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Carried His Cross. Arufa seliibu bito. |
They Crucified Jesus on the Cross. Umon Selibu Yesuua fi Selib. |
Jesus cried. Yesua huwo kaan kore. |
Told His Father. Kelimu Le Abu bito. |
Father, father, father, lama sabakataani. Eli, Eli, Eli lama sabakataani. |
He is going to Heaven. Hu Mashi Inak Fi Samaa. |
To prepare a place for us. Jahizu le nina mahaali. |
He will come back here on earth. Huwo bi rija ini fi dunia. |
The day God will come. Fi yomu Yesu bi rija. |
He will judge people. Bi gata gediia ta nasi. |
Jesus Christ Jesus Christ. Yesu Mesiia Yesuua al Mesiia. |
Jesus' word called you. Kelima bita Yesu, nadii inta. |
To come back to Jesus. Taali hasa le Yesuua. |
Because your badness has called you. Ashaani bataal bitak, nadii inta. |
The power of love has called you. Guwa bita muhaaba, nadii inta. |
Jesus' word called you. Kelima bita Yesu, nadii inta. |
To come back to Jesus. Taali hasa le Yesuua. |
Don't stay behind, called you. Mata geni le wara, nadii inta. |
To come back to Jesus. Taali hasa le Yesuua. |
King Jesus, called you. Sulutaani Yesuua, nadii inta. |
To come to Jesus. Taali hasa le Yesuua. |
Blessings i got because of my total acceptance. Baraka ana ligoo, Ashaani rudu bitai nesiia. |
A person who follows the teaching of his Lord, will get blessing from God. Zolo al bi gafiru Ganuun ta Rabuna too, Bi ligoo baraka min Alaa. |
Guide yourself, because of my total acceptance. Gafiru gisim bitak, Ashaani rudu bitaki nesiia. |
whatsoever you want, He will give you blessings. Sala inta azu sunuu, Huwo bi wodii le inta baraka. |
You Mum and you Dad, what are you still waiting today. Inti mama, inta baba, Intum bi isteenu sunuu aleela. |
if you do not guide yourself, you will see in future. Kani inta ma gafiru, Inta bi sufu inaak gidaamu. |
The Lord has now called you. Rabuna hasa nadii inta. |
Come now and give your heart. Taali hasa wodii geliba. |
Brethren come to Jesus. Ya akwaana taalu le Yesu. |
Give Jesus your heart. Wodii geliba le Yesuua. |
repeat. kerir. |
The Lord gave his child. Rabuna wodii Jena bito. |
Jesus died because of us. Yesuua mutu ashaan nina. |
You father you mother. Inta abuii inta umii. |
Give your heart to Jesus. Wodi gelibak le Yesuua. |
Elijah the prophet prays to God. Eliia al nebii seli le Rabuna. |
God answered Elijah's prayer. Rabuna asuma salaa ta Eliia. |
Brothers and sisters, praise God with a song. Ya akwaana shukuru Rabuna maa guna. |
Praise God with all your heart. Shukuru Rabuna maa geliba kulu. |
David accepts to pray to God. Dauudi al rudu seli le Rabuna. |
David praise God with a song. Dauudi shukuru Rabuna maa guna. |
People who did not accept come to God. Anasi al ma rudu taalu le Rabuna. |
People who accepted praise God. Anasi al rudu shukuru Rabuna. |
The world devil will deceive you. Dunia shetaani bi kabasu intum. |
The world praise hallelujah Jesus. Dunia shukuru, aleluya Yesu. |
Jesus the Messiah is born. Weleduu Yesu al Messi. |
Because of all people in the world. Ashaan nina nasi ta dunia. |
Jesus the Messiah the son God. Yesu al MeSongssi jena ta Alaa. |
Mary gave born to him because of us all. Mariaamu weledum huwo ashaan nina kulu. |
The dream that Joseph saw was. Hilimu al kaan mini Yusiifu. |
To take son and mother Mary silu jena wa umu Mariaamu. |
Jesus was born because of us all. weleduu Yesu ashaan nina. |
to clean all our badness. ashaan nedifu bataal ta nina. |
Joseph and Mary. Yusiifu wa Mariaamu. |
Went to town. maashi mediina. |
Mary gave birth to Jesus. Mariaam weledu Yesu. |
Mary gave birth to Jesus. Mariaamu weledu Yesu. |
Mary gave birth to Jesus. Mariaamu weledu Yesu. |
The three wise men asked king Haro. Majuusi um talaata asalu Eroode. |
Where is the savior. Wenuu huwo mowluud al Mesii. |
Angels and the Shepherds. Malaaika wa ruaati. |
Praise the messiah. shukuru al Mesii. |
Hallelujah. Aleluya. |
Come lets meet in the church. Taali nina limu fii juwa kenisa. |
In the church. Fii juwa keniisa. |
We meet with God. nina limu maa Rabuna. |
Come lets praise God. Taali nina limu shukuru Rabuna. |
My mother, where are you. Ya mama, inta weenu? |
Praise God. Shukuru Rabuna. |
My father, where are you. Ya baba, inta weenu? |
Praise God. Shukuran Rabuna. |
My youth, where are you. Shabaabu intum weenu? |
Praise God. Shukuru Rabuna. |
Show the way that leads to Heaven. Wori sika al mashi fii samaa. |
To everyone in the world. Le nasi kulu bita dunia. |
Jesus is the way. Yesu sika sika. |
To Heaven. Bita samaa samaa. |
Jesus is the way. Yesu sik sika. |
For life. Bita hayaa hayaa. |
Going to all places in the world. Mashi mahaal kulu bita dunia. |
To preach Gods word. Ashaan kabaru injiil ta Rabuna. |
Stand up now tell Jesus. Gumu hasa worii kabar ta Yesu. |
Father mother Jesus is the way. Ya baba ya mama Yesu sika. |
Stand up now all Christians. Gumu hasa intum ya Mesihiini. |
Tell the world Jesus is the way. Worii le dunia Yesu sika. |
The Lord told Jeremiah. Alaa kelimu le Yeremiia. |
I made you clean. Ana adulu inta nedifu. |
repeat. kerir. |
Now your a bad person. Hasa inta zolo al bataali. |
Now the world is bad. Hasa dunia biga bataali. |
My brother stop doing wrong. Akuii sibu kalaam al wasaka. |
Come you will be saved. Taali inta bi ligoo alaagu. |
The Lord brought his child Jesus. Alaa jibu Jena bitoo Yesu. |
So that all sins can be washed. Ashaan kasulu katiia kulu. |
See the Lord loves the world. Sufu Rabuna hibu dunia. |
Sing hallelujah to Jesus Christ. Guna aleluya le Yesuua. |
Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. Yesu gumu Lazaro mini mutu. |
Lazarus is now with God in heaven. Lazaro biga maa Alaa fii samaa. |
repeat. kerir. |
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