 John E. Bossom
* Copyright(C) 1999,2005 Pthreads-win32 contributors
* Contact Email: [email protected]
* The current list of contributors is contained
* in the file CONTRIBUTORS included with the source
* code distribution. The list can also be seen at the
* following World Wide Web location:
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library in the file COPYING.LIB;
* if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Test Synopsis: Test SEH or C++ cancel exception handling within
* application exception blocks.
* Test Method (Validation or Falsification):
* -
* Requirements Tested:
* -
* Features Tested:
* -
* Cases Tested:
* -
* Description:
* -
* Environment:
* -
* Input:
* - None.
* Output:
* - File name, Line number, and failed expression on failure.
* - No output on success.
* Assumptions:
* - have working pthread_create, pthread_self, pthread_mutex_lock/unlock
* pthread_testcancel, pthread_cancel, pthread_join
* Pass Criteria:
* - Process returns zero exit status.
* Fail Criteria:
* - Process returns non-zero exit status.
* Don't know how to identify if we are using SEH so it's only C++ for now
#if defined(__cplusplus)
#include "test.h"
* Create NUMTHREADS threads in addition to the Main thread.
enum {
typedef struct bag_t_ bag_t;
struct bag_t_ {
int threadnum;
int started;
/* Add more per-thread state variables here */
static bag_t threadbag[NUMTHREADS + 1];
static pthread_mutex_t waitLock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
void *
mythread(void * arg)
int result = 0;
bag_t * bag = (bag_t *) arg;
assert(bag == &threadbag[bag->threadnum]);
assert(bag->started == 0);
bag->started = 1;
/* Set to known state and type */
assert(pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE, NULL) == 0);
switch (bag->threadnum % 2)
case 0:
assert(pthread_setcanceltype(PTHREAD_CANCEL_ASYNCHRONOUS, NULL) == 0);
result = 0;
case 1:
assert(pthread_setcanceltype(PTHREAD_CANCEL_DEFERRED, NULL) == 0);
result = 1;
#if !defined(__cplusplus)
/* Wait for go from main */
assert(pthread_mutex_lock(&waitLock) == 0);
assert(pthread_mutex_unlock(&waitLock) == 0);
for (;;)
#if !defined(__cplusplus)
#if defined(PtW32CatchAll)
* Should not get into here.
result += 100;
* Should not get to here either.
result += 1000;
return (void *) (size_t)result;
int failed = 0;
int i;
pthread_t t[NUMTHREADS + 1];
assert((t[0] = pthread_self()).p != NULL);
assert(pthread_mutex_lock(&waitLock) == 0);
for (i = 1; i <= NUMTHREADS; i++)
threadbag[i].started = 0;
threadbag[i].threadnum = i;
assert(pthread_create(&t[i], NULL, mythread, (void *) &threadbag[i]) == 0);
* Code to control or munipulate child threads should probably go here.
assert(pthread_mutex_unlock(&waitLock) == 0);
for (i = 1; i <= NUMTHREADS; i++)
assert(pthread_cancel(t[i]) == 0);
* Give threads time to run.
Sleep(NUMTHREADS * 100);
* Standard check that all threads started.
for (i = 1; i <= NUMTHREADS; i++)
if (!threadbag[i].started)
failed |= !threadbag[i].started;
fprintf(stderr, "Thread %d: started %d\n", i, threadbag[i].started);
* Check any results here. Set "failed" and only print output on failure.
failed = 0;
for (i = 1; i <= NUMTHREADS; i++)
int fail = 0;
void* result = (void*)0;
assert(pthread_join(t[i], &result) == 0);
fail = ((int)(size_t)result != (int) PTHREAD_CANCELED);
if (fail)
fprintf(stderr, "Thread %d: started %d: location %d: cancel type %s\n",
(((int)(size_t)result % 2) == 0) ? "ASYNCHRONOUS" : "DEFERRED");
failed |= fail;
* Success.
return 0;
#else /* defined(__cplusplus) */
#include <stdio.h>
fprintf(stderr, "Test N/A for this compiler environment.\n");
return 0;
#endif /* defined(__cplusplus) */
the_stack_data/242331003.c | #include <openssl/ssl.h>
// gcc openssl_version.c -o openssl_version.exe -lcrypto
int main(int argc, char argv[]) {
printf("OpenSSL version %s\n", OpenSSL_version(SSLEAY_VERSION));
return 0;
} |
the_stack_data/159516701.c |
#include <time.h>
// Number of days (-1) that have elapsed at the end of the month
static int yday[] = { -1, 30, 58, 89, 119, 150, 180, 211, 242, 272, 303, 333 };
time_t mktime(struct tm *tp)
return tp->tm_sec + tp->tm_min*60 + tp->tm_hour*3600L + (yday[tp->tm_mon] + tp->tm_mday)*86400 +
(tp->tm_year-70)*31536000 + ((tp->tm_year-69)/4)*86400 -
((tp->tm_year-1)/100)*86400 + ((tp->tm_year+299)/400)*86400;
the_stack_data/79926.c | void mx_printchar(char c);
void mx_printint(int num);
void mx_print_arr_int(const int *arr, int size){
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
the_stack_data/43888792.c | extern void __VERIFIER_error() __attribute__ ((__noreturn__));
extern void __VERIFIER_assume(int);
void __VERIFIER_assert(int cond) { if(!(cond)) { ERROR: __VERIFIER_error(); } }
extern int __VERIFIER_nondet_int(void);
int SIZE;
int main()
SIZE = __VERIFIER_nondet_int();
if(SIZE <= 0) return 1;
int i;
int a[SIZE];
int sum[1];
for(i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
a[i] = __VERIFIER_nondet_int();
for(i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
sum[0] = sum[0] + a[i];
for(i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
sum[0] = sum[0] - a[i];
for(i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
sum[0] = sum[0] + a[i];
for(i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
sum[0] = sum[0] - a[i];
for(i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
sum[0] = sum[0] + a[i];
for(i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
sum[0] = sum[0] - a[i];
for(i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
sum[0] = sum[0] + a[i];
for(i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
sum[0] = sum[0] - a[i];
__VERIFIER_assert(sum[0] == 0);
return 1;
the_stack_data/72013360.c | //
// Created by Vladimir-HP on 29/12/2020.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#define MAX 100
#define MIN -100
void fillArray(int array[], int n);
void printArray(int array[], int n);
void swap(int *x, int *y);
void selectionSort(int array[], int n);
int main() {
// Intializes random number generator
clock_t start, end;
int n;
printf("Number of elements in an array:");
scanf("%d", &n);
int array[n];
fillArray(array, n);
printf("Unsorted array:\n");
printArray(array, n);
// Calculate the time taken by algorithm
// Start measuring time
start = clock();
selectionSort(array, n);
end = clock();
// Stop measuring time and calculate the elapsed time
double elapsedTime = (double) (end - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
printf("Sorted array:\n");
printArray(array, n);
printf("Total time taken by CPU: %.20fs.\n", elapsedTime); // time in seconds
printf("Total time taken by CPU: %.20fms.\n", elapsedTime * 1000.0); // time in milliseconds
void fillArray(int array[], int n) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
array[i] = rand() % (MAX - MIN + 1) + MIN;
void printArray(int array[], int n) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
printf(" %d", array[i]);
void swap(int *x, int *y) {
int temp = *x;
*x = *y;
*y = temp;
void selectionSort(int array[], int n) {
int minIndex;
for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; ++i) {
minIndex = i;
for (int j = i + 1; j < n; ++j)
if (array[minIndex] > array[j])
minIndex = j;
swap(&array[minIndex], &array[i]);
the_stack_data/34971.c | #include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
main(int argc, char *argv[])
int rc = fork();
if (rc < 0) {
// fork failed; exit
fprintf(stderr, "fork failed\n");
} else if (rc == 0) {
// child: redirect standard output to a file
open("./p4-output.txt", O_CREAT|O_WRONLY|O_TRUNC, S_IRWXU);
// now exec "wc"...
char *myargs[3];
myargs[0] = strdup("wc"); // program: "wc" (word count)
myargs[1] = strdup("p4-redirect.c"); // argument: file to count
myargs[2] = NULL; // marks end of array
execvp(myargs[0], myargs); // runs word count
} else {
// parent goes down this path (original process)
int wc = wait(NULL);
return 0;
the_stack_data/193482.c | /*
Given x=3.0, y=12.5, z= 523.3, A=300.0, B=1200.5, C=5300.3, Write a program to display
the following (hint: use formatted output):
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
float x = 3.0, y = 12.5, z = 523.3, A = 300.0, B = 1200.5, C = 5300.3;
printf("x\ty\tz\t=\t |%.1f\t |%.1f\t\t |%.1f\n", x, y, z);
printf("a\tb\tc\t=\t |%.1f\t |%.1f\t |%.1f\n", A, B, C);
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
printf("x\ty\tz\t=\t |%.2f\t\t |%.2f\t\t |%.2f\n", x, y, z);
printf("a\tb\tc\t=\t |%.2f\t |%.2f\t |%.2f\n", A, B, C);
return 0;
} |
the_stack_data/68886437.c | #include<stdio.h>
int main()
int n=8, sum, k, count;
float average;
printf("BSc computer science 1st year 1st sem\n: 1:sco 110 mathematical foundationof cs\n 2. ucu 100 communication skills\n 3.sco 100 fundamentals of computing\n 4.sco 102 introduction to programming\n 5.sco 108 discrete maths\n 6.sco 110 mathematical foundation for computer science\n 7.sco 104 computer organisation and architecture\n 8.sco 106 electronics\n ");
printf("enter marks\n");
for (count=1; count<n; count++);
scanf("%d", &k);
if (average>=50)
return 0;
} |
the_stack_data/4234.c | #include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int SL_Cgridreshape(ctxt, pstart, row_major_in, row_major_out, P, Q)
int ctxt, pstart, row_major_in, row_major_out, P, Q;
int Cblacs_pnum();
int nctxt, P0, Q0, Np, i, *g;
Cblacs_gridinfo(ctxt, &P0, &Q0, &i, &Np);
Np = P * Q;
if (Np+pstart > P0*Q0)
fprintf(stderr, "Illegal reshape command in %s\n",__FILE__);
Cblacs_abort(ctxt, -22);
g = (int *) malloc(Np * sizeof(int));
if (!g)
fprintf(stderr, "Cannot allocate memory in %s\n",__FILE__);
Cblacs_abort(ctxt, -23);
if (row_major_in) /* Read in in row-major order */
if (row_major_out)
for (i=0; i != Np; i++)
g[(i%Q)*P+i/Q] = Cblacs_pnum(ctxt, (pstart+i)/Q0, (pstart+i)%Q0);
for (i=0; i != Np; i++)
g[i] = Cblacs_pnum(ctxt, (pstart+i)/Q0, (pstart+i)%Q0);
else /* read in in column-major order */
if (row_major_out)
for (i=0; i != Np; i++)
g[(i%Q)*P+i/Q] = Cblacs_pnum(ctxt, (pstart+i)%P0, (pstart+i)/P0);
for (i=0; i != Np; i++)
g[i] = Cblacs_pnum(ctxt, (pstart+i)%P0, (pstart+i)/P0);
Cblacs_get(ctxt, 10, &nctxt);
Cblacs_gridmap(&nctxt, g, P, P, Q);
int sl_gridreshape_(ctxt, pstart, row_major_in, row_major_out, P, Q)
int *ctxt, *pstart, *row_major_in, *row_major_out, *P, *Q;
return( SL_Cgridreshape(*ctxt, *pstart, *row_major_in, *row_major_out,
*P, *Q) );
int SL_GRIDRESHAPE(ctxt, pstart, row_major_in, row_major_out, P, Q)
int *ctxt, *pstart, *row_major_in, *row_major_out, *P, *Q;
return( SL_Cgridreshape(*ctxt, *pstart, *row_major_in, *row_major_out,
*P, *Q) );
int sl_gridreshape__(ctxt, pstart, row_major_in, row_major_out, P, Q)
int *ctxt, *pstart, *row_major_in, *row_major_out, *P, *Q;
return( SL_Cgridreshape(*ctxt, *pstart, *row_major_in, *row_major_out,
*P, *Q) );
int sl_gridreshape(ctxt, pstart, row_major_in, row_major_out, P, Q)
int *ctxt, *pstart, *row_major_in, *row_major_out, *P, *Q;
return( SL_Cgridreshape(*ctxt, *pstart, *row_major_in, *row_major_out,
*P, *Q) );
the_stack_data/154682.c | /* Copyright (C) 1996-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
Contributed by Ulrich Drepper <[email protected]>, 1996.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
#include <wchar.h>
#ifndef WMEMCMP
# define WMEMCMP wmemcmp
WMEMCMP (s1, s2, n)
const wchar_t *s1;
const wchar_t *s2;
size_t n;
wchar_t c1;
wchar_t c2;
while (n >= 4)
c1 = s1[0];
c2 = s2[0];
if (c1 - c2 != 0)
return c1 > c2 ? 1 : -1;
c1 = s1[1];
c2 = s2[1];
if (c1 - c2 != 0)
return c1 > c2 ? 1 : -1;
c1 = s1[2];
c2 = s2[2];
if (c1 - c2 != 0)
return c1 > c2 ? 1 : -1;
c1 = s1[3];
c2 = s2[3];
if (c1 - c2 != 0)
return c1 > c2 ? 1 : -1;
s1 += 4;
s2 += 4;
n -= 4;
if (n > 0)
c1 = s1[0];
c2 = s2[0];
if (c1 - c2 != 0)
return c1 > c2 ? 1 : -1;
if (n > 0)
c1 = s1[0];
c2 = s2[0];
if (c1 - c2 != 0)
return c1 > c2 ? 1 : -1;
if (n > 0)
c1 = s1[0];
c2 = s2[0];
if (c1 - c2 != 0)
return c1 > c2 ? 1 : -1;
return 0;
the_stack_data/90764892.c | #include <stdio.h>
char *binString(unsigned short n)
static char bin[17];
int x;
bin[x] = n & 0x8000 ? '1' : '0';
n <<= 1;
bin[16] = '\0';
int main()
unsigned short a,b,c;
a = 0xAAAA;
b = 0x00FF;
printf("Start: %04X - %s\n",a,binString(a));
printf(" & %04X - %s\n",b,binString(b));
c = a & b;
printf(" End: %04X - %s\n",c,binString(c));
the_stack_data/9511743.c | /* $OpenBSD: _Exit.c,v 1.2 2005/08/08 08:05:36 espie Exp $ */
* Placed in the public domain by Todd C. Miller on January 21, 2004.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
* _Exit() is the ISO/ANSI C99 equivalent of the POSIX _exit() function.
* No atexit() handlers are called and no signal handlers are run.
* Whether or not stdio buffers are flushed or temporary files are removed
* is implementation-dependent. As such it is safest to *not* flush
* stdio buffers or remove temporary files. This is also consistent
* with most other implementations.
_Exit(int status)
the_stack_data/48575819.c | #include <stdio.h>
int main (void)
return 0;
the_stack_data/105942.c | /* Written by: Noah Brayer 11/18/2013 */
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
{ char ret;
double pi=0.0,frac=0.0,sum=0.0;
int n,i;
printf("Enter a limit for n:");
{ frac=1/(2*((double)n)+1);
} |
the_stack_data/64539.c | /*
* $XConsortium: IncKey.c,v 1.3 94/04/17 20:16:37 gildea Exp $
Copyright (c) 1989 X Consortium
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
Except as contained in this notice, the name of the X Consortium shall not be
used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings
in this Software without prior written authorization from the X Consortium.
* *
* Author: Keith Packard, MIT X Consortium
#include <X11/Xos.h>
#include <X11/X.h>
#include <X11/Xmd.h>
#include <X11/Xdmcp.h>
XdmcpIncrementKey (key)
XdmAuthKeyPtr key;
int i;
i = 7;
while (++key->data[i] == 0)
if (--i < 0)
the_stack_data/70449750.c | /*
* Copyright 2015-2016 Yury Gribov
* Use of this source code is governed by MIT license that can be
* found in the LICENSE.txt file.
#include <stdlib.h>
char aa[] = { 1, 2, 3 };
int cmp(const void *pa, const void *pb) {
char a = *(const char *)pa;
char b = *(const char *)pb;
return a < b ? -1 : a == b ? 0 : 1;
int main() {
qsort(aa, sizeof(aa), 1, cmp);
return 0;
the_stack_data/879054.c | #include <stdio.h>
int buscaBinariaI(int valores[], int tamanho, int chave){
int inicio = 0;
int fim = tamanho - 1;
while(inicio <= fim){
int metade = (inicio + fim) / 2;
if (chave == valores[metade]){
return metade;
} else {
if (chave > valores[metade]){
inicio = metade + 1;
} else {
fim = metade -1;
return -1;
int buscaBinariaR(int valores[], int inicio, int fim, int chave){
if (inicio <= fim) {
int metade = (inicio + fim) / 2;
if (chave == valores[metade]) {
return metade;
} else {
if (chave > valores[metade]) {
inicio = metade + 1;
return buscaBinariaR(valores, inicio, fim, chave);
} else {
fim = metade - 1;
return buscaBinariaR(valores, inicio, fim, chave);
} else {
return -1;
int main(void) {
int teste [] = {1, 3, 4, 9, 20, 55, 67, 99, 100};
int tamanho = sizeof(teste)/sizeof(int);
printf("Valor recuperado I: %d\n", buscaBinariaI(teste, tamanho, 99));
printf("Valor recuperado R: %d\n", buscaBinariaR(teste, 0, tamanho - 1, 3));
return 0;
the_stack_data/57949257.c | #include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
void gerarVetores(int vetor[], int FVetor[], int Tvetor, int Minvalor, int Maxvalor){
int Pvetor, num;
for (Pvetor = 0; Pvetor < Tvetor; Pvetor++) {
num = Minvalor + (rand() % (Maxvalor - Minvalor));
vetor[Pvetor] = num;
FVetor[Pvetor] = -1;
void imprimirVetor(int vetor[], int Tvetor)
int Pvetor;
for (Pvetor = 0; Pvetor < Tvetor; Pvetor++) {
printf("%d ", vetor[Pvetor]);
void contarFrequencia(int vetor[], int FVetor[], int Tvetor){
int posicaoA, posicaoB, contador;
for (posicaoA = 0; posicaoA < Tvetor; posicaoA++) {
contador = 1;
for(posicaoB = posicaoA + 1; posicaoB < Tvetor; posicaoB++){
if(vetor[posicaoA] == vetor[posicaoB]){
FVetor[posicaoB] = 0;
if(FVetor[posicaoA] != 0){
FVetor[posicaoA] = contador;
void FrequenciaVari(int vetor[], int FVetor[], int Tvetor)
int Pvetor;
for (Pvetor = 0; Pvetor < Tvetor; Pvetor++) {
if(FVetor[Pvetor] != 0){
printf("Valor: %d - %dx\n", vetor[Pvetor], FVetor[Pvetor]);
int main(){
int Tvetor = 30, vetor[Tvetor], FVetor[Tvetor];
int Minvalor = 1, Maxvalor = 101;
srand( (unsigned)time(NULL) );
gerarVetores(vetor, FVetor, Tvetor, Minvalor, Maxvalor);
printf("\nValores gerados no vetor \n");
imprimirVetor(vetor, Tvetor);
contarFrequencia(vetor, FVetor, Tvetor);
printf("\n\nFrequência dos valores \n\n");
FrequenciaVari(vetor, FVetor, Tvetor);
return 0;
the_stack_data/165766414.c | #include <stdio.h>
#include <stddef.h>
static struct sss{
size_t f;
wchar_t snd;
} sss;
#define _offsetof(st,f) ((char *)&((st *) 16)->f - (char *) 16)
int main (void) {
printf ("+++Struct size_t-wchar_t:\n");
printf ("size=%d,align=%d,offset-size_t=%d,offset-wchar_t=%d,\nalign-size_t=%d,align-wchar_t=%d\n",
sizeof (sss), __alignof__ (sss),
_offsetof (struct sss, f), _offsetof (struct sss, snd),
__alignof__ (sss.f), __alignof__ (sss.snd));
return 0;
the_stack_data/161079742.c | # 1 "benchmarks/ds-09-impl1.c"
# 1 "<built-in>"
# 1 "<command-line>"
# 1 "/usr/include/stdc-predef.h" 1 3 4
# 1 "<command-line>" 2
# 1 "benchmarks/ds-09-impl1.c"
# 1 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/dsverifier.h" 1
# 20 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/dsverifier.h"
# 1 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/definitions.h" 1
# 132 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/definitions.h"
int X_SIZE_VALUE = 0;
int overflow_mode = 1;
int rounding_mode = 0;
# 155 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/definitions.h"
typedef struct {
double a[100];
int a_size;
double b[100];
int b_size;
double sample_time;
double a_uncertainty[100];
double b_uncertainty[100];
} digital_system;
typedef struct {
double A[4][4];
double B[4][4];
double C[4][4];
double D[4][4];
double states[4][4];
double outputs[4][4];
double inputs[4][4];
double K[4][4];
unsigned int nStates;
unsigned int nInputs;
unsigned int nOutputs;
} digital_system_state_space;
typedef struct {
int int_bits;
int frac_bits;
double max;
double min;
int default_realization;
double delta;
int scale;
double max_error;
} implementation;
typedef struct {
int push;
int in;
int sbiw;
int cli;
int out;
int std;
int ldd;
int subi;
int sbci;
int lsl;
int rol;
int add;
int adc;
int adiw;
int rjmp;
int mov;
int sbc;
int ld;
int rcall;
int cp;
int cpc;
int ldi;
int brge;
int pop;
int ret;
int st;
int brlt;
int cpi;
} instructions;
typedef struct {
long clock;
int device;
double cycle;
instructions assembly;
} hardware;
typedef struct{
float Ap, Ar, Ac;
float wp, wc, wr;
int type;
# 21 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/dsverifier.h" 2
# 1 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/compatibility.h" 1
# 17 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/compatibility.h"
# 1 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 1 3 4
# 25 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/libc-header-start.h" 1 3 4
# 33 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/libc-header-start.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/features.h" 1 3 4
# 461 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/cdefs.h" 1 3 4
# 452 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/wordsize.h" 1 3 4
# 453 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/cdefs.h" 2 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/long-double.h" 1 3 4
# 454 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/cdefs.h" 2 3 4
# 462 "/usr/include/features.h" 2 3 4
# 485 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/gnu/stubs.h" 1 3 4
# 10 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/gnu/stubs.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/gnu/stubs-64.h" 1 3 4
# 11 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/gnu/stubs.h" 2 3 4
# 486 "/usr/include/features.h" 2 3 4
# 34 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/libc-header-start.h" 2 3 4
# 26 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 2 3 4
# 1 "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/9/include/stddef.h" 1 3 4
# 209 "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/9/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 209 "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/9/include/stddef.h" 3 4
typedef long unsigned int size_t;
# 321 "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/9/include/stddef.h" 3 4
typedef int wchar_t;
# 32 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 2 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/waitflags.h" 1 3 4
# 52 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/waitflags.h" 3 4
typedef enum
} idtype_t;
# 40 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 2 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/waitstatus.h" 1 3 4
# 41 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 2 3 4
# 55 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/floatn.h" 1 3 4
# 120 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/floatn.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/floatn-common.h" 1 3 4
# 24 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/floatn-common.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/long-double.h" 1 3 4
# 25 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/floatn-common.h" 2 3 4
# 121 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/floatn.h" 2 3 4
# 56 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 2 3 4
typedef struct
int quot;
int rem;
} div_t;
typedef struct
long int quot;
long int rem;
} ldiv_t;
__extension__ typedef struct
long long int quot;
long long int rem;
} lldiv_t;
# 97 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
extern size_t __ctype_get_mb_cur_max (void) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) ;
extern double atof (const char *__nptr)
__attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__pure__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1))) ;
extern int atoi (const char *__nptr)
__attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__pure__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1))) ;
extern long int atol (const char *__nptr)
__attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__pure__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1))) ;
__extension__ extern long long int atoll (const char *__nptr)
__attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__pure__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1))) ;
extern double strtod (const char *__restrict __nptr,
char **__restrict __endptr)
__attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));
extern float strtof (const char *__restrict __nptr,
char **__restrict __endptr) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));
extern long double strtold (const char *__restrict __nptr,
char **__restrict __endptr)
__attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));
# 176 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
extern long int strtol (const char *__restrict __nptr,
char **__restrict __endptr, int __base)
__attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));
extern unsigned long int strtoul (const char *__restrict __nptr,
char **__restrict __endptr, int __base)
__attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));
extern long long int strtoq (const char *__restrict __nptr,
char **__restrict __endptr, int __base)
__attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));
extern unsigned long long int strtouq (const char *__restrict __nptr,
char **__restrict __endptr, int __base)
__attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));
extern long long int strtoll (const char *__restrict __nptr,
char **__restrict __endptr, int __base)
__attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));
extern unsigned long long int strtoull (const char *__restrict __nptr,
char **__restrict __endptr, int __base)
__attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));
# 385 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
extern char *l64a (long int __n) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) ;
extern long int a64l (const char *__s)
__attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__pure__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1))) ;
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/types.h" 1 3 4
# 27 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/types.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types.h" 1 3 4
# 27 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/wordsize.h" 1 3 4
# 28 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types.h" 2 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/timesize.h" 1 3 4
# 29 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types.h" 2 3 4
typedef unsigned char __u_char;
typedef unsigned short int __u_short;
typedef unsigned int __u_int;
typedef unsigned long int __u_long;
typedef signed char __int8_t;
typedef unsigned char __uint8_t;
typedef signed short int __int16_t;
typedef unsigned short int __uint16_t;
typedef signed int __int32_t;
typedef unsigned int __uint32_t;
typedef signed long int __int64_t;
typedef unsigned long int __uint64_t;
typedef __int8_t __int_least8_t;
typedef __uint8_t __uint_least8_t;
typedef __int16_t __int_least16_t;
typedef __uint16_t __uint_least16_t;
typedef __int32_t __int_least32_t;
typedef __uint32_t __uint_least32_t;
typedef __int64_t __int_least64_t;
typedef __uint64_t __uint_least64_t;
typedef long int __quad_t;
typedef unsigned long int __u_quad_t;
typedef long int __intmax_t;
typedef unsigned long int __uintmax_t;
# 141 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/typesizes.h" 1 3 4
# 142 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types.h" 2 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/time64.h" 1 3 4
# 143 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types.h" 2 3 4
typedef unsigned long int __dev_t;
typedef unsigned int __uid_t;
typedef unsigned int __gid_t;
typedef unsigned long int __ino_t;
typedef unsigned long int __ino64_t;
typedef unsigned int __mode_t;
typedef unsigned long int __nlink_t;
typedef long int __off_t;
typedef long int __off64_t;
typedef int __pid_t;
typedef struct { int __val[2]; } __fsid_t;
typedef long int __clock_t;
typedef unsigned long int __rlim_t;
typedef unsigned long int __rlim64_t;
typedef unsigned int __id_t;
typedef long int __time_t;
typedef unsigned int __useconds_t;
typedef long int __suseconds_t;
typedef int __daddr_t;
typedef int __key_t;
typedef int __clockid_t;
typedef void * __timer_t;
typedef long int __blksize_t;
typedef long int __blkcnt_t;
typedef long int __blkcnt64_t;
typedef unsigned long int __fsblkcnt_t;
typedef unsigned long int __fsblkcnt64_t;
typedef unsigned long int __fsfilcnt_t;
typedef unsigned long int __fsfilcnt64_t;
typedef long int __fsword_t;
typedef long int __ssize_t;
typedef long int __syscall_slong_t;
typedef unsigned long int __syscall_ulong_t;
typedef __off64_t __loff_t;
typedef char *__caddr_t;
typedef long int __intptr_t;
typedef unsigned int __socklen_t;
typedef int __sig_atomic_t;
# 30 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/types.h" 2 3 4
typedef __u_char u_char;
typedef __u_short u_short;
typedef __u_int u_int;
typedef __u_long u_long;
typedef __quad_t quad_t;
typedef __u_quad_t u_quad_t;
typedef __fsid_t fsid_t;
typedef __loff_t loff_t;
typedef __ino_t ino_t;
# 59 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/types.h" 3 4
typedef __dev_t dev_t;
typedef __gid_t gid_t;
typedef __mode_t mode_t;
typedef __nlink_t nlink_t;
typedef __uid_t uid_t;
typedef __off_t off_t;
# 97 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/types.h" 3 4
typedef __pid_t pid_t;
typedef __id_t id_t;
typedef __ssize_t ssize_t;
typedef __daddr_t daddr_t;
typedef __caddr_t caddr_t;
typedef __key_t key_t;
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types/clock_t.h" 1 3 4
typedef __clock_t clock_t;
# 127 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/types.h" 2 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types/clockid_t.h" 1 3 4
typedef __clockid_t clockid_t;
# 129 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/types.h" 2 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types/time_t.h" 1 3 4
typedef __time_t time_t;
# 130 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/types.h" 2 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types/timer_t.h" 1 3 4
typedef __timer_t timer_t;
# 131 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/types.h" 2 3 4
# 144 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/types.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/9/include/stddef.h" 1 3 4
# 145 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/types.h" 2 3 4
typedef unsigned long int ulong;
typedef unsigned short int ushort;
typedef unsigned int uint;
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/stdint-intn.h" 1 3 4
# 24 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/stdint-intn.h" 3 4
typedef __int8_t int8_t;
typedef __int16_t int16_t;
typedef __int32_t int32_t;
typedef __int64_t int64_t;
# 156 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/types.h" 2 3 4
typedef __uint8_t u_int8_t;
typedef __uint16_t u_int16_t;
typedef __uint32_t u_int32_t;
typedef __uint64_t u_int64_t;
typedef int register_t __attribute__ ((__mode__ (__word__)));
# 176 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/types.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/endian.h" 1 3 4
# 24 "/usr/include/endian.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/endian.h" 1 3 4
# 35 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/endian.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/endianness.h" 1 3 4
# 36 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/endian.h" 2 3 4
# 25 "/usr/include/endian.h" 2 3 4
# 35 "/usr/include/endian.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/byteswap.h" 1 3 4
# 33 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/byteswap.h" 3 4
static __inline __uint16_t
__bswap_16 (__uint16_t __bsx)
return __builtin_bswap16 (__bsx);
static __inline __uint32_t
__bswap_32 (__uint32_t __bsx)
return __builtin_bswap32 (__bsx);
# 69 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/byteswap.h" 3 4
__extension__ static __inline __uint64_t
__bswap_64 (__uint64_t __bsx)
return __builtin_bswap64 (__bsx);
# 36 "/usr/include/endian.h" 2 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/uintn-identity.h" 1 3 4
# 32 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/uintn-identity.h" 3 4
static __inline __uint16_t
__uint16_identity (__uint16_t __x)
return __x;
static __inline __uint32_t
__uint32_identity (__uint32_t __x)
return __x;
static __inline __uint64_t
__uint64_identity (__uint64_t __x)
return __x;
# 37 "/usr/include/endian.h" 2 3 4
# 177 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/types.h" 2 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/select.h" 1 3 4
# 30 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/select.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/select.h" 1 3 4
# 22 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/select.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/wordsize.h" 1 3 4
# 23 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/select.h" 2 3 4
# 31 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/select.h" 2 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types/sigset_t.h" 1 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types/__sigset_t.h" 1 3 4
typedef struct
unsigned long int __val[(1024 / (8 * sizeof (unsigned long int)))];
} __sigset_t;
# 5 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types/sigset_t.h" 2 3 4
typedef __sigset_t sigset_t;
# 34 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/select.h" 2 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types/struct_timeval.h" 1 3 4
struct timeval
__time_t tv_sec;
__suseconds_t tv_usec;
# 38 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/select.h" 2 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types/struct_timespec.h" 1 3 4
# 10 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types/struct_timespec.h" 3 4
struct timespec
__time_t tv_sec;
__syscall_slong_t tv_nsec;
# 26 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types/struct_timespec.h" 3 4
# 40 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/select.h" 2 3 4
typedef __suseconds_t suseconds_t;
typedef long int __fd_mask;
# 59 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/select.h" 3 4
typedef struct
__fd_mask __fds_bits[1024 / (8 * (int) sizeof (__fd_mask))];
} fd_set;
typedef __fd_mask fd_mask;
# 91 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/select.h" 3 4
# 101 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/select.h" 3 4
extern int select (int __nfds, fd_set *__restrict __readfds,
fd_set *__restrict __writefds,
fd_set *__restrict __exceptfds,
struct timeval *__restrict __timeout);
# 113 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/select.h" 3 4
extern int pselect (int __nfds, fd_set *__restrict __readfds,
fd_set *__restrict __writefds,
fd_set *__restrict __exceptfds,
const struct timespec *__restrict __timeout,
const __sigset_t *__restrict __sigmask);
# 126 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/select.h" 3 4
# 180 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/types.h" 2 3 4
typedef __blksize_t blksize_t;
typedef __blkcnt_t blkcnt_t;
typedef __fsblkcnt_t fsblkcnt_t;
typedef __fsfilcnt_t fsfilcnt_t;
# 227 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/types.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/pthreadtypes.h" 1 3 4
# 23 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/pthreadtypes.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/thread-shared-types.h" 1 3 4
# 44 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/thread-shared-types.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/pthreadtypes-arch.h" 1 3 4
# 21 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/pthreadtypes-arch.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/wordsize.h" 1 3 4
# 22 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/pthreadtypes-arch.h" 2 3 4
# 45 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/thread-shared-types.h" 2 3 4
typedef struct __pthread_internal_list
struct __pthread_internal_list *__prev;
struct __pthread_internal_list *__next;
} __pthread_list_t;
typedef struct __pthread_internal_slist
struct __pthread_internal_slist *__next;
} __pthread_slist_t;
# 74 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/thread-shared-types.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/struct_mutex.h" 1 3 4
# 22 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/struct_mutex.h" 3 4
struct __pthread_mutex_s
int __lock;
unsigned int __count;
int __owner;
unsigned int __nusers;
int __kind;
short __spins;
short __elision;
__pthread_list_t __list;
# 53 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/struct_mutex.h" 3 4
# 75 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/thread-shared-types.h" 2 3 4
# 87 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/thread-shared-types.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/struct_rwlock.h" 1 3 4
# 23 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/struct_rwlock.h" 3 4
struct __pthread_rwlock_arch_t
unsigned int __readers;
unsigned int __writers;
unsigned int __wrphase_futex;
unsigned int __writers_futex;
unsigned int __pad3;
unsigned int __pad4;
int __cur_writer;
int __shared;
signed char __rwelision;
unsigned char __pad1[7];
unsigned long int __pad2;
unsigned int __flags;
# 55 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/struct_rwlock.h" 3 4
# 88 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/thread-shared-types.h" 2 3 4
struct __pthread_cond_s
__extension__ union
__extension__ unsigned long long int __wseq;
unsigned int __low;
unsigned int __high;
} __wseq32;
__extension__ union
__extension__ unsigned long long int __g1_start;
unsigned int __low;
unsigned int __high;
} __g1_start32;
unsigned int __g_refs[2] ;
unsigned int __g_size[2];
unsigned int __g1_orig_size;
unsigned int __wrefs;
unsigned int __g_signals[2];
# 24 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/pthreadtypes.h" 2 3 4
typedef unsigned long int pthread_t;
typedef union
char __size[4];
int __align;
} pthread_mutexattr_t;
typedef union
char __size[4];
int __align;
} pthread_condattr_t;
typedef unsigned int pthread_key_t;
typedef int pthread_once_t;
union pthread_attr_t
char __size[56];
long int __align;
typedef union pthread_attr_t pthread_attr_t;
typedef union
struct __pthread_mutex_s __data;
char __size[40];
long int __align;
} pthread_mutex_t;
typedef union
struct __pthread_cond_s __data;
char __size[48];
__extension__ long long int __align;
} pthread_cond_t;
typedef union
struct __pthread_rwlock_arch_t __data;
char __size[56];
long int __align;
} pthread_rwlock_t;
typedef union
char __size[8];
long int __align;
} pthread_rwlockattr_t;
typedef volatile int pthread_spinlock_t;
typedef union
char __size[32];
long int __align;
} pthread_barrier_t;
typedef union
char __size[4];
int __align;
} pthread_barrierattr_t;
# 228 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/types.h" 2 3 4
# 395 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 2 3 4
extern long int random (void) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
extern void srandom (unsigned int __seed) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
extern char *initstate (unsigned int __seed, char *__statebuf,
size_t __statelen) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (2)));
extern char *setstate (char *__statebuf) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));
struct random_data
int32_t *fptr;
int32_t *rptr;
int32_t *state;
int rand_type;
int rand_deg;
int rand_sep;
int32_t *end_ptr;
extern int random_r (struct random_data *__restrict __buf,
int32_t *__restrict __result) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1, 2)));
extern int srandom_r (unsigned int __seed, struct random_data *__buf)
__attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (2)));
extern int initstate_r (unsigned int __seed, char *__restrict __statebuf,
size_t __statelen,
struct random_data *__restrict __buf)
__attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (2, 4)));
extern int setstate_r (char *__restrict __statebuf,
struct random_data *__restrict __buf)
__attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1, 2)));
extern int rand (void) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
extern void srand (unsigned int __seed) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
extern int rand_r (unsigned int *__seed) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
extern double drand48 (void) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
extern double erand48 (unsigned short int __xsubi[3]) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));
extern long int lrand48 (void) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
extern long int nrand48 (unsigned short int __xsubi[3])
__attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));
extern long int mrand48 (void) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
extern long int jrand48 (unsigned short int __xsubi[3])
__attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));
extern void srand48 (long int __seedval) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
extern unsigned short int *seed48 (unsigned short int __seed16v[3])
__attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));
extern void lcong48 (unsigned short int __param[7]) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));
struct drand48_data
unsigned short int __x[3];
unsigned short int __old_x[3];
unsigned short int __c;
unsigned short int __init;
__extension__ unsigned long long int __a;
extern int drand48_r (struct drand48_data *__restrict __buffer,
double *__restrict __result) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1, 2)));
extern int erand48_r (unsigned short int __xsubi[3],
struct drand48_data *__restrict __buffer,
double *__restrict __result) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1, 2)));
extern int lrand48_r (struct drand48_data *__restrict __buffer,
long int *__restrict __result)
__attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1, 2)));
extern int nrand48_r (unsigned short int __xsubi[3],
struct drand48_data *__restrict __buffer,
long int *__restrict __result)
__attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1, 2)));
extern int mrand48_r (struct drand48_data *__restrict __buffer,
long int *__restrict __result)
__attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1, 2)));
extern int jrand48_r (unsigned short int __xsubi[3],
struct drand48_data *__restrict __buffer,
long int *__restrict __result)
__attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1, 2)));
extern int srand48_r (long int __seedval, struct drand48_data *__buffer)
__attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (2)));
extern int seed48_r (unsigned short int __seed16v[3],
struct drand48_data *__buffer) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1, 2)));
extern int lcong48_r (unsigned short int __param[7],
struct drand48_data *__buffer)
__attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1, 2)));
extern void *malloc (size_t __size) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__malloc__))
__attribute__ ((__alloc_size__ (1))) ;
extern void *calloc (size_t __nmemb, size_t __size)
__attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__malloc__)) __attribute__ ((__alloc_size__ (1, 2))) ;
extern void *realloc (void *__ptr, size_t __size)
__attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__warn_unused_result__)) __attribute__ ((__alloc_size__ (2)));
extern void *reallocarray (void *__ptr, size_t __nmemb, size_t __size)
__attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__warn_unused_result__))
__attribute__ ((__alloc_size__ (2, 3)));
extern void free (void *__ptr) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
# 1 "/usr/include/alloca.h" 1 3 4
# 24 "/usr/include/alloca.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/9/include/stddef.h" 1 3 4
# 25 "/usr/include/alloca.h" 2 3 4
extern void *alloca (size_t __size) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
# 569 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 2 3 4
extern void *valloc (size_t __size) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__malloc__))
__attribute__ ((__alloc_size__ (1))) ;
extern int posix_memalign (void **__memptr, size_t __alignment, size_t __size)
__attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1))) ;
extern void *aligned_alloc (size_t __alignment, size_t __size)
__attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__malloc__)) __attribute__ ((__alloc_size__ (2))) ;
extern void abort (void) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__noreturn__));
extern int atexit (void (*__func) (void)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));
extern int at_quick_exit (void (*__func) (void)) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));
extern int on_exit (void (*__func) (int __status, void *__arg), void *__arg)
__attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));
extern void exit (int __status) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__noreturn__));
extern void quick_exit (int __status) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__noreturn__));
extern void _Exit (int __status) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__noreturn__));
extern char *getenv (const char *__name) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1))) ;
# 647 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
extern int putenv (char *__string) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));
extern int setenv (const char *__name, const char *__value, int __replace)
__attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (2)));
extern int unsetenv (const char *__name) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));
extern int clearenv (void) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
# 675 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
extern char *mktemp (char *__template) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));
# 688 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
extern int mkstemp (char *__template) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1))) ;
# 710 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
extern int mkstemps (char *__template, int __suffixlen) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1))) ;
# 731 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
extern char *mkdtemp (char *__template) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1))) ;
# 784 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
extern int system (const char *__command) ;
# 800 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
extern char *realpath (const char *__restrict __name,
char *__restrict __resolved) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) ;
typedef int (*__compar_fn_t) (const void *, const void *);
# 820 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
extern void *bsearch (const void *__key, const void *__base,
size_t __nmemb, size_t __size, __compar_fn_t __compar)
__attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1, 2, 5))) ;
extern void qsort (void *__base, size_t __nmemb, size_t __size,
__compar_fn_t __compar) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1, 4)));
# 840 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
extern int abs (int __x) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__const__)) ;
extern long int labs (long int __x) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__const__)) ;
__extension__ extern long long int llabs (long long int __x)
__attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__const__)) ;
extern div_t div (int __numer, int __denom)
__attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__const__)) ;
extern ldiv_t ldiv (long int __numer, long int __denom)
__attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__const__)) ;
__extension__ extern lldiv_t lldiv (long long int __numer,
long long int __denom)
__attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__const__)) ;
# 872 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
extern char *ecvt (double __value, int __ndigit, int *__restrict __decpt,
int *__restrict __sign) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (3, 4))) ;
extern char *fcvt (double __value, int __ndigit, int *__restrict __decpt,
int *__restrict __sign) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (3, 4))) ;
extern char *gcvt (double __value, int __ndigit, char *__buf)
__attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (3))) ;
extern char *qecvt (long double __value, int __ndigit,
int *__restrict __decpt, int *__restrict __sign)
__attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (3, 4))) ;
extern char *qfcvt (long double __value, int __ndigit,
int *__restrict __decpt, int *__restrict __sign)
__attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (3, 4))) ;
extern char *qgcvt (long double __value, int __ndigit, char *__buf)
__attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (3))) ;
extern int ecvt_r (double __value, int __ndigit, int *__restrict __decpt,
int *__restrict __sign, char *__restrict __buf,
size_t __len) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (3, 4, 5)));
extern int fcvt_r (double __value, int __ndigit, int *__restrict __decpt,
int *__restrict __sign, char *__restrict __buf,
size_t __len) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (3, 4, 5)));
extern int qecvt_r (long double __value, int __ndigit,
int *__restrict __decpt, int *__restrict __sign,
char *__restrict __buf, size_t __len)
__attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (3, 4, 5)));
extern int qfcvt_r (long double __value, int __ndigit,
int *__restrict __decpt, int *__restrict __sign,
char *__restrict __buf, size_t __len)
__attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (3, 4, 5)));
extern int mblen (const char *__s, size_t __n) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
extern int mbtowc (wchar_t *__restrict __pwc,
const char *__restrict __s, size_t __n) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
extern int wctomb (char *__s, wchar_t __wchar) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
extern size_t mbstowcs (wchar_t *__restrict __pwcs,
const char *__restrict __s, size_t __n) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
extern size_t wcstombs (char *__restrict __s,
const wchar_t *__restrict __pwcs, size_t __n)
__attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
extern int rpmatch (const char *__response) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1))) ;
# 957 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
extern int getsubopt (char **__restrict __optionp,
char *const *__restrict __tokens,
char **__restrict __valuep)
__attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1, 2, 3))) ;
# 1003 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
extern int getloadavg (double __loadavg[], int __nelem)
__attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ (1)));
# 1013 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/stdlib-float.h" 1 3 4
# 1014 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 2 3 4
# 1023 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# 18 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/compatibility.h" 2
# 1 "/usr/include/assert.h" 1 3 4
# 66 "/usr/include/assert.h" 3 4
extern void __assert_fail (const char *__assertion, const char *__file,
unsigned int __line, const char *__function)
__attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__noreturn__));
extern void __assert_perror_fail (int __errnum, const char *__file,
unsigned int __line, const char *__function)
__attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__noreturn__));
extern void __assert (const char *__assertion, const char *__file, int __line)
__attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__noreturn__));
# 19 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/compatibility.h" 2
# 1 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 1 3 4
# 27 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/libc-header-start.h" 1 3 4
# 28 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 2 3 4
# 1 "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/9/include/stddef.h" 1 3 4
# 34 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 2 3 4
# 1 "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/9/include/stdarg.h" 1 3 4
# 40 "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/9/include/stdarg.h" 3 4
typedef __builtin_va_list __gnuc_va_list;
# 37 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 2 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types/__fpos_t.h" 1 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types/__mbstate_t.h" 1 3 4
# 13 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types/__mbstate_t.h" 3 4
typedef struct
int __count;
unsigned int __wch;
char __wchb[4];
} __value;
} __mbstate_t;
# 6 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types/__fpos_t.h" 2 3 4
typedef struct _G_fpos_t
__off_t __pos;
__mbstate_t __state;
} __fpos_t;
# 40 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 2 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types/__fpos64_t.h" 1 3 4
# 10 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types/__fpos64_t.h" 3 4
typedef struct _G_fpos64_t
__off64_t __pos;
__mbstate_t __state;
} __fpos64_t;
# 41 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 2 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types/__FILE.h" 1 3 4
struct _IO_FILE;
typedef struct _IO_FILE __FILE;
# 42 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 2 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types/FILE.h" 1 3 4
struct _IO_FILE;
typedef struct _IO_FILE FILE;
# 43 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 2 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types/struct_FILE.h" 1 3 4
# 35 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types/struct_FILE.h" 3 4
struct _IO_FILE;
struct _IO_marker;
struct _IO_codecvt;
struct _IO_wide_data;
typedef void _IO_lock_t;
struct _IO_FILE
int _flags;
char *_IO_read_ptr;
char *_IO_read_end;
char *_IO_read_base;
char *_IO_write_base;
char *_IO_write_ptr;
char *_IO_write_end;
char *_IO_buf_base;
char *_IO_buf_end;
char *_IO_save_base;
char *_IO_backup_base;
char *_IO_save_end;
struct _IO_marker *_markers;
struct _IO_FILE *_chain;
int _fileno;
int _flags2;
__off_t _old_offset;
unsigned short _cur_column;
signed char _vtable_offset;
char _shortbuf[1];
_IO_lock_t *_lock;
__off64_t _offset;
struct _IO_codecvt *_codecvt;
struct _IO_wide_data *_wide_data;
struct _IO_FILE *_freeres_list;
void *_freeres_buf;
size_t __pad5;
int _mode;
char _unused2[15 * sizeof (int) - 4 * sizeof (void *) - sizeof (size_t)];
# 44 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 2 3 4
# 52 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
typedef __gnuc_va_list va_list;
# 84 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
typedef __fpos_t fpos_t;
# 133 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/stdio_lim.h" 1 3 4
# 134 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 2 3 4
extern FILE *stdin;
extern FILE *stdout;
extern FILE *stderr;
extern int remove (const char *__filename) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
extern int rename (const char *__old, const char *__new) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
extern int renameat (int __oldfd, const char *__old, int __newfd,
const char *__new) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
# 173 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
extern FILE *tmpfile (void) ;
# 187 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
extern char *tmpnam (char *__s) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) ;
extern char *tmpnam_r (char *__s) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) ;
# 204 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
extern char *tempnam (const char *__dir, const char *__pfx)
__attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__malloc__)) ;
extern int fclose (FILE *__stream);
extern int fflush (FILE *__stream);
# 227 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
extern int fflush_unlocked (FILE *__stream);
# 246 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
extern FILE *fopen (const char *__restrict __filename,
const char *__restrict __modes) ;
extern FILE *freopen (const char *__restrict __filename,
const char *__restrict __modes,
FILE *__restrict __stream) ;
# 279 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
extern FILE *fdopen (int __fd, const char *__modes) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) ;
# 292 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
extern FILE *fmemopen (void *__s, size_t __len, const char *__modes)
__attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) ;
extern FILE *open_memstream (char **__bufloc, size_t *__sizeloc) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) ;
extern void setbuf (FILE *__restrict __stream, char *__restrict __buf) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
extern int setvbuf (FILE *__restrict __stream, char *__restrict __buf,
int __modes, size_t __n) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
extern void setbuffer (FILE *__restrict __stream, char *__restrict __buf,
size_t __size) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
extern void setlinebuf (FILE *__stream) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
extern int fprintf (FILE *__restrict __stream,
const char *__restrict __format, ...);
extern int printf (const char *__restrict __format, ...);
extern int sprintf (char *__restrict __s,
const char *__restrict __format, ...) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__));
extern int vfprintf (FILE *__restrict __s, const char *__restrict __format,
__gnuc_va_list __arg);
extern int vprintf (const char *__restrict __format, __gnuc_va_list __arg);
extern int vsprintf (char *__restrict __s, const char *__restrict __format,
__gnuc_va_list __arg) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__));
extern int snprintf (char *__restrict __s, size_t __maxlen,
const char *__restrict __format, ...)
__attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) __attribute__ ((__format__ (__printf__, 3, 4)));
extern int vsnprintf (char *__restrict __s, size_t __maxlen,
const char *__restrict __format, __gnuc_va_list __arg)
__attribute__ ((__nothrow__)) __attribute__ ((__format__ (__printf__, 3, 0)));
# 379 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
extern int vdprintf (int __fd, const char *__restrict __fmt,
__gnuc_va_list __arg)
__attribute__ ((__format__ (__printf__, 2, 0)));
extern int dprintf (int __fd, const char *__restrict __fmt, ...)
__attribute__ ((__format__ (__printf__, 2, 3)));
extern int fscanf (FILE *__restrict __stream,
const char *__restrict __format, ...) ;
extern int scanf (const char *__restrict __format, ...) ;
extern int sscanf (const char *__restrict __s,
const char *__restrict __format, ...) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
extern int fscanf (FILE *__restrict __stream, const char *__restrict __format, ...) __asm__ ("" "__isoc99_fscanf")
extern int scanf (const char *__restrict __format, ...) __asm__ ("" "__isoc99_scanf")
extern int sscanf (const char *__restrict __s, const char *__restrict __format, ...) __asm__ ("" "__isoc99_sscanf") __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__))
# 432 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
extern int vfscanf (FILE *__restrict __s, const char *__restrict __format,
__gnuc_va_list __arg)
__attribute__ ((__format__ (__scanf__, 2, 0))) ;
extern int vscanf (const char *__restrict __format, __gnuc_va_list __arg)
__attribute__ ((__format__ (__scanf__, 1, 0))) ;
extern int vsscanf (const char *__restrict __s,
const char *__restrict __format, __gnuc_va_list __arg)
__attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__format__ (__scanf__, 2, 0)));
extern int vfscanf (FILE *__restrict __s, const char *__restrict __format, __gnuc_va_list __arg) __asm__ ("" "__isoc99_vfscanf")
__attribute__ ((__format__ (__scanf__, 2, 0))) ;
extern int vscanf (const char *__restrict __format, __gnuc_va_list __arg) __asm__ ("" "__isoc99_vscanf")
__attribute__ ((__format__ (__scanf__, 1, 0))) ;
extern int vsscanf (const char *__restrict __s, const char *__restrict __format, __gnuc_va_list __arg) __asm__ ("" "__isoc99_vsscanf") __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__))
__attribute__ ((__format__ (__scanf__, 2, 0)));
# 485 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
extern int fgetc (FILE *__stream);
extern int getc (FILE *__stream);
extern int getchar (void);
extern int getc_unlocked (FILE *__stream);
extern int getchar_unlocked (void);
# 510 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
extern int fgetc_unlocked (FILE *__stream);
# 521 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
extern int fputc (int __c, FILE *__stream);
extern int putc (int __c, FILE *__stream);
extern int putchar (int __c);
# 537 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
extern int fputc_unlocked (int __c, FILE *__stream);
extern int putc_unlocked (int __c, FILE *__stream);
extern int putchar_unlocked (int __c);
extern int getw (FILE *__stream);
extern int putw (int __w, FILE *__stream);
extern char *fgets (char *__restrict __s, int __n, FILE *__restrict __stream)
# 603 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
extern __ssize_t __getdelim (char **__restrict __lineptr,
size_t *__restrict __n, int __delimiter,
FILE *__restrict __stream) ;
extern __ssize_t getdelim (char **__restrict __lineptr,
size_t *__restrict __n, int __delimiter,
FILE *__restrict __stream) ;
extern __ssize_t getline (char **__restrict __lineptr,
size_t *__restrict __n,
FILE *__restrict __stream) ;
extern int fputs (const char *__restrict __s, FILE *__restrict __stream);
extern int puts (const char *__s);
extern int ungetc (int __c, FILE *__stream);
extern size_t fread (void *__restrict __ptr, size_t __size,
size_t __n, FILE *__restrict __stream) ;
extern size_t fwrite (const void *__restrict __ptr, size_t __size,
size_t __n, FILE *__restrict __s);
# 673 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
extern size_t fread_unlocked (void *__restrict __ptr, size_t __size,
size_t __n, FILE *__restrict __stream) ;
extern size_t fwrite_unlocked (const void *__restrict __ptr, size_t __size,
size_t __n, FILE *__restrict __stream);
extern int fseek (FILE *__stream, long int __off, int __whence);
extern long int ftell (FILE *__stream) ;
extern void rewind (FILE *__stream);
# 707 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
extern int fseeko (FILE *__stream, __off_t __off, int __whence);
extern __off_t ftello (FILE *__stream) ;
# 731 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
extern int fgetpos (FILE *__restrict __stream, fpos_t *__restrict __pos);
extern int fsetpos (FILE *__stream, const fpos_t *__pos);
# 757 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
extern void clearerr (FILE *__stream) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
extern int feof (FILE *__stream) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) ;
extern int ferror (FILE *__stream) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) ;
extern void clearerr_unlocked (FILE *__stream) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
extern int feof_unlocked (FILE *__stream) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) ;
extern int ferror_unlocked (FILE *__stream) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) ;
extern void perror (const char *__s);
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/sys_errlist.h" 1 3 4
# 26 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/sys_errlist.h" 3 4
extern int sys_nerr;
extern const char *const sys_errlist[];
# 782 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 2 3 4
extern int fileno (FILE *__stream) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) ;
extern int fileno_unlocked (FILE *__stream) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) ;
# 800 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
extern FILE *popen (const char *__command, const char *__modes) ;
extern int pclose (FILE *__stream);
extern char *ctermid (char *__s) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
# 840 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
extern void flockfile (FILE *__stream) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
extern int ftrylockfile (FILE *__stream) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) ;
extern void funlockfile (FILE *__stream) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
# 858 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
extern int __uflow (FILE *);
extern int __overflow (FILE *, int);
# 873 "/usr/include/stdio.h" 3 4
# 20 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/compatibility.h" 2
# 21 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/compatibility.h"
void __DSVERIFIER_assume(_Bool expression){
void __DSVERIFIER_assert(_Bool expression){
# 36 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/compatibility.h" 3 4
((void) sizeof ((
# 36 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/compatibility.h"
# 36 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/compatibility.h" 3 4
) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ ({ if (
# 36 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/compatibility.h"
# 36 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/compatibility.h" 3 4
) ; else __assert_fail (
# 36 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/compatibility.h"
# 36 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/compatibility.h" 3 4
, "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/compatibility.h", 36, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }))
# 36 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/compatibility.h"
void __DSVERIFIER_assert_msg(_Bool expression, char * msg){
printf("%s", msg);
# 41 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/compatibility.h" 3 4
((void) sizeof ((
# 41 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/compatibility.h"
# 41 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/compatibility.h" 3 4
) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ ({ if (
# 41 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/compatibility.h"
# 41 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/compatibility.h" 3 4
) ; else __assert_fail (
# 41 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/compatibility.h"
# 41 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/compatibility.h" 3 4
, "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/compatibility.h", 41, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }))
# 41 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/compatibility.h"
# 22 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/dsverifier.h" 2
# 1 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/fixed-point.h" 1
# 27 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/fixed-point.h"
# 1 "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/9/include/stdint.h" 1 3 4
# 9 "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/9/include/stdint.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 1 3 4
# 26 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/libc-header-start.h" 1 3 4
# 27 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 2 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/wchar.h" 1 3 4
# 29 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 2 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/wordsize.h" 1 3 4
# 30 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 2 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/stdint-uintn.h" 1 3 4
# 24 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/stdint-uintn.h" 3 4
# 24 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/stdint-uintn.h" 3 4
typedef __uint8_t uint8_t;
typedef __uint16_t uint16_t;
typedef __uint32_t uint32_t;
typedef __uint64_t uint64_t;
# 38 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 2 3 4
typedef __int_least8_t int_least8_t;
typedef __int_least16_t int_least16_t;
typedef __int_least32_t int_least32_t;
typedef __int_least64_t int_least64_t;
typedef __uint_least8_t uint_least8_t;
typedef __uint_least16_t uint_least16_t;
typedef __uint_least32_t uint_least32_t;
typedef __uint_least64_t uint_least64_t;
typedef signed char int_fast8_t;
typedef long int int_fast16_t;
typedef long int int_fast32_t;
typedef long int int_fast64_t;
# 71 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
typedef unsigned char uint_fast8_t;
typedef unsigned long int uint_fast16_t;
typedef unsigned long int uint_fast32_t;
typedef unsigned long int uint_fast64_t;
# 87 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
typedef long int intptr_t;
typedef unsigned long int uintptr_t;
# 101 "/usr/include/stdint.h" 3 4
typedef __intmax_t intmax_t;
typedef __uintmax_t uintmax_t;
# 10 "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/9/include/stdint.h" 2 3 4
# 28 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/fixed-point.h" 2
# 1 "/usr/include/inttypes.h" 1 3 4
# 34 "/usr/include/inttypes.h" 3 4
typedef int __gwchar_t;
# 266 "/usr/include/inttypes.h" 3 4
typedef struct
long int quot;
long int rem;
} imaxdiv_t;
# 290 "/usr/include/inttypes.h" 3 4
extern intmax_t imaxabs (intmax_t __n) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__const__));
extern imaxdiv_t imaxdiv (intmax_t __numer, intmax_t __denom)
__attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__)) __attribute__ ((__const__));
extern intmax_t strtoimax (const char *__restrict __nptr,
char **__restrict __endptr, int __base) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
extern uintmax_t strtoumax (const char *__restrict __nptr,
char ** __restrict __endptr, int __base) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
extern intmax_t wcstoimax (const __gwchar_t *__restrict __nptr,
__gwchar_t **__restrict __endptr, int __base)
__attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
extern uintmax_t wcstoumax (const __gwchar_t *__restrict __nptr,
__gwchar_t ** __restrict __endptr, int __base)
__attribute__ ((__nothrow__ , __leaf__));
# 432 "/usr/include/inttypes.h" 3 4
# 29 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/fixed-point.h" 2
# 30 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/fixed-point.h"
extern implementation impl;
typedef int64_t fxp_t;
fxp_t _fxp_one;
fxp_t _fxp_half;
fxp_t _fxp_minus_one;
fxp_t _fxp_min;
fxp_t _fxp_max;
double _dbl_max;
double _dbl_min;
fxp_t _fxp_fmask;
fxp_t _fxp_imask;
static const double scale_factor[31] = { 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 8.0, 16.0, 32.0, 64.0,
128.0, 256.0, 512.0, 1024.0, 2048.0, 4096.0, 8192.0, 16384.0, 32768.0,
65536.0, 131072.0, 262144.0, 524288.0, 1048576.0, 2097152.0, 4194304.0,
8388608.0, 16777216.0, 33554432.0, 67108864.0, 134217728.0,
268435456.0, 536870912.0, 1073741824.0 };
static const double scale_factor_inv[31] = { 1.0, 0.5, 0.25, 0.125, 0.0625,
0.03125, 0.015625, 0.0078125, 0.00390625, 0.001953125, 0.0009765625,
0.00048828125, 0.000244140625, 0.0001220703125, 0.00006103515625,
0.000030517578125, 0.000015258789063, 0.000007629394531,
0.000003814697266, 0.000001907348633, 0.000000953674316,
0.000000476837158, 0.000000238418579, 0.000000119209290,
0.000000059604645, 0.000000029802322, 0.000000014901161,
0.000000007450581, 0.000000003725290, 0.000000001862645,
0.000000000931323 };
static const float rand_uni[10000] = { -0.486240329978498f, -0.0886462298529236f, -0.140307596103306f, 0.301096597450952f, 0.0993171079928659f, 0.971751769763271f, 0.985173975730828f, 0.555993645184930f, 0.582088652691427f, -0.153377496651175f, 0.383610009058905f, -0.335724126391271f, 0.978768141636516f, -0.276250018648572f, 0.390075705739569f, -0.179022404038782f, 0.690083827115783f, -0.872530132490992f, -0.970585763293203f, -0.581476053441704f, -0.532614615674888f, -0.239699306693312f, -0.678183014035494f, 0.349502640932782f, -0.210469890686263f, 0.841262085391842f, -0.473585465151401f, 0.659383565443701f, -0.651160036945754f, -0.961043527561335f, -0.0814927639199137f, 0.621303110569702f, -0.784529166943541f, 0.0238464770757800f, 0.392694728594110f, 0.776848735202001f, 0.0870059709310509f, 0.880563655271790f, 0.883457036977564f, -0.249235082877382f, -0.691040749216870f, 0.578731120064320f, -0.973932858000832f, -0.117699105431720f, -0.723831748151088f, -0.483149657477524f, -0.821277691383664f, -0.459725618100875f, 0.148175952221864f, 0.444306875534854f, -0.325610376336498f, 0.544142311404910f, -0.165319440455435f, 0.136706800705517f, 0.543312481350682f, 0.467210959764607f, -0.349266618228534f, -0.660110730565862f, 0.910332331495431f, 0.961049802789367f, -0.786168905164629f, 0.305648402726554f, 0.510815258508885f, 0.0950733260984060f, 0.173750645487898f, 0.144488668408672f, 0.0190031984466126f, -0.299194577636724f, 0.302411647442273f, -0.730462524226212f, 0.688646006554796f, 0.134948379722118f, 0.533716723458894f, -0.00226300779660438f, -0.561340777806718f, 0.450396313744017f, -0.569445876566955f, 0.954155246557698f, -0.255403882430676f, -0.759820984120828f, -0.855279790307514f, -0.147352581758156f, -0.302269055643746f, -0.642038024364086f, -0.367405981107491f, 0.491844011712164f, -0.542191710121194f, -0.938294043323732f, 0.683979894338020f, 0.294728290855287f, 0.00662691839443919f, -0.931040350582855f, 0.152356209974418f, 0.678620860551457f, -0.534989269238408f, 0.932096367913226f, -0.0361062818028513f, -0.847189697149530f, -0.975903030160255f, 0.623293205784014f, -0.661289688031659f, 0.724486055119603f, 0.307504095172835f, 0.00739266163731767f, -0.393681596442097f, 0.0313739422974388f, 0.0768157689673350f, -0.652063346886817f, 0.864188030044388f, -0.588932092781034f, 0.496015896758580f, -0.872858269231211f, 0.978780599551039f, -0.504887732991147f, -0.462378791937628f, 0.0141726829338038f, 0.769610007653591f, 0.945233033188923f, -0.782235375325016f, -0.832206533738799f, 0.745634368088673f, -0.696969510157151f, -0.0674631869948374f, -0.123186450806584f, -0.359158959141949f, -0.393882649464391f, 0.441371446689899f, -0.829394270569736f, -0.301502651277431f, -0.996215501187289f, 0.934634037393066f, -0.282431114746289f, -0.927550795619590f, -0.437037530043415f, -0.360426812995980f, 0.949549724575862f, 0.502784616197919f, 0.800771681422909f, -0.511398929004089f, 0.309288504642554f, -0.207261227890933f, 0.930587995125773f, -0.777029876696670f, -0.489329175755640f, -0.134595132329858f, 0.285771358983518f, 0.182331373854387f, -0.544110494560697f, 0.278439882883985f, -0.556325158102182f, 0.579043806545889f, 0.134648133801916f, 0.602850725479294f, -0.151663563868883f, 0.180694361855878f, -0.651591295315595f, 0.281129147768056f, -0.580047306475484f, 0.687883075491433f, 0.279398670804288f, -0.853428128249503f, -0.532609367372680f, -0.821156786377917f, -0.181273229058573f, -0.983898569846882f, -0.0964374318311501f, 0.880923372124250f, 0.102643371392389f, 0.893615387135596f, -0.259276649383649f, 0.699287743639363f, 0.402940604635828f, -0.110721596226581f, 0.0846246472582877f, 0.820733021865405f, 0.795578903285308f, -0.495144122011537f, 0.273150029257472f, -0.268249949701437f, 0.231982193341980f, 0.694211299124074f, 0.859950868718233f, 0.959483382623794f, -0.422972626833543f, -0.109621798738360f, 0.433094703426531f, 0.694025903378851f, 0.374478987547435f, -0.293668545105608f, -0.396213864190828f, -0.0632095887099047f, -0.0285139536748673f, 0.831794132192390f, -0.548543088139238f, 0.791869201724680f, 0.325211484201845f, 0.155274810721772f, -0.112383643064821f, -0.674403070297721f, 0.642801068229810f, -0.615712048835242f, -0.322576771285566f, -0.409336818836595f, 0.548069973193770f, -0.386353709407947f, -0.0741664985357784f, 0.619639599324983f, -0.815703814931314f, 0.965550307223862f, 0.623407852683828f, -0.789634372832984f, 0.736750050047572f, -0.0269443926793700f, 0.00545706093721488f, -0.315712479832091f, -0.890110021644720f, -0.869390443173846f, -0.381538869981866f, -0.109498998005949f, 0.131433952330613f, -0.233452413139316f, 0.660289822785465f, 0.543381186340023f, -0.384712418750451f, -0.913477554164890f, 0.767102957655267f, -0.115129944521936f, -0.741161985822647f, -0.0604180020782450f, -0.819131535144059f, -0.409539679760029f, 0.574419252943637f, -0.0440704617157433f, 0.933173744590532f, 0.261360623390448f, -0.880290575543046f, 0.329806293425492f, 0.548915621667952f, 0.635187167795234f, -0.611034070318967f, 0.458196727901944f, 0.397377226781023f, 0.711941361933987f, 0.782147744383368f, -0.00300685339552631f, 0.384687233450957f, 0.810102466029521f, 0.452919847968424f, -0.183164257016897f, -0.755603185485427f, -0.604334477365858f, -0.786222413488860f, -0.434887500763099f, -0.678845635625581f, -0.381200370488331f, -0.582350534916068f, -0.0444427346996734f, 0.116237247526397f, -0.364680921206275f, -0.829395404347498f, -0.258574590032613f, -0.910082114298859f, 0.501356900925997f, 0.0295361922006900f, -0.471786618165219f, 0.536352925101547f, -0.316120662284464f, -0.168902841718737f, 0.970850119987976f, -0.813818666854395f, -0.0861183123848732f, 0.866784827877161f, 0.535966478165739f, -0.806958669103425f, -0.627307415616045f, -0.686618354673079f, 0.0239165685193152f, 0.525427699287402f, 0.834079334357391f, -0.527333932295852f, 0.130970034225907f, -0.790218350377199f, 0.399338640441987f, 0.133591886379939f, -0.181354311053254f, 0.420121912637914f, -0.625002202728601f, -0.293296669160307f, 0.0113819513424340f, -0.882382002895096f, -0.883750159690028f, 0.441583656876336f, -0.439054135454480f, 0.873049498123622f, 0.660844523562817f, 0.0104240153103699f, 0.611420248331623f, -0.235926309432748f, 0.207317724918460f, 0.884691834560657f, 0.128302402592277f, -0.283754448219060f, 0.237649901255856f, 0.610200763264703f, -0.625035441247926f, -0.964609592118695f, -0.323146562743113f, 0.961529402270719f, -0.793576233735450f, -0.843916713821003f, 0.314105102728384f, -0.204535560653294f, 0.753318789613803f, 0.160678386635821f, -0.647065919861379f, -0.202789866826280f, 0.648108234268198f, -0.261292621025902f, 0.156681828732770f, 0.405377351820066f, 0.228465381497500f, 0.972348516671163f, 0.288346037401522f, -0.0799068604307178f, 0.916939290109587f, -0.279220972402209f, -0.203447523864279f, -0.533640046855273f, 0.543561961674653f, 0.880711097286889f, -0.549683064687774f, 0.0130107219236368f, -0.554838164576024f, -0.379442406201385f, 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0.963145768131215f, 0.544824028787036f, -0.133990816021791f, 0.0679964588712787f, -0.156401335214901f, -0.0802554171832672f, 0.856386218492912f, 0.143013580527942f, 0.403921859374840f, -0.179029058044097f, 0.770723540077919f, -0.183650969350452f, -0.340718434629824f, 0.217166124261387f, -0.171159949445977f, 0.127493767348173f, -0.649649349141405f, -0.0986978180993434f, 0.301786606637125f, 0.942172200207855f, 0.0323236270151113f, -0.579853744301016f, -0.964413060851558f, 0.917535782777861f, 0.442144649483292f, -0.684960854610878f, -0.418908715566712f, 0.617844265088789f, 0.897145578082386f, 0.235463167636481f, 0.0166312355859484f, 0.948331447443040f, -0.961085640409103f, -0.0386086809179784f, -0.949138997977665f, 0.738211385880427f, 0.613757309091864f, -0.606937832993426f, 0.825253298062192f, 0.932609757667859f, -0.169023247637751f, -0.411237965787391f, 0.550590803600950f, -0.0561729280137304f, -0.559663108323671f, -0.718592671237337f, 0.885889621415361f, -0.364207826334344f, 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0.784452109264882f, -0.949766989295825f, 0.318378232675431f, 0.732077593075111f, 0.786829143208386f, -0.134682559823644f, 0.733164743374965f, 0.978410877665941f, 0.992008491438409f, -0.319064303035495f, 0.958430683602029f, 0.514518212363212f, 0.101876224417090f, 0.642655735778237f, -0.170746516901312f, 0.252352078365623f, -0.761327278132210f, 0.724119717129199f, 0.889374997869224f, -0.785987369200692f, -0.594670344572584f, 0.805192297495935f, -0.990523259595814f, 0.483998949026664f, 0.747350619254878f, -0.824845161088780f, 0.543009506581798f, -0.208778528683094f, -0.314149951901368f, 0.943576771177672f, -0.102633559170861f, -0.947663019606703f, -0.557033071578968f, 0.419150797499848f, 0.251214274356296f, 0.565717763755325f, 0.126676667925064f, -0.0213369479214840f, 0.342212953426240f, -0.288015274572288f, 0.121313363277304f, 0.452832374494206f, 0.545420403121955f, -0.616024063400938f, -0.0320352392995826f, -0.400581850938279f, 0.0642433474653812f, -0.673966224453150f, 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-0.892523453249154f, 0.707550017996875f, -0.782288435525895f, -0.156166443894764f, -0.543737876329167f, 0.565637809380957f, -0.757689989749326f, -0.612543942167974f, -0.766327195073259f, 0.587626843767440f, -0.280769385897397f, -0.457487372245825f, 0.0862799426622438f, -0.616867284053547f, 0.121778903484808f, -0.451988651573766f, -0.618146087265495f, -0.285868777534354f, 0.108999472244014f, -0.620755183347358f, -0.268563184810196f, -0.721678169615489f, -0.146060198874409f, -0.661506858070617f, 0.901707853998409f, 0.222488776533930f, 0.679599685031679f, 0.974760448601209f, 0.535485953830496f, -0.562345697123585f, 0.369219363331071f, -0.0282801684694869f, -0.0734880727832297f, 0.733216287314358f, -0.514352095765627f, -0.850813063545195f, 0.642458447327163f, 0.118661521915783f, -0.907015526838341f, 0.789277766886329f, -0.719864125961721f, 0.274329068829509f, 0.830124687647056f, 0.719352367261587f, -0.821767317737384f, -0.840153496829227f, 0.650796781936517f, 0.381065387870166f, 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-0.605741985891581f, 0.274905013892524f, -0.861378867171578f, -0.731508622159258f, 0.171187057183023f, 0.250833501952177f, -0.609814068526718f, -0.639397597618127f, -0.712497631420166f, -0.539831932321101f, -0.962361328901384f, 0.799060001548069f, 0.618582550608426f, -0.603865594092701f, -0.750840334759883f, -0.432368099184739f, -0.581021252111797f, 0.134711953024238f, 0.331863889421602f, -0.172907726656169f, -0.435358718118896f, -0.689326993725649f, 0.415840315809038f, -0.333576262820904f, 0.279343777676723f, -0.0393098862927832f, 0.00852090010085194f, -0.853705195692250f, 0.526006696633762f, -0.478653377052437f, -0.584840261391485f, 0.679261003071696f, 0.0367484618219474f, -0.616340335633997f, -0.912843423145420f, -0.221248732289686f, -0.477921890680232f, -0.127369625511666f, 0.865190146410824f, 0.817916456258544f, 0.445973590438029f, -0.621435280140991f, -0.584264056171687f, 0.718712277931876f, -0.337835985469843f, 0.00569064504159345f, -0.546546294846311f, 0.101653624648361f, -0.795498735829364f, -0.249043531299132f, -0.112839395737321f, -0.350305425122331f, -0.910866368205041f, 0.345503177966105f, -0.549306515692918f, 0.711774722622726f, 0.283368922297518f, 0.0401988801224620f, 0.269228967910704f, 0.408165826013612f, -0.306571373865680f, 0.937429053394878f, 0.992154362395068f, 0.679431847774404f, 0.660561953302554f, 0.903254489326130f, -0.939312119455540f, -0.211194531611303f, 0.401554296146757f, -0.0373187111351370f, -0.209143098987164f, -0.483955198209448f, -0.860858509666882f, 0.847006442151417f, 0.287950263267018f, 0.408253171937961f, -0.720812569529331f, 0.623305171273525f, 0.543495760078790f, -0.364025150023839f, -0.893335585394842f, -0.757545415624741f, -0.525417020183382f, -0.985814550271000f, -0.571551008375522f, 0.930716377819686f, -0.272863385293023f, 0.982334910750391f, 0.297868844366342f, 0.922428080219044f, 0.917194773824871f, 0.846964493212884f, 0.0641834146212110f, 0.279768184306094f, 0.591959126556958f, 0.355630573995206f, 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0.182042556749386f, 0.398835909383655f, 0.431324012457533f, 0.587021142157922f, -0.644072183989352f, 0.187430090296218f, 0.516741122998546f, -0.275250933267487f, -0.933673413249875f, -0.767709448823879f, 0.00345814033609182f, -0.585884382069128f, 0.463549040471035f, 0.666537178805293f, -0.393605927315148f, -0.260156573858491f, -0.298799291489529f, -0.246398415746503f, 0.970774181159203f, -0.485708631308223f, -0.456571313115555f, -0.264210030877189f, -0.442583504871362f, 0.0585567697312368f, 0.955769232723545f, 0.651822742221258f, 0.667605490119116f, -0.178564750516287f, 0.744464599638885f, -0.0962758978504710f, -0.538627454923738f, -0.844634654117462f, 0.109151162611125f, -0.862255427201396f, -0.478955305843323f, 0.645965860697344f, 0.345569271369828f, 0.930605011671297f, -0.195523686135506f, 0.927940875293964f, 0.0529927450986318f, -0.537243314646225f, 0.0815400161801159f, -0.528889663721737f, -0.0803965087898244f, 0.722188412643543f, -0.115173100460772f, 0.391581967064874f, 0.609102624309301f, -0.726409099849031f, -0.924071529212721f, -0.424370859730340f, -0.932399086010354f, -0.679903916227243f, 0.398593637781810f, -0.395942610474455f, 0.911017267923838f, 0.830660098751580f, 0.485689056693942f, -0.634874052918746f, 0.558342102044082f, 0.153345477027740f, -0.418797532948752f, -0.962412446404476f, 0.499334884055701f, 0.772755578982235f, 0.486905718186221f, -0.680415982465391f, -0.983589696155766f, 0.0802707365440833f, -0.108186099494932f, 0.272227706025405f, 0.651170828846750f, -0.804713753056757f, 0.778076504684911f, 0.869094633196957f, -0.213764089899489f, -0.289485853647921f, -0.248376169846176f, -0.273907386272412f, -0.272735585352615f, -0.851779302143109f, 0.777935500545070f, 0.610526499062369f, -0.825926925832998f, -0.00122853287679647f, -0.250920102747366f, -0.0333860483260329f, 0.562878228390427f, 0.685359102189134f, 0.909722844787783f, -0.686791591637469f, 0.700018932525581f, -0.975597558640926f, 0.111273045778084f, 0.0313167229308478f, -0.185767397251192f, -0.587922465203314f, -0.569364866257444f, -0.433710470415537f, 0.744709870476354f, 0.812284989338678f, -0.835936210940005f, 0.409175739115410f, 0.364745324015946f, -0.526496413512530f, -0.0949041293633228f, -0.710914623019602f, -0.199035360261516f, 0.249903358254580f, 0.799197892184193f, -0.974131439735146f, -0.962913228246770f, -0.0584067290846062f, 0.0678080882131218f, 0.619989552612058f, 0.600692636138022f, -0.325324145536173f, 0.00758797937831957f, -0.133193608214778f, -0.312408219890363f, -0.0752971209304969f, 0.764751638735404f, 0.207290375565515f, -0.965680055629168f, 0.526346325957267f, 0.365879948128040f, -0.899713698342006f, 0.300806506284083f, 0.282047017067903f, -0.464418831301796f, -0.793644005532544f, -0.338781149582286f, 0.627059412508279f, -0.624056896643864f, -0.503708045945915f, 0.339203903916317f, -0.920899287490514f, -0.753331218450680f, -0.561190137775443f, 0.216431106588929f, -0.191601189620092f, 0.613179188721972f, 0.121381145781083f, -0.477139741951367f, 0.606347924649253f, 0.972409497819530f, 0.00419185232258634f, 0.786976564006247f, 0.716984027373809f, -0.577296880358192f, 0.336508364109364f, -0.837637061538727f, -0.706860533591818f, 0.655351330285695f, -0.799458036429467f, 0.804951754011505f, 0.405471126911303f, 0.485125485165526f, 0.0354103156047567f, 0.774748847269929f, 0.396581375869036f, 0.420464745452802f, -0.544531741676535f, -0.779088258182329f, -0.129534599431145f, 0.228882319223921f, 0.669504936432777f, -0.158954596495398f, -0.171927546721685f, 0.675107968066445f, -0.201470217862098f, -0.185894687796509f, 0.244174688826684f, 0.310288210346694f, -0.0674603586289346f, 0.138103839181198f, 0.269292861340219f, 0.121469813317732f, 0.168629748875041f, 0.581112629873687f, 0.499508530746584f, -0.741772433024897f, -0.311060071316150f, -0.263697352439521f, 0.180487383518774f, -0.800786488742242f, -0.949903966987338f, 0.134975524166410f, 0.213364683193138f, -0.684441197699222f, -0.254697287796379f, 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0.781530681845886f, 0.304461599274577f, 0.211087853085430f, 0.281022407596766f, 0.0701313665097776f, 0.342337400087349f, -0.0618264046031387f, 0.177147380816613f, 0.751693209867024f, -0.279073264607508f, 0.740459307255654f, -0.352163564204507f, -0.726238685136937f, -0.565819729501492f, -0.779416133306559f, -0.783925450697670f, 0.542612245021260f, -0.810510148278478f, -0.693707081804938f, 0.918862988543900f, -0.368717045271828f, 0.0654919784331340f, -0.438514219239944f, -0.923935138084824f, 0.913316783811291f, -0.961646539574340f, 0.734888382653474f, -0.464102713631586f, -0.896154678819649f, 0.349856565392685f, 0.646610836502422f, -0.104378701809970f, 0.347319102015858f, -0.263947819351090f, 0.343722186197186f, 0.825747554146473f, 0.0661865525544676f, 0.918864908112419f, -0.999160312662909f, -0.904953244747070f, 0.246613032125664f, 0.123426960800262f, -0.294364203503845f, -0.150056966431615f, 0.904179479721301f, 0.517721252782648f, 0.661473373608678f, -0.784276966825964f, -0.984631287069650f, 0.239695484607744f, -0.499150590123099f, 0.00153518224500027f, -0.817955534401114f, 0.221240310713583f, 0.114442325207070f, -0.717650856748245f, -0.722902799253535f, -0.962998380704103f, 0.214092155997873f, -0.226370691123970f, 0.536806140446569f, 0.111745807092858f, 0.657580594136395f, -0.239950592200226f, 0.0981270621736083f, -0.173398466414235f, 0.414811672195735f, 0.147604904291238f, -0.649219724907210f, 0.907797399703411f, -0.496097071857490f, -0.0958082520749422f, -0.700618145301611f, 0.238049932994406f, 0.946616020659334f, 0.143538494511824f, 0.0641076718667677f, 0.377873848622552f, -0.413854028741624f, -0.838831021130186f, 0.0208044297354626f, 0.476712667979210f, 0.850908020233298f, 0.0692454021020814f, 0.841788714865238f, -0.251777041865926f, 0.512215668857165f, 0.827988589806208f, -0.399200428030715f, 0.999219950547600f, -0.00465542086542259f, 0.279790771964531f, -0.683125623289052f, 0.988128867315143f, 0.00697090775456410f, -0.409501680375786f, -0.190812202162744f, -0.154565639467601f, 0.305734586628079f, -0.922825484202279f, -0.0622811516391562f, -0.502492855870975f, 0.358550513844403f, 0.678271216185703f, -0.940222215291861f, 0.568581934651071f, 0.953835466578938f, -0.476569789986603f, 0.0141049472573418f, 0.722262461730185f, -0.128913572076972f, -0.583948340870808f, -0.254358587904773f, -0.390569309413304f, -0.0495119137883056f, -0.486356443935695f, -0.112768011009410f, -0.608763417511343f, -0.145843822867367f, 0.767829603838659f, 0.791239479733126f, 0.0208376062066382f, -0.524291005204912f, -0.200159553848628f, -0.835647719235620f, -0.222774380961612f, 0.0617292533934060f, 0.233433696650208f, -0.543969878951657f, -0.628168009147650f, -0.725602523060817f, -0.273904472034828f, 0.320527317085229f, -0.556961185821848f, 0.261533413201255f, 0.696617398495973f, 0.200506775746016f, -0.395581923906907f, 0.0196423782530712f, -0.0552577396777472f, -0.594078139517501f, -0.816132673139052f, -0.898431571909616f, 0.879105843430143f, 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0.198175872470120f, -0.329413252854837f, -0.641319161749268f, 0.186271826190842f, -0.0739989831663739f, -0.334046268448298f, -0.191676071751509f, -0.632573515889708f, -0.999115061914042f, -0.677989795015932f, 0.289828136337821f, 0.696081747094487f, 0.965765319961706f, -0.203649463803737f, -0.195384468978610f, 0.746979659338745f, 0.701651229142588f, -0.498361303522421f, 0.289120104962302f, 0.270493509228559f, -0.132329670835432f, 0.385545665843914f, -0.265371843427444f, 0.306155119003788f, -0.859790373316264f, -0.0198057838521546f, 0.233572324299025f, 0.426354273793125f, -0.510901479579029f, -0.600001464460011f, -0.972316846268671f, 0.531678082677910f, -0.0543913028234813f, -0.860333915321655f, 0.0717414549918496f, -0.992726205437930f, 0.587189647572868f, -0.710120198811545f, -0.712433353767817f, 0.000905613890617163f, 0.323638959833707f, -0.148002344942812f, 0.422217478090035f, -0.512122539396176f, -0.652032513920892f, -0.0749826795945674f, 0.689725543651565f, 0.00708142459169103f, 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0.0819835387259940f, -0.378565059057637f, 0.265230570199009f, -0.654654047270763f, -0.959845479426107f, -0.524706200047066f, -0.320773238900823f, 0.133125806793072f, 0.204919719422386f, 0.781296208272529f, 0.357447172843949f, -0.295741363322007f, -0.531151992759176f, -0.928760461863525f, -0.492737999698919f, 0.185299312597934f, 0.0308933157463984f, 0.0940868629278078f, -0.223134180713975f, -0.728994909644464f, 0.748645378716214f, 0.602424843862873f, 0.939628558971957f, -0.601577015562304f, -0.178714119359324f, 0.812720866753088f, -0.864296642561293f, 0.448439532249340f, 0.423570043689909f, 0.883922405988390f, -0.121889129001415f, -0.0435604321758833f, -0.823641147317994f, -0.775345608718704f, -0.621149628042832f, 0.532395431283659f, -0.803045105215129f, 0.897460124955135f, 0.432615281777583f, -0.0245386640589920f, -0.822321626075771f, -0.992080038736755f, -0.829220327319793f, 0.125841786813822f, 0.277412627470833f, 0.623989234604340f, -0.207977347981346f, -0.666564975567417f, 0.419758053880881f, -0.146809205344117f, 0.702495819380827f, 0.802212477505035f, 0.161529115911938f, 0.987832568197053f, -0.885776673164970f, -0.608518024629661f, -0.126430573784758f, 0.168260422890915f, -0.517060428948049f, -0.766296586196077f, -0.827624510690858f, -0.149091785188351f, -0.643782325842734f, 0.768634567718711f, 0.815278279059715f, -0.648037361329720f, -0.480742843535214f, 0.983809287193308f, -0.701958358623791f, 0.0797427982273327f, 0.903943825454071f, 0.980486658260621f, 0.207436790541324f, -0.536781321571165f, -0.885473392956838f, -0.626744905152131f, 0.279917970592554f, -0.489532633799085f, 0.402084958261836f, -0.566738134593205f, -0.0990017532286025f, 0.458891753618823f, 0.893734110503312f, 0.541822126435773f, -0.856210577956263f, -0.0354679151809227f, -0.868531503535520f, 0.150589222911699f, 0.611651396802303f, 0.524911319413221f, 0.555472734209632f, -0.723626819813614f, -0.162106613127807f, 0.602405197560299f, 0.903198408993777f, 0.329150411562290f, -0.806468536757339f, -0.671787125844359f, -0.707262852044556f, 0.474934689940169f, -0.379636706541612f, 0.404933387269815f, 0.332303761521238f, 0.394233678536033f, -0.0366067593524413f, 0.904405677123363f, -0.356597686978725f, -0.623034135107067f, 0.572040316921149f, 0.799160684670195f, -0.507817199545094f, -0.533380730448667f, -0.884507921224020f, -0.00424735629746076f, 0.647537115339283f, 0.456309536956504f, -0.766102127867730f, -0.625121831714406f, 0.341487890703535f, -0.360549668352997f, -0.229900108098778f, -0.666760418812903f, 0.813282715359911f, 0.115522674116703f, -0.221360306077384f, 0.0297293679340875f, 0.00682810040637105f, 0.0115235719886584f, 0.887989949086462f, 0.792212187398941f, 0.415172771519484f, -0.600202208047434f, 0.949356119962045f, -0.526700730890731f, 0.946712583567682f, -0.392771116330410f, 0.0144823046999243f, -0.649518061223406f, 0.724776068810104f, 0.00920735790862981f, -0.461670796134611f, 0.217703889787716f, 0.846151165623083f, -0.202702970245097f, 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0.787375525807664f, 0.655019979695179f, -0.266247398074148f, -0.665577607941915f, 0.0617617780742654f, -0.303207459096743f, 0.807119242186051f, -0.864431193732911f, 0.711808914065391f, 0.267969697417500f, -0.643939259651104f, -0.723685356192067f, 0.887757759160107f, -0.318420101532538f, -0.984559057628900f, -0.123118506428834f, 0.264872379685241f, 0.258477870902406f, -0.727462993670953f, -0.223845786938221f, 0.683462211502638f, -0.989811504909606f, 0.292644294487220f, -0.926087081411227f, -0.801377664261936f, -0.337757621052903f, 0.356167431525877f, 0.974619379699180f, 0.456124311183874f, 0.664192098344107f, -0.910993234571633f, -0.484097468631090f, -0.128534589958108f, -0.770879324529314f, 0.320053414246682f, 0.249818479771296f, 0.0153345543766990f, 0.696352481669035f, -0.397719804512483f, 0.670333638147646f, -0.678192291329959f, 0.190143924397131f, 0.342035884244954f, -0.350791038317704f, 0.0218450632953668f, 0.437133719806156f, 0.659960895652910f, 0.903378806323159f, 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0.121571798563274f, 0.161863493108371f, -0.340322748036792f, 0.521792371708641f, 0.655248389359818f, -0.180967013066484f, 0.936797969156762f, 0.523749660366580f, 0.764744126333943f, 0.384701560810431f, -0.744092118301334f, 0.719721922905938f, 0.365931545158250f, -0.720202871171563f, 0.121662048491076f, -0.355501954289222f, 0.379420491208481f, -0.593818415223405f, -0.433690576121147f, -0.766763563509045f, -0.377445104709670f, -0.955638620720410f, 0.309622585052195f, -0.613767678153186f, 0.0177719922394908f, 0.362917537485277f, -0.297613292472489f, 0.0275561832152067f, -0.962345352767599f, 0.452866577068408f, -0.307485159523065f, 0.931778412136845f, 0.639592220588070f, 0.00782144244951311f, -0.0466407334447796f, -0.134392603781566f, 0.895314655361308f, -0.537785271016286f, 0.663926391064792f, -0.886126633268266f, -0.0975129470189278f, -0.429791706025144f, -0.440337831994928f, -0.00156267573188829f, 0.933113069253665f, -0.560704402651437f, -0.201658150324907f, 0.465819560354530f, 0.0701448781871696f, 0.859597672251104f, -0.525851890358272f, -0.992674038068357f, -0.0846761339576128f, -0.401686794568758f, -0.886069686075370f, -0.480254412625133f, 0.432758053902000f, 0.168651590377605f, -0.453397134906684f, 0.340250287733381f, -0.972972507965963f, 0.0560333167197302f, -0.180812774382952f, -0.689848943619717f, -0.427945332505659f, 0.771841237806370f, 0.329334772795521f, 0.573083591606505f, 0.280711890938316f, -0.265074342340277f, -0.166538165045598f, -0.0612128221482104f, 0.458392746490372f, 0.199475931235870f, 0.681819191997175f, 0.356837960840067f, 0.756968760265553f, 0.763288512531608f, -0.890082643508294f, -0.322752448111365f, 0.799445915816577f, -0.956403501496524f, 0.723055987751969f, 0.943900989848643f, -0.217092255585658f, -0.426893469064855f, 0.834596828462842f, 0.723793256883097f, 0.781491391875921f, 0.928040296363564f, -0.468095417622644f, 0.758584798435784f, 0.589732897992602f, 0.929077658343636f, 0.829643041135239f, 0.0947252609994522f, 0.554884923338572f, -0.513740258764285f, -0.221798194292427f, 0.499855133319165f, -0.0237986912033636f, 0.559618648100625f, -0.509812142428963f, -0.444047241791607f, 0.678274420898738f, -0.983706185790147f, -0.295400077545522f, -0.688769625375228f, 0.729259863393412f, 0.889478872450658f, 0.928277502215167f, -0.429388564745762f, -0.790568684428380f, 0.930220908227667f, -0.796970618648576f, -0.980240003047008f, 0.0372716153521411f, -0.290828043433527f, -0.303854123029680f, 0.160774056645456f, -0.712081432630280f, 0.390787025293754f, 0.981202442873064f, -0.679439021090013f, 0.183053153027806f, 0.665002789261745f, -0.708708782620398f, 0.254574948166343f, 0.0575397183305137f, -0.723713533137924f, -0.732816726186887f, 0.501983534740534f, 0.879998734527489f, 0.825871571001792f, 0.920880943816000f, 0.311565022703289f, -0.788226302840017f, -0.223197800016568f, 0.850662847422425f, -0.365181128095578f, 0.958907951854379f, -0.0421327708909884f, -0.153860389403659f, -0.219620959578892f, -0.469076971423126f, -0.523348925540362f, -0.287762354299832f, -0.913332930679763f, 0.403264134926789f, 0.725849051303960f, 0.743650157693605f, -0.382580349065687f, -0.297138545454038f, -0.480092092629432f, 0.0412697614821378f, -0.396203822475830f, -0.0721078217568973f, 0.979038611510460f, -0.766187876085830f, -0.344262922592081f, 0.943351952071948f, -0.219460259008486f, 0.115393587800227f, -0.342675526066015f, 0.926460460401492f, -0.486133445041596f, 0.0722019534490863f, -0.571069005453629f, -0.0854568609959852f, 0.370182934471805f, -0.554007448618166f, 0.899885956615126f, -0.188476209845590f, -0.548132066932086f, 0.0559544259937872f, -0.161750926638529f, -0.532342080900202f, 0.585205009957713f, -0.374876171959848f, -0.169253952741901f, -0.473665572804341f, 0.942267543457416f, -0.515867520277168f, -0.706362509002908f, -0.320672724679343f, -0.398410016134417f, 0.733774712982205f, 0.449599271169282f, 0.109119420842892f, -0.285090495549516f, 0.0854116107702212f, 0.0603189331827261f, -0.943780826189008f, 0.0679186452322331f, 0.0975973769951632f, -0.870728474197789f, -0.153122881744074f, -0.519939625069588f, -0.633620207951748f, -0.767551214057718f, -0.905802311420298f, -0.841350087901049f, -0.271805404203346f, 0.282221543099561f, -0.0874121080198842f, 0.0634591013505281f, 0.318965595714934f, -0.865047622711268f, -0.401960840475322f, 0.637557181177199f, -0.664578054110050f, -0.871253510227744,
-0.893972634695541f, 0.442396058421524f, -0.427901040556135f, -0.740186385510743f, 0.788155411447006f, -0.541278113339818f, 0.509586521956676f, -0.461159620800394f, 0.664671981848839f, 0.880365181842209f, -0.0831685214800200f, 0.952827020902887f, 0.183226454466898f, -0.176729350626920f, 0.851946105206441f, -0.361976142339276f, 0.357209010683668f, 0.982462882042961f, -0.690757734204635f, 0.178681657923363f, -0.0804395784672956f, 0.971787623805611f, 0.875217157810758f, 0.160844021450331f, -0.359951755747351f, 0.0178495935461525f, 0.0203610854761294f, 0.413933338290502f, -0.676038601090005f, -0.111093077131977f, -0.381792206260952f, -0.459903351782575f, 0.308522841938619f, 0.324961267942541f, 0.365201262605939f, 0.732543185546895f, -0.559558093250200f, 0.848266528378337f, -0.185546299813159f, 0.997052205707190f, -0.932554828383249f, -0.106322273904826f, -0.0690562674587807f, 0.919489002936141f, 0.137210930163322f, -0.664517238270193f, -0.985856844408119f, -0.0719443995256963f, 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-0.0272310683929855f, 0.781051179942937f, 0.860271807949640f, -0.703736733439623f, -0.285650334863399f, -0.466904334435873f, -0.716816768536707f, 0.0869377378786880f, -0.280331892461309f, 0.773946156883160f, -0.139856444064730f, 0.575680110908147f, -0.887887626173303f, 0.314286545048942f, 0.673119170729964f, 0.520399233930039f, 0.581347801663144f, 0.731708017815653f, 0.672583525027818f, -0.0534590776637494f, -0.880572908687369f, 0.171150522778545f, -0.377041265530122f, -0.478003213002057f, 0.458602883802583f, 0.836824527658741f, -0.0686622680764437f, -0.301000630566919f, -0.652562984155554f, 0.604631263268903f, 0.791770979838877f, 0.0790491584346489f, 0.812646960034949f, 0.138794042671596f, 0.709411730079774f, 0.226484869016811f, 0.797388098554019f, -0.162225991160828f, -0.0295749256270541f, 0.218242165083417f, 0.442845427695148f, -0.480622209857766f, 0.873464432574125f, -0.868017543466245f, -0.435489784247438f, 0.0589001507244313f, 0.829134536020168f, 0.614063504046069f, -0.0498036542372153f, -0.803122689381969f, -0.495207870035615f, -0.126836582496751f, -0.0715271574335641f, -0.600815700055194f, 0.434993547671690f, -0.891665893518364f, 0.515259516482513f, 0.475325173737397f, -0.716548558025405f, -0.881097306400870f, 0.738462585443836f, -0.244486212870867f, -0.750368936394211f, 0.303496411011494f, -0.602701428305057f, -0.400346153635480f, -0.300002744969481f, -0.518552440201900f, 0.437964598712580f, -0.816689813412280f, -0.814392666138757f, -0.888568091915377f, 0.449416911306476f, -0.231889259488176f, 0.589775175288682f, 0.817224890217553f, 0.518646001325967f, -0.406046689874425f, -0.822100925750380f, 0.0528571826460145f, 0.502410576690672f, -0.795964394123106f, 0.0587614583641718f, -0.960750994569408f, 0.0366871534513058f, 0.723018804498087f, 0.0607565140068052f, 0.337380735516841f, 0.810682513202583f, -0.636743814403438f, 0.287171363373943f, -0.651998050401509f, -0.913606366413836f, 0.642186273694795f, -0.197674788034638f, -0.261253290776174f, 0.696450222503413f, -0.178859131737947f, -0.388167582041093f, -0.0593965887764258f, -0.638517356081890f, 0.804955770174156f, 0.220726627737384f, 0.263712659676167f, -0.214285245576410f, -0.267640297291737f, -0.268009369634837f, -0.957726158424482f, 0.708674977585603f, 0.336764494287156f, -0.985742981232916f, -0.883053422617300f, 0.560301189759340f, -0.692967747323003f, 0.977419052658484f, 0.0749830817523358f, 0.916618822945019f, 0.941660769630849f, 0.454145712080114f, 0.176036352526593f, 0.103229925297037f, 0.936507745325933f, -0.870159095287666f, -0.106465234217744f, 0.684178938709319f, 0.669775326656340f, -0.620857222834950f, 0.939074959093680f, -0.592224920792423f, 0.620706594809134f, 0.0456831422421473f, 0.738727999152789f, -0.751090911501446f, 0.683669216540363f, 0.153825621938168f, -0.255671723273688f, -0.773772764499189f, -0.667753952059522f, 0.887641972124558f, -0.664358118222428f, 0.512196622998674f, -0.0234362604874272f, 0.942878420215240f, -0.406617487191566f, -0.140379594627198f, -0.0587253931185765f, 0.419570878799757f, 0.533674656399007f, 0.108777047479414f, -0.695880604462579f, 0.481525582104998f, 0.511165135231064f, 0.136105196996658f, -0.481918536916982f, 0.757546893769363f, 0.957648176032083f, -0.908743619686586f, -0.395640537583668f, 0.0493439519763970f, 0.293569612893396f, 0.387420368421925f, 0.0928482742403196f, 0.407302666835821f, -0.787979245337637f, -0.968269218296593f, -0.409517247978962f, 0.775076200793689f, -0.217738166217447f, -0.370002483875998f, -0.570975789421316f, 0.844070553036478f, 0.668620483679341f, 0.00139813137293987f, -0.0912495442122028f, -0.0375370940595317f, 0.723007849224616f, 0.369999774115317f, 0.862240371150479f, 0.749525689790910f, 0.742992309993137f, -0.495813719545874f, -0.101947508108870f, -0.152536889610560f, 0.0598123624723883f, -0.436496899502871f, 0.520026918467263f, 0.241005798945400f, 0.970456690492966f, -0.376417224463442f, 0.614223236672359f, 0.336733945081746f, 0.376602027190701f, 0.00373987228923456f, -0.415425448787442f, 0.330560415319813f, -0.277250467297048f, 0.861008806111330f, -0.00655914035278493f, 0.810375656135324f, -0.0113631690466840f, -0.191699616402287f, -0.808952204107388f, 0.813180054552450f, 0.472985418265257f, 0.180147510998781f, -0.262580568975063f, 0.211152909221457f, -0.882514639604489f, -0.575589191561861f, 0.106927561961233f, 0.964591320892138f, 0.738192954342001f, 0.687649298588472f, -0.229142519883570f, -0.354434619656716f, -0.420522788056562f, 0.684638470896597f, -0.608080686160634f, 0.172668231197353f, 0.571295073068563f, -0.202258974457565f, 0.183035733721930f, -0.425589835248751f, -0.181955831301366f, 0.798193178080558f, -0.719799491928433f, -0.376418218727565f, 0.100370714244854f, -0.674685331738723f, -0.528950922374114f, 0.480443520097694f, 0.432497368954013f, 0.887439714903326f, 0.598241701759478f, -0.250064970303242f, -0.743111010477448f, 0.936189907099845f, -0.867383557331633f, 0.852536175309851f, -0.426378707286007f, 0.793838638663137f, 0.856262917294594f, 0.734157059815547f, 0.00452009494051664f, -0.884258713402709f, -0.0835595438259760f, -0.735457210599502f, -0.710727075357488f, 0.858050351034768f, -0.626070522205317f, -0.848201957131499f, 0.0180933910837406f, -0.0350884878366737f, -0.893836321618480f, -0.0682788306189803f, -0.539993219329871f, -0.557660404374917f, 0.268969847256868f, 0.505363999910409f, -0.0464757944714727f, -0.529689906951922,
-0.138445378586710f, 0.992531054118938f, 0.974585450054910f, 0.940349645687053f, 0.648085319100986f, -0.410736404028701f, 0.804131759246012f, -0.774897101314247f, 0.178246382655493f, -0.361699623232501f, -0.836093509684016f, 0.806309487627613f, -0.758182371322663f, 0.718410035716663f, -0.213136487421868f, -0.0563465521625497f, 0.0411192849612654f, -0.532497330327019f, -0.0419839515250475f, 0.769432068229678f, 0.253556234192255f, -0.745131216530268f, -0.890639235422577f, -0.140643637034330f, 0.318127074868768f, -0.497415632768561f, -0.383508820416842f, -0.468783454456628f, -0.289531078129000f, -0.0831555730758713f, 0.0107128404847427f, -0.567754537918270f, 0.926366772604370f, -0.600154724486768f, -0.0920759547805206f, 0.889582307602381f, -0.0710437157605615f, -0.182724716112986f, 0.228135065644420f, 0.851015495602628f, 0.653035806598961f, -0.986676404958677f, -0.871714951288816f, -0.824734086356281f, -0.490239304888267f, 0.244318295619814f, -0.923794688606381f, 0.670566388343457f, 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0.833823680455458f, 0.414337644113416f, 0.588576354535126f, 0.318369292694380f, 0.870442561030567f, -0.422722224743553f, -0.200185003922166f, -0.770185495487048f, -0.878134057034045f, -0.712873198675798f, 0.647706512601268f, 0.593648188899773f, 0.126171748161942f, -0.189622212946038f, 0.707877641788638f, 0.790070498218410f, 0.698576567863428f, 0.594748885238005f, 0.567439045931572f, -0.591839707769224f, -0.632709967090349f, 0.415471238430617f, 0.115403276784208f, -0.375797954748234f, 0.123611001678020f, -0.864109581464288f, 0.115346512920739f, -0.515581940111704f, 0.880606114362175f, 0.356011740142007f, -0.318112820131587f, 0.765766689783476f, -0.226772670084743f, 0.442067390135885f, 0.348547568069751f, 0.862154389627291f, -0.894863284060244f, 0.475714942110286f, 0.552377629980789f, -0.0838875341374268f, -0.227654706745770f, 0.0998522598030438f, 0.870812229993830f, -0.518250234958224f, -0.0635791579471283f, -0.284101882205902f, -0.454751668241269f, 0.720773434493943f, 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0.362588721999523f, -0.371357162843751f, -0.818375262182416f, 0.727779997467707f, -0.836502839702384f, 0.0423869176265037f, -0.283934686546853f, 0.665864224978728f, -0.0428162304637920f, 0.243534621880753f, -0.803789304599586f, 0.570866852088607f, 0.340615579467880f, -0.323456502239327f, 0.403242371952148f, -0.0679158901587793f, -0.866985651416456f, -0.439873628406335f, -0.246357367033863f, 0.436234859832243f, 0.560714706225535f, -0.632564381913014f, -0.316451076258298f, -0.977122780282003f, 0.0741405862954117f, -0.217862250253606f, 0.887093089232476f, -0.418281865182365f, -0.638553415535034f, -0.262631979211197f, -0.567499176465252f, 0.676178859605923f, 0.933551699581608f, -0.0139735129263516f, -0.610719575803582f, 0.565123751720690f, 0.230672823422021f, 0.323935439339366f, 0.635142215896104f, 0.981184609133698f, 0.883668802319366f, -0.281281673616891f, 0.583204242495555f, 0.150854689098149f, -0.775890223139644f, 0.419951701513177f, -0.565767744791652f, -0.855232478054420f, 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0.319180429028702f, -0.907664654881857f, 0.992381284978014f, -0.511208110440365f, -0.714797966909523f, -0.717021870210999f, 0.545775837604423f, -0.0443828768329362f, 0.333311879948434f, 0.617237628406207f, -0.0895192882305207f, 0.506491005527430f, -0.354205929841282f, 0.777993157224477f, -0.667532693120319f, -0.105006112097613f, -0.337191911902220f, -0.337964429160738f, 0.609014812897482f, -0.368922911475613f, 0.889184378947484f, -0.676392242654630f, 0.429716870038086f, 0.916751115281822f, -0.655611878274175f, 0.538928395264007f, 0.382674384886170f, 0.0580742902089004f, -0.0124611362991478f, -0.0240388340005702f, -0.726296501832402f, -0.805701334732693f, 0.945344279474230f, -0.668066000378724f, 0.761436128738929f, -0.314275650172792f, -0.394331510439346f, 0.262887592668013f, 0.155064800148016f, -0.561829218656134f, -0.491542446753775f, 0.922248338472926f, 0.574575887413700f, 0.631722295929094f, -0.368854197209698f, 0.984780657580794f, 0.845286034922662f, -0.965631634115590f, -0.435710392440405f, -0.616488688868478f, 0.885865616625930f, 0.425733070487506f, 0.776721663555227f, -0.0652930284860209f, -0.734431875923792f, 0.725517937762654f, -0.474146253075108f, 0.895357779508529f, -0.0725048758018345f, -0.360185856190223f, 0.559350280666427f, 0.363695103660096f, 0.152231254765544f, 0.698196273442671f, 0.0518001104801953f, -0.139037096279713f, 0.340637636595997f, 0.584243998596814f, -0.442304329829130f, -0.501574294329747f, 0.250155103662225f, 0.320493999001502f, -0.150217982700108f, -0.0381390799255577f, 0.734760815545772f, -0.574574233376749f, 0.593440338163725f, 0.408049858247104f, -0.0845023181203484f, -0.855507806920297f, -0.473198309372409f, 0.331033392104072f, 0.196445364460658f, -0.799745050834061f, -0.973517526224363f, 0.333748727500822f, -0.772356831553232f, -0.430793038424357f, 0.649852557262489f, 0.504357958431509f, 0.779588082810134f, 0.0111847677569461f, -0.995526851285634f, -0.676007517368195f, 0.216774012875664f, -0.618928775636485f, -0.418043155155598f, -0.532063904545563f, -0.566979013994587f, 0.246319907266774f, 0.868651379198082f, -0.0433430896891542f, 0.463004686009427f, -0.162112430964754f, 0.285379745117090f, 0.901512987149549f, -0.706916206313139f, 0.685678130935725f, -0.673017501666538f, 0.0616272859909088f, 0.147532779463338f, -0.0108539826652629f, 0.960841184863269f, -0.950190006701182f, 0.992171414792924f, 0.715577145884581,
0.975908103138584f, -0.769014520827696f, -0.463212420186382f, -0.0761813427220397f, -0.704830850508594f, -0.220579724380686f, 0.840893269946637f, -0.432181989863148f, -0.956790418498701f, 0.122344784859397f, -0.242133592220528f, 0.908514497715246f, 0.303653521236872f, 0.756500828196849f, -0.752207807361831f, 0.367894642791072f, -0.702474131286247f, 0.189226989057138f, 0.401804209353236f, 0.608493473010907f, -0.437378101171900f, -0.158801297891213f, -0.381027984311046f, -0.949403985394057f, 0.370189685252539f, -0.872655295458655f, -0.337934909993878f, -0.0619622888328213f, 0.352094440420005f, 0.128759637109350f, 0.432413186229881f, -0.497474226759161f, 0.552933107875735f, 0.332665936587804f, -0.559261497212156f, -0.886188834336549f, 0.0170548801295034f, 0.192729852728271f, -0.674432365770129f, -0.526014722983374f, 0.425009223123802f, -0.186164676538888f, 0.190362042383007f, -0.0930204201587825f, 0.794188212052413f, -0.243549629178106f, 0.118970185744958f, -0.216230226310237f, 0.412570247218594f, 0.659556685538155f, -0.150540425515543f, -0.850858266540316f, -0.843827815842486f, 0.629298164439457f, 0.944304062363374f, -0.117764731240517f, 0.558568737697335f, 0.731745392387362f, -0.00413812760139165f, -0.251933493011685f, -0.473346352965658f, 0.178783613032362f, 0.547769344759580f, -0.414330113592064f, -0.550251453379012f, -0.925253680779905f, 0.623832825809309f, -0.494251081521428f, 0.0643361026845244f, 0.727107898350051f, 0.814864886916156f, 0.0177325632172460f, 0.749324691554934f, -0.266301024849295f, 0.675202550635588f, -0.0748462128620644f, -0.747853513216831f, -0.222563643557406f, -0.608884446788701f, -0.0374135649675464f, 0.852579123003940f, -0.585927920129879f, 0.604065857569210f, 0.573072924781108f, 0.816831955879520f, 0.723975232584095f, 0.367887024581694f, 0.765292601085641f, 0.836490699448589f, 0.623434131440044f, 0.743568762340577f, 0.140474444458222f, -0.746327891490507f, 0.700496422194197f, 0.549693846244016f, 0.729372970291116f, 0.728185563682229f, -0.614909046853182f, -0.756209631211223f, -0.530222413502955f, -0.312453162783936f, -0.752364704008701f, -0.634475515424180f, -0.133239439768175f, 0.252790153178337f, 0.760626105409900f, -0.838262213452153f, -0.266093046689486f, 0.549339088324875f, -0.278178592347115f, 0.190458706141960f, 0.906814275056971f, -0.579827980376046f, -0.134191470195968f, 0.244720998349483f, 0.795502128014338f, 0.287019836683889f, -0.906277889518234f, -0.817071933038363f, 0.613378274793081f, 0.518208081766432f, -0.388902790616382f, -0.785778461147273f, 0.574976429920521f, -0.283168065839246f, -0.857322381041868f, 0.424932015236353f, 0.919756642423073f, 0.412896759578072f, -0.976511020897041f, 0.157825653359643f, -0.0606591903280758f, 0.508438714729350f, -0.513115001652116f, 0.881391940997543f, -0.129708782033534f, 0.382462819411800f, -0.538751535594113f, 0.816770663497783f, 0.869013288394013f, -0.728381721932439f, -0.956736333819522f, -0.839107107637575f, 0.394821058517234f, 0.721983518815999f, -0.0847231453556103f, 0.0206545030491683f, 0.414707730497861f, 0.246591855656934f, -0.546187573590839f, -0.578957978692654f, 0.162844799084821f, 0.493731081270802f, -0.765815587549615f, 0.151613093585910f, -0.112883397239635f, 0.879319928900002f, 0.295375250614654f, -0.505370201033860f, -0.635319167339584f, -0.309818465920078f, 0.768627024018538f, -0.544374452091825f, 0.758974060573473f, -0.106050973670013f, 0.508616501970226f, -0.207224226211215f, 0.616842248601645f, 0.688381226662374f, 0.643728558619948f, -0.906982649598668f, 0.526262112978799f, -0.666644270400075f, 0.314806313630502f, -0.292000096972562f, -0.358353880616007f, 0.156344541906829f, 0.637606941586786f, -0.199572501073669f, -0.669369278061572f, 0.237513395315133f, -0.576741807179552f, 0.0750117203638310f, -0.633877533594996f, 0.829285089669934f, 0.622345234313277f, -0.892617583855908f, -0.280449892200797f, 0.241147361581176f, -0.0784016295955696f, 0.414945819313502f, 0.287238318044040f, -0.691458270387106f, 0.597656137422422f, 0.549022082569726f, -0.590776624040652f, 0.666740423918019f, -0.743115212424850f, 0.164036350785269f, -0.229427480781113f, 0.283602991107853f, -0.533993445778340f, 0.185806116700093f, -0.317953364055307f, 0.140412503708198f, 0.280706883979940f, 0.0439806827213221f, 0.176471515460512f, -0.614144204292693f, 0.314194083857125f, 0.519572839644130f, -0.850547081260782f, -0.515460990713008f, 0.353087995032390f, -0.0241014119925820f, 0.269453276643829f, -0.608515317887958f, -0.777818225534647f, -0.834277444316067f, -0.842707175235771f, -0.929547602540323f, -0.884691870945475f, 0.710591809809692f, 0.143423776629673f, 0.797136471728128f, 0.233311155245426f, -0.923169961754164f, 0.627911916101674f, -0.338187201367212f, 0.211044396110784f, -0.443699655795038f, 0.256593551969761f, -0.406688684034041f, 0.364900889856600f, 0.900530571350288f, -0.160476177153537f, 0.0634217008071056f, 0.709241599309354f, -0.789562037599596f, 0.00891621061029158f, 0.801674768895422f, -0.704378031949125f, 0.430576706378041f, 0.796937507044124f, -0.193348850174576f, -0.493924902919358f, -0.935781577118986f, 0.468142331108629f, 0.00965840085728753f, 0.0834398764999438f, 0.599712941235232f, -0.735675950275295f, 0.200152501800787f, -0.751603779675650f, 0.0697488403240092f, 0.300634243862625f, -0.901969784333300f, -0.958816237033024f, -0.754976119377363f, 0.719702182489622f, -0.338038642556184f, -0.703280944186943f, -0.579148694005994f, 0.556115731092296f, -0.920710928208685f, -0.278178108839470f, -0.793795308512285f, 0.916547680808212f, 0.419467216101691f, 0.177932177026735f, 0.682833725334600f, -0.926849803428705f, 0.179045225389745f, -0.209414969718359f, -0.889551871881532f, 0.961659420127890f, -0.250341627298645f, 0.105606170554974f, -0.547860346689080f, 0.845704098204057f, 0.886892635683680f, 0.768134466622042f, -0.954777823503721f, -0.718106389777233f, -0.580779231998609f, -0.0241800476518665f, 0.815063484178525f, -0.351971452344303f, 0.770369263680192f, 0.520886146470712f, -0.236456125482696f, 0.0900173391919312f, -0.00610611501589697f, 0.0986788038317752f, 0.277083194173223f, 0.0877085076786761f, 0.695814138412262f, 0.281021332783082f, -0.701468161850407f, -0.785496560046616f, -0.805623403379156f, -0.0524204125046179f, 0.0836418099696601f, 0.467252832788807f, 0.148967572323544f, 0.314141193557124f, -0.722297309069329f, 0.147068590429361f, -0.868307069306109f, 0.118712645744921f, 0.737896544941878f, 0.897526485681248f, 0.842207508585120f, 0.817408479766998f, 0.522315328909182f, -0.409136979179218f, 0.580654760034574f, -0.384701243761730f, -0.769398544059918f, -0.791317178699730f, 0.357020281620118f, -0.235410423267782f, -0.326332500533018f, -0.416891876268284f, -0.863029987000052f, 0.505171215727166f, -0.728709553380428f, 0.554546891580919f, 0.737429989077498f, -0.355088598334119f, 0.911987317939763f, 0.525846127625130f, 0.851549830104189f, -0.772303673276796f, 0.0421942169353806f, -0.521836640530782f, 0.995279650924240f, -0.186831960875832f, 0.421233670121556f, -0.0891583750230474f, 0.661100169663965f, 0.393809652414978f, 0.346165179707090f, 0.384203760628548f, -0.329281932973211f, 0.446133401546675f, -0.748200766224366f, -0.0275154142375615f, 0.771701580845288f, -0.0177829993094090f, 0.406813206251131f, 0.606021648140155f, 0.218435152341115f, 0.236571855064013f, -0.513495776515847f, 0.729086381137554f, -0.137775825035815f, 0.0320966747364262f, -0.313487802206023f, 0.105472520924239f, 0.423606700821375f, -0.231301628369264f, 0.465218832919270f, 0.379671652150568f, -0.00497780485272159f, 0.509290230688327f, 0.467240127182068f, 0.353587964503845f, 0.390455232684039f, 0.721536288927627f, -0.838922323815237f, 0.827628029266859f, 0.768844149796201f, -0.813963144642386f, -0.797054297232628f, -0.933039367361175f, -0.0723957249866136f, -0.664824147893300f, 0.695914840901794f, -0.206071660300270f, 0.879389414398409f, 0.181872681691416f, -0.582831210733033f, 0.624249199449935f, 0.204959730900228f, 0.354831594370532f, 0.337152636438178f, 0.596132114241829f, -0.295619496794481f, -0.443402055665686f, 0.743995051028396f, 0.543706744165365f, 0.825846155044062f, -0.764982315603181f, -0.0355223730700034f, -0.682467026736627f, -0.914037445162109f, -0.222823484413727f, 0.825323277024566f, 0.0769459194171547f, 0.696453968928934f, 0.760786120466962f, -0.525470048583831f, 0.764981036001869f, 0.458525204937000f, -0.612703584870878f, 0.626016142683351f, 0.284799326870320f, -0.130410894642153f, -0.730659587111424f, 0.0251896513929686f, 0.744421417725379f, 0.481278905427271f, -0.718686189713675f, -0.972110566787501f, -0.178005803066219f, -0.761536801353512f, 0.675177569459847f, -0.613068600254845f, -0.854757540148688f, 0.641823580903407f, 0.112536000301536f, 0.201235170163357f, -0.332623522893231f, 0.602028236317460f, 0.487529253813741f, -0.936537443253385f, 0.932862477850079f, -0.0977461167435834f, -0.485449569929182f, -0.575807340541437f, -0.920527242558033f, -0.938208754460503f, 0.890054000488493f, -0.154888511872567f, -0.106629818916523f, 0.323343252623500f, 0.105328135407289f, -0.837197492121459f, 0.497769113944639f, -0.234127101891878f, 0.840922493788059f, -0.994297350473539f, 0.241966031396186f, -0.241143860453769f, -0.598953146106117f, 0.839112451637864f, -0.639567866338402f, -0.219908091959649f, -0.778137266578287f, -0.201424793310289f, -0.486105622640452f, 0.874947034932591f, -0.131437343585340f, -0.674427373037920f, -0.161007203320351f, 0.215285933912207f, -0.963047650748652f, -0.841020847986178f, 0.259702280444602f, -0.165325097679823f, 0.572379756389254f, -0.435802768396928f, -0.0776125194906274f, -0.0293182206559168f, -0.847945015803839f, -0.576891917046364f, 0.728544652294888f, 0.110676857648527f, 0.760459056611184f, 0.486936926897001f, 0.680603035572503f, 0.330358411271561f, 0.901153157113818f, -0.893323547516767f, 0.268679990552354f, 0.794615743189695f, 0.221637368947158f, -0.0207579360252996f, -0.585634995914835f, 0.587646126395593f, -0.317780705107399f, 0.790321547328449f, 0.251610679655279f, -0.0386445267248654f, 0.881542790650722f, -0.469258891944944f, -0.900544881246558f, -0.344978220866601f, -0.271404539202745f, 0.863631450621357f, 0.805892242474368f, -0.325004362330199f, -0.649692260224921f, 0.535815472185538f, 0.427767946389023f, 0.924517987543855f, 0.571059970962007f, 0.549923246060706f, -0.639468249016352,
0.307213071097954f, -0.885892976847170f, -0.526002656640427f, 0.733743042788359f, 0.186919211020217f, 0.322167483598106f, -0.933484010727969f, 0.307181642341518f, -0.391959805653480f, -0.892298105797306f, 0.100065710151584f, -0.932962740784651f, -0.643536993204857f, 0.200747180046148f, 0.310831344540979f, -0.923416823619512f, 0.440768799148345f, -0.666930667413366f, -0.485487251971431f, -0.0627811951952384f, -0.331082293469460f, 0.0335811939608148f, -0.653610782697787f, -0.320586426505716f, 0.559163070852115f, -0.497363452770543f, -0.329886484503569f, -0.146612217140156f, -0.0265272745798242f, -0.288663397675155f, -0.996138396801714f, 0.705746028666908f, 0.634215549629091f, 0.165248482682243f, -0.110791752682943f, -0.0583711657160508f, 0.704663932851230f, 0.105987046073574f, -0.674234600022039f, -0.852792911043127f, 0.779458558047699f, -0.506163961277651f, 0.661431789813829f, 0.362986600662932f, 0.677673397902417f, 0.909704544299484f, -0.678129611146149f, -0.700854916363125f, -0.954905799366644f, 0.819329178422143f, -0.278866438326573f, 0.240572863896085f, -0.597973444252616f, 0.520707363092687f, -0.891796539359942f, -0.0707113684027092f, 0.730270237241197f, -0.202809887987925f, 0.712903235793333f, 0.815918058519912f, -0.619284883130692f, 0.620432327799984f, 0.215462902206797f, 0.913706499476201f, -0.284266999538807f, 0.137669223817851f, -0.320599930994154f, -0.279885143029947f, 0.0759863610502050f, 0.362519848337183f, 0.0897184432777523f, 0.730407126330006f, -0.715664883515070f, -0.964294244830797f, 0.337668374417089f, 0.563780948124681f, 0.534272089774928f, 0.670003495251274f, 0.976582736706313f, -0.576021162432801f, 0.318863740329612f, 0.374838616807691f, 0.437628782275460f, 0.629331465907672f, 0.800673318445353f, -0.964950925853698f, -0.115288102568929f, 0.581179798077059f, 0.892103220665649f, -0.224009831257430f, -0.486848659265476f, 0.768601825625188f, -0.478996958061453f, 0.987216084861456f, -0.00828256241998737f, 0.443388113322642f, -0.209225960405120f, 0.784392408672073f, -0.821157008960409f, 0.169088259578466f, 0.188648958653604f, 0.796321723736402f, 0.804915614204973f, -0.947435972579018f, -0.320368366702004f, -0.0857043727442930f, -0.229914128505395f, -0.802013870592427f, 0.497444368231634f, 0.791040716463223f, 0.586369970276563f, 0.871236424247704f, 0.770091868124107f, -0.458396647683594f, 0.871149873224889f, 0.753895449519495f, 0.295832468734546f, 0.574616471536691f, 0.384408809311353f, -0.978021020306570f, 0.0397482936794495f, 0.628095200786834f, -0.968059492217325f, -0.404306711220928f, 0.659301030460980f, -0.345766174675525f, -0.0517956907600681f, -0.640289082986305f, 0.965202733073502f, 0.909703156044274f, -0.744545066259015f, -0.676836498528477f, 0.0507393165493961f, 0.394673166210436f, 0.250366706754377f, -0.287411651947684f, -0.521760552601739f, 0.214487178617345f, -0.922260536787078f, -0.970217444063294f, -0.632705652784150f, -0.720016326822300f, -0.506393579710801f, 0.774172771450182f, 0.891546338793249f, 0.559706491124446f, -0.513481979527671f, 0.735727350850420f, -0.207760672132971f, 0.956672164225499f, -0.516696999265124f, -0.846015525317730f, -0.199370940530009f, 0.927580907007946f, 0.669786891276299f, -0.208316500739886f, -0.349932032863852f, 0.382722440637189f, -0.455635180187178f, -0.573852668753046f, 0.237990995216907f, -0.00210628303929439f, 0.846035951941252f, 0.921932267818374f, 0.141873820779935f, 0.871317167610738f, -0.632607355185838f, -0.565801401210940f, -0.959881482283947f, -0.732559764685905f, -0.655277252471118f, 0.136770193226314f, 0.206392768880907f, 0.0946932052352707f, -0.147722827344946f, 0.142504821799194f, -0.891443939735724f, -0.660161817562772f, -0.918683225740157f, 0.524851053279394f, -0.841532325411647f, -0.662931925252737f, 0.450018807591706f, 0.157794014139767f, -0.562525486647545f, 0.604051451992330f, 0.859220943805127f, 0.943321402026900f, 0.511188518123118f, -0.332990520726740f, 0.904709059147998f, -0.336911302156504f, -0.0329301811082998f, 0.307263624236174f, -0.640655394434152f, 0.791676792853669f, 0.450137270831791f, 0.746000232170803f, -0.915436267533878f, 0.976514418439799f, 0.828073391112522f, 0.990695018409237f, 0.419713963781614f, -0.286897378037841f, 0.111527193084439f, -0.956913449095442f, 0.263769440437253f, 0.534739246489713f, -0.918314908283506f, 0.680501951418845f, -0.0258330390798596f, -0.696521999550769f, 0.274590593565720f, -0.821334538131451f, 0.104139627465949f, -0.790104923997319f, 0.399265830301725f, 0.118854169469537f, 0.309552488812324f, -0.961100729890863f, -0.665645274594184f, -0.125767140532335f, 0.377154316156289f, -0.971986633153292f, -0.148225730575294f, -0.801072242848910f, 0.735673216754228f, 0.247753694178141f, 0.759093842520115f, -0.529946694334253f, 0.594235069164038f, -0.801015868726278f, 0.141962211231124f, 0.135473683510959f, -0.0431660672944612f, -0.437176231417910f, 0.467008031415084f, 0.324675317141816f, 0.122578305547357f, -0.0351479470228342f, -0.437236315511244f, -0.822621846670407f, 0.989461679354308f, -0.242059902390237f, 0.800837521050356f, -0.387832478851607f, 0.316362161826139f, 0.602440060427024f, 0.890992007298149f, 0.319686042477150f, 0.930326885903916f, -0.170779817104763f, -0.437602177375177f, 0.835764105962134f, 0.522922752459604f, 0.295156847627349f, -0.857646277751538f, -0.451421990712551f, 0.752856133268497f, -0.826193868550830f, -0.906961130052697f, 0.118621494342013f, -0.627099634988204f, 0.163256363060383f, -0.719362770410877f, -0.576563943780491f, -0.369939711177846f, -0.294180430088591f, 0.868430622614485f, 0.945955651201780f, -0.879259966782947f, 0.376142233233261f, -0.549019623646418f, -0.366403875933169f, -0.631308623984507f, -0.398270064613022f, 0.631780765950599f, -0.497821177556814f, -0.0754938097555216f, 0.358298259390762f, -0.438971283619577f, -0.835962846436280f, 0.771544885338102f, 0.132031497593111f, 0.0964144932127649f, -0.171144812197942f, 0.734241841669664f, 0.773828279651661f, 0.591442573315395f, 0.449840299498767f, -0.249196666141921f, 0.910274822633449f, -0.623687862912847f, -0.954398427932048f, 0.700975370671540f, -0.128268698036002f, 0.723971772247224f, -0.239872317271662f, 0.599101633280873f, 0.323504979356466f, 0.726076237951951f, 0.775013638477775f, -0.736157118505210f, 0.681129332563739f, -0.989456914597076f, -0.860559243921100f, -0.652547050354339f, 0.227533741410917f, 0.263244425371628f, -0.412800042549063f, -0.774547399227093f, 0.959749220773555f, 0.0285018454625012f, 0.0260964660594436f, -0.817249773797516f, -0.275510098931589f, -0.957071090655421f, 0.755874233806472f, 0.0601247360044190f, 0.155148678178749f, 0.744458452388040f, 0.206143083045583f, 0.405575258734775f, 0.591273066531951f, -0.286358679634110f, 0.168522523380964f, -0.0740663582251186f, 0.991796969736415f, 0.00304472789286958f, 0.0955103281360055f, 0.595292305224677f, -0.633460800851610f, 0.969720344590438f, -0.788939516987962f, -0.690852963213444f, -0.751849610482179f, -0.454105756229298f, 0.527652178438853f, -0.249156091787771f, -0.395486634371019f, -0.586329259469701f, 0.774216673365643f, 0.000796185912973479f, 0.753872935709907f, 0.691883261316931f, -0.599798140130743f, 0.140718954973018f, 0.400016581571111f, -0.412934563119652f, 0.782683275869451f, -0.837415681080234f, 0.503344297140354f, 0.443222186121185f, -0.869067764953740f, 0.891507832007671f, -0.258782538717313f, -0.592111951047753f, 0.542828422857983f, -0.959476625230936f, -0.373353196174649f, 0.558975637763876f, 0.848608638566440f, -0.861701716955403f, -0.937645215971517f, 0.0456695238513540f, -0.643462752057364f, -0.194887894642735f, 0.576940690214110f, -0.889414400002951f, -0.120401270393403f, 0.581976128201341f, -0.914549817300516f, 0.619675229253819f, -0.446355411157033f, -0.686510097388917f, 0.199022704414501f, 0.0679083509214176f, 0.939286059873160f, 0.919854436895475f, -0.921420499961796f, -0.933865152326639f, -0.173428453947994f, 0.0481843697148709f, 0.282408667923603f, 0.411093542307595f, 0.332739798472214f, -0.539048264159821f, -0.704491312083244f, -0.502163632960363f, 0.955228344617550f, 0.620064399129425f, -0.470222569036376f, 0.754614931250763f, -0.616308595262807f, -0.914574682979899f, 0.624066330640082f, 0.836911269770582f, 0.913639510454430f, 0.653228461676548f, -0.269928008555249f, 0.313006679186127f, 0.984676487220296f, -0.492012769698267f, 0.956868299674771f, 0.291679581317590f, 0.0391808383867289f, 0.572884371819903f, 0.0424011452585180f, 0.955486550514640f, -0.402317209279260f, -0.606465037288902f, 0.547296561663929f, -0.262634118959448f, -0.555413611714328f, -0.328781770154915f, 0.145794994289916f, 0.141260540582646f, -0.451655981927315f, 0.305553535897825f, 0.828724940454557f, 0.263943455052409f, -0.609183422737396f, 0.691170220321907f, -0.372701931956834f, 0.750237424665146f, -0.249353280856890f, 0.379870697565802f, 0.385751069018950f, -0.515117494253264f, 0.716937491491901f, 0.343749563024118f, -0.462962268225808f, -0.542579750084113f, 0.865163879545508f, 0.348358741505572f, -0.309602240547849f, -0.0504864877295679f, -0.822856269672862f, 0.199343960697129f, -0.790668167630170f, -0.0910655952543342f, -0.0243531696455832f, 0.832501734319368f, 0.604933598167068f, 0.899053047900036f, 0.270668041381131f, 0.523691409964688f, -0.0841567002292820f, -0.844392287920523f, -0.910987838261586f, -0.470654231510287f, -0.103828495683496f, 0.253788695977573f, -0.103172947809401f, -0.339896741661867f, -0.447251997825083f, 0.217200476817515f, -0.474840886373359f, 0.227876267254650f, -0.851351819181938f, -0.902078585170911f, 0.445464427415683f, -0.842484493463611f, -0.141606736723087f, 0.104224619207891f, -0.554900879859470f, 0.818556374444811f, -0.832710463532413f, -0.284760316465868f, 0.697962734672817f, 0.235137001970259f, 0.538298155374871f, -0.598477541924834f, -0.833959821954974f, -0.164556670763502f, -0.443902305525605f, 0.484290717235912f, 0.319356252041167f, 0.0834544406255109f, -0.839174383593280f, -0.514784811627172f, 0.466424623987191f, 0.597641402168886f, -0.344706573843316f, 0.346954604803744f, 0.150560726232471f, -0.963838773301094f, -0.210406119881130f, 0.740751216241446f, -0.519896828058978f, 0.882277568799242f, 0.982734995306564f, -0.691486807580351f, -0.120653164608028f, 0.263039860106709f, -0.472131671311566f, -0.469155525952548f, -0.562705921604020f, -0.737502946123759f, 0.151863404645485,
-0.367233093688652f, 0.149585386378220f, -0.152980596399920f, 0.572826412281344f, -0.498718037086228f, -0.0794332639424211f, 0.659760386972575f, -0.574814983564964f, 0.451329484188896f, 0.473066930128670f, -0.135151886005125f, 0.379571405476121f, -0.308712078323501f, -0.136843563834117f, 0.395667583713552f, 0.196238140324408f, 0.588147058383512f, 0.770505301611929f, -0.865188840370228f, 0.266437694165002f, -0.428134513764013f, 0.661967260527446f, -0.752421375452379f, -0.556389852423621f, 0.424944298468302f, -0.480554454112605f, 0.916159659428765f, -0.112147362457396f, 0.363475545209813f, 0.698805683596358f, -0.862382341730295f, -0.489415523853276f, 0.453056404353730f, -0.606183761884457f, -0.00869682692408680f, -0.288739722701460f, 0.487988005841341f, 0.566870040344668f, 0.0894575138005909f, 0.887832293799319f, -0.0981274237649674f, -0.279935090781560f, 0.506891141525948f, 0.952901245338457f, 0.458002767525373f, -0.569410776125351f, 0.849518291873527f, -0.585020953514368f, 0.676037258640625f, 0.299076264841081f, 0.911385441491479f, -0.954959555659035f, -0.681285607891366f, 0.631368118385947f, 0.522268523899537f, 0.900701101674748f, -0.647701850365577f, 0.567960815808216f, -0.138958982219446f, 0.267024801687456f, -0.975771109955874f, 0.314682157086949f, -0.378801381286130f, 0.665990927256163f, -0.573674360032848f, -0.860450785684384f, 0.516581474078532f, -0.190844183471714f, -0.451971355445856f, -0.808113003973650f, 0.860446168028895f, 0.377778958059242f, 0.126949039950121f, -0.892203650250330f, 0.572503460980517f, 0.975224974978800f, -0.202312370945465f, 0.500665599343084f, -0.0510413720986291f, 0.353231752436633f, -0.805555931906752f, -0.199761377956955f, -0.829487282239605f, 0.0282459088867508f, 0.814545057118991f, 0.557652277921578f, 0.613951716518862f, -0.678811366342345f, 0.896500288318877f, -0.627622562398925f, 0.802545092571611f, 0.211382709497062f, -0.979380222642662f, 0.826784411456488f, -0.670689878657734f, 0.788878029765924f, 0.137070906151783f, 0.901907287859132f, -0.526217367070263f, -0.545043827128876f, 0.494756249972086f, 0.236657948774128f, 0.156603327087660f, 0.516397244064118f, -0.325837179590292f, 0.460683385171580f, -0.196022953760504f, -0.441996357332195f, -0.808932369852494f, 0.291980108741838f, -0.833583979826152f, 0.365574438479475f, -0.797139524158001f, -0.0649288183732912f, -0.000696491493834994f, 0.100125393693922f, 0.598035350719377f, -0.312548404453564f, 0.0414605409182345f, -0.675913083156432f, 0.236245026389435f, 0.550464243484224f, 0.193366907856750f, -0.903654015709839f, -0.00993172527377806f, 0.0180900754210873f, 0.880678290110106f, 0.166539520562349f, -0.984509466189118f, 0.810283124477894f, -0.925371921448173f, 0.193528916069728f, -0.748644561903135f, 0.534508666819454f, 0.364436869280188f, -0.386979667637943f, 0.427958998441480f, 0.362750270039032f, 0.420886957715891f, 0.0300301961707390f, -0.655220626875711f, 0.0504522662127427f, 0.472640818703213f, -0.417745816013639f, 0.0689992794158720f, 0.461232479061866f, -0.483517586427718f, -0.411463769964024f, 0.622740736364726f, 0.659687134578680f, 0.243900134982579f, -0.684356227282321f, -0.688699031115733f, -0.316032121634021f, -0.644296362948831f, -0.236133265458216f, 0.880259454885881f, -0.956880609581177f, 0.737775899964131f, -0.529059297472703f, 0.794119601436042f, -0.375698158660466f, 0.493447663117292f, -0.752511119115434f, -0.941143365329844f, 0.610101048864035f, 0.253791011658991f, -0.369994602049336f, -0.697364270085742f, -0.681360550250048f, -0.571943442128960f, -0.749697324128684f, 0.611997629275096f, 0.892727938106141f, -0.440225399106758f, 0.00196047981855352f, 0.951252158369648f, 0.0351885308766962f, -0.471806546113710f, -0.657231535594911f, -0.0873481442406481f, -0.0341288006282565f, 0.579184398564974f, -0.224334624306026f, -0.298557652719061f, -0.509401519638379f, 0.188853505083675f, -0.321619146497229f, -0.613159956450671f, 0.570042044631281f, 0.699213203307007f, 0.537439231469861f, 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-0.978153640586955f, 0.189785151994709f, 0.929291975296760f, 0.758271912876084f, 0.806829662560108f, -0.472787451147715f, -0.802032434276146f, 0.455809631085663f, 0.985520713417984f, 0.739637167649794f, 0.311705106454777f, -0.120539152808323f, 0.977785717545631f, -0.848554870988208f, -0.281179241544089f, 0.931102239520177f, -0.255243432382956f, -0.284952242030900f, -0.189341152192864f, 0.647573166562597f, -0.474203015584843f, -0.545915610099538f, 0.672696420688916f, -0.239274489717776f, 0.956544960216021f, -0.0858024073600807f, -0.758223415922611f, -0.00817763648068581f, -0.500893489164054f, -0.669386983409311f, -0.344450617815217f, -0.728051392792875f, 0.804121117816188f, 0.00718436691280910f, 0.195237363230272f, -0.472485206728796f, 0.642070241911164f, -0.272384993247314f, -0.731715323915071f, -0.791266589031733f, 0.0339783427570857f, 0.0696513783219659f, -0.894169486972683f, 0.00234016305501483f, -0.0403382685361653f, -0.943600572111266f, -0.788181603936192f, 0.851406365407377f, -0.100015982664501f, 0.145502229793638f, -0.528736628076536f, -0.0313760382570432f, -0.662221611141088f, -0.885722031379862f, -0.744257140212482f, 0.524976313116033f, 0.186092035304635f, 0.181669793648209f, -0.606482674165339f, 0.849303544554227f, 0.226118051135263f, -0.690025550727719f, -0.256543384397548f, -0.207714017766381f, -0.447913202664626f, 0.375270273897879f, -0.884312586292038f, -0.0838720085819762f, 0.969898436757285f, -0.736808033249456f, 0.668875150485586f, -0.599937439969920f, 0.470077288925414f, 0.903135367105719f, -0.895619185450694f, -0.637694108244489f, 0.572669535020987f, -0.696211470281632f, -0.820577518545193f, 0.937364674938455f, 0.422458818039761f, -0.593964370461091f, -0.586264791612426f, 0.0282373486927521f, 0.298051147134121f, 0.592825359583763f, 0.716195674857467f, -0.684008410968338f, -0.167523841045924f, -0.370794208549223f, 0.768054740581884f, 0.997835641681024f, -0.366262133888883f, -0.523114034556271f, -0.457946740456489f, -0.530941146838744f, 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-0.477326718671529f, -0.780374037627418f, 0.500400378743065f, -0.532646941279704f, 0.999679272201893f, 0.136003002234441f, -0.811267727922649f, -0.585019862511894f, 0.125465493193590f, 0.203160759437510f, -0.101322607820275f, 0.543784310894398f, 0.630139383695983f, 0.775322422120693f, 0.229262447827729f, -0.656821799421711f, 0.795940998463793f, 0.263281283116320f, -0.377237794697631f, -0.714267543277316f, -0.161924029976839f, 0.804294011825499f, -0.500488029613262f, 0.716655543045374f, -0.709565530287520f, -0.260746944768714f, -0.496886497176178f, -0.896154699339640f, -0.891352204187934f, 0.0589172685048254f, -0.952496908556348f, -0.543314015084183f, 0.0724005345282401f, -0.132089156895576f, 0.694937364018361f, -0.884509342587775f, -0.944587795707932f, 0.346949362800262f, -0.587900264454839f, 0.531217960795664f, 0.404240620498887f, 0.182769547944683f, 0.804826966991636f, 0.601398794220406f, -0.767933817870427f, -0.329693990599177f, -0.880648189418561f, 0.0370834298504716f, -0.405270662847564f, -0.551993194163015f, 0.357335885219159f, -0.442910616174561f, -0.978355051725551f, -0.638907517841606f, 0.266841057307734f, 0.778698832906031f, -0.967180516636130f, -0.772940622039654f, -0.268706136695081f, -0.326082261974967f, 0.0386785617389067f, 0.576293286973562f, 0.446884000380730f, 0.396703264915684f, -0.718633572608705f, 0.586041202195072f, -0.791039546767268f, 0.556638124682382,
0.728711593864679f, -0.576551104247230f, 0.690227524206044f, 0.0451432373341216f, -0.0569690667958747f, 0.877674150343795f, -0.268602876493051f, -0.770720641807978f, 0.630269600593677f, 0.801702094819180f, 0.177071915997341f, -0.0764831522886398f, -0.476930347674815f, 0.0196833210809626f, -0.566188434097295f, 0.309890567123613f, -0.642682312350471f, -0.645839718540077f, -0.985031719881713f, 0.153028235575708f, -0.446724738384881f, -0.616280949001367f, -0.306418078463084f, 0.313048512921978f, 0.944732667717825f, -0.292311689238647f, 0.263616032352334f, 0.776777395064071f, -0.529182830991988f, -0.418996105801001f, 0.286960890623362f, 0.588336822287104f, 0.268219370126612f, -0.696727535489037f, 0.806089151192541f, 0.0396168299208206f, -0.613570658239778f, 0.358002315998429f, -0.0576147175733950f, -0.859664908314368f, 0.930793190364908f, -0.108955403960031f, 0.640347446939098f, 0.0301817512477458f, 0.508435547839785f, -0.774928250619894f, 0.254548271045827f, -0.192551571812315f, -0.401867317012389f, -0.136220787532581f, -0.480363308055205f, 0.146599399729624f, 0.225767301672040f, -0.207158678688912f, 0.763491487133281f, 0.161192803873192f, -0.574968151683314f, -0.454043408746924f, 0.427131132989065f, 0.170648543751820f, 0.0690597676805780f, 0.0360172652133248f, -0.244429817416531f, -0.973014074152018f, -0.172642279134011f, -0.798684796670922f, -0.622626145444778f, -0.743408670602069f, -0.316057396003030f, 0.908608689971065f, 0.948356574904685f, 0.573858539226522f, 0.457065605245418f, -0.246203048690671f, -0.750525340546383f, 0.612971646035183f, 0.951528788403619f, -0.529776510809815f, 0.0886901849846271f, -0.0254136796699882f, 0.978897595553096f, 0.293893753097695f, 0.620217642132267f, 0.862352989549627f, -0.379040515436326f, 0.790157871471479f, 0.147151952442201f, 0.688271487774812f, -0.897847532497188f, -0.0355337105008888f, -0.850253422176695f, -0.0354384862653523f, -0.625796807949394f, 0.851730076897135f, 0.294773618291289f, 0.834287219330433f, 0.0758749738551283f, 0.912613321307355f, -0.326698079590551f, -0.844748577890143f, -0.685263599922107f, -0.197029963909655f, 0.591416614029013f, -0.130921826828109f, -0.524292687689084f, 0.356220524225632f, -0.150091552835503f, -0.935232109847821f, -0.302103008478127f, -0.998557516519010f, -0.477012685701094f, -0.882343341754284f, 0.210797034143964f, -0.963566378978947f, -0.855600913755685f, -0.790231379847513f, -0.625235937382084f, 0.106405105589857f, -0.760544427202586f, 0.0103124858505332f, -0.610157345750845f, 0.968354521575116f, 0.602472069136318f, -0.216458111191680f, 0.935180184275450f, -0.369261245032360f, -0.289325139062185f, -0.772389696964545f, -0.345513639348744f, 0.135539262008296f, -0.747409495863324f, -0.849724942811800f, -0.739393030129744f, -0.0301380087411172f, 0.373808817820448f, 0.760444548005323f, -0.365739960428504f, 0.121859476627292f, -0.719257541809299f, -0.136914676340304f, -0.178479405732130f, -0.336676444507223f, -0.795056125367297f, -0.0872862684496700f, 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0.385053964060568f, -0.223938668105458f, -0.0566497019068211f, 0.636390081595965f, -0.753651530578004f, -0.765450358896516f, 0.790370075460245f, 0.622949415286967f, -0.0947634056426396f, 0.122381201893998f, -0.138573523511105f, -0.544298107235542f, 0.535416341314523f, -0.341107295330707f, 0.266262786345860f, 0.620108481133049f, 0.190424987800150f, 0.978559599202704f, -0.925772919482004f, -0.300038300695816f, 0.963372836978511f, -0.501235224357981f, 0.828375446308031f, -0.595716120481773f, -0.889271354193173f, -0.389843123593065f, 0.659433696092409f, -0.633476165557619f, -0.708607689555741f, -0.737738480460783f, 0.985245299432648f, 0.976853985813928f, -0.863072444190232f, -0.785830171723126f, 0.309433061520758f, 0.166813366328975f, -0.552916412621405f, 0.0385101740167735f, 0.445866961855263f, 0.222557362424800f, 0.0710515871571971f, -0.368563489700928f, 0.317406114361191f, 0.326902000037272f, 0.868261309598320f, -0.897838476369198f, 0.664364291232529f, -0.373333343843574f, -0.599809263387549f, -0.411236387818613f, -0.118186587264933f, 0.544960929851182f, 0.395925813072269f, 0.337332244255533f, -0.0195528742963547f, -0.580383437020279f, 0.0779554182143842f, -0.902635825594202f, -0.821554429188969f, 0.869996816042779f, 0.646142135585380f, -0.0824693320525758f, 0.643317857725100f, -0.903892480205129f, -0.457595546004975f, 0.540461917564665f, -0.467530238695992f, 0.107497588388074f, -0.122360487746121f, -0.276968072230331f, -0.436413500733568f, 0.0719555518906898f, -0.794937479672675f, -0.641344733876686f, -0.934734152781945f, -0.0610463967348016f, -0.302623058375597f, 0.281116298309257f, 0.557459622053789f, -0.350054779110337f, 0.681853624031498f, -0.0454067482892435f, -0.897204174835461f, 0.0289327275291300f, 0.664312739864751f, -0.368814604980581f, -0.576946854776660f, -0.187886132141311f, 0.424385580259236f, 0.257994303715228f, -0.567650112011742f, -0.0453371545575014f, -0.362909825264387f, 0.450095578912812f, -0.713870209574945f, -0.956583539581944f, -0.969891699048729f, -0.417755773448598f, -0.230738535348142f, -0.153353095644968f, 0.539368458440622f, 0.591116036659417f, 0.779095541288385f, -0.578525766017613f, -0.587777137316663f, -0.301051260910212f, -0.319655538885669f, -0.343495369437935f, 0.908167583226333f, 0.764220052027033f, 0.0536418758245909f, -0.0529753241803754f, 0.249066042857931f, -0.840152142252005f, -0.529971459254312f, -0.449462194610696f, 0.467144819001113f, -0.500103828192601f, -0.758390449663076f, 0.369740436821770f, 0.189153926151852f, -0.188283227959439f, -0.427563759945909f, -0.186773725840825f, -0.00989853573399446f, -0.783648829817413f, -0.626450875837851f, -0.328015817185970f, 0.760383401930071f, -0.00804531008117837f, -0.982799468341000f, 0.392730506677802f, 0.117799138097530f, 0.351088974844522f, -0.259750164530173f, 0.776495358243216f, -0.703059519879109f, -0.362866233240751f, -0.421345310205860f, -0.818968876330675f, 0.936887497269786f, 0.713300632813635f, 0.916608801523944f, -0.147818975792564f, 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-0.824208086798235f, 0.510072775586974f, -0.809491727769575f, -0.0228491196350333f, 0.920014947791232f, 0.441066319826495f, 0.969846842038360f, -0.199024726691046f, 0.886564290041856f, 0.203997575245743f, 0.481547443573126f, -0.637742489331117f, 0.0664642070998316f, 0.109187062068770f, -0.952676759642045f, 0.309247049771982f, 0.880534651306060f, -0.269363005485603f, 0.280012695899358f, 0.853031642671923f, -0.216236966392235f, 0.903180305900435f, 0.837949615815047f, 0.748563816043584f, 0.266735542018788f, -0.685176037557414f, 0.505893787666761f, 0.977721983069541f, -0.667151469253569f, -0.451774081267849f, -0.385755850727233f, 0.681037251596535f, 0.550130384863457f, 0.704080312734731f, 0.519624533199220f, 0.789651392050294f, 0.176325856625025f, 0.684011432098839f, -0.469125761119035f, -0.841814129063957f, -0.901473334652527f, -0.117747872709914f, -0.608533033968273f, 0.199709646080986f, -0.349430401438670f, -0.435162733168206f, -0.368150014673779f, 0.699084004342174f, -0.446068942643995f, 0.197420740774886f, 0.524893584115327f, 0.706475758890142f, 0.912020785879679f, -0.820472223153770f, -0.334742316079635f, -0.851724976994477f, -0.702164662784812f, -0.649654462810552f, 0.411435475616403f, -0.0438368033650360f, 0.799231452421757f, 0.713371883779316f, 0.252437083518609f, -0.685658163265283f, 0.0734649179831324f, -0.400549431226783f, -0.415602545578540f, 0.233864615718965f, 0.828846528739923f, 0.606577491175688f, -0.266016048272811f, -0.619106744484090f, -0.690853262778644f, -0.503499724631377f, -0.409761822901473f, 0.0576293548519007f, 0.551582021066584f, 0.132631452787255f, -0.838228405334512f, -0.107475742619267f, -0.875306852866273f, -0.184700469068763f, -0.317074087896838f, -0.580912620700556f, 0.453916157844897f, 0.690470988649940f, 0.712835197480083f, 0.314786689622726f, 0.759835688452120f, -0.671090442836235f, -0.408277610289776f, -0.815988422173708f, 0.227854929660384f, -0.0482646895577266f, 0.968141192561708f, 0.373896367655818f, 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0.200782223352391f, -0.936155874445214f, 0.218471971175575f, -0.890402779861849f, 0.268496441855317f, 0.881231954583528f, 0.279360358017994f, -0.492400368838405f, -0.894376670076375f, 0.585129064098519f, 0.340135248071744f, 0.455880107692993f, -0.861081993524584f, -0.303321115935151f, -0.562781799622214f, -0.526041750296426f, 0.999581943964160f, 0.249814139040315f, -0.0537475603822974f, -0.845239239849439f, -0.874024176808607f, 0.997751771128387f, -0.861617607547820f, 0.671357923629889f, -0.687974310115279f, -0.969462039056016f, -0.448304961870341f, 0.713064428261850f, -0.00718668165564318f, -0.450608596544700f, -0.106059234376561f, -0.591961308554238f, 0.588633089685867f, -0.755341317752403f, -0.542715401462936f, 0.759199260356047f, 0.0297710796506234f, -0.997343196630657f, 0.574076752994254f, -0.696719940193256f, -0.852227517176613f, 0.906332566627663f, -0.171801252847090f, -0.925131151948528f, -0.0212194634560026f, -0.940316444070044f, 0.262965279952363f, 0.902198615594563f, -0.265057066430189f, 0.161983092277652f, 0.0181345459457500f, 0.467973650469608f, 0.857351800575040f, -0.889882538061811f, 0.728868283859490f, 0.671187732362764f, -0.296882575397444f, -0.793099233276668f, 0.335561922676737f, 0.0671874495572633f, -0.0857142329385701f, -0.352870876674233f, -0.119927139078065f, 0.814127111105761f, -0.323910302649634f, -0.313495077982818f, 0.0690526899468447f, 0.877155536890319f, 0.768040884649443f, 0.158910636324140f, -0.824414709871474f, 0.00718921022841235f, -0.868917281154898f, -0.564967532196669f, 0.206261416621150f, -0.0699574404456100f, -0.0547095858591442f, 0.811674902353136f, -0.562993920383635f, 0.441212008804309f, 0.917951119557396f, 0.915571961092301f, 0.0901952529553498f, 0.614118141118295f, 0.760473529905706f, -0.566505475760865f, 0.00880029006400429f, 0.975626259597421f, 0.370738159620831f, -0.0242162976348563f, 0.828887690189252f, -0.665240810020082f, 0.00123256686221063f, 0.184020074202841f, 0.829917510366750f, -0.447854906466885f, 0.529356328938248f, -0.995192699858126f, -0.843748622724646f, -0.422765372440245f, -0.386179414096638f, 0.206325400140261f, -0.369817591904938f, 0.266933785902425f, 0.892617584642659f, 0.740018647415220f, -0.481907279471296f, 0.248268418729551f, -0.382770749117505f, 0.974424303757207f, -0.879320252286332f, -0.0294961755317245f, 0.638693329623790f, -0.765127178629299f, -0.160881380476610f, -0.725001019123526f, 0.00294709357263234f, -0.701949969294570f, -0.708933381768328f, -0.463893635537772f, 0.476650147791524f, -0.206043208566879f, 0.223011684523516f, -0.258637160422673f, 0.206325908651728f, -0.432336904344548f, 0.921979975841259f, -0.944396630315761f, -0.00680582426415510f, 0.319263487872783f, -0.836389324192867f, 0.111532890274445f, -0.938142383682239f, -0.637288670131655f, -0.834211558255576f, 0.251969378874330f, -0.970874587083192f, 0.831662411079802f, -0.446568187924869f, -0.659109068071113f, -0.877869176622375f, -0.890670252448197f, 0.477602927742628f, 0.324737705007923f, -0.147513413112549f, -0.186594638422632f, -0.282864808082840f, 0.745093922271927f, 0.915500859154332f, 0.0421588655873384f, -0.483320910754088f, 0.00503734690385604f, 0.555792895688253f, 0.129412601050279f, -0.229347983583150f, -0.680101211823600f, -0.866063899229274f, 0.437769924839021f, 0.133958234316391f, 0.589233411145099f, -0.498053917701437f, 0.180863681584405f, 0.525955777469479f, -0.581250985307273f, -0.327934857804250f, 0.482381204171926f, -0.867703472610278f, 0.833733008515087f, -0.607761820334944f, -0.758512235503178f, 0.0380785706067470f, 0.719862150842292f, 0.651283470517919f, -0.614218162858801f, -0.239754124815405f, -0.733992057859951f, -0.422541764223845f, 0.951215428883086f, 0.882569470276544f, 0.937054481646402f, 0.184532408731968f, -0.104097666585483f, 0.693277433170057f, 0.800241936558839f, -0.998230532922071f, 0.259835639125661f, 0.562745639592536f, 0.220441127510705f, 0.313735993201991f, 0.330940415696351f, -0.602872424656300f, 0.841677792852844f, 0.749701489563795f, 0.266727039860087f, 0.696379094133993f, -0.430719144952456f, -0.276768289732264f, -0.0872580230244173f, -0.722033206227688f, -0.837309584159114f, -0.629739366225350f, -0.185692585028452f, -0.110619837317415f, 0.515881116042359f, -0.105875685978079f, -0.513700186568578f, 0.961245417898430f, 0.655513716233953f, -0.0921704793645632f, -0.694925472850399f, -0.872174817305748f, 0.0307133806779607f, 0.531120672076921f, 0.965271277398122f, -0.00974420246777163f, -0.497322783064087f, 0.693565685926388f, 0.546918707342947f, -0.230039497490898f, -0.316024461029338f, 0.684231559582941f, -0.306362794944468f, 0.861366189035942f, 0.378922635334764f, 0.259443877770437f, -0.838617128408830f, -0.205350631644011f, -0.139772960377519f, -0.192918167939180f, 0.602404904043886f, -0.537407583974730f, -0.877007125624351f, 0.361539942609439f, -0.732030207831016f, -0.488792995226420f, 0.612591017966442f, 0.567185560938756f, 0.195543595335781f, -0.428955670554558f, -0.666590144318038f, -0.702467396810860f, -0.894350832807439f, -0.0620405855731709f, -0.583114546325259f, -0.482155957064968f, 0.212152442925647f, 0.112603107288251f, 0.0683986906619714f, 0.639176340917929f, 0.642610005510521f, -0.708605273163374f, 0.739594669131005f, -0.492786220480274f, -0.308196102291547f, 0.918748221553053f, 0.186736140989674f, 0.438437026242591f, 0.638769573344929f, 0.928896220524135f, 0.579945520523175f, 0.218608554904045f, -0.526070140579576f, -0.140303420071590f, 0.304347769360423f, 0.488123173638490f, 0.987207018313181f, -0.536397951752998f, -0.553296120219359f, 0.184294880372153f, -0.101502970339396f, 0.287041514309517f, 0.658172721877726f, -0.270141883431914f, -0.0196021946303913f, 0.000779126872975988f, -0.0500294515684538f, -0.588505226599557f, 0.550916571982769f, 0.703271386531766f, 0.982335628009701f, 0.942133544852489f, 0.690741953320684f, 0.0466423349204477f, -0.941178278727504f, 0.121655023640973f, 0.777925151322362f, 0.132430336075323f, -0.114812120408198f, 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-0.556378761937190f, -0.346529850864238f, 0.00895460576800877f, -0.695431082536551f, -0.105261635693881f, -0.658342101938401f, -0.631093613961188f, 0.601639903111316f, 0.886830692209879f, -0.600591324826329f, -0.350296019796741f, 0.294348102011741f, 0.555826495708193f, 0.216370653207427f, -0.672654026881445f, -0.572202359802723f, 0.202776438466314f, -0.490708964058038f, 0.0148723360197853f, -0.799031226692943f, -0.221164759306209f, 0.0323674121757880f, -0.130290693568615f, 0.613592603765503f, 0.372755498065474f, -0.540502917956863f, -0.740021877141017f, 0.652888612951242f, -0.666157898478327f, 0.476156241264794f, -0.632081251666311f, -0.538341981270842f, -0.275717185193560f, 0.332983363477103f, -0.989659450166330f, 0.212868816589688f, -0.238985653168422f, -0.453005976359810f, -0.805975530848911f, -0.948192632970312f, -0.291329963979224f, 0.549811667826684f, 0.291147979443248f, 0.909805561757383f, 0.0728533843443158f, 0.737767652888933f, 0.605331616290165f, 0.274826946403577f, 0.710517586349601f, 0.666670055891909f, 0.522059053677516f, -0.553398792071804f, -0.406610321679562f, -0.893232547853708f, 0.549587730399741f, 0.714498083720551f, 0.281833380830291f, 0.652788061587949f, 0.825163748516741f, 0.381299333971584f, -0.485549061474930f, -0.881961689917888f, 0.308937809723222f, -0.524542880617761f, 0.329114405956449f, 0.434631551667457f, -0.894732322264538f, -0.831528385961058f, 0.669760583803638f, -0.674650675537928f, -0.373119878846435f, 0.456602566684508f, 0.387804792569985f, -0.556983911869482f, 0.000826745899317194f, 0.687973801099889f, 0.0471935422816141f, 0.0768302380434509f, 0.317557055919800f, -0.823316513699125f, 0.394699119350099f, 0.609556161256400f, -0.0413041171293194f, -0.244100882405517f, -0.939678976894569f, 0.403390183804743f, -0.933567523933859f, -0.331149894636631f, -0.0265881324103010f, 0.224249195386459f, 0.888271870759308f, -0.119845268644579f, -0.357275416804345f, -0.597001288429956f, -0.486847206619720f, -0.181232488650601f, 0.115441291842326f, -0.599055795186955f, 0.213179364205327f, -0.205238322081458f, -0.373942142629613f, -0.610680997090469f, -0.495737765362772f, -0.257634306994249f, 0.583708320566486f, -0.372047136603982f, 0.953878668619925f, -0.632595987923462f, 0.452049761997455f, 0.166602807787896f, 0.773555002555059f, -0.277154387560832f, -0.557129156714301f, -0.985242402457283f, -0.441173064787937f, 0.561221765682284f, -0.352004972295446f, 0.970292440826449f, 0.855523836321424f, -0.528113079339624f, 0.685454746939680f, 0.322200261898966f, 0.953249967336372f, 0.825673980624808f, 0.177229970128320f, -0.728281956776614f, -0.479030792350269f, -0.00697019557862144f, 0.851652517094715f, 0.853865750362844f, 0.514736989335681f, -0.943509205199198f, -0.0524009027225623f, -0.0798997671509367f, -0.355414349557791f, -0.366273957594958f, -0.565729285138989f, -0.931573923976439f, 0.345119269147864f, 0.638375370217726f, 0.711524360229150f, 0.331664704859388f, -0.986788646426241f, 0.521200596781614f, 0.656290865944842f, -0.436907564088290f, 0.305075696150381f, -0.848337345127939f, 0.354044695448027f, 0.690691708552038f, 0.900352213238582f, 0.475181192463882f, 0.219103309687964f, 0.885437995493547f, 0.421455288320496f, -0.879874221804522f, 0.893371290952196f, -0.545214090169942f, 0.800731783168682f, 0.249421864783476f, 0.0766192343033301f, -0.745747520609971f, -0.613575150364454f, -0.700199720327423,
0.0694373671332735f, 0.759953164582251f, -0.0973030480378387f, -0.298615297250225f, 0.0176506580013247f, -0.269562553201540f, -0.405489169051539f, -0.00491991297033256f, -0.0327449030548885f, -0.688168836745951f, 0.703014457338754f, -0.0909491575673764f, 0.738417882180070f, 0.202377973915515f, 0.338436193625848f, -0.408790267504483f, 0.611776208408261f, -0.711043784659083f, 0.841495665411188f, -0.0445715899008592f, -0.127281559164749f, -0.778797832908623f, 0.210344625249896f, 0.287086540530447f, -0.703702357088620f, -0.151146112491418f, -0.785180444786487f, 0.427963227387140f, 0.873814130606035f, -0.344356753075357f, -0.755726746591465f, 0.846013365191461f, 0.126678120904524f, 0.166687962199295f, -0.148273386834835f, -0.770559345875477f, -0.999129219024862f, -0.223692721084046f, -0.652712854614213f, 0.468054498362978f, -0.911782175948953f, 0.555084850374905f, 0.103972972463380f, -0.414021910330282f, 0.938793897617340f, 0.515461292224815f, -0.127677414947037f, 0.510661477088580f, 0.898409443447962f, 0.528096097102698f, -0.444620870908750f, -0.275909952832928f, -0.516074838791812f, 0.110104492330694f, -0.293114842926621f, -0.596621371059734f, 0.152807456749103f, -0.592864305196648f, 0.948295231208874f, -0.575278847840010f, -0.312463646261757f, 0.664597237604897f, -0.177619554099550f, -0.932259652303036f, -0.295074750863924f, 0.731539128777660f, 0.860409131570119f, -0.0947206503071862f, 0.106073387018718f, -0.235389180430490f, -0.494787189603633f, -0.536357147973158f, -0.680862001049455f, 0.618979489665256f, 0.613893487415732f, -0.308605775713246f, 0.694789556987429f, -0.440049894326668f, 0.908690328690240f, 0.233612239829512f, -0.190662564463532f, -0.344799878911344f, -0.185877286582818f, -0.553543917790750f, -0.859543533414720f, -0.996044831818542f, 0.0388505104043095f, 0.650508591477642f, -0.425233346101631f, -0.576839967180874f, 0.378730359294024f, 0.531713629917424f, 0.506096660522796f, 0.854779196325727f, 0.725302682547051f, -0.414685510902716f, 0.654208477287561f, 0.580368151427426f, -0.000356066597174687f, -0.897393734991154f, -0.845565244312410f, 0.615044057364182f, 0.0434592638759266f, 0.342119048500289f, -0.696414680186901f, -0.713269554140146f, -0.580866925323696f, -0.290886355957456f, -0.473082507703548f, 0.517942229000179f, -0.846159512055215f, -0.715410253368047f, -0.526272663742330f, 0.114004124940380f, -0.207397773975621f, -0.920379649009572f, -0.277970833475531f, -0.636533427057722f, -0.972531734576472f, -0.687000156900366f, 0.872752357637196f, 0.617872391924648f, -0.835274231587444f, -0.383282792481497f, 0.399233665040770f, -0.191230601890140f, 0.620222785371960f, 0.106379326744619f, 0.987222511696630f, 0.219022023664391f, 0.179689082166371f, -0.961619514581522f, 0.570178582343486f, -0.811091514477978f, 0.924484469376845f, 0.744507591138529f, 0.272936430096096f, 0.0646316580619510f, 0.314005111302676f, 0.558833629327024f, -0.329744916784918f, -0.544045568909541f, 0.895769679770795f, 0.798125821580789f, 0.877473384028199f, 0.616163339432501f, 0.441057381106904f, -0.642498173762053f, 0.989059595616979f, -0.374771110304453f, 0.480877593471524f, 0.904941689893360f, 0.428742160807762f, -0.430483645585549f, 0.0830560957640680f, 0.694220841170708f, -0.602964792788891f, -0.522672782287498f, 0.717494777479591f, -0.918002255923909f, -0.454075191574169f, -0.378662039464110f, 0.221482629450150f, 0.750918040362614f, -0.636211037178780f, -0.254529141198887f, -0.944623201010144f, -0.720775773991847f, -0.674641067104323f, -0.208243950413264f, -0.959488786545901f, -0.619966503980330f, 0.599486634018692f, -0.0955439064236721f, -0.458181000169795f, 0.736914498713083f, -0.176789993854223f, 0.676652697410790f, -0.967275583857650f, 0.319377813603719f, -0.427030468653864f, 0.0670640089595258f, 0.769945699222976f, 0.767923203047440f, 0.985790354694142f, -0.207111795449682f, 0.219134401666738f, 0.548513609112215f, 0.977227384558063f, -0.198131173309759f, 0.914163808432723f, 0.178214485462450f, -0.240590252223318f, 0.356128697574950f, 0.453093488702627f, -0.0401152114159198f, 0.818060948361957f, -0.880551400213416f, 0.631519794065582f, 0.658832307703964f, -0.179752451562622f, -0.237844011105596f, 0.739834592198990f, 0.711355594921083f, 0.774856912009109f, 0.321864249971600f, 0.470574585274056f, 0.261964793641569f, -0.634481134262705f, 0.461363065389595f, 0.0879014163867016f, 0.698353456328335f, 0.0611830044908546f, 0.918599000791453f, -0.147822590771951f, -0.208296009525534f, 0.775436805889909f, 0.0380914463017457f, -0.954468558268744f, -0.620451283908529f, -0.770251739379244f, 0.772246778681563f, 0.326462458587915f, 0.417738473564738f, 0.0942643452092895f, 0.486153909005530f, -0.720202618855819f, 0.0172425211828453f, -0.460430186764708f, -0.582933725313246f, -0.439721219285309f, -0.694337374508112f, 0.493516461453915f, -0.993527345413430f, -0.562763570629586f, -0.0644937992008268f, 0.741476357523546f, -0.668588797988340f, 0.594184164979780f, -0.605220767543645f, 0.110074204567278f, -0.599398769115359f, 0.723882026196765f, 0.678747828159456f, -0.608589528492249f, -0.881419419882399f, -0.139357674240927f, 0.873828011683502f, 0.314798068434754f, -0.457017849147976f, -0.526003289738433f, -0.411404919696823f, -0.792254466556923f, -0.299635866135236f, 0.0102316480137963f, 0.161921266554201f, 0.981427028530907f, -0.647351555346480f, -0.183312260273700f, -0.348651484808239f, -0.198142718294920f, 0.589869434168343f, -0.201926511662287f, 0.0337896878721506f, -0.0276515055864679f, 0.236943449722327f, -0.473103622922213f, 0.954358213176107f, -0.536519478008862f, -0.603363977756898f, 0.776267386457251f, 0.780662223932714f, 0.289187291033147f, -0.439954328280331f, 0.0429585232791456f, 0.457321950803212f, 0.236810565417317f, 0.167393310927116f, 0.634521586990289f, 0.154409349572581f, -0.750588956901316f, 0.862647670558265f, 0.800182258889404f, -0.342011510602950f, -0.102697321575297f, -0.797254530582515f, -0.718599505627591f, -0.729105921762328f, -0.152424255231618f, -0.702781451563249f, -0.0212710413372206f, 0.961258625954530f, -0.598484979483616f, 0.188043416567111f, -0.511990501189325f, -0.437449883017104f, -0.352443017251219f, 0.0991554004559394f, -0.663282401319921f, -0.835139403797870f, 0.587602722898819f, -0.939771062270554f, 0.613878515061637f, -0.523857415147229f, 0.444842501987166f, -0.297001528475358f, -0.914581150341453f, 0.554844832376064f, -0.816400014706997f, 0.823726509832068f, 0.704425080572720f, -0.819397910034912f, 0.999003444973468f, -0.968751535943602f, 0.0311500939174130f, 0.247867291448898f, 0.835560943875924f, 0.169794916341582f, -0.302041142019408f, 0.289549413666482f, 0.672141268085176f, 0.947060095876251f, 0.324754171403184f, 0.800014020753458f, -0.785428883146460f, -0.463092135879982f, 0.659192831110219f, 0.118301326248760f, -0.542297334341874f, -0.335957421787428f, 0.794808066256455f, 0.625133567458879f, 0.227917183877260f, 0.533557157748932f, -0.948877884679630f, 0.186417887458649f, 0.859592912781013f, -0.0183320237921572f, 0.967066787435574f, -0.141349529637213f, 0.958107445094614f, 0.264359167622140f, -0.631325355674829f, 0.684598042547604f, -0.527467468151933f, 0.294659298854560f, -0.439220168509424f, 0.391038218778621f, 0.0155669207052447f, -0.681384294454809f, 0.146739459198561f, -0.756404876084652f, 0.381192113543008f, 0.442850940158445f, 0.964002016096921f, -0.0507253848694798f, 0.563462880019551f, 0.190980650425415f, 0.482598778123453f, -0.273426091300166f, 0.980640722167518f, 0.198298590133615f, 0.678100193958147f, 0.530416610025615f, 0.196483886579908f, -0.00515783872303177f, 0.0273438459465027f, -0.257248394117661f, -0.576964504105195f, -0.331030677719652f, 0.389178134459083f, 0.0714066784585938f, 0.915179137858455f, 0.529738860096996f, -0.0851681338619263f, -0.692212896293625f, 0.0786352959300358f, -0.122712774017974f, -0.154641019547052f, -0.487537192251297f, 0.0435645872670241f, 0.856938631597551f, 0.351874085305670f, 0.708100804109985f, -0.701200509799317f, 0.0804479422214388f, -0.0794375302823220f, 0.543751723132725f, 0.346144383452864f, -0.680373368944156f, -0.572281173045994f, 0.237981706511708f, 0.0671482960376590f, 0.852393956008547f, -0.301262907769845f, 0.523762878044853f, 0.0885512158718469f, 0.885168455552951f, -0.333351382431635f, -0.914187358461713f, 0.657220242471575f, 0.202238670865175f, -0.660684692864216f, 0.641271628674064f, 0.795923699912913f, -0.332641448887164f, -0.297595219329770f, 0.427283618553541f, 0.601893958036382f, 0.355248259075043f, -0.420766820174961f, 0.355159952778514f, -0.806733697216087f, -0.694403711049608f, -0.719250654428532f, 0.580487742419744f, 0.959156165420351f, -0.941898541689400f, 0.960568821753178f, 0.119007749103819f, -0.973468502734443f, -0.627534816021182f, 0.331394418445345f, -0.415230278112412f, 0.225355270950915f, -0.216818510922154f, 0.716553646689289f, 0.149097723527982f, -0.212491921692561f, 0.681645638056938f, 0.675358683729395f, 0.0591550775861416f, -0.221626142364110f, -0.235878877821190f, 0.168188057112471f, -0.709738432254387f, 0.842890391064944f, -0.331175752377862f, 0.231375360302226f, -0.714989093452242f, -0.492645353426504f, 0.552424848261518f, -0.436987392663331f, -0.336155191719795f, 0.137666231065822f, 0.739347397348610f, 0.493222787180627f, 0.283646543313800f, -0.603522923409923f, -0.474181275984451f, 0.249315354427624f, 0.323736714335287f, 0.933612934150728f, -0.651555022796413f, -0.743229221575077f, -0.648309364385349f, 0.115117716036212f, -0.0689988553878600f, 0.0394979772968704f, 0.732729774997258f, 0.487584669162102f, 0.808754952095239f, 0.827617962775983f, 0.550826738558347f, 0.890858298785235f, 0.152998196795770f, 0.401198245071198f, 0.187173931669199f, 0.576387011979054f, -0.464903903379260f, 0.735172244343599f, -0.0393734341215035f, -0.501927105416023f, -0.852926247859480f, 0.384774001880198f, 0.723957370923565f, 0.869614310250896f, 0.698124990202440f, -0.0618370378422302f, -0.273879540781302f, -0.0745005910544518f, -0.754408143155094f, -0.859084370639359f, -0.709011936778905f, -0.883595552533659f, 0.326386065122049f, 0.756686513420982f, -0.639817612043620f, -0.536531544653662f, -0.596858657734988f, -0.187117983404806f, 0.760208405412209f, 0.191383034225783f, -0.771443976174702f, -0.371171018178012f, 0.723338724416329f, -0.325113980261468f, -0.652823731845602f, -0.902765567501679f, -0.109945188610355,
0.863727536109734f, 0.762531987550249f, 0.484671237555863f, -0.376731181566557f, -0.961176245257487f, 0.374503763045540f, -0.275274129954644f, 0.947951135663002f, 0.891610575724484f, 0.233179187366345f, 0.868694446846928f, -0.201812205484274f, -0.676342903796604f, 0.962133604967067f, 0.0941637112283598f, -0.0856261317646829f, 0.375061189807232f, -0.275342940020193f, 0.0614298144531287f, -0.183234253182376f, 0.146964792162229f, -0.307180215012337f, -0.139123531176191f, 0.130840221889238f, -0.0654726742084248f, 0.988722897887987f, -0.805684911622576f, 0.763299463922693f, 0.148136188784880f, -0.432183160161832f, -0.592185939638987f, -0.593835208842770f, -0.366135084813261f, 0.840566739882685f, 0.572052978307971f, -0.825682529425410f, -0.970222226210689f, -0.554421263584439f, 0.324648156825255f, 0.0472246837302466f, 0.168098848238140f, 0.00634984653176796f, 0.850237261066903f, 0.286624344510407f, 0.196043215794080f, 0.289161416244007f, 0.334801090322515f, 0.871286740072183f, -0.754609531300255f, 0.623871003889383f, 0.0843430009639772f, -0.736369938040848f, 0.400507674511444f, 0.816325383600297f, -0.500667496861800f, 0.453092855162135f, 0.281798170796444f, 0.631969623501011f, 0.472467114651372f, 0.525988741184527f, -0.124862967293674f, -0.882904489381606f, -0.501090007558747f, 0.631622297793485f, -0.0234210285578584f, -0.521093811962915f, -0.0402368492672573f, -0.762999364505356f, 0.948716268452360f, -0.572740830308272f, -0.261042904339051f, -0.506108365537530f, 0.585933508412429f, -0.362463094458446f, -0.885375028242576f, -0.835757117571791f, 0.337250829139564f, 0.298618238243588f, -0.744903291826588f, -0.979848674056393f, -0.488518944548476f, -0.000297116577397283f, -0.137863396173336f, -0.627207234158244f, -0.970417810284170f, -0.601487862773028f, -0.999527775716382f, 0.116672274325216f, -0.786330829714504f, 0.740118245374718f, 0.856485463622646f, -0.555144930193560f, -0.0168912375666686f, -0.774544329159697f, -0.782767315598991f, -0.600844843420598f, 0.885816107471180f, 0.577075799078571f, 0.663829997048111f, -0.359000184287277f, -0.390009578642891f, 0.202240602818017f, -0.0191477232064394f, -0.566459499064884f, 0.288883557382261f, 0.962583478738218f, 0.782123756762393f, -0.312311582870785f, -0.749354208187204f, 0.205679267602357f, 0.804004517387718f, -0.733078779233144f, -0.426195645938973f, 0.686872484317089f, -0.398704803137823f, -0.267786412313359f, -0.374306263341615f, 0.632992513422251f, -0.972217744254910f, -0.167080739523409f, 0.608176739669718f, -0.935550125875275f, -0.422451600932096f, 0.499643952974426f, -0.491034978653149f, -0.0256130378373849f, -0.158669355267388f, 0.360503946885584f, 0.227714934784132f, -0.138648043280479f, -0.0707461296301128f, 0.0638330442765616f, -0.168811643868974f, -0.575670642767690f, -0.162143785491822f, 0.528621079903453f, 0.581283330394272f, 0.444430744183000f, 0.859288341846780f, -0.170487584890459f, -0.440175706710406f, -0.184806402672108f, 0.676010805169568f, -0.0117535553470483f, -0.231606756742133f, -0.210042044569361f, -0.517950708003565f, -0.805772781723687f, 0.156938933772370f, 0.892075905739393f, 0.403874478002384f, 0.572031508558373f, -0.604145909072008f, -0.330076696654475f, 0.0314560087228033f, 0.683787496948704f, -0.788582181996934f, 0.835276281386949f, -0.0644658492206380f, 0.938270191882745f, -0.344927907293928f, -0.976720519493346f, 0.906264084343827f, -0.648152742145255f, -0.776984965421811f, -0.299470572593974f, -0.423690646950321f, 0.749911693814570f, -0.701929894551648f, -0.665191316321370f, -0.568359320650352f, -0.957309362369509f, 0.914088966355983f, 0.770952996203681f, 0.0924190787439159f, 0.844599990803978f, -0.613336716591875f, -0.683270165308367f, 0.358563204319583f, 0.934597169812267f, 0.236596595813630f, -0.895964332479994f, -0.673302324943916f, 0.454883302340070f, -0.473926010524343f, -0.576000657136217f, -0.644850950007290f, -0.980218836434995f, 0.321620362364719f, -0.799924718666919f, 0.0619872524925393f, -0.609255645268410f, 0.159243124858648f, -0.339764623434603f, 0.379865023026277f, -0.923132229333074f, -0.0300494021321296f, -0.183835365297645f, 0.122648511393234f, 0.887652015676064f, -0.616448517838488f, -0.920600866006207f, 0.352861591267815f, -0.930578364778234f, -0.378819076263050f, 0.775423778544869f, 0.836977798656885f, 0.0472244767469148f, 0.484934339557912f, -0.939155187409193f, 0.261555270800537f, 0.143595058480400f, -0.323517719771947f, 0.483466454684928f, -0.423163689969697f, 0.356966814701025f, -0.843907304366205f, 0.945903563730962f, -0.495952298317153f, 0.972277051575873f, 0.153052037173145f, -0.715894882755676f, -0.617028915483254f, -0.332307224095366f, -0.171207102890728f, 0.841771328272651f, -0.0308707743261867f, -0.626480028747696f, -0.729235538916864f, -0.743517330301179f, -0.733868915239511f, -0.449192858200231f, 0.362286468575150f, 0.327436676142902f, 0.609768663831898f, -0.147499187968100f, -0.470195300907973f, -0.232167856443943f, 0.225074905574485f, -0.0818541072414634f, 0.793403933843056f, 0.267628199755028f, -0.391701371806294f, -0.846991992740029f, -0.776221590294324f, 0.121351482320532f, -0.189789365942677f, -0.894392208695015f, -0.632864319945356f, 0.927817761109627f, -0.732454610273421f, 0.260011686544283f, -0.713973491605344f, 0.469764032416604f, -0.608895265807545f, -0.684992974060601f, -0.745556289276139f, -0.536308213076133f, 0.586581187207818f, 0.149804345860779f, 0.401576742698496f, -0.719670291046630f, 0.618659855530024f, -0.256639783379370f, -0.862966031725668f, 0.893866512913152f, 0.861800793529066f, -0.704895723095590f, 0.154163397540805f, -0.0775797186536984f, -0.252297335448882f, 0.869851864160888f, 0.428747373815147f, -0.818372805928921f, -0.739117647833389f, -0.697378012429133f, 0.182997863108567f, 0.689563104159966f, -0.0506114067037338f, -0.705077813920782f, 0.452892458862023f, -0.365069844049503f, -0.889224821648518f, 0.0194889225677406f, 0.847743515500726f, -0.0650338075825718f, -0.108889937983496f, -0.168485037502421f, 0.912533003086865f, 0.428132366084106f, 0.692652998111620f, 0.130599999674344f, 0.411245435867244f, -0.194909473459497f, 0.562152151569866f, 0.503795293326445f, 0.801805532943245f, 0.795718119772331f, -0.327975015537058f, 0.771389506217327f, 0.237139782375987f, -0.793798852884360f, 0.537824655594807f, -0.0767253125021830f, 0.444538451472890f, 0.623473048970629f, -0.500663871860675f, -0.890399840538612f, 0.389528755348857f, -0.915832255765501f, 0.000652855725217894f, -0.121310443088642f, 0.206662014558968f, -0.409513641801496f, -0.0496262665388731f, -0.313314447256644f, -0.994839397423865f, 0.344513198428247f, 0.250828855150578f, 0.845438302422055f, -0.728803841305459f, 0.249670562418639f, 0.543601559270672f, 0.0138774767713057f, -0.0667600054234216f, -0.803421294778238f, -0.222729734665659f, 0.461896933387103f, -0.378537171475208f, -0.464200027877777f, -0.363170335357481f, 0.616070694104851f, -0.316407896795124f, 0.131719997218670f, 0.0622146037260092f, -0.881713850066484f, 0.400811652868418f, 0.163777537634682f, -0.528768052383715f, 0.553072310703894f, 0.931393033749660f, 0.410062835546529f, -0.190904471223264f, 0.0533617852685424f, -0.911780226731855f, 0.823696403963215f, 0.756735978125573f, -0.849701310148249f, 0.106070214350541f, 0.747890454578944f, -0.559823302095172f, 0.976181619002882f, 0.506524051225122f, -0.0735228576098872f, 0.635610640336510f, 0.607728217052133f, -0.383443012662118f, -0.640835123345673f, 0.0897243696426577f, 0.722421963278953f, -0.368833835044170f, 0.684790387373836f, -0.0336846755494535f, 0.199819176553169f, 0.351822803019512f, -0.433387005248570f, 0.709401898386598f, -0.0149217994364210f, -0.549115733466769f, -0.774049259429836f, 0.440376751789406f, 0.740171176715015f, -0.322301969056869f, -0.148261856544327f, 0.724527166150266f, -0.744178178219827f, -0.743031462890542f, -0.00997727490160383f, 0.550074849063942f, 0.147825200269716f, 0.777182602759074f, -0.625412073440604f, -0.0614214671235789f, -0.400121310797195f, 0.864511820640236f, 0.327656445569618f, 0.765838911283705f, -0.906185069285438f, 0.543656228031101f, -0.527337383463707f, 0.544932532036177f, 0.453966596910417f, -0.422906847383216f, 0.803455668330395f, 0.496651297123425f, -0.254890927444284f, -0.940902660088963f, -0.0691448074129200f, 0.0165534278793877f, 0.510199004798987f, -0.0286331020627788f, -0.141471298460923f, 0.872000980716430f, -0.752995088893842f, 0.167696515625982f, -0.181673581299286f, 0.496236252387172f, 0.854022562040503f, 0.388320660177419f, 0.499320363074588f, 0.173522726183149f, 0.0334192536945390f, 0.631347719906229f, -0.832803059709609f, -0.523826088751894f, 0.322557683663180f, 0.0263621365506006f, 0.948982322858062f, -0.253991680115490f, -0.165970359640120f, 0.331700483099733f, 0.808731855823033f, 0.159862831431822f, -0.438178259673022f, -0.943749594272300f, -0.967819867274861f, 0.263403865531262f, 0.710981741513574f, -0.274597382335371f, 0.929606564147885f, 0.125943272920181f, 0.691306164809532f, -0.607946869004681f, 0.284352421048012f, -0.421663515398071f, -0.409479725854699f, -0.152265311389352f, 0.630868673855242f, 0.123144840061153f, -0.645105689918733f, 0.360153393247973f, 0.683885744053582f, 0.752598814717991f, -0.581494857182821f, -0.469116962448560f, -0.0691726199196117f, 0.174679188611332f, 0.351269328558955f, 0.394815335607621f, 0.710281940645013f, -0.618593505217632f, -0.721546422551907f, -0.974088703589852f, 0.939556772536401f, 0.599407011070674f, -0.342213391542906f, -0.387135346574836f, -0.572027944718123f, -0.622717582512866f, -0.676949872287677f, 0.993953153886700f, -0.784539234625462f, 0.788778188174951f, -0.0652679971583152f, -0.988740647590182f, 0.748989697777310f, 0.412949190397683f, 0.206661198525718f, 0.573116044772809f, 0.938498079842984f, 0.743167714677278f, 0.755679122637903f, -0.295095987460132f, 0.217166189740252f, 0.230160404687938f, -0.504654557405015f, 0.472402206737240f, -0.867751757044285f, 0.869050101160567f, -0.905285205825199f, -0.0698843699947245f, 0.762379282963140f, 0.634191197174691f, -0.498487028811837f, -0.284257632541078f, 0.224245853978976f, 0.412950901773606f, -0.831984679101472f, -0.375663639002356f, 0.153699995838016f, -0.953997055484851f, -0.545360745186449f, 0.637687001020610f, 0.465459355638311f, 0.0769011654935299f, 0.267123343048604f, 0.545842501706277f, 0.778890986545214f, -0.363432183057524f, 0.479786652022207,
-0.600912698239979f, -0.738845504293020f, -0.775987143750184f, -0.705559714187038f, -0.310523750352236f, -0.576081829930414f, -0.0341897834633795f, -0.388414434291246f, -0.790681299048144f, -0.169440674711419f, 0.219815472280053f, -0.323451599202462f, 0.835623141427806f, -0.932446301638351f, -0.831480966559550f, -0.185050128422203f, 0.946045240208487f, 0.864740749402213f, 0.916918979039328f, -0.204049261822351f, -0.807183358636872f, -0.484543897885746f, 0.974235382435000f, -0.208019257024664f, 0.647411336652954f, 0.0961385231960816f, -0.800258527388060f, 0.352982142334643f, 0.917274278881503f, -0.733934252997685f, -0.229420044045673f, -0.358499183112933f, 0.469156578609832f, -0.859359096702447f, -0.937762141277625f, 0.389776419837803f, 0.458425599271073f, 0.542973137971009f, 0.675023236195573f, 0.944029213696263f, -0.774027667733194f, 0.262984845114612f, 0.842689106929982f, 0.349251854560315f, 0.815938991679117f, -0.226283690374971f, 0.144356327986477f, -0.610588223452142f, 0.539695204296007f, 0.655759463021729f, -0.725805170479948f, -0.194977831685847f, -0.306105075607822f, 0.725461617920836f, 0.678283785172857f, 0.250577882812283f, -0.571672652704059f, 0.112132856850530f, -0.236412229648694f, 0.768173015701816f, -0.799251028098975f, 0.100723381526471f, 0.113856811781171f, -0.0281630563735495f, -0.0727902548617043f, -0.515248547261805f, 0.795765010992038f, 0.505540143557856f, -0.496124371632015f, -0.363010091302494f, -0.302067159683438f, 0.941309812688142f, 0.0564765277142674f, 0.733027295879568f, 0.582734217224559f, -0.159007222603058f, 0.827637470837748f, -0.163060519537145f, 0.352357500273427f, 0.920405360379926f, -0.280691553157313f, -0.401974149240862f, -0.131353114797667f, 0.0719728276882135f, 0.795795661384902f, -0.348203323368113f, 0.946184663961743f, -0.188400643814906f, 0.979319203447783f, -0.132195434304746f, 0.585832597473452f, -0.894730397941282f, -0.998045985412111f, -0.717844040997160f, -0.706372640246558f, 0.237517748136224f, 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0.549165545117801f, -0.00201102645336770f, 0.748955154405439f, -0.173689412898754f, 0.175162399203493f, 0.0819730422177463f, -0.804833155982895f, 0.972966530563786f, -0.0614871820303859f, -0.293463394754661f, 0.885919261783643f, 0.498531250561504f, -0.808874001349436f, 0.364344357769432f, -0.945616638616975f, -0.285864129675031f, -0.0438177789332626f, 0.303981486324719f, 0.362653007142366f, -0.543157427730716f, 0.174551703296805f, 0.140105048664068f, -0.704163993684247f, -0.647461975308389f, 0.831243960763754f, -0.364954329841192f, -0.730289885595360f, 0.0119708019435723f, 0.796338505809816f, -0.227851954967331f, -0.927330125804492f, 0.0602265250934577f, -0.485204061877453f, 0.198319346525046f, -0.529723177394882f, -0.321493822700232f, -0.839566193416413f, -0.187812484529161f, -0.396142329367383f, 0.367600156667632f, -0.922657847865138f, 0.893508892950972f, -0.504434314314017f, 0.663184814192863f, 0.887813887366393f, 0.267103483259066f, 0.984313142773772f, -0.667515321448428f, 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0.321958856072156f, -0.433510239079594f, -0.481493822802105f, 0.651663699618654f, 0.922649363108760f, -0.751799312011289f, -0.0336105332513619f, 0.236872038257485f, -0.0434863841224971f, 0.150810692021768f, -0.217629544451037f, 0.345890414626050f, -0.471941673338326f, 0.675001035054686f, -0.986585320322202f, -0.784679789758475f, 0.270727429189404f, 0.595792127677512f, -0.485969146811564f, 0.222507692419212f, -0.850070310429306f, -0.575184466843042f, -0.220860571657717f, -0.749449040845746f, 0.743039624335149f, 0.463892797640518f, 0.224829531690830f, 0.935410439714992f, 0.00609595972560872f, 0.830877831388658f, 0.0270299847557276f, -0.648763861115704f, 0.471982277585509f, -0.145722971031426f, 0.650947186397952f, -0.266164907037466f, -0.962378355156458f, 0.354855353373398f, -0.184127215272909f, -0.825621979621661f, 0.595495186093792f, 0.448679578752395f, -0.839671989567806f, 0.302158874138200f, -0.735484620769119f, -0.891040803749876f, 0.880298595525880f, -0.281199581528421f, 0.0195033020490396f, -0.511515485794419f, 0.447303195702203f, 0.375317547074287f, 0.964442757731427f, 0.167643569291013f, 0.0118587246816413f, 0.958187068873858f, 0.315395458761821f, 0.188852872643367f, 0.417450657662866f, -0.540566147670448f, -0.422709015019828f, 0.101425586029329f, -0.235465301656357f, -0.806044548641562f, -0.617153815671298f, 0.350658348898447f, -0.738540593521098f, 0.291893065415692f, 0.335435501842245f, 0.832048727909480f, -0.609539777284250f, -0.436992256701542f, -0.685315947977391f, -0.502107715051164f, -0.893460699283628f, -0.262263680492396f, 0.454417031133778f, 0.223227655510993f, 0.605288383003966f, -0.698800586984034f, 0.864843125666124f, 0.363752223710394f, -0.354571459375900f, -0.575008718239530f, 0.423061550052490f, -0.272459660313524f, -0.116932919064239f, 0.547073367599225f, -0.890822451422250f, -0.884262586749836f, -0.889803003239001f, 0.217660629852574f, 0.154863581361214f, -0.333284425759330f, -0.826087281020982f, -0.958198419703014f, 0.850114828540176f, -0.391190814837661f, 0.956578087128909f, 0.0541599967910713f, 0.0988550815990206f, 0.851903747125444f, 0.361959550717838f, -0.901818125706440f, -0.0561477675277424f, 0.522090821863134f, 0.263383912024089f, -0.161061362097086f, -0.983707460720128f, -0.333128836619106f, -0.546535222349413f, 0.627261888412583f, 0.408731616102241f, 0.754700916401496f, 0.869772826180715f, 0.362242883540519f, 0.853587698951791f, -0.698910717068557f, -0.671945256263701f, 0.802655941071284f, 0.338701009518668f, -0.0297818698247327f, -0.881311052338108f, -0.296717226328950f, -0.965699941652671f, -0.737164428831818f, 0.00804554422537485f, 0.989716933531351f, -0.832438692682457f, 0.454553001515962f, -0.933801685729775f, -0.644562445615081f, 0.104508389084640f, -0.535426180524709f, -0.937041822784313f, 0.599911275476691f, -0.789109397888652f, 0.821293320968620f, 0.818032308067912f, -0.838306491947354f, -0.172883985566904f, -0.185775969502745f, -0.672256019841514f, -0.412525056012874f, 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-0.320909176496511f, 0.334328794247963f, -0.401664407219370f, 0.726728495517480f, -0.192310060924823f, -0.107973316004269f, 0.898177814643418f, 0.456682306673978f, 0.890742303266606f, -0.742770990765425f, 0.0337493848747046f, 0.786190819119190f, 0.911503487800545f, 0.288384155888888f, -0.249479393879906f, -0.431949793185094f, -0.0847659302921913f, -0.475416985100444f, -0.362720571751962f, 0.676910741300893f, 0.00488530543559529f, -0.227678010632002f, -0.0632947771540859f, -0.990261099329279f, -0.708485805011827f, -0.304846597458441f, -0.480289782580152f, -0.593254971635338f, -0.656335976085053f, 0.584373334310954f, -0.493268395245234f, -0.00212668034894836f, -0.480221591678953f, 0.622365041709782f, -0.258845071515928f, 0.943825418665593f, -0.716642329101759f, -0.765317239111819f, 0.324487844009035f, 0.108158868464706f, -0.790583201992229f, -0.649218622127061f, 0.751409704126257f, 0.301455204388007f, 0.620482350165047f, 0.411016780608874f, -0.878843779367281f, -0.779673415191805f, 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-0.269490013000195f, -0.103775744391749f, -0.994083979953753f, 0.754983594207459f, 0.806308398378106f, -0.997543362839150f, -0.00396367603607373f, -0.873768378178592f, -0.755907732827809f, 0.703713206520365f, -0.0716773056166142f, 0.0792968663717508f, -0.113760825029016f, 0.828188140127672f, -0.103062543982628f, 0.0455017026983378f, 0.330658414568756f, -0.615810862221588f, 0.827890015477212f, -0.507551960954374f, -0.371044788092612f, 0.723489294741891f, 0.169072478802524f, 0.885612989356318f, -0.496475905980558f, 0.114400438991609f, 0.427961880327008f, -0.0456714004002505f, 0.0246660859589438f, 0.175616122301987f, -0.349777838484285f, -0.939474935533562f, -0.215061649130134f, 0.907049169335834f, -0.0553600192559760f, -0.982464152311714f, 0.405919915647442f, 0.755952405091542f, -0.695422520039876f, 0.373280568864688f, 0.483909023765611f, 0.784896384994620f, 0.978722132488262f, -0.113866140463085f, -0.630016943176703f, 0.512742627309861f, -0.829104067044703f, -0.240982431155520f, 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-0.461023913227183f, 0.139996201153565f, -0.790168851966909f, 0.692544084408690f, -0.580603732841955f, -0.584540773580447f, -0.967062276813525f, -0.00886260208554912f, -0.0520831218167985f, -0.999614949922684f, -0.965820736077636f, 0.366390034326646f, 0.0323069925013668f, 0.164651515113853f, 0.300260003499445f, -0.340634856317630f, -0.238157231550037f, -0.291645957143165f, -0.773881882387456f, -0.144494053860223f, 0.660329619628580f, -0.626727996257997f, -0.994965090982706f, 0.161018019917379f, -0.327211572176153f, 0.0410991278573425f, 0.0123663905917732f, 0.747176159655312f, -0.485981637435718f, 0.00667961234248971f, 0.631625759154389f, -0.831294487064668f, 0.449606477050286f, 0.768845094514142f, 0.928354534843426f, 0.812647997969340f, 0.353418126917875f, -0.872184763557736f, -0.579130598386915f, -0.912928075675835f, -0.779484407508668f, 0.534916834944041f, 0.326353225230543f, 0.395431557674662f, -0.842103899863317f, 0.196590107332985f, -0.261317824893025f, 0.750190543523333f, 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-0.195631966969018f, -0.0470590812056508f, 0.487185699934959f, 0.175961644103331f, 0.818028721319245f, -0.224389104974946f, 0.901974203693823f, -0.153212477843726f, -0.472747796173897f, -0.587471692952684f, 0.452340198339707f, 0.996443894349412f, -0.849126217374502f, -0.403800337277983f, 0.923427876645159f, -0.0516037992113898f, -0.380335341989182f, -0.299914673109747f, 0.764492139190834f, 0.773463290027243f, 0.0175454601261817f, -0.400742340353541f, 0.912354892189422f, 0.999766609328281f, -0.521321752061712f, -0.365769506846305f, 0.477612405338644f, -0.0522578739905535f, -0.479259238587280f, 0.645161410912429f, -0.702546085166056f, 0.359736398041538f, 0.638130894056863f, 0.115633419893101f, -0.674410360620500f, -0.150824943737990f, -0.824854463897591f, -0.504410162129685f, 0.560317574021813f, -0.159611666752889f, 0.997647540626334f, 0.702777895178414f, -0.946494281691535f, -0.0109619562916898f, -0.383756482005404f, 0.872670066971334f, -0.453527506439184f, -0.635719199113957f, 0.932852122005178f, -0.800755479140234f, -0.225213334363716f, 0.251163542389519f, -0.598147625383133f, -0.155241293946661f, 0.967736510890644f, -0.0157250628103103f, 0.250570924071858f, 0.209749651169078f, -0.381016062687537f, -0.679300447230592f, 0.160197663113971f, -0.749803147200800f, 0.596917045783617f, -0.0878737681749431f, 0.642402180339789f, 0.261614973684270f, -0.111833224093973f, 0.300170844971678f, 0.317966800167647f, 0.0585375534708252f, -0.842709435910728f, 0.760207701069839f, -0.979366191145221f, 0.940703569377911f, 0.866488078693979f, 0.553497107695259f, 0.127260247084497f, 0.530106152060111f, 0.725171359852920f, 0.356742729430045f, -0.209841680046178f, -0.164239817187855f, -0.888858150931758f, 0.0367561852378047f, 0.803496113779956f, -0.594927045375575f, -0.00347281985657166f, 0.114118941713783f, -0.427864462568672f, 0.719021423892768f, 0.335845790828654f, 0.0207216235296064f, -0.523146933862102f, -0.145001077781793f, 0.490566784879983f, 0.461904660734682f, -0.897010089735077f, -0.895737903861849f, 0.343397505472310f, -0.684377591381862f, -0.0154016881290400f, -0.462987614871549f, 0.884045010701589f, 0.192617174725234f, 0.226497290324550f, -0.788151335932529f, -0.190538526746651f, -0.556614046330326f, -0.139480186854974f, 0.196785300148418f, 0.978844132512627f, -0.290726060479808f, -0.591813978495167f, -0.0769033757443105f, -0.467044929381376f, 0.171585053083057f, 0.408215527269010f, -0.818706013465989f, -0.328144984930982f, 0.790275356337217f, -0.977491163139178f, -0.979679268318504f, -0.524875121608236f, -0.263859024168277f, 0.0180787743488171f, -0.984390626106750f, 0.952274619010224f, -0.851400664579601f, 0.692959439369046f, -0.150312001943653f, 0.712066554169562f, -0.492336226254660f, -0.453559897031351f, -0.159679763180474f, 0.745834647687870f, -0.725963425297178f, -0.720341794596050f, 0.370674334928492f, -0.845974926208293f, -0.00448769398027360f, -0.595973105115042f, 0.967372249596385f, 0.512949503724102f, 0.889619262804735f, 0.990718232652913f, -0.662246751886904f, 0.333846293708563f, -0.423114421367372f, 0.549637439543149f, -0.987876053136374f, -0.782714958794276f, 0.294868983681807f, 0.931284560597614f, 0.445522387300861f, -0.388400162488578f, -0.182673246109423f, -0.773488958971573f, 0.438788569593725f, 0.578106509978236f, -0.373449127435319f, -0.301996528814967f, -0.227124771031239f, 0.700176189695036f, -0.910948938567526f, 0.733412403327578f, 0.486154072292544f, -0.974058632864456f, 0.216693355653246f, 0.147564301397678f, -0.715192277853558f, -0.366996833259925f, 0.568909126406069f, -0.0810069456450131f, -0.371253841044151f, 0.254736918036059f, -0.868966383080701f, 0.190312518076662f, 0.457253801337437f, 0.941043431633233f, -0.297470749600241f, 0.244270515950156f, -0.240122562119888f, -0.766384662307300f, 0.765045432900429f, -0.608250739173787f, -0.733052557932594f, -0.268433000443065f, 0.733598123424154f, -0.0550005774741753f, 0.273893221740822f, -0.659641650983149f, 0.967032725204337f, 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0.120744072764658f, 0.324337882930581f, -0.380086709776951f, -0.772025774284869f, 0.473986846199588f, 0.703247561676381f, 0.734667480205300f, -0.594290184210087f, 0.760158653782445f, 0.624553744314883f, -0.941053266957965f, -0.165913770936962f, -0.0497972870738055f, -0.0435608680908517f, -0.663165366083943f, -0.570972482385751f, 0.427845034528880f, 0.0897903148165149f, -0.481825010950428f, -0.0901127105939594f, 0.887770435656611f, 0.770985476674623f, 0.00966158758316293f, -0.331059327378268f, -0.286033645163736f, -0.0698945910210471f, 0.834392309773299f, 0.875537383319608f, -0.657919190548359f, 0.583890957562885f, -0.418481077359384f, -0.282242397022386f, 0.864577023994874f, -0.898367126143440f, 0.815804441243808f, 0.616061408588373f, 0.132365642864798f, -0.221099752471970f, -0.852722283680675f, -0.269499596712950f, 0.360828136129415f, -0.120022743070141f, -0.0354652134632905f, -0.718389836602256f, 0.973490047219112f, -0.201775047168341f, 0.348769511760972f, -0.338750368577880f, -0.269769414088757f, 0.498910931428472f, -0.787648791515347f, 0.508408064858444f, -0.904215976374529f, -0.778575029821227f, -0.662889546847757f, -0.787503064261069f, -0.915166838630178f, -0.415784802770356f, 0.731806835017609f, -0.903922155472207f, 0.0872811033112211f, -0.452516774501827f, 0.577942533813694f, -0.200909337658770f, 0.866167939661793f, 0.982552542055944f, -0.332277333696961f, 0.201673960342839,
0.881239812364993f, -0.0293753746942893f, 0.0967170348490725f, -0.765573023404242f, -0.179225339525953f, -0.931530757069740f, -0.702596334762137f, 0.439106079307245f, -0.469364154277323f, 0.211063395888038f, -0.245858633045693f, 0.936376071219385f, 0.0334087380010875f, 0.0765265939183459f, 0.417091701258078f, 0.962467059286170f, -0.180698008768999f, -0.129816441691123f, -0.833694435146788f, -0.800582099046532f, 0.736376297618233f, 0.0164704176688124f, 0.207462305741760f, 0.300555292898496f, 0.777154212278295f, -0.0804533056660695f, -0.279940128908185f, 0.203101811030871f, 0.447496959357837f, 0.508353359025257f, 0.644333822521829f, 0.897259297488483f, -0.675785952117501f, 0.149337263319588f, 0.350953290584184f, 0.600296681944338f, -0.606098182955297f, -0.418312129297725f, 0.792551232171214f, -0.944025948110651f, -0.923106441737020f, 0.508989820072736f, 0.101554011154237f, -0.799369609980037f, -0.229001813644938f, 0.196367996268564f, -0.634078446275840f, 0.267446716753553f, 0.943765754688567f, 0.329924442019441f, -0.898235312442524f, 0.563592978494850f, -0.976934293161001f, -0.609744819901837f, 0.498989633313589f, -0.105680058480959f, -0.400730747241191f, 0.264919109340783f, -0.313066735594123f, -0.465399967597728f, -0.425123918113080f, -0.609514085808810f, 0.916560800692384f, 0.0173757138934230f, 0.147814399202503f, 0.594152503614559f, -0.145681097751433f, -0.427232299718493f, 0.233460382614713f, 0.337361272635241f, 0.376106438004541f, 0.900277274651600f, 0.424547631957395f, -0.710790444715071f, 0.0846761090154495f, -0.0122707338404220f, 0.119989812955904f, -0.239774389963524f, -0.692300891031819f, -0.735109129583214f, 0.802276300301071f, 0.348982047806247f, 0.916302084278941f, -0.0838164783829127f, -0.989134997097880f, 0.832909602224562f, -0.701363449605445f, -0.150487976031971f, -0.728594035984111f, -0.144393031996783f, -0.458856761770637f, 0.733295441303064f, -0.405608670768629f, 0.522871610912813f, 0.468223399458939f, -0.575139530810903f, -0.241684287862418f, -0.499140599234906f, -0.395586476697394f, 0.692745485195348f, -0.125142235859546f, -0.342212246193052f, 0.133841188490164f, -0.539478395228865f, -0.887973984329817f, -0.474033882236453f, -0.837114132429830f, 0.773392302912611f, 0.117697651876253f, -0.461595011213406f, -0.528669601602068f, -0.957799577987062f, -0.468654423525192f, -0.0602288998398475f, 0.154553704272891f, -0.422854231304259f, -0.496136532114270f, -0.348154983723668f, 0.0576478341707483f, 0.542088962901856f, -0.0465812136931592f, -0.280128217727361f, -0.900695482510248f, 0.525110685457899f, -0.957266165874283f, 0.136490670826643f, -0.213221811269364f, 0.690040133288898f, 0.269408771473479f, -0.0488994830172422f, -0.837526616586426f, -0.289127052660601f, 0.149325279006459f, -0.694169700971401f, -0.0230547571616897f, -0.368313297034846f, 0.344434270521740f, 0.859135365902404f, 0.839336654691204f, -0.511783987355355f, -0.0349625753049687f, 0.935857929664427f, 0.820032045433520f, -0.0394079346656324f, -0.656352913407746f, -0.874383371678169f, -0.425836335156061f, 0.208600154889275f, -0.135596548598733f, 0.566430757256762f, 0.820840891306264f, 0.735746624790780f, -0.765482927015804f, -0.0195537720748045f, 0.606216172027628f, 0.436027839798869f, -0.609233580289002f, -0.963547951222316f, -0.575271468261977f, 0.692873344771925f, 0.143031668657597f, 0.890157114774225f, 0.762299295692265f, 0.653618249618643f, -0.957258626549595f, 0.521895225378123f, -0.607922211531407f, -0.956795748110572f, 0.477633684273092f, 0.794301967670603f, 0.139753218894595f, 0.371726372555490f, -0.804791987531745f, 0.837080126047059f, -0.440992020192054f, 0.584986017638085f, 0.950442046050057f, 0.613109120495913f, 0.633948971396891f, -0.581246845000116f, 0.730290176291093f, 0.599119212595240f, 0.120096101936515f, -0.144169383323758f, 0.930776406826440f, -0.0209712926465206f, 0.572995665695966f, 0.924623298379120f, -0.751832867985678f, 0.630196806059302f, 0.506634179395662f, 0.0388997263873157f, -0.311041196366299f, -0.729049093325017f, -0.918815504666740f, -0.103935429478766f, -0.000623544124330300f, 0.102880227280474f, -0.563637096166535f, -0.332148269587814f, 0.472114131256244f, 0.295717126494164f, 0.246944592105312f, -0.713191555660498f, 0.160410320426559f, 0.110992936470077f, 0.213877527744528f, 0.541660996543375f, -0.872405734998843f, 0.388515073094269f, -0.840811647524440f, -0.968008592072007f, 0.669947948420772f, -0.122943215855172f, 0.565929115911552f, -0.695408966310186f, 0.361296950635219f, 0.574282481983669f, 0.0877180513263536f, -0.694316083550519f, 0.327696487191071f, 0.289746985823208f, -0.241476327174879f, 0.605084742574250f, 0.0929272338220821f, -0.391399761658219f, -0.612928183827531f, 0.0471987261466311f, 0.157388702609590f, 0.575695018001234f, 0.450453491026024f, 0.876623108212541f, -0.456500163180038f, 0.436901006801809f, 0.796734433864345f, 0.771008396172517f, -0.784740610155705f, 0.405172719255834f, 0.958393667559228f, 0.787380105147761f, -0.262826016234054f, 0.773327117333271f, 0.482142068916266f, -0.461607549022954f, -0.153993688218026f, -0.129280134980317f, 0.901812622560630f, -0.111520793491644f, -0.0973214524989203f, -0.293695817178366f, -0.190045093887485f, -0.204792515844396f, 0.501086384719391f, 0.755953359112033f, -0.425886872154604f, -0.0883029298084141f, 0.763071371252921f, -0.556289447935984f, 0.577370462369201f, 0.0480599614417476f, -0.794423686623353f, 0.756645959967545f, 0.570538730848462f, 0.872575422156333f, -0.443572567528656f, -0.0487937634747691f, 0.283986553648095f, -0.170910821134099f, -0.329867000423004f, -0.982322841409943f, 0.555344201026651f, -0.351964643393940f, 0.776172688776518f, -0.148102477734717f, 0.889532618676503f, -0.310979434517253f, 0.711839903052208f, -0.646385596147085f, 0.145592596381502f, 0.233949589173221f, -0.825471565980294f, -0.370248763132654f, -0.777194557275684f, -0.224658064754195f, 0.263281286751478f, 0.849661910468068f, 0.271261490445121f, -0.915885420717958f, -0.947144520818678f, 0.227960459606299f, 0.784463828083640f, 0.995882406349565f, -0.987273766396493f, 0.0792453274840108f, -0.788403526960056f, -0.619975942121645f, 0.801181796307713f, 0.967884377026145f, -0.781223064263388f, -0.300716486479280f, 0.994748932974184f, -0.200152360574411f, -0.101898131541608f, 0.542914585925881f, 0.407729967031792f, -0.105215843903154f, 0.638066037611924f, -0.563777780161298f, 0.134189395993685f, -0.503320561486155f, -0.0379170306314711f, 0.723638115686875f, 0.747948383928228f, 0.928239905995551f, -0.736883772878758f, 0.892242913709735f, 0.468998243295705f, -0.224406388545097f, 0.758754382878863f, 0.994739001052496f, -0.749837906573089f, -0.938777322178786f, -0.619168635741936f, 0.827875717654585f, 0.294033159230782f, -0.372766318349126f, -0.292752124932124f, 0.396629951868878f, -0.986760927173237f, -0.0841834195975009f, 0.999760803826313f, 0.0142305924173638f, -0.820393900206961f, 0.409972278573230f, 0.227315924377402f, -0.641500351639361f, 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-0.263323557662932f, 0.0230762644115943f, 0.382605016442608f, -0.576209059863238f, -0.739785100410209f, 0.0956412509899256f, 0.0369702493097637f, 0.0738922616872486f, 0.589371657036664f, 0.548586250623500f, 0.996096574632666f, -0.574178408335425f, -0.827059309028347f, 0.600283403682961f, -0.0651062813338117f, 0.985857002071398f, 0.982700721670305f, 0.777628710286989f, -0.139415722014730f, 0.951156387462424f, 0.806391217144736f, 0.135433009714206f, 0.252388414319270f, 0.485541324740928f, 0.270688932431637f, 0.892850103229909f, 0.440168171407923f, 0.515384398158669f, 0.600884162546465f, 0.947986221531091f, 0.339440884303404f, 0.403857490690436f, -0.937015609644647f, 0.729529495316627f, -0.389601866986821f, -0.420712615666380f, -0.763003723744745f, -0.0619534667970105f, 0.486654476027536f, -0.943536854881494f, 0.471171699317719f, 0.996886209046820f, -0.945316270673373f, 0.230772742042993f, -0.621222111022648f, 0.838934157721328f, 0.124035987915113f, 0.737576768711407f, -0.217898078842006f, 0.0429859145211120f, 0.223685413947773f, 0.820073956039170f, -0.378381145423743f, -0.335672684173821f, 0.649791267584388f, -0.457253860252872f, -0.664776842833046f, 0.150429615666837f, 0.974812973893170f, 0.00119972362050369f, 0.140744912838368f, -0.252632269055503f, -0.124205752907507f, -0.383194456927254f, -0.356455432479067f, 0.0694989880525767f, 0.188230048541949f, -0.854592697407303f, -0.902559387772971f, 0.454054169179423f, 0.534684767654295f, 0.806837289706952f, 0.274203715752641f, -0.765433763984323f, 0.459365005291520f, -0.896797218412250f, 0.382900474341852f, 0.169400421233177f, -0.184111368111075f, 0.0323514487432812f, 0.621015577938758f, 0.139872518806323f, 0.480965263781330f, 0.0649386999855643f, 0.815365754221614f, 0.761990264098834f, -0.0927412249348933f, -0.580853742457387f, 0.211615321410605f, 0.165159968106305f, 0.305515629345863f, 0.725748395743965f, -0.667649812347274f, -0.621843189978885f, -0.939317191264789f, -0.197108718554958f, 0.902152006895939f, -0.889744652803018f, 0.667113256888905f, 0.929471703711725f, 0.660025836042506f, -0.0712223078913006f, 0.416152292126436f, -0.602223852277700f, -0.828462878627106f, -0.956915163338265f, 0.298196541541469f, -0.933863927954050f, -0.198745190221695f, 0.749101206471011f, -0.922366396086261f, 0.769953026855636f, 0.971459582749177f, -0.226637139032289f, -0.593509265485619f, -0.635649447577657,
-0.443127775644156f, 0.350464269654307f, 0.379979516655134f, 0.896282784801247f, 0.00871209446887344f, 0.401818712823609f, 0.815422566258939f, 0.215868289995843f, 0.682217845700443f, 0.508819667108007f, -0.988484263336122f, 0.216656890144568f, -0.185777888700071f, 0.522106353117928f, 0.894211314619113f, -0.779300881699217f, 0.137801937535128f, -0.818740955579722f, 0.637214461095055f, 0.187867696634722f, 0.184985729971243f, 0.315323389557324f, -0.0312525033775366f, 0.498559120407008f, 0.855778208118391f, 0.936851170962385f, -0.0524308158818188f, 0.257087262622978f, 0.816141818246927f, -0.147192803443011f, 0.194545158383538f, -0.655428449892669f, -0.650441844539509f, 0.536015423540886f, 0.0250060573607953f, -0.863380305825989f, 0.0605420782823460f, -0.963662464088496f, 0.689136717877590f, -0.929664162821947f, -0.327349437742288f, 0.713122240487331f, 0.765587094162777f, -0.314350325341316f, 0.409992519686522f, 0.753377832105546f, -0.756848529995586f, 0.760787899507869f, 0.512213162407276f, -0.674820237484644f, 0.560776719592082f, -0.874905891603855f, 0.925202682923872f, -0.907405002733482f, -0.575836335118172f, -0.248173888600965f, -0.187923239740639f, 0.230951002247789f, -0.540190666146588f, 0.390890663320481f, -0.705511708249712f, 0.0980457138183717f, 0.879979753648798f, -0.378326046226794f, -0.645363625221967f, 0.883365508962968f, 0.728720763588748f, -0.191571576393619f, -0.941989254130187f, 0.944312154950866f, -0.367184985473008f, -0.974124559264444f, -0.579946765132286f, 0.509825236656578f, 0.952047194261820f, -0.0955445631918663f, -0.00500764501201401f, -0.00111382665477655f, -0.0404281661495578f, -0.265706359102834f, 0.865881843285797f, -0.947915521623861f, -0.820337973623839f, 0.0843747524022067f, -0.948599514028391f, -0.464018526769358f, 0.600790429663803f, -0.0779017384430381f, 0.756949801920938f, -0.955436496929340f, -0.553346424499498f, -0.401256107066610f, 0.569624108543687f, 0.179455179577041f, -0.189386842296675f, -0.467166492259358f, 0.367644583467601f, -0.722338735126514f, 0.863903729827081f, 0.0631027352569811f, -0.982269235503679f, -0.837788470642698f, 0.421730643738386f, -0.671745211565315f, 0.858467932275763f, -0.745298219348761f, -0.659594977600028f, 0.403238381269873f, 0.951987904652099f, 0.228887404582426f, -0.331665752024408f, 0.794789885033899f, 0.669978127515269f, 0.977583870328654f, -0.346398989178462f, 0.692053246433782f, -0.159407706019695f, 0.710808563527500f, -0.555701359319642f, 0.625665798239905f, -0.711048329414687f, -0.672431532474912f, -0.474897384314332f, -0.196250611816064f, 0.902140605659856f, -0.459732035217428f, 0.651412290305649f, -0.686137550630920f, -0.803228611526547f, 0.371120664039117f, 0.289869860968561f, -0.720979161638185f, -0.0940498575417996f, 0.185025844935128f, 0.401524077274769f, 0.811721346556136f, 0.224659861626089f, 0.106438807548742f, -0.117458956991326f, -0.407361487623449f, 0.683891165426988f, -0.216582410631386f, 0.710644530504861f, 0.867797453793643f, 0.626683550176870f, 0.115061097783331f, 0.976742668387085f, 0.250700864990527f, 0.272723539841862f, 0.159923684669346f, 0.167713264013185f, -0.445764377935606f, -0.489538472614810f, 0.227880894824940f, 0.670702116476237f, 0.610361511284318f, 0.503801949624464f, -0.687816091694902f, -0.0413765153535617f, 0.155769004545734f, 0.921910233366689f, -0.467299226678025f, -0.991984541712805f, -0.527009262324220f, 0.248157897392517f, 0.661145853979517f, -0.975947426744844f, -0.242453990684693f, -0.277956284573619f, 0.162010437415540f, 0.889456199489152f, -0.171259539670729f, -0.0636124576727060f, 0.311318764402696f, -0.227771282875219f, -0.567702050585727f, -0.132881625149059f, 0.870846950418812f, 0.440078398779761f, -0.0908818839265000f, 0.410077545060762f, 0.917678125288724f, 0.975295290129489f, 0.736514272579886f, 0.653896379317074f, -0.166512942888681f, -0.218665383726096f, -0.0688642360506688f, -0.596589868100824f, -0.180873413844075f, 0.229002598511067f, -0.647630976455599f, 0.722615884501717f, 0.760194030884127f, 0.253262836539679f, 0.0734191803957118f, -0.941427952376035f, 0.224118866807764f, 0.634990976599086f, 0.538622500570355f, -0.591487367587299f, 0.829253069890529f, 0.426659996899884f, -0.562435396124737f, 0.924178169394878f, -0.693964899988321f, -0.520472617448914f, 0.845157115508053f, 0.162984246343684f, -0.212032053476592f, 0.0482566706558292f, 0.820584028875367f, 0.676120066619505f, 0.590174358812695f, -0.457289938956925f, -0.351282540371674f, 0.322162683499620f, -0.683726196205246f, -0.279636659553935f, -0.186133028676429f, 0.965481755833750f, -0.0550172560314044f, -0.437844829991532f, -0.448670532146325f, -0.438916826946834f, 0.830205353164842f, -0.0125988502002286f, 0.733716462327519f, 0.870000673588185f, -0.189915082276716f, -0.676269331249200f, -0.336432931956768f, -0.288892891213265f, -0.912569275291884f, 0.509853767908707f, -0.658452317958678f, -0.562848133961047f, -0.102082581799095f, 0.904062026055565f, 0.473339990381854f, 0.210234896873676f, -0.0884007008398613f, 0.720872020499257f, 0.538315255331760f, -0.884485227439286f, 0.160844002639634f, 0.625863524205804f, -0.947487159926400f, 0.362643826956149f, -0.189913270725334f, -0.110428721523612f, -0.666510263156819f, -0.214827103263521f, 0.912669747474334f, -0.973896103049543f, 0.665373714127588f, 0.148135031012834f, 0.126524689644449f, 0.00283763548841764f, 0.312700495893193f, 0.579520771033243f, 0.677583023476560f, -0.779567427807191f, 0.0694994546110597f, -0.298762697062437f, 0.655210050716681f, 0.435909078048151f, 0.322095567178671f, 0.764827170021089f, -0.713736794113842f, 0.992844460358584f, -0.735915506109616f, 0.280204875392391f, 0.584446532772711f, 0.796955505835788f, 0.742508124239176f, 0.0785523490091065f, -0.562359397016753f, 0.874448473576734f, -0.794251927759664f, -0.658767152705445f, 0.120015806343044f, 0.662372174700575f, -0.719334975225296f, -0.663474261357014f, -0.637663874969148f, 0.706137632813821f, 0.734790814693796f, -0.449118755654663f, -0.758125670003823f, 0.719059339327447f, -0.228679956701166f, -0.0782671261690160f, 0.637830522744746f, -0.178696376536345f, -0.848273935253246f, 0.840882430630200f, 0.977813953976437f, 0.565474986185913f, -0.807314895274907f, -0.100534840844589f, -0.436186956483089f, 0.854663592026441f, -0.547576146320248f, -0.621784076386717f, 0.688687549426321f, -0.688962085987764f, -0.998914668418794f, 0.751493418398842f, -0.203018738091861f, -0.881317097659280f, -0.422480898609404f, -0.321074554557095f, -0.759379357125740f, -0.806503084491033f, -0.496837315822352f, 0.217087355208111f, -0.776801484423500f, -0.445747498145286f, 0.710204776554782f, 0.274276964033182f, 0.650397224484409f, -0.709395921248168f, 0.862663541330686f, -0.946166202558813f, 0.826638502366159f, -0.450587332736099f, -0.808257632193740f, -0.414360554482101f, -0.471118187583276f, 0.981592919290155f, 0.192794908371370f, -0.314979855997427f, 0.722518962804398f, -0.795914669179603f, 0.121447532644509f, 0.0446893237592363f, 0.651720955387594f, 0.897128141094619f, 0.283834144643742f, 0.369570391543943f, -0.163784005163726f, -0.799144231493300f, 0.338136741961422f, 0.795991730702685f, 0.601735561139351f, -0.556654767533027f, 0.907044495725416f, -0.374604065784494f, 0.814308532452677f, -0.254295412850351f, 0.443103437041340f, -0.0218296619602199f, 0.826728672505738f, 0.773205771668962f, 0.171909022893217f, 0.497670481959597f, 0.954178712898056f, 0.0840098577761919f, -0.705861127301893f, 0.145663865959608f, -0.436204975766037f, 0.479359595998989f, -0.719493824988072f, -0.523146212355768f, -0.917822711649927f, -0.610003715217602f, -0.192266667446473f, -0.377507163265653f, -0.250419291332051f, 0.873627391381727f, 0.922899703740095f, -0.902411671519496f, 0.285830821349708f, -0.577368595723736f, -0.598296174995687f, -0.0152478418690674f, 0.503725955636280f, 0.946501779740920f, 0.261108140547963f, 0.206258978593364f, -0.887022338332430f, 0.989187042741485f, 0.461764104690670f, 0.305280284664753f, 0.243972878436235f, -0.573704516784209f, 0.111805651228880f, -0.373590027525854f, 0.574564836347642f, -0.712884790778729f, -0.0570130063179222f, 0.244209425500712f, -0.717492787619277f, -0.476920207759357f, -0.444169983027413f, -0.254851417015366f, -0.505678630542571f, -0.953549022234155f, -0.0316841901798541f, 0.198256779602804f, 0.151938229162240f, -0.0259028503944394f, -0.799645893003010f, -0.889308912372168f, 0.339221517072804f, 0.904784479404768f, -0.367330903112591f, 0.866281762131661f, 0.112765232993802f, -0.0852946527317187f, -0.283538359072154f, -0.734951426632046f, 0.502970854898684f, -0.541434927857400f, 0.881496286285600f, -0.227404039639917f, -0.636983936776183f, -0.0799774217214970f, -0.833780310813424f, -0.222787370954425f, 0.433143783060434f, 0.0953330524947187f, 0.965400264971588f, 0.308927931247299f, 0.344316393259575f, 0.122880788538352f, -0.898509922382301f, -0.187062523329053f, 0.705352247460646f, -0.817811000761718f, 0.303714513401701f, 0.714863075518907f, -0.00862372607283035f, -0.842715848975590f, 0.816504077307885f, 0.924594085591125f, 0.334618732730041f, -0.212414743241377f, -0.758289625449925f, 0.586405661412351f, 0.909247363444287f, -0.800422609846793f, 0.397430897916299f, -0.408827454151232f, -0.411913213123543f, -0.602703152770135f, -0.893591462026327f, 0.417648762458765f, -0.766362696266534f, -0.166060103951854f, 0.883234167729589f, -0.0741908774062401f, 0.113912882075078f, -0.268248292164738f, -0.825585719915457f, 0.885446166477969f, -0.996523379251940f, -0.000841720632677401f, 0.940286529247477f, -0.528330498750176f, 0.0938880690147421f, -0.966296878893937f, 0.891956527154360f, -0.483384605653306f, 0.257210342748458f, -0.820220338820906f, 0.363913841603935f, 0.0364865250689275f, 0.0619156958713947f, -0.645447937080250f, 0.548279343062761f, -0.289526240449473f, -0.506780094171335f, -0.901771170107367f, -0.437874075223813f, 0.748512212111141f, -0.529884246718074f, 0.924062132675193f, -0.365432219122282f, -0.263296006595835f, -0.927083881647913f, -0.192737974697553f, -0.450051159199964f, -0.543528645806642f, 0.834976909049276f, -0.426975046433596f, -0.361056079272416f, 0.883880063360531f, 0.680380429911630f, -0.553642515320953f, 0.548847108935282f, -0.357430246936948f, 0.210445016993628f, 0.949511601115471f, -0.611278947360487f, 0.344744934459962f, 0.0684247970496175f, -0.877154656281116f, -0.521992702610556,
-0.0303764312006813f, -0.647220068176984f, 0.693175336224119f, -0.0955602614554496f, -0.765579758912278f, -0.821318118938906f, -0.220936603794347f, 0.159013709512021f, 0.0222743973539492f, 0.569438412513281f, 0.896083437551563f, 0.973699071868637f, -0.403438951991928f, -0.976931032127622f, -0.0720613180573018f, 0.0788813367661694f, -0.430781354548607f, 0.580378296309349f, -0.175446689199481f, -0.256743557012462f, -0.696667845393283f, 0.870473046831235f, 0.146660713923108f, 0.277741407197705f, 0.502075064404417f, 0.396530064046844f, -0.000209092342246420f, -0.977003947244262f, 0.451457326960000f, 0.420509664462095f, -0.0826395067671402f, 0.461120688156973f, 0.786867285802415f, 0.429254905841222f, 0.894426863739026f, -0.670297281923597f, -0.833650409296060f, -0.908588009702110f, 0.516311115539149f, 0.975234001829324f, -0.532953533466378f, 0.775291582519158f, -0.0136022600428900f, 0.654817093112596f, 0.363512141498233f, 0.624779024037534f, 0.0237004661473674f, -0.172570506046968f, 0.401807838319043f, 0.997391258152958f, -0.553969395939123f, -0.415425175833161f, -0.758032843655304f, -0.482766088920005f, 0.637574309072414f, -0.729000055114342f, 0.699851428676091f, -0.827508053421131f, 0.900655803848482f, -0.431149800814228f, 0.0369409101983413f, -0.378608101457895f, 0.237564147838841f, 0.533020461112441f, -0.280269627508005f, -0.864065787343603f, -0.0381481642453043f, -0.566886547530062f, 0.539727700361167f, 0.166859339425035f, 0.850080295054718f, 0.384690146030125f, -0.384995288415294f, 0.303656036600558f, -0.580297619022502f, 0.0649069482840878f, -0.162922327392773f, -0.235019427063355f, -0.265468718118809f, -0.121827312187455f, 0.0416628805824146f, 0.343481543012411f, -0.251429566892972f, -0.868100204320718f, -0.802636407512128f, -0.549547579028752f, -0.570017983863503f, -0.853634311513627f, -0.564570567173235f, 0.955944215494794f, -0.0930750790375956f, -0.160319122401953f, -0.640886790354213f, 0.798634607857513f, 0.503051518023559f, 0.765247226736789f, 0.909476811674882f, 0.677590253114963f, -0.110641683440517f, -0.336445241915220f, -0.684064840782028f, 0.962285048920031f, 0.883303701653897f, 0.981819291389659f, -0.597290928759656f, 0.215792997443025f, -0.847656608719347f, 0.679887992445640f, 0.299901700372808f, -0.677306526467426f, -0.348340058872692f, 0.651490451411335f, -0.133387041637395f, 0.718311240322040f, 0.0869279817052975f, 0.155413706090559f, -0.869119988858735f, -0.566773040844476f, -0.0513826414151206f, -0.368087669232071f, -0.978175512831125f, -0.229213501073727f, 0.344608572405871f, -0.663307667219997f, 0.437238632879575f, 0.00205230197288353f, -0.0897076092856746f, 0.834529513214144f, 0.131872357342232f, 0.113081940417244f, -0.418620232731326f, -0.317993033651213f, -0.740303025960662f, 0.423423655701288f, -0.300833032468860f, -0.458960388256530f, 0.692670405117589f, -0.559944357561921f, 0.0168623577148430f, 0.568661331088367f, -0.385055363002398f, -0.356055436463140f, -0.794446573681063f, 0.908870080953069f, 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0.0912498543932607f, 0.485570815146582f, -0.104653316420662f, -0.623461298489716f, -0.807713596811018f, 0.737782734425857f, 0.456364368166532f, -0.430703367862900f, -0.188953991637209f, -0.827984282695373f, 0.0246267653665548f, 0.891225605267640f, 0.910600867999638f, 0.345236086687552f, -0.600682365520065f, 0.833182106437698f, 0.213749250288017f, -0.0866339102562885f, -0.618385082289017f, 0.859527120927500f, 0.749978780964161f, -0.334770513867011f, 0.242140166670949f, -0.196268320459958f, 0.611789869603675f, 0.655057159657307f, -0.603759576722096f, 0.614654509385217f, 0.144145218488192f, 0.959930150756613f, 0.485009777784726f, -0.564230295010912f, -0.404716165405314f, 0.0442672151313601f, 0.929486639423805f, 0.409386317338224f, 0.527053707674182f, 0.899087569745327f, -0.933259779365388f, 0.265159475034860f, -0.858300862890810f, -0.870994388031662f, 0.354868177430506f, 0.00956840260511749f, 0.429740959889133f, 0.649668163567379f, -0.744532888765288f, -0.967499901569196f, 0.556703631745254f, 0.535130550118618f, -0.639502350153040f, -0.604586469532735f, 0.0799683564329623f, -0.156074786599444f, -0.348308700325411f, 0.217829052228100f, 0.545642400171123f, -0.303317700019152f, -0.473220675222451f, -0.239688108834945f, 0.0998500862725149f, -0.962734081833842f, 0.870743993144299f, 0.464578557934316f, 0.184511089576136f, 0.559729843314504f, 0.0702052363354577f, 0.632714874625648f, 0.212930743289312f, -0.454606863365109f, -0.592679055778218f, 0.287649993384466f, -0.457293694071368f, -0.423493046785686f, -0.0674763327876298f, 0.242131064298176f, 0.488581911885965f, -0.464567743213882f, -0.387515661812354f, -0.914585596974616f, -0.255803162310627f, 0.941267268311980f, 0.690278917089395f, 0.302397314111962f, -0.178461434689705f, -0.949279941481428f, 0.160440202901122f, -0.970582196769486f, -0.0119478205074164f, -0.206440255898676f, 0.221640403444713f, -0.819801447827624f, 0.263614394802488f, 0.616376195532700f, -0.596859494305351f, -0.118659509995453f, 0.458168997595326f, -0.0400474705134108f, 0.934465050133603f, -0.852936731989621f, 0.0191637795580570f, 0.298534793677081f, -0.857491630206749f, -0.0141198383157879f, -0.365027350962024f, 0.450964838023674f, 0.351383095290905f, -0.387039947149600f, -0.983994933095116f, 0.610531582220017f, -0.0446025524732094f, 0.216718014780746f, -0.676819246943449f, 0.0385619292249610f, 0.192482456707739f, -0.288809653393521f, 0.241774557042318f, -0.444638770943313f, 0.535319194413803f, 0.374773141606987f, 0.186364279454450f, 0.0701814972821988f, -0.452753172654203f, -0.350918291268194f, -0.332963791049667f, 0.179301863965318f, 0.954101654404080f, -0.687960044344130f, 0.611454049205213f, -0.696789567124132f, -0.551566492897529f, 0.656434797122885f, -0.601779335396959f, -0.265656331560395f, -0.528821434638507f, 0.153601151147409f, 0.514739334540489f, -0.0517769842323894f, -0.659246830986894f, -0.453055366696259f, -0.0515886000780059f, 0.958478845408115f, 0.0221452906045994f, -0.159960643390796f, 0.816263632871352f, 0.245244170325114f, -0.0919839688704780f, 0.947170598807362f, 0.846772793441790f, 0.247105133025056f, -0.801972939368103f, -0.224977420586025f, 0.130099925027197f, 0.497816036746753f, 0.308139730113712f, -0.0536876417759813f, -0.492022090866895f, 0.188938438822753f, -0.400894058284033f, 0.314370104391157f, 0.618580768947071f, 0.830051263404639f, -0.228700130023340f, 0.811855169643177f, 0.0924092179787017f, 0.273652523319809f, -0.0624274843235475f, -0.503696982048589f, 0.510545161203341f, 0.341823133345436f, -0.437486933663093f, 0.0134072800031224f, 0.613837993234983f, 0.740945655313894f, 0.135311460882606f, 0.464832228842466f, -0.973962843371452f, -0.519388256678232f, 0.631469277357519f, -0.936937468616713f, 0.208677911871604f, -0.0946010975796272f, 0.560587233611855f, 0.230925763372331f, -0.637408482848184f, -0.679175194353885f, -0.408696637706987f, -0.0837464598184048f, -0.911070817707239f, 0.985815432104941f, -0.208807972878988f, 0.741966810464688f, 0.162772839973564f, 0.717702638881939f, 0.490767958961575f, -0.835565390813677f, -0.878516167634055f, -0.956727838876563f, -0.00772081382858891f, 0.355227897612178f, 0.202889185809854f, -0.431078767653467f, 0.106936101717808f, 0.354494042302258f, -0.619623833602791f, 0.193065593078352f, -0.105803087758606f, 0.151828327005194f, -0.141094922099930f, 0.847569902283069f, -0.656683924792181f, -0.880754505470701f, -0.421714047610595f, 0.681762288858050f, 0.633712681698887f, 0.947060360650644f, -0.959122611588459f, -0.0690574969687099f, -0.805062392278087f, 0.226501754467861f, -0.414732397455275f, 0.242398867364043f, -0.831838824773804f, 0.00787391802290793f, -0.860692119913991f, -0.391321299589110f, -0.0548681430681355f, -0.992920640472037f, 0.0975642331777702f, 0.894630836703243f, 0.767919825689366f, -0.260878774442215f, 0.407457430171103f, 0.140688657702825f, 0.737494845272763f, -0.650969054257040f, 0.230613259000797f, -0.0986876345046772f, 0.0996951163848971f, -0.679173062298700f, -0.760174222364469f, -0.613840714529317f, -0.692138390397415f, -0.0919103790884603f, 0.0259548517830916f, 0.463763807478796f, -0.859327137970617f, 0.298600182982665f, -0.591236092977368f, -0.994984881037264f, -0.0533840054951049f, 0.544979189292485f, 0.652482875230260f, 0.897548627394727f, -0.340241293753474f, 0.508237349558163f, -0.611986702936889f, -0.399952468536369f, -0.758494484998191f, -0.148960755782999f, 0.895231513826071f, -0.870487943961511f, -0.172763884748068f, -0.652702954266129f, 0.784450103085903f, -0.428504279168614f, -0.347266234450861f, -0.0897193897382391f, 0.760686883857503f, -0.0863659842493281f, -0.453544362916610f, 0.713112885874267f, -0.529914378597266f, -0.134507787695203f, -0.590955798880753f, -0.372583442870916f, 0.646730663631020f, -0.809515553972267f, 0.0226873348847205f, -0.209338539804651f, -0.737170063193136f, 0.365916689978321f, 0.658019395382111f, 0.733982378695990f, -0.579926149814113f, 0.973814182111372f, 0.933875763922095f, -0.985234946636757f, -0.103124599698243f, -0.798304574918884f, -0.119705341414667f, 0.205941898284561f, 0.111088288053652f, 0.418598493379981f, 0.309112287901667f, 0.0865232803642195f, -0.281174085998345f, -0.158426951248790f, 0.156672456990889f, 0.608691108739118f, -0.124654784531448f, -0.372060827503666f, 0.555750853569654f, -0.481715370485256f, 0.411012047999522f, 0.265636511301544f, 0.164466400718006f, 0.427292785417094,
-0.407665783814271f, 0.0463239131527564f, 0.0109249300633605f, 0.0949704798708169f, 0.223291931618591f, 0.708651599857453f, 0.810927407452143f, -0.298811874805995f, 0.347215272448441f, 0.778225160999446f, -0.981258755328673f, -0.629231280170021f, -0.948786159268210f, -0.0530522786747270f, -0.665046033882002f, 0.776993795678436f, -0.604492154463805f, -0.906360689482177f, 0.543616910115371f, -0.501547360013149f, 0.571784796850774f, 0.868511495621889f, 0.783008382563488f, 0.571870376568081f, 0.0471150346240308f, 0.402433510592678f, 0.661353159662286f, 0.0253381317208246f, 0.720141243708461f, -0.478805385943742f, 0.989639021624774f, 0.538614599364854f, -0.282810721919526f, 0.888399971333007f, 0.118572990347886f, 0.564528382703688f, 0.988296121763412f, 0.509638594649021f, -0.797738059997026f, 0.0363326380089621f, 0.978315833815278f, -0.483368013204689f, 0.879051054425480f, 0.632539830439323f, 0.722677742708361f, 0.578919286433726f, -0.250721628167261f, 0.534435049744896f, -0.0404568429105234f, 0.00805525426120179f, 0.841210870775473f, -0.731771544679396f, 0.713758914490801f, 0.830250762535296f, 0.436563669872217f, 0.567024378980237f, 0.983941121609744f, -0.253548560865555f, 0.647105012325159f, 0.434994339049196f, 0.130837710207442f, -0.775136733344706f, 0.234917279141211f, -0.498429841761386f, -0.273571256415041f, 0.247467425899991f, -0.970396693506149f, 0.975835855884816f, -0.347896516486866f, -0.552856369180847f, -0.887336234316568f, -0.573271015958957f, 0.910862901097874f, -0.807236601077904f, -0.523971593712952f, -0.263589563369279f, 0.591056276091253f, -0.320168527954128f, 0.726795865615521f, -0.731502115921006f, -0.942225519371229f, 0.268573107637337f, 0.380348127119473f, -0.284539943611895f, 0.117478291379931f, -0.817442486350524f, 0.0734705767013011f, -0.626880755668906f, -0.873066996524459f, -0.528675805715351f, 0.490255491577847f, 0.398142666604162f, -0.911320079669940f, -0.870350237514323f, 0.854587452657144f, 0.736349579728106f, 0.948232845958681f, -0.00126774478569258f, 0.905641169934000f, -0.965500575551565f, 0.0831330388550517f, -0.892713267782484f, -0.277958019172831f, 0.312987842344813f, 0.484268977417485f, -0.365960524226328f, 0.177956605738091f, 0.913776767689874f, -0.897537691614058f, 0.473075982698961f, 0.913190042662185f, -0.00843862630950820f, 0.972679442298938f, -0.856058592202917f, 0.264007224067230f, -0.138444823656136f, -0.386195416368251f, -0.286657907928107f, -0.231200657384828f, 0.917365701941188f, -0.271317547281263f, -0.252691685075831f, 0.893742787021399f, 0.512463051119608f, 0.979155111008605f, -0.472272776864686f, 0.238767541974988f, -0.672234403865928f, -0.846783135777377f, 0.0877594573148737f, 0.493055606176910f, -0.289012308379085f, 0.416463895880697f, -0.0795051375851281f, -0.476692131327163f, -0.430471976159529f, -0.701875030095239f, 0.724684336417516f, 0.984802039066595f, 0.798285421773762f, 0.000509924988974175f, -0.0852199551444761f, -0.709724122158260f, -0.332735158942919f, 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0.621558611608942f, -0.0860979132283732f, -0.627097832687809f, -0.312083243705910f, -0.494490796681559f, -0.987187334387934f, -0.0804474888246625f, 0.496400656176795f, -0.851811189314651f, -0.791398271297849f, -0.868174317799275f, -0.226794668997878f, -0.335339474552766f, -0.276765924750817f, -0.395876032147377f, -0.740529136126816f, -0.167799472110453f, 0.593129248263724f, 0.336783120133436f, 0.248892158925787f, 0.950120283075237f, -0.795216613504226f, -0.574731116508357f, -0.822689608026685f, 0.973698546284335f, 0.125166556654624f, 0.588150318080073f, 0.128654744345192f, -0.219207714307262f, -0.271053050307713f, 0.124071241265810f, -0.618209718015327f, -0.766619799595349f, -0.478340220431165f, -0.446873929629545f, 0.978019432749647f, -0.627041040766022f, 0.169323691066764f, -0.714079827532216f, 0.386101296128268f, -0.360225804976135f, -0.236797717782837f, -0.311635747131794f, 0.0482888201705840f, -0.477302740867809f, -0.427349080854399f, 0.390352470816329f, 0.611790541936623f, 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-0.622353549740796f, -0.789789664448618f, 0.985300123665319f, 0.862449845163424f, 0.973193986256980f, 0.148883268671144f, 0.283619537155083f, 0.508503183151258f, -0.246167305966866f, -0.259543094514413f, -0.778029136807597f, 0.128978622849116f, -0.920978818238085f, -0.116324837544276f, -0.261472397833253f, 0.772449038068069f, -0.696754008784325f, 0.980778877985902f, -0.227636956328402f, -0.472493776528032f, -0.568519858000960f, -0.151689463117960f, -0.102997587484899f, 0.464752146042376f, -0.839114793935065f, -0.0325074343587592f, -0.180618880765978f, 0.0132253638432844f, -0.646173464496730f, 0.821983901071593f, 0.657453744559881f, 0.786315172070382f, -0.438718096604728f, 0.702691078885442f, 0.859957412428682f, -0.505281395658564f, -0.236722160990303f, -0.698465568366759f, -0.746418979540090f, -0.218205126412646f, -0.808715244840435f, -0.949813739800491f, 0.176975348790769f, 0.723960974918154f, -0.139253733704369f, -0.387224393658603f, -0.869945438924443f, -0.396979039594941f, 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-0.839396045781239f, -0.552775028233564f, -0.528941743867256f, 0.174761156721889f, 0.243585712774679f, 0.588913151268911f, -0.306898192880627f, 0.921540023069231f, -0.0223654942298541f, -0.102408576957649f, 0.612577852207921f, 0.835809058447089f, -0.437118459197839f, 0.455316033239981f, 0.311435507416257f, -0.648992336007256f, 0.346823844785409f, -0.632080213667648f, -0.599678627679202f, -0.653822991854328f, 0.484305292443427f, 0.782046295685087f, 0.960987598814982f, 0.627169162605570f, 0.948092598306120f, -0.185268381817018f, 0.602489977060513f, -0.885827813790617f, -0.00179203147433582f, -0.175476447614991f, 0.0461282236560925f, -0.898013889602944f, 0.256310837914276f, -0.733422110056865f, -0.740091677658095f, 0.966724540497493f, 0.328056986822768f, -0.267854591449557f, 0.670545831663244f, -0.356204313297688f, 0.0729865206358908f, -0.594530723723669f, 0.519965324048968f, 0.0632129606097647f, -0.878434885663544f, -0.497945943395010f, 0.0151854050905818f, -0.218036856012343f, 0.547721213710874f, -0.0915514918588898f, -0.279344098401951f, -0.228654882218650f, 0.100432155997130f, 0.802024600677294f, 0.175832345686877f, 0.0551231013299744f, 0.938247319394824f, 0.639298571360036f, -0.291461603371678f, -0.853503115314794f, -0.604829242631156f, 0.0291571486740745f, -0.932575328418390f, -0.621235088415116f, 0.403040314052094f, -0.809695618266849f, 0.966605888732736f, -0.199254401023053,
-0.540808222970056f, -0.0141840769249790f, 0.114579158224093f, 0.466889318471371f, -0.145415211797766f, -0.846707387707480f, -0.881237200733915f, -0.410798723199712f, -0.637697860299854f, -0.196366036081372f, 0.193267531425712f, -0.258591200841940f, -0.173003722066551f, 0.478121376006132f, 0.953819951501542f, 0.969916001975448f, 0.131515861287576f, -0.499829658784781f, 0.320952777516193f, -0.226980682212371f, 0.766886115655233f, 0.647310434110803f, -0.772594685974992f, 0.772645949480187f, -0.936357605801364f, -0.671842916281206f, -0.595127074295355f, 0.335132581825520f, 0.648964430112689f, -0.793376819398441f, -0.963663232647360f, 0.914308824314478f, -0.397663128784982f, 0.803240040231588f, -0.291039120047626f, -0.339918835846510f, -0.208620988780609f, 0.278177231697424f, -0.833157746552451f, 0.260554706029473f, -0.580537744139231f, 0.918561093477862f, 0.641368468308093f, 0.827379039283645f, -0.412231303854834f, -0.518315486749742f, 0.423356687848085f, 0.0777277584993787f, 0.394127392657178f, 0.609705410002715f, 0.264669032561337f, -0.460555696512027f, -0.0858908123066196f, -0.281781559603429f, -0.179777723960362f, -0.00449990348855067f, 0.803703377739133f, -0.155074032314596f, -0.00206139428833696f, 0.0661730930565525f, -0.737509215752079f, 0.620182143819587f, 0.114750705414661f, 0.545663051433958f, 0.661601724477194f, -0.592280382351976f, 0.609240020031149f, -0.968781019917808f, -0.668068368389875f, 0.206915551463500f, 0.0951453192552747f, 0.268580107578401f, -0.0450052302342363f, -0.933589842483940f, 0.236570492858402f, 0.0688734168318912f, 0.930163232697303f, 0.435953476823146f, 0.533759385687075f, 0.368282038662015f, -0.602312961473778f, 0.709516631712345f, -0.168303926671961f, 0.130670870119294f, -0.657736111745007f, 0.115028598388756f, 0.173728026281032f, -0.681671363429886f, -0.538786035950873f, 0.481457671665448f, 0.0136795278434168f, -0.570065342244344f, 0.188187050857249f, -0.352869308173680f, -0.979175308628854f, 0.223702879460018f, 0.994220466087713f, -0.147795166105729f, 0.218427535879435f, -0.120050826084179f, -0.0124939247430063f, -0.645134875027126f, -0.503122688484778f, 0.534123007328982f, 0.619710972635444f, -0.234248243706177f, 0.987144458053815f, 0.261284702576427f, 0.851827092094236f, 0.750019654249059f, -0.926154630610335f, 0.449356103243440f, 0.783011320523296f, -0.459228158107270f, -0.228877816937867f, 0.271108937592868f, -0.676085611673506f, 0.783114428240160f, 0.636093784021493f, -0.754110314308629f, -0.546386104880684f, 0.0385811136139234f, -0.768951137117397f, -0.644624743947807f, 0.00890157035391148f, -0.0792572116273387f, -0.989980668770044f, 0.603057533157075f, 0.280835727469123f, -0.634716709420524f, -0.712669415138995f, -0.424129916157595f, -0.436923748487354f, 0.467366013559791f, 0.907740481011987f, 0.788617065944311f, -0.152237692069130f, -0.963044404518533f, 0.907393322909416f, 0.806867676446313f, 0.699270310021791f, 0.107867603776547f, 0.127360747415417f, -0.502645789696788f, -0.511744166872327f, -0.121672719343072f, -0.596527146770249f, 0.410180172377510f, -0.852889849908704f, 0.278972213674154f, 0.0260156356783650f, 0.997558501949683f, -0.499245840292893f, -0.451169267624132f, -0.881643497362337f, 0.986957209874262f, -0.129608292321380f, 0.935829016346258f, -0.649021465281634f, 0.550436689069794f, 0.278888743082679f, 0.0137769346664500f, -0.660666060213522f, -0.416709136728042f, -0.302903068397225f, 0.180657445835459f, -0.908195955986293f, 0.280056533234627f, -0.660025789034158f, -0.798207438952561f, 0.901575224780405f, -0.608702932295102f, 0.318860199910414f, 0.874005722023406f, -0.0816057579181704f, 0.981671341873017f, -0.339234700161323f, 0.559717959858931f, 0.390363525109105f, -0.309384476087470f, 0.956563156784297f, -0.623734354817613f, -0.196627375289105f, -0.702076014509088f, 0.293098766889643f, -0.617152224560368f, 0.859117491438645f, 0.661015739867647f, 0.0747554166353739f, -0.282417009682732f, -0.667461537762524f, -0.451029960388404f, 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0.0640038231299192f, -0.00457726816166693f, 0.371455553726539f, 0.647649995487707f, 0.268304945808406f, -0.320428608173924f, 0.0927511620029309f, 0.256010036486838f, 0.740396212690346f, -0.656873241472848f, 0.823534292439413f, -0.820380362458844f, -0.453300307443023f, 0.784238355222248f, 0.912791840124321f, 0.0999478035440859f, -0.212620916988855f, 0.0170290625008669f, -0.589062380565879f, -0.171833624145497f, -0.524918122866141f, 0.961528292650892f, 0.101262818636430f, 0.941455114569308f, -0.967226220138929f, 0.616781547648562f, -0.913823148383971f, 0.274508821885917f, 0.924653374107756f, -0.866302908989783f, 0.227541907715857f, 0.0907574361370582f, -0.127499097943315f, -0.942071371521895f, -0.119419163649152f, 0.674284088819523f, 0.881328505929745f, 0.246290207551702f, 0.0547607254148590f, -0.462882918359077f, 0.888969728230585f, 0.666583509571921f, 0.238417203582380f, -0.279842248122727f, 0.855260336845903f, 0.314306869401155f, -0.188654877893078f, -0.609304918228150f, 0.169453885325888f, 0.265617874907016f, -0.943423537926184f, 0.493118676869450f, -0.386147750024858f, 0.0103920154342951f, 0.753677832518483f, 0.363353012331066f, -0.286620106520429f, -0.623332994906295f, 0.183966714365642f, -0.124278942882867f, -0.687889346448110f, -0.509002319646341f, -0.705769785650865f, 0.600586126467172f, 0.814989294939922f, 0.198959025256652f, 0.477897007911356f, 0.757957814363899f, 0.617755921094230f, -0.353589871947529f, 0.419688673189503f, -0.860584865805600f, -0.0232779635193843f, -0.789951030889387f, -0.893196700185750f, 0.610996462535201f, 0.847373590985131f, -0.989553358501822f, -0.367651771428081f, 0.741563712056747f, -0.923595352848971f, -0.580174215739367f, 0.577092000574232f, -0.910872910110270f, -0.907499077314190f, 0.692372247654077f, 0.810694134592084f, -0.608596332548047f, 0.761254615051625f, 0.0546240611947364f, -0.393956427117691f, -0.116127831535139f, -0.0352014590913388f, 0.374742194768889f, -0.927344099730091f, 0.939301337232488f, -0.969831716293845f, -0.0489333404770240f, -0.586719398908953f, 0.0235541378462407f, 0.388882981728285f, -0.0728483242295113f, 0.418280445244943f, -0.574289337805456f, -0.779962057565259f, -0.835190719754123f, 0.918717316922657f, -0.765889988109173f, -0.935310664146932f, -0.0750906135370848f, -0.256246546197534f, 0.693865929543926f, 0.592800255527084f, 0.836743344551035f, -0.801953470827580f, 0.0595524153568945f, 0.158376549012192f, -0.429364776412726f, -0.450531184162532f, -0.169317185285268f, 0.420344570579195f, -0.902838087574441f, -0.654676904337469f, 0.941802178622893f, -0.411034608875500f, -0.455381371659872f, 0.582371240315256f, -0.276150504466756f, 0.164276403376185f, -0.960238817086774f, 0.590055303394028f, -0.995185688656226f, -0.285809748360467f, -0.792066171752882f, -0.456123303649101f, -0.864169187700384f, 0.798745251308383f, -0.517673464079948f, 0.523086536900369f, 0.398784615211052f, 0.908677185333852f, -0.434846969584770f, -0.277024535706464f, 0.575800013122065f, -0.0423952171673019f, -0.327530749916683f, -0.401220909875065f, -0.232577533032385f, 0.577630268254944f, -0.733290201484409f, -0.297499739456838f, 0.166541885572822f, -0.646828619904039f, 0.0312662656272755f, 0.754145050600965f, -0.908499825108811f, 0.315379190361296f, 0.366242661082351f, 0.867903806940678f, -0.613391940567782f, 0.00760147209048068f, 0.953424134034927f, -0.812551125910811f, 0.734998935207065f, 0.781720854678504f, -0.653974423413561f, 0.612587888218526f, -0.297359914095386f, -0.409559158758694f, -0.143962230212734f, -0.814888102841114f, 0.359131810502055f, 0.356924557741016f, -0.872415989401612f, 0.716849887848809f, -0.374916928585818f, -0.0702264435280595f, 0.329843438660215f, 0.0956097573088677f, -0.937528128860310f, -0.322293489817529f, 0.781444964993177f, -0.810141738751828f, -0.150295079242497f, 0.846909181293597f, -0.128124277517711f, -0.752611695817661f, 0.839996835828451f, -0.0705685941510277f, 0.000366462394740585f, 0.0788016995849923f, -0.246053200655556f, -0.156645099915028f, -0.460752333796863f, 0.622021359864204f, 0.722871957583123f, -0.257873353238499f, -0.309810184480446f, 0.765248644407833f, -0.553316047243663f, -0.612742789838491f, 0.354017349601509f, 0.923293368553697f, 0.630695912377860f, -0.148750121613537f, -0.821801680234240f, 0.368247966228196f, 0.405416044101496f, -0.803232509711354f, -0.429778551911399f, -0.723837414527446f, -0.963925147452133f, 0.190882872226757f, 0.477008077263598f, -0.661282403679070f, 0.271643442525556f, -0.915994079618801f, 0.196564556546175f, 0.378359035245796f, 0.584016730657668f, -0.0377864332655202f, -0.327376192853106f, 0.850744189707984f, 0.799571679043808f, -0.111126908452029f, 0.525587242291601f, -0.404486180733535f, -0.134496922397279f, 0.0890128096708100f, -0.815560643303157f, -0.920166023598312f, -0.360079578314899f, -0.556238898466371f, -0.220978103133838f, -0.571530268052405f, 0.573332217175226f, -0.133862258696460f, -0.982130330352248f, -0.352538465285082f, 0.318683937697894f, -0.790927430842686f, 0.691168535237102f, 0.806014327242002f, -0.981639450008060f, 0.407200095027265f, 0.918249921845949f, 0.776880149695420f, -0.437773083955269f, -0.385117533333437f, 0.0115152415796460f, 0.687224538003991f, 0.992524870612626f, 0.471003324792228f, -0.873541777412034f, -0.560923118634380f, -0.726151823613842f, -0.538941951730010f, 0.772057551475325f, 0.858490725829641f, -0.168849338472479f };
# 102 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/fixed-point.h"
fxp_t wrap(fxp_t kX, fxp_t kLowerBound, fxp_t kUpperBound)
int32_t range_size = kUpperBound - kLowerBound + 1;
if (kX < kLowerBound){
kX += range_size * ((kLowerBound - kX) / range_size + 1);
return kLowerBound + (kX - kLowerBound) % range_size;
fxp_t fxp_get_int_part(fxp_t in) {
return ((in < 0) ? -((-in) & _fxp_imask) : in & _fxp_imask);
fxp_t fxp_get_frac_part(fxp_t in) {
return ((in < 0) ? -((-in) & _fxp_fmask) : in & _fxp_fmask);
float fxp_to_float(fxp_t fxp);
fxp_t fxp_quantize(fxp_t aquant) {
if (overflow_mode == 2) {
if(aquant < _fxp_min) {
return _fxp_min;
else if(aquant > _fxp_max) {
return _fxp_max;
else if (overflow_mode == 3) {
if(aquant < _fxp_min || aquant > _fxp_max) {
return wrap(aquant, _fxp_min, _fxp_max);
return (fxp_t) aquant;
void fxp_verify_overflow(fxp_t value){
printf("An Overflow Occurred in system's output");
__DSVERIFIER_assert(value <= _fxp_max && value >= _fxp_min);
void fxp_verify_overflow_node(fxp_t value, char* msg){
if (1 == 2)
__DSVERIFIER_assert(value <= _fxp_max && value >= _fxp_min);
void fxp_verify_overflow_array(fxp_t array[], int n){
int i=0;
for(i=0; i<n;i++){
fxp_t fxp_int_to_fxp(int in) {
fxp_t lin;
lin = (fxp_t) in*_fxp_one;
return lin;
int fxp_to_int(fxp_t fxp) {
if(fxp >= 0){
fxp += _fxp_half;
} else {
fxp -= _fxp_half;
fxp >>= impl.frac_bits;
return (int) fxp;
fxp_t fxp_float_to_fxp(float f) {
fxp_t tmp;
double ftemp;
ftemp = f * scale_factor[impl.frac_bits];
if(f >= 0) {
tmp = (fxp_t)(ftemp + 0.5);
else {
tmp = (fxp_t)(ftemp - 0.5);
return tmp;
fxp_t fxp_double_to_fxp(double value) {
fxp_t tmp;
double ftemp = value * scale_factor[impl.frac_bits];
if (rounding_mode == 0){
if(value >= 0) {
tmp = (fxp_t)(ftemp + 0.5);
else {
tmp = (fxp_t)(ftemp - 0.5);
} else if(rounding_mode == 1){
tmp = (fxp_t) ftemp;
double residue = ftemp - tmp;
if ((value < 0) && (residue != 0)){
ftemp = ftemp - 1;
tmp = (fxp_t) ftemp;
} else if (rounding_mode == 0){
tmp = (fxp_t) ftemp;
return tmp;
void fxp_float_to_fxp_array(float f[], fxp_t r[], int N) {
int i;
for(i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
r[i] = fxp_float_to_fxp(f[i]);
void fxp_double_to_fxp_array(double f[], fxp_t r[], int N) {
int i;
for(i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
r[i] = fxp_double_to_fxp(f[i]);
# 275 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/fixed-point.h"
float fxp_to_float(fxp_t fxp) {
float f;
int f_int = (int) fxp;
f = f_int * scale_factor_inv[impl.frac_bits];
return f;
double fxp_to_double(fxp_t fxp) {
double f;
int f_int = (int) fxp;
f = f_int * scale_factor_inv[impl.frac_bits];
return f;
void fxp_to_float_array(float f[], fxp_t r[], int N) {
int i;
for(i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
f[i] = fxp_to_float(r[i]);
void fxp_to_double_array(double f[], fxp_t r[], int N) {
int i;
for(i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
f[i] = fxp_to_double(r[i]);
fxp_t fxp_abs(fxp_t a) {
fxp_t tmp;
tmp = ((a < 0) ? -(fxp_t)(a) : a);
tmp = fxp_quantize(tmp);
return tmp;
fxp_t fxp_add(fxp_t aadd, fxp_t badd) {
fxp_t tmpadd;
tmpadd = ((fxp_t)(aadd) + (fxp_t)(badd));
tmpadd = fxp_quantize(tmpadd);
return tmpadd;
fxp_t fxp_sub(fxp_t asub, fxp_t bsub) {
fxp_t tmpsub;
tmpsub = (fxp_t)((fxp_t)(asub) - (fxp_t)(bsub));
tmpsub = fxp_quantize(tmpsub);
return tmpsub;
fxp_t fxp_mult(fxp_t amult, fxp_t bmult) {
fxp_t tmpmult, tmpmultprec;
tmpmult = (fxp_t)((fxp_t)(amult)*(fxp_t)(bmult));
if (tmpmult >= 0) {
tmpmultprec = (tmpmult + ((tmpmult & 1 << (impl.frac_bits - 1)) << 1)) >> impl.frac_bits;
} else {
tmpmultprec = -(((-tmpmult) + (((-tmpmult) & 1 << (impl.frac_bits - 1)) << 1)) >> impl.frac_bits);
tmpmultprec = fxp_quantize(tmpmultprec);
return tmpmultprec;
# 372 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/fixed-point.h"
fxp_t fxp_div(fxp_t a, fxp_t b){
__DSVERIFIER_assume( b!=0 );
fxp_t tmpdiv = ((a << impl.frac_bits) / b);
tmpdiv = fxp_quantize(tmpdiv);
return tmpdiv;
fxp_t fxp_neg(fxp_t aneg) {
fxp_t tmpneg;
tmpneg = -(fxp_t)(aneg);
tmpneg = fxp_quantize(tmpneg);
return tmpneg;
# 398 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/fixed-point.h"
fxp_t fxp_sign(fxp_t a) {
return ((a == 0) ? 0 : ((a < 0) ? _fxp_minus_one : _fxp_one) );
fxp_t fxp_shrl(fxp_t in, int shift) {
return (fxp_t) (((unsigned int) in) >> shift);
fxp_t fxp_square(fxp_t a) {
return fxp_mult(a, a);
void fxp_print_int(fxp_t a) {
printf("\n%i", (int32_t)a);
void fxp_print_float(fxp_t a) {
printf("\n%f", fxp_to_float(a));
void fxp_print_float_array(fxp_t a[], int N) {
int i;
for(i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
printf("\n%f", fxp_to_float(a[i]));
void print_fxp_array_elements(char * name, fxp_t * v, int n){
printf("%s = {", name);
int i;
for(i=0; i < n; i++){
printf(" %jd ", v[i]);
# 23 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/dsverifier.h" 2
# 1 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/util.h" 1
# 24 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/util.h"
void initialize_array(double v[], int n){
int i;
for(i=0; i<n; i++){
v[i] = 0;
void revert_array(double v[], double out[], int n){
int i;
for(i=0; i<n; i++){
out[i] = v[n-i-1];
double internal_pow(double a, double b){
int i;
double acc = 1;
for (i=0; i < b; i++){
acc = acc*a;
return acc;
double internal_abs(double a){
return a < 0 ? -a : a;
int fatorial(int n){
return n == 0 ? 1 : n * fatorial(n-1);
int check_stability(double a[], int n){
int lines = 2 * n - 1;
int columns = n;
double m[lines][n];
int i,j;
double current_stability[n];
for (i=0; i < n; i++){
current_stability[i] = a[i];
double sum = 0;
for (i=0; i < n; i++){
sum += a[i];
if (sum <= 0){
printf("[DEBUG] the first constraint of Jury criteria failed: (F(1) > 0)");
return 0;
sum = 0;
for (i=0; i < n; i++){
sum += a[i] * internal_pow(-1, n-1-i);
sum = sum * internal_pow(-1, n-1);
if (sum <= 0){
printf("[DEBUG] the second constraint of Jury criteria failed: (F(-1)*(-1)^n > 0)");
return 0;
if (internal_abs(a[n-1]) > a[0]){
printf("[DEBUG] the third constraint of Jury criteria failed: (abs(a0) < a_{n}*z^{n})");
return 0;
for (i=0; i < lines; i++){
for (j=0; j < columns; j++){
m[i][j] = 0;
for (i=0; i < lines; i++){
for (j=0; j < columns; j++){
if (i == 0){
m[i][j] = a[j];
if (i % 2 != 0 ){
int x;
for(x=0; x<columns;x++){
m[i][x] = m[i-1][columns-x-1];
columns = columns - 1;
j = columns;
m[i][j] = m[i-2][j] - (m[i-2][columns] / m[i-2][0]) * m[i-1][j];
int first_is_positive = m[0][0] >= 0 ? 1 : 0;
for (i=0; i < lines; i++){
if (i % 2 == 0){
int line_is_positive = m[i][0] >= 0 ? 1 : 0;
if (first_is_positive != line_is_positive){
return 0;
return 1;
void poly_sum(double a[], int Na, double b[], int Nb, double ans[], int Nans){
int i;
Nans = Na>Nb? Na:Nb;
for (i=0; i<Nans; i++){
if (Na>Nb){
if (i > Na-Nb-1){
}else {
if (i> Nb - Na -1){
void poly_mult(double a[], int Na, double b[], int Nb, double ans[], int Nans){
int i;
int j;
int k;
Nans = Na+Nb-1;
for (i=0; i<Na; i++){
for (j=0; j<Nb; j++){
k= Na + Nb - i - j - 2;
for (i=0; i<Na; i++){
for (j=0; j<Nb; j++){
k= Na + Nb - i - j - 2;
ans[k]=ans[k]+a[Na - i - 1]*b[Nb - j - 1];
void double_check_oscillations(double * y, int y_size){
__DSVERIFIER_assume(y[0] != y[y_size - 1]);
int window_timer = 0;
int window_count = 0;
int i, j;
for (i = 2; i < y_size; i++){
int window_size = i;
for(j=0; j<y_size; j++){
if (window_timer > window_size){
window_timer = 0;
window_count = 0;
int window_index = j + window_size;
if (window_index < y_size){
if (y[j] == y[window_index]){
# 209 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/util.h" 3 4
((void) sizeof ((
# 209 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/util.h"
!(window_count == window_size)
# 209 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/util.h" 3 4
) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ ({ if (
# 209 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/util.h"
!(window_count == window_size)
# 209 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/util.h" 3 4
) ; else __assert_fail (
# 209 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/util.h"
"!(window_count == window_size)"
# 209 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/util.h" 3 4
, "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/util.h", 209, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }))
# 209 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/util.h"
void double_check_limit_cycle(double * y, int y_size){
double reference = y[y_size - 1];
int idx = 0;
int window_size = 1;
for(idx = (y_size-2); idx >= 0; idx--){
if (y[idx] != reference){
__DSVERIFIER_assume(window_size != y_size && window_size != 1);
printf("window_size %d\n", window_size);
int desired_elements = 2 * window_size;
int found_elements = 0;
for(idx = (y_size-1); idx >= 0; idx--){
if (idx > (y_size-window_size-1)){
printf("%.0f == %.0f\n", y[idx], y[idx-window_size]);
int cmp_idx = idx - window_size;
if ((cmp_idx > 0) && (y[idx] == y[idx-window_size])){
found_elements = found_elements + 2;
printf("desired_elements %d\n", desired_elements);
printf("found_elements %d\n", found_elements);
__DSVERIFIER_assert(desired_elements != found_elements);
void double_check_persistent_limit_cycle(double * y, int y_size){
int idy = 0;
int count_same = 0;
int window_size = 0;
double reference = y[0];
for(idy = 0; idy < y_size; idy++){
if (y[idy] != reference){
} else if (window_size != 0){
} else {
window_size += count_same;
__DSVERIFIER_assume(window_size > 1 && window_size <= y_size/2);
double lco_elements[window_size];
for(idy = 0; idy < y_size; idy++){
if (idy < window_size){
lco_elements[idy] = y[idy];
idy = 0;
int lco_idy = 0;
_Bool is_persistent = 0;
while (idy < y_size){
if(y[idy++] == lco_elements[lco_idy++]){
is_persistent = 1;
is_persistent = 0;
if (lco_idy == window_size){
lco_idy = 0;
__DSVERIFIER_assert(is_persistent == 0);
void print_array_elements(char * name, double * v, int n){
printf("%s = {", name);
int i;
for(i=0; i < n; i++){
printf(" %.32f ", v[i]);
void double_add_matrix( unsigned int lines, unsigned int columns, double m1[4][4], double m2[4][4], double result[4][4]){
unsigned int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < lines; i++){
for (j = 0; j < columns; j++){
result[i][j] = m1[i][j] + m2[i][j];
void double_sub_matrix( unsigned int lines, unsigned int columns, double m1[4][4], double m2[4][4], double result[4][4]){
unsigned int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < lines; i++){
for (j = 0; j < columns; j++){
result[i][j] = m1[i][j] - m2[i][j];
void double_matrix_multiplication( unsigned int i1, unsigned int j1, unsigned int i2, unsigned int j2, double m1[4][4], double m2[4][4], double m3[4][4]){
unsigned int i, j, k;
if (j1 == i2) {
for (i=0; i<i1; i++) {
for (j=0; j<j2; j++) {
m3[i][j] = 0;
for (i=0;i<i1; i++) {
for (j=0; j<j2; j++) {
for (k=0; k<j1; k++) {
double mult = (m1[i][k] * m2[k][j]);
m3[i][j] = m3[i][j] + (m1[i][k] * m2[k][j]);
} else {
printf("\nError! Operation invalid, please enter with valid matrices.\n");
void fxp_matrix_multiplication( unsigned int i1, unsigned int j1, unsigned int i2, unsigned int j2, fxp_t m1[4][4], fxp_t m2[4][4], fxp_t m3[4][4]){
unsigned int i, j, k;
if (j1 == i2) {
for (i=0; i<i1; i++) {
for (j=0; j<j2; j++) {
m3[i][j] = 0;
for (i=0;i<i1; i++) {
for (j=0; j<j2; j++) {
for (k=0; k<j1; k++) {
m3[i][j] = fxp_add( m3[i][j], fxp_mult(m1[i][k] , m2[k][j]));
} else {
printf("\nError! Operation invalid, please enter with valid matrices.\n");
void fxp_exp_matrix(unsigned int lines, unsigned int columns, fxp_t m1[4][4], unsigned int expNumber, fxp_t result[4][4]){
unsigned int i, j, l, k;
fxp_t m2[4][4];
if(expNumber == 0){
for (i = 0; i < lines; i++){
for (j = 0; j < columns; j++){
if(i == j){
result[i][j] = fxp_double_to_fxp(1.0);
} else {
result[i][j] = 0.0;
for (i = 0; i < lines; i++)
for (j = 0; j < columns; j++) result[i][j] = m1[i][j];
if(expNumber == 1){
for(l = 1; l < expNumber; l++){
for (i = 0; i < lines; i++)
for (j = 0; j < columns; j++) m2[i][j] = result[i][j];
for (i = 0; i < lines; i++)
for (j = 0; j < columns; j++) result[i][j] = 0;
for (i=0;i<lines; i++) {
for (j=0; j<columns; j++) {
for (k=0; k<columns; k++) {
result[i][j] = fxp_add( result[i][j], fxp_mult(m2[i][k] , m1[k][j]));
void double_exp_matrix(unsigned int lines, unsigned int columns, double m1[4][4], unsigned int expNumber, double result[4][4]){
unsigned int i, j, k, l;
double m2[4][4];
if(expNumber == 0){
for (i = 0; i < lines; i++){
for (j = 0; j < columns; j++){
if(i == j){
result[i][j] = 1.0;
} else {
result[i][j] = 0.0;
for (i = 0; i < lines; i++)
for (j = 0; j < columns; j++) result[i][j] = m1[i][j];
if(expNumber == 1){
for(l = 1; l < expNumber; l++){
for (i = 0; i < lines; i++)
for (j = 0; j < columns; j++) m2[i][j] = result[i][j];
for (i = 0; i < lines; i++)
for (j = 0; j < columns; j++) result[i][j] = 0;
for (i=0;i<lines; i++) {
for (j=0; j<columns; j++) {
for (k=0; k<columns; k++) {
result[i][j] = result[i][j] + (m2[i][k] * m1[k][j]);
void fxp_add_matrix( unsigned int lines, unsigned int columns, fxp_t m1[4][4], fxp_t m2[4][4], fxp_t result[4][4]){
unsigned int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < lines; i++)
for (j = 0; j < columns; j++) {
result[i][j] = fxp_add(m1[i][j] , m2[i][j]);
void fxp_sub_matrix( unsigned int lines, unsigned int columns, fxp_t m1[4][4], fxp_t m2[4][4], fxp_t result[4][4]){
unsigned int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < lines; i++)
for (j = 0; j < columns; j++) result[i][j] = fxp_sub(m1[i][j] , m2[i][j]);
void print_matrix(double matrix[4][4], unsigned int lines, unsigned int columns){
unsigned int i, j;
for (i=0; i<lines; i++) {
for (j=0; j<columns; j++) {
printf("#matrix[%d][%d]: %2.2f ", i,j,matrix[i][j]);
double determinant(double a[4][4],int n)
int i,j,j1,j2;
double det = 0;
double m[4][4];
if (n < 1) {
} else if (n == 1) {
det = a[0][0];
} else if (n == 2) {
det = a[0][0] * a[1][1] - a[1][0] * a[0][1];
} else {
det = 0;
for (j1=0;j1<n;j1++) {
for (i=0;i<n-1;i++)
for (i=1;i<n;i++) {
j2 = 0;
for (j=0;j<n;j++) {
if (j == j1)
m[i-1][j2] = a[i][j];
det += internal_pow(-1.0,1.0+j1+1.0) * a[0][j1] * determinant(m,n-1);
double fxp_determinant(fxp_t a_fxp[4][4],int n)
int i,j,j1,j2;
double a[4][4];
for(i=0; i<n;i++){
for(j=0; j<n;j++){
a[i][j]= fxp_to_double(a_fxp[i][j]);
double det = 0;
double m[4][4];
if (n < 1) {
} else if (n == 1) {
det = a[0][0];
} else if (n == 2) {
det = a[0][0] * a[1][1] - a[1][0] * a[0][1];
} else {
det = 0;
for (j1=0;j1<n;j1++) {
for (i=0;i<n-1;i++)
for (i=1;i<n;i++) {
j2 = 0;
for (j=0;j<n;j++) {
if (j == j1)
m[i-1][j2] = a[i][j];
det += internal_pow(-1.0,1.0+j1+1.0) * a[0][j1] * determinant(m,n-1);
void transpose(double a[4][4], double b[4][4],int n, int m)
int i,j;
for (i=0;i<n;i++) {
for (j=0;j<m;j++) {
b[j][i] = a[i][j];
void fxp_transpose(fxp_t a[4][4], fxp_t b[4][4],int n, int m)
int i,j;
for (i=0;i<n;i++) {
for (j=0;j<m;j++) {
b[j][i] = a[i][j];
# 24 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/dsverifier.h" 2
# 1 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/functions.h" 1
# 19 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/functions.h"
extern int generic_timer;
extern hardware hw;
double generic_timing_shift_l_double(double zIn, double z[], int N) {
generic_timer += ((2 * hw.assembly.push) + (3 * + (3 * hw.assembly.out) + (1 * hw.assembly.sbiw) + (1 * hw.assembly.cli) + (8 * hw.assembly.std));
int i;
double zOut;
zOut = z[0];
generic_timer += ((5 * hw.assembly.ldd) + (2 * + (4 * hw.assembly.std) + (1 * hw.assembly.ld));
generic_timer += ((2 * hw.assembly.std) + (1 * hw.assembly.rjmp));
for (i = 0; i < N - 1; i++) {
generic_timer += ((17 * hw.assembly.ldd) + (4 * hw.assembly.lsl) + (4 * hw.assembly.rol) + (2 * hw.assembly.add) + (2 * hw.assembly.adc) + (6 * + (2 * hw.assembly.adiw) + (5 * hw.assembly.std) + (1 * hw.assembly.ld) + (1 * + (1 * hw.assembly.subi) + (1 * hw.assembly.sbc)+ (1 * hw.assembly.cp) + (1 * hw.assembly.cpc) + (1 * hw.assembly.brlt));
z[i] = z[i + 1];
z[N - 1] = zIn;
generic_timer += ((12 * hw.assembly.ldd) + (6 * + (3 * hw.assembly.std) + (2 * hw.assembly.lsl) + (2 * hw.assembly.rol) + (1 * hw.assembly.adc) + (1 * hw.assembly.add) + (1 * hw.assembly.subi) + (1 * hw.assembly.sbci) + (1 * + (1 * hw.assembly.adiw) + (1 * (1 * hw.assembly.cli));
generic_timer += ((3 * hw.assembly.out) + (2 * hw.assembly.pop) + (1 * hw.assembly.ret));
return (zOut);
double generic_timing_shift_r_double(double zIn, double z[], int N) {
generic_timer += ((2 * hw.assembly.push) + (3 * + (3 * hw.assembly.out) + (1 * hw.assembly.sbiw) + (1 * hw.assembly.cli) + (8 * hw.assembly.std));
int i;
double zOut;
zOut = z[N - 1];
generic_timer += ((7 * hw.assembly.ldd) + (2 * hw.assembly.rol) + (2 * hw.assembly.lsl) + (2 * + (4 * hw.assembly.std) + (1 * hw.assembly.add) + (1 * hw.assembly.adc) + (1 * hw.assembly.ld) + (1 * hw.assembly.subi) + (1 * hw.assembly.sbci));
generic_timer += ((2 * hw.assembly.ldd) + (2 * hw.assembly.std) + (1 * hw.assembly.sbiw) + (1 * hw.assembly.rjmp));
for (i = N - 1; i > 0; i--) {
z[i] = z[i - 1];
generic_timer += ((15 * hw.assembly.ldd) + (4 * hw.assembly.lsl) + (4 * hw.assembly.rol) + (2 * hw.assembly.add) + (2 * hw.assembly.adc) + (4 * + (5 * hw.assembly.std) + (1 * hw.assembly.subi) + (1 * hw.assembly.sbci) + (1 * hw.assembly.ld) + (1 * + (1 * hw.assembly.sbiw) + (1 * hw.assembly.cp) + (1 * hw.assembly.cpc) + (1 * hw.assembly.brlt));
z[0] = zIn;
generic_timer += ((10 * hw.assembly.ldd) + (5 * + (3 * hw.assembly.std) + (3 * hw.assembly.out) + (2 * hw.assembly.pop) + (1 * hw.assembly.ret) + (1 * hw.assembly.ret) + (1 * hw.assembly.cli) + (1 * + (1 * + (1 * hw.assembly.adiw));
return zOut;
fxp_t shiftL(fxp_t zIn, fxp_t z[], int N) {
int i;
fxp_t zOut;
zOut = z[0];
for (i = 0; i < N - 1; i++) {
z[i] = z[i + 1];
z[N - 1] = zIn;
return (zOut);
fxp_t shiftR(fxp_t zIn, fxp_t z[], int N) {
int i;
fxp_t zOut;
zOut = z[N - 1];
for (i = N - 1; i > 0; i--) {
z[i] = z[i - 1];
z[0] = zIn;
return zOut;
float shiftLfloat(float zIn, float z[], int N) {
int i;
float zOut;
zOut = z[0];
for (i = 0; i < N - 1; i++) {
z[i] = z[i + 1];
z[N - 1] = zIn;
return (zOut);
float shiftRfloat(float zIn, float z[], int N) {
int i;
float zOut;
zOut = z[N - 1];
for (i = N - 1; i > 0; i--) {
z[i] = z[i - 1];
z[0] = zIn;
return zOut;
double shiftRDdouble(double zIn, double z[], int N) {
int i;
double zOut;
zOut = z[0];
for (i = 0; i < N - 1; i++) {
z[i] = z[i + 1];
z[N - 1] = zIn;
return (zOut);
double shiftRdouble(double zIn, double z[], int N) {
int i;
double zOut;
zOut = z[N - 1];
for (i = N - 1; i > 0; i--) {
z[i] = z[i - 1];
z[0] = zIn;
return zOut;
double shiftLDouble(double zIn, double z[], int N) {
int i;
double zOut;
zOut = z[0];
for (i = 0; i < N - 1; i++) {
z[i] = z[i + 1];
z[N - 1] = zIn;
return (zOut);
void shiftLboth(float zfIn, float zf[], fxp_t zIn, fxp_t z[], int N) {
int i;
fxp_t zOut;
float zfOut;
zOut = z[0];
zfOut = zf[0];
for (i = 0; i < N - 1; i++) {
z[i] = z[i + 1];
zf[i] = zf[i + 1];
z[N - 1] = zIn;
zf[N - 1] = zfIn;
void shiftRboth(float zfIn, float zf[], fxp_t zIn, fxp_t z[], int N) {
int i;
fxp_t zOut;
float zfOut;
zOut = z[N - 1];
zfOut = zf[N - 1];
for (i = N - 1; i > 0; i--) {
z[i] = z[i - 1];
zf[i] = zf[i - 1];
z[0] = zIn;
zf[0] = zfIn;
int order(int Na, int Nb) {
return Na > Nb ? Na - 1 : Nb - 1;
void fxp_check_limit_cycle(fxp_t y[], int y_size){
fxp_t reference = y[y_size - 1];
int idx = 0;
int window_size = 1;
for(idx = (y_size-2); idx >= 0; idx--){
if (y[idx] != reference){
__DSVERIFIER_assume(window_size != y_size && window_size != 1);
printf("window_size %d\n", window_size);
int desired_elements = 2 * window_size;
int found_elements = 0;
for(idx = (y_size-1); idx >= 0; idx--){
if (idx > (y_size-window_size-1)){
printf("%.0f == %.0f\n", y[idx], y[idx-window_size]);
int cmp_idx = idx - window_size;
if ((cmp_idx > 0) && (y[idx] == y[idx-window_size])){
found_elements = found_elements + 2;
__DSVERIFIER_assume(found_elements > 0);
printf("desired_elements %d\n", desired_elements);
printf("found_elements %d\n", found_elements);
__DSVERIFIER_assume(found_elements == desired_elements);
void fxp_check_persistent_limit_cycle(fxp_t * y, int y_size){
int idy = 0;
int count_same = 0;
int window_size = 0;
fxp_t reference = y[0];
for(idy = 0; idy < y_size; idy++){
if (y[idy] != reference){
} else if (window_size != 0){
} else {
window_size += count_same;
__DSVERIFIER_assume(window_size > 1 && window_size <= y_size/2);
fxp_t lco_elements[window_size];
for(idy = 0; idy < y_size; idy++){
if (idy < window_size){
lco_elements[idy] = y[idy];
idy = 0;
int lco_idy = 0;
_Bool is_persistent = 0;
while (idy < y_size){
if(y[idy++] == lco_elements[lco_idy++]){
is_persistent = 1;
is_persistent = 0;
if (lco_idy == window_size){
lco_idy = 0;
__DSVERIFIER_assert(is_persistent == 0);
void fxp_check_oscillations(fxp_t y[] , int y_size){
__DSVERIFIER_assume((y[0] != y[y_size - 1]) && (y[y_size - 1] != y[y_size - 2]));
int window_timer = 0;
int window_count = 0;
int i, j;
for (i = 2; i < y_size; i++){
int window_size = i;
for(j=0; j<y_size; j++){
if (window_timer > window_size){
window_timer = 0;
window_count = 0;
int window_index = j + window_size;
if (window_index < y_size){
if (y[j] == y[window_index]){
__DSVERIFIER_assert(!(window_count == window_size));
int fxp_ln(int x) {
int t, y;
y = 0xa65af;
if (x < 0x00008000)
x <<= 16, y -= 0xb1721;
if (x < 0x00800000)
x <<= 8, y -= 0x58b91;
if (x < 0x08000000)
x <<= 4, y -= 0x2c5c8;
if (x < 0x20000000)
x <<= 2, y -= 0x162e4;
if (x < 0x40000000)
x <<= 1, y -= 0x0b172;
t = x + (x >> 1);
if ((t & 0x80000000) == 0)
x = t, y -= 0x067cd;
t = x + (x >> 2);
if ((t & 0x80000000) == 0)
x = t, y -= 0x03920;
t = x + (x >> 3);
if ((t & 0x80000000) == 0)
x = t, y -= 0x01e27;
t = x + (x >> 4);
if ((t & 0x80000000) == 0)
x = t, y -= 0x00f85;
t = x + (x >> 5);
if ((t & 0x80000000) == 0)
x = t, y -= 0x007e1;
t = x + (x >> 6);
if ((t & 0x80000000) == 0)
x = t, y -= 0x003f8;
t = x + (x >> 7);
if ((t & 0x80000000) == 0)
x = t, y -= 0x001fe;
x = 0x80000000 - x;
y -= x >> 15;
return y;
double fxp_log10_low(double x) {
int xint = (int) (x * 65536.0 + 0.5);
int lnum = fxp_ln(xint);
int lden = fxp_ln(655360);
return ((double) lnum / (double) lden);
double fxp_log10(double x) {
if (x > 32767.0) {
if (x > 1073676289.0) {
x = x / 1073676289.0;
return fxp_log10_low(x) + 9.030873362;
x = x / 32767.0;
return fxp_log10_low(x) + 4.515436681;
return fxp_log10_low(x);
float snrVariance(float s[], float n[], int blksz) {
int i;
double sm = 0, nm = 0, sv = 0, nv = 0, snr;
for (i = 0; i < blksz; i++) {
sm += s[i];
nm += n[i];
sm /= blksz;
nm /= blksz;
for (i = 0; i < blksz; i++) {
sv += (s[i] - sm) * (s[i] - sm);
nv += (n[i] - nm) * (n[i] - nm);
if (nv != 0.0f) {
# 373 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/functions.h" 3 4
((void) sizeof ((
# 373 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/functions.h"
sv >= nv
# 373 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/functions.h" 3 4
) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ ({ if (
# 373 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/functions.h"
sv >= nv
# 373 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/functions.h" 3 4
) ; else __assert_fail (
# 373 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/functions.h"
"sv >= nv"
# 373 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/functions.h" 3 4
, "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/functions.h", 373, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }))
# 373 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/functions.h"
snr = sv / nv;
return snr;
} else {
return 9999.9f;
float snrPower(float s[], float n[], int blksz) {
int i;
double sv = 0, nv = 0, snr;
for (i = 0; i < blksz; i++) {
sv += s[i] * s[i];
nv += n[i] * n[i];
if (nv != 0.0f) {
# 394 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/functions.h" 3 4
((void) sizeof ((
# 394 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/functions.h"
sv >= nv
# 394 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/functions.h" 3 4
) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ ({ if (
# 394 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/functions.h"
sv >= nv
# 394 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/functions.h" 3 4
) ; else __assert_fail (
# 394 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/functions.h"
"sv >= nv"
# 394 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/functions.h" 3 4
, "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/functions.h", 394, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }))
# 394 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/functions.h"
snr = sv / nv;
return snr;
} else {
return 9999.9f;
float snrPoint(float s[], float n[], int blksz) {
int i;
double ratio = 0, power = 0;
for (i = 0; i < blksz; i++) {
if(n[i] == 0) continue;
ratio = s[i] / n[i];
if(ratio > 150.0f || ratio < -150.0f) continue;
power = ratio * ratio;
# 412 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/functions.h" 3 4
((void) sizeof ((
# 412 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/functions.h"
power >= 1.0f
# 412 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/functions.h" 3 4
) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ ({ if (
# 412 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/functions.h"
power >= 1.0f
# 412 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/functions.h" 3 4
) ; else __assert_fail (
# 412 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/functions.h"
"power >= 1.0f"
# 412 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/functions.h" 3 4
, "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/functions.h", 412, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }))
# 412 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/functions.h"
return 9999.9f;
unsigned long next = 1;
int rand(void)
next = next*1103515245 + 12345;
return (unsigned int)(next/65536) % 32768;
void srand(unsigned int seed)
next = seed;
float iirIIOutTime(float w[], float x, float a[], float b[], int Na, int Nb) {
int timer1 = 0;
float *a_ptr, *b_ptr, *w_ptr;
float sum = 0;
a_ptr = &a[1];
b_ptr = &b[0];
w_ptr = &w[1];
int k, j;
timer1 += 71;
for (j = 1; j < Na; j++) {
w[0] -= *a_ptr++ * *w_ptr++;
timer1 += 54;
w[0] += x;
w_ptr = &w[0];
for (k = 0; k < Nb; k++) {
sum += *b_ptr++ * *w_ptr++;
timer1 += 46;
timer1 += 38;
# 450 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/functions.h" 3 4
((void) sizeof ((
# 450 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/functions.h"
(double)timer1*1 / 16000000 <= (double)1 / 100
# 450 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/functions.h" 3 4
) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ ({ if (
# 450 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/functions.h"
(double)timer1*1 / 16000000 <= (double)1 / 100
# 450 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/functions.h" 3 4
) ; else __assert_fail (
# 450 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/functions.h"
"(double)timer1*CYCLE <= (double)DEADLINE"
# 450 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/functions.h" 3 4
, "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/functions.h", 450, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }))
# 450 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/functions.h"
return sum;
float iirIItOutTime(float w[], float x, float a[], float b[], int Na, int Nb) {
int timer1 = 0;
float *a_ptr, *b_ptr;
float yout = 0;
a_ptr = &a[1];
b_ptr = &b[0];
int Nw = Na > Nb ? Na : Nb;
yout = (*b_ptr++ * x) + w[0];
int j;
timer1 += 105;
for (j = 0; j < Nw - 1; j++) {
w[j] = w[j + 1];
if (j < Na - 1) {
w[j] -= *a_ptr++ * yout;
timer1 += 41;
if (j < Nb - 1) {
w[j] += *b_ptr++ * x;
timer1 += 38;
timer1 += 54;
timer1 += 7;
# 477 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/functions.h" 3 4
((void) sizeof ((
# 477 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/functions.h"
(double)timer1*1 / 16000000 <= (double)1 / 100
# 477 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/functions.h" 3 4
) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ ({ if (
# 477 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/functions.h"
(double)timer1*1 / 16000000 <= (double)1 / 100
# 477 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/functions.h" 3 4
) ; else __assert_fail (
# 477 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/functions.h"
"(double)timer1*CYCLE <= (double)DEADLINE"
# 477 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/functions.h" 3 4
, "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/functions.h", 477, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }))
# 477 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/functions.h"
return yout;
double iirIItOutTime_double(double w[], double x, double a[], double b[], int Na, int Nb) {
int timer1 = 0;
double *a_ptr, *b_ptr;
double yout = 0;
a_ptr = &a[1];
b_ptr = &b[0];
int Nw = Na > Nb ? Na : Nb;
yout = (*b_ptr++ * x) + w[0];
int j;
timer1 += 105;
for (j = 0; j < Nw - 1; j++) {
w[j] = w[j + 1];
if (j < Na - 1) {
w[j] -= *a_ptr++ * yout;
timer1 += 41;
if (j < Nb - 1) {
w[j] += *b_ptr++ * x;
timer1 += 38;
timer1 += 54;
timer1 += 7;
# 504 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/functions.h" 3 4
((void) sizeof ((
# 504 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/functions.h"
(double)timer1*1 / 16000000 <= (double)1 / 100
# 504 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/functions.h" 3 4
) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ ({ if (
# 504 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/functions.h"
(double)timer1*1 / 16000000 <= (double)1 / 100
# 504 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/functions.h" 3 4
) ; else __assert_fail (
# 504 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/functions.h"
"(double)timer1*CYCLE <= (double)DEADLINE"
# 504 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/functions.h" 3 4
, "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/functions.h", 504, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }))
# 504 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/functions.h"
return yout;
void iirOutBoth(float yf[], float xf[], float af[], float bf[], float *sumf_ref,
fxp_t y[], fxp_t x[], fxp_t a[], fxp_t b[], fxp_t *sum_ref, int Na, int Nb) {
fxp_t *a_ptr, *y_ptr, *b_ptr, *x_ptr;
float *af_ptr, *yf_ptr, *bf_ptr, *xf_ptr;
fxp_t sum = 0;
float sumf = 0;
a_ptr = &a[1];
y_ptr = &y[Na - 1];
b_ptr = &b[0];
x_ptr = &x[Nb - 1];
af_ptr = &af[1];
yf_ptr = &yf[Na - 1];
bf_ptr = &bf[0];
xf_ptr = &xf[Nb - 1];
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < Nb; i++) {
sum = fxp_add(sum, fxp_mult(*b_ptr++, *x_ptr--));
sumf += *bf_ptr++ * *xf_ptr--;
for (j = 1; j < Na; j++) {
sum = fxp_sub(sum, fxp_mult(*a_ptr++, *y_ptr--));
sumf -= *af_ptr++ * *yf_ptr--;
*sum_ref = sum;
*sumf_ref = sumf;
fxp_t iirOutFixedL(fxp_t y[], fxp_t x[], fxp_t xin, fxp_t a[], fxp_t b[], int Na, int Nb) {
fxp_t *a_ptr, *y_ptr, *b_ptr, *x_ptr;
fxp_t sum = 0;
a_ptr = &a[Na - 1];
y_ptr = &y[1];
b_ptr = &b[Nb - 1];
x_ptr = &x[0];
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < Nb - 1; i++) {
x[i] = x[i+1];
sum = fxp_add(sum, fxp_mult(*b_ptr--, *x_ptr++));
x[Nb - 1] = xin;
sum = fxp_add(sum, fxp_mult(*b_ptr--, *x_ptr++));
for (j = 1; j < Na - 1; j++) {
sum = fxp_sub(sum, fxp_mult(*a_ptr--, *y_ptr++));
y[j] = y[j+1];
if(Na>1) sum = fxp_sub(sum, fxp_mult(*a_ptr--, *y_ptr++));
y[Na - 1] = sum;
return sum;
float iirOutFloatL(float y[], float x[], float xin, float a[], float b[], int Na, int Nb) {
float *a_ptr, *y_ptr, *b_ptr, *x_ptr;
float sum = 0;
a_ptr = &a[Na - 1];
y_ptr = &y[1];
b_ptr = &b[Nb - 1];
x_ptr = &x[0];
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < Nb - 1; i++) {
x[i] = x[i+1];
sum += *b_ptr-- * *x_ptr++;
x[Nb - 1] = xin;
sum += *b_ptr-- * *x_ptr++;
for (j = 1; j < Na - 1; j++) {
sum -= *a_ptr-- * *y_ptr++;
y[j] = y[j+1];
if(Na>1) sum -= *a_ptr-- * *y_ptr++;
y[Na - 1] = sum;
return sum;
float iirOutBothL(float yf[], float xf[], float af[], float bf[], float xfin,
fxp_t y[], fxp_t x[], fxp_t a[], fxp_t b[], fxp_t xin, int Na, int Nb) {
fxp_t *a_ptr, *y_ptr, *b_ptr, *x_ptr;
fxp_t sum = 0;
a_ptr = &a[Na - 1];
y_ptr = &y[1];
b_ptr = &b[Nb - 1];
x_ptr = &x[0];
float *af_ptr, *yf_ptr, *bf_ptr, *xf_ptr;
float sumf = 0;
af_ptr = &af[Na - 1];
yf_ptr = &yf[1];
bf_ptr = &bf[Nb - 1];
xf_ptr = &xf[0];
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < Nb - 1; i++) {
x[i] = x[i+1];
sum = fxp_add(sum, fxp_mult(*b_ptr--, *x_ptr++));
xf[i] = xf[i+1];
sumf += *bf_ptr-- * *xf_ptr++;
x[Nb - 1] = xin;
sum = fxp_add(sum, fxp_mult(*b_ptr--, *x_ptr++));
xf[Nb - 1] = xfin;
sumf += *bf_ptr-- * *xf_ptr++;
for (j = 1; j < Na - 1; j++) {
sum = fxp_sub(sum, fxp_mult(*a_ptr--, *y_ptr++));
y[j] = y[j+1];
sumf -= *af_ptr-- * *yf_ptr++;
yf[j] = yf[j+1];
if(Na>1) sum = fxp_sub(sum, fxp_mult(*a_ptr--, *y_ptr++));
y[Na - 1] = sum;
if(Na>1) sumf -= *af_ptr-- * *yf_ptr++;
yf[Na - 1] = sumf;
return fxp_to_float(sum) - sumf;
float iirOutBothL2(float yf[], float xf[], float af[], float bf[], float xfin,
fxp_t y[], fxp_t x[], fxp_t a[], fxp_t b[], fxp_t xin, int Na, int Nb) {
fxp_t *a_ptr, *y_ptr, *b_ptr, *x_ptr;
fxp_t sum = 0;
a_ptr = &a[Na - 1];
y_ptr = &y[1];
b_ptr = &b[Nb - 1];
x_ptr = &x[0];
float *af_ptr, *yf_ptr, *bf_ptr, *xf_ptr;
float sumf = 0;
af_ptr = &af[Na - 1];
yf_ptr = &yf[1];
bf_ptr = &bf[Nb - 1];
xf_ptr = &xf[0];
int i=0, j=1;
for (i = 0; i < Nb - 1; i++) {
x[i] = x[i+1];
sum = fxp_add(sum, fxp_mult(b[Nb - 1 - i], x[i]));
xf[i] = xf[i+1];
sumf += bf[Nb - 1 - i] * xf[i];
x[Nb - 1] = xin;
sum = fxp_add(sum, fxp_mult(b[Nb - 1 - i], x[i]));
xf[Nb - 1] = xfin;
sumf += bf[Nb - 1 - i] * xf[i];
for (j = 1; j < Na - 1; j++) {
sum = fxp_sub(sum, fxp_mult(a[Na - j], y[j]));
y[j] = y[j+1];
sumf -= af[Na - j] * yf[j];
yf[j] = yf[j+1];
if(Na>1) sum = fxp_sub(sum, fxp_mult(a[Na - j], y[j]));
y[Na - 1] = sum;
if(Na>1) sumf -= af[Na - j] * yf[j];
yf[Na - 1] = sumf;
return fxp_to_float(sum) - sumf;
# 25 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/dsverifier.h" 2
# 1 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/realizations.h" 1
# 19 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/realizations.h"
extern digital_system ds;
extern hardware hw;
extern int generic_timer;
fxp_t fxp_direct_form_1(fxp_t y[], fxp_t x[], fxp_t a[], fxp_t b[], int Na, int Nb) {
fxp_t *a_ptr, *y_ptr, *b_ptr, *x_ptr;
fxp_t sum = 0;
a_ptr = &a[1];
y_ptr = &y[Na - 1];
b_ptr = &b[0];
x_ptr = &x[Nb - 1];
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < Nb; i++) {
sum = fxp_add(sum, fxp_mult(*b_ptr++, *x_ptr--));
for (j = 1; j < Na; j++) {
sum = fxp_sub(sum, fxp_mult(*a_ptr++, *y_ptr--));
fxp_verify_overflow_node(sum, "An Overflow Occurred in the node a0");
sum = fxp_div(sum,a[0]);
return fxp_quantize(sum);
fxp_t fxp_direct_form_2(fxp_t w[], fxp_t x, fxp_t a[], fxp_t b[], int Na, int Nb) {
fxp_t *a_ptr, *b_ptr, *w_ptr;
fxp_t sum = 0;
a_ptr = &a[1];
b_ptr = &b[0];
w_ptr = &w[1];
int k, j;
for (j = 1; j < Na; j++) {
w[0] = fxp_sub(w[0], fxp_mult(*a_ptr++, *w_ptr++));
w[0] = fxp_add(w[0], x);
w[0] = fxp_div(w[0], a[0]);
fxp_verify_overflow_node(w[0], "An Overflow Occurred in the node b0");
w_ptr = &w[0];
for (k = 0; k < Nb; k++) {
sum = fxp_add(sum, fxp_mult(*b_ptr++, *w_ptr++));
return fxp_quantize(sum);
fxp_t fxp_transposed_direct_form_2(fxp_t w[], fxp_t x, fxp_t a[], fxp_t b[], int Na, int Nb) {
fxp_t *a_ptr, *b_ptr;
fxp_t yout = 0;
a_ptr = &a[1];
b_ptr = &b[0];
int Nw = Na > Nb ? Na : Nb;
yout = fxp_add(fxp_mult(*b_ptr++, x), w[0]);
yout = fxp_div(yout, a[0]);
int j;
for (j = 0; j < Nw - 1; j++) {
w[j] = w[j + 1];
if (j < Na - 1) {
w[j] = fxp_sub(w[j], fxp_mult(*a_ptr++, yout));
if (j < Nb - 1) {
w[j] = fxp_add(w[j], fxp_mult(*b_ptr++, x));
fxp_verify_overflow_node(w[j], "An Overflow Occurred in the node a0");
return fxp_quantize(yout);
double double_direct_form_1(double y[], double x[], double a[], double b[], int Na, int Nb) {
double *a_ptr, *y_ptr, *b_ptr, *x_ptr;
double sum = 0;
a_ptr = &a[1];
y_ptr = &y[Na - 1];
b_ptr = &b[0];
x_ptr = &x[Nb - 1];
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < Nb; i++) {
sum += *b_ptr++ * *x_ptr--;
for (j = 1; j < Na; j++) {
sum -= *a_ptr++ * *y_ptr--;
sum = (sum / a[0]);
return sum;
double double_direct_form_2(double w[], double x, double a[], double b[], int Na, int Nb) {
double *a_ptr, *b_ptr, *w_ptr;
double sum = 0;
a_ptr = &a[1];
b_ptr = &b[0];
w_ptr = &w[1];
int k, j;
for (j = 1; j < Na; j++) {
w[0] -= *a_ptr++ * *w_ptr++;
w[0] += x;
w[0] = w[0] / a[0];
w_ptr = &w[0];
for (k = 0; k < Nb; k++) {
sum += *b_ptr++ * *w_ptr++;
return sum;
double double_transposed_direct_form_2(double w[], double x, double a[], double b[], int Na, int Nb) {
double *a_ptr, *b_ptr;
double yout = 0;
a_ptr = &a[1];
b_ptr = &b[0];
int Nw = Na > Nb ? Na : Nb;
yout = (*b_ptr++ * x) + w[0];
yout = yout / a[0];
int j;
for (j = 0; j < Nw - 1; j++) {
w[j] = w[j + 1];
if (j < Na - 1) {
w[j] -= *a_ptr++ * yout;
if (j < Nb - 1) {
w[j] += *b_ptr++ * x;
return yout;
float float_direct_form_1(float y[], float x[], float a[], float b[], int Na, int Nb) {
float *a_ptr, *y_ptr, *b_ptr, *x_ptr;
float sum = 0;
a_ptr = &a[1];
y_ptr = &y[Na - 1];
b_ptr = &b[0];
x_ptr = &x[Nb - 1];
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < Nb; i++) {
sum += *b_ptr++ * *x_ptr--;
for (j = 1; j < Na; j++) {
sum -= *a_ptr++ * *y_ptr--;
sum = (sum / a[0]);
return sum;
float float_direct_form_2(float w[], float x, float a[], float b[], int Na, int Nb) {
float *a_ptr, *b_ptr, *w_ptr;
float sum = 0;
a_ptr = &a[1];
b_ptr = &b[0];
w_ptr = &w[1];
int k, j;
for (j = 1; j < Na; j++) {
w[0] -= *a_ptr++ * *w_ptr++;
w[0] += x;
w[0] = w[0] / a[0];
w_ptr = &w[0];
for (k = 0; k < Nb; k++) {
sum += *b_ptr++ * *w_ptr++;
return sum;
float float_transposed_direct_form_2(float w[], float x, float a[], float b[], int Na, int Nb) {
float *a_ptr, *b_ptr;
float yout = 0;
a_ptr = &a[1];
b_ptr = &b[0];
int Nw = Na > Nb ? Na : Nb;
yout = (*b_ptr++ * x) + w[0];
yout = yout / a[0];
int j;
for (j = 0; j < Nw - 1; j++) {
w[j] = w[j + 1];
if (j < Na - 1) {
w[j] -= *a_ptr++ * yout;
if (j < Nb - 1) {
w[j] += *b_ptr++ * x;
return yout;
double double_direct_form_1_MSP430(double y[], double x[], double a[], double b[], int Na, int Nb){
int timer1 = 0;
double *a_ptr, *y_ptr, *b_ptr, *x_ptr;
double sum = 0;
a_ptr = &a[1];
y_ptr = &y[Na-1];
b_ptr = &b[0];
x_ptr = &x[Nb-1];
int i, j;
timer1 += 91;
for (i = 0; i < Nb; i++){
sum += *b_ptr++ * *x_ptr--;
timer1 += 47;
for (j = 1; j < Na; j++){
sum -= *a_ptr++ * *y_ptr--;
timer1 += 57;
timer1 += 3;
# 235 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/realizations.h" 3 4
((void) sizeof ((
# 235 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/realizations.h"
(double) timer1 * hw.cycle <= ds.sample_time
# 235 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/realizations.h" 3 4
) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ ({ if (
# 235 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/realizations.h"
(double) timer1 * hw.cycle <= ds.sample_time
# 235 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/realizations.h" 3 4
) ; else __assert_fail (
# 235 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/realizations.h"
"(double) timer1 * hw.cycle <= ds.sample_time"
# 235 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/realizations.h" 3 4
, "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/realizations.h", 235, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }))
# 235 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/realizations.h"
return sum;
double double_direct_form_2_MSP430(double w[], double x, double a[], double b[], int Na, int Nb) {
int timer1 = 0;
double *a_ptr, *b_ptr, *w_ptr;
double sum = 0;
a_ptr = &a[1];
b_ptr = &b[0];
w_ptr = &w[1];
int k, j;
timer1 += 71;
for (j = 1; j < Na; j++) {
w[0] -= *a_ptr++ * *w_ptr++;
timer1 += 54;
w[0] += x;
w[0] = w[0] / a[0];
w_ptr = &w[0];
for (k = 0; k < Nb; k++) {
sum += *b_ptr++ * *w_ptr++;
timer1 += 46;
timer1 += 38;
# 262 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/realizations.h" 3 4
((void) sizeof ((
# 262 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/realizations.h"
(double) timer1 * hw.cycle <= ds.sample_time
# 262 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/realizations.h" 3 4
) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ ({ if (
# 262 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/realizations.h"
(double) timer1 * hw.cycle <= ds.sample_time
# 262 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/realizations.h" 3 4
) ; else __assert_fail (
# 262 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/realizations.h"
"(double) timer1 * hw.cycle <= ds.sample_time"
# 262 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/realizations.h" 3 4
, "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/realizations.h", 262, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }))
# 262 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/realizations.h"
return sum;
double double_transposed_direct_form_2_MSP430(double w[], double x, double a[], double b[], int Na, int Nb) {
int timer1 = 0;
double *a_ptr, *b_ptr;
double yout = 0;
a_ptr = &a[1];
b_ptr = &b[0];
int Nw = Na > Nb ? Na : Nb;
yout = (*b_ptr++ * x) + w[0];
int j;
timer1 += 105;
for (j = 0; j < Nw - 1; j++) {
w[j] = w[j + 1];
if (j < Na - 1) {
w[j] -= *a_ptr++ * yout;
timer1 += 41;
if (j < Nb - 1) {
w[j] += *b_ptr++ * x;
timer1 += 38;
timer1 += 54;
timer1 += 7;
# 291 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/realizations.h" 3 4
((void) sizeof ((
# 291 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/realizations.h"
(double) timer1 * hw.cycle <= ds.sample_time
# 291 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/realizations.h" 3 4
) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ ({ if (
# 291 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/realizations.h"
(double) timer1 * hw.cycle <= ds.sample_time
# 291 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/realizations.h" 3 4
) ; else __assert_fail (
# 291 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/realizations.h"
"(double) timer1 * hw.cycle <= ds.sample_time"
# 291 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/realizations.h" 3 4
, "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/realizations.h", 291, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }))
# 291 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/realizations.h"
return yout;
double generic_timing_double_direct_form_1(double y[], double x[], double a[], double b[], int Na, int Nb){
generic_timer += ((6 * hw.assembly.push) + (3 * + (1 * hw.assembly.sbiw) + (1 * hw.assembly.cli) + (3 * hw.assembly.out) + (12 * hw.assembly.std));
double *a_ptr, *y_ptr, *b_ptr, *x_ptr;
double sum = 0;
a_ptr = &a[1];
y_ptr = &y[Na-1];
b_ptr = &b[0];
x_ptr = &x[Nb-1];
generic_timer += ((12 * hw.assembly.std) + (12 * hw.assembly.ldd) + (2 * hw.assembly.subi) + (2 * hw.assembly.sbci) + (4 * hw.assembly.lsl) + (4 * hw.assembly.rol) + (2 * hw.assembly.add) + (2 * hw.assembly.adc) + (1 * hw.assembly.adiw));
int i, j;
generic_timer += ((2 * hw.assembly.std) + (1 * hw.assembly.rjmp));
for (i = 0; i < Nb; i++){
generic_timer += ((20 * hw.assembly.ldd) + (24 * + (2 * hw.assembly.subi) + (1 * hw.assembly.sbci) + (1 * hw.assembly.sbc) + (10 * hw.assembly.std) + (2 * hw.assembly.ld) + (2 * hw.assembly.rcall) + (1 * hw.assembly.adiw) + (1 * hw.assembly.cp) + (1 * hw.assembly.cpc) + (1 * hw.assembly.adiw) + (1 * hw.assembly.brge) + (1 * hw.assembly.rjmp));
sum += *b_ptr++ * *x_ptr--;
generic_timer += ((2 * hw.assembly.ldi) + (2 * hw.assembly.std) + (1 * hw.assembly.rjmp));
for (j = 1; j < Na; j++){
generic_timer += ((22 * hw.assembly.ldd) + (24 * + (2 * hw.assembly.subi) + (8 * hw.assembly.std) + (1 * hw.assembly.sbci) + (2 * hw.assembly.ld) + (2 * hw.assembly.rcall) + (1 * hw.assembly.sbc) + (1 * hw.assembly.adiw) + (1 * hw.assembly.cp) + (1 * hw.assembly.cpc) + (1 * hw.assembly.adiw) + (1 * hw.assembly.brge) + (1 * hw.assembly.rjmp));
sum -= *a_ptr++ * *y_ptr--;
generic_timer += ((4 * hw.assembly.ldd) + (4 * + (1 * hw.assembly.adiw) + (1 * + (1 * hw.assembly.cli) + (3 * hw.assembly.out) + (6 * hw.assembly.pop) + (1 * hw.assembly.ret));
return sum;
double generic_timing_double_direct_form_2(double w[], double x, double a[], double b[], int Na, int Nb) {
generic_timer += ((8 * hw.assembly.push) + (14 * hw.assembly.std) + (3 * hw.assembly.out) + (3 * + (1 * hw.assembly.sbiw) + (1 * hw.assembly.cli));
double *a_ptr, *b_ptr, *w_ptr;
double sum = 0;
a_ptr = &a[1];
b_ptr = &b[0];
w_ptr = &w[1];
int k, j;
generic_timer += ((10 * hw.assembly.std) + (6 * hw.assembly.ldd) + (2 * hw.assembly.adiw));
generic_timer += ((2 * hw.assembly.ldi) + (2 * hw.assembly.std) + (1 * hw.assembly.rjmp));
for (j = 1; j < Na; j++) {
w[0] -= *a_ptr++ * *w_ptr++;
generic_timer += ((23 * hw.assembly.ldd) + (32 * + (9 * hw.assembly.std) + (2 * hw.assembly.subi) + (3 * hw.assembly.ld) + (2 * hw.assembly.rcall) + (2 * hw.assembly.sbci) + (1 * + (1 * hw.assembly.adiw) + (1 * hw.assembly.cp) + (1 * hw.assembly.cpc) + (1 * hw.assembly.brge));
w[0] += x;
w_ptr = &w[0];
generic_timer += ((13 * hw.assembly.ldd) + (12 * + (5 * hw.assembly.std) + (1 * + (1 * hw.assembly.ld) + (1 * hw.assembly.rcall));
generic_timer += ((2 * hw.assembly.std) + (1 * hw.assembly.rjmp));
for (k = 0; k < Nb; k++) {
sum += *b_ptr++ * *w_ptr++;
generic_timer += ((20 * hw.assembly.ldd) + (24 * + (10 * hw.assembly.std) + (2 * hw.assembly.rcall) + (2 * hw.assembly.ld) + (2 * hw.assembly.subi) + (2 * hw.assembly.sbci) + (1 * hw.assembly.adiw) + (1 * hw.assembly.cp) + (1 * hw.assembly.cpc) + (1 * hw.assembly.brge) + (1 * hw.assembly.rjmp));
generic_timer += ((4 * hw.assembly.ldd) + (4 * + (1 * hw.assembly.adiw) + (1 * + (1 * hw.assembly.cli) + (3 * hw.assembly.out) + (8 * hw.assembly.pop) + (1 * hw.assembly.ret));
return sum;
double generic_timing_double_transposed_direct_form_2(double w[], double x, double a[], double b[], int Na, int Nb) {
generic_timer += ((8 * hw.assembly.push) + (14 * hw.assembly.std) + (3 * hw.assembly.out) + (3 * + (1 * hw.assembly.sbiw) + (1 * hw.assembly.cli));
double *a_ptr, *b_ptr;
double yout = 0;
a_ptr = &a[1];
b_ptr = &b[0];
int Nw = Na > Nb ? Na : Nb;
yout = (*b_ptr++ * x) + w[0];
int j;
generic_timer += ((15 * hw.assembly.std) + (22 * hw.assembly.ldd) + (24 * + (2 * hw.assembly.rcall) + (2 * hw.assembly.ld) + (1 * hw.assembly.cp) + (1 * hw.assembly.cpc) + (1 * hw.assembly.subi) + (1 * hw.assembly.sbci) + (1 * hw.assembly.brge) + (1 * hw.assembly.adiw));
generic_timer += ((2 * hw.assembly.std) + (1 * hw.assembly.rjmp));
for (j = 0; j < Nw - 1; j++) {
w[j] = w[j + 1];
if (j < Na - 1) {
w[j] -= *a_ptr++ * yout;
if (j < Nb - 1) {
w[j] += *b_ptr++ * x;
generic_timer += ((70 * + (65 * hw.assembly.ldd) + (12 * hw.assembly.lsl) + (12 * hw.assembly.rol) + (15 * hw.assembly.std) + (6 * hw.assembly.add) + (6 * hw.assembly.adc) + (2 * hw.assembly.adiw) + (3 * hw.assembly.cpc) + (3 * hw.assembly.cp) + (5 * hw.assembly.ld) + (4 * hw.assembly.rcall) + (5 * hw.assembly.subi) + (3 * hw.assembly.rjmp) + (2 * hw.assembly.brlt) + (3 * + (2 * hw.assembly.sbci) + (3 * hw.assembly.sbc) + (1 * hw.assembly.brge));
generic_timer += ((4 * hw.assembly.ldd) + (4 * + (8 * hw.assembly.pop) + (3 * hw.assembly.out) + (1 * + (1 * hw.assembly.cli) + (1 * hw.assembly.adiw) + (1 * hw.assembly.ret));
return yout;
void double_direct_form_1_impl2(double x[], int x_size, double b[], int b_size, double a[], int a_size, double y[]){
int i = 0; int j = 0;
double v[x_size];
for(i = 0; i < x_size; i++){
v[i] = 0;
for(j = 0; j < b_size; j++){
if (j > i) break;
v[i] = v[i] + x[i-j] * b[j];
y[0] = v[0];
for(i = 1; i < x_size; i++){
y[i] = 0;
y[i] = y[i] + v[i];
for(j = 1; j < a_size; j++){
if (j > i) break;
y[i] = y[i] + y[i-j] * ((-1) * a[j]);
void fxp_direct_form_1_impl2(fxp_t x[], int x_size, fxp_t b[], int b_size, fxp_t a[], int a_size, fxp_t y[]){
int i = 0; int j = 0;
fxp_t v[x_size];
for(i = 0; i < x_size; i++){
v[i] = 0;
for(j = 0; j < b_size; j++){
if (j > i) break;
v[i] = fxp_add(v[i], fxp_mult(x[i-j], b[j]));
y[0] = v[0];
for(i = 1; i < x_size; i++){
y[i] = 0;
y[i] = fxp_add(y[i], v[i]);
for(j = 1; j < a_size; j++){
if (j > i) break;
y[i] = fxp_add(y[i], fxp_mult(y[i-j] , -a[j]));
# 26 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/dsverifier.h" 2
# 1 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/delta-operator.h" 1
# 19 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/delta-operator.h"
# 1 "/usr/include/assert.h" 1 3 4
# 20 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/delta-operator.h" 2
# 1 "/usr/include/assert.h" 1 3 4
# 23 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/delta-operator.h" 2
int nchoosek(int n, int k){
if (k == 0)
return 1;
return (n * nchoosek(n - 1, k - 1)) / k;
void generate_delta_coefficients(double vetor[], double out[], int n, double delta){
int i,j;
int N = n - 1;
double sum_delta_operator;
for(i=0; i<=N; i++)
sum_delta_operator = 0;
for(j=0; j<=i; j++)
sum_delta_operator = sum_delta_operator + vetor[j]*nchoosek(N-j,i-j);
out[i] = internal_pow(delta,N-i)*sum_delta_operator;
void get_delta_transfer_function(double b[], double b_out[], int b_size, double a[], double a_out[], int a_size, double delta){
generate_delta_coefficients(b, b_out, b_size, delta);
generate_delta_coefficients(a, a_out, a_size, delta);
void get_delta_transfer_function_with_base(double b[], double b_out[], int b_size, double a[], double a_out[], int a_size, double delta){
int i,j;
int N = a_size - 1;
int M = b_size - 1;
double sum_delta_operator;
for(i=0; i<=N; i++)
sum_delta_operator = 0;
for(j=0; j<=i; j++)
sum_delta_operator = sum_delta_operator + a[j]*nchoosek(N-j,i-j);
a_out[i] = internal_pow(delta,N-i)*sum_delta_operator;
for(i=0; i<=M; i++)
sum_delta_operator = 0;
for(j=0; j<=i; j++)
sum_delta_operator = sum_delta_operator + b[j]*nchoosek(M-j,i-j);
b_out[i] = internal_pow(delta,M-i)*sum_delta_operator;
# 27 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/dsverifier.h" 2
# 1 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/closed-loop.h" 1
# 28 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/closed-loop.h"
void ft_closedloop_series(double c_num[], int Nc_num, double c_den[], int Nc_den, double model_num[], int Nmodel_num, double model_den[], int Nmodel_den, double ans_num[], int Nans_num, double ans_den[], int Nans_den){
Nans_num = Nc_num + Nmodel_num - 1;
Nans_den = Nc_den + Nmodel_den - 1 ;
double den_mult [Nans_den];
poly_mult(c_num, Nc_num, model_num, Nmodel_num, ans_num, Nans_num);
poly_mult(c_den, Nc_den, model_den, Nmodel_den, den_mult, Nans_den );
poly_sum(ans_num, Nans_num , den_mult, Nans_den , ans_den, Nans_den);
void ft_closedloop_sensitivity(double c_num[], int Nc_num, double c_den[], int Nc_den, double model_num[], int Nmodel_num, double model_den[], int Nmodel_den, double ans_num[], int Nans_num, double ans_den[], int Nans_den){
int Nans_num_p = Nc_num + Nmodel_num-1;
Nans_den = Nc_den + Nmodel_den-1;
Nans_num = Nc_den + Nmodel_den-1;
double num_mult [Nans_num_p];
poly_mult(c_den, Nc_den, model_den, Nmodel_den, ans_num, Nans_num);
poly_mult(c_num, Nc_num, model_num, Nmodel_num, num_mult, Nans_num_p);
poly_sum(ans_num, Nans_num, num_mult, Nans_num_p, ans_den, Nans_den);
void ft_closedloop_feedback(double c_num[], int Nc_num, double c_den[], int Nc_den, double model_num[], int Nmodel_num, double model_den[], int Nmodel_den, double ans_num[], int Nans_num, double ans_den[], int Nans_den){
Nans_num = Nc_den + Nmodel_num - 1;
Nans_den = Nc_den + Nmodel_den - 1;
int Nnum_mult = Nc_num + Nmodel_num - 1;
double den_mult [Nans_den];
double num_mult [Nnum_mult];
poly_mult(c_num, Nc_num, model_num, Nmodel_num, num_mult, Nnum_mult);
poly_mult(c_den, Nc_den, model_den, Nmodel_den, den_mult, Nans_den);
poly_sum(num_mult, Nnum_mult, den_mult, Nans_den, ans_den, Nans_den);
poly_mult(c_den, Nc_den, model_num, Nmodel_num, ans_num, Nans_num);
int check_stability_closedloop(double a[], int n, double plant_num[], int p_num_size, double plant_den[], int p_den_size){
int columns = n;
double m[2 * n - 1][n];
int i,j;
int first_is_positive = 0;
double * p_num = plant_num;
double * p_den = plant_den;
double sum = 0;
for (i=0; i < n; i++){
sum += a[i];
__DSVERIFIER_assert(sum > 0);
sum = 0;
for (i=0; i < n; i++){
sum += a[i] * internal_pow(-1, n-1-i);
sum = sum * internal_pow(-1, n-1);
__DSVERIFIER_assert(sum > 0);
__DSVERIFIER_assert(internal_abs(a[n-1]) < a[0]);
for (i=0; i < 2 * n - 1; i++){
for (j=0; j < columns; j++){
m[i][j] = 0;
if (i == 0){
m[i][j] = a[j];
if (i % 2 != 0 ){
int x;
for(x=0; x<columns;x++){
m[i][x] = m[i-1][columns-x-1];
columns = columns - 1;
j = columns;
__DSVERIFIER_assert(m[i-2][0] > 0);
m[i][j] = m[i-2][j] - (m[i-2][columns] / m[i-2][0]) * m[i-1][j];
__DSVERIFIER_assert((m[0][0] >= 0) && (m[i][0] >= 0));
return 1;
# 28 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/dsverifier.h" 2
# 1 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/initialization.h" 1
# 17 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/initialization.h"
extern digital_system ds;
extern digital_system plant;
extern digital_system control;
extern implementation impl;
extern filter_parameters filter;
extern hardware hw;
void initialization(){
if (impl.frac_bits >= 32){
printf("impl.frac_bits must be less than word width!\n");
if (impl.int_bits >= 32 - impl.frac_bits){
printf("impl.int_bits must be less than word width subtracted by precision!\n");
# 33 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/initialization.h" 3 4
((void) sizeof ((
# 33 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/initialization.h"
# 33 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/initialization.h" 3 4
) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ ({ if (
# 33 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/initialization.h"
# 33 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/initialization.h" 3 4
) ; else __assert_fail (
# 33 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/initialization.h"
# 33 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/initialization.h" 3 4
, "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/initialization.h", 33, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }))
# 33 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/initialization.h"
if(impl.frac_bits >= 31){
_fxp_one = 0x7fffffff;
_fxp_one = (0x00000001 << impl.frac_bits);
_fxp_half = (0x00000001 << (impl.frac_bits - 1));
_fxp_minus_one = -(0x00000001 << impl.frac_bits);
_fxp_min = -(0x00000001 << (impl.frac_bits + impl.int_bits - 1));
_fxp_max = (0x00000001 << (impl.frac_bits + impl.int_bits - 1)) - 1;
_fxp_fmask = ((((int32_t) 1) << impl.frac_bits) - 1);
_fxp_imask = ((0x80000000) >> (32 - impl.frac_bits - 1));
_dbl_min = _fxp_min;
_dbl_min /= (1 << impl.frac_bits);
_dbl_max = _fxp_max;
_dbl_max /= (1 << impl.frac_bits);
if ((impl.scale == 0) || (impl.scale == 1)){
impl.scale = 1;
if (impl.min != 0){
impl.min = impl.min / impl.scale;
if (impl.max != 0){
impl.max = impl.max / impl.scale;
# 80 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/initialization.h"
# 29 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/dsverifier.h" 2
# 1 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/state-space.h" 1
# 19 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/state-space.h"
extern digital_system_state_space _controller;
extern int nStates;
extern int nInputs;
extern int nOutputs;
double double_state_space_representation(void){
double result1[4][4];
double result2[4][4];
int i, j;
for(i=0; i<4;i++){
for(j=0; j<4;j++){
return _controller.outputs[0][0];
double fxp_state_space_representation(void){
fxp_t result1[4][4];
fxp_t result2[4][4];
int i, j;
for(i=0; i<4;i++){
for(j=0; j<4;j++){
fxp_t A_fpx[4][4];
fxp_t B_fpx[4][4];
fxp_t C_fpx[4][4];
fxp_t D_fpx[4][4];
fxp_t states_fpx[4][4];
fxp_t inputs_fpx[4][4];
fxp_t outputs_fpx[4][4];
for(i=0; i<4;i++){
for(j=0; j<4;j++){
for(i=0; i<4;i++){
for(j=0; j<4;j++){
for(i=0; i<4;i++){
for(j=0; j<4;j++){
for(i=0; i<4;i++){
for(j=0; j<4;j++){
for(i=0; i<4;i++){
for(j=0; j<4;j++){
for(i=0; i<4;i++){
for(j=0; j<4;j++){
for(i=0; i<4;i++){
for(j=0; j<4;j++){
for(i=0; i<nStates;i++){
for(j=0; j<nStates;j++){
A_fpx[i][j]= fxp_double_to_fxp(_controller.A[i][j]);
for(i=0; i<nStates;i++){
for(j=0; j<nInputs;j++){
B_fpx[i][j]= fxp_double_to_fxp(_controller.B[i][j]);
for(i=0; i<nOutputs;i++){
for(j=0; j<nStates;j++){
C_fpx[i][j]= fxp_double_to_fxp(_controller.C[i][j]);
for(i=0; i<nOutputs;i++){
for(j=0; j<nInputs;j++){
D_fpx[i][j]= fxp_double_to_fxp(_controller.D[i][j]);
for(i=0; i<nStates;i++){
for(j=0; j<1;j++){
states_fpx[i][j]= fxp_double_to_fxp(_controller.states[i][j]);
for(i=0; i<nInputs;i++){
for(j=0; j<1;j++){
inputs_fpx[i][j]= fxp_double_to_fxp(_controller.inputs[i][j]);
for(i=0; i<nOutputs;i++){
for(j=0; j<1;j++){
outputs_fpx[i][j]= fxp_double_to_fxp(_controller.outputs[i][j]);
for(i=0; i<nStates;i++){
for(j=0; j<1;j++){
_controller.states[i][j]= fxp_to_double(states_fpx[i][j]);
for(i=0; i<nOutputs;i++){
for(j=0; j<1;j++){
_controller.outputs[i][j]= fxp_to_double(outputs_fpx[i][j]);
return _controller.outputs[0][0];
# 30 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/dsverifier.h" 2
# 1 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/filter_functions.h" 1
# 20 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/core/filter_functions.h"
double sinTyl(double x, int precision){
double sine;
double xsquared = x*x;
double aux;
if (precision < 0)
printf("Warning: Function sinTyl from bmc/core/filter_functions.h: "
"Precision must be a positive integer. Assuming 0 precision\n");
precision = 0;
if (precision >= 0)
aux = 0;
sine = aux;
if (precision >= 1)
aux = x;
sine += aux;
if (precision >= 2)
aux = aux*xsquared;
sine -= aux/6;
if (precision >= 3)
aux = aux*xsquared;
sine +=aux/120;
if(precision >=4)
aux = aux*xsquared;
sine -=aux/5040;
if(precision >= 5)
aux = aux*xsquared;
sine +=aux/362880;
if(precision >= 6)
aux = aux*xsquared;
sine -=aux/39916800;
if (precision >= 7)
printf("Warning: Function sinTyl "
"from bmc/core/filter_functions.h: Precision "
"representation exceeded. Assuming maximum precision of 6\n");
return sine;
double cosTyl(double x, int precision){
double cosine;
double xsquared = x*x;
double aux;
if (precision < 0)
printf("Warning: Function cosTyl from bmc/core/filter_functions.h: "
"Precision must be a positive integer. Assuming 0 precision\n");
precision = 0;
if (precision >= 0)
aux = 0;
cosine = aux;
if (precision >= 1)
aux = 1;
cosine = 1;
if (precision >= 2)
aux = xsquared;
cosine -= aux/2;
if (precision >= 3)
aux = aux*xsquared;
cosine += aux/24;
if(precision >=4)
aux = aux*xsquared;
cosine -=aux/720;
if(precision >= 5)
aux = aux*xsquared;
cosine +=aux/40320;
if(precision >= 6)
aux = aux*xsquared;
cosine -=aux/3628800;
if (precision >= 7) printf("Warning: Function sinTyl "
"from bmc/core/filter_functions.h: Precision "
"representation exceeded. Assuming maximum precision of 6\n");
return cosine;
double atanTyl(double x, int precision){
double atangent;
double xsquared = x*x;
double aux;
if (precision < 0)
printf("Warning: Function sinTyl from bmc/core/filter_functions.h: "
"Precision must be a positive integer. Assuming 0 precision\n");
precision = 0;
if (precision >= 0)
aux = 0;
atangent = aux;
if (precision >= 1)
aux = x;
atangent = aux;
if (precision >= 2)
aux = xsquared;
atangent -= aux/3;
if (precision >= 3)
aux = aux*xsquared;
atangent += aux/5;
if(precision >=4)
aux = aux*xsquared;
atangent -=aux/7;
if (precision >= 7)
printf("Warning: Function sinTyl from bmc/core/filter_functions.h: "
"Precision representation exceeded. Assuming maximum precision of 4\n");
return atangent;
float sqrt1(const float x)
const float xhalf = 0.5f*x;
float x;
int i;
} u;
u.x = x;
u.i = 0x5f3759df - (u.i >> 1);
return x*u.x*(1.5f - xhalf*u.x*u.x);
float sqrt2(const float x)
int i;
float x;
} u;
u.x = x;
u.i = (1<<29) + (u.i >> 1) - (1<<22);
return u.x;
float fabsolut(float x)
if (x < 0)
x = -x;
return x;
static float sqrt3(float val)
float x = val/10;
float dx;
double diff;
double min_tol = 0.00001;
int i, flag;
flag = 0;
if (val == 0 ) x = 0;
for (i=1;i<20;i++)
if (!flag)
dx = (val - (x*x)) / (2.0 * x);
x = x + dx;
diff = val - (x*x);
if (fabsolut(diff) <= min_tol) flag = 1;
else x =x;
return (x);
# 31 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/dsverifier.h" 2
# 1 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_overflow.h" 1
# 19 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_overflow.h"
int nondet_int();
float nondet_float();
extern digital_system ds;
extern implementation impl;
int verify_overflow(void) {
fxp_t a_fxp[ds.a_size];
fxp_t b_fxp[ds.b_size];
fxp_double_to_fxp_array(ds.a, a_fxp, ds.a_size);
fxp_double_to_fxp_array(ds.b, b_fxp, ds.b_size);
# 73 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_overflow.h"
fxp_t min_fxp = fxp_double_to_fxp(impl.min);
fxp_t max_fxp = fxp_double_to_fxp(impl.max);
fxp_t y[X_SIZE_VALUE];
fxp_t x[X_SIZE_VALUE];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < X_SIZE_VALUE; ++i) {
y[i] = 0;
x[i] = nondet_int();
__DSVERIFIER_assume(x[i] >= min_fxp && x[i] <= max_fxp);
int Nw = 0;
Nw = ds.a_size > ds.b_size ? ds.a_size : ds.b_size;
fxp_t yaux[ds.a_size];
fxp_t xaux[ds.b_size];
fxp_t waux[Nw];
for (i = 0; i < ds.a_size; ++i) {
yaux[i] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < ds.b_size; ++i) {
xaux[i] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < Nw; ++i) {
waux[i] = 0;
fxp_t xk, temp;
fxp_t *aptr, *bptr, *xptr, *yptr, *wptr;
int j;
for (i = 0; i < X_SIZE_VALUE; ++i) {
shiftL(x[i], xaux, ds.b_size);
y[i] = fxp_direct_form_1(yaux, xaux, a_fxp, b_fxp, ds.a_size, ds.b_size);
shiftL(y[i], yaux, ds.a_size);
# 174 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_overflow.h"
overflow_mode = 1;
fxp_verify_overflow_array(y, X_SIZE_VALUE);
return 0;
# 33 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/dsverifier.h" 2
# 1 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_limit_cycle.h" 1
# 15 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_limit_cycle.h"
extern digital_system ds;
extern implementation impl;
extern digital_system_state_space _controller;
extern int nStates;
extern int nInputs;
extern int nOutputs;
int verify_limit_cycle_state_space(void){
double stateMatrix[4][4];
double outputMatrix[4][4];
double arrayLimitCycle[4];
double result1[4][4];
double result2[4][4];
int i, j, k;
for(i=0; i<4;i++){
for(j=0; j<4;j++){
k = 0;
for (i = 1; i < 0; i++) {
int l;
for(l = 0; l < nStates; l++){
stateMatrix[l][k] = _controller.states[l][0];
for(l = 0; l < nOutputs; l++){
stateMatrix[l][k] = _controller.outputs[l][0];
printf("#matrix STATES -------------------------------");
printf("#matrix OUTPUTS -------------------------------");
# 93 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_limit_cycle.h" 3 4
((void) sizeof ((
# 93 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_limit_cycle.h"
# 93 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_limit_cycle.h" 3 4
) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ ({ if (
# 93 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_limit_cycle.h"
# 93 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_limit_cycle.h" 3 4
) ; else __assert_fail (
# 93 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_limit_cycle.h"
# 93 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_limit_cycle.h" 3 4
, "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_limit_cycle.h", 93, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }))
# 93 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_limit_cycle.h"
for(i=0; i<nStates;i++){
for(j=0; j<0;j++){
arrayLimitCycle[j] = stateMatrix[i][j];
for(i=0; i<nOutputs;i++){
for(j=0; j<0;j++){
arrayLimitCycle[j] = outputMatrix[i][j];
# 110 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_limit_cycle.h" 3 4
((void) sizeof ((
# 110 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_limit_cycle.h"
# 110 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_limit_cycle.h" 3 4
) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ ({ if (
# 110 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_limit_cycle.h"
# 110 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_limit_cycle.h" 3 4
) ; else __assert_fail (
# 110 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_limit_cycle.h"
# 110 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_limit_cycle.h" 3 4
, "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_limit_cycle.h", 110, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }))
# 110 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_limit_cycle.h"
int verify_limit_cycle(void){
overflow_mode = 3;
int i;
int Set_xsize_at_least_two_times_Na = 2 * ds.a_size;
printf("X_SIZE must be at least 2 * ds.a_size");
__DSVERIFIER_assert(X_SIZE_VALUE >= Set_xsize_at_least_two_times_Na);
fxp_t a_fxp[ds.a_size];
fxp_t b_fxp[ds.b_size];
fxp_double_to_fxp_array(ds.a, a_fxp, ds.a_size);
fxp_double_to_fxp_array(ds.b, b_fxp, ds.b_size);
# 168 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_limit_cycle.h"
fxp_t y[X_SIZE_VALUE];
fxp_t x[X_SIZE_VALUE];
fxp_t min_fxp = fxp_double_to_fxp(impl.min);
fxp_t max_fxp = fxp_double_to_fxp(impl.max);
fxp_t xaux[ds.b_size];
int nondet_constant_input = nondet_int();
__DSVERIFIER_assume(nondet_constant_input >= min_fxp && nondet_constant_input <= max_fxp);
for (i = 0; i < X_SIZE_VALUE; ++i) {
x[i] = nondet_constant_input;
y[i] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < ds.b_size; ++i) {
xaux[i] = nondet_constant_input;
int Nw = 0;
Nw = ds.a_size > ds.b_size ? ds.a_size : ds.b_size;
fxp_t yaux[ds.a_size];
fxp_t y0[ds.a_size];
fxp_t waux[Nw];
fxp_t w0[Nw];
for (i = 0; i < ds.a_size; ++i) {
yaux[i] = nondet_int();
__DSVERIFIER_assume(yaux[i] >= min_fxp && yaux[i] <= max_fxp);
y0[i] = yaux[i];
# 213 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_limit_cycle.h"
fxp_t xk, temp;
fxp_t *aptr, *bptr, *xptr, *yptr, *wptr;
int j;
for(i=0; i<X_SIZE_VALUE; ++i){
shiftL(x[i], xaux, ds.b_size);
y[i] = fxp_direct_form_1(yaux, xaux, a_fxp, b_fxp, ds.a_size, ds.b_size);
shiftL(y[i], yaux, ds.a_size);
# 278 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_limit_cycle.h"
fxp_check_persistent_limit_cycle(y, X_SIZE_VALUE);
return 0;
# 34 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/dsverifier.h" 2
# 1 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_error.h" 1
# 17 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_error.h"
extern digital_system ds;
extern implementation impl;
int verify_error(void){
overflow_mode = 2;
double a_cascade[100];
int a_cascade_size;
double b_cascade[100];
int b_cascade_size;
fxp_t a_fxp[ds.a_size];
fxp_t b_fxp[ds.b_size];
fxp_double_to_fxp_array(ds.a, a_fxp, ds.a_size);
fxp_double_to_fxp_array(ds.b, b_fxp, ds.b_size);
# 69 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_error.h"
fxp_t min_fxp = fxp_double_to_fxp(impl.min);
fxp_t max_fxp = fxp_double_to_fxp(impl.max);
fxp_t y[X_SIZE_VALUE];
fxp_t x[X_SIZE_VALUE];
double yf[X_SIZE_VALUE];
double xf[X_SIZE_VALUE];
int Nw = 0;
Nw = ds.a_size > ds.b_size ? ds.a_size : ds.b_size;
fxp_t yaux[ds.a_size];
fxp_t xaux[ds.b_size];
fxp_t waux[Nw];
double yfaux[ds.a_size];
double xfaux[ds.b_size];
double wfaux[Nw];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < ds.a_size; ++i) {
yaux[i] = 0;
yfaux[i] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < ds.b_size; ++i) {
xaux[i] = 0;
xfaux[i] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < Nw; ++i) {
waux[i] = 0;
wfaux[i] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < X_SIZE_VALUE; ++i) {
y[i] = 0;
x[i] = nondet_int();
__DSVERIFIER_assume(x[i] >= min_fxp && x[i] <= max_fxp);
yf[i] = 0.0f;
xf[i] = fxp_to_double(x[i]);
for (i = 0; i < X_SIZE_VALUE; ++i) {
shiftL(x[i], xaux, ds.b_size);
y[i] = fxp_direct_form_1(yaux, xaux, a_fxp, b_fxp, ds.a_size, ds.b_size);
shiftL(y[i], yaux, ds.a_size);
shiftLDouble(xf[i], xfaux, ds.b_size);
yf[i] = double_direct_form_1(yfaux, xfaux, ds.a, ds.b, ds.a_size, ds.b_size);
shiftLDouble(yf[i], yfaux, ds.a_size);
# 169 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_error.h"
double absolute_error = yf[i] - fxp_to_double(y[i]);
__DSVERIFIER_assert(absolute_error < (impl.max_error) && absolute_error > (-impl.max_error));
return 0;
# 35 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/dsverifier.h" 2
# 1 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_zero_input_limit_cycle.h" 1
# 13 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_zero_input_limit_cycle.h"
extern digital_system ds;
extern implementation impl;
int verify_zero_input_limit_cycle(void){
overflow_mode = 3;
int i,j;
int Set_xsize_at_least_two_times_Na = 2 * ds.a_size;
printf("X_SIZE must be at least 2 * ds.a_size");
# 23 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_zero_input_limit_cycle.h" 3 4
((void) sizeof ((
# 23 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_zero_input_limit_cycle.h"
X_SIZE_VALUE >= Set_xsize_at_least_two_times_Na
# 23 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_zero_input_limit_cycle.h" 3 4
) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ ({ if (
# 23 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_zero_input_limit_cycle.h"
X_SIZE_VALUE >= Set_xsize_at_least_two_times_Na
# 23 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_zero_input_limit_cycle.h" 3 4
) ; else __assert_fail (
# 23 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_zero_input_limit_cycle.h"
"X_SIZE_VALUE >= Set_xsize_at_least_two_times_Na"
# 23 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_zero_input_limit_cycle.h" 3 4
, "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_zero_input_limit_cycle.h", 23, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }))
# 23 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_zero_input_limit_cycle.h"
fxp_t a_fxp[ds.a_size];
fxp_t b_fxp[ds.b_size];
fxp_double_to_fxp_array(ds.a, a_fxp, ds.a_size);
fxp_double_to_fxp_array(ds.b, b_fxp, ds.b_size);
# 71 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_zero_input_limit_cycle.h"
fxp_t min_fxp = fxp_double_to_fxp(impl.min);
fxp_t max_fxp = fxp_double_to_fxp(impl.max);
fxp_t y[X_SIZE_VALUE];
fxp_t x[X_SIZE_VALUE];
for (i = 0; i < X_SIZE_VALUE; ++i) {
y[i] = 0;
x[i] = 0;
int Nw = 0;
Nw = ds.a_size > ds.b_size ? ds.a_size : ds.b_size;
fxp_t yaux[ds.a_size];
fxp_t xaux[ds.b_size];
fxp_t waux[Nw];
fxp_t y0[ds.a_size];
fxp_t w0[Nw];
for (i = 0; i < ds.a_size; ++i) {
yaux[i] = nondet_int();
__DSVERIFIER_assume(yaux[i] >= min_fxp && yaux[i] <= max_fxp);
y0[i] = yaux[i];
# 111 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_zero_input_limit_cycle.h"
for (i = 0; i < ds.b_size; ++i) {
xaux[i] = 0;
fxp_t xk, temp;
fxp_t *aptr, *bptr, *xptr, *yptr, *wptr;
for(i=0; i<X_SIZE_VALUE; ++i){
shiftL(x[i], xaux, ds.b_size);
y[i] = fxp_direct_form_1(yaux, xaux, a_fxp, b_fxp, ds.a_size, ds.b_size);
shiftL(y[i], yaux, ds.a_size);
# 188 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_zero_input_limit_cycle.h"
fxp_check_persistent_limit_cycle(y, X_SIZE_VALUE);
return 0;
# 36 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/dsverifier.h" 2
# 1 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_generic_timing.h" 1
# 16 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_generic_timing.h"
int nondet_int();
float nondet_float();
extern digital_system ds;
extern implementation impl;
extern hardware hw;
int generic_timer = 0;
int verify_generic_timing(void) {
double y[X_SIZE_VALUE];
double x[X_SIZE_VALUE];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < X_SIZE_VALUE; ++i) {
y[i] = 0;
x[i] = nondet_float();
__DSVERIFIER_assume(x[i] >= impl.min && x[i] <= impl.max);
int Nw = 0;
Nw = ds.a_size > ds.b_size ? ds.a_size : ds.b_size;
double yaux[ds.a_size];
double xaux[ds.b_size];
double waux[Nw];
for (i = 0; i < ds.a_size; ++i) {
yaux[i] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < ds.b_size; ++i) {
xaux[i] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < Nw; ++i) {
waux[i] = 0;
double xk, temp;
double *aptr, *bptr, *xptr, *yptr, *wptr;
int j;
generic_timer += ((2 * hw.assembly.std) + (1 * hw.assembly.rjmp));
double initial_timer = generic_timer;
for (i = 0; i < X_SIZE_VALUE; ++i) {
generic_timer += ((2 * hw.assembly.ldd) + (1 * hw.assembly.adiw) + (2 * hw.assembly.std));
generic_timer += ((2 * hw.assembly.ldd) + (1 * hw.assembly.cpi) + (1 * hw.assembly.cpc) + (1 * hw.assembly.brlt));
generic_timing_shift_l_double(x[i], xaux, ds.b_size);
y[i] = generic_timing_double_direct_form_1(yaux, xaux, ds.a, ds.b, ds.a_size, ds.b_size);
generic_timing_shift_l_double(y[i], yaux, ds.a_size);
# 88 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_generic_timing.h"
double spent_time = (((double) generic_timer) * hw.cycle);
# 89 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_generic_timing.h" 3 4
((void) sizeof ((
# 89 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_generic_timing.h"
spent_time <= ds.sample_time
# 89 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_generic_timing.h" 3 4
) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ ({ if (
# 89 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_generic_timing.h"
spent_time <= ds.sample_time
# 89 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_generic_timing.h" 3 4
) ; else __assert_fail (
# 89 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_generic_timing.h"
"spent_time <= ds.sample_time"
# 89 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_generic_timing.h" 3 4
, "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_generic_timing.h", 89, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }))
# 89 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_generic_timing.h"
generic_timer = initial_timer;
return 0;
# 37 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/dsverifier.h" 2
# 1 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_timing_msp430.h" 1
# 16 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_timing_msp430.h"
int nondet_int();
float nondet_float();
extern digital_system ds;
extern implementation impl;
int verify_timing_msp_430(void) {
double y[X_SIZE_VALUE];
double x[X_SIZE_VALUE];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < X_SIZE_VALUE; ++i) {
y[i] = 0;
x[i] = nondet_float();
__DSVERIFIER_assume(x[i] >= impl.min && x[i] <= impl.max);
int Nw = 0;
Nw = ds.a_size > ds.b_size ? ds.a_size : ds.b_size;
double yaux[ds.a_size];
double xaux[ds.b_size];
double waux[Nw];
for (i = 0; i < ds.a_size; ++i) {
yaux[i] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < ds.b_size; ++i) {
xaux[i] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < Nw; ++i) {
waux[i] = 0;
double xk, temp;
double *aptr, *bptr, *xptr, *yptr, *wptr;
int j;
for (i = 0; i < X_SIZE_VALUE; ++i) {
shiftL(x[i], xaux, ds.b_size);
y[i] = double_direct_form_1_MSP430(yaux, xaux, ds.a, ds.b, ds.a_size, ds.b_size);
shiftL(y[i], yaux, ds.a_size);
# 121 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_timing_msp430.h"
return 0;
# 38 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/dsverifier.h" 2
# 1 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_stability.h" 1
# 21 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_stability.h"
extern digital_system ds;
extern implementation impl;
int verify_stability(void){
overflow_mode = 0;
fxp_t a_fxp[ds.a_size];
fxp_double_to_fxp_array(ds.a, a_fxp, ds.a_size);
double _a[ds.a_size];
fxp_to_double_array(_a, a_fxp, ds.a_size);
# 37 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_stability.h" 3 4
((void) sizeof ((
# 37 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_stability.h"
check_stability(_a, ds.a_size)
# 37 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_stability.h" 3 4
) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ ({ if (
# 37 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_stability.h"
check_stability(_a, ds.a_size)
# 37 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_stability.h" 3 4
) ; else __assert_fail (
# 37 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_stability.h"
"check_stability(_a, ds.a_size)"
# 37 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_stability.h" 3 4
, "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_stability.h", 37, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }))
# 37 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_stability.h"
# 83 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_stability.h"
return 0;
# 39 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/dsverifier.h" 2
# 1 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_minimum_phase.h" 1
# 21 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_minimum_phase.h"
extern digital_system ds;
extern implementation impl;
int verify_minimum_phase(void){
overflow_mode = 0;
fxp_t b_fxp[ds.b_size];
fxp_double_to_fxp_array(ds.b, b_fxp, ds.b_size);
double _b[ds.b_size];
fxp_to_double_array(_b, b_fxp, ds.b_size);
__DSVERIFIER_assert(check_stability(_b, ds.b_size));
# 85 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_minimum_phase.h"
return 0;
# 40 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/dsverifier.h" 2
# 1 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_stability_closedloop.h" 1
# 17 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_stability_closedloop.h"
extern digital_system plant;
extern digital_system plant_cbmc;
extern digital_system controller;
int verify_stability_closedloop_using_dslib(void){
double * c_num = controller.b;
int c_num_size = controller.b_size;
double * c_den = controller.a;
int c_den_size = controller.a_size;
fxp_t c_num_fxp[controller.b_size];
fxp_double_to_fxp_array(c_num, c_num_fxp, controller.b_size);
fxp_t c_den_fxp[controller.a_size];
fxp_double_to_fxp_array(c_den, c_den_fxp, controller.a_size);
double c_num_qtz[controller.b_size];
fxp_to_double_array(c_num_qtz, c_num_fxp, controller.b_size);
double c_den_qtz[controller.a_size];
fxp_to_double_array(c_den_qtz, c_den_fxp, controller.a_size);
# 48 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_stability_closedloop.h"
double * p_num = plant_cbmc.b;
int p_num_size = plant.b_size;
double * p_den = plant_cbmc.a;
int p_den_size = plant.a_size;
double ans_num[100];
int ans_num_size = controller.b_size + plant.b_size - 1;
double ans_den[100];
int ans_den_size = controller.a_size + plant.a_size - 1;
# 68 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_stability_closedloop.h"
printf("Verifying stability for closedloop function\n");
__DSVERIFIER_assert(check_stability_closedloop(ans_den, ans_den_size, p_num, p_num_size, p_den, p_den_size));
return 0;
# 41 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/dsverifier.h" 2
# 1 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_limit_cycle_closedloop.h" 1
# 23 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_limit_cycle_closedloop.h"
extern digital_system plant;
extern digital_system plant_cbmc;
extern digital_system controller;
double nondet_double();
int verify_limit_cycle_closed_loop(void){
overflow_mode = 3;
double * c_num = controller.b;
int c_num_size = controller.b_size;
double * c_den = controller.a;
int c_den_size = controller.a_size;
fxp_t c_num_fxp[controller.b_size];
fxp_double_to_fxp_array(c_num, c_num_fxp, controller.b_size);
fxp_t c_den_fxp[controller.a_size];
fxp_double_to_fxp_array(c_den, c_den_fxp, controller.a_size);
double c_num_qtz[controller.b_size];
fxp_to_double_array(c_num_qtz, c_num_fxp, controller.b_size);
double c_den_qtz[controller.a_size];
fxp_to_double_array(c_den_qtz, c_den_fxp, controller.a_size);
# 58 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_limit_cycle_closedloop.h"
double * p_num = plant_cbmc.b;
int p_num_size = plant.b_size;
double * p_den = plant_cbmc.a;
int p_den_size = plant.a_size;
double ans_num[100];
int ans_num_size = controller.b_size + plant.b_size - 1;
double ans_den[100];
int ans_den_size = controller.a_size + plant.a_size - 1;
int i;
double y[X_SIZE_VALUE];
double x[X_SIZE_VALUE];
double xaux[ans_num_size];
double nondet_constant_input = nondet_double();
__DSVERIFIER_assume(nondet_constant_input >= impl.min && nondet_constant_input <= impl.max);
for (i = 0; i < X_SIZE_VALUE; ++i) {
x[i] = nondet_constant_input;
y[i] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < ans_num_size; ++i) {
xaux[i] = nondet_constant_input;
double yaux[ans_den_size];
double y0[ans_den_size];
int Nw = ans_den_size > ans_num_size ? ans_den_size : ans_num_size;
double waux[Nw];
double w0[Nw];
for (i = 0; i < ans_den_size; ++i) {
yaux[i] = nondet_int();
__DSVERIFIER_assume(yaux[i] >= impl.min && yaux[i] <= impl.max);
y0[i] = yaux[i];
# 112 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_limit_cycle_closedloop.h"
double xk, temp;
double *aptr, *bptr, *xptr, *yptr, *wptr;
int j;
for(i=0; i<X_SIZE_VALUE; ++i){
shiftLDouble(x[i], xaux, ans_num_size);
y[i] = double_direct_form_1(yaux, xaux, ans_den, ans_num, ans_den_size, ans_num_size);
shiftLDouble(y[i], yaux, ans_den_size);
# 137 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_limit_cycle_closedloop.h"
double_check_persistent_limit_cycle(y, X_SIZE_VALUE);
return 0;
# 42 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/dsverifier.h" 2
# 1 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_error_closedloop.h" 1
# 23 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_error_closedloop.h"
extern digital_system plant;
extern digital_system plant_cbmc;
extern digital_system controller;
int verify_error_closedloop(void){
overflow_mode = 3;
double * c_num = controller.b;
int c_num_size = controller.b_size;
double * c_den = controller.a;
int c_den_size = controller.a_size;
fxp_t c_num_fxp[controller.b_size];
fxp_double_to_fxp_array(c_num, c_num_fxp, controller.b_size);
fxp_t c_den_fxp[controller.a_size];
fxp_double_to_fxp_array(c_den, c_den_fxp, controller.a_size);
double c_num_qtz[controller.b_size];
fxp_to_double_array(c_num_qtz, c_num_fxp, controller.b_size);
double c_den_qtz[controller.a_size];
fxp_to_double_array(c_den_qtz, c_den_fxp, controller.a_size);
# 56 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_error_closedloop.h"
double * p_num = plant_cbmc.b;
int p_num_size = plant.b_size;
double * p_den = plant_cbmc.a;
int p_den_size = plant.a_size;
double ans_num_double[100];
double ans_num_qtz[100];
int ans_num_size = controller.b_size + plant.b_size - 1;
double ans_den_qtz[100];
double ans_den_double[100];
int ans_den_size = controller.a_size + plant.a_size - 1;
# 77 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_error_closedloop.h"
int i;
double y_qtz[X_SIZE_VALUE];
double y_double[X_SIZE_VALUE];
double x_qtz[X_SIZE_VALUE];
double x_double[X_SIZE_VALUE];
double xaux_qtz[ans_num_size];
double xaux_double[ans_num_size];
double xaux[ans_num_size];
double nondet_constant_input = nondet_double();
__DSVERIFIER_assume(nondet_constant_input >= impl.min && nondet_constant_input <= impl.max);
for (i = 0; i < X_SIZE_VALUE; ++i) {
x_qtz[i] = nondet_constant_input;
x_double[i] = nondet_constant_input;
y_qtz[i] = 0;
y_double[i] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < ans_num_size; ++i) {
xaux_qtz[i] = nondet_constant_input;
xaux_double[i] = nondet_constant_input;
double yaux_qtz[ans_den_size];
double yaux_double[ans_den_size];
double y0_qtz[ans_den_size];
double y0_double[ans_den_size];
int Nw = ans_den_size > ans_num_size ? ans_den_size : ans_num_size;
double waux_qtz[Nw];
double waux_double[Nw];
double w0_qtz[Nw];
double w0_double[Nw];
for (i = 0; i < ans_den_size; ++i) {
yaux_qtz[i] = 0;
yaux_double[i] = 0;
for(i=0; i<X_SIZE_VALUE; ++i){
shiftLDouble(x_qtz[i], xaux_qtz, ans_num_size);
y_qtz[i] = double_direct_form_1(yaux_qtz, xaux_qtz, ans_den_qtz, ans_num_qtz, ans_den_size, ans_num_size);
shiftLDouble(y_qtz[i], yaux_qtz, ans_den_size);
shiftLDouble(x_double[i], xaux_double, ans_num_size);
y_double[i] = double_direct_form_1(yaux_double, xaux_double, ans_den_double, ans_num_double, ans_den_size, ans_num_size);
shiftLDouble(y_double[i], yaux_double, ans_den_size);
# 156 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_error_closedloop.h"
double absolute_error = y_double[i] - fxp_to_double(y_qtz[i]);
__DSVERIFIER_assert(absolute_error < (impl.max_error) && absolute_error > (-impl.max_error));
return 0;
# 43 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/dsverifier.h" 2
# 1 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_error_state_space.h" 1
# 20 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_error_state_space.h"
extern digital_system_state_space _controller;
extern double error_limit;
extern int closed_loop;
double new_state[4][4];
double new_stateFWL[4][4];
digital_system_state_space _controller_fxp;
digital_system_state_space _controller_double;
double ss_system_quantization_error(fxp_t inputs){
digital_system_state_space __backupController;
int i;
int j;
_controller.inputs[0][0] = inputs;
for(i=0; i<nStates;i++){
for(j=0; j<nStates;j++){
__backupController.A[i][j]= (_controller.A[i][j]);
for(i=0; i<nStates;i++){
for(j=0; j<nInputs;j++){
__backupController.B[i][j]= (_controller.B[i][j]);
for(i=0; i<nOutputs;i++){
for(j=0; j<nStates;j++){
__backupController.C[i][j]= (_controller.C[i][j]);
for(i=0; i<nOutputs;i++){
for(j=0; j<nInputs;j++){
__backupController.D[i][j]= (_controller.D[i][j]);
for(i=0; i<nStates;i++){
for(j=0; j<1;j++){
__backupController.states[i][j]= (_controller.states[i][j]);
for(i=0; i<nInputs;i++){
for(j=0; j<1;j++){
__backupController.inputs[i][j]= (_controller.inputs[i][j]);
for(i=0; i<nOutputs;i++){
for(j=0; j<1;j++){
__backupController.outputs[i][j]= (_controller.outputs[i][j]);
double __quant_error = 0.0;
for(i=0; i<nStates;i++){
for(j=0; j<1;j++){
_controller.states[i][j]= (new_state[i][j]);
double output_double = double_state_space_representation();
for(i=0; i<nStates;i++){
for(j=0; j<1;j++){
new_state[i][j]= (_controller.states[i][j]);
__backupController.inputs[0][0] = inputs;
for(i=0; i<nStates;i++){
for(j=0; j<nStates;j++){
_controller.A[i][j] = __backupController.A[i][j];
for(i=0; i<nStates;i++){
for(j=0; j<nInputs;j++){
_controller.B[i][j] = __backupController.B[i][j];
for(i=0; i<nOutputs;i++){
for(j=0; j<nStates;j++){
_controller.C[i][j] = __backupController.C[i][j];
for(i=0; i<nOutputs;i++){
for(j=0; j<nInputs;j++){
_controller.D[i][j] = __backupController.D[i][j];
for(i=0; i<nStates;i++){
for(j=0; j<1;j++){
_controller.states[i][j] = __backupController.states[i][j];
for(i=0; i<nInputs;i++){
for(j=0; j<1;j++){
_controller.inputs[i][j] = __backupController.inputs[i][j];
for(i=0; i<nOutputs;i++){
for(j=0; j<1;j++){
_controller.outputs[i][j] = __backupController.outputs[i][j];
for(i=0; i<nStates;i++){
for(j=0; j<1;j++){
_controller.states[i][j]= (new_stateFWL[i][j]);
double output_fxp = fxp_state_space_representation();
for(i=0; i<nStates;i++){
for(j=0; j<1;j++){
new_stateFWL[i][j]= (_controller.states[i][j]);
__quant_error = output_double - output_fxp;
return __quant_error;
double fxp_ss_closed_loop_quantization_error(double reference){
double reference_aux[4][4];
double result1[4][4];
double temp_result1[4][4];
double result2[4][4];
double temp_states[4][4];
fxp_t K_fxp[4][4];
fxp_t states_fxp[4][4];
fxp_t result_fxp[4][4];
unsigned int i;
unsigned int j;
unsigned int k;
short unsigned int flag = 0;
for(i=0; i<nOutputs;i++){
for(j=0; j<nInputs;j++){
if(_controller_fxp.D[i][j] != 0){
flag = 1;
for(i=0; i<4;i++){
for(j=0; j<4;j++){
K_fxp[i][j] = 0;
for(i=0; i<nInputs;i++){
reference_aux[i][0]= reference;
for(i=0; i<4;i++){
for(i=0; i<nStates;i++){
K_fxp[0][i]= fxp_double_to_fxp(_controller_fxp.K[0][i]);
for(i=0; i<4;i++){
for(j=0; j<4;j++){
for(k=0; k<nStates;k++)
states_fxp[k][0]= fxp_double_to_fxp(_controller_fxp.states[k][0]);
fxp_t reference_fxp[4][4];
fxp_t result_fxp2[4][4];
reference_fxp[k][0] =fxp_double_to_fxp(fxp_quantize(reference_aux[k][0]));
fxp_sub_matrix(nInputs,1, reference_fxp, result_fxp, result_fxp2);
for(k=0; k<nInputs;k++)
_controller_fxp.inputs[k][0] = fxp_to_double(fxp_quantize(result_fxp2[k][0]));
if(flag == 1)
return _controller_fxp.outputs[0][0];
double ss_closed_loop_quantization_error(double reference){
double reference_aux[4][4];
double result1[4][4];
double result2[4][4];
unsigned int i;
unsigned int j;
short unsigned int flag = 0;
for(i=0; i<nOutputs;i++){
for(j=0; j<nInputs;j++){
if(_controller_double.D[i][j] != 0){
flag = 1;
for(i=0; i<nInputs;i++){
for(j=0; j<1;j++){
reference_aux[i][j]= reference;
for(i=0; i<4;i++){
for(j=0; j<4;j++){
double_sub_matrix(nInputs,1,reference_aux,result1, _controller_double.inputs);
if(flag == 1)
return _controller_double.outputs[0][0];
int verify_error_state_space(void){
int i,j;
for(i=0; i<nStates;i++){
for(j=0; j<1;j++){
new_state[i][j]= (_controller.states[i][j]);
for(i=0; i<nStates;i++){
for(j=0; j<1;j++){
new_stateFWL[i][j]= (_controller.states[i][j]);
_controller_fxp = _controller;
_controller_double = _controller;
overflow_mode = 0;
fxp_t x[0];
fxp_t min_fxp = fxp_double_to_fxp(impl.min);
fxp_t max_fxp = fxp_double_to_fxp(impl.max);
double nondet_constant_input = nondet_double();
__DSVERIFIER_assume(nondet_constant_input >= min_fxp && nondet_constant_input <= max_fxp);
for (i = 0; i < 0; ++i) {
x[i] = nondet_constant_input;
double __quant_error;
for (i = 0; i < 0; ++i) {
__quant_error = ss_closed_loop_quantization_error(x[i]) - fxp_ss_closed_loop_quantization_error(x[i]);
# 354 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_error_state_space.h" 3 4
((void) sizeof ((
# 354 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_error_state_space.h"
__quant_error < error_limit && __quant_error > ((-1)*error_limit)
# 354 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_error_state_space.h" 3 4
) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ ({ if (
# 354 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_error_state_space.h"
__quant_error < error_limit && __quant_error > ((-1)*error_limit)
# 354 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_error_state_space.h" 3 4
) ; else __assert_fail (
# 354 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_error_state_space.h"
"__quant_error < error_limit && __quant_error > ((-1)*error_limit)"
# 354 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_error_state_space.h" 3 4
, "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_error_state_space.h", 354, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }))
# 354 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_error_state_space.h"
else {
for (i=0; i < 0; i++)
__quant_error = ss_system_quantization_error(x[i]);
# 361 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_error_state_space.h" 3 4
((void) sizeof ((
# 361 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_error_state_space.h"
__quant_error < error_limit && __quant_error > ((-1)*error_limit)
# 361 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_error_state_space.h" 3 4
) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ ({ if (
# 361 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_error_state_space.h"
__quant_error < error_limit && __quant_error > ((-1)*error_limit)
# 361 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_error_state_space.h" 3 4
) ; else __assert_fail (
# 361 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_error_state_space.h"
"__quant_error < error_limit && __quant_error > ((-1)*error_limit)"
# 361 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_error_state_space.h" 3 4
, "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_error_state_space.h", 361, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }))
# 361 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_error_state_space.h"
return 0;
# 44 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/dsverifier.h" 2
# 1 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_safety_state_space.h" 1
# 17 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_safety_state_space.h"
extern digital_system_state_space _controller;
extern double error_limit;
extern int closed_loop;
double fxp_ss_closed_loop_safety(){
double reference[4][4];
double result1[4][4];
double result2[4][4];
fxp_t K_fpx[4][4];
fxp_t outputs_fpx[4][4];
fxp_t result_fxp[4][4];
unsigned int i;
unsigned int j;
unsigned int k;
short unsigned int flag = 0;
for(i=0; i<nOutputs;i++){
for(j=0; j<nInputs;j++){
if(_controller.D[i][j] != 0){
flag = 1;
for(i=0; i<nInputs;i++){
for(j=0; j<1;j++){
reference[i][j]= (_controller.inputs[i][j]);
for(i=0; i<nInputs;i++){
for(j=0; j<nOutputs;j++){
for(i=0; i<nOutputs;i++){
for(j=0; j<1;j++){
for(i=0; i<4;i++){
for(j=0; j<4;j++){
for(i=0; i<nInputs;i++){
for(j=0; j<nOutputs;j++){
K_fpx[i][j]= fxp_double_to_fxp(_controller.K[i][j]);
for(i=0; i<4;i++){
for(j=0; j<4;j++){
for (i = 1; i < 0; i++) {
if(flag == 1){
for(k=0; k<nOutputs;k++){
for(j=0; j<1;j++){
outputs_fpx[k][j]= fxp_double_to_fxp(_controller.outputs[k][j]);
for(k=0; k<nInputs;k++){
for(j=0; j<1;j++){
result1[k][j]= fxp_to_double(result_fxp[k][j]);
printf("### fxp: U (before) = %.9f", _controller.inputs[0][0]);
printf("### fxp: reference = %.9f", reference[0][0]);
printf("### fxp: result1 = %.9f", result1[0][0]);
printf("### fxp: reference - result1 = %.9f", (reference[0][0] - result1[0][0]));
printf("### fxp: Y = %.9f", _controller.outputs[0][0]);
printf("### fxp: U (after) = %.9f \n### \n### ", _controller.inputs[0][0]);
return _controller.outputs[0][0];
int verify_safety_state_space(void){
fxp_t output_fxp = fxp_ss_closed_loop_safety();
double output_double = fxp_to_double(output_fxp);
# 140 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_safety_state_space.h" 3 4
((void) sizeof ((
# 140 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_safety_state_space.h"
output_double <= error_limit
# 140 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_safety_state_space.h" 3 4
) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ ({ if (
# 140 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_safety_state_space.h"
output_double <= error_limit
# 140 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_safety_state_space.h" 3 4
) ; else __assert_fail (
# 140 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_safety_state_space.h"
"output_double <= error_limit"
# 140 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_safety_state_space.h" 3 4
, "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_safety_state_space.h", 140, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }))
# 140 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_safety_state_space.h"
return 0;
# 45 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/dsverifier.h" 2
# 1 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_controllability.h" 1
# 14 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_controllability.h"
extern digital_system_state_space _controller;
int verify_controllability(void){
int i;
int j;
fxp_t A_fpx[4][4];
fxp_t B_fpx[4][4];
fxp_t controllabilityMatrix[4][4];
fxp_t backup[4][4];
fxp_t backupSecond[4][4];
double controllabilityMatrix_double[4][4];
for(i=0; i<nStates;i++){
for(j=0; j<(nStates*nInputs);j++){
A_fpx[i][j] = 0.0;
B_fpx[i][j] = 0.0;
controllabilityMatrix[i][j] = 0.0;
backup[i][j] = 0.0;
backupSecond[i][j] = 0.0;
controllabilityMatrix_double[i][j] = 0.0;
for(i=0; i<nStates;i++){
for(j=0; j<nStates;j++){
A_fpx[i][j]= fxp_double_to_fxp(_controller.A[i][j]);
for(i=0; i<nStates;i++){
for(j=0; j<nInputs;j++){
B_fpx[i][j]= fxp_double_to_fxp(_controller.B[i][j]);
if(nInputs > 1){
int l = 0;
for(j=0; j<(nStates*nInputs);){
for(int k = 0; k < nInputs; k++){
for(i = 0; i<nStates;i++){
controllabilityMatrix[i][j]= backupSecond[i][k];
for(i=0; i<nStates;i++){
for(j=0; j<(nStates*nInputs);j++){
backup[i][j]= 0.0;
fxp_t mimo_controllabilityMatrix_fxp[4][4];
for(i=0; i<nStates;i++){
for(j=0; j<nStates;j++){
controllabilityMatrix_double[i][j]= fxp_to_double(mimo_controllabilityMatrix_fxp[i][j]);
# 91 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_controllability.h" 3 4
((void) sizeof ((
# 91 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_controllability.h"
determinant(controllabilityMatrix_double,nStates) != 0
# 91 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_controllability.h" 3 4
) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ ({ if (
# 91 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_controllability.h"
determinant(controllabilityMatrix_double,nStates) != 0
# 91 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_controllability.h" 3 4
) ; else __assert_fail (
# 91 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_controllability.h"
"determinant(controllabilityMatrix_double,nStates) != 0"
# 91 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_controllability.h" 3 4
, "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_controllability.h", 91, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }))
# 91 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_controllability.h"
} else {
for(j=0; j<nStates;j++){
for(i = 0; i<nStates;i++){
controllabilityMatrix[i][j]= backupSecond[i][0];
for(i=0; i<nStates;i++){
for(j=0; j<nStates;j++){
controllabilityMatrix_double[i][j]= fxp_to_double(controllabilityMatrix[i][j]);
# 113 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_controllability.h" 3 4
((void) sizeof ((
# 113 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_controllability.h"
determinant(controllabilityMatrix_double,nStates) != 0
# 113 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_controllability.h" 3 4
) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ ({ if (
# 113 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_controllability.h"
determinant(controllabilityMatrix_double,nStates) != 0
# 113 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_controllability.h" 3 4
) ; else __assert_fail (
# 113 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_controllability.h"
"determinant(controllabilityMatrix_double,nStates) != 0"
# 113 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_controllability.h" 3 4
, "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_controllability.h", 113, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }))
# 113 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_controllability.h"
return 0;
int verify_controllability_double(void){
int i;
int j;
double controllabilityMatrix[4][4];
double backup[4][4];
double backupSecond[4][4];
double controllabilityMatrix_double[4][4];
if(nInputs > 1){
int l = 0;
for(j=0; j<(nStates*nInputs);){
for(int k = 0; k < nInputs; k++){
for(i = 0; i<nStates;i++){
controllabilityMatrix[i][j]= backupSecond[i][k];
for(i=0; i<nStates;i++){
for(j=0; j<(nStates*nInputs);j++){
backup[i][j]= 0.0;
double mimo_controllabilityMatrix_double[4][4];
# 154 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_controllability.h" 3 4
((void) sizeof ((
# 154 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_controllability.h"
determinant(mimo_controllabilityMatrix_double,nStates) != 0
# 154 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_controllability.h" 3 4
) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ ({ if (
# 154 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_controllability.h"
determinant(mimo_controllabilityMatrix_double,nStates) != 0
# 154 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_controllability.h" 3 4
) ; else __assert_fail (
# 154 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_controllability.h"
"determinant(mimo_controllabilityMatrix_double,nStates) != 0"
# 154 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_controllability.h" 3 4
, "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_controllability.h", 154, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }))
# 154 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_controllability.h"
} else {
for(j=0; j<nStates;j++){
for(i = 0; i<nStates;i++){
controllabilityMatrix[i][j]= backupSecond[i][0];
# 163 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_controllability.h" 3 4
((void) sizeof ((
# 163 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_controllability.h"
determinant(controllabilityMatrix,nStates) != 0
# 163 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_controllability.h" 3 4
) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ ({ if (
# 163 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_controllability.h"
determinant(controllabilityMatrix,nStates) != 0
# 163 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_controllability.h" 3 4
) ; else __assert_fail (
# 163 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_controllability.h"
"determinant(controllabilityMatrix,nStates) != 0"
# 163 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_controllability.h" 3 4
, "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_controllability.h", 163, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }))
# 163 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_controllability.h"
return 0;
# 46 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/dsverifier.h" 2
# 1 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_observability.h" 1
# 17 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_observability.h"
extern digital_system_state_space _controller;
int verify_observability(void){
int i;
int j;
fxp_t A_fpx[4][4];
fxp_t C_fpx[4][4];
fxp_t observabilityMatrix[4][4];
fxp_t backup[4][4];
fxp_t backupSecond[4][4];
double observabilityMatrix_double[4][4];
for(i=0; i<nStates;i++){
for(j=0; j<nStates;j++){
observabilityMatrix[i][j]= 0;
C_fpx[i][j]= 0;
backup[i][j]= 0;
backupSecond[i][j]= 0;
for(i=0; i<nStates;i++){
for(j=0; j<nStates;j++){
A_fpx[i][j]= fxp_double_to_fxp(_controller.A[i][j]);
for(i=0; i<nOutputs;i++){
for(j=0; j<nStates;j++){
C_fpx[i][j]= fxp_double_to_fxp(_controller.C[i][j]);
if(nOutputs > 1){
int l;
j = 0;
for(l=0; l<nStates;){
for(int k = 0; k < nOutputs; k++){
for(i = 0; i<nStates;i++){
observabilityMatrix[j][i]= backupSecond[k][i];
# 80 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_observability.h"
for(i=0; i<nStates;i++){
for(j=0; j<(nStates*nOutputs);j++){
backup[i][j]= 0.0;
# 99 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_observability.h"
fxp_t mimo_observabilityMatrix_fxp[4][4];
# 112 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_observability.h"
for(i=0; i<nStates;i++){
for(j=0; j<nStates;j++){
observabilityMatrix_double[i][j]= fxp_to_double(mimo_observabilityMatrix_fxp[i][j]);
# 119 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_observability.h" 3 4
((void) sizeof ((
# 119 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_observability.h"
determinant(observabilityMatrix_double,nStates) != 0
# 119 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_observability.h" 3 4
) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ ({ if (
# 119 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_observability.h"
determinant(observabilityMatrix_double,nStates) != 0
# 119 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_observability.h" 3 4
) ; else __assert_fail (
# 119 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_observability.h"
"determinant(observabilityMatrix_double,nStates) != 0"
# 119 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_observability.h" 3 4
, "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_observability.h", 119, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }))
# 119 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_observability.h"
for(i=0; i<nStates;i++){
for(j = 0; j<nStates;j++){
observabilityMatrix[i][j]= backupSecond[0][j];
for(i=0; i<nStates;i++){
for(j=0; j<nStates;j++){
observabilityMatrix_double[i][j]= fxp_to_double(observabilityMatrix[i][j]);
# 134 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_observability.h" 3 4
((void) sizeof ((
# 134 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_observability.h"
determinant(observabilityMatrix_double,nStates) != 0
# 134 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_observability.h" 3 4
) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ ({ if (
# 134 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_observability.h"
determinant(observabilityMatrix_double,nStates) != 0
# 134 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_observability.h" 3 4
) ; else __assert_fail (
# 134 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_observability.h"
"determinant(observabilityMatrix_double,nStates) != 0"
# 134 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_observability.h" 3 4
, "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_observability.h", 134, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }))
# 134 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_observability.h"
return 0;
# 47 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/dsverifier.h" 2
# 1 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_magnitude.h" 1
# 16 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_magnitude.h"
extern filter_parameters filter;
extern implementation impl;
extern digital_system ds;
# 28 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/engine/verify_magnitude.h"
void resp_mag(double* num, int lnum, double* den, int lden, double* res, int N) {
double w;
int m, i;
double out_numRe[N + 1];
double out_numIm[N + 1];
double out_denRe[N + 1];
double out_denIm[N + 1];
double old_out_Re;
double zero_test;
for (w = 0, i = 0; w <= 3.14159265358979323846; w += 3.14159265358979323846 / N, ++i) {
out_numRe[i] = num[0];
out_numIm[i] = 0;
for (m = 1; m < lnum; ++m) {
old_out_Re = out_numRe[i];
out_numRe[i] = cosTyl(w, 6) * out_numRe[i] - sinTyl(w, 6) * out_numIm[i] + num[m];
out_numIm[i] = sinTyl(w, 6) * old_out_Re + cosTyl(w, 6) * out_numIm[i];
out_denRe[i] = den[0];
out_denIm[i] = 0;
for (m = 1; m < lden; ++m) {
old_out_Re = out_denRe[i];
out_denRe[i] = cosTyl(w, 6) * out_denRe[i] - sinTyl(w, 6) * out_denIm[i] + den[m];
out_denIm[i] = sinTyl(w, 6) * old_out_Re + cosTyl(w, 6) * out_denIm[i];
res[i] = sqrt3(out_numRe[i] * out_numRe[i] + out_numIm[i] * out_numIm[i]);
zero_test = sqrt3(out_denRe[i] * out_denRe[i] + out_denIm[i] * out_denIm[i]);
__DSVERIFIER_assume(zero_test != 0);
res[i] = res[i] / zero_test;
int verify_magnitude(void) {
int freq_response_samples = 100;
double w;
double w_incr = 1.0 / freq_response_samples;
double res[freq_response_samples+1];
int i,j;
fxp_t a_fxp[ds.a_size];
fxp_double_to_fxp_array(ds.a, a_fxp, ds.a_size);
double _a[ds.a_size];
fxp_to_double_array(_a, a_fxp, ds.a_size);
fxp_t b_fxp[ds.b_size];
fxp_double_to_fxp_array(ds.b, b_fxp, ds.b_size);
double _b[ds.b_size];
fxp_to_double_array(_b, b_fxp, ds.b_size);
resp_mag(ds.b, ds.b_size, ds.a, ds.a_size, res, freq_response_samples);
if (filter.type == 1) {
for (i = 0, w = 0; (w <= 1.0); ++i, w += w_incr) {
if (w <= filter.wp) {
__DSVERIFIER_assert_msg(res[i] >= filter.Ap, "|----------------Passband Failure-------------|");
} else if (w == filter.wc) {
__DSVERIFIER_assert_msg(res[i] <= filter.Ac, "|-------------Cutoff Frequency Failure--------|");
} else if ((w >= filter.wr) && (w <= 1)) {
__DSVERIFIER_assert_msg(res[i] <= filter.Ar, "|----------------Stopband Failure-------------|");
} else if (filter.type == 2) {
for (i = 0, w = 0; (w <= 1.0); ++i, w += w_incr) {
if (w <= filter.wr) {
__DSVERIFIER_assert_msg(res[i] <= filter.Ar, "|----------------Stopband Failure-------------|");
} else if (w == filter.wc) {
__DSVERIFIER_assert_msg(res[i] <= filter.Ac, "|-------------Cutoff Frequency Failure--------|");
} else if ((w > filter.wp) && (w <= 1)) {
__DSVERIFIER_assert_msg(res[i] >= filter.Ap, "|----------------Passband Failure-------------|");
} else {
return 0;
# 48 "/home/yashchopda/Desktop/dsverifier-v2.0.3-esbmc-v4.0-cbmc-5.6/bmc/dsverifier.h" 2
extern digital_system ds;
extern digital_system plant;
digital_system plant_cbmc;
extern digital_system controller;
extern implementation impl;
extern hardware hw;
extern digital_system_state_space _controller;
extern filter_parameters filter;
unsigned int nondet_uint();
extern void initials();
void validation();
void call_verification_task(void * verification_task);
void call_closedloop_verification_task(void * closedloop_verification_task);
float nondet_float();
double nondet_double();
int main(){
if (1 == 0)
rounding_mode = 0;
else if (1 == 1)
rounding_mode = 1;
else if (1 == 2)
rounding_mode = 2;
if (2 == 3)
else if (2 == 2)
else if (2 == 6)
else if (2 == 1)
else if (2 == 4)
else if (2 == 5)
else if (2 == 7)
else if (2 == 8)
else if (2 == 9)
else if (2 == 10)
else if (2 == 11)
else if (2 == 12)
else if (2 == 16)
else if (2 == 13)
else if (2 == 14)
else if (2 == 15)
else if (2 == 18)
return 0;
void validation()
if (2 == 12 || 2 == 16 ||
2 == 15 || 2 == 13 ||
2 == 14)
if (0 == 0)
printf("* set a K_SIZE to use this property in DSVerifier (use: -DK_SIZE=VALUE) *\n");
if (((2 != 9) && (2 != 10) &&
(2 != 11)) && (ds.a_size == 0 || ds.b_size == 0))
printf("* set (ds and impl) parameters to check with DSVerifier *\n");
if ((2 == 9) || (2 == 10) ||
(2 == 11))
if (controller.a_size == 0 || plant.b_size == 0 || impl.int_bits == 0 )
printf("* set (controller, plant, and impl) parameters to check CLOSED LOOP with DSVerifier *\n");
printf("* set (controller and impl) parameters so that they do not overflow *\n");
unsigned j;
for (j = 0; j < controller.a_size; ++j)
const double value=controller.a[j];
__DSVERIFIER_assert(value <= _dbl_max);
__DSVERIFIER_assert(value >= _dbl_min);
for (j = 0; j < controller.b_size; ++j)
const double value=controller.b[j];
__DSVERIFIER_assert(value <= _dbl_max);
__DSVERIFIER_assert(value >= _dbl_min);
if (controller.b_size > 0)
unsigned j, zeros=0;
for (j = 0; j < controller.b_size; ++j)
if (controller.b[j]==0)
if (zeros == controller.b_size)
printf("* The controller numerator must not be zero *\n");
if (controller.a_size > 0)
unsigned j, zeros=0;
for (j = 0; j < controller.a_size; ++j)
if (controller.a[j]==0)
if (zeros == controller.a_size)
printf("* The controller denominator must not be zero *\n");
if (0 == 0)
printf("* set a connection mode to check CLOSED LOOP with DSVerifier (use: --connection-mode TYPE) *\n");
if (2 == 0)
printf("* set the property to check with DSVerifier (use: --property NAME) *\n");
if ((2 == 3) || (2 == 2) || (2 == 1) ||
(2 == 10) || (2 == 11) ||
(2 == 4 || 2 == 5) || 2 == 6)
if ((15 == 0) && !(0 == 1))
printf("* set a X_SIZE to use this property in DSVerifier (use: --x-size VALUE) *\n");
else if (0 == 1)
X_SIZE_VALUE = nondet_uint();
__DSVERIFIER_assume( X_SIZE_VALUE > (2 * ds.a_size));
else if (15 < 0)
printf("* set a X_SIZE > 0 *\n");
if ((1 == 0) && (2 != 9) && (2 != 18))
printf("* set the realization to check with DSVerifier (use: --realization NAME) *\n");
if (2 == 6 || 2 == 11)
if (impl.max_error == 0)
printf("* provide the maximum expected error (use: impl.max_error) *\n");
if (2 == 4 || 2 == 5)
if (2 == 5 || 2 == 4)
if (hw.clock == 0l)
printf("* Clock could not be zero *\n");
hw.cycle = ((double) 1.0 / hw.clock);
if (hw.cycle < 0)
printf("* The cycle time could not be representable *\n");
if (ds.sample_time == 0)
printf("* provide the sample time of the digital system (ds.sample_time) *\n");
if (2 == 18)
if (!((filter.Ap > 0) && (filter.Ac >0) && (filter.Ar >0)))
printf("* set values bigger than 0 for Ap, Ac and Ar* \n");
if ((1 == 7) || (1 == 8) || (1 == 9) ||
(1 == 10) || (1 == 11) || (1 == 12))
printf("* Temporarily the cascade modes are disabled *\n");
void call_verification_task(void * verification_task)
int i = 0;
_Bool base_case_executed = 0;
if (0 == 2)
for(i=0; i<ds.b_size; i++)
if (ds.b_uncertainty[i] > 0)
double factor = ds.b_uncertainty[i];
factor = factor < 0 ? factor * (-1) : factor;
double min = ds.b[i] - factor;
double max = ds.b[i] + factor;
if ((factor == 0) && (base_case_executed == 1))
else if ((factor == 0) && (base_case_executed == 0))
base_case_executed = 1;
ds.b[i] = nondet_double();
__DSVERIFIER_assume((ds.b[i] >= min) && (ds.b[i] <= max));
for(i=0; i<ds.a_size; i++)
if (ds.a_uncertainty[i] > 0)
double factor = ds.a_uncertainty[i];
factor = factor < 0 ? factor * (-1) : factor;
double min = ds.a[i] - factor;
double max = ds.a[i] + factor;
if ((factor == 0) && (base_case_executed == 1))
else if ((factor == 0) && (base_case_executed == 0))
base_case_executed = 1;
ds.a[i] = nondet_double();
__DSVERIFIER_assume((ds.a[i] >= min) && (ds.a[i] <= max));
int i=0;
for(i=0; i<ds.b_size; i++)
if (ds.b_uncertainty[i] > 0)
double factor = ((ds.b[i] * ds.b_uncertainty[i]) / 100);
factor = factor < 0 ? factor * (-1) : factor;
double min = ds.b[i] - factor;
double max = ds.b[i] + factor;
if ((factor == 0) && (base_case_executed == 1))
else if ((factor == 0) && (base_case_executed == 0))
base_case_executed = 1;
ds.b[i] = nondet_double();
__DSVERIFIER_assume((ds.b[i] >= min) && (ds.b[i] <= max));
for(i=0; i<ds.a_size; i++)
if (ds.a_uncertainty[i] > 0)
double factor = ((ds.a[i] * ds.a_uncertainty[i]) / 100);
factor = factor < 0 ? factor * (-1) : factor;
double min = ds.a[i] - factor;
double max = ds.a[i] + factor;
if ((factor == 0) && (base_case_executed == 1))
else if ((factor == 0) && (base_case_executed == 0))
base_case_executed = 1;
ds.a[i] = nondet_double();
__DSVERIFIER_assume((ds.a[i] >= min) && (ds.a[i] <= max));
void call_closedloop_verification_task(void * closedloop_verification_task)
_Bool base_case_executed = 0;
int i=0;
for(i=0; i<plant.b_size; i++)
if (plant.b_uncertainty[i] > 0)
double factor = ((plant.b[i] * plant.b_uncertainty[i]) / 100);
factor = factor < 0 ? factor * (-1) : factor;
double min = plant.b[i] - factor;
double max = plant.b[i] + factor;
if ((factor == 0) && (base_case_executed == 1))
else if ((factor == 0) && (base_case_executed == 0))
base_case_executed = 1;
plant_cbmc.b[i] = nondet_double();
__DSVERIFIER_assume((plant_cbmc.b[i] >= min) && (plant_cbmc.b[i] <= max));
plant_cbmc.b[i] = plant.b[i];
for(i=0; i<plant.a_size; i++)
if (plant.a_uncertainty[i] > 0)
double factor = ((plant.a[i] * plant.a_uncertainty[i]) / 100);
factor = factor < 0 ? factor * (-1) : factor;
double min = plant.a[i] - factor;
double max = plant.a[i] + factor;
if ((factor == 0) && (base_case_executed == 1))
else if ((factor == 0) && (base_case_executed == 0))
base_case_executed = 1;
plant_cbmc.a[i] = nondet_double();
__DSVERIFIER_assume((plant_cbmc.a[i] >= min) && (plant_cbmc.a[i] <= max));
plant_cbmc.a[i] = plant.a[i];
# 2 "benchmarks/ds-09-impl1.c" 2
digital_system ds = {
.b = { 0.1, -0.1 },
.b_size = 2,
.a = { 1.0, -1.0 },
.a_size = 2,
.sample_time = 0.02
implementation impl = {
.int_bits = 4,
.frac_bits = 12,
.max = 1.0,
.min = -1.0
the_stack_data/783701.c | #include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
/* should be 64-bit integers if going over 1 billion */
typedef unsigned long xint;
#define FMT "%lu"
xint total, prim, max_peri;
xint U[][9] = {{ 1, -2, 2, 2, -1, 2, 2, -2, 3},
{ 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3},
{-1, 2, 2, -2, 1, 2, -2, 2, 3}};
void new_tri(xint in[])
int i;
xint t[3], p = in[0] + in[1] + in[2];
if (p > max_peri) return;
prim ++;
/* for every primitive triangle, its multiples would be right-angled too;
* count them up to the max perimeter */
total += max_peri / p;
/* recursively produce next tier by multiplying the matrices */
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
t[0] = U[i][0] * in[0] + U[i][1] * in[1] + U[i][2] * in[2];
t[1] = U[i][3] * in[0] + U[i][4] * in[1] + U[i][5] * in[2];
t[2] = U[i][6] * in[0] + U[i][7] * in[1] + U[i][8] * in[2];
int main()
xint seed[3] = {3, 4, 5};
for (max_peri = 10; max_peri <= 100000000; max_peri *= 10) {
total = prim = 0;
printf( "Up to "FMT": "FMT" triples, "FMT" primitives.\n",
max_peri, total, prim);
return 0;
the_stack_data/182953838.c | // memory leak in sctp_get_port_local (2)
// status:open
// autogenerated by syzkaller (
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <dirent.h>
#include <endian.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/prctl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/syscall.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
unsigned long long procid;
static __thread int skip_segv;
static __thread jmp_buf segv_env;
static void segv_handler(int sig, siginfo_t* info, void* ctx)
uintptr_t addr = (uintptr_t)info->si_addr;
const uintptr_t prog_start = 1 << 20;
const uintptr_t prog_end = 100 << 20;
if (__atomic_load_n(&skip_segv, __ATOMIC_RELAXED) &&
(addr < prog_start || addr > prog_end)) {
_longjmp(segv_env, 1);
static void install_segv_handler(void)
struct sigaction sa;
memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa));
sa.sa_handler = SIG_IGN;
syscall(SYS_rt_sigaction, 0x20, &sa, NULL, 8);
syscall(SYS_rt_sigaction, 0x21, &sa, NULL, 8);
memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa));
sa.sa_sigaction = segv_handler;
sa.sa_flags = SA_NODEFER | SA_SIGINFO;
sigaction(SIGSEGV, &sa, NULL);
sigaction(SIGBUS, &sa, NULL);
#define NONFAILING(...) \
{ \
__atomic_fetch_add(&skip_segv, 1, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST); \
if (_setjmp(segv_env) == 0) { \
__VA_ARGS__; \
} \
__atomic_fetch_sub(&skip_segv, 1, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST); \
static void sleep_ms(uint64_t ms)
usleep(ms * 1000);
static uint64_t current_time_ms(void)
struct timespec ts;
if (clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts))
return (uint64_t)ts.tv_sec * 1000 + (uint64_t)ts.tv_nsec / 1000000;
static bool write_file(const char* file, const char* what, ...)
char buf[1024];
va_list args;
va_start(args, what);
vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), what, args);
buf[sizeof(buf) - 1] = 0;
int len = strlen(buf);
int fd = open(file, O_WRONLY | O_CLOEXEC);
if (fd == -1)
return false;
if (write(fd, buf, len) != len) {
int err = errno;
errno = err;
return false;
return true;
static void kill_and_wait(int pid, int* status)
kill(-pid, SIGKILL);
kill(pid, SIGKILL);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
if (waitpid(-1, status, WNOHANG | __WALL) == pid)
DIR* dir = opendir("/sys/fs/fuse/connections");
if (dir) {
for (;;) {
struct dirent* ent = readdir(dir);
if (!ent)
if (strcmp(ent->d_name, ".") == 0 || strcmp(ent->d_name, "..") == 0)
char abort[300];
snprintf(abort, sizeof(abort), "/sys/fs/fuse/connections/%s/abort",
int fd = open(abort, O_WRONLY);
if (fd == -1) {
if (write(fd, abort, 1) < 0) {
} else {
while (waitpid(-1, status, __WALL) != pid) {
static void setup_test()
prctl(PR_SET_PDEATHSIG, SIGKILL, 0, 0, 0);
write_file("/proc/self/oom_score_adj", "1000");
#define KMEMLEAK_FILE "/sys/kernel/debug/kmemleak"
static void setup_leak()
if (!write_file(KMEMLEAK_FILE, "scan"))
if (!write_file(KMEMLEAK_FILE, "scan"))
if (!write_file(KMEMLEAK_FILE, "clear"))
static void check_leaks(void)
int fd = open(KMEMLEAK_FILE, O_RDWR);
if (fd == -1)
uint64_t start = current_time_ms();
if (write(fd, "scan", 4) != 4)
while (current_time_ms() - start < 4 * 1000)
if (write(fd, "scan", 4) != 4)
static char buf[128 << 10];
ssize_t n = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf) - 1);
if (n < 0)
int nleaks = 0;
if (n != 0) {
if (write(fd, "scan", 4) != 4)
if (lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET) < 0)
n = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf) - 1);
if (n < 0)
buf[n] = 0;
char* pos = buf;
char* end = buf + n;
while (pos < end) {
char* next = strstr(pos + 1, "unreferenced object");
if (!next)
next = end;
char prev = *next;
*next = 0;
fprintf(stderr, "BUG: memory leak\n%s\n", pos);
*next = prev;
pos = next;
if (write(fd, "clear", 5) != 5)
if (nleaks)
static void execute_one(void);
static void loop(void)
int iter;
for (iter = 0;; iter++) {
int pid = fork();
if (pid < 0)
if (pid == 0) {
int status = 0;
uint64_t start = current_time_ms();
for (;;) {
if (waitpid(-1, &status, WNOHANG | WAIT_FLAGS) == pid)
if (current_time_ms() - start < 5 * 1000)
kill_and_wait(pid, &status);
uint64_t r[1] = {0xffffffffffffffff};
void execute_one(void)
intptr_t res = 0;
res = syscall(__NR_socket, 2, 0x80001, 0x84);
if (res != -1)
r[0] = res;
NONFAILING(*(uint64_t*)0x20001cc0 = 0);
NONFAILING(*(uint32_t*)0x20001cc8 = 0);
NONFAILING(*(uint64_t*)0x20001cd0 = 0);
NONFAILING(*(uint64_t*)0x20001cd8 = 0);
NONFAILING(*(uint64_t*)0x20001ce0 = 0);
NONFAILING(*(uint64_t*)0x20001ce8 = 0);
NONFAILING(*(uint32_t*)0x20001cf0 = 0);
syscall(__NR_sendmsg, r[0], 0x20001cc0, 0);
NONFAILING(*(uint16_t*)0x20000000 = 2);
NONFAILING(*(uint16_t*)0x20000002 = htobe16(0x4e20));
NONFAILING(*(uint32_t*)0x20000004 = htobe32(0x7f000001));
syscall(__NR_bind, r[0], 0x20000000, 0x10);
int main(void)
syscall(__NR_mmap, 0x20000000, 0x1000000, 3, 0x32, -1, 0);
for (procid = 0; procid < 8; procid++) {
if (fork() == 0) {
return 0;
the_stack_data/15763324.c | /* Original author: Jeevan Joseph, ece/cs 566 student, S'13 */
/* modified by Shafigh Mehraeen, Chemical Engineering, UIC, 5/1/2018 */
/* modified by Isacc Rojas, Computer Science, UIC, 6/22/2021 */
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
float generate_rand(float file_r);
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
int rank, size, num,i,j,k;
float final_number, mant_r, exp_r, b_r, file_r ;
int limit_per_no = pow(2,16), sign_exp, sign_mant;
int retry = 0;
int retry_count = 0;
char op_file_name[100];
FILE *fp;
int ROWS=atoi(argv[1]);
int COLS = ROWS;
//allocate 2d ROWS x COLS array
float *mat[ROWS];
for (i=0; i<ROWS; i++) {mat[i] = (float *)malloc(COLS * sizeof(float));}
//allocate 1d array of size ROWS (the vector)
float *bMatrix;
bMatrix=malloc(ROWS * sizeof(float));
while (1) {
//generate a random float from 0.0f to 1.0f
file_r = (rand()%100)/(float)100;
for(i=0; i<ROWS;i++){
//get valid random value and store in 2D matrix array
final_number = generate_rand(file_r);
mat[i][j] = final_number;
//get valid random value and store in 1D vector array
bMatrix[i] = generate_rand(file_r);
if (abs(mat[i][i])<1e-6) {
retry_count += 1;
printf("diagonal element is too small; retrying computation (retry %d)\n", retry_count);
retry = 1;
else {
//scale rest of row with diagonal index
for (j=0; j<COLS; j++) {
if (i!=j) {mat[i][j]=mat[i][j]/mat[i][i];}
//scale vector at i by diagonal
if (retry) {
retry = 0;
//open file for writing
fp = fopen(argv[2], "w");
for(i=0; i<ROWS; i++){
//write all values in 2D matrix array to file
for(j=0; j<COLS; j++){
fprintf(fp, "%011.4e", mat[i][j]);
if((j+1)%COLS == 0 )
fprintf(fp, "\n");
fprintf(fp, " ");
//write vector at end of file
fprintf(fp, "%011.4e", bMatrix[i]);
fprintf(fp, "\n");
return 0;
float generate_rand(float file_r){
float final_number, mant_r, exp_r;
int sign_exp;
mant_r = rand() % 65536;
while(mant_r >10){
mant_r = mant_r/(float)10;
if (mant_r<10)
sign_exp = (rand() % 2 ==0)? -1:1 ;
mant_r = mant_r * sign_exp;
if(file_r <=.33){
exp_r = (rand() % 7) -3;
else if(file_r <=.66){
exp_r = (rand() % 7) -1;
exp_r = (rand() % 7) +2;
final_number = mant_r * pow(2, exp_r);
}while(final_number == 0);
return final_number;
the_stack_data/181392908.c | #include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#define BUFFERSIZE 1024
#define MESSAGE "Hello!!"
static int client_socket(const char *host, const char *service);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int sock;
ssize_t readlen;
char buf[BUFFERSIZE];
/* Disable buffering */
setbuf(stdout, NULL);
/* Check the number of arguments */
if (argc != 3) {
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s host port\n", argv[0]);
/* Create new socket */
sock = client_socket(argv[1], argv[2]);
if (sock == -1) {
fprintf(stderr, "client_socket: Failed.\n");
/* Send a message */
if (write(sock, MESSAGE, strlen(MESSAGE)) == -1) {
/* Receive a replies */
printf("Waiting for server to reply ... ");
readlen = read(sock, buf, sizeof(buf));
if (readlen == -1) {
buf[readlen] = '\0';
printf("Server replies: %s\n", buf);
/* Close socket */
return 0;
static int client_socket(const char *host, const char *service)
int sock;
int err;
struct addrinfo hints = { 0 };
struct addrinfo *result, *rp;
hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC;
hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM;
err = getaddrinfo(host, service, &hints, &result);
if (err != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "getaddrinfo: %s\n", gai_strerror(err));
return -1;
for (rp = result; rp != NULL; rp = rp->ai_next) {
sock = socket(rp->ai_family, rp->ai_socktype, rp->ai_protocol);
if (sock == -1)
if (connect(sock, rp->ai_addr, rp->ai_addrlen) == 0)
break; /* success */
if (rp == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Could not connect\n", __FUNCTION__);
return -1;
return sock;
the_stack_data/225143549.c | /******************************************************************************
@file icall_lite_translation.c
@brief ICall LITE translation form icall message to stack API call..
Group: WCS, BTS
Target Device: CC2640R2
Copyright (c) 2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* Neither the name of Texas Instruments Incorporated nor the names of
its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
from this software without specific prior written permission.
Release Name: ti-ble-3.0-stack-sdk_3_00_00
Release Date: 2016-12-21 12:44:48
#include "osal.h"
#include "icall_lite_translation.h"
#if defined(ICALL_LITE_4_PARAMS)
typedef uint32_t (*directAPIFctPtr_t)(uint32_t param1, uint32_t param2,
uint32_t param3, uint32_t param4);
#elif defined(ICALL_LITE_12_PARAMS)
typedef uint32_t (*directAPIFctPtr_t)(uint32_t param1, uint32_t param2,
uint32_t param3, uint32_t param4,
uint32_t param5, uint32_t param6,
uint32_t param7, uint32_t param8,
uint32_t param9, uint32_t param10,
uint32_t param11, uint32_t param12);
typedef uint32_t (*directAPIFctPtr_t)(uint32_t param1, uint32_t param2,
uint32_t param3, uint32_t param4,
uint32_t param5, uint32_t param6,
uint32_t param7, uint32_t param8);
static uint32_t * icallLiteJT = NULL;
#endif /* STACK_LIBRARY */
static void sendLiteCmdStatus(uint8 taskId);
* @fn sendLiteCmdStatus
* @brief Send command status message to the API callee.
* @param taskId -task Id of the API callee.
* @return None
static void sendLiteCmdStatus(uint8 taskId)
ICall_LiteCmdStatus *pMsg =
(ICall_LiteCmdStatus *)osal_msg_allocate(sizeof(ICall_LiteCmdStatus));
if (pMsg)
osal_msg_send(taskId, (uint8 *)pMsg);
* @fn icall_LiteTranslationInit
* @brief Initialize the jump table value.
* @param JT - pointer to the jump table containing the stack API to call.
* @return None
void icall_liteTranslationInit(uint32_t *JT)
if (JT != NULL)
icallLiteJT = &JT[0];
#endif /* STACK_LIBRARY */
* @fn icall_liteTranslation
* @brief Translate the icall direct API Message to a stack API call.
* @param pMsg - pointer to the received message.
* @return None
void icall_liteTranslation(icall_directAPIMsg_t *pMsg)
osal_msg_hdr_t *hdr;
uint8 taskId; //msg_ptr->hciExtCmd.srctaskid;
pMsg->pointerStack[0] = ((directAPIFctPtr_t)(pMsg->directAPI))
pMsg->pointerStack[0] = ((directAPIFctPtr_t)(icallLiteJT[pMsg->directAPI]))
#endif /* STACK_LIBRARY */
#if defined(ICALL_LITE_4_PARAMS)
#elif defined(ICALL_LITE_12_PARAMS)
hdr = (osal_msg_hdr_t *) pMsg - 1;
taskId = osal_alien2proxy(hdr->srcentity);
// post Message confirming the end of the API call.
#endif /* ICALL_LITE */
the_stack_data/523015.c | #include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
struct Product{
char* name;
double price;
struct ProductStock {
struct Product product;
int quantity;
struct Shop {
double cash;
struct ProductStock stock[20];
int index;
struct Customer{
char* name;
double budget;
struct ProductStock shoppingList[10];
int index;
void printProduct(struct Product p)
printf("PRODUCT NAME: %s \nPRODUCT PRICE: %.2f\n",, p.price);
void printCustomer(struct Customer c)
printf("CUSTOMER NAME: %s \nCUSTOMER BUDGET: %.2f\n",, c.budget);
for(int i=0; i<c.index; i++)
printf("%s ORDERS %d OF ABOVE PRODUCT\n",,c.shoppingList[i].quantity);
double cost = c.shoppingList[i].quantity * c.shoppingList[i].product.price;
printf("The cost to %s will be %.2f\n",, cost);
struct Shop createAndStockShop()
//struct Shop shop = { 200 };
FILE * fp;
char * line = NULL;
size_t len = 0;
ssize_t read;
fp = fopen("stock.csv", "r");
if (fp == NULL)
read = getline(&line, &len, fp);
float cash = atof(line);
// printf("cash in shop is %.2f\n", cash);
struct Shop shop = { cash };
while ((read = getline(&line, &len, fp)) != -1){
//printf("%s IS A LINE", line);
char *n = strtok(line,",");
char *p= strtok(NULL, ",");
char *q = strtok(NULL, ",");
int quantity = atoi(q);
double price = atof(p);
char *name = malloc(sizeof(char) * 50);
strcpy(name, n);
struct Product product = { name,price };
struct ProductStock stockItem = { product, quantity};
shop.stock[shop.index++] = stockItem;
//printf("NAME OF PRODUCT %s, PRICE %.2f, QUANTITY %d\n", name, price, quantity);
return shop;
void printShop(struct Shop s)
printf("Shop has %.2f in cash\n",;
for (int i = 0; i < s.index; i++)
printf("The shop has %d of the above\n", s.stock[i].quantity);
int main(void)
// struct Customer dominic = {"Dominic", 100.0};
// struct Product coke={"Can Coke", 1.10};
// struct Product bread={"Bread", 0.7};
// printProduct(coke);
// struct ProductStock cokeStock = {coke, 20};
// struct ProductStock breadStock = {bread, 2};
// dominic.shoppingList[dominic.index++] = cokeStock;
// dominic.shoppingList[dominic.index++] = breadStock;
// printCustomer(dominic);
// printf("The shop has %d of the product %s\n", cokeStock.quantity,;
struct Shop shop = createAndStockShop();
return 0;
the_stack_data/218892058.c | /*
* Copyright (c) 2020, Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
/*********** WARNING: This is an auto-generated file. Do not edit! ***********/
#include <stdint.h>
uint8_t tfm_sp_secure_client_2_stack[0x300] __attribute__((aligned(8)));
the_stack_data/92482.c | #include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
typedef struct node {
int value;
struct node* next;
struct node* prev;
} node;
typedef struct list {
struct node* head;
struct node* tail;
} list;
void init(list* l)
list* tmp = (list*)malloc(sizeof(list));
tmp->head = tmp->tail = NULL;
*l = *tmp;
void clean(list* l)
node* tmp = l->head;
node* tmp1;
while (tmp != NULL)
tmp1 = tmp;
tmp = tmp->next;
l->head = NULL;
l->tail = NULL;
bool is_empty(list* l)
if (l->head == NULL)
return 1;
else return 0;
node* find(list* l, int value)
node* tmp = l->head;
while (tmp != NULL)
if (tmp->value == value)
return tmp;
tmp = tmp->next;
return NULL;
int push_back(list* l, int value)
node *tmp = malloc(sizeof(node));
if (tmp == NULL)
return 0;
tmp->value = value;
tmp->next = NULL;
tmp->prev = l->tail;
if (l->tail)
l->tail->next = tmp;
l->tail = tmp;
if (l->head == NULL)
l->head = tmp;
return 0;
int push_front(list* l, int value)
node* newNode = (node*)malloc(sizeof(node));
newNode->value = value;
if (l->head == NULL)
l->head = newNode;
l->tail = newNode;
newNode->next = l->head;
newNode->next->prev = newNode;
l->head = newNode;
if (newNode != NULL)
return 0;
int insert_after_num(node *n, int value, list* l) {
node *node_added = (node*) malloc(sizeof(node));
if (n->next == NULL)
node_added->prev = n;
n->next = node_added;
l->tail = node_added;
return 0;
node_added->value = value;
node_added->prev = n;
node_added->next = n->next;
n->next->prev = node_added;
n->next = node_added;
return 0;
int insert_before(node *n, int value, list* l)
node *node_added = (node*) malloc(sizeof(node));
if (n->prev == NULL)
node_added->next = n;
n->prev = node_added;
l->head = node_added;
return 0;
node_added->value = value;
node_added->prev = n->prev;
n->prev->next = node_added;
node_added->next = n;
n->prev = node_added;
return 0;
int remove_node(list* l, int value)
node *tmp = l->head;
while(tmp != NULL){
if(tmp->value == value){
if (tmp->prev) {
tmp->prev->next = tmp->next;
if (tmp->next) {
tmp->next->prev = tmp->prev;
if (!tmp->prev) {
l->head = tmp->next;
if (!tmp->next) {
l->tail = tmp->prev;
return 0;
else {
tmp = tmp->next;
return 1;
node *findlast(list *l, int value) {
node *tmp = l->tail;
if(! l -> head) {
return NULL;
while(tmp) {
if(tmp->value == value)
return tmp;
return NULL;
int remove_last(list *l, int key) {
if(l -> head == NULL) {
return 1;
node *found = findlast(l, key);
if (found != NULL) {
node *prev = found -> prev;
node *next = found -> next;
if (prev != NULL) {
prev -> next = next;
if (next != NULL) {
next -> prev = prev;
if (found == l->head) {
l -> head = found -> next;
if (found == l -> tail) {
l -> tail = found -> prev;
return 0;
void print(list* l)
node *tmp = l->head;
if (tmp == NULL) {
while(tmp != NULL) {
printf("%d ", tmp-> value);
tmp = tmp -> next;
void print_invers(list* l)
node *tmp = l -> tail;
if(tmp == NULL) {
while(tmp != NULL) {
printf("%d ", tmp-> value);
tmp = tmp -> prev;
int main() {
struct list* l;
l = malloc(sizeof(list));
int n, val, i;
scanf("%d", &n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
scanf("%d", &val);
push_back(l, val);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
scanf("%d", &val);
if (find(l, val) == NULL)
printf("%d ", 0);
printf("%d ", 1);
scanf("%d", &val);
push_back(l, val);
scanf("%d", &val);
push_front(l, val);
int j, x;
scanf("%d", &j);
scanf("%d", &x);
node *temp = l->head;
for (i = 1; i < j; i++)
temp = temp->next;
insert_after_num(temp, x, l);
int u, y;
scanf("%d", &u);
scanf("%d", &y);
temp = l->head;
for (i = 1; i < u; i++)
temp = temp->next;
insert_before(temp, y, l);
scanf("%d", &val);
remove_node(l, val);
scanf("%d", &val);
remove_last(l, val);
return 0;
the_stack_data/135971.c | // Experimental test input for Accelerator directives
// simplest scalar*vector operations
// Testing extensions for multiple devices
// This one has some exaggerated cases for testing parsing only
// Liao 2/2/2015
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <omp.h>
#if 0
double time_stamp()
struct timeval t;
double time;
gettimeofday(&t, NULL);
time = t.tv_sec + 1.0e-6*t.tv_usec;
return time;
/* in second */
#define read_timer() omp_get_wtime()
//#define read_timer() time_stamp()
/* change this to do saxpy or daxpy : single precision or double precision*/
#define REAL double
#define VEC_LEN 1024000 //use a fixed number for now
/* zero out the entire vector */
void zero(REAL *A, int n)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
A[i] = 0.0;
/* initialize a vector with random floating point numbers */
void init(REAL *A, int n)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
A[i] = (double)drand48();
REAL check(REAL*A, REAL*B, int n)
int i;
REAL sum = 0.0;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
sum += A[i] - B[i];
return sum;
// reference CPU version
void axpy_omp(REAL* x, REAL* y, long n, REAL a) {
int i;
//#pragma omp parallel for shared(x, y, n, a) private(i)
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
y[i] += a * x[i];
// GPU version
void axpy_ompacc(REAL* x, REAL* y, int n, REAL a) {
int i;
//For testing parsing only, 3 policies are used for even 1-D arrays.
#pragma omp target device (mpi) map(tofrom: y[0:n] dist_data(block, duplicate, cyclic(5)) ) map(to: x[0:n] dist_data(block(5), cyclic(3)),a,n)
#pragma omp parallel for shared(x, y, n, a) private(i)
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
y[i] += a * x[i];
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int n;
REAL *y_omp, *y_ompacc, *x;
REAL a = 123.456;
#pragma omp target device(mpi:all) begin
n = VEC_LEN;
y_omp = (REAL *) malloc(n * sizeof(REAL));
y_ompacc = (REAL *) malloc(n * sizeof(REAL));
x = (REAL *) malloc(n * sizeof(REAL));
#pragma omp target device(mpi:all) end
#pragma omp target device(mpi:master) begin
init(x, n);
init(y_ompacc, n);
memcpy(y_ompacc, y_omp, n*sizeof(REAL));
#pragma omp target device(mpi:master) end
int num_threads;
// #pragma omp parallel shared (num_threads)
if (omp_get_thread_num() == 0)
num_threads = omp_get_num_threads();
/* CPU threading version*/
double omp_time = read_timer();
axpy_omp(x, y_omp, n, a);
omp_time = read_timer() - omp_time;
/* openmp acc version */
double ompacc_time = read_timer();
axpy_ompacc(x, y_ompacc, n, a);
ompacc_time = read_timer() - ompacc_time;
printf("axpy(%d): checksum: %g; time(s):\tOMP(%d threads)\tOMPACC\n", n, check(y_omp, y_ompacc, n),num_threads);
printf("\t\t\t\t\t\t%4f\t%4f\n", omp_time, ompacc_time);
return 0;
the_stack_data/55682.c | #include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main()
char str1[10], str2[10], str3[20];
printf("Enter String 1: ");
printf("Enter String 2: ");
if (strcmp(str1, str2) == 0)
strcpy(str3, strcat(str1, str2));
printf("The Concatanader String is:- %s", str3);
printf("\nNot Same!!");
return 0;
} |
the_stack_data/555893.c | void test(int *arr, int sz)
for(int i = 0; i < sz; ++i)
arr[i] = 0;
the_stack_data/156394500.c | /*Exercise 4 - Functions
Implement the three functions minimum(), maximum() and multiply() below the main() function.
Do not change the code given in the main() function when you are implementing your solution.*/
#include <stdio.h>
int minimum(n1,n2);
int maximum(n1,n2);
int multiply(n1,n2);
int main() {
int no1, no2;
printf("Enter a value for no 1 : ");
scanf("%d", &no1);
printf("Enter a value for no 2 : ");
scanf("%d", &no2);
printf("%d ", minimum(no1, no2));
printf("%d ", maximum(no1, no2));
printf("%d ", multiply(no1, no2));
return 0;
int minimum(n1,n2){
return n1;
return n2;
int maximum(n1,n2){
return n1;
return n2;
int multiply(n1,n2){
return n1*n2;
} |
the_stack_data/98575258.c | /* original parser id follows */
/* yysccsid[] = "@(#)yaccpar 1.9 (Berkeley) 02/21/93" */
/* (use YYMAJOR/YYMINOR for ifdefs dependent of parser version) */
#define YYBYACC 1
#define YYMAJOR 1
#define YYMINOR 9
#define YYCHECK "yyyymmdd"
#define YYEMPTY (-1)
#define yyclearin (yychar = YYEMPTY)
#define yyerrok (yyerrflag = 0)
#define YYRECOVERING() (yyerrflag != 0)
#define YYENOMEM (-2)
#define YYEOF 0
#define YYBTYACC 0
#ifndef yyparse
#define yyparse empty_parse
#endif /* yyparse */
#ifndef yylex
#define yylex empty_lex
#endif /* yylex */
#ifndef yyerror
#define yyerror empty_error
#endif /* yyerror */
#ifndef yychar
#define yychar empty_char
#endif /* yychar */
#ifndef yyval
#define yyval empty_val
#endif /* yyval */
#ifndef yylval
#define yylval empty_lval
#endif /* yylval */
#ifndef yydebug
#define yydebug empty_debug
#endif /* yydebug */
#ifndef yynerrs
#define yynerrs empty_nerrs
#endif /* yynerrs */
#ifndef yyerrflag
#define yyerrflag empty_errflag
#endif /* yyerrflag */
#ifndef yylhs
#define yylhs empty_lhs
#endif /* yylhs */
#ifndef yylen
#define yylen empty_len
#endif /* yylen */
#ifndef yydefred
#define yydefred empty_defred
#endif /* yydefred */
#ifndef yystos
#define yystos empty_stos
#endif /* yystos */
#ifndef yydgoto
#define yydgoto empty_dgoto
#endif /* yydgoto */
#ifndef yysindex
#define yysindex empty_sindex
#endif /* yysindex */
#ifndef yyrindex
#define yyrindex empty_rindex
#endif /* yyrindex */
#ifndef yygindex
#define yygindex empty_gindex
#endif /* yygindex */
#ifndef yytable
#define yytable empty_table
#endif /* yytable */
#ifndef yycheck
#define yycheck empty_check
#endif /* yycheck */
#ifndef yyname
#define yyname empty_name
#endif /* yyname */
#ifndef yyrule
#define yyrule empty_rule
#endif /* yyrule */
#ifndef yycindex
#define yycindex empty_cindex
#endif /* yycindex */
#ifndef yyctable
#define yyctable empty_ctable
#endif /* yyctable */
#endif /* YYBTYACC */
#define YYPREFIX "empty_"
#define YYPURE 0
#line 2 "empty.y"
#ifdef YYBISON
#define YYLEX_DECL() yylex(void)
#define YYERROR_DECL() yyerror(const char *s)
static int YYLEX_DECL();
static void YYERROR_DECL();
#line 128 ""
#if ! defined(YYSTYPE) && ! defined(YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED)
/* Default: YYSTYPE is the semantic value type. */
typedef int YYSTYPE;
/* compatibility with bison */
/* compatibility with FreeBSD */
# else
# define YYPARSE_DECL() yyparse(void *YYPARSE_PARAM)
# endif
# define YYPARSE_DECL() yyparse(void)
/* Parameters sent to lex. */
# define YYLEX_DECL() yylex(void *YYLEX_PARAM)
# define YYLEX yylex(YYLEX_PARAM)
# define YYLEX_DECL() yylex(void)
# define YYLEX yylex()
/* Parameters sent to yyerror. */
#define YYERROR_DECL() yyerror(const char *s)
#define YYERROR_CALL(msg) yyerror(msg)
extern int YYPARSE_DECL();
#define YYERRCODE 256
typedef short YYINT;
static const YYINT empty_lhs[] = { -1,
static const YYINT empty_len[] = { 2,
static const YYINT empty_defred[] = { 1,
static const YYINT empty_stos[] = { 0,
static const YYINT empty_dgoto[] = { 1,
static const YYINT empty_sindex[] = { 0,
static const YYINT empty_rindex[] = { 0,
static const YYINT empty_cindex[] = { 0,
static const YYINT empty_gindex[] = { 0,
static const YYINT empty_table[] = { 0,
static const YYINT empty_check[] = { -1,
static const YYINT empty_ctable[] = { -1,
#define YYFINAL 1
#ifndef YYDEBUG
#define YYDEBUG 0
#define YYMAXTOKEN 256
#define YYUNDFTOKEN 259
static const char *const empty_name[] = {
static const char *const empty_rule[] = {
"$accept : start",
"start :",
int yydebug;
int yynerrs;
int yyerrflag;
int yychar;
YYSTYPE yyval;
YYSTYPE yylval;
#if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED)
YYLTYPE yyloc; /* position returned by actions */
YYLTYPE yylloc; /* position from the lexer */
#if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED)
#define YYLLOC_DEFAULT(loc, rhs, n) \
do \
{ \
if (n == 0) \
{ \
(loc).first_line = ((rhs)[-1]).last_line; \
(loc).first_column = ((rhs)[-1]).last_column; \
(loc).last_line = ((rhs)[-1]).last_line; \
(loc).last_column = ((rhs)[-1]).last_column; \
} \
else \
{ \
(loc).first_line = ((rhs)[ 0 ]).first_line; \
(loc).first_column = ((rhs)[ 0 ]).first_column; \
(loc).last_line = ((rhs)[n-1]).last_line; \
(loc).last_column = ((rhs)[n-1]).last_column; \
} \
} while (0)
#endif /* YYLLOC_DEFAULT */
#endif /* defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED) */
#endif /* YYBTYACC */
/* define the initial stack-sizes */
#define YYSTACKSIZE 10000
#define YYMAXDEPTH 10000
typedef struct {
unsigned stacksize;
short *s_base;
short *s_mark;
short *s_last;
YYSTYPE *l_base;
YYSTYPE *l_mark;
#if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED)
YYLTYPE *p_base;
YYLTYPE *p_mark;
struct YYParseState_s
struct YYParseState_s *save; /* Previously saved parser state */
YYSTACKDATA yystack; /* saved parser stack */
int state; /* saved parser state */
int errflag; /* saved error recovery status */
int lexeme; /* saved index of the conflict lexeme in the lexical queue */
YYINT ctry; /* saved index in yyctable[] for this conflict */
typedef struct YYParseState_s YYParseState;
#endif /* YYBTYACC */
/* variables for the parser stack */
static YYSTACKDATA yystack;
/* Current parser state */
static YYParseState *yyps = 0;
/* yypath != NULL: do the full parse, starting at *yypath parser state. */
static YYParseState *yypath = 0;
/* Base of the lexical value queue */
static YYSTYPE *yylvals = 0;
/* Current position at lexical value queue */
static YYSTYPE *yylvp = 0;
/* End position of lexical value queue */
static YYSTYPE *yylve = 0;
/* The last allocated position at the lexical value queue */
static YYSTYPE *yylvlim = 0;
#if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED)
/* Base of the lexical position queue */
static YYLTYPE *yylpsns = 0;
/* Current position at lexical position queue */
static YYLTYPE *yylpp = 0;
/* End position of lexical position queue */
static YYLTYPE *yylpe = 0;
/* The last allocated position at the lexical position queue */
static YYLTYPE *yylplim = 0;
/* Current position at lexical token queue */
static short *yylexp = 0;
static short *yylexemes = 0;
#endif /* YYBTYACC */
#line 13 "empty.y"
#include <stdio.h>
static int
return -1;
static void
#line 368 ""
/* For use in generated program */
#define yydepth (int)(yystack.s_mark - yystack.s_base)
#define yytrial (yyps->save)
#endif /* YYBTYACC */
#include <stdio.h> /* needed for printf */
#include <stdlib.h> /* needed for malloc, etc */
#include <string.h> /* needed for memset */
/* allocate initial stack or double stack size, up to YYMAXDEPTH */
static int yygrowstack(YYSTACKDATA *data)
int i;
unsigned newsize;
short *newss;
YYSTYPE *newvs;
#if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED)
YYLTYPE *newps;
if ((newsize = data->stacksize) == 0)
else if (newsize >= YYMAXDEPTH)
return YYENOMEM;
else if ((newsize *= 2) > YYMAXDEPTH)
newsize = YYMAXDEPTH;
i = (int) (data->s_mark - data->s_base);
newss = (short *)realloc(data->s_base, newsize * sizeof(*newss));
if (newss == 0)
return YYENOMEM;
data->s_base = newss;
data->s_mark = newss + i;
newvs = (YYSTYPE *)realloc(data->l_base, newsize * sizeof(*newvs));
if (newvs == 0)
return YYENOMEM;
data->l_base = newvs;
data->l_mark = newvs + i;
#if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED)
newps = (YYLTYPE *)realloc(data->p_base, newsize * sizeof(*newps));
if (newps == 0)
return YYENOMEM;
data->p_base = newps;
data->p_mark = newps + i;
data->stacksize = newsize;
data->s_last = data->s_base + newsize - 1;
if (yydebug)
fprintf(stderr, "%sdebug: stack size increased to %d\n", YYPREFIX, newsize);
return 0;
#if YYPURE || defined(YY_NO_LEAKS)
static void yyfreestack(YYSTACKDATA *data)
#if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED)
memset(data, 0, sizeof(*data));
#define yyfreestack(data) /* nothing */
#endif /* YYPURE || defined(YY_NO_LEAKS) */
static YYParseState *
yyNewState(unsigned size)
YYParseState *p = (YYParseState *) malloc(sizeof(YYParseState));
if (p == NULL) return NULL;
p->yystack.stacksize = size;
if (size == 0)
p->yystack.s_base = NULL;
p->yystack.l_base = NULL;
#if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED)
p->yystack.p_base = NULL;
return p;
p->yystack.s_base = (short *) malloc(size * sizeof(short));
if (p->yystack.s_base == NULL) return NULL;
p->yystack.l_base = (YYSTYPE *) malloc(size * sizeof(YYSTYPE));
if (p->yystack.l_base == NULL) return NULL;
memset(p->yystack.l_base, 0, size * sizeof(YYSTYPE));
#if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED)
p->yystack.p_base = (YYLTYPE *) malloc(size * sizeof(YYLTYPE));
if (p->yystack.p_base == NULL) return NULL;
memset(p->yystack.p_base, 0, size * sizeof(YYLTYPE));
return p;
static void
yyFreeState(YYParseState *p)
#endif /* YYBTYACC */
#define YYABORT goto yyabort
#define YYREJECT goto yyabort
#define YYACCEPT goto yyaccept
#define YYERROR goto yyerrlab
#define YYVALID do { if (yyps->save) goto yyvalid; } while(0)
#define YYVALID_NESTED do { if (yyps->save && \
yyps->save->save == 0) goto yyvalid; } while(0)
#endif /* YYBTYACC */
int yym, yyn, yystate, yyresult;
int yynewerrflag;
YYParseState *yyerrctx = NULL;
#endif /* YYBTYACC */
#if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED)
YYLTYPE yyerror_loc_range[2]; /* position of error start & end */
const char *yys;
if ((yys = getenv("YYDEBUG")) != 0)
yyn = *yys;
if (yyn >= '0' && yyn <= '9')
yydebug = yyn - '0';
if (yydebug)
fprintf(stderr, "%sdebug[<# of symbols on state stack>]\n", YYPREFIX);
yyps = yyNewState(0); if (yyps == 0) goto yyenomem;
yyps->save = 0;
#endif /* YYBTYACC */
yynerrs = 0;
yyerrflag = 0;
yychar = YYEMPTY;
yystate = 0;
memset(&yystack, 0, sizeof(yystack));
if (yystack.s_base == NULL && yygrowstack(&yystack) == YYENOMEM) goto yyoverflow;
yystack.s_mark = yystack.s_base;
yystack.l_mark = yystack.l_base;
#if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED)
yystack.p_mark = yystack.p_base;
yystate = 0;
*yystack.s_mark = 0;
if ((yyn = yydefred[yystate]) != 0) goto yyreduce;
if (yychar < 0)
do {
if (yylvp < yylve)
/* we're currently re-reading tokens */
yylval = *yylvp++;
#if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED)
yylloc = *yylpp++;
yychar = *yylexp++;
if (yyps->save)
/* in trial mode; save scanner results for future parse attempts */
if (yylvp == yylvlim)
{ /* Enlarge lexical value queue */
size_t p = (size_t) (yylvp - yylvals);
size_t s = (size_t) (yylvlim - yylvals);
if ((yylexemes = (short *) realloc(yylexemes, s * sizeof(short))) == NULL) goto yyenomem;
if ((yylvals = (YYSTYPE *) realloc(yylvals, s * sizeof(YYSTYPE))) == NULL) goto yyenomem;
#if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED)
if ((yylpsns = (YYLTYPE *) realloc(yylpsns, s * sizeof(YYLTYPE))) == NULL) goto yyenomem;
yylvp = yylve = yylvals + p;
yylvlim = yylvals + s;
#if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED)
yylpp = yylpe = yylpsns + p;
yylplim = yylpsns + s;
yylexp = yylexemes + p;
*yylexp = (short) YYLEX;
*yylvp++ = yylval;
#if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED)
*yylpp++ = yylloc;
yychar = *yylexp++;
/* normal operation, no conflict encountered */
#endif /* YYBTYACC */
yychar = YYLEX;
} while (0);
#endif /* YYBTYACC */
if (yychar < 0) yychar = YYEOF;
/* if ((yychar = YYLEX) < 0) yychar = YYEOF; */
if (yydebug)
yys = yyname[YYTRANSLATE(yychar)];
fprintf(stderr, "%s[%d]: state %d, reading token %d (%s)",
YYDEBUGSTR, yydepth, yystate, yychar, yys);
if (!yytrial)
#endif /* YYBTYACC */
fprintf(stderr, " <%s>", YYSTYPE_TOSTRING(yychar, yylval));
fputc('\n', stderr);
/* Do we have a conflict? */
if (((yyn = yycindex[yystate]) != 0) && (yyn += yychar) >= 0 &&
yyn <= YYTABLESIZE && yycheck[yyn] == (YYINT) yychar)
YYINT ctry;
if (yypath)
YYParseState *save;
if (yydebug)
fprintf(stderr, "%s[%d]: CONFLICT in state %d: following successful trial parse\n",
YYDEBUGSTR, yydepth, yystate);
/* Switch to the next conflict context */
save = yypath;
yypath = save->save;
save->save = NULL;
ctry = save->ctry;
if (save->state != yystate) YYABORT;
/* Unresolved conflict - start/continue trial parse */
YYParseState *save;
if (yydebug)
fprintf(stderr, "%s[%d]: CONFLICT in state %d. ", YYDEBUGSTR, yydepth, yystate);
if (yyps->save)
fputs("ALREADY in conflict, continuing trial parse.\n", stderr);
fputs("Starting trial parse.\n", stderr);
save = yyNewState((unsigned)(yystack.s_mark - yystack.s_base + 1));
if (save == NULL) goto yyenomem;
save->save = yyps->save;
save->state = yystate;
save->errflag = yyerrflag;
save->yystack.s_mark = save->yystack.s_base + (yystack.s_mark - yystack.s_base);
memcpy (save->yystack.s_base, yystack.s_base, (size_t) (yystack.s_mark - yystack.s_base + 1) * sizeof(short));
save->yystack.l_mark = save->yystack.l_base + (yystack.l_mark - yystack.l_base);
memcpy (save->yystack.l_base, yystack.l_base, (size_t) (yystack.l_mark - yystack.l_base + 1) * sizeof(YYSTYPE));
#if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED)
save->yystack.p_mark = save->yystack.p_base + (yystack.p_mark - yystack.p_base);
memcpy (save->yystack.p_base, yystack.p_base, (size_t) (yystack.p_mark - yystack.p_base + 1) * sizeof(YYLTYPE));
ctry = yytable[yyn];
if (yyctable[ctry] == -1)
if (yydebug && yychar >= YYEOF)
fprintf(stderr, "%s[%d]: backtracking 1 token\n", YYDEBUGSTR, yydepth);
save->ctry = ctry;
if (yyps->save == NULL)
/* If this is a first conflict in the stack, start saving lexemes */
if (!yylexemes)
yylexemes = (short *) malloc((YYLVQUEUEGROWTH) * sizeof(short));
if (yylexemes == NULL) goto yyenomem;
yylvals = (YYSTYPE *) malloc((YYLVQUEUEGROWTH) * sizeof(YYSTYPE));
if (yylvals == NULL) goto yyenomem;
yylvlim = yylvals + YYLVQUEUEGROWTH;
#if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED)
yylpsns = (YYLTYPE *) malloc((YYLVQUEUEGROWTH) * sizeof(YYLTYPE));
if (yylpsns == NULL) goto yyenomem;
yylplim = yylpsns + YYLVQUEUEGROWTH;
if (yylvp == yylve)
yylvp = yylve = yylvals;
#if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED)
yylpp = yylpe = yylpsns;
yylexp = yylexemes;
if (yychar >= YYEOF)
*yylve++ = yylval;
#if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED)
*yylpe++ = yylloc;
*yylexp = (short) yychar;
yychar = YYEMPTY;
if (yychar >= YYEOF)
#if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED)
yychar = YYEMPTY;
save->lexeme = (int) (yylvp - yylvals);
yyps->save = save;
if (yytable[yyn] == ctry)
if (yydebug)
fprintf(stderr, "%s[%d]: state %d, shifting to state %d\n",
YYDEBUGSTR, yydepth, yystate, yyctable[ctry]);
if (yychar < 0)
#if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED)
if (yystack.s_mark >= yystack.s_last && yygrowstack(&yystack) == YYENOMEM)
goto yyoverflow;
yystate = yyctable[ctry];
*++yystack.s_mark = (short) yystate;
*++yystack.l_mark = yylval;
#if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED)
*++yystack.p_mark = yylloc;
yychar = YYEMPTY;
if (yyerrflag > 0) --yyerrflag;
goto yyloop;
yyn = yyctable[ctry];
goto yyreduce;
} /* End of code dealing with conflicts */
#endif /* YYBTYACC */
if (((yyn = yysindex[yystate]) != 0) && (yyn += yychar) >= 0 &&
yyn <= YYTABLESIZE && yycheck[yyn] == (YYINT) yychar)
if (yydebug)
fprintf(stderr, "%s[%d]: state %d, shifting to state %d\n",
YYDEBUGSTR, yydepth, yystate, yytable[yyn]);
if (yystack.s_mark >= yystack.s_last && yygrowstack(&yystack) == YYENOMEM) goto yyoverflow;
yystate = yytable[yyn];
*++yystack.s_mark = yytable[yyn];
*++yystack.l_mark = yylval;
#if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED)
*++yystack.p_mark = yylloc;
yychar = YYEMPTY;
if (yyerrflag > 0) --yyerrflag;
goto yyloop;
if (((yyn = yyrindex[yystate]) != 0) && (yyn += yychar) >= 0 &&
yyn <= YYTABLESIZE && yycheck[yyn] == (YYINT) yychar)
yyn = yytable[yyn];
goto yyreduce;
if (yyerrflag != 0) goto yyinrecovery;
yynewerrflag = 1;
goto yyerrhandler;
goto yyerrlab;
yynewerrflag = 0;
while (yyps->save)
int ctry;
YYParseState *save = yyps->save;
if (yydebug)
fprintf(stderr, "%s[%d]: ERROR in state %d, CONFLICT BACKTRACKING to state %d, %d tokens\n",
YYDEBUGSTR, yydepth, yystate, yyps->save->state,
(int)(yylvp - yylvals - yyps->save->lexeme));
/* Memorize most forward-looking error state in case it's really an error. */
if (yyerrctx == NULL || yyerrctx->lexeme < yylvp - yylvals)
/* Free old saved error context state */
if (yyerrctx) yyFreeState(yyerrctx);
/* Create and fill out new saved error context state */
yyerrctx = yyNewState((unsigned)(yystack.s_mark - yystack.s_base + 1));
if (yyerrctx == NULL) goto yyenomem;
yyerrctx->save = yyps->save;
yyerrctx->state = yystate;
yyerrctx->errflag = yyerrflag;
yyerrctx->yystack.s_mark = yyerrctx->yystack.s_base + (yystack.s_mark - yystack.s_base);
memcpy (yyerrctx->yystack.s_base, yystack.s_base, (size_t) (yystack.s_mark - yystack.s_base + 1) * sizeof(short));
yyerrctx->yystack.l_mark = yyerrctx->yystack.l_base + (yystack.l_mark - yystack.l_base);
memcpy (yyerrctx->yystack.l_base, yystack.l_base, (size_t) (yystack.l_mark - yystack.l_base + 1) * sizeof(YYSTYPE));
#if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED)
yyerrctx->yystack.p_mark = yyerrctx->yystack.p_base + (yystack.p_mark - yystack.p_base);
memcpy (yyerrctx->yystack.p_base, yystack.p_base, (size_t) (yystack.p_mark - yystack.p_base + 1) * sizeof(YYLTYPE));
yyerrctx->lexeme = (int) (yylvp - yylvals);
yylvp = yylvals + save->lexeme;
#if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED)
yylpp = yylpsns + save->lexeme;
yylexp = yylexemes + save->lexeme;
yychar = YYEMPTY;
yystack.s_mark = yystack.s_base + (save->yystack.s_mark - save->yystack.s_base);
memcpy (yystack.s_base, save->yystack.s_base, (size_t) (yystack.s_mark - yystack.s_base + 1) * sizeof(short));
yystack.l_mark = yystack.l_base + (save->yystack.l_mark - save->yystack.l_base);
memcpy (yystack.l_base, save->yystack.l_base, (size_t) (yystack.l_mark - yystack.l_base + 1) * sizeof(YYSTYPE));
#if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED)
yystack.p_mark = yystack.p_base + (save->yystack.p_mark - save->yystack.p_base);
memcpy (yystack.p_base, save->yystack.p_base, (size_t) (yystack.p_mark - yystack.p_base + 1) * sizeof(YYLTYPE));
ctry = ++save->ctry;
yystate = save->state;
/* We tried shift, try reduce now */
if ((yyn = yyctable[ctry]) >= 0) goto yyreduce;
yyps->save = save->save;
save->save = NULL;
/* Nothing left on the stack -- error */
if (!yyps->save)
if (yydebug)
fprintf(stderr, "%sdebug[%d,trial]: trial parse FAILED, entering ERROR mode\n",
YYPREFIX, yydepth);
/* Restore state as it was in the most forward-advanced error */
yylvp = yylvals + yyerrctx->lexeme;
#if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED)
yylpp = yylpsns + yyerrctx->lexeme;
yylexp = yylexemes + yyerrctx->lexeme;
yychar = yylexp[-1];
yylval = yylvp[-1];
#if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED)
yylloc = yylpp[-1];
yystack.s_mark = yystack.s_base + (yyerrctx->yystack.s_mark - yyerrctx->yystack.s_base);
memcpy (yystack.s_base, yyerrctx->yystack.s_base, (size_t) (yystack.s_mark - yystack.s_base + 1) * sizeof(short));
yystack.l_mark = yystack.l_base + (yyerrctx->yystack.l_mark - yyerrctx->yystack.l_base);
memcpy (yystack.l_base, yyerrctx->yystack.l_base, (size_t) (yystack.l_mark - yystack.l_base + 1) * sizeof(YYSTYPE));
#if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED)
yystack.p_mark = yystack.p_base + (yyerrctx->yystack.p_mark - yyerrctx->yystack.p_base);
memcpy (yystack.p_base, yyerrctx->yystack.p_base, (size_t) (yystack.p_mark - yystack.p_base + 1) * sizeof(YYLTYPE));
yystate = yyerrctx->state;
yyerrctx = NULL;
yynewerrflag = 1;
if (yynewerrflag == 0) goto yyinrecovery;
#endif /* YYBTYACC */
YYERROR_CALL("syntax error");
#if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED)
yyerror_loc_range[0] = yylloc; /* lookahead position is error start position */
goto yyerrlab;
if (yyerrflag < 3)
yyerrflag = 3;
for (;;)
if (((yyn = yysindex[*yystack.s_mark]) != 0) && (yyn += YYERRCODE) >= 0 &&
yyn <= YYTABLESIZE && yycheck[yyn] == (YYINT) YYERRCODE)
if (yydebug)
fprintf(stderr, "%s[%d]: state %d, error recovery shifting to state %d\n",
YYDEBUGSTR, yydepth, *yystack.s_mark, yytable[yyn]);
if (yystack.s_mark >= yystack.s_last && yygrowstack(&yystack) == YYENOMEM) goto yyoverflow;
yystate = yytable[yyn];
*++yystack.s_mark = yytable[yyn];
*++yystack.l_mark = yylval;
#if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED)
/* lookahead position is error end position */
yyerror_loc_range[1] = yylloc;
YYLLOC_DEFAULT(yyloc, yyerror_loc_range, 2); /* position of error span */
*++yystack.p_mark = yyloc;
goto yyloop;
if (yydebug)
fprintf(stderr, "%s[%d]: error recovery discarding state %d\n",
YYDEBUGSTR, yydepth, *yystack.s_mark);
if (yystack.s_mark <= yystack.s_base) goto yyabort;
#if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED)
/* the current TOS position is the error start position */
yyerror_loc_range[0] = *yystack.p_mark;
#if defined(YYDESTRUCT_CALL)
if (!yytrial)
#endif /* YYBTYACC */
#if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED)
YYDESTRUCT_CALL("error: discarding state",
yystos[*yystack.s_mark], yystack.l_mark, yystack.p_mark);
YYDESTRUCT_CALL("error: discarding state",
yystos[*yystack.s_mark], yystack.l_mark);
#endif /* defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED) */
#endif /* defined(YYDESTRUCT_CALL) */
#if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED)
if (yychar == YYEOF) goto yyabort;
if (yydebug)
yys = yyname[YYTRANSLATE(yychar)];
fprintf(stderr, "%s[%d]: state %d, error recovery discarding token %d (%s)\n",
YYDEBUGSTR, yydepth, yystate, yychar, yys);
#if defined(YYDESTRUCT_CALL)
if (!yytrial)
#endif /* YYBTYACC */
#if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED)
YYDESTRUCT_CALL("error: discarding token", yychar, &yylval, &yylloc);
YYDESTRUCT_CALL("error: discarding token", yychar, &yylval);
#endif /* defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED) */
#endif /* defined(YYDESTRUCT_CALL) */
yychar = YYEMPTY;
goto yyloop;
yym = yylen[yyn];
if (yydebug)
fprintf(stderr, "%s[%d]: state %d, reducing by rule %d (%s)",
YYDEBUGSTR, yydepth, yystate, yyn, yyrule[yyn]);
if (!yytrial)
#endif /* YYBTYACC */
if (yym > 0)
int i;
fputc('<', stderr);
for (i = yym; i > 0; i--)
if (i != yym) fputs(", ", stderr);
yystack.l_mark[1-i]), stderr);
fputc('>', stderr);
fputc('\n', stderr);
if (yym > 0)
yyval = yystack.l_mark[1-yym];
memset(&yyval, 0, sizeof yyval);
#if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED)
/* Perform position reduction */
memset(&yyloc, 0, sizeof(yyloc));
if (!yytrial)
#endif /* YYBTYACC */
YYLLOC_DEFAULT(yyloc, &yystack.p_mark[1-yym], yym);
/* just in case YYERROR is invoked within the action, save
the start of the rhs as the error start position */
yyerror_loc_range[0] = yystack.p_mark[1-yym];
switch (yyn)
yystack.s_mark -= yym;
yystate = *yystack.s_mark;
yystack.l_mark -= yym;
#if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED)
yystack.p_mark -= yym;
yym = yylhs[yyn];
if (yystate == 0 && yym == 0)
if (yydebug)
fprintf(stderr, "%s[%d]: after reduction, ", YYDEBUGSTR, yydepth);
if (!yytrial)
#endif /* YYBTYACC */
fprintf(stderr, "result is <%s>, ", YYSTYPE_TOSTRING(yystos[YYFINAL], yyval));
fprintf(stderr, "shifting from state 0 to final state %d\n", YYFINAL);
yystate = YYFINAL;
*++yystack.s_mark = YYFINAL;
*++yystack.l_mark = yyval;
#if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED)
*++yystack.p_mark = yyloc;
if (yychar < 0)
do {
if (yylvp < yylve)
/* we're currently re-reading tokens */
yylval = *yylvp++;
#if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED)
yylloc = *yylpp++;
yychar = *yylexp++;
if (yyps->save)
/* in trial mode; save scanner results for future parse attempts */
if (yylvp == yylvlim)
{ /* Enlarge lexical value queue */
size_t p = (size_t) (yylvp - yylvals);
size_t s = (size_t) (yylvlim - yylvals);
if ((yylexemes = (short *) realloc(yylexemes, s * sizeof(short))) == NULL)
goto yyenomem;
if ((yylvals = (YYSTYPE *) realloc(yylvals, s * sizeof(YYSTYPE))) == NULL)
goto yyenomem;
#if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED)
if ((yylpsns = (YYLTYPE *) realloc(yylpsns, s * sizeof(YYLTYPE))) == NULL)
goto yyenomem;
yylvp = yylve = yylvals + p;
yylvlim = yylvals + s;
#if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED)
yylpp = yylpe = yylpsns + p;
yylplim = yylpsns + s;
yylexp = yylexemes + p;
*yylexp = (short) YYLEX;
*yylvp++ = yylval;
#if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED)
*yylpp++ = yylloc;
yychar = *yylexp++;
/* normal operation, no conflict encountered */
#endif /* YYBTYACC */
yychar = YYLEX;
} while (0);
#endif /* YYBTYACC */
if (yychar < 0) yychar = YYEOF;
/* if ((yychar = YYLEX) < 0) yychar = YYEOF; */
if (yydebug)
yys = yyname[YYTRANSLATE(yychar)];
fprintf(stderr, "%s[%d]: state %d, reading %d (%s)\n",
YYDEBUGSTR, yydepth, YYFINAL, yychar, yys);
if (yychar == YYEOF) goto yyaccept;
goto yyloop;
if (((yyn = yygindex[yym]) != 0) && (yyn += yystate) >= 0 &&
yyn <= YYTABLESIZE && yycheck[yyn] == (YYINT) yystate)
yystate = yytable[yyn];
yystate = yydgoto[yym];
if (yydebug)
fprintf(stderr, "%s[%d]: after reduction, ", YYDEBUGSTR, yydepth);
if (!yytrial)
#endif /* YYBTYACC */
fprintf(stderr, "result is <%s>, ", YYSTYPE_TOSTRING(yystos[yystate], yyval));
fprintf(stderr, "shifting from state %d to state %d\n", *yystack.s_mark, yystate);
if (yystack.s_mark >= yystack.s_last && yygrowstack(&yystack) == YYENOMEM) goto yyoverflow;
*++yystack.s_mark = (short) yystate;
*++yystack.l_mark = yyval;
#if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED)
*++yystack.p_mark = yyloc;
goto yyloop;
/* Reduction declares that this path is valid. Set yypath and do a full parse */
if (yypath) YYABORT;
while (yyps->save)
YYParseState *save = yyps->save;
yyps->save = save->save;
save->save = yypath;
yypath = save;
if (yydebug)
fprintf(stderr, "%s[%d]: state %d, CONFLICT trial successful, backtracking to state %d, %d tokens\n",
YYDEBUGSTR, yydepth, yystate, yypath->state, (int)(yylvp - yylvals - yypath->lexeme));
if (yyerrctx)
yyerrctx = NULL;
yylvp = yylvals + yypath->lexeme;
#if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED)
yylpp = yylpsns + yypath->lexeme;
yylexp = yylexemes + yypath->lexeme;
yychar = YYEMPTY;
yystack.s_mark = yystack.s_base + (yypath->yystack.s_mark - yypath->yystack.s_base);
memcpy (yystack.s_base, yypath->yystack.s_base, (size_t) (yystack.s_mark - yystack.s_base + 1) * sizeof(short));
yystack.l_mark = yystack.l_base + (yypath->yystack.l_mark - yypath->yystack.l_base);
memcpy (yystack.l_base, yypath->yystack.l_base, (size_t) (yystack.l_mark - yystack.l_base + 1) * sizeof(YYSTYPE));
#if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED)
yystack.p_mark = yystack.p_base + (yypath->yystack.p_mark - yypath->yystack.p_base);
memcpy (yystack.p_base, yypath->yystack.p_base, (size_t) (yystack.p_mark - yystack.p_base + 1) * sizeof(YYLTYPE));
yystate = yypath->state;
goto yyloop;
#endif /* YYBTYACC */
YYERROR_CALL("yacc stack overflow");
goto yyabort_nomem;
YYERROR_CALL("memory exhausted");
#endif /* YYBTYACC */
yyresult = 2;
goto yyreturn;
yyresult = 1;
goto yyreturn;
if (yyps->save) goto yyvalid;
#endif /* YYBTYACC */
yyresult = 0;
#if defined(YYDESTRUCT_CALL)
if (yychar != YYEOF && yychar != YYEMPTY)
#if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED)
YYDESTRUCT_CALL("cleanup: discarding token", yychar, &yylval, &yylloc);
YYDESTRUCT_CALL("cleanup: discarding token", yychar, &yylval);
#endif /* defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED) */
#if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED)
for (pv = yystack.l_base, pp = yystack.p_base; pv <= yystack.l_mark; ++pv, ++pp)
YYDESTRUCT_CALL("cleanup: discarding state",
yystos[*(yystack.s_base + (pv - yystack.l_base))], pv, pp);
for (pv = yystack.l_base; pv <= yystack.l_mark; ++pv)
YYDESTRUCT_CALL("cleanup: discarding state",
yystos[*(yystack.s_base + (pv - yystack.l_base))], pv);
#endif /* defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED) */
#endif /* defined(YYDESTRUCT_CALL) */
if (yyerrctx)
yyerrctx = NULL;
while (yyps)
YYParseState *save = yyps;
yyps = save->save;
save->save = NULL;
while (yypath)
YYParseState *save = yypath;
yypath = save->save;
save->save = NULL;
#endif /* YYBTYACC */
return (yyresult);
the_stack_data/110364.c | /* { dg-do compile } */
foo (int x)
#pragma omp taskgroup
goto bad1; // { dg-error "invalid branch to/from OpenMP structured block" }
goto bad2; // { dg-error "invalid entry to OpenMP structured block" }
#pragma omp taskgroup
bad2: ;
#pragma omp taskgroup
int i;
goto ok1;
for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
{ ok1: break; }
switch (x) // { dg-error "invalid entry to OpenMP structured block" }
#pragma omp taskgroup // { dg-warning "statement will never be executed" }
{ case 0:; }
the_stack_data/638329.c | /**
* straight o(n2) solution
* Note: The returned array must be malloced, assume caller calls free().
int* twoSum(int* nums, int numsSize, int target) {
int* arr = (int*)malloc(2*sizeof(int));
for(int i = 0; i < numsSize; i++)
for(int j = i+1; j < numsSize; j++)
if(nums[i] + nums[j] == target)
arr[0] = i;
arr[1] = j;
return arr;
the_stack_data/137422.c | //// _git source mask md5:7afd99c08811b655145a9433dfa68d02 ////
//////// /////////
/// //////
/// /// / //
/// //
///// / // // ////
//// /////
/////////// ///
/////// // ////
/// // ////
////////////// /////
the_stack_data/56859.c | #include <stdlib.h>
static double c_strtod(const char *nptr, char **endptr)
return strtod(nptr,endptr);
static long c_strtol(const char *nptr, char **endptr, int base)
return strtol(nptr,endptr,base);
static long long c_strtoll(const char *nptr, char **endptr, int base)
return strtoll(nptr,endptr,base);
static unsigned long c_strtoul(const char *nptr, char **endptr, int base)
return strtoul(nptr,endptr,base);
static unsigned long long c_strtoull(const char *nptr, char **endptr, int base)
return strtoull(nptr,endptr,base);
the_stack_data/377670.c |
#define max(a, b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
int integerBreak(int n)
if (n < 3)
return 1;
if (n == 3)
return 2;
int dp[60] = {0};
for (int i = 0; i <= 3; ++i)
dp[i] = i;
for (int i = 4; i <= n; ++i)
for (int j = 1; j <= i / 2; ++j)
dp[i] = max(dp[i], dp[j] * dp[i - j]);
return dp[n];
the_stack_data/103264300.c | #include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
int main()
double x;
unsigned int n = 0;
printf("x: ");
scanf("%lf", &x);
while (n < 1) {
printf("n: ");
scanf("%u", &n);
clock_t begin = clock();
double recursiveFunc(double x, double F, unsigned int i)
F = i == 0 ? x : F * ((x * x) / (4 * i * i + 2 * i));
return i < n ? F + recursiveFunc(x, F, i) : F;
double sumF = recursiveFunc(x, 0, 0);
printf("sumF = %.15lf\n", sumF);
printf("Delta: %.15lf\n", fabs((double)(sinh(x) - sumF)));
clock_t end = clock();
printf("Elapsed: %lf seconds\n", (double)(end - begin) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
return 0;
} |
the_stack_data/823776.c | #ifdef COMPILE_FOR_TEST
#include <assert.h>
#define assume(cond) assert(cond)
void main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
int x_0_0;//sh_buf.outcnt
int x_0_1;//sh_buf.outcnt
int x_0_2;//sh_buf.outcnt
int x_0_3;//sh_buf.outcnt
int x_0_4;//sh_buf.outcnt
int x_0_5;//sh_buf.outcnt
int x_1_0;//sh_buf.outbuf[0]
int x_1_1;//sh_buf.outbuf[0]
int x_2_0;//sh_buf.outbuf[1]
int x_2_1;//sh_buf.outbuf[1]
int x_3_0;//sh_buf.outbuf[2]
int x_3_1;//sh_buf.outbuf[2]
int x_4_0;//sh_buf.outbuf[3]
int x_4_1;//sh_buf.outbuf[3]
int x_5_0;//sh_buf.outbuf[4]
int x_5_1;//sh_buf.outbuf[4]
int x_6_0;//sh_buf.outbuf[5]
int x_7_0;//sh_buf.outbuf[6]
int x_8_0;//sh_buf.outbuf[7]
int x_9_0;//sh_buf.outbuf[8]
int x_10_0;//sh_buf.outbuf[9]
int x_11_0;//LOG_BUFSIZE
int x_11_1;//LOG_BUFSIZE
int x_12_0;//CREST_scheduler::lock_0
int x_13_0;//t3 T0
int x_14_0;//t2 T0
int x_15_0;//arg T0
int x_16_0;//functioncall::param T0
int x_16_1;//functioncall::param T0
int x_17_0;//buffered T0
int x_18_0;//functioncall::param T0
int x_18_1;//functioncall::param T0
int x_19_0;//functioncall::param T0
int x_19_1;//functioncall::param T0
int x_20_0;//functioncall::param T0
int x_20_1;//functioncall::param T0
int x_21_0;//functioncall::param T0
int x_21_1;//functioncall::param T0
int x_22_0;//direction T0
int x_23_0;//functioncall::param T0
int x_23_1;//functioncall::param T0
int x_24_0;//functioncall::param T0
int x_24_1;//functioncall::param T0
int x_25_0;//functioncall::param T0
int x_25_1;//functioncall::param T0
int x_26_0;//functioncall::param T0
int x_26_1;//functioncall::param T0
int x_27_0;//functioncall::param T0
int x_27_1;//functioncall::param T0
int x_28_0;//functioncall::param T0
int x_28_1;//functioncall::param T0
int x_29_0;//functioncall::param T0
int x_29_1;//functioncall::param T0
int x_30_0;//functioncall::param T0
int x_30_1;//functioncall::param T0
int x_31_0;//functioncall::param T0
int x_31_1;//functioncall::param T0
int x_32_0;//functioncall::param T0
int x_32_1;//functioncall::param T0
int x_33_0;//functioncall::param T0
int x_33_1;//functioncall::param T0
int x_34_0;//functioncall::param T0
int x_34_1;//functioncall::param T0
int x_35_0;//functioncall::param T1
int x_35_1;//functioncall::param T1
int x_36_0;//functioncall::param T1
int x_36_1;//functioncall::param T1
int x_37_0;//i T1
int x_37_1;//i T1
int x_37_2;//i T1
int x_38_0;//rv T1
int x_39_0;//functioncall::param T1
int x_39_1;//functioncall::param T1
int x_40_0;//functioncall::param T1
int x_40_1;//functioncall::param T1
int x_41_0;//functioncall::param T1
int x_41_1;//functioncall::param T1
int x_42_0;//functioncall::param T1
int x_42_1;//functioncall::param T1
int x_43_0;//functioncall::param T1
int x_43_1;//functioncall::param T1
int x_44_0;//functioncall::param T1
int x_44_1;//functioncall::param T1
int x_45_0;//functioncall::param T2
int x_45_1;//functioncall::param T2
int x_46_0;//functioncall::param T2
int x_46_1;//functioncall::param T2
int x_47_0;//i T2
int x_47_1;//i T2
int x_47_2;//i T2
int x_47_3;//i T2
int x_48_0;//rv T2
int x_49_0;//rv T2
int x_49_1;//rv T2
int x_50_0;//functioncall::param T2
int x_50_1;//functioncall::param T2
int x_51_0;//functioncall::param T2
int x_51_1;//functioncall::param T2
int x_52_0;//functioncall::param T2
int x_52_1;//functioncall::param T2
int x_53_0;//functioncall::param T2
int x_53_1;//functioncall::param T2
int x_54_0;//functioncall::param T2
int x_54_1;//functioncall::param T2
int x_55_0;//functioncall::param T2
int x_55_1;//functioncall::param T2
int x_55_2;//functioncall::param T2
int x_56_0;//functioncall::param T2
int x_56_1;//functioncall::param T2
T_0_0_0: x_0_0 = 0;
T_0_1_0: x_1_0 = 0;
T_0_2_0: x_2_0 = 0;
T_0_3_0: x_3_0 = 0;
T_0_4_0: x_4_0 = 0;
T_0_5_0: x_5_0 = 0;
T_0_6_0: x_6_0 = 0;
T_0_7_0: x_7_0 = 0;
T_0_8_0: x_8_0 = 0;
T_0_9_0: x_9_0 = 0;
T_0_10_0: x_10_0 = 0;
T_0_11_0: x_11_0 = 0;
T_0_12_0: x_13_0 = 3524439184;
T_0_13_0: x_14_0 = 4274315872;
T_0_14_0: x_15_0 = 0;
T_0_15_0: x_16_0 = 1139556952;
T_0_16_0: x_16_1 = -1;
T_0_17_0: x_17_0 = 0;
T_0_18_0: x_18_0 = 1614452610;
T_0_19_0: x_18_1 = x_17_0;
T_0_20_0: x_19_0 = 1972587329;
T_0_21_0: x_19_1 = 97;
T_0_22_0: x_20_0 = 1300922735;
T_0_23_0: x_20_1 = 0;
T_0_24_0: x_21_0 = 1012510013;
T_0_25_0: x_21_1 = 0;
T_0_26_0: x_22_0 = -20656064;
T_0_27_0: x_23_0 = 132590055;
T_0_28_0: x_23_1 = x_22_0;
T_0_29_0: x_24_0 = 682230222;
T_0_30_0: x_24_1 = 0;
T_0_31_0: x_12_0 = -1;
T_0_32_0: x_0_1 = 5;
T_0_33_0: x_1_1 = 72;
T_0_34_0: x_2_1 = 69;
T_0_35_0: x_3_1 = 76;
T_0_36_0: x_4_1 = 76;
T_0_37_0: x_5_1 = 79;
T_0_38_0: x_25_0 = 1268115900;
T_0_39_0: x_25_1 = 83;
T_0_40_0: x_26_0 = 1007522714;
T_0_41_0: x_26_1 = 1;
T_0_42_0: x_27_0 = 29344701;
T_0_43_0: x_27_1 = 1;
T_0_44_0: x_28_0 = 2079052136;
T_0_45_0: x_28_1 = 1;
T_0_46_0: x_29_0 = 417752809;
T_0_47_0: x_29_1 = 82;
T_0_48_0: x_30_0 = 1468207455;
T_0_49_0: x_30_1 = 90;
T_0_50_0: x_31_0 = 592032947;
T_0_51_0: x_31_1 = 1;
T_0_52_0: x_32_0 = 695440536;
T_0_53_0: x_32_1 = 1;
T_0_54_0: x_33_0 = 826253461;
T_0_55_0: x_33_1 = 2;
T_0_56_0: x_34_0 = 503785333;
T_0_57_0: x_34_1 = 2;
T_0_58_0: x_11_1 = 6;
T_1_59_1: x_35_0 = 2000967915;
T_1_60_1: x_35_1 = x_27_1;
T_1_61_1: x_36_0 = 346722698;
T_1_62_1: x_36_1 = x_28_1;
T_1_63_1: x_37_0 = 0;
T_1_64_1: x_38_0 = -27905535;
T_1_65_1: if (x_36_1 < x_11_1) x_39_0 = 1765686734;
T_1_66_1: if (x_36_1 < x_11_1) x_39_1 = 47274732934912;
T_2_67_2: x_45_0 = 1944127277;
T_2_68_2: x_45_1 = x_33_1;
T_2_69_2: x_46_0 = 1208575548;
T_2_70_2: x_46_1 = x_34_1;
T_2_71_2: x_47_0 = 0;
T_2_72_2: x_48_0 = -30006783;
T_1_73_1: if (x_36_1 < x_11_1) x_40_0 = 1555560986;
T_1_74_1: if (x_36_1 < x_11_1) x_40_1 = x_0_1 + x_36_1;
T_1_75_1: if (x_36_1 < x_11_1) x_37_1 = 0;
T_1_76_1: if (x_36_1 < x_11_1 && x_37_1 < x_35_1) x_41_0 = 1019381754;
T_1_77_1: if (x_36_1 < x_11_1 && x_37_1 < x_35_1) x_41_1 = 47274732934912;
T_1_78_1: if (x_36_1 < x_11_1) x_37_2 = 1 + x_37_1;
T_1_79_1: if (x_36_1 < x_11_1) x_42_0 = 2082658809;
T_1_80_1: if (x_36_1 < x_11_1) x_42_1 = 47274732934912;
T_2_81_2: if (x_0_1 + x_46_1 > x_11_1 && x_0_1 != 0) x_49_0 = 4321289;
T_2_82_2: if (x_0_1 + x_46_1 > x_11_1 && x_0_1 != 0 && x_18_1 == 0 && x_18_1 == 0) x_50_0 = 1311989632;
T_2_83_2: if (x_0_1 + x_46_1 > x_11_1 && x_0_1 != 0 && x_18_1 == 0 && x_18_1 == 0) x_50_1 = -1;
T_2_84_2: if (x_0_1 + x_46_1 > x_11_1 && x_0_1 != 0 && x_18_1 == 0 && x_18_1 == 0) x_49_1 = x_50_1;
T_2_85_2: if (x_0_1 + x_46_1 > x_11_1 && x_0_1 != 0 && x_18_1 == 0 && x_49_1 + 1 == 0) x_0_2 = 0;
T_2_86_2: if (x_0_1 + x_46_1 > x_11_1 && x_0_1 != 0) x_51_0 = 2041543892;
T_2_87_2: if (x_0_1 + x_46_1 > x_11_1 && x_0_1 != 0) x_51_1 = 9;
T_2_88_2: if (x_0_1 + x_46_1 > x_11_1 && x_0_1 != 0) x_52_0 = 1458585977;
T_2_89_2: if (x_0_1 + x_46_1 > x_11_1 && x_0_1 != 0) x_52_1 = x_51_1;
T_2_90_2: if (x_0_1 + x_46_1 > x_11_1 && x_0_1 != 0) x_0_3 = 0;
T_2_91_2: if (x_46_1 < x_11_1) x_53_0 = 1638292873;
T_2_92_2: if (x_46_1 < x_11_1) x_53_1 = 47274735036160;
T_2_93_2: if (x_46_1 < x_11_1) x_54_0 = 930885279;
T_2_94_2: if (x_46_1 < x_11_1) x_54_1 = x_0_3 + x_46_1;
T_2_95_2: if (x_46_1 < x_11_1) x_47_1 = 0;
T_2_96_2: if (x_46_1 < x_11_1 && x_47_1 < x_45_1) x_55_0 = 1029061467;
T_2_97_2: if (x_46_1 < x_11_1 && x_47_1 < x_45_1) x_55_1 = 47274735036160;
T_2_98_2: if (x_46_1 < x_11_1) x_47_2 = 1 + x_47_1;
T_2_99_2: if (x_46_1 < x_11_1 && x_47_2 < x_45_1) x_55_2 = 47274735036160;
T_2_100_2: if (x_46_1 < x_11_1) x_47_3 = 1 + x_47_2;
T_2_101_2: if (x_46_1 < x_11_1) x_56_0 = 630366177;
T_2_102_2: if (x_46_1 < x_11_1) x_56_1 = 47274735036160;
T_2_103_2: if (x_36_1 < x_11_1) x_0_4 = x_0_1 + x_36_1;
T_2_104_2: if (x_36_1 < x_11_1) x_43_0 = 397854241;
T_1_105_1: if (x_36_1 < x_11_1) x_43_1 = 47274732934912;
T_1_106_1: if (x_46_1 < x_11_1) x_0_5 = x_0_3 + x_46_1;
T_1_107_1: if (x_36_1 < x_11_1) x_44_0 = 854165148;
T_2_108_2: if (x_36_1 < x_11_1) x_44_1 = 47274732934912;
T_1_109_1: if (x_36_1 < x_11_1) assert(x_0_5 == x_40_1);
the_stack_data/14201233.c | #include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int id = fork();
if (id < 0) { // fork failed; exit
fprintf(stderr, "fork failed\n");
} else if (id == 0) { // child (new process)
printf("output to fork4.output\n");
// child: redirect standard output to a file
open("./fork4.output", O_CREAT|O_WRONLY|O_TRUNC, S_IRWXU);
char *myargs[3] = { "wc", "fork4.c", NULL };
execvp(myargs[0], myargs); // runs word count
} else { // parent goes down this path (original process)
return 0;
the_stack_data/103265088.c | /* { dg-do compile } */
/* { dg-options "-fdump-tree-gimple" } */
int f (int a) {
return (a << 3) << 6;
int g (int b) {
return (b >> 5) << 5;
unsigned long long h (unsigned long long c) {
return (c << 60) >> 60;
int l (int d) {
return (d << 6) >> 6;
/* { dg-final { scan-tree-dump "a << 9" "gimple" } } */
/* { dg-final { scan-tree-dump "b & -32" "gimple" } } */
/* { dg-final { scan-tree-dump "c & 15" "gimple" } } */
/* { dg-final { scan-tree-dump "d << 6" "gimple" } } */
/* { dg-final { cleanup-tree-dump "gimple" } } */
the_stack_data/397336.c | extern void __VERIFIER_error() __attribute__ ((__noreturn__));
void __VERIFIER_assert(int cond) { if(!(cond)) { ERROR: __VERIFIER_error(); } }
#define N 200
int main( ) {
int a1[N];
int a2[N];
int a3[N];
int a4[N];
int a5[N];
int a6[N];
int a7[N];
int i;
for ( i = 0 ; i < N ; i++ ) {
a2[i] = a1[i];
for ( i = 0 ; i < N ; i++ ) {
a3[i] = a2[i];
for ( i = 0 ; i < N ; i++ ) {
a4[i] = a3[i];
for ( i = 0 ; i < N ; i++ ) {
a5[i] = a4[i];
for ( i = 0 ; i < N ; i++ ) {
a7[i] = a5[i];
for ( i = 0 ; i < N ; i++ ) {
a7[i] = a6[i];
int x;
for ( x = 0 ; x < N ; x++ ) {
__VERIFIER_assert( a1[x] == a7[x] );
return 0;
the_stack_data/280187.c | #include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define NUM_OF_TASKS 5
int money_of_tom = 100;
int money_of_jerry = 100;
// 第一次运行去掉下面这行
pthread_mutex_t g_money_lock;
void *transfer(void *notused)
pthread_t tid = pthread_self();
printf("Thread %u is transfering money!\n", (unsigned int)tid);
// 第一次运行去掉下面这行
// 第一次运行去掉下面这行
printf("Thread %u finish transfering money!\n", (unsigned int)tid);
pthread_exit((void *)0);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
pthread_t threads[NUM_OF_TASKS];
int rc;
int t;
// 第一次运行去掉下面这行
pthread_mutex_init(&g_money_lock, NULL);
rc = pthread_create(&threads[t], NULL, transfer, NULL);
if (rc){
printf("ERROR; return code from pthread_create() is %d\n", rc);
// 第一次运行去掉下面这行
printf("money_of_tom + money_of_jerry = %d\n", money_of_tom + money_of_jerry);
// 第一次运行去掉下面这行
// 第一次运行去掉下面这行
the_stack_data/49915.c | #include<stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <string.h>
//Struct for Process
struct process{
int process_id;
float arrival_time;
float original_burst_time;
float new_burst_time;
float waiting_time;
float turnabout_time;
bool active;
bool completed;
//Sorting in Asecending Order
void swap(int* xp, int* yp)
int temp = *xp;
*xp = *yp;
*yp = temp;
void selectionSort(int arr[], int arr2[], int n)
int i, j, min_idx;
// One by one move boundary of unsorted subarray
for (i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {
// Find the minimum element in unsorted array
min_idx = i;
for (j = i + 1; j < n; j++)
if (arr[j] < arr[min_idx])
min_idx = j;
// Swap the found minimum element
// with the first element
swap(&arr[min_idx], &arr[i]);
swap(&arr2[min_idx], &arr2[i]);
int main()
int total_processes, currentno_process = 0, ready_queue = 0, lqueue_counter = 0, lqueue_escape;
int hqueue_counter = 0, hqueue_escape;
float current_bursttime = 0, time_elapsed = 0;
int new_lq_counter = 0, new_hq_counter = 0, process_left = 0;
float temp, average_burst_time;
float lqueue_average_burst, hqueue_average_burst, lqueue_total_burst, hqueue_total_burst;
float temp_time, grand_total_burst, grand_total_waiting, time_quantum[20];
int temp_temp, loop_debug;
//Declaring Arraylist for Values
int process_id_sort[20], arrival_time_sort[20], process_id_in_queue[20];
int process_id_lqueue[20], process_id_hqueue[20], burst_time_sort_l[20], burst_time_sort_h[20];
//Declaring for current_AverageTime, current_AverageTurn
float current_BurstAverageTime;
float current_total_burst = 0;
//Request for number of processes
printf("Enter Total Number of Processes: ");
scanf("%d:", &total_processes);
process_left = total_processes;
for(int i=0; i<total_processes; i++){
printf("Enter Detail of Process [%d]\n", i+1);
process[i].process_id = i+1;
process_id_sort[i] = i+1;
printf("Arrival Time: ");
scanf("%f", &process[i].arrival_time);
arrival_time_sort[i] = process[i].arrival_time;
process[i].completed = false;
process[i].active = false;
printf("Burst Time: ");
scanf("%f", &process[i].original_burst_time);
process[i].new_burst_time = process[i].original_burst_time;
printf("| Process ID | Arrival Time | Burst Time |\n");
for(int j=0; j<total_processes; j++){
printf("\t%d\t\t\t\t\t%0.2f\t\t\t\t%0.2f\t\n",process[j].process_id, process[j].arrival_time, process[j].original_burst_time);
printf("Processing information...\n");
printf("Rearranging Processes based on Arrival Time\n");
//Sort Processes
selectionSort(arrival_time_sort, process_id_sort, total_processes);
printf("| Process ID | Arrival Time | Burst Time |\n");
for(int j=0; j<total_processes; j++){
printf("\t%d\t\t\t\t\t%d\t\t\t\t\t%f\t\n",process_id_sort[j], arrival_time_sort[j], process[process_id_sort[j]-1].original_burst_time);
time_elapsed = arrival_time_sort[0];
currentno_process = 0;
while (process_left > 0){
for(int i = currentno_process; i < total_processes; i++){
if(process[process_id_sort[i]-1].arrival_time <= time_elapsed && process[process_id_sort[i]-1].active == false){
process[process_id_sort[i]-1].active = true;
current_bursttime += process[process_id_sort[i]-1].original_burst_time;
process_id_in_queue[ready_queue] = process_id_sort[i];
ready_queue += 1;
if(ready_queue > 0){
average_burst_time = current_bursttime/ready_queue;
printf("Current Average Burst Time: %f \n",average_burst_time);
for(int i = 0; i < ready_queue; i++){
//If Median Burst time is equal or larger than Burst-time of process
if(process[process_id_in_queue[i]-1].original_burst_time <= average_burst_time){
process_id_lqueue[lqueue_counter] = process_id_in_queue[i]-1;
printf("Process %d's Burst Time is %f\n", process[process_id_in_queue[i]-1].process_id, process[process_id_in_queue[i]-1].original_burst_time);
burst_time_sort_l[lqueue_counter] = process[process_id_in_queue[i]-1].original_burst_time;
printf("Added Proccess %d to light Queue\n", process[process_id_in_queue[i]-1].process_id);
lqueue_counter += 1;
new_lq_counter = lqueue_counter;
process_id_hqueue[hqueue_counter] = process_id_in_queue[i]-1;
printf("Process %d's Burst Time is %f\n", process[process_id_in_queue[i]-1].process_id, process[process_id_in_queue[i]-1].original_burst_time);
burst_time_sort_h[hqueue_counter] = process[process_id_in_queue[i]-1].original_burst_time;
printf("Added Proccess %d to heavy Queue\n", process[process_id_in_queue[i]-1].process_id);
hqueue_counter += 1;
new_hq_counter = hqueue_counter;
//Sort out burst timings for Light Queue
selectionSort(burst_time_sort_l, process_id_lqueue, lqueue_counter);
while(lqueue_counter != 0){
//For Escape Purposes
loop_debug = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < lqueue_counter; i++){
lqueue_total_burst += process[process_id_lqueue[i]].new_burst_time;
lqueue_average_burst = lqueue_total_burst/new_lq_counter;
//Store for Time Quantum
if(lqueue_average_burst != 0){
time_quantum[temp_temp] = lqueue_average_burst;
temp_temp += 1;
for (int i = 0; i < lqueue_counter; i++){
temp = process[process_id_lqueue[i]].new_burst_time - lqueue_average_burst;
if(temp <= 0 && process[process_id_lqueue[i]].completed == false){
process[process_id_lqueue[i]].completed = true;
//Turnabout Time
process[process_id_lqueue[i]].turnabout_time = (time_elapsed + process[process_id_lqueue[i]].new_burst_time) - process[process_id_lqueue[i]].arrival_time;
printf("Turnabout Time: %f\n", process[process_id_lqueue[i]].turnabout_time);
//Waiting Time
process[process_id_lqueue[i]].waiting_time = process[process_id_lqueue[i]].turnabout_time - process[process_id_lqueue[i]].original_burst_time;
printf("Waiting Time: %f\n", process[process_id_lqueue[i]].waiting_time);
//Time Elasped added
time_elapsed += process[process_id_lqueue[i]].new_burst_time;
printf("Just in case %f\n", process[process_id_lqueue[i]].new_burst_time);
printf("Print Elapsed Time from Lqueue: %f\n", time_elapsed);
temp_time = time_elapsed;
//Resets Burst Time
process[process_id_lqueue[i]].new_burst_time = 0;
new_lq_counter -= 1;
currentno_process += 1;
process_left -= 1;
printf("Process Left LQueue: %d\n", process_left);
else if(temp > 0 && process[process_id_lqueue[i]].completed == false)
process[process_id_lqueue[i]].new_burst_time = temp;
printf("What is this product id : %d and new burst : %f\n", process[process_id_lqueue[i]].process_id, process[process_id_lqueue[i]].new_burst_time);
//Time Elasped added
time_elapsed += lqueue_average_burst;
printf("Time Elapsed: %f\n", time_elapsed);
//Break the While Loop
for(int i = 0; i < lqueue_counter; i++){
lqueue_escape += process[process_id_lqueue[i]].new_burst_time;
printf("Remaining Burst Times: %f\n", process[process_id_lqueue[i]].new_burst_time);
printf("Remaining process id: %d\n", process[process_id_lqueue[i]].process_id);
if(lqueue_escape <= 0){
lqueue_counter = 0;
//Reset Lqueue total burst
lqueue_total_burst = 0;
lqueue_escape = 0;
//Sort out burst timings for Heavy Queue
selectionSort(burst_time_sort_h, process_id_hqueue, hqueue_counter);
while(hqueue_counter != 0){
//For Escape Purposes
loop_debug = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < hqueue_counter; i++){
hqueue_total_burst += process[process_id_hqueue[i]].new_burst_time;
hqueue_average_burst = hqueue_total_burst/new_hq_counter;
//Store for Time Quantum
if(hqueue_average_burst != 0){
time_quantum[temp_temp] = hqueue_average_burst;
temp_temp += 1;
for (int i = 0; i < hqueue_counter; i++){
temp = process[process_id_hqueue[i]].new_burst_time - hqueue_average_burst;
if(temp <= 0 && process[process_id_hqueue[i]].completed == false){
process[process_id_hqueue[i]].completed = true;
//Turnabout Time
process[process_id_hqueue[i]].turnabout_time = (time_elapsed + process[process_id_hqueue[i]].new_burst_time) - process[process_id_hqueue[i]].arrival_time;
printf("Turnabout Time: %f\n", process[process_id_hqueue[i]].turnabout_time);
//Waiting Time
process[process_id_hqueue[i]].waiting_time = process[process_id_hqueue[i]].turnabout_time - process[process_id_hqueue[i]].original_burst_time;
printf("Waiting Time: %f\n", process[process_id_hqueue[i]].waiting_time);
//Time Elasped added
time_elapsed += process[process_id_hqueue[i]].new_burst_time;
printf("Just in case %f\n", process[process_id_hqueue[i]].new_burst_time);
printf("Print Elapsed Time from Hqueue: %f\n", time_elapsed);
temp_time = time_elapsed;
//Resets Burst Time
process[process_id_hqueue[i]].new_burst_time = 0;
new_hq_counter -= 1;
currentno_process += 1;
process_left -= 1;
printf("Process Left HQueue: %d\n", process_left);
else if(temp > 0 && process[process_id_hqueue[i]].completed == false)
process[process_id_hqueue[i]].new_burst_time = temp;
//Time Elasped added
time_elapsed += hqueue_average_burst;
printf("Time Elapsed?: %f\n", time_elapsed);
//Break the While Loop
for(int i = 0; i < hqueue_counter; i++){
hqueue_escape += process[process_id_hqueue[i]].new_burst_time;
printf("Remaining Burst Times: %f\n", process[process_id_hqueue[i]].new_burst_time);
printf("Remaining process id: %d\n", process[process_id_hqueue[i]].process_id);
if(hqueue_escape <= 0){
hqueue_counter = 0;
//Reset Hqueue total burst
hqueue_total_burst = 0;
hqueue_escape = 0;
//Escape Loop in the event it gets stuck
loop_debug += 1;
if(loop_debug > 3){
process_left = 0;
time_elapsed = temp_time;
ready_queue = 0;
current_bursttime = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < total_processes; i++){
printf("Process ID: %d\n", process[i].process_id);
printf("Waiting Time: %0.2f\n", process[i].waiting_time);
grand_total_waiting += process[i].waiting_time;
printf("Turnabout Time: %0.2f\n", process[i].turnabout_time);
grand_total_burst += process[i].turnabout_time;
//Display Results
printf("Time Quantum: ");
for(int tq = 0; tq < temp_temp; tq++){
if(tq == temp_temp - 1){
printf("%0.1f\n", time_quantum[tq]);
printf("%0.1f, ", time_quantum[tq]);
printf("Average Waiting Time: %0.2f\n", grand_total_waiting/total_processes);
printf("Average Turnabout Time: %0.2f\n", grand_total_burst/total_processes);
the_stack_data/467037.c | /* { dg-do compile } */
/* { dg-options "-O1 -fdump-tree-optimized" } */
/* LLVM LOCAL test not applicable */
/* { dg-require-fdump "" } */
/* { dg-require-effective-target int32plus } */
int bar (void);
void foo (void)
unsigned i, j, n;
for (i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
n = bar ();
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
/* These should not be removed. */
for (i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
bar ();
for (i = 0; i != n; i += 2)
/* { dg-final { scan-tree-dump-times "if " 3 "optimized" } } */
/* { dg-final { scan-tree-dump-times "bar " 2 "optimized" } } */
/* { dg-final { cleanup-tree-dump "optimized" } } */
the_stack_data/7951422.c | extern int printf ( const char * format, ... );
int *foo2(void)
static int arr[1024];
arr[194] = 13;
return arr + 1;
int *foo(void)
static int arr[123];
return foo2();
int main(void) {
int *a = foo();
printf("%d\n", *a);
return 0;
the_stack_data/234519531.c | /* DO NOT EDIT!
** This file is automatically generated by the script in the canonical
** SQLite source tree at tool/mkshellc.tcl. That script combines source
** code from various constituent source files of SQLite into this single
** "shell.c" file used to implement the SQLite command-line shell.
** Most of the code found below comes from the "src/" file in
** the canonical SQLite source tree. That main file contains "INCLUDE"
** lines that specify other files in the canonical source tree that are
** inserted to getnerate this complete program source file.
** The code from multiple files is combined into this single "shell.c"
** source file to help make the command-line program easier to compile.
** To modify this program, get a copy of the canonical SQLite source tree,
** edit the src/" and/or some of the other files that are included
** by "src/", then rerun the tool/mkshellc.tcl script.
** 2001 September 15
** The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of
** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
** May you do good and not evil.
** May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
** May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
** This file contains code to implement the "sqlite" command line
** utility for accessing SQLite databases.
#if (defined(_WIN32) || defined(WIN32)) && !defined(_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS)
/* This needs to come before any includes for MSVC compiler */
** Determine if we are dealing with WinRT, which provides only a subset of
** the full Win32 API.
#if !defined(SQLITE_OS_WINRT)
# define SQLITE_OS_WINRT 0
** Warning pragmas copied from msvc.h in the core.
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma warning(disable : 4054)
#pragma warning(disable : 4055)
#pragma warning(disable : 4100)
#pragma warning(disable : 4127)
#pragma warning(disable : 4130)
#pragma warning(disable : 4152)
#pragma warning(disable : 4189)
#pragma warning(disable : 4206)
#pragma warning(disable : 4210)
#pragma warning(disable : 4232)
#pragma warning(disable : 4244)
#pragma warning(disable : 4305)
#pragma warning(disable : 4306)
#pragma warning(disable : 4702)
#pragma warning(disable : 4706)
#endif /* defined(_MSC_VER) */
** No support for loadable extensions in VxWorks.
#if (defined(__RTP__) || defined(_WRS_KERNEL)) && !SQLITE_OMIT_LOAD_EXTENSION
** Enable large-file support for fopen() and friends on unix.
# define _LARGE_FILE 1
# define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64
# endif
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "sqlite3.h"
typedef sqlite3_int64 i64;
typedef sqlite3_uint64 u64;
typedef unsigned char u8;
# include "sqlite3userauth.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(WIN32)
# include <signal.h>
# if !defined(__RTP__) && !defined(_WRS_KERNEL)
# include <pwd.h>
# endif
#if (!defined(_WIN32) && !defined(WIN32)) || defined(__MINGW32__)
# include <unistd.h>
# include <dirent.h>
# define GETPID getpid
# if defined(__MINGW32__)
# define DIRENT dirent
# ifndef S_ISLNK
# define S_ISLNK(mode) (0)
# endif
# endif
# define GETPID (int)GetCurrentProcessId
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
# include <readline/readline.h>
# include <readline/history.h>
# include <editline/readline.h>
# define shell_add_history(X) add_history(X)
# define shell_read_history(X) read_history(X)
# define shell_write_history(X) write_history(X)
# define shell_stifle_history(X) stifle_history(X)
# define shell_readline(X) readline(X)
# include "linenoise.h"
# define shell_add_history(X) linenoiseHistoryAdd(X)
# define shell_read_history(X) linenoiseHistoryLoad(X)
# define shell_write_history(X) linenoiseHistorySave(X)
# define shell_stifle_history(X) linenoiseHistorySetMaxLen(X)
# define shell_readline(X) linenoise(X)
# define shell_read_history(X)
# define shell_write_history(X)
# define shell_stifle_history(X)
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(WIN32)
# else
# include <io.h>
# include <fcntl.h>
# define isatty(h) _isatty(h)
# ifndef access
# define access(f,m) _access((f),(m))
# endif
# ifndef unlink
# define unlink _unlink
# endif
# ifndef strdup
# define strdup _strdup
# endif
# undef popen
# define popen _popen
# undef pclose
# define pclose _pclose
# endif
/* Make sure isatty() has a prototype. */
extern int isatty(int);
# if !defined(__RTP__) && !defined(_WRS_KERNEL)
/* popen and pclose are not C89 functions and so are
** sometimes omitted from the <stdio.h> header */
extern FILE *popen(const char*,const char*);
extern int pclose(FILE*);
# else
# endif
#if defined(_WIN32_WCE)
/* Windows CE (arm-wince-mingw32ce-gcc) does not provide isatty()
* thus we always assume that we have a console. That can be
* overridden with the -batch command line option.
#define isatty(x) 1
/* ctype macros that work with signed characters */
#define IsSpace(X) isspace((unsigned char)X)
#define IsDigit(X) isdigit((unsigned char)X)
#define ToLower(X) (char)tolower((unsigned char)X)
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(WIN32)
#include <intrin.h>
#include <windows.h>
/* string conversion routines only needed on Win32 */
extern char *sqlite3_win32_unicode_to_utf8(LPCWSTR);
extern char *sqlite3_win32_mbcs_to_utf8_v2(const char *, int);
extern char *sqlite3_win32_utf8_to_mbcs_v2(const char *, int);
extern LPWSTR sqlite3_win32_utf8_to_unicode(const char *zText);
/* On Windows, we normally run with output mode of TEXT so that \n characters
** are automatically translated into \r\n. However, this behavior needs
** to be disabled in some cases (ex: when generating CSV output and when
** rendering quoted strings that contain \n characters). The following
** routines take care of that.
#if (defined(_WIN32) || defined(WIN32)) && !SQLITE_OS_WINRT
static void setBinaryMode(FILE *file, int isOutput){
if( isOutput ) fflush(file);
_setmode(_fileno(file), _O_BINARY);
static void setTextMode(FILE *file, int isOutput){
if( isOutput ) fflush(file);
_setmode(_fileno(file), _O_TEXT);
# define setBinaryMode(X,Y)
# define setTextMode(X,Y)
/* True if the timer is enabled */
static int enableTimer = 0;
/* Return the current wall-clock time */
static sqlite3_int64 timeOfDay(void){
static sqlite3_vfs *clockVfs = 0;
sqlite3_int64 t;
if( clockVfs==0 ) clockVfs = sqlite3_vfs_find(0);
if( clockVfs->iVersion>=2 && clockVfs->xCurrentTimeInt64!=0 ){
clockVfs->xCurrentTimeInt64(clockVfs, &t);
double r;
clockVfs->xCurrentTime(clockVfs, &r);
t = (sqlite3_int64)(r*86400000.0);
return t;
#if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(WIN32) && !defined(__minux)
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
/* VxWorks does not support getrusage() as far as we can determine */
#if defined(_WRS_KERNEL) || defined(__RTP__)
struct rusage {
struct timeval ru_utime; /* user CPU time used */
struct timeval ru_stime; /* system CPU time used */
#define getrusage(A,B) memset(B,0,sizeof(*B))
/* Saved resource information for the beginning of an operation */
static struct rusage sBegin; /* CPU time at start */
static sqlite3_int64 iBegin; /* Wall-clock time at start */
** Begin timing an operation
static void beginTimer(void){
if( enableTimer ){
getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &sBegin);
iBegin = timeOfDay();
/* Return the difference of two time_structs in seconds */
static double timeDiff(struct timeval *pStart, struct timeval *pEnd){
return (pEnd->tv_usec - pStart->tv_usec)*0.000001 +
(double)(pEnd->tv_sec - pStart->tv_sec);
** Print the timing results.
static void endTimer(void){
if( enableTimer ){
sqlite3_int64 iEnd = timeOfDay();
struct rusage sEnd;
getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &sEnd);
printf("Run Time: real %.3f user %f sys %f\n",
(iEnd - iBegin)*0.001,
timeDiff(&sBegin.ru_utime, &sEnd.ru_utime),
timeDiff(&sBegin.ru_stime, &sEnd.ru_stime));
#define BEGIN_TIMER beginTimer()
#define END_TIMER endTimer()
#define HAS_TIMER 1
#elif (defined(_WIN32) || defined(WIN32))
/* Saved resource information for the beginning of an operation */
static HANDLE hProcess;
static FILETIME ftKernelBegin;
static FILETIME ftUserBegin;
static sqlite3_int64 ftWallBegin;
static GETPROCTIMES getProcessTimesAddr = NULL;
** Check to see if we have timer support. Return 1 if necessary
** support found (or found previously).
static int hasTimer(void){
if( getProcessTimesAddr ){
return 1;
} else {
/* GetProcessTimes() isn't supported in WIN95 and some other Windows
** versions. See if the version we are running on has it, and if it
** does, save off a pointer to it and the current process handle.
hProcess = GetCurrentProcess();
if( hProcess ){
HINSTANCE hinstLib = LoadLibrary(TEXT("Kernel32.dll"));
if( NULL != hinstLib ){
getProcessTimesAddr =
(GETPROCTIMES) GetProcAddress(hinstLib, "GetProcessTimes");
if( NULL != getProcessTimesAddr ){
return 1;
return 0;
** Begin timing an operation
static void beginTimer(void){
if( enableTimer && getProcessTimesAddr ){
FILETIME ftCreation, ftExit;
ftWallBegin = timeOfDay();
/* Return the difference of two FILETIME structs in seconds */
static double timeDiff(FILETIME *pStart, FILETIME *pEnd){
sqlite_int64 i64Start = *((sqlite_int64 *) pStart);
sqlite_int64 i64End = *((sqlite_int64 *) pEnd);
return (double) ((i64End - i64Start) / 10000000.0);
** Print the timing results.
static void endTimer(void){
if( enableTimer && getProcessTimesAddr){
FILETIME ftCreation, ftExit, ftKernelEnd, ftUserEnd;
sqlite3_int64 ftWallEnd = timeOfDay();
printf("Run Time: real %.3f user %f sys %f\n",
(ftWallEnd - ftWallBegin)*0.001,
timeDiff(&ftUserBegin, &ftUserEnd),
timeDiff(&ftKernelBegin, &ftKernelEnd));
#define BEGIN_TIMER beginTimer()
#define END_TIMER endTimer()
#define HAS_TIMER hasTimer()
#define END_TIMER
#define HAS_TIMER 0
** Used to prevent warnings about unused parameters
#define UNUSED_PARAMETER(x) (void)(x)
** Number of elements in an array
#define ArraySize(X) (int)(sizeof(X)/sizeof(X[0]))
** If the following flag is set, then command execution stops
** at an error if we are not interactive.
static int bail_on_error = 0;
** Threat stdin as an interactive input if the following variable
** is true. Otherwise, assume stdin is connected to a file or pipe.
static int stdin_is_interactive = 1;
** On Windows systems we have to know if standard output is a console
** in order to translate UTF-8 into MBCS. The following variable is
** true if translation is required.
static int stdout_is_console = 1;
** The following is the open SQLite database. We make a pointer
** to this database a static variable so that it can be accessed
** by the SIGINT handler to interrupt database processing.
static sqlite3 *globalDb = 0;
** True if an interrupt (Control-C) has been received.
static volatile int seenInterrupt = 0;
** Out-of-memory simulator variables
static unsigned int oomCounter = 0; /* Simulate OOM when equals 1 */
static unsigned int oomRepeat = 0; /* Number of OOMs in a row */
static void*(*defaultMalloc)(int) = 0; /* The low-level malloc routine */
#endif /* SQLITE_DEBUG */
** This is the name of our program. It is set in main(), used
** in a number of other places, mostly for error messages.
static char *Argv0;
** Prompt strings. Initialized in main. Settable with
** .prompt main continue
static char mainPrompt[20]; /* First line prompt. default: "sqlite> "*/
static char continuePrompt[20]; /* Continuation prompt. default: " ...> " */
** Render output like fprintf(). Except, if the output is going to the
** console and if this is running on a Windows machine, translate the
** output from UTF-8 into MBCS.
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(WIN32)
void utf8_printf(FILE *out, const char *zFormat, ...){
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, zFormat);
if( stdout_is_console && (out==stdout || out==stderr) ){
char *z1 = sqlite3_vmprintf(zFormat, ap);
char *z2 = sqlite3_win32_utf8_to_mbcs_v2(z1, 0);
fputs(z2, out);
vfprintf(out, zFormat, ap);
#elif !defined(utf8_printf)
# define utf8_printf fprintf
** Render output like fprintf(). This should not be used on anything that
** includes string formatting (e.g. "%s").
#if !defined(raw_printf)
# define raw_printf fprintf
/* Indicate out-of-memory and exit. */
static void shell_out_of_memory(void){
raw_printf(stderr,"Error: out of memory\n");
/* This routine is called when a simulated OOM occurs. It is broken
** out as a separate routine to make it easy to set a breakpoint on
** the OOM
void shellOomFault(void){
if( oomRepeat>0 ){
#endif /* SQLITE_DEBUG */
/* This routine is a replacement malloc() that is used to simulate
** Out-Of-Memory (OOM) errors for testing purposes.
static void *oomMalloc(int nByte){
if( oomCounter ){
if( oomCounter==1 ){
return 0;
return defaultMalloc(nByte);
#endif /* SQLITE_DEBUG */
/* Register the OOM simulator. This must occur before any memory
** allocations */
static void registerOomSimulator(void){
sqlite3_mem_methods mem;
sqlite3_config(SQLITE_CONFIG_GETMALLOC, &mem);
defaultMalloc = mem.xMalloc;
mem.xMalloc = oomMalloc;
sqlite3_config(SQLITE_CONFIG_MALLOC, &mem);
** Write I/O traces to the following stream.
static FILE *iotrace = 0;
** This routine works like printf in that its first argument is a
** format string and subsequent arguments are values to be substituted
** in place of % fields. The result of formatting this string
** is written to iotrace.
static void SQLITE_CDECL iotracePrintf(const char *zFormat, ...){
va_list ap;
char *z;
if( iotrace==0 ) return;
va_start(ap, zFormat);
z = sqlite3_vmprintf(zFormat, ap);
utf8_printf(iotrace, "%s", z);
** Output string zUtf to stream pOut as w characters. If w is negative,
** then right-justify the text. W is the width in UTF-8 characters, not
** in bytes. This is different from the %*.*s specification in printf
** since with %*.*s the width is measured in bytes, not characters.
static void utf8_width_print(FILE *pOut, int w, const char *zUtf){
int i;
int n;
int aw = w<0 ? -w : w;
char zBuf[1000];
if( aw>(int)sizeof(zBuf)/3 ) aw = (int)sizeof(zBuf)/3;
for(i=n=0; zUtf[i]; i++){
if( (zUtf[i]&0xc0)!=0x80 ){
if( n==aw ){
do{ i++; }while( (zUtf[i]&0xc0)==0x80 );
if( n>=aw ){
utf8_printf(pOut, "%.*s", i, zUtf);
}else if( w<0 ){
utf8_printf(pOut, "%*s%s", aw-n, "", zUtf);
utf8_printf(pOut, "%s%*s", zUtf, aw-n, "");
** Determines if a string is a number of not.
static int isNumber(const char *z, int *realnum){
if( *z=='-' || *z=='+' ) z++;
if( !IsDigit(*z) ){
return 0;
if( realnum ) *realnum = 0;
while( IsDigit(*z) ){ z++; }
if( *z=='.' ){
if( !IsDigit(*z) ) return 0;
while( IsDigit(*z) ){ z++; }
if( realnum ) *realnum = 1;
if( *z=='e' || *z=='E' ){
if( *z=='+' || *z=='-' ) z++;
if( !IsDigit(*z) ) return 0;
while( IsDigit(*z) ){ z++; }
if( realnum ) *realnum = 1;
return *z==0;
** Compute a string length that is limited to what can be stored in
** lower 30 bits of a 32-bit signed integer.
static int strlen30(const char *z){
const char *z2 = z;
while( *z2 ){ z2++; }
return 0x3fffffff & (int)(z2 - z);
** Return the length of a string in characters. Multibyte UTF8 characters
** count as a single character.
static int strlenChar(const char *z){
int n = 0;
while( *z ){
if( (0xc0&*(z++))!=0x80 ) n++;
return n;
** This routine reads a line of text from FILE in, stores
** the text in memory obtained from malloc() and returns a pointer
** to the text. NULL is returned at end of file, or if malloc()
** fails.
** If zLine is not NULL then it is a malloced buffer returned from
** a previous call to this routine that may be reused.
static char *local_getline(char *zLine, FILE *in){
int nLine = zLine==0 ? 0 : 100;
int n = 0;
while( 1 ){
if( n+100>nLine ){
nLine = nLine*2 + 100;
zLine = realloc(zLine, nLine);
if( zLine==0 ) shell_out_of_memory();
if( fgets(&zLine[n], nLine - n, in)==0 ){
if( n==0 ){
return 0;
zLine[n] = 0;
while( zLine[n] ) n++;
if( n>0 && zLine[n-1]=='\n' ){
if( n>0 && zLine[n-1]=='\r' ) n--;
zLine[n] = 0;
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(WIN32)
/* For interactive input on Windows systems, translate the
** multi-byte characterset characters into UTF-8. */
if( stdin_is_interactive && in==stdin ){
char *zTrans = sqlite3_win32_mbcs_to_utf8_v2(zLine, 0);
if( zTrans ){
int nTrans = strlen30(zTrans)+1;
if( nTrans>nLine ){
zLine = realloc(zLine, nTrans);
if( zLine==0 ) shell_out_of_memory();
memcpy(zLine, zTrans, nTrans);
#endif /* defined(_WIN32) || defined(WIN32) */
return zLine;
** Retrieve a single line of input text.
** If in==0 then read from standard input and prompt before each line.
** If isContinuation is true, then a continuation prompt is appropriate.
** If isContinuation is zero, then the main prompt should be used.
** If zPrior is not NULL then it is a buffer from a prior call to this
** routine that can be reused.
** The result is stored in space obtained from malloc() and must either
** be freed by the caller or else passed back into this routine via the
** zPrior argument for reuse.
static char *one_input_line(FILE *in, char *zPrior, int isContinuation){
char *zPrompt;
char *zResult;
if( in!=0 ){
zResult = local_getline(zPrior, in);
zPrompt = isContinuation ? continuePrompt : mainPrompt;
printf("%s", zPrompt);
zResult = local_getline(zPrior, stdin);
zResult = shell_readline(zPrompt);
if( zResult && *zResult ) shell_add_history(zResult);
return zResult;
** Return the value of a hexadecimal digit. Return -1 if the input
** is not a hex digit.
static int hexDigitValue(char c){
if( c>='0' && c<='9' ) return c - '0';
if( c>='a' && c<='f' ) return c - 'a' + 10;
if( c>='A' && c<='F' ) return c - 'A' + 10;
return -1;
** Interpret zArg as an integer value, possibly with suffixes.
static sqlite3_int64 integerValue(const char *zArg){
sqlite3_int64 v = 0;
static const struct { char *zSuffix; int iMult; } aMult[] = {
{ "KiB", 1024 },
{ "MiB", 1024*1024 },
{ "GiB", 1024*1024*1024 },
{ "KB", 1000 },
{ "MB", 1000000 },
{ "GB", 1000000000 },
{ "K", 1000 },
{ "M", 1000000 },
{ "G", 1000000000 },
int i;
int isNeg = 0;
if( zArg[0]=='-' ){
isNeg = 1;
}else if( zArg[0]=='+' ){
if( zArg[0]=='0' && zArg[1]=='x' ){
int x;
zArg += 2;
while( (x = hexDigitValue(zArg[0]))>=0 ){
v = (v<<4) + x;
while( IsDigit(zArg[0]) ){
v = v*10 + zArg[0] - '0';
for(i=0; i<ArraySize(aMult); i++){
if( sqlite3_stricmp(aMult[i].zSuffix, zArg)==0 ){
v *= aMult[i].iMult;
return isNeg? -v : v;
** A variable length string to which one can append text.
typedef struct ShellText ShellText;
struct ShellText {
char *z;
int n;
int nAlloc;
** Initialize and destroy a ShellText object
static void initText(ShellText *p){
memset(p, 0, sizeof(*p));
static void freeText(ShellText *p){
/* zIn is either a pointer to a NULL-terminated string in memory obtained
** from malloc(), or a NULL pointer. The string pointed to by zAppend is
** added to zIn, and the result returned in memory obtained from malloc().
** zIn, if it was not NULL, is freed.
** If the third argument, quote, is not '\0', then it is used as a
** quote character for zAppend.
static void appendText(ShellText *p, char const *zAppend, char quote){
int len;
int i;
int nAppend = strlen30(zAppend);
len = nAppend+p->n+1;
if( quote ){
len += 2;
for(i=0; i<nAppend; i++){
if( zAppend[i]==quote ) len++;
if( p->n+len>=p->nAlloc ){
p->nAlloc = p->nAlloc*2 + len + 20;
p->z = realloc(p->z, p->nAlloc);
if( p->z==0 ) shell_out_of_memory();
if( quote ){
char *zCsr = p->z+p->n;
*zCsr++ = quote;
for(i=0; i<nAppend; i++){
*zCsr++ = zAppend[i];
if( zAppend[i]==quote ) *zCsr++ = quote;
*zCsr++ = quote;
p->n = (int)(zCsr - p->z);
*zCsr = '\0';
memcpy(p->z+p->n, zAppend, nAppend);
p->n += nAppend;
p->z[p->n] = '\0';
** Attempt to determine if identifier zName needs to be quoted, either
** because it contains non-alphanumeric characters, or because it is an
** SQLite keyword. Be conservative in this estimate: When in doubt assume
** that quoting is required.
** Return '"' if quoting is required. Return 0 if no quoting is required.
static char quoteChar(const char *zName){
int i;
if( !isalpha((unsigned char)zName[0]) && zName[0]!='_' ) return '"';
for(i=0; zName[i]; i++){
if( !isalnum((unsigned char)zName[i]) && zName[i]!='_' ) return '"';
return sqlite3_keyword_check(zName, i) ? '"' : 0;
** Construct a fake object name and column list to describe the structure
** of the view, virtual table, or table valued function zSchema.zName.
static char *shellFakeSchema(
sqlite3 *db, /* The database connection containing the vtab */
const char *zSchema, /* Schema of the database holding the vtab */
const char *zName /* The name of the virtual table */
sqlite3_stmt *pStmt = 0;
char *zSql;
ShellText s;
char cQuote;
char *zDiv = "(";
int nRow = 0;
zSql = sqlite3_mprintf("PRAGMA \"%w\".table_info=%Q;",
zSchema ? zSchema : "main", zName);
sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, zSql, -1, &pStmt, 0);
if( zSchema ){
cQuote = quoteChar(zSchema);
if( cQuote && sqlite3_stricmp(zSchema,"temp")==0 ) cQuote = 0;
appendText(&s, zSchema, cQuote);
appendText(&s, ".", 0);
cQuote = quoteChar(zName);
appendText(&s, zName, cQuote);
while( sqlite3_step(pStmt)==SQLITE_ROW ){
const char *zCol = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(pStmt, 1);
appendText(&s, zDiv, 0);
zDiv = ",";
cQuote = quoteChar(zCol);
appendText(&s, zCol, cQuote);
appendText(&s, ")", 0);
if( nRow==0 ){
s.z = 0;
return s.z;
** SQL function: shell_module_schema(X)
** Return a fake schema for the table-valued function or eponymous virtual
** table X.
static void shellModuleSchema(
sqlite3_context *pCtx,
int nVal,
sqlite3_value **apVal
const char *zName = (const char*)sqlite3_value_text(apVal[0]);
char *zFake = shellFakeSchema(sqlite3_context_db_handle(pCtx), 0, zName);
if( zFake ){
sqlite3_result_text(pCtx, sqlite3_mprintf("/* %s */", zFake),
-1, sqlite3_free);
** SQL function: shell_add_schema(S,X)
** Add the schema name X to the CREATE statement in S and return the result.
** Examples:
** CREATE TABLE t1(x) -> CREATE TABLE xyz.t1(x);
** Also works on
** This UDF is used by the .schema command to insert the schema name of
** attached databases into the middle of the sqlite_master.sql field.
static void shellAddSchemaName(
sqlite3_context *pCtx,
int nVal,
sqlite3_value **apVal
static const char *aPrefix[] = {
int i = 0;
const char *zIn = (const char*)sqlite3_value_text(apVal[0]);
const char *zSchema = (const char*)sqlite3_value_text(apVal[1]);
const char *zName = (const char*)sqlite3_value_text(apVal[2]);
sqlite3 *db = sqlite3_context_db_handle(pCtx);
if( zIn!=0 && strncmp(zIn, "CREATE ", 7)==0 ){
for(i=0; i<(int)(sizeof(aPrefix)/sizeof(aPrefix[0])); i++){
int n = strlen30(aPrefix[i]);
if( strncmp(zIn+7, aPrefix[i], n)==0 && zIn[n+7]==' ' ){
char *z = 0;
char *zFake = 0;
if( zSchema ){
char cQuote = quoteChar(zSchema);
if( cQuote && sqlite3_stricmp(zSchema,"temp")!=0 ){
z = sqlite3_mprintf("%.*s \"%w\".%s", n+7, zIn, zSchema, zIn+n+8);
z = sqlite3_mprintf("%.*s %s.%s", n+7, zIn, zSchema, zIn+n+8);
if( zName
&& aPrefix[i][0]=='V'
&& (zFake = shellFakeSchema(db, zSchema, zName))!=0
if( z==0 ){
z = sqlite3_mprintf("%s\n/* %s */", zIn, zFake);
z = sqlite3_mprintf("%z\n/* %s */", z, zFake);
if( z ){
sqlite3_result_text(pCtx, z, -1, sqlite3_free);
sqlite3_result_value(pCtx, apVal[0]);
** The source code for several run-time loadable extensions is inserted
** below by the ../tool/mkshellc.tcl script. Before processing that included
** code, we need to override some macros to make the included program code
** work here in the middle of this regular program.
#define SQLITE_EXTENSION_INIT2(X) (void)(X)
#if defined(_WIN32) && defined(_MSC_VER)
/************************* Begin test_windirent.h ******************/
** 2015 November 30
** The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of
** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
** May you do good and not evil.
** May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
** May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
** This file contains declarations for most of the opendir() family of
** POSIX functions on Win32 using the MSVCRT.
#if defined(_WIN32) && defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(SQLITE_WINDIRENT_H)
** We need several data types from the Windows SDK header.
#include "windows.h"
** We need several support functions from the SQLite core.
/* #include "sqlite3.h" */
** We need several things from the ANSI and MSVCRT headers.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
** We may need several defines that should have been in "sys/stat.h".
#ifndef S_ISREG
#define S_ISREG(mode) (((mode) & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG)
#ifndef S_ISDIR
#define S_ISDIR(mode) (((mode) & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR)
#ifndef S_ISLNK
#define S_ISLNK(mode) (0)
** We may need to provide the "mode_t" type.
typedef unsigned short mode_t;
** We may need to provide the "ino_t" type.
typedef unsigned short ino_t;
** We need to define "NAME_MAX" if it was not present in "limits.h".
#ifndef NAME_MAX
# else
# define NAME_MAX (260)
# endif
** We need to define "NULL_INTPTR_T" and "BAD_INTPTR_T".
# define NULL_INTPTR_T ((intptr_t)(0))
#ifndef BAD_INTPTR_T
# define BAD_INTPTR_T ((intptr_t)(-1))
** We need to provide the necessary structures and related types.
typedef struct DIRENT DIRENT;
struct DIRENT {
ino_t d_ino; /* Sequence number, do not use. */
unsigned d_attributes; /* Win32 file attributes. */
char d_name[NAME_MAX + 1]; /* Name within the directory. */
typedef struct DIR DIR;
typedef DIR *LPDIR;
struct DIR {
intptr_t d_handle; /* Value returned by "_findfirst". */
DIRENT d_first; /* DIRENT constructed based on "_findfirst". */
DIRENT d_next; /* DIRENT constructed based on "_findnext". */
** Provide a macro, for use by the implementation, to determine if a
** particular directory entry should be skipped over when searching for
** the next directory entry that should be returned by the readdir() or
** readdir_r() functions.
#ifndef is_filtered
# define is_filtered(a) ((((a).attrib)&_A_HIDDEN) || (((a).attrib)&_A_SYSTEM))
** Provide the function prototype for the POSIX compatiable getenv()
** function. This function is not thread-safe.
extern const char *windirent_getenv(const char *name);
** Finally, we can provide the function prototypes for the opendir(),
** readdir(), readdir_r(), and closedir() POSIX functions.
extern LPDIR opendir(const char *dirname);
extern LPDIRENT readdir(LPDIR dirp);
extern INT readdir_r(LPDIR dirp, LPDIRENT entry, LPDIRENT *result);
extern INT closedir(LPDIR dirp);
#endif /* defined(WIN32) && defined(_MSC_VER) */
/************************* End test_windirent.h ********************/
/************************* Begin test_windirent.c ******************/
** 2015 November 30
** The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of
** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
** May you do good and not evil.
** May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
** May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
** This file contains code to implement most of the opendir() family of
** POSIX functions on Win32 using the MSVCRT.
#if defined(_WIN32) && defined(_MSC_VER)
/* #include "test_windirent.h" */
** Implementation of the POSIX getenv() function using the Win32 API.
** This function is not thread-safe.
const char *windirent_getenv(
const char *name
static char value[32768]; /* Maximum length, per MSDN */
DWORD dwSize = sizeof(value) / sizeof(char); /* Size in chars */
DWORD dwRet; /* Value returned by GetEnvironmentVariableA() */
memset(value, 0, sizeof(value));
dwRet = GetEnvironmentVariableA(name, value, dwSize);
if( dwRet==0 || dwRet>dwSize ){
** The function call to GetEnvironmentVariableA() failed -OR-
** the buffer is not large enough. Either way, return NULL.
return 0;
** The function call to GetEnvironmentVariableA() succeeded
** -AND- the buffer contains the entire value.
return value;
** Implementation of the POSIX opendir() function using the MSVCRT.
LPDIR opendir(
const char *dirname
struct _finddata_t data;
LPDIR dirp = (LPDIR)sqlite3_malloc(sizeof(DIR));
SIZE_T namesize = sizeof( / sizeof([0]);
if( dirp==NULL ) return NULL;
memset(dirp, 0, sizeof(DIR));
/* TODO: Remove this if Unix-style root paths are not used. */
if( sqlite3_stricmp(dirname, "/")==0 ){
dirname = windirent_getenv("SystemDrive");
memset(&data, 0, sizeof(struct _finddata_t));
_snprintf(, namesize, "%s\\*", dirname);
dirp->d_handle = _findfirst(, &data);
if( dirp->d_handle==BAD_INTPTR_T ){
return NULL;
/* TODO: Remove this block to allow hidden and/or system files. */
if( is_filtered(data) ){
memset(&data, 0, sizeof(struct _finddata_t));
if( _findnext(dirp->d_handle, &data)==-1 ){
return NULL;
/* TODO: Remove this block to allow hidden and/or system files. */
if( is_filtered(data) ) goto next;
dirp->d_first.d_attributes = data.attrib;
strncpy(dirp->d_first.d_name,, NAME_MAX);
dirp->d_first.d_name[NAME_MAX] = '\0';
return dirp;
** Implementation of the POSIX readdir() function using the MSVCRT.
LPDIRENT readdir(
LPDIR dirp
struct _finddata_t data;
if( dirp==NULL ) return NULL;
if( dirp->d_first.d_ino==0 ){
return &dirp->d_first;
memset(&data, 0, sizeof(struct _finddata_t));
if( _findnext(dirp->d_handle, &data)==-1 ) return NULL;
/* TODO: Remove this block to allow hidden and/or system files. */
if( is_filtered(data) ) goto next;
dirp->d_next.d_attributes = data.attrib;
strncpy(dirp->d_next.d_name,, NAME_MAX);
dirp->d_next.d_name[NAME_MAX] = '\0';
return &dirp->d_next;
** Implementation of the POSIX readdir_r() function using the MSVCRT.
INT readdir_r(
LPDIR dirp,
LPDIRENT *result
struct _finddata_t data;
if( dirp==NULL ) return EBADF;
if( dirp->d_first.d_ino==0 ){
entry->d_ino = dirp->d_first.d_ino;
entry->d_attributes = dirp->d_first.d_attributes;
strncpy(entry->d_name, dirp->d_first.d_name, NAME_MAX);
entry->d_name[NAME_MAX] = '\0';
*result = entry;
return 0;
memset(&data, 0, sizeof(struct _finddata_t));
if( _findnext(dirp->d_handle, &data)==-1 ){
*result = NULL;
return ENOENT;
/* TODO: Remove this block to allow hidden and/or system files. */
if( is_filtered(data) ) goto next;
entry->d_ino = (ino_t)-1; /* not available */
entry->d_attributes = data.attrib;
strncpy(entry->d_name,, NAME_MAX);
entry->d_name[NAME_MAX] = '\0';
*result = entry;
return 0;
** Implementation of the POSIX closedir() function using the MSVCRT.
INT closedir(
LPDIR dirp
INT result = 0;
if( dirp==NULL ) return EINVAL;
if( dirp->d_handle!=NULL_INTPTR_T && dirp->d_handle!=BAD_INTPTR_T ){
result = _findclose(dirp->d_handle);
return result;
#endif /* defined(WIN32) && defined(_MSC_VER) */
/************************* End test_windirent.c ********************/
#define dirent DIRENT
/************************* Begin ../ext/misc/shathree.c ******************/
** 2017-03-08
** The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of
** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
** May you do good and not evil.
** May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
** May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
** This SQLite extension implements functions that compute SHA3 hashes.
** Two SQL functions are implemented:
** sha3(X,SIZE)
** sha3_query(Y,SIZE)
** The sha3(X) function computes the SHA3 hash of the input X, or NULL if
** X is NULL.
** The sha3_query(Y) function evalutes all queries in the SQL statements of Y
** and returns a hash of their results.
** The SIZE argument is optional. If omitted, the SHA3-256 hash algorithm
** is used. If SIZE is included it must be one of the integers 224, 256,
** 384, or 512, to determine SHA3 hash variant that is computed.
/* #include "sqlite3ext.h" */
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
/* typedef sqlite3_uint64 u64; */
** The Hash Engine
** Macros to determine whether the machine is big or little endian,
** and whether or not that determination is run-time or compile-time.
** For best performance, an attempt is made to guess at the byte-order
** using C-preprocessor macros. If that is unsuccessful, or if
** -DSHA3_BYTEORDER=0 is set, then byte-order is determined
** at run-time.
# if defined(i386) || defined(__i386__) || defined(_M_IX86) || \
defined(__x86_64) || defined(__x86_64__) || defined(_M_X64) || \
defined(_M_AMD64) || defined(_M_ARM) || defined(__x86) || \
# define SHA3_BYTEORDER 1234
# elif defined(sparc) || defined(__ppc__)
# define SHA3_BYTEORDER 4321
# else
# define SHA3_BYTEORDER 0
# endif
** State structure for a SHA3 hash in progress
typedef struct SHA3Context SHA3Context;
struct SHA3Context {
union {
u64 s[25]; /* Keccak state. 5x5 lines of 64 bits each */
unsigned char x[1600]; /* ... or 1600 bytes */
} u;
unsigned nRate; /* Bytes of input accepted per Keccak iteration */
unsigned nLoaded; /* Input bytes loaded into u.x[] so far this cycle */
unsigned ixMask; /* Insert next input into u.x[nLoaded^ixMask]. */
** A single step of the Keccak mixing function for a 1600-bit state
static void KeccakF1600Step(SHA3Context *p){
int i;
u64 b0, b1, b2, b3, b4;
u64 c0, c1, c2, c3, c4;
u64 d0, d1, d2, d3, d4;
static const u64 RC[] = {
0x0000000000000001ULL, 0x0000000000008082ULL,
0x800000000000808aULL, 0x8000000080008000ULL,
0x000000000000808bULL, 0x0000000080000001ULL,
0x8000000080008081ULL, 0x8000000000008009ULL,
0x000000000000008aULL, 0x0000000000000088ULL,
0x0000000080008009ULL, 0x000000008000000aULL,
0x000000008000808bULL, 0x800000000000008bULL,
0x8000000000008089ULL, 0x8000000000008003ULL,
0x8000000000008002ULL, 0x8000000000000080ULL,
0x000000000000800aULL, 0x800000008000000aULL,
0x8000000080008081ULL, 0x8000000000008080ULL,
0x0000000080000001ULL, 0x8000000080008008ULL
# define a00 (p->u.s[0])
# define a01 (p->u.s[1])
# define a02 (p->u.s[2])
# define a03 (p->u.s[3])
# define a04 (p->u.s[4])
# define a10 (p->u.s[5])
# define a11 (p->u.s[6])
# define a12 (p->u.s[7])
# define a13 (p->u.s[8])
# define a14 (p->u.s[9])
# define a20 (p->u.s[10])
# define a21 (p->u.s[11])
# define a22 (p->u.s[12])
# define a23 (p->u.s[13])
# define a24 (p->u.s[14])
# define a30 (p->u.s[15])
# define a31 (p->u.s[16])
# define a32 (p->u.s[17])
# define a33 (p->u.s[18])
# define a34 (p->u.s[19])
# define a40 (p->u.s[20])
# define a41 (p->u.s[21])
# define a42 (p->u.s[22])
# define a43 (p->u.s[23])
# define a44 (p->u.s[24])
# define ROL64(a,x) ((a<<x)|(a>>(64-x)))
for(i=0; i<24; i+=4){
c0 = a00^a10^a20^a30^a40;
c1 = a01^a11^a21^a31^a41;
c2 = a02^a12^a22^a32^a42;
c3 = a03^a13^a23^a33^a43;
c4 = a04^a14^a24^a34^a44;
d0 = c4^ROL64(c1, 1);
d1 = c0^ROL64(c2, 1);
d2 = c1^ROL64(c3, 1);
d3 = c2^ROL64(c4, 1);
d4 = c3^ROL64(c0, 1);
b0 = (a00^d0);
b1 = ROL64((a11^d1), 44);
b2 = ROL64((a22^d2), 43);
b3 = ROL64((a33^d3), 21);
b4 = ROL64((a44^d4), 14);
a00 = b0 ^((~b1)& b2 );
a00 ^= RC[i];
a11 = b1 ^((~b2)& b3 );
a22 = b2 ^((~b3)& b4 );
a33 = b3 ^((~b4)& b0 );
a44 = b4 ^((~b0)& b1 );
b2 = ROL64((a20^d0), 3);
b3 = ROL64((a31^d1), 45);
b4 = ROL64((a42^d2), 61);
b0 = ROL64((a03^d3), 28);
b1 = ROL64((a14^d4), 20);
a20 = b0 ^((~b1)& b2 );
a31 = b1 ^((~b2)& b3 );
a42 = b2 ^((~b3)& b4 );
a03 = b3 ^((~b4)& b0 );
a14 = b4 ^((~b0)& b1 );
b4 = ROL64((a40^d0), 18);
b0 = ROL64((a01^d1), 1);
b1 = ROL64((a12^d2), 6);
b2 = ROL64((a23^d3), 25);
b3 = ROL64((a34^d4), 8);
a40 = b0 ^((~b1)& b2 );
a01 = b1 ^((~b2)& b3 );
a12 = b2 ^((~b3)& b4 );
a23 = b3 ^((~b4)& b0 );
a34 = b4 ^((~b0)& b1 );
b1 = ROL64((a10^d0), 36);
b2 = ROL64((a21^d1), 10);
b3 = ROL64((a32^d2), 15);
b4 = ROL64((a43^d3), 56);
b0 = ROL64((a04^d4), 27);
a10 = b0 ^((~b1)& b2 );
a21 = b1 ^((~b2)& b3 );
a32 = b2 ^((~b3)& b4 );
a43 = b3 ^((~b4)& b0 );
a04 = b4 ^((~b0)& b1 );
b3 = ROL64((a30^d0), 41);
b4 = ROL64((a41^d1), 2);
b0 = ROL64((a02^d2), 62);
b1 = ROL64((a13^d3), 55);
b2 = ROL64((a24^d4), 39);
a30 = b0 ^((~b1)& b2 );
a41 = b1 ^((~b2)& b3 );
a02 = b2 ^((~b3)& b4 );
a13 = b3 ^((~b4)& b0 );
a24 = b4 ^((~b0)& b1 );
c0 = a00^a20^a40^a10^a30;
c1 = a11^a31^a01^a21^a41;
c2 = a22^a42^a12^a32^a02;
c3 = a33^a03^a23^a43^a13;
c4 = a44^a14^a34^a04^a24;
d0 = c4^ROL64(c1, 1);
d1 = c0^ROL64(c2, 1);
d2 = c1^ROL64(c3, 1);
d3 = c2^ROL64(c4, 1);
d4 = c3^ROL64(c0, 1);
b0 = (a00^d0);
b1 = ROL64((a31^d1), 44);
b2 = ROL64((a12^d2), 43);
b3 = ROL64((a43^d3), 21);
b4 = ROL64((a24^d4), 14);
a00 = b0 ^((~b1)& b2 );
a00 ^= RC[i+1];
a31 = b1 ^((~b2)& b3 );
a12 = b2 ^((~b3)& b4 );
a43 = b3 ^((~b4)& b0 );
a24 = b4 ^((~b0)& b1 );
b2 = ROL64((a40^d0), 3);
b3 = ROL64((a21^d1), 45);
b4 = ROL64((a02^d2), 61);
b0 = ROL64((a33^d3), 28);
b1 = ROL64((a14^d4), 20);
a40 = b0 ^((~b1)& b2 );
a21 = b1 ^((~b2)& b3 );
a02 = b2 ^((~b3)& b4 );
a33 = b3 ^((~b4)& b0 );
a14 = b4 ^((~b0)& b1 );
b4 = ROL64((a30^d0), 18);
b0 = ROL64((a11^d1), 1);
b1 = ROL64((a42^d2), 6);
b2 = ROL64((a23^d3), 25);
b3 = ROL64((a04^d4), 8);
a30 = b0 ^((~b1)& b2 );
a11 = b1 ^((~b2)& b3 );
a42 = b2 ^((~b3)& b4 );
a23 = b3 ^((~b4)& b0 );
a04 = b4 ^((~b0)& b1 );
b1 = ROL64((a20^d0), 36);
b2 = ROL64((a01^d1), 10);
b3 = ROL64((a32^d2), 15);
b4 = ROL64((a13^d3), 56);
b0 = ROL64((a44^d4), 27);
a20 = b0 ^((~b1)& b2 );
a01 = b1 ^((~b2)& b3 );
a32 = b2 ^((~b3)& b4 );
a13 = b3 ^((~b4)& b0 );
a44 = b4 ^((~b0)& b1 );
b3 = ROL64((a10^d0), 41);
b4 = ROL64((a41^d1), 2);
b0 = ROL64((a22^d2), 62);
b1 = ROL64((a03^d3), 55);
b2 = ROL64((a34^d4), 39);
a10 = b0 ^((~b1)& b2 );
a41 = b1 ^((~b2)& b3 );
a22 = b2 ^((~b3)& b4 );
a03 = b3 ^((~b4)& b0 );
a34 = b4 ^((~b0)& b1 );
c0 = a00^a40^a30^a20^a10;
c1 = a31^a21^a11^a01^a41;
c2 = a12^a02^a42^a32^a22;
c3 = a43^a33^a23^a13^a03;
c4 = a24^a14^a04^a44^a34;
d0 = c4^ROL64(c1, 1);
d1 = c0^ROL64(c2, 1);
d2 = c1^ROL64(c3, 1);
d3 = c2^ROL64(c4, 1);
d4 = c3^ROL64(c0, 1);
b0 = (a00^d0);
b1 = ROL64((a21^d1), 44);
b2 = ROL64((a42^d2), 43);
b3 = ROL64((a13^d3), 21);
b4 = ROL64((a34^d4), 14);
a00 = b0 ^((~b1)& b2 );
a00 ^= RC[i+2];
a21 = b1 ^((~b2)& b3 );
a42 = b2 ^((~b3)& b4 );
a13 = b3 ^((~b4)& b0 );
a34 = b4 ^((~b0)& b1 );
b2 = ROL64((a30^d0), 3);
b3 = ROL64((a01^d1), 45);
b4 = ROL64((a22^d2), 61);
b0 = ROL64((a43^d3), 28);
b1 = ROL64((a14^d4), 20);
a30 = b0 ^((~b1)& b2 );
a01 = b1 ^((~b2)& b3 );
a22 = b2 ^((~b3)& b4 );
a43 = b3 ^((~b4)& b0 );
a14 = b4 ^((~b0)& b1 );
b4 = ROL64((a10^d0), 18);
b0 = ROL64((a31^d1), 1);
b1 = ROL64((a02^d2), 6);
b2 = ROL64((a23^d3), 25);
b3 = ROL64((a44^d4), 8);
a10 = b0 ^((~b1)& b2 );
a31 = b1 ^((~b2)& b3 );
a02 = b2 ^((~b3)& b4 );
a23 = b3 ^((~b4)& b0 );
a44 = b4 ^((~b0)& b1 );
b1 = ROL64((a40^d0), 36);
b2 = ROL64((a11^d1), 10);
b3 = ROL64((a32^d2), 15);
b4 = ROL64((a03^d3), 56);
b0 = ROL64((a24^d4), 27);
a40 = b0 ^((~b1)& b2 );
a11 = b1 ^((~b2)& b3 );
a32 = b2 ^((~b3)& b4 );
a03 = b3 ^((~b4)& b0 );
a24 = b4 ^((~b0)& b1 );
b3 = ROL64((a20^d0), 41);
b4 = ROL64((a41^d1), 2);
b0 = ROL64((a12^d2), 62);
b1 = ROL64((a33^d3), 55);
b2 = ROL64((a04^d4), 39);
a20 = b0 ^((~b1)& b2 );
a41 = b1 ^((~b2)& b3 );
a12 = b2 ^((~b3)& b4 );
a33 = b3 ^((~b4)& b0 );
a04 = b4 ^((~b0)& b1 );
c0 = a00^a30^a10^a40^a20;
c1 = a21^a01^a31^a11^a41;
c2 = a42^a22^a02^a32^a12;
c3 = a13^a43^a23^a03^a33;
c4 = a34^a14^a44^a24^a04;
d0 = c4^ROL64(c1, 1);
d1 = c0^ROL64(c2, 1);
d2 = c1^ROL64(c3, 1);
d3 = c2^ROL64(c4, 1);
d4 = c3^ROL64(c0, 1);
b0 = (a00^d0);
b1 = ROL64((a01^d1), 44);
b2 = ROL64((a02^d2), 43);
b3 = ROL64((a03^d3), 21);
b4 = ROL64((a04^d4), 14);
a00 = b0 ^((~b1)& b2 );
a00 ^= RC[i+3];
a01 = b1 ^((~b2)& b3 );
a02 = b2 ^((~b3)& b4 );
a03 = b3 ^((~b4)& b0 );
a04 = b4 ^((~b0)& b1 );
b2 = ROL64((a10^d0), 3);
b3 = ROL64((a11^d1), 45);
b4 = ROL64((a12^d2), 61);
b0 = ROL64((a13^d3), 28);
b1 = ROL64((a14^d4), 20);
a10 = b0 ^((~b1)& b2 );
a11 = b1 ^((~b2)& b3 );
a12 = b2 ^((~b3)& b4 );
a13 = b3 ^((~b4)& b0 );
a14 = b4 ^((~b0)& b1 );
b4 = ROL64((a20^d0), 18);
b0 = ROL64((a21^d1), 1);
b1 = ROL64((a22^d2), 6);
b2 = ROL64((a23^d3), 25);
b3 = ROL64((a24^d4), 8);
a20 = b0 ^((~b1)& b2 );
a21 = b1 ^((~b2)& b3 );
a22 = b2 ^((~b3)& b4 );
a23 = b3 ^((~b4)& b0 );
a24 = b4 ^((~b0)& b1 );
b1 = ROL64((a30^d0), 36);
b2 = ROL64((a31^d1), 10);
b3 = ROL64((a32^d2), 15);
b4 = ROL64((a33^d3), 56);
b0 = ROL64((a34^d4), 27);
a30 = b0 ^((~b1)& b2 );
a31 = b1 ^((~b2)& b3 );
a32 = b2 ^((~b3)& b4 );
a33 = b3 ^((~b4)& b0 );
a34 = b4 ^((~b0)& b1 );
b3 = ROL64((a40^d0), 41);
b4 = ROL64((a41^d1), 2);
b0 = ROL64((a42^d2), 62);
b1 = ROL64((a43^d3), 55);
b2 = ROL64((a44^d4), 39);
a40 = b0 ^((~b1)& b2 );
a41 = b1 ^((~b2)& b3 );
a42 = b2 ^((~b3)& b4 );
a43 = b3 ^((~b4)& b0 );
a44 = b4 ^((~b0)& b1 );
** Initialize a new hash. iSize determines the size of the hash
** in bits and should be one of 224, 256, 384, or 512. Or iSize
** can be zero to use the default hash size of 256 bits.
static void SHA3Init(SHA3Context *p, int iSize){
memset(p, 0, sizeof(*p));
if( iSize>=128 && iSize<=512 ){
p->nRate = (1600 - ((iSize + 31)&~31)*2)/8;
p->nRate = (1600 - 2*256)/8;
#if SHA3_BYTEORDER==1234
/* Known to be little-endian at compile-time. No-op */
#elif SHA3_BYTEORDER==4321
p->ixMask = 7; /* Big-endian */
static unsigned int one = 1;
if( 1==*(unsigned char*)&one ){
/* Little endian. No byte swapping. */
p->ixMask = 0;
/* Big endian. Byte swap. */
p->ixMask = 7;
** Make consecutive calls to the SHA3Update function to add new content
** to the hash
static void SHA3Update(
SHA3Context *p,
const unsigned char *aData,
unsigned int nData
unsigned int i = 0;
#if SHA3_BYTEORDER==1234
if( (p->nLoaded % 8)==0 && ((aData - (const unsigned char*)0)&7)==0 ){
for(; i+7<nData; i+=8){
p->u.s[p->nLoaded/8] ^= *(u64*)&aData[i];
p->nLoaded += 8;
if( p->nLoaded>=p->nRate ){
p->nLoaded = 0;
for(; i<nData; i++){
#if SHA3_BYTEORDER==1234
p->u.x[p->nLoaded] ^= aData[i];
#elif SHA3_BYTEORDER==4321
p->u.x[p->nLoaded^0x07] ^= aData[i];
p->u.x[p->nLoaded^p->ixMask] ^= aData[i];
if( p->nLoaded==p->nRate ){
p->nLoaded = 0;
** After all content has been added, invoke SHA3Final() to compute
** the final hash. The function returns a pointer to the binary
** hash value.
static unsigned char *SHA3Final(SHA3Context *p){
unsigned int i;
if( p->nLoaded==p->nRate-1 ){
const unsigned char c1 = 0x86;
SHA3Update(p, &c1, 1);
const unsigned char c2 = 0x06;
const unsigned char c3 = 0x80;
SHA3Update(p, &c2, 1);
p->nLoaded = p->nRate - 1;
SHA3Update(p, &c3, 1);
for(i=0; i<p->nRate; i++){
p->u.x[i+p->nRate] = p->u.x[i^p->ixMask];
return &p->u.x[p->nRate];
/* End of the hashing logic
** Implementation of the sha3(X,SIZE) function.
** Return a BLOB which is the SIZE-bit SHA3 hash of X. The default
** size is 256. If X is a BLOB, it is hashed as is.
** For all other non-NULL types of input, X is converted into a UTF-8 string
** and the string is hashed without the trailing 0x00 terminator. The hash
** of a NULL value is NULL.
static void sha3Func(
sqlite3_context *context,
int argc,
sqlite3_value **argv
SHA3Context cx;
int eType = sqlite3_value_type(argv[0]);
int nByte = sqlite3_value_bytes(argv[0]);
int iSize;
if( argc==1 ){
iSize = 256;
iSize = sqlite3_value_int(argv[1]);
if( iSize!=224 && iSize!=256 && iSize!=384 && iSize!=512 ){
sqlite3_result_error(context, "SHA3 size should be one of: 224 256 "
"384 512", -1);
if( eType==SQLITE_NULL ) return;
SHA3Init(&cx, iSize);
if( eType==SQLITE_BLOB ){
SHA3Update(&cx, sqlite3_value_blob(argv[0]), nByte);
SHA3Update(&cx, sqlite3_value_text(argv[0]), nByte);
sqlite3_result_blob(context, SHA3Final(&cx), iSize/8, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
/* Compute a string using sqlite3_vsnprintf() with a maximum length
** of 50 bytes and add it to the hash.
static void hash_step_vformat(
SHA3Context *p, /* Add content to this context */
const char *zFormat,
va_list ap;
int n;
char zBuf[50];
va_start(ap, zFormat);
n = (int)strlen(zBuf);
SHA3Update(p, (unsigned char*)zBuf, n);
** Implementation of the sha3_query(SQL,SIZE) function.
** This function compiles and runs the SQL statement(s) given in the
** argument. The results are hashed using a SIZE-bit SHA3. The default
** size is 256.
** The format of the byte stream that is hashed is summarized as follows:
** S<n>:<sql>
** R
** N
** I<int>
** F<ieee-float>
** B<size>:<bytes>
** T<size>:<text>
** <sql> is the original SQL text for each statement run and <n> is
** the size of that text. The SQL text is UTF-8. A single R character
** occurs before the start of each row. N means a NULL value.
** I mean an 8-byte little-endian integer <int>. F is a floating point
** number with an 8-byte little-endian IEEE floating point value <ieee-float>.
** B means blobs of <size> bytes. T means text rendered as <size>
** bytes of UTF-8. The <n> and <size> values are expressed as an ASCII
** text integers.
** For each SQL statement in the X input, there is one S segment. Each
** S segment is followed by zero or more R segments, one for each row in the
** result set. After each R, there are one or more N, I, F, B, or T segments,
** one for each column in the result set. Segments are concatentated directly
** with no delimiters of any kind.
static void sha3QueryFunc(
sqlite3_context *context,
int argc,
sqlite3_value **argv
sqlite3 *db = sqlite3_context_db_handle(context);
const char *zSql = (const char*)sqlite3_value_text(argv[0]);
sqlite3_stmt *pStmt = 0;
int nCol; /* Number of columns in the result set */
int i; /* Loop counter */
int rc;
int n;
const char *z;
SHA3Context cx;
int iSize;
if( argc==1 ){
iSize = 256;
iSize = sqlite3_value_int(argv[1]);
if( iSize!=224 && iSize!=256 && iSize!=384 && iSize!=512 ){
sqlite3_result_error(context, "SHA3 size should be one of: 224 256 "
"384 512", -1);
if( zSql==0 ) return;
SHA3Init(&cx, iSize);
while( zSql[0] ){
rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, zSql, -1, &pStmt, &zSql);
if( rc ){
char *zMsg = sqlite3_mprintf("error SQL statement [%s]: %s",
zSql, sqlite3_errmsg(db));
sqlite3_result_error(context, zMsg, -1);
if( !sqlite3_stmt_readonly(pStmt) ){
char *zMsg = sqlite3_mprintf("non-query: [%s]", sqlite3_sql(pStmt));
sqlite3_result_error(context, zMsg, -1);
nCol = sqlite3_column_count(pStmt);
z = sqlite3_sql(pStmt);
n = (int)strlen(z);
SHA3Update(&cx,(unsigned char*)z,n);
/* Compute a hash over the result of the query */
while( SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pStmt) ){
SHA3Update(&cx,(const unsigned char*)"R",1);
for(i=0; i<nCol; i++){
switch( sqlite3_column_type(pStmt,i) ){
SHA3Update(&cx, (const unsigned char*)"N",1);
sqlite3_uint64 u;
int j;
unsigned char x[9];
sqlite3_int64 v = sqlite3_column_int64(pStmt,i);
memcpy(&u, &v, 8);
for(j=8; j>=1; j--){
x[j] = u & 0xff;
u >>= 8;
x[0] = 'I';
SHA3Update(&cx, x, 9);
sqlite3_uint64 u;
int j;
unsigned char x[9];
double r = sqlite3_column_double(pStmt,i);
memcpy(&u, &r, 8);
for(j=8; j>=1; j--){
x[j] = u & 0xff;
u >>= 8;
x[0] = 'F';
int n2 = sqlite3_column_bytes(pStmt, i);
const unsigned char *z2 = sqlite3_column_text(pStmt, i);
SHA3Update(&cx, z2, n2);
int n2 = sqlite3_column_bytes(pStmt, i);
const unsigned char *z2 = sqlite3_column_blob(pStmt, i);
SHA3Update(&cx, z2, n2);
sqlite3_result_blob(context, SHA3Final(&cx), iSize/8, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
#ifdef _WIN32
int sqlite3_shathree_init(
sqlite3 *db,
char **pzErrMsg,
const sqlite3_api_routines *pApi
int rc = SQLITE_OK;
(void)pzErrMsg; /* Unused parameter */
rc = sqlite3_create_function(db, "sha3", 1,
0, sha3Func, 0, 0);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
rc = sqlite3_create_function(db, "sha3", 2,
0, sha3Func, 0, 0);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
rc = sqlite3_create_function(db, "sha3_query", 1,
0, sha3QueryFunc, 0, 0);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
rc = sqlite3_create_function(db, "sha3_query", 2,
0, sha3QueryFunc, 0, 0);
return rc;
/************************* End ../ext/misc/shathree.c ********************/
/************************* Begin ../ext/misc/fileio.c ******************/
** 2014-06-13
** The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of
** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
** May you do good and not evil.
** May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
** May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
** This SQLite extension implements SQL functions readfile() and
** writefile(), and eponymous virtual type "fsdir".
** If neither of the optional arguments is present, then this UDF
** function writes blob DATA to file FILE. If successful, the number
** of bytes written is returned. If an error occurs, NULL is returned.
** If the first option argument - MODE - is present, then it must
** be passed an integer value that corresponds to a POSIX mode
** value (file type + permissions, as returned in the stat.st_mode
** field by the stat() system call). Three types of files may
** be written/created:
** regular files: (mode & 0170000)==0100000
** symbolic links: (mode & 0170000)==0120000
** directories: (mode & 0170000)==0040000
** For a directory, the DATA is ignored. For a symbolic link, it is
** interpreted as text and used as the target of the link. For a
** regular file, it is interpreted as a blob and written into the
** named file. Regardless of the type of file, its permissions are
** set to (mode & 0777) before returning.
** If the optional MTIME argument is present, then it is interpreted
** as an integer - the number of seconds since the unix epoch. The
** modification-time of the target file is set to this value before
** returning.
** If three or more arguments are passed to this function and an
** error is encountered, an exception is raised.
** Read and return the contents of file FILE (type blob) from disk.
** Used as follows:
** SELECT * FROM fsdir($path [, $dir]);
** Parameter $path is an absolute or relative pathname. If the file that it
** refers to does not exist, it is an error. If the path refers to a regular
** file or symbolic link, it returns a single row. Or, if the path refers
** to a directory, it returns one row for the directory, and one row for each
** file within the hierarchy rooted at $path.
** Each row has the following columns:
** name: Path to file or directory (text value).
** mode: Value of stat.st_mode for directory entry (an integer).
** mtime: Value of stat.st_mtime for directory entry (an integer).
** data: For a regular file, a blob containing the file data. For a
** symlink, a text value containing the text of the link. For a
** directory, NULL.
** If a non-NULL value is specified for the optional $dir parameter and
** $path is a relative path, then $path is interpreted relative to $dir.
** And the paths returned in the "name" column of the table are also
** relative to directory $dir.
/* #include "sqlite3ext.h" */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(WIN32)
# include <unistd.h>
# include <dirent.h>
# include <utime.h>
# include <sys/time.h>
# include "windows.h"
# include <io.h>
# include <direct.h>
/* # include "test_windirent.h" */
# define dirent DIRENT
# ifndef chmod
# define chmod _chmod
# endif
# ifndef stat
# define stat _stat
# endif
# define mkdir(path,mode) _mkdir(path)
# define lstat(path,buf) stat(path,buf)
#include <time.h>
#include <errno.h>
** Structure of the fsdir() table-valued function
/* 0 1 2 3 4 5 */
#define FSDIR_SCHEMA "(name,mode,mtime,data,path HIDDEN,dir HIDDEN)"
#define FSDIR_COLUMN_NAME 0 /* Name of the file */
#define FSDIR_COLUMN_MODE 1 /* Access mode */
#define FSDIR_COLUMN_MTIME 2 /* Last modification time */
#define FSDIR_COLUMN_DATA 3 /* File content */
#define FSDIR_COLUMN_PATH 4 /* Path to top of search */
#define FSDIR_COLUMN_DIR 5 /* Path is relative to this directory */
** Set the result stored by context ctx to a blob containing the
** contents of file zName. Or, leave the result unchanged (NULL)
** if the file does not exist or is unreadable.
** If the file exceeds the SQLite blob size limit, through an
** Throw an SQLITE_IOERR if there are difficulties pulling the file
** off of disk.
static void readFileContents(sqlite3_context *ctx, const char *zName){
FILE *in;
sqlite3_int64 nIn;
void *pBuf;
sqlite3 *db;
int mxBlob;
in = fopen(zName, "rb");
if( in==0 ){
/* File does not exist or is unreadable. Leave the result set to NULL. */
fseek(in, 0, SEEK_END);
nIn = ftell(in);
db = sqlite3_context_db_handle(ctx);
mxBlob = sqlite3_limit(db, SQLITE_LIMIT_LENGTH, -1);
if( nIn>mxBlob ){
sqlite3_result_error_code(ctx, SQLITE_TOOBIG);
pBuf = sqlite3_malloc64( nIn ? nIn : 1 );
if( pBuf==0 ){
if( nIn==(sqlite3_int64)fread(pBuf, 1, (size_t)nIn, in) ){
sqlite3_result_blob64(ctx, pBuf, nIn, sqlite3_free);
sqlite3_result_error_code(ctx, SQLITE_IOERR);
** Implementation of the "readfile(X)" SQL function. The entire content
** of the file named X is read and returned as a BLOB. NULL is returned
** if the file does not exist or is unreadable.
static void readfileFunc(
sqlite3_context *context,
int argc,
sqlite3_value **argv
const char *zName;
(void)(argc); /* Unused parameter */
zName = (const char*)sqlite3_value_text(argv[0]);
if( zName==0 ) return;
readFileContents(context, zName);
** Set the error message contained in context ctx to the results of
** vprintf(zFmt, ...).
static void ctxErrorMsg(sqlite3_context *ctx, const char *zFmt, ...){
char *zMsg = 0;
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, zFmt);
zMsg = sqlite3_vmprintf(zFmt, ap);
sqlite3_result_error(ctx, zMsg, -1);
#if defined(_WIN32)
** This function is designed to convert a Win32 FILETIME structure into the
** number of seconds since the Unix Epoch (1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC).
static sqlite3_uint64 fileTimeToUnixTime(
SYSTEMTIME epochSystemTime;
ULARGE_INTEGER epochIntervals;
FILETIME epochFileTime;
ULARGE_INTEGER fileIntervals;
memset(&epochSystemTime, 0, sizeof(SYSTEMTIME));
epochSystemTime.wYear = 1970;
epochSystemTime.wMonth = 1;
epochSystemTime.wDay = 1;
SystemTimeToFileTime(&epochSystemTime, &epochFileTime);
epochIntervals.LowPart = epochFileTime.dwLowDateTime;
epochIntervals.HighPart = epochFileTime.dwHighDateTime;
fileIntervals.LowPart = pFileTime->dwLowDateTime;
fileIntervals.HighPart = pFileTime->dwHighDateTime;
return (fileIntervals.QuadPart - epochIntervals.QuadPart) / 10000000;
** This function attempts to normalize the time values found in the stat()
** buffer to UTC. This is necessary on Win32, where the runtime library
** appears to return these values as local times.
static void statTimesToUtc(
const char *zPath,
struct stat *pStatBuf
HANDLE hFindFile;
LPWSTR zUnicodeName;
extern LPWSTR sqlite3_win32_utf8_to_unicode(const char*);
zUnicodeName = sqlite3_win32_utf8_to_unicode(zPath);
if( zUnicodeName ){
memset(&fd, 0, sizeof(WIN32_FIND_DATAW));
hFindFile = FindFirstFileW(zUnicodeName, &fd);
if( hFindFile!=NULL ){
pStatBuf->st_ctime = (time_t)fileTimeToUnixTime(&fd.ftCreationTime);
pStatBuf->st_atime = (time_t)fileTimeToUnixTime(&fd.ftLastAccessTime);
pStatBuf->st_mtime = (time_t)fileTimeToUnixTime(&fd.ftLastWriteTime);
** This function is used in place of stat(). On Windows, special handling
** is required in order for the included time to be returned as UTC. On all
** other systems, this function simply calls stat().
static int fileStat(
const char *zPath,
struct stat *pStatBuf
#if defined(_WIN32)
int rc = stat(zPath, pStatBuf);
if( rc==0 ) statTimesToUtc(zPath, pStatBuf);
return rc;
return stat(zPath, pStatBuf);
** This function is used in place of lstat(). On Windows, special handling
** is required in order for the included time to be returned as UTC. On all
** other systems, this function simply calls lstat().
static int fileLinkStat(
const char *zPath,
struct stat *pStatBuf
#if defined(_WIN32)
int rc = lstat(zPath, pStatBuf);
if( rc==0 ) statTimesToUtc(zPath, pStatBuf);
return rc;
return lstat(zPath, pStatBuf);
** Argument zFile is the name of a file that will be created and/or written
** by SQL function writefile(). This function ensures that the directory
** zFile will be written to exists, creating it if required. The permissions
** for any path components created by this function are set in accordance
** with the current umask.
** If an OOM condition is encountered, SQLITE_NOMEM is returned. Otherwise,
** SQLITE_OK is returned if the directory is successfully created, or
** SQLITE_ERROR otherwise.
static int makeDirectory(
const char *zFile
char *zCopy = sqlite3_mprintf("%s", zFile);
int rc = SQLITE_OK;
if( zCopy==0 ){
int nCopy = (int)strlen(zCopy);
int i = 1;
while( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
struct stat sStat;
int rc2;
for(; zCopy[i]!='/' && i<nCopy; i++);
if( i==nCopy ) break;
zCopy[i] = '\0';
rc2 = fileStat(zCopy, &sStat);
if( rc2!=0 ){
if( mkdir(zCopy, 0777) ) rc = SQLITE_ERROR;
if( !S_ISDIR(sStat.st_mode) ) rc = SQLITE_ERROR;
zCopy[i] = '/';
return rc;
** This function does the work for the writefile() UDF. Refer to
** header comments at the top of this file for details.
static int writeFile(
sqlite3_context *pCtx, /* Context to return bytes written in */
const char *zFile, /* File to write */
sqlite3_value *pData, /* Data to write */
mode_t mode, /* MODE parameter passed to writefile() */
sqlite3_int64 mtime /* MTIME parameter (or -1 to not set time) */
#if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(WIN32)
if( S_ISLNK(mode) ){
const char *zTo = (const char*)sqlite3_value_text(pData);
if( symlink(zTo, zFile)<0 ) return 1;
if( S_ISDIR(mode) ){
if( mkdir(zFile, mode) ){
/* The mkdir() call to create the directory failed. This might not
** be an error though - if there is already a directory at the same
** path and either the permissions already match or can be changed
** to do so using chmod(), it is not an error. */
struct stat sStat;
if( errno!=EEXIST
|| 0!=fileStat(zFile, &sStat)
|| !S_ISDIR(sStat.st_mode)
|| ((sStat.st_mode&0777)!=(mode&0777) && 0!=chmod(zFile, mode&0777))
return 1;
sqlite3_int64 nWrite = 0;
const char *z;
int rc = 0;
FILE *out = fopen(zFile, "wb");
if( out==0 ) return 1;
z = (const char*)sqlite3_value_blob(pData);
if( z ){
sqlite3_int64 n = fwrite(z, 1, sqlite3_value_bytes(pData), out);
nWrite = sqlite3_value_bytes(pData);
if( nWrite!=n ){
rc = 1;
if( rc==0 && mode && chmod(zFile, mode & 0777) ){
rc = 1;
if( rc ) return 2;
sqlite3_result_int64(pCtx, nWrite);
if( mtime>=0 ){
#if defined(_WIN32)
/* Windows */
FILETIME lastAccess;
FILETIME lastWrite;
SYSTEMTIME currentTime;
LONGLONG intervals;
LPWSTR zUnicodeName;
extern LPWSTR sqlite3_win32_utf8_to_unicode(const char*);
SystemTimeToFileTime(¤tTime, &lastAccess);
intervals = Int32x32To64(mtime, 10000000) + 116444736000000000;
lastWrite.dwLowDateTime = (DWORD)intervals;
lastWrite.dwHighDateTime = intervals >> 32;
zUnicodeName = sqlite3_win32_utf8_to_unicode(zFile);
if( zUnicodeName==0 ){
return 1;
hFile = CreateFileW(
BOOL bResult = SetFileTime(hFile, NULL, &lastAccess, &lastWrite);
return !bResult;
return 1;
#elif defined(AT_FDCWD) && 0 /* utimensat() is not universally available */
/* Recent unix */
struct timespec times[2];
times[0].tv_nsec = times[1].tv_nsec = 0;
times[0].tv_sec = time(0);
times[1].tv_sec = mtime;
if( utimensat(AT_FDCWD, zFile, times, AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW) ){
return 1;
/* Legacy unix */
struct timeval times[2];
times[0].tv_usec = times[1].tv_usec = 0;
times[0].tv_sec = time(0);
times[1].tv_sec = mtime;
if( utimes(zFile, times) ){
return 1;
return 0;
** Implementation of the "writefile(W,X[,Y[,Z]]])" SQL function.
** Refer to header comments at the top of this file for details.
static void writefileFunc(
sqlite3_context *context,
int argc,
sqlite3_value **argv
const char *zFile;
mode_t mode = 0;
int res;
sqlite3_int64 mtime = -1;
if( argc<2 || argc>4 ){
"wrong number of arguments to function writefile()", -1
zFile = (const char*)sqlite3_value_text(argv[0]);
if( zFile==0 ) return;
if( argc>=3 ){
mode = (mode_t)sqlite3_value_int(argv[2]);
if( argc==4 ){
mtime = sqlite3_value_int64(argv[3]);
res = writeFile(context, zFile, argv[1], mode, mtime);
if( res==1 && errno==ENOENT ){
if( makeDirectory(zFile)==SQLITE_OK ){
res = writeFile(context, zFile, argv[1], mode, mtime);
if( argc>2 && res!=0 ){
if( S_ISLNK(mode) ){
ctxErrorMsg(context, "failed to create symlink: %s", zFile);
}else if( S_ISDIR(mode) ){
ctxErrorMsg(context, "failed to create directory: %s", zFile);
ctxErrorMsg(context, "failed to write file: %s", zFile);
** SQL function: lsmode(MODE)
** Given a numberic st_mode from stat(), convert it into a human-readable
** text string in the style of "ls -l".
static void lsModeFunc(
sqlite3_context *context,
int argc,
sqlite3_value **argv
int i;
int iMode = sqlite3_value_int(argv[0]);
char z[16];
if( S_ISLNK(iMode) ){
z[0] = 'l';
}else if( S_ISREG(iMode) ){
z[0] = '-';
}else if( S_ISDIR(iMode) ){
z[0] = 'd';
z[0] = '?';
for(i=0; i<3; i++){
int m = (iMode >> ((2-i)*3));
char *a = &z[1 + i*3];
a[0] = (m & 0x4) ? 'r' : '-';
a[1] = (m & 0x2) ? 'w' : '-';
a[2] = (m & 0x1) ? 'x' : '-';
z[10] = '\0';
sqlite3_result_text(context, z, -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
** Cursor type for recursively iterating through a directory structure.
typedef struct fsdir_cursor fsdir_cursor;
typedef struct FsdirLevel FsdirLevel;
struct FsdirLevel {
DIR *pDir; /* From opendir() */
char *zDir; /* Name of directory (nul-terminated) */
struct fsdir_cursor {
sqlite3_vtab_cursor base; /* Base class - must be first */
int nLvl; /* Number of entries in aLvl[] array */
int iLvl; /* Index of current entry */
FsdirLevel *aLvl; /* Hierarchy of directories being traversed */
const char *zBase;
int nBase;
struct stat sStat; /* Current lstat() results */
char *zPath; /* Path to current entry */
sqlite3_int64 iRowid; /* Current rowid */
typedef struct fsdir_tab fsdir_tab;
struct fsdir_tab {
sqlite3_vtab base; /* Base class - must be first */
** Construct a new fsdir virtual table object.
static int fsdirConnect(
sqlite3 *db,
void *pAux,
int argc, const char *const*argv,
sqlite3_vtab **ppVtab,
char **pzErr
fsdir_tab *pNew = 0;
int rc;
rc = sqlite3_declare_vtab(db, "CREATE TABLE x" FSDIR_SCHEMA);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
pNew = (fsdir_tab*)sqlite3_malloc( sizeof(*pNew) );
if( pNew==0 ) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
memset(pNew, 0, sizeof(*pNew));
sqlite3_vtab_config(db, SQLITE_VTAB_DIRECTONLY);
*ppVtab = (sqlite3_vtab*)pNew;
return rc;
** This method is the destructor for fsdir vtab objects.
static int fsdirDisconnect(sqlite3_vtab *pVtab){
return SQLITE_OK;
** Constructor for a new fsdir_cursor object.
static int fsdirOpen(sqlite3_vtab *p, sqlite3_vtab_cursor **ppCursor){
fsdir_cursor *pCur;
pCur = sqlite3_malloc( sizeof(*pCur) );
if( pCur==0 ) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
memset(pCur, 0, sizeof(*pCur));
pCur->iLvl = -1;
*ppCursor = &pCur->base;
return SQLITE_OK;
** Reset a cursor back to the state it was in when first returned
** by fsdirOpen().
static void fsdirResetCursor(fsdir_cursor *pCur){
int i;
for(i=0; i<=pCur->iLvl; i++){
FsdirLevel *pLvl = &pCur->aLvl[i];
if( pLvl->pDir ) closedir(pLvl->pDir);
pCur->aLvl = 0;
pCur->zPath = 0;
pCur->zBase = 0;
pCur->nBase = 0;
pCur->nLvl = 0;
pCur->iLvl = -1;
pCur->iRowid = 1;
** Destructor for an fsdir_cursor.
static int fsdirClose(sqlite3_vtab_cursor *cur){
fsdir_cursor *pCur = (fsdir_cursor*)cur;
return SQLITE_OK;
** Set the error message for the virtual table associated with cursor
** pCur to the results of vprintf(zFmt, ...).
static void fsdirSetErrmsg(fsdir_cursor *pCur, const char *zFmt, ...){
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, zFmt);
pCur->base.pVtab->zErrMsg = sqlite3_vmprintf(zFmt, ap);
** Advance an fsdir_cursor to its next row of output.
static int fsdirNext(sqlite3_vtab_cursor *cur){
fsdir_cursor *pCur = (fsdir_cursor*)cur;
mode_t m = pCur->sStat.st_mode;
if( S_ISDIR(m) ){
/* Descend into this directory */
int iNew = pCur->iLvl + 1;
FsdirLevel *pLvl;
if( iNew>=pCur->nLvl ){
int nNew = iNew+1;
sqlite3_int64 nByte = nNew*sizeof(FsdirLevel);
FsdirLevel *aNew = (FsdirLevel*)sqlite3_realloc64(pCur->aLvl, nByte);
if( aNew==0 ) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
memset(&aNew[pCur->nLvl], 0, sizeof(FsdirLevel)*(nNew-pCur->nLvl));
pCur->aLvl = aNew;
pCur->nLvl = nNew;
pCur->iLvl = iNew;
pLvl = &pCur->aLvl[iNew];
pLvl->zDir = pCur->zPath;
pCur->zPath = 0;
pLvl->pDir = opendir(pLvl->zDir);
if( pLvl->pDir==0 ){
fsdirSetErrmsg(pCur, "cannot read directory: %s", pCur->zPath);
while( pCur->iLvl>=0 ){
FsdirLevel *pLvl = &pCur->aLvl[pCur->iLvl];
struct dirent *pEntry = readdir(pLvl->pDir);
if( pEntry ){
if( pEntry->d_name[0]=='.' ){
if( pEntry->d_name[1]=='.' && pEntry->d_name[2]=='\0' ) continue;
if( pEntry->d_name[1]=='\0' ) continue;
pCur->zPath = sqlite3_mprintf("%s/%s", pLvl->zDir, pEntry->d_name);
if( pCur->zPath==0 ) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
if( fileLinkStat(pCur->zPath, &pCur->sStat) ){
fsdirSetErrmsg(pCur, "cannot stat file: %s", pCur->zPath);
return SQLITE_OK;
pLvl->pDir = 0;
pLvl->zDir = 0;
/* EOF */
pCur->zPath = 0;
return SQLITE_OK;
** Return values of columns for the row at which the series_cursor
** is currently pointing.
static int fsdirColumn(
sqlite3_vtab_cursor *cur, /* The cursor */
sqlite3_context *ctx, /* First argument to sqlite3_result_...() */
int i /* Which column to return */
fsdir_cursor *pCur = (fsdir_cursor*)cur;
switch( i ){
sqlite3_result_text(ctx, &pCur->zPath[pCur->nBase], -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
sqlite3_result_int64(ctx, pCur->sStat.st_mode);
sqlite3_result_int64(ctx, pCur->sStat.st_mtime);
mode_t m = pCur->sStat.st_mode;
if( S_ISDIR(m) ){
#if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(WIN32)
}else if( S_ISLNK(m) ){
char aStatic[64];
char *aBuf = aStatic;
sqlite3_int64 nBuf = 64;
int n;
while( 1 ){
n = readlink(pCur->zPath, aBuf, nBuf);
if( n<nBuf ) break;
if( aBuf!=aStatic ) sqlite3_free(aBuf);
nBuf = nBuf*2;
aBuf = sqlite3_malloc64(nBuf);
if( aBuf==0 ){
sqlite3_result_text(ctx, aBuf, n, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
if( aBuf!=aStatic ) sqlite3_free(aBuf);
readFileContents(ctx, pCur->zPath);
default: {
/* The FSDIR_COLUMN_PATH and FSDIR_COLUMN_DIR are input parameters.
** always return their values as NULL */
return SQLITE_OK;
** Return the rowid for the current row. In this implementation, the
** first row returned is assigned rowid value 1, and each subsequent
** row a value 1 more than that of the previous.
static int fsdirRowid(sqlite3_vtab_cursor *cur, sqlite_int64 *pRowid){
fsdir_cursor *pCur = (fsdir_cursor*)cur;
*pRowid = pCur->iRowid;
return SQLITE_OK;
** Return TRUE if the cursor has been moved off of the last
** row of output.
static int fsdirEof(sqlite3_vtab_cursor *cur){
fsdir_cursor *pCur = (fsdir_cursor*)cur;
return (pCur->zPath==0);
** xFilter callback.
** idxNum==1 PATH parameter only
** idxNum==2 Both PATH and DIR supplied
static int fsdirFilter(
sqlite3_vtab_cursor *cur,
int idxNum, const char *idxStr,
int argc, sqlite3_value **argv
const char *zDir = 0;
fsdir_cursor *pCur = (fsdir_cursor*)cur;
if( idxNum==0 ){
fsdirSetErrmsg(pCur, "table function fsdir requires an argument");
assert( argc==idxNum && (argc==1 || argc==2) );
zDir = (const char*)sqlite3_value_text(argv[0]);
if( zDir==0 ){
fsdirSetErrmsg(pCur, "table function fsdir requires a non-NULL argument");
if( argc==2 ){
pCur->zBase = (const char*)sqlite3_value_text(argv[1]);
if( pCur->zBase ){
pCur->nBase = (int)strlen(pCur->zBase)+1;
pCur->zPath = sqlite3_mprintf("%s/%s", pCur->zBase, zDir);
pCur->zPath = sqlite3_mprintf("%s", zDir);
if( pCur->zPath==0 ){
if( fileLinkStat(pCur->zPath, &pCur->sStat) ){
fsdirSetErrmsg(pCur, "cannot stat file: %s", pCur->zPath);
return SQLITE_OK;
** SQLite will invoke this method one or more times while planning a query
** that uses the generate_series virtual table. This routine needs to create
** a query plan for each invocation and compute an estimated cost for that
** plan.
** In this implementation idxNum is used to represent the
** query plan. idxStr is unused.
** The query plan is represented by values of idxNum:
** (1) The path value is supplied by argv[0]
** (2) Path is in argv[0] and dir is in argv[1]
static int fsdirBestIndex(
sqlite3_vtab *tab,
sqlite3_index_info *pIdxInfo
int i; /* Loop over constraints */
int idxPath = -1; /* Index in pIdxInfo->aConstraint of PATH= */
int idxDir = -1; /* Index in pIdxInfo->aConstraint of DIR= */
int seenPath = 0; /* True if an unusable PATH= constraint is seen */
int seenDir = 0; /* True if an unusable DIR= constraint is seen */
const struct sqlite3_index_constraint *pConstraint;
pConstraint = pIdxInfo->aConstraint;
for(i=0; i<pIdxInfo->nConstraint; i++, pConstraint++){
if( pConstraint->op!=SQLITE_INDEX_CONSTRAINT_EQ ) continue;
switch( pConstraint->iColumn ){
if( pConstraint->usable ){
idxPath = i;
seenPath = 0;
}else if( idxPath<0 ){
seenPath = 1;
if( pConstraint->usable ){
idxDir = i;
seenDir = 0;
}else if( idxDir<0 ){
seenDir = 1;
if( seenPath || seenDir ){
/* If input parameters are unusable, disallow this plan */
if( idxPath<0 ){
pIdxInfo->idxNum = 0;
/* The pIdxInfo->estimatedCost should have been initialized to a huge
** number. Leave it unchanged. */
pIdxInfo->estimatedRows = 0x7fffffff;
pIdxInfo->aConstraintUsage[idxPath].omit = 1;
pIdxInfo->aConstraintUsage[idxPath].argvIndex = 1;
if( idxDir>=0 ){
pIdxInfo->aConstraintUsage[idxDir].omit = 1;
pIdxInfo->aConstraintUsage[idxDir].argvIndex = 2;
pIdxInfo->idxNum = 2;
pIdxInfo->estimatedCost = 10.0;
pIdxInfo->idxNum = 1;
pIdxInfo->estimatedCost = 100.0;
return SQLITE_OK;
** Register the "fsdir" virtual table.
static int fsdirRegister(sqlite3 *db){
static sqlite3_module fsdirModule = {
0, /* iVersion */
0, /* xCreate */
fsdirConnect, /* xConnect */
fsdirBestIndex, /* xBestIndex */
fsdirDisconnect, /* xDisconnect */
0, /* xDestroy */
fsdirOpen, /* xOpen - open a cursor */
fsdirClose, /* xClose - close a cursor */
fsdirFilter, /* xFilter - configure scan constraints */
fsdirNext, /* xNext - advance a cursor */
fsdirEof, /* xEof - check for end of scan */
fsdirColumn, /* xColumn - read data */
fsdirRowid, /* xRowid - read data */
0, /* xUpdate */
0, /* xBegin */
0, /* xSync */
0, /* xCommit */
0, /* xRollback */
0, /* xFindMethod */
0, /* xRename */
0, /* xSavepoint */
0, /* xRelease */
0, /* xRollbackTo */
0, /* xShadowName */
int rc = sqlite3_create_module(db, "fsdir", &fsdirModule, 0);
return rc;
# define fsdirRegister(x) SQLITE_OK
#ifdef _WIN32
int sqlite3_fileio_init(
sqlite3 *db,
char **pzErrMsg,
const sqlite3_api_routines *pApi
int rc = SQLITE_OK;
(void)pzErrMsg; /* Unused parameter */
rc = sqlite3_create_function(db, "readfile", 1,
readfileFunc, 0, 0);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
rc = sqlite3_create_function(db, "writefile", -1,
writefileFunc, 0, 0);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
rc = sqlite3_create_function(db, "lsmode", 1, SQLITE_UTF8, 0,
lsModeFunc, 0, 0);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
rc = fsdirRegister(db);
return rc;
/************************* End ../ext/misc/fileio.c ********************/
/************************* Begin ../ext/misc/completion.c ******************/
** 2017-07-10
** The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of
** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
** May you do good and not evil.
** May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
** May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
** This file implements an eponymous virtual table that returns suggested
** completions for a partial SQL input.
** Suggested usage:
** SELECT DISTINCT candidate COLLATE nocase
** FROM completion($prefix,$wholeline)
** ORDER BY 1;
** The two query parameters are optional. $prefix is the text of the
** current word being typed and that is to be completed. $wholeline is
** the complete input line, used for context.
** The raw completion() table might return the same candidate multiple
** times, for example if the same column name is used to two or more
** tables. And the candidates are returned in an arbitrary order. Hence,
** the DISTINCT and ORDER BY are recommended.
** This virtual table operates at the speed of human typing, and so there
** is no attempt to make it fast. Even a slow implementation will be much
** faster than any human can type.
/* #include "sqlite3ext.h" */
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
/* completion_vtab is a subclass of sqlite3_vtab which will
** serve as the underlying representation of a completion virtual table
typedef struct completion_vtab completion_vtab;
struct completion_vtab {
sqlite3_vtab base; /* Base class - must be first */
sqlite3 *db; /* Database connection for this completion vtab */
/* completion_cursor is a subclass of sqlite3_vtab_cursor which will
** serve as the underlying representation of a cursor that scans
** over rows of the result
typedef struct completion_cursor completion_cursor;
struct completion_cursor {
sqlite3_vtab_cursor base; /* Base class - must be first */
sqlite3 *db; /* Database connection for this cursor */
int nPrefix, nLine; /* Number of bytes in zPrefix and zLine */
char *zPrefix; /* The prefix for the word we want to complete */
char *zLine; /* The whole that we want to complete */
const char *zCurrentRow; /* Current output row */
int szRow; /* Length of the zCurrentRow string */
sqlite3_stmt *pStmt; /* Current statement */
sqlite3_int64 iRowid; /* The rowid */
int ePhase; /* Current phase */
int j; /* inter-phase counter */
/* Values for ePhase:
#define COMPLETION_TABLES 8 /* Also VIEWs and TRIGGERs */
** The completionConnect() method is invoked to create a new
** completion_vtab that describes the completion virtual table.
** Think of this routine as the constructor for completion_vtab objects.
** All this routine needs to do is:
** (1) Allocate the completion_vtab object and initialize all fields.
** (2) Tell SQLite (via the sqlite3_declare_vtab() interface) what the
** result set of queries against completion will look like.
static int completionConnect(
sqlite3 *db,
void *pAux,
int argc, const char *const*argv,
sqlite3_vtab **ppVtab,
char **pzErr
completion_vtab *pNew;
int rc;
(void)(pAux); /* Unused parameter */
(void)(argc); /* Unused parameter */
(void)(argv); /* Unused parameter */
(void)(pzErr); /* Unused parameter */
/* Column numbers */
#define COMPLETION_COLUMN_CANDIDATE 0 /* Suggested completion of the input */
#define COMPLETION_COLUMN_PREFIX 1 /* Prefix of the word to be completed */
#define COMPLETION_COLUMN_WHOLELINE 2 /* Entire line seen so far */
#define COMPLETION_COLUMN_PHASE 3 /* ePhase - used for debugging only */
sqlite3_vtab_config(db, SQLITE_VTAB_INNOCUOUS);
rc = sqlite3_declare_vtab(db,
" candidate TEXT,"
" prefix TEXT HIDDEN,"
" wholeline TEXT HIDDEN,"
" phase INT HIDDEN" /* Used for debugging only */
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
pNew = sqlite3_malloc( sizeof(*pNew) );
*ppVtab = (sqlite3_vtab*)pNew;
if( pNew==0 ) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
memset(pNew, 0, sizeof(*pNew));
pNew->db = db;
return rc;
** This method is the destructor for completion_cursor objects.
static int completionDisconnect(sqlite3_vtab *pVtab){
return SQLITE_OK;
** Constructor for a new completion_cursor object.
static int completionOpen(sqlite3_vtab *p, sqlite3_vtab_cursor **ppCursor){
completion_cursor *pCur;
pCur = sqlite3_malloc( sizeof(*pCur) );
if( pCur==0 ) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
memset(pCur, 0, sizeof(*pCur));
pCur->db = ((completion_vtab*)p)->db;
*ppCursor = &pCur->base;
return SQLITE_OK;
** Reset the completion_cursor.
static void completionCursorReset(completion_cursor *pCur){
sqlite3_free(pCur->zPrefix); pCur->zPrefix = 0; pCur->nPrefix = 0;
sqlite3_free(pCur->zLine); pCur->zLine = 0; pCur->nLine = 0;
sqlite3_finalize(pCur->pStmt); pCur->pStmt = 0;
pCur->j = 0;
** Destructor for a completion_cursor.
static int completionClose(sqlite3_vtab_cursor *cur){
return SQLITE_OK;
** Advance a completion_cursor to its next row of output.
** The ->ePhase, ->j, and ->pStmt fields of the completion_cursor object
** record the current state of the scan. This routine sets ->zCurrentRow
** to the current row of output and then returns. If no more rows remain,
** then ->ePhase is set to COMPLETION_EOF which will signal the virtual
** table that has reached the end of its scan.
** The current implementation just lists potential identifiers and
** keywords and filters them by zPrefix. Future enhancements should
** take zLine into account to try to restrict the set of identifiers and
** keywords based on what would be legal at the current point of input.
static int completionNext(sqlite3_vtab_cursor *cur){
completion_cursor *pCur = (completion_cursor*)cur;
int eNextPhase = 0; /* Next phase to try if current phase reaches end */
int iCol = -1; /* If >=0, step pCur->pStmt and use the i-th column */
while( pCur->ePhase!=COMPLETION_EOF ){
switch( pCur->ePhase ){
if( pCur->j >= sqlite3_keyword_count() ){
pCur->zCurrentRow = 0;
sqlite3_keyword_name(pCur->j++, &pCur->zCurrentRow, &pCur->szRow);
iCol = -1;
if( pCur->pStmt==0 ){
sqlite3_prepare_v2(pCur->db, "PRAGMA database_list", -1,
&pCur->pStmt, 0);
iCol = 1;
if( pCur->pStmt==0 ){
sqlite3_stmt *pS2;
char *zSql = 0;
const char *zSep = "";
sqlite3_prepare_v2(pCur->db, "PRAGMA database_list", -1, &pS2, 0);
while( sqlite3_step(pS2)==SQLITE_ROW ){
const char *zDb = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(pS2, 1);
zSql = sqlite3_mprintf(
"SELECT name FROM \"%w\".sqlite_master",
zSql, zSep, zDb
if( zSql==0 ) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
zSep = " UNION ";
sqlite3_prepare_v2(pCur->db, zSql, -1, &pCur->pStmt, 0);
iCol = 0;
if( pCur->pStmt==0 ){
sqlite3_stmt *pS2;
char *zSql = 0;
const char *zSep = "";
sqlite3_prepare_v2(pCur->db, "PRAGMA database_list", -1, &pS2, 0);
while( sqlite3_step(pS2)==SQLITE_ROW ){
const char *zDb = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(pS2, 1);
zSql = sqlite3_mprintf(
"SELECT FROM \"%w\".sqlite_master AS sm"
" JOIN pragma_table_info(,%Q) AS pti"
" WHERE sm.type='table'",
zSql, zSep, zDb, zDb
if( zSql==0 ) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
zSep = " UNION ";
sqlite3_prepare_v2(pCur->db, zSql, -1, &pCur->pStmt, 0);
iCol = 0;
if( iCol<0 ){
/* This case is when the phase presets zCurrentRow */
if( pCur->zCurrentRow==0 ) continue;
if( sqlite3_step(pCur->pStmt)==SQLITE_ROW ){
/* Extract the next row of content */
pCur->zCurrentRow = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(pCur->pStmt, iCol);
pCur->szRow = sqlite3_column_bytes(pCur->pStmt, iCol);
/* When all rows are finished, advance to the next phase */
pCur->pStmt = 0;
pCur->ePhase = eNextPhase;
if( pCur->nPrefix==0 ) break;
if( pCur->nPrefix<=pCur->szRow
&& sqlite3_strnicmp(pCur->zPrefix, pCur->zCurrentRow, pCur->nPrefix)==0
return SQLITE_OK;
** Return values of columns for the row at which the completion_cursor
** is currently pointing.
static int completionColumn(
sqlite3_vtab_cursor *cur, /* The cursor */
sqlite3_context *ctx, /* First argument to sqlite3_result_...() */
int i /* Which column to return */
completion_cursor *pCur = (completion_cursor*)cur;
switch( i ){
sqlite3_result_text(ctx, pCur->zCurrentRow, pCur->szRow,SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
sqlite3_result_text(ctx, pCur->zPrefix, -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
sqlite3_result_text(ctx, pCur->zLine, -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
sqlite3_result_int(ctx, pCur->ePhase);
return SQLITE_OK;
** Return the rowid for the current row. In this implementation, the
** rowid is the same as the output value.
static int completionRowid(sqlite3_vtab_cursor *cur, sqlite_int64 *pRowid){
completion_cursor *pCur = (completion_cursor*)cur;
*pRowid = pCur->iRowid;
return SQLITE_OK;
** Return TRUE if the cursor has been moved off of the last
** row of output.
static int completionEof(sqlite3_vtab_cursor *cur){
completion_cursor *pCur = (completion_cursor*)cur;
return pCur->ePhase >= COMPLETION_EOF;
** This method is called to "rewind" the completion_cursor object back
** to the first row of output. This method is always called at least
** once prior to any call to completionColumn() or completionRowid() or
** completionEof().
static int completionFilter(
sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pVtabCursor,
int idxNum, const char *idxStr,
int argc, sqlite3_value **argv
completion_cursor *pCur = (completion_cursor *)pVtabCursor;
int iArg = 0;
(void)(idxStr); /* Unused parameter */
(void)(argc); /* Unused parameter */
if( idxNum & 1 ){
pCur->nPrefix = sqlite3_value_bytes(argv[iArg]);
if( pCur->nPrefix>0 ){
pCur->zPrefix = sqlite3_mprintf("%s", sqlite3_value_text(argv[iArg]));
if( pCur->zPrefix==0 ) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
iArg = 1;
if( idxNum & 2 ){
pCur->nLine = sqlite3_value_bytes(argv[iArg]);
if( pCur->nLine>0 ){
pCur->zLine = sqlite3_mprintf("%s", sqlite3_value_text(argv[iArg]));
if( pCur->zLine==0 ) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
if( pCur->zLine!=0 && pCur->zPrefix==0 ){
int i = pCur->nLine;
while( i>0 && (isalnum(pCur->zLine[i-1]) || pCur->zLine[i-1]=='_') ){
pCur->nPrefix = pCur->nLine - i;
if( pCur->nPrefix>0 ){
pCur->zPrefix = sqlite3_mprintf("%.*s", pCur->nPrefix, pCur->zLine + i);
if( pCur->zPrefix==0 ) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
pCur->iRowid = 0;
return completionNext(pVtabCursor);
** SQLite will invoke this method one or more times while planning a query
** that uses the completion virtual table. This routine needs to create
** a query plan for each invocation and compute an estimated cost for that
** plan.
** There are two hidden parameters that act as arguments to the table-valued
** function: "prefix" and "wholeline". Bit 0 of idxNum is set if "prefix"
** is available and bit 1 is set if "wholeline" is available.
static int completionBestIndex(
sqlite3_vtab *tab,
sqlite3_index_info *pIdxInfo
int i; /* Loop over constraints */
int idxNum = 0; /* The query plan bitmask */
int prefixIdx = -1; /* Index of the start= constraint, or -1 if none */
int wholelineIdx = -1; /* Index of the stop= constraint, or -1 if none */
int nArg = 0; /* Number of arguments that completeFilter() expects */
const struct sqlite3_index_constraint *pConstraint;
(void)(tab); /* Unused parameter */
pConstraint = pIdxInfo->aConstraint;
for(i=0; i<pIdxInfo->nConstraint; i++, pConstraint++){
if( pConstraint->usable==0 ) continue;
if( pConstraint->op!=SQLITE_INDEX_CONSTRAINT_EQ ) continue;
switch( pConstraint->iColumn ){
prefixIdx = i;
idxNum |= 1;
wholelineIdx = i;
idxNum |= 2;
if( prefixIdx>=0 ){
pIdxInfo->aConstraintUsage[prefixIdx].argvIndex = ++nArg;
pIdxInfo->aConstraintUsage[prefixIdx].omit = 1;
if( wholelineIdx>=0 ){
pIdxInfo->aConstraintUsage[wholelineIdx].argvIndex = ++nArg;
pIdxInfo->aConstraintUsage[wholelineIdx].omit = 1;
pIdxInfo->idxNum = idxNum;
pIdxInfo->estimatedCost = (double)5000 - 1000*nArg;
pIdxInfo->estimatedRows = 500 - 100*nArg;
return SQLITE_OK;
** This following structure defines all the methods for the
** completion virtual table.
static sqlite3_module completionModule = {
0, /* iVersion */
0, /* xCreate */
completionConnect, /* xConnect */
completionBestIndex, /* xBestIndex */
completionDisconnect, /* xDisconnect */
0, /* xDestroy */
completionOpen, /* xOpen - open a cursor */
completionClose, /* xClose - close a cursor */
completionFilter, /* xFilter - configure scan constraints */
completionNext, /* xNext - advance a cursor */
completionEof, /* xEof - check for end of scan */
completionColumn, /* xColumn - read data */
completionRowid, /* xRowid - read data */
0, /* xUpdate */
0, /* xBegin */
0, /* xSync */
0, /* xCommit */
0, /* xRollback */
0, /* xFindMethod */
0, /* xRename */
0, /* xSavepoint */
0, /* xRelease */
0, /* xRollbackTo */
0 /* xShadowName */
int sqlite3CompletionVtabInit(sqlite3 *db){
int rc = SQLITE_OK;
rc = sqlite3_create_module(db, "completion", &completionModule, 0);
return rc;
#ifdef _WIN32
int sqlite3_completion_init(
sqlite3 *db,
char **pzErrMsg,
const sqlite3_api_routines *pApi
int rc = SQLITE_OK;
(void)(pzErrMsg); /* Unused parameter */
rc = sqlite3CompletionVtabInit(db);
return rc;
/************************* End ../ext/misc/completion.c ********************/
/************************* Begin ../ext/misc/appendvfs.c ******************/
** 2017-10-20
** The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of
** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
** May you do good and not evil.
** May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
** May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
** This file implements a VFS shim that allows an SQLite database to be
** appended onto the end of some other file, such as an executable.
** A special record must appear at the end of the file that identifies the
** file as an appended database and provides an offset to page 1. For
** best performance page 1 should be located at a disk page boundary, though
** that is not required.
** When opening a database using this VFS, the connection might treat
** the file as an ordinary SQLite database, or it might treat is as a
** database appended onto some other file. Here are the rules:
** (1) When opening a new empty file, that file is treated as an ordinary
** database.
** (2) When opening a file that begins with the standard SQLite prefix
** string "SQLite format 3", that file is treated as an ordinary
** database.
** (3) When opening a file that ends with the appendvfs trailer string
** "Start-Of-SQLite3-NNNNNNNN" that file is treated as an appended
** database.
** (4) If none of the above apply and the SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE flag is
** set, then a new database is appended to the already existing file.
** (5) Otherwise, SQLITE_CANTOPEN is returned.
** To avoid unnecessary complications with the PENDING_BYTE, the size of
** the file containing the database is limited to 1GB. This VFS will refuse
** to read or write past the 1GB mark. This restriction might be lifted in
** future versions. For now, if you need a large database, then keep the
** database in a separate file.
** If the file being opened is not an appended database, then this shim is
** a pass-through into the default underlying VFS.
/* #include "sqlite3ext.h" */
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
/* The append mark at the end of the database is:
** Start-Of-SQLite3-NNNNNNNN
** 123456789 123456789 12345
** The NNNNNNNN represents a 64-bit big-endian unsigned integer which is
** the offset to page 1.
#define APND_MARK_PREFIX "Start-Of-SQLite3-"
#define APND_MARK_SIZE 25
** Maximum size of the combined prefix + database + append-mark. This
** must be less than 0x40000000 to avoid locking issues on Windows.
#define APND_MAX_SIZE (65536*15259)
** Forward declaration of objects used by this utility
typedef struct sqlite3_vfs ApndVfs;
typedef struct ApndFile ApndFile;
/* Access to a lower-level VFS that (might) implement dynamic loading,
** access to randomness, etc.
#define ORIGVFS(p) ((sqlite3_vfs*)((p)->pAppData))
#define ORIGFILE(p) ((sqlite3_file*)(((ApndFile*)(p))+1))
/* An open file */
struct ApndFile {
sqlite3_file base; /* IO methods */
sqlite3_int64 iPgOne; /* File offset to page 1 */
sqlite3_int64 iMark; /* Start of the append-mark */
** Methods for ApndFile
static int apndClose(sqlite3_file*);
static int apndRead(sqlite3_file*, void*, int iAmt, sqlite3_int64 iOfst);
static int apndWrite(sqlite3_file*,const void*,int iAmt, sqlite3_int64 iOfst);
static int apndTruncate(sqlite3_file*, sqlite3_int64 size);
static int apndSync(sqlite3_file*, int flags);
static int apndFileSize(sqlite3_file*, sqlite3_int64 *pSize);
static int apndLock(sqlite3_file*, int);
static int apndUnlock(sqlite3_file*, int);
static int apndCheckReservedLock(sqlite3_file*, int *pResOut);
static int apndFileControl(sqlite3_file*, int op, void *pArg);
static int apndSectorSize(sqlite3_file*);
static int apndDeviceCharacteristics(sqlite3_file*);
static int apndShmMap(sqlite3_file*, int iPg, int pgsz, int, void volatile**);
static int apndShmLock(sqlite3_file*, int offset, int n, int flags);
static void apndShmBarrier(sqlite3_file*);
static int apndShmUnmap(sqlite3_file*, int deleteFlag);
static int apndFetch(sqlite3_file*, sqlite3_int64 iOfst, int iAmt, void **pp);
static int apndUnfetch(sqlite3_file*, sqlite3_int64 iOfst, void *p);
** Methods for ApndVfs
static int apndOpen(sqlite3_vfs*, const char *, sqlite3_file*, int , int *);
static int apndDelete(sqlite3_vfs*, const char *zName, int syncDir);
static int apndAccess(sqlite3_vfs*, const char *zName, int flags, int *);
static int apndFullPathname(sqlite3_vfs*, const char *zName, int, char *zOut);
static void *apndDlOpen(sqlite3_vfs*, const char *zFilename);
static void apndDlError(sqlite3_vfs*, int nByte, char *zErrMsg);
static void (*apndDlSym(sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, void *p, const char*zSym))(void);
static void apndDlClose(sqlite3_vfs*, void*);
static int apndRandomness(sqlite3_vfs*, int nByte, char *zOut);
static int apndSleep(sqlite3_vfs*, int microseconds);
static int apndCurrentTime(sqlite3_vfs*, double*);
static int apndGetLastError(sqlite3_vfs*, int, char *);
static int apndCurrentTimeInt64(sqlite3_vfs*, sqlite3_int64*);
static int apndSetSystemCall(sqlite3_vfs*, const char*,sqlite3_syscall_ptr);
static sqlite3_syscall_ptr apndGetSystemCall(sqlite3_vfs*, const char *z);
static const char *apndNextSystemCall(sqlite3_vfs*, const char *zName);
static sqlite3_vfs apnd_vfs = {
3, /* iVersion (set when registered) */
0, /* szOsFile (set when registered) */
1024, /* mxPathname */
0, /* pNext */
"apndvfs", /* zName */
0, /* pAppData (set when registered) */
apndOpen, /* xOpen */
apndDelete, /* xDelete */
apndAccess, /* xAccess */
apndFullPathname, /* xFullPathname */
apndDlOpen, /* xDlOpen */
apndDlError, /* xDlError */
apndDlSym, /* xDlSym */
apndDlClose, /* xDlClose */
apndRandomness, /* xRandomness */
apndSleep, /* xSleep */
apndCurrentTime, /* xCurrentTime */
apndGetLastError, /* xGetLastError */
apndCurrentTimeInt64, /* xCurrentTimeInt64 */
apndSetSystemCall, /* xSetSystemCall */
apndGetSystemCall, /* xGetSystemCall */
apndNextSystemCall /* xNextSystemCall */
static const sqlite3_io_methods apnd_io_methods = {
3, /* iVersion */
apndClose, /* xClose */
apndRead, /* xRead */
apndWrite, /* xWrite */
apndTruncate, /* xTruncate */
apndSync, /* xSync */
apndFileSize, /* xFileSize */
apndLock, /* xLock */
apndUnlock, /* xUnlock */
apndCheckReservedLock, /* xCheckReservedLock */
apndFileControl, /* xFileControl */
apndSectorSize, /* xSectorSize */
apndDeviceCharacteristics, /* xDeviceCharacteristics */
apndShmMap, /* xShmMap */
apndShmLock, /* xShmLock */
apndShmBarrier, /* xShmBarrier */
apndShmUnmap, /* xShmUnmap */
apndFetch, /* xFetch */
apndUnfetch /* xUnfetch */
** Close an apnd-file.
static int apndClose(sqlite3_file *pFile){
pFile = ORIGFILE(pFile);
return pFile->pMethods->xClose(pFile);
** Read data from an apnd-file.
static int apndRead(
sqlite3_file *pFile,
void *zBuf,
int iAmt,
sqlite_int64 iOfst
ApndFile *p = (ApndFile *)pFile;
pFile = ORIGFILE(pFile);
return pFile->pMethods->xRead(pFile, zBuf, iAmt, iOfst+p->iPgOne);
** Add the append-mark onto the end of the file.
static int apndWriteMark(ApndFile *p, sqlite3_file *pFile){
int i;
unsigned char a[APND_MARK_SIZE];
for(i=0; i<8; i++){
a[APND_MARK_PREFIX_SZ+i] = (p->iPgOne >> (56 - i*8)) & 0xff;
return pFile->pMethods->xWrite(pFile, a, APND_MARK_SIZE, p->iMark);
** Write data to an apnd-file.
static int apndWrite(
sqlite3_file *pFile,
const void *zBuf,
int iAmt,
sqlite_int64 iOfst
int rc;
ApndFile *p = (ApndFile *)pFile;
pFile = ORIGFILE(pFile);
if( iOfst+iAmt>=APND_MAX_SIZE ) return SQLITE_FULL;
rc = pFile->pMethods->xWrite(pFile, zBuf, iAmt, iOfst+p->iPgOne);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK && iOfst + iAmt + p->iPgOne > p->iMark ){
sqlite3_int64 sz = 0;
rc = pFile->pMethods->xFileSize(pFile, &sz);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
p->iMark = sz - APND_MARK_SIZE;
if( iOfst + iAmt + p->iPgOne > p->iMark ){
p->iMark = p->iPgOne + iOfst + iAmt;
rc = apndWriteMark(p, pFile);
return rc;
** Truncate an apnd-file.
static int apndTruncate(sqlite3_file *pFile, sqlite_int64 size){
int rc;
ApndFile *p = (ApndFile *)pFile;
pFile = ORIGFILE(pFile);
rc = pFile->pMethods->xTruncate(pFile, size+p->iPgOne+APND_MARK_SIZE);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
p->iMark = p->iPgOne+size;
rc = apndWriteMark(p, pFile);
return rc;
** Sync an apnd-file.
static int apndSync(sqlite3_file *pFile, int flags){
pFile = ORIGFILE(pFile);
return pFile->pMethods->xSync(pFile, flags);
** Return the current file-size of an apnd-file.
static int apndFileSize(sqlite3_file *pFile, sqlite_int64 *pSize){
ApndFile *p = (ApndFile *)pFile;
int rc;
pFile = ORIGFILE(p);
rc = pFile->pMethods->xFileSize(pFile, pSize);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK && p->iPgOne ){
*pSize -= p->iPgOne + APND_MARK_SIZE;
return rc;
** Lock an apnd-file.
static int apndLock(sqlite3_file *pFile, int eLock){
pFile = ORIGFILE(pFile);
return pFile->pMethods->xLock(pFile, eLock);
** Unlock an apnd-file.
static int apndUnlock(sqlite3_file *pFile, int eLock){
pFile = ORIGFILE(pFile);
return pFile->pMethods->xUnlock(pFile, eLock);
** Check if another file-handle holds a RESERVED lock on an apnd-file.
static int apndCheckReservedLock(sqlite3_file *pFile, int *pResOut){
pFile = ORIGFILE(pFile);
return pFile->pMethods->xCheckReservedLock(pFile, pResOut);
** File control method. For custom operations on an apnd-file.
static int apndFileControl(sqlite3_file *pFile, int op, void *pArg){
ApndFile *p = (ApndFile *)pFile;
int rc;
pFile = ORIGFILE(pFile);
rc = pFile->pMethods->xFileControl(pFile, op, pArg);
*(char**)pArg = sqlite3_mprintf("apnd(%lld)/%z", p->iPgOne, *(char**)pArg);
return rc;
** Return the sector-size in bytes for an apnd-file.
static int apndSectorSize(sqlite3_file *pFile){
pFile = ORIGFILE(pFile);
return pFile->pMethods->xSectorSize(pFile);
** Return the device characteristic flags supported by an apnd-file.
static int apndDeviceCharacteristics(sqlite3_file *pFile){
pFile = ORIGFILE(pFile);
return pFile->pMethods->xDeviceCharacteristics(pFile);
/* Create a shared memory file mapping */
static int apndShmMap(
sqlite3_file *pFile,
int iPg,
int pgsz,
int bExtend,
void volatile **pp
pFile = ORIGFILE(pFile);
return pFile->pMethods->xShmMap(pFile,iPg,pgsz,bExtend,pp);
/* Perform locking on a shared-memory segment */
static int apndShmLock(sqlite3_file *pFile, int offset, int n, int flags){
pFile = ORIGFILE(pFile);
return pFile->pMethods->xShmLock(pFile,offset,n,flags);
/* Memory barrier operation on shared memory */
static void apndShmBarrier(sqlite3_file *pFile){
pFile = ORIGFILE(pFile);
/* Unmap a shared memory segment */
static int apndShmUnmap(sqlite3_file *pFile, int deleteFlag){
pFile = ORIGFILE(pFile);
return pFile->pMethods->xShmUnmap(pFile,deleteFlag);
/* Fetch a page of a memory-mapped file */
static int apndFetch(
sqlite3_file *pFile,
sqlite3_int64 iOfst,
int iAmt,
void **pp
ApndFile *p = (ApndFile *)pFile;
pFile = ORIGFILE(pFile);
return pFile->pMethods->xFetch(pFile, iOfst+p->iPgOne, iAmt, pp);
/* Release a memory-mapped page */
static int apndUnfetch(sqlite3_file *pFile, sqlite3_int64 iOfst, void *pPage){
ApndFile *p = (ApndFile *)pFile;
pFile = ORIGFILE(pFile);
return pFile->pMethods->xUnfetch(pFile, iOfst+p->iPgOne, pPage);
** Check to see if the file is an ordinary SQLite database file.
static int apndIsOrdinaryDatabaseFile(sqlite3_int64 sz, sqlite3_file *pFile){
int rc;
char zHdr[16];
static const char aSqliteHdr[] = "SQLite format 3";
if( sz<512 ) return 0;
rc = pFile->pMethods->xRead(pFile, zHdr, sizeof(zHdr), 0);
if( rc ) return 0;
return memcmp(zHdr, aSqliteHdr, sizeof(zHdr))==0;
** Try to read the append-mark off the end of a file. Return the
** start of the appended database if the append-mark is present. If
** there is no append-mark, return -1;
static sqlite3_int64 apndReadMark(sqlite3_int64 sz, sqlite3_file *pFile){
int rc, i;
sqlite3_int64 iMark;
unsigned char a[APND_MARK_SIZE];
if( sz<=APND_MARK_SIZE ) return -1;
rc = pFile->pMethods->xRead(pFile, a, APND_MARK_SIZE, sz-APND_MARK_SIZE);
if( rc ) return -1;
if( memcmp(a, APND_MARK_PREFIX, APND_MARK_PREFIX_SZ)!=0 ) return -1;
iMark = ((sqlite3_int64)(a[APND_MARK_PREFIX_SZ]&0x7f))<<56;
for(i=1; i<8; i++){
iMark += (sqlite3_int64)a[APND_MARK_PREFIX_SZ+i]<<(56-8*i);
return iMark;
** Open an apnd file handle.
static int apndOpen(
sqlite3_vfs *pVfs,
const char *zName,
sqlite3_file *pFile,
int flags,
int *pOutFlags
ApndFile *p;
sqlite3_file *pSubFile;
sqlite3_vfs *pSubVfs;
int rc;
sqlite3_int64 sz;
pSubVfs = ORIGVFS(pVfs);
if( (flags & SQLITE_OPEN_MAIN_DB)==0 ){
return pSubVfs->xOpen(pSubVfs, zName, pFile, flags, pOutFlags);
p = (ApndFile*)pFile;
memset(p, 0, sizeof(*p));
pSubFile = ORIGFILE(pFile);
p->base.pMethods = &apnd_io_methods;
rc = pSubVfs->xOpen(pSubVfs, zName, pSubFile, flags, pOutFlags);
if( rc ) goto apnd_open_done;
rc = pSubFile->pMethods->xFileSize(pSubFile, &sz);
if( rc ){
goto apnd_open_done;
if( apndIsOrdinaryDatabaseFile(sz, pSubFile) ){
memmove(pFile, pSubFile, pSubVfs->szOsFile);
return SQLITE_OK;
p->iMark = 0;
p->iPgOne = apndReadMark(sz, pFile);
if( p->iPgOne>0 ){
return SQLITE_OK;
if( (flags & SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE)==0 ){
p->iPgOne = (sz+0xfff) & ~(sqlite3_int64)0xfff;
if( rc ) pFile->pMethods = 0;
return rc;
** All other VFS methods are pass-thrus.
static int apndDelete(sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, const char *zPath, int dirSync){
return ORIGVFS(pVfs)->xDelete(ORIGVFS(pVfs), zPath, dirSync);
static int apndAccess(
sqlite3_vfs *pVfs,
const char *zPath,
int flags,
int *pResOut
return ORIGVFS(pVfs)->xAccess(ORIGVFS(pVfs), zPath, flags, pResOut);
static int apndFullPathname(
sqlite3_vfs *pVfs,
const char *zPath,
int nOut,
char *zOut
return ORIGVFS(pVfs)->xFullPathname(ORIGVFS(pVfs),zPath,nOut,zOut);
static void *apndDlOpen(sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, const char *zPath){
return ORIGVFS(pVfs)->xDlOpen(ORIGVFS(pVfs), zPath);
static void apndDlError(sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, int nByte, char *zErrMsg){
ORIGVFS(pVfs)->xDlError(ORIGVFS(pVfs), nByte, zErrMsg);
static void (*apndDlSym(sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, void *p, const char *zSym))(void){
return ORIGVFS(pVfs)->xDlSym(ORIGVFS(pVfs), p, zSym);
static void apndDlClose(sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, void *pHandle){
ORIGVFS(pVfs)->xDlClose(ORIGVFS(pVfs), pHandle);
static int apndRandomness(sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, int nByte, char *zBufOut){
return ORIGVFS(pVfs)->xRandomness(ORIGVFS(pVfs), nByte, zBufOut);
static int apndSleep(sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, int nMicro){
return ORIGVFS(pVfs)->xSleep(ORIGVFS(pVfs), nMicro);
static int apndCurrentTime(sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, double *pTimeOut){
return ORIGVFS(pVfs)->xCurrentTime(ORIGVFS(pVfs), pTimeOut);
static int apndGetLastError(sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, int a, char *b){
return ORIGVFS(pVfs)->xGetLastError(ORIGVFS(pVfs), a, b);
static int apndCurrentTimeInt64(sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, sqlite3_int64 *p){
return ORIGVFS(pVfs)->xCurrentTimeInt64(ORIGVFS(pVfs), p);
static int apndSetSystemCall(
sqlite3_vfs *pVfs,
const char *zName,
sqlite3_syscall_ptr pCall
return ORIGVFS(pVfs)->xSetSystemCall(ORIGVFS(pVfs),zName,pCall);
static sqlite3_syscall_ptr apndGetSystemCall(
sqlite3_vfs *pVfs,
const char *zName
return ORIGVFS(pVfs)->xGetSystemCall(ORIGVFS(pVfs),zName);
static const char *apndNextSystemCall(sqlite3_vfs *pVfs, const char *zName){
return ORIGVFS(pVfs)->xNextSystemCall(ORIGVFS(pVfs), zName);
#ifdef _WIN32
** This routine is called when the extension is loaded.
** Register the new VFS.
int sqlite3_appendvfs_init(
sqlite3 *db,
char **pzErrMsg,
const sqlite3_api_routines *pApi
int rc = SQLITE_OK;
sqlite3_vfs *pOrig;
pOrig = sqlite3_vfs_find(0);
apnd_vfs.iVersion = pOrig->iVersion;
apnd_vfs.pAppData = pOrig;
apnd_vfs.szOsFile = pOrig->szOsFile + sizeof(ApndFile);
rc = sqlite3_vfs_register(&apnd_vfs, 0);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
rc = sqlite3_auto_extension((void(*)(void))apndvfsRegister);
return rc;
/************************* End ../ext/misc/appendvfs.c ********************/
/************************* Begin ../ext/misc/memtrace.c ******************/
** 2019-01-21
** The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of
** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
** May you do good and not evil.
** May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
** May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
** This file implements an extension that uses the SQLITE_CONFIG_MALLOC
** mechanism to add a tracing layer on top of SQLite. If this extension
** is registered prior to sqlite3_initialize(), it will cause all memory
** allocation activities to be logged on standard output, or to some other
** FILE specified by the initializer.
** This file needs to be compiled into the application that uses it.
** This extension is used to implement the --memtrace option of the
** command-line shell.
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
/* The original memory allocation routines */
static sqlite3_mem_methods memtraceBase;
static FILE *memtraceOut;
/* Methods that trace memory allocations */
static void *memtraceMalloc(int n){
if( memtraceOut ){
fprintf(memtraceOut, "MEMTRACE: allocate %d bytes\n",
return memtraceBase.xMalloc(n);
static void memtraceFree(void *p){
if( p==0 ) return;
if( memtraceOut ){
fprintf(memtraceOut, "MEMTRACE: free %d bytes\n", memtraceBase.xSize(p));
static void *memtraceRealloc(void *p, int n){
if( p==0 ) return memtraceMalloc(n);
if( n==0 ){
return 0;
if( memtraceOut ){
fprintf(memtraceOut, "MEMTRACE: resize %d -> %d bytes\n",
memtraceBase.xSize(p), memtraceBase.xRoundup(n));
return memtraceBase.xRealloc(p, n);
static int memtraceSize(void *p){
return memtraceBase.xSize(p);
static int memtraceRoundup(int n){
return memtraceBase.xRoundup(n);
static int memtraceInit(void *p){
return memtraceBase.xInit(p);
static void memtraceShutdown(void *p){
/* The substitute memory allocator */
static sqlite3_mem_methods ersaztMethods = {
/* Begin tracing memory allocations to out. */
int sqlite3MemTraceActivate(FILE *out){
int rc = SQLITE_OK;
if( memtraceBase.xMalloc==0 ){
rc = sqlite3_config(SQLITE_CONFIG_GETMALLOC, &memtraceBase);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
rc = sqlite3_config(SQLITE_CONFIG_MALLOC, &ersaztMethods);
memtraceOut = out;
return rc;
/* Deactivate memory tracing */
int sqlite3MemTraceDeactivate(void){
int rc = SQLITE_OK;
if( memtraceBase.xMalloc!=0 ){
rc = sqlite3_config(SQLITE_CONFIG_MALLOC, &memtraceBase);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
memset(&memtraceBase, 0, sizeof(memtraceBase));
memtraceOut = 0;
return rc;
/************************* End ../ext/misc/memtrace.c ********************/
/************************* Begin ../ext/misc/uint.c ******************/
** 2020-04-14
** The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of
** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
** May you do good and not evil.
** May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
** May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
** This SQLite extension implements the UINT collating sequence.
** UINT works like BINARY for text, except that embedded strings
** of digits compare in numeric order.
** * Leading zeros are handled properly, in the sense that
** they do not mess of the maginitude comparison of embedded
** strings of digits. "x00123y" is equal to "x123y".
** * Only unsigned integers are recognized. Plus and minus
** signs are ignored. Decimal points and exponential notation
** are ignored.
** * Embedded integers can be of arbitrary length. Comparison
** is *not* limited integers that can be expressed as a
** 64-bit machine integer.
/* #include "sqlite3ext.h" */
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
** Compare text in lexicographic order, except strings of digits
** compare in numeric order.
static int uintCollFunc(
void *notUsed,
int nKey1, const void *pKey1,
int nKey2, const void *pKey2
const unsigned char *zA = (const unsigned char*)pKey1;
const unsigned char *zB = (const unsigned char*)pKey2;
int i=0, j=0, x;
while( i<nKey1 && j<nKey2 ){
x = zA[i] - zB[j];
if( isdigit(zA[i]) ){
int k;
if( !isdigit(zB[j]) ) return x;
while( i<nKey1 && zA[i]=='0' ){ i++; }
while( j<nKey2 && zB[j]=='0' ){ j++; }
k = 0;
while( i+k<nKey1 && isdigit(zA[i+k])
&& j+k<nKey2 && isdigit(zB[j+k]) ){
if( i+k<nKey1 && isdigit(zA[i+k]) ){
return +1;
}else if( j+k<nKey2 && isdigit(zB[j+k]) ){
return -1;
x = memcmp(zA+i, zB+j, k);
if( x ) return x;
i += k;
j += k;
}else if( x ){
return x;
return (nKey1 - i) - (nKey2 - j);
#ifdef _WIN32
int sqlite3_uint_init(
sqlite3 *db,
char **pzErrMsg,
const sqlite3_api_routines *pApi
(void)pzErrMsg; /* Unused parameter */
return sqlite3_create_collation(db, "uint", SQLITE_UTF8, 0, uintCollFunc);
/************************* End ../ext/misc/uint.c ********************/
/************************* Begin ../ext/misc/zipfile.c ******************/
** 2017-12-26
** The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of
** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
** May you do good and not evil.
** May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
** May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
** This file implements a virtual table for reading and writing ZIP archive
** files.
** Usage example:
** SELECT name, sz, datetime(mtime,'unixepoch') FROM zipfile($filename);
** Current limitations:
** * No support for encryption
** * No support for ZIP archives spanning multiple files
** * No support for zip64 extensions
** * Only the "inflate/deflate" (zlib) compression method is supported
/* #include "sqlite3ext.h" */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <zlib.h>
/* typedef sqlite3_int64 i64; */
/* typedef unsigned char u8; */
typedef unsigned short u16;
typedef unsigned long u32;
#define MIN(a,b) ((a)<(b) ? (a) : (b))
# define ALWAYS(X) (1)
# define NEVER(X) (0)
#elif !defined(NDEBUG)
# define ALWAYS(X) ((X)?1:(assert(0),0))
# define NEVER(X) ((X)?(assert(0),1):0)
# define ALWAYS(X) (X)
# define NEVER(X) (X)
** Definitions for mode bitmasks S_IFDIR, S_IFREG and S_IFLNK.
** In some ways it would be better to obtain these values from system
** header files. But, the dependency is undesirable and (a) these
** have been stable for decades, (b) the values are part of POSIX and
** are also made explicit in [man stat], and (c) are part of the
** file format for zip archives.
#ifndef S_IFDIR
# define S_IFDIR 0040000
#ifndef S_IFREG
# define S_IFREG 0100000
#ifndef S_IFLNK
# define S_IFLNK 0120000
static const char ZIPFILE_SCHEMA[] =
"name PRIMARY KEY," /* 0: Name of file in zip archive */
"mode," /* 1: POSIX mode for file */
"mtime," /* 2: Last modification time (secs since 1970)*/
"sz," /* 3: Size of object */
"rawdata," /* 4: Raw data */
"data," /* 5: Uncompressed data */
"method," /* 6: Compression method (integer) */
"z HIDDEN" /* 7: Name of zip file */
#define ZIPFILE_F_COLUMN_IDX 7 /* Index of column "file" in the above */
#define ZIPFILE_BUFFER_SIZE (64*1024)
** Magic numbers used to read and write zip files.
** Use this value for the "version-made-by" field in new zip file
** entries. The upper byte indicates "unix", and the lower byte
** indicates that the zip file matches pkzip specification 3.0.
** This is what info-zip seems to do.
** Value for "version-required-to-extract" field of new entries.
** Version 2.0 is required to support folders and deflate compression.
** Value for "general-purpose-bit-flags" field of new entries. Bit
** 11 means "utf-8 filename and comment".
** First 4 bytes of a valid CDS record.
** First 4 bytes of a valid LFH record.
** First 4 bytes of a valid EOCD record.
#define ZIPFILE_NEWENTRY_MADEBY ((3<<8) + 30)
#define ZIPFILE_SIGNATURE_CDS 0x02014b50
#define ZIPFILE_SIGNATURE_LFH 0x04034b50
#define ZIPFILE_SIGNATURE_EOCD 0x06054b50
** The sizes of the fixed-size part of each of the three main data
** structures in a zip archive.
*** 4.3.16 End of central directory record:
*** end of central dir signature 4 bytes (0x06054b50)
*** number of this disk 2 bytes
*** number of the disk with the
*** start of the central directory 2 bytes
*** total number of entries in the
*** central directory on this disk 2 bytes
*** total number of entries in
*** the central directory 2 bytes
*** size of the central directory 4 bytes
*** offset of start of central
*** directory with respect to
*** the starting disk number 4 bytes
*** .ZIP file comment length 2 bytes
*** .ZIP file comment (variable size)
typedef struct ZipfileEOCD ZipfileEOCD;
struct ZipfileEOCD {
u16 iDisk;
u16 iFirstDisk;
u16 nEntry;
u16 nEntryTotal;
u32 nSize;
u32 iOffset;
*** 4.3.12 Central directory structure:
*** ...
*** central file header signature 4 bytes (0x02014b50)
*** version made by 2 bytes
*** version needed to extract 2 bytes
*** general purpose bit flag 2 bytes
*** compression method 2 bytes
*** last mod file time 2 bytes
*** last mod file date 2 bytes
*** crc-32 4 bytes
*** compressed size 4 bytes
*** uncompressed size 4 bytes
*** file name length 2 bytes
*** extra field length 2 bytes
*** file comment length 2 bytes
*** disk number start 2 bytes
*** internal file attributes 2 bytes
*** external file attributes 4 bytes
*** relative offset of local header 4 bytes
typedef struct ZipfileCDS ZipfileCDS;
struct ZipfileCDS {
u16 iVersionMadeBy;
u16 iVersionExtract;
u16 flags;
u16 iCompression;
u16 mTime;
u16 mDate;
u32 crc32;
u32 szCompressed;
u32 szUncompressed;
u16 nFile;
u16 nExtra;
u16 nComment;
u16 iDiskStart;
u16 iInternalAttr;
u32 iExternalAttr;
u32 iOffset;
char *zFile; /* Filename (sqlite3_malloc()) */
*** 4.3.7 Local file header:
*** local file header signature 4 bytes (0x04034b50)
*** version needed to extract 2 bytes
*** general purpose bit flag 2 bytes
*** compression method 2 bytes
*** last mod file time 2 bytes
*** last mod file date 2 bytes
*** crc-32 4 bytes
*** compressed size 4 bytes
*** uncompressed size 4 bytes
*** file name length 2 bytes
*** extra field length 2 bytes
typedef struct ZipfileLFH ZipfileLFH;
struct ZipfileLFH {
u16 iVersionExtract;
u16 flags;
u16 iCompression;
u16 mTime;
u16 mDate;
u32 crc32;
u32 szCompressed;
u32 szUncompressed;
u16 nFile;
u16 nExtra;
typedef struct ZipfileEntry ZipfileEntry;
struct ZipfileEntry {
ZipfileCDS cds; /* Parsed CDS record */
u32 mUnixTime; /* Modification time, in UNIX format */
u8 *aExtra; /* cds.nExtra+cds.nComment bytes of extra data */
i64 iDataOff; /* Offset to data in file (if aData==0) */
u8 *aData; /* cds.szCompressed bytes of compressed data */
ZipfileEntry *pNext; /* Next element in in-memory CDS */
** Cursor type for zipfile tables.
typedef struct ZipfileCsr ZipfileCsr;
struct ZipfileCsr {
sqlite3_vtab_cursor base; /* Base class - must be first */
i64 iId; /* Cursor ID */
u8 bEof; /* True when at EOF */
u8 bNoop; /* If next xNext() call is no-op */
/* Used outside of write transactions */
FILE *pFile; /* Zip file */
i64 iNextOff; /* Offset of next record in central directory */
ZipfileEOCD eocd; /* Parse of central directory record */
ZipfileEntry *pFreeEntry; /* Free this list when cursor is closed or reset */
ZipfileEntry *pCurrent; /* Current entry */
ZipfileCsr *pCsrNext; /* Next cursor on same virtual table */
typedef struct ZipfileTab ZipfileTab;
struct ZipfileTab {
sqlite3_vtab base; /* Base class - must be first */
char *zFile; /* Zip file this table accesses (may be NULL) */
sqlite3 *db; /* Host database connection */
u8 *aBuffer; /* Temporary buffer used for various tasks */
ZipfileCsr *pCsrList; /* List of cursors */
i64 iNextCsrid;
/* The following are used by write transactions only */
ZipfileEntry *pFirstEntry; /* Linked list of all files (if pWriteFd!=0) */
ZipfileEntry *pLastEntry; /* Last element in pFirstEntry list */
FILE *pWriteFd; /* File handle open on zip archive */
i64 szCurrent; /* Current size of zip archive */
i64 szOrig; /* Size of archive at start of transaction */
** Set the error message contained in context ctx to the results of
** vprintf(zFmt, ...).
static void zipfileCtxErrorMsg(sqlite3_context *ctx, const char *zFmt, ...){
char *zMsg = 0;
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, zFmt);
zMsg = sqlite3_vmprintf(zFmt, ap);
sqlite3_result_error(ctx, zMsg, -1);
** If string zIn is quoted, dequote it in place. Otherwise, if the string
** is not quoted, do nothing.
static void zipfileDequote(char *zIn){
char q = zIn[0];
if( q=='"' || q=='\'' || q=='`' || q=='[' ){
int iIn = 1;
int iOut = 0;
if( q=='[' ) q = ']';
while( ALWAYS(zIn[iIn]) ){
char c = zIn[iIn++];
if( c==q && zIn[iIn++]!=q ) break;
zIn[iOut++] = c;
zIn[iOut] = '\0';
** Construct a new ZipfileTab virtual table object.
** argv[0] -> module name ("zipfile")
** argv[1] -> database name
** argv[2] -> table name
** argv[...] -> "column name" and other module argument fields.
static int zipfileConnect(
sqlite3 *db,
void *pAux,
int argc, const char *const*argv,
sqlite3_vtab **ppVtab,
char **pzErr
int nByte = sizeof(ZipfileTab) + ZIPFILE_BUFFER_SIZE;
int nFile = 0;
const char *zFile = 0;
ZipfileTab *pNew = 0;
int rc;
/* If the table name is not "zipfile", require that the argument be
** specified. This stops zipfile tables from being created as:
** It does not prevent:
** CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE zipfile USING zipfile();
assert( 0==sqlite3_stricmp(argv[0], "zipfile") );
if( (0!=sqlite3_stricmp(argv[2], "zipfile") && argc<4) || argc>4 ){
*pzErr = sqlite3_mprintf("zipfile constructor requires one argument");
if( argc>3 ){
zFile = argv[3];
nFile = (int)strlen(zFile)+1;
rc = sqlite3_declare_vtab(db, ZIPFILE_SCHEMA);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
pNew = (ZipfileTab*)sqlite3_malloc64((sqlite3_int64)nByte+nFile);
if( pNew==0 ) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
memset(pNew, 0, nByte+nFile);
pNew->db = db;
pNew->aBuffer = (u8*)&pNew[1];
if( zFile ){
pNew->zFile = (char*)&pNew->aBuffer[ZIPFILE_BUFFER_SIZE];
memcpy(pNew->zFile, zFile, nFile);
sqlite3_vtab_config(db, SQLITE_VTAB_DIRECTONLY);
*ppVtab = (sqlite3_vtab*)pNew;
return rc;
** Free the ZipfileEntry structure indicated by the only argument.
static void zipfileEntryFree(ZipfileEntry *p){
if( p ){
** Release resources that should be freed at the end of a write
** transaction.
static void zipfileCleanupTransaction(ZipfileTab *pTab){
ZipfileEntry *pEntry;
ZipfileEntry *pNext;
if( pTab->pWriteFd ){
pTab->pWriteFd = 0;
for(pEntry=pTab->pFirstEntry; pEntry; pEntry=pNext){
pNext = pEntry->pNext;
pTab->pFirstEntry = 0;
pTab->pLastEntry = 0;
pTab->szCurrent = 0;
pTab->szOrig = 0;
** This method is the destructor for zipfile vtab objects.
static int zipfileDisconnect(sqlite3_vtab *pVtab){
return SQLITE_OK;
** Constructor for a new ZipfileCsr object.
static int zipfileOpen(sqlite3_vtab *p, sqlite3_vtab_cursor **ppCsr){
ZipfileTab *pTab = (ZipfileTab*)p;
ZipfileCsr *pCsr;
pCsr = sqlite3_malloc(sizeof(*pCsr));
*ppCsr = (sqlite3_vtab_cursor*)pCsr;
if( pCsr==0 ){
memset(pCsr, 0, sizeof(*pCsr));
pCsr->iId = ++pTab->iNextCsrid;
pCsr->pCsrNext = pTab->pCsrList;
pTab->pCsrList = pCsr;
return SQLITE_OK;
** Reset a cursor back to the state it was in when first returned
** by zipfileOpen().
static void zipfileResetCursor(ZipfileCsr *pCsr){
ZipfileEntry *p;
ZipfileEntry *pNext;
pCsr->bEof = 0;
if( pCsr->pFile ){
pCsr->pFile = 0;
pCsr->pCurrent = 0;
for(p=pCsr->pFreeEntry; p; p=pNext){
pNext = p->pNext;
** Destructor for an ZipfileCsr.
static int zipfileClose(sqlite3_vtab_cursor *cur){
ZipfileCsr *pCsr = (ZipfileCsr*)cur;
ZipfileTab *pTab = (ZipfileTab*)(pCsr->base.pVtab);
ZipfileCsr **pp;
/* Remove this cursor from the ZipfileTab.pCsrList list. */
for(pp=&pTab->pCsrList; *pp!=pCsr; pp=&((*pp)->pCsrNext));
*pp = pCsr->pCsrNext;
return SQLITE_OK;
** Set the error message for the virtual table associated with cursor
** pCsr to the results of vprintf(zFmt, ...).
static void zipfileTableErr(ZipfileTab *pTab, const char *zFmt, ...){
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, zFmt);
pTab->base.zErrMsg = sqlite3_vmprintf(zFmt, ap);
static void zipfileCursorErr(ZipfileCsr *pCsr, const char *zFmt, ...){
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, zFmt);
pCsr->base.pVtab->zErrMsg = sqlite3_vmprintf(zFmt, ap);
** Read nRead bytes of data from offset iOff of file pFile into buffer
** aRead[]. Return SQLITE_OK if successful, or an SQLite error code
** otherwise.
** If an error does occur, output variable (*pzErrmsg) may be set to point
** to an English language error message. It is the responsibility of the
** caller to eventually free this buffer using
** sqlite3_free().
static int zipfileReadData(
FILE *pFile, /* Read from this file */
u8 *aRead, /* Read into this buffer */
int nRead, /* Number of bytes to read */
i64 iOff, /* Offset to read from */
char **pzErrmsg /* OUT: Error message (from sqlite3_malloc) */
size_t n;
fseek(pFile, (long)iOff, SEEK_SET);
n = fread(aRead, 1, nRead, pFile);
if( (int)n!=nRead ){
*pzErrmsg = sqlite3_mprintf("error in fread()");
return SQLITE_OK;
static int zipfileAppendData(
ZipfileTab *pTab,
const u8 *aWrite,
int nWrite
size_t n;
fseek(pTab->pWriteFd, (long)pTab->szCurrent, SEEK_SET);
n = fwrite(aWrite, 1, nWrite, pTab->pWriteFd);
if( (int)n!=nWrite ){
pTab->base.zErrMsg = sqlite3_mprintf("error in fwrite()");
pTab->szCurrent += nWrite;
return SQLITE_OK;
** Read and return a 16-bit little-endian unsigned integer from buffer aBuf.
static u16 zipfileGetU16(const u8 *aBuf){
return (aBuf[1] << 8) + aBuf[0];
** Read and return a 32-bit little-endian unsigned integer from buffer aBuf.
static u32 zipfileGetU32(const u8 *aBuf){
return ((u32)(aBuf[3]) << 24)
+ ((u32)(aBuf[2]) << 16)
+ ((u32)(aBuf[1]) << 8)
+ ((u32)(aBuf[0]) << 0);
** Write a 16-bit little endiate integer into buffer aBuf.
static void zipfilePutU16(u8 *aBuf, u16 val){
aBuf[0] = val & 0xFF;
aBuf[1] = (val>>8) & 0xFF;
** Write a 32-bit little endiate integer into buffer aBuf.
static void zipfilePutU32(u8 *aBuf, u32 val){
aBuf[0] = val & 0xFF;
aBuf[1] = (val>>8) & 0xFF;
aBuf[2] = (val>>16) & 0xFF;
aBuf[3] = (val>>24) & 0xFF;
#define zipfileRead32(aBuf) ( aBuf+=4, zipfileGetU32(aBuf-4) )
#define zipfileRead16(aBuf) ( aBuf+=2, zipfileGetU16(aBuf-2) )
#define zipfileWrite32(aBuf,val) { zipfilePutU32(aBuf,val); aBuf+=4; }
#define zipfileWrite16(aBuf,val) { zipfilePutU16(aBuf,val); aBuf+=2; }
** Magic numbers used to read CDS records.
** Decode the CDS record in buffer aBuf into (*pCDS). Return SQLITE_ERROR
** if the record is not well-formed, or SQLITE_OK otherwise.
static int zipfileReadCDS(u8 *aBuf, ZipfileCDS *pCDS){
u8 *aRead = aBuf;
u32 sig = zipfileRead32(aRead);
int rc = SQLITE_OK;
pCDS->iVersionMadeBy = zipfileRead16(aRead);
pCDS->iVersionExtract = zipfileRead16(aRead);
pCDS->flags = zipfileRead16(aRead);
pCDS->iCompression = zipfileRead16(aRead);
pCDS->mTime = zipfileRead16(aRead);
pCDS->mDate = zipfileRead16(aRead);
pCDS->crc32 = zipfileRead32(aRead);
pCDS->szCompressed = zipfileRead32(aRead);
pCDS->szUncompressed = zipfileRead32(aRead);
assert( aRead==&aBuf[ZIPFILE_CDS_NFILE_OFF] );
pCDS->nFile = zipfileRead16(aRead);
pCDS->nExtra = zipfileRead16(aRead);
pCDS->nComment = zipfileRead16(aRead);
pCDS->iDiskStart = zipfileRead16(aRead);
pCDS->iInternalAttr = zipfileRead16(aRead);
pCDS->iExternalAttr = zipfileRead32(aRead);
pCDS->iOffset = zipfileRead32(aRead);
assert( aRead==&aBuf[ZIPFILE_CDS_FIXED_SZ] );
return rc;
** Decode the LFH record in buffer aBuf into (*pLFH). Return SQLITE_ERROR
** if the record is not well-formed, or SQLITE_OK otherwise.
static int zipfileReadLFH(
u8 *aBuffer,
ZipfileLFH *pLFH
u8 *aRead = aBuffer;
int rc = SQLITE_OK;
u32 sig = zipfileRead32(aRead);
pLFH->iVersionExtract = zipfileRead16(aRead);
pLFH->flags = zipfileRead16(aRead);
pLFH->iCompression = zipfileRead16(aRead);
pLFH->mTime = zipfileRead16(aRead);
pLFH->mDate = zipfileRead16(aRead);
pLFH->crc32 = zipfileRead32(aRead);
pLFH->szCompressed = zipfileRead32(aRead);
pLFH->szUncompressed = zipfileRead32(aRead);
pLFH->nFile = zipfileRead16(aRead);
pLFH->nExtra = zipfileRead16(aRead);
return rc;
** Buffer aExtra (size nExtra bytes) contains zip archive "extra" fields.
** Scan through this buffer to find an "extra-timestamp" field. If one
** exists, extract the 32-bit modification-timestamp from it and store
** the value in output parameter *pmTime.
** Zero is returned if no extra-timestamp record could be found (and so
** *pmTime is left unchanged), or non-zero otherwise.
** The general format of an extra field is:
** Header ID 2 bytes
** Data Size 2 bytes
** Data N bytes
static int zipfileScanExtra(u8 *aExtra, int nExtra, u32 *pmTime){
int ret = 0;
u8 *p = aExtra;
u8 *pEnd = &aExtra[nExtra];
while( p<pEnd ){
u16 id = zipfileRead16(p);
u16 nByte = zipfileRead16(p);
switch( id ){
u8 b = p[0];
if( b & 0x01 ){ /* 0x01 -> modtime is present */
*pmTime = zipfileGetU32(&p[1]);
ret = 1;
p += nByte;
return ret;
** Convert the standard MS-DOS timestamp stored in the mTime and mDate
** fields of the CDS structure passed as the only argument to a 32-bit
** UNIX seconds-since-the-epoch timestamp. Return the result.
** "Standard" MS-DOS time format:
** File modification time:
** Bits 00-04: seconds divided by 2
** Bits 05-10: minute
** Bits 11-15: hour
** File modification date:
** Bits 00-04: day
** Bits 05-08: month (1-12)
** Bits 09-15: years from 1980
static u32 zipfileMtime(ZipfileCDS *pCDS){
int Y = (1980 + ((pCDS->mDate >> 9) & 0x7F));
int M = ((pCDS->mDate >> 5) & 0x0F);
int D = (pCDS->mDate & 0x1F);
int B = -13;
int sec = (pCDS->mTime & 0x1F)*2;
int min = (pCDS->mTime >> 5) & 0x3F;
int hr = (pCDS->mTime >> 11) & 0x1F;
i64 JD;
/* JD = INT(365.25 * (Y+4716)) + INT(30.6001 * (M+1)) + D + B - 1524.5 */
/* Calculate the JD in seconds for noon on the day in question */
if( M<3 ){
Y = Y-1;
M = M+12;
JD = (i64)(24*60*60) * (
(int)(365.25 * (Y + 4716))
+ (int)(30.6001 * (M + 1))
+ D + B - 1524
/* Correct the JD for the time within the day */
JD += (hr-12) * 3600 + min * 60 + sec;
/* Convert JD to unix timestamp (the JD epoch is 2440587.5) */
return (u32)(JD - (i64)(24405875) * 24*60*6);
** The opposite of zipfileMtime(). This function populates the mTime and
** mDate fields of the CDS structure passed as the first argument according
** to the UNIX timestamp value passed as the second.
static void zipfileMtimeToDos(ZipfileCDS *pCds, u32 mUnixTime){
/* Convert unix timestamp to JD (2440588 is noon on 1/1/1970) */
i64 JD = (i64)2440588 + mUnixTime / (24*60*60);
int A, B, C, D, E;
int yr, mon, day;
int hr, min, sec;
A = (int)((JD - 1867216.25)/36524.25);
A = (int)(JD + 1 + A - (A/4));
B = A + 1524;
C = (int)((B - 122.1)/365.25);
D = (36525*(C&32767))/100;
E = (int)((B-D)/30.6001);
day = B - D - (int)(30.6001*E);
mon = (E<14 ? E-1 : E-13);
yr = mon>2 ? C-4716 : C-4715;
hr = (mUnixTime % (24*60*60)) / (60*60);
min = (mUnixTime % (60*60)) / 60;
sec = (mUnixTime % 60);
if( yr>=1980 ){
pCds->mDate = (u16)(day + (mon << 5) + ((yr-1980) << 9));
pCds->mTime = (u16)(sec/2 + (min<<5) + (hr<<11));
pCds->mDate = pCds->mTime = 0;
assert( mUnixTime<315507600
|| mUnixTime==zipfileMtime(pCds)
|| ((mUnixTime % 2) && mUnixTime-1==zipfileMtime(pCds))
/* || (mUnixTime % 2) */
** If aBlob is not NULL, then it is a pointer to a buffer (nBlob bytes in
** size) containing an entire zip archive image. Or, if aBlob is NULL,
** then pFile is a file-handle open on a zip file. In either case, this
** function creates a ZipfileEntry object based on the zip archive entry
** for which the CDS record is at offset iOff.
** If successful, SQLITE_OK is returned and (*ppEntry) set to point to
** the new object. Otherwise, an SQLite error code is returned and the
** final value of (*ppEntry) undefined.
static int zipfileGetEntry(
ZipfileTab *pTab, /* Store any error message here */
const u8 *aBlob, /* Pointer to in-memory file image */
int nBlob, /* Size of aBlob[] in bytes */
FILE *pFile, /* If aBlob==0, read from this file */
i64 iOff, /* Offset of CDS record */
ZipfileEntry **ppEntry /* OUT: Pointer to new object */
u8 *aRead;
char **pzErr = &pTab->base.zErrMsg;
int rc = SQLITE_OK;
if( aBlob==0 ){
aRead = pTab->aBuffer;
rc = zipfileReadData(pFile, aRead, ZIPFILE_CDS_FIXED_SZ, iOff, pzErr);
aRead = (u8*)&aBlob[iOff];
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
sqlite3_int64 nAlloc;
ZipfileEntry *pNew;
int nFile = zipfileGetU16(&aRead[ZIPFILE_CDS_NFILE_OFF]);
int nExtra = zipfileGetU16(&aRead[ZIPFILE_CDS_NFILE_OFF+2]);
nExtra += zipfileGetU16(&aRead[ZIPFILE_CDS_NFILE_OFF+4]);
nAlloc = sizeof(ZipfileEntry) + nExtra;
if( aBlob ){
nAlloc += zipfileGetU32(&aRead[ZIPFILE_CDS_SZCOMPRESSED_OFF]);
pNew = (ZipfileEntry*)sqlite3_malloc64(nAlloc);
if( pNew==0 ){
memset(pNew, 0, sizeof(ZipfileEntry));
rc = zipfileReadCDS(aRead, &pNew->cds);
if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
*pzErr = sqlite3_mprintf("failed to read CDS at offset %lld", iOff);
}else if( aBlob==0 ){
rc = zipfileReadData(
pFile, aRead, nExtra+nFile, iOff+ZIPFILE_CDS_FIXED_SZ, pzErr
aRead = (u8*)&aBlob[iOff + ZIPFILE_CDS_FIXED_SZ];
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
u32 *pt = &pNew->mUnixTime;
pNew->cds.zFile = sqlite3_mprintf("%.*s", nFile, aRead);
pNew->aExtra = (u8*)&pNew[1];
memcpy(pNew->aExtra, &aRead[nFile], nExtra);
if( pNew->cds.zFile==0 ){
}else if( 0==zipfileScanExtra(&aRead[nFile], pNew->cds.nExtra, pt) ){
pNew->mUnixTime = zipfileMtime(&pNew->cds);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
static const int szFix = ZIPFILE_LFH_FIXED_SZ;
ZipfileLFH lfh;
if( pFile ){
rc = zipfileReadData(pFile, aRead, szFix, pNew->cds.iOffset, pzErr);
aRead = (u8*)&aBlob[pNew->cds.iOffset];
rc = zipfileReadLFH(aRead, &lfh);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
pNew->iDataOff = pNew->cds.iOffset + ZIPFILE_LFH_FIXED_SZ;
pNew->iDataOff += lfh.nFile + lfh.nExtra;
if( aBlob && pNew->cds.szCompressed ){
pNew->aData = &pNew->aExtra[nExtra];
memcpy(pNew->aData, &aBlob[pNew->iDataOff], pNew->cds.szCompressed);
*pzErr = sqlite3_mprintf("failed to read LFH at offset %d",
if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
*ppEntry = pNew;
return rc;
** Advance an ZipfileCsr to its next row of output.
static int zipfileNext(sqlite3_vtab_cursor *cur){
ZipfileCsr *pCsr = (ZipfileCsr*)cur;
int rc = SQLITE_OK;
if( pCsr->pFile ){
i64 iEof = pCsr->eocd.iOffset + pCsr->eocd.nSize;
pCsr->pCurrent = 0;
if( pCsr->iNextOff>=iEof ){
pCsr->bEof = 1;
ZipfileEntry *p = 0;
ZipfileTab *pTab = (ZipfileTab*)(cur->pVtab);
rc = zipfileGetEntry(pTab, 0, 0, pCsr->pFile, pCsr->iNextOff, &p);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
pCsr->iNextOff += (int)p->cds.nExtra + p->cds.nFile + p->cds.nComment;
pCsr->pCurrent = p;
if( !pCsr->bNoop ){
pCsr->pCurrent = pCsr->pCurrent->pNext;
if( pCsr->pCurrent==0 ){
pCsr->bEof = 1;
pCsr->bNoop = 0;
return rc;
static void zipfileFree(void *p) {
** Buffer aIn (size nIn bytes) contains compressed data. Uncompressed, the
** size is nOut bytes. This function uncompresses the data and sets the
** return value in context pCtx to the result (a blob).
** If an error occurs, an error code is left in pCtx instead.
static void zipfileInflate(
sqlite3_context *pCtx, /* Store result here */
const u8 *aIn, /* Compressed data */
int nIn, /* Size of buffer aIn[] in bytes */
int nOut /* Expected output size */
u8 *aRes = sqlite3_malloc(nOut);
if( aRes==0 ){
int err;
z_stream str;
memset(&str, 0, sizeof(str));
str.next_in = (Byte*)aIn;
str.avail_in = nIn;
str.next_out = (Byte*)aRes;
str.avail_out = nOut;
err = inflateInit2(&str, -15);
if( err!=Z_OK ){
zipfileCtxErrorMsg(pCtx, "inflateInit2() failed (%d)", err);
err = inflate(&str, Z_NO_FLUSH);
if( err!=Z_STREAM_END ){
zipfileCtxErrorMsg(pCtx, "inflate() failed (%d)", err);
sqlite3_result_blob(pCtx, aRes, nOut, zipfileFree);
aRes = 0;
** Buffer aIn (size nIn bytes) contains uncompressed data. This function
** compresses it and sets (*ppOut) to point to a buffer containing the
** compressed data. The caller is responsible for eventually calling
** sqlite3_free() to release buffer (*ppOut). Before returning, (*pnOut)
** is set to the size of buffer (*ppOut) in bytes.
** If no error occurs, SQLITE_OK is returned. Otherwise, an SQLite error
** code is returned and an error message left in virtual-table handle
** pTab. The values of (*ppOut) and (*pnOut) are left unchanged in this
** case.
static int zipfileDeflate(
const u8 *aIn, int nIn, /* Input */
u8 **ppOut, int *pnOut, /* Output */
char **pzErr /* OUT: Error message */
int rc = SQLITE_OK;
sqlite3_int64 nAlloc;
z_stream str;
u8 *aOut;
memset(&str, 0, sizeof(str));
str.next_in = (Bytef*)aIn;
str.avail_in = nIn;
deflateInit2(&str, 9, Z_DEFLATED, -15, 8, Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY);
nAlloc = deflateBound(&str, nIn);
aOut = (u8*)sqlite3_malloc64(nAlloc);
if( aOut==0 ){
int res;
str.next_out = aOut;
str.avail_out = nAlloc;
res = deflate(&str, Z_FINISH);
if( res==Z_STREAM_END ){
*ppOut = aOut;
*pnOut = (int)str.total_out;
*pzErr = sqlite3_mprintf("zipfile: deflate() error");
return rc;
** Return values of columns for the row at which the series_cursor
** is currently pointing.
static int zipfileColumn(
sqlite3_vtab_cursor *cur, /* The cursor */
sqlite3_context *ctx, /* First argument to sqlite3_result_...() */
int i /* Which column to return */
ZipfileCsr *pCsr = (ZipfileCsr*)cur;
ZipfileCDS *pCDS = &pCsr->pCurrent->cds;
int rc = SQLITE_OK;
switch( i ){
case 0: /* name */
sqlite3_result_text(ctx, pCDS->zFile, -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
case 1: /* mode */
/* TODO: Whether or not the following is correct surely depends on
** the platform on which the archive was created. */
sqlite3_result_int(ctx, pCDS->iExternalAttr >> 16);
case 2: { /* mtime */
sqlite3_result_int64(ctx, pCsr->pCurrent->mUnixTime);
case 3: { /* sz */
if( sqlite3_vtab_nochange(ctx)==0 ){
sqlite3_result_int64(ctx, pCDS->szUncompressed);
case 4: /* rawdata */
if( sqlite3_vtab_nochange(ctx) ) break;
case 5: { /* data */
if( i==4 || pCDS->iCompression==0 || pCDS->iCompression==8 ){
int sz = pCDS->szCompressed;
int szFinal = pCDS->szUncompressed;
if( szFinal>0 ){
u8 *aBuf;
u8 *aFree = 0;
if( pCsr->pCurrent->aData ){
aBuf = pCsr->pCurrent->aData;
aBuf = aFree = sqlite3_malloc64(sz);
if( aBuf==0 ){
FILE *pFile = pCsr->pFile;
if( pFile==0 ){
pFile = ((ZipfileTab*)(pCsr->base.pVtab))->pWriteFd;
rc = zipfileReadData(pFile, aBuf, sz, pCsr->pCurrent->iDataOff,
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
if( i==5 && pCDS->iCompression ){
zipfileInflate(ctx, aBuf, sz, szFinal);
sqlite3_result_blob(ctx, aBuf, sz, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
/* Figure out if this is a directory or a zero-sized file. Consider
** it to be a directory either if the mode suggests so, or if
** the final character in the name is '/'. */
u32 mode = pCDS->iExternalAttr >> 16;
if( !(mode & S_IFDIR) && pCDS->zFile[pCDS->nFile-1]!='/' ){
sqlite3_result_blob(ctx, "", 0, SQLITE_STATIC);
case 6: /* method */
sqlite3_result_int(ctx, pCDS->iCompression);
default: /* z */
assert( i==7 );
sqlite3_result_int64(ctx, pCsr->iId);
return rc;
** Return TRUE if the cursor is at EOF.
static int zipfileEof(sqlite3_vtab_cursor *cur){
ZipfileCsr *pCsr = (ZipfileCsr*)cur;
return pCsr->bEof;
** If aBlob is not NULL, then it points to a buffer nBlob bytes in size
** containing an entire zip archive image. Or, if aBlob is NULL, then pFile
** is guaranteed to be a file-handle open on a zip file.
** This function attempts to locate the EOCD record within the zip archive
** and populate *pEOCD with the results of decoding it. SQLITE_OK is
** returned if successful. Otherwise, an SQLite error code is returned and
** an English language error message may be left in virtual-table pTab.
static int zipfileReadEOCD(
ZipfileTab *pTab, /* Return errors here */
const u8 *aBlob, /* Pointer to in-memory file image */
int nBlob, /* Size of aBlob[] in bytes */
FILE *pFile, /* Read from this file if aBlob==0 */
ZipfileEOCD *pEOCD /* Object to populate */
u8 *aRead = pTab->aBuffer; /* Temporary buffer */
int nRead; /* Bytes to read from file */
int rc = SQLITE_OK;
if( aBlob==0 ){
i64 iOff; /* Offset to read from */
i64 szFile; /* Total size of file in bytes */
fseek(pFile, 0, SEEK_END);
szFile = (i64)ftell(pFile);
if( szFile==0 ){
memset(pEOCD, 0, sizeof(ZipfileEOCD));
return SQLITE_OK;
nRead = (int)(MIN(szFile, ZIPFILE_BUFFER_SIZE));
iOff = szFile - nRead;
rc = zipfileReadData(pFile, aRead, nRead, iOff, &pTab->base.zErrMsg);
nRead = (int)(MIN(nBlob, ZIPFILE_BUFFER_SIZE));
aRead = (u8*)&aBlob[nBlob-nRead];
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
int i;
/* Scan backwards looking for the signature bytes */
for(i=nRead-20; i>=0; i--){
if( aRead[i]==0x50 && aRead[i+1]==0x4b
&& aRead[i+2]==0x05 && aRead[i+3]==0x06
if( i<0 ){
pTab->base.zErrMsg = sqlite3_mprintf(
"cannot find end of central directory record"
aRead += i+4;
pEOCD->iDisk = zipfileRead16(aRead);
pEOCD->iFirstDisk = zipfileRead16(aRead);
pEOCD->nEntry = zipfileRead16(aRead);
pEOCD->nEntryTotal = zipfileRead16(aRead);
pEOCD->nSize = zipfileRead32(aRead);
pEOCD->iOffset = zipfileRead32(aRead);
return rc;
** Add object pNew to the linked list that begins at ZipfileTab.pFirstEntry
** and ends with pLastEntry. If argument pBefore is NULL, then pNew is added
** to the end of the list. Otherwise, it is added to the list immediately
** before pBefore (which is guaranteed to be a part of said list).
static void zipfileAddEntry(
ZipfileTab *pTab,
ZipfileEntry *pBefore,
ZipfileEntry *pNew
assert( (pTab->pFirstEntry==0)==(pTab->pLastEntry==0) );
assert( pNew->pNext==0 );
if( pBefore==0 ){
if( pTab->pFirstEntry==0 ){
pTab->pFirstEntry = pTab->pLastEntry = pNew;
assert( pTab->pLastEntry->pNext==0 );
pTab->pLastEntry->pNext = pNew;
pTab->pLastEntry = pNew;
ZipfileEntry **pp;
for(pp=&pTab->pFirstEntry; *pp!=pBefore; pp=&((*pp)->pNext));
pNew->pNext = pBefore;
*pp = pNew;
static int zipfileLoadDirectory(ZipfileTab *pTab, const u8 *aBlob, int nBlob){
ZipfileEOCD eocd;
int rc;
int i;
i64 iOff;
rc = zipfileReadEOCD(pTab, aBlob, nBlob, pTab->pWriteFd, &eocd);
iOff = eocd.iOffset;
for(i=0; rc==SQLITE_OK && i<eocd.nEntry; i++){
ZipfileEntry *pNew = 0;
rc = zipfileGetEntry(pTab, aBlob, nBlob, pTab->pWriteFd, iOff, &pNew);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
zipfileAddEntry(pTab, 0, pNew);
iOff += (int)pNew->cds.nExtra + pNew->cds.nFile + pNew->cds.nComment;
return rc;
** xFilter callback.
static int zipfileFilter(
sqlite3_vtab_cursor *cur,
int idxNum, const char *idxStr,
int argc, sqlite3_value **argv
ZipfileTab *pTab = (ZipfileTab*)cur->pVtab;
ZipfileCsr *pCsr = (ZipfileCsr*)cur;
const char *zFile = 0; /* Zip file to scan */
int rc = SQLITE_OK; /* Return Code */
int bInMemory = 0; /* True for an in-memory zipfile */
if( pTab->zFile ){
zFile = pTab->zFile;
}else if( idxNum==0 ){
zipfileCursorErr(pCsr, "zipfile() function requires an argument");
}else if( sqlite3_value_type(argv[0])==SQLITE_BLOB ){
const u8 *aBlob = (const u8*)sqlite3_value_blob(argv[0]);
int nBlob = sqlite3_value_bytes(argv[0]);
assert( pTab->pFirstEntry==0 );
rc = zipfileLoadDirectory(pTab, aBlob, nBlob);
pCsr->pFreeEntry = pTab->pFirstEntry;
pTab->pFirstEntry = pTab->pLastEntry = 0;
if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
bInMemory = 1;
zFile = (const char*)sqlite3_value_text(argv[0]);
if( 0==pTab->pWriteFd && 0==bInMemory ){
pCsr->pFile = fopen(zFile, "rb");
if( pCsr->pFile==0 ){
zipfileCursorErr(pCsr, "cannot open file: %s", zFile);
rc = zipfileReadEOCD(pTab, 0, 0, pCsr->pFile, &pCsr->eocd);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
if( pCsr->eocd.nEntry==0 ){
pCsr->bEof = 1;
pCsr->iNextOff = pCsr->eocd.iOffset;
rc = zipfileNext(cur);
pCsr->bNoop = 1;
pCsr->pCurrent = pCsr->pFreeEntry ? pCsr->pFreeEntry : pTab->pFirstEntry;
rc = zipfileNext(cur);
return rc;
** xBestIndex callback.
static int zipfileBestIndex(
sqlite3_vtab *tab,
sqlite3_index_info *pIdxInfo
int i;
int idx = -1;
int unusable = 0;
for(i=0; i<pIdxInfo->nConstraint; i++){
const struct sqlite3_index_constraint *pCons = &pIdxInfo->aConstraint[i];
if( pCons->iColumn!=ZIPFILE_F_COLUMN_IDX ) continue;
if( pCons->usable==0 ){
unusable = 1;
}else if( pCons->op==SQLITE_INDEX_CONSTRAINT_EQ ){
idx = i;
pIdxInfo->estimatedCost = 1000.0;
if( idx>=0 ){
pIdxInfo->aConstraintUsage[idx].argvIndex = 1;
pIdxInfo->aConstraintUsage[idx].omit = 1;
pIdxInfo->idxNum = 1;
}else if( unusable ){
return SQLITE_OK;
static ZipfileEntry *zipfileNewEntry(const char *zPath){
ZipfileEntry *pNew;
pNew = sqlite3_malloc(sizeof(ZipfileEntry));
if( pNew ){
memset(pNew, 0, sizeof(ZipfileEntry));
pNew->cds.zFile = sqlite3_mprintf("%s", zPath);
if( pNew->cds.zFile==0 ){
pNew = 0;
return pNew;
static int zipfileSerializeLFH(ZipfileEntry *pEntry, u8 *aBuf){
ZipfileCDS *pCds = &pEntry->cds;
u8 *a = aBuf;
pCds->nExtra = 9;
/* Write the LFH itself */
zipfileWrite32(a, ZIPFILE_SIGNATURE_LFH);
zipfileWrite16(a, pCds->iVersionExtract);
zipfileWrite16(a, pCds->flags);
zipfileWrite16(a, pCds->iCompression);
zipfileWrite16(a, pCds->mTime);
zipfileWrite16(a, pCds->mDate);
zipfileWrite32(a, pCds->crc32);
zipfileWrite32(a, pCds->szCompressed);
zipfileWrite32(a, pCds->szUncompressed);
zipfileWrite16(a, (u16)pCds->nFile);
zipfileWrite16(a, pCds->nExtra);
assert( a==&aBuf[ZIPFILE_LFH_FIXED_SZ] );
/* Add the file name */
memcpy(a, pCds->zFile, (int)pCds->nFile);
a += (int)pCds->nFile;
/* The "extra" data */
zipfileWrite16(a, 5);
*a++ = 0x01;
zipfileWrite32(a, pEntry->mUnixTime);
return a-aBuf;
static int zipfileAppendEntry(
ZipfileTab *pTab,
ZipfileEntry *pEntry,
const u8 *pData,
int nData
u8 *aBuf = pTab->aBuffer;
int nBuf;
int rc;
nBuf = zipfileSerializeLFH(pEntry, aBuf);
rc = zipfileAppendData(pTab, aBuf, nBuf);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
pEntry->iDataOff = pTab->szCurrent;
rc = zipfileAppendData(pTab, pData, nData);
return rc;
static int zipfileGetMode(
sqlite3_value *pVal,
int bIsDir, /* If true, default to directory */
u32 *pMode, /* OUT: Mode value */
char **pzErr /* OUT: Error message */
const char *z = (const char*)sqlite3_value_text(pVal);
u32 mode = 0;
if( z==0 ){
mode = (bIsDir ? (S_IFDIR + 0755) : (S_IFREG + 0644));
}else if( z[0]>='0' && z[0]<='9' ){
mode = (unsigned int)sqlite3_value_int(pVal);
const char zTemplate[11] = "-rwxrwxrwx";
int i;
if( strlen(z)!=10 ) goto parse_error;
switch( z[0] ){
case '-': mode |= S_IFREG; break;
case 'd': mode |= S_IFDIR; break;
case 'l': mode |= S_IFLNK; break;
default: goto parse_error;
for(i=1; i<10; i++){
if( z[i]==zTemplate[i] ) mode |= 1 << (9-i);
else if( z[i]!='-' ) goto parse_error;
if( ((mode & S_IFDIR)==0)==bIsDir ){
/* The "mode" attribute is a directory, but data has been specified.
** Or vice-versa - no data but "mode" is a file or symlink. */
*pzErr = sqlite3_mprintf("zipfile: mode does not match data");
*pMode = mode;
return SQLITE_OK;
*pzErr = sqlite3_mprintf("zipfile: parse error in mode: %s", z);
** Both (const char*) arguments point to nul-terminated strings. Argument
** nB is the value of strlen(zB). This function returns 0 if the strings are
** identical, ignoring any trailing '/' character in either path. */
static int zipfileComparePath(const char *zA, const char *zB, int nB){
int nA = (int)strlen(zA);
if( nA>0 && zA[nA-1]=='/' ) nA--;
if( nB>0 && zB[nB-1]=='/' ) nB--;
if( nA==nB && memcmp(zA, zB, nA)==0 ) return 0;
return 1;
static int zipfileBegin(sqlite3_vtab *pVtab){
ZipfileTab *pTab = (ZipfileTab*)pVtab;
int rc = SQLITE_OK;
assert( pTab->pWriteFd==0 );
if( pTab->zFile==0 || pTab->zFile[0]==0 ){
pTab->base.zErrMsg = sqlite3_mprintf("zipfile: missing filename");
/* Open a write fd on the file. Also load the entire central directory
** structure into memory. During the transaction any new file data is
** appended to the archive file, but the central directory is accumulated
** in main-memory until the transaction is committed. */
pTab->pWriteFd = fopen(pTab->zFile, "ab+");
if( pTab->pWriteFd==0 ){
pTab->base.zErrMsg = sqlite3_mprintf(
"zipfile: failed to open file %s for writing", pTab->zFile
fseek(pTab->pWriteFd, 0, SEEK_END);
pTab->szCurrent = pTab->szOrig = (i64)ftell(pTab->pWriteFd);
rc = zipfileLoadDirectory(pTab, 0, 0);
if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
return rc;
** Return the current time as a 32-bit timestamp in UNIX epoch format (like
** time(2)).
static u32 zipfileTime(void){
sqlite3_vfs *pVfs = sqlite3_vfs_find(0);
u32 ret;
if( pVfs->iVersion>=2 && pVfs->xCurrentTimeInt64 ){
i64 ms;
pVfs->xCurrentTimeInt64(pVfs, &ms);
ret = (u32)((ms/1000) - ((i64)24405875 * 8640));
double day;
pVfs->xCurrentTime(pVfs, &day);
ret = (u32)((day - 2440587.5) * 86400);
return ret;
** Return a 32-bit timestamp in UNIX epoch format.
** If the value passed as the only argument is either NULL or an SQL NULL,
** return the current time. Otherwise, return the value stored in (*pVal)
** cast to a 32-bit unsigned integer.
static u32 zipfileGetTime(sqlite3_value *pVal){
if( pVal==0 || sqlite3_value_type(pVal)==SQLITE_NULL ){
return zipfileTime();
return (u32)sqlite3_value_int64(pVal);
** Unless it is NULL, entry pOld is currently part of the pTab->pFirstEntry
** linked list. Remove it from the list and free the object.
static void zipfileRemoveEntryFromList(ZipfileTab *pTab, ZipfileEntry *pOld){
if( pOld ){
ZipfileEntry **pp;
for(pp=&pTab->pFirstEntry; (*pp)!=pOld; pp=&((*pp)->pNext));
*pp = (*pp)->pNext;
** xUpdate method.
static int zipfileUpdate(
sqlite3_vtab *pVtab,
int nVal,
sqlite3_value **apVal,
sqlite_int64 *pRowid
ZipfileTab *pTab = (ZipfileTab*)pVtab;
int rc = SQLITE_OK; /* Return Code */
ZipfileEntry *pNew = 0; /* New in-memory CDS entry */
u32 mode = 0; /* Mode for new entry */
u32 mTime = 0; /* Modification time for new entry */
i64 sz = 0; /* Uncompressed size */
const char *zPath = 0; /* Path for new entry */
int nPath = 0; /* strlen(zPath) */
const u8 *pData = 0; /* Pointer to buffer containing content */
int nData = 0; /* Size of pData buffer in bytes */
int iMethod = 0; /* Compression method for new entry */
u8 *pFree = 0; /* Free this */
char *zFree = 0; /* Also free this */
ZipfileEntry *pOld = 0;
ZipfileEntry *pOld2 = 0;
int bUpdate = 0; /* True for an update that modifies "name" */
int bIsDir = 0;
u32 iCrc32 = 0;
if( pTab->pWriteFd==0 ){
rc = zipfileBegin(pVtab);
if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
/* If this is a DELETE or UPDATE, find the archive entry to delete. */
if( sqlite3_value_type(apVal[0])!=SQLITE_NULL ){
const char *zDelete = (const char*)sqlite3_value_text(apVal[0]);
int nDelete = (int)strlen(zDelete);
if( nVal>1 ){
const char *zUpdate = (const char*)sqlite3_value_text(apVal[1]);
if( zUpdate && zipfileComparePath(zUpdate, zDelete, nDelete)!=0 ){
bUpdate = 1;
for(pOld=pTab->pFirstEntry; 1; pOld=pOld->pNext){
if( zipfileComparePath(pOld->cds.zFile, zDelete, nDelete)==0 ){
assert( pOld->pNext );
if( nVal>1 ){
/* Check that "sz" and "rawdata" are both NULL: */
if( sqlite3_value_type(apVal[5])!=SQLITE_NULL ){
zipfileTableErr(pTab, "sz must be NULL");
if( sqlite3_value_type(apVal[6])!=SQLITE_NULL ){
zipfileTableErr(pTab, "rawdata must be NULL");
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
if( sqlite3_value_type(apVal[7])==SQLITE_NULL ){
/* data=NULL. A directory */
bIsDir = 1;
/* Value specified for "data", and possibly "method". This must be
** a regular file or a symlink. */
const u8 *aIn = sqlite3_value_blob(apVal[7]);
int nIn = sqlite3_value_bytes(apVal[7]);
int bAuto = sqlite3_value_type(apVal[8])==SQLITE_NULL;
iMethod = sqlite3_value_int(apVal[8]);
sz = nIn;
pData = aIn;
nData = nIn;
if( iMethod!=0 && iMethod!=8 ){
zipfileTableErr(pTab, "unknown compression method: %d", iMethod);
if( bAuto || iMethod ){
int nCmp;
rc = zipfileDeflate(aIn, nIn, &pFree, &nCmp, &pTab->base.zErrMsg);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
if( iMethod || nCmp<nIn ){
iMethod = 8;
pData = pFree;
nData = nCmp;
iCrc32 = crc32(0, aIn, nIn);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
rc = zipfileGetMode(apVal[3], bIsDir, &mode, &pTab->base.zErrMsg);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
zPath = (const char*)sqlite3_value_text(apVal[2]);
if( zPath==0 ) zPath = "";
nPath = (int)strlen(zPath);
mTime = zipfileGetTime(apVal[4]);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK && bIsDir ){
/* For a directory, check that the last character in the path is a
** '/'. This appears to be required for compatibility with info-zip
** (the unzip command on unix). It does not create directories
** otherwise. */
if( nPath<=0 || zPath[nPath-1]!='/' ){
zFree = sqlite3_mprintf("%s/", zPath);
zPath = (const char*)zFree;
if( zFree==0 ){
nPath = 0;
nPath = (int)strlen(zPath);
/* Check that we're not inserting a duplicate entry -OR- updating an
** entry with a path, thereby making it into a duplicate. */
if( (pOld==0 || bUpdate) && rc==SQLITE_OK ){
ZipfileEntry *p;
for(p=pTab->pFirstEntry; p; p=p->pNext){
if( zipfileComparePath(p->cds.zFile, zPath, nPath)==0 ){
switch( sqlite3_vtab_on_conflict(pTab->db) ){
goto zipfile_update_done;
pOld2 = p;
default: {
zipfileTableErr(pTab, "duplicate name: \"%s\"", zPath);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
/* Create the new CDS record. */
pNew = zipfileNewEntry(zPath);
if( pNew==0 ){
pNew->cds.iVersionMadeBy = ZIPFILE_NEWENTRY_MADEBY;
pNew->cds.iVersionExtract = ZIPFILE_NEWENTRY_REQUIRED;
pNew->cds.iCompression = (u16)iMethod;
zipfileMtimeToDos(&pNew->cds, mTime);
pNew->cds.crc32 = iCrc32;
pNew->cds.szCompressed = nData;
pNew->cds.szUncompressed = (u32)sz;
pNew->cds.iExternalAttr = (mode<<16);
pNew->cds.iOffset = (u32)pTab->szCurrent;
pNew->cds.nFile = (u16)nPath;
pNew->mUnixTime = (u32)mTime;
rc = zipfileAppendEntry(pTab, pNew, pData, nData);
zipfileAddEntry(pTab, pOld, pNew);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK && (pOld || pOld2) ){
ZipfileCsr *pCsr;
for(pCsr=pTab->pCsrList; pCsr; pCsr=pCsr->pCsrNext){
if( pCsr->pCurrent && (pCsr->pCurrent==pOld || pCsr->pCurrent==pOld2) ){
pCsr->pCurrent = pCsr->pCurrent->pNext;
pCsr->bNoop = 1;
zipfileRemoveEntryFromList(pTab, pOld);
zipfileRemoveEntryFromList(pTab, pOld2);
return rc;
static int zipfileSerializeEOCD(ZipfileEOCD *p, u8 *aBuf){
u8 *a = aBuf;
zipfileWrite32(a, ZIPFILE_SIGNATURE_EOCD);
zipfileWrite16(a, p->iDisk);
zipfileWrite16(a, p->iFirstDisk);
zipfileWrite16(a, p->nEntry);
zipfileWrite16(a, p->nEntryTotal);
zipfileWrite32(a, p->nSize);
zipfileWrite32(a, p->iOffset);
zipfileWrite16(a, 0); /* Size of trailing comment in bytes*/
return a-aBuf;
static int zipfileAppendEOCD(ZipfileTab *pTab, ZipfileEOCD *p){
int nBuf = zipfileSerializeEOCD(p, pTab->aBuffer);
assert( nBuf==ZIPFILE_EOCD_FIXED_SZ );
return zipfileAppendData(pTab, pTab->aBuffer, nBuf);
** Serialize the CDS structure into buffer aBuf[]. Return the number
** of bytes written.
static int zipfileSerializeCDS(ZipfileEntry *pEntry, u8 *aBuf){
u8 *a = aBuf;
ZipfileCDS *pCDS = &pEntry->cds;
if( pEntry->aExtra==0 ){
pCDS->nExtra = 9;
zipfileWrite32(a, ZIPFILE_SIGNATURE_CDS);
zipfileWrite16(a, pCDS->iVersionMadeBy);
zipfileWrite16(a, pCDS->iVersionExtract);
zipfileWrite16(a, pCDS->flags);
zipfileWrite16(a, pCDS->iCompression);
zipfileWrite16(a, pCDS->mTime);
zipfileWrite16(a, pCDS->mDate);
zipfileWrite32(a, pCDS->crc32);
zipfileWrite32(a, pCDS->szCompressed);
zipfileWrite32(a, pCDS->szUncompressed);
assert( a==&aBuf[ZIPFILE_CDS_NFILE_OFF] );
zipfileWrite16(a, pCDS->nFile);
zipfileWrite16(a, pCDS->nExtra);
zipfileWrite16(a, pCDS->nComment);
zipfileWrite16(a, pCDS->iDiskStart);
zipfileWrite16(a, pCDS->iInternalAttr);
zipfileWrite32(a, pCDS->iExternalAttr);
zipfileWrite32(a, pCDS->iOffset);
memcpy(a, pCDS->zFile, pCDS->nFile);
a += pCDS->nFile;
if( pEntry->aExtra ){
int n = (int)pCDS->nExtra + (int)pCDS->nComment;
memcpy(a, pEntry->aExtra, n);
a += n;
assert( pCDS->nExtra==9 );
zipfileWrite16(a, 5);
*a++ = 0x01;
zipfileWrite32(a, pEntry->mUnixTime);
return a-aBuf;
static int zipfileCommit(sqlite3_vtab *pVtab){
ZipfileTab *pTab = (ZipfileTab*)pVtab;
int rc = SQLITE_OK;
if( pTab->pWriteFd ){
i64 iOffset = pTab->szCurrent;
ZipfileEntry *p;
ZipfileEOCD eocd;
int nEntry = 0;
/* Write out all entries */
for(p=pTab->pFirstEntry; rc==SQLITE_OK && p; p=p->pNext){
int n = zipfileSerializeCDS(p, pTab->aBuffer);
rc = zipfileAppendData(pTab, pTab->aBuffer, n);
/* Write out the EOCD record */
eocd.iDisk = 0;
eocd.iFirstDisk = 0;
eocd.nEntry = (u16)nEntry;
eocd.nEntryTotal = (u16)nEntry;
eocd.nSize = (u32)(pTab->szCurrent - iOffset);
eocd.iOffset = (u32)iOffset;
rc = zipfileAppendEOCD(pTab, &eocd);
return rc;
static int zipfileRollback(sqlite3_vtab *pVtab){
return zipfileCommit(pVtab);
static ZipfileCsr *zipfileFindCursor(ZipfileTab *pTab, i64 iId){
ZipfileCsr *pCsr;
for(pCsr=pTab->pCsrList; pCsr; pCsr=pCsr->pCsrNext){
if( iId==pCsr->iId ) break;
return pCsr;
static void zipfileFunctionCds(
sqlite3_context *context,
int argc,
sqlite3_value **argv
ZipfileCsr *pCsr;
ZipfileTab *pTab = (ZipfileTab*)sqlite3_user_data(context);
assert( argc>0 );
pCsr = zipfileFindCursor(pTab, sqlite3_value_int64(argv[0]));
if( pCsr ){
ZipfileCDS *p = &pCsr->pCurrent->cds;
char *zRes = sqlite3_mprintf("{"
"\"version-made-by\" : %u, "
"\"version-to-extract\" : %u, "
"\"flags\" : %u, "
"\"compression\" : %u, "
"\"time\" : %u, "
"\"date\" : %u, "
"\"crc32\" : %u, "
"\"compressed-size\" : %u, "
"\"uncompressed-size\" : %u, "
"\"file-name-length\" : %u, "
"\"extra-field-length\" : %u, "
"\"file-comment-length\" : %u, "
"\"disk-number-start\" : %u, "
"\"internal-attr\" : %u, "
"\"external-attr\" : %u, "
"\"offset\" : %u }",
(u32)p->iVersionMadeBy, (u32)p->iVersionExtract,
(u32)p->flags, (u32)p->iCompression,
(u32)p->mTime, (u32)p->mDate,
(u32)p->crc32, (u32)p->szCompressed,
(u32)p->szUncompressed, (u32)p->nFile,
(u32)p->nExtra, (u32)p->nComment,
(u32)p->iDiskStart, (u32)p->iInternalAttr,
(u32)p->iExternalAttr, (u32)p->iOffset
if( zRes==0 ){
sqlite3_result_text(context, zRes, -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
** xFindFunction method.
static int zipfileFindFunction(
sqlite3_vtab *pVtab, /* Virtual table handle */
int nArg, /* Number of SQL function arguments */
const char *zName, /* Name of SQL function */
void (**pxFunc)(sqlite3_context*,int,sqlite3_value**), /* OUT: Result */
void **ppArg /* OUT: User data for *pxFunc */
if( sqlite3_stricmp("zipfile_cds", zName)==0 ){
*pxFunc = zipfileFunctionCds;
*ppArg = (void*)pVtab;
return 1;
return 0;
typedef struct ZipfileBuffer ZipfileBuffer;
struct ZipfileBuffer {
u8 *a; /* Pointer to buffer */
int n; /* Size of buffer in bytes */
int nAlloc; /* Byte allocated at a[] */
typedef struct ZipfileCtx ZipfileCtx;
struct ZipfileCtx {
int nEntry;
ZipfileBuffer body;
ZipfileBuffer cds;
static int zipfileBufferGrow(ZipfileBuffer *pBuf, int nByte){
if( pBuf->n+nByte>pBuf->nAlloc ){
u8 *aNew;
sqlite3_int64 nNew = pBuf->n ? pBuf->n*2 : 512;
int nReq = pBuf->n + nByte;
while( nNew<nReq ) nNew = nNew*2;
aNew = sqlite3_realloc64(pBuf->a, nNew);
if( aNew==0 ) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
pBuf->a = aNew;
pBuf->nAlloc = (int)nNew;
return SQLITE_OK;
** xStep() callback for the zipfile() aggregate. This can be called in
** any of the following ways:
** SELECT zipfile(name,data) ...
** SELECT zipfile(name,mode,mtime,data) ...
** SELECT zipfile(name,mode,mtime,data,method) ...
void zipfileStep(sqlite3_context *pCtx, int nVal, sqlite3_value **apVal){
ZipfileCtx *p; /* Aggregate function context */
ZipfileEntry e; /* New entry to add to zip archive */
sqlite3_value *pName = 0;
sqlite3_value *pMode = 0;
sqlite3_value *pMtime = 0;
sqlite3_value *pData = 0;
sqlite3_value *pMethod = 0;
int bIsDir = 0;
u32 mode;
int rc = SQLITE_OK;
char *zErr = 0;
int iMethod = -1; /* Compression method to use (0 or 8) */
const u8 *aData = 0; /* Possibly compressed data for new entry */
int nData = 0; /* Size of aData[] in bytes */
int szUncompressed = 0; /* Size of data before compression */
u8 *aFree = 0; /* Free this before returning */
u32 iCrc32 = 0; /* crc32 of uncompressed data */
char *zName = 0; /* Path (name) of new entry */
int nName = 0; /* Size of zName in bytes */
char *zFree = 0; /* Free this before returning */
int nByte;
memset(&e, 0, sizeof(e));
p = (ZipfileCtx*)sqlite3_aggregate_context(pCtx, sizeof(ZipfileCtx));
if( p==0 ) return;
/* Martial the arguments into stack variables */
if( nVal!=2 && nVal!=4 && nVal!=5 ){
zErr = sqlite3_mprintf("wrong number of arguments to function zipfile()");
goto zipfile_step_out;
pName = apVal[0];
if( nVal==2 ){
pData = apVal[1];
pMode = apVal[1];
pMtime = apVal[2];
pData = apVal[3];
if( nVal==5 ){
pMethod = apVal[4];
/* Check that the 'name' parameter looks ok. */
zName = (char*)sqlite3_value_text(pName);
nName = sqlite3_value_bytes(pName);
if( zName==0 ){
zErr = sqlite3_mprintf("first argument to zipfile() must be non-NULL");
goto zipfile_step_out;
/* Inspect the 'method' parameter. This must be either 0 (store), 8 (use
** deflate compression) or NULL (choose automatically). */
if( pMethod && SQLITE_NULL!=sqlite3_value_type(pMethod) ){
iMethod = (int)sqlite3_value_int64(pMethod);
if( iMethod!=0 && iMethod!=8 ){
zErr = sqlite3_mprintf("illegal method value: %d", iMethod);
goto zipfile_step_out;
/* Now inspect the data. If this is NULL, then the new entry must be a
** directory. Otherwise, figure out whether or not the data should
** be deflated or simply stored in the zip archive. */
if( sqlite3_value_type(pData)==SQLITE_NULL ){
bIsDir = 1;
iMethod = 0;
aData = sqlite3_value_blob(pData);
szUncompressed = nData = sqlite3_value_bytes(pData);
iCrc32 = crc32(0, aData, nData);
if( iMethod<0 || iMethod==8 ){
int nOut = 0;
rc = zipfileDeflate(aData, nData, &aFree, &nOut, &zErr);
if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
goto zipfile_step_out;
if( iMethod==8 || nOut<nData ){
aData = aFree;
nData = nOut;
iMethod = 8;
iMethod = 0;
/* Decode the "mode" argument. */
rc = zipfileGetMode(pMode, bIsDir, &mode, &zErr);
if( rc ) goto zipfile_step_out;
/* Decode the "mtime" argument. */
e.mUnixTime = zipfileGetTime(pMtime);
/* If this is a directory entry, ensure that there is exactly one '/'
** at the end of the path. Or, if this is not a directory and the path
** ends in '/' it is an error. */
if( bIsDir==0 ){
if( nName>0 && zName[nName-1]=='/' ){
zErr = sqlite3_mprintf("non-directory name must not end with /");
goto zipfile_step_out;
if( nName==0 || zName[nName-1]!='/' ){
zName = zFree = sqlite3_mprintf("%s/", zName);
if( zName==0 ){
goto zipfile_step_out;
nName = (int)strlen(zName);
while( nName>1 && zName[nName-2]=='/' ) nName--;
/* Assemble the ZipfileEntry object for the new zip archive entry */
e.cds.iVersionExtract = ZIPFILE_NEWENTRY_REQUIRED;
e.cds.iCompression = (u16)iMethod;
zipfileMtimeToDos(&e.cds, (u32)e.mUnixTime);
e.cds.crc32 = iCrc32;
e.cds.szCompressed = nData;
e.cds.szUncompressed = szUncompressed;
e.cds.iExternalAttr = (mode<<16);
e.cds.iOffset = p->body.n;
e.cds.nFile = (u16)nName;
e.cds.zFile = zName;
/* Append the LFH to the body of the new archive */
nByte = ZIPFILE_LFH_FIXED_SZ + e.cds.nFile + 9;
if( (rc = zipfileBufferGrow(&p->body, nByte)) ) goto zipfile_step_out;
p->body.n += zipfileSerializeLFH(&e, &p->body.a[p->body.n]);
/* Append the data to the body of the new archive */
if( nData>0 ){
if( (rc = zipfileBufferGrow(&p->body, nData)) ) goto zipfile_step_out;
memcpy(&p->body.a[p->body.n], aData, nData);
p->body.n += nData;
/* Append the CDS record to the directory of the new archive */
nByte = ZIPFILE_CDS_FIXED_SZ + e.cds.nFile + 9;
if( (rc = zipfileBufferGrow(&p->cds, nByte)) ) goto zipfile_step_out;
p->cds.n += zipfileSerializeCDS(&e, &p->cds.a[p->cds.n]);
/* Increment the count of entries in the archive */
if( rc ){
if( zErr ){
sqlite3_result_error(pCtx, zErr, -1);
sqlite3_result_error_code(pCtx, rc);
** xFinalize() callback for zipfile aggregate function.
void zipfileFinal(sqlite3_context *pCtx){
ZipfileCtx *p;
ZipfileEOCD eocd;
sqlite3_int64 nZip;
u8 *aZip;
p = (ZipfileCtx*)sqlite3_aggregate_context(pCtx, sizeof(ZipfileCtx));
if( p==0 ) return;
if( p->nEntry>0 ){
memset(&eocd, 0, sizeof(eocd));
eocd.nEntry = (u16)p->nEntry;
eocd.nEntryTotal = (u16)p->nEntry;
eocd.nSize = p->cds.n;
eocd.iOffset = p->body.n;
nZip = p->body.n + p->cds.n + ZIPFILE_EOCD_FIXED_SZ;
aZip = (u8*)sqlite3_malloc64(nZip);
if( aZip==0 ){
memcpy(aZip, p->body.a, p->body.n);
memcpy(&aZip[p->body.n], p->cds.a, p->cds.n);
zipfileSerializeEOCD(&eocd, &aZip[p->body.n + p->cds.n]);
sqlite3_result_blob(pCtx, aZip, (int)nZip, zipfileFree);
** Register the "zipfile" virtual table.
static int zipfileRegister(sqlite3 *db){
static sqlite3_module zipfileModule = {
1, /* iVersion */
zipfileConnect, /* xCreate */
zipfileConnect, /* xConnect */
zipfileBestIndex, /* xBestIndex */
zipfileDisconnect, /* xDisconnect */
zipfileDisconnect, /* xDestroy */
zipfileOpen, /* xOpen - open a cursor */
zipfileClose, /* xClose - close a cursor */
zipfileFilter, /* xFilter - configure scan constraints */
zipfileNext, /* xNext - advance a cursor */
zipfileEof, /* xEof - check for end of scan */
zipfileColumn, /* xColumn - read data */
0, /* xRowid - read data */
zipfileUpdate, /* xUpdate */
zipfileBegin, /* xBegin */
0, /* xSync */
zipfileCommit, /* xCommit */
zipfileRollback, /* xRollback */
zipfileFindFunction, /* xFindMethod */
0, /* xRename */
int rc = sqlite3_create_module(db, "zipfile" , &zipfileModule, 0);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ) rc = sqlite3_overload_function(db, "zipfile_cds", -1);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
rc = sqlite3_create_function(db, "zipfile", -1, SQLITE_UTF8, 0, 0,
zipfileStep, zipfileFinal
return rc;
# define zipfileRegister(x) SQLITE_OK
#ifdef _WIN32
int sqlite3_zipfile_init(
sqlite3 *db,
char **pzErrMsg,
const sqlite3_api_routines *pApi
(void)pzErrMsg; /* Unused parameter */
return zipfileRegister(db);
/************************* End ../ext/misc/zipfile.c ********************/
/************************* Begin ../ext/misc/sqlar.c ******************/
** 2017-12-17
** The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of
** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
** May you do good and not evil.
** May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
** May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
** Utility functions sqlar_compress() and sqlar_uncompress(). Useful
** for working with sqlar archives and used by the shell tool's built-in
** sqlar support.
/* #include "sqlite3ext.h" */
#include <zlib.h>
** Implementation of the "sqlar_compress(X)" SQL function.
** If the type of X is SQLITE_BLOB, and compressing that blob using
** zlib utility function compress() yields a smaller blob, return the
** compressed blob. Otherwise, return a copy of X.
** SQLar uses the "zlib format" for compressed content. The zlib format
** contains a two-byte identification header and a four-byte checksum at
** the end. This is different from ZIP which uses the raw deflate format.
** Future enhancements to SQLar might add support for new compression formats.
** If so, those new formats will be identified by alternative headers in the
** compressed data.
static void sqlarCompressFunc(
sqlite3_context *context,
int argc,
sqlite3_value **argv
assert( argc==1 );
if( sqlite3_value_type(argv[0])==SQLITE_BLOB ){
const Bytef *pData = sqlite3_value_blob(argv[0]);
uLong nData = sqlite3_value_bytes(argv[0]);
uLongf nOut = compressBound(nData);
Bytef *pOut;
pOut = (Bytef*)sqlite3_malloc(nOut);
if( pOut==0 ){
if( Z_OK!=compress(pOut, &nOut, pData, nData) ){
sqlite3_result_error(context, "error in compress()", -1);
}else if( nOut<nData ){
sqlite3_result_blob(context, pOut, nOut, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
sqlite3_result_value(context, argv[0]);
sqlite3_result_value(context, argv[0]);
** Implementation of the "sqlar_uncompress(X,SZ)" SQL function
** Parameter SZ is interpreted as an integer. If it is less than or
** equal to zero, then this function returns a copy of X. Or, if
** SZ is equal to the size of X when interpreted as a blob, also
** return a copy of X. Otherwise, decompress blob X using zlib
** utility function uncompress() and return the results (another
** blob).
static void sqlarUncompressFunc(
sqlite3_context *context,
int argc,
sqlite3_value **argv
uLong nData;
uLongf sz;
assert( argc==2 );
sz = sqlite3_value_int(argv[1]);
if( sz<=0 || sz==(nData = sqlite3_value_bytes(argv[0])) ){
sqlite3_result_value(context, argv[0]);
const Bytef *pData= sqlite3_value_blob(argv[0]);
Bytef *pOut = sqlite3_malloc(sz);
if( Z_OK!=uncompress(pOut, &sz, pData, nData) ){
sqlite3_result_error(context, "error in uncompress()", -1);
sqlite3_result_blob(context, pOut, sz, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
#ifdef _WIN32
int sqlite3_sqlar_init(
sqlite3 *db,
char **pzErrMsg,
const sqlite3_api_routines *pApi
int rc = SQLITE_OK;
(void)pzErrMsg; /* Unused parameter */
rc = sqlite3_create_function(db, "sqlar_compress", 1,
sqlarCompressFunc, 0, 0);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
rc = sqlite3_create_function(db, "sqlar_uncompress", 2,
sqlarUncompressFunc, 0, 0);
return rc;
/************************* End ../ext/misc/sqlar.c ********************/
/************************* Begin ../ext/expert/sqlite3expert.h ******************/
** 2017 April 07
** The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of
** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
** May you do good and not evil.
** May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
** May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
#if !defined(SQLITEEXPERT_H)
/* #include "sqlite3.h" */
typedef struct sqlite3expert sqlite3expert;
** Create a new sqlite3expert object.
** If successful, a pointer to the new object is returned and (*pzErr) set
** to NULL. Or, if an error occurs, NULL is returned and (*pzErr) set to
** an English-language error message. In this case it is the responsibility
** of the caller to eventually free the error message buffer using
** sqlite3_free().
sqlite3expert *sqlite3_expert_new(sqlite3 *db, char **pzErr);
** Configure an sqlite3expert object.
** By default, sqlite3_expert_analyze() generates sqlite_stat1 data for
** each candidate index. This involves scanning and sorting the entire
** contents of each user database table once for each candidate index
** associated with the table. For large databases, this can be
** prohibitively slow. This option allows the sqlite3expert object to
** be configured so that sqlite_stat1 data is instead generated based on a
** subset of each table, or so that no sqlite_stat1 data is used at all.
** A single integer argument is passed to this option. If the value is less
** than or equal to zero, then no sqlite_stat1 data is generated or used by
** the analysis - indexes are recommended based on the database schema only.
** Or, if the value is 100 or greater, complete sqlite_stat1 data is
** generated for each candidate index (this is the default). Finally, if the
** value falls between 0 and 100, then it represents the percentage of user
** table rows that should be considered when generating sqlite_stat1 data.
** Examples:
** // Do not generate any sqlite_stat1 data
** sqlite3_expert_config(pExpert, EXPERT_CONFIG_SAMPLE, 0);
** // Generate sqlite_stat1 data based on 10% of the rows in each table.
** sqlite3_expert_config(pExpert, EXPERT_CONFIG_SAMPLE, 10);
int sqlite3_expert_config(sqlite3expert *p, int op, ...);
#define EXPERT_CONFIG_SAMPLE 1 /* int */
** Specify zero or more SQL statements to be included in the analysis.
** Buffer zSql must contain zero or more complete SQL statements. This
** function parses all statements contained in the buffer and adds them
** to the internal list of statements to analyze. If successful, SQLITE_OK
** is returned and (*pzErr) set to NULL. Or, if an error occurs - for example
** due to a error in the SQL - an SQLite error code is returned and (*pzErr)
** may be set to point to an English language error message. In this case
** the caller is responsible for eventually freeing the error message buffer
** using sqlite3_free().
** If an error does occur while processing one of the statements in the
** buffer passed as the second argument, none of the statements in the
** buffer are added to the analysis.
** This function must be called before sqlite3_expert_analyze(). If a call
** to this function is made on an sqlite3expert object that has already
** been passed to sqlite3_expert_analyze() SQLITE_MISUSE is returned
** immediately and no statements are added to the analysis.
int sqlite3_expert_sql(
sqlite3expert *p, /* From a successful sqlite3_expert_new() */
const char *zSql, /* SQL statement(s) to add */
char **pzErr /* OUT: Error message (if any) */
** This function is called after the sqlite3expert object has been configured
** with all SQL statements using sqlite3_expert_sql() to actually perform
** the analysis. Once this function has been called, it is not possible to
** add further SQL statements to the analysis.
** If successful, SQLITE_OK is returned and (*pzErr) is set to NULL. Or, if
** an error occurs, an SQLite error code is returned and (*pzErr) set to
** point to a buffer containing an English language error message. In this
** case it is the responsibility of the caller to eventually free the buffer
** using sqlite3_free().
** If an error does occur within this function, the sqlite3expert object
** is no longer useful for any purpose. At that point it is no longer
** possible to add further SQL statements to the object or to re-attempt
** the analysis. The sqlite3expert object must still be freed using a call
** sqlite3_expert_destroy().
int sqlite3_expert_analyze(sqlite3expert *p, char **pzErr);
** Return the total number of statements loaded using sqlite3_expert_sql().
** The total number of SQL statements may be different from the total number
** to calls to sqlite3_expert_sql().
int sqlite3_expert_count(sqlite3expert*);
** Return a component of the report.
** This function is called after sqlite3_expert_analyze() to extract the
** results of the analysis. Each call to this function returns either a
** NULL pointer or a pointer to a buffer containing a nul-terminated string.
** The value passed as the third argument must be one of the EXPERT_REPORT_*
** #define constants defined below.
** For some EXPERT_REPORT_* parameters, the buffer returned contains
** information relating to a specific SQL statement. In these cases that
** SQL statement is identified by the value passed as the second argument.
** SQL statements are numbered from 0 in the order in which they are parsed.
** If an out-of-range value (less than zero or equal to or greater than the
** value returned by sqlite3_expert_count()) is passed as the second argument
** along with such an EXPERT_REPORT_* parameter, NULL is always returned.
** Return the text of SQL statement iStmt.
** Return a buffer containing the CREATE INDEX statements for all recommended
** indexes for statement iStmt. If there are no new recommeded indexes, NULL
** is returned.
** Return a buffer containing the EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN output for SQL query
** iStmt after the proposed indexes have been added to the database schema.
** Return a pointer to a buffer containing the CREATE INDEX statements
** for all indexes that were tested (for all SQL statements). The iStmt
** parameter is ignored for EXPERT_REPORT_CANDIDATES calls.
const char *sqlite3_expert_report(sqlite3expert*, int iStmt, int eReport);
** Values for the third argument passed to sqlite3_expert_report().
** Free an (sqlite3expert*) handle and all associated resources. There
** should be one call to this function for each successful call to
** sqlite3-expert_new().
void sqlite3_expert_destroy(sqlite3expert*);
#endif /* !defined(SQLITEEXPERT_H) */
/************************* End ../ext/expert/sqlite3expert.h ********************/
/************************* Begin ../ext/expert/sqlite3expert.c ******************/
** 2017 April 09
** The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of
** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
** May you do good and not evil.
** May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
** May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
/* #include "sqlite3expert.h" */
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
/* typedef sqlite3_int64 i64; */
/* typedef sqlite3_uint64 u64; */
typedef struct IdxColumn IdxColumn;
typedef struct IdxConstraint IdxConstraint;
typedef struct IdxScan IdxScan;
typedef struct IdxStatement IdxStatement;
typedef struct IdxTable IdxTable;
typedef struct IdxWrite IdxWrite;
#define STRLEN (int)strlen
** A temp table name that we assume no user database will actually use.
** If this assumption proves incorrect triggers on the table with the
** conflicting name will be ignored.
#define UNIQUE_TABLE_NAME "t592690916721053953805701627921227776"
** A single constraint. Equivalent to either "col = ?" or "col < ?" (or
** any other type of single-ended range constraint on a column).
** pLink:
** Used to temporarily link IdxConstraint objects into lists while
** creating candidate indexes.
struct IdxConstraint {
char *zColl; /* Collation sequence */
int bRange; /* True for range, false for eq */
int iCol; /* Constrained table column */
int bFlag; /* Used by idxFindCompatible() */
int bDesc; /* True if ORDER BY <expr> DESC */
IdxConstraint *pNext; /* Next constraint in pEq or pRange list */
IdxConstraint *pLink; /* See above */
** A single scan of a single table.
struct IdxScan {
IdxTable *pTab; /* Associated table object */
int iDb; /* Database containing table zTable */
i64 covering; /* Mask of columns required for cov. index */
IdxConstraint *pOrder; /* ORDER BY columns */
IdxConstraint *pEq; /* List of == constraints */
IdxConstraint *pRange; /* List of < constraints */
IdxScan *pNextScan; /* Next IdxScan object for same analysis */
** Information regarding a single database table. Extracted from
** "PRAGMA table_info" by function idxGetTableInfo().
struct IdxColumn {
char *zName;
char *zColl;
int iPk;
struct IdxTable {
int nCol;
char *zName; /* Table name */
IdxColumn *aCol;
IdxTable *pNext; /* Next table in linked list of all tables */
** An object of the following type is created for each unique table/write-op
** seen. The objects are stored in a singly-linked list beginning at
** sqlite3expert.pWrite.
struct IdxWrite {
IdxTable *pTab;
IdxWrite *pNext;
** Each statement being analyzed is represented by an instance of this
** structure.
struct IdxStatement {
int iId; /* Statement number */
char *zSql; /* SQL statement */
char *zIdx; /* Indexes */
char *zEQP; /* Plan */
IdxStatement *pNext;
** A hash table for storing strings. With space for a payload string
** with each entry. Methods are:
** idxHashInit()
** idxHashClear()
** idxHashAdd()
** idxHashSearch()
#define IDX_HASH_SIZE 1023
typedef struct IdxHashEntry IdxHashEntry;
typedef struct IdxHash IdxHash;
struct IdxHashEntry {
char *zKey; /* nul-terminated key */
char *zVal; /* nul-terminated value string */
char *zVal2; /* nul-terminated value string 2 */
IdxHashEntry *pHashNext; /* Next entry in same hash bucket */
IdxHashEntry *pNext; /* Next entry in hash */
struct IdxHash {
IdxHashEntry *pFirst;
IdxHashEntry *aHash[IDX_HASH_SIZE];
** sqlite3expert object.
struct sqlite3expert {
int iSample; /* Percentage of tables to sample for stat1 */
sqlite3 *db; /* User database */
sqlite3 *dbm; /* In-memory db for this analysis */
sqlite3 *dbv; /* Vtab schema for this analysis */
IdxTable *pTable; /* List of all IdxTable objects */
IdxScan *pScan; /* List of scan objects */
IdxWrite *pWrite; /* List of write objects */
IdxStatement *pStatement; /* List of IdxStatement objects */
int bRun; /* True once analysis has run */
char **pzErrmsg;
int rc; /* Error code from whereinfo hook */
IdxHash hIdx; /* Hash containing all candidate indexes */
char *zCandidates; /* For EXPERT_REPORT_CANDIDATES */
** Allocate and return nByte bytes of zeroed memory using sqlite3_malloc().
** If the allocation fails, set *pRc to SQLITE_NOMEM and return NULL.
static void *idxMalloc(int *pRc, int nByte){
void *pRet;
assert( *pRc==SQLITE_OK );
assert( nByte>0 );
pRet = sqlite3_malloc(nByte);
if( pRet ){
memset(pRet, 0, nByte);
return pRet;
** Initialize an IdxHash hash table.
static void idxHashInit(IdxHash *pHash){
memset(pHash, 0, sizeof(IdxHash));
** Reset an IdxHash hash table.
static void idxHashClear(IdxHash *pHash){
int i;
for(i=0; i<IDX_HASH_SIZE; i++){
IdxHashEntry *pEntry;
IdxHashEntry *pNext;
for(pEntry=pHash->aHash[i]; pEntry; pEntry=pNext){
pNext = pEntry->pHashNext;
memset(pHash, 0, sizeof(IdxHash));
** Return the index of the hash bucket that the string specified by the
** arguments to this function belongs.
static int idxHashString(const char *z, int n){
unsigned int ret = 0;
int i;
for(i=0; i<n; i++){
ret += (ret<<3) + (unsigned char)(z[i]);
return (int)(ret % IDX_HASH_SIZE);
** If zKey is already present in the hash table, return non-zero and do
** nothing. Otherwise, add an entry with key zKey and payload string zVal to
** the hash table passed as the second argument.
static int idxHashAdd(
int *pRc,
IdxHash *pHash,
const char *zKey,
const char *zVal
int nKey = STRLEN(zKey);
int iHash = idxHashString(zKey, nKey);
int nVal = (zVal ? STRLEN(zVal) : 0);
IdxHashEntry *pEntry;
assert( iHash>=0 );
for(pEntry=pHash->aHash[iHash]; pEntry; pEntry=pEntry->pHashNext){
if( STRLEN(pEntry->zKey)==nKey && 0==memcmp(pEntry->zKey, zKey, nKey) ){
return 1;
pEntry = idxMalloc(pRc, sizeof(IdxHashEntry) + nKey+1 + nVal+1);
if( pEntry ){
pEntry->zKey = (char*)&pEntry[1];
memcpy(pEntry->zKey, zKey, nKey);
if( zVal ){
pEntry->zVal = &pEntry->zKey[nKey+1];
memcpy(pEntry->zVal, zVal, nVal);
pEntry->pHashNext = pHash->aHash[iHash];
pHash->aHash[iHash] = pEntry;
pEntry->pNext = pHash->pFirst;
pHash->pFirst = pEntry;
return 0;
** If zKey/nKey is present in the hash table, return a pointer to the
** hash-entry object.
static IdxHashEntry *idxHashFind(IdxHash *pHash, const char *zKey, int nKey){
int iHash;
IdxHashEntry *pEntry;
if( nKey<0 ) nKey = STRLEN(zKey);
iHash = idxHashString(zKey, nKey);
assert( iHash>=0 );
for(pEntry=pHash->aHash[iHash]; pEntry; pEntry=pEntry->pHashNext){
if( STRLEN(pEntry->zKey)==nKey && 0==memcmp(pEntry->zKey, zKey, nKey) ){
return pEntry;
return 0;
** If the hash table contains an entry with a key equal to the string
** passed as the final two arguments to this function, return a pointer
** to the payload string. Otherwise, if zKey/nKey is not present in the
** hash table, return NULL.
static const char *idxHashSearch(IdxHash *pHash, const char *zKey, int nKey){
IdxHashEntry *pEntry = idxHashFind(pHash, zKey, nKey);
if( pEntry ) return pEntry->zVal;
return 0;
** Allocate and return a new IdxConstraint object. Set the IdxConstraint.zColl
** variable to point to a copy of nul-terminated string zColl.
static IdxConstraint *idxNewConstraint(int *pRc, const char *zColl){
IdxConstraint *pNew;
int nColl = STRLEN(zColl);
assert( *pRc==SQLITE_OK );
pNew = (IdxConstraint*)idxMalloc(pRc, sizeof(IdxConstraint) * nColl + 1);
if( pNew ){
pNew->zColl = (char*)&pNew[1];
memcpy(pNew->zColl, zColl, nColl+1);
return pNew;
** An error associated with database handle db has just occurred. Pass
** the error message to callback function xOut.
static void idxDatabaseError(
sqlite3 *db, /* Database handle */
char **pzErrmsg /* Write error here */
*pzErrmsg = sqlite3_mprintf("%s", sqlite3_errmsg(db));
** Prepare an SQL statement.
static int idxPrepareStmt(
sqlite3 *db, /* Database handle to compile against */
sqlite3_stmt **ppStmt, /* OUT: Compiled SQL statement */
char **pzErrmsg, /* OUT: sqlite3_malloc()ed error message */
const char *zSql /* SQL statement to compile */
int rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, zSql, -1, ppStmt, 0);
if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
*ppStmt = 0;
idxDatabaseError(db, pzErrmsg);
return rc;
** Prepare an SQL statement using the results of a printf() formatting.
static int idxPrintfPrepareStmt(
sqlite3 *db, /* Database handle to compile against */
sqlite3_stmt **ppStmt, /* OUT: Compiled SQL statement */
char **pzErrmsg, /* OUT: sqlite3_malloc()ed error message */
const char *zFmt, /* printf() format of SQL statement */
... /* Trailing printf() arguments */
va_list ap;
int rc;
char *zSql;
va_start(ap, zFmt);
zSql = sqlite3_vmprintf(zFmt, ap);
if( zSql==0 ){
rc = idxPrepareStmt(db, ppStmt, pzErrmsg, zSql);
return rc;
** Beginning of virtual table implementation.
typedef struct ExpertVtab ExpertVtab;
struct ExpertVtab {
sqlite3_vtab base;
IdxTable *pTab;
sqlite3expert *pExpert;
typedef struct ExpertCsr ExpertCsr;
struct ExpertCsr {
sqlite3_vtab_cursor base;
sqlite3_stmt *pData;
static char *expertDequote(const char *zIn){
int n = STRLEN(zIn);
char *zRet = sqlite3_malloc(n);
assert( zIn[0]=='\'' );
assert( zIn[n-1]=='\'' );
if( zRet ){
int iOut = 0;
int iIn = 0;
for(iIn=1; iIn<(n-1); iIn++){
if( zIn[iIn]=='\'' ){
assert( zIn[iIn+1]=='\'' );
zRet[iOut++] = zIn[iIn];
zRet[iOut] = '\0';
return zRet;
** This function is the implementation of both the xConnect and xCreate
** methods of the r-tree virtual table.
** argv[0] -> module name
** argv[1] -> database name
** argv[2] -> table name
** argv[...] -> column names...
static int expertConnect(
sqlite3 *db,
void *pAux,
int argc, const char *const*argv,
sqlite3_vtab **ppVtab,
char **pzErr
sqlite3expert *pExpert = (sqlite3expert*)pAux;
ExpertVtab *p = 0;
int rc;
if( argc!=4 ){
*pzErr = sqlite3_mprintf("internal error!");
char *zCreateTable = expertDequote(argv[3]);
if( zCreateTable ){
rc = sqlite3_declare_vtab(db, zCreateTable);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
p = idxMalloc(&rc, sizeof(ExpertVtab));
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
p->pExpert = pExpert;
p->pTab = pExpert->pTable;
assert( sqlite3_stricmp(p->pTab->zName, argv[2])==0 );
*ppVtab = (sqlite3_vtab*)p;
return rc;
static int expertDisconnect(sqlite3_vtab *pVtab){
ExpertVtab *p = (ExpertVtab*)pVtab;
return SQLITE_OK;
static int expertBestIndex(sqlite3_vtab *pVtab, sqlite3_index_info *pIdxInfo){
ExpertVtab *p = (ExpertVtab*)pVtab;
int rc = SQLITE_OK;
int n = 0;
IdxScan *pScan;
const int opmask =
pScan = idxMalloc(&rc, sizeof(IdxScan));
if( pScan ){
int i;
/* Link the new scan object into the list */
pScan->pTab = p->pTab;
pScan->pNextScan = p->pExpert->pScan;
p->pExpert->pScan = pScan;
/* Add the constraints to the IdxScan object */
for(i=0; i<pIdxInfo->nConstraint; i++){
struct sqlite3_index_constraint *pCons = &pIdxInfo->aConstraint[i];
if( pCons->usable
&& pCons->iColumn>=0
&& p->pTab->aCol[pCons->iColumn].iPk==0
&& (pCons->op & opmask)
IdxConstraint *pNew;
const char *zColl = sqlite3_vtab_collation(pIdxInfo, i);
pNew = idxNewConstraint(&rc, zColl);
if( pNew ){
pNew->iCol = pCons->iColumn;
pNew->pNext = pScan->pEq;
pScan->pEq = pNew;
pNew->bRange = 1;
pNew->pNext = pScan->pRange;
pScan->pRange = pNew;
pIdxInfo->aConstraintUsage[i].argvIndex = n;
/* Add the ORDER BY to the IdxScan object */
for(i=pIdxInfo->nOrderBy-1; i>=0; i--){
int iCol = pIdxInfo->aOrderBy[i].iColumn;
if( iCol>=0 ){
IdxConstraint *pNew = idxNewConstraint(&rc, p->pTab->aCol[iCol].zColl);
if( pNew ){
pNew->iCol = iCol;
pNew->bDesc = pIdxInfo->aOrderBy[i].desc;
pNew->pNext = pScan->pOrder;
pNew->pLink = pScan->pOrder;
pScan->pOrder = pNew;
pIdxInfo->estimatedCost = 1000000.0 / (n+1);
return rc;
static int expertUpdate(
sqlite3_vtab *pVtab,
int nData,
sqlite3_value **azData,
sqlite_int64 *pRowid
return SQLITE_OK;
** Virtual table module xOpen method.
static int expertOpen(sqlite3_vtab *pVTab, sqlite3_vtab_cursor **ppCursor){
int rc = SQLITE_OK;
ExpertCsr *pCsr;
pCsr = idxMalloc(&rc, sizeof(ExpertCsr));
*ppCursor = (sqlite3_vtab_cursor*)pCsr;
return rc;
** Virtual table module xClose method.
static int expertClose(sqlite3_vtab_cursor *cur){
ExpertCsr *pCsr = (ExpertCsr*)cur;
return SQLITE_OK;
** Virtual table module xEof method.
** Return non-zero if the cursor does not currently point to a valid
** record (i.e if the scan has finished), or zero otherwise.
static int expertEof(sqlite3_vtab_cursor *cur){
ExpertCsr *pCsr = (ExpertCsr*)cur;
return pCsr->pData==0;
** Virtual table module xNext method.
static int expertNext(sqlite3_vtab_cursor *cur){
ExpertCsr *pCsr = (ExpertCsr*)cur;
int rc = SQLITE_OK;
assert( pCsr->pData );
rc = sqlite3_step(pCsr->pData);
if( rc!=SQLITE_ROW ){
rc = sqlite3_finalize(pCsr->pData);
pCsr->pData = 0;
return rc;
** Virtual table module xRowid method.
static int expertRowid(sqlite3_vtab_cursor *cur, sqlite_int64 *pRowid){
*pRowid = 0;
return SQLITE_OK;
** Virtual table module xColumn method.
static int expertColumn(sqlite3_vtab_cursor *cur, sqlite3_context *ctx, int i){
ExpertCsr *pCsr = (ExpertCsr*)cur;
sqlite3_value *pVal;
pVal = sqlite3_column_value(pCsr->pData, i);
if( pVal ){
sqlite3_result_value(ctx, pVal);
return SQLITE_OK;
** Virtual table module xFilter method.
static int expertFilter(
sqlite3_vtab_cursor *cur,
int idxNum, const char *idxStr,
int argc, sqlite3_value **argv
ExpertCsr *pCsr = (ExpertCsr*)cur;
ExpertVtab *pVtab = (ExpertVtab*)(cur->pVtab);
sqlite3expert *pExpert = pVtab->pExpert;
int rc;
rc = sqlite3_finalize(pCsr->pData);
pCsr->pData = 0;
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
rc = idxPrintfPrepareStmt(pExpert->db, &pCsr->pData, &pVtab->base.zErrMsg,
"SELECT * FROM main.%Q WHERE sample()", pVtab->pTab->zName
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
rc = expertNext(cur);
return rc;
static int idxRegisterVtab(sqlite3expert *p){
static sqlite3_module expertModule = {
2, /* iVersion */
expertConnect, /* xCreate - create a table */
expertConnect, /* xConnect - connect to an existing table */
expertBestIndex, /* xBestIndex - Determine search strategy */
expertDisconnect, /* xDisconnect - Disconnect from a table */
expertDisconnect, /* xDestroy - Drop a table */
expertOpen, /* xOpen - open a cursor */
expertClose, /* xClose - close a cursor */
expertFilter, /* xFilter - configure scan constraints */
expertNext, /* xNext - advance a cursor */
expertEof, /* xEof */
expertColumn, /* xColumn - read data */
expertRowid, /* xRowid - read data */
expertUpdate, /* xUpdate - write data */
0, /* xBegin - begin transaction */
0, /* xSync - sync transaction */
0, /* xCommit - commit transaction */
0, /* xRollback - rollback transaction */
0, /* xFindFunction - function overloading */
0, /* xRename - rename the table */
0, /* xSavepoint */
0, /* xRelease */
0, /* xRollbackTo */
0, /* xShadowName */
return sqlite3_create_module(p->dbv, "expert", &expertModule, (void*)p);
** End of virtual table implementation.
** Finalize SQL statement pStmt. If (*pRc) is SQLITE_OK when this function
** is called, set it to the return value of sqlite3_finalize() before
** returning. Otherwise, discard the sqlite3_finalize() return value.
static void idxFinalize(int *pRc, sqlite3_stmt *pStmt){
int rc = sqlite3_finalize(pStmt);
if( *pRc==SQLITE_OK ) *pRc = rc;
** Attempt to allocate an IdxTable structure corresponding to table zTab
** in the main database of connection db. If successful, set (*ppOut) to
** point to the new object and return SQLITE_OK. Otherwise, return an
** SQLite error code and set (*ppOut) to NULL. In this case *pzErrmsg may be
** set to point to an error string.
** It is the responsibility of the caller to eventually free either the
** IdxTable object or error message using sqlite3_free().
static int idxGetTableInfo(
sqlite3 *db, /* Database connection to read details from */
const char *zTab, /* Table name */
IdxTable **ppOut, /* OUT: New object (if successful) */
char **pzErrmsg /* OUT: Error message (if not) */
sqlite3_stmt *p1 = 0;
int nCol = 0;
int nTab = STRLEN(zTab);
int nByte = sizeof(IdxTable) + nTab + 1;
IdxTable *pNew = 0;
int rc, rc2;
char *pCsr = 0;
rc = idxPrintfPrepareStmt(db, &p1, pzErrmsg, "PRAGMA table_info=%Q", zTab);
while( rc==SQLITE_OK && SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(p1) ){
const char *zCol = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(p1, 1);
nByte += 1 + STRLEN(zCol);
rc = sqlite3_table_column_metadata(
db, "main", zTab, zCol, 0, &zCol, 0, 0, 0
nByte += 1 + STRLEN(zCol);
rc2 = sqlite3_reset(p1);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ) rc = rc2;
nByte += sizeof(IdxColumn) * nCol;
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
pNew = idxMalloc(&rc, nByte);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
pNew->aCol = (IdxColumn*)&pNew[1];
pNew->nCol = nCol;
pCsr = (char*)&pNew->aCol[nCol];
nCol = 0;
while( rc==SQLITE_OK && SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(p1) ){
const char *zCol = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(p1, 1);
int nCopy = STRLEN(zCol) + 1;
pNew->aCol[nCol].zName = pCsr;
pNew->aCol[nCol].iPk = sqlite3_column_int(p1, 5);
memcpy(pCsr, zCol, nCopy);
pCsr += nCopy;
rc = sqlite3_table_column_metadata(
db, "main", zTab, zCol, 0, &zCol, 0, 0, 0
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
nCopy = STRLEN(zCol) + 1;
pNew->aCol[nCol].zColl = pCsr;
memcpy(pCsr, zCol, nCopy);
pCsr += nCopy;
idxFinalize(&rc, p1);
if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
pNew = 0;
pNew->zName = pCsr;
memcpy(pNew->zName, zTab, nTab+1);
*ppOut = pNew;
return rc;
** This function is a no-op if *pRc is set to anything other than
** SQLITE_OK when it is called.
** If *pRc is initially set to SQLITE_OK, then the text specified by
** the printf() style arguments is appended to zIn and the result returned
** in a buffer allocated by sqlite3_malloc(). sqlite3_free() is called on
** zIn before returning.
static char *idxAppendText(int *pRc, char *zIn, const char *zFmt, ...){
va_list ap;
char *zAppend = 0;
char *zRet = 0;
int nIn = zIn ? STRLEN(zIn) : 0;
int nAppend = 0;
va_start(ap, zFmt);
if( *pRc==SQLITE_OK ){
zAppend = sqlite3_vmprintf(zFmt, ap);
if( zAppend ){
nAppend = STRLEN(zAppend);
zRet = (char*)sqlite3_malloc(nIn + nAppend + 1);
if( zAppend && zRet ){
if( nIn ) memcpy(zRet, zIn, nIn);
memcpy(&zRet[nIn], zAppend, nAppend+1);
zRet = 0;
return zRet;
** Return true if zId must be quoted in order to use it as an SQL
** identifier, or false otherwise.
static int idxIdentifierRequiresQuotes(const char *zId){
int i;
for(i=0; zId[i]; i++){
if( !(zId[i]=='_')
&& !(zId[i]>='0' && zId[i]<='9')
&& !(zId[i]>='a' && zId[i]<='z')
&& !(zId[i]>='A' && zId[i]<='Z')
return 1;
return 0;
** This function appends an index column definition suitable for constraint
** pCons to the string passed as zIn and returns the result.
static char *idxAppendColDefn(
int *pRc, /* IN/OUT: Error code */
char *zIn, /* Column defn accumulated so far */
IdxTable *pTab, /* Table index will be created on */
IdxConstraint *pCons
char *zRet = zIn;
IdxColumn *p = &pTab->aCol[pCons->iCol];
if( zRet ) zRet = idxAppendText(pRc, zRet, ", ");
if( idxIdentifierRequiresQuotes(p->zName) ){
zRet = idxAppendText(pRc, zRet, "%Q", p->zName);
zRet = idxAppendText(pRc, zRet, "%s", p->zName);
if( sqlite3_stricmp(p->zColl, pCons->zColl) ){
if( idxIdentifierRequiresQuotes(pCons->zColl) ){
zRet = idxAppendText(pRc, zRet, " COLLATE %Q", pCons->zColl);
zRet = idxAppendText(pRc, zRet, " COLLATE %s", pCons->zColl);
if( pCons->bDesc ){
zRet = idxAppendText(pRc, zRet, " DESC");
return zRet;
** Search database dbm for an index compatible with the one idxCreateFromCons()
** would create from arguments pScan, pEq and pTail. If no error occurs and
** such an index is found, return non-zero. Or, if no such index is found,
** return zero.
** If an error occurs, set *pRc to an SQLite error code and return zero.
static int idxFindCompatible(
int *pRc, /* OUT: Error code */
sqlite3* dbm, /* Database to search */
IdxScan *pScan, /* Scan for table to search for index on */
IdxConstraint *pEq, /* List of == constraints */
IdxConstraint *pTail /* List of range constraints */
const char *zTbl = pScan->pTab->zName;
sqlite3_stmt *pIdxList = 0;
IdxConstraint *pIter;
int nEq = 0; /* Number of elements in pEq */
int rc;
/* Count the elements in list pEq */
for(pIter=pEq; pIter; pIter=pIter->pLink) nEq++;
rc = idxPrintfPrepareStmt(dbm, &pIdxList, 0, "PRAGMA index_list=%Q", zTbl);
while( rc==SQLITE_OK && sqlite3_step(pIdxList)==SQLITE_ROW ){
int bMatch = 1;
IdxConstraint *pT = pTail;
sqlite3_stmt *pInfo = 0;
const char *zIdx = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(pIdxList, 1);
/* Zero the IdxConstraint.bFlag values in the pEq list */
for(pIter=pEq; pIter; pIter=pIter->pLink) pIter->bFlag = 0;
rc = idxPrintfPrepareStmt(dbm, &pInfo, 0, "PRAGMA index_xInfo=%Q", zIdx);
while( rc==SQLITE_OK && sqlite3_step(pInfo)==SQLITE_ROW ){
int iIdx = sqlite3_column_int(pInfo, 0);
int iCol = sqlite3_column_int(pInfo, 1);
const char *zColl = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(pInfo, 4);
if( iIdx<nEq ){
for(pIter=pEq; pIter; pIter=pIter->pLink){
if( pIter->bFlag ) continue;
if( pIter->iCol!=iCol ) continue;
if( sqlite3_stricmp(pIter->zColl, zColl) ) continue;
pIter->bFlag = 1;
if( pIter==0 ){
bMatch = 0;
if( pT ){
if( pT->iCol!=iCol || sqlite3_stricmp(pT->zColl, zColl) ){
bMatch = 0;
pT = pT->pLink;
idxFinalize(&rc, pInfo);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK && bMatch ){
return 1;
idxFinalize(&rc, pIdxList);
*pRc = rc;
return 0;
static int idxCreateFromCons(
sqlite3expert *p,
IdxScan *pScan,
IdxConstraint *pEq,
IdxConstraint *pTail
sqlite3 *dbm = p->dbm;
int rc = SQLITE_OK;
if( (pEq || pTail) && 0==idxFindCompatible(&rc, dbm, pScan, pEq, pTail) ){
IdxTable *pTab = pScan->pTab;
char *zCols = 0;
char *zIdx = 0;
IdxConstraint *pCons;
unsigned int h = 0;
const char *zFmt;
for(pCons=pEq; pCons; pCons=pCons->pLink){
zCols = idxAppendColDefn(&rc, zCols, pTab, pCons);
for(pCons=pTail; pCons; pCons=pCons->pLink){
zCols = idxAppendColDefn(&rc, zCols, pTab, pCons);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
/* Hash the list of columns to come up with a name for the index */
const char *zTable = pScan->pTab->zName;
char *zName; /* Index name */
int i;
for(i=0; zCols[i]; i++){
h += ((h<<3) + zCols[i]);
zName = sqlite3_mprintf("%s_idx_%08x", zTable, h);
if( zName==0 ){
if( idxIdentifierRequiresQuotes(zTable) ){
zFmt = "CREATE INDEX '%q' ON %Q(%s)";
zFmt = "CREATE INDEX %s ON %s(%s)";
zIdx = sqlite3_mprintf(zFmt, zName, zTable, zCols);
if( !zIdx ){
rc = sqlite3_exec(dbm, zIdx, 0, 0, p->pzErrmsg);
idxHashAdd(&rc, &p->hIdx, zName, zIdx);
return rc;
** Return true if list pList (linked by IdxConstraint.pLink) contains
** a constraint compatible with *p. Otherwise return false.
static int idxFindConstraint(IdxConstraint *pList, IdxConstraint *p){
IdxConstraint *pCmp;
for(pCmp=pList; pCmp; pCmp=pCmp->pLink){
if( p->iCol==pCmp->iCol ) return 1;
return 0;
static int idxCreateFromWhere(
sqlite3expert *p,
IdxScan *pScan, /* Create indexes for this scan */
IdxConstraint *pTail /* range/ORDER BY constraints for inclusion */
IdxConstraint *p1 = 0;
IdxConstraint *pCon;
int rc;
/* Gather up all the == constraints. */
for(pCon=pScan->pEq; pCon; pCon=pCon->pNext){
if( !idxFindConstraint(p1, pCon) && !idxFindConstraint(pTail, pCon) ){
pCon->pLink = p1;
p1 = pCon;
/* Create an index using the == constraints collected above. And the
** range constraint/ORDER BY terms passed in by the caller, if any. */
rc = idxCreateFromCons(p, pScan, p1, pTail);
/* If no range/ORDER BY passed by the caller, create a version of the
** index for each range constraint. */
if( pTail==0 ){
for(pCon=pScan->pRange; rc==SQLITE_OK && pCon; pCon=pCon->pNext){
assert( pCon->pLink==0 );
if( !idxFindConstraint(p1, pCon) && !idxFindConstraint(pTail, pCon) ){
rc = idxCreateFromCons(p, pScan, p1, pCon);
return rc;
** Create candidate indexes in database [dbm] based on the data in
** linked-list pScan.
static int idxCreateCandidates(sqlite3expert *p){
int rc = SQLITE_OK;
IdxScan *pIter;
for(pIter=p->pScan; pIter && rc==SQLITE_OK; pIter=pIter->pNextScan){
rc = idxCreateFromWhere(p, pIter, 0);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK && pIter->pOrder ){
rc = idxCreateFromWhere(p, pIter, pIter->pOrder);
return rc;
** Free all elements of the linked list starting at pConstraint.
static void idxConstraintFree(IdxConstraint *pConstraint){
IdxConstraint *pNext;
IdxConstraint *p;
for(p=pConstraint; p; p=pNext){
pNext = p->pNext;
** Free all elements of the linked list starting from pScan up until pLast
** (pLast is not freed).
static void idxScanFree(IdxScan *pScan, IdxScan *pLast){
IdxScan *p;
IdxScan *pNext;
for(p=pScan; p!=pLast; p=pNext){
pNext = p->pNextScan;
** Free all elements of the linked list starting from pStatement up
** until pLast (pLast is not freed).
static void idxStatementFree(IdxStatement *pStatement, IdxStatement *pLast){
IdxStatement *p;
IdxStatement *pNext;
for(p=pStatement; p!=pLast; p=pNext){
pNext = p->pNext;
** Free the linked list of IdxTable objects starting at pTab.
static void idxTableFree(IdxTable *pTab){
IdxTable *pIter;
IdxTable *pNext;
for(pIter=pTab; pIter; pIter=pNext){
pNext = pIter->pNext;
** Free the linked list of IdxWrite objects starting at pTab.
static void idxWriteFree(IdxWrite *pTab){
IdxWrite *pIter;
IdxWrite *pNext;
for(pIter=pTab; pIter; pIter=pNext){
pNext = pIter->pNext;
** This function is called after candidate indexes have been created. It
** runs all the queries to see which indexes they prefer, and populates
** IdxStatement.zIdx and IdxStatement.zEQP with the results.
int idxFindIndexes(
sqlite3expert *p,
char **pzErr /* OUT: Error message (sqlite3_malloc) */
IdxStatement *pStmt;
sqlite3 *dbm = p->dbm;
int rc = SQLITE_OK;
IdxHash hIdx;
for(pStmt=p->pStatement; rc==SQLITE_OK && pStmt; pStmt=pStmt->pNext){
IdxHashEntry *pEntry;
sqlite3_stmt *pExplain = 0;
rc = idxPrintfPrepareStmt(dbm, &pExplain, pzErr,
"EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN %s", pStmt->zSql
while( rc==SQLITE_OK && sqlite3_step(pExplain)==SQLITE_ROW ){
/* int iId = sqlite3_column_int(pExplain, 0); */
/* int iParent = sqlite3_column_int(pExplain, 1); */
/* int iNotUsed = sqlite3_column_int(pExplain, 2); */
const char *zDetail = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(pExplain, 3);
int nDetail = STRLEN(zDetail);
int i;
for(i=0; i<nDetail; i++){
const char *zIdx = 0;
if( memcmp(&zDetail[i], " USING INDEX ", 13)==0 ){
zIdx = &zDetail[i+13];
}else if( memcmp(&zDetail[i], " USING COVERING INDEX ", 22)==0 ){
zIdx = &zDetail[i+22];
if( zIdx ){
const char *zSql;
int nIdx = 0;
while( zIdx[nIdx]!='\0' && (zIdx[nIdx]!=' ' || zIdx[nIdx+1]!='(') ){
zSql = idxHashSearch(&p->hIdx, zIdx, nIdx);
if( zSql ){
idxHashAdd(&rc, &hIdx, zSql, 0);
if( rc ) goto find_indexes_out;
if( zDetail[0]!='-' ){
pStmt->zEQP = idxAppendText(&rc, pStmt->zEQP, "%s\n", zDetail);
for(pEntry=hIdx.pFirst; pEntry; pEntry=pEntry->pNext){
pStmt->zIdx = idxAppendText(&rc, pStmt->zIdx, "%s;\n", pEntry->zKey);
idxFinalize(&rc, pExplain);
return rc;
static int idxAuthCallback(
void *pCtx,
int eOp,
const char *z3,
const char *z4,
const char *zDb,
const char *zTrigger
int rc = SQLITE_OK;
if( sqlite3_stricmp(zDb, "main")==0 ){
sqlite3expert *p = (sqlite3expert*)pCtx;
IdxTable *pTab;
for(pTab=p->pTable; pTab; pTab=pTab->pNext){
if( 0==sqlite3_stricmp(z3, pTab->zName) ) break;
if( pTab ){
IdxWrite *pWrite;
for(pWrite=p->pWrite; pWrite; pWrite=pWrite->pNext){
if( pWrite->pTab==pTab && pWrite->eOp==eOp ) break;
if( pWrite==0 ){
pWrite = idxMalloc(&rc, sizeof(IdxWrite));
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
pWrite->pTab = pTab;
pWrite->eOp = eOp;
pWrite->pNext = p->pWrite;
p->pWrite = pWrite;
return rc;
static int idxProcessOneTrigger(
sqlite3expert *p,
IdxWrite *pWrite,
char **pzErr
static const char *zInt = UNIQUE_TABLE_NAME;
static const char *zDrop = "DROP TABLE " UNIQUE_TABLE_NAME;
IdxTable *pTab = pWrite->pTab;
const char *zTab = pTab->zName;
const char *zSql =
"SELECT 'CREATE TEMP' || substr(sql, 7) FROM sqlite_master "
"WHERE tbl_name = %Q AND type IN ('table', 'trigger') "
"ORDER BY type;";
sqlite3_stmt *pSelect = 0;
int rc = SQLITE_OK;
char *zWrite = 0;
/* Create the table and its triggers in the temp schema */
rc = idxPrintfPrepareStmt(p->db, &pSelect, pzErr, zSql, zTab, zTab);
while( rc==SQLITE_OK && SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pSelect) ){
const char *zCreate = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(pSelect, 0);
rc = sqlite3_exec(p->dbv, zCreate, 0, 0, pzErr);
idxFinalize(&rc, pSelect);
/* Rename the table in the temp schema to zInt */
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
char *z = sqlite3_mprintf("ALTER TABLE temp.%Q RENAME TO %Q", zTab, zInt);
if( z==0 ){
rc = sqlite3_exec(p->dbv, z, 0, 0, pzErr);
switch( pWrite->eOp ){
int i;
zWrite = idxAppendText(&rc, zWrite, "INSERT INTO %Q VALUES(", zInt);
for(i=0; i<pTab->nCol; i++){
zWrite = idxAppendText(&rc, zWrite, "%s?", i==0 ? "" : ", ");
zWrite = idxAppendText(&rc, zWrite, ")");
int i;
zWrite = idxAppendText(&rc, zWrite, "UPDATE %Q SET ", zInt);
for(i=0; i<pTab->nCol; i++){
zWrite = idxAppendText(&rc, zWrite, "%s%Q=?", i==0 ? "" : ", ",
default: {
assert( pWrite->eOp==SQLITE_DELETE );
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
zWrite = sqlite3_mprintf("DELETE FROM %Q", zInt);
if( zWrite==0 ) rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
sqlite3_stmt *pX = 0;
rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(p->dbv, zWrite, -1, &pX, 0);
idxFinalize(&rc, pX);
if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
idxDatabaseError(p->dbv, pzErr);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
rc = sqlite3_exec(p->dbv, zDrop, 0, 0, pzErr);
return rc;
static int idxProcessTriggers(sqlite3expert *p, char **pzErr){
int rc = SQLITE_OK;
IdxWrite *pEnd = 0;
IdxWrite *pFirst = p->pWrite;
while( rc==SQLITE_OK && pFirst!=pEnd ){
IdxWrite *pIter;
for(pIter=pFirst; rc==SQLITE_OK && pIter!=pEnd; pIter=pIter->pNext){
rc = idxProcessOneTrigger(p, pIter, pzErr);
pEnd = pFirst;
pFirst = p->pWrite;
return rc;
static int idxCreateVtabSchema(sqlite3expert *p, char **pzErrmsg){
int rc = idxRegisterVtab(p);
sqlite3_stmt *pSchema = 0;
/* For each table in the main db schema:
** 1) Add an entry to the p->pTable list, and
** 2) Create the equivalent virtual table in dbv.
rc = idxPrepareStmt(p->db, &pSchema, pzErrmsg,
"SELECT type, name, sql, 1 FROM sqlite_master "
"WHERE type IN ('table','view') AND name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%%' "
"SELECT type, name, sql, 2 FROM sqlite_master "
"WHERE type = 'trigger'"
" AND tbl_name IN(SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'view') "
"ORDER BY 4, 1"
while( rc==SQLITE_OK && SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pSchema) ){
const char *zType = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(pSchema, 0);
const char *zName = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(pSchema, 1);
const char *zSql = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(pSchema, 2);
if( zType[0]=='v' || zType[1]=='r' ){
rc = sqlite3_exec(p->dbv, zSql, 0, 0, pzErrmsg);
IdxTable *pTab;
rc = idxGetTableInfo(p->db, zName, &pTab, pzErrmsg);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
int i;
char *zInner = 0;
char *zOuter = 0;
pTab->pNext = p->pTable;
p->pTable = pTab;
/* The statement the vtab will pass to sqlite3_declare_vtab() */
zInner = idxAppendText(&rc, 0, "CREATE TABLE x(");
for(i=0; i<pTab->nCol; i++){
zInner = idxAppendText(&rc, zInner, "%s%Q COLLATE %s",
(i==0 ? "" : ", "), pTab->aCol[i].zName, pTab->aCol[i].zColl
zInner = idxAppendText(&rc, zInner, ")");
/* The CVT statement to create the vtab */
zOuter = idxAppendText(&rc, 0,
"CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE %Q USING expert(%Q)", zName, zInner
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
rc = sqlite3_exec(p->dbv, zOuter, 0, 0, pzErrmsg);
idxFinalize(&rc, pSchema);
return rc;
struct IdxSampleCtx {
int iTarget;
double target; /* Target nRet/nRow value */
double nRow; /* Number of rows seen */
double nRet; /* Number of rows returned */
static void idxSampleFunc(
sqlite3_context *pCtx,
int argc,
sqlite3_value **argv
struct IdxSampleCtx *p = (struct IdxSampleCtx*)sqlite3_user_data(pCtx);
int bRet;
assert( argc==0 );
if( p->nRow==0.0 ){
bRet = 1;
bRet = (p->nRet / p->nRow) <= p->target;
if( bRet==0 ){
unsigned short rnd;
sqlite3_randomness(2, (void*)&rnd);
bRet = ((int)rnd % 100) <= p->iTarget;
sqlite3_result_int(pCtx, bRet);
p->nRow += 1.0;
p->nRet += (double)bRet;
struct IdxRemCtx {
int nSlot;
struct IdxRemSlot {
i64 iVal; /* SQLITE_INTEGER value */
double rVal; /* SQLITE_FLOAT value */
int nByte; /* Bytes of space allocated at z */
int n; /* Size of buffer z */
char *z; /* SQLITE_TEXT/BLOB value */
} aSlot[1];
** Implementation of scalar function rem().
static void idxRemFunc(
sqlite3_context *pCtx,
int argc,
sqlite3_value **argv
struct IdxRemCtx *p = (struct IdxRemCtx*)sqlite3_user_data(pCtx);
struct IdxRemSlot *pSlot;
int iSlot;
assert( argc==2 );
iSlot = sqlite3_value_int(argv[0]);
assert( iSlot<=p->nSlot );
pSlot = &p->aSlot[iSlot];
switch( pSlot->eType ){
/* no-op */
sqlite3_result_int64(pCtx, pSlot->iVal);
sqlite3_result_double(pCtx, pSlot->rVal);
sqlite3_result_blob(pCtx, pSlot->z, pSlot->n, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
sqlite3_result_text(pCtx, pSlot->z, pSlot->n, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
pSlot->eType = sqlite3_value_type(argv[1]);
switch( pSlot->eType ){
/* no-op */
pSlot->iVal = sqlite3_value_int64(argv[1]);
pSlot->rVal = sqlite3_value_double(argv[1]);
int nByte = sqlite3_value_bytes(argv[1]);
if( nByte>pSlot->nByte ){
char *zNew = (char*)sqlite3_realloc(pSlot->z, nByte*2);
if( zNew==0 ){
pSlot->nByte = nByte*2;
pSlot->z = zNew;
pSlot->n = nByte;
if( pSlot->eType==SQLITE_BLOB ){
memcpy(pSlot->z, sqlite3_value_blob(argv[1]), nByte);
memcpy(pSlot->z, sqlite3_value_text(argv[1]), nByte);
static int idxLargestIndex(sqlite3 *db, int *pnMax, char **pzErr){
int rc = SQLITE_OK;
const char *zMax =
"SELECT max(i.seqno) FROM "
" sqlite_master AS s, "
" pragma_index_list( AS l, "
" pragma_index_info( AS i "
"WHERE s.type = 'table'";
sqlite3_stmt *pMax = 0;
*pnMax = 0;
rc = idxPrepareStmt(db, &pMax, pzErr, zMax);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK && SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pMax) ){
*pnMax = sqlite3_column_int(pMax, 0) + 1;
idxFinalize(&rc, pMax);
return rc;
static int idxPopulateOneStat1(
sqlite3expert *p,
sqlite3_stmt *pIndexXInfo,
sqlite3_stmt *pWriteStat,
const char *zTab,
const char *zIdx,
char **pzErr
char *zCols = 0;
char *zOrder = 0;
char *zQuery = 0;
int nCol = 0;
int i;
sqlite3_stmt *pQuery = 0;
int *aStat = 0;
int rc = SQLITE_OK;
assert( p->iSample>0 );
/* Formulate the query text */
sqlite3_bind_text(pIndexXInfo, 1, zIdx, -1, SQLITE_STATIC);
while( SQLITE_OK==rc && SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pIndexXInfo) ){
const char *zComma = zCols==0 ? "" : ", ";
const char *zName = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(pIndexXInfo, 0);
const char *zColl = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(pIndexXInfo, 1);
zCols = idxAppendText(&rc, zCols,
"%sx.%Q IS rem(%d, x.%Q) COLLATE %s", zComma, zName, nCol, zName, zColl
zOrder = idxAppendText(&rc, zOrder, "%s%d", zComma, ++nCol);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
if( p->iSample==100 ){
zQuery = sqlite3_mprintf(
"SELECT %s FROM %Q x ORDER BY %s", zCols, zTab, zOrder
zQuery = sqlite3_mprintf(
"SELECT %s FROM temp."UNIQUE_TABLE_NAME" x ORDER BY %s", zCols, zOrder
/* Formulate the query text */
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
sqlite3 *dbrem = (p->iSample==100 ? p->db : p->dbv);
rc = idxPrepareStmt(dbrem, &pQuery, pzErr, zQuery);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
aStat = (int*)idxMalloc(&rc, sizeof(int)*(nCol+1));
if( rc==SQLITE_OK && SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pQuery) ){
IdxHashEntry *pEntry;
char *zStat = 0;
for(i=0; i<=nCol; i++) aStat[i] = 1;
while( rc==SQLITE_OK && SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pQuery) ){
for(i=0; i<nCol; i++){
if( sqlite3_column_int(pQuery, i)==0 ) break;
for(/*no-op*/; i<nCol; i++){
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
int s0 = aStat[0];
zStat = sqlite3_mprintf("%d", s0);
if( zStat==0 ) rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
for(i=1; rc==SQLITE_OK && i<=nCol; i++){
zStat = idxAppendText(&rc, zStat, " %d", (s0+aStat[i]/2) / aStat[i]);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
sqlite3_bind_text(pWriteStat, 1, zTab, -1, SQLITE_STATIC);
sqlite3_bind_text(pWriteStat, 2, zIdx, -1, SQLITE_STATIC);
sqlite3_bind_text(pWriteStat, 3, zStat, -1, SQLITE_STATIC);
rc = sqlite3_reset(pWriteStat);
pEntry = idxHashFind(&p->hIdx, zIdx, STRLEN(zIdx));
if( pEntry ){
assert( pEntry->zVal2==0 );
pEntry->zVal2 = zStat;
idxFinalize(&rc, pQuery);
return rc;
static int idxBuildSampleTable(sqlite3expert *p, const char *zTab){
int rc;
char *zSql;
rc = sqlite3_exec(p->dbv,"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS temp."UNIQUE_TABLE_NAME,0,0,0);
if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
zSql = sqlite3_mprintf(
if( zSql==0 ) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
rc = sqlite3_exec(p->dbv, zSql, 0, 0, 0);
return rc;
** This function is called as part of sqlite3_expert_analyze(). Candidate
** indexes have already been created in database sqlite3expert.dbm, this
** function populates sqlite_stat1 table in the same database.
** The stat1 data is generated by querying the
static int idxPopulateStat1(sqlite3expert *p, char **pzErr){
int rc = SQLITE_OK;
int nMax =0;
struct IdxRemCtx *pCtx = 0;
struct IdxSampleCtx samplectx;
int i;
i64 iPrev = -100000;
sqlite3_stmt *pAllIndex = 0;
sqlite3_stmt *pIndexXInfo = 0;
sqlite3_stmt *pWrite = 0;
const char *zAllIndex =
"SELECT s.rowid,, FROM "
" sqlite_master AS s, "
" pragma_index_list( AS l "
"WHERE s.type = 'table'";
const char *zIndexXInfo =
"SELECT name, coll FROM pragma_index_xinfo(?) WHERE key";
const char *zWrite = "INSERT INTO sqlite_stat1 VALUES(?, ?, ?)";
/* If iSample==0, no sqlite_stat1 data is required. */
if( p->iSample==0 ) return SQLITE_OK;
rc = idxLargestIndex(p->dbm, &nMax, pzErr);
if( nMax<=0 || rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
rc = sqlite3_exec(p->dbm, "ANALYZE; PRAGMA writable_schema=1", 0, 0, 0);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
int nByte = sizeof(struct IdxRemCtx) + (sizeof(struct IdxRemSlot) * nMax);
pCtx = (struct IdxRemCtx*)idxMalloc(&rc, nByte);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
sqlite3 *dbrem = (p->iSample==100 ? p->db : p->dbv);
rc = sqlite3_create_function(
dbrem, "rem", 2, SQLITE_UTF8, (void*)pCtx, idxRemFunc, 0, 0
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
rc = sqlite3_create_function(
p->db, "sample", 0, SQLITE_UTF8, (void*)&samplectx, idxSampleFunc, 0, 0
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
pCtx->nSlot = nMax+1;
rc = idxPrepareStmt(p->dbm, &pAllIndex, pzErr, zAllIndex);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
rc = idxPrepareStmt(p->dbm, &pIndexXInfo, pzErr, zIndexXInfo);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
rc = idxPrepareStmt(p->dbm, &pWrite, pzErr, zWrite);
while( rc==SQLITE_OK && SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pAllIndex) ){
i64 iRowid = sqlite3_column_int64(pAllIndex, 0);
const char *zTab = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(pAllIndex, 1);
const char *zIdx = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(pAllIndex, 2);
if( p->iSample<100 && iPrev!=iRowid ){ = (double)p->iSample / 100.0;
samplectx.iTarget = p->iSample;
samplectx.nRow = 0.0;
samplectx.nRet = 0.0;
rc = idxBuildSampleTable(p, zTab);
if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) break;
rc = idxPopulateOneStat1(p, pIndexXInfo, pWrite, zTab, zIdx, pzErr);
iPrev = iRowid;
if( rc==SQLITE_OK && p->iSample<100 ){
rc = sqlite3_exec(p->dbv,
idxFinalize(&rc, pAllIndex);
idxFinalize(&rc, pIndexXInfo);
idxFinalize(&rc, pWrite);
for(i=0; i<pCtx->nSlot; i++){
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
rc = sqlite3_exec(p->dbm, "ANALYZE sqlite_master", 0, 0, 0);
sqlite3_exec(p->db, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS temp."UNIQUE_TABLE_NAME,0,0,0);
return rc;
** Allocate a new sqlite3expert object.
sqlite3expert *sqlite3_expert_new(sqlite3 *db, char **pzErrmsg){
int rc = SQLITE_OK;
sqlite3expert *pNew;
pNew = (sqlite3expert*)idxMalloc(&rc, sizeof(sqlite3expert));
/* Open two in-memory databases to work with. The "vtab database" (dbv)
** will contain a virtual table corresponding to each real table in
** the user database schema, and a copy of each view. It is used to
** collect information regarding the WHERE, ORDER BY and other clauses
** of the user's query.
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
pNew->db = db;
pNew->iSample = 100;
rc = sqlite3_open(":memory:", &pNew->dbv);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
rc = sqlite3_open(":memory:", &pNew->dbm);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
sqlite3_db_config(pNew->dbm, SQLITE_DBCONFIG_TRIGGER_EQP, 1, (int*)0);
/* Copy the entire schema of database [db] into [dbm]. */
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
sqlite3_stmt *pSql;
rc = idxPrintfPrepareStmt(pNew->db, &pSql, pzErrmsg,
"SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%%'"
while( rc==SQLITE_OK && SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pSql) ){
const char *zSql = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(pSql, 0);
rc = sqlite3_exec(pNew->dbm, zSql, 0, 0, pzErrmsg);
idxFinalize(&rc, pSql);
/* Create the vtab schema */
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
rc = idxCreateVtabSchema(pNew, pzErrmsg);
/* Register the auth callback with dbv */
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
sqlite3_set_authorizer(pNew->dbv, idxAuthCallback, (void*)pNew);
/* If an error has occurred, free the new object and reutrn NULL. Otherwise,
** return the new sqlite3expert handle. */
if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
pNew = 0;
return pNew;
** Configure an sqlite3expert object.
int sqlite3_expert_config(sqlite3expert *p, int op, ...){
int rc = SQLITE_OK;
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, op);
switch( op ){
int iVal = va_arg(ap, int);
if( iVal<0 ) iVal = 0;
if( iVal>100 ) iVal = 100;
p->iSample = iVal;
return rc;
** Add an SQL statement to the analysis.
int sqlite3_expert_sql(
sqlite3expert *p, /* From sqlite3_expert_new() */
const char *zSql, /* SQL statement to add */
char **pzErr /* OUT: Error message (if any) */
IdxScan *pScanOrig = p->pScan;
IdxStatement *pStmtOrig = p->pStatement;
int rc = SQLITE_OK;
const char *zStmt = zSql;
if( p->bRun ) return SQLITE_MISUSE;
while( rc==SQLITE_OK && zStmt && zStmt[0] ){
sqlite3_stmt *pStmt = 0;
rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(p->dbv, zStmt, -1, &pStmt, &zStmt);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
if( pStmt ){
IdxStatement *pNew;
const char *z = sqlite3_sql(pStmt);
int n = STRLEN(z);
pNew = (IdxStatement*)idxMalloc(&rc, sizeof(IdxStatement) + n+1);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
pNew->zSql = (char*)&pNew[1];
memcpy(pNew->zSql, z, n+1);
pNew->pNext = p->pStatement;
if( p->pStatement ) pNew->iId = p->pStatement->iId+1;
p->pStatement = pNew;
idxDatabaseError(p->dbv, pzErr);
if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
idxScanFree(p->pScan, pScanOrig);
idxStatementFree(p->pStatement, pStmtOrig);
p->pScan = pScanOrig;
p->pStatement = pStmtOrig;
return rc;
int sqlite3_expert_analyze(sqlite3expert *p, char **pzErr){
int rc;
IdxHashEntry *pEntry;
/* Do trigger processing to collect any extra IdxScan structures */
rc = idxProcessTriggers(p, pzErr);
/* Create candidate indexes within the in-memory database file */
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
rc = idxCreateCandidates(p);
/* Generate the stat1 data */
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
rc = idxPopulateStat1(p, pzErr);
/* Formulate the EXPERT_REPORT_CANDIDATES text */
for(pEntry=p->hIdx.pFirst; pEntry; pEntry=pEntry->pNext){
p->zCandidates = idxAppendText(&rc, p->zCandidates,
"%s;%s%s\n", pEntry->zVal,
pEntry->zVal2 ? " -- stat1: " : "", pEntry->zVal2
/* Figure out which of the candidate indexes are preferred by the query
** planner and report the results to the user. */
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
rc = idxFindIndexes(p, pzErr);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
p->bRun = 1;
return rc;
** Return the total number of statements that have been added to this
** sqlite3expert using sqlite3_expert_sql().
int sqlite3_expert_count(sqlite3expert *p){
int nRet = 0;
if( p->pStatement ) nRet = p->pStatement->iId+1;
return nRet;
** Return a component of the report.
const char *sqlite3_expert_report(sqlite3expert *p, int iStmt, int eReport){
const char *zRet = 0;
IdxStatement *pStmt;
if( p->bRun==0 ) return 0;
for(pStmt=p->pStatement; pStmt && pStmt->iId!=iStmt; pStmt=pStmt->pNext);
switch( eReport ){
if( pStmt ) zRet = pStmt->zSql;
if( pStmt ) zRet = pStmt->zIdx;
if( pStmt ) zRet = pStmt->zEQP;
zRet = p->zCandidates;
return zRet;
** Free an sqlite3expert object.
void sqlite3_expert_destroy(sqlite3expert *p){
if( p ){
idxScanFree(p->pScan, 0);
idxStatementFree(p->pStatement, 0);
#endif /* ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_VIRTUAL_TABLE */
/************************* End ../ext/expert/sqlite3expert.c ********************/
/************************* Begin ../ext/misc/dbdata.c ******************/
** 2019-04-17
** The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of
** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
** May you do good and not evil.
** May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
** May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
** This file contains an implementation of two eponymous virtual tables,
** "sqlite_dbdata" and "sqlite_dbptr". Both modules require that the
** "sqlite_dbpage" eponymous virtual table be available.
** sqlite_dbdata is used to extract data directly from a database b-tree
** page and its associated overflow pages, bypassing the b-tree layer.
** The table schema is equivalent to:
** CREATE TABLE sqlite_dbdata(
** pgno INTEGER,
** cell INTEGER,
** field INTEGER,
** value ANY,
** schema TEXT HIDDEN
** );
** "schema".
** Each page of the database is inspected. If it cannot be interpreted as
** a b-tree page, or if it is a b-tree page containing 0 entries, the
** sqlite_dbdata table contains no rows for that page. Otherwise, the
** table contains one row for each field in the record associated with
** each cell on the page. For intkey b-trees, the key value is stored in
** field -1.
** For example, for the database:
** CREATE TABLE t1(a, b); -- root page is page 2
** INSERT INTO t1(rowid, a, b) VALUES(5, 'v', 'five');
** INSERT INTO t1(rowid, a, b) VALUES(10, 'x', 'ten');
** the sqlite_dbdata table contains, as well as from entries related to
** page 1, content equivalent to:
** INSERT INTO sqlite_dbdata(pgno, cell, field, value) VALUES
** (2, 0, -1, 5 ),
** (2, 0, 0, 'v' ),
** (2, 0, 1, 'five'),
** (2, 1, -1, 10 ),
** (2, 1, 0, 'x' ),
** (2, 1, 1, 'ten' );
** If database corruption is encountered, this module does not report an
** error. Instead, it attempts to extract as much data as possible and
** ignores the corruption.
** The sqlite_dbptr table has the following schema:
** CREATE TABLE sqlite_dbptr(
** pgno INTEGER,
** child INTEGER,
** schema TEXT HIDDEN
** );
** It contains one entry for each b-tree pointer between a parent and
** child page in the database.
#if !defined(SQLITEINT_H)
/* #include "sqlite3ext.h" */
/* typedef unsigned char u8; */
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
typedef struct DbdataTable DbdataTable;
typedef struct DbdataCursor DbdataCursor;
/* Cursor object */
struct DbdataCursor {
sqlite3_vtab_cursor base; /* Base class. Must be first */
sqlite3_stmt *pStmt; /* For fetching database pages */
int iPgno; /* Current page number */
u8 *aPage; /* Buffer containing page */
int nPage; /* Size of aPage[] in bytes */
int nCell; /* Number of cells on aPage[] */
int iCell; /* Current cell number */
int bOnePage; /* True to stop after one page */
int szDb;
sqlite3_int64 iRowid;
/* Only for the sqlite_dbdata table */
u8 *pRec; /* Buffer containing current record */
int nRec; /* Size of pRec[] in bytes */
int nHdr; /* Size of header in bytes */
int iField; /* Current field number */
u8 *pHdrPtr;
u8 *pPtr;
sqlite3_int64 iIntkey; /* Integer key value */
/* Table object */
struct DbdataTable {
sqlite3_vtab base; /* Base class. Must be first */
sqlite3 *db; /* The database connection */
sqlite3_stmt *pStmt; /* For fetching database pages */
int bPtr; /* True for sqlite3_dbptr table */
/* Column and schema definitions for sqlite_dbdata */
" pgno INTEGER," \
" cell INTEGER," \
" field INTEGER," \
" value ANY," \
" schema TEXT HIDDEN" \
/* Column and schema definitions for sqlite_dbptr */
#define DBPTR_SCHEMA \
" pgno INTEGER," \
" child INTEGER," \
" schema TEXT HIDDEN" \
** Connect to an sqlite_dbdata (pAux==0) or sqlite_dbptr (pAux!=0) virtual
** table.
static int dbdataConnect(
sqlite3 *db,
void *pAux,
int argc, const char *const*argv,
sqlite3_vtab **ppVtab,
char **pzErr
DbdataTable *pTab = 0;
int rc = sqlite3_declare_vtab(db, pAux ? DBPTR_SCHEMA : DBDATA_SCHEMA);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
pTab = (DbdataTable*)sqlite3_malloc64(sizeof(DbdataTable));
if( pTab==0 ){
memset(pTab, 0, sizeof(DbdataTable));
pTab->db = db;
pTab->bPtr = (pAux!=0);
*ppVtab = (sqlite3_vtab*)pTab;
return rc;
** Disconnect from or destroy a sqlite_dbdata or sqlite_dbptr virtual table.
static int dbdataDisconnect(sqlite3_vtab *pVtab){
DbdataTable *pTab = (DbdataTable*)pVtab;
if( pTab ){
return SQLITE_OK;
** This function interprets two types of constraints:
** schema=?
** pgno=?
** If neither are present, idxNum is set to 0. If schema=? is present,
** the 0x01 bit in idxNum is set. If pgno=? is present, the 0x02 bit
** in idxNum is set.
** If both parameters are present, schema is in position 0 and pgno in
** position 1.
static int dbdataBestIndex(sqlite3_vtab *tab, sqlite3_index_info *pIdx){
DbdataTable *pTab = (DbdataTable*)tab;
int i;
int iSchema = -1;
int iPgno = -1;
for(i=0; i<pIdx->nConstraint; i++){
struct sqlite3_index_constraint *p = &pIdx->aConstraint[i];
if( p->iColumn==colSchema ){
if( p->usable==0 ) return SQLITE_CONSTRAINT;
iSchema = i;
if( p->iColumn==DBDATA_COLUMN_PGNO && p->usable ){
iPgno = i;
if( iSchema>=0 ){
pIdx->aConstraintUsage[iSchema].argvIndex = 1;
pIdx->aConstraintUsage[iSchema].omit = 1;
if( iPgno>=0 ){
pIdx->aConstraintUsage[iPgno].argvIndex = 1 + (iSchema>=0);
pIdx->aConstraintUsage[iPgno].omit = 1;
pIdx->estimatedCost = 100;
pIdx->estimatedRows = 50;
if( pTab->bPtr==0 && pIdx->nOrderBy && pIdx->aOrderBy[0].desc==0 ){
int iCol = pIdx->aOrderBy[0].iColumn;
if( pIdx->nOrderBy==1 ){
pIdx->orderByConsumed = (iCol==0 || iCol==1);
}else if( pIdx->nOrderBy==2 && pIdx->aOrderBy[1].desc==0 && iCol==0 ){
pIdx->orderByConsumed = (pIdx->aOrderBy[1].iColumn==1);
pIdx->estimatedCost = 100000000;
pIdx->estimatedRows = 1000000000;
pIdx->idxNum = (iSchema>=0 ? 0x01 : 0x00) | (iPgno>=0 ? 0x02 : 0x00);
return SQLITE_OK;
** Open a new sqlite_dbdata or sqlite_dbptr cursor.
static int dbdataOpen(sqlite3_vtab *pVTab, sqlite3_vtab_cursor **ppCursor){
DbdataCursor *pCsr;
pCsr = (DbdataCursor*)sqlite3_malloc64(sizeof(DbdataCursor));
if( pCsr==0 ){
memset(pCsr, 0, sizeof(DbdataCursor));
pCsr->base.pVtab = pVTab;
*ppCursor = (sqlite3_vtab_cursor *)pCsr;
return SQLITE_OK;
** Restore a cursor object to the state it was in when first allocated
** by dbdataOpen().
static void dbdataResetCursor(DbdataCursor *pCsr){
DbdataTable *pTab = (DbdataTable*)(pCsr->base.pVtab);
if( pTab->pStmt==0 ){
pTab->pStmt = pCsr->pStmt;
pCsr->pStmt = 0;
pCsr->iPgno = 1;
pCsr->iCell = 0;
pCsr->iField = 0;
pCsr->bOnePage = 0;
pCsr->pRec = 0;
pCsr->aPage = 0;
** Close an sqlite_dbdata or sqlite_dbptr cursor.
static int dbdataClose(sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pCursor){
DbdataCursor *pCsr = (DbdataCursor*)pCursor;
return SQLITE_OK;
** Utility methods to decode 16 and 32-bit big-endian unsigned integers.
static unsigned int get_uint16(unsigned char *a){
return (a[0]<<8)|a[1];
static unsigned int get_uint32(unsigned char *a){
return ((unsigned int)a[0]<<24)
| ((unsigned int)a[1]<<16)
| ((unsigned int)a[2]<<8)
| ((unsigned int)a[3]);
** Load page pgno from the database via the sqlite_dbpage virtual table.
** If successful, set (*ppPage) to point to a buffer containing the page
** data, (*pnPage) to the size of that buffer in bytes and return
** SQLITE_OK. In this case it is the responsibility of the caller to
** eventually free the buffer using sqlite3_free().
** Or, if an error occurs, set both (*ppPage) and (*pnPage) to 0 and
** return an SQLite error code.
static int dbdataLoadPage(
DbdataCursor *pCsr, /* Cursor object */
unsigned int pgno, /* Page number of page to load */
u8 **ppPage, /* OUT: pointer to page buffer */
int *pnPage /* OUT: Size of (*ppPage) in bytes */
int rc2;
int rc = SQLITE_OK;
sqlite3_stmt *pStmt = pCsr->pStmt;
*ppPage = 0;
*pnPage = 0;
sqlite3_bind_int64(pStmt, 2, pgno);
if( SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pStmt) ){
int nCopy = sqlite3_column_bytes(pStmt, 0);
if( nCopy>0 ){
u8 *pPage;
pPage = (u8*)sqlite3_malloc64(nCopy + DBDATA_PADDING_BYTES);
if( pPage==0 ){
const u8 *pCopy = sqlite3_column_blob(pStmt, 0);
memcpy(pPage, pCopy, nCopy);
memset(&pPage[nCopy], 0, DBDATA_PADDING_BYTES);
*ppPage = pPage;
*pnPage = nCopy;
rc2 = sqlite3_reset(pStmt);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ) rc = rc2;
return rc;
** Read a varint. Put the value in *pVal and return the number of bytes.
static int dbdataGetVarint(const u8 *z, sqlite3_int64 *pVal){
sqlite3_int64 v = 0;
int i;
for(i=0; i<8; i++){
v = (v<<7) + (z[i]&0x7f);
if( (z[i]&0x80)==0 ){ *pVal = v; return i+1; }
v = (v<<8) + (z[i]&0xff);
*pVal = v;
return 9;
** Return the number of bytes of space used by an SQLite value of type
** eType.
static int dbdataValueBytes(int eType){
switch( eType ){
case 0: case 8: case 9:
case 10: case 11:
return 0;
case 1:
return 1;
case 2:
return 2;
case 3:
return 3;
case 4:
return 4;
case 5:
return 6;
case 6:
case 7:
return 8;
if( eType>0 ){
return ((eType-12) / 2);
return 0;
** Load a value of type eType from buffer pData and use it to set the
** result of context object pCtx.
static void dbdataValue(
sqlite3_context *pCtx,
int eType,
u8 *pData,
int nData
if( eType>=0 && dbdataValueBytes(eType)<=nData ){
switch( eType ){
case 0:
case 10:
case 11:
case 8:
sqlite3_result_int(pCtx, 0);
case 9:
sqlite3_result_int(pCtx, 1);
case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: {
sqlite3_uint64 v = (signed char)pData[0];
switch( eType ){
case 7:
case 6: v = (v<<16) + (pData[0]<<8) + pData[1]; pData += 2;
case 5: v = (v<<16) + (pData[0]<<8) + pData[1]; pData += 2;
case 4: v = (v<<8) + pData[0]; pData++;
case 3: v = (v<<8) + pData[0]; pData++;
case 2: v = (v<<8) + pData[0]; pData++;
if( eType==7 ){
double r;
memcpy(&r, &v, sizeof(r));
sqlite3_result_double(pCtx, r);
sqlite3_result_int64(pCtx, (sqlite3_int64)v);
default: {
int n = ((eType-12) / 2);
if( eType % 2 ){
sqlite3_result_text(pCtx, (const char*)pData, n, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
sqlite3_result_blob(pCtx, pData, n, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
** Move an sqlite_dbdata or sqlite_dbptr cursor to the next entry.
static int dbdataNext(sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pCursor){
DbdataCursor *pCsr = (DbdataCursor*)pCursor;
DbdataTable *pTab = (DbdataTable*)pCursor->pVtab;
while( 1 ){
int rc;
int iOff = (pCsr->iPgno==1 ? 100 : 0);
int bNextPage = 0;
if( pCsr->aPage==0 ){
while( 1 ){
if( pCsr->bOnePage==0 && pCsr->iPgno>pCsr->szDb ) return SQLITE_OK;
rc = dbdataLoadPage(pCsr, pCsr->iPgno, &pCsr->aPage, &pCsr->nPage);
if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
if( pCsr->aPage ) break;
pCsr->iCell = pTab->bPtr ? -2 : 0;
pCsr->nCell = get_uint16(&pCsr->aPage[iOff+3]);
if( pTab->bPtr ){
if( pCsr->aPage[iOff]!=0x02 && pCsr->aPage[iOff]!=0x05 ){
pCsr->iCell = pCsr->nCell;
if( pCsr->iCell>=pCsr->nCell ){
pCsr->aPage = 0;
if( pCsr->bOnePage ) return SQLITE_OK;
return SQLITE_OK;
/* If there is no record loaded, load it now. */
if( pCsr->pRec==0 ){
int bHasRowid = 0;
int nPointer = 0;
sqlite3_int64 nPayload = 0;
sqlite3_int64 nHdr = 0;
int iHdr;
int U, X;
int nLocal;
switch( pCsr->aPage[iOff] ){
case 0x02:
nPointer = 4;
case 0x0a:
case 0x0d:
bHasRowid = 1;
/* This is not a b-tree page with records on it. Continue. */
pCsr->iCell = pCsr->nCell;
if( pCsr->iCell>=pCsr->nCell ){
bNextPage = 1;
iOff += 8 + nPointer + pCsr->iCell*2;
if( iOff>pCsr->nPage ){
bNextPage = 1;
iOff = get_uint16(&pCsr->aPage[iOff]);
/* For an interior node cell, skip past the child-page number */
iOff += nPointer;
/* Load the "byte of payload including overflow" field */
if( bNextPage || iOff>pCsr->nPage ){
bNextPage = 1;
iOff += dbdataGetVarint(&pCsr->aPage[iOff], &nPayload);
/* If this is a leaf intkey cell, load the rowid */
if( bHasRowid && !bNextPage && iOff<pCsr->nPage ){
iOff += dbdataGetVarint(&pCsr->aPage[iOff], &pCsr->iIntkey);
/* Figure out how much data to read from the local page */
U = pCsr->nPage;
if( bHasRowid ){
X = U-35;
X = ((U-12)*64/255)-23;
if( nPayload<=X ){
nLocal = nPayload;
int M, K;
M = ((U-12)*32/255)-23;
K = M+((nPayload-M)%(U-4));
if( K<=X ){
nLocal = K;
nLocal = M;
if( bNextPage || nLocal+iOff>pCsr->nPage ){
bNextPage = 1;
/* Allocate space for payload. And a bit more to catch small buffer
** overruns caused by attempting to read a varint or similar from
** near the end of a corrupt record. */
pCsr->pRec = (u8*)sqlite3_malloc64(nPayload+DBDATA_PADDING_BYTES);
if( pCsr->pRec==0 ) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
memset(pCsr->pRec, 0, nPayload+DBDATA_PADDING_BYTES);
pCsr->nRec = nPayload;
/* Load the nLocal bytes of payload */
memcpy(pCsr->pRec, &pCsr->aPage[iOff], nLocal);
iOff += nLocal;
/* Load content from overflow pages */
if( nPayload>nLocal ){
sqlite3_int64 nRem = nPayload - nLocal;
unsigned int pgnoOvfl = get_uint32(&pCsr->aPage[iOff]);
while( nRem>0 ){
u8 *aOvfl = 0;
int nOvfl = 0;
int nCopy;
rc = dbdataLoadPage(pCsr, pgnoOvfl, &aOvfl, &nOvfl);
assert( rc!=SQLITE_OK || aOvfl==0 || nOvfl==pCsr->nPage );
if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
if( aOvfl==0 ) break;
nCopy = U-4;
if( nCopy>nRem ) nCopy = nRem;
memcpy(&pCsr->pRec[nPayload-nRem], &aOvfl[4], nCopy);
nRem -= nCopy;
pgnoOvfl = get_uint32(aOvfl);
iHdr = dbdataGetVarint(pCsr->pRec, &nHdr);
pCsr->nHdr = nHdr;
pCsr->pHdrPtr = &pCsr->pRec[iHdr];
pCsr->pPtr = &pCsr->pRec[pCsr->nHdr];
pCsr->iField = (bHasRowid ? -1 : 0);
if( pCsr->iField>0 ){
sqlite3_int64 iType;
if( pCsr->pHdrPtr>&pCsr->pRec[pCsr->nRec] ){
bNextPage = 1;
pCsr->pHdrPtr += dbdataGetVarint(pCsr->pHdrPtr, &iType);
pCsr->pPtr += dbdataValueBytes(iType);
if( bNextPage ){
pCsr->aPage = 0;
pCsr->pRec = 0;
if( pCsr->bOnePage ) return SQLITE_OK;
if( pCsr->iField<0 || pCsr->pHdrPtr<&pCsr->pRec[pCsr->nHdr] ){
return SQLITE_OK;
/* Advance to the next cell. The next iteration of the loop will load
** the record and so on. */
pCsr->pRec = 0;
assert( !"can't get here" );
return SQLITE_OK;
** Return true if the cursor is at EOF.
static int dbdataEof(sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pCursor){
DbdataCursor *pCsr = (DbdataCursor*)pCursor;
return pCsr->aPage==0;
** Determine the size in pages of database zSchema (where zSchema is
** "main", "temp" or the name of an attached database) and set
** pCsr->szDb accordingly. If successful, return SQLITE_OK. Otherwise,
** an SQLite error code.
static int dbdataDbsize(DbdataCursor *pCsr, const char *zSchema){
DbdataTable *pTab = (DbdataTable*)pCsr->base.pVtab;
char *zSql = 0;
int rc, rc2;
sqlite3_stmt *pStmt = 0;
zSql = sqlite3_mprintf("PRAGMA %Q.page_count", zSchema);
if( zSql==0 ) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(pTab->db, zSql, -1, &pStmt, 0);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK && sqlite3_step(pStmt)==SQLITE_ROW ){
pCsr->szDb = sqlite3_column_int(pStmt, 0);
rc2 = sqlite3_finalize(pStmt);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ) rc = rc2;
return rc;
** xFilter method for sqlite_dbdata and sqlite_dbptr.
static int dbdataFilter(
sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pCursor,
int idxNum, const char *idxStr,
int argc, sqlite3_value **argv
DbdataCursor *pCsr = (DbdataCursor*)pCursor;
DbdataTable *pTab = (DbdataTable*)pCursor->pVtab;
int rc = SQLITE_OK;
const char *zSchema = "main";
assert( pCsr->iPgno==1 );
if( idxNum & 0x01 ){
zSchema = (const char*)sqlite3_value_text(argv[0]);
if( idxNum & 0x02 ){
pCsr->iPgno = sqlite3_value_int(argv[(idxNum & 0x01)]);
pCsr->bOnePage = 1;
pCsr->nPage = dbdataDbsize(pCsr, zSchema);
rc = dbdataDbsize(pCsr, zSchema);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
if( pTab->pStmt ){
pCsr->pStmt = pTab->pStmt;
pTab->pStmt = 0;
rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(pTab->db,
"SELECT data FROM sqlite_dbpage(?) WHERE pgno=?", -1,
&pCsr->pStmt, 0
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
rc = sqlite3_bind_text(pCsr->pStmt, 1, zSchema, -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
pTab->base.zErrMsg = sqlite3_mprintf("%s", sqlite3_errmsg(pTab->db));
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
rc = dbdataNext(pCursor);
return rc;
** Return a column for the sqlite_dbdata or sqlite_dbptr table.
static int dbdataColumn(
sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pCursor,
sqlite3_context *ctx,
int i
DbdataCursor *pCsr = (DbdataCursor*)pCursor;
DbdataTable *pTab = (DbdataTable*)pCursor->pVtab;
if( pTab->bPtr ){
switch( i ){
sqlite3_result_int64(ctx, pCsr->iPgno);
int iOff = pCsr->iPgno==1 ? 100 : 0;
if( pCsr->iCell<0 ){
iOff += 8;
iOff += 12 + pCsr->iCell*2;
if( iOff>pCsr->nPage ) return SQLITE_OK;
iOff = get_uint16(&pCsr->aPage[iOff]);
if( iOff<=pCsr->nPage ){
sqlite3_result_int64(ctx, get_uint32(&pCsr->aPage[iOff]));
switch( i ){
sqlite3_result_int64(ctx, pCsr->iPgno);
sqlite3_result_int(ctx, pCsr->iCell);
sqlite3_result_int(ctx, pCsr->iField);
if( pCsr->iField<0 ){
sqlite3_result_int64(ctx, pCsr->iIntkey);
sqlite3_int64 iType;
dbdataGetVarint(pCsr->pHdrPtr, &iType);
ctx, iType, pCsr->pPtr, &pCsr->pRec[pCsr->nRec] - pCsr->pPtr
return SQLITE_OK;
** Return the rowid for an sqlite_dbdata or sqlite_dptr table.
static int dbdataRowid(sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pCursor, sqlite_int64 *pRowid){
DbdataCursor *pCsr = (DbdataCursor*)pCursor;
*pRowid = pCsr->iRowid;
return SQLITE_OK;
** Invoke this routine to register the "sqlite_dbdata" virtual table module
static int sqlite3DbdataRegister(sqlite3 *db){
static sqlite3_module dbdata_module = {
0, /* iVersion */
0, /* xCreate */
dbdataConnect, /* xConnect */
dbdataBestIndex, /* xBestIndex */
dbdataDisconnect, /* xDisconnect */
0, /* xDestroy */
dbdataOpen, /* xOpen - open a cursor */
dbdataClose, /* xClose - close a cursor */
dbdataFilter, /* xFilter - configure scan constraints */
dbdataNext, /* xNext - advance a cursor */
dbdataEof, /* xEof - check for end of scan */
dbdataColumn, /* xColumn - read data */
dbdataRowid, /* xRowid - read data */
0, /* xUpdate */
0, /* xBegin */
0, /* xSync */
0, /* xCommit */
0, /* xRollback */
0, /* xFindMethod */
0, /* xRename */
0, /* xSavepoint */
0, /* xRelease */
0, /* xRollbackTo */
0 /* xShadowName */
int rc = sqlite3_create_module(db, "sqlite_dbdata", &dbdata_module, 0);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
rc = sqlite3_create_module(db, "sqlite_dbptr", &dbdata_module, (void*)1);
return rc;
#ifdef _WIN32
int sqlite3_dbdata_init(
sqlite3 *db,
char **pzErrMsg,
const sqlite3_api_routines *pApi
return sqlite3DbdataRegister(db);
/************************* End ../ext/misc/dbdata.c ********************/
** State information for a single open session
typedef struct OpenSession OpenSession;
struct OpenSession {
char *zName; /* Symbolic name for this session */
int nFilter; /* Number of xFilter rejection GLOB patterns */
char **azFilter; /* Array of xFilter rejection GLOB patterns */
sqlite3_session *p; /* The open session */
** Shell output mode information from before ".explain on",
** saved so that it can be restored by ".explain off"
typedef struct SavedModeInfo SavedModeInfo;
struct SavedModeInfo {
int valid; /* Is there legit data in here? */
int mode; /* Mode prior to ".explain on" */
int showHeader; /* The ".header" setting prior to ".explain on" */
int colWidth[100]; /* Column widths prior to ".explain on" */
typedef struct ExpertInfo ExpertInfo;
struct ExpertInfo {
sqlite3expert *pExpert;
int bVerbose;
/* A single line in the EQP output */
typedef struct EQPGraphRow EQPGraphRow;
struct EQPGraphRow {
int iEqpId; /* ID for this row */
int iParentId; /* ID of the parent row */
EQPGraphRow *pNext; /* Next row in sequence */
char zText[1]; /* Text to display for this row */
/* All EQP output is collected into an instance of the following */
typedef struct EQPGraph EQPGraph;
struct EQPGraph {
EQPGraphRow *pRow; /* Linked list of all rows of the EQP output */
EQPGraphRow *pLast; /* Last element of the pRow list */
char zPrefix[100]; /* Graph prefix */
** State information about the database connection is contained in an
** instance of the following structure.
typedef struct ShellState ShellState;
struct ShellState {
sqlite3 *db; /* The database */
u8 autoExplain; /* Automatically turn on .explain mode */
u8 autoEQP; /* Run EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN prior to seach SQL stmt */
u8 autoEQPtest; /* autoEQP is in test mode */
u8 autoEQPtrace; /* autoEQP is in trace mode */
u8 statsOn; /* True to display memory stats before each finalize */
u8 scanstatsOn; /* True to display scan stats before each finalize */
u8 doXdgOpen; /* Invoke start/open/xdg-open in output_reset() */
u8 nEqpLevel; /* Depth of the EQP output graph */
u8 eTraceType; /* SHELL_TRACE_* value for type of trace */
unsigned mEqpLines; /* Mask of veritical lines in the EQP output graph */
int outCount; /* Revert to stdout when reaching zero */
int cnt; /* Number of records displayed so far */
int lineno; /* Line number of last line read from in */
int openFlags; /* Additional flags to open. (SQLITE_OPEN_NOFOLLOW) */
FILE *in; /* Read commands from this stream */
FILE *out; /* Write results here */
FILE *traceOut; /* Output for sqlite3_trace() */
int nErr; /* Number of errors seen */
int mode; /* An output mode setting */
int modePrior; /* Saved mode */
int cMode; /* temporary output mode for the current query */
int normalMode; /* Output mode before ".explain on" */
int writableSchema; /* True if PRAGMA writable_schema=ON */
int showHeader; /* True to show column names in List or Column mode */
int nCheck; /* Number of ".check" commands run */
unsigned nProgress; /* Number of progress callbacks encountered */
unsigned mxProgress; /* Maximum progress callbacks before failing */
unsigned flgProgress; /* Flags for the progress callback */
unsigned shellFlgs; /* Various flags */
unsigned priorShFlgs; /* Saved copy of flags */
sqlite3_int64 szMax; /* --maxsize argument to .open */
char *zDestTable; /* Name of destination table when MODE_Insert */
char *zTempFile; /* Temporary file that might need deleting */
char zTestcase[30]; /* Name of current test case */
char colSeparator[20]; /* Column separator character for several modes */
char rowSeparator[20]; /* Row separator character for MODE_Ascii */
char colSepPrior[20]; /* Saved column separator */
char rowSepPrior[20]; /* Saved row separator */
int colWidth[100]; /* Requested width of each column when in column mode*/
int actualWidth[100]; /* Actual width of each column */
char nullValue[20]; /* The text to print when a NULL comes back from
** the database */
char outfile[FILENAME_MAX]; /* Filename for *out */
const char *zDbFilename; /* name of the database file */
char *zFreeOnClose; /* Filename to free when closing */
const char *zVfs; /* Name of VFS to use */
sqlite3_stmt *pStmt; /* Current statement if any. */
FILE *pLog; /* Write log output here */
int *aiIndent; /* Array of indents used in MODE_Explain */
int nIndent; /* Size of array aiIndent[] */
int iIndent; /* Index of current op in aiIndent[] */
EQPGraph sGraph; /* Information for the graphical EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN */
int nSession; /* Number of active sessions */
OpenSession aSession[4]; /* Array of sessions. [0] is in focus. */
ExpertInfo expert; /* Valid if previous command was ".expert OPT..." */
/* Allowed values for ShellState.autoEQP
#define AUTOEQP_off 0 /* Automatic EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN is off */
#define AUTOEQP_on 1 /* Automatic EQP is on */
#define AUTOEQP_trigger 2 /* On and also show plans for triggers */
#define AUTOEQP_full 3 /* Show full EXPLAIN */
/* Allowed values for ShellState.openMode
#define SHELL_OPEN_UNSPEC 0 /* No open-mode specified */
#define SHELL_OPEN_NORMAL 1 /* Normal database file */
#define SHELL_OPEN_APPENDVFS 2 /* Use appendvfs */
#define SHELL_OPEN_ZIPFILE 3 /* Use the zipfile virtual table */
#define SHELL_OPEN_READONLY 4 /* Open a normal database read-only */
#define SHELL_OPEN_DESERIALIZE 5 /* Open using sqlite3_deserialize() */
#define SHELL_OPEN_HEXDB 6 /* Use "dbtotxt" output as data source */
/* Allowed values for ShellState.eTraceType
#define SHELL_TRACE_PLAIN 0 /* Show input SQL text */
#define SHELL_TRACE_EXPANDED 1 /* Show expanded SQL text */
#define SHELL_TRACE_NORMALIZED 2 /* Show normalized SQL text */
/* Bits in the ShellState.flgProgress variable */
#define SHELL_PROGRESS_QUIET 0x01 /* Omit announcing every progress callback */
#define SHELL_PROGRESS_RESET 0x02 /* Reset the count when the progres
** callback limit is reached, and for each
** top-level SQL statement */
#define SHELL_PROGRESS_ONCE 0x04 /* Cancel the --limit after firing once */
** These are the allowed shellFlgs values
#define SHFLG_Pagecache 0x00000001 /* The --pagecache option is used */
#define SHFLG_Lookaside 0x00000002 /* Lookaside memory is used */
#define SHFLG_Backslash 0x00000004 /* The --backslash option is used */
#define SHFLG_PreserveRowid 0x00000008 /* .dump preserves rowid values */
#define SHFLG_Newlines 0x00000010 /* .dump --newline flag */
#define SHFLG_CountChanges 0x00000020 /* .changes setting */
#define SHFLG_Echo 0x00000040 /* .echo or --echo setting */
** Macros for testing and setting shellFlgs
#define ShellHasFlag(P,X) (((P)->shellFlgs & (X))!=0)
#define ShellSetFlag(P,X) ((P)->shellFlgs|=(X))
#define ShellClearFlag(P,X) ((P)->shellFlgs&=(~(X)))
** These are the allowed modes.
#define MODE_Line 0 /* One column per line. Blank line between records */
#define MODE_Column 1 /* One record per line in neat columns */
#define MODE_List 2 /* One record per line with a separator */
#define MODE_Semi 3 /* Same as MODE_List but append ";" to each line */
#define MODE_Html 4 /* Generate an XHTML table */
#define MODE_Insert 5 /* Generate SQL "insert" statements */
#define MODE_Quote 6 /* Quote values as for SQL */
#define MODE_Tcl 7 /* Generate ANSI-C or TCL quoted elements */
#define MODE_Csv 8 /* Quote strings, numbers are plain */
#define MODE_Explain 9 /* Like MODE_Column, but do not truncate data */
#define MODE_Ascii 10 /* Use ASCII unit and record separators (0x1F/0x1E) */
#define MODE_Pretty 11 /* Pretty-print schemas */
#define MODE_EQP 12 /* Converts EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN output into a graph */
static const char *modeDescr[] = {
** These are the column/row/line separators used by the various
** import/export modes.
#define SEP_Column "|"
#define SEP_Row "\n"
#define SEP_Tab "\t"
#define SEP_Space " "
#define SEP_Comma ","
#define SEP_CrLf "\r\n"
#define SEP_Unit "\x1F"
#define SEP_Record "\x1E"
** A callback for the sqlite3_log() interface.
static void shellLog(void *pArg, int iErrCode, const char *zMsg){
ShellState *p = (ShellState*)pArg;
if( p->pLog==0 ) return;
utf8_printf(p->pLog, "(%d) %s\n", iErrCode, zMsg);
** SQL function: shell_putsnl(X)
** Write the text X to the screen (or whatever output is being directed)
** adding a newline at the end, and then return X.
static void shellPutsFunc(
sqlite3_context *pCtx,
int nVal,
sqlite3_value **apVal
ShellState *p = (ShellState*)sqlite3_user_data(pCtx);
utf8_printf(p->out, "%s\n", sqlite3_value_text(apVal[0]));
sqlite3_result_value(pCtx, apVal[0]);
** SQL function: edit(VALUE)
** These steps:
** (1) Write VALUE into a temporary file.
** (2) Run program EDITOR on that temporary file.
** (3) Read the temporary file back and return its content as the result.
** (4) Delete the temporary file
** If the EDITOR argument is omitted, use the value in the VISUAL
** environment variable. If still there is no EDITOR, through an error.
** Also throw an error if the EDITOR program returns a non-zero exit code.
static void editFunc(
sqlite3_context *context,
int argc,
sqlite3_value **argv
const char *zEditor;
char *zTempFile = 0;
sqlite3 *db;
char *zCmd = 0;
int bBin;
int rc;
int hasCRNL = 0;
FILE *f = 0;
sqlite3_int64 sz;
sqlite3_int64 x;
unsigned char *p = 0;
if( argc==2 ){
zEditor = (const char*)sqlite3_value_text(argv[1]);
zEditor = getenv("VISUAL");
if( zEditor==0 ){
sqlite3_result_error(context, "no editor for edit()", -1);
if( sqlite3_value_type(argv[0])==SQLITE_NULL ){
sqlite3_result_error(context, "NULL input to edit()", -1);
db = sqlite3_context_db_handle(context);
zTempFile = 0;
sqlite3_file_control(db, 0, SQLITE_FCNTL_TEMPFILENAME, &zTempFile);
if( zTempFile==0 ){
sqlite3_uint64 r = 0;
sqlite3_randomness(sizeof(r), &r);
zTempFile = sqlite3_mprintf("temp%llx", r);
if( zTempFile==0 ){
bBin = sqlite3_value_type(argv[0])==SQLITE_BLOB;
/* When writing the file to be edited, do \n to \r\n conversions on systems
** that want \r\n line endings */
f = fopen(zTempFile, bBin ? "wb" : "w");
if( f==0 ){
sqlite3_result_error(context, "edit() cannot open temp file", -1);
goto edit_func_end;
sz = sqlite3_value_bytes(argv[0]);
if( bBin ){
x = fwrite(sqlite3_value_blob(argv[0]), 1, (size_t)sz, f);
const char *z = (const char*)sqlite3_value_text(argv[0]);
/* Remember whether or not the value originally contained \r\n */
if( z && strstr(z,"\r\n")!=0 ) hasCRNL = 1;
x = fwrite(sqlite3_value_text(argv[0]), 1, (size_t)sz, f);
f = 0;
if( x!=sz ){
sqlite3_result_error(context, "edit() could not write the whole file", -1);
goto edit_func_end;
zCmd = sqlite3_mprintf("%s \"%s\"", zEditor, zTempFile);
if( zCmd==0 ){
goto edit_func_end;
rc = system(zCmd);
if( rc ){
sqlite3_result_error(context, "EDITOR returned non-zero", -1);
goto edit_func_end;
f = fopen(zTempFile, "rb");
if( f==0 ){
"edit() cannot reopen temp file after edit", -1);
goto edit_func_end;
fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END);
sz = ftell(f);
p = sqlite3_malloc64( sz+1 );
if( p==0 ){
goto edit_func_end;
x = fread(p, 1, (size_t)sz, f);
f = 0;
if( x!=sz ){
sqlite3_result_error(context, "could not read back the whole file", -1);
goto edit_func_end;
if( bBin ){
sqlite3_result_blob64(context, p, sz, sqlite3_free);
sqlite3_int64 i, j;
if( hasCRNL ){
/* If the original contains \r\n then do no conversions back to \n */
j = sz;
/* If the file did not originally contain \r\n then convert any new
** \r\n back into \n */
for(i=j=0; i<sz; i++){
if( p[i]=='\r' && p[i+1]=='\n' ) i++;
p[j++] = p[i];
sz = j;
p[sz] = 0;
sqlite3_result_text64(context, (const char*)p, sz,
sqlite3_free, SQLITE_UTF8);
p = 0;
if( f ) fclose(f);
** Save or restore the current output mode
static void outputModePush(ShellState *p){
p->modePrior = p->mode;
p->priorShFlgs = p->shellFlgs;
memcpy(p->colSepPrior, p->colSeparator, sizeof(p->colSeparator));
memcpy(p->rowSepPrior, p->rowSeparator, sizeof(p->rowSeparator));
static void outputModePop(ShellState *p){
p->mode = p->modePrior;
p->shellFlgs = p->priorShFlgs;
memcpy(p->colSeparator, p->colSepPrior, sizeof(p->colSeparator));
memcpy(p->rowSeparator, p->rowSepPrior, sizeof(p->rowSeparator));
** Output the given string as a hex-encoded blob (eg. X'1234' )
static void output_hex_blob(FILE *out, const void *pBlob, int nBlob){
int i;
char *zBlob = (char *)pBlob;
for(i=0; i<nBlob; i++){ raw_printf(out,"%02x",zBlob[i]&0xff); }
** Find a string that is not found anywhere in z[]. Return a pointer
** to that string.
** Try to use zA and zB first. If both of those are already found in z[]
** then make up some string and store it in the buffer zBuf.
static const char *unused_string(
const char *z, /* Result must not appear anywhere in z */
const char *zA, const char *zB, /* Try these first */
char *zBuf /* Space to store a generated string */
unsigned i = 0;
if( strstr(z, zA)==0 ) return zA;
if( strstr(z, zB)==0 ) return zB;
sqlite3_snprintf(20,zBuf,"(%s%u)", zA, i++);
}while( strstr(z,zBuf)!=0 );
return zBuf;
** Output the given string as a quoted string using SQL quoting conventions.
** See also: output_quoted_escaped_string()
static void output_quoted_string(FILE *out, const char *z){
int i;
char c;
setBinaryMode(out, 1);
for(i=0; (c = z[i])!=0 && c!='\''; i++){}
if( c==0 ){
raw_printf(out, "'");
while( *z ){
for(i=0; (c = z[i])!=0 && c!='\''; i++){}
if( c=='\'' ) i++;
if( i ){
utf8_printf(out, "%.*s", i, z);
z += i;
if( c=='\'' ){
raw_printf(out, "'");
if( c==0 ){
raw_printf(out, "'");
setTextMode(out, 1);
** Output the given string as a quoted string using SQL quoting conventions.
** Additionallly , escape the "\n" and "\r" characters so that they do not
** get corrupted by end-of-line translation facilities in some operating
** systems.
** This is like output_quoted_string() but with the addition of the \r\n
** escape mechanism.
static void output_quoted_escaped_string(FILE *out, const char *z){
int i;
char c;
setBinaryMode(out, 1);
for(i=0; (c = z[i])!=0 && c!='\'' && c!='\n' && c!='\r'; i++){}
if( c==0 ){
const char *zNL = 0;
const char *zCR = 0;
int nNL = 0;
int nCR = 0;
char zBuf1[20], zBuf2[20];
for(i=0; z[i]; i++){
if( z[i]=='\n' ) nNL++;
if( z[i]=='\r' ) nCR++;
if( nNL ){
raw_printf(out, "replace(");
zNL = unused_string(z, "\\n", "\\012", zBuf1);
if( nCR ){
raw_printf(out, "replace(");
zCR = unused_string(z, "\\r", "\\015", zBuf2);
raw_printf(out, "'");
while( *z ){
for(i=0; (c = z[i])!=0 && c!='\n' && c!='\r' && c!='\''; i++){}
if( c=='\'' ) i++;
if( i ){
utf8_printf(out, "%.*s", i, z);
z += i;
if( c=='\'' ){
raw_printf(out, "'");
if( c==0 ){
if( c=='\n' ){
raw_printf(out, "%s", zNL);
raw_printf(out, "%s", zCR);
raw_printf(out, "'");
if( nCR ){
raw_printf(out, ",'%s',char(13))", zCR);
if( nNL ){
raw_printf(out, ",'%s',char(10))", zNL);
setTextMode(out, 1);
** Output the given string as a quoted according to C or TCL quoting rules.
static void output_c_string(FILE *out, const char *z){
unsigned int c;
fputc('"', out);
while( (c = *(z++))!=0 ){
if( c=='\\' ){
fputc(c, out);
fputc(c, out);
}else if( c=='"' ){
fputc('\\', out);
fputc('"', out);
}else if( c=='\t' ){
fputc('\\', out);
fputc('t', out);
}else if( c=='\n' ){
fputc('\\', out);
fputc('n', out);
}else if( c=='\r' ){
fputc('\\', out);
fputc('r', out);
}else if( !isprint(c&0xff) ){
raw_printf(out, "\\%03o", c&0xff);
fputc(c, out);
fputc('"', out);
** Output the given string with characters that are special to
** HTML escaped.
static void output_html_string(FILE *out, const char *z){
int i;
if( z==0 ) z = "";
while( *z ){
for(i=0; z[i]
&& z[i]!='<'
&& z[i]!='&'
&& z[i]!='>'
&& z[i]!='\"'
&& z[i]!='\'';
if( i>0 ){
if( z[i]=='<' ){
}else if( z[i]=='&' ){
}else if( z[i]=='>' ){
}else if( z[i]=='\"' ){
}else if( z[i]=='\'' ){
z += i + 1;
** If a field contains any character identified by a 1 in the following
** array, then the string must be quoted for CSV.
static const char needCsvQuote[] = {
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
** Output a single term of CSV. Actually, p->colSeparator is used for
** the separator, which may or may not be a comma. p->nullValue is
** the null value. Strings are quoted if necessary. The separator
** is only issued if bSep is true.
static void output_csv(ShellState *p, const char *z, int bSep){
FILE *out = p->out;
if( z==0 ){
int i;
int nSep = strlen30(p->colSeparator);
for(i=0; z[i]; i++){
if( needCsvQuote[((unsigned char*)z)[i]]
|| (z[i]==p->colSeparator[0] &&
(nSep==1 || memcmp(z, p->colSeparator, nSep)==0)) ){
i = 0;
if( i==0 ){
char *zQuoted = sqlite3_mprintf("\"%w\"", z);
utf8_printf(out, "%s", zQuoted);
utf8_printf(out, "%s", z);
if( bSep ){
utf8_printf(p->out, "%s", p->colSeparator);
** This routine runs when the user presses Ctrl-C
static void interrupt_handler(int NotUsed){
if( seenInterrupt>2 ) exit(1);
if( globalDb ) sqlite3_interrupt(globalDb);
#if (defined(_WIN32) || defined(WIN32)) && !defined(_WIN32_WCE)
** This routine runs for console events (e.g. Ctrl-C) on Win32
static BOOL WINAPI ConsoleCtrlHandler(
DWORD dwCtrlType /* One of the CTRL_*_EVENT constants */
if( dwCtrlType==CTRL_C_EVENT ){
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
** When the ".auth ON" is set, the following authorizer callback is
** invoked. It always returns SQLITE_OK.
static int shellAuth(
void *pClientData,
int op,
const char *zA1,
const char *zA2,
const char *zA3,
const char *zA4
ShellState *p = (ShellState*)pClientData;
static const char *azAction[] = { 0,
int i;
const char *az[4];
az[0] = zA1;
az[1] = zA2;
az[2] = zA3;
az[3] = zA4;
utf8_printf(p->out, "authorizer: %s", azAction[op]);
for(i=0; i<4; i++){
raw_printf(p->out, " ");
if( az[i] ){
output_c_string(p->out, az[i]);
raw_printf(p->out, "NULL");
raw_printf(p->out, "\n");
return SQLITE_OK;
** Print a schema statement. Part of MODE_Semi and MODE_Pretty output.
** This routine converts some CREATE TABLE statements for shadow tables
** in FTS3/4/5 into CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS statements.
static void printSchemaLine(FILE *out, const char *z, const char *zTail){
if( z==0 ) return;
if( zTail==0 ) return;
if( sqlite3_strglob("CREATE TABLE ['\"]*", z)==0 ){
utf8_printf(out, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %s%s", z+13, zTail);
utf8_printf(out, "%s%s", z, zTail);
static void printSchemaLineN(FILE *out, char *z, int n, const char *zTail){
char c = z[n];
z[n] = 0;
printSchemaLine(out, z, zTail);
z[n] = c;
** Return true if string z[] has nothing but whitespace and comments to the
** end of the first line.
static int wsToEol(const char *z){
int i;
for(i=0; z[i]; i++){
if( z[i]=='\n' ) return 1;
if( IsSpace(z[i]) ) continue;
if( z[i]=='-' && z[i+1]=='-' ) return 1;
return 0;
return 1;
** Add a new entry to the EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN data
static void eqp_append(ShellState *p, int iEqpId, int p2, const char *zText){
EQPGraphRow *pNew;
int nText = strlen30(zText);
if( p->autoEQPtest ){
utf8_printf(p->out, "%d,%d,%s\n", iEqpId, p2, zText);
pNew = sqlite3_malloc64( sizeof(*pNew) + nText );
if( pNew==0 ) shell_out_of_memory();
pNew->iEqpId = iEqpId;
pNew->iParentId = p2;
memcpy(pNew->zText, zText, nText+1);
pNew->pNext = 0;
if( p->sGraph.pLast ){
p->sGraph.pLast->pNext = pNew;
p->sGraph.pRow = pNew;
p->sGraph.pLast = pNew;
** Free and reset the EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN data that has been collected
** in p->sGraph.
static void eqp_reset(ShellState *p){
EQPGraphRow *pRow, *pNext;
for(pRow = p->sGraph.pRow; pRow; pRow = pNext){
pNext = pRow->pNext;
memset(&p->sGraph, 0, sizeof(p->sGraph));
/* Return the next EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN line with iEqpId that occurs after
** pOld, or return the first such line if pOld is NULL
static EQPGraphRow *eqp_next_row(ShellState *p, int iEqpId, EQPGraphRow *pOld){
EQPGraphRow *pRow = pOld ? pOld->pNext : p->sGraph.pRow;
while( pRow && pRow->iParentId!=iEqpId ) pRow = pRow->pNext;
return pRow;
/* Render a single level of the graph that has iEqpId as its parent. Called
** recursively to render sublevels.
static void eqp_render_level(ShellState *p, int iEqpId){
EQPGraphRow *pRow, *pNext;
int n = strlen30(p->sGraph.zPrefix);
char *z;
for(pRow = eqp_next_row(p, iEqpId, 0); pRow; pRow = pNext){
pNext = eqp_next_row(p, iEqpId, pRow);
z = pRow->zText;
utf8_printf(p->out, "%s%s%s\n", p->sGraph.zPrefix,
pNext ? "|--" : "`--", z);
if( n<(int)sizeof(p->sGraph.zPrefix)-7 ){
memcpy(&p->sGraph.zPrefix[n], pNext ? "| " : " ", 4);
eqp_render_level(p, pRow->iEqpId);
p->sGraph.zPrefix[n] = 0;
** Display and reset the EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN data
static void eqp_render(ShellState *p){
EQPGraphRow *pRow = p->sGraph.pRow;
if( pRow ){
if( pRow->zText[0]=='-' ){
if( pRow->pNext==0 ){
utf8_printf(p->out, "%s\n", pRow->zText+3);
p->sGraph.pRow = pRow->pNext;
utf8_printf(p->out, "QUERY PLAN\n");
p->sGraph.zPrefix[0] = 0;
eqp_render_level(p, 0);
** Progress handler callback.
static int progress_handler(void *pClientData) {
ShellState *p = (ShellState*)pClientData;
if( p->nProgress>=p->mxProgress && p->mxProgress>0 ){
raw_printf(p->out, "Progress limit reached (%u)\n", p->nProgress);
if( p->flgProgress & SHELL_PROGRESS_RESET ) p->nProgress = 0;
if( p->flgProgress & SHELL_PROGRESS_ONCE ) p->mxProgress = 0;
return 1;
if( (p->flgProgress & SHELL_PROGRESS_QUIET)==0 ){
raw_printf(p->out, "Progress %u\n", p->nProgress);
return 0;
** This is the callback routine that the shell
** invokes for each row of a query result.
static int shell_callback(
void *pArg,
int nArg, /* Number of result columns */
char **azArg, /* Text of each result column */
char **azCol, /* Column names */
int *aiType /* Column types */
int i;
ShellState *p = (ShellState*)pArg;
if( azArg==0 ) return 0;
switch( p->cMode ){
case MODE_Line: {
int w = 5;
if( azArg==0 ) break;
for(i=0; i<nArg; i++){
int len = strlen30(azCol[i] ? azCol[i] : "");
if( len>w ) w = len;
if( p->cnt++>0 ) utf8_printf(p->out, "%s", p->rowSeparator);
for(i=0; i<nArg; i++){
utf8_printf(p->out,"%*s = %s%s", w, azCol[i],
azArg[i] ? azArg[i] : p->nullValue, p->rowSeparator);
case MODE_Explain:
case MODE_Column: {
static const int aExplainWidths[] = {4, 13, 4, 4, 4, 13, 2, 13};
const int *colWidth;
int showHdr;
char *rowSep;
int nWidth;
if( p->cMode==MODE_Column ){
colWidth = p->colWidth;
nWidth = ArraySize(p->colWidth);
showHdr = p->showHeader;
rowSep = p->rowSeparator;
colWidth = aExplainWidths;
nWidth = ArraySize(aExplainWidths);
showHdr = 1;
rowSep = SEP_Row;
if( p->cnt++==0 ){
for(i=0; i<nArg; i++){
int w, n;
if( i<nWidth ){
w = colWidth[i];
w = 0;
if( w==0 ){
w = strlenChar(azCol[i] ? azCol[i] : "");
if( w<10 ) w = 10;
n = strlenChar(azArg && azArg[i] ? azArg[i] : p->nullValue);
if( w<n ) w = n;
if( i<ArraySize(p->actualWidth) ){
p->actualWidth[i] = w;
if( showHdr ){
utf8_width_print(p->out, w, azCol[i]);
utf8_printf(p->out, "%s", i==nArg-1 ? rowSep : " ");
if( showHdr ){
for(i=0; i<nArg; i++){
int w;
if( i<ArraySize(p->actualWidth) ){
w = p->actualWidth[i];
if( w<0 ) w = -w;
w = 10;
i==nArg-1 ? rowSep : " ");
if( azArg==0 ) break;
for(i=0; i<nArg; i++){
int w;
if( i<ArraySize(p->actualWidth) ){
w = p->actualWidth[i];
w = 10;
if( p->cMode==MODE_Explain && azArg[i] && strlenChar(azArg[i])>w ){
w = strlenChar(azArg[i]);
if( i==1 && p->aiIndent && p->pStmt ){
if( p->iIndent<p->nIndent ){
utf8_printf(p->out, "%*.s", p->aiIndent[p->iIndent], "");
utf8_width_print(p->out, w, azArg[i] ? azArg[i] : p->nullValue);
utf8_printf(p->out, "%s", i==nArg-1 ? rowSep : " ");
case MODE_Semi: { /* .schema and .fullschema output */
printSchemaLine(p->out, azArg[0], ";\n");
case MODE_Pretty: { /* .schema and .fullschema with --indent */
char *z;
int j;
int nParen = 0;
char cEnd = 0;
char c;
int nLine = 0;
assert( nArg==1 );
if( azArg[0]==0 ) break;
if( sqlite3_strlike("CREATE VIEW%", azArg[0], 0)==0
|| sqlite3_strlike("CREATE TRIG%", azArg[0], 0)==0
utf8_printf(p->out, "%s;\n", azArg[0]);
z = sqlite3_mprintf("%s", azArg[0]);
j = 0;
for(i=0; IsSpace(z[i]); i++){}
for(; (c = z[i])!=0; i++){
if( IsSpace(c) ){
if( z[j-1]=='\r' ) z[j-1] = '\n';
if( IsSpace(z[j-1]) || z[j-1]=='(' ) continue;
}else if( (c=='(' || c==')') && j>0 && IsSpace(z[j-1]) ){
z[j++] = c;
while( j>0 && IsSpace(z[j-1]) ){ j--; }
z[j] = 0;
if( strlen30(z)>=79 ){
for(i=j=0; (c = z[i])!=0; i++){ /* Copy from z[i] back to z[j] */
if( c==cEnd ){
cEnd = 0;
}else if( c=='"' || c=='\'' || c=='`' ){
cEnd = c;
}else if( c=='[' ){
cEnd = ']';
}else if( c=='-' && z[i+1]=='-' ){
cEnd = '\n';
}else if( c=='(' ){
}else if( c==')' ){
if( nLine>0 && nParen==0 && j>0 ){
printSchemaLineN(p->out, z, j, "\n");
j = 0;
z[j++] = c;
if( nParen==1 && cEnd==0
&& (c=='(' || c=='\n' || (c==',' && !wsToEol(z+i+1)))
if( c=='\n' ) j--;
printSchemaLineN(p->out, z, j, "\n ");
j = 0;
while( IsSpace(z[i+1]) ){ i++; }
z[j] = 0;
printSchemaLine(p->out, z, ";\n");
case MODE_List: {
if( p->cnt++==0 && p->showHeader ){
for(i=0; i<nArg; i++){
i==nArg-1 ? p->rowSeparator : p->colSeparator);
if( azArg==0 ) break;
for(i=0; i<nArg; i++){
char *z = azArg[i];
if( z==0 ) z = p->nullValue;
utf8_printf(p->out, "%s", z);
if( i<nArg-1 ){
utf8_printf(p->out, "%s", p->colSeparator);
utf8_printf(p->out, "%s", p->rowSeparator);
case MODE_Html: {
if( p->cnt++==0 && p->showHeader ){
for(i=0; i<nArg; i++){
output_html_string(p->out, azCol[i]);
if( azArg==0 ) break;
for(i=0; i<nArg; i++){
output_html_string(p->out, azArg[i] ? azArg[i] : p->nullValue);
case MODE_Tcl: {
if( p->cnt++==0 && p->showHeader ){
for(i=0; i<nArg; i++){
output_c_string(p->out,azCol[i] ? azCol[i] : "");
if(i<nArg-1) utf8_printf(p->out, "%s", p->colSeparator);
utf8_printf(p->out, "%s", p->rowSeparator);
if( azArg==0 ) break;
for(i=0; i<nArg; i++){
output_c_string(p->out, azArg[i] ? azArg[i] : p->nullValue);
if(i<nArg-1) utf8_printf(p->out, "%s", p->colSeparator);
utf8_printf(p->out, "%s", p->rowSeparator);
case MODE_Csv: {
setBinaryMode(p->out, 1);
if( p->cnt++==0 && p->showHeader ){
for(i=0; i<nArg; i++){
output_csv(p, azCol[i] ? azCol[i] : "", i<nArg-1);
utf8_printf(p->out, "%s", p->rowSeparator);
if( nArg>0 ){
for(i=0; i<nArg; i++){
output_csv(p, azArg[i], i<nArg-1);
utf8_printf(p->out, "%s", p->rowSeparator);
setTextMode(p->out, 1);
case MODE_Insert: {
if( azArg==0 ) break;
utf8_printf(p->out,"INSERT INTO %s",p->zDestTable);
if( p->showHeader ){
for(i=0; i<nArg; i++){
if( i>0 ) raw_printf(p->out, ",");
if( quoteChar(azCol[i]) ){
char *z = sqlite3_mprintf("\"%w\"", azCol[i]);
utf8_printf(p->out, "%s", z);
raw_printf(p->out, "%s", azCol[i]);
for(i=0; i<nArg; i++){
raw_printf(p->out, i>0 ? "," : " VALUES(");
if( (azArg[i]==0) || (aiType && aiType[i]==SQLITE_NULL) ){
}else if( aiType && aiType[i]==SQLITE_TEXT ){
if( ShellHasFlag(p, SHFLG_Newlines) ){
output_quoted_string(p->out, azArg[i]);
output_quoted_escaped_string(p->out, azArg[i]);
}else if( aiType && aiType[i]==SQLITE_INTEGER ){
utf8_printf(p->out,"%s", azArg[i]);
}else if( aiType && aiType[i]==SQLITE_FLOAT ){
char z[50];
double r = sqlite3_column_double(p->pStmt, i);
sqlite3_uint64 ur;
if( ur==0x7ff0000000000000LL ){
raw_printf(p->out, "1e999");
}else if( ur==0xfff0000000000000LL ){
raw_printf(p->out, "-1e999");
sqlite3_snprintf(50,z,"%!.20g", r);
raw_printf(p->out, "%s", z);
}else if( aiType && aiType[i]==SQLITE_BLOB && p->pStmt ){
const void *pBlob = sqlite3_column_blob(p->pStmt, i);
int nBlob = sqlite3_column_bytes(p->pStmt, i);
output_hex_blob(p->out, pBlob, nBlob);
}else if( isNumber(azArg[i], 0) ){
utf8_printf(p->out,"%s", azArg[i]);
}else if( ShellHasFlag(p, SHFLG_Newlines) ){
output_quoted_string(p->out, azArg[i]);
output_quoted_escaped_string(p->out, azArg[i]);
case MODE_Quote: {
if( azArg==0 ) break;
if( p->cnt==0 && p->showHeader ){
for(i=0; i<nArg; i++){
if( i>0 ) raw_printf(p->out, ",");
output_quoted_string(p->out, azCol[i]);
for(i=0; i<nArg; i++){
if( i>0 ) raw_printf(p->out, ",");
if( (azArg[i]==0) || (aiType && aiType[i]==SQLITE_NULL) ){
}else if( aiType && aiType[i]==SQLITE_TEXT ){
output_quoted_string(p->out, azArg[i]);
}else if( aiType && aiType[i]==SQLITE_INTEGER ){
utf8_printf(p->out,"%s", azArg[i]);
}else if( aiType && aiType[i]==SQLITE_FLOAT ){
char z[50];
double r = sqlite3_column_double(p->pStmt, i);
sqlite3_snprintf(50,z,"%!.20g", r);
raw_printf(p->out, "%s", z);
}else if( aiType && aiType[i]==SQLITE_BLOB && p->pStmt ){
const void *pBlob = sqlite3_column_blob(p->pStmt, i);
int nBlob = sqlite3_column_bytes(p->pStmt, i);
output_hex_blob(p->out, pBlob, nBlob);
}else if( isNumber(azArg[i], 0) ){
utf8_printf(p->out,"%s", azArg[i]);
output_quoted_string(p->out, azArg[i]);
case MODE_Ascii: {
if( p->cnt++==0 && p->showHeader ){
for(i=0; i<nArg; i++){
if( i>0 ) utf8_printf(p->out, "%s", p->colSeparator);
utf8_printf(p->out,"%s",azCol[i] ? azCol[i] : "");
utf8_printf(p->out, "%s", p->rowSeparator);
if( azArg==0 ) break;
for(i=0; i<nArg; i++){
if( i>0 ) utf8_printf(p->out, "%s", p->colSeparator);
utf8_printf(p->out,"%s",azArg[i] ? azArg[i] : p->nullValue);
utf8_printf(p->out, "%s", p->rowSeparator);
case MODE_EQP: {
eqp_append(p, atoi(azArg[0]), atoi(azArg[1]), azArg[3]);
return 0;
** This is the callback routine that the SQLite library
** invokes for each row of a query result.
static int callback(void *pArg, int nArg, char **azArg, char **azCol){
/* since we don't have type info, call the shell_callback with a NULL value */
return shell_callback(pArg, nArg, azArg, azCol, NULL);
** This is the callback routine from sqlite3_exec() that appends all
** output onto the end of a ShellText object.
static int captureOutputCallback(void *pArg, int nArg, char **azArg, char **az){
ShellText *p = (ShellText*)pArg;
int i;
if( azArg==0 ) return 0;
if( p->n ) appendText(p, "|", 0);
for(i=0; i<nArg; i++){
if( i ) appendText(p, ",", 0);
if( azArg[i] ) appendText(p, azArg[i], 0);
return 0;
** Generate an appropriate SELFTEST table in the main database.
static void createSelftestTable(ShellState *p){
char *zErrMsg = 0;
"SAVEPOINT selftest_init;\n"
" tno INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,\n" /* Test number */
" op TEXT,\n" /* Operator: memo run */
" cmd TEXT,\n" /* Command text */
" ans TEXT\n" /* Desired answer */
"CREATE TEMP TABLE [_shell$self](op,cmd,ans);\n"
"INSERT INTO [_shell$self](rowid,op,cmd)\n"
" VALUES(coalesce((SELECT (max(tno)+100)/10 FROM selftest),10),\n"
" 'memo','Tests generated by --init');\n"
"INSERT INTO [_shell$self]\n"
" SELECT 'run',\n"
" 'SELECT hex(sha3_query(''SELECT type,name,tbl_name,sql "
"FROM sqlite_master ORDER BY 2'',224))',\n"
" hex(sha3_query('SELECT type,name,tbl_name,sql "
"FROM sqlite_master ORDER BY 2',224));\n"
"INSERT INTO [_shell$self]\n"
" SELECT 'run',"
" 'SELECT hex(sha3_query(''SELECT * FROM \"' ||"
" printf('%w',name) || '\" NOT INDEXED'',224))',\n"
" hex(sha3_query(printf('SELECT * FROM \"%w\" NOT INDEXED',name),224))\n"
" FROM (\n"
" SELECT name FROM sqlite_master\n"
" WHERE type='table'\n"
" AND name<>'selftest'\n"
" AND coalesce(rootpage,0)>0\n"
" )\n"
" ORDER BY name;\n"
"INSERT INTO [_shell$self]\n"
" VALUES('run','PRAGMA integrity_check','ok');\n"
"INSERT INTO selftest(tno,op,cmd,ans)"
" SELECT rowid*10,op,cmd,ans FROM [_shell$self];\n"
"DROP TABLE [_shell$self];"
if( zErrMsg ){
utf8_printf(stderr, "SELFTEST initialization failure: %s\n", zErrMsg);
sqlite3_exec(p->db, "RELEASE selftest_init",0,0,0);
** Set the destination table field of the ShellState structure to
** the name of the table given. Escape any quote characters in the
** table name.
static void set_table_name(ShellState *p, const char *zName){
int i, n;
char cQuote;
char *z;
if( p->zDestTable ){
p->zDestTable = 0;
if( zName==0 ) return;
cQuote = quoteChar(zName);
n = strlen30(zName);
if( cQuote ) n += n+2;
z = p->zDestTable = malloc( n+1 );
if( z==0 ) shell_out_of_memory();
n = 0;
if( cQuote ) z[n++] = cQuote;
for(i=0; zName[i]; i++){
z[n++] = zName[i];
if( zName[i]==cQuote ) z[n++] = cQuote;
if( cQuote ) z[n++] = cQuote;
z[n] = 0;
** Execute a query statement that will generate SQL output. Print
** the result columns, comma-separated, on a line and then add a
** semicolon terminator to the end of that line.
** If the number of columns is 1 and that column contains text "--"
** then write the semicolon on a separate line. That way, if a
** "--" comment occurs at the end of the statement, the comment
** won't consume the semicolon terminator.
static int run_table_dump_query(
ShellState *p, /* Query context */
const char *zSelect /* SELECT statement to extract content */
sqlite3_stmt *pSelect;
int rc;
int nResult;
int i;
const char *z;
rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(p->db, zSelect, -1, &pSelect, 0);
if( rc!=SQLITE_OK || !pSelect ){
utf8_printf(p->out, "/**** ERROR: (%d) %s *****/\n", rc,
if( (rc&0xff)!=SQLITE_CORRUPT ) p->nErr++;
return rc;
rc = sqlite3_step(pSelect);
nResult = sqlite3_column_count(pSelect);
while( rc==SQLITE_ROW ){
z = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(pSelect, 0);
utf8_printf(p->out, "%s", z);
for(i=1; i<nResult; i++){
utf8_printf(p->out, ",%s", sqlite3_column_text(pSelect, i));
if( z==0 ) z = "";
while( z[0] && (z[0]!='-' || z[1]!='-') ) z++;
if( z[0] ){
raw_printf(p->out, "\n;\n");
raw_printf(p->out, ";\n");
rc = sqlite3_step(pSelect);
rc = sqlite3_finalize(pSelect);
if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
utf8_printf(p->out, "/**** ERROR: (%d) %s *****/\n", rc,
if( (rc&0xff)!=SQLITE_CORRUPT ) p->nErr++;
return rc;
** Allocate space and save off current error string.
static char *save_err_msg(
sqlite3 *db /* Database to query */
int nErrMsg = 1+strlen30(sqlite3_errmsg(db));
char *zErrMsg = sqlite3_malloc64(nErrMsg);
if( zErrMsg ){
memcpy(zErrMsg, sqlite3_errmsg(db), nErrMsg);
return zErrMsg;
#ifdef __linux__
** Attempt to display I/O stats on Linux using /proc/PID/io
static void displayLinuxIoStats(FILE *out){
FILE *in;
char z[200];
sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(z), z, "/proc/%d/io", getpid());
in = fopen(z, "rb");
if( in==0 ) return;
while( fgets(z, sizeof(z), in)!=0 ){
static const struct {
const char *zPattern;
const char *zDesc;
} aTrans[] = {
{ "rchar: ", "Bytes received by read():" },
{ "wchar: ", "Bytes sent to write():" },
{ "syscr: ", "Read() system calls:" },
{ "syscw: ", "Write() system calls:" },
{ "read_bytes: ", "Bytes read from storage:" },
{ "write_bytes: ", "Bytes written to storage:" },
{ "cancelled_write_bytes: ", "Cancelled write bytes:" },
int i;
for(i=0; i<ArraySize(aTrans); i++){
int n = strlen30(aTrans[i].zPattern);
if( strncmp(aTrans[i].zPattern, z, n)==0 ){
utf8_printf(out, "%-36s %s", aTrans[i].zDesc, &z[n]);
** Display a single line of status using 64-bit values.
static void displayStatLine(
ShellState *p, /* The shell context */
char *zLabel, /* Label for this one line */
char *zFormat, /* Format for the result */
int iStatusCtrl, /* Which status to display */
int bReset /* True to reset the stats */
sqlite3_int64 iCur = -1;
sqlite3_int64 iHiwtr = -1;
int i, nPercent;
char zLine[200];
sqlite3_status64(iStatusCtrl, &iCur, &iHiwtr, bReset);
for(i=0, nPercent=0; zFormat[i]; i++){
if( zFormat[i]=='%' ) nPercent++;
if( nPercent>1 ){
sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zLine), zLine, zFormat, iCur, iHiwtr);
sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zLine), zLine, zFormat, iHiwtr);
raw_printf(p->out, "%-36s %s\n", zLabel, zLine);
** Display memory stats.
static int display_stats(
sqlite3 *db, /* Database to query */
ShellState *pArg, /* Pointer to ShellState */
int bReset /* True to reset the stats */
int iCur;
int iHiwtr;
FILE *out;
if( pArg==0 || pArg->out==0 ) return 0;
out = pArg->out;
if( pArg->pStmt && (pArg->statsOn & 2) ){
int nCol, i, x;
sqlite3_stmt *pStmt = pArg->pStmt;
char z[100];
nCol = sqlite3_column_count(pStmt);
raw_printf(out, "%-36s %d\n", "Number of output columns:", nCol);
for(i=0; i<nCol; i++){
sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(z),z,"Column %d %nname:", i, &x);
utf8_printf(out, "%-36s %s\n", z, sqlite3_column_name(pStmt,i));
sqlite3_snprintf(30, z+x, "declared type:");
utf8_printf(out, "%-36s %s\n", z, sqlite3_column_decltype(pStmt, i));
sqlite3_snprintf(30, z+x, "database name:");
utf8_printf(out, "%-36s %s\n", z, sqlite3_column_database_name(pStmt,i));
sqlite3_snprintf(30, z+x, "table name:");
utf8_printf(out, "%-36s %s\n", z, sqlite3_column_table_name(pStmt,i));
sqlite3_snprintf(30, z+x, "origin name:");
utf8_printf(out, "%-36s %s\n", z, sqlite3_column_origin_name(pStmt,i));
displayStatLine(pArg, "Memory Used:",
"%lld (max %lld) bytes", SQLITE_STATUS_MEMORY_USED, bReset);
displayStatLine(pArg, "Number of Outstanding Allocations:",
"%lld (max %lld)", SQLITE_STATUS_MALLOC_COUNT, bReset);
if( pArg->shellFlgs & SHFLG_Pagecache ){
displayStatLine(pArg, "Number of Pcache Pages Used:",
"%lld (max %lld) pages", SQLITE_STATUS_PAGECACHE_USED, bReset);
displayStatLine(pArg, "Number of Pcache Overflow Bytes:",
"%lld (max %lld) bytes", SQLITE_STATUS_PAGECACHE_OVERFLOW, bReset);
displayStatLine(pArg, "Largest Allocation:",
"%lld bytes", SQLITE_STATUS_MALLOC_SIZE, bReset);
displayStatLine(pArg, "Largest Pcache Allocation:",
"%lld bytes", SQLITE_STATUS_PAGECACHE_SIZE, bReset);
displayStatLine(pArg, "Deepest Parser Stack:",
"%lld (max %lld)", SQLITE_STATUS_PARSER_STACK, bReset);
if( db ){
if( pArg->shellFlgs & SHFLG_Lookaside ){
iHiwtr = iCur = -1;
&iCur, &iHiwtr, bReset);
"Lookaside Slots Used: %d (max %d)\n",
iCur, iHiwtr);
sqlite3_db_status(db, SQLITE_DBSTATUS_LOOKASIDE_HIT,
&iCur, &iHiwtr, bReset);
raw_printf(pArg->out, "Successful lookaside attempts: %d\n",
&iCur, &iHiwtr, bReset);
raw_printf(pArg->out, "Lookaside failures due to size: %d\n",
&iCur, &iHiwtr, bReset);
raw_printf(pArg->out, "Lookaside failures due to OOM: %d\n",
iHiwtr = iCur = -1;
sqlite3_db_status(db, SQLITE_DBSTATUS_CACHE_USED, &iCur, &iHiwtr, bReset);
raw_printf(pArg->out, "Pager Heap Usage: %d bytes\n",
iHiwtr = iCur = -1;
sqlite3_db_status(db, SQLITE_DBSTATUS_CACHE_HIT, &iCur, &iHiwtr, 1);
raw_printf(pArg->out, "Page cache hits: %d\n", iCur);
iHiwtr = iCur = -1;
sqlite3_db_status(db, SQLITE_DBSTATUS_CACHE_MISS, &iCur, &iHiwtr, 1);
raw_printf(pArg->out, "Page cache misses: %d\n", iCur);
iHiwtr = iCur = -1;
sqlite3_db_status(db, SQLITE_DBSTATUS_CACHE_WRITE, &iCur, &iHiwtr, 1);
raw_printf(pArg->out, "Page cache writes: %d\n", iCur);
iHiwtr = iCur = -1;
sqlite3_db_status(db, SQLITE_DBSTATUS_CACHE_SPILL, &iCur, &iHiwtr, 1);
raw_printf(pArg->out, "Page cache spills: %d\n", iCur);
iHiwtr = iCur = -1;
sqlite3_db_status(db, SQLITE_DBSTATUS_SCHEMA_USED, &iCur, &iHiwtr, bReset);
raw_printf(pArg->out, "Schema Heap Usage: %d bytes\n",
iHiwtr = iCur = -1;
sqlite3_db_status(db, SQLITE_DBSTATUS_STMT_USED, &iCur, &iHiwtr, bReset);
raw_printf(pArg->out, "Statement Heap/Lookaside Usage: %d bytes\n",
if( pArg->pStmt ){
iCur = sqlite3_stmt_status(pArg->pStmt, SQLITE_STMTSTATUS_FULLSCAN_STEP,
raw_printf(pArg->out, "Fullscan Steps: %d\n", iCur);
iCur = sqlite3_stmt_status(pArg->pStmt, SQLITE_STMTSTATUS_SORT, bReset);
raw_printf(pArg->out, "Sort Operations: %d\n", iCur);
iCur = sqlite3_stmt_status(pArg->pStmt, SQLITE_STMTSTATUS_AUTOINDEX,bReset);
raw_printf(pArg->out, "Autoindex Inserts: %d\n", iCur);
iCur = sqlite3_stmt_status(pArg->pStmt, SQLITE_STMTSTATUS_VM_STEP, bReset);
raw_printf(pArg->out, "Virtual Machine Steps: %d\n", iCur);
iCur = sqlite3_stmt_status(pArg->pStmt, SQLITE_STMTSTATUS_REPREPARE,bReset);
raw_printf(pArg->out, "Reprepare operations: %d\n", iCur);
iCur = sqlite3_stmt_status(pArg->pStmt, SQLITE_STMTSTATUS_RUN, bReset);
raw_printf(pArg->out, "Number of times run: %d\n", iCur);
iCur = sqlite3_stmt_status(pArg->pStmt, SQLITE_STMTSTATUS_MEMUSED, bReset);
raw_printf(pArg->out, "Memory used by prepared stmt: %d\n", iCur);
#ifdef __linux__
/* Do not remove this machine readable comment: extra-stats-output-here */
return 0;
** Display scan stats.
static void display_scanstats(
sqlite3 *db, /* Database to query */
ShellState *pArg /* Pointer to ShellState */
int i, k, n, mx;
raw_printf(pArg->out, "-------- scanstats --------\n");
mx = 0;
for(k=0; k<=mx; k++){
double rEstLoop = 1.0;
for(i=n=0; 1; i++){
sqlite3_stmt *p = pArg->pStmt;
sqlite3_int64 nLoop, nVisit;
double rEst;
int iSid;
const char *zExplain;
if( sqlite3_stmt_scanstatus(p, i, SQLITE_SCANSTAT_NLOOP, (void*)&nLoop) ){
sqlite3_stmt_scanstatus(p, i, SQLITE_SCANSTAT_SELECTID, (void*)&iSid);
if( iSid>mx ) mx = iSid;
if( iSid!=k ) continue;
if( n==0 ){
rEstLoop = (double)nLoop;
if( k>0 ) raw_printf(pArg->out, "-------- subquery %d -------\n", k);
sqlite3_stmt_scanstatus(p, i, SQLITE_SCANSTAT_NVISIT, (void*)&nVisit);
sqlite3_stmt_scanstatus(p, i, SQLITE_SCANSTAT_EST, (void*)&rEst);
sqlite3_stmt_scanstatus(p, i, SQLITE_SCANSTAT_EXPLAIN, (void*)&zExplain);
utf8_printf(pArg->out, "Loop %2d: %s\n", n, zExplain);
rEstLoop *= rEst;
" nLoop=%-8lld nRow=%-8lld estRow=%-8lld estRow/Loop=%-8g\n",
nLoop, nVisit, (sqlite3_int64)(rEstLoop+0.5), rEst
raw_printf(pArg->out, "---------------------------\n");
** Parameter azArray points to a zero-terminated array of strings. zStr
** points to a single nul-terminated string. Return non-zero if zStr
** is equal, according to strcmp(), to any of the strings in the array.
** Otherwise, return zero.
static int str_in_array(const char *zStr, const char **azArray){
int i;
for(i=0; azArray[i]; i++){
if( 0==strcmp(zStr, azArray[i]) ) return 1;
return 0;
** If compiled statement pSql appears to be an EXPLAIN statement, allocate
** and populate the ShellState.aiIndent[] array with the number of
** spaces each opcode should be indented before it is output.
** The indenting rules are:
** * For each "Next", "Prev", "VNext" or "VPrev" instruction, indent
** all opcodes that occur between the p2 jump destination and the opcode
** itself by 2 spaces.
** * For each "Goto", if the jump destination is earlier in the program
** and ends on one of:
** Yield SeekGt SeekLt RowSetRead Rewind
** or if the P1 parameter is one instead of zero,
** then indent all opcodes between the earlier instruction
** and "Goto" by 2 spaces.
static void explain_data_prepare(ShellState *p, sqlite3_stmt *pSql){
const char *zSql; /* The text of the SQL statement */
const char *z; /* Used to check if this is an EXPLAIN */
int *abYield = 0; /* True if op is an OP_Yield */
int nAlloc = 0; /* Allocated size of p->aiIndent[], abYield */
int iOp; /* Index of operation in p->aiIndent[] */
const char *azNext[] = { "Next", "Prev", "VPrev", "VNext", "SorterNext", 0 };
const char *azYield[] = { "Yield", "SeekLT", "SeekGT", "RowSetRead",
"Rewind", 0 };
const char *azGoto[] = { "Goto", 0 };
/* Try to figure out if this is really an EXPLAIN statement. If this
** cannot be verified, return early. */
if( sqlite3_column_count(pSql)!=8 ){
p->cMode = p->mode;
zSql = sqlite3_sql(pSql);
if( zSql==0 ) return;
for(z=zSql; *z==' ' || *z=='\t' || *z=='\n' || *z=='\f' || *z=='\r'; z++);
if( sqlite3_strnicmp(z, "explain", 7) ){
p->cMode = p->mode;
for(iOp=0; SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pSql); iOp++){
int i;
int iAddr = sqlite3_column_int(pSql, 0);
const char *zOp = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(pSql, 1);
/* Set p2 to the P2 field of the current opcode. Then, assuming that
** p2 is an instruction address, set variable p2op to the index of that
** instruction in the aiIndent[] array. p2 and p2op may be different if
** the current instruction is part of a sub-program generated by an
** SQL trigger or foreign key. */
int p2 = sqlite3_column_int(pSql, 3);
int p2op = (p2 + (iOp-iAddr));
/* Grow the p->aiIndent array as required */
if( iOp>=nAlloc ){
if( iOp==0 ){
/* Do further verfication that this is explain output. Abort if
** it is not */
static const char *explainCols[] = {
"addr", "opcode", "p1", "p2", "p3", "p4", "p5", "comment" };
int jj;
for(jj=0; jj<ArraySize(explainCols); jj++){
if( strcmp(sqlite3_column_name(pSql,jj),explainCols[jj])!=0 ){
p->cMode = p->mode;
nAlloc += 100;
p->aiIndent = (int*)sqlite3_realloc64(p->aiIndent, nAlloc*sizeof(int));
if( p->aiIndent==0 ) shell_out_of_memory();
abYield = (int*)sqlite3_realloc64(abYield, nAlloc*sizeof(int));
if( abYield==0 ) shell_out_of_memory();
abYield[iOp] = str_in_array(zOp, azYield);
p->aiIndent[iOp] = 0;
p->nIndent = iOp+1;
if( str_in_array(zOp, azNext) ){
for(i=p2op; i<iOp; i++) p->aiIndent[i] += 2;
if( str_in_array(zOp, azGoto) && p2op<p->nIndent
&& (abYield[p2op] || sqlite3_column_int(pSql, 2))
for(i=p2op; i<iOp; i++) p->aiIndent[i] += 2;
p->iIndent = 0;
** Free the array allocated by explain_data_prepare().
static void explain_data_delete(ShellState *p){
p->aiIndent = 0;
p->nIndent = 0;
p->iIndent = 0;
** Disable and restore .wheretrace and .selecttrace settings.
extern int sqlite3SelectTrace;
static int savedSelectTrace;
extern int sqlite3WhereTrace;
static int savedWhereTrace;
static void disable_debug_trace_modes(void){
savedSelectTrace = sqlite3SelectTrace;
sqlite3SelectTrace = 0;
savedWhereTrace = sqlite3WhereTrace;
sqlite3WhereTrace = 0;
static void restore_debug_trace_modes(void){
sqlite3SelectTrace = savedSelectTrace;
sqlite3WhereTrace = savedWhereTrace;
/* Create the TEMP table used to store parameter bindings */
static void bind_table_init(ShellState *p){
int wrSchema = 0;
int defensiveMode = 0;
sqlite3_db_config(p->db, SQLITE_DBCONFIG_DEFENSIVE, -1, &defensiveMode);
sqlite3_db_config(p->db, SQLITE_DBCONFIG_DEFENSIVE, 0, 0);
sqlite3_db_config(p->db, SQLITE_DBCONFIG_WRITABLE_SCHEMA, -1, &wrSchema);
sqlite3_db_config(p->db, SQLITE_DBCONFIG_WRITABLE_SCHEMA, 1, 0);
"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS temp.sqlite_parameters(\n"
" value ANY\n"
0, 0, 0);
sqlite3_db_config(p->db, SQLITE_DBCONFIG_WRITABLE_SCHEMA, wrSchema, 0);
sqlite3_db_config(p->db, SQLITE_DBCONFIG_DEFENSIVE, defensiveMode, 0);
** Bind parameters on a prepared statement.
** Parameter bindings are taken from a TEMP table of the form:
** CREATE TEMP TABLE sqlite_parameters(key TEXT PRIMARY KEY, value)
** No bindings occur if this table does not exist. The name of the table
** begins with "sqlite_" so that it will not collide with ordinary application
** tables. The table must be in the TEMP schema.
static void bind_prepared_stmt(ShellState *pArg, sqlite3_stmt *pStmt){
int nVar;
int i;
int rc;
sqlite3_stmt *pQ = 0;
nVar = sqlite3_bind_parameter_count(pStmt);
if( nVar==0 ) return; /* Nothing to do */
if( sqlite3_table_column_metadata(pArg->db, "TEMP", "sqlite_parameters",
"key", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)!=SQLITE_OK ){
return; /* Parameter table does not exist */
rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(pArg->db,
"SELECT value FROM temp.sqlite_parameters"
" WHERE key=?1", -1, &pQ, 0);
if( rc || pQ==0 ) return;
for(i=1; i<=nVar; i++){
char zNum[30];
const char *zVar = sqlite3_bind_parameter_name(pStmt, i);
if( zVar==0 ){
zVar = zNum;
sqlite3_bind_text(pQ, 1, zVar, -1, SQLITE_STATIC);
if( sqlite3_step(pQ)==SQLITE_ROW ){
sqlite3_bind_value(pStmt, i, sqlite3_column_value(pQ, 0));
sqlite3_bind_null(pStmt, i);
** Run a prepared statement
static void exec_prepared_stmt(
ShellState *pArg, /* Pointer to ShellState */
sqlite3_stmt *pStmt /* Statment to run */
int rc;
/* perform the first step. this will tell us if we
** have a result set or not and how wide it is.
rc = sqlite3_step(pStmt);
/* if we have a result set... */
if( SQLITE_ROW == rc ){
/* allocate space for col name ptr, value ptr, and type */
int nCol = sqlite3_column_count(pStmt);
void *pData = sqlite3_malloc64(3*nCol*sizeof(const char*) + 1);
if( !pData ){
char **azCols = (char **)pData; /* Names of result columns */
char **azVals = &azCols[nCol]; /* Results */
int *aiTypes = (int *)&azVals[nCol]; /* Result types */
int i, x;
assert(sizeof(int) <= sizeof(char *));
/* save off ptrs to column names */
for(i=0; i<nCol; i++){
azCols[i] = (char *)sqlite3_column_name(pStmt, i);
/* extract the data and data types */
for(i=0; i<nCol; i++){
aiTypes[i] = x = sqlite3_column_type(pStmt, i);
if( x==SQLITE_BLOB && pArg && pArg->cMode==MODE_Insert ){
azVals[i] = "";
azVals[i] = (char*)sqlite3_column_text(pStmt, i);
if( !azVals[i] && (aiTypes[i]!=SQLITE_NULL) ){
break; /* from for */
} /* end for */
/* if data and types extracted successfully... */
if( SQLITE_ROW == rc ){
/* call the supplied callback with the result row data */
if( shell_callback(pArg, nCol, azVals, azCols, aiTypes) ){
rc = sqlite3_step(pStmt);
} while( SQLITE_ROW == rc );
** This function is called to process SQL if the previous shell command
** was ".expert". It passes the SQL in the second argument directly to
** the sqlite3expert object.
** If successful, SQLITE_OK is returned. Otherwise, an SQLite error
** code. In this case, (*pzErr) may be set to point to a buffer containing
** an English language error message. It is the responsibility of the
** caller to eventually free this buffer using sqlite3_free().
static int expertHandleSQL(
ShellState *pState,
const char *zSql,
char **pzErr
assert( pState->expert.pExpert );
assert( pzErr==0 || *pzErr==0 );
return sqlite3_expert_sql(pState->expert.pExpert, zSql, pzErr);
** This function is called either to silently clean up the object
** created by the ".expert" command (if bCancel==1), or to generate a
** report from it and then clean it up (if bCancel==0).
** If successful, SQLITE_OK is returned. Otherwise, an SQLite error
** code. In this case, (*pzErr) may be set to point to a buffer containing
** an English language error message. It is the responsibility of the
** caller to eventually free this buffer using sqlite3_free().
static int expertFinish(
ShellState *pState,
int bCancel,
char **pzErr
int rc = SQLITE_OK;
sqlite3expert *p = pState->expert.pExpert;
assert( p );
assert( bCancel || pzErr==0 || *pzErr==0 );
if( bCancel==0 ){
FILE *out = pState->out;
int bVerbose = pState->expert.bVerbose;
rc = sqlite3_expert_analyze(p, pzErr);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
int nQuery = sqlite3_expert_count(p);
int i;
if( bVerbose ){
const char *zCand = sqlite3_expert_report(p,0,EXPERT_REPORT_CANDIDATES);
raw_printf(out, "-- Candidates -----------------------------\n");
raw_printf(out, "%s\n", zCand);
for(i=0; i<nQuery; i++){
const char *zSql = sqlite3_expert_report(p, i, EXPERT_REPORT_SQL);
const char *zIdx = sqlite3_expert_report(p, i, EXPERT_REPORT_INDEXES);
const char *zEQP = sqlite3_expert_report(p, i, EXPERT_REPORT_PLAN);
if( zIdx==0 ) zIdx = "(no new indexes)\n";
if( bVerbose ){
raw_printf(out, "-- Query %d --------------------------------\n",i+1);
raw_printf(out, "%s\n\n", zSql);
raw_printf(out, "%s\n", zIdx);
raw_printf(out, "%s\n", zEQP);
pState->expert.pExpert = 0;
return rc;
** Implementation of ".expert" dot command.
static int expertDotCommand(
ShellState *pState, /* Current shell tool state */
char **azArg, /* Array of arguments passed to dot command */
int nArg /* Number of entries in azArg[] */
int rc = SQLITE_OK;
char *zErr = 0;
int i;
int iSample = 0;
assert( pState->expert.pExpert==0 );
memset(&pState->expert, 0, sizeof(ExpertInfo));
for(i=1; rc==SQLITE_OK && i<nArg; i++){
char *z = azArg[i];
int n;
if( z[0]=='-' && z[1]=='-' ) z++;
n = strlen30(z);
if( n>=2 && 0==strncmp(z, "-verbose", n) ){
pState->expert.bVerbose = 1;
else if( n>=2 && 0==strncmp(z, "-sample", n) ){
if( i==(nArg-1) ){
raw_printf(stderr, "option requires an argument: %s\n", z);
iSample = (int)integerValue(azArg[++i]);
if( iSample<0 || iSample>100 ){
raw_printf(stderr, "value out of range: %s\n", azArg[i]);
raw_printf(stderr, "unknown option: %s\n", z);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
pState->expert.pExpert = sqlite3_expert_new(pState->db, &zErr);
if( pState->expert.pExpert==0 ){
raw_printf(stderr, "sqlite3_expert_new: %s\n", zErr);
pState->expert.pExpert, EXPERT_CONFIG_SAMPLE, iSample
return rc;
#endif /* ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_VIRTUALTABLE */
** Execute a statement or set of statements. Print
** any result rows/columns depending on the current mode
** set via the supplied callback.
** This is very similar to SQLite's built-in sqlite3_exec()
** function except it takes a slightly different callback
** and callback data argument.
static int shell_exec(
ShellState *pArg, /* Pointer to ShellState */
const char *zSql, /* SQL to be evaluated */
char **pzErrMsg /* Error msg written here */
sqlite3_stmt *pStmt = NULL; /* Statement to execute. */
int rc = SQLITE_OK; /* Return Code */
int rc2;
const char *zLeftover; /* Tail of unprocessed SQL */
sqlite3 *db = pArg->db;
if( pzErrMsg ){
*pzErrMsg = NULL;
if( pArg->expert.pExpert ){
rc = expertHandleSQL(pArg, zSql, pzErrMsg);
return expertFinish(pArg, (rc!=SQLITE_OK), pzErrMsg);
while( zSql[0] && (SQLITE_OK == rc) ){
static const char *zStmtSql;
rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, zSql, -1, &pStmt, &zLeftover);
if( SQLITE_OK != rc ){
if( pzErrMsg ){
*pzErrMsg = save_err_msg(db);
if( !pStmt ){
/* this happens for a comment or white-space */
zSql = zLeftover;
while( IsSpace(zSql[0]) ) zSql++;
zStmtSql = sqlite3_sql(pStmt);
if( zStmtSql==0 ) zStmtSql = "";
while( IsSpace(zStmtSql[0]) ) zStmtSql++;
/* save off the prepared statment handle and reset row count */
if( pArg ){
pArg->pStmt = pStmt;
pArg->cnt = 0;
/* echo the sql statement if echo on */
if( pArg && ShellHasFlag(pArg, SHFLG_Echo) ){
utf8_printf(pArg->out, "%s\n", zStmtSql ? zStmtSql : zSql);
/* Show the EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN if .eqp is on */
if( pArg && pArg->autoEQP && sqlite3_stmt_isexplain(pStmt)==0 ){
sqlite3_stmt *pExplain;
char *zEQP;
int triggerEQP = 0;
sqlite3_db_config(db, SQLITE_DBCONFIG_TRIGGER_EQP, -1, &triggerEQP);
if( pArg->autoEQP>=AUTOEQP_trigger ){
sqlite3_db_config(db, SQLITE_DBCONFIG_TRIGGER_EQP, 1, 0);
zEQP = sqlite3_mprintf("EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN %s", zStmtSql);
rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, zEQP, -1, &pExplain, 0);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
while( sqlite3_step(pExplain)==SQLITE_ROW ){
const char *zEQPLine = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(pExplain,3);
int iEqpId = sqlite3_column_int(pExplain, 0);
int iParentId = sqlite3_column_int(pExplain, 1);
if( zEQPLine[0]=='-' ) eqp_render(pArg);
eqp_append(pArg, iEqpId, iParentId, zEQPLine);
if( pArg->autoEQP>=AUTOEQP_full ){
/* Also do an EXPLAIN for ".eqp full" mode */
zEQP = sqlite3_mprintf("EXPLAIN %s", zStmtSql);
rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, zEQP, -1, &pExplain, 0);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
pArg->cMode = MODE_Explain;
explain_data_prepare(pArg, pExplain);
exec_prepared_stmt(pArg, pExplain);
if( pArg->autoEQP>=AUTOEQP_trigger && triggerEQP==0 ){
sqlite3_db_config(db, SQLITE_DBCONFIG_TRIGGER_EQP, 0, 0);
/* Reprepare pStmt before reactiving trace modes */
sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, zSql, -1, &pStmt, 0);
if( pArg ) pArg->pStmt = pStmt;
if( pArg ){
pArg->cMode = pArg->mode;
if( pArg->autoExplain ){
if( sqlite3_stmt_isexplain(pStmt)==1 ){
pArg->cMode = MODE_Explain;
if( sqlite3_stmt_isexplain(pStmt)==2 ){
pArg->cMode = MODE_EQP;
/* If the shell is currently in ".explain" mode, gather the extra
** data required to add indents to the output.*/
if( pArg->cMode==MODE_Explain ){
explain_data_prepare(pArg, pStmt);
bind_prepared_stmt(pArg, pStmt);
exec_prepared_stmt(pArg, pStmt);
/* print usage stats if stats on */
if( pArg && pArg->statsOn ){
display_stats(db, pArg, 0);
/* print loop-counters if required */
if( pArg && pArg->scanstatsOn ){
display_scanstats(db, pArg);
/* Finalize the statement just executed. If this fails, save a
** copy of the error message. Otherwise, set zSql to point to the
** next statement to execute. */
rc2 = sqlite3_finalize(pStmt);
if( rc!=SQLITE_NOMEM ) rc = rc2;
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
zSql = zLeftover;
while( IsSpace(zSql[0]) ) zSql++;
}else if( pzErrMsg ){
*pzErrMsg = save_err_msg(db);
/* clear saved stmt handle */
if( pArg ){
pArg->pStmt = NULL;
} /* end while */
return rc;
** Release memory previously allocated by tableColumnList().
static void freeColumnList(char **azCol){
int i;
for(i=1; azCol[i]; i++){
/* azCol[0] is a static string */
** Return a list of pointers to strings which are the names of all
** columns in table zTab. The memory to hold the names is dynamically
** allocated and must be released by the caller using a subsequent call
** to freeColumnList().
** The azCol[0] entry is usually NULL. However, if zTab contains a rowid
** value that needs to be preserved, then azCol[0] is filled in with the
** name of the rowid column.
** The first regular column in the table is azCol[1]. The list is terminated
** by an entry with azCol[i]==0.
static char **tableColumnList(ShellState *p, const char *zTab){
char **azCol = 0;
sqlite3_stmt *pStmt;
char *zSql;
int nCol = 0;
int nAlloc = 0;
int nPK = 0; /* Number of PRIMARY KEY columns seen */
int isIPK = 0; /* True if one PRIMARY KEY column of type INTEGER */
int preserveRowid = ShellHasFlag(p, SHFLG_PreserveRowid);
int rc;
zSql = sqlite3_mprintf("PRAGMA table_info=%Q", zTab);
rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(p->db, zSql, -1, &pStmt, 0);
if( rc ) return 0;
while( sqlite3_step(pStmt)==SQLITE_ROW ){
if( nCol>=nAlloc-2 ){
nAlloc = nAlloc*2 + nCol + 10;
azCol = sqlite3_realloc(azCol, nAlloc*sizeof(azCol[0]));
if( azCol==0 ) shell_out_of_memory();
azCol[++nCol] = sqlite3_mprintf("%s", sqlite3_column_text(pStmt, 1));
if( sqlite3_column_int(pStmt, 5) ){
if( nPK==1
&& sqlite3_stricmp((const char*)sqlite3_column_text(pStmt,2),
isIPK = 1;
isIPK = 0;
if( azCol==0 ) return 0;
azCol[0] = 0;
azCol[nCol+1] = 0;
/* The decision of whether or not a rowid really needs to be preserved
** is tricky. We never need to preserve a rowid for a WITHOUT ROWID table
** or a table with an INTEGER PRIMARY KEY. We are unable to preserve
** rowids on tables where the rowid is inaccessible because there are other
** columns in the table named "rowid", "_rowid_", and "oid".
if( preserveRowid && isIPK ){
/* If a single PRIMARY KEY column with type INTEGER was seen, then it
** might be an alise for the ROWID. But it might also be a WITHOUT ROWID
** table or a INTEGER PRIMARY KEY DESC column, neither of which are
** ROWID aliases. To distinguish these cases, check to see if
** there is a "pk" entry in "PRAGMA index_list". There will be
** no "pk" index if the PRIMARY KEY really is an alias for the ROWID.
zSql = sqlite3_mprintf("SELECT 1 FROM pragma_index_list(%Q)"
" WHERE origin='pk'", zTab);
rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(p->db, zSql, -1, &pStmt, 0);
if( rc ){
return 0;
rc = sqlite3_step(pStmt);
preserveRowid = rc==SQLITE_ROW;
if( preserveRowid ){
/* Only preserve the rowid if we can find a name to use for the
** rowid */
static char *azRowid[] = { "rowid", "_rowid_", "oid" };
int i, j;
for(j=0; j<3; j++){
for(i=1; i<=nCol; i++){
if( sqlite3_stricmp(azRowid[j],azCol[i])==0 ) break;
if( i>nCol ){
/* At this point, we know that azRowid[j] is not the name of any
** ordinary column in the table. Verify that azRowid[j] is a valid
** name for the rowid before adding it to azCol[0]. WITHOUT ROWID
** tables will fail this last check */
rc = sqlite3_table_column_metadata(p->db,0,zTab,azRowid[j],0,0,0,0,0);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ) azCol[0] = azRowid[j];
return azCol;
** Toggle the reverse_unordered_selects setting.
static void toggleSelectOrder(sqlite3 *db){
sqlite3_stmt *pStmt = 0;
int iSetting = 0;
char zStmt[100];
sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, "PRAGMA reverse_unordered_selects", -1, &pStmt, 0);
if( sqlite3_step(pStmt)==SQLITE_ROW ){
iSetting = sqlite3_column_int(pStmt, 0);
sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zStmt), zStmt,
"PRAGMA reverse_unordered_selects(%d)", !iSetting);
sqlite3_exec(db, zStmt, 0, 0, 0);
** This is a different callback routine used for dumping the database.
** Each row received by this callback consists of a table name,
** the table type ("index" or "table") and SQL to create the table.
** This routine should print text sufficient to recreate the table.
static int dump_callback(void *pArg, int nArg, char **azArg, char **azNotUsed){
int rc;
const char *zTable;
const char *zType;
const char *zSql;
ShellState *p = (ShellState *)pArg;
if( nArg!=3 || azArg==0 ) return 0;
zTable = azArg[0];
zType = azArg[1];
zSql = azArg[2];
if( strcmp(zTable, "sqlite_sequence")==0 ){
raw_printf(p->out, "DELETE FROM sqlite_sequence;\n");
}else if( sqlite3_strglob("sqlite_stat?", zTable)==0 ){
raw_printf(p->out, "ANALYZE sqlite_master;\n");
}else if( strncmp(zTable, "sqlite_", 7)==0 ){
return 0;
}else if( strncmp(zSql, "CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE", 20)==0 ){
char *zIns;
if( !p->writableSchema ){
raw_printf(p->out, "PRAGMA writable_schema=ON;\n");
p->writableSchema = 1;
zIns = sqlite3_mprintf(
"INSERT INTO sqlite_master(type,name,tbl_name,rootpage,sql)"
zTable, zTable, zSql);
utf8_printf(p->out, "%s\n", zIns);
return 0;
printSchemaLine(p->out, zSql, ";\n");
if( strcmp(zType, "table")==0 ){
ShellText sSelect;
ShellText sTable;
char **azCol;
int i;
char *savedDestTable;
int savedMode;
azCol = tableColumnList(p, zTable);
if( azCol==0 ){
return 0;
/* Always quote the table name, even if it appears to be pure ascii,
** in case it is a keyword. Ex: INSERT INTO "table" ... */
appendText(&sTable, zTable, quoteChar(zTable));
/* If preserving the rowid, add a column list after the table name.
** In other words: "INSERT INTO tab(rowid,a,b,c,...) VALUES(...)"
** instead of the usual "INSERT INTO tab VALUES(...)".
if( azCol[0] ){
appendText(&sTable, "(", 0);
appendText(&sTable, azCol[0], 0);
for(i=1; azCol[i]; i++){
appendText(&sTable, ",", 0);
appendText(&sTable, azCol[i], quoteChar(azCol[i]));
appendText(&sTable, ")", 0);
/* Build an appropriate SELECT statement */
appendText(&sSelect, "SELECT ", 0);
if( azCol[0] ){
appendText(&sSelect, azCol[0], 0);
appendText(&sSelect, ",", 0);
for(i=1; azCol[i]; i++){
appendText(&sSelect, azCol[i], quoteChar(azCol[i]));
if( azCol[i+1] ){
appendText(&sSelect, ",", 0);
appendText(&sSelect, " FROM ", 0);
appendText(&sSelect, zTable, quoteChar(zTable));
savedDestTable = p->zDestTable;
savedMode = p->mode;
p->zDestTable = sTable.z;
p->mode = p->cMode = MODE_Insert;
rc = shell_exec(p, sSelect.z, 0);
if( (rc&0xff)==SQLITE_CORRUPT ){
raw_printf(p->out, "/****** CORRUPTION ERROR *******/\n");
shell_exec(p, sSelect.z, 0);
p->zDestTable = savedDestTable;
p->mode = savedMode;
if( rc ) p->nErr++;
return 0;
** Run zQuery. Use dump_callback() as the callback routine so that
** the contents of the query are output as SQL statements.
** If we get a SQLITE_CORRUPT error, rerun the query after appending
** "ORDER BY rowid DESC" to the end.
static int run_schema_dump_query(
ShellState *p,
const char *zQuery
int rc;
char *zErr = 0;
rc = sqlite3_exec(p->db, zQuery, dump_callback, p, &zErr);
char *zQ2;
int len = strlen30(zQuery);
raw_printf(p->out, "/****** CORRUPTION ERROR *******/\n");
if( zErr ){
utf8_printf(p->out, "/****** %s ******/\n", zErr);
zErr = 0;
zQ2 = malloc( len+100 );
if( zQ2==0 ) return rc;
sqlite3_snprintf(len+100, zQ2, "%s ORDER BY rowid DESC", zQuery);
rc = sqlite3_exec(p->db, zQ2, dump_callback, p, &zErr);
if( rc ){
utf8_printf(p->out, "/****** ERROR: %s ******/\n", zErr);
return rc;
** Text of help messages.
** The help text for each individual command begins with a line that starts
** with ".". Subsequent lines are supplimental information.
** There must be two or more spaces between the end of the command and the
** start of the description of what that command does.
static const char *(azHelp[]) = {
".archive ... Manage SQL archives",
" Each command must have exactly one of the following options:",
" -c, --create Create a new archive",
" -u, --update Add or update files with changed mtime",
" -i, --insert Like -u but always add even if unchanged",
" -t, --list List contents of archive",
" -x, --extract Extract files from archive",
" Optional arguments:",
" -v, --verbose Print each filename as it is processed",
" -f FILE, --file FILE Use archive FILE (default is current db)",
" -a FILE, --append FILE Open FILE using the apndvfs VFS",
" -C DIR, --directory DIR Read/extract files from directory DIR",
" -n, --dryrun Show the SQL that would have occurred",
" Examples:",
" .ar -cf ARCHIVE foo bar # Create ARCHIVE from files foo and bar",
" .ar -tf ARCHIVE # List members of ARCHIVE",
" .ar -xvf ARCHIVE # Verbosely extract files from ARCHIVE",
" See also:",
".auth ON|OFF Show authorizer callbacks",
".backup ?DB? FILE Backup DB (default \"main\") to FILE",
" --append Use the appendvfs",
" --async Write to FILE without journal and fsync()",
".bail on|off Stop after hitting an error. Default OFF",
".binary on|off Turn binary output on or off. Default OFF",
".cd DIRECTORY Change the working directory to DIRECTORY",
".changes on|off Show number of rows changed by SQL",
".check GLOB Fail if output since .testcase does not match",
".clone NEWDB Clone data into NEWDB from the existing database",
".databases List names and files of attached databases",
".dbconfig ?op? ?val? List or change sqlite3_db_config() options",
".dbinfo ?DB? Show status information about the database",
".dump ?TABLE? Render database content as SQL",
" Options:",
" --preserve-rowids Include ROWID values in the output",
" --newlines Allow unescaped newline characters in output",
" TABLE is a LIKE pattern for the tables to dump",
" Additional LIKE patterns can be given in subsequent arguments",
".echo on|off Turn command echo on or off",
".eqp on|off|full|... Enable or disable automatic EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN",
" Other Modes:",
" test Show raw EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN output",
" trace Like \"full\" but enable \"PRAGMA vdbe_trace\"",
" trigger Like \"full\" but also show trigger bytecode",
".excel Display the output of next command in spreadsheet",
" --bom Put a UTF8 byte-order mark on intermediate file",
".exit ?CODE? Exit this program with return-code CODE",
".expert EXPERIMENTAL. Suggest indexes for queries",
".explain ?on|off|auto? Change the EXPLAIN formatting mode. Default: auto",
".filectrl CMD ... Run various sqlite3_file_control() operations",
" --schema SCHEMA Use SCHEMA instead of \"main\"",
" --help Show CMD details",
".fullschema ?--indent? Show schema and the content of sqlite_stat tables",
".headers on|off Turn display of headers on or off",
".help ?-all? ?PATTERN? Show help text for PATTERN",
".import FILE TABLE Import data from FILE into TABLE",
" Options:",
" --ascii Use \\037 and \\036 as column and row separators",
" --csv Use , and \\n as column and row separators",
" --skip N Skip the first N rows of input",
" -v \"Verbose\" - increase auxiliary output",
" Notes:",
" * If TABLE does not exist, it is created. The first row of input",
" determines the column names.",
" * If neither --csv or --ascii are used, the input mode is derived",
" from the \".mode\" output mode",
" * If FILE begins with \"|\" then it is a command that generates the",
" input text.",
".imposter INDEX TABLE Create imposter table TABLE on index INDEX",
".indexes ?TABLE? Show names of indexes",
" If TABLE is specified, only show indexes for",
" tables matching TABLE using the LIKE operator.",
".iotrace FILE Enable I/O diagnostic logging to FILE",
".limit ?LIMIT? ?VAL? Display or change the value of an SQLITE_LIMIT",
".lint OPTIONS Report potential schema issues.",
" Options:",
" fkey-indexes Find missing foreign key indexes",
".load FILE ?ENTRY? Load an extension library",
".log FILE|off Turn logging on or off. FILE can be stderr/stdout",
".mode MODE ?TABLE? Set output mode",
" MODE is one of:",
" ascii Columns/rows delimited by 0x1F and 0x1E",
" csv Comma-separated values",
" column Left-aligned columns. (See .width)",
" html HTML <table> code",
" insert SQL insert statements for TABLE",
" line One value per line",
" list Values delimited by \"|\"",
" quote Escape answers as for SQL",
" tabs Tab-separated values",
" tcl TCL list elements",
".nullvalue STRING Use STRING in place of NULL values",
".once ?OPTIONS? ?FILE? Output for the next SQL command only to FILE",
" If FILE begins with '|' then open as a pipe",
" --bom Put a UTF8 byte-order mark at the beginning",
" -e Send output to the system text editor",
" -x Send output as CSV to a spreadsheet (same as \".excel\")",
".oom [--repeat M] [N] Simulate an OOM error on the N-th allocation",
".open ?OPTIONS? ?FILE? Close existing database and reopen FILE",
" Options:",
" --append Use appendvfs to append database to the end of FILE",
" --deserialize Load into memory useing sqlite3_deserialize()",
" --hexdb Load the output of \"dbtotxt\" as an in-memory db",
" --maxsize N Maximum size for --hexdb or --deserialized database",
" --new Initialize FILE to an empty database",
" --nofollow Do not follow symbolic links",
" --readonly Open FILE readonly",
" --zip FILE is a ZIP archive",
".output ?FILE? Send output to FILE or stdout if FILE is omitted",
" If FILE begins with '|' then open it as a pipe.",
" Options:",
" --bom Prefix output with a UTF8 byte-order mark",
" -e Send output to the system text editor",
" -x Send output as CSV to a spreadsheet",
".parameter CMD ... Manage SQL parameter bindings",
" clear Erase all bindings",
" init Initialize the TEMP table that holds bindings",
" list List the current parameter bindings",
" set PARAMETER VALUE Given SQL parameter PARAMETER a value of VALUE",
" PARAMETER should start with one of: $ : @ ?",
" unset PARAMETER Remove PARAMETER from the binding table",
".print STRING... Print literal STRING",
".progress N Invoke progress handler after every N opcodes",
" --limit N Interrupt after N progress callbacks",
" --once Do no more than one progress interrupt",
" --quiet|-q No output except at interrupts",
" --reset Reset the count for each input and interrupt",
".prompt MAIN CONTINUE Replace the standard prompts",
".quit Exit this program",
".read FILE Read input from FILE",
".recover Recover as much data as possible from corrupt db.",
" --freelist-corrupt Assume the freelist is corrupt",
" --recovery-db NAME Store recovery metadata in database file NAME",
" --lost-and-found TABLE Alternative name for the lost-and-found table",
" --no-rowids Do not attempt to recover rowid values",
" that are not also INTEGER PRIMARY KEYs",
".restore ?DB? FILE Restore content of DB (default \"main\") from FILE",
".save FILE Write in-memory database into FILE",
".scanstats on|off Turn sqlite3_stmt_scanstatus() metrics on or off",
".schema ?PATTERN? Show the CREATE statements matching PATTERN",
" Options:",
" --indent Try to pretty-print the schema",
".selftest ?OPTIONS? Run tests defined in the SELFTEST table",
" Options:",
" --init Create a new SELFTEST table",
" -v Verbose output",
".separator COL ?ROW? Change the column and row separators",
".session ?NAME? CMD ... Create or control sessions",
" Subcommands:",
" attach TABLE Attach TABLE",
" changeset FILE Write a changeset into FILE",
" close Close one session",
" enable ?BOOLEAN? Set or query the enable bit",
" filter GLOB... Reject tables matching GLOBs",
" indirect ?BOOLEAN? Mark or query the indirect status",
" isempty Query whether the session is empty",
" list List currently open session names",
" open DB NAME Open a new session on DB",
" patchset FILE Write a patchset into FILE",
" If ?NAME? is omitted, the first defined session is used.",
".sha3sum ... Compute a SHA3 hash of database content",
" Options:",
" --schema Also hash the sqlite_master table",
" --sha3-224 Use the sha3-224 algorithm",
" --sha3-256 Use the sha3-256 algorithm (default)",
" --sha3-384 Use the sha3-384 algorithm",
" --sha3-512 Use the sha3-512 algorithm",
" Any other argument is a LIKE pattern for tables to hash",
".shell CMD ARGS... Run CMD ARGS... in a system shell",
".show Show the current values for various settings",
".stats ?on|off? Show stats or turn stats on or off",
".system CMD ARGS... Run CMD ARGS... in a system shell",
".tables ?TABLE? List names of tables matching LIKE pattern TABLE",
".testcase NAME Begin redirecting output to 'testcase-out.txt'",
".testctrl CMD ... Run various sqlite3_test_control() operations",
" Run \".testctrl\" with no arguments for details",
".timeout MS Try opening locked tables for MS milliseconds",
".timer on|off Turn SQL timer on or off",
".trace ?OPTIONS? Output each SQL statement as it is run",
" FILE Send output to FILE",
" stdout Send output to stdout",
" stderr Send output to stderr",
" off Disable tracing",
" --expanded Expand query parameters",
" --normalized Normal the SQL statements",
" --plain Show SQL as it is input",
" --stmt Trace statement execution (SQLITE_TRACE_STMT)",
" --profile Profile statements (SQLITE_TRACE_PROFILE)",
" --row Trace each row (SQLITE_TRACE_ROW)",
" --close Trace connection close (SQLITE_TRACE_CLOSE)",
#endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_TRACE */
".unmodule NAME ... Unregister virtual table modules",
" --allexcept Unregister everything except those named",
".vfsinfo ?AUX? Information about the top-level VFS",
".vfslist List all available VFSes",
".vfsname ?AUX? Print the name of the VFS stack",
".width NUM1 NUM2 ... Set column widths for \"column\" mode",
" Negative values right-justify",
** Output help text.
** zPattern describes the set of commands for which help text is provided.
** If zPattern is NULL, then show all commands, but only give a one-line
** description of each.
** Return the number of matches.
static int showHelp(FILE *out, const char *zPattern){
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
int n = 0;
char *zPat;
if( zPattern==0
|| zPattern[0]=='0'
|| strcmp(zPattern,"-a")==0
|| strcmp(zPattern,"-all")==0
|| strcmp(zPattern,"--all")==0
/* Show all commands, but only one line per command */
if( zPattern==0 ) zPattern = "";
for(i=0; i<ArraySize(azHelp); i++){
if( azHelp[i][0]=='.' || zPattern[0] ){
utf8_printf(out, "%s\n", azHelp[i]);
/* Look for commands that for which zPattern is an exact prefix */
zPat = sqlite3_mprintf(".%s*", zPattern);
for(i=0; i<ArraySize(azHelp); i++){
if( sqlite3_strglob(zPat, azHelp[i])==0 ){
utf8_printf(out, "%s\n", azHelp[i]);
j = i+1;
if( n ){
if( n==1 ){
/* when zPattern is a prefix of exactly one command, then include the
** details of that command, which should begin at offset j */
while( j<ArraySize(azHelp)-1 && azHelp[j][0]!='.' ){
utf8_printf(out, "%s\n", azHelp[j]);
return n;
/* Look for commands that contain zPattern anywhere. Show the complete
** text of all commands that match. */
zPat = sqlite3_mprintf("%%%s%%", zPattern);
for(i=0; i<ArraySize(azHelp); i++){
if( azHelp[i][0]=='.' ) j = i;
if( sqlite3_strlike(zPat, azHelp[i], 0)==0 ){
utf8_printf(out, "%s\n", azHelp[j]);
while( j<ArraySize(azHelp)-1 && azHelp[j+1][0]!='.' ){
utf8_printf(out, "%s\n", azHelp[j]);
i = j;
return n;
/* Forward reference */
static int process_input(ShellState *p);
** Read the content of file zName into memory obtained from sqlite3_malloc64()
** and return a pointer to the buffer. The caller is responsible for freeing
** the memory.
** If parameter pnByte is not NULL, (*pnByte) is set to the number of bytes
** read.
** For convenience, a nul-terminator byte is always appended to the data read
** from the file before the buffer is returned. This byte is not included in
** the final value of (*pnByte), if applicable.
** NULL is returned if any error is encountered. The final value of *pnByte
** is undefined in this case.
static char *readFile(const char *zName, int *pnByte){
FILE *in = fopen(zName, "rb");
long nIn;
size_t nRead;
char *pBuf;
if( in==0 ) return 0;
fseek(in, 0, SEEK_END);
nIn = ftell(in);
pBuf = sqlite3_malloc64( nIn+1 );
if( pBuf==0 ){ fclose(in); return 0; }
nRead = fread(pBuf, nIn, 1, in);
if( nRead!=1 ){
return 0;
pBuf[nIn] = 0;
if( pnByte ) *pnByte = nIn;
return pBuf;
** Close a single OpenSession object and release all of its associated
** resources.
static void session_close(OpenSession *pSession){
int i;
for(i=0; i<pSession->nFilter; i++){
memset(pSession, 0, sizeof(OpenSession));
** Close all OpenSession objects and release all associated resources.
static void session_close_all(ShellState *p){
int i;
for(i=0; i<p->nSession; i++){
p->nSession = 0;
# define session_close_all(X)
** Implementation of the xFilter function for an open session. Omit
** any tables named by ".session filter" but let all other table through.
static int session_filter(void *pCtx, const char *zTab){
OpenSession *pSession = (OpenSession*)pCtx;
int i;
for(i=0; i<pSession->nFilter; i++){
if( sqlite3_strglob(pSession->azFilter[i], zTab)==0 ) return 0;
return 1;
** Try to deduce the type of file for zName based on its content. Return
** one of the SHELL_OPEN_* constants.
** If the file does not exist or is empty but its name looks like a ZIP
** archive and the dfltZip flag is true, then assume it is a ZIP archive.
** Otherwise, assume an ordinary database regardless of the filename if
** the type cannot be determined from content.
int deduceDatabaseType(const char *zName, int dfltZip){
FILE *f = fopen(zName, "rb");
size_t n;
char zBuf[100];
if( f==0 ){
if( dfltZip && sqlite3_strlike("",zName,0)==0 ){
n = fread(zBuf, 16, 1, f);
if( n==1 && memcmp(zBuf, "SQLite format 3", 16)==0 ){
fseek(f, -25, SEEK_END);
n = fread(zBuf, 25, 1, f);
if( n==1 && memcmp(zBuf, "Start-Of-SQLite3-", 17)==0 ){
fseek(f, -22, SEEK_END);
n = fread(zBuf, 22, 1, f);
if( n==1 && zBuf[0]==0x50 && zBuf[1]==0x4b && zBuf[2]==0x05
&& zBuf[3]==0x06 ){
}else if( n==0 && dfltZip && sqlite3_strlike("",zName,0)==0 ){
return rc;
** Reconstruct an in-memory database using the output from the "dbtotxt"
** program. Read content from the file in p->zDbFilename. If p->zDbFilename
** is 0, then read from standard input.
static unsigned char *readHexDb(ShellState *p, int *pnData){
unsigned char *a = 0;
int nLine;
int n = 0;
int pgsz = 0;
int iOffset = 0;
int j, k;
int rc;
FILE *in;
unsigned int x[16];
char zLine[1000];
if( p->zDbFilename ){
in = fopen(p->zDbFilename, "r");
if( in==0 ){
utf8_printf(stderr, "cannot open \"%s\" for reading\n", p->zDbFilename);
return 0;
nLine = 0;
in = p->in;
nLine = p->lineno;
if( in==0 ) in = stdin;
*pnData = 0;
if( fgets(zLine, sizeof(zLine), in)==0 ) goto readHexDb_error;
rc = sscanf(zLine, "| size %d pagesize %d", &n, &pgsz);
if( rc!=2 ) goto readHexDb_error;
if( n<0 ) goto readHexDb_error;
if( pgsz<512 || pgsz>65536 || (pgsz&(pgsz-1))!=0 ) goto readHexDb_error;
n = (n+pgsz-1)&~(pgsz-1); /* Round n up to the next multiple of pgsz */
a = sqlite3_malloc( n ? n : 1 );
if( a==0 ){
utf8_printf(stderr, "Out of memory!\n");
goto readHexDb_error;
memset(a, 0, n);
if( pgsz<512 || pgsz>65536 || (pgsz & (pgsz-1))!=0 ){
utf8_printf(stderr, "invalid pagesize\n");
goto readHexDb_error;
for(nLine++; fgets(zLine, sizeof(zLine), in)!=0; nLine++){
rc = sscanf(zLine, "| page %d offset %d", &j, &k);
if( rc==2 ){
iOffset = k;
if( strncmp(zLine, "| end ", 6)==0 ){
rc = sscanf(zLine,"| %d: %x %x %x %x %x %x %x %x %x %x %x %x %x %x %x %x",
&j, &x[0], &x[1], &x[2], &x[3], &x[4], &x[5], &x[6], &x[7],
&x[8], &x[9], &x[10], &x[11], &x[12], &x[13], &x[14], &x[15]);
if( rc==17 ){
k = iOffset+j;
if( k+16<=n ){
int ii;
for(ii=0; ii<16; ii++) a[k+ii] = x[ii]&0xff;
*pnData = n;
if( in!=p->in ){
p->lineno = nLine;
return a;
if( in!=p->in ){
while( fgets(zLine, sizeof(zLine), p->in)!=0 ){
if(strncmp(zLine, "| end ", 6)==0 ) break;
p->lineno = nLine;
utf8_printf(stderr,"Error on line %d of --hexdb input\n", nLine);
return 0;
** Scalar function "shell_int32". The first argument to this function
** must be a blob. The second a non-negative integer. This function
** reads and returns a 32-bit big-endian integer from byte
** offset (4*<arg2>) of the blob.
static void shellInt32(
sqlite3_context *context,
int argc,
sqlite3_value **argv
const unsigned char *pBlob;
int nBlob;
int iInt;
nBlob = sqlite3_value_bytes(argv[0]);
pBlob = (const unsigned char*)sqlite3_value_blob(argv[0]);
iInt = sqlite3_value_int(argv[1]);
if( iInt>=0 && (iInt+1)*4<=nBlob ){
const unsigned char *a = &pBlob[iInt*4];
sqlite3_int64 iVal = ((sqlite3_int64)a[0]<<24)
+ ((sqlite3_int64)a[1]<<16)
+ ((sqlite3_int64)a[2]<< 8)
+ ((sqlite3_int64)a[3]<< 0);
sqlite3_result_int64(context, iVal);
** Scalar function "shell_idquote(X)" returns string X quoted as an identifier,
** using "..." with internal double-quote characters doubled.
static void shellIdQuote(
sqlite3_context *context,
int argc,
sqlite3_value **argv
const char *zName = (const char*)sqlite3_value_text(argv[0]);
if( zName ){
char *z = sqlite3_mprintf("\"%w\"", zName);
sqlite3_result_text(context, z, -1, sqlite3_free);
** Scalar function "shell_escape_crnl" used by the .recover command.
** The argument passed to this function is the output of built-in
** function quote(). If the first character of the input is "'",
** indicating that the value passed to quote() was a text value,
** then this function searches the input for "\n" and "\r" characters
** and adds a wrapper similar to the following:
** replace(replace(<input>, '\n', char(10), '\r', char(13));
** Or, if the first character of the input is not "'", then a copy
** of the input is returned.
static void shellEscapeCrnl(
sqlite3_context *context,
int argc,
sqlite3_value **argv
const char *zText = (const char*)sqlite3_value_text(argv[0]);
if( zText[0]=='\'' ){
int nText = sqlite3_value_bytes(argv[0]);
int i;
char zBuf1[20];
char zBuf2[20];
const char *zNL = 0;
const char *zCR = 0;
int nCR = 0;
int nNL = 0;
for(i=0; zText[i]; i++){
if( zNL==0 && zText[i]=='\n' ){
zNL = unused_string(zText, "\\n", "\\012", zBuf1);
nNL = (int)strlen(zNL);
if( zCR==0 && zText[i]=='\r' ){
zCR = unused_string(zText, "\\r", "\\015", zBuf2);
nCR = (int)strlen(zCR);
if( zNL || zCR ){
int iOut = 0;
i64 nMax = (nNL > nCR) ? nNL : nCR;
i64 nAlloc = nMax * nText + (nMax+64)*2;
char *zOut = (char*)sqlite3_malloc64(nAlloc);
if( zOut==0 ){
if( zNL && zCR ){
memcpy(&zOut[iOut], "replace(replace(", 16);
iOut += 16;
memcpy(&zOut[iOut], "replace(", 8);
iOut += 8;
for(i=0; zText[i]; i++){
if( zText[i]=='\n' ){
memcpy(&zOut[iOut], zNL, nNL);
iOut += nNL;
}else if( zText[i]=='\r' ){
memcpy(&zOut[iOut], zCR, nCR);
iOut += nCR;
zOut[iOut] = zText[i];
if( zNL ){
memcpy(&zOut[iOut], ",'", 2); iOut += 2;
memcpy(&zOut[iOut], zNL, nNL); iOut += nNL;
memcpy(&zOut[iOut], "', char(10))", 12); iOut += 12;
if( zCR ){
memcpy(&zOut[iOut], ",'", 2); iOut += 2;
memcpy(&zOut[iOut], zCR, nCR); iOut += nCR;
memcpy(&zOut[iOut], "', char(13))", 12); iOut += 12;
sqlite3_result_text(context, zOut, iOut, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
sqlite3_result_value(context, argv[0]);
/* Flags for open_db().
** The default behavior of open_db() is to exit(1) if the database fails to
** open. The OPEN_DB_KEEPALIVE flag changes that so that it prints an error
** but still returns without calling exit.
** The OPEN_DB_ZIPFILE flag causes open_db() to prefer to open files as a
** ZIP archive if the file does not exist or is empty and its name matches
** the *.zip pattern.
#define OPEN_DB_KEEPALIVE 0x001 /* Return after error if true */
#define OPEN_DB_ZIPFILE 0x002 /* Open as ZIP if name matches *.zip */
** Make sure the database is open. If it is not, then open it. If
** the database fails to open, print an error message and exit.
static void open_db(ShellState *p, int openFlags){
if( p->db==0 ){
if( p->openMode==SHELL_OPEN_UNSPEC ){
if( p->zDbFilename==0 || p->zDbFilename[0]==0 ){
p->openMode = SHELL_OPEN_NORMAL;
p->openMode = (u8)deduceDatabaseType(p->zDbFilename,
(openFlags & OPEN_DB_ZIPFILE)!=0);
switch( p->openMode ){
sqlite3_open_v2(p->zDbFilename, &p->db,
sqlite3_open(0, &p->db);
sqlite3_open(":memory:", &p->db);
sqlite3_open_v2(p->zDbFilename, &p->db,
SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY|p->openFlags, 0);
sqlite3_open_v2(p->zDbFilename, &p->db,
globalDb = p->db;
if( p->db==0 || SQLITE_OK!=sqlite3_errcode(p->db) ){
utf8_printf(stderr,"Error: unable to open database \"%s\": %s\n",
p->zDbFilename, sqlite3_errmsg(p->db));
if( openFlags & OPEN_DB_KEEPALIVE ){
sqlite3_open(":memory:", &p->db);
sqlite3_enable_load_extension(p->db, 1);
sqlite3_fileio_init(p->db, 0, 0);
sqlite3_shathree_init(p->db, 0, 0);
sqlite3_completion_init(p->db, 0, 0);
sqlite3_uint_init(p->db, 0, 0);
sqlite3_dbdata_init(p->db, 0, 0);
sqlite3_zipfile_init(p->db, 0, 0);
sqlite3_sqlar_init(p->db, 0, 0);
sqlite3_create_function(p->db, "shell_add_schema", 3, SQLITE_UTF8, 0,
shellAddSchemaName, 0, 0);
sqlite3_create_function(p->db, "shell_module_schema", 1, SQLITE_UTF8, 0,
shellModuleSchema, 0, 0);
sqlite3_create_function(p->db, "shell_putsnl", 1, SQLITE_UTF8, p,
shellPutsFunc, 0, 0);
sqlite3_create_function(p->db, "shell_escape_crnl", 1, SQLITE_UTF8, 0,
shellEscapeCrnl, 0, 0);
sqlite3_create_function(p->db, "shell_int32", 2, SQLITE_UTF8, 0,
shellInt32, 0, 0);
sqlite3_create_function(p->db, "shell_idquote", 1, SQLITE_UTF8, 0,
shellIdQuote, 0, 0);
sqlite3_create_function(p->db, "edit", 1, SQLITE_UTF8, 0,
editFunc, 0, 0);
sqlite3_create_function(p->db, "edit", 2, SQLITE_UTF8, 0,
editFunc, 0, 0);
if( p->openMode==SHELL_OPEN_ZIPFILE ){
char *zSql = sqlite3_mprintf(
"CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE zip USING zipfile(%Q);", p->zDbFilename);
sqlite3_exec(p->db, zSql, 0, 0, 0);
if( p->openMode==SHELL_OPEN_DESERIALIZE || p->openMode==SHELL_OPEN_HEXDB ){
int rc;
int nData = 0;
unsigned char *aData;
if( p->openMode==SHELL_OPEN_DESERIALIZE ){
aData = (unsigned char*)readFile(p->zDbFilename, &nData);
aData = readHexDb(p, &nData);
if( aData==0 ){
rc = sqlite3_deserialize(p->db, "main", aData, nData, nData,
if( rc ){
utf8_printf(stderr, "Error: sqlite3_deserialize() returns %d\n", rc);
if( p->szMax>0 ){
sqlite3_file_control(p->db, "main", SQLITE_FCNTL_SIZE_LIMIT, &p->szMax);
** Attempt to close the databaes connection. Report errors.
void close_db(sqlite3 *db){
int rc = sqlite3_close(db);
if( rc ){
utf8_printf(stderr, "Error: sqlite3_close() returns %d: %s\n",
rc, sqlite3_errmsg(db));
** Readline completion callbacks
static char *readline_completion_generator(const char *text, int state){
static sqlite3_stmt *pStmt = 0;
char *zRet;
if( state==0 ){
char *zSql;
zSql = sqlite3_mprintf("SELECT DISTINCT candidate COLLATE nocase"
" FROM completion(%Q) ORDER BY 1", text);
sqlite3_prepare_v2(globalDb, zSql, -1, &pStmt, 0);
if( sqlite3_step(pStmt)==SQLITE_ROW ){
zRet = strdup((const char*)sqlite3_column_text(pStmt, 0));
pStmt = 0;
zRet = 0;
return zRet;
static char **readline_completion(const char *zText, int iStart, int iEnd){
rl_attempted_completion_over = 1;
return rl_completion_matches(zText, readline_completion_generator);
** Linenoise completion callback
static void linenoise_completion(const char *zLine, linenoiseCompletions *lc){
int nLine = strlen30(zLine);
int i, iStart;
sqlite3_stmt *pStmt = 0;
char *zSql;
char zBuf[1000];
if( nLine>sizeof(zBuf)-30 ) return;
if( zLine[0]=='.' || zLine[0]=='#') return;
for(i=nLine-1; i>=0 && (isalnum(zLine[i]) || zLine[i]=='_'); i--){}
if( i==nLine-1 ) return;
iStart = i+1;
memcpy(zBuf, zLine, iStart);
zSql = sqlite3_mprintf("SELECT DISTINCT candidate COLLATE nocase"
" FROM completion(%Q,%Q) ORDER BY 1",
&zLine[iStart], zLine);
sqlite3_prepare_v2(globalDb, zSql, -1, &pStmt, 0);
sqlite3_exec(globalDb, "PRAGMA page_count", 0, 0, 0); /* Load the schema */
while( sqlite3_step(pStmt)==SQLITE_ROW ){
const char *zCompletion = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(pStmt, 0);
int nCompletion = sqlite3_column_bytes(pStmt, 0);
if( iStart+nCompletion < sizeof(zBuf)-1 ){
memcpy(zBuf+iStart, zCompletion, nCompletion+1);
linenoiseAddCompletion(lc, zBuf);
** Do C-language style dequoting.
** \a -> alarm
** \b -> backspace
** \t -> tab
** \n -> newline
** \v -> vertical tab
** \f -> form feed
** \r -> carriage return
** \s -> space
** \" -> "
** \' -> '
** \\ -> backslash
** \NNN -> ascii character NNN in octal
static void resolve_backslashes(char *z){
int i, j;
char c;
while( *z && *z!='\\' ) z++;
for(i=j=0; (c = z[i])!=0; i++, j++){
if( c=='\\' && z[i+1]!=0 ){
c = z[++i];
if( c=='a' ){
c = '\a';
}else if( c=='b' ){
c = '\b';
}else if( c=='t' ){
c = '\t';
}else if( c=='n' ){
c = '\n';
}else if( c=='v' ){
c = '\v';
}else if( c=='f' ){
c = '\f';
}else if( c=='r' ){
c = '\r';
}else if( c=='"' ){
c = '"';
}else if( c=='\'' ){
c = '\'';
}else if( c=='\\' ){
c = '\\';
}else if( c>='0' && c<='7' ){
c -= '0';
if( z[i+1]>='0' && z[i+1]<='7' ){
c = (c<<3) + z[i] - '0';
if( z[i+1]>='0' && z[i+1]<='7' ){
c = (c<<3) + z[i] - '0';
z[j] = c;
if( j<i ) z[j] = 0;
** Interpret zArg as either an integer or a boolean value. Return 1 or 0
** for TRUE and FALSE. Return the integer value if appropriate.
static int booleanValue(const char *zArg){
int i;
if( zArg[0]=='0' && zArg[1]=='x' ){
for(i=2; hexDigitValue(zArg[i])>=0; i++){}
for(i=0; zArg[i]>='0' && zArg[i]<='9'; i++){}
if( i>0 && zArg[i]==0 ) return (int)(integerValue(zArg) & 0xffffffff);
if( sqlite3_stricmp(zArg, "on")==0 || sqlite3_stricmp(zArg,"yes")==0 ){
return 1;
if( sqlite3_stricmp(zArg, "off")==0 || sqlite3_stricmp(zArg,"no")==0 ){
return 0;
utf8_printf(stderr, "ERROR: Not a boolean value: \"%s\". Assuming \"no\".\n",
return 0;
** Set or clear a shell flag according to a boolean value.
static void setOrClearFlag(ShellState *p, unsigned mFlag, const char *zArg){
if( booleanValue(zArg) ){
ShellSetFlag(p, mFlag);
ShellClearFlag(p, mFlag);
** Close an output file, assuming it is not stderr or stdout
static void output_file_close(FILE *f){
if( f && f!=stdout && f!=stderr ) fclose(f);
** Try to open an output file. The names "stdout" and "stderr" are
** recognized and do the right thing. NULL is returned if the output
** filename is "off".
static FILE *output_file_open(const char *zFile, int bTextMode){
FILE *f;
if( strcmp(zFile,"stdout")==0 ){
f = stdout;
}else if( strcmp(zFile, "stderr")==0 ){
f = stderr;
}else if( strcmp(zFile, "off")==0 ){
f = 0;
f = fopen(zFile, bTextMode ? "w" : "wb");
if( f==0 ){
utf8_printf(stderr, "Error: cannot open \"%s\"\n", zFile);
return f;
** A routine for handling output from sqlite3_trace().
static int sql_trace_callback(
unsigned mType, /* The trace type */
void *pArg, /* The ShellState pointer */
void *pP, /* Usually a pointer to sqlite_stmt */
void *pX /* Auxiliary output */
ShellState *p = (ShellState*)pArg;
sqlite3_stmt *pStmt;
const char *zSql;
int nSql;
if( p->traceOut==0 ) return 0;
utf8_printf(p->traceOut, "-- closing database connection\n");
return 0;
if( mType!=SQLITE_TRACE_ROW && ((const char*)pX)[0]=='-' ){
zSql = (const char*)pX;
pStmt = (sqlite3_stmt*)pP;
switch( p->eTraceType ){
zSql = sqlite3_expanded_sql(pStmt);
zSql = sqlite3_normalized_sql(pStmt);
default: {
zSql = sqlite3_sql(pStmt);
if( zSql==0 ) return 0;
nSql = strlen30(zSql);
while( nSql>0 && zSql[nSql-1]==';' ){ nSql--; }
switch( mType ){
utf8_printf(p->traceOut, "%.*s;\n", nSql, zSql);
sqlite3_int64 nNanosec = *(sqlite3_int64*)pX;
utf8_printf(p->traceOut, "%.*s; -- %lld ns\n", nSql, zSql, nNanosec);
return 0;
** A no-op routine that runs with the ".breakpoint" doc-command. This is
** a useful spot to set a debugger breakpoint.
static void test_breakpoint(void){
static int nCall = 0;
** An object used to read a CSV and other files for import.
typedef struct ImportCtx ImportCtx;
struct ImportCtx {
const char *zFile; /* Name of the input file */
FILE *in; /* Read the CSV text from this input stream */
char *z; /* Accumulated text for a field */
int n; /* Number of bytes in z */
int nAlloc; /* Space allocated for z[] */
int nLine; /* Current line number */
int nRow; /* Number of rows imported */
int nErr; /* Number of errors encountered */
int bNotFirst; /* True if one or more bytes already read */
int cTerm; /* Character that terminated the most recent field */
int cColSep; /* The column separator character. (Usually ",") */
int cRowSep; /* The row separator character. (Usually "\n") */
/* Append a single byte to z[] */
static void import_append_char(ImportCtx *p, int c){
if( p->n+1>=p->nAlloc ){
p->nAlloc += p->nAlloc + 100;
p->z = sqlite3_realloc64(p->z, p->nAlloc);
if( p->z==0 ) shell_out_of_memory();
p->z[p->n++] = (char)c;
/* Read a single field of CSV text. Compatible with rfc4180 and extended
** with the option of having a separator other than ",".
** + Input comes from p->in.
** + Store results in p->z of length p->n. Space to hold p->z comes
** from sqlite3_malloc64().
** + Use p->cSep as the column separator. The default is ",".
** + Use p->rSep as the row separator. The default is "\n".
** + Keep track of the line number in p->nLine.
** + Store the character that terminates the field in p->cTerm. Store
** EOF on end-of-file.
** + Report syntax errors on stderr
static char *SQLITE_CDECL csv_read_one_field(ImportCtx *p){
int c;
int cSep = p->cColSep;
int rSep = p->cRowSep;
p->n = 0;
c = fgetc(p->in);
if( c==EOF || seenInterrupt ){
p->cTerm = EOF;
return 0;
if( c=='"' ){
int pc, ppc;
int startLine = p->nLine;
int cQuote = c;
pc = ppc = 0;
while( 1 ){
c = fgetc(p->in);
if( c==rSep ) p->nLine++;
if( c==cQuote ){
if( pc==cQuote ){
pc = 0;
if( (c==cSep && pc==cQuote)
|| (c==rSep && pc==cQuote)
|| (c==rSep && pc=='\r' && ppc==cQuote)
|| (c==EOF && pc==cQuote)
do{ p->n--; }while( p->z[p->n]!=cQuote );
p->cTerm = c;
if( pc==cQuote && c!='\r' ){
utf8_printf(stderr, "%s:%d: unescaped %c character\n",
p->zFile, p->nLine, cQuote);
if( c==EOF ){
utf8_printf(stderr, "%s:%d: unterminated %c-quoted field\n",
p->zFile, startLine, cQuote);
p->cTerm = c;
import_append_char(p, c);
ppc = pc;
pc = c;
/* If this is the first field being parsed and it begins with the
** UTF-8 BOM (0xEF BB BF) then skip the BOM */
if( (c&0xff)==0xef && p->bNotFirst==0 ){
import_append_char(p, c);
c = fgetc(p->in);
if( (c&0xff)==0xbb ){
import_append_char(p, c);
c = fgetc(p->in);
if( (c&0xff)==0xbf ){
p->bNotFirst = 1;
p->n = 0;
return csv_read_one_field(p);
while( c!=EOF && c!=cSep && c!=rSep ){
import_append_char(p, c);
c = fgetc(p->in);
if( c==rSep ){
if( p->n>0 && p->z[p->n-1]=='\r' ) p->n--;
p->cTerm = c;
if( p->z ) p->z[p->n] = 0;
p->bNotFirst = 1;
return p->z;
/* Read a single field of ASCII delimited text.
** + Input comes from p->in.
** + Store results in p->z of length p->n. Space to hold p->z comes
** from sqlite3_malloc64().
** + Use p->cSep as the column separator. The default is "\x1F".
** + Use p->rSep as the row separator. The default is "\x1E".
** + Keep track of the row number in p->nLine.
** + Store the character that terminates the field in p->cTerm. Store
** EOF on end-of-file.
** + Report syntax errors on stderr
static char *SQLITE_CDECL ascii_read_one_field(ImportCtx *p){
int c;
int cSep = p->cColSep;
int rSep = p->cRowSep;
p->n = 0;
c = fgetc(p->in);
if( c==EOF || seenInterrupt ){
p->cTerm = EOF;
return 0;
while( c!=EOF && c!=cSep && c!=rSep ){
import_append_char(p, c);
c = fgetc(p->in);
if( c==rSep ){
p->cTerm = c;
if( p->z ) p->z[p->n] = 0;
return p->z;
** Try to transfer data for table zTable. If an error is seen while
** moving forward, try to go backwards. The backwards movement won't
** work for WITHOUT ROWID tables.
static void tryToCloneData(
ShellState *p,
sqlite3 *newDb,
const char *zTable
sqlite3_stmt *pQuery = 0;
sqlite3_stmt *pInsert = 0;
char *zQuery = 0;
char *zInsert = 0;
int rc;
int i, j, n;
int nTable = strlen30(zTable);
int k = 0;
int cnt = 0;
const int spinRate = 10000;
zQuery = sqlite3_mprintf("SELECT * FROM \"%w\"", zTable);
rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(p->db, zQuery, -1, &pQuery, 0);
if( rc ){
utf8_printf(stderr, "Error %d: %s on [%s]\n",
sqlite3_extended_errcode(p->db), sqlite3_errmsg(p->db),
goto end_data_xfer;
n = sqlite3_column_count(pQuery);
zInsert = sqlite3_malloc64(200 + nTable + n*3);
if( zInsert==0 ) shell_out_of_memory();
i = strlen30(zInsert);
for(j=1; j<n; j++){
memcpy(zInsert+i, ",?", 2);
i += 2;
memcpy(zInsert+i, ");", 3);
rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(newDb, zInsert, -1, &pInsert, 0);
if( rc ){
utf8_printf(stderr, "Error %d: %s on [%s]\n",
sqlite3_extended_errcode(newDb), sqlite3_errmsg(newDb),
goto end_data_xfer;
for(k=0; k<2; k++){
while( (rc = sqlite3_step(pQuery))==SQLITE_ROW ){
for(i=0; i<n; i++){
switch( sqlite3_column_type(pQuery, i) ){
sqlite3_bind_null(pInsert, i+1);
sqlite3_bind_int64(pInsert, i+1, sqlite3_column_int64(pQuery,i));
sqlite3_bind_double(pInsert, i+1, sqlite3_column_double(pQuery,i));
sqlite3_bind_text(pInsert, i+1,
(const char*)sqlite3_column_text(pQuery,i),
sqlite3_bind_blob(pInsert, i+1, sqlite3_column_blob(pQuery,i),
} /* End for */
rc = sqlite3_step(pInsert);
if( rc!=SQLITE_OK && rc!=SQLITE_ROW && rc!=SQLITE_DONE ){
utf8_printf(stderr, "Error %d: %s\n", sqlite3_extended_errcode(newDb),
if( (cnt%spinRate)==0 ){
printf("%c\b", "|/-\\"[(cnt/spinRate)%4]);
} /* End while */
if( rc==SQLITE_DONE ) break;
zQuery = sqlite3_mprintf("SELECT * FROM \"%w\" ORDER BY rowid DESC;",
rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(p->db, zQuery, -1, &pQuery, 0);
if( rc ){
utf8_printf(stderr, "Warning: cannot step \"%s\" backwards", zTable);
} /* End for(k=0...) */
** Try to transfer all rows of the schema that match zWhere. For
** each row, invoke xForEach() on the object defined by that row.
** If an error is encountered while moving forward through the
** sqlite_master table, try again moving backwards.
static void tryToCloneSchema(
ShellState *p,
sqlite3 *newDb,
const char *zWhere,
void (*xForEach)(ShellState*,sqlite3*,const char*)
sqlite3_stmt *pQuery = 0;
char *zQuery = 0;
int rc;
const unsigned char *zName;
const unsigned char *zSql;
char *zErrMsg = 0;
zQuery = sqlite3_mprintf("SELECT name, sql FROM sqlite_master"
" WHERE %s", zWhere);
rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(p->db, zQuery, -1, &pQuery, 0);
if( rc ){
utf8_printf(stderr, "Error: (%d) %s on [%s]\n",
sqlite3_extended_errcode(p->db), sqlite3_errmsg(p->db),
goto end_schema_xfer;
while( (rc = sqlite3_step(pQuery))==SQLITE_ROW ){
zName = sqlite3_column_text(pQuery, 0);
zSql = sqlite3_column_text(pQuery, 1);
printf("%s... ", zName); fflush(stdout);
sqlite3_exec(newDb, (const char*)zSql, 0, 0, &zErrMsg);
if( zErrMsg ){
utf8_printf(stderr, "Error: %s\nSQL: [%s]\n", zErrMsg, zSql);
zErrMsg = 0;
if( xForEach ){
xForEach(p, newDb, (const char*)zName);
if( rc!=SQLITE_DONE ){
zQuery = sqlite3_mprintf("SELECT name, sql FROM sqlite_master"
" WHERE %s ORDER BY rowid DESC", zWhere);
rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(p->db, zQuery, -1, &pQuery, 0);
if( rc ){
utf8_printf(stderr, "Error: (%d) %s on [%s]\n",
sqlite3_extended_errcode(p->db), sqlite3_errmsg(p->db),
goto end_schema_xfer;
while( (rc = sqlite3_step(pQuery))==SQLITE_ROW ){
zName = sqlite3_column_text(pQuery, 0);
zSql = sqlite3_column_text(pQuery, 1);
printf("%s... ", zName); fflush(stdout);
sqlite3_exec(newDb, (const char*)zSql, 0, 0, &zErrMsg);
if( zErrMsg ){
utf8_printf(stderr, "Error: %s\nSQL: [%s]\n", zErrMsg, zSql);
zErrMsg = 0;
if( xForEach ){
xForEach(p, newDb, (const char*)zName);
** Open a new database file named "zNewDb". Try to recover as much information
** as possible out of the main database (which might be corrupt) and write it
** into zNewDb.
static void tryToClone(ShellState *p, const char *zNewDb){
int rc;
sqlite3 *newDb = 0;
if( access(zNewDb,0)==0 ){
utf8_printf(stderr, "File \"%s\" already exists.\n", zNewDb);
rc = sqlite3_open(zNewDb, &newDb);
if( rc ){
utf8_printf(stderr, "Cannot create output database: %s\n",
sqlite3_exec(p->db, "PRAGMA writable_schema=ON;", 0, 0, 0);
sqlite3_exec(newDb, "BEGIN EXCLUSIVE;", 0, 0, 0);
tryToCloneSchema(p, newDb, "type='table'", tryToCloneData);
tryToCloneSchema(p, newDb, "type!='table'", 0);
sqlite3_exec(newDb, "COMMIT;", 0, 0, 0);
sqlite3_exec(p->db, "PRAGMA writable_schema=OFF;", 0, 0, 0);
** Change the output file back to stdout.
** If the p->doXdgOpen flag is set, that means the output was being
** redirected to a temporary file named by p->zTempFile. In that case,
** launch start/open/xdg-open on that temporary file.
static void output_reset(ShellState *p){
if( p->outfile[0]=='|' ){
if( p->doXdgOpen ){
const char *zXdgOpenCmd =
#if defined(_WIN32)
#elif defined(__APPLE__)
char *zCmd;
zCmd = sqlite3_mprintf("%s %s", zXdgOpenCmd, p->zTempFile);
if( system(zCmd) ){
utf8_printf(stderr, "Failed: [%s]\n", zCmd);
/* Give the start/open/xdg-open command some time to get
** going before we continue, and potential delete the
** p->zTempFile data file out from under it */
p->doXdgOpen = 0;
#endif /* !defined(SQLITE_NOHAVE_SYSTEM) */
p->outfile[0] = 0;
p->out = stdout;
** Run an SQL command and return the single integer result.
static int db_int(ShellState *p, const char *zSql){
sqlite3_stmt *pStmt;
int res = 0;
sqlite3_prepare_v2(p->db, zSql, -1, &pStmt, 0);
if( pStmt && sqlite3_step(pStmt)==SQLITE_ROW ){
res = sqlite3_column_int(pStmt,0);
return res;
** Convert a 2-byte or 4-byte big-endian integer into a native integer
static unsigned int get2byteInt(unsigned char *a){
return (a[0]<<8) + a[1];
static unsigned int get4byteInt(unsigned char *a){
return (a[0]<<24) + (a[1]<<16) + (a[2]<<8) + a[3];
** Implementation of the ".dbinfo" command.
** Return 1 on error, 2 to exit, and 0 otherwise.
static int shell_dbinfo_command(ShellState *p, int nArg, char **azArg){
static const struct { const char *zName; int ofst; } aField[] = {
{ "file change counter:", 24 },
{ "database page count:", 28 },
{ "freelist page count:", 36 },
{ "schema cookie:", 40 },
{ "schema format:", 44 },
{ "default cache size:", 48 },
{ "autovacuum top root:", 52 },
{ "incremental vacuum:", 64 },
{ "text encoding:", 56 },
{ "user version:", 60 },
{ "application id:", 68 },
{ "software version:", 96 },
static const struct { const char *zName; const char *zSql; } aQuery[] = {
{ "number of tables:",
"SELECT count(*) FROM %s WHERE type='table'" },
{ "number of indexes:",
"SELECT count(*) FROM %s WHERE type='index'" },
{ "number of triggers:",
"SELECT count(*) FROM %s WHERE type='trigger'" },
{ "number of views:",
"SELECT count(*) FROM %s WHERE type='view'" },
{ "schema size:",
"SELECT total(length(sql)) FROM %s" },
int i, rc;
unsigned iDataVersion;
char *zSchemaTab;
char *zDb = nArg>=2 ? azArg[1] : "main";
sqlite3_stmt *pStmt = 0;
unsigned char aHdr[100];
open_db(p, 0);
if( p->db==0 ) return 1;
rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(p->db,
"SELECT data FROM sqlite_dbpage(?1) WHERE pgno=1",
-1, &pStmt, 0);
if( rc ){
utf8_printf(stderr, "error: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(p->db));
return 1;
sqlite3_bind_text(pStmt, 1, zDb, -1, SQLITE_STATIC);
if( sqlite3_step(pStmt)==SQLITE_ROW
&& sqlite3_column_bytes(pStmt,0)>100
memcpy(aHdr, sqlite3_column_blob(pStmt,0), 100);
raw_printf(stderr, "unable to read database header\n");
return 1;
i = get2byteInt(aHdr+16);
if( i==1 ) i = 65536;
utf8_printf(p->out, "%-20s %d\n", "database page size:", i);
utf8_printf(p->out, "%-20s %d\n", "write format:", aHdr[18]);
utf8_printf(p->out, "%-20s %d\n", "read format:", aHdr[19]);
utf8_printf(p->out, "%-20s %d\n", "reserved bytes:", aHdr[20]);
for(i=0; i<ArraySize(aField); i++){
int ofst = aField[i].ofst;
unsigned int val = get4byteInt(aHdr + ofst);
utf8_printf(p->out, "%-20s %u", aField[i].zName, val);
switch( ofst ){
case 56: {
if( val==1 ) raw_printf(p->out, " (utf8)");
if( val==2 ) raw_printf(p->out, " (utf16le)");
if( val==3 ) raw_printf(p->out, " (utf16be)");
raw_printf(p->out, "\n");
if( zDb==0 ){
zSchemaTab = sqlite3_mprintf("main.sqlite_master");
}else if( strcmp(zDb,"temp")==0 ){
zSchemaTab = sqlite3_mprintf("%s", "sqlite_temp_master");
zSchemaTab = sqlite3_mprintf("\"%w\".sqlite_master", zDb);
for(i=0; i<ArraySize(aQuery); i++){
char *zSql = sqlite3_mprintf(aQuery[i].zSql, zSchemaTab);
int val = db_int(p, zSql);
utf8_printf(p->out, "%-20s %d\n", aQuery[i].zName, val);
sqlite3_file_control(p->db, zDb, SQLITE_FCNTL_DATA_VERSION, &iDataVersion);
utf8_printf(p->out, "%-20s %u\n", "data version", iDataVersion);
return 0;
** Print the current sqlite3_errmsg() value to stderr and return 1.
static int shellDatabaseError(sqlite3 *db){
const char *zErr = sqlite3_errmsg(db);
utf8_printf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", zErr);
return 1;
** Compare the pattern in zGlob[] against the text in z[]. Return TRUE
** if they match and FALSE (0) if they do not match.
** Globbing rules:
** '*' Matches any sequence of zero or more characters.
** '?' Matches exactly one character.
** [...] Matches one character from the enclosed list of
** characters.
** [^...] Matches one character not in the enclosed list.
** '#' Matches any sequence of one or more digits with an
** optional + or - sign in front
** ' ' Any span of whitespace matches any other span of
** whitespace.
** Extra whitespace at the end of z[] is ignored.
static int testcase_glob(const char *zGlob, const char *z){
int c, c2;
int invert;
int seen;
while( (c = (*(zGlob++)))!=0 ){
if( IsSpace(c) ){
if( !IsSpace(*z) ) return 0;
while( IsSpace(*zGlob) ) zGlob++;
while( IsSpace(*z) ) z++;
}else if( c=='*' ){
while( (c=(*(zGlob++))) == '*' || c=='?' ){
if( c=='?' && (*(z++))==0 ) return 0;
if( c==0 ){
return 1;
}else if( c=='[' ){
while( *z && testcase_glob(zGlob-1,z)==0 ){
return (*z)!=0;
while( (c2 = (*(z++)))!=0 ){
while( c2!=c ){
c2 = *(z++);
if( c2==0 ) return 0;
if( testcase_glob(zGlob,z) ) return 1;
return 0;
}else if( c=='?' ){
if( (*(z++))==0 ) return 0;
}else if( c=='[' ){
int prior_c = 0;
seen = 0;
invert = 0;
c = *(z++);
if( c==0 ) return 0;
c2 = *(zGlob++);
if( c2=='^' ){
invert = 1;
c2 = *(zGlob++);
if( c2==']' ){
if( c==']' ) seen = 1;
c2 = *(zGlob++);
while( c2 && c2!=']' ){
if( c2=='-' && zGlob[0]!=']' && zGlob[0]!=0 && prior_c>0 ){
c2 = *(zGlob++);
if( c>=prior_c && c<=c2 ) seen = 1;
prior_c = 0;
if( c==c2 ){
seen = 1;
prior_c = c2;
c2 = *(zGlob++);
if( c2==0 || (seen ^ invert)==0 ) return 0;
}else if( c=='#' ){
if( (z[0]=='-' || z[0]=='+') && IsDigit(z[1]) ) z++;
if( !IsDigit(z[0]) ) return 0;
while( IsDigit(z[0]) ){ z++; }
if( c!=(*(z++)) ) return 0;
while( IsSpace(*z) ){ z++; }
return *z==0;
** Compare the string as a command-line option with either one or two
** initial "-" characters.
static int optionMatch(const char *zStr, const char *zOpt){
if( zStr[0]!='-' ) return 0;
if( zStr[0]=='-' ) zStr++;
return strcmp(zStr, zOpt)==0;
** Delete a file.
int shellDeleteFile(const char *zFilename){
int rc;
#ifdef _WIN32
wchar_t *z = sqlite3_win32_utf8_to_unicode(zFilename);
rc = _wunlink(z);
rc = unlink(zFilename);
return rc;
** Try to delete the temporary file (if there is one) and free the
** memory used to hold the name of the temp file.
static void clearTempFile(ShellState *p){
if( p->zTempFile==0 ) return;
if( p->doXdgOpen ) return;
if( shellDeleteFile(p->zTempFile) ) return;
p->zTempFile = 0;
** Create a new temp file name with the given suffix.
static void newTempFile(ShellState *p, const char *zSuffix){
p->zTempFile = 0;
if( p->db ){
sqlite3_file_control(p->db, 0, SQLITE_FCNTL_TEMPFILENAME, &p->zTempFile);
if( p->zTempFile==0 ){
/* If p->db is an in-memory database then the TEMPFILENAME file-control
** will not work and we will need to fallback to guessing */
char *zTemp;
sqlite3_uint64 r;
sqlite3_randomness(sizeof(r), &r);
zTemp = getenv("TEMP");
if( zTemp==0 ) zTemp = getenv("TMP");
if( zTemp==0 ){
#ifdef _WIN32
zTemp = "\\tmp";
zTemp = "/tmp";
p->zTempFile = sqlite3_mprintf("%s/temp%llx.%s", zTemp, r, zSuffix);
p->zTempFile = sqlite3_mprintf("%z.%s", p->zTempFile, zSuffix);
if( p->zTempFile==0 ){
raw_printf(stderr, "out of memory\n");
** The implementation of SQL scalar function fkey_collate_clause(), used
** by the ".lint fkey-indexes" command. This scalar function is always
** called with four arguments - the parent table name, the parent column name,
** the child table name and the child column name.
** fkey_collate_clause('parent-tab', 'parent-col', 'child-tab', 'child-col')
** If either of the named tables or columns do not exist, this function
** returns an empty string. An empty string is also returned if both tables
** and columns exist but have the same default collation sequence. Or,
** if both exist but the default collation sequences are different, this
** function returns the string " COLLATE <parent-collation>", where
** <parent-collation> is the default collation sequence of the parent column.
static void shellFkeyCollateClause(
sqlite3_context *pCtx,
int nVal,
sqlite3_value **apVal
sqlite3 *db = sqlite3_context_db_handle(pCtx);
const char *zParent;
const char *zParentCol;
const char *zParentSeq;
const char *zChild;
const char *zChildCol;
const char *zChildSeq = 0; /* Initialize to avoid false-positive warning */
int rc;
assert( nVal==4 );
zParent = (const char*)sqlite3_value_text(apVal[0]);
zParentCol = (const char*)sqlite3_value_text(apVal[1]);
zChild = (const char*)sqlite3_value_text(apVal[2]);
zChildCol = (const char*)sqlite3_value_text(apVal[3]);
sqlite3_result_text(pCtx, "", -1, SQLITE_STATIC);
rc = sqlite3_table_column_metadata(
db, "main", zParent, zParentCol, 0, &zParentSeq, 0, 0, 0
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
rc = sqlite3_table_column_metadata(
db, "main", zChild, zChildCol, 0, &zChildSeq, 0, 0, 0
if( rc==SQLITE_OK && sqlite3_stricmp(zParentSeq, zChildSeq) ){
char *z = sqlite3_mprintf(" COLLATE %s", zParentSeq);
sqlite3_result_text(pCtx, z, -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
** The implementation of dot-command ".lint fkey-indexes".
static int lintFkeyIndexes(
ShellState *pState, /* Current shell tool state */
char **azArg, /* Array of arguments passed to dot command */
int nArg /* Number of entries in azArg[] */
sqlite3 *db = pState->db; /* Database handle to query "main" db of */
FILE *out = pState->out; /* Stream to write non-error output to */
int bVerbose = 0; /* If -verbose is present */
int bGroupByParent = 0; /* If -groupbyparent is present */
int i; /* To iterate through azArg[] */
const char *zIndent = ""; /* How much to indent CREATE INDEX by */
int rc; /* Return code */
sqlite3_stmt *pSql = 0; /* Compiled version of SQL statement below */
** This SELECT statement returns one row for each foreign key constraint
** in the schema of the main database. The column values are:
** 0. The text of an SQL statement similar to:
** "EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN SELECT 1 FROM child_table WHERE child_key=?"
** This SELECT is similar to the one that the foreign keys implementation
** needs to run internally on child tables. If there is an index that can
** be used to optimize this query, then it can also be used by the FK
** implementation to optimize DELETE or UPDATE statements on the parent
** table.
** 1. A GLOB pattern suitable for sqlite3_strglob(). If the plan output by
** the EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN command matches this pattern, then the schema
** contains an index that can be used to optimize the query.
** 2. Human readable text that describes the child table and columns. e.g.
** "child_table(child_key1, child_key2)"
** 3. Human readable text that describes the parent table and columns. e.g.
** "parent_table(parent_key1, parent_key2)"
** 4. A full CREATE INDEX statement for an index that could be used to
** optimize DELETE or UPDATE statements on the parent table. e.g.
** "CREATE INDEX child_table_child_key ON child_table(child_key)"
** 5. The name of the parent table.
** These six values are used by the C logic below to generate the report.
const char *zSql =
" || group_concat(quote( || '.' || quote(f.[from]) || '=?' "
" || fkey_collate_clause("
" f.[table], COALESCE(f.[to], p.[name]),, f.[from]),' AND ')"
", "
" || group_concat('*=?', ' AND ') || ')'"
", "
" || '(' || group_concat(f.[from], ', ') || ')'"
", "
" f.[table] || '(' || group_concat(COALESCE(f.[to], p.[name])) || ')'"
", "
" 'CREATE INDEX ' || quote( ||'_'|| group_concat(f.[from], '_'))"
" || ' ON ' || quote( || '('"
" || group_concat(quote(f.[from]) ||"
" fkey_collate_clause("
" f.[table], COALESCE(f.[to], p.[name]),, f.[from]), ', ')"
" || ');'"
", "
" f.[table] "
"FROM sqlite_master AS s, pragma_foreign_key_list( AS f "
"LEFT JOIN pragma_table_info AS p ON (pk-1=seq AND p.arg=f.[table]) "
const char *zGlobIPK = "SEARCH TABLE * USING INTEGER PRIMARY KEY (rowid=?)";
for(i=2; i<nArg; i++){
int n = strlen30(azArg[i]);
if( n>1 && sqlite3_strnicmp("-verbose", azArg[i], n)==0 ){
bVerbose = 1;
else if( n>1 && sqlite3_strnicmp("-groupbyparent", azArg[i], n)==0 ){
bGroupByParent = 1;
zIndent = " ";
raw_printf(stderr, "Usage: %s %s ?-verbose? ?-groupbyparent?\n",
azArg[0], azArg[1]
/* Register the fkey_collate_clause() SQL function */
rc = sqlite3_create_function(db, "fkey_collate_clause", 4, SQLITE_UTF8,
0, shellFkeyCollateClause, 0, 0
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, zSql, -1, &pSql, 0);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
sqlite3_bind_int(pSql, 1, bGroupByParent);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
int rc2;
char *zPrev = 0;
while( SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pSql) ){
int res = -1;
sqlite3_stmt *pExplain = 0;
const char *zEQP = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(pSql, 0);
const char *zGlob = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(pSql, 1);
const char *zFrom = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(pSql, 2);
const char *zTarget = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(pSql, 3);
const char *zCI = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(pSql, 4);
const char *zParent = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(pSql, 5);
rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, zEQP, -1, &pExplain, 0);
if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) break;
if( SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pExplain) ){
const char *zPlan = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(pExplain, 3);
res = (
0==sqlite3_strglob(zGlob, zPlan)
|| 0==sqlite3_strglob(zGlobIPK, zPlan)
rc = sqlite3_finalize(pExplain);
if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) break;
if( res<0 ){
raw_printf(stderr, "Error: internal error");
if( bGroupByParent
&& (bVerbose || res==0)
&& (zPrev==0 || sqlite3_stricmp(zParent, zPrev))
raw_printf(out, "-- Parent table %s\n", zParent);
zPrev = sqlite3_mprintf("%s", zParent);
if( res==0 ){
raw_printf(out, "%s%s --> %s\n", zIndent, zCI, zTarget);
}else if( bVerbose ){
raw_printf(out, "%s/* no extra indexes required for %s -> %s */\n",
zIndent, zFrom, zTarget
if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
raw_printf(stderr, "%s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(db));
rc2 = sqlite3_finalize(pSql);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK && rc2!=SQLITE_OK ){
rc = rc2;
raw_printf(stderr, "%s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(db));
raw_printf(stderr, "%s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(db));
return rc;
** Implementation of ".lint" dot command.
static int lintDotCommand(
ShellState *pState, /* Current shell tool state */
char **azArg, /* Array of arguments passed to dot command */
int nArg /* Number of entries in azArg[] */
int n;
n = (nArg>=2 ? strlen30(azArg[1]) : 0);
if( n<1 || sqlite3_strnicmp(azArg[1], "fkey-indexes", n) ) goto usage;
return lintFkeyIndexes(pState, azArg, nArg);
raw_printf(stderr, "Usage %s sub-command ?switches...?\n", azArg[0]);
raw_printf(stderr, "Where sub-commands are:\n");
raw_printf(stderr, " fkey-indexes\n");
static void shellPrepare(
sqlite3 *db,
int *pRc,
const char *zSql,
sqlite3_stmt **ppStmt
*ppStmt = 0;
if( *pRc==SQLITE_OK ){
int rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, zSql, -1, ppStmt, 0);
if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
raw_printf(stderr, "sql error: %s (%d)\n",
sqlite3_errmsg(db), sqlite3_errcode(db)
*pRc = rc;
** Create a prepared statement using printf-style arguments for the SQL.
** This routine is could be marked "static". But it is not always used,
** depending on compile-time options. By omitting the "static", we avoid
** nuisance compiler warnings about "defined but not used".
void shellPreparePrintf(
sqlite3 *db,
int *pRc,
sqlite3_stmt **ppStmt,
const char *zFmt,
*ppStmt = 0;
if( *pRc==SQLITE_OK ){
va_list ap;
char *z;
va_start(ap, zFmt);
z = sqlite3_vmprintf(zFmt, ap);
if( z==0 ){
shellPrepare(db, pRc, z, ppStmt);
/* Finalize the prepared statement created using shellPreparePrintf().
** This routine is could be marked "static". But it is not always used,
** depending on compile-time options. By omitting the "static", we avoid
** nuisance compiler warnings about "defined but not used".
void shellFinalize(
int *pRc,
sqlite3_stmt *pStmt
if( pStmt ){
sqlite3 *db = sqlite3_db_handle(pStmt);
int rc = sqlite3_finalize(pStmt);
if( *pRc==SQLITE_OK ){
if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
raw_printf(stderr, "SQL error: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(db));
*pRc = rc;
/* Reset the prepared statement created using shellPreparePrintf().
** This routine is could be marked "static". But it is not always used,
** depending on compile-time options. By omitting the "static", we avoid
** nuisance compiler warnings about "defined but not used".
void shellReset(
int *pRc,
sqlite3_stmt *pStmt
int rc = sqlite3_reset(pStmt);
if( *pRc==SQLITE_OK ){
if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
sqlite3 *db = sqlite3_db_handle(pStmt);
raw_printf(stderr, "SQL error: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(db));
*pRc = rc;
#endif /* !defined SQLITE_OMIT_VIRTUALTABLE */
** The ".archive" or ".ar" command.
** Structure representing a single ".ar" command.
typedef struct ArCommand ArCommand;
struct ArCommand {
u8 eCmd; /* An AR_CMD_* value */
u8 bVerbose; /* True if --verbose */
u8 bZip; /* True if the archive is a ZIP */
u8 bDryRun; /* True if --dry-run */
u8 bAppend; /* True if --append */
u8 fromCmdLine; /* Run from -A instead of .archive */
int nArg; /* Number of command arguments */
char *zSrcTable; /* "sqlar", "zipfile($file)" or "zip" */
const char *zFile; /* --file argument, or NULL */
const char *zDir; /* --directory argument, or NULL */
char **azArg; /* Array of command arguments */
ShellState *p; /* Shell state */
sqlite3 *db; /* Database containing the archive */
** Print a usage message for the .ar command to stderr and return SQLITE_ERROR.
static int arUsage(FILE *f){
** Print an error message for the .ar command to stderr and return
static int arErrorMsg(ArCommand *pAr, const char *zFmt, ...){
va_list ap;
char *z;
va_start(ap, zFmt);
z = sqlite3_vmprintf(zFmt, ap);
utf8_printf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", z);
if( pAr->fromCmdLine ){
utf8_printf(stderr, "Use \"-A\" for more help\n");
utf8_printf(stderr, "Use \".archive --help\" for more help\n");
** Values for ArCommand.eCmd.
#define AR_CMD_CREATE 1
#define AR_CMD_UPDATE 2
#define AR_CMD_INSERT 3
#define AR_CMD_EXTRACT 4
#define AR_CMD_LIST 5
#define AR_CMD_HELP 6
** Other (non-command) switches.
#define AR_SWITCH_FILE 8
static int arProcessSwitch(ArCommand *pAr, int eSwitch, const char *zArg){
switch( eSwitch ){
if( pAr->eCmd ){
return arErrorMsg(pAr, "multiple command options");
pAr->eCmd = eSwitch;
pAr->bDryRun = 1;
pAr->bVerbose = 1;
pAr->bAppend = 1;
/* Fall thru into --file */
pAr->zFile = zArg;
pAr->zDir = zArg;
return SQLITE_OK;
** Parse the command line for an ".ar" command. The results are written into
** structure (*pAr). SQLITE_OK is returned if the command line is parsed
** successfully, otherwise an error message is written to stderr and
** SQLITE_ERROR returned.
static int arParseCommand(
char **azArg, /* Array of arguments passed to dot command */
int nArg, /* Number of entries in azArg[] */
ArCommand *pAr /* Populate this object */
struct ArSwitch {
const char *zLong;
char cShort;
u8 eSwitch;
u8 bArg;
} aSwitch[] = {
{ "create", 'c', AR_CMD_CREATE, 0 },
{ "extract", 'x', AR_CMD_EXTRACT, 0 },
{ "insert", 'i', AR_CMD_INSERT, 0 },
{ "list", 't', AR_CMD_LIST, 0 },
{ "update", 'u', AR_CMD_UPDATE, 0 },
{ "help", 'h', AR_CMD_HELP, 0 },
{ "verbose", 'v', AR_SWITCH_VERBOSE, 0 },
{ "file", 'f', AR_SWITCH_FILE, 1 },
{ "append", 'a', AR_SWITCH_APPEND, 1 },
{ "directory", 'C', AR_SWITCH_DIRECTORY, 1 },
{ "dryrun", 'n', AR_SWITCH_DRYRUN, 0 },
int nSwitch = sizeof(aSwitch) / sizeof(struct ArSwitch);
struct ArSwitch *pEnd = &aSwitch[nSwitch];
if( nArg<=1 ){
utf8_printf(stderr, "Wrong number of arguments. Usage:\n");
return arUsage(stderr);
char *z = azArg[1];
if( z[0]!='-' ){
/* Traditional style [tar] invocation */
int i;
int iArg = 2;
for(i=0; z[i]; i++){
const char *zArg = 0;
struct ArSwitch *pOpt;
for(pOpt=&aSwitch[0]; pOpt<pEnd; pOpt++){
if( z[i]==pOpt->cShort ) break;
if( pOpt==pEnd ){
return arErrorMsg(pAr, "unrecognized option: %c", z[i]);
if( pOpt->bArg ){
if( iArg>=nArg ){
return arErrorMsg(pAr, "option requires an argument: %c",z[i]);
zArg = azArg[iArg++];
if( arProcessSwitch(pAr, pOpt->eSwitch, zArg) ) return SQLITE_ERROR;
pAr->nArg = nArg-iArg;
if( pAr->nArg>0 ){
pAr->azArg = &azArg[iArg];
/* Non-traditional invocation */
int iArg;
for(iArg=1; iArg<nArg; iArg++){
int n;
z = azArg[iArg];
if( z[0]!='-' ){
/* All remaining command line words are command arguments. */
pAr->azArg = &azArg[iArg];
pAr->nArg = nArg-iArg;
n = strlen30(z);
if( z[1]!='-' ){
int i;
/* One or more short options */
for(i=1; i<n; i++){
const char *zArg = 0;
struct ArSwitch *pOpt;
for(pOpt=&aSwitch[0]; pOpt<pEnd; pOpt++){
if( z[i]==pOpt->cShort ) break;
if( pOpt==pEnd ){
return arErrorMsg(pAr, "unrecognized option: %c", z[i]);
if( pOpt->bArg ){
if( i<(n-1) ){
zArg = &z[i+1];
i = n;
if( iArg>=(nArg-1) ){
return arErrorMsg(pAr, "option requires an argument: %c",
zArg = azArg[++iArg];
if( arProcessSwitch(pAr, pOpt->eSwitch, zArg) ) return SQLITE_ERROR;
}else if( z[2]=='\0' ){
/* A -- option, indicating that all remaining command line words
** are command arguments. */
pAr->azArg = &azArg[iArg+1];
pAr->nArg = nArg-iArg-1;
/* A long option */
const char *zArg = 0; /* Argument for option, if any */
struct ArSwitch *pMatch = 0; /* Matching option */
struct ArSwitch *pOpt; /* Iterator */
for(pOpt=&aSwitch[0]; pOpt<pEnd; pOpt++){
const char *zLong = pOpt->zLong;
if( (n-2)<=strlen30(zLong) && 0==memcmp(&z[2], zLong, n-2) ){
if( pMatch ){
return arErrorMsg(pAr, "ambiguous option: %s",z);
pMatch = pOpt;
if( pMatch==0 ){
return arErrorMsg(pAr, "unrecognized option: %s", z);
if( pMatch->bArg ){
if( iArg>=(nArg-1) ){
return arErrorMsg(pAr, "option requires an argument: %s", z);
zArg = azArg[++iArg];
if( arProcessSwitch(pAr, pMatch->eSwitch, zArg) ) return SQLITE_ERROR;
return SQLITE_OK;
** This function assumes that all arguments within the ArCommand.azArg[]
** array refer to archive members, as for the --extract or --list commands.
** It checks that each of them are present. If any specified file is not
** present in the archive, an error is printed to stderr and an error
** code returned. Otherwise, if all specified arguments are present in
** the archive, SQLITE_OK is returned.
** This function strips any trailing '/' characters from each argument.
** This is consistent with the way the [tar] command seems to work on
** Linux.
static int arCheckEntries(ArCommand *pAr){
int rc = SQLITE_OK;
if( pAr->nArg ){
int i, j;
sqlite3_stmt *pTest = 0;
shellPreparePrintf(pAr->db, &rc, &pTest,
"SELECT name FROM %s WHERE name=$name",
j = sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(pTest, "$name");
for(i=0; i<pAr->nArg && rc==SQLITE_OK; i++){
char *z = pAr->azArg[i];
int n = strlen30(z);
int bOk = 0;
while( n>0 && z[n-1]=='/' ) n--;
z[n] = '\0';
sqlite3_bind_text(pTest, j, z, -1, SQLITE_STATIC);
if( SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pTest) ){
bOk = 1;
shellReset(&rc, pTest);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK && bOk==0 ){
utf8_printf(stderr, "not found in archive: %s\n", z);
shellFinalize(&rc, pTest);
return rc;
** Format a WHERE clause that can be used against the "sqlar" table to
** identify all archive members that match the command arguments held
** in (*pAr). Leave this WHERE clause in (*pzWhere) before returning.
** The caller is responsible for eventually calling sqlite3_free() on
** any non-NULL (*pzWhere) value.
static void arWhereClause(
int *pRc,
ArCommand *pAr,
char **pzWhere /* OUT: New WHERE clause */
char *zWhere = 0;
if( *pRc==SQLITE_OK ){
if( pAr->nArg==0 ){
zWhere = sqlite3_mprintf("1");
int i;
const char *zSep = "";
for(i=0; i<pAr->nArg; i++){
const char *z = pAr->azArg[i];
zWhere = sqlite3_mprintf(
"%z%s name = '%q' OR substr(name,1,%d) = '%q/'",
zWhere, zSep, z, strlen30(z)+1, z
if( zWhere==0 ){
zSep = " OR ";
*pzWhere = zWhere;
** Implementation of .ar "lisT" command.
static int arListCommand(ArCommand *pAr){
const char *zSql = "SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s";
const char *azCols[] = {
"lsmode(mode), sz, datetime(mtime, 'unixepoch'), name"
char *zWhere = 0;
sqlite3_stmt *pSql = 0;
int rc;
rc = arCheckEntries(pAr);
arWhereClause(&rc, pAr, &zWhere);
shellPreparePrintf(pAr->db, &rc, &pSql, zSql, azCols[pAr->bVerbose],
pAr->zSrcTable, zWhere);
if( pAr->bDryRun ){
utf8_printf(pAr->p->out, "%s\n", sqlite3_sql(pSql));
while( rc==SQLITE_OK && SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pSql) ){
if( pAr->bVerbose ){
utf8_printf(pAr->p->out, "%s % 10d %s %s\n",
sqlite3_column_text(pSql, 0),
sqlite3_column_int(pSql, 1),
sqlite3_column_text(pSql, 2),
sqlite3_column_text(pSql, 3)
utf8_printf(pAr->p->out, "%s\n", sqlite3_column_text(pSql, 0));
shellFinalize(&rc, pSql);
return rc;
** Implementation of .ar "eXtract" command.
static int arExtractCommand(ArCommand *pAr){
const char *zSql1 =
" ($dir || name),"
" writefile(($dir || name), %s, mode, mtime) "
"FROM %s WHERE (%s) AND (data IS NULL OR $dirOnly = 0)"
" AND name NOT GLOB '*..[/\\]*'";
const char *azExtraArg[] = {
"sqlar_uncompress(data, sz)",
sqlite3_stmt *pSql = 0;
int rc = SQLITE_OK;
char *zDir = 0;
char *zWhere = 0;
int i, j;
/* If arguments are specified, check that they actually exist within
** the archive before proceeding. And formulate a WHERE clause to
** match them. */
rc = arCheckEntries(pAr);
arWhereClause(&rc, pAr, &zWhere);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
if( pAr->zDir ){
zDir = sqlite3_mprintf("%s/", pAr->zDir);
zDir = sqlite3_mprintf("");
if( zDir==0 ) rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
shellPreparePrintf(pAr->db, &rc, &pSql, zSql1,
azExtraArg[pAr->bZip], pAr->zSrcTable, zWhere
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
j = sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(pSql, "$dir");
sqlite3_bind_text(pSql, j, zDir, -1, SQLITE_STATIC);
/* Run the SELECT statement twice. The first time, writefile() is called
** for all archive members that should be extracted. The second time,
** only for the directories. This is because the timestamps for
** extracted directories must be reset after they are populated (as
** populating them changes the timestamp). */
for(i=0; i<2; i++){
j = sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(pSql, "$dirOnly");
sqlite3_bind_int(pSql, j, i);
if( pAr->bDryRun ){
utf8_printf(pAr->p->out, "%s\n", sqlite3_sql(pSql));
while( rc==SQLITE_OK && SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pSql) ){
if( i==0 && pAr->bVerbose ){
utf8_printf(pAr->p->out, "%s\n", sqlite3_column_text(pSql, 0));
shellReset(&rc, pSql);
shellFinalize(&rc, pSql);
return rc;
** Run the SQL statement in zSql. Or if doing a --dryrun, merely print it out.
static int arExecSql(ArCommand *pAr, const char *zSql){
int rc;
if( pAr->bDryRun ){
utf8_printf(pAr->p->out, "%s\n", zSql);
char *zErr = 0;
rc = sqlite3_exec(pAr->db, zSql, 0, 0, &zErr);
if( zErr ){
utf8_printf(stdout, "ERROR: %s\n", zErr);
return rc;
** Implementation of .ar "create", "insert", and "update" commands.
** create -> Create a new SQL archive
** insert -> Insert or reinsert all files listed
** update -> Insert files that have changed or that were not
** previously in the archive
** Create the "sqlar" table in the database if it does not already exist.
** Then add each file in the azFile[] array to the archive. Directories
** are added recursively. If argument bVerbose is non-zero, a message is
** printed on stdout for each file archived.
** The create command is the same as update, except that it drops
** any existing "sqlar" table before beginning. The "insert" command
** always overwrites every file named on the command-line, where as
** "update" only overwrites if the size or mtime or mode has changed.
static int arCreateOrUpdateCommand(
ArCommand *pAr, /* Command arguments and options */
int bUpdate, /* true for a --create. */
int bOnlyIfChanged /* Only update if file has changed */
const char *zCreate =
" name TEXT PRIMARY KEY, -- name of the file\n"
" mode INT, -- access permissions\n"
" mtime INT, -- last modification time\n"
" sz INT, -- original file size\n"
" data BLOB -- compressed content\n"
const char *zDrop = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS sqlar";
const char *zInsertFmt[2] = {
"REPLACE INTO %s(name,mode,mtime,sz,data)\n"
" %s,\n"
" mode,\n"
" mtime,\n"
" CASE substr(lsmode(mode),1,1)\n"
" WHEN '-' THEN length(data)\n"
" WHEN 'd' THEN 0\n"
" ELSE -1 END,\n"
" sqlar_compress(data)\n"
" FROM fsdir(%Q,%Q) AS disk\n"
" WHERE lsmode(mode) NOT LIKE '?%%'%s;"
"REPLACE INTO %s(name,mode,mtime,data)\n"
" %s,\n"
" mode,\n"
" mtime,\n"
" data\n"
" FROM fsdir(%Q,%Q) AS disk\n"
" WHERE lsmode(mode) NOT LIKE '?%%'%s;"
int i; /* For iterating through azFile[] */
int rc; /* Return code */
const char *zTab = 0; /* SQL table into which to insert */
char *zSql;
char zTemp[50];
char *zExists = 0;
arExecSql(pAr, "PRAGMA page_size=512");
rc = arExecSql(pAr, "SAVEPOINT ar;");
if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
zTemp[0] = 0;
if( pAr->bZip ){
/* Initialize the zipfile virtual table, if necessary */
if( pAr->zFile ){
sqlite3_uint64 r;
zTab = zTemp;
zSql = sqlite3_mprintf(
"CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE temp.%s USING zipfile(%Q)",
zTab, pAr->zFile
rc = arExecSql(pAr, zSql);
zTab = "zip";
/* Initialize the table for an SQLAR */
zTab = "sqlar";
if( bUpdate==0 ){
rc = arExecSql(pAr, zDrop);
if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto end_ar_transaction;
rc = arExecSql(pAr, zCreate);
if( bOnlyIfChanged ){
zExists = sqlite3_mprintf(
"SELECT 1 FROM %s AS mem"
" AND mem.mtime=disk.mtime"
" AND mem.mode=disk.mode)", zTab);
zExists = sqlite3_mprintf("");
if( zExists==0 ) rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
for(i=0; i<pAr->nArg && rc==SQLITE_OK; i++){
char *zSql2 = sqlite3_mprintf(zInsertFmt[pAr->bZip], zTab,
pAr->bVerbose ? "shell_putsnl(name)" : "name",
pAr->azArg[i], pAr->zDir, zExists);
rc = arExecSql(pAr, zSql2);
if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
sqlite3_exec(pAr->db, "ROLLBACK TO ar; RELEASE ar;", 0, 0, 0);
rc = arExecSql(pAr, "RELEASE ar;");
if( pAr->bZip && pAr->zFile ){
zSql = sqlite3_mprintf("DROP TABLE %s", zTemp);
arExecSql(pAr, zSql);
return rc;
** Implementation of ".ar" dot command.
static int arDotCommand(
ShellState *pState, /* Current shell tool state */
int fromCmdLine, /* True if -A command-line option, not .ar cmd */
char **azArg, /* Array of arguments passed to dot command */
int nArg /* Number of entries in azArg[] */
ArCommand cmd;
int rc;
memset(&cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd));
cmd.fromCmdLine = fromCmdLine;
rc = arParseCommand(azArg, nArg, &cmd);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
cmd.p = pState;
cmd.db = pState->db;
if( cmd.zFile ){
eDbType = deduceDatabaseType(cmd.zFile, 1);
eDbType = pState->openMode;
if( cmd.eCmd==AR_CMD_EXTRACT || cmd.eCmd==AR_CMD_LIST ){
if( cmd.zFile==0 ){
cmd.zSrcTable = sqlite3_mprintf("zip");
cmd.zSrcTable = sqlite3_mprintf("zipfile(%Q)", cmd.zFile);
cmd.bZip = 1;
}else if( cmd.zFile ){
int flags;
if( cmd.bAppend ) eDbType = SHELL_OPEN_APPENDVFS;
if( cmd.eCmd==AR_CMD_CREATE || cmd.eCmd==AR_CMD_INSERT
|| cmd.eCmd==AR_CMD_UPDATE ){
cmd.db = 0;
if( cmd.bDryRun ){
utf8_printf(pState->out, "-- open database '%s'%s\n", cmd.zFile,
eDbType==SHELL_OPEN_APPENDVFS ? " using 'apndvfs'" : "");
rc = sqlite3_open_v2(cmd.zFile, &cmd.db, flags,
eDbType==SHELL_OPEN_APPENDVFS ? "apndvfs" : 0);
if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
utf8_printf(stderr, "cannot open file: %s (%s)\n",
cmd.zFile, sqlite3_errmsg(cmd.db)
goto end_ar_command;
sqlite3_fileio_init(cmd.db, 0, 0);
sqlite3_sqlar_init(cmd.db, 0, 0);
sqlite3_create_function(cmd.db, "shell_putsnl", 1, SQLITE_UTF8, cmd.p,
shellPutsFunc, 0, 0);
if( cmd.zSrcTable==0 && cmd.bZip==0 && cmd.eCmd!=AR_CMD_HELP ){
if( cmd.eCmd!=AR_CMD_CREATE
&& sqlite3_table_column_metadata(cmd.db,0,"sqlar","name",0,0,0,0,0)
utf8_printf(stderr, "database does not contain an 'sqlar' table\n");
goto end_ar_command;
cmd.zSrcTable = sqlite3_mprintf("sqlar");
switch( cmd.eCmd ){
rc = arCreateOrUpdateCommand(&cmd, 0, 0);
rc = arExtractCommand(&cmd);
rc = arListCommand(&cmd);
rc = arCreateOrUpdateCommand(&cmd, 1, 0);
assert( cmd.eCmd==AR_CMD_UPDATE );
rc = arCreateOrUpdateCommand(&cmd, 1, 1);
if( cmd.db!=pState->db ){
return rc;
/* End of the ".archive" or ".ar" command logic
#endif /* !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_VIRTUALTABLE) && defined(SQLITE_HAVE_ZLIB) */
** If (*pRc) is not SQLITE_OK when this function is called, it is a no-op.
** Otherwise, the SQL statement or statements in zSql are executed using
** database connection db and the error code written to *pRc before
** this function returns.
static void shellExec(sqlite3 *db, int *pRc, const char *zSql){
int rc = *pRc;
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
char *zErr = 0;
rc = sqlite3_exec(db, zSql, 0, 0, &zErr);
if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
raw_printf(stderr, "SQL error: %s\n", zErr);
*pRc = rc;
** Like shellExec(), except that zFmt is a printf() style format string.
static void shellExecPrintf(sqlite3 *db, int *pRc, const char *zFmt, ...){
char *z = 0;
if( *pRc==SQLITE_OK ){
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, zFmt);
z = sqlite3_vmprintf(zFmt, ap);
if( z==0 ){
shellExec(db, pRc, z);
** If *pRc is not SQLITE_OK when this function is called, it is a no-op.
** Otherwise, an attempt is made to allocate, zero and return a pointer
** to a buffer nByte bytes in size. If an OOM error occurs, *pRc is set
** to SQLITE_NOMEM and NULL returned.
static void *shellMalloc(int *pRc, sqlite3_int64 nByte){
void *pRet = 0;
if( *pRc==SQLITE_OK ){
pRet = sqlite3_malloc64(nByte);
if( pRet==0 ){
memset(pRet, 0, nByte);
return pRet;
** If *pRc is not SQLITE_OK when this function is called, it is a no-op.
** Otherwise, zFmt is treated as a printf() style string. The result of
** formatting it along with any trailing arguments is written into a
** buffer obtained from sqlite3_malloc(), and pointer to which is returned.
** It is the responsibility of the caller to eventually free this buffer
** using a call to sqlite3_free().
** If an OOM error occurs, (*pRc) is set to SQLITE_NOMEM and a NULL
** pointer returned.
static char *shellMPrintf(int *pRc, const char *zFmt, ...){
char *z = 0;
if( *pRc==SQLITE_OK ){
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, zFmt);
z = sqlite3_vmprintf(zFmt, ap);
if( z==0 ){
return z;
** When running the ".recover" command, each output table, and the special
** orphaned row table if it is required, is represented by an instance
** of the following struct.
typedef struct RecoverTable RecoverTable;
struct RecoverTable {
char *zQuoted; /* Quoted version of table name */
int nCol; /* Number of columns in table */
char **azlCol; /* Array of column lists */
int iPk; /* Index of IPK column */
** Free a RecoverTable object allocated by recoverFindTable() or
** recoverOrphanTable().
static void recoverFreeTable(RecoverTable *pTab){
if( pTab ){
if( pTab->azlCol ){
int i;
for(i=0; i<=pTab->nCol; i++){
** This function is a no-op if (*pRc) is not SQLITE_OK when it is called.
** Otherwise, it allocates and returns a RecoverTable object based on the
** final four arguments passed to this function. It is the responsibility
** of the caller to eventually free the returned object using
** recoverFreeTable().
static RecoverTable *recoverNewTable(
int *pRc, /* IN/OUT: Error code */
const char *zName, /* Name of table */
const char *zSql, /* CREATE TABLE statement */
int bIntkey,
int nCol
sqlite3 *dbtmp = 0; /* sqlite3 handle for testing CREATE TABLE */
int rc = *pRc;
RecoverTable *pTab = 0;
pTab = (RecoverTable*)shellMalloc(&rc, sizeof(RecoverTable));
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
int nSqlCol = 0;
int bSqlIntkey = 0;
sqlite3_stmt *pStmt = 0;
rc = sqlite3_open("", &dbtmp);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
sqlite3_create_function(dbtmp, "shell_idquote", 1, SQLITE_UTF8, 0,
shellIdQuote, 0, 0);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
rc = sqlite3_exec(dbtmp, "PRAGMA writable_schema = on", 0, 0, 0);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
rc = sqlite3_exec(dbtmp, zSql, 0, 0, 0);
if( rc==SQLITE_ERROR ){
goto finished;
shellPreparePrintf(dbtmp, &rc, &pStmt,
"SELECT count(*) FROM pragma_table_info(%Q)", zName
if( rc==SQLITE_OK && SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pStmt) ){
nSqlCol = sqlite3_column_int(pStmt, 0);
shellFinalize(&rc, pStmt);
if( rc!=SQLITE_OK || nSqlCol<nCol ){
goto finished;
shellPreparePrintf(dbtmp, &rc, &pStmt,
" SELECT substr(data,1,1)==X'0D' FROM sqlite_dbpage WHERE pgno=rootpage"
") FROM sqlite_master WHERE name = %Q", zName
if( rc==SQLITE_OK && SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pStmt) ){
bSqlIntkey = sqlite3_column_int(pStmt, 0);
shellFinalize(&rc, pStmt);
if( bIntkey==bSqlIntkey ){
int i;
const char *zPk = "_rowid_";
sqlite3_stmt *pPkFinder = 0;
/* If this is an intkey table and there is an INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
** set zPk to the name of the PK column, and pTab->iPk to the index
** of the column, where columns are 0-numbered from left to right.
** Or, if this is a WITHOUT ROWID table or if there is no IPK column,
** leave zPk as "_rowid_" and pTab->iPk at -2. */
pTab->iPk = -2;
if( bIntkey ){
shellPreparePrintf(dbtmp, &rc, &pPkFinder,
"SELECT cid, name FROM pragma_table_info(%Q) "
" WHERE pk=1 AND type='integer' COLLATE nocase"
" AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT cid FROM pragma_table_info(%Q) WHERE pk=2)"
, zName, zName
if( rc==SQLITE_OK && SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pPkFinder) ){
pTab->iPk = sqlite3_column_int(pPkFinder, 0);
zPk = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(pPkFinder, 1);
pTab->zQuoted = shellMPrintf(&rc, "\"%w\"", zName);
pTab->azlCol = (char**)shellMalloc(&rc, sizeof(char*) * (nSqlCol+1));
pTab->nCol = nSqlCol;
if( bIntkey ){
pTab->azlCol[0] = shellMPrintf(&rc, "\"%w\"", zPk);
pTab->azlCol[0] = shellMPrintf(&rc, "");
i = 1;
shellPreparePrintf(dbtmp, &rc, &pStmt,
"SELECT %Q || group_concat(shell_idquote(name), ', ') "
" FILTER (WHERE cid!=%d) OVER (ORDER BY %s cid) "
"FROM pragma_table_info(%Q)",
bIntkey ? ", " : "", pTab->iPk,
bIntkey ? "" : "(CASE WHEN pk=0 THEN 1000000 ELSE pk END), ",
while( rc==SQLITE_OK && SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pStmt) ){
const char *zText = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(pStmt, 0);
pTab->azlCol[i] = shellMPrintf(&rc, "%s%s", pTab->azlCol[0], zText);
shellFinalize(&rc, pStmt);
shellFinalize(&rc, pPkFinder);
*pRc = rc;
if( rc!=SQLITE_OK || (pTab && pTab->zQuoted==0) ){
pTab = 0;
return pTab;
** This function is called to search the schema recovered from the
** sqlite_master table of the (possibly) corrupt database as part
** of a ".recover" command. Specifically, for a table with root page
** iRoot and at least nCol columns. Additionally, if bIntkey is 0, the
** table must be a WITHOUT ROWID table, or if non-zero, not one of
** those.
** If a table is found, a (RecoverTable*) object is returned. Or, if
** no such table is found, but bIntkey is false and iRoot is the
** root page of an index in the recovered schema, then (*pbNoop) is
** set to true and NULL returned. Or, if there is no such table or
** index, NULL is returned and (*pbNoop) set to 0, indicating that
** the caller should write data to the orphans table.
static RecoverTable *recoverFindTable(
ShellState *pState, /* Shell state object */
int *pRc, /* IN/OUT: Error code */
int iRoot, /* Root page of table */
int bIntkey, /* True for an intkey table */
int nCol, /* Number of columns in table */
int *pbNoop /* OUT: True if iRoot is root of index */
sqlite3_stmt *pStmt = 0;
RecoverTable *pRet = 0;
int bNoop = 0;
const char *zSql = 0;
const char *zName = 0;
/* Search the recovered schema for an object with root page iRoot. */
shellPreparePrintf(pState->db, pRc, &pStmt,
"SELECT type, name, sql FROM recovery.schema WHERE rootpage=%d", iRoot
while( *pRc==SQLITE_OK && SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pStmt) ){
const char *zType = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(pStmt, 0);
if( bIntkey==0 && sqlite3_stricmp(zType, "index")==0 ){
bNoop = 1;
if( sqlite3_stricmp(zType, "table")==0 ){
zName = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(pStmt, 1);
zSql = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(pStmt, 2);
pRet = recoverNewTable(pRc, zName, zSql, bIntkey, nCol);
shellFinalize(pRc, pStmt);
*pbNoop = bNoop;
return pRet;
** Return a RecoverTable object representing the orphans table.
static RecoverTable *recoverOrphanTable(
ShellState *pState, /* Shell state object */
int *pRc, /* IN/OUT: Error code */
const char *zLostAndFound, /* Base name for orphans table */
int nCol /* Number of user data columns */
RecoverTable *pTab = 0;
if( nCol>=0 && *pRc==SQLITE_OK ){
int i;
/* This block determines the name of the orphan table. The prefered
** name is zLostAndFound. But if that clashes with another name
** in the recovered schema, try zLostAndFound_0, zLostAndFound_1
** and so on until a non-clashing name is found. */
int iTab = 0;
char *zTab = shellMPrintf(pRc, "%s", zLostAndFound);
sqlite3_stmt *pTest = 0;
shellPrepare(pState->db, pRc,
"SELECT 1 FROM recovery.schema WHERE name=?", &pTest
if( pTest ) sqlite3_bind_text(pTest, 1, zTab, -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
while( *pRc==SQLITE_OK && SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pTest) ){
shellReset(pRc, pTest);
zTab = shellMPrintf(pRc, "%s_%d", zLostAndFound, iTab++);
sqlite3_bind_text(pTest, 1, zTab, -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
shellFinalize(pRc, pTest);
pTab = (RecoverTable*)shellMalloc(pRc, sizeof(RecoverTable));
if( pTab ){
pTab->zQuoted = shellMPrintf(pRc, "\"%w\"", zTab);
pTab->nCol = nCol;
pTab->iPk = -2;
if( nCol>0 ){
pTab->azlCol = (char**)shellMalloc(pRc, sizeof(char*) * (nCol+1));
if( pTab->azlCol ){
pTab->azlCol[nCol] = shellMPrintf(pRc, "");
for(i=nCol-1; i>=0; i--){
pTab->azlCol[i] = shellMPrintf(pRc, "%s, NULL", pTab->azlCol[i+1]);
if( *pRc!=SQLITE_OK ){
pTab = 0;
"CREATE TABLE %s(rootpgno INTEGER, "
"pgno INTEGER, nfield INTEGER, id INTEGER", pTab->zQuoted
for(i=0; i<nCol; i++){
raw_printf(pState->out, ", c%d", i);
raw_printf(pState->out, ");\n");
return pTab;
** This function is called to recover data from the database. A script
** to construct a new database containing all recovered data is output
** on stream pState->out.
static int recoverDatabaseCmd(ShellState *pState, int nArg, char **azArg){
int rc = SQLITE_OK;
sqlite3_stmt *pLoop = 0; /* Loop through all root pages */
sqlite3_stmt *pPages = 0; /* Loop through all pages in a group */
sqlite3_stmt *pCells = 0; /* Loop through all cells in a page */
const char *zRecoveryDb = ""; /* Name of "recovery" database */
const char *zLostAndFound = "lost_and_found";
int i;
int nOrphan = -1;
RecoverTable *pOrphan = 0;
int bFreelist = 1; /* 0 if --freelist-corrupt is specified */
int bRowids = 1; /* 0 if --no-rowids */
for(i=1; i<nArg; i++){
char *z = azArg[i];
int n;
if( z[0]=='-' && z[1]=='-' ) z++;
n = strlen30(z);
if( n<=17 && memcmp("-freelist-corrupt", z, n)==0 ){
bFreelist = 0;
if( n<=12 && memcmp("-recovery-db", z, n)==0 && i<(nArg-1) ){
zRecoveryDb = azArg[i];
if( n<=15 && memcmp("-lost-and-found", z, n)==0 && i<(nArg-1) ){
zLostAndFound = azArg[i];
if( n<=10 && memcmp("-no-rowids", z, n)==0 ){
bRowids = 0;
utf8_printf(stderr, "unexpected option: %s\n", azArg[i]);
showHelp(pState->out, azArg[0]);
return 1;
shellExecPrintf(pState->db, &rc,
/* Attach an in-memory database named 'recovery'. Create an indexed
** cache of the sqlite_dbptr virtual table. */
"PRAGMA writable_schema = on;"
"ATTACH %Q AS recovery;"
"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS recovery.dbptr;"
"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS recovery.freelist;"
"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS recovery.schema;"
"CREATE TABLE recovery.freelist(pgno INTEGER PRIMARY KEY);", zRecoveryDb
if( bFreelist ){
shellExec(pState->db, &rc,
"WITH trunk(pgno) AS ("
" SELECT shell_int32("
" (SELECT data FROM sqlite_dbpage WHERE pgno=1), 8) AS x "
" WHERE x>0"
" SELECT shell_int32("
" (SELECT data FROM sqlite_dbpage WHERE pgno=trunk.pgno), 0) AS x "
" FROM trunk WHERE x>0"
"freelist(data, n, freepgno) AS ("
" SELECT data, min(16384, shell_int32(data, 1)-1), t.pgno "
" FROM trunk t, sqlite_dbpage s WHERE s.pgno=t.pgno"
" SELECT data, n-1, shell_int32(data, 2+n) "
" FROM freelist WHERE n>=0"
"REPLACE INTO recovery.freelist SELECT freepgno FROM freelist;"
/* If this is an auto-vacuum database, add all pointer-map pages to
** the freelist table. Do this regardless of whether or not
** --freelist-corrupt was specified. */
shellExec(pState->db, &rc,
"WITH ptrmap(pgno) AS ("
" SELECT 2 WHERE shell_int32("
" (SELECT data FROM sqlite_dbpage WHERE pgno=1), 13"
" )"
" SELECT pgno+1+(SELECT page_size FROM pragma_page_size)/5 AS pp "
" FROM ptrmap WHERE pp<=(SELECT page_count FROM pragma_page_count)"
"REPLACE INTO recovery.freelist SELECT pgno FROM ptrmap"
shellExec(pState->db, &rc,
"CREATE TABLE recovery.dbptr("
" pgno, child, PRIMARY KEY(child, pgno)"
"INSERT OR IGNORE INTO recovery.dbptr(pgno, child) "
" SELECT * FROM sqlite_dbptr"
" WHERE pgno NOT IN freelist AND child NOT IN freelist;"
/* Delete any pointer to page 1. This ensures that page 1 is considered
** a root page, regardless of how corrupt the db is. */
"DELETE FROM recovery.dbptr WHERE child = 1;"
/* Delete all pointers to any pages that have more than one pointer
** to them. Such pages will be treated as root pages when recovering
** data. */
"DELETE FROM recovery.dbptr WHERE child IN ("
" SELECT child FROM recovery.dbptr GROUP BY child HAVING count(*)>1"
/* Create the "map" table that will (eventually) contain instructions
** for dealing with each page in the db that contains one or more
** records. */
"pgno INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, maxlen INT, intkey, root INT"
/* Populate table [map]. If there are circular loops of pages in the
** database, the following adds all pages in such a loop to the map
** as individual root pages. This could be handled better. */
"WITH pages(i, maxlen) AS ("
" SELECT page_count, ("
" SELECT max(field+1) FROM sqlite_dbdata WHERE pgno=page_count"
" ) FROM pragma_page_count WHERE page_count>0"
" SELECT i-1, ("
" SELECT max(field+1) FROM sqlite_dbdata WHERE pgno=i-1"
" ) FROM pages WHERE i>=2"
"INSERT INTO, maxlen, intkey, root) "
" SELECT i, maxlen, NULL, ("
" WITH p(orig, pgno, parent) AS ("
" SELECT 0, i, (SELECT pgno FROM recovery.dbptr WHERE child=i)"
" SELECT i, p.parent, "
" (SELECT pgno FROM recovery.dbptr WHERE child=p.parent) FROM p"
" )"
" SELECT pgno FROM p WHERE (parent IS NULL OR pgno = orig)"
") "
"FROM pages WHERE maxlen IS NOT NULL AND i NOT IN freelist;"
"UPDATE AS o SET intkey = ("
" SELECT substr(data, 1, 1)==X'0D' FROM sqlite_dbpage WHERE pgno=o.pgno"
/* Extract data from page 1 and any linked pages into table
** recovery.schema. With the same schema as an sqlite_master table. */
"CREATE TABLE recovery.schema(type, name, tbl_name, rootpage, sql);"
"INSERT INTO recovery.schema SELECT "
" max(CASE WHEN field=0 THEN value ELSE NULL END),"
" max(CASE WHEN field=1 THEN value ELSE NULL END),"
" max(CASE WHEN field=2 THEN value ELSE NULL END),"
" max(CASE WHEN field=3 THEN value ELSE NULL END),"
" max(CASE WHEN field=4 THEN value ELSE NULL END)"
"FROM sqlite_dbdata WHERE pgno IN ("
" SELECT pgno FROM WHERE root=1"
"GROUP BY pgno, cell;"
"CREATE INDEX recovery.schema_rootpage ON schema(rootpage);"
/* Open a transaction, then print out all non-virtual, non-"sqlite_%"
** CREATE TABLE statements that extracted from the existing schema. */
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
sqlite3_stmt *pStmt = 0;
/* ".recover" might output content in an order which causes immediate
** foreign key constraints to be violated. So disable foreign-key
** constraint enforcement to prevent problems when running the output
** script. */
raw_printf(pState->out, "PRAGMA foreign_keys=OFF;\n");
raw_printf(pState->out, "BEGIN;\n");
raw_printf(pState->out, "PRAGMA writable_schema = on;\n");
shellPrepare(pState->db, &rc,
"SELECT sql FROM recovery.schema "
"WHERE type='table' AND sql LIKE 'create table%'", &pStmt
while( rc==SQLITE_OK && SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pStmt) ){
const char *zCreateTable = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(pStmt, 0);
raw_printf(pState->out, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %s;\n",
shellFinalize(&rc, pStmt);
/* Figure out if an orphan table will be required. And if so, how many
** user columns it should contain */
shellPrepare(pState->db, &rc,
"SELECT coalesce(max(maxlen), -2) FROM WHERE root>1"
, &pLoop
if( rc==SQLITE_OK && SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pLoop) ){
nOrphan = sqlite3_column_int(pLoop, 0);
shellFinalize(&rc, pLoop);
pLoop = 0;
shellPrepare(pState->db, &rc,
"SELECT pgno FROM WHERE root=?", &pPages
shellPrepare(pState->db, &rc,
"SELECT max(field), group_concat(shell_escape_crnl(quote"
"(case when (? AND field<0) then NULL else value end)"
"), ', ')"
", min(field) "
"FROM sqlite_dbdata WHERE pgno = ? AND field != ?"
"GROUP BY cell", &pCells
/* Loop through each root page. */
shellPrepare(pState->db, &rc,
"SELECT root, intkey, max(maxlen) FROM"
" WHERE root>1 GROUP BY root, intkey ORDER BY root=("
" SELECT rootpage FROM recovery.schema WHERE name='sqlite_sequence'"
")", &pLoop
while( rc==SQLITE_OK && SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pLoop) ){
int iRoot = sqlite3_column_int(pLoop, 0);
int bIntkey = sqlite3_column_int(pLoop, 1);
int nCol = sqlite3_column_int(pLoop, 2);
int bNoop = 0;
RecoverTable *pTab;
assert( bIntkey==0 || bIntkey==1 );
pTab = recoverFindTable(pState, &rc, iRoot, bIntkey, nCol, &bNoop);
if( bNoop || rc ) continue;
if( pTab==0 ){
if( pOrphan==0 ){
pOrphan = recoverOrphanTable(pState, &rc, zLostAndFound, nOrphan);
pTab = pOrphan;
if( pTab==0 ) break;
if( 0==sqlite3_stricmp(pTab->zQuoted, "\"sqlite_sequence\"") ){
raw_printf(pState->out, "DELETE FROM sqlite_sequence;\n");
sqlite3_bind_int(pPages, 1, iRoot);
if( bRowids==0 && pTab->iPk<0 ){
sqlite3_bind_int(pCells, 1, 1);
sqlite3_bind_int(pCells, 1, 0);
sqlite3_bind_int(pCells, 3, pTab->iPk);
while( rc==SQLITE_OK && SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pPages) ){
int iPgno = sqlite3_column_int(pPages, 0);
sqlite3_bind_int(pCells, 2, iPgno);
while( rc==SQLITE_OK && SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pCells) ){
int nField = sqlite3_column_int(pCells, 0);
int iMin = sqlite3_column_int(pCells, 2);
const char *zVal = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(pCells, 1);
RecoverTable *pTab2 = pTab;
if( pTab!=pOrphan && (iMin<0)!=bIntkey ){
if( pOrphan==0 ){
pOrphan = recoverOrphanTable(pState, &rc, zLostAndFound, nOrphan);
pTab2 = pOrphan;
if( pTab2==0 ) break;
nField = nField+1;
if( pTab2==pOrphan ){
"INSERT INTO %s VALUES(%d, %d, %d, %s%s%s);\n",
pTab2->zQuoted, iRoot, iPgno, nField,
iMin<0 ? "" : "NULL, ", zVal, pTab2->azlCol[nField]
raw_printf(pState->out, "INSERT INTO %s(%s) VALUES( %s );\n",
pTab2->zQuoted, pTab2->azlCol[nField], zVal
shellReset(&rc, pCells);
shellReset(&rc, pPages);
if( pTab!=pOrphan ) recoverFreeTable(pTab);
shellFinalize(&rc, pLoop);
shellFinalize(&rc, pPages);
shellFinalize(&rc, pCells);
/* The rest of the schema */
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
sqlite3_stmt *pStmt = 0;
shellPrepare(pState->db, &rc,
"SELECT sql, name FROM recovery.schema "
"WHERE sql NOT LIKE 'create table%'", &pStmt
while( rc==SQLITE_OK && SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pStmt) ){
const char *zSql = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(pStmt, 0);
if( sqlite3_strnicmp(zSql, "create virt", 11)==0 ){
const char *zName = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(pStmt, 1);
char *zPrint = shellMPrintf(&rc,
"INSERT INTO sqlite_master VALUES('table', %Q, %Q, 0, %Q)",
zName, zName, zSql
raw_printf(pState->out, "%s;\n", zPrint);
raw_printf(pState->out, "%s;\n", zSql);
shellFinalize(&rc, pStmt);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
raw_printf(pState->out, "PRAGMA writable_schema = off;\n");
raw_printf(pState->out, "COMMIT;\n");
sqlite3_exec(pState->db, "DETACH recovery", 0, 0, 0);
return rc;
** If an input line begins with "." then invoke this routine to
** process that line.
** Return 1 on error, 2 to exit, and 0 otherwise.
static int do_meta_command(char *zLine, ShellState *p){
int h = 1;
int nArg = 0;
int n, c;
int rc = 0;
char *azArg[52];
if( p->expert.pExpert ){
expertFinish(p, 1, 0);
/* Parse the input line into tokens.
while( zLine[h] && nArg<ArraySize(azArg)-1 ){
while( IsSpace(zLine[h]) ){ h++; }
if( zLine[h]==0 ) break;
if( zLine[h]=='\'' || zLine[h]=='"' ){
int delim = zLine[h++];
azArg[nArg++] = &zLine[h];
while( zLine[h] && zLine[h]!=delim ){
if( zLine[h]=='\\' && delim=='"' && zLine[h+1]!=0 ) h++;
if( zLine[h]==delim ){
zLine[h++] = 0;
if( delim=='"' ) resolve_backslashes(azArg[nArg-1]);
azArg[nArg++] = &zLine[h];
while( zLine[h] && !IsSpace(zLine[h]) ){ h++; }
if( zLine[h] ) zLine[h++] = 0;
azArg[nArg] = 0;
/* Process the input line.
if( nArg==0 ) return 0; /* no tokens, no error */
n = strlen30(azArg[0]);
c = azArg[0][0];
if( c=='a' && strncmp(azArg[0], "auth", n)==0 ){
if( nArg!=2 ){
raw_printf(stderr, "Usage: .auth ON|OFF\n");
rc = 1;
goto meta_command_exit;
open_db(p, 0);
if( booleanValue(azArg[1]) ){
sqlite3_set_authorizer(p->db, shellAuth, p);
sqlite3_set_authorizer(p->db, 0, 0);
if( c=='a' && strncmp(azArg[0], "archive", n)==0 ){
open_db(p, 0);
rc = arDotCommand(p, 0, azArg, nArg);
if( (c=='b' && n>=3 && strncmp(azArg[0], "backup", n)==0)
|| (c=='s' && n>=3 && strncmp(azArg[0], "save", n)==0)
const char *zDestFile = 0;
const char *zDb = 0;
sqlite3 *pDest;
sqlite3_backup *pBackup;
int j;
int bAsync = 0;
const char *zVfs = 0;
for(j=1; j<nArg; j++){
const char *z = azArg[j];
if( z[0]=='-' ){
if( z[1]=='-' ) z++;
if( strcmp(z, "-append")==0 ){
zVfs = "apndvfs";
if( strcmp(z, "-async")==0 ){
bAsync = 1;
utf8_printf(stderr, "unknown option: %s\n", azArg[j]);
return 1;
}else if( zDestFile==0 ){
zDestFile = azArg[j];
}else if( zDb==0 ){
zDb = zDestFile;
zDestFile = azArg[j];
raw_printf(stderr, "Usage: .backup ?DB? ?OPTIONS? FILENAME\n");
return 1;
if( zDestFile==0 ){
raw_printf(stderr, "missing FILENAME argument on .backup\n");
return 1;
if( zDb==0 ) zDb = "main";
rc = sqlite3_open_v2(zDestFile, &pDest,
if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
utf8_printf(stderr, "Error: cannot open \"%s\"\n", zDestFile);
return 1;
if( bAsync ){
sqlite3_exec(pDest, "PRAGMA synchronous=OFF; PRAGMA journal_mode=OFF;",
0, 0, 0);
open_db(p, 0);
pBackup = sqlite3_backup_init(pDest, "main", p->db, zDb);
if( pBackup==0 ){
utf8_printf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(pDest));
return 1;
while( (rc = sqlite3_backup_step(pBackup,100))==SQLITE_OK ){}
if( rc==SQLITE_DONE ){
rc = 0;
utf8_printf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(pDest));
rc = 1;
if( c=='b' && n>=3 && strncmp(azArg[0], "bail", n)==0 ){
if( nArg==2 ){
bail_on_error = booleanValue(azArg[1]);
raw_printf(stderr, "Usage: .bail on|off\n");
rc = 1;
if( c=='b' && n>=3 && strncmp(azArg[0], "binary", n)==0 ){
if( nArg==2 ){
if( booleanValue(azArg[1]) ){
setBinaryMode(p->out, 1);
setTextMode(p->out, 1);
raw_printf(stderr, "Usage: .binary on|off\n");
rc = 1;
if( c=='c' && strcmp(azArg[0],"cd")==0 ){
if( nArg==2 ){
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(WIN32)
wchar_t *z = sqlite3_win32_utf8_to_unicode(azArg[1]);
rc = !SetCurrentDirectoryW(z);
rc = chdir(azArg[1]);
if( rc ){
utf8_printf(stderr, "Cannot change to directory \"%s\"\n", azArg[1]);
rc = 1;
raw_printf(stderr, "Usage: .cd DIRECTORY\n");
rc = 1;
/* The undocumented ".breakpoint" command causes a call to the no-op
** routine named test_breakpoint().
if( c=='b' && n>=3 && strncmp(azArg[0], "breakpoint", n)==0 ){
if( c=='c' && n>=3 && strncmp(azArg[0], "changes", n)==0 ){
if( nArg==2 ){
setOrClearFlag(p, SHFLG_CountChanges, azArg[1]);
raw_printf(stderr, "Usage: .changes on|off\n");
rc = 1;
/* Cancel output redirection, if it is currently set (by .testcase)
** Then read the content of the testcase-out.txt file and compare against
** azArg[1]. If there are differences, report an error and exit.
if( c=='c' && n>=3 && strncmp(azArg[0], "check", n)==0 ){
char *zRes = 0;
if( nArg!=2 ){
raw_printf(stderr, "Usage: .check GLOB-PATTERN\n");
rc = 2;
}else if( (zRes = readFile("testcase-out.txt", 0))==0 ){
raw_printf(stderr, "Error: cannot read 'testcase-out.txt'\n");
rc = 2;
}else if( testcase_glob(azArg[1],zRes)==0 ){
"testcase-%s FAILED\n Expected: [%s]\n Got: [%s]\n",
p->zTestcase, azArg[1], zRes);
rc = 1;
utf8_printf(stdout, "testcase-%s ok\n", p->zTestcase);
if( c=='c' && strncmp(azArg[0], "clone", n)==0 ){
if( nArg==2 ){
tryToClone(p, azArg[1]);
raw_printf(stderr, "Usage: .clone FILENAME\n");
rc = 1;
if( c=='d' && n>1 && strncmp(azArg[0], "databases", n)==0 ){
ShellState data;
char *zErrMsg = 0;
open_db(p, 0);
memcpy(&data, p, sizeof(data));
data.showHeader = 0;
data.cMode = data.mode = MODE_List;
sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(data.colSeparator),data.colSeparator,": ");
data.cnt = 0;
sqlite3_exec(p->db, "SELECT name, file FROM pragma_database_list",
callback, &data, &zErrMsg);
if( zErrMsg ){
utf8_printf(stderr,"Error: %s\n", zErrMsg);
rc = 1;
if( c=='d' && n>=3 && strncmp(azArg[0], "dbconfig", n)==0 ){
static const struct DbConfigChoices {
const char *zName;
int op;
} aDbConfig[] = {
{ "legacy_alter_table", SQLITE_DBCONFIG_LEGACY_ALTER_TABLE },
{ "legacy_file_format", SQLITE_DBCONFIG_LEGACY_FILE_FORMAT },
{ "no_ckpt_on_close", SQLITE_DBCONFIG_NO_CKPT_ON_CLOSE },
int ii, v;
open_db(p, 0);
for(ii=0; ii<ArraySize(aDbConfig); ii++){
if( nArg>1 && strcmp(azArg[1], aDbConfig[ii].zName)!=0 ) continue;
if( nArg>=3 ){
sqlite3_db_config(p->db, aDbConfig[ii].op, booleanValue(azArg[2]), 0);
sqlite3_db_config(p->db, aDbConfig[ii].op, -1, &v);
utf8_printf(p->out, "%19s %s\n", aDbConfig[ii].zName, v ? "on" : "off");
if( nArg>1 ) break;
if( nArg>1 && ii==ArraySize(aDbConfig) ){
utf8_printf(stderr, "Error: unknown dbconfig \"%s\"\n", azArg[1]);
utf8_printf(stderr, "Enter \".dbconfig\" with no arguments for a list\n");
if( c=='d' && n>=3 && strncmp(azArg[0], "dbinfo", n)==0 ){
rc = shell_dbinfo_command(p, nArg, azArg);
if( c=='r' && strncmp(azArg[0], "recover", n)==0 ){
open_db(p, 0);
rc = recoverDatabaseCmd(p, nArg, azArg);
if( c=='d' && strncmp(azArg[0], "dump", n)==0 ){
char *zLike = 0;
char *zSql;
int i;
int savedShowHeader = p->showHeader;
int savedShellFlags = p->shellFlgs;
ShellClearFlag(p, SHFLG_PreserveRowid|SHFLG_Newlines|SHFLG_Echo);
for(i=1; i<nArg; i++){
if( azArg[i][0]=='-' ){
const char *z = azArg[i]+1;
if( z[0]=='-' ) z++;
if( strcmp(z,"preserve-rowids")==0 ){
raw_printf(stderr, "The --preserve-rowids option is not compatible"
rc = 1;
goto meta_command_exit;
ShellSetFlag(p, SHFLG_PreserveRowid);
if( strcmp(z,"newlines")==0 ){
ShellSetFlag(p, SHFLG_Newlines);
raw_printf(stderr, "Unknown option \"%s\" on \".dump\"\n", azArg[i]);
rc = 1;
goto meta_command_exit;
}else if( zLike ){
zLike = sqlite3_mprintf("%z OR name LIKE %Q ESCAPE '\\'",
zLike, azArg[i]);
zLike = sqlite3_mprintf("name LIKE %Q ESCAPE '\\'", azArg[i]);
open_db(p, 0);
/* When playing back a "dump", the content might appear in an order
** which causes immediate foreign key constraints to be violated.
** So disable foreign-key constraint enforcement to prevent problems. */
raw_printf(p->out, "PRAGMA foreign_keys=OFF;\n");
raw_printf(p->out, "BEGIN TRANSACTION;\n");
p->writableSchema = 0;
p->showHeader = 0;
/* Set writable_schema=ON since doing so forces SQLite to initialize
** as much of the schema as it can even if the sqlite_master table is
** corrupt. */
sqlite3_exec(p->db, "SAVEPOINT dump; PRAGMA writable_schema=ON", 0, 0, 0);
p->nErr = 0;
if( zLike==0 ) zLike = sqlite3_mprintf("true");
zSql = sqlite3_mprintf(
"SELECT name, type, sql FROM sqlite_master "
"WHERE (%s) AND type=='table'"
" ORDER BY tbl_name='sqlite_sequence', rowid",
zSql = sqlite3_mprintf(
"SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master "
" AND type IN ('index','trigger','view')",
run_table_dump_query(p, zSql);
if( p->writableSchema ){
raw_printf(p->out, "PRAGMA writable_schema=OFF;\n");
p->writableSchema = 0;
sqlite3_exec(p->db, "PRAGMA writable_schema=OFF;", 0, 0, 0);
sqlite3_exec(p->db, "RELEASE dump;", 0, 0, 0);
raw_printf(p->out, p->nErr?"ROLLBACK; -- due to errors\n":"COMMIT;\n");
p->showHeader = savedShowHeader;
p->shellFlgs = savedShellFlags;
if( c=='e' && strncmp(azArg[0], "echo", n)==0 ){
if( nArg==2 ){
setOrClearFlag(p, SHFLG_Echo, azArg[1]);
raw_printf(stderr, "Usage: .echo on|off\n");
rc = 1;
if( c=='e' && strncmp(azArg[0], "eqp", n)==0 ){
if( nArg==2 ){
p->autoEQPtest = 0;
if( p->autoEQPtrace ){
if( p->db ) sqlite3_exec(p->db, "PRAGMA vdbe_trace=OFF;", 0, 0, 0);
p->autoEQPtrace = 0;
if( strcmp(azArg[1],"full")==0 ){
p->autoEQP = AUTOEQP_full;
}else if( strcmp(azArg[1],"trigger")==0 ){
p->autoEQP = AUTOEQP_trigger;
}else if( strcmp(azArg[1],"test")==0 ){
p->autoEQP = AUTOEQP_on;
p->autoEQPtest = 1;
}else if( strcmp(azArg[1],"trace")==0 ){
p->autoEQP = AUTOEQP_full;
p->autoEQPtrace = 1;
open_db(p, 0);
sqlite3_exec(p->db, "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master LIMIT 1", 0, 0, 0);
sqlite3_exec(p->db, "PRAGMA vdbe_trace=ON;", 0, 0, 0);
p->autoEQP = (u8)booleanValue(azArg[1]);
raw_printf(stderr, "Usage: .eqp off|on|trace|trigger|full\n");
rc = 1;
if( c=='e' && strncmp(azArg[0], "exit", n)==0 ){
if( nArg>1 && (rc = (int)integerValue(azArg[1]))!=0 ) exit(rc);
rc = 2;
/* The ".explain" command is automatic now. It is largely pointless. It
** retained purely for backwards compatibility */
if( c=='e' && strncmp(azArg[0], "explain", n)==0 ){
int val = 1;
if( nArg>=2 ){
if( strcmp(azArg[1],"auto")==0 ){
val = 99;
val = booleanValue(azArg[1]);
if( val==1 && p->mode!=MODE_Explain ){
p->normalMode = p->mode;
p->mode = MODE_Explain;
p->autoExplain = 0;
}else if( val==0 ){
if( p->mode==MODE_Explain ) p->mode = p->normalMode;
p->autoExplain = 0;
}else if( val==99 ){
if( p->mode==MODE_Explain ) p->mode = p->normalMode;
p->autoExplain = 1;
if( c=='e' && strncmp(azArg[0], "expert", n)==0 ){
open_db(p, 0);
expertDotCommand(p, azArg, nArg);
if( c=='f' && strncmp(azArg[0], "filectrl", n)==0 ){
static const struct {
const char *zCtrlName; /* Name of a test-control option */
int ctrlCode; /* Integer code for that option */
const char *zUsage; /* Usage notes */
} aCtrl[] = {
{ "size_limit", SQLITE_FCNTL_SIZE_LIMIT, "[LIMIT]" },
{ "chunk_size", SQLITE_FCNTL_CHUNK_SIZE, "SIZE" },
/* { "win32_av_retry", SQLITE_FCNTL_WIN32_AV_RETRY, "COUNT DELAY" },*/
{ "persist_wal", SQLITE_FCNTL_PERSIST_WAL, "[BOOLEAN]" },
/* { "pragma", SQLITE_FCNTL_PRAGMA, "NAME ARG" },*/
{ "tempfilename", SQLITE_FCNTL_TEMPFILENAME, "" },
{ "has_moved", SQLITE_FCNTL_HAS_MOVED, "" },
{ "reserve_bytes", SQLITE_FCNTL_RESERVE_BYTES, "[N]" },
int filectrl = -1;
int iCtrl = -1;
sqlite3_int64 iRes = 0; /* Integer result to display if rc2==1 */
int isOk = 0; /* 0: usage 1: %lld 2: no-result */
int n2, i;
const char *zCmd = 0;
const char *zSchema = 0;
open_db(p, 0);
zCmd = nArg>=2 ? azArg[1] : "help";
if( zCmd[0]=='-'
&& (strcmp(zCmd,"--schema")==0 || strcmp(zCmd,"-schema")==0)
&& nArg>=4
zSchema = azArg[2];
for(i=3; i<nArg; i++) azArg[i-2] = azArg[i];
nArg -= 2;
zCmd = azArg[1];
/* The argument can optionally begin with "-" or "--" */
if( zCmd[0]=='-' && zCmd[1] ){
if( zCmd[0]=='-' && zCmd[1] ) zCmd++;
/* --help lists all file-controls */
if( strcmp(zCmd,"help")==0 ){
utf8_printf(p->out, "Available file-controls:\n");
for(i=0; i<ArraySize(aCtrl); i++){
utf8_printf(p->out, " .filectrl %s %s\n",
aCtrl[i].zCtrlName, aCtrl[i].zUsage);
rc = 1;
goto meta_command_exit;
/* convert filectrl text option to value. allow any unique prefix
** of the option name, or a numerical value. */
n2 = strlen30(zCmd);
for(i=0; i<ArraySize(aCtrl); i++){
if( strncmp(zCmd, aCtrl[i].zCtrlName, n2)==0 ){
if( filectrl<0 ){
filectrl = aCtrl[i].ctrlCode;
iCtrl = i;
utf8_printf(stderr, "Error: ambiguous file-control: \"%s\"\n"
"Use \".filectrl --help\" for help\n", zCmd);
rc = 1;
goto meta_command_exit;
if( filectrl<0 ){
utf8_printf(stderr,"Error: unknown file-control: %s\n"
"Use \".filectrl --help\" for help\n", zCmd);
if( nArg!=2 && nArg!=3 ) break;
iRes = nArg==3 ? integerValue(azArg[2]) : -1;
sqlite3_file_control(p->db, zSchema, SQLITE_FCNTL_SIZE_LIMIT, &iRes);
isOk = 1;
int x;
if( nArg!=3 ) break;
x = (int)integerValue(azArg[2]);
sqlite3_file_control(p->db, zSchema, filectrl, &x);
isOk = 2;
int x;
if( nArg!=2 && nArg!=3 ) break;
x = nArg==3 ? booleanValue(azArg[2]) : -1;
sqlite3_file_control(p->db, zSchema, filectrl, &x);
iRes = x;
isOk = 1;
int x;
if( nArg!=2 ) break;
sqlite3_file_control(p->db, zSchema, filectrl, &x);
iRes = x;
isOk = 1;
char *z = 0;
if( nArg!=2 ) break;
sqlite3_file_control(p->db, zSchema, filectrl, &z);
if( z ){
utf8_printf(p->out, "%s\n", z);
isOk = 2;
int x;
if( nArg>=3 ){
x = atoi(azArg[2]);
sqlite3_file_control(p->db, zSchema, filectrl, &x);
x = -1;
sqlite3_file_control(p->db, zSchema, filectrl, &x);
utf8_printf(p->out,"%d\n", x);
isOk = 2;
if( isOk==0 && iCtrl>=0 ){
utf8_printf(p->out, "Usage: .filectrl %s %s\n", zCmd,aCtrl[iCtrl].zUsage);
rc = 1;
}else if( isOk==1 ){
char zBuf[100];
sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zBuf), zBuf, "%lld", iRes);
raw_printf(p->out, "%s\n", zBuf);
if( c=='f' && strncmp(azArg[0], "fullschema", n)==0 ){
ShellState data;
char *zErrMsg = 0;
int doStats = 0;
memcpy(&data, p, sizeof(data));
data.showHeader = 0;
data.cMode = data.mode = MODE_Semi;
if( nArg==2 && optionMatch(azArg[1], "indent") ){
data.cMode = data.mode = MODE_Pretty;
nArg = 1;
if( nArg!=1 ){
raw_printf(stderr, "Usage: .fullschema ?--indent?\n");
rc = 1;
goto meta_command_exit;
open_db(p, 0);
rc = sqlite3_exec(p->db,
" (SELECT sql sql, type type, tbl_name tbl_name, name name, rowid x"
" FROM sqlite_master UNION ALL"
" SELECT sql, type, tbl_name, name, rowid FROM sqlite_temp_master) "
"WHERE type!='meta' AND sql NOTNULL AND name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%' "
"ORDER BY rowid",
callback, &data, &zErrMsg
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
sqlite3_stmt *pStmt;
rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(p->db,
"SELECT rowid FROM sqlite_master"
" WHERE name GLOB 'sqlite_stat[134]'",
-1, &pStmt, 0);
doStats = sqlite3_step(pStmt)==SQLITE_ROW;
if( doStats==0 ){
raw_printf(p->out, "/* No STAT tables available */\n");
raw_printf(p->out, "ANALYZE sqlite_master;\n");
sqlite3_exec(p->db, "SELECT 'ANALYZE sqlite_master'",
callback, &data, &zErrMsg);
data.cMode = data.mode = MODE_Insert;
data.zDestTable = "sqlite_stat1";
shell_exec(&data, "SELECT * FROM sqlite_stat1", &zErrMsg);
data.zDestTable = "sqlite_stat4";
shell_exec(&data, "SELECT * FROM sqlite_stat4", &zErrMsg);
raw_printf(p->out, "ANALYZE sqlite_master;\n");
if( c=='h' && strncmp(azArg[0], "headers", n)==0 ){
if( nArg==2 ){
p->showHeader = booleanValue(azArg[1]);
raw_printf(stderr, "Usage: .headers on|off\n");
rc = 1;
if( c=='h' && strncmp(azArg[0], "help", n)==0 ){
if( nArg>=2 ){
n = showHelp(p->out, azArg[1]);
if( n==0 ){
utf8_printf(p->out, "Nothing matches '%s'\n", azArg[1]);
showHelp(p->out, 0);
if( c=='i' && strncmp(azArg[0], "import", n)==0 ){
char *zTable = 0; /* Insert data into this table */
char *zFile = 0; /* Name of file to extra content from */
sqlite3_stmt *pStmt = NULL; /* A statement */
int nCol; /* Number of columns in the table */
int nByte; /* Number of bytes in an SQL string */
int i, j; /* Loop counters */
int needCommit; /* True to COMMIT or ROLLBACK at end */
int nSep; /* Number of bytes in p->colSeparator[] */
char *zSql; /* An SQL statement */
ImportCtx sCtx; /* Reader context */
char *(SQLITE_CDECL *xRead)(ImportCtx*); /* Func to read one value */
int (SQLITE_CDECL *xCloser)(FILE*); /* Func to close file */
int eVerbose = 0; /* Larger for more console output */
int nSkip = 0; /* Initial lines to skip */
int useOutputMode = 1; /* Use output mode to determine separators */
memset(&sCtx, 0, sizeof(sCtx));
if( p->mode==MODE_Ascii ){
xRead = ascii_read_one_field;
xRead = csv_read_one_field;
for(i=1; i<nArg; i++){
char *z = azArg[i];
if( z[0]=='-' && z[1]=='-' ) z++;
if( z[0]!='-' ){
if( zFile==0 ){
zFile = z;
}else if( zTable==0 ){
zTable = z;
utf8_printf(p->out, "ERROR: extra argument: \"%s\". Usage:\n", z);
showHelp(p->out, "import");
rc = 1;
goto meta_command_exit;
}else if( strcmp(z,"-v")==0 ){
}else if( strcmp(z,"-skip")==0 && i<nArg-1 ){
nSkip = integerValue(azArg[++i]);
}else if( strcmp(z,"-ascii")==0 ){
sCtx.cColSep = SEP_Unit[0];
sCtx.cRowSep = SEP_Record[0];
xRead = ascii_read_one_field;
useOutputMode = 0;
}else if( strcmp(z,"-csv")==0 ){
sCtx.cColSep = ',';
sCtx.cRowSep = '\n';
xRead = csv_read_one_field;
useOutputMode = 0;
utf8_printf(p->out, "ERROR: unknown option: \"%s\". Usage:\n", z);
showHelp(p->out, "import");
rc = 1;
goto meta_command_exit;
if( zTable==0 ){
utf8_printf(p->out, "ERROR: missing %s argument. Usage:\n",
zFile==0 ? "FILE" : "TABLE");
showHelp(p->out, "import");
rc = 1;
goto meta_command_exit;
seenInterrupt = 0;
open_db(p, 0);
if( useOutputMode ){
/* If neither the --csv or --ascii options are specified, then set
** the column and row separator characters from the output mode. */
nSep = strlen30(p->colSeparator);
if( nSep==0 ){
"Error: non-null column separator required for import\n");
rc = 1;
goto meta_command_exit;
if( nSep>1 ){
"Error: multi-character column separators not allowed"
" for import\n");
rc = 1;
goto meta_command_exit;
nSep = strlen30(p->rowSeparator);
if( nSep==0 ){
"Error: non-null row separator required for import\n");
rc = 1;
goto meta_command_exit;
if( nSep==2 && p->mode==MODE_Csv && strcmp(p->rowSeparator,SEP_CrLf)==0 ){
/* When importing CSV (only), if the row separator is set to the
** default output row separator, change it to the default input
** row separator. This avoids having to maintain different input
** and output row separators. */
sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(p->rowSeparator), p->rowSeparator, SEP_Row);
nSep = strlen30(p->rowSeparator);
if( nSep>1 ){
raw_printf(stderr, "Error: multi-character row separators not allowed"
" for import\n");
rc = 1;
goto meta_command_exit;
sCtx.cColSep = p->colSeparator[0];
sCtx.cRowSep = p->rowSeparator[0];
sCtx.zFile = zFile;
sCtx.nLine = 1;
if( sCtx.zFile[0]=='|' ){
raw_printf(stderr, "Error: pipes are not supported in this OS\n");
rc = 1;
goto meta_command_exit;
#else = popen(sCtx.zFile+1, "r");
sCtx.zFile = "<pipe>";
xCloser = pclose;
}else{ = fopen(sCtx.zFile, "rb");
xCloser = fclose;
if( ){
utf8_printf(stderr, "Error: cannot open \"%s\"\n", zFile);
rc = 1;
goto meta_command_exit;
if( eVerbose>=2 || (eVerbose>=1 && useOutputMode) ){
char zSep[2];
zSep[1] = 0;
zSep[0] = sCtx.cColSep;
utf8_printf(p->out, "Column separator ");
output_c_string(p->out, zSep);
utf8_printf(p->out, ", row separator ");
zSep[0] = sCtx.cRowSep;
output_c_string(p->out, zSep);
utf8_printf(p->out, "\n");
while( (nSkip--)>0 ){
while( xRead(&sCtx) && sCtx.cTerm==sCtx.cColSep ){}
zSql = sqlite3_mprintf("SELECT * FROM %s", zTable);
if( zSql==0 ){
nByte = strlen30(zSql);
rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(p->db, zSql, -1, &pStmt, 0);
import_append_char(&sCtx, 0); /* To ensure sCtx.z is allocated */
if( rc && sqlite3_strglob("no such table: *", sqlite3_errmsg(p->db))==0 ){
char *zCreate = sqlite3_mprintf("CREATE TABLE %s", zTable);
char cSep = '(';
while( xRead(&sCtx) ){
zCreate = sqlite3_mprintf("%z%c\n \"%w\" TEXT", zCreate, cSep, sCtx.z);
cSep = ',';
if( sCtx.cTerm!=sCtx.cColSep ) break;
if( cSep=='(' ){
utf8_printf(stderr,"%s: empty file\n", sCtx.zFile);
rc = 1;
goto meta_command_exit;
zCreate = sqlite3_mprintf("%z\n)", zCreate);
if( eVerbose>=1 ){
utf8_printf(p->out, "%s\n", zCreate);
rc = sqlite3_exec(p->db, zCreate, 0, 0, 0);
if( rc ){
utf8_printf(stderr, "CREATE TABLE %s(...) failed: %s\n", zTable,
rc = 1;
goto meta_command_exit;
rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(p->db, zSql, -1, &pStmt, 0);
if( rc ){
if (pStmt) sqlite3_finalize(pStmt);
utf8_printf(stderr,"Error: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(p->db));
rc = 1;
goto meta_command_exit;
nCol = sqlite3_column_count(pStmt);
pStmt = 0;
if( nCol==0 ) return 0; /* no columns, no error */
zSql = sqlite3_malloc64( nByte*2 + 20 + nCol*2 );
if( zSql==0 ){
sqlite3_snprintf(nByte+20, zSql, "INSERT INTO \"%w\" VALUES(?", zTable);
j = strlen30(zSql);
for(i=1; i<nCol; i++){
zSql[j++] = ',';
zSql[j++] = '?';
zSql[j++] = ')';
zSql[j] = 0;
if( eVerbose>=2 ){
utf8_printf(p->out, "Insert using: %s\n", zSql);
rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(p->db, zSql, -1, &pStmt, 0);
if( rc ){
utf8_printf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(p->db));
if (pStmt) sqlite3_finalize(pStmt);
rc = 1;
goto meta_command_exit;
needCommit = sqlite3_get_autocommit(p->db);
if( needCommit ) sqlite3_exec(p->db, "BEGIN", 0, 0, 0);
int startLine = sCtx.nLine;
for(i=0; i<nCol; i++){
char *z = xRead(&sCtx);
** Did we reach end-of-file before finding any columns?
** If so, stop instead of NULL filling the remaining columns.
if( z==0 && i==0 ) break;
** Did we reach end-of-file OR end-of-line before finding any
** columns in ASCII mode? If so, stop instead of NULL filling
** the remaining columns.
if( p->mode==MODE_Ascii && (z==0 || z[0]==0) && i==0 ) break;
sqlite3_bind_text(pStmt, i+1, z, -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
if( i<nCol-1 && sCtx.cTerm!=sCtx.cColSep ){
utf8_printf(stderr, "%s:%d: expected %d columns but found %d - "
"filling the rest with NULL\n",
sCtx.zFile, startLine, nCol, i+1);
i += 2;
while( i<=nCol ){ sqlite3_bind_null(pStmt, i); i++; }
if( sCtx.cTerm==sCtx.cColSep ){
}while( sCtx.cTerm==sCtx.cColSep );
utf8_printf(stderr, "%s:%d: expected %d columns but found %d - "
"extras ignored\n",
sCtx.zFile, startLine, nCol, i);
if( i>=nCol ){
rc = sqlite3_reset(pStmt);
if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
utf8_printf(stderr, "%s:%d: INSERT failed: %s\n", sCtx.zFile,
startLine, sqlite3_errmsg(p->db));
}while( sCtx.cTerm!=EOF );
if( needCommit ) sqlite3_exec(p->db, "COMMIT", 0, 0, 0);
if( eVerbose>0 ){
"Added %d rows with %d errors using %d lines of input\n",
sCtx.nRow, sCtx.nErr, sCtx.nLine-1);
if( c=='i' && strncmp(azArg[0], "imposter", n)==0 ){
char *zSql;
char *zCollist = 0;
sqlite3_stmt *pStmt;
int tnum = 0;
int isWO = 0; /* True if making an imposter of a WITHOUT ROWID table */
int lenPK = 0; /* Length of the PRIMARY KEY string for isWO tables */
int i;
if( !(nArg==3 || (nArg==2 && sqlite3_stricmp(azArg[1],"off")==0)) ){
utf8_printf(stderr, "Usage: .imposter INDEX IMPOSTER\n"
" .imposter off\n");
/* Also allowed, but not documented:
** .imposter TABLE IMPOSTER
** where TABLE is a WITHOUT ROWID table. In that case, the
** imposter is another WITHOUT ROWID table with the columns in
** storage order. */
rc = 1;
goto meta_command_exit;
open_db(p, 0);
if( nArg==2 ){
sqlite3_test_control(SQLITE_TESTCTRL_IMPOSTER, p->db, "main", 0, 1);
goto meta_command_exit;
zSql = sqlite3_mprintf(
"SELECT rootpage, 0 FROM sqlite_master"
" WHERE name='%q' AND type='index'"
"SELECT rootpage, 1 FROM sqlite_master"
" WHERE name='%q' AND type='table'"
" AND sql LIKE '%%without%%rowid%%'",
azArg[1], azArg[1]
sqlite3_prepare_v2(p->db, zSql, -1, &pStmt, 0);
if( sqlite3_step(pStmt)==SQLITE_ROW ){
tnum = sqlite3_column_int(pStmt, 0);
isWO = sqlite3_column_int(pStmt, 1);
zSql = sqlite3_mprintf("PRAGMA index_xinfo='%q'", azArg[1]);
rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(p->db, zSql, -1, &pStmt, 0);
i = 0;
while( sqlite3_step(pStmt)==SQLITE_ROW ){
char zLabel[20];
const char *zCol = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(pStmt,2);
if( zCol==0 ){
if( sqlite3_column_int(pStmt,1)==-1 ){
zCol = "_ROWID_";
zCol = zLabel;
if( isWO && lenPK==0 && sqlite3_column_int(pStmt,5)==0 && zCollist ){
lenPK = (int)strlen(zCollist);
if( zCollist==0 ){
zCollist = sqlite3_mprintf("\"%w\"", zCol);
zCollist = sqlite3_mprintf("%z,\"%w\"", zCollist, zCol);
if( i==0 || tnum==0 ){
utf8_printf(stderr, "no such index: \"%s\"\n", azArg[1]);
rc = 1;
goto meta_command_exit;
if( lenPK==0 ) lenPK = 100000;
zSql = sqlite3_mprintf(
azArg[2], zCollist, lenPK, zCollist);
rc = sqlite3_test_control(SQLITE_TESTCTRL_IMPOSTER, p->db, "main", 1, tnum);
if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
rc = sqlite3_exec(p->db, zSql, 0, 0, 0);
sqlite3_test_control(SQLITE_TESTCTRL_IMPOSTER, p->db, "main", 0, 0);
if( rc ){
utf8_printf(stderr, "Error in [%s]: %s\n", zSql, sqlite3_errmsg(p->db));
utf8_printf(stdout, "%s;\n", zSql);
"WARNING: writing to an imposter table will corrupt the \"%s\" %s!\n",
azArg[1], isWO ? "table" : "index"
raw_printf(stderr, "SQLITE_TESTCTRL_IMPOSTER returns %d\n", rc);
rc = 1;
#endif /* !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_TEST_CONTROL) */
if( c=='i' && strncmp(azArg[0], "iotrace", n)==0 ){
SQLITE_API extern void (SQLITE_CDECL *sqlite3IoTrace)(const char*, ...);
if( iotrace && iotrace!=stdout ) fclose(iotrace);
iotrace = 0;
if( nArg<2 ){
sqlite3IoTrace = 0;
}else if( strcmp(azArg[1], "-")==0 ){
sqlite3IoTrace = iotracePrintf;
iotrace = stdout;
iotrace = fopen(azArg[1], "w");
if( iotrace==0 ){
utf8_printf(stderr, "Error: cannot open \"%s\"\n", azArg[1]);
sqlite3IoTrace = 0;
rc = 1;
sqlite3IoTrace = iotracePrintf;
if( c=='l' && n>=5 && strncmp(azArg[0], "limits", n)==0 ){
static const struct {
const char *zLimitName; /* Name of a limit */
int limitCode; /* Integer code for that limit */
} aLimit[] = {
{ "length", SQLITE_LIMIT_LENGTH },
{ "sql_length", SQLITE_LIMIT_SQL_LENGTH },
{ "column", SQLITE_LIMIT_COLUMN },
{ "expr_depth", SQLITE_LIMIT_EXPR_DEPTH },
{ "compound_select", SQLITE_LIMIT_COMPOUND_SELECT },
{ "vdbe_op", SQLITE_LIMIT_VDBE_OP },
{ "function_arg", SQLITE_LIMIT_FUNCTION_ARG },
{ "attached", SQLITE_LIMIT_ATTACHED },
{ "like_pattern_length", SQLITE_LIMIT_LIKE_PATTERN_LENGTH },
{ "variable_number", SQLITE_LIMIT_VARIABLE_NUMBER },
{ "trigger_depth", SQLITE_LIMIT_TRIGGER_DEPTH },
{ "worker_threads", SQLITE_LIMIT_WORKER_THREADS },
int i, n2;
open_db(p, 0);
if( nArg==1 ){
for(i=0; i<ArraySize(aLimit); i++){
printf("%20s %d\n", aLimit[i].zLimitName,
sqlite3_limit(p->db, aLimit[i].limitCode, -1));
}else if( nArg>3 ){
raw_printf(stderr, "Usage: .limit NAME ?NEW-VALUE?\n");
rc = 1;
goto meta_command_exit;
int iLimit = -1;
n2 = strlen30(azArg[1]);
for(i=0; i<ArraySize(aLimit); i++){
if( sqlite3_strnicmp(aLimit[i].zLimitName, azArg[1], n2)==0 ){
if( iLimit<0 ){
iLimit = i;
utf8_printf(stderr, "ambiguous limit: \"%s\"\n", azArg[1]);
rc = 1;
goto meta_command_exit;
if( iLimit<0 ){
utf8_printf(stderr, "unknown limit: \"%s\"\n"
"enter \".limits\" with no arguments for a list.\n",
rc = 1;
goto meta_command_exit;
if( nArg==3 ){
sqlite3_limit(p->db, aLimit[iLimit].limitCode,
printf("%20s %d\n", aLimit[iLimit].zLimitName,
sqlite3_limit(p->db, aLimit[iLimit].limitCode, -1));
if( c=='l' && n>2 && strncmp(azArg[0], "lint", n)==0 ){
open_db(p, 0);
lintDotCommand(p, azArg, nArg);
if( c=='l' && strncmp(azArg[0], "load", n)==0 ){
const char *zFile, *zProc;
char *zErrMsg = 0;
if( nArg<2 ){
raw_printf(stderr, "Usage: .load FILE ?ENTRYPOINT?\n");
rc = 1;
goto meta_command_exit;
zFile = azArg[1];
zProc = nArg>=3 ? azArg[2] : 0;
open_db(p, 0);
rc = sqlite3_load_extension(p->db, zFile, zProc, &zErrMsg);
if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
utf8_printf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", zErrMsg);
rc = 1;
if( c=='l' && strncmp(azArg[0], "log", n)==0 ){
if( nArg!=2 ){
raw_printf(stderr, "Usage: .log FILENAME\n");
rc = 1;
const char *zFile = azArg[1];
p->pLog = output_file_open(zFile, 0);
if( c=='m' && strncmp(azArg[0], "mode", n)==0 ){
const char *zMode = nArg>=2 ? azArg[1] : "";
int n2 = strlen30(zMode);
int c2 = zMode[0];
if( c2=='l' && n2>2 && strncmp(azArg[1],"lines",n2)==0 ){
p->mode = MODE_Line;
sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(p->rowSeparator), p->rowSeparator, SEP_Row);
}else if( c2=='c' && strncmp(azArg[1],"columns",n2)==0 ){
p->mode = MODE_Column;
sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(p->rowSeparator), p->rowSeparator, SEP_Row);
}else if( c2=='l' && n2>2 && strncmp(azArg[1],"list",n2)==0 ){
p->mode = MODE_List;
sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(p->colSeparator), p->colSeparator, SEP_Column);
sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(p->rowSeparator), p->rowSeparator, SEP_Row);
}else if( c2=='h' && strncmp(azArg[1],"html",n2)==0 ){
p->mode = MODE_Html;
}else if( c2=='t' && strncmp(azArg[1],"tcl",n2)==0 ){
p->mode = MODE_Tcl;
sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(p->colSeparator), p->colSeparator, SEP_Space);
sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(p->rowSeparator), p->rowSeparator, SEP_Row);
}else if( c2=='c' && strncmp(azArg[1],"csv",n2)==0 ){
p->mode = MODE_Csv;
sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(p->colSeparator), p->colSeparator, SEP_Comma);
sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(p->rowSeparator), p->rowSeparator, SEP_CrLf);
}else if( c2=='t' && strncmp(azArg[1],"tabs",n2)==0 ){
p->mode = MODE_List;
sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(p->colSeparator), p->colSeparator, SEP_Tab);
}else if( c2=='i' && strncmp(azArg[1],"insert",n2)==0 ){
p->mode = MODE_Insert;
set_table_name(p, nArg>=3 ? azArg[2] : "table");
}else if( c2=='q' && strncmp(azArg[1],"quote",n2)==0 ){
p->mode = MODE_Quote;
}else if( c2=='a' && strncmp(azArg[1],"ascii",n2)==0 ){
p->mode = MODE_Ascii;
sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(p->colSeparator), p->colSeparator, SEP_Unit);
sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(p->rowSeparator), p->rowSeparator, SEP_Record);
}else if( nArg==1 ){
raw_printf(p->out, "current output mode: %s\n", modeDescr[p->mode]);
raw_printf(stderr, "Error: mode should be one of: "
"ascii column csv html insert line list quote tabs tcl\n");
rc = 1;
p->cMode = p->mode;
if( c=='n' && strncmp(azArg[0], "nullvalue", n)==0 ){
if( nArg==2 ){
sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(p->nullValue), p->nullValue,
"%.*s", (int)ArraySize(p->nullValue)-1, azArg[1]);
raw_printf(stderr, "Usage: .nullvalue STRING\n");
rc = 1;
if( c=='o' && strcmp(azArg[0],"oom")==0 ){
int i;
for(i=1; i<nArg; i++){
const char *z = azArg[i];
if( z[0]=='-' && z[1]=='-' ) z++;
if( strcmp(z,"-repeat")==0 ){
if( i==nArg-1 ){
raw_printf(p->out, "missing argument on \"%s\"\n", azArg[i]);
rc = 1;
oomRepeat = (int)integerValue(azArg[++i]);
}else if( IsDigit(z[0]) ){
oomCounter = (int)integerValue(azArg[i]);
raw_printf(p->out, "unknown argument: \"%s\"\n", azArg[i]);
raw_printf(p->out, "Usage: .oom [--repeat N] [M]\n");
rc = 1;
if( rc==0 ){
raw_printf(p->out, "oomCounter = %d\n", oomCounter);
raw_printf(p->out, "oomRepeat = %d\n", oomRepeat);
#endif /* SQLITE_DEBUG */
if( c=='o' && strncmp(azArg[0], "open", n)==0 && n>=2 ){
char *zNewFilename; /* Name of the database file to open */
int iName = 1; /* Index in azArg[] of the filename */
int newFlag = 0; /* True to delete file before opening */
/* Close the existing database */
p->db = 0;
p->zDbFilename = 0;
p->zFreeOnClose = 0;
p->openMode = SHELL_OPEN_UNSPEC;
p->openFlags = 0;
p->szMax = 0;
/* Check for command-line arguments */
for(iName=1; iName<nArg && azArg[iName][0]=='-'; iName++){
const char *z = azArg[iName];
if( optionMatch(z,"new") ){
newFlag = 1;
}else if( optionMatch(z, "zip") ){
}else if( optionMatch(z, "append") ){
}else if( optionMatch(z, "readonly") ){
}else if( optionMatch(z, "nofollow") ){
}else if( optionMatch(z, "deserialize") ){
}else if( optionMatch(z, "hexdb") ){
p->openMode = SHELL_OPEN_HEXDB;
}else if( optionMatch(z, "maxsize") && iName+1<nArg ){
p->szMax = integerValue(azArg[++iName]);
}else if( z[0]=='-' ){
utf8_printf(stderr, "unknown option: %s\n", z);
rc = 1;
goto meta_command_exit;
/* If a filename is specified, try to open it first */
zNewFilename = nArg>iName ? sqlite3_mprintf("%s", azArg[iName]) : 0;
if( zNewFilename || p->openMode==SHELL_OPEN_HEXDB ){
if( newFlag ) shellDeleteFile(zNewFilename);
p->zDbFilename = zNewFilename;
open_db(p, OPEN_DB_KEEPALIVE);
if( p->db==0 ){
utf8_printf(stderr, "Error: cannot open '%s'\n", zNewFilename);
p->zFreeOnClose = zNewFilename;
if( p->db==0 ){
/* As a fall-back open a TEMP database */
p->zDbFilename = 0;
open_db(p, 0);
if( (c=='o'
&& (strncmp(azArg[0], "output", n)==0||strncmp(azArg[0], "once", n)==0))
|| (c=='e' && n==5 && strcmp(azArg[0],"excel")==0)
const char *zFile = 0;
int bTxtMode = 0;
int i;
int eMode = 0;
int bBOM = 0;
int bOnce = 0; /* 0: .output, 1: .once, 2: .excel */
if( c=='e' ){
eMode = 'x';
bOnce = 2;
}else if( strncmp(azArg[0],"once",n)==0 ){
bOnce = 1;
for(i=1; i<nArg; i++){
char *z = azArg[i];
if( z[0]=='-' ){
if( z[1]=='-' ) z++;
if( strcmp(z,"-bom")==0 ){
bBOM = 1;
}else if( c!='e' && strcmp(z,"-x")==0 ){
eMode = 'x'; /* spreadsheet */
}else if( c!='e' && strcmp(z,"-e")==0 ){
eMode = 'e'; /* text editor */
utf8_printf(p->out, "ERROR: unknown option: \"%s\". Usage:\n",
showHelp(p->out, azArg[0]);
rc = 1;
goto meta_command_exit;
}else if( zFile==0 ){
zFile = z;
utf8_printf(p->out,"ERROR: extra parameter: \"%s\". Usage:\n",
showHelp(p->out, azArg[0]);
rc = 1;
goto meta_command_exit;
if( zFile==0 ) zFile = "stdout";
if( bOnce ){
p->outCount = 2;
p->outCount = 0;
if( eMode=='e' || eMode=='x' ){
p->doXdgOpen = 1;
if( eMode=='x' ){
/* spreadsheet mode. Output as CSV. */
newTempFile(p, "csv");
ShellClearFlag(p, SHFLG_Echo);
p->mode = MODE_Csv;
sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(p->colSeparator), p->colSeparator, SEP_Comma);
sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(p->rowSeparator), p->rowSeparator, SEP_CrLf);
/* text editor mode */
newTempFile(p, "txt");
bTxtMode = 1;
zFile = p->zTempFile;
if( zFile[0]=='|' ){
raw_printf(stderr, "Error: pipes are not supported in this OS\n");
rc = 1;
p->out = stdout;
p->out = popen(zFile + 1, "w");
if( p->out==0 ){
utf8_printf(stderr,"Error: cannot open pipe \"%s\"\n", zFile + 1);
p->out = stdout;
rc = 1;
if( bBOM ) fprintf(p->out,"\357\273\277");
sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(p->outfile), p->outfile, "%s", zFile);
p->out = output_file_open(zFile, bTxtMode);
if( p->out==0 ){
if( strcmp(zFile,"off")!=0 ){
utf8_printf(stderr,"Error: cannot write to \"%s\"\n", zFile);
p->out = stdout;
rc = 1;
} else {
if( bBOM ) fprintf(p->out,"\357\273\277");
sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(p->outfile), p->outfile, "%s", zFile);
if( c=='p' && n>=3 && strncmp(azArg[0], "parameter", n)==0 ){
if( nArg<=1 ) goto parameter_syntax_error;
/* .parameter clear
** Clear all bind parameters by dropping the TEMP table that holds them.
if( nArg==2 && strcmp(azArg[1],"clear")==0 ){
sqlite3_exec(p->db, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS temp.sqlite_parameters;",
0, 0, 0);
/* .parameter list
** List all bind parameters.
if( nArg==2 && strcmp(azArg[1],"list")==0 ){
sqlite3_stmt *pStmt = 0;
int rx;
int len = 0;
rx = sqlite3_prepare_v2(p->db,
"SELECT max(length(key)) "
"FROM temp.sqlite_parameters;", -1, &pStmt, 0);
if( rx==SQLITE_OK && sqlite3_step(pStmt)==SQLITE_ROW ){
len = sqlite3_column_int(pStmt, 0);
if( len>40 ) len = 40;
pStmt = 0;
if( len ){
rx = sqlite3_prepare_v2(p->db,
"SELECT key, quote(value) "
"FROM temp.sqlite_parameters;", -1, &pStmt, 0);
while( sqlite3_step(pStmt)==SQLITE_ROW ){
utf8_printf(p->out, "%-*s %s\n", len, sqlite3_column_text(pStmt,0),
/* .parameter init
** Make sure the TEMP table used to hold bind parameters exists.
** Create it if necessary.
if( nArg==2 && strcmp(azArg[1],"init")==0 ){
/* .parameter set NAME VALUE
** Set or reset a bind parameter. NAME should be the full parameter
** name exactly as it appears in the query. (ex: $abc, @def). The
** VALUE can be in either SQL literal notation, or if not it will be
** understood to be a text string.
if( nArg==4 && strcmp(azArg[1],"set")==0 ){
int rx;
char *zSql;
sqlite3_stmt *pStmt;
const char *zKey = azArg[2];
const char *zValue = azArg[3];
zSql = sqlite3_mprintf(
"REPLACE INTO temp.sqlite_parameters(key,value)"
"VALUES(%Q,%s);", zKey, zValue);
if( zSql==0 ) shell_out_of_memory();
pStmt = 0;
rx = sqlite3_prepare_v2(p->db, zSql, -1, &pStmt, 0);
if( rx!=SQLITE_OK ){
pStmt = 0;
zSql = sqlite3_mprintf(
"REPLACE INTO temp.sqlite_parameters(key,value)"
"VALUES(%Q,%Q);", zKey, zValue);
if( zSql==0 ) shell_out_of_memory();
rx = sqlite3_prepare_v2(p->db, zSql, -1, &pStmt, 0);
if( rx!=SQLITE_OK ){
utf8_printf(p->out, "Error: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(p->db));
pStmt = 0;
rc = 1;
/* .parameter unset NAME
** Remove the NAME binding from the parameter binding table, if it
** exists.
if( nArg==3 && strcmp(azArg[1],"unset")==0 ){
char *zSql = sqlite3_mprintf(
"DELETE FROM temp.sqlite_parameters WHERE key=%Q", azArg[2]);
if( zSql==0 ) shell_out_of_memory();
sqlite3_exec(p->db, zSql, 0, 0, 0);
/* If no command name matches, show a syntax error */
showHelp(p->out, "parameter");
if( c=='p' && n>=3 && strncmp(azArg[0], "print", n)==0 ){
int i;
for(i=1; i<nArg; i++){
if( i>1 ) raw_printf(p->out, " ");
utf8_printf(p->out, "%s", azArg[i]);
raw_printf(p->out, "\n");
if( c=='p' && n>=3 && strncmp(azArg[0], "progress", n)==0 ){
int i;
int nn = 0;
p->flgProgress = 0;
p->mxProgress = 0;
p->nProgress = 0;
for(i=1; i<nArg; i++){
const char *z = azArg[i];
if( z[0]=='-' ){
if( z[0]=='-' ) z++;
if( strcmp(z,"quiet")==0 || strcmp(z,"q")==0 ){
p->flgProgress |= SHELL_PROGRESS_QUIET;
if( strcmp(z,"reset")==0 ){
p->flgProgress |= SHELL_PROGRESS_RESET;
if( strcmp(z,"once")==0 ){
p->flgProgress |= SHELL_PROGRESS_ONCE;
if( strcmp(z,"limit")==0 ){
if( i+1>=nArg ){
utf8_printf(stderr, "Error: missing argument on --limit\n");
rc = 1;
goto meta_command_exit;
p->mxProgress = (int)integerValue(azArg[++i]);
utf8_printf(stderr, "Error: unknown option: \"%s\"\n", azArg[i]);
rc = 1;
goto meta_command_exit;
nn = (int)integerValue(z);
open_db(p, 0);
sqlite3_progress_handler(p->db, nn, progress_handler, p);
if( c=='p' && strncmp(azArg[0], "prompt", n)==0 ){
if( nArg >= 2) {
if( nArg >= 3) {
if( c=='q' && strncmp(azArg[0], "quit", n)==0 ){
rc = 2;
if( c=='r' && n>=3 && strncmp(azArg[0], "read", n)==0 ){
FILE *inSaved = p->in;
int savedLineno = p->lineno;
if( nArg!=2 ){
raw_printf(stderr, "Usage: .read FILE\n");
rc = 1;
goto meta_command_exit;
p->in = fopen(azArg[1], "rb");
if( p->in==0 ){
utf8_printf(stderr,"Error: cannot open \"%s\"\n", azArg[1]);
rc = 1;
rc = process_input(p);
p->in = inSaved;
p->lineno = savedLineno;
if( c=='r' && n>=3 && strncmp(azArg[0], "restore", n)==0 ){
const char *zSrcFile;
const char *zDb;
sqlite3 *pSrc;
sqlite3_backup *pBackup;
int nTimeout = 0;
if( nArg==2 ){
zSrcFile = azArg[1];
zDb = "main";
}else if( nArg==3 ){
zSrcFile = azArg[2];
zDb = azArg[1];
raw_printf(stderr, "Usage: .restore ?DB? FILE\n");
rc = 1;
goto meta_command_exit;
rc = sqlite3_open(zSrcFile, &pSrc);
if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
utf8_printf(stderr, "Error: cannot open \"%s\"\n", zSrcFile);
return 1;
open_db(p, 0);
pBackup = sqlite3_backup_init(p->db, zDb, pSrc, "main");
if( pBackup==0 ){
utf8_printf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(p->db));
return 1;
while( (rc = sqlite3_backup_step(pBackup,100))==SQLITE_OK
|| rc==SQLITE_BUSY ){
if( rc==SQLITE_BUSY ){
if( nTimeout++ >= 3 ) break;
if( rc==SQLITE_DONE ){
rc = 0;
}else if( rc==SQLITE_BUSY || rc==SQLITE_LOCKED ){
raw_printf(stderr, "Error: source database is busy\n");
rc = 1;
utf8_printf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(p->db));
rc = 1;
if( c=='s' && strncmp(azArg[0], "scanstats", n)==0 ){
if( nArg==2 ){
p->scanstatsOn = (u8)booleanValue(azArg[1]);
raw_printf(stderr, "Warning: .scanstats not available in this build.\n");
raw_printf(stderr, "Usage: .scanstats on|off\n");
rc = 1;
if( c=='s' && strncmp(azArg[0], "schema", n)==0 ){
ShellText sSelect;
ShellState data;
char *zErrMsg = 0;
const char *zDiv = "(";
const char *zName = 0;
int iSchema = 0;
int bDebug = 0;
int ii;
open_db(p, 0);
memcpy(&data, p, sizeof(data));
data.showHeader = 0;
data.cMode = data.mode = MODE_Semi;
for(ii=1; ii<nArg; ii++){
if( optionMatch(azArg[ii],"indent") ){
data.cMode = data.mode = MODE_Pretty;
}else if( optionMatch(azArg[ii],"debug") ){
bDebug = 1;
}else if( zName==0 ){
zName = azArg[ii];
raw_printf(stderr, "Usage: .schema ?--indent? ?LIKE-PATTERN?\n");
rc = 1;
goto meta_command_exit;
if( zName!=0 ){
int isMaster = sqlite3_strlike(zName, "sqlite_master", '\\')==0;
if( isMaster || sqlite3_strlike(zName,"sqlite_temp_master", '\\')==0 ){
char *new_argv[2], *new_colv[2];
new_argv[0] = sqlite3_mprintf(
" type text,\n"
" name text,\n"
" tbl_name text,\n"
" rootpage integer,\n"
" sql text\n"
")", isMaster ? "sqlite_master" : "sqlite_temp_master");
new_argv[1] = 0;
new_colv[0] = "sql";
new_colv[1] = 0;
callback(&data, 1, new_argv, new_colv);
if( zDiv ){
sqlite3_stmt *pStmt = 0;
rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(p->db, "SELECT name FROM pragma_database_list",
-1, &pStmt, 0);
if( rc ){
utf8_printf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(p->db));
rc = 1;
goto meta_command_exit;
appendText(&sSelect, "SELECT sql FROM", 0);
iSchema = 0;
while( sqlite3_step(pStmt)==SQLITE_ROW ){
const char *zDb = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(pStmt, 0);
char zScNum[30];
sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zScNum), zScNum, "%d", ++iSchema);
appendText(&sSelect, zDiv, 0);
zDiv = " UNION ALL ";
appendText(&sSelect, "SELECT shell_add_schema(sql,", 0);
if( sqlite3_stricmp(zDb, "main")!=0 ){
appendText(&sSelect, zDb, '\'');
appendText(&sSelect, "NULL", 0);
appendText(&sSelect, ",name) AS sql, type, tbl_name, name, rowid,", 0);
appendText(&sSelect, zScNum, 0);
appendText(&sSelect, " AS snum, ", 0);
appendText(&sSelect, zDb, '\'');
appendText(&sSelect, " AS sname FROM ", 0);
appendText(&sSelect, zDb, quoteChar(zDb));
appendText(&sSelect, ".sqlite_master", 0);
if( zName ){
" UNION ALL SELECT shell_module_schema(name),"
" 'table', name, name, name, 9e+99, 'main' FROM pragma_module_list",
appendText(&sSelect, ") WHERE ", 0);
if( zName ){
char *zQarg = sqlite3_mprintf("%Q", zName);
int bGlob = strchr(zName, '*') != 0 || strchr(zName, '?') != 0 ||
strchr(zName, '[') != 0;
if( strchr(zName, '.') ){
appendText(&sSelect, "lower(printf('%s.%s',sname,tbl_name))", 0);
appendText(&sSelect, "lower(tbl_name)", 0);
appendText(&sSelect, bGlob ? " GLOB " : " LIKE ", 0);
appendText(&sSelect, zQarg, 0);
if( !bGlob ){
appendText(&sSelect, " ESCAPE '\\' ", 0);
appendText(&sSelect, " AND ", 0);
appendText(&sSelect, "type!='meta' AND sql IS NOT NULL"
" ORDER BY snum, rowid", 0);
if( bDebug ){
utf8_printf(p->out, "SQL: %s;\n", sSelect.z);
rc = sqlite3_exec(p->db, sSelect.z, callback, &data, &zErrMsg);
if( zErrMsg ){
utf8_printf(stderr,"Error: %s\n", zErrMsg);
rc = 1;
}else if( rc != SQLITE_OK ){
raw_printf(stderr,"Error: querying schema information\n");
rc = 1;
rc = 0;
if( c=='s' && n==11 && strncmp(azArg[0], "selecttrace", n)==0 ){
sqlite3SelectTrace = (int)integerValue(azArg[1]);
if( c=='s' && strncmp(azArg[0],"session",n)==0 && n>=3 ){
OpenSession *pSession = &p->aSession[0];
char **azCmd = &azArg[1];
int iSes = 0;
int nCmd = nArg - 1;
int i;
if( nArg<=1 ) goto session_syntax_error;
open_db(p, 0);
if( nArg>=3 ){
for(iSes=0; iSes<p->nSession; iSes++){
if( strcmp(p->aSession[iSes].zName, azArg[1])==0 ) break;
if( iSes<p->nSession ){
pSession = &p->aSession[iSes];
pSession = &p->aSession[0];
iSes = 0;
/* .session attach TABLE
** Invoke the sqlite3session_attach() interface to attach a particular
** table so that it is never filtered.
if( strcmp(azCmd[0],"attach")==0 ){
if( nCmd!=2 ) goto session_syntax_error;
if( pSession->p==0 ){
raw_printf(stderr, "ERROR: No sessions are open\n");
rc = sqlite3session_attach(pSession->p, azCmd[1]);
if( rc ){
raw_printf(stderr, "ERROR: sqlite3session_attach() returns %d\n", rc);
rc = 0;
/* .session changeset FILE
** .session patchset FILE
** Write a changeset or patchset into a file. The file is overwritten.
if( strcmp(azCmd[0],"changeset")==0 || strcmp(azCmd[0],"patchset")==0 ){
FILE *out = 0;
if( nCmd!=2 ) goto session_syntax_error;
if( pSession->p==0 ) goto session_not_open;
out = fopen(azCmd[1], "wb");
if( out==0 ){
utf8_printf(stderr, "ERROR: cannot open \"%s\" for writing\n",
int szChng;
void *pChng;
if( azCmd[0][0]=='c' ){
rc = sqlite3session_changeset(pSession->p, &szChng, &pChng);
rc = sqlite3session_patchset(pSession->p, &szChng, &pChng);
if( rc ){
printf("Error: error code %d\n", rc);
rc = 0;
if( pChng
&& fwrite(pChng, szChng, 1, out)!=1 ){
raw_printf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed to write entire %d-byte output\n",
/* .session close
** Close the identified session
if( strcmp(azCmd[0], "close")==0 ){
if( nCmd!=1 ) goto session_syntax_error;
if( p->nSession ){
p->aSession[iSes] = p->aSession[--p->nSession];
/* .session enable ?BOOLEAN?
** Query or set the enable flag
if( strcmp(azCmd[0], "enable")==0 ){
int ii;
if( nCmd>2 ) goto session_syntax_error;
ii = nCmd==1 ? -1 : booleanValue(azCmd[1]);
if( p->nSession ){
ii = sqlite3session_enable(pSession->p, ii);
utf8_printf(p->out, "session %s enable flag = %d\n",
pSession->zName, ii);
/* .session filter GLOB ....
** Set a list of GLOB patterns of table names to be excluded.
if( strcmp(azCmd[0], "filter")==0 ){
int ii, nByte;
if( nCmd<2 ) goto session_syntax_error;
if( p->nSession ){
for(ii=0; ii<pSession->nFilter; ii++){
nByte = sizeof(pSession->azFilter[0])*(nCmd-1);
pSession->azFilter = sqlite3_malloc( nByte );
if( pSession->azFilter==0 ){
raw_printf(stderr, "Error: out or memory\n");
for(ii=1; ii<nCmd; ii++){
pSession->azFilter[ii-1] = sqlite3_mprintf("%s", azCmd[ii]);
pSession->nFilter = ii-1;
/* .session indirect ?BOOLEAN?
** Query or set the indirect flag
if( strcmp(azCmd[0], "indirect")==0 ){
int ii;
if( nCmd>2 ) goto session_syntax_error;
ii = nCmd==1 ? -1 : booleanValue(azCmd[1]);
if( p->nSession ){
ii = sqlite3session_indirect(pSession->p, ii);
utf8_printf(p->out, "session %s indirect flag = %d\n",
pSession->zName, ii);
/* .session isempty
** Determine if the session is empty
if( strcmp(azCmd[0], "isempty")==0 ){
int ii;
if( nCmd!=1 ) goto session_syntax_error;
if( p->nSession ){
ii = sqlite3session_isempty(pSession->p);
utf8_printf(p->out, "session %s isempty flag = %d\n",
pSession->zName, ii);
/* .session list
** List all currently open sessions
if( strcmp(azCmd[0],"list")==0 ){
for(i=0; i<p->nSession; i++){
utf8_printf(p->out, "%d %s\n", i, p->aSession[i].zName);
/* .session open DB NAME
** Open a new session called NAME on the attached database DB.
** DB is normally "main".
if( strcmp(azCmd[0],"open")==0 ){
char *zName;
if( nCmd!=3 ) goto session_syntax_error;
zName = azCmd[2];
if( zName[0]==0 ) goto session_syntax_error;
for(i=0; i<p->nSession; i++){
if( strcmp(p->aSession[i].zName,zName)==0 ){
utf8_printf(stderr, "Session \"%s\" already exists\n", zName);
goto meta_command_exit;
if( p->nSession>=ArraySize(p->aSession) ){
raw_printf(stderr, "Maximum of %d sessions\n", ArraySize(p->aSession));
goto meta_command_exit;
pSession = &p->aSession[p->nSession];
rc = sqlite3session_create(p->db, azCmd[1], &pSession->p);
if( rc ){
raw_printf(stderr, "Cannot open session: error code=%d\n", rc);
rc = 0;
goto meta_command_exit;
pSession->nFilter = 0;
sqlite3session_table_filter(pSession->p, session_filter, pSession);
pSession->zName = sqlite3_mprintf("%s", zName);
/* If no command name matches, show a syntax error */
showHelp(p->out, "session");
/* Undocumented commands for internal testing. Subject to change
** without notice. */
if( c=='s' && n>=10 && strncmp(azArg[0], "selftest-", 9)==0 ){
if( strncmp(azArg[0]+9, "boolean", n-9)==0 ){
int i, v;
for(i=1; i<nArg; i++){
v = booleanValue(azArg[i]);
utf8_printf(p->out, "%s: %d 0x%x\n", azArg[i], v, v);
if( strncmp(azArg[0]+9, "integer", n-9)==0 ){
int i; sqlite3_int64 v;
for(i=1; i<nArg; i++){
char zBuf[200];
v = integerValue(azArg[i]);
sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zBuf),zBuf,"%s: %lld 0x%llx\n", azArg[i],v,v);
utf8_printf(p->out, "%s", zBuf);
if( c=='s' && n>=4 && strncmp(azArg[0],"selftest",n)==0 ){
int bIsInit = 0; /* True to initialize the SELFTEST table */
int bVerbose = 0; /* Verbose output */
int bSelftestExists; /* True if SELFTEST already exists */
int i, k; /* Loop counters */
int nTest = 0; /* Number of tests runs */
int nErr = 0; /* Number of errors seen */
ShellText str; /* Answer for a query */
sqlite3_stmt *pStmt = 0; /* Query against the SELFTEST table */
for(i=1; i<nArg; i++){
const char *z = azArg[i];
if( z[0]=='-' && z[1]=='-' ) z++;
if( strcmp(z,"-init")==0 ){
bIsInit = 1;
if( strcmp(z,"-v")==0 ){
utf8_printf(stderr, "Unknown option \"%s\" on \"%s\"\n",
azArg[i], azArg[0]);
raw_printf(stderr, "Should be one of: --init -v\n");
rc = 1;
goto meta_command_exit;
if( sqlite3_table_column_metadata(p->db,"main","selftest",0,0,0,0,0,0)
bSelftestExists = 0;
bSelftestExists = 1;
if( bIsInit ){
bSelftestExists = 1;
appendText(&str, "x", 0);
for(k=bSelftestExists; k>=0; k--){
if( k==1 ){
rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(p->db,
"SELECT tno,op,cmd,ans FROM selftest ORDER BY tno",
-1, &pStmt, 0);
rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(p->db,
"VALUES(0,'memo','Missing SELFTEST table - default checks only',''),"
" (1,'run','PRAGMA integrity_check','ok')",
-1, &pStmt, 0);
if( rc ){
raw_printf(stderr, "Error querying the selftest table\n");
rc = 1;
goto meta_command_exit;
for(i=1; sqlite3_step(pStmt)==SQLITE_ROW; i++){
int tno = sqlite3_column_int(pStmt, 0);
const char *zOp = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(pStmt, 1);
const char *zSql = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(pStmt, 2);
const char *zAns = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(pStmt, 3);
k = 0;
if( bVerbose>0 ){
char *zQuote = sqlite3_mprintf("%q", zSql);
printf("%d: %s %s\n", tno, zOp, zSql);
if( strcmp(zOp,"memo")==0 ){
utf8_printf(p->out, "%s\n", zSql);
if( strcmp(zOp,"run")==0 ){
char *zErrMsg = 0;
str.n = 0;
str.z[0] = 0;
rc = sqlite3_exec(p->db, zSql, captureOutputCallback, &str, &zErrMsg);
if( bVerbose ){
utf8_printf(p->out, "Result: %s\n", str.z);
if( rc || zErrMsg ){
rc = 1;
utf8_printf(p->out, "%d: error-code-%d: %s\n", tno, rc, zErrMsg);
}else if( strcmp(zAns,str.z)!=0 ){
rc = 1;
utf8_printf(p->out, "%d: Expected: [%s]\n", tno, zAns);
utf8_printf(p->out, "%d: Got: [%s]\n", tno, str.z);
"Unknown operation \"%s\" on selftest line %d\n", zOp, tno);
rc = 1;
} /* End loop over rows of content from SELFTEST */
} /* End loop over k */
utf8_printf(p->out, "%d errors out of %d tests\n", nErr, nTest);
if( c=='s' && strncmp(azArg[0], "separator", n)==0 ){
if( nArg<2 || nArg>3 ){
raw_printf(stderr, "Usage: .separator COL ?ROW?\n");
rc = 1;
if( nArg>=2 ){
sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(p->colSeparator), p->colSeparator,
"%.*s", (int)ArraySize(p->colSeparator)-1, azArg[1]);
if( nArg>=3 ){
sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(p->rowSeparator), p->rowSeparator,
"%.*s", (int)ArraySize(p->rowSeparator)-1, azArg[2]);
if( c=='s' && n>=4 && strncmp(azArg[0],"sha3sum",n)==0 ){
const char *zLike = 0; /* Which table to checksum. 0 means everything */
int i; /* Loop counter */
int bSchema = 0; /* Also hash the schema */
int bSeparate = 0; /* Hash each table separately */
int iSize = 224; /* Hash algorithm to use */
int bDebug = 0; /* Only show the query that would have run */
sqlite3_stmt *pStmt; /* For querying tables names */
char *zSql; /* SQL to be run */
char *zSep; /* Separator */
ShellText sSql; /* Complete SQL for the query to run the hash */
ShellText sQuery; /* Set of queries used to read all content */
open_db(p, 0);
for(i=1; i<nArg; i++){
const char *z = azArg[i];
if( z[0]=='-' ){
if( z[0]=='-' ) z++;
if( strcmp(z,"schema")==0 ){
bSchema = 1;
if( strcmp(z,"sha3-224")==0 || strcmp(z,"sha3-256")==0
|| strcmp(z,"sha3-384")==0 || strcmp(z,"sha3-512")==0
iSize = atoi(&z[5]);
if( strcmp(z,"debug")==0 ){
bDebug = 1;
utf8_printf(stderr, "Unknown option \"%s\" on \"%s\"\n",
azArg[i], azArg[0]);
showHelp(p->out, azArg[0]);
rc = 1;
goto meta_command_exit;
}else if( zLike ){
raw_printf(stderr, "Usage: .sha3sum ?OPTIONS? ?LIKE-PATTERN?\n");
rc = 1;
goto meta_command_exit;
zLike = z;
bSeparate = 1;
if( sqlite3_strlike("sqlite\\_%", zLike, '\\')==0 ) bSchema = 1;
if( bSchema ){
zSql = "SELECT lower(name) FROM sqlite_master"
" WHERE type='table' AND coalesce(rootpage,0)>1"
" UNION ALL SELECT 'sqlite_master'"
" ORDER BY 1 collate nocase";
zSql = "SELECT lower(name) FROM sqlite_master"
" WHERE type='table' AND coalesce(rootpage,0)>1"
" AND name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%'"
" ORDER BY 1 collate nocase";
sqlite3_prepare_v2(p->db, zSql, -1, &pStmt, 0);
appendText(&sSql, "WITH [sha3sum$query](a,b) AS(",0);
zSep = "VALUES(";
while( SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pStmt) ){
const char *zTab = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(pStmt,0);
if( zLike && sqlite3_strlike(zLike, zTab, 0)!=0 ) continue;
if( strncmp(zTab, "sqlite_",7)!=0 ){
appendText(&sQuery,"SELECT * FROM ", 0);
appendText(&sQuery," NOT INDEXED;", 0);
}else if( strcmp(zTab, "sqlite_master")==0 ){
appendText(&sQuery,"SELECT type,name,tbl_name,sql FROM sqlite_master"
" ORDER BY name;", 0);
}else if( strcmp(zTab, "sqlite_sequence")==0 ){
appendText(&sQuery,"SELECT name,seq FROM sqlite_sequence"
" ORDER BY name;", 0);
}else if( strcmp(zTab, "sqlite_stat1")==0 ){
appendText(&sQuery,"SELECT tbl,idx,stat FROM sqlite_stat1"
" ORDER BY tbl,idx;", 0);
}else if( strcmp(zTab, "sqlite_stat4")==0 ){
appendText(&sQuery, "SELECT * FROM ", 0);
appendText(&sQuery, zTab, 0);
appendText(&sQuery, " ORDER BY tbl, idx, rowid;\n", 0);
appendText(&sSql, zSep, 0);
appendText(&sSql, sQuery.z, '\'');
sQuery.n = 0;
appendText(&sSql, ",", 0);
appendText(&sSql, zTab, '\'');
zSep = "),(";
if( bSeparate ){
zSql = sqlite3_mprintf(
" SELECT lower(hex(sha3_query(a,%d))) AS hash, b AS label"
" FROM [sha3sum$query]",
sSql.z, iSize);
zSql = sqlite3_mprintf(
" SELECT lower(hex(sha3_query(group_concat(a,''),%d))) AS hash"
" FROM [sha3sum$query]",
sSql.z, iSize);
if( bDebug ){
utf8_printf(p->out, "%s\n", zSql);
shell_exec(p, zSql, 0);
if( c=='s'
&& (strncmp(azArg[0], "shell", n)==0 || strncmp(azArg[0],"system",n)==0)
char *zCmd;
int i, x;
if( nArg<2 ){
raw_printf(stderr, "Usage: .system COMMAND\n");
rc = 1;
goto meta_command_exit;
zCmd = sqlite3_mprintf(strchr(azArg[1],' ')==0?"%s":"\"%s\"", azArg[1]);
for(i=2; i<nArg; i++){
zCmd = sqlite3_mprintf(strchr(azArg[i],' ')==0?"%z %s":"%z \"%s\"",
zCmd, azArg[i]);
x = system(zCmd);
if( x ) raw_printf(stderr, "System command returns %d\n", x);
#endif /* !defined(SQLITE_NOHAVE_SYSTEM) */
if( c=='s' && strncmp(azArg[0], "show", n)==0 ){
static const char *azBool[] = { "off", "on", "trigger", "full"};
int i;
if( nArg!=1 ){
raw_printf(stderr, "Usage: .show\n");
rc = 1;
goto meta_command_exit;
utf8_printf(p->out, "%12.12s: %s\n","echo",
azBool[ShellHasFlag(p, SHFLG_Echo)]);
utf8_printf(p->out, "%12.12s: %s\n","eqp", azBool[p->autoEQP&3]);
utf8_printf(p->out, "%12.12s: %s\n","explain",
p->mode==MODE_Explain ? "on" : p->autoExplain ? "auto" : "off");
utf8_printf(p->out,"%12.12s: %s\n","headers", azBool[p->showHeader!=0]);
utf8_printf(p->out, "%12.12s: %s\n","mode", modeDescr[p->mode]);
utf8_printf(p->out, "%12.12s: ", "nullvalue");
output_c_string(p->out, p->nullValue);
raw_printf(p->out, "\n");
utf8_printf(p->out,"%12.12s: %s\n","output",
strlen30(p->outfile) ? p->outfile : "stdout");
utf8_printf(p->out,"%12.12s: ", "colseparator");
output_c_string(p->out, p->colSeparator);
raw_printf(p->out, "\n");
utf8_printf(p->out,"%12.12s: ", "rowseparator");
output_c_string(p->out, p->rowSeparator);
raw_printf(p->out, "\n");
utf8_printf(p->out, "%12.12s: %s\n","stats", azBool[p->statsOn!=0]);
utf8_printf(p->out, "%12.12s: ", "width");
for (i=0;i<(int)ArraySize(p->colWidth) && p->colWidth[i] != 0;i++) {
raw_printf(p->out, "%d ", p->colWidth[i]);
raw_printf(p->out, "\n");
utf8_printf(p->out, "%12.12s: %s\n", "filename",
p->zDbFilename ? p->zDbFilename : "");
if( c=='s' && strncmp(azArg[0], "stats", n)==0 ){
if( nArg==2 ){
p->statsOn = (u8)booleanValue(azArg[1]);
}else if( nArg==1 ){
display_stats(p->db, p, 0);
raw_printf(stderr, "Usage: .stats ?on|off?\n");
rc = 1;
if( (c=='t' && n>1 && strncmp(azArg[0], "tables", n)==0)
|| (c=='i' && (strncmp(azArg[0], "indices", n)==0
|| strncmp(azArg[0], "indexes", n)==0) )
sqlite3_stmt *pStmt;
char **azResult;
int nRow, nAlloc;
int ii;
ShellText s;
open_db(p, 0);
rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(p->db, "PRAGMA database_list", -1, &pStmt, 0);
if( rc ){
return shellDatabaseError(p->db);
if( nArg>2 && c=='i' ){
/* It is an historical accident that the .indexes command shows an error
** when called with the wrong number of arguments whereas the .tables
** command does not. */
raw_printf(stderr, "Usage: .indexes ?LIKE-PATTERN?\n");
rc = 1;
goto meta_command_exit;
for(ii=0; sqlite3_step(pStmt)==SQLITE_ROW; ii++){
const char *zDbName = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(pStmt, 1);
if( zDbName==0 ) continue;
if( s.z && s.z[0] ) appendText(&s, " UNION ALL ", 0);
if( sqlite3_stricmp(zDbName, "main")==0 ){
appendText(&s, "SELECT name FROM ", 0);
appendText(&s, "SELECT ", 0);
appendText(&s, zDbName, '\'');
appendText(&s, "||'.'||name FROM ", 0);
appendText(&s, zDbName, '"');
appendText(&s, ".sqlite_master ", 0);
if( c=='t' ){
appendText(&s," WHERE type IN ('table','view')"
" AND name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%'"
" AND name LIKE ?1", 0);
appendText(&s," WHERE type='index'"
" AND tbl_name LIKE ?1", 0);
rc = sqlite3_finalize(pStmt);
appendText(&s, " ORDER BY 1", 0);
rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(p->db, s.z, -1, &pStmt, 0);
if( rc ) return shellDatabaseError(p->db);
/* Run the SQL statement prepared by the above block. Store the results
** as an array of nul-terminated strings in azResult[]. */
nRow = nAlloc = 0;
azResult = 0;
if( nArg>1 ){
sqlite3_bind_text(pStmt, 1, azArg[1], -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
sqlite3_bind_text(pStmt, 1, "%", -1, SQLITE_STATIC);
while( sqlite3_step(pStmt)==SQLITE_ROW ){
if( nRow>=nAlloc ){
char **azNew;
int n2 = nAlloc*2 + 10;
azNew = sqlite3_realloc64(azResult, sizeof(azResult[0])*n2);
if( azNew==0 ) shell_out_of_memory();
nAlloc = n2;
azResult = azNew;
azResult[nRow] = sqlite3_mprintf("%s", sqlite3_column_text(pStmt, 0));
if( 0==azResult[nRow] ) shell_out_of_memory();
if( sqlite3_finalize(pStmt)!=SQLITE_OK ){
rc = shellDatabaseError(p->db);
/* Pretty-print the contents of array azResult[] to the output */
if( rc==0 && nRow>0 ){
int len, maxlen = 0;
int i, j;
int nPrintCol, nPrintRow;
for(i=0; i<nRow; i++){
len = strlen30(azResult[i]);
if( len>maxlen ) maxlen = len;
nPrintCol = 80/(maxlen+2);
if( nPrintCol<1 ) nPrintCol = 1;
nPrintRow = (nRow + nPrintCol - 1)/nPrintCol;
for(i=0; i<nPrintRow; i++){
for(j=i; j<nRow; j+=nPrintRow){
char *zSp = j<nPrintRow ? "" : " ";
utf8_printf(p->out, "%s%-*s", zSp, maxlen,
azResult[j] ? azResult[j]:"");
raw_printf(p->out, "\n");
for(ii=0; ii<nRow; ii++) sqlite3_free(azResult[ii]);
/* Begin redirecting output to the file "testcase-out.txt" */
if( c=='t' && strcmp(azArg[0],"testcase")==0 ){
p->out = output_file_open("testcase-out.txt", 0);
if( p->out==0 ){
raw_printf(stderr, "Error: cannot open 'testcase-out.txt'\n");
if( nArg>=2 ){
sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(p->zTestcase), p->zTestcase, "%s", azArg[1]);
sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(p->zTestcase), p->zTestcase, "?");
if( c=='t' && n>=8 && strncmp(azArg[0], "testctrl", n)==0 ){
static const struct {
const char *zCtrlName; /* Name of a test-control option */
int ctrlCode; /* Integer code for that option */
const char *zUsage; /* Usage notes */
} aCtrl[] = {
/*{ "benign_malloc_hooks",SQLITE_TESTCTRL_BENIGN_MALLOC_HOOKS, "" },*/
/*{ "bitvec_test", SQLITE_TESTCTRL_BITVEC_TEST, "" },*/
{ "byteorder", SQLITE_TESTCTRL_BYTEORDER, "" },
/*{ "fault_install", SQLITE_TESTCTRL_FAULT_INSTALL, "" },*/
{ "internal_functions", SQLITE_TESTCTRL_INTERNAL_FUNCTIONS, "" },
{ "parser_coverage", SQLITE_TESTCTRL_PARSER_COVERAGE, "" },
{ "prng_restore", SQLITE_TESTCTRL_PRNG_RESTORE, "" },
{ "prng_save", SQLITE_TESTCTRL_PRNG_SAVE, "" },
{ "prng_seed", SQLITE_TESTCTRL_PRNG_SEED, "SEED ?db?" },
int testctrl = -1;
int iCtrl = -1;
int rc2 = 0; /* 0: usage. 1: %d 2: %x 3: no-output */
int isOk = 0;
int i, n2;
const char *zCmd = 0;
open_db(p, 0);
zCmd = nArg>=2 ? azArg[1] : "help";
/* The argument can optionally begin with "-" or "--" */
if( zCmd[0]=='-' && zCmd[1] ){
if( zCmd[0]=='-' && zCmd[1] ) zCmd++;
/* --help lists all test-controls */
if( strcmp(zCmd,"help")==0 ){
utf8_printf(p->out, "Available test-controls:\n");
for(i=0; i<ArraySize(aCtrl); i++){
utf8_printf(p->out, " .testctrl %s %s\n",
aCtrl[i].zCtrlName, aCtrl[i].zUsage);
rc = 1;
goto meta_command_exit;
/* convert testctrl text option to value. allow any unique prefix
** of the option name, or a numerical value. */
n2 = strlen30(zCmd);
for(i=0; i<ArraySize(aCtrl); i++){
if( strncmp(zCmd, aCtrl[i].zCtrlName, n2)==0 ){
if( testctrl<0 ){
testctrl = aCtrl[i].ctrlCode;
iCtrl = i;
utf8_printf(stderr, "Error: ambiguous test-control: \"%s\"\n"
"Use \".testctrl --help\" for help\n", zCmd);
rc = 1;
goto meta_command_exit;
if( testctrl<0 ){
utf8_printf(stderr,"Error: unknown test-control: %s\n"
"Use \".testctrl --help\" for help\n", zCmd);
/* sqlite3_test_control(int, db, int) */
if( nArg==3 ){
int opt = (int)strtol(azArg[2], 0, 0);
rc2 = sqlite3_test_control(testctrl, p->db, opt);
isOk = 3;
/* sqlite3_test_control(int) */
if( nArg==2 ){
rc2 = sqlite3_test_control(testctrl);
isOk = testctrl==SQLITE_TESTCTRL_BYTEORDER ? 1 : 3;
/* sqlite3_test_control(int, uint) */
if( nArg==3 ){
unsigned int opt = (unsigned int)integerValue(azArg[2]);
rc2 = sqlite3_test_control(testctrl, opt);
isOk = 3;
/* sqlite3_test_control(int, int, sqlite3*) */
if( nArg==3 || nArg==4 ){
int ii = (int)integerValue(azArg[2]);
sqlite3 *db;
if( ii==0 && strcmp(azArg[2],"random")==0 ){
printf("-- random seed: %d\n", ii);
if( nArg==3 ){
db = 0;
db = p->db;
/* Make sure the schema has been loaded */
sqlite3_table_column_metadata(db, 0, "x", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
rc2 = sqlite3_test_control(testctrl, ii, db);
isOk = 3;
/* sqlite3_test_control(int, int) */
if( nArg==3 ){
int opt = booleanValue(azArg[2]);
rc2 = sqlite3_test_control(testctrl, opt);
isOk = 1;
/* sqlite3_test_control(int, int) */
if( nArg==3 ){
int opt = booleanValue(azArg[2]);
rc2 = sqlite3_test_control(testctrl, opt);
isOk = 3;
/* sqlite3_test_control(sqlite3*) */
rc2 = sqlite3_test_control(testctrl, p->db);
isOk = 3;
if( nArg==5 ){
rc2 = sqlite3_test_control(testctrl, p->db,
isOk = 3;
if( nArg==2 ){
sqlite3_test_control(testctrl, p->out);
isOk = 3;
if( isOk==0 && iCtrl>=0 ){
utf8_printf(p->out, "Usage: .testctrl %s %s\n", zCmd,aCtrl[iCtrl].zUsage);
rc = 1;
}else if( isOk==1 ){
raw_printf(p->out, "%d\n", rc2);
}else if( isOk==2 ){
raw_printf(p->out, "0x%08x\n", rc2);
#endif /* !defined(SQLITE_UNTESTABLE) */
if( c=='t' && n>4 && strncmp(azArg[0], "timeout", n)==0 ){
open_db(p, 0);
sqlite3_busy_timeout(p->db, nArg>=2 ? (int)integerValue(azArg[1]) : 0);
if( c=='t' && n>=5 && strncmp(azArg[0], "timer", n)==0 ){
if( nArg==2 ){
enableTimer = booleanValue(azArg[1]);
if( enableTimer && !HAS_TIMER ){
raw_printf(stderr, "Error: timer not available on this system.\n");
enableTimer = 0;
raw_printf(stderr, "Usage: .timer on|off\n");
rc = 1;
if( c=='t' && strncmp(azArg[0], "trace", n)==0 ){
int mType = 0;
int jj;
open_db(p, 0);
for(jj=1; jj<nArg; jj++){
const char *z = azArg[jj];
if( z[0]=='-' ){
if( optionMatch(z, "expanded") ){
else if( optionMatch(z, "normalized") ){
else if( optionMatch(z, "plain") ){
p->eTraceType = SHELL_TRACE_PLAIN;
else if( optionMatch(z, "profile") ){
else if( optionMatch(z, "row") ){
else if( optionMatch(z, "stmt") ){
else if( optionMatch(z, "close") ){
else {
raw_printf(stderr, "Unknown option \"%s\" on \".trace\"\n", z);
rc = 1;
goto meta_command_exit;
p->traceOut = output_file_open(azArg[1], 0);
if( p->traceOut==0 ){
sqlite3_trace_v2(p->db, 0, 0, 0);
if( mType==0 ) mType = SQLITE_TRACE_STMT;
sqlite3_trace_v2(p->db, mType, sql_trace_callback, p);
#endif /* !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_TRACE) */
if( c=='u' && strncmp(azArg[0], "unmodule", n)==0 ){
int ii;
int lenOpt;
char *zOpt;
if( nArg<2 ){
raw_printf(stderr, "Usage: .unmodule [--allexcept] NAME ...\n");
rc = 1;
goto meta_command_exit;
open_db(p, 0);
zOpt = azArg[1];
if( zOpt[0]=='-' && zOpt[1]=='-' && zOpt[2]!=0 ) zOpt++;
lenOpt = (int)strlen(zOpt);
if( lenOpt>=3 && strncmp(zOpt, "-allexcept",lenOpt)==0 ){
assert( azArg[nArg]==0 );
sqlite3_drop_modules(p->db, nArg>2 ? (const char**)(azArg+2) : 0);
for(ii=1; ii<nArg; ii++){
sqlite3_create_module(p->db, azArg[ii], 0, 0);
if( c=='u' && strncmp(azArg[0], "user", n)==0 ){
if( nArg<2 ){
raw_printf(stderr, "Usage: .user SUBCOMMAND ...\n");
rc = 1;
goto meta_command_exit;
open_db(p, 0);
if( strcmp(azArg[1],"login")==0 ){
if( nArg!=4 ){
raw_printf(stderr, "Usage: .user login USER PASSWORD\n");
rc = 1;
goto meta_command_exit;
rc = sqlite3_user_authenticate(p->db, azArg[2], azArg[3],
if( rc ){
utf8_printf(stderr, "Authentication failed for user %s\n", azArg[2]);
rc = 1;
}else if( strcmp(azArg[1],"add")==0 ){
if( nArg!=5 ){
raw_printf(stderr, "Usage: .user add USER PASSWORD ISADMIN\n");
rc = 1;
goto meta_command_exit;
rc = sqlite3_user_add(p->db, azArg[2], azArg[3], strlen30(azArg[3]),
if( rc ){
raw_printf(stderr, "User-Add failed: %d\n", rc);
rc = 1;
}else if( strcmp(azArg[1],"edit")==0 ){
if( nArg!=5 ){
raw_printf(stderr, "Usage: .user edit USER PASSWORD ISADMIN\n");
rc = 1;
goto meta_command_exit;
rc = sqlite3_user_change(p->db, azArg[2], azArg[3], strlen30(azArg[3]),
if( rc ){
raw_printf(stderr, "User-Edit failed: %d\n", rc);
rc = 1;
}else if( strcmp(azArg[1],"delete")==0 ){
if( nArg!=3 ){
raw_printf(stderr, "Usage: .user delete USER\n");
rc = 1;
goto meta_command_exit;
rc = sqlite3_user_delete(p->db, azArg[2]);
if( rc ){
raw_printf(stderr, "User-Delete failed: %d\n", rc);
rc = 1;
raw_printf(stderr, "Usage: .user login|add|edit|delete ...\n");
rc = 1;
goto meta_command_exit;
if( c=='v' && strncmp(azArg[0], "version", n)==0 ){
utf8_printf(p->out, "SQLite %s %s\n" /*extra-version-info*/,
sqlite3_libversion(), sqlite3_sourceid());
utf8_printf(p->out, "zlib version %s\n", zlibVersion());
#define CTIMEOPT_VAL_(opt) #opt
#define CTIMEOPT_VAL(opt) CTIMEOPT_VAL_(opt)
#if defined(__clang__) && defined(__clang_major__)
utf8_printf(p->out, "clang-" CTIMEOPT_VAL(__clang_major__) "."
CTIMEOPT_VAL(__clang_minor__) "."
CTIMEOPT_VAL(__clang_patchlevel__) "\n");
#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
utf8_printf(p->out, "msvc-" CTIMEOPT_VAL(_MSC_VER) "\n");
#elif defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__VERSION__)
utf8_printf(p->out, "gcc-" __VERSION__ "\n");
if( c=='v' && strncmp(azArg[0], "vfsinfo", n)==0 ){
const char *zDbName = nArg==2 ? azArg[1] : "main";
sqlite3_vfs *pVfs = 0;
if( p->db ){
sqlite3_file_control(p->db, zDbName, SQLITE_FCNTL_VFS_POINTER, &pVfs);
if( pVfs ){
utf8_printf(p->out, "vfs.zName = \"%s\"\n", pVfs->zName);
raw_printf(p->out, "vfs.iVersion = %d\n", pVfs->iVersion);
raw_printf(p->out, "vfs.szOsFile = %d\n", pVfs->szOsFile);
raw_printf(p->out, "vfs.mxPathname = %d\n", pVfs->mxPathname);
if( c=='v' && strncmp(azArg[0], "vfslist", n)==0 ){
sqlite3_vfs *pVfs;
sqlite3_vfs *pCurrent = 0;
if( p->db ){
sqlite3_file_control(p->db, "main", SQLITE_FCNTL_VFS_POINTER, &pCurrent);
for(pVfs=sqlite3_vfs_find(0); pVfs; pVfs=pVfs->pNext){
utf8_printf(p->out, "vfs.zName = \"%s\"%s\n", pVfs->zName,
pVfs==pCurrent ? " <--- CURRENT" : "");
raw_printf(p->out, "vfs.iVersion = %d\n", pVfs->iVersion);
raw_printf(p->out, "vfs.szOsFile = %d\n", pVfs->szOsFile);
raw_printf(p->out, "vfs.mxPathname = %d\n", pVfs->mxPathname);
if( pVfs->pNext ){
raw_printf(p->out, "-----------------------------------\n");
if( c=='v' && strncmp(azArg[0], "vfsname", n)==0 ){
const char *zDbName = nArg==2 ? azArg[1] : "main";
char *zVfsName = 0;
if( p->db ){
sqlite3_file_control(p->db, zDbName, SQLITE_FCNTL_VFSNAME, &zVfsName);
if( zVfsName ){
utf8_printf(p->out, "%s\n", zVfsName);
if( c=='w' && strncmp(azArg[0], "wheretrace", n)==0 ){
sqlite3WhereTrace = nArg>=2 ? booleanValue(azArg[1]) : 0xff;
if( c=='w' && strncmp(azArg[0], "width", n)==0 ){
int j;
assert( nArg<=ArraySize(azArg) );
for(j=1; j<nArg && j<ArraySize(p->colWidth); j++){
p->colWidth[j-1] = (int)integerValue(azArg[j]);
utf8_printf(stderr, "Error: unknown command or invalid arguments: "
" \"%s\". Enter \".help\" for help\n", azArg[0]);
rc = 1;
if( p->outCount ){
if( p->outCount==0 ) output_reset(p);
return rc;
** Return TRUE if a semicolon occurs anywhere in the first N characters
** of string z[].
static int line_contains_semicolon(const char *z, int N){
int i;
for(i=0; i<N; i++){ if( z[i]==';' ) return 1; }
return 0;
** Test to see if a line consists entirely of whitespace.
static int _all_whitespace(const char *z){
for(; *z; z++){
if( IsSpace(z[0]) ) continue;
if( *z=='/' && z[1]=='*' ){
z += 2;
while( *z && (*z!='*' || z[1]!='/') ){ z++; }
if( *z==0 ) return 0;
if( *z=='-' && z[1]=='-' ){
z += 2;
while( *z && *z!='\n' ){ z++; }
if( *z==0 ) return 1;
return 0;
return 1;
** Return TRUE if the line typed in is an SQL command terminator other
** than a semi-colon. The SQL Server style "go" command is understood
** as is the Oracle "/".
static int line_is_command_terminator(const char *zLine){
while( IsSpace(zLine[0]) ){ zLine++; };
if( zLine[0]=='/' && _all_whitespace(&zLine[1]) ){
return 1; /* Oracle */
if( ToLower(zLine[0])=='g' && ToLower(zLine[1])=='o'
&& _all_whitespace(&zLine[2]) ){
return 1; /* SQL Server */
return 0;
** We need a default sqlite3_complete() implementation to use in case
** the shell is compiled with SQLITE_OMIT_COMPLETE. The default assumes
** any arbitrary text is a complete SQL statement. This is not very
** user-friendly, but it does seem to work.
#define sqlite3_complete(x) 1
** Return true if zSql is a complete SQL statement. Return false if it
** ends in the middle of a string literal or C-style comment.
static int line_is_complete(char *zSql, int nSql){
int rc;
if( zSql==0 ) return 1;
zSql[nSql] = ';';
zSql[nSql+1] = 0;
rc = sqlite3_complete(zSql);
zSql[nSql] = 0;
return rc;
** Run a single line of SQL. Return the number of errors.
static int runOneSqlLine(ShellState *p, char *zSql, FILE *in, int startline){
int rc;
char *zErrMsg = 0;
open_db(p, 0);
if( ShellHasFlag(p,SHFLG_Backslash) ) resolve_backslashes(zSql);
if( p->flgProgress & SHELL_PROGRESS_RESET ) p->nProgress = 0;
rc = shell_exec(p, zSql, &zErrMsg);
if( rc || zErrMsg ){
char zPrefix[100];
if( in!=0 || !stdin_is_interactive ){
sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zPrefix), zPrefix,
"Error: near line %d:", startline);
sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zPrefix), zPrefix, "Error:");
if( zErrMsg!=0 ){
utf8_printf(stderr, "%s %s\n", zPrefix, zErrMsg);
zErrMsg = 0;
utf8_printf(stderr, "%s %s\n", zPrefix, sqlite3_errmsg(p->db));
return 1;
}else if( ShellHasFlag(p, SHFLG_CountChanges) ){
raw_printf(p->out, "changes: %3d total_changes: %d\n",
sqlite3_changes(p->db), sqlite3_total_changes(p->db));
return 0;
** Read input from *in and process it. If *in==0 then input
** is interactive - the user is typing it it. Otherwise, input
** is coming from a file or device. A prompt is issued and history
** is saved only if input is interactive. An interrupt signal will
** cause this routine to exit immediately, unless input is interactive.
** Return the number of errors.
static int process_input(ShellState *p){
char *zLine = 0; /* A single input line */
char *zSql = 0; /* Accumulated SQL text */
int nLine; /* Length of current line */
int nSql = 0; /* Bytes of zSql[] used */
int nAlloc = 0; /* Allocated zSql[] space */
int nSqlPrior = 0; /* Bytes of zSql[] used by prior line */
int rc; /* Error code */
int errCnt = 0; /* Number of errors seen */
int startline = 0; /* Line number for start of current input */
p->lineno = 0;
while( errCnt==0 || !bail_on_error || (p->in==0 && stdin_is_interactive) ){
zLine = one_input_line(p->in, zLine, nSql>0);
if( zLine==0 ){
/* End of input */
if( p->in==0 && stdin_is_interactive ) printf("\n");
if( seenInterrupt ){
if( p->in!=0 ) break;
seenInterrupt = 0;
if( nSql==0 && _all_whitespace(zLine) ){
if( ShellHasFlag(p, SHFLG_Echo) ) printf("%s\n", zLine);
if( zLine && (zLine[0]=='.' || zLine[0]=='#') && nSql==0 ){
if( ShellHasFlag(p, SHFLG_Echo) ) printf("%s\n", zLine);
if( zLine[0]=='.' ){
rc = do_meta_command(zLine, p);
if( rc==2 ){ /* exit requested */
}else if( rc ){
if( line_is_command_terminator(zLine) && line_is_complete(zSql, nSql) ){
nLine = strlen30(zLine);
if( nSql+nLine+2>=nAlloc ){
nAlloc = nSql+nLine+100;
zSql = realloc(zSql, nAlloc);
if( zSql==0 ) shell_out_of_memory();
nSqlPrior = nSql;
if( nSql==0 ){
int i;
for(i=0; zLine[i] && IsSpace(zLine[i]); i++){}
assert( nAlloc>0 && zSql!=0 );
memcpy(zSql, zLine+i, nLine+1-i);
startline = p->lineno;
nSql = nLine-i;
zSql[nSql++] = '\n';
memcpy(zSql+nSql, zLine, nLine+1);
nSql += nLine;
if( nSql && line_contains_semicolon(&zSql[nSqlPrior], nSql-nSqlPrior)
&& sqlite3_complete(zSql) ){
errCnt += runOneSqlLine(p, zSql, p->in, startline);
nSql = 0;
if( p->outCount ){
p->outCount = 0;
}else if( nSql && _all_whitespace(zSql) ){
if( ShellHasFlag(p, SHFLG_Echo) ) printf("%s\n", zSql);
nSql = 0;
if( nSql && !_all_whitespace(zSql) ){
errCnt += runOneSqlLine(p, zSql, p->in, startline);
return errCnt>0;
** Return a pathname which is the user's home directory. A
** 0 return indicates an error of some kind.
static char *find_home_dir(int clearFlag){
static char *home_dir = NULL;
if( clearFlag ){
home_dir = 0;
return 0;
if( home_dir ) return home_dir;
#if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(WIN32) && !defined(_WIN32_WCE) \
&& !defined(__RTP__) && !defined(_WRS_KERNEL)
struct passwd *pwent;
uid_t uid = getuid();
if( (pwent=getpwuid(uid)) != NULL) {
home_dir = pwent->pw_dir;
#if defined(_WIN32_WCE)
/* Windows CE (arm-wince-mingw32ce-gcc) does not provide getenv()
home_dir = "/";
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(WIN32)
if (!home_dir) {
home_dir = getenv("USERPROFILE");
if (!home_dir) {
home_dir = getenv("HOME");
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(WIN32)
if (!home_dir) {
char *zDrive, *zPath;
int n;
zDrive = getenv("HOMEDRIVE");
zPath = getenv("HOMEPATH");
if( zDrive && zPath ){
n = strlen30(zDrive) + strlen30(zPath) + 1;
home_dir = malloc( n );
if( home_dir==0 ) return 0;
sqlite3_snprintf(n, home_dir, "%s%s", zDrive, zPath);
return home_dir;
home_dir = "c:\\";
#endif /* !_WIN32_WCE */
if( home_dir ){
int n = strlen30(home_dir) + 1;
char *z = malloc( n );
if( z ) memcpy(z, home_dir, n);
home_dir = z;
return home_dir;
** Read input from the file given by sqliterc_override. Or if that
** parameter is NULL, take input from ~/.sqliterc
** Returns the number of errors.
static void process_sqliterc(
ShellState *p, /* Configuration data */
const char *sqliterc_override /* Name of config file. NULL to use default */
char *home_dir = NULL;
const char *sqliterc = sqliterc_override;
char *zBuf = 0;
FILE *inSaved = p->in;
int savedLineno = p->lineno;
if (sqliterc == NULL) {
home_dir = find_home_dir(0);
if( home_dir==0 ){
raw_printf(stderr, "-- warning: cannot find home directory;"
" cannot read ~/.sqliterc\n");
zBuf = sqlite3_mprintf("%s/.sqliterc",home_dir);
sqliterc = zBuf;
p->in = fopen(sqliterc,"rb");
if( p->in ){
if( stdin_is_interactive ){
utf8_printf(stderr,"-- Loading resources from %s\n",sqliterc);
p->in = inSaved;
p->lineno = savedLineno;
** Show available command line options
static const char zOptions[] =
" -A ARGS... run \".archive ARGS\" and exit\n"
" -append append the database to the end of the file\n"
" -ascii set output mode to 'ascii'\n"
" -bail stop after hitting an error\n"
" -batch force batch I/O\n"
" -column set output mode to 'column'\n"
" -cmd COMMAND run \"COMMAND\" before reading stdin\n"
" -csv set output mode to 'csv'\n"
" -deserialize open the database using sqlite3_deserialize()\n"
" -echo print commands before execution\n"
" -init FILENAME read/process named file\n"
" -[no]header turn headers on or off\n"
" -heap SIZE Size of heap for memsys3 or memsys5\n"
" -help show this message\n"
" -html set output mode to HTML\n"
" -interactive force interactive I/O\n"
" -line set output mode to 'line'\n"
" -list set output mode to 'list'\n"
" -lookaside SIZE N use N entries of SZ bytes for lookaside memory\n"
" -maxsize N maximum size for a --deserialize database\n"
" -memtrace trace all memory allocations and deallocations\n"
" -mmap N default mmap size set to N\n"
" -multiplex enable the multiplexor VFS\n"
" -newline SEP set output row separator. Default: '\\n'\n"
" -nofollow refuse to open symbolic links to database files\n"
" -nullvalue TEXT set text string for NULL values. Default ''\n"
" -pagecache SIZE N use N slots of SZ bytes each for page cache memory\n"
" -quote set output mode to 'quote'\n"
" -readonly open the database read-only\n"
" -separator SEP set output column separator. Default: '|'\n"
" -sorterref SIZE sorter references threshold size\n"
" -stats print memory stats before each finalize\n"
" -version show SQLite version\n"
" -vfs NAME use NAME as the default VFS\n"
" -vfstrace enable tracing of all VFS calls\n"
" -zip open the file as a ZIP Archive\n"
static void usage(int showDetail){
"Usage: %s [OPTIONS] FILENAME [SQL]\n"
"FILENAME is the name of an SQLite database. A new database is created\n"
"if the file does not previously exist.\n", Argv0);
if( showDetail ){
utf8_printf(stderr, "OPTIONS include:\n%s", zOptions);
raw_printf(stderr, "Use the -help option for additional information\n");
** Internal check: Verify that the SQLite is uninitialized. Print a
** error message if it is initialized.
static void verify_uninitialized(void){
if( sqlite3_config(-1)==SQLITE_MISUSE ){
utf8_printf(stdout, "WARNING: attempt to configure SQLite after"
" initialization.\n");
** Initialize the state information in data
static void main_init(ShellState *data) {
memset(data, 0, sizeof(*data));
data->normalMode = data->cMode = data->mode = MODE_List;
data->autoExplain = 1;
memcpy(data->colSeparator,SEP_Column, 2);
memcpy(data->rowSeparator,SEP_Row, 2);
data->showHeader = 0;
data->shellFlgs = SHFLG_Lookaside;
sqlite3_config(SQLITE_CONFIG_URI, 1);
sqlite3_config(SQLITE_CONFIG_LOG, shellLog, data);
sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(mainPrompt), mainPrompt,"sqlite> ");
sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(continuePrompt), continuePrompt," ...> ");
** Output text to the console in a font that attracts extra attention.
#ifdef _WIN32
static void printBold(const char *zText){
GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(out, &defaultScreenInfo);
printf("%s", zText);
SetConsoleTextAttribute(out, defaultScreenInfo.wAttributes);
static void printBold(const char *zText){
printf("\033[1m%s\033[0m", zText);
** Get the argument to an --option. Throw an error and die if no argument
** is available.
static char *cmdline_option_value(int argc, char **argv, int i){
if( i==argc ){
utf8_printf(stderr, "%s: Error: missing argument to %s\n",
argv[0], argv[argc-1]);
return argv[i];
# if (defined(_WIN32) || defined(WIN32)) && defined(_MSC_VER)
# define SQLITE_SHELL_IS_UTF8 (0)
# else
# define SQLITE_SHELL_IS_UTF8 (1)
# endif
int SQLITE_CDECL main(int argc, char **argv){
int SQLITE_CDECL wmain(int argc, wchar_t **wargv){
char **argv;
char *zErrMsg = 0;
ShellState data;
const char *zInitFile = 0;
int i;
int rc = 0;
int warnInmemoryDb = 0;
int readStdin = 1;
int nCmd = 0;
char **azCmd = 0;
const char *zVfs = 0; /* Value of -vfs command-line option */
char **argvToFree = 0;
int argcToFree = 0;
setBinaryMode(stdin, 0);
setvbuf(stderr, 0, _IONBF, 0); /* Make sure stderr is unbuffered */
stdin_is_interactive = isatty(0);
stdout_is_console = isatty(1);
#if !defined(_WIN32_WCE)
if( getenv("SQLITE_DEBUG_BREAK") ){
if( isatty(0) && isatty(2) ){
"attach debugger to process %d and press any key to continue.\n",
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(WIN32)
#elif defined(SIGTRAP)
if( strncmp(sqlite3_sourceid(),SQLITE_SOURCE_ID,60)!=0 ){
utf8_printf(stderr, "SQLite header and source version mismatch\n%s\n%s\n",
sqlite3_sourceid(), SQLITE_SOURCE_ID);
/* On Windows, we must translate command-line arguments into UTF-8.
** The SQLite memory allocator subsystem has to be enabled in order to
** do this. But we want to run an sqlite3_shutdown() afterwards so that
** subsequent sqlite3_config() calls will work. So copy all results into
** memory that does not come from the SQLite memory allocator.
argvToFree = malloc(sizeof(argv[0])*argc*2);
argcToFree = argc;
argv = argvToFree + argc;
if( argv==0 ) shell_out_of_memory();
for(i=0; i<argc; i++){
char *z = sqlite3_win32_unicode_to_utf8(wargv[i]);
int n;
if( z==0 ) shell_out_of_memory();
n = (int)strlen(z);
argv[i] = malloc( n+1 );
if( argv[i]==0 ) shell_out_of_memory();
memcpy(argv[i], z, n+1);
argvToFree[i] = argv[i];
assert( argc>=1 && argv && argv[0] );
Argv0 = argv[0];
/* Make sure we have a valid signal handler early, before anything
** else is done.
#ifdef SIGINT
signal(SIGINT, interrupt_handler);
#elif (defined(_WIN32) || defined(WIN32)) && !defined(_WIN32_WCE)
SetConsoleCtrlHandler(ConsoleCtrlHandler, TRUE);
/* If the SQLITE_SHELL_DBNAME_PROC macro is defined, then it is the name
** of a C-function that will provide the name of the database file. Use
** this compile-time option to embed this shell program in larger
** applications. */
extern void SQLITE_SHELL_DBNAME_PROC(const char**);
warnInmemoryDb = 0;
/* Do an initial pass through the command-line argument to locate
** the name of the database file, the name of the initialization file,
** the size of the alternative malloc heap,
** and the first command to execute.
for(i=1; i<argc; i++){
char *z;
z = argv[i];
if( z[0]!='-' ){
if( data.zDbFilename==0 ){
data.zDbFilename = z;
/* Excesss arguments are interpreted as SQL (or dot-commands) and
** mean that nothing is read from stdin */
readStdin = 0;
azCmd = realloc(azCmd, sizeof(azCmd[0])*nCmd);
if( azCmd==0 ) shell_out_of_memory();
azCmd[nCmd-1] = z;
if( z[1]=='-' ) z++;
if( strcmp(z,"-separator")==0
|| strcmp(z,"-nullvalue")==0
|| strcmp(z,"-newline")==0
|| strcmp(z,"-cmd")==0
(void)cmdline_option_value(argc, argv, ++i);
}else if( strcmp(z,"-init")==0 ){
zInitFile = cmdline_option_value(argc, argv, ++i);
}else if( strcmp(z,"-batch")==0 ){
/* Need to check for batch mode here to so we can avoid printing
** informational messages (like from process_sqliterc) before
** we do the actual processing of arguments later in a second pass.
stdin_is_interactive = 0;
}else if( strcmp(z,"-heap")==0 ){
const char *zSize;
sqlite3_int64 szHeap;
zSize = cmdline_option_value(argc, argv, ++i);
szHeap = integerValue(zSize);
if( szHeap>0x7fff0000 ) szHeap = 0x7fff0000;
sqlite3_config(SQLITE_CONFIG_HEAP, malloc((int)szHeap), (int)szHeap, 64);
(void)cmdline_option_value(argc, argv, ++i);
}else if( strcmp(z,"-pagecache")==0 ){
int n, sz;
sz = (int)integerValue(cmdline_option_value(argc,argv,++i));
if( sz>70000 ) sz = 70000;
if( sz<0 ) sz = 0;
n = (int)integerValue(cmdline_option_value(argc,argv,++i));
(n>0 && sz>0) ? malloc(n*sz) : 0, sz, n);
data.shellFlgs |= SHFLG_Pagecache;
}else if( strcmp(z,"-lookaside")==0 ){
int n, sz;
sz = (int)integerValue(cmdline_option_value(argc,argv,++i));
if( sz<0 ) sz = 0;
n = (int)integerValue(cmdline_option_value(argc,argv,++i));
if( n<0 ) n = 0;
sqlite3_config(SQLITE_CONFIG_LOOKASIDE, sz, n);
if( sz*n==0 ) data.shellFlgs &= ~SHFLG_Lookaside;
}else if( strcmp(z,"-vfstrace")==0 ){
extern int vfstrace_register(
const char *zTraceName,
const char *zOldVfsName,
int (*xOut)(const char*,void*),
void *pOutArg,
int makeDefault
vfstrace_register("trace",0,(int(*)(const char*,void*))fputs,stderr,1);
}else if( strcmp(z,"-multiplex")==0 ){
extern int sqlite3_multiple_initialize(const char*,int);
sqlite3_multiplex_initialize(0, 1);
}else if( strcmp(z,"-mmap")==0 ){
sqlite3_int64 sz = integerValue(cmdline_option_value(argc,argv,++i));
sqlite3_config(SQLITE_CONFIG_MMAP_SIZE, sz, sz);
}else if( strcmp(z,"-sorterref")==0 ){
sqlite3_int64 sz = integerValue(cmdline_option_value(argc,argv,++i));
sqlite3_config(SQLITE_CONFIG_SORTERREF_SIZE, (int)sz);
}else if( strcmp(z,"-vfs")==0 ){
zVfs = cmdline_option_value(argc, argv, ++i);
}else if( strcmp(z,"-zip")==0 ){
data.openMode = SHELL_OPEN_ZIPFILE;
}else if( strcmp(z,"-append")==0 ){
}else if( strcmp(z,"-deserialize")==0 ){
}else if( strcmp(z,"-maxsize")==0 && i+1<argc ){
data.szMax = integerValue(argv[++i]);
}else if( strcmp(z,"-readonly")==0 ){
data.openMode = SHELL_OPEN_READONLY;
}else if( strcmp(z,"-nofollow")==0 ){
data.openFlags = SQLITE_OPEN_NOFOLLOW;
}else if( strncmp(z, "-A",2)==0 ){
/* All remaining command-line arguments are passed to the ".archive"
** command, so ignore them */
}else if( strcmp(z, "-memtrace")==0 ){
/* If the SQLITE_SHELL_INIT_PROC macro is defined, then it is the name
** of a C-function that will perform initialization actions on SQLite that
** occur just before or after sqlite3_initialize(). Use this compile-time
** option to embed this shell program in larger applications. */
extern void SQLITE_SHELL_INIT_PROC(void);
/* All the sqlite3_config() calls have now been made. So it is safe
** to call sqlite3_initialize() and process any command line -vfs option. */
if( zVfs ){
sqlite3_vfs *pVfs = sqlite3_vfs_find(zVfs);
if( pVfs ){
sqlite3_vfs_register(pVfs, 1);
utf8_printf(stderr, "no such VFS: \"%s\"\n", argv[i]);
if( data.zDbFilename==0 ){
data.zDbFilename = ":memory:";
warnInmemoryDb = argc==1;
utf8_printf(stderr,"%s: Error: no database filename specified\n", Argv0);
return 1;
data.out = stdout;
/* Go ahead and open the database file if it already exists. If the
** file does not exist, delay opening it. This prevents empty database
** files from being created if a user mistypes the database name argument
** to the sqlite command-line tool.
if( access(data.zDbFilename, 0)==0 ){
open_db(&data, 0);
/* Process the initialization file if there is one. If no -init option
** is given on the command line, look for a file named ~/.sqliterc and
** try to process it.
/* Make a second pass through the command-line argument and set
** options. This second pass is delayed until after the initialization
** file is processed so that the command-line arguments will override
** settings in the initialization file.
for(i=1; i<argc; i++){
char *z = argv[i];
if( z[0]!='-' ) continue;
if( z[1]=='-' ){ z++; }
if( strcmp(z,"-init")==0 ){
}else if( strcmp(z,"-html")==0 ){
data.mode = MODE_Html;
}else if( strcmp(z,"-list")==0 ){
data.mode = MODE_List;
}else if( strcmp(z,"-quote")==0 ){
data.mode = MODE_Quote;
}else if( strcmp(z,"-line")==0 ){
data.mode = MODE_Line;
}else if( strcmp(z,"-column")==0 ){
data.mode = MODE_Column;
}else if( strcmp(z,"-csv")==0 ){
data.mode = MODE_Csv;
}else if( strcmp(z,"-zip")==0 ){
data.openMode = SHELL_OPEN_ZIPFILE;
}else if( strcmp(z,"-append")==0 ){
}else if( strcmp(z,"-deserialize")==0 ){
}else if( strcmp(z,"-maxsize")==0 && i+1<argc ){
data.szMax = integerValue(argv[++i]);
}else if( strcmp(z,"-readonly")==0 ){
data.openMode = SHELL_OPEN_READONLY;
}else if( strcmp(z,"-nofollow")==0 ){
data.openFlags |= SQLITE_OPEN_NOFOLLOW;
}else if( strcmp(z,"-ascii")==0 ){
data.mode = MODE_Ascii;
sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(data.colSeparator), data.colSeparator,
sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(data.rowSeparator), data.rowSeparator,
}else if( strcmp(z,"-separator")==0 ){
sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(data.colSeparator), data.colSeparator,
}else if( strcmp(z,"-newline")==0 ){
sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(data.rowSeparator), data.rowSeparator,
}else if( strcmp(z,"-nullvalue")==0 ){
sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(data.nullValue), data.nullValue,
}else if( strcmp(z,"-header")==0 ){
data.showHeader = 1;
}else if( strcmp(z,"-noheader")==0 ){
data.showHeader = 0;
}else if( strcmp(z,"-echo")==0 ){
ShellSetFlag(&data, SHFLG_Echo);
}else if( strcmp(z,"-eqp")==0 ){
data.autoEQP = AUTOEQP_on;
}else if( strcmp(z,"-eqpfull")==0 ){
data.autoEQP = AUTOEQP_full;
}else if( strcmp(z,"-stats")==0 ){
data.statsOn = 1;
}else if( strcmp(z,"-scanstats")==0 ){
data.scanstatsOn = 1;
}else if( strcmp(z,"-backslash")==0 ){
/* Undocumented command-line option: -backslash
** Causes C-style backslash escapes to be evaluated in SQL statements
** prior to sending the SQL into SQLite. Useful for injecting
** crazy bytes in the middle of SQL statements for testing and debugging.
ShellSetFlag(&data, SHFLG_Backslash);
}else if( strcmp(z,"-bail")==0 ){
bail_on_error = 1;
}else if( strcmp(z,"-version")==0 ){
printf("%s %s\n", sqlite3_libversion(), sqlite3_sourceid());
return 0;
}else if( strcmp(z,"-interactive")==0 ){
stdin_is_interactive = 1;
}else if( strcmp(z,"-batch")==0 ){
stdin_is_interactive = 0;
}else if( strcmp(z,"-heap")==0 ){
}else if( strcmp(z,"-pagecache")==0 ){
}else if( strcmp(z,"-lookaside")==0 ){
}else if( strcmp(z,"-mmap")==0 ){
}else if( strcmp(z,"-memtrace")==0 ){
}else if( strcmp(z,"-sorterref")==0 ){
}else if( strcmp(z,"-vfs")==0 ){
}else if( strcmp(z,"-vfstrace")==0 ){
}else if( strcmp(z,"-multiplex")==0 ){
}else if( strcmp(z,"-help")==0 ){
}else if( strcmp(z,"-cmd")==0 ){
/* Run commands that follow -cmd first and separately from commands
** that simply appear on the command-line. This seems goofy. It would
** be better if all commands ran in the order that they appear. But
** we retain the goofy behavior for historical compatibility. */
if( i==argc-1 ) break;
z = cmdline_option_value(argc,argv,++i);
if( z[0]=='.' ){
rc = do_meta_command(z, &data);
if( rc && bail_on_error ) return rc==2 ? 0 : rc;
open_db(&data, 0);
rc = shell_exec(&data, z, &zErrMsg);
if( zErrMsg!=0 ){
utf8_printf(stderr,"Error: %s\n", zErrMsg);
if( bail_on_error ) return rc!=0 ? rc : 1;
}else if( rc!=0 ){
utf8_printf(stderr,"Error: unable to process SQL \"%s\"\n", z);
if( bail_on_error ) return rc;
}else if( strncmp(z, "-A", 2)==0 ){
if( nCmd>0 ){
utf8_printf(stderr, "Error: cannot mix regular SQL or dot-commands"
" with \"%s\"\n", z);
return 1;
open_db(&data, OPEN_DB_ZIPFILE);
if( z[2] ){
argv[i] = &z[2];
arDotCommand(&data, 1, argv+(i-1), argc-(i-1));
arDotCommand(&data, 1, argv+i, argc-i);
readStdin = 0;
utf8_printf(stderr,"%s: Error: unknown option: %s\n", Argv0, z);
raw_printf(stderr,"Use -help for a list of options.\n");
return 1;
data.cMode = data.mode;
if( !readStdin ){
/* Run all arguments that do not begin with '-' as if they were separate
** command-line inputs, except for the argToSkip argument which contains
** the database filename.
for(i=0; i<nCmd; i++){
if( azCmd[i][0]=='.' ){
rc = do_meta_command(azCmd[i], &data);
if( rc ) return rc==2 ? 0 : rc;
open_db(&data, 0);
rc = shell_exec(&data, azCmd[i], &zErrMsg);
if( zErrMsg!=0 ){
utf8_printf(stderr,"Error: %s\n", zErrMsg);
return rc!=0 ? rc : 1;
}else if( rc!=0 ){
utf8_printf(stderr,"Error: unable to process SQL: %s\n", azCmd[i]);
return rc;
/* Run commands received from standard input
if( stdin_is_interactive ){
char *zHome;
char *zHistory;
int nHistory;
"SQLite version %s %.19s\n" /*extra-version-info*/
"Enter \".help\" for usage hints.\n",
sqlite3_libversion(), sqlite3_sourceid()
if( warnInmemoryDb ){
printf("Connected to a ");
printBold("transient in-memory database");
printf(".\nUse \".open FILENAME\" to reopen on a "
"persistent database.\n");
zHistory = getenv("SQLITE_HISTORY");
if( zHistory ){
zHistory = strdup(zHistory);
}else if( (zHome = find_home_dir(0))!=0 ){
nHistory = strlen30(zHome) + 20;
if( (zHistory = malloc(nHistory))!=0 ){
sqlite3_snprintf(nHistory, zHistory,"%s/.sqlite_history", zHome);
if( zHistory ){ shell_read_history(zHistory); }
rl_attempted_completion_function = readline_completion;
#endif = 0;
rc = process_input(&data);
if( zHistory ){
}else{ = stdin;
rc = process_input(&data);
set_table_name(&data, 0);
if( data.db ){
data.doXdgOpen = 0;
for(i=0; i<argcToFree; i++) free(argvToFree[i]);
/* Clear the global data structure so that valgrind will detect memory
** leaks */
memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data));
return rc;
the_stack_data/190767132.c |
void crank(unsigned long n, float w[], float *s)
unsigned long j=1,ji,jt;
float t,rank;
while (j < n) {
if (w[j+1] != w[j]) {
} else {
for (jt=j+1;jt<=n && w[jt]==w[j];jt++);
for (ji=j;ji<=(jt-1);ji++) w[ji]=rank;
*s += t*t*t-t;
if (j == n) w[n]=n;
the_stack_data/912109.c | /**
Given an input string, reverse the string word by word.
For example,
Given s = "the sky is blue",
return "blue is sky the".
Update (2015-02-12):
For C programmers: Try to solve it in-place in O(1) space.
click to show clarification.
What constitutes a word?
A sequence of non-space characters constitutes a word.
Could the input string contain leading or trailing spaces?
Yes. However, your reversed string should not contain leading or trailing spaces.
How about multiple spaces between two words?
Reduce them to a single space in the reversed string.
// 2018-7-29
// 151. Reverse Words in a String
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
void reverse(char * s, int first, int last);
void reverseWords(char *s);
int main()
char str[] = " the sky is blue ";
char * s = str;
printf("%s\n", s);
printf("%s\n", s);
return 0;
void reverseWords(char *s)
int last = 0, now = 0;
// 先翻转每个单词,然后再翻转整个字符串
while (s[now])
while (s[now] == ' ')
last = now;
while (s[now] != ' ' && s[now] != '\0')
reverse(s, last, now - 1);
// 翻转整个字符串
reverse(s, 0, now - 1);
// 删除多余空格
last = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < now; i++)
// last != 0
// last && s[last - 1] != s[i]) 巧妙的多一个空格
if (!isspace(s[i]) || (last && s[last - 1] != s[i]))
s[last++] = s[i];
// 字符串末尾空格转换为结束符'\0'
s[last] = 0;
if (last && s[last - 1] == ' ')
s[last - 1] = 0;
// 翻转单词
void reverse(char * s, int head, int tail)
while (head < tail) {
char tmp = s[head];
s[head++] = s[tail];
s[tail--] = tmp;
the_stack_data/21357.c | #include <stdio.h>
int main (void)
int x, n, pot=0,i=0;
printf ("Entre com o valor de X: ");
scanf ("%d",&x);
printf ("Entre com o valor de N: ");
scanf ("%d",&n);
for (i>0; i<n; i++)
pot = x*(x*i);
printf ("%d",i);
printf ("\nO valor de X se elevado a N sera de: %d", pot);
return 0;
} |
the_stack_data/151705098.c | /* Test diagnostics for missing and extra semicolons in structures.
Test with -pedantic. */
/* Origin: Joseph Myers <[email protected]> */
/* { dg-do compile } */
/* { dg-options "-pedantic" } */
struct s0 { ; }; /* { dg-warning "warning: extra semicolon in struct or union specified" } */
/* { dg-warning "warning: struct has no members" "empty" { target *-*-* } 7 } */
struct s1 {
int a;
; /* { dg-warning "warning: extra semicolon in struct or union specified" } */
int b;
struct s2 {
; /* { dg-warning "warning: extra semicolon in struct or union specified" } */
int c
}; /* { dg-warning "warning: no semicolon at end of struct or union" } */
struct s3 {
int d
}; /* { dg-warning "warning: no semicolon at end of struct or union" } */
the_stack_data/148577231.c | #include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main()
int side;
float size;
printf("Digite o número de lados: ");
scanf("%d", &side);
printf("Digite o tamanho dos lados: ");
scanf("%f", &size);
switch (side) {
case 3:
printf("Área do polígono: %.2f", size * size * 1.73 / 4);
case 4:
printf("Área do polígono: %.2f", size * size);
case 6:
printf("Área do polígono: %.2f", 6 * size * size * 1.73 / 4);
printf("Não sei calcular a área");
return 0;
} |
the_stack_data/145453455.c | #include<stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int main(){
int fd,res,numbytes,t;
fd=socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
int num[5];
printf("Socket not created error\n");
printf("Socket created successfully\n");
struct sockaddr_in x;
res=bind(fd,(struct sockaddr *) &x,sizeof x);
printf("Bind not created error\n");
printf("Bind created successfully\n");
struct sockaddr_in y;
printf("Enter ele\n");
int buff[5];
for(int i=0;i<5;i++)scanf("%d",&buff[i]);
if(sendto(fd,&buff,20,0,(struct sockaddr *)&y, sizeof y) == -1)
printf("Send Successfully");
int nu;
numbytes=recvfrom(fd,&nu, 30, 10,(struct sockaddr*)&x, &t);
if((numbytes)== -1)
printf("\n %d max\"\n",nu);
return 0;
the_stack_data/148578227.c | /* clang-format off */
// LPC407x_8x Microcontroller Startup code for use with LPCXpresso IDE
// Version : 140114
// Copyright(C) NXP Semiconductors, 2014
// All rights reserved.
// Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
// which provides customers with programming information regarding the
// LPC products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties of
// any kind, and NXP Semiconductors and its licensor disclaim any and
// all warranties, express or implied, including all implied warranties of
// merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of
// intellectual property rights. NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility
// or liability for the use of the software, conveys no license or rights under any
// patent, copyright, mask work right, or any other intellectual property rights in
// or to any products. NXP Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes
// in the software without notification. NXP Semiconductors also makes no
// representation or warranty that such application will be suitable for the
// specified use without further testing or modification.
// Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
// documentation is hereby granted, under NXP Semiconductors' and its
// licensor's relevant copyrights in the software, without fee, provided that it
// is used in conjunction with NXP Semiconductors microcontrollers. This
// copyright, permission, and disclaimer notice must appear in all copies of
// this code.
#if defined (__cplusplus)
#ifdef __REDLIB__
#error Redlib does not support C++
// The entry point for the C++ library startup
extern "C" {
extern void __libc_init_array(void);
#define WEAK __attribute__ ((weak))
#define ALIAS(f) __attribute__ ((weak, alias (#f)))
#if defined (__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
#if defined (__USE_CMSIS) || defined (__USE_LPCOPEN)
// Declaration of external SystemInit function
extern void SystemInit(void);
// Forward declaration of the default handlers. These are aliased.
// When the application defines a handler (with the same name), this will
// automatically take precedence over these weak definitions
void ResetISR(void);
WEAK void NMI_Handler(void);
WEAK void HardFault_Handler(void);
WEAK void MemManage_Handler(void);
WEAK void BusFault_Handler(void);
WEAK void UsageFault_Handler(void);
WEAK void SVC_Handler(void);
WEAK void DebugMon_Handler(void);
WEAK void PendSV_Handler(void);
WEAK void SysTick_Handler(void);
WEAK void IntDefaultHandler(void);
// Forward declaration of the specific IRQ handlers. These are aliased
// to the IntDefaultHandler, which is a 'forever' loop. When the application
// defines a handler (with the same name), this will automatically take
// precedence over these weak definitions
void WDT_IRQHandler(void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler);
void TIMER0_IRQHandler(void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler);
void TIMER1_IRQHandler(void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler);
void TIMER2_IRQHandler(void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler);
void TIMER3_IRQHandler(void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler);
void UART0_IRQHandler(void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler);
void UART1_IRQHandler(void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler);
void UART2_IRQHandler(void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler);
void UART3_IRQHandler(void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler);
void PWM1_IRQHandler(void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler);
void I2C0_IRQHandler(void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler);
void I2C1_IRQHandler(void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler);
void I2C2_IRQHandler(void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler);
void SPI_IRQHandler(void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler);
void SSP0_IRQHandler(void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler);
void SSP1_IRQHandler(void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler);
void PLL0_IRQHandler(void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler);
void RTC_IRQHandler(void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler);
void EINT0_IRQHandler(void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler);
void EINT1_IRQHandler(void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler);
void EINT2_IRQHandler(void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler);
void EINT3_IRQHandler(void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler);
void ADC_IRQHandler(void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler);
void BOD_IRQHandler(void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler);
void USB_IRQHandler(void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler);
void CAN_IRQHandler(void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler);
void DMA_IRQHandler(void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler);
void I2S_IRQHandler(void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler);
#if defined (__USE_LPCOPEN)
void ETH_IRQHandler(void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler);
void ENET_IRQHandler(void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler);
void RIT_IRQHandler(void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler);
void MCPWM_IRQHandler(void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler);
void QEI_IRQHandler(void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler);
void PLL1_IRQHandler(void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler);
void USBActivity_IRQHandler(void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler);
void CANActivity_IRQHandler(void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler);
#if defined (__USE_LPCOPEN)
void SDIO_IRQHandler(void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler);
void MCI_IRQHandler(void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler);
void UART4_IRQHandler(void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler);
void SSP2_IRQHandler(void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler);
void LCD_IRQHandler(void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler);
void GPIO_IRQHandler(void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler);
void PWM0_IRQHandler(void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler);
void EEPROM_IRQHandler(void) ALIAS(IntDefaultHandler);
// The entry point for the application.
// __main() is the entry point for Redlib based applications
// main() is the entry point for Newlib based applications
#if defined (__REDLIB__)
extern void __main(void);
extern int main(void);
// External declaration for the pointer to the stack top from the Linker Script
extern void _vStackTop(void);
#if defined (__cplusplus)
} // extern "C"
// The vector table.
// This relies on the linker script to place at correct location in memory.
extern void (* const g_pfnVectors[])(void);
__attribute__ ((section(".isr_vector")))
void (* const g_pfnVectors[])(void) = {
// Core Level - CM4
&_vStackTop, // The initial stack pointer
ResetISR, // The reset handler
NMI_Handler, // The NMI handler
HardFault_Handler, // The hard fault handler
MemManage_Handler, // The MPU fault handler
BusFault_Handler, // The bus fault handler
UsageFault_Handler, // The usage fault handler
0, // Reserved
0, // Reserved
0, // Reserved
0, // Reserved
SVC_Handler, // SVCall handler
DebugMon_Handler, // Debug monitor handler
0, // Reserved
PendSV_Handler, // The PendSV handler
SysTick_Handler, // The SysTick handler
// Chip Level - LPC40xx
WDT_IRQHandler, // 16, 0x40 - WDT
TIMER0_IRQHandler, // 17, 0x44 - TIMER0
TIMER1_IRQHandler, // 18, 0x48 - TIMER1
TIMER2_IRQHandler, // 19, 0x4c - TIMER2
TIMER3_IRQHandler, // 20, 0x50 - TIMER3
UART0_IRQHandler, // 21, 0x54 - UART0
UART1_IRQHandler, // 22, 0x58 - UART1
UART2_IRQHandler, // 23, 0x5c - UART2
UART3_IRQHandler, // 24, 0x60 - UART3
PWM1_IRQHandler, // 25, 0x64 - PWM1
I2C0_IRQHandler, // 26, 0x68 - I2C0
I2C1_IRQHandler, // 27, 0x6c - I2C1
I2C2_IRQHandler, // 28, 0x70 - I2C2
IntDefaultHandler, // 29, Not used
SSP0_IRQHandler, // 30, 0x78 - SSP0
SSP1_IRQHandler, // 31, 0x7c - SSP1
PLL0_IRQHandler, // 32, 0x80 - PLL0 (Main PLL)
RTC_IRQHandler, // 33, 0x84 - RTC
EINT0_IRQHandler, // 34, 0x88 - EINT0
EINT1_IRQHandler, // 35, 0x8c - EINT1
EINT2_IRQHandler, // 36, 0x90 - EINT2
EINT3_IRQHandler, // 37, 0x94 - EINT3
ADC_IRQHandler, // 38, 0x98 - ADC
BOD_IRQHandler, // 39, 0x9c - BOD
USB_IRQHandler, // 40, 0xA0 - USB
CAN_IRQHandler, // 41, 0xa4 - CAN
DMA_IRQHandler, // 42, 0xa8 - GP DMA
I2S_IRQHandler, // 43, 0xac - I2S
#if defined (__USE_LPCOPEN)
ETH_IRQHandler, // 44, 0xb0 - Ethernet
SDIO_IRQHandler, // 45, 0xb4 - SD/MMC card I/F
ENET_IRQHandler, // 44, 0xb0 - Ethernet
MCI_IRQHandler, // 45, 0xb4 - SD/MMC card I/F
MCPWM_IRQHandler, // 46, 0xb8 - Motor Control PWM
QEI_IRQHandler, // 47, 0xbc - Quadrature Encoder
PLL1_IRQHandler, // 48, 0xc0 - PLL1 (USB PLL)
USBActivity_IRQHandler, // 49, 0xc4 - USB Activity interrupt to wakeup
CANActivity_IRQHandler, // 50, 0xc8 - CAN Activity interrupt to wakeup
UART4_IRQHandler, // 51, 0xcc - UART4
SSP2_IRQHandler, // 52, 0xd0 - SSP2
LCD_IRQHandler, // 53, 0xd4 - LCD
GPIO_IRQHandler, // 54, 0xd8 - GPIO
PWM0_IRQHandler, // 55, 0xdc - PWM0
EEPROM_IRQHandler, // 56, 0xe0 - EEPROM
// Functions to carry out the initialization of RW and BSS data sections. These
// are written as separate functions rather than being inlined within the
// ResetISR() function in order to cope with MCUs with multiple banks of
// memory.
__attribute__ ((section(".after_vectors")))
void data_init(unsigned int romstart, unsigned int start, unsigned int len) {
unsigned int *pulDest = (unsigned int*) start;
unsigned int *pulSrc = (unsigned int*) romstart;
unsigned int loop;
for (loop = 0; loop < len; loop = loop + 4)
*pulDest++ = *pulSrc++;
__attribute__ ((section(".after_vectors")))
void bss_init(unsigned int start, unsigned int len) {
unsigned int *pulDest = (unsigned int*) start;
unsigned int loop;
for (loop = 0; loop < len; loop = loop + 4)
*pulDest++ = 0;
// The following symbols are constructs generated by the linker, indicating
// the location of various points in the "Global Section Table". This table is
// created by the linker via the Code Red managed linker script mechanism. It
// contains the load address, execution address and length of each RW data
// section and the execution and length of each BSS (zero initialized) section.
extern unsigned int __data_section_table;
extern unsigned int __data_section_table_end;
extern unsigned int __bss_section_table;
extern unsigned int __bss_section_table_end;
// Reset entry point for your code.
// Sets up a simple runtime environment and initializes the C/C++
// library.
__attribute__ ((section(".after_vectors")))
ResetISR(void) {
// Copy the data sections from flash to SRAM.
unsigned int LoadAddr, ExeAddr, SectionLen;
unsigned int *SectionTableAddr;
// Load base address of Global Section Table
SectionTableAddr = &__data_section_table;
// Copy the data sections from flash to SRAM.
while (SectionTableAddr < &__data_section_table_end) {
LoadAddr = *SectionTableAddr++;
ExeAddr = *SectionTableAddr++;
SectionLen = *SectionTableAddr++;
data_init(LoadAddr, ExeAddr, SectionLen);
// At this point, SectionTableAddr = &__bss_section_table;
// Zero fill the bss segment
while (SectionTableAddr < &__bss_section_table_end) {
ExeAddr = *SectionTableAddr++;
SectionLen = *SectionTableAddr++;
bss_init(ExeAddr, SectionLen);
#if defined (__VFP_FP__) && !defined (__SOFTFP__)
* Code to enable the Cortex-M4 FPU only included
* if appropriate build options have been selected.
* Code taken from Section 7.1, Cortex-M4 TRM (DDI0439C)
// Read CPACR (located at address 0xE000ED88)
// Set bits 20-23 to enable CP10 and CP11 coprocessors
// Write back the modified value to the CPACR
asm volatile ("LDR.W R0, =0xE000ED88\n\t"
"LDR R1, [R0]\n\t"
"ORR R1, R1, #(0xF << 20)\n\t"
"STR R1, [R0]");
#endif // (__VFP_FP__) && !(__SOFTFP__)
// Check to see if we are running the code from a non-zero
// address (eg RAM, external flash), in which case we need
// to modify the VTOR register to tell the CPU that the
// vector table is located at a non-0x0 address.
// Note that we do not use the CMSIS register access mechanism,
// as there is no guarantee that the project has been configured
// to use CMSIS.
unsigned int * pSCB_VTOR = (unsigned int *) 0xE000ED08;
if ((unsigned int *)g_pfnVectors!=(unsigned int *) 0x00000000) {
// CMSIS : SCB->VTOR = <address of vector table>
*pSCB_VTOR = (unsigned int)g_pfnVectors;
#if defined (__USE_CMSIS) || defined (__USE_LPCOPEN)
#if defined (__cplusplus)
// Call C++ library initialisation
#if defined (__REDLIB__)
// Call the Redlib library, which in turn calls main()
__main() ;
// main() shouldn't return, but if it does, we'll just enter an infinite loop
while (1) {
// Default exception handlers. Override the ones here by defining your own
// handler routines in your application code.
__attribute__ ((section(".after_vectors")))
void NMI_Handler(void)
{ while(1) {}
__attribute__ ((section(".after_vectors")))
void HardFault_Handler(void)
{ while(1) {}
__attribute__ ((section(".after_vectors")))
void MemManage_Handler(void)
{ while(1) {}
__attribute__ ((section(".after_vectors")))
void BusFault_Handler(void)
{ while(1) {}
__attribute__ ((section(".after_vectors")))
void UsageFault_Handler(void)
{ while(1) {}
__attribute__ ((section(".after_vectors")))
void SVC_Handler(void)
{ while(1) {}
__attribute__ ((section(".after_vectors")))
void DebugMon_Handler(void)
{ while(1) {}
__attribute__ ((section(".after_vectors")))
void PendSV_Handler(void)
{ while(1) {}
__attribute__ ((section(".after_vectors")))
void SysTick_Handler(void)
{ while(1) {}
// Processor ends up here if an unexpected interrupt occurs or a specific
// handler is not present in the application code.
__attribute__ ((section(".after_vectors")))
void IntDefaultHandler(void)
{ while(1) {}
the_stack_data/190768124.c | #include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
struct node {
int val;
struct node *nxt;
struct node *ReverseLinkedList(struct node *head);
struct node *ReverseLinkedListHelper(struct node *head);
int main() {
// Linked list initialization.
// Usually we would have it done in a separate function, as
// encapsulated as C allows, but for this problem, we keep
// initialization and de-allocation all in one function
struct node *head = (struct node*)calloc(1, sizeof(struct node));
struct node *curr = head;
size_t count = 5;
for (size_t i = 1; i < count; ++i) {
curr->nxt = (struct node*)calloc(1, sizeof(struct node));
if (!curr->nxt) {
errno = ENOMEM;
return 1;
curr = curr->nxt;
curr->val = i;
curr = NULL;
head = ReverseLinkedList(head);
// De-allocate the linked list
curr = head;
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
head = curr->nxt;
curr = head;
head = NULL;
return 0;
// Does the actual recursive in-place reverse of the linked list
struct node *ReverseLinkedListHelper(struct node *head) {
if (!head->nxt) {
return head;
struct node *n = NULL;
n = ReverseLinkedListHelper(head->nxt);
n->nxt = head;
return n->nxt;
// Helper function, saves the pointer to the tail (new head) node
// and returns it after the helper function is done with the in-place
// reverse
struct node *ReverseLinkedList(struct node *head) {
struct node *tail = head;
while (tail->nxt) tail = tail->nxt;
return tail;
the_stack_data/100141578.c | #include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main()
int D = 0;
char clock;
printf("Digite o valor de D: ");
printf("Pressione a alavanca: w - para cima e depois s - para baixo ");
scanf(" %c",&clock);
char cima = clock;
scanf(" %c",&clock);
if(cima == 'w' && clock == 's')
printf("%d %d",D, !(D));
if(cima == 's' || cima == 'w' && cima == clock)
printf("%d %d",D,!(D));
return 0;
the_stack_data/242329760.c | #include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
int main()
int i,no;
int sqrtno;
printf("Enter no : ");
scanf(" %d",&no);
sqrtno = sqrt(no);
if(no==1){printf("Not a prime no.\n");}
if(no==2){printf("It is a prime no.\n");}else
if(no==3){printf("It is a prime no.\n");}else{
for( i=2; i<=sqrtno; i++){
printf("\n\nIT is not a prime no\n");
break;}else{printf("\n\nIt is a prime no.\n");
return 0;
the_stack_data/122014889.c | #include<stdio.h>
int main(){
printf("hello nginx\n");
the_stack_data/249019.c | /* Generated by CIL v. 1.7.0 */
/* print_CIL_Input is false */
struct _IO_FILE;
struct timeval;
extern float strtof(char const *str , char const *endptr ) ;
extern void signal(int sig , void *func ) ;
typedef struct _IO_FILE FILE;
extern int atoi(char const *s ) ;
extern double strtod(char const *str , char const *endptr ) ;
extern int fclose(void *stream ) ;
extern void *fopen(char const *filename , char const *mode ) ;
extern void abort() ;
extern void exit(int status ) ;
extern int raise(int sig ) ;
extern int fprintf(struct _IO_FILE *stream , char const *format , ...) ;
extern int strcmp(char const *a , char const *b ) ;
extern int rand() ;
extern unsigned long strtoul(char const *str , char const *endptr , int base ) ;
void RandomFunc(unsigned short input[1] , unsigned short output[1] ) ;
extern int strncmp(char const *s1 , char const *s2 , unsigned long maxlen ) ;
extern int gettimeofday(struct timeval *tv , void *tz , ...) ;
extern int printf(char const *format , ...) ;
int main(int argc , char *argv[] ) ;
void megaInit(void) ;
extern unsigned long strlen(char const *s ) ;
extern long strtol(char const *str , char const *endptr , int base ) ;
extern unsigned long strnlen(char const *s , unsigned long maxlen ) ;
extern void *memcpy(void *s1 , void const *s2 , unsigned long size ) ;
struct timeval {
long tv_sec ;
long tv_usec ;
extern void *malloc(unsigned long size ) ;
extern int scanf(char const *format , ...) ;
void megaInit(void)
int main(int argc , char *argv[] )
unsigned short input[1] ;
unsigned short output[1] ;
int randomFuns_i5 ;
unsigned short randomFuns_value6 ;
int randomFuns_main_i7 ;
if (argc != 2) {
printf("Call this program with %i arguments\n", 1);
} else {
randomFuns_i5 = 0;
while (randomFuns_i5 < 1) {
randomFuns_value6 = (unsigned short )strtoul(argv[randomFuns_i5 + 1], 0, 10);
input[randomFuns_i5] = randomFuns_value6;
randomFuns_i5 ++;
RandomFunc(input, output);
if (output[0] == 65519) {
printf("You win!\n");
} else {
randomFuns_main_i7 = 0;
while (randomFuns_main_i7 < 1) {
printf("%u\n", output[randomFuns_main_i7]);
randomFuns_main_i7 ++;
void RandomFunc(unsigned short input[1] , unsigned short output[1] )
unsigned short state[1] ;
unsigned short local1 ;
char copy11 ;
state[0UL] = input[0UL] ^ (unsigned short)7387;
local1 = 0UL;
while (local1 < input[1UL]) {
if (state[0UL] != local1) {
copy11 = *((char *)(& state[0UL]) + 1);
*((char *)(& state[0UL]) + 1) = *((char *)(& state[0UL]) + 0);
*((char *)(& state[0UL]) + 0) = copy11;
} else {
state[local1] ^= state[0UL];
local1 += 2UL;
output[0UL] = state[0UL] | 304338863UL;
the_stack_data/73576458.c | /* ************************************************************************** */
/* */
/* ::: :::::::: */
/* ft_print_reverse_alphabet.c :+: :+: :+: */
/* +:+ +:+ +:+ */
/* By: jnawrock <[email protected]> +#+ +:+ +#+ */
/* +#+#+#+#+#+ +#+ */
/* Created: 2019/10/23 22:10:27 by jnawrock #+# #+# */
/* Updated: 2019/10/24 14:55:02 by jnawrock ### */
/* */
/* ************************************************************************** */
#include <unistd.h>
void ft_print_reverse_alphabet(void)
char c;
c = 'z';
while (c >= 'a')
the_stack_data/46903.c | #include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
int i, j, temp, N;
double sum;
double a, b;
while (scanf("%d", &N) == 1)
sum = 0;
a = 2;
b = 1;
for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
sum += a/b;
temp = a;
a += b;
b = temp;
printf("sum = %lf \n", sum);
return 0;
} |
the_stack_data/127578.c | //axpy.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/timeb.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#define N_RUNS 1000
#define N 1200
// read timer in second
double read_timer() {
struct timeb tm;
return (double) tm.time + (double) tm.millitm / 1000.0;
//Create a matrix and a vector and fill with random numbers
void init(int *X, int *Y) {
for (int i = 0; i<N; i++) {
X[i] = (int)rand()/(int)(RAND_MAX/10.0);
Y[i] = (int)rand()/(int)(RAND_MAX/10.0);
//Our sum function- what it does is pretty straight-forward.
void axpy(int *X, int *Y, int a) {
#pragma omp simd
for (int i = 0; i<N; i++) {
Y[i] += a * X[i];
// Debug functions
void axpy_serial(int *X, int *Y, int a) {
for (int i = 0; i<N; i++) {
Y[i] += a * X[i];
void print_vector(int *vector) {
for (int i = 0; i<8; i++) {
printf("%d ", vector[i]);
int check(int *A, int *B){
int difference = 0;
for(int i = 0;i<N; i++){
difference += A[i]- B[i];
return difference;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
//Set everything up
int *X = malloc(sizeof(int)*N);
int *Y = malloc(sizeof(int)*N);
int *Y_serial = malloc(sizeof(int)*N);
int a = 3;
init(X, Y);
for (int i = 0; i<N; i++) Y_serial[i] = Y[i];
printf("%d\n", a);
double start = read_timer();
for (int i = 0; i<N_RUNS; i++)
axpy(X, Y, a);
double t = (read_timer() - start);
double start_serial = read_timer();
for (int i = 0; i<N_RUNS; i++)
axpy_serial(X, Y_serial, a);
double t_serial = (read_timer() - start_serial);
double gflops = ((2.0 * N) * N * N_RUNS) / (1.0e9 * t);
double gflops_serial = ((2.0 * N) * N * N_RUNS) / (1.0e9 * t_serial);
printf("Performance:\t\t\tRuntime (s)\t GFLOPS\n");
printf("AXPY (SIMD):\t\t%4f\t%4f\n", t, gflops);
printf("AXPY (Serial):\t\t%4f\t%4f\n", t_serial, gflops_serial);
printf("Correctness check: %d\n", check(Y,Y_serial));
return 0;
the_stack_data/92324692.c | #include <stdio.h>
int main(){
float a, b;
printf("Donnez la valeur de a\n");
scanf("%f", &a);
printf("Donnez la valeur de b\n");
scanf("%f", &b);
printf("Permutation !\n");
printf("%f %f", b, a);
return 0;
the_stack_data/82949573.c | int calcul()
return (1);
the_stack_data/1228284.c | #include <stdio.h>
int main() {
printf("What is this? 2005?");
printf("CDs are no longer supported.");
return 1;
the_stack_data/1108969.c | // RUN: %clang-o3 -march=native -mllvm -filter=kernel %s -o %t && %t
void kernel(int n, float *restrict RET, float *restrict aFOO, float b) {
for (int programIndex = 0; programIndex < n; programIndex++) {
float a = aFOO[programIndex];
float i;
for (i = 0; i < b; ++i) {
if (i+2 == b) break;
RET[programIndex] = a;
int main() {
int n = 1030;
float ret[n], a[n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
a[i] = i + 1;
kernel(n, ret, a, 5.);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
float expected = 5 + i;
if (ret[i] != expected)
return 1;
return 0;
the_stack_data/97014140.c | /* Inclusión de archivos */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
/* Función principal */
int main (int argc,char **argv){
/* Impresión por pantalla y salida del programa*/
printf("Hola mundo\n");
return 0;
} |
the_stack_data/138434.c | /*
username : smmehrab
fullname : s.m.mehrabul islam
email : [email protected]
institute : university of dhaka, bangladesh
session : 2017-2018
int main()
int n,i,c,m;
scanf("%d ",&i);
scanf("%d ",&i);
scanf("%d ",&i);
scanf("%d ",&i);
return 0;
the_stack_data/1948.c | #include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "string.h"
struct person
int id;
char fname[20];
char lname[20];
int main ()
FILE *p;
p = fopen ("assin2.txt", "w");
if (p == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "\nError opend file\n");
exit (0);
struct person input1 = {1, "abc", "def"};
struct person input2 = {2, "qew", "srt"};
fwrite (&input1, sizeof(struct person), 1, p);
fwrite (&input2, sizeof(struct person), 1, p);
if(fwrite != 0)
printf("contents to file written successfully\n");
printf("error writing file !\n");
fclose (p);
} |
the_stack_data/30185.c | /*
The prime factors of 13195 are 5, 7, 13 and 29.
What is the largest prime factor of the number 600851475143 ?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
long N=600851475143;
struct node {
struct node* next;
int val;
void next_prime(struct node *primes, int n) {
char found = 0;
struct node *aux = primes;
while (!found) {
if (n%aux->val == 0) {
aux = primes;
else {
if (aux->next == NULL) {
found = 1;
aux->next = (struct node*) malloc(sizeof(struct node));
aux->next->val = n;
aux->next->next = NULL;
else (aux = aux->next);
int main() {
/* You can't malloc outside the main (or any function). Malloc allocates memory
on the heap, i.e runtime, so you can't allocate on compile time. You can
though declare the variable and it will be saved in the program page on
compile time */
struct node *primes = (struct node*) malloc(sizeof(struct node));
primes->val = 2;
primes->next = NULL;
while (N > 1) {
while (N%primes->val == 0) {
N /= primes->val;
if (N>1) {
next_prime(primes, primes->val);
primes = primes->next;
printf("%d\n", primes->val);
return 0;
the_stack_data/152325.c | // Correct Code - Type compatible expression
int main()
int a;
int b;
int c;
a = 1;
b = 2;
c = a + b;
the_stack_data/2793.c | # 1 "platform/mcu/moc108/aos/aos_main.c"
# 1 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT//"
# 1 "<built-in>"
# 1 "<command-line>"
# 1 "platform/mcu/moc108/aos/aos_main.c"
# 1 "././platform/mcu/moc108/aos/aos_main.h" 1
void soc_driver_init(void);
void soc_system_init(void);
void sys_start(void);
# 6 "platform/mcu/moc108/aos/aos_main.c" 2
# 1 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_api.h" 1
# 12 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_api.h"
# 1 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/5.4.1/include/stddef.h" 1 3 4
# 149 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/5.4.1/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 149 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/5.4.1/include/stddef.h" 3 4
typedef int ptrdiff_t;
# 216 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/5.4.1/include/stddef.h" 3 4
typedef unsigned int size_t;
# 328 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/5.4.1/include/stddef.h" 3 4
typedef unsigned int wchar_t;
# 426 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/5.4.1/include/stddef.h" 3 4
typedef struct {
long long __max_align_ll __attribute__((__aligned__(__alignof__(long long))));
long double __max_align_ld __attribute__((__aligned__(__alignof__(long double))));
} max_align_t;
# 13 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_api.h" 2
# 1 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/5.4.1/include/stdint.h" 1 3 4
# 9 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/5.4.1/include/stdint.h" 3 4
# 1 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/stdint.h" 1 3 4
# 12 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/stdint.h" 3 4
# 1 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/machine/_default_types.h" 1 3 4
# 1 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/sys/features.h" 1 3 4
# 28 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/sys/features.h" 3 4
# 1 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/_newlib_version.h" 1 3 4
# 29 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/sys/features.h" 2 3 4
# 9 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/machine/_default_types.h" 2 3 4
# 27 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/machine/_default_types.h" 3 4
typedef signed char __int8_t;
typedef unsigned char __uint8_t;
# 41 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/machine/_default_types.h" 3 4
typedef short int __int16_t;
typedef short unsigned int __uint16_t;
# 63 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/machine/_default_types.h" 3 4
typedef long int __int32_t;
typedef long unsigned int __uint32_t;
# 89 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/machine/_default_types.h" 3 4
typedef long long int __int64_t;
typedef long long unsigned int __uint64_t;
# 120 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/machine/_default_types.h" 3 4
typedef signed char __int_least8_t;
typedef unsigned char __uint_least8_t;
# 146 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/machine/_default_types.h" 3 4
typedef short int __int_least16_t;
typedef short unsigned int __uint_least16_t;
# 168 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/machine/_default_types.h" 3 4
typedef long int __int_least32_t;
typedef long unsigned int __uint_least32_t;
# 186 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/machine/_default_types.h" 3 4
typedef long long int __int_least64_t;
typedef long long unsigned int __uint_least64_t;
# 200 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/machine/_default_types.h" 3 4
typedef int __intptr_t;
typedef unsigned int __uintptr_t;
# 13 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/stdint.h" 2 3 4
# 1 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/sys/_intsup.h" 1 3 4
# 49 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/sys/_intsup.h" 3 4
# 201 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/sys/_intsup.h" 3 4
# 14 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/stdint.h" 2 3 4
# 1 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/sys/_stdint.h" 1 3 4
# 20 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/sys/_stdint.h" 3 4
typedef __int8_t int8_t ;
typedef __uint8_t uint8_t ;
typedef __int16_t int16_t ;
typedef __uint16_t uint16_t ;
typedef __int32_t int32_t ;
typedef __uint32_t uint32_t ;
typedef __int64_t int64_t ;
typedef __uint64_t uint64_t ;
typedef __intptr_t intptr_t;
typedef __uintptr_t uintptr_t;
# 15 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/stdint.h" 2 3 4
typedef __int_least8_t int_least8_t;
typedef __uint_least8_t uint_least8_t;
typedef __int_least16_t int_least16_t;
typedef __uint_least16_t uint_least16_t;
typedef __int_least32_t int_least32_t;
typedef __uint_least32_t uint_least32_t;
typedef __int_least64_t int_least64_t;
typedef __uint_least64_t uint_least64_t;
# 51 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/stdint.h" 3 4
typedef int int_fast8_t;
typedef unsigned int uint_fast8_t;
# 61 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/stdint.h" 3 4
typedef int int_fast16_t;
typedef unsigned int uint_fast16_t;
# 71 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/stdint.h" 3 4
typedef int int_fast32_t;
typedef unsigned int uint_fast32_t;
# 81 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/stdint.h" 3 4
typedef long long int int_fast64_t;
typedef long long unsigned int uint_fast64_t;
# 130 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/stdint.h" 3 4
typedef long long int intmax_t;
# 139 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/stdint.h" 3 4
typedef long long unsigned int uintmax_t;
# 10 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/5.4.1/include/stdint.h" 2 3 4
# 14 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_api.h" 2
# 1 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/string.h" 1 3
# 10 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/string.h" 3
# 1 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/_ansi.h" 1 3
# 15 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/_ansi.h" 3
# 1 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/newlib.h" 1 3
# 16 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/_ansi.h" 2 3
# 1 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/sys/config.h" 1 3
# 1 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/machine/ieeefp.h" 1 3
# 5 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/sys/config.h" 2 3
# 17 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/_ansi.h" 2 3
# 11 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/string.h" 2 3
# 1 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/sys/reent.h" 1 3
# 13 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/sys/reent.h" 3
# 1 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/_ansi.h" 1 3
# 14 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/sys/reent.h" 2 3
# 1 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/5.4.1/include/stddef.h" 1 3 4
# 15 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/sys/reent.h" 2 3
# 1 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/sys/_types.h" 1 3
# 24 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/sys/_types.h" 3
# 1 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/machine/_types.h" 1 3
# 25 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/sys/_types.h" 2 3
# 1 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/sys/lock.h" 1 3
typedef int _LOCK_T;
typedef int _LOCK_RECURSIVE_T;
# 26 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/sys/_types.h" 2 3
typedef long __blkcnt_t;
typedef long __blksize_t;
typedef __uint64_t __fsblkcnt_t;
typedef __uint32_t __fsfilcnt_t;
typedef long _off_t;
typedef int __pid_t;
typedef short __dev_t;
typedef unsigned short __uid_t;
typedef unsigned short __gid_t;
typedef __uint32_t __id_t;
typedef unsigned short __ino_t;
# 88 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/sys/_types.h" 3
typedef __uint32_t __mode_t;
__extension__ typedef long long _off64_t;
typedef _off_t __off_t;
typedef _off64_t __loff_t;
typedef long __key_t;
typedef long _fpos_t;
# 129 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/sys/_types.h" 3
typedef unsigned int __size_t;
# 145 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/sys/_types.h" 3
typedef signed int _ssize_t;
# 156 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/sys/_types.h" 3
typedef _ssize_t __ssize_t;
# 1 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/5.4.1/include/stddef.h" 1 3 4
# 357 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/5.4.1/include/stddef.h" 3 4
typedef unsigned int wint_t;
# 160 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/sys/_types.h" 2 3
typedef struct
int __count;
wint_t __wch;
unsigned char __wchb[4];
} __value;
} _mbstate_t;
typedef _LOCK_RECURSIVE_T _flock_t;
typedef void *_iconv_t;
typedef unsigned long __clock_t;
typedef long __time_t;
typedef unsigned long __clockid_t;
typedef unsigned long __timer_t;
typedef __uint8_t __sa_family_t;
typedef __uint32_t __socklen_t;
typedef unsigned short __nlink_t;
typedef long __suseconds_t;
typedef unsigned long __useconds_t;
typedef char * __va_list;
# 16 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/sys/reent.h" 2 3
typedef unsigned long __ULong;
# 38 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/sys/reent.h" 3
struct _reent;
struct __locale_t;
struct _Bigint
struct _Bigint *_next;
int _k, _maxwds, _sign, _wds;
__ULong _x[1];
struct __tm
int __tm_sec;
int __tm_min;
int __tm_hour;
int __tm_mday;
int __tm_mon;
int __tm_year;
int __tm_wday;
int __tm_yday;
int __tm_isdst;
struct _on_exit_args {
void * _fnargs[32];
void * _dso_handle[32];
__ULong _fntypes;
__ULong _is_cxa;
# 93 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/sys/reent.h" 3
struct _atexit {
struct _atexit *_next;
int _ind;
void (*_fns[32])(void);
struct _on_exit_args _on_exit_args;
# 117 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/sys/reent.h" 3
struct __sbuf {
unsigned char *_base;
int _size;
# 181 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/sys/reent.h" 3
struct __sFILE {
unsigned char *_p;
int _r;
int _w;
short _flags;
short _file;
struct __sbuf _bf;
int _lbfsize;
void * _cookie;
int (* _read) (struct _reent *, void *, char *, int)
int (* _write) (struct _reent *, void *, const char *, int)
_fpos_t (* _seek) (struct _reent *, void *, _fpos_t, int);
int (* _close) (struct _reent *, void *);
struct __sbuf _ub;
unsigned char *_up;
int _ur;
unsigned char _ubuf[3];
unsigned char _nbuf[1];
struct __sbuf _lb;
int _blksize;
_off_t _offset;
struct _reent *_data;
_flock_t _lock;
_mbstate_t _mbstate;
int _flags2;
# 287 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/sys/reent.h" 3
typedef struct __sFILE __FILE;
struct _glue
struct _glue *_next;
int _niobs;
__FILE *_iobs;
# 319 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/sys/reent.h" 3
struct _rand48 {
unsigned short _seed[3];
unsigned short _mult[3];
unsigned short _add;
# 569 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/sys/reent.h" 3
struct _reent
int _errno;
__FILE *_stdin, *_stdout, *_stderr;
int _inc;
char _emergency[25];
int _unspecified_locale_info;
struct __locale_t *_locale;
int __sdidinit;
void (* __cleanup) (struct _reent *);
struct _Bigint *_result;
int _result_k;
struct _Bigint *_p5s;
struct _Bigint **_freelist;
int _cvtlen;
char *_cvtbuf;
unsigned int _unused_rand;
char * _strtok_last;
char _asctime_buf[26];
struct __tm _localtime_buf;
int _gamma_signgam;
__extension__ unsigned long long _rand_next;
struct _rand48 _r48;
_mbstate_t _mblen_state;
_mbstate_t _mbtowc_state;
_mbstate_t _wctomb_state;
char _l64a_buf[8];
char _signal_buf[24];
int _getdate_err;
_mbstate_t _mbrlen_state;
_mbstate_t _mbrtowc_state;
_mbstate_t _mbsrtowcs_state;
_mbstate_t _wcrtomb_state;
_mbstate_t _wcsrtombs_state;
int _h_errno;
} _reent;
unsigned char * _nextf[30];
unsigned int _nmalloc[30];
} _unused;
} _new;
struct _atexit *_atexit;
struct _atexit _atexit0;
void (**(_sig_func))(int);
struct _glue __sglue;
__FILE __sf[3];
# 766 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/sys/reent.h" 3
extern struct _reent *_impure_ptr ;
extern struct _reent *const _global_impure_ptr ;
void _reclaim_reent (struct _reent *);
# 12 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/string.h" 2 3
# 1 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/sys/cdefs.h" 1 3
# 45 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3
# 1 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/5.4.1/include/stddef.h" 1 3 4
# 46 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/sys/cdefs.h" 2 3
# 13 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/string.h" 2 3
# 1 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/5.4.1/include/stddef.h" 1 3 4
# 18 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/string.h" 2 3
# 1 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/sys/_locale.h" 1 3
# 9 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/sys/_locale.h" 3
struct __locale_t;
typedef struct __locale_t *locale_t;
# 21 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/string.h" 2 3
void * memchr (const void *, int, size_t);
int memcmp (const void *, const void *, size_t);
void * memcpy (void * restrict, const void * restrict, size_t);
void * memmove (void *, const void *, size_t);
void * memset (void *, int, size_t);
char *strcat (char *restrict, const char *restrict);
char *strchr (const char *, int);
int strcmp (const char *, const char *);
int strcoll (const char *, const char *);
char *strcpy (char *restrict, const char *restrict);
size_t strcspn (const char *, const char *);
char *strerror (int);
size_t strlen (const char *);
char *strncat (char *restrict, const char *restrict, size_t);
int strncmp (const char *, const char *, size_t);
char *strncpy (char *restrict, const char *restrict, size_t);
char *strpbrk (const char *, const char *);
char *strrchr (const char *, int);
size_t strspn (const char *, const char *);
char *strstr (const char *, const char *);
char *strtok (char *restrict, const char *restrict);
size_t strxfrm (char *restrict, const char *restrict, size_t);
int strcoll_l (const char *, const char *, locale_t);
char *strerror_l (int, locale_t);
size_t strxfrm_l (char *restrict, const char *restrict, size_t, locale_t);
char *strtok_r (char *restrict, const char *restrict, char **restrict);
int bcmp (const void *, const void *, size_t);
void bcopy (const void *, void *, size_t);
void bzero (void *, size_t);
void explicit_bzero (void *, size_t);
int timingsafe_bcmp (const void *, const void *, size_t);
int timingsafe_memcmp (const void *, const void *, size_t);
int ffs (int);
char *index (const char *, int);
void * memccpy (void * restrict, const void * restrict, int, size_t);
# 86 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/string.h" 3
char *rindex (const char *, int);
char *stpcpy (char *restrict, const char *restrict);
char *stpncpy (char *restrict, const char *restrict, size_t);
int strcasecmp (const char *, const char *);
char *strdup (const char *);
char *_strdup_r (struct _reent *, const char *);
char *strndup (const char *, size_t);
char *_strndup_r (struct _reent *, const char *, size_t);
# 121 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/string.h" 3
int strerror_r (int, char *, size_t)
__asm__ ("" "__xpg_strerror_r")
char * _strerror_r (struct _reent *, int, int, int *);
size_t strlcat (char *, const char *, size_t);
size_t strlcpy (char *, const char *, size_t);
int strncasecmp (const char *, const char *, size_t);
size_t strnlen (const char *, size_t);
char *strsep (char **, const char *);
char *strlwr (char *);
char *strupr (char *);
char *strsignal (int __signo);
# 192 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/string.h" 3
# 1 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/sys/string.h" 1 3
# 193 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/string.h" 2 3
# 15 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_api.h" 2
# 1 "./board/mk3060/./k_config.h" 1
# 16 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_api.h" 2
# 1 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_default_config.h" 1
# 17 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_api.h" 2
# 1 "././platform/arch/arm/armv5/./gcc/k_types.h" 1
# 14 "././platform/arch/arm/armv5/./gcc/k_types.h"
# 14 "././platform/arch/arm/armv5/./gcc/k_types.h"
typedef char name_t;
typedef uint32_t sem_count_t;
typedef uint32_t cpu_stack_t;
typedef uint32_t hr_timer_t;
typedef uint32_t lr_timer_t;
typedef uint32_t mutex_nested_t;
typedef uint8_t suspend_nested_t;
typedef uint64_t ctx_switch_t;
typedef uint32_t cpu_cpsr_t;
# 18 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_api.h" 2
# 1 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_err.h" 1
typedef enum {
} kstat_t;
typedef void (*krhino_err_proc_t)(kstat_t err);
extern krhino_err_proc_t g_err_proc;
# 19 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_api.h" 2
# 1 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_critical.h" 1
# 20 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_api.h" 2
# 1 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_spin_lock.h" 1
typedef struct {
cpu_cpsr_t cpsr;
} kspinlock_t;
# 21 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_api.h" 2
# 1 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_sys.h" 1
# 18 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_sys.h"
typedef uint64_t sys_time_t;
typedef int64_t sys_time_i_t;
typedef uint64_t idle_count_t;
typedef uint64_t tick_t;
typedef int64_t tick_i_t;
# 36 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_sys.h"
kstat_t krhino_init(void);
kstat_t krhino_start(void);
kstat_t krhino_intrpt_enter(void);
void krhino_intrpt_exit(void);
void krhino_intrpt_stack_ovf_check(void);
tick_t krhino_next_sleep_ticks_get(void);
size_t krhino_global_space_get(void);
uint32_t krhino_version_get(void);
# 22 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_api.h" 2
# 1 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_bitmap.h" 1
# 33 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_bitmap.h"
static inline void krhino_bitmap_set(uint32_t *bitmap, int32_t nr)
bitmap[((nr) >> 5U)] |= (1UL << (32U - 1U - ((nr) & 0X0000001F)));
static inline void krhino_bitmap_clear(uint32_t *bitmap, int32_t nr)
bitmap[((nr) >> 5U)] &= ~(1UL << (32U - 1U - ((nr) & 0X0000001F)));
static inline uint8_t krhino_clz32(uint32_t x)
uint8_t n = 0;
if (x == 0) {
return 32;
if ((x & 0XFFFF0000) == 0) {
x <<= 16;
n += 16;
if ((x & 0XFF000000) == 0) {
x <<= 8;
n += 8;
if ((x & 0XF0000000) == 0) {
x <<= 4;
n += 4;
if ((x & 0XC0000000) == 0) {
x <<= 2;
n += 2;
if ((x & 0X80000000) == 0) {
n += 1;
return n;
static inline uint8_t krhino_ctz32(uint32_t x)
uint8_t n = 0;
if (x == 0) {
return 32;
if ((x & 0X0000FFFF) == 0) {
x >>= 16;
n += 16;
if ((x & 0X000000FF) == 0) {
x >>= 8;
n += 8;
if ((x & 0X0000000F) == 0) {
x >>= 4;
n += 4;
if ((x & 0X00000003) == 0) {
x >>= 2;
n += 2;
if ((x & 0X00000001) == 0) {
n += 1;
return n;
static inline int32_t krhino_find_first_bit(uint32_t *bitmap)
int32_t nr = 0;
uint32_t tmp = 0;
while (*bitmap == 0UL) {
nr += 32U;
tmp = *bitmap;
if (!(tmp & 0XFFFF0000)) {
tmp <<= 16;
nr += 16;
if (!(tmp & 0XFF000000)) {
tmp <<= 8;
nr += 8;
if (!(tmp & 0XF0000000)) {
tmp <<= 4;
nr += 4;
if (!(tmp & 0XC0000000)) {
tmp <<= 2;
nr += 2;
if (!(tmp & 0X80000000)) {
nr += 1;
return nr;
# 23 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_api.h" 2
# 1 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_list.h" 1
typedef struct klist_s {
struct klist_s *next;
struct klist_s *prev;
} klist_t;
static inline void klist_init(klist_t *list_head)
list_head->next = list_head;
list_head->prev = list_head;
static inline uint8_t is_klist_empty(klist_t *list)
return (list->next == list);
static inline void klist_insert(klist_t *head, klist_t *element)
element->prev = head->prev;
element->next = head;
head->prev->next = element;
head->prev = element;
static inline void klist_add(klist_t *head, klist_t *element)
element->prev = head;
element->next = head->next;
head->next->prev = element;
head->next = element;
static inline void klist_rm(klist_t *element)
element->prev->next = element->next;
element->next->prev = element->prev;
static inline void klist_rm_init(klist_t *element)
element->prev->next = element->next;
element->next->prev = element->prev;
element->next = element->prev = element;
# 24 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_api.h" 2
# 1 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_obj.h" 1
typedef enum {
} blk_policy_t;
typedef enum {
} blk_state_t;
typedef enum {
} kobj_type_t;
typedef struct blk_obj {
klist_t blk_list;
const name_t *name;
blk_policy_t blk_policy;
kobj_type_t obj_type;
} blk_obj_t;
typedef struct {
klist_t task_head;
klist_t mutex_head;
klist_t mblkpool_head;
klist_t sem_head;
klist_t queue_head;
klist_t event_head;
klist_t buf_queue_head;
} kobj_list_t;
# 25 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_api.h" 2
# 1 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_sched.h" 1
# 13 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_sched.h"
typedef struct {
klist_t *cur_list_item[62];
uint32_t task_bit_map[((62 + 31) / 32)];
uint8_t highest_pri;
} runqueue_t;
kstat_t krhino_sched_disable(void);
kstat_t krhino_sched_enable(void);
# 26 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_api.h" 2
# 1 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_task.h" 1
typedef enum {
} task_stat_t;
typedef struct {
void *task_stack;
const name_t *task_name;
void *user_info[2];
cpu_stack_t *task_stack_base;
uint32_t stack_size;
klist_t task_list;
suspend_nested_t suspend_count;
struct mutex_s *mutex_list;
klist_t task_stats_item;
klist_t tick_list;
tick_t tick_match;
tick_t tick_remain;
klist_t *tick_head;
void *msg;
size_t bq_msg_size;
task_stat_t task_state;
blk_state_t blk_state;
blk_obj_t *blk_obj;
struct sem_s *task_sem_obj;
# 86 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_task.h"
uint32_t time_slice;
uint32_t time_total;
uint32_t pend_flags;
void *pend_info;
uint8_t pend_option;
uint8_t sched_policy;
uint8_t cpu_num;
uint8_t prio;
uint8_t b_prio;
uint8_t mm_alloc_flag;
} ktask_t;
typedef void (*task_entry_t)(void *arg);
# 129 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_task.h"
kstat_t krhino_task_create(ktask_t *task, const name_t *name, void *arg,
uint8_t prio, tick_t ticks, cpu_stack_t *stack_buf,
size_t stack_size, task_entry_t entry, uint8_t autorun);
# 157 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_task.h"
kstat_t krhino_task_dyn_create(ktask_t **task, const name_t *name, void *arg,
uint8_t pri,
tick_t ticks, size_t stack,
task_entry_t entry, uint8_t autorun);
# 175 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_task.h"
kstat_t krhino_task_del(ktask_t *task);
kstat_t krhino_task_dyn_del(ktask_t *task);
# 192 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_task.h"
kstat_t krhino_task_sleep(tick_t dly);
kstat_t krhino_task_yield(void);
ktask_t *krhino_cur_task_get(void);
kstat_t krhino_task_suspend(ktask_t *task);
kstat_t krhino_task_resume(ktask_t *task);
# 228 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_task.h"
kstat_t krhino_task_stack_min_free(ktask_t *task, size_t *free);
# 237 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_task.h"
kstat_t krhino_task_stack_cur_free(ktask_t *task, size_t *free);
# 246 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_task.h"
kstat_t krhino_task_pri_change(ktask_t *task, uint8_t pri, uint8_t *old_pri);
kstat_t krhino_task_wait_abort(ktask_t *task);
# 264 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_task.h"
kstat_t krhino_task_time_slice_set(ktask_t *task, size_t slice);
kstat_t krhino_sched_policy_set(ktask_t *task, uint8_t policy);
kstat_t krhino_sched_policy_get(ktask_t *task, uint8_t *policy);
# 290 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_task.h"
kstat_t krhino_task_info_set(ktask_t *task, size_t idx, void *info);
kstat_t krhino_task_info_get(ktask_t *task, size_t idx, void **info);
void krhino_task_deathbed(void);
# 27 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_api.h" 2
# 1 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_ringbuf.h" 1
# 33 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_ringbuf.h"
typedef struct {
uint8_t *buf;
uint8_t *end;
uint8_t *head;
uint8_t *tail;
size_t freesize;
size_t type;
size_t blk_size;
} k_ringbuf_t;
# 28 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_api.h" 2
# 1 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_queue.h" 1
# 11 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_queue.h"
typedef struct {
void **queue_start;
size_t size;
size_t cur_num;
size_t peak_num;
} msg_q_t;
typedef struct {
msg_q_t msg_q;
klist_t *pend_entry;
} msg_info_t;
typedef struct queue_s {
blk_obj_t blk_obj;
k_ringbuf_t ringbuf;
msg_q_t msg_q;
klist_t queue_item;
uint8_t mm_alloc_flag;
} kqueue_t;
# 41 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_queue.h"
kstat_t krhino_queue_create(kqueue_t *queue, const name_t *name, void **start,
size_t msg_num);
kstat_t krhino_queue_del(kqueue_t *queue);
# 59 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_queue.h"
kstat_t krhino_queue_dyn_create(kqueue_t **queue, const name_t *name,
size_t msg_num);
kstat_t krhino_queue_dyn_del(kqueue_t *queue);
# 76 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_queue.h"
kstat_t krhino_queue_back_send(kqueue_t *queue, void *msg);
kstat_t krhino_queue_all_send(kqueue_t *queue, void *msg);
# 93 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_queue.h"
kstat_t krhino_queue_recv(kqueue_t *queue, tick_t ticks, void **msg);
kstat_t krhino_queue_is_full(kqueue_t *queue);
kstat_t krhino_queue_flush(kqueue_t *queue);
kstat_t krhino_queue_info_get(kqueue_t *queue, msg_info_t *info);
# 29 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_api.h" 2
# 1 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_buf_queue.h" 1
typedef struct {
blk_obj_t blk_obj;
void *buf;
k_ringbuf_t ringbuf;
size_t max_msg_size;
size_t cur_num;
size_t peak_num;
size_t min_free_buf_size;
klist_t buf_queue_item;
uint8_t mm_alloc_flag;
} kbuf_queue_t;
typedef struct {
size_t buf_size;
size_t max_msg_size;
size_t cur_num;
size_t peak_num;
size_t free_buf_size;
size_t min_free_buf_size;
} kbuf_queue_info_t;
# 40 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_buf_queue.h"
kstat_t krhino_buf_queue_create(kbuf_queue_t *queue, const name_t *name,
void *buf,
size_t size, size_t max_msg);
# 53 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_buf_queue.h"
kstat_t krhino_fix_buf_queue_create(kbuf_queue_t *queue, const name_t *name,
void *buf, size_t msg_size, size_t msg_num);
kstat_t krhino_buf_queue_del(kbuf_queue_t *queue);
# 72 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_buf_queue.h"
kstat_t krhino_buf_queue_dyn_create(kbuf_queue_t **queue, const name_t *name,
size_t size, size_t max_msg);
kstat_t krhino_buf_queue_dyn_del(kbuf_queue_t *queue);
# 90 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_buf_queue.h"
kstat_t krhino_buf_queue_send(kbuf_queue_t *queue, void *msg, size_t size);
# 101 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_buf_queue.h"
kstat_t krhino_buf_queue_recv(kbuf_queue_t *queue, tick_t ticks, void *msg,
size_t *size);
kstat_t krhino_buf_queue_flush(kbuf_queue_t *queue);
# 118 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_buf_queue.h"
kstat_t krhino_buf_queue_info_get(kbuf_queue_t *queue, kbuf_queue_info_t *info);
# 30 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_api.h" 2
# 1 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_sem.h" 1
# 11 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_sem.h"
typedef struct sem_s {
blk_obj_t blk_obj;
sem_count_t count;
sem_count_t peak_count;
klist_t sem_item;
uint8_t mm_alloc_flag;
} ksem_t;
# 28 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_sem.h"
kstat_t krhino_sem_create(ksem_t *sem, const name_t *name, sem_count_t count);
kstat_t krhino_sem_del(ksem_t *sem);
# 45 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_sem.h"
kstat_t krhino_sem_dyn_create(ksem_t **sem, const name_t *name,
sem_count_t count);
kstat_t krhino_sem_dyn_del(ksem_t *sem);
kstat_t krhino_sem_give(ksem_t *sem);
kstat_t krhino_sem_give_all(ksem_t *sem);
kstat_t krhino_sem_take(ksem_t *sem, tick_t ticks);
kstat_t krhino_sem_count_set(ksem_t *sem, sem_count_t count);
kstat_t krhino_sem_count_get(ksem_t *sem, sem_count_t *count);
# 31 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_api.h" 2
# 1 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_task_sem.h" 1
# 16 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_task_sem.h"
kstat_t krhino_task_sem_create(ktask_t *task, ksem_t *sem, const name_t *name,
size_t count);
kstat_t krhino_task_sem_del(ktask_t *task);
kstat_t krhino_task_sem_give(ktask_t *task);
kstat_t krhino_task_sem_take(tick_t ticks);
kstat_t krhino_task_sem_count_set(ktask_t *task, sem_count_t count);
kstat_t krhino_task_sem_count_get(ktask_t *task, sem_count_t *count);
# 32 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_api.h" 2
# 1 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_mutex.h" 1
typedef struct mutex_s {
blk_obj_t blk_obj;
ktask_t *mutex_task;
struct mutex_s *mutex_list;
mutex_nested_t owner_nested;
klist_t mutex_item;
uint8_t mm_alloc_flag;
} kmutex_t;
kstat_t krhino_mutex_create(kmutex_t *mutex, const name_t *name);
kstat_t krhino_mutex_del(kmutex_t *mutex);
# 43 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_mutex.h"
kstat_t krhino_mutex_dyn_create(kmutex_t **mutex, const name_t *name);
kstat_t krhino_mutex_dyn_del(kmutex_t *mutex);
# 59 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_mutex.h"
kstat_t krhino_mutex_lock(kmutex_t *mutex, tick_t ticks);
kstat_t krhino_mutex_unlock(kmutex_t *mutex);
# 33 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_api.h" 2
# 1 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_timer.h" 1
enum {
typedef void (*timer_cb_t)(void *timer, void *arg);
typedef struct {
klist_t timer_list;
klist_t *to_head;
const name_t *name;
timer_cb_t cb;
void *timer_cb_arg;
sys_time_t match;
sys_time_t remain;
sys_time_t init_count;
sys_time_t round_ticks;
void *priv;
kobj_type_t obj_type;
uint8_t timer_state;
uint8_t mm_alloc_flag;
} ktimer_t;
typedef struct {
ktimer_t *timer;
uint8_t cb_num;
sys_time_t first;
union {
sys_time_t round;
void *arg;
} u;
} k_timer_queue_cb;
typedef enum {
} k_timer_state_t;
# 63 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_timer.h"
kstat_t krhino_timer_create(ktimer_t *timer, const name_t *name, timer_cb_t cb,
sys_time_t first, sys_time_t round, void *arg, uint8_t auto_run);
kstat_t krhino_timer_del(ktimer_t *timer);
# 85 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_timer.h"
kstat_t krhino_timer_dyn_create(ktimer_t **timer, const name_t *name,
timer_cb_t cb,
sys_time_t first, sys_time_t round, void *arg, uint8_t auto_run);
kstat_t krhino_timer_dyn_del(ktimer_t *timer);
kstat_t krhino_timer_start(ktimer_t *timer);
kstat_t krhino_timer_stop(ktimer_t *timer);
# 117 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_timer.h"
kstat_t krhino_timer_change(ktimer_t *timer, sys_time_t first, sys_time_t round);
# 126 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_timer.h"
kstat_t krhino_timer_arg_change_auto(ktimer_t *timer, void *arg);
kstat_t krhino_timer_arg_change(ktimer_t *timer, void *arg);
# 34 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_api.h" 2
# 1 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_time.h" 1
# 12 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_time.h"
void krhino_tick_proc(void);
sys_time_t krhino_sys_time_get(void);
sys_time_t krhino_sys_tick_get(void);
tick_t krhino_ms_to_ticks(sys_time_t ms);
sys_time_t krhino_ticks_to_ms(tick_t ticks);
# 35 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_api.h" 2
# 1 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_event.h" 1
typedef struct {
blk_obj_t blk_obj;
uint32_t flags;
klist_t event_item;
uint8_t mm_alloc_flag;
} kevent_t;
# 34 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_event.h"
kstat_t krhino_event_create(kevent_t *event, const name_t *name, uint32_t flags);
kstat_t krhino_event_del(kevent_t *event);
# 51 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_event.h"
kstat_t krhino_event_dyn_create(kevent_t **event, const name_t *name,
uint32_t flags);
kstat_t krhino_event_dyn_del(kevent_t *event);
# 71 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_event.h"
kstat_t krhino_event_get(kevent_t *event, uint32_t flags, uint8_t opt,
uint32_t *actl_flags, tick_t ticks);
# 81 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_event.h"
kstat_t krhino_event_set(kevent_t *event, uint32_t flags, uint8_t opt);
# 36 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_api.h" 2
# 1 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_stats.h" 1
# 9 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_stats.h"
void kobj_list_init(void);
void krhino_stack_ovf_check(void);
# 37 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_api.h" 2
# 1 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_mm_debug.h" 1
# 15 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_mm_debug.h"
typedef struct {
void *start;
void *end;
} mm_scan_region_t;
# 1 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_mm.h" 1
# 78 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_mm.h"
typedef struct free_ptr_struct {
struct k_mm_list_struct *prev;
struct k_mm_list_struct *next;
} free_ptr_t;
typedef struct k_mm_list_struct {
size_t dye;
size_t owner;
struct k_mm_list_struct *prev;
size_t buf_size;
union {
struct free_ptr_struct free_ptr;
uint8_t buffer[1];
} mbinfo;
} k_mm_list_t;
typedef struct k_mm_region_info_struct {
k_mm_list_t *end;
struct k_mm_region_info_struct *next;
} k_mm_region_info_t;
typedef struct {
kspinlock_t mm_lock;
k_mm_region_info_t *regioninfo;
void *fix_pool;
size_t used_size;
size_t maxused_size;
size_t free_size;
size_t alloc_times[(19 - 6 + 2)];
uint32_t free_bitmap;
k_mm_list_t *freelist[(19 - 6 + 2)];
} k_mm_head;
kstat_t krhino_init_mm_head(k_mm_head **ppmmhead, void *addr, size_t len );
kstat_t krhino_deinit_mm_head(k_mm_head *mmhead);
kstat_t krhino_add_mm_region(k_mm_head *mmhead, void *addr, size_t len);
void *k_mm_alloc(k_mm_head *mmhead, size_t size);
void k_mm_free(k_mm_head *mmhead, void *ptr);
void *k_mm_realloc(k_mm_head *mmhead, void *oldmem, size_t new_size);
void *krhino_mm_alloc(size_t size);
void krhino_mm_free(void *ptr);
void *krhino_mm_realloc(void *oldmem, size_t newsize);
# 22 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_mm_debug.h" 2
void krhino_owner_attach(k_mm_head *mmhead, void *addr, size_t allocator);
uint32_t krhino_mm_leak_region_init(void *start, void *end);
uint32_t dumpsys_mm_info_func(uint32_t len);
uint32_t dump_mmleak(void);
# 38 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_api.h" 2
# 1 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_mm_blk.h" 1
typedef struct {
const name_t *pool_name;
void *pool_end;
void *pool_start;
size_t blk_size;
size_t blk_avail;
size_t blk_whole;
uint8_t *avail_list;
kspinlock_t blk_lock;
klist_t mblkpool_stats_item;
} mblk_pool_t;
# 31 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_mm_blk.h"
kstat_t krhino_mblk_pool_init(mblk_pool_t *pool, const name_t *name,
void *pool_start,
size_t blk_size, size_t pool_size);
kstat_t krhino_mblk_alloc(mblk_pool_t *pool, void **blk);
kstat_t krhino_mblk_free(mblk_pool_t *pool, void *blk);
# 39 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_api.h" 2
# 1 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_mm_region.h" 1
typedef struct {
uint8_t *start;
size_t len;
} k_mm_region_t;
# 40 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_api.h" 2
# 1 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_workqueue.h" 1
# 11 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_workqueue.h"
typedef void (*work_handle_t)(void *arg);
typedef struct {
klist_t work_node;
work_handle_t handle;
void *arg;
tick_t dly;
ktimer_t *timer;
void *wq;
uint8_t work_exit;
} kwork_t;
typedef struct {
klist_t workqueue_node;
klist_t work_list;
kwork_t *work_current;
const name_t *name;
ktask_t worker;
ksem_t sem;
} kworkqueue_t;
# 41 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_workqueue.h"
kstat_t krhino_workqueue_create(kworkqueue_t *workqueue, const name_t *name,
uint8_t pri, cpu_stack_t *stack_buf, size_t stack_size);
# 52 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_workqueue.h"
kstat_t krhino_work_init(kwork_t *work, work_handle_t handle, void *arg,
tick_t dly);
kstat_t krhino_work_run(kworkqueue_t *workqueue, kwork_t *work);
kstat_t krhino_work_sched(kwork_t *work);
kstat_t krhino_work_cancel(kwork_t *work);
# 42 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_api.h" 2
# 1 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_internal.h" 1
extern kstat_t g_sys_stat;
extern uint8_t g_idle_task_spawned[1];
extern runqueue_t g_ready_queue;
extern uint8_t g_sched_lock[1];
extern uint8_t g_intrpt_nested_level[1];
extern ktask_t *g_preferred_ready_task[1];
extern ktask_t *g_active_task[1];
extern ktask_t g_idle_task[1];
extern idle_count_t g_idle_count[1];
extern cpu_stack_t g_idle_task_stack[1][200];
extern tick_t g_tick_count;
extern klist_t g_tick_head;
extern kobj_list_t g_kobj_list;
extern klist_t g_timer_head;
extern sys_time_t g_timer_count;
extern ktask_t g_timer_task;
extern cpu_stack_t g_timer_task_stack[300];
extern kbuf_queue_t g_timer_queue;
extern k_timer_queue_cb timer_queue_cb[20];
# 74 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_internal.h"
extern ksem_t g_res_sem;
extern klist_t g_res_list;
extern ktask_t g_dyn_task;
extern cpu_stack_t g_dyn_task_stack[256];
extern klist_t g_workqueue_list_head;
extern kmutex_t g_workqueue_mutex;
extern kworkqueue_t g_workqueue_default;
extern cpu_stack_t g_workqueue_stack[768];
extern k_mm_head *g_kmm_head;
# 115 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_internal.h"
typedef struct {
size_t cnt;
void *res[4];
klist_t res_list;
} res_free_t;
ktask_t *preferred_cpu_ready_task_get(runqueue_t *rq, uint8_t cpu_num);
void core_sched(void);
void runqueue_init(runqueue_t *rq);
void ready_list_add(runqueue_t *rq, ktask_t *task);
void ready_list_add_head(runqueue_t *rq, ktask_t *task);
void ready_list_add_tail(runqueue_t *rq, ktask_t *task);
void ready_list_rm(runqueue_t *rq, ktask_t *task);
void ready_list_head_to_tail(runqueue_t *rq, ktask_t *task);
void time_slice_update(void);
void timer_task_sched(void);
void pend_list_reorder(ktask_t *task);
void pend_task_wakeup(ktask_t *task);
void pend_to_blk_obj(blk_obj_t *blk_obj, ktask_t *task, tick_t timeout);
void pend_task_rm(ktask_t *task);
kstat_t pend_state_end_proc(ktask_t *task);
void idle_task(void *p_arg);
void idle_count_set(idle_count_t value);
idle_count_t idle_count_get(void);
void tick_list_init(void);
void tick_task_start(void);
void tick_list_rm(ktask_t *task);
void tick_list_insert(ktask_t *task, tick_t time);
void tick_list_update(tick_i_t ticks);
uint8_t mutex_pri_limit(ktask_t *tcb, uint8_t pri);
void mutex_task_pri_reset(ktask_t *tcb);
uint8_t mutex_pri_look(ktask_t *tcb, kmutex_t *mutex_rel);
kstat_t task_pri_change(ktask_t *task, uint8_t new_pri);
void k_err_proc(kstat_t err);
void ktimer_init(void);
void intrpt_disable_measure_start(void);
void intrpt_disable_measure_stop(void);
void dyn_mem_proc_task_start(void);
void cpu_usage_stats_start(void);
kstat_t ringbuf_init(k_ringbuf_t *p_ringbuf, void *buf, size_t len, size_t type,
size_t block_size);
kstat_t ringbuf_reset(k_ringbuf_t *p_ringbuf);
kstat_t ringbuf_push(k_ringbuf_t *p_ringbuf, void *data, size_t len);
kstat_t ringbuf_head_push(k_ringbuf_t *p_ringbuf, void *data, size_t len);
kstat_t ringbuf_pop(k_ringbuf_t *p_ringbuf, void *pdata, size_t *plen);
uint8_t ringbuf_is_full(k_ringbuf_t *p_ringbuf);
uint8_t ringbuf_is_empty(k_ringbuf_t *p_ringbuf);
void workqueue_init(void);
void k_mm_init(void);
# 43 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_api.h" 2
# 1 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_trace.h" 1
# 44 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_api.h" 2
# 1 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_soc.h" 1
# 35 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_soc.h"
void soc_err_proc(kstat_t err);
size_t soc_get_cur_sp(void);
# 45 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_api.h" 2
# 1 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_hook.h" 1
# 46 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_api.h" 2
# 1 "././platform/arch/arm/armv5/./gcc/port.h" 1
size_t cpu_intrpt_save(void);
void cpu_intrpt_restore(size_t cpsr);
void cpu_intrpt_switch(void);
void cpu_task_switch(void);
void cpu_first_task_start(void);
void *cpu_task_stack_init(cpu_stack_t *base, size_t size, void *arg, task_entry_t entry);
static inline uint8_t cpu_cur_get(void)
return 0;
# 47 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_api.h" 2
# 1 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_endian.h" 1
# 48 "./kernel/rhino/core/include/k_api.h" 2
# 7 "platform/mcu/moc108/aos/aos_main.c" 2
# 1 "./include/aos/kernel.h" 1
# 1 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/5.4.1/include/stddef.h" 1 3 4
# 9 "./include/aos/kernel.h" 2
# 1 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/sys/types.h" 1 3
# 28 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/sys/types.h" 3
# 28 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/sys/types.h" 3
typedef __uint8_t u_int8_t;
typedef __uint16_t u_int16_t;
typedef __uint32_t u_int32_t;
typedef __uint64_t u_int64_t;
typedef int register_t;
# 62 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/sys/types.h" 3
# 1 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/5.4.1/include/stddef.h" 1 3 4
# 63 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/sys/types.h" 2 3
# 1 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/machine/endian.h" 1 3
# 1 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/machine/_endian.h" 1 3
# 7 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/machine/endian.h" 2 3
# 68 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/sys/types.h" 2 3
# 1 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/sys/select.h" 1 3
# 25 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/sys/select.h" 3
# 1 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/sys/_sigset.h" 1 3
# 41 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/sys/_sigset.h" 3
typedef unsigned long __sigset_t;
# 26 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/sys/select.h" 2 3
# 1 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/sys/_timeval.h" 1 3
# 35 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/sys/_timeval.h" 3
typedef __suseconds_t suseconds_t;
typedef long time_t;
# 52 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/sys/_timeval.h" 3
struct timeval {
time_t tv_sec;
suseconds_t tv_usec;
# 27 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/sys/select.h" 2 3
# 1 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/sys/timespec.h" 1 3
# 38 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/sys/timespec.h" 3
# 1 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/sys/_timespec.h" 1 3
# 45 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/sys/_timespec.h" 3
struct timespec {
time_t tv_sec;
long tv_nsec;
# 39 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/sys/timespec.h" 2 3
# 58 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/sys/timespec.h" 3
struct itimerspec {
struct timespec it_interval;
struct timespec it_value;
# 28 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/sys/select.h" 2 3
typedef __sigset_t sigset_t;
# 45 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/sys/select.h" 3
typedef unsigned long fd_mask;
typedef struct _types_fd_set {
fd_mask fds_bits[(((64)+(((sizeof (fd_mask) * 8))-1))/((sizeof (fd_mask) * 8)))];
} _types_fd_set;
# 71 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/sys/select.h" 3
int select (int __n, _types_fd_set *__readfds, _types_fd_set *__writefds, _types_fd_set *__exceptfds, struct timeval *__timeout)
int pselect (int __n, _types_fd_set *__readfds, _types_fd_set *__writefds, _types_fd_set *__exceptfds, const struct timespec *__timeout, const sigset_t *__set)
# 69 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/sys/types.h" 2 3
typedef __uint32_t in_addr_t;
typedef __uint16_t in_port_t;
# 87 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/sys/types.h" 3
typedef unsigned char u_char;
typedef unsigned short u_short;
typedef unsigned int u_int;
typedef unsigned long u_long;
typedef unsigned short ushort;
typedef unsigned int uint;
typedef unsigned long ulong;
typedef __blkcnt_t blkcnt_t;
typedef __blksize_t blksize_t;
typedef unsigned long clock_t;
# 135 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/sys/types.h" 3
typedef long daddr_t;
typedef char * caddr_t;
typedef __fsblkcnt_t fsblkcnt_t;
typedef __fsfilcnt_t fsfilcnt_t;
typedef __id_t id_t;
typedef __ino_t ino_t;
# 173 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/sys/types.h" 3
typedef __off_t off_t;
typedef __dev_t dev_t;
typedef __uid_t uid_t;
typedef __gid_t gid_t;
typedef __pid_t pid_t;
typedef __key_t key_t;
typedef _ssize_t ssize_t;
typedef __mode_t mode_t;
typedef __nlink_t nlink_t;
typedef __clockid_t clockid_t;
typedef __timer_t timer_t;
typedef __useconds_t useconds_t;
# 236 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/sys/types.h" 3
typedef __int64_t sbintime_t;
# 465 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/sys/types.h" 3
# 1 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/machine/types.h" 1 3
# 466 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/arm-none-eabi/include/sys/types.h" 2 3
# 10 "./include/aos/kernel.h" 2
# 19 "./include/aos/kernel.h"
# 19 "./include/aos/kernel.h"
typedef struct {
void *hdl;
} aos_hdl_t;
typedef aos_hdl_t aos_task_t;
typedef aos_hdl_t aos_mutex_t;
typedef aos_hdl_t aos_sem_t;
typedef aos_hdl_t aos_queue_t;
typedef aos_hdl_t aos_timer_t;
typedef aos_hdl_t aos_work_t;
typedef aos_hdl_t aos_event_t;
typedef struct {
void *hdl;
void *stk;
} aos_workqueue_t;
typedef unsigned int aos_task_key_t;
void aos_reboot(void);
int aos_get_hz(void);
const char *aos_version_get(void);
# 67 "./include/aos/kernel.h"
int aos_task_new(const char *name, void (*fn)(void *), void *arg, int stack_size);
# 82 "./include/aos/kernel.h"
int aos_task_new_ext(aos_task_t *task, const char *name, void (*fn)(void *), void *arg,
int stack_size, int prio);
void aos_task_exit(int code);
const char *aos_task_name(void);
# 106 "./include/aos/kernel.h"
int aos_task_key_create(aos_task_key_t *key);
void aos_task_key_delete(aos_task_key_t key);
# 123 "./include/aos/kernel.h"
int aos_task_setspecific(aos_task_key_t key, void *vp);
void *aos_task_getspecific(aos_task_key_t key);
# 140 "./include/aos/kernel.h"
int aos_mutex_new(aos_mutex_t *mutex);
void aos_mutex_free(aos_mutex_t *mutex);
# 158 "./include/aos/kernel.h"
int aos_mutex_lock(aos_mutex_t *mutex, unsigned int timeout);
# 167 "./include/aos/kernel.h"
int aos_mutex_unlock(aos_mutex_t *mutex);
# 176 "./include/aos/kernel.h"
int aos_mutex_is_valid(aos_mutex_t *mutex);
# 187 "./include/aos/kernel.h"
int aos_sem_new(aos_sem_t *sem, int count);
void aos_sem_free(aos_sem_t *sem);
# 205 "./include/aos/kernel.h"
int aos_sem_wait(aos_sem_t *sem, unsigned int timeout);
void aos_sem_signal(aos_sem_t *sem);
# 221 "./include/aos/kernel.h"
int aos_sem_is_valid(aos_sem_t *sem);
void aos_sem_signal_all(aos_sem_t *sem);
# 240 "./include/aos/kernel.h"
int aos_event_new(aos_event_t *event, unsigned int flags);
# 251 "./include/aos/kernel.h"
void aos_event_free(aos_event_t *event);
# 272 "./include/aos/kernel.h"
int aos_event_get(aos_event_t *event, unsigned int flags, unsigned char opt,
unsigned int *actl_flags, unsigned int timeout);
# 286 "./include/aos/kernel.h"
int aos_event_set(aos_event_t *event, unsigned int flags, unsigned char opt);
# 299 "./include/aos/kernel.h"
int aos_queue_new(aos_queue_t *queue, void *buf, unsigned int size, int max_msg);
void aos_queue_free(aos_queue_t *queue);
# 317 "./include/aos/kernel.h"
int aos_queue_send(aos_queue_t *queue, void *msg, unsigned int size);
# 329 "./include/aos/kernel.h"
int aos_queue_recv(aos_queue_t *queue, unsigned int ms, void *msg, unsigned int *size);
# 338 "./include/aos/kernel.h"
int aos_queue_is_valid(aos_queue_t *queue);
# 347 "./include/aos/kernel.h"
void *aos_queue_buf_ptr(aos_queue_t *queue);
# 360 "./include/aos/kernel.h"
int aos_timer_new(aos_timer_t *timer, void (*fn)(void *, void *),
void *arg, int ms, int repeat);
# 375 "./include/aos/kernel.h"
int aos_timer_new_ext(aos_timer_t *timer, void (*fn)(void *, void *),
void *arg, int ms, int repeat, unsigned char auto_run);
void aos_timer_free(aos_timer_t *timer);
# 392 "./include/aos/kernel.h"
int aos_timer_start(aos_timer_t *timer);
# 401 "./include/aos/kernel.h"
int aos_timer_stop(aos_timer_t *timer);
# 411 "./include/aos/kernel.h"
int aos_timer_change(aos_timer_t *timer, int ms);
# 422 "./include/aos/kernel.h"
int aos_workqueue_create(aos_workqueue_t *workqueue, int pri, int stack_size);
# 434 "./include/aos/kernel.h"
int aos_work_init(aos_work_t *work, void (*fn)(void *), void *arg, int dly);
void aos_work_destroy(aos_work_t *work);
# 451 "./include/aos/kernel.h"
int aos_work_run(aos_workqueue_t *workqueue, aos_work_t *work);
# 460 "./include/aos/kernel.h"
int aos_work_sched(aos_work_t *work);
# 469 "./include/aos/kernel.h"
int aos_work_cancel(aos_work_t *work);
# 479 "./include/aos/kernel.h"
void *aos_realloc(void *mem, unsigned int size);
# 488 "./include/aos/kernel.h"
void *aos_malloc(unsigned int size);
# 497 "./include/aos/kernel.h"
void *aos_zalloc(unsigned int size);
void aos_alloc_trace(void *addr, size_t allocator);
void aos_free(void *mem);
long long aos_now(void);
long long aos_now_ms(void);
void aos_msleep(int ms);
void aos_init(void);
void aos_start(void);
# 8 "platform/mcu/moc108/aos/aos_main.c" 2
# 1 "./include/aos/init.h" 1
# 1 "/home/stone/Documents/Ali_IOT/build/compiler/gcc-arm-none-eabi/Linux64/lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/5.4.1/include/stdbool.h" 1 3 4
# 9 "./include/aos/init.h" 2
typedef struct {
int argc;
char **argv;
# 15 "./include/aos/init.h" 3 4
# 15 "./include/aos/init.h"
} kinit_t;
extern int aos_kernel_init(kinit_t *kinit);
# 9 "platform/mcu/moc108/aos/aos_main.c" 2
ktask_t *g_aos_init;
extern void board_init(void);
static kinit_t kinit = {
.argc = 0,
.argv =
# 18 "platform/mcu/moc108/aos/aos_main.c" 3 4
((void *)0)
# 18 "platform/mcu/moc108/aos/aos_main.c"
.cli_enable = 1
static void sys_init(void)
int i = 0;
void sys_start(void)
krhino_task_dyn_create(&g_aos_init, "aos-init", 0, 32, 0, 2048, sys_init, 1);
the_stack_data/14818.c | struct __s1 {
int x;
int y;
int z;
typedef struct __s1 S1;
int main(){
S1 l1;
l1.y = 5; /*IN*/
l1.z = 666; /*IN*/
l1.x = l1.y; /*IN*/
return l1.x; /*IN*/
the_stack_data/54824044.c | #include <stdio.h>
long long f(long long);
int main()
long long m,n,x;
return 0;
long long f(long long u)
return 1;
return u*f(u-1);
} |
the_stack_data/193893310.c | // bin2c.c
// convert a binary file into a C source vector
// THE "BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 3.1415):
// sandro AT sigala DOT it wrote this file. As long as you retain this notice you can do
// whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think this stuff is
// worth it, you can buy me a beer in return. Sandro Sigala
// syntax: bin2c [-c] [-z] <input_file> <output_file>
// -c add the "const" keyword to definition
// -z terminate the array with a zero (useful for embedded C strings)
// examples:
// bin2c -c myimage.png myimage_png.cpp
// bin2c -z sometext.txt sometext_txt.cpp
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#ifndef PATH_MAX
#define PATH_MAX 1024
int useconst = 0;
int zeroterminated = 0;
int myfgetc(FILE *f)
int c = fgetc(f);
if (c == EOF && zeroterminated) {
zeroterminated = 0;
return 0;
return c;
char* str2upr(char *s)
char * r = calloc(strlen(s)+1, sizeof(char));
int i = 0;
r[i] = toupper(*s);
return r;
void process(const char *ifname, const char *ofname)
FILE *ifile, *ofile;
ifile = fopen(ifname, "rb");
if (ifile == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "cannot open %s for reading\n", ifname);
ofile = fopen(ofname, "wb");
if (ofile == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "cannot open %s for writing\n", ofname);
char buf[PATH_MAX], *p;
const char *cp;
if ((cp = strrchr(ifname, '/')) != NULL)
else {
if ((cp = strrchr(ifname, '\\')) != NULL)
cp = ifname;
strcpy(buf, cp);
for (p = buf; *p != '\0'; ++p)
if (!isalnum(*p))
*p = '_';
fprintf(ofile, "#ifndef %s_H\n#define %s_H\nstatic %sunsigned char %s[] = {\n",
str2upr(buf), str2upr(buf), useconst ? "const " : "", buf);
int c, col = 1;
while ((c = myfgetc(ifile)) != EOF) {
if (col >= 78 - 6) {
fputc('\n', ofile);
col = 1;
fprintf(ofile, "0x%.2x, ", c);
col += 6;
fprintf(ofile, "\n};\n#endif\n");
void usage(void)
fprintf(stderr, "usage: bin2c [-cz] <input_file> <output_file>\n");
int main(int argc, char **argv)
while (argc > 3) {
if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-c")) {
useconst = 1;
} else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-z")) {
zeroterminated = 1;
} else {
if (argc != 3) {
process(argv[1], argv[2]);
return 0;
the_stack_data/192330847.c | #include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
int n;
scanf("%d", &n);
int num = 0, i = 1;
int num1, num2;
for (i = 1; num < n; i++)
num += i;
if (n == 1)
else if (i % 2 == 0)
num1 = 1;
num2 = i-1;
for (int j = 0; j < num - n; j++)
printf("%d/%d", num1, num2);
num1 = i-1;
num2 = 1;
for (int j = 0; j < num - n; j++)
printf("%d/%d", num1, num2);
return 0;
the_stack_data/70451033.c | #include <stdio.h>
int main()
return 0;
the_stack_data/193892098.c | /* */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/poll.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <sys/select.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/uio.h>
#include <sys/un.h>
#include <sys/xattr.h>
#include <alloca.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <arpa/tftp.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <err.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
int main(void){return 0;}
the_stack_data/57951534.c | #include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct Node{
int data;
struct Node *next;
/* Insert At */
struct Node * insert_at(int value , struct Node *head , int house){
struct Node *temp = head;
struct Node *temp2;
struct Node *newVal;
newVal = (struct Node *)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
newVal->data = value;
int counter = 0;
while(counter != house - 1 ){
head = head->next;
temp2 = head->next;
head->next = newVal;
newVal->next = temp2;
return temp;
/* edit nth value */
struct Node * edit(int house, int newValue,struct Node *head){
struct Node *temp = head;
int counter = 0;
for(counter = 0 ; counter != house ; counter++){
head = head -> next;
head->data = newValue;
return temp;
/* delete by index (delete at) */
struct Node * delete_by_index(int index , struct Node *head){
int counter = 0;
struct Node *temp = head;
struct Node *temp2= (struct Node *)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
while(counter != index - 1){
head = head->next;
temp2 = head->next;
head->next = head->next->next;
return temp;
/* delete by data */
struct Node * delete_by_value(int number , struct Node *head){
struct Node *temp = head;
struct Node *temp2= (struct Node *)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
while(head->next != NULL){
if(head->next->data == number){
temp2 = head->next;
head->next = head->next->next;
return temp;
head = head->next;
return temp;
/* SEARCH */
int search(int number , struct Node *head){
if(head == NULL){
return 0;
while(head->next != NULL){
if(number == head->data)
return 1;
head = head->next;
if(number == head->data)
return 1;
return 0;
/* add first */
struct Node *add_first(int newValue , struct Node *head){
struct Node *temp;
temp = (struct Node *)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
temp->data = newValue;
temp->next = head;
return temp;
struct Node *delete_first(struct Node *head){
struct Node *new_head;
new_head = (struct Node *)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
if(head == NULL){
printf("The list is empty.");
return new_head;
else if(head->next == NULL){
new_head = NULL;
return new_head;
new_head = head->next;
return new_head;
struct Node *delete_last(struct Node *head){
struct Node *temp = head;
/* if there is only one item in the list, remove it */
if(head->next == NULL){
return temp;
/* if there is more than one item in the list, remove the last one */
while(head->next->next != NULL)
head = head->next;
head->next = NULL;
head = head->next;
return temp;
void delete_list(struct Node *head){
struct Node *temp;
while(head->next != NULL){
temp = head->next;
head = temp;
temp->next = NULL;
/* get (return value of nth house) */
int get(int house , struct Node *head){
struct Node *temp = head;
int counter = 0;
while(counter != house){
temp = temp->next;
return temp->data;
/* length */
int listlen(struct Node *head){
struct Node *temp = head;
int counter = 0;
while(temp->next != NULL){
temp = temp->next;
return ++counter;
/* function to swap data of two nodes a and b*/
void swap(struct Node *a, struct Node *b)
int temp = a->data;
a->data = b->data;
b->data = temp;
/* Bubble sort */
void bubbleSort(struct Node *head) {
int swapped = 1;
struct Node *temp1;
struct Node *temp2 = NULL;
/* Checking for empty list or only one element */
if (head == NULL || head->next == NULL)
while(swapped != 0){
swapped = 0;
temp1 = head;
while (temp1->next != temp2) {
if (temp1->data > temp1->next->data) {
swap(temp1, temp1->next);
swapped = 1;
temp1 = temp1->next;
temp2 = temp1;
/* PRINT */
void printList(struct Node *head){
while (head != NULL){
printf("%d ", head->data);
head = head->next;
/* ADD LAST */
struct Node *add(int data , struct Node *head){
if(head == NULL){
struct Node * new_head = (struct Node *)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
new_head -> data = data;
new_head -> next = NULL;
return new_head;
struct Node *new_node = (struct Node *)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
struct Node *temp = head;
new_node -> data = data;
new_node -> next = NULL;
while(temp->next != NULL)
temp = temp->next;
temp->next = new_node;
return head;
void hash_add(int number , struct Node * array[]){
array[number % 10] = add(number , array[number % 10]);
int hash_search(int number , struct Node * array[]){
int hashed_number = number % 10;
struct Node * head = array[hashed_number];
return search(number , head);
int main(int argc, char const *argv[]){
struct Node * array[11] = {NULL};
printf("%d\n" , array[2]->data);
printf("%d\n" , array[2]->next->data);
printf("%d\n" , array[5]->data);
printf("%d\n" , hash_search(22,array));
printf("%d\n" , hash_search(23,array));
return 0;
the_stack_data/1025081.c | #if (EPD_W26)
#include "epd_wxx_hal.h"
#include "epd_w26.h"
const static uint8_t cgnPic_white[EPD_FULLBUF_SIZE] = {0};
uint8_t cgnDisplayBuff[EPD_FULLBUF_SIZE] = {0};
//////////////////////////////////////full screen update LUT////////////////////////////////////////////
const unsigned char lut_vcomDC[] ={
0x00 ,0x08 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x02,
0x60 ,0x28 ,0x28 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x01,
0x00 ,0x14 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x01,
0x00 ,0x12 ,0x12 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x01,
0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00,
0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00,
0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00
,0x00 ,0x00, };
const unsigned char lut_ww[] ={
0x40 ,0x08 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x02,
0x90 ,0x28 ,0x28 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x01,
0x40 ,0x14 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x01,
0xA0 ,0x12 ,0x12 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x01,
0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00,
0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00,
0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00, };
const unsigned char lut_bw[] ={
0x40 ,0x17 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x02 ,
0x90 ,0x0F ,0x0F ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x03 ,
0x40 ,0x0A ,0x01 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x01 ,
0xA0 ,0x0E ,0x0E ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x02 ,
0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,
0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,
0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 , };
const unsigned char lut_wb[] ={
0x80 ,0x08 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x02,
0x90 ,0x28 ,0x28 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x01,
0x80 ,0x14 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x01,
0x50 ,0x12 ,0x12 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x01,
0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00,
0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00,
0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00, };
const unsigned char lut_bb[] ={
0x80 ,0x08 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x02,
0x90 ,0x28 ,0x28 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x01,
0x80 ,0x14 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x01,
0x50 ,0x12 ,0x12 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x01,
0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00,
0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00,
0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00, };
/////////////////////////////////////partial screen update LUT///////////////////////////////////////////
const unsigned char lut_vcom1[] ={
0x00 ,0x19 ,0x01 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x01,
0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00,
0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00,
0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00,
0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00,
0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00,
0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00
,0x00 ,0x00, };
const unsigned char lut_ww1[] ={
0x00 ,0x19 ,0x01 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x01,
0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00,
0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00,
0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00,
0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00,
0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00,
0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00,};
const unsigned char lut_bw1[] ={
0x80 ,0x19 ,0x01 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x01,
0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00,
0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00,
0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00,
0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00,
0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00,
0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00, };
const unsigned char lut_wb1[] ={
0x40 ,0x19 ,0x01 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x01,
0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00,
0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00,
0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00,
0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00,
0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00,
0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00, };
const unsigned char lut_bb1[] ={
0x00 ,0x19 ,0x01 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x01,
0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00,
0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00,
0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00,
0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00,
0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00,
0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00, };
void EPD_Wxx_Reset(void)
EPD_Wxx_BS_0; // 4 wire spi mode selected
EPD_Wxx_RST_0; // Module reset
// epd_wxx_hal_delay_ms(100);
// EPD_Wxx_DispInit(); // pannel configure
// EPD_Wxx_WirteLUT(LUTDefault); // update wavefrom
void EPD_Wxx_SetRes(uint8_t hres, uint16_t vres)
epd_wxx_hal_write_cmd(EPD_Wxx_CMD_SETRES); //resolution setting
epd_wxx_hal_write_data_char (hres);
epd_wxx_hal_write_data_char ((vres >> 8) & 0x01);
epd_wxx_hal_write_data_char (vres&0xFF);
//Detection busy
void lcd_chkstatus(void)
uint16_t i = 0;
unsigned char busy = true;
busy = isEPD_Wxx_BUSY;
busy =!(busy & 0x01);
if(i > 10000)
NRF_LOG_WARNING("lcd_chkstatus TIMEOUT .");
NRF_LOG_INFO("lcd_chkstatus %d .", i);
epd_wxx_hal_delay_ms(2); //200
//LUT download
void lut_full(void)
unsigned int count;
EPD_Wxx_DC_D; // data write
SPI_WriteBuf(&lut_vcomDC, 44, true);
EPD_Wxx_DC_D; // data write
SPI_WriteBuf(&lut_ww, sizeof(lut_ww), true);
EPD_Wxx_DC_D; // data write
SPI_WriteBuf(&lut_bw, sizeof(lut_bw), true);
EPD_Wxx_DC_D; // data write
SPI_WriteBuf(&lut_wb, sizeof(lut_wb), true);
EPD_Wxx_DC_D; // data write
SPI_WriteBuf(&lut_bb, sizeof(lut_bb), true);
/////////////////////////////////////partial screen update LUT///////////////////////////////////////////
void lut_part(void)
unsigned int count;
EPD_Wxx_DC_D; // data write
SPI_WriteBuf(&lut_vcom1, sizeof(lut_vcom1), true);
EPD_Wxx_DC_D; // data write
SPI_WriteBuf(&lut_ww1, sizeof(lut_ww1), true);
EPD_Wxx_DC_D; // data write
SPI_WriteBuf(&lut_bw1, sizeof(lut_bw1), true);
EPD_Wxx_DC_D; // data write
SPI_WriteBuf(&lut_wb1, sizeof(lut_wb1), true);
EPD_Wxx_DC_D; // data write
SPI_WriteBuf(&lut_bb1, sizeof(lut_bb1), true);
/*************************EPD display init function******************************************************/
void EPD_display_init(void)
epd_wxx_hal_write_cmd (EPD_Wxx_CMD_PWR); //POWER SETTING
epd_wxx_hal_write_data_char (0x03);
epd_wxx_hal_write_data_char (0x00);
epd_wxx_hal_write_data_char (0x2b); //101011 11.0 V dft:100110 10.0V
epd_wxx_hal_write_data_char (0x2b); //101011 11.0 V dft:100110 10.0V
epd_wxx_hal_write_data_char (0x03);
epd_wxx_hal_write_cmd(EPD_Wxx_CMD_BTST); //boost soft start
epd_wxx_hal_write_data_char (0x17); //A
epd_wxx_hal_write_data_char (0x17); //B
epd_wxx_hal_write_data_char (0x17); //C
epd_wxx_hal_write_cmd(EPD_Wxx_CMD_PSR); //panel setting
epd_wxx_hal_write_data_char(0xd3); //LUT from OTP��0xbf: 128x296 0xdf:160x296 Bean 20181113
epd_wxx_hal_write_data_char(0x0d); //VCOM to 0V fast
epd_wxx_hal_write_cmd(EPD_Wxx_CMD_PLL); //PLL setting
epd_wxx_hal_write_data_char (39); // 3a 100HZ 29 150Hz 39 200HZ 31 171HZ
EPD_Wxx_SetRes(EPD_RES_HIGHT, EPD_RES_WIDTH); //resolution setting
// epd_wxx_hal_write_cmd(0x61); //resolution setting
// epd_wxx_hal_write_data_char (HRES);
// epd_wxx_hal_write_data_char (VRES_byte1);
// epd_wxx_hal_write_data_char (VRES_byte2);
epd_wxx_hal_write_cmd(EPD_Wxx_CMD_VDCS); //vcom_DC setting
epd_wxx_hal_write_data_char (0x28);
epd_wxx_hal_write_cmd(EPD_Wxx_CMD_CDI); //VCOM AND DATA INTERVAL SETTING
epd_wxx_hal_write_data_char(0x97); //WBmode:VBDF 17|D7 VBDW 97 VBDB 57 WBRmode:VBDF F7 VBDW 77 VBDB 37 VBDR B7
void EPD_Wxx_Sleep(void)
/////////////////////////////Enter deep sleep mode////////////////////////
epd_wxx_hal_write_cmd(0X02); //power off
epd_wxx_hal_write_cmd(0X07); //deep sleep
/***************************full display function*************************************/
void EPD_Display_Full(const uint8_t *buf)
EPD_Wxx_DC_D; // data write
SPI_WriteBuf(cgnPic_white, EPD_RES_ROW*EPD_RES_WIDTH, true);
EPD_Wxx_DC_D; // data write
SPI_WriteBuf(buf, EPD_RES_ROW*EPD_RES_WIDTH, true);
lut_full(); //Power settings
epd_wxx_hal_write_cmd(EPD_Wxx_CMD_DRF); //DISPLAY REFRESH
epd_wxx_hal_delay_ms(100); //!!!The delay here is necessary, 200uS at least!!!
/***************************partial display function*************************************/
void EPD_Display_Partial(uint16_t x_start,uint16_t x_end,uint16_t y_start,uint16_t y_end ,uint8_t *buf,uint16_t size) //partial display
epd_wxx_hal_write_cmd(0x82); //vcom_DC setting
epd_wxx_hal_write_data_char (0x08);
epd_wxx_hal_write_cmd(0x91); //This command makes the display enter partial mode
epd_wxx_hal_write_cmd(0x90); //resolution setting
epd_wxx_hal_write_data_char (x_start); //x-start
epd_wxx_hal_write_data_char (x_end-1); //x-end
epd_wxx_hal_write_data_char (y_start >> 8);
epd_wxx_hal_write_data_char (y_start & 0xFF); //y-start
epd_wxx_hal_write_data_char (y_end >> 8);
epd_wxx_hal_write_data_char (y_end & 0xFF - 1); //y-end
epd_wxx_hal_write_data_char (0x28);
epd_wxx_hal_write_cmd(0x10); //writes Old data to SRAM for programming
EPD_Wxx_DC_D; // data write
SPI_WriteBuf(&cgnPic_white, size, true);
epd_wxx_hal_write_cmd(0x13); //writes New data to SRAM.
EPD_Wxx_DC_D; // data write
SPI_WriteBuf(buf, size, true);
epd_wxx_hal_write_cmd(0x12); //DISPLAY REFRESH
epd_wxx_hal_delay_ms(10); //!!!The delay here is necessary, 200uS at least!!!
unsigned int size;
//unsigned char HRES,VRES_byte1,VRES_byte2;
void EPD_display_init(void);//EPD init
void full_display(void pic_display(void)); //full display
void partial_display(uint16_t x_start,uint16_t x_end,uint16_t y_start,uint16_t y_end ,void partial_old(void),void partial_new(void)); //partial display
void lut(void);
void lut1(void);
void lcd_chkstatus(void);
// full display
void pic_display_white(void);
void pic_display1(void);
void pic_display2(void);
void pic_display3(void);
//partial display
void partial_full00(void);
void partial_full01(void);
void partial_full02(void);
void partial_full03(void);
void partial00(void);
void partial01(void);
void partial02(void);
void partial03(void);
void partial04(void);
void partial05(void);
void partial06(void);
void partial07(void);
void partial08(void);
void partial09(void);
unsigned char EPD_Wxx_ReadDATA(void);
/***************** full screen display picture*************************/
void pic_display_white(void)
unsigned int i;
EPD_Wxx_DC_D; // data write
SPI_WriteBuf(&cgnPic_white, EPD_RES_ROW*EPD_RES_WIDTH, true);
/***************** partial full screen display picture*************************/
void partial_full00(void)
EPD_Wxx_DC_D; // data write
SPI_WriteBuf(&cgnPic_white, EPD_RES_ROW*EPD_RES_WIDTH, true);
void partial_full01(void)
EPD_Wxx_DC_D; // data write
SPI_WriteBuf(&gImage_1, EPD_RES_ROW*EPD_RES_WIDTH, true);
void partial_full02(void)
EPD_Wxx_DC_D; // data write
SPI_WriteBuf(&gImage_2, EPD_RES_ROW*EPD_RES_WIDTH, true);
void partial_full03(void)
EPD_Wxx_DC_D; // data write
SPI_WriteBuf(&gImage_3, EPD_RES_ROW*EPD_RES_WIDTH, true);
/***************************full display function*************************************/
void full_display(void pic_display(void))
pic_display(); //picture
lut_full(); //Power settings
epd_wxx_hal_write_cmd(EPD_Wxx_CMD_DRF); //DISPLAY REFRESH
epd_wxx_hal_delay_ms(100); //!!!The delay here is necessary, 200uS at least!!!
/***************************partial display function*************************************/
void partial_display(uint16_t x_start,uint16_t x_end,uint16_t y_start,uint16_t y_end ,void partial_old(void),void partial_new(void)) //partial display
epd_wxx_hal_write_cmd(0x82); //vcom_DC setting
epd_wxx_hal_write_data_char (0x08);
epd_wxx_hal_write_cmd(0x91); //This command makes the display enter partial mode
epd_wxx_hal_write_cmd(0x90); //resolution setting
epd_wxx_hal_write_data_char (x_start); //x-start
epd_wxx_hal_write_data_char (x_end-1); //x-end
epd_wxx_hal_write_data_char (y_start/256);
epd_wxx_hal_write_data_char (y_start%256); //y-start
epd_wxx_hal_write_data_char (y_end/256);
epd_wxx_hal_write_data_char (y_end%256-1); //y-end
epd_wxx_hal_write_data_char (0x28);
epd_wxx_hal_write_cmd(0x10); //writes Old data to SRAM for programming
epd_wxx_hal_write_cmd(0x13); //writes New data to SRAM.
epd_wxx_hal_write_cmd(0x12); //DISPLAY REFRESH
epd_wxx_hal_delay_ms(10); //!!!The delay here is necessary, 200uS at least!!!
#ifdef DEBUG
* Function Name : assert_failed
* Description : Reports the name of the source file and the source line number
* where the assert_param error has occurred.
* Input : - file: pointer to the source file name
* - line: assert_param error line source number
* Output : None
* Return : None
void assert_failed(uint8_t* file, uint32_t line)
/* User can add his own implementation to report the file name and line number,
ex: printf("Wrong parameters value: file %s on line %d\r\n", file, line) */
/* Infinite loop */
while (1)
NRF_LOG_INFO("Wrong parameters value: file %s on line %d\r\n", file, line);
the_stack_data/104827359.c | #include<stdio.h>
int main(){
int c1, c2;
scanf("%d %d", &c1, &c2);
int t = (int)((c2-c1)/100.0+0.5);
int h = t/3600;
int m = t%3600/60;
int s = t%60;
return 0;
} |
the_stack_data/83650.c | // Source: Credited to Anubhav Gupta
// appears in Ranjit Jhala, Ken McMillan: "A Practical and Complete Approach
// to Predicate Refinement", TACAS 2006
#include "assert.h"
void main() {
int i, j;
i = __VERIFIER_nondet_int();
j = __VERIFIER_nondet_int();
int x = i;
int y = j;
while(x != 0) {
x --;
y --;
if (i == j) {
__VERIFIER_assert(y == 0);
the_stack_data/92327849.c | #include <stdio.h>
int main (void){
int inicio, fim;
scanf("%d %d", &inicio, &fim);
if ( inicio >= fim){
printf("O JOGO DUROU %d HORA(S)\n", (24 - inicio) + fim);
printf("O JOGO DUROU %d HORA(S)\n", fim - inicio);
return 0;
} |
the_stack_data/145451906.c | #pragma acc data present (rsd, rsdnm)
#pragma acc parallel loop num_gangs (1) num_workers (1) vector_length (32)
#pragma acc kernels loop independent
#pragma acc parallel loop gang reduction (+: rsdnm0, rsdnm1, rsdnm2, rsdnm3, rsdnm4) num_gangs (nz0-2) num_workers (8) vector_length (32)
#pragma acc kernels loop gang reduction (+: rsdnm0, rsdnm1, rsdnm2, rsdnm3, rsdnm4)
#pragma acc loop worker independent
#pragma acc loop vector independent
#pragma acc parallel num_gangs (1) num_workers (1) vector_length (1)
#pragma acc kernels
#pragma acc parallel loop gang vector num_gangs (1) num_workers (1) vector_length (32)
#pragma acc kernels loop gang vector independent
the_stack_data/115764270.c | #include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
uint64_t find_farthest_houses(uint64_t s[],int length);
int main(){
int houses;
scanf("%d", &houses);
uint64_t* sum = (uint64_t*) malloc(houses * (sizeof(uint64_t)));
for(int i = 0; i < houses; i++){
// uint64_t s;
scanf("%" SCNu64,&sum[i]);
if(i != 0) sum[i] += sum[i-1];
printf("%" SCNu64 "\n", find_farthest_houses(sum,houses));
uint64_t find_farthest_houses(uint64_t s[],int length){ // caterpillar method
uint64_t max = 0; // max path between two houses
int startptr = 0;
int endptr = 1;
while(startptr < endptr && endptr < length){
uint64_t left,right;
if(startptr != 0){
left = s[endptr-1] - s[startptr-1];
right = s[length-1] - s[endptr-1] + s[startptr-1];
left = s[endptr-1];
right = s[length-1] - s[endptr-1];
if( left > right ){
if( right > max ) max = right;
if( left > max ) max = left;
return max;
} |
the_stack_data/685762.c | #include <stdio.h>
int main()
int contador = 1;
while (contador <= 20)
printf("%d\n", contador);
contador ++;
the_stack_data/107952629.c | #include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int PrintASequence(int number)
int i;
for (i = 2; i < (number + 2); i++) {
if (i%2 != 0)
printf(", -%d", i);
if (i != 2)
printf(", %d", i);
printf("%d", i);
return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
the_stack_data/63316.c | #ifdef COMPILE_FOR_TEST
#include <assert.h>
#define assume(cond) assert(cond)
void main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
int x_0_0;//sh_buf.outcnt
int x_0_1;//sh_buf.outcnt
int x_0_2;//sh_buf.outcnt
int x_0_3;//sh_buf.outcnt
int x_0_4;//sh_buf.outcnt
int x_0_5;//sh_buf.outcnt
int x_1_0;//sh_buf.outbuf[0]
int x_1_1;//sh_buf.outbuf[0]
int x_2_0;//sh_buf.outbuf[1]
int x_2_1;//sh_buf.outbuf[1]
int x_3_0;//sh_buf.outbuf[2]
int x_3_1;//sh_buf.outbuf[2]
int x_4_0;//sh_buf.outbuf[3]
int x_4_1;//sh_buf.outbuf[3]
int x_5_0;//sh_buf.outbuf[4]
int x_5_1;//sh_buf.outbuf[4]
int x_6_0;//sh_buf.outbuf[5]
int x_7_0;//sh_buf.outbuf[6]
int x_8_0;//sh_buf.outbuf[7]
int x_9_0;//sh_buf.outbuf[8]
int x_10_0;//sh_buf.outbuf[9]
int x_11_0;//LOG_BUFSIZE
int x_11_1;//LOG_BUFSIZE
int x_12_0;//CREST_scheduler::lock_0
int x_12_1;//CREST_scheduler::lock_0
int x_12_2;//CREST_scheduler::lock_0
int x_12_3;//CREST_scheduler::lock_0
int x_12_4;//CREST_scheduler::lock_0
int x_13_0;//t3 T0
int x_14_0;//t2 T0
int x_15_0;//arg T0
int x_16_0;//functioncall::param T0
int x_16_1;//functioncall::param T0
int x_17_0;//buffered T0
int x_18_0;//functioncall::param T0
int x_18_1;//functioncall::param T0
int x_19_0;//functioncall::param T0
int x_19_1;//functioncall::param T0
int x_20_0;//functioncall::param T0
int x_20_1;//functioncall::param T0
int x_20_2;//functioncall::param T0
int x_20_3;//functioncall::param T0
int x_21_0;//functioncall::param T0
int x_21_1;//functioncall::param T0
int x_21_2;//functioncall::param T0
int x_22_0;//direction T0
int x_23_0;//functioncall::param T0
int x_23_1;//functioncall::param T0
int x_23_2;//functioncall::param T0
int x_24_0;//functioncall::param T0
int x_24_1;//functioncall::param T0
int x_25_0;//functioncall::param T0
int x_25_1;//functioncall::param T0
int x_26_0;//functioncall::param T0
int x_26_1;//functioncall::param T0
int x_27_0;//functioncall::param T0
int x_27_1;//functioncall::param T0
int x_28_0;//functioncall::param T0
int x_28_1;//functioncall::param T0
int x_29_0;//functioncall::param T0
int x_29_1;//functioncall::param T0
int x_30_0;//functioncall::param T0
int x_30_1;//functioncall::param T0
int x_31_0;//functioncall::param T0
int x_31_1;//functioncall::param T0
int x_32_0;//functioncall::param T0
int x_32_1;//functioncall::param T0
int x_33_0;//functioncall::param T0
int x_33_1;//functioncall::param T0
int x_34_0;//functioncall::param T0
int x_34_1;//functioncall::param T0
int x_35_0;//functioncall::param T1
int x_35_1;//functioncall::param T1
int x_36_0;//functioncall::param T1
int x_36_1;//functioncall::param T1
int x_37_0;//i T1
int x_37_1;//i T1
int x_37_2;//i T1
int x_38_0;//rv T1
int x_39_0;//rv T1
int x_40_0;//blocksize T1
int x_41_0;//functioncall::param T1
int x_41_1;//functioncall::param T1
int x_42_0;//apr_thread_mutex_lock::rv T1
int x_42_1;//apr_thread_mutex_lock::rv T1
int x_43_0;//functioncall::param T1
int x_43_1;//functioncall::param T1
int x_44_0;//status T1
int x_44_1;//status T1
int x_45_0;//functioncall::param T1
int x_45_1;//functioncall::param T1
int x_46_0;//functioncall::param T1
int x_46_1;//functioncall::param T1
int x_47_0;//functioncall::param T1
int x_47_1;//functioncall::param T1
int x_48_0;//functioncall::param T1
int x_48_1;//functioncall::param T1
int x_49_0;//functioncall::param T1
int x_49_1;//functioncall::param T1
int x_50_0;//functioncall::param T1
int x_50_1;//functioncall::param T1
int x_51_0;//functioncall::param T2
int x_51_1;//functioncall::param T2
int x_52_0;//functioncall::param T2
int x_52_1;//functioncall::param T2
int x_53_0;//i T2
int x_53_1;//i T2
int x_53_2;//i T2
int x_53_3;//i T2
int x_54_0;//rv T2
int x_55_0;//rv T2
int x_55_1;//rv T2
int x_56_0;//blocksize T2
int x_56_1;//blocksize T2
int x_57_0;//functioncall::param T2
int x_57_1;//functioncall::param T2
int x_57_2;//functioncall::param T2
int x_58_0;//apr_thread_mutex_lock::rv T2
int x_58_1;//apr_thread_mutex_lock::rv T2
int x_59_0;//functioncall::param T2
int x_59_1;//functioncall::param T2
int x_60_0;//status T2
int x_60_1;//status T2
int x_61_0;//functioncall::param T2
int x_61_1;//functioncall::param T2
int x_62_0;//functioncall::param T2
int x_62_1;//functioncall::param T2
int x_63_0;//functioncall::param T2
int x_63_1;//functioncall::param T2
int x_64_0;//functioncall::param T2
int x_64_1;//functioncall::param T2
int x_65_0;//functioncall::param T2
int x_65_1;//functioncall::param T2
int x_65_2;//functioncall::param T2
int x_66_0;//functioncall::param T2
int x_66_1;//functioncall::param T2
int x_67_0;//functioncall::param T2
int x_67_1;//functioncall::param T2
int x_68_0;//functioncall::param T2
int x_68_1;//functioncall::param T2
T_0_0_0: x_0_0 = 0;
T_0_1_0: x_1_0 = 0;
T_0_2_0: x_2_0 = 0;
T_0_3_0: x_3_0 = 0;
T_0_4_0: x_4_0 = 0;
T_0_5_0: x_5_0 = 0;
T_0_6_0: x_6_0 = 0;
T_0_7_0: x_7_0 = 0;
T_0_8_0: x_8_0 = 0;
T_0_9_0: x_9_0 = 0;
T_0_10_0: x_10_0 = 0;
T_0_11_0: x_11_0 = 0;
T_0_12_0: x_13_0 = 3416105104;
T_0_13_0: x_14_0 = 2857558624;
T_0_14_0: x_15_0 = 0;
T_0_15_0: x_16_0 = 948858044;
T_0_16_0: x_16_1 = -1;
T_0_17_0: x_17_0 = 0;
T_0_18_0: x_18_0 = 680313262;
T_0_19_0: x_18_1 = x_17_0;
T_0_20_0: x_19_0 = 1698981052;
T_0_21_0: x_19_1 = 97;
T_0_22_0: x_20_0 = 553989047;
T_0_23_0: x_20_1 = 0;
T_0_24_0: x_21_0 = 1510411619;
T_0_25_0: x_21_1 = 0;
T_0_26_0: x_22_0 = -1437413312;
T_0_27_0: x_23_0 = 675158265;
T_0_28_0: x_23_1 = x_22_0;
T_0_29_0: x_24_0 = 85286353;
T_0_30_0: x_24_1 = 0;
T_0_31_0: x_12_0 = -1;
T_0_32_0: x_0_1 = 5;
T_0_33_0: x_1_1 = 72;
T_0_34_0: x_2_1 = 69;
T_0_35_0: x_3_1 = 76;
T_0_36_0: x_4_1 = 76;
T_0_37_0: x_5_1 = 79;
T_0_38_0: x_25_0 = 1275681621;
T_0_39_0: x_25_1 = 83;
T_0_40_0: x_26_0 = 332960717;
T_0_41_0: x_26_1 = 1;
T_0_42_0: x_27_0 = 42851492;
T_0_43_0: x_27_1 = 1;
T_0_44_0: x_28_0 = 1392486583;
T_0_45_0: x_28_1 = 1;
T_0_46_0: x_29_0 = 170583381;
T_0_47_0: x_29_1 = 82;
T_0_48_0: x_30_0 = 1660040262;
T_0_49_0: x_30_1 = 90;
T_0_50_0: x_31_0 = 279116164;
T_0_51_0: x_31_1 = 1;
T_0_52_0: x_32_0 = 200095560;
T_0_53_0: x_32_1 = 1;
T_0_54_0: x_33_0 = 1080351902;
T_0_55_0: x_33_1 = 2;
T_0_56_0: x_34_0 = 2120871228;
T_0_57_0: x_34_1 = 2;
T_0_58_0: x_11_1 = 5;
T_1_59_1: x_35_0 = 2095714769;
T_1_60_1: x_35_1 = x_27_1;
T_1_61_1: x_36_0 = 1005769771;
T_1_62_1: x_36_1 = x_28_1;
T_1_63_1: x_37_0 = 0;
T_1_64_1: x_38_0 = 1388851713;
T_2_65_2: x_51_0 = 1839968953;
T_2_66_2: x_51_1 = x_33_1;
T_2_67_2: x_52_0 = 189394639;
T_2_68_2: x_52_1 = x_34_1;
T_2_69_2: x_53_0 = 0;
T_2_70_2: x_54_0 = 1386750465;
T_2_71_2: if (x_0_1 + x_52_1 > x_11_1 && x_0_1 != 0) x_55_0 = -1430345808;
T_2_72_2: if (x_0_1 + x_52_1 > x_11_1 && x_0_1 != 0 && x_18_1 != 0) x_56_0 = 11164;
T_2_73_2: if (x_0_1 + x_52_1 > x_11_1 && x_0_1 != 0 && x_18_1 != 0) x_57_0 = 2088222828;
T_2_74_2: if (x_0_1 + x_52_1 > x_11_1 && x_0_1 != 0 && x_18_1 != 0) x_57_1 = x_0_1;
T_2_75_2: if (x_0_1 + x_52_1 > x_11_1 && x_0_1 != 0 && x_18_1 != 0 && x_0_1 == x_57_1) x_58_0 = 0;
T_2_76_2: if (x_0_1 + x_52_1 > x_11_1 && x_0_1 != 0 && x_18_1 != 0 && x_0_1 == x_57_1 && 0 == x_12_0 + 1) x_12_1 = 2;
T_1_77_1: if (x_0_1 + x_52_1 > x_11_1 && x_0_1 != 0 && x_18_1 != 0 && x_0_1 == x_57_1 && 2 == x_12_1) x_58_1 = 0;
T_2_78_2: if (x_0_1 + x_52_1 > x_11_1 && x_0_1 != 0 && x_18_1 != 0 && x_23_1 == 0 && 2 == x_12_1) x_59_0 = 1062058357;
T_2_79_2: if (x_0_1 + x_52_1 > x_11_1 && x_0_1 != 0 && x_18_1 != 0 && x_23_1 == 0 && 2 == x_12_1) x_59_1 = x_20_1 + -1*x_21_1 + x_24_1;
T_2_80_2: if (x_0_1 + x_52_1 > x_11_1 && x_0_1 != 0 && x_18_1 != 0 && x_23_1 == 0 && 2 == x_12_1) x_20_2 = 0;
T_2_81_2: if (x_0_1 + x_52_1 > x_11_1 && x_0_1 != 0 && x_18_1 != 0 && x_23_1 == 0 && 2 == x_12_1) x_21_2 = 0;
T_2_82_2: if (x_0_1 + x_52_1 > x_11_1 && x_0_1 != 0 && x_18_1 != 0 && x_23_1 == 0 && 2 == x_12_1) x_23_2 = 1;
T_2_83_2: if (x_0_1 + x_52_1 > x_11_1 && x_0_1 != 0 && x_18_1 != 0 && 2 == x_12_1) x_55_1 = 0;
T_2_84_2: if (x_0_1 + x_52_1 > x_11_1 && x_0_1 != 0 && x_18_1 != 0 && 0 == x_55_1 && 2 == x_12_1) x_56_1 = x_57_1;
T_2_85_2: if (x_0_1 + x_52_1 > x_11_1 && x_0_1 != 0 && x_18_1 != 0 && 0 == x_55_1 && 2 == x_12_1) x_20_3 = x_20_2 + x_56_1;
T_2_86_2: if (x_0_1 + x_52_1 > x_11_1 && x_0_1 != 0 && x_18_1 != 0 && 0 == x_55_1 && 2 == x_12_1) x_57_2 = -1*x_56_1 + x_57_1;
T_2_87_2: if (x_0_1 + x_52_1 > x_11_1 && x_0_1 != 0 && x_18_1 != 0 && x_57_2 <= 0 && 2 == x_12_1) x_60_0 = 0;
T_2_88_2: if (x_0_1 + x_52_1 > x_11_1 && x_0_1 != 0 && x_18_1 != 0 && x_57_2 <= 0 && 2 == x_12_1) x_12_2 = -1;
T_2_89_2: if (x_0_1 + x_52_1 > x_11_1 && x_0_1 != 0 && x_18_1 != 0 && x_57_2 <= 0) x_60_1 = 0;
T_2_90_2: if (x_0_1 + x_52_1 > x_11_1 && x_0_1 != 0) x_61_0 = 1003949751;
T_2_91_2: if (x_0_1 + x_52_1 > x_11_1 && x_0_1 != 0) x_61_1 = x_55_1;
T_2_92_2: if (x_0_1 + x_52_1 > x_11_1 && x_0_1 != 0) x_62_0 = 607732755;
T_2_93_2: if (x_0_1 + x_52_1 > x_11_1 && x_0_1 != 0) x_62_1 = x_61_1;
T_2_94_2: if (x_0_1 + x_52_1 > x_11_1 && x_0_1 != 0) x_0_2 = 0;
T_2_95_2: if (x_0_1 + x_36_1 > x_11_1 && x_0_1 != 0) x_39_0 = 0;
T_1_96_1: if (x_0_1 + x_36_1 > x_11_1 && x_0_1 != 0 && x_18_1 != 0) x_40_0 = 0;
T_1_97_1: if (x_0_1 + x_36_1 > x_11_1 && x_0_1 != 0 && x_18_1 != 0) x_41_0 = 446741938;
T_1_98_1: if (x_0_1 + x_36_1 > x_11_1 && x_0_1 != 0 && x_18_1 != 0) x_41_1 = x_0_2;
T_1_99_1: if (x_0_1 + x_36_1 > x_11_1 && x_0_1 != 0 && x_18_1 != 0 && x_0_2 == x_41_1) x_42_0 = 0;
T_1_100_1: if (x_0_1 + x_36_1 > x_11_1 && x_0_1 != 0 && x_18_1 != 0 && x_0_2 == x_41_1 && 0 == x_12_2 + 1) x_12_3 = 1;
T_1_101_1: if (x_0_1 + x_36_1 > x_11_1 && x_0_1 != 0 && x_18_1 != 0 && x_0_2 == x_41_1 && 1 == x_12_3) x_42_1 = 0;
T_1_102_1: if (x_0_1 + x_36_1 > x_11_1 && x_0_1 != 0 && x_18_1 != 0 && 1 == x_12_3) x_43_0 = 546706994;
T_1_103_1: if (x_0_1 + x_36_1 > x_11_1 && x_0_1 != 0 && x_18_1 != 0 && 1 == x_12_3) x_43_1 = 0;
T_1_104_1: if (x_0_1 + x_36_1 > x_11_1 && x_0_1 != 0 && x_18_1 != 0 && x_41_1 <= 0 && 1 == x_12_3) x_44_0 = 0;
T_1_105_1: if (x_0_1 + x_36_1 > x_11_1 && x_0_1 != 0 && x_18_1 != 0 && x_41_1 <= 0 && 1 == x_12_3) x_12_4 = -1;
T_1_106_1: if (x_52_1 < x_11_1) x_63_0 = 5745726;
T_1_107_1: if (x_52_1 < x_11_1) x_63_1 = 47951923111680;
T_1_108_1: if (x_0_1 + x_36_1 > x_11_1 && x_0_1 != 0 && x_18_1 != 0 && x_41_1 <= 0) x_44_1 = 0;
T_1_109_1: if (x_0_1 + x_36_1 > x_11_1 && x_0_1 != 0) x_45_0 = 26331740;
T_1_110_1: if (x_0_1 + x_36_1 > x_11_1 && x_0_1 != 0) x_45_1 = x_43_1;
T_2_111_2: if (x_0_1 + x_36_1 > x_11_1 && x_0_1 != 0) x_46_0 = 1163747680;
T_2_112_2: if (x_0_1 + x_36_1 > x_11_1 && x_0_1 != 0) x_46_1 = x_45_1;
T_2_113_2: if (x_0_1 + x_36_1 > x_11_1 && x_0_1 != 0) x_0_3 = 0;
T_1_114_1: if (x_36_1 < x_11_1) x_47_0 = 466609037;
T_1_115_1: if (x_36_1 < x_11_1) x_47_1 = 47951921010432;
T_1_116_1: if (x_36_1 < x_11_1) x_48_0 = 975189784;
T_1_117_1: if (x_36_1 < x_11_1) x_48_1 = x_0_3 + x_36_1;
T_1_118_1: if (x_36_1 < x_11_1) x_37_1 = 0;
T_1_119_1: if (x_36_1 < x_11_1 && x_37_1 < x_35_1) x_49_0 = 1844060942;
T_1_120_1: if (x_36_1 < x_11_1 && x_37_1 < x_35_1) x_49_1 = 47951921010432;
T_1_121_1: if (x_36_1 < x_11_1) x_37_2 = 1 + x_37_1;
T_1_122_1: if (x_36_1 < x_11_1) x_50_0 = 18106441;
T_1_123_1: if (x_36_1 < x_11_1) x_50_1 = 47951921010432;
T_1_124_1: if (x_36_1 < x_11_1) x_0_4 = x_0_3 + x_36_1;
T_1_125_1: if (x_52_1 < x_11_1) x_64_0 = 1529178831;
T_1_126_1: if (x_52_1 < x_11_1) x_64_1 = x_0_2 + x_52_1;
T_1_127_1: if (x_52_1 < x_11_1) x_53_1 = 0;
T_1_128_1: if (x_52_1 < x_11_1 && x_53_1 < x_51_1) x_65_0 = 1206988913;
T_1_129_1: if (x_52_1 < x_11_1 && x_53_1 < x_51_1) x_65_1 = 47951923111680;
T_2_130_2: if (x_52_1 < x_11_1) x_53_2 = 1 + x_53_1;
T_2_131_2: if (x_52_1 < x_11_1 && x_53_2 < x_51_1) x_65_2 = 47951923111680;
T_2_132_2: if (x_52_1 < x_11_1) x_53_3 = 1 + x_53_2;
T_2_133_2: if (x_52_1 < x_11_1) x_66_0 = 693264707;
T_2_134_2: if (x_52_1 < x_11_1) x_66_1 = 47951923111680;
T_2_135_2: if (x_52_1 < x_11_1) x_0_5 = x_0_4 + x_52_1;
T_2_136_2: if (x_52_1 < x_11_1) x_67_0 = 1614465185;
T_2_137_2: if (x_52_1 < x_11_1) x_67_1 = 47951923111680;
T_2_138_2: if (x_52_1 < x_11_1) x_68_0 = 335186886;
T_2_139_2: if (x_52_1 < x_11_1) x_68_1 = 47951923111680;
T_2_140_2: if (x_52_1 < x_11_1) assert(x_0_5 == x_64_1);
the_stack_data/950148.c | #include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
__attribute ((constructor))
init (void)
puts ("init DSO");
static char str[] = "SOMETHING_NOBODY_USES=something_else";
if (putenv (str) != 0)
puts ("putenv failed");
_exit (1);
the_stack_data/44450.c | #include <stdio.h>
extern char board[];
extern FILE *ef;
char edge(char w)
char ev=0,a,b,i;
if(board[10]==2) {
for(i=10,a=0;i<15 && board[i]==2;i++,a++);
for(i=19,b=0;i<24 && board[i]==2 && b<a-1;i++,b++,ev+=w*(b+1));
return ev;
} else if(board[10]==1) {
for(i=10,a=0;i<15 && board[i]==1;i++,a++);
for(i=19,b=0;i<24 && board[i]==1 && b<a-1;i++,b++,ev-=w*(b+1));
return ev;
return 0;
char ptn()
static struct {
char ptn[10],ev;
} ptn[]={
static char bi[]={10,11,12,13,14,19,20,21,22,23};
char i,j;
for(i=0;i<2;i++) {
for(j=0;j<10;j++) {
if(board[bi[j]]!=ptn[i].ptn[j]-48) break;
if(j==10) return ptn[i].ev;
return 0;
void c25()
char a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j;
for(a=0;a<3;a++) {
for(b=0;b<3;b++) {
for(c=0;c<3;c++) {
for(d=0;d<3;d++) {
for(e=0;e<3;e++) {
for(f=0;f<3;f++) {
for(g=0;g<3;g++) {
for(h=0;h<3;h++) {
for(i=0;i<3;i++) {
for(j=0;j<3;j++) {
} |
the_stack_data/50137038.c |
extern void __VERIFIER_error() __attribute__ ((__noreturn__));
extern void __VERIFIER_assume(int);
void __VERIFIER_assert(int cond) { if(!(cond)) { ERROR: __VERIFIER_error(); } }
extern int __VERIFIER_nondet_int();
int N;
int main()
N = __VERIFIER_nondet_int();
if(N <=0 ) return 1;
int i;
int a[N];
return 1;
the_stack_data/46848.c | /* getopt_long and getopt_long_only entry points for GNU getopt.
Copyright (C) 1987,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,96,97,98
Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not,
write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
#include <config.h>
#include "getopt.h"
#if !defined __STDC__ || !__STDC__
/* This is a separate conditional since some stdc systems
reject `defined (const)'. */
#ifndef const
#define const
#include <stdio.h>
/* Comment out all this code if we are using the GNU C Library, and are not
actually compiling the library itself. This code is part of the GNU C
Library, but also included in many other GNU distributions. Compiling
and linking in this code is a waste when using the GNU C library
(especially if it is a shared library). Rather than having every GNU
program understand `configure --with-gnu-libc' and omit the object files,
it is simpler to just do this in the source for each such file. */
#if !defined _LIBC && defined __GLIBC__ && __GLIBC__ >= 2
#include <gnu-versions.h>
#define ELIDE_CODE
#ifndef ELIDE_CODE
/* This needs to come after some library #include
to get __GNU_LIBRARY__ defined. */
#ifdef __GNU_LIBRARY__
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifndef NULL
#define NULL 0
getopt_long(argc, argv, options, long_options, opt_index)
int argc;
char *const *argv;
const char *options;
const struct option *long_options;
int *opt_index;
return _getopt_internal(argc, argv, options, long_options, opt_index, 0);
/* Like getopt_long, but '-' as well as '--' can indicate a long option.
If an option that starts with '-' (not '--') doesn't match a long option,
but does match a short option, it is parsed as a short option
instead. */
getopt_long_only(argc, argv, options, long_options, opt_index)
int argc;
char *const *argv;
const char *options;
const struct option *long_options;
int *opt_index;
return _getopt_internal(argc, argv, options, long_options, opt_index, 1);
#endif /* Not ELIDE_CODE. */
#ifdef TEST
#include <stdio.h>
main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char **argv;
int c;
int digit_optind = 0;
while (1) {
int this_option_optind = optind ? optind : 1;
int option_index = 0;
static struct option long_options[] = {
{"add", 1, 0, 0},
{"append", 0, 0, 0},
{"delete", 1, 0, 0},
{"verbose", 0, 0, 0},
{"create", 0, 0, 0},
{"file", 1, 0, 0},
{0, 0, 0, 0}
c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "abc:d:0123456789",
long_options, &option_index);
if (c == -1)
switch (c) {
case 0:
printf("option %s", long_options[option_index].name);
if (optarg)
printf(" with arg %s", optarg);
case '0':
case '1':
case '2':
case '3':
case '4':
case '5':
case '6':
case '7':
case '8':
case '9':
if (digit_optind != 0 && digit_optind != this_option_optind)
printf("digits occur in two different argv-elements.\n");
digit_optind = this_option_optind;
printf("option %c\n", c);
case 'a':
printf("option a\n");
case 'b':
printf("option b\n");
case 'c':
printf("option c with value `%s'\n", optarg);
case 'd':
printf("option d with value `%s'\n", optarg);
case '?':
printf("?? getopt returned character code 0%o ??\n", c);
if (optind < argc) {
printf("non-option ARGV-elements: ");
while (optind < argc)
printf("%s ", argv[optind++]);
#endif /* TEST */
the_stack_data/73576513.c | /*
* Copyright (c) [2021] Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd.All rights reserved.
* OpenArkCompiler is licensed under Mulan PSL v2.
* You can use this software according to the terms and conditions of the Mulan PSL v2.
* You may obtain a copy of Mulan PSL v2 at:
* See the Mulan PSL v2 for more details.
#include <limits.h>
extern void abort (void);
void testl (unsigned long l, int ok)
if ((l>=1) && (l<=LONG_MAX))
if (!ok) abort ();
else {
if (ok) abort ();
int main ()
testl (LONG_MAX+1UL, 0);
testl (ULONG_MAX, 0);
return 0;
the_stack_data/100375.c | /* { dg-do compile } */
/* { dg-options "-O1 -fdump-tree-optimized" } */
/* LLVM LOCAL test not applicable */
/* { dg-require-fdump "" } */
int f(int x)
return ((~x) != 0);
int f1(int x)
return ((~x) == 0);
/* There should be no != 0 which is produced by the front-end as
~x != 0 is the same as x != -1 (or ~0). Likewise for ==. */
/* { dg-final { scan-tree-dump-times "!= 0" 0 "optimized"} } */
/* { dg-final { scan-tree-dump-times "!= -1" 1 "optimized"} } */
/* { dg-final { scan-tree-dump-times "== 0" 0 "optimized"} } */
/* { dg-final { scan-tree-dump-times "== -1" 1 "optimized"} } */
/* { dg-final { cleanup-tree-dump "optimized" } } */
the_stack_data/127433.c | #include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <semaphore.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
int main(int argc, char** argv)
int file1,file2;
file1 = mkfifo("fifo_main",0666);
if(file1<0) {
printf("Unable to create a fifo\n");
file2 = mkfifo("fifo_mem",0666);
if(file2<0) {
printf("Unable to create a fifo\n");
return 0;
the_stack_data/145452696.c | #include <string.h>
char *__stpcpy(char *, const char *);
char *strcpy(char *restrict dest, const char *restrict src)
#if 1
__stpcpy(dest, src);
return dest;
const unsigned char *s = src;
unsigned char *d = dest;
while ((*d++ = *s++));
return dest;
the_stack_data/546659.c | /* File: ex5.15_omp_mat_vect_private.c
* Purpose:
* Computes a parallel matrix-vector product. Matrix
* is distributed by block rows. Vectors are distributed by
* blocks. Unless the DEBUG flag is turned on this version
* uses a random number generator to generate A and x. This
* version uses local storage for each thread's subvector
* of the product vector. This is a modified version of
* omp_mat_vect_rand_split.c
* Compile:
* gcc -g -Wall -fopenmp -o ex5.15_omp_mat_vect_private
* ex5.15_omp_mat_vect_private.c
* Usage:
* ./ex5.15_omp_mat_vect_private <thread_count> <m> <n>
* Input:
* None unless compiled with DEBUG flag.
* With DEBUG flag, A, x
* Output:
* y: the product vector
* Elapsed time for the computation
* Notes:
* 1. Storage for A, x, y is dynamically allocated.
* 2. Number of threads (thread_count) should evenly divide both
* m and n. The program doesn't check for this.
* 3. We use a 1-dimensional array for A and compute subscripts
* using the formula A[i][j] = A[i*n + j]
* 4. Distribution of A, x, and y is logical: all three are
* globally shared.
* 5. DEBUG compile flag will prompt for input of A, x, and
* print y
* 6. Uses the OpenMP library function omp_get_wtime() to
* return the time elapsed since some point in the past
* IPP: Exercise 5.15
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <omp.h>
#include <string.h>
/* Serial functions */
void Get_args(int argc, char* argv[], int* thread_count_p,
int* m_p, int* n_p);
void Usage(char* prog_name);
void Gen_matrix(double A[], int m, int n);
void Read_matrix(char* prompt, double A[], int m, int n);
void Gen_vector(double x[], int n);
void Read_vector(char* prompt, double x[], int n);
void Print_matrix(char* title, double A[], int m, int n);
void Print_vector(char* title, double y[], double m);
/* Parallel function */
void Omp_mat_vect(double A[], double x[], double y[],
int m, int n, int thread_count);
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
int thread_count;
int m, n;
double* A;
double* x;
double* y;
Get_args(argc, argv, &thread_count, &m, &n);
A = malloc(m*n*sizeof(double));
x = malloc(n*sizeof(double));
y = malloc(m*sizeof(double));
# ifdef DEBUG
Read_matrix("Enter the matrix", A, m, n);
Print_matrix("We read", A, m, n);
Read_vector("Enter the vector", x, n);
Print_vector("We read", x, n);
# else
Gen_matrix(A, m, n);
// Print_matrix("We generated", A, m, n);
Gen_vector(x, n);
// Print_vector("We generated", x, n);
# endif
Omp_mat_vect(A, x, y, m, n, thread_count);
// Print_vector("The product is", y, m);
return 0;
} /* main */
* Function: Get_args
* Purpose: Get command line args
* In args: argc, argv
* Out args: thread_count_p, m_p, n_p
void Get_args(int argc, char* argv[], int* thread_count_p,
int* m_p, int* n_p) {
if (argc != 4) Usage(argv[0]);
*thread_count_p = strtol(argv[1], NULL, 10);
*m_p = strtol(argv[2], NULL, 10);
*n_p = strtol(argv[3], NULL, 10);
if (*thread_count_p <= 0 || *m_p <= 0 || *n_p <= 0) Usage(argv[0]);
} /* Get_args */
* Function: Usage
* Purpose: print a message showing what the command line should
* be, and terminate
* In arg : prog_name
void Usage (char* prog_name) {
fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s <thread_count> <m> <n>\n", prog_name);
} /* Usage */
* Function: Read_matrix
* Purpose: Read in the matrix
* In args: prompt, m, n
* Out arg: A
void Read_matrix(char* prompt, double A[], int m, int n) {
int i, j;
printf("%s\n", prompt);
for (i = 0; i < m; i++)
for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
scanf("%lf", &A[i*n+j]);
} /* Read_matrix */
* Function: Gen_matrix
* Purpose: Use the random number generator random to generate
* the entries in A
* In args: m, n
* Out arg: A
void Gen_matrix(double A[], int m, int n) {
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < m; i++)
for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
A[i*n+j] = random()/((double) RAND_MAX);
} /* Gen_matrix */
* Function: Gen_vector
* Purpose: Use the random number generator random to generate
* the entries in x
* In arg: n
* Out arg: A
void Gen_vector(double x[], int n) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
x[i] = random()/((double) RAND_MAX);
} /* Gen_vector */
* Function: Read_vector
* Purpose: Read in the vector x
* In arg: prompt, n
* Out arg: x
void Read_vector(char* prompt, double x[], int n) {
int i;
printf("%s\n", prompt);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
scanf("%lf", &x[i]);
} /* Read_vector */
* Function: Omp_mat_vect
* Purpose: Multiply an mxn matrix by an nx1 column vector
* In args: A, x, m, n, thread_count
* Out arg: y
void Omp_mat_vect(double A[], double x[], double y[],
int m, int n, int thread_count) {
int i, j, k, my_rank;
double start, finish, elapsed;
int local_m = m/thread_count;
double* local_y;
start = omp_get_wtime();
# pragma omp parallel num_threads(thread_count) \
default(none) private(i, j, k, my_rank, local_y) \
shared(A, x, y, m, n, local_m)
k = 0;
my_rank = omp_get_thread_num();
local_y = malloc(local_m*sizeof(double));
# pragma omp for
for (i = 0; i < m; i++) {
local_y[k] = 0.0;
for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
local_y[k] += A[i*n+j]*x[j];
# ifdef DEBUG
printf("rank %d > local_y[%d] = %e\n", my_rank, i, local_y[k]);
# endif
k = 0;
# pragma omp for
for (i = 0; i < m; i++)
y[i] = local_y[k++];
} /* pragma omp parallel */
finish = omp_get_wtime();
elapsed = finish - start;
printf("Elapsed time = %e seconds\n", elapsed);
} /* Omp_mat_vect */
* Function: Print_matrix
* Purpose: Print the matrix
* In args: title, A, m, n
void Print_matrix( char* title, double A[], int m, int n) {
int i, j;
printf("%s\n", title);
for (i = 0; i < m; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
printf("%4.1f ", A[i*n + j]);
} /* Print_matrix */
* Function: Print_vector
* Purpose: Print a vector
* In args: title, y, m
void Print_vector(char* title, double y[], double m) {
int i;
printf("%s\n", title);
for (i = 0; i < m; i++)
printf("%4.1f ", y[i]);
} /* Print_vector */
the_stack_data/92325451.c | #include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
// demonstrate printf variadic arguments
// %s is a format specifier which means print the arg as a string
// %d is a format specifier which means print the arg as a decimal number
printf("argv[%d] is %s\n", i, argv[i]);
i = argc - 1;
while (i >= 0) {
printf("argv[%d] is %s\n", i, argv[i]);
return 0; // success