dict |
"en": "Koyasan fell into decline and abandonment due to the tyranny of provincial officers and other reasons.",
"ja": "また国司による押妨などにより、高野山は衰微し、無人の状態になるまでに至った。"
} |
"en": "This situation continued until the mid-Heian period, but Koyasan began to make a recovery after FUJIWARA no Michinaga climbed it (making a pilgrimage to a shrine on the mountain), and he was later followed by the Imperial Family, the Sekkan-ke (the families which produced regents), and court nobles.",
"ja": "この状態が平安時代中期まで続くが、藤原道長が高野山に登山(山上の寺社に参詣すること)したことにより復興が進み、皇族・摂関家・公家が高野山への登山が続いた。"
} |
"en": "Subsequently, it gained financial stability partly due to economic assistance by the Imperial Family, Sekkann-ke regent family, court nobles and so on.",
"ja": "その後、皇族・摂関家・公家などによる経済的な支援もあり、財政においても安定した。"
} |
"en": "This split was caused by the difference of Jiso (事相), a way to implement Shingon Mikkyo (e.g., a manner of ascetic training).",
"ja": "事相(真言密教を実践するための作法。修法の作法など)の違いによる分派であった。"
} |
"en": "Dharma itself had been completed by Kukai so that there was no dispute within the sect until the mid-Heian period.",
"ja": "教学(教義)そのものは、空海により大成されていたため、平安時代半ばまで、宗内での論争はあまりなかった。"
} |
"en": "However, at the end of the eleventh century Kakuban (Kogyo Daishi) began to preach the thought of Himitsu Nenbutsu at Koyasan.",
"ja": "しかし、11世紀末、覚鑁(興教大師)が高野山で秘密念仏思想を提唱した。"
} |
"en": "Additionally, Kakuban built Daidenpo-in and revitalized Daidenpo-e in order to promote Shingon Dharma.",
"ja": "また、覚鑁は、大伝法院を創建、教学の振興のために大伝法会の復興を行った。"
} |
"en": "He tried to achieve the independence of Koyasan from To-ji Temple's control, whereby he abolished the custom whereby Toji-Choja became the head priest of Kongobu-ji Temple at the same time and was ordained to be Kongobu-ji Temple's head priest; however, his effort failed due to the objection of the Kongobu-ji side (Hon-ji side).",
"ja": "東寺の支配から高野山の独立を図り、東寺長者が金剛峯寺の座主を兼職する慣例を廃止し、金剛峯寺座主に任ぜられたが、金剛峯寺方(本寺方)の反発を受け失敗した。"
} |
"en": "After this incident, the Kongobu-ji side (Hon-ji side, 本寺方) continued to fight against Daidenpo-in (inside, 院方), and this continued for a long time.",
"ja": "これより、金剛峯寺方(本寺方)と大伝法院(院方)の長く確執が続いた。"
} |
"en": "In 1290 Raiyu relocated Daidenpo-in to Mt. Negoro and established the base of the Shingi Shingon sect's Dharma by Kajihosshinsetsu (加持法身説) (Shingi) of Dainichinyorai.",
"ja": "1290年(正応3年)に頼瑜が大伝法院を根来山に移し、大日如来の加持法身説(新義)を唱えて、新義真言宗の教義の基礎を確立した。"
} |
"en": "Negoro-ji Temple, founded at Mt. Negoro (including Daidenpo-in) was in its ascendancy but was burned down by Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI in 1585.",
"ja": "根来山は大伝法院を含めて根来寺となり隆盛を極めたが、1585年(天正13年)豊臣秀吉により、焼き討ちにされ灰燼に帰した。"
} |
"en": "Consequently, Senyo went into Hase-dera Temple in 1588, which came to be the grand head temple of the Shingon sect Buzan-ha.",
"ja": "そのため、1588年(天正16年)に専誉が長谷寺に入り、後に真言宗豊山派の総本山となった。"
} |
"en": "In 1601 Genyu rebuilt Chishakuin Temple (which had relocated to the precincts of Neogro-ji Temple) at Shichijo, in Kyoto, doing so with Ieyasu TOKUGAWA's support, and later it became the grand head temple of the Shingon sect Chisan-ha.",
"ja": "1601年(慶長6年)に徳川家康の保護を受けて、玄宥(げんゆう)が根来寺にあった智積院を京都・七条に再建し、後に真言宗智山派の総本山となった。"
} |
"en": "During the period of the Northern and Southern Courts (Japan) To-ji Temple's priests such as Goho and Kenpo completed Tojifujimonkyogaku (東寺不二門教学) and taught Honchikajisetsu (本地加持説) (Kogi) of Dainichinyorai.",
"ja": "南北朝時代(日本)に東寺の僧、杲宝(ごうほう)・賢宝(げんぼう)らにより東寺不二門教学を大成させて、大日如来の本地加持説(古義)を説いた。"
} |
"en": "Counter to the Shingon sect, Hatto acts against To-ji Temple, Daigo-ji Temple and Koyasan Gakuryogata, as well as Hatto act against Kanto Shingon sect Kogi (関東真言宗古義法度) were put into effect in 1604.",
"ja": "真言宗には1604年(慶長14年)に東寺・醍醐寺・高野山学侶方・関東真言宗古義法度などの法度が出された。"
} |
"en": "Regarding financial matters, the Meiji government forced them to return their wealth.",
"ja": "経済的には、政府の命令で、寺領の返納を要求して、強制的に返納させた。"
} |
"en": "Consequently, many temples began to experience difficulties in their management, so that they were forced to become defunct.",
"ja": "これにより、多くの寺院の経営が立ち行かなくなり、廃寺に追い込まれた。"
} |
"en": "One of the characteristics of the Shingon sects is the preaching of faith in Kobo-daishi (faith in Daishi).",
"ja": "弘法大師信仰(大師信仰)を説いているのが真言宗の各派にいえる特徴の一つでもある。"
} |
"en": "The founder of the sect, Kukai (774-835) was born at Byobu-ga-ura Sanuki-no-kuni (讃岐国屏風浦) (current Zentsu-ji City, Kagawa Prefecture); and as a thinker, writer and talented calligrapher from among the Sanpitsu (the three great calligraphers of history), as well as a Buddhist, he had a strong influence on Japanese culture in later years.",
"ja": "宗祖・空海(774-835年)は、讃岐国屏風浦(現・香川県善通寺市)の出身で、仏教者であるとともに思想家、著述家、また「三筆」の1人に数えられる能書家として、後の日本文化に多大な影響を与えた人物である。"
} |
"en": "He went to Tang on the ship \"Kentoshi\" in 804, and was given an essential Dharma of Mikkyo from Eka, of Shoryu-ji Temple, in Choan.",
"ja": "彼は延暦23年(804年)、遣唐使船に同乗して唐に渡り、長安・青龍寺の恵果から密教の奥義を授かった。"
} |
"en": "In 816 Kukai obtained the land of Koyasan (Koya-cho, Itogun, Wakayama Prefecture) and founded Kongobu-ji Temple there; later (in 823), the Emperor Saga gave him To-ji Temple, which was a national temple of Heian-kyo, and he made these temples the fundamental dojo of Shingon Mikkyo.",
"ja": "弘仁7年(816年)には高野山(和歌山県伊都郡高野町)の地を得て、ここに金剛峯寺を開創、弘仁14年(823年)には、平安京の官寺であった東寺を嵯峨天皇より下賜され、これら両寺を真言密教の根本道場とした。"
} |
"en": "On March 21, 835, he fell into deep meditation at the age of 62 at Koyasan.",
"ja": "835年(承和(日本)2年)3月21日に、62才で高野山で入定(にゅうじょう)した。"
} |
"en": "In 921, 86 years after Kukai's demise, the Emperor Daigo awarded him the posthumous title of Kobo Daishi.",
"ja": "空海が入定してから86年後の延喜21年(921年)に、弘法大師の諡号が醍醐天皇より贈られた。"
} |
"en": "A legend holds that there were eight forefathers during the time in which Mikkyo occurred in India; this was conveyed to Kukai (Kobo Daishi) through China, and subsequently Kukai established the Shingon sect.",
"ja": "密教がインドで起こり、中国を経て、空海(弘法大師)に伝えられ、日本で独立した宗派として真言宗を開くまでに、八祖を経て伝えられたとする伝承がある。"
} |
"en": "There are two kinds of Hasso--Fuho Hasso (eight forefathers from Dainichinyorai to Kukai) and Denji Hasso (eight forefathers who appeared during the period of history in which the teachings of the Shingon sect had been introduced to Japan)--and Kukai described the origin of Shingon Mikkyo, the biographies of the seven forefathers of Fuho and seven forefathers of Denji (seven forefathers of Fuso and Denji Hasso except Kobo-daishi) and lineage of Fuho in his works 'Himitsu Mandala Kyo Fuho Den (秘密曼荼羅教付法伝)' and 'Shingon Fuho Den (真言付法伝).'",
"ja": "付法(ふほう)の八祖と伝持(でんじ)の八祖の二つがあり、空海は著作「秘密曼荼羅教付法伝」・「真言付法伝」で、真言密教の起源と付法の七祖・伝持の七祖(付法・伝持の八祖の内、弘法大師を除く七祖)の伝記や付法の系譜を記している。"
} |
"en": "One of the characteristics of temples of the Shingon sect is that Shingon Hasso (Denji Hasso) are enshrined in the main hall or other places (they are often drawn as pictures).",
"ja": "本堂などに真言八祖((伝持の八祖)・絵像で制作されることが多い)を祀られているのが、真言宗の寺院の特徴の一つである。"
} |
"en": "It was when Kongosatta heard Dainichinyorai's sermon that the Shingon Dharma's lineage began.",
"ja": "教主大日如来の説法を金剛薩埵が聞いて教法が起こり、真言宗の教えが伝わった系譜である。"
} |
"en": "Dainichinyorai and Kongosatta were removed from Fuho Hasso because they were not historical figures, and consequently the other two forefathers were added.",
"ja": "付法の八祖の内、大日如来、金剛薩埵は歴史上の人物ではないために除いて、2人の祖師を加えた。"
} |
"en": "Each forefather has a belonging that illustrates the essence of enlightenment.",
"ja": "一人一人持ち物を持っているが、その持ち物は悟りの本質をあらわしている。"
} |
"en": "It was said that Ryuju Bosatsu had been given Mikkyo sutras from Kongosatta, an immediate pupil of Dainichinyorai, and thus conveyed them in this world.",
"ja": "龍樹菩薩 : 大日如来の直弟子金剛薩埵(こんごうさった)から密教経典を授かって、世に伝えたといわれている。"
} |
"en": "Kongochisanzo went to Tang and conveyed \"Kongocho-kyo\" after he learned Mikkyo from Ryuchi in India.",
"ja": "金剛智三蔵 : インドで龍智から密教を学んだのち唐へ渡り、「金剛頂経」を伝える。"
} |
"en": "He learned from Zenmui at Choan, and completed 'Dainichikyo-sho' based on the dictations of Zenmui.",
"ja": "長安で善無畏に入門し、善無畏の口述をもとに「大日経疏(だいにちきょうしょ)」を完成させた。"
} |
"en": "Kobo-daishi was given both Vajradhatu and Garbhadhatu from Keika Ajari, and he founded Shingon Mikkyo by conveying them.",
"ja": "弘法大師 : 恵果阿闍梨から金剛・胎蔵界両部を授けられ、日本に伝えて真言密教を開いた。"
} |
"en": "The fundamental sutra is Dainichi-kyo Sutra (formally, 'Daibirushanajobutsu-Jinpenkaji-kyo Sutra') and Kongocho-kyo (formally, 'Kongocho Issainyorai Shinjitsusetsudaijogensho Daikyoo-kyo' or 'Kongocho-Yuga-Shinjitsu-Daio-kyo Sutra,' 'Soshitsuji-kyo Sutra,' 'Yugi-kyo Sutra,' 'Yoryakunenju-kyo Sutra,' 'Rishu-kyo Sutra,') and so on.",
"ja": "所依の経典(基本の重要経典)は大日経(正式には大毘盧遮那成仏神変加持経/だいびるしゃなじょうぶつじんぺんかじきょう)と金剛頂経(正式には「金剛頂一切如来真実摂大乗現証大教王教」、または「金剛頂瑜伽真実大教王経」、「蘇悉地経」(そじつぢきょう)・「瑜祗経」(ゆぎきょう)・「要略念誦経」(ようりゃくねんじゅきょう)・理趣経(りしゅきょう)などである。"
} |
"en": "The ronso (academic papers) are 'Bodaishinron,' 'Shakumakaenron,' 'Dainichi-kyoso' and so on.",
"ja": "論疏(論文の類)は「菩提心論」(ぼだいしんろん)・「釈摩訶衍論」(しゃくまかえんろん)・「大日経疏」(だいにちきょうしょ)などである。"
} |
"en": "The following works of Kukai are considered to be ronso: 'Himitsu-Mandala-Jujushinron (Jujushinron),' 'Hizo-Hoyaku,' 'Benkenmitsu-Nikyoron,' 'Sokushinjobutsu-gi,' 'Shojijisso-gi,' 'Un-jigi' and so on.",
"ja": "空海の著作、秘密曼荼羅十住心論(ひみつまんだらじゅうじゅうしんろん)(「十住心論・じゅうじゅうしんろん)・「秘蔵宝鑰」(ひぞうほうやく)・「辦顕密二教論」(べんけんみつにきょうろん)・「即身成仏義」(そくしんじょうぶつぎ)・「声字実相義」(しょうじじっそうぎ)・「吽字義」(うんじぎ)なども論疏としている。"
} |
"en": "According to the Dharma, ascetic training of the Three Mysteries (the Secret of the Body, i.e., making symbolic gestures with the fingers; the Secret of Speech, i.e., reciting Shingon; and the Secret of Mind, i.e., visualization of the Buddha in the Mandala picture) leads to integration with the main image and Sokushin Jobutsu, which means that one becomes Buddha with one's present physical body.",
"ja": "三密((身密・手に諸尊の印契(印相)を結ぶ)、(口密(語密)・口に真言を読誦する)、(心密・心に曼荼羅の諸尊を観想する))の修行により、本尊と一体となり、即身成仏が実現するとしている。"
} |
"en": "Jiso' and 'Kyoso' are considered important in the learning of Shingon Mikkyo.",
"ja": "真言密教を学んでいくうえで、「事相」(じそう)と「教相」(きょうそう)が重要視される。"
} |
"en": "It means a manner of ascetic training (修法) (training manners (行法) such as Kanjo, rite, Kanpo (meditation, 観法) and Ingei (sign made with the fingers, 印契), Shingon), while Kyoso is a theory of Shingon Mikkyo.",
"ja": "修法の作法(灌頂・護摩・観法・印契・真言などの行法)を指し、教相は、真言密教の理論である。"
} |
"en": "Dainichi-kyo Sutra, the main sutra of the Shingon sect, is a sutra of Kyoso, and Kongocho-kyo is a sutra of Jiso.",
"ja": "真言宗の主要経典「大日経」は教相の経典、金剛頂経は事相の経典である。"
} |
"en": "Learning Kyoso leads to an understanding of Shingon Mikkyo theory, and learning Jiso leads to the implementation of a theory.",
"ja": "教相を学んでいくことで、真言密教の理論を理解し、理論を実践する方法を行うために事相を学ぶ。"
} |
"en": "Without learning both Jiso and Kyoso, one cannot reach the ideal of Shingon Mikkyo.",
"ja": "事相・教相の両方を学ばなければ、真言密教の理想への到達は出来ないとされている。"
} |
"en": "To explain the importance of learning both Jiso and Kyoso, some have compared Jiso and Kyoso to two wheels on a single cart.",
"ja": "事相・教相の両方を習得する重要性を説くたとえとして、事相・教相を車の両輪に置き換えて説く場合がある。"
} |
"en": "Additionally, Jiun said, 'Kyoso does not exist without Jiso and Jiso does not exist without Kyoso, so that we should learn them together and try to attain Mitsugi (the Dharma of Mikkyo)(密義).'",
"ja": "また、慈雲は「事相を離れて教相なく、教相を離れて事相なし、事教一致して、密義をつくすべき」と述べた。"
} |
"en": "Yakushin began Hirosawa-ryu school, and Shoho began Ono-ryu school.",
"ja": "益信(やくしん)に始まる広沢流(ひろさわりゅう)、聖宝(しょうほう)を祖とする小野流(おのりゅう)が起こった。"
} |
"en": "Both schools separated into six schools each, e.g. Yataku Juni-ryu (12 schools of Yataku, also called Konpon Juni-ryu (12 schools of basics)), and ultimately they became 36 schools.",
"ja": "両派は、それぞれ六流に分かれて、野沢(やたく)十二流(根本十二流)になり、やがて三十六流になった。"
} |
"en": "Both schools split into six schools and called themselves Yataku Juni-ryu or Konpon Juni-ryu.",
"ja": "両派は、それぞれ六流に分かれて、野沢十二流(やたくじゅうにりゅう)、または、根本十二流と称される。"
} |
"en": "These are distinguished simply because they play no role in Kujo no Shuho (official Mikkyo rites, 公請の修法) such as Goshichinichimishiho (annual Shingon prayer ritual), so that Yataku Juni-ryu does not include all the schools of Tomitsu Jiso (東密事相).",
"ja": "これは、御七日御修法など公請の修法に関与しないために区別されただけで、野沢十二流は、東密事相の法流をすべてを示したものではない。"
} |
"en": "It was named after the place name of Hensho-ji Temple (Kyoto City) built by Kancho, which lies in the south of Hirosawa-no-ike Pond (in the Saga Hirosawa, Ukyo ward of Kyoto City).",
"ja": "寛朝が建立した京都市右京区嵯峨広沢にある広沢池の南にある遍照寺(京都市)の所在地名が語源となっている。"
} |
"en": "In a narrow sense, Ninna-san-ryu (within the school of Hirosawa-ryu) and Hirosawa-san-ryu are together called Hirosawa-roku-ryu.",
"ja": "狭義では、広沢流内の法流、仁和三流、広沢三流をあわせて広沢六流と称する。"
} |
"en": "However, which of the schools should be included in Roku-ryu is not established, and there is a theory that includes Hokuin-ryu and Jisonin-ryu in the lineage of Kannonin-ryu and Ninna-goryu.",
"ja": "しかし、六流に属する法流は一定しておらず、観音院流・仁和御流系の北院流・慈尊院流などを入れる説もある。"
} |
"en": "Hojuin-ryu, Ninna-goryu and Nishinoin-ryu are called Ninna-san-ryu, and Kezoin-ryu, Ninnikusen-ryu and Denpoin-ryu are called Hirosawa-san-ryu.",
"ja": "保寿院流・仁和御流・西院流(にしのいんりゅう)を仁和三流と称し、華蔵院流・忍辱山流(にんにくせんりゅう)・伝法院流を広沢三流と称する。"
} |
"en": "Ninna-goryu simplified lineage (founder, Kakuho): Kukai - Shinga - Gennin - Yakushin - Kanpyo Hoo (Emperor Uda) - Kancho - Saishin - Shoshin - Kanjo - Kakuho",
"ja": "仁和御流略系譜(派祖・覚法) 空海-真雅-源仁-益信-寛平法皇(宇多天皇)-寛朝-済信-性信-寛助-覚法"
} |
"en": "Nishinoin-ryu simplified lineage (founder, Shinsho (信証)): Kukai - Shinga - Gennin - Yakushin - Kanpyo Hoo (Emperor Uda) - Kancho - Saishin - Shoshin - Kanjo - Shinsho",
"ja": "西院流略系譜(派祖・信証) 空海-真雅-源仁-益信-寛平法皇(宇多天皇)-寛朝-済信-性信-寛助-信証"
} |
"en": "Hojuiin-ryu simplified lineage (founder, Eigen): Kukai - Shinga - Gennin - Yakushin - Kanpyo Hoo (Emperor Uda) - Kancho - Saishin - Shoshin - Kanjo - Eigon",
"ja": "保寿院流略系譜(派祖・永厳) 空海-真雅-源仁-益信-寛平法皇(宇多天皇)-寛朝-済信-性信-寛助-永厳"
} |
"en": "Kezoin-ryu simplified lineage (founder, Shoe): Kukai - Shinga - Gennin - Yakushin - Kanpyo Hoo (Emperor Uda) - Kancho - Saishin - Shoshin - Kanjo - Shoe",
"ja": "華蔵院流略系譜(派祖・聖恵) 空海-真雅-源仁-益信-寛平法皇(宇多天皇)-寛朝-済信-性信-寛助-聖恵"
} |
"en": "Ninnikusen-ryu simplified lineage (founder, Kanpen): Kukai - Shinga - Gennin - Yakushin - Kanpyo Hoo (Emperor Uda) - Kancho - Saishin - Shoshin - Kanjo - Kanpen",
"ja": "忍辱山流略系譜(派祖・寛遍) 空海-真雅-源仁-益信-寛平法皇(宇多天皇)-寛朝-済信-性信-寛助-寛遍"
} |
"en": "Denpoin-ryu simplified lineage (founder, Kakuban): Kukai - Shinga - Gennin - Yakushin - Kanpyo Hoo (Emperor Uda) - Kancho - Saishin - Shoshin - Kanjo - Kakuban",
"ja": "伝法院流略系譜(派祖・覚鑁) 空海-真雅-源仁-益信-寛平法皇(宇多天皇)-寛朝-済信-性信-寛助-覚鑁"
} |
"en": "It was named after the place name of the Yamashina Ono, Higashiyama ward of Kyoto City, the site of Zuishinin grand head temple of the Shingon sect Zentsuji-ha (真言宗善通寺派大本山随心院) (formerly called Mandala Temple).",
"ja": "真言宗善通寺派大本山大本山随心院(旧称・曼荼羅寺)がある京都市東山区山科小野が語源となっている。"
} |
"en": "In some cases Shobo is regarded as an originator (元祖) of Ono-ryu while Ningai, who founded Zuishinin, is regarded as a founder (流祖) of Ono-ryu.",
"ja": "聖宝を小野流元祖、随心院を開創した仁海を小野流流祖とする場合もある。"
} |
"en": "In a narrow sense it indicates Daigo-san-ryu (Rishoin-ryu, Sanpoin-ryu and Kongooin-ryu) and Kajuji-san-ryu (Zuishinin-ryu, Anshoji-ryu, Kajuji-ryu).",
"ja": "狭義では、小野流内の流派、醍醐三流(理性院流・三宝院流・金剛王院流)と勧修寺三流(随心院流・安祥寺流・勧修寺流)を指す。"
} |
"en": "Anshoji-ryu simplified lineage (founder, Soi): Kukai - Shinga - Gennin - Shobo - Kangen - Ningai - Seison - Hanshun - Genkaku - Soi",
"ja": "安祥寺流略系譜(派祖・宗意) 空海-真雅-源仁-聖宝-観賢-仁海-成尊-範俊-厳覚-宗意"
} |
"en": "Kanjuji-ryu simplified lineage (founder, Kanshin): Kukai - Shinga - Gennin - Shobo - Kangen - Ningai - Seison - Hanshun - Genkaku - Kanshin",
"ja": "勧修寺流略系譜(派祖・寛信) 空海-真雅-源仁-聖宝-観賢-仁海-成尊-範俊-厳覚-寛信"
} |
"en": "Zuishinji-ryu simplified lineage (founder, Shoshun): Kukai - Shinga - Gennin - Shobo - Kangen - Ningai - Seison - Hanshun - Genkaku - Shoshun",
"ja": "随心寺流略系譜(派祖・増俊) 空海-真雅-源仁-聖宝-観賢-仁海-成尊-範俊-厳覚-増俊"
} |
"en": "Sanpoin-ryu simplified lineage (founder, Jokai): Kukai - Shinga - Gennin - Shobo - Kangen - Ningai - Seison - Gihan - Shokaku - Jokai",
"ja": "三宝院流略系譜(派祖・定海) 空海-真雅-源仁-聖宝-観賢-仁海-成尊-義範-勝覚-定海"
} |
"en": "Rishoin-ryu simplified lineage (founder, Genkaku): Kukai - Shinga - Gennin - Shobo - Kangen - Ningai - Seison - Gihan - Shokaku - Genkaku",
"ja": "理性院流略系譜(派祖・賢覚) 空海-真雅-源仁-聖宝-観賢-仁海-成尊-義範-勝覚-賢覚"
} |
"en": "Kongooin-ryu simplified lineage (founder, Shoken): Kukai - Shinga - Gennin - Shobo - Kangen - Ningai - Seison - Gihan - Shokaku - Shoken",
"ja": "金剛王院流略系譜(派祖・聖賢) 空海-真雅-源仁-聖宝-観賢-仁海-成尊-義範-勝覚-聖賢"
} |
"en": "Generally, it has developed a wide variety of dharma since it split into the Kogi Shingon sect and Shingi Shingon sect at the end of the thirteenth century.",
"ja": "13世紀末に古義真言宗と新義真言宗に別れ、さらにそこから多種多様な教義が展開して現在に至っているのが特徴である。"
} |
"en": "It preaches that each event and each thing in this world is a sermon of Dainichinyorai, Buddhism's highest form of existence (the truth itself is regarded as Buddha's body).",
"ja": "現実世界の一事一物が法身(真理そのものを仏の身体とみなす)の大日如来の説法であると説いている。"
} |
"en": "It was begun by Kakuban (Kogyo Daishi) and relies on the Dharma of Adhisthana-kaya of Dainichinyorai (Shingi).",
"ja": "覚鑁(かくばん)(興教大師)を派祖とし、大日如来の加持身説の教学(新義)による。"
} |
"en": "Consequent upon the enactment of Religious Organizations Act in 1939, Shingon sects (except for the Shingon Risshu) were integrated as the Shingon sect.",
"ja": "昭和14年(1939年)の宗教団体法成立により、真言律宗以外の宗派は真言宗として統合された。"
} |
"en": "The 18 grand head temples of the main 16 schools were set up as the Grand Head Temple's association of Shingon sect schools (Kakuzankai) on June 15, 1958, in order to communicate with each other, cultivate mutual friendships and hold events in cooperation with one another.",
"ja": "そのうち主要な16派の18の総大本山が、昭和33年(1958年)6月15日に、真言宗各派総大本山会(各山会)を各山の連絡親睦・共通事業の主宰を目的に結成された。"
} |
"en": "For a week from January 8 to 14 (21 times, 21座) every year, Goshichinichinomishiho has been held at Kanjo-in of To-ji Temple by the chief abbots (管長・山主) and Jogakuso (priests, 定額僧) of each sect belonging to grand head temple's association of Shingon sect schools.",
"ja": "真言宗各派総大本山会所属の各宗派管長・山主と真言宗各派総大本山会所属の各宗派から選んだ定額僧(じょうがくそう)により、毎年1月8日から1月14日までの一週間(21座)、東寺・灌頂院にて後七日御修法を行っている。"
} |
"en": "Goshichinichinomishiho is also called Shingoninmishiho and others, and is commonly known as Mishiho.",
"ja": "後七日御修法は真言院御修法(しんごんいんみしほ)などと呼ばれ、通称は御修法(みしほ)と呼ばれている。"
} |
"en": "Because Kukai (Kobo-daishi) had prayed for the peace of Japan, the safety of the Emperor and the prosperity of the people at the Imperial Palace in 834, it was held annually as a New Year event of the Imperial Palace.",
"ja": "834年(承和(日本)元年)空海(弘法大師)が宮中にて、国家安泰・玉体安穏(ぎょくたいあんのん)・万民豊楽(ばんみんぶらく)を祈って行われてから、毎年、宮中の恒例行事として正月に行われていた。"
} |
"en": "Although there were several interruptions, including civil war during the period of the Northern and Southern Courts (Japan), it was revived through the efforts of the Emperor Go-Mizuono and Gien, Daigo-ji Temple's head priest in 1623, after an absence of 170 years.",
"ja": "南北朝時代(日本)の戦乱期などを含めて、数度、中断する時期があったが、後水尾天皇と醍醐寺座主義演の尽力により、1623年(元和(日本)9年)に170年ぶりに復活された。"
} |
"en": "It was held until 1871, when it was abolished under the influence of the official decree on the exclusion of Buddhism.",
"ja": "1871年(明治4年)に廃仏棄釈の影響により廃止されるまで行われていた。"
} |
"en": "Participants use Kongokai-ho and Taizokai-ho alternately, one year each, and implement the rites of peace and increase of benefit, and Godai-myoo (五大明王), Juni-ten (十二天), Shoten-ho (聖天法) and so on.",
"ja": "金剛界法と胎蔵界法を1年置きに交互に修し、息災・増益の護摩と五大明王、十二天、聖天法などを併せて修する。"
} |
"en": "On the first day (開白) of January 8, the imperial messenger, who has the Karabitsu (Chinese-style chest) in which the Emperor's cloth is placed, is sent from the Imperial Household Agency to Kanjo-in of To-ji Temple, and he places it within the inner hall of To-ji Kanjo-in Dojo.",
"ja": "初日(開白)の1月8日には、宮内庁より、天皇の御衣を納めた唐櫃(からびつ)を捧持した勅使を東寺・灌頂院に遣わして、御衣を東寺灌頂院道場の内堂に安置する。"
} |
"en": "On the 11th (the middle day, 中日) and the 14th (expiration of term of a vow), the imperial messenger burns incense and worships at To-ji Kanjo-in Dojo.",
"ja": "11日(中日)・14日(結願)は勅使が、東寺・灌頂院の道場に焼香して参拝をされる。"
} |
"en": "On the 14th, a ceremony to return the Emperor's cloth to the imperial messenger is held at the front hall of To-ji Kanjo-in Dojo, and Goshichinichinomishiho ends successfully (成満).",
"ja": "同日14日、勅使に御衣奉還の儀式を東寺灌頂院の前堂にて行い、後七日御修法は成満する。"
} |
"en": "This is regarded as the supreme secret ceremony of the Shingon sect, and religious articles (法具) such as a rosary, five-pronged pestles, a stole and others, which are used in ascetic training, were brought by Kukai (Kobo-daishi) from Tang (China).",
"ja": "真言宗最高の秘儀とされ、修法で使用する念珠・五鈷杵(ごこしょ)・袈裟などは、空海(弘法大師)が唐(中国)より持ち帰った法具である。"
} |
"en": "Currently, the role of Dai Ajari, who holds ascetic training (the more specific name is Homuhoin Dai Ajari (法務法印大阿闍梨), commonly known as Daia (大阿)) is alternated by the chief abbots of each sect belonging to the grand head temple's association of Shingon sect schools every year, and after serving as Dai Ajari he is installed as the chief abbot of the Shingon sect.",
"ja": "現在、修法を行う大阿闍梨(詳名・法務法印大阿闍梨、通称・大阿)は真言宗各派総大本山会所属の各宗派の管長・山主が毎年交代して務めているが、その年の大阿闍梨を務めた後に、真言宗長者に就任する。"
} |
"en": "The Soto sect is one of the five Zen sects of China (Rinzai, Igyo, Soto, Unmon and Hogen) and one of the five Zen sects (Nihon Daruma, Rinzai, Soto, Obaku and Fuke) in Japan.",
"ja": "曹洞宗(そうとうしゅう)は、中国の禅宗五家(臨済宗、潙仰宗、曹洞、雲門宗、法眼宗)の1つで、日本においては禅宗(日本達磨宗・臨済宗・曹洞宗・黄檗宗・普化宗)の1つである。"
} |
"en": "Unlike the Rinzai sect, it does not make use of koans (paradoxical anecdotes or riddles used in Zen Buddhism to achieve enlightenment through meditation), practising instead Mokusho Zen (literally, \"the zen of silent enlightenment\"), which focuses exclusively on mediation.",
"ja": "臨済宗とことなり公案を用いず、ただ専ら坐禅する黙照禅であることを特徴とする。"
} |
"en": "Dogen went to the Southern Sungs during the Kamakura period, studied under Nyojo TENDO of the Soto sect at Mt. Tendo, and came back to Japan in 1226.",
"ja": "道元は、鎌倉時代に南宋に渡り、天童山で曹洞宗の天童如浄に師事し、1226年に帰国した。"
} |
"en": "Dogen himself considered his teaching as the 'True Dharma' and denied sectionalism.",
"ja": "道元自身は自らの教えを「正伝の仏法」であるとしてセクショナリズムを否定した。"
} |
"en": "For this reason he prohibited his disciples from using a particular sect's name by themselves and conveyed a feeling of rejection when viewed as one of the Zen sects.",
"ja": "このため弟子たちには自ら特定の宗派名を称することを禁じ、禅宗の一派として見られることにも拒否感を示した。"
} |
"en": "It is said that he told them to use the name 'Busshin sect' if they were compelled to identify themselves.",
"ja": "どうしても名乗らなければならないのであれば「仏心宗」と称するようにと示したとも伝えられる。"
} |
"en": "Triggered by joining one of the Nihon Daruma sect groups that were persecuted by Kofuku-ji Temple, after Dogen's nirvana they gradually began to proclaim themselves as one of the Zen sects.",
"ja": "後に興福寺から迫害を受けた日本達磨宗の一派と合同したことをきっかけとして、道元の入寂後、次第に禅宗を標榜するようになった。"
} |
"en": "'Soto,' as the name of the sect, came into use during the age of the fourth Jokin KEIZAN and the subsequent Shoseki GAZAN,",
"ja": "宗派の呼称として「曹洞宗」を用いるようになったのは、第四祖瑩山紹瑾とその後席峨山韶碩の頃からである。"
} |
"en": "While the Rinzai sect was supported by the military government at the time and had political and cultural influence, the Soto sect spread among local lords, local ruling families, low warriors and common people.",
"ja": "臨済宗が時の武家政権に支持され、政治・文化に重んじられたのに対し、曹洞宗は地方武家、豪族、下級武士、一般民衆に広まった。"
} |
"en": "The 'True Dharma of Buddhism' traditionally respects Shaka as a main image--'Namu Shakamuni-butsu'--and focuses on meditation, mainly with 'the mind itself is Buddha' as its center.",
"ja": "「正伝の仏法」を伝統とし、「南無釈迦牟尼仏」として釈迦を本尊と仰ぎ、「即心是仏」の心をもって、主に坐禅により働きかける。"
} |
"en": "As opposed to the Chinese Zen tradition, the seated meditation of the Soto sect usually focuses on 'shikan-taza' (single-mindedly sitting in meditation) based on Dogen's teaching of 'Shushoichinyo' (immeasurable ascetic training as a way toward becoming Buddha), while a few styles use Zen questions for meditation (meditation for enlightenment), as does the Rinzai sect.",
"ja": "曹洞宗の坐禅は中国禅の伝統と異なり、「修証一如」(無限の修行こそが成仏である)という道元の主張に基づいて「只管打坐(しかんたざ)」(ひたすら坐禅すること)をもっぱらとし、臨済宗のように公案を使う(悟りのための坐禅)流派もあることはあるが少数である。"
} |
"en": "Moreover, \"Shobogenzo,\" which was written by Dogen, fully describes Buddhism and is different from the view of Chinese Zen, which proclaims Furyumonji (不立文字).",
"ja": "また、道元の著書である『正法眼蔵』自体は仏教全般について記しており、不立文字を標榜する中国禅の立場からはやや異質である。"
} |
"en": "As of 2005, it chants the three slogans of 'human rights,' 'peace' and 'environment.'",
"ja": "2005年現在、三大スローガンとして「人権」「平和」「環境」を掲げる。"
} |
"en": "The chief priest of each head temple is called the chief abbot, and every two years one of the two chief abbots takes a turn as the superintendent priest.",
"ja": "両大本山の住職を貫首と呼び、2人の貫首が2年交代で管長(宗門代表)となる。"
} |
"en": "Approximately 15,000 temples of this sect are separated into Yudo-kai of Eihei-ji ha and Sowa-kai of Soji-ji ha, and every four years the Shumusocho(宗務総長) is selected from both groups.",
"ja": "宗派の約15,000ヵ所寺は永平寺派の有道会と、總持寺派の總和会に二分されており、宗務総長も両派が1期4年ごとに交代で担当している。"
} |
"en": "For seven division managers (部長) of the office (内局), as cabinet members half are elected from both groups, and for the members of an assembly (宗議会議員)(72 seats) each member is elected from both groups in 36 areas.",
"ja": "閣僚にあたる内局の部長7名も両派でほぼ半数ずつ、宗議会議員(定数72名)も36選挙区ごとに両派から1名ずつ選ばれている。"
} |
"en": "The related school juridical persons are split into Komazawa University, Tohoku Fukushi University of Eiheiji-ha, Aichi Gakuin University and Tsurumi University of Sojiji-ha, and each group has a right to appoint those presidents in practice.",
"ja": "系列の学校法人も永平寺系の駒澤大学、東北福祉大学、總持寺派の愛知学院大学、鶴見大学などに二分されており理事長や学長は実質的にそれぞれの派が指名権を持っている。"
} |
Subsets and Splits