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MIMIC_SUM100 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Lung volumes are low . Heart size is top normal . Mediastinal and hilar contours are unremarkable . There is crowding of the bronchovascular structures with no overt pulmonary edema demonstrated . Streaky opacities in the lung bases likely reflect areas of atelectasis . No pleural effusion or pneumothorax is identified on this supine exam . No acute osseous abnormality is visualized .
| Low lung volumes with streaky bibasilar opacities , likely atelectasis . |
MIMIC_SUM101 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: The lungs are again noted to be hyperinflated , with flattening of the hemidiaphragms . Bilateral pleural effusions are similar to perhaps slightly increased compared with prior . There is new silhouetting of the right heart border likely reflecting right middle lobar atelectasis . The pulmonary vasculature is normal in appearance . There is mild interstitial thickening consistent with mild pulmonary edema . The cardiac silhouette is normal in size , there is bilateral paratracheal lymphadenopathy , and there is calcification of the aortic knob . A right chest pacemaker is in place , with atrial and ventricular leads in stable and appropriate position . Asymmetry of the breasts is consistent with prior surgery . Poor definition of the lumens of lower trachea and main bronchi suggests airway compromise requiring CT for imaging evaluation .
| 1 . Right middle lobe collapse . CT would be required to evaluate airway patency . 2 . Mild CHF , with interstitial fluid and slight increase in bilateral pleural effusions . 3 . Stable bilateral paratracheal lymphadenopathy . |
MIMIC_SUM102 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: AP portable supine view of the chest . Pigtail chest tube has been placed at the left lung base . There has been interval expansion of the left lung with no significant residual left effusion . No pneumothorax .
| Significant re-expansion of the left lung status post left chest tube placement . No pneumothorax . |
MIMIC_SUM103 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Frontal and lateral views of the chest were obtained . Moderate - to - marked enlargement of the cardiac silhouette is grossly stable . There is persistent prominence of the central pulmonary vasculature with slight decrease in pulmonary edema as compared to the prior study . No definite focal consolidation is seen . There is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . Minimal right base atelectasis may be present . There is persistent eventration of the right hemidiaphragm .
| Persistent enlargement of the cardiac silhouette with central pulmonary vascular engorgement . |
MIMIC_SUM104 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Compared to chest radiographs from ___ , there is no significant change . Lungs are clear without focal consolidation , effusion , or pneumothorax . There is no central vascular congestion or overt pulmonary edema . Mediastinum , hila and pleural surfaces are unremarkable . Heart size is normal .
| No evidence of pneumonia . |
MIMIC_SUM105 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Single lead left - sided AICD is in place and unchanged . Mild lateral left base atelectasis / scarring is again seen . There is no focal consolidation , pleural effusion or pneumothorax . The cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are stable .
| No acute cardiopulmonary process . |
MIMIC_SUM106 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Mild cardiomegaly is present . Calcified right lower paratracheal calcified lymph nodes suggest prior granulomatous disease . The aorta is densely calcified diffusely . Hilar contours are unremarkable . There is mild interstitial pulmonary edema with small bilateral pleural effusions . More focal opacity in the retrocardiac region likely reflects atelectasis . No pneumothorax is present . The osseous structures are diffusely demineralized .
| Mild interstitial pulmonary edema and small bilateral pleural effusions . Patchy retrocardiac atelectasis . Calcified mediastinal lymph nodes suggest prior granulomatous disease . |
MIMIC_SUM107 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: AP and lateral chest radiographs were obtained . The lungs are well expanded and clear . There is no focal consolidation , effusion , or pneumothorax . Mediastinal clips and coronary stents are unchanged . Mild cardiomegaly is unchanged .
| Stable cardiomegaly . No acute cardiopulmonary process . |
MIMIC_SUM108 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: There is still a small right apical pneumothorax , unchanged from 11 :26 a .m . There is no shift of the mediastinum . The lungs are clear . The cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits .
| Stable right apical pneumothorax . |
MIMIC_SUM109 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: A right pigtail catheter is again present . Minimal if any residual pneumothorax is noted . No focal consolidation or pleural effusion . The size the cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits .
| Right - sided chest tube in - situ . Minimal if any residual pneumothorax . |
MIMIC_SUM110 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: The heart size is normal . The hilar and mediastinal contours demonstrate mild pulmonary vascular congestion , otherwise are unremarkable . There is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . Fiducial marker at the right lung apex is unchanged in position . Note is made of mild bibasilar atelectasis . No acute fractures identified .
| No acute fractures identified . Mild pulmonary vascular congestion . |
MIMIC_SUM111 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: PA and lateral views of the chest were provided . Midline sternotomy wires and prosthetic cardiac valve as well as mediastinal clips are again noted . The lungs are clear and well inflated . No pneumothorax or pleural effusion . No consolidation or signs of CHF . Cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal and stable . Bony structures appear intact .
| No acute traumatic injuries . If strong clinical concern for rib fracture , a dedicated rib series may be obtained to further assess . |
MIMIC_SUM112 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Frontal and lateral radiographs of the chest were acquired . A left Port - A - Cath ends in the mid-to - low SVC , not significantly changed in position . Nodular opacities in the right lower and left mid lung are not significantly changed in appearance . The lungs are otherwise clear . The cardiac and mediastinal contours are normal . There are no pleural effusions . No pneumothorax is seen .
| No acute cardiac or pulmonary process . No significant change in right lower or left mid lung nodular opacities . |
MIMIC_SUM113 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Semi-upright portable view of the chest demonstrates interval removal of an endotracheal tube . Swan - Ganz catheter is in unchanged position . Sternotomy wires appear intact . Extensive diffuse bilateral heterogeneous opacities are significantly progressed from prior exam , compatible . Small pleural effusions can not be excluded . There is no pneumothorax . The hilar and mediastinal silhouettes are unchanged . Cardiomegaly is mild to moderate .
| In comparison to study obtained 12 hours prior , there is significant interval progression of pulmonary edema , which is now severe . |
MIMIC_SUM114 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: There is a severe levoconcave scoliosis of the thoracic spine . The compensatory dextroconcave scoliosis of the lumbar spine is not included on this radiograph as in priors . The lungs , however , remain clear without consolidation or edema . Evidence of prior median sternotomy and CABG noted . The cardiac silhouette size is stable . There is suggestion of blunting posteriorly of the left costophrenic angle which has been noted on prior exams may be due to chronic effusion or scarring . No right effusion is noted . There is no pneumothorax . No displaced fractures are evident .
| Severe scoliosis . No definite acute pulmonary process noted . There may be a small left pleural effusion . |
MIMIC_SUM115 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Cardiac silhouette size is top normal . Mediastinal and hilar contours are unremarkable . Pulmonary vasculature is normal . Minimal streaky opacities in the lung bases likely reflect atelectasis . No focal consolidation , pleural effusion or pneumothorax is identified . No acute osseous abnormality is detected .
| Minimal atelectasis at the lung bases without focal consolidation to suggest pneumonia |
MIMIC_SUM116 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Mild prominence of the mediastinum , likely a combination of patient position as well as azygos vein engorgement . Heart size is slightly enlarged compared to prior , which considered in conjunction with mild central pulmonary vessel engorgement suggests degree of mild heart failure . The opacification in the left lung base appears to correspond with prominent cardiac fat pad and eventration of the left hemidiaphragm evident on the ___ CT , but not significantly changed compared to prior radiograph . No pleural effusion identified , though left costophrenic angle is excluded from view . No pneumothorax evident .
| New prominence of the cardiomediastinal silhouette and central vessels suggests mild cardiac decompensation . No pleural effusion . No focal opacification concerning for pneumonia . |
MIMIC_SUM117 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: The lungs are clear . The hilar and cardiomediastinal contours are normal . There is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . Pulmonary vascularity is normal .
| Normal radiograph of the chest . |
MIMIC_SUM118 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: The heart size , mediastinal , and hilar contours are normal . The lungs are clear without pleural effusion , focal consolidation , or pneumothorax .
| No acute cardiopulmonary process . |
MIMIC_SUM119 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: There is no focal consolidation , pleural effusion , pneumothorax , or pulmonary edema . The cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits . There is no displaced rib fracture .
| Normal chest radiographs without evidence of rib fracture . |
MIMIC_SUM120 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Lung volumes are normal . There is no focal consolidation , effusion , or pneumothorax . There is no central vascular congestion or overt pulmonary edema . Mediastinal and hilar contours are normal . There is mild cardiomegaly , predominantly due to an enlarged left ventricle , which is consistent with prior VSD , though could reflect a small pericardial effusion .
| Mild cardiomegaly , predominantly left ventricular enlargement , consistent with patient 's known VSD , though pericardial effusion can not be definitively excluded . Recommend correlation with physical exam and EKG findings . If there is persistent clinical concern , echocardiography could be considered for further evaluation . |
MIMIC_SUM121 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: A nasogastric tube terminates within the stomach , with the side port beyond the gastroesophageal junction . An enteric feeding tube loops once in the stomach , courses inferiorly into the duodenum and out of the field of view and the tip can be seen in the proximal jejunum . A tracheostomy tube is appropriately positioned . A left subclavian triple - lumen central venous catheter terminates in the mid SVC . There are persistent small bilateral pleural effusions and bibasilar atelectasis . There is improved aeration in the upper lung fields resulting from resolution of mild pulmonary edema . The mediastinal width has also decreased , suggestive of resolution of mild hypervolemia . There is no pneumothorax .
| 1 . The nasogastric tube terminates within the stomach with the side port beyond the gastroesophageal junction . 2 . The enteric feeding tube loops once within the stomach and terminates in the proximal jejunum . 3 . Resolution of hypervolemia and pulmonary edema . 4 . Persistent small bilateral pleural effusions and bibasilar atelectasis . |
MIMIC_SUM122 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: The lungs are clear . The mediastinal and hilar contours are normal . There are no pleural effusions or pneumothorax . Discoid atelectasis persists in the left costophrenic angle .
| No acute cardiopulmonary process . |
MIMIC_SUM123 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: PA and lateral views of the chest are compared to previous exam from ___ . The lungs are clear . There is no effusion . The cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits . Calcific density again projects over the scapula on the frontal view , likely an intra-articular body within the right glenohumeral joint recess . Osseous and soft tissue structures are otherwise notable for hypertrophic changes in the spine .
| No acute cardiopulmonary process . |
MIMIC_SUM124 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Relative linear right basilar opacity is most suggestive of atelectasis . Elsewhere , the lungs are clear . Cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits . Right humeral head is relatively inferiorly positioned with respect to the glenoid as seen on recent shoulder films .
| No acute cardiopulmonary process . |
MIMIC_SUM125 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: The large left pleural effusion has improved significantly compared to yesterday 's radiograph . However , it now appears to be loculated . The left pigtail catheter is unchanged in position . The right lung is essentially clear without evidence of pneumonia , pleural effusion or pneumothorax . Heart size is within the upper limits of normal . No acute osseous abnormalities .
| Significant interval improvement in large left pleural effusion , which now has a loculated appearance . |
MIMIC_SUM126 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: PA and lateral images of the chest . The lungs are well expanded and clear . There is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . The cardiomediastinal silhouette is unremarkable .
| No acute cardiopulmonary process . |
MIMIC_SUM127 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: PA and lateral views of the chest . There is no focal consolidation , pleural effusion , or pneumothorax . The cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are normal . A lower thoracic vertebral compression fracture is unchanged compared to ___ .
| No acute cardiopulmonary process . These findings were discussed with Dr . ___ by Dr . ___ at 3 :23 p .m . on ___ by telephone . |
MIMIC_SUM128 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: A right pleural effusion is moderately increased . A probable left pleural effusion is unchanged . Dense vascular calcifications are again noted . Mild pulmonary edema is improved . Cardiomegaly is mild . Focal pleura thickening at the lung apices is unchanged .
| A right pleural effusion is likely mildly increased . Mild pulmonary edema is improved . |
MIMIC_SUM129 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: PA and lateral views of the chest provided . Port - A - Cath resides over the right chest wall with catheter extending into the mid SVC region . The lungs appear clear bilaterally . There is no focal consolidation , effusion , or pneumothorax . The cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal . Imaged osseous structures are intact . No free air below the right hemidiaphragm is seen .
| No acute intrathoracic process . |
MIMIC_SUM130 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: The patient is rotated . The patient is status post median sternotomy . The cardiac silhouette is top - normal to mildly enlarged . Mediastinal contours are unremarkable . Left base opacity may be due to overlying soft tissue although a small pleural effusion with atelectasis or consolidation is not entirely excluded .
| Low lung volumes and rotated patient . Lateral left basilar opacity may relate to low lung volumes however , underlying pleural effusion with atelectasis or consolidation is not excluded . |
MIMIC_SUM131 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Dominant left upper lobe mass , peripheral right upper lobe mass - like opacity with adjacent pleural opacity , and scattered pulmonary nodules have been more fully assessed on concurrent chest CTA along with extensive intrathoracic lymphadenopathy . Small left pleural effusion is present with adjacent left basilar opacities .
| 1 . Extensive intrathoracic neoplastic disease has been more fully assessed on concurrent chest CTA 2 . Small left pleural effusion with adjacent nonspecific left lower lobe opacities , possibly due to infarcts in the setting of documented pulmonary embolism on separately dictated CTA . |
MIMIC_SUM132 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Frontal and lateral chest radiographs demonstrate well expanded and clear lungs . There is no focal consolidation , pleural effusion or pneumothorax . The cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are unremarkable . A left pectoral AICD is seen with its intact single lead terminating in the right ventricle .
| No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality . |
MIMIC_SUM133 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: The lungs are low in volume with linear scarring or atelectasis in the left mid lung . There is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . Mild pulmonary vascular congestion is improved . The heart is top normal in size with normal mediastinal contours .
| Mild pulmonary vascular congestion without acute intrathoracic process . |
MIMIC_SUM134 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: There is minimal left lower lung atelectasis . The lungs are otherwise clear . The heart size is normal . The mediastinal contours are normal . There are no pleural effusions . No pneumothorax is seen .
| No acute cardiac or pulmonary process . |
MIMIC_SUM135 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: The patient is status post median sternotomy and CABG . Heart size remains mildly enlarged . Mediastinal and hilar contours are similar . No pulmonary edema is demonstrated . Streaky opacities are seen within the left lower lobe which could reflect atelectasis though infection or aspiration is not excluded . Trace bilateral pleural effusions are demonstrated . No acute osseous abnormality is detected .
| Small bilateral pleural effusions with left patchy opacity , potentially atelectasis though infection or aspiration can not be excluded . |
MIMIC_SUM136 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: There is a right middle and lower lobe pneumonia . There is mild cardiomegaly , but no pulmonary edema and no pleural effusion . There is no pneumothorax . The partially visualized bony structure of the thorax appear normal .
| Right middle and lower lobe pneumonia . Follow - up imaging should be obtained after resolution of symptoms . |
MIMIC_SUM137 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Streaky opacities in the lingula correspond to scarring seen on the prior examinations . Otherwise , the lungs appear clear . There are no pleural effusions or pneumothorax . A Port - A - Cath terminates in the same position along the upper superior vena cava . Mild degenerative changes are similar along the thoracic spine .
| No evidence of acute disease . |
MIMIC_SUM138 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: There is a radiopaque spoon identified in the region of the lower pharynx through the mid esophagus . On the lateral view there is evidence of 2 additional spoons in the upper abdomen not fully included on this exam . Low lung volumes are noted . The lungs are clear . There is no evidence of pneumomediastinum or effusion . There is no free intraperitoneal air .
| 1 spoonin the lower pharynx / upper - mid esophagus . Two additional partially imaged spoons in the abdomen seen on the lateral view . |
MIMIC_SUM139 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: The cardiomediastinal silhouettes are stable . The bilateral hila are unremarkable . The lungs are hyperinflated . In comparison to chest x-ray ___ , the right upper lobe opacity has resolved . There is persistent hazy airspace opacity at the right lung base . In addition , there is interval worsening of pulmonary vascular congestion and probable early mild pulmonary edema . There is no new focal lung consolidation . There is no pneumothorax . Trace pleural effusions .
| 1 . Coarsened interstitial markings , likely pulmonary vascular congestion and probable early or mild pulmonary edema . 2 . Interval near - resolution of right upper lobe opacity . 3 . Trace bilateral pleural effusions . |
MIMIC_SUM140 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Compared with the prior study , no change in positioning of the right subclavian central line . The moderate right - sided pleural effusion is similar since ___ . There is likely adjacent compressive atelectasis . Cardiomediastinal silhouette is unchanged .
| No change in the moderate right pleural effusion since ___ . |
MIMIC_SUM141 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: PA and lateral views of the chest provided . There is no focal consolidation , effusion , or pneumothorax . The cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal . Imaged osseous structures are intact . No free air below the right hemidiaphragm is seen .
| No acute intrathoracic process . |
MIMIC_SUM142 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Heart size is normal . The mediastinal and hilar contours are normal . The pulmonary vasculature is normal . Lungs are clear . No pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . There are no acute osseous abnormalities .
| No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality . |
MIMIC_SUM143 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: The lungs are clear of focal consolidation , pleural effusion or pneumothorax . The heart appears to be enlarged likely secondary to patient positioning . The mediastinal contours are normal .
| No acute cardiopulmonary process . |
MIMIC_SUM144 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: ET tube terminates 3 .2 cm above the carina . NG tube extends into the stomach . Right Port - A - Cath terminates in the lower SVC . Normal mediastinal contours . No cardiomegaly . Large , layering right pleural effusion previously visualized on CTA chest from ___ at 06 :51 is likely secondary to known metastatic disease .
| Large , layering right pleural effusion likely secondary to known metastatic disease . Right Port - A - Cath terminates in the lower SVC . |
MIMIC_SUM145 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: AP upright and lateral views of the chest provided . There is no focal consolidation , effusion , or pneumothorax . The cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal . Imaged osseous structures are intact . No free air below the right hemidiaphragm is seen .
| No acute intrathoracic process . |
MIMIC_SUM146 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Tracheostomy is unchanged position . A right PICC is stable . Bibasilar opacities are increased from the prior exam consistent with worsening pulmonary edema . Bilateral effusions , small on the right and moderate on the left are minimally increased from the prior examination . There is no pneumothorax . Cardiomegaly is stable .
| Worsening pulmonary edema and minimally increased pleural effusions , left greater than right . |
MIMIC_SUM147 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: There is no focal consolidation , pleural effusion or pneumothorax . The cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are normal . The previously seen small opacity in the right lower lung is no longer apparent on this study with better inspiration , this may have represented focal atelectasis due to lower lung volumes .
| The previously seen small opacity in the right lower lung is no longer apparent on this study with better inspiration , this may have represented focal atelectasis due to lower lung volumes . |
MIMIC_SUM148 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: The lungs are clear without confluent consolidation . There is no pulmonary edema or pleural effusions . Cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are within normal limits . There is no pneumothorax .
| No acute cardiopulmonary process . No pneumonia . |
MIMIC_SUM149 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: AP portable upright view of the chest . Left chest wall pacer device is again noted with leads extending into the region of the right atrium and right ventricle . There is pulmonary edema which appears progressed from the chest CT performed earlier today . No large effusion or pneumothorax is seen . Multiple pulmonary nodules are better assessed on the CT exam from earlier today . Heart size is mildly enlarged . Mediastinal contour appears grossly within normal limits . Bony structures are intact . No free air below the right hemidiaphragm .
| 1 . Pulmonary edema , cardiomegaly . 2 . Multiple pulmonary nodules better assessed on CT concerning for metastasis . |
MIMIC_SUM150 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Frontal and lateral views of the chest were obtained . The lungs are clear without focal consolidation . No pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . Minimal mid lung atelectasis / scarring seen , best on the lateral view . No displaced rib fracture is seen .
| No acute cardiopulmonary process . No displaced rib fracture seen . However , if clinical concern for rib fracture is high , suggest dedicated rib series , which is more sensitive . |
MIMIC_SUM151 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Heart is upper limits of normal in size . The aorta is tortuous . Prominence of the central pulmonary artery suggests the possibility of pulmonary arterial hypertension . Lungs are clear , with the exception of minimal linear scar or atelectasis at the extreme bases . Lung volumes appear increased . No pleural effusion or acute skeletal findings .
| 1 . Prominent central pulmonary vascularity suggesting possible pulmonary arterial hypertension . 2 . No acute pulmonary abnormality . |
MIMIC_SUM152 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: The right PICC line ends in the in mid SVC . Large right pleural effusion and atelectasis is unchanged . Small amount of pleural fluid tracks in the minor fissure . Small left pleural effusion is also unchanged . No pneumothorax . No overt pulmonary edema . A tube projects over the abdomen and is unchanged . The heart size can not be adequately assessed as the borders are not all seen , but is most likely moderately enlarged and probably grossly unchanged .
| No significant change in large right pleural effusion with substantial atelectasis and small left pleural effusions . |
MIMIC_SUM153 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: There is no focal consolidation , pleural effusion or pneumothorax . No evidence of pneumomediastinum . Cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits . Mild dextrocurvature of the thoracic spine may be positional .
| No pneumomediastinum or pneumothorax . |
MIMIC_SUM154 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: There is no focal consolidation , effusion , or pneumothorax . There is mild bibasilar atelectasis . The cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal . Imaged osseous structures are intact . No free air below the right hemidiaphragm is seen . Left upper lobe opacity overlying the first rib is questionable for a nodule . Linear opacities in the lingula and right middle lobe could be due to infection .
| Linear opacities in the lingula and right middle lobe could be due to infection . |
MIMIC_SUM155 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: PA and lateral views of the chest were provided demonstrating no focal consolidation , effusion , or pneumothorax . The heart and mediastinal contours are normal . The bony structures are intact . No free air below the right hemidiaphragm is seen .
| No acute intrathoracic process . |
MIMIC_SUM156 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: PA and lateral views of the chest . There is mild prominence of the central pulmonary vasculature . There is no evidence of pulmonary edema . There is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . The cardiac and mediastinal contours are normal . The lungs are clear .
| Mild prominence of pulmonary vasculature but no evidence of edema . Lungs are clear . No pleural effusion . |
MIMIC_SUM157 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Cardiac , mediastinal and hilar contours are normal . Pulmonary vasculature is normal . Lungs are clear . No pleural effusion or pneumothorax is present . No acute osseous abnormality is detected .
| No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality . |
MIMIC_SUM158 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Cardiomediastinal contours are normal . The lungs are clear . There is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . The osseous structures are unremarkable
| No acute cardiopulmonary abnormalities |
MIMIC_SUM159 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: The lungs are well - expanded . Slight increased opacity in the right infrahilar region seen only on the frontal view does not have a definite correlate on the lateral view , possibly reflecting atelectasis versus an early bronchopneumonia in the appropriate clinical situation . No edema , effusion , or pneumothorax . Mild cardiomegaly is unchanged . The mediastinum is not widened . Left lower lung opacity is probably atelectasis , overall similar to ___ . No acute osseous abnormality . Fiducial markers projecting over the right upper quadrant are unchanged .
| Slight increased opacity in the right infrahilar region on only the frontal view may reflect atelectasis versus early bronchopneumonia in the appropriate clinical situation . |
MIMIC_SUM160 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: AP single view of the chest has been obtained with patient in semi-upright position . Comparison is made to the next preceding similar study dated ___ . The findings on this portable chest examination are unaltered . Previously identified right internal jugular approach central venous line remains in unchanged position . Cardiomegaly as before . Hazy densities over the lung bases persist . The pulmonary vasculature remains congested with marked perivascular haze as before . No pneumothorax is seen .
| Persistent findings compatible with CHF , no significant improvement during the latest one day interval . |
MIMIC_SUM161 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: No significant interval change is seen from previous chest radiograph . Moderate right pleural effusion continues to be seen with compressive atelectasis of the right lung . The cardiac and mediastinal contours are unchanged with mildly enlarged heart .
| No change in moderate right pleural effusion and associated atelectasis . |
MIMIC_SUM162 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Low lung volumes persist . Heart size is accentuated as a result appearing mildly enlarged but unchanged . Mediastinal and hilar contours are normal . Pulmonary vasculature is normal . Lungs are clear . No pleural effusion or pneumothorax is present . There are no acute osseous abnormalities .
| No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality . |
MIMIC_SUM163 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: The cardiac silhouette is stably enlarged . There is mild indistinctness of the pulmonary vasculature , slightly progressed since the prior examination . No definite consolidation is noted . There is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion . The visualized bones are unremarkable .
| 1 . Possible mild pulmonary edema . 2 . No consolidation . |
MIMIC_SUM164 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: The cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are within normal limits . Lungs are well expanded and clear . There is no focal consolidation , pleural effusion or pneumothorax .
| No acute cardiopulmonary process . |
MIMIC_SUM165 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: There are likely small bilateral pleural effusions . The heart is mild to moderately enlarged . Dual - lead right - sided pacemaker is again seen , similar in position . There is mild pulmonary vascular congestion . No definite new consolidation is seen .
| Small bilateral pleural effusions and enlarged cardiac silhouette . Pulmonary vascular congestion . |
MIMIC_SUM166 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: The cardiomediastinal shadow is normal . Normal hila . No airspace consolidation . No suspicious pulmonary nodules or masses . No pneumothorax . No pleural effusions . Right - sided Port - A - Cath in situ with the tip in the mid to distal SVC . No right - sided pneumothorax .
| No features of pneumonia . This preliminary report was reviewed with Dr . ___ , ___ radiologist . |
MIMIC_SUM167 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: No prior studies for comparison . The heart size is normal . The lungs are clear . There is no focal consolidation , pleural effusions or signs for overt pulmonary edema . Bony structures are intact .
| No signs for acute cardiopulmonary process . |
MIMIC_SUM168 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Frontal and lateral views of the chest were obtained . No focal consolidation , pleural effusion , or evidence of pneumothorax is seen . The cardiac , mediastinal and hilar contours are stable .
| No acute cardiopulmonary process . |
MIMIC_SUM169 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: PA and lateral views of the chest . No prior . There is no definite consolidation . Rounded opacity projecting over the left lung base is thought to represent a nipple shadow . Right nipple ring is identified . There is no effusion or pulmonary vascular congestion . Cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits . Mild vertebral body height loss identified at the mid - to - lower thoracic spine , age indeterminate without prior .
| No definite acute cardiopulmonary process . Age indeterminant mild vertebral body height loss in the mid - to - lower thoracic spine . Clinical correlation suggested . |
MIMIC_SUM170 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: PA and lateral images of the chest . The lungs are well expanded and clear . There is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . The cardiomediastinal silhouette is unremarkable .
| No acute cardiopulmonary process . |
MIMIC_SUM171 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Portable AP upright chest radiograph ___ at 12 :34 is submitted .
| Right subclavian PICC line in the proximal SVC . Overall cardiac and mediastinal contours are stable . There has been interval improvement in the patchy opacities predominantly within the right lung but also scattered in the left lung . Findings are consistent with resolving edema rather than an infectious process . No pneumothorax . |
MIMIC_SUM172 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Single portable view of the chest . The lungs are clear of consolidation , effusion or pulmonary vascular congestion . Cardiac silhouette is enlarged size likely accentuated by technique . Mid thoracic dextroscoliosis is noted . No acute osseous abnormality detected .
| No acute cardiopulmonary process . |
MIMIC_SUM173 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: The cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are stable and within normal limits . The aorta is minimally calcified . There is mild pulmonary vascular congestion as well as mild pulmonary edema . Of note , more focal opacity at the base of the right lung may could reflect underlying infection or asymmetric edema . No effusions or pneumothorax .
| Mild pulmonary edema . More focal opacity at the base of the right lung could reflect underlying infection or asymmetric edema . |
MIMIC_SUM174 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Frontal lateral chest radiographs demonstrate no interval change in small left pneumothorax . Again seen is a nondisplaced fracture of left 7th rib . The visualized heart , mediastinal contour and hila are unremarkable . The lungs are notable for bibasilar atelectasis and are otherwise clear .
| 1 . Unchanged small left pneumothorax . 2 . Nondisplaced left ___ posterior rib fracture better seen on prior sudy . |
MIMIC_SUM175 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Lung volumes are low , somewhat accentuating pulmonary vascular markings . Bibasilar opacities present in the prior radiograph are still apparent , although substantially less so . The upper lungs appear clear . Cardiomediastinal silhouette and hilar contours appear normal .
| Resolving opacities in the lower lung . |
MIMIC_SUM176 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: There are atelectatic changes extending from the right hilum into the right lower lung field . There is a small right pleural effusion . The cardiomediastinal silhouette and hila are normal . There is no pneumothorax and no suspicious lung consolidation . DISH is seen in the thoracic spine . There is no free air .
| Small right pleural effusion . No evidence of pneumonia , pneumothorax or pneumoperitoneum . |
MIMIC_SUM177 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: There is no focal consolidation , effusion , or pneumothorax . The cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal . Imaged osseous structures are intact . No free air below the right hemidiaphragm is seen .
| No acute intrathoracic process . |
MIMIC_SUM178 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: In comparison to the prior radiograph on ___ , the right IJ catheter has been removed . Median sternotomy wires are intact . Bronchovascular markings are accentuated by low lung volumes . Pulmonary vascular congestion is mild . A small left pleural effusion is similar , or perhaps smaller compared to ___ . There is no focal consolidation or pneumothorax . Heart size is mildly enlarged , and postoperative appearance of the cardiomediastinal silhouette is unchanged . There is a prosthetic aortic valve . No acute osseous abnormalities are identified .
| 1 . Stable or improved small left pleural effusion compared to ___ . 2 . Stable postoperative appearance of the cardiomediastinal silhouette , with mild pulmonary vascular congestion . |
MIMIC_SUM179 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: The lungs are well aerated and clear . Heart size and mediastinal contours are normal . There is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . Osseous structures are intact . Right PICC is seen with tip over the mid to lower SVC . Hardware seen in the right humeral head .
| No acute cardiopulmonary process . Right PICC tip in the mid to lower SVC . |
MIMIC_SUM180 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Endotracheal tube terminates 3 cm above the Carina . Enteric tube is in the stomach . Right PICC is deep in the right atrium , unchanged . Lung volumes remain low and a band of atelectasis is present at the right base . Left lower lobe remains collapsed and there is persistent dense retrocardiac opacification with air bronchograms . Pulmonary vascular engorgement is unchanged . No large effusion or pneumothorax .
| Persistent retrocardiac consolidation could represent pneumonia in the appropriate clinical setting . |
MIMIC_SUM181 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Lung volumes are low . Heart size is mildly enlarged . Mediastinal and hilar contours are unremarkable . Pulmonary vasculature is not engorged . Apart from minimal atelectasis in the lung bases , the lungs are clear without focal consolidation . No pleural effusion or pneumothorax is present . There are no acute osseous abnormalities .
| Low lung volumes and mild bibasilar atelectasis . |
MIMIC_SUM182 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Nasogastric tube passes into the stomach , but could be advanced slightly for optimal positioning . The sideholes are likely in the region of the gastroesophageal junction . In comparison to prior studies , there is increased opacity with air-bronchograms in the right infrahilar region , concerning for aspiration . Remainder of the lungs remain well aerated . There is no effusion or pneumothorax . Hilar and cardiomediastinal contours are unchanged . There is no pulmonary vascular congestion or edema .
| 1 . Interval development of right infrahilar opacity , concerning for aspiration . 2 . Nasogastric tube could be advanced slightly for optimal positioning . ___ was paged with these findings at 10 a .m . on ___ by Dr . ___ ___ phone . |
MIMIC_SUM183 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: PA and lateral views of the chest provided . There are subtle retrocardiac opacity which in the correct clinical setting may reflect pneumonia . Otherwise the lungs appear clear . Mild prominence of the hilar markings may reflect a component of central airways inflammation in the correct clinical setting . No large effusion or pneumothorax . Heart and mediastinal contours are normal . Bony structures are intact . No free air below the right hemidiaphragm .
| Retrocardiac opacity may reflect pneumonia . Mild prominence of central bronchovascular markings could reflect central airways inflammation . |
MIMIC_SUM184 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Lung volumes are low . Heart size is mildly enlarged but unchanged . Mediastinal and hilar contours are unremarkable . There is crowding of the bronchovascular structures without overt pulmonary edema . Minimal patchy opacities in the lung bases likely reflect atelectasis . There is no focal consolidation . No pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . There are no acute osseous abnormalities .
| Low lung volumes with mild bibasilar atelectasis . |
MIMIC_SUM185 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Cardiomediastinal contours are unremarkable . There is minimal prominence of the central pulmonary vasculature , likely exaggerated by low lung volumes . Bronchovascular crowding noted in the bilateral lung bases . No focal consolidation . No pleural effusion or pneumothorax identified . No osseous abnormality .
| Low lung volumes with bronchovascular crowding . No focal consolidation . |
MIMIC_SUM186 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Frontal and lateral views of the chest . Heart size and cardiomediastinal contours are normal . Lungs are clear without focal consolidation , pleural effusion , or pneumothorax . Chronic bilateral rib deformities are similar to prior .
| No acute cardiopulmonary process . |
MIMIC_SUM187 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Frontal and lateral views of the chest . The lungs are clear of focal consolidation or effusion or significant pulmonary edema . The cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits . Left chest wall dual - lead pacing device is again seen . Median sternotomy wires are identified . Aortic valve replacement is also noted .
| No acute cardiopulmonary process . |
MIMIC_SUM188 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: The cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are within normal limits . The lungs are clear without focal consolidation , pleural effusion or pneumothorax . Bony structures are intact . No free air below the right hemidiaphragm .
| No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality . |
MIMIC_SUM189 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: No focal consolidation , pleural effusion , or evidence of pneumothorax is seen . The cardiac silhouette is top normal . The mediastinal and hilar contours are unremarkable . No displaced fracture is seen .
| No acute cardiopulmonary process . |
MIMIC_SUM190 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: The cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are within normal limits . Lungs are well - expanded and clear . There is no focal consolidation , pleural effusion or pneumothorax .
| No acute cardiopulmonary process . No significant interval change . |
MIMIC_SUM191 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Lungs are well expanded and clear . There are no lung opacities concerning for pneumonia . Left hemidiaphragm is mildly elevated . Heart size , mediastinal and hilar contours are normal . Mild - to - moderate sized hiatal hernia is present . No pleural effusion .
| No acute cardiopulmonary process . No pneumonia . |
MIMIC_SUM192 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: The lungs are well expanded . Distal trachea stent is partially visualized . Some streaky opacities along both bases likely represent subsegmental atelectasis . Otherwise , no focal parenchymal opacities are identified . There is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . Mild cardiomegaly is redemonstrated and not significantly changed from prior . No bony abnormalities are identified .
| No evidence of acute cardiopulmonary process . Mild cardiomegaly . |
MIMIC_SUM193 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: The medial head of the right clavicle , may obscure a parenchymal opacity in the right upper lobe . Lungs are otherwise clear . Cardiomediastinal silhouette , hilar contours , and pleural surfaces are normal . There is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax .
| Possible right apical lung infection or other lesion , obscured by the medial head of the clavicle . |
MIMIC_SUM194 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: PA and lateral chest views were obtained with patient in upright position . The heart size is within normal limits . No configurational abnormality is present . Unremarkable appearance of thoracic aorta for age . No local contour abnormalities are present . Mediastinal structures are unremarkable . The pulmonary vasculature is not congested . No signs of acute or chronic parenchymal infiltrates are present and the lateral and posterior pleural sinuses are free . Skeletal structures of the thorax grossly within normal limits . There exists no prior chest examination or records available for comparison .
| Chest findings within normal limits . No evidence of cardiovascular or pulmonary abnormalities in this nonsmoker , atypical chest pain . |
MIMIC_SUM195 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: The heart size is borderline enlarged . Mediastinal contours are unremarkable . Hilar contours are similar compared to the prior exam . Diffuse increased interstitial markings bilaterally suggest mild interstitial pulmonary edema . No pleural effusion or pneumothorax is identified . No acute osseous abnormality seen .
| Mild interstitial pulmonary edema . |
MIMIC_SUM196 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: The lungs are clear with no evidence of a consolidation , effusion , or pneumothorax . Cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal . No acute fractures are identified . There is no air under the hemidiaphragms .
| No acute cardiopulmonary process . |
MIMIC_SUM197 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: There is no pleural effusion , focal consolidation or pulmonary vascular congestion . There is mild linear atelectasis at the left lung base . There is no evidence of acute infectious process . There is a moderate hiatal hernia , in the thoracic esophagus is mildly distended with air . The aorta is tortuous .
| 1 . No evidence of pneumonia . 2 . Hiatal hernia and findings suggestive of esophageal dysmotility . |
MIMIC_SUM198 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Faint peribronchial opacification likely in the left lung base is of uncertain significance and may reflect atelectasis though very mild pneumonia or aspiration is not fully excluded . The remainder of the lungs are clear . The heart is normal in size . Normal cardiomediastinal silhouette .
| Faint left lung opacity could reflect atelectasis , aspiration or pneumonia . |
MIMIC_SUM199 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: AP portable upright view of the chest . Overlying EKG leads are present . There is severe congestion and moderate pulmonary edema . Low lung volumes somewhat limit the assessment . No pneumothorax . No large effusion . Given low lung volumes , a subtle pneumonia in the lower lungs difficult to exclude .
| Moderate pulmonary edema . Severe congestion . |
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