I just thought you might feel uncomfortable.
मैले भर्खर सोचे तिमी असहज महसुस गर्न सक्छौ ।
Then let's go on a trip.
खैर, त्यसपछि ... यात्रामा जाऔं
- Daddy.
-बाबा ।
Well, it's a great morning to be in the studio.
अधिकारीहरुले एभीएन फ्लू फैलिएको पुष्टि गरेका छन्
My princess, don't even worry about it.
मेरो राजकुमारी, पनि यसको बारेमा चिन्ता छैन।
If you can do time traveling which time would you like to go back to?
यदि तिमी टाइम ट्राभेलिंग गर्न सक्छौ भने कुन समयमा फर्कन चाहन्छौ ?
They consider her their flagship enterprise.
-तिनीहरू तिनको प्रमुख उद्यमलाई विचार गर्छन् ।
क्यान्डी ।
Are we in prison? !
के हामी जेलमा छौं ?
! Yes!
हो !
That's not an issue.
त्यो कुनै कुरा होइन ।
I'm sorry.
मलाई माफ गर ।
Gee, you're so heavy.
भगवान, तपाईं छौं त भारी छ ।
I need a bodyguard.
मलाई बढीगार्ड चाहिन्छ ।
No matter what it is I will always support and help you.
यो के हो कुनै कुरा होईन... ... म सधैं तपाईंलाई समर्थन र सहयोग गर्दछु ।
-What about it? !
के यो बारे?
She found out that his dad has another daughter.
उनले आफ्नो ड्याडको अर्को छोरी भएको थाहा पाइन् ।
Coffee has many side effects.
कफी धेरै साइड इफेक्ट छ।
I distributed my profile to movie production companies.
मैले मेरो रेजुमी प्रोडक्सन कम्पनिमा बाँडेको थिएँ ।
डरलाग्दो ।
It's nothing.
यो केही हैन ।
I'm gonna get another camera in there.
म त्यहाँ अर्को क्यामेरा ल्याउने छु ।
Let me see.
मलाई हेर्न दिनु ।
Follow me.
मेरो पछि आऊ ।
-Come this way!
-यताबाट !
ओहो ?
-One star-candy is 100 won.
-कैंडी छ १०० जिते ।
Let me know. I'll see you.
मलाई थाहा दिनु, म तिमीलाई भेट्नेछु ।
-What about Bong-soon?
-बोंग -सुन बारे नि ?
If we're going to get along, you'll have to say what you mean and mean what you say.
यदि हामी मिल्ने हो भने, तपाईंले त्यहि भन्नु पर्छ जे तपाईं सोच्नु हुन्छ र त्यहि सोच्नु पर्छ जे भन्नु हुन्छ l
Oh, my God, the fans have demands.
फ्यानहरुको माग छ ।
हजुर ।
-Your Majesty.
-महोदय ।
I'm really sorry, Chief.
मैले गम्भीर गल्ती गरें ।
"Secretary Kim..."
"सचिव किम..."
Hey, yo, Fats! I ain't seen Four Leaf!
मैले फोर लिफलाई देखिन !
-Do Bong-soon!
-डो बंग -सो !
Sis beat up 30 mobsters alone.
बहिनी एक्लैले ३० जना गुण्डाहरुलाई पिटिन ।
Are you trying to say that you have other secrets about yourself?
तपाईंसगँ अरु रहस्यहरु पनि बन्द छन भनेर मलाई नभन्नुहोला ?
Yes, thank you.
हुन्छ, धन्यवाद ।
I got this out for me.
यो मेरो लागि हो ।
It's hot.
तातो छ ।
डोंग गु ।
Even if you did that, I won't accept you two.
तिमीले त्यसो गरे पनि म तिमी दुइलाई स्वीकार गर्दिन ।
What is that?
त्यो के हो ?
You should thank Donggu.
तिमीले डोंगुलाई धन्यवाद दिनुपर्छ।
Lars and Collins.
लार्स र कोलिन्स ।
निश्चित ।
Are you asking me to eat together with you?
के तपाईंले मलाई आफूसँगै खाना खानु भनेर सोध्नु भएको हो ?
-A painkiller and this.
-एक पातलो र यो ।
I'm sure you know what the effects of that would be.
म निश्चित छु तिमीहरुलाई यसको प्रभाव के हुन्छ भनेर राम्रोसगँ थाहा छ ।
Why do I need to?
मैले किन दिनु पर्छ ?
Then give me 50,000 won more for emotional distress.
यो पिडाको लागि अरु ५० हजार देऊ ।
We're just investors.
हामी लगानीकर्ता हो ।
So, that's a meteor shower.
अनि त्यो मिटियर सावर हो ।
स्ट्रङ वुमन डु बोङ्ग सुन
Now, why?
अब किन ?
I can't tell you.
म तपाईंलाई बताउन सक्दैन ।
I mean Cheery!
मेरो मतलब चेरी हो !
Well, you can go anywhere you want, and I can stay alone in the house.
तिमीलाई कतै जान मन भए जाऊ म एक्लै बस्न सक्छु घरमा ।
Are you going to focus only on your work and not going to date anyone?
के तपाईं आफ्नो काममा मात्र ध्यान केन्द्रित गरेर कुनै पनि डेटमा जानु हुन्न ?
हेर्नु ।
- Hey, ladies!
-के, लेडिज ।
Let me clarify that handling familial instability is outside my capabilities.
मैले पहिले नै आफूलाई स्पष्ट बनाए । घरेलु समस्या मेरो जिम्मेवारी होइन ।
~ Anythin' else? ~ Yes.
अरूलाई पनि?
If I let you in, miss, I can't let you out.
यदि म तिमीलाई छोड्छु, मिस. म तिमीलाई छोड्न सक्दिन ।
हेल्लो ।
Isn't this Na Bi's phone?
के यो ना बिको फोन हैन ?
Thank you, boys.
धन्यवाद साथीहरू.
सोल !
Yes, sir.
हुन्छ, सर।
Mom, I'm going to work!
आमा, म काम गर्न जाँदैछु !
I know you can't lead a normal life like the others.
मलाई थाहा छ तिमी अरुजस्तो गरी सामान्य जीवन जिउन सक्दैनौ ।
- I do!
- अझै गर्छु ।
Are you scared?
तपाईं डराएको हो?
What do you mean?
बाटोबाट हट !
-I'll think on it.
-म यसमा विचार गर्नेछु ।
Drina, this is your affair of state.
द्रिना, यो तिम्रो राज्य मामिला हो ।
कहिले ?
Mr. Cha?
चा ज्यु ?
- Here.
You're right.
ठिकै हो ।
Even if she got into Seoul University Medical School, Ye Seo wouldn't have been able to handle the guilt.
येसोले स्वीकृति पाएको भए पनि उनले त्यो दोषलाई झेल्ने सक्ने थिएन ।
Certainly, we will soon be at the Vatican.
ठीक छ, हामी अब चाँडै भ्याटिकन पुगी हाल्छौँ ।
सहि ।
I saw her riding to church, bold as brass,
मैले उनलाई चर्चमा चढेको देखेँ, पीतल जस्तै राम्रो... -...
Most of this contains industry.
यहाँ सबैजस्तो उद्योग छन् ।
Casey, Tom, Maddie, this is Tyler Haynes of the Army Special Forces.
क्यासी, टम, म्याडी । उ आर्मी स्पेशल फोर्सबाट टेलर हिन्ज ।
It was me, wasn't it?
म थिएँ हैन र ?
From now on, I'm going to really love you.
अब देखि, म साँच्चै प्रेम गर्न चाहन्छु... ... तिमीलाई ।
Your maid has done her best.
तपाईंको काम गर्नेले उनको सबैभन्दा राम्रो काम गरेकी छिन ।
There's no need to get upset, Officer.
तनाब लिनु पर्ने केहि स्तिथि छैन ।