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Oh. | ओह। |
I just thought you might feel uncomfortable. | मैले भर्खर सोचे तिमी असहज महसुस गर्न सक्छौ । |
Really? | हाँ? |
Then let's go on a trip. | खैर, त्यसपछि ... यात्रामा जाऔं |
- Daddy. | -बाबा । |
Well, it's a great morning to be in the studio. | अधिकारीहरुले एभीएन फ्लू फैलिएको पुष्टि गरेका छन् |
My princess, don't even worry about it. | मेरो राजकुमारी, पनि यसको बारेमा चिन्ता छैन। |
Deal? | सम्झौता? |
If you can do time traveling which time would you like to go back to? | यदि तिमी टाइम ट्राभेलिंग गर्न सक्छौ भने कुन समयमा फर्कन चाहन्छौ ? |
They consider her their flagship enterprise. | -तिनीहरू तिनको प्रमुख उद्यमलाई विचार गर्छन् । |
Candi. | क्यान्डी । |
Are we in prison? ! | के हामी जेलमा छौं ? |
! Yes! | हो ! |
That's not an issue. | त्यो कुनै कुरा होइन । |
I'm sorry. | मलाई माफ गर । |
Gee, you're so heavy. | भगवान, तपाईं छौं त भारी छ । |
I need a bodyguard. | मलाई बढीगार्ड चाहिन्छ । |
No matter what it is I will always support and help you. | यो के हो कुनै कुरा होईन... ... म सधैं तपाईंलाई समर्थन र सहयोग गर्दछु । |
-What about it? ! | के यो बारे? |
She found out that his dad has another daughter. | उनले आफ्नो ड्याडको अर्को छोरी भएको थाहा पाइन् । |
Coffee has many side effects. | कफी धेरै साइड इफेक्ट छ। |
I distributed my profile to movie production companies. | मैले मेरो रेजुमी प्रोडक्सन कम्पनिमा बाँडेको थिएँ । |
Horribly. | डरलाग्दो । |
Okay. | ल। |
It's nothing. | यो केही हैन । |
I'm gonna get another camera in there. | म त्यहाँ अर्को क्यामेरा ल्याउने छु । |
Let me see. | मलाई हेर्न दिनु । |
Follow me. | मेरो पछि आऊ । |
-Come this way! | -यताबाट ! |
Oh? | ओहो ? |
Bastard. | हरामी। |
-One star-candy is 100 won. | -कैंडी छ १०० जिते । |
Let me know. I'll see you. | मलाई थाहा दिनु, म तिमीलाई भेट्नेछु । |
-What about Bong-soon? | -बोंग -सुन बारे नि ? |
If we're going to get along, you'll have to say what you mean and mean what you say. | यदि हामी मिल्ने हो भने, तपाईंले त्यहि भन्नु पर्छ जे तपाईं सोच्नु हुन्छ र त्यहि सोच्नु पर्छ जे भन्नु हुन्छ l |
Oh, my God, the fans have demands. | फ्यानहरुको माग छ । |
Yeah. | हजुर । |
-Your Majesty. | -महोदय । |
I'm really sorry, Chief. | मैले गम्भीर गल्ती गरें । |
"Secretary Kim..." | "सचिव किम..." |
Everything! | सबै! |
Hey, yo, Fats! I ain't seen Four Leaf! | मैले फोर लिफलाई देखिन ! |
-Do Bong-soon! | -डो बंग -सो ! |
Sis beat up 30 mobsters alone. | बहिनी एक्लैले ३० जना गुण्डाहरुलाई पिटिन । |
Are you trying to say that you have other secrets about yourself? | तपाईंसगँ अरु रहस्यहरु पनि बन्द छन भनेर मलाई नभन्नुहोला ? |
Yes, thank you. | हुन्छ, धन्यवाद । |
I got this out for me. | यो मेरो लागि हो । |
It's hot. | तातो छ । |
Donggu. | डोंग गु । |
Even if you did that, I won't accept you two. | तिमीले त्यसो गरे पनि म तिमी दुइलाई स्वीकार गर्दिन । |
What is that? | त्यो के हो ? |
You should thank Donggu. | तिमीले डोंगुलाई धन्यवाद दिनुपर्छ। |
Lars and Collins. | लार्स र कोलिन्स । |
Sure. | निश्चित । |
Are you asking me to eat together with you? | के तपाईंले मलाई आफूसँगै खाना खानु भनेर सोध्नु भएको हो ? |
-A painkiller and this. | -एक पातलो र यो । |
I'm sure you know what the effects of that would be. | म निश्चित छु तिमीहरुलाई यसको प्रभाव के हुन्छ भनेर राम्रोसगँ थाहा छ । |
Why do I need to? | मैले किन दिनु पर्छ ? |
Then give me 50,000 won more for emotional distress. | यो पिडाको लागि अरु ५० हजार देऊ । |
We're just investors. | हामी लगानीकर्ता हो । |
So, that's a meteor shower. | अनि त्यो मिटियर सावर हो । |
STRONG WOMAN DO BONG-SOON | स्ट्रङ वुमन डु बोङ्ग सुन |
Now, why? | अब किन ? |
I can't tell you. | म तपाईंलाई बताउन सक्दैन । |
I mean Cheery! | मेरो मतलब चेरी हो ! |
Well, you can go anywhere you want, and I can stay alone in the house. | तिमीलाई कतै जान मन भए जाऊ म एक्लै बस्न सक्छु घरमा । |
Are you going to focus only on your work and not going to date anyone? | के तपाईं आफ्नो काममा मात्र ध्यान केन्द्रित गरेर कुनै पनि डेटमा जानु हुन्न ? |
Look. | हेर्नु । |
- Hey, ladies! | -के, लेडिज । |
Let me clarify that handling familial instability is outside my capabilities. | मैले पहिले नै आफूलाई स्पष्ट बनाए । घरेलु समस्या मेरो जिम्मेवारी होइन । |
~ Anythin' else? ~ Yes. | अरूलाई पनि? |
If I let you in, miss, I can't let you out. | यदि म तिमीलाई छोड्छु, मिस. म तिमीलाई छोड्न सक्दिन । |
Hello. | हेल्लो । |
Isn't this Na Bi's phone? | के यो ना बिको फोन हैन ? |
Thank you, boys. | धन्यवाद साथीहरू. |
Seol! | सोल ! |
Yes, sir. | हुन्छ, सर। |
Mom, I'm going to work! | आमा, म काम गर्न जाँदैछु ! |
I know you can't lead a normal life like the others. | मलाई थाहा छ तिमी अरुजस्तो गरी सामान्य जीवन जिउन सक्दैनौ । |
- I do! | - अझै गर्छु । |
Are you scared? | तपाईं डराएको हो? |
What do you mean? | बाटोबाट हट ! |
-I'll think on it. | -म यसमा विचार गर्नेछु । |
Drina, this is your affair of state. | द्रिना, यो तिम्रो राज्य मामिला हो । |
When? | कहिले ? |
-Well... | -अब... |
Mr. Cha? | चा ज्यु ? |
- Here. | यहाँ। |
You're right. | ठिकै हो । |
Even if she got into Seoul University Medical School, Ye Seo wouldn't have been able to handle the guilt. | येसोले स्वीकृति पाएको भए पनि उनले त्यो दोषलाई झेल्ने सक्ने थिएन । |
Certainly, we will soon be at the Vatican. | ठीक छ, हामी अब चाँडै भ्याटिकन पुगी हाल्छौँ । |
True. | सहि । |
I saw her riding to church, bold as brass, | मैले उनलाई चर्चमा चढेको देखेँ, पीतल जस्तै राम्रो... -... |
Most of this contains industry. | यहाँ सबैजस्तो उद्योग छन् । |
Casey, Tom, Maddie, this is Tyler Haynes of the Army Special Forces. | क्यासी, टम, म्याडी । उ आर्मी स्पेशल फोर्सबाट टेलर हिन्ज । |
It was me, wasn't it? | म थिएँ हैन र ? |
From now on, I'm going to really love you. | अब देखि, म साँच्चै प्रेम गर्न चाहन्छु... ... तिमीलाई । |
Your maid has done her best. | तपाईंको काम गर्नेले उनको सबैभन्दा राम्रो काम गरेकी छिन । |
There's no need to get upset, Officer. | तनाब लिनु पर्ने केहि स्तिथि छैन । |
Jungi? | जुंगी? |
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