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No one has ever proven Climate Change. Scientific Consensus is a political term, not a scientific term. | 5_science_unreliable | FLICC | https://huggingface.co/datasets/fzanartu/FLICCdataset | en | hamburg_test3 | null | 653 |
Computer models of the climate are at the heart of calls to ban the cheap, reliable energy that powers our thriving economy and promotes healthier, longer lives. | 4_solutions_harmful_unnecessary | FLICC | https://huggingface.co/datasets/fzanartu/FLICCdataset | en | Alhindi_test | null | 429 |
In the last month, the Arctic Oscillation Index (AO) has gone strongly negative. You can see that it headed to its negative peak right about the time the Copenhagen Climate Conference started, so it is no wonder that they ironically experienced cold and snow there. It is also a setup for the record snow and cold Canada and the USA has seen recently. | 1_not_happening | FLICC | https://huggingface.co/datasets/fzanartu/FLICCdataset | en | CARDS | null | 1,634 |
Climate change has been occurring ever since the earth’s formation 4.5 billion years ago. Long before any industrial activity, the earth’s average temperature increased and decreased for centuries. The Medieval Warm Period (c. 950–1250) and earlier periods may very well have been as warm as or warmer than the present. […] Natural variations in climate such as fluctuations in solar activity, volcanic activity, or ocean oscillations like El Niño have all contributed to global warming and global cooling […] he idea that the science of climate change is ‘settled’ is an absurdity, contrary to the very spirit of scientific enquiry. […] The Earth has been recovering from the Little Ice Age for a couple of centuries and recovering from a real ice age for thousands of years; it is simply impossible to know whether any observed current warming is a continuation of this natural trend or represents some new man-made phenomenon. | 2_not_human | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/david-kreutzer/ | en | null | null | 5,781 |
We believe the claims by NASA and GISS, that man-made carbon dioxide is having a catastrophic impact on global climate change are not substantiated… . With hundreds of well-known climate scientists and tens of thousands of other scientists publicly declaring their disbelief in the catastrophic forecasts, coming particularly from the GISS leadership, it is clear that the science is NOT settled. | 5_science_unreliable | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/harold-doiron/ | en | null | null | 2,589 |
Good news isn’t bad news. […] The evidence for a climate crisis simply doesn’t hold up. And that is not about attacking science, as many people would lead you to believe. It’s performing science, it’s advancing science. And again the news is good news, and that’s excellent for humanity, it’s excellent for people around the world, who would like to escape poverty and not be held down by energy restrictions imposed by the United Nations and national governments. | 5_science_unreliable | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/heartland-institute/ | en | null | null | 2,932 |
Environmental groups need an apocalypse because it puts them in the position of being the high priest that defines the problem and then brings the solution. | 6_proponents_biased | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/mark-mathis/ | en | null | null | 2,414 |
The Stream offers a rich and lively source for breaking news, Christian inspiration and conservative commentary while challenging the worst in the mainstream media. | 0_not_relevant | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/william-briggs/ | en | null | null | 2,617 |
I am one of the skeptics who believes that adding CO2 to the atmosphere, theoretically, should cause some warming. […] I would expect slow warming to continue in the future–but I wouldn’t bet money on it. | 5_science_unreliable | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/roy-spencer/ | en | null | null | 2,272 |
The press is trying to blame the snow in New York on global warming. Their largest snowstorm in 1977 was blamed at the time on global cooling #ClimateScam | 1_not_happening | FLICC | https://huggingface.co/datasets/fzanartu/FLICCdataset | en | hamburg_test1 | null | 838 |
As for records of sea-level change, tide-gauge measurements indicate no acceleration in sea-level rise in the 20th century. | 1_not_happening | FLICC | https://huggingface.co/datasets/fzanartu/FLICCdataset | en | CARDS | null | 1,087 |
Pope Francis advocates the global warming agenda of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), with the help of the Obama White House. Apparently, he doesn’t know their ultimate objective of reducing and controlling population generally contradicts Catholic doctrine. | 6_proponents_biased | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/tim-ball/ | en | null | null | 2,456 |
The clearest answer to the question of what we should do about climate change was offered by a man in hip waders who was filling sandbags to help with the flooding in Central Canada: adapt and mitigate, | 0_not_relevant | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/manning-foundation-for-democratic-education/ | en | null | null | 1,964 |
Development is very important. As more and more First Nations deal with their own resource futures, this reality will lead to becoming more self-sufficient as Nations. As the development of these resources continues, more and more capacity is gained, which will allow the First Nation to maximize their investment of their own resources moving forward, | 0_not_relevant | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/stephen-buffalo/ | en | null | null | 2,995 |
Meanwhile in the real world, no convincing evidence whatsoever has emerged to support the threadbare theory that anthropogenic CO2 is causing the planet to warm in ways which are dangerous or unprecedented. Still, the theory rests entirely on computer models which, increasingly, appear to diverge from the actual observed data. | 5_science_unreliable | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/james-delingpole/ | en | null | null | 5,108 |
I don’t usually talk about myself so it’s not a comfortable thing, | 0_not_relevant | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/robert-mercer/ | en | null | null | 4,213 |
Climate crisis is a hoax, and if you believe it is real and the US can solve it for the world by crop our country you're a fool. | 6_proponents_biased | FLICC | https://huggingface.co/datasets/fzanartu/FLICCdataset | en | hamburg_test3 | null | 856 |
In light of the global nature of the problem of climate change, I have found that California does not have a ‘need to meet compelling and extraordinary conditions. | 0_not_relevant | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/william-wehrum/ | en | null | null | 5,962 |
Renewable energy is not renewable energy. It’s only renewable electricity. Wind and solar can only produce electricity. They can’t produce the thousands and thousands of products that come out of fossil fuels. […] The situation is electrical is fine for some items, but electrical doesn’t support aviation, the military cruise ships, merchant ships. … It actually gets worse, because the compliance cost with some of these environmental regulations [in California] is getting more and more expensive, so it’s going up. | 7_fossil_fuels_needed | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/ronald-stein/ | en | null | null | 3,133 |
The earth is cooling, the arctic ice is growing. | 1_not_happening | FLICC | https://huggingface.co/datasets/fzanartu/FLICCdataset | en | hamburg_test2 | null | 1,743 |
There is no scientific proof that human emissions of carbon dioxide () are the dominant cause of the minor warming of the Earth’s atmosphere over the past 100 years, | 2_not_human | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/patrick-moore/ | en | null | null | 3,154 |
Global average temperatures peaked in 1998 and since have cooled slightly, despite steadily rising levels. Except in its Western Peninsula, Antarctica is gaining ice, and Antarctic sea ice reached an all-time high in 2007. Arctic ice is seasonably normal, and in 2008 the Northern Hemisphere was covered by more snow than ever before recorded. | 1_not_happening | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/paul-driessen/ | en | null | null | 1,837 |
If you like your current situation, you’re going to love the Green New Deal. That’s what it comes down to,” he began. “We have seen folks in the Green movement cheer and celebrate; we’ve seen them make comments like ‘humans are the virus, and the coronavirus is the cure.’ These are things these people are actually saying. The bottom line is this, this is what the Green New Deal is: stack people up, put them in public transportation, don’t drive, don’t fly. That’s what it comes down to, and we are living that. And we’re doing it because we were asked by our government to stay home, but this is really the way they want us to live permanently. In order for the global Paris Agreement targets to be met, one of my guys crunched the numbers, and he thinks it would take five coronaviruses, that level of economic inactivity, to get to where they would like to be. “But of course, the Green New Deal isn’t about the environment, it’s about power and control. It’s about who decides: you, me, or them? It’s about who makes the choices about the cars they drive, the places they live, the electricity consumption that they use, even what type of energy is being used and how much they pay. And it’s about who controls it — the government or us, the people, individuals, consumers, Americans? That is what the Green New Deal is, it’s about power and control, it’s not about the climate. | 4_solutions_harmful_unnecessary | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/thomas-pyle/ | en | null | null | 2,053 |
For the past century, greenhouse operators have been adding CO2 to the air inside greenhouses to enhance plant growth. | 3_not_bad | FLICC | https://huggingface.co/datasets/fzanartu/FLICCdataset | en | CARDS | null | 693 |
I know there are very large numbers of young people in this country who are scared. They’ve got convictions but in many ways they lack the courage to say them. And that’s where Turning Point UK comes in. You can join this organisation. You can know that you’ve got strength in numbers. You can know that you’re not alone. Turning Point UK is going to make us a more democratic society. | 0_not_relevant | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/turning-point-usa/ | en | null | null | 3,305 |
Some people insist that ‘renewable energy’ and ‘sustainable development’ must be the future for Third World countries, | 0_not_relevant | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/liberty-institute/ | en | null | null | 2,742 |
Avalanches happen in Summer! Glaciers calve! UK lost all of its glaciers due to global warming 12,000 years of it! Long before man! | 2_not_human | FLICC | https://huggingface.co/datasets/fzanartu/FLICCdataset | en | hamburg_test2 | null | 188 |
Imagine what it could do if some of that money was directed in Cdn companies to help reduce the costs of living. | 0_not_relevant | FLICC | https://huggingface.co/datasets/fzanartu/FLICCdataset | en | hamburg_test1 | null | 287 |
Interested as I am as a chartered aerospace engineer who used to work on thermodynamics, with an MSc in computer science, capable of understanding models – fascinated as I am, I am not having that conversation about the science. But I have to say, the science is sometimes propagandised. | 5_science_unreliable | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/steve-baker/ | en | null | null | 5,413 |
Climate is changing, always has and most likely always will until that thermonuclear engine in the sky, the sun, goes out,” England said by email. | 2_not_human | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/gary-england/ | en | null | null | 1,881 |
Any meaningful effort to achieve long-term, sustainable reductions in global greenhouse gas emissions will depend on the development and deployment of new energy technologies, including advanced clean coal technologies and carbon capture and storage (). The rapid development, demonstration and widespread deployment of such technologies are of paramount importance in any reasoned and effective effort to address climate change concerns. | 0_not_relevant | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/national-mining-association/ | en | null | null | 2,818 |
My understanding is there’s not a clear 100 percent conclusion drawn, | 5_science_unreliable | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/rex-tillerson/ | en | null | null | 6,063 |
Boy, you get me going on the Covid thing. I don’t like the fact that you quarantine healthy people. You don’t quarantine healthy people. I’m not dismissing the fact that this thing is contagious. Of course it’s contagious. So is the common flu and so is the common cold. We’ve had a vaccine for the flu for seventy eight years now. It still kills 40 to 50 thousand people a year in America alone, ok. Masks don’t do anything. Go to the CDC, the Center for Disease Control, go to the World Health Organization sites. They say it right in there. I don’t know why we have our faith in Fauci. I don’t know. This guy even said masks do nothing and then he changed his mind two months later. We needed to jump on board with everybody else, whatever kind of game they got going on. | 0_not_relevant | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/kevin-sorbo/ | en | null | null | 3,786 |
Believe me, I have personally experienced these nuts, and the National Black Chamber of Commerce has been slandered for its energy positions. It appears that we are right and they are wrong. Let the whole world know about it. | 0_not_relevant | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/harry-c-alford/ | en | null | null | 3,131 |
COVID is the exact same playbook as climate,” Morano said. “First. The first thing you do with a virus is try to calm the public and make rational decisions. What’s the first thing our public health bureaucracy did? They came out and tried to instill as great a fear in everyone as possible. That’s how they got the lockdowns, mask mandates. These weren’t even in the CDC playbook for decades. They weren’t. They weren’t in the playbook for how to deal with the virus. | 0_not_relevant | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/marc-morano/ | en | null | null | 3,412 |
If the green lobby genuinely believed in tackling climate change they would be more open minded to the benefits of extracting shale gas in the UK. | 4_solutions_harmful_unnecessary | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/priti-patel/ | en | null | null | 2,399 |
If they can blind you with confetti and cotton candy, they can make you think what they say is real. But after an hour when the effects of the sugar and pretty colors wear off the real world still exists. So it is with this anthropogenic global warming () nonsense that is now being exposed as such, | 2_not_human | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/ronald-stein/ | en | null | null | 2,619 |
As this short history of failed predictions reveals, prominent environmentalists have been using fears of famine and ecological disaster to promote a population-control agenda for many years. Recent claims that man-made global warming might be yet another disaster to be laid at the feet of population growth are no more credible. … Climate forecasts going out more than a century are too unreliable to be credible. While presented as though they are scientific predictions, they are, in fact, little more than educated guesses put forward by a small number of scientists – and many of them have financial conflicts of interest and political agendas Inordinate fear of climate change has, unfortunately, already led to the adoption of a plethora of taxes, regulations, and subsidies aimed at reducing carbon emissions. It doesn’t need to lead to population control as well. | 5_science_unreliable | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/tim-benson/ | en | null | null | 3,817 |
Bobby and his fellow watermelons are the ones guilty of crimes against reality Many are outright liars ; masses are innumerate sheeple sucked into the absurdity that the molecule which , married with H2O , enables life is inimical to it . Venerable institutions have lost respect along with their pre-internet paper based fiefdoms These eKo-nazis living on inherited wealth and privilege don’t give a damn about the welfare of the poor for whom energy is a several thousand dollar per year expense . And it’s the Koch’s and their competition who produce that energy as affordably and responsibly they can It is to be expected that the true believers in this historic delusion are the same arrogant , willfully ignorant , progressives who , as the Libertarians aptly put it , submit to the cult of the state . For them to come to terms with the falsehood of this quantitative scientific absurdity is to face the falsehood of their belief in the superiority of the socialist state and the demagogs ( demigods to them ) who seek its power over their fellow citizens . Once again , the god fails . | 6_proponents_biased | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/bob-armstrong/ | en | null | null | 2,526 |
We geologists can help to steer climate science away from the ideological hype and straight-jacket and return it to its proper functioning. | 5_science_unreliable | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/gerrit-j-van-der-lingen/ | en | null | null | 3,065 |
So, was mankind responsible for "global warming" back in the days of Noah??? Geologically there is evidence of flooding many times even before "man" arrived. Did the dinosaurs cause global warming??? | 2_not_human | FLICC | https://huggingface.co/datasets/fzanartu/FLICCdataset | en | hamburg_test3 | null | 210 |
In the geological past, Earth’s atmosphere had hundreds of times the CO2 content of the modern atmosphere yet there were no carbon dioxide-driven catastrophes. The past shows that climate change is normal, that warmer times and more atmospheric carbon dioxide have driven biodiversity and that cold times kill. | 2_not_human | FLICC | https://huggingface.co/datasets/fzanartu/FLICCdataset | en | Alhindi_train | null | 1,520 |
Global Warming is a scam, just as covid and J6 are. Stop accepting their premises. | 6_proponents_biased | FLICC | https://huggingface.co/datasets/fzanartu/FLICCdataset | en | hamburg_test2 | null | 1,406 |
AABE recognizes that there is no silver bullet for addressing environmental issues. A wide array of technologies and policy options must be pursued, including clean coal standards. | 4_solutions_harmful_unnecessary | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/american-association-blacks-energy/ | en | null | null | 4,663 |
we are going into a cooling period for the next 30 years. It has already started. | 1_not_happening | FLICC | https://huggingface.co/datasets/fzanartu/FLICCdataset | en | hamburg_test3 | null | 1,400 |
A weak global cooling began from the mid-1940s and lasted until mid-1970s. I predict this is what we will see in the next few decades. | 1_not_happening | FLICC | https://huggingface.co/datasets/fzanartu/FLICCdataset | en | CARDS | null | 73 |
Forecasts of dangerous global warming and of the extinction of polar bears are not derived from scientific forecasting methods and lack credibility. | 5_science_unreliable | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/kesten-green/ | en | null | null | 2,582 |
A lot of people are searching for the right thing to believe in and [have been] captured by a corrupted ideology, a ‘green’ religion, | 6_proponents_biased | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/roy-innis/ | en | null | null | 4,323 |
It’s hard to overstate how natural gas — and our ability to access more of it than ever — has become a game-changer and that’s why it’s been a fixture of the President’s ‘All of the Above’ energy strategy,” she told API Just think about it: a few years ago, the conventional wisdom was that the United States would need to build more terminals to import natural gas overseas. And today, America is the world’s leading producer of natural gas and we’re actually exploring opportunities for exports. | 7_fossil_fuels_needed | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/heather-zichal/ | en | null | null | 2,673 |
The University has not objected to Professor Ridd’s right to comment on quality assurance owever, the University has objected to the manner in which he has done this. He has sensationalised his comments to attract attention, has criticised and denigrated published work, and has demonstrated a lack of respect for his colleagues and institutions in doing so. Academic rebuttal of his scientific views on the reef has been separately published. | 0_not_relevant | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/peter-ridd/ | en | null | null | 5,039 |
United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-sponsored and funded ‘human health effects science’ research is unreliable and makes irresponsible and outrageous claims about how air pollution causes thousands of deaths. | 5_science_unreliable | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/john-dale-dunn/ | en | null | null | 6,046 |
Serious heatwaves, fires and drought were happening all around the world. This is further evidence of the climate crisis we face as a civilization and the urgency of our collective fight against global warming. | 0_not_relevant | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/havas/ | en | null | null | 3,218 |
It’s likely that CO2 has some warming effect, but real proof of that hypothesis is tricky. You have to confirm by observation exactly how the CO2 changes the situation at different altitudes in the atmosphere and in different regions of the world. For example, CO2 is supposed to warm the upper air faster than the surface, but the measurements don’t show that happening. When the CO2 effect is eventually pinned down, it will probably turn out to be weaker and much less worrisome than predicted by the global warming theorists. | 5_science_unreliable | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/nigel-calder/ | en | null | null | 3,403 |
The sponsors of this legislation, Senators McCain and Lieberman, believe that it is a cost-effective way using market forces to respond to the serious climate change threat caused by human activity. In fact it is none of these and their statements about the seriousness of the climate change threat goes well beyond the current state of scientific knowledge, | 5_science_unreliable | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/william-o-keefe/ | en | null | null | 5,676 |
Even if we could imagine an international response that was 100 percent effective in achieving its climate-mitigation goals, the price ceiling on such an effort would have to be, at most, 1–2 percent of global GDP. In all likelihood, the better response would be to take corrective and adaptive steps as we go rather than investing our hopes, and our capital, in the United Nations or a comparable organization. | 4_solutions_harmful_unnecessary | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/kevin-d-williamson/ | en | null | null | 5,746 |
In addition, stabilizing atmospheric CO2 concentrations Kyoto's ultimate goal is impossible without constraining energy use in developing countries. China's energy emissions alone will surpass those of the U.S. by 2020. Kyoto is, thus, the proverbial camel's nose under the tent. | 4_solutions_harmful_unnecessary | FLICC | https://huggingface.co/datasets/fzanartu/FLICCdataset | en | CARDS | null | 1,231 |
Nothing abnormal is happening to Indian glaciers. They’re retreating because of negative mass balance. There’s no evidence of climate change. | 1_not_happening | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/vijay-kumar-raina/ | en | null | null | 3,789 |
Apparently, many in Washington and elsewhere, particularly those in the Administration, remain ignorant of the critical role CO2 has in life on the planet and the enormous benefits that enhanced atmospheric carbon dioxide is providing to plant life, to the environment, and to humanity. | 3_not_bad | FLICC | https://huggingface.co/datasets/fzanartu/FLICCdataset | en | CARDS | null | 1,652 |
So, the point I’m getting at, is that was published in a social sciences — admitedly — paper, but it has credibility because it’s been peer reviewed. So I’m very concerned about some of the peer-reviewed papers. | 5_science_unreliable | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/malcolm-roberts/ | en | null | null | 5,955 |
Everything you’ve heard over the last 24 hours about the indispensability of a free market in energy, and a resistance to the alarmism and hysteria of the climate change cult, is absolutely correct, | 6_proponents_biased | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/brooke-rollins/ | en | null | null | 3,670 |
News flash, Mr. President: Alaska has been buffeted by cyclical swings in climate for thousands of years. That's true for the rest of the world, too. There was a 300-year-long Medieval heat wave, followed by a Little Ice Age that began around 1300, and then the 300-year warming period we're in now. | 2_not_human | FLICC | https://huggingface.co/datasets/fzanartu/FLICCdataset | en | jintest | null | 113 |
There’s no question that burning fossil fuels is leading to a warmer climate and that addressing this problem is important. But doing so is a question of timing and priority. For many parts of the world, fossil fuels are still vital and will be for the next few decades, because they are the only means to lift people out of the smoke and darkness of energy poverty. | 7_fossil_fuels_needed | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/bjorn-lomborg/ | en | null | null | 5,158 |
Members of the coalition point out that the science of global warming is uncertain, but the negative impacts of global warming policies on consumers are all too real. | 5_science_unreliable | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/cooler-heads-coalition/ | en | null | null | 2,195 |
To attribute rights to animals is to ignore the purpose and justification of rights—to protect the interests of man. | 0_not_relevant | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/alex-epstein/ | en | null | null | 2,688 |
It is true that carbon dioxide has increased dramatically in recent decades. And if I am not persuaded that the effect on global temperatures is shown, nothing prevents these effects occur in the future (one of the main risks is ocean acidification). | 0_not_relevant | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/vincent-courtillot/ | en | null | null | 3,286 |
CO2 is not powerful in that sense, the only thing it does in the system is make the planet greener. | 3_not_bad | FLICC | https://huggingface.co/datasets/fzanartu/FLICCdataset | en | Alhindi_test | null | 1,393 |
All philanthropic gifts are processed through the George Mason University Foundation, which is the non-profit arm of the university proper. This allows for the university and the donor to both see the greatest benefit from gifts, including tax deductibility (with some exclusions). There are some exceptions, such as contributions that support sponsored research, which would be handled by a designated office on the university side he Foundation only accepts gifts which are completely philanthropic — ‘no strings attached.’ For example, someone creating a scholarship and making a fully tax-deductible gift can have no say in which students receive the awards. The same thing is true for gifts in kind, such as books for the library or donated artwork; donors give up their full rights of ownership and control over that property in order for it to qualify as a tax-deductible gift. Any contribution that has any sort of ‘quid pro quo’ requirements or allows for the giver to direct the expenditure or use of their donation does not qualify for the tax deduction and will be handled by the appropriate university office. The size of the gift doesn’t matter; it’s the intent that IRS regulations address. | 0_not_relevant | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/george-mason-university/ | en | null | null | 3,033 |
The city lawyers from San Francisco and Oakland are clearly using global warming as a pretext to extort money from oil companies. It’s a nuisance lawsuit and hopefully the courts will treat it as such, | 6_proponents_biased | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/mark-mathis/ | en | null | null | 4,333 |
Today’s action by Pruitt is a wake-up call for those who continue to falsely claim carbon dioxide is a pollutant. It isn’t, so get over it! Carbon dioxide is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas that is essential for life on Earth. It will never cause the dangerous global warming that climate alarmists and their failed models predict. Future legal challenges to reverse Pruitt’s action are welcomed, as they will only fail in the end. | 2_not_human | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/craig-idso/ | en | null | null | 4,428 |
Life has existed on our planet for billions of years, and the climate over that time has changed from ice ages to periods much warmer than today. There is little doubt that as our cities grow, heat waves will be more severe in the urban areas. If global warming does in fact add to the problem, we will adapt to the new world, just as humans have done for millions of years. | 3_not_bad | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/robert-c-balling-jr/ | en | null | null | 5,182 |
In the most recent 5,000-year period, there have been numerous periods of distinct global warming and global cooling. However, the overall long-term climatic trend indicates that the earth has been getting cooler, not warmer, | 1_not_happening | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/foundation-economic-education/ | en | null | null | 2,306 |
So the Coalition Are you aware that they are primarily funded by the Mercer family and the Koch brothers? | 6_proponents_biased | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/mandy-gunasekara/ | en | null | null | 4,253 |
From the oceans via the surface and the upper atmosphere to outer space, real-world measurements prove beyond reasonable doubt that there was not, is not, and will not be any ‘climate crisis’. All of the results we publish here are of direct relevance to the debate about ‘global warming’. Yet none of these results will likely be published in any mainstream news medium. The facts are not fitting the theory nor backing the scare, so the media simply suppress them. | 5_science_unreliable | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/science-and-public-policy-institute/ | en | null | null | 4,398 |
During nearly all of Earth’s history, carbon dioxide concentration was at many multiples of our current level, averaging 2,600 ppm, or 6.5 times our current measurement. Forerunners of most of the plants we rely on for sustenance first appeared around 150 million years ago when levels were more than 2,000 ppm. Since that time has fallen steadily and precipitously In fact, at the end of the last ice age, carbon dioxide reached the dangerously low level of 182 ppm, thought to be the lowest since the Pre-Cambrian time period more than 600 million years ago. Why is it dangerous? Because 150 ppm is the lowest level at which plant life can survive. We came within a whisker of breaching that ‘line of death.’ Until we began adding to the atmosphere, there was no guarantee that this horrific threshold would not be crossed in the future Rather than spreading fear of increasing carbon dioxide, we should be thankful that both the Earth and humanity are thriving, in part due to more … Although I do not pretend to speak for the planet’s flora, I am quite certain that, if plants had a say in the matter, they would not lobby for reductions in levels. For plants, is food. They need more of it, not less. 01 he jacket copy for Wrightstone’s newly-released book, titled “Inconvenient Facts: The Science that Al Gore doesn’t want you to know,” promoted the book as a response to Al Gore’s “An Inconvenient Truth” Gregory Wrightstone presents the science to assess the basis of the threatened Thermageddon. The book’s 60 “inconvenient facts” come from government sources, peer-reviewed literature or scholarly works, set forth in a way that is lucid and entertaining. The information likely will challenge your current understanding of many apocalyptic predictions about our ever dynamic climate. You will learn that the planet is improving, not in spite of increasing CO2 and rising temperature, but because of it. The very framework of the climate-catastrophe argument will be confronted with scientific fact. | 3_not_bad | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/gregory-wrightstone/ | en | null | null | 2,503 |
This diminution effect is probably the reason there was no runaway greenhouse warming caused by CO2 in earlier eons when CO2 levels were known to be at levels of several thousands ppm v . The following simplifying diagram shows the logarithmic diminution effect using tranches of 100ppm v up to 1000ppm v and the significance of differing CO2 concentrations on the biosphere: | 2_not_human | FLICC | https://huggingface.co/datasets/fzanartu/FLICCdataset | en | CARDS | null | 1,755 |
So, to sum up: (1) estimates of climate sensitivity suggest that global warming is likely to be milder than even the lowest forecast made by the Interagency Working Group; (2) humanity’s ability to adapt to climate change will almost certainly be greater than even the most optimistic forecasts of the Interagency Working Group; (3) while there will undoubtedly be losers from global warming, there will also be winners and it is quite possible that additional carbon dioxide emissions will generate net benefits for humanity, at least until the end of this century. | 3_not_bad | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/reason-foundation/ | en | null | null | 4,382 |
We've had reefs on planet Earth for 3500 million years. They came and went many times. | 0_not_relevant | FLICC | https://huggingface.co/datasets/fzanartu/FLICCdataset | en | jintrain | null | 252 |
According to NOAA temp data, the atmosphere has cooled over the past seven years, not warmed. How is that so? | 1_not_happening | FLICC | https://huggingface.co/datasets/fzanartu/FLICCdataset | en | hamburg_test3 | null | 350 |
During the past 150 million years had steadily declined to such a low level that plants were seriously threatened with starvation during the peak of the last glacial cycle. Thankfully, our emissions have inadvertently reversed that trend, bringing a balance back to the global carbon cycle. All of this can be verified yet the narrative of “climate catastrophe”, which has no basis in science, is hollered from the rooftops around the world. | 3_not_bad | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/patrick-moore/ | en | null | null | 2,836 |
You know, if you want continuous, uninterruptible and reliable electricity, it’ll most likely be from coal, natural gas, and nuclear generation as backup for the windless and sunless days that make wind and solar useless. | 7_fossil_fuels_needed | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/ronald-stein/ | en | null | null | 3,264 |
I've long thought that man-made carbon-dioxide emissions will raise global temperatures, but that this effect will not be amplified much by feedbacks from extra water vapor and clouds, so the world will probably be only a bit more than one degree Celsius warmer in 2100 than today. | 3_not_bad | FLICC | https://huggingface.co/datasets/fzanartu/FLICCdataset | en | CARDS | null | 457 |
We need a change in strategy and philosophy when it comes to mining. For federal land development, the 20th-century philosophy of ‘lock up and preserve’ needs to be replaced with an ethic of ‘use and explore.’ We have hundreds of years of these resources with existing technology, | 7_fossil_fuels_needed | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/stephen-moore/ | en | null | null | 5,523 |
Trolls my butt if these people were really serious about climate control do you think they would’ve had like 100+ planes at Davos I mean come on Obama just bought beachfront property how much could he be worried about climate change it’s just another way to get power to them | 6_proponents_biased | FLICC | https://huggingface.co/datasets/fzanartu/FLICCdataset | en | hamburg_test1 | null | 479 |
“What are the odds that a climate model built on a system that simple would be reliable? Less than 50/50. (Multiplying .95 by itself 15 times yields 46.3 percent.)” | 5_science_unreliable | FLICC | https://huggingface.co/datasets/fzanartu/FLICCdataset | en | Alhindi_dev | null | 1,114 |
I'm going to give him two answers. A little later I will post taking Keating seriously part 2?? that recounts a few of the prima facie ways that the IPCC's radical attribution claims are highly unscientific, as pointed out by numerous people in recent years. | 5_science_unreliable | FLICC | https://huggingface.co/datasets/fzanartu/FLICCdataset | en | CARDS | null | 798 |
If the Earth’s temperature is changing in unnatural and unusual ways, and those climate oddities are, in part, a result of human activity, would taking radical steps that result in demolishing the economy of the developed world and the loss of millions of human lives in developing nations be worth reducing the Earth’s temperature a fraction of a degree? Most reasonable people would say no. Given the exaggerations of the problems and the dangers of the policy remedies, it is clear that government solutions to climate change are a medicine far worse than the illness. | 4_solutions_harmful_unnecessary | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/beacon-center-of-tennessee/ | en | null | null | 4,280 |
I definitely think that we humans have altered the climate system. I think we have a strong component that has been warming—for some reason, it has stopped. And I don’t understand the reasons why. | 1_not_happening | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/roger-pielke-sr/ | en | null | null | 1,864 |
Trump will use the ‘Green New Deal’ to his electoral advantage, and he should. It is a sophomoric, outlandish and fairly un-American proposal. The left’s efforts to elevate the ‘Green New Deal’ to the 2020 campaign is both a policy debacle and a repeat of Clinton’s political blunder. | 4_solutions_harmful_unnecessary | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/daniel-turner/ | en | null | null | 2,955 |
Instead, and remarkably, government overseers adjust the data to add more recent warming than is being reported in the raw temperature readings. | 5_science_unreliable | FLICC | https://huggingface.co/datasets/fzanartu/FLICCdataset | en | jintrain | null | 26 |
Charles and I, we’ve been working on these issues for 50 years or more, but in the last year, because of the LIBRE Initiative, Generation Opportunity, Concerned Veterans for America, Americans for Prosperity, and many others, I don’t want to — by not mentioning them, I don’t mean to exclude them — they’ve been very effective. They’ve done a great job. And I’ve always accepted and appreciated everything this group, this room has done. I really do. Inaudible) all morning (Inaudible). And what we have is a drop in the bucket compared to the left. (Inaudible) and they outnumber us. They outnumber us by a lot. So why do we get all the love? We know this, right? We talk about it all the time. Because you’re effective. If you weren’t any good, they wouldn’t care. You’re eff-, you’re effective, and here’s the deal. They know. And you know the quote, first they ignore you, then they mock you, then they attack you, then we win. e’re close to winning. I don’t know how close, but we should be because they can’t attack the ideas. They don’t have the real path, all they do is target and the just try to silence people. You know, they’re afraid of us. They really are. They’re afraid of this room.” (Emphasis added) | 0_not_relevant | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/mark-holden/ | en | null | null | 3,162 |
Look at climate change: The public hears again and again that there is scientific consensus, that it’s happening now and that we are on the brink of disaster. This is nonsense. | 5_science_unreliable | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/paul-reiter/ | en | null | null | 3,315 |
By the 1980s, nothing more needed to be done beyond monitoring our continuing success in cleaning up the environment. It was time to declare victory and go home. | 4_solutions_harmful_unnecessary | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/jay-h-lehr/ | en | null | null | 3,365 |
The final rule is even worse than the proposal: it is still an illegal assault on states,” Fitzsimmons wrote in one article. ”[I]t raises electricity prices even more than originally thought, it poses an even larger threat to the electric grid, and it still does nothing to address climate change. Now more than ever, states should reject President Obama’s costly carbon agenda and refuse to submit state plans. | 4_solutions_harmful_unnecessary | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/alex-fitzsimmons/ | en | null | null | 3,942 |
Jason Box of Denmark is todays featured climate fraudster, as he is one of the principals pushing the Greenland melting scam. Jason claims that 2015 was a big melt summer in Greenland | 6_proponents_biased | FLICC | https://huggingface.co/datasets/fzanartu/FLICCdataset | en | CARDS | null | 1,287 |
If global warming was real Obama wouldn't have bought a mansion on the coast. Think for yourself if you are capable. | 6_proponents_biased | FLICC | https://huggingface.co/datasets/fzanartu/FLICCdataset | en | hamburg_test2 | null | 1,281 |
There have been similar and even larger warmings several times in the 10,000 years since the end of the last ice age. These earlier warmings clearly had nothing to do with the combustion of fossil fuels. The current warming also seems to be due mostly to natural causes, not to increasing levels of carbon dioxide. Over the past ten years there has been no global warming, and in fact a slight cooling. This is not at all what was predicted by the models. | 1_not_happening | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/william-happer/ | en | null | null | 1,978 |
That debate is far from settled. Scientists continue to disagree about the degree and extent of global warming and its connection to the actions of mankind. That debate should be encouraged — in classrooms, public forums, and the halls of Congress. It should not be silenced with threats of prosecution. Dissent is not a crime. | 5_science_unreliable | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/scott-pruitt/ | en | null | null | 2,694 |
Not only do they assiduously promote the [non-existent] climate change ‘problem’ but they also shill on behalf of the extremely damaging solution: renewables (or ‘clean’ energy as they’ve laughably redesignated it). | 4_solutions_harmful_unnecessary | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/james-delingpole/ | en | null | null | 4,457 |
Continued use and development of natural resources will generate good jobs, provide government revenues and result in innovations that reduce their climate impact, | 7_fossil_fuels_needed | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/stewart-muir/ | en | null | null | 5,184 |
The ice sheets have both gotten bigger. The planet’s going into a cold stage because the sun’s going partially dormant. It’s a known cycle. it was predicted by all the astrophysicists 50 years ago. […] The sun is the complete driver! | 1_not_happening | Desmog | https://www.desmog.com/alex-jones/ | en | null | null | 3,691 |
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