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A world with no tobacco might sound appealing to nanny state bureaucrats at the WHO, but it sounds like hell to millions of thriving farmers like Davison Tolopo and his family, | 0_not_relevant | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/drew-johnson/ | en | null | null | 6,088 |
The biggest threat to American energy independence comes from […] the environmental movement and the assortment of government agencies with which the environmental movement has been cooperating now for decades. You see, what is a blessing for landowners in the Marcellus Shale area (with the sad exception of New York, but we hope that changes), what has been a blessing for these communities in Pennsylvania and North Dakota and elsewhere is an absolute nightmare for the environmental movement. Indeed for them, the shale revolution has been a black swan. […] Now natural gas poses an enormous threat to the world view of the environmentalists, simply because there is so much of it. And so much of that natural gas, and as well as the oil in various formations, is on private land, meaning that the ability of the environmental movement to block exploitation of those natural resources is limited. | 4_solutions_harmful_unnecessary | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/bonner-cohen/ | en | null | null | 4,782 |
CO2 is not harmful and is actually good for the planet… The federal SCC [social costs of carbon] estimates do not adequately consider the benefits 27 of fossil fuels andCO2 emission.” In reality, the ‘scientific consensus’ is a manufactured myth… … there is no convincing evidence that anthropogenic global warming (AGW) will produce catastrophic climate changes. | 2_not_human | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/roger-bezdek/ | en | null | null | 2,083 |
It must be coming evident that the science connecting Greenhouse gases to damaging climate change grows more tenuous by the day and the costs of using these theories to justify central planning of everything are causing Governments everywhere – but especially in Europe – to suddenly loose interest. They have real problems to deal with – not mythical conceptions of disaster in a hundred years’ time. | 5_science_unreliable | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/owen-mcshane/ | en | null | null | 5,473 |
Obviously CO2 in the atmosphere has an impact on global temperature. The question is how much, how quickly, whether the feedback loops are quite what people say they are. […] I think probably decarbonisation over time is worth doing for all kinds of reasons, but I’m not convinced that it’s essential at the expense of all other goals to reach net zero in 2050, and you know of course it’s only Europe and the US that has set that goal, other countries around the world have set more relaxed goals than that. | 5_science_unreliable | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/david-frost/ | en | null | null | 5,886 |
Many Albertans and people around the world are really very much concerned about the socialist Marxist agenda of the UN WEF contract agreement term Agenda 2030. And consequently, the APP cannot support any international institution that usurps or is planning to usurp a country’s sovereignty, or that will compromise energy and food security of any nations, or that will trample the inalienable freedoms and rights of individual citizens, | 4_solutions_harmful_unnecessary | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/alberta-prosperity-project/ | en | null | null | 5,007 |
I suspect that what the Maya calendar cycle was saying was not that this is the end, but rather that this is as good as it gets and the next many thousands start a long slow slide into cold. | 0_not_relevant | FLICC | https://huggingface.co/datasets/fzanartu/FLICCdataset | en | CARDS | null | 607 |
This will have no impact on climate change,” Orr Claimed in his testimony. “When you look at the the proposed rule, the governor’s administration was saying it’s a little over 2 million tons of CO2 every single year … you’re looking at a temperature reduction of 0.000052 degrees by 2100. And you’re not going to be able to measure that. | 4_solutions_harmful_unnecessary | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/isaac-orr/ | en | null | null | 3,599 |
Energy is the lifeblood our society. It doesn’t just fuel our cars and power our homes, but it connects us to one another and makes our lives healthier, safer, and more fulfilling. However, recent policies are leading to rising energy costs – and African Americans are disproportionately hurt. Low income families pay a greater share of their income on utilities in some cases as much as 35%. The only thing low income families spend more on is housing. Since minorities are more likely to be low income than the general population regulations and other policies that drive up the costs of energy hit African Americans and other minorities especially hard eaching America is committed to advancing policies that allow us to use our abundant, affordable, and reliable energy sources – and that allow consumer decisions and individual priorities to determine our energy mix. Instead of regulating away coal, oil, and natural gas, policymakers should be focused on allowing innovation and the free market to flourish with solutions that meet our energy demands. | 7_fossil_fuels_needed | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/derrick-hollie/ | en | null | null | 4,631 |
Proposition 127 – constitutional mandate that – irrespective of cost to consumers. | 0_not_relevant | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/chad-guzman/ | en | null | null | 4,113 |
And on the climate change issue, just a little anecdote, when I first heard about this was when I was working at Forbes Magazine, and somebody was saying, well, they’re claiming that we’re going to warm up the climate, and it’s going to get up to about nine degrees warmer. And I turned to the person and I said, you mean that we’ll be able to have palm trees growing down Fifth Avenue in New York now? And I didn’t see this was a particular problem. | 3_not_bad | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/ronald-bailey/ | en | null | null | 2,291 |
There have been times in history when levels were high and temperatures very low. And times in which levels were very low and temperatures very high. This negative correlation indicates that global warming argument fails again and the hypothesis of causing much real-world temperature change is almost certainly wrong. | 2_not_human | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/jay-h-lehr/ | en | null | null | 4,774 |
The selection of Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt is an obvious commitment to a pro-environment, pro-energy, pro-jobs agenda. Pruitt has been a vocal critic of federal overreach and understands that state agencies are well-positioned to take on a larger role in protecting the environment while also allowing for responsible and necessary commerce and energy production. This pick will go a long way towards correcting the Obama administration’s regulatory overreach, which has cost us jobs, hurt farmers, and has had an insignificant effect on the environment. | 6_proponents_biased | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/john-nothdurft/ | en | null | null | 4,923 |
I’m okay with the choice. I think Donald Trump has selected somebody who knows the world and can advise him on the world. | 0_not_relevant | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/rudy-giuliani/ | en | null | null | 5,984 |
I’m no investigative journalist, I’ve never taken a journalism class, and I don’t want to be a journalist when I grow up. I’m just a semi-retired idiot graphic artist who keeps asking how policymakers, environmentalists and mainstream news outlets justify their demand to regulate CO2 and why skeptic scientists should be silenced. | 5_science_unreliable | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/russell-cook/ | en | null | null | 4,898 |
According to BBC Weather the Summer Average Temperatures in Tomintoul on day 15 of Summer are SADHT 15.6000 C and SADHT 7.3333 C which is amazing low and demonstrates effectively how Scotland isn't affected by Climate Change | 1_not_happening | FLICC | https://huggingface.co/datasets/fzanartu/FLICCdataset | en | hamburg_test3 | null | 203 |
In the name of reducing emissions, Obama deliberately ignores the increasing use of coal in Europe and nations that include China, Japan, and India. | 4_solutions_harmful_unnecessary | FLICC | https://huggingface.co/datasets/fzanartu/FLICCdataset | en | CARDS | null | 339 |
There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gasses is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth’s atmosphere and disruption of the Earth’s climate. Moreover, there is substantial scientific evidence that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide produce many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and animal environments of the Earth. | 2_not_human | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/david-legates/ | en | null | null | 2,107 |
Even according the IPCCs faulty models, if Australia stopped all emissions of carbon dioxide from tomorrow, the total effect on the temperature in 2050 would be to theoretically lower it by 0.0154 C. | 4_solutions_harmful_unnecessary | FLICC | https://huggingface.co/datasets/fzanartu/FLICCdataset | en | CARDS | null | 837 |
The president knows I like where I am,” Perry said. “He knows that we have done a really good job of keeping this agency focused, particularly in those areas he is interested in: selling American, running an agency effectively. | 0_not_relevant | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/rick-perry/ | en | null | null | 4,418 |
The point is that the globalists say the sea is rising while at the same time living and building where (if they are right) it would be under water. Proves they know the sea isn't rising and that climate emergency is a con for political purposes. | 1_not_happening | FLICC | https://huggingface.co/datasets/fzanartu/FLICCdataset | en | hamburg_test3 | null | 387 |
Back on August 6, 2010 , when the UK BOM was predicting a warm winter, and every Met Agency in the West was already declaring that 2010 would be the hottest year ever, Bryan Leyland predicted (on a global scale) that before the end of the year, there would be significant cooling. As you can see from the chart, this is exactly what happened. | 1_not_happening | FLICC | https://huggingface.co/datasets/fzanartu/FLICCdataset | en | CARDS | null | 1,471 |
If you have a temperature rise, if it’s a problem in one area, it’s beneficial in another area. But sea level is the real ‘bad guy,’ and therefore they [The IPCC] have talked very much about it. But the real thing is, that [sea level rise] doesn’t exist in observational data, only in computer modeling. | 5_science_unreliable | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/nils-axel-morner/ | en | null | null | 5,589 |
When parents have to scrimp and save to pay tuition, they think of education as an investment. They take charge. They pay attention to whether they are getting their money’s worth, to what school will be best for their children. And children take school more seriously when they know their parents are sacrificing for the sake of their future. | 0_not_relevant | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/adam-meyerson/ | en | null | null | 2,650 |
The key features of the climate change debate are large degrees of uncertainty and a long time horizon. Although it is fairly well-established that the Earth’s atmosphere has warmed somewhat (one degree Fahrenheit) during the past century, it’s not clear why this happened. The warming may have been due to human impositions (the burning of fossil fuels and other incidents of industrial growth), or to natural solar or climate variations, or to some of each. Whatever the causes, we don’t know if future warming trends will be large or small, or whether the net environmental and economic consequences (including both beneficial and harmful effects) may be large or small. | 2_not_human | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/american-enterprise-institute/ | en | null | null | 2,602 |
Trump administration officials are making plans to order grid operators to buy electricity from struggling coal and nuclear plants in an effort to extend their life, a move that could represent an unprecedented intervention into U.S. energy markets The Energy Department would exercise emergency authority under a pair of federal laws to direct the operators to purchase electricity or electric generation capacity from at-risk facilities, according to a memo obtained by Bloomberg News. The agency also is making plans to establish a ‘Strategic Electric Generation Reserve’ with the aim of promoting the national defense and maximizing domestic energy supplies. | 7_fossil_fuels_needed | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/robert-murray/ | en | null | null | 3,296 |
Yeah, well, I mean, somebody really dropped the ball here, and instead of rushing to impeach the President, they should be rushing to investigate why the didn’t do anything. The has hundreds of agents it could have deployed. The Capitol Police—they have thousands of people they could have deployed. There’s also the National Guard. I mean, why was none of this done? Where was police? It almost makes you wonder, like they just let this happen so that they could set President Trump up for this impeachment. | 0_not_relevant | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/steve-milloy/ | en | null | null | 3,528 |
We are hopeful to see construction begin at some point this spring,” she said. “We have double and triple checked through soil samplings and water samplings that the site is clean. We will continue to do groundwater monitoring. | 0_not_relevant | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/anne-idsal/ | en | null | null | 5,025 |
Again, I don’t know about the financing with regard to the Coalition. I’ll say my engagement with them though, is it’s not unwitting. It is active, and inspired, and educated because a lot of these folks are scientists that have long been diminished and ignored. And the Coalition has provided a platform for them to provide reality and balance in the context of the climate discussion. | 6_proponents_biased | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/mandy-gunasekara/ | en | null | null | 3,074 |
The previous administration focused all their energies on one issue and that was climate change. You take a look at the website that we are accused of taking all the climate change information off the website. We didn’t. It’s on there, it’s archived, but it’s on there. But that’s not the only environmental issue the world faces. I do fear that because so many people only talked about climate change, you’re right, there could very well be a new generation coming up saying that’s the only environmental issue. And it’s not. | 0_not_relevant | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/andrew-wheeler/ | en | null | null | 2,516 |
The idea of a CO2-driven Global Warming has escalated ‘in absurdum’ become a religion and turned into an AGW monster (disgracing Science and Geoethics),” Mörner said. The purpose of the ICG is to counteract this “disgrace” of science. “CO2-driven (anthropogenic) Global Warming has become a religion and spread around the globe like a plague or revival movement,” Mörner adds. […] “what we now need is a total REFORMATION back to Science and away from “Anti-science. | 5_science_unreliable | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/independent-committee-geoethics/ | en | null | null | 5,243 |
At the end of the 20th century , in our US Democracy , the Statist Fallacy has revealed itself in Fraud fronting for Force in the Con Artistry of the Clintons The failure of the State to even fire its Chief Law Enforcement Officer for Lying in Its Court when accused of violating Laws He signed Himself , destroys the State`s claim to Legitimacy At the same time more of our fellow citizens are in prison for State defined “crimes” which effect only themselves , and which tend to require violations of the Bill of Rights to pursue and prosecute. | 0_not_relevant | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/bob-armstrong/ | en | null | null | 2,124 |
In the UK, it is a media myth that there are only a few scientists who disagree with the view of ‘global warming’ on which the Kyoto Protocol is predicated. | 5_science_unreliable | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/philip-stott/ | en | null | null | 1,961 |
Instead of refusing to allow drilling for oil and natural gas on what it considers environmentally sensitive federal lands and coastal waters, Congress should open them up. Shutting away areas that hold a large part of the estimated 112 billion barrels of recoverable oil and 656 trillion cubic feet of natural gas in the United States is a luxury we can no longer afford, not when federal policy constrains energy production and contributes to rising energy costs for the American consumer. | 7_fossil_fuels_needed | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/michael-fox/ | en | null | null | 3,605 |
There's another reason why there will be more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. It involves two of the most swiftly developing nations in the world, China and India, both of whom are building coal-fired plants to generate electricity as fast as they can. This is happening while the Environmental Protection Agency has been engaged in an all-out war on coal that has closed several hundred U.S. plants. | 4_solutions_harmful_unnecessary | FLICC | https://huggingface.co/datasets/fzanartu/FLICCdataset | en | CARDS | null | 677 |
In reality, the Canadian oil will be produced, and the only questions are where it will be refined and at what higher cost, | 7_fossil_fuels_needed | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/benjamin-zycher/ | en | null | null | 4,987 |
Green on the outside like environmentalism, red on the inside like neo-communism or neo-socialism. | 6_proponents_biased | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/citizens-alliance-responsible-energy/ | en | null | null | 5,665 |
Making a transition away from fossil fuels to green energy will be costly […] As countries move to achieve ‘net-zero carbon’ emissions, costs will escalate much higher again. | 4_solutions_harmful_unnecessary | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/bjorn-lomborg/ | en | null | null | 2,313 |
Discussion does not mention the lag between historical rises in temperature and increases in CO2 and gives the impression that CO2 changes were the cause of the rises in temperature as determined from ice core data. This omission like many others, strongly slants the discussion towards CO2 induced warming. | 5_science_unreliable | FLICC | https://huggingface.co/datasets/fzanartu/FLICCdataset | en | CARDS | null | 61 |
Terrifying! Here was Harry, here he was this young, brave, boisterous, all male, getting into trouble, turning up at stag parties inappropriately dressed, drinking too much and causing all sorts of mayhem. And then, a brave British officer who did his bit in Afghanistan. He was the most popular royal of a younger generation that we’ve seen for 100 years And then he met Meghan Markle, and it’s fallen off a cliff. We’ve been told in the last week that Meghan and Harry will only have two children … and we’re all completely ignoring, the real problem the Earth faces, and that is the fact the population of the globe is exploding but no one dares talk about it, no one dares deal with it, and whether Prince Harry has two kids is irrelevant given there are now 2.6 billion Chinese and Indians on this Earth. | 0_not_relevant | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/nigel-farage/ | en | null | null | 5,099 |
That’s a marketing… that’s an advertising ploy. I don’t think it means anything. I don’t think 97 percent of the people who look at the climate data critically share the opinion that anthropogenic emissions of CO2 is a primary driver of climate. | 2_not_human | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/robert-giegengack/ | en | null | null | 1,820 |
We will still continue to need to use gas into the next decades as we decarbonize our system, and we will be able to import it from overseas, but it’s very disappointing. …] “It is the seismic activity that is the area that we need to closely regulate and we need that certainty. So as the science improves, we will be able to look at this again but that’s not for now. | 0_not_relevant | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/andrea-leadsom/ | en | null | null | 4,196 |
It’s like cooking a frog,” Sommers said. “First, you put him in the water, and then you turn the heat up. | 0_not_relevant | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/mike-sommers/ | en | null | null | 3,995 |
The death of the divestment movement is not a total victory. The environmental left has been badly wounded, but it is not dead,” Peterson said during her speech at the Heartland Institute’s America First Energy Conference in 2018. | 0_not_relevant | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/rachelle-peterson/ | en | null | null | 2,873 |
My argument in recent days has not been against climate change but against this fiction of a national emergency. Where I live we have cloudy & 12 degrees. | 1_not_happening | FLICC | https://huggingface.co/datasets/fzanartu/FLICCdataset | en | hamburg_test1 | null | 790 |
And we’ve got we’ve got a problem in Australia. Let’s face it. We had six years of very mixed government in which the cost of production, of cost of employing people has gone up so much that the car industry is leaving us and so on. All I can see from this distance is the prospect of a lot of unemployment, unless we get small people started, businesses, uh, and some bigger industries coming in too. Uh, and we can be the low energy country of the world. Uh, so there’s a lot to do. But we shouldn’t be building windmills and all that rubbish. | 7_fossil_fuels_needed | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/rupert-murdoch/ | en | null | null | 2,960 |
The climate change agenda is a hoax. … The reality is more people are dying of bad climate change policies than they are of actual climate change. | 6_proponents_biased | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/vivek-ramaswamy/ | en | null | null | 3,550 |
The Project will fund legal advice and defense to those who need it, while also executing an offense to turn the tables on abusive officials. Scientists, policy organizations and others should not have to labor under the fear that they will be the next victims of the Climate Inquisition, that they may face punishment and personal ruin for engaging in research and advocating their views. | 6_proponents_biased | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/free-speech-science-project/ | en | null | null | 5,515 |
We all want women to be protected from workplace discrimination. But that’s not what the Paycheck Fairness Act does. | 0_not_relevant | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/independent-womens-voice/ | en | null | null | 3,204 |
As difficult as it may be to conceive, however, the prospect of handing over a massive swath of popular public lands along with a fabulous sum of money to a local Indigenous population of approximately 1,500 is not the greatest threat this case poses to Canada. At the risk of running out of superlatives, this particular land claim threatens far greater damage by striking at the very foundation of the Canadian system of private property ownership. | 0_not_relevant | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/manning-foundation-for-democratic-education/ | en | null | null | 4,876 |
Setting unrealistic climate goals risks making poor policy choices that lead to unwanted outcomes for both the economy and the environment, | 4_solutions_harmful_unnecessary | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/macdonald-laurier-institute/ | en | null | null | 5,198 |
But Climategate was only the tip of the iceberg. An AR4 warning that unchecked climate change will melt most of the Himalayan glaciers by 2035 was found to be lifted from an erroneous World Wildlife Federation (WWF) report and misrepresented as peer-reviewed science. | 5_science_unreliable | FLICC | https://huggingface.co/datasets/fzanartu/FLICCdataset | en | CARDS | null | 1,359 |
I readily accept the main points of the greenhouse theory. Other things being equal, carbon dioxide emissions will produce some warming. The question always has been: how much? On that there is considerable uncertainty For, I also accept the unambiguous failure of the atmosphere to warm anything like as fast as predicted by the vast majority of climate models over the past 35 years, when measured by both satellites and surface thermometers. And indeed the failure of the atmosphere to warm at all over the past 18 years – according to some sources. Many policymakers have still to catch up with the facts I also note that the forecast effects of climate change have been consistently and widely exaggerated thus far. | 5_science_unreliable | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/owen-paterson/ | en | null | null | 3,460 |
Those who question alarmism are not ‘deniers’, as the BBC so insultingly calls them. Rather, it is they, the ‘deniers’, the anti-alarmists, who are heroes and heroines fighting to smash the deeply corrupt alarmist scam, which, on some estimates, is costing taxpayers trillions of dollars a year. | 6_proponents_biased | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/news-watch/ | en | null | null | 4,717 |
Much of what has passed for established climate science in the past couple of decades has actually been based on projections and computer models, not on any empirically obtained data. In fact, it’s been almost anti-science, with presumptions being treated as fact before being proven. | 5_science_unreliable | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/freedomworks/ | en | null | null | 2,670 |
Those who intensely oppose the energy sector and additional pipeline capacity are a very small minority, albeit a very loud one. Many of these elements are funded by foreign foundations, largely from the United States. Many are motivated solely by authentic concern for the planet and the environment. However, some of this foundation support is suspect Independent researcher Vivian Krause has highlighted how some groups have adopted a clear strategy of land-locking the ‘tar sands’ to ensure that Alberta crude cannot reach the international market (Krause 2018). They use inflammatory and erroneous slogans such as ‘Tars sands oil is blood oil’ to motivate donors and activists to their cause. Government must inform the public about the realities of our energy sector and shine a large spotlight on these foreign-funded environmentalist campaigns. | 6_proponents_biased | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/macdonald-laurier-institute/ | en | null | null | 4,108 |
The march of wokeism, like the march of Islamism, is more than an intellectual movement. It has already claimed many innocent victims, from university professors to stand-up comedians. And its victims include its supposed beneficiaries. Many mayors, police officials, and public prosecutors have responded to the ‘Black Lives Matter’ and ‘Defund the Police’ movements by handcuffing police protection in many neighborhoods and effectively decriminalizing looting, shoplifting, and similar offenses. These steps, taken in the name of ‘social justice,’ have produced a surge in urban crime and killing that has disproportionately afflicted black citizens. Similarly, the aggressive promotion of sex-change surgery on unwitting children has left many girls (and boys) permanently disfigured. | 0_not_relevant | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/christopher-demuth/ | en | null | null | 3,806 |
Athumani Juma doesn't believe it. A guide who's been hiking the mountain for the past seven years, he laughed when he was asked about the likelihood that Kilimanjaro's snowcap would disappear soon. The glaciers, he claimed, no longer are shrinking, but growing. | 1_not_happening | FLICC | https://huggingface.co/datasets/fzanartu/FLICCdataset | en | CARDS | null | 733 |
Plants grow faster and are more numerous as atmospheric carbon dioxide increases, which also increases the amount of animal life. From North American forests to Amazon forests, growth has accelerated. All life is carbon based. The more carbon, the more life. | 3_not_bad | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/art-robinson/ | en | null | null | 5,631 |
No, no, no! No narratives sir. I asked for a specific pledge. If this was misapplied, if participation occurred where there should have been recusal, you’re the Solicitor of the Department of Interior. Are you gonna do something about it? | 0_not_relevant | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/daniel-jorjani/ | en | null | null | 5,346 |
Remember Cap and trade? Pushed by Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid and praised by Mark Jacobs. Like Obama, Texas businessman Mark Jacobs said a Washington ‘cap and trade system works very well’ and ‘really hits the mark’ ut the plan would have exploded energy costs, hurt the economy, and even cost Americans jobs—up to 30,000 jobs in Iowa. Call Mark Jacobs. Tell him Iowa families can’t afford higher energy costs from Washington. | 4_solutions_harmful_unnecessary | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/aegis-strategic/ | en | null | null | 2,119 |
This is doomsday-cult scenario stuff, we shouldn’t be teaching our children to be afraid like this should we? | 6_proponents_biased | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/julia-hartley-brewer/ | en | null | null | 5,494 |
Some ‘me too’ statement from someone who is not a physicist but a chemist is not likely to carry very much weight in the councils of the world. The damage that would be done by a statement straying into the science of this question – on either side – would be to the church herself. For yet again, she would have gone beyond what she was founded to do… and yet again got the science 100 percent plumb wrong. | 5_science_unreliable | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/christopher-monckton/ | en | null | null | 4,025 |
Given the large uncertainties at each major step of the case for reliance on a carbon tax, economists should reconsider their current support for such a policy. | 4_solutions_harmful_unnecessary | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/robert-p-murphy/ | en | null | null | 2,345 |
If we continue using fossil fuels, there is a 0.0% chance that it will lead to a climate catastrophe. CO2 was much higher for most of the last 600 million years, and life thrived. | 3_not_bad | FLICC | https://huggingface.co/datasets/fzanartu/FLICCdataset | en | CARDS | null | 527 |
My original erroneous estimate of 5,000 dead in the is a number ten times smaller than I intended to state, and it too could prove somewhat optimistic. But any possible error rate in this revised projection should be kept in perspective. The current death toll stands at 592 as of noon on March 24, 2020, out of about 47,000 cases. So my adjusted figure, however tweaked, remains both far lower, and I believe far more accurate, than the common claim that there could be a million dead in the from well over 150 million coronavirus cases before the epidemic runs its course.] | 0_not_relevant | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/richard-epstein/ | en | null | null | 1,902 |
While the Biden administration continues to pursue regulatory policies based on a concept known as the ‘social cost of carbon,”’ increased carbon dioxide emissions have led to a ‘greening of the planet,’ Kevin Dayaratna, principal statistician and data scientist for The Heritage Foundation, said in his presentation at the Heartland Institute’s 14th International Climate Change Conference. | 3_not_bad | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/kevin-mooney/ | en | null | null | 4,302 |
The Family. Conservatives have won the argument about the central importance of making sure that every child grows up with a mother and father. The next challenge is to translate this victory into a strategy for reinforcing marriage in public policy, and for giving parents more control over the education and upbringing of their children Faith. Conservatives are breaking down barriers to religion in the public square by emphasizing such principles as religious freedom and religious expression. But they haven’t yet found an effective vocabulary for arguing that religion should take a more central place in American life. The next challenge is to encourage greater public appreciation of the role of religion and religious believers in healthy societies while affirming a commitment to the separation of church and state Freedom. Conservatives have won the argument about the importance of private voluntary associations in a free society. The next challenge is twofold: First, to strengthen civic institutions without resorting to government subsidies that create dependency and destroy any sense of mission; and second, to empower citizens to reassume the primary responsibility for helping the needy through religious, charitable, and civic institutions. | 0_not_relevant | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/adam-meyerson/ | en | null | null | 2,298 |
Many scientists are predicting the onset of two or three centuries of cooler weather - which would mean bigger glaciers. | 1_not_happening | FLICC | https://huggingface.co/datasets/fzanartu/FLICCdataset | en | jintest | null | 1,468 |
As a result of misplaced priorities of President Obama, who has consistently failed to partner with the states to address our nation’s real needs, stories are emerging in East Los Angeles, Baltimore, communities across Ohio, and elsewhere about lead pipes and other infrastructure problems that put the health of our citizens at risk. In my leadership role on the Committee, I have watched the Obama administration prioritize more than $120 billion for the president’s global warming agenda at the expense of real investment in critical infrastructure. | 4_solutions_harmful_unnecessary | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/james-inhofe/ | en | null | null | 3,815 |
The EU has single-mindedly pursued an overly prescriptive interpretation of the “Precautionary Principle,” smothering opportunities for innovation in thrall to the emotions of vocal activists rather than scientific evidence and advice The green blob dominates thinking in Brussels, with generous grants given to green groups so that they will lobby it for regulations which then require large budgets to enforce. | 6_proponents_biased | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/owen-paterson/ | en | null | null | 5,208 |
It has been a long time since any elected politician has said anything to defend the voters’ interests against the green ideology that has captured the British establishment. | 6_proponents_biased | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/ben-pile/ | en | null | null | 2,404 |
At the beginning, he quotes a number of climate doom-mongers , including the Pope. | 6_proponents_biased | FLICC | https://huggingface.co/datasets/fzanartu/FLICCdataset | en | jindev | null | 803 |
The foundation of the greenhouse theory is that 'greenhouse' gases absorb infrared radiation from the earth and then 'back-radiate' this energy to the earth to cause global warming. Several prior posts have illustrated that the concepts of greenhouse gas 'back-radiation,' 'heat-trapping,' 'heat capture,' and 'radiative forcing' are essentially all referring to the same unphysical, fundamental error of the greenhouse theory that cannot be found in textbooks of physics. | 5_science_unreliable | FLICC | https://huggingface.co/datasets/fzanartu/FLICCdataset | en | CARDS | null | 857 |
The first rule of climate change fanaticism is that no story is ever considered too outlandish or preposterous for purposes of public consumption. | 6_proponents_biased | FLICC | https://huggingface.co/datasets/fzanartu/FLICCdataset | en | hamburg_test2 | null | 1,578 |
The issue of the climate sensitivity of the atmosphere to increasing GHG concentrations is nowhere near resolution. | 5_science_unreliable | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/american-enterprise-institute/ | en | null | null | 3,303 |
The idea that climate change can be attributed to just one or two politically chosen factors, such as the so-called ‘greenhouse gases’, like carbon dioxide and methane, is simply very bad science. Climate change is controlled by millions of interlinked factors, ranging from the swish of a butterfly’s wing, through 11- and 22-year solar magnetic cycles, volcanism, ocean-atmospheric linkages, sunspot activity, shorter duration wobbles of the Earth, to 96,000-year orbital changes and even intermittent meteor impacts. The intrinsic complexity of all these myriad links still totally defeats our climate modellers, many of whom cannot even account for the variation of water vapour, the most important greenhouse gas of all, and this means that climate change remains largely unpredictable. Moreover, this inherent unpredictability should warn us that, when, God-like, we try to adjust one or two of the factors involved, such as greenhouse gas emissions, our very best intentions may bring about results we neither expect nor want. We have no knowledge of how the tiny changes we initiate may interact with all the other ever-changing cycles. | 5_science_unreliable | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/philip-stott/ | en | null | null | 3,829 |
Weather and climate change are natural processes beyond human control. To argue otherwise is to deny the factual evidence. | 2_not_human | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/david-deming/ | en | null | null | 5,062 |
When you talk about the future of our energy system, it’s changing dramatically,” Fitzsimmons said. And it’s been changing much faster than people anticipated. I mean, five, ten years ago, no one would have guessed that the United States would be the number one producer of oil and natural gas in the world, exporting LNG to 36 countries But also being one of the leading wind and solar producers, seeing how quickly costs for renewable energy have declined, seeing how rapidly electric vehicle battery costs have declined, seeing how cheap led light bulbs have gotten and these are technological innovations that are driving massive changes in the energy system And the big challenge moving forward because of this rapidly evolving system, at least in the electricity generation side, is less about having affordable kilowatt hours of electricity—because we have a lot of low-cost sources of supply—the bigger challenge moving forward is going to be how do you integrate all of these new technologies together in a way that maintains an affordable, reliable, resilient and clean energy system. And that’s where technologies like energy storage come into play. | 0_not_relevant | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/alex-fitzsimmons/ | en | null | null | 5,908 |
The President said what most people familiar with this issue already knew: Kyoto is flawed and will not work. | 4_solutions_harmful_unnecessary | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/william-o-keefe/ | en | null | null | 4,601 |
How can this be AND the year also be the hottest on record! Simply put the correction algorithms used to compensate for the urban heat island effects are wrong. As are the majority if not all of the climate models used by the UN IPCC which do not take into account celestial cycles, cloud formation impacts of comic [sic] rays and numerous other parameters that are a bigger driver than CO2, | 5_science_unreliable | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/joe-leimkuhler/ | en | null | null | 5,146 |
There are two other graphs spanning over five hundred million years by R. A. Berner and C. R. Scotese which show that there is no correlation at all between CO2 and temperature. These well publicized graphs were conveniently omitted from this section. | 5_science_unreliable | FLICC | https://huggingface.co/datasets/fzanartu/FLICCdataset | en | CARDS | null | 219 |
People welcoming tyranny to fight fake climate change can't read the writing in the sky. The weather isn't changing its being tampered with by the same people that want to tax you and lock you down to "save" you. | 6_proponents_biased | FLICC | https://huggingface.co/datasets/fzanartu/FLICCdataset | en | hamburg_test1 | null | 1,706 |
The Democrat fictional Climate Change Crisis is just another ruse for the Dem Marxist GND agenda. The Democrats are using this the lie to fear monger and control our lives. Vote Red | 6_proponents_biased | FLICC | https://huggingface.co/datasets/fzanartu/FLICCdataset | en | hamburg_test3 | null | 1,288 |
These zealots would like you to believe that due to fossil fuel emissions, summers are now longer and hotter while winters are shorter and milder. | 1_not_happening | FLICC | https://huggingface.co/datasets/fzanartu/FLICCdataset | en | jintrain | null | 1,115 |
The Northern Hemisphere, North Atlantic, North Pacific and East Pacific SST Anomalies are all dropping. It will not be long before the Atlantic Coast and the Arctic regions will show similar cooling as the AMO goes cool or negative. North America is more likely see much cold weather during the next 20-30 years rather than global warming of 3-6C as predicted by the IPCC. | 1_not_happening | FLICC | https://huggingface.co/datasets/fzanartu/FLICCdataset | en | CARDS | null | 582 |
I nodded. ‘I’m sure you’re right,’ I said. ‘But if it turns out you’re not, and you need someone to walk it back for you – give me a call. I’m in the booth all the time.' | 0_not_relevant | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/mike-rowe/ | en | null | null | 3,250 |
It was global warming, now its Climate Change. | 1_not_happening | FLICC | https://huggingface.co/datasets/fzanartu/FLICCdataset | en | hamburg_test2 | null | 43 |
Al Gore is a prime example of the danger of seeking religious purpose in life through political interests and activism. Today, his declared central organizing life-principle is salvation of the environment. Yet for most of his life he was a member in good standing of the 16 million-member Southern Baptist Convention. | 0_not_relevant | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/james-wanliss/ | en | null | null | 3,686 |
Taxing or regulating CO2 emissions is an unnecessary and detrimental policy option that should be shunned. Why would any government or religious institution advocate to increase regulations and raise energy prices based on flawed computer projections of climate change that will never come to pass? | 4_solutions_harmful_unnecessary | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/craig-idso/ | en | null | null | 5,217 |
It is not the job of the EPA administrator to ‘save the planet,’ whatever that means, or to satisfy the supposed imperatives underlying whatever slogan happens to be the trendy one of the day, | 6_proponents_biased | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/benjamin-zycher/ | en | null | null | 3,238 |
So, it’s very alarming how this propaganda campaign, that they made this stuff out of, almost completely out of thin air and they’ve convinced millions and millions of thought leaders that this stuff is real. | 6_proponents_biased | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/stephen-moore/ | en | null | null | 4,884 |
I don’t really see any compromise, because no matter how you slice this, it’s an energy tax. […] At the core it means to make energy more expensive. | 4_solutions_harmful_unnecessary | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/mike-mckenna/ | en | null | null | 1,872 |
“For example, Canadian polar bear biologist Ian Stirling learned in the 1970s that spring sea ice in the southern Beaufort Sea periodically gets so thick that seals depart, depriving local polar bears of their prey and causing their numbers to plummet. But that fact, documented in more than a dozen scientific papers, is not discussed today as part of polar bear ecology.” | 3_not_bad | FLICC | https://huggingface.co/datasets/fzanartu/FLICCdataset | en | Alhindi_test | null | 1,729 |
The surface temperature of the globe has indeed been increasing – by about one degree over the past century. But no one yet knows whether the fault is human intervention or simply the natural cycle of warming and cooling that has affected the earth for millions of years, | 2_not_human | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/james-k-glassman/ | en | null | null | 3,944 |
The climate emergency is not an emergency at all. Why? Because the problem is easy to solve. There are two simple solutions if we are only willing to consider them rationally. First, engineers have shown that it is possible to remove CO2 from the atmosphere by direct air capture, and then store it. Initially, the cost will be expensive, but nothing even close to what the coronavirus will cost. Further, while the technology develops, we can wait to see how fast temperatures are rising, and what sorts of damages we might expect Second is an option that would need to be implemented sooner, but would benefit society nonetheless. Working with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, a group of nuclear engineers at TerraPower has developed a Traveling Wave nuclear Reactor (TWR) that is absolutely safe to use. If significant numbers of TWRs could be built, costs would be competitive with other sources of power generation. Indeed, as my own research (and that of others) has shown, any serious effort to reduce CO2 emissions from the generation of electricity will require a shift toward nuclear energy. If environmentalists oppose nuclear energy, they will have no other way to retain an economic standard of living that is even close to what we enjoy now and, at the same time, reduce CO2 emissions by even half nfortunately, the main obstacle to the avoidance of catastrophes, such as COVID-19, occurs when (1) our focus shifts from immediate, real threats to future questionable ones; and, (2) all current problems are blamed on the questionable future threat. By putting all of our preparedness eggs in the climate-change basket, we are left not only to weather the storms associated with those threats for which we are unprepared. By attributing all our problems to climate change, we also assume there is one single solution to all our problems and that is to stop burning fossil fuels. How naïve have we become? | 4_solutions_harmful_unnecessary | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/gerrit-cornelis-van-kooten/ | en | null | null | 3,311 |
Accelerating , rapid and "runaway, tipping point" global warming does not exist, nor is it even remotely and/or feasibly "imminent" | 1_not_happening | FLICC | https://huggingface.co/datasets/fzanartu/FLICCdataset | en | CARDS | null | 1,730 |
If people are only hearing one side of the story – that being the bogus narrative pushed by extreme environmentalist protestors – then we should not simply accept that, but challenge and refute it. | 6_proponents_biased | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/craig-mackinlay/ | en | null | null | 5,324 |
Unfortunately people like to talk about supporting climate change more than actually doing. There is a company named Tesla whose mission is to support climate change but now the left hates the Ceo & company. Let's start supporting the doers & stop praising the talkers. | 0_not_relevant | FLICC | https://huggingface.co/datasets/fzanartu/FLICCdataset | en | hamburg_test3 | null | 1,224 |
The defenders of the Paris Accords are as dogmatic on the science as they are on the economics. To them, it is an axiomatic truth that carbon dioxide emissions pose a grave threat to the environment, even though the putative causal chain is filled with missing links. The current practice is to assume that every adverse climate event is somehow the result of the rather smallish increases in carbon dioxide levels over the past 65 years. … Climate variability has been a constant long before human beings inhabited this earth. Of course, carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that can trap energy. But so is water vapor, and its levels are far harder to track because its amount and distribution are not constant across the earth’s surface. Most crucially, observed cyclical patterns of temperature change do not correlate with slow but steady increases in carbon dioxide. Recent work by climate scientists Richard Lindzen and others shows that during the so-called Holocene period (roughly covering the last 11,000 years), there was a negative correlation between temperatures and carbon dioxide concentrations—strongly suggesting that carbon dioxide levels cannot be the main driver of temperature changes. It should, therefore, come as no surprise that recent climate models that have predicted sharp temperature increases have consistently run “hot,” so much so that observed increases are less than 50 percent of those predicted. As climate scientist Judith Curry points out, the uncertainties involved are large and the role of natural forces in driving temperature change are systematically underestimated. | 5_science_unreliable | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/richard-epstein/ | en | null | null | 5,635 |
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