dict |
"en": "With respect to the Imperial Court, they sought a suitable position in order to establish the independent sovereignty of the warriors.",
"ja": "そこで、朝廷に対して、武士の自主的統治権を確立するために相応の地位を求めていくようになる。"
} |
"en": "Yoshinaka KISO, who advanced into the central area and Kyoto, took the position called 'Seii Taishogun,' which had previously existed.",
"ja": "中央・京都に進出した木曾義仲は、過去に存在した「征夷大将軍」という官職に任官した。"
} |
"en": "The position of Seii Taishogun had a hint of a mission to punish the eastern forces, and Yoshinaka's hidden intent to oppose Yoritomo has been surmised from that, but the Yoshinaka government was over very shortly (in fact, in recent years the story that says Yoshinaka was not 'Seii Taishogun' but 'Seito Taishogun' is gaining ground.",
"ja": "征夷大将軍の地位は東方の勢力を成敗する使命を暗示するもので、その裏には義仲の頼朝に対抗する意図が推定されるが、義仲政権はごく短期の政権に終わった(ただし近年では、義仲が任官したのは「征夷大将軍」ではなく、「征東大将軍」とする説が有力となっている。"
} |
"en": "It is the later compilations such as \"Azuma Kagami\" and \"Hyakurensho\" that give him the title 'Seii Taishogun,' while \"Gyokuyo\" and \"Sankaikoryonukigakiyo\" (excerpts from \"Sankaiki\"), historical documents that were written at the time these events took place, have his title as 'Seito Taishogun.'",
"ja": "「征夷大将軍」としているのは後世の編纂史料である『吾妻鏡』や『百錬抄』だが、同時代の史料である『玉葉』や『三槐荒涼抜書要』〔『山槐記』の抄出〕では「征東大将軍」となっている。"
} |
"en": "Furthermore, it is thought that, as a post that would conquer Yoritomo of Bando, 'Seito Taishogun,' a post previously taken by FUJIWARA no Tadabumi to conquer TAIRA no Masakado of Bando, was better than 'Seii Taishogun,' which conquered the Ezo of Ou.",
"ja": "また、坂東の頼朝を征伐する官職としては、奥羽の蝦夷を征伐する「征夷大将軍」よりも、かつて坂東の平将門を征伐するために藤原忠文が任官した「征東大将軍」のほうがふさわしいとも考えられる。"
} |
"en": "The Oshu Fujiwara clan ruled the northeast region at that time, as it was an area to which the Imperial Court's rule did not extend.",
"ja": "当時の東北地方は奥州藤原氏が支配し、朝廷の支配が及んでいない地域だった。"
} |
"en": "The Oshu Fujiwara clan secured the position of 'Chinjufu Shogun' and called their own residence 'Yanagi no Gosho' or 'Ryuei.'",
"ja": "奥州藤原氏は「鎮守府将軍」の地位を獲得し自らの居所を「柳の御所」「柳営」と称した。"
} |
"en": "The Chinjufu Shogun was granted regional autonomy in the form of military rule within Mutsu Province and Dewa Province, and as this position was formally one of an officer commanding the standing army on the border (in the case of the Seii Taishogun, it was commanding a temporary expeditionary force), it was not necessary for the holder of this title to live in Kyoto, which was very convenient for a regional leader.",
"ja": "鎮守府将軍は、陸奥国、出羽国内で軍政という形での地方統治権が与えられており辺境常備軍(征夷大将軍の場合は臨時遠征軍)の司令官という性格を持つが故に京都在住の必要が無く、地方政権の首領には都合が良かった。"
} |
"en": "In 1190 Yoritomo was appointed to Ukone no Daisho (Udaisho) and had his own organs of household government approved as government offices.",
"ja": "1190年、頼朝は、右近衛大将(右大将)に任官され、自らの家政機関を政所として公認された。"
} |
"en": "However, the Konoe Daisho was required, by the nature of that position, to live in Kyoto, and was not suited to moving toward independence in Kanto.",
"ja": "しかし近衛大将はその職務の性格上京都に在住しなければならず、関東での独立を指向するには不向きだった。"
} |
"en": "It is thought that the notion of using the title of 'former Udaisho' for heads of state in the Kamakura government was not unheard of.",
"ja": "「前右大将」という名目を鎌倉政権の歴代首長の地位としていく構想もありえなくはなかったと思われる。"
} |
"en": "However, although the formal position of the post of Udaisho was high, compared to the rival KISO Yoshinaka, who was Seii Taishogun (or Seito Taishogun), as it was an officer of the central imperial guards, it was not a position for actively suppressing regional disturbances with military force.",
"ja": "だが、右大将では形式上の官位こそ高いが、すでにライバルだった木曾義仲が征夷大将軍(または征東大将軍)だったことに比べると、中央近衛軍司令官という性格上、積極的に地方の争乱を武力で鎮圧する地位ではない。"
} |
"en": "Also, compared to the Oshu Fujiwara clan's Chinjufu Shogun, it lacked the important, active element of 'warrior's self-rule.'",
"ja": "また奥州藤原氏の鎮守府将軍と比較すると「武士の自治」という重要な積極的要素が欠けていた。"
} |
"en": "However, given that the goal of this position was to lead the Bando soldiers (in this case, warriors from eastern Japan) to victory over the Ezo of Ou (in this case, the Oshu Fujiwara clan), it was traditionally a post superior to that of Chinjufu Shogun.",
"ja": "かつ、坂東の兵(この場合は東国の武士)を率いて奥羽の蝦夷(この場合は奥州藤原氏)を征伐するという目的からしても、鎮守府将軍より故実からして格上でもある格好の官職であった。"
} |
"en": "To put it another way, the Seii Taishogun was the one who placed a private position called Kamakura-dono to rule as a leader of the warriors of eastern Japan, Shugo and Jito throughout the country, was recognized as Udaisho with the authority to exercise military police powers, had family organs of clan governance treated the same as official government offices, and bundled it all together and officially secured it.",
"ja": "つまり、東国武士の棟梁として君臨する鎌倉殿という私的地位・守護・地頭を全国に置き、軍事警察権を行使する権限右大将として認知された、家政機関を政所などの公的な政治機関に準ずる扱いを受ける権限を、全て纏め上げて公的に担保するのが征夷大将軍職であった。"
} |
"en": "However, there is reason to believe that the post of Seii Taishogun was deemed necessary especially in the Oshu War to defeat the Oshu Fujiwara clan, and when he was in fact appointed in 1192 it had already lost its importance to Yoritomo.",
"ja": "ただし征夷大将軍職は奥州藤原氏を討つための奥州合戦においてこそ必要とされた官職であって、実際に任官した1192年においては、既に頼朝にとって必要性はなくなっていたという説も有力である。"
} |
"en": "Yoritomo was not in fact very attached to the Seii Taishogun post, and indicated his intent to resign 2 years later in 1194.",
"ja": "実際に頼朝は征夷大将軍職にあまり固執しておらず、2年後の1194年には辞官の意向を示している。"
} |
"en": "Also, MINAMOTO no Yoriie was his heir and right away was appointed to Sakone no Chujo, and then Saemon no Kami, and was proclaimed Seii Taishogun 3 years later.",
"ja": "また源頼家は家督継承にあたりまず左近衛中将、ついで左衛門督に任官されており、征夷大将軍職を宣下されたのはその3年後である。"
} |
"en": "Then at the time of the HIKI Yoshikazu Incident, the succession of the positions of Sotsuibushi and Sojito were in question, and the Shogun posts were not involved.",
"ja": "さらに比企能員の変に際しては総追撫使・総地頭の地位の継承が問題となっており、将軍職は対象とされていない。"
} |
"en": "Consequently, at this stage the Shogun post was not an absolute requirement for leadership of the warrior families, and may not have been seen as that important.",
"ja": "したがって、この段階では将軍職は、武家の棟梁の絶対条件ではなく、さほど重視されていなかったことがうかがえる。"
} |
"en": "When the Minamoto clan's Shoguns ended after the third one, Shoguns from regent families or royal Shoguns were installed as puppets and the regent Hojo clan held the real power.",
"ja": "源氏の征夷大将軍が3代で断絶すると、摂家将軍、宮将軍を傀儡に据えて執権北条氏が実権を握ることになった。"
} |
"en": "From the Kamakura period on, after MINAMOTO no Yoritomo took the position of Seii Taishogun and started the Shogunate, the warrior families came to control Japanese politics.",
"ja": "鎌倉時代以降、源頼朝が「征夷大将軍」の位を得て幕府を開いてのちは、武家が日本の政治を支配するようになった。"
} |
"en": "Along with that Seii Taishogun was the highest authority of the warrior families and Japan's substantive sovereign.",
"ja": "それにともない「征夷大将軍」は武家の最高権威であり、日本の実質的な君主となった。"
} |
"en": "Although it was originally a post bestowed by the Imperial Court, actual appointments, except for a time during the New Kemmu Government, were at the request of the person whose influence placed him at the pinnacle of samurai society.",
"ja": "元々は朝廷が与える官職だが、実際の任命は、建武の新政の時期を除いて実力で武家の頂点に立った者の要請によった。"
} |
"en": "Formally speaking, among the nobles it was recognized that the Court was the true government and the Shogunate was a temporary government in the provinces.",
"ja": "形式的に言えば、朝廷が正規の政府で幕府は地方における臨時の政府であると公家の間では認識していた。"
} |
"en": "In the period of the Northern and Southern Courts, Akiie KITABATAKE of the Southern Court, as Chinjufu Shogun, was allowed to be called Chinjufu Taishogun, but it is thought that this was done to put it on a level with and oppose the Seii Taishogun.",
"ja": "南北朝時代には、南朝の北畠顕家が鎮守府将軍を鎮守大将軍と名乗ることを認められているが、これは征夷大将軍と同格の存在としてこれに対抗する意図があったとされる。"
} |
"en": "It was customarily accepted by the warrior families that 'the families that could rise to Shogun, leader of the samurai, were limited to those extending from the Seiwa Genji.'",
"ja": "「武家の棟梁となる将軍に就く家柄は、清和源氏に連なる家系に限る」という認識が武家の間でまことしやかに慣例となっていた。"
} |
"en": "Because the Oda family claimed a connection with the Taira family, Nobunaga ODA was not able to become 'Seii Taishogun'; and when Ieyasu TOKUGAWA was appointed 'Seii Taishogun,' he falsified a connection to the Seiwa Minamoto clan; and there are other such tales.",
"ja": "織田信長は織田家が平家の系図を称していたため「征夷大将軍」にはなれず、また徳川家康は「征夷大将軍」に任命されるに当たっては、系図を偽造して清和源氏と称したというエピソードも残っている。"
} |
"en": "However, Nobunaga ODA in fact received an imperial recommendation for 'appointment to Seii Taishogun,' so realistically there was no basis for the idea that one could not be Shogun if he was not from the Minamoto clan (it seems that the reason Ieyasu claimed Minamoto heritage was not only to become Shogun, but that by becoming the Minamoto clan chief and entering the post of Shogun, he would oppose Hideyoshi's warrior Kampaku system and aimed to gain authority to rule over both the warriors and the nobles).",
"ja": "しかしながら、実際に織田信長に「征夷大将軍拝命」の勧めの勅使が来ていることもあり、現実的には源氏でなければ将軍になれないというのは根拠がない(おそらく家康が源氏を称した理由はただ将軍になるのではなく、源氏長者となり、さらに将軍職へ就くことにより、秀吉の武家関白制に対抗し、武家と公家の双方を支配する権利を得るのが目的だったのであろう)。"
} |
"en": "Furthermore, even after Yoritomo, there are examples of regent Shogun and imperial Shogun, so it was not in fact limited to the Seiwa Minamoto clan.",
"ja": "また、頼朝以降に限っても、摂家将軍や皇族将軍の例があり、現実に清和源氏に限られていない。"
} |
"en": "All this can be interpreted to mean that someone from the Minamoto or Taira clans, or even from the noble Fujiwara clan, could become Seii Taishogun.",
"ja": "これらの事から、征夷大将軍になるのは源氏でも平氏でも、さらには公家の藤原氏でもなんら支障は無いと解釈できる。"
} |
"en": "A recently popular explanation on the subject is that, since 'Seii Taishogun' was originally a post for leading soldiers of eastern Japan in conquest over the Ezo, the condition for assuming office was that he had to be 'someone who controls eastern Japan in some form.'",
"ja": "そこで昨今取りざたされている説は、「征夷大将軍」は本来東国の兵を率いて蝦夷征伐にあたる職なので、「何らかの形で東国を抑えている者」が就任するための条件であったというものである。"
} |
"en": "In fact, there is some speculation that what became a nominal qualification for the imperial recommendation for appointment to Seii Taishogun was that Nobunaga wiped out the Takeda clan, who were eastern Japan Daimyo, and effectively made the Hojo clan of Kanto subservient.",
"ja": "ただし、征夷大将軍拝命の勅使が来るための条件となったのは、信長が東国の大名である武田氏を滅ぼしたこと、また、関東の北条氏を実質的に臣従させたことなどが根拠(名目)となっていたのではないかとも推察される。"
} |
"en": "Also, there are those who say that Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI was not able to become Seii Taishogun because he lost to Ieyasu TOKUGAWA in the battles of Komaki and Nagakute.",
"ja": "また、豊臣秀吉が征夷大将軍になれなかったのは、徳川家康に小牧・長久手の戦いで敗れたためであるという説もある。"
} |
"en": "For that reason, it is possible to speculate that Hideyoshi was not interested in the Shogun post, and wanted not a simple samurai government, but a new government that would subsumed the nobles.",
"ja": "そのため、秀吉は将軍職には興味がなく、単なる武家政権ではなく、公家を包括する新政権を志向していたと言う推測も可能である。"
} |
"en": "On the other hand, there was previously, among the nobles, a tendency to view a person's pedigree - whether Minamoto or Taira clan - as 'Taira who are close to the nobles' or 'the warrior Minamoto clan who are difficult to control.'",
"ja": "一方、公家の間でもかつては、とある人物の家柄が源氏と平氏のいずれに連なるかにこだわり「公家に近しい平家」「御しがたい武家の源氏」と見なす風潮があった。"
} |
"en": "Also stemming from this came the idea that the Minamoto and Taira clans, or the Minamoto and Taira families, alternately take control of political power in Japan (Gempei kotai shiso).",
"ja": "またこれに根ざして、源氏と平氏あるいは源家と平家が日本の政権を交互に執るという思想も生まれた(源平交代思想)。"
} |
"en": "In fact, although there is an apocryphal tale that TAIRA no Tomomori and Mitsuhide AKECHI were appointed to Seii Taishogun, there is no historical evidence to indicate so.",
"ja": "なお、平知盛・明智光秀が征夷大将軍に任命されたとの俗説もあるが、それを示す史料はない。"
} |
Subsets and Splits