2 values
Eshays say cunt a lot bleugh
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Hackers are more of a problem than the map layouts. I'm all for Verdansk return, however it'll be for nothing if you're contending with esp/aimbotting eshays using their mum's credit card to feel like a big man
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Interacting with the world and growing up has made me realise gay people arent some big bad thing and that growing up surronded by stupid ass eshays just makes u stupis too
tell him I hope he gets bashed by some eshays
Harassed by eshays
ughh good australian rap is so hard to find half of it is just dogshit eshays rapping about crimes they haven't commited
I love watching eshays get fucked over trying to do something stupid
Eshays use the word chump? sounds like one too many syllables for them. All for banter but F me you lot must be starved if you're resorting to a week three table. Need to rely on trophies.... it's as if you're not aware of why we play the game
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Australia at 11? Obviously never heard of Eshays and Bogans then
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its sad that a lack of parenting and actual punishments for behavior lead to young people like this, like eshays and other idiots, and its sad that shit like this is whats gonna make them realize they can't always get what they wont
eshays bro ill never understand them
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this is the exact pose eshays do when taking a snap
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Eshays are disgusting
next time u come to aus I'm gonna let a bunch of little eshays loose on you
the eshays
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melbourne eshays vs awsten who wins
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I'll get my brother and his friends to adl ,, they're all eshays
In Australia public transit is decent but the eshays ruin it with their nautica, tns and shitty $15 kmart speakers
Some parts of the American Southwest have a Hispanic majority. By your logic, should we give that back to Mexico despite the beaners signing the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in 1848 in which they relinquished sovereignty over those territories
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honey did you really have to invite all these beaners
beaners love Crystal Castles
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the way kura literally hates beaners is crazy, telling me i smell like beans AND drugs
I'm telling everyone you hate beaners ong
It's a lot of beaners in here I see
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At this point, they'd rather be called "beaners" than "latinx"
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beaners gone bean
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gurrr now this one's OUTRAGEOUS, we're literally BEANers
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raise my fist up like dinkleberg n yell beaners to this day
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Beaners mad lol. Mexican npcs waking up after this banger dropped
Beaners don't know what 15 items or less means
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Beaners gonna Bean
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Beaners in VIP???
He only knows how to build the real walls to keep the bad beaners like you out
The US cannot be defeated Wait until The US becomes 50% beaners + 20% bantus.
eww beaners jk i love yotes.
you can't just say beaners and i don't see a mexican flag anywhere on your name
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buried in the lede: balkans confirmed as the beaners of europe "German auto industry is representative of wider EU efforts to use the Balkans as a low-wage, polluted sacrifice zone."
Beaners isn't bad??? Everyone says beaners wtf
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beaners pt.2
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Make our own Cartel called El Beaners to get anyone that's using "inclusive" Spanish words
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One for the Beaners.
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Do beaners only know like 10 songs?
Used to have a great local coffee chain called Beaners before wokeness forced them to change their name
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And they say the beaners aren't replaceing us kek
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They didn't like that I used feeds to campaign trump or all the truthing I was doing I was spilling beaners in there too
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Are we just all beaners working at Taco Bell ? Wow
Beans and beaners
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Just call us beaners I beg of you
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this video makes me feral theres three beaners in this current conversation
A COMMUNITY NOTE IS CRAZYYYY these beaners are so sensitive
Millennial beaners getting mad when u use Latinx is so funny LMAOOOO
tf u mean extremely offensive? it's just a letter, i know the context is wrong and latine is more accepted but still, when people call us beaners we laugh. But you get offended with "inclusivity"?, besides the taco is awful yes, but still we need to remember chicanos exist
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She hates beaners
Bro just call us Beaners or Wetbacks. We'll be less offended, I promise.
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At this point just call us beaners
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We get it beaners like being called slurs but can't handle some gender neutral term made by millennial latine in America
It's really not. They'd just rather be called beaners or whatever
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Beaners at the end of the day
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Yes, we hate it so much lol. We even prefer beaners, at least it's funny to ask while Latin x it's just annoying
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Sorry beaners, still not a fan of mixing spuds and beans.
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Saltines, sand, fence jumpers, beaners
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I stopped calling my friends beaners so I just called them Latinx now.
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Mejor llamanos beaners my friend.
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I hear through the grapevine that they prefer to be called beaners.
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Not Hateful
Would've preferred if you just called us beaners or wetbacks
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to all my beaners: who remembers that novela fuego en la sangre lol
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just call us beaners
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i beaners
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Since when do beaners get the black card?
W beaners or whtever they is
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For real. I don't know a single beaner who enjoys latinx. They will joke about being beaners all the time but latinx really does piss them off.
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Beaners are probably my favorite breed
W Beaners them niggas slid ong
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You know, just call us beaners, is way better than be called latinx
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We had 2 100' sections of rope with beaners on the ends and knots tied at 50' marks.
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lots of beaners in this crowd
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mexicans in mexico are protesting for palestine and beaners here are silent.
go back to mexico you border hopper.
You forgot border-hopper, that's all the kids are saying these days.
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didnt u call me a border hopper
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I don't find it offensive I just find it stupid. Latino, latina, and hispanic work fine. Tho it's funny how that word has shown how much Hispanics would rather be called slurs and not Latinx I'd rather be called a border hopper
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cw // b-slur / mexican slur Like bruh at that point just straight up say beaner instead of like border hopper???? Is this another Mexican slur that white racists are comin up with or what??? They always tryna find ways to call ppl slurs I swear man
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And no housing for single passport Canadians while pumping every border hopper into all available low income housing with big checks Canadians are Not Qualified for.
Buddy could've say beaner, border hopper, illegals, field workers, etc but bro chose Latinx couldn't have been more disappointed
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We built america, you're a border hopper latinx
i asked my mexican friend what he thought abt latinx one time and he said if i call him latinx and not some shit like border hopper or taco man he would beat my ass
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As a professional brown person I'd rather just be called a border hopper or a beaner
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average border hopper with no actual education just pure eating
calling a hispanic a border hopper taco making grindgo is better than calling them latinx
did you just call me a border hopper
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Border Hopper (Road To America)
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West world or border hopper bulivard
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when u called me a border hopper
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your not bad. shame your a nasty border hopper.
Honey, I got the best possible results for my gcse. Don't you have drugs and kids to traffic. Huh? Border hopper.
...just got called a border hopper on tiktok for my ecuadorian flag...funny as hell bcs we were talking about CARTOONS ain't that serious
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Get that border hopper
Every border hopper and illegal alien needs to be deported.
Name one so called border hopper, then I may be able to show you some respect.
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