99 values
lud e Ge org e Wa shin gton Carv er, who c reated nearly 500 products from peanuts, swe et potatoes, and pecans. Soul food i s a variety of cuisine popular among African Americans. It is closely related to the cuisine of the Southern Unit ed States. The descriptive terminol ogy may have originated in the mid-1960s, when soul wa s a common definer used to des cribe African American culture (f or example, soul music). African Am ericans were the first peoples in th e United States to make fried chicken, al ong with Scottish immigrants t o the South. Although the Scottish had been frying chicken before they em
"as queer as ..." followed by an improbable object: "... a cloc kwork orange", or "... a four-speed walking stick" or "... a left-handed corkscrew" etc. predates Bur gess's novel. An early exampl e, "as queer as Dick's hatband", appe ared in 1796, and was alluded to in 1757. His second explanation was that it was a pun o n the Malay word orang, meaning "man". The nov ella contains no ot
ian (b. 1763)1860 – James Kirke Paulding, American auth or and politician, 11th United States Secret ary of the Navy (b. 1778)1862 – Albert Sidney Johnston, American general (b. 1803)1883 – Benjamin Wright Ray mond, American merchant and politician, 3r d Mayor of Chicago (b. 1801)1886 – William Edward Forster, English businessman, philanthropist, and politician, Chief Secr etary for Ireland (b. 1818)1899 – Alvan Wen tworth Chapman, American physician and botanist (b. 18 09)1901–present1906 – Alexander Kiell and , Norwegian a uthor, playwright, and politici an, 6th County Governor of Møre og Romsdal (b. 1849)19 13 – Somerset Lowry-Corry, 4th E arl Bel more ( b. 18 35)1927 – Flor ence E arle C oates,
rventio ns have be en incorporate d in the treatment of ar thrit is since t he 1 950s. Arthr oscopic surg ery for osteoart hritis of the knee provides no additiona
pied since George Washington. Authorization for such a promotion "with the advice and consent of the Senate" w as provided by a new bi ll which Lincoln signed the sam e day he submitted Grant 's name to the Senate. His nomi nation was confirmed by t he Senate on M arch 2, 1864.Grant in 1 864 waged the bloo dy Overland Campaign, which exacted
litary affai rs, the tr eatment of sol diers, b oth li ving a nd de ad, in t he w ar' s af ter m ath, d epi cti ons of th e war i n liter ature an d art, evalu ations of her oes a nd villain s, and c onsiderati ons of the mor al and politica l lesson s of the
as Grunitzky , 2nd President of Tog o (d. 1969) 1913 – Ruth Smith, Fa roese artist (d. 1958)1914 – Felic e Borel, Italian footba ller (d. 1993)1916 – Gregory Peck, American ac tor, political activist, and pro ducer (d. 2 003)1917 – R obert Bloc h, American author (d. 1 994) 1917 – F rans Gommers, Bel gian footballer ( d. 1996)1919 – Le ster James Peries, Sri Lankan directo r, screenwriter, and producer (d. 20 18)1920 – Barend Biesheuvel, Dutch politician, Prime Minister of the Netherlands (d. 2001) 1920 – Arthur Hailey, English-Canadian soldier and author ( d. 2004) 1920 – Alfonso Thiele, Turkish-Italian race car driver (d. 1986) 1920 – John Willem Gran, Swedish bishop (d. 2008) 1921 – Christopher Hewett, English actor and theatre director (d. 2001)1 922 – Tom Finney, English footballer (d. 2014) 1922 – Harry Fr eedman, Polish-Canadian horn player, composer, and edu cator (d. 2005) 1922 – Andy Linden, Ameri can race car driver (d. 1987) 1922 – Gale Storm, Ameri can actress and sing er (d. 2009)1923 – Ernest Mandel, German-b orn Belgian Marxist economist, Trotskyist acti vist and theorist (d. 1995) 1 923 – Michael V. Gazzo, American actor (d. 1 995) 1923 – Nguyễn Văn Thiệu, Vietna mese general and politician, 5th Pr esident of South Vietnam (d. 2001)1924 – Ig or Boris ov, Sovi et ro wer (d. before 20 05)192 5 – Janet Row ley, Americ an human geneticist (d. 201
ory, an d it is als o an impo rtant sour ce of i nformatio n about t he Hunnic em pir e a nd i ts n eig hbo rs. He d escribes th e legacy of Attila a nd the Hu nnic peopl e for a cent ury a fter Atti la's deat h. Ma rcellinus Comes, a cha nc ellor of J
continu ed the serie s by po pular dem and of t he readers, who implor ed him to co ntinue. H e continued to i ssue new volu mes of th e series, but on a less fr equent ba sis. Many cr itics and fans of the series pre fer th e ea rlier colla borat ions wit h Gosci nny. Ude rzo creat
Apoll o8. You saved 19 68."O ne of t he most famous aspects of the flight was the Earthris e picture that the crew took as they came around for their fourth orbit of the Moo n. This was the first time that humans had taken suc h a picture while ac tually behind the cam era, and it has been credited as one of the inspirations of the firs t Earth Day in 1970. It was selected as the first of Life magazi ne's 100 Photographs That Changed the World.Apollo 11 astronaut Michael Collins said, "Ei ght's momentous historic significance was foremost"; while space historian Robert K. Poole saw Apollo8 as the most historically significa nt of all the Apollo missions. The mission was the most widely covered by the media since the first American orbital flight, Mercury-Atlas 6 by John Gle nn , i n 19 62. T he re we
, he chose this month because it w as the time of several of his grea t triumphs, including the conque st of Egypt. Commonly repeated lore has it that A ugust has 31 days because Augustus wanted his mo nth to match the length of Julius Caesar' s July, but this is an invention of the 1 3th century scholar Johannes de Sacrobosco. Sextili s in fact had 31 days before it was renamed, and it was not chosen for its length.Symbols Aug ust's birthst ones are th e peridot, s ardonyx, and spinel. Its birth fl ower is th e gladiolu s or poppy , meaning beauty, s trength of ch aracter, love , marriag e and famil y. The We ster n z odi
ad been in love with 34-year -old mini mali st pain ter Agnes Barley and had been living with her at his Conn ecticut farm sin ce 2002, and that t hey intended to mar ry. Miller's final play, Finishin g the Picture, op ened at the Goodman T heatre, Chica go, in the fall o f 20 04, with one char acter said to be based on Barley. It was reportedly based on his experienc e during the filming of The Misfits, though Miller insisted the p lay was a work of fiction with indep ende nt chara cters that w ere no m ore than composite shadows of history.Personal lifeMarriages and family In June 1956, Mil ler left his first wife, Mary Sla
e castle was t he sea t of th e Cou nty of Asc ania, a title t hat was l ater subsumed i nto the titles of the princes of A nhalt.HistoryThe earlie st known member of the house , Esiko, Count of Ballenstedt, first appears in a document of 1036. He is assumed to hav e been a grandson (throug h his mother) of Odo
e indicated in the flight plan, the mis sion clocks were moved ahead by 2 hours and 40 minutes, the amount of the launc h delay, with o ne hour of it at 45:0 0:00 into the mission and the remai nder at 65:00:00.Am ong their other activities during the o utbound trip, the cre w p hotograp hed the Ear th from the spac ecraft as it tra velled towa rds the Moon. One o f these phot ographs is now known as The Blue Marb le. The crew found that
ader Sha h's invasion of Indi a in 1739, Ahmad Shah also accompanied him and stayed some days in the Red Fort of Delhi. When he was standin g "outside the Jali gate near Diwan-i-Am", Asaf Jah I saw him. He was "an expert in physiogno my" and predicted that A hmad Shah was " destined to b ecome a king". When Nader Shah learned of i t, he "purp ortedly clipp ed" his ears with his dagge r and mad
V test flight (AS-501) would be designated Ap ollo4, with all subsequent flights numbered sequentiall y in the order flow n. The first three flig hts would not be renumbered, and the names Apollo2 an d Apollo3 would officially go unused. Mueller con sidered AS-201 and AS-20 2, the first and se cond flights of t he Apollo Block I CSM, as Apollo2 and3 re spectively.The crewed flight hiatus allowed work to catch up on the Satur n V and lunar module, which we re encountering their own delays. Apollo4 flew in Nov ember 1967. Apollo1's (AS- 204) Saturn IB rock et was taken down from Launc h Complex 34, later reasse mbled at Launch complex 37 B and used to launch Apollo5, an uncrewed Earth orbital test flight of the first lunar module, LM -1, in January 1968. A second uncrewed Saturn V AS-502 f lew as Apollo6 in April 1968, and Grissom's
and d ent atoru bro palli doluy sian atrophy , as well a s autosom al recess ive disor ders such as Fr iedreich's ataxi a (sensory and cerebella r, with the former predominating) a nd Niemann Pick disease, ataxia-telan giectasia (sensory and cereb ella r, wi th the latter predo minating),a utosomal rece ssive spinocerebellar
the lunar mission, the one intended for Apol lo 11 could be substituted by del ayi ng Apoll o 10 a month fro m its Ma y 1969 planned launch. NASA official George Mueller favore
ners. The Jerome War Reloc ation Center in Drew County operated from October 1942 to June 1944 and held about 8,000.Fall of segregationAfter the Supreme Court ruled s egregation in public schools unconstitutional in Brow n v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas (1 954), some students worked to integrate schools in th e state. The Little Rock Nine brought A rkansas to national attention in 1957 when the federal govern ment had to intervene to protect African-America n students trying to integrate a high school in the capital. Governor Orval Faubus had ordered the Arkansas
reproduced frequently in p ost-war Germany. Isabell Trommer writes i n her biography of Spe er that Fest and Siedler were co-authors of Spe er' s me mo irs an d co- creators of his myths. In return th ey were pai d handsomely i
nglish was note d and studied e arlier th an in other varieties o f English. The feat ure is som etimes called Australian questioning intonat ion. Rese arch publis hed in 198 6, rega rding verna cular spe ech in S ydney, sugges ted th at hig h risin g termi nal w as initiall y spread by young people in the 1960s. It found that the high rising terminal was used more than twice as often by young people t han older people, and is more common among women than men. In the U nited Kingdom, it has occasionally been conside red one of the variety's stereotypical features, a nd its spread there is attributed t o the popularity of Austra lian soap operas. VocabularyIntrinsic t raitsAustralian Engli sh has many words and i dioms which are unique t o the dialect a nd have been written on extensively.Inte
fter he went into retireme nt. In 2019, their 97–65 record was their be st since 2003. However, in neither season did the Braves advance past the Division Series. In the 2020 Natio nal League Championship Series against the Dodgers, the Braves led 3–1 b efore the Dodgers came back to win the series and advance to t he World Series.The Braves returned to the NLCS i n 2021 after beating th e Milwaukee Brewers 3– 1 in th e 2021 NLDS on the heels of a Freddie Freeman game-winni
law, natural rights, consent of th e governed, individualism, p roperty rights, self-ownership, self-deter mination, liberalism, re publicanism, and defense against corruption. A growing number of American colonists embraced t hese views and fostered an intellectual environment which led to a ne w s ense of p oliti cal and social identity.Liberalis mJohn Locke (1632–1704) is often refe rred to as "the philoso pher of the American Rev olution" due to his work in the Social Contract and Natural Rights theories that underpin ned the Rev olution's political ideology. Locke's T wo Tre
Moderne or simply Streamline, or, in France, th e Style Paquebot, or Ocean Liner style. Buildi ngs in the style had rounded corners and long horizon tal lines; they were built of reinforced concrete and were al most always white; and they sometimes had nautical features, suc h as railings and portholes that resem bled those on a ship. The rounded corner was no t entirely new; it had appeared in Berlin in 1923 i n the Mossehaus by Erich Mendelsohn, and later in the Hoover Buil
the student who h as had a poor education, but believes himself to be well-ed ucated.If a student has been well educated in a wid e variety of subj ects, the teache r must be careful not to repeat what they have a lready le arned, but to challenge the st udent with ma terial they do n ot yet know thoroughly. With the st udent who has had no edu cation, the teacher must be pati ent, willing to repeat things until the stu dent understands, and sympathetic. Per haps the most difficult student, however, is t he one with an inf erior education who believes he understands som ething when he does n ot. Augustine stress ed the importance of showin g this type o f student the di fference betwe en "having words and h aving unders tanding" and of helping the student to remain humble with his acquisition of knowledge.Under the inf luence of Be de, Alcuin, and Raba nus Maurus, D e catechizandis r udibus cam e to exercis
to refer to t he same thing Pudding in Austr alian (and Ame rican) Englis h refers to a parti cular sweet dessert dish, w hile in B ritish Englis h it oft en refer s to de ssert (t he fo od course) in general Th ongs in Australian En glish refer to Br itis h and Americ an Engl ish fli p-flop (fo
ic creeds and inte rpret these in l ight of the Chri stian tradition of th e historic chu rch, scholars hip, reason, and experience.A ng lica ns cele brat e th e tr adi tional sacra ments, with s pecial e mphasis bein g given to the Euchar ist, also calle d Holy Com munion, the Lo rd's Supper, or the Mass. The Euch arist is central to worship for most Anglicans as a communal offer ing of prayer and praise in which the life, death, and resurrection of Je
hich is r epeate d in the 19 29 Englis h BCP and include d in su ch words o r others s uch as "p rese nt" o r "s ho w f orth" in s ub se qu ent re visions.A nglica n and R oman Cat holic repres entatives declare d that the y had "substantial agreement on the do ctrine of the Eucharist" in the Windsor Statem ent on Eucharistic Doctrine by the Anglican-Roman C atholic International Consultation (1971) and th e Elucidation of the ARCIC Windsor Statement (1979).
Others are unclear if the benefits are great er than the risk. Given this uncertainty, the 2007 U nited Stat es Prev entive Se rvices Ta sk For ce (USPS TF) guidelin es on thi s topic reco mmended again st the use of aspi rin f or pre ven tion of C RC in people wit h average risk. Nin e years lat er howev er, the USPSTF iss ued a grade B r ecom mendation for the use of low- dose aspirin (75 to 100mg /day) "for the primary preventio
eorge Bell and sons, 1878 (E nglish translation) Apuleius (123 –180 CE) the Fam ous Berber writer Apulei Opera ( Latin texts of all the surviving works of Apuleius) at The Latin Library English tran slation of Florida by H. E. Butler Englis h translation of the Apologia by H. E. Butler En glish transla tion of the God of Soc rates by Thomas Taylor Apuleius – Apol ogia: Seminar (Latin text of the Apologia with H. E . Butler's English translation a nd an English crib w ith discussion and com mentary) Apology as Pro secution: The Trial of Apuleius Apulei us' works:
anton, Ohio, between two AFC teams ( as opposed to the AFC-vs-NFC format the game firs t adopted in 1971). The opponents were two of the original AFL franchises, the Buffalo Bills and T ennessee Titans (the former Houston Oilers). Bills' owner Ralph C. Wilson Jr. (a 2009 Hall of Fame inductee) and Tit ans' owner Bud Adams were the only surviving members of the Foolish Club at the ti me (both are now deceased; Wilson's estate sold the team in 2014 ), the eight original owners of AFL franchises. (As of the season, the Titans and Chiefs are still owned by descendants of the original eight owners.)The Hall of Fame G ame was the first of s everal "Legacy Wee kends", during which each of the "original eight" AFL t eams sported uniforms from their AFL era. Each of the 8 teams too k part in at least two such "legacy" games. On-field officials also wore red-and-white-st riped AFL uniforms during the se ga mes.In the fall of 2009
repar ation f or beco ming ch airman of Glo balFoundri es in M arch 2 009. Preside nt and C OO Dirk M eyer bec ame AMD' s CEO. Re cessiona ry loss es necessi tated A MD cutt ing 1, 100 j obs i n 200 9.In Augus t 2011, AMD announced that former Lenovo exe cutive Rory Read would b e jo ini ng the co mp
ribute to Ca mus's heroi c "stubborn humanism ". William F aulkner w rote his ob ituary, sa ying, "W hen the door sh ut for him he had already written on thi s side of it that which eve ry artist who also c arries through life with him th at one same foreknowledge and hatred of death is hoping to do: I was here."Literary career Camus's first publication was a play called Révolte dans les A sturies (Revolt in the Asturias) writte n with three friends in May 1936. The subject was the 1934 revolt by Spanish miners that was brutally suppressed by the Spanish government resulting in 1,500 to 2,00 0 deaths. In May 1937 he wrote his first book , L'Envers et l'E ndroit (Betwixt and Between, also translated as The Wro ng Side and the Right Side). Both were published by Edm ond Charlot's small publishing house. Camus separated his w ork into three cycles. Each cycle consisted of a novel, an essay, and a play. The first was the cycle of the absur d consisting of L'Étranger, Le Mythe de Sysiphe, and Caligula. Th e second was the cycle of the rev
pamine re uptake inhibit ors (DRIs).Alt hough TC As are s ometimes pr escribed for depr essive disorders, they hav e been largely replaced in clinical use in most p arts of the world b y newer antidepre ssants such as sel ective sero tonin reup
Bell Alex ander Grah am Bell' s note books at the Inter net Archiv e "Téléph one et photophon e : les contributions indirectes de Graham Bell à l'idée de la vision à distance par l'électricité" at th e Histoire de la télévi sion Alexand er Graham Be ll and the Aer ial Experimen t Association Photogr aph Collection at The Museum of F light (Seattle, Was hington).Mult imedia Alexa nder Graham Bell at The Biography Chan nel Shaping The Future, from the Herit age Minutes and Radio Minutes coll ection at (1:31 au dio drama, Adobe Flash required) 1847 births192 2 deaths19th-century Scottish inven tors19th-century Canadian invent ors19th-century Canadian scientists19t h-century Scottis h businesspe ople19th-centu ry Scottish scientists20th-ce ntury Ameri can inventors 20th-centu ry American sci entists20th-centu ry Canadia n scientistsAlumn i of the Universit y of Edinb urghAlumni o f Univers ity Colleg e LondonAme rican agnosticsAmeric an educational t heoristsAmerican eu geni cis tsA merican physicists American UnitariansArticl
ed Arab E mirates fo r references to p ractices or actions that defy Arab or Islamic be liefs, such as pigs or alcohol. In the same mann er, Animal Far m has also
ups (1950–1961)In 1950, van Vogt was briefly appointed as h ead of L. Ron Hubbard's Dianetics operation in California. Van Vogt h ad first met Hubbard in 1945, and became interested in his theories, which were published s hortly thereafter. Dianetics was the secular precursor to Hubbard's Church of Sc ientology; van Vogt would have no association with Scientology, as he di d not approve of its mysticism.The California Dianetics operation went broke nine months later, but never went bankrupt, due to van Vogt's arrange ments with creditors. Sh ortly afterwar d, van Vogt and his wife opened their own Diane tics center, partly finance d by his writings , until he "signed off" around 1961. Fro m 1951 until 1961, va n Vogt's focus was on Dianetics, a nd no new story ideas flowe d from his typewriter.
n the Vatican Necropolis beneath Rom e.See also List of papal elections Papal conclave Papa l selection before 1059 Sedevacantism PretenderReferencesExternal links and bibliography Catholic Enc yclopedia: "Antipope" Encyc lopædia Britannica: "Anti pope" The Pope Encyclopaedia: "Antipope" Kelly, J.N.D, The Oxfor d Dictionary of Popes, Oxf ord University Press, US (1986), . Raspail, Jean, 'L'Ann eau du pêcheur, P aris: Albin Michel, 1994. 403 pp. . B avoux, Gérard, Le Porteur de lumière, Paris: Pygmalion, 1996. 329 pp. . Ecclesiastical title sHistory of the papacyLis ts of Catholic popesAquaculture (less co mmonly spelled aquiculture), also known as aqu afarming, is the controlled cult ivation ("farming") of aquatic organisms such a s fish, crustaceans, mollusks, algae and oth er o rg anisms of value su ch as aqua tic plants (e.g. lotus). Aquac ulture inv ol ve s c ultiv ating fres
the bright light. The ones who do not follow the path after all will get hints for a better rei ncarnation. They have to release the things and beings on which or whom they still hang from the life before. It is re commended to choose a fa mily where the parents trust in the Dha rma and to reincarnate with the will to ca re for the welfare of all bein gs. Hind uis mT her e are two major views of afterlife in Hinduism: mythical and philosophical. The philosophies o f Hinduism consider eac h indi vidual c onsis ts of 3 bodi
ll envied today.The domestic d wellings of elite and ordinary Egyptians alike were constructed from perishabl e materials such as mudbricks and wo od, and have not survived. Peasants liv ed in simple homes, wh ile the palaces of the elite and the pharaoh were more elaborate structur es. A few surviving New Kingdom palaces, such a s those in Malkata an d Amarna, sho w richly decorated wa lls and floors with sce nes of people, b irds, water po ols, deities and geometric desig ns. Importa nt structures suc h as t e m ples and tombs that were in tended to last forever were cons tructed of stone instead of mudb ricks. The architectural eleme
ath er b ega n wo rkin g in t he w arehou se busi ness, one of his br other-i n-la w Bar ry Han kerson's wideni ng int erests. Her moth er stayed home and raised she and her brothe r.At an early age her mother enrolled her in voice less ons. Eventually, she started performi ng at weddings, church choir, and chari ty events. Aaliyah atten ded a Catholic sc hool, Gesu Eleme ntary, where in fir st grade she was cast in
mals, antib odies occur in a few variants, whic h define the antib ody's class or isotype: Ig A, IgD, IgE, IgG, and I gM.The constant re gion at the t ru nk of th e an tib ody i ncl ude s sit
chean rhetorician, was a more impre ssive speaker, bu t the conten t of Ambrose's se rmons began to affect Aug ustine's faith. Augusti ne sou ght guid ance fro
man na med Sina . His formal Ara bic name was Abū ʿAlī al-Ḥusayn bin ʿAbdull āh ibn al-Ḥasa n bin ʿAlī bi n Sīnā al-B alkhi al-Bukhari ().Ci rcumstances Av icenna created an e xtensive corpus of works during what is commonly kn own as the Islamic Golden Age, in which th e translation s of Byzantine Greco-Ro man, Persian a nd Indian texts were studied extensive ly. Greco-R oman (Mid- and Neo-P latonic, and Aristotelia n) texts translate d by the Kindi school were commente
nat ural f actor s ex acer ba ted by man-made structures, have reversed t he decades-long drying tre nd and now threaten coastal areas; the average l evel rose 1.5 meters betwe en 1978 and 1993. Beca use of the Nagorno-Karaba kh conflict, large nu mbers of tr ees were felled, roads wer e bui lt thro ugh pr istin e areas, and la rge expanses of agricultural land were occupied b y military
tech electronic systems a nd resear ch, c om mo dity export and correspondin g service industries all pla y a role in the SA econ omy. Almost half of all cars produced in Aus tralia were made in Adelaide at the General Motors Holden plant in El izabeth. The site ce ase d ope rating in November 2017.The collapse of th e State B ank in 199 2 resulted in large lev els of state public
ell-less eggs, and e ven most modern amphibians hav e a fully aquati c larval sta ge with gills like their fish ancestor s. It was the development of the amniotic egg, whic h prevents the developing embryo fro m drying out, that enabled the reptiles to reproduce on land and which led to their domina nce in the period that followed.Afte r the Carboniferous rainforest collapse amphibian dominance gav e way to reptiles, and amphibians were furthe r devastated b y the Permian–Triassic e xtinction event. Dur ing the Triassic P eriod (252 to 2 01 million years ago), the reptiles continued t o out-compete th e amphibians, leading to a reduction in both the am phibians' size and their importance in the biospher e. According to the fossil record, Lissamphibia, w hich includes all modern amphibians and is the only surviving lineage, may have branched off from the extinct groups Temnospondyli and Lepospondyli at some period between the Late Carb oniferous and the Early Triassic. The relative scarcity of fossil evidence precludes precise dating, but the most recent molecular study, based on multilocus sequence typing, suggests a Late Carboniferous/Early Per mian origin for extant amphibians.The origins and evolu
natural resins — cellulose or chitin, e tc.Plastics used as imit ations: Stained glass (inorga nic material) and other cera mic materials Cellul oid Cellulose nitrate (first obt ained in 1833) — a product of t reatment of cellulose with nitr ation mixture. Acetylcellul ose (not in the use at p resent) Ga lalith or "artificial horn" (c ondensation product of ca sein and formald ehyd e), other trad e names: Alladi
Josip Broz Tito reads t he resolution "Manifesto o f constitutional congress of KPH" to the constitutive c ongress of KPH (Croatian Co mmunist Party) in woods near Samobor.1943 – World War II: Operation Tidal Wave also known as "Black S
. She is said to have also exhibite d kindness and compassio n, especially to the sick and needy. It was from her that Bret Harte took his famou s charact er of Ch erokee S al in The Luc k of Roaring Camp. Jig ger Johnso n (1871–1 935), wa s a l umb erja ck an d log drive r fro
was the Poli sh Jewish Obser ver, a City an d East London Observer supp lement edited by Joel Cang, a for mer Warsaw corresponde nt for t he Manchester Guardian . The British retic ence stemme d fro m a Fo reign Office co ncern that
ce at lea st the 164 0s, and it is here that a very high amo unt of heirl oom varie ties are fo und, man y of them gainin g renewed in terest as part of locavore m ovements and the re- emergence of ci der as a be verage of cho ice. Apples from New England would include varieties i mported from their earliest in Euro pe and a few natives, like Baldwin, Lady, Mother, Pomme Grise, Port er, Roxbury Russet, Rhode Island Gr eening, Sops of Wine, Hightop Sweet, Peck's Pleasant, Titus Pippin, Westfield-Seek- No-Further, and Duchess of Oldenburg. Beach plums a s ma ll n ati ve sp eci es with fruits the size of a pinball, are sought a fter in summer to make into a jam. Cranberries are another fruit indigenous to the region, often collected in a utumn in huge flooded bogs. Th ereafter they are juiced so they can be drunk
and as allophone s: Hawaiian Allophones for : and : Hindustani, Ha waiian fricative before unrounded vowels: O'odham Allophones for : Bengali Vowel allophones an d are allophones of and in clo se d fin al syll ables in Mala y and Portu guese, while an d are allophon es of and in Indones ian. as allophone s for sh ort , and as allophones f or short in vari ous Ar ab ic dial ects (lo ng , , , are separa te phonemes i n most Ar abic dialects). Polish Rus sian Allop hones for , and : N uxálk Vowel/
2 (1 971), omnib us of The Mind Ca ge, The Winged M an (w ith E dn a M ayne Hull), Sla n. The Book of V an Vo gt (197 2), also publish
ord refe rs to the fin al written product of a student in an undergr aduate or taught master's programme. A dissertation in the AmE sense would be a thesis in BrE, though dis sertation is also used. Another source of confusion is the differ ent usage of the w ord college. (See a full internatio nal discuss ion of the various me anings at col
b. 1785)1852 – Prince Felix of Schwarzenberg, (b. 1800)1861 – Ferdinand J oachimsthal, G erman mathematician ( b. 1818)1862 – Barend Cornelis Koekkoek, Dutch artist (b. 1803)186 5 – Manfredo Fanti, Italian genera l (b. 1806)1866 – Thomas Hodgkin, British physician (b . 1798)1868 – Karel Pur kyně, Czech painter (b. 1834)18 71 – Paolo Savi, Italian g eologist and or nithologist (b. 1 798)1872 – Paul-August e-Ernest Laugier, French astronomer (b. 1812)1873 – Mil ivoje Blaznavac, Serbian soldi er and politician (b. 1824)1882 – Pierre Guillaum e Frédéric le Play, (b. 1806)1888 – Vsev olod Garshin, Russian author (b. 1855 )1891 – Johann Hermann Bauer, (b. 186 1)1900 – Joseph Bertrand, French ma thematician, economist, and academ ic (b. 1822) 1900 – Osm an Nu ri Pas ha,
N) = 0; // Height(N) decrea ses by 1 continue; } } // After a rotation adap t parent link: // N is the new root o f the rotated subtree par ent(N) = G; if (G != null) { if (X == le ft_chil d(G)) le ft_chi ld(G) = N; else right_c hild(G) = N ; } else tre e->root = N; // N is th e new root of t he to tal tree if (b == 0) break; // Height d oes not c hange: L eave the loop // Height(N) dec
who produced a schola rly article reassessing the idea of animism in 1999. Seven comments fr om other academics wer e provided in the journal, de bating Bird-David's ideas.Postmodern an thropology More recently, postmodern anthropologists are increasingly engagin g with th e concept of ani
tice too rigidl y.Recitations The First Coun cil bega n when Ān anda w as cons ulted to recit e the dis courses and to determine w hich were authentic and which were not. Mahāk assapa asked of e ach discour se that Ānan da listed wher e, when, and to w hom it was gi ven, and at the en d of this, th e assembl y agreed that Ān
the mos t reco mme nded bro ker i n 2012 f or service and e xpertise b y middle market buyers in Business Insuranc e's Buyers Choice A wards Aon Risk Solutions was named Bro ker of the Year a nd Training Program me of the Year in 2012 by Insurance Time s Aon Benfield was named 2012 European Reinsu
of 33 inscriptions on the Pillar s of Ashoka, as well as bould ers and cave w alls , issue d durin g his reign . These ins criptions a re disper sed through out modern -day Pakistan a nd India, and represe nt the first tangible e vidence of Bud dhism. The edicts desc ribe in detail the firs t wi de ex pansi on of Bud dhism thr oug h th e sp ons ors hip of on e o f the most pow erful kin gs of Indian his tory, offering more infor mation a bout Ashoka's p roselytism, m oral prece pts, religiou s pr ece pts, and his no tions of s ocial an d ani mal welf
orites. He the n took re fuge in the ch urch of Hagia Sophia and from there app ealed to the populace. His actions provoked a riot, w hich resulted in the deposition of Andronikos I and t he proclamation o f Isaac as Emperor. Alexios was now c loser to the imperi al throne than ever b efore.ReignBy 1190 Alexios ha d returned to the court o f his younger brother, from whom he received the elevat ed title of sebastokratōr. In March 1195 while Isaa c II was away hunti ng in Th rac e, Al exi os w as accl aime
el ed ar ou nd tha t of the early sage ki ng Shen Nong, a folk hero which was portrayed i n Chinese literatur e as "working in t he fields, along with ev eryone else, and consultin
fewer low-income jobs, than the national av erage. Today, te majority of the largest companies in t he municipality are in the sectors o f trade, transport and med ia. The wind power industry has strong roots in Aarhus and the larger region of Central Jutland, and nationally, most of the revenue in the industry is generated by companies in the greater Aarhus area. The w ind industry employs about a thousand people within the municipality, making it a central com ponent in the local eco nomy. T he biotech in dustry is we ll-es tab lished in the city, with many small- and medium-sized compa nies mainly focused on research and development. There are multiple Big Tech com panies with offices in the city, including Uber and Google.Several major companies are headquartered in Aarhu s, including four of the ten largest in the country. These include Arla Foods, one of the largest dairy groups in Europe, Salling G
g 30 . B obby Unser used an Aud i in that sam e year to claim a new re cord for the Pikes Peak Hill Climb at 11:0 9.22.In 1987, Walter Rö hrl claimed the title for Audi se tting a new Pik es Peak I nt ernational Hill Climb re
Tu rki c a nd Mongol ethn olinguistic roots.R eligionsThe Afgh an people of all ethnicities are predomin antly and tradition ally followers of Islam, of whom m ost are of the Sunni branch. Other religious minorities include the Afg han Hindus, Afghan Sikhs, Afghan Zoroastrians, Afg han Jews and Afghan Christians.CultureAfghan cu lture has existed for over three millennia , dating back to the time o
sometimes contain elemen ts popular with children of both sex es in an atte mpt to gain cr
proteases. There are two types of caspa ses: initia tor ca spa ses, cas pase 2, 8,9,10, 11,12, and effe ctor ca spases, c aspase 3,6 ,7. The acti vation of ini tiator c aspases re quires bind ing to s pecifi c oligomeric activato r protein. Effect or caspase s are th en act ivate d by t hese a ctive initia tor caspases t hrough prot eolytic cleavage . The active ef fector caspa ses then proteol ytically degrade a host of intracell ular proteins to carry out t he cell dea th program.Ca spase-indepe ndent apoptotic pathway There also exists a caspase-in dependent apo ptotic pathwa y that is mediated by AIF (apoptosis-ind ucing factor).Apopto sis model in a mphibiansThe fro g Xenopus l aevis serves as an ideal model system f or the study o f the mechani sms of apopto
stom-made flip books. Char acter animation Multi-sk etching Special effects animationS ee also Animated war film Animation dep artment Animated series Anime Ar chitectural animation Avar Independent animation International Animation Day International Anim ated Film Association International Tou rnée of Animation List of film-related topics Motion graphic de sign Society for Animation Studies Twelve basic principles of a nimation Wire-frame modelReferencesCitationsSourcesJourn al articlesBooksOnline sourcesExternal links The making of an 8-minute cartoon short "Animando", a 12-min ute film demonstrating 10 differe nt animation techniques (and teac hing how to use the m) (archived 1 October 2009). CartooningArticles co ntaining video clipsFilm and video technologyApollo or Apo llon is one of the Olympian deities in classic al Greek and Roman religion and Gree k and Roman mythology. Apollo has been recognized as a god of archery, music and danc e, truth and prophecy, healing and diseases, the Sun and lig ht, poetry, and mor e. One of the most import ant and complex of the Greek g
here the use of assembl y language might be ap propriate; an d III) to see how efficient exec utabl e code c an be created fro m high-level langua
els (or m ethod), whi ch were u sed for ot her proofs of independ ence for non-well-founde d systems ( and ).Regularity and Russell's paradox Naive set theo ry (the ax iom sch ema of unr estricted co mprehension and th
ht, ro bu st an d equippe d with d ozens of s harp, s errated teet h.The skull had a pa ir of h orns abo
ulture . Unde r the Middl e and Neo-A ssy ria n E mp ire , As hur's role was exp ande d an d tho roug hly al tere d. P ossibl
17 44 – Joh n Cr uger, Da nis h-A meri can businessman and polit ician, 39th May or of New York City (b. 1678)1749 – J ohann Elias Schleg el, German poet a nd critic (b. 1 719)1766 – Margaret Fownes-Luttre ll, English painter (b. 17 26 )1 79 5 – A hil ya ba i H olkar, Queen of Indore (b. 17 25)1826 – René L
of Thuringia. She died in 1231 and w as canonized during Andrew's life. An drew's second s on, Coloman, was born in 1208. His third son, Andrew, was born a rou nd 121 0. Colo man and An drew each r uled
st repellent examples of a detailed murder in the history of film" . Both actors, Barbara Lei gh-Hunt and Anna Massey, r efused to do the scenes, so models were used instead . Biographers have noted that Hit chcock had a lway s pu shed t he limits of film c ensorship, often managi ng to fool Joseph Breen, the head o f the Motion Picture Pr oduction Code. H itchcock woul d add subtle hin ts of impropri eties forbidden by cens or shi p until th e mid-196 0s. Yet, Patric k McGi lligan w rote that Br een and others ofte n realised th at Hitchcock was inserting such material
graphy is a method of analysing soc ial or cultural interaction. It often involves participant observation th ough an ethnographer may also draw from texts written by partici pants of in social i nteractions. Ethno graphy views first-hand experience and social co ntext as import ant.Tim Ingold disting uishes ethnograph y from anthropology arguing that anthrop ology tries to constr uct general theorie s of human exp erience, applica ble in general a nd novel setting s, wh ile ethno graph y concerns itse lf with fid elity. He argues that the ant hropolo gist must make his writing consistent with their understanding of literature and other theory, but notes that et hnography may be of use to the anthropologists a
on system is the modeless error correctio n. That is, correction done in situ with out using a separate window or widget, usin g a minimum of gestures. If a word is recognized improperly, the user co uld double-tap the word and a list of alternatives would pop up in a menu under the stylus. Most of th e time, the correct word will be in the list. If not, a butto n at the bottom of the list allows the user to edit individual characters in that wo rd. Other pen ge stures could do s uch things as transpose letters (also in situ). The correcti on popup also allowed the user to revert to the original, un-recognized letter shapes - this would be useful in not e-taking scenarios if there was insu fficient time to make cor rections immediately. T o conserve memory a nd storage sp ace, alternati ve recognition hypot heses would not be sav ed i nde finit ely. If the user retur ned t
nte mpor arie s of Cau chy ign ored his th eory, believing it to be too co mplic ated. O nly in the 184 0s the t heory st arted t o get re sponse, with Pierre A lphons e Laurent being the first mat hematician besides Ca
ging cells. There may also be protrusions such as mic rovilli, cilia, bristles, spines and tubercl es.Marcello Malpighi, the father of micr oscopical anatomy, discovered that plants had t ubules similar to those he saw in insects like the silk wo rm. He observed that whe n a ring-like portion of ba
riot of 1919 and the Omaha r ace riot of 1919. Overall, Blacks in Norther n and Western cities exp erienced syste mic discrimi nation in a plethora of aspe cts of life. Within employment , economic opportun ities for Bla cks were ro uted to the l owest-status and restrictive i n potential mobility. At the 19
e 1970s, general-purpose analog computers were the only systems fast enough for real time simulati on of dynamic systems, especially in the aircraft, military and aerospace field.In the 1960s, the major manufacturer was Electronic Asso ciates of Princeton, New Jersey, with its 23 1R Analog Computer (vacuum tubes , 20 integrators) and subsequently its EAI 8800 Analog Com puter (solid state operational amplifiers, 64 integrators). Its chall enger was Applied Dynami cs of Ann Arbor, Michigan.Alt hough the basic technology fo r analog com puters is usu ally operational a mplifiers (also called " continuous c urrent a mplifiers" because they have no lo w frequency limitation ), in the 1960s an a ttempt was made in the Fr ench ANALAC comp uter to use an altern ative technology: me dium frequency carri er and non dissipative reversible circu its.In the 197 0s, every la rge compa ny and ad
– Otto (or E udes), Fre nch nobl eman (d. 1045)1 321 – Jo hn of A rtois, Fr ench no bleman (d. 1387)1347 – Jo hn Hastings , 2nd Earl of P embroke, English nobl eman and soldi er (d. 1375)1434 – Janus Pannoni us, Hungarian bishop and
ec tur e s tyl e an d was built bet ween 1881 a nd 1883, and has since re mained th e parish's l andmark. Als o, Fachsenf eld received its own church, na med Sacred Heart i n 1895. All Cath olic parishes within A alen are today inc orporated into four pastoral care units within the Ostalb Deanery of the Diocese of Rotten burg-Stuttgart; however these units also comprise some parishes outsid e of Aalen. Pastoral Care Unit two comprises th e parishes of Essingen , Dewangen and Fachse
s is loc ated in Tr avis Cou nty)Sch ools Au stin College , Sherman, Tex as Universit y of Texas at A ustin, flagship i nstitution of the Univ ersity of Te xas System A ustin Pe ay State Universit y, Clarksville, TennesseeRel igion Augustine of Hipp o An adjective for t he AugustiniansBusiness Ame rican Austin Car Com pan y, short-li ved Ameri
ller and more po wer-efficie nt 45nm.In January 2009 , AMD re leased a ne w processor l ine dubb ed Ph eno m II, a ref resh of the original Phenom built u sing the 45 nm process . AMD's new platfo rm, codenamed "Dr agon", used the new Pheno m II processor, and an A TI R770 GPU from th e R700 GPU family, as well as a 790 GX/FX chipset fro m the AMD 700 chipset series. The Phenom II came in du al-core, triple-core and quad- core variants, all using the sa me die, with cores disabled for the triple-core and dual-core versions. The Phenom II resol ved issues that the original Pheno m had, including a low clo ck speed, a small L3 cache, and a C ool'n'Quiet bug that dec reased performance. The Phenom II c ost less b ut was no t perf orman ce-compe titive wit h In tel's mid-to -high-ra ng
mpion New York Yankees, becoming the fastest e xpansion team in major league history to win the World Series, and the first and only men's maj or professional sports team in the state of Arizon a to win a championship. From 1998 to 20 23, the Diamondbacks have an overall record of 1, 998–2,112 ().Franchise historyOn March 9, 199 5, Phoenix was a warded an expansion f ranchise to be gin play for the season. A $130 million fr anchise fee w as paid to Major Le ague Baseball and on Ja nuary 16, 1997, the Diamon dbacks were voted into the N ational Leag ue. The Diam ondbacks' first maj or league g ame was played against the Colorad o Rockies on Marc h 31, 199 8, at Bank One Ballpark. T he ballpark w as renamed C hase Field in 2005,
nal r eco gniti on of Kosovo , addres sing the co ncerns r elated to the exp ulsion o f Cham Albanians, p ursuing Euro -Atlantic integrati on and
s as c hairman of the instit ute.Global warming At a 2015 security conference, Schwarzene gger called climate change the issue of ou r time. He also urged politicians to stop treating climate change as a political issue.2016 presidential election For the 2 016 Republica n Party pr
ed Zahi r Sha h's li fe. S ant os wa s a ppre hended a nd jail ed for 1 0 years i n Italy.1 992 O n Dece mber 2 9, 1992 , Al-Qa eda launched the 1992 Ye men hotel bombin gs. Two b ombs wer e detonat ed in Aden, Yemen. The first target
Uri CoronelResultsD omestic resu ltsBelo w is a table wit h Ajax's do me stic r esul ts since th e introduction of th e in 1956. Continental resu ltsTeam records Mos t match appea rances: 463
ice i nsp ect or G uill au me Schna ebelé is rel ease d on orde r o f Wi llia m I, Ge rman Empe ror, defusi ng a po ssibl e war.19 01–present1910 – Frenc hman Louis Paulhan wins the 1910 Lon don to Manchester air race, the fi
er Knud Lavard in 1170, with Absalon ass isting him at t he feast. When Eskil stepped down as Archbishop of Lund in 11 77, he chose Absal on as his suc cessor. Abs alon initially resisted the new p osition, as he di d not want to lose h is power positio n on Zealand, but compli ed with Pap al orders to do so in 1178. By a unique Pa pal dispensation, Absalo n was allowed to si multaneously maintain his p ost as Bishop of Roskilde. As
wn troops and underestimated th e colonial militia, requiring a r eassessment of tactics and str ategy. However, it allowed the Patriot s to take the initiative and Briti sh authorities rapidly lost control over ever y colony. Howe's responsibilit y is still debated; despite receiving la rge numbers of reinforcements, Bunker Hill seems to have perman ently affected his self-confi
d. 1753)1661 – Charl es Montagu, 1st Earl of H alifax, English poe t and politician, First Lord of the Treasury (d. 171 5)1682 – John Hadley , English mathemat ician, invented the oct ant (d. 1744)1697 – Johann Gottlieb Gör ner, Ger man organi st and comp oser (d. 1778)1 728 – Josep h Black, French-Scot tish
ness and t he meas ures neede d to protec t its popul ation fr om th e harsh en vironmen t give it an insular character. The station is not self-suf ficientthe U.S. militar y delivers 30,000 cubic metres (8,000,000 US gal) of fuel and of supplies and equipment yearly throu gh its Operation Deep Freeze resupply effortbut it is is olated from convent ional support networks. Under international treaty, it must avoid damage to t he surrounding ecosystem.Begich Towers op
and ve nlafaxi ne are u sed off-la bel. Fluo xetine ha s produ ced unsati sfactory m ixed results. Venl afaxine showed respon se rates of 78%, which i s significantly higher th an wha t paroxetine and sertrali ne achieved.
tem be r 20 20 wh en Azerbaijan la unched an o ffensiv e along t he Line of C ontact. On t he sev enth day o f the war , a major offensive was lau nched by the gro und forces , adva ncin g in the nort h, ma king so me terri toria l gains while t he fighting gr adually shifte d to the south. Foll owi ng th e c ap ture of Shusha, the second-la rgest se ttlement in Na gorno-Karaba kh, by Azerbaijani forces, a cease fir
ds, crocodiles, and bi rds) rarely cooperate to hu nt in such a way. I nstead, they are typ ically territorial and will kill and cannibalize intruders of the sa me species, and will als o do the same to s maller individuals that att empt to eat before they do when aggregated a t feeding sites. Accor ding to this interpretatio n, the accumulation of remains of mul tiple Allosaurus in dividuals at the sa me site; e.g., in the C leveland–Lloyd Quarr y, are not due to p
ging Fresnel's infl uence, Cauchy went on to develop the first r igorous the ory of elasticit y of non-is otropic solids (1 827), hence th e first rigorous t heory of transverse wave s therein (1830)—which he promptly tried to a pply to optics. The ensuing difficulties dro ve a long competitive effort to find an acc urate mechanical model of the aether. Fresnel's own model was not dy namically rigorous; for e