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Rembering the time oomf called me a wetback without knowing it was a slur | Not Hateful |
Whats worst a wetback or a whipback? Yalls are scared for life dig your great great granny, you know the whipback scar is still there | Not Hateful |
So weird, for some reason my kids think I sound like a wetback after not speaking to me for extended periods of time. | Hateful |
Operation Wetback (1953-1954) Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 A Reagan Legacy: Amnesty For Illegal Immigrants | Not Hateful |
As far as the indigenous Indian tribes (excuse me for clarity, "Indians") we were FULL in 1491 ! Ask Ike about "operation wetback" It's always been full. I think we're just filling up a little too fast. | Not Hateful |
Operation "Wetback" | Not Hateful |
"Operation Wetback II" | Not Hateful |
You know, I never thought I'd get offended by someone calling me burrito of all things, but I learned today that I can be. which is weird because I never thought I'd be, especially considering I call my friends beaner, spic, wetback, etc | Not Hateful |
Wetback Woods | Not Hateful |
That's my thing, bc I know they'd raise holy hell if I started dropping "wetback" and "spic" like party favors | Not Hateful |
Another "Operation Wetback" only broader in scope is in order. Can it ever happen? | Not Hateful |
I'm assuming the kid recording saying "nigga" is a wetback. I said what I said. | Hateful |
growing up in utah as a person of color in Utah in the 80's, our family would often have our vehicles spray painted with "spic", "beaner" and "wetback". It was the norm. The neighbors would laugh and police do nothing | Not Hateful |
Washed? ?? you're a YOKEL. SHEESH | Hateful |
They send "Professional Old Testament Understanders" (Zionist Rabbis) to these yokel "cultural Christians" who have never read the Bible & they go "Hey look, Genesis 12:3, that's what we call God's Foreign Policy" | Hateful |
Provoke-a-yokel | Hateful |
I actually agree with him on this one. All maga does is peddle bs conspiracies, throw it against it the wall & see if it sticks. And 98% percent of the time some yokel will believe it & use as a means to harm others. | Hateful |
Whiny, weird, woebegone, witless, xenophobic, yellow-bellied, yapping, yokel, zombie-like, zero, zilch. | Not Hateful |
Would be hilarious if issue 1 passed with even more than 60% of the vote. Would be an extra fuck you to our slack jawed yokel "leaders" | Hateful |
I'm talking about US Congress and Senators dumb ass, not local yokel state | Hateful |
What a great waste of time and taxpayer money. You gormless, slack jawed, yokel. | Hateful |
A local yokel? | Not Hateful |
He rocks back and forth into despair unable to decide if he can suggest that demographics might be affected by government policy without sounding like a yokel. | Hateful |
This yokel from the woods and mountains | Hateful |
Fucking slack jawed yokel | Hateful |
Yes, everyone knows countries get invaded by tired people getting off charter buses and not armies you yokel doofus. | Hateful |
It's fraud if it was done on purpose, you slack jawed yokel. This was an error and it was caught. The system works. | Hateful |
Useless yokel c**** | Hateful |
cool tweet you yokel fuck head | Hateful |
Coward Hawley, the sprinting insurrectionist, blames all manor of the vilest sexually evil upon Joe Biden. Why doesn't the bucktoothed yokel ever confront the man face to face? C'mon Josh, rent some gonads and speak up! | Hateful |
Christena Yokel I am a conservative who lapses into snarkiness. You are not required to agree, only to be civil. | Not Hateful |
Fuck I actually do have to keep posting: Every single person I know who voted for Hillary and Biden in their presidential primaries did so because they assumed everyone else was too much of a slack-jawed yokel to vote for anything left of a right-turn lane Stop that | Hateful |
Slack jawed yokel? You mean like Cletus? | Not Hateful |
If you want big numbers in the playoffs, Josh Allen is your guy. If you want playoff wins, Joe Burrow is your guy. Pretty simple. Joe Montana didn't put up huge numbers either, but he was a WINNER | Not Hateful |
Did you vote in your local elections today? If not, you should. Because there are lots of batshit crazy people like this local yokel out there, and if you don't turn out, they will. | Hateful |
Ya undercover sweet n midnight so lads av smelt ya your never gna b accepted n as a yokel ya shouldn't be,why OT full of tourists click bucket list fans n you like gimps feed off that? | Hateful |
Someone has to be the bottom of the class, even in law school. Any yokel can get a law degree. It's just this particular one is rapidly blowing up her life and will never "practice law" again. | Hateful |
see yokel Tv covering the throngs entering the s border there,,,aint none | Hateful |
Lady Yokel Huckabee, it was never a difference between left and right. It's the difference between right and wrong. Your daddy never learned it, you never learned it. | Not Hateful |
That yokel, MTG, said US didn't sent any money to Israel. | Hateful |
2 votes for Rouse at 6am this morning. A long haired yokel in TFG shirt with American flag hanging from his belt was setting up his lawn chair on sidewalk outside of polling place. | Hateful |
So in other words, he's grifted some cash from his slackjaw yokel cult for better lawyers (because the ones he have are disasters-yay) | Hateful |
These are the same people who say you need to love someone unconditionally based on where they were born or else you're a racist, hick yokel. | Hateful |
Not pleased with this yokel... You get 'im Rowan I got all the screenshots! | Hateful |
The notorious Bruce Highway has been under construction for the last 10 years. It doesn't fix itself overnight Poorline you inbred yokel. | Hateful |
Why are you lying? Palestinian history started at least as early as 1834 you yokel. | Hateful |
Lol. When being a yokel sheriff goes wrong >>> | Not Hateful |
As a white rural male, I agree with him here. Janky toothed yokel music is the worst. | Hateful |
Hey there, Stormie Andrews here! am a co-founder of Yokel Local | Not Hateful |
FYI, best ignore this yokel. He's NOT a government representative. He's NOT an officer of the courts. He's NOT from a government agency. He's NOT a police officer. He's NOT an elected official. He's NOT a compassionate human. | Hateful |
Just the kind of sentences a white-trash yokel with no lawyer would get are all that is necessary. All these people need is to have their grotesque class privileges revoked, and to face the impartial Law our entire civilisation | Hateful |
Who's this fucking yokel | Hateful |
Cool, talking about yourself in the 3rd person. Standard mouth breathing yokel stuff, right there. You think of a point to make yet? Still waiting. And I think you misspelled 'toaster'. | Hateful |
Smoking gun the dumb yokel says loool | Hateful |
Says Appellate Court Judge Yokel Gunther | Hateful |
Any of our local yokel outlets releasing the substance? | Not Hateful |
I am convinced every guy who keeps making these trash takes on food are yokel's who have never left their homogenous white town in Northumberland. The end of Roman occupation was a mistake. | Hateful |
Exactly!!!! I may have to vote for some provincial yokel that I have no use for because I can't vote for Max directly. I choose to make my own choices in all regards and I can't do that above municipal elections. | Not Hateful |
"slack jawed yokel" - what does that make you then? Most knowledgeable of all things "green" windmills? At a higher cost for the slack jawed and over taxed? Noble. | Not Hateful |
True for every rural accent more or less, casting yokel Americans would give more accurate voice work for British period dramas than using RP does. | Not Hateful |
HF/CTA dude out there is thinking this yokel doesn't know the gasoline use drops starting today - and its bearish WTI But I'm thinking- whatever man, like its just your opinion | Hateful |
Ah yes, the doctor with zero training in epidemiology who can't get work because of his Covid disinformation spreading is going to talk to the yokes and inbreds of Alberta, starting with the King Yokel Fleury and Queen Inbred Sale. | Hateful |
And you're another pathetic, programmed and ignorant MAGAt yokel in need of a brain detox. A tiny little man child. | Hateful |
I am identifying specific people of which I speak. Not in a derogatory tone like the yokel above. | Hateful |
Untrue. Arabs were massacring Jews well before 1948 and come to think of it..at the present time too. This Yokel is a baboon. | Hateful |
"It doesn't have fully self governing tho" How else is your yokel ass going to contradict yourself? | Hateful |
A yokel would not know the word yokel. That requires some reading and attention to the world. But thanks anyway Stay in school. | Hateful |
1. Something "journalists" should have discovered *before* his election. 2. Gee I wonder what *else* this bible-thumping, no-bank-account-having, porn-monitoring-with-his-adopted-son mu-phukka has done??? GET TO WORK, YOU SLACK-JAWED YOKEL | Hateful |
Well said to a thick oaf, who's also a simpleton, lacks critical thinking, loves culture wars, a bumpkin, a yokel, and a hate filled idi - ot. | Hateful |
I mess up when I copy and paste and don't double check because I had it saved properly before posting. That makes me so upset. Feel like I'm talking like a hillbilly yokel when it screws up words. | Hateful |
the hokel yokel is also trying to overturn the defeated proposal that would allow anyone to be imprisoned in NY labor camps for no apparent reason. | Hateful |
as a person in highschool (at least at my school) there arent cliques there are sort of just dickheads, normal ppl and "easy targets" (the queer and disabled) yeah theres a few alt people at my school but they mostly look like eshays | Hateful |
14 year old eshays after swearing 58 times in a sentence with 12 words | Not Hateful |
eshays so weird | Hateful |
sydney eshays seem chill ,, i have never had good experiences with them in melb. between being offered drugs at ebbys hotel to that interaction + more | Not Hateful |
maybe eshays get mad at the colour red like how bulls charge at red flags | Not Hateful |
You literally pissed off eshays??? Damn that's hardcore | Not Hateful |
the outfit that caused me to get yelled at by eshays ,, thanks cbd !! | Not Hateful |
Eshays do we have a rough timeframe yet? | Not Hateful |
we can have eshays Voice Act, and it'll sound better than 90% of the industry. | Not Hateful |
unfortunately it's in Butler and all who venture in there leave either British, South African, or robbed by the local eshays | Not Hateful |
Noticed a West Tigers dri fit cap in the crowd in Myeongdong markets as I said eshays he turned around quickly looking around | Not Hateful |
7 when people walk past they slow down and STARE wtf? could you not make it less obvious? 8 lit everyone at school kinda sucks bec not normal = a fucking freak 9 eshays. do i need to elaborate? | Hateful |
In Australia the guy with the gloves on would have either had a Knife in him Or He would have Been jumped already by 6 eshays | Not Hateful |
Was at Big W, saw a couple of eshays get kicked out because they found the PA system and were moaning as loud as they could | Not Hateful |
i hate eshays | Hateful |
it's so hard my city is filled with eshays and like ppl who bark at ppl | Not Hateful |
when i said i wanted to crush on someone i didnt mean having it someone who drops the n word everywhere , one of those eshays 'kissing homies goodnight isnt homo' guys im gonna sob man | Not Hateful |
It's giving me you like eshays | Not Hateful |
so many more eshays in melb when I was there, obv depends where you go though | Not Hateful |
one day I'll marry an attractive rich sugar mummy and she'll fly me away to some nice place with air conditioning and no eshays or school children that get out at 2:40-3:00pm | Not Hateful |
Eshays when you look at them on a train: | Not Hateful |
I SAW DOGGIES TOOOO but i was not gonna ask ppl to take photos of their dogs :> thats to scary BUTTT i have photos of my dogs u can have instead,, also i was walkin on a nature trail so all the ppl i saw were over the age of 60 or eshays | Not Hateful |
there just eshays | Not Hateful |
i fucking hate 12 year old eshays | Hateful |
I was in the maccas drive thru & there was eshays in the car infront of me blasting music. | Not Hateful |
streets are run by year 7 eshays cunt | Hateful |
"Spot the sub in public" - in every group of eshays, at least one of them wishes he was your toilet paper. findom ausfindom findomaus | Not Hateful |
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