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Zephyr Teachout says John Faso took money from fossil fuel companies as they tried to take your land by eminent domain for a fracked gas pipeline. | true statement | 0 | her victory speech after winning the Democratic primary. |
Haley Barbour says It took Obama six months to pick out a family dog, but he's cramming health care reform down the country's throat in a fraction of that time. | true statement | 0 | an op-ed in the Washington Examiner |
Mitt Romney says "Mayor Giuliani's lawsuit killed the line-item veto." | true statement | 0 | null |
Bill Zedler says While (Barack) Obama preaches we are our brothers keeper, his brother and aunt live in real poverty in Kenya. | true statement | 0 | a Twitter post. |
Frank Caprio says 1 in 4 Rhode Islanders under the age of 65 does not have health insurance. | true statement | 0 | his campaign website |
Barack Obama says During my administration, for example, we boosted U.S. exports to Canada and Mexico by about 50 percent. That supports about 2.8 million American jobs. | true statement | 0 | a press conference at the North American Leaders Summit |
Barack Obama says Mitt Romneys comments indicated he would not have pursued Osama bin Laden. | true statement | 0 | a Web ad |
Joe Biden says If you shut down Amtraks Northeast Corridor, its estimated youd have to add seven new lanes to I-95 to accommodate the increased traffic. | true statement | 0 | a speech in Philadelphia |
John Boehner says "President Obama's proposed 'spending freeze' will only reduce the $42 trillion in government spending proposed between 2011 and 2020 by little more than one-half of 1 percent." | true statement | 0 | a blog post |
Impact America says As governor, Maggie Hassan first proposed a $1 billion spending increase. | true statement | 0 | an ad |
Ron Paul says Just on Jan. 1 of this year, there were 40,000 new laws put on the books in one day. | false statement | 1 | a speech at Texas A&M University. |
Kathleen Sebelius says One of three patients hospitalized (is) harmed by the care they receive. | true statement | 0 | a speech |
Americans Prosperity North Carolina Chapter says There are 500 failing schools in North Carolina | true statement | 0 | an official statement |
Ken Paxton says At the beginning of World War II, we had a relatively small army, smaller than Portugals. | true statement | 0 | a speech at the Republican Party of Texas convention |
Donald Trump says Hillary Clinton wantsillegal immigrants collectingSocial Security benefits. | true statement | 0 | a campaign ad |
Charlie Sykes says Says JoAnne Kloppenburgs side had a 3-to-1 money advantage in the Wisconsin Supreme Court campaign. | false statement | 1 | comments made during his radio show |
Julian Castro says Bernie Sanders voted with Republicans to protect the Minutemen, a hate group that used military tactics against our community. | true statement | 0 | Hillary Clinton campaign news release |
John Kitzhaber says Since the governor took office, Oregons unemployment rate has dropped to its lowest point in three years. | true statement | 0 | a website statement |
National Republican Congressional Committee says Rep. Carol Shea-Porter votes with Nancy Pelosis Democrats 95 percent of the time, but Frank Guinta will take on both parties and has independent New Hampshire values. | true statement | 0 | an ad |
John Kasich says Were within 600 miles of 60 percent of America. Were in a perfect location. | true statement | 0 | a speech to the Ohio Chamber of Commerce |
Tim Canova says Debbie Wasserman Schultz has voted for huge subsidies for the sugar industry ... as well as for delays in cleanups. | true statement | 0 | a post on Medium |
Wisconsin Education Association Council says State budget cuts for local schools resulted in nearly 4,000 educator layoffs | false statement | 1 | a news release |
Arizona Citizens Defense League says a gun bill before the Senate is proposing the universal registration of all firearms and their owners. | false statement | 1 | an email to supporters |
George Lemieux says Charlie Crist was pro-life, pro-gun and vehemently anti-tax. | true statement | 0 | an op-ed in the Tampa Bay Times |
John Kasich says We were the No. 1 job creator in America in February and we are now the No. 4 job creator in the last year. | true statement | 0 | an interview with Fox News |
Barack Obama says Up to half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition. | true statement | 0 | a speech about the Affordable Care Act |
Mike Tate says A Republican budget proposal would have Wisconsin have the weakest standards for who can be a teacher in the classroom in the country. | true statement | 0 | a speech |
Doctors Healthy Georgia says Defensive medicine costs Georgia up to $14 billion a year. | true statement | 0 | its website |
Jim Waldman says You are prohibited from walking into the Capitol with a gun, but you can go after the County Commission or the School Board. | true statement | 0 | a news blog |
John Mccain says Of all the illegals in America, more than half come through Arizona. | true statement | 0 | a campaign ad |
Ed Lindsey says Georgia has recovered more than $60 million that was lost to Medicaid fraud | true statement | 0 | press release |
My City Bikes says This is a test of the fact-checking widget. | false statement | 1 | a test of the fact-checking widget |
Jerry Patterson says unsuccessful Texas abortion legislation was supported by a majority of Texans. | true statement | 0 | an email blast. |
Greg Walden says Did you know that the #KeystoneXL project is expected to create 20,000 American jobs, including more than 800 in Oregon? | true statement | 0 | a Tweet |
Joe Biden says "In the 1990s, the Biden Crime Bill added 100,000 cops to America's streets. As a result, murder and violent crime rates went down eight years in a row." | false statement | 1 | statement on Web site |
National Republican Congressional Committee says that 93 percent of the time John Boccieri voted with Nancy Pelosi. | true statement | 0 | a television election ad |
Rhode Island Center Freedom And Prosperity says Rhode Island will become just the second state to mandate the vaccine and the only state to do so by regulatory fiat, without public debate, and without consideration from the elected representatives of the people. | true statement | 0 | news release |
Stephen Colbert says Paul Ryan shut off the C-SPAN cameras when the Democrats started their sit-in. | true statement | 0 | a comedy sketch |
Ron Hayduk says The right to vote in this country has never been intrinsically tied to citizenship. | true statement | 0 | a newspaper commentary |
Mitt Romney says Only one president has ever cut Medicare for seniors in this country . . . Barack Obama. | false statement | 1 | a Republican presidential primary debate |
Rainbowpush Coalition says In Georgia, hard-earned lottery dollars are doled out to the scion[s] of wealthy families. | true statement | 0 | a press release |
Moms Rising says Having a baby is aleading cause of poverty spells in the United States. | false statement | 1 | a tweet |
Charlie Crist says David Jolly has used money and power to try to drill off our beaches. | true statement | 0 | a fundraising email |
Rick Scott says You have to get a license to fish on our beaches. | true statement | 0 | a conversation with workers |
Arizona House Democrats says Gov. Doug Ducey wants to use taxpayer dollars to increase the salaries of private prison guards. | true statement | 0 | a blog post |
Rand Paul says The president won the youth vote 3 to1, but his numbers have dropped 20, 30 percent among the youth. | true statement | 0 | a 'Fox News Sunday' interview |
Scott Walker says Minnesotas advantage in economic growth has been having Republicans in charge of at least one part of government for all but two years, while Wisconsin Democrats for many years before 2011 controlled both legislative chambers and the governorship. | false statement | 1 | an interview |
Rebecca Kleefisch says Tom Barrett supports a government takeover of our health care | false statement | 1 | a campaign TV ad |
Anthony Gemma says Rhode Island voters are moving away from the Democratic party to non-affiliation | false statement | 1 | a speech at the state Democratic convention |
Barth Bracy says Gov. Lincoln Chafee has imposed a mandatory abortion fee on all Rhode Islanders who buy health insurance through the states Obamacare exchange. | true statement | 0 | a news release |
Fair Districts Florida says In the last 6 years, there have been 420 elections for State Senator and State Representative. Only three incumbents have been defeated! | true statement | 0 | on the Fair Districts Florida website |
Rick Santorum says Mitt Romney said we are going to have to live with high gas prices, its a good thing because it will reduce consumption, we dont want to produce any more gasoline. | true statement | 0 | a campaign appearance in Wisconsin |
Julian Castro says Were seeing now 30 straight months of private-sector job growth, 4.6 million jobs created. | true statement | 0 | an interview on "Meet the Press." |
Mitt Romney says President Obama has doubled the deficit. | false statement | 1 | the first presidential debate in Denver |
Barack Obama says McCain has switched to Obama's position on more troops to Afghanistan. | true statement | 0 | an e-mail from Obama spokesman Bill Burton to reporters |
Rick Perry says The federal government has not engaged in (border security) at all. | false statement | 1 | in the Fox News Google debate in Orlando |
Ej Finocchio says Most of your serial killers, most of your people who commit domestic violence, they start off by abusing animals. | false statement | 1 | a television interview |
Lincoln Chafee says One of the reasons I believe were in trouble in Yemen is we lost the population on drone strikes issues. Thats what stirred up the population. Thats what is happening in Yemen. | true statement | 0 | Campaign speech |
Mitt Romney says Barack Obama began his presidency with an apology tour. | false statement | 1 | remarks at the Republican National Convention in Tampa |
Antonio Sabato Jr says President Barack Obama is absolutely a Muslim. | false statement | 1 | an interview with ABC News |
American Unity Pac says Ted Strickland supported giving $150 billion to Iranian regime that persecutes women, Christians and gays. | false statement | 1 | a campaign ad |
John Mica says On the question on the DREAM Act, no -- no to granting lower tuition to illegals. | false statement | 1 | an interview with MSNBC. |
Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee says David Jollys former firm lobbied for hundreds of millions (of dollars) for a dictator in Pakistan. | true statement | 0 | a campaign commercial |
Bill Batchelder says getting ex-cons to successfully return to society is important so we are not always faced constantly with recidivism, which is a big problem in the penitentiary today in the 70 to 80 percent range. | false statement | 1 | an interview on WCPN 90.3 FM |
Bill Flores says On possibly raising the Social Security retirement age. | false statement | 1 | in a TV interview |
Dave Hansen says The Republican-authored state budget includes a provision forcing people earning as little as $12,000 to buy private health insurance that could cost them as much as $4,000 per year. | false statement | 1 | a news release |
Donald Trump says As Bernie Sanders said, Hillary Clinton voted for virtually every trade agreement that has cost the workers of this country millions, millions of jobs. | true statement | 0 | a speech in Monessen, Penn. |
Holly Benson says Most AGs dont go to court.. | true statement | 0 | a debate. |
Michael Doherty says State Comptroller Matthew Boxer pointed out that many towns are artificially lowering the real estate values that they report to Trenton in order to get hundreds of millions of dollars of additional school aid. This is the kind of fraud that needs to be addressed immediately. | true statement | 0 | an interview on NJToday |
Facebook Posts says Milwaukee incarcerates 1.2% of white men and has incarcerated over 50% of black men in their 30s. | true statement | 0 | a meme circulated on Facebook |
Brendan Doherty says We have $60 billion in 2010 in Medicare fraud. | true statement | 0 | a TV news show. |
Mitch Mcconnell says On a bipartisan task force on ways to improve fiscal policy. | false statement | 1 | a speech on the Senate floor |
Barack Obama says In the past three years, weve added enough new oil and gas pipeline to circle the Earth and then some. | true statement | 0 | a Rose Garden speech |
John Mccain says Obama is the Senate's "most liberal." | true statement | 0 | a TV ad |
Bill Richardson says "Three out of the 18 benchmarks of the (GAO) have been fulfilled. Even among Republican math, that is a failing grade." | true statement | 0 | Las Vegas, Nev. |
Tom Price says The fiscal cliff deal ultimately raised taxes. | true statement | 0 | a radio interview |
Ben Rhodes says When President Barack Obama said ISIS, or ISIL, was contained, he was responding very specifically to the geographic expansion of ISIL in Iraq and Syria. | true statement | 0 | comments on ABC's "This Week" |
Americans Tax Reform says U.S. Olympic medal winners will owe up to $9,000 to the IRS. | true statement | 0 | a blog post |
Tom Barrett says Eleven years ago, the city of Detroit lifted the residency requirement for police officers and today, 53 percent of officers live outside of the city. If we want the tax base of Milwaukee to resemble the tax base of Detroit, this is the way to go. | true statement | 0 | a newspaper interview |
Rick Perry says Texas is the fastest growing state with the most Fortune 500 companies. | true statement | 0 | a Web ad |
Eric Turner says There was a 57-percent decrease in fireworks-related injuries in 2000 [after Connecticut legalized sparklers] compared to the 14 years prior. | false statement | 1 | testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee. |
Peter Orszag says Look, the earmarks have come down significantly, 75 percent. | false statement | 1 | a TV interview. |
Dave Aronberg says Dave Aronberg was the first to demand that BP create a billion-dollar fund to pay for the devastation. | true statement | 0 | a mailer |
Michael Burgess says 2010 was the worst year ever for Americas doctors reimbursed by Medicare. | false statement | 1 | an interview. |
Florida First Project says Carlos Beruff supported (Charlie) Crist even after he switched parties. | true statement | 0 | a campaign ad |
Maxey Scherr says We have more women living in poverty in this state than almost anywhere else. | true statement | 0 | an interview |
Ted Cruz says I have not insulted Donald personally. | true statement | 0 | comments during the Iowa Republican presidential debate |
Mitt Romney says Regulations have quadrupled. The rate of regulations quadrupled under this president. | false statement | 1 | town hall presidential debate |
Marco Rubio says Under his tax plan, the greatest gains, percentage-wise, will be at the lower end of our plan. | true statement | 0 | a Republican presidential debate in Boulder, Colo. |
Winning Our Future says Mitt Romney is worth at least a quarter billion dollars and the bulk of his wealth remains in blind trusts and overseas bank accounts. | true statement | 0 | the online video "King of Bain" |
Ending Spending Action Fund says U.S. Senate candidate Michelle Nunn earned as much as $300,000 running a nonprofit that had laid off 90 workers. | true statement | 0 | television attack ad |
Republican Governors Association says Barbara Buono by the numbers: As a Trenton politician, she voted to raise taxes 154 times. Under her, property taxes up 70 percent. Backed a 16 percent sales tax increase. Utilities, nursing homes, cell phones, parking lots, lottery wins, gyms She taxed them all. Architect of Corzines budget, she drove New Jersey $2 billion into debt. Barbara Buono by the numbers: taking New Jersey backwards. | true statement | 0 | a gubernatorial campaign TV ad |
Pew Environment Group says In recent years, menhaden numbers along our coast have plummeted by 90 percent. | true statement | 0 | a newspaper advertisement |
Tennessee Republican Party says "You don't even have to go outside Obama's campaign to find advisers who are anti-Israel." | false statement | 1 | in a press release |
Barack Obama says Two years after the worst recession most of us have ever known ... corporate profits are up. | true statement | 0 | the State of the Union address |
Majority Pac says Tim Kaine made Virginia the best state for business four years in a row. | true statement | 0 | a TV ad. |
Ron Johnson says During his 18-year Senate career, (Russ Feingold) supported judges who voted to deny your individual Second Amendment right. (He) promises to protect those rights, but thats not what his record shows. | true statement | 0 | a TV ad |
Mike Villarreal says Gov. Rick Perrys administration has proposed ending immunizations for 113,000 kids. | true statement | 0 | a press release |
Barack Obama says "Walking in the door (Sonia Sotomayor) would bring more experience on the bench, and more varied experience on the bench, than anyone currently serving on the United States Supreme Court had when they were appointed." | true statement | 0 | a speech at the White House. |
Rick Santorum says [R]emember, the president proposed eliminating charitable deductions for higher-income taxpayers. | false statement | 1 | a speech |
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