Jesus Christ is our doctor. Yesu Mesiia diktoor bitana.
Jesus Christ is a doctor enough. Yesu Mesiia diktoor bi timu.
Jesus is the son of God. Yesu Jena bita Alaa.
Jesus the world savior. Yesu Mukalis dunia.
You people, don't search. Intum ya nas, mata fetisu.
Witchdoctor again -- but Jesus. Kujuur tani -- ile Yesuua.
He raised many people. Huwo gumu nasi ketiiri.
With God's power. Be guwa kulu bita Alaa.
Hallelujah, hallelujah, to Jesus. Aleluya, aleluya, le Yesu.
He raised Lazarus from the dead. Huwo gum Lazaro mini mutu.
Lazarus is with God in heaven. Lazaro biga maa Alaa fi samaa.
we give thanks to the Lord. Nina wodii le Rabuna shukuran.
we give thanks to God. Nina wodii shukurani le Alaa.
we give thanks to Lord. Nina wodii le Rabuna shukuran.
we sing hallelujah. Nina guna aleluya.
Fill with joy. Mokosuutu mala.
Fill with joy. Mokosuutu mala.
In our hearts. Fii guluub ta nina.
we sing hallelujah. Nina guna aleluya.
In our hearts. Fii guluub ta nina.
In our hearts. Fii guluub ta nina.
Fill with joy. Mokosuutu mala.
we sing hallelujah. Nina guna aleluya.
We who are on the world praise the Lord. Nina fii dunia shukuru Rabuna.
Because Lord gave us life. Leaanu Rabuna wodii le’na hayaa.
We who are on the world praise the Lord. Nina fii dunia shukuru Rabuna.
we sing hallelujah. Nina guna aleluya.
God guidance those who repent. Alaa gafiru nasi ali rudu.
You will not be happy if you do not accept. Mokosuutu mafi kan inta ma rudu.
God guidance those who repent. Alaa gafiru nasi ali rudu.
we sing hallelujah. Nina guna aleluya.
The Lord love us in the world. Rabuna hibu nina fii dunia.
He bring us to New Year. Wosulu nina fii sena jediidi.
The Lord love us in the world. Rabuna hibu nina fii dunia.
we sing hallelujah. Nina guna aleluya.
The Lord God who loves the world. Rabuna Alaa hibu dunia.
He sent Jesus to the whole world. Rasulu Yesu le dunia kulu.
The Lord God who loves the world. Rabuna Alaa hibu dunia.
He sent Jesus to the world. Rasulu Yesu fii dunia.
Praise Lord. Shukuru Rabuna.
With happiness. Maa mokosuut.
with all sing with joy. Nina kulu guna wa farah.
The Lord God who loves us. Rabuna Alaa bi hibu nina.
He gave use everlasting life. Bi wodii nina hayaa abadiia.
if we accepted the Son Jesus. Kan nina rudu Jena Yesuua.
We got everlasting life. ’Na ligoo hayaa abadiia.
The Lord God who loves you. Rabuna Alaa bi hibu inta.
Today what are you going to do. Aleela inta bi amulu sunuu.
Give God your heart. Wodii le Alaa geliba taki.
Because God loves you. Leaanu Alaa hibu inta.
Jesus Christ loves the world. Yesu Mesiia hibu dunia.
Jesus Christ is really a savior indeed. Yesu Mesiia Mualagu seii.
Jesus Christ loves the world. Yesu Mesiia hibu dunia.
Jesus Christ the savior. Yesu Mesiia Mualagu.
The real road to heaven. Sika ta samaa ali hagiiga.
Is only Jesus. Ile Yesuua bes!
Jesus Christ is the road to heaven. Yesu Mesiia sika ta samaa.
To people that accept. Le nasi al rudu.
Jesus Christ is the road to heaven. Yesu Mesiia sika ta samaa.
To all the Christian. Le Mesihiin kulu.
The real light of the world. Nuru ta dunia ali hagiga.
Is only Jesus. Ile Yesuua bes.
The real life on earth. Hayaa ta dunia ali hagiga.
Is only Jesus. Ile Yesuua bes.
The real energy on earth. Guwa ta dunia ali hagiga.
Is only Jesus. Ile Yesuua bes.
Happy. Mokosuut.
My heart today. Geliba bitai aleela.
Happy. Mokosuut.
He loves me truly. Huwo hibunii seii.
My bad he has left it. Bataal bitai Hu sibu.
Am going to heaven. Ana mashi fii samaa.
My heart is full. Geliba bitai miliaani.
With happiness. Maa mokosuut.
Jesus Christ will finish. Yesu Kristo bi timu.
For us for you. Le ana le inta.
Jesus Christ will finish. Yesu Kristo bi timu.
Finish all the time. Timu saa kulu.
He is really there. Huwo seii fi adiili.
For us that are saved. Le nina Mualagu.
He never left. Abeden uw' ma sibu.
He will come save. Hu bi alagu.
If Jesus is coming today. Iza kan Yesu yeji aleela.
How will it get you. Bi ligoo inta kefiin.
Will you cry or laugh. Inta bi ataku wala kore.
Will you see Jesus. Saa inta sufu Yesu.
Do you want Jesus to come. Inta deeru Yesu bi yeji.
Which word will say. Kalaam sunuu bi tala.
Will you cry or laugh. Inta bi ataku wala kore.
Yes, Jesus will come faster. seii, Yesu yeji guwaamau.
If Jesus is coming today. Iza kan Yesu yeji aleela.
Is your name really written. Isim bitaak seii moktuub.
In the book of those who. Fii kitaab ta nasi al alaguu.
or it is not there. Wala huwo seii mafi.
if Jesus is coming today. Iza kan Yesu yeji aleela.
Time of accepting has finished. Saa ta rudu kalasu geliba.
The time of washing hearts has finished. Wokit bita kalasu geliba.
It will never come back again. Ma yeji tani mara.
If Jesus is coming today. Iza kan Yesu yeji aleela.
Are you going to God. Inta mashi Alaa.