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MIMIC_SUM200 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: The heart size is mildly enlarged with left ventricular prominence . The aorta is tortuous and diffusely calcified . The hilar contours are unchanged , and the pulmonary vascular markings are not engorged . Increased interstitial opacities are re - demonstrated predominantly within the lung bases , and appear chronic . There is hyperinflation of lungs with attenuation of pulmonary vascular markings towards the apices compatible with underlying emphysema . No focal consolidation , pleural effusion or pneumothorax is clearly demonstrated . There is diffuse demineralization of the osseous structures . No definite displaced rib fractures are noted . Compression deformity of a mid thoracic vertebral body is unchanged .
| 1 . No definitely displaced rib fractures noted . If there is continued clinical concern for rib fracture , consider a dedicated rib series . 2 . Emphysema with chronic interstitial changes at the lung bases . |
MIMIC_SUM201 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: A frontal supine view of the chest was obtained portably . The lungs are well expanded and clear without focal consolidation , pleural effusion , or pneumothorax . Linear atelectasis in the left lower lung is similar to prior studies . Heart size is normal . Mediastinal silhouette and hilar contours are within normal limits with mild aortic knob calcifications . No acute displaced rib fracture is seen , old left lateral rib fractures again seen . Degenerative change is seen in the shoulder girdle girdles bilaterally .
| No evidence of acute intrathoracic injury . |
MIMIC_SUM202 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: PA and lateral chest radiographs were obtained . The lungs are clear . No effusion or pneumothorax is present . Heart and mediastinal contours are normal .
| Normal chest radiograph . |
MIMIC_SUM203 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: The lung volumes are fully expanded and clear . Mild cardiomegaly stable . The mediastinal and hilar contours are normal . A small left pleural effusion is new . The right pleural surface is normal .
| No evidence of acute pulmonary process . |
MIMIC_SUM204 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: The lungs are clear without focal consolidation . No pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . The cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are unremarkable .
| No acute cardiopulmonary process . |
MIMIC_SUM205 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Compared with ___ 11 :50 , there is minimal , if any , interval change . Linear lucency seen along the medial right lung likely also represents a small component pneumothorax , newly seen on this study . Otherwise , the right apical component of the pneumothorax is unchanged . Catheter at the right lung base again noted .
| As above . . |
MIMIC_SUM206 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: The lungs are clear without focal consolidation . No pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . The cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are unremarkable . Partially imaged is tubular high density projecting over the left abdomen at the lower aspect of the image , unclear whether ingested content or external to the patient .
| No acute cardiopulmonary process . No focal consolidation . |
MIMIC_SUM207 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: PA and lateral views of the chest . There is no focal consolidation . There is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . Heart size is top normal . The mediastinal and hilar contours are normal .
| Heart size top normal . No evidence of pneumonia . |
MIMIC_SUM208 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Sternotomy wires are demonstrated . Heart size is normal . The mediastinal and hilar contours are normal . The pulmonary vasculature is normal . Lungs are clear . No pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen .
| No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality . |
MIMIC_SUM209 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: The heart size is normal . Aside from mild widening of the mediastinum , the hilar and mediastinal contours are unremarkable . There is no pleural effusion , or pneumothorax . No other focal consolidations concerning for pneumonia identified . The visualized osseous structures are unremarkable .
| No acute intrathoracic abnormalities identified . |
MIMIC_SUM210 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Tip of Swan - Ganz catheter projects in left retrocardiac region within the expected distal segmental branch of the left lower lobe pulmonary artery . Dr . ___ has been notified of this finding by telephone at 8 : 15 a .m . on ___ at the time of discovery . Tip of the endotracheal tube is in standard position terminating about 5 cm above the carina . Cardiac silhouette is enlarged and accompanied by pulmonary vascular engorgement and asymmetrical perihilar edema , worse on the right than the left . A more confluent opacity in the right lower lobe could reflect dependent pulmonary edema or a secondary process such as infection . Moderate layering right pleural effusion is also noted . Finally , widening of the mediastinum is present above the level of the aortic arch . Although possibly due to venous distention in the setting of congestive heart failure , the possibility of lymphadenopathy or mass is not excluded in the absence of older radiographs for comparison . With this in mind , careful followup radiographs are recommended following appropriate treatment for congestive heart failure prior to discharge . This finding was also communicated to Dr . ___ at the time of the above communication .
| 1 . Distal position of Swan - Ganz catheter . Please see documentation of communication above . 2 . Probable asymmetrical pulmonary edema but follow up radiographs would be helpful to exclude a secondary superimposed process in the right lower lobe . At that time , the mediastinal width may also be reassessed . |
MIMIC_SUM211 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: The patient is rotated . The ETT is in standard position . A left internal jugular line ends in the left brachiocephalic vein . An enteric tube traverses the midline tip is seen but the stomach is not distended . Bilateral opacities suggests multifocal pneumonia and moderate pulmonary edema , probably overall unchanged . Bilateral hazy opacification suggests dependent small pleural effusions , overall unchanged . No pneumothorax .
| No significant interval change in moderate edema and pneumonia . |
MIMIC_SUM212 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Heart size is normal . Mediastinal and hilar contours are unremarkable . Lungs are clear . Pulmonary vasculature is normal . No pleural effusion or pneumothorax is present . There are no acute osseous abnormalities .
| No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality . |
MIMIC_SUM213 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: The cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are within normal limits . There is evidence of a mitral and tricuspid valve replacement . Lungs are clear . There is no focal consolidation , pleural effusion or pneumothorax .
| No acute cardiopulmonary process . |
MIMIC_SUM214 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Frontal radiograph of the chest shows clear lungs . The cardiac and hilar contours are normal . No pleural abnormalities detected .
| No acute cardiopulmonary process . |
MIMIC_SUM215 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: There is a mildly tortuous thoracic aorta . The cardiac silhouette is mildly enlarged . The hila are within normal limits . There is no pulmonary vascular congestion or pulmonary edema . The lungs are clear without focal consolidation . There is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . There is no evidence of a displaced rib fracture .
| No acute cardiopulmonary process . No displaced rib fracture identified . |
MIMIC_SUM216 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: PA and lateral views of the chest provided . Lung volumes are low limiting assessment . Allowing for this , the lungs are clear . No convincing evidence for pneumonia or edema . No large effusion or pneumothorax . The heart is top - normal in size . Mediastinal contour is unremarkable . Bony structures are intact . No free air below the right hemidiaphragm .
| Top normal heart size , otherwise unremarkable . |
MIMIC_SUM217 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Right internal jugular central venous catheter remains in the low SVC . Lung volumes are low . Pulmonary vascular congestion continues to improved . Bibasilar atelectasis and probable small bilateral pleural effusions are unchanged . Mild cardiomegaly is stable . The mediastinal and hilar contours are stable . There is no pneumothorax .
| No evidence of pneumothorax . |
MIMIC_SUM218 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: A right - sided Port - A - Cath terminates in the mid SVC . Heart size is normal . The mediastinal and hilar contours are normal . The pulmonary vasculature is normal . Lungs are clear . No pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen .
| No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality . |
MIMIC_SUM219 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Frontal and lateral radiographs of the chest demonstrate interval resolution of left apical pneumothorax with mild left apical pleural scarring . Otherwise , the lungs are clear . The mediastinal and hilar contours are normal . No pleural effusion is detected .
| Interval resolution of left apical pneumothorax . |
MIMIC_SUM220 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: AP single view of the chest has been obtained with patient in semi-erect position . Comparison is made with the next preceding similar study obtained one and a half hours earlier during the same day . During the interval , an NG tube has been placed but is seen to reach well below the diaphragm , pointing in the stomach in the direction towards the pylorus . No interval changes are seen on the portable chest examination in comparison with the preceding study .
| Appropriate position of NG tube . |
MIMIC_SUM221 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: The patient is status post median sternotomy and CABG . The cardiac silhouette size is normal . The aorta remains mildly tortuous with atherosclerotic calcifications noted at the aortic knob pulmonary vasculature is normal . Hilar contours are unremarkable . Lungs are hyperinflated with flattening of the diaphragms . Linear opacities within both lung bases are unchanged , and likely reflect areas of subsegmental atelectasis / scarring . No focal consolidation , pleural effusion or pneumothorax is present . There are no acute osseous abnormalities .
| No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality . Lung hyperinflation compatible with history of COPD . |
MIMIC_SUM222 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Right upper lobe nodule is no longer visible . Band - like opacity seen in right middle lobe is more distinct with chain sutures . Fullness of right hilum is as seen on prior CT . Lungs are fully expanded and otherwise clear , without pleural effusion or pneumothorax . Heart size , mediastinal contour are normal . No bony abnormality .
| 1 . Right upper lobe opacity is no longer visible . 2 . Interval resolution of right pleural effusion . |
MIMIC_SUM223 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: PA and lateral views of the chest are obtained . The lungs are well expanded and clear . The cardiomediastinal silhouette is unremarkable . The visualized osseous structures are also unremarkable . A slight impression on the right side of the cervical trachea is again seen .
| No acute cardiopulmonary disease . Slight impression on the right side of lower cervical trachea may represent a thyroid nodule . |
MIMIC_SUM224 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Overall progression of findings compared to the prior exam . Increase in size of the known right pleural effusion , now large - to - moderate . New increased opacity in the left lingula and lower lung with a small left pleural effusion . It is unclear if right - sided lower lung opacities are also present given the concurrent right pleural effusion . Increased bilateral pulmonary vascular congestion and interstitial pulmonary edema . The right Pleur - ex catheter lies within the right hemithorax , although the precise location of tip can not be ascertained . No pneumothorax . Probable cardiomegaly , although the heart borders are obscured by the overlying pleural effusions . The port - A - Cath appears unchanged in position and intact .
| 1 . Progression of the known right pleural effusion , now large - to - moderate , and a new small left pleural effusion . 2 . New , more prominent opacities in the left lingula and lower lung , which may be secondary to pulmonary edema . However , some more unilateral appearance raises the possibility of superimposed consolidation . 3 . Interval resolution of the right pneumothorax . 4 . Pulmonary edema . |
MIMIC_SUM225 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Near complete opacification of the left lung is stable in appearance related to chronic left upper lobe collapse and pleural thickening . The left lung is clear . Moderate cardiomegaly . No pneumothorax . Mild scoliosis .
| Chronic scarring , volume loss and pleural thickening in the left lung partially imaged on recent CTA neck and stable since ___ . No acute pneumonia . |
MIMIC_SUM226 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: The heart is normal in size . The mediastinal and hilar contours appear within normal limits . There is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . The lungs appear clear . Bony structures are unremarkable . There has been no significant change .
| No evidence of acute cardiopulmonary disease . |
MIMIC_SUM227 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Right pigtail pleural catheter has been placed , with evacuation of right pleural effusion , but development of a moderate right pneumothorax , with apical visceral pleural line at level of the right fourth posterior rib . Within the lungs , widespread nodular and reticular opacities are similar in appearance to the previous study , and in keeping with widespread metastatic disease in this patient with underlying history of metastatic salivary carcinoma . Mediastinal and hilar lymphadenopathy are seen to better detail on the recent CT and are radiographically stable . Small left pleural effusion has slightly increased since the previous chest radiograph .
| 1 . New moderate right apical pneumothorax with pigtail pleural catheter in place . Dr . ___ was telephoned with this finding , ___ at 4 :45 p .m . at time of discovery . 2 . Widespread metastatic disease . |
MIMIC_SUM228 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Mild cardiomegaly is stable . Mediastinal contours are otherwise unremarkable . There is mild pulmonary edema with small bilateral pleural effusions and bibasilar and perihilar opacities . No pneumothorax .
| Edema with small bilateral pleural effusions . Bibasilar and perihilar opacities may reflect congestion and atelectasis , but infection is not excluded . |
MIMIC_SUM229 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: AP and lateral upright radiograph through the chest demonstrates clear lungs bilaterally . When compared to prior radiograph dated ___ , there is improved aeration of the left lower base . The cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are stable in appearance . No overt pulmonary edema is identified . Osseous structures demonstrates no acute abnormality . No free air is identified . No free air is seen under the right hemidiaphragm .
| No acute intrathoracic abnormality . |
MIMIC_SUM230 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Portable upright radiographs of the chest demonstrate relatively low lung volumes with bibasilar atelectasis and likely small right pleural effusion . No focal consolidation concerning for pneumonia is identified . Since the prior study , there has been interval improvement in mild interstitial prominence , with no evidence of overt pulmonary edema . There is no pneumothorax . Allowing for portable technique , the heart size is mildly enlarged , but stable compared to the prior study along with a tortuous aorta .
| Bibasilar atelectasis and likely small right pleural effusion . No evidence of pneumonia or overt pulmonary edema . |
MIMIC_SUM231 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Well - circumscribed lobular opacification in the peripheral left upper zone laterally is re - demonstrated . No pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . The cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are grossly stable . Prominence of the central hilar vessels is re - demonstrated although to a slightly lesser extent as compared to the prior study . Mild basilar atelectasis without definite focal consolidation . No overt pulmonary edema PE
| Re - demonstrated lateral , peripheral masslike lobular opacification in the left upper zone , worrisome for a neoplasm / malignancy . No new focal consolidation to suggest pneumonia . |
MIMIC_SUM232 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: A small left - sided pneumothorax is probably unchanged . There has been no significant short - term change .
| Probably unchanged small left - sided pneumothorax . |
MIMIC_SUM233 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: AP and lateral views of the chest again demonstrate dense right lower lobe consolidation , which appears increased in size since the prior study . New since the prior study is a left lower lobe consolidation which may represent atelectasis or developing pneumonia . Lung volumes are decreased since the prior study . Cardiac size is normal accounting for difference in technique . The hilar and mediastinal contours are within normal limits . No pleural effusion or pneumothorax . Pocket of air in the left upper quadrant is extraluminal , as seen on the recent abdomen CT .
| Enlarged right lower lobe opacity and new left lower lobe opacity concerning for new pneumonia or atelectasis . Extraluminal free - air in the left upper quadrant seen on the recent CT . |
MIMIC_SUM234 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: There are low lung volumes resulting in crowding of the bronchovascular structures . No focal consolidation , pleural effusion , pneumothorax , or pulmonary edema is seen . The heart size is normal . Mediastinal contours are normal .
| No radiographic evidence for acute cardiopulmonary process . |
MIMIC_SUM235 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: AP upright and lateral views of the chest provided . Dual lead pacemaker unchanged with leads extending to the region of the right atrium and right ventricle . Midline sternotomy wires are present . Lungs are clear . There is no focal consolidation , effusion , or pneumothorax . The cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal . Imaged osseous structures are intact . No free air below the right hemidiaphragm is seen .
| No acute intrathoracic process . |
MIMIC_SUM236 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Interval development of moderate interstitial pulmonary edema , asymmetrically worse in the right lung . Mild cardiomegaly . No pneumothorax . A small right - sided effusion is suspected . Localized clips in the right upper quadrant from prior nephrectomy with surrounding prominent small bowel loops and a possible ___'s sign suggestive of free intraperitoneal air . Multiple prominent loops of small and large bowel in the upper abdomen likely postoperative ileus .
| Moderate interstitial pulmonary edema . Sharp definition of small bowel loops ( possible ___ 's sign ) suggestive of free intraperitoneal air |
MIMIC_SUM237 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: PA and lateral chest radiographs are provided . There is no focal consolidation , pleural effusions or pneumothorax . Multiple calcified granulomas are seen in the upper lung zones . Pleuroparenchymal scarring is present in the upper lobes . Cardiomediastinal silhouette is unremarkable . Osseous structures are intact .
| No acute cardiopulmonary process . Calcified granulomas and scarring in the upper lobes . |
MIMIC_SUM238 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: PA and lateral views . Mild cardiomegaly and a tortuous , calcified aorta are again seen . Aortic tortuosity is likely in part related to dextroconvex thoracic scoliosis . Hilar contours are stable . There is unchanged mild linear atelectasis or scarring in the left mid and lower lung fields , including the left lateral costophrenic angle . There is no evidence for pulmonary consolidation , pulmonary edema , or pleural effusion . Degenerative changes are again seen in the spine . There appears to be mild anterior wedging of several mid thoracic vertebral bodies , unchanged on but evaluation of vertebral body height is limited by scoliosis . Right glenohumeral arthroplasty is again partially visualized .
| No evidence for active cardiopulmonary disease . |
MIMIC_SUM239 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: PA and lateral radiographs demonstrate a minimal left lower lobe opacity , similar to the prior radiographs . This likely represents atelectasis . The lungs are otherwise clear . The hilar and cardiomediastinal contours are normal . There is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . Pulmonary vascularity is normal .
| Minimal left basilar atelectasis , similar to the prior study . No evidence of pneumonia . |
MIMIC_SUM240 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: AP upright and lateral views of the chest provided . Right upper extremity PICC line is noted with its tip in the region of the cavoatrial junction . Lungs remain clear . No focal consolidation effusion or pneumothorax is seen . The cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable . Bony structures are intact .
| PICC line tip located at the cavoatrial junction . No signs of pneumonia . |
MIMIC_SUM241 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Mild cardiomegaly is a stable . A small bilateral effusions have increased from prior study . There is no pneumothorax . Biapical pleural - parenchymal scarring is noted . The lungs are hyperinflated . There is kyphosis .
| No evidence of pneumonia . Bilateral effusions |
MIMIC_SUM242 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: PA and lateral views of the chest provided . There is no focal consolidation , effusion , or pneumothorax . The cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal . Imaged osseous structures are intact . No free air below the right hemidiaphragm is seen .
| No acute intrathoracic process . |
MIMIC_SUM243 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Cardiac silhouette is enlarged . The aorta is mildly tortuous . Lungs are grossly clear , and there are no pleural effusions . Bones are demineralized , and degenerative changes are present within the spine , as well as scoliosis .
| Cardiomegaly . No evidence of pulmonary edema or pneumonia . |
MIMIC_SUM244 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Severe cardiomegaly is unchanged from the immediate prior exam , but is slightly increased compared to ___ with associated central vascular congestion and upper zone vascular redistribution , compatible with early failure . There is no frank pulmonary edema . Lungs are clear . There is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . The previously identified opacity at the left costophrenic sulcus has cleared and was likely atelectatic .
| 1 . The previously identified opacity at the left costophrenic sulcus has cleared and most likely was atelectatic : 2 . Slight increase in severe cardiomegaly compared to ___ with prominent pulmonary central pulmonary vasculature , compatible with early failure without frank edema . |
MIMIC_SUM245 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: The repositioned NG tube has been advanced , now with tip projecting over the expected region of the stomach above the diaphragm , corresponding to known hiatal hernia . The stomach / hernia appears distended with gas and layering fluid . A right subclavian line ends in the low SVC , unchanged . Increased opacity in the left lower lobe likely reflects persistent atelectasis . No new focal consolidation , large effusion , or pneumothorax . Streaky linear opacities in the right lower lung are likely atelectasis . Surgical clips are seen in the right neck .
| 1 . Repositioned NG tube tip appears to project over the expected region of the large hiatal hernia above the left hemidiaphragm . 2 . Persistent lateral lower lung atelectasis , more prominent on the left . |
MIMIC_SUM246 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: The cardiac , mediastinal and hilar contours are normal . Pulmonary vasculature is normal . Lungs are clear . No pleural effusion or pneumothorax is present . No concerning osseous abnormality is demonstrated .
| No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality . |
MIMIC_SUM247 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Again seen is a moderate right pleural effusion . Right apical spiculated pleural - based lesion was better assessed on preceding PET - CT . Grossly , the right apex is similar in appearance to chest radiograph from ___ , with the right pleural effusion increased since that time . There is new / patchy right basilar opacity could be atelectasis but overlying consolidation not excluded . Hilar contours are similar to ___ , at 12 :35 . The left lung is clear . The cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable . Patient is status post median sternotomy .
| Again seen is a moderate right pleural effusion . Right apical spiculated pleural - based lesion was better assessed on preceding PET - CT . Grossly , the right apex is similar in appearance to chest radiograph from ___ , with the right pleural effusion increased since that time . There is new / patchy right basilar opacity could be atelectasis but overlying consolidation not excluded . Hilar contours are similar to ___ , at 12 :35 . |
MIMIC_SUM248 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Heart size is normal . The mediastinal and hilar contours are normal . The pulmonary vasculature is normal . Lungs are clear . No pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . There are no acute osseous abnormalities .
| No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality . |
MIMIC_SUM249 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: No focal consolidation is seen . There is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . The cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are grossly stable with the aorta slightly more tortuous as compared to the prior study . No pulmonary edema is seen .
| No acute cardiopulmonary process . |
MIMIC_SUM250 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Lung volumes are normal . There is no consolidation , pleural effusion or pneumothorax . Cardiomediastinal contours are normal . No acute osseous abnormalities . No subdiaphragmatic free air .
| No acute cardiopulmonary process . |
MIMIC_SUM251 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: The cardiac , mediastinal and hilar contours appear stable . There is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . A calcification projecting over the lateral right mid lung may be due to a bone island in the adjacent seventh rib or a parenchymal granuloma but in any case appears as a benign finding and unchanged . Otherwise the lung fields appear clear .
| No evidence of acute cardiopulmonary disease . |
MIMIC_SUM252 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: PA and lateral views of the chest . No prior . The lungs are clear . There is no pleural effusion . Cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits . Osseous structures are notable for degenerative changes at the right glenohumeral joint . There is no visualized fracture .
| No acute cardiopulmonary process . |
MIMIC_SUM253 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: There are no old films available for comparison . The heart is mildly enlarged . The lungs are clear without infiltrate or effusion . The bony thorax demonstrates some mild degenerative changes and osteopenia .
| No acute disease . |
MIMIC_SUM254 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Mild enlargement of the cardiac silhouette is present . The aorta is mildly unfolded . Mediastinal and hilar contours are otherwise unremarkable . The pulmonary vasculature is not engorged . Patchy opacities in the lung bases likely reflect areas of atelectasis . No focal consolidation or pleural effusion is demonstrated . Mild degenerative changes are noted involving the right glenohumeral joint .
| Mild bibasilar atelectasis . No focal consolidation to suggest pneumonia . |
MIMIC_SUM255 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: The lungs are clear , the cardiomediastinal silhouette and hila are normal . There is only mild cardiomegaly . There is no vascular congestion or pulmonary edema . Right axilla / chest wall surgical clips are seen at . Sternotomy wires are intact .
| No acute cardiothoracic process . |
MIMIC_SUM256 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Frontal and lateral views of the chest were obtained . There is no focal consolidation , pleural effusion or pneumothorax . Blunting of the right costophrenic sulcus with flattening of the right hemidiaphragmatic contour is unchanged since at least ___ , likely pleural thickening from prior effusion or infection . Cardiac silhouette and mediastinal and hilar contours are normal .
| No acute intrathoracic process . |
MIMIC_SUM257 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: AP upright and lateral views of the chest provided . Left chest wall Port - A - Cath is seen with its tip extending to the SVC . Lung volumes are low . There is bronchovascular crowding likely accounting for streaky opacities in the lower lungs . If there is strong concern for pneumonia , repeat necessary with more optimal inspiratory effort . No large effusion or pneumothorax . Cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal . Bony structures appear intact .
| Limited exam due to low lung volumes . No convincing signs of pneumonia . If there is strong clinical concern , repeat necessary with more optimal inspiratory effort . |
MIMIC_SUM258 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: A large left pleural effusion has substantially increased in size compared to the previous radiograph . Heart size is mildly enlarged . Left basilar opacity likely reflects compressive atelectasis though infection can not be excluded . Patchy opacity in the right lung base also could reflect atelectasis . Trivial right pleural effusion is present . No pulmonary edema or pneumothorax is visualized . Multilevel degenerative changes are noted in the thoracic spine .
| Increased size of left pleural effusion which is now large with left basilar opacity , likely atelectasis , but infection can not be excluded . Patchy right basilar opacity may reflect atelectasis . Tiny right pleural effusion . |
MIMIC_SUM259 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: There is no consolidation , pleural effusion , or pneumothorax . Cardiomediastinal and hilar silhouettes are normal size .
| No acute cardiopulmonary process . |
MIMIC_SUM260 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Heart size is normal . The mediastinal and hilar contours are normal . The pulmonary vasculature is normal . Lungs are clear . No pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . There are no acute osseous abnormalities .
| No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality . |
MIMIC_SUM261 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: The chest tube has been removed . There is a 6 mm tiny right apical pneumothorax that has newly appeared . Right middle lung opacity with radiolucencies has improved since prior exam . It could be related to the laceration seen on CT torso ___ Mediastinal and cardiac contours are normal . There is no pleural effusion .
| There is a tiny right apical pneumothorax after chest tube removal . Dr . ___ ___ has been verbally contacted for the results . |
MIMIC_SUM262 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: The heart remains moderately enlarged with left ventricular predominance . The mediastinal and hilar contours are unchanged , with tortuosity of the thoracic aorta again noted . Diffuse atherosclerotic calcification of the aorta is re - demonstrated . There are low lung volumes . The pulmonary vascularity is not engorged . Large hiatal hernia is again demonstrated . Streaky opacities in the lung bases , including a somewhat more ovoid appearing opacity in the left lung base , likely reflect atelectasis . No pneumothorax is detected . Degenerative changes of both acromioclavicular joints are noted . Compression deformity of the T12 vertebral body is unchanged compared to the prior CT from ___ .
| Large hiatal hernia with bibasilar atelectasis . |
MIMIC_SUM263 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: The patient is status post median sternotomy and CABG . The heart size is normal . The mediastinal and hilar contours are unremarkable , and there is no pulmonary vascular congestion . Apart from minimal streaky opacity in the left lung base likely reflecting atelectasis , the lungs are clear . No pleural effusion , focal consolidation or pneumothorax is present . There are no acute osseous abnormalities .
| Minimal left basilar atelectasis . Otherwise no acute cardiopulmonary abnormality . |
MIMIC_SUM264 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Heart size is normal . The mediastinal and hilar contours are within normal limits . The pulmonary vasculature is normal . No focal consolidation , pleural effusion or pneumothorax is identified . Minimal atelectasis is seen in the left lung base . Multilevel mild degenerative changes are noted in the thoracic spine .
| No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality . |
MIMIC_SUM265 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: The lung volumes are low , but there is no focal consolidation , pleural effusion , or pneumothorax . The cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits . There is no pulmonary vascular congestion . Hyperdensities in the bowel overlying the abdomen are likely due to barium from prior CT .
| No acute cardiopulmonary process . |
MIMIC_SUM266 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: No focal consolidation , pleural effusion , or evidence of pneumothorax is seen . The cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable and unremarkable . Disk space narrowing at a level of the lower thoracic spine is stable .
| No acute cardiopulmonary process . |
MIMIC_SUM267 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Endotracheal tube terminates approximately 4 cm from the carina . Enteric tube courses below the left hemidiaphragm and into the stomach . Right subclavian central venous catheter appears to be malpositioned coursing cephalad into the right internal jugular vein . Right - sided dual lumen central venous catheter is demonstrated with leads terminating in the right atrium and right ventricle , unchanged . Heart size is mildly enlarged , increased compared to the previous exam . The aorta is diffusely calcified . Widening of the superior mediastinum is likely due to supine positioning . Mild pulmonary edema is present . Streaky atelectasis is noted in both lung bases , more pronounced on the left . No large pleural effusion or pneumothorax is present , though hazy opacities bilaterally in the lungs may suggest small layering pleural effusions . No large pneumothorax is identified on this supine image . There are no acute osseous abnormalities .
| 1 . Malpositioned central venous catheter with tip coursing cephalad into the right internal jugular vein . 2 . Standard position of the endotracheal and enteric tubes . 3 . Increased size of the cardiac silhouette and mild pulmonary edema with likely layering bilateral pleural effusions indicate congestive heart failure . 4 . Bibasilar atelectasis . |
MIMIC_SUM268 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: The patient is status post sternotomy . The cardiac , mediastinal and hilar contours appear unchanged including mild cardiomegaly . The lung volumes are low . There is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . The lungs appear clear .
| No evidence of acute cardiopulmonary . |
MIMIC_SUM269 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Portable semi-upright chest radiograph demonstrates interval placement of a left IJ approach hemodialysis catheter , the tip of which projects over the right atrium . A left upper extremity PICC tip projects over the mid SVC . The tracheostomy tube is in unchanged and standard position . The lungs appear hyperinflated , though this is unchanged . Slightly increased opacities are present in the left more than right upper lobes , otherwise the lung parenchyma is unremarkable .
| Bilateral air space and interstitial opacities with an upper lobe predominance appear similar or increased from recent priors , which could reflect an atypical distribution of pulmonary edema in this patient with underlying emphysema as documented on the ___ CT ; further follow up chest radiographs will be required to confirm potential early pneumonia . |
MIMIC_SUM270 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Upright portable radiograph of the chest demonstrates persistent elevation of the left hemidiaphragm , with low lung volumes bilaterally . There is unchanged displacement of the trachea towards the right secondary to a very tortuous intrathoracic aorta . The heart is borderline enlarged in size , unchanged since the prior study . There is no evidence of pulmonary edema . There is no evidence of subdiaphragmatic free air . No pneumothorax is present .
| No acute cardiopulmonary process . No evidence of subdiaphragmatic free air . |
MIMIC_SUM271 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: PA and lateral views of the chest provided demonstrate interval worsening of pulmonary edema with lower lobe opacities , which could represent atelectasis . A retrocardiac opacity with an air - fluid level is compatible with a hiatal hernia . There are no large effusions . No pneumothorax is seen .
| Interval worsening of pulmonary edema . |
MIMIC_SUM272 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Heart size and cardiomediastinal contours are normal . There is minimal bibasilar atelectasis but no focal consolidation , pleural effusion , or pneumothorax . No displaced rib fractures identified . Flowing anterior syndesmophytes of the thoracic spine are similar to prior and consistent with DISH . Sternotomy wires and mediastinal clips are intact .
| No evidence of acute cardiopulmonary process . No displaced rib fracture . |
MIMIC_SUM273 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Moderate cardiomegaly is re- demonstrated , unchanged compared to the prior exam . The aorta is tortuous and diffusely calcified . Linear atelectasis is noted within the right lung base . No focal consolidation , pleural effusion or pneumothorax is detected . There is no pulmonary vascular congestion . Elevation of the right hemidiaphragm is similar . Multilevel degenerative changes are seen within the thoracic spine and the right AC joint .
| Right basilar atelectasis . Otherwise no acute cardiopulmonary abnormality . |
MIMIC_SUM274 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: The lungs are clear without focal consolidation , pleural effusion or pneumothorax . There is no pulmonary edema . The heart is normal in size , and the mediastinal contours are normal .
| No acute cardiopulmonary process . |
MIMIC_SUM275 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Hyperinflation is mild . Cardiomegaly , mild pulmonary vascular congestion , mild pulmonary edema suggest volume overload . There is no pleural effusion or focal consolidation . There is no pneumothorax . Multiple chronic appearing rib fractures are noted .
| Cardiomegaly , mild pulmonary vascular congestion , and mild pulmonary edema . |
MIMIC_SUM276 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Frontal and lateral views of the chest demonstrate consolidation of the right upper lung , consistent with infection . There is apparent associated perihilar prominence suggestive of reactive lymphadenopathy . The cardiac silhouette is prominent , accentuated by low lung volumes . The thoracic aorta is slightly unfolded . There is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . Trace subsegmental atelectasis may be present at the left base . The left lung is otherwise clear .
| Findings consistent with the right upper lobe pneumonia . Recommend followup to resolution once treated with full course of antibiotics . |
MIMIC_SUM277 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: The lungs are clear without focal consolidation . No pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . The cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable and unremarkable . No displaced fracture is seen .
| No acute cardiopulmonary process . No significant interval change . |
MIMIC_SUM278 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: The lungs are well - expanded and clear . The cardiomediastinal silhouette is unremarkable . There is no pleural effusion , pulmonary edema , pneumothorax , or focal consolidation . Posterior left fifth rib irregularity represents a healed fracture . No displaced acute rib fracture identified .
| No acute cardiopulmonary process . |
MIMIC_SUM279 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: PA and lateral views of the chest . Right PICC ends in the low SVC . Better lung volumes . Previously seen bibasilar atelectasis is resolved . Right upper lobe opacities have decreased , likely representing some residual evidence of aspiration . Mediastinal and hilar contours are normal . No pleural effusion or pneumothorax . The splenic flexure of the colon is air-filled with an air - fluid level .
| Bilateral perihilar and basilar opacities have decreased with some persistent right upper lobe opacities . Small bilateral pleural effusions have decreased . Splenic flexure of the colon is air-filled with an air - fluid level , suggesting stasis , correlate clinically . |
MIMIC_SUM280 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: AP and lateral views of the chest were provided . Lung volumes are quite low , which limits the evaluation . Residual contrast is noted in the colon . Dense band - like opacity is noted in the left lower lung which may reflect chronic atelectasis given the stable appearance over time . Otherwise , the lungs appear clear , though low lung volumes somewhat limit the evaluation . Heart size can not be assessed . Mediastinal contour is stable . Bony structures appear intact .
| Stable band - like opacity in the left lower lung is most compatible with chronic atelectasis . Limited study without definite signs for acute interval changes . |
MIMIC_SUM281 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: PA and lateral views of the chest provided demonstrate no focal consolidation , effusion or pneumothorax . The cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal . Bony structures are intact . No free air is seen below the right hemidiaphragm .
| No signs of pneumonia . |
MIMIC_SUM282 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Subtle right middle lobe opacity seen on the lateral view most likely represents atelectasis and possible overlap of vascular structures . No definite focal consolidation is seen . No pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . The cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable and unremarkable . .
| Subtle linear right middle lobe opacity on the lateral view most likely represents atelectasis . |
MIMIC_SUM283 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Endotracheal tube tip is 1 cm from the carina . Enteric tube seen with tip at the inferior field of view side port likely at the GE junction . Low lung volumes are noted with secondary crowding of the bronchovascular markings . There is probable superimposed atelectasis . Cardiomediastinal silhouette is slightly enlarged but likely accentuated by technique . No acute osseous abnormalities .
| Endotracheal tube tip 1 cm from the carina . |
MIMIC_SUM284 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Frontal and lateral views of the chest . On the lateral view , there is increased opacity in the retrocardiac clear space . There is no clear correlate for this finding on the frontal and it was not clearly identified on the prior exam . While this may be due to atelectasis , given that it is new from prior exam with similar inspiratory effort consolidation is also possible . There is no effusion . Cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits . No acute osseous abnormality detected .
| New retrocardiac opacity on the lateral view potentially due to atelectasis however it was not seen on prior film with similar inspiratory effort , consolidation would also be possible . Please correlate clinically . |
MIMIC_SUM285 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Cardiac , mediastinal and hilar contours are unchanged the heart size within normal limits . Asymmetric 10 mm focal opacity projecting over the left first costochondral junction on the prior examination now appears to persist , projecting over the medial left upper lobe . Remainder of the lungs are clear . There are no pleural effusions or pneumothoraces .
| Persistent 10 mm focal opacity projecting over the medial aspect of the left upper lobe . Nonemergent chest CT is recommended for further assessment . |
MIMIC_SUM286 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: The heart is normal in size . The lungs are grossly clear . No significant pleural effusion is seen . Compared to prior , there is increased in vascular pedicle and increased in caliber of pulmonary vasculature , likely from increased intravascular volume . However , no pulmonary edema is seen . Right PICC terminates in mid SVC .
| Increased in intravascular pressure or volume without evidence of pulmonary edema . |
MIMIC_SUM287 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: The lung volumes are low . The cardiac silhouette size is mild to moderately enlarged . Mild prominence of the hila may be related to low inspiratory volumes . Lugns are clear . There is no pulmonary vascular congestion , pleural effusion , pneumothorax , or focal consolidation . No acute osseous abnormalities are seen .
| No acute cardiopulmonary process . |
MIMIC_SUM288 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: There is a small residual area of opacification obscuring the right heart border . However generalized opacities have markedly improved since the more recent prior chest radiographs . There are no pleural effusions or pneumothorax .
| Minimal residual right middle lobe opacity , otherwise clear lungs . |
MIMIC_SUM289 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Frontal and lateral views of the chest were obtained . There has been no significant interval change since the prior study . Marked elevation of the right hemidiaphragm with low volume of the right lung is again seen . Right infrahilar / middle lobe opacity again seen , which may relate to atelectasis and possible underlying consolidation . Left retrocardiac opacity is also stable , better evaluated on recent CT . Known mediastinal and hilar calcified lymph nodes in this patient with history of sarcoid . A couple of punctate rounded calcifications in the right apex may represent calcified granulomas . No pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . Cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable .
| No significant interval change since the prior study of ___ . Persistently elevated right hemidiaphragm and bibasilar opacities . |
MIMIC_SUM290 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: The heart size is normal . The hilar and mediastinal contours are normal . The lungs are clear without evidence of focal consolidations concerning for pneumonia . There is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . The visualized osseous structures are unremarkable .
| No acute intrathoracic abnormalities identified . |
MIMIC_SUM291 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: New since prior chest x-ray are increased interstitial markings throughout the lungs with perihilar prominence . There is no large effusion noting that the costophrenic angles are not completely included on this exam particularly on the right . Cardiac silhouette is top - normal . Degenerative changes noted at the right shoulder . Surgical clips noted at the neck on the right .
| Interval development of pulmonary edema since exam 2 days prior . |
MIMIC_SUM292 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: PA and lateral views of the chest are compared to previous chest CT from ___ . Right perihilar opacity with fiducial marker is again seen , similar in configuration compared to previous exam and compatible with post-radiation changes . The innumerable bilateral pulmonary nodules are less clearly delineated on this exam than they were on the prior CT scan . Lungs are clear of new consolidation or effusion . Cardiomediastinal silhouette is unchanged . Osseous and soft tissue structures are unremarkable .
| Post - treatment changes , not significantly changed given differences in technique compared to prior CT from ___ . Known innumerable bilateral pulmonary nodules are not clearly delineated on this chest x-ray . |
MIMIC_SUM293 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: PA and lateral views of the chest are obtained . The lungs are well expanded and clear . There is no evidence of focal consolidation , pleural effusion or pulmonary edema . Previously seen surgical clips are seen in the chest wall relating to prior breast surgery . The cardiomediastinal silhouette is unremarkable .
| No acute cardiopulmonary disease . |
MIMIC_SUM294 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Portable AP chest film of ___ at 02 :56 is submitted .
| A right internal jugular Port - A - Cath and tracheostomy tube remain in satisfactory position . Overall cardiac mediastinal contours are stable . The patient 's mandible obscures the lung apices . However , the lungs appear well inflated without evidence of focal airspace consolidation to suggest pneumonia or aspiration at this time . No pleural effusions . No pulmonary edema . |
MIMIC_SUM295 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: AP single view portable chest x-ray shows Dobbhoff tube with tip ending in mid gastric cavity . Left lung base opacity has worsened since prior chest x-ray due to increased pleural effusion and left lower lobe collapse . In the appropriate clinical setting pneumonia should be considered . Right lung is clear without consolidation , nodules or pleural effusion . There is no pneumothorax . Heart size is partially obscured by left pleural effusion but appears within normal limits .
| Correct positioning of Dobbhoff tube ending in mid gastric cavity . Interval increase of left lung base collapse and pleural effusion , is concerning for pneumonia . |
MIMIC_SUM296 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: The lungs are hypoinflated . No focal consolidation , edema , effusion , or pneumothorax . Cardiomediastinal silhouette wet is overall unchanged . No subdiaphragmatic free air . Moderate dextroconvex scoliosis of the thoracic spine is also unchanged . There appears to be a stent that projects over the apex of the right lung , unchanged .
| No subdiaphragmatic free air . |
MIMIC_SUM297 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: PA and lateral views of the chest provided . There is decrease conspicuity of pulmonary nodules as seen on prior exam which suggests positive treatment response . No focal consolidation concerning for pneumonia . No large effusion or pneumothorax . Cardiomediastinal silhouette appears normal . Bony structures are intact .
| Apparent decrease in contiguity of multiple pulmonary nodules suggests positive treatment response . No signs of pneumonia . |
MIMIC_SUM298 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Redemonstrated is a left - sided Port - A - Cath with the tip seen terminating within the lower SVC . No focal consolidation , pleural effusion , pneumothorax , or pulmonary edema is seen . There is an 8 mm rounded structure projecting over the right upper lung with sharp margins , and may be external to the patient . The heart size is normal . Mediastinal contours are normal .
| 1 . No radiographic evidence for acute cardiopulmonary process . 2 . 8 mm rounded structure projecting over the right upper lung . Findings are new since the prior exam , and the structure is sharply marginated , suggestive of a structure external to the patient . |
MIMIC_SUM299 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Cardiomediastinal contours are stable with mild cardiomegaly . Pacer lead tip is in the right ventricle . The lungs are clear . There is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . There are mild - to - moderate moderate degenerative changes in the thoracic spine .
| No acute cardiopulmonary abnormalities |
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