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Jesus Christ is our doctor. Yesu Mesiia diktoor bitana. |
Jesus Christ is a doctor enough. Yesu Mesiia diktoor bi timu. |
Jesus is the son of God. Yesu Jena bita Alaa. |
Jesus the world savior. Yesu Mukalis dunia. |
You people, don't search. Intum ya nas, mata fetisu. |
Witchdoctor again -- but Jesus. Kujuur tani -- ile Yesuua. |
He raised many people. Huwo gumu nasi ketiiri. |
With God's power. Be guwa kulu bita Alaa. |
Hallelujah, hallelujah, to Jesus. Aleluya, aleluya, le Yesu. |
He raised Lazarus from the dead. Huwo gum Lazaro mini mutu. |
Lazarus is with God in heaven. Lazaro biga maa Alaa fi samaa. |
we give thanks to the Lord. Nina wodii le Rabuna shukuran. |
we give thanks to God. Nina wodii shukurani le Alaa. |
we give thanks to Lord. Nina wodii le Rabuna shukuran. |
we sing hallelujah. Nina guna aleluya. |
Fill with joy. Mokosuutu mala. |
Fill with joy. Mokosuutu mala. |
In our hearts. Fii guluub ta nina. |
we sing hallelujah. Nina guna aleluya. |
In our hearts. Fii guluub ta nina. |
In our hearts. Fii guluub ta nina. |
Fill with joy. Mokosuutu mala. |
we sing hallelujah. Nina guna aleluya. |
We who are on the world praise the Lord. Nina fii dunia shukuru Rabuna. |
Because Lord gave us life. Leaanu Rabuna wodii le’na hayaa. |
We who are on the world praise the Lord. Nina fii dunia shukuru Rabuna. |
we sing hallelujah. Nina guna aleluya. |
God guidance those who repent. Alaa gafiru nasi ali rudu. |
You will not be happy if you do not accept. Mokosuutu mafi kan inta ma rudu. |
God guidance those who repent. Alaa gafiru nasi ali rudu. |
we sing hallelujah. Nina guna aleluya. |
The Lord love us in the world. Rabuna hibu nina fii dunia. |
He bring us to New Year. Wosulu nina fii sena jediidi. |
The Lord love us in the world. Rabuna hibu nina fii dunia. |
we sing hallelujah. Nina guna aleluya. |
The Lord God who loves the world. Rabuna Alaa hibu dunia. |
He sent Jesus to the whole world. Rasulu Yesu le dunia kulu. |
The Lord God who loves the world. Rabuna Alaa hibu dunia. |
He sent Jesus to the world. Rasulu Yesu fii dunia. |
Praise Lord. Shukuru Rabuna. |
With happiness. Maa mokosuut. |
with all sing with joy. Nina kulu guna wa farah. |
The Lord God who loves us. Rabuna Alaa bi hibu nina. |
He gave use everlasting life. Bi wodii nina hayaa abadiia. |
if we accepted the Son Jesus. Kan nina rudu Jena Yesuua. |
We got everlasting life. ’Na ligoo hayaa abadiia. |
The Lord God who loves you. Rabuna Alaa bi hibu inta. |
Today what are you going to do. Aleela inta bi amulu sunuu. |
Give God your heart. Wodii le Alaa geliba taki. |
Because God loves you. Leaanu Alaa hibu inta. |
Jesus Christ loves the world. Yesu Mesiia hibu dunia. |
Jesus Christ is really a savior indeed. Yesu Mesiia Mualagu seii. |
Jesus Christ loves the world. Yesu Mesiia hibu dunia. |
Jesus Christ the savior. Yesu Mesiia Mualagu. |
The real road to heaven. Sika ta samaa ali hagiiga. |
Is only Jesus. Ile Yesuua bes! |
Jesus Christ is the road to heaven. Yesu Mesiia sika ta samaa. |
To people that accept. Le nasi al rudu. |
Jesus Christ is the road to heaven. Yesu Mesiia sika ta samaa. |
To all the Christian. Le Mesihiin kulu. |
The real light of the world. Nuru ta dunia ali hagiga. |
Is only Jesus. Ile Yesuua bes. |
The real life on earth. Hayaa ta dunia ali hagiga. |
Is only Jesus. Ile Yesuua bes. |
The real energy on earth. Guwa ta dunia ali hagiga. |
Is only Jesus. Ile Yesuua bes. |
Happy. Mokosuut. |
My heart today. Geliba bitai aleela. |
Happy. Mokosuut. |
He loves me truly. Huwo hibunii seii. |
My bad he has left it. Bataal bitai Hu sibu. |
Am going to heaven. Ana mashi fii samaa. |
My heart is full. Geliba bitai miliaani. |
With happiness. Maa mokosuut. |
Jesus Christ will finish. Yesu Kristo bi timu. |
For us for you. Le ana le inta. |
Jesus Christ will finish. Yesu Kristo bi timu. |
Finish all the time. Timu saa kulu. |
He is really there. Huwo seii fi adiili. |
For us that are saved. Le nina Mualagu. |
He never left. Abeden uw' ma sibu. |
He will come save. Hu bi alagu. |
If Jesus is coming today. Iza kan Yesu yeji aleela. |
How will it get you. Bi ligoo inta kefiin. |
Will you cry or laugh. Inta bi ataku wala kore. |
Will you see Jesus. Saa inta sufu Yesu. |
Do you want Jesus to come. Inta deeru Yesu bi yeji. |
Which word will say. Kalaam sunuu bi tala. |
Will you cry or laugh. Inta bi ataku wala kore. |
Yes, Jesus will come faster. seii, Yesu yeji guwaamau. |
If Jesus is coming today. Iza kan Yesu yeji aleela. |
Is your name really written. Isim bitaak seii moktuub. |
In the book of those who. Fii kitaab ta nasi al alaguu. |
or it is not there. Wala huwo seii mafi. |
if Jesus is coming today. Iza kan Yesu yeji aleela. |
Time of accepting has finished. Saa ta rudu kalasu geliba. |
The time of washing hearts has finished. Wokit bita kalasu geliba. |
It will never come back again. Ma yeji tani mara. |
If Jesus is coming today. Iza kan Yesu yeji aleela. |
Are you going to God. Inta mashi Alaa. |
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