stars: 60 new-stars: 32 name: cyanzhong/xTextHandler description: Xcode Source Editor Extension Toolset
{ "published": "2016/06/19", "stars": "60", "newStars": "32", "name": "cyanzhong/xTextHandler", "description": "Xcode Source Editor Extension Toolset" }
stars: 11 new-stars: 8 name: heisecode/Bug_POCs description: Bug POCs
{ "published": "2016/06/19", "stars": "11", "newStars": "8", "name": "heisecode/Bug_POCs", "description": "Bug POCs" }
stars: 11 new-stars: 8 name: pfnet/cupy description: NumPy-like API accelerated with CUDA
{ "published": "2016/06/21", "stars": "11", "newStars": "8", "name": "pfnet/cupy", "description": "NumPy-like API accelerated with CUDA" }
stars: 22 new-stars: 10 name: fanrunqi/AndroidInterview description: android interview experience and question in (android、java、data structure、tcp/ip、os)
{ "published": "2016/06/22", "stars": "22", "newStars": "10", "name": "fanrunqi/AndroidInterview", "description": "android interview experience and question in (android、java、data structure、tcp/ip、os)" }
stars: 10 new-stars: 10 name: wellingtongeek/vue-crazy description: Varios exemplos de utilizando Vue.js
{ "published": "2016/06/22", "stars": "10", "newStars": "10", "name": "wellingtongeek/vue-crazy", "description": "Varios exemplos de utilizando Vue.js" }
stars: 41 new-stars: 42 name: ludc/rltorch description: A RL package for Torch that can also be used with openai gym
{ "published": "2016/06/23", "stars": "41", "newStars": "42", "name": "ludc/rltorch", "description": "A RL package for Torch that can also be used with openai gym" }
stars: 25 new-stars: 24 name: jinxiansen/JToday description: This is an extremely brief notification center calendar plugin (Swift).
{ "published": "2016/06/23", "stars": "25", "newStars": "24", "name": "jinxiansen/JToday", "description": "This is an extremely brief notification center calendar plugin (Swift)." }
stars: 19 new-stars: 19 name: AnatoliyGatt/is-brexit description: Get a result of Brexit referendum
{ "published": "2016/06/24", "stars": "19", "newStars": "19", "name": "AnatoliyGatt/is-brexit", "description": "Get a result of Brexit referendum" }
stars: 1210 new-stars: 663 name: shadowsocks/Potatso-iOS description: Potatso is an iOS client that implements Shadowsocks proxy with the leverage of NetworkExtension framework in iOS 9.
{ "published": "2016/06/25", "stars": "1210", "newStars": "663", "name": "shadowsocks/Potatso-iOS", "description": "Potatso is an iOS client that implements Shadowsocks proxy with the leverage of NetworkExtension framework in iOS 9." }
stars: 52 new-stars: 30 name: Neilpang/startapi.sh description: A pure unix shell script for automatied startssl free certificate client
{ "published": "2016/06/25", "stars": "52", "newStars": "30", "name": "Neilpang/startapi.sh", "description": "A pure unix shell script for automatied startssl free certificate client" }
stars: 4 new-stars: 42 name: Arckazur/PanelCraft description: Un panel pour créer des instances bien définis de serveurs Minecraft simplement et rapidement.
{ "published": "2016/06/25", "stars": "4", "newStars": "42", "name": "Arckazur/PanelCraft", "description": "Un panel pour créer des instances bien définis de serveurs Minecraft simplement et rapidement." }
stars: 40 new-stars: 11 name: shengxinjing/white-hat-hackers-blacklist description: 厂商黑名单
{ "published": "2016/06/25", "stars": "40", "newStars": "11", "name": "shengxinjing/white-hat-hackers-blacklist", "description": "厂商黑名单" }
stars: 213 new-stars: 78 name: adam-s/js-interview-review description: The JS interview review. As I'm reviewing several resources I've bookmarked on JavaScript development, I'll share them here.
{ "published": "2016/06/26", "stars": "213", "newStars": "78", "name": "adam-s/js-interview-review", "description": "The JS interview review. As I'm reviewing several resources I've bookmarked on JavaScript development, I'll share them here." }
stars: 17 new-stars: 14 name: fatiherikli/markov-chain-demo description: Markov zincirleri ile bitmeyen hikaye
{ "published": "2016/06/26", "stars": "17", "newStars": "14", "name": "fatiherikli/markov-chain-demo", "description": "Markov zincirleri ile bitmeyen hikaye" }
stars: 1210 new-stars: 255 name: shadowsocks/Potatso-iOS description: Potatso is an iOS client that implements Shadowsocks proxy with the leverage of NetworkExtension framework in iOS 9.
{ "published": "2016/06/26", "stars": "1210", "newStars": "255", "name": "shadowsocks/Potatso-iOS", "description": "Potatso is an iOS client that implements Shadowsocks proxy with the leverage of NetworkExtension framework in iOS 9." }
stars: 1272 new-stars: 150 name: shadowsocks/Potatso-iOS description: Potatso is an iOS client that implements Shadowsocks proxy with the leverage of NetworkExtension framework in iOS 9.
{ "published": "2016/06/27", "stars": "1272", "newStars": "150", "name": "shadowsocks/Potatso-iOS", "description": "Potatso is an iOS client that implements Shadowsocks proxy with the leverage of NetworkExtension framework in iOS 9." }
stars: 1272 new-stars: 190 name: shadowsocks/Potatso-iOS description: Potatso is an iOS client that implements Shadowsocks proxy with the leverage of NetworkExtension framework in iOS 9.
{ "published": "2016/06/27", "stars": "1272", "newStars": "190", "name": "shadowsocks/Potatso-iOS", "description": "Potatso is an iOS client that implements Shadowsocks proxy with the leverage of NetworkExtension framework in iOS 9." }
stars: 54 new-stars: 46 name: yyx990803/vue-ssr-demo description: Demo for Vue 2.0 server-side rendering.
{ "published": "2016/06/28", "stars": "54", "newStars": "46", "name": "yyx990803/vue-ssr-demo", "description": "Demo for Vue 2.0 server-side rendering." }
stars: 9 new-stars: 10 name: tahaipek/Twits description: Twits is developed for learn to third party library usage. This application, provides easy samples for specified third party libraries.
{ "published": "2016/06/28", "stars": "9", "newStars": "10", "name": "tahaipek/Twits", "description": "Twits is developed for learn to third party library usage. This application, provides easy samples for specified third party libraries." }
stars: 496 new-stars: 226 name: adam-s/js-interview-review description: The JS interview review. As I'm reviewing several resources I've bookmarked on JavaScript development, I'll share them here.
{ "published": "2016/06/28", "stars": "496", "newStars": "226", "name": "adam-s/js-interview-review", "description": "The JS interview review. As I'm reviewing several resources I've bookmarked on JavaScript development, I'll share them here." }
stars: 26 new-stars: 13 name: easily/EasyScript description: A script run in C#
{ "published": "2016/06/29", "stars": "26", "newStars": "13", "name": "easily/EasyScript", "description": "A script run in C#" }
stars: 9 new-stars: 9 name: frontendmauritius/mauritian-bus-json description: A JSON database to collect all buses lines and stations in Mauritius
{ "published": "2016/06/29", "stars": "9", "newStars": "9", "name": "frontendmauritius/mauritian-bus-json", "description": "A JSON database to collect all buses lines and stations in Mauritius" }
stars: 671 new-stars: 157 name: adam-s/js-interview-review description: The JS interview review. As I'm reviewing several resources I've bookmarked on JavaScript development, I'll share them here.
{ "published": "2016/06/29", "stars": "671", "newStars": "157", "name": "adam-s/js-interview-review", "description": "The JS interview review. As I'm reviewing several resources I've bookmarked on JavaScript development, I'll share them here." }
stars: 39 new-stars: 35 name: matthiasbeyer/awesome-cli description: awesome commandline applications, including tips how to make them even more awesome
{ "published": "2016/06/30", "stars": "39", "newStars": "35", "name": "matthiasbeyer/awesome-cli", "description": "awesome commandline applications, including tips how to make them even more awesome" }
stars: 12 new-stars: 12 name: bkaradzic/SwiftShader description: SwiftShader CPU-based implementation of the OpenGL ES and Direct3D 9 graphics APIs
{ "published": "2016/06/30", "stars": "12", "newStars": "12", "name": "bkaradzic/SwiftShader", "description": "SwiftShader CPU-based implementation of the OpenGL ES and Direct3D 9 graphics APIs" }
stars: 15 new-stars: 8 name: ruzhan123/DirectionControlView description: 这是一个可识别上滑,下滑,左滑,右滑,方向识别与控制的自定义View
{ "published": "2016/07/03", "stars": "15", "newStars": "8", "name": "ruzhan123/DirectionControlView", "description": "这是一个可识别上滑,下滑,左滑,右滑,方向识别与控制的自定义View" }
stars: 1044 new-stars: 78 name: adam-s/js-interview-review description: The JS interview review. As I'm reviewing several resources I've bookmarked on JavaScript development, I'll share them here.
{ "published": "2016/07/03", "stars": "1044", "newStars": "78", "name": "adam-s/js-interview-review", "description": "The JS interview review. As I'm reviewing several resources I've bookmarked on JavaScript development, I'll share them here." }
stars: 27 new-stars: 26 name: substack/slugboot description: aggressively cache at the application layer for offline-only webapps
{ "published": "2016/07/04", "stars": "27", "newStars": "26", "name": "substack/slugboot", "description": "aggressively cache at the application layer for offline-only webapps" }
stars: 1273 new-stars: 221 name: adam-s/js-interview-review description: The JS interview review. As I'm reviewing several resources I've bookmarked on JavaScript development, I'll share them here.
{ "published": "2016/07/04", "stars": "1273", "newStars": "221", "name": "adam-s/js-interview-review", "description": "The JS interview review. As I'm reviewing several resources I've bookmarked on JavaScript development, I'll share them here." }
stars: 19 new-stars: 18 name: yoshuawuyts/nanoraf description: Only call RAF when needed
{ "published": "2016/07/05", "stars": "19", "newStars": "18", "name": "yoshuawuyts/nanoraf", "description": "Only call RAF when needed" }
stars: 11 new-stars: 11 name: radiantmediaplayer/rmp-lightbox description: an open-source "lightbox" extension for Radiant Media Player
{ "published": "2016/07/05", "stars": "11", "newStars": "11", "name": "radiantmediaplayer/rmp-lightbox", "description": "an open-source \"lightbox\" extension for Radiant Media Player" }
stars: 1491 new-stars: 219 name: adam-s/js-interview-review description: The JS interview review. As I'm reviewing several resources I've bookmarked on JavaScript development, I'll share them here.
{ "published": "2016/07/05", "stars": "1491", "newStars": "219", "name": "adam-s/js-interview-review", "description": "The JS interview review. As I'm reviewing several resources I've bookmarked on JavaScript development, I'll share them here." }
stars: 617 new-stars: 190 name: coderyi/Eleven description: Eleven Player is a simple powerful video player.use ffmpeg.
{ "published": "2016/07/06", "stars": "617", "newStars": "190", "name": "coderyi/Eleven", "description": "Eleven Player is a simple powerful video player.use ffmpeg." }
stars: 20 new-stars: 11 name: kgretzky/obfusion description: Obfusion - C++ X86 Code Obfuscation Library
{ "published": "2016/07/06", "stars": "20", "newStars": "11", "name": "kgretzky/obfusion", "description": "Obfusion - C++ X86 Code Obfuscation Library" }
stars: 294 new-stars: 193 name: andrew-worsfold/tailor description: Build beautiful page layouts quickly and easily using your favourite WordPress theme.
{ "published": "2016/07/08", "stars": "294", "newStars": "193", "name": "andrew-worsfold/tailor", "description": "Build beautiful page layouts quickly and easily using your favourite WordPress theme." }
stars: 27 new-stars: 20 name: caio-ribeiro-pereira/node-api-examples description: A set of Node Tasklist APIs which explores some databases and web frameworks.
{ "published": "2016/07/08", "stars": "27", "newStars": "20", "name": "caio-ribeiro-pereira/node-api-examples", "description": "A set of Node Tasklist APIs which explores some databases and web frameworks." }
stars: 253 new-stars: 253 name: zakattax/bitscript-temperate description: Temperate is a healthcare application that aims to make healthcare more accessible to everyone, everywhere. This application was submitted as an entry to HealthHacksPH 2016.
{ "published": "2016/07/09", "stars": "253", "newStars": "253", "name": "zakattax/bitscript-temperate", "description": "Temperate is a healthcare application that aims to make healthcare more accessible to everyone, everywhere. This application was submitted as an entry to HealthHacksPH 2016." }
stars: 8 new-stars: 8 name: zeke/etymonline description: 46,000 English word etymologies
{ "published": "2016/07/10", "stars": "8", "newStars": "8", "name": "zeke/etymonline", "description": "46,000 English word etymologies" }
stars: 1017 new-stars: 763 name: zakattax/bitscript-temperate description: Temperate is a healthcare application that aims to make healthcare more accessible to everyone, everywhere. This application was submitted as an entry to HealthHacksPH 2016.
{ "published": "2016/07/10", "stars": "1017", "newStars": "763", "name": "zakattax/bitscript-temperate", "description": "Temperate is a healthcare application that aims to make healthcare more accessible to everyone, everywhere. This application was submitted as an entry to HealthHacksPH 2016." }
stars: 572 new-stars: 269 name: borjabravo10/FocusResize description: A custom animation with scroll listener to recycler views
{ "published": "2016/07/11", "stars": "572", "newStars": "269", "name": "borjabravo10/FocusResize", "description": "A custom animation with scroll listener to recycler views" }
stars: 22 new-stars: 19 name: rreusser/the-old-github-font description: The old GitHub font, a Chrome extension
{ "published": "2016/07/11", "stars": "22", "newStars": "19", "name": "rreusser/the-old-github-font", "description": "The old GitHub font, a Chrome extension" }
stars: 105 new-stars: 399 name: zakattax/bitscript-temperate description: Temperate is a healthcare application that aims to make healthcare more accessible to everyone, everywhere. This application was submitted as an entry to HealthHacksPH 2016.
{ "published": "2016/07/11", "stars": "105", "newStars": "399", "name": "zakattax/bitscript-temperate", "description": "Temperate is a healthcare application that aims to make healthcare more accessible to everyone, everywhere. This application was submitted as an entry to HealthHacksPH 2016." }
stars: 26 new-stars: 20 name: sotojuan/is-pokemon-go-up-cli description: Check if Pokémon GO is up
{ "published": "2016/07/12", "stars": "26", "newStars": "20", "name": "sotojuan/is-pokemon-go-up-cli", "description": "Check if Pokémon GO is up" }
stars: 22 new-stars: 19 name: sotojuan/is-pokemon-go-up description: Check if Pokémon GO is up
{ "published": "2016/07/12", "stars": "22", "newStars": "19", "name": "sotojuan/is-pokemon-go-up", "description": "Check if Pokémon GO is up" }
stars: 49 new-stars: 43 name: huacnlee/PokemonGoMove description: 🐱 Pokemon Go 模拟 GPS 坐标定位,实现移动的自动化工具
{ "published": "2016/07/13", "stars": "49", "newStars": "43", "name": "huacnlee/PokemonGoMove", "description": "🐱 Pokemon Go 模拟 GPS 坐标定位,实现移动的自动化工具" }
stars: 50 new-stars: 45 name: pwnsdx/BadCode description: BadCode can fingerprint bad security practices and identify them in opensource projects.
{ "published": "2016/07/14", "stars": "50", "newStars": "45", "name": "pwnsdx/BadCode", "description": "BadCode can fingerprint bad security practices and identify them in opensource projects." }
stars: 13 new-stars: 10 name: jiangyongjian/JYJKeyBoard description: 身份证键盘,不需要自定义
{ "published": "2016/07/14", "stars": "13", "newStars": "10", "name": "jiangyongjian/JYJKeyBoard", "description": "身份证键盘,不需要自定义" }
stars: 490 new-stars: 258 name: Mila432/Pokemon_Go_API description: Pokémon GO API in Python
{ "published": "2016/07/18", "stars": "490", "newStars": "258", "name": "Mila432/Pokemon_Go_API", "description": "Pokémon GO API in Python" }
stars: 179 new-stars: 160 name: fatiherikli/language-evolution-simulation description: Language evolution simulation with Agent-based Models
{ "published": "2016/07/18", "stars": "179", "newStars": "160", "name": "fatiherikli/language-evolution-simulation", "description": "Language evolution simulation with Agent-based Models" }
stars: 10 new-stars: 9 name: skiplagged/pokemongo-python description: A Python module that makes it easy to communicate with the Pokemon Go API. Instantly get live spawned Pokemon.
{ "published": "2016/07/19", "stars": "10", "newStars": "9", "name": "skiplagged/pokemongo-python", "description": "A Python module that makes it easy to communicate with the Pokemon Go API. Instantly get live spawned Pokemon." }
stars: 870 new-stars: 381 name: Mila432/Pokemon_Go_API description: Pokémon GO API in Python
{ "published": "2016/07/19", "stars": "870", "newStars": "381", "name": "Mila432/Pokemon_Go_API", "description": "Pokémon GO API in Python" }
stars: 8 new-stars: 8 name: substack/o5m-decode description: streaming parser for o5m files
{ "published": "2016/07/20", "stars": "8", "newStars": "8", "name": "substack/o5m-decode", "description": "streaming parser for o5m files" }
stars: 1221 new-stars: 385 name: Mila432/Pokemon_Go_API description: Pokémon GO API in Python
{ "published": "2016/07/20", "stars": "1221", "newStars": "385", "name": "Mila432/Pokemon_Go_API", "description": "Pokémon GO API in Python" }
stars: 16 new-stars: 15 name: TomTheBotter/Pokemon-Go-Bot-Working-Hack-API description: This is a bot that farms for Pokestops and Pokemon and super easy to level up. PLEASE USE WITH CAUTION!!!!
{ "published": "2016/07/21", "stars": "16", "newStars": "15", "name": "TomTheBotter/Pokemon-Go-Bot-Working-Hack-API", "description": "This is a bot that farms for Pokestops and Pokemon and super easy to level up. PLEASE USE WITH CAUTION!!!!" }
stars: 1439 new-stars: 234 name: Mila432/Pokemon_Go_API description: Pokémon GO API in Python
{ "published": "2016/07/21", "stars": "1439", "newStars": "234", "name": "Mila432/Pokemon_Go_API", "description": "Pokémon GO API in Python" }
stars: 13 new-stars: 11 name: shiftcodeYT/PokeBot2 description: Pokemon Go Bot in C# based on https://github.com/DetectiveSquirrel/Pokemon-Go-Rocket-API
{ "published": "2016/07/22", "stars": "13", "newStars": "11", "name": "shiftcodeYT/PokeBot2", "description": "Pokemon Go Bot in C# based on https://github.com/DetectiveSquirrel/Pokemon-Go-Rocket-API" }
stars: 11 new-stars: 11 name: sotojuan/excows description: ASCII cows
{ "published": "2016/07/23", "stars": "11", "newStars": "11", "name": "sotojuan/excows", "description": "ASCII cows" }
stars: 192 new-stars: 123 name: TomTheBotter/Pokemon-Go-Bot-Working-Hack-API description: This is one of the fastest bot that farms for Pokestops and Pokemon and super easy to level up. Incubate and hatch eggs by walking or catch rare pokemon fast! No bans with correct use as of now. Use with caution as with all bots.
{ "published": "2016/07/24", "stars": "192", "newStars": "123", "name": "TomTheBotter/Pokemon-Go-Bot-Working-Hack-API", "description": "This is one of the fastest bot that farms for Pokestops and Pokemon and super easy to level up. Incubate and hatch eggs by walking or catch rare pokemon fast! No bans with correct use as of now. Use with caution as with all bots." }
stars: 13 new-stars: 14 name: ur0/pokeserver description: PokeServer is a Pokemon GO server implementation, written in Golang.
{ "published": "2016/07/26", "stars": "13", "newStars": "14", "name": "ur0/pokeserver", "description": "PokeServer is a Pokemon GO server implementation, written in Golang." }
stars: 12 new-stars: 12 name: omarkdev/random-html-tags description: A website to random HTML Tags
{ "published": "2016/07/27", "stars": "12", "newStars": "12", "name": "omarkdev/random-html-tags", "description": "A website to random HTML Tags" }
stars: 229 new-stars: 30 name: Spegeli/PokemoGoBot-GottaCatchEmAll description: a Pokemon Go Bot based on Rocket API
{ "published": "2016/07/28", "stars": "229", "newStars": "30", "name": "Spegeli/PokemoGoBot-GottaCatchEmAll", "description": "a Pokemon Go Bot based on Rocket API" }
stars: 10 new-stars: 10 name: walkor/laychat description: layim +Workerman实现的聊天室,支持群聊、单聊、表情、发图片、发文件
{ "published": "2016/07/29", "stars": "10", "newStars": "10", "name": "walkor/laychat", "description": "layim +Workerman实现的聊天室,支持群聊、单聊、表情、发图片、发文件" }
stars: 19 new-stars: 9 name: shekhargulati/gradle-tips description: Gradle tips for all of us
{ "published": "2016/07/31", "stars": "19", "newStars": "9", "name": "shekhargulati/gradle-tips", "description": "Gradle tips for all of us" }
stars: 19 new-stars: 19 name: ashobiz/AshoBiz-Freebie description: Responsive Bootstrap HTML5, CSS3 Themes & Templates
{ "published": "2016/08/01", "stars": "19", "newStars": "19", "name": "ashobiz/AshoBiz-Freebie", "description": "Responsive Bootstrap HTML5, CSS3 Themes & Templates" }
stars: 2 new-stars: 8 name: slipawayleaon/iOS-JSHeaderView description: 仿简书个人中心头像缩放效果,支持点击回调
{ "published": "2016/08/01", "stars": "2", "newStars": "8", "name": "slipawayleaon/iOS-JSHeaderView", "description": "仿简书个人中心头像缩放效果,支持点击回调" }
stars: 97 new-stars: 88 name: haikarainen/kit description: C++ framework for game development.
{ "published": "2016/08/02", "stars": "97", "newStars": "88", "name": "haikarainen/kit", "description": "C++ framework for game development." }
stars: 0 new-stars: 21 name: GrowthHacker07/taotebling description: “The truth is not always beautiful, nor beautiful words the truth.”
{ "published": "2016/08/03", "stars": "0", "newStars": "21", "name": "GrowthHacker07/taotebling", "description": "“The truth is not always beautiful, nor beautiful words the truth.”" }
stars: 11 new-stars: 12 name: kahlonel/rhasta description: A barebones socket.io-style realtime messaging framework written in C.
{ "published": "2016/08/03", "stars": "11", "newStars": "12", "name": "kahlonel/rhasta", "description": "A barebones socket.io-style realtime messaging framework written in C." }
stars: 10 new-stars: 9 name: mvarela92/create-react-app-sass description: create-react-app with SASS
{ "published": "2016/08/03", "stars": "10", "newStars": "9", "name": "mvarela92/create-react-app-sass", "description": "create-react-app with SASS" }
stars: 378 new-stars: 370 name: pkmngodev/Unknown6 description: Repo dedicated to figuring out Unknown6 - for educational purposes only
{ "published": "2016/08/05", "stars": "378", "newStars": "370", "name": "pkmngodev/Unknown6", "description": "Repo dedicated to figuring out Unknown6 - for educational purposes only" }
stars: 18 new-stars: 17 name: TachyonRSA/PoGoTos description: PoGo Terms of Service Agreement
{ "published": "2016/08/07", "stars": "18", "newStars": "17", "name": "TachyonRSA/PoGoTos", "description": "PoGo Terms of Service Agreement" }
stars: 39 new-stars: 28 name: MarnonDev/GameNews description: 一款游戏资讯APP,包括四大主要板块【新闻】【视频】【美图】【个人中心(未完成)】,使用了目前比较流行的一些技术框架,Retrofit + RxJava + Realm + ButterKnife8.0等;应用会持续更新,集成个人比较喜欢的一些技术框架和功能。欢迎交流和指正
{ "published": "2016/08/08", "stars": "39", "newStars": "28", "name": "MarnonDev/GameNews", "description": "一款游戏资讯APP,包括四大主要板块【新闻】【视频】【美图】【个人中心(未完成)】,使用了目前比较流行的一些技术框架,Retrofit + RxJava + Realm + ButterKnife8.0等;应用会持续更新,集成个人比较喜欢的一些技术框架和功能。欢迎交流和指正" }
stars: 10 new-stars: 10 name: pixelass/beneath-the-sun description: postcss and SCSS library for z-index handling
{ "published": "2016/08/11", "stars": "10", "newStars": "10", "name": "pixelass/beneath-the-sun", "description": "postcss and SCSS library for z-index handling" }
stars: 70 new-stars: 23 name: salestock/fastText.py description: A Python interface for Facebook fastText
{ "published": "2016/08/11", "stars": "70", "newStars": "23", "name": "salestock/fastText.py", "description": "A Python interface for Facebook fastText" }
stars: 10 new-stars: 8 name: CaliAlec/ChromeIGStory description: Chrome extension that lets you view your friend's Instagram Stories in the browser.
{ "published": "2016/08/11", "stars": "10", "newStars": "8", "name": "CaliAlec/ChromeIGStory", "description": "Chrome extension that lets you view your friend's Instagram Stories in the browser." }
stars: 8 new-stars: 9 name: zakufish/geoip description: Convert IP to Geo location, a visual playground based on Google Map.
{ "published": "2016/08/12", "stars": "8", "newStars": "9", "name": "zakufish/geoip", "description": "Convert IP to Geo location, a visual playground based on Google Map." }
stars: 180 new-stars: 105 name: fuchsia-mirror/magenta description: Magenta
{ "published": "2016/08/13", "stars": "180", "newStars": "105", "name": "fuchsia-mirror/magenta", "description": "Magenta" }
stars: 111 new-stars: 104 name: NoxxDev/NecroBot description: a Pokemon Go Bot. -> https://discord.gg/VXKxNFr
{ "published": "2016/08/13", "stars": "111", "newStars": "104", "name": "NoxxDev/NecroBot", "description": "a Pokemon Go Bot. -> https://discord.gg/VXKxNFr" }
stars: 43 new-stars: 39 name: easychen/mmdcomic description: using-mmd-create-comic
{ "published": "2016/08/13", "stars": "43", "newStars": "39", "name": "easychen/mmdcomic", "description": "using-mmd-create-comic" }
stars: 112 new-stars: 103 name: Enteleform/-RES- description: Resources
{ "published": "2016/08/13", "stars": "112", "newStars": "103", "name": "Enteleform/-RES-", "description": "Resources" }
stars: 8 new-stars: 9 name: iitc/http description: Java http server and web application framework.
{ "published": "2016/08/13", "stars": "8", "newStars": "9", "name": "iitc/http", "description": "Java http server and web application framework." }
stars: 9 new-stars: 9 name: substack/column-mesh description: generate a 3d mesh of a greek column
{ "published": "2016/08/14", "stars": "9", "newStars": "9", "name": "substack/column-mesh", "description": "generate a 3d mesh of a greek column" }
stars: 332 new-stars: 130 name: fuchsia-mirror/magenta description: Magenta Kernel, Core Drivers, and Services
{ "published": "2016/08/14", "stars": "332", "newStars": "130", "name": "fuchsia-mirror/magenta", "description": "Magenta Kernel, Core Drivers, and Services" }
stars: 9 new-stars: 9 name: qiangxue/golang-restful-starter-kit description: A RESTful application boilerplate in Go (golang) taking best practices and utilizing best available packages and tools
{ "published": "2016/08/15", "stars": "9", "newStars": "9", "name": "qiangxue/golang-restful-starter-kit", "description": "A RESTful application boilerplate in Go (golang) taking best practices and utilizing best available packages and tools" }
stars: 8 new-stars: 8 name: bhdrgkz/pripub description: pripub private or public, anonymously chat
{ "published": "2016/08/15", "stars": "8", "newStars": "8", "name": "bhdrgkz/pripub", "description": "pripub private or public, anonymously chat" }
stars: 639 new-stars: 312 name: fuchsia-mirror/magenta description: Magenta Kernel, Core Drivers, and Services
{ "published": "2016/08/15", "stars": "639", "newStars": "312", "name": "fuchsia-mirror/magenta", "description": "Magenta Kernel, Core Drivers, and Services" }
stars: 13 new-stars: 8 name: jzdziarski/littleflocker description: Little Flocker: File Access Enforcement for macOS
{ "published": "2016/08/16", "stars": "13", "newStars": "8", "name": "jzdziarski/littleflocker", "description": "Little Flocker: File Access Enforcement for macOS" }
stars: 9 new-stars: 8 name: emoose/MBINEdit description: A simple tool for viewing/editing No Man's Sky MBIN files.
{ "published": "2016/08/16", "stars": "9", "newStars": "8", "name": "emoose/MBINEdit", "description": "A simple tool for viewing/editing No Man's Sky MBIN files." }
stars: 827 new-stars: 209 name: fuchsia-mirror/magenta description: Magenta Kernel, Core Drivers, and Services
{ "published": "2016/08/16", "stars": "827", "newStars": "209", "name": "fuchsia-mirror/magenta", "description": "Magenta Kernel, Core Drivers, and Services" }
stars: 25 new-stars: 25 name: adamcaudill/EquationGroupLeak description: Archive of leaked Equation Group materials
{ "published": "2016/08/17", "stars": "25", "newStars": "25", "name": "adamcaudill/EquationGroupLeak", "description": "Archive of leaked Equation Group materials" }
stars: 408 new-stars: 403 name: gacel112/atccargo description: My first project for learning Symfony3
{ "published": "2016/08/19", "stars": "408", "newStars": "403", "name": "gacel112/atccargo", "description": "My first project for learning Symfony3" }
stars: 18 new-stars: 18 name: Hypsurus/te description: Display network information from the command line.
{ "published": "2016/08/22", "stars": "18", "newStars": "18", "name": "Hypsurus/te", "description": "Display network information from the command line." }
stars: 93 new-stars: 82 name: stubailo/graphql-anywhere description: Run a GraphQL query anywhere, against any data, with no schema.
{ "published": "2016/08/25", "stars": "93", "newStars": "82", "name": "stubailo/graphql-anywhere", "description": "Run a GraphQL query anywhere, against any data, with no schema." }
stars: 273 new-stars: 190 name: jjdxmashl/jjdxm_ijkplayer description: 基于ijkplayer简单的UI界面 当前项目是基于ijkplayer项目进行的播放器界面UI封装。 是一个适用于 Android 的 RTMP 直播推流 SDK,可高度定制化和二次开发。特色是同时支持 H.264 软编/硬编和 AAC 软编/硬编。主要是支持RIMP、HLS、MP4、M4A等视频格式的播放。
{ "published": "2016/08/29", "stars": "273", "newStars": "190", "name": "jjdxmashl/jjdxm_ijkplayer", "description": "基于ijkplayer简单的UI界面 当前项目是基于ijkplayer项目进行的播放器界面UI封装。 是一个适用于 Android 的 RTMP 直播推流 SDK,可高度定制化和二次开发。特色是同时支持 H.264 软编/硬编和 AAC 软编/硬编。主要是支持RIMP、HLS、MP4、M4A等视频格式的播放。" }
stars: 16 new-stars: 15 name: re4lity/zabbixPwn description: Zabbix Jsrpc.php Injection Exploit
{ "published": "2016/08/29", "stars": "16", "newStars": "15", "name": "re4lity/zabbixPwn", "description": "Zabbix Jsrpc.php Injection Exploit" }
stars: 13 new-stars: 12 name: Easter1021/docker_with_laravel_53 description: Docker with Laravel 5.3 + Supervisor + PHP 7.0 + Mysql + Nginx
{ "published": "2016/08/29", "stars": "13", "newStars": "12", "name": "Easter1021/docker_with_laravel_53", "description": "Docker with Laravel 5.3 + Supervisor + PHP 7.0 + Mysql + Nginx" }
stars: 12 new-stars: 12 name: radiantmediaplayer/rmp-free-edition-quick-start description: A quick start guide for Radiant Media Player Free Edition
{ "published": "2016/08/31", "stars": "12", "newStars": "12", "name": "radiantmediaplayer/rmp-free-edition-quick-start", "description": "A quick start guide for Radiant Media Player Free Edition" }
stars: 8 new-stars: 8 name: jlelse/NewsCatchr-OpenSource description: Code of the NewsCatchr app
{ "published": "2016/09/01", "stars": "8", "newStars": "8", "name": "jlelse/NewsCatchr-OpenSource", "description": "Code of the NewsCatchr app" }
stars: 15 new-stars: 15 name: substack/cybershrek description: shrek 3d vr
{ "published": "2016/09/02", "stars": "15", "newStars": "15", "name": "substack/cybershrek", "description": "shrek 3d vr" }
stars: 6 new-stars: 8 name: luckearth/CoreStudy_01 description: .net Core 学习demo
{ "published": "2016/09/02", "stars": "6", "newStars": "8", "name": "luckearth/CoreStudy_01", "description": ".net Core 学习demo" }