stars: 388 new-stars: 184 name: dreamapplehappy/effective-javascript description: To be, or not to be, that is a question! 万剑归宗的无名和独霸天下的雄霸
{ "published": "2016/11/16", "stars": "388", "newStars": "184", "name": "dreamapplehappy/effective-javascript", "description": "To be, or not to be, that is a question! 万剑归宗的无名和独霸天下的雄霸" }
stars: 11 new-stars: 10 name: xXValhallaCoderXx/RN-RNRF-Boilerplate description: Basic boilerplate with Login, Tabs and Side drawer implemented with RNRF
{ "published": "2016/11/17", "stars": "11", "newStars": "10", "name": "xXValhallaCoderXx/RN-RNRF-Boilerplate", "description": "Basic boilerplate with Login, Tabs and Side drawer implemented with RNRF" }
stars: 11 new-stars: 9 name: callmelanmao/yunshare description: 百度云分享爬虫项目
{ "published": "2016/11/18", "stars": "11", "newStars": "9", "name": "callmelanmao/yunshare", "description": "百度云分享爬虫项目" }
stars: 574 new-stars: 467 name: WangCheese/MarketModule description: 这是一个商城的完整代码。MarketModuleBG是该项目的后端。
{ "published": "2016/11/19", "stars": "574", "newStars": "467", "name": "WangCheese/MarketModule", "description": "这是一个商城的完整代码。MarketModuleBG是该项目的后端。" }
stars: 453 new-stars: 434 name: WangCheese/MarketModuleBG description: MarketModule后端
{ "published": "2016/11/19", "stars": "453", "newStars": "434", "name": "WangCheese/MarketModuleBG", "description": "MarketModule后端" }
stars: 19 new-stars: 17 name: azer/notebook description: My personal and public notes.
{ "published": "2016/11/20", "stars": "19", "newStars": "17", "name": "azer/notebook", "description": "My personal and public notes." }
stars: 10 new-stars: 8 name: plantpark/AirbnbSpider description: a spider crawl all room info of airbnb ,include reservation of the rooms
{ "published": "2016/11/22", "stars": "10", "newStars": "8", "name": "plantpark/AirbnbSpider", "description": "a spider crawl all room info of airbnb ,include reservation of the rooms" }
stars: 4 new-stars: 14 name: Shopify/phoneNumberFormatter description: A general purpose library for validating and formatting phone numbers.
{ "published": "2016/11/25", "stars": "4", "newStars": "14", "name": "Shopify/phoneNumberFormatter", "description": "A general purpose library for validating and formatting phone numbers." }
stars: 9 new-stars: 11 name: DanteAndroid/CompresserCompare description: Compare the most popular image compresser on Github.
{ "published": "2016/11/28", "stars": "9", "newStars": "11", "name": "DanteAndroid/CompresserCompare", "description": "Compare the most popular image compresser on Github." }
stars: 10 new-stars: 10 name: OpenNOC/OpenNOC description: /!\ WIP - WIP - WIP /!\
{ "published": "2016/11/29", "stars": "10", "newStars": "10", "name": "OpenNOC/OpenNOC", "description": "/!\\ WIP - WIP - WIP /!\\" }
stars: 10 new-stars: 11 name: MobinDehghani/Security-Bot description: Security-Bot - Version 3.9
{ "published": "2016/11/30", "stars": "10", "newStars": "11", "name": "MobinDehghani/Security-Bot", "description": "Security-Bot - Version 3.9" }
stars: 9 new-stars: 9 name: corda/cordapp-template description: The CorDapp template is an example CorDapp which you can use to bootstrap your own CorDapp projects.
{ "published": "2016/11/30", "stars": "9", "newStars": "9", "name": "corda/cordapp-template", "description": "The CorDapp template is an example CorDapp which you can use to bootstrap your own CorDapp projects." }
stars: 13 new-stars: 13 name: substack/earth-mesh description: generate triangulated meshes from shapefiles and geojson
{ "published": "2016/12/02", "stars": "13", "newStars": "13", "name": "substack/earth-mesh", "description": "generate triangulated meshes from shapefiles and geojson" }
stars: 388 new-stars: 297 name: hypertrack/smart-scheduler-android description: A utility library for scheduling periodic and non-periodic jobs efficiently.
{ "published": "2016/12/05", "stars": "388", "newStars": "297", "name": "hypertrack/smart-scheduler-android", "description": "A utility library for scheduling periodic and non-periodic jobs efficiently." }
stars: 21 new-stars: 20 name: substack/smooth-state description: smoothly interpolate state changes over time
{ "published": "2016/12/05", "stars": "21", "newStars": "20", "name": "substack/smooth-state", "description": "smoothly interpolate state changes over time" }
stars: 82 new-stars: 238 name: coolcooldee/sloth description: A tool to generate java scaffold code for SQL databases。
{ "published": "2016/12/06", "stars": "82", "newStars": "238", "name": "coolcooldee/sloth", "description": "A tool to generate java scaffold code for SQL databases。" }
stars: 9 new-stars: 11 name: drakofrost/steam-launcher description: A utility for Steam
{ "published": "2016/12/08", "stars": "9", "newStars": "11", "name": "drakofrost/steam-launcher", "description": "A utility for Steam" }
stars: 109 new-stars: 99 name: propwnadmin/propwnadmin.github.io description: ProPwn Backup
{ "published": "2016/12/10", "stars": "109", "newStars": "99", "name": "propwnadmin/propwnadmin.github.io", "description": "ProPwn Backup" }
stars: 245 new-stars: 129 name: coolcooldee/sloth description: A tool to generate java scaffold code for SQL databases。
{ "published": "2016/12/10", "stars": "245", "newStars": "129", "name": "coolcooldee/sloth", "description": "A tool to generate java scaffold code for SQL databases。" }
stars: 184 new-stars: 136 name: omarrx024/xos description: A fast, tiny operating system for the PC.
{ "published": "2016/12/11", "stars": "184", "newStars": "136", "name": "omarrx024/xos", "description": "A fast, tiny operating system for the PC." }
stars: 10 new-stars: 11 name: DanteAndroid/Girls description: Just watch girls.
{ "published": "2016/12/13", "stars": "10", "newStars": "11", "name": "DanteAndroid/Girls", "description": "Just watch girls." }
stars: 10 new-stars: 9 name: fanOfDemo/PluginApp description: 插件化技术实现App模块化隔离--实践
{ "published": "2016/12/13", "stars": "10", "newStars": "9", "name": "fanOfDemo/PluginApp", "description": "插件化技术实现App模块化隔离--实践" }
stars: 410 new-stars: 165 name: coolcooldee/sloth description: 🐨 a code generator for complete java scaffold code ( likes Ruby on Rails ) , based on database schema and springboot framework 。
{ "published": "2016/12/13", "stars": "410", "newStars": "165", "name": "coolcooldee/sloth", "description": "🐨 a code generator for complete java scaffold code ( likes Ruby on Rails ) , based on database schema and springboot framework 。" }
stars: 290 new-stars: 288 name: filtration/Bitcoin-Exchange description: read the readme
{ "published": "2016/12/14", "stars": "290", "newStars": "288", "name": "filtration/Bitcoin-Exchange", "description": "read the readme" }
stars: 45 new-stars: 35 name: Erkaman/auto_uv_map description: Reference Implementation of Automatic UV Mapping with Harmonic Maps.
{ "published": "2016/12/14", "stars": "45", "newStars": "35", "name": "Erkaman/auto_uv_map", "description": "Reference Implementation of Automatic UV Mapping with Harmonic Maps." }
stars: 8 new-stars: 8 name: ecidi/winterfall description: react 生态体系架构,结合 react、router、redux、saga 实现
{ "published": "2016/12/16", "stars": "8", "newStars": "8", "name": "ecidi/winterfall", "description": "react 生态体系架构,结合 react、router、redux、saga 实现" }
stars: 84 new-stars: 84 name: therealcockman/COCK description: Literally just a fat cock
{ "published": "2016/12/17", "stars": "84", "newStars": "84", "name": "therealcockman/COCK", "description": "Literally just a fat cock" }
stars: 8 new-stars: 9 name: dpgailey/bot-theory-book description: A short book about the theory of bots
{ "published": "2016/12/17", "stars": "8", "newStars": "9", "name": "dpgailey/bot-theory-book", "description": "A short book about the theory of bots" }
stars: 13 new-stars: 11 name: brandtg/trump-data description: Collection of data from Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign
{ "published": "2016/12/18", "stars": "13", "newStars": "11", "name": "brandtg/trump-data", "description": "Collection of data from Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign" }
stars: 39 new-stars: 42 name: zhovner/how-skype-fix-vulnerabilities description: Original
{ "published": "2016/12/20", "stars": "39", "newStars": "42", "name": "zhovner/how-skype-fix-vulnerabilities", "description": "Original" }
stars: 14 new-stars: 17 name: shrbank/SyncSpout description: SyncSpout是上海华瑞银行(SHRB)大数据团队开发的,用来构造可交互的、同步的Storm拓扑的组件。我们在做实时推荐系统中,希望将Storm的并发性和分布式计算能力应用到“请求-响应”范式中, 比如客户的某次购买行为能够以消息的形式发送到storm拓扑中,storm在指定时间返回推荐结果,也就是说storm需要具有可交互性。基于这样的背景,大数据团队开发了SyncSpout组件, 该组件可以接收客户端异步的消息,经过Storm拓扑异步计算,在指定时间内返回给客户端。
{ "published": "2016/12/22", "stars": "14", "newStars": "17", "name": "shrbank/SyncSpout", "description": "SyncSpout是上海华瑞银行(SHRB)大数据团队开发的,用来构造可交互的、同步的Storm拓扑的组件。我们在做实时推荐系统中,希望将Storm的并发性和分布式计算能力应用到“请求-响应”范式中, 比如客户的某次购买行为能够以消息的形式发送到storm拓扑中,storm在指定时间返回推荐结果,也就是说storm需要具有可交互性。基于这样的背景,大数据团队开发了SyncSpout组件, 该组件可以接收客户端异步的消息,经过Storm拓扑异步计算,在指定时间内返回给客户端。" }
stars: 12 new-stars: 10 name: pwnsdx/Unsecure description: Bypass alerts of Little Flocker / Little Snitch / BlockBlock (same concept can be applied to other security tools).
{ "published": "2016/12/23", "stars": "12", "newStars": "10", "name": "pwnsdx/Unsecure", "description": "Bypass alerts of Little Flocker / Little Snitch / BlockBlock (same concept can be applied to other security tools)." }
stars: 114 new-stars: 102 name: propwnadmin/propwnadmin.github.io description: ProPwn Backup
{ "published": "2016/12/25", "stars": "114", "newStars": "102", "name": "propwnadmin/propwnadmin.github.io", "description": "ProPwn Backup" }
stars: 23 new-stars: 18 name: terrychenism/mx-rfcn description: MXNet port of R-FCN
{ "published": "2016/12/28", "stars": "23", "newStars": "18", "name": "terrychenism/mx-rfcn", "description": "MXNet port of R-FCN" }
stars: 12 new-stars: 13 name: bestony/githook description: Web Hooks Deploy Tools
{ "published": "2016/12/28", "stars": "12", "newStars": "13", "name": "bestony/githook", "description": "Web Hooks Deploy Tools" }
stars: 24 new-stars: 13 name: bluejamesbond/FlameChart.js description: ⚡️ React flamechart component (based on Chrome DevTools) with standalone support. Example at
{ "published": "2016/12/31", "stars": "24", "newStars": "13", "name": "bluejamesbond/FlameChart.js", "description": "⚡️ React flamechart component (based on Chrome DevTools) with standalone support. Example at" }
stars: 682 new-stars: 325 name: ezekg/swa-dashboard description: Dashboard to monitor and receive alerts for changes in Southwest fare prices
{ "published": "2017/01/02", "stars": "682", "newStars": "325", "name": "ezekg/swa-dashboard", "description": "Dashboard to monitor and receive alerts for changes in Southwest fare prices" }
stars: 1050 new-stars: 405 name: ezekg/swa-dashboard description: Dashboard to monitor and receive alerts for changes in Southwest fare prices
{ "published": "2017/01/03", "stars": "1050", "newStars": "405", "name": "ezekg/swa-dashboard", "description": "Dashboard to monitor and receive alerts for changes in Southwest fare prices" }
stars: 0 new-stars: 492 name: zx1988826/loadme description: css3 的loading 加载组件,react 和 vue 均可轻松引入
{ "published": "2017/01/06", "stars": "0", "newStars": "492", "name": "zx1988826/loadme", "description": "css3 的loading 加载组件,react 和 vue 均可轻松引入" }
stars: 13 new-stars: 11 name: jokermonn/-Api description: 「一个」应用 Api,仅供学习,禁止商业使用,侵权请联系删除。
{ "published": "2017/01/08", "stars": "13", "newStars": "11", "name": "jokermonn/-Api", "description": "「一个」应用 Api,仅供学习,禁止商业使用,侵权请联系删除。" }
stars: 463 new-stars: 231 name: igoradamenko/awsm.css description: Simple CSS library for semantic HTML markup
{ "published": "2017/01/09", "stars": "463", "newStars": "231", "name": "igoradamenko/awsm.css", "description": "Simple CSS library for semantic HTML markup" }
stars: 11 new-stars: 12 name: selfrefactor/nightmare-helper description: Google image search with Nightmare.js
{ "published": "2017/01/10", "stars": "11", "newStars": "12", "name": "selfrefactor/nightmare-helper", "description": "Google image search with Nightmare.js" }
stars: 1 new-stars: 225 name: BraisedCakes/drag description: 拖拽
{ "published": "2017/01/11", "stars": "1", "newStars": "225", "name": "BraisedCakes/drag", "description": "拖拽" }
stars: 1 new-stars: 202 name: BraisedCakes/tank description: 坦克大战
{ "published": "2017/01/11", "stars": "1", "newStars": "202", "name": "BraisedCakes/tank", "description": "坦克大战" }
stars: 32 new-stars: 22 name: openai/universe-windows-envs description: Run Universe environments in Windows (maintained by DeepDrive)
{ "published": "2017/01/11", "stars": "32", "newStars": "22", "name": "openai/universe-windows-envs", "description": "Run Universe environments in Windows (maintained by DeepDrive)" }
stars: 29 new-stars: 21 name: deepdrive/deepdrive-universe description: Run self-driving car agents in GTAV Universe
{ "published": "2017/01/11", "stars": "29", "newStars": "21", "name": "deepdrive/deepdrive-universe", "description": "Run self-driving car agents in GTAV Universe" }
stars: 22 new-stars: 17 name: songhaoreact/weixin description: 微信小程序-豆瓣电影项目 -慕课网
{ "published": "2017/01/12", "stars": "22", "newStars": "17", "name": "songhaoreact/weixin", "description": "微信小程序-豆瓣电影项目 -慕课网" }
stars: 10 new-stars: 11 name: afollestad/shared-element-transition-samples description: Basic examples of Shared Element Transitions.
{ "published": "2017/01/14", "stars": "10", "newStars": "11", "name": "afollestad/shared-element-transition-samples", "description": "Basic examples of Shared Element Transitions." }
stars: 10 new-stars: 10 name: mbigras/spiralify description: 🌀 Convert an array into a spiral
{ "published": "2017/01/15", "stars": "10", "newStars": "10", "name": "mbigras/spiralify", "description": "🌀 Convert an array into a spiral" }
stars: 8 new-stars: 9 name: derveloper/kiny description: your super simple private serverless service running your kotlin functions like aws lambda
{ "published": "2017/01/15", "stars": "8", "newStars": "9", "name": "derveloper/kiny", "description": "your super simple private serverless service running your kotlin functions like aws lambda" }
stars: 9 new-stars: 9 name: macosunity/ReactNativeDemo description: 自己完成的React Native Demo,基于最新版本React Native 0.40,适合初学者学习
{ "published": "2017/01/16", "stars": "9", "newStars": "9", "name": "macosunity/ReactNativeDemo", "description": "自己完成的React Native Demo,基于最新版本React Native 0.40,适合初学者学习" }
stars: 4 new-stars: 10 name: willAimL/Scrum-eXtremeProgramming-Projekt description: Grupp1 Projekt
{ "published": "2017/01/18", "stars": "4", "newStars": "10", "name": "willAimL/Scrum-eXtremeProgramming-Projekt", "description": "Grupp1 Projekt" }
stars: 14 new-stars: 13 name: palantir/yerna description: A Lerna-like tool for managing Javascript monorepos using Yarn
{ "published": "2017/01/19", "stars": "14", "newStars": "13", "name": "palantir/yerna", "description": "A Lerna-like tool for managing Javascript monorepos using Yarn" }
stars: 12 new-stars: 11 name: x-spiders/aiss-spider description: 爱丝APP图片爬虫,以及免支付破解VIP看图
{ "published": "2017/01/21", "stars": "12", "newStars": "11", "name": "x-spiders/aiss-spider", "description": "爱丝APP图片爬虫,以及免支付破解VIP看图" }
stars: 295 new-stars: 225 name: remigiusz-suwalski/programming-cheatsheets description: Programming cheatsheets (Python, Bash, Haskell...)
{ "published": "2017/01/22", "stars": "295", "newStars": "225", "name": "remigiusz-suwalski/programming-cheatsheets", "description": "Programming cheatsheets (Python, Bash, Haskell...)" }
stars: 162 new-stars: 120 name: adtac/autovpn description: Easily connect to a VPN in a country of your choice
{ "published": "2017/01/22", "stars": "162", "newStars": "120", "name": "adtac/autovpn", "description": "Easily connect to a VPN in a country of your choice" }
stars: 12 new-stars: 11 name: mertbulan/RoRdit description: Link aggregation web app similar with Reddit in Ruby on Rails
{ "published": "2017/01/22", "stars": "12", "newStars": "11", "name": "mertbulan/RoRdit", "description": "Link aggregation web app similar with Reddit in Ruby on Rails" }
stars: 27 new-stars: 11 name: andypotts/mockup-generator description: Mockup Generator is a macOS app built with Electron/AngularJS that sits in your menu bar allowing you to capture screenshots of your favourite websites and wrap them in device mock-ups.
{ "published": "2017/01/22", "stars": "27", "newStars": "11", "name": "andypotts/mockup-generator", "description": "Mockup Generator is a macOS app built with Electron/AngularJS that sits in your menu bar allowing you to capture screenshots of your favourite websites and wrap them in device mock-ups." }
stars: 11 new-stars: 8 name: roytenberg/brilliant-bash description: A handful of bash aliases to strengthen the bond between you and your machine.
{ "published": "2017/01/22", "stars": "11", "newStars": "8", "name": "roytenberg/brilliant-bash", "description": "A handful of bash aliases to strengthen the bond between you and your machine." }
stars: 409 new-stars: 262 name: adtac/autovpn description: Easily connect to a VPN in a country of your choice.
{ "published": "2017/01/23", "stars": "409", "newStars": "262", "name": "adtac/autovpn", "description": "Easily connect to a VPN in a country of your choice." }
stars: 477 new-stars: 203 name: remigiusz-suwalski/programming-cheatsheets description: Programming cheatsheets (Python, Bash, Haskell...)
{ "published": "2017/01/23", "stars": "477", "newStars": "203", "name": "remigiusz-suwalski/programming-cheatsheets", "description": "Programming cheatsheets (Python, Bash, Haskell...)" }
stars: 1048 new-stars: 221 name: enddo/awesome-windows-exploitation description: A curated list of awesome Windows Exploitation resources, and shiny things. Inspired by awesom
{ "published": "2017/01/24", "stars": "1048", "newStars": "221", "name": "enddo/awesome-windows-exploitation", "description": "A curated list of awesome Windows Exploitation resources, and shiny things. Inspired by awesom" }
stars: 19 new-stars: 20 name: AltNN/AltNN description: A alternate Nintendo Network server!
{ "published": "2017/01/24", "stars": "19", "newStars": "20", "name": "AltNN/AltNN", "description": "A alternate Nintendo Network server!" }
stars: 563 new-stars: 173 name: adtac/autovpn description: Easily connect to a VPN in a country of your choice.
{ "published": "2017/01/24", "stars": "563", "newStars": "173", "name": "adtac/autovpn", "description": "Easily connect to a VPN in a country of your choice." }
stars: 37 new-stars: 21 name: budkin/jam description: Google Play Music console player
{ "published": "2017/01/26", "stars": "37", "newStars": "21", "name": "budkin/jam", "description": "Google Play Music console player" }
stars: 10 new-stars: 10 name: mentalfaculty/impeller description: A Distributed Value Store in Swift.
{ "published": "2017/01/27", "stars": "10", "newStars": "10", "name": "mentalfaculty/impeller", "description": "A Distributed Value Store in Swift." }
stars: 20 new-stars: 10 name: katerabinowitz/Code-Against-Trump description: Where to volunteer your tech + data skills to work against Trump's America
{ "published": "2017/01/29", "stars": "20", "newStars": "10", "name": "katerabinowitz/Code-Against-Trump", "description": "Where to volunteer your tech + data skills to work against Trump's America" }
stars: 86 new-stars: 80 name: fatiherikli/voxel description: Voxel design tool built on top of css transformations
{ "published": "2017/02/02", "stars": "86", "newStars": "80", "name": "fatiherikli/voxel", "description": "Voxel design tool built on top of css transformations" }
stars: 41 new-stars: 23 name: drakeet/rebase-server description: RESTful API server, base on Jersey 2, Java 8, MongoDB. API Document: https://github.com/drakeet/rebase-api
{ "published": "2017/02/03", "stars": "41", "newStars": "23", "name": "drakeet/rebase-server", "description": "RESTful API server, base on Jersey 2, Java 8, MongoDB. API Document: https://github.com/drakeet/rebase-api" }
stars: 212 new-stars: 153 name: vesche/basicRAT description: python remote access trojan
{ "published": "2017/02/05", "stars": "212", "newStars": "153", "name": "vesche/basicRAT", "description": "python remote access trojan" }
stars: 11 new-stars: 11 name: coolstar/stash933 description: Stashing for iOS 9.2 - 10.2
{ "published": "2017/02/06", "stars": "11", "newStars": "11", "name": "coolstar/stash933", "description": "Stashing for iOS 9.2 - 10.2" }
stars: 404 new-stars: 230 name: vesche/basicRAT description: python remote access trojan
{ "published": "2017/02/06", "stars": "404", "newStars": "230", "name": "vesche/basicRAT", "description": "python remote access trojan" }
stars: 8 new-stars: 8 name: HJava/dx-emotions description: Custom Emotions of Daxiang
{ "published": "2017/02/08", "stars": "8", "newStars": "8", "name": "HJava/dx-emotions", "description": "Custom Emotions of Daxiang" }
stars: 8 new-stars: 8 name: arkon/uoft-enrolment-charts description: Script to generate charts of course enrolment numbers
{ "published": "2017/02/09", "stars": "8", "newStars": "8", "name": "arkon/uoft-enrolment-charts", "description": "Script to generate charts of course enrolment numbers" }
stars: 18 new-stars: 14 name: gpuweb/nxt-standalone description: ANGLE-like library for Chromium's next-generation Web graphics API prototype.
{ "published": "2017/02/10", "stars": "18", "newStars": "14", "name": "gpuweb/nxt-standalone", "description": "ANGLE-like library for Chromium's next-generation Web graphics API prototype." }
stars: 183 new-stars: 165 name: manwhoami/Bella description: A pure python, post-exploitation, data mining tool and remote administration tool for macOS.
{ "published": "2017/02/11", "stars": "183", "newStars": "165", "name": "manwhoami/Bella", "description": "A pure python, post-exploitation, data mining tool and remote administration tool for macOS." }
stars: 162 new-stars: 153 name: DomonJi/monkov description: A blog system built with vue and koa
{ "published": "2017/02/11", "stars": "162", "newStars": "153", "name": "DomonJi/monkov", "description": "A blog system built with vue and koa" }
stars: 21 new-stars: 16 name: jongold/st description: [wip] algebraic style composition for functional UIs
{ "published": "2017/02/15", "stars": "21", "newStars": "16", "name": "jongold/st", "description": "[wip] algebraic style composition for functional UIs" }
stars: 6 new-stars: 13 name: larguesa/FPG-ADS-POO-2017-1-NOT description: Repositório para os projetos desenvolvidos nas aulas de POO do curso de ADS da Fatec de Praia Grande
{ "published": "2017/02/15", "stars": "6", "newStars": "13", "name": "larguesa/FPG-ADS-POO-2017-1-NOT", "description": "Repositório para os projetos desenvolvidos nas aulas de POO do curso de ADS da Fatec de Praia Grande" }
stars: 34 new-stars: 24 name: subTee/RegistrationFreeCOM description: Inject DLL Prototype using Microsoft.Windows.ACTCTX COM Object
{ "published": "2017/02/16", "stars": "34", "newStars": "24", "name": "subTee/RegistrationFreeCOM", "description": "Inject DLL Prototype using Microsoft.Windows.ACTCTX COM Object" }
stars: 390 new-stars: 302 name: SirCmpwn/evilpass description: Slightly evil password strength checker
{ "published": "2017/02/18", "stars": "390", "newStars": "302", "name": "SirCmpwn/evilpass", "description": "Slightly evil password strength checker" }
stars: 12 new-stars: 12 name: Laxenade/PublicRest description: Publicly Accessible RESTful APIs.
{ "published": "2017/02/18", "stars": "12", "newStars": "12", "name": "Laxenade/PublicRest", "description": "Publicly Accessible RESTful APIs." }
stars: 85 new-stars: 70 name: dear-apple/dear-apple description: An open 📧 to Apple from developers that work in a daily basis with their tools ⚒
{ "published": "2017/02/19", "stars": "85", "newStars": "70", "name": "dear-apple/dear-apple", "description": "An open 📧 to Apple from developers that work in a daily basis with their tools ⚒" }
stars: 694 new-stars: 350 name: SirCmpwn/evilpass description: Slightly evil password strength checker
{ "published": "2017/02/19", "stars": "694", "newStars": "350", "name": "SirCmpwn/evilpass", "description": "Slightly evil password strength checker" }
stars: 30 new-stars: 24 name: UltimateAngular/aot-loader description: [BETA/Work In Progress] Ahead-of-Time Compiler for Webpack.
{ "published": "2017/02/20", "stars": "30", "newStars": "24", "name": "UltimateAngular/aot-loader", "description": "[BETA/Work In Progress] Ahead-of-Time Compiler for Webpack." }
stars: 10 new-stars: 13 name: unige-semantics-2017/information description: Important information about the Semantics 2017 course at University of Geneva
{ "published": "2017/02/20", "stars": "10", "newStars": "13", "name": "unige-semantics-2017/information", "description": "Important information about the Semantics 2017 course at University of Geneva" }
stars: 7 new-stars: 8 name: revilheart/rhSGST description: A script that adds some cool features to SteamGifts and SteamTrades.
{ "published": "2017/02/20", "stars": "7", "newStars": "8", "name": "revilheart/rhSGST", "description": "A script that adds some cool features to SteamGifts and SteamTrades." }
stars: 904 new-stars: 245 name: SirCmpwn/evilpass description: Slightly evil password strength checker
{ "published": "2017/02/20", "stars": "904", "newStars": "245", "name": "SirCmpwn/evilpass", "description": "Slightly evil password strength checker" }
stars: 24 new-stars: 24 name: feross/free-torrents description: List of public domain and Creative Commons torrents
{ "published": "2017/02/22", "stars": "24", "newStars": "24", "name": "feross/free-torrents", "description": "List of public domain and Creative Commons torrents" }
stars: 2145 new-stars: 1842 name: shengxinjing/programmer-job-blacklist description: 程序员找工作黑名单,换工作和当技术合伙人需谨慎啊
{ "published": "2017/02/23", "stars": "2145", "newStars": "1842", "name": "shengxinjing/programmer-job-blacklist", "description": "程序员找工作黑名单,换工作和当技术合伙人需谨慎啊" }
stars: 3 new-stars: 9 name: wanggufeng/qsf description: qsf Service Framework
{ "published": "2017/02/23", "stars": "3", "newStars": "9", "name": "wanggufeng/qsf", "description": "qsf Service Framework" }
stars: 7 new-stars: 11 name: zlc921022/LookMvpProject description: RxJava+Retrofit+okhttp+glide+mvp+butterknife实现的简易开源小项目
{ "published": "2017/02/24", "stars": "7", "newStars": "11", "name": "zlc921022/LookMvpProject", "description": "RxJava+Retrofit+okhttp+glide+mvp+butterknife实现的简易开源小项目" }
stars: 8 new-stars: 9 name: srcecde/facebook-bot description: A basic python facebook-bot that can automate your likes and update status as desired interval of time. All you need to feed the data to the bot for the status. No API Developer key required.
{ "published": "2017/02/24", "stars": "8", "newStars": "9", "name": "srcecde/facebook-bot", "description": "A basic python facebook-bot that can automate your likes and update status as desired interval of time. All you need to feed the data to the bot for the status. No API Developer key required." }
stars: 2803 new-stars: 906 name: shengxinjing/programmer-job-blacklist description: 程序员找工作黑名单,换工作和当技术合伙人需谨慎啊
{ "published": "2017/02/24", "stars": "2803", "newStars": "906", "name": "shengxinjing/programmer-job-blacklist", "description": "程序员找工作黑名单,换工作和当技术合伙人需谨慎啊" }
stars: 3094 new-stars: 370 name: shengxinjing/programmer-job-blacklist description: 程序员找工作黑名单,换工作和当技术合伙人需谨慎啊
{ "published": "2017/02/25", "stars": "3094", "newStars": "370", "name": "shengxinjing/programmer-job-blacklist", "description": "程序员找工作黑名单,换工作和当技术合伙人需谨慎啊" }
stars: 166 new-stars: 138 name: audeSt/aude-sharding description: 轻量级的MySQL数据库的分库分表中间件
{ "published": "2017/02/26", "stars": "166", "newStars": "138", "name": "audeSt/aude-sharding", "description": "轻量级的MySQL数据库的分库分表中间件" }
stars: 13 new-stars: 13 name: android10/kotlin-android-scaffolding description: An android project structure using kotlin and most common libraries.
{ "published": "2017/02/26", "stars": "13", "newStars": "13", "name": "android10/kotlin-android-scaffolding", "description": "An android project structure using kotlin and most common libraries." }
stars: 28 new-stars: 29 name: ntesmail/angular2-webpack-template description: angular demo,build with webpack
{ "published": "2017/02/27", "stars": "28", "newStars": "29", "name": "ntesmail/angular2-webpack-template", "description": "angular demo,build with webpack" }
stars: 18 new-stars: 18 name: ApplePride/PIDOR description: The best iOS App Architecture
{ "published": "2017/02/27", "stars": "18", "newStars": "18", "name": "ApplePride/PIDOR", "description": "The best iOS App Architecture" }
stars: 14 new-stars: 11 name: egek92/JavaCheatSheet description: A Java cheatsheet prepared by Ege which will help you to code quickly and effectively.
{ "published": "2017/03/04", "stars": "14", "newStars": "11", "name": "egek92/JavaCheatSheet", "description": "A Java cheatsheet prepared by Ege which will help you to code quickly and effectively." }