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0908.2246 | A note on strings in deformed AdS_4 x CP3: giant magnon and single spike solutions | In this paper we study the solitonic string solutions of magnon and single spike type in the beta-deformed AdS_4 x CP3 background. We find the dispersion relations which are supposed to give the anomalous dimension of the gauge theory operators. | [
"Physics Archive->hep->hep-th"
] | "2009-08-16T14:41:19Z" |
2208.03555 | Arithmetical completeness theorems for monotonic modal logics | We investigate modal logical aspects of provability predicates $\mathrm{Pr}_T(x)$ satisfying the following condition: $\mathbf{M}$: If $T \vdash \varphi \to \psi$, then $T \vdash \mathrm{Pr}_T(\ulcorner \varphi \urcorner) \to \mathrm{Pr}_T(\ulcorner \psi \urcorner)$. We prove the arithmetical completeness theorems for monotonic modal logics $\mathsf{MN}$, $\mathsf{MN4}$, $\mathsf{MNP}$, $\mathsf{MNP4}$, and $\mathsf{MND}$ with respect to provability predicates satisfying the condition $\mathbf{M}$. That is, we prove that for each logic $L$ of them, there exists a $\Sigma_1$ provability predicate $\mathrm{Pr}_T(x)$ satisfying $\mathbf{M}$ such that the provability logic of $\mathrm{Pr}_T(x)$ is exactly $L$. In particular, the modal formulas $\mathrm{P}$: $\neg \Box \bot$ and $\mathrm{D}$: $\neg (\Box A \land \Box \neg A)$ are not equivalent over non-normal modal logic and correspond to two different formalizations $\neg \mathrm{Pr}_T(\ulcorner 0=1 \urcorner)$ and $\neg \big(\mathrm{Pr}_T(\ulcorner \varphi \urcorner) \land \mathrm{Pr}_T(\ulcorner \neg \varphi \urcorner) \bigr)$ of consistency statements, respectively. Our results separate these formalizations in terms of modal logic. | [
"Mathematics Archive->math.LO"
] | "2022-08-06T18:08:40Z" |
1807.04080 | Constraints on a scalar-tensor model with Gauss-Bonnet coupling from SN Ia and BAO observations | In the present work, the observational consequences of a subclass of of the Horndeski theory have been investigated. In this theory a scalar field (tachyon field) non-minimally coupled to the Gauss-Bonnet invariant through an arbitrary function of the scalar field. By considering a spatially flat FRW universe, the free parameters of the model have been constrained using a joint analysis from observational data of the Type Ia supernovae and Baryon Acoustic Oscillations measurements. The best fit values obtained from these datasets are then used to reconstruct the equation of state parameter of the scalar field. The results show the phantom, quintessence and phantom divide line crossing behavior of the equation of state and also cosmological viability of the model. | [
"Physics Archive->astro-ph->astro-ph.CO",
"Physics Archive->gr-qc",
"Physics Archive->hep->hep-th"
] | "2018-07-11T11:34:07Z" |
1001.3773 | Comparative study of theoretical methods for nonequilibrium quantum transport | We present a detailed comparison of three different methods designed to tackle nonequilibrium quantum transport, namely the functional renormalization group (fRG), the time-dependent density matrix renormalization group (tDMRG), and the iterative summation of real-time path integrals (ISPI). For the nonequilibrium single-impurity Anderson model (including a Zeeman term at the impurity site), we demonstrate that the three methods are in quantitative agreement over a wide range of parameters at the particle-hole symmetric point as well as in the mixed-valence regime. We further compare these techniques with two quantum Monte Carlo approaches and the time-dependent numerical renormalization group method. | [
"Physics Archive->cond-mat->cond-mat.mes-hall",
"Physics Archive->quant-ph"
] | "2010-01-21T11:06:32Z" |
1811.06807 | $\boldsymbol{Ab\ initio}$ search of polymer crystals with high thermal conductivity | Lattice thermal conductivities (LTC) for a subset of polymer crystals from the Polymer Genome Library were investigated to explore high LTC polymer systems. We employed a first-principles approach to evaluating phonon lifetimes within the third-order perturbation theory combined with density functional theory, and then solved the linearized Boltzmann transport equation with single-mode relaxation time approximated by the computed lifetime. Typical high LTC polymer systems, polyethylene (PE) crystal and fiber, were benchmarked, which is reasonably consistent with previous references, validating our approach. We then applied it to not only typical polymer crystals, but also some selected ones having structural similarities to PE. Among the latter crystals, we discovered that beta phase of Poly(vinylidenesurely fluoride) (PVF-$\beta$) crystal has higher LTC than PE at low temperature. Our detailed mode analysis revealed that the phonon lifetime of PVF-$\beta$ is more locally distributed around lower frequency modes and four-times larger than that of PE. It was also found from a simple data analysis that the LTC relatively correlates with curvature of energy-volume plot. The curvature would be used as a descriptor for further exploration of high LTC polymer crystals by means of a data-driven approach beyond human-based one. | [
"Physics Archive->cond-mat->cond-mat.mtrl-sci"
] | "2018-11-16T14:02:21Z" |
2110.06697 | Semantic Image Fusion | Image fusion methods and metrics for their evaluation have conventionally used pixel-based or low-level features. However, for many applications, the aim of image fusion is to effectively combine the semantic content of the input images. This paper proposes a novel system for the semantic combination of visual content using pre-trained CNN network architectures. Our proposed semantic fusion is initiated through the fusion of the top layer feature map outputs (for each input image)through gradient updating of the fused image input (so-called image optimisation). Simple "choose maximum" and "local majority" filter based fusion rules are utilised for feature map fusion. This provides a simple method to combine layer outputs and thus a unique framework to fuse single-channel and colour images within a decomposition pre-trained for classification and therefore aligned with semantic fusion. Furthermore, class activation mappings of each input image are used to combine semantic information at a higher level. The developed methods are able to give equivalent low-level fusion performance to state of the art methods while providing a unique architecture to combine semantic information from multiple images. | [
"Computer Science Archive->cs.AI",
"Computer Science Archive->cs.CV"
] | "2021-10-13T13:15:16Z" |
2002.12161 | On the Capacity of Fractal D2D Social Networks with Hierarchical Communications | The maximum capacity of fractal D2D (device-to-device) social networks with both direct and hierarchical communications is studied in this paper. Specifically, the fractal networks are characterized by the direct social connection and the self-similarity. Firstly, for a fractal D2D social network with direct social communications, it is proved that the maximum capacity is $ \Theta\left(\frac{1}{\sqrt{n\log n}}\right) $ if a user communicates with one of his/her direct contacts randomly, where $ n $ denotes the total number of users in the network, and it can reach up to $ \Theta\left(\frac{1}{\log n}\right) $ if any pair of social contacts with distance $ d $ communicate according to the probability in proportion to $ d^{-\beta} $. Secondly, since users might get in touch with others without direct social connections through the inter-connected multiple users, the fractal D2D social network with these hierarchical communications is studied as well, and the related capacity is further derived. Our results show that this capacity is mainly affected by the correlation exponent $\epsilon$ of the fractal structure. The capacity is reduced in proportional to $ \frac{1}{{\log n}} $ if $ 2<\epsilon<3 $, while the reduction coefficient is $ \frac{1}{n} $ if $ \epsilon>3 $. | [
"Computer Science Archive->cs.IT",
"Mathematics Archive->math.IT"
] | "2020-02-26T01:16:29Z" |
1312.4842 | Core and Wing Densities of Asymmetric Coronal Spectral Profiles: Implications for the Mass Supply of the Solar Corona | Recent solar spectroscopic observations have shown that coronal spectral lines can exhibit asymmetric profiles, with enhanced emissions at their blue wings. These asymmetries correspond to rapidly upflowing plasmas at speeds exceeding ~ 50 km/s. Here, we perform a study of the density of the rapidly upflowing material and compare it to that of the line core which corresponds to the bulk of the plasma. For this task we use spectroscopic observations of several active regions taken by the Extreme Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer of the Hinode mission. The density sensitive ratio of the Fe XIV lines at 264.78 and 274.20 A is used to determine wing and core densities. We compute the ratio of the blue wing density to the core density and find that most values are of order unity. This is consistent with the predictions for coronal nanoflares if most of the observed coronal mass is supplied by chromospheric evaporation driven by the nanoflares. However, much larger blue wing-to-core density ratios are predicted if most of the coronal mass is supplied by heated material ejected with type II spicules. Our measurements do not rule out a spicule origin for the blue wing emission, but they argue against spicules being a primary source of the hot plasma in the corona. We note that only about 40% of the pixels where line blends could be safely ignored have blue wing asymmetries in both Fe XIV lines. Anticipated sub-arcsecond spatial resolution spectroscopic observations in future missions could shed more light on the origin of blue, red, and mixed asymmetries. | [
"Physics Archive->astro-ph->astro-ph.SR"
] | "2013-12-17T15:59:48Z" |
2107.09919 | Cosmological aspects of cubic Galileon massive gravity | Cubic Galileon massive gravity is a development of de Rham-Gabadadze-Tolly (dRGT) massive gravity theory is which the space of the Stueckelberg field is broken. We consider the cubic Galileon term as a scalar field coupled to the graviton filed. We present a detailed study of the cosmological aspects of this theory of gravity. We analyze self-accelerating solutions of the background equations of motion to explain the accelerated expansion of the Universe. Exploiting the latest Union2 Type Ia Supernovea (SNIa) dataset, which consists of 557 SNIa, we show that cubic Galileon massive gravity theory is consistent with the observations. We also examine the tensor perturbations within the framework of this model and find an expression for the dispersion relation of gravitational waves, and show that it is consistent with the observational results. | [
"Physics Archive->gr-qc",
"Physics Archive->hep->hep-th"
] | "2021-07-21T07:39:50Z" |
1703.03158 | A note on permutation polynomials over finite fields | Permutation polynomials over finite fields constitute an active research area and have applications in many areas of science and engineering. In this paper, two conjectures on permutation polynomials proposed recently by Wu and Li [19] are settled. Moreover, a new class of permutation trinomials of the form $x+\gamma \textup{Tr}_{q^n/q}(x^k)$ is also presented, which generalizes two examples of [10]. | [
"Mathematics Archive->math.CO"
] | "2017-03-09T06:54:24Z" |
astro-ph/0604443 | How Rare is the Bullet Cluster? | The galaxy cluster 1E 0657-56 has a bullet-like subcluster that is moving away from the centre of the main cluster at high speed. Markevitch et al. (2004) recently estimated a relative velocity of V_bullet = 4500 +1100/-800 km/s, based on observations of the bow shock in front of the subcluster. The weak lensing analysis of Clowe et al. (2004) indicates that a substantial secondary mass peak is associated with this subcluster. We estimate the likelihood of such a configuration by examining the distribution of subhalo velocities for clusters in the Millennium Run, a large LCDM cosmological simulation. We find that the most massive subhalo has a velocity as high as that of the bullet subcluster in only about 1 out of every 100 cluster-sized halos. This estimate is strongly dependent on the precise velocity adopted for the bullet. One of the ten most massive subhalos has such a high velocity about 40% of the time. We conclude that the velocity of the bullet subcluster is not exceptionally high for a cluster substructure, and can be accommodated within the currently favoured LCDM comogony. | [
"Physics Archive->astro-ph"
] | "2006-04-20T20:13:27Z" |
2010.02549 | The noncommutative $\ell_1-\ell_2$ inequality for Hilbert C*-modules and the exact constant | Let $\mathcal{A}$ be a unital C*-algebra. Then the theory of Hilbert C*-modules tells that \begin{align*} \sum_{i=1}^{n}(a_ia_i^*)^\frac{1}{2}\leq \sqrt{n} \left(\sum_{i=1}^{n}a_ia_i^*\right)^\frac{1}{2}, \quad \forall n \in \mathbb{N}, \forall a_1, \dots, a_n \in \mathcal{A}. \end{align*} By modifications of arguments of Botelho-Andrade, Casazza, Cheng, and Tran given in 2019, for certain tuple $x=(a_1, \dots, a_n) \in \mathcal{A}^n$, we give a method to compute a positive element $c_x$ in the C*-algebra $\mathcal{A}$ such that the equality \begin{align*} \sum_{i=1}^{n}(a_ia_i^*)^\frac{1}{2}=c_x \sqrt{n} \left(\sum_{i=1}^{n}a_ia_i^*\right)^\frac{1}{2}. \end{align*} holds. We give an application for the integral of G. G. Kasparov. We also derive the formula for the exact constant for the continuous $\ell_1-\ell_2$ inequality. | [
"Mathematics Archive->math.OA"
] | "2020-10-06T08:30:47Z" |
2210.13207 | GeoAI at ACM SIGSPATIAL: The New Frontier of Geospatial Artificial Intelligence Research | Geospatial Artificial Intelligence (GeoAI) is an interdisciplinary field enjoying tremendous adoption. However, the efficient design and implementation of GeoAI systems face many open challenges. This is mainly due to the lack of non-standardized approaches to artificial intelligence tool development, inadequate platforms, and a lack of multidisciplinary engagements, which all motivate domain experts to seek a shared stage with scientists and engineers to solve problems of significant impact on society. Since its inception in 2017, the GeoAI series of workshops has been co-located with the Association for Computing Machinery International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems. The workshop series has fostered a nexus for geoscientists, computer scientists, engineers, entrepreneurs, and decision-makers, from academia, industry, and government to engage in artificial intelligence, spatiotemporal data computing, and geospatial data science research, motivated by various challenges. In this article, we revisit and discuss the state of GeoAI open research directions, the recent developments, and an emerging agenda calling for a continued cross-disciplinary community engagement. | [
"Computer Science Archive->cs.AI"
] | "2022-10-20T18:02:17Z" |
2308.08514 | Towards Layer-Selective Quantum Spin Hall Channels in Weak Topological Insulator Bi4Br2I2 | Weak topological insulators, constructed by stacking quantum spin Hall insulators with weak interlayer coupling, offer promising quantum electronic applications through topologically nontrivial edge channels. However, the currently available weak topological insulators are stacks of the same quantum spin Hall layer with translational symmetry in the out-of-plane direction, leading to the absence of the channel degree of freedom for edge states. Here, we study a candidate weak topological insulator, Bi4Br2I2, which is alternately stacked by three different quantum spin Hall insulators, each with tunable topologically non-trivial edge states. Our angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy and first-principles calculations show that an energy gap opens at the crossing points of different Dirac cones correlated with different layers due to the interlayer interaction. This is essential to achieve the tunability of topological edge states as controlled by varying the chemical potential. Our work offers a perspective for the construction of tunable quantized conductance devices for future spintronic applications. | [
"Physics Archive->cond-mat->cond-mat.mes-hall",
"Physics Archive->cond-mat->cond-mat.mtrl-sci"
] | "2023-08-16T17:10:19Z" |
2303.08346 | Robust Preference-Guided Denoising for Graph based Social Recommendation | Graph Neural Network(GNN) based social recommendation models improve the prediction accuracy of user preference by leveraging GNN in exploiting preference similarity contained in social relations. However, in terms of both effectiveness and efficiency of recommendation, a large portion of social relations can be redundant or even noisy, e.g., it is quite normal that friends share no preference in a certain domain. Existing models do not fully solve this problem of relation redundancy and noise, as they directly characterize social influence over the full social network. In this paper, we instead propose to improve graph based social recommendation by only retaining the informative social relations to ensure an efficient and effective influence diffusion, i.e., graph denoising. Our designed denoising method is preference-guided to model social relation confidence and benefits user preference learning in return by providing a denoised but more informative social graph for recommendation models. Moreover, to avoid interference of noisy social relations, it designs a self-correcting curriculum learning module and an adaptive denoising strategy, both favoring highly-confident samples. Experimental results on three public datasets demonstrate its consistent capability of improving two state-of-the-art social recommendation models by robustly removing 10-40% of original relations. We release the source code at | [
"Computer Science Archive->cs.IR"
] | "2023-03-15T03:57:09Z" |
2311.06686 | Jet Rotational Metrics | Embedding symmetries in the architectures of deep neural networks can improve classification and network convergence in the context of jet substructure. These results hint at the existence of symmetries in jet energy depositions, such as rotational symmetry, arising from physical features of the underlying processes. We introduce a new family of jet observables, Jet Rotational Metrics (JRMs), which provide insights into the degree of discrete rotational symmetry of a jet. We show that JRMs are formidable jet discriminants and that they capture information not efficiently captured by traditional jet observables, such as N-subjettiness and Energy-Flow Polynomials. | [
"Physics Archive->hep->hep-ex",
"Physics Archive->hep->hep-ph"
] | "2023-11-11T23:13:34Z" |
2010.07569 | Development of a RFID sensitive tag dedicated to the monitoring of the environmental corrosiveness for indoor applications | The environmental corrosiveness is governed for indoor applications by the presence of gaseous pollutants in air and levels of temperature and relative humidity. Its determination is a challenging task and requires the monitoring of thickness reduction of selected metals in the range of few tens of nanometers. The present work aims at developing an UHF RFID sensor dedicated to such measurements. The sensor is based on the coupling between the antenna of a commercial RFID tag and a thin layer of copper exposed to the environment. The ability of the proposed sensor to be sensitive to a variation of the metal thickness in the range of tens of nanometers is demonstrated experimentally through exposure tests in a climatic chamber. The results are supported by electromagnetic simulations performed in the case of a coupling between a dipolar antenna and a thin metallic layer. | [
"Physics Archive->cond-mat->cond-mat.mtrl-sci"
] | "2020-10-15T07:40:56Z" |
2311.11742 | Fuzzy Information Seeded Region Growing for Automated Lesions After Stroke Segmentation in MR Brain Images | In the realm of medical imaging, precise segmentation of stroke lesions from brain MRI images stands as a critical challenge with significant implications for patient diagnosis and treatment. Addressing this, our study introduces an innovative approach using a Fuzzy Information Seeded Region Growing (FISRG) algorithm. Designed to effectively delineate the complex and irregular boundaries of stroke lesions, the FISRG algorithm combines fuzzy logic with Seeded Region Growing (SRG) techniques, aiming to enhance segmentation accuracy. The research involved three experiments to optimize the FISRG algorithm's performance, each focusing on different parameters to improve the accuracy of stroke lesion segmentation. The highest Dice score achieved in these experiments was 94.2\%, indicating a high degree of similarity between the algorithm's output and the expert-validated ground truth. Notably, the best average Dice score, amounting to 88.1\%, was recorded in the third experiment, highlighting the efficacy of the algorithm in consistently segmenting stroke lesions across various slices. Our findings reveal the FISRG algorithm's strengths in handling the heterogeneity of stroke lesions. However, challenges remain in areas of abrupt lesion topology changes and in distinguishing lesions from similar intensity brain regions. The results underscore the potential of the FISRG algorithm in contributing significantly to advancements in medical imaging analysis for stroke diagnosis and treatment. | [
"Computer Science Archive->cs.CV",
"Electrical Engineering and Systems Science Archive->eess.IV"
] | "2023-11-20T13:09:11Z" |
2004.07836 | Modelling of IP Geolocation by use of Latency Measurements | IP Geolocation is a key enabler for many areas of application like Content Delivery Networks, targeted advertisement and law enforcement. Therefore, an increased accuracy is needed to improve service quality. Although IP Geolocation is an ongoing field of research for over one decade, it is still a challenging task, whereas good results are only achieved by the use of active latency measurements. This paper presents an novel approach to find optimized Landmarks positions which are used for active probing and introduce an improved location estimation. Since a reasonable Landmark selection is important for a highly accurate localization service, the goal is to find Landmarks close to the target with respect to the infrastructure and hop count. Current techniques provide less information about solving this problem as well as are using imprecise models. We demonstrate the usability of our approach in a real-world environment. The combination of an optimized Landmark selection and advanced modulation results in an improved accuracy of IP Geolocation. | [
"Computer Science Archive->cs.NI"
] | "2020-04-16T14:22:32Z" |
1510.09092 | Formalization of context-free language theory | Context-free language theory is a subject of high importance in computer language processing technology as well as in formal language theory. This paper presents a formalization, using the Coq proof assistant, of fundamental results related to context-free grammars and languages. These include closure properties (union, concatenation and Kleene star), grammar simplification (elimination of useless symbols inaccessible symbols, empty rules and unit rules) and the existence of a Chomsky Normal Form for context-free grammars. | [
"Computer Science Archive->cs.FL"
] | "2015-10-30T13:59:52Z" |
1407.0712 | Precise radial velocities of giant stars VI. A possible 2:1 resonant planet pair around the K giant star $\eta$ Cet | We report the discovery of a new planetary system around the K giant $\eta$ Cet (HIP 5364, HD 6805) based on 118 high-precision optical radial velocities taken at Lick Observatory since July 2000. Since October 2011 an additional nine near-infrared Doppler measurements have been taken using the ESO CRIRES spectrograph (VLT, UT1). The visible data set shows two clear periodicities. Although we cannot completely rule out that the shorter period is due to rotational modulation of stellar features, the infrared data show the same variations as in the optical, which strongly supports that the variations are caused by two planets. Assuming the mass of $\eta$ Cet to be 1.7 $M_\odot$, the best edge-on coplanar dynamical fit to the data is consistent with two massive planets ($m_b\sin i$ = 2.6 $\pm$ 0.2 $M_{\mathrm{Jup}}$, $m_c\sin i$ = 3.3 $\pm$ 0.2 $M_{\mathrm{Jup}}$), with periods of $P_b$ = 407 $\pm$ 3 days and $P_c$ = 740 $\pm$ 5 days and eccentricities of $e_b$ = 0.12 $\pm$ 0.05 and $e_c$ = 0.08 $\pm$ 0.03. We tested a wide variety of edge-on coplanar and inclined planetary configurations for stability, which agree with the derived radial velocities. We find that in certain coplanar orbital configurations with moderate $e_b$ eccentricity, the planets can be effectively trapped in an anti-aligned 2:1 mean motion resonance. A much larger non-resonant stable region exists in low-eccentricity parameter space, although it appears to be much farther from the best fit than the 2:1 resonant region. In all other cases, the system is categorized as unstable or chaotic. Another conclusion from the coplanar inclined dynamical test is that the planets can be at most a factor of $\sim$ 1.4 more massive than their suggested minimum masses. This stability constraint on the inclination excludes the possibility of two brown dwarfs, and strongly favors a planetary system. | [
"Physics Archive->astro-ph->astro-ph.EP"
] | "2014-07-02T20:00:43Z" |
2008.01577 | Tunable Graphene Split-Ring Resonators | A split-ring resonator is a prototype of meta-atom in metamaterials. Though noble metal-based split-ring resonators have been extensively studied, up to date, there is no experimental demonstration of split-ring resonators made from graphene, an emerging intriguing plasmonic material. Here, we experimentally demonstrate graphene split-ring resonators with deep subwavelength (about one hundredth of the excitation wavelength) magnetic dipole response in the terahertz regime. Meanwhile, the quadrupole and electric dipole are observed,depending on the incident light polarization. All modes can be tuned via chemical doping or stacking multiple graphene layers. The strong interaction with surface polar phonons of the SiO2 substrate also significantly modifies the response. Finite-element frequency domain simulations nicely reproduce experimental results. Our study moves one stride forward toward the multi-functional graphene metamaterials, beyond simple graphene ribbon or disk arrays with electrical dipole resonances only. | [
"Physics Archive->cond-mat->cond-mat.mes-hall",
"Physics Archive->physics->"
] | "2020-08-04T14:15:50Z" |
1606.04712 | Weyl Representation of the Canonical Commutation Relations Algebras in a Krein Space | In the present article the existence of the Weyl representation for the canonical commutation relations algebras was proved in a Krein space. | [
"Mathematics Archive->math.MP",
"Physics Archive->hep->hep-th",
"Physics Archive->math-ph"
] | "2016-06-15T10:24:57Z" |
1710.04063 | Comparing optical oscillators across the air to milliradians in phase and $10^{-17}$ in frequency | We demonstrate carrier-phase optical two-way time-frequency transfer (carrier-phase OTWTFT) through the two-way exchange of frequency comb pulses. Carrier-phase OTWTFT achieves frequency comparisons with a residual instability of 1.2x10$^{-17}$ at 1 second across a turbulent 4-km free space link, surpassing previous OTWTFT by 10-20x and enabling future high-precision optical clock networks. Furthermore, by exploiting the carrier-phase, this approach is able to continuously track changes in the relative optical phase of distant optical oscillators to 9 mrad (7 attoseconds) at 1-sec averaging, effectively extending optical phase coherence over a broad spatial network for applications such as correlated spectroscopy between distant atomic clocks. | [
"Physics Archive->physics->physics.ins-det",
"Physics Archive->physics->physics.optics"
] | "2017-10-10T17:39:00Z" |
2203.16085 | Combination of Time-domain, Frequency-domain, and Cepstral-domain Acoustic Features for Speech Commands Classification | In speech-related classification tasks, frequency-domain acoustic features such as logarithmic Mel-filter bank coefficients (FBANK) and cepstral-domain acoustic features such as Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC) are often used. However, time-domain features perform more effectively in some sound classification tasks which contain non-vocal or weakly speech-related sounds. We previously proposed a feature called bit sequence representation (BSR), which is a time-domain binary acoustic feature based on the raw waveform. Compared with MFCC, BSR performed better in environmental sound detection and showed comparable accuracy performance in limited-vocabulary speech recognition tasks. In this paper, we propose a novel improvement BSR feature called BSR-float16 to represent floating-point values more precisely. We experimentally demonstrated the complementarity among time-domain, frequency-domain, and cepstral-domain features using a dataset called Speech Commands proposed by Google. Therefore, we used a simple back-end score fusion method to improve the final classification accuracy. The fusion results also showed better noise robustness. | [
"Computer Science Archive->cs.SD",
"Electrical Engineering and Systems Science Archive->eess.AS"
] | "2022-03-30T06:24:42Z" |
1209.3493 | On the Spectra of Simplicial Rook Graphs | The \emph{simplicial rook graph} SR(d,n) is the graph whose vertices are the lattice points in the $n$th dilate of the standard simplex in $\mathbb{R}^d$, with two vertices adjacent if they differ in exactly two coordinates. We prove that the adjacency and Laplacian matrices of SR(3,n) have integral spectrum for every $n$. The proof proceeds by calculating an explicit eigenbasis. We conjecture that SR(d,n) is integral for all $d$ and $n$, and present evidence in support of this conjecture. For $n<\binom{d}{2}$, the evidence indicates that the smallest eigenvalue of the adjacency matrix is $-n$, and that the corresponding eigenspace has dimension given by the Mahonian numbers, which enumerate permutations by number of inversions. | [
"Mathematics Archive->math.CO"
] | "2012-09-16T15:23:28Z" |
1612.05254 | The theory of non-linear oscillator applied to the BiOS mechanism | The observed pseudo-periodic reversal of the upper layer circulation of the Ionian Sea has been assumed to be related to some internal feedback processes (density driven) by the so called BiOS (Adriatic-Ionian Bimodal Oscillating System) hypothesis. The mechanism seems to be very well described by a non-linear oscillator dynamical system. By setting the state variables as the salinity of Adriatic deep water and the sea level anomaly in the Ionian region a Van der Pol equation has been obtained. The periodic cycle so obtained is of the order of a decade as observed in the data. Furthermore, a periodic term, which mimics the decadal variability of the forcing (mainly atmospheric), produces a period doubling phenomenon which is typical of the forced Van der Pol oscillator. By considering also a stochastic gaussian noise acting as a forcing and a decadal periodic input term, having an amplitude much smaller than the noise variance, a sub-harmonic stochastic resonance appears in the solution for a certain range of the values of the parameters. This yields the possibility of a longer time scale variability of the BiOS mechanism. | [
"Physics Archive->physics->"
] | "2016-12-15T12:37:32Z" |
2306.01138 | The $q$-Analogue of Zero Forcing for Certain Families of Graphs | Zero forcing is a combinatorial game played on a graph with the ultimate goal of changing the colour of all the vertices at minimal cost. Originally this game was conceived as a one player game, but later a two-player version was devised in-conjunction with studies on the inertia of a graph, and has become known as the $q$-analogue of zero forcing. In this paper, we study and compute the $q$-analogue zero forcing number for various families of graphs. We begin with by considering a concept of contraction associated with trees. We then significantly generalize an equation between this $q$-analogue of zero forcing and a corresponding nullity parameter for all threshold graphs. We close by studying the $q$-analogue of zero forcing for certain Kneser graphs, and a variety of cartesian products of structured graphs. | [
"Mathematics Archive->math.CO"
] | "2023-06-01T20:44:28Z" |
1401.6676 | On degenerations of plane Cremona transformations | This article studies the possible degenerations of plane Cremona transformations of some degree into maps of smaller degree. | [
"Mathematics Archive->math.AG"
] | "2014-01-26T18:29:08Z" |
2301.07056 | Inverse system of Gorenstein points in ${\mathbb P^n_{\res}}$ | Given a set of distinct points $X=\{P_1, \dots,P_r\} $ in $ \mathbb P^n_{\res}, $ in this paper we characterize being $X$ arithmetically Gorenstein through the ``special" structure of the inverse system of the defining ideal $I(X) \subseteq R= \res[X_0, \dots, X_n].$ We describe the corresponding Zariski locally closed subset of $\mathbb (\mathbb P_{\res}^{n})^r$ parametrized by the coordinates of the points. Several examples are given to show the effectiveness of the results. As a consequence of the main result we characterize the Artinian Gorenstein rings which are the Artinian reduction of Gorenstein points. The problem is of interest in several areas of research, among others the $G$-linkage, the Waring decomposition, the smoothability of Artinian algebras and the identifiability of symmetric tensors. | [
"Mathematics Archive->math.AC",
"Mathematics Archive->math.AG"
] | "2023-01-17T18:17:03Z" |
1606.09522 | Practical targeted learning from large data sets by survey sampling | We address the practical construction of asymptotic confidence intervals for smooth (i.e., path-wise differentiable), real-valued statistical parameters by targeted learning from independent and identically distributed data in contexts where sample size is so large that it poses computational challenges. We observe some summary measure of all data and select a sub-sample from the complete data set by Poisson rejective sampling with unequal inclusion probabilities based on the summary measures. Targeted learning is carried out from the easier to handle sub-sample. We derive a central limit theorem for the targeted minimum loss estimator (TMLE) which enables the construction of the confidence intervals. The inclusion probabilities can be optimized to reduce the asymptotic variance of the TMLE. We illustrate the procedure with two examples where the parameters of interest are variable importance measures of an exposure (binary or continuous) on an outcome. We also conduct a simulation study and comment on its results. keywords: semiparametric inference; survey sampling; targeted minimum loss estimation (TMLE) | [
"Mathematics Archive->math.ST",
"Statistics Archive->stat.TH"
] | "2016-06-30T14:49:59Z" |
2306.16172 | Spatial Numerical Range in Non-unital, Normed algebras and their Unitizations | Let $(A, \|\cdot\|)$ be any normed algebra (not necessarily complete nor unital). Let $a \in A$ and let $V_A(a)$ denote the spatial numerical range of $a$ in $(A, \|\cdot\|)$. Let $A_e = A + {\mathbb C} 1$ be the unitization of $A$. If $A$ is faithful, then we get two norms on $A_e$; namely, the operator norm $\|\cdot\|_{op}$ and the $\ell^1$-norm $\|\cdot\|_1$. Let $A^{op} = (A, \|\cdot\|_{op})$, $A_e^{op} = (A_e, \|\cdot\|_{op})$, and $A_e^1 = (A_e, \|\cdot\|_1)$. We can calculate the spatial numerical range of $a$ in all these three normed algebras. Because the spatial numerical range highly depend on the identity as well as on the completeness and the regularity of the norm, they are different. In this paper, we study the relations among them. Most of the results proved in \cite{BoDu:71, BoDu:73} will become corollaries of our results. We shall also show that the completeness and regularity of the norm is not required in \cite[Theorem 2.3]{GaHu:89}. | [
"Mathematics Archive->math.FA"
] | "2023-06-28T12:52:06Z" |
2104.08772 | Chemical-Potential-Assisted Particle Production in FRW Spacetimes | We analyze gravitational particle production assisted by chemical potential. By utilizing the uniformly smoothed Stokes-line method and Borel summation, we gain insight into the fine-grained history of enhanced particle production. Analytic/semi-analytic formulae describing the production amount, time and width are obtained for both spin-1 and spin-1/2 particles in various FRW spacetimes. Our work also serves as a concrete demonstration of the uniformly smoothed Stokes-line method applied to cosmology. | [
"Physics Archive->astro-ph->astro-ph.CO",
"Physics Archive->gr-qc",
"Physics Archive->hep->hep-ph",
"Physics Archive->hep->hep-th"
] | "2021-04-18T08:42:10Z" |
chao-dyn/9603008 | Large deviation rule for Anosov flows | The volume contraction in dissipative reversible transitive Anosov flows obeys a large deviation rule (fluctuation theorem). | [
"Physics Archive->nlin->nlin.CD"
] | "1996-03-18T13:16:01Z" |
1411.3361 | Analogues of Jacobi's derivative formula | In this paper, we obtain analogues of Jacobi's derivative formula in terms of the theta constants with rational characteristics. For this purpose, we use the arithmetic formulas of the number of representations of a natural number $n,\,\,(n=1,2,\ldots)$ as the sum of two squares, or the sum of a square and twice a square. | [
"Mathematics Archive->math.NT"
] | "2014-10-21T01:33:10Z" |
1701.08192 | A construction of hyperk\"ahler metrics through Riemann-Hilbert problems II | We develop the theory of Riemann-Hilbert problems necessary for the results in part one of this series of papers. In particular, we obtain solutions for a family of non-linear Riemann-Hilbert problems through classical contraction principles and saddle-point estimates. We use compactness arguments to obtain the required smoothness property on solutions. We also consider limit cases of these Riemann-Hilbert problems where the jump function develops discontinuities of the first kind together with zeroes of a specific order at isolated points in the contour. Solutions through Cauchy integrals are still possible and they have at worst a branch singularity at points where the jump function is discontinuous and a zero for points where the jump vanishes. | [
"Mathematics Archive->math.CA"
] | "2017-01-27T21:05:51Z" |
1710.00936 | Identifying Nominals with No Head Match Co-references Using Deep Learning | Identifying nominals with no head match is a long-standing challenge in coreference resolution with current systems performing significantly worse than humans. In this paper we present a new neural network architecture which outperforms the current state-of-the-art system on the English portion of the CoNLL 2012 Shared Task. This is done by using a logistic regression on features produced by two submodels, one of which is has the architecture proposed in [CM16a] while the other combines domain specific embeddings of the antecedent and the mention. We also propose some simple additional features which seem to improve performance for all models substantially, increasing F1 by almost 4% on basic logistic regression and other complex models. | [
"Computer Science Archive->cs.CL"
] | "2017-10-02T23:02:17Z" |
1307.5775 | The evidence of quasi-free positronium state in GiPS-AMOC spectra of glycerol | We present the results of processing of Age-Momentum Correlation (AMOC) spectra that were measured for glycerol by the Gamma-induced positron spectroscopy (GiPS) facility. Our research has shown that the shape of experimental s(t) curve cannot be explained without introduction of the intermediate state of positronium (Ps), called quasi-free Ps. This state yields the wide Doppler line near zero lifetimes. We discuss the possible properties of this intermediate Ps state from the viewpoint of developed model. The amount of annihilation events produced by quasi-free Ps is estimated to be less than 5% of total annihilations. In the proposed model, quasi-free Ps serves as a precursor for trapped Ps of para- and ortho-states. | [
"Physics Archive->physics->physics.chem-ph"
] | "2013-07-22T16:56:25Z" |
cond-mat/0310423 | Band gap or negative refraction effects? | By a rigorous numerical simulation based on the standard multiple scattering theory, we investigate the optical transmission in photonic crystal structures, formed by dielectric cylinders embedded in parallel in a uniform medium. In contrast to previous conjectures, the results indicate that the imaging effect which has been interpreted as a signature of the negative refractive effects is caused by a tunnelling effect in the presence of partial band gaps. There is no need for an all-angle negative refraction effect to understand some peculiar phenomena of photonic crystals. | [
"Physics Archive->cond-mat"
] | "2003-10-17T14:39:38Z" |
1512.08183 | Learning Document Embeddings by Predicting N-grams for Sentiment Classification of Long Movie Reviews | Despite the loss of semantic information, bag-of-ngram based methods still achieve state-of-the-art results for tasks such as sentiment classification of long movie reviews. Many document embeddings methods have been proposed to capture semantics, but they still can't outperform bag-of-ngram based methods on this task. In this paper, we modify the architecture of the recently proposed Paragraph Vector, allowing it to learn document vectors by predicting not only words, but n-gram features as well. Our model is able to capture both semantics and word order in documents while keeping the expressive power of learned vectors. Experimental results on IMDB movie review dataset shows that our model outperforms previous deep learning models and bag-of-ngram based models due to the above advantages. More robust results are also obtained when our model is combined with other models. The source code of our model will be also published together with this paper. | [
"Computer Science Archive->cs.CL"
] | "2015-12-27T08:12:53Z" |
2308.15694 | Quasiprimitive groups with a biregular dihedral subgroup,and arc-transitive bidihedrants | A semiregular permutation group on a set $\Ome$ is called {\em bi-regular} if it has two orbits. A classification is given of quasiprimitive permutation groups with a biregular dihedral subgroup. This is then used to characterize the family of arc-transitive graphs whose automorphism groups containing a bi-regular dihedral subgroup. We first show that every such graph is a normal $r$-cover of an arc-transitive graph whose automorphism group is either quasiprimitive or bi-quasiprimitive on its vertices, and then classify all such quasiprimitive or bi-quasiprimitive arc-transitive graphs. | [
"Mathematics Archive->math.GR"
] | "2023-08-30T01:24:24Z" |
cond-mat/9805353 | Critical percolation and lack of self-averaging in disordered models | Lack of self-averaging originates in many disordered models from a fragmentation of the phase space where the sizes of the fragments remain sample-dependent in the thermodynamic limit. On the basis of new results in percolation theory, we give here an argument in favour of the conjecture that critical two dimensional percolation on the square lattice lacks of self-averaging. | [
"Physics Archive->cond-mat->cond-mat.stat-mech"
] | "1998-05-27T13:04:36Z" |
2110.01348 | The Heterogeneous Multiscale Method for dispersive Maxwell systems | In this work, we apply the finite element heterogeneous multiscale method to a class of dispersive first-order time-dependent Maxwell systems. For this purpose, we use an analytic homogenization result, which shows that the effective system contains additional dispersive effects. We provide a careful study of the (time-dependent) micro problems, including $\mathrm{H}^2$ and micro errors estimates. Eventually, we prove a semi-discrete error estimate for the method. | [
"Computer Science Archive->cs.NA",
"Mathematics Archive->math.NA"
] | "2021-10-04T11:52:47Z" |
astro-ph/0112009 | Archeops, mapping the CMB sky from large to small angular scales | Archeops is a balloon-borne experiment designed to measure the temperature fluctuations of the CMB on a large region of the sky ($\simeq 30%$) with a high angular resolution (10 arcminutes) and a high sensitivity ($60\mu K$ per pixel). Archeops will perform a measurement of the CMB anisotropies power spectrum from large angular scales ($\ell\simeq 30$) to small angular scales ($\ell \simeq 800$). Archeops flew for the first time for a test flight in July 1999 from Sicily to Spain and the first scientific flight took place from Sweden to Russia in January 2001. The data analysis is on its way and I present here preliminary results, realistic simulations showing the expected accuracy on the measurement of the power spectrum and perspectives for the incoming flights (Winter 2001/2003). | [
"Physics Archive->astro-ph"
] | "2001-12-01T18:46:24Z" |
1112.2470 | Antigravity and the big crunch/big bang transition | We point out a new phenomenon which seems to be generic in 4d effective theories of scalar fields coupled to Einstein gravity, when applied to cosmology. A lift of such theories to a Weyl-invariant extension allows one to define classical evolution through cosmological singularities unambiguously, and hence construct geodesically complete background spacetimes. An attractor mechanism ensures that, at the level of the effective theory, generic solutions undergo a big crunch/big bang transition by contracting to zero size, passing through a brief antigravity phase, shrinking to zero size again, and re-emerging into an expanding normal gravity phase. The result may be useful for the construction of complete bouncing cosmologies like the cyclic model. | [
"Physics Archive->hep->hep-th"
] | "2011-12-12T08:18:46Z" |
1208.1970 | Open heavy flavor and J/psi at RHIC and LHC | The suppression and collective flow of open and hidden heavy flavor in ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions is studied with the partonic transport model Boltzmann Approach to MultiParton Scatterings (BAMPS). Charm and bottom quarks interact with the rest of the medium via elastic scatterings with an improved Debye screening and a running coupling. Heavy flavor electron data from RHIC can only be described if the cross section is multiplied with K=3.5 to mimic the contribution from radiative processes. With the same value for K we compare to elliptic flow data of D mesons at the LHC and find a good agreement. However, the nuclear modification factor of D mesons, non-prompt J/psi, muons, and electrons at the LHC is underestimated in our calculations. In addition, we present first BAMPS results on the suppression and elliptic flow of J/psi mesons, which are treated in the same framework. | [
"Physics Archive->hep->hep-ph",
"Physics Archive->nucl->nucl-th"
] | "2012-08-09T16:53:36Z" |
2301.11400 | Effect of different selected food processing techniques on control release kinetics of encapsulated lycopene in simulated human gastrointestinal tract | Nanoencapsulation has become a widespread technique to improve the bioavailability of bioactive compounds like lycopene. Consumption of lycopene rich foods is effective in preventing cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases due to its strong, oxygen-quenching ability. But the functional activity of lycopene is compromised by light, oxygen, and heat. A biodegradable polymer such as PLA or PLGA is the most effective carrier for encapsulating lycopene due to its excellent biodegradability, biocompatibility, and nontoxigenic effect on the human metabolic system. Hence, the primary objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of pasteurization on bioaccessibility and control release kinetics of encapsulated lycopene nanoparticles in invitro human GIT. In the first objective, sonication time, surfactant, and polymer concentration were considered as the three factors to synthesize polymeric lycopene nanoparticles (LNP) whereas in the second objective, type of pasteurization, encapsulation, and juice concentration were three factors. In Objectives 4 and 5, the type of encapsulation and pasteurization, and digestion time were evaluated as the three factors used to evaluate the in-vitro bioaccessibility of encapsulated lycopene NP. The study evidenced that encapsulation improved the lycopene's bioaccessibility by 70% and more than 60% for conventional pasteurized (CP) and microwave pasteurized (MP) nanoemulsions, respectively without compromising the physicochemical properties of both PLA and PLGA-lycopene nanoparticles. The invitro bioaccessibility study also showed that CP reduced the functional activity of PLALNP by 20% whereas MP had no significant effect on the bioaccessibility of PLA LNP. It is unlikely that the PLGA LNP was more sensitive against MP nanoemulsion than the CP. In conclusion, it was shown that the PLA LNP treated with MP provided the highest bioaccessibility. | [
"Quantitative Biology Archive->q-bio.BM"
] | "2023-01-26T20:26:46Z" |
1003.0309 | Antiferromagnetic ordering induced by paramagnetic depairing in unconventional superconductors | Antiferromagnetic (AFM) (or spin-density wave) quantum critical fluctuation enhanced just below H_c2(0) have been often observed in d-wave superconductors with a strong Pauli paramagnetic depairing (PD) including CeCoIn_5. It is shown here that such a tendency of field-induced AFM ordering is a consequence of strong PD and should appear particularly in superconductors with a gap node along the AFM modulation. Two phenomena seen in CeCoIn_5, the anomalous vortex lattice form factor and the AFM order in the Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov state, are explained based on this peculiar PD effect. | [
"Physics Archive->cond-mat->cond-mat.supr-con"
] | "2010-03-01T11:11:55Z" |
1302.3076 | Arbitrary-Lagrangian-Eulerian One-Step WENO Finite Volume Schemes on Unstructured Triangular Meshes | In this article we present a new class of high order accurate Arbitrary-Eulerian-Lagrangian (ALE) one-step WENO finite volume schemes for solving nonlinear hyperbolic systems of conservation laws on moving two dimensional unstructured triangular meshes. A WENO reconstruction algorithm is used to achieve high order accuracy in space and a high order one-step time discretization is achieved by using the local space-time Galerkin predictor. For that purpose, a new element--local weak formulation of the governing PDE is adopted on moving space--time elements. The space-time basis and test functions are obtained considering Lagrange interpolation polynomials passing through a predefined set of nodes. Moreover, a polynomial mapping defined by the same local space-time basis functions as the weak solution of the PDE is used to map the moving physical space-time element onto a space-time reference element. To maintain algorithmic simplicity, the final ALE one-step finite volume scheme uses moving triangular meshes with straight edges. This is possible in the ALE framework, which allows a local mesh velocity that is different from the local fluid velocity. We present numerical convergence rates for the schemes presented in this paper up to sixth order of accuracy in space and time and show some classical numerical test problems for the two-dimensional Euler equations of compressible gas dynamics. | [
"Mathematics Archive->math.NA"
] | "2013-02-13T13:22:33Z" |
0704.2957 | Superfluid-Insulator Transition of Strongly Interacting Fermi Gases in Optical Lattices | We study a quantum phase transition between fermion superfluid (SF) and band insulator (BI) of fermions in optical lattices. The destruction of the band insulator is driven by the energy gain in promoting fermions from valance band to various conducting bands to form Cooper pairs. We show that the transition must take place in rather shallow lattice height, $V_{o}/E_{R}$ between 2.23 and 4.14. The latter is the prediction of mean field theory while the former is the value for opening a band gap. As one moves across resonance to the molecule side, the SF-BI transition evolves into the SF-Mott insulator transition of bosonic molecules. We shall also present the global phase diagram for SF-Insulator transition for the BCS-BEC family. | [
"Physics Archive->cond-mat->cond-mat.supr-con"
] | "2007-04-23T09:29:01Z" |
1908.03339 | Hyper Vision Net: Kidney Tumor Segmentation Using Coordinate Convolutional Layer and Attention Unit | KiTs19 challenge paves the way to haste the improvement of solid kidney tumor semantic segmentation methodologies. Accurate segmentation of kidney tumor in computer tomography (CT) images is a challenging task due to the non-uniform motion, similar appearance and various shape. Inspired by this fact, in this manuscript, we present a novel kidney tumor segmentation method using deep learning network termed as Hyper vision Net model. All the existing U-net models are using a modified version of U-net to segment the kidney tumor region. In the proposed architecture, we introduced supervision layers in the decoder part, and it refines even minimal regions in the output. A dataset consists of real arterial phase abdominal CT scans of 300 patients, including 45964 images has been provided from KiTs19 for training and validation of the proposed model. Compared with the state-of-the-art segmentation methods, the results demonstrate the superiority of our approach on training dice value score of 0.9552 and 0.9633 in tumor region and kidney region, respectively. | [
"Computer Science Archive->cs.CV",
"Computer Science Archive->cs.LG",
"Electrical Engineering and Systems Science Archive->eess.IV"
] | "2019-08-09T07:05:34Z" |
1904.06736 | A Short Survey On Memory Based Reinforcement Learning | Reinforcement learning (RL) is a branch of machine learning which is employed to solve various sequential decision making problems without proper supervision. Due to the recent advancement of deep learning, the newly proposed Deep-RL algorithms have been able to perform extremely well in sophisticated high-dimensional environments. However, even after successes in many domains, one of the major challenge in these approaches is the high magnitude of interactions with the environment required for efficient decision making. Seeking inspiration from the brain, this problem can be solved by incorporating instance based learning by biasing the decision making on the memories of high rewarding experiences. This paper reviews various recent reinforcement learning methods which incorporate external memory to solve decision making and a survey of them is presented. We provide an overview of the different methods - along with their advantages and disadvantages, applications and the standard experimentation settings used for memory based models. This review hopes to be a helpful resource to provide key insight of the recent advances in the field and provide help in further future development of it. | [
"Computer Science Archive->cs.AI"
] | "2019-04-14T18:18:45Z" |
2303.00224 | Contagion dynamics on hypergraphs with nested hyperedges | In complex social systems encoded as hypergraphs, higher-order (i.e., group) interactions taking place among more than two individuals are represented by hyperedges. One of the higher-order correlation structures native to hypergraphs is the nestedness: Some hyperedges can be entirely contained (that is, nested) within another larger hyperedge, which itself can also be nested further in a hierarchical manner. Yet the effect of such hierarchical structure of hyperedges on the dynamics has remained unexplored. In this context, here we propose a random nested-hypergraph model with a tunable level of nestedness and investigate the effects of nestedness on a higher-order susceptible-infected-susceptible process. By developing an analytic framework called the facet approximation, we obtain the steady-state fraction of infected nodes on the random nested-hypergraph model more accurately than existing methods. Our results show that the hyperedge-nestedness affects the phase diagram significantly. Monte Carlo simulations support the analytical results. | [
"Physics Archive->physics->physics.soc-ph"
] | "2023-03-01T04:21:25Z" |
1704.07924 | Continuous-variable measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution: Composable security against coherent attacks | We present a rigorous security analysis of Continuous-Variable Measurement-Device Independent Quantum Key Distribution (CV MDI QKD) in a finite size scenario. The security proof is obtained in two steps: by first assessing the security against collective Gaussian attacks, and then extending to the most general class of coherent attacks via the Gaussian de Finetti reduction. Our result combines recent state-of-the-art security proofs for CV QKD with new findings about min-entropy calculus and parameter estimation. In doing so, we improve the finite-size estimate of the secret key rate. Our conclusions confirm that CV MDI protocols allow for high rates on the metropolitan scale, and may achieve a nonzero secret key rate against the most general class of coherent attacks after 10^7-10^9 quantum signal transmissions, depending on loss and noise, and on the required level of security. | [
"Physics Archive->quant-ph"
] | "2017-04-25T22:23:53Z" |
1312.5852 | On injective resolutions of local cohomology modules | Let $K$ be a field of characteristic zero and let $R = K[X_1,\ldots,X_n]$. Let $I$ be an ideal in $R$ and let $M = H^i_I(R)$ be the $i^{th}$-local cohomology module of $R$ with respect to $I$. Let $c = \ injdim \ M$. We prove that if $P$ is a prime ideal in $R$ with Bass number $\mu_c(P,M) > 0$ then $P$ is a maximal ideal in $R$. | [
"Mathematics Archive->math.AC"
] | "2013-12-20T08:44:23Z" |
2304.10173 | A large bubble around the AGB star R Dor detected in the UV | Many asymptotic giant branch (AGB) and supergiant stars exhibit extended detached shells in the far-infrared, resembling rings or arcs. These structures have long been interpreted as the bow shock formed in the interface between the stellar wind and the interstellar medium, the astrosphere. To date, only a few AGB stars have been observed showing an extended shell in the ultraviolet: the cometary tail drifting away from $o$ Ceti, and a bubble around IRC+10216, CIT6, and U Hya. This paper describes a search of UV extended shells around AGB stars using archival GALEX far-UV images. After inspecting visually 282 GALEX images, we identified the fourth discovery of a UV bubble around the AGB star R Dor. The bubble is seen as a 26'x29' ring, corresponding to an actual diameter of 0.41x0.46 parsec$^2$. The mass of the thin UV bubble is estimated to be $\simeq$0.003 $M_{\odot}$. The morphological asymmetry (less than $\sim 20$\%) and brightness variations of this shell are uncorrelated with the stellar proper motion and thus they can rather be ascribed to inhomogeneities in the ISM. Archival \emph{IRAS} 60 and 100$\mu$m images reveal that the bubble is filled with cold (i.e. < 32 K) dust. All UV bubbles known to date are limited to be within a distance < 350 pc and at high Galactic latitudes (|b| > 35 degree), which suggests that their detection is hampered in most cases by the strong UV interstellar extinction. | [
"Physics Archive->astro-ph->astro-ph.GA",
"Physics Archive->astro-ph->astro-ph.SR"
] | "2023-04-20T09:21:57Z" |
1912.09368 | Local analytic sector subtraction for final state radiation at NNLO | We present recent developments of the local analytic sector subtraction of infrared singularities for final state real radiation at NNLO in QCD. | [
"Physics Archive->hep->hep-ph"
] | "2019-12-19T16:49:51Z" |
hep-ph/0402157 | Dynamical symmetry breaking in Gauge-Higgs unification of 5D ${\mathcal N}=1$ SUSY theory | We study the dynamical symmetry breaking in the gauge-Higgs unification of the 5D ${\mathcal N}=1$ SUSY theory, compactified on an orbifold, $S^1/Z_2$. This theory identifies Wilson line degrees of freedoms as ``Higgs doublets''. We consider $SU(3)_c \times SU(3)_W$ and SU(6) models, in which the gauge symmetries are reduced to $SU(3)_c \times SU(2)_L \times U(1)_Y$ and $SU(3)_c \times SU(2)_L \times U(1)_Y \times U(1)$, respectively, through the orbifolding boundary conditions. Quarks and leptons are bulk fields, so that Yukawa interactions can be derived from the 5D gauge interactions. We estimate the one loop effective potential of ``Higgs doublets'', and analyze the vacuum structures in these two models. We find that the effects of bulk quarks and leptons destabilize the suitable electro-weak vacuum. We show that the introduction of suitable numbers of extra bulk fields possessing the suitable representations can realize the appropriate electro-weak symmetry breaking. | [
"Physics Archive->hep->hep-ph"
] | "2004-02-15T08:31:48Z" |
2301.07959 | Belief propagation on networks with cliques and chordless cycles | It is well known that tree-based theories can describe the properties of undirected clustered networks with extremely accurate results [S. Melnik, \textit{et al}. Phys. Rev. E 83, 036112 (2011)]. It is reasonable to suggest that a motif based theory would be superior to a tree one; since additional neighbour correlations are encapsulated in the motif structure. In this paper we examine bond percolation on random and real world networks using belief propagation in conjunction with edge-disjoint motif covers. We derive exact message passing expressions for cliques and chordless cycles of finite size. Our theoretical model gives good agreement with Monte Carlo simulation and offers a simple, yet substantial improvement on traditional message passing showing that this approach is suitable to study the properties of random and empirical networks. | [
"Physics Archive->physics->physics.soc-ph"
] | "2023-01-19T09:25:36Z" |
2306.10772 | Learning an Interpretable End-to-End Network for Real-Time Acoustic Beamforming | Recently, many forms of audio industrial applications, such as sound monitoring and source localization, have begun exploiting smart multi-modal devices equipped with a microphone array. Regrettably, model-based methods are often difficult to employ for such devices due to their high computational complexity, as well as the difficulty of appropriately selecting the user-determined parameters. As an alternative, one may use deep network-based methods, but these are often difficult to generalize, nor can they generate the desired beamforming map directly. In this paper, a computationally efficient acoustic beamforming algorithm is proposed, which may be unrolled to form a model-based deep learning network for real-time imaging, here termed the DAMAS-FISTA-Net. By exploiting the natural structure of an acoustic beamformer, the proposed network inherits the physical knowledge of the acoustic system, and thus learns the underlying physical properties of the propagation. As a result, all the network parameters may be learned end-to-end, guided by a model-based prior using back-propagation. Notably, the proposed network enables an excellent interpretability and the ability of being able to process the raw data directly. Extensive numerical experiments using both simulated and real-world data illustrate the preferable performance of the DAMAS-FISTA-Net as compared to alternative approaches. | [
"Computer Science Archive->cs.SD",
"Electrical Engineering and Systems Science Archive->eess.AS"
] | "2023-06-19T08:28:06Z" |
0808.0619 | Probing dust grain evolution in IM Lupi's circumstellar disc. Multi-wavelength observations and modelling of the dust disc | We present a panchromatic study, involving a multiple technique approach, of the circumstellar disc surrounding the T Tauri star IM Lupi (Sz 82). We have undertaken a comprehensive observational study of IM Lupi using photometry, spectroscopy, millimetre interferometry and multi-wavelength imaging. For the first time, the disc is resolved from optical and near-infrared wavelengths in scattered light, to the millimetre regime in thermal emission. Our data-set, in conjunction with existing photometric data, provides an extensive coverage of the spectral energy distribution, including a detailed spectrum of the silicate emission bands. We have performed a simultaneous modelling of the various observations, using the radiative transfer code MCFOST, and analysed a grid of models over a large fraction of the parameter space via Bayesian inference. We have constructed a model that can reproduce all of the observations of the disc. Our analysis illustrates the importance of combining a wide range of observations in order to fully constrain the disc model, with each observation providing a strong constraint only on some aspects of the disc structure and dust content. Quantitative evidence of dust evolution in the disc is obtained: grain growth up to millimetre-sized particles, vertical stratification of dust grains with micrometric grains close to the disc surface and larger grains which have settled towards the disc midplane, and possibly the formation of fluffy aggregates and/or ice mantles around grains. | [
"Physics Archive->astro-ph"
] | "2008-08-05T13:34:20Z" |
1810.08376 | Coherent Impurity Transport in an Attractive Binary Bose-Einstein condensate | We study the dynamics of a soliton-impurity system modeled in terms of a binary Bose-Einstein condensate. This is achieved by `switching off' one of the two self-interaction scattering lengths, giving a two component system where the second component is trapped entirely by the presence of the first component. It is shown that this system possesses rich dynamics, including the identification of unusual `weak' dimers that appear close to the zero inter-component scattering length. It is further found that this system supports quasi-stable trimers in regimes where the equivalent single-component gas does not, which is attributed to the presence of the impurity atoms which can dynamically tunnel between the solitons, and maintain the required phase differences that support the trimer state. | [
"Physics Archive->cond-mat->cond-mat.quant-gas"
] | "2018-10-19T07:33:56Z" |
1811.06740 | A Survey of Challenges for Runtime Verification from Advanced Application Domains (Beyond Software) | Runtime verification is an area of formal methods that studies the dynamic analysis of execution traces against formal specifications. Typically, the two main activities in runtime verification efforts are the process of creating monitors from specifications, and the algorithms for the evaluation of traces against the generated monitors. Other activities involve the instrumentation of the system to generate the trace and the communication between the system under analysis and the monitor. Most of the applications in runtime verification have been focused on the dynamic analysis of software, even though there are many more potential applications to other computational devices and target systems. In this paper we present a collection of challenges for runtime verification extracted from concrete application domains, focusing on the difficulties that must be overcome to tackle these specific challenges. The computational models that characterize these domains require to devise new techniques beyond the current state of the art in runtime verification. | [
"Computer Science Archive->cs.SE"
] | "2018-11-16T10:19:51Z" |
1406.4854 | Stability estimate for the relativistic Schr\"odinger equation with time-dependent vector potentials | We consider the relativistic Schr\"odinger equation with a time dependent vector and scalar potential on a bounded cylindrical domain. Using a Geometric Optics Ansatz we establish a logarithmic stability estimate for the recovery of the vector and scalar potentials. | [
"Mathematics Archive->math.AP"
] | "2014-06-18T19:44:34Z" |
1111.5965 | Automorphisms of non-singular nilpotent Lie algebras | For a real, non-singular, 2-step nilpotent Lie algebra $\mathfrak{n}$, the group \Aut(\mathfrak{n})/\Aut_0(\mathfrak{n})$, where $\Aut_0(\mathfrak{n})$ is the group of automorphisms which act trivially on the center, is the direct product of a compact group with the 1-dimensional group of dilations. Maximality of some automorphisms groups of $\mathfrak{n}$ follows and is related to how close is $\mathfrak{n}$ to being of Heisenberg type. For example, at least when the dimension of the center is two, $\dim \Aut(\mathfrak{n})$ is maximal if and only if $\mathfrak{n}$ is type $H$. The connection with fat distributions is discussed. | [
"Mathematics Archive->math.DG"
] | "2011-11-25T12:33:06Z" |
0704.0651 | Efficiency of thin film photocells | We propose a new concept for the design of high-efficiency photocells based on ultra-thin (submicron) semiconductor films of controlled thickness. Using a microscopic model of a thin dielectric layer interacting with incident electromagnetic radiation we evaluate the efficiency of conversion of solar radiation into the electric power. We determine the optimal range of parameters which maximize the efficiency of such photovoltaic element. | [
"Physics Archive->cond-mat->cond-mat.mes-hall",
"Physics Archive->cond-mat->cond-mat.mtrl-sci"
] | "2007-04-04T20:07:20Z" |
1603.08543 | An Improved Self-Organizing Diffusion Mobile Adaptive Network for Pursuing a Target | In this letter we focus on designing self-organizing diffusion mobile adaptive networks where the individual agents are allowed to move in pursuit of an objective (target). The well-known Adapt-then-Combine (ATC) algorithm is already available in the literature as a useful distributed diffusion-based adaptive learning network. However, in the ATC diffusion algorithm, fixed step sizes are used in the update equations for velocity vectors and location vectors. When the nodes are too far away from the target, such strategies may require large number of iterations to reach the target. To address this issue, in this paper we suggest two modifications on the ATC mobile adaptive network to improve its performance. The proposed modifications include (i) distance-based variable step size adjustment at diffusion algorithms to update velocity vectors and location vectors (ii) to use a selective cooperation, by choosing the best nodes at each iteration to reduce the number of communications. The performance of the proposed algorithm is evaluated by simulation tests where the obtained results show the superior performance of the proposed algorithm in comparison with the available ATC mobile adaptive network. | [
"Computer Science Archive->cs.RO"
] | "2016-03-22T13:33:03Z" |
1404.6259 | Non-classical light from superconducting resonators coupled to voltage-biased Josephson junctions | The interplay of the tunneling transfer of charges and the emission and absorption of light can be investigated in a set-up, where a voltage-biased Josephson junction is placed in series to a microwave cavity. Here, we concentrate on the emission process and show that due to the inherent nonlinearity of the Josephson junction tunneling Cooper-pairs can create a variety of non-classical states of light. Depending on experimental parameters and tuning the device can be described by effective Hamiltonians, indicating specific photon creation mechanisms which lead to strongly bunched or anti-bunched light emission. We derive explicit analytical expressions for the photon correlation function $g^{(2)}(\tau=0)$ for these different processes and investigate their full crossover numerically. Photon distribution functions show squeezing and other interesting non-Poissonian behavior. | [
"Physics Archive->cond-mat->cond-mat.mes-hall"
] | "2014-04-24T20:02:15Z" |
2203.07871 | A Corrected Simplified Proof of Chen's Theorem | In 1973, J.-R. Chen showed that every large even integer is a sum of a prime and a product of at most two primes. In this paper, the author indicates and fixes the issues in a simplified proof of this result given by Pan et al. | [
"Mathematics Archive->math.NT"
] | "2022-03-07T12:59:07Z" |
1303.2381 | Zen and the Art of Space-Time Manufacturing | We present a general discussion about the so-called emergent properties and discuss whether space-time and gravity can be regarded as emergent features of underlying more fundamental structures. Finally, we discuss some ideas about the multiverse, and speculate on how our universe might arise from the multiverse. | [
"Physics Archive->gr-qc"
] | "2013-03-10T21:51:57Z" |
hep-ph/0004244 | The CKM phase $\alpha$ through $B \to a_0 \pi$ | We propose the decay modes $B \to a_0 (\to \eta \pi) \pi$ to determine the CKM phase $\alpha$. One can analyze these modes through (i) the $B \to a_0 \pi$ isospin pentagon, (ii) the time dependent Dalitz plot of $B^0(t) \to a_0^{\pm} \pi^{\mp} \to \eta \pi^+ \pi^-$, and (iii) the time dependence of $B^0(t) \to a_0^0 (\to \eta \pi^0) \pi^0$. We show that the $a_0 \pi$ modes have certain advantages as compared to the $\rho \pi$ modes, and strongly recommend the time dependent Dalitz plot analysis in the $a_0 \pi$ channel. | [
"Physics Archive->hep->hep-ex",
"Physics Archive->hep->hep-ph"
] | "2000-04-27T12:45:20Z" |
hep-ph/9502296 | CONSTRAINTS FROM LEPTON UNIVERSALITY AT THE Z PEAK ON UNIFIED THEORIES | We suggest the use of a universality-breaking observable based on lepton asymmetries as derived from the left-right asymmetry and the $\tau$ polarization at the $Z$ peak, which can efficiently constrain the parameter space of unified theories. The new observable is complementary to the leptonic partial width differences and it depends critically on the chirality of a possible non-universal $Z$-boson coupling to like-flavour leptons. The LEP/SLC potential of probing universality violation is discussed in representative low-energy extensions of the Standard Model (SM) that could be derived by supersymmetric grand unified theories, such as the SM with left-handed and/or right-handed neutral isosinglets, the left-right symmetric model, and the minimal supersymmetric SM. | [
"Physics Archive->hep->hep-ph"
] | "1995-02-14T13:17:00Z" |
1304.3904 | A survey on energy efficiency for wireless mesh network | Reducing CO2 emissions is an important global environmental issue. Over the recent years, wireless and mobile communications have increasingly become popular with consumers. An increasingly popular type of wireless access is the so-called Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) that provide wireless connectivity through much cheaper and more flexible backhaul infrastructure compared with wired solutions. Wireless Mesh Network (WMN) is an emerging new technology which is being adopted as the wireless internetworking solution for the near future. Due to increased energy consumption in the information and communication technology (ICT) industries, and its consequent environmental effects, energy efficiency has become a key factor to evaluate the performance of a communication network. This paper mainly focuses on classification layer of the largest existing approaches dedicated to energy conservation. It is also discussing the most interesting works on energy saving in WMNs networks. | [
"Computer Science Archive->cs.NI"
] | "2013-04-14T10:59:52Z" |
2004.04329 | A Deep-learning-based Method for PIR-based Multi-person Localization | Device-free localization (DFL) based on pyroelectric infrared (PIR) sensors has attracted much attention due to its advantages of low cost, low power consumption, and privacy protection. However, most existing PIR-based DFL methods require high deployment density to achieve high localization accuracy. Recently, a few works proposed that the deployment density can be reduced by deeply analyzing the analog output of PIR sensors. However, these methods can not well handle the localization task in multi-person scenarios yet. In this paper, we propose a novel neural network for PIR-based multi-person localization, which appropriately leverages a series of domain knowledge. Specifically, the proposed network consists of two modules: one is for determining the number of persons and another is for determining their locations. Meanwhile, the module of person counting is further designed as a two-stage network: one stage is for signal separation and another is for single-person detection. The module for localization is also designed as a two-stage network: one stage is for signal extraction and another is for single-person localization. Through the above methods, we succeed to remarkably reduce the deployment density of the traditional PIR-based method by about 76\%, while maintaining the localization accuracy. | [
"Electrical Engineering and Systems Science Archive->eess.SP"
] | "2020-04-09T02:16:17Z" |
1902.10415 | Whole-Body MPC for a Dynamically Stable Mobile Manipulator | Autonomous mobile manipulation offers a dual advantage of mobility provided by a mobile platform and dexterity afforded by the manipulator. In this paper, we present a whole-body optimal control framework to jointly solve the problems of manipulation, balancing and interaction as one optimization problem for an inherently unstable robot. The optimization is performed using a Model Predictive Control (MPC) approach; the optimal control problem is transcribed at the end-effector space, treating the position and orientation tasks in the MPC planner, and skillfully planning for end-effector contact forces. The proposed formulation evaluates how the control decisions aimed at end-effector tracking and environment interaction will affect the balance of the system in the future. We showcase the advantages of the proposed MPC approach on the example of a ball-balancing robot with a robotic manipulator and validate our controller in hardware experiments for tasks such as end-effector pose tracking and door opening. | [
"Computer Science Archive->cs.RO"
] | "2019-02-27T09:50:40Z" |
cond-mat/0105499 | Two-Carrier Transport in Epitaxially Grown MnAs | Magneto-transport measurements of ferromagnetic MnAs epilayers grown by molecular beam epitaxy reveal the presence of both positive and negative charge carriers. Electrical transport at high temperatures is dominated by holes, and at low temperatures by electrons. We also observe distinct changes in the magnetoresistance associated with the transition between the electron- and hole-dominated transport regimes. These results are of direct relevance to MnAs/semiconductor hybrid heterostructures and their exploitation in electronic and optical spin injection experiments. | [
"Physics Archive->cond-mat->cond-mat.mtrl-sci"
] | "2001-05-25T17:47:45Z" |
physics/0607178 | Impact of Unexpected Events, Shocking News and Rumours on Foreign Exchange Market Dynamics | We analyze the dynamical response of the world's financial community to various types of unexpected events, including the 9/11 terrorist attacks as they unfolded on a minute-by-minute basis. We find that there are various 'species' of news, characterized by how quickly the news get absorbed, how much meaning and importance is assigned to it by the community, and what subsequent actions are then taken. For example, the response to the unfolding events of 9/11 shows a gradual collective understanding of what was happening, rather than an immediate realization. For news items which are not simple economic statements, and hence whose implications are not immediately obvious, we uncover periods of collective discovery during which collective opinions seem to oscillate in a remarkably synchronized way. In the case of a rumour, our findings also provide a concrete example of contagion in inter-connected communities. Practical applications of this work include the possibility of producing selective newsfeeds for specific communities, based on their likely impact. | [
"Physics Archive->physics->physics.soc-ph"
] | "2006-07-20T12:13:05Z" |
1304.3873 | A note on weak convergence of singular integrals in metric spaces | We prove that in any metric space $(X,d)$ the singular integral operators {equation*} T^k_{\mu,\ve}(f)(x)=\int_{X\setminus B(x,\varepsilon)}k(x,y)f(y)d\mu (y).{equation*} converge weakly in some dense subspaces of $L^2(\mu)$ under minimal regularity assumptions for the measures and the kernels. | [
"Mathematics Archive->math.CA"
] | "2013-04-14T02:59:09Z" |
0908.0582 | On the recurrence of coefficients in the L\"uck-Fuglede-Kadison determinant | In this note, we survey results concerning variations of the L\"uck-Fuglede-Kadison determinant with respect to the base group. Further, we discuss recurrences of coefficients in the determinant for certain distinguished base groups. The note is based on a talk that the second author gave at the "Segundas Jornadas de Teor\'ia de N\'umeros", Madrid, 2007. | [
"Mathematics Archive->math.NT"
] | "2009-08-05T04:30:35Z" |
2005.07729 | Role of nematicity in controlling spin fluctuations and superconducting Tc in bulk FeSe | FeSe undergoes a transition from a tetragonal to a slightly orthorhombic phase at 90\,K, and becomes a superconductor below 8\,K. The orthorhombic phase is sometimes called a nematic phase because quantum oscillation, neutron, and other measurements detect a significant asymmetry in $x$ and $y$. How nematicity affects superconductivity has recently become a matter of intense speculation. Here we employ an advanced \emph{ab-initio} Green's function description of superconductivity and show that bulk tetragonal FeSe would, in principle, superconduct with almost the same T$_{c}$ as the nematic phase. The mechanism driving the observed nematicity is not yet understood. Since the present theory underestimates nematicity, we simulate the full nematic asymmetry by artificially enhancing the orthorhombic distortion. For benchmarking, we compare theoretical spin susceptibilities against experimentally observed data over all energies and relevant momenta. When the orthorhombic distortion is adjusted to correlate with observed nematicity in spin susceptibility, the enhanced nematicity causes spectral weight redistribution in the Fe-3d$_{xz}$ and d$_{yz}$ orbitals, but it leads to at most 10-15$\%$ increment in T$_{c}$. This is because the d$_{xy}$ orbital always remains the most strongly correlated and provides most of the source of the superconducting glue. Nematicity suppresses the density of states at Fermi level; nevertheless T$_{c}$ increases, in contradiction to both BCS and BEC theories. We show how the increase is connected to the structure of the particle-particle vertex. Our results suggest while nematicity may be intrinsic property of bulk FeSe, is not the primary force driving the superconducting pairing. | [
"Physics Archive->cond-mat->cond-mat.str-el",
"Physics Archive->cond-mat->cond-mat.supr-con"
] | "2020-05-15T18:24:51Z" |
2108.05590 | The damping and diffusion of atoms moving in the background electromagnetic environment | The interaction between an atom and the quantized electromagnetic field depends on the position of the atom. Then the atom experiences a force which is the minus gradient of this interaction. Through the Heisenberg equations of motion and the Born-Markov approximation, the mean and correlation of the force are obtained, showing that the center-of-mass motion of the atom is damped and diffused. This approach can be easily generalized to multi-level atoms, where the damping force and diffusion coefficients are just the weighted average of the contributions from all pairs of energy levels that have nonvanishing dipole elements. It is shown that these results are invariant under Galilean transformation, and in principle can be used to determine the velocity of the lab relative to the background radiation. | [
"Physics Archive->quant-ph"
] | "2021-08-12T08:18:15Z" |
cond-mat/9312054 | Simulations of deposition growth models in various dimensions. Are overhangs important? | We present simulation results of deposition growth of surfaces in 2, 3 and 4 dimensions for ballistic deposition where overhangs are present, and for restricted solid on solid deposition where there are no overhangs. The values of the scaling exponents for the two models are found to be different, suggesting that they belong to different universality classes. | [
"Physics Archive->cond-mat"
] | "1993-12-14T15:48:16Z" |
1203.2691 | Temperature Dependent Empirical Pseudopotential Theory For Self-Assembled Quantum Dots | We develop a temperature dependent empirical pseudopotential theory to study the electronic and optical properties of self-assembled quantum dots (QDs) at finite temperature. The theory takes the effects of both lattice expansion and lattice vibration into account. We apply the theory to the InAs/GaAs QDs. For the unstrained InAs/GaAs heterostructure, the conduction band offset increases whereas the valence band offset decreases with increasing of the temperature, and there is a type-I to type-II transition at approximately 135 K. Yet, for InAs/GaAs QDs, the holes are still localized in the QDs even at room temperature, because the large lattice mismatch between InAs and GaAs greatly enhances the valence band offset. The single particle energy levels in the QDs show strong temperature dependence due to the change of confinement potentials. Because of the changes of the band offsets, the electron wave functions confined in QDs increase by about 1 - 5%, whereas the hole wave functions decrease by about 30 - 40% when the temperature increases from 0 to 300 K. The calculated recombination energies of exciton, biexciton and charged excitons show red shifts with increasing of the temperature, which are in excellent agreement with available experimental data. | [
"Physics Archive->cond-mat->cond-mat.mtrl-sci"
] | "2012-03-13T01:41:40Z" |
2309.01979 | Dark Matter Velocity Distributions: Comparing Numerical Simulations to Analytic Results | We test the consistency of dark matter velocity distributions obtained from dark matter-only numerical simulations with analytic predictions, using the publicly available Via Lactea 2 dataset as an example. We find that, well inside the scale radius, the velocity distribution obtained from numerical simulation is consistent with a function of a single integral of motion -- the energy -- and moreover is consistent with the result obtained from Eddington inversion. This indicates that the assumptions underlying the analytic result, namely, spherical symmetry, isotropy, and a static potential, are sufficiently accurate to govern the coarse properties of the velocity distribution in the inner regions of the halo. We discuss implications for the behavior of the high-velocity tail of the distribution, which can dominate dark matter annihilation from a $p$- or $d$-wave state. | [
"Physics Archive->astro-ph->astro-ph.CO",
"Physics Archive->hep->hep-ph"
] | "2023-09-05T06:16:37Z" |
hep-ph/0311020 | System-size dependence | The final state in The final state in heavy-ion collisions has a higher degree of strangeness saturation than the one produced in collisions between elementary particles like p-p or p-$\bar{p}$. A systematic analysis of this phenomenon is made for C-C, Si-Si and Pb-Pb collisions at the CERN SPS collider and for $Au-Au$ collisions at RHIC and at AGS energies. Strangeness saturation is shown to increase smoothly with the number of participants at AGS, CERN and RHIC energies. | [
"Physics Archive->hep->hep-ph"
] | "2003-11-03T13:19:11Z" |
1312.0747 | Clifford-Wolf homogeneous Finsler metrics on spheres | An isometry of a Finsler space is called Clifford-Wolf translation (CW-translation) if it moves all points the same distance. A Finsler space $(M, F)$ is called Clifford-Wolf homogeneous (CW-homogeneous) if for any $x, y\in M$ there is a CW-translation $\sigma$ such that $\sigma (x)=y$. We prove that if $F$ is a homogeneous Finsler metric on the sphere $S^n$ such that $(S^n, F)$ is CW-homogeneous, then $F$ must be a Randers metric. This gives a complete classification of CW-homogeneous Finsler metrics on spheres. | [
"Mathematics Archive->math.DG"
] | "2013-12-03T09:32:18Z" |
0812.3798 | Vortex Core States in Superconducting Graphene | The distinctive features of the electronic structure of vortex states in superconducting graphene are studied within the Bogolubov-de Gennes theory applied to excitations near the Dirac point. We suggest a scenario describing the subgap spectrum transformation which occurs with a change in the doping level. For an arbitrary vorticity and doping level we investigate the problem of existence of zero energy modes. The crossover to a Caroli - de Gennes - Matricon type of spectrum is studied. | [
"Physics Archive->cond-mat->cond-mat.supr-con"
] | "2008-12-19T14:48:36Z" |
2004.06267 | RealMonoDepth: Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation for General Scenes | We present a generalised self-supervised learning approach for monocular estimation of the real depth across scenes with diverse depth ranges from 1--100s of meters. Existing supervised methods for monocular depth estimation require accurate depth measurements for training. This limitation has led to the introduction of self-supervised methods that are trained on stereo image pairs with a fixed camera baseline to estimate disparity which is transformed to depth given known calibration. Self-supervised approaches have demonstrated impressive results but do not generalise to scenes with different depth ranges or camera baselines. In this paper, we introduce RealMonoDepth a self-supervised monocular depth estimation approach which learns to estimate the real scene depth for a diverse range of indoor and outdoor scenes. A novel loss function with respect to the true scene depth based on relative depth scaling and warping is proposed. This allows self-supervised training of a single network with multiple data sets for scenes with diverse depth ranges from both stereo pair and in the wild moving camera data sets. A comprehensive performance evaluation across five benchmark data sets demonstrates that RealMonoDepth provides a single trained network which generalises depth estimation across indoor and outdoor scenes, consistently outperforming previous self-supervised approaches. | [
"Computer Science Archive->cs.CV"
] | "2020-04-14T02:03:10Z" |
2311.16067 | Mosaic number and Tile number of Corner Connection Tiles | Lomonaco and Kauffman introduced knot mosaics in 2008 to model physical quantum states. These mosaics use a set of tiles to represent knots on $n x n$ grids. In 2023 Heap introduced a new set of tiles that can represent knots on a smaller board for small knots. Completing an exhaustive search of all knots or links, $K$, on different board sizes and types is the most common way to determine invariants for knots, such as the smallest board size needed to represent a knot, $m(K)$, and the least number of tiles needed to represent a knot, $t(K)$. In this paper, we propose a solution to an open question by providing a proof that all knots or links can be represented on corner connection mosaics using fewer tiles than traditional mosaics $t_c(K) < t(K)$, where $t_c(K)$ is the smallest number of corner connection tiles needed to represent knot \textit{K}. We also define bounds for corner connection mosaic size, $m_c(K)$, in terms of crossing number, $c(K)$, and simultaneously create a tool called the \textit{Corner Mosaic Complement} that we use to discover a relationship between traditional tiles and corner connection tiles. Finally, we construct an infinite family of links $L_n$ where the corner connection mosaic number $m_c(K)$ is known and provide a tool to analyze the efficiency of corner connection mosaic tiles. | [
"Mathematics Archive->math.GT"
] | "2023-11-27T18:40:27Z" |
2007.08243 | Lottery Tickets in Linear Models: An Analysis of Iterative Magnitude Pruning | We analyse the pruning procedure behind the lottery ticket hypothesis arXiv:1803.03635v5, iterative magnitude pruning (IMP), when applied to linear models trained by gradient flow. We begin by presenting sufficient conditions on the statistical structure of the features under which IMP prunes those features that have smallest projection onto the data. Following this, we explore IMP as a method for sparse estimation. | [
"Computer Science Archive->cs.LG",
"Statistics Archive->stat.ML"
] | "2020-07-16T10:33:13Z" |
1810.11836 | Microscopic quantum ideal rotor model and related self-consistent cranking model, I: uni-axial rotation case | A microscopic quantum ideal rotor-model Hamiltonian (distinct from that of Bohr's rotational model) is derived for a rotation about a single axis by applying a dynamic rotation operator to the deformed nuclear ground-state wavefunction. It is shown that the microscopic ideal rotor Hamiltonian is obtained only for a rigid-flow prescription for the rotation angle, with the attendant rigid-flow kinematic moment of inertia. (For the center-of-mass motion, the method predicts the correct mass.) Using Hartree-Fock variational and second quantization methods, the ideal rotor-model Hamiltonian is reduced to that of a self-consistent cranking model plus residual terms associated with the square of the angular momentum operator and a two-body interaction. The approximations and assumptions underlying the conventional cranking model are revealed. The resulting nuclear Schrodinger equation, including a residual two-body interaction and the residual part of the square of the angular momentum, is then solved in the Tamm-Dancoff approximation using he eigenstates of the self-consistent cranking model, with a self-consistent deformed harmonic oscillator potential, as the particle-hole basis states. Good agreement is obtained between the predicted and measured ground-state rotational-band excitation energies, including the lowering of the excitation energy with increasing angular momentum, in Ne-20 when the effects of a 3-D rotation are simulated in the model. | [
"Physics Archive->nucl->nucl-th"
] | "2018-10-28T17:08:52Z" |
1101.2483 | On Achievability of Gaussian Interference Channel Capacity to within One Bit | In the earlier version of this paper, it was wrongly claimed that time-sharing is required to achieve the capacity region of the Gaussian interference channel to within one bit, especially at corner points. The flaw in the argument of the earlier version lies in fixing the decoding paradigm for a fixed common/private message splitting encoding strategy. More specifically, the additional constraints (7b) and (7d) in the earlier version arise if we force the common messages to be always decoded at unintended receivers. However, (7b) and (7d) can be eliminated by allowing the decoders to ignore unintended common messages, particularly at corner points of the rate region, without resorting to time-sharing at the transmit side, as suggested in the earlier version. For these reasons, our earlier claim is invalid. | [
"Computer Science Archive->cs.IT",
"Mathematics Archive->math.IT"
] | "2011-01-13T03:25:22Z" |
1206.4816 | Point Defects in Double Helix Induced by Interaction of Silver Nanoparticles with DNA | Interaction of DNA-silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) complexes with H3O+, Cu2+ and Cl- has been studied by spectro-photometric, spectro-fluorimetric and differential scanning micro calorimetric methods. It is shown that DNA is a catalyst in redox reactions taking place in AgNPs adsorbed on its surface. We also demonstrate that Ag+ ions that are freed after corrosion of nanoparticles show absorption into the inner part of DNA double helix, i.e. they make the so-called cross-links between complementary base pairs of DNA. The cross-links present point defects of DNA which leads in-vivo to cell death. | [
"Physics Archive->physics->"
] | "2012-06-21T09:32:58Z" |
1907.11719 | Market and Long Term Accounting Operational Performance | Following the value relevance literature, this study verifies whether the marketplace differentiates companies of high, medium, and low long-term operational performance, measured by accounting information on profitability, sales variation and indebtedness. The data comprises the Corporate Financial Statements disclosed during the period from 1996 to 2009 and stock prices of companies listed on the Sao Paulo Stock Exchange and Commodities and Futures Exchange - BM&FBOVESPA. The final sample is composed of 142 non-financial companies. Five year mobile windows were used, which resulted in ten five-year periods. After checking each company indices, the accounting variables were unified in an Index Performance Summary to synthesize the final performance for each five-year period, which allowed segregation in operational performance levels. Multiple regressions were performed using panel data techniques, fixed effects model and dummies variables, and then hypothesis tests were made. Regarding the explanatory power of each individual variable, the results show that not all behaviors are according to the research hypothesis and that the Brazilian stock market differentiates companies of high and low long-term operational performance. This distinction is not fully perceived between companies of high and medium operational performance. | [
"Economics Archive->econ.GN",
"Quantitative Finance Archive->q-fin.EC"
] | "2019-07-26T15:21:13Z" |
astro-ph/9901009 | Cosmologial magnetic field amplification around z~100 | We study the corrections to the conformal evolution of primordial magnetic fields after recombination, produced by the fall of the ionized fraction of matter into the dark matter gravitational wells. This effect enhances the field around the protostructures being formed, and might help to understand the fields observed in galaxy clusters and hydrogen clouds. | [
"Physics Archive->astro-ph"
] | "1999-01-03T18:01:15Z" |
cond-mat/0310151 | Kinetic model of II-VI(001) semiconductor surfaces: Growth rates in atomic layer epitaxy | We present a zinc-blende lattice gas model of II-VI(001) surfaces, which is investigated by means of Kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) simulations. Anisotropic effective interactions between surface metal atoms allow for the description of, e.g., the sublimation of CdTe(001), including the reconstruction of Cd-terminated surfaces and its dependence on the substrate temperature T. Our model also includes Te-dimerization and the potential presence of excess Te in a reservoir of weakly bound atoms at the surface. We study the self-regulation of atomic layer epitaxy (ALE) and demonstrate how the interplay of the reservoir occupation with the surface kinetics results in two different regimes: at high T the growth rate is limited to 0.5 layers per ALE cycle, whereas at low enough T each cycle adds a complete layer of CdTe. The transition between the two regimes occurs at a characteristic temperature and its dependence on external parameters is studied. Comparing the temperature dependence of the ALE growth rate in our model with experimental results for CdTe we find qualitative agreement. | [
"Physics Archive->cond-mat->cond-mat.mtrl-sci",
"Physics Archive->cond-mat->cond-mat.stat-mech"
] | "2003-10-07T15:18:17Z" |
1812.03910 | Self-Contained Stylization via Steganography for Reverse and Serial Style Transfer | Style transfer has been widely applied to give real-world images a new artistic look. However, given a stylized image, the attempts to use typical style transfer methods for de-stylization or transferring it again into another style usually lead to artifacts or undesired results. We realize that these issues are originated from the content inconsistency between the original image and its stylized output. Therefore, in this paper we advance to keep the content information of the input image during the process of style transfer by the power of steganography, with two approaches proposed: a two-stage model and an end-to-end model. We conduct extensive experiments to successfully verify the capacity of our models, in which both of them are able to not only generate stylized images of quality comparable with the ones produced by typical style transfer methods, but also effectively eliminate the artifacts introduced in reconstructing original input from a stylized image as well as performing multiple times of style transfer in series. | [
"Computer Science Archive->cs.CV"
] | "2018-12-10T16:43:49Z" |
1811.09628 | Multiple Spiral Arms in Protoplanetary Disks: Linear Theory | Recent observations of protoplanetary disks, as well as simulations of planet-disk interaction, have suggested that a single planet may excite multiple spiral arms in the disk, in contrast to the previous expectations based on linear theory (predicting a one-armed density wave). We re-assess the origin of multiple arms in the framework of linear theory, by solving for the global two-dimensional response of a non-barotropic disk to an orbiting planet. We show that the formation of a secondary arm in the inner disk, at about half of the orbital radius of the planet, is a robust prediction of linear theory. This arm becomes stronger than the primary spiral at several tenths of the orbital radius of the planet. Several additional, weaker spiral arms may also form in the inner disk. On the contrary, a secondary spiral arm is unlikely to form in the outer disk. Our linear calculations, fully accounting for the global behavior of both the phases and amplitudes of perturbations, generally support the recently proposed WKB phase argument for the secondary arm origin (as caused by the intricacy of constructive interference of azimuthal harmonics of the perturbation at different radii). We provide analytical arguments showing that the process of a single spiral wake splitting up into multiple arms is a generic linear outcome of wave propagation in differentially rotating disks. It is not unique to planet-driven waves and occurs also in linear calculations of spiral wakes freely propagating with no external torques. These results are relevant for understanding formation of multiple rings and gaps in protoplanetary disks. | [
"Physics Archive->astro-ph->astro-ph.EP"
] | "2018-11-23T19:00:00Z" |
2311.00707 | Green's functions for the isotropic planar relaxed micromorphic model -- concentrated force and concentrated couple | We derive the Green's functions (concentrated force and couple in an infinite space) for the isotropic planar relaxed micromorphic model. Since the relaxed micromorphic model particularises into the microstretch, Cosserat (micropolar), couple-stress, and linear elasticity model for certain choices of material parameters, we recover the fundamental solutions in all these cases. | [
"Mathematics Archive->math.AP",
"Mathematics Archive->math.MP",
"Physics Archive->math-ph"
] | "2023-10-18T07:28:10Z" |
1103.3902 | Multiquark correlations in light mesons and baryons from holographic QCD | A hadron's multiquark content reflects itself in the quark composition of the interpolator with which it has maximal overlap. The AdS/CFT dictionary translates the anomalous dimension of this interpolator into a mass correction for the corresponding dual mode. Hence such bulk-mass corrections can carry holographic information on multiquark correlations. Two prominent examples are studied by implementing this robust and universal mechanism into AdS/QCD gravity duals. In the baryon sector bulk-mass corrections are used to describe systematic good (i.e. maximally attractive) diquark effects. The baryon sizes are predicted to decrease with increasing good-diquark content, and the masses of all 48 observed light-quark baryon states are reproduced with unprecedented accuracy. Our approach further provides the first holographic description of a dominant tetraquark component in the lowest-lying scalar mesons. The tetraquark ground state emerges naturally as the lightest scalar nonet whereas higher excitations become heavier than their quark--antiquark counterparts and are thus likely to dissolve into the multiparticle continuum. | [
"Physics Archive->hep->hep-ph"
] | "2011-03-20T23:38:17Z" |
Subsets and Splits