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hep-ph/9604403 | Neutrino Oscillations in Strong Gravitational Fields | Neutrino oscillations in the presence of strong gravitational fields are studied. We look at very high energy neutrinos ($\sim $1 TeV) emanating from Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN). It is observed that spin flavor resonant transitions of such neutrinos may occur in the vicinity of AGN due to {\it gravitational} effects and due to the presence of a large magnetic field ($\sim $1 Tesla). A point to note is that matter effects (normal MSW transitions) become negligible in comparison o gravitational effects in our scenario. | [
"Physics Archive->astro-ph",
"Physics Archive->gr-qc",
"Physics Archive->hep->hep-ph"
] | "1996-04-25T18:14:32Z" |
hep-ph/0204254 | Constraints from Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay | We examine the constraints from the recent HEIDELBERG-MOSCOW double beta decay experiment. It leads us to the almost degenerate or inverse hierarchy neutrino mass scenario. In this scenario, we obtain possible upper bounds for the Majorana CP violating phase in the lepton sector by incorporating the data from the neutrino oscillation, the single beta decay experiments, and from the astrophysical observation. We also predict the neutrino mass that may be measurable in the future beta decay experiments. | [
"Physics Archive->hep->hep-ph"
] | "2002-04-22T07:36:11Z" |
2303.03208 | Counterexamples to Minkowski's Uniqueness Conjecture and Escape of Mass in Positive Characteristic | We show that there are infinitely many counterexamples to Minkowski's conjecture in positive characteristic regarding uniqueness of the upper bound of the multiplicative covering radius, $\mu$, by constructing a sequence of compact $A$ orbits where $\mu$ obtains its conjectured upper bound. In addition, we show that these orbits, as well as a slightly larger sequence of orbits, must exhibit complete escape of mass. | [
"Mathematics Archive->math.DS",
"Mathematics Archive->math.NT"
] | "2023-03-06T15:06:35Z" |
1305.7500 | Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect with Higher Plateaus | Quantum anomalous Hall (QAH) effect in magnetic topological insulators is driven by the combination of spontaneous magnetic moments and spin-orbit coupling. Its recent experimental discovery raises the question if higher plateaus can also be realized. Here we present a general theory for QAH effect with higher Chern numbers, and show by first-principles calculations that thin film magnetic topological insulator of Cr-doped Bi$_2$(Se,Te)$_3$ is a candidate for the C=2 QAH insulator. Remarkably, whereas higher magnetic field leads to lower Hall conductance plateaus in the integer quantum Hall effect, higher magnetic moment leads to higher Hall conductance plateaus in the QAH effect. | [
"Physics Archive->cond-mat->cond-mat.mes-hall",
"Physics Archive->cond-mat->cond-mat.mtrl-sci"
] | "2013-05-31T18:35:56Z" |
2108.11667 | StackMix and Blot Augmentations for Handwritten Text Recognition | This paper proposes a handwritten text recognition(HTR) system that outperforms current state-of-the-artmethods. The comparison was carried out on three of themost frequently used in HTR task datasets, namely Ben-tham, IAM, and Saint Gall. In addition, the results on tworecently presented datasets, Peter the Greats manuscriptsand HKR Dataset, are provided.The paper describes the architecture of the neural net-work and two ways of increasing the volume of train-ing data: augmentation that simulates strikethrough text(HandWritten Blots) and a new text generation method(StackMix), which proved to be very effective in HTR tasks.StackMix can also be applied to the standalone task of gen-erating handwritten text based on printed text. | [
"Computer Science Archive->cs.CV"
] | "2021-08-26T09:28:22Z" |
2004.05317 | Volumetric Displacement Effects of Dispersed Phase on the Euler-Lagrange Prediction of a Dense Spray | Accurate prediction of a dense spray using an Euler-Lagrange approach is challenging because of high volume fraction of the dispersed phase due to subgrid cluster of droplets. To accurately model dense sprays, one needs to capture this effect by taking into account the spatio-temporal changes in the volume fraction of the carrier phase due to the motion and presence of the dispersed phase. This leads to zero-Mach number, variable density equations which are commonly neglected in the standard two-way coupling spray simulations. Using pressure-based solvers, this gives rise to a source term in the pressure Poisson equation and a non-divergence free velocity field. To validate the predictive capability of such approach, an atomized non-evaporating dilute particulate round jet is first examined using Large Eddy Simulation coupled with Point-Particle approach and then higher volume loadings up to 38% are investigated with and without taking into account the volumetric displacement effects. It is shown that for volume loadings above 5%, the volumetric displacement effects enhance dynamics of the flow resulting in a higher stream-wise mean and r.m.s. velocities compared to the results of standard two-way coupling. This is more pronounced for the near field of the jet where local volume fraction of the dispersed phase is relatively high. This enhancement is conjectured to be due to the velocity divergence effect due to the modified continuity equation where spatio-temporal variations in volume fraction of the carrier phase increases velocity in the regions of high void fraction. | [
"Physics Archive->physics->physics.comp-ph",
"Physics Archive->physics->physics.flu-dyn"
] | "2020-04-11T06:11:24Z" |
astro-ph/0303194 | Dissipation in Poynting-flux Dominated Flows: the Sigma-Problem of the Crab Pulsar Wind | Flows in which energy is transported predominantly as Poynting flux are thought to occur in pulsars, gamma-ray bursts and relativistic jets from compact objects. The fluctuating component of the magnetic field in such a flow can in principle be dissipated by magnetic reconnection, and used to accelerate the flow. We investigate how rapidly this transition can take place, by implementing into a global MHD model, that uses a thermodynamic description of the plasma, explicit, physically motivated prescriptions for the dissipation rate: a lower limit on this rate is given by limiting the maximum drift speed of the current carriers to that of light, an upper limit follows from demanding that the dissipation zone expand only subsonically in the comoving frame and a further prescription is obtained by assuming that the expansion speed is limited by the growth rate of the relativistic tearing mode. In each case, solutions are presented which give the Lorentz factor of a spherical wind containing a transverse, oscillating magnetic field component as a function of radius. In the case of the Crab pulsar, we find that the Poynting flux can be dissipated before the wind reaches the inner edge of the Nebula if the pulsar emits electron positron pairs at a rate >1.E40 per second, thus providing a possible solution to the sigma-problem. | [
"Physics Archive->astro-ph"
] | "2003-03-10T12:48:54Z" |
0811.2145 | Determining properties of the Antennae system - Merging ability for restricted N-body | Motivated by the closest major merger, the Antennae Galaxies (NGC4038/4039), we want to improve our genetic algorithm based modeling code Minga (Theis 1999). The aim is to reveal the major interaction and galaxy parameters, e.g. orbital information and halo properties of such an equal mass merger system. Together with the sophisticated search strategy of Minga, one needs fast and reliable models in order to investigate the high dimensional parameter space of this problem. Therefore we use a restricted N-body code which is based on the approach by Toomre & Toomre (1972), however with some refinements like consistent orbits of extended dark matter halos. Recently also dynamical friction was included to this code (Petsch 2007). While a good description for dynamical friction was found for mass ratios up to q = 1/3 (Petsch & Theis 2008), major merger systems were only imperfectly remodeled. Here we show recent improvements for a major merger system by including mass-loss and using NFW halos. | [
"Physics Archive->astro-ph"
] | "2008-11-13T15:52:54Z" |
1107.0255 | Slow magnetic dynamics and hysteresis loops of a bulk ferromagnet | Magnetic dynamics of a bulk ferromagnet, a new single crystalline compound Co7(TeO3)4Br6, was studied by ac susceptibility and the related techniques. Very large Arrhenius activation energy of 17.2 meV (201 K) and long attempt time (2x10^(-4)s) span the full spectrum of magnetic dynamics inside a convenient frequency window, offering a rare opportunity for general studies of magnetic dynamics. Within the experimental window the ac susceptibility data build almost ideally semicircular Cole-Cole plots. Comprehensive study of experimental dynamic hysteresis loops of the compound is presented and interpreted within a simple thermal-activation-assisted spin lattice relaxation model for spin reversal. Quantitative agreement between the experimental results and the model's prediction for dynamic coercive field is achieved by assuming the central physical quantity, the Debye relaxation rate, to depend on frequency, as well as on the applied field strength and sample temperature. Cross-over between minor- to major hysteresis loops is carefully analyzed. Low-frequency limitations of the model, relying on domain wall pinning effects, are experimentally detected and appropriately discussed. | [
"Physics Archive->cond-mat->cond-mat.mtrl-sci",
"Physics Archive->cond-mat->cond-mat.other"
] | "2011-07-01T15:43:12Z" |
1111.0133 | A Novel Method to Identify AGNs Based on Emission Line Excess and the Nature of Low-luminosity AGNs in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: II - Nature of Low-luminosity AGNs | We develop a novel method to identify active galactic nuclei (AGNs) and study the nature of low-luminosity AGNs in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. This is the second part of a series of papers and we study the correlations between the AGN activities and host galaxy properties. Based on a sample of AGNs identified with the new method developed in Paper-I, we find that AGNs typically show extinction of tau_V=1.2 and they exhibit a wide range of ionization levels. The latter finding motivates us to use [OII]+[OIII] luminosity as an indicator of AGN power. We find that AGNs are preferentially located in massive, red, early-type galaxies. By carefully taking into account a selection bias of the Oxygen-excess method, we show that strong AGNs are located in actively star forming galaxies and rapidly growing super-massive black holes are located in rapidly growing galaxies, which clearly shows the co-evolution of super-massive black holes and the host galaxies. This is a surprising phenomenon given that the growths of black holes and host galaxies occur at very different physical scales. Interestingly, the AGN power does not strongly correlate with the host galaxy mass. It seems that mass works like a 'switch' to activate AGNs. The absence of AGNs in low-mass galaxies might be due the absence of super-massive black holes in those galaxies, but a dedicated observation of nuclear region of nearby low-mass galaxies would be necessarily to obtain deeper insights into it. | [
"Physics Archive->astro-ph->astro-ph.CO"
] | "2011-11-01T07:41:34Z" |
astro-ph/0206141 | On the formation of inner vacuum gaps in radio pulsars | The problem of formation of the Ruderman-Sutherland type inner vacuum gap in neutron stars with ${\bf\Omega}\cdot{\bf B}<0$ is considered. It is argued by means of the condition $T_i/T_s>1$ (where $T_i$ is the critical temperature above which $^{56}_{26}$Fe ions will not be bound at the surface and $T_s$ is the actual temperature of the polar cap surface heated by the back-flow of relativistic electrons) that the inner vacuum gap can form, provided that the actual surface magnetic field is extremaly strong ($B_s\gtrsim 10^{13}$ G) and curved (${\cal R}<10^6$ cm), irrespective of the value of dipolar component measured from the pulsar spin down rate. Calculations are carried out for pulsars with drifting subpulses and/or periodic intensity modulations, in which the existence of the quasi steady vacuum gap discharging via ${\bf E}\times{\bf B}$ drifting sparks is almost unavoidable. Using different pair-production mechanisms and different estimates of the cohesive energies of surface iron ions, we show that it is easier to form the vacuum gap controlled by the resonant inverse Compton scaterring seed photons than by the curvature radiation seed photons. | [
"Physics Archive->astro-ph"
] | "2002-06-10T14:04:50Z" |
1011.2619 | Solvable vector nonlinear Riemann problems, exact implicit solutions of dispersionless PDEs and wave breaking | We have recently solved the inverse spectral problem for integrable PDEs in arbitrary dimensions arising as commutation of multidimensional vector fields depending on a spectral parameter $\lambda$. The associated inverse problem, in particular, can be formulated as a non linear Riemann Hilbert (NRH) problem on a given contour of the complex $\lambda$ plane. The most distinguished examples of integrable PDEs of this type, like the dispersionless Kadomtsev-Petviashivili (dKP), the heavenly and the 2 dimensional dispersionless Toda equations, are real PDEs associated with Hamiltonian vector fields. The corresponding NRH data satisfy suitable reality and symplectic constraints. In this paper, generalizing the examples of solvable NRH problems illustrated in \cite{MS4,MS5,MS6}, we present a general procedure to construct solvable NRH problems for integrable real PDEs associated with Hamiltonian vector fields, allowing one to construct implicit solutions of such PDEs parametrized by an arbitrary number of real functions of a single variable. Then we illustrate this theory on few distinguished examples for the dKP and heavenly equations. For the dKP case, we characterize a class of similarity solutions, a class of solutions constant on their parabolic wave front and breaking simultaneously on it, and a class of localized solutions breaking in a point of the $(x,y)$ plane. For the heavenly equation, we characterize two classes of symmetry reductions. | [
"Physics Archive->nlin->nlin.SI"
] | "2010-11-11T11:43:13Z" |
1504.01471 | Geometry of planar surfaces and exceptional fillings | If a hyperbolic 3-manifold admits an exceptional Dehn filling, then the length of the slope of that Dehn filling is known to be at most six. However, the bound of six appears to be sharp only in the toroidal case. In this paper, we investigate slope lengths of other exceptional fillings. We construct hyperbolic 3-manifolds that have the longest known slopes for reducible fillings. As an intermediate step, we show that the problem of finding the longest such slope is equivalent to a problem on the maximal density horoball packings of planar surfaces, which should be of independent interest. We also discuss lengths of slopes of other exceptional Dehn fillings, and prove that six is not realized by a slope corresponding to a small Seifert fibered space filling. | [
"Mathematics Archive->math.GT"
] | "2015-04-07T05:08:04Z" |
1304.1668 | Reconciling quantum trajectories and stationary quantum distributions in single-photon polarization states | The question of the representation of quantum stationary partially polarized waves as random superpositions of different polarization ellipses is addressed. To this end, the Bohmian formulation of quantum mechanics is considered and extended to quantum optical polarization. As is shown, this approach properly combines definite time-evolving trajectories with rigorous stationary quantum distributions via the topology displayed by the associated phase field. | [
"Physics Archive->physics->physics.optics",
"Physics Archive->quant-ph"
] | "2013-04-05T10:28:27Z" |
1008.4134 | Non-linear, Finite Frequency Quantum Critical Transport from AdS/CFT | Transport at a quantum critical point depends sensitively on the relative magnitudes of temperature, frequency and electric field. Here we used the gauge/gravity correspondence to compute the full temperature and, generally nonlinear, electric field dependence of the electrical conductivity for some model critical theories. In the special case of 2+1 dimensions we are also able to find the full time-dependent response of the system to an arbitrary time dependent external electric field. The response of the system is instantaneous, implying a frequency independent conductivity. We describe a mechanism that rationalizes the instantaneous response. | [
"Physics Archive->cond-mat->cond-mat.str-el",
"Physics Archive->hep->hep-th"
] | "2010-08-24T20:00:07Z" |
2105.07149 | DirectQE: Direct Pretraining for Machine Translation Quality Estimation | Machine Translation Quality Estimation (QE) is a task of predicting the quality of machine translations without relying on any reference. Recently, the predictor-estimator framework trains the predictor as a feature extractor, which leverages the extra parallel corpora without QE labels, achieving promising QE performance. However, we argue that there are gaps between the predictor and the estimator in both data quality and training objectives, which preclude QE models from benefiting from a large number of parallel corpora more directly. We propose a novel framework called DirectQE that provides a direct pretraining for QE tasks. In DirectQE, a generator is trained to produce pseudo data that is closer to the real QE data, and a detector is pretrained on these data with novel objectives that are akin to the QE task. Experiments on widely used benchmarks show that DirectQE outperforms existing methods, without using any pretraining models such as BERT. We also give extensive analyses showing how fixing the two gaps contributes to our improvements. | [
"Computer Science Archive->cs.CL"
] | "2021-05-15T06:18:49Z" |
1504.07496 | Constraints on the Active and Sterile Neutrino Masses from Beta-Ray Spectra: Past, Present and Future | Although neutrinos are probably the most abundant particles of the universe their mass is not yet known. Oscillation experiments have proven that at least one of the neutrino mass states has m_{i}>0.05 eV while various interpretations of cosmological observations yielded an upper limit for the sum of neutrino masses \sum m_{i}<(0.14-1.7) eV. The searches for the yet unobserved 0\nu\beta\beta decay result in an effective neutrino mass m_{\beta\beta}<(0.2-0.7) eV. The analyses of measured tritium \beta-spectra provide an upper limit for the effective electron neutrino mass m(\nu_e)<2 eV. In this review, we summarize the experience of two generations of \beta-ray spectroscopists who improved the upper limit of m(\nu_e) by three orders of magnitude. We describe important steps in the development of radioactive sources and electron spectrometers, and recapitulate the lessons from now-disproved claims for the neutrino mass of 30 eV and the 17 keV neutrino with an admixture larger than 0.03 %. We also pay attention to new experimental approaches and searches for hypothetical sterile neutrinos. | [
"Physics Archive->hep->hep-ex",
"Physics Archive->physics->physics.ins-det"
] | "2015-04-28T14:27:55Z" |
1508.02180 | CP Violation in Predictive Neutrino Mass Structures | We study the CP violation effects from two types of neutrino mass matrices with (i) $(M_\nu)_{ee}=0$, and (ii) $(M_\nu)_{ee}=(M_\nu)_{e\mu}=0$, which can be realized by the high dimensional lepton number violating operators $\bar \ell_R^c\gamma^\mu L_L (D_\mu \Phi)\Phi^2$ and $\bar \ell_R^c l_R (D_\mu{\Phi})^2\Phi^2$, respectively. In (i), the neutrino mass spectrum is in the normal ordering with the lightest neutrino mass within the range $0.002\,{\rm eV}\lesssim m_0\lesssim 0.007\,{\rm eV}$. Furthermore, for a given value of $m_0$, there are two solutions for the two Majorana phases $\alpha_{21}$ and $\alpha_{31}$, whereas the Dirac phase $\delta$ is arbitrary. For (ii), the parameters of $m_0$, $\delta$, $\alpha_{21}$, and $\alpha_{31}$ can be completely determined. We calculate the CP violating asymmetries in neutrino-antineutrino oscillations for both mass textures of (i) and (ii), which are closely related to the CP violating Majorana phases. | [
"Physics Archive->hep->hep-ex",
"Physics Archive->hep->hep-ph"
] | "2015-08-10T09:24:02Z" |
2107.10164 | Automated Refactoring of Legacy JavaScript Code to ES6 Modules | The JavaScript language did not specify, until ECMAScript 6 (ES6), native features for streamlining encapsulation and modularity. Developer community filled the gap with a proliferation of design patterns and module formats, with impact on code reusability, portability and complexity of build configurations. This work studies the automated refactoring of legacy ES5 code to ES6 modules with fine-grained reuse of module contents through the named import/export language constructs. The focus is on reducing the coupling of refactored modules through destructuring exported module objects to fine-grained module features and enhancing module dependencies by leveraging the ES6 syntax. We employ static analysis to construct a model of a JavaScript project, the Module Dependence Graph (MDG), that represents modules and their dependencies. On the basis of MDG we specify the refactoring procedure for module migration to ES6. A prototype implementation has been empirically evaluated on 19 open source projects. Results highlight the relevance of the refactoring with a developer intent for fine-grained reuse. The analysis of refactored code shows an increase in the number of reusable elements per project and reduction in the coupling of refactored modules. The soundness of the refactoring is empirically validated through code inspection and execution of projects' test suites. | [
"Computer Science Archive->cs.SE"
] | "2021-07-21T15:48:48Z" |
2304.01746 | Is ChatGPT a Highly Fluent Grammatical Error Correction System? A Comprehensive Evaluation | ChatGPT, a large-scale language model based on the advanced GPT-3.5 architecture, has shown remarkable potential in various Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks. However, there is currently a dearth of comprehensive study exploring its potential in the area of Grammatical Error Correction (GEC). To showcase its capabilities in GEC, we design zero-shot chain-of-thought (CoT) and few-shot CoT settings using in-context learning for ChatGPT. Our evaluation involves assessing ChatGPT's performance on five official test sets in three different languages, along with three document-level GEC test sets in English. Our experimental results and human evaluations demonstrate that ChatGPT has excellent error detection capabilities and can freely correct errors to make the corrected sentences very fluent, possibly due to its over-correction tendencies and not adhering to the principle of minimal edits. Additionally, its performance in non-English and low-resource settings highlights its potential in multilingual GEC tasks. However, further analysis of various types of errors at the document-level has shown that ChatGPT cannot effectively correct agreement, coreference, tense errors across sentences, and cross-sentence boundary errors. | [
"Computer Science Archive->cs.CL"
] | "2023-04-04T12:33:40Z" |
1510.05530 | Impact of the short-term luminosity evolution on luminosity function of star-forming galaxies | An evolution of luminosity of galaxies in emission lines or wavelength ranges in which they are sensitive to the star formation process is caused by burning out of the most massive O-class stars during a few million years after a starburst. We study the impact of this effect on the luminosity function (LF) of a sample of star-forming galaxies. We introduce several types of LFs: an initial LF after a starburst, current, time-averaged and sample ones. We find the relations between them in general and specify them in the case of the luminosity evolution law proposed for the luminous compact galaxies. We obtain the sample LF for the cases the initial one is described by the pure Schechter function or the log-normal distribution and analyze the properties of these LFs. As a result we get two new types of LFs to fit the LF of a sample of star-forming galaxies. | [
"Physics Archive->astro-ph->astro-ph.GA"
] | "2015-10-19T15:31:36Z" |
2106.02046 | Random Matrix Theory for Complexity Growth and Black Hole Interiors | We study a precise and computationally tractable notion of operator complexity in holographic quantum theories, including the ensemble dual of Jackiw-Teitelboim gravity and two-dimensional holographic conformal field theories. This is a refined, "microcanonical" version of K-complexity that applies to theories with infinite or continuous spectra (including quantum field theories), and in the holographic theories we study exhibits exponential growth for a scrambling time, followed by linear growth until saturation at a time exponential in the entropy $\unicode{x2014}$a behavior that is characteristic of chaos. We show that the linear growth regime implies a universal random matrix description of the operator dynamics after scrambling. Our main tool for establishing this connection is a "complexity renormalization group" framework we develop that allows us to study the effective operator dynamics for different timescales by "integrating out" large K-complexities. In the dual gravity setting, we comment on the empirical match between our version of K-complexity and the maximal volume proposal, and speculate on a connection between the universal random matrix theory dynamics of operator growth after scrambling and the spatial translation symmetry of smooth black hole interiors. | [
"Physics Archive->hep->hep-th"
] | "2021-06-03T18:00:00Z" |
2002.12559 | On Properties of Random Binary Contingency Tables with Non-Uniform Margin | We study the random binary contingency tables with non-uniform margin. More precisely, for parameters $n,\delta,B,C$, we consider $X=(X_{ij})$ with $X_{ij}\in \lbrace 0,1\rbrace$, the random binary contingency tables whose first $[n^\delta]$ rows and columns have margin $[BCn]$ and the rest columns and rows have margin $[Cn]$. We study various asymptotic properties of $X$ as $n\to \infty$. This answers a question posted by Barvinok. | [
"Mathematics Archive->math.PR"
] | "2020-02-28T05:42:31Z" |
2102.03166 | Lexical and syntactic gemination in Italian consonants -- Does a geminate Italian consonant consist of a repeated or a strengthened consonant? | Two types of consonant gemination characterize Italian: lexical and syntactic. Italian lexical gemination is contrastive, so that two words may differ by only one geminated consonant. In contrast, syntactic gemination occurs across word boundaries, and affects the initial consonant of a word in specific contexts, such as the presence of a monosyllabic morpheme before the word. This study investigates the acoustic correlates of Italian lexical and syntactic gemination, asking if the correlates for the two types are similar in the case of stop consonants. Results confirmed previous studies showing that duration is a prominent gemination cue, with a lengthened consonant closure and a shortened pre-consonant vowel for both types. Results also revealed the presence, in about 10-12% of instances, of a double stop-release burst, providing strong support for the biphonematic nature of Italian geminated stop consonants. Moreover, the timing of these bursts suggests a different planning process for lexical vs. syntactic geminates. The second burst, when present, is accommodated within the closure interval in syntactic geminates, while lexical geminates are lengthened by the extra burst. This suggests that syntactic gemination occurs during a post-lexical phase of production planning, after timing has already been established. | [
"Computer Science Archive->cs.SD",
"Electrical Engineering and Systems Science Archive->eess.AS"
] | "2021-01-25T16:07:45Z" |
1904.07525 | Optimal eigenvalue estimates for the Robin Laplacian on Riemannian manifolds | We consider the first eigenvalue $\lambda_1(\Omega,\sigma)$ of the Laplacian with Robin boundary conditions on a compact Riemannian manifold $\Omega$ with smooth boundary, $\sigma\in\bf R$ being the Robin boundary parameter. When $\sigma>0$ we give a positive, sharp lower bound of $\lambda_1(\Omega,\sigma)$ in terms of an associated one-dimensional problem depending on the geometry through a lower bound of the Ricci curvature of $\Omega$, a lower bound of the mean curvature of $\partial\Omega$ and the inradius. When the boundary parameter is negative, the lower bound becomes an upper bound. In particular, explicit bounds for mean-convex Euclidean domains are obtained, which improve known estimates. Then, we extend a monotonicity result for $\lambda_1(\Omega,\sigma)$ obtained in Euclidean space by Giorgi and Smits to a class of manifolds of revolution which include all space forms of constant sectional curvature. As an application, we prove that $\lambda_1(\Omega,\sigma)$ is uniformly bounded below by $\frac{(n-1)^2}4$ for all bounded domains in the hyperbolic space of dimension $n$, provided that the boundary parameter $\sigma\geq\frac{n-1}{2}$ (McKean-type inequality). Asymptotics for large hyperbolic balls are also discussed | [
"Mathematics Archive->math.AP"
] | "2019-04-16T08:09:50Z" |
math/0512620 | Derived categories of coherent sheaves and motives | We discuss relations between the motives of two varieties with equivalent derived categories of coherent sheaves. | [
"Mathematics Archive->math.AG"
] | "2005-12-28T11:54:00Z" |
1608.04572 | On Box-Perfect Graphs | Let $G=(V,E)$ be a graph and let $A_G$ be the clique-vertex incidence matrix of $G$. It is well known that $G$ is perfect iff the system $A_{_G}\mathbf x\le \mathbf 1$, $\mathbf x\ge\mathbf0$ is totally dual integral (TDI). In 1982, Cameron and Edmonds proposed to call $G$ box-perfect if the system $A_{_G}\mathbf x\le \mathbf 1$, $\mathbf x\ge\mathbf0$ is box-totally dual integral (box-TDI), and posed the problem of characterizing such graphs. In this paper we prove the Cameron-Edmonds conjecture on box-perfectness of parity graphs, and identify several other classes of box-perfect graphs. We also develop a general and powerful method for establishing box-perfectness. | [
"Mathematics Archive->math.CO"
] | "2016-08-16T12:37:55Z" |
1401.4846 | Scalar field inflation and Shan-Chen fluid models | A scalar field equivalent to a non-ideal "dark energy fluid" obeying a Shan-Chen-like equation of state is used as the background source of a flat Friedmann-Robertson-Walker cosmological spacetime to describe the inflationary epoch of our universe. Within the slow-roll approximation, a number of interesting features are presented, including the possibility to fulfill current observational constraints as well as a graceful exit mechanism from the inflationary epoch. | [
"Physics Archive->gr-qc"
] | "2014-01-20T09:59:26Z" |
1404.2015 | Econometric Inference on a Large Bayesian Game with Heterogeneous Beliefs | Econometric models of strategic interactions among people or firms have received a great deal of attention in the literature. Less attention has been paid to the role of the underlying assumptions about the way agents form beliefs about other agents. We focus on a single large Bayesian game with idiosyncratic strategic neighborhoods and develop an approach of empirical modeling that relaxes the assumption of rational expectations and allows the players to form beliefs differently. By drawing on the main intuition of Kalai (2004), we introduce the notion of hindsight regret, which measures each player's ex-post value of other players' type information, and obtain the belief-free bound for the hindsight regret. Using this bound, we derive testable implications and develop a bootstrap inference procedure for the structural parameters. Our inference method is uniformly valid regardless of the size of strategic neighborhoods and tends to exhibit high power when the neighborhoods are large. We demonstrate the finite sample performance of the method through Monte Carlo simulations. | [
"Statistics Archive->stat.AP"
] | "2014-04-08T05:53:29Z" |
1612.07956 | A CRF Based POS Tagger for Code-mixed Indian Social Media Text | In this work, we describe a conditional random fields (CRF) based system for Part-Of- Speech (POS) tagging of code-mixed Indian social media text as part of our participation in the tool contest on POS tagging for codemixed Indian social media text, held in conjunction with the 2016 International Conference on Natural Language Processing, IIT(BHU), India. We participated only in constrained mode contest for all three language pairs, Bengali-English, Hindi-English and Telegu-English. Our system achieves the overall average F1 score of 79.99, which is the highest overall average F1 score among all 16 systems participated in constrained mode contest. | [
"Computer Science Archive->cs.CL"
] | "2016-12-23T12:58:58Z" |
0904.3729 | Functional equations for one-loop master integrals for heavy-quark production and Bhabha scattering | The method for obtaining functional equations, recently proposed by one of the authors, is applied to one-loop box integrals needed in calculations of radiative corrections to heavy-quark production and Bhabha scattering. We present relationships between these integrals with different arguments and box integrals with all propagators being massless. It turns out that functional equations are rather useful for finding imaginary parts and performing analytic continuations of Feynman integrals. For the box master integral needed in Bhabha scattering, a new representation in terms of hypergeometric functions admitting one-fold integral representation is derived. The hypergeometric representation of a master integral for heavy-quark production follows from the functional equation. | [
"Physics Archive->hep->hep-ph"
] | "2009-04-23T16:17:33Z" |
astro-ph/9812421 | Link between Mass-loss and Variability Type for AGB Stars? | We find that AGB stars separate in the 25-12 vs. 12-K color-color diagram according to their chemistry (O, S vs. C) and variability type (Miras vs. SRb/Lb). While discrimination according to the chemical composition is not surprising, the separation of Miras from SRb/Lb variables is unexpected. We show that ``standard'' steady-state radiatively driven models provide excellent fits to the color distribution of Miras of all chemical types. However, these models are incapable of explaining the dust emission from O-rich SRb/Lb stars. The models can be altered to fit the data by postulating different optical properties for silicate grains, or by assuming that the dust temperature at the inner envelope radius is significantly lower (300-400 K) than typical condensation temperatures (800-1000 K), a possibility which is also supported by the detailed characteristics of LRS data. The absence of hot dust for SRb/Lb stars can be interpreted as a recent (order of 100 yr) decrease in the mass-loss rate. The distribution of O-rich SRb/Lb stars in the 25-12 vs. K-12 color-color diagram shows that the mass-loss rate probably resumes again, on similar time scales. It cannot be ruled out that the mass-loss rate is changing periodically on such time scales, implying that the stars might oscillate between the Mira and SRb/Lb phases during their AGB evolution as proposed by Kerschbaum et al. (1996). Such a possibility appears to be supported by numerous recent observations. | [
"Physics Archive->astro-ph"
] | "1998-12-22T22:25:23Z" |
1107.0526 | Optical homodyne tomography with polynomial series expansion | We present and demonstrate a method for optical homodyne tomography based on the inverse Radon transform. Different from the usual filtered back-projection algorithm, this method uses an appropriate polynomial series to expand the Wigner function and the marginal distribution and discretize Fourier space. We show that this technique solves most technical difficulties encountered with kernel deconvolution based methods and reconstructs overall better and smoother Wigner functions. We also give estimators of the reconstruction errors for both methods and show improvement in noise handling properties and resilience to statistical errors. | [
"Physics Archive->quant-ph"
] | "2011-07-04T05:38:56Z" |
1008.0692 | Effects of Electromagnetic Field on the Dynamics of Bianchi type $VI_0$ Universe with Anisotropic Dark Energy | Spatially homogeneous and anisotropic Bianchi type $VI_0$ cosmological models with cosmological constant are investigated in the presence of anisotropic dark energy. We examine the effects of electromagnetic field on the dynamics of the universe and anisotropic behavior of dark energy. The law of variation of the mean Hubble parameter is used to find exact solutions of the Einstein field equations. We find that electromagnetic field promotes anisotropic behavior of dark energy which becomes isotropic for future evolution. It is concluded that the isotropic behavior of the universe model is seen even in the presence of electromagnetic field and anisotropic fluid. | [
"Physics Archive->gr-qc"
] | "2010-08-04T04:48:16Z" |
1607.01116 | Power-Efficient Resource Allocation for MC-NOMA with Statistical Channel State Information | In this paper, we study the power-efficient resource allocation for multicarrier non-orthogonal multiple access (MC-NOMA) systems. The resource allocation algorithm design is formulated as a non-convex optimization problem which takes into account the statistical channel state information at transmitter and quality of service (QoS) constraints. To strike a balance between system performance and computational complexity, we propose a suboptimal power allocation and user scheduling with low computational complexity to minimize the total power consumption. The proposed design exploits the heterogeneity of QoS requirement to determine the successive interference cancellation decoding order. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed scheme achieves a close-to-optimal performance and significantly outperforms a conventional orthogonal multiple access (OMA) scheme. | [
"Computer Science Archive->cs.IT",
"Mathematics Archive->math.IT"
] | "2016-07-05T05:35:25Z" |
1208.1729 | Rectification by Doped Mott-Insulator Junctions | Junctions of doped Mott insulators offer a route to rectification at frequencies beyond the terahertz range. Mott insulators have strong electronic correlations and therefore short timescales for electron-electron scattering. It is this short time scale that allows for the possibility of rectification at frequencies higher than those of semiconductor devices that are limited by the slow diffusion of charge carriers. We model a junction by a one dimensional chain of electrons with p- and n-doping on the two halves of the chain. Two types of systems are investigated: spin polarized electrons with nearest-neighbor interaction, and spin-half electrons that interact via on-site repulsion (the Hubbard model). For short chains the many-body Schrodinger equation can be integrated numerically exactly, and when driven by an oscillating electromagnetic field such idealized junctions rectify, showing a preferred direction for charge transfer. Longer chains are studied by the time-dependent density-matrix renormalization-group method, and also shown to rectify. | [
"Physics Archive->cond-mat->cond-mat.mes-hall",
"Physics Archive->cond-mat->cond-mat.str-el"
] | "2012-08-08T18:34:53Z" |
1511.01454 | Separate Universe Consistency Relation and Calibration of Halo Bias | Linear halo bias is the response of dark matter halo number density to a long wavelength fluctuation in the dark matter density. Using abundance matching between separate universe simulations which absorb the latter into a change in the background, we test the consistency relation between the change in a one point function, the halo mass function, and a two point function, the halo-matter cross correlation in the long wavelength limit. We find excellent agreement between the two at the $1-2\%$ level for average halo biases between $1 \lesssim \bar b_1 \lesssim 4$ and no statistically significant deviations at the $4-5\%$ level out to $\bar b_1 \approx 8$. Halo bias inferred assuming instead a universal mass function is significantly different and inaccurate at the 10\% level or more. The separate universe technique provides a way of calibrating linear halo bias efficiently for even highly biased rare halos in the $\Lambda$CDM model. Observational violation of the consistency relation would indicate new physics, e.g.~in the dark matter, dark energy or primordial non-Gaussianity sectors. | [
"Physics Archive->astro-ph->astro-ph.CO"
] | "2015-11-04T20:01:22Z" |
1704.05265 | Vector flows and the analytic moduli of singular plane branches | We provide a geometric elementary proof of the fact that an analytic plane branch is analytically equivalent to one whose terms corresponding to contacts with holomorphic one-forms -- except for Zariski's $\lambda$-invariant -- are zero (so called "short parametrizations"). This is the main step missed by Zariski in his attempt to solve the moduli problem. | [
"Mathematics Archive->math.AG"
] | "2017-04-18T10:46:07Z" |
1307.5995 | Direct quantum communication without actual transmission of the message qubits | Recently an orthogonal state based protocol of direct quantum communication without actual transmission of particles is proposed by Salih \emph{et al.}{[}Phys. Rev. Lett. \textbf{110} (2013) 170502{]} using chained quantum Zeno effect. As the no-transmission of particle claim is criticized by Vaidman {[}arXiv:1304.6689 (2013){]}, the condition (claim) of Salih \emph{et al.} is weaken here to the extent that transmission of particles is allowed, but transmission of the message qubits (the qubits on which the secret information is encoded) is not allowed. Remaining within this weaker condition it is shown that there exists a large class of quantum states, that can be used to implement an orthogonal state based protocol of secure direct quantum communication using entanglement swapping, where actual transmission of the message qubits is not required. The security of the protocol originates from monogamy of entanglement. As the protocol can be implemented without using conjugate coding its security is independent of non-commutativity. | [
"Physics Archive->quant-ph"
] | "2013-07-23T09:44:10Z" |
0711.1142 | An Expanding Shell and Synchrotron Jet in RS Ophiuchi | We report high-resolution radio imaging of the recurrent nova RS Ophiuchi (RS Oph) during the first month of the 2006 outburst, using the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA). Observations made on days 20.8 and 26.8 of the outburst show a synchrotron-emitting partial shell that is much brighter to the east than to the west. Assuming the broad component of the infrared lines corresponds to the outermost part of the shell seen by the VLBA, the distance to the source is $2.45\pm0.4 kpc$. The circular shape and spectral indices of the shell emission challenge simple models for the radio structure immediately after the outburst. The second epoch also shows an additional, resolved, synchrotron-emitting component well to the east of the shell. Its inferred velocity is comparable to the escape speed from the surface of a high-mass white dwarf. This component was not seen in the first epoch. Its appearance may be related to the outflow reaching the edge of the nebula created by the red giant wind, which had been re-filling the void left by the last outburst in 1985. This eastern component is likely related to the jets previously seen in this and other symbiotic stars, and represents the earliest clear detection of such a jet, as well as the best case yet for synchrotron emission from a white dwarf jet. | [
"Physics Archive->astro-ph"
] | "2007-11-07T19:26:58Z" |
1105.1819 | Hardy's Non-locality Paradox and Possibilistic Conditions for Non-locality | Hardy's non-locality paradox is a proof without inequalities showing that certain non-local correlations violate local realism. It is `possibilistic' in the sense that one only distinguishes between possible outcomes (positive probability) and impossible outcomes (zero probability). Here we show that Hardy's paradox is quite universal: in any (2,2,l) or (2,k,2) Bell scenario, the occurence of Hardy's paradox is a necessary and sufficient condition for possibilistic non-locality. In particular, it subsumes all ladder paradoxes. This universality of Hardy's paradox is not true more generally: we find a new `proof without inequalities' in the (2,3,3) scenario that can witness non-locality even for correlations that do not display the Hardy paradox. We discuss the ramifications of our results for the computational complexity of recognising possibilistic non-locality. | [
"Physics Archive->quant-ph"
] | "2011-05-09T23:01:56Z" |
2201.10259 | t-Deletion-s-Insertion-Burst Correcting Codes | Motivated by applications in DNA-based storage and communication systems, we study deletion and insertion errors simultaneously in a burst. In particular, we study a type of error named $t$-deletion-$s$-insertion-burst ($(t,s)$-burst for short) which is a generalization of the $(2,1)$-burst error proposed by Schoeny {\it et. al}. Such an error deletes $t$ consecutive symbols and inserts an arbitrary sequence of length $s$ at the same coordinate. We provide a sphere-packing upper bound on the size of binary codes that can correct a $(t,s)$-burst error, showing that the redundancy of such codes is at least $\log n+t-1$. For $t\geq 2s$, an explicit construction of binary $(t,s)$-burst correcting codes with redundancy $\log n+(t-s-1)\log\log n+O(1)$ is given. In particular, we construct a binary $(3,1)$-burst correcting code with redundancy at most $\log n+9$, which is optimal up to a constant. | [
"Computer Science Archive->cs.IT",
"Mathematics Archive->math.IT"
] | "2022-01-25T12:04:18Z" |
astro-ph/9510050 | Lensing by Distant Clusters: HST Observations of Weak Shear in the Field of 3C324 | We present the detection of weak gravitational lensing in the field of the radio galaxy 3C324 (z=1.206) using deep HST imaging. ~From an analysis of the shapes of faint R=24.5-27.5 galaxies in the field we measure a weak, coherent distortion centered close to the radio source. This shear field most likely arises from gravitational lensing of distant field galaxies by a foreground mass concentration. In the light of previous observations of this region, which indicate the presence of a rich cluster around the radio source, we suggest that the most likely candidate for the lens is the cluster associated with the radio galaxy at z=1.2. If so, this is the most distant cluster to have been detected by weak shear observations. Such a statement has two important consequences. Firstly, it shows that massive, collapsed structures exist in the high redshift Universe, and secondly that a significant fraction of the R=24.5-27.5 field galaxy population lies beyond z=1.2. | [
"Physics Archive->astro-ph"
] | "1995-10-08T23:26:51Z" |
1812.04795 | Divergence measures estimation and its asymptotic normality theory in the discrete case | In this paper we provide the asymptotic theory of the general of $\phi$-divergences measures, which include the most common divergence measures : Renyi and Tsallis families and the Kullback-Leibler measure. We are interested in divergence measures in the discrete case. One sided and two-sided statistical tests are derived as well as symmetrized estimators. Almost sure rates of convergence and asymptotic normality theorem are obtained in the general case, and next particularized for the Renyi and Tsallis families and for the Kullback-Leibler measure as well. Our theorical results are validated by simulations. | [
"Mathematics Archive->math.ST",
"Statistics Archive->stat.TH"
] | "2018-12-12T03:37:19Z" |
2102.07577 | The variable-step L1 scheme preserving a compatible energy law for time-fractional Allen-Cahn equation | In this work, we revisit the adaptive L1 time-stepping scheme for solving the time-fractional Allen-Cahn equation in the Caputo's form. The L1 implicit scheme is shown to preserve a variational energy dissipation law on arbitrary nonuniform time meshes by using the recent discrete analysis tools, i.e., the discrete orthogonal convolution kernels and discrete complementary convolution kernels. Then the discrete embedding techniques and the fractional Gr\"onwall inequality were applied to establish an $L^2$ norm error estimate on nonuniform time meshes. An adaptive time-stepping strategy according to the dynamical feature of the system is presented to capture the multi-scale behaviors and to improve the computational performance. | [
"Computer Science Archive->cs.NA",
"Mathematics Archive->math.NA"
] | "2021-02-15T14:36:02Z" |
2306.12779 | Arrangement of nearby minima and saddles in the mixed spherical energy landscapes | The mixed spherical models were recently found to violate long-held assumptions about mean-field glassy dynamics. In particular, the threshold energy, where most stationary points are marginal and that in the simpler pure models attracts long-time dynamics, seems to lose significance. Here, we compute the typical distribution of stationary points relative to each other in mixed models with a replica symmetric complexity. We examine the stability of nearby points, accounting for the presence of an isolated eigenvalue in their spectrum due to their proximity. Despite finding rich structure not present in the pure models, we find nothing that distinguishes the points that do attract the dynamics. Instead, we find new geometric significance of the old threshold energy, and invalidate pictures of the arrangement of most marginal inherent states into a continuous manifold. | [
"Physics Archive->cond-mat->cond-mat.dis-nn",
"Physics Archive->cond-mat->cond-mat.stat-mech"
] | "2023-06-22T10:17:25Z" |
1911.03612 | Perturbation theories for symmetry-protected bound states in the continuum on two-dimensional periodic structures | On dielectric periodic structures with a reflection symmetry in a periodic direction, there can be antisymmetric standing waves (ASWs) that are symmetry-protected bound states in the continuum (BICs). The BICs have found many applications, mainly because they give rise to resonant modes of extremely large quality-factors ($Q$-factors). The ASWs are robust to symmetric perturbations of the structure, but they become resonant modes if the perturbation is non-symmetric. The $Q$-factor of a resonant mode on a perturbed structure is typically $O(1/\delta^2)$ where $\delta$ is the amplitude of the perturbation, but special perturbations can produce resonant modes with larger $Q$-factors. For two-dimensional (2D) periodic structures with a 1D periodicity, we derive conditions on the perturbation profile such that the $Q$-factors are $O(1/\delta^4)$ or $O(1/\delta^6)$. For the unperturbed structure, an ASW is surrounded by resonant modes with a nonzero Bloch wave vector. For 2D periodic structures, the $Q$-factors of nearby resonant modes are typically $O(1/\beta^2)$, where $\beta$ is the Bloch wavenumber. We show that the $Q$-factors can be $O(1/\beta^6)$ if the ASW satisfies a simple condition. | [
"Physics Archive->physics->physics.optics"
] | "2019-11-09T05:06:37Z" |
hep-ph/0512010 | Low scale Seesaw model and Lepton Flavor Violating Rare B Decays | We study lepton flavor number violating rare B decays, $b \to s l_h^{\pm} l_l^{\mp}$, in a seesaw model with low scale singlet Majorana neutrinos motivated by the resonant leptogenesis scenario. The branching ratios of inclusive decays $ b \to s l_h^{\pm} \bar{l_l}^{\mp} $ with two almost degenerate singlet neutrinos at TeV scale are investigated in detail. We find that there exists a class of seesaw model in which the branching fractions of $ b \to s \tau \mu $ and $\tau \to \mu \gamma$ can be as large as $10^{-10}$ and $10^{-9}$ within the reach of Super B factories, respectively, without being in conflict with neutrino mixings and mass squared difference of neutrinos from neutrino data, invisible decay width of $Z$ and the present limit of $Br(\mu \to e \gamma)$. | [
"Physics Archive->hep->hep-ph"
] | "2005-12-02T06:37:05Z" |
1503.07519 | High-precision astrometry with VVV. I. An independent reduction pipeline for VIRCAM@VISTA | We present a new reduction pipeline for the VIRCAM@VISTA detector and describe the method developed to obtain high-precision astrometry with the VISTA Variables in the V\'ia L\'actea (VVV) data set. We derive an accurate geometric-distortion correction using as calibration field the globular cluster NGC 5139, and showed that we are able to reach a relative astrometric precision of about 8 mas per coordinate per exposure for well-measured stars over a field of view of more than 1 square degree. This geometric-distortion correction is made available to the community. As a test bed, we chose a field centered around the globular cluster NGC 6656 from the VVV archive and computed proper motions for the stars within. With 45 epochs spread over four years, we show that we are able to achieve a precision of 1.4 mas/yr and to isolate each population observed in the field (cluster, Bulge and Disk) using proper motions. We used proper-motion-selected field stars to measure the motion difference between Galactic disk and bulge stars. Our proper-motion measurements are consistent with UCAC4 and PPMXL, though our errors are much smaller. Models have still difficulties in reproducing the observations in this highly-reddened Galactic regions. | [
"Physics Archive->astro-ph->astro-ph.IM",
"Physics Archive->astro-ph->astro-ph.SR"
] | "2015-03-25T20:00:14Z" |
math/9904134 | Statistics of closest returns for some non-uniformly hyperbolic systems | For non uniformly hyperbolic maps of the interval with exponential decay of correlations we prove that the law of closest return to a given point when suitably normalized is almost surely asymptotically exponential. A similar result holds when the reference point is the initial point of the trajectory. We use the framework for non uniformly hyperbolic dynamical systems developed by L.S.Young. | [
"Mathematics Archive->math.DS"
] | "1999-04-23T15:28:38Z" |
1107.4347 | A T(1)-Theorem for non-integral operators | Let $X$ be a space of homogeneous type and let $L$ be a sectorial operator with bounded holomorphic functional calculus on $L^2(X)$. We assume that the semigroup $\{e^{-tL}\}_{t>0}$ satisfies Davies-Gaffney estimates. Associated to $L$ are certain approximations of the identity. We call an operator $T$ a non-integral operator if compositions involving $T$ and these approximations satisfy certain weighted norm estimates. The Davies-Gaffney and the weighted norm estimates are together a substitute for the usual kernel estimates on $T$ in Calder\'on-Zygmund theory. In this paper, we show, under the additional assumption that a vertical Littlewood-Paley-Stein square function associated to $L$ is bounded on $L^2(X)$, that a non-integral operator $T$ is bounded on $L^2(X)$ if and only if $T(1) \in BMO_L(X)$ and $T^{\ast}(1) \in BMO_{L^{\ast}}(X)$. Here, $BMO_L(X)$ and $BMO_{L^{\ast}}(X)$ denote the recently defined $BMO(X)$ spaces associated to $L$ that generalize the space $BMO(X)$ of John and Nirenberg. Generalizing a recent result due to F. Bernicot, we show a second version of a T(1)-Theorem under weaker off-diagonal estimates, which gives a positive answer to a question raised by him. As an application, we prove $L^2(X)$-boundedness of a paraproduct operator associated to $L$. We moreover study criterions for a $T(b)$-Theorem to be valid. | [
"Mathematics Archive->math.CA",
"Mathematics Archive->math.FA"
] | "2011-07-21T19:42:06Z" |
1410.0300 | On the non-triviality of the $p$-adic Abel-Jacobi image of generalised Heegner cycles modulo $p$, I: modular curves | Generalised Heegner cycles are associated to a pair of an elliptic Hecke eigenform and a Hecke character over an imaginary quadratic extension $K/\Q$. Let $p$ be an odd prime split in $K/\Q$ and $l\neq p$ an odd unramified prime. We prove the non-triviality of the $p$-adic Abel-Jacobi image of generalised Heegner cycles modulo $p$ over the $\Z_l$-anticylotomic extension of $K$. The result is an evidence for the refined Bloch-Beilinson and the Bloch-Kato conjecture. In the case of two, it provides a refinement of the results of Cornut and Vatsal on the non-triviality of Heegner points over the $\Z_l$-anticylotomic extension of $K$. | [
"Mathematics Archive->math.NT"
] | "2014-10-01T17:36:26Z" |
2001.09360 | Robust Submodular Minimization with Applications to Cooperative Modeling | Robust Optimization is becoming increasingly important in machine learning applications. This paper studies the problem of robust submodular minimization subject to combinatorial constraints. Constrained Submodular Minimization arises in several applications such as co-operative cuts in image segmentation, co-operative matchings in image correspondence, etc. Many of these models are defined over clusterings of data points (for example pixels in images), and it is important for these models to be robust to perturbations and uncertainty in the data. While several existing papers have studied robust submodular maximization, ours is the first work to study the minimization version under a broad range of combinatorial constraints including cardinality, knapsack, matroid as well as graph-based constraints such as cuts, paths, matchings, and trees. In each case, we provide scalable approximation algorithms and also study hardness bounds. Finally, we empirically demonstrate the utility of our algorithms on synthetic and real-world datasets. | [
"Computer Science Archive->cs.LG",
"Mathematics Archive->math.OC",
"Statistics Archive->stat.ML"
] | "2020-01-25T20:40:37Z" |
2205.12674 | Training Language Models with Memory Augmentation | Recent work has improved language models (LMs) remarkably by equipping them with a non-parametric memory component. However, most existing approaches only introduce mem-ories at testing time or represent them using a separately trained encoder, resulting in suboptimal training of the language model. In this work, we present TRIME, a novel yet simple training approach designed for training LMs with memory augmentation. Our approach uses a training objective that directly takes in-batch examples as accessible memory. We also present new methods for memory construction and data batching, which are used for adapting to different sets of memories--local, long-term, and external memory--at testing time. We evaluate TRIME on multiple language modeling and machine translation benchmarks and show that it is able to achieve significant improvements across all the settings. Concretely, TRIME reduces the perplexity from 18.70 to 15.37 on WIKITEXT-103, by effectively leveraging a large memory set from the training corpus. Compared to standard LM training, TRIME adds negligible computational overhead and is compatible with different neural architectures, making it a versatile solution for training memory-augmented LMs. | [
"Computer Science Archive->cs.CL",
"Computer Science Archive->cs.LG"
] | "2022-05-25T11:37:29Z" |
1012.0570 | The old environment of the faint calcium-rich supernova SN 2005cz | The supernova SN 2005cz has recently attracted some attention, due to the fact that it was spectroscopically similar to type Ib supernovae (SNe), a class that is presumed to result from core-collapse of massive stars, yet it occurred in an elliptical galaxy, where one expects very few massive stars to exist. Two explanations for this remarkable event were put forward. Perets et al. (2010) associate SN 2005cz with the class of Ca-rich, faint SNe Ib, which likely result from old double-white-dwarf systems with a He-rich secondary. On the other hand, Kawabata et al. (2010) suggest that SN 2005cz is indeed a core-collapse event (in a binary system), albeit of a star at the lower end of the mass range, 10-12 M_Sun. The existence of this star in its elliptical host is explained as resulting from low-level star formation (SF) activity in that galaxy. Here we present extensive observations of the location of SN 2005cz, sensitive to a variety of SF tracers, including optical spectroscopy, H_alpha emission, UV emission and HST photometry. We show that NGC 4589, the host galaxy of SN 2005cz, does not show any signatures of a young stellar population or recent SF activity either close to or far from the location of SN 2005cz. | [
"Physics Archive->astro-ph->astro-ph.HE"
] | "2010-12-02T21:00:08Z" |
2009.05186 | An Argumentation-based Approach for Identifying and Dealing with Incompatibilities among Procedural Goals | During the first step of practical reasoning, i.e. deliberation, an intelligent agent generates a set of pursuable goals and then selects which of them he commits to achieve. An intelligent agent may in general generate multiple pursuable goals, which may be incompatible among them. In this paper, we focus on the definition, identification and resolution of these incompatibilities. The suggested approach considers the three forms of incompatibility introduced by Castelfranchi and Paglieri, namely the terminal incompatibility, the instrumental or resources incompatibility and the superfluity. We characterise computationally these forms of incompatibility by means of arguments that represent the plans that allow an agent to achieve his goals. Thus, the incompatibility among goals is defined based on the conflicts among their plans, which are represented by means of attacks in an argumentation framework. We also work on the problem of goals selection; we propose to use abstract argumentation theory to deal with this problem, i.e. by applying argumentation semantics. We use a modified version of the "cleaner world" scenario in order to illustrate the performance of our proposal. | [
"Computer Science Archive->cs.AI"
] | "2020-09-11T01:01:34Z" |
2006.03715 | Using Stable Matching to Optimize the Balance between Accuracy and Diversity in Recommendation | Increasing aggregate diversity (or catalog coverage) is an important system-level objective in many recommendation domains where it may be desirable to mitigate the popularity bias and to improve the coverage of long-tail items in recommendations given to users. This is especially important in multistakeholder recommendation scenarios where it may be important to optimize utilities not just for the end user, but also for other stakeholders such as item sellers or producers who desire a fair representation of their items across recommendation lists produced by the system. Unfortunately, attempts to increase aggregate diversity often result in lower recommendation accuracy for end users. Thus, addressing this problem requires an approach that can effectively manage the trade-offs between accuracy and aggregate diversity. In this work, we propose a two-sided post-processing approach in which both user and item utilities are considered. Our goal is to maximize aggregate diversity while minimizing loss in recommendation accuracy. Our solution is a generalization of the Deferred Acceptance algorithm which was proposed as an efficient algorithm to solve the well-known stable matching problem. We prove that our algorithm results in a unique user-optimal stable match between items and users. Using three recommendation datasets, we empirically demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in comparison to several baselines. In particular, our results show that the proposed solution is quite effective in increasing aggregate diversity and item-side utility while optimizing recommendation accuracy for end users. | [
"Computer Science Archive->cs.IR",
"Computer Science Archive->cs.LG"
] | "2020-06-05T22:12:25Z" |
2305.00989 | Pileup and Infrared Radiation Annihilation (PIRANHA): A Paradigm for Continuous Jet Grooming | Jet grooming is an important strategy for analyzing relativistic particle collisions in the presence of contaminating radiation. Most jet grooming techniques introduce hard cutoffs to remove soft radiation, leading to discontinuous behavior and associated experimental and theoretical challenges. In this paper, we introduce Pileup and Infrared Radiation Annihilation (PIRANHA), a paradigm for continuous jet grooming that overcomes the discontinuity and infrared sensitivity of hard-cutoff grooming procedures. We motivate PIRANHA from the perspective of optimal transport and the Energy Mover's Distance and review Apollonius Subtraction and Iterated Voronoi Subtraction as examples of PIRANHA-style grooming. We then introduce a new tree-based implementation of PIRANHA, Recursive Subtraction, with reduced computational costs. Finally, we demonstrate the performance of Recursive Subtraction in mitigating sensitivity to soft distortions from hadronization and detector effects, and additive contamination from pileup and the underlying event. | [
"Physics Archive->hep->hep-ex",
"Physics Archive->hep->hep-ph"
] | "2023-05-01T18:00:00Z" |
1011.0587 | Non-thermal emission from galaxy clusters | The relevance of non-thermal cluster studies and the importance of combining observations of future radio surveys with WFXT data are discussed in this paper. | [
"Physics Archive->astro-ph->astro-ph.CO",
"Physics Archive->astro-ph->astro-ph.HE"
] | "2010-11-02T11:56:19Z" |
cond-mat/0501101 | Conductance distribution in strongly disordered mesoscopic systems in three dimensions | Recent numerical simulations have shown that the distribution of conductance P(g) in 3D strongly localized regiem differs significally from the expected log normal distribution. To understand the origin of this difference analytically, we used a generalized DMPK equation for the joint probablity distribution of the transmission eigenvalues which includes a phenomenological (disorder and dimensionality dependent) matrix K containing certain correlations of the transfer matrices. We first of all examine the assumptions made in the derivation if the generalized DMPK and find that to a good approximation they remain valid in 3D. We then evaluate the matrix K numerically for various strength of the disorder and various system sizes. In the strong disorder limit we find that K can be described by a simple model which, for a cubic system, depends on a single parameter. We use this phenomenological model to analytically evaluate the full distribution P(g) for Anderson insulators in 3D. The analytic results allow us to develop an intuitive understanding of the entire distribution, which differs qualitatively from the log-normal distribution of a Q1D wire. We also show that out method could be applicable in the critical regime of the Anderson transition. | [
"Physics Archive->cond-mat->cond-mat.dis-nn"
] | "2005-01-06T09:37:41Z" |
2105.02741 | Meta-Learning-Based Deep Reinforcement Learning for Multiobjective Optimization Problems | Deep reinforcement learning (DRL) has recently shown its success in tackling complex combinatorial optimization problems. When these problems are extended to multiobjective ones, it becomes difficult for the existing DRL approaches to flexibly and efficiently deal with multiple subproblems determined by weight decomposition of objectives. This paper proposes a concise meta-learning-based DRL approach. It first trains a meta-model by meta-learning. The meta-model is fine-tuned with a few update steps to derive submodels for the corresponding subproblems. The Pareto front is then built accordingly. Compared with other learning-based methods, our method can greatly shorten the training time of multiple submodels. Due to the rapid and excellent adaptability of the meta-model, more submodels can be derived so as to increase the quality and diversity of the found solutions. The computational experiments on multiobjective traveling salesman problems and multiobjective vehicle routing problem with time windows demonstrate the superiority of our method over most of learning-based and iteration-based approaches. | [
"Computer Science Archive->cs.AI"
] | "2021-05-06T15:09:35Z" |
cond-mat/0304385 | NRG study of the Kondo effect in the presence of itinerant-electron ferromagnetism | The Kondo effect in quantum dots (QDs) - artificial magnetic impurities - attached to ferromagnetic leads is studied with the numerical renormalization group (NRG) method. It is shown that the QD level is spin-split due to presence of ferromagnetic electrodes, leading to a suppression of the Kondo effect. We find that the Kondo effect can be restored by compensating this splitting with a magnetic field. Although the resulting Kondo resonance then has an unusual spin asymmetry with a reduced Kondo temperature, the ground state is still a locally-screened state, describable by Fermi liquid theory and a generalized Friedel sum rule, and transport in the unitary limit is not spin dependent. | [
"Physics Archive->cond-mat->cond-mat.mes-hall",
"Physics Archive->cond-mat->cond-mat.str-el"
] | "2003-04-16T23:38:30Z" |
1201.5640 | On the magnetic flux problem in star formation | Strong magnetic fields play a crucial role in the removal of angular momentum from collapsing clouds and protostellar discs and are necessary for the formation of disc winds as well as jets from the inner disc and indeed, strong large-scale poloidal magnetic fields are observed in protostellar discs at all radii down to $\sim 10 R_\odot$. Nevertheless, by the time the star is visible virtually all of the original magnetic flux has vanished. I explore mechanisms for removing this flux during the formation of the protostar once it is magnetically disconnected from the parent cloud, looking at both radiative and convective protostars. This includes a numerical investigation of buoyant magnetic field removal from convective stars. It is found that if the star goes through a fully convective phase all remaining flux can easily be removed from the protostar, essentially on an Alfv\'en timescale. If on the other hand the protostar has no fully convective phase then some flux can be retained, the quantity depending on the net magnetic helicity, which is probably quite small. Only some fraction of this flux is visible at the stellar surface. I also look at how the same mechanisms could prevent flux from accreting onto the star at all, meaning that mass would only accrete as fast as it is able to slip past the flux. | [
"Physics Archive->astro-ph->astro-ph.SR"
] | "2012-01-26T21:00:00Z" |
1812.06449 | Electronic heat transport for a multiband superconducting gap in Sr$_2$RuO$_4$ | This paper gives a detailed numerical study of the superconducting electronic heat transport in the unconventional multiband superconductor Strontium Ruthenate Sr$_2$RuO$_4$. The study demostrates that a model with different nodal structures on different sheets of the Fermi surface is able to describe quantitatively experimental heat transport data. The contribution of the density of states DOS is given for each sheet of the Fermi surface and the total contribution is also calculated. Finally, a discussion of the universal character of the electronic heat transport in unconventional superconductors and its relation to the DOS based on the type of nodal structure of the superconducting gap in Sr$_2$RuO$_4$ is given. | [
"Physics Archive->cond-mat->cond-mat.supr-con"
] | "2018-12-16T11:49:50Z" |
1808.07191 | Identifying High-Quality Chinese News Comments Based on Multi-Target Text Matching Model | With the development of information technology, there is an explosive growth in the number of online comment concerning news, blogs and so on. The massive comments are overloaded, and often contain some misleading and unwelcome information. Therefore, it is necessary to identify high-quality comments and filter out low-quality comments. In this work, we introduce a novel task: high-quality comment identification (HQCI), which aims to automatically assess the quality of online comments. First, we construct a news comment corpus, which consists of news, comments, and the corresponding quality label. Second, we analyze the dataset, and find the quality of comments can be measured in three aspects: informativeness, consistency, and novelty. Finally, we propose a novel multi-target text matching model, which can measure three aspects by referring to the news and surrounding comments. Experimental results show that our method can outperform various baselines by a large margin on the news dataset. | [
"Computer Science Archive->cs.AI",
"Computer Science Archive->cs.CL"
] | "2018-08-22T02:33:15Z" |
2302.02861 | Stability and limiting properties of generalized principal eigenvalue for inhomogeneous nonlocal cooperative system | The principal eigenvalue for linear elliptic operator has been known to be one of very useful tools to investigate many important partial differential equations. Due to the pioneering works of Berestycki et al. \cite{BCV1,BCV2}, the study of qualitative properties for the principal eigenvalue of nonlocal operators has attracted a lot of attention of the community from theory to application (For examples \cite{LL22-1,LLS22,LZ1,LZ2,SLLY,DDF,XLR}). In this paper, motivated from the study of mathematical modeling the dynamics of infectious diseases in \cite{NV1, ZZLD, WD}, we analyze the asymptotic properties of the principal eigenvalue of nonlocal inhomogeneous cooperative system with respect to the dispersal rate and dispersal range. This can be done thanks to the deep results of Rainer \cite{Ra13}, Kriegl and Michor \cite{KM03} on the stability of eigenvalue of the variable matrices of zero-order coefficients and extends many results from \cite{BCV1,LL,NV1}. Our work provides a fundamental step to investigate the nonlinear system modeling the spreading of the transmitted diseases as mentioned. | [
"Mathematics Archive->math.AP"
] | "2023-02-06T15:27:27Z" |
1611.08839 | Ranking Research Institutions Based On Related Academic Conferences | The detection of influential nodes in a social network is an active research area with many valuable applications including marketing and advertisement. As a new application in academia, KDD Cup 2016 shed light on the lack of an existing objective ranking for institutions within their respective research areas and proposed a solution for it. In this problem, the academic fields are defined as social networks whose nodes are the active institutions within the field, with the most influential nodes representing the highest contributors. The solution is able to provide a ranking of active institutions within their specific domains. The problem statement provided an annual scoring mechanism for institutions based on their publications and encouraged the use of any publicly available dataset such as the Microsoft Academic Graph (MAG). The contest was focused on research publications in selected conferences and asked for a prediction of the ranking for active institutions within those conferences in 2016. It should be noted that the results of the paper submissions and therefore the ground truths for KDD Cup were unknown at the time of the contest. Each team's final ranking list was evaluated by a metric called NDCG@20 after the results were released. This metric was used to indicate the distance between each team's proposed ranking and the actual one once it was known. After computing the scores of institutions for each year starting from 2011, we aggregated the rankings by summing the normalized scores across the years and using the final score set to provide the final ranking. Since the 2016 ground truths were unknown, we utilized the scores from 2011-2014 and used the 2015 publications as a test bed for evaluating our aggregation method. Based on the testing, summing the normalized scores got us closest to the actual 2015 rankings and using same heuristic for predicting the 2016 results. | [
"Computer Science Archive->cs.SI"
] | "2016-11-27T13:21:32Z" |
1710.09317 | LOOP Descriptor: Local Optimal Oriented Pattern | This letter introduces the LOOP binary descriptor (local optimal oriented pattern) that encodes rotation invariance into the main formulation itself. This makes any post processing stage for rotation invariance redundant and improves on both accuracy and time complexity. We consider fine-grained lepidoptera (moth/butterfly) species recognition as the representative problem since it involves repetition of localized patterns and textures that may be exploited for discrimination. We evaluate the performance of LOOP against its predecessors as well as few other popular descriptors. Besides experiments on standard benchmarks, we also introduce a new small image dataset on NZ Lepidoptera. Loop performs as well or better on all datasets evaluated compared to previous binary descriptors. The new dataset and demo code of the proposed method are to be made available through the lead author's academic webpage and GitHub. | [
"Computer Science Archive->cs.CV"
] | "2017-10-25T16:06:13Z" |
hep-th/9805043 | Interference Phenomenon for Different Chiral Bosonization Schemes | We study, in the framework put forward by Siegel\cite{WS} and by Floreanini and Jackiw\cite{FJ} (FJ), the relationship between different chiral bosonization schemes (CBS). This is done in the context of the soldering formalism\cite{MS}, that considers the phenomenon of interference in the quantum field theory\cite{ABW}. We propose a field redefinition that discloses the presence of a noton, a nonmover field, in Siegel's formulation for chiral bosons. The presence of a noton in the Siegel CBS is a new and surprising result, that separates dynamics from symmetry. While the FJ component describes the dynamics, it is the noton that carries the symmetry contents, acquiring dynamics upon quantization and is fully responsible for the Siegel anomaly. The diagonal representation proposed here is used to study the effect of quantum interference between gauged rightons and leftons. | [
"Physics Archive->hep->hep-th"
] | "1998-05-08T23:10:07Z" |
1602.01824 | Bilayer SnS$_{2}$: Easy-tunable Stacking Sequence by Charging and Loading Pressure | Employing density functional theory-based methods, we investigate monolayer and bilayer structures of hexagonal SnS$_{2}$, which is recently synthesized monolayer metal dichalcogenide. Comparison of 1H and 1T phases of monolayer SnS$_{2}$ confirms the ground state to be the 1T phase. In its bilayer structure we examine different stacking configurations of the two layers. It is found that the interlayer coupling in bilayer SnS$_{2}$ is weaker than that of typical transition-metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) so that alternative stacking orders have similar structural parameters and they are separated with low energy barriers. Possible signature of the stacking order in SnS$_{2}$ bilayer has been sought in the calculated absorbance and reflectivity spectra. We also study the effects of the external electric field, charging, and loading pressure on the characteristic properties of bilayer SnS$_{2}$. It is found that (i) the electric field increases the coupling between the layers at its prefered stacking order, so the barrier height increases, (ii) the bang gap value can be tuned by the external E-field and under sufficient E-field, the bilayer SnS$_{2}$ can become semi-metal, (iii) the most favorable stacking order can be switched by charging and (iv) a loading pressure exceeding 3 GPa changes the stacking order. E-field tunable bandgap and easy-tunable stacking sequence of SnS$_{2}$ layers make this 2D crystal structure a good candidate for field effect transistor and nanoscale lubricant applications. | [
"Physics Archive->cond-mat->cond-mat.mes-hall"
] | "2016-02-04T20:49:48Z" |
hep-ph/9403338 | Fermion masses and mixing angles from gauge symmetries | The structure of the quark and lepton masses and mixing angles provides one of the few windows we have on the underlying physics generating the \sm. In an attempt to identify the underlying symmetry group we look for the simplest gauge extension of the SUSY standard model capable of generating the observed structure. We show that the texture structure and hierarchical form found in the (symmetric) quark and lepton mass matrices follows if one extends the gauge group of the standard model to include an horizontal $U(1)$ gauge factor, constrained by the need for anomaly cancellation. This $U(1)$ symmetry is spontaneously broken slightly below the unification/string scale leaving as its only remnant the observed structure of masses and mixings. Anomaly cancellation is possible only in the context of superstring theories via the Green Schwarz mechanism with $sin^2(\theta_W)=3/8$. | [
"Physics Archive->hep->hep-ph"
] | "1994-03-22T13:49:33Z" |
1507.04606 | Extension of Modularity Density for Overlapping Community Structure | Modularity is widely used to effectively measure the strength of the disjoint community structure found by community detection algorithms. Although several overlapping extensions of modularity were proposed to measure the quality of overlapping community structure, there is lack of systematic comparison of different extensions. To fill this gap, we overview overlapping extensions of modularity to select the best. In addition, we extend the Modularity Density metric to enable its usage for overlapping communities. The experimental results on four real networks using overlapping extensions of modularity, overlapping modularity density, and six other community quality metrics show that the best results are obtained when the product of the belonging coefficients of two nodes is used as the belonging function. Moreover, our experiments indicate that overlapping modularity density is a better measure of the quality of overlapping community structure than other metrics considered. | [
"Computer Science Archive->cs.SI",
"Physics Archive->physics->physics.soc-ph"
] | "2015-07-16T14:52:56Z" |
1809.05631 | A sharp threshold of propagation connectivity for mixed random hypergraphs | This paper studies the propagation connectivity of a random hypergraph $\mathbb{G}$ containing both 2-edges and 3-hyperedges. We find an exact threshold of the propagation connectivity of $\mathbb{G}$: If $I_{\epsilon,r}<-1$, then $\mathbb{G}$ is not propagation connected with high probability; while if $I_{\epsilon,r}>-1$, then $\mathbb{G}$ is propagation connected with high probability, where $I_{\epsilon,r}$ is a constant dependent on the parameters of 2 and 3-edge probabilities. | [
"Mathematics Archive->math.CO"
] | "2018-09-15T01:41:18Z" |
2208.13746 | A Questionable Fundamental Basis for Quantum Computing Advantage | The widely accepted basis for quantum computing advantage is derived from the entanglement and superposition properties of the probabilistic interpretation of the underlying quantum mechanical formalism which in turn is widely accepted based upon results of Bell experiments. That advantage is questioned here in view of a locally real interpretation that is not negated by Bell experiments and under which entanglement and superposition are excluded. | [
"Physics Archive->physics->physics.gen-ph"
] | "2022-06-04T21:37:48Z" |
hep-ph/0001142 | Bloch-Nordsieck violating electroweak corrections to inclusive TeV scale hard processes | We point out that, since the colliders initial states (e+ e-,p p, p pbar, ... ) carry a definite nonabelian flavor, electroweak radiative corrections to inclusive hard cross sections at the TeV scale are affected by peculiar Bloch-Nordsieck violating double logs. We recall the setup of soft cancellation theorems, and we analyze the magnitude of the noncancelling terms in the example of electron - positron annihilation into hadrons. | [
"Physics Archive->hep->hep-ph"
] | "2000-01-15T16:05:43Z" |
hep-lat/9808040 | Properties of U(1) lattice gauge theory with monopole term | In 4D compact U(1) lattice gauge theory with a monopole term added to the Wilson action we first reveal some properties of a third phase region at negative $\beta$. Then at some larger values of the monopole coupling $\lambda$ by a finite-size analysis we find values of the critical exponent $\nu$ close to, however, different from the Gaussian value. | [
"Physics Archive->hep->hep-lat"
] | "1998-08-26T14:20:47Z" |
2012.07690 | A PAC-Bayesian Approach to Generalization Bounds for Graph Neural Networks | In this paper, we derive generalization bounds for the two primary classes of graph neural networks (GNNs), namely graph convolutional networks (GCNs) and message passing GNNs (MPGNNs), via a PAC-Bayesian approach. Our result reveals that the maximum node degree and spectral norm of the weights govern the generalization bounds of both models. We also show that our bound for GCNs is a natural generalization of the results developed in arXiv:1707.09564v2 [cs.LG] for fully-connected and convolutional neural networks. For message passing GNNs, our PAC-Bayes bound improves over the Rademacher complexity based bound in arXiv:2002.06157v1 [cs.LG], showing a tighter dependency on the maximum node degree and the maximum hidden dimension. The key ingredients of our proofs are a perturbation analysis of GNNs and the generalization of PAC-Bayes analysis to non-homogeneous GNNs. We perform an empirical study on several real-world graph datasets and verify that our PAC-Bayes bound is tighter than others. | [
"Computer Science Archive->cs.LG"
] | "2020-12-14T16:41:23Z" |
cond-mat/0109209 | Spectral functions, Fermi surface and pseudogap in the t-J model | Spectral functions within the generalized t-J model as relevant to cuprates are analyzed using the method of equations of motion for projected fermion operators. In the evaluation of the self energy the decoupling of spin and single-particle fluctuations is performed. It is shown that in an undoped antiferromagnet (AFM) the method reproduces the selfconsistent Born approximation. For finite doping with short range AFM order the approximation evolves into a paramagnon contribution which retains large incoherent contribution in the hole part of the spectral function as well as the hole-pocket-like Fermi surface at low doping. On the other hand, the contribution of (longitudinal) spin fluctuations, with the coupling mostly determined predominantly by J and next-neighbor hopping t', is essential for the emergence of the pseudogap. The latter shows at low doping in the effective truncation of the large Fermi surface, reduced electron density of states and at the same time quasiparticle density of states at the Fermi level. | [
"Physics Archive->cond-mat->cond-mat.str-el"
] | "2001-09-12T07:16:36Z" |
1004.1649 | Introduction to the MCnet Moses project and Heavy gauge bosons search at the LHC | This is a technical document that provides supporting information and details of the publicly available code used for the preparation of the analysis for preprint "{\it A search for heavy Kaluza-Klein electroweak gauge bosons at the LHC}" (submitted to JHEP). The {\sc Moses} C++ framework is a project written for probing and developing new models for High Energy Physics processes which allows complete events to be simulated by interface with the standard simulation program Pythia8. This paper demonstrates the usage of {\sc Moses} in a study of the nature of Kaluza-Klein (KK) excitations in a specific model where the SU(2) \times U(1) gauge fields can exist in a single Extra Dimension (ED) compactified on a $S^1/Z_2$ orbifold, while the matter fermions and SU(3) gauge fields are localized in the 3d-brane. Using this framework, the events have been fully simulated at hadron level including initial and final state radiation. The study of particle decays was used to develop a method to distinguish between this Kaluza-Klein model and processes with similar final states. As a consequence, the possibility of observing and identifying a signal of the first excited KK state of the $\gamma/Z^0$ bosons in the LHC is also discussed. | [
"Physics Archive->hep->hep-ex",
"Physics Archive->hep->hep-ph"
] | "2010-04-09T20:42:45Z" |
1608.00787 | Tabling with Sound Answer Subsumption | Tabling is a powerful resolution mechanism for logic programs that captures their least fixed point semantics more faithfully than plain Prolog. In many tabling applications, we are not interested in the set of all answers to a goal, but only require an aggregation of those answers. Several works have studied efficient techniques, such as lattice-based answer subsumption and mode-directed tabling, to do so for various forms of aggregation. While much attention has been paid to expressivity and efficient implementation of the different approaches, soundness has not been considered. This paper shows that the different implementations indeed fail to produce least fixed points for some programs. As a remedy, we provide a formal framework that generalises the existing approaches and we establish a soundness criterion that explains for which programs the approach is sound. This article is under consideration for acceptance in TPLP. | [
"Computer Science Archive->cs.PL"
] | "2016-08-02T12:23:16Z" |
physics/0403026 | Possible Observation of a Second Kind of Light - Magnetic Photon Rays | Several years ago, I suggested a quantum field theory which has many attractive features. (1) It can explain the quantization of electric charge. (2) It describes symmetrized Maxwell equations. (3) It is manifestly covariant. (4) It describes local four-potentials. (5) It avoids the unphysical Dirac string. My model predicts a second kind of light, which I named ``magnetic photon rays.'' Here I will discuss possible observations of this radiation by August Kundt in 1885, Alipasha Vaziri in February 2002, and Roderic Lakes in June 2002. | [
"Physics Archive->physics->physics.gen-ph"
] | "2004-03-02T22:13:15Z" |
1705.07833 | Interfacial crack integral identities incorporating mean displacement | A semi-infinite crack loaded by a general asymmetric system of forces in an infinite bi-material plane is considered. A boundary integral formulation is derived using the fundamental reciprocal identity (Betti formula). The resulting singular integral equations link the applied loading and the full resulting crack displacement profile (not just the displacement jump across the crack). When used in conjunction with previously derived identities, the new identities allow for the full displacement profile to be derived from crack face loadings and vice versa. | [
"Mathematics Archive->math.MP",
"Physics Archive->math-ph"
] | "2017-05-22T16:25:10Z" |
1303.5647 | Sharp Variable Selection of a Sparse Submatrix in a High-Dimensional Noisy Matrix | We observe a $N\times M$ matrix of independent, identically distributed Gaussian random variables which are centered except for elements of some submatrix of size $n\times m$ where the mean is larger than some $a>0$. The submatrix is sparse in the sense that $n/N$ and $m/M$ tend to 0, whereas $n,\, m, \, N$ and $M$ tend to infinity. We consider the problem of selecting the random variables with significantly large mean values. We give sufficient conditions on $a$ as a function of $n,\, m,\,N$ and $M$ and construct a uniformly consistent procedure in order to do sharp variable selection. We also prove the minimax lower bounds under necessary conditions which are complementary to the previous conditions. The critical values $a^*$ separating the necessary and sufficient conditions are sharp (we show exact constants). We note a gap between the critical values $a^*$ for selection of variables and that of detecting that such a submatrix exists given by Butucea and Ingster (2012). When $a^*$ is in this gap, consistent detection is possible but no consistent selector of the corresponding variables can be found. | [
"Mathematics Archive->math.ST",
"Statistics Archive->stat.TH"
] | "2013-03-22T15:36:21Z" |
1703.10168 | Near-Infrared MOSFIRE Spectra of Dusty Star-Forming Galaxies at 0.2<z<4 | We present near-infrared and optical spectroscopic observations of a sample of 450$\mu$m and 850$\mu$m-selected dusty star-forming galaxies (DSFGs) identified in a 400 arcmin$^2$ area in the COSMOS field. Thirty-one sources of the 102 targets were spectroscopically confirmed at $0.2<z<4$, identified primarily in the near-infrared with Keck MOSFIRE and some in the optical with Keck LRIS and DEIMOS. The low rate of confirmation is attributable both to high rest-frame optical obscuration in our targets and limited sensitivity to certain redshift ranges. The high-quality photometric redshifts available in the COSMOS field allow us to test the robustness of photometric redshifts for DSFGs. We find a subset (11/31$\approx35$%) of DSFGs with inaccurate ($\Delta z/(1+z)>0.2$) or non-existent photometric redshifts; these have very distinct spectral energy distributions from the remaining DSFGs, suggesting a decoupling of highly obscured and unobscured components. We present a composite rest-frame 4300--7300\AA\ spectrum for DSFGs, and find evidence of 200$\pm$30 km s$^{-1}$ gas outflows. Nebular line emission for a sub-sample of our detections indicate that hard ionizing radiation fields are ubiquitous in high-z DSFGs, even more so than typical mass or UV-selected high-z galaxies. We also confirm the extreme level of dust obscuration in DSFGs, measuring very high Balmer decrements, and very high ratios of IR to UV and IR to H$\alpha$ luminosities. This work demonstrates the need to broaden the use of wide bandwidth technology in the millimeter to the spectroscopic confirmations of large samples of high-z DSFGs, as the difficulty in confirming such sources at optical/near-infrared wavelengths is exceedingly challenging given their obscuration. | [
"Physics Archive->astro-ph->astro-ph.GA"
] | "2017-03-29T18:00:01Z" |
quant-ph/0610106 | Semi-classical theory of quiet lasers. I: Principles | When light originating from a laser diode driven by non-fluctuating electrical currents is incident on a photo-detector, the photo-current does not fluctuate much. Precisely, this means that the variance of the number of photo-electrons counted over a large time interval is much smaller that the average number of photo-electrons. At non-zero Fourier frequency $\Omega$ the photo-current power spectrum is of the form $\Omega^2/(1+\Omega^2)$ and thus vanishes as $\Omega\to 0$, a conclusion equivalent to the one given above. The purpose of this paper is to show that results such as the one just cited may be derived from a (semi-classical) theory in which neither the optical field nor the electron wave-function are quantized. We first observe that almost any medium may be described by a circuit and distinguish (possibly non-linear) conservative elements such as pure capacitances, and conductances that represent the atom-field coupling. The theory rests on the non-relativistic approximation. Nyquist noise sources (in which the Planck term $\hbar\omega/2$ is being restored) are associated with positive or negative conductances, and the law of average-energy conservation is enforced. We consider mainly second-order correlations in stationary linearized regimes. | [
"Physics Archive->quant-ph"
] | "2006-10-13T06:39:04Z" |
1412.6248 | Partition sum in vibron model in case of non-additivity (nano-sized objects) | We consider the problem of building an expression for the partition sum in case of non-additivity (nano-sized objects), in the framework of Hill's nanothermodynamics. Having to use not the additivity concept leads to the problem of building the generalised (Hill's) partition sum on base of the combinatorial statistics averaging. Expressions for the energy of the object are built on base of the vibron (algebraic) method, also using the author's model of size dependency of numbers of structural elements of the object. Next, the combinatorial-statistical averaging is introduced for the Hamiltonian matrix elements. The final result is represented by the expressions for the nano-sized object's individual quantum states' energies and the partition sum allowing the factorisation. Keywords: nanoparticles, nanothermodynamics, vibron model, algebraic method, Lie algebras, combinatorics, compositions | [
"Physics Archive->cond-mat->cond-mat.mes-hall"
] | "2014-12-19T08:17:50Z" |
2310.19596 | LLMaAA: Making Large Language Models as Active Annotators | Prevalent supervised learning methods in natural language processing (NLP) are notoriously data-hungry, which demand large amounts of high-quality annotated data. In practice, acquiring such data is a costly endeavor. Recently, the superior few-shot performance of large language models (LLMs) has propelled the development of dataset generation, where the training data are solely synthesized from LLMs. However, such an approach usually suffers from low-quality issues, and requires orders of magnitude more labeled data to achieve satisfactory performance. To fully exploit the potential of LLMs and make use of massive unlabeled data, we propose LLMaAA, which takes LLMs as annotators and puts them into an active learning loop to determine what to annotate efficiently. To learn robustly with pseudo labels, we optimize both the annotation and training processes: (1) we draw k-NN examples from a small demonstration pool as in-context examples, and (2) we adopt the example reweighting technique to assign training samples with learnable weights. Compared with previous approaches, LLMaAA features both efficiency and reliability. We conduct experiments and analysis on two classic NLP tasks, named entity recognition and relation extraction. With LLMaAA, task-specific models trained from LLM-generated labels can outperform the teacher within only hundreds of annotated examples, which is much more cost-effective than other baselines. | [
"Computer Science Archive->cs.AI",
"Computer Science Archive->cs.CL"
] | "2023-10-30T14:54:15Z" |
1002.4052 | Specific heat and entropy of $N$-body nonextensive systems | We have studied finite $N$-body $D$-dimensional nonextensive ideal gases and harmonic oscillators, by using the maximum-entropy methods with the $q$- and normal averages ($q$: the entropic index). The validity range, specific heat and Tsallis entropy obtained by the two average methods are compared. Validity ranges of the $q$- and normal averages are $0 < q < q_U$ and $q > q_L$, respectively, where $q_U=1+(\eta DN)^{-1}$, $q_L=1-(\eta DN+1)^{-1}$ and $\eta=1/2$ ($\eta=1$) for ideal gases (harmonic oscillators). The energy and specific heat in the $q$- and normal averages coincide with those in the Boltzmann-Gibbs statistics, % independently of $q$, although this coincidence does not hold for the fluctuation of energy. The Tsallis entropy for $N |q-1| \gg 1$ obtained by the $q$-average is quite different from that derived by the normal average, despite a fairly good agreement of the two results for $|q-1 | \ll 1$. It has been pointed out that first-principles approaches previously proposed in the superstatistics yield $additive$ $N$-body entropy ($S^{(N)}= N S^{(1)}$) which is in contrast with the $nonadditive$ Tsallis entropy. | [
"Physics Archive->cond-mat->cond-mat.stat-mech"
] | "2010-02-22T04:49:50Z" |
hep-th/9305089 | Classical String Solitons | We discuss some recent work in the field of classical solitonic solutions in string theory. In particular, we construct instanton and monopole solutions and discuss the dynamics of string-like solitons. Some of the motivation behind this work is that instantons may provide a nonperturbative understanding of the vacuum structure of string theory, while monopoles may appear in string predictions for grand unification. The string-like solitons represent extended states of fundamental strings. The essential role of supersymmetry in both the saturation of the Bogomol'nyi bound and in the cancellation of higher order corrections is emphasized. (Talk given at the International Workshop: ``Recent Advances in the Superworld'', Houston Advanced Research Center, The Woodlands, TX, April 14-16, 1993.) | [
"Physics Archive->hep->hep-th"
] | "1993-05-19T16:44:31Z" |
1812.09013 | The reduced formula of the characteristic polynomial of hypergraphs and the spectrum of hyperpaths | In this paper, we give a reduced formula of the characteristic polynomial of $k$-uniform hypergraphs with a pendant edge. And the explicit characteristic polynomial and all distinct eigenvalues of $k$-uniform hyperpath are given. | [
"Mathematics Archive->math.CO"
] | "2018-12-21T09:32:33Z" |
1306.5356 | Flows on Honeycombs and Sums of Littlewood-Richardson Tableaux | Suppose \mu and \mu' are two partitions. We will let \mu \oplus \mu' denote the "direct sum" of the partitions, defined as the sorted partition made of the parts of $\mu$ and $\mu'$. In this paper, we define a summation operation on two Littlewood-Richardson fillings of type (\mu, \nu;\lambda) and (\mu', \nu';\lambda'), which results in a Littlewood-Richardson filling of type (\mu\oplus \mu', \nu\oplus \nu' ;\lambda\oplus \lambda'). We give an algorithm to produce the sum, and show that it terminates in a Littlewood-Richardson filling by defining a bijection between a Littlewood-Richardson filling and a flow on a honeycomb, and then showing that the overlay of the two honeycombs of appropriate type corresponds to the sum of the two fillings. | [
"Mathematics Archive->math.CO"
] | "2013-06-22T21:29:23Z" |
1711.10778 | New nearby white dwarfs from Gaia DR1 TGAS and UCAC5/URAT | Using an accurate Gaia TGAS 25pc sample, nearly complete for GK stars, and selecting common proper motion (CPM) candidates from UCAC5, we search for new white dwarf (WD) companions around nearby stars with relatively small proper motions. For investigating known CPM systems in TGAS and for selecting CPM candidates in TGAS+UCAC5, we took into account the expected effect of orbital motion on the proper motion as well as the proper motion catalogue errors. Colour-magnitude diagrams (CMDs) $M_J/J-K_s$ and $M_G/G-J$ were used to verify CPM candidates from UCAC5. Assuming their common distance with a given TGAS star, we searched for candidates that occupied similar regions in the CMDs as the few known nearby WDs (4 in TGAS) and WD companions (3 in TGAS+UCAC5). CPM candidates with colours and absolute magnitudes corresponding neither to the main sequence nor to the WD sequence were considered as doubtful or subdwarf candidates. With a minimum proper motion of 60mas/yr, we selected three WD companion candidates, two of which are also confirmed by their significant parallaxes measured in URAT data, whereas the third may also be a chance alignment of a distant halo star with a nearby TGAS star (angular separation of about 465arcsec). One additional nearby WD candidate was found from its URAT parallax and $GJK_s$ photometry. With HD 166435 B orbiting a well-known G1 star at ~24.6pc with a projected physical separation of ~700AU, we discovered one of the hottest WDs, classified by us as DA2.0$\pm$0.2, in the solar neighbourhood. We also found TYC 3980-1081-1 B, a strong cool WD companion candidate around a recently identified new solar neighbour with a TGAS parallax corresponding to a distance of ~8.3pc and our photometric classification as ~M2 dwarf. This raises the question whether previous assumptions on the completeness of the WD sample to a distance of 13pc were correct. | [
"Physics Archive->astro-ph->astro-ph.SR"
] | "2017-11-29T11:25:40Z" |
2107.13772 | Bayesian Optimization for Min Max Optimization | A solution that is only reliable under favourable conditions is hardly a safe solution. Min Max Optimization is an approach that returns optima that are robust against worst case conditions. We propose algorithms that perform Min Max Optimization in a setting where the function that should be optimized is not known a priori and hence has to be learned by experiments. Therefore we extend the Bayesian Optimization setting, which is tailored to maximization problems, to Min Max Optimization problems. While related work extends the two acquisition functions Expected Improvement and Gaussian Process Upper Confidence Bound; we extend the two acquisition functions Entropy Search and Knowledge Gradient. These acquisition functions are able to gain knowledge about the optimum instead of just looking for points that are supposed to be optimal. In our evaluation we show that these acquisition functions allow for better solutions - converging faster to the optimum than the benchmark settings. | [
"Computer Science Archive->cs.LG",
"Mathematics Archive->math.OC",
"Statistics Archive->stat.ML"
] | "2021-07-29T06:49:34Z" |
1301.5760 | Eigenvalues of the Adin-Roichman Matrices | We find the spectrum of the Walsh-Hadamard type matrices defined by R.Adin and Y.Roichman in their recent work on character formulas and descent sets for the symmetric group. | [
"Mathematics Archive->math.CO"
] | "2013-01-24T11:53:14Z" |
1210.1410 | On sampling and parametrization of discrete frequency distributions | The general relationship between an arbitrary frequency distribution and the expectation value of the frequency distributions of its samples is esablished. A set of combinations of expectation values whose value does not in general depend on the size of the sample is constructed. Distribution functions such that the distribution of the expectation values of their samples is invariant in form are found and studied. The conditions under which the scaling limit of such distributions may exist are described. | [
"Physics Archive->physics->"
] | "2012-10-04T12:19:31Z" |
2109.12913 | The JDDC 2.0 Corpus: A Large-Scale Multimodal Multi-Turn Chinese Dialogue Dataset for E-commerce Customer Service | With the development of the Internet, more and more people get accustomed to online shopping. When communicating with customer service, users may express their requirements by means of text, images, and videos, which precipitates the need for understanding these multimodal information for automatic customer service systems. Images usually act as discriminators for product models, or indicators of product failures, which play important roles in the E-commerce scenario. On the other hand, detailed information provided by the images is limited, and typically, customer service systems cannot understand the intents of users without the input text. Thus, bridging the gap of the image and text is crucial for the multimodal dialogue task. To handle this problem, we construct JDDC 2.0, a large-scale multimodal multi-turn dialogue dataset collected from a mainstream Chinese E-commerce platform (, containing about 246 thousand dialogue sessions, 3 million utterances, and 507 thousand images, along with product knowledge bases and image category annotations. We present the solutions of top-5 teams participating in the JDDC multimodal dialogue challenge based on this dataset, which provides valuable insights for further researches on the multimodal dialogue task. | [
"Computer Science Archive->cs.CL"
] | "2021-09-27T09:57:44Z" |
2210.02844 | Are Synonym Substitution Attacks Really Synonym Substitution Attacks? | In this paper, we explore the following question: Are synonym substitution attacks really synonym substitution attacks (SSAs)? We approach this question by examining how SSAs replace words in the original sentence and show that there are still unresolved obstacles that make current SSAs generate invalid adversarial samples. We reveal that four widely used word substitution methods generate a large fraction of invalid substitution words that are ungrammatical or do not preserve the original sentence's semantics. Next, we show that the semantic and grammatical constraints used in SSAs for detecting invalid word replacements are highly insufficient in detecting invalid adversarial samples. | [
"Computer Science Archive->cs.CL"
] | "2022-10-06T12:01:50Z" |
hep-ph/0110256 | Momentum Transfer Dependence of the Differential Cross Section for $J/\psi$ Production | We discuss the $t$ dependence of $J/\psi$ production in the region of $0< -t < M^2_{\psi}$. The forward slope of the elastic differential cross section is calculated assuming a dipole-type dependence for the gluon ladder-proton form factor. The $t$ dependence of $d\sigma/dt$ is obtained using DGLAP evolution both for the elastic channel at low $-t$ and for the inelastic channel at large values of $-t$, up to $-t\simeq M^2_{\psi}$. Results are presented and compared with the relevant experimental data. | [
"Physics Archive->hep->hep-ph"
] | "2001-10-18T15:28:05Z" |
0712.1491 | Hard X-ray emission from Eta Carinae | Context : If relativistic particle acceleration takes place in colliding-wind binaries, hard X-rays and gamma-rays are expected through inverse Compton emission, but to date these have never been unambiguously detected. Aims : To detect this emission, observations of Eta Carinae were performed with INTEGRAL, leveraging its high spatial resolution. Methods : Deep hard X-ray images of the region of Eta Car were constructed in several energy bands. Results : The hard X-ray emission previously detected by BeppoSax around Eta Car originates from at least 3 different point sources. The emission of Eta Car itself can be isolated for the first time, and its spectrum unambiguously analyzed. The X-ray emission of Eta Car in the 22-100 keV energy range is very hard (photon index around 1) and its luminosity is 7E33 erg/s. Conclusions : The observed emission is in agreement with the predictions of inverse Compton models, and corresponds to about 0.1% of the energy available in the wind collision. Eta Car is expected to be detected in the GeV energy range. | [
"Physics Archive->astro-ph"
] | "2007-12-10T14:27:49Z" |
nucl-th/0101066 | Form factors and photoproduction amplitudes | We examine the use of phenomenological form factors in tree level amplitudes for meson photoproduction. Two common recipes are shown to be fundamentally incorrect. An alternate form consistent with gauge invariance and crossing symmetry is proposed. | [
"Physics Archive->nucl->nucl-th"
] | "2001-01-30T20:44:32Z" |
Subsets and Splits