283 values
283 values
266 values
field of applied science whose theme is the control of matter on atomic and (supra)molecular scale
Commentary: The Materials Project: A materials genome approach to accelerating materials innovation
[ { "display_name": "Materials processing", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.45517802, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Systems engineering", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.4194712, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Nanotechnology", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.41545412, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer science", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.4121953, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Materials science", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.39400673, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Data science", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.372905, "wikidata": "" } ]
Accelerating the discovery of advanced materials is essential for human welfare and sustainable, clean energy. In this paper, we introduce the Materials Project (, a core program of the Materials Genome Initiative that uses high-throughput computing to uncover the properties of all known inorganic materials. This open dataset can be accessed through multiple channels for both interactive exploration and data mining. The Materials Project also seeks to create open-source platforms for developing robust, sophisticated materials analyses. Future efforts will enable users to perform ‘‘rapid-prototyping’’ of new materials in silico, and provide researchers with new avenues for cost-effective, data-driven materials design.
field of applied science whose theme is the control of matter on atomic and (supra)molecular scale
A review of electrode materials for electrochemical supercapacitors
[ { "display_name": "Supercapacitor", "id": "", "level": 4, "score": 0.82410544, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Nanotechnology", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.6609088, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Electrochemistry", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.5675809, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Materials science", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.56321, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Electrode", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.48941365, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Energy density", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.46983382, "wikidata": "" } ]
In this critical review, metal oxides-based materials for electrochemical supercapacitor (ES) electrodes are reviewed in detail together with a brief review of carbon materials and conducting polymers. Their advantages, disadvantages, and performance in ES electrodes are discussed through extensive analysis of the literature, and new trends in material development are also reviewed. Two important future research directions are indicated and summarized, based on results published in the literature: the development of composite and nanostructured ES materials to overcome the major challenge posed by the low energy density of ES (476 references).
field of applied science whose theme is the control of matter on atomic and (supra)molecular scale
Quantum Dots for Live Cells, in Vivo Imaging, and Diagnostics
[ { "display_name": "Quantum dot", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.6981803, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Nanotechnology", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.64054096, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "In vivo", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.526362, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Fluorescence-lifetime imaging microscopy", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.45147765, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Live cell imaging", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.43434718, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Intracellular", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.42584258, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Preclinical imaging", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.41290253, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Materials science", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.3575509, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Cell", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.34723377, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Biophysics", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.32768703, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Chemistry", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.32726234, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Biology", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.3136745, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Fluorescence", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.3085873, "wikidata": "" } ]
Research on fluorescent semiconductor nanocrystals (also known as quantum dots or qdots) has evolved over the past two decades from electronic materials science to biological applications. We review current approaches to the synthesis, solubilization, and functionalization of qdots and their applications to cell and animal biology. Recent examples of their experimental use include the observation of diffusion of individual glycine receptors in living neurons and the identification of lymph nodes in live animals by near-infrared emission during surgery. The new generations of qdots have far-reaching potential for the study of intracellular processes at the single-molecule level, high-resolution cellular imaging, long-term in vivo observation of cell trafficking, tumor targeting, and diagnostics.
field of applied science whose theme is the control of matter on atomic and (supra)molecular scale
Revealing Noncovalent Interactions
[ { "display_name": "Non-covalent interactions", "id": "", "level": 4, "score": 0.87562466, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Chemistry", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.8729506, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "van der Waals force", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.746094, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Steric effects", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.7263147, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Hydrogen bond", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.55037725, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Chemical physics", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.52764666, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Covalent bond", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.51847833, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Molecule", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.49066865, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Computational chemistry", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.4614026, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Nanotechnology", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.40717041, "wikidata": "" } ]
Molecular structure does not easily identify the intricate noncovalent interactions that govern many areas of biology and chemistry, including design of new materials and drugs. We develop an approach to detect noncovalent interactions in real space, based on the electron density and its derivatives. Our approach reveals the underlying chemistry that compliments the covalent structure. It provides a rich representation of van der Waals interactions, hydrogen bonds, and steric repulsion in small molecules, molecular complexes, and solids. Most importantly, the method, requiring only knowledge of the atomic coordinates, is efficient and applicable to large systems, such as proteins or DNA. Across these applications, a view of nonbonded interactions emerges as continuous surfaces rather than close contacts between atom pairs, offering rich insight into the design of new and improved ligands.
set of laboratory techniques for the separation of mixtures
[ { "display_name": "Reagent", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.97429305, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Chemistry", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.8413831, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Phenol", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.56796163, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Chromatography", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.5565455, "wikidata": "" } ]
Since 1922 when Wu proposed the use of the Folin phenol reagent for the measurement of proteins (l), a number of modified analytical procedures ut.ilizing this reagent have been reported for the determination of proteins in serum (2-G), in antigen-antibody precipitates (7-9), and in insulin (10).Although the reagent would seem to be recommended by its great sensitivity and the simplicity of procedure possible with its use, it has not found great favor for general biochemical purposes.In the belief that this reagent, nevertheless, has considerable merit for certain application, but that its peculiarities and limitations need to be understood for its fullest exploitation, it has been studied with regard t.o effects of variations in pH, time of reaction, and concentration of reactants, permissible levels of reagents commonly used in handling proteins, and interfering subst.ances.Procedures are described for measuring protein in solution or after precipitation wit,h acids or other agents, and for the determination of as little as 0.2 y of protein. MethodReagents-Reagent A, 2 per cent N&OX in 0.10 N NaOH.Reagent B, 0.5 per cent CuS04.5Hz0 in 1 per cent sodium or potassium tartrabe.Reagent C, alkaline copper solution.Mix 50 ml. of Reagent A with 1 ml. of Reagent B. Discard after 1 day.Reagent D, carbonate-copper solution, is the same as Reagent C except for omission of NaOH.Reagent E, diluted Folin reagent.Titrate Folin-Ciocalteu phenol reagent ((II), Eimer and Amend, Fisher Scientific Company, New York) with NaOH t.o a phenolphthalein end-point.On the basis of this titration dilute the Folin reagent (about 2-fold) to make it 1 N in acid.Working standards may be prepared from human serum diluted IOO-to lOOO-fold (approximately 700 to 70 y per ml.).These in turn may be checked against a standard solution of crystalline bovine albumin (Armour and
set of laboratory techniques for the separation of mixtures
Electrophoretic transfer of proteins from polyacrylamide gels to nitrocellulose sheets: procedure and some applications.
[ { "display_name": "Nitrocellulose", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.93924594, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Polyacrylamide", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.7815088, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Chemistry", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.66680217, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Peroxidase", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.57254845, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Urea", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.571058, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Chromatography", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.5659037, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Electrophoresis", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5509627, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.5219778, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Sodium dodecyl sulfate", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.49673873, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Collodion", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.47900623, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Electroblotting", "id": "", "level": 4, "score": 0.4589587, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Fluorescein", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.43742028, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Gel electrophoresis", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.41886172, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Biochemistry", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.41454747, "wikidata": "" } ]
A method has been devised for the electrophoretic transfer of proteins from polyacrylamide gels to nitrocellulose sheets. The method results in quantitative transfer of ribosomal proteins from gels containing urea. For sodium dodecyl sulfate gels, the original band pattern was obtained with no loss of resolution, but the transfer was not quantitative. The method allows detection of proteins by autoradiography and is simpler than conventional procedures. The immobilized proteins were detectable by immunological procedures. All additional binding capacity on the nitrocellulose was blocked with excess protein; then a specific antibody was bound and, finally, a second antibody directed against the first antibody. The second antibody was either radioactively labeled or conjugated to fluorescein or to peroxidase. The specific protein was then detected by either autoradiography, under UV light, or by the peroxidase reaction product, respectively. In the latter case, as little as 100 pg of protein was clearly detectable. It is anticipated that the procedure will be applicable to analysis of a wide variety of proteins with specific reactions or ligands.
set of laboratory techniques for the separation of mixtures
Estimation of the Concentration of Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol in Plasma, Without Use of the Preparative Ultracentrifuge
[ { "display_name": "Ultracentrifuge", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.95821905, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Chemistry", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.71112126, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Cholesterol", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.6824229, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Chromatography", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.60376275, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Triglyceride", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.5837503, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Lipoprotein", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.57966, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Fraction (chemistry)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.504495, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "High-density lipoprotein", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.49842143, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Population", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.45155442, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Plasma lipoprotein", "id": "", "level": 4, "score": 0.4183374, "wikidata": "" } ]
Abstract A method for estimating the cholesterol content of the serum low-density lipoprotein fraction (Sf0-20) is presented. The method involves measurements of fasting plasma total cholesterol, triglyceride, and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol concentrations, none of which requires the use of the preparative ultracentrifuge. Comparison of this suggested procedure with the more direct procedure, in which the ultracentrifuge is used, yielded correlation coefficients of .94 to .99, depending on the patient population compared.
set of laboratory techniques for the separation of mixtures
The Reliability of Molecular Weight Determinations by Dodecyl Sulfate-Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis
[ { "display_name": "Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.67068076, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Sodium dodecyl sulfate", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5858804, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Gel electrophoresis of proteins", "id": "", "level": 4, "score": 0.57398295, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Chemistry", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.5603461, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Polyacrylamide", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.55456966, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Gel electrophoresis", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5258853, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Chromatography", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.4830723, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Reliability (semiconductor)", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.42478898, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Electrophoresis", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.42044482, "wikidata": "" } ]
Forty proteins with polypeptide chains of well characterized molecular weights have been studied by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate following the procedure of Shapiro, Vinuela, and Maizel (Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 28, 815 (1967)). When the electrophoretic mobilities were plotted against the logarithm of the known polypeptide chain molecular weights, a smooth curve was obtained. The results show that the method can be used with great confidence to determine the molecular weights of polypeptide chains for a wide variety of proteins.
set of laboratory techniques for the separation of mixtures
High resolution two-dimensional electrophoresis of proteins.
[ { "display_name": "Chromatography", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.63697964, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Electrophoresis", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.59433144, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Acrylamide", "id": "", "level": 4, "score": 0.54764366, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Chemistry", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.49838376, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.45409837, "wikidata": "" } ]
METHODS ChemicalsAmpholines were obtained from LKB.Several different batch numbers were used during the course of this work.The quality of the gels varied only slightly, but precise reproduction of a separation should not be expected when the Ampholines are changed.Nonidet P-40 (HP-40) was purchased from Imperial Shell.SDS, manufactured by British Drug House Chemical Ltd., was purchased from Gallard-Schlesinger.Acrylamide, N,N'-methylenebisacrvlamide and N.N.N'.N'-tetramethvlethvlenediamine (TEMED)were purchased'frdm Eastman-Kodak.
set of laboratory techniques for the separation of mixtures
Enzymatic Determination of Total Serum Cholesterol
[ { "display_name": "Cholesterol oxidase", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.75617, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Chemistry", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.74007607, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Cholesterol", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.63788986, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Hydrogen peroxide", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.61186516, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Chromatography", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.60501236, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Reagent", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.57843494, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Hydrolysis", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5586294, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Calibration curve", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.48956546, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Phenol", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.48666888, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Enzyme", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.4616557, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Peroxidase", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.45175683, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Biochemistry", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.3084862, "wikidata": "" } ]
Abstract An enzymatic method is described for determination of total serum cholesterol by use of a single aqueous reagent. The method requires no prior treatment of sample and the calibration curve is linear to 600 mg/dl. Cholesterol esters are hydrolyzed to free cholesterol by cholesterol ester hydrolase (EC The free cholesterol produced is oxidized by cholesterol oxidase to cholest-4-en-3-one with the simultaneous production of hydrogen peroxide, which oxidatively couples with 4-aminoantipyrine and phenol in the presence of peroxidase to yield a chromogen with maximum absorption at 500 nm. The method is reproducible, and the results correlate well with those obtained by automated Liebermann—Burchard procedures (AA-2 and SMA 12/60) and the method of Abell et al. The present method affords better specificity than those previously reported and has excellent precision.
set of laboratory techniques for the separation of mixtures
[ { "display_name": "Ultracentrifuge", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.7204937, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Chemistry", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.7152778, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Chromatography", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.7140956, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Electrophoresis", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.6045879, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Lipoprotein", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.57859325, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Centrifugation", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.498662, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Analytical Ultracentrifugation", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.45155323, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Biochemistry", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.33018535, "wikidata": "" } ]
In the past few years several methods have been developed for the analysis of serum lipoproteins.Lindgren, Elliott, and Gofman (1) have utilized the relatively low density of the lipoproteins to separate them from the other serum proteins by ultracentrifugal flotation.Quantitation was sub- sequently performed by refractometric methods in the analytical ultracentrifuge.Separations of lipoproteins have also been made by Cohn frac- tionation in cold ethanol, and the quantities of lipoprotein have been estimated from the lipid.content of the fractions (2, 3).Widely used at the present time is the method of zone electrophoresis with quantitation either by staining (4) or by chemical analysis of eluates from the support- ing medium (5, 6).Each of these methods has serious limitations.Analytical ultracentrifugal techniques (7, 8) require the possession of expensive equipment.The quantitation of data is subject to considerable error and gives no information regarding the chemi- cal composition of the lipoproteins.Cohn frac- tionation requires facilities for operation at -5°C.It permits accurate determination of the lipid com- ponents of the alpha and beta lipoproteins, but with this technique it is impossible to subfractionate these groups.With certain abnormal sera the method is unreliable (9).Determination of electrophoretically separated fractions by stain- ing techniques or by chemical analysis of eluates is subject to appreciable error.Both Cohn frac- tionation and electrophoretic techniques fail to separate lipoproteins from other serum pro- teins, thus making impossible the study of the protein moiety.The combination of preparative ultracentrifu- gation with chemical analysis of the separated fractions would seem to be a procedure by which both the distribution and composition of lipo- proteins could be determined simply and accu- rately.
set of laboratory techniques for the separation of mixtures
A Film Detection Method for Tritium‐Labelled Proteins and Nucleic Acids in Polyacrylamide Gels
[ { "display_name": "Polyacrylamide", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.9017933, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.67809945, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Scintillation", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.6291985, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Nucleic acid", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.57266814, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Tritium", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5404542, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Chemistry", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.50113416, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Chromatography", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.45602342, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Materials science", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.38167658, "wikidata": "" } ]
A simple method is described for detecting 3 H in polyacrylamide gels by scintillation autography (fluorography) using X‐ray film. The gel is dehydrated in dimethyl sulphoxide, soaked in a solution of 2,5‐diphenyloxazole (PPO) in dimethylsulphoxide, dried and exposed to RP Royal “X‐Omat” film at ‐70 °C. Optimal conditions for each step are described. β‐particles from 3 H interact with the 2,5‐diphenyloxazole emitting light which causes local blackening of an X‐ray film. The image produced resembles that obtained by conventional autoradiography of isotopes with higher emission energies such as 14 C. 3000 dis. 3 H/min in a band in a gel can be detected in a 24‐h exposure. Similarly 500 dis./min can be detected in one week. When applied to the detection of 35 S and 14 C in polyacrylamide gels, this method is ten times more sensitive than conventional autoradiography. 130 dis. 35 S or 14 C/min in a band in a gel can be detected in 24 h.
Environmental health
public health branch focused on environmental impacts on human health
Global Prevalence of Diabetes
[ { "display_name": "Diabetes mellitus", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.8602147, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Medicine", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.84081256, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Obesity", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.74527, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Population", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5485736, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Developing country", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5360468, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Demography", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.51456755, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Environmental health", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.5035865, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Public health", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.48604208, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Prevalence", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.43312967, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Gerontology", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.42908219, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Developed country", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.41716182, "wikidata": "" } ]
OBJECTIVE—The goal of this study was to estimate the prevalence of diabetes and the number of people of all ages with diabetes for years 2000 and 2030. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS—Data on diabetes prevalence by age and sex from a limited number of countries were extrapolated to all 191 World Health Organization member states and applied to United Nations’ population estimates for 2000 and 2030. Urban and rural populations were considered separately for developing countries. RESULTS—The prevalence of diabetes for all age-groups worldwide was estimated to be 2.8% in 2000 and 4.4% in 2030. The total number of people with diabetes is projected to rise from 171 million in 2000 to 366 million in 2030. The prevalence of diabetes is higher in men than women, but there are more women with diabetes than men. The urban population in developing countries is projected to double between 2000 and 2030. The most important demographic change to diabetes prevalence across the world appears to be the increase in the proportion of people >65 years of age. CONCLUSIONS—These findings indicate that the “diabetes epidemic” will continue even if levels of obesity remain constant. Given the increasing prevalence of obesity, it is likely that these figures provide an underestimate of future diabetes prevalence.
Environmental health
public health branch focused on environmental impacts on human health
Global burden of 369 diseases and injuries in 204 countries and territories, 1990–2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019
[ { "display_name": "Years of potential life lost", "id": "", "level": 4, "score": 0.6701421, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Life expectancy", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.6675148, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Demography", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.56731707, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Population", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5575964, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Disease burden", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.5155406, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Medicine", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.51094097, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Environmental health", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.47439054, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Cause of death", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.45833686, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Context (archaeology)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.45060185, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Burden of disease", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.44670826, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Public health", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.44447386, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Incidence (geometry)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.4318577, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Disease", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.3679119, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Geography", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.31856155, "wikidata": "" } ]
<h2>Summary</h2><h3>Background</h3> In an era of shifting global agendas and expanded emphasis on non-communicable diseases and injuries along with communicable diseases, sound evidence on trends by cause at the national level is essential. The Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study (GBD) provides a systematic scientific assessment of published, publicly available, and contributed data on incidence, prevalence, and mortality for a mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive list of diseases and injuries. <h3>Methods</h3> GBD estimates incidence, prevalence, mortality, years of life lost (YLLs), years lived with disability (YLDs), and disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) due to 369 diseases and injuries, for two sexes, and for 204 countries and territories. Input data were extracted from censuses, household surveys, civil registration and vital statistics, disease registries, health service use, air pollution monitors, satellite imaging, disease notifications, and other sources. Cause-specific death rates and cause fractions were calculated using the Cause of Death Ensemble model and spatiotemporal Gaussian process regression. Cause-specific deaths were adjusted to match the total all-cause deaths calculated as part of the GBD population, fertility, and mortality estimates. Deaths were multiplied by standard life expectancy at each age to calculate YLLs. A Bayesian meta-regression modelling tool, DisMod-MR 2.1, was used to ensure consistency between incidence, prevalence, remission, excess mortality, and cause-specific mortality for most causes. Prevalence estimates were multiplied by disability weights for mutually exclusive sequelae of diseases and injuries to calculate YLDs. We considered results in the context of the Socio-demographic Index (SDI), a composite indicator of income per capita, years of schooling, and fertility rate in females younger than 25 years. Uncertainty intervals (UIs) were generated for every metric using the 25th and 975th ordered 1000 draw values of the posterior distribution. <h3>Findings</h3> Global health has steadily improved over the past 30 years as measured by age-standardised DALY rates. After taking into account population growth and ageing, the absolute number of DALYs has remained stable. Since 2010, the pace of decline in global age-standardised DALY rates has accelerated in age groups younger than 50 years compared with the 1990–2010 time period, with the greatest annualised rate of decline occurring in the 0–9-year age group. Six infectious diseases were among the top ten causes of DALYs in children younger than 10 years in 2019: lower respiratory infections (ranked second), diarrhoeal diseases (third), malaria (fifth), meningitis (sixth), whooping cough (ninth), and sexually transmitted infections (which, in this age group, is fully accounted for by congenital syphilis; ranked tenth). In adolescents aged 10–24 years, three injury causes were among the top causes of DALYs: road injuries (ranked first), self-harm (third), and interpersonal violence (fifth). Five of the causes that were in the top ten for ages 10–24 years were also in the top ten in the 25–49-year age group: road injuries (ranked first), HIV/AIDS (second), low back pain (fourth), headache disorders (fifth), and depressive disorders (sixth). In 2019, ischaemic heart disease and stroke were the top-ranked causes of DALYs in both the 50–74-year and 75-years-and-older age groups. Since 1990, there has been a marked shift towards a greater proportion of burden due to YLDs from non-communicable diseases and injuries. In 2019, there were 11 countries where non-communicable disease and injury YLDs constituted more than half of all disease burden. Decreases in age-standardised DALY rates have accelerated over the past decade in countries at the lower end of the SDI range, while improvements have started to stagnate or even reverse in countries with higher SDI. <h3>Interpretation</h3> As disability becomes an increasingly large component of disease burden and a larger component of health expenditure, greater research and development investment is needed to identify new, more effective intervention strategies. With a rapidly ageing global population, the demands on health services to deal with disabling outcomes, which increase with age, will require policy makers to anticipate these changes. The mix of universal and more geographically specific influences on health reinforces the need for regular reporting on population health in detail and by underlying cause to help decision makers to identify success stories of disease control to emulate, as well as opportunities to improve. <h3>Funding</h3> Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Environmental health
public health branch focused on environmental impacts on human health
Global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and years lived with disability for 354 diseases and injuries for 195 countries and territories, 1990–2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017
[ { "display_name": "Medicine", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.61395806, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Life expectancy", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.6003785, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Incidence (geometry)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.58059615, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Demography", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.5596945, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Population", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5264105, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "China", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.47380584, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Estimation", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.4550035, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Disease burden", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.4508469, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Population ageing", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.4343369, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Environmental health", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.41336176, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Gerontology", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.36432976, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Geography", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.35209823, "wikidata": "" } ]
BackgroundThe Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study 2017 (GBD 2017) includes a comprehensive assessment of incidence, prevalence, and years lived with disability (YLDs) for 354 causes in 195 countries and territories from 1990 to 2017. Previous GBD studies have shown how the decline of mortality rates from 1990 to 2016 has led to an increase in life expectancy, an ageing global population, and an expansion of the non-fatal burden of disease and injury. These studies have also shown how a substantial portion of the world's population experiences non-fatal health loss with considerable heterogeneity among different causes, locations, ages, and sexes. Ongoing objectives of the GBD study include increasing the level of estimation detail, improving analytical strategies, and increasing the amount of high-quality data.MethodsWe estimated incidence and prevalence for 354 diseases and injuries and 3484 sequelae. We used an updated and extensive body of literature studies, survey data, surveillance data, inpatient admission records, outpatient visit records, and health insurance claims, and additionally used results from cause of death models to inform estimates using a total of 68 781 data sources. Newly available clinical data from India, Iran, Japan, Jordan, Nepal, China, Brazil, Norway, and Italy were incorporated, as well as updated claims data from the USA and new claims data from Taiwan (province of China) and Singapore. We used DisMod-MR 2.1, a Bayesian meta-regression tool, as the main method of estimation, ensuring consistency between rates of incidence, prevalence, remission, and cause of death for each condition. YLDs were estimated as the product of a prevalence estimate and a disability weight for health states of each mutually exclusive sequela, adjusted for comorbidity. We updated the Socio-demographic Index (SDI), a summary development indicator of income per capita, years of schooling, and total fertility rate. Additionally, we calculated differences between male and female YLDs to identify divergent trends across sexes. GBD 2017 complies with the Guidelines for Accurate and Transparent Health Estimates Reporting.FindingsGlobally, for females, the causes with the greatest age-standardised prevalence were oral disorders, headache disorders, and haemoglobinopathies and haemolytic anaemias in both 1990 and 2017. For males, the causes with the greatest age-standardised prevalence were oral disorders, headache disorders, and tuberculosis including latent tuberculosis infection in both 1990 and 2017. In terms of YLDs, low back pain, headache disorders, and dietary iron deficiency were the leading Level 3 causes of YLD counts in 1990, whereas low back pain, headache disorders, and depressive disorders were the leading causes in 2017 for both sexes combined. All-cause age-standardised YLD rates decreased by 3·9% (95% uncertainty interval [UI] 3·1–4·6) from 1990 to 2017; however, the all-age YLD rate increased by 7·2% (6·0–8·4) while the total sum of global YLDs increased from 562 million (421–723) to 853 million (642–1100). The increases for males and females were similar, with increases in all-age YLD rates of 7·9% (6·6–9·2) for males and 6·5% (5·4–7·7) for females. We found significant differences between males and females in terms of age-standardised prevalence estimates for multiple causes. The causes with the greatest relative differences between sexes in 2017 included substance use disorders (3018 cases [95% UI 2782–3252] per 100 000 in males vs s1400 [1279–1524] per 100 000 in females), transport injuries (3322 [3082–3583] vs 2336 [2154–2535]), and self-harm and interpersonal violence (3265 [2943–3630] vs 5643 [5057–6302]).InterpretationGlobal all-cause age-standardised YLD rates have improved only slightly over a period spanning nearly three decades. However, the magnitude of the non-fatal disease burden has expanded globally, with increasing numbers of people who have a wide spectrum of conditions. A subset of conditions has remained globally pervasive since 1990, whereas other conditions have displayed more dynamic trends, with different ages, sexes, and geographies across the globe experiencing varying burdens and trends of health loss. This study emphasises how global improvements in premature mortality for select conditions have led to older populations with complex and potentially expensive diseases, yet also highlights global achievements in certain domains of disease and injury.FundingBill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Environmental health
public health branch focused on environmental impacts on human health
Projections of Global Mortality and Burden of Disease from 2002 to 2030
[ { "display_name": "Disease burden", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.5927741, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Environmental health", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.58045703, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Global health", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.5759232, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Medicine", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.55316585, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Burden of disease", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.53682345, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Disease", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.53147084, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Baseline (sea)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5032541, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Demography", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.44669718, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Mortality rate", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.41965634, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Public health", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.41663948, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Gerontology", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.32954216, "wikidata": "" } ]
Background Global and regional projections of mortality and burden of disease by cause for the years 2000, 2010, and 2030 were published by Murray and Lopez in 1996 as part of the Global Burden of Disease project. These projections, which are based on 1990 data, continue to be widely quoted, although they are substantially outdated; in particular, they substantially underestimated the spread of HIV/AIDS. To address the widespread demand for information on likely future trends in global health, and thereby to support international health policy and priority setting, we have prepared new projections of mortality and burden of disease to 2030 starting from World Health Organization estimates of mortality and burden of disease for 2002. This paper describes the methods, assumptions, input data, and results. Methods and Findings Relatively simple models were used to project future health trends under three scenarios—baseline, optimistic, and pessimistic—based largely on projections of economic and social development, and using the historically observed relationships of these with cause-specific mortality rates. Data inputs have been updated to take account of the greater availability of death registration data and the latest available projections for HIV/AIDS, income, human capital, tobacco smoking, body mass index, and other inputs. In all three scenarios there is a dramatic shift in the distribution of deaths from younger to older ages and from communicable, maternal, perinatal, and nutritional causes to noncommunicable disease causes. The risk of death for children younger than 5 y is projected to fall by nearly 50% in the baseline scenario between 2002 and 2030. The proportion of deaths due to noncommunicable disease is projected to rise from 59% in 2002 to 69% in 2030. Global HIV/AIDS deaths are projected to rise from 2.8 million in 2002 to 6.5 million in 2030 under the baseline scenario, which assumes coverage with antiretroviral drugs reaches 80% by 2012. Under the optimistic scenario, which also assumes increased prevention activity, HIV/AIDS deaths are projected to drop to 3.7 million in 2030. Total tobacco-attributable deaths are projected to rise from 5.4 million in 2005 to 6.4 million in 2015 and 8.3 million in 2030 under our baseline scenario. Tobacco is projected to kill 50% more people in 2015 than HIV/AIDS, and to be responsible for 10% of all deaths globally. The three leading causes of burden of disease in 2030 are projected to include HIV/AIDS, unipolar depressive disorders, and ischaemic heart disease in the baseline and pessimistic scenarios. Road traffic accidents are the fourth leading cause in the baseline scenario, and the third leading cause ahead of ischaemic heart disease in the optimistic scenario. Under the baseline scenario, HIV/AIDS becomes the leading cause of burden of disease in middle- and low-income countries by 2015. Conclusions These projections represent a set of three visions of the future for population health, based on certain explicit assumptions. Despite the wide uncertainty ranges around future projections, they enable us to appreciate better the implications for health and health policy of currently observed trends, and the likely impact of fairly certain future trends, such as the ageing of the population, the continued spread of HIV/AIDS in many regions, and the continuation of the epidemiological transition in developing countries. The results depend strongly on the assumption that future mortality trends in poor countries will have a relationship to economic and social development similar to those that have occurred in the higher-income countries.
Environmental health
public health branch focused on environmental impacts on human health
‘Small Changes' to Diet and Physical Activity Behaviors for Weight Management
[ { "display_name": "Bedtime", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.79290867, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Medicine", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.7716409, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Ethnic group", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.6463597, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Evening", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.64439905, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Neophobia", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5700787, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Parenting styles", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5697056, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Environmental health", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.4742369, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Head start", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.440544, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Permissive", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.43250856, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Demography", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.35749525, "wikidata": "" } ]
Although general parenting styles and restrictive parental feeding practices have been associated with children's weight status, few studies have examined the association between feeding styles and proximal outcomes such as children's food intake, especially in multi-ethnic families with limited incomes. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the association of parental feeding styles and young children's evening food intake in a multiethnic sample of families in Head Start.Participants were 715 Head Start children and their parents from Texas and Alabama representing three ethnic groups: African-American (43%), Hispanic (29%), and White (28%). The Caregivers Feeding Styles Questionnaire (Hughes) was used to characterize authoritative, authoritarian (referent), indulgent or uninvolved feeding styles. Food intake in several food groups was calculated from 3 days of dietary recalls for the child for evening food intakes from 3 PM until bedtime.Compared to children of authoritarian parents, intakes of fruits, juice and vegetables were lowest among children of indulgent or uninvolved parents (1.77 +/- 0.09 vs 1.45 +/- 0.09 and 1.42 +/- 0.11 cups) as were intakes of dairy foods (0.84 +/- 0.05 vs 0.67 +/- 0.05 and 0.63+0.06 cups), respectively.Findings suggest that permissive parent feeding styles like indulgent or uninvolved relate negatively to children's intake of nutrient-rich foods fruit, 100% fruit juice, vegetables and dairy foods from 3 PM until bedtime.
Environmental health
public health branch focused on environmental impacts on human health
Lung Cancer, Cardiopulmonary Mortality, and Long-term Exposure to Fine Particulate Air Pollution
[ { "display_name": "Medicine", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.8360492, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Lung cancer", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.6637047, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Particulates", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.56453156, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Particulate pollution", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.5327926, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Environmental health", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.5236287, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Risk factor", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.49654347, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Cancer", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.4119624, "wikidata": "" } ]
ContextAssociations have been found between day-to-day particulate air pollution and increased risk of various adverse health outcomes, including cardiopulmonary mortality. However, studies of health effects of long-term particulate air pollution have been less conclusive.ObjectiveTo assess the relationship between long-term exposure to fine particulate air pollution and all-cause, lung cancer, and cardiopulmonary mortality.Design, Setting, and ParticipantsVital status and cause of death data were collected by the American Cancer Society as part of the Cancer Prevention II study, an ongoing prospective mortality study, which enrolled approximately 1.2 million adults in 1982. Participants completed a questionnaire detailing individual risk factor data (age, sex, race, weight, height, smoking history, education, marital status, diet, alcohol consumption, and occupational exposures). The risk factor data for approximately 500 000 adults were linked with air pollution data for metropolitan areas throughout the United States and combined with vital status and cause of death data through December 31, 1998.Main Outcome MeasureAll-cause, lung cancer, and cardiopulmonary mortality.ResultsFine particulate and sulfur oxide–related pollution were associated with all-cause, lung cancer, and cardiopulmonary mortality. Each 10-µg/m3 elevation in fine particulate air pollution was associated with approximately a 4%, 6%, and 8% increased risk of all-cause, cardiopulmonary, and lung cancer mortality, respectively. Measures of coarse particle fraction and total suspended particles were not consistently associated with mortality.ConclusionLong-term exposure to combustion-related fine particulate air pollution is an important environmental risk factor for cardiopulmonary and lung cancer mortality.
Environmental health
public health branch focused on environmental impacts on human health
An Association between Air Pollution and Mortality in Six U.S. Cities
[ { "display_name": "Air pollution", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.678332, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Environmental health", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.662987, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Medicine", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.6553323, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Particulates", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.6392343, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Mortality rate", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5266361, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Confidence interval", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.49314994, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Proportional hazards model", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.49116036, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Population", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.4850094, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Particulate pollution", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.4428099, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Cohort study", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.43727338, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Pollution", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.42839336, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Demography", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.41064572, "wikidata": "" } ]
Recent studies have reported associations between particulate air pollution and daily mortality rates. Population-based, cross-sectional studies of metropolitan areas in the United States have also found associations between particulate air pollution and annual mortality rates, but these studies have been criticized, in part because they did not directly control for cigarette smoking and other health risks.
Environmental health
public health branch focused on environmental impacts on human health
Food-Related Illness and Death in the United States
[ { "display_name": "Environmental health", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.6154041, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Medicine", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.6011976, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Listeria", "id": "", "level": 4, "score": 0.45485288, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Cause of death", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.43819326, "wikidata": "" } ]
To better quantify the impact of foodborne diseases on health in the United States, we compiled and analyzed information from multiple surveillance systems and other sources. We estimate that foodborne diseases cause approximately 76 million illnesses, 325,000 hospitalizations, and 5,000 deaths in the United States each year. Known pathogens account for an estimated 14 million illnesses, 60, 000 hospitalizations, and 1,800 deaths. Three pathogens, Salmonella, Listeria, and Toxoplasma, are responsible for 1,500 deaths each year, more than 75% of those caused by known pathogens, while unknown agents account for the remaining 62 million illnesses, 265,000 hospitalizations, and 3,200 deaths. Overall, foodborne diseases appear to cause more illnesses but fewer deaths than previously estimated.
Mathematics education
mathematics teaching, learning and scholarly research
Knowledge and Teaching:Foundations of the New Reform
[ { "display_name": "Comprehension", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.6239087, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Publishing", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5734197, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Pedagogy", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.54892594, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Teaching method", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.52723116, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Action (physics)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5081978, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Sociology", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.49083027, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Educational psychology", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.48375773, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Foundation (evidence)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.44205707, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Mathematics education", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.42032143, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Reflection (computer programming)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.4143188, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Psychology", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.35221767, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Epistemology", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.32208437, "wikidata": "" } ]
Lee S. Shulman builds his foundation for teaching reform on an idea of teaching that emphasizes comprehension and reasoning, transformation and reflection. "This emphasis is justified," he writes, "by the resoluteness with which research and policy have so blatantly ignored those aspects of teaching in the past." To articulate and justify this conception, Shulman responds to four questions: What are the sources of the knowledge base for teaching?In what terms can these sources be conceptualized? What are the processes of pedagogical reasoning and action? and What are the implications for teaching policy and educational reform? The answers — informed by philosophy, psychology, and a growing body of casework based on young and experienced practitioners — go far beyond current reform assumptions and initiatives. The outcome for educational practitioners, scholars, and policymakers is a major redirection in how teaching is to be understood and teachers are to be trained and evaluated. This article was selected for the November 1986 special issue on "Teachers, Teaching,and Teacher Education," but appears here because of the exigencies of publishing.
Mathematics education
mathematics teaching, learning and scholarly research
Situated Cognition and the Culture of Learning
[ { "display_name": "Situated", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.92927426, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Situated cognition", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.9042314, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Cognitive apprenticeship", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.77048707, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Situated learning", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.7375582, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Context (archaeology)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.62952775, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Cognition", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5909823, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Apprenticeship", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.51822734, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Product (mathematics)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.47223163, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Epistemology", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.45840505, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Sociology", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.44531754, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Mathematics education", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.43218744, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Context effect", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.42816055, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Psychology", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.4271015, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Pedagogy", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.36525282, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Cognitive science", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.36149925, "wikidata": "" } ]
Many teaching practices implicitly assume that conceptual knowledge can be abstracted from the situations in which it is learned and used. This article argues that this assumption inevitably limits the effectiveness of such practices. Drawing on recent research into cognition as it is manifest in everyday activity, the authors argue that knowledge is situated, being in part a product of the activity, context, and culture in which it is developed and used. They discuss how this view of knowledge affects our understanding of learning, and they note that conventional schooling too often ignores the influence of school culture on what is learned in school. As an alternative to conventional practices, they propose cognitive apprenticeship (Collins, Brown, &amp; Newman, in press), which honors the situated nature of knowledge. They examine two examples of mathematics instruction that exhibit certain key features of this approach to teaching.
Mathematics education
mathematics teaching, learning and scholarly research
Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering, and mathematics
[ { "display_name": "Bachelor", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.8244728, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Active learning (machine learning)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.68735194, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Mathematics education", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.6374109, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Psychology", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.36051875, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Mathematics", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.31255686, "wikidata": "" } ]
Significance The President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology has called for a 33% increase in the number of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) bachelor’s degrees completed per year and recommended adoption of empirically validated teaching practices as critical to achieving that goal. The studies analyzed here document that active learning leads to increases in examination performance that would raise average grades by a half a letter, and that failure rates under traditional lecturing increase by 55% over the rates observed under active learning. The analysis supports theory claiming that calls to increase the number of students receiving STEM degrees could be answered, at least in part, by abandoning traditional lecturing in favor of active learning.
Mathematics education
mathematics teaching, learning and scholarly research
Learning Vocabulary in Another Language
[ { "display_name": "Vocabulary", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.8838915, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Vocabulary learning", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.6901854, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Point (geometry)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.67835397, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer science", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.67335904, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Class (philosophy)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.6596788, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Language acquisition", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.54049283, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Mathematics education", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.4582611, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Linguistics", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.3135686, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Artificial intelligence", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.30729064, "wikidata": "" } ]
Learning Vocabulary in Another Language provides a detailed survey of research and theory on the teaching and learning of vocabulary with the aim of providing pedagogical suggestions for both teachers and learners. It contains descriptions of numerous vocabulary learning strategies which are justified and supported by reference to experimental research, case studies, and teaching experience. It also describes what vocabulary learners need to know to be effective language users. Learning Vocabulary in Another Language shows that by taking a systematic approach to vocabulary learning, teachers can make the best use of class time and help learners get the best return for their learning effort. It will quickly establish itself as the point of reference for future vocabulary work.
Mathematics education
mathematics teaching, learning and scholarly research
Formative assessment and self‐regulated learning: a model and seven principles of good feedback practice
[ { "display_name": "Formative assessment", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.95447314, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Underpinning", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.6741276, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Argument (complex analysis)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.61416304, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Peer feedback", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.56576765, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Higher education", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5372524, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Psychology", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.50045156, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Mathematics education", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.49925208, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Control (management)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.46439177, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Work (physics)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.4221133, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Focus (optics)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.42083877, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Pedagogy", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.3811341, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer science", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.34025908, "wikidata": "" } ]
Abstract The research on formative assessment and feedback is reinterpreted to show how these processes can help students take control of their own learning, i.e. become self‐regulated learners. This reformulation is used to identify seven principles of good feedback practice that support self‐regulation. A key argument is that students are already assessing their own work and generating their own feedback, and that higher education should build on this ability. The research underpinning each feedback principle is presented, and some examples of easy‐to‐implement feedback strategies are briefly described. This shift in focus, whereby students are seen as having a proactive rather than a reactive role in generating and using feedback, has profound implications for the way in which teachers organise assessments and support learning. Acknowledgements We would like to thank David Boud (University of Technology, Sydney, Australia) and Graham Gibbs (Oxford University, UK) for feedback on a draft of this article. We would also like to thank the Learning and Teaching Support Network (now the Higher Education Academy, UK) for funding the Student Enhanced Learning through Effective Feedback (SENLEF) project which led us to review the assessment literature, and our SENLEF project colleagues, Charles Juwah, Bob Matthew, David Ross and Brenda Smith, for their input.
Mathematics education
mathematics teaching, learning and scholarly research
Teachers, Schools, and Academic Achievement
[ { "display_name": "Teacher quality", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.8378929, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Variance (accounting)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.64453715, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Student achievement", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.6302861, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Quality (philosophy)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.6300125, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Class size", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.6146224, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Mathematics education", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.5858737, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Academic achievement", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5781305, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Reading (process)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5673817, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Psychology", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.52848303, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Variation (astronomy)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.45330793, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Standard deviation", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.43574184, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Class (philosophy)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.43326432, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Instrumental variable", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.4218165, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Selection (genetic algorithm)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.41418597, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Econometrics", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.35440254, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Statistics", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.31503215, "wikidata": "" } ]
This paper disentangles the impact of schools and teachers in influencing achievement with special attention given to the potential problems of omitted or mismeasured variables and of student and school selection. Unique matched panel data from the UTD Texas Schools Project permit the identification of teacher quality based on student performance along with the impact of specific, measured components of teachers and schools. Semiparametric lower bound estimates of the variance in teacher quality based entirely on within-school heterogeneity indicate that teachers have powerful effects on reading and mathematics achievement, though little of the variation in teacher quality is explained by observable characteristics such as education or experience. The results suggest that the effects of a costly ten student reduction in class size are smaller than the benefit of moving one standard deviation up the teacher quality distribution, highlighting the importance of teacher effectiveness in the determination of school quality.
Mathematics education
mathematics teaching, learning and scholarly research
Those Who Understand: Knowledge Growth in Teaching
[ { "display_name": "Psychology", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.47480264, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Mathematics education", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.4599693, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Sociology", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.36488742, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Pedagogy", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.3398702, "wikidata": "" } ]
The paper presents the results of an extensive and relevant research program "Knowledge Growth in Teaching".Their results show that to teach not only content knowledge is required, in addition a "Pedagogical content knowledge" is needed, together with the context knowledge (curricular knowledge).Therefore, in addition to knowledge, teaching well requires understanding.Those who understand, then, teach.
Mathematics education
mathematics teaching, learning and scholarly research
Inside the Black Box: Raising Standards through Classroom Assessment
[ { "display_name": "Formative assessment", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.8172219, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Raising (metalworking)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.78762925, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Mathematics education", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.5871217, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Academic standards", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.5218205, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Component (thermodynamics)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5206244, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Psychology", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.5013945, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Work (physics)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.49707726, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Academic achievement", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.47331703, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Student achievement", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.45619708, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Standards-based assessment", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.42945555, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Standardized test", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.41875425, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Pedagogy", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.39681962, "wikidata": "" } ]
Formative assessment is an essential component of classroom work and can raise student achievement.
Cell biology
scientific discipline that studies cells
Repertoires of Autophagy in the Pathogenesis of Ocular Diseases
[ { "display_name": "Autophagy", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.85457355, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Cell biology", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.6459888, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Lipofuscin", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5497539, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Biology", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.5344901, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Proteasome", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5275236, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Sequestosome 1", "id": "", "level": 4, "score": 0.44369245, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Activator (genetics)", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.43082094, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "LAMP1", "id": "", "level": 4, "score": 0.4176674, "wikidata": "" } ]
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the most common reason of visual impairment in the elderly in the Western countries. The degeneration of retinal pigment epithelial cells (RPE) causes secondarily adverse effects on neural retina leading to visual loss. The aging characteristics of the RPE involve lysosomal accumulation of lipofuscin and extracellular protein aggregates called "drusen". Molecular mechanisms behind protein aggregations are weakly understood. There is intriguing evidence suggesting that protein SQSTM1/p62, together with autophagy, has a role in the pathology of different degenerative diseases. It appears that SQSTM1/p62 is a connecting link between autophagy and proteasome mediated proteolysis, and expressed strongly under the exposure to various oxidative stimuli and proteasomal inhibition. ELAVL1/HuR protein is a post-transcriptional factor, which acts mainly as a positive regulator of gene expression by binding to specific mRNAs whose corresponding proteins are fundamental for key cellular functions. We here show that, under proteasomal inhibitor MG-132, ELAVL1/HuR is up-regulated at both mRNA and protein levels, and that this protein binds and post-transcriptionally regulates SQSTM1/p62 mRNA in ARPE-19 cell line. Furthermore, we observed that proteasomal inhibition caused accumulation of SQSTM1/p62 bound irreversibly to perinuclear protein aggregates. The addition of the AMPK activator AICAR was pro-survival and promoted cleansing by autophagy of the former complex, but not of the ELAVL1/HuR accumulation, indeed suggesting that SQSTM1/p62 is decreased through autophagy-mediated degradation, while ELAVL1/HuR through the proteasomal pathway. Interestingly, when compared to human controls, AMD donor samples show strong SQSTM1/p62 rather than ELAVL1/HuR accumulation in the drusen rich macular area suggesting impaired autophagy in the pathology of AMD.
Cell biology
scientific discipline that studies cells
Ror2 signaling regulates Golgi structure and transport through IFT20 for tumor invasiveness
[ { "display_name": "Golgi apparatus", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.8617566, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Cell biology", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.5797703, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Cilium", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5730082, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Biology", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.35964328, "wikidata": "" } ]
Signaling through the Ror2 receptor tyrosine kinase promotes invadopodia formation for tumor invasion. Here, we identify intraflagellar transport 20 (IFT20) as a new target of this signaling in tumors that lack primary cilia, and find that IFT20 mediates the ability of Ror2 signaling to induce the invasiveness of these tumors. We also find that IFT20 regulates the nucleation of Golgi-derived microtubules by affecting the GM130-AKAP450 complex, which promotes Golgi ribbon formation in achieving polarized secretion for cell migration and invasion. Furthermore, IFT20 promotes the efficiency of transport through the Golgi complex. These findings shed new insights into how Ror2 signaling promotes tumor invasiveness, and also advance the understanding of how Golgi structure and transport can be regulated.
Cell biology
scientific discipline that studies cells
Calcium's Role in Mechanotransduction during Muscle Development
[ { "display_name": "NFAT", "id": "", "level": 4, "score": 0.7374703, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Calcineurin", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.71167576, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Cell biology", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.6590928, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Skeletal muscle", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.6180911, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Biology", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.5217365, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "CAMK", "id": "", "level": 5, "score": 0.50112176, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Mef2", "id": "", "level": 5, "score": 0.49052542, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Gene expression", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.4815155, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Myocyte", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.45120537, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Mechanotransduction", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.4406808, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Regulation of gene expression", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.4256761, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Calcium signaling", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.42512596, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Transcription factor", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.39282352, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Chemistry", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.34703472, "wikidata": "" } ]
Slow- and fast-twitch myofibers of adult skeletal muscles express unique sets of muscle-specific genes, and these distinctive programs of gene expression are controlled by variations in motor neuron activity. It is well established that, as a consequence of more frequent neural stimulation, slow fibers maintain higher levels of intracellular free calcium than fast fibers, but the mechanisms by which calcium may function as a messenger linking nerve activity to changes in gene expression in skeletal muscle have been unknown. Here, fiber-type-specific gene expression in skeletal muscles is shown to be controlled by a signaling pathway that involves calcineurin, a cyclosporin-sensitive, calcium-regulated serine/threonine phosphatase. Activation of calcineurin in skeletal myocytes selectively up-regulates slow-fiber-specific gene promoters. Conversely, inhibition of calcineurin activity by administration of cyclosporin A to intact animals promotes slow-to-fast fiber transformation. Transcriptional activation of slow-fiber-specific transcription appears to be mediated by a combinatorial mechanism involving proteins of the NFAT and MEF2 families. These results identify a molecular mechanism by which different patterns of motor nerve activity promote selective changes in gene expression to establish the specialized characteristics of slow and fast myofibers.
Cell biology
scientific discipline that studies cells
Understanding the Warburg Effect: The Metabolic Requirements of Cell Proliferation
[ { "display_name": "Warburg effect", "id": "", "level": 4, "score": 0.8041315, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Anaerobic glycolysis", "id": "", "level": 4, "score": 0.7388844, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Cancer cell", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.7285347, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Oxidative phosphorylation", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.68332887, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Glycolysis", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.6750987, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Cell growth", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.597958, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Biology", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.5958959, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Adenosine triphosphate", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.56970304, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Cell biology", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.55186665, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Metabolic pathway", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.4909928, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Biochemistry", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.44019312, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Metabolism", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.43162185, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Cell", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.43004358, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Cancer", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.3762023, "wikidata": "" } ]
In contrast to normal differentiated cells, which rely primarily on mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation to generate the energy needed for cellular processes, most cancer cells instead rely on aerobic glycolysis, a phenomenon termed "the Warburg effect." Aerobic glycolysis is an inefficient way to generate adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP), however, and the advantage it confers to cancer cells has been unclear. Here we propose that the metabolism of cancer cells, and indeed all proliferating cells, is adapted to facilitate the uptake and incorporation of nutrients into the biomass (e.g., nucleotides, amino acids, and lipids) needed to produce a new cell. Supporting this idea are recent studies showing that (i) several signaling pathways implicated in cell proliferation also regulate metabolic pathways that incorporate nutrients into biomass; and that (ii) certain cancer-associated mutations enable cancer cells to acquire and metabolize nutrients in a manner conducive to proliferation rather than efficient ATP production. A better understanding of the mechanistic links between cellular metabolism and growth control may ultimately lead to better treatments for human cancer.
Cell biology
scientific discipline that studies cells
Apoptosis: A Review of Programmed Cell Death
[ { "display_name": "Apoptosis", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.8194047, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Programmed cell death", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.7574816, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Biology", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.55533254, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Cell cycle", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.5265995, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Cell biology", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.49962807, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Cell", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.49124593, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "UVB-induced apoptosis", "id": "", "level": 5, "score": 0.44380075, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Embryonic stem cell", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.4421535, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Signal transduction", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.4214151, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Neuroscience", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.3415377, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Immunology", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.32424378, "wikidata": "" } ]
The process of programmed cell death, or apoptosis, is generally characterized by distinct morphological characteristics and energy-dependent biochemical mechanisms. Apoptosis is considered a vital component of various processes including normal cell turnover, proper development and functioning of the immune system, hormone-dependent atrophy, embryonic development and chemical-induced cell death. Inappropriate apoptosis (either too little or too much) is a factor in many human conditions including neurodegenerative diseases, ischemic damage, autoimmune disorders and many types of cancer. The ability to modulate the life or death of a cell is recognized for its immense therapeutic potential. Therefore, research continues to focus on the elucidation and analysis of the cell cycle machinery and signaling pathways that control cell cycle arrest and apoptosis. To that end, the field of apoptosis research has been moving forward at an alarmingly rapid rate. Although many of the key apoptotic proteins have been identified, the molecular mechanisms of action or inaction of these proteins remain to be elucidated. The goal of this review is to provide a general overview of current knowledge on the process of apoptosis including morphology, biochemistry, the role of apoptosis in health and disease, detection methods, as well as a discussion of potential alternative forms of apoptosis.
Cell biology
scientific discipline that studies cells
Ultrastructural Characterization of the Lower Motor System in a Mouse Model of Krabbe Disease
[ { "display_name": "Krabbe disease", "id": "", "level": 4, "score": 0.7952787, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Ultrastructure", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.7295079, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Sciatic nerve", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5597279, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Denervation", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5270574, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Biology", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.45949653, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Pathology", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.4505216, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Neuromuscular junction", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.43565837, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Cell biology", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.42760703, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Neuroscience", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.41950443, "wikidata": "" } ]
Abstract Krabbe disease (KD) is a neurodegenerative disorder caused by the lack of β- galactosylceramidase enzymatic activity and by widespread accumulation of the cytotoxic galactosyl-sphingosine in neuronal, myelinating and endothelial cells. Despite the wide use of Twitcher mice as experimental model for KD, the ultrastructure of this model is partial and mainly addressing peripheral nerves. More details are requested to elucidate the basis of the motor defects, which are the first to appear during KD onset. Here we use transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to focus on the alterations produced by KD in the lower motor system at postnatal day 15 (P15), a nearly asymptomatic stage, and in the juvenile P30 mouse. We find mild effects on motorneuron soma, severe ones on sciatic nerves and very severe effects on nerve terminals and neuromuscular junctions at P30, with peripheral damage being already detectable at P15. Finally, we find that the gastrocnemius muscle undergoes atrophy and structural changes that are independent of denervation at P15. Our data further characterize the ultrastructural analysis of the KD mouse model, and support recent theories of a dying-back mechanism for neuronal degeneration, which is independent of demyelination.
Cell biology
scientific discipline that studies cells
Lounging in a lysosome: the intracellular lifestyle of Coxiella burnetii
[ { "display_name": "Coxiella burnetii", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.9202116, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Biology", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.83571386, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Phagosome", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.8307945, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Vacuole", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.8121066, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Cell biology", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.75060755, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Phagolysosome", "id": "", "level": 4, "score": 0.7384013, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Biogenesis", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.6634999, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Intracellular parasite", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.63611495, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Secretion", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.6290249, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Intracellular", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.58287805, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Lysosome", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.5073413, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Obligate", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.4852264, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Effector", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.45314133, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "ESCRT", "id": "", "level": 4, "score": 0.45138413, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Endosome", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.44375765, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Autophagy", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.4381538, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Microbiology", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.33061323, "wikidata": "" } ]
Most intracellular parasites employ sophisticated mechanisms to direct biogenesis of a vacuolar replicative niche that circumvents default maturation through the endolysosomal cascade. However, this is not the case of the Q fever bacterium, Coxiella burnetii. This hardy, obligate intracellular pathogen has evolved to not only survive, but to thrive, in the harshest of intracellular compartments: the phagolysosome. Following internalization, the nascent Coxiella phagosome ultimately develops into a large and spacious parasitophorous vacuole (PV) that acquires lysosomal characteristics such as acidic pH, acid hydrolases and cationic peptides, defences designed to rid the host of intruders. However, transit of Coxiella to this environment is initially stalled, a process that is apparently modulated by interactions with the autophagic pathway. Coxiella actively participates in biogenesis of its PV by synthesizing proteins that mediate phagosome stalling, autophagic interactions, and development and maintenance of the mature vacuole. Among the potential mechanisms mediating these processes is deployment of a type IV secretion system to deliver effector proteins to the host cytosol. Here we summarize our current understanding of the cellular events that occur during parasitism of host cells by Coxiella.
Cell biology
scientific discipline that studies cells
Amyloid Oligomers Exacerbate Tau Pathology in a Mouse Model of Tauopathy
[ { "display_name": "Tauopathy", "id": "", "level": 4, "score": 0.9370655, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Genetically modified mouse", "id": "", "level": 4, "score": 0.59467906, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Tangle", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5747752, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Tau protein", "id": "", "level": 4, "score": 0.57445306, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Endogeny", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5596616, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Hyperphosphorylation", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.5221898, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Neurodegeneration", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.4719091, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Neuroscience", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.46138245, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Transgene", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.45203012, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Tau pathology", "id": "", "level": 4, "score": 0.451284, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Alzheimer's disease", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.44239512, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Pathogenesis", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.43000382, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Cell biology", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.4060894, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Phosphorylation", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.40437698, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Biology", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.39737695, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Chemistry", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.36034662, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Pathology", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.33886936, "wikidata": "" } ]
We have extensively analyzed the biochemical and histochemical profiles of the tau protein from the rTg4510 transgenic mouse model in which the animals uniquely develop forebrain tau pathologies similar to those found in human tauopathies. Levels of several soluble phosphorylated tau species were highest at 1 month relative to later time points, suggesting that certain tau hyperphosphorylation events were insufficient to drive tangle formation in young mice. Despite a robust, pre-tangle-like accumulation of phospho-tau in 1-month-old mice, this material was cleared by 3 months, indicating that the young mouse brain either fails to facilitate tau insolubility or possesses an enhanced ability to clear tau relative to the adult. We also found that while heat shock protein expression increased with normal aging, this process was accelerated in rTg4510 mice. Moreover, by exploiting an exon 10 (-) specific antibody, we demonstrated that endogenous mouse tau turnover was slowed in response to human tau over-expression, and that this endogenous tau adopted disease-related properties. These data suggest that a younger brain fails to develop lasting tau pathology despite elevated levels of phosphorylated tau, perhaps because of reduced expression of stress-related proteins. Moreover, we show that the active production of small amounts of abnormal tau protein facilitates dysfunction and accumulation of otherwise normal tau, a significant implication for the pathogenesis of patients with Alzheimer's disease.
branch of electronics involving optics
Inhibited Spontaneous Emission in Solid-State Physics and Electronics
[ { "display_name": "Spontaneous emission", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.7504583, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Physics", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.5965424, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Semiconductor", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5096996, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Heterojunction", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5063771, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Laser", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5028953, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Electronics", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.4718687, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Coupling (piping)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.46626836, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Optoelectronics", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.45725435, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Atomic physics", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.32828754, "wikidata": "" } ]
It has been recognized for some time that the spontaneous emission by atoms is not necessarily a fixed and immutable property of the coupling between matter and space, but that it can be controlled by modification of the properties of the radiation field. This is equally true in the solid state, where spontaneous emission plays a fundamental role in limiting the performance of semiconductor lasers, heterojunction bipolar transistors, and solar cells. If a three-dimensionally periodic dielectric structure has an electromagnetic band gap which overlaps the electronic band edge, then spontaneous emission can be rigorously forbidden.
branch of electronics involving optics
A comprehensive review of ZnO materials and devices
[ { "display_name": "Semiconductor", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.69745195, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Condensed matter physics", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.56419206, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Ohmic contact", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.52414966, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Exciton", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.47887725, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Schottky diode", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.46450967, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Lasing threshold", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.4623249, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Materials science", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.44618505, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Doping", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.44540256, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Optoelectronics", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.42412546, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Diode", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.3810736, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Nanotechnology", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.30401403, "wikidata": "" } ]
The semiconductor ZnO has gained substantial interest in the research community in part because of its large exciton binding energy (60meV) which could lead to lasing action based on exciton recombination even above room temperature. Even though research focusing on ZnO goes back many decades, the renewed interest is fueled by availability of high-quality substrates and reports of p-type conduction and ferromagnetic behavior when doped with transitions metals, both of which remain controversial. It is this renewed interest in ZnO which forms the basis of this review. As mentioned already, ZnO is not new to the semiconductor field, with studies of its lattice parameter dating back to 1935 by Bunn [Proc. Phys. Soc. London 47, 836 (1935)], studies of its vibrational properties with Raman scattering in 1966 by Damen et al. [Phys. Rev. 142, 570 (1966)], detailed optical studies in 1954 by Mollwo [Z. Angew. Phys. 6, 257 (1954)], and its growth by chemical-vapor transport in 1970 by Galli and Coker [Appl. Phys. Lett. 16, 439 (1970)]. In terms of devices, Au Schottky barriers in 1965 by Mead [Phys. Lett. 18, 218 (1965)], demonstration of light-emitting diodes (1967) by Drapak [Semiconductors 2, 624 (1968)], in which Cu2O was used as the p-type material, metal-insulator-semiconductor structures (1974) by Minami et al. [Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 13, 1475 (1974)], ZnO∕ZnSe n-p junctions (1975) by Tsurkan et al. [Semiconductors 6, 1183 (1975)], and Al∕Au Ohmic contacts by Brillson [J. Vac. Sci. Technol. 15, 1378 (1978)] were attained. The main obstacle to the development of ZnO has been the lack of reproducible and low-resistivity p-type ZnO, as recently discussed by Look and Claflin [Phys. Status Solidi B 241, 624 (2004)]. While ZnO already has many industrial applications owing to its piezoelectric properties and band gap in the near ultraviolet, its applications to optoelectronic devices has not yet materialized due chiefly to the lack of p-type epitaxial layers. Very high quality what used to be called whiskers and platelets, the nomenclature for which gave way to nanostructures of late, have been prepared early on and used to deduce much of the principal properties of this material, particularly in terms of optical processes. The suggestion of attainment of p-type conductivity in the last few years has rekindled the long-time, albeit dormant, fervor of exploiting this material for optoelectronic applications. The attraction can simply be attributed to the large exciton binding energy of 60meV of ZnO potentially paving the way for efficient room-temperature exciton-based emitters, and sharp transitions facilitating very low threshold semiconductor lasers. The field is also fueled by theoretical predictions and perhaps experimental confirmation of ferromagnetism at room temperature for potential spintronics applications. This review gives an in-depth discussion of the mechanical, chemical, electrical, and optical properties of ZnO in addition to the technological issues such as growth, defects, p-type doping, band-gap engineering, devices, and nanostructures.
branch of electronics involving optics
Polymer Photovoltaic Cells: Enhanced Efficiencies via a Network of Internal Donor-Acceptor Heterojunctions
[ { "display_name": "Acceptor", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.7641239, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Materials science", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.72821844, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Heterojunction", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.71836966, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Fullerene", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.66450053, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Polymer", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.6460514, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Photovoltaic system", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5730695, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Phenylene", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.5367139, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Energy conversion efficiency", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.531448, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Polymer solar cell", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.5003412, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Charge carrier", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.4959465, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Optoelectronics", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.47984788, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Electron acceptor", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.47479457, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Photochemistry", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.40918946, "wikidata": "" } ]
The carrier collection efficiency (η c ) and energy conversion efficiency (η e ) of polymer photovoltaic cells were improved by blending of the semiconducting polymer with C 60 or its functionalized derivatives. Composite films of poly(2-methoxy-5-(2′-ethyl-hexyloxy)-1,4-phenylene vinylene) (MEH-PPV) and fullerenes exhibit η c of about 29 percent of electrons per photon and η e of about 2.9 percent, efficiencies that are better by more than two orders of magnitude than those that have been achieved with devices made with pure MEH-PPV. The efficient charge separation results from photoinduced electron transfer from the MEH-PPV (as donor) to C 60 (as acceptor); the high collection efficiency results from a bicontinuous network of internal donor-acceptor heterojunctions.
branch of electronics involving optics
Efficient Hybrid Solar Cells Based on Meso-Superstructured Organometal Halide Perovskites
[ { "display_name": "Halide", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.80706596, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Perovskite (structure)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.79987824, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Photovoltaics", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.69860804, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Materials science", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.66807544, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Solar cell", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.6632111, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Photoactive layer", "id": "", "level": 4, "score": 0.6311937, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Energy conversion efficiency", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.6082171, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Layer (electronics)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.60328746, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Perovskite solar cell", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.51161367, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Optoelectronics", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.49863124, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Nanoparticle", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.4612469, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Chemical engineering", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.37861055, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Photovoltaic system", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.37661663, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Nanotechnology", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.37405267, "wikidata": "" } ]
Perovskite Photovoltaics For many types of low-cost solar cells, including those using dye-sensitized titania, performance is limited by low open-circuit voltages. Lee et al. (p. 643 , published online 4 October; see the Perspective by Norris and Aydil ) have developed a solid-state cell in which structured films of titania or alumina nanoparticles are solution coated with a lead-halide perovskite layer that acts as the absorber and n-type photoactive layer. These particles are coated with a spirobifluorene organic-hole conductor in a solar cell with transparent oxide and metal contacts. For the alumina particles, power conversion efficiencies of up to 10.9% were obtained.
branch of electronics involving optics
Electron-Hole Diffusion Lengths Exceeding 1 Micrometer in an Organometal Trihalide Perovskite Absorber
[ { "display_name": "Triiodide", "id": "", "level": 5, "score": 0.8920977, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Perovskite (structure)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.75573874, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Materials science", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.670825, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Trihalide", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.6519231, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Heterojunction", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5193368, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Micrometer", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5183055, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Absorption (acoustics)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.49887347, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Diffusion", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.4922196, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Photoluminescence", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.46748704, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Oxide", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.45827603, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Halide", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.45246953, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Optoelectronics", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.40882453, "wikidata": "" } ]
Organic-inorganic perovskites have shown promise as high-performance absorbers in solar cells, first as a coating on a mesoporous metal oxide scaffold and more recently as a solid layer in planar heterojunction architectures. Here, we report transient absorption and photoluminescence-quenching measurements to determine the electron-hole diffusion lengths, diffusion constants, and lifetimes in mixed halide (CH3NH3PbI(3-x)Cl(x)) and triiodide (CH3NH3PbI3) perovskite absorbers. We found that the diffusion lengths are greater than 1 micrometer in the mixed halide perovskite, which is an order of magnitude greater than the absorption depth. In contrast, the triiodide absorber has electron-hole diffusion lengths of ~100 nanometers. These results justify the high efficiency of planar heterojunction perovskite solar cells and identify a critical parameter to optimize for future perovskite absorber development.
branch of electronics involving optics
Nanocrystals of Cesium Lead Halide Perovskites (CsPbX<sub>3</sub>, X = Cl, Br, and I): Novel Optoelectronic Materials Showing Bright Emission with Wide Color Gamut
[ { "display_name": "Photoluminescence", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.7241696, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Materials science", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.6770054, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Halide", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.64990807, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Nanocrystal", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.6276609, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Perovskite (structure)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.6122537, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Optoelectronics", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.57018995, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Quantum dot", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5331584, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Chalcogenide", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.43661383, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Oleylamine", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.41742966, "wikidata": "" } ]
Metal halides perovskites, such as hybrid organic–inorganic CH3NH3PbI3, are newcomer optoelectronic materials that have attracted enormous attention as solution-deposited absorbing layers in solar cells with power conversion efficiencies reaching 20%. Herein we demonstrate a new avenue for halide perovskites by designing highly luminescent perovskite-based colloidal quantum dot materials. We have synthesized monodisperse colloidal nanocubes (4–15 nm edge lengths) of fully inorganic cesium lead halide perovskites (CsPbX3, X = Cl, Br, and I or mixed halide systems Cl/Br and Br/I) using inexpensive commercial precursors. Through compositional modulations and quantum size-effects, the bandgap energies and emission spectra are readily tunable over the entire visible spectral region of 410–700 nm. The photoluminescence of CsPbX3 nanocrystals is characterized by narrow emission line-widths of 12–42 nm, wide color gamut covering up to 140% of the NTSC color standard, high quantum yields of up to 90%, and radiative lifetimes in the range of 1–29 ns. The compelling combination of enhanced optical properties and chemical robustness makes CsPbX3 nanocrystals appealing for optoelectronic applications, particularly for blue and green spectral regions (410–530 nm), where typical metal chalcogenide-based quantum dots suffer from photodegradation.
branch of electronics involving optics
Perfect Metamaterial Absorber
[ { "display_name": "Metamaterial", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.8268981, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Materials science", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.63112706, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Metamaterial absorber", "id": "", "level": 4, "score": 0.6214547, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Omega", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.60466796, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Resonator", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.55243975, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Absorbance", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5451857, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Optics", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.50447476, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Substrate (aquarium)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.4832552, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Optoelectronics", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.47689012, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Radiation", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.4661929, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Physics", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.32321864, "wikidata": "" } ]
We present the design for an absorbing metamaterial (MM) with near unity absorbance A(omega). Our structure consists of two MM resonators that couple separately to electric and magnetic fields so as to absorb all incident radiation within a single unit cell layer. We fabricate, characterize, and analyze a MM absorber with a slightly lower predicted A(omega) of 96%. Unlike conventional absorbers, our MM consists solely of metallic elements. The substrate can therefore be optimized for other parameters of interest. We experimentally demonstrate a peak A(omega) greater than 88% at 11.5 GHz.
branch of electronics involving optics
New Method for High-Accuracy Determination of the Fine-Structure Constant Based on Quantized Hall Resistance
[ { "display_name": "Hall effect", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.71599793, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Materials science", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.64250475, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Semiconductor", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.58772546, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Silicon", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5758785, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Voltage", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5441034, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Constant (computer programming)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5301821, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Transistor", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.5259954, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Metal", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.51261204, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Condensed matter physics", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.5004065, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Field-effect transistor", "id": "", "level": 4, "score": 0.47769144, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Optoelectronics", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.45600143, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Oxide", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.44364798, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Quantum Hall effect", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.43582416, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Thermal Hall effect", "id": "", "level": 4, "score": 0.41993275, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Electron", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.38612872, "wikidata": "" } ]
Measurements of the Hall voltage of a two-dimensional electron gas, realized with a silicon metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor, show that the Hall resistance at particular, experimentally well-defined surface carrier concentrations has fixed values which depend only on the fine-structure constant and speed of light, and is insensitive to the geometry of the device. Preliminary data are reported.
Pure mathematics
mathematics which studies entirely abstract concepts
Orthonormal bases of compactly supported wavelets
[ { "display_name": "Orthonormal basis", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.93136096, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Wavelet", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.8145968, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Mathematics", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.771201, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Multiresolution analysis", "id": "", "level": 5, "score": 0.674146, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Construct (python library)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.6411747, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Order (exchange)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.511139, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Decomposition", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.43078262, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Pure mathematics", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.400065, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Algebra over a field", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.3703208, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Applied mathematics", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.36687678, "wikidata": "" } ]
Abstract We construct orthonormal bases of compactly supported wavelets, with arbitrarily high regularity. The order of regularity increases linearly with the support width. We start by reviewing the concept of multiresolution analysis as well as several algorithms in vision decomposition and reconstruction. The construction then follows from a synthesis of these different approaches.
Pure mathematics
mathematics which studies entirely abstract concepts
Infinite-Dimensional Lie Algebras
[ { "display_name": "Class (philosophy)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.6705723, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Lie algebra", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.54882324, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Algebra over a field", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5079358, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Mathematics", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.44636226, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Pure mathematics", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.44238994, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Mathematics education", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.38030195, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer science", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.3145362, "wikidata": "" } ]
This is the third, substantially revised edition of this important monograph. The book is concerned with Kac–Moody algebras, a particular class of infinite-dimensional Lie algebras, and their representations. It is based on courses given over a number of years at MIT and in Paris, and is sufficiently self-contained and detailed to be used for graduate courses. Each chapter begins with a motivating discussion and ends with a collection of exercises, with hints to the more challenging problems.
Pure mathematics
mathematics which studies entirely abstract concepts
Commutative algebra with a view toward algebraic geometry
[ { "display_name": "Algebra over a field", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.6023373, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Derived algebraic geometry", "id": "", "level": 5, "score": 0.5984974, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Mathematics", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.5955686, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Commutative property", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5302795, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Algebraic geometry", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5268632, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Dimension of an algebraic variety", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.5215373, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Function field of an algebraic variety", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.43136406, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Real algebraic geometry", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.42211214, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Commutative algebra", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.41896737, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Pure mathematics", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.40722084, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Algebraic number", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.39371756, "wikidata": "" } ]
Introduction.- Elementary Definitions.- I Basic Constructions.- II Dimension Theory.- III Homological Methods.- Appendices.- Hints and Solutions for Selected Exercises.- References.- Index of Notation.- Index.
Pure mathematics
mathematics which studies entirely abstract concepts
Functional Analysis and Semi-groups
[ { "display_name": "Mathematics", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.8125751, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Functional calculus", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.57603294, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Lie group", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5048979, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Pure mathematics", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.4974127, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Banach space", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.475861, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Algebra over a field", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.46259183, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Vector space", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.45585996, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Unbounded operator", "id": "", "level": 4, "score": 0.43383482, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Hilbert space", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.42814445, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Ergodic theory", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.42657563, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Group (periodic table)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.4218393, "wikidata": "" } ]
Part One. Functional Analysis: Abstract spaces Linear transformations Vector-valued functions Banach algebras General properties Analysis in a Banach algebra Laplace integrals and binomial series Part Two. Basic Properties of Semi-Groups: Subadditive functions Semi-modules Addition theorem in a Banach algebra Semi-groups in the strong topology Generator and resolvent Generation of semi-groups Part Three. Advanced Analytical Theory of Semi-Groups: Perturbation theory Adjoint theory Operational calculus Spectral theory Holomorphic semi-groups Applications to ergodic theory Part Four. Special Semi-groups and Applications: Translations and powers Trigonometric semi-groups Semi-groups in $L_p(-\infty,\infty)$ Semi-groups in Hilbert space Miscellaneous applications Part Five. Extensions of the theory: Notes on Banach algebras Lie semi-groups Functions on vectors to vectors Bibliography Index.
Pure mathematics
mathematics which studies entirely abstract concepts
A Multilinear Singular Value Decomposition
[ { "display_name": "Multilinear map", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.93407243, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Mathematics", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.8153728, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Singular value decomposition", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.7528331, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Eigenvalues and eigenvectors", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.6177696, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Tensor (intrinsic definition)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5692221, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Symmetric tensor", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.54002523, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Generalization", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.53662735, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Uniqueness", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5205861, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Eigendecomposition of a matrix", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.5160548, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Decomposition", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.4992473, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Multilinear algebra", "id": "", "level": 5, "score": 0.49213642, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Pure mathematics", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.48592868, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Matrix (chemical analysis)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.47862807, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Matrix decomposition", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.47278592, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Mathematical analysis", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.35190073, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Applied mathematics", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.33896744, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Algebra over a field", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.3056109, "wikidata": "" } ]
We discuss a multilinear generalization of the singular value decomposition. There is a strong analogy between several properties of the matrix and the higher-order tensor decomposition; uniqueness, link with the matrix eigenvalue decomposition, first-order perturbation effects, etc., are analyzed. We investigate how tensor symmetries affect the decomposition and propose a multilinear generalization of the symmetric eigenvalue decomposition for pair-wise symmetric tensors.
Pure mathematics
mathematics which studies entirely abstract concepts
A new definition of fractional derivative
[ { "display_name": "Mathematics", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.91408193, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Fractional calculus", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.83461833, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Derivative (finance)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.6231052, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Constant (computer programming)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.45329446, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Calculus (dental)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.44141316, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Mathematical analysis", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.43856844, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Pure mathematics", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.4084756, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Applied mathematics", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.39265725, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Algebra over a field", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.32407182, "wikidata": "" } ]
We give a new definition of fractional derivative and fractional integral. The form of the definition shows that it is the most natural definition, and the most fruitful one. The definition for 0≤α<1 coincides with the classical definitions on polynomials (up to a constant). Further, if α=1, the definition coincides with the classical definition of first derivative. We give some applications to fractional differential equations.
Pure mathematics
mathematics which studies entirely abstract concepts
Character theory of finite groups
[ { "display_name": "Character (mathematics)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.91934097, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Brauer's theorem on induced characters", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.7279284, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Character table", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.72660786, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Mathematics", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.67449933, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Pure mathematics", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.55515426, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Index (typography)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5450573, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Group (periodic table)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.54202443, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Projective test", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.4287418, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Algebra over a field", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.41247654, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Combinatorics", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.33288646, "wikidata": "" } ]
Algebras, modules, and representations Group representations and characters Characters and integrality Products of characters Induced characters Normal subgroups T.I. sets and exceptional characters Brauer's theorem Changing the field The Schur index Projective representations Character degrees Character correspondence Linear groups Changing the characteristic Some character tables Bibliographic notes References Index.
Pure mathematics
mathematics which studies entirely abstract concepts
Introduction: Motivation
[ { "display_name": "Symplectic geometry", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.8130877, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Sketch", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.7925782, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Mathematical proof", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.77097493, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Intersection (aeronautics)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.67570025, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Intersection theory", "id": "", "level": 5, "score": 0.6658164, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Mathematics", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.5670488, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Extension (predicate logic)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5367369, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Pure mathematics", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.53271073, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Infinity", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.50790507, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Holomorphic function", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.4841057, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Point (geometry)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.4535131, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Topology (electrical circuits)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.35702178, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Algebra over a field", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.34257305, "wikidata": "" } ]
The introduction motivates the remainder of the book via two specific examples of theorems from the early days of symplectic topology in which intersection theory plays a prominent role. We sketch closely analogous proofs of both theorems, emphasizing the way that intersection theory is used, but point out why the second theorem (on symplectic 4-manifolds that are standard near infinity) requires a nonobvious extension of homological intersection theory to punctured holomorphic curves. We then discuss informally some of the properties this theory will need to have and what kinds of subtle issues may arise.
economic activity encouraging purchase or sale of products or services in a market
Evolving to a New Dominant Logic for Marketing
[ { "display_name": "Service-dominant logic", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.94217104, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Marketing", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.62624985, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Perspective (graphical)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5651478, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Marketing mix", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.48992938, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Business", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.4795751, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Value (mathematics)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.4574683, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Marketing management", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.43970695, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Service (business)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.3674966, "wikidata": "" } ]
Marketing inherited a model of exchange from economics, which had a dominant logic based on the exchange of “goods,” which usually are manufactured output. The dominant logic focused on tangible resources, embedded value, and transactions. Over the past several decades, new perspectives have emerged that have a revised logic focused on intangible resources, the cocreation of value, and relationships. The authors believe that the new perspectives are converging to form a new dominant logic for marketing, one in which service provision rather than goods is fundamental to economic exchange. The authors explore this evolving logic and the corresponding shift in perspective for marketing scholars, marketing practitioners, and marketing educators.
economic activity encouraging purchase or sale of products or services in a market
Consumer Perceptions of Price, Quality, and Value: A Means-End Model and Synthesis of Evidence
[ { "display_name": "Value (mathematics)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.7017534, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Quality (philosophy)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.6419177, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Perception", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.61805964, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Marketing", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.5727412, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Conceptual model", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5633517, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Exploratory research", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5169101, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Business", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.44246545, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Economics", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.3616686, "wikidata": "" } ]
Evidence from past research and insights from an exploratory investigation are combined in a conceptual model that defines and relates price, perceived quality, and perceived value. Propositions about the concepts and their relationships are presented, then supported with evidence from the literature. Discussion centers on directions for research and implications for managing price, quality, and value.
economic activity encouraging purchase or sale of products or services in a market
The Effect of Word of Mouth on Sales: Online Book Reviews
[ { "display_name": "Amazon rainforest", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.50712156, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Word of mouth", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5003545, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Marketing", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.4055844, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Economics", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.32370573, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Advertising", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.3213117, "wikidata": "" } ]
The authors examine the effect of consumer reviews on relative sales of books at and . The authors find that (1) reviews are overwhelmingly positive at both sites, but there are more reviews and longer reviews at ; (2) an improvement in a book's reviews leads to an increase in relative sales at that site; (3) for most samples in the study, the impact of one-star reviews is greater than the impact of five-star reviews; and (4) evidence from review-length data suggests that customers read review text rather than relying only on summary statistics.
economic activity encouraging purchase or sale of products or services in a market
Prinsip-Prinsip Pemasaran
[ { "display_name": "Business", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.49165255, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Process (computing)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.46497822, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Marketing", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.43112522, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer science", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.32794088, "wikidata": "" } ]
Principles of Marketing teaches the experience and process of actually doing marketing – not just the vocabulary.
economic activity encouraging purchase or sale of products or services in a market
Understanding Customer Experience Throughout the Customer Journey
[ { "display_name": "Customer intelligence", "id": "", "level": 5, "score": 0.81250143, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Customer advocacy", "id": "", "level": 4, "score": 0.80170643, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Customer to customer", "id": "", "level": 5, "score": 0.7780959, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Customer retention", "id": "", "level": 4, "score": 0.72489667, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Business", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.6576834, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Voice of the customer", "id": "", "level": 5, "score": 0.6506255, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Marketing", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.5944515, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Customer delight", "id": "", "level": 5, "score": 0.5814621, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Customer equity", "id": "", "level": 5, "score": 0.49252042, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Customer experience", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.43647826, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Service quality", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.3187949, "wikidata": "" } ]
Understanding customer experience and the customer journey over time is critical for firms. Customers now interact with firms through myriad touch points in multiple channels and media, and customer experiences are more social in nature. These changes require firms to integrate multiple business functions, and even external partners, in creating and delivering positive customer experiences. In this article, the authors aim to develop a stronger understanding of customer experience and the customer journey in this era of increasingly complex customer behavior. To achieve this goal, they examine existing definitions and conceptualizations of customer experience as a construct and provide a historical perspective of the roots of customer experience within marketing. Next, they attempt to bring together what is currently known about customer experience, customer journeys, and customer experience management. Finally, they identify critical areas for future research on this important topic.
economic activity encouraging purchase or sale of products or services in a market
The American Customer Satisfaction Index: Nature, Purpose, and Findings
[ { "display_name": "Customer satisfaction", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.8508481, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Benchmarking", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.641224, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Marketing", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.6266732, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Customer equity", "id": "", "level": 5, "score": 0.5679607, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Business", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.5402879, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Index (typography)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.47407857, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Government (linguistics)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.46920222, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Customer retention", "id": "", "level": 4, "score": 0.3369165, "wikidata": "" } ]
The American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) is a new type of market-based performance measure for firms, industries, economic sectors, and national economies. The authors discuss the nature and purpose of ACSI and explain the theory underlying the ACSI model, the nation-wide survey methodology used to collect the data, and the econometric approach employed to estimate the indices. They also illustrate the use of ACSI in conducting benchmarking studies, both cross-sectionally and over time. The authors find customer satisfaction to be greater for goods than for services and, in turn, greater for services than for government agencies, as well as find cause for concern in the observation that customer satisfaction in the United States is declining, primarily because of decreasing satisfaction with services. The authors estimate the model for the seven major economic sectors for which data are collected. Highlights of the findings include that (1) customization is more important than reliability in determining customer satisfaction, (2) customer expectations play a greater role in sectors in which variance in production and consumption is relatively low, and (3) customer satisfaction is more quality-driven than value- or price-driven. The authors conclude with a discussion of the implications of ACSI for public policymakers, managers, consumers, and marketing in general.
economic activity encouraging purchase or sale of products or services in a market
The dynamics of crowdfunding: An exploratory study
[ { "display_name": "Intermediary", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.6951576, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Marketing", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.53984046, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Business", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.535079, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "The Internet", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.52425766, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Entrepreneurial finance", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.4996071, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Dynamics (music)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.4842927, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Quality (philosophy)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.47957128, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Affect (linguistics)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.47138697, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Equity crowdfunding", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.44370493, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Entrepreneurship", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.39420962, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Public relations", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.36510313, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Seed money", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.33517444, "wikidata": "" } ]
Crowdfunding allows founders of for-profit, artistic, and cultural ventures to fund their efforts by drawing on relatively small contributions from a relatively large number of individuals using the internet, without standard financial intermediaries. Drawing on a dataset of over 48,500 projects with combined funding over $237 M, this paper offers a description of the underlying dynamics of success and failure among crowdfunded ventures. It suggests that personal networks and underlying project quality are associated with the success of crowdfunding efforts, and that geography is related to both the type of projects proposed and successful fundraising. Finally, I find that the vast majority of founders seem to fulfill their obligations to funders, but that over 75% deliver products later than expected, with the degree of delay predicted by the level and amount of funding a project receives. These results offer insight into the emerging phenomenon of crowdfunding, and also shed light more generally on the ways that the actions of founders may affect their ability to receive entrepreneurial financing.
economic activity encouraging purchase or sale of products or services in a market
Self-Service Technologies: Understanding Customer Satisfaction with Technology-Based Service Encounters
[ { "display_name": "Critical Incident Technique", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.74617803, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Service (business)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5777922, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Customer satisfaction", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5541168, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Word of mouth", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.55125856, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Business", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.4916082, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Attribution", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.48431864, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Interpersonal communication", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.4841445, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Service delivery framework", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.45968837, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Marketing", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.4487077, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Categorization", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.44865602, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Self-service", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.41969883, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Service recovery", "id": "", "level": 4, "score": 0.4178715, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Service quality", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.35620323, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Psychology", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.35354435, "wikidata": "" } ]
Self-service technologies (SSTs) are increasingly changing the way customers interact with firms to create service outcomes. Given that the emphasis in the academic literature has focused almost exclusively on the interpersonal dynamics of service encounters, there is much to be learned about customer interactions with technology-based self-service delivery options. In this research, the authors describe the results of a critical incident study based on more than 800 incidents involving SSTs solicited from customers through a Web-based survey. The authors categorize these incidents to discern the sources of satisfaction and dissatisfaction with SSTs. The authors present a discussion of the resulting critical incident categories and their relationship to customer attributions, complaining behavior, word of mouth, and repeat purchase intentions, which is followed by implications for managers and researchers.
Computer security
the protection of computer systems and networks from theft, damage, misuse or data leak
A method for obtaining digital signatures and public-key cryptosystems
[ { "display_name": "Encryption", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.7953514, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer science", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.6855401, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Digital signature", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.65945375, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Key (lock)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.65181905, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Public-key cryptography", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.6437279, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer security", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.5985159, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Cryptosystem", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.5081878, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Signature (topology)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.4796691, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Theoretical computer science", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.34124756, "wikidata": "" } ]
An encryption method is presented with the novel property that publicly revealing an encryption key does not thereby reveal the corresponding decryption key. This has two important consequences: Couriers or other secure means are not needed to transmit keys, since a message can be enciphered using an encryption key publicly revealed by the intended recipient. Only he can decipher the message, since only he knows the corresponding decryption key. A message can be “signed” using a privately held decryption key. Anyone can verify this signature using the corresponding publicly revealed encryption key. Signatures cannot be forged, and a signer cannot later deny the validity of his signature. This has obvious applications in “electronic mail” and “electronic funds transfer” systems. A message is encrypted by representing it as a number M, raising M to a publicly specified power e, and then taking the remainder when the result is divided by the publicly specified product, n , of two large secret prime numbers p and q. Decryption is similar; only a different, secret, power d is used, where e * d = 1(mod (p - 1) * (q - 1)). The security of the system rests in part on the difficulty of factoring the published divisor, n .
Computer security
the protection of computer systems and networks from theft, damage, misuse or data leak
How to share a secret
[ { "display_name": "Computer science", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.7531595, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer security", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.7011476, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Key (lock)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.6969994, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Cryptography", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.59222496, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Function (biology)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.57961744, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Theoretical computer science", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.3863641, "wikidata": "" } ]
In this paper we show how to divide data D into n pieces in such a way that D is easily reconstructable from any k pieces, but even complete knowledge of k - 1 pieces reveals absolutely no information about D . This technique enables the construction of robust key management schemes for cryptographic systems that can function securely and reliably even when misfortunes destroy half the pieces and security breaches expose all but one of the remaining pieces.
Computer security
the protection of computer systems and networks from theft, damage, misuse or data leak
A method for obtaining digital signatures and public-key cryptosystems
[ { "display_name": "Encryption", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.79270285, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer science", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.6827896, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Public-key cryptography", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.66819155, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Digital signature", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.6650378, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Key (lock)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.63654023, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer security", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.58353204, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Cryptosystem", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.50928223, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "DECIPHER", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.47685134, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Signature (topology)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.4560142, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Theoretical computer science", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.32603127, "wikidata": "" } ]
An encryption method is presented with the novel property that publicly revealing an encryption key does not thereby reveal the corresponding decryption key. This has two important consequences: (1) Couriers or other secure means are not needed to transmit keys, since a message can be enciphered using an encryption key publicly revealed by the intented recipient. Only he can decipher the message, since only he knows the corresponding decryption key. (2) A message can be “signed” using a privately held decryption key. Anyone can verify this signature using the corresponding publicly revealed encryption key. Signatures cannot be forged, and a signer cannot later deny the validity of his signature. This has obvious applications in “electronic mail” and “electronic funds transfer” systems. A message is encrypted by representing it as a number M, raising M to a publicly specified power e, and then taking the remainder when the result is divided by the publicly specified product, n , of two large secret primer numbers p and q. Decryption is similar; only a different, secret, power d is used, where e * d ≡ 1(mod (p - 1) * (q - 1)). The security of the system rests in part on the difficulty of factoring the published divisor, n .
Computer security
the protection of computer systems and networks from theft, damage, misuse or data leak
Basic concepts and taxonomy of dependable and secure computing
[ { "display_name": "Dependability", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.93043524, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer science", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.76950574, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Maintainability", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.70849335, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Confidentiality", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.59170365, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Fault tolerance", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5832337, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer security", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.54895097, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Relevance (law)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5132816, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Reliability (semiconductor)", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.4804887, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Software fault tolerance", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.45227462, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Reliability engineering", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.37521452, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Risk analysis (engineering)", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.34975415, "wikidata": "" } ]
This paper gives the main definitions relating to dependability, a generic concept including a special case of such attributes as reliability, availability, safety, integrity, maintainability, etc. Security brings in concerns for confidentiality, in addition to availability and integrity. Basic definitions are given first. They are then commented upon, and supplemented by additional definitions, which address the threats to dependability and security (faults, errors, failures), their attributes, and the means for their achievement (fault prevention, fault tolerance, fault removal, fault forecasting). The aim is to explicate a set of general concepts, of relevance across a wide range of situations and, therefore, helping communication and cooperation among a number of scientific and technical communities, including ones that are concentrating on particular types of system, of system failures, or of causes of system failures.
Computer security
the protection of computer systems and networks from theft, damage, misuse or data leak
Settler colonialism and the elimination of the native
[ { "display_name": "Colonialism", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.7385897, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Poison control", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.44218364, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer security", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.4209715, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Criminology", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.35516727, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Psychology", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.327874, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Medical emergency", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.31222826, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer science", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.3098415, "wikidata": "" } ]
The question of genocide is never far from discussions of settler colonialism. Land is life—or, at least, land is necessary for life. Thus contests for land can be—indeed, often are—contests for li...
Computer security
the protection of computer systems and networks from theft, damage, misuse or data leak
Attribute-based encryption for fine-grained access control of encrypted data
[ { "display_name": "Encryption", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.8380128, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer science", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.73713064, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "On-the-fly encryption", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.7363147, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Cryptosystem", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.61541134, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Filesystem-level encryption", "id": "", "level": 4, "score": 0.6021347, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Attribute-based encryption", "id": "", "level": 4, "score": 0.5292544, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Multiple encryption", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.5114276, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Probabilistic encryption", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.5041212, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer security", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.50040245, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Public-key cryptography", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.48148978, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Data sharing", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.45017716, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Delegation", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.4450094, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "40-bit encryption", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.43438116, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Key (lock)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.43271267, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Client-side encryption", "id": "", "level": 4, "score": 0.41831166, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Access control", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.41537863, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer network", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.33222687, "wikidata": "" } ]
As more sensitive data is shared and stored by third-party sites on the Internet, there will be a need to encrypt data stored at these sites. One drawback of encrypting data, is that it can be selectively shared only at a coarse-grained level (i.e., giving another party your private key). We develop a new cryptosystem for fine-grained sharing of encrypted data that we call Key-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption (KP-ABE). In our cryptosystem, ciphertexts are labeled with sets of attributes and private keys are associated with access structures that control which ciphertexts a user is able to decrypt. We demonstrate the applicability of our construction to sharing of audit-log information and broadcast encryption. Our construction supports delegation of private keys which subsumesHierarchical Identity-Based Encryption (HIBE).
Computer security
the protection of computer systems and networks from theft, damage, misuse or data leak
An Introduction to Biometric Recognition
[ { "display_name": "Biometrics", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.89955074, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Password", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.8270843, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer science", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.71079516, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Variety (cybernetics)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.6152955, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer security", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.58193034, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Identity (music)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.55059814, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Authentication (law)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.4728192, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Field (mathematics)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.44911018, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Internet privacy", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.44557196, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Identity theft", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.43516582, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Human–computer interaction", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.42054242, "wikidata": "" } ]
A wide variety of systems requires reliable personal recognition schemes to either confirm or determine the identity of an individual requesting their services. The purpose of such schemes is to ensure that the rendered services are accessed only by a legitimate user and no one else. Examples of such applications include secure access to buildings, computer systems, laptops, cellular phones, and ATMs. In the absence of robust personal recognition schemes, these systems are vulnerable to the wiles of an impostor. Biometric recognition, or, simply, biometrics, refers to the automatic recognition of individuals based on their physiological and/or behavioral characteristics. By using biometrics, it is possible to confirm or establish an individual's identity based on "who she is", rather than by "what she possesses" (e.g., an ID card) or "what she remembers" (e.g., a password). We give a brief overview of the field of biometrics and summarize some of its advantages, disadvantages, strengths, limitations, and related privacy concerns.
Computer security
the protection of computer systems and networks from theft, damage, misuse or data leak
Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption
[ { "display_name": "Attribute-based encryption", "id": "", "level": 4, "score": 0.7491248, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer science", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.6887884, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Encryption", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.6075888, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Ciphertext", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.57693446, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer security", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.5312505, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Plaintext-aware encryption", "id": "", "level": 5, "score": 0.44095257, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Semantic security", "id": "", "level": 5, "score": 0.43364254, "wikidata": "" } ]
In several distributed systems a user should only be able to access data if a user posses a certain set of credentials or attributes. Currently, the only method for enforcing such policies is to employ a trusted server to store the data and mediate access control. However, if any server storing the data is compromised, then the confidentiality of the data will be compromised. In this paper we present a system for realizing complex access control on encrypted data that we call ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption. By using our techniques encrypted data can be kept confidential even if the storage server is untrusted; moreover, our methods are secure against collusion attacks. Previous attribute-based encryption systems used attributes to describe the encrypted data and built policies into user's keys; while in our system attributes are used to describe a user's credentials, and a party encrypting data determines a policy for who can decrypt. Thus, our methods are conceptually closer to traditional access control methods such as role-based access control (RBAC). In addition, we provide an implementation of our system and give performance measurements.
study of education
Knowledge and Teaching:Foundations of the New Reform
[ { "display_name": "Comprehension", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.6239087, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Publishing", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5734197, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Pedagogy", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.54892594, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Teaching method", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.52723116, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Action (physics)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5081978, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Sociology", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.49083027, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Educational psychology", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.48375773, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Foundation (evidence)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.44205707, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Mathematics education", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.42032143, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Reflection (computer programming)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.4143188, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Psychology", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.35221767, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Epistemology", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.32208437, "wikidata": "" } ]
Lee S. Shulman builds his foundation for teaching reform on an idea of teaching that emphasizes comprehension and reasoning, transformation and reflection. "This emphasis is justified," he writes, "by the resoluteness with which research and policy have so blatantly ignored those aspects of teaching in the past." To articulate and justify this conception, Shulman responds to four questions: What are the sources of the knowledge base for teaching?In what terms can these sources be conceptualized? What are the processes of pedagogical reasoning and action? and What are the implications for teaching policy and educational reform? The answers — informed by philosophy, psychology, and a growing body of casework based on young and experienced practitioners — go far beyond current reform assumptions and initiatives. The outcome for educational practitioners, scholars, and policymakers is a major redirection in how teaching is to be understood and teachers are to be trained and evaluated. This article was selected for the November 1986 special issue on "Teachers, Teaching,and Teacher Education," but appears here because of the exigencies of publishing.
study of education
Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy
[ { "display_name": "Pedagogy", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.6673094, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Sociology", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.6570136, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Cultural pluralism", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5013659, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Value (mathematics)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.4140527, "wikidata": "" } ]
Seventeen years ago Gloria Ladson-Billings (1995) published the landmark article “Toward a Theory of Culturally Relevant Pedagogy,” giving a coherent theoretical statement for resource pedagogies that had been building throughout the 1970s and 1980s. I, like countless teachers and university-based researchers, have been inspired by what it means to make teaching and learning relevant and responsive to the languages, literacies, and cultural practices of students across categories of difference and (in)equality. Recently, however, I have begun to question if the terms “relevant” and “responsive” are really descriptive of much of the teaching and research founded upon them and, more importantly, if they go far enough in their orientation to the languages and literacies and other cultural practices of communities marginalized by systemic inequalities to ensure the valuing and maintenance of our multiethnic and multilingual society. In this essay, I offer the term and stance of culturally sustaining pedagogy as an alternative that, I believe, embodies some of the best research and practice in the resource pedagogy tradition and as a term that supports the value of our multiethnic and multilingual present and future. Culturally sustaining pedagogy seeks to perpetuate and foster—to sustain—linguistic, literate, and cultural pluralism as part of the democratic project of schooling. In the face of current policies and practices that have the explicit goal of creating a monocultural and monolingual society, research and practice need equally explicit resistances that embrace cultural pluralism and cultural equality.
study of education
The Reflective Practitioner: How Professionals Think in Action
[ { "display_name": "Action (physics)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.62258434, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Psychology", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.52883804, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Reflective practice", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.45105353, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Continuing education", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.4346818, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Medical education", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.42671233, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Pedagogy", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.42574164, "wikidata": "" } ]
"The Reflective Practitioner: How Professionals Think in Action." The Journal of Continuing Higher Education, 34(3), pp. 29–30
study of education
Rethinking the Connections Between Campus Courses and Field Experiences in College- and University-Based Teacher Education
[ { "display_name": "Variety (cybernetics)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.7613874, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Teacher education", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.64931786, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Field (mathematics)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.6266993, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Pedagogy", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.577889, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Sociology", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.57638574, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Mathematics education", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.50610965, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Higher education", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.4645958, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Work (physics)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.44666913, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Psychology", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.3188457, "wikidata": "" } ]
This article examines a variety of work currently going on across the country in newly created hybrid spaces to more closely connect campus courses and field experiences in university-based preservice teacher education. It is argued that the old paradigm of university-based teacher education where academic knowledge is viewed as the authoritative source of knowledge about teaching needs to change to one where there is a nonhierarchical interplay between academic, practitioner, and community expertise. It is argued that this new epistemology for teacher education will create expanded learning opportunities for prospective teachers that will better prepare them to be successful in enacting complex teaching practices.
study of education
Policies That Support Professional Development in an Era of Reform
[ { "display_name": "Pace", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.83704627, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Professional development", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.6669975, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Faculty development", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.5420301, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Focus (optics)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.49659592, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.4519262, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Public relations", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.44553873, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Mathematics education", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.4407384, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Pedagogy", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.43021935, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Sociology", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.37529433, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Psychology", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.3429892, "wikidata": "" } ]
Policies must keep pace with new ideas about what, when, and how teachers learn and must focus on developing schools' and teachers' capacities to be responsible for student learning.
study of education
Teacher Quality and Student Achievement
[ { "display_name": "Staffing", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.74582094, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Sass", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.7340679, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Certification", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.6512853, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Equity (law)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.56949145, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Student achievement", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.5625004, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Psychology", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.5277306, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Teacher quality", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.51652426, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Alternative teacher certification", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.51143306, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Mathematics education", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.49283695, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Academic achievement", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.47946537, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Educational equity", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.47796652, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Poverty", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.46394727, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Quality (philosophy)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.4627412, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Grading (engineering)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.4526205, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Reading (process)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.44484785, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Pedagogy", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.4008357, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Teacher education", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.37608773, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.34981054, "wikidata": "" } ]
Using data from a 50-state survey of policies, state case study analyses, the 1993-94 Schools and Staffing Surveys (SASS), and the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), this study examines the ways in which teacher qualifications and other school inputs are related to student achievement across states. The findings of both the qualitative and quantitative analyses suggest that policy investments in the quality of teachers may be related to improvements in student performance. Quantitative analyses indicate that measures of teacher preparation and certification are by far the strongest correlates of student achievement in reading and mathematics, both before and after controlling for student poverty and language status. State policy surveys and case study data are used to evaluate policies that influence the overall level of teacher qualifications within and across states. This analysis suggests that policies adopted by states regarding teacher education, licensing, hiring, and professional development may make an important difference in the qualifications and capacities that teachers bring to their work. The implications for state efforts to enhance quality and equity in public education are discussed.
study of education
Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Culture
[ { "display_name": "Participatory culture", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5916025, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Public relations", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.52630234, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Citizen journalism", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5173973, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Social media", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.49786854, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Scholarship", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.48795003, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Sociology", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.46712807, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Conversation", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.4656993, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Pedagogy", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.41063142, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Psychology", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.3459932, "wikidata": "" } ]
Many teens today who use the Internet are actively involved in participatory cultures—joining online communities (Facebook, message boards, game clans), producing creative work in new forms (digital sampling, modding, fan videomaking, fan fiction), working in teams to complete tasks and develop new knowledge (as in Wikipedia), and shaping the flow of media (as in blogging or podcasting). A growing body of scholarship suggests potential benefits of these activities, including opportunities for peer-to-peer learning, development of skills useful in the modern workplace, and a more empowered conception of citizenship. Some argue that young people pick up these key skills and competencies on their own by interacting with popular culture; but the problems of unequal access, lack of media transparency, and the breakdown of traditional forms of socialization and professional training suggest a role for policy and pedagogical intervention. This report aims to shift the conversation about the "digital divide" from questions about access to technology to questions about access to opportunities for involvement in participatory culture and how to provide all young people with the chance to develop the cultural competencies and social skills needed. Fostering these skills, the authors argue, requires a systemic approach to media education; schools, afterschool programs, and parents all have distinctive roles to play. The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Reports on Digital Media and Learning
study of education
The Death and Life of the Great American School System: How Testing and Choice Are Undermining Education
[ { "display_name": "Standardized test", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.6464733, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "American education", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.61131537, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "School choice", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.42199025, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Pedagogy", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.40097544, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Sociology", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.39496577, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Political science", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.38646197, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Psychology", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.3219636, "wikidata": "" } ]
Diane Ravitch created quite a national stir when The Death and Life of the Great American School System: How Testing and Choice Are Undermining Education came out last year in the United States. Here was a highly respected historian of American education publically recanting her previous advocacy of two main ideas shaping educational reform today: 1) the adoption of free market business practices to make schools more competitive, and 2) the use of standardized testing as the main assessment tool of student learning.
Machine learning
scientific study of algorithms and statistical models that computer systems use to perform tasks without explicit instructions
Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition
[ { "display_name": "Residual", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.91328824, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer science", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.7827219, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Coco", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.7302752, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Artificial intelligence", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.7211458, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Object detection", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.60773295, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Deep learning", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.57282454, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Segmentation", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5636843, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Pattern recognition (psychology)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.56021905, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Set (abstract data type)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.4790636, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Layer (electronics)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.47214726, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Artificial neural network", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.45602506, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Task (project management)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.45123157, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Machine learning", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.44327608, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Residual neural network", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.431252, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Deep neural networks", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.41046202, "wikidata": "" } ]
Deeper neural networks are more difficult to train. We present a residual learning framework to ease the training of networks that are substantially deeper than those used previously. We explicitly reformulate the layers as learning residual functions with reference to the layer inputs, instead of learning unreferenced functions. We provide comprehensive empirical evidence showing that these residual networks are easier to optimize, and can gain accuracy from considerably increased depth. On the ImageNet dataset we evaluate residual nets with a depth of up to 152 layers - 8× deeper than VGG nets [40] but still having lower complexity. An ensemble of these residual nets achieves 3.57% error on the ImageNet test set. This result won the 1st place on the ILSVRC 2015 classification task. We also present analysis on CIFAR-10 with 100 and 1000 layers. The depth of representations is of central importance for many visual recognition tasks. Solely due to our extremely deep representations, we obtain a 28% relative improvement on the COCO object detection dataset. Deep residual nets are foundations of our submissions to ILSVRC & COCO 2015 competitions1, where we also won the 1st places on the tasks of ImageNet detection, ImageNet localization, COCO detection, and COCO segmentation.
Machine learning
scientific study of algorithms and statistical models that computer systems use to perform tasks without explicit instructions
Scikit-learn: Machine Learning in Python
[ { "display_name": "Python (programming language)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.87480295, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Documentation", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.834846, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer science", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.7323823, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "MIT License", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.5501255, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Artificial intelligence", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.51199156, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Machine learning", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.43965548, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Programming language", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.39753842, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "License", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.35676372, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Software engineering", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.34812212, "wikidata": "" } ]
Scikit-learn is a Python module integrating a wide range of state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms for medium-scale supervised and unsupervised problems. This package focuses on bringing machine learning to non-specialists using a general-purpose high-level language. Emphasis is put on ease of use, performance, documentation, and API consistency. It has minimal dependencies and is distributed under the simplified BSD license, encouraging its use in both academic and commercial settings. Source code, binaries, and documentation can be downloaded from
Machine learning
scientific study of algorithms and statistical models that computer systems use to perform tasks without explicit instructions
Highly accurate protein structure prediction with AlphaFold
[ { "display_name": "Protein structure prediction", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.7714698, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer science", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.6746794, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "CASP", "id": "", "level": 4, "score": 0.5622652, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Protein structure", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5548337, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Threading (protein sequence)", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.5025039, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Artificial intelligence", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.49291158, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Machine learning", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.4906646, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Structural bioinformatics", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.4842517, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Artificial neural network", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.45832124, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Protein superfamily", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.44492155, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Sequence (biology)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.42229408, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Function (biology)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.41524106, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Computational biology", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.3396413, "wikidata": "" } ]
Abstract Proteins are essential to life, and understanding their structure can facilitate a mechanistic understanding of their function. Through an enormous experimental effort 1–4 , the structures of around 100,000 unique proteins have been determined 5 , but this represents a small fraction of the billions of known protein sequences 6,7 . Structural coverage is bottlenecked by the months to years of painstaking effort required to determine a single protein structure. Accurate computational approaches are needed to address this gap and to enable large-scale structural bioinformatics. Predicting the three-dimensional structure that a protein will adopt based solely on its amino acid sequence—the structure prediction component of the ‘protein folding problem’ 8 —has been an important open research problem for more than 50 years 9 . Despite recent progress 10–14 , existing methods fall far short of atomic accuracy, especially when no homologous structure is available. Here we provide the first computational method that can regularly predict protein structures with atomic accuracy even in cases in which no similar structure is known. We validated an entirely redesigned version of our neural network-based model, AlphaFold, in the challenging 14th Critical Assessment of protein Structure Prediction (CASP14) 15 , demonstrating accuracy competitive with experimental structures in a majority of cases and greatly outperforming other methods. Underpinning the latest version of AlphaFold is a novel machine learning approach that incorporates physical and biological knowledge about protein structure, leveraging multi-sequence alignments, into the design of the deep learning algorithm.
Machine learning
scientific study of algorithms and statistical models that computer systems use to perform tasks without explicit instructions
Rethinking the Inception Architecture for Computer Vision
[ { "display_name": "Computer science", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.8285742, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Benchmark (surveying)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.57004267, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Inference", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.56407523, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Computation", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5372237, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Artificial intelligence", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.50620645, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Machine learning", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.50501305, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Set (abstract data type)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.48659384, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Convolutional neural network", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.4766791, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Test set", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.45274222, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Computational complexity theory", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.4457218, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Regularization (linguistics)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.4416996, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Benchmarking", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.41950464, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer engineering", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.35042617, "wikidata": "" } ]
Convolutional networks are at the core of most state of-the-art computer vision solutions for a wide variety of tasks. Since 2014 very deep convolutional networks started to become mainstream, yielding substantial gains in various benchmarks. Although increased model size and computational cost tend to translate to immediate quality gains for most tasks (as long as enough labeled data is provided for training), computational efficiency and low parameter count are still enabling factors for various use cases such as mobile vision and big-data scenarios. Here we are exploring ways to scale up networks in ways that aim at utilizing the added computation as efficiently as possible by suitably factorized convolutions and aggressive regularization. We benchmark our methods on the ILSVRC 2012 classification challenge validation set demonstrate substantial gains over the state of the art: 21:2% top-1 and 5:6% top-5 error for single frame evaluation using a network with a computational cost of 5 billion multiply-adds per inference and with using less than 25 million parameters. With an ensemble of 4 models and multi-crop evaluation, we report 3:5% top-5 error and 17:3% top-1 error on the validation set and 3:6% top-5 error on the official test set.
Machine learning
scientific study of algorithms and statistical models that computer systems use to perform tasks without explicit instructions
SMOTE: Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique
[ { "display_name": "Oversampling", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.7632624, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Classifier (UML)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.7301997, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Naive Bayes classifier", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.6493867, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Artificial intelligence", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.62335557, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Receiver operating characteristic", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5602169, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer science", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.53221047, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Pattern recognition (psychology)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.50868064, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Prior probability", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.49618086, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Class (philosophy)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.4490991, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Convex hull", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.4387864, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Sampling (signal processing)", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.4179576, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Mathematics", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.41222534, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Machine learning", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.401062, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Bayesian probability", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.33594906, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Statistics", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.33124715, "wikidata": "" } ]
An approach to the construction of classifiers from imbalanced datasets is described. A dataset is imbalanced if the classification categories are not approximately equally represented. Often real-world data sets are predominately composed of "normal" examples with only a small percentage of "abnormal" or "interesting" examples. It is also the case that the cost of misclassifying an abnormal (interesting) example as a normal example is often much higher than the cost of the reverse error. Under-sampling of the majority (normal) class has been proposed as a good means of increasing the sensitivity of a classifier to the minority class. This paper shows that a combination of our method of over-sampling the minority (abnormal) class and under-sampling the majority (normal) class can achieve better classifier performance (in ROC space) than only under-sampling the majority class. This paper also shows that a combination of our method of over-sampling the minority class and under-sampling the majority class can achieve better classifier performance (in ROC space) than varying the loss ratios in Ripper or class priors in Naive Bayes. Our method of over-sampling the minority class involves creating synthetic minority class examples. Experiments are performed using C4.5, Ripper and a Naive Bayes classifier. The method is evaluated using the area under the Receiver Operating Characteristic curve (AUC) and the ROC convex hull strategy.
Machine learning
scientific study of algorithms and statistical models that computer systems use to perform tasks without explicit instructions
Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning
[ { "display_name": "Computer science", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.81846476, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Machine translation", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.7458117, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "BLEU", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.5622755, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Artificial intelligence", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.5593763, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Translation (biology)", "id": "", "level": 4, "score": 0.49152955, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Natural language processing", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.4460665, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Human–machine system", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.43317437, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Machine learning", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.4043903, "wikidata": "" } ]
A comprehensive and self-contained introduction to Gaussian processes, which provide a principled, practical, probabilistic approach to learning in kernel machines. Gaussian processes (GPs) provide a principled, practical, probabilistic approach to learning in kernel machines. GPs have received increased attention in the machine-learning community over the past decade, and this book provides a long-needed systematic and unified treatment of theoretical and practical aspects of GPs in machine learning. The treatment is comprehensive and self-contained, targeted at researchers and students in machine learning and applied statistics. The book deals with the supervised-learning problem for both regression and classification, and includes detailed algorithms. A wide variety of covariance (kernel) functions are presented and their properties discussed. Model selection is discussed both from a Bayesian and a classical perspective. Many connections to other well-known techniques from machine learning and statistics are discussed, including support-vector machines, neural networks, splines, regularization networks, relevance vector machines and others. Theoretical issues including learning curves and the PAC-Bayesian framework are treated, and several approximation methods for learning with large datasets are discussed. The book contains illustrative examples and exercises, and code and datasets are available on the Web. Appendixes provide mathematical background and a discussion of Gaussian Markov processes.
Machine learning
scientific study of algorithms and statistical models that computer systems use to perform tasks without explicit instructions
Delving Deep into Rectifiers: Surpassing Human-Level Performance on ImageNet Classification
[ { "display_name": "Artificial intelligence", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.5938202, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer science", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.5672316, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Machine learning", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.56226027, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Gaussian process", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.41299593, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Gaussian", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.40530026, "wikidata": "" } ]
Rectified activation units (rectifiers) are essential for state-of-the-art neural networks. In this work, we study rectifier neural networks for image classification from two aspects. First, we propose a Parametric Rectified Linear Unit (PReLU) that generalizes the traditional rectified unit. PReLU improves model fitting with nearly zero extra computational cost and little overfitting risk. Second, we derive a robust initialization method that particularly considers the rectifier nonlinearities. This method enables us to train extremely deep rectified models directly from scratch and to investigate deeper or wider network architectures. Based on the learnable activation and advanced initialization, we achieve 4.94% top-5 test error on the ImageNet 2012 classification dataset. This is a 26% relative improvement over the ILSVRC 2014 winner (GoogLeNet, 6.66% [33]). To our knowledge, our result is the first to surpass the reported human-level performance (5.1%, [26]) on this dataset.
Machine learning
scientific study of algorithms and statistical models that computer systems use to perform tasks without explicit instructions
RoBERTa: A Robustly Optimized BERT Pretraining Approach
[ { "display_name": "Overfitting", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.94039303, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Initialization", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.84482646, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer science", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.7668254, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Scratch", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.67659, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Artificial intelligence", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.6671212, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Rectifier (neural networks)", "id": "", "level": 5, "score": 0.65982115, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Artificial neural network", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.59169835, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Contextual image classification", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.56012625, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Parametric statistics", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5389199, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Deep neural networks", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.5006888, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Machine learning", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.46583524, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Convolutional neural network", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.44108164, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Deep learning", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.42813697, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Pattern recognition (psychology)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.41376582, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Image (mathematics)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.354038, "wikidata": "" } ]
Language model pretraining has led to significant performance gains but careful comparison between different approaches is challenging. Training is computationally expensive, often done on private datasets of different sizes, and, as we will show, hyperparameter choices have significant impact on the final results. We present a replication study of BERT pretraining (Devlin et al., 2019) that carefully measures the impact of many key hyperparameters and training data size. We find that BERT was significantly undertrained, and can match or exceed the performance of every model published after it. Our best model achieves state-of-the-art results on GLUE, RACE and SQuAD. These results highlight the importance of previously overlooked design choices, and raise questions about the source of recently reported improvements. We release our models and code.
interdisciplinary scientific study of the atmosphere
The NCEP/NCAR 40-Year Reanalysis Project
[ { "display_name": "Radiosonde", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.7969002, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Data assimilation", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.7697682, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Meteorology", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.61075616, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Environmental science", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.5995378, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Troposphere", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5008056, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Climatology", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.47187772, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Satellite", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.47172537, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer science", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.38215047, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Database", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.37163803, "wikidata": "" } ]
The NCEP and NCAR are cooperating in a project (denoted “reanalysis”) to produce a 40-year record of global analyses of atmospheric fields in support of the needs of the research and climate monitoring communities. This effort involves the recovery of land surface, ship, rawinsonde, pibal, aircraft, satellite, and other data; quality controlling and assimilating these data with a data assimilation system that is kept unchanged over the reanalysis period 1957–96. This eliminates perceived climate jumps associated with changes in the data assimilation system. The NCEP/NCAR 40-yr reanalysis uses a frozen state-of-the-art global data assimilation system and a database as complete as possible. The data assimilation and the model used are identical to the global system implemented operationally at the NCEP on 11 January 1995, except that the horizontal resolution is T62 (about 210 km). The database has been enhanced with many sources of observations not available in real time for operations, provided by different countries and organizations. The system has been designed with advanced quality control and monitoring components, and can produce 1 mon of reanalysis per day on a Cray YMP/8 supercomputer. Different types of output archives are being created to satisfy different user needs, including a “quick look” CD-ROM (one per year) with six tropospheric and stratospheric fields available twice daily, as well as surface, top-of-the-atmosphere, and isentropic fields. Reanalysis information and selected output is also available on-line via the Internet (http// A special CDROM, containing 13 years of selected observed, daily, monthly, and climatological data from the NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis, is included with this issue. Output variables are classified into four classes, depending on the degree to which they are influenced by the observations and/or the model. For example, “C” variables (such as precipitation and surface fluxes) are completely determined by the model during the data assimilation and should be used with caution. Nevertheless, a comparison of these variables with observations and with several climatologies shows that they generally contain considerable useful information. Eight-day forecasts, produced every 5 days, should be useful for predictability studies and for monitoring the quality of the observing systems. The 40 years of reanalysis (1957–96) should be completed in early 1997. A continuation into the future through an identical Climate Data Assimilation System will allow researchers to reliably compare recent anomalies with those in earlier decades. Since changes in the observing systems will inevitably produce perceived changes in the climate, parallel reanalyses (at least 1 year long) will be generated for the periods immediately after the introduction of new observing systems, such as new types of satellite data. NCEP plans currently call for an updated reanalysis using a state-of-the-art system every five years or so. The successive reanalyses will be greatly facilitated by the generation of the comprehensive database in the present reanalysis.
interdisciplinary scientific study of the atmosphere
The ERA‐Interim reanalysis: configuration and performance of the data assimilation system
[ { "display_name": "Interim", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.8777517, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Data assimilation", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.8108023, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Environmental science", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.6282885, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Meteorology", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.6095623, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Climatology", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.6042019, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "General Circulation Model", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.41845274, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Atmospheric circulation", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.41768757, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Consistency (knowledge bases)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.41150966, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer science", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.3674507, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Climate change", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.3140331, "wikidata": "" } ]
ERA-Interim is the latest global atmospheric reanalysis produced by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). The ERA-Interim project was conducted in part to prepare for a new atmospheric reanalysis to replace ERA-40, which will extend back to the early part of the twentieth century. This article describes the forecast model, data assimilation method, and input datasets used to produce ERA-Interim, and discusses the performance of the system. Special emphasis is placed on various difficulties encountered in the production of ERA-40, including the representation of the hydrological cycle, the quality of the stratospheric circulation, and the consistency in time of the reanalysed fields. We provide evidence for substantial improvements in each of these aspects. We also identify areas where further work is needed and describe opportunities and objectives for future reanalysis projects at ECMWF. Copyright © 2011 Royal Meteorological Society
interdisciplinary scientific study of the atmosphere
The ERA5 global reanalysis
[ { "display_name": "Climatology", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.6750792, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Data assimilation", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.6272243, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Environmental science", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.6012822, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Meteorology", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.5660305, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Buoy", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5339749, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Radiosonde", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5221579, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Troposphere", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5085372, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Horizontal resolution", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.46695858, "wikidata": "" } ]
Abstract Within the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), ECMWF is producing the ERA5 reanalysis which, once completed, will embody a detailed record of the global atmosphere, land surface and ocean waves from 1950 onwards. This new reanalysis replaces the ERA‐Interim reanalysis (spanning 1979 onwards) which was started in 2006. ERA5 is based on the Integrated Forecasting System (IFS) Cy41r2 which was operational in 2016. ERA5 thus benefits from a decade of developments in model physics, core dynamics and data assimilation. In addition to a significantly enhanced horizontal resolution of 31 km, compared to 80 km for ERA‐Interim, ERA5 has hourly output throughout, and an uncertainty estimate from an ensemble (3‐hourly at half the horizontal resolution). This paper describes the general set‐up of ERA5, as well as a basic evaluation of characteristics and performance, with a focus on the dataset from 1979 onwards which is currently publicly available. Re‐forecasts from ERA5 analyses show a gain of up to one day in skill with respect to ERA‐Interim. Comparison with radiosonde and PILOT data prior to assimilation shows an improved fit for temperature, wind and humidity in the troposphere, but not the stratosphere. A comparison with independent buoy data shows a much improved fit for ocean wave height. The uncertainty estimate reflects the evolution of the observing systems used in ERA5. The enhanced temporal and spatial resolution allows for a detailed evolution of weather systems. For precipitation, global‐mean correlation with monthly‐mean GPCP data is increased from 67% to 77%. In general, low‐frequency variability is found to be well represented and from 10 hPa downwards general patterns of anomalies in temperature match those from the ERA‐Interim, MERRA‐2 and JRA‐55 reanalyses.
interdisciplinary scientific study of the atmosphere
World Map of the Köppen-Geiger climate classification updated
[ { "display_name": "Geiger counter", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.7086859, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Climate zones", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.57114047, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Meteorology", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.48624507, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Environmental science", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.46155855, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Remote sensing", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.41870433, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Climatology", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.37237594, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Geography", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.3628288, "wikidata": "" } ]
The most frequently used climate classification map is that of Wladimir Köppen, presented in its latest version 1961 by Rudolf Geiger.A huge number of climate studies and subsequent publications adopted this or a former release of the Köppen-Geiger map.While the climate classification concept has been widely applied to a broad range of topics in climate and climate change research as well as in physical geography, hydrology, agriculture, biology and educational aspects, a well-documented update of the world climate classification map is still missing.Based on recent data sets from the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia and the Global Precipitation Climatology Centre (GPCC) at the German Weather Service, we present here a new digital Köppen-Geiger world map on climate classification, valid for the second half of the 20 th century.
interdisciplinary scientific study of the atmosphere
The Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications, Version 2 (MERRA-2)
[ { "display_name": "Environmental science", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.601943, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Data assimilation", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.59675723, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Meteorology", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.57676595, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Atmospheric Infrared Sounder", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.54235816, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Climatology", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.5277684, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Spurious relationship", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5084316, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.46081087, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Satellite", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.3771593, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer science", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.33048302, "wikidata": "" } ]
The Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications, version 2 (MERRA-2), is the latest atmospheric reanalysis of the modern satellite era produced by NASA’s Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO). MERRA-2 assimilates observation types not available to its predecessor, MERRA, and includes updates to the Goddard Earth Observing System (GEOS) model and analysis scheme so as to provide a viable ongoing climate analysis beyond MERRA’s terminus. While addressing known limitations of MERRA, MERRA-2 is also intended to be a development milestone for a future integrated Earth system analysis (IESA) currently under development at GMAO. This paper provides an overview of the MERRA-2 system and various performance metrics. Among the advances in MERRA-2 relevant to IESA are the assimilation of aerosol observations, several improvements to the representation of the stratosphere including ozone, and improved representations of cryospheric processes. Other improvements in the quality of MERRA-2 compared with MERRA include the reduction of some spurious trends and jumps related to changes in the observing system and reduced biases and imbalances in aspects of the water cycle. Remaining deficiencies are also identified. Production of MERRA-2 began in June 2014 in four processing streams and converged to a single near-real-time stream in mid-2015. MERRA-2 products are accessible online through the NASA Goddard Earth Sciences Data Information Services Center (GES DISC).
interdisciplinary scientific study of the atmosphere
The TRMM Multisatellite Precipitation Analysis (TMPA): Quasi-Global, Multiyear, Combined-Sensor Precipitation Estimates at Fine Scales
[ { "display_name": "Environmental science", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.7893051, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Precipitation", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.7275426, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Global Precipitation Measurement", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.67622787, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Climatology", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.5787932, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Rain gauge", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.4766339, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Meteorology", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.46062937, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Calibration", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.44043353, "wikidata": "" } ]
Abstract The Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Multisatellite Precipitation Analysis (TMPA) provides a calibration-based sequential scheme for combining precipitation estimates from multiple satellites, as well as gauge analyses where feasible, at fine scales (0.25° × 0.25° and 3 hourly). TMPA is available both after and in real time, based on calibration by the TRMM Combined Instrument and TRMM Microwave Imager precipitation products, respectively. Only the after-real-time product incorporates gauge data at the present. The dataset covers the latitude band 50°N–S for the period from 1998 to the delayed present. Early validation results are as follows: the TMPA provides reasonable performance at monthly scales, although it is shown to have precipitation rate–dependent low bias due to lack of sensitivity to low precipitation rates over ocean in one of the input products [based on Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit-B (AMSU-B)]. At finer scales the TMPA is successful at approximately reproducing the surface observation–based histogram of precipitation, as well as reasonably detecting large daily events. The TMPA, however, has lower skill in correctly specifying moderate and light event amounts on short time intervals, in common with other finescale estimators. Examples are provided of a flood event and diurnal cycle determination.
interdisciplinary scientific study of the atmosphere
A New Vertical Diffusion Package with an Explicit Treatment of Entrainment Processes
[ { "display_name": "Entrainment (biomusicology)", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.6982752, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Convection", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.6569294, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Diffusion", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.567887, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Meteorology", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.5638248, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Planetary boundary layer", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.54639214, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Mixing (physics)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5367234, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Tornado", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.51813257, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Boundary layer", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.48539647, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Environmental science", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.47723392, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Mechanics", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.45405132, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Numerical weather prediction", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.42321754, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Turbulence", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.41849685, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Computer science", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.39129055, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Geology", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.3238924, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Physics", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.30747315, "wikidata": "" } ]
Abstract This paper proposes a revised vertical diffusion package with a nonlocal turbulent mixing coefficient in the planetary boundary layer (PBL). Based on the study of Noh et al. and accumulated results of the behavior of the Hong and Pan algorithm, a revised vertical diffusion algorithm that is suitable for weather forecasting and climate prediction models is developed. The major ingredient of the revision is the inclusion of an explicit treatment of entrainment processes at the top of the PBL. The new diffusion package is called the Yonsei University PBL (YSU PBL). In a one-dimensional offline test framework, the revised scheme is found to improve several features compared with the Hong and Pan implementation. The YSU PBL increases boundary layer mixing in the thermally induced free convection regime and decreases it in the mechanically induced forced convection regime, which alleviates the well-known problems in the Medium-Range Forecast (MRF) PBL. Excessive mixing in the mixed layer in the presence of strong winds is resolved. Overly rapid growth of the PBL in the case of the Hong and Pan is also rectified. The scheme has been successfully implemented in the Weather Research and Forecast model producing a more realistic structure of the PBL and its development. In a case study of a frontal tornado outbreak, it is found that some systematic biases of the large-scale features such as an afternoon cold bias at 850 hPa in the MRF PBL are resolved. Consequently, the new scheme does a better job in reproducing the convective inhibition. Because the convective inhibition is accurately predicted, widespread light precipitation ahead of a front, in the case of the MRF PBL, is reduced. In the frontal region, the YSU PBL scheme improves some characteristics, such as a double line of intense convection. This is because the boundary layer from the YSU PBL scheme remains less diluted by entrainment leaving more fuel for severe convection when the front triggers it.
interdisciplinary scientific study of the atmosphere
Updated high‐resolution grids of monthly climatic observations – the <scp>CRU TS3</scp>.10 Dataset
[ { "display_name": "Cru", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.98376983, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Climatology", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.7001211, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Environmental science", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.67819667, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Latitude", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.61673224, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Evapotranspiration", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5553686, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Meteorology", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.5473095, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Precipitation", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.54140365, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Cloud cover", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.53980494, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Longitude", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.5197782, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Frost (temperature)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.4266246, "wikidata": "" } ]
ABSTRACT This paper describes the construction of an updated gridded climate dataset (referred to as CRU TS3 .10) from monthly observations at meteorological stations across the world's land areas. Station anomalies (from 1961 to 1990 means) were interpolated into 0.5° latitude/longitude grid cells covering the global land surface (excluding Antarctica), and combined with an existing climatology to obtain absolute monthly values. The dataset includes six mostly independent climate variables (mean temperature, diurnal temperature range, precipitation, wet‐day frequency, vapour pressure and cloud cover). Maximum and minimum temperatures have been arithmetically derived from these. Secondary variables (frost day frequency and potential evapotranspiration) have been estimated from the six primary variables using well‐known formulae. Time series for hemispheric averages and 20 large sub‐continental scale regions were calculated (for mean, maximum and minimum temperature and precipitation totals) and compared to a number of similar gridded products. The new dataset compares very favourably, with the major deviations mostly in regions and/or time periods with sparser observational data. CRU TS3 .10 includes diagnostics associated with each interpolated value that indicates the number of stations used in the interpolation, allowing determination of the reliability of values in an objective way. This gridded product will be publicly available, including the input station series ( and ). © 2013 Royal Meteorological Society
science that deals with populations and their structures statistically and theoretically
Global Cancer Statistics 2020: GLOBOCAN Estimates of Incidence and Mortality Worldwide for 36 Cancers in 185 Countries
[ { "display_name": "Medicine", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.702607, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Cancer", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.68763816, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Breast cancer", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.6682702, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Skin cancer", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.5792765, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Lung cancer", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.576873, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Colorectal cancer", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.5180783, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Incidence (geometry)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5160927, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Demography", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.5144961, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Prostate cancer", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.45484105, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Mortality rate", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.44843122, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Stomach cancer", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.4155, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Oncology", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.33189264, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Internal medicine", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.32103974, "wikidata": "" } ]
Abstract This article provides an update on the global cancer burden using the GLOBOCAN 2020 estimates of cancer incidence and mortality produced by the International Agency for Research on Cancer. Worldwide, an estimated 19.3 million new cancer cases (18.1 million excluding nonmelanoma skin cancer) and almost 10.0 million cancer deaths (9.9 million excluding nonmelanoma skin cancer) occurred in 2020. Female breast cancer has surpassed lung cancer as the most commonly diagnosed cancer, with an estimated 2.3 million new cases (11.7%), followed by lung (11.4%), colorectal (10.0 %), prostate (7.3%), and stomach (5.6%) cancers. Lung cancer remained the leading cause of cancer death, with an estimated 1.8 million deaths (18%), followed by colorectal (9.4%), liver (8.3%), stomach (7.7%), and female breast (6.9%) cancers. Overall incidence was from 2‐fold to 3‐fold higher in transitioned versus transitioning countries for both sexes, whereas mortality varied &lt;2‐fold for men and little for women. Death rates for female breast and cervical cancers, however, were considerably higher in transitioning versus transitioned countries (15.0 vs 12.8 per 100,000 and 12.4 vs 5.2 per 100,000, respectively). The global cancer burden is expected to be 28.4 million cases in 2040, a 47% rise from 2020, with a larger increase in transitioning (64% to 95%) versus transitioned (32% to 56%) countries due to demographic changes, although this may be further exacerbated by increasing risk factors associated with globalization and a growing economy. Efforts to build a sustainable infrastructure for the dissemination of cancer prevention measures and provision of cancer care in transitioning countries is critical for global cancer control.
science that deals with populations and their structures statistically and theoretically
Global cancer statistics
[ { "display_name": "Medicine", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.8977848, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Statistics", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.60580224, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Cancer incidence", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.605001, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Incidence (geometry)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5758282, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Cancer", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5480802, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Demography", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.41906, "wikidata": "" } ]
Statistics are given for global patterns of cancer incidence and mortality for males and females in 23 regions of the world.
science that deals with populations and their structures statistically and theoretically
Cancer incidence and mortality worldwide: Sources, methods and major patterns in GLOBOCAN 2012
[ { "display_name": "Cancer", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.7375115, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Medicine", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.7334874, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Incidence (geometry)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.65707207, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Lung cancer", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.6380873, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Breast cancer", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.56548905, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Colorectal cancer", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.54960376, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "International agency", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.54905087, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Mortality rate", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5209102, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Demography", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.48018348, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Stomach cancer", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.4773086, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Cause of death", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.46701103, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Causes of cancer", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.46345705, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Cancer incidence", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.4395683, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Cancer registry", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.41694364, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Oncology", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.32777548, "wikidata": "" } ]
Estimates of the worldwide incidence and mortality from 27 major cancers and for all cancers combined for 2012 are now available in the GLOBOCAN series of the International Agency for Research on Cancer. We review the sources and methods used in compiling the national cancer incidence and mortality estimates, and briefly describe the key results by cancer site and in 20 large "areas" of the world. Overall, there were 14.1 million new cases and 8.2 million deaths in 2012. The most commonly diagnosed cancers were lung (1.82 million), breast (1.67 million), and colorectal (1.36 million); the most common causes of cancer death were lung cancer (1.6 million deaths), liver cancer (745,000 deaths), and stomach cancer (723,000 deaths).
science that deals with populations and their structures statistically and theoretically
Estimates of worldwide burden of cancer in 2008: GLOBOCAN 2008
[ { "display_name": "Cancer", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.7807511, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Lung cancer", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.6860614, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Medicine", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.6743435, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Breast cancer", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.6144794, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Colorectal cancer", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.6011738, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Stomach cancer", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.5467606, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "International agency", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.53623295, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Demography", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.5350201, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Causes of cancer", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.4899861, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Liver cancer", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.46792865, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Incidence (geometry)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.4660156, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Mortality rate", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.46121347, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Cause of death", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.42460164, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Disease", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.31321275, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Internal medicine", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.30701363, "wikidata": "" } ]
Estimates of the worldwide incidence and mortality from 27 cancers in 2008 have been prepared for 182 countries as part of the GLOBOCAN series published by the International Agency for Research on Cancer. In this article, we present the results for 20 world regions, summarizing the global patterns for the eight most common cancers. Overall, an estimated 12.7 million new cancer cases and 7.6 million cancer deaths occur in 2008, with 56% of new cancer cases and 63% of the cancer deaths occurring in the less developed regions of the world. The most commonly diagnosed cancers worldwide are lung (1.61 million, 12.7% of the total), breast (1.38 million, 10.9%) and colorectal cancers (1.23 million, 9.7%). The most common causes of cancer death are lung cancer (1.38 million, 18.2% of the total), stomach cancer (738,000 deaths, 9.7%) and liver cancer (696,000 deaths, 9.2%). Cancer is neither rare anywhere in the world, nor mainly confined to high-resource countries. Striking differences in the patterns of cancer from region to region are observed.
science that deals with populations and their structures statistically and theoretically
Cancer statistics, 2019
[ { "display_name": "Cancer", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.71335185, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Medicine", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.69599223, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Demography", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.6909001, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Mortality rate", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.6088014, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Epidemiology", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.52558476, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Cervical cancer", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.5119356, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Lung cancer", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.51071477, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Socioeconomic status", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.5053892, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Incidence (geometry)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.50116396, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Cancer incidence", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.43614402, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Liver cancer", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.42942283, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Epidemiology of cancer", "id": "", "level": 4, "score": 0.41288128, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Cause of death", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.4117785, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Gerontology", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.32256788, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Population", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.32244077, "wikidata": "" } ]
Each year, the American Cancer Society estimates the numbers of new cancer cases and deaths that will occur in the United States and compiles the most recent data on cancer incidence, mortality, and survival. Incidence data, available through 2015, were collected by the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program; the National Program of Cancer Registries; and the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries. Mortality data, available through 2016, were collected by the National Center for Health Statistics. In 2019, 1,762,450 new cancer cases and 606,880 cancer deaths are projected to occur in the United States. Over the past decade of data, the cancer incidence rate (2006-2015) was stable in women and declined by approximately 2% per year in men, whereas the cancer death rate (2007-2016) declined annually by 1.4% and 1.8%, respectively. The overall cancer death rate dropped continuously from 1991 to 2016 by a total of 27%, translating into approximately 2,629,200 fewer cancer deaths than would have been expected if death rates had remained at their peak. Although the racial gap in cancer mortality is slowly narrowing, socioeconomic inequalities are widening, with the most notable gaps for the most preventable cancers. For example, compared with the most affluent counties, mortality rates in the poorest counties were 2-fold higher for cervical cancer and 40% higher for male lung and liver cancers during 2012-2016. Some states are home to both the wealthiest and the poorest counties, suggesting the opportunity for more equitable dissemination of effective cancer prevention, early detection, and treatment strategies. A broader application of existing cancer control knowledge with an emphasis on disadvantaged groups would undoubtedly accelerate progress against cancer.
science that deals with populations and their structures statistically and theoretically
Cancer statistics, 2020
[ { "display_name": "Medicine", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.766098, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Colorectal cancer", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.6547581, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Cancer", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.6466899, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Prostate cancer", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.6210019, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Breast cancer", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.6025815, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Demography", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.55133075, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Lung cancer", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5457619, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Population", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.49621564, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Mortality rate", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.49318212, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Epidemiology", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.4617562, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Epidemiology of cancer", "id": "", "level": 4, "score": 0.45808545, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Incidence (geometry)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.42067957, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Health statistics", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.41144133, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Gerontology", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.32288578, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Oncology", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.31720233, "wikidata": "" } ]
Abstract Each year, the American Cancer Society estimates the numbers of new cancer cases and deaths that will occur in the United States and compiles the most recent data on population‐based cancer occurrence. Incidence data (through 2016) were collected by the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program; the National Program of Cancer Registries; and the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries. Mortality data (through 2017) were collected by the National Center for Health Statistics. In 2020, 1,806,590 new cancer cases and 606,520 cancer deaths are projected to occur in the United States. The cancer death rate rose until 1991, then fell continuously through 2017, resulting in an overall decline of 29% that translates into an estimated 2.9 million fewer cancer deaths than would have occurred if peak rates had persisted. This progress is driven by long‐term declines in death rates for the 4 leading cancers (lung, colorectal, breast, prostate); however, over the past decade (2008‐2017), reductions slowed for female breast and colorectal cancers, and halted for prostate cancer. In contrast, declines accelerated for lung cancer, from 3% annually during 2008 through 2013 to 5% during 2013 through 2017 in men and from 2% to almost 4% in women, spurring the largest ever single‐year drop in overall cancer mortality of 2.2% from 2016 to 2017. Yet lung cancer still caused more deaths in 2017 than breast, prostate, colorectal, and brain cancers combined. Recent mortality declines were also dramatic for melanoma of the skin in the wake of US Food and Drug Administration approval of new therapies for metastatic disease, escalating to 7% annually during 2013 through 2017 from 1% during 2006 through 2010 in men and women aged 50 to 64 years and from 2% to 3% in those aged 20 to 49 years; annual declines of 5% to 6% in individuals aged 65 years and older are particularly striking because rates in this age group were increasing prior to 2013. It is also notable that long‐term rapid increases in liver cancer mortality have attenuated in women and stabilized in men. In summary, slowing momentum for some cancers amenable to early detection is juxtaposed with notable gains for other common cancers.
science that deals with populations and their structures statistically and theoretically
Global Cancer Statistics, 2002
[ { "display_name": "Cancer", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.7308975, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Medicine", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.71649337, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Breast cancer", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.6725999, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Lung cancer", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5917248, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "International agency", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.5564857, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Demography", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.53451216, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Colorectal cancer", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.5099851, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Incidence (geometry)", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.50727147, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Stomach cancer", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.43957773, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Cancer registry", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.42990893, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Epidemiology of cancer", "id": "", "level": 4, "score": 0.4253043, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Cause of death", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.42356303, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Causes of cancer", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.42341125, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Mortality rate", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.41895202, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Disease", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.3249563, "wikidata": "" } ]
Estimates of the worldwide incidence, mortality and prevalence of 26 cancers in the year 2002 are now available in the GLOBOCAN series of the International Agency for Research on Cancer. The results are presented here in summary form, including the geographic variation between 20 large “areas” of the world. Overall, there were 10.9 million new cases, 6.7 million deaths, and 24.6 million persons alive with cancer (within three years of diagnosis). The most commonly diagnosed cancers are lung (1.35 million), breast (1.15 million), and colorectal (1 million); the most common causes of cancer death are lung cancer (1.18 million deaths), stomach cancer (700,000 deaths), and liver cancer (598,000 deaths). The most prevalent cancer in the world is breast cancer (4.4 million survivors up to 5 years following diagnosis). There are striking variations in the risk of different cancers by geographic area. Most of the international variation is due to exposure to known or suspected risk factors related to lifestyle or environment, and provides a clear challenge to prevention.
science that deals with populations and their structures statistically and theoretically
Establishing a standard definition for child overweight and obesity worldwide: international survey
[ { "display_name": "Overweight", "id": "", "level": 3, "score": 0.8848618, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Obesity", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.73071945, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Body mass index", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.7104947, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Demography", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.6868806, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Population", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5530645, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Cross-sectional study", "id": "", "level": 2, "score": 0.5121853, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Medicine", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.4763451, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Geography", "id": "", "level": 0, "score": 0.35434294, "wikidata": "" }, { "display_name": "Gerontology", "id": "", "level": 1, "score": 0.34089586, "wikidata": "" } ]
<h3>Abstract</h3> <b>Objective:</b> To develop an internationally acceptable definition of child overweight and obesity, specifying the measurement, the reference population, and the age and sex specific cut off points. <b>Design:</b> International survey of six large nationally representative cross sectional growth studies. <b>Setting:</b> Brazil, Great Britain, Hong Kong, the Netherlands, Singapore, and the United States <b>Subjects:</b> 97 876 males and 94 851 females from birth to 25 years of age <b>Main outcome measure:</b> Body mass index (weight/height2). <b>Results:</b> For each of the surveys, centile curves were drawn that at age 18 years passed through the widely used cut off points of 25 and 30 kg/m2 for adult overweight and obesity. The resulting curves were averaged to provide age and sex specific cut off points from 2-18 years. <b>Conclusions:</b> The proposed cut off points, which are less arbitrary and more internationally based than current alternatives, should help to provide internationally comparable prevalence rates of overweight and obesity in children.