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images/en/image_16.jpg | f scholar shi p" s ince 200 0, alt hough as of that ye ar, few universities | en |
images/en/image_23.jpg | ntative s elect ed John Quincy Ada ms with Henry Clay's s upport. Jackson's s upport ers allege d that there was a " corrupt bargain | en |
images/en/image_17.jpg | dizi ng aci ds be ca us e of its passivatio n. This all ows aluminium t o be used to store reagents su ch as nitric acid, conce ntrated sulfuri | en |
images/en/image_5.jpg | a scale 10 to 10 0 times the dime nsions of in dividual atoms). S uch nanoallo tropes may help cre ate ultra-sm all electronic d evices and fi nd other i ndustrial applic ations. The differ ent nanoscal e architectures translate into di | en |
images/en/image_8.jpg | m. He never gets h ome until late, and he ha s to distance himself from the natural pity that he feels for t he victim s; othe rwise, he w ould not be able to go on. It is especially h | en |
images/en/image_20.jpg | tse lf is n ot a t he or e m of ZF. He d id th is by co nstru cting a mu ch m ore compl ex mod el which satisfies Z F¬C (ZF with the negation o f AC add ed as a xiom) | en |
images/en/image_28.jpg | 15 platform, the Ka lashnikov platf or m b olt lo ckin g lugs are chamf ered al lowi ng f or prim ary e xtract ion upon bo lt rot ation w hich ai ds reli able fee ding an | en |
images/en/image_10.jpg | 1189 CE. At the request of King Rajaraja Narendra, N annaya, considered the first Telugu poet, t ook up the tran slati on of t he Ma habhara ta into Telu gu i n 10 25 CE. Kaka tiya s ruled this reg ion and T elangana for nearly two hu ndred years between the 12th an d 14t h centuries. | en |
images/en/image_0.jpg | wherea s the lowest d aytime ma ximum on rec ord is . Ev en d uring brief heat s pikes, nights re main cool. The warmes t overnight lo w is set as early in the yea r as in May duri ng 2008. Nig hts clo se t o t hat record a re common with the normall y warmest | en |
images/en/image_31.jpg | fluence of Persia n gold has been exa ggerated. The initiati ve came from Thebes, whi ch provoked a war betwee n their ally Oz olian L ocris and Phocis in order to bring Sp arta to the latter's defenc e. Lys ander and t he other ki ng Pau | en |
images/en/image_11.jpg | -born American football pl ayer Adrian Baird (born 1979), Ca nadian football player Adri an Baril (1898–1961 ), Ame rican f ootb all pl aye r A drian Battles (born 1987), American fo otball player Adrian Br een (quarterback) (born 1965), Americ an fo otball pl ayer Ad rian Burk (1 927–20 03), Americ an football | en |
images/en/image_6.jpg | , an apology for George Castriot (1636) by Frang Bardh i, who also publis hed a dictionary and folklor e creations, the theological-philos ophical treaty Cuneus Prophetarum (The Ba nd of Prophe ts) (1685) by Pj etër Bogdani, t he most universal personality of Albanian Middle A ges, were published i n Albanian. T he most f | en |
images/en/image_19.jpg | f Pierangelo Garegnani, London: Routledg e, . Wolloch, N. (2015). "Symposium on Jack R ussell Weinstein's Adam Smith's Pluralism: Rationality, E ducation and the Moral Sentiments". Cosmos + Ta xis "Adam Smith and Empire: A New T alking E mpire P odcast," Impe rial & Gl obal Forum, 12 March 2014.External links | en |
images/en/image_9.jpg | r with the Blessed Virgin Mary, who co nvinced him to enter the Holy O rders. In 1223 (or 1229), he became a member of th e Do mi ni can Ord er, and s tudied theology at Bologna and elsewhere. Selected to fill the position of lectur er at Cologne, Germany, where the Dominicans h | en |
images/en/image_14.jpg | :Arts and entertainment Am biancé, an unreleased experi mental film Ambien t (novel), a novel by Jac k Wom ackMusic and sound Ambience (sound recording), also k nown as atmospheres or backgrounds Ambient music, a ge nre of music tha t pu ts an e mphasis o n tone and atmosphere Amb | en |
images/en/image_15.jpg | H eb re w text den ouncing idola try. Gen esis – translation of a Hebrew plac e-name.Biblical Ara maic is a somew hat hybrid diale ct. It is theoriz ed that some Bibl ical Aramaic material originat ed in both Babylonia a nd Judaea before the fall of the Achaemeni d dynasty.Biblical Arama ic presented various challeng | en |
images/en/image_30.jpg | after a simple marria ge cer emony, f urther streng thening r elations between Abu Ba kr an d Muham mad.Mili tary c ampaign s un der Muh ammadBattle of Bad rIn 624, Abu B akr was involved in the first batt le between the Musl ims and the Q uraysh of Mecca , known as the Battle of | en |
images/en/image_18.jpg | eda, Japa nese sin ger-son gwrit er and bass play er 1 969 – Olga Kon kova, N orw egian-R ussia n pi ani st and co mpos er 1 969 – Cam ero n Mathison, Canadian ac tor and television person ality 1969 – Catriona Matthew, Scottish golfer 19 69 – Vivek Razdan, Indian cricketer, coach, and sportscaster197 0 – Doug Glanvi | en |
images/en/image_39.jpg | eople and the per petrator dead, making it the deadli est rampage in the country's hi story.2021 – The Ingenuity helicopt er becomes the first aircraft t | en |
images/en/image_1.jpg | rd's reign descr ibed him a s the king' s brother – mista kenly a ccording to Keyne s and Lapidge, but in the view of Ja net Nelson, he probabl y was an illegitimate son of King Alfred.Death a nd burialAlfred died on 26 October 89 9 at the age o f 50 or 51. Ho w he died is unkn own, but he suffered th roughout his life with a p ainful and unpleasant il lness. His biographer Ass er g ave | en |
images/en/image_29.jpg | laim ed t o pl ac e t he c amp s in a his tor ical or social-scientific quanti tative perspective" but that in the case of qualitative e stimates, Solzhenitsyn ga ve his high estimate as he wanted to challenge the Soviet authoritie s to show that "the scale of the camps was less t han this." Historian J. Arch Ge tty wrote of Solzhenitsyn's methodolo gy t hat "such docum entation is method ically unacceptable in | en |
images/en/image_34.jpg | er encodings; or for backw ards com patibility wit h imple mentations tha t rely on the har d-coding of glyph forms. Finally, the U nicode encodi ng of Ara bic is in lo gical or der, tha t is, th e char acters are entered, and stor ed in co mputer m emory, in t he order t hat they are wr itten and p | en |
images/en/image_48.jpg | nt Nor th Eurasi ans tow ards th e Jōm on pe riod po pulati on was detecte d alo ng a North to So uth cline | en |
images/en/image_26.jpg | songw riter Adria n R' Ma nt e (b orn 1978), Ameri can televisi on actorA drian Ra wlins ( born 1958), English actorA drian Lud wig R icht er (18 03–1884), German painte r and etcherAdrian Rodriguez (DJ), German DJAdrián Rodríguez ( born 1988), Spanish actor and singer from Ca taloniaAdrian Rodri guez, American b ass guitarist for The Air borne Toxic EventAd rian Rollini (1903–1956), American multi-instrumentalist best known for his jaz | en |
images/en/image_24.jpg | the first citiz en of an Afri can country to f ly in space, a s a paying sp aceflight participa nt. In 2003, Ilan Ramon becam e the first Israeli to fly in space, although he died during a re-entry accident.On 15 October 2003, Yang Liw ei became China's first astronaut on the Shenzhou 5 spacecraft. On 30 May 2020, Doug Hurley and Bob Behnken became the firs t astronauts to launch on a private crewed spacecraft , Crew Dragon.Age mi lestonesThe y oungest person to reach space | en |
images/en/image_49.jpg | one of the farmers, pl ay the Ace of Spa des at the same time and both sides begin fighting l oudly over w ho cheated first. When t he animals o utside look at t | en |
images/en/image_38.jpg | comment by the geographer Pausanias.One of Aphrodite's most common literary epithets i s Philo mmeidḗs (), which mean s "smile- loving", but is som etim es mis tran slated a s "la ugh ter-lo ving". This ep ithet occurs throughou t both of the Homeric | en |
images/en/image_22.jpg | Pac kar d, H oo ver' s, H o meAway, HostGator, Intel Corporation, National Instruments, Nintendo, Nvi dia, Oracle, PayPal, Polycom, Qualcomm, Rackspace, RetailMeNot, R ooster Teeth, Samsung Group, Silicon Labs, Spansion, Uni ted Devices, VMware, Xerox, and Zoho Corporation. In 2010, Faceb ook accepted a grant to build a downtown office that could bring as many as 200 jobs to the ci ty. The proliferation of technology companies has led to the region's nickname, "Sili con Hills", and spurred development that greatly expanded the city.T esla, Inc. , an electric vehicle and cl ea n en ergy compa ny has i ts corpor | en |
images/en/image_27.jpg | river (b . 1908)1969 – Jean B astien, Fre nch prof essional footballer ( b. 1915) 196 9 – Joseph Kosma, Hunga rian-French co mposer (b. 1905)1 970 – Harold Hale y, America n lawyer and judg e (b. 1904) 1 970 – Jonath an P. Jackson, American bodygu ard and kidn apper (b. 1 953)19 72 – Joi La nsing, American model , actr ess, and singer (b. 19 29)1973 – Jack G regory, Aus tralian cricket er (b. 1895)1974 – R osario Castellan os, Mexican poet and author (b. 1925) 1974 – Sylvio Mantha, Canadian ic | en |
images/en/image_3.jpg | oard was dee ply split over wh ether to defen d the activists ; half the b oard harbored anti -war sentiments an d felt that the ACL U should lend its resources to the cause of the Boston Five. The oth er half of the board believed that civil libe rties were not at stake and the ACLU would be taking a political stance. Behind the debat e was the longstanding ACLU traditi on that it was politically impartial and provided le gal advice without regard to the defendants' political views. The board finally agreed t o a compromise solution that per mitted the ACLU to defend the an | en |
images/en/image_13.jpg | ential synonyms i s complicated by the type s pecimen of Allosaurus f ragilis (YPM 1930) being ext remely fragmentary, consisting of a few incom plete ver tebra e, li mb fr ag ments, rib fragments, and a single tooth. Because of thi s, several scientists have i nterpreted the type s pecimen as potentially dubious, m eaning the genus Al losaurus itself or a t least the specie s A. fragilis w ould be a nom en du bium ("d ubio us n ame", based on a specimen too inco mplete to compa re to other spe cimens or to classify). To address this situatio n, Gregory S. Paul and Kenneth C | en |
images/en/image_2.jpg | uthorities, strengthening their dominant position in Azerb aijan's local affairs The Security Council is the delibera tive body under the president, and he organizes it according to the Constitution. It was established on 10 April 1997. The administr ative department is not a part of the president's office but manages the fin ancial, technical and pecuniary activities of bo th the president and his office.Foreign relationsThe short-liv ed Azerbaijan Democratic Republic succ eeded in establishing diplomatic relations with six countries, sending diplomatic represent atives to Germany and Finland. The process of international recognition of | en |
images/en/image_43.jpg | a f orm of altru ism) on hap piness and health and have consistentl y found that those who exhibit voluntee rism also have better current a nd future health and well-be ing. In a study of older adults, those who volunteered had higher life satisfaction and will to live, and less depre ssi on, an xiet y, an d so | en |
images/en/image_4.jpg | nfectious dise ases. This bouts w ell for DNA-vacci nes becoming the new s tandard both in f ish vaccines, and in g eneral vaccines.Salinization/acidific ation of soilsSediment fro m abandoned aquaculture farms can remain hype rsaline, acidic and eroded. This ma terial can re main unusable fo r aquaculture purposes for long periods thereafter. Var ious chemical treatments, such as adding li me, can aggravate the problem by modify the physi cochemical characteristics of the sediment.Pl astic pollutionAquaculture produces a range of ma rine debris, dependi ng on the product a nd location. The most fr equently doc umented ty | en |
images/en/image_12.jpg | etimes Afrasian), al so known as H amito-Semitic or Se mito-Hamitic, are a langua ge family (or "phylum") of ab out 400 lan guages sp oken predomina ntly in We st Asia, North Af rica, the Horn of Afric a, and part s of the Sah ara and Sahel. Over 5 00 million people are native speakers o f an Afroasiatic language, constitu ting the four th-largest lan guage family after I ndo-European, Sin o-Tibetan, and Niger–Congo. Most l inguist s di vid e the family into six branc hes: Berber, Cha dic, Cushitic, Egy ptian, Semitic, and Omotic. The vast majority of Afroasiatic lang uages are considered indige nous to the African con tinent, including a | en |
images/en/image_45.jpg | , Black Mountain Sandston e and State Circle Shale.In the 1 840s fossils of brachiopods a nd trilobites from the Silurian perio d were discovered at Woolshed Creek near Du ntroon. At the time, these were the o ldest fossils discovered in Austr alia, though this record has now been fa r s urpassed. Othe r specific ge ological places of interest incl | en |
images/en/image_57.jpg | dered the constr uction of the Badshahi Mosque in L ahore, which is today one of the largest mosq ues in the Ind ia n s ub co nti ne nt. The mo sque he constructed in Srin | en |
images/en/image_32.jpg | e resolutions passed by the Senate to stop the fighting. The S enate had n o army to en force their res olutions. This provi ded an opportunity for Octavian, who a lready was known to hav e armed forces. Ci cero also defended O ctavian against Antony's taunts a bout Oct avian's lack of noble li neage and aping of Julius C aesar's name, stating "we have no more brilliant example of tradit ional piety among our you th."At the urging of Cicero, the Senate in ducted Octavian as senator on 1 January 43 BC, yet he also was given t he power to vote alongside the former cons uls. In addition, Octavian was granted imperium p ro praetore (comma nding pow | en |
images/en/image_53.jpg | has also spaw ned a cottage indu stry of sorts and has been copied and manufactured ( one gun at a time) in small s hops around the w orld (see Khy ber Pass Copy). The estimated num bers of AK-type we apons vary gre atly. The Small Arms Survey s uggests that "between 70 and 10 | en |
images/en/image_61.jpg | by race, ethnici ty, class, gender, etc .). Depending on th e nature of the a ntecedent relations, c ognitions, and si tuational f actors, i nter grou p contact may be stress | en |
images/en/image_42.jpg | erminable, and exhilarating. One became aggravate d when one's good id eas were di sc ar de d along with the bad ones of oth ers. Nevertheless, dilige nce persisted during the entir e period. The chemist ry of the 13 was excellent."ALGOL 60 inspir ed many languages that followed it. Tony Hoare remarked: "Here is a language s o far ahead of its time that it was not only an improvement o n its predecessors but also on nea | en |
images/en/image_62.jpg | used to attack Jews more broadly. In this vie w, the propone nts of the new conc ept believe that criticisms of Israel and Zionism are often dispropor | en |
images/en/image_54.jpg | opelled anti-tank gun, or missile lau ncher, als o calle d a n anti- tan k mi ssil e carr ier. T he ve hicles ar e desi gned sp ecific ally to engag e and d estroy ene my tank s, often with limited operatio nal capaciti es.While tanks are de signed for front-line co | en |
images/en/image_51.jpg | ession, anxiety, and sl eep disorders. Food-insecur e individuals ha d an almost 3 fold risk increase of t esting positive fo r anxiety when compared to food-sec ure individuals.Ge nder sociali zationContextual factors tha t are thought to contribute to a nxiety incl ude gend er social ization and lear ni ng ex pe riences. In particular, lea rning master y (the degree | en |
images/en/image_37.jpg | e Latin translation of the surname of th e fo under, August Hor ch. , meani ng "listen", beco mes in Latin. T he four ri ngs of t he Audi log o each represent one of four car companies that banded together to cr eate Audi's predecessor company, Auto Union. Audi' s slogan is , which is translated as "Progress through Technology". Audi, along with Germa n brands BMW and Mercedes-Benz, is among the best-selling luxury a utomobile brands in the world.HistoryBirth o f the company and its nameAutomo bile co mpany Wanderer was | en |
images/en/image_40.jpg | after worke d to prese rve the reso urces ne eded for t he civilia n population's survival. In re ality, he ha d sought to prolong the war until further resistance was impossible, thus contributing to the large number of deaths and the extensive destruction Germany suffered in the conflict's final months.De nial of responsibilitySpeer maintained at the Nuremberg tri als and in his memoirs that he had n o direct knowledge of the Holoca ust. He ad mitted only to being | en |
images/en/image_58.jpg | nks in a repatri ation operation of mai nland Chinese immigran ts, resulting in 2 1 deaths. This is t he second tragedy less than a mont h after Min Ping Yu No. 5540 incident.2004 – O ne hundred fifty- six Congolese Tu tsi refugees ar e massacred at th e Gatumba refugee cam p in Burundi.2008 – R usso-Georgian Wa | en |
images/en/image_33.jpg | ncluding snow, firn and any meltwater.” It defines a s pecial field of volcanic that is s pecifically centered around ice and ice m elt. This field of science is less than 100 year s old, and thus continuously mak es new discoveries. G laciovolcanism is charact erized by three kinds of eruptions: s ub-glacial eruptions, supraglacial volca nism, and ice-marginal vol canism.The study of gl aciovolcanism is vital to the understanding of ice sheet formation. It is also a v aluable tool to predict volcanic hazards, such as the ash hazard following the Eyjafjallajökull eruption in Iceland.Marie Byrd Land The Marie Byrd Land is an incre dibly large por tion of West Antarctica, consistin g of the Area bel ow the A ntarctic Penins ula. The M | en |
images/en/image_21.jpg | es, bright colors and reduced mov ement of the lips.Technique Modern anime follows a typic al animation production process, involving storyb oarding, voice acting, character design, and cel production. S ince the 1990s, animators have increasingl y used computer animation to improve t he efficiency of the production process. E arly anime works were exp erimental, and consisted of i mages drawn on blackboar ds, stop motion animation of paper c utouts, and silhouette animation. Cel an imation grew in popularity until it came to dominate the medium. In the 21st century, the use of o ther animation techniques is mostly li mited to independent short films, including the stop motion puppet animation work prod uced by Tadahito Mochinaga, Kihachirō Kawamoto and Tomoyasu Murata. Computers were integ rated into the animation process in the 1990s, w ith works such as Gh ost in the Shell an d Princess Mononoke mixing cel animation with compu | en |
images/en/image_7.jpg | on Gratian and his court, which was pervasively Christian and arist ocratic – much like Ambrose himself. The emperor returned to Milan in 380 to find that Ambrose had complied with his request for a statement of his faith – in two volu mes – known as De Fide: a statement of orthodoxy and of Ambrose' political theology, as well as a polemic against the Arian heresy – intended for public discussion. Th e empe ror had not ask ed to be inst ructed by Am brose, and i n De Fid e Ambrose states this clearly. Nor was he asked to refute the Arians. He was as ked to justify his own positi on, but in the end, he did all three .It seems that by 382 Ambrose had rep laced Ausonius to become a major influenc e in Gratian's court. Amb rose had not yet become the "consc ience" of kings he would in the later 380s, but he did speak out agains t reinstating the Altar of Victory. | en |
images/en/image_56.jpg | 0, no. 2 (1997): 97–128. http:// www.jst ble/41 234269. Fialk o, Elena (2018 ). "Scythian Fe male Warriors in the South of Eastern Euro pe". In: Folia Praehistorica Posnaniensia 22 (lipiec), 29–47. /fpp.2017.22.02. Guliaev, V. I. (2 003). "Amazons in t he Scythia: New finds at the Midd le Don, Sout hern Russia ". In: World A rchaeology, 3 5:1, 112–12 5. DOI: 10 .1080/004 | en |
images/en/image_44.jpg | of that same year. It reconciled conflicts between Maxwell's eq uations (the laws of elec tricity and magnetism) a nd the laws of Newtonian m echanics by introduci ng changes to the laws of me chanics. Observation ally, the effects of these change s are most apparen t at high speed s (where objects a re moving at speed s close to the spee d of light). The th eory developed in this paper later becam e known as Einstein 's special theory of relativity.This pa per predicted that, when m easured in the frame of a relatively moving observer, a clock carried by a moving body would appear to slo w do | en |
images/en/image_75.jpg | shpattern="$1"shiftawk '$0 ~ pattern { print FILENAME ":" $0 }' "pat tern=$pattern" "$@" Or You can use the -v var=value command line optio | en |
images/en/image_46.jpg | to a djust their meth ods bec ause eith er the critici sms are unj ustified, or that t hey are n ot trainin g for self -defense or combat effectiveness, but spiritual, fitness or other reasons.Reasons for the differenc e and diversity of teaching s, intention, and forms of aik ido can be traced to the shift in training foc us after the end of Ueshiba's seclusion in Iwama from 1942 to the mid-1950s, as he increasing ly emphasized the spiritual and philosop hical aspec ts of aikido. As a re sul t, strikes to vital point s by , enteri ng () and i nitiation of techniques | en |
images/en/image_63.jpg | foundations for d aily singing of the Divine Office by expanded choirs of men and boys. This res ulted from an expli cit addition by Elizabet h herself to the i njunctions ac companying the 1559 Book o f Common Prayer (that had its elf made no mentio n of choral worship) by which existi ng chor al fo und ati ons an d choir sc hools wer e inst ruct ed to be continued, and their endo | en |
images/en/image_60.jpg | nly once under that n a me dur ing its ori ginal inc arnation bec ause Wo olfson and Parson s held the rol es of writin g and pro duction, and becaus e of the te chnical difficul ties of re-produci ng on stage the co mplex instrumentatio n used in the studio . In the 1990s, musical production evolved with the technology of di gital samplers. | en |
images/en/image_50.jpg | for over 10 y ears on empo wering GPU quickening for a wide arrangeme nt of Adobe's creative and computerized encou nter items. This incorporates Sensei-powered features, f or example, auto lip-sync in Adobe Character Animator CC and face-aware editing in Photosh op CC, and also cloud-based AI /ML items a nd features , for example , picture investig ation for Adobe Stock and Lightr oom CC and auto-l abeling in Adobe Expe rience Sup ervisor.In May 201 8, Adob e stat ed th ey wou ld buy e- commer ce servic es pro vider Magento Commerc | en |
images/en/image_67.jpg | e is s een st ruggling t o get a doubl e bass onto a train (St range rs on a Tr ain) , walk ing d ogs o ut of a pe t sho p (The Bird s), fixi ng a nei ghb our's cl ock (R ear Win dow), as a sh adow (F amily Plot ), sitting at a tab le in a photograp | en |
images/en/image_25.jpg | y Christian w riters in ord er to give his c ommentar y authority. In additi on, he uses the writers to correct heresy where he believed it to exist. Although he is very careful not to depart from the tradition of the Ch urch or from orthodox teaching, his work is no mere string of patristic quotations. Throughout his Apoc alypse commentary Christ is mysticall y identified with the Chu rch, so much so that the Church actually begins with the birth of Ch rist. In addition, there is only one Church in heaven and on earth, not two. To those knowing th e truth there is manifest one and the same Ch urch, neither divided nor separ ated, which reigns with Christ in heaven, encompassing those me mbers who have completed their stru ggle, and which reigns with Christ on earth, en compassing those membe rs who continue in battle. Th e first resurrection (cf. Rev. 2 0:5b–6a), which implies a second, refers to the reign of Christ for a thousan d years and the reign of the just w | en |
images/en/image_69.jpg | lia, as well as regio nal headquarters of many international organisations, not-for-pr ofit groups, l obbying groups and pr ofessional asso ciations. S everal ma jor universities al so have cam puses in the ACT, including th e Austr alian Nati onal University , the University of Ca | en |
images/en/image_47.jpg | Algeria kept its individu al skills and a relatively human-capit al intensive agriculture.During the Second World War, Al geria came under Vichy control bef ore being liberated by the Allies i n Oper ation Torc h, whic h saw the fi rst large- scale deplo yment of American tro ops in th e North Af rican campaig n.Grad ually, di ssatisfa ction a mong t he Musli m po pulatio n, whi ch lack ed po litical and econ omic stat us und er t he colonial system, gave rise to demands for great er political autonomy and even tually independence from France. In May 1945, the uprising against the o ccu pyin g Fr en ch f | en |
images/en/image_35.jpg | voirs, four pump stations, and two water to wers. These facilities serve the city, wh ich is divided into five water districts. The city's water depa rtment also operates four dams along the Huron River—Ar go, Barton, Geddes, and Superior—of which Barton and Sup erior provide hydroelectric power. The city also offers waste management services, with Recycle Ann Arbor handling recycling service. Other utilities are pro vided by private entities . Electrical power and gas are provided by D TE Energy. AT&T Inc. is the primary wire d telephone service provider for the area. Cable TV service is primarily p rovided by Comcast.A plume of the industrial solvent di oxane is migrating under the city from the contaminated Gelma n Sci ences, Inc. property on the westside o f Ann Arbor. It is currently detec ted at 0.039 ppb. The | en |
images/en/image_70.jpg | logist who un earthed th e remains at the Upward Sun River site in 2013, named this new group Ancient Berin gians.The Tlin git people develope d a society with a matrilineal kinship system of property inheritance and descent in wh at is today Southeast Alaska, along wit h parts of British Columbia and t he Yukon. Also in Southeast were the Haida, now well know | en |
images/en/image_52.jpg | oruses, a convention adopted by most translators for the nex t century.Anna Swanwick produced a ver se translation in English of all seve n surviving plays as The Dr amas of Ae schylus i n 1886 f ull textStefa n Radt (ed.), Tragicorum Gra ecorum Fragmenta. Vol. III: A eschylus (Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2009) (Tragicorum Gra ecoru m Frag menta, 3).Alan H . Sommerstei n (ed.), Aesc hylus, Vol ume II, Ore steia: Ag amemnon. Libation-bea rers. Eumenides. 146 (Cambridge, Mass achusetts/London: Loeb Classical Library, 2009); Volume III, Fra gments. 505 (Cambridge, Mas | en |
images/en/image_71.jpg | usands of re vellers. S ignificant dat es such as Sai nt Lucy's Day, Sankt H ans (Saint Joh n's Eve) and Fas telavn are traditi onally celeb rated with nu merous event s across th e city.Parks, natur e, an d r ecr ea tio nT he beec h forest s of R iis Skov a nd Mars elisb or g occupy the | en |
images/en/image_59.jpg | The si mpl est fo rm of AM demo dulator con sists of a diode which is co nfigured to act as envelope detector. Another t ype of de modulator, the pro duct detector, can p rovide better-quality demodulat ion with additional circuit complexity.See also A M stereo Shortwave radio Amplitude modula tion signalling system (AMSS) M odulation sph ere Types of radio emissions Airban d DSB-SCReferences Bibliography Newk irk, David and K arlquist, Rick (2004). Mi xers, modulators and de mod ulators. In D. | en |
images/en/image_74.jpg | h the principl es of Austrian School econ omics, arguing th at "[t]here is, in the body of thoug ht known as 'Austria n economics', a scientific ex planation of th e workings of th e free market ( and of the c onsequences of government i ntervention in that market) which individualist anarchists could easil y incorporate into their political and s | en |
images/en/image_41.jpg | alphabet, where the design of many of the letter s comes from a sound's place of articulation, li ke P looking like the widened mouth and L looking like the tongue pulled i n. The creation of Hangul was planned by the government of the day, an d it places individual letters in syllable clusters with equal dimensions, i n the same way as Chinese characters. T his change all ows for mixed-script writing, where one syllable a lways takes up on e type space no matter h ow many letters get stacked into building that one sound-block.Zhuyi nZhuyin, sometimes referred to as Bo pomofo, is a semi-syllabary. It trans cribes Mandarin phonetically in t he Republic of China. After the later establishment of the People's Republic of China and its a | en |
images/en/image_79.jpg | llowed to keep their belongi ngs, wear t heir own clothe s, and write le tters to fa mily; they did not have their hair s haved and wer e not subjecte d to selecti on. Corresp onde nce bet we en Adolf Eich mann' | en |
images/en/image_78.jpg | ll in the solid phase.Conductivity and solu bilityAlkanes do not con duct electricity in any way, nor are they su bstantially polarized by an el ectric field. For this reason, they do not fo rm hydrogen bo nds and are insoluble in po lar solvents su | en |
images/en/image_66.jpg | nutrients (fertilizer or manu re) and some m anual pest control. Annual cultivation is the ne xt phase of intensity in whic h there is no fallow per iod. This requires even greater nutrient and pest control inputs.Further industrialization led to the us e of monocultu res, when one c ultivar is planted o n a large acreag e. Because of the lo w biodiversity, n utrient use is uni form and pests tend to build up, necessita ting the grea ter use of pe sticides and ferti lizers. Multiple cropping, i | en |
images/en/image_68.jpg | ant, and Cyprus.At some point in the later years of his reign, Alyattes conducted a milit ary campaign in Caria, although the reason for this interve ntion is yet unkno wn. Alyattes's son Croesus, a s governor of Adramyttium, h ad to provide his father with Ionian Greek mercenarie s for this war.Later wars against the IoniansIn 600 BCE, Alyattes resumed his military acti vities in the west, and the second Io nian city he a | en |
images/en/image_82.jpg | represents an example of an early probl em in combinatorics.The origin of the p uzz le's n ame i s uncl ear, an d it h as b een s ugge sted that it is take n fr om the Ancient Greek word for "thr | en |
images/en/image_55.jpg | Due to the ST having comparatively lar ge amounts of memory for t he time, sound sampling packages became feasible. Repla y Professional features a sound sampler using the ST cartridge port to read in parallel from the cartridge port from the ADC. For output of digital sou nd, it uses the on-board frequ ency output, sets it to 128 kHz ( inaudible) and then modulates the amplitude of that.Mast erTracks Pro originated on Macintosh, then ST, then IBM PC version. It c ontinued on W indows and mac OS, along w ith the original comp any's notat ion application s Encore.Ap plications Professio nal deskto p publishing soft ware includes PageStream and Calamus. Word process | en |
images/en/image_81.jpg | World War. Milne was t he father of boo kseller Christ opher Robin Mi lne, upon who m the character Christopher Robin i s based. It was durin g a visit to Lon don Zoo, wher e Christ opher beca me enam oure d wit h t he tame and a miable b ear Winnipe | en |
images/en/image_93.jpg | ne: the bare li nes of story a nd emotio n st an d cl ear".Academ ic specialist i n children's lit eratur e Maria Nikolaje va characterised Red | en |
images/en/image_80.jpg | ad on the upper deck was equal to five an d the bottom one is similar to the Chinese or Korean abacus, and the dec imal number can be expressed, so the abacus i s designed as a one:four de vice. The beads are always in the shape of a d iamond. The quotient division is generally used instead of the d ivision method; at the same time, in order | en |
images/en/image_87.jpg | , an d Wi sco nsi n, a nd th e p art o f Min nes ota tha t is ea st of the Mi ssissippi River. The Northwest Ord inance of 1787 al so made great advances in the abolition of sl avery. New states admitted to t he union in this territory w ould never be | en |
images/en/image_85.jpg | Gylfaginning, Snorri Sturluson relates it in the stanza 17 as the first of a s eries of abodes in heaven:Later in th e sec tion , in s peak ing of a h all in t he Hig hest H eaven cal led Gi mlé t hat sh all s urv ive when hea ven and eart h have died, expl ains:See al so Alfheimbjerg Fairyland, a folkloric location som | en |
images/en/image_94.jpg | he solutions to the hydrog en atom, where o rbitals are give n by the pr oduct betwe en a radial functi on a nd a p ure sphe rical h armonic. The quant um numb ers, together with th e rules g overning th eir possible values, are as follows:The principal quantum num | en |
images/en/image_73.jpg | s of constitutional magnitude alleging the violation of a fundamental right; 3. the alleged constitutional violation clearly exists and clearly depriv ed the defendant of a fair trial; 4. if subje ct to harmless error analysis, the state h as failed to demonstrate harmlessness of the alle ged constitutional violation bey ond a reasonable doubt.State post-conviction relief: collater al app ealAl l State s h ave a post -con viction re lief proc ess. Si milar t o fed eral post-co nviction relie f, an a ppell ant c an peti tion t he c ourt to correct alleg ed fundamental e | en |
images/en/image_90.jpg | onTragic poets5t h-century BC po etsAgesilaus II (; ; 44 5/4 – 360/59 BC) was king of Sp arta from c. 400 to c. 360 BC. G enerally considered the most important king in the hi stor y of Spa rta, Ag esilaus was the main act or during the period of S partan hegemony that followed the Peloponnesia n War (431–404 BC). Although brave in combat, Agesilaus | en |
images/en/image_77.jpg | r j um p j et an d Lo ckhe ed Martin F -35B take of f and lan d vertically using pow ered lift a nd tr ansf er to a erody namic lift in steady flight.A p ure rocket is not usually regarded a s an aerodyne because it does not depend on the air for its lif t (and can even fly into space ); however, many aerodyn amic lift vehicles have been power ed or assisted by rocket motors. Rocket-powered missiles that obtain aerodynamic lift at very high speed due to airflow over their | en |
images/en/image_84.jpg | the 1920s to ear ly 1930s. Through styling and design of the exterior and in terior of anything from large structure s to small object s, including ho w people look (clothing, fashion and jewelry), Art Deco ha s influenced bri dges, buildings (from skyscrapers to cinem as), ships, o cean liners, tr ains, cars | en |
images/en/image_99.jpg | of the clos ely relat ed gen us Celosia. Amarant h grain is collected f rom the genus . The leaves of some speci es are al so eaten. Description Amaranth is a herbaceous plant | en |
images/en/image_89.jpg | he hero of a written to please the anarchical spi rit of the nobles .Andalusian rai ds into Asturi as On accession t o the thro ne, Hisham I , son of Abd al-Rahman I, com menced a string of militar y campaigns in the eastern Pyr enees and to t he no rth- we st. In 7 94, a r aid spe arhead ed by A bd al -Kar im dealt a major mi litary blow t o Alfonso II on the e | en |
images/en/image_91.jpg | among speakers, where the rul e does not apply to certain words or when spe aking at a slower pace. All alveolar consonants assimilate to dentals when occurring before a dental. Take the words " ei ght h, t en th, we alt h". This a lso a pplies acros s word boundari es, for ex ample "at this" . Alveolar s tops are re duced or omitt ed when betw | en |
images/en/image_72.jpg | haracterized by a set of values of the three quantum numbe rs , , and , which resp ectively correspond to t he electron' s energy, its a ngular momentu m, and an angular momentum vector co mponent (magnetic q uantum number). As an alternative to the m agnetic quantum number, the o rbitals a re oft en lab eled by t he ass ociated harmonic poly nomials (e.g., xy, ). Each s uch orbital can be occupied by a maximum of two electrons, each with its o wn projectio n of spin . The simp le names s orbita l, p orbital, d orbital, and f orbit al refer to orbitals with an gular momentu m quantum number and respectiv | en |
images/en/image_88.jpg | laims tha t the s tudy of curves b y means of equation s originated with Desc artes in th e seventee nth century.Renais sanceSuch techniques of applying geometrical co nstructions to algeb raic proble ms were also adopt ed by a number of Renaissanc e mathema ticians su ch as Gerolamo Car dano and Ni ccolò Font ana "Tartagl ia" on their stud ies of the cubic equation. The geo metrica l ap | en |
images/en/image_92.jpg | pion. Karpov himself desc ribes his style as follows:Let us s ay the game may be continu ed in two ways: on e of them is a bea utiful tactical blo w that gives rise to variatio ns that don't yield to precise calc ulations; th e other i s clear position al press ure that le ads to an endga me with m icroscopic chance s of victor y.... I woul d ch oos e [th | en |
images/en/image_112.jpg | oubl es of Eu rope for man y years. It remai ned a direct vassal of the Hol y Roman Empire thr oughout most of the Middle A ges. It was al so the site of many imp | en |
images/en/image_101.jpg | ut ch -Australian politician, 14th P remier of Tas mania (b. 181 7)1898 – Elzéar- Alexandre Tasch ereau, Canadian cardinal (b. 182 0)1901–pres ent1902 – Marie Al fred Cor nu, French p hysicist an d academi c (b. 1842) 1906 – Mahesh Cha ndra Nya yratna Bh attachar | en |
images/en/image_65.jpg | idas and a gold cr own (see image) was fou nd in a tomb in pride of pl ace under the Agora.Th e Tomb of Am phipolisIn 2012 Gree k archaeologi sts uneart hed a larg e tomb wit hin the Kasta Hill, the biggest burial mound in Greece, northeast of Amp hipolis. The large size and quality of the tumulus indicates the promi nence of the burials made there, a nd its dating and the connections of the city with Alexander the Great suggest important occupa nts. The perimeter wall of the tumulus is long, and is made of l imestone covered with marble.The tomb c omprises three cha mbers separated by wall s. There are two sp hinxes just outside the ent rance to the tomb. Two of the columns supporting the roof in the first section are in the form of Caryatids, in the 4th century BC style. The excavation revealed | en |
images/en/image_110.jpg | y. Informally put , the axiom of choice s ays that given any collection of sets, each conta ining at least on e elem ent, it is po ssibl e to con struct a new set by arbi trarily choosing o ne ele | en |
images/en/image_111.jpg | on T ristan u nd I sold e.U nder the infl uence of Scho penhauer, Leo Tolsto y became convince d that the truth of all religions lies in self-renunc iation. When he read Sc hopenhauer's phil osophy, T | en |
images/en/image_64.jpg | manager (d. 1997)1911 – Hervé Bazin, French author a nd poet (d. 1996) 1911 – Leste r Rodney, America n soldier and journalist (d. 2009) 1912 – Marta Eggerth, Hungaria n-American actres s and singer (d. 2013)1914 – Ge orge Davis, American art director (d. 1984) 1914 – Mac Raboy, American illustr ator (d. 1967)1915 – Martin Clemens, Scottish soldier (d. 2 009) 1915 – Joe Foss, American general and politicia n, 20th Governor of South Dakota (d. 2 003) 1915 – Regina Ghazaryan, Armenian pai nter (d. 1999)1916 – Win Maung, 3rd President of Unio n of Myanmar (d. 1989) 1916 – A. Thiagarajah, Sri Lankan educator and politician (d. 1981) 1916 – Si rimav o Ba ndaran aike, Prime Mi nister of Sri Lan ka, w orld's f irst fem ale prime minist er (d. 200 0)1918 – William Hol den, America n actor (d. 1981)1919 – Gille s Lamontagne, Can adian lieutenan t and politician, 2 4th Lieutenant Governor of Q uebec (d. 2016) 1919 – Chavela V | en |
images/en/image_113.jpg | on behalf of the girls, deliverin g courtroom blows with pugilistic g race. Like we know fr om Prakash Mehra movies, into each life some Bac hchan must fall. The girls hang on to him with inc redulous desperation, and he bats for them with all he ha s. At one point Meenal han | en |
images/en/image_114.jpg | 0 communi ty leaders in 1996. All communi ty leaders received hour s of training an d underwe nt a probationary p eriod. Whi le most com munit y leaders moder ated chat rooms , some ran AOL co mmunitie s and co ntroll ed thei r layout and desi gn, with as m uch | en |
images/en/image_98.jpg | from Y eshaq I of Ethiopia, born e by two dignitaries, which proposed an alli ance against the Muslims and would be sea led by a dual marriage that would requi re Alfonso's brother Peter to bring a group of artisans to Ethiopia where he would marry Yeshaq's daughter. I n return, Alfonso sent a party of 13 craftsmen, a ll of whom perished on the way to Ethiopia. He later sent a letter to Yesha q's succ essor Zara Yaqob in 1450, in which he wrote that | en |
images/en/image_76.jpg | was followed by a period of prosperity. Th e national government was still op erating under the Articles of Conf ederation and settled the issue of th e western te rritories, which the states ced ed to Con gress. American settlers moved rapidly into tho se areas, with Vermont, Kentucky, a nd Tennessee becoming states in the 1 790s.However, the nation al government had no money eith er to pay the war debts owed to Eur opean nations and the private banks, or to pay Americans who had be en given millions of dollars of promissory notes f or supplies durin g the war. National ists led by Washington, Al ex and er Ha milt on, and ot her veterans f eared t hat the ne w nation wa | en |
Synthdog Multilingual
The Synthdog dataset created for training in Centurio: On Drivers of Multilingual Ability of Large Vision-Language Model.
Using the official Synthdog code, we created >1 million training samples for improving OCR capabilities in Large Vision-Language Models.
Dataset Details
We provide the images for download in two .tar.gz
files. Download and extract them in folders of the same name (so tar xvzf images.tar.gz -C images; tar xvzf images.tar.gz -C images_non_latin
The image path in the dataset expects images to be in those respective folders for unique identification.
Every language has the following amount of samples: 500,000 for English, 10,000 for non-Latin scripts, and 5,000 otherwise.
Text is taken from Wikipedia of the respective languages. Font is GoNotoKurrent-Regular
Note: Right-to-left written scripts (Arabic, Hebrew, ...) are unfortunatly writte correctly right-to-left but also bottom-to-top. We were not able to fix this issue. However, empirical results in Centurio suggest that this data is still helpful for improving model performance.
author = {Gregor Geigle and
Florian Schneider and
Carolin Holtermann and
Chris Biemann and
Radu Timofte and
Anne Lauscher and
Goran Glava\v{s}},
title = {Centurio: On Drivers of Multilingual Ability of Large Vision-Language Model},
journal = {arXiv},
volume = {abs/2501.05122},
year = {2025},
url = {},
eprinttype = {arXiv},
eprint = {2501.05122},
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