The pathology result describes granulation tissue with acute and chronic inflammation and central necrosis, without observing microorganisms (with techniques Grocot, Gram and Ziehl-Neelsen) and no lymph node remnants.
The evolution of the ulcer is torpid, with healing every two days in the health center.
One month after drainage extraction was performed, obtaining definitive improvement after two months of evolution.
The large scar on the face starts moving in.
The settlers were eight days old, whose parents consulted due to lack of scarring.
As a personal history, it is the first daughter of healthy parents.
Born at 39 weeks of gestation by eutocic delivery; Apgar 9/10, weight 2830 grams.
They do not report a history of interest or provide the hospital report.
The examination revealed a wide implantation of the umbilical cord, which had a mucous appearance, and a small tear at the base of the umbilical cord, with no signs of local infection.
The rest of the physical examination is normal.
He did not report any accompanying clinical manifestation.
Nitrate is applied and cited for 48 hours control.
The follow-up visit provided the discharge report after birth.
Located to the umbilical cord cyst presented a cyst, diagnosed in the prenatal ultrasound of the second trimester and described as Wharton's gelatin cyst of 49 x 39 mm. At birth it was assessed by a proximal surgeon who placed it
After two days of life, an abdominal ultrasound was normal.
During admission, the patient was asymptomatic and discharged with clinical normality, except for a small tear in the base of the cord, which did not present complications.
At the outpatient follow-up visit, there was abundant outflow of clear liquid from the center of the infected patient, without signs of infection.
It is referred for evaluation by pediatric surgery.
The surgeon connects the umbilical cord, which is nearly detached and moist.
A fistulous tract was found.
A new abdominal ultrasound revealed a tubular tortuosus structure that communicated with the upper bladder wall and was diagnosed with persistence of the urachus (permeable urachus type) and it was decided to observe and reassess later.
At eight months of life there has been spontaneous closure, and in subsequent controls there is evidence of absence of permeability of the urachus.
A 13-year-old girl with no relevant past medical history presented with severe vomiting and abdominal pain for five days.
The patient has a regular general condition, with no signs of coughing, diffuse abdominal pain, and no other accompanying symptoms.
During his stay he suddenly presents chest pain and neck crepitation after vomiting.
The patient was referred to the emergency department for evaluation.
The chest X-ray showed signs of pneumomediastinum and subcutaneous emphysema in the neck and upper chest region.
Intravenous serotherapy and antiemetics were prescribed, releasing the vomits, so he was discharged without requiring admission.
In a subsequent follow-up visit five days later, the symptoms resolved without complications.
A 26-day-old male with no relevant family, prenatal or perinatal history.
Towards three weeks of life, vomiting began, which increased, and the day before admission, abundant and projectile vomiting occurred with each intake.
The patient was eager to eat and in good general condition.
When present in the Emergency Department, there was a clinical suspicion of pylorus stricture supported by a metabolic alkalosis and ultrasound with characteristic target image.
The patient underwent open surgery using the Ramstedt technique, without incidents.
Before the procedure, the patient was intubated without complications.
Fourteen hours after surgery, the stridor with predominantly inspiratory stridor was heard for the first time, but did not change with sleep, position or feeding.
The mother was reinterrupted and asked to hear it earlier.
The patient had no respiratory distress or oxygen desaturation on pulse oximetry.
Since the patient was previously healthy and had not been heard stridor before, operative intubation and associated posttraumatic edema could be the cause.
Nebulization plus intravenous dexamethasone was administered.
After two hours, the stridor had not changed, and as the patient continued without signs of respiratory distress, the approach to this problem began.
A simple chest X-ray showed no abnormalities in the lung parenchyma, neck structures or tracheal air column.
Subsequently, through a flexible nasolaryngoscopy, supraglottic structures and intact vocal cords were verified, without morphological alterations or abnormal movements.
The next step was the performance of a fluoroscopic series with oral contrast, which showed a wrist in the posterior wall of the upper third of the esophagus.
During this time the patient showed no changes in his symptoms.
After the pylorus surgery he had not presented vomiting again.
There were no data on respiratory distress associated with stridor at any time.
Days later, bronchoscopy revealed compression of 2 cm above the carina, pulsating pressure or not more than 50% of the tracheal lumen.
due to the strong suspicion of tracheal arch that was responsible for the decrease in tracheal caliber, computed tomography angiography (CT-angio) was performed, in which a complete double aortic arch could be identified, with predominance of the right atrium.
Echocardiography was normal.
The patient was operated by means of a left lateral thoracic approach surgery that was performed without interruption.
In the first hours after surgery, there was a significant decrease in the intensity of inspiratory noise.
She was discharged and during the following weeks residual stridor continued to decrease.
She did not present respiratory or digestive symptoms again, and in a follow-up consultation two months after surgery the stridor ended up disappearing completely.
Eight-year-old patient with no relevant personal or family history.
She came to the emergency room because she suddenly presents coprolalia, selective memory disorder (she does not remember and confuses some names). She has a catarrhal process with odynophagia without fever.
There is no loss of consciousness or alteration of muscle tone or strength.
The family describes the condition as an explosive and surprising behavioral alteration.
The episode lasts a few minutes and arrives at the Emergency Room more often, although it still presents language impairment and confusion in relation to the family and the environment in which it is located.
Feeling cold and sore throat
It's scary.
No rashes were observed on physical examination; cardiopulmonary auscultation was normal.
Otorhinolaryngological diagnosis.
Abdomen: blando, without visceromegaly.
Sensitivity, tone, strength and osteotendinous reflexes are normal.
There are no signs of neurological focality.
Blood tests showed 18 400 leukocytes (86 segmented, three cavitated, six lymphocytes, three monocytes), and 260 000 platelets.
Biochemistry showed no alterations in basic screening, C-reactive protein (CRP) 11 mg/l.
Throat smears positive for Streptococcus pyogenes (group A) were collected.
She was admitted for observation and study of the process, and antibiotic treatment with amoxicillin was started, which ended after ten days.
Neuropsychiatric symptoms disappear completely 24 hours after admission.
Given the rapid resolution and good general condition of the child, it was decided to hospital discharge and continue with outpatient study.
When we see him in the Primary Care clinic the patient is asymptomatic, with physical and neurological examination without alterations.
Magnetic resonance imaging and electroencephalogram were requested, which were normal.
It is seen by a catarrhal process at three months, without repeating the symptoms described in the previous episode of colitis.
She remains without relapses.
The patient was studied twice due to a negative infectious process.
The carrier status is also ruled out, although levels of antistreptococcal O (ASLO) antibodies have not been determined for not having presented clinical relapses.
We report the case of a three-year-old pre-school who came to his health center for presenting, for one month, bitemporal, daily headache, evening headache, lasting hours, analgesia after collapsing.
Pain does not appear during sleep or interferes with your daily activity.
There is no aura, sonophobia or photophobia.
It is not associated with vomiting or other symptoms.
Personal history without interest.
Psychomotor development and normal weight.
Physical and neurological findings were normal.
She was referred to Ophthalmology, where pathology was ruled out.
A blood test was requested, highlighting ferritin, of 8 ng/ml, with hemogram and other anodyne biochemistry.
After this, treatment with oral iron is initiated.
Two months later, the patient consulted due to persistent headache and was referred to neurotransmitter abnormalities (normal cerebral magnetic resonance imaging [MRI] and an analytical control was performed to assess IgA severing antibodies).
Subsequently, a confirmatory biopsy of celiac disease with villous vesicles in Marsh type IIIII was obtained, and a histocompatibility system (human leukocyte antigenQ2 ) typification of low resolution was performed, obtaining cell susceptibility.
After the diagnosis, the patient was started on a diet containing gluten, with a favorable evolution with disappearance of the headache and correction of the ferritin levels.
A seven-year-old girl born in Spain with no previous pathology was referred to the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Unit due to painful left submandibular lymphadenopathies of one month evolution, with no response to treatment with amoxicillin.
The patient had no fever, night sweats or weight loss.
He wasn't vaccinated with BCG.
During one month a year visit to Morocco, where she has contact with animals (ewes, lambs) and consumes unpasteurized dairy products.
The physical examination revealed a left submandibular conglomerate of lymphadenopathies, painless to palpation anamnesis, hard, non-wheeled or attached, the largest of the adenopathies measuring 2 × 2 cm. The rest of the pathological findings
Given the lack of response to treatment and taking into account epidemiological data, the tuberculin test was performed, which was positive, with an induration of 10 mm with vesicular pattern at 72 hours.