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Steve Cohen says Delta Air Lines has once again broken a promise they made to me and to the people of Memphis. | true statement | 0 | a press release. |
John Cornyn says On hearings about automatic citizenship provision in U.S. Constitution. | true statement | 0 | a border stop. |
Jim Jordan says Seven of Americas 10 wealthiest counties are in the Washington, D.C., area. | true statement | 0 | an interview on Fox News Sunday |
American Civil Liberties Union says Voter identification laws make it complicated and expensive to get an ID, essentially instituting a modern-day poll tax. | true statement | 0 | Newsletter |
Frank Niceley says the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency brought coyotes into the state to try to keep the deer population down. | false statement | 1 | a House Conservation and Environment Committee meeting |
Mary Taylor says that even if you have no children, under Obamacare, you would still have to carry insurance that covers pediatric, maternity and newborn care even though you do not need it. | true statement | 0 | an opinion column |
Barack Obama says Refugees are subject to more rigorous screening than the average tourist in the U.S. | true statement | 0 | a speech to the Leader's Summit on Refugees |
Bob Gibbs says Water transportation is the most fuel efficient, least polluting, safest, and least expensive means of moving cargo. | true statement | 0 | a committee hearing in the House of Representatives |
Louie Gohmert says Of all the people in federal prison for possession of illegal substances, 77 percent of them are not citizens of the United States. | true statement | 0 | House floor remarks |
Democratic Party Oregon says In fact, 85 percent of Oregonians voted in 2008. | false statement | 1 | a doorknob flier |
Rick Scott says adding toll lanes on I-95 in Broward County improved rush-hour traffic for non-toll lanes from 25 mph to 45 mph. | true statement | 0 | a radio show interview |
Club Growth says potential GOP U.S. Senate candidate Tommy Thompson supported Obamacare | true statement | 0 | a TV ad |
Josh Mandel says Sen. Sherrod Brown has chosen to side with Washington bureaucrats and fringe extremists in the attacks on our natural resources. | false statement | 1 | a newspaper column |
Mitch Mcconnell says Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius told insurance companies they couldnt inform their policyholders of what they thought the impact of Obamacare would be on them. | true statement | 0 | an interview on "Meet the Press" |
Sam Adams says There are now Occupy Wall Street camps in hundreds of cities across the United States. | true statement | 0 | in a press conference |
David Madland says The CBO just said if we cut this (unemployment benefits) extension, we will kill jobs, because those people who are looking for work wont have any money to spend. | true statement | 0 | a broadcast of CNN's "Crossfire" |
Mike Huckabee says Sarah Palin "got more votes running for mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, than Joe Biden got running for president of the United States." | false statement | 1 | a speech at the Republican National Convention |
Kelly Ayotte says When total Sandy spending is added up, its more than the annual budget for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. And its more than twice the annual budget of the U.S. Energy Department. | true statement | 0 | a guest commentary |
Jim Webb says In 1968 the average corporate CEO made 20 times the average workers pay. Today that multiple is about 350. | true statement | 0 | a speech. |
Steve Doell says About 7 in 10 of Oregons inmates are in prison for violent crimes and serious sex offenses. | true statement | 0 | a press release |
Sarah Palin says Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid "said, quote, 'I can't stand John McCain.' " | true statement | 0 | a speech at the Republican National Convention |
Gavin Mcinnes says The Civil War wasnt about slavery. | false statement | 1 | a tweet |
Liz Carter says Hank Johnson voted against legislation to help first responders, teachers, vets and troops. | true statement | 0 | a press release |
Ed Garvey says he has exposed plans by Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker to push legislation that would allow the state to declare financial martial law and take over municipal governments. | false statement | 1 | a blog posting |
Mitt Romney says "No, I did not (have illegal immigrants working at his mansion)." | true statement | 0 | St. Petersburg, Fla. |
Greg Abbott says In Texas, weve had three ISIS-related incidents already. | true statement | 0 | Network TV interview |
Mike Huckabee says "When the Fair Tax becomes law, it will be like waving a magic wand releasing us from pain and unfairness." | false statement | 1 | null |
Barack Obama says John McCain would "reduce oversight of health insurance." | true statement | 0 | a TV ad. |
Elizabeth Warren says Proposed fast-track legislation allows presidents to easily use a future trade deal to override our domestic financial rules. | true statement | 0 | remarks at the Institute for New Economic Thinking |
Allan Fung says Governor Carcieri has not been campaigning with me. | true statement | 0 | a Providence Journal-WPRI-12 debate |
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee says U.S. Rep. Steve Daines, R-Mont., opposes a vote on his own legislation that he proposed just a few months ago. | false statement | 1 | a press release |
Judson Phillips says Our government has spent $2.6 million to teach Chinese prostitutes how to drink responsibly. | true statement | 0 | a "Washington Post" opinion piece |
Adam Hasner says Crist sent his "top policy staffer to the House Committee to testify in support of the proposal," then vetoed the bill. | true statement | 0 | a press release. |
Bruce Braley says "Recent census data shows that the average American family spends over $13,000 a year for health care coverage." | false statement | 1 | a speech on the House floor |
Mike Huckabee says "I supported the surge when you didn't." | false statement | 1 | a debate in Manchester, N.H. |
Tom Tancredo says "I spend a lot of time in Iowa, and believe it or not, in Ottumwa, Iowa, this is the heartland, the newspaper, the regular newspaper for Ottumwa, Iowa, is (a) bilingual newspaper." | false statement | 1 | Fox News interview |
Scott Walker says Since Scott Walker took office as governor in January 2011, there has been an increase of 33,200 jobs in Wisconsin. | true statement | 0 | a television ad |
Donald Trump says Forty-three million Americans are on food stamps. | true statement | 0 | the 2016 Republican National Convention |
Chris Christie says Buono voted 154 times to raise our taxes -- like the sales tax, the income tax, health care taxes, even small business taxes. | true statement | 0 | a gubernatorial campaign television ad |
Bill Pascrell says We havent had any legislation which took away one gun in the past 20 years from anybody in this country--not one. | true statement | 0 | a speech on the House floor |
Courtney Combs says Phoenix, Ariz., is the No. 2 kidnapping capital of the world. | false statement | 1 | an appearance at the Cleveland City Club |
Michael Bloomberg says Donald Trump games the U.S. visa system so he can hire temporary foreign workers at low wages. | true statement | 0 | a speech at the Democratic convention |
Jack Reed says The Senate proposal to restore emergency unemployment benefits for five months was fully paid for. | true statement | 0 | Senate floor speeches and during a news conference |
Morgan Griffith says From 1972 until 2011, the number of EPA employees increased by 107 percent while the number of total federal personnel decreased by 15 percent. | true statement | 0 | congressional testimony. |
Barack Obama says We got back every dime used to rescue the banks. | true statement | 0 | a campaign speech in Manchester, N.H. |
Crossroads Gps says While Arkansas seniors depend on Social Security and Medicare, Sen. Mark Pryor supports an overhaul so they couldnt get Social Security until they turn 68 or 69. | true statement | 0 | a campaign ad |
Nancy Ann Deparle says A report by the health insurance industry "ignores some of the key policies that are part of the Senate Finance Committee bill." | true statement | 0 | an interview on "The NewsHour" |
Eric Cantor says Wayne Powell has a stated position of having no objection to taking `In God We Trust off of U.S. currency. | true statement | 0 | an email. |
Tim Echols says There are about 120,000 solar energy jobs in the United States, but only 1,700 of them are in Georgia. | true statement | 0 | a twitter post |
Donald Trump says We dont know anything about Hillary in terms of religion. Now, shes been in the public eye for years and years, and yet theres no theres nothing out there. | false statement | 1 | a meeting with Christian leaders |
Bill Mccollum says Police officers in this state have that right, to check the immigration status of people they arrest. | true statement | 0 | televised candidates' debate |
Peter Defazio says only seven percent of 2009s stimulus bill went toward transportation projects, yet they created over one-third of the bills total jobs. | true statement | 0 | an online blog |
Ron Johnson says Russ Feingold voted to give Social Security benefits to illegal immigrants | false statement | 1 | an automated phone message, as well as a radio ad, news releases and debates |
Vicky Hartzler says Twenty-five percent of our kids in foster care are there because their parents are involved in drugs. | true statement | 0 | an interview on ABC's "This Week" |
Debbie Riddle says Over 81 percent of the babies that are born at LBJ Hospital right here in Houston are born of women who are not here legally. | false statement | 1 | a television interview |
Mitt Romney says Under President Obama: $4,000 tax hike on middle-class families. | false statement | 1 | a campaign ad |
Jim Renacci says Betty Sutton gutted Medicare by $500 billion with her vote for the presidents health care bill. | true statement | 0 | a campaign website posting |
Donald Trump says A Trump television ad shows Mexicans swarming over our southern border. | false statement | 1 | a television ad |
Barack Obama says In Chicago, school is never canceled because of winter weather. | true statement | 0 | in a meeting with business leaders |
Anthony Rendon says California cut about $1.3 billion in child care (during the recession). Weve only reinvested about $300 million. | true statement | 0 | a news conference |
Tommy Thompson says Donna Shalala left me with 12 million doses of smallpox vaccine and I created enough to vaccinate every man, woman and child against smallpox in America. | true statement | 0 | a speech |
Rush Limbaugh says President Barack Obama shut down NASA space flights and turned the agency into a Muslim outreach department. | false statement | 1 | a segment on 'The Rush Limbaugh Show' |
Lamar Alexander says This rule could prevent children under 18 from using such tools as a power screwdriver, a milking machine or something as simple as a wheelbarrow on the family farm . . . | true statement | 0 | a press release. |
Bernie S says Under the compromise tax agreement, 99.7% of American families will not pay 1 nickel in an estate tax. | true statement | 0 | a Twitter message |
Gina Raimondo says Its commercial vehicles, 18 wheelers and above that cause 90 plus percent of the damages on our highways and bridges. | true statement | 0 | news conference |
Newt Gingrich says he was exonerated in every single case in 1990s ethics violations charges. | false statement | 1 | a radio interview |
Leon Panetta says After every major conflict ... what happened was that we ultimately hollowed out the force, largely by doing deep, across-the-board cuts. | true statement | 0 | congressional testimony |
Ralph Reed says Millennials are more pro-life than baby boomers and older Americans. | false statement | 1 | a broadcast of NBC's "Meet the Press" |
David Axelrod says Republicans extended unemployment insurance under President Bush when he asked to extend unemployment insurance. | true statement | 0 | an interview on "This Week." |
Bill Nelson says The amount of the revenue required by the state (for the construction of high-speed rail) is around 10 percent. | true statement | 0 | an Orlando rail conference. |
Tim Pawlenty says Ultimately, after an exhaustive investigation, the National Transportation Safety Board concluded that a Minneapolis bridge collapsed in 2007 because of an original design flaw dating back to the 1960s. | true statement | 0 | his book, "Courage to Stand: An American Story" |
David Cicilline says The truth is David Cicilline voted for tougher laws against child abusers, domestic abusers and abusers of the elderly. | true statement | 0 | a TV ad |
Rudy Giuliani says "I had prostate cancer, five, six years ago. My chance of surviving prostate cancer, and thank God I was cured of it, in the United States, 82%. My chances of surviving prostate cancer in England, only 44% under socialized medicine." | false statement | 1 | null |
Friends Democracy says Your Congressman, Charlie Bass, took over $166,000 from Big Oil. | true statement | 0 | an advertisement aired in and around New Hampshire |
Bob Mcdonnell says Weve been able to create about 60,000 net new jobs in Virginia since February. | true statement | 0 | a TV interview |
John Mccain says "If you have an investment for your child's education or own a mutual fund or a stock in a retirement plan, (Obama) is going to raise your taxes." | false statement | 1 | Denver, Co. |
Hillary Clinton says "Corporate profits are up, CEO pay is up, but average wages of Americans are flat." | true statement | 0 | Washington, DC |
Hillary Clinton says "I have 35 years' experience making change." | true statement | 0 | a TV ad airing in Iowa and New Hampshire. |
Bill Haslam says Personal income is growing faster in Tennessee on average than any other state in the country. | false statement | 1 | a speech to Carter County Republican Party |
Rick Perry says Barack Obama has played nearly 100 rounds of golf as president. | true statement | 0 | a speech to the Republican Party of Texas convention in Fort Worth. |
John Mccain says Obama wants to increase the size of government by 23 percent. | false statement | 1 | a radio ad called "Millions" |
Cathie Adams says Bill White ... supports the ObamaCare socialized medicine plan, as well as Cap and Trade legislation that would kill thousands of Texas jobs. | false statement | 1 | a fund-raising letter |
Betty Mccollum says the Army is spending $7 million to sponsor a NASCAR team. | true statement | 0 | press release, Rep. Betty McCollum |
John Mccain says "Obama voted to support President Bush between 40 and 50 percent of the time over the past two years." | true statement | 0 | a campaign e-mail |
Hillary Clinton says F: The grade given to Florida for college affordability under Jeb Bushs leadership. | true statement | 0 | a Twitter exchange |
Mike Pence says The Democrats propose a government-controlled health care plan that will deprive roughly 120 million Americans of their current health care coverage. | false statement | 1 | an e-mail |
David Clarke Jr says Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett is responsible for the roughly $7,800 I pay in property taxes per year. | false statement | 1 | an interview |
Bill White says As Houstons mayor, I helped our area lead the nation in job growth. | false statement | 1 | a questionnaire |
Tax Foundation says Americans will spend more on taxes in 2014 than they will on food, clothing and housing combined. | true statement | 0 | a Facebook post |
Gordon Robertson says President Obama was raised Muslim. | false statement | 1 | a TV interview. |
Fred Clark says Gov. Scott Walker made more than $70 million in cuts to job training programs through (Wisconsins) technical colleges. | true statement | 0 | a Democratic Party radio address |
Chris Christie says Neighbors of the San Bernardino shooters knew that they were talking about trying to take our country and attack it. | false statement | 1 | the Republican debate in Des Moines, Iowa |
Russ Feingold says Ron Johnson is willing to hand over the Great Lakes to the oil companies. | true statement | 0 | a campaign ad |
Hillary Clinton says There really isnt any kind of foreign policy network that is supporting and advising Sen. Sanders. | true statement | 0 | comments on Meet the Press |
New Hampshire Democratic Party says Ovide Lamontagne wants to eliminate kindergarten. | true statement | 0 | a campaign mailer to New Hampshire residents |
Brad Schimel says Heroin and prescription opioids are the number one cause of accidental or preventable death in Wisconsin. | false statement | 1 | an interview |
John Mccain says "You know, we spent $3-million to study the DNA of bears in Montana." | true statement | 0 | in debate in Oxford, Miss. |
Rick Green says "When you look at the nearly 150 men and women who have served us on the Texas Supreme Court, more than half of them had zero prior judicial experience." | false statement | 1 | a YouTube video |
Austan Goolsbee says Over the last 15 months, weve added more than 2 million jobs in the private sector. Thats far in excess of what it was in the comparable period after the last recession. | true statement | 0 | an interview on ABC's "This Week with Christiane Amanpour" |
Julian Bond says The incidents of threats against (President Barack Obama) are greater than for any other president in modern times. | false statement | 1 | an interview |
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