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the star who helped give a spark to `` chasing amy `` and `` changing lanes `` falls flat as thinking man cia agent jack ryan in this summer 's new action film , `` the sum of all fears . `` | 0 |
it 's a rollicking adventure for you and all your mateys , regardless of their ages . | 1 |
the soul-searching deliberateness of the film , although leavened nicely with dry absurdist wit , eventually becomes too heavy for the plot . | 0 |
there 's absolutely no reason why blue crush , a late-summer surfer girl entry , should be as entertaining as it is | 1 |
offers that rare combination of entertainment and education . | 1 |
several degrees shy of the gross-out contests one expects from current teen fare . | 1 |
it 's that rare family movie -- genuine and sweet without relying on animation or dumb humor . | 1 |
dismally dull sci-fi comedy . | 0 |
it 's always fascinating to watch marker the essayist at work . | 1 |
bogdanovich tantalizes by offering a peep show into the lives of the era 's creme de la celluloid . | 1 |
the fourth `` pokemon `` is a diverting -- if predictable -- adventure suitable for a matinee , with a message that cautions children about disturbing the world 's delicate ecological balance . | 1 |
harland williams is so funny in drag he should consider permanent sex-reassignment . | 0 |
it 's the kind of movie that ends up festooning u . s . art house screens for no reason other than the fact that it 's in french ( well , mostly ) with english subtitles and is magically 'significant ' because of that . | 0 |
a frisky and fresh romantic comedy exporing sexual politics and the challenges of friendships between women . | 1 |
eastwood winces , clutches his chest and gasps for breath . it 's a spectacular performance - ahem , we hope it 's only acting . | 0 |
long on twinkly-eyed close-ups and short on shame . | 0 |
the film is like a series of beginnings and middles that never take off . | 0 |
an entertaining , if ultimately minor , thriller . | 1 |
majidi 's direction has never been smoother or more confident . | 1 |
what makes esther kahn so demanding is that it progresses in such a low-key manner that it risks monotony . but it 's worth the concentration . | 1 |
many shallower movies these days seem too long , but this one is egregiously short . | 0 |
there are n't many conclusive answers in the film , but there is an interesting story of pointed personalities , courage , tragedy and the little guys vs . the big guys . | 1 |
an intriguing look at the french film industry during the german occupation ; its most delightful moments come when various characters express their quirky inner selves . | 1 |
a good thriller . | 1 |
i like this movie a lot . i like that smith , he 's not making fun of these people , he 's not laughing at them . | 1 |
no amount of arty theorizing -- the special effects are 'german-expressionist , ' according to the press notes -- can render it anything but laughable . | 0 |
serious movie-goers embarking upon this journey will find that the road to perdition leads to a satisfying destination . | 1 |
but even with the two-wrongs-make-a-right chemistry between jolie and burns . . . this otherwise appealing picture loses its soul to screenwriting for dummies conformity . | 1 |
hey arnold ! the movie is what happens when you blow up small potatoes to 10 times their natural size , and it ai n't pretty . | 0 |
it 's tough to tell which is in more abundant supply in this woefully hackneyed movie , directed by scott kalvert , about street gangs and turf wars in 1958 brooklyn -- stale cliches , gratuitous violence , or empty machismo . | 0 |
an unorthodox little film noir organized crime story that includes one of the strangest love stories you will ever see . | 1 |
it makes compelling , provocative and prescient viewing . | 1 |
it 's hard not to feel you 've just watched a feature-length video game with some really heavy back story . | 0 |
to paraphrase a line from another dickens ' novel , nicholas nickleby is too much like a fragment of an underdone potato . | 0 |
this is for the most part a useless movie , even with a great director at the helm . | 0 |
if you 're not a prepubescent girl , you 'll be laughing at britney spears ' movie-starring debut whenever it does n't have you impatiently squinting at your watch . | 0 |
to better understand why this did n't connect with me would require another viewing , and i wo n't be sitting through this one again . . . that in itself is commentary enough . | 0 |
an hour and a half of joyful solo performance . | 1 |
a whole lot of fun and funny in the middle , though somewhat less hard-hitting at the start and finish . | 1 |
. . . the movie is just a plain old monster . | 0 |
when seagal appeared in an orange prison jumpsuit , i wanted to stand up in the theater and shout , 'hey , kool-aid ! ' | 0 |
your taste for jonah - a veggie tales movie may well depend on your threshold for pop manifestations of the holy spirit . | 0 |
unlike most surf movies , blue crush thrillingly uses modern technology to take the viewer inside the wave . by the end you ca n't help but feel 'stoked . ' | 1 |
maybe it 's the star power of the cast or the redundant messages , but something aboul `` full frontal `` seems , well , contrived . | 0 |
the filmmakers skillfully evoke the sense of menace that nature holds for many urban dwellers . | 1 |
this one aims for the toilet and scores a direct hit . | 0 |
no better or worse than 'truth or consequences , n . m . ' or any other interchangeable actioner with imbecilic mafia toolbags botching a routine assignment in a western backwater . | 0 |
the heedless impetuousness of youth is on full , irritating display in [ this ] meandering and pointless french coming-of-age import from writer-director anne-sophie birot . | 0 |
a great idea becomes a not-great movie . | 0 |
the amazing film work is so convincing that by movies ' end you 'll swear you are wet in some places and feel sand creeping in others . | 1 |
'god help us , but capra and cooper are rolling over in their graves . ' | 0 |
the film 's 45-minute running time stops shy of overkill , though viewers may be more exhausted than the athletes onscreen . | 1 |
the 3d images only enhance the film 's otherworldly quality , giving it a strange combo of you-are-there closeness with the disorienting unreality of the seemingly broken-down fourth wall of the movie screen . | 1 |
the wild thornberrys movie has all the sibling rivalry and general family chaos to which anyone can relate . | 1 |
bourne , jason bourne . he can scale a building like a super hero , he can out-stealth any agent , he 'll get the girl . he 's super spy ! | 1 |
the emotion is impressively true for being so hot-blooded , and both leads are up to the task . | 1 |
compassionately explores the seemingly irreconcilable situation between conservative christian parents and their estranged gay and lesbian children . | 1 |
lacking gravitas , macdowell is a placeholder for grief , and ergo this sloppy drama is an empty vessel . leave these flowers unpicked -- they 're dead on the vine . | 0 |
an instance of an old dog not only learning but inventing a remarkable new trick . | 1 |
deliciously slow . | 1 |
an engrossing iranian film about two itinerant teachers and some lost and desolate people they encounter in a place where war has savaged the lives and liberties of the poor and the dispossessed . | 1 |
a film neither bitter nor sweet , neither romantic nor comedic , neither warm nor fuzzy . | 0 |
nicks sustains the level of exaggerated , stylized humor throughout by taking your expectations and twisting them just a bit . | 1 |
the wonder of mostly martha is the performance of gedeck , who makes martha enormously endearing . | 1 |
less an examination of neo-nazism than a probe into the nature of faith itself . | 1 |
the movie 's ultimate point -- that everyone should be themselves -- is trite , but the screenwriter and director michel gondry restate it to the point of ridiculousness . | 0 |
a slick , well-oiled machine , exquisitely polished and upholstered . | 1 |
an unclassifiably awful study in self- and audience-abuse . | 0 |
about schmidt is nicholson 's goofy , heartfelt , mesmerizing king lear . | 1 |
you do n't know whether to admire the film 's stately nature and call it classicism or be exasperated by a noticeable lack of pace . or both . | 1 |
martin and barbara are complex characters -- sometimes tender , sometimes angry -- and the delicate performances by sven wollter and viveka seldahl make their hopes and frustrations vivid . | 1 |
because eight legged freaks is partly an homage to them , tarantula and other low- budget b-movie thrillers of the 1950s and '60s , the movie is a silly ( but not sophomoric ) romp through horror and hellish conditions . | 1 |
although fairly involving as far as it goes , the film does n't end up having much that is fresh to say about growing up catholic or , really , anything . | 1 |
combines improbable melodrama ( gored bullfighters , comatose ballerinas ) with subtly kinky bedside vigils and sensational denouements , and yet at the end , we are undeniably touched . | 1 |
it 's got all the familiar bruckheimer elements , and schumacher does probably as good a job as anyone at bringing off the hopkins/rock collision of acting styles and onscreen personas . | 1 |
rarely do films come along that are as intelligent , exuberant , and moving as monsoon wedding . | 1 |
those outside show business will enjoy a close look at people they do n't really want to know . | 1 |
for all the complications , it 's all surprisingly predictable . | 0 |
. . . myers has turned his franchise into the movie version of an adolescent dirty-joke book done up in post-tarantino pop-culture riffs . . . | 1 |
sad nonsense , this . but not without cheesy fun factor . | 0 |
any film featuring young children threatened by a terrorist bomb can no longer pass as mere entertainment . | 0 |
a strong script , powerful direction and splendid production design allows us to be transported into the life of wladyslaw szpilman , who is not only a pianist , but a good human being . | 1 |
works as pretty contagious fun . | 1 |
an important movie , a reminder of the power of film to move us and to make us examine our values . | 1 |
as relationships shift , director robert j . siegel allows the characters to inhabit their world without cleaving to a narrative arc . | 1 |
comedian , like its subjects , delivers the goods and audiences will have a fun , no-frills ride . | 1 |
do n't be fooled by the impressive cast list - eye see you is pure junk . | 0 |
the cast , collectively a successful example of the lovable-loser protagonist , shows deft comic timing . | 1 |
is anyone else out there getting tired of the whole slo-mo , double-pistoled , ballistic-pyrotechnic hong kong action aesthetic ? | 0 |
you would n't call the good girl a date movie ( an anti-date movie is more like it ) , but when it 's good , it 's good and horrid . | 1 |
dazzles with its fully-written characters , its determined stylishness ( which always relates to characters and story ) and johnny dankworth 's best soundtrack in years . | 1 |
the sum of all fears pretends to be a serious exploration of nuclear terrorism , but it 's really nothing more than warmed-over cold war paranoia . | 0 |
warmed-over tarantino by way of wannabe elmore leonard . | 0 |
it understands , in a way that speaks forcefully enough about the mechanisms of poverty to transcend the rather simplistic filmmaking . | 1 |
as the story moves inexorably through its seven day timeframe , the picture becomes increasingly mesmerizing . | 1 |
despite an overwrought ending , the film works as well as it does because of the performances . | 1 |
is n't it a bit early in his career for director barry sonnenfeld to do a homage to himself ? and it 's a lousy one at that . | 0 |
peter jackson and company once again dazzle and delight us , fulfilling practically every expectation either a longtime tolkien fan or a movie-going neophyte could want . | 1 |
until ( the ) superfluous . . . epilogue that leaks suspension of disbelief like a sieve , die another day is as stimulating & heart-rate-raising as any james bond thriller . | 1 |
a thoroughly entertaining comedy that uses grant 's own twist of acidity to prevent itself from succumbing to its own bathos . | 1 |
Subsets and Splits