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The pleasures that it does afford may be enough to keep many moviegoers occupied amidst some of the more serious-minded concerns of other year-end movies . | 0 |
Not everyone will welcome or accept The Trials of Henry Kissinger as faithful portraiture , but few can argue that the debate it joins is a necessary and timely one . | 0 |
There are no special effects , and no Hollywood endings . | 0 |
Like the original , this version is raised a few notches above kiddie fantasy pablum by Allen 's astringent wit . | 0 |
Despite its Hawaiian setting , the science-fiction trimmings and some moments of rowdy slapstick , the basic plot of `` Lilo '' could have been pulled from a tear-stained vintage Shirley Temple script . | 1 |
Filled with honest performances and exceptional detail , Baran is a gentle film with dramatic punch , a haunting ode to humanity . | 0 |
In its dry and forceful way , it delivers the same message as Jiri Menzel 's Closely Watched Trains and Danis Tanovic 's No Man 's Land . | 0 |
... a triumph of emotionally and narratively complex filmmaking . | 0 |
Simply put , `` Far From Heaven '' is a masterpiece . | 0 |
An intense and effective film about loneliness and the chilly anonymity of the environments where so many of us spend so much of our time . | 0 |
Although fairly involving as far as it goes , the film does n't end up having much that is fresh to say about growing up Catholic or , really , anything . | 1 |
A very funny romantic comedy about two skittish New York middle-agers who stumble into a relationship and then struggle furiously with their fears and foibles . | 0 |
Top-notch action powers this romantic drama . | 0 |
Beresford nicely mixes in as much humor as pathos to take us on his sentimental journey of the heart . | 0 |
It really is a shame that more wo n't get an opportunity to embrace small , sweet ` Evelyn . ' | 0 |
I stopped thinking about how good it all was , and started doing nothing but reacting to it - feeling a part of its grand locations , thinking urgently as the protagonists struggled , feeling at the mercy of its inventiveness , gasping at its visual delights . | 0 |
Probably the best case for Christianity since Chesterton and Lewis . | 0 |
A gently funny , sweetly adventurous film that makes you feel genuinely good , that is to say , entirely unconned by false sentiment or sharp , overmanipulative Hollywood practices . | 0 |
Would be an unendurable viewing experience for this ultra-provincial New Yorker if 26-year-old Reese Witherspoon were not on hand to inject her pure fantasy character , Melanie Carmichael , with a massive infusion of old-fashioned Hollywood magic . | 0 |
Visually fascinating ... an often intense character study about fathers and sons , loyalty and duty . | 0 |
A lyrical metaphor for cultural and personal self-discovery and a picaresque view of a little-remembered world . | 0 |
Schütte 's dramatic snapshot of the artist three days before his death offers an interesting bit of speculation as to the issues Brecht faced as his life drew to a close . | 0 |
A slick , engrossing melodrama . | 0 |
S1M0NE 's satire is not subtle , but it is effective . | 0 |
It 's a quirky , off-beat project . | 0 |
While some will object to the idea of a Vietnam picture with such a rah-rah , patriotic tone , Soldiers ultimately achieves its main strategic objective : dramatizing the human cost of the conflict that came to define a generation . | 1 |
Even if you do n't know the band or the album 's songs by heart , you will enjoy seeing how both evolve , and you will also learn a good deal about the state of the music business in the 21st Century . | 0 |
The solid filmmaking and convincing characters makes this a high water mark for this genre . | 0 |
Films about loss , grief and recovery are pretty valuable these days . | 0 |
Seen in that light , Moonlight Mile should strike a nerve in many . | 0 |
It 's endlessly inventive , consistently intelligent and sickeningly savage . | 0 |
It is definitely worth seeing . | 0 |
An impeccable study in perversity . | 0 |
Far From Heaven is a dazzling conceptual feat , but more than that , it 's a work of enthralling drama . | 0 |
A movie that both thrills the eye and , in its over-the-top way , touches the heart . | 0 |
Stuffed to the brim with ideas , American instigator Michael Moore 's film is a rambling examination of American gun culture that uses his usual modus operandi of crucifixion through juxtaposition . | 0 |
Affectionately reminds us that , in any language , the huge stuff in life can usually be traced back to the little things . | 0 |
The large-frame IMAX camera lends itself beautifully to filming the teeming life on the reefs , making this gorgeous film a must for everyone from junior scientists to grown-up fish lovers . | 0 |
A story about intelligent high school students that deals with first love sweetly but also seriously . | 0 |
It is also beautifully acted . | 0 |
It 's a technically superb film , shining with all the usual Spielberg flair , expertly utilizing the talents of his top-notch creative team . | 0 |
Wilco fans will have a great time , and the movie should win the band a few new converts , too . | 0 |
Tsai has a well-deserved reputation as one of the cinema world 's great visual stylists , and in this film , every shot enhances the excellent performances . | 0 |
The fact is that the screen is most alive when it seems most likely that Broomfield 's interviewees , or even himself , will not be for much longer . | 0 |
Leguizamo and Jones are both excellent and the rest of the cast is uniformly superb . | 0 |
I liked this film a lot ... | 0 |
... there is enough originality in ` Life ' to distance it from the pack of paint-by-number romantic comedies that so often end up on cinema screens . | 0 |
A solid and refined piece of moviemaking imbued with passion and attitude . | 0 |
Nettelbeck has crafted an engaging fantasy of flavours and emotions , one part romance novel , one part recipe book . | 0 |
With or without the sex , a wonderful tale of love and destiny , told well by a master storyteller | 0 |
On the surface a silly comedy , Scotland , PA would be forgettable if it were n't such a clever adaptation of the bard 's tragic play . | 0 |
A weird , arresting little ride . | 0 |
A first-class road movie that proves you can run away from home , but your ego and all your problems go with you . | 0 |
You might want to take a reality check before you pay the full ticket price to see `` Simone , '' and consider a DVD rental instead . | 1 |
Well cast and well directed - a powerful drama with enough sardonic wit to keep it from being maudlin . | 0 |
A backstage must-see for true fans of comedy . | 0 |
There 's back-stabbing , inter-racial desire and , most importantly , singing and dancing . | 0 |
The film sounds like the stuff of lurid melodrama , but what makes it interesting as a character study is the fact that the story is told from Paul 's perspective . | 0 |
Jones ... makes a great impression as the writer-director of this little $ 1.8 million charmer , which may not be cutting-edge indie filmmaking but has a huge heart . | 0 |
In the disturbingly involving family dysfunctional drama How I Killed My Father , French director Anne Fontaine delivers an inspired portrait of male-ridden angst and the emotional blockage that accompanies this human condition | 0 |
Below may not mark Mr. Twohy 's emergence into the mainstream , but his promise remains undiminished . | 0 |
There 's no reason to miss Interview with the Assassin | 0 |
Happily stays close to the ground in a spare and simple manner and does n't pummel us with phony imagery or music . | 0 |
Its sheer dynamism is infectious . | 0 |
For his first attempt at film noir , Spielberg presents a fascinating but flawed look at the near future . | 0 |
Perhaps it 's cliche to call the film ` refreshing , ' but it is . | 0 |
` Drumline ' shows a level of young , Black manhood that is funny , touching , smart and complicated . | 0 |
It does give a taste of the Burning Man ethos , an appealing blend of counter-cultural idealism and hedonistic creativity . | 0 |
The movie is well done , but slow . | 1 |
-LRB- A -RRB- wonderfully loopy tale of love , longing , and voting . | 0 |
The fascination comes in the power of the Huston performance , which seems so larger than life and yet so fragile , and in the way the Ivan character accepts the news of his illness so quickly but still finds himself unable to react . | 0 |
The last scenes of the film are anguished , bitter and truthful . | 0 |
Mr. Koshashvili is a director to watch . | 0 |
Predictable storyline and by-the-book scripting is all but washed away by sumptuous ocean visuals and the cinematic stylings of director John Stockwell . | 0 |
Antwone Fisher certainly does the trick of making us care about its protagonist and celebrate his victories but , with few exceptions , it rarely stoops to cheap manipulation or corny conventions to do it . | 0 |
One feels the dimming of a certain ambition , but in its place a sweetness , clarity and emotional openness that recalls the classics of early Italian neorealism . | 0 |
It challenges , this nervy oddity , like modern art should . | 0 |
Whenever you think you 've figured out Late Marriage , it throws you for a loop . | 0 |
The Pianist is Polanski 's best film . | 0 |
This Orange has some juice , but it 's far from fresh-squeezed . | 1 |
A sensitive , modest comic tragedy that works as both character study and symbolic examination of the huge economic changes sweeping modern China . | 0 |
Cusack 's just brilliant in this . | 0 |
Knows how to make our imagination wonder . | 0 |
Jae-eun Jeong 's Take Care of My Cat brings a beguiling freshness to a coming-of-age story with such a buoyant , expressive flow of images that it emerges as another key contribution to the flowering of the South Korean cinema . | 0 |
The overall fabric is hypnotic , and Mr. Mattei fosters moments of spontaneous intimacy . | 0 |
Evokes a palpable sense of disconnection , made all the more poignant by the incessant use of cell phones . | 0 |
Malcolm McDowell is cool . | 0 |
Paul Bettany is cool . | 0 |
Cool . | 0 |
A touching , sophisticated film that almost seems like a documentary in the way it captures an Italian immigrant family on the brink of major changes . | 0 |
An inventive , absorbing movie that 's as hard to classify as it is hard to resist . | 0 |
It made me want to get made-up and go see this movie with my sisters . | 0 |
I thought the relationships were wonderful , the comedy was funny , and the love ` real ' . | 0 |
-LRB- Caine -RRB- proves once again he has n't lost his touch , bringing off a superb performance in an admittedly middling film . | 0 |
Bogdanovich puts history in perspective and , via Kirsten Dunst 's remarkable performance , he showcases Davies as a young woman of great charm , generosity and diplomacy . | 0 |
This breezy caper movie becomes a soulful , incisive meditation on the way we were , and the way we are . | 0 |
A captivating new film . | 0 |
Those who are n't put off by the film 's austerity will find it more than capable of rewarding them . | 0 |
It 's a clear-eyed portrait of an intensely lived time , filled with nervous energy , moral ambiguity and great uncertainties . | 0 |
Reveals how important our special talents can be when put in service of of others . | 0 |
Subsets and Splits